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This act shall apply only to workmen en- gaged in manual or mechanical labor in the employments described in this section, which, from the nature, conditions or means of prosecution of such work, are dangerous to the life and limb of workmen engaged therein, because in them the risks of employment and the danger of injury caused by fellow servants are great and difficult to avoid. (a) The operation on steam or electric railroads of locomotives, en- gines, trains or cars, or the construction, alteration, mainte- nance or repair of steam railroad tracks or road beds over which such locomotives, engines, trains or cars are or are to be operated. (b) Work in any shop, mill, factory or other place on, in connection with or in proximity to any hoisting apparatus, or any machinery propelled or operated by steam or other mechanical power in which shop, mill, factory or other place five or more persons are engaged in manual or mechanical labor. (c) The construction, operation, altera- tion or repair of wires or lines of wires, cables, switch- boards or apparatus, charged with electric currents. (d) All work necessitating dangerous proximity to gunpowder, blast- ing powder, dynamite or any other explosives, where the same are used as instrumentalities of the industry, or to any steam boiler owned or operated by the employer, provided injury is occasioned by the explosion of any such boiler or explosive. (e) Work in or about any quarry, mine or foun- dry. As to each of said employments it is deemed necessary to establish a new system of compensation for accidents to workmen. *gº 2 Sec. 2. If, in the course of any of the employments above described, personal injury by accident arising out of and in the course of the employment is caused to any workmen employed therein, in whole or in part, by failure of the em- ployer to comply with any statute, or with any order made under authority of law, or by the negligence of the employer or any of his or its officers, agents or employees, or by reason of any defect or insufficiency due to his, its or their negli- gence in the condition of his or its plant, ways, works, ma- chinery, cars, engines, equipment, or appliances, then such employer shall be liable to such workman for all damages occasioned to him, or, in case of his death, to his personal representatives for all damages now recoverable under the provisions of chapter 191 of the Public Statutes. The work- man shall not be held to have assumed the risk of any injury due to any cause specified in this section; but there shall be no liability under this section for any injury to which it shall be made to appear by a preponderance of evidence that the negligence of the plaintiff contributed. The damages pro- vided for by this section shall be recovered in an action on the case for negligence. Sec. 3. The provisions of section 2 of this act shall not apply to any employer who shall have filed with the commis- sioner of labor his declaration in writing that he accepts the provisions of this act as contained in the succeeding sections, and shall have satisfied the commissioner of labor of his financial ability to comply with its provisions, or shall have filed with the commissioner of labor a bond, in such form and amount as the commissioner may prescribe, conditioned on the discharge by such employer of all liability incurred under this act. Such bond shall be enforced by the com- missioner of labor for the benefit of all persons to whom such employer may become liable under this act in the same manner as probate bonds are enforced. The commissioner may, from time to time, order the filing of new bonds, when in his judgment such bonds are necessary; and after thirty days from the communication of such order to any employer, such employer shall be subject to the provisions of section 2 of this act until such order has been complied with. The employer may at any time revoke his acceptance of the pro- visions of the succeeding sections of this act by filing with the commissioner of labor a declaration to that effect, and by posting copies of such declaration in conspicuous places about the place where his workmen are employed. Any person aggrieved by any decision of the commissioner under this 3 section may apply by petition to any justice of the superior court for a review of such decision, and said justice on notice and hearing shall make such order affirming, reversing or modifying such decision as justice may require; and such order shall be final. Such employer shall be liable to all workmen engaged in any of the employments specified in section 1, for any injury arising out of and in the course of their employment, in the manner provided in the following sections of this act. Provided, that the employer shall not be liable in respect of any injury which does not disable the workman for a period of at least two weeks from earning full wages at the work at which he was employed, and, pro- vided, that the employer shall not be liable in respect of any injury to the workman which is caused in whole or in part by the intoxication, violation of law, or serious or wilful misconduct of the workman. Provided, further, that the employer shall at the election of the workman, or his per- Sonal representative, be liable under the provisions of sec- tion 2 of this act for all injury caused in whole or in part by wilful failure of the employer to comply with any statute, or with any order made under authority of law. SEC. 4. The right of action for damages caused by any such injury, at common law, or under any statute in force on January one, nineteen hundred and eleven, shall not be affected by this act, but in case the injured workman, or in event of his death his executor or administrator, shall avail himself of this act, either by accepting any compensation hereunder, by giving the notice hereinafter prescribed, or by beginning proceedings therefor in any manner on account of any such injury, he shall be barred from recovery in every action at common law or under any other statute on account of the same injury. In case after such injury the work- man, or in the event of his death his executor or administra- tor, shall commence any action at common law or under any statute other than this act against the employer therefor, he shall be barred from all benefit of this act in regard thereto. SEC. 5. No proceedings for compensation under this act shall be maintained unless notice of the accident as herein- after provided has been given to the employer as soon as practicable after the happening thereof and before the work- man has voluntarily left the employment in which he was injured and during such disability, and unless claim for com- pensation has been made within six months from the occur- rence of the accident, or in case of the death of the workman, or in the event of his physical or mental incapacity, within 4. - six months after such death or the removal of such physical or mental incapacity, or in the event that weekly payments have been made under this article, within six months after such payments have ceased, but no want or defect or in- accuracy of a notice shall be a bar to the maintenance of proceedings unless the employer proves that he is prejudiced by such want, defect or inaccuracy. Notice of the accident shall apprise the employer of the claim for compensation under this article, and shall state the name and address of the workman injured, and the date and place of the acci- dent. The notice may be served personally or by sending it by mail in a registered letter addressed to the employer at his last known residence or place of business. SEC. 6. (1) The amount of compensation shall be, in case death results from injury: (a) If the workman leaves any widow, children or parents, resident of this state, at the time of his death, then wholly dependent on his earnings, a sum to compensate them for loss, equal to one hundred and fifty times the average weekly earnings of such workman when at work on full time during the preceding year during which he shall have been in the employ of the same employer, or if he shall have been in the employment of the same em- ployer for less than a year then one hundred and fifty times his average weekly earnings on full time for such less period. But in no event shall such sum exceed three thousand dol- lars. Any weekly payments made under this act shall be deducted from the sum so fixed. (b) If such widow, children or parents at the time of his death are in part only dependent upon his earnings, such proportion of the benefits provided for those wholly dependent as the amount of the wage contributed by the deceased to such partial dependents at the time of injury bore to the total wage of the deceased. (c) If he leaves no such dependents, the reasonable expenses of his medical attendance and burial, not exceeding one hundred dollars. Whatever sum may be determined to be payable under this act in case of death of the injured work- man shall be paid to his legal representative for the benefit of such dependents, or if he leaves no such dependents, for the benefit of the persons to whom the expenses of medical attendance and burial are due. * (2) Where total or partial incapacity for work at any gainful employment results to the workman from the injury, a weekly payment commencing at the end of the second week after the injury and continuing during such incapacity, sub- ject as herein provided, not exceeding fifty per centum of 5 his average weekly earnings when at work on full time dur- ing the preceding year during which he shall have been in the employment of the same employer, or if he shall have been in the employment of the same employer for less than a year, then a weekly payment of not exceeding one-half the average weekly earnings on full time for such less period. In fixing the amount of the weekly payment, regard shall be had to the difference between the amount of the average earnings of the workman before the accident and the aver- age amount he is able to earn thereafter as wages in the same employment or otherwise. In fixing the amount of the weekly payment, regard shall be had to any payment, allow- ance or benefit which the workman may have received from the employer during the period of his incapacity, and in the case of partial incapacity the weekly payment shall in no case exceed the difference between the amount of the average weekly earnings of the workman before the acci- dent and the average weekly amount which he is earning or is able to earn in the same employment or otherwise after the accident, but shall amount to one-half of such difference. In no event shall any compensation paid under this act exceed the damage suffered, nor shall any weekly payment payable under this act in any event exceed ten dollars a week or extend over more than three hundred weeks from the date of the accident. Such payment shall continue for such period of three hundred weeks provided total or partial disability continue during such period. No such payment shall be due or payable for any time prior to the giving of the notice required by section five of this act. SEC. 7. Any workman entitled to receive weekly pay- ments under this act is required, if requested by the em- ployer, to submit himself for examination by a duly qualified medical practitioner or surgeon provided and paid for by the employer, at a time and place reasonably convenient for the workman, within two weeks after the injury, and there- after at intervals not oftener than once in a week. If the workman refuses to submit to such examination, or obstructs the same, his right to weekly payments shall be suspended until such examination has taken place, and no compensation shall be payable during or for account of such period. SEC. 8. In case an injured workman shall be mentally incompetent at the time when any right or privilege accrues to him under this act, the guardian of the incompetent ap- pointed pursuant to law may, on behalf of such incompetent, claim and exercise any such right or privilege with the 6 same force and effect as if the workman himself had been competent and had claimed or exercised any such right or privilege, and no limitation of time in this act provided for shall run so long as said incompetent workman has no guardian. SEC. 9. Any question as to compensation which may arise under this act shall be determined by agreement or by an action at equity, as hereinafter provided. In case the employer fail to make compensation as herein provided, the injured workman, or his guardian, if such be appointed, or his executor or administrator, may then bring an action to recover compensation under this act in any court having jurisdiction of an action for recovery of damages for negli- gence for the same injury between the same parties. Such action shall be by petition in equity, which may be made re- turnable at the appropriate term of the superior court or may be filed in the office of the clerk of the superior court and presented in term time or vacation to any justice of said court, who on reasonable notice shall hear the parties and render judgment thereon. The judgment in such action if in favor of the plaintiff shall be for a lump sum equal to the amount of payments then due and prospectively due under this act. In such action by an executor or administrator the judgment may provide the proportions of the award or the costs to be distributed to or between the several dependents. If such determination is not made it shall be determined by the probate court in which such executor or administrator is appointed, in accordance with this act, on petition of any party interested, on such notice as such court may direct. Any employer who has declared his intention to act under the compensation features of this act shall also have the right to apply by similar proceedings to the superior court or to any justice thereof for a determination of the amount of the weekly payments to be paid the injured workman, or of a lump sum to be paid the injured workman in lieu of such weekly payments; and either such employer or work- man may apply to said superior court or to any justice thereof in similar proceeding for the determination of any other question that may arise under the compensation feature of this act; and said court or justice, after reasonable notice and hearing, may make such order as to the matter in dis- pute and taxable costs as justice may require. Sec. 10. Any person entitled to weekly payments under this act against any employer shall have the same preferential claim therefor against the assets of the employer as is allowed 7 by law for a claim by such person against such employer for unpaid wages or personal services. Weekly payments due under this act shall not be assignable or subject to levy, execution, attachment or satisfaction of debts. Any right to receive compensation under this act shall be extinguished by the death of the person entitled thereto. SEC. 11. No claim of any attorney-at-law for any con- tingent interest in any recovery under this act for services in securing such recovery or for disbursements shall be an enforceable lien on such recovery, unless the account of the same be approved in writing by a justice of the superior court, or, in case the same be tried in any court, by the justice presiding at such trial. - - Sec. 12. Every employer subject to the provisions of this act shall from time to time make to the commissioner of labor such returns as to its operation as said commissioner may require upon blanks to be furnished by said com- missioner. Any employer failing to make such returns when required by said commissioner shall, until such returns are made, be subject to the provisions of section 2 of this act. Sec. 13. This act shall take effect January first, nineteen hundred and twelve. FRANK A. MUSGROVE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. WILLIAM D. Swart, President of the Senate. Approved April 15, 1911. - RoBERT P. BASS, Governor.