AY WA UW UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 51 QURIS PENINSULAM-AMO NAM 9701 ON ! 1 -- M * 1 D1817 ARTES SCIENTIA LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE nur FUSIBUžkan W TI:E10X APER } CIRCUMSPICE JIN.01.1,JiN. IV.V.N. > 31 1 1 CA THESAURUS Rerum Eccleliafticarum : BE IN G AN ACCOUNT of the VALUATIONS OF ALL THE ECCLESIASTICAL BENEFICES In the ſeveral TO WHICH A R E ADDED DIOCESES in ENGLAND and WALES, As they now ſtand chargeable with, or lately were diſcharged from the Payment of Firs T-Fruits and Tenths. HIĆ The Names of the PATRONS to the ſeveral Benefices; and the DeDICATIONS of the CHURCHES. Together with an ACCOUNT of PROCURATIONS and SYNODALS, Extracted from the Records in the Reign of HENRY VIII. ! To the Whole are' ſubjoin'd, Proper DIRECTIONS and PRECEDENTS relating to PRESENTATION, INSTITUTION, INDUCTION, DISPENSATIONS, &c. By JOHN ECTO N Eſq; Late Receiver-General of the TENTHS of the Clergy. LONDON: Printed for D. BROWNE, at the Black Swan without Temple-Bar ; A. MILLAR, at Buchanan's Head againſt St. Clement's Church in the Strand ; and F. GOSLING, at the Mitre and Crown againſt Fetter-Lane, Fleet-ſtreet. M.DCC.XLII. BV . : 775 E19 1 : t ! | ! ! t iii -781240 -- 190 Τ Η Ε 1 P R E F A C E. T 1 Y HIS: Book contains an Account of the Valuations of all the Ecclefiaftical Benefices in England and Wales, which now are charged with the Payment of Firſt-Fruits and Tenths; or were lately diſcharged from any Payment to thoſe Revenues, on account of the Smallneſs of their Income ; and which are for the ſame reaſon entitled to receive the Benefit of the Royal Bounty, in ſuch Proportions, and according to ſuch Appointments as are ſet forth in the excellent Rules of the Corporation founded and conſtituted by Her late MajeſtyQueen ANNE for that Purpoſe *. The Author (in order to render this Work more compleat than any thing hitherto publiſ relating to theſe Affairs) has taken a particular care to in-, ſert the Names of the PATRONS of the ſeveral Benefices under their reſpec- tive Churches and Chapels. He has alſo added an Account of PROCURA- TIONS and SYNODAL S, extracted from the Records in the Reign of Henry VIII. And as a farther Advantage, the Names of the SAINT S to whom the Churches or Chapels are dedicated, are placed immediately after the Rectorys, Vicarages, &c. For this, the Editors are obliged to that Learned and Commu- nicative Antiquary Browne Willis Eſq; As the Corporation above-mentioned, founded by the late Queen ANNE (under the Royal Protection and by the moſt Gracious Favour of His preſent Majeſty King GEORGE) continues to make conſiderable Advances in the augmenting ſmall Livings; ſo every Tear will afford freſh Supplies towards the Increaſe of that poor Maintenance which was left to the Clergy (in many large Cures) before the Reformation, and continued in the ſame manner ever ſince. Whoever will compare the Greatneſs of the Duty in many Market-Towns, and other conſiderable Pariſhes, with the Smallneſs of the Recompence for performing ſuch Duty, will, from the great Diſproportion of one to the other, be eaſily convinc'd of the Neceſſity of eſtabliſhing ſome Method for the better Support of Perſons officiating in ſuch Cures. And if it be obſerved that the Method made uſe of for redreſſing this Grievance, is, by ſupplying the Wants of A2 the * See theſe Rules in the Appendit: iy The P R E F A C E. the poorer Clergy from a Tax on that Part of their own Body from whence it can Beſt be fpared, and that No Burthen is impoſed on the Laity for that Purpoſe: Every Clergyman competently beneficed being a Contributor to the fupplying the Iants of his Brethren, by a twofold Tax upon his Benefice; and that what- ever farther Addition to that Charity is made, It proceeds wholly from the free Will of well. diſpoſed Perſons voluntarily contributing thereunto : Theſe things conſider’d, we may reaſonably hope the ſame Method will continue to late Poftcrity, who may look back with Pleaſure on the Preſent Age, which has so peculiarly diftinguib'd itſelf, in carefully ſupplying thofe Defeets which were overlook'd in the earlier Times of the Reformation, when a Deſign of this Na- ture might have been carried on with much leſs Difficulty, by reſtoring ſome of the Tithes and other Spiritualities to thoſe uſes for which they were originally ſettled on the Church ; but by Popiſh Ufurpations were firſt alienated from the Secular Clergy, and then by Bulls and other Devices being eſtabliſúd for the better Support of Romiſh Superſtition and Monaftick Luxury, a Redreſs of sich manifeſt Abuſes of the Church Revenues, as well as a Reformation in Doctrine and Diſcipline became neceflary: But at the Reformation it ſo un- happily fell out, that theſe Revenues when ſeparated from the Abuſes made of them by the Popiſh Powers , were ſo far from being reſtored to the truly uſeful and pious Purpoſes they ſerved before, That inſtead of their being applied to the Support and Encouragement of the Parochial Clergy, the true and proper Uſe that ſhould have been made of them ; They were moſt of them diſpos’d. of by the Powers in being, from time to time, among the Laity, and became Tcm- poral Properties, and fo continue. And what abundantly adds to the Hardſhip of the Caſe of many Incum- bents of Impropriate Cures, is , That the diſcretionary Power.which before the Reformation was lodged in the Biſhops, of augmenting (as they ſhould ſee Occa- fion) the Incomes of Vicars and Curates; This Power (I ſay) which in the Popiſ Times, though in many Cafes put in execution with very good Effelt, yet (by fome Means or other) after the Reformation became of little Effect. The Lay. Impropriators of many large Cures became impower'd to receive and enjoy 3 or 400 1. per Annum in. Tithes and other Spiritual Re- veņues, which were torn from the Clergy without any manner of Default or Forfeiture committed or poſſible to be committed by them, or on their Part; and their New Proprietors have ever ſince contented themſelves to this very Day, with paying only the poor pecuniary Stipend or Pittance that was antient- ly allotted to the Vicar or Curate before the Reformation. This makes the Caſe of ſuch poor Vicars and Curates worfe (nome) than it was even in the Times of Popery, when Money was of ſucha Value as that 10 or 12 Pounds was reckon'd a Competency equal to 90 or 100 l. now ; and the Power of augment- ing the Income of ſuch Vicarage or Curacy out of the Spiritual Revenues of the Place, having been diſus'd, that Stipend is now All that the poor Incum- bent can legally claim * Beſides, See Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations 89, London, 17041-9. 158. where it is fully fade out, that Apa propriations are a greater Hardſhip to the Proteſtant, than they had been to the Popiße Clergy. The PREFACE. V any Beſides, in many caſes, the officiating Clergy hold their Benefices upon ſuch a precarious Tenure, that the Incumbent is obliged to be satisfied with fmall Arbitrary Allowance, that ſhall be made him by his Impropriator ; other- wife he will diſplace his poor Miniſter, and put another, who will come into a more ſervile Compliance, in his room. In fiuch a Caſe it is not hard to gueſs what a poor neceſſitous Curate muſt do, who has no other Choice but to com- ply or ſtarve. This Grievance ariſes chiefly from ſuch Places as are exempt from all Juriſdiction of the Ordinary, and ſubječt only to the Viſitation of the Impropriator or Donor himſelf. Of this fort are many Livings formerly held, and now claimed under å Title derived from the Priory of St. John of Jeruſalem ; and many others there are, that claim Exemptions of the like kind; which in fome Parts of the Kingdom are ſo numerous, that it is needleſs to give Examples of them. Can it otherwiſe be expected than, that (as the Cafe now ſtands) there ſhould be diverſe mean and ſtipendiary Preachers in inany Places cuters tained to ſerve the Cures and officiate there, who depending, for their neceſſary Maintenance, upon the good will and Viking of their Bearers, ſhould be under the Temptation of ſuiting their Doctrines and Teaching to the humours rather than the Good of their hear: ers. As it is moſt truly repreſented in the Act of Parliament 29 & 30 Annæ, intitled, “ An Act for making more effectual Her Majeſty's Gracious "Intentions for the Augmentation of the poor Clergy;”. Can we ſuppose Doctrines and Inſtructions, though ever fo faithfully delivered or zealouſly urged, to have their due Influence in ſuch a Caſe? But when a Man is to appear as a Teacher and Inſtructor of Multitudes, if, beſides other Qualifications, he makes a ſuitable Figure and Appearance if in his Habit and Mien, he appears grave and decent, without the Marks of Meannefs and Poverty; if he lives among his Neighbours with Credit, free from the Preſſures of Debts, and other manifold Misfortunes, the conſtant Attendants upon Want and Narrowneſs of Circumſtances, his Admonitions will certainly have the greater Weight, his Doctrines make the deeper Impreſſions, and all his Labours may in a great Meaſure have their deſired Effect. On the contrary, what Fruit is to be expected from the Labours of a Paſtor, who (we will ſuppoſe) is willing to do all the Good he can, is contented to drudge on with his little Allowance, in hopes of feeing ſome good Effeet from his Labours among his Pariſhioners, but notwith- ſtanding his beſt Endeavours, falls into Contempt of the meaneſt of them, which his Poverty alone, without any perſonal Demerit of his own to add to it, is ſufficient to bring upon him? In ſuch a Cafe it is no Wonder that all his Endeavours to do Good in his Profeſſion are rendred yain and ineffectual. Inſtances of this kind, are (God knows) too many in this Kingdom, no County being free from some Examples of them, and in ſome Countries, as Wales, Yorkſhire, and many others, they are very numerous. Nothing .! The PREFACE. Nothing here faid is intended in the leaſt to impeach or bring into diſpute the legal Rights of any Perſons poſeſjing ſuch Tithes, or other Revenues that were formerly of a ſpiritual Nature, but are now by the Laws of This Land become the Properties of thoſe in Poſſeſſion of them : What is ſaid con- cerning them, is deſign’d to have no other Tendency than truly to ſtate the Condition of the poorcit Clergy, in order to abate (if poſſible) that Spirit of grudging, which is ſo viſible in fome, and to raiſe in others (what at pre- fent would be very reaſonable) a Deſire to contribute towards that Charity, which ſtood in need of a Royal Heart to ſet it on foot, and’tis hoped, as long as there is occaſion, will never want Royal Hands to ſupport it. This (we hope) will likewiſe find other Helps and Encouragements from ſuch other pious and well-diſpos'd Perſons, who will conſider that a twofold Advantage will accrue to the Publick thereby, viz. The poor Clergy will be better maintaivid, and the Conſequence of that muſt be obvious to the ſlighteſt Obſerver, many great Cures will be better ſupplied. Theſe are the good Effects that may be expected to ſpring from the late Queen A NNE's Pious Benefaction, which, with the Addition of (other) pri- vạte Contributions, may to ſome appear a large Bounty, yet.conſidering the great Numbers of poor Livings that ſtand in Need, ſome of them of more than two or three Allotments of the Royal Bounty to raiſe them to a mode- rate Competency of Maintenance for the officiating Incumbents, it will be very evident to all reaſonable and conſidering Perfons, that there will not be in a long Series of Years to come, any Room to reſume the publick Revenues ſettled for this Purpoſe, or any occafion for Meaſures to be taken to diſcourage well-diſpoſed People from contributing to ſo noble and pious a Deſign. Till a more particular and complete Account of theſe Affairs can be given to the. Publick, it may for the preſent ſuffice to ſay, it will be the Work of Ages, before All the ſmall Livings entitled to an Aug- mentation can receive Any Benefit or Share therefrom ; and of many Ages more *, before the Income of every Living will be ſo advanc'd, as to afford a Competency for the Miniſter, ſuppoſing that Competency tó amount to no more than Sixty Pounds per Annum to each Living. However diſtant this Proſpect may be, it will notwithſtanding adminiſter Satisfaction in proportion to the Advances that from time to time are made towards it : of the future happy Progreſs of which pious and uſeful Charity, there is no reaſon to doubt from fo fair and proſperous a Beginning, which has appeard in ſo many Inſtances of Favour from the Throne, and ſo much Encourage- ment from the generous Contributions of many Honourable and Worthy Per- fons that have become Benefactors to it. It may ſeem to Some, that by reaſon the Corporation is yearly employing their Money (not yet laid out in Purchaſes of Lands to be applied to each re- Spective augmented Living) at Intereſt in the Funds, they by that means are perpetually increaſing their Stock, by which Increaſe of Stock, they may in time become Years before all the livings now under 50 l. per Ann, will be rais'd to 60 l. per Annum, juprofing every Year there be the ſame Money diſtributed as has been for three or four Years laſt paſt. * It will be 500 The P, REF A CE. vii become too conſiderable: To theſe Objectors by way of Anſwer, it may be pro per to take Notice, that out of the Intereſt ariſing from their Monies in the Funds, there is yearly paid to each Incumbent Intereſt for their Augmen- tation-Money, which ſerves the poor Clergy for a preſent Support and Sub- fiſtence, 'till Purchaſes (which, by the way, are very difficult to be found) can be made to anſwer the Sum allotted to each particular Augmentation ; by which Means the Increaſe of Money ſuppoſed to be made by the Corporation, is yearly, exhauſted; fo that nothing is to be feared from their growing too Rich, by putting their Money out to Intereſt; and for the Principal, that remains with the Corporation only, till ſuch time as the ſame is applý'd to anſwer the Augmentations, as faſt as Purchaſes can be found out and made. It is noted in ſeveral Places in this Book, that the Clergy are to pay their Tenths to the Bihop of the Dioceſe, whereof Infances are given in the Dioce- ſes of Canterbury, Chicheter, London, &c. Such Note is inſerted, to the end that the Clergy.who are poſefsd of Living s- under that Circumſtance, may not be at a loſs where to pay their Tenths. And it may be of ſome Uſe like. wife to inform them, That where ſuch Livings are ſaid to be diſcharged, that Diſcharge extends only to their Firſt-Fruits, and not to the Tenths ; thelat- ter being the Eſtate and Property of ſuch Biſhops to whom they are payable, are expreſly ſaved to them (the Biſhops) by the Diſcharging Arts. Theſe Tenths became veſied in ſuch Biſhops, and their Succeffors, in Ex- change for Manors and Lands alienated from their Biſhoprics to the Crown, wherein an Allowance of Tearly Tenths has been made a part, or the whole of the Confideration upon ſuch Exchanges : But 'tis' well for their Lordſhips the Biſhops that there was an End put to ſuch Alienations, it being ſufficiently manifeſt how much to the Diſadvantage of the Biſhops they were made ; Ma- nors and Lands (which have ſince been mightily improved) were exchanged for perpetual ſtated Sums ariſing from Tenths, Penſions, and ſuch like Payments from the poorer Clergy, and which are frequently loſt, the legal Methods of recovering them, not being in all Cafe's inſiſted on by the Biſhops (the Proprie- tors) out of mere Compaſſion to the poor Condition of ſuch as are liable to pay them. Theſe Alienations and Exchanges prevailed from the Year 1559, when an AEE was made i Eliz. cap. 19. intitled, “. An Act giving Authority to the Queen's Majeſty, upon the Avoidance of any Archbiſhopric or Biſhopric, to " take into her Hand certain of the Temporal Pofleſions thercof, rcconipenſing " the ſame with Parſonages Impropriate, or Tythes * This Act continued in force till Anno Dom. 1603: when an Act was made (1 Jac. cap. 3.) « gainſt the Diminution of the Poffeflions of Archbiſhoprics and Biſhoprics, " and avoiding of Dilapidations of the ſame." Whereby theſe Alienations to the Crown were reſtrained. Where the Firſt-Fruits of a Biſhoprick happen not to bear a juft Proportion to the Tenths of the ſame Biſhopric, ſuch Diſproportion has been occafioned (as is * Which A&t of Parliament Biſhop Gibson tells us in his Codex, p. 676, was never printed in any Edition of the Statutes, but is inſerted in his Book, out of the Records of Parliamente, 1 16 A- 1'111 _IC The P R E FACE. is conceived) by the like Exchange of Lands for Tenths, when a part, or all of the Biſhops Tenths were thrown in to make up a Deficiency of the Re- compence he was to receive in lieu of his Manors or Lands, which could not be ſo conveniently adjuſted any other way; the Firſt-Fruits being only accidental, and not a certain Ycarly Payment, Suffered no Alteration by Such Exchange, but were continued on the ſame Foot as before. In like manner, where the Deanry and Prebendaries of ſome Cathedral Churches are not charged at all to the Payment of the Firit-Fruits or Tenths, either the Crown has Lands, or in ſome Cafes, a ſtated Sum; or annual Rent, in lieu of thoſe Payments, as by the Charters of the new-erected Foundations, it does at large appear, Thus much it ſeem'd proper ſhould be mention'd in relation to theſe Exchan- ges, in order to account for ſome ſeeming Inconſiſtencies in this Book, and to clear up ſome things which would otherwiſe appear Difficulties to thoſe who are altogether unacquainted with ſuch Proceedings; and which, if not ſet in a proper Light, might in proceſs of time be liable to greater Uncertainty and Obſcurity, to the Perplexity at leaſt, if not the Injury alſo, of some nearly concerned therein. In ſettling and aſcertaining the true Names of Places, regard has been had chiefly to the Manner Now moſt uſed, but there may be good Reaſons given why in many Inſtances both the Antient and Modern way of writing them are retained. 1 The Appendix contains Directions and Precedents relating to Preſentation, Inſtitution, Induction, Diſpenſations, &c. and ſome other Matters are added, with proper References to the Authorities from whence they are taken; which - it is conceived may be of very good Uſe. Theſe things may ſerve to lead the Younger Clergy through That part of Knowledge neceffary for them, which at their firſt ſetting out muſt appear very intricate and difficult, as they lie Scatter'd and diſpers’d in divers Acts of Parliament and Canons, &c. inter- mix'd with Matters of a quite different Nature, and which in fome Inſtances have been render'd more intricate and obſcure, through the want of Care or Judgment of Some, who have unſucceſsfully labour'd to render them more plain and clear. 00000 ix A LIST of BENEFACTIONS to the ſeveral Livings under-mentioned, which have been augmented by the Bounty of Queen ANNE, &c. with an Addi- tion of 2001. of the Royal Bounty to each Living, with the Year each Living was Augmented. 7 200 200 co 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Dioceſe of CANTERBURY, Co. Kent. Anno 2. 1714 Homas Archbiſhop of Canter- Edw. Colton Efq; and the Rev. bury. 1. Mr. Row. Dover St. James's Church Pilton V. CANTERBURY St. Dunſtan's V. 200 Edw. Colſton Eſq; and the Rev. 1718 William Ld. Archbp. of Canterbury. Mr. Hill, Huiſh V. Lyden V. 1720 Edw.Colſton and Tho. Edwards Efas; Hawking R. 200 Felton als Whitchurch C, Mr. Humphrey Duncalf. Edw. Colfton Efq; and Mrs. Abi- Barfreſton R. gail Prowſe. 1920 Sir Thomas Dunke. AXBRIDGE.V. 232 Hawkhurſt Cur. Edw. Colfton Eſq; and the Rev. 1724 Dr. Godolphin and Mr. John Dr. Creyghton. Norris. Dinder Prebend with Cure of Souls, 200 Brook R. 200 1721 Edw.Colſton Efq; and Mr. Catheral. 1725 Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Ingſcombe V. Brook R. The Lady Moyer. Barfreſton R. GLASTONBURY C. 1728 Mr. Humphrey Duncalf. ILCHESTER R. Barfreſton R. Co. Kent. TAUNTON St. James C. 1729 Mr. Humphrey Duncalf. Mr. Ezra Pierce. Barfreſton R. Co. Kent. Weſt Hatch Ć. 200 1730 Iwade C. Co. Kent by Lot. Sir Jobn St. Barbe Bart. Mr. Fobn Smith. Marſton mag. V. Chart near Sutton-Valence C.Kent,200 1722 Edw. Colſton Efq; and the Rev. Mr. Geale. Dioceſe of BATH and WELLS, Co. So- Biſhops Lidiard V. Hillfarence D. 200 Dr. Hen. Godolphin. 1717 Mrs. Elizabeth Strangeways. Holford R. 200 Milton Cleaveland V. .210 1724 Edw. Colſton Efq; and the Rev. 1718 Edw.Colfton Efq;and Rev.Mr.Eyre. Mr. Ben. Culme. Compton Dunden V. Leigh C. Mrs. Jane Stachey and her Son 1725 Edw. Colſton Éſq; and the Rev. Mr. John Stachey. Mr. Wilkes. Elme R. with Lands worth 600 Rowborow R. 1719 Sir Tbo. Wrath and Mr. Geo, Gill. Dr. Godolphin. Linge V. Holfor dR. 200 200 202 200 200 200 200 MERSET. 206 200 200 200 200 2 Dr. X A Liſt of BenefACTIONS to Livings - 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 1. Dr. Godolphin and Mr. John Gar. Diocefe of BRISTOL. diner. .l. King's Brompton V 200 1716 The Rt. Hon. the Lady Digby. Dr. Godolphin and Mr. Benjamin Caſtletown Co. Dorſet. 200 Culme. William Bragge Eſq; Old Cleve V. Burſtock V. Co. Dorſet, with a Mrs. Mary Martin. Moiety of the great Tythes worth 200 Pennard V. 200 1718 John Dowell and Ed. Colſton Efas; 1726 Humphry Sydenham Eſq; and the Mangotsfeild C. Co. Glouc. Rev. Mr. James Burt. Chriſt-Church R, in Bristol by Aſhington R. Lot. Humphry Sydenham Efq; and the St. Nicholas V. in BRISTOL by Rev. Mr. Sydenham Burt. Lot. Brympton R. All-Saints R. in DORCHESTER by Lady Holford and John Pratt Efq; Lot. GLASTONBURY St. Bennets C. Edw. Colſton and Tho. Edwards 1727 Mrs. Eliz. Palmer. Eſqs; Cudworth C. Horsfeild C. Co. Glouc. Knowle C. 200 1719 Edw. Colſton and Tbo. Edwards Edw. Colſton Efq; and others. Eſqs; Kingſton V. Weſtbury C. Co. Glouc. 1728 Cudworth C. 1720 Stapleton C. Co. Glouc. Knowle C. 1721 Edw. Colſon Eſq; and the Rey. Eaſt Pennard V. Mr. Ben. Culme. 1729 The Executrix of Dr. John Ragers. Studland V.Co. Dorſet. Wookey V. Co. Somerſet. 202 1722 Thomas Strangways Ecq; The Rev. Mr. Burgh. DORCHESTER All-Saints R. Brympton R. ABBÓTSBURY V. Co. Dorſet. Cothelſtone C. by Lot. 1725 Dr. Rich. Roderick. Biſhops Hill C. by Lot. Winterborne Whitchurch Co. Dor- Titen hull V. fet. 1731 The Rev. Mr. Francis Wilks. Ed. Colſton and Hen. Hoare Efqs; Rowborow R. Candlemarfh R. Co. Dorfet. 1732 The Rev. Mr. Creyghton. 1730 Milton V. Co. Dorſet. Dinder Prebend with Cure of Souls. 100 1732 Charmouth R. Co. Dorſet. 1733 Mattock V. 3733 Mr. Anthony Ellerſden. Ninehead V. Charmouth R. Co. Dorſet. Load C. 1735 CEARNE. ABBOTS V. Co. Dorſet. South Barrow C. Redlinch C. Dioceſe of CHỊCHESTER, Co. SUSSEX, 1734 John Carew Eſq; MINEHEAD V. 200 1716 The Hon. Spencer Compton Efq; Halton R. Wilmington V. WINCAUNTON C. 1720 Tbomas Andrews. Efq; Upton C. Portllade v. 1735 Aſh Priors C. 1722 Mrs. Judith and Mary Shelden. Falmer V. with Tythes of the full Value 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 ! 200 200 200 1737 Fitzhead C. augmented by the Bounty of Queen ANNE. xi 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 210 200 200 200 200 1. l. Value of 450 l. upon receiving the BOLSOVER V.Co. Derby with a Year- Governors 200 l. 450 ly Rent-Charge of 10 l. per Ann. 200 1723 The Dean and Chapter of Chi- Mr. William. Shallcroſs and Mr. cheſter. Stephen Wood. CHICHESTER St. Peter's the GreatV.240 Bucknall Chap. Co. Staff, with a Bulſtrode Peacby Knight Efq; Yearly Rent of 51. per Ann. Shipley C. and 100 l, in Money. Weſt Dean V 1717 The Rev. Dr. Gee and Mr. Robert 1725 Mrs. Elizabeth Knight and Mr. Hunlok. Serenus Barret. Wingerworth C. Co. Derby. MIDHURST C. William Whitmore Eſq; Mr. Edw. Rapley. Claverley C. Co. Salop. Linchmore C. with a Rent-Charge Bobington C. Co. Staff. of 10 l. per Ann. The Rt. Hon. the Lord Gower, 1726 The Rev. Mr. Lamb. Barleſton C. Co. Staff. with a Te. Ditchening als. Dicheling V. nement, &c. worth. The Rev. Mr. Muſgrave and The Rt. Hon, the Lord William the Rev. Mr. Stewart. Powlett and others. Barnham V. or C. Bettley C. Co. Salop with 1727 Mr. John Page. Acres of common Ground to the Streat R. Value of 200 CHICHESTER St. Andrews R. by Lot. 200 1718 Thomas Bagſhaw Eſq; 1728 The Rt. Rev. the Lord Bp. of CHAPEL-LE-FRITH Cur. Co. Der- Chicheſter. by, with a Tenement and Land of Bury V. the Value of Weſt-Dean V. Mr. Alex. Duncombe. Ruſtington V. 202 Tilſtock V. Co. Salop with Lands Shipley C. worth more than 1732 Boſeham V. Henry Green Efq; 1733 The Rev. Mr. Reading. Wyken juxta Coventry C. with a Bouldney V. Tenement and ten Acres of Land, to the full Value of Dioceſe of COVENTRY and LICH. The Rev. Dr. Kimberly. FIELD. Brewood V. Co. Staff, with a Rent- 3715 William Bourn, Jun. Efq; Charge worth Woolftanton Chap. C. Co. Staff. 200 1719 The Rt. Hon. Tho. Earl Co- The Rt. Hon. the Lord Digby. ningesby. Over-Whitacre C. Co. Warw. 200 Shuttington C. Co. Warw. William Murral Eſq; Mrs. Elizabeth Grey. Bagnall C. Co. Staff. Breaſon Chap. Co. Derby. 1716 Mr. Char. Fowler and others. Riſley Chap. Co Derby. Tettenhall C. Co. Staff. Mr. Richard Wakefield. Edw. Jennings Eſq. TUTBURY V. Co. Staff. Didlafton Chap. C. Co. Salop. 200 1720 Mr. Tbo. Jodrell and others. Rowland Okcover Efq; Endon C. Co, Staff. Acklow Chap. Co. Derby, with Roceſter C. Co. by Lot. Tythes of Corn and Hay of the Boughton C. Co. Salop by Lot. fuil Value of 300 Milverton C. Co. Warw, by Lot. 200 The Rt. Hon, the Earl of Oxford. Edw. Jordan Ei4; Barlow C. Co. Derby with a Year- Priors Lee C. Co. Salop. 200 ly Rent-Charge of 10 l. per Ann. 200 The 202 200 202 202 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 2 10 200 200 200 200 1 a 2 xii A Lift of BenefACTIONS to Livings 200 200 : 200 ( 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 200 V 200 1. l. The Rt. Rev. the Ld. Bp. of Co- worth 8 l. per Ann. and 401, in ventry. Money. ECCLESHALL V. Co. Staff. with Edw. Bitch Eſq; and others. 14 Acres of Land and 100 l. in Cannock C. Co, Staff. Money. 200 obu Congreve Efq; Mr. Robert Moor. Stretton C. Co. Staff. Holmsfield:C.Co. Derb. with Land Sir John Cope Bart. worth 10l. per Ann. Ellenhall V. Co. Staff. The Hon. Tho. Wentworih Esq; His Grace the Duke of Devonſhire. and the Rev. Mr. June. Yolgrave V. Co Derby. Dore C. Co. Staff. Mrs. Baron and Rt. Hon. Edw. Mr. Wm. Wheildon and others. Lord Leigh. Ipſtones V, Co. Hunington C. Co. Warw. 1721 Mr. Thomas Bowdler. The Lord Bp. of Coventry and SHREWSBURY St. Julian's C. Co. Lichfield. Salop. EccLESHALL V. Co. Staff. The Rev. Mr. Samuel Collins 1723 Mrs. Baron. and Edward Botterel Gent. Cubbington V. Co. Warw. Clee St. Margaret's C: Co. Salop. 200 Bobben hall V. Co. Warw. 200 Meſfrs. Greatbatch and Aftbury. Mrs. Baron and others. Blurton Cha. to Trentham V.Co.Staff.200 Merebrook C. Co, Staff. Sir Thomas Greſley, Bart. The Rt. Hon. the Lord Wil- Biddulph V. Co. Staff. 200 loughby of Brook. Mrs. Dorothy Pearks and others, Bilfton C. Co. Staff. Horborne V. Co. Staff. 200* Mr. James Horton. Charles Wedgewood Efq; Bradley C. Co. Staff. Cheddleton C. Co. Staff. *300 His Grace the Duke of Kingſton. Horton C. Co. Staff, Croxton C. Co. Staff. with a Rent- The Hon. Tbo. Wentworth. Eſq; Charge of a l. 11 s. 10 d. per Ann. Dore C, Co. Derb. and 137 1. 16 s, in Money 200 1722 Sir Edward Abney Kt. 1724 Benj. Ahton Efq; Willeſley C. Co. Derby, with Hatherſedge V. Co. Derby. Tythes worth 2al. per Ann. upon Edw.Colſton and W. Edwards Efars. receiving the Governors 2001. Hughley R. Co. Salop. Sir John Atley Bart. Mr. John Dicken. Patefhall V, Co. Staff, Shenfton R. Co. Salop. Sir Richard Levinge Bart. Dr. Godolphin and the Rev. Mr. Parwich Chap. Co. Derby. Hill. The Dean and Chap. of Lich- Shenſton R. Co. Staff. field. Dr. Godolphin and Sandford Ne- I'lope V. Co. Derby, with a Rent- ville Eſq; Charge worth Norton V. Co, Derby. Sir Richard Nerdigate Bart. Dr. Godolphin and Mr. Godfrey Aftley V. Co. Warw. with Lands Watkinſon. and Tythes of the full Value of Brampton C. Co. Derby. 400 l. upon receiving of 200 l. Fobn Ward Efq; of the Governors. Meerbrook C. Co. Staff. The Rev. Mr. Robert Turie. 1725 Mrs. Baron and John Ward Eſq; Edall V. Co. Derby with Land RuſhtonC. Co. Staff. Mrs. 200 200 200 200 200 20a 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 augmented by the Bounty of Queen ANNE. xiti they 202 > 200 200 200 200 1. Msr. Baron and the Rt. Hon. the Lord Middleton. TAMWORTH C. Co. Stafford and Warw. 200 Bartholomew Beale Eſq; Felton R. Co. Salop. 200 The Rev. Mr. Hall. Waterfall V. Co. Staff. 200 Mr. John Hayes. Shareſhill V. Co. Staff. 200 Mr. Ric.Marples, being theCon- tribution of ſeveral Gentlemen. Elton C. Co. Derby. Mrs. Mary Waſteney and others. Offchurch V. Co. Warw. 200 Mrs. Eleanor Alport. Ronton C. Co, Staff. 200 Andrew Archer Eſq; TAMWORTH V, Co. Staff. and Warw. with Lands Value 400 1. upon receiving the Governors 200 l. 200 Mr. Sandford Neville. Norton V. Co. Derby. Mr. Richard Hill. Shenſton V. Co Staff. IOI William Bromley Efq; Bobinghull C. Co. Warw. Cubbington V. Co. Warw. Dr. Tho. Sherlock. Billeſley R, Co. Warw. 1726 William Bromley Efq; and others. Wotton Waven V. Co. Warw. Sir Richard Gough Kt. Edgbaſton V. Co. Warw. William Bromley Eſq; Offchurch V. Co. Warw. TAMWORTH V. Co. Staff, and Warw. The Executors of William Whit- more Eſq; Bobington C. Co. Staff. John Ward Efq; Ruſhton C. Co. Staff, 280 Mr. Henry Hinkle. Harborne V. Co. Staff. 200 The Rev. Mr. Humphry Hall. Waterfall V. Co. Staff. 200 L. William Holbeck Eſq; Farnborough V, Co. Warw. 101 The Hon. Dorington Greville Eſq; Knowle C. Co. War. Dr. Godolphin and Edw. Jen- nings Efq; Didlaſton C. Co. Salop. 200 The Hon. Dodington Grevile Eſq; Knowle C. Co. Warw. 20C Mrs. Catherine Kerr. Coveral als. Calveral C. Co. Salop. 200 The Rev. Mr. John Lidgould. UTOXETER V, Co. Staff. The Rev. Mr. David Miles. Ellafton V. Co. Staff. The Rev. Dr. Needham. Buxton C. Co. Derby. Hunningham C. Co. Warw. 1727 The Rt. Hon. the Counteſs of Bradford. Weiton under Liziard R. Co. Staff. 200 The Rey. Mr. Cooper and Mr. Francis Birds. Winſter C. Co. Derby. Mrs. Mary Edwards. Hatton C. Co, Warw. The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Mac- clesfield and the Lady Holford. Endon Chap. Co. Staff. 200 The Executors of the Dake of Kingſton. Croxton C. Co. Staff, 1371. 16. Sir Richard Gough. Edgebafton V. Co. Warw. Willian Bromley Eſq; Co. Warw Wootton Wawen V. Co. Warw. Dr. Snape, Provoſt of King's College. Wooton Wawen V. Co. Warw, 50 Philip Jennings Eſq; Dudleſton C. Co. Salop. The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Mac- clesfield. Endon C. Co. Staff. 50 Mrs. Edwards, Hatton C. Co. Wa. 101 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 200 IOO 200 i Lady Xiv A Liſt of BENEFACTIONS to Livings 200 200 200 200 200 200 1730 t. Lady Halford's Executors. ALFRE TON V. Co. Derby. Endon C. Co. Staff. 150 Shuttington C. Co. Warw. Mr. Richard Marples. 1735 Bordeſbury R. Co. Warw. Eaton C. Co. Derby. Wobaſton C. Co, Staff. The Rev. Dr. Gee. Kirkhallam C. Co. Derby. Wingerworth C. Co. Dreby. 200 William Norcliffe Efq; The Rev. Mr. John Needham. Loxley V. Co. Warw. Buxton C, Co. Derby. 1737 Uffington Co. Salop. Richard Bagſhaw Efq; Elvafton V. Co. Derby. Caſtleton V. Co. Derby. Ockbrooke V. Co. Derby. BOLSOVER V, Co. Derby. Kniveton C. Co. Derby. RUDGELEY V. Co. Staff. Turnditch C. Co. Derby. 1729 LICHFIELD St. Michael's C. Co. Hammerſwich C, Co. Staff, Derb. Longnor C. Co. Staff. Stow C. Co. Staff. Aſtley C. Co. Warw. Quarne C. Co. Derby Caſtleton V. Co. Derby. Dioceſe of ELY, Co. CAMBRIDGE. PENKRIDGE C. Co. Staff. Abbots Bromley V. Co. Staff. 1719 Edward Colton. Eſq; Mr. Adolph Mr. Charles Jennens. Meetkirke and the Rev.Mr.Prince. Netherwhitacre C. Co. Warw. Steeple Morden V. 200 Ruſhall V. Co. Staff. 1720 Wittleſey St. Mary V. by Lot. DRONFIELD V. Co. Derby. 1726 The Dean and Chap. of Ely. Mrs. Millecent Fuller. Stuntney C. Crich V. Co. Derby Cheltiſham C. Charles Stanhope Eſq. 1729 The Rt. Rev. the Ld. Bp. of Ely. Elvalton V. Co. Derby. 2011. 155. CAMBRIDGE St. Benedict C. Mrs. Hefter Aston. 1730 CAMBRIDGE St. Andrew's the Acton Round C. Co. Salop. Great C. Madley Co. Staff. Whaddon C. Co. Cambridge. Aſhford C: Co. Derby. CAMBRIDGE St. Peter's C. 1732 Boulton C. Co. Derby.. 1731 The Maſter and Fellows of Clare- Oſmaſton C. Co. Derby. Hall in Cambridge. The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Sun- Litlington V. Co. Cambridge. derland, 1734 Dr. Wm. Stanley's Executrix. Wormleighton V. Co. Warw. CAMBRIDGE St. Andrew's C. The Rev. Mr. Wm. Reading. Water Orton C. Co. War. 2001. 17s.6d. Dioceſe of EXETER. 1733 Mr. Henry Centrell. Quarne C. Co. Derby. 200 1715 Sir Nicholas Hooper kt. Charles Benskin Eſq; Pitton C. Co. Devon. Ormaſton C, near Derby. 1718 Francis Drew Eſq; Bolton C. Co. Derby. Dunkfwell V. Co. Devon. Heyfieid C. Co. Derby. Shildon C. Co. Devon. Beighton C. Co. Derby. 1720 Bruſhford C. Co. Devon by Lot. 200 1734 Sir Edw. Littleton Bart. Kingſwear C. Co. Devon, by Lot. 200 PENKRIDGE C. Co. Staff. LOST WITHIEL V, Co. Cornwall Uffington C. Co. Salop. by Lot. Tremaine 202 200 202 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 I augmented by the Bounty of Queen ANNE. XV 200 STER. 3 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 1. Tremaine C. Co. Cornwall by Lot. 200 Dioceſe of GLOUCESTER, Co. GLOUCE- EXETER St. Pancras R. by Lot. Exeter St. Kerians R. by Lot. 1. 1725 Dr. Godolphin and Mr. Edmund 1719 Jobn Chamberlayne Eſq; Secretary Prideaux . to the Corporation. PadsTow V. Co. Cornwall. Frampton V. The Ld. Bp. of Exeter and Lady Mr. Robert Sandford. Holford. Leonard Stanley C. Co. Glouceſter with Tithes of the Value of Slapton C. Co. Devon. 500 Degory Dewes Efq; and others. 1720 The Rt. Rev. the Lord Biſhop of St. Stephen by Launceſton C. Co. Glouceſter. Cornwall. Maiſmore and Randwick C. *The Dean and Chap. of Briſtol 1722 Ed. Colſton Efq; and the Town of and the Inhabitants of Halberton. Wotton-Underwood. Halberton V. Co. Devon. WoTToN-UNDERWOOD V. Dr. Godolphin and the Marquis Rt. Rev.the Ld. Bp. of Glouceſter. of Blandford. STROUD C. St. Colomb the Lower V. Co. Mrs. Urfula Taylor. Chriſtopher Appleby Efq; Execu- Churchdown C. tor of Lady Holford. Horſley V. by Lot. Slapton C. Co. Devon. 600 1723 The Rev. Mr. Loggin Griffin. 1726 William Helyar Efq; Ampney St. Mary Č. with a Tene- Chriftowe V. Co. Devon. ment and Lands worth 400 l. up- The Marquis of Blandford. on receiving the Governors 2001, 200 Lower St. Colomb V, Co. Cornw. 200 Sir William Perkins Kt. St. Thomas's C. Co. Cornwall. MARSHFIELD V. 1727 The Rt. Hon. the Lord King, 1724 Dr.Godolphin and Mr.Steph. Wells. Lord High Chancellor of Great Down Ampney V. Britain, and the Rt. Rev. the Robert Holford Eſq; Lord Biſhop of Exeter. Weſton Birt R. St. Edmund on the BridgeR. 1725 Dr. Godolphin and Robert Holford St. John's R. Efq; St. Laurence's R. Wefton Birt R. St. Martin's R. Sir William Perkins Holy Trinity R. MARSHFIELD V. 1728 Major George Sawyer. The Executors of John Chamber- St. Stephen's C.near LAUNCESTON.202 layne Efq; Treſmere C. Co. Cornwall by Lot 200 Frampton V. 1729 Edmund Fellows Eſq; Executor of 1726 The Lady Decker: Mrs Anne Tarlton. Bledington C. Eggesford R. Co. Devon. The Rev. Dr. Stratford. Childon R. Co. Devon. Bledington C. 1731 Townſtall V. Co. Devon. 1727 The Ld. Bp. of Glouceſter. 1733 The Rt. Rev. Ld. Bp. of Exeter, Frampton upon Severn V. EXETER St. Leonard's R. 200 1728 Mr. Thomas Natſon. 1734 Sir William Carew Bart. STROUD C. Anthony V. Co. Cornwall 1730 Dr. Henry Raines, 173.7 St. Sampſon Co. Cornwall. Ampney St. Mary C. Welcomb C. Co. Devon.. Sevenhampton C. 200 200 100 200 EXETER. 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 210 200 200 202 1731 xvi A Liſt of BENEFACTION S' to Living's. 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 1. 1. Mr. Charles Parſons. The Rt. Hon, the Earl Coning ſby. Aſhchurch C. Stoke Prior C. Co. Heref. Robert Sandford Efq; Docklow C. Co. Heref. Leonard Stanley C. Kimbolton C. Co. Heref. 200 1733 Paul Caſtlemain Efq; . Middleton C. Co. Heref. 200 Horſley V. 1722 Richard Miller Eſq; The Rt. Rev. Richard Lord Bi- Woothorpe V. Co. Heref. ſhop of Wincheſter. Pixle C. Co. Heref. Randwick C. Ocle Pritchard V. Co. Heref. 200 Maiſmore C. Edw. Colſton Eſq; and the Rev. Sir William Dodwell. Mr. Waring. Sevenhampton C. Preſton upon Wye V. Co. Heref. 1735 Didbroke y. with Lands worth 400 l. upon 1737 Lemington C. Mr.Waring's receiving the Gover- Salperton C. nors 200 l. 200 Seſincote R. 1723 John Birch and Nic. Philpot Eſqs; WEOBLEY V, Co. Heref. Dioceſe of HEREFORD, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Oxford. 1714 Timothy Geers Efq; Leintwardine C. Co. Heref. Bridge Sollers V. Co. Heref.Tythes Ed. Colfton and John Burgh Efqs; and Money, 260 MONMOUMH V. Co. Monmouth, 200 Dr. Godolphin and the Rev, Mr. 1726 The Rt. Hon. the Ld. Scudamore. Waring. Ballingham C. Co. Hereford with Wethington V. Co. Heref. Tythes of the Value of 30 l. per 1716 Richard Hopton Eſq; Ann. 600 Snead C. Co. Salop with Tythes The Rev. Mr. Henry Vaughan. of the Value of 450 LEOMINSTER V.Co. Hereford be- 1717 Mrs. Elizabeth Baldwyn. ing Money contributed by ſeveral Layſters C. Co. Hereford, . Gentlemen in the Neighbour- Mrs. Hefter Afton. hood. Acton Round C. Co. Salop. 200 The Rev. Mr. John Chamberlain. Edw. Harley Efq; Humber R. Co. Heref. Titley C. Co. Hereford. Ford C. Co. Salop. The Rev: Dr. King. Callow C. Co. Heref. Titley C. Co. Hereford. Mr. Samuel Baldwin. 1718 Mrs. Mary Rogers. Long Stanton V. Co. Salop. 202 Marſton Chap. Co. Hereford. John Priſe Eſq; and Samuel Baldwyn Efq; 1727 The Lady Moyer. Bockleton C. Co. Worceſter. Wiftafton C. Co. Heref. Burghill V. Co. Hereford. Mr. Thomas Rudd. 1719 Sir Herbert Croft Bart. and his Son. Ford C. Co. Salop. Croft R. Co. Hereford. Charles Baldwyn Eſq; Yarpole V. Co. Heref. with Lands Layſters C. Co. Heref. 200 worth 1728 Dormington V. Co. Heref. Samuel Baldwyn Efq; Cold Weſton R. Co. Salop, Bockleton C. Co. Worceſter, 1729 The Rev. Mr. James Smith. 1720 The Rev. Mr. Henry Smith, Alberbury V. Co. Salop. Dormington V. Co. Hereford, Barteſtry C. Co. Heref. Huntingdon 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 augmented by the Bounty of Queen A NNE. xvii 200 200. 200 200 200 200 200 2CO 1. 1. Huntington C. Co. Heref. 1718 John Alt and others. 1731 Wormſley C, Co. Heref. Sheapſhead V. Co. Leic. Buttington C. Co. Salop. Edward Browne Eſq; 1732 Richard Miller Eſq; Horbling V. Co. Linc. Ocle Pitchard V. Co. Heref. Sir William. Buck Bart. and Mr. 1733 Orleton V. Co. Heref. James Thompſon. Worlafton R. Co. Heref. Oſbournby V. Co. Linc. 1734 Preſton Wynn C. Co. Heref. Mr. John Hotchkin and his Bro. Cufon R. Co. Heref. ther's Legacy. Titley C. Co. Heref. Woodhall V. Co. Linc. 300 Preſton upon Wye V. Co. Heref. William Whalley Eſq; The Rev. Dr. King out of Mr. Norton near Galby V. Co. Leic. Pierpoint's Eftate. Mrs. Jane Huſſey. Orleton V. Co. Heref. 205 Hunnington V. Co. Leic. 1735 Aylmſtree V. Co. Heref. 1719 Mr. William Walcott and the Mindtown R. Co. Salop. Executors of Mr. James Thomp- Bockleton C. Co. Worc. fon. Aſhford C. Co. Salop. Walcot V. Co. Linc. Boudler C. Co. Salop. 1720 Alexander Denton Eſq; and the Benthal C. Co. Salop. Rev. Mr. Friend. Bitleſdon V. Co. Bucks. Dioceſe of LINCOLN. The Rev. Mr. Archdeacon 1714 Dr. Frederick Slare. Franks and Mr. Win. Frienil. DEEPING St. James V. Co. Linc. 200 AMPTHILL R. Co. Bedf. 1715 Sir Nathan Wright, John Penton Eſq; Owedby V. Co. Leic. PRINCES - RISBOROUGH C. Co. 1716 Mr. Edward Browne. Bucks. Horbling V. Co. Linc. John Stone Eſq; 1717 Fotherby Co. Linc. by Lot.. 200 Ridgmont V. Co. Bedf. Highcomb Chap. by Lot. 1721 The Rev. Mr. Francis Edmunds. St. Peter at Goats in LINCOLN by Fingeſt R. Co. Bucks. Lot. The Rev. Dr. Stanley. St. Nicholas in LEICESTER V. by Golberton V. Co. Linc. Lot. Dowager Lady Thorold. St. Martin's V. in LEICESTER by Cranwell C. Co. Linc. Lot. 200 Sifton C. Co, Linc. St. Michael's R. in Lincoln by Mrs. Mary Welby. Lot. Sapperton R. Co. Linc. Willoughton V. Co. Linc. by Lot.200 1722 Mr. Job Blackwell. Cherry Willingham V. Co. Linc. STAMFORD St. Mary R. Co. Linc, Stickford V. Co. Linc. by Lot. John Hardinge Eſq; Scothorne V. Co. Linc. by Lot Caſtle-Donington V. Co. Leic. 200 Cherſley C. Co. Bucks by Lot. John Shallcroſs Efq; Alvingham C. Co. Linc. by Lot, 200 Bledlow V, Co. Bucks. St. Martin's V. in LEICESTER by Mrs. Urſula Taylor. Lot, 200 Clopham C. Co. Bedf. Lincoln St. Paul's V. in the Bayle Sir Francis Daſhwood Bart. by Lot. 200 Weſt-Wycomb C. Co. Bucks. 20) 200 LC) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 by Lot. 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 b 1722 xviii A Liſt of BenePACTIONS to Livings 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 IOI 200 200 200 1. 1. 1723 The Rev. Dr. Stanley. Francis Lowe Eſq; Kirton V. Co. Linc. Ridgemont V. Co. Bedf. 1724 Mrs. Jane Dymoke. 1729 Robert Weſtern Eſq; his Executors. Afturhy R. Co. Linc. Great Kimble V, Co. Bucks. The Rev. Dr. Godolphin and The Rev. Mr. Francis Edmonds. Edm. Williamſon Efq; Fingeſt R. Co. Bucks. Huſborn Crawley Co. Bedf. WINSLOWE V. Co. Bucks. 1725 Mr. Richard Dawſon and others. Mrs. Hannah Willes her Exe- LINCOLN St. Botolph's V. cutors, Dr. Godolphin and Lady Moyer. Exton V. Co. Rutland. Dorney V. Co. Bucks. Impingham V. Co. Rutland. 200 Mrs. Elizabeth Meux. Mr. Hoppua Blackwell's Executor. Welton C. Co. Lincoln with Lands STAMFORD St. Mary's R. Co. or Tythes of the ful] Value of Linc. The Rev. Dr. Stanley and Wm, Edw. Fellows Eſq; Executors of Carter Efq; Mrs. Anne Tarlton. Redbourn V. Co, Lincoln. Howerby and Beeſby R, Co. Linc.200 Edmund Williamſon Efq; The Executor of the Rev. Dr. Huſborn Crawley Co. Bedf. Edw. Millington. Mrs. Elizabeth Jenyns, Execu- Anderby R. Co. Linc. trix of the Lady Moyer. Cumberworth R. Co. Linc. Lincoln St. Botolph's V. Stow-longa C. Co. Hunt. 1726 Mr. Jobn Nelthorpe. Wiſtow C. Co. Leic. Little Grimſby V. Co. Linc. 1730 Eaſt Randall V. Co. Linc. by Lot. Theodore Randue Eſq; Lincoln St. Swithin's C. by Lot. Datchet V. Co. Bucks. Browne Willis Eſq; Dr. Lewis Aiterbury. FENNY STRATFORD St. Martin's NEWPORT.PAGNEL V. Co. Bucks. 202 Curacy Co. Bucks, whereof 100 l. 1727 The Rev. Mr. Poulton. by Dr. Martin Benſon Lord Bp. of North-Kelſey V. Co, Linc. with Glouceſter, and 100 l. by other Lands to the Value of 400 l. up- Benefactors. on receiving the Governors 2001. 200 Mr. John Pierpoint. Mrs. Hannab Willes. Weft-Wicomb V. Co. Bucks, 600 Sr AMFORD St. Mary's R. Co. 1731 Little Catworth C. Co. Hunt. Lincoln. St. Michael's R. in STAMFORD. Lockington V. Co. Leic. North Merſton C. Co. Bucks, Empingham V. Co. Rutland. Lavenden V. Co. Bucks. Exton V. Co. Rutland. North Myms V. Co. Hertf. 1728 STAMFORD St. Mary R. Co. Linc. Cockerington St. Mary's C.Co, Linc. Quarndon C. Co. Leic. LINCOLN City St. Mark's Great Kimble V, Co. Bucks. 1732 The Lady Moyer's Executrix. Wathe V. Co. Linc, by Lot. Dorney V. Co. Bucks. John Nodes Efq; Sir John Barnard Bart. DONSTABLE R. C. Bedf. Berry C. Co. Hunt. Mrs. Sarab Bowerman, Edward Lord Biſhop of Chiche- Gaudbie R. Co, Leic, ster's Executors. Horfington R. Co, Leic. North Merfton C. Co. Bucks. Wiſpington V. Co. Linc. Sileby V. C. Leic. Bardney V. Co. Linc, Little Catworth C, Co. Hunt. Biddenham 200 202 200 200 200 IOO 200 2011.15 S. 200 200 200 200 200 augmented by the Bounty of Queen ANNE. xix 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 1 200 1. 1. Biddenham V. Co. Bedf. 1717 The Rev. Dr. Francis Aftry. 1733 Edward Lord Biſhop of Chice- Pelham Furneux V. Co. Hertf. 250 ſter's Executors. 1719 The Rt. Rev. the Lord Biſhop of North Merſton C. Co. Bucks. London, The Rt. Hon. the Lord Walling- Cheſterford mag. C Co. Ellex. ford. Totham mag. V. Co. Eſſex. Awthorpe R. Co. Linc. Bentley mag. V. Co. Eflex. Riby V. Co. Linc. North Showbury V. Co. Effex. Wyam R. near Ludburgh cum. COLCHE STER St. Peter's V. Co. Cadeby Co, Linc. Effex. Kilby C. Co. Leiceſter. Dover-Court V. Co. Eflex. 1734 Dr. William Stanley's Executrix. Weſt-Drayton V. Co. Middl. KIRTON Co. Linc. Horndon on the Hill V. Co. Eſſex.200 Sir Samuel Thorold Bart. The Rev. Mr. Francis Powell. Harmfton V.Co. Linc. 3021. 8s. gd. COLCHESTER St.Giles's R.Co.Eſſex.225 Market-ſtreet Chap. Co. Hertf. COLCHESTER St. Martin's R. by Wymeswold C. Co. Leiceſter. Lot. Woolſton mag. R. Co. Bucks. Wykes C. Co. Eflex by Lot. Newport St. John's V. Co. Linc. 1720 Elmſtead V. Co. Eflex. Thedlethorp All SaintsV.Civ. Linc. Crefhall V. Co. Effex. 1735 Market-Street Chap. Co. Hertf. 200 Boxſtead V. Co. Eflex. Meningſby R. Co. Linc. Thomas Smith Eſq; Brockleſby R. Co. Linc. Blackmore V. Co. Eflex, with Elftow V. Co. Bedf. Tythes worth 400 l. upon receiv- Lindford parva C. Co. Bucks. ing the Governors 2001. 1737 ASHBY- DE - L A - Zouch V. Co. Mr. Edward Huſbands. Leiceſter Little Horkſley Co. Eſſex, 200 Tottern hall V. Co. Bedf. Mrs. Anne and Mary Middleton Stanbridge C. Co. Bedf. and John Knight Efq; Boveney C. Co. Bucks. Gosfield V. Co. Elex. 400 Nettleden C. Co. Bucks Edw. Colſton Eſq; and the Rev. St. Leonard's V. LEICESTER. Mr. Abraham Kent. Canwick V. Co. Linc. Amwell V. Co. Hertf. 1739 The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Abingdon. Mrs. Rebecca Dent. Long Crendon C. Co. Bucks. Newport V. Co. Eflex, 1740 The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Abington. 1721 The Rev.Meſſrs. Houblon and Jones. Long Crendon C. Co. Bucks. CHIPPING-ONGAR R. Co Effex. 200 FENNY-STRATFOR)) St. Martin's The Lady Moyer. Curacy, 200 l. whereof 100 l. Pleſhey C. Co. Eflex. is the Gift of the Executors or Sir Robert Raymond. Truſtees of Mr. John Pierpoint, Abbot’s-Langley V. Co. Hertf. and the other 1001. of the Execu 1723 The Rev. Dr. Godolphin. tors of Edw. Collton Efq; particu. Yardley V. Co. Hertf. larly Francis Colſton Efq; John Morley Eſq; and the Rev. Mr. Mofes Cook. Dioceſe of LONDON. Geſtingthorpe V. Co. Ellex. Edw. Collton Eſq; and the Gover- 1711 The Rev. Mr. Le Hunt. nors of St. Bartholomew Hospital. NEW BRENTFORD C. Co. Middl.200 Mayland V. Co. Effex. Edw, 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 .. 200 b 2 XX A Liſt of BeneFACTIONS to Livings 200 200 200 200 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 210 200 200 200 b. Edw.Colſton Efq; and Mr. Robert Dioceſe of NORWICH Carr. 1. Sirethall R. Co. Effex. 200. 1716 John Barker Eſq; and others. 1725 The Rev. Mr. Tbo. Goodwin. Wickham-Market V. Co. Suff. Wyvenhoe R. Co. Effex. 1718 John Barker Eſq; and John Pein- The Lady Holford and others. berton Gent. Norwood C. Co. Middl. Wickham-Market V, Co, Suff. Mr. Abraham Kent. Mr. James Smith, Amwell V. Co. Hertf. Stow-Bedon V. Co Norfolk with The Executors of Edw. Colſton Tythes worth Eſq; The Rev. Mr. Henry Rix Vicar Strethall R. Co. Effex. of Deopham. Mr. Jennyns and the Rev. Mr. Deopham V. Co. Norfolk whereof Keith, 701. was given by the D. and Ch. Norwood C. C Middl. 60 of Canterbury. The Rev. Mr. Newcomen, St. John de Mathermarket in Nor- BRAINTREE V. Co, Effex. WICH, by Lot. 1726 The Rev. Dr. Godolphin and Mr. Felmingham R. Co. Norf. by Lot.200 Charles Wheatley. Pawling V. Co. Norf. by Lot. Pelham-Arſa or Brent Pelham V. Norwich St. Stephen's by Lot. 200 Co. Hertf. Endegate V. by Lot. Wm. Raymond Eſq; and others. St. Simon and St. Jude R. in Nor- Belchamp-Walter V. Co. Hertf. WICH by Lot. with a Houſe, &c. worth 6 l. per 1719 Nathan Symond ſen. Efq; Annum, and 1001. Ormſby V. Co, Norf. John Knight Efq; The Rev. Mr. John Tanner. Gosfield V. Co. Effex. LowestOFT V. Co. Suff. 1728 The Lady Moyer's Executrix. 1721 James Vernon jun. Efq; Pleſhey C. C. Eflex. 300 Hunden V. Co. Suff. The Rev. Mr. William Kemp. 1723 Mr. William Nockells. Belchamp-Walter V. Co. Effex. St. Martin at the Oak C. in Nor- 1729 Mr. Henry Rix's Executrix. Rickling V. Co. Eſſex, Frederick Ti Iney Efq; The Dutcheſs Dowager of Marl- Eaſt Tuddenham V. Co. Norf. 200 borough. Sir Jacob Aſtley Bart. Sandridge V. Co. Hertf. Melton, Conſtable and Burgh parv. Royden V. Co. Eſſex. R. Co. Norf. 200 1730 The Rev. Mr. Stephen Hales and Mrs. Baron and the Neighbour- others. ing Gentry. Feltham V., Co. Middl. Cransford V. Co, Suff. Naſing V. Co. Effex, Mrs, Baron and the Vicar of Ca. 1731 Dr. Francis Aftry. venham, Pelham Furneux V. Co. Hertf. 250 Cavenham V. Co. Suff. 200 The Rev. Mr. Jeremiah Johnſon. Mrs. Baron and Sir John Williams. Ridgwell V. Co. Eflex. Nayland C. Co. Suff. 1734 Norton Mandeville Co, Eflex, Mrs. Baron and the Neighbour- 1737 Britchley V. Co. Effex. ing Gentry. St. Stephen's V. juxta ST. ALBANS, Sibton V., Co, Norf. The 200 210 200 200 200 I00 WICH: 200 202 202 202 200 200 200 200 augmented by the Bounty of Queen A NNE. xxi 202 202 202 202 201 220 1. Horning V. Co. Norf. Norwich St, Saviour's. 7730 Mr. Robert Hamby. IPSWICH St. Mary at Elmes Co.Suff.200 1731 Matlaſke R. Co. Norf. Aſhmundham Co. Norf. 1732 John Browne Eſq; Barford R. Mediety Co. Norf. Eaton V. Co. Norf. 1733 The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Thanet's Executors. Eaton V, Co, Norf. and Southwell V. Co. Nott. 407 The Rev. Mr. Robert Cory. NORWICH St. Edmund's R. 100 NORWICH St. Mary's C. 1737 MENDHAM V. Co. Suff. Hoo C. Co. Suff. Norwich St. Mary in the Marſh R. 202 200 200 101 200 Dioceſe of OXFORD, Co. OXFORD, 1. The Rev. Dr. Godolphin, Creeting St. Mary Co. Suff. 200 Sir Thomas Hanmer Bart. Affington V. Co. Suff. 202 Cavenham V. Co. Norf, Cranford V, Co. Suff. Sibton V. Co. Suff. Nayland C. Co. Suff. Pelham C. Co. Suff. WOODBRIDGE C, Co, Suff. 1724 Sir William Woodhouſe Bart. Kimberley V. Co. Norf. Dr. Godolphin and the Rev. Mr. Hill. Chatſham V. Co. Suff. Henry Champion Eſq; THETFORD St. Mary's Co. Suff. 204 1725 Mr. Richard Hill. Chatſham V. Co. Suff. Sir John Woodhouſe Bart. Carlton Forhoe R. Co. Norf. The Rev. Mr. James Campion. Carieton-Fowerhow R. Co. Norf. 200 1726 The Rev. Mr. Cater, Ellingham parva R. Co. Norf, The Rev. Mr. Barnes. Higham V. Co. Suff. Henry Campion. Efq; THETFORD St. Peter's R. Co.Norf.200 THETFORD St. Mary'sC. Co. Suff.200 NORWICH St. Edmund's R. Rendham Co. Suff. Sapiſton C. Co. Suff. 1727 Henry Campion Eſq; THETFORD St. Peter's R. Co. Norf.204 The Rev. Mr. Adam Barnes. Higham V. Co. Suff. Mrs. Mary Nockles. St. Mary at Oak C. in Norwich. 200 1728 The Rev. Mr. John Fairclough. Colton R. Co. Norf. 1729 The Rev. Mr. Philip Carter. Tunſtall R. Co. Suff. 130 The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Roche ford. Eaſton R. Co. Suff. IPSWICH St. Mary at Elmes Co.Suff, Elketfal St. Laurence C. Co. Suff. Caſbrook V. Co. Norf. 200 200 200 200 200 200 1719 Edv. Colſton Eſq; the Rev. Mr. John Goole and Th. Edwards Efq; Eynſham V. Edward Colſton and Thomas Ed- wards Eſqs; Bradwell V. 1721 The Rev. Dr. Henry Godolphin. Bloxham V. 205 Cottisford R. 1723 Mrs. Baron, Spellbury V. 1724 The Lady Holford and the Lord Harcourt. Stanton-Harcourt V. 1725 William Bromley Eſq; Spelſbury V. The Rev. Dr. Godolphin and the Rev.Mr. James Harriſon. Minſter-Lovell, The Warden and Scholars of Merton College. Ipíton R. 1727 The Rt.Hon. Thomas Ld. Parker. Sherborn V. 1732 Mr. John Tracey. Kirtlington V. 200 210 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Dr. xxii A Liſt of Ben e FACTIONS to Livings 220 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 202 1. be Dr. King out of Mr. John Pier- The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Rock- point's Eftate. ingham. Sherborn V. ROCKINGHAM R, Co. North. Barford St. Michael's R. The Hon. Tho.Wentworth Eſq; 1733 Sir Edward Turner. Irtlingborough All Saints R. Co. Ambrofden C. Northampton. Oxford City St. Ebbs R. Woolafton V. Co. North. Mrs. Johanna Alford. Dioceſe of PETERBOROUGH. Potterſpurie V. Co. North. 204 1715 John Robinſon Eſq; 1724 Dr. Godolphin and Mr. Alban Bull. Cranſley V.Co. North, with Tythes Chacombe V. Co. North. to the Value of 1725 Mr. Thomas Marſhall. 1718 The Hon. Tho. Wentworth Eſq; PETERBOROUGH St. John Baptiſt Irtlingborough St. Peter's V. Co. V. Co. North. Northampton. Thomas Wentworth Eſq; 1719 The Rev. Dr. Seunderfon. Harrowden parva C. Co. North. 200 Addington parva V.Co. North, with Dr. Edward Butler. Tythes to the Value of Evenley V. Co. North. The Hon. Tho. Wentworth Eſq; The Lord Biſhop of Landaff. and Tho. Wentworth jun. Efq; Badby cum Newnham V.Co.North.200 Harrowden mag. V. Co. North, 200 1726 Sir Juſtinian Iſhem Bart. 1720 The Hon. Tbo. Wentworth Efq; Brixworth V, Co. North. and Mr. William Trigg. 1727 Mr. Alban Bull. Irtlingborough St. Peter's V. Co. Chaucomb V. Co. North. Northampton. 1728 Deſborough V. Naſeby R. Co. North. by Lot. 1729 The Rev. Mr.William Knowler. Mrs. Anne and Mary Millington Irtlingborough All Saints R. Co. and the Rev. Dr. Friend. Northampton. Raunds V. Co. North. 1730 Radſton C. Co. North. by Lot. The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Rock 1735 The Rev. Mr. Chriſt. Bainbrig. ingham and Edw. Colſton Efq; Warmington V. Co. North.8 5l. 125.gd. KETTERING R. Co. North. John Roſe Eſq; 1721 The Rev. Mr. Cod. Hopkins. Cotherſtock V, Co. North, 1201, 18 s. Woodford V. Co. North. Bozeat V. Co. Northamp. The Rt. Rev. the Lord Biſhop of Peterborough. Dioceſe of ROCHESTER, Co. KENT. Woodford V. Co. North. Eye C. Co. North. 200 1716 The Rev. Mr. Thomas Kelſon. 1729 Pighteſley V. Co. North. Wouldham R. being the Contribu- Mrs Johanna Alford. tions of ſeveral People. Potterſpurie V. Co. North. 1723 Dr. Thomas Newey. Edw. Colſton Efq; and Mr. Tho. Otteford C. Wood. 1724 The Dean and Chapter of Weft- Pighteſley V. Co. North. minſter. The Rev. Dr. Sanderſon. Otteford C. Addington farva V.Co. North. with 1732 The Rev. Mr. Barrell. Tythes to the Value of Wateringbury V. 100 l. 17 5. 6 d. 1723 The Rev. Dr. Thomas Newey. The Rev. Mr. Henry Burville. Badby cum Newenham V. Co. Nor,200 Weft-Peckham V. 100 l. 17 s. 6 d. 3 Horton 100 200 200 202 200 200 200 200 200 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 augmented by the Bounty of Queen ANNE. xxiii ! 202 100 100 200 I0O 200 200 200 200 200 dock Eſq; 200 200 l. 1. Horton-Kirkby V. John Smith Eſq; and John Bitborough R. Rawlins Efq; 1733 Mr. George May. Titcomb C. Co. Wilts. Pemberry V. 100 l. 175. 6d. 1724 The Dean and Chapter of Salis- 1734 Dr. Henchman. bury. Lullingſton R. Bremſhaw V. Co. Wilts. 500 Sir Gregory Page. 1725 Theodore Randue Eſq; Eltham V. NEW-WINDSOR V. Co. Berks. 1735 The Rev. Mr. Charles Chambers. 1726 The Dean and Chapter of Briſtol DARTFORD V. and others. Marden V. Co. Wilts. Dioceſe of SALISBURY. Theodore Randue Eſq; 1719 Edward Collton Efq; and the Dean Winfield V. Co. Berks. and Chapter of Sarum. 1727 Edward Collton Efq; and the Rev. Sutton-Benger V. Co. Wilts. Mr. Lake. Edward Colſton and Henry Hoare CHIPPENHAM V, Co. Wilts. Elas; Dr. Godolphin and Philip Pon- Coxwell-magna V. Co. Berks Dr. Godolphin, Dean of St. Paul's. Old Windſor V. Co, Berks. Hullavington V. Co. Wilts. 1728 Foxley R. Co. Wilts. 1720 Edward Colſton Eſq; and the Pro 17.29 North Morton V. Co. Berks. voft and Scholars of King's- The Rev. Dr. Palmer. College, Cambridge. Sunninghill V. Co. Berks. Burr-Chalk C. Co. Wilts. 1730 Mrs. Dionyſia Long. Edward Colfton Eſq; and Jahn Whaddon R. Co. Wilts. Whitfield Efq; AMBROSBURY R. Co. Wilts. MAIDENHEAD C. Co. Berks. Mynty V. Co. Wilts. Mr. Robert Cooper. 1732 The Rev. Mr. Arch-Deacon SALISBURY St. Edmund's R. Co. Benſon. Wilts North-Moreton V, Co Berks, The Rev. Dr. Wbitby. 1733 MARLBOROUGH St. Mary's V. WESTBURY V. Co. Wilts. Co. Wilts. Dr. Godolphin. 1734 Mrs. Anne Millington. Hullavington V. Co. Wilts. Buckland V. Co. Berks. · Edward Colſton Eſq; and the Rev. Mr. David Collier. Dioceſe of WINCHESTER. Coxwell-magna V. Co. Berks. 200 1716 Chriſtopher Appleby Eſq; and others, Dr. Humphrey Henchman. Kew-Green Chapel, Co. Surrey, ' 200 WESTBURY V. Co. Wilts. 1717 The Revd. Mr. Joſeph Wood. 1721 John Whitfield Efq; WHITCHURHV. Co. Hauts. 400 MAIDENHEAD C. Co. Berks. 140 1718 The Rev. Dr. Godolphin. 1722 Mr. Francis Wroughton. Ellingham V. Co. Hants. Wilcot V. Co. Wilts, 300 1720 Edward Collton Eſq; and the Rev. 1723 Edw. Colfton Eſq; and Mr. Pance- Mr. 7. Price. foot Miller. WINCHESTER St. Laurence R. 200 Calſton R. Co. Wilts. Mrs. Elizabeth Gordiner. The Rev. Dr. Godolphin. Froyle V. Co. Hanis. Stratfield-Mortimer V. Co. Berks 200 - Frederick 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 200 1 200 200 200 xxiv A Liſt of Be NEFACTIONS to Livings 1 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 i. 2. Frederick Tilney Eſq; The Dean and Chapter of Win- Hartley-Wintney R. Co. Hants. 200 cheſter. The Dean and Chapter of Win- SOUTHAMPTON All Saints R. 300 cheſter out of the Settlement 1726 Weſt-Moulſey C. Co. Surrey. made A. D. 1725. by Joſeph 1728 The Dean and Chapter of Win- Percival deceas'd. cheſter. SOUTHAMPTON All Saints R. 300 St. Bartholomew in the Soke in The Rev. Mr. John Price. WINCHESTER. 300 Wincheſter St. Laurence R. 1729 The Rev. Dr. Palmer. 1721 Mr. William Knight and John Sunninghill V. Co. Berks. Stone Eſq; Edward Fellows Eſq; Executor Froyle V. Co. Hants. 204 to Mrs. Anne Tarlton. Dr. Henry Godolphin. Thorpe R. Co. Surrey St. Helen's C. in the Iſle of Wight. 200 Bechworth R, Co. Surrey. 1723 Sir John Evelyn Bart. and Richard WINCHESTER St. Swithins als Miller Eſq. Kingſgate R. Okewood C, Co. Surrey 1731 Sherborn St. James V. Co. Hants. The Rev. Dr. Newey. 1732 Mr. Ezekiah Lyon. Littleton C. Co. Hants. Sherborn V. Co. Hants. Sir William Perkins Kt. and Hen. The Dean and Chapter of Win- Holmes Eſq; chefter. YARMOUTH R. in the Iſle of Hants C. 300 Wight. The Rev. Dr. King out of the Sir William Perkins Kt. Eſtate of Mr. John Pierpoint. BASINGSTOKE V. Co. Hants. WHITCHURCH V. Co. Hants. Walton upon Thames V. Co. Sur- Sir John Evelyn Bart. rey Okewood C. Co. Surrey. 300 Cobham V. Co. Surrey The Rev. Dr. Monkton. St. Michael in Stoke R. Co. Linc. 200 GoSport C. Co. Hants. 2011. 15 s. Edward Hooker Eſq; Littleton C. Co. Southampton. Littleton C. Co. Hants. 1734 Boldre V. Co. Southampton. John Eston Eſq; Mitcham V. Co. Surrey. YARMOUTH R. in the Iſle of 1735 Mr. Charles Dubois. Wight. Mitcham V. Co. Surrey 1724 The Lady Holford and Chriſtopher Appleby Eſq; Dioceſe of WORCESTER. Kew-GreenSt. Anne's C.Co.Surrey.200 1715 Dr. Frederick Slare. The Rev. Mr. John Miller. Feckenham V. Co. Worceſter, out Effingham V. Co. Surrey, of the Eſtate of John Neal Efq; 200 1725 Sir William Perkins. 1716 The Rev. Mr. Chancellor Lloyd, St. Michael in Soke R. Co. Linc. and the Rev. Mr. Arch-Dea- Cobham V. Co. Surrey con Worth, Walton upon Thames V. Co. Sur. Oldbury Chapel Co. Wilts. rey 1720 The Rev. Mr. John Webb: BASINGSTOKE V. Co. Hants. Malvern V. Co. Worceſter. 1725 The Executors of Mr. John Mil 1721 Yobn Rudge Efq; ler. EVESHAM All-Saints V. Co. Wor- Effingham V. Co. Surrey, ceſter. 200 1723 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 augmented by the Bounty of Queen A NNE. XXV 200 200 200 200 200 1 200 200 200 IOI 200 200 200 1. 1. 1723 The Provoſt and School of Queen's- Pannel V. Co. York with Lands College, Oxford. worth 323 Newbold-Pacey V. Co. Warw. Robert Heyſham Eſq; Thomas Savage Eſq; Overton C. Co. York. Elmeſley-Caſtle V. Co. Worc. 1717 Sir John Armytage Bart. 1724 Mrs. Frances Watſon and others. Heartiſhead and Clifton Chapels Bengeworth C. Co. Worc. Co. York. Jon Rudge Eſq; George Lawſon Eſq; EVESHAM All-Saints V. Co. Worc. 200 Eaſt Harſley C. Co. York, with The Rev. Dr. Sherlock..; Lands worth 300 Billeſley R. Co. Warw. John Walker Efq; and others. 1725 Billeſley R. Co. Warw. Hedingley C. Co. York, with a Dr. Godolphin and the Rev. Dr. Tenement and Lands worth 400 Hare. John Heath Eſq; and others. WORCESTER St. Swithin's R. Horbury Chap. Co. York, with a Mr. John Allafon. Rent-Charge of 15l. per Annum WORCESTER St. Helen's R. worth 300 1726 Henry Neale Efq; Sir Walter Calverly and others. Feckenham C. Co. Worc. Idle C. Co. York, with 40 Acres Wootton-Wawyn V. Co. Warw. of Land worth Studley V. Co. Warw. 1718 Sir Arthur Kaye Bart. and Wm. 1728 Newland C. Co. Worc. Walker Eſq; Newbold-Pacey V. Co. Warw. Slaighthwaite C. Co. York Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Trotter. Hatton C. Co. Warw. 2 Co. York 1729 Hampton C. Co. Worc. Bretton V. S 1731 The Provoſt and Fellows of Eton- Mr. Thomas Walſhaw and others. College. Offet C. Co. York. Long Compton V. Co. Warw. 200 Mr. John Wilkinſon and others. WORCESTER St. Andrew's R. Illingworth C. Co. York. 1732 Mr. William Reading. The Hon. Tho. Wentworth Eſq; Eckington V. Co. Worc. 100l, 175, 6d. Wentw.orth C. Co. York. 1733 WORCESTER St. Albans R. Swinton near Wath C. Co. York, 200 1735 William Norcliffe Efq; Tinſley V. Co. York. Loxley V. Co. Warw. 2011. 10 s. Sir William Wentworth Bart. WORCESTER All-Saints R.by Lot.200 Cawthorn C. Co. , York Butler's Marſton V. Co. Warw. Mr. Henry Wood and others. 1737 Charleton V. Co. Worc. Barnſley C. Co. York, with Lands Waſperton V. Co. Worc. worth 300 Biſhopfton Chap. Co. Warw. Mr. George Woodhead. Deanhead C. Co. York, with Lands Dioceſe of YORK worth 240 1715 The Hon. Lady Eliz. Haſtings. His Grace William Lord Arch- Collingham V. Co. York, with biſhop of York. Tythes to the Value of 400 Skipſey V. Co. York, His Grace William Archbiſhop His Grace William Lord Arch. of York. biſhop of York and the. Rev. Halam C. Co, Nott. Mr. John Gibſon. 1716Wm. MaunbyandobnWeſtcote Gent. Folkton V. Co. York, 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 C Sir xxvi A Liſt of BeneFACTIONS 80 Living's > i. 200 200 Co.North, 200 100 200 200 200 400 200 200 1. Sir Thomas Parkyns Bart. The Hon. Tho. Wentworth Eſq; Bunny V. Co. Nott. Swinton C. Co. York. 1719 Sir John Armyt age Bart. and Ri. Tinſley C. Co. York. chard Beaumont Eſq; Wentworth C.Co.Yo. Mairfield V. Co. York. Irtlingborough 12161. 135.4d. The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Bur. St. Peter's V.16 lington and the Rt. Hon. the Woolafton V. Lord Carleton. Harrowden v.) Carleton in Craven C. Co, York. 200 HisGrace theLd. Archbp.of York. Charles Cecil Efq; and others. Skipſea V. Co. York. Well V. Co. York, with Lands Folkton V. Co. York. worth 18 l. 15 s. per Ann. 1720 Sir John Armytage Bart. and John The Rev. Mr. Hof. Cookſon and Bedford Eſq; others. Raſtrick Chap. C. Co. York. Hunſlet Chap. C. Co. York, with The Rev. Mr. Thomas Burton, Lands worth Thomas Holdſworth, and John Mr. John Dodgſon and others. Smitb Gent. Allerton Chap. C. Co. York, with St. Anne's in Grove C. Co. York, 200 Lands worth Sir William Fowlis Bart. Elkanah Horion Eſq; Ingleby Greenhow V.Co. York. Sowerby Chap. C. Co. York, with Mr. William Moore and others. Lands worth 401. per Ann, and Campſal V, Co. York, with Lands upwards, upon receiving the Go- worth vernors 200 l. Richard Richardſon and William The Rt. Rev. the Lord Biſhop Brookes Efqs; of London, Wibſey Chap. C. Co. York. Cleaſby with a Freehold The Rev. Mr. Rofe. Eftate worth 600 Sedbergh C. Co. York. Timothy Mauleverer Eſq; and the The Rev. Mr. Steer and others. Rev. Mr. John Mercer. Bradfield Chap. C. Co. York. High-Worſell C. Co. York. 200 The Rt. Hon, the Earl of Thanet. The Rev. Mr. Midgley. Skipton V. Co. York. Hufthwait C. Co. York. Kildwick V. Co. York. Gervaſe Neville Efq; and others. The Hon. Tho. Wentworth Efq; Helbeik Chap. C. Co. York, with and others. Land worth Darfield V. Co. York, with Lands Mr. Joſeph Taylor and others. worth 60 1. and 40 1. in Money. 200 Sowerby Bridge C. Co. York. The Hon. Tho. Wentworth Eſq; Sir George Tempeſt Bart. Hooton-Roberts R. Co. York. Tong C. Co. York. 250 Sir William Wentworth Bart. The Rt. Hon, the Earl of Thanet. Darton V. Co. York, with Lands Silldon Chap. C. Co. York. worth Edw. Thompſon Efq; and others. The Dean and Chapter of Win- Baildon Chap. C. in Otley Co.York.200 cheſter. Leonard Thompſon Efq; Greyſley V. Co. Nott. out of the Sheriff-Hutton V. Co. York, Settlement made A. D. 1725. by Robert Heyſham Eſq; Mr. Joſeph Percival deceaſed. 300 Skelton cum Brotton Co. York, 200 Sir George Tempeſt Bart. Tong C. Čo. York, The 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 augmented by the Bounty of Queen ANNE. xxvii 2 200 200 200 200 Co. York, by Lot. 200 200 200 200 1. h. The Rt. Hon, the Earl af Thanet. Meſſrs. Sutton and Clough. Silſden C. Co. York. 200 Sand-Hutton C. Co. York, with The Rev. Mr. Robert Midgeley. Lands worth 200 Huſthwaite C, Co. York. Mr. Joſhua Swallow and Mr. Holme V. John Hurt, Kildwick V. 200 Greafeborough C. Co, York with Ergham R. Lands worth iol. per Ann, and Bolton V. 200 201, in Money. Kirbourn V. 200 Edw. Thompſon Eſq; and others. Warthill V. 200 Baildon Chapel C. in Otley Co. North Dalton, 200 York, Helaugh V. 200 William Wentworth Efq; St. Margaret Walmſgate V. Woolley C. Co. York, with Lands Southwell V. worth Greaſbrook C. 200 The Rev. Mr. Montague Wood. Leonard Thompſon Eſq; Woodborow C. Co. Nott. 200 Sherriff Hutton Co. York 205 The Hon. Tho. Wentworth Eſq; The Rt. Hon, the Earl of Bur- Dore C. Co. Derby. lington. Irtlingborough St. Peter's Carleton V. Co. York: 200 V. Co. North. 750l. 15.4d. 1721 Mr. William Barraclough jun. and Hooton Roberts R.Co.Yo. and others. Darfield V. Co. York, Wormerly V. Co. York, with William Abdy Eſq; Lands worth 200 Bolderſtone C. Co. York, The Rt. Hon, the Lord Bruce, 1722 The Rt. Hon, the Lord Caſtleton. and others. Aughton V. Co. York, with 5 l. Bolſterſtone C. Co. York. 200 Yearly paid out of the Tythes Meſſrs. Copley and Hodgſon. and 51. Yearly in Money. Eaſt Ardſley C. Co. York, with Thomas Edmunds Eſq; and others. Land worth 200 Worſborough C. Co. York, with Weſt Ardſley C. Co. York, with Lands worth Land worth 200 Meſſrs. Frere and Beau. The Rt. Hon. the Lady Eliz. Wentworth C. Co. York, with Haſtings. 18 Acres of Land worth 1401. Ledſham V. Co. York, with Tythes and 60 l. in Money, worth 400 l. upon receiving the Mrs. Trotter. Governors 200 l. 400 Skelton V. Co. York. John Heath Efq; and others. Bretton V. Horbury Chap. C. Co. York, with The Rev. Mr. Robert Turie and a Yearly Rent-Charge of 15 1. per others. Ann, worth. 200 Stainton V. Co. York. Sir Arthur Kaye Bart, and others. 1723 Mrs. Baron. Alkham B. V. Co. York, with Thormanby R. Co. York. Lands worth 200 l. and upwards, 200 Meſſrs. Billam, Rogers, and the Mr. Robert Parker. Rev. Mr. Robert Turie. Whitewell Chap. C. Co. York, Wales C. with Land worth 100%. Lands worth 400 and in Money 100 l. John Midgley Eſq; and others. The Rev. Mr. Michael Bridges. Beverley St. John's C. Co. York, 200 Hutton upon Darwent C. Co. York.200 C 2 The 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 xxviii A Liſt of BeneFACTIONs to Livings 210 200 200 200 200 200 1 200 200 200 200 1. The Rt. Hon. the Lady Eliz. Haſtings and others. Beeſton C. Co. York. Mrs. Frances Beaumont, and others. Pontefract V. Co. York. Thomas Wentworth Efq; Wentworth C. Co. York. 60 Sir Thomas Haniner Bart. Thormanby R. Co. York. 1724 John Aifabie Efq; Aldfield C. Co. York. The Rt. Hon, the Lady Eliz. Haſtings. Harwood V. Co. York, with Tythes worth above 200 Mrs. Mary Horton and others, Rippondon C. Co. York: Mr. John Lancaſter and others. Ealand C. Co. York. 1725 Meſſrs Ingram and Atkinſon. Knottingley C. Co. York, The Rev. Mr.James Stubbs, and a Lady who deſires to be un- known. Kirkby Ravenſworth C. Co. York.200 1726 The Rt. Hon, the Lady Elizaberb Haſtings. Ferry. Freyſton V. Co. York, with Land worth Mr. Joſhua Kaye and others. Holmfrith C. Co. York. William Garforth Eſq; St. Martin cum Gregory in Mickle- 200 200 200 200 1. Sir William Wentworth Bart. High-Hoyland firſt Med. R. Co. York. 1728 Shelbrook C. Co. York, by Lot. 200 Seamar C. Co. York, by Lot. Hexham. Armin Great Co, York. 1729 The Archbiſhop of York. Biſhops-Thorp V. Co. York, The Rev. Mr. Stubbs. Kirby-Ravenſworth V. Co. York, 100 The Rt. Hon. the Ld. Malton. Malton C. Co. York. Offet C. Co. York. Honley C. Co. York, Armley C. Co. York. Dewſbury V. Co. York. 1730 Gathelmeſley V. Co. York, by Lot. Sir William Wentworth Bart. High-Hoyland R. one Mediety. 200 York City St. Saviour's R. Thorp-Arch V. Co. York. TADCASTER V. Co. York. Bingley V. Co. York. Fetherſtone V. Co. York. Bramley C. Co. York. Greaſbrooke C. Co. York. Malton C. Co. York. Swinton C. Co. York. 1731 The Archbiſhop of York. Biſhops-Thorp. V. Co. York. The Rev. Mr. Michael Bridges. Huttons-ambo C. Co. York. North Collington V. Co. Co. Nott. Barnby upon Dunn V. Co. York, Denhead C. Co. York. Flockton C. Co. York. Heddingley C. Co. York. Sandal Great V, Co. York. Kneton V, Co, Nott. by Lot. Langford C. Co. Nott. by Lot. Attercliff C. Co. York, by Lot. Barnoldſwick C. Co. York, by Lot 200 Marton in the Moor C. Co. York 200 200 200 gate R. 200 200 200 200 200 200 John Vickars and Tho. Dalby Gent. Barleby C. Co. York, Charles Wilkinſon Eſq; and others. Kirkby upon the Moor V. Co. York, with Lands worth Carlton C. in Hutton-Rudby Co. York by Lot. 1727 The Rev. Mr. Drake. Hatfield C. Co. York, with Land worth 140 l. and 60 l. in Money.200 Mr. Henry Robinſon. Horbury C. Co York. 200 The Hon Sir Robert Sutton, Gryeſley V. Co. Nott. with a Rent- Charge of 10 l. per Ann, 200 1 200 by Lot. .200 1732 John Lloyd Eſq; his Executor. North Collingham V.Co.Nott.2031.105. 200 The augmented by the Bounty of Queen A NNE. xxix 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 200 1. 1. The Archbiſhop of York. 1718 The Rev. Mr. Jobn Toinlinfon. Kilborn V. Co. York. Wigton C. Co. Cumb. Ellerton C. Co. York. 1719 The Rev. Dr. Gibſon. Cleck heaton C. Co. York. Brampton V. Co. Weftmeri. Thorner V, Co. York. 1720 The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Thanet. Bardſey V. Co. York. Mallerſtrang C. Co. Weſtmer). Kilburn C. Co, York.. Stainmore C. Co. Weſtmerl. Hornby V. Co. York. The Rev. Mr. Pindar. Giggleſwick V. Co. York. Muſgrave R. Co. Weſtmerl. Southwell V. Co. Nott. Bampton V, Co. Weſtmerland by Luddenham C. Co. York, by Lot. 200 Lot. Ingleby Arncliff,C.Co.York,by Lot.200 1723. The Ld. Bp. of Cheſter and James 1733 The Lady Eliz. Haſtings Grahme Eſq; Thorner V, Co. York. Stavely C. Co. Weſtmerl. Hexham St. Oſwald by Lot, 200 1725 Tbomas Fetherſtonhaugh Efq; Blyth V. Co. Nott. KIRK-OSWALD V. Co. Crimb. Pudſey C. Co. York. 1726 James Grahme Eſq; 1734 Speton C. Co. York, by Lot. Underbarrow C. Co. Weftmerl. Shelbrooke C. Co. York. 1729. Brough under Stanmore C. Co. Chapel Allerton C. Co. York. Weſtmorland. Stillingfleet V. Co. York, 1731 The Rev. Mr. Wm. Reading. Tuxford V. Co. Nott. CARLISL E St. Mary's C. Rampton V. Co. Nott. Croſby Garret R. Co. Weſtmerl. Biſhops-Cropwell R. Co. Nott. 1737. CARLISLE St. Cuthbert's C. by 1735 The Rev. Mr. Nicholas Howlett. Lot. Rampton V. Co. Nott. Shapp C. Co. Weſtmer). by Lot. 2003 The Rev. Mr. Samuel Bardmore, Biſhops-Cropwell V. Co. Nott. Dioceſe of CHESTER. Sir Rowland Wynne Bart. Garſdale C. Co. York. 2031. 55. 1713 Tho. Puleſton Eſq; Eſkdaleſide C. Co. York, by Lot. 200 Shocklach V. Co. Cheſter, with Newton C. Co. York, by Lot. Tythes worth 20 l. per ann. upon Owthorp C. Co, Nott. by Lot, receiving the Governours 200 1. Chapel-Thorpe C. Co. York. and 100 l, from Sir Thomas Han- EAST RETFORD V. Co, Nott. mer Bart, 1737 York City St. Trinity R. by Lot.200 1714 Mr. Thomas Browne and others. Leconfield V. Co. York, by Lot Dean V. Co. Cheſter, with a Mer- Littlebrough C. Co. Nott.. by Lot.200 fuage and Lands worth 4201. and Barnſley C. Co. York: 107 1. in Money. 527 Farnley C. Co. York. His Grace the Lord Arch- Saxton C. Co. York. Biſhop of York. Kippax V. Co. York, Over V. Co. Cheſter.“ Mansfield Woodhouſe V. Co. Nott. 1716 Sir Edward Chiſnal Kt. Copul C. Co. Lancaſter. Dioceſe of CARLISLE. William Clayton Efq; 1717 Mr. John Dickſon and others. St. Helen's Chapel Co. Lancaſter. 200 Thwaites C. Co. Cumb. Mr. Edmund Townley. The Rev. Dr. Gaſkarth. BURNELEY C. Co. Lancaſter, St. John's Chap. C. Co. Cumb. 200 with 200 l. and 12 l. per ann The 200 200 200: 200 200 200: 200 200 200 200 200 XXX A Liſt of BeneFACTIONS to Living's 351. 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 1. 2. The Rt. Rev. the Lord Biſhop Thomas Heſketb Efq; of London. Longton Chap. Co. with Cleaſby R. Co. York, with a Free- Land worth 250 hold Éſtate of 351. per ann. Mrs. Henrietta Maria Legb. per ann. Tarlton C. Co. Lancaſter, with 1717 Robert Parker Efq; Lands worth 460 l. upon re- Whitewell Chap. Co. York. 400 ceiving the Governour's 200 l. 460 The Rev. Mr. Sannuel Peploe. Mr. William Taylor. Preſton New Chapel Co. Lancaſt. 200 ORMESKIRK V. Co. Lancaſter. 200 Mr. William Molle and others. Rev. Mr. Withers, Garſton Chapel Co. Lancaſter. 300 Tunſtall V, Co. Lancaſter. Edward Norris Efq; Mr. William Wortbington and Garſton Chap. in Childwall Pariſh others. Co. Lancaſter. 300 Weſt-Houghton Chap. with Land John Graves Gent. worth Newton C. Co. Lancaſter. 300 His Grace the Arch-Biſhop John Harriſon Gent. of York. Stratford C. Co. Lancaſter. 230 Wittenhall C. Co. Cheſter. Robert Heyſham Efq; Sir John Cheſbyre Kt. Overton C. Co. Lancaſter. Halton C. Co. Cheſter, The Rev. Mr. William Buſel. 1720 Sir William Stanley and Mr. Tho- White-Chapel Gooſnargh C. Co. mas Brooke. Lancaſter. Chelford Chap. Co. Cheſter. Mr. John Dickſon and others. The Rev. Dr. Stanley. Thwaites C, Co. Cumb. CONGLETON C. Co. Cheſter. 200 Simon Cheatham Efq; Mr. John Starkey. Turton C. Co. Lancaſter, in Mo- Whitewell Chap. Co. Lancaſter, ney and Lands. 288 1. 9 s. 9 d. Todmerden C. Co. Lancaſter. 1718 Mr. John Knipe and others, The Rev. Mr. Roſe. Crofthwaite C. Co. Weſtmerl. 230 Sedbergh V. Co. York. 200 The Rev. Mr. William Aſhton. CARTMEAL C. Co. Lancaſter, Shaw C. Co, Lancaſter. Sir John Cheſhyre Bart. Staveley C. in Cartmeal Co. Lan- Halton C. Co. Cheſter. caſter, by Lot. 1719 Mr. Edmund Eccles and others. Wardale-Head C. Co. Cumb. by Upper-Darwen C. Co. Lancaſter. 220 Lot. Edward Downes Efq; Winſter C. Co. Weſtmerl. by Lot. 200 Downes alias Pot Chap. in Shrig- Yeaforth C. Co. York, by Lot. Muker C. Co. by Lot. 200 The Rev. Mr. William Aſhton. Thomas Banks Efq; Ringley Chap. Co. Lancaſter. Billinge C. Co. Lancaſter, by Lot. 200 Mr. William Bamford and Mr. 1721 The Rev. Mr. William Buſhel. 7. Starkey. White-Chapel Gooſenargh C. Co. Haywood C. Co. Lancaſter. 200 Lancaſter. Mr. John Broomhall and Mr. The Rt. Rev. the Lord Bi- Abraham Randal Wilbraham. ſhop of Cheſter. NAMPTWICH R. Co. Cheſter, Mottram V. Co. Cheſter. Mr. Geo. Hargrave and others. Mr. William Moſſe and others. HASLINGDON Chap. Co. Lanc. 200 Middlewich V. Co. Cheſter. 1722 200 200 200 200 200 by Lot. 200 : 200 200 200 200 ley Co. 200 200 200 200 200 200 augmented by the Bounty of Queen ANNE. xxxi 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 merland. $400 200 200 1. l. 1722 Edw. Colſton Eſq; and Mr. James with Lands or Tythes worth 30 1. Trench. per ann, upon receiving the Go- Bethom V. Co. Weftmerl. vernours 200 l. John Crew Eſq; Mr. Richard Vernon. Ringeway R. Co. Cheſter, Church-Holme Chapel. Nathaniel Curſon Efq; The Lord Biſhop of Cheſter Altham C. Co. Lancaſter. and James Grahme Eſq; Church-Kirk C. Co. Lancaſter. Staveley C. Co. Weſtmerland, Downham C. Co. Lancaſter. James Grahme Eſq; New-Church in Pendle C. Co. Burnſide C. Co, Weft-2 Lancaſter. 200 Selfide C. CLITHEROW C. Co. Lancaſter. merland. S Preſton-Patrick C. 200 James Vernon Jun. Eſq; Sir Thomas Hanmer Bart. Wilton C. Co. Cheſter. 200 Harthill C. Co. Cheſter. John Ward Eſq; 1724 Charles Cholmondley Eſq; Capeſthorne C. Co. Cheſter, Ince Chap. Co. Cheſter. Sir John Morfon. Dr. Godolphin and Mr. Will. Burnſide C. Gaulter. Selfide C. Co. Weſt-2 Copp Chapel Co. Lancaſter. Preſton-Patrick C. Dr. Godolphin and Sir Thomas Grayrigg C. Lowther Bart. Richard Atherton Eſq; Flockburgh C. Co, Lancaſter. Sankey C. Co. Lancaſter. Sir Geo. Hougs tonBart, andothers. Atherton-Choubent C. Co. Lanc. 200 Preſton New Chap. Co. Lancaſt. 200 Richard Atherton Efq; The Rev. Mr. Samuel Peploe Aſtley C. Co. Lancaſter, and others. 1723 Mrs. Baron. Warton C. Co. Lancaſter. Tarleton C. Co. Lancaſter. Mr. Richard Robinſon and Mr. Capefthorne C. Co. Cheſter. Cle. Taylor. Sidington C. Co. Cheſter, Finfthwait C. Co, Lancaſter. Mrs. Baron and others. Nathaniel Curſon Eſq; Wincle C. Co. Cheſter, Altham C. Co. Lancaſter. Gooſtrey C. Co. Cheſter. Church-Kirk C. Co. Lancaſter. The Lord Biſhop of Cheſter. CLITHE ROW C. Ca. Lancaſter. Horwich C. Co. Lancaſter. Downham C. Co. Lancaſter, 00 . New.Church C. in Pendle, Co. Montagu Gerard Drake Eſq; Lancaſter. Harthill C. Co. Cheſter. 200 John Ward Eſq; Mrs. Baron and Th. Mather Eſq; Sarlton C. Co. Cheſter. CHEST ER St. Olave's C. Goodſtrey C. Co. Cheſter. 500 Mrs.Baron and J. Davenport Eſq; Woodhead C. Co. Cheſter, CHESTER St. Martin's C. Meerbrook Co. Staff. Sir Thomas Hanmer Bart. and 1725 The Rev. Mr. Abton and Banks. Tb. Mather Eſq; Holcomb C. Co. Lancaſter. CHESTER St. Olave's C. Mr. Daniel Lawion and Mr. Dr. Grimbalſton and others. William Marſh. Biſpham C. Co. Lancaſter. Rainsford C. Co. Lancaſter. Richard Shuttleworth Eſq; Ralph Livelay Eſg; Preſton-Laurence C. Co. Lancaſter. Tockholes C, Co, Lancaſter. Nicholas 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 I xxxii A Liſt of BenefACTIONS to Livings I. Little-Budworth Co. Cheſter, 200 by Lot. 200 200 200 John Ward Eſq; Capeſthorne C. Co. Cheſter. Siddington C. Co. Lancaſter. John Davenport Efq; and others. Marton C. Co. Cheſter. Mr. Thomas Torunley. Wyerſdale C, Co. Lancaſter. 400 1729 The Executrix of Edward Nor- 200 200 200 ris Efq; 200 200 200 200 200 1. Nicholas Rigby Efq; and others. St. Helen's C. Co. Lancaſter. Mr. William Smith and a Lady - who deſires to be unknown. CHESTER St. Martin's R. 200 Sir Richard Groſvenor Bart, and others. Holt C. Co. Mr. Thomas Townley. Wyerſdale C. Co. Lancaſter. Edward Veale Efq; Biſpham V.Co. Lancaſter. The Rev. Mr. John Beniſon. BURTON in Kendall V. Co. Weſt- merland. 200 Mrs. Elizabeth Jenyns, Exe- cutrix of the Lady Moyer. Cockey C. Co. Lancaſter. Unbarrow C. Co. Lancaſter. Mrs. Elizaveth Smith aud 7. Ward Eſq; Church-Miuſhull C. Co. Cheſter. 200 Mrs. Aftell. CHESTER St. Martin's R. Kirkby-Ravenſworth C. Co. 206 York. 1726 Hayle C. Co. Cumberl. St. John's C. Co. Cumberland. Thomas Heſketh Eſq; Rufford C. Co. Lancaſter. Mr. Robert Savage. Ince C.. Co. Cheſter. 200 Mr. Edward Townley. BURNLEY C. Co. Lancaſter. Mr. Tho. Holinhead and others. Wincle C. Co. Cheſter. 1727 Mrs. Baron and the Inhabitants. Woodhead Co. Cheſter. 200 Sir Henry Houghton Bart, and others. Longridge C. Co. Lancaſter. 1728 Little-Leigh C. Co. Cheſter. St. Peter's in Manfergh C. Co. Weftmerland. Downholme R. Co. York. Sankey C. Co, Lancaſter, Gorton C. Co. Lancaſter. Biſpham V. Co. Lancaſter. Overkellet C. Co, Lancaſter, } 200 Garfton C. Co. Lancaſter. Sir John Cheſhyre Kt. Halton C. Co. Weſtmerland. 200 Buxton C. Co. Lancaſter, Croſbie C. Co. Lancaſter. Afton C. Co. Cheſter. 1730 Sir Roger Bradſhaigh and others. Blackrode C. Co, Lancaſter. Wrenbury C. Co. Cheſter. Halton Có. Chelter. Leigh V. Co. Lancaſter. Beconfal C. Co. Lancaſter. Unſworth C. Co. Lancaſter. Padiam C. Co, Lancaſter. Finíthwaite C. Co. Lancaſter. Hollinfgreen C. Co. Lancaſter. Coniſton C. Co. Lancaſter, by Lot. 200 1731 Mr. Chriſtopher Albin. Biſpham C. Co. Lancaſter. 50 Mr. Hlaiſtwell. Brough under Stanmore Weſtmerland. St. Martin's V. Co, Salop. Bethom V. Co. Weſtmerland. Lindall C. Co. Lancaſter. Woodland C. Co, Lancaſter. 1732 Mr. Robert Savage. Ince C. Co. Chefter. 200 The Rev. Mr. William Bird. Croſby-Garret R. Co. Weſtmerl. 200 Charles Taylor Eſq; Biſpham C. Co. Lancaſt . 1211. 75.5 d. Coddington R. Co. Cheſter. Acrington C. Co. Lancaſter. Heapey C. Co. Lancaſter, Hale C. Co. Lancaſter. Wyerſdale C. Co. Lancaſter. Middleton C. Co. Weftmer). Cleaton Co. 200 200 I20 1 200 augmented by the Bounty of Queen ANNE. xxxiii 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 1. 1. Cleaton C. Co. Cumberl. 1720 Mr. Hen. Carr fen. Mr. Hen. Carr Barton St. Mary's C. Co. York. jun. and others. 1733 KIRKBY-LONSDALE V. Co. Weſt- Shaley V. Co. Northum. merland. The Rev. Mr. Hall, Mr. Mi. Ince C. Co. Chefter. chael Hodgſon, and Mr. Jona- Shaw C. Co. Lancaſter, than Siſon. Over-Darwen C. Co. Lancaſter. DARLINGTON C. Co. Durham. Overton C. Co. Lancaſter. 1721 The Rt. Hon, the Earl of Thanet. Iſcroyd C. Co. Chefter. Stainmore C. Co. Weftmeri. Killington C. Co. Weftmerl. Mallerftang C. Co. Weſtmerl. Aſkengarthdale C. Co. York. 1722 Mr. Thomas Bowlby. Clifton C. Co. Cumberl. DURHAM St. Mary le Bow. R. 1734 John Ward Eſq; The Rev. Dr. Mangy. Church-Hulme Co. Cheſter. Holy Iſland V. Co. Durham. Mr. Charles Blake, 1723 William Bromley Eſq; Lindall C. Co. Lancaſter. go Caſtle-Eden C. Co. Durham. Burwardeſley C. Co. Cheſter, James Clavering Eſq; Lowton C. Co. Lancaſter. Lancheſter C. Co. Durham. Garſdale C. Co. York. The Rev. Mr. William Forſter. Aiſgarth V. Co. York, Pittington V. Co. Durham. 1735 Harwood C. Co. Lancaſter. John Lodge Eſq; Newton C. Co. Lancaſter. BERNARD-CASTLE C, Co. Dur- Whitehaven Trinity Chap. C. ham. Co. Cumberl. 1724 The Rt. Hon. Lord Crew and Horſehouſe C. Co. York. Biſhop of Durham. Kentmire V. Co. Weftmerl. Shotley c. Co. Durham, with a Aſhworth C. Co. Lancaſter. Rent-Charge of iol.per Ann. Garſtang. Chap. C. Co. Lancaſter. Sir John Eden Bart. 1737 Bulk C. Co. York. Auckland St. Helen's C. Co, Dur- Saddleworth C. Co. York. ham. Marton cum Grafton V. Co. York, Mr. John Hodgſon. Arkendale C. Co. York. Witton upon Were C. Co.Durham,200 Howgill C. Co. York. Mr. John Rawling and others. Lunds C. Co. York. Hamſterley C. Co. Durham. Bradſhaw C. Co, Lancaſter. The Rev. Mr. Waſtel. Caton C. Co. Lancaſter. Falftone C. Co. Northum. Tatham Fell C. Co. Lancaſter. The Rev. Mr. Richard Verge. Norbury C. Co. Cheſter, HARTLEPOOL V. Co. Durham. 200 Whitegate als. Newchurch C. Co. Monk-Warmouth R. Co. Durham Cheſter, by Lot. Ulverſton V, Co. Lancaſter. 1725 William Bromley Eſq; Old Hutton C. Co. Weſtmerland, Caſtle-Eden C. Co. Durham. 1726 Mr. John Rudd. Dioceſe of DURHAM. Grindon V. Co. Durham. 1727 The Lady Holford and Robert Ord 1718 Mr. Wobn Ayneſley. Efq; Corſenſide C. Co. Northum. with Hunſtanworth C. Co. Durham. Tythes worth 200 1728 The Lady Holford's Executor and Mark Forſter and Richard Gri- Robert Ord Eſq; fold Gent. Hunſtanworth C. Co. Durham. ALNwYCK V. Co. Northum, Dinſdale R. Co. Durham, d Dalton 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 xxxiv A Liſt of Bene FACTIONS to Livings 200 200 200 200 200' 200 200 200 200 IOQ 200 1. I.. Dalton V. Co. Durham. 1717 Fon Campbell Eſq; 1729 The Rev. Dr. Mangy. Yſtade Fyne C. Co. Carmar. with Dalton V. Co. Durham, Tythes of the Value of 1730 Mr. John Holliſter. 1724 Chriſtopber Appleby Eſq; Cornhill C. Co. Northumb. Minwear V. Co. Pemb. Lady 1732 Meſſrs. George Allen fen. and jun. Holdford's Legacy 150 l. John DARLINGTON C. Co. Northum. 200 Barlow Eſq; 50 l. Lowick C. Co. Northumb. 1725 Mr. Rees Powell and others. Holy Iſland C. Co. Northumb. St. John Baptiſt C. Co. South Bayley R. Co. Durham. withi Lands Value 400 l. upon re- 1733 The Rev. Dr. Henry Bland. ceiving the Governors 200 l. Holy Iſland V. Co. Durham. 200 Lewis Harcourt Eſq; and Lady Lowick V. Co. Durham. Halford. Ancroft C. Co. Northumb. 200 CRUGHOEL V. Co. Brecon. Eth C. Co. Durham. 7. Barlow Eſq; and Lady Holford. 1734 Mr. Robert Morris. Slebech C, Co. Pemb. HexH AM Co, Northumb. 1726 Brecon St. Mary's C. The Lord Crew's Executors. Battle C. Co. Brecon. Greatham V. Co. Durham. Sackville Gwynne Eſq; The Rev. Dr. Henry Bland. Tyrr Abbot C. Co. Brecon, with a. Shotley C. Co. Durham. Rent-Charge of 2ol. per Ann, upon Ebcheſter C. Co. Durham. receiving the Governors 2001. Hortor C. Co, Northumb. 1727 Lambfton C.Co. Pemb. 1735 South Bayley R. Co. Durham. Little Newcaſtle C, Co. Pemb. Satley C. Co. Durham. Weſt Harroldſton C. Co. Pemb. Allenton C. Co. Northumb. 1728 Yſtadofyne C. Co, Carmarthen. Belford C. Co. Northumb, Craſwall C. Co. Heref. by Lot. Holyſtone C, Co. Northumb. 1729 Longtown C. Co. Heref. by Lot. SWANZEY V. Co. Glamorgan, by Lot. Dioceſe of S T. D A VIDS. 1730 Llaniwerne C. Co. Brecon, by Lot. 1715 Richard Vaughan Eſq; Tafe Vechan C. in Llanthetty Pa- CARMARTHEN St. Peter's V. riſh Co. Brecon, by Lot. Morville in Cardigan R. by Lot.. 200 1731 Altmaur C. Co. Radnor. Lamfrey V.inCo.Pembroke,by Lot.200 Colvin Chapel Co. Brecon. Llantwood C, Co. Pemb. by Lot. 200 Bettus C. Co. Carmarthen. Llandilo Graban C. Co. Pemb. Merthyr als. Marthrey V. Co. Pemb. by Lot. 1732 Chapel Ylrid C. Co. Brecon. Tremayne C. Co. Cardigan by Lot.200 Llanciloer Vane C. Co. Brecon. Llanipimpſant C. Co. by Dale C. Co. Pemb. Lot. 1734 Ledrod C. Co. Cardigan. Merthir V. Ço. Pemb. by Lot. CARMARTHEN St. Peter's V. CARDIGAN V.Co.Cardigan, by Lot.200 Garchely C. Co. Cardigan. 1716 Richard Vaughan Eſq; Dr. Edward Jones. CARMARTHEN V. 203 1. 6 s. 8 d. ABERGWILLY V. Co. Carmart. Thomas Lewis Efq; 1735 BRECKNOCK St. Mary's C. Radyr V. Co. Glamorgan with a Moylgrave V. or C. Có. Pemb. Rent-Charge worth Spittle C. Co. Pemb. Penmarth R. Co. Glamorgan, with ST. DAVID's City St. David's C. a Rent-Charge worth Yearly 501. 200 Llanlony C. Co. Brecon. Llandvino 200 200 200 200 200 200 1000 augmented by the Bounty of Queen ANNE. XXXV 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 1. Llandvino C. Co. Brecon. Dioceſe of ST. ASAP H. 1, 1737 Llanvair in Buelt Co. Brecon.400 1719 Sir Griffith Williams Bart. Llanvihangell C. Co. Brecon. Spyton C. Co. Denbigh. Vechan C. Co. Brecon. 1721 Sir Thomas Hanmer Bart. Nandye C. Co. Brecon. FLINT V. Co. Flint. Llanon C. Co. Brecon. Llan Ddavi C. Co. Glamorgan. Mrs. Mary Vaughan. Slangedwyn C. Co. Denbigh. St. Edren's C. Co, Pemb. 1725 The Rev. Mr. Ellis Wynne. Llanvihangell Heligen C. Co, Radn. Llanvair R. near Harleigh Co. Me- 1738 Abby Cwmhyr Co. Radnor, by Lot. rioneth, Blaenpenalt Co. Cardig. by Lot. 1727 Edw. Lloyd Efq; Llanyair Nanclin Co. Pem. by Lot. Llanllychairne Ĉ. Co. Montgom. Llanichaiern Co. Cardig. by Lot. with Tythes worth 5 l. per Ann. Walter-Stone Co. Heref, by Lot. and 100 l. in Money. St. Mary's in Brecon. 1728 The Executors of Dr. Millington. 1739 Bettws Co. Cardigan by Lot. Llanvair V. in Caerinion Co. Montg.200 Blaenport Co. Cardigan, by Lot. 1729 The Executrix of Mrs. Cath. Jones. Elgwyſvach Co. Cardig. by Lot. St. Martin's V, in SALOP. Gwinney Co. Carmar. by Lot. 1730 Mrs. Mary Middleton. Llanganteen Co. Brecon, by Lot. Michael-Church Co. Heref, by Lot. Mwynglawadd als. Minera C. Co. Denbigh. Moughtree Co. Montgo. by Lot. Bryn Eglwys C. Co. Denbigh. Rhyd y brew Co. Brec, by Lot. Llandefilio C. Co. Denbigh. Kill y Cwm Co. Carmar. by Lot. Meliden C. Co. Flint. Llanfays near Brecon. 1731 12 Llanarmon-mynydd mawr C. Co. St. Twinnels Co. Pemb. 1733S Denbigh. 1740 Jeffreyſton Co. Pembroke. 1734 The Rev. Mr. Morris Anvyll. CARDIGAN V. Eaſtyn als. Queenhope V. Co. Flint. L.landewy Abenath Co. Card.by Lot. 2011, 12 s. 6 d. Brechua Co. Carmarth. by Lot. Robert Wynn Eſq; Egremund Co. Carmarth. by Lot. Llangwym V. Co. Denb. 2011. 125.6d. Gartherengy Co. Brecon, by Lot. Pentnie Co. Glamorgan, by Lot. 1737 Nerquis C. Co. Flint. Llanlouch Co. Carnarv. by Lot. Dioceſe of BANGOR. Tretover Co. Brecon, by Lot. 1714 Dame Ellen Williams. Wifton Co. Pemb. by Lot. Llanwnda V. Co. Carnarvon Manernowen Co. Pemb. by Lot. 1716 Mrs. Jane Pryce. Llangaing Co. Carnarv. by Lot. Llanviangel y Penant C. Co. Car- 1741 Llandrindog Co. Radnor, by Lot. Talliavis Co. Carmar. by Lot. 1719 Sir Griffith Williams Bart, Bettws Chap. to Llanfpithyd Co. Spyttus C. Co. Denbigh. Brecon, by Lot. 1721 Mrs. Mary Vaughan. Llangandeirn Co. Carmar. by Lot. Slangedwyn C. Co. Denbigh. Llanvihangel-Etchwdy Co. Car 1723 Edward Wynne LL. D. marthen, by Lot. Bodewryd C. Co. Angleſea, with Rowlfton Co. Heref. by Lot. Lands, &c. of the full Value of Dulas Co. Heref. by Lot. 400l. upon receiving the Gover- Spytty Coufyn Co. Cardig. by Lot. nors 2001. Llandewy yr Cwm. Co. Brecon, 1725 Llanberris of Carnarvon R. by Lot.200 Llandona C. Co. Angleſea, by Lot. 200 Roderick 6 200 narvon. 200 200 200 200 by Lot. d2 1 Xxxvi A Liſt of BenefACTIONS to Livings, &c. MULT 200 200 200 200 200 200 1. 1. Roderick Lloyd. Mrs. Elizabeth Jenyns Executrix Penmachino C. Co. Carnarvon. of Lady Moyer. The Rev. Mr. Ellis Wynne. Llancilloe C. Co. Monm. Llanvair near Harlegh R. Old-Caſtle C. Co. Monm. 1728 William Carter Efq; 1726 Britton-Ferry C. Co. Glamorgan. Llanwnda V. Co. Carnarvon. Llanhenog C, Co. Monmouth. 1731 Penmon C. Co. Angleſea. 1727 The Rev. Dr. Berriman. 1735 Landygai C. Co. Carnarvon. Goldcliffe V. Co. Monm. 1737 Llan Vaer Is Caer V.Co. Carnarvon. 1729 St. Martin's C. Co. Glamorgan, 1730 Penterry C. Co. Monmouth. Dioceſe of LAND AFF. 1732 Llyſvaen C. Co. Glamorgan. 1733 Michelſtone C. Co. Glamorgan. 1715 7.CurreEfq;and Tho.Walter Clerk. John Curre jun. Efq; Itton R. Co. Mon mouth, Little Tinterne R. Co. Monm. 1716 Charles Williams Eſq; 1734 Treeleggs Grainge C. Co. Monm. CAERLEON V. Co. Monmouth. 1735 Henllis Monkſwood C. Co. Monm. Undy als. Nondy V. Co. Monm. Bettus Newich C. Co. Monm. by Lot. Iſtradyvodwg C. Co. Glamorgan. Treſtirey C. Co. Monm. by Lot. 200 1737 Pertholey C. Co. Monm. 1725 Mr. Rees Powel and others. Redwick C. Co. Monm. St. John Baptiſt C. Co. Monm, with Llaniſhen C. Co. Monm. Lands Value 200 200 200 200 Names Xxxvii Names of the ARCH-BISHOP, BISHOPS, Deans, and ARCH-DEACONS, in the Province of Canterbury. A 1 CANTERBURY. RCH-BISHOP Dr. John Potter. Dean Dr. John Lynch. Arch-Deacon of Canterbury Dr. Samuel Liſe. BATH and WELLS. Biſhop Dr. John Wynne. Dean of Wells Dr. Samuel Creſwich. Arch-Deacon of Bath Lawſon Huddleſton; A, M. Arch-Deacon of Wells John Wickſteed, A. M. Arch-Deacon of Taunton Dr. George Atwood. BRISTOL. Biſhop Dr. Joſeph Butler. Dean. Dr. Tbomas Chamberlaine, Arch-Deacon of Dorſet Edward Hammond, A. M. CHICHESTER, Biſhop Dr. Matthias Mawſon. Dean William Aſhburnham, A, M. Arch-Deacon of Chicheſter James Barker, A. M. Arch-Deacon of Lewes Dr. Edmund Bateman. COVENTRY and LITCHFIEL D. Biſhop Dr. Richard Smallbrooke. Dean Dr. Nicholas Penny: Arch-Deacon of Stafford James Brook, A, M. -of Salop William Viſe, A. M. of Derby Henry Ryder, A. M. of Coventry Thoma's Smallbrooke, A, M, ELY. Biſhop Dr. Robert Butts. Dean Dr. Peter Allix. Arch-Deacon of Ely Dr. Richard Bentley. EXE TER. Biſhop Dean Dr. Alured Clarke, Arch-Deacon of Exeter Arch-Deacon of Barnſtaple. John Grant. Arch-Deacon of Totneſs George Barker, A. M, Arch-Deacon of Cornwall John Sleech, A. M. GLOCE S T ER. Biſhop Dr. Martin Benfon. Dean Dr. Daniel Newcomb, Arch-Deacon of Glocefter Dr. William Geekie. HERE FOR D. 1 xxxviii Names of Arch-Biſhops, Biſhops, Deans, &c. Biſhop Dean Arch-Deacon of Hereford Arch-Deacon of Salop Biſhop Dean Arch-Deacon of Lincoln. of Stow of Bedford of Buckingham -of Huntingdon -of Leiceſter 1111 Biſhop Dean of St. Paul's Arch-Deacon of London -of Eſſex of Colcheſter of Middleſex -of St. Albans HERE FORD, Dr. Henry Egerton. Dr. Edward Creſett. Robert Breton, A. M. Egerton Leigh, A. M. LINCOLN Dr. Richard Reynolds. Dr. Edward Willes. Dr. George Reynolds. Squire Payne, A. M. John Dudley, A. M. Dr. Nicholas Clagett, Ld Bp. of St. Davids. Dr. William Lunn. Dr. David Trimnell. LONDON. Dr. Edmund Gibſon. Dr. Joſeph Butler, Lord Biſhop of Briſtol. Dr. Robert Tyrwhitt. Dr. Reuben Clarke. Dr. Thomas Cartwright. Dr. Fyfield Allen. John Cole, A. M. NORWICH, Dr. Thomas Gooch. Dr. Bullock. Chriſtopher Clerk, A. M. Dr. John Baron. Dr. David Wilkins. Dr. John Chapman. OXFORD. Dr. Thomas Secker. Dr. John Conybeare. John Potter, A. M. PETERBOROUGH, Dr. Robert Clavering. Dr. John Thomas. William Browne, A. M. ROCHESTER. Dr. Joſeph Wilcox. Dr. Thomas Herring, Ld Biſhop of Bangor. Dr. John Denne. SAR.UM. Dr. Thomas Sherlock. Dr. John Clark. Samuel Rollton, A. M. Dr. Stebbing Dr. Samuel Knight. WINCHESTER. Dr. Benjamin Höadley. Dr. Zachariah Pearce. Arch- Biſhop Dean Arch-Deacon of Norwich of Norfolk of Suffolk of Sudbury ! Biſhop Dean of Chriſt Church Arch-Deacon of Oxford Biſhop Dean Arch-Deacon of Northampton Biſhop Dean Arch-Deacon of Rocheſter Biſhop Dean Arch-Deacon of Sarum of Wilts. of Berks. Biſhop Dean xxxix Names of Arch-Biſhops, Biſhops, Deans, &c. Arch-Deacon of Wincheſter Ralph Brideoake, A. M. of Surry Richard Furney, A. M. WORCESTER. Biſhop Dr. John Hough. Dean Dr. James Stilling fleet. Arch-Deacon of Worceſter William Worth, A. M. ST. DAVID S. Biſhop Dr. Nicholas Clagett. Precentor Joſeph Hill, A. M. Arch-Deacon of St. Davids Richard Davis, A, M. -of Carmarthen Dr. Thomas Tenifon. of Cardigan Edward Yardley, B. D. of Brecon Thomas Payne, A. M. ST. ASAP H. Biſhop · Dr. Iſaac Madox. Dean Dr. William Powell. Arch-Deacon of St. Afaph The Biſhop of St. Afaph, BANGOR. Biſhop Dr. Thomas Herring. Dean Dr. Peter Maurice. Arch-Deacon of Bangor The Biſhop of Bangor. -of Angleſea of Merionetb. Dr. Hugh Wynne, LAND AF F, Biſhop Dr. John Gilbert. Arch-Deacon of Landaff Dr. John Evans. } 1 Names of the Arch-Bishop, Bishops, Deans, and Arch-Deacons, in the Province of York. A RCH-BISHOP Dean Arch-Deacon of York of Eaſt-Riding of Cleveland of Nottingham Biſhop Dean Arch-Deacon of Cheſter . -of Richmond YORK. Dr. Lancelot Blackburn. Dr. Richard Oſvaldiſton. Thomas Heyter, A. M. Dr. Heneage Dering. Dr. Jaques Sterne. Robert Marſden, A, M. CHESTER. Dr. Samuel Peploe Dr. Thomas Brooke. Lewis Stephens, A. M. Samuel Peploe, A. M. DURHAM. Dr. Edward Chandler. Dr. Henry Bland. Dr. George Sayer. Dr. Thomas Sharpe. CARLISLE. Sir George Fleming Bart. Dr. Robert Bolton. William Fleming, A. M. Biſhop Dean Arch-Deacon of Durham of Northumberland Biſhop Dean Arch-Deacon of Carliſle : I. 1. TH 1740, 1741, at the Lecture founde i by the Hon. Robert Boyle, Eſq; and Eight Sermons preached at the Ca- BOOKS lately printed for D. BROWNE, without Temple-Bar. SYSTEM of Engliſh ECCLESIASTICAL LAW. Extracted from the Codex Ju- ris Ecclefiaftici Anglicani of the Right Reverend the Lord Biſhop of London, for the Uſe of Young Students in the Univerſities, who are deſigned for Holy Orders. By Richard Grey, D. D. Rector of Hinton in Northamptonſhire. The Third Edition, Octavo. 'Price 6 s. 2. The Clerk's Inſtructor in the Eccleſiaſtical Courts : Conſiſting of a Variety of the beſt Precedents in Engliſh, now made Uſe of in the Practice of the Civil Law : Together with ſeveral adjudged Caſes, Letters of Induction into a Living, &c. Alſo a Treatiſe concerning Pluralities, the Diſpenſation of them according to the Statute of 21 Hen. 8. and of Retainder of Chaplains. Publiſhed for the Benefit of the Students and Practitioners in the Ecclefiaftical Courts, as alſo for Clergymen, Artornies, and others who would te acquainted with the Method of Proceeding therein. By a Gentleman of Doctors Commons. BOOK S printed for A. MILLAR, againſt St. Clement's Church in the Strand. HE WORKS of the Learned ISAAC BARROW, D. D. late Maſter of Trinity-Col- lege, Cambridge : Being all his Engliſh Works. The Fifth Edition. In Vols. Containing, in Vol. I. Thirty-two Sermons, preached upon ſeveral Occaſions; a brief Expoſition of the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, Decalogue, and the Doctrine of the Sacraments. A Treatife of the Pope's Supremacy; and a Diſcourſe on the Unity of the Church. Vol. II. Thirty-four Sermons and Expoſitions upon all the Ar- ticles in the Apoſtles Creed. Vol. III. Forty-five Sermons upon ſeveral Occaſions. With Tables of Contents to each Volume. T'he Whole publiſhed by his Grace Dr. John Tillotſon, late Lord Archbiſhop of Canterbury. To which is prefixed, Some Account of the Life of the Author. Preparing for the Preſs, and to be Publiſhed with all convenient Expedition, 2. A New and COMPLETE COLLECTION of the Works of the Hon. ROBERT BOYLE Eſq; printed from the beſt Editions, with conſiderable Improvements and Additions from his own Manuſcripts: As likewiſe a large Number of Letters upon various Subjects written by Himſelf and his friends to him; with fome other 'Tracts never before publiſhed. To the Whole will be prefix'd, A New Account of his Life, conſiſting partly of Memoirs drawn up by himſelf. N. B. If ſuch Gentlemen who have any Papers in their Hands, which may contribute to the Advan- tage of this-Work, will pleaſe to communicate them to the Undertaker A. MILLAR, they will be thank- fully acknowledged. 3. The HISTORY of the CHURCH under the Old Teſtament, from the Creation of the World: Where- in alſo, the Affairs and Learning of Heathen Nations before the Birth of Chriſt, and the State of the Jews from the Babyloniſh Captivity to the preſent Time, are particularly conſidered. To which is ſubjoined A Diſcourſe to promote the Converſion of the Jews to Chriſtanity.“ By Robert Millar, A. M. BOOKS printed for F. GOSLING, in Fleet-ſtreet. ERMONS upon ſeveral Practical Subjects, viz. I. The Day of rejoicing for good Times. 2. Self- Love the beſt Motive to Religion. 3. The ſeparate Intereſts of this world and the next reconciled. 4. The Neceſſity of well husbanding our Time. 5. The One Thing needful. 6. Myſteries no real Ob- jections to the Truth of Chriſtianity. 7. All Words to be accounted for at the Day of Judgment. ' S. The Duty of continual Watching. 9. The true Nature and End of Fafting. 10. A Man's Chriſtian Name · his belt Title. II. We muſt not judge others by what they ſuffer. 12. A Pofthumous Fame not worth t'ie ſeeking 13. The Folly of Hypocriſy in this World. 14. The miſerable Portion of Hypocrites in the next World. 15. All common Forms of Swearing forbidden. 16. We are to prove, and then hold faſt that which is good. To which are added, eight Sermons upon the Lord's Prayer. All preach'd by thar Ce- lebrated Divine, the late Rev. Edward Littleton, LL. D. Fellow of Eton-College, and Vicar of Maplederham, Oxon ; and late Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majeſty. The ad Edition, beautifully printed upon a fine Paper; In Two Volumes in Octavo. 2. Twelve Sermons preach'd on ſeveral Occaſions. By the Rev. William Lupton, D, D. late Prebend of Dur- ham, and Preacher to the Hon. Society of Lincoln's-Inn. 3. Twenty-four Sermons, preach'd in the Pariſh Church of St. Mary le Bow, London, in the Years 1729, thedral Church of St. Paul, in the Years 1738 and 1739, at the Lecture founded }by the Honoured Lady Noyer. By Leonard Twells, D.D. late Rector of St. Matthew's Friday-ſtreet, Prebendary of St. Paul's, and one of the Lecturers of St, Dunftan's in the West. In Two Volumes Oétavo. I. 1 (1) THESAURUS Reruni Ecclefiafticarum. A WA 1. d. Dioceſe of Canterbury. 1. s. d. RCH-BISHOPRICK for Firſt-Fruits. 2682 12 2 This See was firſt founded in St. Auguſtin's Time, who was the firſt Arch-Biſhop' thereof about the Year 598. The Cathedral Church. (CHRIST-CHURCA.) King's Books. Yearly Tenthai The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt-Fruits, or Tenths. Nicho- las Wotton the firſt Dean 1542. 163 i 10 Arch-Deaconry of Canterbury has the Patronage of St. Mary and 16 06 2 St. Clement's in Sandwich, Hackington, Lymme, Wejtheth, Ten- ham, Stodmarſh, St. Margaret in Canterbury, Lynſted and Do- dington, with the Chapel of Stone, and Iwade Curacy, and the Impropriations of moſt of them. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. The firſt Arch-Deacon, (whoſe Name is recorded as ſuch) was Wlfred, Anno 798. Le Neve's Faſti p. 11. + There are XII. Prebends in the Church of Canterbury, 3. where- of, viz. the firſt, fourth, and fixth, are in the Gift of the Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury, all the reſt are in the Gift of the King ; none of the ſaid Prebends are charged with any Pay- ment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. Note. That almoſt all the Tenths of this Dioceſe are payable to the Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury ; and by the Diſcharging Acts are only diſcharged from the Payment of Firſt-Fruits ; the Tenths being the Property of his Grace the Arch-Biſhop, the fame are ſtill payable to him. + Upon the Diſſolution of the Priory, King Hen. VIII. by his Letters Patent dated April 8. 1542. Inno Regni ſui 33º. did erect a new Society to conſiſt of a Dean, and twelve Canons. See Batteley Part 3. p. izo, Charter of Endowment, dated May 26. 1443. See Dugdale Vol. I. for the old Foundation. 121, B The 2 DIOCESE of CANTERBURY. KENT 1. Tid. OI: 000 The Charge of Tenths in this Dioceſe, that are payable to the Crown-Receiver. Glear Yearly Value. Duce canton pe Egcles, Sti. Duniani prope Civ. Centuar. viz. } OI 120 Cantar.. vocat Brenchils in Eccl. Cath. Cantuar.. 00 18 8 Una duar. Cantar, voc. Arundels in Eccl. præd. Çantar. de Walikam in Dec. Bridge. 0011 O Cantar. de Goldſwell in magna Charde in Dec. Charing: 2008 8 Cantar. Burley in Charing. 00* 16 36 Cantar. Betherſden. Qó 13 Q. Cantar. Pevington. QO II 4 Cantar: de Bredgar in D. Sittingborne. OI 17 75 R. Warden in D. Sitting borne, @ 09 6 R. Oftinghanger in D: Lymme. 0015 3 R. Medley (alias: Midley) in eoden Dec. (pro parte Decimand.) R. Marſham in eadem Decor 02 13 8 d. R. Sti. Petri in Daver: 00 08 24 oo oo R, Sti. Jacobi in Dover: 26 oo oo V. Beauxfield in D. Dover: 00 140 1.5 00 00. R. Newenham in D. Ofpring. QO II 3 R. Hartley, alias Harty, in eodem Dec, 0200 7 Libera Cap. Throckington in Com. Middleſex, deſtructa. 00 094 Cantar. Johannis Einkell, Mil, in Ecçles. Sti. Pancraſii London, 00 16 o Eaſtchurch R. & V. in Infyl: Shepey. 01 06 8 29 02 8 0.1 00 O 2. oo 09 9: 7 King's Books. 1. s. d. D. Begge, atias Bridge. Livings remaining in Charge. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Adiſham R. (* Holy Innocents] Proxies and Synods xxvi's . viii d. II. 6.6.. 8d. Redd. xx d. Exempt from the Arch- Yearly Tenths. 1. S. d. 02 16 031 1.8 d. 303 19. Ir Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 06 oo oo + Beakiſbourn V. (St. Feter] Proxies and Synods v s. 3:5. 4.d. 00. 12 00 691. 12 s. 82 d. Canon. Sti. Gregorii Cantuar. Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Can- Certified Value. terbury. ŞBiſhopſbourn R. [St. Mary] Proxies and Synodš XV. S.. 16.5. 8.d. 39 19.02 cum. Cap. Berbam. [St. John_Baptiſt] Penf. Prior. Sti. Gregorii jiji l. Arch-Bp. of Canterbury. Boughton N. B. The places nated in this Dioceſe as exempted from the Archdeacon, the Account of their. Exemptions. is taken from Batteley's Antiquities of Canterbury, in the. Appendix to the Supplement, p. 57, &*58. N. B. The Proxies and Synods that are written in the Letter-Figures, are taken from the Survey of H. 8. in the Firſt-Fruits Ofice. Thoſe written in the Numerical Figures are taken from a Book figned R. Chicheley, as 'an authentick Book ;, by whicb the Proxies and Synods are (now 1721.) colleEted... which Book was lent me by Mr. Chicheley aforeſaids J.ÉCTON, * The Names placed within [ ] are thoſe of the Saints to whom the Churches, &c. are dedicated. + Beakiſbourn V. Arch-Biſhop Parker obtained ar: Augmentation to this Vicarage of 10 h 4 Quarters of Wheat, and 6 Quarters of Barley per Annum. Harris's Hiſtory of Kent, pag. 36. KE'NT. :DIOCESE of CANTERBURY. 3 l. s. . { vii sizoo ith} of 02 07 { { II IO IO 5 s, 8 d. { mpt fod for 19 03: 01:{ nods, viis King's Books. Hearly Tenihs. 1. si d. 06 05 00 S Boughton, alias Bocton Aluphe V. (All Saints] Prox. vii vid. 35. 4 d. 12 06 58 1.6 s. 10 d. CertifiedValue Collegium de Wye Propri Mrs. Mary Breton 1708. Moyle Breton Efq; 1728. f Chartham R. (St. Mary] Prox. vii s. vi d. 135. 4 d. with 41 05 10 Chap. of Horton. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 13 06 08 Chilham v. St. Mary! Prox. and Synods iii s. iv d. 35. 4 d. OI 06 08 cum Cap. Molaſh. [St. Peter] Redd. xii. s. Leonard Diggs Eſq; 1711. Abb. Syon Propr. Crundall. R.' [St. Mary) Prox. and Synods, v s. 01 03 01 Pent. Prior. de Ledes xxxv s. Sir Robert Filmer 1698. R. ". 00 12'09 v d 2 2 Certifiedl'alue. Henry. Partridge Eſq; 1691. Godmerſham V. [St. Laurence] Proxies and Syn. iv s. 5 s. 09 03 09 with Challock Chap. [St. Cofmus and St. Damian] Exempt Soo 18 048 from the Arch-Deacon. Pri. Eccl.Chriſti Cantuar. Propr.Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Hardres magna R. (St. Peter and St. Paul) Proxies and Sy- 19 13 nods, viis. 13 s. 4.d. cum Cap. Stellinge. (St. Mary.] Sir William Hardres Bárt. 1711. Ickham R. al. Ickham with the Chapel of Weld, [St. John 29 1304 the Evangeliſt} Prox. and Syn. xv s. 15 s. Exempt 02 19.04 from the Arch-Deacon. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 16 oo oo Kingſton R. [St. Giles) 6 s. 77 1. 3 s. o d. Mrs. Gibbon 1682. Meſſrs. Edward and William Cray- CertifiedValue. ford 1692. -08 00.00 Littlebourn V. [St. Vincent] 3 s: 4 d. 00 16 oa Mon. Sti. Auguſtini Propr. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. S Patrickſbourn V. (St. Mary] 3 s. 4 d. Penſion vi l. cum Ca- :05 07.0332 pell. Breggf. [St. Peter.] 00 10 08 Abh. Marten in Surr. Propr. Mrs. Margaret Breame Widow 1697 08.00 02 Petham V. [All Saints] annexed to Waltham V. 2 s. 00 16 00 Mon. St. Oſythe in Ēlex Propr: Arch-Biſhop and Sir Will. Honeywood alternately..! Sturmouth Ri (St. Bartholomew. Proxies to the Arch-Deacon ? 19 Oo oo vii s. vid. 6s. 4 d. Penſion to the Chamberer of Rochef- SOI 18 00 ter; Xis. Penf. xl.s.: Biſhop of Rocheſter. -07 15 05 , Waltham V. {St. Bartholomew) annex'd to Petham V.2 S, 4 d. 00 15 06; PriSti. Gregorii: Propr.' Arch-Bifhop, and Sir William Honeywood'alternately: Wickam R. alias Wickhambreux; [St. Andrew]. Proxies and Synods viii s. vid. 16 s. 8 d. 02 1903 Sir Tho. Palmer Bart: 1772; Living's { OI 12 00 ut : 2.9. 12 06 B:2: 4 DIOCESE of CANTERBURY. KENT. Yearly Tenshs. A. S. 3 S. 4 da 00 14 08 2.:BO OO 10 oo 00 1900 Clear Yearly Value. 1. s. d. Livings Diſcharged. 30 Oo oo Brook R. (St. Mary] Proxies v si Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. 26 oo oo Chillendon R. al. Challenden, al. Cholmden, [All Saints) 2 s. 8 d. Penſ. Prior. de Ledes vĦi Sid The KING 1710. 28 00 00 Preſton juxta Wingham V. [St. Mildred) 2 s. 4 d. Mon. Sti. Auguſtini Prop. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Al C. l. 70: 00 : 00 Certified Value. Stodmarſh Don, 1. 30 : 00 :.00 Certified Value. Hof. Pauper. Sacerd. Propri olimi Arch-Deacon of Can- terbury Patron, Wingham C. 1. 46 : 10: 00 Certified Value. Exempt from the Arch-Deacon. Wye C. 1. 55.: 10.: 03 Certified Value. Mon. Battel in Suſſex olim Propr. Goodneſton Cur. not certified. Staple Cur. not certified, (Ch, to Adiſham.) 2. . } pour 18 s. D. Canterbury. City. Livings remaining in Charge. Kry's Books. Yearly Tenths, S St. Alphage R. united to St. Mary Northgate 2 s. Exempt 08 13 04 from the Arch-Deacon. }17 04 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. St. Andrew's 71. s. d. R. Si 6 8 37 22 06 08 Breadman St. 5 s. 4 d. 02 04 08 Mary's R. (Penj. Prior. Chriſt-Church, vi s. viii d. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury two Turns, and the Church of Canterbury one. St. Cofmus and Damian V. 2. S. OI 00 OO 73 1.14s. 6 d. Hoſpital of Eaſtbridge Propriet. and Patr. Certified Value s St. George's R. Proxies iïi s. iv d. 3 si 4 d. Rent to the 07 17 II Church-wardens iii se iv d. Penf. Mon. Chriſt-Church v s. 00 15 09 Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. * [4.d. . , 00. 10 02 Archdeacon of Canterbury Propr. and Patron. Harbledowne R. (St. Michael] Proxies vii s. vid. 3 s. Exempt? 9 6 from the Arch. Deacon. Penf. Pri. Sti. Gregorii xiii s. iv d. og 18 03 63 1. 14 s. 3d EertifiedValue. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbur%. Little * Hackington V. was augmented with the Tithes of Corn and Hay, paying 101. Yearly to the Arch, Deacon. Vide Life of Arch-Biſhop Whitgift, by Strype, p. 284. 10 00 00 05 02 037 gorii, xiii s. iv d. 03:{M 2 ܘܘ{ KENT. DIOCESE of CANTERBURY. 5 . 3. 09:{ ܘܘ;.rt 2 s. 181. 18 s. 04. 10 00 17 07 II 8 a.} + I s. 8 d. I s. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. SLittle Hardres R. al. Nether-Hardres, (St. Mary] Proxies v s. 07. 19 og 65. Penj. Prior. Merton xiii s, iv d. 00 15 11 58 l. 195.01 d. CertifiedValue. The KING, 06 05 02 St. Martin's R. 5 s. Exempt from the Arch-Deacon. 00 12 06 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 04 OI 05 St. Mary Breddin, al. Bredne V. Proxies ii s, oo 08 on Mon. Sti. Sepulchri Propr. . Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury, CertifiedValue. Sir John Hales 1636. ŞSt. Mary Magdalen R. (united to St. George! Redd. Prior: Zoo og og Sti. Gregorii ü s. viii d. to the Hoſpital of St. James iv s. St. Mildred R. 155. 11 d. Proxies ïi s. 2 s, 8 d. St. Mary's in the Caſtle R. 5 s. 9 d. Proxies ii so 'Is. 8 d. for 15.09} All Saints R. 14 s. Prox, ii s. The KING. 11 19 04: Northgate V. (St. Mary] (united to St. Alphage.) 01 03 II Canonici Sti. Gregorii Propr. SS. Paul's V. Proxies v s. Rent ii s. iii d. to the Sexton? 09 18 09 of St. Auſtin's vii d.. foo 19 103 Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, Propr. and Patr. : ( R 00 07 01 13 02 00 St. Crofs Weligate v. Sunited . ої об оо Prox: ji s.. viii d. ż si 8 d. Penſ. Prior. Chriſt Church vis. viii d. Redd. Archiepiſcopo xvi d. Prior. Chrift-Church iii s. Canonici St. Gregorii Propr. Dean and Chapter of Cantır: bury and Arch-Deacon alternately. Sturrey. V. [St. Nicholas] Proxies v s. ої об о2 Mon. Sti. Auguſtini Cant. Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 18 Oo oo St. Dunſtan's V. 2s. Pri. Sti. Gregorii Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 42 oo oo. Fordwich R. (St. Mary] Proxies ii s. vid. 3 s. 4.d. 00 11 063 Earl of Winchelſea. 20 00 00 : Milton R. [St. Nicholas] oo' og 05 Mr.. Ifaac and Mrs. Eliz. Rebow, 1715. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. 13 OI 08 2 s. 1 OO 10 00 St. Margaret's C. 1.63 : 10: 00 Certified Value: Hof. Pauperum Sacerdotum Propr. Arch-Deacon of Cane terbury Patron. Nackington C. 1. 62 : 18': 10 Certified Value. Pri. Sti. Gregorii Prop. olim. Thanington C. 1. 40 : 00 : 00 Certified Value, Eaſtbridge Hofp: Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Patron. > D. 6 DIOCESE of CANTERBURY. KENT. 55. 12 00 00 07 06 VS. IOS. for efore 00 10 s. 7 D. Charing . Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenthsa l. s., d. "Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. s. d. 18 04 02 ASHFORD V. (St. Mary] Proxies vii se vi d. OI 16 05 Colleg. Sti. :Steph. Weſtminſt. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. Betriſden V. al. Betherſden. “[St. Beatrice] 3 s. 4 d. 01 04 00 Pri. Sti. Gregorii Propr. Arch-Bp. of Canterbury. 35 00 00 Biddenden. R. [All Saints] 10 S. 03 10 00 Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Boughton, alias Bacton Malherbe R. [St. Nicholas] Prox. 13 15:00 Tho. Stanbope 'Efq; Patron 1720. Charing V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] cum Cap. Egerton. [St. 13 00 00 James) 4 s. 4 d. Redd. Archiep. iv s. Exempt from the 06:00 72 1. Certified: Arch-Deacon. Palue, Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, London, Proprietor and Patron. 25 06 00 Charte Magna R. [St. Mary] Proxies vii s, vi d. O2 10 071 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 13 10 10 Charte Parva R: (St: Mary] Proxies v s. 8 s. 4. d. Redd. xxii d. 01.07.01 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. S-CRANBROOK V. [St. Dunftan] Proxies vü.s. 135. 4 d. Redd. 19.19.047{ xiv d. 11 Arch-Biſhop of Ganterbury Proprietor and Patron. 15 18 11. Frittenden R. [St. Mary:) Proxies v s. 55. Redd: iv d. 01 II 10 Mr. Sturges Patron 1720. Hen. Bagnal, Clerk 1725. SHawkhurſt V. (St. Laurence] (only a Curacy) Proxies viis. vi d. by the Rector. Abb. Battel v s. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church Oxford. 17 05 00 Hothfield R. [St. Mary} Proxies v s. 5 s. Penf: Colleg.Wye-xs. 01 14 06 Lord Thanet 1682, 1721. . 19 04, 0.7 vi d. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 07 13 04. Newynden R. [St. Peter] Prox. V s. 4.5. 8. d. -00 15 04 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 05 13 04 Pevington R. [St. Mary] Eccl. deftructa & unita. 00 II 04 ŞPluckley R. (St. Michael] Prox, vii s. vid. 5.5. Penſion to 20 01 0523 St Gregory Canterb. xxvi so 'viïi d. 02 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Sandherft R. (St. Michael] Prox, vis vi d. 85. 4 d Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury: SMARDEN R. {St. Michaelj Proxies vii s. vid.. 10 s. 02 08 03 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. TenteRDEN V. [St. Mildred] Proxies vii-s. vid. 5.5. 03 07 037 Mon. Sti, Auguſtini Propr, Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Weſtwell 12 10:00 viisozor for os oo 10 S. 1 20 00 00 02 00 24 02 06 33 12 II I KENT. DIO OESE: of CANTERBURY. 7 d. #is, s. 42. oo oo King'i Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. 13:00 00 Weſtwell V. [St. Mary] 5 s. Exempt from the Arch-Deacon. Os 06.00. 67 1. 14 s. Ecclef. Cath. Cant. Propri Arch-Biſhop of Canterb. CertifiedValue. Livings diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 40. 00.00 Benenden V: * [St. George] Proxies, .viis. vid. 02 15 03" Mon. Combwell Propr. Oxford Univerſity, 1700. Eaftwell R. (Șt. -Mary]: Proxies vs. 35. 4 d. Redd, i viii d. Penſ. Collegio Wye viii s. Earl of Winchelſea. 1689; 45 Oo oo Hedcron V. alias Hedcorni. [St. Peter and St. Paul] 4 s. OI 11 04 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 30. 00. go Kenyngton V. (St. Mary) 55. or 04 oo Mon, St. Auguſtini.. Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 44 00.00 Rolvyndan Y. al. Rownden. [St. Mary) 35.4.d. Redd.xd. Colleg; Cobbam. Propr: . Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. Chapels, Donatives, and Cúracies. Egerton Cli. to Chating. 1. 32 : 00 : 00 Certified Value. Hawkhurſt C. L. 27": 02 : 06 Certified Value. Smallhithe Cap: t. 45 : 00 : oo Certified Value. { 19 08 OI OQ OR 01.02 00 { , . . . , for Dover, ti A Market-Town, and one of the Cinque Ports): Livings remaining in Charge: King's Books Yearly Tenshis. 1. d.. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d: Alkeham V. (St. Anthony] with the Chapel of Ferne (St. II:00 00 & Mary]' 3.5.4.d. Penf. Abb. Sti. Radegund xiii s, iv d. 531.95. 6 d. Abb. Sti. Radegund Propr. Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. Certified Value. Cheriton R. [St. Martin) Proxies, yii s. vid. 6s. Penſ. Prior. 16 12 06 Folkeſtone xx so 01 13 03 Mr. James Brockman 1676. 06 13 04 Ewell V. al, Temple Ewell. [St. Mary and St. Peter) i s. 8 d. 00 13 04 13 1. 10 s. 8 d. Comandry of Swynfeld Propriet: Mr. Simon Edolphe 1661. Certified Value. Mr. Angel. SFOLKESTON V. (only: a Stipendiary Curacy) (St. Mary and 10-00.02St: Eanſwith] 3 s. 4 d. OI Oo oo Pri. Folkejton Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 09-12 06 Ş Newington near Hytbe V.. [St. Nicholas] Proxies vii s. vi . 2: 2 s. 8.d. 00 15 03., 48 l. 175. 3 d. Certified Value: Colleg. Wye Propri Mr. Brockman 1673. James Brock. man Efq; 1725 1. ago Living's * Benenden R. Sir John Norris is Patron. Harris's Hiftory of Kent, page 37. + Dover.—There were antiently ſeven Churches in this Town, but five of them, viz., St. John, St. Nj. aholas,. St. Mary, St. Martin's the Greater, and St. Martin's che. Leſs, are deſtroyed, 8 DIOCESE of CANTERBURY. KENT. 1 beracy Qu. 50 00 00 00 1 00 00 00 1 1 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly. Tenths. 1. S. d. Livings Diſcharged. 1. S. d.is Bewfield V. alias Beauxfield, alias Whitfield ; [St. Mary] a Cu- 26 00 00 " 0 14 00 racy 2 s. Exempt from the Arch-Deacon. Ecclef. Cath. Cantuar, olim Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Can- terbury. 26 oo oo.. Buckland, (St. Andrew] 4 s. 8 d. Pri. Dover. Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury, 32 0000 Charlton R. [St. Peter] 5 s. Thomas Monins Gent. 1700. S Hawking V. [St. Michael] Prox.. ii s. ix d. 35. 8.d. This ? 30 00 00 0 14 093 was returned a Rectory in Hen. VIII's Survey. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 46 oo oo Hougham V. (St. Laurence] 2 s. 6 d. 00 13.04. Pri. Dover Propr.. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. St. James's R. în Dover I. Penf. vi s. Proxies ii s. iii d. 24 00 00 z 2.s. 8 d. Redd. vi d. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 32 00 00 Lydden V. (St. Mary] 2 s. QO 12 07 Abb. Langdon Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 46 oo oo St. Margaret's at Clyffe V. 2 si 4 d. oo 00 13 00 Pri. Dover Propr: Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 24 Oo oo St. Peter's R. + 3 5. 00 08 oo The KING. 08 00 00 Ryver V. 00 14 01 Abb. Sti. Radegund. Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 24 00 oo Weſtcliffe V. 9 s. :00:00 00 Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, Propr. and Patr. Not in Charge. Eaft Sutton V. Mon. Leeds Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Chapels, Donatives, and "Curacies. Gufton C. 1. 14: 00 : 00 Certified Value. Pri. Dover olim Propr. Swinfield C. 1. 20: 00 : 00 Certified Value. Præceptor. Swynfield olim Propr. I s. 8 d. ) l. s. D. eleham. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. I. d. 07 00 00 Acris R. alias Awkeridge, Proxies v s. 5 S. 00 14 00 The KING 02 10 10 Bircholt R. (no Church ſtanding) Prox, ii s. vid. 15. 8 d. 00 05 OI John Hanfield Gent. 1662. 1673. * Bewfield V. alias Beaux field.—This formerly paid Tenths to the Crown-Receiver, but being certified to be of the value of 26 1. the ſame is now diſcharged from Firſt-Fruits and Tenths. I St. James's R. –This formerly paid Tenths to the Crown-Receiver, but being certified to be of the Yearly Value of 241. is now diſcharged both from the Payment of Firſt-Fruits and Tenths. + St. Peter's R. --This formerly paid Tenths to the Crown-Receiver, but being certified to be of the Yearly Value of 24 1. is now diſcharged both from the Payment of Firſt-Fruits and Tenths. KENT DIOCESE of CANTERBURY. 9 S. S. d 01 03 03 4S, 8 d. 20 00 00 02 00 00 195. od. 21 IO 00 { King's Books. Pearly Tenths. I. d. 1. II 12 06 Bradbourn V. alias Braborne, Proxies viis, vi d. 3.5. Mon. Horton Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury., 05 1904; Denton R. [St. Mary Magdalen] Proxies v s. 00 11 12 591. 35. od. Mrs. Anne Whorwood and Thomas Whorwood 1704. CertifiedValue ELEHAM ] 5 s. Merton-College, Oxford, pre- 59). 155. 2 d. 2 ſents 2, the Arch-Bp. of Canterbury accepts one of them. CertifiedValue. Merton-Col. Oxon. Propr. 10 05 00 Haſtingley R. [St. Mary] Prox. V 5. 5 5. OI OO 06 681. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. CertifiedValue . (Lyminge als. Lymege, R. [St. Mary and St. Edburgh) (line) Cure) Proxies xxx s. Il. 6 s. 8 d. cum Cap. Stanford [All 02 03 00 Saints] & Paddleſworth, [St. Oſwald.] Exempt from the Arch-Deacon. John Taylor Efq; 1713 The KING, 1714. Mrs. Taylor 1726. 10 18 09 S Oi Oi 10 Prox. ii s. viii d. 4 s. Exempt from the Arch-Deacon. John Taylor Eſq; 1712, 1713. Mrs. Taylor 1726. 06 08 on Poftling V. + [St. Mary] Proxies ii s. 00 12 09 Canon. S. Radegundis Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterb. Saltwood R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] 16 s. 8 d. with the Chap. , i d2 03 08 00 34 Oo oo of Hethe, [St. Leonard) Sexton's Wages xl s. Exempt from the Arch-Deacon. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 07 17 II Stowting R. [St. Mary] Proxies ii s. vid. 6s. 8 d. - 00 15 09 Mrs. Anſell, Widow, 1697. 08 10 02 Wotton R. [St. Martin] Proxies v s. 00 17 00 Mrs. Janë Bridges, and Suſanna Garret, Widow, 1712. Livings diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value: . . ? 45 Oo oo Cant. xxvis. viii d. Pri. Sti. Gregor. Cant. Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterb. SHorton R. [St. Peter] Proxies v s. 3 s. 4 d. Penf. Mon. 40 Oo oo Horton vs. Redd. eodem Mon. viii d. 00 15 OI Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. { ) } b}} or 2 s. Boa 5 s. Chapels, Donàtives, and Curacies. Stanford Cur. Not certify'd. Nonington C. cum Cap. Wymenfwold. l.71 :6:8 Certified Value. С D. Lymme + Poftling V. a Leaſe made of the Impropriate Rectory by Arch-Biſhop Sancroft, for the Benefit of the Vicar and his Succeſſors. Bifhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 306. . 10 - KENT. DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. D. Lyinme alias Lpmpne. J. Pearl 35, 302 21 00 00 02 02 QQ . 1 20 10 10 ΟΙ ΟΙ Livings remaining in Charge. Kirg's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. I. d. Aldington R. (St. Martin] cum Cap. Smeth. Proxies iži s. iiii d. 16 og 15 s. Exempt from the Arch-Deacon, Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury 1708. SAPPLE DORE V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Proxies x s. 3 s. 4 d. cum Cap. de Ebeney, in Inſula Oxney. (St. Mary] Pri. Sti. Martini Dover. Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterb. 04 00 oo Blackmanſton R. Deſtrueta, 2 s. 6 d. oo 08 oo Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 10 12 081 Bonnington R. * (St. Rumwald) Proxies v s. viid. 35. 4 d. OI OI 036 521. 13 s. id. William Mann Eſq; 1680. John Turner 1701, 1709. CertifiedValue. Brentſet V. [St. Eanfwith] Proxies vii s. vid. 2 S. 4 d. Redd. 07 18 1 Ź Prior. Chriſtchurch vi d, Marhland Scots xii d. 15 10 zil. 6s. o d. Certified Value. Colleg. Wye Propr. William Brockman Eſq; 1707. 17 12 08. Brookland V. (St. Auguſtin) Proxies vii s. vid. 5 s. OI 15 037 Mon. Sli, Auguſtini Cantuar. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Burmeríh R. (-. d. Scots xv d. The KING. S Dymchurch (St. Peter and St. Paul] Proxies and Synods x s. x d. 5 s. 8 d. Marſh. Scots ürii s. viii d. oo 14 037 The KIN G. Eaſtbridge R. the Church demoliſed. oo 10 08 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Eaſtinghanger als. Oftinghanger R. † [St. Thomas Becket] (no Church or Incumbent bere.) Redd. ijs. vi d. Proxies v s. 00 15 03 2 s. 4 d. The KING 04 18 04 Fawkenherſt R. [St. Leonard] Marſ. Scots iii s. iii d. 00 09 10 Sir John Shelley Kt. 1684. 10 01 00 Hope All Saints Á. Prox. xi s. 6 s. 8 d. Marſh. Scots iïi s. ïiii d. or 00 01 Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Ivechurch R. [St. George] Proxies xx s. 1l. Marſh. Scots iiii s. viii d. Redd. Archiep. ii s. ii d. Exempt from the Arch-Deac. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 12 01 00,- Kenerton alias Kenardington R. [St. Mary) Proxies vii s. ? { vi d. 6 s. 8 d. Redd. Archiep. iii d. Marſh. Scotts ii s. ifii d.) 01 04 01 Mr. Robert Breton 1693. Mr. Moyle Breton 1721. 5 s. 4 d Āb. Battell, xls, Redd. xx d. O2 11 Sir Nathanael Powell Bart. and his Wife 1706. LYDDE Bonvington and Farukenherf were united by Arch-Biſhop Whitgift, Anno 1583. vide Arch-Biſhop Whitgift's Life by Strype. + Eaflinghanger R. --This pays Tenths to the Crown-Receiver, and not to the Arch-Biſhop. 07 02 08: 7 05 06 08 07 12 06 } 44 16 08 304 09 08 for Persizor ܕ KENT. DIOCESE of CANTERBURY. II s. 55 12 01 {L 10 s. 30 00 00 19 16 00:{Newchurch v:} [St. Peter and St. Paul] } :}11 King's Books. learly Tenths, 1. d. 1. s. d. SLYDDE V. [All Saints] Proxies viii s. 8 . { from the Arch-Deacon. 11 02 Abb. Tinterne in Wallia Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterb. 23 03 09 St. Mary's in the Marſh R. Proxies xvi s. 02 06 04 Arch Biſhop of Canterbury. 26 16 10:{ ŞMerſham R. als. Marſham * [St. John Baptiſt] Proxies ? vii s. vi d. 12 s. 8 d. Redd. vii s. vid. Mon. Dover. jii d. 02 13 08 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Midley R. als. Medley, † (the Church demoliſhed.) 2 s. 03 co oo Henry Eve Gent. 1720. 08 04 02 R. 200 16 05 Soi 19 071 Exempt from the Arch-Deacon. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 03 Oo oo Olgarſwick R. Dejtrueta. 2 s. oo об оо Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. SRoking als. Rucking R. (St. Mary Magdalen] Prox. v s. 8 s. 14 13 04 ? 4d. Redd. Pri. Chriſtchurch vid. ob. Marſh. Scots iiii s. iidos 01 09 04 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Sold Rumney R. [St. Clement] Proxies viis. vi di 95.4 d.? 15 19 02 2 Redd. and Marſh. Scots x s. Exempt from the Arch-Deac. for 11 11 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. New RUMNEY V. [St Nicholas] with the Chapels of St. Martin and St. Laurence in Oadens-town, 3 s. 4 d. Exempts 00 13 07 from the Arch-Deacon. All-Souls College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 17 06 08 Snargate R.. [St, Dunſtan] Proxies and Synods xxxiii s. viii d. 8 s. 8 d. Marſh. Scots vi s. for 14.08 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. S Snave R. [St. Auguſtin] Proxies vii s. 6 s. 8 d. Marp. Scots? 301 18 09 v s, ix d. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 08 14 041 Stone V. [St. Mary] Proxies and Synods v s. 5 5. Redd. ix d. 00 17 051 Mon. Sti. Auguſtini Propr. Dean and Chapter of Canterb. Warehorn R. [St. Matthew] Proxies vii s. vid. 8 s. 44. Redd. 19 Oo oo OI 18 00 Pri. Horton x s. Marſh. Scots viii s. The KING. 08 14 041 Weſtheth V. als. Weſthyth, [St. Mary] Prox. vii s. vid. 2 s. 00 17 051 Arch-Deacon of Canterbury Propr. and Patr. 08 16 08 Willesbrough V. [St. Mary] Proxies v s. 00 17 08 Mon. Sti. Auguſtini juxta Cantuar. Propr. Dean and Chap- ter of Canterbury. Wittriſham als. Witreſham R. (St. John Baptiſt] Proxies x s. Redd. 15 08 06 Prior. 01 10 10 Chriſtchurch xviii d. Exempt from the Arch-Deacon. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Woodchurch * Merham R. alias Marſham. This pays Tenths to the Crown-Receiver, and not to the Arch-Biſhop. + Midley, alias Medley R.--- This is charged with xx s. per Annum for Tenths, payable to the Crown- Receiver ; and the remaining xls. is payable to the Arch-Biſhop. 06 16 03 { 19 17 II {$ { 5 s. mion 1 IOS. C2 I 2 DIOCESE OF CANTERBURY. KENT. 1. s. 26 13 04 5-302 { "}oo 09'01 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. s. d. d. Woodchurch R. [All Saints] 10:5. Exempt from the Arch- Deacon. 02 13. 04 . Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 34 Oo oo Henxhill R. [St. Mary] Proxies v s. - 5,5. 00 15 08: Sir George Choute Bart. 1688. 25 Oo oo Lymme alias Lympne V. [St. Stephen] 2 s. 00. i8 01 Arch-Deacon of Canterbury Proprietor and Patron. Orlaſton R. [St. Mary] Proxies v s. 2 s. 8 d. Redd. ii s. 40 00 00 iii d. Marſh. Scots is. Sir Philip Boteler Knt. 1715, 1721. 36 oo oo Sellinge alias Sellindge V. [St. Mary] Proxies xxii d. 1s. 8 d. 00 13 II Hoſp. Dover Propr. (or Mon. Sti. Auguſtini) Edward Wat- Son Eſq; 1710. 35 00 00 Sevington R.. [St. Mary] Prox. V s. 5 s. Redd. id. ob. 00 17 042 John Boys Gent. 1690. Shadockſherſte R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Proxies v s. 38 00 oo 6 d. Redd, ii s. 00 The KING, Eaftbridge Hoſpital, Deftru&ta. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Bilfington C. l. 30 : 00 : 00 Certified Valde. Fairfield C. 1. 50 : 00 : 00 Certified Value... Bromhill Cur. not Certified. { Yearly. Tenths, 1. di D. Oſpring. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. 1. d. Rectories; &c. with their Pations and Proprietors. Boughton under Bleane V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] 2 s. Exempt from the Arch-Deacon. Mon. Feverſham Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury, 16 Oo oo ŞEaſtling R. ÇSt. Mary] Proxies viii s.. vi.d.. il. Penfi Pri. 2 Leeds xx d. Earl of Winchelſea 1717: Hartey R. alias Hartley*, in Skepey, only a Curacy. [St. Thomas Apoftle]. Prox: v So, Redd. xxii s. y d. CertifiedValue. Richard Thornhill Efq; 1.5 Oo oo SHernehill V. [St. Michael ] 2" s. 6 d. Exempt from the Arch- ? Deacon. CertifiedValue. Mon. Feverſpam Impr.. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 2.I I 2 00 d.}oo 18 05# Pris 31 h-301 201. 0.1 IQ 00 581. Ludenham * Hartey R. alias Hartley, and not to the Arch-Biſhop. This is charged with the Tenths as above, payable to the Crown-Receivers KENT DIOCESE of CANTERBURY. 13 s. 6s. 8 2. Pens. Abbozor Da-Bor OI OI 10 10 оо оо Ο[ 00 00 05 06 08 o oo oo 10 00 00 d. 07 II 08 King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. 1. d. l s. d. ŞLudenham R. [St. Mary) Proxies v s. 6 . d. . Abb 12 08 04 2 Feverſham iii l. vis. viii d. OI' 04 10 The KING 08 03 11 Lynſted V. * [St. Peter and St. Paul] 3 s. 4 d. 00 16 041 70 l. 12 s. 4d. Arch-Deacon of Canterbury Proprietor and Patron. CertifiedValue . 5 Norton R. [St. Mary) Proxies v s. 9 s. 4 d. Prior. De- 10 18 04 { vington vi s. viii d. Penſ. Prior. Rechefter x s. Biſhop of Rocheſter. Oſpring V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Proxies. vi's. viii d. 5 s. St. John's College Cambridge Propr. and Patr. 06 14 02 Ottrinden R. [St. Laurence] Proxies vis. 35. 4 d. 00 13 05 62 1. 17 s. 10d. George Curtis Eſq; 1681. The KING this Turn 1701. CertifiedValue. 08 12 06 Preſton V. (St. Catherine] Proxies vii s. vi d. 4 s. 10 d. 00 17 03. 77.1. 175. vid. Mon. Feverſham Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. CertifiedValue. Stalsfield V. (St. Mary) 2 s. oo 10 08- 531. 18 s. 3 d. Pri. Sti. Gregorii Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. CertifiedValue. Tenham V. (St. Mary] 45. 4.d. 63 l. 3 s. 4, Arch-Deacon of Canterbury Propr. and Patron. CertifiedValue. Throughley als. Throwley V. [St. Mary].Prox. vii s. vi.d. 10.S. 00" 15:02 48 l. 135. 2 d. Mon. Syon in Middleſex Propr. Mr. James Barker 1715. CertifiedValue. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 46 oo oo Badleſmere R. [St. Leonard]' Proxies vis. 45. 4 d. 00 19 02 Edward Watſon Efq; 1713. 44 05 00 Buckland R. Deſtructa. Proxies v s. 00 II 04 Elizabeth Eve 1707. William Hugefon Eſq; 1720. 15. Oo oo Dodington V. + [St. John Baptiſt] 1 s. 8 d. 00 13 04. Arch-Deacon of Canterbury Propr. and Patron. - 38 18 03 FEVERSHAM V: 1os. Alnis v s.: Redd. isi Mon. Sti. Auguſtini Propr. Dean and Chapter of Canterb. 30-00 oo Goodneſton R. [St. Bartholomew] 2 s. 8 d. 00'10-03 Daniel White 1678, and Pennington a Quaker. Mr. Robert Knowler 1721. i 50 00 00 Graveney V. (All Saints] Proxies vis. viii d. 33.. 4 d. OF-04:00? Mon. Stæ Mariæ Overy in Surr. Impr... Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 30 00 00 Leveland R. [St. Laurence] Proxies ili s. 0008 00' Edward Watſon Eſq; 1713. 15 00 00 Newenham V. I [St. Peter and St. Paul] I s. 8 d. Redd. vid. 00 11 03 Pri. Leſnes olim Propr. Mr. Hulſe and Widow Lovelace: Owre * Lynſted: Y--A Penſion reſerved to it by. Arch. Deacon Parker of 10 d. per Arnum. Biſkop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 306. # Dodington V.--A Penſion reſerved to it by Arch-Deacon Parker of 401. per Annum. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 306. I Nervenham V.--This formerly paid Tenths to the Crown-Receiver, but being certified to be of the Value of 15 l.. is diſcharged both from Firſt-Fruits and Tenths. 45. t 02 13 09 2 3 5. 43. '14 DIOCESE of CANTERBURY. KENT. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 00 00 00 oo 13 04 Clear Yearly Value. 1. s. d. 07 Oo oo Owre alias Oare, a Curacy (St. Peter] 2 s. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 37 00 00 Selling V. (St. Mary] Proxies viis. vi d. 35. 4.d. Mon. Sti. Auguſtini Propr. The KING. 40 Oo oo Sheldwich V. (St. James] 2 s. 8 d. Mon. Sti. Auguſtini Propr. Dean and Chapter of Can- terbury. Davington alias Devington C. (St. Mary Magdalen] l. 20 00 00 Abby of Davington Pr. Mr. Sherwin. CertificdValue. 00 13 08 1. $. d "} 6s.}or II 03 D. Sandwich Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 13 16 10; 5 St. Clement's V. in Sandwich, Penſion to the Arch-Deacon OI 07 08 777. 101.42.2 xl s. 2 s. 6 d. Redd. iii. s. Certifiedvalue. Arch-Deacon of Canterbury. 06 02 06 Coldred V. (St. Pancras] 2 s. OO 12 03 35 l. 75.9 d. Pri. Dover Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. CertifiedValue. 19 10 00 { drew] Synods xix s. vd. ob. Redd. įi s. id. Capellanis xii 1. fer. 12. 09... Eton College Patr. and Propr. 06. 15 10 Thurloxton R., St. Giles] Proxies xiid. Synods vi s. iii d. 00. 13 07: Henry Portman Eſq; 1706. Livings diſcharged. : Clear Yearly Valise. Yearly Tenths. 42. 15 00 Chilton R. (Holy Trinity] Proxies i s. vichSyn. ix's. v d. 00 14'001 The KING. Dodington † Chedſey R.-pays Tentha to the Biſhop of Bath and Wells. ŞCaft: Quanto xhead R. [St. Mary] Proxies üi :, väi d. Synods Zoo:19 08 Emner als. Enmore R. [St. Michael] Proxies xx. d. Synods Zoo 16 05 : 05 02 08:{ есе:}oo }er SOMERSET. DIOCESE of BATH and WELLS. 27 J. d. Zoo Aibel. Zor o0 Ιο ney vi l. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 33 15 00 Dodington R. 00 10 08 George Dodington Eſq; 1714. 48 17 05} Fedington R. (St. Martin] Prox. vii s. viii d. Syn. ii s. x d.ob. 00 13 00 Baron of Chewton 1711. Lord Waldegrave. S Halford R. Proxies xvid. Synods ii s. iii d. Redd. Præpofit. 43 Oo oo 2 Eton iii s. 00 to 01 Eton College. 49 00 00 Kilton V. [St. Nicholas] Proxies ii s. Synods ix s. v d. 00 14 081 The KING. Pri. Bathon. Propr. ŞLinge alias Weſt-Linge V. [St. Bartholomew] Abb. Athel- -22 10.00 2 Richard Jane and others 1675. Mr. Samuel Atkins 1719. Abb. of Athelney Propr. -47 12 054 Otterhampton R. Proxies ii s. vii d. Synods x s. ob. ої об от Hu. Pomroy and Joan Hodges Spinſter 1708. Gilbert Hody 48 Oo oo Overſtowey V.. Penf. xiii s. iiii d. 00 14 01 Biſhop of Bath and Wells. Pri. or Maſter of Gaunts in Briſtol Propr. 38 or 08 Stokeland Graunts alias Briſtol V. 00 12 11 Mayor and Burgeſſes of Briſtol. Pri, or Maſter of Graunts (alias Gaunts) in Briſtol. 38 og og Wendon alias Wembdon V. [St. George] Synods iii s. vid.}oo 19 08; ? Pri. Bridgwater XXXV S. "Sir Hallwell Tynt Bart. 1693. Pri. Bridgwater Propr. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Lilſtock, Chap. to Stoke-Gurſey 1. 20 : 00 : 00 Clear Value. Efq; 4. 1. S. d. D. Carep, in the Arch-Deaconry of Wells. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Bouks. King's Yearly Tenths. s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 09 09 og Alford R. [All Saints] Synods ix s. xd. ob. Proxies iiii d. oo 18 11 Mr. James Lacy and Anne his Wife Patr. 1721. 07 12 or Almisford R. [St. Andrew] Synods viii s. ix d. 00 15 02 Mrs. Ettrick 1720, 13 10.05 Babcary R. [Holy Croſs] Synods ix s. xi d. ob. Proxies xii d. OI 07 00 Ra. Stawell Eſq; 1677. (Now) Lord Stawell 1722. 26 14 047 (Badcombe alias Batcombe R. [St. Mary) Synods xi s. vi d.ob. 7 02 13 057 Proxies xv d. Abb. Glaſton xx s. 05 03 117 | Spergrove R. annexed, Synods ii s. vid. ob. Proxies ii d. s. Soo 10 04: John Man Eſq; 1716. George Rodney Bridges Eſq; Patr. 1721. 13 10 00 Charlton Muſgrave R. [St. Stephen] Syn, ix s. xd. Prox, iiii d, oi 07 00 70. Hall and Gerard Martin 1713. Collington E 2 1 28 DIOCESE of BATH and WELLS. SOMERSET. 17 01 *304.12.06 29 12 06 i King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. . d. 12 19 04:{ Collington, Balias Cucklington [St. Laurence] Synods vis. vissfor 05 113 Nathaniel Napier Eſq; 1706. 08 10 10 ŞCompton Paunsfoot R. (St. Mary] Synods ix s. x d.ob. Proxies Proxies} oo 2 viii d. Epiſc. Winton, ii s, v d. Redd, wid. 70. Hunt Efq; 1714. 21 09 0471 ob. Proxies x d. Ş Culmington alias Kilmington R. [St. Mary) Synods ix s. xd. 043 xd.} oz 02 02 11 Sir Stephen Fox 1716. S Dichiat R. (St. Mary Magdalen] Synods xviii s. vid. Proxies 46 05 00 2 xx d. Sacriſt & Glaſton. xlv s. Edmund Dawe Efq; 1599. Doulting V. [St. Aldelme) with Stoke [St. Nicholas] Doniat [All Saints] Eaſt-Crenmore [St. James) and Weft-Cren- 02 19 03 more Chap. (St. Bartholomew) Synods ix s. xd. ob. Proxies xii d. Decano & Capitulo Wellen. xiii s. iiii d. Abb. Glaſton. Propr. George Horner Efq; 1675. 07 02 Or Horneblowton R. [St. Peter] Synods vüi s. xi d. 00 14 02 Charles Milborne junior, Eſq; 1700. 12 04 02 SLamiat R. (St. Mary and St. John] Synods viii s. xi d. Proxies OI 04 05 iid. Dom. de Godſtow xiii s. iii d. The KING, Jane Methwen 1640. Maperton R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Synods ix s. x d. ob. 13 09 07 Proxies vi d. ob. Charles Michael (this Turn) 1715. Mr. Bennet Patr. 1721. S North Cadbury R. [St. Michael] Synods ix s. x d. ob. Proxies 28 xvi d. Redd. xiii d. 302 17 081 Emanuel College, Cambridge. SHEPTON MALLET R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Synods and 33 12 01 024 Proxies ix s, illi d. ob. The KING 1663. Fohn Parker Gent. 1665. The KING 1679. John Harvey Merchant 1693. The KING 1697, Mr. James Wickham h. v. 1721. The Prince of Wales b. v. 1725. . . 10 03 or 00 031 Proxies iiii d. Francis Newman Eſq; 1717. 12 16 03 Sparkford R.[St. Mary Magdalen]Syn.ix s. x d.cb. Prox. vd.qa. 01 05 071 Mr. Newman Patr. 1721. 06 12 OI S - ] . Edward Burton 1692. 17 13 04 Weſtlidford R. OI 15 04 Thomas Jacob Gent. 1660. Lord Slawel q. 08 15 10 Weſton Bamfield R. Synods ix s. xd. ob. Proxies iiii d. OI 17 07 Anne Wilkinſon 1681. Yarlington R. [St. Mary) Synods ix s. xi d. Proxies vi d. ob. OI 12 ORE Maurice Berkley Eſq; 1673. Earl Godolphin 1723. Livings 07 {ma Proxies }o [] , d. for 06 11 8302 1 { 16 01 03 SOMERSET. DIOCESE of BATH and WELLS. 29 1. S. 1. So 44 04 08 08.301 00:{ Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. d. d. Livings diſcharged. 17 03 02; Barton David V. [St. David] oo 16 00 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr: 38 19 06 Blackforde R. [St. Michael] Synods xix d. ob. 00 13 0 Francis Bennet Gent. 1717. Bratton R. (Holy Trinity) Synod's vii s. iii d. Proxies iiii d. oo 10 051 70. Roſe Eſq; 1662. Croſcombe R. (St. Mary) Synods and Proxies vis. vii d. ob. 43 18 07*? Pens. Rectori de Shepton-Mallet xxvi s. viii d. 1 04 087 Hu. Forteſcue Eſq; 1712. Now Lord Clinton 1722. 32 05 00 CASTLE-CARY V. (All Saints] Syn. ix d. x d.ob. Prox. viid. 01 03 071 Mrs. Rachael Ettricke 1720. Pri. Bathon Propr. 12 16 09 Dinder P. cum Curá. [St. Michael] 00 05 00 Biſhop of Bath and Wells. 39 12 09 Eaſtlidford R. Synods viis. iji d. 00 14 11 George Duke Efq; 1710. --, 32 15 004 nods x s. Proxies vi d. ob. 00 14 051 William Coward Efq; 1709. Abb. Glaſton. Propr. Everchriche V. alias Evercreech (St. Peter) with Cheſterblade 42 15 00 alias Cheſterblake Chapel (Mary] Bo OI 13 II Pri. St. John's in Wells Propr. The Co-heireſſes of Bennet Bart. 1721. 25 об от Halton R. (St. Nicholas) Synods iis, vid. Proxies ii d. 00 16 00 Hugh Watts Gent. 1681. 41 14 02 King's Weſton R. (All Saints] Synods xi s. v d. ob. or 00 07, Sir John Smith Bart. 1704. Kington alias ? 39 00 00 13 042 vi s. id. Rebecca Dampier Widow 1686. 46 18 08 Milton Clevedon V. [St. James ] 00 13 04 Suſan Strangeways Widow 1715. Pri. Brewton Propr. 37 09 051 Northbarowe R. [St. Nicholas) Syn. ii s. ii d. Prox, ii d. ob. oo 15 og Henry Portman Eſq; 1706. 47 OI 04 Penſelwood R. [St. Michael] Synods vii s. iii d. Proxies ilii d. 00 13 051 Thomas Ewens Eſq; 1674. Mr. King and Sir Willian Wyndham 1721. 41 03 091 Pill alias Pull R. (St. Thomas Becket] 00 17 11 William Berkeley Eſq; Patr. 1721. .29 10 00 Pilton V. [St. Mary) with Wotton Chapel. 00 14 00 Precentor of Wells Propr. and Patr. 26 02 08 Shepton Montague V. [St. Peter) 00 17 06 Pri. Brewton Propr. Edward Burton Gent. 1671. 48 19 06+ Stoke alias Braiford R. Synods iiii s. xi d. ob. Proxies iii d. 00 15 06 Sir Nathaniel Napier Bart. 1716. 39 15. 10.1 Wheathill R. [St. John Baptiſt í Synods viii d. 00 08 064 Ja. Lord Waldegrave 1713. Curacies 1 30 DIOCESE of BATH and WELLS. Somerset. Curacies and Chapelries certified to the Governors of Q. Anne's Bounty, within the Arch-Deaconry of Wells. South-Barrow Cur. (St. Peter] 1. 10 : 00 : 00 Value. Browham Cur. (St. John Baptiſt] l. 21 : 00 : 00 Value. BREWTON Cur. (St. Mary) (formerly 31. 40: 00 : 00 Value . Lovington Cur. [St. Thomas Becket] - L. 10 : 00 : 00 Value. Pitcomb (St. Leonard] - 1. 21 : 00 : oo Value, Redlinch (St. Peter] l. 4 : 00 : 00 Value. Stoke fub Hamden (St. Andrew] 1. 20: 00 : 00 Value. WINCANTON [St. Peter and St. Paul] l. 30 : 00 : 00 Value. Wyke alias Week Champflower 1. 4:00 : oo Value. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Eaft-Crenmore [St. James] Chap.31. 13 : 06 : 00 Clear Vál. to Doulting Weft-Crenmore [ St. Bartholo- 2-34 mew ] Chapel to Doulting l. 14 : 18:00 Clear Val. Downhead alias Doniat [ All}1..38:01:00 Clear Val. Saints] Chapel to Doulting: - Stokeland [st. Nicholas] Chapel 31. 19: 10:00 Clear Val. to Doulting West-Bradley, Chapel to Eaft-}4. 9:00 : 00 Value. Pennard. Cheſterblade [ St. Mary] alias Cheſterblake, Chapel to Ever-1.12 :-00:00 Value. chriche. Wotton, Chapel to Pilton 1.10 :.00 : oo Clear Val. 31.12 D. Crewkernt, in the Arch-Deaconry of TAUNTON. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. I d. 12 19 091 Buckland St. Mary's R. Synods ix s. viii d. ób. Proxies viii d. 01 05 II Executors of Francis Popham Knt. 1677. 36 18 09 CHARDE V. [St. Mary] Proxies v s. 03 13 10 Dean of Wells Impr. Biſhop of Bath and Wells Patr. 15 04 047 Comb St. Nicholas V. OI 10 057 Dean of Wells Patr. and Impr. Curry Mallet R. [All Saints] with Curland Chapel [All Saints 24 0.1 03 02 08 oi! Synods ix s. viji d. ob. Proxies xxi d. The KING. 13 16 007 Curry Rival V. [St. Andrew} with Weſton Chapel (St. An- { drew] Synods ix s. vïïid. ob. Proxies xiji d. 07 077 Abby of Bysfham Impr. William Pynfent Eſq; and Wife 1708. 15 15 00 Donnyet R. [St. Mary] Synods vi s. v d. ob. Proxies viïi d. OI II 06 Thomas Coke Eſq; 1722. Earneſhill nts ]}oz n}1 00 1 SOMERSET. DIOCESE OF BATH and W E L L S. 311 King's Books. b. S. d. S. 03 06 08 25. 05 00 . Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 02 01 00 Earneſhili R. Sire Cur. Pers. Vicario de Cory Rivell ii s. 00 04 01 Thomas Jennings Efq; 1694. Eaſtham R. Sine Cur. Deftru&ta. 00 06 08 Edward Freke Eſq; 1692. 01 06 08 Goſebradon R. Sine Cur. 00 02 08 Elizabeth Clee 1709. 13 05 027 S Hatch Bechamp K.' (St. John Baptift] Synods ix s. xi d. ? { ої об об. Lord Bruce 1715. ILMISTER V. (St. Mary} 02 10 06 Pri. Mucbelney Impr. George Speke Eſq; 17 18 or Kingſbury V. (St. Martin] Pens. Rectori ii s. OI 15 09 Chancellor of Wells Patr. and Impr. 13 07 03 Pokington R. Synods ix s. yd. Proxies xvi d. Redd, ii s. 01 06 0815 Henry Portman 1694, 1723. 14 08 11 Shepton Bechamp R. Synods ix s. viii d. ob. Proxies xvi d. OI 08 10 Earl of Ayleſbury 1704. 05 04 041 "South-Bradon R. Sine Cur. Synods il s. iii do: 00 1005 Thomas Strangeways Efq; 1709. S SOUTH-PETHERTON V: {$t. Peter and St. Paul] Synods ii s. 08 oo 24 og .00 { iii:d. Proxies xviii d. ob. Abb. of Brewton Impr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. Staple Fitz-Paine R. [St. Peter) with Bucknel Chapel, Synods 17 14 02 15 05 2. x s. x d. Proxies xxii d. · Henry Portman Eſq; 1704, 1722. 06 15 oo Sevenhampton alias Sevington R. [St. Michael] with Doning- ton Chapel [St. Nicholas] Synods xi s. ilii d. Proxies v d. Sir yo. Sydenham Bart. 1691. E. Poulet. q. Weſtdouliſh R. Synods vii s. iii d. Proxies iii d. oo oo o9 George Speke Eſq; 1680. Wichtaunton R. [St. Andrew] Synods ix s. viii d. ob. Proxies 14-02 II oi 08 037 ii s. vid. Elizabeth Clee. Widow 1584. 14 13 04: Winſham V. or 09 04 Dean of Wells Patr. and Impr. S302 {S 130 13 06 03 07 06 oż 11 { 00 12 01: Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 32.05 oo Aſhill V. (St. Mary] Prebendary thereof Patr, and Impr. 46 og or S Beerecrocomb R. with Copeland Chapel annexed, Synods iiii s. 01 03 03 2 viid. Fr. xx d. ob. Sir William Wyndham Bart. 1714. 43 17.00 Chafcombie R. [St. Michael] Synods vii s. viid. Proxies viï d. oo 19 00 Lord Poulet 1706. 46 01 057 Cricket Malerby Ř. [St. Mary Magdalen] Synods vii s. ii d. 00 12 07 Sarnuel Pitts 1699. Cricket * South-Bradon R.-is certified to the Governours of Q. Anne's Bounty, to be of the clear Yearly Value of 251 32 - * 25 05 08 DIOCESE of BATH and WELLS. SOMERSET. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. S. d. 1. s. d. 45 02 06 Cricket Thomas, with a Chap. R. [St. Thomas] Synods viïi s. “ဝဝ 19 09 2 Preſton Hippeſley Erg; s Dowli(wake R. [St. Andrew] Synods ix s. viii d. ob. Proxies 48 13 03** vii d. ob. spoo 16 11 George Speke Eſq; 1708. Eaſtlambrooke R. Penf. Cancellar, Wellen, xiii s. iiii d. 00 12 08 Dean and Chapter of Wells. 18 15 01 Fiffehead V. [St. Martin] OO 14 03 Abb. of Muchelney Impr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. 47 19 07 Henton Georgii R. (St. George] Synods vi s. id. Proxies viïi d. 01 07 04 Lord Poulet 1696. 27 II 002 Ilton V. 00 13 114 Prebendary thereof Patr. and Appr. 43 02 II Iſle Abbots V. alias Abbots Ille. oo 16 oo Abb. of Muchelney Appr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. 39 19 07 Iſlebruers V. [All Saints] 00 15 00 Pri. Bridgwater Impr. Henry Walrond Eſq; 1685. 40 17 00 Meriet V. [All Saints] Synods xii s. ii d. ob. Proxies xiïi d. OI 03 01 Abb. of Muchelney Appr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. 29 II 00 Miſterton V. [St. Leonard] oo oo oo Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter Impr. and Patr. 19.06 02 Stokelinch Magdalen R. (St. Mary Magdalen] Synods ii s, ii d. 00 08 057 Earl of Ayleſbury. 33 11 02 Stokelinch Ottorſey R. [St. Mary) Syn. v's, iii.d, Prox, iii d. Lord Poulet 1697 45 09 03 Swell V.. [St. Catherine] Synods ix s. viii d. ob. Proxies iili d. 00 11 00 Abb. of Brewton Appr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. 45 II 09. Waiforde R. Synods xix d. ob. Proxies iii d. ob. 00 10 01 William Bragg Efq; (this Turn) 1711, 21 08 oo Whitelakington V. 00 15 00 Prebendary thereof in Wells Patr, and Impr. SZeaborough alias Seabarrow R. Synods xxii d.’ob. Rectori 44 04.03 Crewkern iii s. iii d. Adam Martin Gent. 1711. Not in Charge. CREWKERN a Donative in the Gift of the Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter, Value thereof is 80 l. per Annum. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Curland Chap. to Curry-Mallet I. 19 : 00 : 00 Clear Value. Qo 12 11 १०० 00 13 06 Bucknel Chapel to Staple Fitz:}1.16 : 00 : 00 Clear Value. Dinnington [St. Nicholas ) Chap. to Sevington St. sl. 30 : 00 : 00 Clear Value. Michael. Cudworth C. 1, 12 : 10 : 00 Certified Value. Prebendary Patr. and Impr. Knowle Chapel (St. Giles] - l. 12 : 10 : 00 Certified Value. Somerset. DIOCESE of BATH and, W-ELLS. 33 i. 1. d. "}: 21 ΙΟ ΙΟ 14 00 Oz: Cutcombe V. [St. John] Proxies Epiſc. xiiii s. xi d. Synods 1 or 08 00 D. Dunter, in the Arch-Deaconry of TAUNTON. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 17 10 05 Brompton Ralph R. (St. Mary) Syn. and Prox. ix s. viii d. ob. oi 15 00 John Riß Efq; 1711. William Lacy Eſq; q. 15 01 051 Browiſhford R. (St. Michael] Syn, and Prox. ix s. viſi d. ob. 01 10 01 Anne Norris Widow (this Turn) 1708. Edward Dyke Efq; Patr. 1721. 11 ΟΙ o8 Chipſtable R. [All Saints] Synods ix s. viii d. Proxies Ep. x d. 01 02 02 George Jeane Gent. 1707. Mrs. Wyat. q. 13' 10'05 Clatworthy R. [St. Mary] Synods and Proxies ix s. viii d. ob. OI 07 00 Cath. Carew Widow 1707. . sAr-2 chidiac. iiii 5. vi d. The KING, Abb. Brewton Propr. DulverTON V. [All Saints] Prior. Taunton lx s. 02 03 01 Dean and Chapter of Wells. Pri. Taunton Propr. & Patr. 04 13 04 Dunster V. [St. George] a Curacy 00 og 04 Sir Hugh Stewkley Impr. and Patr. 1717. Pri. Dunſter Propr. & Patr. об об о8 Elworthy R. [St. Martin] Proxies xx d. Synods ix s. ix d. ob. 00 12 08 Thomas Rich Efq; 1712. Exford R. [St. Mary Magdalen] Synods and Proxies ix s. viii d. ob, William Trenchard Efq; 1706. 14 12 II Exton R. (St. Peter] Proxies ii s, iïi d. Synods vii s. v d.ob. or 09 032 Anne Norris Spinſter 1713. 13 08 04 Hawkeridge R. Proxies xd. ob. Synods xii d. от об 10 Elizabeth Portbury 1714. 13 09 041 Huiſh Chamflowre Ř. Proxies x d. Synods viis. v d. ob. Lo 06 11 Jo. Pym Cl. 1703. 14 03 06 Luccombe R. [St. Mary] Prox. ii s. viii d. Syn. ix s. viii d. OI 08 045 Thomas Henley Efq; 1699. Lord Arundel . q. og 08 0i, Moncke Silver R:[All Saints] Synods vii s. iii d. 00 18 092, Sir Philip Sydenbam Bart. 1711. MYNEHEAD V. (St. Michael] Prox. ii s. iii d. Syn.ix s. v d.ob. 01 16 115 Joan Cave Widow 1709. Abb. Brewton Propr. Thomas 16 16 Nettlecombe R. [St. Mary] Proxies viii d. Synods ix s. viii d. ob. Feod. Ballivi iïi s. iiïi d. Sir Jo. Trevilian Bart. 1696. 18 11 08 POR LOCK R. (St. Dubritius] Proxies and Synods xxiii s. 01 17 02 The KING, c7 og 07 Sampford Brite alias Stanfort R. [St. George] Archidiac. vii d. 00 15 II John Courtney Eſq; 1709. F Selworthie Dunfier V. is certified to the Governours of Q. Anne's Bounty, to be of the clear Yearly Value of 94. 16 s. 18 02 08:{Lextat d. 06. sixszor 16 03 18 09 07 Corniſh. q. d;}or 13 07: 34 DIOCESE OF BATH and WELLS. SOMERSET. d. d. King's Books. Learly Yearly Tenths l. s. ] . . AbbAtheley 12 15 05 { xls. Decano & Capitulo Eton. XX s. 01 05 06 Earl of Arundel 1692. Lord Arundel of Trerice 1724, og og 04} Skilgate R. Prox. and Syn. vii s. vd. ob. Stipend, ii s. jïi d. 00 18 11 The Reverend Mr. Scott Patr. 1721. 07 Oo oo Tolland R. Synods ii s. ii d., Proxies ii s. vid. Plens, ii:s. Q0 14 00 The KING. 14 13 09 Wennisford V. (St. Mary Magdalen] Prior. Berlych XXX'S; or 09 04 Emanuel College Cambridge: Pri. Berlych Propr. 10 11 051 Wethicombe R. [St. Nicholas). Pri. Archidiac. ix s. vüi d. 01 OI 01 Lord Carnarvoir 1715. 27 00 10 WEVELSCOM.B.V. [St. Andrew] Capellano viil: 02:14 OI: Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. ŞWotton Courtney R. [All-Saints] Proxies iii. s...ix.d. Synods viis. v d. ob. OL 12 101 Sey Eton College : 16 08 09 Livings Diſcharged.. Clear Yearly Value. 48 04 08Brompton Regis V. [St. Mary) Synods üs. iï di Prior, Jor 04 064 } oo {K {ol 00 14 00 Berlych Emanuel College Cambridge. Pri. Berlych Propri. 48 13 10 Charhampton V. (St. John Baptiſt 01 02 09 Pri. Bathon Propr. Sir Hu. Stewkeley Bårt. 1716. 46 18 in Decumani St. V. [St. Peter) Capellano cvi's. viji d. 01 01 00 o Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr: Pri. Berlych Propr. 31 12 IT! Ere alias Ore R. (St. Mary] Synods iit-s: viid. 00 09.09 Mary Quick Widow 1698.. SKitnor alias Culborne R: [St. Culbornej Synods and Proxies 22 01 04 V s.. vii d. ob. 00 07.10. Joh. Fry Eſq;. 1694. Old Cleve v. St. Andrew] with Leighland Chapel (St. 47 14 00 Giles) Penf. Abb. xiii s. illi di Capellan. lxvi's, viii d. Mr. Tho. Luttrel 1712. The Reverend Mr: Culme Patr. 1720. Abb. Cleve Propr:. 47 03:06 Ruddington R. [St. Michael] Synods vi's. viii d. 00 16.09 70. Sowthey (this Turn) 1708. Lord Waldegrave Patr: 1721. SSTOKE GUMBER V: [St. Mary] Synods ix s. viñ d.ob. Pri. ? Dunſter vii s. Capellano . Dean and Chapter of Wells Propr. and Patr. 20 07 02 Stoke Piro -alias Perrow R. Synods and Proxies v s. vii d. ob. 00 09.01 Ri, Nofocombe Eſq; 1675. 37 04 oo Timberſcomb V. (St. Michael] 00. 13 00 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Påtr. 47 11 01 Treborough R. (St. Peter] Proxies xii.d. Synods ix s. ii da. 00 15 00 Edmund Wyndham Efq; 1695. 48 01 02 Weft-Quantoxhead R. (St. Etheldred] 01 02 10 Baldwin Mallet Eſq; 1685. WATCHET is a Market-Town in this Deanry (not in Charge). I Chapels, Prirfor og 10. T SOMERSET DIOCESE OF BATH and W ELLS. 35 1. s. d. 1. s. d. { . . for Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Luxborough (St. Mary] Chap:}1.05: 19: 00 Clear Val . to Cutcombe North Newton Chap. l. 10:00.:.00 Clear Val. Withypole (St:Andrew} Chap}. 17: 10: 00 Clear Val. Fitzhead Chap. to Wivelſcombe l. 09: 11 : 05 Clear Val. Bicknaller Chap. to Stoke Gumber l. 15: 00 : 00 Clear Val. Road-Huiſh Chap. to Charhampton of no Val. Williton Chap. to St. Decumans l. 04 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Leighland [St. Giles] Chap. to? Old Cleve to31.05: 00 : 00 05 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. D. Frome, in the Arch-Deaconry of WELLS. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tent bs. Restories, &c, with their Patrons and Proprietors. 19 11 00* Seneſchallo vi s. :{ Beckington [St. George] Synods ix s. viii d. ob. Proxies xx d. 01 19 01 Samuel Samſbury 1709. - John Aſh Eſq; q. 13 12 081 Benagre R. [Holy Trinity] OL 07 037 George Hellier Eſq; 1696. 07 09 oy Berkley R. (St. Mary! Synods xii d. ob. Proxies ü d. ob. OO 14 II Roger Newborough Efq; 1713. Mrs. Prowſe Patr. 1721. 06 18 04 Cameley R. (St. James Syn. vis. viii d. Abb. Bath. xii s. iiii d. 00 13 10 Preſton Hippeſley Efq; 1720. Camerton R. [St. Peter] Synods ix s. viji d. Abb. de Monte acuto viïi s. Abb. Glafton, xiii s. üü d Thomas Carew 1700. 09 12 03; Combehawey R. Synods vä y. iii d. Proxies uiii d. ób, 00 19 02 George South Gent. 1702. George Huſſey Eſq; 4. 10 04 0.7 Donkerton R. [All Saints] Synods ix s. ix d. Proxies v d.qa. OI 00 055 Sir Coplefton Warwick Bampfylde 1714. SFROME ZELWOOD V. [St. John Baptiſt] Synods x s. vi d.? Proxies ii d.ob. Abb. Circeſtr. xx s. 2 04 00 Lord Weymouth 1702. Abb. Circeſtr. Propr. Hennington R. alias Hemington [St. Mary) Synods xi s. 18 14 07 viii d. ob. Proxies vi d. Preb. Cutton xiii s. iiii di oi 07 051 War. Bamfylde Efq; 1678. Sir Copleſton Bamfylde. q. X s. iïïi d. Proxies xx d. Sacrifte Glaſton. xx s. 07 George Horner Eſq; 1694. S Merſton-Bigote R. [St. Leonard] Synods ix s. viii d. ob. Penj . 11 19 0931 Decano Circefir. v s. iii d. foi 03 11 Lord Weymouth 1691, 1724. 15 09 041 Nony R. [All Saints] Synods ix s. * d. ob. Proxies ix d. OI 10 11 Rice Adams and Joſeph Lambert Gent. Norton Philip's V. (St. Philip and All Saints) with Henton 05 33 03 Chap.[St. John Baptift] Synods ix s. viii d. ob. Prox. xiïd, ob. oo II 01 Biſhop of Bath and Wells. Pri, Hynton Propr. Radſtock stefor OI 10 11 22 00 00 }o 33 16 08 ŞMellis R. [St Andrew) with Lye Chap{St. Giles] Synods }oz 07 08 Pensio1 F 2 36 DIOCES E of 'BATH and WELLS. SOMERSET. l. d. 1 i d.}oo OI .00 OO { 30 12 06 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. s. I. d. 06 II Co SRadſtock R. (St. Nicholas] Synods viiis. xi d. Proxies vid. ob. Abb. Bathon. liii s. ijii d. 00 13 01 Lord Waldegrave Patron 1721, 02 09 07 Standerwicke R. Deftru£ta. Synods and Proxies ii s. iii d. oo 04 II The Revd. Mr. Sanſoury Patr. 1721. 13 09 0g. Wanſtrow R. (St. Mary) Synods ix s. viii.d. ob. Prox. ix d. oi 06 111 70f. Baynard Eſq; 1696. 12 17 01 Whatley R. [St. George] Synods and Prox. ix s. viii d. ob. 01 05 08 Thomas Chaffin Efq; 1698. Geo. Chaffin Eſq; 1721. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value, 48 06 06 Babington R: [St. Margaret] Synods ii s. Proxies viid. Jarnes Twyford Efq; 1691, 16 00 00 Buckland Dinham V. (St. Mary] 00 12.11 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. CHEWTON V. [St. Mary Magdalen] with Ewborow (St. Ma- ry] Eſton Major, Faringdon (St. John Baptiſt] and Palton 42 19 04 02 19 02 Chap. (Holy Trinity) Synods x s. viïi d. Pens. Pri. Shene lxvis. vii d. Henry Kingſmill Eſq; 1714. Abb. Shene Propr. Cloford V. [St. Mary] Synods ii s. xi d. Proxies xvii d. 00 15 og George Horner Efq; 1720. Abb. Keynſham Propr. 31; 10. 03 Eaſtharptree V. [St. Laurence] 00 17 06 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Elme R. (St. Mary) Synods vii si iii d. Prox. ii d. ob. oo 19 04 John Strachey Eſq; Patr. 1721. Farley Hungerford R. [St. Leonard] Synods xix d. ob. Proxies 45 06 04 ? vid. Redă. vi s. viid: Jof . Holton Gent. 1717: 40 15 00 Foxcote R. Synods viis, iii d. Proxies ji d. ob. 00 09 II Robert Smith Eſq; 1704. 19 08 oo Hardington R. Mandevil Warwick Bamfylde Eſg; 1678. Holcombe R. (St. Andrew] 00 10 09 George Horner Efq; 1691. S Kilmerfden V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] with Aſhwick Chapel? io 39 17 oo [St. James] Synods ijii s. xi d. The KIN Ġ. Pri. St. John's of Jeruſalem Propr. Laverton R. (St. Mary] Synods and Proxies ix s. vid. ob. 00 13 10 Biſhop of Bath and Welis. 30 07.00 Lytton R. Proxies iii s. üüid. 00 17 035 Prebendary thereof. Norton 35 06 09; 01 00 04 ii d. ob. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxfordo Pri, de Mar- ten Abbey Propr. Orchardleigh 37 05 00 }oo 17.02 . 00 12 00 21 II 00 { ape}co 13 101 43 18 06 9 Somerset. DIOCESE of BATH and WELL S. 37 1. d. 1 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 19. 06. 04 Orchardleigh R. 0004 00 John Champneys Efq; 1692. S St. x . ob. 47 17 02 { Prox. ii d..ob. I 02 11 John Baynton Eſq; 1711, 41 14 02 Stratton on the Foſs R. [St. Vigor] Synods ix s. Prox. viii d. 00 19 or The KING.. : 45 10 04 Tellesford R. [All Saints] Synods vii s. ili d. Proxies xiiii d. 00 18 or William Wickſted Clerk 1715. Mr. Waſtfield. q. 38 10 00 Wellow (St. Julian] Synods xii s. xi d. gb. Prox, xvi d. 02 00 08 Henry Portman Eſq; 1718. Abb. Circeſtr. Propr. Wolverfrington, alias Wolverington, alias Wolverton R. (St. 42 08 02 2 Laurence] Synods vis. vii d. ob. Proxies iid, ob. 14 OIT Edward Waynford Efq; Walter Grubb and Jo. Dan- vers 1692. Henry Baynton Efq; 9. 42 10 09 Wridlington R. Synods vii s. iii d. Proxies iid. ob. 00 10.09 Prebendary thereof in the Church of Sarum. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Longleate Chap. Stipend. Curat. 1. 5 : 13 : 4. Abb. five Pri. de Henton Propr. (Survey Hen. 8.) Witham Frary [St. Mary] (formerly a Car- thufian Monaſtery or Friery in this Deanry.) 1. 5:6:8 Stipend. Capellani ibidem, $ (Survey Hen. 8.) { ܘܘܐ 1. di 1. J. di $ 14 06 08 Juriſdiction of Glatton, in the Arch-Deaconry of WELLS Livings remaining in Cbarge. King's Books. Yearly Tentbos. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Butleigh V. (St. Leonard) with Bolftonborough Chap. (St.? 12 06 08 2 Dunſtan] vid OI 04 08 Giles Strangeways Eſq; 1714. Pr. Glaſton Propr. 24 12 03:{Street , R; with Walton Chap. (Holy Trinity] Proxies vii s. ix d. ob. 02 09 021 qa Lord Weymouth. Weſton in Zoyland V. * [St. Mary] 01 08 08 William Bridges Eſq; 1709, 1725. Pri. Glafton Propr. Livings diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 32700 06 Mere V. [St. Mary) Proxies and Synods ili s. 01 06 03 Elizabeth Strode 1713. Pri. Glaſton Propr. 43 16 oo Murclinch (St. Mary) and Sutton V. with Chelſton Chap. 70. Floyer Efq; 1671, 1721. Pri. Glaſton Propr. Middlezoy v 01 04 00 Biſhop of Bath and Wells. Pri. Glafton Propr. Otherey. * Weſton in Zoyland V._mis certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the clear yearly Value of l. 42 : 17:0 / 01 00 00 22 01 JO 38 DIOCESE of BATH and WELLS. SOMERSET. } 1.16 : 0:0 : 1 S. I. . i. 03 13 06 16 00 14 05 0,15 Cheſelborow R. (St. Peter and St. Paul) with Weſt Chinnock? Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, 1. d 1. d. 19 10 02 Otherey V. alias Otterey. 01 04 00 Biſhop of Bath and Wells . Pri. Glaſton Propr. 46 17 04 Shapewike V. (St. Mary] cum Aſcot [All Saints] 00 19:04 Sir Francis Rolle Kt. 1680. John Rolle Efq; 1723. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Balftonborough Chapel to Butleigh l. 27:9: 81 Gert. Value. St. John and St. Benedict Glaſton l. 24 : 0:0 (St. Nicholas] 2 Cert.Value. annexed to the ſaid Churches. S D. Olchelter, in the Arch-Deaconry of WELLS. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. ko d. Rexories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 36 15 00 Aller R.[St. Andrew] Synods x s. vid. Proxies xyi d. Emanuel College, Cambridge. . x ob? 00 021 Proxies xii de Executors of William Craven.deceas'd. 14 05 07? Chap. Synods x s. vid. Proxies viii d. 08 06 Wadham Strangeways Eſq; 1676. Jofeph Wyndham Efq; (this Turn) 1704. 09 15 071 Hardington R. Synods x s. Proxies v de 00 19 06 Mr. Hellier Pairon 1721. Higham R. [St. Andrew] cum. Cap. Lowbam. Synods xi s. 38 19 02 vi d. Proxies xx d. Penſ. Mon. Glaſton. xl s. Redd. eadem 03 17 11 Mon, xiiii d. Capellano Netherbam lxvi s. viii d. Francis Rolle 1701 John Rolle Eſq; 1725. 27 03 01; Kingſdon R. [All Saints] Synods ix s. iii d. Proxies xii d. 02 14 037 Mr. Nicholas Ingram one" Turn, Lord Arundel another. Mr. John Buß 1718. ŞLimmington R. [St. Mary) Synods x S x d. ob. Proxies xii d. 057 Redd. ii s. 02 Dr. Taſwell Patron 1721. 07 09 07 Middle Chinnock R: [St. Margaret] Synods * s. Proxies v d. 00 14 11 Thomas Strangeways Efq; 1708. SMochelney V. (St. Petes and St, Paul] (a Curacy only) Sti- 10 Oo oo pend. + Dean and Chapter of Briſtol Patr. Abbey of Mechelney Propriet. 09 18 on North-perrot R. [St. Martin] Synods ix s. x d.ob. Prox. väid. do 19 og! Joſepb Conftantine Efq; 1709. Norton + Mocbelney is certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the clear Yearly Value of iol 02:{ ck} { : { 301 01 00 00 * SOMERSET. DIOCES E of BATH' and WELLS. 39 King's Books. do so de 073 . ney. XX S. 02 I 2 II: 16 10{* Yearly Texths, I d. ŞNorton pear Hampden R. Synods ix s. x d. ob. Proxies vid.}oo 19 07: ag 16. 03. ob. Penſ . Ecclef . Wellen. xl s. Lady Beauchamp 1663. Earl of Aylesbury. F:Odcombe R. [St. Peter and St. Paul) Synods ix s. x d. ob. 15 09.091 Proxies xii d. Pri. de Monte acuto xl s. b. 3o 10 11 William Philips Eſq; 1708. Dean and Canons of Chriſt- Church, Oxon. (W.) 03 04 04 Pennedomer R: Synods yii s. iii d. Proxies ü d. oo 06 05 Anne Paulet, Widow, 1684. E. Poulet 1724, 12 06 05:{Podignore Ghete St. Peter ] Synods izs. x d.ob. Proxies for 04 07! George Horner Efq; 1706. 05:10 02 Socke R. [St. Dennis] (a Sine Cure.) 00 II 00 Elizabeth Philips Spinſter, 1708. 16 00 SSOMERTON: V. (St. Michael] Proxies xiii d. Abb. Mocbel-2 -Jor o 12 001 Earl of Axlesbury 1696. Abb. Moshelney Propr:.. 2.6 og 02 S Yeovelton R. (St. Bartholomew] Synods ix s. x d.ob. Proxies 2 xïid. (pays Tentbs to the Biſhop of Bath and Wells) $}o2 Biſhop of Bath and Wells. 5.Yevelcheſter als. Ilcheſter R. * (St. John Baptiſt] Synods XXV S. 07 101 xd.ob. Proxies vi d. Redd. Regi vis. vii d. Redd. Decano i s. * oo 15.087 Biſhop of Bath and Wells... Livings Diſcharged, Clear Yearly Value: 43 13 10 · Brimpton R. [St. Andrew] Synods - vii s. iii d. Proxies iiü d. 00 14 081 Sir Philip Sydenham Bårt. 1711. 24.15.08Charlton Adam V: [St. Peter and St. Paul] Abb. Brewton? liii s. ijii d. 00 13.057 70..Clare Gent. 1709. Abb. Brewton Propr. and Patr. 40 15-10 Chilton alias Chilthorn Domer V. [St. Mary] 00"10 08 Benjamin Darby CI: this Turn 1704. The Heirs of Mr. Hathway. Abb. of Brewton Propr. 25 188055 Compton Dondon (St. Andrew] cun Cēp. Biddeſham. 00 18 087 The Prebendary thereof 1640. Propr. and Pat. Biſhop of Bath and Wells 1661, 1687. 28 og 08 Hafilbere V. [St Michael] Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patron, ŞHUISHE [St. Mary ) and Langport, v. [All Saints] Sy Bor og 00.; 29 03 oo Arch-Deacon of Wells, being Prebendary thereof, Propr. and: Patron, ŞLong Sutton V. [Holy Trinity] cum Cap. Knoll alias Knowle, 00 17 09 Dean and Chapter of Wells. Abb. of Athelney Propr. Lufton * Ilchefler R. - is certified to the Governours' of Queen Anne's Bouity to be of the clear Yearly Value - of he 47 : 13 : 62 "} 00 14 00 33 08 02:{Capellano vil. 40 DIOCESE OF BATH and WELLS. SOMERSET. 1. d. ïs;}oo 3o11 Clear Yearly Value, Yearly Tenths. I. d. SLuſton alias Lufton R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Synods vii s. 48 02 07 { vii d. ob. 00' 10 09 * 70. Wyndham Efq; (this Turn) 1708. Tho. Chaffin Efq; q. ŞMartock V: [All-Saints] with Stapleton Chapel, Deſtrueta. 45 12 04 Synods ix s. x d. ob. Proxies xx d. Capellano cxiii s. iii d. Jo II 00 Treaſurer of Wells Propr. and Patr. Abb. Syon in Middle- ſex olim Propr. 21 10 10; Mountague alias Montacute V. (St. Catharine] Synods xii s. 00 17 00 Mrs. Philips Patr. 1721. Pri. Mountague Propr. 43 00. 08. North-Over V: [St. Andrew] Synods vii s. iii d. Proxies ii d. 00 13 032 Jo. Hoddy Efq; 1713. Pri. Bridgwater Propr. § Pitney R. (St. John Baptiſt] Synods xix d. ob. Proxies xii d. 37 07 04 ? Redd. iii d. 00 19 05 Mrs. Frances Pyne 1721. 34 17 04: Thorne Coffin R. [St. Andrew.) Synods xix d. ob.: 00 10 06 Thomas Napier Gent. II 1501 STintenhull V: [St. Margaret] Synods x s... vii d.. Proxies x d. 00 18 101 (Stipend.) Pri. of Mountague Propr. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Load, [St. Mary Magd.] Chap. to Martockl. 03:00:00 Clear Value. Ý 015 8 Zoo D. Herion, in the Arch-Deaconry of Wells. 1. d. 1. d. Zoo 18 11% 15 08 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietorsa S Abbas Combe R. Proxies Epiſc. x d. Synods and Proxies Ar- og 09 0424 chidiac. xi s. vi d. Richard. Noyes Eſq; 1717. 13 09 04: Corton R. [St. Andrew] Proxies xii d. Synods ix s. xi d. or 06 111 Hen. Portman Eſq; 1710. 19 16 08 ŞEaft-Camell alias Queen’s Camell V. [St. Barnabas] Synods ix s. ix d. ob. Cary Harvey alias Mildmay Eſq; 1705. Abb. Cleve Propr. 12 16 03 ŞEaſt-Coker V. (St. Michael] Synods and Proxies ix s. x d.ob. 04 072 { Ecclef. Wellen. xiii s. iii d. Dean and Chapter of Exeter Appr. and Patr. 13 00 02 Henftridge V. [St. Nicholas) : 01 06 0o Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Horſington R. [St. John Baptiſt] Pr. Epiſc. iii s. Synods { and Proxies Archidiac. xi s. ix d. Tho. Rolt Gent. 05 19 02 Kingſton alias Pitney R. (All-Saints] Sine Cure, Synods xx d. Charles Abingdon (this Turn) 1708. Lord Sturton. Mr. George Prowſe 1722. MILBOURN odszor 15 0;}oi 04 07: ods for 16 07$ 00 II II Somerset. "ĐIÓCE S'E OF BATH and WEL L'S. 42 "Sofor L King's Books. Yearly Textbs. 1. s. d. 2. d. SMILBOURN PORT V. [St. John the Evangelift] Synods x s. 14 01 03 x d. ob. Proxies xiï d. qa. Abb. Circeſtr. xxvi s. viii d. or 08 Oi Wincheſter College. Mon. Circeſtr. Propr. 13 08 04 Pointington R. [All-Saints) Synods ix s. ix d. OI 06 10 Sir Richard Verney Knt. 1691. 09 19 09. Rimpton R. (St. Mary) Proxies,iü d. Synods ix s. xd. ob. 00 19 11 Biſhop of Wincheſter. II 09.09{Sampford Orcas. R.. [St. Nicholas] Synods ix s. ii d. Proxies for 02 113 The Reverend Mr. John Paget Patr. 1721. Elizabeth Hunt Widow 1723. 04 !5 19 Şutton Bingham R. Synods and Proxies vi s. 00 09 07 Tho: Compton Efq; 1708. Sir John Sydenham q. 23 05 06 Trent R. (St. Andrew] Synods xs. Proxies xiii d. qa.. o2 об об: Corpus Chriſti College Oxford. 13 08 09 Weft-Camell Ř. (All-Saints] Syn. X s. v d. ob. Prox. x d. ob. 01 06 10 Biſhop of Bath and Wells. 12 19 07 Weſt-Caker R. (St. Martin] Synods and Proxies xis, x d. ob. OI 05 11 Henry Squibb Efq; 1663. Henry Simmes Eſq; q. 18 00 00 Yevil V. alias Evil [St. John Baptiſt] OI 16 oo Abb. Syon Propr. Jo. Colford 1683. Mr. Philips Patr. 1721. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 45 06 08 Aſhington R. [St. Vincent] Synods ix s. viii d. Proxies v d. qa. 00 12 04 Sir John St. Barbe Patr. 1721. Berwick R: [St. Mary Magdalen] Prox. and Syn. ii s. v d. ob. 00 15 053 Merilla Syms Widow 1703. Mr. Nathaniel Carpenter 1721 47 15 103 Charlton Camfield V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox. Epiſc. ix di oo 17 co's Synods and Proxies Archidiac. ii s. iii d. 7o. Blangdon Efq; Abb. Kyllyngworth Propr. Cheriton North R. (St. John Baptiſt] Proxies v d.ob. Synods vii s. x d.ob. 00 17 02 Tbo. Sampſon Gent. 46 16 08 Chilton Cantloe R. [St. James] Syn. vii s. xd. ob. Prox. viii d. 00 19 011 Biſhop of Bath and Wells. Cloweſworth R. ] . Archidiac. v. s. : y s 00 12 10 Sir Willian Portman Bart. 1680. 29 07 08 Gotehill R.. [St. Peter] Synods v s, iii. d. 00 07 028 Suſan Chafe 1708. 08 € Meriton V. [St. Mary) Synods ii s. iii d. Proxies Epifc. iii dar 00 13 01 Sir John St. Barbe Patr. 1720. Abb.. of Polfeldy Propr. vel Polſlo in Devon. 41 04 05 Mudforde V. [St. Mary) Synods vi s. ix d. Proxies v d. ob. oo 18 051 Dean and Chapter of Wells 1721. Propr. and Patr. G Stowell 40 OI 06 39 09.01${Clowe nieth R.: [All-Saints, Epifc. xiüi d, Synods and Proxies ܘܘ{ies 22 03 - 42 DIOCESE OF BATH. and. WELLS. SOMERSET. Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. ŞStowell R. [St. Mary Magdalen] Synods and Proxies viis;}.0 -13.06. 49 16 11. id. Vicărio Milborn-Port ii s. Lucy Hody and 70. her Son 1708. Corpus Chriſti College Oxon q. .ک 1. d. D. Poulet: aliás Pawiera Livings remaining in Charger King's Books. Yearly. Teñths 1. d. Rettories, &c. with their patrons and Proprietors. 15 19 07 Bawderipp R. Proxies ii s, iii d. ob. Synods x s. ix d. OI II III Fran. Rolle Eſq; 1696. 13. 10.00 Coſſmington R. [St. Mary] Proxies.xx d. Synods 8 s. ix de OI 07 OO Tho. Smith Gent. 1699. R. -] . Ap. 772 05 05 {: chidiac. xiis. viii. d. ob. Fohn Tripp Eſq; 1708. The Heirs of the Counteſs of II 07 II Wollavington V. (St. Mary) : Proxies xx d. Synods ix s. ix d. 01 02 091 Sir 70. Sydenham Bart. 1694. Dean and Chapter of Wynde- for Propr. 04 06 Bathe Livings Diſcharged. Clear. Yearly Value. , Greinton R. (St. Michael] Proxies xx d. Synods viü s. iiii d.. 39 05 0.5 01 06 01 Mr. Phil. Watts 1685. 47 14 ints Poulet V. alias Pawlet (St. John Baptift] Proxies xx d. Synods . }or OI QI 091 s. The KING. Abbi St. Auſtin's Briſtol Propro. 24 OI 05 Puriton V. (St. Michael] Prox. iiji s. iiii d. Syn. x s. iii d. oo 13 07 Sir Jo. Sydenbam. Bart. 1678. Dean and Chapter of Wynde- for Propr. d. 1. s. d. D. Gedclife and Bedmilter, in the Arch-Deaconry of Bath. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Bookle Yearly Tenthi. Rektories,, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietars.- 11 16 03 Backwell R. * [St. Andrew] (Sine Gure.) 01 03 071 William Walter Cl. Eliz. Crelman 1676... Chew V. (St. Andrew) with Dondry Chap. [$t: Michael] Ec- OI 04 30 13 04 ? clef . Batb. xxvi l. xiiis. iii d. Capellano cvi s: viii d. John Wafer 1684. Richard Hill 1709. Duke of New- caffle. q. Biſhop Batbon. Propr. Clutton, * Backwell R. is certified to the Governours of Q. Anne's: Bounty, to be of the clear Yearly Value of 48 1. 104. 2 d. N, B. This is a Sine Cure. Ex-303 1 1 Somerset. DIOCESE of BATH and WELLS. 43 King's Books. d. 29 04 02 1. S. The Revd. Mr. Robert Paine Patron :1721. Yearly Tenths. I. d. Clutton R. (St. Auguſtin] Synods iii s. iii d. Proxies viii d. do 18 05 Lord Brooke 1717, 1724. 10 06 03 ŞCompton Martin R. [Şt. Michael] with Nempnet Chap. [St. I 00 08 2 Mary] Proxies xii d. Capellano cvi's. viji d. Harry Bridges Eſq; 1716. Farnborow R. (All Saints) Synods viis. vid. Proxies vi d.ob. 01 00 031 Alexander Popham Efq; 1693. 29 03 11:{ Kingſton Seymour R.. [All Saints] Synods vii s. vid. ob.ga.}o2 18 04: Arthur Lacy Efq; 1699., Norton Mallreward R. 00 18 03 [St.301 '10 02 II i } Og 02 06 . d. -303 19:097{ 21 1 2 II 49 II 08 {304 04 19 02 09 047{ Porkiſhead R. Synods v s. viii d. Proxies xvi d. Abb. Keyn- 32 15 0731 Sham viii s. "-303 05 06 Mayor and Burgeſſes of Briſtol. 12 18 04 Priſton R. (St. Luke] Proxies vid. ob. 01 05 10 Sir Walter Long Bart. 1662, 1679. Rebecca Parker 1723. II 19.091 TimeſborowR. [St. Mary:] Synods vii s. vid. ob. Proxies ii s. 01 03 1 vid. Penj. Pri. Farley xviii so Thomas Samborn Eſq; 1689. Winford R. (St. Mary and St. Peter] Synods vi s. Prox, xi d. 02 03 03'; Samuel Webb Gent. 1714. Wraxhall R. (All Saints] with Nayleſey and Burton Chapels, Synods viis. vid. Proxies xii d. Tho. Codrington Eſq; 1711. WRINGTON R. (All Saints] with Berrington 'Chap. (Holy 403 18 115 39 09 04 Trinity) Synods vii s. v d. ob. qa. Proxies xvid. Pensa Abb. Glaſton xl s. Capellano lxvi s. viï d. Earl of Eſſex 1716. William Pulteney Eſq; 1728. 30 00 00 Yatton V. [St. Mary) with Kenn Chap. Capellano vil. 03 oo oo Prebendary thereof Propr, and Patron. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 13 12 05 Backwell V. (St. Andrew] Proxies xii d. 00 13 11 Arthur Norman 1660, 1663. Robert Whiting 1673. Anne Whiting 1681. William Walter Cl. 1693. Rector there Propr. BED MISTER V. (St. John Baptiſt] + with Leigh Abbats 37 00 00 Chapel. Prebendary thereof in Sarum Impr. and Patr. 33 16 10 Brockley R. (St. Nicholas] Synods iï s. iiii d. Proxies v d.. 00 19 10 Jo. Pigot Eſq; 1709. Burnet R. (St. Michael] Synods iii s. iiii d. Proxies iiii d. OO 11 00 The Survivor of yo. Whiſton Gent. 1700. 18 15 00 Butcomb R. (St. Michael] Synods iii s. iiii d. Proxies xii d. 00 13 og 3 Jo. Mann Efq; 1716. G2 Chelvey + Bedmifter has alſo Redcliffe St. Maryand and St. Thomas Chapels in Civ. Briſtol annex'd to it. Vide Dec. Brifel in Dios. Briſtol. 1 4 {B bats for 00 04 31 03 06 . 44 DIOCESE OF BATH and WELLS SOMERSET. I. J. d. 41. 10 II 00 10 09 200 20 00 00 1 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. J. d. 42 14. 05. Chelvey R.... [St. Bridget] Synodś ji s. iii de Proxies viïi do oo 08.ir Sir Halfwell Tynt Bart. 1719. Chelwood R. [St. Leonard)? Biſhop of Bath and Wells. 14 Oo oo Chewſtock R. [St. Andrew] 00 14 04 Marquis of Newcaſtle 1663. Willian Stretton 1719. 45 16 04 Clopton R. [St. Michael] Synods ii soii diob. Proxies vidi ob. 01 00 II Thomas Edwards Eſq; 1715. 23 18 07 Clewdon V. [St. Andrew] OL II 05** Abb. St. Auguftin. Briſtol. Propr. Biſhop of Briſtol 35. 05 02 Compton Dando V. (St. Mary] Synods vi s. viii.d. Prox: iiii di oo 11.00 The Biſhop 1.616, 1637, 1641, 16649.1693.. Pri. Bathon.- Propr. 23:05 Co Corſton V. [All Saints] OO 12 042 Pri. Bath. Propr. Biſhop of Bath and Wellso- Eaſton V. in Gördano (St. George). 05 IO II Prebendary thereof. Patrzand. Propr. 47 Oo oo Henton-Blewet R. [All Saints.) Synods-V:s. Proxies vidi 00 18.091 William Stocker Gent. 1703. George Tryme Gent.-17.12. 15 08 oo "KEYNSH A M: V. [St John Baptiſt) with a Chap. 01 03 JIŽ Abb. ibidm. Propr. Harry Bridges Eſq; 1716 15 16 oo Littleton alias High Littleton V. (Holy Trinity.]. Synods-X S. 00 14'09 Mr. Hedges Patron 1721. Abb: Keynſbam Propr.. 44 07 04 Long Aifhton V.[All Saints] Proxies v d. 01 or 09 Pri. Bath. Propr. Sir John Smith Bárt. 169.5: 48 07 11 Markeſbury, R. (St. Peter) Synods iii s. iii do Proxies viid E Abb. Glaſton, xü sa iiri d. Edmund Seymour Eſq; 27 15 08 Portbury V. [St. Mary] Proxies vid. OI OI 01 Abb. St. Auffin Briſtol Propr. Biſhop of Briſtol. : 1 33 01 04 Saltford R. [St. Mary.] Synods iii s. Proxies xii.do 01. 00 07 Harry Bridges Efq; 1712. Staverton Prior als. Staunton R. [St. Laurence] Synods iii s. 42 13:08 { iid. Proxies iiii d. Subpriori Bath, viii si I 00 02 Mr. Popham Patron 1'721. Staunton-Drew V. (St. Mary] 00 14.033 Archidiac.-Bathon. olim. Propr. Mr. Popham Pátr. 1721. 29 11 04 STOWEY V: [St. Mary] 00 13 om man Biſhop of Bath and Wells Patr. and Propr. 12 06 11 Tickenham V. [Şt: Quiricus and Julietta] Proxies v.d. 00 17 061 Abb. Sti Aug. Briſtol Propr. Biſhop of Briſtol. Ubley R. (St. Bartholomew] Synods iii so ifii d. Prox. vid. ob. 01 03 01 The KING 27 19 02 Walton R. in Gordano (St. Paul] Synods ifii s. Proxies viii d. 00 19.061 Lord. Poulet. 24 02 04 Weſtharptree V. (St. Mary) Proxies viï d. 01 07 111 The KING." The Prince of Wales preſented 1722, Abb. Keynham Propr. 3 Weſton 00.05 iis}o. 34 05 08 29 14 08 SOMERSET. DIOCESE of BATH and. WELL'S. 45 ܆ .ܐ Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. I. s..d.. 1. S. d. 29.02 08. Weſton in Gordano R. (St. Paul] Syn. iii s. iiii d. Prox. iiii d. 00 12 033 · Edward George and Martha his Wife 1716. The two other Parts belong to Edward Morgan. Curacies and Chapelries certified to the Governours of 2. Anne's Bounty, within the Arch-Leaconry of Bath. Barrow 1. 36 : 00 : 00 Val.(but uncertain.). Berrington l. 37 ; 11 : 04 Val. Brillington (St. Luke) — 1. 25 : 00 : 00 Val. Queen Charlton ? St.} 1. 10 : 00 : 00 Val . Felton als. Whitchurch [St. Gregory] }1 . 14:00 : 00 Val. Kenne, Chapel to Yatton 1. 37 : 15:00 King's Books. d. d. . s. d. 07 02 06 D. Caunton, in the Arch-Deaconry of TAUNTON.- Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenthsa Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 19 oz IT A'iſhbrittel R. Synods x s. iiii d. Próxies xiii d. Oſ 18 04. Alexander Thiſ lethwaite 1670. 18 10 10 Bagborough R. (Holy Trinity) Synods ix's. viii d. ob. 01 '17 OE Richard Stawell Efq; 1682. 10. Eſtment Eſq; 1706. Bradalton alias Badialton R. Synods vi s. viii d. 00 14 03 Mr. William Webb 1710. Mr. Popham. 13 10 10 Cheddon R. Synods viii s. xid. Proxies ix d. - 01:07 Or The Reverend Mr. Francis Warre Patr. 17213 s Combeflory R: [St. Peter and St. Paul] Synods ix s. -viïi d. ob. II 13.09 Proxies iii s. 01.03 04 The KING Creche V. alias Creech (St. Michael] Synods iii s. iiii d. OI 13 10 2: Proxies xx d. Decano & Capitulo Wellen. vis. viii d. Pri: of Montacute Impr. Sir Francis Warre Bart. 1702. Thomas Gale (this Turn) 1704. 09 01 08 Hethfield R. Synods iïïi s. vi d. Prior: St. Johan. Jeruſalem? 00 18 02 xviii s. The Reverend Mr. Richard Aplin: Patr: 1721. - 18 07 11 Kingeffon V. * with Cutfton Chapel, Synods ix s. viii d. ob. 01 16 091 Proxies: viii d. Priori Taunton xv s. :- Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. Priory of Taunton Impr. 11 10 05 Kiteford R. [St. Nicholas] Synods viïi s. xid. Proxies x d. OI 03 001 Richard Eſcot Efq; 1715. 22 06 08 Lydiard Laurence R. Synods is s. viii d. ob. Proxies xvii d.ob. 02 04 03 Henry Portman Eſq; Patr. 1721. Milverton) * Kingefion V. is certified to the Governours of Q. Anne's Bounty, to be of the clear Yearly Value of 49 h 1.8is, 8 d. $s}o1-03 2. } 16 18 09 { { 46 DIOCESE of BATH and WELLS. SOMERSET. }02 03 11 ixs;} 20 10 10 302: OI OI Turn 1723 15 10 02 Chapel . ;} 1 1 jor i! 001 King's Books. Yearly. Tenths. 1. s. d. 1. d. SMilverton Prima V. [St. Michael) with Langford Chapel (St. ? 21 19 02 James] Synods xii d. Redd. Convent. Glaſton. xxvi s. vii d. Arch-Deacon of Taunton Impr. and Patr. Monkton alias Weſtmonkton R. (St. Auguſtin) Synods ix s. 26 00 00 vii d. Proxies ix d. Aſhford Sandford Clerk 1719. Norton R. [All Saints]. Synods ix s. viii.d. oh. Jane Willis 1697 II 00 05 Oke R. Synods viii s. xi d. Proxies viï d. 01 02 00 Executors of William Webber 1694. Ralph Markham Clerk, two Turns in three, whereof he.preſented the firſt 14 10 00 Thornfawlcon R. Synods ii s. iii d. Proxies vii s. v d. ob. OI 09 og 70. Burridge Eſq; 1715. ŞWELLINGTON V. (St. John Baptiſt] with Weft-Buckland? Dean of Wells Impr.. Alexander Popham Eſq; Patr. 1662, 1666. Livings Diſcharged Clear rearly' Value. 40 10.05* Angerſleigh R. [St. Michuel] Synods xix di ob. oo og 11 Dean and Chapter of Wells. 47 15 03 Bradford V. (St. Giles] 01.01.09 Priory of Barleche Impr. 10. Marker 1711, 37 10 031 Halſe V. Proxies.vid. ob. 00 II III Pri. of St. John of Jeruſalem Impr. ' Richard Muſgrave Eſq; Patr. 1721. 43 04 00 Lydiard Epiſcopi V. (St. Mary] Dean and Chapter of Wells Impropr. and Patr. 32 10 03Ź St. Mary Magdalen in TAUNTON V. 02 00 04 Henry Portman Efq; 1706. Pri. of Taunton Appr. Ninehed V. [All-Saints] Synods ii s. Proxies vi d. ob. oo 16 og The KING. Pri. Taunton Appr. S NORTH-CURRY V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] with Weſthatch 40 04 oo and Stoke-Gregory Chapels. Dean and Chapter of Wells Impr. and Patr. 45 14 101 Orcharde Portman R. [St. Michael] Syn. v s. Prox. xix d. 00 15 011 Henry Portman Eſq; 1712, 1722, 46 17 00 Pitmifter V. (St. Andrew and St. Mary] Šyn. ix s. viii d. ob. oi II 001 Smart Goodenough Efq; 1709. Priory of Taunton Impr. 47 06 11 Rowington R. Synods ii s. ii d. Priori Taunton xvi.d. 00 10 01 The KING. 11 16 06 Sampford Arundell V. .00 12 03 Abb. of Canonleigh in Devon Impr. Jo. Lenthal and his Wife 1675. 46 05 10. Stawley R. (St. Michael] Synods ii s, iii d. 00 16 10 Lord Poulet 1701. Thorne .: 02 01 OO 47 12 06 "}o2 02 00 . 1 Somerset. DIOCESE OF BATH and WELL S. 47 Clear Yearly Value. 1. S. d. 12 10 09} Thorne Margaret Chapel. [St. Margaret] Arch-Deacon of Taunton. Yearly Tenths. I. d. 00 04 04 si : Hil Bihop.s[st.Peter}L. 6:13 : 04 Val , Curacies and Chapelries certified to the Governours of Q, Anne's Bounty, within the Arch-Deaconry of Taunton. D. Ilcheſter, All Priors - I. 10 : 00 : 00 Val. D. Taunton, Barrington, l. 15 00 : 00 Val. D. Crewkerne, Broadway (St.Aldelme]l. 30 : 00 : 00 Val. D. Bridgewater, Broomfield 1. 25 : 00 : 00. Val. D. Crewkerne, Chellington l. 15 : 00 : 00 Val. D. Taunton, Corf 1. 12 : 00-:' oo Val. D. Crewkerne, Drayton (St. Catherine], 27.: 03 ::04 Val. D. Bridges, Durleigh I... 10 : 00 : oo Val. D. Taunton, Durſton 1...26 : 00 : 00.-Val. D. Taunton, St. Paul] D. Taunton, St. James's in Taunton l... 2.: 13:04 Val. D. Taunton, Kingſton lo 12 : 03 : 08 Val. D. Crewkerne, - Knowle 1. 12 : 10 : oộ Val. - D. Crewkerne, Lopen l. 15 : 00 : 00 Val. D. Taunton, St. Mary Stoke 1. 15: 00 : 00 Vali D, Taunton, St. Michael Church 1. 8: 00 : oo Vat: D. Taunton, Otterford (St. Leonard]l. 14 : 00 : 00 Val. D, Taunton, Rifton lo. 2.: 00 : oo Val.. D. Crewkerne, Sevington St. Mary's l. 15 : 00 : 00 Valo D. Taunton, Trull 1..6: 06 ::08 Val. D. Taunton, Thurlbeare 1. 15: 00 : oo Val. D. Dunſter, Upton 1. 6 : 13 : 04 Val. D: Taunton, Wilton l. 6: 13 : 04 Val. D. Dunſter, Wythyell l. 14 : 00 : 00 Val. D. Taunton, Hilfarence l. 12 : 00 : oo Vali: Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Gothelſtone alias Cutſton, Chap.} 1. 8: 12 ;-00 Clear Val. to Kingſton P. Langford, Chap. to Milverton - I 30-: 00 : 00 Clear Val. WeX-Buckland, Chap. to Wel-}7.20 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. lington Stoke St. Gregory, Chapel to 31. 12 : 00.: 00 Clear Vah North-Curry Wefthatch, Chap, to North-Curry l. 5: 00 : 00 Clear Vah i i 1 k 1 > ܝܪ ܪܪ Diocere 48 DIOCESE of BRISTOL. Dorset. Dioceſe of ziftol. -Firſt-Fruits. 1 d. ,294 II 0 Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. 27 14.04 * B В ISHOPRICK of Briſtol Taken out of the Dioceſe of Saliſbury. The Cathedral Church. (HOLY TRINITY.) The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the KING, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. (Charter of Erection June 14. 1542.) S:Arch-Deaconry of Dorset has the Rectory of "Guſage. All- Saints annexed The Lord Biſhop of Briſtol Patr. This Arch-Deaconry was antiently in the Church of Saliſbury, from which it was ſeparated at the Erection of this See in the Year 1542. There are ſix Prebends in the Church of Briſtol, all in the Gift of the KING: None of the faid Prebends are charged with any Payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. .. i 1. So d. 1. s. d. 19 15 00 og. 02 06 D. Birport alias Bridpožt. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books, l'early Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. S Abbotſtock R. (St. Mary) Synods and Proxies x s. ix d. Abb. Shyrborne c s. 06 19 New-College Oxford. Akerwell R. [St. Michael] Synods and Proxies viis. vid. 00 18 03 William Bennet Eſq; 1704. 08 02 03 Bettiſcomb R. Synods and Proxies iii s. iii d. 00 16 02 Geo. Fulford Efq; 1681. Ro. Browne of Frampton Efq; (W.) oo og 04 Birport Deanry 00 00 II 25 Oo oo Birton Bradftock R. (St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. xi s. x d. ob. qa. 02 10 00 Geo. Pitt of Shrowton Efq; (W.) Thomas Pile Eſq; Thomas Freke and his Wife 1705. 15 08 09 Brodwinſor V. [St. John Baptift] Synods and Proxies x s. ixd. OI 10 10,5 Dec. & Cap. Sarum & Dec. & Gap. Weller. Propr. (Vide-Dorſet Roll. in Ofic Primit.) The Vicars Choral of Sarum (W.). Biſhop of Sarun. 5 Caterſtock alias Cattiſtock R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Proxies 13 13 09 ¿ and Synods ix s. viid. Abb. Milton X S, 07 04 William Strode Eſq; 1682. Mr. Churchill (W.) Chedington * Biſhoprick of Briſtol. -The Tenths were alter'd by Judgment of the Court of Exchequer, Hilary- Term 8º Eliz, to the Sum of 271. 145. 4 d. as above. The Patent of Erection of this Biſhoprick dated June 4. 1542, 34 Henry VIII. may be ſeen in Rymer's Federa, Vol. XIV. p. 748. es }or 07 045 DORSET. DIOCESE of BRISTOL. 49 10 00 00 of 00 00 { 23 02 II { {I for -303 06 09: :30! 19 12 OI 19 o King's Books. learly Tenths, d. 1. 1. d. 08 08 04 Chedington R. (St. James] Synods and Proxies xiii d. oo 16 10 Mr. George Penny Patr. 1721. Mr. Minterne (W.) Chilfrome and Wraxhal R. † (Holy Trinity] Lord Stawell (W.) and Mr. Bennet alternately. Francis Bennet Gent. this Turn 1709, and Mr. Bampfylde altern. Corſecombe R. [St. Michael] Synods and Proxies xiii s. Pens.? 21 03 04 02 02 04 Abb. Shyrborne xxxvi s. viii d. Lord Lempſter Patron 1721. Hawchurch als. Hawkchurch [St. John Baptiſt] Synods and Proxies x s. vii, d. ob. Penf. Abb. Cerne xiii s. iiii d. Pent: (02 06 03. Abb. Abbotſbury iiiis, Seneſcballo Glebe xiii s. iiii d. Thomas Wyndham Efq; Patr. 1721, 1729. SLitton als Litton Cheyney R. [St. Mary) Synods and Pro- 33 07 08? xies viïi s. iiii d. Geo. Richard's Eſq; 1714, 1721. Longbredy Perſonat (St. John Baptiſt] cum Bredy parva Cap. 02 { [St. Michael] Synods and Prox. xviiis. Penf. Abb. Cerne iiii 1. S Robert Meller Eſq; 1712. 08 Oo oo Luecombe R. oo 16 oo Lord Stourton 1711. 08 03 01 Maperton Perſonat. (St. Mary] (Sarum Pecul.) 00 16 03 Richard Brodrepp Eſq; 1715. Mayden Newton R. Synods and Proxies xix s. Thomas Strangeways Eſq; 1684. Sir William Wyndham and Sir Nath. Napier alternately.(W.) S Netherbury and BEMISTER V. [St. Mary] (Sarum Pecul.) 41 15 00 with Mangerton Chap. [St. Mary] Deſtructa. Penſ. Pré-404 03 06 bendario ibidem xls. Prebendary thereof. 08 14 02 Portiſham V. (St. Peter] 00 17 05 Mon. Sti Petri & Sti Pauli Birport Propr. -Pawlet Efq; 1681. Puncknoll R. [St. Mary] cum Ecclef. Boxington (St. Mary] 14 Oo oo Deftrueta. Synods and Proxies ix s. vid. Pens. Mon. Soi 08 oo Abbotsbury xi s. Thomas Heyſome and William Gregſon 1707. Mr. Clut- terbuck (W.) 11 17 08 $Rameſham alias Rampiſham R. [St. Michael] Synods and 2 Proxies ix s. 01 03 09 Mr. Bennet and Sir Copleſton Bampfylde alternately. SSouth Perrot R. (St. Mary) Synods and Proxies xiii s. viii d. oi 15 05 cum Cap. Miſterton. Henry Horlock Gent. 1716. 15 13 11 Stokeland V. (St. Michael] Synods and Proxies ix s. vii d. or II 041 Mon. Middleton Propr. Freeholders and Inhabitants there. of 1692. Mr. Callard q. H Symondſborrow + Chilfrome and Wraxalare two ſeparate Livings at 51. per Annum each in the King's Books. See the Great Book of Values in the Firſt-Fruits Office for the County of Dorſet. 30 05 00 03 oo 06 { andzo1 vii d.zo. 17 14 02 { 50 DIOCESE of BRISTOL. Dorset. S. 300 16 { 13 17 06 roxies}o1 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. d. 1. d. 36 03 04 Symondſborrow R. Syn. and Prox. x s. iii d. ob. Abb. Cerne lis. 03 12 04 Peter Templeman 1716. Mr. Hawkins (W.) 05 Oo oo Toller Porcor' V. [St. Peter) 00 10 oo Mon. Birport Propr. Henry Trenchard Efq; and his Wife 1711. S Wambroke R [St. Mary] (Sarum Pecul.) Penſ. Priori Cherd- 08 07 01 0 16 08 2 Stock xx s. Penf. Vicario Cherdſtock viii d. William Bragg Eſq; 1716. 02 13 04 Wetherſton R. Deftru&ta. oo 05 04 Mr. Ja. Banks and his Wife 1700. 32 06 03 Whitchurch Canonicorum V. [þaneta Candida, or St. White 2 Synods and Prox. xi s. x d. ob. Abb. Abbotsbury xiii s. iii d. 03 04 073 Eccleſ. Cath. Wellen. & Dec. & Cap. Sarum Propr. Biſhop of Bath and Wells, 1663, 1666, 1674, 1676, 1720. Winterborne Abbots R. (St. Mary) Synods and Prox, iis. vi d. or 07 09 Mr. Miller Patron 1721. Mr. Sagittary (W.) Winterborne Stepelton R. [S. Michael] Synods and Proxies? 10 04 07 01 00 057 viji s. iii d. John Sagittary M. D. 1696. 08 15 00 Wotton Fitz-Payne R. Synods and Proxies iii s. id. ob. 00 17 06 Richard Rofe Eſq; 1702, 1729. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 14 Oo oo ABBOTSBURY V. [St. Nicholas] Mon. Birport Propr. Tho. Strangeways Eſq; 1712. BIRPORT R. als. BRID PORT [St. Mary) Synods and Proxies 47 Oo oo oi 01 02 Jo. Comer Efq; 1715. Tho. Strangeways Eſq; (W.) 48 co oo Bra pell V. alias Brad pole. 00 17 03 Mon. Syon in Middleſex Propr. The KING. 35 Oo oo Burſtocke V. (St. Andrew] Synods and Proxies xiii d. ob. oo II II Pri. Ford in Devon. Propr. William Bragg Eſq; 1703, 1725. 45 OI 04 Chardſtock V. [St. Andrew] (Sarum Pecul.) 01 08 03 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. in Ecclef. Sarum. Q. if the Biſhop of Sarum be not Patron ? 30 Oo oo Charmouth R. [St. Matthew] Synods and Proxies xiii d. ob. 00 17 08 Ant. Elleſden Efq; 1708. Chatherſton R. (St. Catherine] Synods and Proxies xiii d. ob. 00 05 03 The Revd, Mr. Henry Churchill Patron 1721. Chilborowe R. alias Weft-Chelborough, Synods and Proxies ini s. iii d. 0 09 063 Ant. Larder Eſq; 1707. Chilcombe R. Synods and Proxies xi d. ob. 00 09 02 Hum. Bijhop Efq; 1704. Mr. Bennet (W.) Compton Abbas R. [St. Michael] Synods and Proxies v s. id. 00 16 001 John Michell Efq; 1706, 1725. Hoke OI 00 00 {. s 301 X s. vid. 15 co oo 32 00 00 ܘܘ{$ 29 00 00 35 Oo oo DORSET. DIOCESE of BRISTOL. 51 s. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Terths. 1. d. I. . 40 Oo oo Hoke R. [St. Giles] Synods and Proxies xiii d. ob. oo 19 101 Duke of Bolton. 26 oo oo Langton-Herring R. Synods and Proxies iii s. id.ob. Penf. 00 14 037 Priori Holme vi s, viii d. Duke of Newcaſtle Patron 1721. 48 oo oo Loders V. * [St. Mary Magdalen] Synods and Proxies ix s. oi 08 06 viſi d. ob. Abb. Syon in Middleſex Propr. Counteſs of Shaftſbury 1692. REGIS V. ] . 45 Oo oo Lyme s. oi oo con Prebendary thereof in the Ch. of Sarum Propr, and Patr. 30 00 00 Melbury* Sampford R. Synods and Proxies vi s. iii d. 00 10 07 Thomas Strangeways Eſq; 1683. 45 00 00 Pelliſton R. als. Pelſdon. oo 14 00 Thomas Wyndham and Thomas Perkins 1710. Frances Wyndham 1721. Sir William Wyndham (W.) Porton als. North-Porton Perſonat [St. Mary] Proxies and 40 00 00 Synods xiii d. ob. 00 11 01 William Bull Gent. 1708. The Revd. Mr. Frampton (W.) S Powerſtock als. Portſtock V. [St. James] (Sarum Pecul.) cum 35 00 00 Cap. Bampton [Holy Trinity) Synods and Prox. x s. Abb. Son 13 08 {P. } Dean and Chapter of Salisbury Propr. and Patr. Q. if the Duke of Bolton is not Patron ? ŞSwyre R. [Holy Trinity] Synods and Proxies v s. iii d. Abb. 47 00 002 Sbaftsbury vis. viïi d. Reatori de Punknoll i s. Duke of Bedford Patron 1721. ,Zoo 14.00 Not in Charge. Dalwood V. [St. Peter] The Pariſhoners. Bochenhampton Cur. [Holy Trinity] Mr. Strangeways Patron. Eaſt Chilborough Cur. The KING Patr. Marſhwood Cur. Shipton George Cur. [St. Martin] Mr. Pitt Patr. Waldich Cur. (St. Mary] Weſt Milton [St. Mary ] Chap. to Portſtock. Allington Chap. or R. (St. Swithin Chidioke Chap. to Whitchurch. (St. Giles] Stanton St. Gabriel's Chap. to Whitchurch. H 2 * Liders V. Here was formerly a Prebend, which belonged to the Abby of Syon, Valued at 52 GLOUCESTER. DIOCESE of BRISTOL. 27 07 06 { 302 02 00 00 D. Brilol. * Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenthe 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 24 Oo oo Olveſton V. [St. Mary) Synods and Proxies xii s. 02 08 oo Cum Cap. Alveſton. Pri. Bath. olim Impr. Dean and Chap- ter of Briſtol. There was formerly in this Pariſh the free Chapel of Tokington, which did belong to the Abbey of St. Auſtin's in Briſtol, and after the Diſſolution given to the Biſhoprick of Briſtol Winterborne R. (St. Michael] 02 14 09 William Davis Eſq; 1713. Mr. Jones (W.) Livings diſcharged. Clear Tearly Value. S Almonſbury V. [St. Mary) with a Chapel, Synods and Proxies 40 13 10 viii s. viii d. Penf. Abb. Sti Auguſtini x s. Biſhop of Briſtol Patr. and Impr. Abb. Sti Auguſtini Briſtol. olim Impr. 48 OI 03 Compton Greenfield R. Synods viii s. viii d. 00 14 00 Job. Stone Gent. 1683. Sir Tho. Canne. (W.) Mr. Canne. 36 11 08 Filton R. (St. Peter] Proxies xviii d. 00 14.00. Mrs. Elizabeth Pope 1705. Mr. Pope (N.) Littleton R. 01 02 05 Mr. Hawkſworth (N.) A Quaker of Briſtol. (W) 20 12 05 Stoke Gifford V. Pri. Malverne Parva olim Impr. 70. Stone Gent. Mr.. Barkeley. (N.) Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Clifton Cur. 1. 6:00°: oo Certified Value, Mr. Hodges Impr. College de Weſtbury olim Impr. · Horfield Cur. 2. 3 : 00 : 00 Certified Value. Abb. Sti Augufti. olim Propr. 'Bp. Briſtol (now) Impr. Mangotsfield Cur. (St. James] l. 13 : 00 : 00 Certified Value. Mon. Sti Jacobi olim Propr. (now Mr. Dowle) Stapleton Cur. (Holy Trinity]l. 14 : 00 : 00 Certified Value. Mon. Sti Jacobi olim Propr. (now Mr. Walter) Weſtbury Chap.[Holy Trinity]l.13 : 16 : 00 Certified Value. College de Weſtbury olim Propr. (now Mr. Fane) 35 17 06 00 12 00 S. 21 II 08 ; Town of Brilol. Livings diſebarged. Clear Yearly Vulue , Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors, 1. d. All-Saints V. oo 08 04 Dean and Chapter of Briſtol Propr. and Patr, 5 10 oo St. Auguſtine V. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol Propr, and Patr. Chriſt- + Deanry of Briſtol. This Deanry and the City of Briſtol are ſtill ſubject to the Arch-Deacon of Glouceſter. SA 700 00 12 00 GLOUCESTER. DIOCESE of BRISTOL. 53 Yearly Tenths. d. s. 1. s. 01 02 001 00 13 03 03 Oo oo 00 14 054 OI 04 Oo 00 14 00: Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. 03 08 oo Chriſtchurch R. alias St. Trinity, united to St. Owen's. Mayor and Aldermen of Briſtol. 46 00 08 Elberton alias Aylbarton V.or Chap. Biſhop of Briſtol Propr. and Patr, 28 04 06. Henbury V. Henbury V. * [St. Mary] ] Mr. Harcouri (Atk. 474.) Elizabeth Goldenham 1712. Heirs of Sir Samuel Aſtry. (W.) 05 18 OI St. John's and St. Laurence R.. Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgeſſes of Briſtol. 04.01 05 St. Leonard's V.. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol Propr. and Patr. об об 10 St. Mary Port R. Sir Thomas Bridges Knt. 1690. Henry Bridges of Heynſham Eſq; (W.) St. Mary Redcliffe V. in Co. Somerſet, is a Chapel to Bedmiſter 40 13 087 in D. Bedmiſter in Co. Somerſet. . Prebendary thereof. 05 18 11. St. Michael's R. Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgeſſes of 'Briſtol. St. Nicholas. V.. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. 00 06 08 St. Owen’s alias St. Ewin's, united to Chrift-Church. Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgeſſes of Briſtol. 12 05. 00 St. Peter's R. Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgeſſes of Briſtol. St. Philip and St. Jacob V. Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgeſſes of Briſtol Propr. and Patr. 2013 II St. Stephen's R. The KING. Temple V. alias St. Croſs, in Com. Somerſet. Mayor, Aldermens, and Burgeſſes of Briſtol. . St. Werburgh R. The KING (or City of Briſtol q.) 1624. 1 08{S }or OI 04.07 OO I 2 00. 07 16 06 02 02 011 00 12 09. 43 16 oo OI IO 00: OII 2 00': 33 02 03 00 06 05 33 06.08 OI 00 00 Not in Charge. Sk: Thomas ini Briſtol, a Chapel to Bedmiſter in Somerſetſhire. - St. James's Cur. St. Mark's alias Gaunts Cur, City of Briſtol Patr. ti } D.. * Henbury Vin this Pariſh is the Chapel of Aufl, endowed by Mr. Harcourt, with 20 l. per Annum. Atkins's Hiſt. of Glouceſterſhire, p. 477. There is likewiſe a Chapel called Northwicke, in the ſame : Pariſh. ibid. There was formerly a Chapel called King's-Wefton in this Pariſh, the Tithes whereof be- long to the Biſhop of Briſtol, but the Chapel is demoliſhed. f Vide Willis's Survey, p. 841. Sixteen of the eighteen Churches in Briſtol, are in no Arch-Deaconry, but in the Biſhop's ſole Vifitation, by his Chancellor ; though Bedmiſter the Mother Church to St. Mary Reda cliffe, and St. Thomas and its Chapel Abbats-Leigh, are ſtill in Wells Dioceſe and Bath Arch-Deaconry , and the ſeventeen out-lying Churches and Chapels in Briſtol Deanry, yet belong to Glouceſter Arch-Deaconry, not-:- withftanding they are in this Dioceſe. :54 DORSET. DIOCESE of BRISTOL. li D. Dogchelter. d. :II 02 II ii sizo. } Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Zearly Yearly Tenths. ·lo si d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 09 01 051 Bincombe R. (Holy Trinity) Synods and Proxies iïii s. ii d. 00 18 or Gonvil and Caius College Cambridge. S Bradford Peverell R. [St. Mary) Synods and Proxies vii s. 01 02 03 2 iii d. Penſ. Collegio Stæ Mariæ Winton. xl s. Wincheſter College. 15 04 02 Broadmayne R. [St. Martin] Synods and Proxies iiii s. ii d. Or 10 05 Roberi Loder Gent. 1708. Brodeway R. [St. Nicholas] Synods and Proxies v s. id. ob. 07 15 021 Penſ. Abb. Clerkenwell xx s. "Penf. Rectori de Langton-Her. 00 15 06 ring vi s. viü d. Gonvil and Caius College Cambridge. OS oo 10 Chaldon V. 00 16 01 Mon. Byndon Propr. Mr. Mohun. 08 16 00 Checkerell Weſt R. Synods and Proxies v s. iii d. 00 17 075 Duke of Bolton, 02 . Mr. Pelham (W.) John Speke and Francis Thiſtlethwaite 1696. Francis Thiſtlethwaite Eſq; 1725. [St. 40 14 07 ? James] Synods and Proxies x s. OI John Gane Clerk 1703. John Banks Efq; Patr. 1714. 00 09 041 Dorcheſter Deanry. 00 00 11% S Eſoke R. Synods and Proxies x s. vi d. Pens. Priori de 14 12 11 Shene ii s. id. Prebendar, de Charmiſter xx d. Thomas Strode Eſq; 1708. 07 11 00 Frome Vauchurch R. * Synods and Proxies ix s. i d. 00 15 01 Duke of Bolton. 12 05 023 viii s. xid, { Compton Valence R. [St. Thomas Becket] Synods and Proxies for 04 06; "}or 09 03: 08 15 05 ŞKnighton (St. Peter: Synods andii Proxies ix s. vii d. ob, foo 17 061 1 08 105 de Mayne . viii Thomas Meech Gent. 1690. Mr. Gillingham (W.) Langton Matravers alias Langton Wallis R. [St. George] 14 08 09 Pens. Mandatori de Baddeſley iiii d. Synods and Proxies George Trenchard Efq; 1719. 09 14 02 Moreton R. [St. Nicholas] Synods and Proxies iiii s. iii d. William Frampton Efq; 1685. II 00 02 Oſmington V. [Št. Oſmond] Synods and Proxies vi s. iii d. Biſhop of Sarum. Mon. Mylton Propr. 23 04 07 Owre Moyne R. [St. Michael] Syn, and Prox. viii s. xi d. Dr.Wake Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury in his own Right (N.) 00 19 II 01 02 00 02 06 051 2 Portland * Corfe-Cafleis a Royal Peculiar. DORSET. DIOCESE of BRISTOL. 5:5 King's Books. d 1. s. d. ods}02 09 05 05 ŞPoxwell R, Synods and Proxies ix s, vii d. ob. qa. Pens? rearly Tentbs. 1. d. Portland R. (St. Swithin] Synods and Proxies ix s. iiii d.ob. qa. 18 02 01 Redd. ii s. 4. Bor OI 16 02 Biſhop of Wincheſter. . 00 18 06 Cerne v sviii d. George Trenchard Efq; Patr. 1721. 10 08 on Stafford R. with Frome-Billet. Dejtructa. Penf. Capellano xx s. oi 00 09 Richard White Gent, 1708. 09 15 05 Stypull R. alias Steeple *. 00 19 061 Nathaniel Bond 1682. Dennis Bond Eſq; (N.) vii s. vii d. 02 14 II Mr. Thomas Cook 1714. 17 08 08 St. Trinity's in DORCHESTER R. Syn. and Prox. xi s. vi d. OI 14 10 Guardians of the School of Dorcheſter. Tynham R. * Proxies and Synods xi s. iii d. Penj. Priori de Tortington in Sufex xliii s. Joan Symonds 1680. Dennis Bond Efq; (N.) R. (St. ] s. . ? 18 Ecclef. Sarum xl s. Biſhop of Sarum. 15 Oo oo Warmley R. alias Warmwell, Syn. and Prox. vii s. iii d. Thomas Trenchard Eſq; 1701. Winsfrith Newburgh R. (St. Chriſtopher] with Weſt-Lul-? 23 14 0474 worth Chapel (Holy Trinity] Syn, and Prox. X s. ix d. qa. 057. Biſhop of Sarum 1677, 1678, 1679, 1725. Winterborne Monkton R. Synods and Proxies v s. d. 08 oo oo 00 16 00 Penſ. Prebendario de Preſton vii s, iii d. Thomas Strangeways Efq; 1708. 04 09 09. Wyrdford alias Woodford Ř. Synods and Proxies ijii s. id. ob. 00 08 113 Sir Nathaniel Napier 1711. Nathaniel Napier Eſq; 1725. 19 07 II I Wyke Regis R. (All-Saints] Syn. and Prox. ix s. iiii d. ob. OD 18 081 Biſhop of Wincheſter. {? telor II 00 10 DI 02 OI OI IO 00:- 04{ -} 00 IO II for 07 10; Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 41 Oo oo Buckland Ripers R. Synods and Proxies v s. id. ob. William Frampton Eſq; 1713. Combkeynes V. and Woolbridge Chapel [Holy Rood] Sy-? 48 oo oo 2 xs Pri. Merton in Surry Propr. Mr. Weld Patr. 1721. 08 oo oo Dorchester Omn' Sanctorum R. Syn. and Prox. iii s. vid. 00 08 052 Mayor and Aldermen thereof. 43 00 00 Eaſt-Lulworth V. [St. Andrew] Synods and Proxies vis. iii d. or 03 051 Pri. Merton in Surr. Impr. George Turberville Gent. 1662. Ilumphry Weld Efq; 1674. Henry Samways, Sail-Maker, preſented 1729. Fleet? Stypull alias Steeple R. -united to Tynham R. by Act of Parliament, Anno 8° Georgii. I Wyke Regis R. in this Pariſh is the Borough of WEYMOUTH, which had a Chapel, but 'tis now . in Ruins, 56 DIOCESE of BRISTOL. DORSET. S. of 10 00 44 II 06 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths 11. d. 1. d. 20 00 00 Fleet V (Holy Trinity] 100 10 08 Pri. Twynbam als. Chriſt-Church in Co. Southampt. Propr. Maximilian Mohun Efq; Patr. 1721. 48 10 00 Fordington V. (St. George] (Sarum Pecul.) Prebendary thereof in the Church of Sarum Propr. and Patr. 30 Oo oo Frampton V. (St. Bartholomew] Syn, and Prox. x's. vid. OI 02 Il College Sti Stephani Weſtminſter Propr. . Robert Browne Efq; 1693. The KING 1725. Robert Browne Eſq; 1729. $ Knowl R. Synods and Proxies vi s. iii de Redd. Manerio de? 48 10 00 OI 15 09 { Stypull xii d. Edward Clavell Eſq; 1712. Preſton V. [St. Andrew) and Sutton (St. Giles) (Sarum Pecul.) 00 17 091 Prebendär. de Sarum Propr. Mr. Jo. Gallop, jun. Patr. 1721. ŞRaddypole R. * [St. Mary) Synods and Proxies vi s. jii d. -47 00 00 or 0206 Penf. Mon. Gerne ii s. Jo. Wyndham Efq; 1697. 46:00 00 Stoadland R. Synods and Proxies vi s. iii d. 00 15 00 Edward Pleydell Efq; 1711. 46 oo oo Toller Fratrum V. [St. Balil] Syn. and Prox. x s. ix d. qa. 01 00.077 Mon. Buckland Propr. George Fulford Efq; 1680. Mr. Trenchard (N.) Winterborne Came R. Deſtructa. Proxies and Synods iii s. d. 40.00 oo Penf. Rectori de Stafford xx s. 00 16 ore Anne Meller Widow 1704. Joſeph Dummer Efq; 1721. Winterborne St. Germayne R. Synods and Proxies iii s. id. ob. 45 Oo oo Penf. Prebendario de Preſton vii s. vid. Anne Meller Widow 1707. Joſeph Dummer. Efq; 40 00 00 Winterborne St. Martin's V. 00 19 06 Mon. Abbotſbury Propr. Biſhop of Saliſbury. 39 00.00 Worth-Matravers V. Synods and Proxies iiii s. 00 16 10 Phil. Baker Cl. 1708. Rector of Swanwich 1714. Not in Charge. Bechampton Mr. Pitt. Charmiſter Cur. (Sarum Pecul.) Henry Trenchard Eſq; Martinſton Sir Nathaniel Napier. Dorcheſter St. Peter's R. Truſtees of Dorcheſter School Patr, Wool V. Mr. Menilo (W.) ob, foo 14 041 * Raddypole-The Borough of MELCOMB Regis is in this Parilli. ww i A { 57 DIOCESE OF BRISTO L. 7. Kirg's Books. s. d. d. :{ 07:19 09 Almore R. [St. Nicholas] Synods and Proxies vis, ïïi d.? Dorset. 2. Pimperne. Livings remaining-in Charge. King's Yearly Tentos, Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Pearly Ź Penf. Mon. Tewkſbury iïi s. iiti d. 00 15 11 Richard Long 1701. Geo. Barbour Eſq; (W.) SBLANDFORD-FORUM V. (St. Peter and St, Paul] Synods and 12.08 013 Proxies viii s. vii d. 04 09 Pri. Chriſt-Church alias Twynham in Co. Southton. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter. 07 10 02 Chalbery R. Synods and Proxies vii s. iid. 00 15 00 Earl of Pembroke. Sir Anthony Sturt (W.) s Churchel-parva als. More-Critchel R. (All-Saints] Synods 10 09 07 and Proxies ix s, yü d. Pens, Decano Wymbourne Minſter Soi oo 11 vi s. viii d. Sir Nath. Napier 1720. Edmonſham R. (St. Nicholas] Synods and Proxies xiii d. ob. 06 05 00 ? Penſ. Abb. de Tewksbury xx s. oo 12 06 . Tbo. Huſey Efq; 1712, and Mr. Twyne alternately. Guſſage St. Michael's R. Synods and Proxies ix s. vii d. ob. 20 00 0252 Penj. Priori de Shene lxv s. Oo oo Lord Aſhburnham 1722. Hamoune Ř. Synods and Proxies iiii s. ii d. Penf. Rettori de 200 14 05 07 04 02 Child Okeford viii d. Ant. Henley Efq; Ri. Southby and Henry Trenchard 1711. Geo. Trenchard Eſq; Patr. 1722, 13 10 00 Hampreſton R. [All-Saints] Synods and Proxies xiji d. ob. OI 07 00 Richard Goodridge Gent. 1697. Lord Arundel of War- dour (W) 16 08 08; Hinton Mertell R. [St. John] Synods and Proxies vili s. vid. 'O1 12 105 The KING {L Langton Long Blanford R. [St. Thomas Becket] Synods and 3o 13 10 00 John Rogers-Coker Efq; 1712. 12 13 08:{Long Chrechel als. Critchell R. (St. Mary] Synods and {01 05 045 . Mr. Richard Dibben 1704. Earl of Shaftſbury. 06 15 10 {d. . . Pentrigg R: Synods and Proxies vii s. iii de Penf. Mon, de oo 13 07 Tewksbury xiii s. iiii d. The KING. 09 09 04. Pimperne Decanat. 00 00 11 19 12 06 ŞPimperne R. [St. Peter] Synods and Proxies x s. xi d. Penſio enfiozor 18 03 2 Decano de Wymbourne Minſter xvi s. viii d. Eliz. Stephens Widow 1716.- George Pitt Efq; 07 09 041 Shapwicke. V. [St. Bartholomew] Synods and Proxies x s. xi d. 00 14 11 Coll. Wymbourne Minſter Propr. George Pitt Efq; 1713. I Tarrant 08.302 { ܘܘ{ 301 07 oo :58 DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. DORSET. 1. } + Patr. 1721. { Per/goo King's Books Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 19 07 11 Tarrant Gunvile R. (St. Mary) Synods and Proxies ix s. viid. Op 18 og Cha. Layfield S. T. P. 1708. Mr. Swain (W) 12 17 01 Tarrant Hinton R.. Synods and Proxies viis. ix d. 01 05 08 Eliz. Crabb Widow 1712. Mr.Coward Patr. 1722. ŞTarrant Kaynefon R. als. Lypſtock, [All Saints] Synods, and 07 17.08 Proxies ix's. xi d. op 15 09 John Baſket Efq; 1715 04 19 02 Tarrant Ruſhton 'RE [St. Mary) Synods and Prox. viü s. viid. oo og II Arthur Radford Eſq; 1661. The Revd. Mr. Laurence 06 17 06 Weſtperly R. Synods and Proxies ii s. iii d. 00 13 09 Daughters and Co-heireffes of Tbo. Redman 1727. Thomas Reeks h. v. 1725. John Edwards of Hinton for three ſucceeding Turns. 12 12 03; Wichampton R. [St. Margaret]Syn. and Prox. ix s. ix d.ob.qa. O! 05 02 Nicholas Ingram Eſq; 1679. Mr. Cole Patr. 1721. Mr. Pitt Patr. 12 13 04 , Wymbourne St. Ægidii R. + Synods and Proxies žii s. üü d. 01 05 04 Earl of Shaftsbury !712. Wymbourne Omn. Sanctor. R. Synods and Proxies ix f. Penf.? 09 04 041 O 18 057 Collegio Windſor xs. Earl of Shaftsbury 1712. Handley V. not in Charge. Dean and Canans of Windfor. Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 45 Oo oo Chettel R: [St. Mary] Synods and Proxies iiii s. iid, 00 16 03.1 Thomas Chaffin Eſq; 1693. 42 oo oo Cranbourne V. (St. Bartholomew] 00 13 04 Mon. Tewksbury Propr. Earl of Salisbury 1721. 48. og oo Farneham R. [St. Laurence] Synods and Proxies xiii d. ob. 00 15 The KING. 30 Oo oo Guffage Omnium Sanct. V. 00 12 047 Archidiac. Dorſet Propr. Arch-Deacon of Dorſet. Hinton-parva alias Stanbridge R. [St. Kenelm] (Sárum. Pecul.) 40 00 00 Synods and Proxies viii s. xi d. Mr. Giles Stagg 1674. George Lewyn Eſq; 1725. Horton V. (St. Wolfride]. cum Cap. Knowlton Deſtructa. Sy- 48 oo oo nods and Proxies iii 5. v d. ob. Penf. Mon. Shyrborne ii so soo 15 031 Vicario de Guſſage omnium San&tor' ii s. vid. Mon. Shyrborne Propr. Hum. Sturt Efq; 1719. Sir Anthony Sturt (W.) Stepelton R. [St. Mary) Synods and Proxies s. iïi d. 00 13 10 Richard Fownes Eſq; 1712. + Wymbourne- Minffer is yet a College, has three Vicars Choral, and a Chair of Singing-Men and Boys, and an Organ; and with its Chapelry of Holt [þt. James ]-isa Royal Peculiar. Cranbourne-has the Chapel of. Beveridge annex da 1 * 11.)} 30 Oo oo Stoure-payne DORSET. JODIOCESE OIBRISTOL. 59 J. 45 00 00 { Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. . d. Pecul 00 14 10 . viii d. The Dean and Chapter of Sarum Propr, and Patr. Præ- centot of Saram (.) bút q: Tarrant Monachorum V. [All Saints q. ] cum Cap. Lampſton, 25 00 00 Synods and Proxies iii s. iiii d. The KING. Mr. Savage (W) Mon. Tewkſbury Propr. STarrant Rawſton R. als. Antioch (St. Mary] Synods and oo 16 It Proxies v s. vii d. Thomas Gawdery Efq; 1713. or Gundry q. { . for "}or 15 08 45 00 00 : King's Books, 1. 06 13 04 D. Shafton, SHAFTSBURY. Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths d. Refories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. de 07. 17.11 Bradford Abbots V. [St. Mary] Synods and Proxies ii s. iid. 00 is og! Mon. Skyrborne Propr. Mich. Harvey Efq; 1699. 11 10 00 | Candel Epiſcopi R. Synods and Proxies iiiis. iií d. 01 03 00 Lord Digby (N.) $ .] Proxies jiii s. v d. ob. 00 13 04 George Irencbard-Eſq;,,""); ii! Child-Oakeford Inferior R. [Sti Nicholas] Synods and Pro-? 07 00 00 xies iiii s. v d.ob. 14 00 The Revd: Mr. Crabb Patr. 1721. 04 16 00Clifton Mabanke R. [All-Saints] (Sarum Pecul.) Rettori de Pat- minſter ii s. 00 09 07 Michael Harvey Eſq;. 1692, AbbasR. ? de 300 19:00 70. Cook Gent. 1713. Lord Arundel (W.) Fiſhfield als. Fifhead Magdalen V. [St. Mary Magdalen] Pens. 07 Oo oo Abb. Sti. Auguſtini Briſtol lxs. Synods and Proxies iii so soo 14 00 iiii d. Ecclef. Sarum xx d. Mor Sti. Aug. Briſtol. Propr. Mr. Newman 1677. Sir Richard Newman Patr. 1725.' Sir Robert Smyth Bart. preſented 1726. The Biſhop of Briſtol Impr. 09 12 03 Folke R. (St. Laurence] (Sarum Pecul.) Syn. and Prox. viii d.' oo 19 023 Geo. Chaffin Eſq; 1717. Dean and Chapter of Sarum alter- nately 1712. 18 oo oo Fountmell P. five R. O 16 oo Richard Dibben 1701. Lord Arundel (N.). Fountmell V: [St. Andrew} with Weft-Orchard Chap. Sy- 07 10 00 nods and Proxies x s. Prebendary thereof. Gillingham Pro-foo 14.00 **-}00 fo 2 7 1 15 00 12. 60 DIOCESE of BRISTOL. DORSET. Yearly, 40 17 06 } 304 d}01 25 08 01;} :{ Trio i lomèw 1715. King's Booksu Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. I. d. S.Gillingham V. [St. Giles q.]. with Motcombe Eaſtover and 04:01 og Weſtover Chapels (St. Mary) Syn..and Prox. X s. y d.qa. Biſhop of Sarum Propr, and Patr. as Prebendary thereof. SHolwalle R. (St. Laurence] Synods and Proxies viii s. v d. 14 13 09. Penf. Abb. de Syſceter 1.s. I 09 04.1 Queen's College Oxford. ) -2 02 10 091 nods ob George Pitt of Shrowton Efq; (1.) Thomas Pyle and Tho-. mas Freke. Efgs- 17,09, 13 04 07 Kington Magna R. (Holy Trinity) Syn, and Prox. viii s. xid, or 06 057 Jane Deane Widow 1714. Mr. Swaine (W.) 14 05 10 Lydling alias L’ydlinch R. Synods and Proxiės xiiii s. vid. oi 08 07 Henry Deveniſ Eſq; (diſputed).1721. Mr. Pitt q. 31 06 10 Marnehull R. [St. Gregory]-Synods and Proxies xiii s. iii d. 03 02 08.04 Ironſide Hoſkins Efq; 1677. Mr. Conyers Place (N.) 12.05 00, Maunſton R. [St. Nicholas] Synods and Proxies viii s. xide i OI 04 06 Mr. Philip Nicholas 17,16. and Mr. Mervin alternately. og 18'11 Melbury, Abbas R. Synods and Proxies xüii s. Monafterio 00 19 10 Glaſton. xx s. Lord Arundel (W.) · Peter Smith ſen. and Robert Barthe- Melbury Bubb R. with Wolcomb Chapel annexed. Deftrueta. 2. Synods and Proxies vis. jíd.,: ::: oi 03, 00 Nicholas Hardy Eſq; 1709. Mr. Strangeways (W.)? 21 12 083 ix s. vii d. ob. ŞOakeford Fitz-Paine R. " [St. Andrew] Synods and Proxies}o2 03 031 Tbo. Pyle, Tho. Freke and his Wife 1712. Mr. Pitt (W.); 11 09 041 rum Pecul.) Syn, and Prosii,s. Monude. Sberboriie ix s. viiili Sol 02 11. SOver Compton alias Compton. Hawey R. (St. Michael] (Sa-? 04 George Abington Eſq; oo 09 041 Shafton Deanry oo .00 11 AFTON St. James R. Syn. and Prox. vis, vi d. ob. Ecclef. OI 11 00 Sarum xii d. Abb. Shaftſury xviii d. Sacriſt æ ibidem.iii l. Sir John Nicholas Knt. Edw. Nicholas Eſq; Patr. 1723. SSHAFTON St. Rumbald R. alias Cam, Synods and Proxies? 00 18 02 xiii d. ob. Abb. Shaftſvury,ii d, ob, Edward Nicholas Eſq; 1713. SSHERBORNE V..[St. Mary] (Sarum Pecul.) Synods.and. Proxies ? 20 14 07 ii s. iid. ob, Mon. Sherborne Propr: Lord Digbỳ (N:) Wyndham Knt. 1684. 07 09.07 Silton R. (St. Nicholas) Synods and Proxies x s. vii d.. 00 14:11 Anne.:Willoughby Widowi 1661. Sir Nathaniel Napier : ] .? 27 04 07: , 02 John Clement Gent. 1690:- Corpus Chriſti College Cam-. bridge (N.) Stoure il 10 05 001 09 02 01 es}oo . ) foz oo 05} Patr. 1721. DIOCESE OF BRISTOL. 61 16.04 09+Stoure Parva alias Provoſt alias Priaulx [St. Michael] Synods 3 DORSET . King's Books. d Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 05 1. { rods} or and Proxies viii s. vii d. King's College Cambridge. STOURMISTER Newton V. [St. Mary) with Bagberie Chapel 16.16 08 annexed. Synods and Proxies x s. vii d. Mon. Glaſton. Propr. Thomas Pitt Efq;. (N.) Thomas Pile Eſq; 1705. . George Pitt Efq; (W) og og 041 Sutton Walrond R. (St. Bartholomew] Syn. and Prox. ix s. Fulford Savage Culliford 1680. Sir Nathaniel Napier (W.) 10 01 03 Weſton Buckhorne R. Synods and Proxies, v s. vii d. Joan Williams Widow 1715. 00 18 11 oi 01 00 ore Pens;}.00 ad,၀၀ 49 00 00 { (St. 3o1 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly. V.alue. ŞBatcombe R. [St. Mary) Synods and Proxies iii s. iiii d. Penf. 40 00 00 E Rectori de Melbury Bubb xii d. 00 18 11 Duke of Bolton 1713. ŞBeere Hackett R. (St. Michael] (Sarum Pecul.) Synods and 30 Oo oo Proxies ix d. 00 12 03. Haynes Royal 1690. Weſton, Fox, Lewis, &c. Patr. (W). Bell R. alias Belchalwell, Synods and Proxies vi 00 15 06 George Pitt Efq;,' N.) Thomas Pile, Thomas Freke Eſq; and Elizabeth his Wife 1712. S Burton alias Long-Burton [St. James] with Holneſt V. (St. 43 Oo oo Mary) (Sarum Pecul.) Synods and Proxies xii d. OI OI G.. Mon. Sherborne Propr. Sir George Strode Knt. 1693. · Grace Thynne Widow and others 1777. s Caundell Merſe R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] (Sarum Pecul.) Sy- 36 oo oo nods and Proxies viii d. Mr. William Frampton 1709. Mr. Houſe (W.). Caundell Purſe R. Synods and Proxies nii s. iiii d. Penſ: 'Abb. 43 Oo oo { de Adhelney v s. Éccles . de Milborn-Port iii s. ji don 00 14 10 Lord Brooke 1695. 37 00 00 Heydon V. (St. Catherine] (Särum Pecul.) Syn. and Prox, vill do 00 10:00 - Mon. Sherborne Propr. Lord Digby 1713. Iwern alias Ewern Minſter V. (St. Mary) Synods and Pròxies 25 Oo oo cum Capellis de Hargrave, Henton Maria (St. Peter] >or oo on Henley and Gulage (St. Andrew] Dean and Canons of Windfor: Propr: and Patr. 45 00 oo Lillington R. (St. Martin] (Sarum Pecul.); oi 01 02 John Cole Efq; 1681. Grace Thynne Widow. Sir Natha- niel Napier, George Hadley and Edward Hartley Eſq; 1717. 47 00.00, Melbury Oſmond R. [St. Oſmond] Syn. and Prox. v s. in d. 00*1604" Thomas Strangeways Eſq; 46 00 00 Nether ? Proxies s. Joi Abington Efq; 1662. Mr.Somer's (W.): Oburne {C C ] ) 11:09: , } ४.०० { ix.si for 62 DIOCESE of BRISTOL DORSET. s. 1. 45 00 09 ) 300 { Riya Ryme १०० Ckar Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1 d. S. d. Soburne V. (St. Cuthbert] (Sarum Pecul.) Synods and Proxies 0 12 07 Mon, Sherborne Propr. Lord Digby 1674. ne R. (St. Hypolite] Synods and Proxies iü s. iiü d. (Sa- 43 Oo oo 00 12 07 rum Pecul.) The KING SHAFTON St. Laurence R. Synods and Proxies oo 13 04 iii s. iiii d. Reatori Donbead iiis. iti d. Deftruta. SHAFTON St. Martin's R. Syn, and Prox. xiii d. ob. 00 07 04 30 oo oo SHAFTON St. Peter's R. Synods and Proxies iii s. xd. 01 03 00 SHAFTON of the Holy Trinity, Synods and Proxies ii s.X d. 00 08 02 Mon. Shaftſbury ii s. Edward Nicholas Eſq; 1713. 45 00 00 Stoke Garland R. 00 14 00 William Lewis Eſq; 1703. Mary Lewis Widow 1729. S Stokewood R. [St. Edwold) (Sarum.Pecul.) Synods and 35 Oo oo 00 11 04 Proxies ii s. ii d. Prebendario de Preſton jiii s. Richard Biſhop 1673. Thorneford R. (St. Mary Magdalen] (Sarum Pecul.) Synods 300 13 081 35 00 00 and Proxies xiii d. Haynes Royal 1690. Mr. Whetcombe (W.) 37 00 00 Todbere R. Synods and Proxies ä s. Vicario Gyllingham ii s. 00 11 111 John Nicholls Gent. 1703. King's College Cambridge preſented 1729. Yatminſter V. [St. Andrew] cum Cap. de Leigh & Chetnoll [St. 33 00 00 02 Oi 05 Peter] (Sarum Pecul.) Synods and Proxies x s. Prebendary thereof in the Church of Sarum Proprietor and Patron. Not in Charge. Caſtleton Cur. (St. Mary Magd.] (Sarum Pecul.) 71. certified Val. Lord Digby Patr. Candle Sturton. Mr. Deveniſſ. Hermitage V. (St.Mary] (Sarum Pecul.) The KING Hinton St. Maries R. Dean and Canons of Windſor Patr, North-Wotton Cur. (Sarum Pecul.). Lord Digby Patr. Stratton Cur. (Sarum Pecul.). Prebendary Patr. and Impr. D. Whitchurch. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 13 05 05 Almer R. [St. Mary) Synods and Proxies viiis, xid. ої об об; Lady Ernle Patr. 1721, Athelhampfted R. od 04 00 Sir Ja. Long Bart. 1706. BEERE REGIS V. (St. John Baptiſt] cum Cap. Kingſton (St. Nicholas] Penf. Prebendario de Charmiſter iii l. 02 10 06 Olim fuit Pars Prebende in Eccleſ. Sarum. Baliol College Oxford. Blandford 33 00 { 2. d. 1. d. 02 00 00 25 05 oo St;}02 1 DORSET. DIOCESE of BRISTOL - 63 I. s. 15 07 01 . ; }oo o 03 07 OI 07 08 King's Books. rearly Tenths. 1. d. S. d. Blandford Mary's R. (St. Mary] Proxies and Syncds x s. ix 15 17 08: Penf. Priorille de Clerkenwell xl s. d. for 11 09: The Reverend Mr. Henry Willis Patron 1721. S Bloxworth R. [St. Andrew] (Sarum Pecul.) Penf. Vicario de Bere xx s. Penf. Ab. Cerne ii s. de for 11 084 George Trenchard Efq; Patr. 1721. 08 11 05; Bryaneſton alias Brienfton R. [St. Martin] Syn.and Pr. ixs. viidi oo 17 01 Sir William Portman Bart. 1687. Mr. Portman (W.) Buckland Newton alias Abbots B 16 { Synods and Proxies iii s, illi d. Dean and Chapter of Wells Propr. and Patr. SBurleſton R. Synods and Proxies ii s. iii d. Penf. Abb. Burles- ton vi S. viii d. Mr. Cook of Norfolk Patr. 1721. Sir James Long (N.&W.). 11 09 09ı Canford alias Cansford V. * Synods and Proxies xis. x d. ob. 01 02 11 Pri. Bradenſtoke olim Impr."(Engl. Mon. Vol. I. p. 142.) The Reverend Mr. Downes Patr. 1721. The Reverend Mr, Lloyd Patr. 1723. s Chefelborne R. Synods and Proxies ix s. ob. qa. Penf. Rectori? 18 10 05 { de Luddington vil. ori}01 1700 ; George Pitt Efq; 1716. ŞDurweſton R. [St. Nicholas] Synods and Proxies vii s. iiii 13.11 03 ob. Penf. Epiſc. Sarum xii d. Penſ. Archidia.. Dorſet vi d. S 01 07 011 Edward Coke of Norfolk Efq; Patr. 1721. FROMI. St. Quintin, with Everſolt Chapel (St. Oſmond] Sy-? 15 07 01 nods and Proxies xiiis. Penſ. Abb. de Tewkſbury xx s. 10 08 70. Hardy Efq; 1660. The KING 1663, 1693, 1703, 1:704, 1721. Michael Hardy Eſq; (W) Frome Whitefild R. [St. Nicholas] Deſtructa. Mr. Trenchard 1719. Godmanſtone R. [Holy Trinity q.) Syn, and Proxies ii s. iii d. oi 06 08 Mr. Strode Patron 1721. 19 13 og Hafelbeare Briant R. [St. James] Syn.and Prox. vi s. iii d. 01 19 041 Duke of Somerſet Patr. 1721. SHolſton V.alias Helton [All-Saints] Synods and Proxies ix s. 17 co Dec. & Cap. Sarum olim Propr. Biſhop of. Serum. Geo. Pitt Efq; q. (W.) 13 13 04 ? and Proxies vii s. iii d. ŞHowton, alias Winterborne Howton R. (St. Andrew}Synods for 07' 04 Jo. Goldſborough 1700. Mr. Banks and Mr. Pleydell Patr. (Mag. Br.). 19 13 09 Iberton R. [St. Euſtache] Synods and Proxies vii s. iji d. 01 19 041 Thomas Pitt Efq; Patr.' 1721. Peter Welter Efq; pre- Lychet * Canford The Corporation of Pool was formerly a part of this Pariſk ; which Pool is now a Royal Peculiar, and the Corporation are Patrons of the Living. Willis's Not. Parl. Vol. II. p. 405. {FF 10 00 00 01 00 06 13 06 08 08 10 05 { vii d. ob qa. ſented 1.723. 64 DIOCESE of. BRISTO.L. DORSET. rimſey }or I 2 00 is.300 "}00 {pade Center is vinods and Proxies ix s. vii d. Penſ. Mon. *:}: King's Booksi rearly Tenths. 1. d. I. J. d. 13 03 04 Lychet Matrevers R. (St. Mary] Syn. and Prox. vi s. viii d. oi 06 04 Thomas Trenchard Efq; 1719. 17 14 07 May Pooder R. (St. Peter] oi 15 051 Sir William Wyndham, Mr, Coker, and Mr. Strangeways alternately. 16 oo oo SMelcombe Horſey R. (St. Andrew] Penſ. Priori de Barmſey xxvi s. viji d. Thomas Freke Eſq; 1690. Thomas or Geo. Pitt Efq; (N.) 08 04 07 Morden V. Synods and Proxies ii s, iii d. oo 16 05: Abb. Canonlegh in Devon. Propr. Thomas Earle Efq; 1695. Lady Ernle (N.). Awnſham Churchill and Peter Wal- ter Efqs; 1721. S 00 14 Il ix d. ob. qa.di.qa. John Baron S. T. P. 1715. Edward Coke Efq; Lord A- rundel (W.) 06 16 05:ŞOkeford R. 20 Med. (Holy Rood] Synods and Proxies iii s. ix d. ob. qa. di. qa. Penj. Mon. Montegue xiii s. ili d. 13 071 The KING 1715. Ed. Coke Efq; Lord Arundel (W:) S Puddlehenton R. Synods and Proxies ix s. viiid. Penf. Mon. 17 03 09 Cerne xxvi s. viii d. 14 04 Eton College. 31 O2 II Puddletowne V. [St. Mary) Synods and Proxies xii s. id. ob. 03 02 03 Pri, Chriſt-Church, als. Twynham in Co. Surry Propr. Lady Staweil 1693. John Rolle. Earl of Huntingdon 1728. but 4. if not Lord Walpole in right of his Lady, Daugh-. ter of Mr. Rolle. Puddletrenthyde V. [All Saints] Synods and Proxies ix s. -19.00; Mon. Hyde in Co. Southton. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Winton. S Pulham R. (St. Thomas Becket] Synods and Proxies ii s. iii d. 18 17 " Penſ . Mon. de Suffet, vis. viii d. 301.17 09.1 John St. Loe Eſq; 1719. Mr. Halſey (W.) Speriſbury R. [St. John Baptiſt ] cum. Cap. Charleton, Synods fo2 17 09 28 18 01} and Proxies xi s. x d. ob. ca. Priori de Charterbouſe Wi- tham xxx s. Robert Henley Efq; 1715. 08 08 09 Stokewake R. [All-Saints] Synods and Proxies iïii s. iii d. 09 16.101 Robert Seymour Eſq; 1707. Sturminſter Marſhall V. with its Chapels of Corfe-Mullin [St. 31 05 00 Nicholas] Lychet Minſter and Hanworthy Deftru&ta. Sy, 03 02 06 nods and Prox. iiii s. vid. Pens Collegio de Eton xxvi s. viii di Eton College Propr. and Patr. 12 17 01 Stynsford V. Synods and Proxies ix s. vii d. ob.qa. OI 05. 08; Pri. Baddeſley in Co. Southampt. Propr. Tho. Strangeways Efq; 1716. Tolpudell 19 10 052 vid. ob. qa. "}011 idio1 ? { DORSET. DIOCESE of. BRISTOʻL. 65 1. 13.co and foo *.zoo 06 01 053 {" ز King's Books l'early Tenthis. 1. d. d. 15 07 031 Tolpudell V. Synods and Proxies vii s. vi d. Ob 10 OS Mon. Abbotſbury Propr. Dean and Canons. of Chriſt- Church College, Oxon. 08 02 06 SWAREHAM St. Martin's R. Synods and Proxies iži s. iiii d.? Co 16 03 Pens. Priori de Shene vi s. viii d. S WAREHAM St. Trinity's, Synods xix d. Penſ. Mon. Sher- 07 05 05 00 14 06 borne vii s. Priori de Sbene ili s. Geo. Pitt Eſq; S WAREHAM St. Michael's R. (demoliſhed) Sy nods and oo 10 04 05 03 04 {. Proxies xix d. ,Pens. Priori de Shene iiii s. ii d. Geo. Pitt Efq; 1712. Ś WAREHAM St. Peter's R. (demoliſhed) Synods and Prox. 00 12 On XV d. Geo. Pitt Efq; oo 09 041" Whitchurch Deanry oo oo 11 Winterborne Cleníton R. Synods and Proxies iii s. iiïi d. ob. 06 18 091 Penſ. Epiſc. Sarum viïid. Penf... Archidiac. vi d. Lord Shaftsbury , and others' 1684. Baliol College, Ox- ford (N.) Truſtees of a Charity (W)- 13 II 03 Winterborne Selſton R. [St. Mary) Synods and Prox. iii s. iiid, or 07 or Thomas Redman 1707. 12 07 Sir Jacob Banks Patr. 1721.. Wotton Glanfield R. (St. Mary] Synods and Proxies ii s. iiid.? Penf. Prebendario de Charmiſter ïi s. vi d. Mr. Pleydell. Livings diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Alton Pancras V. (St. Andrew] (Sarum Pecul.) - 00 18 oo Prebendary thereof Propr. Dean and Chapter of Sarui preſent at the Nomination of the Preb. of Alion. Anderſton R. (. 13 IL rio Charmiſter Mary Tregonwell Widow 1711. 20 00 oo Afpudell V. Synods and Proxies iii s. iii d. 00 17 051 Mon. Cerne Propr. Mr. Frampton 1712; 1729. CERNE Abbots V. [St. Mary) Synods ii s. iii d. 00 17 071 Mon. Cerne Propr. Thomas Pitt Efq; Patr. 1721. 40 00 00 Charburghe R. [$t. Mary) Synods and Proxies ii s. iii d. OO 14 04 Thomas Erle Eſq; 1716. Sir Edward Ernle (W.) Fifhead Nevil R. (All Saints] Synods and Proxies iüi s. iii d. 00.10 013 Geo. Pitt Efq; (W.) Thomas Pile, Thomas Freke Eſq; and his Wife 1712. Thomas Pitt Efq; (N.) ŞMilborne St. Andrew with Dewliſh Chap. [All-Saints] Synods? and Proxies x s. ix d. Pens. Prebendario de Cbarmiſter v s. for 06.08 Collegium de Valle Sarum Propr. Jc. Pleydell Eſq; 1716. Lady Moreton (W.) K MILTON 16 06 03 { Winterborne Stickland R. Synods and Proxies xi s. Penfio for 12 07: { }or 12 00 00 jor 04 oo I 22 00 00 49 08 or 10 00 00 40 00 00 46 00 00 L and P 66 DORSET. DIOCESE OF BRISTOL Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. Yearly Tenths. si' d. ŞMlonton Abbots V. alias Middleton {St. Mary and St. Samp-Zoi DI 00 00 01 05 05 00 II 02 01:{} de 40 00 00 ſon] Mon. Milton Propr. Sir Jacob Banks 1706. 46 oo oo Minterne R. [St. Andrew] Synods and Proxies ii si i d.ob. William Napier Eſq; 1681. 30 Oo oo Sydling V. (St. Nicholas] Synods and Proxies viis. id. ob. ; 01 06 01 Mon, Middleton Propr. Wincheſter College. 34 Oo oo Tincleton R. Sir Nath. Napier Bart. Patr. 1721. Mr. Bagnard (W) ŞTomeſton R. (St. Andrew] (Sarum Pecul.) Penj. Prebendario? 33 14 01 de Charmifter xii s. ob. joo o8 104 Dr. Wake, Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury, in his own Right. 38 06 00 Turnerſpondell R. (Holy Trinity] (Sarum Pecul.) Penj. Pre- bendario de Charmijter vi s, viïid. 0 15 04 Cath. Whitaker Widow 1681. Mr. Ralph (W.) Turneworth V: [St. Mary q.] Synods and Proxies xiii di' Pens. 35 Oo oo Pri. Sti Nich. Sarum xx s. o oí 02 Mon. Ford in Devon Propr. Biſhop of Sarun. 48 oo oo Upcerne R. Synods and Proxies ii s. üid. Ni, Carey. Efq; 1693, 1725. Winterborne Whitchurch V. (Holy Rood] Penj. Abb. Mid- 25 Oo oo dleton XX s.' 00 15 074 The KING. Coll. Sti. Edmundi Sarum Propr. Not in Charge. Pool (St. James] The Pariſhioners. Arne Cur. [St. Nicholas] Nether Cerne Cur. Mr. Browne Patr. "}ဝဝ Tesco {}or 0Q II IO { og '.' 1 1 Hilfield Chap. to Sydling. . An Account of ſuch ſmall Benefices as have been re- turned to the Governours of the Bounty of Queen Anne, in order to receive the Benefit of Aug- mentation, according to the Rules of the Corpo- ration, with the improved. Tearly Valuations of the fame. DORSET SHIR E. Caſtleton, a Curacy in the Peculiar Juridiction of the Dean of of}o7 Sarum. 97 09.00 Clifton 06 oo oo Horfield. 03 oo oo Abb. Sui Auguftini Briſtol olim Impr. Bishop of Briftol (now) Impr. Mangotsfield Valuation, SUSSEX NDIOCESE of CHICHESTER. 67 oo oo 1 Valuation, d. Mangotsfield olim Propr. St. James's 03 12 00 Stapleton Cur. Walter Impr. and Patr. Weſtbury Cur. Mr. Fane Impr. Colleg. Westbury olim Impr. 13.16 03 chi Mr. Dowle Patr. Mon. Sti. Jacobi Brißol} iz Mon. Sti. Jacobi Briſel olim . Impr.' Mr.}14 00 00 Dioceſe of Chichelter. I King*j Books. + I. لمبی " T i. 60.) 35 00 10 303 1Ο ΟΙ The Cathedral Church, (ST. PETER'S.) Yearly Teitos 677 1 3 HE Biſhoprick * (Vide Dugdale's Mon. Tom. 3. p. 115.) 67 14 011 This Biſhoprick was firſt erected at Selley, about the Year 681 ; afterwards it was removed to Chicheffer, about i the Year 1070. The Deanry (erected Anno 1115. : Le Neviros Fafti P: 041 (pays has 05 borne, The KING. The following Dignities are in the Gift of the Bifhop, and pay their Tenths to him. SThe Precentorſhip (erected Anno 1115.), has the Rectories of 2 Ovinge and Weſtdeane. ŠThe Chancellorſhip (erected Anno 1115.). has the Rectories 2. of Chittingley and Pevenſsy. 02 14 08 The Treaſurerſhip (érected Anno 1115.) has the Rectory of 62 06 03 { Eaſtborne in the Arch-Deaconry of Lewes . ŠArch-Deaconry' of Chicheſter (Henry, the firſt Arch-Deacon 38 03 04 Anno 1120.). 03 16 04 Arch-Deaconry of Lewes (Peter the firf Arch-Deacon' 11803) 03 19 06 16 10 05 Ferringe P. of 13 001 04 10 00 Somerley P. 00 og oo об бо оо Weſtbrough P. The following Prebends pay their Tenths to the Crown-Receiver, and are in the Gift of the Biſhop, unleſs where otherwiſe noted. HI 17 06 Barkſham P. 16 13 04 Biſhopfherſt P. OI 13 04 Bury P. 01 06 os Burſalis * The Biſhop retains his own Tenths, and has the Tenths of ſeveral other Dignities and Benefices within his Dioceſe, by Grant from the Crown, in Exchange for Lands, as is ſuppoſed. 27 07 OI } oo 04 08 39 15 00 00 12 00 01 03 09 13 06 08 K 2 68 SUSSEX. DIOCESE of CHICHESTER. 13 06 08 C9 16 08 04 06 08 10 00 00 1. d. Burſalis P. + 10 02 081 Bargham P. + 18 13 04 Coleworth P. 02 06 08 Eartham P. 10 05 00 Exceit P. + 00 10 00 Firles P. 02 13 04 Fittleworth P. 08 Oo oo Gates P. alias Eaſtergate. 02 13 04 Hampſtead P. Hethfield P. Huve Eccleſia P. Huville P. 04 15 00 Mardon P. 02 03 04 Middleton P. 00 16 08 Selford P. 09 10 00 Selly P. 18 06 08 Sutton P. 13 Oo oo Sydleſham P. 12 00 00 Thorney P. Upthorne P. alias Ipthorne. Il 00 00 Waltham P. 20 13 04 Woodhorne, alias Erlington P. Wyghtring P. Wyndham P. + XII Vicars Choral each 5 s. 3d. Not in Charge. Highley P: annex'd to a Free-School. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter, 1700. Yearly Tenths. I. d. 01 06 08 01 00 03 Oi 17 04 00 04 08 от oo o6 00 01 00 oo 05 04 oo 16 oo oo 05 04 00 19 08 oo 08 08 01 00 00 09 06 oo 04 04 oo or 08 00 19 00 oi 16 08 от об оо 01 04 00 ΟΙ 00 00 01 02 00 O2 oi 04 02 00 00 oo 19 08 03 03 03 1 10 00 00 20 00 00 09 16 08 1. s. d. D. Arundcl, in the Arch-Deaconry of CHICHESTER. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. s.-d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 07 05 073 Amberley V. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Prox. xd.' Redd. iis. 00 14 061 Biſhop of Chicheſter Patr, and Impr. s Clymping als. Slymping V. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viji d. 09 11.00} Epiſc. Synods xviji d. Proxies x d. ob. 19'01 Eton College Propr. and Patr. o 08 081 Cudlawe R. abſorpt. oo 02 103 Eaſt-Angmerton, als. Eaft-Hangmering R. (St. Peter] Archi- 15 09 02 diac. Proxies vi s, viii d. Epiſc. Syn. xviii d. Prox. ii s. viii d. for 10 11 The Revd. Dr. John Cobb, S. T. P. 1710. Sir Cecil Bi. bop Bart. 1719. Fellham † Burfalis P. Bargham P. Exceit P. and Wyndham P. -- were founded in this Church by Biſhop Sherborne, and by him appointed to be given as they became void from time to time, to ſuch Perſons as are or have been Níembers or Fellows of either New Colloge in Oxford, or of Wykeham's College near Wincheſter. Theſe were founded about the Year ſome time before the Reformation. N.B. The Preb. of Bargham is in the Nomination of the Dean and Chapter of Chichefer. 4. Sussex. DIOCESE of CHICHESTER. .69 S.. King's Books, 1. s. d. 19 15 10 300 300 { 161. os. od. s} 1 ܘܘܐ 12 00 Yearly Tenths 1. d. Fellham R. alias Felpham (St. Mary! Epiſs. Proxies iii s. vid. oi 1907 Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter. Gates Rials. Eafter-gate [St. George) Archidiac. Proxies vis.? 07 19 091 vü d. Epiſc. Synods xviid. Proxies xx d. Abbilſee Syon 00 15 113 xxiii s. viii d. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter. SLymiſter V. St. Mary Magdalen] annex’d to Arundel V. 09 01 03 Archidias. Proxies x š. Vicario de Ruffington xvi d. Epiſc. foo 18 011 Syn. xviji d. Eton College has every third Preſentation to both, but the Biſhop nominates. Eton Colleg. Propr. 05 14 041 Northſtoke v. ·00 11 056 The KING, Mon, Tortington Impr. CertifiedValue. Southſtoke R. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viiid. Epiſc. Synods II 15 10 xviii d. Proxies xii d. OI 03 0.7 Mr. Kemp. 1679. Charles Eltob (this Turn) 1706. Weſt-Hangmering V. [St. Margaret] annex'd to Eaſt-Hang- 06 oo oo mering above. Archidiac. Proxies viii s, Epiſc. Syn. xviii d. Proxies xiii d. The Revd. Dr. John Cobb:1710. Sir Cecil Biſhop Bart. 1719. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. SARUNDEL V. (Holy Trinity] Archidiac. Proxies viii s. Epifc.? Duke of Norfolk 1701. John Anſtis Efq; 1915. College of Arundel Impr. S Barnham V. or Cur, als. Bernhill (St. Mary] Epiſc. Syn. xviii d. ? Proxies xviii de Zoo 15 og Pri. Boxgrave Impr. 39 19 00 Binſteed V. (St. Mary] Epiſc. Synods xviii do Proxies xd. 00 II 09 Mr. Kemp 1702. 5 Burſham V. als. Burpham (St. Mary] Archidiac. Proxies vi 38 15 11 oo 15 03 viiid. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies xiiid. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter Propr. and Patr. 12 11 ogí Bury V. Epiſc. Synods xvïïi d. OO 14 06 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Clapham R. Archidiac. Prox. vis. viii d. Epiſc. Syn. xviii d. 30 03 057 Prox. xiii d. Collegio Beatæ Mariæ Magdalen Oxon. pro Por- soi 08 oo tion, xxvi s. viii d. Sir John Shelley Bart. 1691. Felpham V. (] Archidiae . nods xviii ā. Q0 19 01 Rector thereof. 46 04 041 Ferring V. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. Proxies xiii d. Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Forde 300 00 10 OI s 07 02 08 06. { viszoo { Zor 1 00 12 10 70 DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER. Sussex, ܘܘ 00 12 II 00 II OI w xvii d. For 00 00 .:49 09 00 Clear Yearly Value Yearly Teniks h so d. 1 d. Forde R. Archidiac. Proxieš vis. viii d. Epife. Synods xväid. 27 Oo oo id.300 DO 18 08 Proxies x d. Biſhop of Chicheſter. 17 II 09. Madhurſt V. [St. Mary Magdalen] Epiſc. Synods xviii d. ' Mon. Tortington Propr. Biſhop of Chicheſter. 40 19 06** Middleton R. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. : väid. Epift. Synods} Boo xviii d. Proxies xvi d. The KING, S Polinge V. Archidiac. Proxies vis. viiid. Epiſc. Synods xviiid. 2 Proxies xii d. Eton College Propr. and Patr, but the. Biſhop nominates, 28 19 02; Ruſkington V. College of Arundel. Impr.. Biſhop of Chicheſter. Walberton V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. Proxies vii si Epifc. Sy- { nods xvüi d. Proxies xx d. Penſ. Prior. de Boxgrave x š. Biſhop. of Chicbefter. Pri. Boxgrave Impr. Ş.Yapton. V. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Epiſo. Synods xviii d.} Praxies x d. ob. Biſhop of Chicheſter. Collegium de Arundel Impr. Not in Charge: Eaſt-Preſton V. The KING. Tortington. Mon. Tortington Impr. Mr. Leeves 1709. Little Hampton Cur. [St. Mary] l. 16:00:00 Certified Val.. 00 12 00 49.05 10 . Foi di in }op 15 011 1. $. d. d. 10 00 IO D. Borgrave, in the Arch-Deaconry of CHICHESTER. N. B. The Tenths of all the Livings in this Deanry are payable to the Biſhop. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. "T. 10 05 10 Aldingborne V. (St. Mary] Epiſc. Syn. xviii d. Prox. 'xx d... OI 00 07 Dean of Chicheſter Impr. and. Patr.'' Birdham R. 'Epiſc. Synods it s. iiid: 'Penfi x d. Arcbidias. Proxies x s. Epifc. pro Indemn. xvii d. Pens. Prior. Box- 01 00 01 grave xxiii s, iiii d. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter. Boxgrave V. * [St. Máry and St. Blaze] Epiſc. Proxies xvidi . r:09 05 05.' Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. 00 18 06 Mrs. Mary Morley 1704. Pri. Boxgrave Impr. E. of Derby Patr. 1725. S-Compton V. (St. Michael] with Up-Marden (St. Mary] Epifc. loi 06 08 { Syn: xviii d. Prox, xx d. Archidiac. Ciceſtr. Prox. xvi s. viïi dos Pri. Efbourne olim Propr. E. of Scarborough Patr. 1720. Doneghton V. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies xx d. Archidiac. 09 10 05 { Proxies vi s. viii d. Biſhop of Chicheſter Propr. and Patr. Ernley * BoxgraveThe Great Tythes of this Pariſh were ſettled on the Vicar of this Church for ever by Mrs. Morley, afterwards Counteſs of Dorby. Ex relatione. Reud. Jeremia Dodſon A. M. Re&oris de Hurf for } 13 06 08 joo ig oo Pier-point. SUSSEX. DIOCESE of CHICHESTER: 71 King's Books. l... Sa d. 07 06 ook spoo samoo 02 { Yearly Tentbs. d. S Ernley with Almodington R. Deftruéta. Epifc. Synods xviird.7 Proxies xviid. Epiſc. pro Indemn. iii s, iii d, Archidiac. pro om 14 073 Indemn, xvid. Duke of Norfolk two Turns. Biſhop of Chicheſter one. S Eartham V. Epiſc. Sýnods xviii d. Penſ. Prebend. de Eartham 04 05 023 xlvi s. viii d.. Décano Ciceſtr. xx s. '14.06 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Hunſton V. [Śt. Leodegar] Epiſc. Synods xvïi d. Proxies ix d.? 09 04 07 ? Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. vii d. Redd. Prier. Boxgrave 0 18 05 Nicholas Covert Gent. 1717. Pri. Boxgrave. Impr.. S Marſton R. Epiſc. Synods ix d. Proxies xvii d. Arcbidiac. 07.04.07 ? Proxies iii s. iiii d.. Redd. Abb. Bruton xx s. 0 14 051 The KING; 10 II 10, Oving V. Epiſc. Synods xviii d.. OI: 01 02.; Precentor of Chicheſter Impr. and Patr. S Selfy R. (Sine Cure) [St. Peter) Pens. Vicario viii .. Epiſc . Sy-L01 02 04. II 03 04 nods xviii d. Proxies iï s. ii d. ob. Penf. Prebendar: xl.. Biſhop of Chicheſter. 24 13 04 Weſtbourne R. (Sine Cure) Redd. Epiſc. vi s. viïi d.. 02 og 04: Earl of Scarborough 1720, Weſthorney.R. Epiſc. Synods xvii d. Proxies iii s. ijii d. Ar- 10 08.04 chidiac. Proxies vii s. Thomas Bickley Eſq; 16,84..one Turn in the Family of the Bickleys, and two Turns in three in the E. of Berkeley.. 6.300 Ar- Zor OI OO 10.- १०० ०५ Livings diſcharged from Firſt-Fruits, but pay Tenths to the Biſhop. Clear Kearly Value. 47 15 03 Boſeham V. (Holy Trinity] Epiſc. Syn. xviii d. Prox. viii d. 05 13 014 Coll. Boſebam Propr. Dean and Chapter of Cbicbeſter. 27 00 op Chidham V. Epiſc. Syn. xviii d. Prox:x d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. or OL II Henry Bickley Gent. 1682. Coll. Boſebam Propr. 29 00 00 Eaſtdeane V. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies x d. 00 10 058 Robert Orme Eſq; Garton Orme Efq; Patr. 1721. Dean and Chapter Impr. SEaſt-Mardon V. Archidiac. Proxies ïïi s. iiii d. Penſ. Preben- 37 15 07 ? dar. de Mardon xxx s. 00 09 of The Reverend Mr. Richard Brereton 1711. Eaſt-Wightring R. Epiſc. Synods xv d. Proxies x S. Epiſc. pro 42 03 08 Indemn. iii s. iii d. Archidiac. pro. Indemn, xvid. Pens. O 13 08 Decano Ciceſtr. xl s. Biſhop of Chicheſter.. Hamptonet V. [St. Peter) Epifc. Synods xvíii d. Proxies x d. Archidiac. Proxies vis.. d. Mr. Reefon. Mrs. Cardonnel Patr. 1722. Pri. Boxgrave Impr. Mundham V. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Epifc. Synods 4401 06 Do 18 OL xviii d. Proxies xiii d. Nicholas Covert Gent. 1720. Ecclef. Cath. Cantuar. Propr. or Pri. Boxgrave. North- 20 00 00 { sxd;}co "}c0.14 €5€ 1 72 DIOCESE of CHICHESTER. SUSSEX S.. 1. s...d. 270300 IO OO OO oo 13 04 vid. Zoo 26 18 03 bin 300 {sydlelkie vir Epile: Synods xvii d. Proxies xvid. Archidiac . Zoo . } oo 43 19 01:{ "Proxies vis. "viti d. Zoo 19 02 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Ténths. 1. d.. S North-Mardon R. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Redd, x d. Archi- 36 00 03 Zºdiac. Froxies vi s. viii d. 00 13 09 Richard Peckham Efq; 1717. s Racton cum Lordington R. Deftruta. Epiſc. Synods ii s. iii d. 36 oo oo Proxies xx d. Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. Epiſc. Epifc. pro foo il II Indemn. xx d. Archidiac. pro Indemn. ii s. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter. Selſey V. [St. Peter] oo 16 oo Rector thereof. 50 Oo oo Singleton R. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies xiii d. E. of Scarborough Patr. 1722. 25 15 01 S Stoughton V.. [St. Mary] Epiſc. Syn. xviii d. Proxies xvid. Archidiac. Proxies viiis. -00 17 00 Biſhop or Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter Impr. Sydleſham V. Epiſc. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. 15 01 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Waltham R. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies viii d. ob.. Archi- { diac. Proxies v s. Prebendar, de Eartbam iii s. illi d. JOO 12 03 Mr. Thomas Dawtry 1718. S Weſtbourne V. (St. John Baptiſt] Epiſc. Syn. xviii d. Redd.? 38 12 04xvi d. ArchidiacProxies goi 01 Oi oo Rector thereof. Propr, and Patr. Weſtdeane V. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies x ob. Archidiac, Proxies vi s. viii d. Joo 00 13 021 Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter Impr. and Patr. S Weſt-Itchnor R. (St. Nicholas) Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies? 22 Oo oo xiii d. Archidiac. Proxies ïïi s. iiii d. Joo 13 05 The KING 1675, 1676, 1699. S Weſt-Oke R. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies x d. Archidiac, Proxies .vi s. viii d. The KING, 26 19 08 Weft-Wightring V. Epiſc. Syn. xviii d. Proxies ii s. ii d. ob. 01 00 04 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr.. Not in Charge. A pildram, [St. Mary] paid 31. 14: 00 : 00 Certified Value . . by Impropr. Colleg. Boſebam Propr. Dean and Chapter of Chiche- fter Patr. Funtington Cur. paid by Impr. 1.40 : 00 : 00 Certified Value. . Mid-LavantC. paid by Impr. 31.20 : 00 : 00 Certified Value. the Lady May }1.20 1 Sussex. DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER. 73 King's Books. 1. ' s. oo II 00 05 10 00 D. Chicheſter, in the Arch-Deaconry of CHICHESTER. City. Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tentbs 1. s. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. 02 13 04 St. Mary's in Chicheſter R. 00 05 04 (No ſuch Place.) 04 08 061 St. Peter's Church near Gyhald. Deſtructa. 00 08 10 Fiſhborne Church (The Dean's Peculiar.) The KING Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 08 oo oo St. Andrew's. R. (The Dean's Peculiar.) oo og 04 Dean of Chicheſter. St. Bartholomew's R. Demoliſhed. 00 00 00 00 St. Martin's Church (The Dean's Peculiar.) ; 00 02 08 Dean of Chicheſter. St. Olave's Church (The Dean's Peculiar.) 00 og 10 Dean of Chicheſter. 18 00 00 oo The Church of St. Peter the Leſs (The Dean's Peculiar.) 00 02 08 The KING. 02 00 00 05 Oo oo 20 00 00 002 30 Oo oo The Sub-Deanry of Chicheſter, or Vicarage of St Peter the zor { 12 10 15 00 00 00 17 01 Dean of Chicheſter. St. Pancras R. Dean of Chicheſter. Wike Dean's Peculiar.) Dean of Chicheſter. { 38 oo oo I. s. 1. d. 3. Dallington, in the Arch-Deaconry of Lewes. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. ŞAſhburnham V, [St. James) Epiſc. Proxies xiii d. Synods foo 19-04 04 xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. . Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Priory of Haſtings Impr. 24,13 04 BATTEL V. (St. Mary] 02 09 04 Abb. Battel Propr. · Lord Montacute. Beckley R. [All Saints] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. Synods xvüid. II 06 08 Archidiac. Proxies viii s. Penj. Prebendar, de Peaſemarjhoi 02 08 xxvi 1. viiid. Mr. John Holman 1699. Bodyham V, [St. Giles] Epiſc. Proxies ix d. Archidiac. vi s. 06 18 0614 vil d. · Pent: Re&tori de Ewhurſt ii s. iii d. 00 13 10 Lord Montacute. Brede R. [St. George) Pens. Abbiſe Syon '1's. Epifa Prox. 12 10 05 { xvid. Syn. xviii d. Archidiac. Prox, viii s. 01 05 00 Mr. George Elfred 1702. L Burgwish s.} Prox. 3o. i 74 DIOCESE of CHICHESTER Sussex, I. · s. ܘܘ 10 00 00 01 00 00 dozoo a } “}၀၀ 6.301 } Ar. 3.00 II 00 00 OI 02 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. l. s. d. d. 18 Oo oo Burgwiſh V. alias Burwaſh (St. Bartholomew.) OI 16 oo Duke of Newcaſtle. 08 10 00 SBurgwiſh alias Burwaſh R. [St. Bartholomew] Epiſc. Synods? xviii d. Proxies ix d. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viji d. 00 17 00 Duke of Newcaſtle. 07 09 Archidiac. Proxies visviii d. 04 Catfield R. [St. Laurence] Epiſc. Proxies xiii d. Synods xviii da 00 14 il Lord Aſhburnham. Crowhurſt R. [St. George] Epiſc. Proxies xiï d. Synods xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies vis. viiid. Duke of Newcaſtle. 08 oo oo ŞDa S Dallington V. [St. Margaret] Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies oo 16 oo xii d. Archidiac, Proxies iiii s. Lord Aſhburnbam. Echingham R. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies xvid. Archidiac. Proxies iiii s. Mr. Lambert Ludlow 1724. Ewehurſt R. (St. James] 'Epiſc . Proxies iii s. Synods xviii d. 301 04 03 Archidiac, Proxies vïii s. Penf. Prebendar. de Hollington xl s. Barnham Powel Eſq; 1690. SHoo V.. [St. James] Epiſc. Proxies. ix d. Synods xviii d. Aru chidiac. Proxies vis. vijid. 14 03 Lord Montacute, or Sir Thomas Webſter. College Ha- ſtings Propr. Hethfield V. [All-Saints] Epiſc. Proxies xvid. Synods xviii d. { Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d.. Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Hurſtmounſex R. alias Herſt Monceux [All-Saints). Epifc. Syn. 00 00 { xviii d. Prox, iiii s, v d. Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii di Earl of Suſſex 1679. Tho. Jenkin Eſq; 1714. Iden R. [All-Saints] Epifc. & Archidiac. Proxies and Synods 16 10 V s. vid. Penf. PrebendarPeaſemarſh xx s. Thomas Frewen and 70. Brewer Eſq; 1692. ş Nenfield V. (St. Mary] Epiſc. Proxies xiiii d. Synods xviii d. 08 00 00 Arcbidiac. Proxies vi s. Lord Abburnham College Haſtings Propr. S Northyam R, (St. Mary) Epifc. Proxies ii s. ii d. ob. Sy- 15 10 02 02; nods xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii.d. Penf. Preken- soi 11 00 dar. Peaſemarſs xx s. Thomas Frewen Eſq; 1692. S Salehyrſt V. [St. Mary] Epiſc. Proxies xiii d. Synods xviii d. { Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. Joi 08 00 Thomas Aſh Gent. 1690. Abb. Robertſbridge Propr. 09 04 oz ŞSidleſcombe R. Epiſc. Proxies xii d. Synods xviii d. Archi- 00 18 05 diac. Proxies vi s. viii d. The KING, 12 02 06 07 02 06 10 00 00 o oo oo 20 00 00: 02 00 00 16 oo 301 Y*•302 odszor foi d} }oo 14 Oo oo Tyfeherft Sussex. DIOCESE of CHICHESTER. 75 d. Zor I 16 09 13 06 08 { Synods or King's-Books, Yearly Tenths b. s. d. 1. s. d. 18 07 06 ŞTyfeherf V. (St. Mary] Epiſc. Proxies xvi d. Synods xviii d. 2 Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Novus Pri. Haſtings Propr. S { Warbylton R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. Proxies xd. Synods xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies v s. Penf. Abb. Battel xx s. dizor OI 06 08 Anne Hawkſworth Widow 1699. 16 00 { nods xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. { [ 12 GOT Biſhop of Chicheſter 1705. Sir Thomas Webſter.q. Col- lege of Haſtings Propr. S Weſtfield v. [St. John Baptiſt] Epiſc. Proxies xiii d. Synods II 06 08 xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. 01 02 08 Biſhop of Chicheſter. Abb. Battel Impr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. SMounfield V. [All Saints] Epiſc. Proxies xx d. Synods xviii d. 46 05 04 < Archidiac . Proxies vis. viii d. Penf. Abb. Battel ii s. 00 II 04 Duke of Dorſet Patr. 1721. Abb. Robertſbridge Propr. Soddymere V. (St. Mary] Epiſc. Proxies xx d. Synods xviii d.? 32 Oo oo Arcbidiac.-Proxies vis. viii d. 00 16 06 Mr. Bromfield. Abb. Robertſbridge Propr. Peaſemarſh V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Epiſc. Proxies x d. ob. 44 12 oo Synods xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies viii s. Sydney College Cambridge College of Haſtings Propr. 43 oo oo Penhurſt R. Epiſc. Proxies x d. Synods xviii d. 00 07 10 Lord Abburnham. 48 14 06 {xii s. id. Ar- chidiac, Proxies v-s. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. OI 04 00 The Reverend Mr. Stekes 1713. 48 05 08 Watlington R. Epiſc. Proxies xiji d. Synods xviii d. Archi- 00 14 05 Duke of Dorſet Patr. 1721. }oo 1 b.} 1 00 IO II Ar-}or bir300 {i va D. Haſtings, in the Arch-Deaconry of LEWES Yearly Tentha. 1. d.. 1. d. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 24 10 02 ŞBexhill V: [St. Peter) 'Epiſc . Penſ. xi l. vi s. viii d. Proxies 2 xx dSynods xviïi d. Biſhop of Chicheſter Patr. and Impr. ŞBrightling P. or R. Archidiác. Prox. vis. viii d. Seneſchallo vis. Ź viiid. Decano Haſtings xxiii s. iii d. Epiſc. Syn. xviii d. Henry Engliſh Eſq; 1662. Mr. John Turner 1681, The Reverend Mr. George Barneſley 1708. 'Mr. William Burrell Incumbent and Patr. . . . . fo2 og 00 .}01 II 00 00 I 02 do" . L 2 Farleigh 76 Sussex. , DIOCESE of CHICHESTER. King's Banks. 1. S. d OG 09 02 {? }oo 12 11 ods}oo 06 02 13 or 08 Yearly Tenths. 1. 'd. Farleigh V. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. Proxies xiii d. Synods xvüi d.? Archidiac. Proxies v s. Decano Haſtings iïi s. jiii d. Elizabeth Powel 1701. 12 00 073 OI 04 00 xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. Sir William Aſhburnham Bart. 1706. V. Epiſc. , x xviii d. Archi. diac. Proxies x s. Biſhop of Chicheſter. Abb. Battel Impr. Pett R. (St. Mary and St. Peter] Epiſc. Proxies x d. Synods 04 15 TO 09 07 2 xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies v s. Mr. David Denbam 1702. Livings Diſcharged. Clear 1 early Value. St. Clement in Haſtings R. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Prox. ix d. 08 18 00 02 06 08% Archidiac. Proxies v s. Sir Richard Barker Bart. 1683. 41 04 00 Eaſt-Guildford R. 0.0 16 051 Sir Geo. Choute Bart. 1699. Edward Symes Gent. 1706... 46 16 00 Hollington V[St. Leonard] Epiſc . Proxies x d. Syn. xviii d.} 00 16:00 { Archidiac. Prox. iii s. iiii d. Preb. de Hollington pro Penſ. XX s. Charles Eversfield Eſq; 1712. Omnium Sanctorum in Haſtings R. Archidiac. Proxies v s. 01 19 03 Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies ix d. Sir Richard Barker Bart. 1683. The KING b.v. 1722. Orre R. alias Oare [St. Helen] Epiſc. Proxies xiiii d. Synods 00. 06 oo xviid. Archidiac. Proxies iii s. iiii d. Charles Eversfield Eſq; 1718. RYE V: [St. Mary] 04 05 04 Abb. Stanley in Wilts Propr. Lord Dorſet 1661, 1662. Tho. Bromfield Efq; 1699, 1700. WINCHELSEA R. [St. Thomas Becket] Epiſc. Synods xviu d. 28 00 00 00 Proxies ii s. ii d. Archidiac. Proxies x s. The KING. {. . 3oz soo 15 14 oo 43. 04. oo hods , ? 49 10 06 { 4. d} dizoo 16.00. 2.300 D. Lewes, in the Arch-Deaconry of LEWES. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Reffories, &c. with their patrons and Proprietors. l. d. S Alborne R. [St. Bartholomew] Archidiac. Proxies iii s. iiii d. 07.14 02 00 15 05 Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies xiii d. Sir Robert Fagg Bart. 1719. 08 10-10 St. Andrews R. in Lewes (extinct.) Pens. Pri. Lewes vis. viiid. 00 17 oj S Balcombe R. [St. Mary] Pens. Pri. Lewes v s. Epiſc. Proxies? 01. II. 104 15:18 0637 xx d. Synods xiii di Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii. d. E. Dorſet 1617. Eliz. and Jane Whiſton 1692.. s Barcombe R. [St. Mary] Penſ. Pri. Lewes xix s. Archidiac. & jo 10 I 17 01 Proxies vis. viii d. Epiſc. Prox. ii s, ii do ob. Syn. xviii d. The KING, Chayleigh es} Sussex DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER, { joo OO 13 06 21' QO IO { {a 24 14 02 то об o8 20 00 00 : 19.05 10 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. d. og 04 02 Chayleigh R. [St. Peter] 00 18 05. William Wheeler 1660. .Tbo. Porter Gent. 1718. Chelley als. Shelley. R. † with Crowle Chap. als Crawley R. 06 1500 { [St. John Baptiſt] Epiſc. Proxies iii s, iiii d. Synods ix d. : Archidiac. Proxies xx d. Pens. Reatori Slaugham v s. Wilſon and Nevil this Turn. Leonard Gale Elq; Patr, 1720. Clayton R. [St. John Baptiſt) with Kimer Chap. Pens. Pri. Lewes xxx s. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Epiſc. Proxies 02 02:01. ii s. ii d.ob. Synods xviii d. Anne Watſon Widow, 17.15. S Cockfield, als. Cuckfield V. (Holy Trinity]Archidiac. 102 or 05 Proxies viii s. Epiſc. Proxies ii s, ii d. ob. Synods xviii d. Biſhop of Chicheſter, Pri, Lewes Impr. Cowfold V.. Epiſci Proxies ii s. ii d. ob. Synods xviii d. 01 00 08 The Biſhop of Chicheſter Impr. and Patr. SEAST-GRINSTEDE - V. (St. Swithin] Epiſc. Proxies xx d. Sy-302 00 CO nods xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies vi's. viii d. Pri. Lewes Impr. Duke of Dorſet . Patr. 1723. SErthingley R. als. Ardingley, Pen... Pri. Lewes iii s. Archidiac: 2; 01 18 07 Proxies vi s. viii d... Epifc: Proxies iii: s. illi do Synods xviii d. : Mr. Liddal 1719. SHamſey R. [St. Peter] Pens. Pri. Lewes xvii s. Archidiac. 16 12 01 13 031 John Alford Efq; 1722. Henfield V. (St. Peter) "Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies x d. ob. 16 10 00 { Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Biſhop of Chicheſter Patr. and Impr. 15:09 041 Hurſt Pier-point R. (St. Laurence] null. Repr. notat. OI 10 11 Chriſt. Todd 1701. John Shaw of Eltham Eſq; Patr. 172 1. Ifield V. [St. Margaret] Archidicac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Epiſc. 06 08 04 Proxies x d. Synods xviii d. oo Biſhop of Chicheſter. Pri. Lewes Impr. lò 10 025chidiac. Proxies vi s. viji d. Şiford V. (St. Nicholas] Epiſo. Synods xviiid. Próxies xx d. Ar:? Bor or 001 E. Dorſet 1625, 1629, 1632. . Sam. Brewer Gent. 1690. Pri. Lewes Propr. 03 11-03 Johannis St. fub Caſtro de Lewes R.. 00 09 On Lord Dorſet 1617, 1639,,, 1632. Robert Clarke 1673. Wm. Davis 1722. Kingſton Bowſey near Shoreham R.: Epiſci. Synods xviii d. 12 19 02 Proxies ii s. xd. ob. Archidiac. Proxies vi si viii.d. . or. 05 II i Sir John Mill Bart. 1700.. Sir Richard Mill Patr..17.25. Kingſton }or for 13 { 5.}or 13 13 001 I 2 10, d}or.o + Shelley in the Vellum Book in Offic. Primitiar. is called a Chap. and the Chapel of Crawley is there joined to it, and rated with it : And there is alſo a Chapel of Crawley annex'd to the Rectory of Slaugham, which makes it doubtful to which Benefice the Chapel of Crawley belongs ; there being, as it's faid, but ot.e Chapel of that Name. 28 DIOCES E of CHICHESTER. Sussex d. l. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. Ş Kingſton near Lewes V. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies x d.? 08.13 09 Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. 00 17 04 E. Dorſet 1639. Sandys Eſq; 1679. Pri. Lewes Impr. The Revd. Mr. Owen Incumbent and Patr. 1721, 07 06 10 Mariæ beat, in foro Lewes (no ſuch Place.) 00 14 08 07 17 087Newick R. [St. Mary], Perſ: Pri. Lewes vis. viii d. Archi- oo 15 094 diac. Proxies ijii s. ii d. Epifc. Proxies xx d. Sir Thomas Manſel Bart. 1710. Newtimber R. (St. John Evangeliſt] Pens. Pri. Lewes xxvi s. 09 03 04 viii d. Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. Epiſc. Praxies ii s. 00 16 10 ii d. ob. Synods xviii d. Thomas Oſborne Gent. 1686. Plympton R. als. Plumpton, Priori Lewes xxvi s. viii d. Ar- chidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. Epiſc. Proxies vi s. viii d. Sy- soi oo oo bir Zoo :} 10 00 00 { ;IO 00 00 ΟΙ οο οο for The Revd. Mr. William Hampton Incumb. and Patr. 1721. Ponings R. (Holy Trinity] null. Repr, notat. Thomas Bythe Čl. 1706. Mr. Styles of Petworth 1721. Vifc. Montacute 1679. q. 15 08 09 ŞPycombe R. Priori Lewes & Pens. iiii l. iiii d. Archidiac.? Proxies vi s, viii d. Epiſc . Proxies ii s. x d.ob. Syn. xviii d. so OI 10 10 : The KING, Radmell R: [St. Peter) Penſ. Priori Lewes liii s. illid. Ar- üiid OI 10 07 15 06 oo chidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Epiſc. Proxies ii s. vi d. ob. Sy.. nods ii s. iii d. Biſhop of Chicheſter. V. [. Sy 09 10 00 nods xviii d. Proxies ii s. ii do ob. Lord Dorſet. Pri. Lewes Impr. 04 19 041 Shermanbury R. [St. Giles] Epiſc. Synods ix d. oo 09 111 Yohn Gratwick Efq; 1711. Slaugham R. (St. Mary) with Crawley Chap: * Epiſc. Sy-301 or in 10 19 02 nods xviii d. Proxies xx d. Arcbidiaci Proxies vis, viiid. Lady Anne Morton 1709. 16 00 10 Southeſe R. Redd. Abb. Hyde iii s, iiid. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. { Proxies xvid. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Geo. Tuſhingham Gent. 1718. Twynam R. (St. Peter] Penſ. Pri. Lewes xiii s. ili d. 10 15 05 Synods ix d. Proxies viii d. ob. Nicholas Beſt and his Wife 1715. Weftmyſton R. [St. Martin) with Chiltington Chap. als. Weſt- 22 04 02 merſton. Penj. Pri. Lewes XXX s. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. 04 05 viii d. Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. ob. Synods xviii d. Willium Dobel Gent. 1716. Woodmancote * There is in fact no ſuch Chapet as Crawley belonging to this Rectory; but Crawley iş a Rectory itſelf, and is the ſame with Shelley, aljas Chelley cum Crowle, that remains charged in the King's Books, and to which Leonard Gale Eſq; preſents, as the laid Mr. Gale informed the Editor of this Book. for 14.301 01 12 01 { ܐܘ{ . 1 Sussex. DIOCESE O CHICHESTER. 797 l. 05 04 35 Oo oo 48 oo oo S Hangelton R. (St. Helen] Penf. Pri. Lewes XXX s. iiii d. Ar: 401 03 05 King's Books. Yearly 'Tenths. d. 1. d.' 13 01 1015 Woodmancote Ri Epiſc . Synods xviii d. Proxies xx d. Ar- 10:{ Ar. Zor 06 024 The KING S Worth R. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies xii d. Archidiac.? 13 03 04 ? Proxies v s. w . xvii . Mr. Ambroſe. Parker 1704. The Revd. Mr. Willian Hampton Incumbent and Patr. 1721. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Aldrington R. Deftru£ta. Epiſc. Proxies xx d. Synods xviii d. 2 Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. 00 05 00 The Revd. Mr. John Citizen 1718. Blackington R. (St. Peter) Priori Lewes & Penſ. xxx s. Ar- chidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. 0 12 051 Hen. Pelham Eſq; John Morley Trevor and Peter Cour- tope Efqs; 1712. 41 II 10. Bolney V. [St. Mary Magdalen] Epiſc. Prox. xd. Syn. xviii d... 00 10 067 The Revd. Mr. Geo. Barnſley 1714. Preb. of · Hova Vila la Propr. BRIGHT HELMSTON V. [St. Nicholas] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ? 29 OQ 00 i d.ob. Synods xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies vi :s, viii d. Penſ: {02 00 021 Vicario Hova viis. vi d. Biſhop of Chicheſter. Pri. Lewes Impr. 23.00:00 Crawley R. + (St. John Baptiſt] Denzil Hollis Eſq; and his Wife 1661. 47:00 08 Ş Ditchning. V. als, Ditchling (St. Margaret] Epiſc. Syn. xvii:d. Proxies ii s. ji d.ob. Archidiac. Proxies iïi s. üii d. gor Chancellor of Chicheſter. Pri. Lewes Impr. F Falmer V. (held by Sequeſtration) Penf. Pri. Lewes viſi s. 08 04.044 Epiſc . Synods xviii, d. 00. 13 OLI Mrs. Sheldon Patroneſs 1721; Pri. Lewes Impr. . Proxies vi sviji d. Synods xviii d. Duke of Dorſet Patr. 1721. 46 12 00 Weſt-Howthley V. Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. Epiſc. Sy. nods xviii d. Proxies x.d. oo. 19 07% The KI:N.G. Pri. Lewes Impr. Meching R. als. Newhaven (St. Michael] Pens. Pri. Lewes 44 18 08 xvi s. viii d. Archidiac, Proxies.vi s. viii d. Epiſc. Synods 09. :16 04: } xviii d. Proxies x d.ob: The KING, 13 00 00 St. Michael's in foro Lowes. Pens. Pri. Cant. iii. s. . 00: 17 06: 09 14 02 Omn. Sanctorum R. null Repr. notat... 00.,14 00 Sir Robert Fagg Bart. 171!.. Ovington +. Crawley R. the ſame with Shelley, alias Chelley cum Crowle, mentioned before in this Deanry. 01 02 00) s.}.00 y}.0.19 a ܘܘ{ 1 80 DIOCESE of CHICHESTER. Sussex 1. O vington This File System des Lebens del Proxies üis. Archidiac . Zoo 18 oq: 6.300 I nods Epiſc . Jos { Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. s. d. 48. 00 00 2 vi s. viii d. Priori Lewes xls -Bridger Eſq; 1677. 23:14:06 Pedingho V. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies xvid. - Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. 20 15 05 The KING 1694, by Lapſe. E. Dorſet 1633; 1636. Pri. Lewes Impr. Petcham V. [All-Saints] Penſ. Pri. Lewes xxviii s. viii d. 32.02 00 Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies xiiii d. ob. Archidiac. Proxies 14 01 vi s. viid. The KING. Pri. Lewes Impr. 41.00 00 Sportiſlade V.. [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. Synods xviii d. Epiſc. 2 Proxies xiiii d. 17. io; The KING 1722. Mon. St. Radagund in Kent Propr. The Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury Patr. and Impr. by Grant Teſt 21 July, 30 H. 8. Preſton (St. Peter) and Hova V. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. Synods 4I 12 00 iii s. Proxies xx d. ob. Archidiac. Proxies vs. 02 00 03 ! Prebendary thereof Patr. and Propr. St. Anne's R. als. St. Peter's Weftout and St. Mary's R. Pens. 43 12 00 Pri. Lewes xxi s, viii d. Archidiac, Proxies vis. viiid. Epiſc. Sor 04 08 Synods iii s. iii d. Proxies x d. The KING. St. John, als . St. John of Southen, als. Southover R. Priori 2 Lewes xls. Archidiac, Proxies vi s, viï d. Epiſc. Proxies 00 13 021 xd. Synods xviii di The KING. Sela V. als. Beding (St. Peter) the ſame with Beding, in the 35 00 00 oo 16 op Deanry of Arundel. Magdalen College, Oxford Propr. and Patr. SHOR E HAM-Nova V. [St. Mary] Epiſc . Synods xviii d. Prox. ,14 03 oo .2 vs. Archidiac. Proxies vis, viii d. The KING (this Turn) 1713. Magdalen College Ox- ford. Patr. 36 06 oo Shoreham Vetus V. [St. Nicholas] Epiſc. Synods xvïi d. 00 15 10$ . Magdalen College, Oxford. Southwike R. [St. Michael] Epiſc. Synods vi s. viii d. Proxies 48 oo oo 2 ii s. x d. ob. Archidiac. Proxies vi d. viii d. 19 05 The KING, 46 12 00 Streete R. Epiſc. Proxies iii s. jiii d. Synods xviii d. Archi- diac, Proxies iiii's. William Dobell Efq; Teddiſcombe, als. Telſcomb, Penf. Abb. Hyde iii s. iiü d. Epiſc. 40 00 00 Proxies ii s. üid. ob. Synods xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. Pens & Portio Pri. Lewes vi s, viii d. The KING. 01 06 08 Hof, Sti Jacobi Shoreham. 00 02 08 13 00 08 Joo the foo 16 Joo 12 02 13 In : }o1 09 04' Chapels, Sussex DIOCESE of CHICHESTER. . 81 l. s. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. paid by the Impropriatope }} l. 20 : 0 : 0 Certified Val. Preſent State of the Churches in Lewes, SUSSEX. s. . Lewe's was formerly a large Walled Town, and contained at leaſt twelve Pariſhes; of which there remain but fix at pre- ſent, viz. The united Pariſhes of St. Peter and St. Mary Weſtout, com 2 monly called St. Anne's, and certified by that Name to be { 43 12 00 of the clear Yearly Value of But certified by the true Name before the 24th of December following, according to the Stat. 6° Annæ, and has not ſince paid Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. St. Michael's in foro, the Yearly Value. 13 00 00 St. John's fub Caſtro (not Diſcharged.) All Saints Rectory, Yearly Value. og 14 00 St. John Baptiſt Southover, Yearly Value. 13 08 oo Cliffe, is a Peculiar belonging to the Arch-Biſhop of Canter-? bury, of the Yearly Value of 331 (Letter from Mr. Peirce, Rector of Cliffe, Feb. 10. 1718.) 31 17 08 1. S. d. 1. . S. d. 16 00 Qဝ 16 045 D. Midhurſt, in the Arch-Deaconry of CHICHESTER. N. B. The Tenths of all the Livings in this Deanry, are payable to the Biſhop. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Bebton R. Archidiac. Synods vi s. viii d. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. 0800 00 Proxies iii s. iiii d. Jane Alcock 1710. 08 03 063ş Bignor R. Archidiac . Prox. vis. viii d. Epifc , Syn. xviii d. Prox, xx d. Penſ. Prior. Lewes xxvi s. viii d. The KING Cocking V.. Archidiac. Prox, vi s. viii d. Epiſc. Syn. xvüi d. 13 06 08 06 08 Prox. xxii d. Penf. Collegio de Arundel iii s. ili d. Biſhop of Chicheſter Propr. and Patr. 06.06 08 Eaſtbourne V. alias Eſlabonne . 00 I2 08 mentionat. Lord Montacute. Pri, de Ejeboune Impr. S Elſted R. Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. Epiſc. Syn. xviii 11.13' 04 Prox. xx d. 01 03 04 Mr. John Colebrook 1718. 06 13.04 · Fittleworth V. Null. Repr. notat. 00 13 04 Biſhop of Chicheſter, or Prebendary of Fittleworth, Propr. M Graffham * Ejebonne~MIDHURST, a Market and Borough, is a Donative within this Pariſh. Lord Montacate Patron and Impropriator. Mr. Barret Miniſter 1725. 06{ “ d.f00 id.} { 82 DIOCESE of CHICHESTER, SUSSEX.. King's Books. 1. s. d. Graffham R. [St: Giles] Arcbidiac. Proxies vi s. vii d. Epif}00-19.00; 302 OI 02 00 : d300 304 03 00; Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 09 10 05 Synods xviii d.. Proxies xx do 19.00, Robert Orme Efq; 1709. Hirtume R. alias Harting, Penſ: Vicario iiii l.. Penf. Collegio 26 13 04 de Arundel xxvi s. viii d. Penfo' Abb. Syon lxx s. Arcbidiac. 13 04 Proxies viii.s. Epiſc. Synods xviii d.. John Carryl Eſq; 1695. John Trevanion Efq; 1716. SHirtume V. alias Harting [St. Mary] Epiſc. Proxies ix d. ob. 09 Oo oo 00 18 00 Synods xviii d. Rector thereof. oj oo oo ŞIping R. with Chicherſt Chap. Archidiac. Proxies viſi s. viii d.? oo 14 00:. { Epiſc. Syn. iii s. Prox. ü s, viii d. Penſ. Prior: Lewes üs.: Henry Box' Eſq; 1694. Hi 00 00 Kirford V. Null. Repr. notať. Earl of Scarborough Patr. 1720. College of Arundel Impr. 68 Oo oo Sludgarſal R. Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viid. Epifc. Syn..xviii d. Prox. xiii d. Prior. Leveres xiii s. iii-d. 00 16 oo Mr. Alcock 1675. Thomas WitBer Efq; 1698. PeTWORTH R. [St. Maryl Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. Epiſc. 41 10 05 Syn. xviiid. Prox. vii s. ix d. Feod. Sénéfchall.vis. viii d. Duke of Somerſet. ; 061 ŞStedham: R. [St. James) with Heyſhed, Archidiac. Proxies vis. ? viii d. Epiſc. Syn. ii s. iii d. Prox. xiii d. Pens. Prior. 0.1 15 10 Lewes xiii s.. iri do John Peachy Gent, 1690. Sutton R. [St. John] Archidiac. Prox. visi viird: Epiſc: 1.5 od 10 { iii s. Prox. iii s. ijid. Penſ. Prior. Lewes xxviii d. Duke of Somerſet. Tolliton R. alias Tillington,. Archidiac Proxies viis.. viii d. 13 10 00 Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies ii s. ü d. ob. Portio Rectori de Petworth xxvi s. viii d. Penf. Prior. Lewes xii s. The Duke of Somerſet 1683. 07 12 01 ii x William Alwyn Efq; 1699.. Ş.Trotton R. [St. George] Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii de Epiſc. 09 00 00 18 00 Synods xviii d. Proxies xiii d. Laurence Alcock Eſq;, 1694. Wolberdham R. alias Wolbeding, Archidiac.. Proxies vi s. 07 00 10 viiid. Epifc. Synods xviii d. Proxies xiii d. Thomas Gray Eſq; 1670. Sir Richard Mill Patr. 1725. Wullavington R. Archidiac. Prox. v s. Epiſo og 00:00 Prox. xd. Vicario de Midhurſt pro Penf. v s. 0.18.00 Robert Orme Eſq; 1693. Garton Orme Eſq; Patr. 1721. Livings diſcharged from Firſt-Fruits, but pay Tentbs to the Biſhop of Chicheſter, Clear Yearly Value. 28 16 08 Barlavington R. Archidiac, Proxies vs. Epiſc. Synods xviii d.? & Proxies. vid. -00 II 04 John Alcock Eſq; 1706. Bodington OI 10 01, . ) . Syn. For ŞTrefford with Didling . Arcbidiac. Proxies V s.. Epifc. Sy}oo 15 025 Epiſc.}.00 vis.foo 14 or dizoo vid.}. SUSSEX. DIOCESE of CHICHESTER. 83 1. S. d. 37 16 10 { 20 16 08 { 10 07 . }oo Epile. Syn. xviii d.}oo 07 oj: 20 00 00 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Bodington alias Bodekton alias Burton, cum Cootes R. Penſ. Pri. Lewes ii s. Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. Epiſc. Sy- oo 14 041 Joo nods iïi s. Proxies xiii d. Indemn. iii s. Sir Will. Goring Bart.. 1690. Mr. John Middleton 1718. Eggiden R. (St. Bartholomew] Archidiar. Proxies iii s. 'üii d. O2 II Epiſc. Syn. xviiid. Penj. Prior. Lewes vis. Sir William Goring Bart. 1681. SHardham R. [St, Botolph] Epiſc. Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods 06 08 08 Penf. Prior. Lewes vi s. Sir William Goring Bart. Lynches Chapel, Archidiac. Proxies v s. Epiſc. Syn. xviii Proxies x.d. Penſ. Prior. de Shulbred üi s. iiii d. 03 Richard Styles Gent. 16.99. q. If Lynches be not the same with Linchmore. SRogate V. (St. Bartholomew] Archidiac. Proxies vi s, viii d.? от oo o6 EpiſcSynads xviii . Proxies The KING. S Selham R. [St. James] Prior. Rufper-V s. Archidiac. Proxies 2 iii s. iiiid. Epiſc. Synods xviïid. Proxies x d. 09 Brazen-Noſe College Oxford. Stopham R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viiid. Epiſc. 2 Synods xviii d. Proxies iii s. iiii d. oo 11 037 Mr. Walter Bartelott 1705. 45 01 061 Tirwicke R. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. 00 10 00 Thomas Betteſworth Efq; 1719. Not in Charge. Duncton alias Dungton R. * lately part of Petworth. Duke and Dutcheſs of Somerſet 1718. North-Chapel R. (St. Michael q.) late part of Petworth. Duke and Dutcheſs of Somerſet 1718. 47 II 02 39 16.08 viii d. 3o1 Epifc.}.00 39 16 08 Shulbred Ch. formerly a Priory. Fernhurſt alias Farneſt, Chapel to Eaſtbourne alias Eſſebonne. St. Luke's Chapel. Lythe Chapel. Lodiſworth, Chapel to Eaſtbourne alias Effebonne. Tadham, Chapel to Eaſtbourne alias Effebonne. MIDHURST C. [St. Dennis] 31. 20 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. paid by the Impropr. Cold Waltham C. paid by the 31. 16 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Impropr. M 2 the }. 16 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. * DunEton R. and North-Chapel R. Theſe are divided from Petworth Rectory by Act of Parliament 4, - and <• W. and M. Parl. 2. Seff. 4. But in that Act there being no Apportionment of the Firſt-Fruits and Tepths to Dunston or North-Chapel, they, remain payable by the Perſon who is inſtituted to the Rectory of Petwortb. 84 Sussex. DIOCESE of CHICHESTER S. eno doo D. Pagham, in the Juriſdiâion of CANTERBURY. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 07 18.09 Pagham pro Prox. ii s. Barſted V. alias Berghſted (St. Mary Magdalen] Pens. Decano 00 15. 10 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 20 18 or Eflavent R. [St. Mary) 02 or 09 The Earl of Derby, or Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 09 18 09 Pagham V. [St. Thomas Becket] Decano Pagham Prox. ii s. 00 19 10 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Canterbury College in Oxon heretofore Propr. Vide Mag. Brit. p. 461. 14 13 01; Slyndon R. (St. Mary] Decano Pagham Proxies ii s. oi 09 03 Thomas Carter (this Turn) 1708. Mr. Kemp Patr. 1719. 13 05 00 Tangmere R. [St. Andrew] Decano Pagham Proxies ii s. от об об. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury 1674. Sir William Morley 1676, 1680. Earl of Derby Patr., 17.22. Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. SOmn. Sanct, in Palatin. Ciceſtr. Redd. Ecclef. Ciceftr. viii. d.? Decano Pagham Proxies ii s. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. + II 00 00 { d.}00 11 og D. Pevenley, in the Arch-Deaconry of LEWES. Yearly Tenthi. d. 01 06 0.8 1. s. 02 12 02 14 07 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. 2. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 13 06 08 Berwick R. Richard Parker Gent, and Thomas Bret Cl. 1694. The Reverend Mr. John Hawes Incumb, and Patr. 1721. 26 or 08 EASTBOURNE V. (St. Mary] Treaſurer of Chicheſter Impr. and Patr. 07 06 03 S Eaſthothley R. Epiſc. Proxies x d. Synods xviii d. Archi- diac. Proxies v s. Lord Bergavenny 1718. 08 00 00 ÇEaſt-Dean V. Epiſó . Proxies ix d. ob. Synods xviii d. Archi- 2 diac. Proxies vis. viiïd. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter Impr. and Patr. This is united to Friſton in this Deanry. S Frant V. alias Fant, Reatori de Rotherfield xxvi s, viii d. Epiſc. Q8 05 05 & Archidiac. Proxies and Synods vis, viii d. George Wenham Cl. 1701. . 07 Oo oo Proxies ii s. iiii d. Biſhop of Chicheſter Patr. Dean and Chapter Impr. This is united to Eaſt-Dean in this Deanry. obi. Zoo 1-300 16 00 -goo 16 06 HALISHAM Sussex. DIOCESE O CHICHESTER. 85 King's Books. s. s. 07 Oo oo 13 06 08 for 06 08 { Archi- 300 02 00 00 12 00 00 rearly Tenths. l. d. 1. d. 16 06 08 HALISHAM V. [St. Mary] 01 12 08 Lord Dorſet 1625, 1626. Mr. Thomas Hooper 1701. Mon. Beigham Propr. Hartfield R. [St. Mary] 00 14.00 Lord Thanet 1715. 06 16 08 V s Hellingley V. Archidiac, Prox. V.5. Epiſc. Synods xviii do 00 13 08 Duke of Newcaſtle 1717. Pri. Shene in Surr. Impr. Horſted Caynes R. [St. Giles] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. üid. ob. Ar- chidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. Prior. de Lewes v s. Redd. SOI 06 08 Capitali Domino ii s. Edward Lightmaker Eſq; 1705. SHorfted Parva R. Epiſc. Proxies xii d. Synods xviii de Archi- 07 00 00 oo 14 00 diac. Proxies iii s. iii d. yo. Hay Eſq; 1685. 20 00 00 Jevington R. Mary Parker Widow 1590. Marrisfield alias Marsfield R. (St. Bartholomew] 01 04 00 Arthur Kettleby and William Page Efq; 1693. Pevenſey V. [St. Nicholas] Epiſc. Synods ii s. Proxies xii d. 18 01 16 091 { Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Chancellor of Chicheſter Impr. and Patr. 27 12 06 Rotherfield R. [St. Dennis] 02 15 03 William Penbridge Gent. 1691. 4. D. Dorſet ? 9. Lord Bergavenny. Rype R. Penj. Prior. Lewes xx s. Epiſc. Proxies xvi d. Sy- oz oo nods xviiid. Archidiac. Proxies vi ș, viii d. Mr. Abraham Vine 1687. Southeighton R. [St. Martin] Epiſc. Proxies xvi d. Synods OI 02 10 ix d. Archidiac, Proxies iii s. iii d. . Mr. Mitchel Patron to both 1721. 07 Oo oo Tarringe Nevile R. (St. Mary] united to Southeighton above, 00 14 00 S Walderne R. [All Saints] Epifc. Proxies xiii d. Synods xviii d. 13 04 07 06 Archidiac. vi s, viii d. Prior. Lewes lxvis. Duke of Dorſet Patr. 1720. Weft-Firlez V. (St. Peter] Epiſc. Proxies xvid. Synods xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Epiſc. Penf. ii s. Preben-S01 06 In dar: de Weft-Firlez iii s. ini d. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter Impr. and Patr. Weſtham V. [St. Mary] Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies xii d.? Archidiac. Proxies:vi s. viï d. 02 03 01 The Honourable Spencer Compton Eſq; 1696. Wethyham R. [St. Michael] Penſ. Proveſto Collegii Regalis 25 05 0.5 Gant, xxxiii s. jiji di Epiſc. Proxies v s. Synods xviii d. Ar->02 10 06: chidiac. Proxies. vis. viii d. Duke of Dorſet Patr. 1720. II JO 00 { 11 08 06:{ Sy=30: dszor 21 10 10 for 06 113 d. 302 { Livings . SUSSEX. 86 DIOCESE of CHICHESTER 1 3 1. d 32 OI 06 a.}or . . Zoo 21 II 00 00 12 00 ods Zoo { Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. Alfrifton V. [St. Andrew] Epif. Synods xviii d. Archidiac. { Proxies vi s. viii d. 01 03 07 The KING Pri. Michelbam Propr. Alciſton V. Epiſc. Proxies xvi d. Synods ix d. Archidiac. Proxies iïi s. iiii d. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter Impr. and Patr. 48 15 00 Arlington V. alias Erlington, Epiſc. Prox.x d.ob. Syn. xviii d. 01 00 084 Prebendary of Woodhorne in the Church of Chicheſter. S Beddington V. alias Bedingham, Epiſc. Proxies xii d. Synods 35 12 00 xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. 00 19 OI Biſhop, or Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter. Dean and Chapter Impr. 24 04 03 Biſhopſton V. Epiſc. Syn. ii s. vi d. Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. 00 17 04. The Biſhop of Chicheſter. 45.00 oo Blachington R. [St. Peter q.] OI O8 oo Mr. Nicholas Gilbert 1706. John Fermor Eſq; 1722, 43 04 01 Chalvington R. alias Chalton (St. Bartholomew.] oo 16 oo Mr. Nathaniel Trayton 1710. 42 02 06 · Chittingley V. Epiſc. Prox. ii s. viiid. Synods xviii d. oo 16 00 Chancellor of Chicheſter Impr. D. of Dorſet Patr. 1725. s Denton R. (St. Leonard] Penſ. Prebendar. de Biſhopſton vi s. 44 15 00 viii d. Epiſc. Syn. xviii d. Prox, xiii d. ob. 03 Sir John Shelley 1617. Mr. Mitchel Patr. 1721. S Fletching V. [St. Andrew and St. Mary] Epiſc. Prox. xiii d. 50 Oo oo 06 08 Syn. xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Counteſs of Dorſet 1686. Pri. Michelham Propr. SFolkington R. [St. Peter] Epiſc. Prox. ii s. ii d. Sýn. xviii d. 38 14 04 ? Archidiac. Prox. ii s. Penj. Rectori de Borne visi viii d. 01 04 00 Lord Dorſet 1719. Hartfield V. (St. Mary] Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies xvi d. Rector thereof. 08 05 00 Huve V. [St. Andrew] Prebendary thereof. 48 oo oo Laughton V. Epiſc. Proxies ix d. Synods xvii d. 00 19 OI} Duke of Newcaſtle. Pri. Michelbam Propr. 50 Oo oo Littlington R. 01 05 04 Mr. Humphry South 1701. . . d. Arcbidiac. OS oo oo iii s 13 Biſhop of Chicheſter Patr. Dean and Chapter Impr. 44 15 07 Selmeſton V. [St. Mary] Epifc. Proxies ix d. Synods xviii d. 00 14 07* The Revd. Dr. Thomas Hayley Prebendary of Hethfield. Sutton, (Deftru&ta) with Se A FORD V. [St. Leonard] Epiſc. Prox. ii s. ii d. Pens. xxiii s. iiid. Indemn, xvid. Pens. 39 00 00 Prebendar, de Seaford xvis. viii d. Archidiac. Prox. xiii s. 01 03 06 jiji d. Syn. iiis. Indemn. xx d. Prebendary thereof. Weft- di}01 4.301 47 OI 06 ΟΙ ΟΟ ΟΟ 00 00 00 5:3 Sussex. DIOCESE of CHICHESTER. 87 Yearly Tenths. l. a. s. { }o oi 09 06 Clear Yearly Value, 1. s. d. Weſt-Dean V. [A11-Saints] Epiſc. Pens. xiii s. ijii d. Proxies 46 06 oo xvi d. Synods xviii d. Archidiac. Proxies v s. The Right Hon. Spencer Compton Efq; 1719. 37 II 06 Willingdon V. Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter Impr. and Patr. 25. 02 06 Wilmington V. E. Dor fet 1621. The Right Hon. Spencer Compton Eſq; 1719. This formerly belonged to the Avby of Grejtein in France, Mon. Angl. Vol. 2. p. 982. 01 04 00 oo 16 oo . 1 d. 37 05.02 OI 12 00 on p. 461. 8. South Walling, in the Arch-Deaconry of LEWES. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenihs. 1. d. Rectories, &c, with their Patrons and Proprietors. UcField ] Decano Malling Proxies vi s. viii d. 06 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. ÇEdburton R. [St. Andrew] Pens. Priori Lewes xl s. Epiſc. 16 Oo oo Proxies ïi s. ii d. Penf. Decano de South Malling vi s. viii d. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 09 12 081 Isfield R. Decano de Malling vi s. viïi d. Ecclef. de Malling x d. do 19 034 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 17 13 04 Mayfield V. [St. Dunſtan] Decano de Malling Prox. vis. viii d. or 15 04 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Archiep. Cantuar. Propr. Canterbury Colle in Oxon olim Propr. Vide Mag. Br. fRingmere als. Rugmer V. [$t. Mary] Decano Malling Proxies 01 06.00 { vi s. viii d. Penſ. Prebendario de Sotheram vi s. viii d. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Colleg. Malling Propr. 16 oo oo Stanmer R. Decano Proxies vi s. viii d. OI 12 00 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. F Wadhurſt V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Decano de Malling Pro- 35 01 003? xies vi s. viii d. 01.10.01% Wadham College, Oxford. Archiep. Cantuar. Propr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. s Cliffe R. als.. St. Thomas at Cliffe, Archidiac. Proxies vi s. 31 17:08 00.11.03 viii d. Ecclef. Malling pro Cera xii d. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Frampfield V. [St. Thomas Becket] Decano Malling Proxies 41: II 00 от об о8 t vi s. viii d. Earl of Thanet. Coll. Malling Propr. 43 14 06 Glynde V. Decano Proxies ii s. Ecclef. Malling pro Cera. xii d. 00 10 01} Dean and Canons of Windſor. 13 00 00 . 3 Proxies}or - I: D. 88 DIOCESE of CHICHESTER. Sussex. { Boo d}00 18 Epile; 203 12 00 18 07? IO 00 09 10 10 Runds xviii d. Proxies xij d. 2. Stozington, in the Arch-Deaconry of CHICHESTER. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books Yearly Tenths, 1. s. d. Rectories, &c, with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. Aſhington (St. Peter and St. Paul] with Buncton R. Archi- 08 05 00 diac, Proxies and Indemn. viii s. id. Epiſc. Syn. ii s. iii d. Soo 16 06 i Proxies viii d. Indemn: ii s. Lady Anne Moreton 1704. 09 06 00;} S Billinghurſt V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viji d. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies ïi s. ii d. Mrs. Chriſtian Goring 1706. The College of Arundel Impr. Broadwater R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. Proxies viii s. Epifc. 36 oo oo { Synods ii s. iii d. Proxies vii s. viïi d. Sir Fiſher Tench and Sam. Thayer Eſq; 1714. Mr: Tra- vers Patr. 1721. Ş Chiltington R. Archidiac . Proxies vi s. viïi d. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies xx d. Lord Bergavenny. 5 . 10 00 02* Proxies ii s. ii d. 00 00 Sir John Shelley Bart. Horsham V (St. Mary] Archidiac. Proxies viii s. Epiſc. 25 Oo oo E nods xviii d. Pixies xx d. Pri. Ruſper Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. OS oo oo s Itchingfield R. (St. Nicholas] Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. 2 Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies xviii d. Richard Onſlow Efq; 1696. 10-00 00 Nuthurſt R. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Epiſc. Synods E xviii d. Proxies xii d. Biſhop of Chicheſter. S Pulbergh R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. Proxies viii s. Epiſc. Sy- 19 00 0731 nods xviïï d. Proxies iii s. izid. Feod. Seneſch. vi s. viïi d. Fran. Moje Gent: 1719. John Jewks Eſq; 1729. Rigwick R. (Holy Trinity] Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. ої об 03 2 Epiſc. Indemn. xii d. Penſ. Vicario xx s. Eleemof. iii s. iiii d. S An Impropriation belonging to the Biſhoprick. Rigwick V. (Holy Trinity] Archidiac. Proxies viſi s. Epiſc. 07 10 Oo Synods xviii d. Proxies x d. Biſhop of Chicheſter. SRuſpar R. (St. Mary) Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. Epiſc. 00 19 OI Sir John Mill 1633. Paul Priaulx 1673, 1680. Tho. Mer- chant Gent, 1712, 1721: 05.06.08 Slinfield R. als. Slinfold [St. Peter] Sine Cure. 00 10 08 Biſhop of Chicheſter. Slinfield V. alias Slinfold (St. Peter] Archidiac, Proxies vi s. viii d. Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies xiij d. Indemn. ïïi s. op 14 09 iii d. Penf. Rextori vi s. viii d. Rector thereof. STAINING s}01 05 08: }oo . Sy-}o2 i id.}oo 16 00 ods for 07 Proxies viis. Epile: Sy-}or 18 003 for Zoo Epifc.300 o oo oo 1 13 02 06 15 00 w 07.07 06 Sussex DIOCESE of CHICHESTER. 89 1. 1. s. d. OD 10 00 { 7 :30! for 25 17 06 King's Books, Yearly Tenths. d. 15 00 00 STAINING V. [St. Andrew] Mr. James St, Amand 1702. STORINGTON R. [St, Mary] Portio Collegia de Arundel x s.? 18 oo, oo Archidiat. Proxies vis. vid. Indemn. xx d. Epiſc. Sy-jor 16 09 nods xviii d. Proxies iiii s. -Indemn, ii s. Earl of Scarborough 1711. Sullington R. [St. Mary q.) Pens. Prioriſe de Rufper ix s. 12 17 05 Archidiac. Proxies vi s.viii d. Indemn. xx d. Epiſc. Sýfoi 05 og nods xviid. Proxies iis, üid. Indemn. xx d. The Revd: Mr. John Welbank. Thakeham R. - [St. Mary] Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. E. 14 09.09 piſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies ji s. ü d. Mary Mill Widow 1697, Geo. Nailer Efq; (this Turn) 1706. S Warneham V.. [St. Mary] Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. E- 10 01 001 Ź piſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies ii s. i d. ob. 01 00 01 Dean and Chapter of Canterbury: Abb. Ecclef. Chriſti Cantuar, olim Propr. Weft-Grinſted R.' [St. George] Archidiac. Proxies viii s. È. Launning inii s. Hugb Reafon Efq; 1696 Wegenholt with Gretham R. Epiſc. Proxies ix d. 06. Synods 07 xviii d. Indemn. iii s, iiii d. . Archidiac; Proxies x s. 00 14 057 Mary and William Mill 1696. Wiſton R. [St. Mary] Portio Coll. Beata Mar. Magd. Oxon. 12 13 04 xiii s. jud. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Epiſc. Synods foi 05 04 xviii d. Proxies iis, ii d. ob. Earl of Thanet 1719. Hoſp. Beatæ Maria Magdalena. Not in Charge. Afhurt R. Earl of Thanet 1719. · Livings diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. BRAMBROUGH alias BRAMBER [St. Nicholas] with Bo- tolph R. Archidiac. Proxies xiii s. iii d. Indemn. iii s. ili d. Epiſc. Synods iii s. Proxies ii s. Indemn. v s. Magdalen College, Oxford. Fyndon V. [St. John Baptift] Archidiac. Proxies vi s, viii d.? Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies xiii d. ої об о45 Magdalen College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 46 15 02 Goring V. (St. Mary] Epiſc..pro Vifitatione xiü d. 00 15 00 Jobin Cooke Eſq; 1717. College of Arundel Impr. Green V. alias Wilborow Green (St. Peter] Epiſc. Syn. xviiid. 45 Oo oo Proxies xüid. The Revd. Mr. Tho. Bilby 1694. N Launting piſe. Synods xviii d. Proxies ii s. vii d. Pens . Vicariofor 11 09 ods Zoo Epile. Synods}o: { OI 00 00 00 02 00 45 04 06 20 00 00 { d.o1 ii d.}oo 19.10 ; go DIOCESE OF CHICHESTER. Sussex d. I de ܘܘ3.& : " Epifc:zos OI 00 00 1 Y } Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. 26 00 oo SLaunting V. als. Launcing, Archidiac. Proxies vis. viri d. 2 Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies x d. Indemn, xx d. 12 il Biſhop of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. Domus de Motynden in Kanc. olim Propr. 33 11 08 ŞParham R. (St. Peter] Archidiac, Proxiés vi s. viia; Epifc." { Synods xviii d. Proxies ii s. iidii? Sir Cécil Biſhop Batt. 1698. S Sumpting V. with Cockham Chap. Archidiac. Proxies viil s.? 40 oo co 00 16 03 2 Epiſc. Synods xviii d. Proxies v s. Sir John Shelley Bart. 1707. Mon. Bexley in Kanc. Propr. S Waſhington V. Arcbidiac. Proxids/ vi si vi d Epifc: Synods? 30 00 00 xviji d. Proxies ii s.'vili dır i 00 19 00 Magdálen College, Oxford, Propr.' and Patr. · Shepley C. [St. Mary} l. 40:0:0 Certified Value. D. Terring, in the Juriſdiction of the Arch-Biſhop of CANTERBURY. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. IT 13 04 Paching R. Decano Terring Proxies vi s. viiid. 01 03 04 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. ŞTERRING R. alias Weft-Terring (Sine Cure.). Penfio Wi. 22 13 04 Z. cario iiii l. 02 05 04 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. .. Terring V. (St. Andrew] Decano Terring Proxies vi s. viii d. 00 17 04. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. pēc le d. 1. s. "}o2 08 13 04 SB Dioceſe of Coventry and Lichfield. , King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. d. I. d. ISHOPRICK of Coventry and Lichfield *. The Prebend of Eccleſhall is annex'd to the Biſhoprick. 559 17 31 This See was erected by Ofwy King of Mercia, in55 19.084 the Year 656. The Biſhop's See was originally at Lichfield, from thence removed to Cheſter, and from both to Coventry. It was once an Arch-Biſhoprick; afterwards it was ſtiled the Biſhoprick of Coventry and Lichfield : but by Act of Par- liament 33° Hen.. 8. Cap. 29. the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield was to be the ſole Chapter for the Biſhop; the Cathedral (or Priory) of Coventry being deſtroyed. (Heylin.) The Biſkoprick of Lichfield - The following Livings are part of the Pofſeflions of the Biſhoprick of Lich- field, &c. Belgrave in D. Goſcot in Co. Leiceſter ; Towyn in Co. Merioneth in Dioc. Bangor ; Buckby longa in Co. Northampton, D. Haddon; Pighteſley in D. Rothwell, Co. Northampton ; Towceſter in D. Brackley, Co. Northampton ; Hanbury in D. Tamworth.Co. Staff with Marchington and Newborough'Chapels. i . * COVENTRY and LECHFIELD. 91 1. S. d. 40 00 00 # King's Books. Hearly Tenths. 2. d. The Cathedral Church (St. Mary's and ST. CHADD's.] (See for the Hiſtory of this Cathedral in Dugdale's Mon. Tom. 3. p. 216. and alſo in Wharton's Anglia Sacra, Vol. 1. p. 423.) Deanry thereof, with the Prebends of Brewood and Adbafton ti 04 od co William the firſt Dean, about the Year 1140. Tatenhill R. in D. Tamworth, Co. Stafford, is annex'd to this Deanry by Act of Parliament 4° & 5° Anne. The KING. The Chapter of Lichfield preſent to St. Mary's Church in Lichfield, and to about ten other Churches in the Dioceſe ; in moſt of which, and in their Prebendal Churches, they claim a Peculiar Juriſdiction. They are alſo Patrons of Thornton near Horncaſtle in Lincolnſhire. All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. [N. B. AH the Livings belonging to the ſeveral Prebends in the. Church of Lichfield are in the Juriſdiction of the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, and not in that of the ſeveral Arch- Deacons, except Ruiton, which is under the Juriſdiction of the Arch-Deacon of Coventry ; and Bobenbull, Dalſet Parva, Wellington, and Wolvey, which are under the Biſhop's imme- diate Juriſdiction ; and Sandiacre, which is under the Arch- Deacon of Derby. Vide Willis's Survey p. 458,460.] Aldrewas P. als. Chancellorſhip, has the Rectory of Aldrewas 26 13 04 in Com. Staff. and the Advowſon of King's-Bromley, Eding-02 13 04 hall, and Pipe-Ridware in Staffordſhire, Peter de Rodenor the firſt Chancellor, 1275. Le Neve p. 129. ŞBaſwick and Whittington P. the Corps hereof are the Im-7: soi 06.08 propriate Pariſhes of Bafwick and Whittington Co. Staf. Biſhopſhull P. the Corps of this Prebend is in Hints Pariſh. 00 04 00 ŞBobenhull P. (in Co. Warwick) has the Impropriation of B--> 00 02 00 2 benhull Pariſh, Warwick. Collwich P. has the Impropriation of Collwich Pariſh in Staf- ої об о8 Curborow P. the Corps whereof is in Slow Pariſh, within ဝဝ 00 13 04 Daſſet Parva P. (in Com. Warwick) has Lands in Daſſet in 00 03 04 00 00 04 Warwickſhire. 275 1304 Dean and Chapter 27 II 04 25 12 031 Dean and Chapter for 12 Chorifters 02 11 02 Derneford P. has Lands in Lichfield City. Eccleſhall P. (annex’d to the Biſhoprick by Act of Parliament 20 00 00 about the Year 1710.) has the Impropriation of Eccleßballf02 oo oo in Co. Staff Flixton + Deanry The Rectory of Tatenbill in the County of Stafford and Deanry of Tarvorth and Tutbury, is annex.ed to this Deanry, by Act of Parliament 4 & 5° Annæ Regine, fo2 02 00 00 ΟΙ ΟΟ ΟΟ 13 06 08 . ſo 06 13 04 ? Lichfield. info 00 10 00 00 01 00 { N2 92 DIOCESE of COVENTRY King's Barolo for 00 14 00 20 00 00 1 02 00 00 02 00 00 14 00 00 jo Joo 16 OI 12 00 1 CO 05 04 01 06 08 19 Oo oo Bar Yearly Tenths. d. I d. Flixton P. als. Flixborne (in Co. Lancaſter) has the Rectory 07 Oo oo " Impropriate of Flixton in Lancapire. Freefird P. has its Corps in Lichfield City. 05 00 00 IQ, Oo in Hints Pariſh. Gaya Minor P. the Corps is in Flints Pariſh aforeſaid. 00 04 00 SHanſacre P. has its Corps in Hermitage Pariſh ; this Pre-? 01 08 00 bendary is Patron of Hermitage, Norton, and Hints Co. Staff.) 26 13 04 Ľington in Co. Warwick. Sitchington P. als. Præcentorſhip, has the Impropriation of Itch- 02 13 04 Walter Durdent the firſt Præcentor 1130: 08 Oo oo Longdon P. has the Impropriation of Longdon · Parith near oo 16 oo Lichfield. 16 Oo oo Ofey P. has the Impropriation of High-offiey, Co. Stafford. 02 13 04 SOlougton P. alias Ufton, ex parte Cantoris; } in Co. Warwicks 02 13 04 the Corps of theſe two is the Impropriation of Ufton in 400.05 04., D. Marton. Pipa-parva P. the Corfs hereof lies near Lichfield: 00:02 08 SPrees, als. Pipa Minor-P. (in Com. Salop) has the impropria-? or 18 oo 2 tion of Prees in Shrophire, but the Biſhop is Pátron thereof. 51 00 00 Seven Parts at 1.00-: 14 :-07. each, 05 02.01 Stotford P. the Corps hereof is in St. Michael's Pariſh in 00 10 09 Lichfield. 56 13 04 Swallow P. als. Sawley, als. Theſaurar. Lichen. * 05. 13 04 Odo firſt Treaſurer 1140. : Le Neve p. 1303 14 00 10 Succentor 0108 Tachbrooke P. (in Com. Warwick) the Corps hereof is the hela Impropriation of Tachbrooke. ŠTervin P.. (in Ccm. Ceftr.) the Corps hereof is the Rectory of? { Tirvin.in Com. Cenr. 02 13:04 Weford P. the Corps hereof is the Impropriation of Wiford]. 14 00 00 near Lichfield. S Wellington P. (in Com, Salop) the Corps of this Prebend is a? Moiety of the impropriation of Wellington. Wolvey P. (in Com. Warwick) the Corps hereof is a Moiety OB 03 04 of the Impropriation of Wolvey in Dec. Coventry.. }oo 04 04 43 10 10 Five vacant Stalls at 175. 5 d. each. 04 07 01 60 19 0.2 Seven vacant Stalls at 17 s. 5 d. each. 06.01, There are beſides two other Prebends, viz. Sandiacre in Com. Derby and Ruiton in Com. Warwick, which are charged under their proper Deanries in thoſe Counties: Benefices Diſcharged. Clear Rearly value. 45 00 oo The Office of Sacriſt, having Cure of Souls. 20 19 031 The Biſhop: D. * Treaſurer of Lichfield The Corps of this: Dignity is the Impropriation of Swallow, als. Sazyley, - , in Com. Derby, and the Advowſon of the fame. 300.05 zor in } + 05 Oo oo 10 00 00 OI 00 00 26. 13. 04. offor }or 08 og IO 00 00 01 00.00 DERBY 93 and 'LICHFIELD. King's Books, 1. 1. d. 09 13 01, ܘܘ{i 02 00 00 [] Trinity)}co 12 09 D. Alto-Perco, in the Arch-Deaconry of DERBY. Lipings remaining in Charge.. Yearly Tenths d., R? Eories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Dårleigh Boreal. one Part R. [St. Helen] Epiſc. Lich. pro ln. demn. iiis. iii d. Decano & Capit, Lich. xx d. Synods and Yoo 19 03} Proxies y s. iii d. ob, Dean of Lincoln: 04 13:04 Edenſor-V; * [St. Peter] cum Cap. Chatſworth.” 00 09 04 Mon. Rocettur in Staff. Propr. Duke of Devonſhire Im- propriator and Patron 1719. . 13,15 05 {w and Proxies x s. vii d. Eſex, Dorothea, and Maria. Savile 1717. Marchioneſs of Halifax (W) Livings Diſcharged, Clear Yearly Value: 40. Oo oo BAKEWEŁL V. [All-Saints] Dean and Chapter of Lichfield Impr. and Patr: S 41 00 oo Archidiaco Derb. Synods and Proxies iïi s. vid. Mon. de Valle Regali Propr. Biſhop of Cheſter Impr. and Patr. Darleigh Med. Auſtral. R. [St. Helen] Epiſc. Lich. pro In- 48 or 09 demn. iii s. ijid.. Decano Lich. xx d. Synods and Proxies 00 19 03 v s, iii d. ob. Dean of Lincoln. 42 00 in Gloſſop V. [All-Saints] Archidiac. Derb. Syn. and Prox. iii s. 01 05 10 Abb. Bafingweck in Ce. Flint. Propr... Duke of Norfolk. 35. 00 oo ŞHatherfage V. [St. Michael] Archidiac. D.rb. Synods and oo { Proxies x s. vii d. 14.CO Mon. de Launda in Leśc. Propr... Duke of Devonſhire. 40 Oo oo Hope V. (St. Peter] 01 07 04 Dean and Chapter of Lichfield Impr. and Patr. 32. 00 00 TIDESWELL V. als. TIDDESWALL, (St. John Baptiſt] 00-14, oo Dean and Chapter of Lichfield Impr. and Patr. 32 00 og Yolgrave V. fAll Saints] Arcbidiac. Derb. Synods and Pro- 00. 1,8. 057 xies x s. vid. Abb. Leiceſter Propr. Duke of Devonſhire 1700. Chapels, Donatives, and-Curacies. Hey field Chap. to Gloſſop 1.550:0 Clear Value. Meller Chap. to Gloſſop I. 8:0:0 Clear Values Charleſworth (St., Mary Magdalen] Chap. to Gloſſop. Allop Cur. (St. Michael] Mr. Cook Burk Patr,-. Chapels * Edenfor Velaid to be of the Yearly Value of 401. but not certified either into the Exthequér ffo not diſcharged) or to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty, in order to be intitled to the ſaid Bounty.. soo '. 94 DERBY DIOCESE of COVENTRY Chapels belonging to BAĶEWELL. Aſhford (Holy Trinity] t. 2: ora: 00 00 Clear Value. Baſlow l. 27 : 16 : 08 Clear Value. Bealey (St. Anne] h10 : 18:00 Clear Value. Buxton (St. John Baptiſt] I. -5: 00 : 00 Clear: Value. Chilmarton l. 7: 15 : 04 Clear Value. Chapel in le Frith (St. Thomas 31. 16: 16 : 08 Clear Value. Becket] Fairfield (St. Peter) 1. 10: 10: 00 Clear. Value. Kniveton (St. John Baptiſt] 1. 10: 00 : 00 Clear Value. Longtown alias Longſton (St. Giles] Moniath (St. Leonard] 1. 3 : 10 : 00 Clear Value. Sheldon All Saints] Tadington (St. Michael] 1. 10: 10: 00 Clear Value. Wormhill (St. Margaret] l. 2 :05:00 Clear Value. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Edall (Holy Trinity] Chapel to . Caſtleton Peak Foreſt [King Charles the Martyr] Chap. to Hatherſage. Middleton Stony (St. Martin ]}1. 2 : 06:08 Clear Val. Chapel to Hatherſage Elton (All-Saints] Chapel to Yol- 3:00 : 00 Clear Val. grave Winſter (St. John Baptiſt] Chapel 31. 12 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. to Yolgrave to}1.20 : 00 : 09 Clear Val 1. 7 d. . d}co 1907 3 00 II II 1 D. Ashbornt, in the Arch-Deaconry of D ER BY. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Bocks. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. og 16 00:{Bontehall R.. [St. James] Synods and Proxies vii s. vii d. } Decano Lincoln. V s. Dean of Lincoln. oj 19 09} Bradley R. (All-Saints] Dean of Lincoln. Ireton alias Kirk-Ireton R. (Holy Trinity) pro Syn, xviii d. 07 10 10 00 15 01 2 pro Chadfarthings iiii d Dean of Lincoln. 11 02 06 Matlock R. (St. Giles] Synods and Proxies ix s. viid. 01 02 03 Dean of Lincoln. 15 16 00- Norbury R. (St. Mary] cum Cap. Snelſon [St. Peter] Synods { and Proxies xii s, id. I II 077 Mr. Saunders (W.). Simon Degg Efq; Biſhop by Lapſe 1716. Wirkeſworth V. (St. Mary) Pens. Decano Lincoln. xiii 1. vi s. 42 07 08 viii d. . * Prox. XXX s. vii d. Dean of Lincoln. Dec. & Cap. Lincoln. Propr. Livings . ] 300 d}oo 15 dszor DERBY - 95 and LICHFIELD. { 29 03 10 01 00 00 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Pearly Tenils. 1. is. d. s. d. ASHBORNE V. [St. Oſwald) with Mapleton R. [St. Mary] 42 Oo oo Synods and Proxies xiii s. id. Redd. Præceptoriæ de reve: (00 10 057 ley & Barrow xii d. Dean of Lincoln Propr. of Amborne. 44 Oo oo Bentley R. alias Fenny-Bently [St. Mary Magdalen] Syn, xviiid. 00 13 033 Dean of Lincoln. 32 03 00 Bradborne V.[All Saints] oo 16 04 Duke of Devon. Pri. Dunſtable in Bedfordſh. Propr. ŞCarſington R. [St. Margaret] Penf. Decano Lincoln. xiii s. iiii d.? 48 Oo oo 2 Synods xviii d. 00 10 02 Dean of Lincoln. 46 oo oo Edlaſton R. [St. James] Synods xxi d. 00 07 10 Dean of Lincoln. Hartington. V. (St. Giles] Domus Minoreſ. London Propr. Duke of Devonpire. 40 00 00 Thorpe R. [St. Leonard] Synods xviii d. Dean of Lincoln. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Clifton [St. Mary] Chapel to Afhborne. [ ] Aſhborne 14 : 00 : oo Clear Val. Sir Richard Levinge Patr. by Grant from the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. Atlow, Chapel to Bradborne 1. 18 : 00 : 00 Clear Vali Ballidon, Chapel to Bradborne 1. 10 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Brafington, Chapel to Bradborné 1. 10 : 00:00 Clear Vel. Sterndale alias Earlſterndale, Cha- pel to Hartington Hognaſton R. (not in Charge) - l. 7:03 : 04 Clear Val.. The KING Patr. Tiflington Cur. (St. Mary] Mr. Fitz-Herbert Patr. Pri. Tutbury. Propr. 00 12 0.2 ha-} -31. 3 : 00:00 D. Caſtillar, in the Arch-Deaconry of DER BY. King's-Books. i. s. d. s. 09 19 02 }oo: . Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenihs Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. di Brailesford R. (All-Saints] Epiſc. & Archidiac. Synods and 2 Proxies x s.: viid. Abb. de Darleigh pro Penſ. xxxiii s. iiii d. 00:19 II Ro. Lord Ferrers 1713. ŞCubley R. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. & Arcbidide. Synods and ? Proxies x s. vii d. OI 07 07:1 Earl of Cheſterfield 1719. 3 Dalbury 13 16 03 9.6 DIOCESE of COVENTRY DERBY. 1 King's Books, 1. d. Yearly Tenih: s. d. Dalbary alias Dawbry R.'[All-Saints] 'Pens. Prior. de Trent- bam xx s. Prior. Titbury vis. vid. Synods and. Proxies oo og Oy s. 1. 04 16-03 { foo og ov: *s. vii.d. 12 02 01 og 02 08:{ ridzo 16 03 { 30 ! 04 16 08 Mrs. Elizabeth Sleigh Widow 1711. Mr. Cotton' (W:) Dovebridge V. [St. Cuthbert] OI 04 02 Mon. Titbury Propr. Duke of Devonſhire 1709, Eggington R. [St. Wilfrid] Epiſc. & Archidiac. Synods and 2 Proxies x s. viii d. Thomas Pope Blunt Efq; 1712. "Sir Fobn Every (W.) 08 00 00 Ecwall V. (St. Helen] 00 16 00 Mon. Welbeck in Nottingh. Propr. Mr. Sleigh or his Heirs (W.) Roland Cotton Eſq; 1713. ŞLangforth alias Langford R. [St. Chadd] Sine Cure, Proxies 14 19.07 { and Synods x s. vii d. for og 11; Sir Edward Coke Bart, and others 1691. S Marſton alias Marton V. [St. Mary] Prior. de Titbury ii so og 15'024 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Synods and Proxies x s, viid. 00 15 061 Pri. Titbury Propr. Duke of Devonſhire. Sudbury R. (All Saints] Epiſc. & Archidiac. Synods and Pro- 14 13.01 xies xi s. viid. Prior. de Titbury xiii s. iii d. Vicario Dove-01 09 031 bridge ii s. id. Mr. Vernon Patr. Sir Edward Vernon 1639, 1646. Sutton in Lefield V. alias Sutton fuper Montem, (St. Michael] 00 og 08 Mon, Trentham Propr. Mr. John Chetham 1689. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Burton Blunt R. Synods and Proxies.xs, xid. 00 Merry Simpſon Eſq; 1689. oo 09 II 5 and 49 00 00 Proxies x.s. viid. Henry Gilbert Efq; 1716. 17 10 00 Broughton V. alias Church-Broughton (St. Michael] 00 13:04 Aion, Titbury Propr. Richard Bate Erq; 1703, 1720. 30 Oo oo Langforth V. (St. Chadd] Abb. de Killingworth 1 s. od 06 10 The Rector Propr. Sir Edward Coke Bart. 1700. 35 Oo oo Shirley V. [St. Michael] oo 13 94 Mon. Derlegh Impr. Earl Ferrers 1718. 30 05 00 Somerſhall Herbert R. (St. Peter] Syn. and Prox, xviii d. oo og 10 Lord Cheſterfield 1686. 40 00 00 Truſley R. (All-Saints] 00 10 08 William Coke Eſq; 1714. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Oſmaſton, [St. Martin] Chap. to Brailesford I, 15 : 00:00 Maríton, [St. Giles] Chapel to Cubley Chellaſton V. (not in Charge) E. Ferrers Patr. Denbigh Cur. (St. Mary] 19:00:00 Clear Val, Mr. Lowe Patr. Herbert, Chapel to Shirley Yeveley, Chapel to Shirley, D. 20 00 00 DERBY. 97 and LICHFIELD. D. Chelterfield, in the Arch-Deaconry of Derby, King's Books. d. 07 00 10 Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Alhover R, (All-Saints] Archidiac. Derb. pro Synods and 24 03 013 Proxies xi s. vii d. -. fo208 03: Mr. Bourne (W.) Mr. Mattbew Powel Cl. Barleborough R. [St. James] Archidiac. Derb. pro Synods and 10 01 057 Proxies xis, iii d. } O 01 Sir John Roades Bart. CHESTERFIELD V. [All Saints] Archidiac. Derb. 15 00 02:{ : pro Syszor pro Sy- for 10 00 { nods and Proxies x s. vii d. Dean of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. Clowne R. (St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. Derb. pro Synods and { १०० 00 14 OI Proxies x s. vii d. The KING. SEckington R: [St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. Derb. 40 13 04 ? Synods and Proxies xii s. i d. prozo4 04 OI 04 Mr. Gardiner (W.) Lowne alias Heath V. (All-Saints] Archidiac. Derb. pro Sy- 04' 18 09 nods and Proxies x s. vii d. sy-Zoo og oo 09 10 Abb. Croxton Propr. Duke of Devonſhire 1719. XI 10 00 ŞMoreton R. (Holy Croſs] Archidiac. Derb. pro Synods and for 03 00 Proxies xi s. id. Lord Scarſdale 1710. Northwingfield R. [St. Laurence] Archidiac. Derb. pro Sy- 21 06 03 nods and Proxies xi s. vii d. Sy-302 02 077 Lord Scarſdale 1719. II 04 07 ŞPlebey Re: [St. Michael q.) Arcbidiac. Derb. pro Synods andzor and for 02 053 Lord Scarſdale 1695. S Pynkſton R. (St. Helen q.) Archidiac. Derb. pro Synods and 06 00 10 ndjoo 12 € { Proxies x s. William Coke Efq. 1714. Shirland R. (St. Leonard] Archidiac. Derb. pro Synods and Zoo 15 06 07 15 0.6 Proxies x s. vii d. Earl of Shrewſbury, but bought out (W) Mr. Thomas Maxwell and Jane Dutcheſs of Norfolk. 09 15 05 South Norman ten. Rui St. Mary) Arcbidiac. Derb. pro Synods Zoo 00 19 061 Robert Revell Efq; 1718. 12 07 06 Stavely. R: {St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac, Derb. pro Synods and d}01 04 09 { Proxies vi s. Lord Cavendiſh 1716. 07 10 10 { Whiting stran Progress Bartholomew] Arcbidiac . Derb . pro Sy}co 00 15 01 Dean of Lincoln. Dean and Chapter of Lichfield 1685. o Whit- * Whitington R.-In the Vellum Book from whence the Procurations and Synodals are taken, it is there noted that the Dean of Lincoln is Patron, 98 DIOCESE of COVENTRY DERBY. King's Books. Yearly Tenths 1. d SWhitwell R. (St. Laurence) Archidiac. Derb. Synods and 20 03 04 02 00 04 Proxies xis. vii d. Duke of Rutland 1711. Ś. 1. d. { and 302 20 00 00 Sy-Hoo 13 I 2 00 00 22 00 00 ܘܘ{-Pro Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value.. 16 oo oo ALTRETON V. (St. Martin] 00 13 10 Mon. de Bello Capite als. Beauchief Impr. Mr. Turner (W.) Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield 1694. Beighton alias Berton V. [St. Mary] Arcbidiac. Derb. Sy- nods and Proxies x s. vii d. 00 13 025 Pri. Montis Graciæ Propr. Samuel Pierpoint Eſq; 1703. Blackwell V. [St. Warburgh) 00 10 05 Pri. Thurgarton in Nottingh. Propr. Duke of Devon. 14 Oo oo BOL LSOVER V. [St. Mary] 00 II 11 Mon. Derlegh Impr. Duke of Newcaftle 1690. S DRONFIELD V. (St. John] Archidiac. Derb. Synods and 34 02 00 OI OO 02 Proxies viis, vii d. The KING. Mon. de Bello Capite als. Beauchief Impr. Elmton V. [St. Peter] Archidiac. Derb. Şynods and Pro- 00 10 011 xies x s. vii d. Pri. Thurgarton in Nottingh. Propr. Mrs. Martha Roades Widow 1689. 30. Oo oo Hault Hucknall V. Archidiac, Derb, Syn, and Prox. iii s. 00 12 00 Pri. Neujted (de Novo Loco) in Nottingh. Propr. Lord Scarſdale 1690. 42 00 00 Ş Langwith R. [St. Helena q.] Archidiac. Derb. Synods and? Proxies x s. viid. 300 08 00: Duke of Devonſhire 1682. Norton V. [St. James] 00 13 04 Mon. de Bello Capité Impr. Ja. Holt Eſq; 1710. 15 Oo oo Scarcliffe V. [St. Leonard] Mon. Derlegh Impr. 49 Oo oo South-Wingfield V. [All-Saints] 00 13 04 Mon. Derlegh Impr. Duke of Devonſhire. Sutton in Le Dale R. (St. Mary] with Ducmanton V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. Derb. Synods and Proxies S00 15 073 X s. vii d. Mon. Welbeck Propr. Lord Scarſdale 1716. STibſhelfe V. [St. John Baptiſt q.] Archidiac. Derb. Synods? 29 Oo oo and Proxies x s. vii d. Mr. Gladwin (W.) Vicars Choral of Lichfield Propr. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Dethick, Chapel to Alhover. Kilmarſ (St. Giles] Chapel to Eckington Brimington, Chapel to Eckington I. 10 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Normanton, Chap. to Cheſterfield l. 7 : 12 : 00 Clear Val. Barlow 45 03 06 00 10 00 44 03 06 {၀၀ 300 08 06 DERBY. and LICHFIELD. 99 Barlow, Chapel to Staveley I. 6 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Trinity, Chapel to Moreton. Walton, Chapel to Cheſterfield. Dore, Chapel to Dronfield l. 6 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Holmfield, Chapel to Dronfield -l. 3 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Wingerworth Cur. I. 16 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Dean of Lincoln Patr. D. Derby, in the Arch-Deaconry of DERBY, S. 26 13 04 Pro-}o2 to 300 03 od 06 12 02 OI: {K ies Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. 04 04 02 Albaſton Church alias Alveſton * [St. Michael] 00 08 05 Pri, Shelford in Nottingh. Proprio Arch-Deaconry of Derby, founded before the Year 1140. 02 13 04 Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. Aſton ſuper Trent R. [All-Saints] Redd. Ixvis, viii d. Pro- 29 15 00 02 19 06 xies and Synods xi s. viii d. Robert Holden Efq; 1702. Belport oo 06 oo Duffield 28 02 08 Bredfall R. (All-Saints] Proxies and Synods xii s. id. 02 16 03 Sir John Harpur (W.) Frances Counteſs Bellamount. S Kirk Langley R. alias Church Langley (St. Michael] Proxies 04 02 and Synods x s. yü d. Marquis of Newcaſtle 1662. Godfrey Maynell Eſq; 1724. 13 06 08 Morley R. [St. Matthew] Proxies and Synods x s. vii d. 01 06 08 Mr. Sacheverell (W.) Mr. Francis Pierpoint 1692. 09 11 051 Mickle-Over V. [All-Saints] Prox. and Syn. xv s. vii d. oo 19 ore Mon. Burton ſuper Trent Propr. John Wilmot Efq; 1691. Sir John Curzon (W.) Mr. Wilmot two Turns, and Sir John Curzon one Turn in three. 09 12 081 Muggington R. [All-Saints] Penf. Prior. de Tutbury vis, viii d, oo 19 03: Samuel Pole Eſq; 1713. Radbourn R. (St. Andrew] Proxies and Synods x s. 00 16 04 Samuel Pole Eſq; 1715. S Sandiacre P. (St. Giles q.] Penſ, Lich. viii l. Proxies and Synods x s. viii d. (Exempt from the Chapter) OI OLE Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. 05 Oo oo Swarkſton R. [St. James] Pens. xii s. viii d. Sir John Harpur Knt, 1720. Weſton R. [St. Mary] Proxies and Synods xi s. oi 03 072 Mrs. Rebecca Holden Widow 1707. 1 08 03 04 10 11 05}{d andfos 00 10 00 II 16 03 O 2 Livings Albafton Church, certified to the Governours, &c. by the Name of Alveſton at 12 l. per Annum. + Belport Certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Boanty, by the Name of Belpar Chapel, et 4 1. Clear Yearly Value. 100 DERBY DIOCESE of COVENTRY d. 1. J. d. : ir 06 02 12 10 00 Livings diſcharged Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. L. 20 00 OQ Barrow V. [St. Wilfrid q.) Synods and Proxies xs, vii d. 00 10 07} Preceptor of Barrow Impr. Sir Nicholas Wilmot Kt. Earl of Cheſterfield Patr. (W.) 10 11 00 Chrich V. (St. Mary] Penf. de Wakbrigh xii s. 00 13 OI Mon. Darlegh Impr. Mr. Dixey Patr, 27 Oo oo Duffield V. (St. Alkmund] 00 16 051 Colleg. de Newark in Leiceſtr. Propr. Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. Elvaſton V. als. Elnaſton, [St. Bartholomew] Proxies, Synods, 32. oo oo and Penf. xvii s. iii d. Oo. 10 041 Pri. Shelford Propr. Alexander Stanhope Efq; 1699. 16 12.06 Haifnor V. áls . Haynor, (St. Michael] 00 19 OQ The KING. 'Mon. de Dala Impr. Hallam, als. Kirk-Hallam V. als. Halver (All-Saints] oo 08 Mon. de Dala Impr. Sir Henry Hunlock (W.) 24 Oo oo Horfley V. (St. Barnabas] OO 14 061 Pri. Lenton in Nott, Propr. Earl of Cheſterfield (W.) Ilkeſton, als. Ilkſton V. [St. Mary] Proxies and Syn, x s. viid. 00 10 og Mon. de Dala Impr. Duke of Rutland. q. The Crown. Kedlafton, als.. Bedleſton R. [All-Saints] Proxies and Synod's 7113 2 X s. vii d. Sir Nathaniel Curzon has all the Tythes, paying about 301. per Annum to the Rector. Sir Naihaniel Curzon Bart. 1700. 2i Oo oo Mackworth V. [All-Saints] 00 18 031 Mon. Derlegh Impr. Francis Mundy Eſq; 1695. II 06 08 St. Michael's in DERBY V. 00 09 06 The KING. Mon. Derlegh Impr. 12 15 00 Pentrich V. (St.. Matthew] Mon. Derlegh Impr.. Duke of Devonſhire 1713. 37 15 00 St. Peter's V. in Derby, Penf. Domino de Normantox xx s. go 16 oo Mon. Derlegh Impr. Sir Wolfton Dixey Bart. 1715. 43. Oo oo Spoondon V. (St. Mary] Proxies and Synods x s. vii d. 00 13 057 Hoſp. de Lazars Burton in Co. Leiceſtr. Propr. Henry Gil- bert Efq; 1695. 39 II 00 St. Werbriger, als. St. Warburgh V. in DERBY, OO II. 035 The KING. Mon. de Pratis Domini Regis Impr. SWeſthallam R. als. Weſthalver [St. Wilfrid q.] Synods and 34 00 00 Proxies xiii s, ii do George Mower Efq; 1716. Willington V. [St. Michael] united to Repington Curacy in 07 10 00 Dec. Repington. Pri. Repton Propr. DO 12 00 . andco 16 00 { in Zoo og 08! Cbapetsa Derby. IOI and LICHFIELD. to}1. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Smalley (St. John Baptiſt] Chap. to Morley. Little-Over (St. Peter] Chapel to Mickle-Over. Findon, als. Finderne (All-Saints] Chap. to Mickle-Over. Twyford (St. Andrew] Chap. to Barrow. Turnditch [All Saints] Chap. to 31. 01 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Duffield Heage Chap. to Duffield 1. 00 : 10:00 Clear Val. Alveſton Chap. to St. Michaels, }1. 05:00 : 00 Clear Val. Derby. Broughton Chap. to St. Michael's, Derby. Normanton Chap. to St. Peter's in Derby. Derwent (St. James] Chap. to All-Saints, Derby. Oſmanton (All-Saints] Chap. to St. Warburgh, Alleftry Cur. [St. Andrew] L 05 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Abb. Derlegb Propr. Mr. Mundye Patr. Blackwell Chap. l. 09: 00 : 00 Clear Val. Pri. Tburgurton Propr. Sir John Harpur Patr. Ticknall Cur.[St. Thomas Becket) l. 26: 00 : 00 Clear Valo. Pri. Repton Propr. Sir John Harpur Patr. Brampton Cur. [St. Peter] Dean of Lincoln Patr.. Okebrook Cur. Mr. Keys Patr. Abb. Derlegh Propr." Smithby Cur. 1. 35: 00 : 00 Clear Valo Pri. Darlegh Propr. Earl of Huntingdon Patr. Sandiacre Cur. l. 23 : 00:00 Clear Val. Prebendary, thereof Patr. Scropton 1. 18.: 06:06 Clear Val.. Chantry of Scropton Propr. Mr. Bate Patr. All-Saints Cur, in Derby I. 19 : 13 : 04 Clear Val. College of All Saints Propr. The Corporation preſent. Quarndon Chap. to All-Saints 1. 03 : 00:00 Clear Val. St. Alkmund V. Abby of Darlegh or the College of Derby Propr. Mayor and Corporation of Derby. Sawley cum Wilne (All-Saints). * 7. 03 : 06:08 Clear Val. Long-Eaton Chap. to Sawley. ] . Riſley Chap. to Sawley l. 06 : 13 : 04 Clear Val. Treaſurer of the Ch. of Lichfield Patr. and Propr.. Chabſon als. Chadfon, [St. Ma- ry] Chap. to Spoondon 22 : 00 : 00 Clear Val.. Locker Chap. to Spoondon. Stanley [St. Andrew] Chap. to? 1. 10 : 00:00 Clear Val.. . 131 . D. 102 DIOCESE of COVENTRY Derby. .کی { vii } 10-301 D. Hepington, in the Arch-Deaconry of DERBY. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. b d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. l. d. 05 Oo oo Croxall V. [St. John Baptiſt] cum Cap. Catton. 00 IO OO The KING. Pri. Repton Propr. Hartſhorne R. [St. Peter] Synods and Proxies x s. vii d. 03 02 OI 00 06 021 Penſ. xiii s, iiii d. Henry Tate. Efq; 1713. The Heirs of Mr. Darcy (W.) 09 13 04 Melburne V. [St. Michael]-Synods and Proxiesvi s, viii d. 00 19 04 Biſhop of Carliſle Propr. Mr. Coke exchanged with the Biſhop of Carliſle. q. what was exchanged for it. 05 or 0o1 Ravenſton R. [St. Michael] Synods xii d. 00 10 01 The KING. 06 12 08 Stanton juxta Pontem R. (St. Michael] Syn, and Prox. x s. vii d. 00 13 031 Sir John Harpur Bart. 1702. 09 10 05 Stretton in le Field R. (St. Michael] Syn, and Prox. x s. viid. 00 19 00 Mr. Richard Moore and Mrs. Margaret Prieſt. Widow (this Turn) 1705. Mrs. Browne (W.) 19 02 08}{Walton fuper Trent R. [St. John Baptiſt] Synods and Pro- I 14 034 Earl of Northampton 1729. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 48 15 oo Lullington V. [All-Saints] Syn. and Prox. x s, vii d. oo 09 025 The KING (W.) Abb. Grefely Impr. 49 15 00 Stapenhill V. (St. Peter] Synods and Prox, x s. vii d. 00 10 077 Abb. Burton Propr. Lord Paget i693. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Rolſton or Roſleſton [St. Mary] Chap. to Walton upon Trent. Caldwell (St, Giles] Chap. to Stapenhill . Calk Cur. Sir John Harpur Patr. Pri, Repton Propr. Formark Cur. (St. Saviour] Mr. Burdet Patr. Pri, Greſeley Prop. Greſeley Cur. 1. 06 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Mr. Allen Patr. Mealham Cur. (St. Laurence) - - l. 27 : 10:00 Clear Val. Mr. Wollaſton Patr. Pri. Greſeley Propr. Newton Solney, Cur. [St. Mary] No Val. Sir John. Every Patr. Pri. Repton, or Greſeley. Propr. Repton [St. Wyſton] cum Bretby}1. 35: 00 : 00 Clear Val. Chap. Sir John Harpur Patr. Pri. Repton. Propr. Stanton juxta Dale Cur. [St. Michael] Mr. Thornhill Patr. Abb; Ďale Propr. Willeſey Cur. 1. 12 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. The KING Patr. Abby of Burton Propr. Alhover l. 07 :.00 : 00 Clear Val. Bowton l. 04 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. D. * SHROPSHIRE 103 and LICHFIELD. D. Newport, in the Arch-Deaconry of SALOP. 05 10 00 ŞA 10-300 00 II 00 13 06 08 02 I 2 OI Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Refhories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. l. s. s. d. Abrighton als. Albrighton V. (St. Mary] Synods ii s. Pro- xies viii s. Abbey of Dore or Dour Propr. Company of Haberdaſh- ers, London, II 06 00 Adderley R. (St. Peter] Synods and Proxies xiiii s. 01 02 07 Sir Róbert Corbett 1720. ( 07 09.04 Synods iii s. 14 11 Creſwell Taylour Gent. 1693. Mr. Kinaſton (W.) 10 16 03 Chetwyn R. (St. Michael] Proxies and Synods iii s. xd. OI OI 071 Robert Pigot Eſq; 1693. Donington R. Synods and Proxies xii s. mi d. oi 06 08 Lord Gower 1705. DRAYTON in Hales V. (St. Mary) Synods ilii s. Prox. viii s. 12 10 073 I Penf. Capell, de Tirley ii s. iiii d. Epiſc. Ceftr. xxi d. 05 00 Sir Robert Corbett (W.) Abby of Combermere Propr. S 12 09 Synods iliis. Robert Pigot Efq; 1699. 26 oo 10 SHODNET R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Proxies xiii s. iiii d. Sy- ? nods vi s. Pens. Capell. de Marcholmley 1x s. Sir Richard Vernon 1701. 15 06 08 ŞIDS ALL V. [St. Andrew] als. Sheffnal, Proxies xvi s. viii d. Colleg. Battlefield Propr. Sir Humphry Briggs. 2 05 06 053 Penf. Vicario Idſall v s. 00 10 07 John Forſter Efq; 1706. 06 or 08 00 12 02' Abb. Salop iiii s. Lord Gower 1717, 06 02 08-5 Langford near Newport R. (St. Mary] Synods and Proxies? OO 12 03 Duke of Shrewſbury. Mr. Talbot (W.) 05 12 or Ryton R. Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods xvii d. 00 II 02 Mrs. Anne Brooke Widow 1715. 13 11 03 < Stockton R. [St. Chadd] with Bonninghall Chapel, Proxies vi s. OI 07 Oi; vii d. Synods ii s. iii d. Sir William Whitmore Bart. Mr.Whitmore (W.) ŞStoke upon Teyrn R. [All Saints] Proxies viii s. iii d. Sy- { nods vi s. viii d. pro Vifitatione v s. Sir Robert Corbett 1720. 26 04 04; Wem R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Synods and Proxies ix s. 02 12 054 Henry Newport Eſq; 1710. Earl of Bradford (W Livings { $} 46 08 01:{Edgeymond His FSt. Peter) Penf. Abb. Salop xx s. Proxies viii s. Syrzoz Y, . . for Kinnarley, R. [St. Chadd] Proxies vi s. vid. Synods xii d.}oo 12 02. { ies} 10 08 X s. viii d. viszor Sy-}o2 20 00 00 2 00 00 104 DIOCESE of COVENTRY SHROPSHIRE, Clear Real Yearly Tennis 1. d. 00 04 05 00 Il 07 00 13 og Non ii sipoo 00 10 11 00 06 oo 00 12 07 QO' 10 00 oo 07 08 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. 23 10 00 Eyton upon Wildmore R. [All-Saints] Mrs. Elizabeth Eyton 1719. 49 Oo oo Hinſtock R. (St. Oſwald] Synods and Proxies iii s. Sir Robert Corbett Bart. 1704. 35 00 00 Lilleſhull V. [St. Michael] Synods ii s. iii d. Mon. Lilleßull Propr. "Lord Gower 1710. Norton in Hales R. [St. Chadd] Proxies vi s. viii d. Syn. 46 oo 0,0 Abb. Salop ii s. Mr. Cotton (W.) 2,5 00 00 Preſton upon Wildmore, a Chapel or R. [St. Laurence] Thomas Newport Efq; 1714. Earl of Bradford (W.) 34 00 00 Stirchley R. (St. James) Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods xii d. William Banks Gent. 1715. Mr. Revel (W) 36 oo oo Sutton Maddock V. (St. Mary] Pri. Wormbridge Propr. Mr. James Smith and Frances For: jter Widow 1696. 21 00.00 Upton-parva R. [St. Michael] Proxies ii s. Synods x d. ob. The KING. Peculiar Juriſdiction of Bridgnorth, formerly a College. BRIDGNORTH St. Leonard's C. (St. Mary Magdalen] Mr. Whitmore Patr. Bridgnorth St. Mary's Cur. Mr. Whitmore Patr. Alveley Cur. [St. Mary] Mr. Whitmore Patr. Claverley Cur. (All-Saints] in Co. Staff. Mr. Whitmore Patre Quatford Cur. (St. Mary Magdalen] Mr. Whitmore Patr. Bobington in Com. Staffs. [St. Mary] Mr. Whitmore Patr. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Afton (St. Andrew] Chap. to Edgmond of no Val- Tiberton (All-Saints] Chap. to Edgmond of no Val. Priors Lee Chap. to ldfall l. 05 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Arcal-parva Cur. [St. Michael] l. 20: 00 :.00 Clear Val. Sir Robert Corbett Patr. Abby of Combermere Propr. Bildewas Cur. [Holy Trinity) Mr. Moſely Patr. Abb. Bil. dewas Propr. Tonge Cur. [St. Bartholomew] Dake of Kingſton Patr. Col- lege of Tonge Propr. NEWPORT Cur. (St. Nicholas) The KING Patr. Col- lege of Newport Propr. Edítarſton, els. Eſtaſton, als. Eldarſton (St. Mary] Chap. to Wem. Newtown Chap. to Wem, conſecrated 1663. [King Charles the Martyr] Weſton under Redcaſtle Chap. to Hodnet. Moreton-Say. Chap. to Hodnet. Dawley-magna Cur. l. 17 : 00.: 00 Clear Val, Mr. Revel Patr. D SHROPSHIRE. 105 and LLCHFIE L D. D. Salop, SHREWSBURY, in the Arch-Deaconry of SALOR. King's Books, 19 Oo oo IO 12 OI 33 00 00 20 12 06 d. 302 Livings remaining in Charge. Pearly Tentks. d. l. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors, 1. d. 06 oo oo St. ALCMAN's V. in Salop. 00 12 00 The KING.. Abb. Lillehull Propr. Arch-Deaconry of Salop, founded before the Year 1087. o 18 oo Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. Berrington R. [All-Saints] Pens. Ecclef. Lich. vil. xiii s. iiii d. Abb. Haghmoni xxx s. Abb. Salop xxiiii s. Proxies vi s. for or 02: viii d. Synods vi s. Cambridge Univerſity 1716, in Right of Sir Richard Smith. Burnell, als Acton-Burnell R. [St. Mary] Proxies and Sy- 06 10 00 nods x s. id. 00 13 00 Sir Richard Smith, or Cambridge Univerſity, 08 00 00 St. Croſs's V. in the Monaſtery of Salop, united to St, Giles's. 00 16 00 Sir John Aſtley Patr. Abby of Salop Propr. Counde als Cund R. [St. Peter] Synods and Prox. xiii s. illi d. 03 06 00 Edward Creſet 1720. 17 18 01 ELLISMERE. V. [St. Mary] Proxies xii s. Synods x s. OI 15 09 Hoſp. Sti Johnis Jeruſalem Propr. Lord Bridgwater 1707, Felton R, als Weſt-Felton [St. Michael] Proxies vi s. viii d. 02 01 03 Synods xii d. Lord Craven 1690. 05 12 01 Harley R. [St. Mary] Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods xv d. O0 II 02 1 Earl of Bradford 1720. 07 14 09} ightfield R. [St. John Baptiſt] Proxies iii s. iiïi d. Synods ii s. 00 15 051 Mr. Juſtice 1708. 12 07 03:{"lop xiis. mi d. Proxies and Synods xix s. vid. s Middle R. [St. Peter] Penf. Capell. Hadnall xl s. Abb. Sa- or 04 08 Lord Bridgwater 1689. Prees V. (St. Chadd] Ecclef. Lich. Propr. Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield 1706. Mrs. Catherine Kerre Patr. by Grant from the Biſhop and Ch. of Lichfield 1726. 06 07 06 ŞStepleton R. [St. John] Proxies xii d. Synods xx d. Abb. 00 12 09 2 Salop x s. Edward Owen Efq; Edward Baldwyn, Pope Eſq; by Turns, Upton-Magna R. [St. Lucia] cum Whitington. 01 04 00 70. Kynaſton Eſq; 1696. WHITCHURCH R. (St. Alkmund) with * Marbury in Dioc. Ceftr. Synods iii s. iiii d. Proxies vi s. viii d. Pr, in Vi- *04 09 02 fitat. iiii s. Sal. Capell. de Marbury inii l. xiii s. iili d. Duke of Bridgwater 1720. P WELLINGTON Sarzo 10 00 OO 0 00 00 Abbozoo 12 00 00 44 II 08 304 * Marbury Chap. is in the County and Dioceſe of Cheſter, in D. Namptwick. 106 DIOCESE of CO VENTRY SHROPSHIRZ. s. xx szor 14 08 00 10 07 00 09 05 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. s. d. 09 05 00 WELLINGTON V. [A11-Saints] Synods v s. Proxies x s. 00 18 06 Exempt from the Arch-Deacon. Mon. Salop Propr. ad un. Med. Š Preb.ibm. ad alteram Med. Sondley Eyton Eſq; 1712. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Ş Arcall, als Ercall-magna V. [St. Michael] Abb. Salop xx, s. 45 00 00 { Proxies xs. Synods ii s. vijid. Abb. Salop Propr. Earl of Bradford 1717. .40 00 00 Attingham V. als Atcham, Synods and Proxies iii s. iiii d. OI 02 08 Mon. Lilleſpull Propr. Ro. Burton Efq; 1911. 45 00 Co Baſchurch V. [All-Saints] Proxies x s. Synods iiii s. 01 OI 07 The KING. - Abb. Salop Propr. 40 00 00 Condover V. [St. Andrew] Proxies xiii s. jiird. Synods vi d. oo og 05 Mon. Salop Propr. Edward Owen Efq; 1720. 45 Oo oo Fitz R. [St. Paul] Synods xii de Proxies iii s. iiii d. The KING. 40 Oo oo Frodelley R. (St. Mark] Synods xii d. Proxies v s. Samuel Edwards Efy; 1712. 49 Oo oo 00 Hordley R. [St. Mary] Proxies ii s. Synods xid. 00 07 II John Kyňafton Efq; 1713. 35 Oo oo Leighton V. [St. Mary] Rectori de Holgate v s. Syn. ii s. vi do 00 15 03 Abb. Bildewas Propr. John Lacon Eſq;1713. Mr. Edwards (W.) 38 10 00 Loppington V. [St. Mary] Synods xv d. 00 13 021 The KING. Pri. Wormbridge Propr. 32 00 Munsford V. [St. Chadd] Monsford' V. [St. Chadd] Proxies vi s. viii d. xviii d. OG 10% Pri. Brewood Propr. Jo. Bromley Eſq; 1714. Moreton Corbett R. [St. Bartholomew] Synods xx d. Pro- 41 00 00 { xies xviii d. 00 10 041 Andrew Corbett. Efq; 1720. 47 oo oo Neſtrange V. (St. Andrew] oo 18 oo The KING.“ Abb. Salop Propr. S Pelton V. als. Petton, (olim Capell . to Baſchurch) Prox. XX 30 Oo oo Synods xi d. 00 06 05 The KING.. Abb. Salop Propr. 39. Oo oo Pitchford R. [St. Michael] Proxies vi s. viï d. Syn. xvi d. 00 12 061 Adam Otley Eſq; 1716. 45 00 00 Rodington R. [St. George] 00 13 04 The KING 31 CO oo Ruiton als. Ryton V. (St. John Baptift) Synods ii s. 00.11 09 The KING. Mon. Haghủond Propr. 46 00 00 Shawburie V. [St. Mary] Synods ii s. Proxies yi so viii d. 00 14 01 Mon. Haghmond Propr. Lord Gower 1720. 35 00 00 Shenton R. (St. Peter and St. Paul) Prox. iii s. iiii d. Syn. xi d. 0 12 'II Jo. Dicken Gent. (this Turn) 1713. 44 00 QO Smethcote R. (St. Michael] Proxies iii s. iiii d. Synods xii d. 00 08 11 Richard Philips Eſq; Mr. Bedow (W-.). Staunton Synods} 00 ܘܘ{-Pro - { d300 2 SHROPSHIRE. and LICHFIELD. 197 d. 1. d. 00 ILOI Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. 32 00 00 Staunton V. [St. Andrew] Synods and Proxies ix s. id. Mon. Haghmond Propr. Richard Corbett Efq; 1713. 49 Oo oo Wroxeter V. [St. Andrew] Proxies xs. Synods ii s. 01 02 09 Mon. Hagbmond Propr. Lord Bradford 1716. 49 00 00 Wrockerdine V. (St. Peter] Proxies vii s. vid. Synods iiii s. 00 14 10 The KING. Abb. Salop Propr. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Abrighton Cur. (St. John Baptiſt] l. 10:00:00 Clear Val. College of Battlefield Propr. Mr. Ireland Patr. Neſſe-parva (St. Martin] Chap, to Berrington. Acton Pigot Chap. to Burnell. Langley Chap. to Burnell. Creſſage Chap.' to Counde. Cockſhute (St Helen] Chap. to Elleſmere. of no Val, Dudleſton (St. Mary] Chap. to 31. 04 : 02 : 08 Clear Val. Elleſmere Penley (St. Mary] Chap. in Co.31 . 00 : 16 : 00 Clear Val. Denbigh to Elleſmere. Wixall [St. Mary] Chap. to Prees. i 1..12 : 05:00 Clear Val. Preſton [St. Martin] Chap. to 31. 10 : 00:00 Clear Val. Prees Tilftock [St. Giles] Chap. to Whitchurch of no Val., Whitington [St. Mary] Chap. to Upton of no Val. Grinfell R. [All Saints ... I. 18 : io : 00 Clear Val. Free-School of Salop Patr. Abby of Hagbmond Propr. Hadnall [St. Mary Magdalen] Chap. to Grinfell of no Val. Longnor Chap. to Condover. Eyton (All-Saints] Chap. to Wroxeter.. Uppington Cur. (Holy Trinity) Mr. Boycot Patr. Pri, Worm-- bridge. Propr. Longdon Chap. to Ponſbury in Hereford Dioc. (vide D. Pont- bury) though the Chap, is in this Deanry. St. Chadd Salop. The KING Patr. College of St. Chadd Propr. Eaton Conſtantine lib Cap. xxvi s. ii d. Val. E, of Bradford Patr. St. Julian in Salop 1. 21 : 00 : :00 Clear Val. Abby of Salop Propr. Sir John Aſtley Patr. St. Mary's in Salop (not charged) Corporation of Salep Patr. College of St. Mary's Propr. St. Giles's in Salop, united to St. Cruce. Broughton Cur. 1. 04 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. The KING Patr. Abb. Salop Propr. Le Blockhurſt Cur. (St. Peter] Mr. Clayton Patr. Clive Chap. [All-Saints] - 1. 14 : 14 : 08 Clear Val. Mr. Wycherley Patr. College of St. Mary, Salop, Propr. Leebotwode P ? 108 DIOCESE of COVENTRY STAFFORDSH. } Leebotwood Chapel (St. Mary] l. 8:01:00 Clear Val. Sir Richard Corbeli Patr. Abb. Hagbmond Propr. Wormbridge Cur. (St. Mary and 1d32. St. Leonard] 23:01 : 04 Clear Val. Lord of the Manor Patr. Priory of IVormbridge Propr, Battlefield Cur. ( dalen 3:00: co Clear Val. Mr. Corbett Patr. Welſh Hampton Cur. [St. Michael] l. 6! 00:00 Clear Val. Mr. Kynaſton Patr. Knights Templars Propr. Kenley Cur. 1. 33 : 00:00 Clear Hal. Earl of Bradford Patr. Uffington Cur. (of no Value.) Mr. Kynaſt on Patr. Knights Templars Propr. Bicton, Chapel to St. Chadd's 1. 20 : 04 : oo Clear Val: Aſtley Chapel 1. 5: 00 : 00 Clear Val. D. Laplep and Treizull, in the Arch-Deaconry of STAFFORD. 1. s. 27 II 08 : ܐܘܘ 7ܘ ioo1 I o7 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenth's d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. Bradley R. * [All-Saints] Penf. Capellano Beatæ Mariæ Lich. ixvi's. viii d. Proxies xv s. Ceftr. Epiſc. pro Syn. quolibet for 15 0.2 tertio anno vi s. viii d. 13 10 07:ŞBlymhill R. (St. Mary) Epifc . Ceftr. pro Syn. quolibet tertio? 13 10 073 anno ii s. Proxies Archidiac. x-s. ii d. : 07 Earl of Bradford two Turns. Mr. Manning one (W.) Mrs. Mary Levet Widow (this Turn) 1706. Church Eyton R. (St. Edith] Penf. Abbilé Poleworth xiii l. 14 19 091 vi s. viii d. Archidiac. Proxies xvii s. Epiſc. Ceftr. quolibet sol og 11 tertio anno pro Syn, vi s. Thomas Chetwynd and Thomas Bowles Gent. Lord Chet- wynd (W.) '27 02 11 Endfield alias Envield R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. Prox. xiiii s. 02 14 034 Epiſc. Ceftr. quolibet tertio anno pro Syn. iii s. Mr. Southwell (W.) Mrs. Bridget Downing Widow 1717, ŞForton R. (All-Saints] Archidiac. Proxies Xiii s. Epiſc..Cefir. 2 20 19 02 Ź quolibet tertio anno pro Syn. ii s. x d. Edward Skrimſher Efq; Mr. Baldwyn. 03 13 04 Hinley alias Hymley R. (St. Michael] oo 07 04 Lady Frances Dudley 1693. 10 02 06 ŞNorbury R. (St. Peter] Archidiac . Proxies xiii s. iüid. Epiſc. OI OO 03 2 Ceftr. quolibet tertio anno pro Syn.iis.. vi.d. Aston Baldwyn Eſq; 1712. Quatt $}02 2 OI II 3 Epifc.301 Bradley is an Impropriation in Sir John Curzon, only a Curacy remains, which is certified to the Govers nours of Q. Anne's Bounty, to be of the Yearly Value of 31. 6 s. 8.d. by the Name of Bradley le Moors. 1 STAFFORDSH. and LICHFIELD. 109 S. 14 05 00 { 6:31 htiozoo 11 0.1 0.8 OI 02. 02 terror Zoo: 15 01 King's Books. Pearly Tenths. 1. d. I. d. Quatt Church [St. Andrew] Prior, de Malvern magna ·XX: S.. 2 Epiſc. Ceftr. quolibet tertio anno pro Syn. ii s. Archidiac. or 08 06 Prox. xi s. viii d. Sir John Wollrich Bart. 1713. 05 12 08:{Sedgeley, Church : [All Saints ] Epifc. Ceftr. quolibet tertio? 00 II 035 anno xii d. Archidiac. Ceftr. pro Prox. xvi s. Mr.Ward (W.) Mr. John Parks. Pri. Dudley Propr. olim (W) Shref hales alias Sheriff: Hales V. (St. Mary] Archidiac. Staff. pro Prox. xii s: Epiſc. Ceftr. quolibet tertio anno pro Syn. xvi d. Archidiac. Staff. pro Prox. xii s. Pens. Vicario Shefnal v s. Lord Gower. Pri. Shene in Surr. Impr. S Swynford Regis R. Redd. Aſiz, xd. Epiſc. Ceſtr. quolibet ter- 17 0:3 04 tio anno pro Syn. iiii s. Archidiac.. Staff . pro Prox. xvi s. OF 14 04 Lord Dudley (W.) Mr. Peter Perfehouſe and Richard Har- riſon (this Turn) 1704. Lord Foley: Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 46 00 00 Ş Buſhbury V. [St. Mary] Epifc. Ceftr. quolibet tertio anno pro? 2 Syn, xii d. Archidiac. Prox. xiis. John Groſvenor Eſq; 1692. Coll.. or Pri. St. Thoma Staf- ford Impr. 15 00 00 Breewood V. [St. Mary] 00 13 09 Eccleſia Lichen. Propr. Dean of Coventry and Lichfield. 40 00 00 Cheſwardine V. in Com. Salop [St. Swithin] oo 10 08 Abb. Haghmond Propr: Mrs. Aleſtram Clayton Widow 1684. SLapley V. [All Saints] Epiſc. Ceftr. quolibet tertio anno pro 31 10 CO & Syn. ji s. 300 11 02: College Tonge Propr. Sir Michael Biddulph Bart. 1700. 44 00 00 Patingham V. (St. Chadd] 00: 16 00 Mon. de Launda in Leiceſt. Propr. Ro. Slaney and Edward Dovey Gent. 1718. The Revdi Mr. Butler the preſent Incumbent 1722. (W.) Pen alias Overpen V. [St. Bartholomew] Epiſc. Ceftr. quolibet 43 00 00 tertio anno pro Syn. xii d.. Archidiac. Staff. pro Proxies >00:08 07: xii s. vid. Ecclefia Lichen. Propr. Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. Weſton ſubter Lizard R. Archidiac, Proxies x s, iiid. Epiſc. 41 10 Oo anno Earl of Bradford (W) Lady Elizabeth Wilbraham Widow 1704. Womborne (St. Benedict], and Trefull R, [A11-Saints] Epiſc.7 4:9 Oo oo Ceſir. quolibet tertio anno pro Syn, xii d. Archidiac. Staff. 01 05 036 Prox, xiiii s, viii d.. A. Vic. (W.) Pri. Dudley olim Propr. Lord:Ward 1695. Lord Dudley (W.) Worfield: * Sheriff Hales { Burleton, a Chapel to Sheriff-Hales, not certified. ( Woodcoat is: a Chapel annexed to it, but not certified.. s}oo: { IIO of DIOCESE of COVENTRY s. 1. s. d. COVENTRY STAFFORDSH. Clear learly Value. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. $Worfield V. [St. Peter) in Com. Salop. Epiſc. Ceftr. quolibet? ? tertio anno pro Syn. ii s. OI 13 06 Dec. & Cap. Lich Impr. Sharington Davenport Efq; 1707. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. 35 00 00 to34. Codfall Cur. [St. Nicholas] I. 19 : 10 : 04 Clear Val. Sir John Wriotheſley Patr. College of Tettenhall Propr. Patteſhall Cur. (St. Mary] lo 7: 14 : 00 Clear Val. Sir John Aftley Patr. College of Wolverhampton Propr. Tettenhall Cur. (St. Michael] - 1.23 : 09: 00 Clear Val. Sir John Wriotheſley Patr. PENKRIDGE Cur. (St. Michael] l. 24 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Sir Edward Littleton Patr. Olim Colleg. Dunſtone [ St. Leonard ] Chapel? to Penkridge 1 :00 : 00 Clear Val. } Olim Colleg. Copnal (St. Laurence] Chapel to 4 : 00:00 Clear Val. Penkridge Shareſhall, Chapel to Penkridge 1. 8:01 : 04 Clear Val. Stretton [ St. John] Chapel to? to?? . 20 : 00:00 Clear Val. Penkridge Hilton Cur. (St. John Baptiſt ] ? 1: 00 : 00 Clear Val. in Com, Salop (demoliſhed) Woodbafton alias Wobaſtón Cur. l. 10: 00 : 00 Clear Val. Areley Chapel (St. Peter] Sir Thomas Littleton Patr. Ch. of Lichfield Propr. Burleton, Chapel to Sheriff-Hales. Cannock Cur. (St. Michael] Dean and Chapter of Lichfield Patr. and Impr. KINFAR E alias Kinver Cur. [St. Peter) ſettled in Truſt. Abby of Bordſley olim Propr. WOLVERHAMPTON * Cur. (St. Mary and St. Peter] Dean and Canons of Windſor. College of Wolverhampton olim. Wheaten Aſhton, Chap. to Lapley l. 2 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Bilfton [St. Leonard] Chapel to Wolverhampton 4 : 10 : oo Clear Val. 1. Willenhall [St. Giles] Chapel to 10: 00 : 00 Clear Val. Wolverhampton 134 to34 to31. * Wolverhampton-A Collegiate Church annexed to the Deanry of Windſor, a Market-Town, Dear thirty Miles in Circuit, containing ſeventeen great Villages, wherein are but three Chapels of Eaſe, not capable of the tenth Part of the Inhabitants, which have been ordinarily computed at near 30,000 Souls. New De- fcription of Enıland by Moll, p. 218. Wolverhampton was formerly one of the King's Free Chapels, to which great Inmunities were granted. Vide Monafticon, Tom. III. Part 2. p. 207. STAFFORDSH. III and LICHFIELD. D. Leeke and Alcon alias Alveton, in the Arch-Deaconry of STAFFORD. King's Books l. s. d. I. s. d. 12 09 02 vis. for Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. SCAEDULL R. [St. Giles] Arcbidiac. Proxies and Synods vi s. OI 04 11 2 viii d. Abb. Croxden vii s. viii d. Trinity College Cambridge. Checkley R. [St. Mary and All-Saints] Redd. iii d. Mon. de Stone xx s. Ecclef. de Uttoxeter iii s. Archidiac. Proxies S02 00 03 and Synods xv s. Mr. 70. Sherrat Cl. 1713. Mr. Langley the Incumbent 20 02 06 fo2 Patr. 1723. 15 14 02 SGrendon R. (All-Saints] Archidiac. Proxies and Synods xi s. OI II 05 viii d. Abb. Burton xiiii s. Lord Montague 1902. REX ratione Lunaciæ Duciſe Montague 1722. 06 13 04 Ilam V. (Holy Croſs] Abb. Burton xiii s. ii d. 00 13 04 Abb. Burton Propr. John Port Eſq; 1709. Kingſley R. [St. Warburgh] Archidiac. Staff. Prox. and Syn. 16 15 00 { xi s. 'ii d. “Abb. Burton xiiii s. Lord Harley and Lady 1716 Leigh R. [All Saints] Abb. Burton Ixvi s. viii d. Archidiac. 08 oo 14 00 05 Proxies xiții s. viii d. Sir Walter Bagot (W.) Mr. Walter Wagstaffe and Sir Walter Bagot Bart. 1717. 13 06 Oo Il 07 00 17 04 .16 09 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 41 00 00 Alveton alias A Ineton V. (St. Peter] Epiſc. Ceftr. Syn. v s. Mon. Croxden Impr. Earl of Shrewſbury (W.) George Rod- ney Bridges Eſq; 1693. 40 10 OO Aulſtonfield V. [St. Peter] Mon. Combermere Propr. Sir John Harpur Bart. 1713. Blore Roy R. (St. Bartholomew] Abb. Burton xiii s. iïii d. Ar- 47 Oo oo chidiac. Proxies and Synods vii s. Duke of Newcaſtle 1708. 39. 00.00 5 and Proxies vii s. vid. Lord Willoughby of Brook (W) Sir Richard Verney Knt. 1691. Careſwall V. alias Caverfwall [St. Peter] Archidiac. Proxies 40 00 00 and Synods xi s. vid. Pri. Sri Thomæ Staff. Impr. George Parker Efq;. 1715. 49 00 00 S Dilhorne V, alias Dillerne (All-Saints] Archidiac. Proxies and Synods viii s. Dean and Chapter of Coventry and Lichfield Proprietor and Patron, Ar-}a Bromſhelfe R. alias Bromíhif [St. Laurence] Arcbidiac. Synods}oo 08 04: ties}oo 14 063 and Zoo 17 oo 17 03 Gratewich 1 I 2 DIOCESE of COVENTRY STAFFORDS H. 1. and Zoo 42 16 08 १०० 04.05.08 00 00 00 and Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, I. d. d. ;17 Oo oo Gratewich R. (St. Mary) Archidiac. Syn. and Prox, xii d. oo 08 og Lord Chetwynd. Pri. Tickford Propr. SEllaſton V. alias Glaſton [St. Peter] Archidiac. Proxies and 30 00 oo 00 08 I'T Synods vii s. vid. Sir Thomas Fleetwood (W.) Abb. Dulacres Propr. Uni- verſity of Oxford. · Lord Bathurſt 1724. LEEKE V. [St. Edward] 00 15 II *Mon. Dulacres Impr. Earl of Macclesfield and Mrs. Rud- diard (W) alternately. Roland Oakover Efq; Mr. William Trafford and Mrs. Mary Rudyard 1719. 5 Mayfield V. alias Mathfield (St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. Pro- 47 Oo oo oo 12 08 { xies and Synods vi s. viii d. Pri. Tutbury Propr. Ro. Fern Gent. 1703. Rocefter V. alias Rocettur (St. Michael] Mon. Rocettur Impr. Earl of Shrewſbury (W.) Mrs. Anne Bofvile. SUT TOXETER V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. Stafford. Synods and 2 48 03 04 Proxies XX S. oo 14 02 Dean and Canons of Windſor Propr. and Patr. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Talk, Chapel to Alveton l. 5 : 14 : 00 Clear Vah. Elkfton St. John Baptift] Chapel ? hoo: 06:03 Clear Val. to Auiftonfield Longnor [St. Giles] Chapel to 31. 3 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Aulſtonfield Warflow (St. John Baptiſt] Chap. 1. to Aulītonfield 1 : 10:00 Clear Val. Roceſter Cur. 1. 13 : 10 : 00 Clear Val. Horton Cur. 1. 20: 00 : 00 Clear Val. Okeover alias Oakover Cur. [All-Saints] .(not Certified) Mr. Oakover Patr. Abb. Burton Propr. Endon, Chapel to Leeke (of no Value.) Earl of Macclesfield Patr. Marbrook [St. Mary] Chapel to }1, 11 : 12 : 00 Clear Val. Leeke Ruſhdon [St. Laurence] Chapel to 31. 13 : 10:00 Clear Val. Caldon, (St.Mary]Chap.toMathfield l. 8:19 08 Clear Val. Butterton, Chapel to Mathfield - 1.17 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Chedulton Cur. [St. Edward] l. 7: 15 : 10 Clear Val. Abb. Dulacres Propr. Croxden . (St. Giles] formerly an Abbey I. 12 : 00 : oo Clear Val. Earl of Macclesfield Patr. Norton in le Moor (St. James] - h 47 : 16:08 Clear Val. Preb. Hanfacre Patr. Sheen apel}, } an} STAFFORDSH. " and "L'ICHFIELD. I 13 Sheen Cur. l. 4 : 13": 00 Clear Val. Mr. Thomas Ward Patr. Waterfall Cur. [St. James] 1. 7:00 : oo Clear Val. Wetton Cur. [St. Margaret] 1.7 : 13 : 04 Clear Vel. Caulton C. (St. Mary) Mr. Finney Patr. Abb. Burton Propr. D. Newcaſtle and Stone, in the Arch-Deaconry of STAFFORD. 1. S. di OI OI II 1 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tonths, 1. d Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 06 06 00 Alta-Omey V. (St. Mary] Co 12: 074 Prebendary of Offley in Lichfield Propr. and Patri. 30 16. 10. Arch-Deaconry of Stafford, founded before the Year 1140. 03 01 08 Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. 10.0.2 08. Aſhley R. (St. John Baptiſt] Epiſc. Coven. Proxies vi s. OI 00 034 Mr. John Chetwynd (W..) Honourable Lady Elizabeth Gerrard Widow 1684. 1:0 19.02 Blithfield R. (St. Leonard] Archidiac. Staff. Prox. vii s. vid. Sir Walter Bagot Bart. 1713; 05 07 06 Chebſey Church alias Chebley alias Shebley V. [All-Saints] 00 10 09 Dean and Chapter of Lichfield. Draycott in le Moor R. (St. Peter) Ecclefi de Checkley iii s. 09.06 08 jii d. Abb. Combermere iii s. , iiii d. Archidiac. Staff. Sy->00 18 08 nods xiiis. Georgé Parker Eſq; 1721. Lord Langdale (W.) SHaughton R. [St. Giles] Archidiac, Staff. Proxies vi s. viii d. 09.11 03 Ecclef. de Gnoſall. ii s. x d. 19 ORE Mr. Young (W) Edward Walter Gent. 1686.. 10 17 06 Ingeſtre R. [St. Mary] Lord Chetwynd (W) William. Chetwynd Eſq; 1691. Muggleſton alias Muccleſton R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. Staff 20 03 09 Proxies Xv s, Epiſc. Synods xvid per annum. 02 00 04 70. Opley Eſq; 1682. Mr. Crew (W.) Standon R, [All-Saints] Archidiac, Staf. Synods and Pro- xiès xïi s. Epiſc: Lich. pro-Viſitat: i1ii s. per annum. 00 13 10 Mrs. Felicia Wright Widow (this Turn; 1712. · William Vyfe Eſq; 1720, 1729. Stoke upon Trent R. [St. Peter] the Borough of Newcaſtle is 41 00 10 in this Pariſh. 04 02.0.1 Dr. Allen' the preſent Incumbent (W) 70. Sidebotham 2.Zoo 19 or OI OI 09 I 302 50-300 13 06 18 04 {S: is} of Gent. 1697: is Swinnerton R. (St. Mar.y] Prior. de Stone xl s.. Archidiac. 10 02 06 Synods and Proxies xiiiis. v d. : Epiſc.: Viſitat. quolibet ter 01 00.03 tio anno iii s. illi d. Mr. Fitzherbert (W.) Oxford Univerſity: (this Turn) 1707. a. Wolftanton * Irgeſtre R..Walter Chetrend Eſq; offer'd upon the Altar the Tythes of Hoptor, as an Addition to the ſaid Rectory, Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, P. 297. I14 DIOCESE of COVENTRY STAFFORDSH. { 9303 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. I. s, d. Wolftanton R. *. [St. Nicholas] Epiſc. Synods and Proxies 32 03 09 xii s. Epiſc. Viſitat. quolibet tertio Anno vi s. viii-d. 04 04 Livings diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Audley V. [St. James Archidiae, Synods and Proxies xii s. 42 00 00 { Capella Betteley xv s. 13 04 Äbb. Hilton Propr. Mr. Tollet (W.) Mr. 70. Wiſhaw 1702. Il 10 00 viszoo 08 04 "}00 41 02 08 00 12 00 30 00 00 Biddulph V. (St. Laurence] oo 08 114 Pri. Hilton Propr. Lady Bowyer (W) Charles Adderley Eſq; 1704. Mr. Oldfield 1719. 44 00 00 ECCLESHALL V.+ [Holy Trinity). 00 15 051 Biſhop of Lichfielā Propr. being Prebendary thereof (W.) oo Madely V. (All-Saints] oo 09 077 Pri. Stone Propr. John Crew Offey Eſq; 1703. S Milwich V. (All-Saints] Archidiac. Synods and Proxies vi s. 31 10 00 oo 08 04 viii d. Epiſc. quolibet tertio' Anno xii d. Pri. Sti. Wolphadi Impr. Mr. Dyves (W.) Walter Anton Gent. 1681. S Sandon R. (All-Saints] Archidiac. Proxies xii s. Epiſc. quo- 47 10 oo 2 libet tertio Anno xii s. 00 15 00 Ducheſs of Hamilton 1716. Sightford V. (St. Chadd] Archidiac. Syn. and Prox, vi s. Pri. Ronton Impr. The KING. 46 10 00 Tixall R. (St. John Baptiſt] 00 16 OI Lord Aſton (W.) Walter Aſhton Eſq; 1706. Thomas Whit. by Efq; William Green, William Robins, George Gataker and Henry Walker Gent. 1719. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Norton, Chapel to Stoke l. 20 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Whitmore, Chapel to Stoke (of 'no Value.) Bucknall (St. Mary] Chapel to I. 10 : 00:00 Clear Val. Stoke Bagnal, Chapel to Stoke l. 3 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Burlem [ St. Peter ] Chapel to}1. 22 : 09 : 06 Clear Val. Stoke NEWCASTLE Unde-Line [St. Sa- }1.25 : 09 : 06 Clear Val. viour] Chapel to Stoke Wore, Chapel to Muggleſton I. 18: 00 : 00 Clear Val. Barlafton Cur. [St. John Baptiſt] 1. 9:00 : 00 Clear Val. Lord Gower Patr. Pri. Trentham Propr. Betley Cur. (St. Margaret] (not certifieds) Mr, Crew Patr. Pri. Róntón "Propr. Baſwick alias Berkswich Curacy? (Holy Trinity] : 30 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Afton * Wolllanton R.—The Biſhop of Lichfield'is Ithpropria for of the Rectory, 'the Pariſh is only a Curacy, with the Chapel called New-Chapel, certified at 9.1. 15 s. Clear Value. Mr. Sneyde is Leffee and Patron. + Eccleßhall V. has Broughton and Charnes Chapels, ( not certified.) 1931. tracy}". STAFFORDSH. and- LICHFIELD. 115 Aeon Truffel (St. James] Chap.31 . 14:00 : 00 Clear Val. to Baſwick Bednal] [All-Saints] Chap. to $ Baſwick l. 12. : 10: 00 Clear Val. Bradley juxta Stafford Cur. (All-?1. 16: 10:00 Clear Val. Saints] Coll. Sti Tho. olim Propr. Caſtlechurch juxta Staff. Cur. 31. 09:06 : 08 Clear Val. [St. Laurence] Lord Stafford Patr. Coll. Stafford Propr. Ellenhall Cur. [St. Mary] 1. 04 : 13 : 04 Clear Val. Sir John Cope Patr. Abb. Ronton Propr. Gayton Cur.[St. John Baptiſt] I. II : 10:00 Clear Val. Coll. Sii Tho. Staff. Propr. Mr. Chetwynd Patr. Ipſtones Cur. [St. Leonard] 1. 13:06 : 08 Clear Val. Abb. Dulacres Propr. Biſhop of Lichfield Patr. Kingſton l. 10 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. College of Penkridge olim Propr. Mr. Sneyde Patr. Keele Cur. [St. Michael] 1. 24 : 00:00 Clear Val.. Mr. Cheiwynd Patr. Knights Templars Propr. Cur. (All] 06.: 16 : 08 Clear Val. merly an Abby Sir John Cope Patr. Adbaſton Cur. (St. Margaret] (not certified) Dean of Lich- field Patr. Creſwell R. (not certified or in Charge) Mr. Robins & alii Patr. Ch. demoliſhed. Gnofall Cur. [St. Laurence] (not certified) Biſhop of Lich. field Patr, STAFFORD St. Mary's R. (not in Charge or certified) The KING. Charleton [St. Laurence] Chap. 31. 05:00:00 Clear Val. to Eccleßhall Mear Cur, 1. 20 : 06:08 Clear Vali Coll. Sti Tho. Staff. Propr. Mr. Afh Patr. Marſton Chap. to St. Mary's}1 . 15:06:08 Clear Val. Staff.. St. Chadd's Staff. Cur. 1..07: 10 : 00 Clear Val. Preb. Prees Patr. Stone Cur. [St. Michael]. 1. 04 : 13:00 Clear Vel. The KING Patr. Pri. Stone Propr. Fulford Cur. (St. Nicholas] h. 25: 17:00 Clear Val. Dr. Allen Patr. Stow Cur. l. 14: 13 : 04 Clear Val. Pri. Sti The. Staff. Propr. Earl Ferrers Patr. Trentham [St. Mary) formerlyfl. 14 : 00:00 Clear Val. a Priory Pri. Trentham Propr. Lord Gower Patr. Blurton Chap. to Trentham h 32 : 02 : 06 Clear Val. Weſton on Trent Cur. 1. 08: 04 : 10 Clear Val. Coll. Sti Tho. Staff. Propr. Mr. Fowler Patr. . . 2 116 STAFFORDSH. DIOCESE of COVENTRY PL 1. s. 1. S. d. 08 01 03 00 00 : and 303 0 Synodszoo 00 1000.. . ܫ ܘܘ;.. 301 D. Tamworth and Tutbury, in the Arch-Deaconry:' of STAFFORD. Livings remaining in-Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. ! S Aldrich als Aldridge V. [St. Maryl Archidiac. Synods and? Vifit. Epiſcii s. , . 16 01; Mrs. Anne Edes Widow, and Mary Dolman, 1718. and Scot alternately. Mr. Hoo and others (W.) Ş.Clifton Campvile R. * [St. Andrew]: Archidiac. Proxies and 30 Oo oo 2 Synods xii s. vid. Edward Carleton Mercht. 1701. Sir Robert Pye (W.p. 826.) s Colton R. [St. Mary] · Archidiac. Siaff. Proxies and Synods 05 Oo oo vi s. viii di Walter Länder Efq;.1701. 03 11 051 Dorlafton R. (St. Laurence] Archidiac. Syn, and Prox. ii s. 00 07 One John Crew Ofley Efq; 1718. 07 08 04 S Drayton Baffet R. [St. John Baptiſt]: Archidiac. Proxies v s. 00 14 10. 2 Epifc. Proxies viii d. The KING 13 06 08 S.Elford R. [St. Peter] Archidiac. Synods and · Proxies x s. viiid. 2 Epiſc. Proxies xvid. OI 06 08 William Webb Gent. (this. Turn) 1714. Earl of Berk- ſhire (W.) SHamštajl Ridware R. [St. Michael] · Abb. Burton v.s. Archi-> 06 or 00:{ diac. Proxies and Synods vii s. Epifc. pro win, annuatin kina. Soo 12 013 Mr. Thomas Leigh 1715. Lord Leigh (W..) ŞHandſworth R. [St. Mary] Arcbidiac. Synods vii s.. vid. E-X01 06 11 piſc. annuatim xx d. Edward Birch Serjeant at Law 1692. Humphry Würley. Birch Efq; is Patron every third Turn.' Mr. Ainge every third Turn. : Walter Dominus Afton and Sir Ed. Lit életon preſented - 1636. 04 Oo oo Horborne V. (St. Peter] 00 08 00: Dean and Chapter of Lichfield Propr. and Påtr. . 05 05 00 Longdon V. [St. James] 00 10 06. Prebendary thereof Patr. and Propr.. S Maves s in Redware R. [St. Andrew] Vicaria Stell. Prebend.de? 07 02 11 { Aldrewas.X's. 00 14 031 Mr. Newton-one Moiety, Mr. Chadwicke and Philip Pär- geter Efq; 1685, the other. (W.) Rolfton R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. Synods and Proxies vi's. 13 19 07 viiida Priori Tutbury xl s. pro duabus partib. Decim. Terr. Sol Oy Yr's Dominical, in Rolſton. : Francis Ruſſell Eſq; ảnd his Wife 1693.- Sir Oſwald Moſe- ley (IK.) 13 og 02 }oa jos f Tatenhill *Clifton Campvile has Chilcoai Châp, in Com. Derb. annex'd. (not certified.) and Hørlafton Chap. STAFFORDSH. and LICHFIELD, 117 King's Books. l. So d. 02 I 2 02 too i d.3o1 S 17 06 08 • I. d. 1. 47 18 08 00 10 02 learly Tenths. I. d. Tatenhill R. [St. Michael] (annexed to the Deanry of Lich- field by Act.of Parliament 4° & 5° Anne Reginæ) Archi- 26 O1 08 diac, Staff. Proxies and Syn. xv s. Epiſc. Proxies an nu- atim i s. ii da Thorpe Conſtantine R. [St. Conſtantine] Archidiac. Staff. Sy- 05 05 05 ļ nods and Proxies yi S. viii d. Domino Regi pro Redd. x'd.00 10 06's 2 Epiſc. Proxies xvi d. annuatim. William Inge Eſq; 1719, WALSALL Y. [All-Saints] Abb. Haleſowen vii s. viitd. 10 19 07 01 OF 11. Archidiac. Synods and Proxies xiii s. vid. Abb. Haleſowen Propr. Lord and Lady Bradford 1708. Yoxhall R. [St. Peter] Archidiar. Proxies and Synods xii s. vid. ou 14 08 Duke of Newcaffle. Earl of Uxbridge (W.) In this Deanry was formerly charged the Rectory of Hanbury, at 43-2. 15 s. 2- di which Rectory was, ſince the ſaid Charge, made a Part of the Biſhoprick of Coventry and Lich-. field, and is now only a Curacy. Livings Diſchargeda Clear Yearly Value. Aldrewas-V. [All-Saints} oo 1008 Prebendary thereof Propr, and Patr. 30 00 00 Bromley Abbats V. '[St. Nicholas] Abb. Burton Propr. Earl of Uxbridge 1717. 40 00 00 Rugeley V. [St. Auguſtin] 00 10 02 Dean and Chapter of Lichfield Propr. and Patr. 30 00 00 Ruſhalt V. [St. Michael] Archidiac. Proxies-iiii s. oo 08 06 Abb. Haleſowen Propr. William Leigh Eſq; 1709. S. Shenfton V. * [St. John Baptiſt]" Decano Cap. Lich. x s. 30 Oo oo 00 12 07 į Synods illi s. Abb. Ofëney in Co. Oxon. Propr. Samuel Hill Efq; 1724, TUTBURY V. (St. Marv] 00 14 00 Pri. Tütbury Propr. Duke of Devonſhire 1720. 47 18 00 Vicar in Ecclefia Præbendal. de Colwich (St. Mi 00 12 00 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Wedneſbury V. [S. Bartholomew] Abb. Haleſowen xłs. Ar. 40 00 00 00 03 04 chidiae. Synods and Proxies xi s. Epiſi. Proxies xii d. KING. Abb. Haleſowen Propr. BURTON. UPON TRENT Cur. [St. Mary and St. Mod- wen] (not certified) Earl of Uxbridge Patr. Abb. Burton Propr. 41 09 08 LICHFIELD St. Mary's in foro V. Chi of Lichfield Patr; St. Chadd's, als Stow Curi. Vicar of St. Mary's Patr, 06 0000 St. Michael's Cur. Vicar of St. Mary's Patr: Hamerwich Cur. Stotfold Cap. Mr. Wolferſton Patron, . Chaçols * Shenjton V.--Mr. Hill is Patron as above, in exchange with the Crown forthe Rectory of St. James's Colcheſter in Co, Elex. "}co 20 00 00 { ܘܘ{r 01. 00 03 06 08 ! 118 DIOCESE of COVENTRY STAFFORDSH. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Barr Chap. to Aldridge - 1. 20 : 00 : 00 Clear Væl. Barton Needwood (St. James)}1. 25: 00 : 00 Clear Val. l Whichneen site Leonard? Chap.}. 16 : 13 : 04 Clear Val, Bloxwich Chap. to Walfall l. 07:.00::.00 Clear Val. Hanbury Cur. [St. James] Not certified. Biſhop of Lichfield Propr. Marchington [St. Peter] Chap.31. 08 : 00:00 Clear. Val. Newborough [All Saints] Chap.}1. 05 : 00 : 00 Clear. Val. to Hanbury Armitage Cur. (St. John] ?. 20 : 10 : oo Clear Val. P. Hanſacre Patr. Farwell Cur. (St. Bartholomew]l. 06:06:08 Clear Val. D. and Ch. of Lichfield Patr. Edinghall Cur. (Holy Trinity] l. 26 : 00:00 Clear Val. P. Aldrewas Patr. Hints Cur. ho on : 00:00 Clear Val. P. Hanſacre Patr, Tipton Cur. [St. Martin] I. 16-: 00:00 Clear Val. P. Prees Patr, Whitington Cur. !. 32: 00:00 Clear Val. Mr. Cowper Patr. Norton Ch. (St. Margaret] 1. 20 : 00:00 Clear Val. Ch. of Lichfield Patr. P. Hanſacre Propr. Bromley Regis Cur. (All-Saints] l. 35 · 00:00 Clear Val. P. Aldrewas Patr. Weſt-Bromwich Cur. (St. Cle- [}! 22 : 00 : 00 Clear. Val. ment] E. of Dartmouth Patr. Pri. Tickford Propr. Pipe-Ridware Cur. (St. James] l. 15.: 00.: 00 Clear Val, P. Aldrewas Patr. Wigginton (St. Leonard] Chap. to Tamworth. Weford Cur. (St. Mary] Not certified. Ch. of Lichfield Propr. Mr. Swynfen, Preb. ibm. Patr, TAMWORTH Cur. (olim Collegium) l. 16:: 0.00 Cert. Val. Mr. Repington Patr. Fragwell, als Frodſwell Chap. to I. 12 : ,18 : 04 Clear Val. Merſton Chap. to Colwich. 2. Arden, in the Arch-Deaconry of COVENTRY. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 8 Oo oo Aldſtre, als Auftrey V. [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. ix s. vid. Q0 16 00 The KING 1664, 1670, Mon. Burton in Go. Staff, Prop. og co 071. Arley R. (St. Wilfrid] Archidiac. ix s. vi d. 00 18.00 Thomas Leigh Gent. 1687. Mr. Wight (W) 3 Afton 1 } d. S. d. 1. S. d. WARWICKSÅ. and LICHFIEL D. 119 . King's Books, 04 06 08 14 12 06 bis 00 10 00 15 06 08 { šo Yearly Tenths. . s. · d. ŞAſton Birmingham V. * [St. Peter and St. Paul] Cap. Lich. 21 04 09:< jüs. Proxies and Synods iii s. viii d. Redd. iii d. ib? 3o2 02 02 05 Pri. Tickford Propr. given fince to Chrift-Church Coll, Oxon. q. Sir Charles Holt Bart. Patr. 1716. Badefley Clinton R. + (St. Michael] Chap. to Poleſworth. oo 08 08 Berkſwell R. (St. John Baptiſt] Proxies and Synods Archi- diac. xi s. vid. 09 03 Robert Boyſe Eſq; 1713. The Revd. Mr. Boyſe the In- cumb. Patr. 1722. 19 03 063 BIRMINGHAM St. Martin's R. | Proxies and Syn. xii s. vid. 01 18 045 John Smith Eſq; 1723. Mr. Smith (W.) Arthur Kay Eſq; COLSHALL V. als COL ESHILL, | [St. Peter and St. Paul] 101 10 Proxies and Synods ix s. vi d. Mon. Markyate in Co. Bedd. Propr. Lord Digby 1716. 05 Oo oo Crudworth V. (St. Nicholas] Proxies and Synods x s. Mon. Leiceſtr. Propr. William Barnes Eſq; 1681, 20 03 04 Grendon R. (All-Saints] Proxies and Synods ix s. vi d. 02 00 04 Walter Chetwynd Eſq; 1715. Hampton in Arden V. (St. Mary and St. Bartholomew) with the Chap. of Nuthurſt Deftru&ta. Monaſterio de Kenelworth for 10 08 XX s. Proxies and Synods Epiſc. & Archidiac, xi s. Mon, Kenelworth Propr. Mr. Richard Lydiate (this Turn) 1713. The Hofpital in Warwick Patr. S Kingeſbury als Limeſbury V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] . Syn. 08 10 00 00 17 00 { Archidiac. iii s. The KING. Mon. Markyate Propr. 10 13 04 Manceter V. [St. Peter] 01 01 04 Mon. de Meryval Propr. Richard Drayton Efq; 1715. 14 01 051 Newton Regis R. (St. Mary] Proxies and Synods ix's. vid. or 08 ore Sir Francis Burton Bart. 1687. Sir Robert Burdet (W.) 24 14 07 NUNEATON V. [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. ix s. vi d. 02 09 051 The KING. Pri. Nuneaton Propr. 05 16 007 Seckington als Seggington R. [All-Saints] Proxies and Sy-? OO II 073 nods ix s. vid. Sir Francis Burdet Bart. 1687. 08'10 OO Sheldon R. [St. Giles] Proxies and Synods ix s. vi d. 00 17 01 William Lord Digby 1690. Solyhull * Afton-Birmingham In this Pariſh is the Chapel of Caple-Bromwich, now the Seat of Sir John Bridge man ; the ſaid Chapel was endowed with the Great Tythes by the Lord-Keeper Bridgman. Reverendi Doctoris Bray. + Badeſley-Clinton R. - no Tenths for this ever paid ; ſaid to be formerly a Member of Hampton in Arden, as by Letter from Mr. Southern, February 9, 1719. # Birmingham-An Ad for building a Pariſh Church and Parſónage-Houfe, and making a new Church- yard, and a new Pariſh of Birmingham in the County of Warwick, to be called the Pariſh of St. Piilit. 7° Anne (13) Biſhop of Lichfield Patron, it being annex’d to the Treaſurerfhip of Lichfield Cathedral. Il Colhall V. The Impropriate Tythes reſtored to this Pariſh, and alſo to Upper Whitacre in this Coun- ty, by Simon Lord Digby 1685. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 299. N, B. But theſe Tythes were reſtored only during the Pleaſure of the Donor. ** Manteter V. augmented with 20 l. per Annum by Dame Alice Dudley. Dugd. Warw. p. 775. }oo 17 ** ? Ex Relatione 1'20 DIOCESE of COVENTRY WARWICKSH. s. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. S Solyhull R. (St. Alphage] Penſ. Priori Hertford xxvi s. viii d.? 24.18 04 02 09 10 Redd. xxii d. Prox. and Syn. Epiſc. & Archidiac, xi s. x d. Andrew Archer Efq; 1705. 33 09 02' Sutton in Colfield R. (Holy Trinity] 03 06 II John Shilton Efq; 1689. The Revd. Mr. Riland (W.) c8 10 071 Weddington R. Proxies and Syn. Archidiac, ix s. vid. 00 17 00 Gilbert Adderley Efq; 1715. 05 05 00 Wiſhaw R. [St. Chadd] Proxies and Synods ix s. vi d. 00 10 06 - John Smith (this Turn) 1695. Mr. Selon and Lady Foliot by Turns. (W.) Livings diſcharged. Crear Yearly Value. 49 00 00 Anfeley V. [St. Laurence] Proxies ii s. iiji d. ·00 12 08 The KING,1682. Mon. Poleſworth Propr. Sir Richard Newdigate Bart. 1682. 48 Oo oo Baxterley R. Proxies and Synods iiii s. vi d. OQ 10.00 Thomas Leving Eſq; 1712. and the Crown alternately (W.) 40 00 00 Bignell V. als Bickenhill (St. Peter] Proxies and Syn. ix s. vid. 00.15 081 Pri. Markyate Propr. Sir Clement Fiſher Bart. 1695. Caldecote R. als Calcote [St. Theobald and St. Chadd] 35 00 00 Proxies and Synods ix s. vi d. 00 13 06 Sir Naiban Wright Kt. 1715. 26.00 og Coton V. als Chilverſcoton (All-Saints] 00 14 05. The KING. Pri. Erbury Propr. 30 00 00 Elmedon R. (St. Peter] Proxies and Synods iiii s. vid. 00 06 09 William Mayne Eſq; 1719. 30 00 00 Fillongley V. [St. Mary and All-Saints] Proxies and Syn. x s. 00 16.11 The KING. Pri. Maxtoke Propr. Maxtoke V. [St. Michael] oo 10 08 Pri. Maxtoke Propr. Lord Leigh 1718. 45 Oo oo Meriden V. [St. Laurence] Proxies and Synods ix s. vi d. OO II 021 Mon. Coventry Propr. Sir Thomas Wheate Bart. 1705. 40 00 00 Packington parva R. (St. Bartholomew] Prox. and Syn. iii s, xd. 00.06 00: Dean and Chapter of Worceſter Patr. 30 Oo oo Packington-magna V. (St. James] Proxies and Syn. ix s. vi d. 00 15 00 Mon, Kenelworth Propr. Sir Clement Fiſher Bart. 1709. 30 Oo oo POLESWORTH V. [St. Edith] Syn. Archidiac. ii s. The KING. Mon. Poleſworth Propr. 30 00 00 Shuſtocke V.[St. Cuthbert] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. ix s. vid. 00 10 281 The KING. Mon. Maxtoke Propr, Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. [ to Clear Val. - Water-Overton (St. Peter and St. Paul] Chap. to Afton. Witton Chap. to Afton. Packwood 20 00 00 ΟΙ ΟΟ ΟΟ WARWICKSH. and LICHFIELD 121 Packwood (St. Giles] Chapel to Hampton. Doftill, Chapel to Kingſbury 1. 5 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Hurley, Chapel to Kingſbury. to Manceter ID : 05:00 Clear Val. ) ATHERTON [St. Mary] Chapel 31. 11 : 05:00 Clear Val. . 1. Michael] Mr. Ferrers Patr. Aſtley Cur. [St. Mary] 1. 10: 00 : 00 Clear Val. Sir Richard Newdigate Patr. Olim Colleg. Balſall Çur. [St. Mary) (not certified) being endowed with 50 1. per Annum Tythes, by a Lady. Knights Templars olim Propr. Lady Anne Morton Patr. Egbaſton Cur. [St. Bartholomew] l. 35 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Sir Richard Gough Patr. Ch. of Lichfield Propr. Knowle Cur. (St. John Baptiſt] - l. 15 : 13:04 Clear Val. Lord Brook Patr. Olim Colleg. Lea-Marſton Cur.[St. John Baptiſt] l. 30 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Pri. Markyate in Co. Bedd. Propr. Life Hacket Patr. Milverton Cur. [St. James] 1. 5:06 : 08 Clear Val. Pri: Kenelworth Propr. Mr. Boyle Patr. Middleton Cur. [St. John Baptiſt] Lord Middleton Patr. College of Tamworth Propr. Barſton, Chapel to Berkſwell [St. Swithin] Stockingford, Chapel to Nuneaton, Chap. demoliſhed. Shuttington Cur. l. 6 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Pri. Great Malverne Propr. Lord Coningſøy Patr. Whitacre ſuper. Cur. [St. Leonard]l. 10 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Lord Digby Patr. Mr. Jennings. Whitacre infer. Cur. [St. Giles] 1.8': 00 : 00 Clear Val. Pri. Markyate Propr. Merevale Cur. 1. 26 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Mr. Stratford Patr. Abb. Merevale Propr. Copſton Cur. 1.2 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Bentley (Holy Trinity] Chapel to Shuftocke. + D. Coventry, in the Arch-Deaconry of COVENTRY. d. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books, Yearly Teribs. 1. s. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 45 09 02 Arch-Deaconry of Coventry, founded before the Year 1127. 04 10 11 Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. 17 18 09 Aweſley R. [All Saints] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. viii s. OI 15 10 Thomas Flint 1662. “Martha Flint Widow 1686. William Triſtram Gent. 1692. Mr. Neale Patr. 1726. $Bedworth R. (All-Saints] Proxies and Synods Epiſc. & Archi- diac. ix s. vi d. OI 00 04 Heirs of Mr. Chamberlayne (W.) Sir Clement Fiſker Bart. 1715. R Brinklow 3 10 03 117{ tbi-zo1 1 2 2 DIOCESE of COVENTRY WARWICKSH. BE I 10 00 iszor trcbi- }! {}o }os 1 26 15 05 . Cs. ford Zoo IO OG 12 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. ŞBrinklow R. (St. John Baptiſt] Penf. Abb. Kenelworth xxvi s. 17 10 00 OI 15 00 viiid. Prox, and Syn. Archidiac. ix s. vid. The KING. $ Churchover R. (Holy Trinity] Proxies and Synods Archi- 15 00 00 diac. ix s. vid. William Dixwell Eſq; 1715. 14 13 04. diac. ix s. vi d. Horborow magna R. (All-Saints] Proxies and Synods Archi- 01 09 04 Sir William Boughton Bart. 1712. St. Michael's V. in the City of Coventry. Prior. pro Pens. { Decano & Capit. pro indempnitate xxxiii s. iiïi d. 13 061 Prox, and Syn. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Iv s. iii d. The KING. Mon. Coventry Propr. 14 12 OI Newbold on Avon Bank V. [St. Botolph] Prox, and Syn. viii s. oi 09 021 Pri. de Axholme in Lincoln. Propr. Edward Hands Gent. (this Turn) 1712. $ Newton Regis alias Newnham V. united to Church-Lawford 05 Oo oo { in D. Marton (W.) Proxies and Synods ii s. Abb. de Kenelworth Propr. Sir Francis Burdet Bart. Stretton Baſkervile R. (All-Saints] Prox, and Syn. ix s. vid. об оо оо The Church demoliſhed. Mr. Pinchin 1719. S St. Trinity's in Coventry V. Proxies and Synods Epiſc. & Ar-? 2 chidiac. xvi s. Pens. Mon, Covent, c.s. The KING. Mon. Covent. Propr. 08 06 001 Willey R. (St. Leonard] Proxies and Synods vii s. iiii d. 00 16 074 The KING. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 46 10 00 Bulkington V. [St. James] Archidiac. Prox. and Syn. ix s. vid. 00 13 003 Abb. of Leiceſter Propr. The School of Uppingham in Rutland Patr. 47 Oo oo Kirby Monach' V.*[St. Edith) Archidiac. Prox. and Syn. viiis. 02 04 114 Pri. de Axholme in Co. Lincoln Propr. Trinity College Cambridge. Withibrooke V. [All Saints] oo 16 08 Mon. de Axholme in Lincoln. Propr. Trinity College Cam- bridge. 36 oo oo Wolvey V. [St. John Baptiſt] Prox. and Syn. ix s. vi d. 00 12 07 Prior. de Combe de una Med. Propr. Preb. ejufdem in Ec- cleſ. Lich. de altera parte Propr. Lord Coventry and Pre- bend of Wolvey (W.) alternate. Exempt from the Arch- Deacon, and in the Biſhop's Juriſdiction. Not in Charge. The KING. Pri. Coventry Propr. Foleſhill V. [St. Laurence] The KIN G Patr.. Pri. of Coventry olim Fropr. Stretton Kinhalınach V.--augmented by Dame Alice Dudley with 20 d. per Annum. Dudg. Warw.p: 775. Zoo Ar. Zor 10 00 00 OI 00 00 12 00 00 Stoke V. WARWICKSH. and LICHFIELD. 123 Stretton ſuper Dunſmore V. Pri. Coventry Propr. Sow V. alias Walſgrave (St. Mary] The KING Patr. Pri. Coventry Propr. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Anfty Ch. formerly appropriated to the Priory of Coventry. Dudý. Warw. p. 80. q. if the Ch. of Windfor be not Patr. Stivichall Cur. [St. James) I. 2.: 13 04 Clear Val. Mr. Gregory Patr. Wyken formerly a Chap. to Willey 1, 5:10 : 00 Clear Val. Mr, Green Patr. Corley V. This is endowed with the great Tythes. Pri. Coven. Propr. Mr. Gregory Patr. Exhall Cur. (St. Giles] Sir Arthur Cayley Patr. Pri. Coven. Propr. Boblake Cur. [Sc. John Baptiſt] The College of Boblake Propr. The Church diſus’d. > Marton, in the Arch-Deaconry of COVENTRY. S.-d. 1. d. f 00 10 00 Livings remaining in Charge. King's-Books. Yearly Tenths. l. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 16 10 07. Bilton R. [St. Mark] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. ix s. vid. oi 13 00 Sir Edward Boughton (W) 19 17 031 Burton R. on Dunſmore, Prox. and Syn. ix s. vi d. OI 19 08 7o. Sbuckburgh Efq; 1699. 14 01 101 Dunchurch V. (St. Peter] Prox. and Syn. viii s. OI 08 02 Mon. Pipewell in Co. Northampı, Propr. Biſhop of Coven- try and Lichfield. 05 12 01 Francton R. [St. Nicholas] 00 !I 021 Mrs. Anne Biker Widow 1716. 05 Oo oo Honingham V. * [St. Margaret] Mon. Soulby in Co. Northampt Propr. Lord Leigh. 07 01 08 S Hutchington alias Itchington-Long V. [Holy Trinity] Proxies ? 00 14 02 and Synods viii s. Pri. Maxtoke Propr. Thomas Lord Leigh. 13 10 00 Ladbroke R. [All-Saints] Prox. and Syn. ix s. vid. 01 07 00 William Palmer Eſq; 1705. 5 Lawford alias Church-Lawford R. (St. Peter] Pri. Cov. pro II 15 05 Penſ, I s. Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. viii s. 01 03 06 Duke of Montagu. Lemington-Haſtings V. (All-Saints] Penſ: Monaft. Sti Oſwaldiz Ebor. xxl. Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. ix s. vid. Una Med. appr. Eccleſia Cath. Lichen. altera Med. appr. Mon. Sti Oſwaldi in Co. Ebor. Sir Trevor Wheeler Bart..1716. ROOKE BY Honingham-certified to the Governours of Q. Anne's Bounty, to be of the clear Yearly Value of 101 s}oo. prozo waldiz . 20 00 00 { >02 00 00 R2 * 124 DIOCES E of COVENTRY WARWICKSH. King's Books. . d. for 15 29 II 00 02 Oo oo tores Ecclefia Beatæ Mariæ ibm. xx i. The KING. Collegium ibm. Propr. 48 07 00 SRockbeare V. [St. Mary] Epiſc. ii s. ii d. Archidiac, vi s. 00 18 00 2 viii d. Cath, ii s. viii d. Abb. Canonlegh Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. Prox, xvid. Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. Not in Charge. TOPSHAM a Donative, certified at 331, 6 s. 8 d. Dean and Chapter of Exeter Patr. Widcombe alias Withcombe Ra. -Budleigh 34 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. Stoke Canons Donative (not certified.) Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr, and Patr. Clift Sackville Ch. (not certified.) Clift Honyton Ch. (not certified.) Woodbury Don. [St. Swithin] Vic. Chor. Exon. Peculiar Vic. Chor. Dean and Chapter Patrons. D. Cath. zo 6,303 00 00 > X Sa {O FC mar}o2 5.300 ,: T 2 140 Devon DIOCESE of EXETER. D. Barnttaple, in the Arch-Deaconry of BARNSTAPLE. Ar. Jo 29 07 06 302 302 303 18 113 302 Livings remaining in Charge.. King's Books. Yearly Tenthos, 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. Aldrington alias Adrington R. [St. Laurence q.] Epifc. Prox. 7 26 02 OI ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac, Syn. & Cath. ii s. vd. Ar- %02 12 021 chidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. 70. Fairchild (this Turn) 1709. John Baſket Eſq; (N.) Buckington alias High-Buckington R. (St. Bartholomew] Epiſc. Prox, ii s. iid. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. 02 18 09 Archidiac. Prox, vi s. viii d. John Baſſet Efq; 1710. Chedelhampton V. (St. Urith] Epiſc. Prox. ii s. ii d. Epiſc. 34 18 11 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. y d. Archidiac. Prox. vi s. 03 09 10 viii de Mon. Tewkſbury in Glouceſt. olim Propr. Foon Giffard Eſq; (N.) * Felleighe R. (St. Paul] Epiſc. Prox. xiii d. Epiſc. & Archi- OI 04 diac. Syn. & Cath. ii 5. vid. Archidiac. Prox. iii s, ili d. Hugh Forteſcue Efq; 1704. Fremington V. [St. Peter] Epifc. Prox. ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & 20 00 05 Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Abb. Hertland Penf. xls. 02 oo oo Archidiac, Prox, vis. viii d. Abb. Hertland Propr. Richard Hawkins Eſq; Hunſhaw R. (St. Mary Magdalen q.] Epiſc. Prox. ii s. ii d. II 07 OI Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii se v d. Archidiac. S01 02 081 Prox, vi s. viii d. Biſhop of Exeter 1717. Mr. Bofcawen and others (N.) S Tawſtock R. [St. Peter 1 Epiſc . Prox. ii s, ii d. Epiſc. & Ar: 206 19 02 69 11 1054 chidiac. Syn. & Catb. iis. v d. Archidiac. Prox. vis. viii d. Florence Wray (this Turn) 1710. Sir Bourchier Wray Patr. Tawton-Biſhops V. [St. John Baptiſt) (null. Repriz. notar.) Dean of Exeter Propr. and Patr. Livings diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 38 oo oo Afhford V. (St. Peter] 00 17 042 The KING. BARNSTAPLE V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Epiſc. Prox. ii s. 47 Oo oo Archidiac. Prox. iii s. int d. iid. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. OI 10 101 Pri. Barnſtaple Propr. Mich. Hyde (Mag. Br.) Mr. Po- ley and Mr. Yard (N.) 40 00 00 Horwood R. [St. Michael] (Repriz. null, notat.) Humphrey Dene Eſq; 1717- ŞInſtow R. (St. Juſtus] Epiſc. Prox. xiii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. { Syn. & Cath. ii s. vd. Archidiac. Prox, iii s. iiiid. 05 08 Mrs. Mary Prince 1695. The Heirs of Sir John Speccot (N.) Newton * Felleizhe R. -annexed to Eaft-Buckland R. in Deca Shirwell. Vid. the Biſhop's Return of Inſtitutions in. the Firit-Fruits-Office, 30 Dec. 1723. 21 00 00 02 02 QO S;}or 00 14 IO 45 Oo oo iac. Jou Devon. *DIOCESE of EXETER. I41 12 00: oo oo oo Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d I. d. (. d 27 Oo oo . & . Syn The KING, 07 10 00 Pilton by Impropriator (St. Margaret] Pri. Pilton Propr. Sir Arthur Chicheſter (N.) ii s. ii de Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. 47 17 02 & Cath. ii s. vd. Archidiac. Prox, vi s. viii d. oo Colleg. Vic. Choral. Exon. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Exeter Patr. Yarnſcombe V. [St. Thomas Becket q.] Epiſc. Prox. ii s. ii d. " 32 Oo oo Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. xd. Archidiac. Prox. CO 15 02- vi s. viii d. Hof. Sti Jobis Exon. Propr. The KING. }co Swimbridge C. (St. James] - 1. 20: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Dean of Exeter Propr. and Patr. D. Cadbury, in the Arch-Deaconry of EXETER. Yearly Tenth's. I. s dir 10 00 00 OI 00 00 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. King's d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Brampford Speke V. Epiſc. Prox. ii s. ii d. Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. Syn. & Cath. ü s. x d.o. Pri. Sti Nich. Exeter olim Propr. The KING, s Cadleighe R. (St. Bartholomew] Epiſc. Prox. xx d. Archi- 13 Oo oo diac. Prox. V s. Syn. & Cath, ii s. v d. The Heirs of Sir Simon Leacb. 37 06 08 ŞCheriton Fitz-Paine R. [St. Mary) Epifc. Prox. ii s. iï d. Ar- { chidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. Syn. & Cath, ii s. v d. Lady Harris. Chr. Harris Efq; (Mag. Br.) 20 00 00 Colbrooke V. [St. Andrew] (null. Repriz. quia dimiſ.) Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. Downe St. Mary's R.. Abb. de Buckfaſt Penf. xxv s. 12 13 04 Prox. ii s. ii d. Archidiac. Prox. vi so vüi do Syn, & { robi.}or for 06 oC Ar. 303 14 08 Q2 00 00 05 04. 03. 12 CO . for 13 065 Sir Nathaniel Napier Bart. 1717. 36 oo oo Morchard-Biſhops R. [St. Mary) (Repriz. null. quia dimil.): Roger Tuckfield Efq; 1719. F.Newton Sancti Cerici V. Epiſc. ii sa ii d. drchidiac. Prox. 16 15 05 { vis. viii d. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v.d. Pri. Plympton Propr. Jo. Quick and Elizabeth 170.3. Sir Henry Northcote and Mr. Gould, 08 17 08:{Poghill R: [St. Mary). Epiſc. Prox. xx d. Archidiac. Prox. Z v s. Syn. & Cath. xvii d. The KING. SShobbrooke R. annex'd to the Biſhoprick, Epiſc. Prox. ii s. ii d. 36 co oo 2 Archidiac. Prox, vis, viii d. Syn. & Cath. ii s. x do. The KING, CO. 17 og 09. -}.co .o3 Stockleigh I 42 DIOCESE OF EXETER. Devon. 1 28 King's Books. Yearly Tenthe d. 1. d. Sto:kleigh Engliſh R. Epiſc. Prox, xvi d. Archidiac. Prox. { . ? 07 Oo oo ili s. Syn. Es Cath, iis. vid. jo 00 14 00 The KING 15 06 08 Stockleigh Pomery R. [St. Mary) Epiſc, Prox. xvi d. Archi- diac. Prox. iiii s. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. rcbi. Zor OI 10 08 Biſhop of Exeter. S Thornerton V. (St. Thomas Becket] Epiſc. Prox. ii s. ii d. Archidiac. Prox, vi s. viii d. Syn. & Cath. ii s. vid. d. For 17 03: Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. 10 06 08 Upton Hilion R. (St. Mary) Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. viii d. OI OO 08 Executors of Mr. William Davie 1716. John Gifford Efq; Upton Pyne R. Epiſc. Prox. ii s. ii d. Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. Syn. & Cath, ii s. x d. 02 06 08 Executors of Mr. William Davie 1716. Hugh Stafford Eſq; Patr. 1720. 05 10 00 Cantar' Colebrook Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Cadbury V. (St. Michael] Epiſc . Prox. xx d. Archidiac, Prox. 48 07 06 2 V s. Syn. & Cath, ii s. v d. The KING. Pri. Sti Nich. Exon. Propr. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Netherex C. l. 810 : 00 Pri, Sti Nich. Exon. Propr. Kennerley Ch. Sandford Ch. 23 06 08 {U 5:302 00 II 00 30o 18 05: , : Certified Val. I. $. d. . d. D. Chriſtianitie alias Éreter, in the Arch-Deaconry of EXETER. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 02 13 04 Carſwill P. 00 05 04 The Reverend Mr. John Snell Clerk 1718. 34 03 04 David, Chapels * Hevitree V. (St. Michael] with Sativola, vulgo Sidwell, and St. Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Valne. All-Hallows in Goldſmith Street R: (Repriz, null.) 00 12 052 The Church of Exeter (N.) 15 Oo oo All-Hallows on the Wall, Dec. & Cap.pro Penf. xii d. 00 10 051 Dean and Chapter of Exeter (Mag. Br.) 28 10 00 St. Edmund on the Bridge, Dec. & Čap. pro Penf. vi d. OI OI 08 Mayor and Bailiffs of Exeter. 30 Oo oo St. George R. (null . Repriz. mentionat.) 00 19 041 Dean and Chapter of Exeter. St. * St. David and Sidwell are in the Juriſdiction of the Arch-Deacon of Exeter, if he happens to be a Prebend; otherwiſe it devolves to the Dean and Chapter, by virtue of an Award made Anno by Biſhop I 2 00 00 t Devon. DIOCES E of EXETER. 143 Pearly Tenths. 1. s. d. 00 00 00 00 11 10 00 00 00 1 oo 09 11 1 15 Oo oo 00 17 051 ог оо оо Clear rearly Value. 1. s. d. 18 Oo oo St John R. The KING. (Izack.) 4. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. 08 10 00 St. Kirrian R. Dec. & Cap. Penf. ii s. Dean and Chapter of Exeter (N.) 16 oo oo St. Laurence R. Hoſp. Sti Johis Exon. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. 34 Oo oo St. Leonard R. Dec. & Cap. Pens. xii d. Mrs. Elizabeth Drake 1708. St. Martin R. Dec. & Cap. Penf. ii s. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. 16 oo oo St. Mary Arches R. (null. Repriz, mentionat.) Biſhop of Exeter. 36 oo oo St. Mary Major R. Dec. & Cap. Penf. xxii s. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. 28 Oo oo St. Mary Steps. (null . Repriz, mertionat.) Joſiah Southcote Efq; 1708. 18 Oo oo St. Olave's R. Priori Sti Nichi. Exon pro Penf. viï s. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. 05 Oo oo St. Pancras R. (null. Repriz, mentionat.) Dean and Chapter of Exeter. (N.) 25 Oo oo St. Paul R. (null. Repriz. mentionat.) Dean and Chapter of Exeter. 16 Oo oo St. Petrox R. Dec. & Cap. Penf. ii s. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. 26 oo oo St. Stephen's R. (null . Repriz. mentionat.) The Biſhop 1722. 31 Oo oo Holy Trinity R. Dec. & Cap. Penf. iii s. viii d. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. P. Heighes, (a diſſolved Prebend) valued at xxxvii l. viis, xi d. OL II 05 oo 16 08 00 15 04 00 09 04 00 16 03 oi 09 00 00 15 081 OI 03 071 D. Chumleigh, in the Arch-Deaconry of BARNSTAPLE. King's Books. 2. s. d. 1. s. 10 17 08 Yearly Tenths Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. Boneleghe als Bondleigh R. (St. James] Epiſc. Prox. ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. oi oi 091 Proxies vis. viii d. Sir William Wyndham Bart. 1712. Borrington V: [Holy Trinity] Epiſc . Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc.) & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. ii d. Abb. Tavyſtoke pro foi 07 on! Penf. vii s. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Åbb. Tavyſtoke olim Propr. Duke of Bedford (N.) Broademinet R. (Repriz, non mentionat.) 00 04 05 Mr. William Maunder 1713. Brokeland P. 00 03 10 Duke of Beaufort. Calleigh for Zoi 13 II 03 02 04 02 04 08 04 144 DIOCESE-of EXETER. Devon. ဝဝ 04 06 08 oo II 04 00 10 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. l. d. 1. d. Calleigh als Chawleigh R. (St. James) Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. 25 14 02 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath, i s. v d. Archidiac. Pro- xies vis. viii d. Lord Viſcount Downrayle 1703. CHUMLEIGH R. (St. Mary Magdalen] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. 20 18 01 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Pro- xies vis. viii d. Duke of Beaufort. Clannaburgh R. Epiſc. Proxies xiii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 05 17 037{ Syn, & Cath. ii s. v d... Priori Taunton pro Penf. iiiis. Ar-Yoo 11 08: cbidiac. Proxies iii s, iii d. The KING, Dennes P. 00 08 08 Duke of Beaufort. 05 13 04 Higherline P. Duke of Beaufort. Lapford R: [St. Thomas Becket] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. E- 15 01 10+2 pifc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. iis. vd. Archidiac. Pro- for lo 02 xies vi s. Joſeph James Gent. 1690. 05 00 00 Lowerline P. Duke of Beaufort. S North-Tawton Ř. [St. Peter] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc . 32 04 07 l & . & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. y d. Archidiac. Pro- Archidiac. Pro- *03 04 051 xies vis. viii d. Jo. Gottle Eſq; 1716. Nymettracie R. als Bow-Tracy [St. Bartholomew] Epiſc. Pro- 19 08 09 ? xies ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. 01 18 101 Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viiid. Lord Carteret (Mag. Br.) Sir Bourchier Wray (N.) 5 Oo oo Penell P. Duke of Beaufort. Sele Monachorum R. als Monks Zele (St. Peter] Epiſc. Prox. 2 17 os og ii s. ii d. Epifc. & Archidiac, Syn. &.Cath. ii s. vid. Ar-01 14 10 chidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. George Parker Efq; 1670. S Wemworthie R. Epifc. Prox. ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. II 13 04 Syn. & Cath, ii s. v d. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. 03 04 Mrs. Mary Newte 1707. Mr. Cruwys (N.) Mr: Speke (Mag. Br.) Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 08 oo oo Bruſhford Cur. 00 00 00 Abb. Hertland Propr. Colerudge V. [St. Mary] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ü d. Epifc. 45 17 01 Archidiac. Syn.& Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viü d. ſoo 14 104 Colleg, de Crediton Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. Eggesford jos For 00 10 00 301 ac. Zor } Devon. DIOCESE of E-XETER. 145 d. 3}oo 300 { 1. s. iac.} 1. iil.;o: 32 00 02 Hemyock R. [St. George] Epiſc. ii s. iii d. Archidiac, vi s. 203 04 00 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. Yearly d d. Eggesford R. Epiſc. Prox, xiii d. & 38 07 04 Cath. iis. v d. Archidiac. Proxies iii s. illid. 00 15 10 Viſcount Downrayle 1707. William Fellows Eſq;. 1722. Nymet-Rowland R. (St. Bartholomew] Epiſc. Prox. xiii d. 30 Oo oo Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac, Pro- Arcbidiac, Pro- YOO 12 OL. xies iii s. illi d. Sir William Courtenay Bart. 1690. Mr. Edwd. Richards (N.) D. Dunkelwell, in the Arch-Deaconry of ExETER. Livings remaining in Charge. King's-Books, Yearly Tenthe 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. ŞChurch-Staunton R. [St. Paul] Epiſc. ii s. iid. Archidiac. 26 05 05 vis. viii d. Cath. ii s. x d. 02 12 06, Mr. Edward Seymour 1685. Fra. Papham Eſq; 1723. Alexander Popham Eſq; (N.) Clehedon R. als Clayhayton [St. Andrew] Epiſc. ii s. ii d. 38 05 10 Arcbidiac. vi s. viii d. Cath, iis, xd. 03 16 06 Alexander Popham Eſq; 1718. 20 00 00 Combraleigh R. [St. Eraſmus] Epiſc. ii s. ii d.ob. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Cath. ii s. v d. Charles Harward Clerk 1712. Mr. Drew (N.) viii . s . Mr.William Lyde 1689. Alexander Popham Eſq; (N.) Upøtrie alias Upawtry V. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. Ar chidiac, vi s. viii d. Catb. ii s. v d. OI 10 06 Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 47 00 00 A üleſcombe V. [St. Michael] 01 05 01 Abb. Dunkſwell Propr. Earl of Bedford 1695. Duke of Bedford Patr. 1724. 45 00 oo Luppit V. [St. Mary q.] ої об оЅ Abb. Newham Propr. Sir Walter Young Bart. 1705. 48 oo oo Yarcombe V. [St. Peter] null. Procur. mentionat. quia dimiſ. 02 16 00 The KING. Mon. Syon in Middleſex Propr. Not in Charge. Dunkfwell V. l. 16 : 00 : 00 Certified Value. Pri. Dunkſwell Propr. Shildon I. 08 : 00 : 00 Certified Value. Pri. Dunkſwell Propr. Sir William Pole. S nakerwell. The KING. Wolverchurch. Pri. Dunkfwell Propr. U (6,302 02 00 01 : 15 05 07:{ id.301 - 146 DIOCESE OF EXE TER. Devon : Ar-zor 22 13 04 $ Cheriton Biſhops R. (St. Mary). Epiſc. Proxies ii s. iii d. Ar: 502 05 04 D. Dunsford, in the Arch-Deaconry of EXETER. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. Ayſhton R. Epiſc. Prox, xx d. Ancbidiac. Prox. V s. Syn. & Cath, ii s. v d. I 03 00 Sir George Chudleighi Bart. 1717. SBridford R. [St. Thomas Becket] Epiſc. Proxies xx d. Archi- 13 15 00 diac, Proxies vs. Syn, & Cath. ii s. V 01 07 06 Mr. Jo: Smith Sen. 1694. Mr. Walter Hewgoe Cl. h. v. 1722. Mr. Nicholas Hall (N.) CHAGFORD R. (St. Michael] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. Pro- 39 10.00 xies vs. Syn. & Cath. xxii d. Dec. & Cap. Colleg. Wynde. Jo3' 18 or William Hunt (this Turn) 1701. Mr. George Hayter (N.) chidiat. Proxies vi s. viii d. Archidiac. Syn. & Carh. ii s. v d. Biſhop of Exeter. 16 06 0545 Doddeſcombleigh R. [St. Michael] Epiſc . Proxies xx.d. Ar- chidiac. Proxies v s. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. 12 07 Mrs. Catherine Clarke Widow 1694. Richd. Duck Eſq; (Mag. Br.) Mr. Mich. Dolling (N.) S Dunsford V. (St. Mary) Epiſc. ii s.iid. Archidiac. Proxies 19 10 00 2. vis, viü d. Syn: & Cath. iis. x d. Při. Canon-Leigh Propr. The Heirs of Francis Ful- ford (N.) Holcomb Burnell V. Epiſc. Prox. xvi d. Archidiac. Prox. iii's. 08 09:02: Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Subdecano Wellen. pro: annua foo 16 FI Penf. xx s. Prebendary thereof in the Church of Wells Propr. and Patr. S South-Tawton V. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. Proxies ii s..vü d. Ar- chidiac, Proxies viii s. Cath. ii s. v d. Dean and Canons of Windſor. No Tenths ever paid, as by Mr. Noſworthy's Letter Feb. 14. 1715. Tetbourne R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. Archidiac. 16 · Proxies vi s. viii d. Syn. & Cath: ii s. v do Francis Ballet 1687. Teynton-Drew R. (Holy Trinity). Epiſë. Proxies ii s. viii d. 40 13 04 Archidiac. Prox, vi si viii d. Syn. & Cath. ii's. vid. 04 01 04 Nicholas Morrice Gent: 1703: Sir William Carew (N.) S Throwleigh R, Epiſc. Proxies xx d. Archidiac. Proxies. v s. Syn. & Cath. iis, v d. [ 18 08 The KING. Whiſton als Whitſon R. Epifc. xxd. Archidiac. Prox. vs. 19 03 04 Cath. iis, v d. OI 18 04 John Saw'e Eſq; 1704. Jo. Woolcomb Gent. (this. Turn) 1709. Sir William Courtenay: Patr. (Mag. Br.) Livings Y. }o: 19 0a 3 10 00 00 17.301 00:00 18-06 03{ ".or 19 06 10:{Thom.e-Cath. is.vd. *Vs}" { DEVON. DIOCESE OF EXETER. 147 . ... s. 43 16 oo OI 10.06 39 01 oo liar, for з ooo { King's Books. I d. Clavelleigh R. (All Saints q.] Epiſc. Proxies ii s, ií do Epy Soi 1901 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. d. Chriſtow V.. [St. James] Epiſc. Prox, xx d. Archidiac. Pro-? 300 16 08 d. Abb. Taviſtock Propr. -Davies Eſq; 1671. Wil- liam Helyar Efq; 1724. Jobn Davy Efq; (N.) Gidley R. (Holy Trinity] Epifc. Proxies xii d. Archidiac. 44 Oo oo Prox. Syn. & Cath. v.s. v d. Bartholomew Gidley Eſq; 1712. 39 Hittiſleigh R. Epifc. xvi.d. Archidiac Prox, fiii s. Syn. Cath. i s. v d. 00 12 02 Shilfton Calmady Eſq; 1716. 41 13 00 Proxies v s. Syn, & Cath. ii s. v d. Abb. Taviſtock Propi. Duke of Bedford 1714. D. Hertland, in the Arch-Deaconry of BARNSTAPLE. Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. Proprietors. 1. d. Alwardiſcot als Allcot R. Epifc . Proxies xül 2. Episc. et Archie 13 03 11:{ diac. Sin. & Cath. ii s. vd. Archidiac. Proxies ii-.; iiii d. for 06 041 Mrs. Martha Geſtwick Widow 1717. John Heſket Eſq; (N.) 17 04 09} Alwington R. [St. Andrew] or 14 05 Richard Coffin Efq; 1713. BiderORD R. als Biddiford (St. Mary] Epiſc. Syn. ii s. ii d. Epifc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v.d. Archidiac. Pro- *02 14 09 xies vi s. viii d. Earl of Bath 1674. Lord Carteret (Mag. Br.) The Heirs of Lord Granville (N.) s [. 19 15 05** & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. R. Carey Eſq; 1715. The Heirs of William Carey Eſq;(N.) Littleham R. Epiſc. Prox. viii d. ob. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. Ź & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Proxies vi s, viii d. oi 09 084 Mrs. Judith Cooke Widow 1717. John Ballet Efq; (N.) Mounkleigh V. [St. George] Epifé . Proxies xviid. Epiſc . 67 12 14:07 Archidiac. Synods and Proxies ii s. v.d. Archidiac. Pro- soi 05 051 xies iiiis. vi de Pri. of Montague in Somerſet Propr. Hugh Stephens Gent. and Wife 1713. William Arſcot Efq; (N.) 20 06 08 Parkham R. Epiſc . Prox. ïi s. ü d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn, E & Cath, ii si Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. O2 oo 08 Catherine Oliver and Agnes Kingford 1703. John Ballet Efq; (N.) Mag. Br. Wyer 27 07 06 { S. Syn. Por m. "Arcbidia. Prostor U 2 148 DIOCESE OF EXETER. Devon. :301 OI 12 12 053 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. l. d. 1. d. Wyer Gifford R. Epiſc. Proxies xiii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 13 05 oo об об Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Proxies iii s. iiii d. Hugb Forteſcue Efq; 1711. Livings diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Abbotſham V. [St. Helen] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & 46 oo oo Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Prox, vis, viii d. The KING. Pri. Taviſtock Propr. Buckland Brewer V. [St. Mary and St. Benedict] cum Cap. de East-Putford & Bulkworthy, Epiſc. Prox, ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & 48 10 00 Archidiac , Synods and Proxies ii s. x d. Archidiac. Proxies ſºo 10 05! vi s. viii d. The KING. Abb. Torr. Propr. 15 Oo oo Lancras R. (Holy Trinity) (Repriz. non mentionat. quia dimil.) 00 10 051 William Leigh Eſq; (N.) S Northam V. (St. Margaret] Epiſc: Prox. ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & 30 Oo oo Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. vid. Archidiac. Prox, vis. viii d.} Colleg. San&tæ Mariæ Ottery Propr. Hugh SquireEfq; 1704. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. HERTLAND (St. Nectan] a Market-Town in this Deanry (Not in Charge) but is a Donative in the Gift of the Char- ter-houſe London. Abb. Hertland Propr. Welcombe Impr. [St. Nectan] l. 08 : 10 i 00 Certified Val. Abb. Hertland Propr. Frithelſtock (St. Mary and St. Gregoryformerly a 14 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Lancras I. 19 : 10 : 00 Cert. Val. Woolfardiſworthy 1. 20 : 05 : co Cert, Vel. Abb. Hertland Propr. Woolſery Ch. ОЇ ОІ оо ) }. D. Hollworthy, in the Arch-Deaconry of TOTNESS. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. O2 12 08 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Aſhwater R. [St. Peter] Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods 26 06 08 ii s. v d. Vifit. Epiſcii s. ii d. ob. Edward Carey Efq; 1712. S Blacktoriton R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. 22 08 09 Synods ii s. v d. Viſit. Épiſc. ii s. iid. ob. Sir Copleſton Warwick Bampfylde Bart. 1712. ods}oz d. 302 02 04 10 Bradeworthy Devon. DIOCES E of EXETER. 149 fearls 1. d. s. { { vd for vd;}or 06 10 303 04 003 King's Books. Yearly Tentbisa l. d. Bradeworthy V. [St. John Baptiſt) with St. Pancras Chap. of 25 05 05 Wike, Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. v d. Vil. $02 10 06. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. The KING. Abb. Torr. Propr. Bradford R. [All Saints] Arcbidiac. Proxies v s. Syn. ii s. d. 13 08 04 2. Viſ. Epiſc. xx d. Richard Oſborne Efq; 1704. George Carey Efq; 1720. 12 03 09 d. 01 04 041 The KING. SHOLSWORTHY R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. Proxies? 32 00 05 vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. v d. Viſ. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Jo. Prideaux Eſq; 1713; 26 13 061 Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Syn.pro Vic, Milton Damerell *02 13 045 ii s. v d. Syn. pro Cokebury vii d. Viſ. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Sir William Courtenäy Bart. SPyworthy R. (St. Swithin] Archidiac. Proxies v s. Syn. ii s. v d. 27 08 04 Vif. Epiſc. xx di 02 14 10 Sir Nicholas Morrice Bart. 1712. George Shortrudge Eſq; . . , 17 10 Epiſc.xx d. Sir William Morrice Bart. 1685. Sir Nicholas Morrice (Mag. Br.) [] . ? or 02 04 . xx d. John Nicholl, Roger Acherley, John Martin, and Anthony Keck Gent. 1719. the Repreſentatives of Mr. Tanner. Weſt-Putford R. Archidiac. Proxies v s. Synods ii s. v d. 2 09 II 00 Vif.' Epiſc, xx d. }oo 19 011 Samuel Rolle Eſq; Mrs. Margaret Rolle 1721. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 14 Oo oo Abbots Bickington (St. James] Abb. Hertland Propr. q. 37 Oo oo Bridgruell V: Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. V.S. Synods ii s. v d. QI 08 00 Iſabella Bond Widow 1717. Clawton SHollacomb R. (St. David] Priori de Bodman pro Penf, iii s. 24 Oo oo 2 Synods xviid. William Hockiń Eſq; (N.) 30 00 00 Luffingcot R. [St. Michael] (Repriz. null. notat.) Sir Nicholas Morrice Bart. Tettcot R. (Holy Croſs] Archidiac. Proxies v s. Synods 45 Oo oo V s. Synods xxiii d. ? Viſ. Epiſc. xx d. OI 07 08 Fohn Arſcot Efq; 1697. { d302 07: 3 11 03 11:{Thornbury R. [St. Peter] Archidiac. Prox. vs. Syn. ii s.vd. 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 S;}o. 08 07: 00 I2 OO 301 150 DEYON. DIOCESE of EXETER. D. Honpton, in the Arch-Deaconry of EXET ER. } { { . . . "} ) bidiaci Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. d. Rektories, &c. with their patrons and Proprietors. I. S. d. Axmouth V. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. Archidiac. vi s. viï d. Cath. 22 19 02 -02 ii . v d. 07 II Abb. Syon olim Propr. (Mag. Br. p. 485.) Richard Hal- let Eſq; 1709. S AxMYNSTER or Axmyfter R. * [St. John Baptiſt] with Kil- 40 ob 08 mington (St. Giles) and Memburie [št. Laurence Chapels 304 00 08 ii 44 06 08 04 2 viii s. Cath, iii s. Sir William Drake Knt. 1699. COLITON alias Culliton V. (St. Andrew] with Shute [St. Peter) 40 10 10 and Monkton Chapels, Dec. & Cap. Exon..c s. &,eis pro >04 OI OI Prox. vi s. viii d. Rogero Rode pro Feodo xxvis. viii d. Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. Cottleigh R. Epiſc , ii s. ii d. ob. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Cath. 09 Oo oo oo 18 oo 2 ii s. v d. Mr. Thomas Wolcot 1720. Thomas Southcot Eſq; (N.) 15 06 08 Fairwaye R. [St. Michaelj Epiſc. ii s. iid. Archidiac. ix s. vid. 01 10 08 Sir John Trevilian Bart. 1700. 21 08 II Gittiſham R. Epiſc. & Archidiac, xi s. iii d. ob. 02 02 103 Sir Thomas Putt 1713. Raymond Putt Efq; 1723. Honyton R. [St. Michael] Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ab. Archidiac. 40 04 02 04 00 05 ix s. id. Sir William Courtenay Bart. 1699. Mulburie R. [St. Michael] Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Archidiac. vis. viii d. Cath. xii d. 01 19 02 Sir William Drake 1713. S North-Ley alias Northleigh R. Epifc. x s. vii d. Epiſc. xii d. 19 09.07 Arcbidiac, iii s. vii d. 00 II Rectori de Off-will vi s. pro Pens. Mr. Gilbert Fry(this Turn) 1700. Lord Petre (N.) Offwill R. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ab. Arcbidiac, vi s. viii d. Cath. 08 04 ii s. v d. Mr. William Rous and William Bartholomew 1913. Mr. Rolt (N.) Cba. Mayne Efq; (Mag. Br.) ŞSeton V. (St. Gregory] cum Cap. Bere, Epiſc. & Archidiac, xis.? viii d. ob. 14 00 Abb. Shirborne Propr. (Mag. Br. p. 485.) Sir Walter Young Bart. 1683. Sir William Drake Knt. and Bart. (this Turn) 1710. Sir Walter Young (N.) South-Leigh R. (Śt. Laurence] Epiſc . ii s. ii d. ob. Archi-7 II 08 09 diac. vis. viiid." Cath. ii s. xd. Marq. Dorſet iiiid. Henrico-foi oz 10 Joi Walrond iiii d. Jo. Newte Cl. (this Turn) 1910. Lord Petre (N.) Thornecomb Axmyfter R is divided into two Portions, whereof one is called Grindall, and belongs to the Prebend of that Name in the Cathedral Church of York; the other is called Warthill, and belongs to the Prebend of that Name in the ſaid Cathedral. (See the old Book of Valuations in the Firſt-Fruits Ofice.) 19 II 08 { 301 17 00 09:{ vidiac. xis, foi Devon. DIOCESE of EXETER. 151 King's Books. l. d. Yearly Tenibs. 2 Thornecomb V. [St. Mary] Abb. de Förd Penf. fiil. Epifc. 15 18 09 { îi s. in d. . ilFor 11 105 d. Arcbidiac. vi s. viii d. Abb. Ford Propr. (which Abbey was ſituate in this Pa- rilh.) Mr. William Bragg 1702. 20 08 11 Uplime R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox. and Syn, xi s. iii d.ob. 02 00 101 Sir William Drake Bart. 1710. ŞWideworthie R. (St. Cuthbert] Epiſc. ii s. ü d. ob. Archidiac. 11 16 005 vis. viii d. & ii s. v d. Cath. 01 03 076 Thomas Whittle Gent: 1695. Mr. John Chicheſter (N.) Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value: 42 Oo oo Combpyne R, Prox. Syn. & Cath. xi s. iii d. 00 17 02 Lord Petre (N.) St. Pancras R. Epiſc. ii s. viii d. Archidiac. ii s. viii.d. Cath. 05 Oo oo xiiii d. Mr. Richard Mallack 1699. for {st, Prance b}oo os of 3. Ipplepen, in the Arch-Deaconry' of TOTNESS 1. S. 25 06 08 { Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1 d. Restories, &c. with their Patron's and. Proprietors. d. HI OI 03 . O2 or 2 v d. Viſi Epiſc. xvi d. Mon. Shirborne in Dorſet Propr. The KING. Brodehempíton V. Archidiac, Prox: iiis. Syn: is. Vif. Epiſc. xii d. 02 10 08 Pri. Studeley in Go, Warw. Propr. The KING. S Bury Pomery V. [St. Mary]: Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. 18 19 07 1. Syn. iii s. iii d. Vij . Epiſc. ii s: ii-d. ob. 17 11 Pri : Merton in Sürr. Impr. Sir Edward Seymour Bart, 1681. Denburie R. (St. Mary]: Archidiae. Prox. iit s. Syn. ii si v d. 12 07 06 04 09 2 Vil. Epiſt. xird. Duke of Bedford. S Little Hempſton alias Arundell R. [St. John Baptiſt] Archi- 19 15 0231 diac. Syn. vii d. 19 06 The KING. 52 01 00;} * Panton V. alias Paignton alias. Peyton (St. John Baptiſt) with Marldon Chapel, Alano Belfeld Receptori-xxvi s. vii d. 05 04 011 Præcentor Exon Propr. William Courtenay Eſq; 1718. S Staverton:V: [St. George] Ecclefiae Cath. Exon, Penj. xxvi s. 05 052 Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr, Stoke Fleming R. (St. Peter), Archidiac. Prox. vis. viii d. 31'06'do Sýn. ii s. v d. Vīt. Epiſc. ii-s. ii d. ob. Ballivo & Recep- soz 02-07* tori xxvi s. viii d. James Southcote Efq; Torbrian * Panton. This was the greateſt I ordſhip that belonged to the Biſhop of Exeter, and here was a good-- ly Houſe. Riſdon of Devonſh. p. 55, 56. vii dio1 dopo bin 31 32 14 097 viii d. 09{ 1 152 Devon. DIOGES-E of EXETER.“ King's Books ŞTorbrian R. [Holy Trinity] Archidiac. Prox. v s. Syn: ii s. 20 14 07 2. v d. Viſ. Epiſc, xx d. William Stawell Eſq; 1695. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. l. d. s. ";}02 02 01 052 { Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Brixham V. [St. Mary] cum Cap. Kingſwere [St. Thomas Bec- ket] Edv. Pomerey pro Redd. ii s. iiii d. Prior. Totton Penf. 42 02 02 xxvi s. viii d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Syn. iii s. vi d. vir : >05 05 06 Epiſc. Exon. ii s. ii d. ob. Ballivo & Receptori xxvi s. viii d., The KING. Sipplepen V. [St. John Baptiſt q.] cum Cap. Woodland. Archi-> 49 10 10% diac. Prox. vi s. viii d. Syn. ii's. v d. vis. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. ſo2 12 024 Colleg. Ottery Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor Propr. .: and Patr. S St. Mary Church V. with Carſwell alias King's Carſwell and 45 Oo oo Coffinſwill Chapels (Repriz. null. notat.) 3 03 01 Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. 47 Oo oo Stoke St. Gabriel V. (Repriz. null. notat.) OI 13 02 Cancellar. Exon. Propr. John Kelland Eſq; 1705. Not in Charge. Wolborough Cur. [St. Mary] Abb. Torr. Propr. Sir William Courtenay Bart. Cockington Cur. Abb. Torr. Propr., Mr. Mallock (N.) { -31 NEWTON ABBATS [St. Leonard] Kingſwere [ St. Thomas Bec- ket] Chap. to Ipplepen 00 : 14 : 00 Certified Val. Brixham 1. Woodland 1. 20 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Marldon me 1. 34 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Torr Mohun Ch. Abb. Torr Propr. D. Kenne, in the Arch-Deaconry of EXETER. King's Books. . d. s. b. s. vi s}03 18 od 00 {Alto Cal. His ... Prior. Merton vis. Syn. Zor Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tentbs. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons, and Proprietors. d. [d. s. 08 08 & Cathv Richard Carew Efq; 1712. John Pitman Efq; (N.) SAſhcombe R. Epiſc. xxii à. Archidiac. Prox, vs. viii d. Syn. I 16 og & Cath. ii s. v d. Prior. Merton vi s. The KING CHUDLEIGHE 1 3 Devon. DIOCESE of EXET E R. 153 King's Books, 1. s. d. 21 00 00 {* quiafo2 02 02 00 08{ 30 00 00 25 05 oo { ] 302 10 06 14 17 OI I 2 000 } Yearly Tonths. 1. d. * CHUDLEIGHE V. [St. Martin] (Repriz, null: mentionat. quia dimil.) Præcentor Exon. Propr. 10. Cholwich and others 1718, Feoffees thereof. s Comyntenhede R. Epiſc. Prox. ii s. viii d. Archidiac. viſi s. 32 02 083 Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. 04 03 Sir Bourchier Wray (N.) CREDITON V. alias Kirton (Holy Croſs] 03 oo oo Colleg. Crediton Propr. The Corporation thereof. Dauliſh V. with Efteyngmouth Chapel (St. Michael] (Repriz. { null . mentionat. quia dimiſ.) Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. Dunchedioke R. Epiſc. xvi d. Archidiac. Prox, iili s. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. 01 09 08 Ro, Snow Clerk 1668. 19 03 09 Eſtogwell R. OD 18 04 Richard Rennell Eſq; 1708. + Exmifter V. [St. Martin] Exmiſter R. Prior. Plympton Pens: 7 lxvis. viii d.. Epiſc. ii s. viii d. Archidiac. viii s. Syn. & 401 04 oo Catb, iis. y d. The Church-Wardens of Crediton. S Haccombe R. [St. Blaze) (Habet Decima. Garbarum de Quethyoke? 25 Oo oo Cornub.) Repriz. null. mentionat. Lady Gratiana Carew 1709. $ Kenne R. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. ii s. viii d. Archidiac. viii s. 46 13 04 { Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. 13 04 Frances Gould Widow 1688. Sir William Courtenay Patr. 1724 Kenton 'V. [All-Saints] Epiſc. s. iiii d. Archidiac. Prox. 34 13 04 2 Syn, & Cath. xii s. v d. og 04 Dean and Chapter of Sarum Propr. and Patr. 27 03 0635 Powderham R. Epiſc. xvid. Archidiac. Prox. ii s. Syn, and 2 Prox, ii s. 02 14 041 Sir William Courtenay Bart. 1700. Stockentynhede R. [St. Andrew] Prior. de Plympton Penf. xl s. 36 15 10 · Prebend. de Heigbes Penf. xviii s. Archidiac. Prox. viii s. $03 1307 Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Biſhop of Exeter. 11 02 081 St. Thomas Apoſtle V. (null. Repriz. mentionat.) OI 02 034 Abb. Taviſtock Propr. Moſes Gould Eſq;.1705. S Trulham R. Epiſc. xi dArchidiac. Prox. iis. viiid. Syn. & , d. Sir William Pole Bart. 1715. X5. X Livings { { }02 10 00 { Kennem en el intes. Epifc. iü s. üii d. Archidiac. Prox. 303 nd302 :30 09 04 093. Cath. xvii d. 09:{ s. Syn. B} B}oo 18 052 Devonh. p. 50. Chudleighe-formerly belonged to the Biſhop of Exeter, who had a fumptuous Seat here. Riſdon of # Exmifterwas formerly a Rectory, valued at 33 1. 154 DIOCESE of EXETER. Devon. 1. So OI OI 09 el302 1. s. d. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Mamhead R. Epiſc. viii d. Archidiac. Prox, ü s. Syn. & Cath. 45 15 07 i s. v d. William Ball Eſq; o8 oo oo St. Nicholas V. oo oo oo Lord Clifford (N.) 46 13 00 Shillingford R. (null. Repriz. quia dimill.) 00 18 oo Joſiah Southcote Eſq; S Teinton-Biſhops V. * {St. James] with Weſteingmouth Chapel 2 48 10 00 2 10 10 2 [St. James] (Repriz. null. mentionat.) Sir Roger Hill Knt. 38 16 06 Weft-Ogwell R. Archidiac. vii d. oo 14 03 Thomas Reynell Efq; 1686. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Eaſt-Teingmouth, Ch. to Dauliſh l. 11 : 18 : oo Cert. Val. Eade alias Ide Ch. (not certified.) Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. Oldrudge Ch. Abb. Taviſtock Propr. D. Morton, in the Arch-Deaconry of TOTNESS. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Ashberton V. [St. Andrew] with Buckland and Bucking- 38 08 il ton Chapels, Dec. & Cap. Exon. Penf. ciii s. iiii de Epiſc. 03 16 10% Exon. pro Cap. Redd. vid. Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. 26 02 01 Bovitracy V. (St. Thomas Becket] Archidiac. Prox, vi se viii d. { Syn. ii s. vd. Viſ . Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. 12 02 Pri. Bridgewater Propr. The KING. [Memorand. This Living pays to the KING a Penſion or yearly Rent of xls. ex relatione M. Jobis Cooke nuper Vicarii ibm.] . 17 13 09 2 xvi d. OI 04 Ja. Rowe Merchant 1717. Lord Arundel of Wardour (N.) Illfington V. Colleg. de Ottery Penſo xiii s. ili d. Archidiac. 17 09 07 2 Prox. vi s. vii d. Syn. ii s. x d. 14 11 Colleg. de Ottery Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor Propr. and Patr. 28 13 09 S Ringſteynton V. (St. Mary) with Heywick Chapel, Archidiac. Prox. xis. viiid. Syn. iii s. id. Vif, Epiſc. iii s, xd. ob. 041 Prebendary thereof in the Church of Sarum Propr. and Patr. 16 07 06 ŞLiftleighe R. Archidiac. Prox, vis, viï d. Syn. vii d. Vi5.2 OI 12 09 2 Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Sir William Wyndham Bart. 1720. and Mr, Strangeways. Manaton R. (St. Wenefrid] Archidiac. Prox. V s, Syn, ii s. vd. VifEpiſcxx 07 Francis Kirkham Efq; 1698. MORTON Teinton-Biſhops-The Biſhop had formerly a great Efate here. Riſdon of Devonſh. p. 53. 08 11:{ 303 d. 302 . . 14 11: vii d. Viſitos 13 12 08:{ Mpig. Epifc. ex d. Devon. DIOCESE of EXETER. 155 s. . }04 + 1 4 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. I. d. Morton-HAMPSTEAD R. (St. Andrew] Archidiac. Prox. 49 19 07 { vis. viii d. Syn. ii s. v d. Vif. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. 04 19 1 Sir William Courtenay Bart. 1696. S North-Bovie R. [St. John] Archidiac. Prox. v s. Syn. ii s. v d. 22 10 05 ? Viſ. Epiſc. xx d. 05 00 Fo. Langdon Gent. 1704. 05 09 04 Teyngrace R. (Repriz. null . notat.) 00 10 11 Mrs. Elizabeth Elford Widow 1683. ŞWithicombe V. [St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. Prox, vi s. viii d.? 25 13 09 { Syn. ii s. x d. Viſ . Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. 02 II 04. Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Hennočke V. (St. Mary] Abb. Torr Propr. The City of Exeter (N.). Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Buckland in Mora 1. 26 : 12 : 08 Certified Val. Bickington Chap. 1. 22 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Q. if theſe are not Chapels to Afhberton. d. Zoz OI 12 00 49 Oo oo D. Okehampton, in the Arch-Deaconry of TOTNESS. King's Books. 1. s. d. Livings remaining in Charge. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Bratton Clovelly R. Prior. Plympton Penf. cvis. viii d. Ar- chidiac, Prox. vi s. viii d. Syn. "ii s. v d. Viſ. Epiſc. ii s. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. si 21 05 02 12:{ 02 02 06 Biſhop of Exeter. 14 07 06 ŞBrodewood Kelly, R. Archidiac. Prox. iüis. Syn. ii so v Ďr. Hall 1671. John Webber Surgeon 1720. 27 II 08 20 00 00 02 00 00 id}01.08 og ŞEkelborne R. (Holy Trinity] Arcbidiac. Prox. vs. Syn. i s;}oz 15 02 {" vis;}02 "f}o1 13 01: is. {N vii d;}02 16 II 03 .. Elizabeth Finney 1690. John Belfield Gent. 1696. SHATHERLY V. (St. John Baptift] Archidiac. Prox, vi viii d. Syn. ii s. viii d. Viſ. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Abb. Taviſtock Propr. Leonard Yeo Eſq; 1700. SInwardleighe R. Archidiac. Prox. vs. Syn. ii s. iid. Viſ. Epifc. xx d. Ri, Nicholls 1702. S Monke Okehampton R. Archidiac. Prox. iii s. Syn. üs. Vif. Epifc. xvi d. 13 057 Hugh Stafford Efq; 1681. 27 08 09 S Northlewe R. [St. Thomas Becket] Arcbidiac. Prox. vis. viii d. Syn. ii s. v d. Vif . Epiſc. ïs. ii d. ob. 02 14 10 The KING OKEH AMP- 06 14 07 X 2 156 DIOCESE of EXETER. Devon. 1. So S. d. 02 00 00 King's Books, Yearly Tenshs 1. d. 20 00 00 OKEHAMPTON V. (All-Saints] Pri. Taviſtock Propr. Jo. Huſey 1717. Sampford Courtnay R. [St. Andrew] with Brightleighe Cha- 47 12 OI pel, Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. Syn, ii s, v d. Viſ . Epiſc. 04 15 024 ii s, ii d. ob. King's College Cambridge 1720. II 04 0433 Epiſc. xx d. ŞStow St. James's R. Archidiac. Prox. v s. Syn. ii s. v d. Viſ. 01 02 057 Sir George Chudleigh Bart. 1697. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Aſhbury R. [St. John Baptiſt] Prior. Launceſton ii s. Syn, ii d. 00 11 04 The KING s Beauworthy R. alias Beworthy (St. Alban] Prior. Launceſton Penſ. xs. Archidiac. Prox. v S. Syn. ii s. v d. Viſ . Epiſc. $00 12 077 B 37 II 00 49 Oo oo { xx d. Arthur Arſcot Efq; 1710. SHighampton R. [Holy Croſs] Archidiac. Prox. iiii s. Syn. ii s. 300 isizoo . 47 10 00 17 11 26 oo oo Edmund Herring 1701. Hony Church R. [St. James] Archidiac. Syn. ii d. Mr. Simon Clement 1712. 00 12 09 ŞPelefton alias Belton, Arcbidiac. Prox. vs. Syn. ii s. v d. Visizoo 18 00: 50 Oo oo 2 Epiſc. xx d. Henry Trenchard Efq; and his Wife 1717. Week St. Germans Pri. Frithelſtoke Propr. I. 6 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. D. Plpmtree, in the Arch-Deaconry of Exeter. S. vis.}o2 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 04 00 00 Blackbrough R. or Chapel [All-Saints] habet pro Stipend. iii l. oo o8 oo Hugh Wyndham Efq; 1665. Sir William Wyndham Bart. 20 00 077 Ş Clifhydon R. (St. Andrew q.] Epiſc. ï s. ii d. Archidiac. vis. { viii d. Cath. ii s. v d. 02 Oo oo Alexander Popham Efq; 1704. James Huiſh Efq; 09 04 04: Cliftlaverans R. alias Clift Sti Laurentii, Epiſc. ii s. ii d. Ar- chidiac. iii s. viii d. Catb. ii s. xd. Chamber of Exeter Patr. (Mag. Br.) Robert Dabinet and Jo. Cholwil Eſq; 1702. John Maynard Efq; S COLUMPTON V. (St. Mary] Epiſc, ii s. ii d. Archidiac, vi s. 47 04 02 Şco vili d. Cath. ii s. x d. 04 Pri. Sti Nich, Exon. Propr. John Salter Gent. 1719. Raulin Mallock Eſq; (N.) Fenyton Are 300 18 057 Devon. DIOCESE of EXETER. '157 King's Backs. I. d. s. d. Archidiac. 202 15 101 Yearly Tenths. 1. 16 18 0655Fenyton R. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. ii s. ii d. Archidiac. vis. viïi d. vii d. Zo1 13 103 { Cath, ii s. v.d. Jo.Walcot 1690. Kellond Courtenay Efq; 1720. Mrs. Troſs (Mag. Br.) S Kentiſhbeare R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. ii s. ii d. 27 18 113 vi s. vii d. Cath. ii s. x d. ) . «f. 302 10 Wyndham Kt. 1681. Sir Wm. Wyndham (Mag. Br.) 18 04 02 Payhemburie V. [St. James] (null . Refriz, mentionat.) OI 16 05. Abb. Ford Propr. Jocoſus Terry 1665. Robert Terry Efq; (N.) 21 18 01:{Plymtree 1. [St. John Baptiſt] Epiſc. ii s. ii d. Archidiac.? ; iac.} oz oz 03 09 09: Mr. Thomas Troſs 1680. The KING 1687. ŞRewe R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. ii so i id. Archidiac. viii s. 22 04 02 S;}o2 02 04 05 Catb. ii s. vid. Thomas Strangeways Efq; 1703. 51 08 04 Silverton R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. & Archidiac. xi s. viii d. 05 02 10 Catherine Wyndham Widow 1696. Sir William Wyndham (Mag. Br.) Thomas Strangeways Efq; (N.) 32 03 011 Talaton R. (St. James] Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Cath. xvii d. ob. 03 04 03} Mr. Richard Harward 1680, Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. BRADNINCH V. or Cur. (St. Dennis) formerly a Rectory va- 40 Oo oo lued in the King's Books at 53 l. Epiſc. ii s. iii d. Ar-soo oo oo chidiac vi-s. viii d. Now an Impropriation belonging to the Church of Windſor. 1 { joo . 37 10 II {Broadhemburie Carib Andrew] Epiſc. ii s. ü d. Årcbidiar, for oi 13 08 31 00 00 OI OO co Cath. ii s. d. Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. (N.) Buckrell V. Epiſc. ix d. Archidiac. ií s, iiid. Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. (N.) s Butterleigh R. Archidiac. xvii d. pro Syn. & Cath. Priori Sti Nicbi Exon. xvii di The KING, 48 oo oo . . . OI OO 10 D. Plpmpton, in the Arch-Deaconry of TotNESS. s. Yearly Tenths 1. d. 01 05 06 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books, l. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 12 15 05 Charles-Church V. (King Charles the Martyr} Mayor and Commonalty of Plymouth. . V. . d 33 04 07 . ii s. Colleg. Vic. Choralium Exon, Propr. Biſhop of Exeter Patr. Ermington 158 DIOCESE of EXETER. Devon. s. { 11 Sy- Zoz viia. Sy}o2 { 24 of 08 1301 1 }ot King's Books. Yearly Texths. 1. d. 1. Ermington V. [St. Peter] Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Sy- 33 11 03 nods iii s..viiid, Vif. Epiſc. ii s. ii.d. ob. Rettori ibm. profoz 07 01 Penf. xiji s. iiii de Pri . of Montague in Somerſet Propr. Robert Warren Eſq; 1695. The KING 1695, 1722. Ş Ermington Mediety R. (St. Peter] (null. Repriz, notat, 24 Oo oo 02 08 oo quia dimil.) Steph. Revel 1684. II 14 041 Herford R. OI 03 057 Jo. Williams Efq; 1716. Mr. Savery and Mr. Furſe (N.) Hevilne R. als North-Hewiſhe, Archidiac. Proxies iiii s. Sy- 29 18 11 nods iis. v d. Vis. Epiſc. xvi d. 02 19 101 Biſhop of Exeter 1705. Arthur Tremayne Efq; (N.) SHolbeton V.[All Saints] Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii do Sye 02 08 02 nods ii s. ix d. Viſ. Epiſc. ii s. ii d.ob. The KING. Pri. Polſlo Propr. MODBURY. V. [St. George] Archidiac. Proxies vi s, viii d. 19 II 00 Synods ii s. x d. Vif . Epifc. ii s. ii d.ob. Colleg. de Eton Soi 19. 01 pro Capitali Redd. vii's. - Eton College. SNewton Ferrers] R. [Holy Croſs] Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. 45 12 OI ? Synodsii s. x d. Vif . Épiſc. ii s. ü d. ob. II 02 In the Family of -Bond or Hele. Sampſon Hele Efq; PLYMOUTH St. Andrew's V. cum Capellis Stonehouſe, Budok, 25 10 IO and Pancras V. Priori Plympton pro Penf. viii l. Archidiac. '02 11 or Proxies v s. Synods iii s. iii d. Viſ. Epiſc. xx d. Mayor and Burgeſſes thereof. Yalmeton V. with Revelſtocke Chapel, Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. xd. Vif. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Recto-03 11 11 ri de Yalmeton pro Penſ. ii s. iiid. The Prebend of King's-Teynton in the Church of Sa- rum Propr. and Patr. Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value, Uggborough V. Archidiac. Proxies vi.s. viii d. Syn. ii so v d. Vif. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob.. Priori de Plympton pro. Penſ, viï 1.802 00 oo Seneſchallo xx se (ſuper Reétorem in Recordo) 9. Pri. Plympton Propr. Servington Savery Efq; 1676. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies, St. Pancras Chap. Kingſton Chap Brixton Chap 1. 35 : 15 : 00 Certified Val.. Pri. Plympton Propr. Stonehouſe Chap. I. 08 : 14 : 04 Certified Val. St. Budeaux Chap. 1. 36 : 18 : 10 Certified Val. Pri. Plympton Propr. PLYMPTON 3oz 303 35 19 041 24 10 06 { 4:302 3. DIOCESE of EXETER. 159 PLYMPTON St. Maurice I. 17 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Plympton St. Mary's 1. 39 : 13:04 Certified Val. Plympſtock (St. Mary and All Saints] l. 42 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Dean and Canons of Windſor Propr. and Patr. Wenbury (St. Werburgh] b. 28 : 13 : 04 Certified Val. Pri. Plympton Propr. Shaugh I. 25 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Pri. Plympton Propr. d34 D. Shirwell, in the Arch-Deaconry of BARNSTAPLE. 13 18 01;{A { fo3 fo2 19 prozor Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. S. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. s. d. Alrington R. (St. James] Epiſc. Proxies iis. ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Prox. vi s. vii d. for 07 09? Mr. John Fairchild 1709. Giles Chicheſter 1719. Tho. Pitman (Mag. Br.) Berynarber R. (St. Mary Magdalen] als Bery-Nerbert, Pri. 34 15 10 Lewes pro Penf. xls. Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Ar- og 07 chidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Sir Nicholas Hooper Kt. 1715. Richard Roberts Eſq; (N.) Bratton-Fleming R. [St. Peter] Epiſc. Proxies ii . ii d. Epiſc. 29 15 05 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath, ii s. v d. Archidiac. Pro 02 19 061 xies vis, viii d. Gonvile and Caius College Cambridge. 16 03 063{Braunton V. als Brampton (St. Brannock] Dec. & Cap. pro 2 Redd. v s, vid. Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. I 12 044 Dean of Exeter Propr. and Patr. Charell R. als Charles, (St. John Baptiſt] Epiſc. Prox. xiii d. og 10 00 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. iis. v d. Archidiac. Pro- 400 19 00 xies iii s. iui d. Humphry Snitall Gent. 1664. Collacomb R. (Holy Trinity] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. Epifc. II 09 02 & Archidiac, Syn. & Carh. ii s, v d. Archidiac. Pro-SOL 02: II xies vi s. viii d. 70. Puggeſley Clerk 1665. Thomas Hatch. Eſq; (N.) John Hatch Eſq; (Mag. Br.) 38 08 09 ŞCOMB-MARTIN R. (St. Peter] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc.? & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath, ii s. v d. Archidiac. Prox. vis, viii d. Nathaniel Griffin. Gent, 1708. Hen. Uſtick Eſq; (Mag. Br.) Mrs. Hancock (N.) * Eaſt-Buckland R. [St. Michael] Epiſc. Prox. xiii d. Epiſc. 09 01 08 & Archidiac. Syn. Es Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Pro- soo 18 02 xies ili s. iiii d. Hugh Forteſcue Eſq; 1702. Eaſtdowne Eaſt-Buckland R.is united to the Rectory of Felleighe in Dec. Barnſtaple. Vide the Biſhop's Return of Inſtitutions in the Firft-Fruits Office, 30 Decemb. 1723. 2 fo! 03 18 10 { Arcbidiar. " Foo 160 DIOCESE of EXETER. Devon. d. 18 03 09 $3301 { K ng's Boo ?. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. Eaſtdowne R. (St. John Baptiſt] Epiſc. Prox. ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac, Syn. & Catb. iis, v d. Archidiac. Pro. Son 16 047 xies vis. viii d. The Heirs of Edward Pyne Efq; (N.) Georgeham R. (St. George] Priori" de Barnſtaple pro Penf. c s. Dec. & Cap. Exon, pro Penf. xx s. Wilimo. Carew Mil. pro 47 17 11 Cap. Redd. iis. Roberto Dulyng Arm. pro Cap. Redd. ix.d.S04 or 09; Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac, Syn. &. Cath. i s. vd. Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. Sir fo. Chichejter Kt. 1660. Hoblyn (this Turn) 1698. Sir Arthur Chicheſter (N.) 14 19 041 Goodleigh R. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. xvii d. oi 09 114 Francis Kirkham Eſq; (this Turn) 1712. Mr. Carey alternate. Heampton R. als Heaunton Punchardon (St. Auſtin] Epifc. 22 07 II Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. id.so 02 04 09 Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Mr. Arthur Baſſet 1669. John Baſſet Eſq; 1720. 14 06 08 ŞHighbraie R. [All Saints? Epiſc . Proxies ii s. iid. Epiſc . & & oi 08 08 Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Prox, vi s. viii d. Johanna Ivie 1706. John Davie Eſq;(N.) Ketteſbury R. als Kentiſbury, Epiſc. Prox. ii s. ii di Epiſc.&? 12 10 073 Archidiac. Syn. & Cath, ii s. v d. Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. OI 05 00 Francis Richards Gent. 1669. Loxore R. (St. Michael] Epifc. Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & og 14 0431 Archidiac. Syn. & Caih. xvii d. Archidiac. Prox. iii s. vid. 19 05 Mr. William Bampfylde 1720. John Chicheſter Eſq; Merwood R. (Holy Trinity) Priori Pylton pro Penſ. vs. Epiſc. 24 03 06 06;} Proxies i s. ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac, Syn. & Cath. ii s, v d. 02 08 107 Archidiac. Proxies vi s. vii d. Mr. Richard Harding (this Turn) 1714. Sir Bourchier Wray (Mag. Br.) St. John's College Cambridge (N.) § Paracomb R. Epiſc . Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. 2 13 IO TO Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac, Proxies vi s, viii d. Mr. John St. Albon Alfoxen 1681. S Shirwell R. (St. Peter] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & 30 03 Il { Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Prox. vi. viii d. 03 00 041 Sir Arthur Chicheſter 1698. Stoke Rivers R. (St. Bartholomew] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. 14 14 07 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Sy- oi 09 05 nods vis. viii d. Ro. Carpenter Gent, 1705. Biſhop of Exeter by Lapſe 1712. Weſt-Buckland R. [St. Maurice] Epiſc. Proxies xiii d. Epiſc. 13 13 04 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Proxies Soi 07 04 iii s, ijii d. Mrs. Anne Baſſet Widow 1662. . }01 fo OO I 07 01 Sy- for Livings Devon, 161 DIOCESE of EXETER. 00 00 00 se bife Archi-} १०० - 300 Livings Diſchargede Clear Yearly Value. 38 oo co diac. Syn. & Carh. vii d. Archidiac. Proxies xii d. The KING. ŞBittaden R. (St. Peter] Epiſc. Proxies ix d. Epifc. & Archi- 32 00 00 2 diac. Syn. & Cath. xvii d. Archidiac, Proxies ii s. ïî d. ob. 00 10 03 Mr. Arthur Ackland 1680. S Brendon R. [St. Brendon q.]. Pri. Sti Jobis Jeruſalem 50 Oo oo vis. viii d. Epiſt. Prox. ii s. iid. Epiſc. & Archidiac . oo 18 05 Syn. & Cath, ii s. vid. Archidiac, Proxies vi s. viii d. Sir Arthur Chicheſter 1706. ILFORDCOMBE V. (Holy Trinity) Marchion. Dorſet. pro Redd. xiii s. iii d. Epiſc. Proxies vi s. viii d. Epiſc. Archi- 47 Oo oo diac. Proxies and Synods ix s. i d. Ballivo et Receptori 05 00 058 lxvi s. viii d. Prebendary thereof, in the Church of Sarum. Martinhoe R. [St. Martin] Epiſc. Proxies xviii d. Epiſc. & 40 Oo oo Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v di Archidiac, Proxies iiii s, vid. 0 17 01 oo 19 11 40 00 00 { Archidiac. Syn & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. S Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. Trentiſhoe R. [St. Peter] Epiſc. Proxies viii d. ob. Epifc:?00 16 10 35 Oo oo & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath, vii d. Archidiac. Prox. ii s. ii d.ob. Mr. Incledon 1680. Henry Incledon Efq; 1724. Weſtdowne V. [Holy Trinity] Epifc. Proxies ii s. ii d. ob. 45 Oo oo Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. vd. Archidiac. Pro-400 18 00 xies vi s. viii d. Biſhop of Exeter. Pri. of St. John's in Wells Propr. Not in Charge. 452.5., 0d. Lynton, and Counteſbury h. 10 :00 : 00 Certified Val. CertifiedValue. Arch-Deacon of Barnſtaple Propr. and Patr. Lankey Cur. (Holy Trinity] l. 20 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. }ဝဝ D. South-molton, in the Arch-Deaconry of BARNSTAPLE. Livings remaining in Cbargt. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Crues Morcherde R. (Holy Croſs] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. 2 21 II 08 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Pro-02 03 02 xies vi s. viii d. Samuel Cruys Eſq; (N.) 1.us. d. d. s. d. { Y Efraffee V 162 DIOCESE OF EXETER. Devon King's Books. 1. I. S. d. II 00 00 07 15 10 { } for 09; 19 02 {N Yearly Tentbs. Eſraffee als Roſe Afh R. (St. Peter) Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii. d. 18 19 07 Epiſc. & Arcbidia... Syn. & Caib. ii so v d. Archidiac. oi 1711 Proxies v s. viii d. Sir Thomas Bury Kt. 1675. SEaſt-Anfty R. (St. Michael] Epiſc. Proxies xiii d. Epifc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s..v d. Archidiac. Proxies iii s.id. 02 00 Henry Wood S. T. P. Eaſt-Worlington R. (St. Mary) Epiſc. Proxies ix. d. Epift. & Archidiac.. Syn. & Catb. iis, v d. Archidiac.. Proxies 00 15 07: ii s. ii d. ob. Arthur Viſcount Downrayle 1715. Knoweſton (St. Peter] and Molland V.(St. Laurence q.] Epifc. 26 10 10 Proxieś iiii s.. v da Epiſc. & Arcbidiac. Syn. & Cath. 02 13 or iiii s. xd.. Archidiac, Proxies xx da. Abb. Hertland Propr. Mr. Thomas Webber 169.2. John Courtenay Efq; 1719. (N.) Sir Edward Hungerford (N. & Mag. Br.). 20.07 031 Nymet Biſhop's V. (Repriz, non mentionat..) 02 00 08 Biſhop of Exeter. S.Nymet St. George's Ri Epiſr« Proxies ix d. Epifc. & Ar-? chidiac. Syn. & Cath. xvii d. Archidian: Prox. s. ü d..ob.goo 19 13 Sir Hugh Ailand Bart. 1713, 5 King's Nymet R. [St. James) Epifc . Proxies: ii s. ii d. Epifc. 28 06 08 & Archidiac.. Syn. ECåtb. ii .. v d... Archidiac. Proxies 02 16 08 vis. viïi d. Thomas Webber and 40. Hele 1702... Sir Henry Nora cöte (N.) 4. Okeford R. [St. Peter] Epifc. Proxies xviii ... Epifc. & Ari202 08.00: 24 Oo oo chidiac. Sýn. &? Cath. ii s..v.d. Archidiac. Proxies ini s. vidos Francis Squire and his Wife 1710. William Spur- way Eſq; (N.) Podington R. 'als Pudington (St. Thomas Becket] Epiſc. Pro- 06 08 on} xies vi d..ob. Epiſc. & Archidiac.Syn. & Cath, xvii d. Ar-400 12 09 chidiac. Proxies xx d. Ja. Bury Gent. (this Turn) 1716. Mr. Robert Triſtram (N.) 1720. Robert Avery Efq; (N. & Mag. Br:) Rakingford R. (Holy Trinity] Epiſc . Proxies ix d. Epifc.& 19 17 031 Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s.. v d. Archidiac. Proxies for 19084 ii s. ii d.ob. Sir Nicholas Morrice (Mag. Brit.); Mrs. Joanna Wills Widow 1:700: George ShortrudgeEfq; (N.) Romandeſleighe R. [St. Rumon) Epiſc. Proxies ix d. Epifc. & 101 of 05: Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiar. Proxies i s. ii d. ob. Sir Hugh Acland Bart. 1703. Stodeleighe R. als Studley (St. Margaret ) Epiſc. Proxies ii s.iid.. 20 00 02 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Catb. iis, v.d. Archidiac, 02 00 00 Proxies vi s.. viii d.. Mrs. Catherine Carew Widow 1709. Tilbruge for ľ. 08 01 . 10 } for 1 DEVON, DIOCESE of EXETER. 163 King's Books. 1. J. d. { {ဝဝ foo 19 37 17 05 { Weft-Anfty V. (Holy Trinity] Epiſc. Proxies xiii d. EliC; Foi oi 08 Yearly Tenths, 1. d. Tilbruge als Thelbridge R. [St. David] Epifc. Proxies ix d. 1.0 06 055 Epiſc . & Archidiac Syn. & Caib. xvii d. Archidiac. Pro- for 00 07] xies ii s. ii d.ob. Mrs. Mary Venn (this Turn) 1712. George Shortrudge Eſq; (N. & Mag. Br.) Warkleigh R. (St. John] Epiſc. Proxies ix d. Epiſc. & Ar-301 08 057 14 04 07 chidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. ob. Archidiac. Prox, ii s. ii d.ob.) Earl of Stamford (N.) Weft-Worlington R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. Proxies ix d. Epiſc. 08 15 10 & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Proxies Soo 17 07 ii . ii d. ob. The Heirs of John Stukely (N.) Wulfardiſworthie. R. [Holy Trinity] Epiſc. Proxies xiri d. 09 19 041 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cerb. ii s. xd. Archidiac. Soo 19 11 $ 51 . Proxies iii s. iii d. Sir Wm. Waldron Kt. 1685. Daniel Pring 1720. Wythridge V. [St. John Baptift] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ij d.) 23 10 05 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. xd. Archidiac. Pro- xies vis. viii d. Pri. Canington in Somerſet olim Propr. jo. Cooke Clerk (this Turn) 1717. Tbomas Melhuifh Eſq; (N.) Livings diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Childon R. als Chedelton [St. Mary] Epifc. Proxies ix d. 28 06 11 Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ü s. v d. Archidiac. Pro- 09 10 xies ii s. ii d. ob. Lord Viſcount Downrayle 1708. S Creacomb R. (St. Michael] Epifc. & Archidiac. Syn. 25 04 00 Cath. xvii d. oo Chriſtopher Harris Eſq; 17.12. Meſhaw R. [St. John Baptiſt) Epiſc. Proxies ix d. Epiſc. & 44 02 103 Archidiac. Syn. &. Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Proxies oo 14 05 vis. viii.de Pbilip Shapcoate Eſq; 1686. North-Molton V. [All Saints] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii do Eiſpc. 20 16 08 & Archidiac. Syn. Es Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Proxies or 13071 vi s. viii.d. Mon. Lillehulle in Salop Propr. George Parker Esq; 1705. 31 09 06 Satterleigh R. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Caib. xvii do 00 08 con Earl of Stamford (Mag. Br.) Waſhford-Pyne R. (St. Peter] Epiſc. Proxies vi d.ob. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath, xvii d. Archidiac, Prox. xx d. 00 12 00 Mrs. Frances White Widow and others 1715. John Hacche Efq; 1719. & v Archidiac. Prox, iii s. Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr, and Patr. Not { 0-30 { ܘܘ{ܦ 09 10 en doo 3301 49 07 06 { We 300 Y 2 164 Devon. DIOCESE of EXETER. Not in Charge. Anfty St. Mary's 1. 24 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. City of Exeter (N.) South-MOLTON Cur. [St. Mary]l. 30 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. This was a Rectory valued at 67 1. 35. 4 d. but now dif- folved, and only a Curacy left. Marianſleigh Ch, Epiſc. Prox. ü s. ii d. Epifc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. vd. Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. Twitchen [St. Peter) Chapel to North-Molton. * D. Tamerton, in the Arch-Deaconry of TOINESS. 1. s. d. 1. S. d 3:302 01 00:{ refers Penf. 2x { "} Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. * Bere-Ferrers R. (St. Andrew] Dec. & Cap. Exon, pro le Que- 24 OI 00 refters Penf. xx s. Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. Syn. ii s. 02 08 oz v d. Viſ. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Serjeant Maynard 1673. Earl of Stamford Patr. 1720. Bickleigh V. with a Chapel there, Archidiac. Prox. iiii s. Syn. I 11 04 07 ii s. v d. Vif. Epiſc. xvid. 02 051 9. Pri. Buckland Propr. Sir Th. Carew Bart. (Mag. Br.) Sir Andrew Slanning Bart. 1695. S Buckland Monachorum V. (Holy Trinity] Archidiac. Prox. 18 10- 19 08 09 { vis. viii d. Syn. ii s. v d. Viſ . Epiſc. ii s. ii d.ob. Pri. Buckland Propr. Biſhop of Exeter 1709. The Heirs of Mr. Crymes. Eaſtbuckland . Eggbuckland alias 08 04 043 Vif. Epiſc. xx d. 15 Pri. Plympton Propr. The KING. 17 01 08 ŞPeter's-Tawy Rze [St, Peter] Archidiac. Prox. Vs. Syn. ii s. OI, 14 02 Vif. Epiſc. xx d Biſhop of Exeter. 18 18 09 . . . Epiſc. xyi d. Sir Nich. Morrice (Mag. Br.) Sir William Morrice Bart. 1668. 14 05 07:. s. . STavy St. Mary's R. Archidiac. Prox. üïis. Syn, ii s. v d. Viſ. oi 08 06 10. Buller Efq; 1714. Tamerton V. (St. Mary} cum Cap. Martin Stow, Archidiac. 12 07 for 04 097 Prox. v s. Syn. ii s. vd. Vif. Epiſc. xx d. Pri. Plympton Propr. The KING. Walkhampton V. cum Shittiſton, Archidiac. Prox, S, Syn. 09 14 07 051 s. vd. Viſ. Epiſc. xx d. Pri. Buckland Propr. Lady Elizabeth Modyford Widow 1713. q. The Heirs of Sir Andrew Slanning (N.) Whitchurch Bere-Ferrers. In this Pariſh is the Borough of Bere- Alfon, Willis's Not. Parl. Vol. II. p. 374. s}01 vision ii ind 765 DIOCESE of. EXETER. King's Books. 1. d. s. d. 16 05 05 tij . Epift: Zor 12 06; . Yearly Tenthsi 1. Whitchurch V. [St. Michael] Abb. de Taviſtock Penf. iii s. iiii d. Arcbidiac. Prox. vi s. vid. Syn. ii s. v d. Viſ. Epiſc. SOI 12 06; ii s. ii d. ob. Abb. Taviſtock Propr. Francis.Pengelly Eſq; 1697. об оо оо Cantar' Tamerton Foliat. Diſcharged. Clear Pearly Value. S Meavey R. Prior. Plympton Penf. xiii s. iiii d. Archidiac. 48 Oo oo { Prox. vi s. viii d. Syn. ii s. v d. Vif. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. The. KING.. 00 12 00 for Por 06 06 3 Sampford Spiny Chap. - - Pri, Plympton Propr. l. 13 : 06 : 08 Certified Val. ; D. Caviſtock, in the Arch-Deaconry of TOTNESS. { ŞDunterton R. (St. Peter] Arcbidiac. Prox. üis. Syn.ü s. v doo 16 08; Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly. Tenths. Rectories, &c.' with their Patrons and Proprietors. I. s. d. Brideſtowe R. (St. Bridget] with Sourton Chapel [S:. Thomas 32 17 11 Becket] Archidiac. Prox. de Brydſtowe vi s. viii d. Syn. ii s.*03 05 og vd. Syn. de Sourton xiii d. Viſ. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Biſhop of Exeter. 08 03 04 Broodwode Wiger V. (Repriz. null. notat.) 00 16 04 Pri: Fritbelli oke Propr. Mr. Coringdon. St. v 08 13.09 { Viſ . Epiſc. xii d. Thomas Lavers Gent, 1684. 08 07 or : William Clobery Efq; (N.) og 08 09 Kellie R. 00 18 10 Arthur Kelly Efq; 1702. , . 13 02 01 01 06 02 ; d. Abb. Taviſtock Propr. Arthur Tremayne Efq; 1718. . . ä d 09 13 09 oo 19 045 Epiſc. xij d. Henry Gould Gent. 1692.. SLIDFORD R. [St. Petroch] Arcbidiac. Prox. iii s. Syn. ii s. v d. 15 13 09 2 Viſ. Epiſc. xii d. 01 JI 04 The KING. Lifton R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. Syn. ii s. 31 02 11 02 031 v d. Viſ. Epifc. ii s. ii d. ob. Chriſtopher Harris Eſq; 1714. Mariſtow V. (St. Mary) with Thruſleton Chapel (St. George) Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. Syn. ii s. v d. Viſ. Epiſc. ii s. 01 05 071 d. ob. Abb. Taviſtock Propr. Edmund Tremayne Efq; 1697. Milton üis.vd.}os is303a 0;} 12 16 00 166 ::DIO.C.E.S E of EXETER. Devon. 1... d. üszor .King's Books Yearly Tenths. 1. V. [St. . Syn, . xii d 19 047 Abb. Taviſtock Propr. Duke of Bedford 1714. 10 06 08 Siddenham Damerell 'R. [St. Mary). Archidiac. Prox, yii s. Vil. Epifc. ii s. 00 08 Arthur Tremayne Eſq; 1718. II 12 06 Stowford R. Archidiac. Prox. iiis. Syn. ii s. v d. Vil. Epiſc. xvid. or 03 03 Chriſtopher Harris Eſq;. (Mag. Br.) William Harris Eſq; 1700. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Bradſtone R. (St. Nun q.] Archidiac. Prox. qiis. Syn.üs. v d. 49 Oo oo 2 Viſ. Epiſc. xii d. Biſhop of Exeter. TAVISTOCK V. [St. Euftache] (Repriz. null. notat.). Pri. Taviſtock. Duke of Bedford 1701. 30 Oo oo Virginſtow R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. ii so v d. pro Syn. & Cath. 00 10 The KING. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Brent Torr (St. Michael] Abb. Taviſtock Propr. Skit Torr Ch. d. 300 12 09 11 00 00 OI OI 09 10.08 D. Tiverton, in the Arch-Deaconry of EXETER. King's Books. lo d. 6.30 Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. . d. or 16 Prox. Syn. Cath. vis. viii d Sir Thomas Carew 1722. The Heirs of Sir H. Carew (N.) 12 00 00, Calwoodley R. (null, Repriz. mentionat, quia dimil.). OI 0400 Lady Elizabetb Fane 1711. Clare Portion in TIVERTON Church Epifc. Prox. viii d. 27. 00 00 2 Archidiac. Prox. ii s. Syn. & Cath. xii de 302 02 If om Richard Newte Gent. 1678. The Heirs of Sir Hugh Courtenay (N.) 15 07 03:{. ii s. ii d S Clehanger R. Epiſc. Prox. xiii d. Archidiac. Prox, iii s, iüi d. d.301 01 10 081 Bluet Wallop Efq; 1695. Foba Pym Clerk (this Turn) 1706. ŞHuntefham R. Epid. Prox. xii d. Arcbidiac. Prox. Syn. &}or or 03: Thomas Bere Eſq; 1704. ŠPitt Portion in TivERTON Church, Epiſc . Prox., vijä d. Ar- 36 oo oo 2 chidiac. Prox. Syn. & Cath. iji.s. i d. ob. 7-303 12 00 Sir Richard Vivian Bart 1716. Sampford * Tiverton On a time the Parſon thereof found fault, that the Benefice was ſmall of Value ; which the Earl (of Devonſhire, Courtenay) underſtanding, at the next Avoidance divided it into three Parts, viz. Tid- combe, Clare, and Pitt, at 100 Marks apiece. Riſdon of Devonſh. P. 39. 10 12 II . DEVON 167 DIOCÈSE of EXETER. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. I. S. d. . J. d. 14.302 06 10 atui}.00 27 Oo oo 23 08 117 Archidiac. Prox. Syn. & Cath, vi si v d. Jobn Earl Powlet 1697. S Templeton R. (St. Margaret] quodam Redditu folut. Prioratui.? OS 15 00 { Sti Jobis Jeruſalem in Anglia & nunc Regi xxvi s. viii d. 00 17.06 Sir William Pole (N.) STidcomb Portion in TIVERTON Church (St. Peter) Epiſo Prox. viii d. Arrhidiac. Prox. Syn. & Cath. iii s, id. ob. C3302 14 00 Peter Newte Gent. (this Turn) 1716. The Heirs of Sir Hugh Courtenay (N.) Uffculme R. or P. Epiſc. Prox. ii s. viii d. Archidiac. Prox. 36 00 05 { Syn. & Cath. x s. v d. 12 00 Biſhop of Sarum. 18 00 02Ź Uffculme V. (St. Mary) (null. Repriz. mentionat.) or 16 00 Prebendary thereof. Uploman R. [St. Peter] Epiſc. Prox, xvid. Archidiac. Prox. 21 00.10 { Syn. & Cath. vi s. x d. OT John Aſhburnham Eſq; "Mag. Br.) Lord Powlet (N.) Ig 07 06 Waſhfield R. (St. Mary) (null. Repriz, mentionat. quia dimill.) OI 18 og Henry World Ecq; 1676. John Worth Eſq; (this Turn) 1710. { *}03 1 “302 02 02 01 2.1 IL. 00 02 00 00 1 for 03.07 ( Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. SBAUNTON V. alias Bampton [St. Michael) (Repriz. nüll. quia? quia for 2 dimil.) Abb. Buckland Propr. q. The KING 1711: The Heirs of John Doble (N.) 9. $Burliſcomb Y. [St. Mary] Epiſc. Prox, xiü d. Archidiac. Prox. 2. 41 05 00 iii s. liii d. Syn. & Cath. iii s. üid. Pri: Canonleigh Propr. Ja. Trever and William Green 1701. John Bajjet Efq; (N.) 48 00 00 Culmſtock V. [AH-Saints) (Repriz. null. mentionat. quia dimijl.) 01 12 00 Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. 46 oo oo SHalberton V.* (St. Andrews: Epiſc. Prox, ii s. viii d. Archi- 03 02 00 2 diac. Prost. Syn. & Cath, xi s. iii d. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol Propr. and Patr. 50 00 00 Hockworthy V. (Repriz. null. mentionat. quia dimil.) 00 14 08 Pri.. Canonleigl Propr. Mrs: Gra. Sharp Widow 1709. ? SHolcombe Rogus V. Epifc. Prox. i si ii d. Archidiac. Prox. 47 Oo oo vi so viii d. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. 01 01 001 Robert and Peter Kerflake 1693. Mr. William Lenthall (N.) 44 00 00 Loxbear R. Pen). Rectori de Cadleigh xx d.. 00 13 057 Ro. Eudmore Gent. 1711. Morebath V. [St. George). Epiſc. Prox. ii s. ü d. Archidiac. Prox. 'vis, viti d. Syn. & Cath,'ii s. v d. fo op 14 JOS Pri.. Barlinch in Somerſet Propr. '70, and Grace Sharpe 1705. Richard Bere Efq; (N.). Priors Halberton in the Original is called a Rectory. ch?v3 Prox?o :. 168 DIOCESE of EXETER. Devon. Yearly Tenths, l. d. 00 00 00 S. . . Zoo 15 00; Clear Yearly Value. 1 4. Io oo oo Priors Quarter in TIVERTON Willand R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. Prox, vid. Archidiac. Prox, 42 00 od xx d. Syn. & Cath, ji s. v d. 70. Drake Gent. John Carwithen 1720. Not in Charge. TIVERTON St. James's R. Nicholas Luke Eſq; (N.) Cove Chapel (St. John Baptiſt] (not certified.) Calverley Ch. (not certified.) Hitherlands Ch. (not certified.) Petton Ch. (not certified.) D. Torrington, in the Arch-Deaconry of BARNSTAPLE. jou 08 oo Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. l. d. Aſhraignye R. alias Rings-Ath a{St. James) Epiſc. Prox. ii s. 24 Oo oo ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archi- diac. Prox. vi s. viiid. Mr. Richard Meluiſh 17.00. Thomas Chafe Eſq; (N.) Beafford R. (All-Saints] Epifc. Prox. ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Ar- 074 chidiac. Syn. & Cath. ï s. vd. Archidiac, Prox. vis, viiid. John Baſſet Eſq; (Mag. Br.) Thomas Copleſton 1665. Buckland Filleighe R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. Prox. xviii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. vd. Archidiac. Prox. 03 07 IIII s, vi Biſhop of Exeter. żo 16 08 Dowilton R. (St. Edmund] Epiſc . Prox. ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath.ii s. v d. Archidiac. Prox, vis, viii d. 02 01 08 I Lord Carteret. (Mag. Br.) John Granvill Eſq; 1701. Edſleighe R. alias Idfleigh (St. James] Epifc. Prox. ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. II { for 1 16 00;} s fo : 302 for 14 01 29 01 03 Sir Henry Northcote. (Mag. Br.) Anth. Copleſton and Tho. Chappel Orig. Patr. 1616. Anth, Copleston and Richard Stooke Orig. Patr. 1643. . Prox. ii s. ii dEpiſc. & Archidiac. 02 18 or} ii . Arcbidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. Sir John Rolle Knt. 1705. Martin R. Martin q.] Epiſc. . sEpiſc. & 02 or 06 { Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Prox, vis, viiid. Samuel Rolle Eſq; 1695. Methe R. [St. John Baptift] Epiſc. Prox. ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. & Cath. ii s. v d. Abb. de Taviſtock Pens: {00 18 09 . üs. Arcbidiac. Prox. vi s. viii de Edward Carey Efq; 1701. Newton a 302 09 07 06 foo Devon. DIOCESE of EXETER. 169 King's Books. 1. d. . 300 Los :30 17 00 021 20 00 00 fo: 02 00 00 Yearly Tenths, I d. Newton St. Petrock R. Epiſc. Proxies ix d. Epiſc. & Archi- 08 05 073 diac. Syn. and Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Proxies ii s. id. ob. 00 16 06 Priori Bodman pro Penf. vii s. Fof. Spittigne 1701. Rodbroughe R. [St. Peter] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc. Es 10 08 09 Archidiac. Syn. and Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Proxies Soi oo io vis. viii d. Andrew and Thomas Jeffreys 1699. Stow St. Petrock, als Petrock-Stow, als Heanton R. Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc.& Archidiac. Syn. and Cath. ii s. v d.o1 14 00 Abb.de Buckfaſt Penf. xxvis. viii d. Archidiac. Prox, vi s. viiid. Samuel Rolle Eſq; 1714. GREAT TORRINGTON V. (St. Michael] with St. Giles's, Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. and Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Proxies vis. viiid. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church Oxon. (W.) ŞLittle Torrington R. Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Ar-? 14 18 1134 chidiac. Syn. and Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. for 19 104 John Rolle Eſq:(Mag. Brit.) Lord Granville, Lord Gower, John Rolle Eſq; SirBourchierWray Bart. Chriſtopher Har- ris, Joſeph Copleſton, Richard Stevens Eſqs; and James Vallet Milliner 1719. Winkleigh V. [All Saints] Epiſc. Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & 21 08 09 Archidiac. Syn. and Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Proxies S02 02 10 vi s. viii d. Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Propr. Livings diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. SHuiſh R. [St. James] Epiſc. Proxies xiii d. Epiſc. & Archi-> 0 16 00 diac. Syn. and Cath. ii s. v d. Archidiac. Prox. iii s. iiiid. George Yeo Eſg; 1706. Shebbear V. cum cap. SHEEPWASH, [St. Laurence] Epiſc. 49 05 00 Proxies ii s. ii d. Epiſc. & Archidiac. Syn. and Cath. ii s. xd. Soi 02 10 Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. The KING. Abb. Torr Propr. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Dowland- 1. 20:0;o Certified Val. Abb. Canonleigh Propr. Petermerland Ch. D. Totton, in the Arch-Deaconry of Totness. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Aſhprington R. cum. Cap. Painsford (St. David] Archidiac. 29 OI 08 Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. x d. Viſit. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. S02 18 02 Pri. Totneſs pro Cap. Redd. vi s. viii d. Edward Noſworthy Clerk 1706. Edward Giles Eſq; (N.) Z BRENT sfo2 44 00 00 bi-} d, for 1 1. s. d. 1. s. d. { 302 170 DIOCESE OF EXETER. DEVON. 1 1. S. d. 1. s. 21 00 00 mods fo2 2 02 00 09 06 . . for 18 021 36 04 04: Dertington R. [St. Thomas Becket] Archidiac. Proxies V S. 503 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. Brent V. als South Brent [St. Patrick] Monaſterio de 29 14 047 Buckfaſt pro Penf. iiii s. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Sy-fo2 19.05% nods ii s, x d. Viſit. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Sir Peter Baron (Mag. Br.) Abb. Buckfaſt Propr. 1672. Mrs. Ackland 1716. Lord Petre. 19 or 00:{Buckfaſtleigh V (Holy Trinity! Abb. Buckfaf pro Pen[:] { xvi s. viii d. Archidiac. Proxies ii d. Vifit. Epiſc. iis. ii d. 06. for 18 or Abb. Buckfaſtleigh Propr. Richard Fownes Éſq; and Eli- zabeth his Wife 1717. ŞDene Prior V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. Proxies v s. Synods { ii s. x d. Vifit. Epiſc. xx d. Pri. Plympton Propr. Edward Yard Eſq; 1678. ii s. v d. Viſit. Epiſc. xx d. 03 12 057 Mr. Arthur Champernowne 1678. s Dettſham R. [St. George] Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Sy-? 34 15 00 nods ii s. v d. Viſit. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Seneſchallo xiii s. iiii d. Earl of Suffolk 1703. Sir John Hobart 1723. Dopeford R. als Diptford, Archidiac, vi s. viii d. Synods 29 02 OI 2 ii s. v d. Viſit. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Edmund Sture Efq;: 1661. John Cranch and Robert Chappel, h. v. 1721. Harberton V. (St. Andrew.] with Halwill Chapel [St. Leonard) 49 02 OI Decan. & Cap. Exon. pro Penf. xxvi s. viii.d. Archidiac. -04 18 025 Proxies vi s. viï d. Synods ii s. v d. Viſit. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Propr. and Patr. SHoll V. als Holne, Priori Sti Jobis Exon. pro Penf. xx s.? Archidiac. Proxies illi s. 00 16 061 Synods xiii d. Viſit. Epiſc, xvid. Pri. St. John's Exon Propr. Henry Lane and George Dot- tin 1669. Biſhop of Exeter (this Turn) 1709. S-Rattrey V. Archidiac. ii s, ji diob. 14 10 00 2 Epiſc. viii d. ob. Abb. St. Dogmaels in Pembrokeſhire Propr. Waltham Sa- very Efq; 1721. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Blackauton V. [St. Michael] Archidiac. Proxies. vi s. viii d. 25 00 00 { Synods ii s. v d. Viſit. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. OI 10 10 Pri. Cornworthy Propr. Nicholas Roope Eſq; Cornworthy V. [St. Peter) Pri. Cornworthy Propr. Mr. Hugh Pomery and Mrs. Jane Hody 1708. STOTNESS V. [St. Mary). Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Sy- 2 nods ii s. v d. Viſit. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. OI 04 10 The KING. Pri. Totton Propr. Townſtall V. (St. Clement] with St. Saviour's in DART- 29 06 as MOUTH, Archidiec. Proxies vis. viii d. Synods iis, v d. Soi 05 061 Viſit. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Abb. Torr Propr. Mayor and Bailiffs of Dartmouth. Chapels, got { 300 Synods xii (d. ob. Vifit. For og oo d}or 1 10 00 00 00 00 00 24 06 08 Sy- }or : vano DEVONO DIOGESE of EXETER. 171 Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Marland Ch. Pri. Cornworthy Propr. ST. PETROCK DARTMOUTH, als Clifton : 10:00 Certified Val. The KING. 31.0 1. 03 2. Woodleigh, in the Arch-Deaconry of TOTNESS. 1. 1. s. d. + 38 or 08 {A 16 02 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Terz'bs. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Alvington, als Avelington, als Weft-Allington [All Saints q.] with Malbrooke, Milton and Huiſhe Chapels, Vicariis Ecclef. Cath. Exon. liii s. iiii d.. Archidiac. Ecclef. de Alfyng- 62 16 10 ton vis, viii d. Syn. ejuſdem Ecclef. ii s. v d. Vift. Epiſc. 06 05 03.1 pro eadem ii s. ii d. ob. Archidiac. Procur. Ecclef. de Malburgh vi s. viii d. Syn. ejuſdem ii s. v d. Viſit. Epiſc. pro eadem ii s. ii d. ob. Archidiac. Syn. & Cap. Milton vii d. Dean and Chapter of Sarum. Aveton Gifford R. (St. Andrew] Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. xd. Henry Lane Gent. 1709. 28 17 II Bigburie R. [St. Laurence] Archidiac. Proxies vis. viii d. Sy- 16 nods iïi s. iii d. Viſit. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Duke of Bolton. Charleton R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. Proxies v s. 31 08 04 ii s, vi d. Vifit. Epiſc. xx d. 03 02 10 Edmund Parker Eſq; (Mag. Br.) Edmund Forteſcue Eſq; and Edmund Reynell Efq; 1713. Stephen Northleigh Efq; (N.) 32 02 OI Eaſt-Allington R. [St. Andrew] 03 04 02 Peter Forteſcue Eſq; 1717, SLoddefwill Ý. [St. Michael] Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. 26 00 023 Synods ii s. vd. Vifit. Epiſc. ii s. ü d.ob, ? 02 12 00 Pri. Slapton olim Propr. Mallack Eſq; 1680. Lord Arundel of Wardour (N.) (St. v d. 3031 }03 Synods 3.03 22 16 05: 19 10 07:{ xd.}or 19 29 18 04 19 001 Mr. Hele. Portlemouth R. (St. Twinnels] Archidiac. Proxies v s. Sy- nods ii s. v d. Viſit. Epiſc. xx d. Duke of Bolton, Ridmore R. als Rinmore, Archidiac. Proxies iiii s. Syn. ii s. x.d. Vifit. Epiſc. xvi d. Francis Kirkham Efq; 1697. Stockingham als Stokenham V. (St. Barnabas) with Shirford [St. Martin) and Chulſtone [St. Sylveſter] Chapels, Archi- 04 16 095 diac, Proxies vis. viii d. Synods iis.x d. Viſ. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. The KING. Mon. Byfjan in Berks Propr. Thurlſton 48 07 087 304 Z 2 172 DIOCESE of EXETER. Devon. s. ک i sov do 302 King's Books. Yeary Tenths. 1. d. l.s. d. 25 10 oo Thuriſton R. 02 II 00 Edward Yard and 70. Sampford 1701. Edward Yard Eſq; b. v. 1723. 22 08 04 ? Viſit. Epiſc. xx d. SWoodleigh R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. Proxies v s. Syn. ïi so v d. 04 10 Ja. Pollexfen Eſq; Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Churſtow (St. Mary) and KINGSBRIDGE V. [St. Edmund)? 26 oo oo OI 13 08 { Archidiac. Proxies v s. Synods iii s. i d. · Viſit. Epiſc. xxd.S Abb. Buckfaſt Propr. The City of Exeter (N.) 44 08 oo DODBROOK E R. * [St. Mary Magdalen] Synods ii d. oo 17 On Edward Yard and his wife, and Steph. Northleigh Efq; 1709. SMoreleigh R. [St. Mary Magdalen] Archidiac. Proxies iii s. Sy. 48 19 05 00 18 09 nods vii d. Viſit. Epiſc. xx d. 70. Shapleigh 1709. Slapton Cur. (St. Mary] Pri. Slapton Propr. sy - 15 Oo oo D. Caft, in the Arch-Deaconry of CORNWALL. . 1. d. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 01 13. 06 02 12 09 OI II 017 02 07 ore Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 16 15 07 Botsfleminge R. Hooke Efq; 1675. Elizabeth Pearſe (this Turn) ) 1705. Gilbert Symkin and Nothmore Herle Efq; 1721. 26 07 081 Calſtocke R. [St. Andrew] The KING. 15 II 00. Cruetheke V. als Quethioke Appropriatur Rectoriæ de Haccombe in Dec. Kenn Com. Devon. Biſhop of Exeter. 23 Ii Oo St. Dominick R. John Clerke Eſq; 1715. 12 12 06 St. John R. The K ING. 26 oo oo St. Ives R. The KING. 20 03 061 Landulphe R. [St. Dilp) The KING. Lankinghorne V. [St. Mellor] Pri. Launceſton Propr. Mrs. Vacy (Mag. Br.) Jo. Byne 1689. 07 18 09 Lawenecke V. als Lawannick [St. Wenner] The KING. Pri. Launceſton Propr. 01 05 03 02 12 00 15 02 00. 04 13 00 00 от об оо 00 15 10 Lawhitton • Dolbrooke---- The Parſon here has. Tythe-Ale. Camb. Brit. by Biſhop Gibſon, Edit. 1, p. 39: CORNWALL. DIOCESE OF EXETER. 173 Yoarly Tenths. l. d. OI 18 08 19 06.08 32 00 00 03 04 00 II 12 06 OI 03 03 02 03 061 36. 06 08 03 12 08 oi 13 06 12 07 06 OI 04 09 King's Books. 1. d. Lawhitton R. [St. Michael] Biſhop of Exeter. Lawſante als Lezant R. Biſhop of Exeter 1710. St. Melyan R. als St. Mellyn. Sir William Coryton Bart. 1695. (N.) 21 15 05 Mvnhenyote V. [St. Neot] Exeter College Oxford preſents, at the Nomination of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Northill R. (St. Torney] Mrs. Eliz. Darley Widow 1716 16 15 07 Pilaton R. Sir William Coryton Bart. 1702. Rame R. [St. Michael q.] Pearce Edgcomb Efq; 1690, 26 14 07 Sevioke R. als Shevioke [St. Mary q.] Sir William Carew Bart. 38 oo oo Southill R. + Sir Jonathan Trelawney, Biſhop of Exeter, in his own Right 1691. 40 00 00 Stoke Clymeſland R. The KING Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly. Value 40 00.00 Eaſt-Anthony V. [St. Anthony] Pri. Tywirdreth Propr. Sir William Carew (Mag. Br.) Sir John Carew 1681. 40 00 00 Lanrake V. [St. Peter) Pri, St. Germans Propr. Edward Noſworthy Eſq; 1677 40 Oo oo Maker. V. [St. Michael q.) The KIN G. Pri. Plympton. Propr.. St. Stephens near Sait-Ath. V. I [St. Nicholas] Pri. Launceſton Propr. (Mon. Vol. II. p. 107:) Dec. and Canons of. Windſor (Webber.) Jo. Buller Efq;. 1714. 02 13 052 03 16 00 04 Oo oo 01 05 09 OI 17 03 02 07 01 * 21 00 00 02 12.00 St. Germans V. [St. German] Dec. and Canons of Wind- for. Propr. Vide Willisºs. Not.. Parl. Vol. II. p. 153. D. kerier.. King's Books. I. di Yearly Tenths. d. : la si Livings remaining in Charges Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. S Breoke als St. Breage, St. Germowe, Corantyn [St. Ninian]? { and Gunwallo Wynnaton V. St. [Wynwallow] The KING. 'Mon, Hayles. in Co. Glouceſter Propr.. 33 Oo oo tan}}03 06 oo St. + Southill-In this Pariſh is the Borough of KELLINGTON. Willis's Not. Parl. Vol. II. p.: 171, St. Stephens In this Pariſh is the Borough of SALT-Ash. Willis's Not. Parl. Vol. II. p. 76. 174 DIOCESE of EXETER. : CORNWALL. s. 1. S. d. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. I. d. 21 06 101 St. Gluvias and St. Budoke V. * 02 02 085 Biſhop of Exeter. IT OI 051 St. Grada R. OI 02 01 John Trevanion Efq; (Mag. Br.) Charles Trevanion Efq; 1680. 40. Saul Efq; (this. Turn) 1710. 18 11 05 Keyran als St. Keverne V. OI 17 01 Mon.de Bewley in Co. Southampt. Propr.(Leil. Itin. Vol. III. p. 11.) Richad Hele Eſq; (Mag. Br.) James Bulteel Eſq; 1717: 35. 10 02 Mawgan and Martin als Dedimus R. [St. Mogun) 03 II 00 Mary Trevillian 1680. Laurence Agar and Tho. Bridges Gent. b. v. 1724. Sir John Trevillian Bart, 14 16 03 Mawnan R. [St. Mawnan] oi 09 07 John Peter Eſq; 1716. Rob. Pearſe Gent. (Mag. Br.) The Heirs of Sir Nicholas Slanning (N.) 16 15 00 Milour (St. Melor) and Lavapper V. [St. Mabe] OI 13 06 Pri. Five Colleg. Glaſeney Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. 10 10 02 Ruan Major R. (St. Rumon] OI OI 00 George Robinſon Eſq; 1709. ŞSt. Stedian's, V. als Stythyans, cum Capella de Perran Arworthall 14 00 10 01 08 o1 ? [St. Piran] Mon. Rewley in Co. Oxon Propr. Hugh Boſcawen Eſq; 1706. Lord Viſc. Falmouth 1722. 26 19 045 St. Wendron and HELSTON V. [St. Michael] 02 13 11 115 Mon. Rewley in Co. Oxon. Propr. Robert Jago 1692. Mr. Robinſon Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 25 Oo oo St. Anthony V. in Meneage oo 09.07 The KING. Pri. Plympton Propr. (Mon. Vol. II. p. 9.) 50 Oo oo St. Conſtantine V. OI 18 041 Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. 49 Oo oo Gwinap V. [St. Wenap] OI 13 103 Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. 4.0 15 00 Landawidnack R. als Landewenack (St. Lanty] 01 03 081 George Robinſon Eſq; 1909. 48 oo oo Monathon als Manacca V. oo 09 076 Biſhop of Exeter. 34 18 u Mullyan V. (St. Melan] 00 18 057 Colleg. Vic. Choral. Exon. Propr. Biſhop of Exeter Patr. 23 10 00 Ruan Minor (St. Rumon] 00 08 057 George Robinſon Efq; 48 oo oo Sithney V. [St. Sithne] OI 19 OK Biſhop of Exeter. Chapels, allos 1 013 * Gluvias. In this Pariſh is the Borough of PENRYN, Willis's Not. Parl. Vol. II. p. 109. N. B. The College of Glaſeney was in this Pariſh. CORNWALL. DIOCESE OF EXETER. 175 Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. BURRITON als PENZANCE Chap... 05 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Merthir Chap. als Merthir- Uni 32.13 : 16 : 00 Certified Val. Cornelly Chap. 1, 20 : 12 : 00 Certified Val. Zele Vin Ch. Silley Inſul Chap. (not certified.) Mons Michaelis Ch. (not, certified.) D. Penwithc. X S. I OI 02 II Livings remaining in Charge. King's-Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 48 12 01 Borian R. * als St. Burien. 04 17 02 The KING. 09 16 oo Borian Deanry. 00 19 075 The KING 39 16 10 Cambourne R. [St. Peter q.] 03 09 081 Francis Baſſet Eſq; 1709. II 09 02 Crowan als Uni-Crowan V. (St. Unine] Mon. Tewkſbury in Glouceſtr. Propr. Sir John Aubin als St. Albans 1702. 14 01 00 Erghe V. (St. Earth] OI 08 ois Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. 22 II 10, Ewny near Lalant, and St. Jeſte. V. als St. Ives. 02 05 025 Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. Biſhop of Exeter Patr. St. Ewny near REDRUTH R. als Uny. Thomas Toukin Eſq; (this Turn) 1711. Francis Baſſet Efq; (N.) 45 TO 10 Felack als Phillack and Gothian R. [St. Felix and Gothian] 04 II OI Sir John Arundel Bart. 1691. 06 11 00 Gulwatts als Lanefly V. (St. Gulwall] 00 13 015 The KING. Pri, St. Germans Propr. II 06 oo St. Illarii V. OI 02 078 Mon. Syon Propr. Earl of Radnor 1691. Lord Godol- phim (N) 22 07 06 St. Illogan R. 02 04 09 Francis Ballet Eſq; 1709. II II 00 St. Juſte V. 01 03 01 The KING. Colleg: of Glaſeney Propr. (Webber.) Pri. Plympton Propr. (Mon. Vol. II. p. 9.) 30 11 00 St. Ludgvan R. 03 01 014 Duke and Dutcheſs of Bolton 1709. Duke of Bolton 1721. 20 00 00 02 00 00 Madron St. Levanema Chap. to Borian. St. Senan a Chap. to Borian. 2 176 DIOCESE Of EXETER. CORNWALL. o2 King's Books. Yearly Tenthsa 1. d. 1. d. S Madron als Madern, with the Chapel of Penzance [St. Mary]? 21 05 10 į and Morva. -02 02 07 Preceptory of Trebigh Propr. Thomas Fleming Gent. 1717. John Borlaſe Eſq; 1719. John Cowling Efq; (N. &. Mag. Br.) 02 08 04 Parva in Borian P. 00 C4 10 Biſhop of Exeter. 13 II 001 St. Paul V. OI 07 01 The KING, Mon. Hales Propr. 17 11 051 St. Piran Uthnoe R. OI 15 011 Sir John Trevilian Bart. 1709. Reſpernell P. 00 14 08 08 oo oo St. Sancret V. 00 16 oo Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. 07 00 00 Tirthney P. 00 14 00 St. Wynar V. OL 04 00 Biſhop of Exeter. Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 35 00 oo Zenar V. [St. Sennar] 00 10 06 Colleg. Penryn Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. MARKE T-Jew (St. Mary] (not in charge.) 07 06 08 I2 00 00 D. Poudze. I. S. 08 13 04 21.00 .00 02 02 00 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. Allen V. (St. Alleyn] 00 17 04 Colleg. de Glafeney olim Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. St. Austell and St. Blafye V. The KING. Mon. Tywardretb Propr. 27 10 07Cherieheyes St. Stephen's and St. Denys R, 02 15 00 Thomas Pitt Eſq; 1719. 14 00 00 Cherieheyes, &c. V. (St. Michael] OI 08 oo Thomas Pitt Efq; 1719. 09 Oo oo St. Clemens V. als Moreſk 00 18 00 The KING. Mon. Syon Propr. Crade R. als St. Creede * 01 06 08 Jo. Saul Efq; (this Turn) 1710. 19 Oo oo Elerkie als St. Uryan V. OI 18 oo Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. 22 13 04 Erme R. (St. Ermett] 02 05 04 Narcillus Lutterell Efq; 1697. 21 00 00 Eva als St. Tue R. 02 02 00 Sir Jof. Tredenbam Kt, 1700. Sir John St. Aubin Bart 1724. Fellye * Crade als Creede, In this Pariſh is the Borough of GRAMPOUND, (St. Nunn.] Willis's Not. Parl. 13 06 08 Vol. II. p. 9) DIO CORNWALL. DIOCESE of EXETER. 177 1. s. 15 12 06 20 00 00 02 00 00 03 14 OI 12 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. 1. d. 15 06 0o Fellye alias Philley R. [St. Felix] 01 10 07 The Reyd. Mr. Fowler Incumb. and Patr. 1721. Sir John Arundel (Mag. Br.) Gerens R. (St. Gurons] 01 II 03 Biſhop of Exeter. St. Goran V. Biſhop of Exeter. 10 04 02 St. Jamys and St. Keby V. alias TREGNY alias TREGONEY. 01 00 05 Pri. Merton in Surry Impr. Edmund Prideaux Efq; 1694. 37 00 10 St. Juſte R. * Fol. Tredenham and Rich, Jack Eſqs; (Mag. Br.) Philip Hawkings Gent. 1712. 16 oo oo St. Kenwyn and Kee V. [Sc. Cuby] Biſhop of Exeter. 18 00 00 Ladocke R. {St. Ladoca] OL 16 oo Charles Mobun Baron of. Okebampton 1688. Suſan Collyer and Bridget Hooke (this Turn) 1704. Thomas Pitt Efq; Patr. 1724. Peter Courtney Eſq; (Mag. Br.) 06 oo oo Lamoren R (St. Moun] 70. Keſtel Či. (this Turn) 1711. William Sparke Eſq; (N.) Lanlivery V. [St. Vorech) ог об о8 Pri, Tywardretb Propr. Mr. Kendall (N.) Luxulyan V. alias Luynlyan (St. Cyr) OI po oo Charles Grills Gent, 1684. St. Mewan R. OT 00 00 Mr, Thomas Ford 1694. Frances Hambly Widow 1724. 09 14 O2 St. Michael Penkevile R. 00 19 05 Hugb Baſcawen Efq; 1706. 06 04 02 ŞMonagey alias Mevagiſlý V. alias Lamorack. (St. Mevan.and? 00 12 05 Pri. Glafeney Propr. Richard Edgcombe Efq; 1709. St. Probus Groguth and Merther V. 01 07 08 Biſhop of Exeter. St. Roche R. Sir John Arundell 1686. Ruon Lanyhorne R. (St. Rumon] OI 04 00 Counteſs Dowager of Suffolk. Earl of Stamford and Lady, and Sir John Hobart Bart. 1715. Edward Noſworthy Eſq; (N.) (Mag. Br.) Tywardreth V. [St. Andrew q.] do 18 08 ul. 16 s. Pri. Tywardreth Propr. Biſhop of Exeter 1677. CertifiedValur. 00 12 00 13 06 08 10 00 00 10 00 00 St. Ifli] 13 16 08 20 00 00 22 00 00 . :12 00 00 89 06 08 А а Livings * 36.Jufto R. In this Pariſh is the Borough of $T. MAWES. Willi's Not. Parl. Vol. II. p. 166. 178 CORNWALL DIOCESE of." EXETER. 1 Yearly Tenths. . 1. d. 01 02 00 S. ol oo oo 10 00 00 00 05 04 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. 45 Oo oo St. Feoke V. Biſhop of Exeter Propr. and Patr. 40 00 oo Fow Ey V. (St. Fimbarrus] Pri. Tywordreth Propr. Thomas Trefry Gent. 1668. LEST WITHIEL V. alias Lyſthiel [St. Bartholomew] Pri. Bodmyn Propr. The KING. 30 Oo oo St. Mary's in TRURO Mr. Pearſe Edgcoinb 1693. Ghepels, Doratives, and Curacies. St. Sampſon's 1. 8:00 : 00 Certified Val. St. Dennis Ch. D. Ppdze. 0:1 I 2 OR King's Books . 1. d. 41 TO 10 Yeart, Tentbis. 1. 04 03 @ $3 06 08 05 06 08 26 13 04 02 13 04 18 06 08 OI: 16.08 09 Oo oo oo 18 00 06 13 04 Livings remaining in Charge. Restories, &c, with their Patrons and Proprietors. St. Breoke R. Sir Nicholas Morrice Bart. 1710. ST. COLUMBA MAJOR R. Jo. Collyer (this Turn) 1704. Sir John Arundell (N.) St. Enoder V. * alias Enedor Biſhop of Exeter. St: Erven R. Sir Nicholas Morrice Bart. 1712. St. Efye V. alias Iffye, alias Ithý, alias Égleſcrook Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. St. Evall V. alias Teverall, alias Voell Biſhop of Exeter Propr. and Pitr. Lanivet R. Anthony Nichols Eſq; 1701. St. Maugan R. Sir John Arundell 1680. Thomas Pèndarvis 1704. Sir John Trevilian Bart. 1711. Peter Courtenay Efq; (N.) St. Merin V. Dean and Chapter of Exéter Propr. . Biſhop of Exeter Patr. St. Newlyn V. Cancellar. Exon. Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. St. Pedrock minor alias Naflington R. Sir Nicholas Morrice Bart. 1708. 00 13 04 24 65 oo 02 08 oo 26 13 04 02 13 04 15 06 08 OI 10 08 16 13 04 OI 13 04 об об оз 00 12 08 I Wen 7 • Ender The Borough of St. MICHAEL is partly, in this pariſhe and part in the Parish of Aawl, n. Willis's lor. Parl. Vol. II, p. 155. CarnwALLE DIOCESE of EXETER. 179 1. Yearly Texts. d. OI 12 08 2. to s. s. King's Books. 16 06 08 Wen alias Wennam Vs [St. Wenne) Mon. Tewkſbury in Glouceſt. Propr. Warwick Pollexfen Efq; 1685. Jonathan Rabley Eſq; (Mag. Br.) Wythioll R. (St. Uvell] Śir Richard Vivyan Bart. 1712. 10 00 00 OI 00 00 > 7 oo 13 oo 16 08 01 02. 04 02 08 oo Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 40 00 00 : Colan V. [St. Colan] Colleg. Penryn Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. 46 oo oo Cuberte V. alias Cuthbert (St. Kilbord] Sir Edmund Prideaux Bart. 44 Oo oo PADESTOWE V. (St. Petrock) 70. Prideaux Eſq; 1685. Edmund Prideaux Eſq; 1720. 44 00 o@ St. Peran in Zabul and St. Agnes V. · Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Columb minor R. l. 7 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. The KING. St. Agnes Chap 1. 33 : 00 :: 00 Certified Val. Cranſtock, Chap. to Padeſtow L. 8:00 : oo Certified Val. Lanavery Ch. Nicksteri Ch. i ! D. Trigge Wajoz. 1. A. Pearly Tenths, 1. d. OI 16 06 s. oo 16 oo 00 16 00 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. ReEfories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 18 05 00 Alternon V. [St. Nunn.] Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. and Patr. 08 oo oo Dewitowe.V. alias Davidítow, alias Downſtock [St. David) Pri. Bridg water in Co. Somerſet Propr. The KING. 08 OQ OO St. Genys V. alias St. Gennes Pri. Launceſton Propy: Mr. William Crewys 1712. 19 Oo oo Jacobſtow R. EŞt. James ] Mary Raſhley (Mag. Br.) Edward Elliot Efq; 1720. Launcells V. (St. Thomas Becket]. Abb. Hertland in Devon. Propr. Paul Orchard Eſq; 1712. Richard Porter Efq; (N.) 9. 15 11 00; Marham Church R. (St. Marvenne] William Pearſe Eſq; 1673. 13 10 10 Morwinſtow V. [St. Morvenna] Pri. Bridgwater in Somerſet. Propr. Biſhop of Exeter, 01 18 00 10 10 10 OI OI OI ΟΙ 11 ο11 01 07 QI ...Aa.2.2 North 180 DIOCES E of EXETER. CORNWALL: 1. 3. d. 26 03 13. James] { [Stazo: King's Books. Yearly Tentka 1. s. d: 09 10.10, North-Paderwyn V. * aliás Petlerwân (St. Paternus) 00 19 Ok! · Pri: Launceſton Propr. Earl of Bedford 1681. 03 02 06 South-Paderwyn V., alias Petherwyn and Trewin (St. Paternus] 00 18. 03 Abb. Taviſtock Propr. Oxford Univerſity. og og 07 Treveglos and Warbuſtow V.. [St. Werburgh). 00 19 11 Pri. Tywardreth Propr. The KING. 17 Oo oo Wike St. Mary's R... OL. 14: 00: Grace Counteſs Granville and John Lord Gower 1716. Wikehampton: alias Lelkhampton alias Kilkhampton R. (St. 12 047 George Granville Efq;-1711. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 42. 09 00 · Cleđer V. (St. Clether] 00...13, 02 Cantar. de St. Auſtell Propr. . Bifhop of Exeter 1664. John Trevillian Eſq; (N.) 45 00 oo Poghill V. (St, Tolida). 00 13 02 Pri. Launceſton Propr. The KING. 47 00.00 Poundiſtocke V. [St. Neot q..) 01 06.08 Pri. Slapton in Devon Propr. Richard Fòm Gent. 1718. : Univerſity of Oxford 1720. - Lord Arundell of Wardour. (N.) 40 00.00: STRATTON V. (St, Andrew] 01 01 02: Pri. Launceſton Propr: (Mon. V. II. p. 107.) The KING. 4.7. 00 00 Whitſtone R: 01.09. On 70. Saule Eſq; 1704. . Chapels, Donatives, and Canacies. Boyton C. 1.18: 00 : 00 Certified Vale. Mr. Langford Propr. Egleſkorry Cur. (St. Petrock) St. Giles's in the Heath 1. 42 :-II : 81 Certified Val. St. Julet. Moleſworth Patr. l. 0 : 15 : 00 Certified Val! Laneſt l. 9 9:05 : 04 Certified Val, North-Tamerton Cur. Yohn Rolle Eſq; Patr. St. Mary. Magdalen Launceſton: The KING Patr. St. Stephens l. 50:-001: 00 Certified Val. S. Thomas Tremaine Chap. 1.. 6:13 04 Certified Vali The KING Patr.- Treſmere [St. Nicholas] 1. 2.:.00 : 00 Certified Val... Werrington Chi + .. : 1 1 A D. North-Paderwyn alias Petherwyn V. is in the County of Devon. CORNWALLE 181 DIOCESE OF EXETER. D. Trigge Dinos. di 13 10 og OI 12 00 IO 00 00 ; Om 10 00 00 10 00 - Livings remaining in Cbarge.. King's Books Yearly Tenths. di s. Restories, &c. with their Patróns and Proprietors. l. s. d. Bliſland R. (St. Pratt] 01 07 00 Mr. Nich. Parſons (Mag. Br.) John Hicks Eſq; 1718. 16 00 00 Egloſhele V. Subdecanus Exon Propr. Biſhop of Exeter. St. Endelian Roi 01 Oo oo The KING. 09 13 09 Helland R. (St. Helenay 00 19 041 Ricbard Hele Eſqi 1704. 05 00 00 Heredum Marny alias Mornays in Endėlian Church P. Earl of Radnor 1716. 1.9. 11:00 Șt. Knee V. alias St. Kew alias Lanow OI 19 01 Pri. Sti Petri.& Pauli Plympton Propr. Robert Corker. Efq; 1724: 70. Mill. John Tregeagle Eſq; (N.). - 34 11 03 Lanteglos (St. Lanty) and St, Adven R. * 03 09 01 · Prince of Wales 1719. 36 oo oo St. Mábyn R. 03.12 oo Hugh Bofcawen Eſq; 1770. Lord Viſcount Falmouth 1722. 13 10 02 Mynfray V. alias St. Miniver OI 07 004 Pri. Bodmyn Propr. Sir Edmund Prideaux Bart. 05 00:00 Prioris. Bodmyn P. alias King's Preb. John Baſei Eſq; 1690. (N.) Serj. Zo. Belfeld (this Turn) 1712. St. Tethe V.. OI 04 00 Biſhop of Exeter: 08 11 03. Tintagell V. + [$t. Simphorian} 00 17 ORE Dean and Canons of Windſor Propr. and Patr.. 05 00 00 • Trehaverock P. Richardſon Grey and Catherine Grey 1718. William Har- per Eſq; (N.) 31. 00 00 St. Tudye R. 03.02 00. Lord Mohun 1677. Dean and Canons of Chrift-Church Oxon (by Purchaſe) are Patr. 1726. Livings Diſcharged.. Clear Yearly Value. 35 00 00:: BODMYN V. (St. Petrock]. 01 06 08 Pri. Bodmyn Propr. Sir Edmund Prideaux-Bårt. 1716. 45:00. 00. Brewer alias Simon Ward V. (St. Bruard] 00 16 00 Dean and Chapter of Exeter Propr. andi Patr. 1677, 1723. Dean and Canons of Windſor, preſented in 1691. Seetbe Išft. Book in the Firſt-Fruits Office. Forrabury Lanteglosm-In this Pariſh is the Borough of CAMEL FORD, (St. Thomas Becket.] Willis's Not. Parl. 7. TintagelloIn this Pariſh is the Borough of BossInEY. Willis's Not. Parl. Vol. II. p. 117. I2 00 00 00:1000 i . Vol. II. p. 85 DIOCESE of EXETER. CORNWALA . Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. l. d. 1. s. 2. 20 00 00 Forrabury R. (St. Simphorian] 00 09 031 Sir John Cotton Knt. 1701. Edward Amy Efq; (N.) q. 43 Oo oo Leſnewth R. (St. Knet] 00 16 00 Mr. Alexander Tregian 1669. William Glynn Eſq; 1720, 1724 44 Oo oo Michaelitow R. (St. Michael) :. OI OI 041 The KING 06 Minſter R. (St. Geunis] 02 05 091 Sir John Cotton Knt. 1701. Edward Amy Efq; (N.) 4. Oo oo 42 00 Otterham R. (St. Dennis] 00 13 05 William Saltern Gent. 1708. John Saltern Efq:1724. D 4400 00 Trevalga R. 00 14 077 Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies, WARBRIDGE is a Market-Town in this Deanry (nat in Chargey Lanbiedwick elias Lanhidrock Cur. (St. Hydrock], Earl of Radnor Patr, Temple Imp. 1. 8; 12. : 00 Certified. Vat. 49 17 06 .!! I hin Í D. Weư.. ! di Yearly. Tenthisa 1. d. 02 09 09 19.16 08 01 18.08 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. li Rektories, &c. with their Patron's and Proprietors. 24 17 08. Cardynham R: · William Glynn Eſq; (this Turn) 1716. William Hercle and Mr. Grove (N.) alt. Vicibus. St. Clere V. Pri. St. John of Jeruſalem Propr. The KING. 22 04 02 Duloe R. (St. Caby) Baliol College Oxford (N.) 08 11 00 Düloe V. [St. Cuby} Baliol College Oxford (N.) og 0000" FALMOUTH Ř. (St. Charles the Martyr). - Mr. Killigrew of Eſſex.- 32 Oo oo Lanreythowe R. alias Lanreth Charles Grills Efq; Edward Dennys and John Johns Gent. 02 04 05 00 17.01 00 0660 03 04 00 1720 (N.) 38 02 03 St. Kayn alias St. Martin near Loo R. * 03 12.02 Duke of Bolton 1715. & oo oo Lanſalwys R. (St. Alwys] :01 16 00 Richard Kellow Efq; 14 07.01 Lanteglos near Fowye V. [St. Lanty] 01 08 08 Pri. Bridgwater in Somerfet Propr. Sir Arthur Harris (Mag. Br.) Lord Mohun 1688. Chriſtopher Harris Eſq; (N.). Thomas Pitt Efq; Patr. 1724. LESKER DE * St. Kayram In this Bariſh is the Borough of EAST pow. FSt. Kayn) -Willisle Not. Parl: Vol. II. p. 103. RE CORNWALL. DIOCESE of EXETER. 1 83 ). d. 1. .00 IO 00 King's Books. Pearly Tentos. d. 18 13 31} LESKERDE V. [St. Martin] OI 17 041 Pri. Launceſton Propr. Jof. Calmady Efq; 1708. Anne Oſborne Widow 1724. 06 14 og Morvall V. [St. Wenn] 00 13 051 " Pri, St. Germans Propr. The KING. 09 oi oo Nyote V. alias St. Neot's 00 19 014 Pris Montacute in Cos Somer fet Propr. Mr. John Rowe 1706. 17 18 061 Plenynt V. alias Pelynt (St. Nunn] OI 15.10+ Pri. Newkam in Devon. Propr. Francis Buller Eſq; 1696. 17 13 06 St. Pynnöke R. OI 15 04 Jo. Manley E&q; 1707. and Sir George Coryten alternately (N.) 05 00 071 St. Vepe V... 00 10 00 Pri. Montacute in Co. Somerſet Propr. William Hancock Eſq; 1686. Sir Bourchier Wray.1724. 05. Oo oo St. Wynnowe V. The Church of Exeter Propr, and Patr. (N.) Livings diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 33 00 00 Boconnock R. 00 19 09* Lady Mohun 1714. Thomas Pitt Efq; 1724. 45 00 00 Broad-Oake R. [St. Mary) 00 17 08 Samuel Cabell Efq; 1697. John Williams Eſq; (N.)q. 40 00 00 St. Kean R. 00 II 10% John Cory Gent, 1712. 35 00 00 Tawlan alias Talland V. [St. Tallan). Pri. Launceſton Propr." Nicholas Kendall Clerk 1713. 40 00 00:- Warlegon R. 00 il og Jo. Grigger Efq; 1706. Not in Charge. St. Stephen's in Bramwell R. + D. Eaft. The' KING. Hannock V. John Weeks b. v. 1707. * Tawlan sliàs "Talland. In this Pariſh is the Borough of PORTPICHA Malias WBSTLOW. Willis's Neti Hari. Vol. II., p. 89. St. Stepbiros sco-In this Pariſh is the Borough of N.EW PORT. Willis's Not. Parl. Vol. II. p. 161. OI 00 00 : Dioceſe 184 DIOCESE of GLOUCESTER. GLOUCEST Dioceſe of Gloucetter. King's Books. l. s. d. 315 7 3 Yearly Tenths. 1. s, d. 31 10 og B' ) ISHOPRICK of Glouceſter. This was formerly Part of the Dioceſe of Lichfield, afterwards of Worceſter, afterwards made a diftin& Biſhoprick by K. Hen. 8. 1541. The Cathedral Church (St. Peter's.) + The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. There are fix Prebends in the Church of Glouceſter, five where- of are in the Gift of the King, and one is annex'd to the Maſterſhip of Pembroke College Oxford, by an Act of Par- liament :12° Annce Reginæ : None of the ſaid Prebends are charged with any Payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths ; but they pay a Rent-Charge of go l. 14 s. odo in lieu thereof, which being ſold by the Crown, is now paid to ... D. Campdent. Livings remaining in Charge. King's King's Book.. Yearly Tenthe d. Restories, &c. awith their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. J. d. Alderton R. [St. Peter] Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods v s. Viſ. .22 or 10; Epiſc. xiii d. Abb. Tewkſbury xx ... Patrono:liii s. iiii d. Abb. 02 04 025 Winchcomb iiii s. viii d. William Higford Efq; 1717. S Aſton-Somerfield R. Proxies vi. s. viii d. Synods ii s. Viſit. 09 03 04 ? Epiſc. xii d. 0 18 04 William Somerville Efq; 5715. ŞAſton-ſub-Edge R. [St. Andrew] Synods iii s. iii d. Vifit. 00 02 Epiſc. xiid. William Savage Eſq; 1686. Mr. Morgan Patr. (W. S Beckforth V. als Beckford f [St. John Baptiſt] Prox. vi s. vijid. 1 13 087 Colleg. Fotheringbay olim Impr. Charles Parfons Gent. 1718. Mr. Wakeman (W.). Buckland R. Proxies vis. viii d. Synods iis. Vifit. Epiſc. x d.ob. 02 18 08 Thomas Tbynne Eſq; 1714. Lord Viſc. Weymouth (W.) CAMPDIN 302 Vifit, doo 14.301 10 02 03:{ -10 16 16 1074 Synods iii s. 29 06 08 * The Charter of Erection of this See (which is taken out of that of Worceſter) bears Date Septemb. 3. 1541. and is found in Rymer's Fædera, Vol. XIV. p. 724. # The Charter of Endowment, and the Statutes given by the Founder to this Church, are to be found at Jarge in Sir Rob. Atkins's Hiſtory of Glouceſterſhire. † Apon-Underhill (St. Barbara] Chapel to Beckford. 185 de zor 17 06. üi 11:{ 17 13 01 Kemerton R. als Kennerton. Proxies vis. viii d. Synods ii s. GLOUCEST. DIOCESE of GLOUCESTER. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. 20 06 08 CAMPDEN V. * [St. James] Viſit. Epiſc. xvii s. ix d. 02 00 08 Abb. Welbeck olim Impr. poftea Pri. Ste Warburg Ceftr. Earl of Gainsborough Patr. 1720. Ş Clifford R. (St. Helen] Proxies vi s, viii d. Vift. Epiſc. xx d. 18 15 07: . Abb. Glouceſtr.. iii s. iiii d. William Smith Gent. 1687. Mr. Dighton Patr. (W.) Dorſington R. [St. Peter] Proxies iïi s. ii d. Synods xii d. Vif. 12 19 02 OL 05 II 2 Epiſc. xiii d. ga. Thomas Rawlins Gent 1713. Dumbleton R. [St. Peter] Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. 18 16 08 { Viſ. Epiſc. xx d. Monaſterio Abingdon x s. 17 Šir Richard Cocks 1718. 03 13. II; SHynton R. on the Green (St. Peter] Proxies vi s. viii d. Sy. nods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. viiid. oo 17 04 Mr. Warren (Atk.) OI 15 03 Vif. Epiſc. xviii d. City of Glouceſter (W) S Merſton-Sicca, als Merſton-Longa R. [St. James] Proxies ii s. 17 10 00 vi d. Viſ. Epiſc. xxii d. William Dewes Gent. 1697. Mr. Sheldon (W.) 09 14 041 Mickelden als Mickleton V. (St. Laurence] Viſ. Epiſc. xiii d.qa. 00 19 057 The KING. Abb. Eynſham olim Impr. Tho. Rowney Eſq; now Impr. 18 13 04 Quinton V. [St. Swithin] Priori Wigorn. xiii s. iiii d. Oi 17 04 Nunnery of Polleſworth olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter (W.) Shenington R. (Holy Trinity] Proxies vi s. viii d. Syn. ii s. 15 03 04 ? Vis. Epiſc. xx d. Monafterio Tewksbury xiii s. iii d. Oriel College Oxon. Patr. 1723. ŞTodnam als Toddenham R. [St. Thomas Becket] Proxies 18 19 09?l viïi s. viii d. Vis. Epifc. xx d. Biſhop of London. 29 15 10 Welford R. (Holy Trinity) Pens. Sacrifte Tewksbury xx s. 02 19 07 Lord Dorſet 1713. S+ Weſton-ſub-Edge R. [St, Laurence] Proxies vi s. viii d. 31 Oo oo 2 Synods ïi so Mr.William Bell Patr. 1720. Lord Say and Seal (W.) 9. 13 02 06 Willerſey R. [St. Peter] Proxies iii s. Synods ii s. ої об o3 Edward Sandys 1690. Sir Richard Cocks (W.) B b Livings vi s. vii d. Sy.}oo 17 às ii s.fo. iss}or {M .LO 15 CO 00 00 00 is.zoo s}ı 17.114 14.303 02 00 to * Campden V.- Sir Baptift Hicks purchaſed the Impropriation of the Pariſh of Winfrith in Dorfeſhire, worth 100 l. per annum, which was afterwards annex'd to the Vic, of Campden by Edward Lord Noel. kins's Glouceſterſhire, p. 311. + Weffon-ſub-Edge - In this Pariſh was formerly a Chapel call’d Lower Norton, but long ſince decaycd, Atkins's Glowcefler. p. 809. 186 DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER. GLOUCEST. 1. d. 05 Oo oo ܘܘ{ 29 04 06 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly. Tenths. 1. s. d. 18 00 00 * Childſwike V.als Wikewan, als Wickham, Proxies xiii s. iiiid. 00 16 085 Mon. Bordeſley in Co.Worceſtr. Propr. Hen. Fermoré 1689. Mr. Sandys (W.) 48 18 04 Condicote R. (St. Nicholas] Penf. Rectori de Odington x s. 00 14 01 Richard Beard Gent. 1676. Mr. Coxe (W.) Didbroke V. [St. George] cum Hayles Capella, Prox, vis, viïi d. 00 16 00 Synods xii d. Viſ. Epiſc. viii d. Abb. Hayles olim Impr. Lord Tracy (W.) Eburton V. + [St. Edburgh] Synods ii s. 00 18 11 The KING by Lapſe 1714. Biſhop of Briſtol 1622, 1638. Abb. Bittleſden in Bucks olim Propr. 18 Oo oo Pebworth V. || (St. Peter] OI OL 02 The KING by Lapſe 1714. Pri. Studely in Warw. Propr. q. if the Patron is not the Impropriator? 08 Oo oo Preſton upon Stoure, Proxies vi s. vid. Synods ïi s. 00 17 04 Abb. Tewksbury olim Impr. Mr. Marriot (W.) 44 Oo oo Stanwey V. [St. Peter] Synods ii s. oo 18 oo John Tracey Eſq; 1706. Stawnton R. with Snowſhill Chap. [St. Bartholomew] Pro- 48 oo oo OI 15 Ol ? xies ii s. Synods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. vii d. Henry Kirkman Cl. 1700. Mr. Hall Patr. (W.) 32 Oo oo Todington V. [St. Leonard] cum Cap. de Stanley Pont-large. 00 17 04 Abb. Hayles olim Impr. Lord Tracy 1717, Weſton upon Avon V. Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods xii d. 00 15 051 Pri. Weſtwood in Worceſterſhire olim Impr. Earl of Dor. ſet 1689. Wormington-parva R. ( 42 00 00 00 15 06 iii sViſEpiſc. xii d. Mary Partridge Widow 1694. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Cawhoneyborne in this Deanry is a Chapel to Church-Honey- borne in Co.Worceſter in Dec. Eveſham. Cur. (not "}o1 25 00 00 { Warning in eniya Ki St. Catherine] Synods xii d. Proxies } Abb. Tewksbury olim Propr. Mr. Clarke (now) Propr. Lemington Cur. l. 10 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Abb. Tewksbury olim Propr. Sir William Juxon (now) Propr. Church demoliſhed. Blocklep Childſwike als Wikewan-is reckon'd a Peculiar, but is ſubject to the Arch-Deacon. + Eburton als Ebrington V.--Sir William Kite has given 10 l. yearly to the Vicar. Atkins's Glouceſterſhire. 1 Pebworth the Impropriation of this place is found in the Firſt-Fruits Roll (for Warwickſhire) among the Poſſeſſions of the Monaſtery of Studeley as above ; but in Sir Ro. Atkins's Hift. of Glouceſter, 'tis ſaid to be long to the Abbey of Eveſham in Worceſterſhire. I. GLOUCEST: DIOCESE of. GLOUCESTER. 187 Blocklep JURISDICTION. * King's Books. 1. :301 08.06 Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. L. s, d. 13 03 09 Bacheford R.[St. Mary] Proxies vs. Syn. iis. Viſ. Epiſc. xiiid.qa. 01 06 041 Ant. Sambach and Tho. Harrington Efq; 1689. Dean and Canons of Chriſtchurch Oxon. (W.) S Bourton on the Hill R. (St. Laurence] Proxies vii s. v d.ob.? 14 Oo oo Synods ii s. Feod. Decani xiii s. iiii d. Viſ. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Thomas Durham and Anne his Wife 1707. S Senburie R: alias St. Bury (St. Nicholas] Proxies vi s. viii d. 19 09.04: Synods ii s. Viſ. Epifc. ii s. ii d.ob. oi 18 11 John Brawne 1679. MORETON-HINDMARSH [St. David] Chap. to Bourton on the Hill. Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 57 Seſencote R. Eccl. Deftruéta. Proxies vii s. y.d. ob. Syn. ii s. 08 oo oo 2 Vif. Epiſc. xiii d. qa. 00 19 031 Lord Guildford. } is.Zoo 19 D. Cirenceſter, with the peculiar Juriſdiction of BIBERIE. 1 1. s. d. 1. s. d. "}oo og 06 08 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books, Yearly Textils. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 13 15 05 Barnſley R. Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods iis. oi 07 06 Robert Payne Efq; 1696. Mrs. Bouchier (W.) S Biberie V. with Winſton Chap. [St. Michael], Penſ: Epif;} 01 06 01 13 OI Wigorn. lxxii s. Priori Wigorn. Ix s. Priori Shene vi s. viii d. Pri. Oſeney olim Propr. Mr. Warnford. 07 08 04 < ] ? Chedworth V. (St. Andrew] Proxies vis. viii d. Synods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. xiiïi d. 00 14 10 Abb. Shene in Surrey olim Impr. Queen's College Oxford. Cotes R. (St. Matthew] Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. Viſ. 00 18 OS Epiſc. xii d. Sir Robert Atkins. Mr. Atkins (W.) og 19.047{ Culne Denys R. alias Deyns [St. Dennis] Proxies vi s. viii d. १०० 19 In Mr. Hughes (W) Culne Blockley Juriſdiction - The Pariſhes in this Juriſdiction heretofore belonged to Worceſter, and paid Mortuaries to the Vicar of Blockley. + Seſencote R. -The Church lately ſuffered to be demoliſhed, and it is now a Sine-Cure in the Nomina- tion of the Lord Guildford, and only 8 l. allowed to the Curate; but the Rectorial Dues are worth 50 l. per an- num. Atkins's Gloucexerſhire, p. 640. || The Juriſdiction of Biberie contains Biberie with Winſton Chap. Barnſley R. and Aldſworth Chap. which, as to Viſitations, are only ſubject to the chief Officer of their Peculiar ; the Biſhop and 'Arch-Deacon having no more to do with them after their Admiffon. vis. Zoo s. d Bb 2 188 DIOCESE of GLOUCESTER. Gloucest. 1. . 05 {ci King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. d. ŞCulne Rogers R: [St. Andrew] Proxies vi s. viii d. Syn. iis, zoo 07 00 05 14 00 Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. Daglingworth R. (Holy Rood) Proxies vi s. viii d. 08 06 03 { vis. Epifc . viii d. Pens. Prioriſſe de Godſtow ii s. Pn. ii sifoo 16076 The KING, 08 02 033* VifEpiſc. xii d. S Driffelde V. * [St. Mary] Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. d. 16 021 Abb. Cirenceſter olim Impr. Mr. Rob. Veſey h. v. 1711. Mr. Griffin (W.) s Dunteſborne -Abbots R. (St. Peter] Prox, vi s. viii d. Syn. ii s. 13 00 00 . Vif. Epiſc. xvid. Pen. Sacriftæ Wigorn, vis, viïi d. , for d6 oo William Morſe and John Lord 1634. 70%. Jones (this Turn) 1714. Mr. Phipps (W) 08 14 09:. ŞDunteſborne Militis als Rouſe R. (St. Michael] Proxies vid. vid. Zoo Synods ii s Viſ. Epiſcxvi d Zoo 17054 Corpus Chriſti College, Oxford. ŞHampnet R. + [St. George] Proxies vi s. viii de Synods ii s. { Viſ. Epiſc. xiii d. "}or oo oo John How Eſq; Patr. 1726. S North-Cerney R. (All Saints] Proxies vi s, viii d. Syn. ii s. 21 10 073 viſ. Epiſc. ii s. ix d. 2 03 oo The KING 1684. Mr. Richard Poole 1683. Mr. Poole 10 00 00 s. vii d. Syn.ii ss} oz 03 00: Patr. 1727 II 00 00 02 00 For 06 08 12 07 06 North-LECHE V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] with Eftington Chap. [St. Mary Magdalen] Proxies vi s. viii d. Syn, ii s. Vil. Epiſc. xxi d.qa. Abb. Glouceſter olim Impr. Eliz. Viner. Widow 1702, 9. Biſhop of Glouceſter. (W.) og 10 07: Preſton V. $ Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. x d. ob. 00 19 001 Mon. Cirenceſter olim Impr. Tho. Maſter Eſq; 1711. об ŞRendcombe R. [St. Peter] Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s.? 2 Vil. Epiſc. xvid. Penf. Abb.. Sti Petri Glouceſter viii s. vid.S John Coxe and Edw. Loggan Griffin 1710. Mr. Broad (W.) Stratton R. (St. Peter] Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. Vif. 2 Epiſc. .xiii d. 04 og Thomas Maſter Efq; 1717. 08 12 01 ŞSydington Mariæ R. [St. Mary] Proxies vis. viii d. Syn. ii s. Vij. Epiſc. xiii d. qa. Penj. Priori Monmouth xvii :"viii di foo 17 025 The KING. Thormerton R. alias Farmington (St. Peter] Prox, vi s. viid. Synods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. xx d. Penf. Vicario de Nortbleche for 12 061 The Hon. Thomas Lumley Eſq; 1718. Now (1727) Earl of Scarborough. Livings * Driffelde V. - is endowed with all the Tythes. Atkins's Glouceſter, p. 405. + Hampnet. The Church of Stowel was annex'd to Hampnet in the Year 1660, by the Conſent of Biſhop and Patron. Atkins's Glouceſter. p. 450. # Preſton V.----Dr, Mafler, ſometime Vicar of this Church, purchaſed the Tythes of Lands in this Pariſh, which before were exempt from Payment, and reſtored them to the Church. Atkins's Glouceſt. p. 607. 16 05 05 for 12 06 vi s. viii d. CLOUCEST. DIOCESE of GLOUCESTER. 189 Yearly Ten!hs. . I 40 Oo oo . isoo 11 072 isizoo 47 10 00 00. 13.03 25 Oo oo oo il 081 Livings diſcharged. Glar Yearly Value. 1. d. (. . ob. Lord Weymouth 1713. SHarnhill R. [St. Michael] Proxies vi s. viïi d. Synods ii s. 40 00 00 Viſ. Epiſc. xd. ob. Humphry Smith 1715. s South Cerney V. [All-Saints] Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. xiii d. Abb. Glouceſter olim Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter (W) Stowel R. [St. Leonard] Synods ii si' viſ. Epiſc. xiii d. John How Efq; Patr. 1720. Sydington St. Peter's V. Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. Vil. Epiſc. xd. ob. Penſ. Militi de xxvi s. viii d. The KING. Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem olim Iinpr. Mr. Coxwell Impr. Not Charged. Halſtone Chap. to South-Cerney. CIRENCESTER Cur. * Abb. Cirenceſter olin Propr. Biſhop . of Glouceſter Patr. Ampney Mary's Cur. 1. 5:03: 00 Certified Val. Abb. Cirenceſter olim Propr. Mr. Pleydwell Patr. Ampney Peter's Cur. . 1. 4 : 03 : 04 Certified Vel. Äbb. Glouceſter olim Propr. Biſhop of Glouceſter Patr. Baunton als Bampton Cur. l. 15 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Abb. Cirenceſter olim Propr. Mr. Maſter Patr. Wizoo u 021 Compton, Abdale Cur. [St.}- 7:00 : 00 Certified Val. ) Pri. Št. Oſwald's Glouceſter olim Propr. Church of Briſtol Patr. Eaſtleche Turville Cur, l. 18 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. The KING. Abb. Glouceſter olim Propr. 4. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. i Aldſworth Cur. [St. Peter] I. 23 : 10 : 00 Certified Val. Pri. Ofeney Ox, olim Propr. Chriſt-Church Coll. Oxon. Patr. D. * Cirenceſter Cur. John Maſter, D. D. gave 5 l. per annum for reading Morning Prayers duly. Dr. Clarke, late Dean of Wincheſter, gave an Eſtate for improving of ten eccleſiaſtical Benefices in Market-Towns, whereof this is one, and is now with Augmentation and Perquiſites worth about 150 l. per annun. See Atkins's Glouceſter. p. 344: 3 Igo DIOCESE of GLOUCESTER. GLOUCEST, D. Durliep. J. Priorizo? -303 00 00 { and 301 OI 10 00 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c, with their Patrons and Proprietors. 2. d. 64 10 00 Arch-Deaconry of Glouceſter * with об о9 оо SDURSLEY R. [St. James] united, Epiſc.Wigorn. ii s. Priori? 10 14 047 Stanley xxvi s. viii d. Priori Wigorn. xii d. OI OI 05 Biſhop of Glouceſter. 32 15 07 BERKELEY V. [Sc. Mary] Redd. iii s. iiii d. 03 05 06 Lord Berkeley 1691. ŞBeverſton R. (St. Mary] with Kingſcot Chap. [St. John Evan-? :20 00 00 2 geliſt] Synods and Proxies xvii s. Viſ. Epiſc. vi s. viï d. The KING 06 13 04 Camme V. [St. George 00 13 04 Abb. Glouceſter olim Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter. II 12 08 Domus Scholar de Wotton, 01 03 034 Newington alias Bagpath R. [St. Bartholomew] with Wolpen 14. 00 00 alias Oldpen Chap. Synods and Proxies viïi s. viii d. Vil foi 08 00 Epiſc. xx d. Dan. Hickes Gent. and. Nich. Hickes Efq; 1707. Edward Webb Eſq; Patr. SRockington als Rockhampton R. [St. Oſwald] Synods and? 15.00 0.0 ] Proxies vïii s. viii d. Viſ. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. Suſan Whitfield Widow 1683. William Raymond of Thorn- bury in Glouceſterſhire, and John Smith of Lydiard Tray- gooſe in Wilts Gent. 1729. Slymbridge R. + [St. John Evangelift] Synods vi s. viii d. 28 02 II Proxies ii s. Redd. Collegio Mariæ Magd. Oxon. xl. Deca- *02 16 031 no xxxiiii s. viii d. Magdalen College Oxford. THORNBURY V. [St. Mary) Synods ix s. viii d. Viſ. Epiſc. 25 15 10 viii d. ob. Sacerdoti Rugworthy viii s. viii d. Abb. Tewkſbury olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Chriſt- Church, Oxford. SUley R. (St. Giles] Synods ii s. Proxies vi s. viii d. Priori? 12 03 04 OI 04 04 Stanley xiii s. ilii d. The KING 13 10 00 Wotton-Under-Edge V. [St. Mary] I OI 07 00 Abb. Tewksbury olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Chriſt- Church, Oxford. 13 06 10 Cantar' Bradſton. ої об о8-4 Livings * Arch-Deaconry of Glouceſter - The Rectory of Durſley was annex'd to this Arch-Deaconry in the Year 1475, by the Abbot of Glouceſter. Atkins's Glouceſter. p. 411. Nicholas Wotton the firſt' Arch-Deacon after the Erection of this See, anno 1541. + Slymbridge. The Rector pays the Ten Pounds above-mentioned to Magdalen College for Choir, Muſick on the Top of the College-Tower on May-Day. Atkins's Glouceſter. p. 658. I Hotton-Under-Edge V. is certified to the Governours at 43 l. 65. 8 d. Colegio Maria Magd. Oxon. xl. Decanzos fc.} 02 2 11 07 Priorizon GLOUCEST: DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER. 191 d. Р:3оо 16 02 30 00 00 32 00 00 30 00 00 20 00 00 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. I. 5 Cowley V. alias Coaly [St. Bartholomew] Synods iis. Viſ? 36 oo oo { Epiſc. xx d. Redd. Decano xxvi s. viii d. The KING, Abb. Glouceſter olim Impr. Frampton V. [St. Mary) Synods viii s. viii d. Redd. vii s. oo 16 oo The KING preſented pleno jure 1721. Abb. Cirenceſter olim Impr. Hill, a Donative [St. Michael] Abb. Sti Auguftini in Briſtol olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol now Impr. Sir Edward Fuſt Bart. Kingſwood V. or Cur. (St. Mary) (in Com. Wilts.) Abb. Kingſwood olim Impr. Nominated by the Inhabitants. Laſbroughe R. Synods and Proxies v s. oo 16 oo Mr. Walter Eſtcourt 1719. Longbridge with a Chap. (Holy Trinity) (no ſuch Place.) 01 15 10 S North-Nibley V. or Cur. [St. Martin) antiently a Chapel to 00 00 2 Wotton-Under-Edge. Abb. Tewksbury olim Impr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt- Church, Oxon, S Priori Stanley vi s. viii d. Mr. Timothy Low 1718. Not Charged. Stone (All Saints] a Chap. to Berkeley. Oldbury Chap. to Thornbury. Rangeworthy Chap. to Thornbury. The KING Patr. Falfield Chap. to Thornbury. Stincomb Curacy [St. Seir] (not charged or certified.) Glouceſter Abbey olim Propr. Biſhop of Glouceſter Patr. 22 10 00 to 300 Wofelworth als Ozleworth R.. [St. Nicholas] Synods ii s. Redd.}oo 13 003 45 Oo oo D. Faprford. 10 00 00 viszor o oo oo Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. s. d. ŞBurthorpe R. als Eaſt-Leche Martin R. [St. Mary] Prox. vis. { viii de Synods ii s. Vif. Epiſc. xvi d. The KING. 13 11 051 FAYRFORD V. [St. Mary] Proxies vis. viii d. Synods ii s. 01 07 01 Abb. Tewksbury olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. ŞHampton-Merſey als Meyſey R. [St. Mary] Proxies vis, viji d. Synods ii s. Vis. . ii s. d. 02 of 08.1 Corpus-Chriſti College, Oxford. Hatherop * Lingbridgem-was antiently a Rectory, but now ſwallowed up in the Impropriation of Berkeley. 192 DIOCESE of GLOUCESTER. Gloucest. 1. . b. 10 00 00 00 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. de Hatheropp R. [St. Nicholas] Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. ii s, ii d. ob. Sir John Webb Bart. 1710. [sviii 19 Oo oo 18 oo 2 Epiſc. iii s. iii d. Abb. Glouceſter olim Impr. Lord Weymouth Impr. by Leaſe from the Biſhop. Biſhop of Glouceſter. S Lechlade V. * [St. Laurence] Proxies vi s, viï d. Synods ii s. 12 13 04 2 Viſ. Epiſc. ii's. ii d. ob. 05 04 Mr. Coxeter (W.) John Greening and his Wife 1689. Priory of Lechlade olim Propr. afterwards it belonged to the College of Wallingford. Atkins's Glouceſterſhire, p. 535 ŞQuenington R. [St. Swithin] Proxies vi s. viï d. Synods ii s. .07 18 04 Viſ. Epiſc. xvid. 00 15 10 Mr. Poole (W.) Henry Ireton Eſq; and Wife 1709. 07 00 00 Cantar' Fayrford 00 00 14 00 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 35 00 oo Ampney Crucis V. [Holy Rood] Prox. vi s. viï d. Syn, ii s. The KING. Abb. Tewkſoury olim Impr. Culnwyn alias Culn St. Aldwin V. [St. John Baptiſt] Proxies 37 Oo oo vis. viï d. Synods ii s. DO 17 II Abb. Glouceſter olim Impr. Heirs of Giles Fettiplace 1703, by Leaſe from the Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. ŞDowne Ampney V. (All-Saints] Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods? PO Oo oo ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. xiiid. QI 00 07 Abb. Cirenceſter olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Chriſt- Church, Oxford. Shirborne V. [St. Mary Magdalen] Proxies vi s. viii d. Sy- 40 00 00 nods iis. Viſ. Epiſc. ii s, ii d. ob. ΟΙ 10 o8 Abb. Winchcombe olim Impr. Sir Ralph Dutton Knt. 1703. 45 16 oo Southropp V. Prox, vi s. viiid. Syn. ii s. Vif. Epiſc. viii d. oo II 08 Pri. Sli Joban. Jeruſalem Impr. Wadham College, Oxford. 0012 II szor sy-}or Eaſt-Leche Turvill Cur. (St. Andrew] (not in Charge.) The Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter Patr. .. + Lechlade. -Laurence Bathurſt Efq; Son of Sir Edrward, endowed this Vicarage with the Tythes of his whole Elite in the Year 1670, which makes this Vicarage 140 1. per annum. Atkins's Glouceſterſhire, p. 535. 1 . GLOUCEST. DIOCESE of GLOUCESTER. . 193 King's Books. 1. S. d. 07 15 00 00 15 26 ";}oo 15 {ch 20.02:0873 Weſtbury V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Synods and Proxies viis..02.00.03. D. Forelt. * Livings remaining in Charge. l'early Tenthe Rečtories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. Awre + [St. Andrew] Synods and Proxies vii s. viii d. Vif.? IO 05 00 OI 00 06 2 Epiſc. liii s. iiii d. Pri. Lanthony olim Impr. Company of Haberdaſhers London Patr. S Bromyſborowe R. [St. Mary] Synods and Proxies viii s. Prior. de Moche Mauvern ülis. Bromwich Eſq; 1674. Tho. Webb and 7. Abbot CI. (this Turn) 1708. Mr. Hyet (W..) Bykenor Anglicana R. [St. Mary) Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods от об о8 xii d. Viſ. Epiſc. liii s. iiiid. Mr. Yate (W.) William Hodges Gent. 1710. Mr. Man- tle Patr. and Rector 1721. William Hodges Efq; 1728. SCHurcham V. with Bulley Chapel [St. Andrew] Proxies iii s. 20 05 00 iii d. Synods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. ii s. vid. ob. 02 00.06 Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. og 13 09 Dymock V. [St. Mary] Proxies and Synods xi s. viii d. 00 19 042 Abb. Flaxley olim Impr. Mr. Yate (W.) Sir William Hum- phreys Patr. 1720. 05 06.051 Kempley. V. Proxies and Synods viis. viii d. 00 10 07 Dean and Chapter of Hereford Impr. and Patr. Lidņey V. [St. Mary] Proxies vii s. viï d. 02.08 08 Dean and Chapter of Hereford. Impr. and Patr. Rudford R. [St. Mary] Proxies vis. viii d. Synods ii s, Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. ] xii d 2 iri Glouceſter xxvi s. viii d. Magiftro Fotheringhay ii s. 18.08 Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. iiii d. Pro obit. ii s. iiiid. Vicars Chorals of Hereford Impr, and Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Abynhale R. [St. Michael] Synods ii s. Vicar. Choral. Heref. 49:04 oo oo ii s. Redd. ii s. iii d. Mr. Vaughan (W.) Cath. Paulin. 1685. 31 00 00 Bleyſdon R. St. Michael] Synods vid. 00 10 085 Tbo. Wade Gent: 1705. and Mr. Haynes: (alternatin.) -47 02 08 Huntley R. (St. John Baptiſt] oo 14 07 Earl of Kent 1688, . Lancaut R. (St. James) and Chap. (is part of Wollaſton.) Сс Longhope * De Foreſt This Deanry having been, till the founding the Dioceſe of Glouceſter 1541, part of Here, ford Dioceſe, ftill belongs to the Arch-Deacon of Hereford for the Summer Viſitation, though it is viſited in the Winter Half-Year by the Biſhop of Glouceſter's Chancellor, + Awre-BLAKEN EY is a Market-Town, and has a Chapel of Eaſe [All-Saints) to this Pariſh of Awre, on which the Haberdaſhers Company have ſettled 40 l. per. Annum. Atkins's Hift. of Glouceſterſh. p. 238. 24 06 08 10 00 00 OІ оо оо 09 06 08 } .I2 08 20 00 00 00 00 00 194 DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER. Gloucest. 1. 5. di . . d}. 29 14 08 301 47 II 06 d. 300 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. ŞLonghope V. * [All-Saints] Proxies vi s, viii d. Synods xii d. 44 17 JO DO 18 og. Prior. Monmoth. xxvi s. viii d. Jof. Venn Gent. 1703. Mr. Yates Patr. 1721. 18 oo oo Minſterworth V. † (St. George] 01 01 04 Pri. Sti Oſwaldi Gloucester Impr. The Biſhop of Briſtol . Impr. and Patr. but lett by Leaſe to Mr. Pool, and is only a Curacy. Mitchel Deane alias DeANES MAGNAV. [St. Michael] Redd. OL. OI 071 ? iis. Synods and Proxies ii s. vi d. Mr. Rudge one Turn. Mr. Colcheſter two Turns. 35 15 04 NewENT V. (St. Mary) Synods and Proxies xi s. 02 06 oo Colleg. de Foderinghay olim Impr. Tbo., Foley Efq; 1690. Impr. and Patr. 1729. Newland V. || [All Saints] Proxies vi s.. viii d.. OI 15 081 Biſhop of Landaffe Impr. and Patr. 1710. s Oxenhafe V. (St. Anne].an Impropriation, Proxies vi s. viii d. 12 10 09 Synod's xird. 20 19.03 Pri. Sti yobis Jeruſalem. olim Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter (W.) Maynard Colcheſter Efq; (Atk.) 13 06 08 Pauntley Chap (St. John Evangelift] Colleg. de Fotheringhay olim Impr. Mr. Somerſet now Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter (W.). 34 OT IT Preſton V. Synods vi d. 00 14 08 Abb. Glouceſter olim Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter. 45 12 00 Staunton R. (All-Saints] Prox..vi s. Prior. Monmoth. illis. oo 14 00 Mr. Hall Patr. (W.) Lord Viſcount-Gage Patr, 1720. 47 10 00 Tiberton R. [Holy Trinity] Proxies xi s. liiid. Synods ii s. 00 15 074 Anne Twitty and Jo. Rodd Clerk 1710. Tuddenham V. [St. Mary) Syn. vii s.. viii d. Prox..üi s. id. 00-18:00 Pri. Shene in Surry olim Impr. Alexander James Eſq; 1708. Wollaſton R. [St. Andrew] with the Chapels of Alvington 01. 17 01 and Lancaut, Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods. xii de Duke of Beaufort 1711. Not. in Charge. Aylberton, Chapel to Lidney. St. Briavel's Chap. Dean and Chapter of Hereford Patr.. Reputed formerly a Chapel to Newland, now to Lidney. Hewetsfield (St. Mary Magdalen) Chapel to Lidney. NEWNHAM Cur. (St. Peter] City of Glouceſter Impr. and Patr. Hosp. St. Barth. olin Propr. 00 00 00 49 02 00 37 12 06 for Breem Cur, [St. James ] Chapel}1.19 : 10 : 00. Certified Wali to Newland Colford Longhope V.- In the Year 1701, Mr. Nourſe rate reſtored the Impropriation to the Vicarage. Atkinsºs Glouceflerſ). p. 545. + Minſterworth V. Sir Robert Atkins ſays, this is a Vicarage turn'd into a Curacy, P: 557. | Newland ---- In this Pariſh is COLFORD a Market-Town, which has a Chapel, which was augmented by Q." Anne, with 15 6. per Annum. Atkins's Hif. of Glouceſterf. p. 574: GLOUCEST. DIOCESE of GLOUCESTER. 195 Colford Cur. (All-Saints] Cha- pel to Newland 2.31. 15: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Flaxley Cur. 1. 8: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Abb. of Flaxley olim Propr. Mrs. Bovey Patr. Upleadon Cur. (St. Mary) 1. 14 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Abb. Glouceſter olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter Impr. Dean parva Cur. [St. Ethelbert] l. 18 : 19 : 09 Certified Val. St. Barth. Hoſp. in Glouceſter olim Propr. City of Glou- ceſter Patr. Chapel in the Lea (St. George] Ch. to Linton in Co. Heref. 4 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. in D. Role Ruardine (St. John Baptift) Ch. to Walford in Co. Heref. in D. Rolle. Gloucetter. 1 1. d. Livings remaining in Charge. King's-Books, Yearly Tenths 1. s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 19 07 03 Arlingham V. [St. Mary] Syn. ii s. Viſ . Epiſc. xviii d. ob. or 18 08 Abb. Leon, Stanley olim Impr. John and Ralph Bridgman 1689. 16 06 051 Hartpury V. (St. Mary) Synods ii s. OI 12 07 Abb. Glouceſter olim Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter Impr. and Patr. 08 oo oo Hempſted R. [St. Swithin] ſolvit xls. annuatim Dom. Regi *. 00 16 oo Endowed by Lord Scudamore, 130 and 14° Caroli II. by Act of Parliament. Viſcount Scudamore 1716. Morton Valens P. in the Church of Hereford [St. Stephen] 14 05 10 pro Diacono ii s. vid. Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. Vif . sor 08 07 Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Biſhop of Hereford. Standiſh V. [St. Nicholas] with Sale (St. James] Randwike 44 02 083 and Hardwick Chap. Prox. vis, viï d. Synods iii s. 04 08 03 Abb. Glouceſter olim Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter Impr. and Patr. Whaddon P. + in the Church of Hereford, Synods xii d. 01 06 08 Biſhop of Hereford. 04 06 08 Witcombe R. [St. Mary] Prior. Sti Oſwaldi xiii s. iiii d. 00 08 08 Robert Fielding M. D. How Hicks Eſq; (IV.) Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Audonei Sc in Glouceſter V. Syn. x d. ob. Viſ. Epiſc. x d. ob. 00 10 00 The Church demoliſhed, and united to St. Mary Crypt. { Bor ike?ot 13 06 08 01 00 00 Сс 2 Aldat * Hempfied R.-Vide Atkins's Glouceſter. p. 472. + Morton and whaddon Prebends are united. 196 DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER. Gloucest. 1. d. 00 00 00 is.zoo OI O2 11 00 15 09 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Aldat Sc R. ibm. demoliſhed, Prox. xi s. viii d. Syn. iii s. 2 Viſ. Epiſc. xxi d. 00 07 08 United to St. Michael's. 37 00 00 A ſhelworth V. (St. Andrew] Abb. Sti Auguſtini Briſtol olim Impr. Biſhop of Briſtol Impr. and Patr. 06 oo oo S Bartholomew's Hoſpital in Glouceſter, with St. Nicholas Cha- pel, Viſ. Epiſc. v d. ob. 02 II OIL City of Glouceſter. 23 03 09 Brokethorp V. [St. Swithin] Abb. Glouceſter olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. 43 00 00 Fretherne R. (St. Mary] Prox. V s. Syn. ii s. Viſ . Epiſo. xiii d. 00 10 08 William Bayly Eſq; 1705. 30 Oo oo Frowceſter V. (St. Peter] Prox, vi s. viii d. Syn. ii s. 01 00 07 Abb. Glouceſter olim Impr. Philip Sheppard and his Wife 1692. 4. Matthew Ducy Moreton. Harſcomb and Pitchcomb R. * [St. John Baptiſt] Proxies ii s. 40 00 00 viii d. Synods ii s. Prior. Lanthony v s. 09 12 091 Biſhop of Glouceſter (W.) SHarsfield V. [St. Peter] Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods iis. Viſ. 40 00 00 Epiſc. xiii d. 14 00 Pri. Lanthony olim Impr. Mr. Webb now Impr. Tbo. Webb Eſq; 1712. Mr. Trye (W) St. John Baptiſt in Glouceſter, Prox. vis. viii d. Abb. Sti 03 Oo oo { Petri Glouceſter xx s. Syn. xii d. Viſ. Epiſc. xiii d. 08-01 The KING 30 Oo oo Laſſingdon R. Prior. Sti Oſwaldi viii s. 00 13 00 Biſhop of Glouceſter one Turn. Mr. Cook two Turns (W.) SLongney V. [St. Laurence). Prox. vi s. viii d. Syn, ii s. Viſ.? 35 07 oo 2 Epiſc. vid. ob. 01 04 02 Pri. Malvern olim Impr. The KING, -300 Vififor 20 00 00 Viszor {Madeikon alias Morelion Course de xii d. Vif. Epiſc. & d. 05, foo }072 de zoo rad} or 00 00 00 Sti Petri Glouceſter xv s. Abb. Glouceſter olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. S. Maiſmore V. [St. Giles.) antiently a Chapel to St. Mary de 1-4 10 00 Load Abb. Glouceſter olin Impr. Biſhop of Glouceſter. Mariæ beatæ ante Portam St. Petri, alias St. Mariæ de Load 28 16 08 ibidem V. OI OI 04. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. Mariæ beatæ in Auſtrali , alias Beatæ Mariæ de Crypt, alias Chriſt-Church, Synods viii s. viii d.. Vif. Epiſc. xiii d. Abb. 15 Oo oo de Godſtow XX s. Prior. Lanton iii s. iiii dob. Comiti O 08 09 Glouceſtr. viii d. The KING. All-Saints R., Ch, demoliſhed, and united to St. Mary de Crypt. St. Pitchcomb Mr. Daniel Clifold has given 20 s. yearly to the Miniſter, Atkins's Glouceſter. p. 604. Gloucesti DIOCESE of GLOUCESTER. 197 $ 12 00 00 Zoo 17 08: St;}oo d. 300 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 oo oo oo {$ "goo 20 00 00 Clear Yearly Value, Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. S St. Michael's in Glouceſter R. Proxies vis. viii d. Synods ii s. 2 Vif. Epiſc. xx d. Seneſchallo Villæ ii d. The KING, SQuedgley [St. James] a Donative, antiently a Chapel to St. 2: Owen's Glouceſter. Pri. Lanthony olim Impr. Lord Mancheſter. S Sanct. Omnium in Glouceſter R. Syn. xii d. Viſ. Epiſc. viii d. 00 14 02 Prior. Lanthony ii. s. This Ch, is demoliſhed, and the Pariſh united to St. Mary Crypt. 24 00 00 Santhurſt v. [St. Laurence) Mon. Sti Oſwaldi Glouceſter olim Impr. Biſhop of Briſtol. St. Trinity's V. * in Glouceſter, Prox. v d. Syn. i do Pente- oo 18 oo coſtals i.d. (Atkins's Glouceſt . p. 195.) Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. Upton St. Leonard's, antiently a Chapel to St. Mary de Load. 00 00 00 *Abb. Glouceſter olim Impr.. The Biſhop of Glouceſter. 30. 00.00 Witcomb magna R. [St. Mary] 04 06 08 Abb. Sti Auguſtini in Briſtol olim Impr. Sir Michael Hicks. Not in Charge. Barnwood Cur. [St. Laurence] Dean and Chapter of Glou- - ceſter Patr. Abb. Glouceſter olim Propr. St. Catherine alias St. Oſwald's V. demoliſhed, - Dean and Chapter of Briſtol Patr. 20 : Pri. Sti Oſwaldi olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol Patr. Elmore Cur. (St. John Baptiſt] l. 3:00 : 00 Certified Vah. Pri. Lanthony olim Propr. Sir John Guiſe Patr. Morton Valence Cur. [St. Stephen]l. 12 : 10: 00 Certified Val. Prebend. thereof Propr. Whaddon Cur. [St. Margaret] l. 12 : 10 : 00 Certified Val. Prebend, thereof. Patr. Maiſmore Cur. [St. Giles] l. 14 : 10: 00 Certified Val. Abb. Glouceſter olim Propr. Biſhop of Glouceſter Patr. Churchdown Cur. [St. Bartho-31.20 : 00 : 00-Certified Val . Randwick Cur. Chapel to Stan-31. 8 : 08 : 00 Certified Val, diſh Norton Cur. [St. Mary] 1. 20: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Pri. Sti Oſwaldi Propr. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol Patr. St. Nicholas, formerly a Chapel to St. Bartholomew's Hof- pital. Whetenhurſt Cur. (St. Andrew] Pri, Bruton in Somerſet olim Impr.. Mr Selwyn Impr. D. * St. Trinity'small taken down but the Steeple.The Scite of the Church turn'd into a Market. Ato kins's Glouceſter, p. 195. united to St. Nicholas. 198 DIOCESE of GLOUCESTER. GLOUCEST. D. Hawkisbury. J. b. s. } 301 08 09: for Turn) 1710. şcole Proxies} or OI 12 11 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d, 23 04 09 Boxwell R. [St. Andrew] cum Cap. Laterton. 02 06 057 Matthew Huntley Eſq; 1688. Mr. Richard Huntley 1728. Lord Moreton (W.) Sold Sodbury, (the Mother Church) cum CHIPPING SODBURY 34 V. [St. John Baptiſt] Synods and Proxies iii s. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter Impr. and Patr. (W.) 5 Chirvilde alias Charfield R. (St. Jaines] Syn, and Prox. viii s. 10 OI 03 00 01 viii d. Mr. Edward Pilſworth 1700. John Biddle Clerk (this 19 01 08 ŞCold-Afton R. (Holy Trinity) Synods ix s. viii d. Proxies 04 02 XXV s. Viſ. Epiſc. xiii d. Prior. Bath xxv S. Mr. Whitington (W.) Mr. Gwynn Patr. 1720. John Bailie and Francis Fiſher preſented 1720. Cromall R. (St. Andrew] Officiar, vi s. viii d. Synods and 16 19 02 Proxies vi s. Mr. Moreton Patr. 1925. Oriel College Oxon Patr. 1728. 14 12 06 Dereham R.[Şt. Peter] Synods and Proxies viii s. viii d. 'Vif. Vis.}or 2 Epiſc. xiii d. 09 03 William Blathwaite Eſq; ŞDeynton R. [Holy Trinity) with a Free Chapel, Synods and 14 IT 03 ? Proxies vi s. Penf. xxvi s. viii d. I og ois The KING. 05 06 01:{Doddington R. [St. Mary] Synods and Proxies iis. Prior. 00 10 07 { de Stanley vi s. viii d. Samuel Codrington Eſq; 1693. 11 16 00 Frampton Cotterei R. (St. Peter] 01 03 075 George Bryan Gent. 1704. Mr. Hale and Mr. Berkeley (W.) alternately. ..6 oo oo SHildſley Chapel (St. Giles] demoliſhed. Formerly a Chapel ? SHORTON R. (St. James) Synods and Proxies viïi s. viii d. 16 oo oo 2 Penj. Prebendario xxii s. Richard Whitehall 1703. Mr. Paſton (W.) 16 10 oo Iron-Acton R. * [St. James] Syn. and Prox, viii s. viii d. OI 13 00 Mr. Shutė (W) Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church Oxon (IV.) Simon Sloper 1703. 1.6 oo oo soldbury R. alias Odbury (St. Arild] Synods and Proxies? viii s. viii d. John Bliſs Clerk 1686. The Heirs of Mr. Dennis Patr. (Aik.) Pokilchurch * Iron- Aften --Mr. Humph. Brown, Merchant of Briſtol, has given 10 l. yearly to the Miniſter. Atkins's Ancient and Preſent State of Gloucefterſh. p. 204. 7.300 00 12 00 a . } d. 3o. 01 12 00 Proxies}o1 OI 12 00 Gloucest. DIOCES E of GLOUCESTER. 199 nd} Wizoo 13 01 27 Oo oo 16 03 09 { d. 301 46 07 06 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. S. d. SPokilchurch V.* (St. Thomas Becket) with Weſterligh and 14 13 04 ? Abfton Chapel (St. James] 01 09 04 Dean and Chapter of Wells Impr, and Patr. 05 14 041 Silſton R. alias Siſton (St. Anne] OO II 054 Mr. Trotman, S 06 10 10 . . Edward Stephens Eſq; 1717. Thormerton R. [St. Mary) with Littleton and Turvil's-Aſton Chapels [St. Mary] Archidiac. pro Vif. vis. viii d. pro Vif. Turvil's-Aſton vis. viii d. Viſ. Epiſc. xx. d. Penf. Prior. 02 14.000 Wigorn. vi s. viii d. Vicario Turvilºs- Aſton vi.l. xiii s. iilide Sir John Toppe 1719. Tortworth R. (St. Leonard] Syn, and Prox: iii s. OI 12 041 Matthew Ducy Moreton Efq;. 1707. Oriel College Oxon Patr, 1728. SWIKEWARE R. (Holy Trinity] Syn. and Prox. viiis. viii d. 18 oo oo oi 16 00 Viſ. Epiſc. xiii d. Penſ: vil. Edward Moreton 1684. 30 18 11 Yate R. [St. Mary) Syn, and Prox. viji s. við d. 03 oz 10 John Bainham Ci. 1685. Mr. Godwyn Patr. 1712. Livings diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 48 10 00 Alderley R. Synods ii s. ix d. Abb. Parſhore ii s. ix d. 01 02 051 Matthew Hale Gent. 1700. 13 00 oo Badminton magna V. + (St. Michael] Syn. and Prox. ii s. 00 10 06 Abb. Lilleſhull in Salop olim Impr. Duke of Beaufort. 50 Oo oo Bitton V. [St. Mary) Synods and Proxies ii s. or 17 06 Prebendary thereof in Sarum Impr. and Patr. 45 00 00 Didmerton R. [St. Laurence] 00 16. oo Robert Codrington Eſq; 50 Oo oo Hawkiſbury V. (St. Mary) Syn. and Prox. viis. viii d. 02 01 05 Abb. Parſhore olim Impr. Sir Robert Jenkinſon Bart. 1712. S MARSHFIELD V. || [St. Mary) Syn. and Prox. viii s, viii d. 44 00 00 02 18 051 Elemoſ. xx s. Abb. Keynſham olim Impr. (Atkins's Hift.) 'Mon. Tewkſbury Propr. (Orig. Roll. of Gloucest.) New College Oxford Impr. and Patr. Mr. Bridges Impr. (W) Pri. Lanthony olim Impr. Lord Tracy 1 674. William Hall (this Turn) 1709. Turvil's' { d. 302 01 00 00 * Pokilchurch Ralph Ergam, Biſhop of Bath and Wells, gave the Advowſon and Impropriation to the Chapter of Wells. Atkins, p. 610. + Badmintona Atkins's Hift. of Glouceſter. p. ſays, it formerly belonged to the Abbey.of Parſbore; : but in the Firſt-Fruits Book 'tis found among the Poffeſſions of the Mon. of Lillefnull, as above. l Marſhfield V Queen Mary gave both the Impropriation and Advowſon to New-College, in Exchange for the Manor of Steepinglee, and other Manors in Bedfordſhire and Efex. Atkins's Glouceſt. p. 459. Mr. Elias Criſp hath given 41. yearly for eight Sermons ; 'tis paid out of Salter's Hall, London. ib m. 200 DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER. GLOUCEST. Fearly Tenths. 1. 1. So d. 00 13 04 00 15 09 00 12 02. Clear Yearly Value. d. 15 00.00 Turvil's Acton [St. Mary] Rector of Tormarton. 35 00 00 Wapley V. (St. Peter.] Syn, and Prox: viis, viiid. Chapter of Briſtol (W.) Abb. Sti. Auguſtini Briſtol olim Impr. Robert Codrington Efq; 1705: 49.00,00 Weiton Birt R. (St. Catherine] Sir Richard Holford Knt. 1702. Not in Charge. Badminton parva Chap. formerly a Chapel to Hawkſbury. D. of Beaufort Patr. and Impr. Abbi Parſhore olim Impr. Marſton Cur. Oldland, a Chapel to Bitton V. * Eaſt-Hannam, a Chapel to Bitton. Rangeworthy Cur. 1. 9: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Mr. Hale Lord of the Manor, annex'd to Thornbury in D. Durſley. Hillley (St. Giles] Chapel to Hawkiſbury. Treſham, a Chapel to Hawkiſbury. Waſt, Chapel formerly to Hawkiſbury. D. Stonehouſe. 94;302 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. ... d ŞAveninge R. [St. Mary] Proxies vi s. viii d. Vis. Epiſc. xvi d.ga: 24 00 00 02 08 oo 2 Penf. Dom. de Syon xx s. Redd. v so jiji d. Mr. Sheppard. Mr. William Sandford 1728. 19 10 05 BYSELE Y V. (All-Saints] Syn. iis. Vis . Epiſc. ixd.qa. Or 19 00 The KING. Colleg. Weſtbury olim Propr. (Atkins's Glouceſter.) Cherington R. (St. Nicholas] Synods ii s. Vil. Epiſc. v d. qa. 13 00 00 Rettori de Avening x s. Edward Stephens Eſq; 1716. ŞCoberley R. [St. Giles] Prox. vi s. viü d. Syn. ii's, Abbi Sti2 OI 00 00 Petri Glouceſt, xiii s. iii d. Mr. Howe (W.) Timothy Bourne Gent. (this Turn):1712. 10: . St. . og oi 10.1 18 025 d. The KING Patr. 08 ooºoo Edgworth R. [St. Mary] Proxies ii s. Synods ii S. Vif. Epiſc.. o 16 oo Natban. Ridler Eſq; 1707. Elkeſton * Oldland. Chap.--Mr. Arthur Farmer gave 6 l. per Annum, for a Sermon on the firſt Sunday in every Month. Mrs. Elizabeth Godfree gave 20 s. for two Sermons on Michaelmas-Day. Mr. Richard Kitchin gave 10s. Yearly, for a Sermon on Good Friday. Atkins's Antient and Preſent State of Glouceſt. p. 287. Io oo oo Abb: Stikor iiii d. qa. I Gloucest. DIOCESE Of GLOUCESTER. 20I di! is. }o OI 04 IO . s. }oo iz o, : King's Books. Yearly Tenil's 1. s. de SElkeſton R. [St. John Evangeliſt] Proxies vi s. viii d. Syn. ii s. 12 03 04 Viſ. Epiſc. xvid. Collegio Fotheringay vi s. viii d. Lord Craven 1682. 32 14 09Eftington R. [St. Michael] Penſ. Vicario Frowceter xx s. 03 05 051 Nath. Stephens Eſq; 1706. SHAMPTON R. als Minching-Hampton [Holy Trinity] 41 13 04 ? Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. Vij. Epiſc. xx d. 1304 03 04 Phil. Sheppard Efq; 1717. Samuel Sheppard Eſq; 1719. og 02 081 Kynley Chap. (St. Mary) (no ſuch Place.) 00 18 035 Miſerden R. (St. Andrew] Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. 08 13 04 2 Viſ. Epiſc. xvi d. qa. William Sandys Eſq; 1681. Barbara Sandys and Cha. Corė Eſq; 1728. SPAYNESWICKE V. [St. Mary] Proxies vis, viïid. Syn. ii s. 14 15.0252 Viſ . Epiſc. x d. ob. for og 06. PM. Lanthony olim Impr. Sir Robert Atkyns Kt. Phil. Sheppard and Tho. Stephens 1701, Truſtees for the Town (W.) "q. if Windſor Sandys Eſq; be not Patron. * Rodmerton R. [St. Peter] Proxies vi s: viii d. Synods ii s. 18 01 03 OI Viſ. Epiſc. xiiii d. Charles. Coxe Efq; Patr. 1720. S Salperton R. (St. Kenelm] + Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. 17 Oo oo OI 14 00 { Tif. Epiſc. fiii d.qa. Priori Beverley xvi s. viï d. Sir Robert Atkyns Kt. 1695. Shipton Moyne R. [St. John Baptiſt] Proxies vi s. viii d. Sy- 18 OI nods ix d. Viſ. Epiſc. ix d. Thomas Hodges Eſq; 1697. Stanley Regis R. [St. George] Proxies vi s. viii d. Syn. Viſ. Epiſc. xx d. Lord Scarborough 1707. Stonehouſe V. [St. Čyerſ Proxies vis. viii d. Vif. Epiſc. xii d. 02 04 00. The KING. Pri. Elneſton olim Impr. 36 13.04 TETBURIE V. [St. Mary) Synods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. viii d. 03 13 04 Abb. Eyneſham olim Impr. Charles and Franc. Savage Gent. 1712. Truſtees for the Town (W.) Torleton P. in Ecclef. Sarum, Biſhop of Sarum. S Woodcheſter R. [St. Mary] Proxies vis. viii d. Synods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. xii d. Exhibitione viii d. Lord Ducie Moreton Patr, 1720. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 30 00 00 Brympsfield R. [St. Michael] Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. 00 19 021 Pri. Brympsfield olim Impr. William Sandys Efq; 1710, 1722. [ Ꭰ d Cranham In this Pariſh is Torleton Hamilet, a Preb. in the Church of Sarum. There is a well-built Chapel, with handſome Seats and Pulpit, but all Divine Service is omitted. Atkyns's Glouceſter. p. 629. + Salperton-exchanged for Lands (with the College of Wincheſter) lying near Hampton-Court and ifle- worth. “Atkyns's Glouceſter. p. 633. { 301 Sy-}or 16 02 is. Zor 17 063 22 00 00 20 00 00 02 00 00 1 Synods ii siļos { IO 00 00 OI 00 00 1 * Rodmerton, 202 DIOCESE of GLOUCESTER. GLOUCEST. d. 1. s. d. . }or 20 00 00 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1 30 Oo oo Cranham R. [St. James] Synods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. vi d. 00 12 08 Miles Sandys Eſq; 1689. 08 oo oo Horſeley V. (St. George] Proxies vi s. viiid. Synods ii s. 00 15 01 The KING. Ābb. Bruton olim Impr. The Revd. Mr. Willet (now) Impr. Ş Nympsfield R. [St. Margaret] Proxies vi s. viii d. Viſ. Epifc.? 40 00 00 OI 02 06 { xiid.ob. Abb. Sti Petri Glouceſter xxvis. viii d. The KING 1714. Syde R. (St. Mary] Synods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. iiii d. 00 07 10 Mr. Ridler (W.) Whiteneſter V. [St. Andrew] als Wheatenhurſt ( Atkyns) Pro- 08 Oo oo xies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. 15 021 Abb. Bruton in Somerſet olim Propr. Mr. Lloyd Impr. S Wynſton R. [St. Bartholomew] Proxies vi s. viii d. Syn, ii s, 30 Oo oo Viſ. Epiſc, v d. 15 og William Sandys Efq; 1701. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Rodborough Chap. to Hampton. STANLEY ST. LEONARD's Cur. [St. Swithin] (Certified to be of no certain Value. *) Glouceſter Abbey olim Propr. Mr. Sandford Patr. Stroud Cur. [St. Laurence] Chap. to Biſley. l. 17:05 : 00 Certified Val. { 1 }}1.17 ile 1. S. 27 02 D. Stowe. . Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. rearly Tenths. 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. 23 11 10+Magdalen] Proxies vis. viii d. Synods xviii d. Vil . Epiſc.xiid. S ŞBradwell V. (St. Paul] with, Athilthorpe Chap: [St. Mary/02 07 025 Abb. Evejam olim Impr. Theophilus Leigh Efq; 1717. Ş Bourton on the Water R. + [St. Laurence] with Slaughter In- ferior Chap. Proxies vis. viii d. Synods iliid. 1-302 2 14 037 Meſſrs. Henry and Charles Vernon Patrons 1720. S Haſleton R. [St. Andrew] with Enworthe Chap: [St. Andrew] 19 05 05 { Proxies vi's. viïi d. Synods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. xiii d. w]}or 18 06: The KING. S Nawnton R. (St. Andrew] Proxies vis. viii d. Synods ii s. . oi 13 04 Biſhop of Worceſter. о8 Notgrove R. (St. Bartholomew] OI:10 08 The KING. Odyngton * The Curate, by virtue of a Leaſe of Tythes under the Impropriator, receives at preſent thirty-four Pounds yearly, but it does not appear what his Succeſſors may certainly demand, or whether any thing at all. + Bourton on the vi'ater R.- -Clapton was a Chapel annex'd to Bourton, but now both that and Slaughter Inferior are reputed Pariſhes of themſelves. Atkyns's Glouceſter. p.293. 16 13 04 ? Vis. Epiſc. xx d. 301 GLOUCEŚT. DIOCESE of GLOUCESTER, 203 King's Books. 1. d. d}" on 16 og 12 03 37 10 00 Yearly Tenth. l. d. 21 07 01 Odyngton R. Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. xiii d. 02 02 08" Precentor of York. 22 00 05 Riſſingdon-magna R. (St. John Baptiſt] 02 04 00 Reginald Bray 1686. 10 03 01; Rillingdon-parva R. [St. Peter] Proxies vi s. viiid. Syn. ii s. 01 00 031 The KING. Mr. Bray (W.) Vide Willis, p. 843. 14 14 02 Slaughter Superior R. (St. Peter] Proxies vi s. viii d. Syn. iis. 01 09 05 Chambers Slaughter Efq; 1721. STOWE ON THE WOULD R. [St. Edward] Proxies vi s. viii 18 Oo oo Synods xviii d. Viſ . Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. Samuel Sheppard Junior, and John Drewer Efq; (this Turn) 1713. Edward Head Clerk 1719. Mr. Norris (W.) 13 13 04 Sutton K. (St. Thomas Becket] Proxies vi s. viii d. Syn. ii s. 01 07 04 Biſhop of London. og 07 03 Weſtcot R. [St. Mary] Proxies vi s: viii d. Synods ii s. og 18 ose Abigail Turvil Spinſter 1719. Mr. Owen (W.) 16 02 06 Wike-Rillingdon R. [St. Peter q.] Proxies ii s. vid. Syn. Xx d. oi The KIN G. 06 13 04 Hofp. Stæ Trinitatis. oo 13 04 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Tearly Value: Aſton Blank alias Cold Aſton V. [St. Andrew] Synods ii s. 00 19 09 The KING. Pri. Malverne olim Impr. Mr. Winch- comb Impr. 41 16 oo Barington-magna V. [St. Mary] Proxies vi s. viii d. Vif. Epiſc. xx d 00 14 08 Pri. Lantbony olim Impr. Mr. Hungerford (W) 34 06 08 Barington-parva V. (St. Peter) Proxies iiii d. ob. Synods xii d. oo og in The KING, Pri. Lanthony olim Impr. 24 Oo oo Bladingdon V. [St. Leonard) a Curacy. oo 13 04 Abb. Eveſham in Worceſter olim Impr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxford. Guiting Inferior alias Nether-Guiting, with Fermecotte Chap. 42 10 00 [St. Michael] Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods xii d. Vif. foi 09 111 Epiſc. x d. Abb. Bruerne Oxon. olim Impr. David Hughes Gent. 1712. Halling, als Hawling R. [St. Edward] Proxies ii s. vi d. Sy- 49 15 00 nods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. xiii d. ob. I 01 10 Sir William Wyndham 1702. 25 00 00 Longburough V. [St. James] Vil. Epiſc. xi s. iii d. Syn. ii s. 00 11 06 Ābb. Hayles olim Impr. Theo. Leigh Eſq; Patr. 1720. Pinnock R. (the Church demoliſhed.) 00 07 04 Lord Tracy Patr. 1722. 32 13 00 Shipton Solars R. (St. Mary] Synods xii d. Viſ. Epiſc. viii d. 00 14 04 William Peachy Efq; 1710. D : 2 Swell for + ' 21 O OO 204 DIOCESE of GLOUCESTER. Gloucest. 32 og oo 01 00 00 33 IO 00 { Vis. z oo IO 00 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. Swell Inferior V. Proxies vis, viii d. Synods ii s. 00 13 02 Mon. Notley in Co. Bucks Propr. Dean and Chapter of Chriſt-Church, Oxford. 48 Oo oo Swell Superior R. Synods ii s. Viſ. Epifc. viii d. 00 14 00 Guardian of Eliz. Rußbout 1711. Sir John Ruſout (W.) 38 10 00 Turkeden V. [All Saints] Synods ii s. Pri. Ofeney olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Chriſt-Church, Oxford Wenriche V. als Winruſh (St. Peter] Synods xii d. Vil. Epiſc. vi d.ob. Pri . Lanthony olim Impr. John Dutton Eſq; 1714. Widforde R. Synods xviii d. Mr. Johnſon Patr. 1720. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Compton-parva Cur. [St. Den-}. 22 : 04 : 00 Certified Val. Abb. Tewksbury olim Propr. Chriſt-Church Coll. Patr. Hales Cur. 2. 2 : 13 : 04 Certified Val. Temple-Guiting Cur. [St.31. 20 : 05:00 Certified Val. Mary] St Chriſt-Church Coll. Oxon. Patr. Cold Salperton Cur. 1. 8 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Pri. Stodeley olim Propr. College of Wincheſter Propr. (W.) Mr. Roberts the Leſſee finds a Curate, 20 00 00 D. Winchcomb. d. Vilson Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1 s Badgworth V. [St. Mary) with Sherington als Shurdington 20 II 03 Chap. (St. Paul] Proxies vi s. viii d. Synods ii s. Vif . S02 OI 01 Epiſc.xiii d. ob.ga. Pri. Uſke olim Impr. Paul Dodfwell Gent, and his Wife 1689. Sir William Dodfwell (W.) 84 06 08 Clive t als Biſhop's Cleeve, with a Chap. R. (St. Michael] 08 08 04 Theoph. Coke Widow 1698. Robert Uvedale LL. D. (this Turn) 1709. Mr. Coke of Norfolk (W.) Dowdfwell R. I ої об о8 William Rogers Eſq; 1701. 08 14 041 Downhatherley V. Synods ii s. Viſ. Epiſc. ix d. ob. 00 17 057 The KING. Šli Oſwaldi Pri. Glouceſter olim Impr. Halsfield R. (St. Mary] a Peculiar of Deerhurſt. ої об о8. Mr. John Parker. Leckhampton + Clive R.- is exempt fron the Arch-Deaco.3. It was formerly a Prebend in the Church of Weſbury. Atkyn s's Gloucefer. p. 354. I Doredwell R. This Pariſh and Whitington are termed the Peculiar of Whitington, the Rector of Wki- tington acting as the Arch-Deacon does in rcfpečt of other Churches, 13 06 os 13 05 as GLOUCEST. DIOCESE OF GLOUCESTER. 205 . O 02 00 I 2 00 00 06 11 05:{Swedie . Vi dalias Sudely, (the Church demoliſhed.) Viſ. Vision 30 Oo oo 13 06 08 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. 18 13 04 Leckhampton R. [St. Peter] OI 17 04 Mr. Thomas Norwood Patr. 1720. II Oo oo Preſtburie V. [St. Mary] Pri. Lanthony olim Impr. William Baghot Gent. 1699. Staverton V. [St. John Baptiſt] with Bodington Chap. Pecu- liar of Deerhurit * 04 00 Abb. Tewksbury olim Impr. Dorothy Locke Widow 1714. Mr. Locke 1723 Swidley R. alias Epiſcviii d 0 1301 Geo. Pitt Efq; 1711. Whithington R. St. Michael] 03 00 00 Biſhop of Worceſter. Whitington R. Synods xx d. Viſ. Epiſc. viii d. OL 06 og Lord Conway 1717: 13 06 coś Wolſton R. [St. Martin] ої об ор: Lord Coventry 1620. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Brockworthe V. (St. George] Proxies vi s, viii d. Synods ii s. 2 Viſ. Epiſc. viii d. 00 13 081 Þri. Lanthony olim Impr. Sir John Guiſe Bart. 1713. s Coleſborne R. (St. James] Proxies vis. vüi di Synods ii s. 35 00 00 00 10 08 Viſ. Epiſc. xx d. Phil. Sheppard Efq; 1713.. 47 10 00 Corſe V. [St. Margaret] a Peculiar of Deerhurſt. 00 12 031 The KING. Abb. Tewksbury olim Impr. 36 oo oo Elmeſton Hardwick V. als Ailmundefton. 00 18 02 The KING. Abb. Tewksbury olim Impr. Mr. Gwinett is now Impr. 36 oo oo Lye V. als Leigh (St. James] Peculiar of Deerhurſt. 00 15 071 The KING. . Pri. Deerhurſt olim Impr. Corpus-Chriſti College Oxon. nunc. Impr. S Shipton-Olyffe R. [St. Oſwald] Proxies vi s. viii d. Syn. iis. 7 47 04 00 oo 18 oo Viſ. Epiſc. vid. William Peachy Eſq; 1711. 45 Oo oo Swindon R. [St. Laurence] Proxies vi s. vid. Synods ii si OI 06.01. 20 00 00 li szoo iis}.00 45 Oo oo Tirley V. alias Trynley [St. Michael] a Peculiar of Deerhurſt. 00 18 08 The KING. Abb. Deerhurſt olim Impr. Twining V. [St. Mary Magdalen] Proxies viii s. v d. Syn. ii s. 00 14 11 Abb. Winchcomb olim Impr. Dean and Canons of Chrift- Church, Oxon. WINCHCOMB * Staverton--> is a Peculiar of Decrlurſ. Theſe Peculiars are ſubject to the Bihop's Viſitation, and like.. wiſe to the Arch-Deacon's : The only Difference between them and the other Churches of the Diocele is, that they will not come out of the Liberties of their Peculiar to be viſited by the Arch-Deacon, though they do to the Bihop; and none of the Clergy pay Procurations or Synodals, the Impropriator of isserburjl paying a certain Sum yearly in the behalf of them all. 206 DIOCESE of GLOUCESTER. Gloucest. 1. s. d. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 18 Oo oo WINCHCOMB V. (St. Peter) with Gretton and Green Chap. Abb. Winchcomb olim Impr. Lord Tracy. Not in Charge. TEWKSBUR Y a Chap. [St. Mary *] The KING Patr. The Impropriation is in ſeveral Hands, the moſt conſiderable Part whereof is in the Lord Craven. Walton Cardiffe Cur. (St. James] Abb. Tewksbury olim Impr. All-Souls Coll. Oxon. Charlton-King's Chap. (this Chap. is ruinous.) Earl of Ellex Impr. Jeſus Coll. Oxon. Propr. CHELTENHAM Cur. Earl of Elex. Pri. Syon in Middl. olim Impr. Jeſus Coll. Propr. . Aftchurch Cur. † a Chap. t031. 23: 00 : 00 Certified Val . Charleton Abbots Cur. I. 6: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Abb. Winchcomb olim Propr. Mr. Carter Patr. Deerhurſt Cur. [Holy Trinity] l. 6: 13 : 04 Certified Val. Mr. Farmer Patr. Abb. Deerhurſt olim Propr. Forthampton Cur. a Peculiar of Deerhurſt. Abb. Tewksbury olim Propr. Mr. Dowdfwell Patr. Oxenden Cur. [St. John Bap-? 1.6 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Sevenhampton Cur. 1.. 10 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Pri. Lanthony olim Propr. Dr. Laurence Propr. Tredington Cur. I l. 20 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Lord Craven Patr. Up-Hatherly Chap. Pri. Uſke Propr, Stoke-Orchard Chap. to Clive. Old-Pen Chap. to Badgworth. Peculiar3l. 13 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. } Dioceſe • TEWKSBURY. -This Curacy is worth 60 l. yearly, the Crown is Patron.-Sir Baptif Hicks, Viſcount Camp- den, gave an Impropriation at St. Iſmael's in Pembrokeſhire worth 50 l. yearly, one Half to the Miniſter, the other Half to the Poor. Mrs. Éliz. Townſend gave 200 l. for the Benefit of the Miniſter. -- Mr. Tho. Poul- son has given 20 s. yearly for the ſame Uſe. --Mr. Serjeant Geers has given the Eaſter-Offerings and ſmall Tythes worth 15 I. per annum for a Reader.-Mr. Scrimpſhire has given the Tythes of Fidenton and Tredington after one Life to the Miniſter, paying 12 l. yearly to the Miniſter of Tredington, and 10l. yearly to the Miniſter of Aſh Church. Theſe Tythes are worth 1001. yearly, and are lately fallen in hand. The Curate has no Houſe nor Glebe. Sir Rob. Atkyns's Antiquit. of Glouceſterſhire, p. 721. + Ap-Church or Afh.Church. Mr. Scrimpſhire gave to it 8 l. per annum. Atkyns's Glouceſter. p. 224. I Tredington Cur.Mr. Scrimphire has given iz l. yearly, charged on the Great Tythes to the Miniſter. ibid. p.786. DIOCESE of HEREFOR D. 207 Dioceſe of Derefold. s, 768 11 0 B Year 680. the}76 17 01: { 6303 077 " rgo }oo 19 01 09 10 10 41 17 11 32 10 IQ King's Books. Pearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. d. ISHOPRICK of Hereford, founded about the Year 680. N. B. The Tenths of this Biſhoprick are by Grant from the Crown ſettled on the Biſhop and his Succeſſors, but the ſame is charged with the Payment of Firſt-Fruits in the common Courſe. The Cathedral Church (St. ETHELBERT.) * Deanry habet R. de Allenſmore in D. Hereford, and Clehonger 38 06 03 and Preſton ſuper Wye R. in D. Her. Erected about the {03 16 07 Year 1140. The KING. The following Dignities are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Hereford. 14 03 04 Chancellorſhip has Hereford-parva, erected about the Year 1217. OI 08 04 s Precentorſhip has Walford R. in D. Roſſe. Erected about 21 09 07 the Year 1195. 02 03 11 2 Š Treaſurerſhip, babet Rector. de Bockleton in D. Burford. Arch-Deaconry of Hereford, erected about the Year 1120. 04 03 og Arch-Deaconry of Salop, erected about the Year 1175. 03 05 or 18 03 04 Canoni parvi ibidem. OL 16 04 375 13 11 Dean and Chapter. 37 II 04 17 18 09 Bartonſham P. 01 15 10 17 18 01 Bullinghope-magna P. oi 15 09 Church-Wythington P. (this pays Tenths to the Biſhop.) Colwall P. OI 10 06. 12 10 00 Cublington P. in the Pariſh of Madeley. 01 05 00 oi 17 084 Epiſcopi P. 00 03 09* Ewithington P. 01 02 08 08 08 II Gorwall P. 00 16 10 Hampton P. 0005 031 Hinton P. 00 15 00 06 10 0:2 Hundreton P. 00 13 00 II 04 041 Huntingdon P. OI 02 053 15 00 021 Inckbarrow P. (in Com. Wigorn.) or 10 00 Moreton-magna P. (this pays Tenths to the Biſhop.) 07 or 00 Moreton-parva P. oo 14 01 1 13 04 Nonington P. 01 03 04 02 03 04 Norton P. 00 04 04 02.07 081 Pionia-parva P: 00 04 09 02 10 021 Prato-major P. QO 05 00 Prato- * The Hiſtory of the Foundation of the Church of Hereford is to be ſeen in Dugdale's Mon. Tom. 3: p. 1,80. OI 10 00 15 Oo oo 15 05 00 II 06 08 02 I2 II Oz 10 00 · 20 00 00 02 00 00 1 + 1 1 208 DIOCES E of HERE FOR D. HEREFORD. s. Yearly Tenths. I. d. 00 03 IT 01 00 09 OI OI 044 00 09 00 08 17 051 00 15 04 Or 8 oo oo 06 001 00 06 11 00 04 00 02 00 00 00 04 00 King's Books. 1. d. OI 19 02 Prato-minor P. 10 07 06 Preſton Superior P. 10 13 06 Putteſton-magna R. 04 10 00 Putteſton-minor P. 88 14 09 Vicars Choral. 07 13 04 Warham P. 14 00 Co Wellington P. 03 00 05 Withington-parva P. 03 09 07 Yve P. alias Eigne. 02 00 00 Sub-Treaſurerſhip. Treaſurer. 02 Succentorſhip. The Chanter. Chantry of Homelacy. Chantry of the Altar there. Chantry of the Altar of St. Nicholas. Chantry of the Altar of St. Anne. Chantry of Stanbury's. Chantry of St. Agnes's Altar. Chantry of the Altar of St. Mary's. Chantry of the Altar of Morgan. Chantry of the Altar of St. Trinity. Chantry of the Altar of St. Crofs. iſt. Chantry ad. Chantry 3d. Chantry of the Altar of St. Margaret. Chantry of the Altar of St. Stephen. Chantry of St. Mary Magdalen near the Cathedral. 00 06 08 oo 06 08 oo 06 10 oo об об 00 06 10 00 07.00 00 06-08 oo 06 01 oo 04 08 00 05 08 00 04 10 00 04 10 00 05 01 oo 06 04 00 06 oo D. Frome, in the Arch-Deaconry of HEREFORD, s. 1. d. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books Yearly Tenthis. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 07 08 09 Avenbury V. [St. Mary] Redd. viii d. 00 14 101 The KING. Abb. Dore Propr. 05 Oo oo BROMYARD R. (St. Peter] (Iſt Portion.) Archidiac. xvii s.X d. 00 10 00 Biſhop of Hereford. об оо оо BROMYARD R. (St. Peter) (2d Portion.) Epiſc. v s. viſi d. 00 12 00 Biſhop of Hereford. 06 oo oo Ş BROMYARD R. [St. Peter] (3d Portion.) Redd. Epiſc, v s. xi d. tertia pars denar. Biſhop of Hereford. 09 10 07? Syn. ii s. viii d. ŞBROMYARD V. {St. Peter] Archidiac, vi s. viii d. eidem in 00 19 00 The three Portioniſts are Patrons of the Vic. Colwall Ws300 00 12 00 DIOCESE of HEREFOR D. 209 s. { 02 00 00 02 00 00 14 12 06 perzoo 02 00 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. d. 20 06 08 Colwall R. [St. James] 02 00 08 Biſhop of Hereford Cradley R. (St. James] Redd. Epiſc. xvii s. ix do Archidiac. 18 00 00 Proxies vii s. viii d. Decano & Capitulo xii s. Commiſar. Son 16 00 pro Generalls. vi s. viii d. Abb. de Mauvern magna iüi s. Biſhop of. Hereford. Cradley V. [St. James] 00 04 00 08 05 10 Frome-Biſhop's V. * [St. Mary] oo 16 07 Pri. Lanthony Propr. Richard Hopton Eſq; 1719. 05 13 04 Frome-Caſtri Cap' live R. [St. Michael] OO II OÄ Robert Unet Eſq; 1715. oo Grendon Warren Chap. 00 04 00 The KING LEDBURY. V. (St. Michael] OI 09 03 Portionar. ſunt Propr. John Tryst Efq; 1682. S St. Mary's in LedBURY V. (there's no ſuch Place, as per 05 01 03 { Letter from Mr. Walker, March 4. 1776. oo 10 OI 08 07 06 Monneſley Cur. or R. Proxies Archidiac. v s. Commiſſario xii d. oo 16 09 Sir Robert Pye Kt. 14 00 00 Netherhall of LEDBURY Portionar. OI 08 oo Biſhop of Hereford. Occlier Chap. (demoliſhed.) 00 04 00 18 04 og Overhall Portion in LEDBURY, Redd. Epiſc. viii s, x d. ob. oi 16 05 Biſhop of Hereford. Pencombe R. ої об о8 Lord Coningſby 1716. [. 2 iii s. iïïi d. eidem pro Syn. vid. Commiſar. Prox. iii s. iiii d. 00 18 06 Salway Winnington Efq; Stoke-Bliſs V. + Commiſſar. Prox. iii s, ijii d. eidem pro Syn. vid. 06 16 08 Penſ. Vicario Bromyard iii s. Prox. Archidiac, vis, viii d, Priori de Lymbroke xvi s. viii d. Priori de Shene vi s. viii d. The KIN G. Pri. Lymbroke Propr. 08 oo oo Stoke-Lacy R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox, vi s. viii d. Commiſár. vi s. viï d. eidem pro Generalls , vid. Syn. vi d. Hon. Robert Price Eſq; Baron of the Exchequer 1706. and Mrs. Barnes. Stretton V.[St. Laurence) with Aſperden Chap. [St. Bartholo- 09 04 02 mew] Redd. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. eidem pro Prox, and Syn. viii s. ii d. Priori Monmouth. vil. x s. Pri. Monmouth. Propr. Mr. Hopton. Ee Tediton * Frome-Bifhop's. The Impropriation thereof entirely reſtored to the Church by R. Hopron Eſq; Vier! of the State of Religion in St. David's Dioceſe, publiſhed 1721. p. 109. + Stoke-Bliſs.- - In the original Roll this is not noted as a Rectory or a Vicarage, but the Inſtitution has always been as to a Vicarage ; (Vid. the Roll and Books of Inſtitutions in Officio Primit.) But by the above- mentioned Roll it ſeems to be entitled to Rectorial Tythes.- quod vide. The. Spilfoury compounded for the Firſt Fruits thereof as a Rectory, 20 Aug. 1717. 13 06 08 09 05 07:{Sapy-Superior als Sape R. [St. Michael] Proxies Archidiac . 1 ܘܘ{ Boo 200 16 00 210 DIOCESE of HERE FORD. HEREFORD. s. 1. s. d. ΟΙ 10 00 { } oo ] . d., for og 05: -,'s 1 : Io oo oo King's Books. Yearly Tenthe. 1. d. STedſton Wafre Chap. united to Edwin-Loach in Co. Wor-? { cefter, D. Burford. 00 03 00 05 06 08 ŞThornbury R. Archidiac. Proxies vi s. viii d. Commiſſar. Pro-} 00 10 08 xies iii s. ijii d. Samuel Pitts Eſq; 1708. Ullingwick als Hullingwick Cur. with Cowarne-parva Chap:7 09 Oo oo Priori Lanthony viii s. Commiſſar. pro le Generalls. vi d. Pri- 500 18.00 ori Sti Guthlaci vi s. viii d. Biſhop of Hereford. S Whitborne R. [St. John Baptiſt] Redd: Epiſc. x de Proxi'and 14 14 09?? Syn. Archidiac. vis. I og 05 Biſhop of Hereford. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 31 00 00 - Ayleton Chap. 00 06 04 Lord Oxford 40 00,00 Bolbury V. (Holy Trinity) Archidiac. vii s. viii d. OI OQ 041 Endowed by Lord Scúdamore, 13 and 14 Caroli Secundi, by Act of Parliament. Biſhop of Hereford Propr. and Patr. Breddenbury R. als Birdenbury. oo 04 02 Margaret Saunders. 35 00 oo Coddington R. [All Saints] Prox. Archidiac. vid. 06.09 16 Biſhop of Hereford. 40 10 00 Collington R. [All Saints] Secundæ Portioni de Bromyard x ... 00.08 00 Samuel Pytts Efq; 1715. 38 00 00 Cowarne-magna V.[St. Mary Commisſar. prole Prox, vi s. vùi d. II eidem pro le Generalls, vi d. Mon. Sti Petri Glouceſter. Propr. Sampfon Ward Efq; 1688. 38 05 00 Donington R. (St. Mary) Eccleſ. Heref. v s. :00 06 11 Richard Skip Eſq; 1710. 48 Oo oo Edwin Radulph R. Proxies iii s. iſi d. 100 12 081 Samuel Pytts Eſq; 1719. 42 02 03 Efnor R. (St. John Baptift) oo 16 oo Biſhop of Hereford. Eviſbach R. als Ýſebach (St. Andrew] 00 03 087 Cath. Dobyns Widow 1714. 18 06 08 Felton V. [St Michael] Abb. Glouceſter xxx s. Pri. Sti Guiblaci Heref. Propr. (Cell to the Abb. of Glou- ceſter.) John Price Eſq; 1708. 28 03.00 $Froma Canonicorum als Canfrome, Commifar. vi s: viï d. Ar- chidiac, Proxies vii s. ii d. Penf. Vicario Frome ii s. Pri. Lanthony Propr. Mr. Hoplon. 40 07 oo Marcle-parva Cur. (Deſtructa.) once a Chapel to Ledbury. oo 16 00 Sir Tho. Hanbury Kt. 1688. Sir Hungerford Hoſkins Patr. 1726. Ocle. 1 I . { }o1 ? 34 18 06 00 10 00 Ar-300 00 10 00 I HEREFORD DIOCESE of HEREFORD., 211 1. d. 0 10 08 { }၀၀ Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenshs. I d. Ocle Pritchard V.'alias Occul Pitchers [ 44 00.00 Prox. iii s. iiii d. Ecclefia deſecrata. Pri. Sti Guthlaci Heref. Propr. 10. Seaborne. 18 01-06 Pixley Chap. [St. Andrew] oo 08 oor Samuel Lewis Clerk, and his Wife, 1709. Tedſton Dalamer R. (St. James] Penfi Vicario Bromyard ii s. 46 oo oo Prox. Archidiac. iii s. iiii d..Commiſſar. pro le Generalls, vi d. 00 13 04 Prior de Mauvern magna iii s. Robert Mafon Gent. . 48 Oo oo Commiffar. pro Vicario Bromyard ii s. Salway Winnington Efq; 25 00 00 · Wollaſton Church 00 05 04 Yarkhill V, alias Yarcle [St. John Baptiſt] Prox. Archidiac. 45 06 03 { vii s. viii d. Eidem pro le Generalls. vid. oo 08 08 Dean and Chapter of Hereford Propr. and Patr. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Brockhampton Cur. Chapel to Hope-Wolnitt 10 : 08 : 00 Certified Val. Grendon Epiſc. Cur. [St. John}i. 6 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Baptiſt] Chap. to Bromyard Marſton Cur. Chapel to Pencombe (of .no Value.) Stanford Epife.Cur. [St. James}}. 10:00 10: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Wackton Cur. Chap. to Brom-31.8:00:00 Certified Vala yard Moreton Jeffrys Cur. Dean and Chapter of Hereford Patr. or their Leflee. ? . , foo ار 4 1 D. Hereford, * in the Arch-Deaconry of HEREFORD. d. OI 10 00 4 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. Brampton alias Breinton Cur. [St. Michael] 00 03 po Dean of Hereford Patr. 08 og 07 Dyndor R.+ [St. Andrew] Syn, xii d. Viſ. Dec. per ann, ii s. iid, oo 16 11 70. Bodenham Efq; 01 00 00 Greenhouſe V. 00 02 00 SHampton-Biſhop's R. Syn, vi d.' Vij. Dec, per ann. ii s. iid. 13 13 09 ? Penſ. Déc. &* Cap. viš. viii d. Biſhop of Hereford, E é 'z Madeley * The entire Deanry of Hereford is within the Dean's Peculiar, as is Little Hereford a Peculiar of the Chancellor of the Church of Herefords Moreton Magna within the Prebendary of that Name, and Selleck and Lugwardine in the Biſhop's immediate Juriſdiction, and are exempt from all Archidiaconal Viſitation, Willis's Survey, p. 837. + Rotheras [St. Mary) is a Chapel to Dyndor, iid. for 09 04: 11 ز 212 DIOCESE OF 'HEREFORD. HEREFORD. I 12 02 .:'. 00 12 01 ii ir 14 17 06 OO II 03 {. } 06 00 ref. vid. ܘ ܘܘ{tܘܘ King's Books. - Yearly Tontbs, l.is s... dei lo S. d. 16 01.08. Sýn, ii s. "Vij. Dec. Her. per ann.is. ii d. ŞMadeley V. [St. Mary) with Tiberton Chapel annext [St. Mary] Mary}}os Dean and. Chapter of Hereford Propr. and Patr. - 04 IO ,10 St. Owen's R. (united to St. Peter's) 00 09:01 Philip Ruffe V..., oo 01 02 02 13 04 Cantar' Sanctæ Annæ in Ecclefia Omnium Sanctorum 100 05 04 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Allenſmore alias. Aliſmoore V. (St. Andrew] Synods xii d. Impropriated one half to the Dean, the other half to the Chapter. Dean of Hereford Patr. Blakemer V. [St. Leonard] Redd. Dean and Chapter of He- 09 00 00 Dean and Chapter of Hereford Propr. and Patr. 21 03.00 Clehonger V. [All Saints) 00 08:05 Dean of Hereford Propr. and Patr. Dewfal Va with Callow Chap. * [St. Michael] (Reprizais not 19 00 00 oo 08 oo { legible.) Pri. Malverne Parva Propr. Lord Carnaţvon 1718.(now Duke Chandos. 1724.) 46 об об. Eton Biſhop's R. [St. Michael] OI 06 00 Biſhop of Hereford. 36 12 08 Hope-Wolnith V. alias Wolhope [St. George) with St. De- { vereux and Brockhampton: + (Holy Trinity] Chapels 15 03$ Dean and Chapter of. Hereford Propr. and Patr. 25 13 04 Bartholomew] Vif. Dec. xiit d. Synods vid. ŞHolmer V. [St. Bartholomewz with Huntington Chapel [St}oo 00 13 01 Dean and Chapter of Hereford Propr. and Patr. ŞSt. John Baptit in. Hereford v: Penf. Dec. & Cap. Heref; }oo 15 02 16 02 08 xiii s. iijid. Redd. Refolut. vi s. viii d. Dean and Chapter of Hereford. 18 09. 06. Kingſton V.. [St. Michael] Synods iiii.d.. oo 12 08 oo DE of Hereford Propr. and Patr. 08 17 04 St. Mary Magdalen R. Dean and Chapter of Hereford. St. Martin's in Hereford V. with All-Saints annext, Redd. 37 17 Dec. & Cap. Windſor. & Epiſc. Heref. iii l. xiiii s. mii d. for 17.00 Vif. Dec. Heref. per ann. xiii d. Synods xii d." Dean and Canons of Windſor Propr, and Patr. Maurden alias Mèrden V. [St. Ethelbert] Redd. Dec. Heref. 40 05 07 { xv s. s. Synods xii d. Vil. Dec. Heref. per ann, ii s. ii d. 00 IF 051 Dean and Chapter of Hereford Propr. and Patr.. 14 12 09 St. Nicholas in Heref. R. II. The KING. Dean and Chapter of Hereford. Norton * Callow Chapel, certified in D. Irching field. + Brockhampton, certified in D: Frome. I St. Martin's Church is demoliſhed. i St. Nicholas is a Cur, held by Sequeſtration with Brampten V: (not in Charge. ) No Inſtitution to it for 300 00 00 00 { for 17.00 *f; }oo ΟΙ ΟΟ ΟΟ many Years. HEREFORD. DIOCES E of HEREFORD. 213 S. d. d. 301 . , . [}} IO 00 00 300 08 10 . Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. 1. d. Norton Canon V: 30 Oo oo 00 10 00 Dean and Chapter of Hereford. S St. Peter's V. in Hereford, Proxies and Synods vi s. viii d. 19 01 07 Prior. Sti Guthlaci c s. oi oo 00 Tho. Foley Efq; 22 18 oo Pintney alias Putley R. Penſ. Dec. Heref. vi s. viii d. 00 07 10 Dean and Chapter of Hereford. Pionia Canonicorum alias Canons Pewen V. (St. Laurence 22 13 04 Dec. & Cap. Herefxx d 00 II 047 Dean and Chapter of Hereford Propr. and Patr. 22 18 06 Pipe V. [St. Peter] Synods vid. Vil. Decani xvi d. 00 14 031 Dean and Chapter of Hereford Propr. and Patr. Preſton ſuper Wyham V. (St. Laurence] oo 08 oo Dean and Chapter of Hereford Propr. and Patr. S Thruxton alias Druxton R. (St. Bartholomew) Vif. Dec. He- 16 07 08 ref. per ann. xiii d. Penſ. Dec. & Cap. iii. s. iiii d. Syn. vid. Impropriated one half to the Dean, the other half to the Chapter. . Dean of Hereford. Withington V. * [St. Peter] Synods xii d. Viſ. Dec. per ann. 41 16 07 { ii s. ii d. Redd. Decano Heref. xvi d. DO 10 011 Dean of Hereford. Ecclefia Hereford Propr. Bullingham alias Bullinghope, is a Chapel to All-Saints (not charged.) D. Zrchingfield alias Archenfield, in the Arch-Deaconry of HEREFORD. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 09 03 11}{ Bricommil). vis. viii d. S Bridſtow V. [St. Bridget] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. viii d. Prox 00 18 041 Pri. Shene Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. S Chapel within Wilton Caſtle ; Chapel to Bridítow; but de-? 04 Oo oo 2 moliſhed. 06 15 077{** i s. vid. s St. Devereux R. Portiones Dec. Heref. iis, vid. Preventori 00 13 06 John Pye Gent. 1717. 13 06 08 Foye V, Proxies Archidiac. vii s. viid. Abb. Sti Petri Glou- 2 ceft.xls. 01 06 08 -301 Abb. Glouceſter. Propr. Elizabeth Bubb Widow 1698. Ş Goderick V. [St. Giles) Proxies viii s. viii de Proxies or nods Commiſſarv s. Mon. Monmouth. Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. Homelacy V. alias Hamlacy [St. Cuthbert] 00 16 og Pri. Sti Gutblaci Heref. Propr. Lord Siudamore 1708. Endowed by the Lord Scudamore, 130 and 14º Car. II. by Act of Parliament, Kenchurch alias Kynechurch R. (St. Mary] Proxies Eccles.? JO 12 Heref..xs, vidGlouceſt. . or or 02 ? The KING Kender- Prefter-Wynne (Holy Trinity) is a Chapel to Withington, d.. . s, d. zoo Joo 08 00 torio 08 Oo oo { . . Sy- Sy- zoo 16 00 08 oo oo clef.}or o 214 DIOCES. E. of HERE FOR D. HEREFORD. d. १०० 04 II 08 ΟΙ 10 δο ŞNewton Walica. Cap. [St. Mary], (in Com. Monmouth) Prior. Zoo og oo ies} oo King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. 02 05 02 ŞKenderchurch Chapel [St. Mary] Proxies žiūs. vid. Prior. 0 04 06 Lanthony xvi s. viii d. Mr. Harley (W.) Kilpeck Chapel [St. Mary] 00 09 02 Abb. Glouceſter, olim Propr. Biſhop Glouceſter Patr. 15 Oo oo Lanwarne R. [St. John Baptiſt] Proxies xvii s. ix d. William Jones Eſq; 1703. 04 10 00 og oo Sti vis, d. Sir Willianz Compton. Ş Peterſtow R. [St. Peter) Proxies Archidiac. vi d. Proxies OM 10 10 00 15 01 Commiſſar. vi s. viii d. 15.00 Sir John Williams 1713. Duke of Chandos (W.) Selleck V. with three Chapels, Proxies Archidiac. vii s. viï d. 16 об о8 Proxies Commiſſar, vi s. viii d. Proxies Triennal. per ann. O1 12 xvii s. ix d. Proxies Archidiac. for King's Capel Chap. vid. for Marſtow (or Pipe) Chapel vi d. for Pencoyd Chap. Nil. Dean and Chapter of Hereford Propr. and Patr. 06 01 08 $Tretyre R. * [St. Mary] Portio Eccl. Heref. iii s. Portio Vic. 12 OZ de Selleck iiis. iii d. Proxies Archidiac. xii d. William Williams Eſq; 1910. Duke of Chandos 1722. 06 00 02 S Whitchurch R. [St. Dubritius] Pri. Sti Jobis Jeruſalem ii s. 00 12 00 Prox. Archidiac. iiii s. vid. Prox. Commiſſar. vis. viii d. Duke of Kent 1694. Livings diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 32 17 08 Birche parva R. [St. Mary] 00 13 031 Endowed by Lord Scudamore, 13° and 14° Caroli II. by Act of Parliament. Lord Chandos 1706. Dewchurch Magna V. (St. David) Proxies Archidiac, vii s. 43 07 04 { viïi d. Proxies Epiſc. xvii s. ix d. 19 04 George Maſon Eſq; 1715. 40 19 10 Generew Eccleſia, (St. Swithin 00 03 00 Duke of Shrewſbury 1694. 24 07 05 Landinabo R. (St. Dinebo] Proxies Archidiac, vi do 00 05 102 Tho. Rogers Gent. 1691. Lanrothall V. Proxies Archidiac, vid. 00 07 06 Pri. Monmouth, Propr. Martin Bootbby 1685. MONMOUTH. S Bicknor Wallica R. [St. Margaret] Proxies Archidiac. vi s. 47 Oo oo Prior. Monmouth. v s. The KING. 43 17 103 Commiſſar. v s. 10 Dixton V. [St. Peter) Proxies Archidiac. vis..viji d. Synods 300 14 03: Prior. Monmouth. xviji s. iiii d. Mon. Monmouth. Propr. Henry Hall Eſq; 1684. Lord Gage (W.) 21 OI 08 MONMOUTH V. [St. Mary] Prox. Triennal. xvii s, ix d. o oo oo Pri. Monmouth. Propr. Duke of Beaufort 1715. Not Michael-Church is a Chapel to Tretyre. Vic. Zoo "}00 { iis 22 IO LO os oo 08 08 vis.}oo } 1 HEREFORD. DIOCESE. of HEREFORD. 215 Garway Cur. Not.in Charge. Arcop alias Orcop Chapel, Prior. Lanthony xiii s. ürii d. Prox. Archidiac, vid. Sir William Compton Patr, Ballingham, Prox. Commiſſar. iiis.iiiid. Prox. & Syn. Archi- diac. iii s. Penſ. Prior. Lan- l. 12 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. thony xxvii s, viii d. a Chap. to Lugwarden, D. Weſton, Birch Magna Cur. [St. Mary] l: 14.: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Abbey of Glouceſter Impr. Mr. George. q. Biſhop of Glouceſter. Callow Cur. [St. Michael] 1. 6:06 : 08 Certified Val. Duke of Chandos Patr. Knights Templars Propr. 1. 14 : 00.: 00 Certified Val. Sir William Compton. Hentland, Chapel to Lugwarden, in D. Weſton. Vicar of Lugwarden. Harwood Peculiar (St. Dennis] l. 10 : 02 : 00 Certified Val. Pri. St. John of Jeruſalem Propr. olim. Sir Benet Hoſkins. Sir Hungerford Hoſkins Patr. 1723. , Chap. to Lug- warden, in D. Weſton. 20 Wormbridge Cur. 1. 22.: 10: 00 Certified Val. Mr. Clivear. q. 1 : Acornbury Cur. [St. John Baptiſt] Pri. Acornbury. Propr. Duke of Chandos Patr. King's Capel (St. JohnBapt.]Chap.toSelleck.l. 12:00 Cert. Val. Marſtow (St. Martin] Chapel to Selleck. l.11: 00 Cert. Val. Pencoyd (St. Dennis] Chapel to Selleck. l.11:10 Cert. Val. Bolfton is a Chapel to Homelacy. 1. d. I. S, d. 1 D. Leominſter alias Lemplter, in the Arch-Deaconry of HEREFORD. HERĖ F. and RADNOR. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Kingſland R. [St. Michael] Vif. Epiſc. xvii s. ix d.qa. Prior. 31 03 061 Heref. x s. Redd. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. Eidem pro Syn. 03.02 04 ii s. ii d. Commiſſar. pro le Prox, vi s. viii d. The Honourable Ro. Price Efq; and Edward Winnington Fefferies Eſq; 1724, Dr. Davies (W.) 36 10 02}{Archidiac , vis. vii d. Commifar. Pro le Prox. * s. Syn. xii.d.f03 13.004 Corpus-Chriſti College Oxford. 20 Oo oo PREST EIGNE V. * [St. Andrew] and Rectory are united. Pri. Wigmore Propr. Earl of Oxford. SRADNOR Nova R. (St. Mary] Archidiac, vii s. viii d. Com- 13 10 10 miſſar. vi s. viii d. oi 07 01 The KING Radnor Diſcoyd (St. Michael] Chapel to Prefeigne. 02 00 00 Com- }o. }or 07 216 DIOCESE of HEREFORD. Herer. & RADN. , d. 35 or 004 } oo üd;}oo 20 12:02 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. l. s. d. Radnor Vetus R, with Kenarton alias Keynarth Chap. Prox. 00:} Commiſſar. vi s. viii d. Viſ. Epiſc. xvii s. ix d.qa. Vif. Ar -303 10.014 chidiac. vi s. viiid. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter Patr. This is only a Curacy, the Dean and Chapter or their Leſſee have the Tithes. 05 07 11 Shobdon V. (St. John Evangeliſt] Syn. Archidiac. vi d. 00 10.09 Pri. Wigmore Propr. Robert Chaplin Eſq; 1696. Mr. Bateman (W) 02 18.04 Chantrey in the Ch. of Radnor. 00.05 10 Livings Diſcharged. - Clear Yearly Valur. 30 11.06 ŞAylmifter V: [St. John and St. Almund) Redd. Arcbidiac. vis;} Oo 18 oo viii d. Commiſar. vi s. viii d. Commiſar. pro Syn. ii si vi.d.'s The KING. Pri. Wigmore Propr. Berely V.. alias Birley (St. Peter] Archidiac. Syn. vii s. ü d. 00 II TO ITO 2 Penf. vis. viüd. Pri. Wigmore Propr. Nic. Pbilpot Efq; 1717. ,21 00.00 Byton Cur. (St. Mary) in Co. Hereford, Chap. to. Preſteigne." 00 10 00 The KING. Pri. Wigmore Propr.. 39 :10 00 Croft R. (St. Michael] Synods vid. 00 15 ore Sir Herbert Croft Bart. Sir Archer Croft (W.:) 21 05 00 Erillonde V. alias Areland (St. Mary) Repriz. not legible. 00 08 11 Pri. Shene Propr. John Booth Eſq; 1663, 1669: ŞEye V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac, vis, viii d. Redd. 42 15 00 2: Commiſſar, vii s. iid. Synods xii d. The KING. Pri. Leominſter Propr. 37 10 DO Hereford parva V. [St. Mary Magdalen] oo 13 05 Chancellor of the Church of Hereford Propr, and Patr. SHumbre :R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. Syn. and Prox. iiii s, viii d. 30 00.00 Prior Brecknock x s. Prior. Leominſter iii's. QO II 073 The KING. 279.00.00 Knill Chapel (St. Michael] 00 09 00 John Walſham Eſq; Patr. 1717. (LEOMINSTER V. alias LEMPSTER [St. Peter and St. Paul] Redd. Archidiac, vii s. viii d. Abb. Radinge vi s. viii d. oo 04 Feod. Apparit. The KING. Pri. Leominſter Propr. Monckland alias Monklane V. [All-Saints] Penf. Dec. & Cap. 39,12 04 Heref. vi s. viii d. Commiſar. pro Prox. vi s. viii d. Ar->01.02 01 chidiac. Prox. iii s. iii de Epiſc. Syn. vid. Dean and Canons of Windſor Propr. and Patr. 20 00 00. Norton Cur. alias V. [St. Andrew] The KING. Ş Pyddleſtone V. [St. Peter) with White R. Redd. Domino iiii s. 40 15 02 2 Rectori de Hunebre ii s. Syn. and Prox. Arobidiac, vii s. 15 091 Mr. Jo. Patteſhall 1717. Staunton dd;}.00 15 II 2.300 d. 30 301.02 00 10 00 si 300 HEREFORD. DIOCESE of HEREFORD. 217 $}}1. 4 : 06 : 08 Certified Val. Middleton (St. Maryd former-36. 5:03 : 04 Certified Val. Clear rearly Value. rearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. s. d. 26 oo oo Staunton upon Arrow V. [St. Peter] Archidiac. Syn. vi d. 00 12 00 Pri. Wigmore Propr. The KING, 26 00 00 Stretford R. (St. Peter] Archidiac, Syn, vid. Redd. refolut. ii d. 00 13 04 Archer Croft Eſq; 1715. 16 10 00 Wigmore V. (St. James] Synods x d. Proxies vi s. viii d. 00 16 oo Prior. Wigmore Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. Not in Charge. Brimfield Cur, formerly a Cha- pel to Eye fl. 17: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Biſhop of Hereford. Hatfield Chap. [St. Leonard] formerly a Chapel to Leo- l. 3 : 00 : 06 Certified Val. } minſter Mr. Geers. But q. the Biſhop. Kimbolton Cur. [St. James] Chapel to Eye Biſhop of Hereford. to Eye : Biſhop of Hereford. Titley Cur. [St. Peter] l. 19 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Edward Harley Eſq; or College of Wincheſter. q. Lenthal Earls Ćur. (St. An-31. 10 : 10 : 00 Certified Val. drew] Chap. to Ailmiſter Eyton Cur. (All-Saints] Chap. to Eye l. 1:01:00 Certified Val. Lucton Cur. [St. Peter] Chapel to Eye. Orlton Cur. l. 20 : 10: 00 Certified Val. Mr. Dawes Patr. Chancellor of Hereford Propr. Yarpole Cur. [St. Leonard] 1.27 : 14 : 00 Certified Val. Sir Archer Croft Patr. Chancellor of Hereford Propr. Docklow Cur. ( St. Bartholo- l. 4 : 04 : 06 Certified Val. Hope ſub Dinmore Cur. [St. Mary) formerly a Chapel to {l. 4 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Leominſter Earl Coning ſoy Patr. Stoke-Prior Cur. Chapel to lo 6:01 : 03 Certified Val, Leominſter Leinthal Starkes [ St. Mary Magdalen] Chapel to Wig- 1. 4 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Elton Cur. [St. Mary lichap. to 31. 13 : 03 : 05 Certified Val. Lingen Cur. in Co. Hereford [St. Michael] Chap. to Prel- 31.1 [St. Michael] Chap. to Pref- 1.10 : 10 : 00 Certified. Val. teigne Keynſham in Co. Hereford, Chapel to Preſteigne. Ff D. - : 31 to34 more 218 HEREFORD. DIOCES E of HEREFORD. D. Ahols alias folle, in the Arch-Deaconry of HEREFORD. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. s. d. s, Livings remaining in Charge. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. § Afton Ingham R. Prox, and Syn. Archidiac, viï s. viii d. Prox. Commiſſar. vi s. viii d. Miles Huntley Gent. 1694. Peter Senhouſe and Charles 07 07 01 id.300 14 08.1 Stock Gent. 1724. 12 00 00 12 06 Syn.300 Boo Brampton Abbas R. [St. Michael] Vicario de Upton Epiſc. ii s. OI 04 00 Biſhop of Hereford OI 06 08 Eccleſwell Capella oo 02 08 Ş Fownhope V. * [St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac. vüis. Prox. 06 09 07 ? Commiſſar. iii s. iiii d. 00 I2 II Pri. Shene olim Propr. ' Dean and Chapter of Hereford. 06 05 00 ŞHope Manſel R. [St. Michael] Syn. Archidiac. vid. "Prior. Monmouth. viii sa The KING. ŞHowcaple R. [St. Andrew] Prox. Commiſſar. vi s. viii d. Syn. 09 Oo oo 00 18 oo & Archidiac, vi d. Penf. Rectori de Rhoſs ii s. William Gregory Eſq; 1696. Linton (St. Mary) and Lea V. in Co. Glouceſt. D. Foreſt (St. 08 10 oo George] Prox, and Syn. vii s. viii d. Prox. Commiſſar. vis. 00 17 00 viii d. Pri. Shene olim Propr. Herbert Ruſhdale Weſtfaling Efq; 1703. Marcle alias Marcley magna V. with the Chapel of Kinaſton 14 00 05 [St. Bartholomew] Prox. Archidiac. viii s. viii d. Prox. Foi 08 001 Commiſar, vi s. viii d. Pri. Shene olim Propr. John Kyrle Ernle Eſq; 1721. S Mordeford R. (Holy Rood] Pens. Prior. Heref. iii s. Prox. 10 06 053 Archidiac. vi s. vii d. Prox. Commiſſar. iiiis, 01 00 07 The Honourable Thomas Foley Eſq;. 1713. Rhoss alias Rosse R. [St. Mary) and Vicarage united, Prox, xvii s. ix d.qa. Feod. Ballivi xxvi s. vii.d. 38 16 03 Biſhop of Hereford. 03 17 071 Rhoſs alias Roffe V. Redd. vi d. ob.. Prox. Archidiac. viii s. ii d. Commiſar. vi s. viii d. Biſhop of Hereford. 03 06 03 Sallers Chapel oo 06 07 Upton Biſhop's V. [St. John Baptift) Prox. Commiſar. iii s. 08 17 06 2 iiii d. Syn. Archidiac. xii d. oo 17 09: Dean and Chapter of Hereford Propr. and Patr. 18 Oo oo Weſton under Pyneyard R. [St. Laurence] OL 16 00 Biſhop of Hereford. Livings Fawley (St. John Baptiſt] Chapel to Fownhope.. şu HEREFORD. DIOCESE of HERE FOR D. 219 viis}.00 08 04 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. SHope Sallers alias Solars R. (St. Michael] Prox, and Syn. viis. 40 03 103 viii d. William Gregory Eſq; 1719. Walford V. [St. Leonard] with Ruardine Chap. in Co. Glou- 01 06 02 ; ceſt. Prox. Commiſar. vi s. viiid. Syn. Archidiac, xii d. Precentor of Hereford. Not in Charge. Ruardine Chap. Syn. Archidiac. xii d. in Co. Glouceſt. Hugonis Chap William Gregory Efq; 1719. 40 15 10 Yatton Cur. Chapel to Marcle magna. Kinaſton, Ch. to Marcle magna (demoliſhed.) D. Webley alias Weobley, in the Arch-Deaconry of HERE FOR D. s. s. for Livings remaining in Charge. King's-Books. Yearly Tenths. I. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 06 17 II Almali V. alias Almeley (St. Mary) Syn. xii d. 00 13 09 Pri.Wormeſley Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. oy 01 08 ŞByford R. [St. John Baptiſt] Prox. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 00 14 02 2 Prox. Commiſar, vi s. viii d. The KING. q. if not the Hon. Ro. Price Eſq; 08 oo oo Doore alias Dowr Abbats R. (Holy Trinity and St. Mary] 00 16 00 Lord Scudamore Patr. This formerly belonged to the Ab- bey of Doore, but made a Rectory and Endowed by Lord Scudamore, 130 and 14° Caroli II. by Act of Parliament. Kinnerſley R. (St. James] Syn. xii d. Prox. vis. viii d. Prox. 13 18 04 Commiſſar. vi s. viii d. Prior. de Leominſter vi s. viii d. 01 07 10 Prior. Wormeſley iii s. Sir John Morgan 1718. Kington alias KYNETON V. * [St. Mary) with Brilly (St. Mary] Huntington (St. Mary Magdalen] and Michael Church, Prox. Archidiac, vi s. viiid. Syn. xii d. Pens. Ec- -25 02 II cleſ. Titley xiii s. iiii d. Prox. Commiſar. vi s. viï d. Diaco- Şo2 10 037 no Ecclef. vi s. viii d. Viſ. Epiſc. xvii s. ix d. Michael Church Prox. Archidiac, illi s. iïïid. Diacono Ecclef. ii s. Pri. Lanthony Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. 06 15 07. Letton R. (St. Peter] Prox. vi s. viii d. Syn. xii d. CO 13 061 Dutton Colt. 04 13 04 Snowdhill free Chap. in Dorſton Pariſh. Deftrueta. 00 09 04 Staundon near Wyam R. alias Staunton upon Wyland (St. 13 13 04 Mary] Prox. Viſ. Epiſc. xvii s. ix d. Archidiac, vis, viii d. 07 04 Prox. Commiſſar. vis. viii d. Syn. xii d. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church in Oxford. Ff 2 Wynforton * Kyneton and Michael-Church Errow are in the County of Radnor. 220 DIOCESE of HERE FORD. HEREFORD. .. 09 06 08 2 I 12 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. d. Wynforton R. [St. Mary) Syn. vid. Prox. Archidiac. vi s. vis.fo 00 18 08 viii d. Prox. Commiſſar. vi's, viii d. Sir 70. Holman Bart. 1691. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 21 06 05 Bacton V. (St. Faith] 00 07 04 Abb. Dore Propr. Sir Benet Hoſkins Bart. Sir Hungerford Hoſkins Bart. (W.) S Biſhopſton R. [St. Laurence] Prox. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Syn. 300 16 00 43 10 oo vid. Dec. & Cap. Heref. v s. Prox. Commiſſar. iii s. iiüidos The Hon. Robert Price Eſq; Baron of the Exchequer. 37 Oo oo Bredwardine V. (St. Andrew] 00 14 09 Pri. Wigmore Propr. Mr. William Harris Patr, Endowed by Lord Scudamore 130 and 14° Caroli II. by Act of Par- liament. 17 Oo oo Brigge Sallars V. (St. Andrew] Prox. vi s. viii d. Syn. xii d. 00 07 00 Pri, Acornbury Propr. Tbo. Geers Efq; Brobury alias Brodbury R. [St. Mary] Sýn, vid. oo 08 oo 00 Lord Scudamore 1694. William Harris Clerk 1709. 36 12 06 Clifford V. (St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac. iii s. viii d. Syn, xii d. 00 og oo Pri. Clifford Propr. Charles Walwyn Gent. 1714. 45 Oo oo Credenhill R. alias Crednell [St. Mary] Repriz, xiiii s. OI 15 115 Duke of Kent 1715. 28 il oo Cuſop R. alias Kewſop (St. Mary) Prox, vi s. viiid. Syn.vid. 00 11 11 Nic. Arnold Eſq; 1709. Dorfton V. (St. Peter] Viſ. Epiſc. xvii s. ix d. Prox. Archị- 7 50 00 00 diae, vi s. viii d. Syn. xviii d. Penf. Choriſtis Heref. vi s, 00 15 02 viï d. Dec. & Cap, vi s, viii d. Pri. Clifford Propr. Walter Hill and Thomas Matthews Gent. 1699. Mr. Profler (W.) 45 00 00 Erdiſley V. [St. Mary Magdalen] Prox, vi s. viii d. Syn. xii d. 00 15 03 Pri. Lanthony Propr. Benba. Baſkervile Gent. Mr. Walm- Ney (W.) or Mr. Barnſley. Kencheſter V. (St. Michael] Dec. & Cap. Heref. & Prior. 25 Oo oo Lanthony vii s. iii d. Syn. vid. 00 12 052 Pri. Lanthony Propr. The KING, 26 00 00 Leonhales V. [St. Michael] Prox, vi s. viji d. Syn. xii d. 00 13 con Pri. Wormeſley Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. Manſell Gamaze V. alias Mansfield Gamage (St. Giles] Prox.? 20 17 04 00 10 08 Arcbidiac, vi s. viji d. Syn. xii d. Prior. Heref. xiii s, jilid. Pri. Sti Gutblaci Heref. Propr. Eliz, Geers Widow 1687, 38 oo oo Mockas R. [St. Michael] Prox. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Syn, xii do 00 12 051 Edward Cornwall Eſq; 1691. ŞMonfill alias Mauncell Lacy V. [St. Michael] Prox. vi s. viid.? OO 10 041 Pri. Acornbury Propr. The Hon. Robert Price Eſq; Baron of the Exchequer. Uvedale Price Efq; 1718. Monington ".300 00 20 00 00 oo HEREFORD. Diocese of HEREFORD. 21 Yearly Tenths. . d. 00 16 oo si Oo 10 08 31 Oo oo oo 10 08 ၆,၀၀ 00 18 08 15 Oo oo oo 05 05 Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. 42 00 00 Monington R. [St. Mary] Proxies vi s. vii d. Syn. xii d. Mary Tompkins Widow 1699. 29 Oo oo Peter-Church V. (St. Peter] Pri. Malverne-major Propr. (vel Abb. de Dore.) Nicholas Philpot Gent. Duke of Chandos (W.) Sarensfield als Sarenſhill Chap. [All Saints] Mr. Monington Patr. Stretton R. near Sugwas [St. Mary Magdalen] Dec. & 40 Oo oo Cap. Heref. xvi d. Syn. vi d. Priori Lanthony ii s. Ři. Cox 1664. Tho. Gwillim Gent. 1699. Duke of Chan. dos (W.) Turnaſton R. [St. Mary] Hon. Roberi Price Eſq; Baron of the Exchequer, 1720. Ni- cholas Philpot Gent. Vouchurch V. als Fowchurch (St. Bartholomew] Prebendary of Great Puttelton in the Church of Heref. Propr. and Patr. 26 00 02 WEBLEY als . WE OBLEY (St. Peter and St. Paul] Pri. Sti Guthlaci Heref. Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. Whitney R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Proxies vi s. viii d. 40 00 00 Syn. xii d. Tho. Geers Serjeant at Law 1698. 10 10 00 Willarſley R. (St. Mary Magdalen] Syn. vi d. Edward Chamberlayne 1712. Mr. Higgins (W.) Yafor V. [St. John Baptiſt] Proxies vi s. viid. Syn, xii d. Pri. Lanthony Propr. Hon. Robert Price Eſq; Baron of the Exchequer. Uvedale Price Eſq; 1724. Wormſley Cur. 1. 4 : 08 : 04 Certified Val. Pri. Wormeſley Propr. Mr. White Patron. 25 0000 00 12 00 00 18 01 } oo 0 12 00 00 06 08 20 00 00 00 12 00 D. Wetton, in the Arch-Deaconry of HEREFORD, 1. S. o 053 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. Bodenham V. (St. Michael] Prox. Archidiac. & Commiſſar. 12 01 052 xiii s. iilid. Prox. and Syn. annuat, ii s. iilid. Priori He- Hot OI 04 OTTO ref. xs. Pri. Breccon olim Propr. Lord Coningſby 1710. 06 02 06 Dylwyn V. als Delvyn [St. Mary] Proxies vi s. viii d. Com-? miſar. Syn, and Prox. joo 12 03 1111 s. Xd. Pri. Wormeſley Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. Lugwarden V. (St. Peter] with Hentland (St. Dubritius] Lan- garren [St. Deinſt] St. Waynard, Little Dewchurch (St. Da- 22 07 01 vid) and Ballingham annex’d. Viſ. Epiſc. xvii s. ix dos Syn. 02 04 081 and Prox. Archidiac. viii s. Dean and Chapter of Hereford Propr. and Patr. Stokes 2 2 2 DIOCESE of HERE FOR D. HEREFORD. for 1. d. ΟΙ 1o 0o 00 14 04 : King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. S Stoke-Edith R. [St. Mary] cum cap. Weſthide (St. Bartholo- 15 Oo oo mew] Prox, Commiſſar, vi s. viii d. Viſ. Epiſc. xvii s. ix d. Hon. Thomas Foley Eſq; 1720, 08 or 08 Sutton Nicholas R. Commiſjar. Syn. vid. Pri. Heref. xv s. iiii d. 00 16 02 John and Fran. Sheppard 1702. 05 00 02 Tadington V. als Tarrington (St. James] QO 10 00 Mon. Monmouth. Propr. Hon. Tho. Foley Eſq 1703. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 24 00 00 Bryneſhope V. als Brynſop (St. George] 00 08 oo Pri. Lantbony Propr. Biſhop of Hereford. 08 03:04 Burghill V. als Burchall (St. Mary] Pri. Lanthony. Propr. Roger Herring Gent. 1681. and Mr. Snell. 20.01 00 Dormington V.. [St. Peter] Commiſ. Syn. vi d. oo 08 08 Pri. Sti Guthlaci.Heref. Propr. Thomas Foley Efq; 1713. 30 00 00 Kings. Pewen V. als Pionia Regis (St. Mary] Commil. Syn. xii d. 00 11 02 Pri.Wormeſley Propr. Mary Karver Widow 1709. Weſton upon Fromey V. [All Saints] Priori de Malverne- OO II 06 magna vis. Dean and Chapter of Hereford Propr. and Patr. 44.06 08 Wellington V. [St. Mary] Commiſſar. Syn. xx d. 00 13 04 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Not in Charge. Weſton-Beggard V. Dean and Chapter of Hereford. Barteſtry Cur. [$t. James]} 1. 4.: 09:00 Certified Val. Chap. to Dormington. Sutton St. Michael's Chap. Pri, St. John's Jeruſalem Propr. Mr. Lingen Patr. Moreton on Lugg V. [St. Andrew] S. Moreton Patr. 29 07 08 { ne- Zoo 2. Burford, in the Arch-Deaconry of SALOP. Livings remaining in Charge. SHROPSH. King's Book: Yearly Tenths. 1. Restories&c. 1. Burford R. 1ft Part, [St. Maryj pro tribus Portionibus infimul. -09 13 04 Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. xv s. iii d. Viſ. Epiſc. xvii s. ix d. } oo 19 04 Fran. Cornwall Efq; Mr. Bowles (W.) 08 Oo oo Burford R. 2d Part (St. Mary] 00 16 oo Fran. Cornwall Eſq; Mr. Bowles (W.) Burford R. 3d Part (St. Mary.] oo 17 04 Fran. Cornwall Eſq; Mr. Bowles (W.) BERRIE MORTIMER V. (St. Mary] Proxies and Syn. 13 00 00 06.00 Archidiac, vii s, viïi d. Mon. Wigmore Propr. Sir Lacon Wm. Child Kt. 1699. Hopton- 08 13 04 yn.zor SAROPSH. DIOCESE of HERE FOR D. 223 King's Books. 1. s. d. b. s. 1Ι 1Ο 02:{ { -302 1 05 07 II Yearly Tenthi d. : 05 16 0571 lop. vid. Abb. Wigmore vis. viii d. Priori Brecknock vi s. SHopton-Wafers R. [St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. Sa- 00 11 07 Richard Hyde Gent. 1691. Nyend-Salars ( All Saints) and Cip. Milton R. [St. George}}or 06 11: . Thomas Bury Gent. 1673. Silveſter Shaw and his Wife (this Turn) 1704. Lord Coning sby (W.) WORCESTER. ŞAbboteſley als Aburley R. (St. Michael] Penf. Ecclef. Aka 024 xiii s. iiid. Syn. and Prox. Archidiac. vii s. ii d. aka }or 03 00 William Walh Eſq; Mr. Bromley (W) 17 11 08 ŞAka als Rock R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Penſ. Priori Shene ene for oi 15 02 2 iili Marc. Syn. and Prox. Archidiac. viii s. viii d. Edward Boylſton Gent. 1716. Mr. Cornwallis (W.) Eaſtham R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] with Hanley Child, and 28 15 10 Orlton Chap: [St. John Baptift] Syn. and Prox. Archi- o2 17 07 diac, viii s. ilii d. -Whitcomb of Shelley. Mr. Bowles (W.) Hanley-William R. (All Saints) a Chap. to Eaſtham. OO 10 og Lindridge V. (All Saints] with Knighton (St. Michael] and 26 12 II Penſax (St. James] Chapels, Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Ar-02 13 031 chidiac. vis. viii d. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter Propr. and Patr. Ribsford R. [St. Leonard] with BewDLY Chap. [St. An- 27 19 02 drew] Synods and Proxies viii s. viii d. 15 II ſario iii s. iii d. Lord Herbert of Cherbury 1706, 1725. Staunton R. als Stanford [St. Mary] Pens. Pri. Malverne 00 14 05 magna v s. Syn. vid. Salway Winnington Efq; 1718. STENBURY, V. [All Saints] Syn. and Prox. Archidiac. viii s. ii d. Pri. Shene in Co, Surrey Propr. Wm. Bradley Gent. 1716. Mr. Read (W.) HEREFORD. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Edwin-Loach in Com. Wigorn. R. united to Tedſton Wafre 48 00 00 { in D. Frome. 00 04 02 Lord Coning Sby 1717. 35 00 00 Sapy-Inferior R. (St. Bartholomew] oo 08 05 Margaret Adenbrook Widow 1702. SHROPSHIRE. S Corley R. [St. Peter] Abb. Wigmore vi s. viii d. Prox. and 4.5 00 00 00 10 07 Syn. vii 5. viii d. Richard Coleing Eſq; Dowles { Prox. Ar-}oz 13 03: erne iac.}ozo 07 04 02 21 00 00 02 02 00 freZoo and 300 I 224 DIOCESE of HERE FORD, SHROPSH, 1. d. 34 17 06 42 05 06 00 10 00 { ii difo. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. Dowlis R. (St. Andrew) 00 18 08 Lord Herbert of Cherbury 1707. Greete R. Syn. Archidiac. Salop. x d. Thomas Edwards Eſq; 1715. WORCESTERSH. Bayton V. (St. Bartholomew] Pens. Pri. Malverne Minori xiii s. iii d. Syn. and Prox. xii d. This is annex'd to 37 11 00 00 10 00 Mamble. The KING. Pri. Wigmore Propr. Clifton V. (St. Kellom] Syn. and Prox. Archidiac, vii sá viïi d. 30 Oo oo 13 II Penſ. Pri. Limbrook iii l. Pri. Limbrook Propr. Henry Jefferies Eſq; 1707. 46 oo oo Curewyard R. alias Kyre-Ward (St. Mary] 00 13 097 Saniuel Pylts Eſq; 1704. 31 03 06 ŞMamble V. [St. John] Penſ. Abb. Wigmore xiii s. iüii d. Syn. oo 18 031 and Prox. vii s. . The KING. Pri, Wigmore Propr.. Shelfey-Walſh-Gildon R. [All Saints] Penſ. Ecclef. Clifton iii s. 30 16 02 00 06 10 Syn. Archidiac. vi d. Lord Foley 1718. Stockton R. (St. Andrew] Syn. and Prox, v s. 00 11 041 Tho. Walsh M. D. 1718. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Hightington (St. Giles) is a Chapel to Aka als Rock. Layiters (St. Andrew] (Co. Hereford) is a Chiap. to Ten-S1.-12:00.: 00 Certified Val. bury. Rochford (St. Michael] (Co. Hereford) is a Chapel to Tenbury. Cur. (] Wigorn. Treaſurer of Hereford Impr. and Patr. Cure-parva Chap. to Curewyard (not charged or certified.:) {M Syn.zoo is.zoo 47 02 06 2. Clunn and Wenlock, in the Arch-Deaconry of SALOP. 0:{ Zoo Living's remaining in Charge. HEREFORD. Kings Books Yearly Tenths. l. s. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. Brompton-Bryan R. (St. Barnabas) Penſ. Decano Sti Yohis Je- 05 II 00: ruſalem xx s. Portio Vicario Wigmore viii s. Proxies and oo il 01 Syn. vii s. viii d. Lord Oxford. SHROPSHIRE. FBishop's-CastLE V. [St. John Baptift] Syn. and Prox. 09 12 15 vii s. ii d. Pri. Wigmore Propr. Walter Wareing Eſq; 1714. Broſley 300 19 03: HEREFORD. DIOCESE of HERE FOR D. 225 King's Books. 1. 3. d. and Zoo 05 06 08 Cuthbert]}o: of 12 00 05 00 oo 00 10 00 10 00 00 Yearly Tenths. d. 67 18 067{Brolley (St. Leonard) and Linley R. [St. Nicholas] Syn, and 00 15 10 , s. Geo. Weld Eſq; 1710. {.] . Zoo Bucknell V. [St. Mary] (in Com. Heref.) Prox. and Syn. Oo 10 08 vii s. viii d. Pri. Wigmore Propr. Lord Oxford. 06 02 06 Cardington V. (St. James] Prox, and Syn. vii s. viii d. oo 12 03 Pri. Set. Fob. Jeruſalem Propr. Tbo. Hunt Efq; 1708. Mr. Mitton (W.) ŞClungonaz, alias Clangunas, als Clangunford R. [St. Cuthbert] 16 Oo oo Syn, and Prox. vii s. viii d. Richard Rock Efq; 1724. William Berkeley. 13 10 05 Clunn V. (St. George] OI 07 oo Pri. Wenlock Propr. Mr. Walcot 1720. 16 12 06 Hopeſay R. (St. Mary) Syn, and Prox. vi s. viii d. OI 13 03 Mary Rock 1715. Hopton R. (St. Mary) Synods vid. Barth. Beāle Eſq; 1698. Ledon R. alias Leedham, als Lyddam [Holy Trinity) Syn. vid. oi oo oo Richard Oaklie Eſq; 1710. 13 06 08 Lidbury als North-Lidbury V. [St. Michael] Synods and OL 06 08 { Proxies vii s. viii d. Pri. Wigmore Propr. William Plowden 1709. 21 15 027 vis, viii d. Synods xviii d. ŞMounſlow Ř. (St. Michael] Viſ. Epiſc. xiii s, üü d. Proxies Sir Thomas Littleton Bart. 1703. 19 07 08 Ruſhbury R. [St. Peter] Proxies and Synods viis, viïi d. 01 18 09# Robert Crelſet Efq; 1695. ŞSTRETTON R. [St. Laurence] Prox. Epiſc. xvii s. ix d. Pro- 15 10 00 xies and Syn. Archidiac. viis. viii d. Lord Weymouth. Wenlock-parva R. (St. Laurence] Priori Wenlock xx s. II 13 04 01 03 04 Prox, and Syn. ii s. ii d. William Hayward Eſq; 1713. 07 02 II Wentnor R. St. Michael] Syn. Archidiac, xü d. 00 14 031 Dean and Chapter of Oxford. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 43 14 06 Berrington V. [St. George] Syn. Archidiac. vi d. The KING. Pri. Wigmore Propr. Lentwardine V. [St. Mary) Syn, and Prox viis. viii d. 00 16 04 Pri. Wigmore Propr. Lord Oxford. SHROPSHIRE. 32 00 00 Abdon R. [St. Margaret] Syn. vid. 00 06 08 Sir Humphry Briggs Bart. 1699. Acton- and} } 02 03 06 {S Pro-gor OIII 00 CO 10 00 20 00 00 Gg 226 DIOCESE of HERE FORD. Herer: & SHROP. 1. d. 20 00 00 riori}oo 09 04 00 10 00 Clear Yearly Value. Tearly Tenths. 1. d. 24 Oo oo Aton-Scot R. [St. Margaret] Proxies vi 3. viiid. Syn. vid. 00 11 00 Edward Aston Eſq; Sir Edward Acton (W) Afton-Church juxta Richard's Caſtle (St. Giles] 00 05 04 Mr. Davies Patr. ŞBagefore R.. alias Badge-Sore, alias Badger [St. Giles] Priori? 39 Oo oo Wenlock iii s. iiiid. Synods ifti d. 00 09 04 Tho. Kinnerſley Eſq; 1676. The KING 1704. The KING at the Nomination of John Kinnerſley Efq; 1724. 49 00 00 Beckbury R. (St Milburgh] Priori Wenlock iii s. Syn. iiii d. 00 10 04 The KING. q. Mr. Grey (W.) 27 oo oo · Bedſton R. (St. Mary] (in Com. Heref.) Syn. Archidiac, vi d. 00 09 04 Thomas Ireland Eſq 1707. 35 00 00 Downton V. [St. Giles)' (in Com. Heref.) Syn. Archidiac. vid. 00 09 00 The KING. Pri. Wigmore Propr. [. Cownde iii iiii 30 00 00 chidiac. iiiid. 00 06 031 Elizabeth Baugh Widow i 1709. 40 Oo oo Eaton V. [St. Edith) Prox. and Syn, viis. viji do Pri. Wenlock Propr. Franc. Jenks 1703. Mr.Williams (W.) 47 Oo oo Holgate R. (Holy Trinity] Synods and Proxies vii s. viii d. ої об 113 Biſhop of Hereford: 44 Oo oo Hope-Bowdler R. (St. Andrew] Syn. vi.d. 00 13 04 William Newman Gent. 1699. Mr. Davies (W.) SHughley R. [St. John Baptiſt] Priori Wenlock ii s. Syn. Ar- 30 00 00 { chidiac. vid. oo 09 On Samuel Edwards Efq; 1720. Sir John Woolrich (W.). 40 Oo oo Long-Staunton V. Proxies and Synods vü s. viii d. 00 14 00 Dean and Chapter of Hereford Propr. and Patr. Madeley V. (St. Michael] Proxies and Synods vii s. ii d. Por- 34 oo oo tio Pri.de Wenlock xl so. Vide inter Pollel. Prioratus in libro xoo 09 og Hen. VIII. in Officio Primit. Margaret Taylor Widow. Maynſtone alias Mindtowne R. [St. John Baptiſt] oo 09 04 Ġeo. Farmer Gent. 1:683. 46 oo oo More R. Penf. Abb. Wigmore vi s. viii d. Syn. Archidiac, vid. 00 17 04 Robert More Efq; 1687... 30 oo oo Stow V. (St. Michael] Prox, and Syn. vïi s.. viii d. The KIN G. Pri. Malverne-magna Propr. oo Tugford R. [St. Catherine] Syn. and Prox. vii s. ii d. 00 09 04 Biſhop of Hereford. WENLOCK-MAGNA V. (Holy Trinity]: Proxies and Sy 45 Oo oo nods xiii s. viiid. 01 04 11 Mon.Wenlock Propr. Watkyn Williams-Wynne Efq; 1720. 4.4. Oo oo Willey R, als Wyllye [St. John Baptift] Synods vi d. 00 10 073 Geo. 1Veld Efq;: 169.8. Not -300 roloc 20 00 00 00 12 00 . }or 2: SHROPSH. DIOCESE of HEREFORD. 227 334 ... Not in Charge. Bettus. Cur. [St. Mary) Chap. Chap?. 20 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. to Clunn. Charles Walcot Efq; Impropriator. Clunbury Cur. [St. Swithin] Chap. to Clunn. Charles Walcot Efq; I'mpropriator. Edgton and Shipton Cur. [St. Michael] Chap. to Clunn. Anne Walcot. KNIGHTON Cur. [St. Edward] (in Com. Radnor) Chapel to 1. 10 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. the Vicarage of Stow. [ Clunn Charles Walcot Eſq; Norbury [All Saints] Chap. to Lidbury. Preen Cur. (St. John Baptift] 1. 6 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Pri, Preen Propr. Mr. Dickens. . Acton-Round Cur. Chap. to WENLOCK-MAGNA. Monks-Hopton Cur. (St. Pe- ter] Chap. to WENLOCK-1.5 : 13:08 Certified Val. MAGNA. Barrow Cur. [St. Giles] Chap.} 1. 3 : 13 : 00 Certified Val. to WENLOCK-MAGNA. Benthall Cur: [St. Bartholomew] Shipton (St. James] Chap. to WENLOCK-MAGNA. Rechop Chap. Mr. Hunt. Wolftafton als Wollaſton R. 1. 5 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Roger Pope Efq; 1708. :{ A d. b.. s. d. D. Ludlow, in the Arch-Deaconry of SALOP. HEREFORD. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. S. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Richard's-Caſtle R. [St. Bartholomew] Proxies and Synods 15 01 03{ vii s. viii d. Vil. Epiſc. xvii s. x d. OI 10 OI John Salway Efq; 1696. SHROPSHIRE, Bitterley R. [St. Mary) Pri. Wenlock xxiii s. illi d. Pri. St. Cutblace XXX S. Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. xiiii s. iiïi d. 01 16 071 Epiſc. Vif. xviis. ix d. Ŝir Littleton Powys Kt. 1703. S Bromfield V. [St. Mary] Proxies vis. vii d. Epifc. pro Viſitatione 2 per ann. xvii s. ix d. Pri. Bromfield, a Cell to Glouceſter Abb. Franc. Herbert Eſq; 1700. Culmington 18 06 03 { 301 one;oo 06 oo oo 00 12 00 G g 2 228 DIOCES E of HEREFORD. SHROPSH. 19 12 06 OI 19 03 12 00 id. Zor { 06 13 04 03 06 08 King's Books. Yearly Tentosa 1. d. 5. d. 18 og 02 Culmington R. [All Saints) Syn, and Prox. xiiii s. ijïi d. or 16 11 Lord Stafford 1709. Mr. Conyers (W.) Ludlow R. (St. Laurence] Proxies and Synods vii s. viü d. The K I Ñ G. 02 08 04 St. Margaret Clee R. Pens. Sti Johannis de Dinſmore xiiis. 00 04 10 Edward Creſſet Efq; 1720. 08 17 081 Onybury R. (St. Michael] Proxies and Synods xi s. 00 17 094 Lord Craven 1682. Staunton-Lacy V. (St. Peter] Proxies and Synods vii s. viii d. 16 Oo oo 2 Epiſc. Viſ. xvii s. ix d. Pri. Lanthony Propr. Lord Craven 1718. Stoke-Milburgh V. [St. Milburgh] Syn. and Prox. xiiii s. iiii d. Portio Pri. Wenlock ijii 1. vi s. viii d. Vide inter Potel. 00 13 04 Priorat. in Libro Hen. VIII. in Officio Primit. Mr. Conyers Patr. (W.) Wiſtanſtow R. (Holy Trinity] Proxies and Syn. xis. Epiſc. 18 oo oo [ 16 oo Viſ. xvii s. ix d. Lord Craven 1690. Cantar' in the Ch. of LUDLOW.. 00 06 08 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 40 00 00 Caineham V. [St. Mary) Synods xii d. 00 09 04 Pri. Wigmore Propr. Robert Powis Efq; 1718. 14 00 00 Cold-Weſton R. (St. Mary] 00 04 10 Lord Herbert of Cherbury 1716. Earl of Stafford (W.) Hope-Baggot R. alias Baggoteſhop [St. John Baptiſt] Syn. об о8 Lord Newport 1718. Earl of Bradford (W.) S Diddlebury V. [St. Peter] Syn. and. Prox. vii s. viï d. Epiſc. 48 00.00 2.Vif . xvii s. ix d. -}or 04 or Dean and Chapter of Hereford Propr. and Patr. Stoke-Saye V. [St. John Baptiſt] Proxies and Syn. vii s, viii d. 40 00 00 Epiſo. Viſ. xvii s. ix d. og 04 Abb. Hagbmond Propr. fer. Hibbins Efq; 28 00 00 Sylvington Å. [St. Michael] Syn, and Prox. vi da oo об о8. Tbo. Hill Gent. 1696. Mr. Soley (W.) Not in Chargea. Aſhford-Bowdler [St. An drew] (in Co. Heref.) Chap. xl. 9:00 : 00 Certified Val. to Bromfield. Aſhford-Carbonell (in Co. Sa- lop). Chap. to Hereford r-fl. 10 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. va-in Dec. Leominſter. Chancellor of Hereford. i Ludford V. (in Co. Hereford) Chap. to Bromfield. II : 00 : 00 Certified Vala Hawford (in Co. Salop) Chap. to Bromfield. St. Leonard's (in Co. Salop) Chap, to Ludlow. -par- 31.1 . 31. A $ MONTGOM. DIOCESE of HERE FOR D. 229 : 1. s. d. 1. S. d. og 06 08 06 13 04 } cox.fo. . 700 17 2. Ponſbury, alias Ponteſbury, in the Arch-Deaconry of SALOP. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. MONTGOMERY R. [St. Nicholas] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. 17 04 041 2 Salop xis. I 14 054 The KING. SHROPSHIRE. Chirbury V. [St. Michael] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac.xxviis. xd. 00 18 08 Mon. Chirbury Propr. Mayor and Commonalty of Shrewſbury. Ford Church (St. Michael] Exonerated. 00 13 04 Mr, Amler Patr. S Ponſbury iſt Portion (St. George] Vif. Epiſc.v s. xi d. Prox. 17 13 04 ? and Syn. vii s. I 15 04 Edward Owen Eſq; 1720. S Ponſbury 2d Portion (St. George] Viſ. Epiſc. v s. xid. Prox. 19 13 04 ? and Syn. vii s. 01 15 04 Edward Owen Eſq; 1720. SPonſbury 3d Portion (St. George] Kif. Epiſc. V so xid. Prox. 08 10 00 17 oo { and Syn. vii s. Edward Owen ETq; 30 13 04 Powderbach alias Pulverbach R. (St. Edith] Syn. viiis. ii di OI OI 04 Edward Owen Efq; 1720. 03 06 08 Ruthlonghope Church, als Rathlinghope [St. Margaret] 00 06 08 Mr. Mitton Patr. Scrawarden R. alias Shrawardine (St. Mary) Prox. vi s. viiid. Syn. xii d. 19 03 John Bromley Eſq; 1710. Weſtbury in Dextra Parte R. (St. Mary] Proxies and Synods 13 09 0432 xvii s. ix d. 01 06 Edward Owen Efq; 17.20. S 2 nods xiiii s. iïïi di Edward Owen Eſq; 1720.. Worting alias Worthin R. [All Saints] Proxies vi so vid. Sy- nods xii d. Viſ. Epiſc. xvii. s. ix d. 02 17 0.5 Edward Leighton Eſq; Livings Diſcharged. Elear. Yearly Value: Alberbury V. [St. Michael] Syn. Archidiac. xii do Prox, 35 Oo oo Epiſc. xiii s. iiii d. All-Souls College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. Cardeſton R. [St. Michael] Abb. Wigmore vii s. Syn. Archi-7 41 Oo oo diac, vid. Sir Edward Leighton Bart. 1700. 25 Oo oo Haberley R. [St. Mary] Syn. Archidiar, vi di oo 08:00 Rebecca Mitton Widow. Hanwood 09 12 06 {}or 11 12 08: Weſtbury in Siniftra Parte R. [St. Mary) Proxies and Sy-}or 03 033 { S7-302 28 14 07 II. 00 hỗoo c 0600 230 DIOCESE of HERE FORD, SHROPSH. log 40 00 oo { ods} .o 00 10 00 1 Clear rearly Value. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. d. 22 00 00 Hanwood R. Synods Archidiac. vid. oo 06 oo Nich. Biggs Efq; 1716. Milbrace V. alias Bracemell [All-Saints] Proxies and Synods Archidiac. vii s. iiii d. Pri. Wigmore Propr. Sir Francis Edwards Bart. 1709. 15 10 00 Shelve R. [All-Saints] Synods Archidiac, vi d. 00 05 04 Robert More Eſq; 1720. 30 00 00 Sutton Ch. near Salop (St. John] oo об оо Mr. Mackworth Patr. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies, Longdon (St. Ruthen] (in Co. Salop, in Lich. Dioc. and D. 1 1. 8 : 14 : 00 Certified Val. Salop,) is a Chap. to Ponſ- bury in this Dioceſe Church Stoke Cur. [St. Nicho:}1.10 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. las] (Co. Montgom.) Pri. Chirbury Propr. Clunn Hoſpital Patr. Forden Cur. (Co. Montgom.) 1. 30 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Pri. Chirbury olim Propr. Grocers Company Patr. Hiſſington Cur.(Co. Montgom.) l. 8:00 : oo Certified Val. Pri. Chirbury olim Propr. Edward Powell Patr. Sneade Cur. (Co. Montgom.) - 1.10 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Pri. Chirbury olim Propr. Richard Hopton Eſq; Patr. Buttington [All-Saints], (Co. Montgom.) Chap. to Welſh-l, 10 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Poole in Dioc. of St. Afaph Cructon alias Crugion, Chapel to Alberbury. Woolafton, Chapel to Alberbury. Wolfton-Nyend, Chapel to Worthin. } 1 1. S. D. Stottersden, in the Arch-Deaconry of SALO P. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 07:01 097 ŞAfton Botterel-R. [St. Michael] Prox. and Syn. vii s. vii d.? 2 Penf. Dom. Brewde vi s. viii d. Rectori Holgate iili s. dizoo 00 14 011 Sir George Norton Knt. 1703. Chetton R. [St. Giles] cum Cap. Lughton, Prox. vii s. viii d. Viſ. Epiſc. xvii s. ix d. Abb. Wigmore x s. Syn. Archi- for 02 00 diac. xii d. Thomas Wild Efq; 1715. 05 12 03:{ Clemlery: North R. (St. Peter] Prox. vi s. vid. Syn. Arcbi- bir300 00 II 02 Sir Humphry Briggs (W.) Benet Clerke. Öz 19 oz Highley. V. alias Higley (St. Mary) Syn. Archidiac. xii d. 2 Syn. ii s. si d.}oo Pri. Wigmore Propr. Mr. Higgs. Niend II 00 00 00 { for 00 II II , SHROPSH. DIOCESE of HERE FOR D. 231 Yearly Tenths, de 1. s. s. Prox. and Syn. Zoo 12 00 King's Books. 1. d. Niend Savage V. Abb. Wigmore xiii s. iiii d. 06 oo oo vii s. viii d. The KING. Abb. Wigmore Propr. Scute Church. Deſtructa. 02 00 00 15 10 10 Stotterſden V. * [St. Mary] Prox. X s. Syn, ii s. Abb. Salop Propr, Sir George Norton Knt. 1705. St. Tiracius Chap: 07 05 071 Whethill R. (Holy Trinity] Syn. Archidiac, xii d. Mr. Hodgkis (W.) Thomas Holland Eſq; and Mary Crump 00 04 00 OI II OI от об о8 00 02 08 00 14 06 Widow 1714. { Р } 45 Oo oo Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 38 00 00 Billingſley R. (St. Mary] Prox. xx d. Syn. vi d. oo 09 04 Sir George Norton Knt. 36 oo oo Burwarton R. (St. Laurence] Syn. Archidiac. vid. oo 08 08 Francis Walker Eſg; 1719. 35 00 00 Chelmarſh V. (St. Peter] Prox. vis. viii d. Syn. Archidiac. xii d. 00 13 04 Sir Edward Seabright Knt. 1700. Sir John Woolrich (W.) 39 00 00 Denxhill alias Denſill and Glaſey R. Prior. Wenlock viii s. 00 09 02 Thomas Wild Eſq; 1713. § Dilton alias Ditton Priors V. [St. John Baptiſt] Abb. Wenlock? 36 oo oo x s. Prox. vis. viii d. Syn. vi d. 00 12 02 Pri. Wenlock Propr. Richard Young Gent. 1704. 40 Oo oo Hopton Creſſet R. alias Upton Creffet (St. Michael] Syn. vid. 00 09 06 Edward Creſſet Efq; Kinlet V. (St. Peter] Prox. and Syn. vii s. viiid. 00 17 00 Pri. Wigmore Propr. Thomas Child Gent. 1695. 29. Oo oo Middleton Scriven R. [St. John Baptiſt] Syn. Archidiac. vi d. oo 08 08 Thomas Randolph Merchant 1716. 48 oo oo S Nunton alias Neenton R. [All-Saints] Prox. vi s. viii d. Syn. OO 1004 2 Mr. Liſter (W.) Sir Thomas Fravell. 45 Oo oo Oldbury alias Wobury R. (St. Nicholas] Syn. vid. The KING. S Sudbury R. (Holy Trinity] Prox, vi s. viii de Syn: Archi- 44 Oo oo oo 09 09 2 diac, xii d. Mr. Creſwell (W) Duke of Shrewſbury. 31 Oo oo Taſhley R. 00 10 08 Earl of Shrewſbury 1691. one Turn. AEton of Park two Turns. Not in Charge. Afton-Air Cur. Aſhley-Abbots Cur. Mr. Whitmore. Cruggan Cur. Phil. Eyton Eſq; Impropriator. Minſterleys. Lord Weymouth. Morvield Cur. Arthur Weaver Impropriator. Bold, Chapel to Aſton-Botterell.. Dioceſe Farlow (St. Giles) is a Chapel to Stotterſden,: 10 lo certified Value. Syn.} vid. OO IO OD ch-joo 09 09: 232 DIOCESE of LINCOLN.. Dioceſe of Lincoln I. $. 2 T For Tenth 828 04 92 66 13 4 HE Biſhoprick, for Firſt-Fruits clear of Tenths For Tenths A Biſhoprick was firſt founded at Dorcheſter in Ox- fordſhire, about the Year 635, which afterwards was remov'd to Sidnaceſter alias Lyndſey, about the Year 678 ; afterwards theſe two were united ; afterwards the See was removed to Lincoln, about the Year 1070. s. d. 1213 20 IO IO 02 OI OI The Cathedral Church. (St. Mary and ALL-SAINTS.) * King's Books. Yearly Tenths, I. d. 1. 196 10 10 Deanry 19 13 or The KING. This Deanry was erected upon the removing the See from Dorcheſter to Lincoln, anno 1192. All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church, are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Lincoln. 179 19 02 Arch-Deaconry of Lincoln 17 19 II Richard the firſt Arch-Deacon 1092. 25 17 08. Arch-Deaconry of Stow 02 II 095 William of Thorney, the firſt Arch-Deacon of Stow, anno SChancellorſhip, with the Prebend of Stoke in Nottinghamſhire annex'derected about anno 1092 05 08 on Cuſtos Altaris St. Petri 04 01 03 Miffæ Quotidianæ 00 08 ore OI 15 00 The Office of Hoſpitaller to the Cathedral · 00 03 06 08 02 06 Precentorſhip † erected anno 1092. oo 16 03 об 17 об The Office of Sacriſt 00 13 09 546 02 06 Six Dividends in the Church 35 08 or Sub-Deanry of Lincoln 03 10 09 Humphry was the firſt Sub-Dean, anno 1140. 04 I2 II Succentorſhip 00 09 03 03 18 09 Vice-Chancellorſhip oo 07 10 129 12 11 Vicars Chorals 25 12 19 03 Afgarby P. OI 05 00 O2 16 08 Bedford minor P. 00 05 08 26 07 03 Brampton P. (in Co. Hunting.) O2 12 083 97 07 06 Bugden P. Ilin Co. Hunting.) OI 14 09 Buttolph P. 12 18 09 Carlton cum Dalby P. OI 05 10 17 10 oo Carlton cum Thurlby P. 0I I5 00 04 09 041 Centum Solidorum Þ. oo 08 Clifton * For an Account of the Found .tion of the Cathedral of Lincoln, fee Dugd. Mon. Tom. III. p. 257. + Killesby R. in the D. of Daventry, Northampt. is annex'd to the Precentorſhip of Lincoln. & Bugden P.-I his Prebend was ſettled as an Augmentation of the Vic. of Bugden in Dec. Leightonftone, in Co. Huntingd, by Act of Parliament, Anzo 4º & 50 Anna Regina. 54 12 06 I2 IO 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. 233 1. S. d. 19 14 02 38 16 08 06 18 09 King's Books Clifton P. || (in Co. Nottingh.) Corringham P. + 02 08 04 Crackpool P. Decem Librarum P. 09 03 04 Dunholme P. 30 11 03 Farndon alias Farendon P. (in Co. Nottingh.) 13 13 11 Leighton Bromeſwold Eccleſia P. (in Co. Hunting.) OO 03 04 St. Martin's in Lincoln P. 07 03 04 Norton Biſhop's P. 04 07 01 Omnium Sanctorum P. 03 00 00 Sexaginta Solidorum P. II 00 00 South-Scarle P. (in Co. Nottingh.) 10 19 02 Stow P. in Lindſey 04 Oo oo * Spaldwick alias St. Crucis P. 05 05 05 Welton Bekal P. 05 05 05 Welton Brinkal P. Welton Painſhall P. I Welton Rival P. 09 10 00 Welton Weſthall P. 04 17 OI Cantar' Johannis Collinſon Thorngate P. l'early Tenths. I. s. d. OI 19 05 03 17 08 00 04 10 00 13 10 00 18 04 03 Or Or OL 07 04 00 00 04 00 14 04 00 08 08 00 06 oo 01 02 00 OI OI II 00 08 oo 00 10 06 00 10 06 00 11 02 oo 14 09 00 19 00 oo 09 081 00 00 00 05 1201 07 07 06 00 00 00 S. 1. D. Aslacko, in the Arch-Deaconry of Srow. LINCOLNSH. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Reflories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. 19 00 00 Bliburgh R. [St. Alkmond] of 18 00 591. 9 s. II d. The KING. CertifiedValue. S Fillingham R. [St. Andrew] Prox, and Syn. x s. Penf. iiii l. 22 00 00 oo' { Cantarijte de Newarke xx s. 02 04 00 Ecclefiæ de Cameringham x s. Baliol College, Oxford. SOumby R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox, and Syn. X s. Penſ. 09 03 04 00 18 04 Pri. de Spalding vis. viiidi 58 7. 11 s. 30. Certified Value The KING, (as Duke of Lancaſter.) Spridlington R.' [St. Hilary] Prox. and Syn. x s. Pens. 70 1. Epiſc. Lincoln. iii s. iiii d. Mon. Bullington xiii s. iliid. Soi 03 00 CertifiedValue. Ecclefiæ Lincoln. x s. Tho. Sherbrooke Gent. Mrs. Mead (W.) Hh Wadingham !! Clifton P.--The Vicarage of Clifton, which is in Nottinghamſhire, in D. Newark, and there called North- Clifton, was augmented with an Addition of 22 l. per Annum, by Dr. Mapletoft Prebendary thereof. Biſhop Kerner's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 337; Corringham P.—is annex'd to the Vicarage of Gainsburgh, in the Deanry of Corringham, by Ad of Par. Welton Painſhall P.This is uſually held with the Deanry of Lincoln. Banbury Prebend was formerly charged at 461. 6 s. 8 d. Cropredie Prebend was formerly charged at 46 1. The Corps of both in Oxfordſhire, but diffolv'd; and are now belonging to the Biſhop of Oxford. Sutton cum Buckingham P. formerly was charged at 123 l. but. diffolved tempore Edw. VI. and become a Lay. Fee, N. B. Thoſe with this Mark before their Names, are of exempt Juriſdiction. 1.30 Penſ;} Jor II JO 00 liament 1704. : 234 DIOCESE of LINCOLN. LINCOLNSH. 1. s, d. 29 06 08 Prox. 302 1 13 02 06 49 17 08 I2 10 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. $. d. Wadingham St. Peter's and St. Mary's unitei R. || Prox. and Syn, x s. O2 18 03 The KING Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 30 Oo oo Cainby R. [St. Nicholas] Proxies and Synods vis, viii d. 00 09 04 Edward Tournay Eſq; 1712. 28 10 00 Cameringham V. + [St. Michael] Synods ii s. v iid. go 10 05 Pri. Hilion in Co. Stafford. Propr. Helena Tyrwhit Widow 1705. Dutcheſs of Marlborough (W) Cotes V. I [St. Edith] Proxies and Synods x s. 00 07 08 Abby of Welbeck Propr. Sir William Ramſden (W.) Dou- glas Butler 1605, none ſince. 31 13 04 * Glentham V. (St. Peter] Prox. Syn. & Juriſd, xiii s. iiii de oo 16 oo Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. Glentworth V. Synods ii s. vid. 00 15 09 Abb. Newfome Propr. Lord Caſtleton (W.) Lady Eliz. Saunderſon Widow 1696. Hackthorne V. [St. Michael] 00 08 oo The KING. Mon. Bolington Propr. Lord Caſtleton 1631, 1632. SHanworth R. alias Cold-Hanworth [All-Saints] Proxies and 38 12 00 Synods xs. Francis Granthan Eſq; and Anne his Wife 1688. Robert Craycroft Efq; 1725. Ingham V. 00 13 04 26 03 08 Brian Nevile Patr. 1675. Mon. Bolington Propr. Firſby R. [St. James) united to Ingham 00 13 04 Duke of Newcaſtle Patr, 1719. Sir John Monfon (W.) II 07 02 Normanby V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. 34 10 00 * Norton Biſhop's V. (St. Peter] oo 18 oo Prebendary thereof in the Church of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. 30 00 00 S Saxby R. [St. Helen] Proxies and Synods ix s. iii d. Pens. { Pri. Sanctæ Catherinæ xxvi s. viii d. 14 05 Lord Caſtleton 1681(W.) Sir Michael Wharton Knt. 1705. 08 05 00 Willoughton V. [St. Andrew] 00 14 05 Priory of St. Andrew, Nortbampt. was Propr. to one Moiety of the Rectory, and the Knights Templars to the other Moiety. King's College Cambridge. Chapels, Donatives, and curacies. Harpſwell Cur. (St. Chadd] I, II : 09 : 00 Clear Val. Pri. Lowthpark Propr. Sir Hammond Whitchcot Patr. Hemſwell | Wading bam St. Mary's R.- in the old l’ellum-Book, is in the Deanry of Manlake. + Cameringham. Pri. Hilton in Staffordſb. Propr. Mon. Vol. I. p. 942. I Cotes is only a Curacy. and Zoo 00 II OO 00 10 00 Pensi}oo 1405 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE of LINCOLN. 235 Hemſwell Cur. (All-Saints] - l. 17:03 : 05. Clear Val. City of Lincoln Patr. This was formerly a Rectory valued at 271. 13 5. 4. d. Vid, the old Book in Offic. Primitiarum. Snitterby (St. Nicholas] Chap. to Wadingham St. Peter's and St. Mary's. (not certified.) D. Aveland, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOL N. J. s. 06 03 04 and Zoo . 135. 8 d. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Re&ories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 12 10 07 Aflackby V. (St. James] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. OI 05 00 Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem Propr. Jo. Garland 1702. Mr. Bywater (W.) II 19 02 Doweſby R. [St. Andrew] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. OI 03 II Tho. Burrell Eſq; 1727, 12 14 07 Duneſby R. [All-Saints] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. 01 05 057 The Charter-Houſe, London. 21 12 03 FOLKINGHAM R. [St. Peter) with Loughton V. united. 02 03 02 Mon. Sempringham Propr. Richard Wynne Eſq; 1720. 05 02 11 Hareby alias Haceby R. Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. 00 10 03 72 l. 8 s. 5 d. William Baſeley Gent. 1704. Mr. Savile (W.) CertifiedValue. S.Kirkby Underwood R. [St. Mary and All-Saints] Synods and 00 12 04 671. 185. 62.2 Proxies x s. id. CertifiedValue. Biſhop of Lincoln. Newton R. [St. Botolph] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. Penf. Pri . Sti Andr, in Northampt. vi s. viid. CertifiedValue. Anne Midlemore Widow 1690. Richard Wynne Eſq; 1721, . II 12 03; Pickworth R. (St. Andrew] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. or 03 02 Faith Heneege Widow 1703. William Carter Efq; h. v. 1721. SRepingale two Parts R. [St. Andrew] Synods and Proxies 14 07 01 for vi s. viii d. 08 08 Sir John Brownlow Bart. 1660. Sir Gilbert Heathcote (W.) 07 03 09 Repingale 3d Part R. (St. Andrew] Syn. and Prox. iii s, ii d. 00 14 041 Sir Wohn Brownlow Bart. Sir Gilbert Heathcote (W.) Swaton V. [St. Michael] with Spanby R. (St. Nicholas) 12 07 OI { nods and Proxies x s. ii d. OI 04 08 Mon. Barlings Propr. Samuel Heyrick 1702. Mr. Spriggs (W.) Livings diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 30 00 00 Billingburgh V. (St. Andrew] 00 12 02 Mon. Sempringham Propr. Vere Booth, Samuel Rolle, and Hugo Forteſcue 1702. 30 12 00 BOURNE V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Stipend. Vicario viji l. 00 16 co Mon. Bourne Propr. The KING. Mr. Browne (W.) Hh 2 Demelby 6 co 1 -- LINCOLNSH, 236 DIOCESE of LINCOL N. $. 1. d. [}oo 29 15 00 00 11 09 34 18 08 ŞScot-Willowby R. alias Water Willoughby [St. Andrew] Sy- oo Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. d. SDemeſby R. alias Dembleby alias Demelby (St. Lucia] Synods? 25 02 09 }o 13 01; and Proxies v s. i Richard Pell Efq; 1670. Henry Pell Eſq; 1721. Haconby V. (St. Andrew] Mon. Sempringham Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 30 00 00 Horbling V. [St. Andrew] 00 13 00 Mon. Sempringham Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 22 19 07 Morton V. (St. John Baptiſt] oo 18 021 Mon. Bourne Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 21 06 08 Oſburnby V. alias Oſburnbury [St. Peter and St. Paul] 00 14 001 Mon. Kyme Propr. Sir Charles Buck Bart. 1720. OO 14 01 { Lord Tyrconnell 1720. Lord Guildford, Duke of Ancaſter, and Earl of Exeter, between them four. Sempringham V. [St. Andrew] cum Poynton Capell. Oo 05 07 Mon. Sempringham Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln 1704. Charles Bates 1706. (W.) 28 10 00 0.00 Threckingham V. [St. Peter) with Stow, Syn. and Prox, x s. ii d. 00 12 10 Hoſp. Lazars Burton in Leiceſt. Propr. Richard Wynne Eſq; 1703. Not in Charge. Walcote V. or Curacy (St. Nicholas) Mon. Sempringham Propr. Sir Gilbert Heathcote (W.) Stainfield, Chapel to Haconby. Briggend, Chapel to Horbling. Harmthorp, Chapel to Morton. Burthorp, Chapel to Sempringham. 22 10 00 03. 10 00 D. Aswardhurn, with Lafford, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOLN. l. 10 14 04: Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. S Aſgarby R. (St. Andrew] Synods and Proxies xs. ii d. Penf.? 781. 8 s. 5 Pri. de Kyme ii s. OI OI 057 Cer:ifiedValue. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter 1682. Ifaac Carr, and IJ. Carr Fox 1687. Earl of Briſtol (W.) Aſwarby R. (St. Dennis. 12 04 07 Aib. Bardniy xvi s. 04. 052 Earl of Briſtol (W) Carr Harvey Eſq; 1714. 06 00 077ş Awnsby R. [St. Thomas Becket], Synods and Proxies x s. ii d.? Penj. Pri. de Kyme xvii s. iiii d. 00 12 00 CertifiedValue. Sir 70. Newton B..rt. 1711. William Julian Eſq; 1721. alternate. og 09 041 Bloxham R. alias Bloxholm (St. Mary] Syn. and Prox. x s. üd. 00 18 11 Cyprian Thornton Eſq; 1691. Duke of Rutland (W.) CertifiedValue. Burton 07{ 59 1. 16 s. 64 1. 18 s. 6 d. LINCOLNSH. 237 DIOCESE of LINCOLN. Yearly Tenths, I. s. d. King's Books. Os 12 0835 Barton Hufey alias Pedwarden V. (St. Andrew] Synods and}oo 15 03: 13 10 00 00 15 034 . Mon. Croyland Propr. William Sedgwick Merchant 1717. Brigadier Hunter (W) s Evedon R. (St. Mary) alias Eavden (W.) Synods and Proxies og 03 01:2 x s, ii d. Pens. Pri. Kyme xx s. Preb. Nov. Lafford iii s. 00 18 09 iiii d. Pri. Spalding väi s. Dr. Berry Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge 1702. Lady Widdrington (W.) Sir John Eyles, Sir Thomas Croſs, John Rudge, Matthew Lant Efqs; Sir Roger Hudſon, Edmund Halſey, John Lade, Gabriel Roberts Eſqs; and Sir Richard Hopkins, 1722. Howell R. (St. Oſwald] Synods and Proxies xs. ii d. 01 07 00 Jof. Edmonds Eſq; 1713. Synods and { Abb. Crowland vi s. viii d. 02 02 08. Chriſt's College, Cambridge, Patr.- 05 06 03 Kirkby Dennis Med. R. [St. Dennis] + Syn. and Prox. V s. id. 00 10 07 Sir Robert Carr 1681. Earl of Briſtol Patr. (W.) 04 06 03 ŞKirkby Dennis altera Med. R. [St. Dennis] Synods and Pro-? co 08 07 2 xies ii s. id. Sir Robert Carr 1681. Earl of Briſtol (W.) SLafford Vetus V. [St. Giles) Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. 04 10 00 Penf. Pri. de Haverholme xl s. oo og oo Mon. Haverholme Propr. Earl of Briſtol (W.) Lafford Nova P. Penf. Dec. & Cap. Lincoln. lviii s. i d. Vicar. II 19 07 Choral, xl s. Diacono, Sub-diacono & Ckoriſtis iii s. ii d. Soi 03 111 Redd, iiii d. Biſhop of Lincoln. 13 02 081¡Leſlingham South R. [St. Andrew] Syn. and Prox. v s. id. 01 06 03 : 691.15s.od. Elizabeth Drake and Thomas Herſon 1709. United with CertifiedValue. 10 15 05 Leſingham North R. [St. John Baptiſt] Synods and Proxies or 01 06 531.11 s. 8 d. v s. id. Pens. Pri. de Shelford xxiii s. iiii d. altera Pens. CertifiedValue. xiii s. jud. Sir John Thorold Bart. 1694. ŞQuarrington R. (St. Botolph] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. . PrebSleford xxvi s. viii © 14 02 CertifiedValue. Elizabeth Carr Widow 1691. Earl of Briſtol 1725. S Silke Willoughby R. (St. Dennis] Synods and Proxies x s. üid. 14 08 01* Penſ . Dec. & Cap. Lincoln. x s. Denf. Abb. Bardney x s. oi Rob. Sherwyn Eſq; 1717, by Grant from Sir Tho. Barnar- difton Bart. Livings + Kirkby Laythorp is certified to the Governours, to be of the clear yearly Value of 761. 12 s. 6 d. Q. if it be the ſame with Kirkby-Dennis, both parts (above ?) { for Pens . 07,02 03}. s 651. ii d.}oo de} --238 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE of LINCOL N. 1. d. 00 I 2 10 04 and 300 16 07: Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. S. d. 27 10 00 · Anwick V. (St. Edith q.) Synods ii s. väi d. 00 10 041 Mon. Haverholme Propr. Mr. Stephen Gardiner 1691, and the Earl of Briſtol 1717, by Turns. 16 19 10 Aſhby de la Land V. [St. Hy bald] Synods ii s. viii d. Preceptor de Temple-Brewer Propr. Edward King Eſq; 1680. Nevil King Efq; (W.) s Brauncewell R. [All-Saints) with Dunſby R. (St. Andrew 22 05.00 00 19 10 Syn. and Prox, xii s. x d. Pens. Pri. Catley ii s. Earl of Briſtol 1717. 08 oo oo Cranwell V. [St. Andrew] oo 16 oo Mon. Sempringham Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln (W.) 24 17 oo Digby V. [St. Thomas Becket] Syn. and Prox. ii s. viii d. 00 10 03 Mon. Catley Propr. Earl of Briſtol (W.) John Lord Hervey Baron of Ickworth 1703. 16 18 10 Dirrington V. [St. James] (Mon. Haverholme Propr.) with 00 12 041 Shefford, Syn. and Prox. v s. id. Pri. Shelford in Nottingh. Propr. Eliz. Oldfield Wid. 1686. 48 02 02Everby V. alias Ewerby (St. Andrew] 00 13 01 Mon. Kyme Propr. Richard Rothwell Bart. 1669. S Hale magna V. alias Hole [St. John Baptiſt] Synods and 37 10 0431 Proxies ii s. viii d. The KING 1700. Mon. Bardney Propr. 28 II 00 Hekington V. [St. Andrew] Decano Ecclefiæ Lincoln. x s. OI 05 073 Mon. Bardney Propr. Henry Heron Eſq; 1717. 23 00 00 Helpringham V. [St. Andrew] Syn, and Prox. ii s. viii d. OO 16.04 Mon. Bourne Propr. Anthony Truelove Efq; 1672. 46 02 II Reſtington altera Med. R. alias Ruſkington (All-Saints] oo 16 oo William Yorke Eſq; 1707. 12 18 00 Reſtington V. [All Saints] oo 07 08 The KING. Mon. Haverbolme Propr. 15 07 00 Rowsby V. [St. Peter] Synods and Proxies v s. id. 00 10 01$ Pri. Shelford in Nottingh. Propr. Sir 70. Thorold Bart, 1686. 29 16 07 Rowſton V. (St. Clement] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. 00 12 07 Preceptor de Temple-Brewer Propr. Sir Tho. Hodgſon 1687. Earl of Sutherland (W.) 16 oo oo Scredington V. (St. Andrew] 00 13 061 Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. 25 10 00 * SL EFORD Nova V. alias Lafford [St. Dennis] 00 16 oo Prebend. ibidem Propr. John Lord Hervey Baron of Ick- 21 11 10 Swarby V. (St. Mary and All-Saints] 00 12 00 The KING (W) Mon. Kyme Propr. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Heydor V.cum Membris, viz. Kelby, &c. Vid. Dec. Grantham. South-Kyme Cur. [All Saints] 1,10 : 00:00 Clear Val. Olin Priorat. Duke of Newcaſtle Patr. D. worth 1703. 4 LINCOLNSH. 239 DIOCESE of LINCOL N. D. Beltislaw, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOL N. 1. s. i d. 300 03 16 12 033{ xies x s. ii d. ŞBurton Coggles R. [St. Thomas Becket] Synods and Pro-for 13 027 ] }or Livings remaining in Charge. King's-Books. Yearly Tenths. l. s, d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. об Baffingthorpe [) 00 ii s. viii d. 17 09 531, 15 s. CertifiedValue. Mon. Stixwould Propr. Duke of Kingſton. S Bitham parva R. (St. Medardus] Synods and Proxies xs. ii d. oo 08 10 04, 08 04 ¿ Pens. Rectori de Careby xx s. 6;1. CertifiedValue. Biſhop of Lincoln, OI 13 021 11 The KING 2 08 17 01 Mon. s Thomas Hatcher Eſq; 1689.90. Beſton Cl. 1718.(W.) Colſterworth alias Colteſworth R. [St. John Baptiſt] Synods 14 10 00 and Proxies x s. ii d. og oo Prebendary of South-Grantham. 04 04 02 Gumby R. [St. Nicholas] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. 00 08 05 551. 105.5 d. Lord Harborough 1718. CertifiedValue. 13 13 09 Irnham R. (St. Andrew) Proxies and Synods x s. ii d. OI 07 041 Elizabeth Thimbleby Widow 1683. 14 07 01 Lavington V. alias Lenton (St. Peter] oi 08 08 Mon. Stixwould Propr. Lady Bellafis 1686. Robert Wal- pole Efq; and others 1688. Lady Bellaſis and Lady Tor- rington (W.) Thomas Wentworth Eſq; 1721, North-Witham R. (St. Mary) Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. 06 19 02 Penf. Abb. Wolfton in Leiceſter. xl s. Lord Viſcount Downe 1717. 06 06 08 Stemby.R.alias Stevenby, alias Stainby [St. Peter] Synods and 0 12 08 , . 68 CertifiedValue. The KING 1717. Bennet Lord Sherrard 1700. og 05 00 Stoke ex Parte Auſtrali R. [St. Mary] Synods and Proxies v s. 18 06 id. Pens, Prebendar. de Grantham x s. CertifiedValue. Prebendary of South-Grantham. og 10 00 Stoke ex Parte Boreali R. (St. Andrew] Syn. and Prox.xs. ii d. 00 19 00 The KING, by Lapſe 1697. Prebendary of North Certified/alue. (or South) Grantham. Swafield R. [St. Nicholas] Proxies and Synods x s, ii d. Pens. 01 02 03 631.35.8Pri . Thurgarton in Nottinghamſh. xii s. ii d. CertifiedValue. The KING. 06 oi oo Witham ſuper Montem V. [St. Andrew 00 12 03 58 211s rod. Pri. Sti. Johan. Jeruſalem Propr. William Johnſon Efq; Certified Valu. Patr. 1708 (W.) Livings ܘܘ;.& ii 13 11 - and Zoo vs.300 551 551. II 02 II 1 240 DIOCESE of LINCOL N. LINCOLNSH. 1. d. and Zoo oo 0907 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly l'alue. learly Tenths, 1. d. 30 06 01 Biichfield V. [St. Mary Magdalen] oo II OI Nion. Bourne Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 29 06.00 ŞCaſtlebitham V. [St. James] cum Halliwell alias Holwell and? 00 15 04 2 Awnby, Synods and Proxies x s. ii.d. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr, and Patr. 32 03 08 COREY V. (St. John Evangeliſt] Syn. and Prox. x s. ii d. 09 II 02 Mon. Stamford Propr. 70. Thimbleby Efq; 1680. 70. Brelon Clerk (this Turn) 1708. 35 02 03 Creton R. alias Crecton [St. Peter] Syn. and Prox. x s. ii d. The KING, 24 16 11 Skillington V. [St. James] oo 09 11 Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. Swineſted V. [St. Mary) Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. Mon. Drox. XX s. 13 11 Pri. Drax. Ebor. Propr. Lord Lindſey 1681. Albe- marle Bertie Eſq; (W.) 48 18 0675 Witham South R. (St. John Baptiſt] Prox. and Syn. x s. ii d. oo 07 03 Penſ. Pri. Sti Joban. Jeruſalem xiii s. iiid. Una Med: ejuſdem apzr. Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem. Sarah Whiting Widow 1708. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Hawthorp, Chapel to Irnham. Bulby, Chapel to Irnham. Ednam Cur. (St. Michael] Duke of Ancaſter Patr. Ab- by of Vaudrey in this Pariſh Propr. Eaſton, Chapel to Stoke Auſtral. Pensizoo 23 05 08 D. Bolingbroke, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOLN. nd { 60 l. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. .l. d. 16 17 II ŞHalton Holgate alias Halgarth R. [St. Andrew] Proxies and 2 Synods viii s. x d. OI 13 og} 711.175. 2 d. CertifiedValue. Marquiſs of Lindſey 1711. S Stickney R. [St. Luke] Proxies and Synods viii s. x d. Penf.? 13 II 03 Pri. Spalding 07 011 CertifiedValue. Lord Exeter. Heirs of Mr. William Smith (W.but q.) ) 20 OI OS Weſterkele R. (St. Helen] Prox. and Syn. viii s. xd. Richard Jackſon, and his Wife, 1698. Nicholas Sugar de Certifiedl'alue. Civ. Ebor. Gen. 1727. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S BOLINGBROKE R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Proxies and Sy- 2 nods viii s. x d. Penf. Pri. Spalding Ixvis. viii d. 70. Bryan Eq; 1703. Efterkele 02 00 02 75.1.1 45 00 06 Sy-300 19 II LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE of LINCOLN. 24 I L. d. 1. enf.mod ܘܘܠ 1 32 07 02 {. Penf;foo Penso Zoo 16 01; Clear rearly Value. Yearly Tenths. d. Efterkele South R. Proxies and Synods iiii s. v d. Penſ: 700 17 06 Pri. Spalding xxvi s, viii d. 44 03 04 John Haſtings Gent. 1698. Efterkele North R. Prox, and Syn. iiii s. v d. [St. Helen] " 00 17 061 The KING by Lapſe 1709. Richard Jackſon and Theo- doſia his Wife. 29 10 06 Eftkirby V. [St. Nicholas] Proxies and Synods viii s. x d. 00 II 02 Pri. Sempringham Propr. William Ellis Eſq; 1719. Mr. Short (W.) 31 06 06 Hareby R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox, and Syn. viii s. x d. 00 12 051 Jo. Bryan Eſq; 1705. 08 08 06 Haughneby V. alias Hangulby, alias Hagneby (St. Andrew] 00 16 00 Abb. Hagneby Propr. Lord Exeter 1605 (W) Earl of Oxford and Mortimer (W.) 25 03 06 Hundleby V. [St. Mary) Synods viii d. 00 15 11 The K ING. Mon. Stixwould Propr.. Duke of Ancaſter (W.) Lusby R. (St. Peter) Proxies and Synods viii s. x d. Pens? Pri, Bardney xxx s. Mr. Carr Brackenbury 1720. alias 43 03 oo viii or Sir Edward Afcough 1679, 1685. Mr. Boucheret (W.). 32 10 06 Meningesby R. [St. Andrew] Prox. and Syn. viii s. x d. 00 18 ior The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. S Rathby R. (Holy Trinity] Proxies and Synods viji s. x d. 33 06 10 Pens. Abb. de Crowland xxvi s. viii d. 13 051 The KING. Barnaby Bowtell Efq; 1663 (W.) 35 03 06 Sibſey V. (St. Margaret] Proxies and Synods viïs, x cho 01 03 On The KING. Pri. Spaldinge Propr. 38 10 06 Steeping parva R. (St. Andrew] Prox. and Syn. viii s. xd. 00 19 11 Duke of Newcaſtle 1716. Stickford V. (St. Helen] Proxies vii s. vid. Epiſc. pro Im- 04 07 02 propriatione iii s. iſii d. 00 12 047 Pri. Markby Propr, Biſhop of Lincoln. Tointon St. Peter's R. (St. Peter] Prox. and Syn. viii s, xd. 01 04 00 Lord Lindſey 1708. II 11 08 Tointon Omnium Sanctorum V. [All-Saints] 00 POI Chantry of Spilsby Propr. Lord Lindſey 1708. 46 10 04 Thorpe V. (St. Peter] Synods viii d. 02 OI IT Mon. Kyme Propr. John Rowell Gent. 1719. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. SPilsby Cur. [St. James) cum Earsby, 12 l. Chantry of Špilsby Propr. Duke of Ancaſter Patr. Revesby Cur. (St. Laurence) olim Prioratus, 31 1. (of exempt Juriſdiction.) John Banks Eſq; Patr. metoo 27 10 06 I i D. 242 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE of LINCOL N. D. Chriftianitp, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOLN. s. 1 .. d. 00, 10 00 Livings Diſebarged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Teniles. 1. d. 07 03 04 St. Benedict in LINCOLN. Preb, of North-Kelſey Patr. (W.) 02 15 00 St. Mark. Precentor of Lincoln Patr, and Propr. OI. 00 00 St. Margaret Curacy. Prebendary of Haydor Patr. (W) 27 oo oo Mariæ beatæ in Suburbiis V. als St. Mary in Wigford Cur. OQ 10 041 Prebendary of Gretton Patr. 30 15 oo St. Mary Magdalen R. or Curacy. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Patrons. 00 IQ OQ St. Martin's V. 00 09 04 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. (W.) 00 05 00 St. Michael's Cur. (the Church demoliſhed.) Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr, and Patr. 12 02 00 12 02 St. Nicholas Newport, (demoliſhed.). Dean and Chapter of Lincoln.. 02 05 00 St. Pauli in Bal Lincoln R. or Cur. Synods and Prox. X s. 00 04 07 Arch-Deacon of Lincoln Patr. St. Petri ad Arcus R, Archidiac. Lin. Prox. xs. Penj. Pri. 41 00 oo Shelford x s. viii d. 00 !I 03 * The KING Patr. This Church is lately rebuilt by the City of Lincoln for their Corporation Church. Willis's Survey, p. 269. 00 17 00 St. Peter's Eaſt-gate, (the Church demoliſhed.) 08 03 00 St. Peter's at Goates. Chanter of Lincoln Patr. (W.) об оо оо St. Swithin's (the Church demoliſhed.) Chanter of Lincoln.. Chapels, Donatives, and Curaciès. St. Buttolph's V.(not in Charge). I. 12 : 00 : 00 Clear Vat. Preb. thereof Patr. St. John's in Newport V. (not in? 1.00 : 10:00. Clear Vał. Charge.) Preb, of Dunbolme Patr. Meer V. (not in Charge.) -lo 3: 3: 4 Clear Val. St. Bartholomew's Cur. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Patr.- Meer Hoſp. (not in Charge.), Biſhop of Lincoln. Patr. Prinfo Ć t $ }. D. ។ LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE of LINCOLN. 243 King's Books. 1. s. 751. 12 s. id. ! 05 06 08 13.10 02 Beyxby R. alias Beeſby (St. Andrew] Proxies and Syn. ix S. *". Sol 07.00 D. Callwaith, alias Calcewath, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOLN. Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. b. s. do . Pri. Markby ii sii s 691. 45. 9d.. CertifiedValue. The KING: - 13 03 04 Billeſby V. [Holy Trinity] Proxies and Synods iïi s. vid. ої об 04. Pri. Markbig Propr. Sir Edward Aſcough Kt. 1680. Ro- bert Parkin and Richard Bowes de Millom in Cumberland Gent. 1727 13.10 02.; Gaiton R. [St. George] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. OI 07 oom The KING. 17 10 02 Mablethorpe St. Mary's R. (St. Mary) Prox. and Syn. ix s.xd. or 15 00 Dean and Chapter of Lincoln 1694. Joſ. Southcote CertifiedValue. Gent. 1696. 04 00 00 Saleby V. [St. Margaret] oo 08 00 . 63 1. os. od. The KING. Pri. Sixhill Propr. Truſtees of Alford CertifiedValue. Free-School are Patrons after the next Turn. John Har- rington 1618. Stane alias Stiver R. + (St. John Baptiſt] 00 10 08 Thomas Southcote Eſq; 1660. Sutton in Mariſco R. five P. in Ecclef. Lincoln. on 18 oo Biſhop of Lincoln. 18 10 024 Thedilthorp St. Helen's R. Proxies and Syn. ix s. x' d. Duke of Ancaſter 1717. (Now Duke of Ancaſter 1730.) 07 05 021 Thedilthorpe Omn. Sanct. V. Proxies and Synods ix s. xd. 00 14.063 61. 13 s. 4 d. Pri. Revesby Propr. Mr. Luther (W.) CertifiedValue, 19 10 02Thruſthorpe R. (St. Peter] I Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. OI 19 00 Mrs. Anne Crabb 1687. Ja, Madocks Gent. 1720. 39 10 024 Willoughby R. [St. Helen] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. 03 19 00 Lord Willoughby of Earsby 1694. Duke of An:after (W.) 18 10 02 Witherume alias Witherne R. [St. Margaret] Proxies and 021 Synods ix s. x d 78 1. 18 s. 6 d. CertifiedValue. Thomas Newcomen 1688. Geo. Fitz-Williams Eſq; this Turn 1701. Robert Vyner Eſq; (W.) Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly -Value. Aby. V. [All Saints] with Greenfield (St. Mary] Proxies and 17 15 00 00 12 047 Synods xx d. Lord Lindſey 1714. 29 00 00 ALFORD V. [St. Wilfrid] Capellano de Ryggesby vi I. Pri. Stæ Catherinæ prope Lincoln Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. Anderby † Stane alias Stivere-ſaid (in Libro W.) to be united to Mablethorp St. Mary's. Thruſthorpe R.-certified to the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne to be of the yearly Value of 49.1. but not certified into the Exchequer, fo remains ſtill in Charge ; but it is in fact the ſame Living with Tractrop, ſo ſhould have been diſcharged. 19 00.00 OI:17 00 and for 17.00; { and}o. OI 00 00 Ii 2 24:4 DIOCESE of LINCOLN, LINCOLNSH. 1. d. Priifoo 48 11 09 3 Fellow. alias Bellow R. [St. John Baptiſt] Proxies and Sy. 301 06 041 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths l. s. d. 41 05 00 Anderby R. [St. Andrew] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. OI 07 00 Magdalen College, Cambridge. ŞCalceby V. [St. Andrew] Proxies and Syn. ix s. x d. Pri. 09 15 00 2 Kyme xiii s. vid. 00 11 00 Mon. Kyme Propr. Philip Glover Eſq; 1725. 14 Oo oo Cauthorp-parva V. [St. Helen] Proxies and Synods ii s. iii d. oo 06 057 Pri. Alvingham Propr. Mr. Marwood Patr. (W) Sir Hen- ry Glemham 1605. (W) 40 05 06 Ş.Claxby V: [St. Andrew) Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. . Rečtori de Well, ii s. { OO 10 03 Pri. Freeſton Propr. Duke of Devonſhire 1672. $ Comberworth alias Somberworth R. [St. Helen] Proxies and 40 00 00 01 001 Synods ix s. xd. Magdalen College, Cambridge. 24 00 co Faleſthorp V. alias Farleſtrop (St. Andrew] 00 10 08. ia The KING. Mon. Legborne Propr. S Hagnaby R. alias Hanny St. Andrew] a Donative. (the? { Churchdown, W.) Abby of Reveſty Propr. Mr. Coltman Donor.. 06 13 04 Haugh V. (St. Leonard] oo 08 oo Pri. Haugh or Legborne Propr. Sir John Bell 1605. (W.) Mr. Bowles Patr. oor (the} 10 00 00 ΟΙ 0000 oo 13 02 00 15 00 ix . x d. Lord Lindſey 1671. Now Duke of, Ancaſter 1730 (W.) 20 18 oo Hoggſthorpe V. [St. Mary] Charter-Houſe near Hull Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 06 11 00 Holtoft V. alias Huttoft (St. Margaret] I'roxies xx d. Pri. Markby Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 26 00 00 Legborne [All Saints] The KING, Mon. Legborne Propr. Charles Cæfar Efq; (W) 28 07 06 Mablethorpe St. Peter's R. Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. Earl of Lindſey 1675. 48 15 00 Maltby in Mariſco R. (All Saints] Proxies and Syn. ix s. x d. Robert Marſh Gent. 1685. Mr. Bennet (W) Mumby V. [St. Peter] Proxies and Synods ix s, x d. Capella- 19 15 Co no in Capella de Mumby xlvi s. viii d. Pri. Bourne Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln Patr. 22 17 00 South-Reſton R. [St. Edith] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. The KING as Duke of Lancaſter (W.) 30 00 00 Strubby R. with Woodthorpe (St. Oſwald] Dean and Chapter of Lincoln.) 18 02 06 Sutton V. [St. Clement] Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Swaby R. [St. Nicholas] Proxies and Synods xi s. vi d. Magdalen College, Oxford. 01 03 09 doo 00 19 02 00 11 00 Q0 09 04 00 13 04 34 15 00 OI 04 02 Thoreſby LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE of LINCOL N. 245 s. l. s. d. buld} Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenihs. 1. 31 10 00 Thoreſby-South R. (St. Andrew] Proxies and Syn. ix s. xd. 00 12 041 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 40 00 00 Tothill R. [St. Mary) Synods iiii d. 00 13 08 Lady Dinah Allington 1689. Mr. Virney (W.) S Tractrop R. (St. Peter) the ſame with Thruſthorpe, ſo ſhould ? 46 oo oo 2 be diſcharged. SUlceby with Fordington R. [All Saints) Epiſc.pro Unione xii d. 47 10 00 Archidiac. pro Unione xii d. Proxies and Syn. ix s. x d. soo 19 08 Penf. Abb. Crowland xxvis, viii d. Sir William Maſlingberd 1702. 35 00 00 Well R. with Dexthorpe (St. Margaret] 00 14 02 Ro, 'Wolley Gent. 1702. Mr. Weſtdean (W.) Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Markby Cür. [St. Peter] 1. 5 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Pri. Markby Propr. Rigſby Cur. (St. Mary] 1.2 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Clarethorp Chap. to Hellow als Bellow. D. Candleſhoe, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOLN. 2. s. d. 1. d. ! 221. os. od. 08 13 04 vii 1.300 17 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 23 07.033 Croft V. [All Saints] Synods xx d. 02 06 08 Pri. Kyme Propr. Sir William Monſon Bart. 1719. Sir John Monfon (W) 15 06 08 Friſkney V.[All Saints] Vicario per Compoſitionem xv I. vis. viii d. 01 10 08 Mon. Bolington Propr. Zach. Burton Gent. 1703. Mr. John Francis (W.) 05, 10 02 Sutterby R. (St. John Baptiſt) . Proxies and Syn. ix s. x d. 00 11 00 The KING. Certified Value. SWAINFLEET St. Mary's V. + Vicario in Pecun. viii l. 2 xiii s. iii d. 17 04 Pri. Stixwould Propr. Mr. Barkham Patr. . 16 03 063SWÁINFLEET All Saints R, Proxies and Syn. ix s. x d. Penſ. 12 011 74 1. os. od. 2 Priori de Kyme lxvi s. viii d. Certified value. The KING Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Addlethorpe R. [St. Nicholas] Proxies and Synods ix s. x 34 10 00 1900- Penſ. Priori . ; The KING. 40 OI 00 Aſhby R. near Partney, (St. Helen] Prox, and Syn. ix s. x d. 00 15 00 John Medley Gent. 1711. ŞBraitoft R. alias Bratoft (St. Peter and St. Paul] Proxies and 49 II 10 044 Synods ix s. xd. The KING. PROH + WAINFLEET St. Mary's is only a ſmall Curacy. 24 Oo oo nods ix s. ii d. Pens. Ecclefiæ Lincoln. x su Pri. Nuncoton 00 10 09 pro Penf. vis, viii d. Henry Thorold Gent. 1697, 1721. 24 00 00 Cotes parva V. I [St. Michael] Synods xx d. oo 09 10 Pri. St. Leonard juxta Grimſby Propr. Trinity College Cam- bridge. 40 00 00 Grainsby R. (St. Nicholas] Synods xx d. oo 09 10 Thomas Sandys Gent. 1717. Lord William Pawlet 1726. 36 00 00 GRIMESBY V. [St. James] Recept. pro Vicar. de Abb. Welloo 00 14 00 viil. Mon. Welloo Propr. q. George Heneage Eſq; 9. Mr. Heron (W.) R. d. . 40 00 00 OO 10 05 2 Southwell vis. viii d. Southwell College Nottingh. 38 oo oo Healing R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Synods ix s. ii d. 00 12 05 Lady Dymock (Wi.) Sir William Keyt and Francis Langley 1694. Howerby R. [St. Margaret] with Beesby alias Overby, [St. ? 28 Oo oo John Baptiſt] Proxies and Synods ix s. ii d. Pens. Ecclefia oo 10 097 Southwell iis. Dean and Chapter of Southwell. об оо оо SHumberſton V. t alias Kimbelton [All-Saints] Synods xx d.? 2 Vicar, in Denar, ultra Syn. cxviii s. iiii d. Pri. Humberſton Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. Matthew Humberſton 1722. 48 Oo oo Newton Wold R. (All-Saints] Synods ix s. ii d. 00 15 01 Biſhop of Durbam. 05 Oo oo Eaſt-Randal V. (St. Martin] Trinity College, Cambridge. 30 00 00 Rothwell R. (St. Mary Magdalen] Syn. and Prox. ix s. ii d. 00 15 OI Richard Sykes Gent. 1689. Mr. Francis Smith (Wi.) 40 Oo oo Scarthoo R. (St. Giles] Synods ix s. ii d. 00 17 01 The Reverend Edward Roberts Clerk 1711. 3 Swinehope I Cotes parva. is only a Curacy. † Humberſton is only a Curacy. Boo d}oo 11 oo II io 00 10 00 . LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE of LINCOLN. 255 Yearly Tenths. d. oo og og 1. s. 00 15 10 Clear Tearly Value. 1. d. 29 QQ QO Swinehope R. [St. Helen] Synods ix s. ii d. Marmaduke Allington Eſq; 1716. 20 00 00 Tetney V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Synods xx d. Mon. Welloo Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. об оо оо Wathe V. [St. Martin] Synods ix s. ii d. Pri, Humberſton Propr. Lord William Pawlet (Wi.) Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Ailesby Cur. [St. Laurence] (not }1. 10: 00 : 00 Clear Val. Abbey of Welloo Propr. Sir John Tyrwhitt Patr. (W.) Weſt-Randal Cur. (not Charged.) College of Southwell Patr. oo 05 05 D. Hill, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOL N. $. enfi302 *s}01 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Pearly Tenths. I. s. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 21 02 08:ŞFulletby R. [St. Andrew] Proxies and Synods ix s. xd. Pens? Pri, de Bolington vi s. viii d. 02 02 03 501. Heirs of Nich. Shepley 1701. CertifiedValue. SHagworthingham R. (Holy Trinity] Proxies and Synods ix s. 14 10 05 { xd. Penſ. Abb. de Bardney xxvi s. viii d. 01 09 00 Biſhop of Ely. 14 13 111 Proxies and Synods xix s. viii d. 01 09 047 04 65 6. Anne and Burrell Maſſingberd 1691. CertifiedValue. 10 12 031 Langton near Partney R. (St. Peter] Prox. and Syn. ix s. x d. oi 01 02 61. George Langton Eſq; 1714. Certified Value. Livings diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 24 00 00 Alhby Puerorum V. [St. Andrew] Proxies xx d. Choriſta Lincoln. Ecclefia Propr. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. 33 oo oo Aſwardby R. [St. Helen] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. 00 15 115 Wiliiam Booth Gent, 1718 37 00 00 Bagenderby R (St. Marg ret] OO 12 C91 Lætitia Langborne 1711. 34 Oo oo Brinckhill R. (St. Philip] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. oo 16 oo Earl of Exeter 1696. 41 00 00 Claxby Pluckacre R. (St. Andrew q.] Prox. and Syr. ix s. xd. 00 13 01 Sir Ja. Drake 1661. Biſhop by Lapſe 1700. Mr. Drax (Wi.) 35 Oo oo Greatham R. (All-Saints] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. ΟΙ ΟΙ 111 Biſhop of Lincoln. 35 Oo oo 2 Syn.ix s. xd . Penf. de Bolington Thomas Chaplin Eſq; 1720. Harrington 00 12 04 256 DIOCESE of LINCOL N. LINCOLNSH. i. s.: d Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 40 00 00 Harrington R. [St. Mary] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. 0Q 19 084 Amy Hall 1701. Vincent Amcotes Eſq; (Wi.) 30 00 00 Oxcombe R. (All-Saints] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. 00 13 062 George Langton 1717. 25 00 00 *Salmonby R. (St. Margaret] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. 00 II 00 John Smith 1711. Mr. Marſhall (W.) S Somerſby alias Somerby R. (St. Margaret] Proxies and Sy -7 32 Oo oo oo 09.07 nods ix s. xd. Richard Langhorne Gent. Lætitia Langhorne 1711. 35 00 00 Saucethorpe R. (St. Andrew] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. 00 12 043 Vaughan Bonner Gent. 1707. 17 Oo oo Scrayfield R. [St. Michael] Proxies and Synods ix s. xd. oo og 11 Thomas Chaplin Efq; 1717. 40 00 00 Tedford alias Tetford R. [St. Mary] Prox. and Syn.ix s. xd. OI 10 OL Elizabeth Huſſey Widow 1690. Mr. Jenkinſon (Wi.) 18 00 00 Winceby R. [St. Margaret] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. Penſ. Abb. de Bardney iii s. ili d. The KING. Not in Charge. * Aſgarby Curacy (St. Swithin.) The Prebendary. { * d.}.00 12 00 D. Holland, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOLN. 1. s. ŞAldeckirk Rec alias Alarkirk. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Synods 305 33 06 08 03 06 08 d. 0-301 07 Livings remaining in Charge. Kirg's Books. Rigs Yearly Tentbs. 1. d. Reflories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. do 50 18 01 and Proxies ix s. Redd. v s. 05 OI 09 Bafil Beridge Clerk, Incumbent and Patr. 1719. 33 08 11į Bennington R. (All-Saints] Synods and Proxies ix s. 03 06 10 Sir William Ellis Bart. 1711. Boston V. [St. Botolph] 46 l. 3 $. 4, Præceptor de Dalby Rothley & Heyther Propr. Mayor and CertifiedValue. Burgeſſes of Boſton. 13 17 03{Donnington V. (St. Mary and Holy Rood] Synods and Pro- xies ix s. Redd. vis, ix d. O 07 0821 60 l. 5 s. Certifiedřalue. Pri. Beckland in Co. Somerſet Propr. Edward Legh M. D. 1709. Fiſhtoft alias Toft R. [St. Guthlake] Penf. Abb, Croyland viii l. Capellano de Fenchapel c s. Thomas Aſhcroft Clerk 1717 Fleet R. (St. Mary Magdalen] Synods and Proxies ixs, Pens. 15 Oo oo Pri. de Caftleacre xl. Mr. Lodington 1719. Prudentia Lodington 1725. , Št. ] a -and 23 II 00 Proxies ix s. 02 07 01 The KING and Mrs. Crane's Truſtees (W.} Sir Carr Scroore 1677. The KING 1678. Chr. Cratford, Anth, Keck and others 1699. Gedney oi 18 08 19 06 os {Firepetiladio Te Fenebapet.co 1.301 Per/got I 10 00 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE of LINCOL N. 257 le 27 17 11 II 00 00 At-}or OI 02 00 { 16.302 06 04 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. 1. d. . . 30 51 103{ de Croyland xl s. OI 02 The KING 1681. The QUEEN 1713. 20 05 10 Holbeche V. [All Saints] Synods and Proxies ix's. 02 00 07 Biſhop of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. ŞMoulton V. [All-Saints) cum Moulton Chapel, Archidiac. 28 13 04 17.04 xviii d. Penf. Pri. Spalding üiii l. xiii s. Pri. Spalding Propr. Maurice Johnſon Efq; Propr. Sir Edward Irby Bart. 1705. 40 06 051 Pinchbecke V. [St. Mary] Synods and Proxies xviii d. 04 00 07 Pri. Spaldinge Progr. Henry Barker Clerk 1719. Mr. Townſend (Wi.) 34 17 08 Skirbecke R. (St. Nicholas] Synods and Proxies ix s. 03 09 09 William and Matthew Sampſon 1719. Surfleet R. (an Impropriation) Synods and Proxies viii s. y d. 02 15 09; Penj. Pri. Spalding ijii l. Redd. vi d. Surfleet V. [St. Laurence) a Curacy, and not a Vicarage, Ar. chidiac. Lincoln. viï s. v do The Impropriator. Henry Heron Eſq; Patr. (Wi.) 40 Oo oo Sutton V. (St. Mary] 04 00 00 Mon. Groyland Propr. William Hyde Eſq; 1687. Sutterton V. [St. Mary] Synods and Proxies ix s. Penf. Abb. 23 03 04 Croyland xxvi s. viii d. Redd. Abb. de Croyland v s. The KING. Mon. Croyland Propr. STidde St. Mary's R. Synods and Proxies ixs. Pens. Abb. de 17 06 053 Thorney xxvi s. viii d. oi 14 07 The KING, 16 14 og} Whaplode V. (St. Mary) Synods and Proxies ix s. OI 13.051 The KING. Mon, Croyland Propr. Wiberton R. [St. Leodegar] Synods and Proxies ix s. Lord Caſtleton 1680. John Shaw Gent, this Turn 1712. 09 18 061 Wrangle V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Synods and Proxies xviii d. 00 19 10% Abb. Waltham in Elex Propr. t. Elizabeth Bayly 1708. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 47 Oo oo Bicker V. [St. Swithin] Mon. Buttley in Suffolk Propr. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. 24 01 05 Butterwick V. (St. Andrew] Prox.and Syn, xviid. Redd. üid. og 16 05 9. Pri. Freſton Propr. (Wi.) 9. Mon. Croyland (or Wal- tham) Propr. Frances Ingram Widow 1709. Sir John Dryden Patr. (Wi.) Frampton V. + [St. Mary] Epiſc. Lincoln. viii s. Archidiac. ? Lincoln. iiii s. v d. Decano Lincoln. iii s. v d. Proxies and/or 17 116 Synods iii s. The KING. Durham College Propr. Mr. Abbot Patr. (Wi.) L 1 Freſton + Vid. Leland Collectanea. Vol. I. | Frampton R. —-was charged in the King's Books at 261. 5 s. 4. de Epiſc. Lincoln. pro Penf. xxl. Ar- cbidiac. & Decano ibidem XXXV S. Proxies and Synods y s. vi d. 33 06 08 03 06 08 ΟΙ ΙΟ ΟΟ 22 00 00 for P. 101. 258 DIOCESE of LINCOLN. LINCOLNSH. 1. sd. 00 00 00 28 06 04 · Clear Yearly Value. Clear? Yearly Tenths. d. 22 07 07 Freeſton V. [St. James] Synods xviii d. OI 13 025 Mon. Croyland Propr. Sir Arthur Ingram 1617. Sir John Dryden (Wi.) 45 Oo oo Golbertown V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. SKirton V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] cum Cap. Brothertoft, Sy- 30 02 II nods and Proxies xviii d. Vicar. Choral. Lincoln, liii s. iiii d. 02 03 OT Pri. St. John of Jeruſalem Propr. Mercers Company, London. Leeke V. [St. Mary] Vicario in pecuniis xiii l. vi s. viii d. от об о8. Cantelupe's Chantery in Lincoln Propr. Governours of Oakham School, Rutland. 33 07 06 Leverton South R. [St. Helen] Synods and Proxies viiis. OI 12 07 The Heirs of Mr. Faulkner (Wi.) Samuel Whiting Gent. 1693. 33 18 031 Leverton North R. (St. Helen] Synods and Proxies viï s. OI II 10 The KING. 33 19 06 Quadring V. [St. Margaret] Syn and Prox. xviii d. Redd. id. or 00 01 Pri. Stainfield Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 33 15 00 Swineſhead V. (St. Mary] OI 08 II Mon. Sri Peiri Weſtm. Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. Wigtoft V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Synods and Proxies ix s. OI 02 06 Redd. ii s. Pens. Decano Lincoln. xxvi s. viii d. Abby of Door or Doure in Heref. Propr. Biſhop of Lin- coln. Not in Charge. Gedney-Fenn-End Chapel alias Gėdney-Hill Fofdike Cur. [All-Saints] Chapel to Alderkirk. Lutton-Bourne Curacy, Chapel to Sutton. Crowland alias Croyland R. (St. Bartholomew and St. Guth-}7. 34 : 16 : 04 Clear Veli. lake] (not in Charge.) Thomas Mackworth and Thomas Orby Eſqs; 1722. ] 39 Brigadier Hunter (Wi.) SPALDING Cur. [St. Mary and St. Nicholas) formerly a Priory 1.70 : 00 : 00 Clear Val.. (not in Clarge ) Certain Truſtees are Patrons. Sutton St. Edmund Cur. 2 : 19 : 0 Clear Val. Sutton St. James Cur. 8:09 : 03 Clear Val. Chapels to Sutton St. Mary. Cur 60 Weſton 5 38 15 04 . ixs.}or }1.38 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. + -- King's Books. 1. S. d. 20 00 00 when lucy Curacy [St. Be- Sl. 23:00:00 Clear Val. LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE of LINCOLN. 259 Weſton V. (St. Mary] 1. 41 : 14 : 00 Clear Val. The KING. Pri. Spalding Propr. Wickham [St. Nicholas] Chap. to Spalding (not in Charge.) Boſton St. Peter's, Chap. to Boſton V. (the Chapel de- moliſhed.) Creſſey-Hall Chap. to Surfleet. D. Horncaſtle, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOLN. Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tentha 1. s. Reftories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 14 04 02 HORNCASTLE V. [St. Mary] oi 08 05 701. os. od. Biſhop of Carliſle Propr. and Patr. CertifiedValue. 13 10 10 Marrow alias Maryn R. alias Mareham in le Fen [St. Helen] oi 07 OI Bifhop of Carliſle. 12 17 06 Scrielſby alias Scrilbe R. [St. Benedict] - 01 05 09 75 1. os. od. Lewis Dymock Eſq; 1704. ClearCert.Val. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Marton R. alias Maron [St. Michael] 00 12 05 William Stanley Eſq; 1689. Mr. Hewſon and Mr. Dela- fountain (Wi.) 37 00 00 Moreby R. [All Saints] 00 15 02 Biſhop of Carliſle. 25 00 00 . Thornton V. [St. Wilfrid] 00 II 02 Dean and Chapter of Lichfield Propr.and Patr. 40 00 00 Tynton alias Tointon Inferior R. [St. Peter] Earl of Lindſey 1692. Duke of Ancaſter (Wi.) 25 Oo oo Wilfby R. alias Wilkeſby (All Saints] oo 08 05 Lewis Dymock Eſq; 1711. 13 Oo oo Woodhall V. [St. Margaret] Mon. Kirkſted Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. Not in Charge. Tointon Superior Curacy [St. John Baptiſt] a Member of Horncaſtle. Earl of Lincoln Patr. (Wi.) Bamburgh Curacy [St. Swithin] Pri. Bridlington Propr. Thomas Dighton Efq; (not in Charge.) Epiſc. Carliol. Propr. *TATTERSHALL Cur. [Holy Trinity) formerly a College, is of exempt Juriſdiction, (not charged or certified.) Duke of Newcaſtle and Lord Clinton Patr. Aſhby [All Saints] Chap. to Horncaſtle. Maring Chap. to Horncaſtle. LI 2 D. OI 02 02 260 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE of LINCOL N. I. s. d. effor Pens;}or is azoo D. Lawres; in the Arch-Deaconry of STOW. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 09 10 00 Broxholme R. [All Saints] Proxies and Synods x s. 00 19 00 Sir Henry Monſon Bart. 1714. 11 15 02 Burton R. (St. Vincent] Proxies and Synods x s. OI 03 064 54 1. 5 5. 4 d. Sir John Monfon 1684. CertifiedValue. 15 08 01**Falding worth R. [All Saints] Proxies and Synods xs. Ecclef. { OI 10 09 67 1. 12.5. 2 d. Lincoln. ii s. CertifiedValue. Lord Tyrconnel 1720. Fiſkarton Ř. (St. Clement] Proxies and Synods x s. Penf.? 12 or 08 OL 04 02 { Abb. de Burgo xv s. Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. 2.8 oo oo Kettlethorpe R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Proxies and Syn. x s. 02 16 oo Thomas Hall Eſq; 1690. ŞTHORKESEY + [St. Peter) is only a Curacy, the Vicarage is a 05 13 04 00 II 04 Fee Sir Jermyn Davers Bart. Pri. Thorkeley Propr.. 18.06 08 Willingham near Stow R. [St. Helen) OI 16 08 Wilfrid and Judith Browne 1706. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Aiſtrop R. [St. Peter] Proxies and Synods x s. with 00 09.00 40 Oo oo Thorpe in le Fallows y. Proxies and Synods v s. xd. Penſ. 00 10 09 Pri. . Pri. Sti Jobis Jeruſalem Propr. of Thorpe. Sir Richard Åmcot 1605. Sir Brian Broughton (Wi.) 12 02 06 Barlings Curacy (St. Edward) Mon. Barlings Propr. Sir John Tyrwhitt Patr. Lord Derby. 5 Brattleby R. (St. Cuthbert] Proxies and Synods x s.. Pens. 45 09.107 Eccleſ . Lincoln. xl s. 15 00 Baliol College, Oxfordo. 20 об от Buſlingthorpe R. 00 04 00 The KING. Thomas Sutton Eſq; 1605, 1633.. 1:6 05 00 * Dunham or Dunholme V. [St. Chadd] 00 08 08 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Biſhop of Lincolm. 19 14 02 * Friſtrop R. Ecclef. Lincoln, x s. 00 00 00 Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. Gateburton R. [St. Helen] Proxies and-Synods xs. Penf. Pri. 10. 4:5 09 10 Spalding vis. Lady Willoughby 1692. Geo. Cockayne Efq; and his }oo Pens;}oo ] . Zoo 17 01 Wife 1711, Grechalk +THORKESZY with Brampton V. is certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the yearly Value of 24 h. 13.5. 4. d. Vid. State of Queen Anne's Bounty, 2d Edit. P. 196. But not being certified into the Exchequer, it remains ftill charged.. LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE of LINCOLN, 261. 1. { }၀၀ 14 Oo oo 20 00 00 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths 1. s. 20 00 00 Grechall Curacy alias Greetwell [All Saints] Choriſte Ecclef. Lincoln. Propk. Dean and Chapter of Lin- coln Patr. Kneth R. als Knath, is only a Curacy. The Value hereof is 10 05 00 found in the Certificate to the Governours of Queen Anne's foo 06 08 Bounty. Lord Willoughby of Parhan 1605. none ſince. Hon. James Bertie Eſq;!Wi.) Marton V. (St. Margaret] oo 09 04. Pri. Stæ Catberinæ juxta Lincoln. Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln, Nettleham als Netſham Curacy (A ll Saints]: Chancellor of the Church of Lincoln. Propr, and Patr. 09 Oo oo Newton V. [St. Peter q.] 00 08 00 Pri. Stæ Catherinæ juxta Lincoln Propr. John Stow Gent. 1605. none fince. 13 13 00 Rephamn V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] oo 13 04 Îhe KIN G 1670, 1683, 1684. Mon. Barlings Propr. Merchant-Taylors Company, London. Ryfolme R. [St. Mary] Proxies and Synods x s. oo 08 oo. Baliol College, Oxford. 28 00 00 Saxilby V. [St. Botolph] Proxies and Synods ïi s. viid. Abb. New fome Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 49 11 0675 Scampton R. [St. John Baptift ] Proxies and Synods xj. s. Sir John Bolles Bart. 1679. Mr. Potes (Wi.) Scotherné V. [St. German] 00. 08 06 The KING. Mon. Barlings Propr. Sir. Nicholas Saun- ders 1624. Lord Caſtleton (Wi.). Snarford R. (St. Laurence] Sine-Cure. 00 08 oa Sub-Dean of Lincoln Patr. 40 00 00 Sudbrooke R. alias Souldbrooke [St. Edward] Proxies and { Synods x s. 1500 Biſhop of Lincoln. 23. 00 00 Upton V.[All Saints] Proxies and Synods ii s. vii d. 00 14. 05 Mon. Heving Propr. or Swinbieg. Biſhop of Lincoln, or Lord Willoughby of Parham. Hon. Mr. Bertie. 25 Oo oo * Welton V. [St. Mary] 00. 14. 08 The five Prebendaries thereof in the Church of Lincoln are Propr. and Patrons. 08 1.6 08. Willingham-Cherry V. [St. Peter] 00:13:04: Mon. Fole Propr. Steph. Mafon Efq; 1662. 15 00 00 I 00 00 Pengoo 17 08 Io oo oo 08.06 04 Non 262 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE of. LINCOLN: 46 10 00 { Not in Charge. * Stow in Lindſey Curacy [St.}. 46 : 10:00 Clear Val . Prebendary of Corring bam two Turns, and Prebendary of Stow one in three. Carlton North. l. 15 : 15 : 00 Clear Val. Prebendary thereof Patr. Carlton South. I. 15 : 15 : 00 Clear Val. Prebendary thereof Patr. Langworth Chap. to Barlings. D. Longobobp, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOL N. { Kt. 1701. Pens;}os Livings remaining in Charge. King's-Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c, with their Patrons and Proprietors. I. d. S Blankney R. [St. Oſwald] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. Penſ. 16 10 0722 Pri. Thurgarton xiii s. iii d. Pri. Lincoln viii s. or 13.00 Lady Elizabeth Widrington 1712. Tho. Chaplin Efq; 1722. Boothby-Graffoo R. [St. Andrew] Synods and Proxies xs. ii d. II 12 033{ Penf. Abb. de Syon in Middl. xxvi's. viii d. 03 021 John Towne för 50 Years, from 17 Sept. 1679. Brawnſton R. (All Saints] Synods and Proxies x s. id. Penf. 18 17 II Pri. de Thurgarton in Nottingh. lxvi s. viii d. or 17 og Sir Tho. Meers Kt. 1680. Mr. Curtis (Wi.) 03 09.091 Braſsbridge V. alias Bracebridge [All Saints] oo 06 11 61 l. os. od. Pri. Stæ Catherinæ juxta Lincoln. Propr. Sir Tho. Manby Certified Value. Naumby R. [St. Peter] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. Penf.? I7 10 oo Coll. Corp. Chriſti in Camb. xl s. Mon. Syon xl s. Oi 15 00 Chriſt's College, Cambridge. Nocton V. als Norton (St. Peter] Synods and Proxies 07 17 II 00 15 og 77 1. os. o d. The KING.1667, 1687, 1692. Pri. Moolton-Park als CertifiedValue. Norton Propr. 13 16 08 ŞPotter hanworth R. [St. Andrew] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. 641. os. od. 2 Pens. Pri. de Thurgarton xx s. 01 07 08 CertifiedValue. The KING 20 16 08 Wadington R. (St. Michael] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. 02 01 08 Edward Hill Eſq; 1701. 26 13 04 S Waſhingburgh R. (St. John Evangelift] Synods and Proxies X s. ii d. 02 13 04 Geo. Fairfax Eſq; 1706. Charles Hall Eſq; (Wi.) 19 16 oo Welborne R. [St. Chadd] Penſ. Pri. de Eye in Suff . liii s. iii d. oi 19 077 Sir William Ellys Bart. 1720. Livings + Story Curacy—augmented by Dr. Harcourt, Prebendary of Corringham, with 40 l. per anx. Pide Biſhed Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 336, 337. ies} : x s. ii d. ii d}01 07 zor LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE of LINCOL N. 263 S. 1. s. d. 10 00 00 OI 02 09 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 32 oo oo Billingay V. [St. Michael] OI 07 05 Mon. Catley Propr. Charles Dymock Eſq; 1687. Earl of Tyrone in Ireland 1721. Canwick V. [All Saints] oo 10 08 Mon. Stæ Catherine Lincoln. Propr. Thomas Freeſton Gent. and Mary his Wife, 1682. Mercers Company, Lon- don (Wi.) 29 Oo oo Coleby V. [All Saints] Synods iis, viſi d. 00 13 077 Oriel College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 19 Oo oo Dunſton V. [St. Peter] 00 14 01 Pri. Moolton-Park als Noston Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. . 27 Oo oo Harmeſton als Armſton V. [All Saints] 00 14 08 Pri. Stæ Catherinæ juxta Lincoln. Propr. Sir Geo. Thorold Kt.and Bart, 1715. 28 Oo oo Kirkby Green V: [Holy Croſs] Synods and Prox. ii s. viii d. The KING. Pri. Thurgarton in Nott. Propr. or Mon. Kirkſted. 25 Oo oo Medringham V. [St. Wilfrid] Synods and Prox, ii s. viii d. 00 16 01 Mon. Kyme Profr. John Lord Hervey 1706. Earl of Briſtol (Wi.) 31 10 00 Skinnand R. Deſtructa. Synods and Proxies x s. iid. oo II 04 331. 12 s. 6 d. James Bertie Efq; 1699. Lord Falkland (Wi.) CertifiedValue. 14 Oo oo Skopwick V. [Holy Croſs] 00 16 00 Pri. Thurgarton in Nott. Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. Timberland V. [St. Andrew] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. OI 04 03 The KING.q. Mon. Thurgarton in Nottingh. Propr. Humph. Buckner Gent. 1670. 45 00 00 Wellingore V. [All Saints] 01 03 009 Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Walcot is a Chap. to Billingay. Ea mere is a Chap. to Wadington. D. Loveden, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOLN: 20 00 00 I. S. d. d. d. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books Yearly Tenth's. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 41 06 08 Beckingham (All Saints] with Strugglethorpe R. (St. Michael] 04 02 08 James Meiford 1690. Andrew Hacket Efq;.(Wi.). 35 13 04 Burntbroughton R. (St. Helen] 03 II 04 Bart. Burton Efq; 1704. 13 OI 051 Carlton-Scroope R. (St. Nicholas] Proxies and Syn. x s. ii d. 01 06 01 Sir Thomas Meers Kt. 1690. Andrew Hacket Eſq; (Wi.) Cauthorpe. 264 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN: King's Books. d. 1. 1. s. d. for 16 08 04 Pensio2 15 06 08 Yearly Tenths. Cauthorpe R. (St. Vincent] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. Pens. ? 20 11 103 Pri. Sti Joban. Jeruſalem vi l. xiii s. iii d. Pri. Malton É- so 2 QI 02 bor, xxvi s, viid. Thomas Woodcock Gent. (this Turn) 1715. Sir Edward Huſey Bart..(Wi.) 15 15 00 Claypole R. South Part (St. Peter] Synods and Proxies v s.id. OI II 06 Revd. Dr. Geo. Bright 1690. John Plumtree Eſq; 1722. Claypole R. the other Med. [St. Peter] Prox. and Syn. v s.id. or 12 10 Hugo Cartwright and William Twentyman Clerk, 1717. Fulbeck R. [St. Nicholas] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. Pens.? 02 or 061 Decano & Cap. Lincoln. x s. Franc. Fane Eſq; 1701. Hough V. [All Saints] + Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. OI 10 08 The KING. Domus Carthuf. in Covent. Propr. or Mon. Mountgrace Ebor. 33 08 06 Hougham and Marſton R. [All Saints) Syn, and Prox. X s. iid. 03 06 105 Lord Brudenell 1676. Hen. Goode Clerk 1722. Univerſity of Cambridge. Earl of Cardigan (Wi.) 29 12 08 Longlednam R. (St. Swithin] 02 19 037 Mary Pym Widow 1694. Mr. Geo. Rayner 1721. Wil- liam Beresford Eſq; (Wi.) Stubton R. [St. Martin) Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. Penj.? 12 03 09 Pri. Shelford in Nottingh. x s. 73 1. 6 s. od. CertifiedValue. Thomas Moore Gent. 1682. Eliz. Moore 1719. S Weſtburgh Med. with Shefford R. [All Saints] Synods and 2 Proxies v s. id. John Milborne Gent. 1696. Mr. Thorold (Wi.) 06 13.04 Wettburgh other Med. [All Saints) with Dodington V. [St. 13 04 CertifiedValue. Pri. Shelford in Nott. Propr. Thomas Moore Efq; 1691. Mr. Goodburgh (Wi.) Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 16 oo oo Ancaſter V. (St. Martin) 00 13 04 Mon. Malton Ebor. Profr. William Thowne Gent. 1637. Mr. Towne (Wi.) 30 Oo oo Long Benington V. [All Saints] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. 02 00 02- The KIN G, as Duke of Lancaſter, Mon. Mountgrace Ebor. Propr. Normanton R. (St. Nicholas] Synods and Proxies x s. ü d. 38 13 04 ? Penſ. Pri. Sti Fobis Jeruſalem xxvi s. viii d. Earl of Briſtol 1720. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies, Fenbon Curacy. Foſton is a Chap. to Long Benington. Por 04 04 20 00 00 and }02 00 00 St;}.00 81. 155. od. 2 Jamesj , sii . }or 03 00 Hough. See in Dec. Loveden in the Vellum Book in Offic. Prin.. and ſee the War wick-Roll. LINCOLNSH. 265 Diocese of LINCOLN. D. Loutherk and Ludburgh, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOLN. King's Books. 1. d. I. S. d. 17 OI 08 19:31 xls-303 { 02 OI II about 621 Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. Refories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 06 oz 06 ŞCalfthrop R. (St, Faith] Sine-Cure, † Prox, and Syn. ix s. x d.? 2 Penj. Pri. Sixhill xxxvi s, viii d. ဝဝ oo 12 03 Thomas Weſt Gent. 1660, 1665. The QUEEN by Lapſe 1710. Hallington V. [St. Laurence) with Rathby R. [St. Peter] Pro- xies and Synods xix s. viii d. Penf. Pri. Legborne xxxiii s. Soi 14 02 iiii d. Abb. de Crowland xvi d. Mon. Legborne Profr. Mr. Chaplin 1720. SLowth P. Ecclef. Lincoln, ini l. v s. vii d. Vicario Choral, xls. 36 03 04 03 12 04 Commiſ. Lincoln. iii s. iii d. Biſhop of Lincoln. 20 19 041 Ludburgh R. [St. Mary] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. Il Arthur Creley and William Tomlyn Gent. 1707. 12 19 041 Salfietby All-Saints R. Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. OI 05 11 about 73 1. Magdalen College, Oxford. CertifiedValue. 05 Oo oo SALFLEET als Salfletby St. Peter's R. Prox. and Syn. iiis. ix d. 00 10 00 Provoſt of Oriel College, Oxford. CertifiedValue. 09 18 04 North-Somercotes als Somercotes St. Peter's V. I 0o 19. 10 00 about 57 1. The KING as Duke of Lancaſter. CertifiedValue. 22 06 03 South-Somercotes R. [St. Mary) Synods ix s. xd. 02 04 07 The KING as Duke of Lancaſter, Welton R. 1 (St. Martin] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. OI 03 02 The KING. Livings Diſcharged. Clear learly Value. Alvingham Cur. [St. Adewele] Pri. Alvingham Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 28 Oo oo Awthorpe R. 11 [St. Margaret] Pens. Collegio de Tatteſball xx s. Oo II 0+ Jane Thynne Widow, 1711. 30 00 00 Burwell V. or Curacy [St. Michael] 00. 16 00 Colleg. de Tatteſball Propr. Sir Hen. Glembam 1605. none fince. Matthew Liſter Eſq; Patr. 1723. 30 00 00 Carlton-parva R. (St. Edith] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. oo II 081 Sir Edward Smith Bart. 1711. Edward Smith Eſq; 1722. Cockerington St. Leonard's V. 10 01 Pri. Stainfield and Pri. Alvingham Propr. Biſhop of Lin- coln. Cockeringto: + CalAhrop R.-is certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty at 151. 5 5. O d. Clear l'alue. North-Somercotes V.and South-Sumercotes R. were united by Arch-Biſhop Whitgift, anno 1585. l'id Ilhi! gift's Life, by Strype. | Welton K. - is certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the Value of about 15l. Authorpe R. cis in the old Vellum Book in D. Calfwaith. 11 12 01 02 00 00 20 00 00 Mm 266 DIOCESE of LINCOL N. LINCOLNSH. 1. s. d. 1 00 19 045 OI 15 03 o oo oo odszor d. 3oo. 2 prozco { 20 00 00 12.08 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, 1. $. d. 02 00 00 Cockerington St. Mary's Cur. . Pri. Stainfield and Pri, Alvingbam Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 45 00 00 Coningſholme R. (St. Peter] Proxies and Synods ix s, x d. Sir William Ellys Bart. '1716, 1721, 48 oo oo Cowham als Covenham St. Bartholomew's R. Executors of John Pym, deceaſed, 1700. S Cowham alias Covenham St. Mary's R. Proxies and Synods 30 Oo oo { ix s. x d. Penj. Pri. Nun-Ormſby xxvi s. viii d. Executors of John Pym, deceaſed, 1700. Elkington North V. (St. Helen] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. 08 00 00 2 Penf. Pri. Nun- Apleton xiii s, iiii.d. 09 11 Pri. Nun-Apleton Propr. Lady Sebright (Wi.) SElkington South V.[All Saints] Vicario de Nor. Elkington pro 25 00 00 00 10 09 Penf. v s. Rectori de Welton pro Penta iii s, iiii d. Pri. Nun-Ormeſby Propr. Edmund Smith 1700. Fairford alias Fairforth (St. Peter) with Madenwell R. Pro- xies Synods vi s. viï d. Pri. Kyme Propr. Sir John Bull, George Martin Gent. Anne his Wife, and Henry Doughty Gent. 1725. 08 00 00 Fotherby V. (St. Mary] 00 06 oo 9. The KING. Pri. Nun-Ormſby Propr. Thomas Tay. lor Eſq; 1605. none ſince. 27 Oo oo Gaiton R. (St. Peter] Synods xii d. 00 17 01 The KING, Grimeſby alias Grimoldby R. (St. Edith] Proxies and Sy 30.00 oo nods iii s. vüi d. Thomas Lord Middleton 1717. (for Mr. Heneage.) 06 13 04 Grimeſby-parva : [St. Edith; Proxies and Synods xx d.? 06 13 04 ? Pens. Pri. de Nun-Ormeſby xiii s. iii d. 00 06 08 Pri. Nun-Ormeſby Propr. John Nelthorp Eſq; Patr. 1723. 20 Oo oo Haugham R. [All Saints] Proxies and Synods xx d. 00 16 02 Mr. John Chaplin Patr. 1723. 17 00 00 Keddington V. als Kennington [St. Margaret] 00 06 08 Pri. Alvingham Propr. Frances Earle, Widow, 1668. Mr. Payne (Wi.) 35 00 oo Kelſterne V. (St. Faith] 00 13 021 The KIN G. Mon. Thornton Propr. q. Mr. Hilliard (Wi.) LOUTH , Louth 40 00 00 Chap 01 04 oo Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 48 oo oo Manby R. (St. Mary] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. OI 03 00 John Goodrick Efq; 1719. Sir Harry Goodrick 172 3. 30 00 00 Muckton R. (Holy Trinity] Proxies and Synods ix s. xd. 00 12 047 Matth. Lifter Efq; 1695.1 18 Oo oo North-Reſton V. (St. Edith] Synods xx d. oo 09 024 Pri. Torkeley Propr. Henry Cook Eſq; 1677. Nun- {[ 19 00 syZoo 19 xx d.300 {* Whapa St. James V. als LowTi, cum Lousb St. Mary's for LINCOLNSH DIOCESE of LINCOLN. 267 S. 1. s. d. 13 10 00 45 00 00 ds 300 ΟΙ 0000 ens. Zor Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Nun-Ormeſby V. [St. Helen] oo 06 oo Pri. Nun-Ormeſby Propr. Burrell Maſſingberd Eſq; 1722. Edward Thompſon Eſq; (Wi.) Ruckland alias Rutland R. (St. Olave] Proxies and Synods 00 12 041 ixs, xd. Edmund Doughty 1701. Sir John Bull, Mr. Martin, and Mr. Doughty (Wi.) 48 00 oo Salfietby St. Clement's R. Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. 00 14 005 Alice Brownlow, Widow, 1710. Lord Tyrconnel (Wi.) 48 Oo oo Skid brooke V. [St. Botolph] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. or 02 041 Abb. Torr. in Com. Devon. Propr. Thomas Beatniffe 1705. Mr. Campion Patr 1723. 30 Oo oo Stewton R. [St. Andrew) Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. 00 14 00 Geo. Heneage Eſq; 1711. Lord Middleton Patr. 1723. 40 00 00 Tathwell V. (St. Vedaft] Synods xx d. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. 18 Oo oo Utterby V. [St. Andrew] 00 10 08 Pri. Nun-Ormeſby Propr. John Ely Efq; Patr. 1723. 14 oo oo Eaſt-Wickham V. Pri. Sixhill Propr. Sir Robert Legard 1685. Witheall R. [St. Martin] Proxies and Synods ix s. x d. Penſ. 38 oo oo 08. Pri. Sti Johannis Jeruſalem xx s. The KING. Wyam near Ludburgh, with Cadeby R. [All Saints] Pro- 07 Oo oo 00 16 oo xies and Synods ix s. x d. Anne Ellis. Widow 1680. 40 Oo oo Yarburgh R. [St. John Baptiſt] Proxies and Synods ix s. xd. 00 19 041 Sir Thomas Yarburgh Kt. 1670.' Samuel Townraw 1704. James Yarburgb Eſq; 1722. Not in Charge. Carlton-magna V. [St. John Baptiſt] Penſ. Epiſc. Lincoln X s. Archidiac. xx d. Pri: Markby Propr. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. Caſtle-Carlton R. (Holy Croſs) 1. 12 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Edward Smith Ēfq; 1723. Fulſtow V. [St. Laurence] Pro- 1. 8: 00 : 00 Clear Val xies and Syn. ix s. x d. Pri. Lowth-Park Propr. Mr. Garnthorp Patr. Garnthorp Cur. [St. Clement] 1. 19 : 14 : 00 Cear Val. Pri. Alvingham Propr. Magdalen College, Camb. Patr. Marſh Cur. (St. Mary) 1, 8: 00 : 00 Clear Val. Mr. Weſelbead Patr. Amcotes [St. Thomas Becket] Chap. to Awhorpe R. Maltby is a Chap. to Hallington and Rathby. Walmgate is a Chap. to Burwell. Cauthorp is a Chap. to Covenham St. Barth. D. { 0-300 0:} M m 2 268 LINCOLNSE. DIOCESE of LINCOL N. D. Maniake, in the Arch-Deaconry of STOW. 21 00 00 02 02 00 14 10 00 ŞHalton als Welt-Halton [St. Etheldreda] with Conilby Chap.}or 12 00 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. RcEtories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. 25 00 oo Althorpe R. [St. Oſwald] Proxies and Synods x s. 02 IO 00 The KING Broughton R. (St. Mary) Proxies and Synods x s. Sir Stephen Anderſon 1714. (W.) 12 00 00 BURTON near Humber, alias Stather V. (St. Andrew] oi 04 00 701.145. 11d. Proxies and Synods x s. Certified/ alue. Pri. Bockland in Com. Somerſet Propr. Duke of Bucks (Wi.) Crull V. alias Crowle (St. Oſwald] Proxies and Synods x s. QI 09 00 Abby of Selby Propr. Eleanor Fox Widow 1718. Hen. Shuttleworth 1722. 13 10 00 Flixburgh R. [All Saints] Proxies and Synods x s. 01 07 00 701. 35 2d. James Holt Eſq; 1698. Duke of Bucks (Wi.) CertifiedValue. 16 Oo oo s Biſhop of Norwich. OS 00 00 Luddington V. (St. Oſwald) Proxies and Synods xs. oo 16 oo 45 1. 11s. O d. Abby of Selby Propr. Thomas Pindar Eſq; 1689, 1722. Certified Value. Maunton R. alias Manton [St. Hibald] Proxies and Syn. x s, OI 06 08 671.18 5.9 d. Thomas Dalyſon Eſq; 1715. Certified Value. Riſby V. (St. Bartholomew] 00 10 08 691.12 5.3 d. Pri. Thornholme Propr. Robert Elwys Eſq; 1714, 1727. Certified Value. 06 03 04 Roxby V. [St. Mary] Proxies and Synods x s. 00 12 04 Pri. Drax. Ebor. Propr. Robert Elwys Eſq; 1714, 1727. 28 00 00 Winteringham R. [All Saints] Prox. and Synods and Syn. x s. 02 16 oo George Earl of Caſtleton 1680. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 20 15 07 Alkborow V. alias Awkburgh (St. John Baptift] Syn. ii s. viid. Or 00 00 Pri. Spalding Propr. Thomas Denman Eſq; 1688. Mr.Goul- ton Patr. 46 07 01 Apulby V. alias Appleby (St. Bartholomew] Synods ii s. vii d. Pens. Pri. Thornbolme xiii s. iiii d. Pri. Thornholme Propr. Sir Rowland Wynne Bart. 1705, 1727. S Bottesford V. [St. Peter] cum Cap. Burningham, Proxies and 13 об о8 05 06 08 20 So d}or 01 00 00 30 00 073 Synods x s. I 00 00 Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. 22 12 055 Frodingham V. [St. Laurence] Proxies and Synods x s. Mon. Revesby Propr. Anne Leake Widow 1664. OI 05 08 Hibalſtow LINCOLNSHA DIO GESE of LINCOLN. 269 Yearly Tenthi. 1. l. d. s. Pensifoo 15.00 OI 00 00 00 II 00 Clear Yearly Value. d. SHibalſtow V. [St. Hibald) Proxies and Synods x s. 20 09 10 ? Ecclef. Lincoln. vis. viï d. Domus de Goykerwell olim Propr. Sub-Dean of Lin- coln Patr... Mr. Dályſon (Wi.) 30 10 09 Mellingham V. [Holy Trinity] Proxies and Synods x s. Pri. Thornholme Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 22 18 041 Redbary als RedbournV.[St. Andrew] Proxies and Synods x s. Abbey of Selby Propr. Eliz. Carter Widow 1715. 32 12 05 Scawlby V. alias Scawby [St. Hibald] Proxies and Syn. x s. Pri. Tbornholme Propr. Nich. and James Nelthorp 1708. Whitton V. [St. John Baptift] Proxies and Synods x s. Mon. Welbeck in Nottingh. Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. Winterton alias Wincton V. [All Saints) Proxies and Sy- nods x s. The KING. Pri. Malton in York Propr. Eaſt-Toft is a Chap. to Crull. 00 14 00 15 0500 00 13 00 {, zoo 25 Oo oo 16 00 0 Nets, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOLN. s. { Boo 16 OI 03 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. ho d. Braceburgh R. (St. Margaret] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. 09 10 00 Penf. Hofpit. de Burton Lazars xxvi s. viii d. Pri. Spald-400 19 00 ing vi s, viii d. The KING. MARKET-DEEPING R. [St. Guthlake] Synods and Pro-? xies x s, ii d. 01 Lord Burleigh 1605. The QUEEN 1710. The KING. SGretford R. (St. Thomas Becket] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. 18 10 00 2 Penſ. Prioriſe de Wynton xiii s. iii d. OI 17 CO The KING. S Weſt-Deeping R. [St. Michael] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d.? 09 17 11 Penf. Abb. Burn, xiii s. iiii d. The KING. SUffington R. [St. Michael] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. Pens: 2 Priori Bello vero ( Belvoir) xx s. 02 02 06 Hon. Charles Bertie Efq; 1719. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly' Value 14 II 00 Barholme alias Barhalm V. [St. Martin] Synods, iïis, viïi d. The KING. Mon. Bourne Propr. d. d.}oo 19 094 i > 1 00 II 02 3 Baſton 270 DIOCESE of LINCOLN. LINCOLNSH. 1. d. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. I. d. 25 14 01}{Baften, best, John Baptiſt ] Synods and Proxies x s. ü d. OO 12 01 The KING. Mon, Croyland Propr. 37 08 00 Carleby R. (St. Stephen] Synods and Proxies x s. ü d. 00 18 024 John Tigh Efq; 1712. Charles Cecil Efq; b. v. 1722. Earl of Exeter (Wi.) 10 09 04 Deeping-James V. alias Eaſt-Deeping. 00 13 11 Mon. Thorney Propr. Thomas Low 1605. The KING by Lapſe 1797 31 17 09:{. Langtoft V. [St. Michael] Synods and Proxies x s. ii d. Penſ. OO 10 061 Abb. Crowland vi s. viï d. Mon. Croyland Propr. William Hyde Eſq; 1712. 09 17 04. Stow V. [St. John Baptiſt) oo 08 041 Mon. Bourne Propr. · Truſtees of Oakham and Uppingham Schools. 28 16 09 Thurleby alias Thurkeby V. [St. Firmin] Synods ii s. viii d. or 00 115 Mon. St. Michael Stamford Propr. Eton College. 19 00 06 Tallington V. (St. Laurence] Vicario in pecuniis viii l. vis. viii d. 00 16 11. Mon. Bello vero (Belvoir) Propr. Duke of Buckinghant 1666. Charles Bertie Eſq; (Wi.) Willeſthorp Chap. to Gretford. "}.00 o. Stamford, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOLN. 301 sy}oo 16 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths l. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. All-Saints V. with St. Peter's R. † Proxies and Synods x s. iid. 12 07 081 Redd. xd. Dec.& Cap. Lincoln xxs. Mon.Stamford lxiii s. iiiid. 01 04 097 Pri. Stamford Propr. The KING one Turn, and Mr. Re- pington two Turns. Mr. Rogers has the two Turns (Wi.) Clement's R. with St. John's R. Proxies and Synods x s. ii d. 08 08 06 Penſ. Abb. Bevall xiii s. iiii d. Redd. vi s. viii d. Sy-S00 16 10% 581.16 s. 28. nods i s. viii d. CertifiedValue. Mayor and Corporation of Stamford one Turn in three. Samuel Rogers Clerk 1719, for two Turns in three. Livings Diſcharged. ClearYearly Value. St. Andrew's V. Synods ii s. viii d. with St. Michael's R. Pro- xies and Syn. x s. ii d. Pri. Stamford Propr. 21. 05 09 oo i7 05 St. Stephen's R. united, Redd. xvii d. Synods and Pro- xies ii s. vii d. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter, one Turn · Mayor, &c. of Stamford one, and the Earl of Exeter two Turns. SSE 9 1 St. + The five Churches now ftanding are St. John's, All Saints, St. Michael's, St. George, and St. Mary's. I 1 LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN 27 I s. . Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenobs, I. d. I. d. S St. George with St. Paul's R. united, Proxies and Synods ix s. 28 OI 00 10 04 iiii d. Synods s. . Redd, vid. Redd. id. ob. Richard Snow Gent. 1691. Earl of Exeter 1722. Sir Paul Brockleſby (Wi.) S St. Mary's R. Archidiac. Lincoln. Proxies and Synods x s. ii d. 04 00 013 Redd ii d. ob. Reddi d. ob. 4.300 og 10; Biſhop of Lincoln. Ws300 3 B. Wallcroft, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOLN. King's Books. 1. s. d. 1. s. d. 00 10 00 66 1. 18 s. 2 d. 03 06 08 Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 03 12 06 ŞBinbrooke St. Gabriel's P. 1 Ecclefiæ Lincoln, lxi s. ix d. Vi- 07 03 car. Choral. xls. Choriſt. iii s. ii d. Redd. iii s. Biſhop of Lincoln. 05 Oo oo Kingerby V. [St. Peter] Hosp. Elham olim Propr. (Mon. Vol. II. p. 421.) Edward CertifiedValue. Perrot Efq; 1714, 1723. 16 04 02 Linwood R. (St. Cornelius] Synods ix s. * d. o1 12 05 οι Ι Sir Charles Cæfar Knt. 1691. Mr. Sheppard (Wi.) ŞWeft-Raſen R. [All Saints] Synods ix s. üde Pens. 19 10 10 2 in Ebor. Ixvi s. viii d. } 01 II OI 19 Elizabeth Smith 1690. Jo. Pyke Cl. this Turn 1717. 09 10 10 Toft R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Synods.ix s. id. 00 19 01 The KING 1671, 1686. Weft-Wykam V. 00 06 08 The KING Patr. Pri. Sixhill Propr. 23 18 01 Waleſby R. [All-Saints] Redd. ïi s. 02 07 091 Lord Exeter 1698. Sarah Broum Widow 1727. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 30 00 00 * BINBROOKE St. Gabriel's V. oo 1.6 oo Prebendary of Milton Manerin Co. Oxon. Propr. and Patr. 46 05 08 SBINBROOKE St. Mary's R. Synods ix s. ii d. Penf. Mon. de of 00 05 { Black Monks in Lincoln. liii s. iiii d. The KING, 46 16 06 Claxby R. (St. Mary] Synods and Proxies ix s. ii d. oo 17 01 Sir John Clopton 1693. Mr. Marham (Wi.) 25 og 04 Croxby R. (All-Saints] Synods ix s, ii d. 00 12 05 The KING, ŞKelſey St. Mary's R. Synods ix s. ii d. Penf. Colleg. Sti Mi- 47 og 04 chaelis in Cantabr, xxvi s. viii d. 01 04 05 The KING. Kelſey + Binbrooke P.-This is parcel of the Prebend of Milton Maner', in the Church of Lincoln ; which Prebend is charged in the Deanry of Cuddeſdon in Co. Oxon. dezor 272 DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. .LINCOLNSH. S. 1. ... d. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 37 19 04 Ķelſey St. Nicholas R. Synods ix si: ji d. :: oo 15 OI Mary Aſcough V. 1705. Andrew Thornbagh Eſq; 1721. 19 04 oo Kirkby V. (St. Andrew) with Oſgarby, Synods xx d. 00 17 10 Pri. Elham de Kirkby Propr. Sir John Monfon 1665. 28 11 04 · Newton R. [St. Michael] Synods ix s. ii d. 00 09 01 Lord Caſtleton 1712. 49 Oo oo oo Normanby R. (St. Peter] Synods ix s. ii d.. oo 19 01 John Clopion 1686. The Honourable Thomas Wentworth Eſq; 1721. 49 07 04 Owerſby V. (St. Martin] Synods xx d. 00 17 10 Mon. Royſton Propr. Sir Henry Monſon Bart. 1714. 29 15 05 Eaſt-Raſen V. alias Market RASEN (St. Thomas Apoftle] or Oo oo The KING. Pri. Șixhill Propr. ŞMiddle-Raſen Drax V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Synods ix s.? ΟΙ Ο5 ΟΙ { ii d. Pens. Pri. Drax vi s. viii d. Mon. Tupholme Propr. William Brownlow Efq; 1692. S Staynton le Hole R. [St. Andrew] Synods ix s. ii d. Pens? oo 09 09 { Þri . de Alvingham xxxiii s. iiiid. The Biſhop 1685. 21:02 08$Tevelby alias Teleby V. [All Saints] Penf. Pri. de Sixhill oo 13 04 { lxxiii s. iiii d. Pri. Sixhill Propr. Lord Caſtleton 1684. 41 10 08 ŞThorefway R. (St. Mary) Synods ix s. ii d. Penſ. Abb. de Weiloo XXX S. 00 17 01 The KING. 17 Oo oo Thorganby R. [All-Saints] Synods ix s. ii d. The KING. Thornton le Moor R. [All-Saints] Proxies and Synods ix s. ii d. 00 19 or Biſhop of Ely. Tupholme V. 00 05 01 Mon. Tupholme Propr. q. Biſhop of Lincoln. Mr. Vyner 19 10 08 14 og 06 :}01 Pensizoo bill Zoo de Zoo 6 00 12 OI 37 10 08 I 2 00 00 IS Oo oo OO 10 051 North-Willingham V. [St. Thomas Apoſtle] Pri. Sixhill Propr. George Heneage Erq; 1687. Not in Charge. Ozelby alias Uffelby (St. Marga-31. 8:00 : 00 Clear Val. (not Charged.) Mon. Elſham Propr. Mr. Billclift Patr. (Wi.) D. Draghoo, in the Arch-Deaconry of LINCOLN. s. -1 d. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Pearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 23.08 0675 Beningworth alias Benyworth R. [St. Julian] Synods and Pro- 02 06 10 George Heneage Eſq; 1689. Univerſity of Cambridge 1690. Duke of Somerſet 1591. Lord Middleton 1724. Burgh LINCOLNSH. DIOCESE of LINCOLN . 273 . }oo > 07 10 10 - Liftington R. (St. John Baptiſ] Synods ix s. iid. Penf. Cap. Zor 05 og King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Is. d. S Burgh upon Bane V. (St. Helen] Synods ix s. ii d. Pens. 07 10 10 Pri, de Nuncoton vis. 00 15 01 Il. CertifiedValue. Pri. Nuncoton Propr. q. Biſhop of Lincoln. Willian Welcome Gent. 1605. Mr. Compton (W.) · Hatton R. [St. Stephen] Synods ix s. ii d. 00 15 0 1 53 l. 19 s. 7 d. Sir Richard Wynch Bart, and Rebecca Wynch Widow 1711. CertifiedValue. Robert Lawley Efq; (Wi.) SHowton alias Howlton in Bickering R. [All Saints] Synods 2 17 10 10 15 OI 68 1 15 s. { and Proxies ix s. ii d. CertifiedValue. Sir Juſtinian Iſham Bart. 1708. Edmund Turner Eſq; (Wi.) 12 17 06 Ebor. vis. 05 09 72 l. 18 si CertifiedValue. Dean and Chapter of York. 12 00 00 Panton R. [St. Andrew] 01 04 00 731. 8 s. 6 d... Sir, Edinund-Turner Knt. 168r. Edmund Turner Efq; 1727. CertifiedValue. 08 05 00 Rand R. [St. Oſwald] Synods ix s. ii d. 00 16 06 68 l. 3 s. 4 d. James Harrington Eſq; 1690. (Thomas Weft M. D. and ". Certified Value. Elizabeth Nodes 1716. 03 1906 (Snelland R. (All-Saints ] Synods ix s. ii d. Penſ. Abb. de Bar . or og 621.8s 11 d. 2 lings vi s. vid. Certified Value. Sir John Brownlow Bart. Lord Tyrconnel (Wi.) 06 17 06 Wickenby R. (St. Laurence] oo 13 09 Sir Thomas Willoughby Bart. this Turn 1709. Sir Thomas Barnardiſton another Turn. Sir Thomas Abdy, Sir John Shaw. 08 04 02 Wragby V. [All-Saints] Synods ix s. ii d. 00 16 05 341. 155. 3 d. Pri. Sti Oſwaldi Ebor. Propr. Olim Pri. de Icford in Lin- Certified alue. coln. Edmund Turner Gent. 1716. ar-300 21 00 00 00 II 10 3 or Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Bardney V. [St. Laurence) 00 14 00 Mon. Bardney Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 21 08 oo Beſkerthorpe R. [St. Helen] Synods and Proxies xx d. The KING.COM 38 I 1 Eaſtbark with R. (St. Mary) Synods xx d., 01 03 01 George Heneage Eſq; 1684. Margaret Skipwith Widow 1727 35 16 06 Eaſt-Terrington R. [St. Michael] Synods and Proxies ix s. ii d. 00 15 0I Edmund Turner Eſq; 1716. 44 10 00 Haynton V. or Curacy (St. Mary) Synods.ix s, iid. 00 15 01 Dean and. Chapter of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. Kirmond V. (St. Martin] Synods ix s. ii d. Pri. Stainfield Propr. Edmund Turner Eſq; 1719. 40 OI OI Langton V. (St. Giles] oo 09 04 Mon. Bolington Propr. Philip Saltmarſh Eſq; 1687. :: Leggisby 20 00 00 00 10 00 Nn 274 DIOCESE of LINCOL N. LINCOLNSH. 1. S. .$. 11 00 00 00 11 IO 00 12 00 Clear Tearly Values Teärly Tenths. d. ..d 46 02 09. Leggisby V. [St. Thomas Apoſtle] Synods ix s. ii d. DO 12 05 Pri. Šixhill Propr. Sir Godard Nelthorp Bart, 1703 Sir John Nelthorp 1725. Ludforth magna V. [St. Helen] 00 08 052 Pri. Sixbill Propr. George Heneage Eſq; 1661. Biſhop of Lincoln 1672. 19 Oo oo Ludforth alias Ludford St. Peter's parva R. Synods xx d. Thomas Barnard Gent. 1701 (W..) 36 05 00 Sixhill V. [All-Saints] Pri, Sixhill Propr. Lord Middleton 1716. 00 1801 3:2 Oo oo Sotbie elias Saltby. R. Archidiac. ix s. ii d. The KING. 44 i9 og Stainton near Langworth V. [St. John Baptiſt] Synods xx d. 00 og 10- Mon. Barlings Propr. Lord Caſtleton 1720. 47 03 02 Weſt-Barkworth R. [All Saints] Synods xx d. 00 10 06. Thomas Skipwith Eſq; Margaret his Wife, and others, 1684. 17 00.00 Weft-Terrington V. [St. Mary] 0 08 00 Mon. Bolington Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln 1688. Robert Jenkinſon Efq; (W.). :) 47 10 00 Willingham South R. (St. Martin]: Synods ix.s. ii.d. 01 07 01 : George Heneage Efq;.1685: Not in Charge. Stainfield 1. 6 : 00 :-00 Clear Val. Pri. Stainfield Propr. Sir John Tyrwhite Patr. Applay Cur. (St. Andrew] 1. 6:00:00 Clear Valo. Pri. Stainfield Propr. Sir John Tyrwhitt. Patr. (Wi.) ! * * Goltho Sine-Cure Bolington, Chap. to Goltha Žof exempt Jurifdiion 1 1 d. d. P.ri. Bolington Propr. Mi. Grantham Patr.. Fulnerby, Chapel to Rand. D. - Vazburgh, in the Arch-Deaconry of. LINCOLN. Livings remaining in Chargé. King's Bocks. ? early Tenths. 1. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. 13.10 10 Bigbye R. (All-Saints] Proxies and Synods ii s. ii.d. OL. 07 0.1 73 l. 9 s. 6 d. Róbert Elwys Efq; 1689. CertifiedValue. 32 00 00 CASTER P. in Ecclef. Lincoln. 03:04 00. Biſhop of Lincoln. Melton-Roſs with Scamblesby P: CorwitRatl. jiiis. ' Ec- 13 13. 04 clefiæ Lincoln. lx s. iii:d. Priz. Spalding :V s. Cantar. de * 02 07 04 . Mansfeld xxxiii s. ili da Biſhop of Lincoln. 19 10 10 Nettleton R. (St. John Baptiſt] Proxies and Synodsix s. ü d. 01 19 01: 667. 195, 6; dei Sir John Cooper 1713. William Cowper Efq; (W) CertifiedValue. North- : 1 for LINCOLNSH, DIOCESE of LINCOL N. 275 King's Books: 1. s. d. 02:{ xh pro Pension 591.9 s. 6 d. 1 pelo 00 00 00 l'early Tenths. 1. S. d. North-Kelſay P. Ecclefia-Lincoln. lxxi s. v d. Vicar. Choral. 16 10 02 xl s. Vicario ibidem iii s. iid. Vicár. de No. Kelſay pro Pens. for 13 00 liii s. iii à. Domina Saliſbury xxiiii d. Biſhop of Lincoln. 12 18 08:{Saxby, R. [All Saints] Proxies and Synods ix s. ii d. Penſ. . de s. 05 10 Sir Michael W barten. Knt. 1719. CertifiedValue. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 48 15.02 Barrow V. (Holy Trinity] Proxies and Synods iiii s. 00 19 07 The KING. Mon. Thornton Propr. 22 16:06 Barnetby V. [St. Mary] Proxies and Synods x s. ü d. 00 12 05 Pri. Newſted ſuper Axbolme Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln. 35 16 11 SBARTON St. Mary upon Humber V. Proxies and Synods it s.201 18 051 Penj. Pri. Bardney liïi s. iiii d. The KING: Mon. Bardney Impr. SBRIGGE Chapel alias Glanford Briggs iSt. Mary) is a Chapel? 14 00 00 to Wrawbý -45.17 04 Bondely alias Bonby V. [St. Andrew] Prox. and Syn.xxd. 00 12 052 Pri. Beauvale Propr. Thomas Frewen Efq; 168F. 35 18.06 : Brocklesby R. (All-Saints Synods ix s. id. 00,15 01 Charles Pelham Efq; 1687. -25 II 04 Cadnay V. (All-Saints] Synods xx di 00 15 10 Pri. Thorneholme' Propr. Charles Pelham Eſq; 1694. * CASTER. V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Synods ix's.' îi d. . . liii s. . Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Croxton R. (St. John Evangelift) Synods ix s. ii d. Pen. 34 03 04 Pri. de Nuncoton xliii s, ižid. Abb. de Elham xiii s, iüi d. oo 17 05 The K-ING. 49 16 oo Ellham V. [All-Saints] Synods xx d. 00 15 10 Hosp. Elham olim Propr. (Mon. Vol. II. p. 421.) William Thompſon Eſq; 1704. 24 03 Or Ferreby South R. [St. Nicholas] Synods x s. ii d.' OI 05 09 Biſkop of Lincoln: 19 17 04 Goxhill V. (All-Saints] Synods and. Proxies xx d. 01 09 10 The KING. Abbey of Thornton Propr. q. if the Biſhop of Lincoln has not the Nomination? 49 15 04 Greſby V. [All Saints] Synods and Proxies ïi s. iiii d. OO II 09 Mon. Thornton Propr. Sir Robert Legard Knt. 1713. John Legard Efq; 1722. 13 17 04 Hawburgh V. alias Haſburgh (St. Margaret] 00 16 oo Charles Pelbam Eſq; 1666. The KING-1723. "Pri. Newfome alias Newbouſe Propr. S Halton upon Humber, alias Eaſt-Halton V. [St. Peter] Pro- 14 17 04 xies and Synods xx d. 00 15 10 Pri. Newsome alias Newhouſe Propr. William Booth Gent. 1605. none fince. Nn 2 Horkeſtow 23 16.00. ** Penj. Preb. ibidem li su mi d: { 4:3:00,14.08. i ( ܘܘ{-Pro 276 DIOCESE of LINCOLN. LINCOLNSH 1. S. · d. . 00 00 00 4 Clear Yearly Palue. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. 39 17 04 Horkeſtow V. [St. Maurice] Synods xx d. oo 09 10 Præceptor de Willoughton Propr. Edward Darell Eſq; 1714. 20 00 00 "Keilby V. (St. Bartholomew] Pri. Nuncoton Progr. Lord William Pawlet (Wi.) Ed- ward Ayſcough Efq; 1605; none ſince. 16 17 04 Killingholme V. [St. Dennis) Synods and Proxies xx d. 00 15 10 Abb. Newfome Propr. Charles Pelham Efq; 1676. 13 08 03 Kirminton V. (St. Helen] Synods xx d. oo 09 10 Abb. Newfome Propr. George Holland Gent. 1680. 48 07.04 Limberg magna V. (St. Peter] Synods xx d. 00 19 10 The KING. Domus Carthuf. in Caven. Propr. 12.10 04 * North-Kelſạy V: 00 16 oo Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 17 03.10 Ryþię V. [St. Edmund] Synods xx d. 0009 10 Mon. Welloo Propr. William Tomlyn Eſq; 1706. 40 05 02 * Sereby Å. alias Severby, with Ownby V. (St. Nicholas) 00 16 00 s! Pean and Chapter of Lincoln Propri and Patr. s Somerby R. [St. Margaret] Synods and Proxies xx d. Penf.? 41.17, 04 ? Abb. Whitby iïi s. iii de 00 14,09 The KING. 16 16 02 Stallingburgh V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Synods and Pro- xies x s. ii d. 03 OI Pri. Selby Ebor. Propr.- Biſhop of Lincoln.. 19 13 00 Thornton-Curtis V. [St. Laurencej Synods xx d. Mọn. Tboratoe, Propr. . Sir Rooland Wage Bart. I : 5. 18 08'02- Ulceby V. [St. Nicholas] Synods xx.d. or og'10 The KING. Mon. Thornton Propri 23 08 081 Witton alias Wotton V. (St. Andrew] Synods xx d. 00 09.10 Mon. Thornton Propr. Fairmeadon Penyſton Eſq; 1691. 29 17 04 Worleſby alias Worlby V. [St. Clement] Synods' xx do. * Mon. Thornton Propr. Lady Suſan Bellaſis 1704. .Dukę of Richmond 1722. 32° 13 10 Wrawby V. [St. Mary) Synods vs. vd. 00 19 053 Clare-Hall, Cambridge. 34 17 04 Ymmingham V. alias Îmmingham (St. Andrew] Syn. xx d. 00 15 10 Dr. Edward Greathead, Mr. Bolton and Mr. Alcock (Wi.) Elizabeth Jeffray 1699. Biſhop by Lapſe. 1710. "Mr. William Alcock 1723. Not in Charge. Melton-Roffe Cur. 1. 15:00.: 08 Clear Val. Prebendary Propr. and Patr. Clixby and Holton le Moore Cur. 31, 13 06:08 Clear Val. Members of Cafter ( 00 II JO 1 00 I2 IQ $ . 1 Barton St. Peter's, is join'd with Barton St. Mary's. D : BEDFORDSH. DIOCES E-of. LINCOLN. 277 5. d. 1. d. 1 " P: 169 00.35. 0I II II D. Bedford . Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 60 12 031 Arch-Deaconry of Bedford 06.01 02 Biſhop of Lincoln. Oſbért was the firſt Arch-Deacon, anno 1092. Le Neve, Bedford Major P. (in Eccl. Linc.) Prebendar. minori lii s. ijii d. 07 15 02 Decano & Collegio Lincoln. xlii s. · Ballivis. xiii s. jiii d... Şe-400, 15, 061 neſchall . vi s. viii d. Ballivo & Collect. Redd. vi s. viii d. Biſhop of Lincoln. S Dunſtable St. Peter's and St. Mary's R. (in Bedford.). Synods for 02 057 II 04 091 631. 125.4d. 1 { and Proxies v s. iii d. Penf. Epiſc. Lincoln. x s. CertifiedValue. Biſhop of · Lincoln Patron ; and in the Collation 1725; 'tis called only St. Mary's in Bedford, 08 09 04: Goldington V. (St. Mary) Archidiac. iiii s. 00 16 11 571, 6s. 8 d. Pri. Newenham Impr. John Sanderſon Hawkins Gent. 1717. CertifiedValue. Given to the Wife of the Reverend Mr. Collins, and ſettled on her Son, 1724. 15 19 02 Houghton-Conqueſt R. [All Saints] Arcbidiac. v s. vid. Edward Atkins Eſq; 1674. Earl of Aileſbury and Thomas Dockwra Efq; 1706. The Reverend Dr. Zachary Grey Patr. 1722: St. Yohn's College, in Cambridge, Patr. 1725. 09 19 07 {Howanenbam in. Redd. xx d. SHoughton-Gildaple R. [All Saints) Archidiac. V s. vid. Pri.? 00 19 11 Edward Alkins Eſq; 1674. Earl of Aileſbury and Thomas Dockwra Eſq;. 1706. ' The Reverend Dr. Zachary Grey Patr. 1722. St. John's College, in Cambridge, Patr. 1725. 12 00 od Kempfton V. [A1l-Saints] Abbiſſe de Elneſtow'xI s. 01 04 00 62 l. 8 s. 9 d. Pri. Elneſtow Impr. Mr. William Davis 1725. CertifiedValue. 11 13 01 Martin St. Peter's R. Redd. Domino Regi xvid. Redd. Hofp. 01 02 03 65 1. 1 s. id. Sti Johan. viii d. Archidiac. V s. · CertifiedKalye. The KING. Wilſhamſtede y. alias Willihampfted [All Saints] Archidiace X s. vi.d. Pri. Elxieſtow Tnpr. Sidney College, Cambridge. 13.06.08 Wottam V. alias Wotton [St. Mary] Arcbidiac. x s. vid. i 01.06.108, Pri. Newenham Impr. Sir Humphrey Monoux Bart. ( Livings + Dunflable St. Peter's–This is Records is called' Dunſtable St. Peter's, or St. Peter's Dunfiable, in the Town of Bedford; and has the name of Dunſtable added to that of 'St. Peter's, to diſtinguiſh it (as is fup- poſed) from another Pariſh in the ſame Town, called Martin St. Peter's, or St. Peter's Martin : but this of Dunſtable bears no. (other) -Relation to the Rectory of Dunſtable , in the Deanry of Dunſtable, which was made a Rectory out of the Monaſtery there, and is about 13 Miles diſtant from this in Bedford. 1 Houghton-Conqueſt and Houghton-Gildaple R. were united in the Reign of King Charles I. (^?.) 17, 1 :> 1 en wo 278 DIOGĘSE of LINCOLN BEDFORDSEE 1. d. Zoo.10 111 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 08 oo oo Bidnam V. alias Biddenham (St. James 00 16.00 William Boteler 1605. Now.the Lord Trevor 1721. Pri. Waterbach (Wi.). 36.og ori Cardington V. {St. Mary] Archidiac. iï s. 00 15 08 Pri. Newenham Impr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 21 15 00 Cowpull alias Cople V. (All-Saints] Archidiac. iii s. 00 15:08 Pri. Chickſond Impr. Dean and Canons of Chrift-Church, Oxford. 28' 12 oo St. Cuthbert BEDFORD R. Archidiac. vs üii d., Redd, Pri. Dunſtable xii d, Redd. Domino Regi vii si üïi d. The KING, 0.7 09, aq, Élneftow V. [St. Mary and St. Helen] Abb, de 'Elneſtow xxi s. üid. 00 00 00 Pri. Elneſtow Impr. William Hillerfden Efq; 39.05 00 St. Paul's BeDFORD V. + Pri. Newenham Impr. George Carteret Efq; 1689. Now Lord Carteret 1723. 31 03 oo Willington V. [St. Laurence] Archidiac. iii s. 00 15 081 ; Pri. Newenham Impr. Sir William Goſtwick Bart. 1713. Earl of Godolphin and Ducheſs of Marlborough 1727. Not in Charge. St. John Baptiſt R. and Maſterſhip of the Hoſpital. Mayor and Corporation of Bedford. Egginton cum Clipfon Cur, ·l, 20 :00 : oo Clear Val. Heath and Reath Cur. 1. 11 : 00 : oo Clear Val. Stainbridge Cur. l. 8 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Billington Cur. 1. 20: 00 : 00 Clear Val. OI 00 00 ' D. Clopham, in the Arch-Deaconry of BEDFORD. 1 d. ( 1 Livings remaining in Charge. King's. Books Yearly; Tentos Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors.. d. 17 00 00 Bletſoe R. [St. Mary) Archidiac. * s. vi d. i 01 14.00 Lord St. John 08 0000 Bromehall alias Bromeham V. [St. Owen) Arcbidiac. iii s. oo 16 oo 57 l. 10 s. I d. Pri. Radwell alias, Caldwell "Impr., Eton College. CertifiedValue. 15.06 08. Carlton R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. xs. vi d. OI 10 08 Lord Trevor 1720. 10 00 00 Farndiſh R. (St. Michael] Archidiac. X s. vid. 66 I. 12 s. Chr. Vivian Genç, 15.71, Sir Jobn Chefter (Wi.) CertifiedValue, 10 06 08 Knotting R. [St. Margaret] Archidiac. x s. vid. 01 00 08 751. 5 f John Sharpe ſenior 1699. Mr, Rider (B.). Mr. Pye (Wi.) Certified Value. Milton- + St. Paul's in Bedford Thomas Chriftie Eſq; gave the great Tythes to this Pariſh. Mag. Brit. & Hib. P. 152. 01 00 00 6 BEDFORDSH. DIOCESĖ" of "LINCOʻL N. 279. 2. d. 07 06 08 T 19 00.00 I ot 12 oo 10 00 00 ac: Zor 1 1 OD 00 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenth's. 1. d. Milton-Earneſt V. † [A11-Saints] 00 14 08 Abb: Sti Albani in Herif. Propr. Mary Rolt Widow 1684. Edward Turner, Sir Iuftinian Ilham, and Edmund Turner 1721." Mr. Roberts (Wi.) Samuel Rolt Efq; (B.) Odell R. [All Saints] Arcbidiac. x s. vid. or 18 oo Sir Thomas Alſton Bart. 1714. 16 00 00 Turvey R. (All-Saints] Archidiat, v s. iii d. Earl of Peterborough 1705. { Wimington R. alias Winington [St. Laurence] Arcbidiac.? 01 00 00 92 1. 55. Xs, vid....., Certified Valut. Mr. Stephen Newcome 1698. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 46 13 00 Chelington R. [St. Nicholas) Arcbidiac. X s. vid. Lord Trevor ?120. 16. do 00 , Clopham V. [St. Thomas Beckét] Archidiac. xii d. 00 II 04 The KING 1725. Pri. Radwell alias Caldwell Impr. Lord: Apburnham. 40. Oż Felmerſham (St. Mary) with Pavenham V. [St. Peter] Archi- diae. * Sar Vid. OI 07 Q4 Trinity College, Cambridge. 2:5 03 06' HARWOULD V. alias Harrolde (All-Saints] Archidiac, iż s. oo 16 oo Pri. Harwould Propr: William Farrer Eſq; 1710, Ockley V. [St. Maty ) Arrhidiac. ii s. oo 16 to Pri. Radweli alias Caldwell Impr. Eton College. 43 02 00 Puddington V. [St. Mary] Arcbidiac. iii s. 00 14 08. Pri. Canons-Abby Propr. Richard Orlebar Efq; 1714. 46 19 06 Sharnebrookė V. (St. Peter] Archidiac. iii' s. oo 16 og The KING. Mon. Leiceſter Propr. 48. 05. 09 Souldrop R. {All-Saints], Archidiac. x s. vi d. od is so Mr. Pjx (B.) Lady Wright (Wi:) The Honourable Ed- ward Carteret Efq; and Carew Harvey Eſq; 1710. Stevington V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. iii s. Pri. Harwould Propr. Peter Floyer Efq; 1716. Lord Tre- vor (Wi.) 11:00 00 Stachden V. alias Stagfden (St. Leonard] Archidiac, ïïi s. oo 16 oo Pri. Newenham Impr. Lord Trevor 1720. biror 20 00 00 20 00 00 oi 05 04 7 t D.Dunttable, in the. Arch-Deaconrý of BÉD FOR D. r t. da 7 Livings remaining in Cbürge. King's Books,.. Yearly Tenibs. Refories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. l. J. 4, ŞBarton in le Clay R. (St. Nicholas] Abb. Ramſey xx s. Arcbi. 12 111 diac. x s.. yi d. The KING. Batlerden tu Milton-Earneft V: A Houſe and Impropriate Tyches ſettledon' it. by Sir -Edmund Turner Knt. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of impropriations; p. 3253 26 09.07 Arcbi.3o2 . v ? 1 niel 280 DIOCESE of LINCOL N. BEDFORDSH. 10 до со IŻ 16 03 08 09 07 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. 12 09 07 Batleſden R. (St. Peter) Archidiac. x s. vid. 01 04 II Allen Bathurſt Eſq; 1707. Now Lord Bathurft 1723. Mr. Page Patr. 1725. Sir Gregory Page preſented 1726. Cadington V. alias Carington (All-Saints] Archidiac. x s. vid. oi 00 00 Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Propr. and Patr. Eyton V. alias Eton Bray (St. Mary] Archidiac. xs, vid. 01 05 073 481. 7s. 81/1 Pri, Blerton in Surry Inpr. 'Trinity College, Cambridge. CertifiedValue. Ş Hligham-Gobion R. Arcbidiae. X s. vid. Pri. de Markyate}oo 16 11; Viſcount Grandiſon 1685. John Negus Gent. 1719. Mr. Hawkins (Wi.) 68 16 00 Leighton Bofard P. Ecclefiæ Lincoln. vii l. xvii s. v d. 06 17 071 Biſhop of Lincoln. LEIGHTON BOS ARD V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] cum Cap. de Clipſton, Hethe (St. Leonard), Stanbridge [St. Swithin], 15 00 00 Eggington, Reche [St. Leonard), and Billington, a Peculiar ſor 10 00 of the Church of Lincoln Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 35 12 01 LUTON V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. Xs. vid. 03 II 02 Abby of St. Albans Propr. Sir John Napier. Bart. 1706. II 16 03 Milton Bryan R. [St. Peter] Archidiar. X:5. vid. Pri. Mer- ton vi s. viii d. 03 07 inni The KING. 16 99 07 Occliffe R. alias Hockliffe (St. Nicholas] Archidiac, x s. vid. oi 12 11; Adam Houghton Gent. (this Turn) 1913. Biſhop by Lapſe 1719. 10 19 041 Potteſgrave R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. viii s, iii d. OI OI IT . Sophia Duncombe 1707. Lord Bathurſt (B.) Mr. Page 4 { sir ! Patr. 1725. 29 02 II 02. 18 031 08 13 09 00 17 041 00 II 04 00 II 04 00 00 00 05 Oo oo OI 04 TODINGTON R. [St. George] Archidiac. x s. vi d. Sir Henry Johnſon Knt. 1713. Lady Wentworth (Wi.) Hofp. Todington 05 13 04 Portio Willmi. Tate 05 13 04 Portio Johan. Dennet Portio Johan. Fiſh Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 24 06 04 Chalgrave V. alias Calgrave (All-Saints] Pri. Dunſtable Propr. Biſhop of Lincoln 1712. Mr. Jo- nathan Norris Patr. 1725. Mr. Potts (W.) King's Houghton V. [All Saints] Archidiac, iii's. Pri. Dunſtable Propr. Nehemiah Brandrith Eſq; 1704. Sondon alias Stondon V. (St. Mary] Mon. San&tæ Trin. de Boſco Impr. Thomas Cheyney Eſq; 1687. Mr. Clayton Patr. 1725. 15 00 IO Stratley V. (St. Margaret] Mr. Henry Harris 1661. Mr. Hugb Smith B.) Mon, Sanitæ Trin. de Boſco Impr. 35 II 06 01 02 04 21 00 00 oo 16 08 00 13 067 Studham BEDFORDSH. DIOCESE of LINCOLN. 281 Narly Tenths. 1. d. 00 18 oo 19 04 00 00 16 00 19 10 OO Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. Studham V. (St. Mary] The KING. Mon. Dunſtable Propr. Tilſworth V. [All-Saints] Richard Fowles Gent. 1605, none ſince. Sir John Cheſter (B.) Pri, Beachwood Propr. (Wi:) Totternall V. alias Totternhoo (St. Giles] Pri. Dunſtable Propr. Henry Lamb L L. D. 1714, and Mr. Mitchel alternate. 49 10 06 ŞWhipſnade R. [St. Mary Magdalen] Pexſ. Pri. Merton vi s. The KING 1660, 1681, 1719. 25 16 08 OI 00 00 iss} 00 15.04 St. Paul] (nor Chargedes and 31. 53 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. [St. Peter The KING Patr. 2. Eaton, in the Arch-Deaconry of BEDFORD. 1. s. 00 10 00 O Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. d. og oo oo Bolnehurſt R. (St. Dunſtan] Archidiac. xs. vid. oo 18 oo Sir William Fleetwood Knt. 1661. Biſhop by Lapſe 1711. Charles Fleetwood Efq; (B.) 18 Oo oo Colmworth R. [St. Dennis) Archidiac. xs. vid. oi 16 oo William Hillerſden Eſq; 1717. Deane R. [All-Saints] an Impropriation belonging to Worceſter Cathedral (granted 22 Maii primo Edw. VI.) no Vicarage 24 Oo oo endowed, but ſerved by a Curate ; Synods and Proxies Yo2 08 00 x s. vid. Pens. Pri. Sti Johan, Jeruſalem (Vid. Plowden's Comment. p. 493.) 05 00 00 Melchburne V. (St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vid. 651. 75. od. Pri, StiJohan. Yeruſalem Propr. Lord St. John 1715. CertifiedValue, 18 00 00 Partnall R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. x s. vid. OI 16 oo Dr. King (B.) Chr. Clithero and others 1710. 08 07 06 Riſley V. (All-Saints] Archidiac. x s. vid. 00 16 09 5d. Pri. Sti Yoban. Jeruſalem Propr. Earl of Bolingbroke CertifiedValue. 1690. Lord St. Jobri Patr. 1721. 13 00 00 Shelton R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vi d. Lord St. John 1715. 13 08 04 Stoughton parva R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. x s. ü d. or o6 10 Corpus-Chriſti College, Oxford. 13 10 00 Tilbrook R. [All-Saints] Archidiac, X s. vi d. 01 07 00 Lord St. John 1715. Wilden R. {St. Nicholas] Archidiac. x s. vi d. OI 16 08 Mr. Nodes (Wi.) Suſan Rolt Widow 1718. Oo Yelden † Dunpable-N. B. This differs from the Pariſh of Dunſtable St. Peter's and St. Mary's in the Town of Bedford ; this is the Abby-Church made into a Rectory. 60l. II S. 5 01 06 00 18 07 OI 282 DIOCESE of LINCOLN. BEDFORDSH. 1. s. 00 16 04 King's Books, Yearly Tenths. d. 1. d. 13 13 04 Yelden alias Yevelden R. (St. Mary] Archidiac, X s. vid. ' or 07 04 Earl of Boling brooke. 1698, 1905. Hopegood Beeſton ang Sarah St. John (this Turn) 1706. q: Sir Jeremy Sam- brook (W) Lord 57. Fökn Patr. 1722. q. Living Difaharged. Clear Yearly Value. 18 oo oo Barford V. [All Saints] Archidiac. iii s. 00 18 oo Pri. Newnbam Impr. Trinity College, Cambridge. Eaton V. alias Eaton-Soeon [St. Mary) Penſ. Pri: Sti-Johannis 50 00 00 Jeruſalem vi l. xiii s. iiii d. Archidiac. x s. vi d. In quadrant. OI 041 Lincoln. fol. Archidiac: ïi's, vi d. Pri. Sti Johannis Jeruſalem, Propr. Duke of Bedford 1719. Mr. Bigg (Wi.) 27 Oo oo Keyſhoe alias Cayſhoe V. (St. Mary] Arcbidiac. iii s. oo 16 oo Pri. Chickfond Impr. Trinity College, Cambridge. . 27 Oo oo Ravenſdon V. [All-Saints] Archidiac. iij s. OO 14 00 Pri. Newonbam Impr. William Goſtwick 1688. The KING by Lapſe 1716. Ducheſs of Marlborough (Wi.) 30 00 00 Renhald V. alias Raynold [All-Saints] Archidiac. iii s. Pri. Newnham Impr. William Becher Eſq; 1773. 28 00.00 Roxdon V. alias Roxton (St. Mary] Archidiac. ii s. Pri. Radwell als Caldwell Impr. Trinity College Cambridge. 35 00 00 Thurly V. [St. Peter] 00 18 00 Earl of Bolingbroke 1705. Lord St. John Patf. 1722... 01 OQ 00 l. 3. d. 1. S. d. 15 16 10:* 12000 12. 00 00 D. Fleete, in the Arch-Deaconry, of BEDFORD. Livings , remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. ŞAſpleguiſe R. [St. Botolph] Archidiac. X s. vid. . Priori? II 08* William Anſell Gent. 1718. Edward Hall Clerk (B.) Clophill V. [St. Mary] 01 04 00 Pri: Chickſand. Propr. Èarl of Kent. 1690. Duke of Kent (Wi.) Craneford R. alias Cranfield. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archi- 33 02 01 diac, xs. vid. Abb. Ramſey xx s. Ralph Smith Eſq; 1690. Mr. Thomas Frank (B.) 16 II 08 Everſhott R. [St. John Baptiſt] Priori Newnham xiiii s. Priori? Sti. Jobis Jeruſalem ii s. Archidiac. x s. vi d. O Earl of Orford 1699, 1721. Duke of. Bedford (Wi.) 07 12 11 SGravenhurſt Inferior R. (St. Giles] Archidiac. X sa vi d. Pri- 531.155,20.12 ori Newnham x s. Ābb. Elſtow vi s. viiid. 15 031 CertifiedValue, The KING. 08 oo oo Hawnes V. 00 16 00 Pri. Chickſond Impr. Sir John Oſborne Bart 1690. Hulcote 11303 06 023 Priorio Pri- }oo 13 02 BEDFORDSH. DIOCESE of LINCOLN. 283 da od. . 00 15 15 08.1 {F King's Books. Yearly Tenths, l. d. 1. 07, 15 00 Hulcote R. [St. Nicholas] Arcbidiac. x's. vid. Priori Newn-300 15 06 { 72 1. 45. bam v s. CertifiedValue. Sir Pynfent Charnock Kt. 1705. 33 17 03 Marſton-Mortein R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vid. 03 07 08 John Snagg 1703. Iſaac Conquest St. Eloy Eſq; (this Turn) 1711. 15 09 07 Maulden R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vi d. OI 10 11 Earl of Aileſbury 1704. 09 16 03 Milbrooke R. (St. Michael] Archidiac, xs. vi d. 00 19 07 60 1.9 s. 10 d. Hon. Robert Bruce Eſq; 1703. Lord Bruce. Earl of Ailef- CertifiedValue. bury (Wi.) Livings Diſcharged. Clear Pearly Value, 40 02 00 AMPTHILL R. [St. Andrew] Archidiac. x s. vid. 01 00 08 Hon. Robert Bruce Eſq; 1710. Lord Bruce.. 17 00 00 Fleetwick V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac, iii s. Mon. Dunſtable Impr. Mary Mildmay Widow 1710. Mr. Honywood (Wi.) . (] Ar. 45 05 oo chidiac, či s. or 02 094 Abb.Elneſtow Impr. Dean andCanons of Chriſt-Church,Oxford. 25 Oo oo Harlington V. [St. Mary) Archidiac, iii s. Mon. Dunſtable Impr. Sir Henry Johnſon 1718. 14 05 00 Huſborne-Crawley V. [St. James q.] oo 18 oo 'Pri. Dunſtable Propr. Robert Thompſon Eſq; 1605. none ſince. Mr. Williamſon Patr. 1725. 17 00 00 Litlington V. [All Saints] Abbey of Berking Propr. Sir John Cheſter Patr. 1726. or Earl of Ailesbury. 41 10 00 'Polluxhill V. [St. James] Abb. Eltow x s. 00 19 00 Abb. Dunſtable Propr. Duke of Kent 1716. 08 03 04 Ridgemond with Segenhoe V. (All Saints] 00 18' oo The KING. Mon. Dunſtable Impr. 44 I3 04 Salford V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. iii s. Redd. Domino Regiixd. 00 15 07. Pri. Newnham Impr. Sir Pynſent Charnock Bart. 1715. 46 03 oo Stepingley R. [St. Laurence] Archidiac. x s. vid.'. Priori? Dunſtable xiii s. 13 07 Hon. Robert Bruce Eſq; 1710. 44 15 00 Tingriffe R. (St. Nicholas] Archidiac. viii d. Sir William Buck Bart. 1706. Sir John Latham Patr. pur- chaſed of Sir Charles Buck 1726. 33 06 08 Weſtoning V. [St. Mary Magdalen] Archidiac. iii s. 00 19 081 Abb. Elneſtow Impr. Lord Lempter 1713. Earl of Pom- fret 1723. Dr. Altry Impr. 01 02 00 01 02 00 1 00 18 00 0 0 2 Not I 284 DIOCESE of LINCOL N. BEDFORDSH. 42 07 06 Ş Biccleſwade P. Priori Sti Johannis Jeruſalem lxvi s. viii do 504 04 09. Not in Charge. *WOBURNE [St. Mary) an Impropriation, formerly an Abbey. (Stipend 367.) Duke of Bedford Impropriator, of Exempt Juriſdiction. D. Sheffojd, in the Arch-Deaconry of BEDFORD: Livings remaining in Charge. King's-Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. Aſtwick R. (St. Guthlake] Penſ. Pri. Chickſond xiii s. illi d. 06 13 04 00 13 04 Archidiac, xs, 64 7. 3's. 52.2. Abb. Sti Albani x's. CertifiedValue. Thomas Browne Eſq; 1717. ŞBarkford-parva R. [St. Mary] Ecclef. de Eynſbury liii s. iiii d.? 13 16 03 oi Archidiac. x s. vi d. Thomas Browne Eſq; 1720. 46 02 11 Blonham R. [St. Edmund) Archidiac. x s. vi d. 04 12 031 Duke of Kent. so . } [St.3o1 2002 II Prio-zoo 09 06 08 Sub-Decano & Choreſtal. Lincoln. iiii 1. vi s. Biſhop of Lincoln. Il 09 07 Camelton alias Compton [All Saints] with SHEFFORD R. [St. s OI 02 II 792. 7s. o d. 2 Michael] Abb. Sti Albani xl s. Archidiac, x s. vi d. CertifiedValue. Sir John Osborne Bart. 1702. Clifton R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. x s. vi d. 02 00 03 Franc. Rolt and Charles Bayliffe (this Turn) 1708. Mr. Simcotts (Wi.) 15 16 03 Edworthe R. [St. George] Archidiac. x s. vid. OI II 07 Robert Cecil Eſq; and Eliz. his Wife, 1713. Mr. Hale (Wi.) 08 Oo oo S Hatley-Port, als Cokayne-Hatley R. [St. John Baptiſt] Prio 0 16 oo ri de Newnham lüii s, ijïi d. Archidiac. x s. vid. Richard Cokayne Eſq; 1711. St. John's College, Cambridge. Henlow V. (St. Mary] Penſ. Priori Lanthony xxxiii s. iiii d. oo 18 08 Archidiac. xs, vid. 781. 195.2 d. CertifiedValue. The KING. Hosp. St. Julians near St. Albans Propr. Pri. Lanthony. 07 09 07 Holwell R. Archidiac, x s. vi d. 00 14 11 561. is. 2 d. Sir Ralph Radcliffe 1719. Certified Value. Mepperſall R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vid. 02 04 00 Cath. Hanſcombe Widow 1714. Mr. Downes (B.) Mr. Turke (Wi.) Lord Peterborough (N.? 32 02 11 Sondhey R. alias Sandy (St. Swithin] Archidiac. x s. vi d. 03 04 031 Sir Humphry Monoux Bart. 1682, 1722. 06 06 1045 Stondon R. (All-Saints] Priori Sti Martini viii ș. Archi-> 63 55. uid diac. V s. iii d. 00 12 08% Certified Value. Joan Lawrence 1681. The Reyd. Mr. Leach 1721. Sutton R. [All-Saints] Archidiac, x s. vi d. Sir Roger Burgoine Bart. 1665. Tempsford 22 00 00 }.0 12 08; 20 00 00 02 00 00 2 BEDFORDSH. DIOCESE Of LINCOLN. 285 King's Books. 1. d. . riori} oz 24 00 00 14 08 48 l. 45. 2 d. . 21 IO IO Yearly Tenthera I. d. Tempsford R. [St. Peter] Priori Sti Neot. iiil. Priori 02 08 oo Wallingford vi s. viii d. Archidiac, x s, vi d. The KING (Wi) James Halſal Eſq; 1686. The QUEEN 1711. on 06 08 { Wreftlingworth R. (St. Peter] Priori Newnham üi s. Archi- 2 . ch-joo The KING. CertifiedValue. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Alwarden V. als Old-Warden + [St. Leonard] 25. OI 04 Mon.Warden Impr. Thomas Rawlins 1682. The KING 1727. Mr. Smith (B.) 26 03 06 Arleſy V. (St. Peter] Archidiac, xs, vid. oo 16 oo Abb. Waltham Impr. Thomas Browne Eſq; 1717. * BIGGLESWADE V. (St. Andrew] vulgo Bigleſworth, a Pe- oi 00 00 culiar of the Church of Lincoln. Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Dunton V. [St. Mary] with Melo Chap. Pri. Halliwell in Middl. Propr. Earl of Sunderland 1713. Eyworthe V. (St. Nicholas q.] 00 13 04 Pri. St. Helen's London Propr. Sir Stephen Anderſon 13 06 00 Langford V. [St. Andrew] 00 16 oo The KING. Pri. Sti Johannis Jeruſalem Impr. 38 02 co Potton V. (St. Mary] 01 06 08 The KING. Pri. St. Clare London Propr.. 33 12 08 Shitlington V. I [All-Saints] OI 16 oo Trinity College, Cambridge. Southill V. [All-Saints] Archidiac, v s. Pri. Newnham Impr. Sir George Byng 1711. Lord Tor- rington (Wi.) Stotfolde v, alias Stockfolde [St. Mary] Archidiac. iii s. 00 II 08 Pri. Chickfond Impr. Trinity College, Cambridge. Not in Charge. Gravenhurſt Superior, a Curacy. I. 25 : 00 : 00 Clear Val, Trinity College, Cambridge. The Pariſhioners (B.) Northill Curacy, formerly a College. (Stipend 20.1.) Grocers Company, London. O'I 00 00 30 04 00 37 02 00 : Bart. 1712. 39 05 00 01 03 06. 32 10 06 + Warden Cur:Lady Bovey, Siſter to the Lord. Maynard, gave a Legacy of 300 l. which has been laid out in a Purchaſe of 10 l. per annum for the Curate and his Succeſſors. Vid. Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, P. 324. and Magna Britannia & Hib. 152. I Shitlinjton. -This in the Original was charged as a Rectory at: 80 l. 2 s. 10 d. ſuppoſed to be fince: granted to Trinity College, and this Vicarage endowed out cf it. 286 Bucks. DIOCESE of LINCOL N. D. Bucks. . 0} oo Synodo } *s.300 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. learly Tenths. 1. d. . RcEtories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. s. d. 13 16 03 Addeſtock R. [St. Cæcilia] Archidiac, xs. vii d. OI 07 073 Biſhop of Lincoln. Addington R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. Penf. Decano 00 18 IT 09 0907 Sti Johannis Jeruſalem xl s. Sir John Busby Kt. 1693. 06 02 11 Akeley with Stockholt R. (St. James] Archidiac. x s, vii d. 00 12 031 Vol. 14 s. 2d. New College, Oxford. CertifiedValue. 87 14 07 Arch-Deaconry of Bucks. 08 15 05 Biſhop of Lincoln. Alured the Little was the firſt Arch-Deacon, anno 1092. Le Neve, p. 167. Beachampton K. (St. Mary] Penſ. Epiſc. Lincoln. ii s. Penſ. 14 16 0517 Archidiac. Lincoln. xii d. Archidiac. Proxies and Synods for 09 07? xs. vii d. Penf, Abb. Weſtminker. x s. Grace Bennet Widow 1714. Earl of Salisbury (Wi.) 11 12 0813 ŞEdgcot alias Agecot R. (St. Michael] Archidiac . x s. 2 01 03 031 67 1. gs. 4 d. 1 vii d.ob.qa. Penſ. Guardian. Novi Collegii Oxon. vi s. viii d. CertifiedValue. Henry Smith Gent. 1685. Mr. Dormer (Wi.) ŞFoſcott alias Foxcott Ř. [St. Leonard] Arcbidiać. xs. 09 09 0472 vii d. ob. 00 18 111 22 l. 16 s.9.d. qa. CertifiedValue. John Major Gent. 1703. Mr. Greenville (Wi.) * Horley and Hornton V. [St. John Baptiſt] + OI 13 04 80 l. The KING. Olim Preb. Sutton in Ecclef. Lincoln. Propr. Certified Value, ( by the Biſhop of Oxford.) 15 13 04 Lekehampſted alias Leachamſted R. [St. Mary] OI II 04 Sir Henry Johnſon 1718. Lady Wentworth 1726. 07 09 07 Lillingſtone-Dayrell R. [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 00 14 II Peter Dayrell Efq; 1715. 12 05 00 Marſton P. I (St. Laurence] Bishop of Lincoln. 21 09 04. Marſh-Gäbbons R. [St. Mary] Archidiac x s. vii d. ob. sua. 02 02 11% The KING, 5 Moreton alias Maids-Morton R. [St. Edmund] Archidiac. 18 02 II 16 031 X s. vii d. Geo. Bate LL. B. 1699. Mr. Coxhead (Wi.) II 09 04 Preſton-Biſfet R. (St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. x s. vii d. cb. OI 02 11 Sir Edmund Denton Bart. 1706. Alexand. Denton Efq; 1725. Radcliffe R. (St. John Evangeliſt] with Chackmore, Archi- 16 OI diac, x s. viid. Abb. Ofeney x s. Penſ. Ecclef. Bucks, v s. New College, Oxford. Shalleſton + Horley and Hornton. -This Pariſh is in the County of Oxon. I Marſior-Laurence V. -is in Northamptonſhire in Dec. Brackley. . 16 13 04 OI 04 06 1 oS OI 03 } BUCKS. DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. 287 King's Books. I. s. d. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Shalleſton R. [St. Edward] Archidiac. x s. vii d. Penſ. Prebend. 08 00 05 { Bucks. ii s. vid. Penſ. Abb. Ofeney vi s. viïi do }oo 16.00 Eliz. Purefoy Widow 1705. 13.03 09 Steeple-Cleydon V. [St. Michael] Archidiac. ijs. 01 06 047 75 l. 2 s. 9 d. Mon. Oſeney Propr. Lord Fermanhaugh 1715. CertifiedValue. II 14 07 Stow V. (St. Mary] + Archidiac. iii s. OI 03 052 Mon. Ofeney in Cos Oxon. Propr. Sir Richard Temple 1 1 Bart. 1710. I. II 16 03 Thornton R. (St. Michael] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 01 03 07 76 l. 175. od Sir Thomas Tyrrell Bart. 1710. CertifiedValue. 12 16 03 Tingewike R. [St. Mary Magdalen] Archidiac. x s. vii d. or 05 07 New College, Oxford. 12 16 03 Turweſton R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. x-s, vü d. 01 05 073 Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. 07 00 05 Water-Stratford R, [St., Giles.): Archidiac. x s. vii d. 00 14 00 John Bradbourn S. T. P. and Paul Sylveſter 1720. Lord Cobham (Wi.). 09 17 0.1 Weſtbury V. [St. Auguſtine] Archidiac, ii s. 00 19 081 58 l. 12 s. 8 d. Abb. Elneſtow Propr. (W). Thomas Price Eſq; 1.715. CertifiedValue. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 43 17 00 BUCKINGHAM V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] † a Peculiar of the 02 04 00: Church of Lincoln. The KING: Prebend. Sutton cum Buckingham olim in Ecclef. Lincoln Propr. .. Denton. Efq; 1672. Mr. Juſtice Dentoni Patr. 1724. 18 06 06: Caversfield V. [St. Laurence) Abb. Miſenden Propr.(W.) William Vaux Gent. 1715. 35 og oo Padbury. V. [St. Mary] 00 13 04 The KING. Pri. Sbene in Surr. Propr. Pri. Bradwell Propr. (W..) 23 13 00 *Sutton alias King's Sutton V. [St. Peter) in Com. Northampt. 00.10 08 Preb. Sutton cum Buckingham olim in Ecclef. Lincoln. Propr.. Mr. Holman (Wi.) 20.00 00. Thornborough V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. iii s. 0017 081 The KING, Abb. Weſtminſter Propr. Pri. Luffield Propr. (W.). Sir Arthur Throg morton 1.605. Mr. Wod- notb (Wi.) 00 I 2 00 Not: † Stow Vaugmented by Sir Richard Temple Bart. and Knight of the Bath, with 50 l. per annum. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 430. # BUCKINGHAM V-augmented by Dr. Clarke, Dean of Winchefer, with 39 l. per annum. Biſhop Ken: ret's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 280. 288 DIOCESE of LINCOL N. BUCKS. Not in Charge. Bidleſden Curacy (St. Margaret] l. 6: 08:00 Clear Val. Abb. Bidleſdep Propr. Mr. Sayer. Twyford Curacy + [St. Mary)} 1. 50 : 15: 00 Clear Vel. Stipend 12 l. annex'd to the Rectorſhip of Lincoln College, Oxford. Barton (St. James) and Chet- wood Cur. [St. Mary and St. St. 20 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Nicholas] Abbey of Nottley Propr. Mr. Riſley Patr. Hillerſden Cur. [All Saints] l. 30: 5 : 00 Clear Val. Dean and Canons of Chrift-Church Propr. Abbey of Not- ley Patr. Nettleden Cur. (St. Laurence] l. 10 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Coll. Alfheridge Propr. Lord Bridgwater Patr, 1689. Everſaw Chap. to Shalleſton. (the Chapel down.) Gawcot Chap. to BUCKINGHAM. I } . Burnham, in the Arch-Deaconry of BUCKS. 5. 48 16 01 01:{ Livings remaining in Charge. Kings Books. Yearly Tenths. I. d. Rettories, &c. with their Patrons and. I roprietors. 1. s. d. ] . vii d. Mountague-Gerard Drake Efq; 1702. 26 02 081 BecoNSFIELD R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. 02 12 034 John Newell Gent. 1705. Magdalen College, Oxford, Patr.1725. Burnham ) dalen] 13 04 Mon. Burnham Propr. John Hawtry Gent. 1669. Gre- gory Haſkard S.T. P. Robert Young and William Pief- ley Efqs; 1707. Mr. Hawtry (Wi.) 19 09 041 Chalfount St. Giles R. Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. OI 18 II Biſhop of Lincoln. 15 17 OI Chalfount St. Peter's V. Archidiac, iii s. OL II 081 461. 18 s. 3d. Abb. Biſſenden Propr. (W) St. John's College, Oxford. CertifiedValue. Cheſham Boys R. [St. Leonard] q. if a Donative. 00 10 08 501. 9 s. od. Lord Cheyne. CertifiedValue. 19 09 041 Denham R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. OI 18 11 Sir William Bowyer Bart. 1669. Jane Sterpin Widow (this Turn) 1713. Sir Roger Hill Patr. (B.) Eaſtmanſted | Twyford Curacy was augmented by Lord Crew with 10 l. per annum. I Note, The Priory of Luffield, being a Cell to the Abbey of Weſtminſter, was ſituate in this Deanry, within the Parish of Stow. 05 06 08 BUCKS. DIOCESE of LINCOLN. 289 7* King's Books. 1. d. }01 05 06 08 40 1. 9 s. o d. ܘܘ{ x si}or 00 12 00 05 15 00 learl Tenthsi 1. a. Eaſtmanſted-Cheyns, alias Iſtenhampſted R. [St. Michael) Are. 00 12 16 002 chidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. 01 05 071 Duke of Bedford 1704. * Eaſtmanſted-Latimer alias Iſtenhampſted R. [St. Mary Mag- dalen] (a Donative) only a Curacy, never any Inſtitution or 00 10 08 Induction. CertifiedValue. Lord James Cavendiſh Patr. 12 16 00 Farnham Royal R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. 01 05 071 Eton College. SHitchin R. alias Hutcham [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. II 05 0731 viid. ob.qa. Pens. Priori Merton ii s. or 02 06) Rebecca Evans Widow 1702. 22 09 04 Horton R. [St. Michael] Archidiac. x s. vñ d.ob. qa. 02 04 115 Sir William Scawen 1695, 1721. 06 00 00 Huggeley R. alias Hedgerley (St. Mary] 651. 16 s. 2 d. Şir Roger Hill Kt. 1699. CertifiedValue. Waxham R. Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. 00 II 06 The KING. 11 08 09 Taplowe R. (St. Nicholas] Archidiac. Xs. vii d.ob. qa. 01 03 10; The KING. 14 10 05 ŞWyardſbury V. vulgo Wraſbury (St. Andrew] Archidiac. x s. bi 09 Oo Certified Value. Dean and Canons of Windſor Propr, and Patr. Livings Diſcharged. ClearYearly value. 50 Oo oo CHESHAM-Leiceſter V. (St. Mary] Archidiac, v s, iiid. ob.qa.di. oi 06 01 Mon. Leiceſter Propr. Sir Paul Whitchcot Bart. 1711. SCHESHAM-Owborne alias Woburne V. (St. Mary] Archidiac. 50 00 00 v s. üi d. ob. oi di. ga. Pri. Owborne Propr. Edward Ruſel Efq; 1711. 33 Oo oo Datchett V. [St. Mary] Dean and Canons of Windſor Propr. and Patr. 30 Oo oo Dorney V. [St. James) Archidiac. iii s. oo 17 oo Mon. Burnhain Propr. Phil. Palmer Eſq; 1699. Charles Palmer Efq; 1727. 50 Oo oo Ever alias Iver V. (St. Peter] OI 06 03 Coll. Windſor Propr. and Patr. (W.) Edward Leigh Gent. 1663. The KING 1688. 50 Oo oo Penne V. (Holy Trinity] Archidiac. x s. vii de ob. qa. 00 19 04 Pri. Chacumbe in Co. Northampton Propr. Roger Penn Eſq; 1716. 50 00 00 Stoke-Pogies V. [St. Giles] 00 15 08 Mon. Stæ Mariæ Overy in Surr. Impr. Sir Thomas Clarges Kt. 1687. Matthew Snow Eſq; 1719. Рp Upton + Ijtenhampfied-Latimer is certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty to be a Chapel, of the yearly Value of 401.gs. See State of Queen Anne's Bounty, 2d Edition, p. 203. 65l. 195.6d.2 vii d. ob.'ga. {C 06 01 01 02 00 1 290 DIOCESE of LINCOLN: BUCKS. Yearly Tenths, d. 00 13 08 Clear Yearly Value. l. d. 40 00 00 Upton V. [St. Laurence] Archidiac, iii s. The KING. Pri. Merton in Surr. Impr. Not in. Charge. Langley, a' Curacy (St. Mary] Chapel to Wrasbury. Colebrook Chap. (St. Mary] l. 25 : 15 : 00 Clear Val. Appointments by Truſtees. 5 Chapel to Burnham Fulmere R. 1. 61: 13 : 00 Clear Val. Dean and Canons of Windſor Patr. Ditton, a Donative (St. Mary.] Duke of Montagu Fatr. Coleſhill Chap. in Co. Hertf. to Agmondeſham, (the Chapel in Ruins.) Boveney (St. Mary Magdalen]}. 5 : 16 : 00 Clear Val. : King's s. *s}or . 01 02 II 2 D. Muretley, in the Arch-Deaconry of B UCK S. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. ŞChetington R. alias Chiddington [St. Giles] Archidiac. x s. 15 09 07 xvii d. ob. qa. OI IO II Earl of Bridgwater 1716. 09 16 03 Cublington R. [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. x s. vid. ob. ga. 00 19 073 Harris Smith and Richard Frånks Gent. (this Turn) 1688. Mr. Mayo (Wi.) 09 og 07 Dinton alias Dunton R. [St. Martin] Arcbidiac. x s. vii d. ob.qa. 00 18 1 Richard Hampden Efq; 1693. James Moody (this Turn) 1717 11 09 07 Drayton Beacham R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x si vii d. ob. qa. Lord Cheyne 1708. Drayton Parſlow R. [Holy Trinity] Archidiac. * s. vii d.ob.qa. 01 04 00 Sir Francis Forteſcue (Wi.) Duke of Rutland 1708. 39 09 07 Hardwicke R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. 03 18 11 New College, Oxford. Harwood magna R. (St. James] Archidiac, x s. vii diob..qa. 14 04 02 oi 08 05 Nov. Colleg. Oxon. pro Penf. & Port. lxxvi s. New College, Oxford. 11 16 03 (] { diac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. oi 03 071 Sir William Stanhope (Wi.) Earl of Carnarvon 1680. Barbara Gataker 1702. Kirflow alias Chriftlow R. alias Kirſley (Holy Trinity] lett by Leaſe from the Crown for 99 Years; to the Lord Clif- 03 oo oo oo об оо ford. The Church demoliſhed, and turned to a Doye- Houſe. Maffeworth I 2 00 00 -90.301 2 Bucks. DIOCESE of LINCOLN 291 : 1 s. S. I II 00 00 301 OT 02 00 qa. ΟΙ 00 00 King's Books Yearly Teaths. 1. d. I. d. 09 09 07 Maſſeworth. V. [All-Saints) Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. oo 18 II 68 l. 9 s. 8 d. Pri, Radwell Impr. in Bedf. Trinity College, Cambridge. Certified Value S Mureſley R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. Pri. 2 Merton xx s. Sir John Forteſcue Patr. Earl of Rutland 1694. Uni- verſity of Oxford 1714. Sir Francis Forteſcue (Wi.) 14 09 07 Slapton R. (Holy Croſs] Årchidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. OI 08 II. William Theed Efq; 1709. Duke of Chandos Patr. 1725. 09 09 07 Stewkley V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. oo 18 i 681. 19 s. 8 d. 1 Pri. Kenelworth in Warw. Propr. (W.) Biſhop of Oxford. Certified Value. 09 09 07 Swanbourne V. (St. Swithin] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob.qa. Co 18 11! 631.9 5.100.1 The KING. Abb. Woburne Propr. (W.) CertificdValue. 10 00 00 Whaddon V. [St. Mary] 50 1. 2 s. id. Pri. Newnton Longvile olim Propr. New College, Oxford, CertifiedValue. Propr. and Patr, 18 16 03 Winge V. (All-Saints] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob.qa. OI 17 07 Mon, de Pratis in Co. Hertf. Propr. (W.) Earl of Cheſter- field 1714 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 42 03 05 Edlesborough V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. iii s. Oi 07 08 Domus Carthuſ, prope London Propr.: Counteſs of Bridg- water 1701. 20 17 00 Grove R. oo 09 04 Earl of Cheſterfield 1714. Sir William Stanhope (Wi.) Hawridge R. (St. Mary] Archidiac, iïi s. 00 17 00 Richard Sare Gent. 1692. Mr. John Sare 1725. 36 16 06 IVINGHO V. +[St. Mary] OI 05 074 Colleg. de Asterugg olim Propr. Earl of Bridgwater 1707. 14 00.00, Linflade Curacy [St. Mary) (Stipend 12 l.). 'oo.00 og .00 ooo Pri. Chickfond in Bedf. Impr. Mr. Corbet and Mr. Kinafton. Patr. (Wi.) 37 17 04 Mentmore V. (St. Mary] Archidiac. iii s. 00 13-081 Mon.Sti Bartholomei London Propr. Thomas Ligo Efq; 1706. 30 III Whitchurch V. [St. John Evangeliſt] Arcbidiac. iii s. 00 17 1085 The KING 1678, 1703,' 1716. Abb. Woburne Propr. (W.) 10) ? 49 09 067ş Wingrave V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. { oo 18 In qe. Earl of Bridgwater 1705. Abb. Sti Albani Propr. (W.) Not in Charge. Rowlham, Chapel to Wingrave. Cholfbury Cur. [St. Laurence) (Stipend 8 l.) formerly a Chap. 1. 12 : 06 : 10 Clear Val. to Drayton-Beachamp Mr. Neal (Wi.) Pp 2 Pitchthorn + Ivinghe V.-The Right of Preſentation belonged once to the Biſhop of Winchefer, as may be ſeen in Regifiro Wykeham 1 Part, fo. 84. :00 49 18 08 1 { t 292 DIOCESE of LINCOLN. Bucks. Pitchthora Curacy [St. Mary }} 20 : 00 : 00 Clear Val, Colleg. de Asferidge Propr. (W.) Duke of Bridgwater. Tottenhoe Cur. Pri. Snelljhall Propr. Mr. Stafford Patr, (Wi.) Soulbury V. [All Saints] 1. 48 : 00 : 00 Clear Val, The KING Patr. Abby of Woburne Propr. Litcote, Chapel to Stewkley. Dagnal, Chapel to Edleſborough, (the Chapel down.) D. Newport, in the Arch-Deaconry of BUCKS. { vii d. 302 x se for 10 10 00 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Ten!hs. 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. s. d. 06 06 08 Aſtwood V. (St. Peter] Pens. Collegio Regis Oxon. xl s. 00 12 08 691. 10 s. id. The KING. Pri. Tickford olim Propr. (W.) CertifiedValue. 29 13 01 Bletchley R. T alias Blecheley (St. Mary] Archidiac. x's. vii d. ob. Penf. Nov. Colleg. Oxon. xx s. 02 19 03 Browne Willis Eſq; 1715. 15 00 02:{& . xx Bowbrickhill R. [All-Saints] Penf. Nov. Colleg. Oxon. XX s. Arcbidiac. xs. vii d. Sir Charles Buck Bart. 1718, 1722. 11 00 V. . . . d2 Colleg 00 II 01 Certified Value. The KING. Pri. Tickford olim Propr. (W.) 18 02 II Brickill magna R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. oi 16 031 John Duncombe Eſq; 1679. Anne Barton Widow (this Turn) 1715. Heirs of Mr. Duncombe, Mr. Briſtow and Mr. Barton (Wi.) ŞBrickill parva R. [St. Mary) an Impropriation belonging to og op oo the Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury, who appoints a Curate. Çertified Value. This formerly belonged to the Priory of Combwell in Kent. 10.09 07 Broughton R. [St. Laurence] Archidiac. xs. vii d. O1.00 il Francis Duncombe Efq; 1717. 26.02.11 Calverton R. #[All-Saints] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 02 12 033 The Earl of Saliſbury Patr. (Wi.) Simon Bennet Esq; 1711. p8 oo oo Chicheley V. (St. Laurence] 00 16 co Pri, Tickford olim Propr. Sir Anthony Cheſter Bart. 1685. CertifiedValue. 13 06 101 Clifton Reynes R. (St. Mary) Archidiac. x s. vii d. oj 06 08 731. 155. 4 d. Serjeant Jobn Selby 1704. Sir John Hobart Bart. 1723. Certified Value. 27 10 co Crawley alias North-Crawley R. (St. Firmin] Penf. x s. 02 15 00 Thomas Hacket Eſq; 1686. Mr. Cole (this Turn) 1717. Mr. Lowndes (Wi.) Emberton + FENNY-STRATFORD (St. Martin] Chap. in the Pariſh of Bletchley, lately rebuilt. Calverton R.---The Market Town of STONY STRATFORD (having two Chapels, one called St. Giles's, and the other St. Mary Magdalen) is part in this Pariſh, and part in the Pariſh of Wolverton; a Cucate is licenſed by the Biſhop, and recommended by 12 of the Principal Inhabitants. to 300 00 18 00 ! 541. > BUCKS. DIOCESE of LINCOL N. 293 s. { ΟΙ 1o 0o 05 06 08 King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 2. d. 15 02 11 Emberton R. [All Saints] Arcbidiac. x s. vii d. or 10 031 Mr. Coppin (Wi.) James Smith 1714. 05 19 07 Filgrave 'R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. Pens. Pri. de 200 II II Prat, xs. 13 06 107. Tirringham R. [St. Mary] united, Arcbidiac. x s. vii d. oi 06 085 John Backwell Eſq; 1699. 06 00 02 Gotehurſt R. (St. Peter] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 00 12 00 561. 6 s. id. Johor Digby Efq; 1684. John Concèay 1685. George Certified Valué. Wright Eſq; (Mag. Br.) 48 00 00 Handlope R. + (St. James) cum Cap. Caftlethorp (St. Mary] 04 16 00 Stipend of the Curate 151. Ar bidiac. x s. vid. oh. 13 06 10, Hardmead R. [St Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. OI 06 08+ Sir John Hobart Birt, 1722. Lord Hobart 1729. 15 Oo oo Haverſham R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d.ob. Mr. Knightley (Wi.) Lord Haverſham 1717. Lathbury V. [All-Saints) only a Curacy, Stipend 12 l. 00 10 08 Mon. Lavenden Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church in Oxford, Patr. 20 00 0252 ŞLindford alias Limford magna R. (St. Andrew] Archidiac. vi d. Sir William Pritchard Knt. 1699. Mr. Uthwat (Wi.) 14.05 02 Loughton magna R. [All Saints] Archidiac. x s. viid. 01 08 064 Trinity College, Cambridge. Milton Keynes R. [A11- Saints] Archidiac. X s. viid. Abb.? Sti Albani xl s. Earl of Nottingham 1693, 1727. S Mulſhoe R. (St. Mary) Archidiac. x s. vii d. Pri. Elneſtow? . Counteſs of Northampton 1696. 08 08 00:15 Newton Bloſſom vile R. [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 722.196.832 Penj. Ecclefiæ de Clifton xii s. Certified alue. William Farrer Eſq; 1694. S Newton alias Newnton Longville R. [St. Faith] Archidiac.x s. 20 09 07 { vii d. Penſ. Nove Colleg. Oxon. xxvi s. vii d. 02 00 11 New College, Oxford. 13 06 08 OLNEY V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] 01 06 08 Mon. Syon in Middles. Propr. Willian Johnſon Eſq; 1718. Certified Value. Ravenſton V. I [All-Saints] oo 13.04 Pri. Ravenſton Propr. (W.) Heneage Lord Finch 1680. Earl of Nottingham 1721, Shendley ဝ 02;{L ] fo2 00 003 X S. 20 00 00 16 16 03 ? xii s. iii d. . 00 oo Now for 13 07: ii difoo 16 093 *s302 601. 135. 06 13 04 + Hanlope R.--an Impropriation belonging to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lincoln, as by Let- ter from the Reverend Mr. Garmfion the Vicar, January 28. 1719. N. B. Hanſlope with Caſilei borp V. is certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty, to be of the yearly Value of 161. State of Queen Anne's Bounty, 2d Edit. p. 204. · I Ravențion V.---s but 161. per Ann, and bas paid no Tenths theſe thirty Years, as by the Reverend Mr. Ekrigg's Letter, July 28. 1718. But fee Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 284. N. B. The Value of this Vicarage is not certified either into the Exchequer to be diſcharged from Firit-Fruits and Tenths, or to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty, as a Benefice qualified io be augmented. 294 DIOCESE. ILINCOLN Bucks. King's Books. S. s. [ . . Yearly. Tenths. l. d. I. d. 22 09:07 Shendley Manſell R.. [St. Mary] Archidiac. xs. vii d. 02 04 II John Knapp Gent. 1709. 20 00 02 Sherrington R. (St. Laud] Archidiac. xs. vii d. 02 00 00 Biſhop of Lincoln. 14 06 03 Stoke Gołdington R: (St. Peter] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. o 08 07? Mr. Wright (Wi.) Sir John Conway Bart. and Richard Moſtyn Efq; 1702. 19 09 041 Stoke Hammond R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. o 18 11 Biſhop of Lincoln. 17 06.08 Sympſon R. (St. Nicholas OI 14 08 Mrs. Hawes (B.) : Thomas and Frances Barrabee 1719. 08.og 073 Walton R. (St. Michael] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 00 16 11 The KING two Turns and Mr. Harriſon one (Wi.) John Waller Gent. 1711. 26 06 10; Wavendon R. [St. Maryſ Archidiac. x s. vii d. 02 12 081 Heirs of Mr. Stafford (Wi.) Serjeant Selby 1702. Peter 4. Galley Cl: b. v. 1721. 07 10 00 Willien V. † [St. Mary Magdalen] Pri. Tykeford x s. 00 15 00 Lord Nottingham and others 1712. Truſtees appointed by Dr. Buſby, by his Laſt Will. Woughton † Willien V.--augmented by Dr. Richard Buſy, with 61 l. per Ann. whoſe Benefactions to ſmall Livings are recorded by the Right Reverend and Learned Author of the Caſe of Impropriations, &c. p. 340. as fol- lows. “ But the grantelt Benefactor of this latter Age, was my Honoured Maſter Dr. Richard Buſøy, who by his Laſt Will and Teſtament, proved February 19. 1697. gave and deviſed all his Manor of Willien, in the County of Bucks, the perpetual Advowſon of the Vicarage there, and all other Lands and Tene- ments to the clear yearly Value of 520 l. or thereabouts, (over and above the yearly Rent or Sum of 61 l. payable out of ſome part of the Premiſſes, by virtue of a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, to the Vicar and his Succeſſors) unto his Honoured and Worthy Friends the Right Honourable Daniel Earl of Not- tingham, James Lord Laneſborough, the Honourable Heneage Finch Eſq; &c. in Truft to pay the yearly Sum of 2001. for the Relief and Support of ſuch poor Miniſters, who have a great Flock and ſmall Revenue, un- der the Value of fifty Pounds a Year, and are painful and diligent in the Miniſtry, and are of good Life and Converſation, and do teach the Children of the Pariſh the Principles of Chriſtian Religion, as they are obliged by the Rules of the Church to do. Which ſaid Sum of 200 l. he would have to be Yearly diſtributed unto ſuch Miniſters, more or leſs to each, according to their known Neceſſities, and as the major part of his Tru. ſtees at their publick Meetings ſhall ſee meet and convenient, upon good fure Information of the Perſons and their Conditions ; not leſs than 5 1. at any one Time to any one ſuch Perſon, nor more than twenty Pounds to any one Perſon in any one Year.” The ſaid Learned Author in a Marginal Note (page 341.) tells you, the Truſtees have aſcertained it to 10 l. Yearly to each Miniſter, which by Decree of Chancery they have Power to augment as they ſhall fee Cauſe; and will be enabled ſo to do as Debts upon the Truſt expire, and Perſo- nal Annuities fall in. And this Diſtribution to be made yearly to poor Miniſters within the Counties of Lir- coln (his Native Country) of Oxford (the Place of his Education) of Middleſex (the Place of his chief Reſi- dence) and Buckingham (the place where his Eltate diſpoſed of in theſe Benefactions lieth.) And his Meaning and Deſire is, That his ſaid Truſtees ſhould every third Year obtain a new Liſt of 60 poor Miniſters, out of the aforeſaid four Counties, three out of Lincolnſhire for one out of any of the other three Counties, that County abounding much more with poor and neceſſitous Miniſters, which is a thing moſt deplorable and fit to he relieved otherwiſe, beſides this his ſmall Contribution. So that the Liſt afore-mentioned will contain 30 poor Ninilters out of Lincolnſhire, and ten out of every other of the three remaining Counties. And for the making and renewing the ſaid Lift, his Will and Defireis, That his faid Truſtees, their Heirs and Aſſigns, do requelt the Aid and Afiftance of the Arch-Deacons and Gentry of the ſaid ſeveral Counties, for the Know- ledge of the poor deſerving Miniſters, in the reſpective Counties afore-mentioned, and thereupon make ſuch Distribution of the ſaid 200 l. a Year, proportionably and ſucceſſively, ſome one Year, and ſome another Year, as his ſaid Truſtees ſhall in Care and Charity, Wiſdom and Prudence, think beft; fo that all the ſaid poor Miniſters may partake of the ſaid Charity in Proportion and Quantity according to their Needs, and the beit that may be for their Comfort and Relief, &c. Beſides, in a Codicil annex'd uth of July 1693, He de- clares, BUCKS. DIOCESE of LINCOLN. 295 . s. s. 00 00 00 35 10 00 01 00 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. d. 1. d. 16 09 07 Woughton alias Boughton R. [St. Mary] Arcbidiac. x's. vii de oi 12 il Mr. Troutbeck two Turns and Sir Thomas Longueville one (Wi.) Roger Nicholls Gent, 1704: Henry Longueville '1713 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 29 10 00 Brickill parva Cur. [St. Mary] Mon. Combwell in Kent olim Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Can- terbury. Lavenden alias Landen V. [St. Mary] 00 12 00 Mon. Lavenden Propr. Earl of Gainsborough 1701, 172 1. Mr. Noel (Wi.) 38 14 02 NEWPORT-PACNELL V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] The KING 1660, . 1663, 1678, 1684, 1688, 1716. Pri. Tickford Propr. (W.) Robert Rowland alias Litchford Efq; 1720 09 10 07 Okeney (St. Martin] cum Petſoe R. # [St. James] oo 05 09 A Curacy belonging to Lincoln College, Oxon, (and not a Rectory) 30 00 00 Stantonbarry V. [St. Peter] 00 14 08 Pri. Goring in Oxon. Propr. Sir Thomas Witewrong Bart. 1706. Ducheſs of Marlborough (Wi.) 50 Oo oo Wolfton magna R. (Holy Trinity) Archidiac. x s. vii d. 00 17 07 43 I. 19 s. Thomas King Gent. 1704. Mr. Eyles (Wi.) CertifiedValue. 38 oo oo Wolfton parva R. (Holy Trinity] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 00 16 071 The KING, 32 19 00 Woolverton V. [Holy Trinity) Archidiac. iïi s. oi 00 041 Sir Thomas Hales Bart. 1702. William Bromley Eſq; Sir George Beaumont Bart. Thomas Bacon Efq; and Anthony King's Books. Keck Gent. 1720! Executors of Dr. Radcliffe. об об о8 Hoſpital of Newport 00 12 08 This always goes with the Vicarage of Newport. Not in Charge. Brayfield Cur. [St. Mary.] Stipend 51: 6 s. 8 d. Mr. Noel (Wi.) Pri. Harwould Progr. (W.) Hanflope clares, That he had at his own great Coft erected a Building for a Library in the Pariſh-Church of Willien, and did intend to furniſh the ſame with Books to the Value of 150 li at leait, for the Uſe and Benefit of the Vicars there, and other Neighbouring Miniſters. And if the Vicar undertake to perforın theſe Duties, viz. That he duly and conſtantly perform the reading of Prayers in the Church of Willien twice on every Holy- Day, and once on every Wedneſday and Friday, as the Rubrick directs ;'and that he do farther read and inter- pret, in thirty Lectures in practical Divinity, all the Principles of the Chriſtian Religion : That then the Truſtees ſhall well and truly pay unto the faid Vicar of Willien, and his Succeſſors for ever, (giving the like Security, and performing the ſaid Duties) cut of the Rents and Profits of his Manor'd Lands in Willien and elſewhere, the yearly Rent or Sum of 20 l. over and above the Money to be yearly paid him by the Decree in Chancery. Ex ult. Teft. probat. 19 Feb. 1697. | Okeney and PetfoeThe Churches both demoliſhed; they come to Emberton Church, and pay to Em. terton Poor. . 1 296 DIOCESE of LINCOL N. Bucks. Hanflope Vicum Caftlethorp [St;}1. 16 : 00 : 00 Clear Val , Mayor and Burgeſſes of Lincoln are Impropriators and Patrons. : STONY-STRATFORD St. Giles Cur. 20 : 02 : 06 Clear Val. STONY-STRATFORD St. Mag-31.20 : 02 : 06 Clear Val. dalen Cur. Weſton Underwood Cur. [St.? Laurence) 30 : 14 : 00 Clear Val. Loughton parva Chap. united to Loughton magna. :34 D. Waddesden, in the Arch-Deaconry of BUCKS. I. 3. J. u. : : }0 16 03: {. s}o. vii dizoo for 1 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Bookie Pearls Tenths. 1. d. Re:7ories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 12 16 00 Afton Sandford R. (St. Michael] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. . 01 05 071 Yohn Fleetwood Eſq; 1708. Felmerſton alias Fleetmarſton R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. 08.02 087 viid. ib.ga. Penſ. Abb. Thame xxvi s. viii d. 57 1. 2 s. 9 d. Earl of 'Lichfield 1710. CertifiedValue. Grendon Underwood R. [St. Leonard] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 15 06 08 01 10 08 qa. Mrs. Pigot (Wi.) Thomas Watſon Gent. 1713. S Hickford alias Ickford R. [Sc. Nicholas] Archidiac. x s. viid. og 09 07 { ob.ga. Penf. Eccleſia Marſh xxvis. viii d. 00 18 IT Mr. Newell (Wi.) Sir Thomas Tipping Knt. 1674. 08 10 05 Kingſhay V. [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. iii s. 00 17 00 Mon. Rocheſter Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter Patr. (Wi.) James Herbert Efq; 1666. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury 1696. ŞLudgarſall R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. viid. ob.qa. Penf.? ? Pri. Sti Johan. Jerufalen vi s., viii d. Mr. Warren (Wi.) Sir John Borlace Bart. 1683. 15 00 00 Middle Clayton R. (All-Saints] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. Lord Fermanagh (Wi.) Sir Richard Verney. ŞOving R. (All-Saints] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. 07 17 11 Şti Joban. Jeruſalem liïi s. ïïïi d. 15 091 The KING. 10 Pitchcot R. (St. Giles] Arcbidiac. xs. vii d. ob. qa. OL Sir Thomas Saunders and Mr. Saunders alternate Wi.) Tbo- mias Saunders Eſq; 1685, 1725. Sir Thomas Saunders b. 2. 1727. Queynton R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. Abb. 30 12 0.1 Notely ini s. 03 01 021 Mr. Ekins (Wi. p. 548.) George Evclyn Eſq; 1691. Shabington 17 06 08 Penfozot 14 08 ΟΙ 1o 00 10 00 00 01 00 00 {St. Mary] 4 55,303 BUCKS. DIOCESE of LINCOLN. 297 3. { vid. Zou OL 10 00 OI 10 00 vid.}om OI IO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 { King's Books. Yearly . Tenths. 1. d. 1. s, d. 10 og 07 Shabington V. [St. Mary Magdalen] Archidiac. x s. viid. ob.qa. 01 00 II Pri. Wallingford in Berks Propr. The Reverend Mr. Yohn Tipping 1688. Waddeſden firſt Portion (St. Michael] Archidiac. iïi s. vi. 15 Oo oo ob. tertia pars quadr. Earl of Wharton 1714. Earl of Godolphin and Henrietta his Wife 1727. Waddeſden ſecond Portion [St. Michael] Archidiac. iis. vi d. 15 Oo oo ob, tertia pars quadr. Earl of Godolphin. Earl of Wharton 1705. S Waddeſden third Portion (St. Michael] Archidiac. iii s. vi d.? 15 Oo oo ob. tertia pars quadr. Earl of Godolphin. Earl of Wharton 1582. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 08 Oo oo Brill [All-Saints] and Burſtall Donative (St. James.] Abb. Sanet e Fridefwide Oxon.. Propr. Sir John Aubrey 1720. 06 15 00 Cherſley Donative (St. Nicholas.] Abb. Notley Propr. Jo. Dormer 1605. Earl of Abingdon (Wi.) . . iii qa. Pri. 27 02 00 Studeley vi s. viii d . DO 13 OI Pri. Studeley Propr. (W) Earl of Carnarvon 1700. Wil- liam Stanhope Efq; 1722. 47 02 03 Eaſt-Claydon V. (St. Mary] Archidiac. iii s. 00 15 08. Pri. Ojeney in Oxon. Propr. Pri: Byham in Berks Propr. (W.) Ro. Hoveden Gent. 1680. Lord Fermanagh (Wi.) 33 15 00 North-Merſton Curacy [St. Mary] Dean and Canons of Windſor. 36 oo oo Okeley V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. iii s. 00 II 081 Pri. Sanētæ Fridiſwida Oxon. Propr. Sir John Aubrey Bart. 1724, 1726. Over-Winchenden V. (St. Mary Magdalen] Archidiac. iii s. 00 15 081 Pri. Sanctæ Frideſwid. Oxon. Propr. Duke of Wharton. Ducheſs of Marlborough (Wi.) 43 Oo oo Wotton Underwood Curacy [All Saints] Pri. Sli Gregorii Cantuar. Propr. (W.) Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury (Wi.) Wormenhall alias Wominghall, alias Wornall V. [St. Peter] 2 31 15 02 Archidiac, jii s. 00 13 10 Pri. San&tæ Frideſwida Oxon. Propr. (W.) John Burion and his Wife 1703. Not in Charge. , ]? Stipend 8 l. Abb. Notley Propr. Lord Norris 1605. Earl of Abing- Q.9 Chilton 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 ter]}00 don (Wi.) 298 DIOCESE of LINCOLN, Bucks. Chilton Curacy (St. Mary) cum Eafington. Stipend 51.1. 10:08 : 00 Clear Val.. 6 s. 8 d. Abb. Notley Propr. John Crook 1605. Mr. Harvey (Br.) Dourton Curacy St. John bape}" 31 : 15 : 00 Clear Val , Ābb. Notley Propr. Chriſt-Church College, Oxford. 9. Mr. Bertie. Afhenden Cur. (St. Mary] 1. II: 08:00 Clear Val. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxon. Patr. Lower Winchenden Cur. [St.} 1. 5 : 06 : 8 Clear Val. Abbey of - Notley Propr. Mr, Tyringham Patr. Hogſhaw Cur. [St. John Baptiſt] the Church in Ruins, (not certified) They come to Eaſt-Claydon Church. Prior. St. John of Jeruſalem Propr. Eythorp Chap. in Waddeſden Pariſh, formerly a Chantry in the College of Fotheringhay. Sir William Stanhope (Wi.) 1. s. d. D. Wendover, in the Arch-Deaconry of BUCK S. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenthe. l d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 23 06 101 Aſton-Clinton R. [St. Michael] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob, qa. 02 06 081 Jeſus College, Oxon, Patr. Charles Muſgrave and Richard Colvil, with the Conſent of Eliz. Stapylton, the Wife of Miles Stapylton of Harrow in Middleſex, 1716. 36 oo oo AYLE SBURY P. (in Ecclef. Lincoln.) Decano & Cap. Lincoln.20. pro Septimis Decimis c s. Penſ, eiſdem Decano & Cap. xl s. Biſhop of Lincoln. S Burton V. als Bierton [St. James) a Peculiar of the Church 2010 00 rch}o2 2 OI 00 66 l. igs. od l of Lincoln. datozoi Certifiedl’alue. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. 17 0907 3 x s. vii d. ob.qa. SDynton V. als Donington [St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. OI 14 JI The KING. Pri. Godſtowe in Oxon. Propr. Elifborough R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. x s. 701 02 11 II 09 07 viid.cb.ca. Mr. Robert Wallis 1686, 1722. SHaddenham V. [St. Mary) with Cuddington [St. Nicholas)? 15 17 OI 730 ΟΙ 11ο9 631. 17s.od.2 Archidiac, ji s. 291. 6 s 8d. CertifiedValue. Mon. Roch.jter Propr. Simon Mayne Eſq; 1689. Certifiedialue. 09 09 07 { viid. 6b. qa. Hampden-magna R. (St. Mary Magdalen] Arcbidiat. x s.}.0 18 u Richard Hampden Efq; 1719. S Hartwell R. (St. Mary) with Little Hampden, Archidiac. x s. 14 05 05 . or 08 06 Sir Thomas Le Bart. 1694. 26 oo oo Hayder with Walton P. (in Ecclef. Lincoln.) Biſhop of Lincoln. Hulcote I zon 02 12 00 Bucks. DIOCESE of LINCOLN. 299 s. 22 00 10 49 04 06 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. l. d. l. d. 10 00 02 Hulcote R. [All Saints] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. OI Oo oo 71 l. 145. od. Henry Neale Eſq; 1699. CertifiedValue. 06 02 II Kimble-parva R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. x s. vii d.ob.qa. 00 12 035 521. 1s. 4 d. Eliz. Chapman 1689. CertifiedValue. Weſton-Turvill R. (St. Mary] Archidiac, xs, vii d.ob, qa. 02 04 O'I John Tipping Gent. 1578. All-Souls College, Oxon. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 48 03 07 AYLESBURY V. (St. Mary] Redd. Rectori xxiii d. a Peculiar 02 09 091 of the Church of Lincoln. Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 49 09 00 Bledlow V. [Holy Trinity] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. al 12 11 Colleg. Sti Steph. Weſtminſter Propr. James Blank Gent. 1662. Mr. Croſs (Wi.) 47 08 09 Horſingdon R. + (St. Michael] Archidiac. vii s. iiü d. 00 13 081 John Grubb Eſq; 1687. 23 00 00 Kimble-magna V. [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. ïïi s. oo 13 oo Mon, Miſenden Propr. Richard Hampden Efq; 1707. 47 07 oo Miffenden-parva V. [St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. iii s. 01 06 04. Mon. Milenden Propr. Pri. Burceſter in Oxon. Propr. (W.) Roger Penn Eſq; 1703. Stone V. (St. John Baptiſt] oo 18 oo Pri. Oſeney Appr. Sir Thomas Lee Bart. 1706. 47 15 03 WENDOVER V. (St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. qa. 01 05 073 The K ING. Mon. Sta Maria Overy in Surrey Impr. Not in Charge. St. Leonard's Cur. AYLESBURY, (not certified.) Lee Curacy [St. John Baptift]} 1. 4 : 12 : 00 Clear Val. Stipend 75. q. The Inhabitants appoint. (Wi.) Quarendon [St. Peter) olim Cap. ad Bierton. 41 03 06 Miſſenden-magna V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Mon. Miſſenden Propr. John Fleetwood 1701. PRINCES RISBOROUGH, Curacy}1. 40 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. [St. Mary] Mon. Notley Propr. or Abbey of Ofeney (Wi.) Henry Penton Eſq; 1730. ? 16 : 10: 00 Clear Val. Chap. to Bierton. Buckland [All-Saints] Chap. to 31. 20 : 06:00 Clear Val. Bierton. Towerſey V. [St. Catherine] for- merly, a Chapel to. Thame in l. 25 : 10 : 00 Clear Val. Oxfordſhire. Qq2 Hampden- + Horfingdon. Though this in the original Roll is noted as a Rectory, yet Inſtitution has been given to it only as a Vic. Vid. the Inſtitution-Books in Officio Primit, fl. 25: 10: 00 Clear 300 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. Bucks. 35 Oo oo 13 06 08 ";}oo 13 llampden;parva, a Member of}.. 14:13:00 Clear Val. Cuddington Chap. to Hadden:}1. 29 : 06 : 08 Clear Val. Wendover St. John Baptiſt Chap. to Wendover V. D. Wpcombe, in the Arch-Deaconry of BUCKS. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. King's Yearly Tenths. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. s. d. II 10 10 Fawley R. als Falley (St. Mary] Archidiac, x s. vii d. ob. qa. Or 03 or Ja. Whitlock Efq; 1678. Serjeant Thomas Gcoding 1716, Mr. Freeman (Wi.) Hambleden R. [St. Mary] 03 10 00 Lord Rivers 1671. William Clayton Efq; 1722. MARLOW-MAGNA V. [All Saints] 01 06 08 Mon. Tewkſbury Propr. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter. 13 09 07 Saunderton R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii diob. qa. 01 06 11 Anne Bigg Widow 1713. Magdalen College, Oxon. 06 13 uş Radnage R {St. Mary) Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob.qa. Penf. 2 Priori Sti Johannis xiii s. iiii d. Redd, ii s. ii d. 0 13 04 661. 155. vid CertifiedValue. The KING Livings Diſcharged. ClearYearly Value. 44 10 00 Bradenham R. (St. Botolph] Archidiac. iii s. 00 10 041 Catherine Pye Widow 1684. Lady Wentworth (Wi.) 17 06 oo Ediſore alias Hedſore R. [St. Nicholas] oo 08 oo Mary Chilcot 1715. The Biſhop of Lincoln has one Turn in three. SHaveringdon alias Haningdon, alias Weft-Wycombe, V. (St. 49 03 II 02 11 Laurence] Archidiac, x s. vii d. ob. qa. The KING 1660, 1667, 1673, 1684, 1704,1715,1717. Sir Fran. Daſhwood Patr. 1721. by exchange with the Crown for Aburton in Eſſex, about the Year 1723. Pri. Byſham in Berks Propr. (W.) 45 Oo oo Hitchenden V. [St. Michael] Archidiac. iii s. 00 17 10 Pri. Kenelworth Co. Warwick Propr. (W.) Philip Lord Stanhope 1713 Sir William Stanhope (Wi.) Marlow-parva V. (St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. iii s. oo 16 07 Mon. Byſham in Berks Propr. olim Pri. Marlow. Borlace Warren Efq; 1709. 45 Oo oo Medmenham V. (St. Peter] Archidiac. iiis. 00 II 081 Mon. Medmenham Propr. · Francis Dufield Eſq; 1716. ŞThinghurſt alias Fingeſt R. (St. Bartholomew] Archidiac. 45 Oo oo x s. vii d. ob. qa. O 12 og 1 The Prebendary of Dultingcot in the Cathedral Church of Wells. t; }or 43 10 08 Turfield BUCKS. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN 301 S. d. 20 OO OO sii} 3oo 18 11 45 07 00 45 12 08 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. So d. 1. STurfield V. (St. Mary! Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob.qa. Abb. Sti? 2 Albani xxxiii s. iii d. Abb. Sti Albani Propr. or Woburne. The Inhabitants are Patrons (Wi.) Woburne V. alias Biſhop's-Woburne (St. Paul] 01 04 00 Duke of Wharton, or Biſhop of Lincoln 9. WYCOMBE V. alias Chipping-Wycombe [All Saints) 02 07 08 Pri. Godfove in Oxon. Propr. Sir Robert Daſhwood, Baron of Wycombe, 1711. Lord Shelborne Patr. 1724. Saunderton St. Nicholas Chap. to Saunderton R. PECULIARS belonging to the Arch-Biſhop of CANTERBURY. Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. Halton R. [St. Michael] 01 06 08 , Ambroſe Holbech Gent. 1691. (Petyt) Lord Shelborne King's Books. 1. Se d. 1. 13 06 08 Patr. 1724. 30 00 00 Riſborow alias Monks-Riſborow R. (St. Dunſtan] Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 03 Oo oo I. s. d. 2 d. Boo JURISDICTION of St. ALBANS, in the Dioceſe of LONDON, and in the Arch- Deaconry of St. ALBANS. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c, with their Patrons and Proprietors. Aſton-Abbots V. [St. James] Pens. Coquinar. Sti Albani xl s. 06 07 II Rectori de Hardwick xvi s. Rectori de Wyngrave ii s. Abb. oo 12 og Sti Albani Proxies and Synods xiiii s. ijii d. Abb. Sti Albani Propr. Earl of Cheſterfield. Sir William Stanhope (Wit Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 40 00 00 Granborough V. [St: John Baptiſt] Archidiec. vid. Syn. vid. 00 16 00 The KING. Mon. Sti Albani Propr. Harwood-parva V. (St. Nicholas] Archidiac. vid. Syn. vid. .00 10 08 Mon. Sti Albani Propr. Robert Grange Gent. 1701. S WYNSLOW V. [St. Laurence] Abb, Sti Albani Proxies and 40 00 00 2 Synods xiiii s. iiiid. Pons. xxvi s, viii d. 01 02 07 The KING. Mon. Sti Albani Propr. 22 00 00 } D. Baldock, in the Arch-Deaconry of HUNTING DON. HERTFORDSH. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. I. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 22 03 061 Aſhwell V. (St. Mary] Mon. Weſtminſter olim Propri Bishop of London, Yearly Tenths. 1. 02 04 047 Aſpden 302 DIOCESE OF LINCOL N. HERT FORDSH, 1. d. 00 10 00 OO OU 00 IO 00 00 OI 00 00 OI 12 00 21 00 00 02 02 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 15 05 02 Aſpden R. [St. Mary] 01 10 06 Ralph Freeman Eſq; 1706. 26 11 08 Aſton R. [St. Mary]: 02 13 02 Phil. Botelerº Eſq; 1700. 19 Oo oo Benington R. [St. Peter] OI 18 oo Charles Cæſar Eſq; 1719. 17 09 07 Bigrave R. OI 14 II Earl of Saliſury 1708, 1725. Bradfield Church (no ſuch Church) never paid Tenths. Bradfield R. (here is no Church.) An Impropriation in the Poſſeſſion of Pulter Foreſter Eſq; It does not appear to have paid any Tenths. See Chaun- cey of Hertfordſhire, p. 71, 72, &c. 16 00 07 Clothall R. [St. Mary] oi 12 00 Earl of Salisbury 1708. 20 08 061 Cothered R. alias Cottered (St. Mary] 02 00 10 Pulter Foreſter Efq; 1703: 16 oo oo Hinxworth (St. Nicholas] William Peck Eſq; Kelfhall R. [St. Faith) Biſhop of Ely. 21 09 07 Munden-magna R. (St. Nicholas]. 02 02 111 The KING 1718. 15 Oo oo Munden-parva R. [All Saints] William Anſell Gent. 1688, by Grant from Mr. John'Wood- hall of London. Robert Heyſham Efq; 1723. Radwell R..[All-Saints] OI '06 08 45 l. 1 s. 2 d. Robert Bell Efq; 1679. Mr. Pym (Wi.) CertifiedValue. og oo oo Sandon V. [All-Saints oo 18 oo Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Propr. and Patr. 50 Oo oo Therfield R. (St. Mary] 05 Oo oo Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. 08 oo oo Throcking R. [Holy Trinity] oo 1600 591. 145. 7 d. Robert Elwes Eſq; 1706. CertifiedValus. 16 05 021 Wallington R. [St.. Mary) OI 13 064 The Maſter of Emanuel College, Cambridge (alone.). 20 01 10 Walkerne R. [St. Mary] 02 00 02 King's College, Cambridge. 20 00 00 : Weſtmill R. [St. Mary] 70. Twiffeion and Lewis Monoux Eſq; 1706. Lucia Wall Widow 1727. Mr. Freeman (Wi.) 10 12 031 Wormley R.. + [St. Laurence) oi oi 02 Sir Robert Atkins and Sir Edward Atkins Kt. Sir William Monfon (Wi.) Wilian + Wormley R. is charged in London Dioceſe, in the Juriſdiction of Waltham, and there is no ſuch Place within this Dioceſe. ΟΙ IO 00 13 06 08 02 00 00 HERTFORDSH. DIOCESE of. LINCOLN 303 Yearly Tenths. d. 00 10 00 1. S. 00 10 08 39 19 08 or 00 101 King's Booksa 1. s. d. 05 00 00 Willian V. [All Saints] The Revd. Mr. William Kingſley. Mr. Abby (Wi.) 05 06 10 Hoſp. de Royſton. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. BALDOCĶ R. [St. Mary] The KING. 44 13 00 Caldecot R. (St. Mary Magdalen] William Hale Eſq; 1712, 1727. 37 18 04 Ruſhden V. [St. Mary] Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. : 38 oo oo Weſton V. [Holy Trinity] Pri. Sti Johannis Jeruſalem Propr. (olim Templarior.) La- dy Williamſon 1688. Mr. Hale Patr. 1718. 49 19 00 Yardley V. (St. Laurence] Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Propr. and Patr. 00 16 oo 00 16 02 01 00 08 01 04 00 1. S. d. d. 20 00 00 02 00 00 D. Berkhampited, in the Arch-Deaconry of HUNTINGDON. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tonths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. 20 08 061 Albury R. alias Aldbury (St. John Baptiſt) 02 00 101 Duke of Leeds 1707. 24 Oo oo Aldenham V. [St. John Baptiſt] 02 08 oo 51 1. os. od. Pri. of Elling-Spittle, London, olim Propr. Duke of New- CertifiedValue. caſtle 1704. BERKHAMPSTED St. Peter's R. The Prince of Wales as Duke of Cornwall 1722. 48 06 08 Flamſted R. + [St. Leonard) only a Curacy. Stipend 12 l. 04 02 08 Univerſity College, Oxford, Iinpropr. II 12 08 Gaddeſden-parva R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] 01 03 034 Earl of Bridgwater 1703. 16 or 10, HeMSTED V. alias Hemel-Hemſted (St. Mary] OI 12 02 Colleg. de Aljberugg in Bucks Propr. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, at the Nomination of the Biſhop of Lincoln. 09 13 04 Kenſworth V. I [St. Mary] 00 19 04 D.an and Chapter of St. Pauls Propr. and Patr. 08 oo oo King's Langley V. || (All-Saints] oo 16 oo Pri. di King's-Langley olim Propr. Biſhop of Ely Propr. and Patr. North. + Flamfied R.man Impropriation formerly in the Poffeffion of one Mr. Tiomas Saunders, who deviſed the Rectory and part of the Tythes to the Matter and Fellows of Univerſity College in Oxford, and their Suc- ceſſors ; ordaining by his Will , That for the future the Curate ſhould have 60 l. per annum Salary ; and that the Maſter and Fellows ſhould always appoint a Curate. Sir Hen. Chauncey's Antiquit. of Hertfordſh. p. 568. $ Kenſworth V.-augmented by the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's with 36 l. per annum. Vid. Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 284. | Kings-Langley.-----Benj. Laney, Jate Biſhop of Ely, granted to the Vicar of this Church and his Succef- fors an Augmentation of 361. per annum, for their better Support and Maintenance. Vid. Chauncey's An- tiquities of Hertfordſhire, p. 545. 4 304 DIOCESE of LINCOLN. HERTFORDSH. 1. d. 1. d. ? ΟΙ 00 00 .12 07 02:5 St. Andrew's HERTFORD R, with St. Nicholas HERTFORD *King's Boeks. Yearly Tenths. S 21 01 03 X hampſted St. Mary's. North-Berkhampfted R. alias North-Church, alias Berk- . } 02 02 01 Dean and Canons of Windſor, by Act of Parliament 7th of Queen Anne. 10 or 00 Puttenham R. 01 00 01 Biſhop of Lincoln. 16 08 or Shenley R. [St. Botolph] OI 12 09 John Crew 1662, Thomas Laundis Gent. 1686. Mr. New- combe (Wi.) 42 01 1035 Whethampfted R. [St. Helen] withi Harpenden Chap. [St. 2 St.}04 & 04 04 02 Biſhop of Lincoln. Livings Diſcharged. ClearYearly Value. 42 17 II Gaddeſen-magna V. + [St. John Baptiſt] 01 00 02 Abb. St. Albans Propr. Henſhaw Halſey Efq; 1719. 43 16 11 North-Mims V. (St. Mary] Domus Carthuſ. prope London Propr. Thomas Blackmore Efq; 1707. Not in Charge. Caddington. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Propr. TRING [St. Peter and. St. Paul] and Long-Marton[All-Saints] {l. 40 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Chapels ſerv'd by a Curate. Mon. Feverſam in Kent. formerly. Impr. Chrift-Churh College, Oxford. Wiggington [St. Bartholomew] Chap. belongs to Tring. Stipend 71. Chrift-Church College, Oxford. Bovingdon (St. Laurence] Chap.31. 26 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. to Hemſted. Flamden [St. Mary] Chap. to 60}. 6 : 2 : 6 Clear Hemſted. : 6 Clear Val. D. Hertford, in the Arch-Deaconry of HUNTINGDON. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 10 08 06. All-Saints in HERTFORD V. and St. John's united, OI OO 10$ The KIN G and Richard Harriſon Eſq; alternately. Pri. Waltham Crucis Propr. and St. Mary's. 04 08 The KING as Duke of Lancaſter, Berkhampfted- + Gaddeſden-magna V. Sir John Halſey gave to the Vicar, by his Laſt Will and Teſtament, a confi- derable Portion of the Great Tythes for the Augmentation of his Revenue: Sir Henry Chauncey's Hiſtory of Hertfordſhire, p. 562. 1. d. RD }or 1 HERTFORDSH. 305 DIOCESE of LINCOLN. King's Books. Yearly Tentos 1. d. 00 14 10 I. d. II 06 08 01 02 08 V 07 08 061 Berkhampfted-parya R [St. Andrew] Earl of Saliſbury 1714. Bromfield alias Brantfield R. (St. Andrew] The Revd. Mr. Bainbrigg. Lord Grandifon (Wi.) Datchworth R. [All-Saints] 14 13 04 Earl of Elex 1709. Dixwell R. alias Digſwell (St. John Evangeliſt] Francis-Boteler Shalcroſs Gent. 1687. - Thomas Shalcroſs Efq; OI 09 04 07 04 02 oo 14 05 Patr. 1720. 18 oo oo Effenden R. [St. Mary] with Bayford Chap. or 16 oo Earl of Saliſbury. 08 13 04 Eyot alias Ayot Magna alias St. Laurence R. 00 17 04 63 1. 10's. 6 d. Robert Briſtow Eſq; 1661. Eliz. Briſtow, Geo. Halſey, Charles CertifiedValue. Wilſon, and Heſter Briſtow 1705. Geo. Townſend Eſq; William Duncombe and John Duncombe Eſqs; 1720. Mr. Lloyd (Wi.) 07 08 061 Eyot alias Ayot St. Peter's, alias Parva R. 00 14 101 Sir John Read Kt. 1686. Mr. Freeman (Wi.) 12 15 02. Hartingfordbury R. [St. Mary] 01 05 06 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. HATFIELD-Bishop's R. (St. Ethelreda] with Totteridge ? 36 02 OI 12 021 Chap. [St. Andrew] Earl of Saliſbury 1719. 10 03 04 Sacave alias Sacombe R. [St. Mary] oi oo 04 Edward Rolt Efq;1714. 08 08 06 Stapleforth alias Stapleford R. [St. Mary] 00 16 10 Sir Thomas Cooks Winford 17.17. 14 Oo oo Tewing R. [St. Peter] 01 08 oo Sir Francis Boteler Kt. 1688. Jeſus College, Cambridge, pleno jure 1702. 19,08 061 Watton at Stone R. [St. Mary and St. Andrew] oi 18 10 Phil. Boteler Eſq; 1694. 21 00 00 Welwyn R. [St. Mary] All Souls College, Oxford. Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 40 00 00 Benjoy V. alias Bengeo (St. Leonard] 00 14 10 Món. Bermondſey Propr. Thomas Byde Eſq; 1707. Not in Charge. Totteridge Chap. (St. Andrew] (Stipend 201.) Rector of Hatfield. 02 02 00 King's Books. D. Hitchin, in the Arch-Deaconry of HUNTING DON. Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Graveley R. [St. Mary) with Sheffield alias Chivesfield. OI 04 01 Sir John Spencer Bart. 1697. Sir Henry Penrice (Wi.) Ikleford . l. s. d. -12 00 10 d. RE 306 DIOCESE of LINCOLN. HERTFORDSH. King's Books. Yearts 1. d. yazoo 25 06 08 . Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 08 00 oo Ikleford [St. Catherine) with Pirton V. (St. Mary) only a 0 15 oo Cur. (Stipend 10 l.) Abb. Ramſay Propr. Dorothy How Widow 1682. Wil liam Dean Efq; Patr. 1720. HITCHIN V. + (St. Mary and St. Andrew] 02 10 08 641.175. 10d. Pri. Elneſtow Impr. Trinity College, Cambridge. CertifiedValue. Kimpton V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] 01 04 00 Pri. Merton in Surr. Impr. Sir Jonathan Keate Bart. 1698. Sir Henry Hoo-Keatė Bart. 1725. 13 01 10; Knebworth R. [St. Mary] 01 06 025 William Robinſon Lytton Efq; 1703. II OI 10 Letchworth R. 01 02 02 Sir William Lytton Kt. 1701. 19 08 09 Lyley R. [St. Peter] OL 18 101 Sir George Warburton Bart. 1709. STEVEN AGE R. (St. Nicholas] The Revd. Dr. Joſeph Bentham is both Incumbent and Pa- 12 00 00 33 06 08 03 06 08 tron 1719 43 04, 08 , }or oz oo D 00 18 00 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S St. Ippolits vulgo Pallets, with Wymley als Wymondley-mag- Pri. Hertford Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 43 13 00 Ofey V. [St. Mary Magdalen q.] Cantar. Chalgrave in Bedf. olim Propr. Sir Henry Pen- rice Kt. and his Lady 1719. Sir Henry Penrice 1727. Not in Charge. Wimley als Little Wymondley Curacy [St. Mary) (Sti- pend 10 l.) Priory of Wymondley Propr. Geo. Needham Eſq; 9. Tri- nity College, Cambridge, (Wi.) St. Thomas's Chap. q. Ant. Hert. 410 Walden Regis (St. Mary) a Donative. (not charged or certified.) Sir Bernard Hale Propr. Minſden Chap. to Hitchin. 2. Huntingdon. Livings remaining in Charge. King's-Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. s. d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 64 14 02 Arch-Deaconry of Hunts. Biſhop of Lincoln. Nicholas was the firſt Arch-Deacon 1092. All- + Hitchin V.----augmented with a Rent-Charge of gl. per annum by Mr. Ralph Skinner, to improve the former Augmentations of 10 h. yearly, by the Maſter and Fellows of Trinity College in Cambridge, Impro- priators thereof, and of 6). 135. 4 d. yearly paid by the Company of Cloath-Workers, London. Biſhop Ken- net's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 337. 06 09 05 HUNTS. DIOCESE of LINCOLN. 307 King's Books. 1. d. d. Joo 13 02 Yearly Tenths. 1. 06 11 101 All-Saints R. in Hunts. Proxies and Synods iii s. ii d. Penj. Abb. Thorney X s. Penſ. Pri. Huntingdon x s. Ballivis de oo 13 025 Hunts xiii d. ob. The KING. 06 07 06 St. John Baptiſt R. Archidiac. pro Indemn. viii d. Proxies and Syn. iii s. ii d. Redd. v s. id. qa. Epiſc. Lincoln. xvi d. Certified Value Abb. Ramſay ii s. Pri. Hinchingbroke iii s. iiii d. Portion. Soo 12 09 vi s. viii d. Pri. Hunts, vi s. viii d.. The KING Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. St. Bennet's R. with St. Mary's V. united. Proxies and Syonds 19 04 07 jii s. ii d. Pri. Hunts, xiii s. iii d. Ballivis de Hunts, iïi dos 01 00 00 The KING. Pri. Huntingdon Propr. lo 771. gs. od. of both. jos D. St. Ives, in the Arch-Deaconry. of HUNTINGDON. . Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, lo s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. I. d. 32 16 001 Blonteſham R. + [St. Mary] Proxies and Synods x s. viii d. 03 05 07 Biſhop of Ely. R. (All-] . 21 13 09 ? Pens . Abb. Ramſay xüi s. iiii d. 04 Henry Whitebread Gent. 1713. The Revd. Mr. Robert Hodſon (Wi.) 30 06 03 Holliwell R. (St. John Baptiſt] Proxies and Synods xiii s. x d. 03 00 071 Earl of Mancheſter 1717. Duke of Mancheſter 1722. Houghton (St. Mary) with Wyton R. (All-Saints) Proxies s 34 17 08? and Synods xiii s. x d. Penf. Abb. Ramſay xx s. Stipend. . 03 og 09 Capellano cvis, viii d. Sir John Bernard Bart. 1710. S'St. Ives V. Synods iii s. ii d. Penſ. Pri. St. Ives c s. Sti- 06 15 6, pend. Curat. de Wodhurſt iii l. Čurat. de Oldburft lx s. 00 13 06 CertifiedValue. Mon. Ramſay Propr. Robert Pigot Efq; 1717. SRipton-Abbots R. [St. Andrew] Proxies and Syn. x s. viïi d.2 21 07 06 2 Penf. Abb. Ramſay ii s. Sir Natban Wright Kt. (this Turn) 1702. Now Mr Bon- foy and Charles Cæfar Efq; Ripton-Regis R. [St. Peter] Proxies and Synods x s. vüid. OI 03 II} 741. 6s.od. The KING 9. Mr. Sherrard (Wi.) CertifiedValut. Somerſham R. (St. John Baptiſt] with Somerſham Chap. il. 6 s. 10 d. . Pidleigh [All Saints] 1 l. 6s. 9 do and Colne 40 04 07 [St. Helen] 1 1. 6 s. 9 d. Proxies and Synods x s. viii d. 04 00 052 Stipend. Capellan. de Colne & Pidleigh x l. xiii s. iiii d. Annex'd to the Regius Profeſſorſhip of Divinity in Cam- bridge. I Stewkley + Erith (St. James] is a Chapel to Blonteſham. Somerſham R.--annex'd as above, per Act. 10 Anna. 303 in}00 d. 302 02 02 09 II 19 07 ? dis Rr 2 308 DIOCESE of LINCOL N. HUNTS. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. OI 07 03 1. S. d. }o2 15 15 00 idizo I OI 095 00 08 01 1 oo 13 05 King's Books. 13 13 01 Stewkley parva R. [St. Martin] Prox. and Syn. x s. viid. John Bigg Efq; 1701.: S Warboys R. (St. Mary Magdalen] Prox, and Syn, xiii s. iiii d. 27 10 oo 2 Penj. Abb. de Ramſey xl s. Mrs. Lucy Leman Widow 1694, 1721. S Wiſtow R. (St. John Baptiſt] Proxies and Synods x s. viii d. 10 17 08 2 Pens. Mon. Ramſey vi s. viii d. John Pedley Eſq; 1705. Livings Diſcharged. Clear rearly Value. 23 00 00 Hertford V. [All-Saints] Synods x s. viii d. The KING. Mon. Huntingdon Propr. 27' 14 06 Stewkley magna V. (St. Bartholomew] Mon. Huntingdon Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. Not in Charge. RAMSE Y Curacy (St. Thomas Becket] Stipend 8 l. Mon. Ramſey Propr. Oliver Cromwell 1605. none ſince. Mr. Titus (Wi.) Little-Ravely Chap. (Stipend 50 s.) Earl of Sandwich Patr. (Wi.) Upwood or Upton [St Peter] with Ravely magna Cur. (Sti- pend 8 l.) Mon. Ramſey Prolir. Mr. Pheaſant Patr. (Wi.) Oliver Cromwell 1605, none ſince. Oldhurſt [St. Peter] and Wood- hurſt Cur. [All-Saints] (Mem-l. 17 : 14 : 06 Clear Val. bers of St. Ives) Berry Donative (Holy Croſs] - l. 25. : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Sir Jobn Bernard Patr. Hethmangrove Cur. (St. Mary. ] Abbey of Ramſey Propr. Sir John Bernard Patr. } D. Leightonſtone, in the Arch-Deaconry of HUNTINGDON. / Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. I. d. 34 03 067{Brington (All-Saints? with Bilhern [St. Laurence) and Old Weſton (St. Swithin] Proxies and Synods xx s. d}03 08 04: Weyman Lee Eſq; 1714. Mr. Pocklington (Wi.) 21 05 02 Buckworth R. [All-Saints] Synods and Proxies xv s. vid. 02 02 064 Charles Duncombe Efq; :17 16 10 Catworth magna R. [St. Leonard] Syn. and Prox. xvi s. vid. OI 15 085 Brazen-Noſe College, Oxford. s Ceviſton, alias Keviſton, alias Keſton R. [St. John Baptiſt] 29 05 oo 2 Proxies and Synods xvis. vid. Weyman Lee Gent. 1707. Mr. Wingfield (Wi.) Copingford it]}02 02 18 06 HUNTS. DIOCESE of LINCOL N. 309 King's Books. yearly 1. d. 18 13 01:{}or 2;}or 17 03: , OI OO 02 02 00 00 }oi 13 05# d}or 07 06: 00 10 00 II IO IO for }or 03 03 01 13 15 05 ŞHamerton R. (All-Saints] Proxies and Synods xiii s. iii 12 13 06 $ Swanſhed R. alias Swineſted (St. Nicholas] Proxies and Sy- Yearly Tenths. 2. d. Copingford + 'alias Copmanford [All Saints] with Upton R.? [St. Margaret] Proxies and Synods xviii s. Earl of Montagu 14;03. Duke of Montagu 1723. IO OI 08 Covington R. [All Saints] Proxies and Synods x-s. viii d. 791. 195. 3 d. Mary Taylor Widow 1698. CertifiedValue. 20 00 00 Ellington V. I [All-Saints] Pri. Huntingdon Propr. Peter-Houſe, Cambridge. ŞGraffam R. [All Saints] Proxies and Synods xiii s. ii d. · Pins. 16 14 04: { Pri. Hunts. vi s. viii d. Penf. Pri. Thorney X s. John Bigg Eſq; 1713. Penf. Abb. de Colcheſter cvi s. viii d. Smith Efq; Mr. Bedell (Wi.) 05 Oo oo KIMBOLTON V. [St. Andrew] 601. 55. 4d. Pri. Stoneley Propr. Duke of Mancheſter. CertifiedValue, 57 15 02 Manor of Leighton Bromeſwold P.|| 05 15 065 Melleſworth alias Moulſworth R. (St. Peter] Proxies and Sy- nods ix s. xd. Redd. vis. The Arch-Biſhop of York Patr. by Exchange with the Lord Malton, for the Curacy of Old Malton in York- faire 1728. 33 02 031 Stow Longa P. in Ecclefia Lincoln (St. Mary q.] 03 06 02 Biſhop of Lincoln. ix s. viii d. 01 05 04 Earl of Mancheſter 1716. Duke of Mancheſter. 1722. II 04 02 Thurning R. [St. James] Proxies and Synods ix s. ii d. 01 02 05 66 l. 19 s. Ind. Emanuel College, Cambridge. Certified Value. 09 og 02 Wolley R. [St. Mary] Synods and Proxies x s. vid. 00 18 II John Bedell Eſq; 1707. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Alconbury alias Alkmunbury V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] cum 41.00 09 { Weſton, Proxies and Synods xvi s. vid. Redd. xiii s. Pri. Merton in Surr. Impr. Dean and Chapter of Weſtm. Patr. 44.08 oo * Brampton V. [St. Mary] 00 16 01 Prebendary thereof in Ecclef. Lincoln. Propr. and Patr. 47 00 03 * Buckden V. alias Bugden ++ [St. Mary] 00 16 oo Biſhop of Lincoln. Gidding + Coping ford, Church is demoliſhed. | Ellington V.--no Inſtitution or Induction to this, it belongs to Peter-Houſe in Cambridge, certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty, to be of the yearly Value of 25 l. But not being certified into the Exchequer, in order to be diſcharged from Firſt-Fruits and Tenths ; the ſame remains ſtill charged. | Manor of Leighton Bromeſwold P.- - Lay-Fee, Vid. the old Vellum Book in the Firit-Fruits Office, fo: 264. 6. This Prebend was granted away in the time of Edward VI. by Gilbert Smith the then Prebendary, to Sir Robert Tyrwhit. #t Bugden alias Buckden V.—The Prebend of Bugden, in the Cathedral Church of Lincoln, was ſettled as an Augmentation for the Vicar of Bugden, by Act of Parliament anno 40 & 5° Annæ Reginæ. sy- . Zoo 16 07 310 DIOCESE of LINCOLN. Hunts. S. s.. d. 00 16 0657 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Gidding magna V. (St. Michael] Synods and Proxies iii s. ii d. 43 14 02 Mon. Huntingdon Propr. Lord Sondes 1714. Earl of S Rockingham (Wi.) 30 00 00 Gidding parva R. + [St. John] Synods and Proxies iïi s. iiii d. 00 14 07? The KING, 40 16 oo Leighton Bromeſwold V. [St. Mary] oo 14 00 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 20 07 00 Spaldwick V. (St. James] cum Cap. * Barham [St. Giles] OI 04 OI Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 45 10 00 Steeple-Gidding R. [St. Andrew] Synods and Proxies viii s. 00 17 097 Sir John Cotton Bart. 1691. 38 08 oo Winwick V. [All-Saints] Synods and Proxies iii s. ii d. 00 15 08 Mon. Huntingdon Propr. Duke of Montagu 1914. Duke of Mancheſter (Wi.) Not in Charge. * Eaſton Curacy (St. Peter.] Prebendary of Stow. * Long Stow, ſerv'd by a Curate do 16 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Prebendary of Stow. Catworth parva, Chapel to Stow. D. St. Ncots, in the Arch-Deaconry of HUNTINGDON. 06 13 09 1 Perf;}o3 1 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 2. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. l. d. ŞEverton [St. Mary] (in Co. Bedf.) with Tetworth V. Syn. and 646.6%.102.2 Proxies iii s. id. Soo 13 04 CertifiedValue. Pri. Sti Neoti Profr. Clare-Hall, Cambridge. ŞEyneſbury R. [St. Mary) Proxies and Synods ix s. viii d. Penſ. 32 03 09 Pri. Sti Neoti lvi s. viii d. 03 04 04 Earl of Sandwich 1714. SGodmancheſter V. [St. Mary] Proxies and Synods xv s. x d. 17 00 05 Redd. xxiii s. id. ob. DI I4 Oo. 66 1. 8 s. 10d. Certified Value. Pri. Merton Propr. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. 26 13 04 Hemingford Abbats R. [St. Margaret] 02 13 04 Lady Anne Trevor. Guardians of Sir John Bernard Bart. 1714. 19 02 01 Offord Cluny R. [All-Saints] Proxies and Synods x s. vid. OI 18 02 Biſhop of London. Sofford Darcy R. [St. Peter] Proxies and Synods x s. viii d. 15 02 08.1 081 Pri. Hunts 1 s. 01 10 03 George Merrit Gent. 1697. Mr. Naylor (Wi.) Paxton † Gidding Parva R.-The Tythes were reſtored to it by the Family of the Farrars 1633. Biſhop Ken- net's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 235. I Godmancheſter--augmented with 30 l. per Ann. by the Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter, Patrons thereof, by charging the ſame on their Leſiee. Vid. Bihop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 338. 3 Zo1 HUNTS. DIOCESE of LINCOL N. 311 King's Books. 1. S. d. L. 20 00 00 02 00 00 for og oo; Yearly Tenths. d. Paxton magna V. + (Holy Trinity] Proxies and Synods iii s. 16 02 II iid. cum Cap. de Toſeland (St. Mary) and Paxton parva oi 12 ož: [St. James] Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. Saitho alias Southo V. [St. Leonard] cum Cap. Halliweſton (St. 14 02 03 Nicholas] Synods and Proxies ix s. ii d. * Curato de Hälli 01 08 02 weſton cvi s. viii d. Pri, Hunts Propr. Ro. Pullein Eſq; 1691. Mr. Burrell (Wi.) Stoughton magna V. (St. Andrew] Domus Carthuf. London Propr. St. John's College, Oxon, 1720. Yelling R. (Holy Croſs] Proxies and Synods ix s. viïi d. Pen 14 10 05 Pri. de Marten Abbey iiii l. Penſ. Pri. Hunts xx s. The KING. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 33 Oo oo Abboteſley V. [St. Margaret] Proxies and Synods iiii s. 00 17 08 Baliol College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. nods ix s. viii d. OO 14 05 Merton College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. Fenny-Staunton V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] cum Hilton, Pro- 27 10 00 xies and Synods ix s. 03 01 Colleg. Sti Stephani Weſtminſt. Propr. Trinity-Hall, Can- bridge. Grandeſon alias Granſden magna V. (St. Bartholomew] Pro-> 30 00 00 xies and Synods ix s. x d. 10 08 Abb. Sti Auguſtini Briſtol olim Propr. Clare-Hall, Cam- bridge, Propr. and Patr. 24 14 00 Hemingford Grey V. [St. James] Prox. and Syn. iii s. ii d. 00 19 08 Mon Huntingdon Propr. Trinity-Hall, Cambridge. 14 04 00 ST. NEOTS V. [St. Mary] The KING. Pri. Sti Neoti Propr. 40 10 00 Warelly V. [St. Andrew] Proxies and Synods iii s. ii d. 00 17 07 Pri. St. John of Jeruſalem Propr. Pembroke-Hall, Cam- bridge, Patr. 1 OI OO OO d. 1. d. D. Parlep, in the Arch-Deaconry of HUNTINGDON. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. l'early Tenths. le Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 09 05 10 Alwalton R. [St. Andrew] Proxies and Synods xiii s. ii d. 00 18 07 60 l. Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. Certified alue. Ayleton alias Elton R. (All-Saints] Proxies and Synods xiii 23 og 02 02 06 1 ii d. Penf. Abb. de Ramſey lxvi s. viii d. Elizabeth Ball 1708. Mr. Woodcock (Wi.) Brito † Paxton magna V.-augmented by the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, by Increaſe of 75 1. per ini. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 282. 312 DIOCESE of LINCOL N. HUNTS. s. i d.}or 611 10 s. CertifiedValue. 19 06 08 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. a. Bottlebridge R. united to Overton-Longvile [All Saints] Pro-7 08 06 10 xies and Synods xiii s. ii d. Penf. Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem liii s. ili d. Lord Viſcount and Lady Morpeth 1721. Ş Cheſterton R. (St. Michael] Proxies and Synods xiii s. ii d. 17 03 04 OI 14 04 Penſ. Pri, de Royſton xl s. Penf. Abb. Tborney xii s. John Dryden Efq; 1696. Conington R. [All-Saints] Proxies and Synods xvis, vid. OI 18 08 Sir John Cotton Bart. 1699. 09 03 09 Fletton R. (St. Margaret] Proxies and Synods xiii s. ii d. 00 18 041 Jo. Proby Eſq; 1694. SFolkeſworth R. alias Pholkſworth (St. Helen] Proxies and oo 16 071 08, 0603 Synods x s. viii d. Penf. Abb. de Croyland vis. viii d. 70 1. 7 s. CertifiedValue. John Sherard Gent. 1706. Catherine Sherard 1722. SGlatton R. [St. Nicholas] Proxies and Synods xvis, vid. 02 103 21 08 1171 Penf. Abb. de Mifjenden iiii l. xiii s. iiii d. John Sherard Gent. 1690. SHaddon R. [St. Mary] Proxies and Synods xiii s. ii d. Pens. 301 02 06 II 05.00 { Abb. de Thorney v s. 78 1. 345.7 d. CertifiedValue. Ro. Pigot Eſq; 1708. 10 06 10: ŞMorborne R. (All-Saints] Proxies and Synods x s. viii di oo 08 { Pens. Abb. de Croyland xxvi s. viji d. Sir Charles Duncombe Knt 1703. 12 06 05: ŞOverton-Longvile R. (Holy Trinity] united to Bottlebridge, for 04 07! Proxies and Synods xiii s. ii Lord Viſcount and Lady Morpeth 1721. Mr. Carryer to both (Wi.) but q. 12 II 051 Overton-Watervile R. [St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. xiii s. üid. oi 05 01 Pembroke-Hall, Cambridge. S Sawtry Bunnis alias Sawtry Beams, alias Sawtry St. Andrews R.2 08 01 00 Proxies and Synods vii s. vid. Ro. Cotton Efq; 1706. Sawtry Moigne alias Sawtry All Saints R. Proxies and Sy-100 17 061 08 15 07+? nods vii s. vid. Duke of Devon two Turns 1701. Lord Rockingham al- ternately. 06 06 10 Standground (St. John Baptiſt) and Faſcet V. (St. Mary] 00 12 081 Abb. Thorney Propr. Emanuel College, Cambridge. S Stepington alias Stibington R. [St. John Baptiſt] Proxies and 00 15 04. 07 13 062 Synods xiii s. ü d. Penf. Abb. de Thorney xiii s. iiiid. Duke of Bedford 1721. Ş Stilton R. [St. Mary] Proxies and Synods x s. viii d. Penf.2 01 02 07 II 05 10 Pri. de Hunts x s. Biſhop of Lincoln. Watēr Newton R. (St. Remigius] Proxies and Synods xiii s. 06 09 02 ii d. Penf. Abb. de Thorney XXX S. 591 os. 8 d. Arthur Turner Eſq; 1720. Certifiedl'alue. Woodſton and}oo vid.}o2 Pers. Zor i dopo 16 014 2.300 }oo : Pensizo1 s}00 00 I2 II HUNTS, 313 DIOCES E of LINCOLN. King's Books 1. d. Yearly Tenths. d. DO 15 01 1. II 00 00 01 02 00 07 II 03 Woodſton R. [St. Auguſtine] Proxies and Synods xiii si iid. { . vis Géo. Maydwell Gent. 1702. Now Carryer Tompſon Eſq; 1723. Woodwalton R. (St. Andrew] Proxies and Synods ix s. xd. Thomas Dacres Efq; 1706, and Sir John Marſhall alternately, Livings Diſcharged. Clear Tearly Value, Caldecote R. [St. Mary Magdalen] Prox. and Syn. ix s. x d. Ro. Newcombe Merchant 1698. Denton R. [All-Saints] Proxies and Synods x s. viii d. Ro. Cotton Eſq; 1711, YAXLEY V. (St. Peter The KING. Mon, Thorney Propr. Holme Cur. [St. Giles] Chapel to Haddon (not certified.) 39 10 00 oo 14 047 48 u 06 00 11 04 30 00 00 OI 02 00 1. s. d. 701. 12 00 00 . . for D. Acklep, in the Arch-Deaconry of LEICESTER. LEICESTERSH. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Pearly Tenths. 2 d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 15 02 08 Barrowe V. + (Holy Trinity] Archidiac. xi s. i d. or 10 037 Mon. Leiceſter Propr. St. John's College, Cambridge. 10 06 0o; Cole Orton R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. 01 00 074 Sir George Beaumont 1727. CertifiedValue. Hatherne R. (St. Peter] Archidiac, xi s. i d. Abb. Leiceſter. 04 oo 2 xliiii s. Ecclefiæ de Keggworth xiii s. iii d. James Abney Efq; 1682. Sir Ambroſe Philips 1694. William Philips Efq; (Wi.) 25 15 071 Keggworth R. [St. Andrew) Archidiac . xi s. i d. O2 II 061 Earl of Berkeley is to preſent one out of two nominated to him by Chriſt's College, Cambridge. Long-Whatton R. [All-Saints.) ] 01 06 08 The KING 40 16 03 SLOUGHBOROUGH R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. OI XV s. id. Emanuel College, Cambridge 07 Oo oo Olgathorpe R. [St. Mary] Priori Holland. xx s. 00 14 00 Lord Huntingdon 1679. CertifiedValue. ŞOunlip alias Wanlip R. (St. Nicholas] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 14, 04. 0431 Vicario de Rothley vi s. viii d. 01 08 057 691. 12 s. 10 d. CertifiedValue. Archdale Palmer Eſq; 1703. 05 15 10 Pakington V. [Holy Rood] 00' 11 07 Mon. Coventry Propr._ Earl of Huntingdon 1690. Jo. Laughton Clerk (this Turn) 1706.. Sf Rothley + Barrowe V.-was augmented by Dr. Beveridge, Biſhop of St. Aſaph, and the latronage thereof given to the College of St. John's aforeſaid.. Vide Willis's Antiquity of St. Aſaph, p. 95. 13 06 08 {t 67 1. 145. ir 1 1. S. d. of i4 101 03 08: joz 06 09: : 00. I2 OQ. LINCOLN: - Leicesterdi: 314 DIOCÈS'È of E INCOLN King's Books. Yedrty Tenis d. 11 oo og Rothley V. alids. Rödelğ (St. Mary) -Arcbidiác. xxvii t. vi d. 2 di 02 og 76 ga. CertifiedValue. Preceptor de Rothley Propk. Ind. Babington Eſq; 1691. 19 08 11 Shạile; aliàs Seale, aliaš Nether-Sealē R:[St; Peterli Thotia's Gresbə Erd; 16ğžSir Robert Burder Bart. 1905. William Inge Eſq; 1705; 21. 18.04 Swepſton R. (št. Peter) cum Cap. Sådreſton, Archidiac. xiïi s. 02 03 10 : Thomas Charnells, Gent. 1662: Thomas Charnells Efq;:1722. 'S Thürcáſton R. [All Saints] Arcbidiac. ix s.. Pen. Pri. Shene? 23 07 081 xxvii s. Emanuel College, Cambridge. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. SASHBY DE LA ZOUCH V. [St. Helen) and Blackfordby alias 44 Oo oo { Blaugherby [St. Margaretj Archidiac. iii s. } 01 09 00 Mon. Lilleſhull in Co. Salop. Propr.. Earl of Huntingdon 13:15 47 15-00 Belton V. (St. John Baptiſt]: Q0 17 10 Mon. Gracedieu Propr. Lord Huntingdon 1712. 10 Oo oo Bredon [St. Mary1 and Worthington Cựr. [St. Matthew] Pri. Bredon Propr. q. Earl of Huntingữón. Èarl of Stain- ford (Wi.) 33.01 'oo Cašlę Donington V. [St. Edward] Archidiac. xi.f. 06. ga. OÙ : 16-02 Mon, Norton in Ceftr. Propr. The Reverend Mr. "Henry Markham 1704. 41 12 08 Deſworth alias Dy feworth V. [St. Bartholomew] OO 08.00 Mon. Langley Propr. Company of Haberdahers, London. 40 02.08. Lokington St. Nicholas) and Hañingtoh V. (Cap. defecrata) 2 Penf. Abb. Leiceſt. liii s. jiii , d. tala)} 00 12 08 Món, Leiceſter. Propr. Jon Bainbrigge Efq; 17.03. s Shepiſhed V. (St. Botolph]: Archidiac. iii's. vid. “Benf. Abb. 30 00 00 ? Leiceſt. xxvi s. vii d. Mon. Leiceſter Propr. William Philips Èfq; 1717. Swithland R. (St. Leonard] Archidiac. xii s. v.d.' (This is 45 16. 10: Peculiar of Groby.) 01.00 0.5 The KING. 25 00 00 Whitwick. V. [St. John Baptift] Archidiac. Xis. vii, d. ob, 00 19.05% The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Món. Holande. in Lancaſt. Propr. Not in Charge: * Dixley with Thorpe Curacy (All Saints) (Stipend 61. 13.5. Mon. Garradon Propr. William Philips Elq; Grimſton Chap. [St. Peter) in the 31. 18;: 00 : 00 Clear Val. Pariſh of Rothley : Snareſton (St. Bartholomew] Chapel to Swepſton. Anſty, Chapel to Thurcafton. Raunfton Cur. Quarendon 3; Abb.3.00 17 01: is aford .. 4;d.) ? LEICESTERSH. DIOCESE of LINCOLN. 375 : } Quạrendon [St. Bartholomew}}1. 12 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Chap. to Barrow Woodhouſe [St. Mary] Chapel to Barrow. Keame alias Kayham (All-Saints Chap. in the Pariſh of Rothley. 11.50 :.00 : 00 Clear Val. Mount-SORRELL (St. Peter] Chap. in the Pariſhes of Barrow and Rothley. Over-Seale, in the Pariſh of Nether-Seale. Snibſton (St. Mary] Chap. in the Pariſh of Pakington. Stanton-Harold (Holy Trinity].Chap. in the Pariſh of Bredon. Walton [All Saints. Chap. in the Parih of Keggworth. Wartnaby [St. Michael] Chap. in the Pariſh of Rothley ID : 00 : 09 Clear Val. Gaddeſby. [St. Michael] in the 31. 49: 00:00 Clear Val . of Cawdwell, in the Pariſh of Rothley. Wykham, in the Pariſh of Rothley. Cropſtan, Chapel to Thurcafton. D. Chriſtianity alias Leicelter, in the Arch-Deaconry of LEICESTER. 1. l. d. 06 03 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 87 19 02 Arch-Deaconry of Leiceſter. 08 is is Biſhop of Lincoln. 27 St. Margaret's P. or R. 02 14 07 Biſhop of Lincoln. 02 05 00 St. Peter's V. 00 04 06 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter.. Abb. Leiceſter. Propr. Livings Diſcharged. *ClearYearly Value. 15 12 09 All Saints V. Archidiac, .viii s. vid. 00 08 00 The KING 1664. Mon. Leiceſter. Propr. St. Leonard's V, the Church down, and the Pariſh united to All-Saints. 00 00 00 Abb. Leiceſter. Propr. 45 05 09 * St. Margaret V. Redd. Duci Lancaſter, ii s. xd. ob. 01 14 10 Prebendary thereof. 12 00 00 St. Mary's V. ,00 16 oo The KING. Mon. Leiceſter. Propr. 09 13 07. St. Martin V. The K ING. Abb. Leiceſter. Propr. 06.Rp 20 St. Nicholas V. Archidiac. viii s. x d. ob. ga. 00 07 on The K.I'NG. "Abb. Leiceſter. Propr. Not in Charge. St. Clements V Abb. Leiceſter Propr. St. Michael Abb. Leiceſter Propr.. ... Knighton 05 06 08 totoo 00 13 04 SE 2 316 DIOCESE of LINCOLN. LEICESTERSH. Knighton Chap. in the Pariſh of St. Margaret of 31 6:06 : 00 Clear Val Wigſton Hoſpital . The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. D. Framland, in the Arch-Deaconry of LEICESTER. ; . Pris for 12 00 00 *is;}01 Livings remaining in Charge, King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. d Rettories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 15 10 05 Abkettleby V. [St. James) Archidiac. xi.s. id. 01 II Do Mon. de Launda Propr. John Perkins Clerk 1714. 51 05 0o Bottisford R. (St. Mary] Arcbidiac. Xy. s. i de Redd. xx s.ob. 05 02 06 Duke of Rutland 1711. 15 10 05 Braunfton R. [St. Guthlake) Archidiac. xi s.. 01 11 00 72 l. 7s. od. : Duke of Rutland 1704. CertifiedValue. Pri. 11 05 077{Broughton Inferior R. (St, Mary] Archidiac. xiis, ob, ga. 01 02 06 John Lord Jefferies 1693. Anthony Duncombe Efq; 1711; 08.07.03 Buckminſter V. [St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. xis. id. 00 16.087 731.12 s. 4d. Pri. Kirkby Bellers Propr.""Duke of Devonſhire 1717. Certified Value. Burrow R. alias Borowe (St. Mary). Archidiac. viii s. vd. 01 04 00 Mr. Browne (Wi.); 19 12 03:Cold-Overton vulgo Orton R. [St. John Baptiſt ] Archidiac. xi s. E vi d 19 02. Samuel Hartopp Gent. 1720. 16 06 ož Colſton R. alias Coſton (St. Andrew} Archidiac.xis.ob. qa. of 12 07 The KING. og oo oo Dalby parva V. (St. James] Qo 18 00 Mon. Langley Propr. William Hariopp. Efq; 1718. 14 12 08:{ ŞEdmunthorpe R. (St. Michael] Arcbidiac. xis."id. Pensifov 09 03: The KING :- Efevell R. (St. Michael] Archidiac: vi's.' Penj. Abb. Leiceſt. og 12 01 { 2 . M.Zoo 19.02 Epiſc. Lincoln. ii s. The KING 16 oo oo Gawdeby-Marwood R. (St. Dennis] Archidiac; xi s. oo Henry Low Efq; 1700. 120 00 öö Hareby R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. xi s. id. Duke of Rutland. 16 03 034 Knipton R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. xi s. id. OI 13.02 711. 1 s. 3 d. Duke of Rutland 1715. CertifiedValue. MELTON-Mowbray. V. [St. Mary]: Archidiac. xi s. Capel- lano in Melton v.l. ii s. iiid. Curat. de Syfonby & Wélbey 01 12 101 vl. Cuidam Diacono iiii l. Curat. de Burton v I. Curat. 48 l. 16s. 6 d. Certified Value. de Freby & Wymerley v la Pri. Lewes in Suſſex Impr. 'St. John Bennet Eſq; 1690. 15 13 01 Muſton R. [St. John] Archidiac. ix's. OI II. 03 ܢ XX. S. OI 12 00 02 00 00 2,2 16 08 09 CertifiedKalye. Redmile LEICESTERSH. DIOCESE of LINCOLN. 327 , Be- Zor 19. 05 00 po 12 00 7 ŞWymondham R. {St. Peter] Archidiac. xi s. id. Abb. Tuttif}or 04 00 1:2 00 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. SRedmile R. [St. Peter] Archidiac, xi s. i do Pens. Pri. de 12 09 02 { Bever XXX S. depot 04 II Duke of Rutland 1704. 08 01 10 Scalford V. (St. Martin] Archidiac, iii s. iii d. 00 16 021 56 l. 145. Pri. Daventre in Co. Northamp. Propr. Poftea conceſ. Ec- CertifiedValue. clefiæ Chriſti Oxon. Lady Caſtlebaven and Edward Cary Eſq; 1707. Duke of Rutland 1724. S Statherne R. (St. Guthlake). Archidiac. xi s. Priori de Be- 16 03 01:{ ver xvis. 12 03 Peter-Houſe, Cambridge. 06 17 081 Thorpe-Arnold V: Archidiac. iii s. Abb. Leiceſt. xxvi s. viii d. 00 13 091 Abb. Leiceſter. Profr. Duke of Rutland 1715. Duke of Buckingham 1725: . , Penf. xxiiii s. 1 18 06 Ri. Lifter Efq; 1687, 1689, 1692, by Leaſe for 99 Years from the Earl of Rutland. . Duke of Rutland 1722. 06 oo oo Wifordby R. 78 l. II S. Sir John Hartopp Bart. 1701. CertifiedValue. bury viiis. iiïid. I 04 00 Mr. William Goulſton 1660. The KING 1664, 1669, 1670. The QUEEN 1707. Livings Diſcharged.. Clear Yearly Valae: 19 Oo oo Barſton alias Barkſton V.[St. John Baptiſt]' Archidiac. iii s..vi.do 00 14 061 Pri. Bever in Lincoln. Propr. Duke of Rutland 1719. Claxton Long V. [St. Remigius] Archidiac, iii s. vid. Pri. 41 Oo oo Bever xxxvi s. viii d. Pri. Bever Propr. Thomas Gerrard Efq; and his wife, Calvert Wright Efq; and his Wife 1660. Thomas Ger- yard Elg; William Byley and Ro. Wright 1665. Mr. Turtil (Wi.) 41: 07.00 Croxton V. alias Kyriel (St. John] Archidiac. iii s. vid. 00 15 052 Mon.Croxton Propr. Duke of Rutland 1713. 15 05 00 'Eyton alias Eaton V. [St. Dennis] Archidiac. ii s. vi d. 00 15 0 The KING (Wi.) Mon. Leiceſter Propr. Ralph Jackſon in Right of his Wife 1605. 41 00 II Garthorpe V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. iii's. vi d. 00 14 067 Pri. Kirkby Bellers Propr. Lord Rockingham 1697. S Hareſton R. [St. Michael] Archidiac, xi s. id. Penf. Abb. 48 oo 001 Leiceſter. ix s. The KING, 24 17 00 Hooſe V. alias Howes (St. Michael]* Archidiac., x su viii d. oo 14 03 Pri. Bever in Lincoln. Propr. Duke of Rutland, 09 oi oo Plungar V. (Holy Croſs] Pri, Bever, Duke of Rutland. Saltby { d 1900 ၀၀:) :{ Pens. Abb.}oo 16 02 00 00 00 318 DIOCESE of LINCOLN LEICESTERSH. 1 2. 1. d. 00 10 00 20 00 00 Clear Mearly l'alise. Yearly Texstas d. 25 10 00 Saltby V. (St. Peter) 00 14.00 Pri. Drax Ebor. Propr. Duke of Rultand 8716. 43 17 09} Saxby R. (St. Peter] Fobn Richardſon 1691. Lord Sherard two Turns, and Mr. Richardſon one (Wi.) 41 II 00 Somerby V. [St. Peter; Arcbidiær. 11 s. vid. 00 13 08 Mon. Langley Propr. Eliz. Green Widow 1:41%. 25 00 co Sproxton V. (St. Mary) Archidiac. v s. vid. QQ If of Mon. Croxton Propr. Duke of Rutland 1704. 18 10 06 Stapleford V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. iïi s. vid. от об оо Pri. Kirkby Bellers Propr. Lord Harborough 1714. 13 13 04 Stoniſby V. [St. Peter] Archidiac. iii s. vid. Priori Frefton ii s. 00 10 001 Pri. Freſton in Co. Linc. Propr. John De la Fountaine Eſq; 1681. Withcocke R. Archidiac, xxid. Priori Launda ii s. iiii .. 00 12 1:1 Matthew Johnſton Eſq; '1706. · Not in Charge. Kickby-Bellers Cur. [St. Peter] 2 (Stipend 12 l.) was formerly fl. 6:6: 8 Clear Val. a Priory. Biſhop's Book John De la Fountaine Efq; 1676. Sir John Meres Patr. (Wi.). Bertſanby als Befelby Chap. in the Pariſh of Saltby. „Holt Chap. in the Pariſh of Abkettleby. Kettleby, alias Eye-Kettleby in the Pariſh of Melton-Mowbray. Normanton Chap. in the Pariſh of Bottisford. Seuſtern [St. Michael) in the Pariſh of Buckminſter. Holwell Chap. in the Pariſh of Abkettleby. Freaby Chap: [St. Mary) in the 1. 20: 00 : 00 Clear Val. Pariſh of Melton-Mowbray. Brentingby in the Pariſh of Thorp-Arnold. Sextenby als Syfonby, in the 1.20 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Pariſh of Melton-Mowbray. Welby Chapin the Pariſh of Clear Val. : Melton-Mowbray. Burton-Lazars (St. James) Chap: in the Pariſh of Melton-Mow-1. 4:. 6: 00 Clear Val. bray. } D. Gaztree, in the Arch-Deaconry of LEICESTER. d. Yearly Tenths, l s. d. 01 09 00 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books ! Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 14 10 20 BILLESDON V. [St. John] Archidiac. iii ș. vid. Mon. Leiceſter. Propr. Chriſtopher Coles Gent. 1684. John SmithEfq; 1692. Duke Chandos and Mr. Skeffington (Wi.) 24 15.077 xis.ob. Abb. Leiceſter. xiii s.jži d. “Abb. Lenton x s. Sir Edward Smith Bart. 1700. 07{ R. (.} oz 62 09 061 Bringhurſt I LEICESTERSH. DIOCESE of LINCOLN 1319 King's Books. s. 1. J. { “Хоо Yearly Tenths. 1. di d. II 15 00 Bringhurſt V.+ (St. Nicholas] 01 03 06 45%. 18 s.od. Abb. Petriburgo Propr. Lord Rockingham 1669, 1721,1727. CertifiedValue. 38 05 10 Burton-Overy R. Archidiac. xi s. ob.qa. Priori Shene liiis, üiid. on 16 07 Edward Abbot, Chriſtopher Sherrard, and John Yates 1710. Mr. Burdet (Wi.) 18 15 10 (. qa. Priori? 2. ; Shene liiiis, iiii d. Sir Geofry Palmer Bart. 1777, 1722. 48 13 04 Church-Langton R. [St. Peter] Archidiac. xi s. ob. qa. 04 17 04 George Aſhley Eſq; 1703. Thomas Babington, Walter Rud- ding Eſqs; - Sam. Heyrick and Jobn Elliot Clerk 1725. Mr. Allop (Wi.) 08 16.08Cranew R. alias Cranhoe [St. Michael] Archidiac. üis. vi d. 00 17 08 576.15s. Id. Earl of Cardigan 1717; 1727, CertifiedValue. 18 02 06 Galby R. [St. Peter] Archidiac. xi s.ob. qa. Mon. Burton La- zar. Ixvis. viii d. 00 Sir Richard Newdigate Bart. 1687: John Glover and others 1715. William Vincent and James Sherman b. v. 17273 Mr. Wragg 1729. (Wi.) 12 14 02 : Glen-magna V. [St. Cuthbert] with Stretton Chap. or 05.05 68 l. 17 5. od. Pri, Studeley in Co. Warwick Propr. Geo. Hewet Eſq; 1714. CertifiedValue. 08 00:00: Glouſton R. Archidiac. iii s. ili do oo 16 oo 681. 16 s. 3.d. Earl of Cardigan 1687, CertifiedValue. 16.02 06 Gumley R. [St. Helen] Archidiac. xi s. ob. ga. O 12 03 Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. 17 06 08 SHALLAUGHTON - South Med. R. [St. Michael] Archidiac. OI 14 0.8 Berkley Street Eſq;-1710. The Revd. Mr. Fenwick 1722. HALLAUGHTON North Med. R. (St. Michael]' Archi- 7 18 13 04 diac. V so vi do ob. Penſ: Guardian. Eccléfie de Noweſley on 17 0.4. vi s. viii d. Sir Thomas Haflerigg Bart. 1688. The Revd...Mr. Benj. Bewick Patr, 1722. 16 01 00!}Charterhouſe prope Coventry xls. Houghton R. [St. Catherine] Archidiac. xi s. ob. qa. Pení.201 12 01; John Cave Eſq; 1706. Mr. Bradgate (Wi.) : Kibworth-Becham R. {$t. Wilfrid] · Archidiac, xi s. i de Rec- 39 15 00 2 tori Sadyngton xiiii :S. Priori Shene:xiii s. iiii d. James Vernon Efq; and Sir Geo. Beaumont Bart. 1704. Mr. Vincent (W.i.) 06 11 08 Knoffington R. [St. Peter] Archidiac. viii s. vid. 00 13 02 James Halſall Eſq; 1718. 10 10.05 Laughton R. [St. Luke) Archidiac. xi s. ob..ga. OI OI 001 William Cole Efq;-1697: Mr. Shuttleworth (Wi.) Lubbenham + Bringbur/ V.—is certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the yearly Value of 457. 18 s. but not being certified into the Exchequer, by virtue of the Diſcharging Acts, the ſame remains ſtill in Charge, : 16.301 for • { . . Rec-203 19 06 320 DIOCESE of LINCOLN LeicestersH. 1. s. Abb. de Bur-303 of 12 0o 19 02 06 ŞSadington R: [St. Helen] Arcbidiat. xi s, ob, ga. Abbi Stafor 18 03 II 00 00 OI 02 00 King's Books Yearly Tentho. d. 1. d. 08 0.5 00 Lubbenham V. [All Saints) (only a Curacy.) 00 16 06 15 l. Mon. Sulbye in Co. Northampt. Propr. Mr. Grimes (W.) Certified Value. Medbourne R. (St. Giles Archidiac, xi s. ob. qa. Abb. de Bur-03 II 01 35 11 007) go Sti Petri xx s. St. John's College, Cambridge. 16 00 00 Pickwell R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. xi s. ob. qa. Earl of Gainſborough 1712. sd The KING. 08 10 00 Scraptoft V. (All-Saints) 00 17.00 Mon. Coventry Propr. Thomas Boothby Eſq; 1720. Mr. Wig- ley Patr. (Wi.) 10 13 04 Shangton R. [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. vii s. OI OI 04 Sir Juſtinian Ilham Bart. 1719. 09 18 11 Staunton-Wyvell R. [St. Michael] Archidiac, xi s. ob. qa. QO 19 10 William Roberts (this Turn) 1703. Earl of Huntingdon (Wi.) 13 Oo oo Stokerſton R. [St. Peter] Archidiac, vii s. vi d. от об оо 62 1. 15 s. 3 d. Robert. Deſborow Gent. 1672, Sir Charles Duncombe Kt. CertifiedValue. 1703. Mr. Duncombe (Wi.) Thurnby V. (St. Luke] cum Stoughton, Archidiac. iii s. vi.d. 52 l. 10 so od. Mon. Leiceſter, Propr. Sir Geo. Beaumont Bart. 1717. Certified Value. Welham V. (St. Andrew] Archidiac. iii s. vid. PO 12 04 1. 14.50 O d. The KIN G. Mon. de Launda Propr. Certified Value. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 35 Oo oo Evington V. [St. Dennis] Archidiac. iii s. vi d. 00 15 08 Mon. Leiceſter. q. Biſhop of Lincoln. Duke of Devon (W.) Foxton V. (St. Andrew] Archidiac. iii s, vi d. 00 14 04 The KIN G. Mon. Daventry in Northampt. Horningwould alias Horninghold V. (St. Peter] Archidiac. iii s. vid. Pri. Bever in Co. Linc. Propr. Sir John Heath 1670. John Atkins Eſq; 1722, Mr. Dummer (Wi.) 32 07 00 Norton near Galby V. [St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. V s. vi d. 00 14 00 Mon. Olveſton Propr. William Whalley Eſq; 1714. . Slaufton V. [All-Saints] Archidiac, iii s. vi d. 00 12.06 Mon. Olveſton Propr. Earlof Cardigan. Mr. Brudenell (Wi.) ŞThedingworth V. (All Saints] Ar chidiac. xi s. ob.qa. Abb.? 4I 00 00 . xiii s. iii d 06 Mon. Leiceſter. Propr. Sir Richard Newdigate Bart. 1713. Eliz. Davis 1723. 20 09 04 Wiſtow V. (St. Winſton] 00 17 10 Mon. Sulby in Co. Northampt. Propr. Sir Richard Halford Bart. 1695. Not 06 03 04 72 20 00 00 20 00 00 po 13 08 20 00 00 LEICESTERSH. DIOCESE OF LINCOLN. 321 : } Not in Charge. Fleckney Cur. [St. Thomas Becket] Stipend 8 1. Biſhop's l. 44 : 14 : 10 Clear Val. William Nowel Gent. 1605. none fince. Lady Noell (Wi.) Kilby Cur. (Şt . Mary Magdalen)}1. 5 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Sir Richard Halford. Francis Chamberlain. St. Mary's in Arden Cur. ſerved by three Curates, Stipend of each 10l. Chriſt-Church College, Oxford. Noſely and part of Hfton. Stipend 12 l. 135. 4 d. Thomas Haferigg Gent. Sir Arthur Haflerigg (Wi.) Eaſton-magna [St. Andrew] Chap. in the Pariſh of Bring- l. 26 : 06 : 02 Clear Val. hurſt. Frilby Chap. in the Pariſh of Galby. Goadeby Chap. in the Pariſh of Billeſdon. Holt (St. Giles] Chap. in the Pariſh of Medborne. Ilſton [St. Michael] Chap. in the Pariſh of Carlton-Curliew, Kibworth-Harcourt Chap. Merton-College, Oxford. The Chapel is down, and Merton-College has not appointed a Miniſter to it for many Years. Blaiſton St. Giles R. h. 74 : 13 = '00 Clear Val. The KING 1685. Mr. Conyers (Wi.) Bowden-magna Cur. [St. Peter] 1.31:00:00 Clear Val. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxon. Patr. HÀ RBOROUGH Cur. [St. Dennis] 1.75 : 05:04 Clear Vál. Flexley (St. Michael] Chap. to Wiſtow. Thorpe-Langton (St. Nicholas] Chap. to Church-Langton. Rolleſton Chap. in the Pariſh of Billeſdon. -ChapPa- 1. riſh of Norton, 9 : Stretton-magna Chap. in the Pariſh of Glen. Weſterby Chap. in the Pariſh of Kibworth. Tirlangton Chap. in the Pariſh of Church-Langton. -Harcourt ( . : to Wiſtow.. Lubbenham Cur. (All Saints] Owſton alias Olveſton Donative [St. Andrew] 1. 40 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Mr. Johnſon Patr. Drayton Chap. to Bringhurſt. tive34 8 D. Goodlarton, in the Arch-Deaconry of LEICESTER. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly. Tenths. Reatories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. 31 08 11 Aileſton R. alias Elfton (St. Andrew] Archidiac, xi s. ob. ga, 03 02 103 Duke of Rutland 1716. Tt Afhby 1.'S. d.' 1 4. So 322 DIOCESE of LINCOLN. LEICESTERSHI- I. 1. S. d. 00: 15 10 "}.oo 10 097 00:08 03 OI DO 09: King's Books. Yearly Tenths.. d. 07.18 11Alhby.magna V. (St. Mary]: Archidiac. fii s. vid.- 70 l. 13. 6 d. 1 Pri. Cateſby in Co. Northampt. Propr: Earl of Aylsford 1719. CertifiedValdé. Aſhby-parva R. (St. Peter] Arcbidiac, xi s. i d. Pen. 'Hosp. 601. 18s. 4 d. Ski Fohannis Jerufalem vi sviï d. CertifiedValue. The KING. 33 12 08 Aſton-Flamvile als Flavel R. [St. Peter): Archidiac: xi s.. 03 07. 03# Duke of Kent 1718. 04 03 oo Bitteſwell V. [St. Mary] Mon. Leiceſter. Propr. The Haberdaſhers Company and the Governours of Chriſt's Hoſpital, London, by Turns. 15.05.00 $ Blabye: R. (All-Saints with Countefthorpe [St. Andrew}i Ara Zor 10 06 The KING, 10 07 06 Brentingthorpe R. (St. Mary] Archidiac, vii s. vi d.. Sarah Penton 1684. William Majör and Diana his Wife 1724. Mr. Muxloe (Wi.) 26 10 05. Broughton-Atley R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. xi s, i d. OI: 13 00 Sir Nathan Wright Kt. 1714. 10 06 08 Cotteſbatch R. [St. Mary] Archidiac, šis. ob.qa.. O1 00 08 St. John Bennet Efq; 1701. 30 10 05 Claybrook V. (St. Peter] Archidiac, xi s. id. 03 OI 00 The KING. Mon. Nuneaton in Co. Warwick Propr. 12 03 04 Croft R. Archidiac, xi s. id. Abb.-Leiceſter. xliiii s. OI 04 04 Nath, and Ja. Sherman Clerk 1718. Mr. Chambers (Wi.) Elmeſthorpe R. (here is no Church, and but ‘one Houſe, 13 04: 561. os. od 'tis a Sine-Cure.) Certified Value Lord Viſcount Cullen 1709. Sir Clobéry Noel Patr. 1727. Frofton alias ' . 14 02 03 Thomas Boothby Eſq; 1704. Froleſworth R. (St. Nicholas] Archidiac. xi s. id. OI 05 00 St. John Bennet Efq; 1679. Mr. Noble (Wi.) 17 14 09Gilmorton R. [All-Saints) Archidiac. xi s. iii d. OI 15 051 Geo, Palmer 1666. Eliz. Welchman 1712. Sir Gilbert Pickering Kt, and Bart. 1715. Mr. Willey (Wi.) Glenfield R. (St. Peter] Archidiac . xi s. i d.ob. qa. Priori 13 09 092 Sbene xii d. “Rectori Ailton xx s. Abb. Leiceſter. xx s. 01 06 il James Winſtanley Efq; 1701, 1722. 20 16 03 Kilncote R. alias Kilmcoate (All-Saints] Archidiac. xiii's. ix d. 02 or 071 Hon. Eleanor Verney 1713, 1722. S-Kilworth-Abbas, alias North Kilworth, [St. Andrew] Archi- 15 00 05 o diac. xii s. xid. Abb. Leiceſter. lii s, iiii d. William Belgrave, Fdrior, 1701. 32 12 06 Knaptoft R. Archidiac. xi s. ob. qa. (The Church down.) 03 05 03 Lord Lempſter 1713. Duke of Rülland (Wi.) og 14 091 Leyr R. alias Leare.[St. Peter) Archidiac, xi s. vb. ga. 00 19 051 Duke of Kent 1725. LUTTERWORTH 06 13 04 { Floresta sume. Eure.here is no Church , and bat (one Houle , fo3.00 03:{ (31 08 02 12 10 00 riorizon 10 001 1 LEICESTERSH DIOCESE of LINCOL N. 323 King's Books, $. mejor Yearly Tenthe. 1. d. 1. S. d. 26 oo oo LUTTERWORTH R. (St. Mary) Arcbidiac. xiis. id. 02 12 00 The KING. 16 13 04 Miſterton R. [St. Leonard] Archidiac. xi s. id. OI 13 04 Crew Ofley Efq; 1715. Northborrow . 26 14 043xis. id 05 Anne Wood (this Turn) 1697. Sir Henry Haſtings. Mr. Woolafton (Wi.) 09.14 07 Peatling parva R. (St. Andrew] Archidiac ix s. 00 19 051 :66 1.175. 2 d.lt The KING 1661, by Lapſe. The KING 1686. CertifiedValue. The QUEEN 1710. 10 11 10;}Sappote [All-Saints Arcbidiac. xi s. ii d, Priori Shene or 01 02 vi sviii d. ii Henry Turner Serjeant at Law 1712. S Sharnford R. (St. Helen] Archidiac. xi s. ob.qa. Pri, Exham :09 18 09 00 19 10 lii s. ülii d. Vicario Cleybrook xiii s. iii d. 651.145.8d. CertifiedValue. The KING. 09 Oo oo Shawell R. (All-Saints] Arcbidiac. xi s. id. 00 18 oo Thomas Prior Gent. 1692. The KING 1696. Mr. Plumpton (Wi.) 10 08 11 South-Kilworth R. [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. xi s. id. OI 00 104 The KING 14 13 011 Stony-Staunton R. [St. Michael] Archidiac. xi s. 01 09 031 Earl of Huntingdon 1676. Rowland Cotton Eſq; h. v. 1722. 05 05 02 Archidiac. vi s. iii d. Thomas Caldecot Efq; 1686, 1720. 13 19 07 Thurleſton R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. xi s. ob. qa. or 07 nie The Heirs of Mr. Turvile 1705. S Willoughby Waterleſs R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. ix s, xd. II II 03 I 03 or Abb. Leiceſt. ni s. iii d. Rettori Petling iii s, iiii d. Earl of Stamford 1710. Mr. Levet (Wi.) ŞThorpe Thomas alias Cathorpe R. (St. Mary and All-Saints}}oo 10 06: 00 10 or diac, v s. Syn. ii s. viii d. The KING. Mon. Colne olim Propr. Elmſted V. [St. Laurence] Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. vis. pro Vic, iis, Arcbidiac. vi s. viii d. Syn. ïi s. viii d. Pri. St. Ofyth olim Propr. Jeſus College, Cambridge. ŞFrating R. Prox. Epiſc. iii s. vid. Archidiat, vis, viii d. Sy- 37 05 04 { nods ii s. viii d. Pens. Pri. Sti Barth. ïïi d. Lord Cornwallis. ŞFrinton R. Prox. Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac. vis. viii d. Syn. 37 10 00 2 ii-s, viji d. 0 14 08 Thomas Warren 1691. Mr. Jeremy Warren 1723. not exceeding 50 00 00 Kirby in le Soken V. [St. Michael] Prox. Epiſc. ii s. Dec. & Cap. Sti Pauli London olim Propr. Lord Rivers and Reginald Bretland. Earl of Rochford 1724. Miftley R. (St. Mary) with MANINGTREE, Prox. Epiſc. ijji s. 45 01 03 vid. Archidiac , vis. viiid. Syn. ii s. viii d. Abb. Colch. iii d.S OI 13 04 Edward Rigby 1693. Biſhop of London 1708. S Ramſey V. (St. Michael] Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. v s. 42 00 00 jiii s. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Syn. ii s. viii d. The KING. Abb. St. Ofyth olim Propr. 48 oo oo Thorpe le Soken V. [St. Mary] Prox. Epiſc. ii s. Dec. & Cap. Sti Pauli London olim Propr. Earl of Ar- ford 1712. Walton le Soken V. [All Saints] Prox. Epiſc. ii s. 00 18 00 Dec. & Cap.Sti Pauli London olim Propr. Lord Rivers. Weeks Cur. (St. Mary] Archidiac, vi s. viiid. Syn. ii s. viii d. oo oo oo Pri. Weeks olim Propr. Mr. Hickeringhill . S Willeigh R. als Wiley (St. Andrew] Prox, Epiſc.iis, vi d.? 47 Oo oo I 04 00 Archidiac. V s. Syn. ii s. viii d. The KIN G 1724. Biſhop of London. 46 oo oo Archidiac. V s. Wrabnays R. [All Saints] Prox. Epiſc. ïi s. oo 16 oo Syn. ii s. viii d. The KING Not in Charge. Harwich Chap. 1. 5 : 00 : 00 B b b 2 Holland- 01 00 00 fo pro Vic. { OI 10 00 about OI 12 00 . 21 00 00 06 13 04 vi d.o. Vs Boo 372 DIOCESE of LONDON. Essex. Holland-parva Don. b. 6 : 00 : 00 Abb. St. Ofyth Propr. Earl Rivers Patr. St. Ofyth, Donative, Prox. Epiſc. xv s. Earl Rivers. Wickes Don. paid by the Impropr. 1. 6 : 13:04 J. 1. d. 12 00 00 {Bradwel . Psy Holy Trinity ] Prox. Epiſc. ii s. Arcbidiac. vis. vis.}or ac. 3o. ii d. Sy-fo2 01 00 00 D. Withàm, in the Arch-Deaconry of COLCHEST ER. Livings remaining in Charge. Kings Books. Pearly Tenths. 1. d. ReEtories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Bradwell R R. (. . OI 04 00 Syn. ii s. d. Anthony Maxey Gent. 1693. ŞBraxted-magna R. [All Saints] Prox. Epiſc. vis. Archidiac. 19 00 00 oi 18 00 vis, viii d. Syn. ii s. viii d. Lord Petre. 06 13 04 Fairſted R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Syn, ii s. viii d. 00 13 04 Biſhop of London Falkbourn R. [St. German] Prox. Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac. 06 13 04 vi s. viii d. Syn. ii s. viii d. 13 04 Edward Bullock Eſq; 1690. Goldhanger R. (St. Peter) with Tatham-parva Chapel annex’d 25 14 097 [All-Saints] Prox. Epiſc. viii s. Archidiac. viii s. iid. Sy 02 II 051 -nods y s. iii d. Mr. Henry Jermyn 1703. IO QO oo Heybridge V. [St. Andrew] Prox. Epiſc. jili s, vi d. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Propr. and Patr. Keldon als Eaſterford V. (St. Mary] Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. xxs. 09 04 02 00 18 05 2 pro Vic. xviii d. Archidiac. xi s. v d. ob. Syn. ii s. viiid. Abb. Weſtminſter olim Propr. Biſhop of London. Archidiac. vis. 10 04 09:Ş Langford R. [St. Giles) Prox. Epiſc. lii s. { I 00 051 viii d. Syn. ii s. viiid. Nicholas Weſtcombe Eſq; 1681. Charles Ley (this Turn) 1712. Jokn Emmerton Efq; 1723. 15 00 00 ŞBlack Notley R. [St. Peter and St. Paull Prox. Epiſc. ix s. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Syn, iis. viii d. Penf. Sti Pauli iii s. Mrs. Mary Pyke 1686. Thomas Davies Eſq; 1690, 1692. Eliz. Afry Widow 1723, 1725. White Notley V. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. vii s. pro Vic. { Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Syn. ii s. viii d. Mon. Thetford in Norfolk Propr. Thomas Davies Efq; 1692 prefents; the Biſhop of London nominates. Peter Pen- nell Cl. and Mary his Wife preſented 1725. Ravenhall R. (St. Mary and All Saints] Prox. Epiſc. xv s. 21 05 05 vid. Archidiac, vii s. v d. ob. Syn. ii s. viii d. 02 02 064 William Weſtern Efq; 1721. STolleſbury V. [St. Mary] Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. xv s. pro Vic. Archidiac, xiiii s. Syn. ïi s. viii d. 12 07 Abb. Berking olim Propr. 70. Sandford Gent. 1698. Ann Tooke Widow 1725. Tolleſhuat Zoo viszor }or ΟΙ 1o 0o 10 00 00 isizo? 01 00 00 xvss} oz ico}or 16 06 03 ? vsi Essex: DIOCESE of LONDON. 373 King's Books. d. b. S. l. iisi}00 foo 15 06; Yearly Tenths. d. $ Tolleſhunt Knights R. [All-Saints] Prox. Epiſc. iiii s. vid. 16 13 04 ? Arcbidiac. vis. viii d.* Syn. ii s. viii d. OI 13 04 The KING. WITH AM V. [St. Nicholas] Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. viis. vid. 22 00 073 pro Vic. viii s. Archidiac. vii s. v d.ob. Syn. ii s. viii d. S02 04 OC Penf. Cap. S. Mar. iii s. vid. Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem olim Propr. Biſhop of London. 12 03 04 Wykham Biſhops R. Prox. Epiſc. vis. 01 04 04 Biſhop of London. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Braxted parva R. [St. Nicholas] Prox. Epiſc. iii s. Archidiac. 21 II 06 06 08 2 iis. vid. Syn. ii s, viii d. Thomas Roberts Eſq; 1680. The KING 1723. Lord Arundell and others. S Creſſing V. * [All-Saints] Prox. Epiſc. ijii s. Archidiac. ii s.? 37 17 04 vidii s. viii d. Mon, Weſtminſter Propr. Colleg. Sti Martini London olim Propr. The Vicar of Witham. Hatfield Peverell V. [St. Andrew] Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. XV s. oo 16 oo { vid. pro Vic. iii s. Archidiac. vis. viï d. Syn. ii s. viii d. Pri. Hatfield Peverell Propr. Charles Boyle, 10. Freke, and John Webb Eſq; 1702. 46 oo oo [-. . d. . d Biſhop of Norwich Propr. George Nott Efq; 1698. Tolleſhunt Darcey V. [St. Nicholas] Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. vi s. 42 13 00 oi pro Vic. vi s. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Syn. ii s. viii d. Pri. Tiptre olim Propr. Abraham Hedgthorn Gent. 1685. Biſhop of London 1714. STolleſhunt Major V. [St. Nicholas] Prox. Epifc. xviii d. Ar- oo 16 oo chidiac. v s. Syn. ii s. viii d. Pri. Radwell'alias Caldwell in Bedf. Impr. George Sams Eſq; 1684. 26 10 00 STotham magna V. [St. Peter] Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. iii s. vid.? pro Vic. iii s. vid. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Syn. ii s. viii d. Edmund Percival Efq; 1690. The QUEEN 1711. William Ayloffe Gent. Abb. Clerkenwell olim Propr. 18 10 00 S Ultinge V. [All-Saints] Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. v s. Archidiac. ? 00 14 05 vi s. viiid. Syn. ii s, viï d. Pri, de Hatfield Regis xiii d. ob. Abb. Bileigh olim Propr. fon Tyrrell Gent. 1669. 39 16 08 о оо со 00 {T {TO is.}or 17 00 30 II 08 Ar- } oo for 00 00 Salcote V. b. 7: 00 : 00 Certified Val. JURISDICTION * Creſng Temple a Chapel belonging formerly to the Knights Templers, afterwards to the Priory of St. John of Jeruſalem, which was d.ſſolved by K. Henry VIII. Neuscourt, Vol. II. p. 199. 374 Essex. DIOCESE OF LONDON. King's Books. 1. s. d. 17 13 04 Yearly Tenths. 1. d. OI 15 04 10 00 00 01 00 00 rܘ JURISDICTION of WALTHA M. Livings remaining in Charge. Reflories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. EPPING V. (All-Saints] Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. xxiis. vid. Abb. Walthem Propr. Lord North and Grey 1710. Wormeley R. (St. Laurence] Prox. Epiſc. xviii d. Sir Robert Atkins and Sir Edward Atkins 1689. N. B. Wormeley R. is charged alſo in Lincoln Dioceſe, but there is no ſuch Place in that Dioceſe in the Biſhop's Book. West-WALTHAM or WALTHAM Holy Croſs (not Charged) a Donative in the Gift of the Lord of the Scite of Wal- tham- Abby, to which 100l. per Annum was given and ſet. tled thereon for ever, by Edward Earl of Norwich. Mr. Jones Propr. 1722. N. B. The Appointment of a Curate of Waltham, is in the ſurviving Truſtees of the Earl of Norwich, viz. Mr. Tra- cey of Stanwey in Glouceſterſhire 1725. 1. d. d. Juriſdiction of CANTERRURY, in the County of ESSEX. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths ReEtories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. 35 10 00 Bocking R. (St. Mary] 03 II 00 - Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 37 Oo oo Latchingdon and Lawling R. (St. Michael] 03 14 oo Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Stiftede R. [All-Saints] 02 04 00 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 27 Oo 10 South-Church R. 02 14 01 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 22 00 00 Peculiars belonging to the Biſhop of London or his Commiſſary. Epping, Waltham. Peculiars of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's in Effex. Barling, Wickham and Belchamp St. Paul's, Heybridge, Naveſtock, Tillingham, and Weſtleigh. Peculiar of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. St. Mary's at Maldon. Peculiars of New-College in Oxford. Writtle, Wroxwell Chapel, and Hornchurch. Peculiars of the Earl Rivers. Kirkby, Walton and Thorpe in le Soken. Peculiar of the Earl of Warwick. Good Eaſter. HERTFORDSH. DIOCESE OF LONDON. 375 D. 5t. Albans, in the Arch-Deaconry of ST. ALBAN S. King's Books. d. b J. og oo 10 OT 12 00 {w ] Prox, for Archi- } oo 18 00 09 05 10 {Shephall You Stix Mary] Prox. Epiſe . xii d. Prox. Arcbidiac.} 10 00 00 ΟΙ 00 00 Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. SBARNET R. [St. Mary) alias Eaft-Barnet, Prox. Epiſc. vii s. 22 02 083 vid. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. ii d. Syn. vii s. ii d. 302 04 03: The KING, Buſhey R. (St. James] Prox. Epifc. ii s. x d. Prox. Archi- 18 02 OI 0 16 02 diac. iii s. x d. Syn. iii s. x d. The Reverend Mr. Smith Incumbent and Patr. 1721. St. Peter's V. in St. Albans, Prox, Epiſc. iii s. xd. Prox. Ar- oo 18 or chidiac, iii s. x d. . Abb. Sti Albani Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 16 oo oo Epiſc. xii d. Prox. Archidiac, vid. Syn. vid. Abb. Sti Albani olim Propr. Biſhop of London. Sarett V. (Holy Croſs] Prox. Epiſc. ii s. vid. Prox. Archi- og oo oo diac. ii s. vid. Syn. ii s. Abb. Sti Albani Propr. Mr. Duncomb of Stock Patr. 1721. John Duncomb Eſq; 1725. V. [St. . Prox. Arcbidiac. 00 18 07 Syn. xx The KING.. Abb. Sti Albani Propr. Walden Abbots alias Paul's V. [ * . ii s. x d. Abb. St. Albans olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. 21 12 OI WATFORD V. [St. Mary) Prox, Epifc. iii s. *x d. 02 03 02 Abb. Sti Àlbani Propr. Earl of Elex 1713. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 40 00 00 St. Albans V. five R. + Epiſc. ii s. vi di 01 00 00 Mayor and Burgeſſes of St. Albans. ŞCodicote V. (St. Giles] | Prox. Epiſc. xii d. Prox. Archi- 50 Oo oo 00 14 07 diac; vid. Syn. vii d. Mon. Sti Albani olim Propr. Biſhop of E'y. Hexton V. (St. Faith] Prox. Epiſc. xii d. Prox. Archidiac. 15 00 oo 00 15 04 2 vid. Syn. vii d. The KING by Lapſe from Mr. Croſs. The KING 1723. The Lord of the Manor Patr. Mon. Sti Al- bani Propr. Idleftree * Walden Abbots alias Paul's V.—This Living has been conſiderably augmented by the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p 284: + St. Albans V. - -Augmented by Dr. Clarke Dean of Wincheſter, with 30 l. per Annum, Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 280. The faid Dr. Clarke gives moreover, to ſome convenient Church in Maldon in Efex, if any come within the Qualifications in Chis] Will, 301. per Annum for ever, ; and to the Miniſter that officiates in Stony-Stratford near Newport-Pagnel, and his Succeſſors, if it may be ſo ſettled; but if it cannot be for the Benefit of that Place, (then) to any other Place (that ſhall) be choſen, 301. per Annum for ever. Ibidem. # Codicote V.augmented by the Biſhop of Ely, above 30 l. per Annum. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Im- propriations, p. 283. bir300 {. . . }oo *376 DIOCESE OF LONDON. HERTFORDSH. d. ܘܘ;.A . . vii s. ii d. For trcbi-}or trchi-}00 20 00 00 00 10 00 } oo iac. Zor Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. Idleftree alias Elftree R. [St. Nicholas] Prox. Epiſc. xii d.? 40 00 00 00 16 oo Prox. Archidiac. vi d. Syn. vi d. The KING. d. 45 Oo oo I 10 00 Prox. Archidiac, vii s. ii d. Syn. vii s. ii d. Abb. Sti Albani Propr. Sir Robert Raymond Knt. S St. Michael's V. in St. Albans, Prox. Epiſc. iii s, xd. Archi- 50 00 00 oo on { diac. iii s. xd. Syn. iii s. x d. Abb. St. Albans' Propr. William Grimfton Eſq; 1713. Now Lord Grimſton. S Newenham V. (St. Vincent] Prox. Epiſc. iii s. x d. Archi-? diac. iii s. x d. Syn. ïïi s. x.d. Abb. Sti Albani Propr. Matthew Hutton Eſq; 1719. Norton near Baldock v. [St. Nicholas] Prox. Epiſc. xii d. 25 oo oo 00 10 08 Prox. Archidiac. vidSyn. vid. Mon. Sti Albani Propr. Thomas Haſelfoote Gent. 1679. S Redburne V. (St. Mary) Prox. Epiſc. vii s. ii d. Archidiac. 50 Oo oo OI 12 06 vii s. ü d. Syn, vii s. ii d. Mon. Sti Albani Propr. William Grimſton Eſq; 1703. Now Lord Grimſton. SRydge V. [St. Margaret] Prox. Epiſc. ii s. vid. Prox, Ar- 30 oo oo 00 13 04 'chidiac. ii s. vid. Syn. ii s. vi d. Abb. St. Albani Propr. Sir Thomas Pope-Blunt Bart. 1718, 1725. Sandridge V. [St. Leonard] Prox. Epiſc. iii s. x d. Archidiac. 16 40 00 00 00 iii s. x d. Syn. iii s. x d. Abb. Sti Albani Propr. Duke of Marlborough 1714. St. Stephens V. in St. Albans, Prox. Epiſc. ii s. vid. Archi- 44 Oo oo diac. ii s. vid. Syn. ii s. vid. Abb. Sti Albani Propr. Mrs. Killigrew Patr. 1721. Ca- leb Lomax Efq; 1728. Not in Charge. Arch-Deacon of St. Albans, conſtituted anno 1550, is not charged with Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. Biſhop of London. Note, This Arch-Deaconry has no Stall or Place in the Choir or Chapter. Brantfield, a Donative, appr. formerly to St. Albans. Lord Grandiſon Patr. (Sir H. Chauncey's Herif. p. 515.) CHIPPING-BARNET (St. John Baptiſt] Chap. to Eaſt-Barnet. Northall alias Northaw (St. Thomas Becket] (a Donative.) Sir William Leman. {R ü A7-300 S biro1 ΟΙ 10 00 D. Braughing, in the Arch-Deaconry of MIDDLESEX, Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenshs, Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 07 03 07 Albury V. alias Aldbury (St. Mary] OO 14 II Treaſurer of Sti Paul's Propr. and Patr. Anſtye 1. d. HERTFORDSH. DIOCESE of LONDON. 377 lo s. d. sozo? Vic.}or V 1111 s. 20 00 00 02 00 00 O2 12 00 King's Books. Pearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Anſtye R. Prox. Epiſc. vii s. vid. Archidiac. x s. v d. Sy 21 13 04 02 03 04 { nods iii s. iii d. Chriſt's College, Cambridge. BARKWAY V. [St. Mary Magdalen] cum Cap. Northamſted, 14 Oo oo Deſtructa. Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. xx s. pro Vic. ijii s. Prox. You c8 oo Archidiac. vii s. ix d. Syn. ïïi s. iiii d. Pri. Abb. Wald. xii d. Abb. Colcheſter Propr. Edmund Cheſter Efq; 1718. S Barley R. [St. Margaret] Prox. Epiſc. vis. Archidiac. vii s. 26 13 04 < ix d. Syn. iii s. iiii d. Prox. Åbó. Colcheſter iii s. 02 13 04 Biſhop of Ely. s Braughing V. [St. Peter] Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. xi s. pro Vic.? 19 13 04 oi 19 04 Prox. Archidiac. viii s. viï d. Syn. iii s. iii d. Pri. San&tæ Trinitatis London Propr. William Harvey Eſq; 1714, and Sir Richard Houblon alternately. S Buckland R. [St. Andrew] Prox, Epiſc. vii s. vid. Prox. 2 Archidiac. vii s. ix d. Syn. iii s. iiii di : King's College, Cambridge. 26'00 00 SCHESHUNT V. [St. Mary] Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. xx s., pro? Vic, ii s. vid. Prox. Archidiac. viii s. viii d. Syn. iii s. iiiid. S Abb. Weſtminſter olim Propr. Earl of Saliſbury 1689. SEftwicke R. (St. Botolph q.] Prox. Epiſc. ix d. Prox. Archi-? 00 15 02 2 diac. iii s. xd. Syn. iii s. iiii d. William Plummer Eſq; 1719. Ś Gelſton alias Gedleſton R. Prox, Epiſc. ii s. vid. Archidiac. 10 03 04 { viii s. ii d. Syn. iii s, iiii d. Biſhop of London. Hadham magna R. [St. Andrew] cum Hadham parva, Prox. 66 13 04 Epiſc . xxxiiii s. iii d. 13 04 Biſhop of London. Hormead parva R. (St. Mary] Prox. Epiſc. v s. Roger Woodcock and Charles Crouch Gent. 1719. SHunſdon R. Prox. Epiſc. iiii s. Prox. Archidiac. vi s. Syn. { iii s. fiji d. Pens. Pri. Merton vi s. 01 04 00 Mrs. Catherine Bluck Widow 1719. *Leyſton V. [St. Bartholomew] cum Alſewick, Car. deftrueta, 14 16 03 and BUNTINGFORD [St. Peter] Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. xi s. OI 09 071 vi d. pro Vic. xviii d. Prox. Archidiac. viii s. viii d. Syn. iii s. iii d. Pri. Sanet e Trinitatis Propr. Charles Crouch Gent. 1681. John Hawkins Eſq; Patr. 1720. S Meſden R. [St. Mary) Prox. Épiſc. iii s. iiii d. Archidiac. 12 13 04 { iii s. iiii d. Syn. ii s. iiii d. OL 05 04 Anthony Luther Efq; 1721. s Pelham parva alias Stocken R. [St. Mary] Prox. Epiſc. ii s.? 07 vid. Archidiac, viii s. Syn. iii s. illid. 00 James Perkins Clerk 1701. 13 06 08 ŞReed R... [St. Mary] Prox. Epiſc. v s. Archidia.. vi s, i d. 01 05 08 2 Syn. iii s. iiid. Thomas Newland Eſq; 1718. Сcc ROYSTON } oz for bi-zoo } 07 II OS 00 04 ܘܘ Io oo oo o oo oo 12 00 00 3o. > 1:30 07 10 }or Archidiac. vis. i do} 378 DIOCESE of LONDON. HERTFORDSH. 12 00 00 00 12 00 ܘܘܐ 20 10 00 ΟΙ King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. d. 1. s. d. Io oo oo Royston V. * [St. John Baptiſt] Prox. Epiſc. v s. ог оо ою Pri. Royſton Propr. Robert Cheſter Efq; and others, 1692. SAWBRIDGWORTH V. vulgo Sapſworth [St. Michael] Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. xxxv s. pro Vic. vi s. vid. Archidiac. 17 Oo oo viii s. viii d. Syn. iii s. iiii d. Penf. Sacr. de Weſtminſter Yoi 14 OQ iii s. ix d. Penj. Pri, de Harley ii s. vid. Penf. Abb. de Colcheſter ii s, vi d. Sacriſta Abb. Weſtminſter Propr. Biſhop of London. STORTFORD alias Bishop's-STROTFORD V. (St. Michael] Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. x s. pro Vic. iiii s. OI 04 00 Præcentor of St. Paul's Propr. and Patr. 16 13 04 Epiſcs. s 13 04 Syn, iii s. iii d. Biſhop of London 1710. 06 oo oo Thundrich V. (St. Mary and All Saints] Trinity College, Cambridge. WARE V. [St. Mary) Prox. Epifc. pro Rec. Xxx s. pro Vic. 02 Oi oo vii s. vid. Archidiac. viii s. viii d. Syn. iii s. iii d. Pri, Shene in Surrey Impr. Trinity College, Cambridge. S Wideford R. (St. John Baptift] Prox. Epiſc. iiii s. Archidiac. 12 13 04 vs. i d. Penj. Pri. de Berm. vid. Portio . Dom. Pri. xviii d. Mrs. Mary Parry 1695. S Widihall R. [St. Giles] Prox. Epiſc. vs. vid. Archidiac, vii s. 16 oo oo ix d. Syn. iii s. iv d. Pri. Sanita Trinitatis xx d. Richard Goulſton Eſq; 1712. Livings Diſcharged. Clar Yearly Value. SAmwell V. (St. John Baptiſt) Prox. Epifc. pro Rec.X s. Vic. xiii d.ob. Archidiac. iiiis. viïi d. Syn. iii s. iiii d. Pri. Hertford olim Propr. Robert Elwes Eſq; 1713. 49 08 09 Broxborne V. [St. Auſtin] Prox. Epiſc. iiii sa OI 04 07 Biſhop of London Propr. and Patr. Hormead magna V. [St. Nicholas) Prox. Epifc. pro Rec. vi s. 23 00 02 pro Vic. iis. vid. Archidiac, vi s. id. Syn. iii s. illi d. Pri. Blackmore in Eſſex Propr. Charles Crouch Gent. 1714. S Pelham-Arſa, or Brent-Pelham V. [St. Mary] Prox. Epiſc. pro? 44 Oo oo Rec, ii s. ix d. pro Vic. ix d. Prox. Dec. & Cap.vis. viii a. Soo 14 08 Treaſurer of St. Paul's Propr. and Patr. Pelham-Furneaux V. [St. Mary] Prox. Epiſc . pro Rec. V s. 32 03 0o 00 18 00 pro Vic, xvii d. Dec. & Cap. vi s. viii da Treaſurer of St. Paul's Propr. and Patr. S Stanſted Abbots V. [St. James q.) Prox. Epiſc. pro Rec. xv s. 49 08 07 fro Vic. jiii s. Archidiac. vii s. ix d. Syn. iii s. iii d. Pri. Merton in Surrey Propr. Sir Thomas Middleton Knt. 1682. Mr. Field Patr. 120. STONDON V. alias Standon [St. Mary] Prox. Epiſc. illi s. 34 19 11 Archidiac, vii s. iii d. Syn. iii s. iiii d. 09 04 Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem Propr. John Ward Eſq; 1719. Not Royflon -The Town of Royſton being five Pariſhes, are reduced to one called St. John Baptiſt in Royſton, a Vic. and to have the Priory Church by Act of Parliament 32. Henry VIII. cap. 44. iisor 12 00 33 07 08 00 12 00 prozoo 16 oo Boo "}ord Oo oo s}o. * . DIOCESE of NORWICH. 379 Not in Charge. BUNTINGFORD (St. Peter] Chap. in the Pariſh of Leyſton. Hoddesdon (St. Catherine] Deſtructa. Chap. to Broxborn. Stanſted-Thele Donative [St. Margaret.] Lord of the Manor. Dioceſe of Norwich. 1. s. d. ISHOPRI C of Norwich, diſcharged of Tenths, and charged with Firſt-Fruits, to the Sum of 1176 There was firſt a Biſhopric at Dunwich, then at Elmham, from thence removed to Norwich, in the Year 1091. Le Neve, p. 207, 208. Thetford in Norfolk had once this See. The Cathedral Church. (ST. TRINITY.) The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. William Caſtleton, the laſt Prior, was made the firſt Dean, by the Charter of K. Hen. VIII. bearing Date May 2, 1538. All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Norwich. King's Books Yearly Tentbs. 1. d. 143 8 4 Arch-Deacon of Norfolk. Erected before the Year 1124. 14 06 10 Arch-Deacon of Norwich. Erected before the Year 1200. 71 or 03 07 02 01 76 09 041 Arch-Deacon of Sudbury. Erected about the Year 1 126. 07 12 15 89 02 01 Arch-Deacon of Suffolk. Erected before the Year 1127. 08 18 021 00 14 02 Hoſp. vocat. Hilderlands. 00 01 05 There are fix Prebends in the Church of Norwich, five where- of are in the Gift of the King; and one is annex'd to the Maſterſhip of Catherine-Hall, Cambridge,-- 12° Annæ Re- gine. None of the ſaid Prebends are charged with any Payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. J. . d. s. s. d. The City of Norwich *, in the Arch-Deaconry of Norwich. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books, Yearly Tenths, I d. Reftories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. 02 07 081 St. Botolph R. (Ecclefia profanata.) 00 04 097 03 05 05 St. Mary's in Combuſt. R. Redd. iii s. iii d. Epiſc. pro Syn. iii d. 00 06 061 Lord Viſcount Townſhend. Ссс 2 Livings The following Churches are in Mr. Edon's MS. as formerly belonging to the City of Norwich. St. Bartholomew's and St. John de Beere-ſtreet. Pri. Wymondham olim Propr. St. Clement's in Conesford. Pri. Cockford olim Propr. (Ecclefia deftructa.) St. Croſs. (Ecclefia deflrulla.) St. John's at the Bridge R. Dean and Chap. of Norwich Patr. St. John's at the Gate R. Dean and Chap. of Norw. Patr. St. Katherine V. (Eccleſia deſtructa.) Pri. Carrow Propr. St. Mary's and St. Cuthbert's R. (Ecclefia profanata.) St. Martin's and St. Michael's in Beere-ftreet. 380 DIOCESE of NORWICH. s. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. oo 07.056 00 13 09 27 03 11 .} oo 14 11 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. 00 00 00 All-Saints in Beere-ſtreet Epiſc. pro Syn. iï d. Nathaniel Axtel Eſq; 1714. 17 05 00 St. Auguſtin R. Epiſc. pro Syn. iii d. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. St. Clement at the Bridge R. Magift. de Stoke Clere vi s. viii d. { Abb. Wyndham illi s. Epiſc. pro Syn. iii d. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge. 14 10 02 St. Edmund R. Redd. ii d. ob. Epiſc. pro Syn. iii d. Sir Willian Cleere olim Patr. William Cecil Clerk 1712. St. Edward, Julian and Clement R. Epiſc. pro Syn. ix d. Humph. May olim Patr. James . May Erq; 1675. SŠt. John of Mathermarket R. Penf. Magift. Novi Collegii 00 13 0982 Oxon vi s. viii d. Epiſc. pro Syn. iii d. The KING, and New College, Oxford, alternately. 16 05 11f Șt. Laurence R. Epiſc. pro Syn. iii d. The KIN G. St. Margaret of Weſtwick R. Epiſc. pro Syn. iii d. Biſhop of Norwich . 00 08 073 19 13 OI 00 06 073 31300 00 15 00 oo 09 041 00 00 00 00 10 05 St. mer. 04 06 Valores infra * Churches in Norwich. Mag. Brit. p. 457. extra&i funt King's Books. è Libro Tan- 1. S. d. 1. S. d. St. Auftin's. Dean and Chapter of Norwich Patr. 17 05 0o Cert: Val. 06 07 081 - St. Andrew's. ul 06 98 Cert. Val. I. $. d. All Saints in Beere ſtreet, Nathaniel Axtel Eſq; Patr. 00 00 Certified. 03 04 047 14 Oo oo St. Bennet's. Richard Ward (olim) Patr. oo oo oo Certified. St. Clement's on the Bridge. Gonvil and Caius Coll. Patr. 27 03 11 Cert. Val. 07 09 oz St. Edmund's Cur. William Cecil Clerk Patr. 1712. 14 10 02 Cert. Val. 03 10 Oo oo St. Etheldred. City of Norw. Patr. 02 14 0o Cert. Val. St. George of Tombland. Biſhop of Ely Patr. co co oo Certified. St. George Colgate R. Dean and Chapt. of Norw. Patr. 00 10 00 Cert. Val. 40 00 00 St Giles's R. Dean and Chap. of Norw. Patr. oo oo oo Certified. 30 00 00 St. Gregory's. Dean and Chap. of Norw. Patr. 03 oo oo Cert. Val. 40 00 Co St. Helen's, Dean and Chap. of Norw. Patr. 36 oo oo Cert. Val. 20 000 St James's R. Dean and Chap. of Norwich Patr. O! Oo oo Cert. Val. 20 00 00 St. John's de Sepulchro R. Dean and Chap. of Norwich Patr. og oi oo Cert. Val. 16 Oo oo St. John's Tumberhill R. oi 12 00 Cert, Pal. St. John's of Mathermarket R. The KING and New Coll. Oxon. 00 13 093 Cert. Val. 07 10 021 St. Julian's. James May Esq; Patr. 1675. 19 13 or Cert. Val. St. Laurence. The KING Patr. 16 05 ng Cert. Val. 04 13 09 St Margaret's. 00'00 co Certified. 20 00 00 St. Martin's at the Palace R. Dean and Chap. of Norw. Patr. oo oo oo Certified. 30 00 00 St. Mary Collany 00 15 04 Cert. Val. 20 00 00 St. Martin's at Oak. Dean and Chap. of Norw. Patr. 01 00 00 Cert. Val. St. Michael's at Thorn R. Charles Cornwall Patr. oo oo oo Certified. St. Michael's at Pleas. Earl of Suſſex 1690. II 00 10 Certified. 06 10 00 St. Michael's Coſlany R. · Gonvil and Caius Coll. Patr. 11 12 02 Cert. Val. 13 06 08 20 00 00 St. Paul's cum Pockthorp'R. Dean and Chap. of Norw. Patr. 02 oo oo Cert. Val. St. Peter's South-Gate. Biſhop or City of Norw. Patr. 07 12 08] Cert. Val. 02 17 03Z 45 Oo oo St. Peter's by Mountergate. 18 oo oo Cert. Val. 100 St. Peter's of Mancroft. Truſtees Patr. 10 00 00 Cert. Val. St. Peter's of Hungate, Mr. John Crop Patr. 07 12 08 Cert. Val. 03 or 05} St. Saviour's. Dean and Chap. of Norw. Patr. 03 oo oo Cert. Val. St. Simon and Jude. Biſhop of Norw. Patr. 00 1 10 Cort. Val. 03 10 00 St. Stephen's V. Dean and Chap. of Norw. Patr. 04 17 06 Cert. Val. og oo oo St. Swithin's. The KING, or Biſhop of Norw. Patr. 00 10 oo Cert. Val. o6 00 021 The KING and New } 20 00 00 DIOCESE of NORWICH. 381 Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. 00 10 OI II 12 02 OI 06 08 II 00 IO 00 13 00 00 06 ore ClearYearly Value. [1. d. 00 00 00 St. Mary Mariſco R. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. St. Michael's Coſlany R. Epiſc. pro Syn. iïi d. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge. St. Michael's ad Placita R. Epiſc. pro Syn. ïïi d. Sir William Adams Bart. 1678. Earl of Suſſex 1690. 07.12 081 St. Peter's Hungate, Epiſc. pro Syn. iii d. The KING. Mr. John Crop de Civ. Nor. Chirurgus olim Patr. 02 03 01 St. Peter's Southgate R. Biſhop, or the City, of Norwich. Simon and Jude R. 'Epiſc . pro Syn. i d.ob. Biſhop of Norwich. 00 00 oo St. Swithin R. Epiſc. pro Syn. iii d. The KING, or Biſhop of Norwich. St. V. . . Syn. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. 00 05 08 00 II IO 00 07 00 00 12 00 d.}o 00 18 oo D. Blofield, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORWICH. s. 23 06 08 140 1. 100 l. 10 00 00 NORFOLK. Livings remaining in Charge. King's-Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Rectories, &c., with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 20 00 00 Acle R. [St. Edmund] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiec. viis. vii d.ob. 02 00 00 1001. Earl of Arundel olim Patr. Reynolds Calthorpe Eſq; 1711. ŞBlofield R. * [St. Andrew] Hoſp. Sti Pauli Norw. x s. Redd. 02 06 08 2 ii d. Epiſc. pro Syn. xii d. Edward Pafton Eſq; olim Patr. Henry Reeve Eſq; and others 1671. Samuel Colby 1727. Cantley R. (St. Margaret] Epiſc. ii s. viii d. Archidiac. vii s. I 08 oo 14 Oo oo vii d. ob. Sir Robert Gawdy olim Patr. Harbord Harbord Efq; 1720. SPoftwike R. [All-Saints] Priori Norw. xxxviii s. iilid. Sene- { Schall. xx d. Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. iiii s.. 140 1. Sir Edward Ward Bart. 1697. Thomas Ward Eſq; olim Patr. ŞRedeham R. [St. John Baptiſt) Abb. Hulme xx d.. Epiſc. ii s. 101 16 00 18 Oo oo viii d. Archidiac, vii s. vii I. ob. 1201. Sir Richard Berney olim Patr. Richard Berney Efq; 1691. Sir Lambert Blackwell 1720. 08 oo oo Thorpe R. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. pro Syn. vi d. 00 16 oo Edward Pafton Efq; olim Patr. Duncan Dee Efq; 1706. South Walſham St. Laurence R. Abb. Hulme xiiii s. viii d. Col- 13 06 08 ог об о8 teEtori xviii d. Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. John Gill Eſq; 1697. John Anſtis Efq; 1718. Earl of Northampton olim Patr. Livings * Blefield R.—is not charged with Procurations to the Arch-Deacon, which is ſupposid to be the Caſe of all ſuch Livings as antiently belonged to the old Biſhopric, before it was exchanged for the Abbey of St. Bennet's. s}01 Sene- Zor li s}01 00.00 for 100 l. obzor 100 1. 3S2 NORFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. rearly Tenths, 1. d. d}or об оо 04 00 04 00 di for Ar-zor Ar-300 Ar-300 00 10 00 io chidiac. V s.. 00 10 08 00 og oo ܘܘ{I I 200 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. 48 oo oo S Beighton R. (All-Saints) Hoſp. Sti Pauli Norw. vis. viii d. Epiſc. pro Syn. xii d. Edward Pafton Efq; olim Patr. Sir Henry Bedingfield Bart. and Sir Henry Bedingfield Knt. 1681. ŞBirlingham alias Blingham St. Andrew's R. Epiſc. xii 40 00 00 ? Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Sir Richard Berney olim Patr. Richard Berney Eſq; 1691. S Birlingham alias Blingham St. Edmund R. Epiſc. vi s. Ar- 40 00 00 2 cbidiac. vi s. viii d. Sir Richard Berney olim Patr. Duke of Norfolk 1697. Birlingham alias Blingham St. Peter's R. Epiſc. xii d. Ar- 30 Oo oo 2 chidiac. iii s. Earl of Arundel olim Patr. Duke of Norfolk. 38 Oo oo S Bradſton R. alias Braydefton (St. Michael] Epifc. xii d. Ar- { Sir Richard Berney olim Patr. Richard Berney Eſq; 1691. John Pitts Clerk 1724. 46 Oo oo Brundall R. Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. ïii s. vi d. Sir Miles Hobart olim Patr. Hewer Edgley-Hewer Efq; 1719. SBUCKENHAM R. alias BUCKNAM-FERRY (St., Michael] 40 00 00 { Epiſc. xii d. Arcbidiac, v s. Thomas Godſalve Efq; olim Patr. Lady Elizabeth Haſtings 1717. 28 Oo oo Fiſhley R. Epiſc. viii do Archidiac. iii s. iiii d. Mrs. Elizabeth Spooner olim Patr. John Man Eſq; 1690. Freethorpe V. [All Saints] Mon. Horſham Sanetæ Fidis Propr. Richard Berney Eſq; 1692. Sir Edward Cleere olim Patr. S Halvergite V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Epiſc. ii s. vïïi d. Ar- 2 chidiac, vii s. vii d. ob. Biſhop of Ely 1691. SHaffingham R. [St. Mary] Rectori Beighton ilii s. Epifc. xii d. 14 00 00 Arcbidiac. iii s. Thomas Godfalve Efq; olim Patr. Lady Elizabeth Haſtings 1717 40' Oo oo . Epiſc. ii s. Arcbidiac. vi s. viii d. Mon. Langley. Richard Berney Efq; 1698. Sir Edward Cleere olim Patr. 18 00 00 Moulton V. with Tonſtall [St. Mary.] Epiſc. ï s. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Colleg. Norw. Propr. Richard Anguiſh Gent. olim Patr. Edmurd Anguifh Eſq; 1699. SPlumpſted parva R. (St. Gervaſe and St. Protafius] Epiſc. xii d. 44 Oo oo Arcbidiac. vis. viii d. Sir Miles Hobart olim Patr. Hewer Edgley-Hewer Eſq; 1719. 00 10 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 49 10 00 Ar-300 10 00 c. xii d.Zoo oo 08 oo 00 10 075 }oo 15 03 Randworth 48 00 oo { viss}co 81. is.}oo Іо оо O IO OO 29 Oo oo 200 19,13 06 $Afhill R. (St. Nicholas] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac, vis, vill do sol NORFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. 383 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. I. d. I. de SRandworth V. [St. Helen] Epiſc. ii s. iii d. Archidiac. vi s. 00 08 00 12 00 oo viii d. Mon. Langley Propr. Biſhop of Ely 1682. Strumpfhaw R. (St. Peter] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. v s. 2 Sir Richard Berney olim Patr. Richard Berney Eſq; 1681. 300 16 00 John Pitts Clerk, b. v. 1724. SUpton V. [St. Margaret] Epiſc. ii s. iiii d. Archidiac. vii s. 24 00 oo 2 vii de ob. Mon. Butteley Propr. Biſhop of Ely. South-Walſham V. [St. Mary] Mon. Hulme xii de Redd. viii d. Epiſc. ii s. Hosp. Sti Egidii Norw. Propr. Mayor and Aldermen of Norwich. Wickhampton R, (St. Andrew] Epiſc. xiid. Archidiac. iii s. oo 08 oo Sir James Edwards Bart and Michael Edwards Eſq; 1697. 50 Oo oo Witton R. (St. Margaret] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. vis. viji d. 00 13 04 Sir Miles Hobart olim Patr. Robert Suckling Eſq; 1701. William Hewer Efq; Woodbaftwick V. (St. Fabian and St. Sebaſtian] Epiſc. ii s. 47 00 00 00 06 08 iiii d. Archidiac. vii s. viji d. Mon. Hulme Propr. Sir John Corbet olim Patr. Panxforth R. (All-Saints] Epiſc. xiid. oo 05 04 John Houghton Eſq; olim Patr. Francis Bacon Eſq; and others 1684. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Hemblington Cur. [All-Saints] 1.15: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Dean and Chapter of Norwich Patr. Lingwood Cur. [St. Peter] h. II : 00 : oo Cert. Val. Ed. Hilton olim Propr. Plumpfted magna Cur. (St. Mary] l. 16 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Dean and Chapter of Norwich Propr. Tunſtall Cur. (St. Peter and St. Paul] l. 6 : 13 : 04 Cert. Val. D. Breckles, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORWICH, Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tentls. 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. I 19 04. Sir Henry Bedingfield olim Patr. John Kid Efq; 1687. IL 19 02 Caſton R. (Holy Croſs] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac, v s. OI 031 701. John Cotton and Roger Burgoyne Eſq; 1720. Sir Richard Berney olim. 24.14 0982 vii d.ob. Penf . Novo Collegio xl s. Seneſchallo ii s, iii d. S Saham Tonye R. [St. George] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. viis.? 14 051 New-College, Oxford. 3 Livings s. 90 l. * 384 NORFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. 1. $. d. 13 09 08 10 II II 00 15 03 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Breckles V. [St. Margaret] Epiſc. ii s. 00 15 og Sir Robert Gardner olim Patr. Mrs. Baylis (N.) Carbrooke V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Lady Southwell olim Patr. Commanderium de Carbrooke Propr. Mr. Clayton (N.) 41 18 oo Little-Elingham R. (St. Peter] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac, iiii s. 00 14 02 Mr. Robert Flint olim Patr." Earl of Suffolk 1717. 28 og 06 Griſton V. [St. Margaret] Epiſc. ii s. Oo 14 10 Mon. Thetford Propr. Biſhop of Ely. S Marton R. [St. Peter] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. V s. Priori? 40 05 00 00 12 00 { Lewes xxvi s. viii d. Sir William de Grey olim Patr. Thomas de Grey Eſq; 1695. 37 05.00 Ovington R. (St. John Evangeliſt] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. V s. 00 14 04. Cambridge Univerſity. Thomas Wright Gent. olim. 48 18 10 Scoulton R. [All-Saints] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. 01.00 05 Lady Southwell olim Patr. Elizabeth Beadle Widow 1691. S Stow-Bedon V. [St. Botolph] Epiſc. iis. Archidiac. vis, viii d.? 19 18 oo Abb. Marham xv s. O 09 II Thomas Gcoche olim Patr. The Reverend Mr. James Smith Patr. 1721. Threxton R. Epiſt. xx d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Penſ. Epiſc: 34 14 04 ? xiii s. iiii d. 00 14 051 Biſhop of Norwich. Ar 10 04. 08 . vii s. vii d. ob. 0 13 05 The Feoffees of Chigwell School (Dr. T.) Sir Nicholas Garrard (N.) Sir Thomas Southwell olim Patr. 49 06 09 WATTON V. [St. Mary] Epiſc. ii s. 00 14 001 Pri. Bokenham Propr. Sir Edwvard Barkbam olim Patr. John Woodbouſe Eſq; 1691. Curacies, Sturíton Cur. 7. 6 : 10 : 00 Certified V al. Thompſon Cur. [St. Martin] 1. 20: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Humph. Fuller Gent. olim Propr. i di Boc {}oo D. Briliep, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORWICH. , Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. 1. s. d. Re&ories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Yearly Tenths. .s. d. Yearly ŞGreat-Franíham. falu: Saints] Epiſc. vii d. ob. Arcbidiac.}co 15 07 07 15 10 120.1. viis, vii d. ob. Redd. xii d. Mr. Samuel Flack (this Turn) 1703. Mrs. Dorothy Flack Widow 1715. Earl of Elex the third Turn 1727. Nich. Mynn Gent. Sir Arthur Capell pro tertia Vice olim Patr. Greffenhall NORFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. 385 d. a.ox TIO I. Bart. 1710. 100 l King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. I. d. SGreffenhall R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. 15 43 04 II 04 2 pb. pb. Priori de Caſtleacre xxvi s. viii d. Sir Hamond L'Efrange olim Patr. Sir Nicholas L'Eſtrange S Mildham alias Mileham R. [St. John Baptiſt] Epiſc: iis. Ar- II OI 104 chidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 01 02 02 Stephen Barnwell Efq; olim Patr. Charles Barnwell Gent. 1704 [ Archidiac, ii s. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge. Skarning R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] * Epiſc. xii d. Archi- og oo 02 diac, fii s. iiii d. Priori Norwich iiii s. Priori Caſtleaire Soo 18 00 Redd. xd. Thomas Elliot Eſq; 1716. Edward Anguiſh Eſq; olim Patr. S Swanton Morley [All Saints] with Worthing R. [St. Marga-2 15 ret] Epiſc.iii s. Archidiac, vii s. vii d. ob. Curato vil. DI 11 00 Charles Neve Efq; Biſhop of Norwich by Lapſe 1711. Robert Neve olim Patr. 08 18 09 12 l. 40 l, X S. OI 120 l. }or of { Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yecrly Value. Beeſton R. near Milham [St. Mary] Epiſc. xvii d. Archidiac. 46 oo oo 01 06 oo 2 viis. vii d. ob. Redd. ii d. Mr. Stejben Branwell olim Patr. Thomas Hoogan Eſq; 1709. alias Brighly R. [St. Mary] 38 oo oo १०० oo' IS og Mr. Nutting, and Jane his Wife, in Right of John Athowe ; Lord St. John, in Right of his Wife ; and Sir John Powell olim Patr. Sir Nicholas L'Eſtrange Bart. 1680. Little-Betring R. Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. ii s. oo 05 04 Robert Seaman Gent. 1711, Chriſtopher Crowe Gent. clim Patr. Ş Briſley R. (St. Bartholomew] Epiſc. xvii d. Archidiac, vi s. 2 40 Oo oo 2 viid. Redd, ii d. 00 16 091 Sir Hamond L'Eſtrange olim Patr. Sir Nicholas L'Eſtrange 1 10 00 00 Bart. 1711, 49 Oo oo Colkirke R. (St. Mary] + Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. 01 00 00 Nicholas Timperley olim Patr. Thomas Bendiſh Eſq; 1712. Great-Dunham R. (St. Mary and St. Andrew] Epiſc. ii s. ii d. 48 oo oo Archidiac. vii s. Pri. Căſtleacre.viii s. Colleg. Eton iji s. oi 04 02 ini d. Redd, iii d. Joon Waſtell Gent. 1594. Thomas Hoogan Efq; 1721. . Ddd Littl * Skarning R. -(Vid. Skarning among the diſcharged Livings) There are two Incumbunts, and Rectory is no Sine-Cure (as was ſuptoſed:) The Service is performed alternately between the Rector an'ın Vicar; the Rector is intitled to a Moiety of the Tythes, the Tythes of the other Moiety arc, infr..; The Rectory is 36 1. The Vicarage 191. per Annum, as by Letter from the Reverend Mr. Lcine, i Alarch 1. 1718. ť Colkirke R. This in the Original Parchment-Roll, - rilaced in D. Toftres. } 386 DIOCESE of NORWICH. NORFOLK. ŞLitt 12 10 00 06 037 Clear Tearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. s. d. 48 oo oo ŞLittle Dunham R. [St. Margaret] Epiſc. xvii d. Archidiac;}oo 19 07: Thomas Rogers Efq; 1716, 1725. Sir Ed. Coke olim Patr. 30 Oo oo Eaſt-Bilney R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. iiii s. {. . Redd. xv d. S.Zoo 11 05 Sir_Hamond L'Eſtrange, and Chriſtopher Atbowe olim Patr. Spelman Crowe 1708. ŞLittle-Franſham R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. xi d. Archidiac. vi s. 30 00 00 . oo viii d. Richard Beckham olim Patr. Mary Mawſon Widow 1700, 30 Oo oo Gately V. [St. Helen] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. Chriſt's College, Cambridge. 18 Oo oo Goodwick R. Epiſc. iii d. Archidiac. iiïi s. viii d. 00 03 OI Sir Edward Coke olim Patr.. Sir Thomas Berney (N.) 40 00 00 Horningtoft R. [St. Edmund) Epiſc. xix d. Archidiac. v s. 00 13 09 Thomas Garnys olim Patr. Sir Richard Berney Bart. 1698. 15 Oo oo Kempſton V. (St. Paul] Epiſc. xvi d. Archidiac. ii s. oo 09 10 Mon. Caſtleacre Propr. Sir Ed. Coke olim Patr. Edward Coke Eſq; 1694. Eaſt Lexham R. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. xvid. Archidiac. iiii s. 30 00 00 Priori Caſtleacre vi s. viii d. Sir Thomas Woodhouſe olim Patr. Edward Woodhouſe Efq; 1702. Weft-Lexham R. [St. Nicholas] Épiſc. ii s. Archidiac, v s.? 30 00 00 Priori Caftleacre xx s. Edm. Morton olim Patr. Edward Woodhouſe Eſq; 1702. Lycham alias LUTCHAM R. [All-Saints] Epiſc. xx d. Ar- 45 Oo oo 00 18 03 chidiac, vi s. viii d. Sir Thomas Woodhouſe olim Patr. Edward Woodhouſe Eſq; 1710. 40 Oo oo Northelmham V. (St. Mary] OI 07 06 Pri. Norwich Propr. Sir Edward Coke olim Patr. John Harvey Efq; 1704. 44 00 OR Oxwick R. (All-Saints] Thomas Barham Gent. olim Patr. Thomas Bendiſh Eſq; 1712. ŞRougham V. (St. Mary] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vi s. viii d.? 20 00 00 E Pens. Vicario Walton 1x s. oo 02 103 The KING. Mon. Weftacre Propr. 26 oo oo Skarning V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. iji s. ülid. Francis Steward Eſq; olim Patr. Thomas Elliot Efq; 1716. 40 Co oo Stanfield R. [St. Margaret] Epiſc. & Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 00 13 05 Sir Hamond L'Eſtrange olim Patr. Sir Nicholas L'Eſtrange 3oo 16 07: II 02 viss} oo {} 00 I2 II Bart. 1712. 48 oo oo Tilleſhall R. alias Tittleſhall (St. Mary) Epiſc. ii s. Archi- diac. vii s. vii d. ob. Pri. Caſtleacre xxxiii s. iii d. Rettori Yoo 19 03 Milebam xx s. Robert Coke Eſq; 1678. Sir Edward Coke olim Patr. Weſenham NORFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. 387 I. s. 1. S. . OI 1 I 00 00 00 00 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. d. d. S Weſenham All-Saints Vi Archidiac. iis. Restori Willinghem? 16 Oo oo ii s. viii d. The KING 1667. Abb. Wendlyng Propr. Wefenham St. Peter's V. The KING 1667. Abb. Wendlyng. Propr. SWellingham R. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. v s. 28 Oo oo 00 10 2 Pri. Sankie Fidis vis. viii d. 10 105 Sir Edward Coke olim Patr. Robert Coke 1678. Wyfingfet R. (St. Mary! Epifc. xviii d. Archidiac, viis, OL 00 04 Pri. Caſtleacre xl s. Chriſtopher Cawthorpe Efq; 1718.- 19 Oo oo v ss300 49 00 00 . D. Brooke, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORFOLK. King's Books. Yearly Tenthis. S. d. 1. d. 1. s. {A } DO 12 00 ܂ܐ ܘ7 sijos OI 12 00 100 1. I 2 00 00 Livings remaining in Charge. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. SAſhby (St. Mary) and Halagiton alias Hellington R. [St. John об оо оо Baptiſt] Epiſc. v s Archidiac. XV s. iii d. Sir Robert Gawdy Patr. Thomas Gawdy Efq; 1701. Berghapton and the Mediety of Holneſton R. [St. Martin 01 06 08 Redd. Domino viid. ob. Epiſc. iii s. vii d. Archidiac. xv s. x d. All Wyndham Eſq; 1718. Lord Bergavenny 1720. Caſter St. Edmund's R. Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vis. viii d. 09 Oo oo 00 18 oo 80 l. Roger Godſalve olim Propr. Sir John Pettus Bart. 1695. Ditchingham R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. iii s. Archidiac. vii s. 16 oo oo vii d. ob. Earl of Arundel olim Patr. Duke of Norfolk 1709. Elingham R. (St. Peter] Epiſc. iii s. Archidiac, vii s. vii d.ob, or 04 00 50 l. Olim fpeétabat Colleg. de Attilborough. Earl of Suffolk 1717. Kirkſted (St. Margaret) with Langhall R. (St. Stephen] Epifc.? oo xviii d. Archidiac, iii s. vid. Thomas Spooner Gent. olim Patr. · Edward Oſborne Efq; 1701, Rockland R. [St. Chriſtopher] cum altera Med. de Holneſton 06 13 04 [St. Mary] Abb. Langley xx s. Magiftro Collegii Sti yo-yoo 13 04 han. Cantab. xls. Epiſc. iii s. viii d. Archidiac. xv s. xd. Duke of Norfolk and Biſhop of Norwich alternately. Topcroft R. [St. Margaret] Epiſc. xviid. Archidiac. vii s. ? 10,13 04 { vii d. ob. OI OI 04 70 l. Biſhop of Norwich. 05 00 00 Trowſe V. [St. Andrew] 50 l Pri. Norwich Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. Woodſton R. alias Wotton (All-Saints] Epiſc. ii s. Archi- diac, vii s, viid. ob. oo 13 04 70 l. Carol. Suckling olim Patr. Robert Suckling Eſq; 10 00 00 A [}or OI 00 00 70 l. 80 l. viisizos 00 10 00 06 13 04 Arcbi-} oo D d d 2 Livings -78 NORFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. 1. d. до Іо оо Arcbidiac . viisizoo oo Io co 00 12 00 300 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 30 Oo oo Bedingham V. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. iii s. John Goſling Eſq; 1680, at the Nomination of the Biſhop of Norwich. John Howife at the Nomination of the Biſhop 1724. S Bixley R. [St. Wandegiſilius] Epiſc. iii s. viis 45 Oo oo vii d. ob. Owen Shepherd olim Patr. Duke of Norfolk 1690. 48 00 00 Bramerton R. (St. Peter] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vis. viii d. Sir Robert Gawdy olim Patr. Sir Thomas Berney Bart. 1714. 45 Oo oo Brome R. [St. Michael] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac, viis, vii d.ob. 00 13 04 William Coke Gent. and Mary his Wife, olim Patr. John Fowle Eſq; 1701. 30 00 00 Brcok V. (St. Peter] Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 00 10 00 The KING 1701. Abb. Bury Propr. s Carleton * St. Peter's R. Epiſc. iii s, viri d. Archidiac. xiii s. 38'oo oo o 18 co ni d. Sir Robert Gawdy olin Patr. Culhbert Brereton Efq; 1718. 42'oo oo Chedgrave R [All-Saints] Archidiac, vi s. viii d. oo 10 08 Ja. Hobart Efq; olim Patr. Sir Charles Turner Knt. 1717. Archi- 37 00 00 2 diac. vs. oo об о8 Lord Arundel, Samuel Needham Clerk, and Mr. Peter Parham M. D. 1698. John Anſtis Eſq; 1719. 34 Oo oo Framlingham-Picot R. Epiſc. xv d. Archidiac. v's. 00 06 os Lord Arundel, Samuel Needham Clerk, and Mr. Peter Par. ham M. D. 1698. Thomas French 1724. ŞGeldiſton vulgo Gelfton R. [St. Michael] Redd. Duci Suff. ijii s. 30 00 00 2 ii d. Epiſc. ii s, vi d. Archidiac. vis. viii d. The KING. Gillingham All Saints R. cum Winſton and Windell, Epiſc. 45 00 00 Vf. Archidiac, xvii s. ji d. ob. 00 10 08 Nich. Bacon Eſq; olim Patr. Sir John Rouſe Bart. 1692. 45 Oo oo Gillingham St. Mary's R. Epiſc. viſi d.cb. Archidiac. vis. viiid. 00 10 08 Nich. Bacon Eſq; olim Patr. Sir John Rouſe Bart. 1692. 47 00 Co Hadiſcoe R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, vii s. viid. ob. 01.04'00 King's College, Cambridge. SHedenham R. (St. Mary] Pri. Bromeholme iiii s. Epiſc. ii s.? 40 Oo oo ji d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 06 08 Elizabeth Bedingfield Widow 1707. 40 00 00 How R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 0 17 04 John Denny Efq; olim Patr. Denzil Onſlow Efq; 1691. 36 oo oo Kirkby-Bedon St. Andrew's R. Epiſc.iis. Archidiac. viis. viiid. 00 12 051 Owen Shepherd Eſq; olim Patr. William Brooke Efq; 1714. John Bendiſh Eſq; and his Wife. Kirkby. Carleton ---An Inſtitution to Carleton cum Aſhby R. Mr. Cuthbert Brereton Patron, 1723. is.zoo 00 12 00 bifc. i si zor s}or 06 NORFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. 389 s. I. S. d. Boo 00 12 00 ܐܘ 7ܘ ܙܘ{ / CO 13 04 CO 12 00 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 44 Oo oo Kirkby-Cane R. [All-Saints] Epiſc.iiis. Archidiac.vii s.viidrob, oi co oo Richard Cateline Gent. olim Propr. Sir Nevile Cateline Knt. 1700. S Porlingland vulgo Porland R. [St. Michael] Duci Norf. xiii s. 40 00 00 jid. Epiſc. iii s, Archidiac. viii s. iii d. Sir Thomas Holland olim Patr. · Duke of Norfolk 1696. S Saxlingham-Nethergate R. Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac. vii s. 45 Oo oo viid. ob. I 07 02 Nich. Hare olim Patr. Robert Herne Genț. 1717. Guibon Efq; -] Archidiac. 25 Oo oo dob. 0 13 04 Sir Rob. Gawdy olim Patr. Robert Herne Gent. 1717. Guibon Efq; 25 Oo oo Shotſham All-Saints V. Pri. Pentney Propr. Willian Mingay Gent, 1715. ,25 Oo oo Shotſham St Mary's V. Pri. Peniney Propr. William Mingay Gent, 1715. 18 oo oo Shotſham St. Martin R. Epifi. ii s. Archidiac. iii s. iiii d. oo 08 oo Biſhop of Norwich. 30 Oo oo Siſland R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. & Archidiac. vis. viii d. 00 09 043 Roger Godſalve olim Patr. Thomas Berney Eſq; 1713. 30 Oo oo Stockton R. (St. Michael] Epiſc. ii s, iid. Archidiac, viis. viid.ob. 00 16 00 Sir John Holland olim Patr. Duke of Norfolk 1700. Surlingham V. alias Slingham Salvatoris & Mariæ (St. Saviour] Pri. Carow xiii s. iii d. Penfi Epiſc. xxxiii s. iiii a. oo 13 04 Epiſc. iii s. Archidiac. xii s. viid. ob. Mon. Carow Propr. Nathaniel Axtell Efq; 1706. The Biſhop of Norwich nominates. John Smith Gent. 1720. Rich. Gent 1727 30 Oo oo Thorpe R. [St. Matthias] Epiſc. xxi d. Archidiac, viis. viid. ob. 00 06 08 Chr. Calihorp olim Pair. Mrs. Mary Prime Widow 1717. 40 00 00 Thurlton R. [All-Saints] Epiſc. xxi d. Archidiac. viis. vii d.ob. 00 13 04 Mayor and Aldermen of Norwich. Thwaite R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. xxd. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. og 08 oo Duke of Norfolk. 40 00 00 Toft-Monks R. (St. Margaret] Epiſc.xvid. Archidiac.viis.viid.ob. 00 16 00 King's College, Cambridge. 40 00 00 Wheatacre All-Saints R. Epiſc. ii si Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 00 12 07 Lord Willoughby of Parham olim Patr. William Grimſton Eſq; 1715. Ş Wheatacre- Burgh alias St. Peter's R. [St. Mary] Rectori de 45 00 00 Wheatacre xii s. , Epifc. viii d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 00 14 08 Sir John Wentworth olim Patr. William Grimſton Eſq; 1713 48 oo co Yelverton R. Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, viis. viid. ob. The KING, or Mr. Ojorn (N.) Not 22 00 00 { } . 40 00 00 { deZoo OI 00 00 5 '390 DIOCESE of NORWICH. NORFOLK. Not in Charge. LODDON V. (Holy Trinity) Mon. Langley Propr. Biſhop of Ely. Stoke-Crucis (Holy Croſs] Pri. Norwich Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. Aldebie Cur. (St. Mary] 1. 20 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Matthew Trott olim Propr. Amringale (St. Mary] 1. 16 : 00 : 00 Certified Val.. Dean and Chapter of Norwich Patr. Claxton Cur. Sir Robert Gawdy Propr. (olim.) Hales Cur. (St. Margaret] Hobart Eſq; Propr. (olim.) Hardeley Cur. (St. Margaret] l. 40 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. City of Norwich Propr. Hekingham Cur. [St. Gregory] The KING Propr. Hillington Cur. Kirkby Mariæ Cur. Langley Cur. (St. Michael] l. 20 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Richard Berney Eſq; Propr. (olim.) Mundham St. Peter's Cur. City of Norwich Propr. Norton Cur. (St. Margaret] } 1.30 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. John Caſtle Eſq; Propr. (olim.) Porlingland parva Cur. Edmund Doyley Efq; Propr. (olim.) Seething Cur. City of Norwich Propr. Topcroft-Chapel Cur. Thurſton Cur. 1, 16 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Mr. Thomas Godſalve Propr. (olim.) Wicklingham Cur. [St. Andrew] Mr. Hare Propr. (olim.) D. Burnham, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORFOLK. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books Yearly Tentbs. . d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. s. d. BURNHAM St. Albert's, and Mediety of the Rect. of BURNHAM St. Margaret's and BURNHAM All Saints R. Abb. 17 10 00 Ramſey xiii s. iii d. Priori Caſtleacre xvi s. viii d. Abb. YOI 15 00 8p l. Wyndham vis, viïi d. Archidiac. xiii s. ix d. ob.qa Epiſc. iiii s. vi d. The KING 1677,1690, 1708. John Soame Eſq; olim Patr. BURNHAM St. Mary's, Mediety of St. Margaret's, and 20 16 08 BURNHAM All Saints R. Penſ. Colleg. Cbriſti Cant. X s. Ar-02 or 08 chidiac. x s. xi d. ob. Epiſc. iii s. John Harris Eſq; 1685, 1724. John Soame Eſq; olim Patr. 00 13 04 BURNHAM Deanry. 00 01 04 08 oo oo Ş Burnham-Overy V. als BURNHAM-MARKET, [St. Clement]} Archidiac. vii s, viid. ob. Epiſc. ii s, ix d. The KING. Mon. Walſingham Propr. 3 Burnham ent]}00 16 oo NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 391 King's Books. 1 s. d. 35 06 08 150 1. {3o3 303 10 08 10 00 00 viszor Epifc.303 33 06 08 IO 00 00 13,13 04 L Epiſc. xvid. i 01 80 l. Yearly Tentts. . d. . . 19 10 00 2 Epiſc. iis. OI 19 00 10ol. Sir Pbil. Parker olim Patr. Peter Lombard Eſq; 1715, 1720. FakenHAM R. (St. Peter] Redd. iii s. x d. ob. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. · Epiſc. ii s. viii d. Trinity-College, Cambridge. Fulmonſton als Fulmedeſton R. [St. Mary) with Croxton [St. John Baptiſt] Priori Caftleacre xiii s, iiii d. Archidiac. viii s. 100l. Epiſc. ii s. ixd. Mr. John Wace Clerk 1705. William. Clapham olim Patr. S Nareing als Little-Snareing R. [St. Andrew] Archidiac. vis 12 00 00 vüid. Epiſc. xviii d. 04 oo Richard Gwyn Efq; olim Patr. Richard Gwyn Gent. North-Creake R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. vii s. vi d.ob. Epiſc. 06 08 xvi d. 2001. Gabriel Armiger Eſq; 1687. and Biſhop of Norwich al- ternately. Penſthorpe R. Epiſc. & Archidiac, viii s. iiiid.(Ecclefia Vaſtata.) or 00. CO Mr. Edmund Bedingfield 1679. ŞSiderſterne R. vulgo Sarſton [St. Mary] Archidiac. vi s. viii d. I 07 04 Robert Donne Gent. 1705. Lord Viſcount Townſhend 1721. Right Hon. Robert Walpole Eſq; 1724. 16 Oo oo s Skulthorpe R. [All-Saints] Priori Letes xiii s. iiji d. Vicario ? de So. Creke iii s. Archidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. Epiſc. iii s. William Yelverton Efq; olim Patr. Robert Donne Gent. 1703. q. Lord Viſcount Townſhend. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Bagthorpe R. als Baythorpe (St. Mary] Archidiac. ii s. Epiſc. 15 Oo oo 2 xvid. The KING (Dr. T.) Thomas Goddard Gent. olim Patr. Burnham-Depdale R. [St. Mary] Archidiac, vi s. viii d, Epiſo. 39 00 00 xxii d. William Armiger olim Fatr. John Harris Eſq; 1686. S Dunham als Dunton V. [St. Mary) with Doulton als Duckton,? 25 oo oo Archidiac, xii d. Epiſc. ii s. iiii d. 00 10 08 Mon. Marmond Propr. William Gwavas Eſq; 1686. Sir Edward Coke olim Patr. Eaft-Barſham V. [All-Saints] Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Epiſc.? Mon. Caſtleacre Propr. Sir Chriſtopher Calthorpe Bart. 1690. Thomas Farmer Eſq; olim Patr. 35 00 00 Eaft-Rudham R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. xxii d. oo 12 OS Lord Viſcount Townpend 1720. 40 00 00 Houghton near Harpley. V. [St. Martin) Priori Cockfort, . Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc. xxii d. Mon. Cockforth Propr. Robert Walpole Esq; 1685, 1724. Kettleton erioze OI 12 00 Epifc.}oo 11 00 II OD OL 02 00 ܘܘܐ ", 16 oo oo xvi d. 6.}oo 13 04 { , aforib zoo IO 00 392 DIOCESE. of NORWICH. NORFOLK. l. . s. d. 01 00 00 Ar-}or Archi-300 00 12 00 d.} joo 15 04 302 Clear Yearly l'alue. Yearly Tenths. 1 s; d. ŞKettleton R. (All-Saints] Priori Caſtleacre viii s. iiii d. Ar- 40 Oo oo chidiaí, vi s. viji d. Epiſc. xxii d. The KING. S North-Barſham R. [All-Saints] Priori Caſtleacre xl s. Archi- 48 oo oo 2 diac, vis. viii d. Epifc. xx d. Phil. Ruſſel Eſq; olim Patr. James Ward Eſq; 1690. William Rootley Eſq; 1724. 08 09 oo Ryburgh-parva V. (Al-Saints Priori Bynbam xiii s, id. 2: Archidiac, vi s. viii d. Epiſc. xx d. Pri. Bynhan Propr. Edward Pafton Eſq; (Dr. T.) ŞSouth-Creake V. (St. Mary] Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc. 35 00 00 xvid. 02 04 00 Mon. Caſtleacre Propr. Mr. Robert Donne (this Turn) 1710. Mr. Pepys o'ini Patr. 9. Lord Viſcount Town- Jend. S Stibert als Stibard R. [All Saints] Archidiac, vi s. viii d. E- 40 00 00 :? piſc. xvid. 01 03 04 Lord Viſcount Townſhend 1720. (P.j.) S Tatterford R. [St. Margaret] Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Epiſc. 30 00 00 oo 12 08 xvid. Thomas Farmer olim Patr. Mrs. Frances Villet Widow 1687. Diana Drury 1727. Tatterſet als Gateſend R. [St. Andrew] Priori Cafileacre xxxiiis.? 50 Oo oo ivid. Archidiac. x s. Epiſc. ii s. iiii d. Mr. Robert Drury, his Wife, and others 1709. Hen. Violet Eſq; olim Patr. Diana Drury Widow 1727. 40, 00 00 Watterden R. [All Saints] Archidiac, vi s. viii d. Epiſc. xvi d. 00 10 08 Sir Edward Coke olim Patr. Mrs. Anne Gwavas Widow F-301 Epifc.3.00 { is.}or OL 02 02 I 18 15 00 oo II 021 23 oo oo Weſt-Barſham V. Archidiac. vi s. viï d. Epiſc. xvid. Mon. Caſtleacre Propr. James Calthorpe Eſq; 1690. Mr. Thomas Gurney olim Patr. Weſt-Rudham V. [St. Peter] Epiſc. xxii d. Mon. Cockforth Propr. Lord Viſcount Townſhend 1720. Curacies. Barmer Cur. (All-Saints] - Mr. Scarlet Propr. (olim.) [ Bruneſthorpe Cur. The KING Propr. 00 14 08 D. Cranwiſe alias Cranwich, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORFOLK. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Yearly Tenths. , d. I. d. 120 1. 17 18 01:5 Crelangham: magna R. with St. George's Chapel, Ecclefie}o! 15 09: 12 02 035 SEaft-Bradenham R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac. vii s. 5:301 The KING, { vii d.ob. Pens. iiii s. Anna Cæſar olim Patr. Maurice Goulſton Eſq; 1716. 04 03. Feltwell NORFOLK DIOCESE of NORWICH. 393 King's Books. d. b. S. s. obozor 19 00 00 120 1. 09 13 II 100 1. 09 10 00 üs;}oo 19 for Sol. learl Tenths. e S Feltwell St. Mary's R. Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, vii s. vii d. ob.? 14 17 03?? Priori Caſtleacre x s. Redd. iii d. or 09 osoba The KING. Feltwell St. Nicholas R. oi 18 co Biſhop of Ely. S Hockwolde R. [St. Peter] Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac. vis, viii d. { Penſ. Gonvil-Hall Cantabr, xlvi s, viiid. Redd.id. oo 19 041 Gönvil and Caius College, Cambridge. Narborough V. * [All-Saints] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, viis. viid, ob. oo 19 00 Mon: Weſtacre Propr. Mundeford Spelman Efq; 1692. 08 06 08 Necton als Neighton R. [All-Saints] Priori Weſtacre xl s. OO 16 08 40 1. Anthony Hoogan Gent. olim Patr. Mr. Henry Waſtell Clerk 1718. s Northwold R. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. ii s. viii d. Archidiac. vii s. 29 14 og vii diob.: Pri: Caſtleacre xxx s. Curat, cvi s. viii d. Elee-402 19 656 200 l. mos. xiii s. iiiid. Redd. xii d. Biſhop of Ely. OI 13 04 Portio Dec. Appropriat. Narborough. 00 03 04 10 18 or Southacre R. (St. George] Epiſc.xviii di Archidiac. vi s. viii d. oi oi 09 Sir Edward Barkham olim Patr. Barkbam olim Patr. Sir William Parker Bart. 1695. Sir Andrew Fountain 1723. 10 03 062 xii d. Archidiac, xii d. OI OO 043 Eton College Propr, and Patr. SSWAFFHAM V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Epiſc. ii s. viii d. Ar- 14 05 10 , . . . ix d. Mon. Weſtminſter olim Propr. The Biſhop of Norwich. 10 07 081 Weeting All-Saints R. Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vis. viii d. oi oo 091 Geo. Fowler Efq; olim Patr. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge. Livings. Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. ŞBilchamwell als Bycham All-Saints R. † Archidiac. vii s. 29 Oo oo vii d. ob. Epiſc. xviii d. oo 13 04 Mrs. Elizabeth Gray Widow 1676. The KING 1684, 1723. Bilchamwell als Bycham St. John's R. Archidiac. v s. Epiſc.2 xvi d. 00 08 08 48 10 00 Thomas A thowe Efq; olim Patr. Bilchamwell als Bycham St. Mary's R. Archidiac. V s. Epiſc. xvi d. TO 08 jo Sir William de Gray olim Patr. Mrs. Mary Wells. Eee Bodney * Narborough V. -Augmented with the Tythes of the Pariſh, by Mundeford Spelman Eſq; 1680. Bijhnp Kennet's Café of Impropriations, p. 298. + Bilchamwell All Saints, als Bycham R.-- This with the other Bilhamwells in this Deanry, in th: origi- nal Parchment-Roll, are placed in D. FINCHAM. { sifoc of 394 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. NORFOLK. } d. 40 00 00 * ܘܘ{ 16 II Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 45 00 00 S Bodney R. Epiſc.xviid, Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Priori West- 00 12 08 acre xiii s. ilii d. The KING. 15 00.00 Bokenham-parva R. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. V s. 00 06 00 Mr. Partridge (N.) ŞCaldecote R. Epiſc. ii s. vid. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Redd. сб 13 об ? ii s. viii d. (Ecclefia profanata.) 00 06 025 Sir Henry Bedingfield Kt. 1688. All. d 48 CO 00 viji d. 17 08.15 Cambridge Univerſity 1701. Sir Henry Bedingfield Bart. 1706. Colſton R. [St. Mary) with ? Epiſc. iii s. Archidiac, x s. xi d.700 08 00! 40 00 00 Dudlington als Didlington V. S ob. Redd. jji d. ob. (Nooo 16 051 Church at Colſton.) Abb. Marham Propr. Robert Wilſon Eſq; 1720, 1727. Henry Holdich Efq; olim Patr. Cranwiſe als Cranwich R. (St. Mary] Epifc. ii s. ii d. Archi- 2 diac. vii s. id. ob. John Knivet Efq; 1690. Mr. Edmund Wace (this Turn) 1713 Creſſingham-parva R. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. xviii d. Archi- 40 00 00 diac. vis. or 07 03 Sir Robert Southwell olim Patr. Thomas Crane Gent. 1690. 23 oo oo Croxton V. (All-Saints) 00 13 04 Coriſt's College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. S Fouldon V. [All-Saints] Epiſc. ii sa ilii d. Arcbidiac. vii s. 25 Oo oo viid. ob. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. Biſhop 1682. ŞGooderſton V. (St. George] Epiſc. xxii d. Archidiac. vii s. viid. ob. Redd. iii d. ob. Abb. Barlings in Linc. Propr. Sir William Read olim Patr. Sir John Elwill 1719. Hilborough R. (All-Saints] Epiſc. ii s. ilii d. Archidiac. vii s. 49 00 00 viid. Redd. ii d. 01 06 08 Sir John Hare olim Patr. Mr. Lancaſter Topcliffe Clerk 1681. Holme-Hale R. als Hale-Brian [St. Andrew] Epiſc. iii s. Ar-> 49 Oo oo chidiac. xs. Feod. Seneſchalli xii d. oi 05 07 Thomas Bedingfield Eſq; 1675. Jeremiy Benton Gent. 1711. 35 00 00 Houghton R. [St. Mary) Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac, v s. 00 09 101 Sir Henry Bedingfield olim Patr. Robert Walpole Efq; 1718.- Ickborough R. (St. Bartholomew] Epiſc. xvid. Archidiac. iii s. iiii d. 00 10 08 Thomas Bedingfield Eſq; olim Patr. Langford R. (St. Ardrew] Epiſc. xvid. Archidiac, v s. oo 09 07 The KING 1671. Sir Nicholas Garrard. Bart. 1696. Thongs Vetbold Elg; olisi Patr, Methwold ! S}or OI OO 02 20 00 00 { 3oo 13 02 Ar- }or Sick 300 43 06 os NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 395 s. {M vii d. 300 Clear Tearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. I. d. Methwold V. [St. George] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vii s. viii d. 24 Oo oo 00 18 or Mon. Caſtleacre Propr. Roger North Efq; 1713, 1722. Sir John Hobart olim Patr. S Moundeford R. als Mountford (St. Leonard] Epifc. ii s. viii d.? 40 Oo oo Archidiac, vi s. viii d. 00 15 09 Giles Killingworth Efq; olim Patr. Lady Allington Wi- dow 1690. Hildebrand Lord Allington 1720. 31 Oo oo Narford V * (St. Mary] Epiſc. ii s. ii d. Archidiac, iiii s. 00 13 04 Mon. Westacre Propr. John Spelman Eſq; 1714. q. Biſhop Necton als Neighton V. [All Saints] Epiſc. xxid. Archidiac.2 45 Oo oo oo 16 02 vii s. vii dob Mon. Weftacre Propr. John Thorowgood M. D. 1708. Ro. Hoogan Gent. olim Patr. Newton V. + [All-Saints] Epiſc. xvi d. Archidiac. vi s. Со о5 об Mon. Caſtleacre Propr. biſhop of_Ely. 40 00 00 { vii s. vii d.ob. St. . 16 08 Sir Henry Bedingfield olim Patr. Mrs. Mary Meriton Wi- of Ely. -] . . } 20 00 00 dow 1717. {N II 05 is.}oo 1 Archidiac. Zoo 00 00 00 { - iss}oo S North-Pickenham R. [All-Saints] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, vii s. 48 Oo oo vi d. ob. Penf. Abb. Quoverbam xx s. Sir Hen. Bedingfield olim Patr. Sir Ralph Hare Bart. 1719. South-Pickenham R. (All-Saints] Epiſc. xxiii d. 48 oo oo 0 16 01 2 vii-s. vi d. Priori Weſtacre xxvi s. viii d. Cordal Bradbury Efq; olim Patr. Thomas Leonard Chute Efq; 1714. Sir William Spring Bart. 1722. 35 Oo oo Santon R. (St. Helen] Biſhop of Norwich. Stanford' v. [All Saints] Epifc. ii s. in d. Archidiac. viis. 18 Oo oo OO II 031 viii d. Pri.Shuldham Propr. Biſhop of Ely. ŞWeeting St. Mary's R. Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vis. viii d. Redd. 45 Oo oo 00 16 02 viii d. Geo. Fowler Efq; olim Patr. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge. 44 00 00 Weſt-Bradenham V. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. ii s. 00 14 02 Mon. Bokenham Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 49 Oo oo West-Tofts R. [St. Mary] 00 16 07. Sir Richard Berney olin Patr. Earl of St. Albans 1682. 41 00 00 Wilton V. [St. James] Epiſc. xxii d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 0 12 09 Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Linford Cur. Stiríton Cur. Earl of Suſſex Propr. Sibeton R. 9. Libr. Tanner. Eee 2 D. * Narford V.--~Augmented by Dr. Laney, Biſhop of Ely, with ten Pounds per annum. 2:39p Kenrei's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 284. † Newton V.- Augmented by Dr. Laney, Biſhop of Ely, with twelve Pounds per arnun. Bi/h30 Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 284. 396 NORFOLE. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. Depwade, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORFOLK. 02 00 00 20 00 00 i Eol. sizoo 60 l. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books Yearly Tenths 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. s.ch ŞBunwell alias Bulwell R. [St. Michael] Pri. Lewes vi s. viii d.? 17 Oo oo Pri. Caſtleacre v s. Epiſc. iii s. Archidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. Joi 14 CO Thomas Grey Eſq; (this Turn) 1698, and Mr. Buxton al- ternately. $ Forncet St. Mary's and St. Peter's R. Epiſc. fiii s, ix d. Ar-? ? chidiac, vii s. vii d. ob. Thomas Aggas h. v. 1702. The Honourable Richard Hill 1725. Duke of Norfolk. 06 13 04 Hempnall V. [St. Margaret] Epiſc. iiii s. Archidiac. vii s. Oo 13 04 vii d. ob. Earl of Sulex olim Patr. Capel Luckyn Gent. 1697. Mary Luckyn 1724. 08 oo oo Shelton R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. &* Archidiac. ix s. id. ob. 00. 16 ao Sir Peter Gleane 1683. Sir Ralph Shelton, and Sir Peter Gleane olim Patr. altern. Vicib. Maurice Shelton Eſq; 1714. Stratton All-Saints R. St. Michael's and St. Peter's, Pens: 06 12 08 Magiſtro Novi Collegii Oxon xiii s. iiird. Epiſc. iii s. iiii d. Soo 13 031 Archidiac. xi s. viii d. New-College, Oxford, two Turns 1629, 1660. Thomas Carver hac Vice 1626. Lord Arundel one Turn. Mrs. Mary Brame Widow 1701. Stratton Long Mary's R. Epifc. ii s. iii d. Archidiac, vii s. 10 00 00 vii d. 03. 100 l, New-College, Oxon, 1629, 1660. Mrs. Mary Brame { for OI 00 00 Widow 1701. I2 00 00 60 l. Thetfordzo 501. Tacolnſton R. (All-Saints] Epifc. iiis. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. oi 04 00 Mr. George and Mary Townſhend 1705. Biſhop by Lapſe 1706. Taſburgh R. [St. Mary] cum Rainſthorp, Priori Thetford 08 Oo oo Do xiiis. iiid. Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. Mr. James Pigot olim Propr._Mr. Thomas Seaman Junior. Iſrael Fielding Eſq; (this Turn) 1709. Thomas Wark- houſe Eſq; 1725. Livings Diſcharged. ClearYearly Value. SAſhwell-Thorpe R. [All Saints] Epiſc. iii s. Archidiac. vi s. 30 Oo oo oo 13 04 2 Thomas Knivet Efq; 1693. Carlton-Rode R. [All-Saints] Epiſc. & Archidiac, ix s. 45 Oo oo vii d, ob, Firman Denny Efq; olim Patr. Thomas Hoogan Gent. 1698. 40 00 00 Fritton R. (St. Catherine] Epiſc. & Archidiac. viii s. xd. 00 18 oo Ralph Smith Eſq; olin Patr, Mrs. Anne Smith Widow 1697. John Herose Eſq; 1715. Hardwick viiid. ixs.}or 0 1 2 00 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 397 1. S. I. d. 00 10 00 30 Oo oo 30 00:00 {M 300-14 '14 00 Clear rearly Value. l'early Tenthis. d. 40 Oo oo Hardwick R: (St. Margaret] Epiſc.;& Archidiac, ilii s. ix d. Sir Peter Glecne olim Patr. Waller Bacon Efq; 1715. S Moulton All Saints als Parva R. Redd. v s. Epiſc, xiii d. oo OS Archidiac. vis, viii d. Biſhop of Norwich 1663, 1671, 1690. Ś Moulton St. Michael's R. Redd. Domino Maner. iii s. Priori? oo 13 04 de Horsford iii s. iiïi d. Epiſc. iïi's. Archidiac. vi s. viii dos Mrs. Elizabeth Chute Widow 17175 Nicholas Rivet olim Patr. Moringthorpe R. [St. John Baptiſt]. Epiſc. xi d. Archidiac. vi s. viii di The K ING. 45 Oo oo Therſton V. [St. Mary] Epiſc. xvi d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d, 00 10 02 Pri. Pentney Propr. Biſhop of Ely 1720. 46 co oo Tibenham V. [All-Saints] Epiſc. & Archidiac, vii s. vii di cb. 00 13 03 Mon. Horſham Ste Fidis Propr. Biſhop of Ely 1720. 45 Oo oo Wackton-magna R. [All-Saints] Epiſc. xd. Archidiac. xii d. 00 10 00 William Stafford Gent. 1715. Claudius Grey Gent. 30 00 00 Wackton-parva R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. x d. Archidiac. xii d. 00 05 0f Sir John Duke Bart. 1700. John Soley Clerk (this Turn) 1721. Sir Edward Duke Bart. 1724. Not in Charge. Fundenhall Cur. [St. Nicholas] Edward Cleere Propr. (olimn.) Hapton V. or Cur. (St. Mary] Chriſt's College, Cambridge. Halkton als Aftaeton Cur. [St.}. 10 : 05: 00 Certified Val. Michael] ! Yearly Tenths. 1. d. S.. oi 08 00 100 1. OO OI 09 OI OI 04 D. Fincham, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORFOLK. Livings remaining in Charge. Kings Books. he d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. S Barton St. Andrew's R. Priori Sti Neot, cs. Archidiac, vii si 14 Oo oo 2 vii d. ob. Epiſc. xviiid. The KING. 00 17 06 Deanry of Finchạm. 10 13 04 Denver R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. vi s. viiid. Epiſc. ii s. Robert Gawfet Efq; olim Patr. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge. Helgay R. Äbb. Ramſey xx s. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. cb. E 1001. 2 piſc. iis. Henry Willoughby olim Patr. -Spencer 1705. Rongton als Wrongton [St. Andrew] Holme [St. James) and Wallington R. [St. Margaret] Reddi xii d. “Abb. Bury vi s. 1501. viii d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc. xxiid. Biſhop of Norwich 1672. Gonvil and Caius College, Cainbridge. Sir Robert Rich olim Patr. 10 00 00 01 Oo oo 12 00 00 OI 04 00 Southrey 398 DIOCESE of NORWICH. NORFOLK King's Books. d. 300 OI 12 00 {Up kvis.for Watlington R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Redd. xii d. Archi- }or og 08 d. 300 {Barton LATE pijet 2. Priori Dunmow xls. Arcbidiac. vis. II 04 diac;}o. 00 00 Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Ş Southrey als Sotherby R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. vis, viïi d. 07 10 do Epiſc. ii s. 100 l, 15 oo Henry Willoughby Eſq; olim Patr. Mrs. Elizabeth Gray, Spinſter, 1705: SUpwell (St. Peter) with Welkenby R. Abb. Ramſey xxvis. 16 Oo oo viiid. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc. iii s. zool. Beaupre Bell Eſq; 1698. 14 16 08 diac. vis, viii d. Epifc. ii s. Thomas Gauſell Eſq; olim Patr. Edmund Roffe Gent. 1710. Livings Diſcharged. Cicar l'early Value. ŞBeckſwell als Bexwell R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 38 Oo oo 2 Epiſc. ii s. oo 15 OL Biſhop of Ely. Barton All Saints R. Priori Dunmow xl s. Archidiac. vi s. 39 Oo oo viii d. Epiſc. fi s. 00 Mr. John Meriton Clerk 1698. 39 Oo oo Barton St. Mary's R. Archidiac. v s. 'Epiſc. xviii d. 00 10 08 Sir Robert Rich olim Patr. Mr. John Meriton Clerk 1698. Boughton R. [All Saints] Priori Dunmow xx s. Archidiac. 49 Co oo vis. vii d. Epiſc. ii s. Earl of Suſſex olim Patr, Mrs. Mary Meriton Widow 1717 25 Oo oo Crimpleſham V. [St. Mary] Epiſc. ii s. 00 16 00 Colleg. Sloke Propr. Biſhop of Ely. DOWNHAM R. (St. Edmund] Sacriſte Ramſey iiii s, Archi. 45 00 00 { diac. vis. viiid. Epiſc. ii s. oo 13 04 Sir Thonias Hare Bart. 1688. 33 00 00 Fincham St. Martin's V. Archidiac, vs. Epifc. ii s. The KING. Mon. Shuldham Propr. Fincham St. Michaei's R. Priori Cofileaire ii l. xvi 45 Oo oo Priori Shuldham xls. Archidiac. v s. Epiſc. ii s. 00 Sir Robert Ricb olin Patr. Sir Thomas Hare Bart. 1682. s Marham V. als Cherry-Marham (Holy Trinity] Redd. ii s. 28 Oo oo x d. Archidiac, viis, vii d. ob. Epiſc. iiii s. 13 04 Pri. W'eſtacre Propr. St. John's College, Cambridge. Sir Ra. Hore olim Patr. SOutwell R. (St. Clement) Penſ. Ecclefiæ de Elme vis. vid. 40 00 00, Archidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. Epiſc. illi s. Biſhop of Ely. Shingham R. (St. Botolph] Archidiac, vi s. viii d. Epiſc. xvi d. po 3 08 The KING ŞStow-Bardolfe V. (Holy Trinity] Archidiac, vi's. viii d. E 24 Oo oo 2 piſc. ii s. 00 12 08 Mon. Carow Propr. Sir Ralph Hare olim Patr. Lord Toccnfend. 25 00 00 Stradlet V. Archidiac, vii s. viid. ob. Edifc. ii s. Mon. Dereban Propr. Mrs. Anne. Pawlet Widow 1682. Wimbot- { cbi.} oo OD 00 00 s. ii d.}oo 14 08 i de zor I2 CO 22 0000 E-300 00 05 08 NORFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. 399 Tearly Tenihs, 1. s. d. 39 Oo oo {m. ass}oo 00 10 08 Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. Wimbotſham R. (St. Mary] Abb. Ramſey xx s. Arcbidiac. vi s. viii d. Epiſc. ii s. Sir Ralph Hare Bart. Patr. 1722. Chapels, Donatives, and Curacies. Fordham Cur. Mr. Skipwith Propr. (olim.) Foiton alias Farden Cur. Dean and Chapter of Ely Propr, Garboldſthorpe Cur. Mr. Gawdy Propr. (olim.) Rifton cum Roxham Cur. Dean of Norwich Propr. Shouldham All-Saints and St. Mary's Cur. Sir Thomas Mildmay. Shouldham-Thorpe Cur. Stoke-Ferry Cur. (All-Saints]-. r8 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. The KING Propr. Thorpland Cur. [St. Thomas.] Tottenhill Cur. 1. 12 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Biſhop of Ely Propr. Wearham Cur. [St. Margaret] l. 10 : 02 : 06 Certified Val. Welney Cur. Weſt-Dereham Cur. [St. Andrew] Biſhop of Ely Propr. Wormgay Cur. (Holy Croſs) 1. 20 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Biſhop of Norwich Propr. Wretton Cur. [All-Saints] l. 10 : 02 : 06 Certified Val. D. Flegg, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORWICH. xd. 120 l. iii s. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenth's. 1. 4. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. IO 00 00 Aſhby R. [St. Mary] cum Obey, and ΟΙ COOO 05 00 00 Thirne R. (St. Edmund] Epiſc. Norw. xd. Archidiac. Norw. Soo 10 00 140 1. pro Syn. and Prox. iii s.. Biſhop of Norwich. 04 Oo oo CASTER St. Edmunds R. united in 1608, with oo 08 oo 06 00 00 CASTER St. Trinity V. Prox, and Syn. jii s. vid. Penſ. Pri.(00 12 00 Shuldhan inii s. Ecclefiæ Cath. Norw. jii s, ijii d. Epiſc. Archidiac, vii s. vid. ob. Roger Crow Efq; 1708, 1724. II or 057 Ş Fylbye R. [A1]-Saints] Pri. Horford 1... Pri. Norw. xjii s. ini d. Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. vii s, viid. ob. 01 02 01 80 l. Carolus Cleere olina. Patr. Sir Willia12 Coke Knt. 05 00 00 Heringby R.. [St. Ethelbert] Epiſc. xvii d. Archidiac, v s. 80 l. Mr. England, at the Nomination of the Biſhop of Nor- wich (N.) Mawtby R] Archidiac. 13 06 08 01 06 08 { vi s. viji d. . Willian Paſton olina Pair.. Earl of Yarıncutk 1698. Stokeſby ipisc. 5301 OOI OO 2 400 DIOCES Ë of N O'R WICH. NORFOLK 7 s. 3. 13 06 08 8c I. po2 100 I. 29 14 08 21 II 00 King': Books Yearly Tenths, 1. do: I. S Stokeſby R. [All Saints] Epifc. ii s. viii d. Archidiac. vii s. 06 08 { vii d. ob. Charles Cleere Eſq; olim Patr. Mr. England (N.) Charles Wyndham Eſq; 1667. S Winterton R. [All-Saints) with Eaſt-Somerton Chapel (St. 20 13 04 02 OI 04 2 Mary] Redd. viii d. Epifc. ijs. Archidiac, viis, viid. ob. Mr. Charles Harman 1682. Edward Knight Gent. 1720. Sir Charles le Groſs olim Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 16 16 08 Billockſby R. [All Saints] Epiſc. vii d. Aribidiac. iii s. 00 05 10 Mr. Thomas Mahue olim Patr. George England Efq; 1701.. 17 14 071 Burgh St. Margaret's R. Epiſc. xii d. ob. qa. Archidiac, v s. 00 17 04 Sir Edward Cleere olim Patr. 7ohn Welſh Gent. 1711. 24 14 07 Burgh St. Mary's R. Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. iii s. 00 08 oo Sir Edward Cleere olim Patr. John Welh Gent. 1711. Clippeſby R. (St. Peter] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. iii s. 00 13 04 Sir Randolph Crewe olin Patr. William Clark Gent. 1718. Hemiſby V. [St. Mary] Epiſc. pro Syn. ii s. oo 08 08 Mon. Norwich Propr. Edward Paſton Efq; 1683. Lady Elizabell Knivet oliin Patr. Martham V. [St. Mary] Epiſc. & Archidiac. pro Syn. and 13 04 2 Prox. vii s. vii d. ob. Mon. Norwich Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich.. S Ormeſby [St. Margaret] with Scrowtby V. [All Saints] Epifc.7 pro Syn. iiiis. Redd. iiii s. Oi Oo oo Mon. Norwich Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. 41 17 00 Rolleſby R. (St. Peter] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. vii s, vii d. ob. 01 14 00 Catherina Drury olim Patr. Leonard Mapes Efq; 1708. Runham V. [St. Peter] oo 08 oo Mon. Horſham Sankta Fidis Propr. Biſhop of Ely. Thrigſby R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 00 12 00 Charles Cleere Eſq; olim Patr. Robert Caſtle Eſq; 1704. John Smith Eſq; 1720. Curacies, Repps cum Baſtwick Cur . [St:}1. 23 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Dean and Chapter of Norwich Propr. Weſt-Somerton Cur. [St. Mary] [St.34 16 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. YARMOUTH [St. Nicholas} a Market and Borough-Town in this Deanry, (not in Charge.) Pri. Norwich olini Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. 29 04 08 and you Epifc.301 25 02 08:{o . 19 16 08 24 II 08 D I NORFOLK. DIOCES E of NORWICH 401 s. 02 06 08 120 1. IIOI. , 140 1. 3 14 11 051R. D. Hingham, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORFOLK. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenihs; 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 12 08 Or Barnham Broome R. (St. Peter) cum 201 04 09 Bixton R. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. iii s. Archidiac. x s. iiii d. ob. Soo 04 08 Edward Chamberlain olim Patr. Earl of Torrington 1708. 05 18 061 | Craneworth R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. xvid. Archidiac. vi s. viii d.) 00 II 104 07 14 07 Letton R. [All-Saints] Epiſc. ii s. vi d. Archidiac. vii s. yo0.15 051 vii d. ob. Pri, Lewes xx s. Thornhaugh Gordon Efq; 1715. Thomas Southwell Eſq; olim Patr. 41 03 011 EAST-DEREHAM R. (St. Nicholas] Feod. Seneſchalli iii s. iiii d. 04 02.03 Suſan Wood 1676. James Verdon 1680. - The Biſhop 1716. EAST-DeręHAM V. [St. Nicholas] with Hoo Chapel, Syn. 17 03 04 Epiſc. iiii is. vii d. Archidiac. xii s. vii d. ob. Stipend. duorum Yol 14 04 Sacerdot, xii l. Rector thereof, S Hardingham R. [St. George] Epiſc. it so v d. Archidiac, vi s. 15 03 04 OI 10 04 { vïii d. Anthony Thwaits olim Patr. Executors of Mr. Thomas Coleman Elq; 1719. Mr. Robert Stone Clerk, and Mr. Thomas Blake 1720. HINGHAM R. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. ii s, viii d. Archidiac. 24 18 04 vii s. vij d. ob. Redd. ïi s. xid. Curat, vi l, xüis. qiii d. S02 09 10 140 1. Feod. Seneſchalli ii s. Edmund Woodhouſe Eſq; Sir Thomas Woodhouſe olin Propr. SHockering Pri [St. Michael] Epifc. xviii d. Arcbidiac. vis. 07 03 04 viii d. Pri. Norw. viii s, · Pri. Sanctæ Mariæ in South-soo 14 04 wark vis. viii d.' Francis Windham Eſq;. 1687. Mr. Matthew Trott olim Patr. Morley chidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 09 On Robert Grigſon 1674. Mr. Whitefoot (N.) Sir John Ho- bart olim Patr. S Shipdam R. [All-Saints] Epiſc. ii s. v d. Archidiac. vii s. 2 vii d.ob. Reatori de Saham iiii s. Stipend. Curat. cvis, viii d. S 02 14.09 Lord Townſhend 1707. Sir Robert Gawdy olim Patr. S North-Tudenham R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac. 10 05 05 { viis. vii d. ob. Pri. Romborough iii s. co 06 ; Martin Skip Gent. 1687: Mr. Edmund Young (this Turn) 1710. Theodore Goodwin Eſq; olim Patr. S Yaxham R. [St. Peter] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac, viis, viid. ob. Redd. xix d. 80 l Henry Hoogan Eſq; olim Patr. Thomas Scot Gent, 1720. Fff Livings 27 07 06 3oz }or 120 l ΙΟ ΟΟ ΙΟ d. . d. }or OI 00 01 & 402 DIOCESE OF NORWICH." NORFOLK s, 1. di ] . }oo ro0 67 ܘܘ{ 14 04 08 + Livings Diſcharged, Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, I. d. Barford one Mediety R, [St. Botolph] Epiſc. vid. ob. Archi- 22 19 08 oo 08 IO 2 diac, iii s. xd. Earl of Exeter olim Patr. Sir Henry Wingfield Bart. 1699. South-Bergh alias Barrow R. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. xvi d. Ar- 27 00 11 DO It'04 chidiac. vi s. viii d. Rectori de Hingham v s. Redd. ob. Thomas Forth Gent. olim Patr. Thornbaugh Gordon Eſq; 1715. ŞBergh near Matteſhall R. [St. Peter] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. 30 01 04 2 07 07 vis. viii d. Oliver St. John olim Propr. Thomas Berney Eſq; 1700. Banburgh V. [St. Wolftan] Epifc.xx d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 01 07 09 Pri. Norwich Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. 46 04 10 Brand als Brandon parva R. [All-Saints) Archidiac. vis, viri d. 00 16 041 Sir Thomas Lovel olim Patr. Thomas Berney Eſq; 1710. ŞColton R. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. xxiii d. Archidiac. vi's. viii:d. 40 12 031 00 12 II 2 Abb. Wymondham xxvi s. viii d. The KING, 30 03 04 Crounethorpe R. [St. James] Syn. and Prox. vii s. vid. 00 09 03 Mr. Coningsby olim Patr. Aſh Wyndham Efq;. 1714. 19 09 10 Depham V. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. iii s. Archidiac. vi s, viñid. OO 10 09 Dean and Chapter of Canterbury Propr. and Patr. Eaſton V. [St. Peter] Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. 00 15 02 Colleg. Norwich Propr. Martin Ringhall Gent. 1700. William Wooton olim Patr. 31 18 072 Eaſt-Tudenham V. [All-Saints] 00 14-07 Pri. Wormgay Propr. Richard Tilney Eſq; olim Patr. Fre- derick Tilney Eſq; 1694. Foverhow Carlton R. . ii . { vi s. viii d. II 08.1 Sir Thomas Woodhouſe olim Patr. Sir John Woodhouſe (N.) 43 13 10 Gornaſton R. (St. Margaret] Epiſc. xvid. Archidiac. vis. viii d. 00 15 077 Sir Thomas Southwell olim Propr. William Clayton Eſq; 1703. 21 13 04 SHackford alias Hackforth R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. x d. Archi- diac. vis. vijid. Redd. ii s. ii d. Sir John Hobart olim Patr. Mrs. Elizabeth Long Widow 1710. 44 03 10:ŞHoningham V. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. vii s. 00 17 03 { Mon. Sawtrey in Hunts Propr. Mr. George Griffith 1690. Sir Thomas Richardſon olim Patr. S viii . . s. vii d. ob. 00 13 02 Sir Thomas Woodhouſe olim Patr. Sir John Woodhouſe Bart. 1701. *.31 00 06 Marlingford R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. iii s. 00 15 03 Fra. Jermy Efq; olim Patr. Mrs. Suſan Clarke Widow, and John Clarke Eſq; 1700. Matteſhall 23 15 08 bir 300 09 07 A NORFOLK DIOCESE of NORWICH. 403 isipoo 10 I2 OO visizo 02 03 10 00 00 19 17 08 1 Clear Yearly Value, Mearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. 34 04 02 ŞMattehall, V. [All-Saints] Epiſc . iii s. ii d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 00 14 08 Fra. Sturges Efq; olim Patr. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge. Melton parva V. * Pri. Ixworth xlvis. viii d. Epiſc. îi s. ii d. 2 Archidiac. vi s. viii d. dZoo 00 10 06 Emanuel College, Cambridge. Remirſton R. [St. Peter] Epiſc. ii s. vid. Archidiac, vi s. 49 03 OI viii d. Sir George Coppin olim Patr. Robert Long Eſq; 1683. Runhall V. (All-Saints] Epiſc. viii d. Archidiac. V s. 00 13 09 Sir Thomas Woodhouſe olim Patr. Sir John Woodhouſe (N.) { 39 13 10 . vi s. viii d. Mr. Richard Thwaits olim Patr. Robert Long Eſq; 1683. 43 12 00 Welborne R. [All Saints] Epiſc. xvi dArchidiac, vis. viii d. 00 II 10 Mr. William Steward olim Patr. The Reverend Edward Heyboe Clerk 1720. Weſtfield R. (St. Andrew] Archidiac. iii s. Epiſc. xii d. 00 15 07 Sir Thomas Southwell olim Patr. Sir Robert Clayton Knt. 1703 31 10 07 Whinburgh R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. ix d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 00 13 10 Sir Thomas Southwell olim Patr. Sir Robert Clayton Knt. and Mr. John Mortis 1681. Biſhop of Norwich by Lapſe 1684. Wittlewood alias Wicklewood V. [St. Andrew ‘and All- Epiſc. iis 00 12 041 Mon. Norwich Propr. Martin Jubbs Eſq; 1701. Thomas Skipp olim Patr. S Wood-Riſeing R. (St. Nicholas] Epiſc. xvi d. Archidiac, vi s.? 35 10 00 viii d. Pri, de Lewes v s. Sir Thomas Southwell olim Patr. George Bedell Eſq; 1712. Wramplingham R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Epiſc. ii 5. viii d. 42 00 02 Archidiac, vi s. viii d. 00 10 05 Ro. Thornton Efq; olim Patr. Mrs. Mary Marſham Wi- dow 1691. WYMONDHAM V. alias Wyndham [St. Mary] Epiſc. iii s. 49 13 02 Archidiac, vii s. vii d. ob.: Curato vi l. xiii s. iiii d. 01 05 Mon.Wymondham Propr. Biſhop of Ely Patr. 1921, Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Barford altera Med. Bowthorpe R. Mr. Yaxley Patr. Coſteſſy Cur. [St. Andrew] Hofp. Civ. Norw. Propr. Coſton Cur. [St. Michael] 1.21 : 00 : 0o Cert, Val, Fff 2 Melton parva V. This in the Parchment-Roll, is placed in D. Humbleyard. 1 28 06 07 5 { dArcbidiacVi s. Zoo visizoo Zoo og 10 4.300 is zo D. 404 NORFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWICH. d. 22 00 00 2001. 120 l. OI 12 00 12 00 00 . ; D. Þitcham, in the Arch-Deaconry, of NORFOLK. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenth's. Re&tories, &c, with their Patrons and Proprietors. b. d. Bircham Epiſo. 2 ii s. iii d. 04 00 Sir Tbo. Southwell olim Patr. Robert Walpole Eſq; 1705. Brancaſter R.. [St. Mary). Abb. Ramſey xl s.. Sacriſtæ ibidem 24 00.00 xiii s. iii d.” Rectori de Burnham Depdale xxvi s. viii d. 402 08 00 Archidiac, vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc. ii s. Sir Thomas Hare Bart. 1681. Sir Charles Cornwallis olim Patr. 00 06 08 Deanry of Hitcham Oo oo 08 03 06 08 ŞRingſted parva R. five Capella (St. Andrew) Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc. xvi d. 00. 06 08 This is, and has many Years been held as a Lay-Impro- priation by the Family of Sir Nich. L'Eſtrange. (But q.) II 06 08 SRingſted St. Peter's R. Abb. Ramſey xiii s. üli d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc..xvi d. OI 02 08 Sir Nicholas L'Estrange Bart. 1719. 16 oo oo Stanhow R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc. ii s. 100 1. John Bernard Eſq; 1681. Mr. Nathaniel Hill Clerk 1701. STitchwell R. (St. Mary] Colleg. Eton. xiii. s, iiii d.. Redd. xiii d. 2 Archidiac, vi s. viii. d. Epiſc. xviii: d. 01 04 00: Eton College (N.) Livings Diſcharged: Clear Yearly Value. Barwick V.. [St. Mary] Pri. Bokenham xiii s. illi d. Archidiac. V S. Epiſc. xiii d. Mon. Bokenham Propr. Sir Roger Townſhend olim Patr.. Jane Otley, Anne and Elizabeth Sherwin 1701. 05 00 00 Bermer V. alias Burnham [All-Saints] Mon. Cockesforth Propr.. si Bircham Newton R. (All-Saints] Archidiac. vi s. väi d.. 39 00 00 Epiſc. xviii d. 15 04 Calibut Walpole Efq; olim Patr. Robert Walpole Efq; 1719. -] . 49 Oo oo xvi d. 00 13 04 Sir Charles le Groſs olim Patr. Robert Walpole Efq; 1715. 44 OQ oo Docking V. (St. Mary] Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc. iii s. Oi 06 08 Eton Colleg. in Co. Bucks Propr. Eton College preſent, at the Nomination of the Biſhop of Norwich. Hitcham V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. Epiſc. xvii d. 00 13 04 Mon. Lewes in Suſſex Propr. Sir Nicholas L’Eſtrange Bart. 1710. Sir Hamond L'Eſtrange olim Patr. Hunftanton V. (St. Mary] Redd. xiii d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. 40 Oo oo ob. Epiſc. xii d. 01 04 oo Mon. Hamond in Co, Salop Propr. Biſhop of Ely. Holme 10 00 00 { . . , Zoo I 2 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 { il . d NORFOLK. DIOCES E of NORWICH. 405 l. bo}00 vi džo. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tentliga I. di SHolme near the Sea V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 15 10 00 2. Epiſc. ii s. 00 13 04 The KING. Mon. Lilleſhull Propr. in Co. Salop. Ingoldſtorpe R. [St. Michael] 45 16 07 Priori Bynham xxvi s. viii d. 2 Archidiac. vis. viiid. Epiſc. ii s. iiid. OI 04 00 The Revd. Francis Cremer Clerk 1690. John Cremer olim Patr. 40 Oo oo Ringſted St. Andrew's R. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Epifc. xvi d. 00 18 oo Chriſt's College, Cambridge. 25 00 oo Seggesforth als Sedgford V. (St. Mary] 00 16 00 Mon. Chriſti Norwich Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich, ŞSherborne als Sharnbourne V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Redd. 2 xii d. Mon. Pentney Propr. Biſhop of Ely. SSNETTESHAM V.[St Mary] Redd. Domino Regi xviiid. Ma- 14 00 00 ner. Ruſteyn vid. ob. Jokan. Burgh id. Efifc. xvi d. oo 10 08 Mon. Wymondham Propr. Robert Cobb Gent. 1697 25 00 oo Southmere R. * Synods and Proxies viii s. iiii d. Eton College. 00 05 02 Thornton als Biſhop's-Thornham V. [All-Saints] Epiſc. Norwich Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Choſel als Choſle C. William Rand olim Patr. (Ecclefia proa fanata.) Frenge C. (All-Saints] Dean and Chapt.of Norwich Propri 2.1 CO 00 ܘܘܐ 16 00 { SN Mamboo 3.7 Oo oo OI 00 00: D. Holt; in the Arch-Deaconry of NORWICH: l. d. s. d. jo Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenih's. Rezories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. I. S Blakeney [St. Nicholas) with Glanford Chap. (St. Martin) E- 26 13 04 piſc.xx d. Archidiac . x s. xi d. ob. 02 13 04 1001. James Calihorpe Eſq; 1686. 04 00 00 Barrow R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. xv d. Archidiac. iii s. 00 08 00 Sir Jacob Aſtley Bart. ClEye R. (St. Margaret] Redd. vi.d. ob. Epiſc. xv d. Ar- 22 13 04 chidiac, viis, vii d. ob. 05 04 120 1. John Harbord Efq; 1690. Edgfie!d R. [St. Peter] Epiſc. ii s. jiii d. Archidiac.vii s. viid. ob. IL 06 08 01 Priori Bynham xxxiii s. iiii d. 1201. Sir William Yelverton olim Propr: Robert Donne Gent. (this Turn) 1700. q. Lord Viſcount Townſhend. SHOLT R. [St. Andrew]. * Epiſc. ii s. iii d. Archidiac, vii s. vii d. ob. r 03 083 1col, Sir James Hobart olim Propr. Thomas Burlinghain Gent. 1688. Langham- Southmere R. In the original Parchment-Roil this is placed in D. Priſley, but this is its proper Deanry. ] . . }oz {. dZor 02 08 11 17 03:{"vid. ob. 406 DIOCESE of NORWICH. NORFOLK. h so 03 06 08 D.food 00 12 00 80l. .60 l. 42 09 06 is;}or 01 04 riidizoo 08 co dow 1705 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. 1. d. S Langham-parva V. [St. Mary] united to Cokethorpe in D.2 00 06 og { WALSINGH AM, Epiſc. xii d. Mon.Wendelyng Propr. Mr. James Calthorpe 1679. Jo- seph Ward C1. b. v. 1727. 06 00 00 Melton-Conſtable with Burgh-parva R. &St. Peter] Epiſc. xiiid. Archidiac. vis. viii d. gol. Sir Jacob Aſtley Bart. 1712. 18 oo Morſton R. [All Saints] Epiſc. xxi d. or 16 oo Sir Nathaniel Bacon olim Patr. Lord Townſhend 1714. 12 17 031 Saxlingham R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. xiid. Archidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. oi 05 089 Johes. Jermy Eſq; olim Patr. Mr. Francis Guibons 1682. 06 18 04 Thornage R. Epiſc. xv d. Ecclefiæ Cath. Norw. xiii s. ïïïi d. 00 13 10 gol. Sir Nicholas Bacon olim Propr. Sir Jacob Aſtley Bart. 1690. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Batheley R. als Bate [All-Saints] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, vi . 2 viii d. Rectori Gunthorpe vis. viii d. Thomas Buxton Gent. 1691. Richard Godfrey Eſq; $ Bayfield R. (St. Margaret] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac, vi s. viïi d. 27 03 04 ? (Sine-Cure.) William Yelverton oliin Patr. Mrs. Mary Cockſedge Wi- 48 12 09 Bodham R. (All-Saints] Epiſc. ii s. iiii d. Archidiac, vi s. viï d. 00 18 00 John Lang Gent. 1701. 37 16.05 Brinton R. Eriſc. xd. Priori Stæ Trinit. Norw. vis. viii d. 00 17 01 Sir Nich. Bacon olim Patr. Sir Jacob Aftley Bart. 1713. V. als ii iii d. Archidiac oo 08 11 2 vii s. vii d. ob. Aula Trinitatis Norw. Propr. Mr. John Cleere and others 1696. Feoffees of Wiveton. ] . d. Archi. 16 19 00 10 09 diac, vii s. viid. ob. Collegium Beatæ Mar. Camps. Norwich Propr. Mr. John Herbert Clerk 1679. Haydon olim Patr. Gunthorp R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. xiii d. Archidiac; vi s. viii d. 01 06 00 Richard Godfrey Eſq; Tbomas Biuxton Gent. 1693. 24 16 oo Hemſted V. [All-Saints] Ecclefiæ Cath. Norw. liii s. iiii d. oo 14 03 Ecclef. Cath. Norwich Projr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. Hunworth R. [St. Laurence] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. V s. oo 08 oo Sir Nicholas Bacon olim Patr. Mrs. Mary Pigot Widow (this Turn) 1710. Robert Britiffe Efq; 1719. 38 og 02 s Kelling R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac. v s. Priori Brabourn vi s. viii d. Thomas Thetford Eſq; olim Patr. Matthew Lint 1695. John Lang Gent. 1714. 43 16 oo Langham Epiſcopi V. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. xii d. 05 09 01 Biſhop of Norwich Patron and Proprietor. Laringſet 24 09 00:{ 39 06 06 :34 04 08 Priori}o: 04.00 2 NORFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. 407 l. s. I. S. d. Ar-301 04 oo dow 1705 vii s. 302 02 00 00 43 Oo oo Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. SLaringſet als Leatheringſet R. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. xx d. Ar- 47 06 09 2 chidiac, vi s. viii d. John Jermy Eſq; olim Patr. Mrs. Mary Cockſedge Wi- Salthouſe R. St. Nicholas] Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac. vii s. 42 05 07 Ź vii d. ob. John Lang Gent. 1714. Sharington R. (All-Saints] Epiſc. xxid. Archidiac. vi s. vid. oi oo ooº William Ilunt Eſq; olim Patr. Richard Warner Gent, 1720, 1724. 39 14 08 ŞStody R. [St. Mary) Redd. id. Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. vis. oo 12 04 2 Sir Nicholas Bacon olim Patr. Mrs. Mary Pigot 1709. SSwanton-Newars R. [St. Edmund] Priori Wallingham iii d. Epife. xv d. Archidiac. ii s. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxford. Wiverton R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. xvid. Archidiac. vii s. viid. ob. 46 04 10 Priori Caſtleacre xvi s. William Armiſtede olim Patr. Sir Edmund Bacon Bart. 1661. Not in. Charge: · Burningham Cur. [St. Maurice] Trinity College, Cam- bridge Patr. V. ) Biſhop of Ely. Waburne Cur. [All-Saints]' Kingſmill olim Propr. 35 07 10 vis. z oo d. 300 09 06: ob. for OI 10 00- King's Books. s. d. I. d. 10 00 00 OD 00 00 1 10 00 00 80.1. {. . , for for do 00 00 2. Huinblepaid, in the Arch-Deaconry. of NORFOL K. Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. Brakenaſh R. Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. viis, vii d. ob. Robt. Wood Eſq; olim Patr. Thomas Woods Eſq; 1684. Hethell R, als Hethwold [All Saints] Epiſc. & Archidiac. viii s. ii d. Miles Branthwait Gent, olim Patr. William Branthwait Eſq; 1698. Hetherſet R. (St. Remigius] Capellano vi l. Sacriſtæ xxiii s.? 00 16 oo iiii d. Epiſc. V s. Archidiac. xis. iii d. ob. John Geſtlin S. T: P. 1702. Mr. Thomas Flowerdew olim. Patr. Gonvil and Caius College 1723. S.Higham near Norwich R. (St. Bartholomew] Epiſc. & Archi- CO 13 04 diac. vis, viii d. Biſhop of Norwich. Keſwick Ř. [St. Mary] Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac.vis, viii d. with 200 10 00 Intwood R. [All-Saints) united: Epiſc. xijii d. Archidiac. Joo 10 00 vii s. vii d. ob. Sir John Hobart Bart. 1708, 1720, Melton- 08 00 00 xii goo 1401. 06 13 04 tbi-}co 160 l. 05 Oo oo 05 Oo oo int 408 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. NORFOLK King's Books 1. S. d. ܘܘ{.:vi 100 l. 06 13 04 Ar- }oo ş ins-}or 10 00 00 80 l. 10 00 00 Yearly Tentbos. b. s. d. 06 13 04 S Melton-Flotman als All-Saints R. * Priori Redingfield vis. 00 13 04 viii d. Epiſc.ii s. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Henry Mingay Eſq; olim Patr. John Angwiſh Eſq; 1680. Gonvil and Caius College, 1723. Melton St. Mary's R. Abb. Wyndbam vid. Epiſc. xiii d. Ar-2 chidiac. vii s, ii d. 00 13 04 Earl of Shrewſbury and Mr. Downes olim Patr. Edmund Reeves Eſq; 1707. Edmund Kenne Merchant 1712. Gonvil and Caius College 1723. Milberton als Mulberton (St. Mary Magdalen] with Heming- 01 08 00 14 00 00 ham R. Epiſc. jiii s. x d. Archidiac, xiii s. inii d. 100l. Edwin Rich Eſq; 1672. Mr. Richard Freer olim Patr. Edmund Salter Gent. (this Turn) 1721. . xviii d. Archidioc. vis. viiid. Thomas Blundevile Eſq; olim Patr. Matthew Long Esq; 1721. 12 13 04 Swaynſthorp R. [St. John] Epiſc. iii s. iiii d. Archidiac. viis, or 05 04 -80 l. The KING, 1721. John Mingay Gent. olim Patr. Wreningham 7 Collegio Ecclefiæ Chriſti Cambr. vi s, viii d. Priori de Carrow Epiſc. viii s. ii d. Archidiac. xis. viiid, Thomas Glenham and others 1695. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 200 08 oo s Carlton St. Mary's R. Epiſc. & Archidiac. ilii s. viii de 44 II II ; Carlton St. Peter's R. Epiſc. viii d. Archidiac. vi s. vii d. Soo 12 00 The KING, and Mayor and Aldermen of Norwich al- ternately (N.) Colney R. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. oo 13 04 Henry Yaxley Eſq; clim Patr. Mrs. Tereſa Norris Widow 1701. 22 13 08 Earlham V. (St. Mary] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac, viis. od 10 097 Waller Bacon Eſq; 1714, 1724. 30 OI 00 Eaton V. [St. Andrew] Mon. Carrow Propr.. Dean and Chapter of Norwich 1705. $ Fordon R. als Flordon (St. Michael] Epiſc. & Archidiac. ix s. 42 19 xi d. ob. oo 13 04 Robert Kemp Efq; olim Propr. Sir Robert Kemp 1719. S Ketheringham V. (St. Peter] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, viii s. 27 12 04 vii d.ob. Pri, Pentney Propr. Şir John Hevingham olim Patr. Hen- ry Heron Efq; 1716. 30 01 00 Lakenham V. [St. John Baptiſt] Duan and Chapter of Norwich Propr. and Patr. 41 II 08 00 00 00 063 xid. solo isizoo 00 12 00 00 000 Swardifton * Melton. Flotman, als All Saints, and Melton St. Mary's, united by Ad of Parliament 12@ Anne. 1 NORFOLK. ..DIOCESE of NORWICH. 409 Yearly Tenthis. 1. s. d. :30 00 12 00 Clear Yearly Value. 1. s. d.. Swardiſton V. [St. Andrew] Priori Carow xxiii s. illi d. Epiſc. 21 14 04 ? ii s, jiï dArchidiac. vi s. viii d. Anthony Styles, Dorothea Hobart olim Patr. Mr. Dudley Scargill Clerk 1690. Sir John Hobart, Knight of the Bath, 1726. Not in Charge. Cringleford C. (St. Albert] City of Norwich Propr. Dunſtone C. [St. Remigius] l. 18 : 00 : 00 Certified Val, City of Norwich Propr. Eton C. Dean and Chapt. of Norwich Propr. Markfhall R. [St. Edmund] (Sine-Cure.) Sir Jobn Pettus olim Patr. Melton-parva V. (Vid. D. Hingham.) D. Ingworth, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORWICH. , I OI OI 07 100 l. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Reftories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. 17, 19 07 AILESHAM V. (St. Michael] Epiſc. ii s. iii d. Archidiac, vii s. OI 15 II; - 901 Pri. Lewes Impr. (vel Pri. Battel.) Dean and Chapter of Canterbury 09 Oo oo Baconſthorp R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. xxi d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d.00 18.00 501. John Lang Gent. -1701. 10 15 10 Baningham R. Epifc. vii d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. 501. Duke of Norfolk 1686. 10 13 04 Blickling R. [St. Andrew] Epifc. xi d. Archidiac. vii s, vii d.ob, or on 04 Sir John Hobart Bart. 1684. Cawston R. [St. Agnes] Redd. Duci Suff. ii d. Epiſc. 15 13 11 Archidiac. vii s, vïi di ob. OL II 04 Sir John Hobart olim Patr. Eraſmus Earle Efq; 1720. Coleſale als Coltelhall R. (St. John Baptiſt] Epiſc. xvi d. Ar- chidiac. vs. 14 03 2001. King's College, Cambridge. 09 17 OI Haydon R. (St. Peter] Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac. vii s.vii d.ob. 00 19 081 Sir Roger Townſend olim Patr. Eraſmus Earle Eſq; (one Turn) and Mr. Richard Hayes (the other Turn) 1713. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value 37 00 00 Aldbie R. [St. Ethelbert] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. V s. CO 15 02 Comes Northampt, olim Patr. Mrs. Elizabeth Spelman Wi- 100 / 07 02 06 Ar ܘܘ{Arr IOCI. dow 1715. 45 Oo oo 34 00 00 Barningham-parva R. [St. Andrew] Epiſc.ixd. Archidiac, iiiis. 00 JI 06 John Dix, als Ramjey, Eſq; 1631, 1639, 1671. Belhaw. als Bilough R. (St. Peter] Epiſc. xii d. . vi s. viii d. Abb. Sti Bendi&ti ii s. Biſhop of Norwich. Ggs Bowton 00 12 00 410 DIOCÉS E of NORWICH. NORFOLK 3. {] d 1 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. . d. 1. d. 36 oo oo Bowton R. (St. Michael] Epiſc. xv d. ob. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 00 15 03 Chriſtopher Layer Eſq; 1708. q. Earl of Yarmouth. 32 00 00 Brampton R. (St. Peterj Epiſc. ix d. Archidiac. iiiis. Redd: vid. 00 10 00 Mr. William Bell (this Turn) 1714. S Burrough R, als Aillham Borough [St. Mary) Epiſc. ix d.? 35 Oo oo 00 15 08 Archidiac. iiii so Sir Ed. Coke olim Patr. Mr. Peter Elwyn Gent. 1704. 30 00 00 Buxton V. [St. Michael] Epiſc. xiii d.ob. Archidiac. v s. 00 II 04 Pri. Sempringham. Earl of Yarmouth 1692, 1725. 27 Oo oo Calthorpe V. [St. Margaret] Hosp. Sti Egidii Norw. Propr. q. Mayor and Com. Civ. Norwich. Earl of Yarmouth 1698. 38 00 00 Coleby R. [St. Giles) Epiſc. vid. Archidiac, fiii sv. John Harbord Efq; 1702. об оо оо Corpuſty V. [St. Peter] Epiſc. xii d. 00 09 034 Pri . Horſham Stæ Fidis Propr. Nathaniel Earle Gent. Clips by Bacon Gent. olim Patr. 45 Oo oo Erpingham R. (St. Mary) Epiſc . x d. Archidiac. vii s, viid.ob. 00 19 10 Mrs. Frances Wyndham Widow 1697. and Biſhop of Nor. wich alternately. The Biſhop 1724. [ viii d. 35 Oo oo Ź Archidiac. iiiis. Earl of Arundel olim Patr, Mrs. Chriſtian Warner Wi- 00 00 00 00 17 07 { dow 1701. 301 00 10 00 00 10 00 Hautbois vulgo Hobbies-parva (St. Mary) with Lamas R. [St. 43 oo oo Andrew] Epifc. xii d. Archidiac, vi s. Róbert Allen olim Patr. Ifrael Long Efq; 1700. Honingham R. als Hevingham (St. Botolph] Epiſc. xxii d. 42 00 oo 2 Priori Stæ Trin, Norw, vis, viii d. OI OI 07 Sir John Hobart olim Patr. Richardſon 1672. Richard Hayes, Merchant, (this Turn) 1720. 33 00 00 Ingworth R. [St. Laurence] Epiſc. ix d. Archidiac. üliſ s. Aſh Wyndham Eſq; 1701, 1724. 29 00 00 Irmingland R. [St. Andrew] Epifc.ix d. Archidiac. ii s. Sir Owen Smith olim Patr. Eraſmus Earle Eſq; (one Turn) and Mr. Richard Hayes (the other) 1713. SItteringham R. [St. Mary) Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac, vii s. 37 00 00 2.vii d. ob. OO II 081 Sir Ch. Heydon, Richard Godfrey Eſq; Mr. Houghton and Phil. Gay Yeoman, quaternis vicibus olim Patr. Mr. Ro- bert Houghton (this Turn) 1674. William Barker Gent. . (this Turn) 1721. 06 13 04 Mannington R. Epiſc.ix d. Archidiac. ii s. 00 03 071 Sir Roger Potts Bart. 1710. Sir Charles Potts 1726. ŞMareſham R. [All Saints) Redd. Epiſc . xviii d. ob. Priori Sta? 43 po oo Trin, xiii s. iirid. Epiſc. xxii d. Seneſchallo xx d. 03 Earl of Yarmouth. Chriſtopber Layer, Gent. 1717, 29 Oo oo Owlton V. (St. Paul] Epiſc. ix d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. 00 16 06 Pri. Walfingham Propr. Ontlaw Bell and Mrs. Elizabeth Bell (this Turn) 1714. Richard Bell olim Patr, Oxnede . vii so z oo 01 01 OO NORFOLK DIOCESE of NORWICH. 411 27 Oo oo Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenth's. 1. d. 1. d. 35 Oo oo Oxnede R. (St. Nicholas] Epiſc. x d. Archidiac, v s. 00 18 or The QUEEN (this Turn) 1711. Sir Robert Pafton Bart. Patr, S Saxthorpe V. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Aulæ Stæ Trin, in Cantabr. ii s. 00 09 04 Trinity-Hall, Cambridge, Propr. (as in the Record of the Appr. in D. Ingwerib.) Pembroke-Hall, Cambridge. 35 00 00 Scottow V. [All-Saints] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. ii s. vid. oo 17 04 Mon. Sti Benedikti Hulme Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. R. [All d. 30 Oo oo { xii d. Mrs. Sarah Burton Widow (this Turn) 1704, and Sir Miles Hobart two Turns in three. 30 Oo oo Stratton-Strawley R. (St. Margaret] Epiſc.xxii d. Archidiac. vs. 00 16 09 Thomas Marſam Efq; 1921. S Swanton Abbas R. (St. Michael] Epiſc. x d. Archidiac. iii s. 34 Oo oo iiii d. Mon. Hulme xx s. William Pafton Eſq; olim Patr. by Leaſe from the Biſhop of Norwich. Earl of Yarmouth 1718. d. . 39 Oo oo Biſhop of Norwich. Mr. Jonathan Clapham Cl. 1690. Tuttington V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Epiſc. xviii d. Archi- 13 oo oo diac, v s. - Pri. Bromeholme liii s. iii d. 00 10.00 Mon, Campſey Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 30 00 00 Wolterton R. (St. Margaret] Epiſc. ix d. Archidiac. V s. 00 15 oo Thomas Armiger olim Propr. Mrs. Gray and Sir Charles Potts (Dr. T.) Wickmer R. Epiſc. ix d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Rettori 40 00 00 -00 18 00 Barningham parva ii sd John Dixe Gent. olim Patr. Lady Elizabeth Spelman 1716. Not in Charge. Weſt-Beckham Cur. (All-Saints.) Blanch R. Biſhop of Norwich Patr. 300 13 00 Hulme xx s. { Archi- }oo D. Lynne, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORWICH. 1. King's Books. 1. d. 18 06 08 80 l. Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tert's. ReElories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. All-Saints in LYNNE V. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc. xii d. 01 16 os Mon. Weftacre Propr. Biſhop of Ely. Aileſweythorpe R. alias Geytonthorp (St. Mary) Archidiac. jii s. Epiſc. viii d. Sir Edward Barkham olim Patr. Samuel Taylor Eſq; 1714. 1ob Helfortly Efq; 1722. об оо оо ] Zoo 12 00 G882 Clench 412 DIOCESE Of NORWICH. NORFOLK 1. S. d. 100 l. 80 l. King's Books. Yearly. Tenths. 1. d. 14 06 08 ŞClench wharton R. [St. Margaret] Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. obozor OI 08 08 2 Epiſc. xi d. William Guybon Eſq; olim Patr. Gervas Needham Gent. 1674. Mr. Charles Greene and Thomas Whale 1720. 06 10 00 S Congham St. Andrew's, Archidiac. & Epiſc. iii s. with 700 13.00 06 oo oo { Congham St. Mary's R. Archidiac. ii s. Epiſc. xvi d. Soo 12 00 Mrs. Dorothy Flack Widow 1715. Mrs. Dorothy Foſter 1723. 05 06 08 Derfingham V. (St. Nicholas] Archidiac, vii s. vii d.ob. Epiſc. 5.300 00 1:0 08 Mon. Bynham Propr. William Cobb Eſq; 1660. Eliza- beth Hofte 1700." John Hofte Eſq; 1705. 01 26 08 Deanry of Lynne. 00 02 08 * St. Edmund of North LYNNE R. Redd. x d. Archidiac. Epiſc. xii d. Thomas Guybon olim Patr. Henry Box Efq; 1711. Mrs. Ruth Dade Widow 1720. Gaywood R. [St. Faith] Penf. Pri. Sanetæ Margaritæ Lynne 05 13 04 { Ixvi s. viii d. oo Thomas Thurſby Éſq; olim Patr. Mrs. Mary Wych Widow 1714 SGrimſton R. [St. Botolph] Pri. Caſtleacre liïi s. iii d. Abb. 26 13 04 02 13 04 Wymondham xl s. Archidiac. vii s, vii d. ob. Epiſc. iii s. Henry Cremer Gent. 1692. Zor 06 oz. 13 or 08 100 1. V s. II 04 100 l. {. } {Hamiley , R. [St. Laurence] Arcbidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc. 3oz 100 l. 22 00 00 02 04 00 Richard Stubbs Eſq; olim Patr. Mr. William Hooker and his Wife 1715. 200 I. Roc 100 / : Hillington R. [St. Mary) Pri. Lewes vi s. viii d. Pri, Caftlea- 13 06 08 06 08 cre vis. viii d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Epiſc. ii s. Charles Stuart Eſq; 1700. 33 06 08 Maffingham magna R. (Śt. Mary] Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 06 08 Epiſc. ii s. ix d. William Thirlby Eſq; olim Patr. Sir Robert Pallop Kot. 1694. OS 10 00 North-Rongton [All Saints] with Hardwick and Sechy R.? Pri. Blagburgh xxxiii s. iiji d.- Archidiac. V s. Epiſc. ii si xd.S 00 17 00 Trinity College, Cambridge. St. Peter in Weſt LYNNE, Pri. Lewes x s. Archidiac, vi s. 09 Oo oo viji d. Epifc. xii d. OO, 18 GO Mr. Charles Turner and Thomas Whale ſen. and jun. 1695. Earl of Mancheſter olim Patr. Terrington R. (St. Clement] Archidiac. vii s. viid: ob. Annex'd to the Margaret Profeſſorſhip of Cambridge. Terrington V. (St. John] Epiſc. iii s. 02 06 08 The KING. Tylney V. [All Saints] Redd. ii s. Syn. iii s. viï d. Archi- 30 00 00 50. { diac, vii s. vii d. ob. Aula Pembr. Cantabr. Propr. Dean of Ely, or Pemt roke Hall, Cambridge, Patr. Walpole {i 1.20 L 03 08 08 34 06 08 120 1. 23 05 03 Too I. }03 oo oo i NORFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. 413 J. 2 02 00 { Rd} Ar . dqa.for 120 1. { OI 12 00 80 l. 60 l. 80 l. I 2 00 00 60 1. vid. for { King's Books, Hiary Tenths. 1. so d. t. d. S Walpole Elien alias Sti Petri R, Archidiac, vii.. vii d. ob. 2: Oo oo Epiſc. xxii d. Redd, ii s. 140 l. The KING. Walloken R. (All-Saints) Redd. & Penſ. xliiii s. viii d. Ar- 01 04 30 13 04 chidiac. vii 5. vii d. ob. Epiſc. ii s. Ed. Croſs ſen. Gent. 1717. Weſt-Walton Elien R. [St. Mary) Archidiac. iii s. ix d. ob. 16 00 00 Epiſc. xxii dPri. Lewes vi d. Lord Coleraine, Weft-Walton R. [St. Mary]. Pri. Lewes liii s. iiii d. Pens. 16 13 04 Vicario Walpole vi s. viii d. Archidiac. iii s. ix d. ob. qa. Sou 13 04- Epifc. xxii d. The KING 1692, 1694. Richard Brownlow Efq; olim Patr. 09 13 05 05' WeftWinch R. [St. Mary] Archidiac: iii s. Epiſc. iii s. 00 19 04 The KING SWolforton, alias Wolverton R. [St. Peter] Archidiac, iii s. vid.2 OF 04 00 Epiſc. viii d. Galfrid. Cobb Eſq; olim Patr. James Hofte Eſq; 1713. § Wyken alias Alhwiken, with Lefgiat R. (All-Saints] Priori? 06 13 04 Weſtacre xxvis, viii d. Archidiac. iiii s. Epiſc. ii s. iiii d. oi 13 04 Thomas Thursby Eſq; olim Patr. Mrs. Elizabeth Jane 1716. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 08 00 oo Appilton V. [St. Mary) Repriz. null. oo 16 oo Colleg. Sti Stephani Weſtminſt. Propr. Edw. Pafton olim Patr. James Coldham Gent. 1706. Aumer alias Anmer R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. V s. Epiſc.xvid. oo 18 00 Mr. Thomas Norris olim Patr. James Coldham Gent. 1709. Ş Babingley R. alias. Baburgley (St. Felix] Archidiac. iii s. vid. 30 Oo oo 00 09 04 2. Epiſc. viii d. James Hoſte Efq; 1717. 29 10 06 Bawley R. [St. James) Pri. de Lynne viii d. Archidiac, v s: oo 08 00 2 Eriſc . xvi.d. Thomas Thursby olim Patr. Mrs. Jane Thoresby Widow 1681. 24 00 00 Caſtleacre V. (St. James] Repriz. null. oo 10 08 Mon. Caſtleacre Propr. Thomas Comes Exon.. olim Propr. John Coke Eſq; 1709. 42 00 oo Gayton V. (St. Nicholas] Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc. ii s. 05 16 08 Colleg. Sti Stephani Weſtminſt. Propr.. Biſhop of Norwich 1707; 1711. Sir Ed. Mundeford olim Patr. St. German in Wigenhall - alias Wignall V. Pens. Ecclefia 28:00 00 Chriſti Norw. xiii s. illi d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc. SOO 12 xii d. Mon. Chriſti Norw. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Nor- wiche Inington 47 15 00 5:} 414 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. NORFOLK, 1. S. d. id.}oo i ind. Zor 05 00 00 12 00 vii dizoo {}oo 16 oo Clear Yearly Value, Yearly Tenthra 1. d. S Illington V. (St. Mary) Redd. xid. Archidiac. vi s. viii 27 00.00 2 Epiſc. xxii d. 00 i3 04 The KING. Mon. Blackburgh Propr, St. Mary's in Wigenhall alias Wignell V. Årcbidiac, vii s. vii d. 49 Oo oo ob. Epiſc. xii d. The KING, Mon, Westacre Propr. Thomas Fiſk Clerk 1693. 36 oo oo ŞMary Magdalen in Wigenhall alias Wignall V. Archidiac. vii s. vii d., ob. , Epiſc. xii d. oo 16 08 Mon. Caftleacre Propr. Mr. Peter Patefon Clerk 1720. p. j. Maffingham parva R. [St. Andrew} Archidiac. vi s. viïi d. 45 Oo oo Epiſc. xvid. 19 04 Sir John Mordant Knt. 1715. Sir Charles Mordant 1725. 47 Oo oo Middleton V.* [St. Mary] Repriz, null. 00 14 08 Mon. Blackburgh Propr. Mr. John Horne 1700, 1722. 41 Oo oo Weſt-Newton R. [St. Peter] Archidiac. iii s. Epiſc. viii d. 00 10 OS The KING. S St. Peter's in Wigenhall alias Wignall V. Archidiac. vi s. viii 40 Oo oo 2 Epiſc. xii d. The KING. Mon. Shuldham Propr. R1Seing alias CASTLE-RISEING R. [St. Laurence] (Repriz. 35 00 00 2 obliterated) Duke of Norfolk olim Patr. William Fielding Efq; and Rydon R. [All-Saints] (Repriz. obliterat.) 00 ID 00 Ralph Waller olim Patr. William Fielding Eſq; and his ŞSandringham R. [St. Mary] Pri. Bynhan vi s. viii d. Archi- 32 00 00 2 diac. iiii s. Epiſc. vüi d. 10 08 Lady Mary Cobb olim Patr. James Hofte Efq; 1717. Ş Walpole V. [St. Andrew] Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc. 45 Oo oo xxii d. 02 13 04 Pri. Lewes in Suflex Propr. Lord Coleraine 1682. Sir John Holland olim Patr. EaſtWalton V. [St. Mary) Pri. Pentney ii s, id. Archidiac. 30 00 00 2 ix s. Epiſc. ijis. viii d. 12 04 Mon. Weſtacre Propr. Sir Edward. Barkbanı Bart. 1670. Biſhop by Lapſe 1696. 45 Oo oo Eaft. Winch v. [All Saints] Archidiac. V S. Epiſc. xx d. oo 16 oo Mon. Carowe Propr. Ro. Auſtie olim Patr. Thomas Berney Eſq; 1681. Mr. James Verdon Clerk 1716. John Cotton Efq;_1722. 30 Oo oo North-Wotton V. [All Saints] 10.00 Duke of Norfolk olim Patr. Cuthbert Brown & al. Lady Diana Fielding 1724. 35 Oo oo South-Wotton R. [St. Mary] Penf. ii s. 00 16 08 The KING. Not * Middleton V. Augmented by Sir Henry Spelman Knt. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 227. his Wife.1707 20 00 00 Wife 1707 Arcbi-300 . Zoo 01 00 00 2 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH 415 Not in Charge. Eaſt-Bilney. Congham Saints. Hitcham, a Donative. Edward Coke Efq; Mintling Cur. (St. Michael] Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Sanctæ Margaretæ in King's Lynne. Eaſt-Walton Sti Andreæ Cur, Weft-Bilney Cur. (St. Cæcilia) l. 20 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Pri. Peniney olim Propr. Flitcham Cur. 1. 20 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Duke of Norfolk Propr. Pentney Cur. (St. Mary Mag-31. 20 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. dalen] Sir Thomas Richardſon olim Propr. Weſtacre Cur. [All-Saints] - l. 16 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Edward Barkham Propri nuper. D. Giedenhall, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORFOLK. S. 12 00 00 { Albersendiri me. Pats Saint Heled. Seneſeballi ii s. ii d. Epile.iszor { Bor To oo o0 0Ị 12 00 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenther I. s. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 01 04 00 Archidiac, vii s. vii d. ob. John Harbord Eſq; 1699. s Brokediſh R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Epiſc. xxi d. Archidiac. OI OO 00 vis. viii d. John Knapp Gent. olim Patr. Francis Lawrence Gent. 1686. Richard Meene b. v. 1724. . . 15 00 oo vii d. ob. 1 Earl of Arundel olim Patr. Mr. William Clayton and Thomas Dwyer (this Turn) 1715. 16 oo oo ŞBurton R. alias Burton (St. Mary] Epiſc. ii so v d. Archidiac.? 2 vii s. vid. ob. The KIN-G. ŞDenton R. * [St. Mary] Epiſc. ii s. viii d. Archidiac, vii s. 24 Oo oo 02 08 oo 2 vii d. ob. Duke of Norfolk. Mr. Robert Horne (this Turn) 1714. 28 00 00 Dikilburghe R. alias Dykeburgh (All-Saints] 02 16 00 zool. Trinity College, Cambridge. S.Dysse R. [St. Mary! Prin . Horford x s. Capellano cví s. ? { viii d. Epiſc. ii s. viii d. Archidiac. viii ś, vii d. ob. Mr. William Boſworth Clerk (by Turn) 1695. William Burlington Gent. 1714. Earl of Suſſex olim Patr. John Hobart Efq; olim Patr.. Ereſham * Denton R-The Advowſon of this Living was given by the Will of Mr. Poſtlethwayt, to the Arch- Biſhop of Canterbury and his Succeſſors, upon Condition that the ſaid Arch-Biſhop ſhould from time to time, as the ſame ſhould be void, collate one of the Fellows, or one who had been Fellow of Merton College in Oxfords which will is dated September 5,1713 for os ] . . 33.06 08 cviszo3 03 06 08 416 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. NORFOLK. I. 1. 12 og is.} vii so 303 33 06 08 2007 . ܐܘܐ 02 00 00 20 00 00 1 20 1. 701. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. d. s. d. 15 00 00 Ereſham R. (All-Saints] Epiſe. iis. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. oi 10 oo Earl of Arundel olim Patr. Williain Longuevill Eſqi 1702. Lohn Anft is Eſq; 1718. об об о8 $ Ferfield R. (St. Andrew] Pri. Thetford vi s. viii d. Epiſc. ii s. { Archidiác, v s. Thomas Cornwallis and Anthony Wingfield (olim) alternis Vicib. Thomas Barker (by Turn) 1685. "Gwiſing alias Giſling R. (St. Mary] Pri. Butley xxvi s. ix d. ob, 14 15 067 Epiſc. iis. viii d. Arcbidiac. vii s. vii d. 06. 09 07 Sir Robert Kempe Bart. 1694. Pulham R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. iiii s. viü d. Archidiac. vii s. об о8 2 vii d, ob. The KING Redenhall R. [St. Mary) cum Cap. HARLESTON. [St. John Baptift] Pri. Bungey xls. Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. The KING, at the Noinination of the Biſhop of Nor- wich.(N.) Earl of Arundel olim Patr. ad Nom. Epiſc. Norw. Frederick Howard, at the Nomination of the Biſhop of Norwich 1724, og oo oo Roydon R. [St. Remigius] Epifc. xx d. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. 00 18 00 Edw, Havers and Lauri Loinax oliin Patr. Robert Bur- roughs Gent. 1705. Shelfanger R. [A1l-Saints] Pri. Ey& ii s. Epiſc. ii s. vi d. Archidiar. vii s. vii d. ob. OI 14 00 Richard Richmond Gent. 1687. oo S Steriton R. [St. Margaret] Epiſc. ii s. « Archidiac, viis. vii d. z ob. Mon. Thetford vi s. Pri. Mundham xx s. Duke of Norfolk 1699. STyvetſhall vulgo Titſhall R. (St. Margaret] Epiſc. ii s. Ar- 20 Oo oo chidiac. vii s. viid. ob. Sir Thomas Cornwallis olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis 1701. Livings Diſcharged. Clearl early l'alue. Ş Billingford R. alias Pirleſton (S:. Leonard] Epiſc. ii s. Archi- oo 18 oo { diac. viis. viid. ob. John le Gris Gent. olim Patr. Edward Carter Eſq; 1704. Frenze R. [St. Andrew) 00 05 04 Samuel B.enerhayſet Efq; olim Patr. John Fincham Eſq; 1573. Dymond Nixon Gent. 1702. Sir Robert Kemp Bart. 1725. 46 oo oo Oſmondíton alias Schole R. [St. Andrew} Epif:. iis, Archi- po 18 00 diac. vis. viiid. ob. Sir Thomas Cornwallis olim Patr. Robert Britiffe Efq; (by Turn) 1702. Lord Cornwallis Patr. (N.) Ruſha!l V. (St. Mary] 60.08 oo The KING. Mon. Langley Propr. Shimpling 17 00 00 {o . . di for d. for . ] . Ar- } oze 15 Oo oo I 10 00 02 00 00 45 00 00 bir300 30 Oo oo Arcbi-zoo 3.0 og oo NORFOLK DIOCESE of NORWICH. 417 1. d. 49 00 00 . . }oo 00 12 00 45 00 00 King's Books. 1. A. l. 18 00 00 North-Repps R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. ïi s. iii d. Arcbidiac. vii s. 16 00 Clear Yearly Value, Yearly Tenths. 1. S. d. 47 00 00 Shimpling R. [St. George] Epiſc. ii s. Arcbidiac. vii s. vii d.cb. 01 01 04 Jobn Sherlow Gent. olim Patr. Yobn Buxton Gent, 1706. Thelveton R. (St. Nicholas] Priori Stæ Mariæ Overies v s. 46 oo oo Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vi s, viii d. }00 18 00 The KING, Thorpe-Abbots R. als Cornwallis (All-Saints] Epiſc. ïi s. Ar- chidiac, vii s, vii d. ob. Sir Thomas Cornwallis olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis 1694. 30 Oo oo Thorpe-parva R. (St. Mary] (Ecclefia devaſtata.) 00 03 oo Edward Doylie olim Patr. Tbomas Robinſon Gent. 1700. John Holt Efq; 1724. Winfarthing R. (St. Mary] Epifc. ii s. Archidiac. vii s. viid. ob. 01 04 00 Earl of Arundel olim Patr. Sir Robert Marſham Bart, 1711. Needham C. (St. Peter) O. Biepps, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORFOLK, Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths, Redories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. s. d. II II 10:{Gimingham R. [St. Mary) Epiſc. ii s. Arcbidiac. vi s. viii d.} d. 03 02 John Duke Efq; olim Patr. Catherine-Hall, Cambridge. Knapton R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. { vii s. vii d.ob. Priori Bromebolme vi s. viii d. ої об о81 Thomas Buckworth Gent. olim Patr. John Forle Eſq; and Mary his Wife 1709, and Maſter of St. Peter's Col. lege, Cambridge, alternately. vii d.ob. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. s South-Repps R. [St. James] Epiſc. ii s. iii d. Archidiac, viis. 16 00 60 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. S Trunch R. (St. Botolph] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. vi s. vüi d.? 10 13 04 ? Priori Caſtleacre xl s. OI OI 04 Catherine-Hall, Cambridge. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 46 oo oo Ailmerton R. [St. John Baptiſt] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, vi s. vïïid. 00 13 01 Roger Wyndham Eſq; olim Patr. William Wyndham Eſq; 1688. 45 Oo oo Aldborough R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. xxi d. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. 00 16 00 Earl of Arundel olim Patr. Harbord Harbord Eſq; 1717. Antingham St. Margaret's R. Epiſc, ix d. Archidiac. iii s. iiii d. 25 15 08 Abb. Hulme xv s. 00 10 08 Biſhop of Norwich Hhh, Antinghara { d.}01 03 13 07 OI 8p l. 100 l }01 ii . d.Zor OI 12 00 1001. i dizoos 418 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. NORFOLKÓ xx d.}.00 10 00 00 { Domiui Caruar.}co Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. I. d. 42 00 00 Antingham St. Mary's R. Epiſc. xvid. Arcbidiac. vis, viii d. 00 12 03 Sir Robert Kemp 1679. Al Wyndham Eſq; 1690, 1717. William Kemp Efq; 1705. Sir John Wyndham and Ro- bert Kemp Eſq; alternis vicib. olim Patr. Barningham-Norwood R. [St. Mary] Redd. vid. Epiſc. xx d. 40 Oo oo 2 Archidiac, vi s. viii d. 13 04 Sir Auſtin Palgrave olim Patr. Richard Knight Gent. 1692. Sir Auſtin Palgrave Bart. 1706. Sir Richard. Palgrave 1721. Barningham-Town R. [St. Peter] Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac. 40 00 co 00 13 04" 2 vis, viii d. Edward Paſton Eſq; olim Patr. Greſham Page Gent. and Jonathan Newhouſe Clerk (by Turn) 1714. 30 Oo oo Baffingham R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 00 08 08 William Pafton Eſq; olim Patr. Counteſs of Yarmouth 1684. 35 Oo oo Beeſton R. [All-Saints] Epiſc. xvii d. Archidiac. vii s. viii d. OI 12 00 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. SCromer als SHIPDEN V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Penfi E- piſc. v s. iiii d. Syn. Epiſc. xii d. Pens. Domui Cartuar. 00 18 05 London ix l. Mon. Carthuf. London Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 45 00 00 Felbridge R. [St. Margaret] Epiſc . ii s. * Archidiac, vi s. viii d. 00 13 10 Roger Wyndham Efq; olim Patr. William Wyndham Efq; 1688. Greſham R. [All-Saints] Epifc. 'xxii d. Archidiac, vi s viïi d. 44 00 00 Priori Caffleacre x s. oo 13 ro William Pafton Efq; alim Patr. Countefs of Farmouth 1684. 3:5 Oo oo Gunton R. Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vis. vii d. 00 16.00 John Jermy Eſq; 1661. 30 00 00 ŞHanworth V. (St. Bartholomew] Epiſc. ix do Archidiac. vi s. viiid. Při. Hickling Propr. Sir Edward Cleere olim Patr. Sir John Hobart (Dr. T.) 28 oo oo Matlak R. (St. Peter] Epiſc. xd. Archidiac; vi s. viird. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 35 Oo oo Metton R. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vi s. viï d. 00 14 00 John Bartram olim Patr. Catherine Wyndham Widow 1693. Biſhop by Lapſe 1721. 24 Oo oo Mundeſly. R. (All-Saints] Epiſc. ix d. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. 00 16 111 The KING, as Duķe of Lancaſter. ŞOverſtrand R. [St. Martin] Epiſc. & Archidiac. viii s. iii d. 25 Oo oo Penf. Rectori de Southſtrand v s. 04 On Thomas Kemp Eſq; olio Patr. Nathaniel Life Efq;-1714. 32 00 00 Plumſtead R. Epiſc. x d. Archidiac. vi s. viii dan 00 10 04. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 34 Oo oo Roughton V. [St. Mary] Epiſc. ii s. OO 12 00 Pri. Bungay Propr. Biſhop of Ely:- Runton vis.Zoo 10 02 oo Iooo {o 4:00 ! NORFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 419 . : 1300 oo II оо Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, 1. db 1. d. 45 00 00 Runton R. Epiſc. xviii d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 01 00 oo Thomas Wyndham Eſq; olim Patr. William Wyndham Efq; 1685. 48 Oo oo Suffield R. [St. Margaret] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, vii s. viid. ob. o os oo Earl of Suffolk olim Patr. Harbord Harbord Efq; 17,14. Syderſtrand als Syftrand R. [A11-Saints] Epiſc. xvi d' Ar- 26 oo oo chidiac. vi s, viii d. The KING and Thomas Kemp Efq; olim Patr. alternis vicibus. Roger Duncombe 1712. Thorp-Market V. with the Donative of the Mediety of Brad- 30 Oo oo field [St. Margaret] Epiſo, xix d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 00 II OI Priori Cockforth xls. in aliis Repr. xi s. iiii d. Pri. Cockisford Propr. Thomas Worts and Richard Thomp- fon olim Patr. Sir William Rant Knt. 1709. 48 oo oo Thurgarton R. Epiſc. xxii d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 00 18 08 Biſhop of Norwich 1662, 1688, 1701. Trimingham R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Epiſc.xvi di Archi- 25 00 00 { diac. vi s. viii d. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Chapels, Doratives, or Curaçies. Eaſt-Beckham Cur. (St. Helen] (the Church down.) Mr. Wyndham Propr. Sufted als Siſtead [St. Peter 31, 16 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. and St. Paul] The KING Propr. { 3o. Archi-Zoo •}• 12.00 . D. Hockland, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORFOLK. nearly S. d. V s, id. 120 1. 09 03 06 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. I. ATTILBOROUGH Major R [St. Mary] Epiſc. xii 2. Proxies 19 08 09 Redd. ilii d. Feod. Seneſiballı iii s, i d. Feod. for 18 103 Ballivi xx d. Sir Francis Bickley Bart. 1683, 1708. Sir Pbil. Knivet olim Patr. Banham R. (St. Mary] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac, vii s. vii d.ob. Abb. Stæ Marie Ebor. iii l. Priori Romborough xl s. Priori 130 1, Thetford xiii s. iiii d. The KING. 11 001 Bridgham als Brigham R. [St Mary] Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. or 02 011 200 1. The KING. 14 00 00 Eccles R. (St. Mary] 01 08:00 Sir Nathaniel Bacon olim Patr. William Green Efq; 1720 1721. Hhh2 Garboldſham foo 18 045 420 DIOCESE of NORWICH. . NORFOLK 01:{ for 1 Ar-} ob.}or 160 l. ix si zo1 01 05 081 JI King's Books Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. Garboldſham R. * [St. John Baptift] Epifc. iits. Arcbidiac. 19 16 or xiiii s. iii d. ob. *Priori Thetford vi s. viii d. Feod. Sene-oI 19 oz; Schalli iii s. üüid. Lord Viſcount Hereford 1663,1691. Peter Parham M.D. 1689. Sir Edmund Bacon 1726. East-HARLING R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Epiſc. xv d. Ar- 2 CO oo 04 00 . vii s. vii . Sir Fra. Lovel olim Patr.' Thomas Wright Eſq; 1720. (p.j.) 5 Wen Harling (All-Saints) with Middle-Harling R. [St. An-30 19 10 •9 18 04 drew] Epiſc. iii s. Archidiac. viii s. viii d. Job. Gandy Eſq;: Sir Ballingburn Gandy Bart. 1720. 10 00 02: SLarling R. als Larlingford (St: Ethelbert] Epiſc. xii d. Ar- 01 00-001 cbidiac sviii dRedd. iiii.d. Sir Fra. Lovel olim Patr. Charles Houghton Eſq; 1682. Paul Jodrell Eſq; 1722. ŞLopham R. (St. Nicholas] Epiſc.-iii s. Archidiac, vii s. vii d. ob.? 17 00 05 { Redd. viii.d. ob. 1 14 004 Sir John Caryl and Sir John Holland olim Patr. Duke of Norfolk 1713. S Snetterton R. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, ix s. 12 17 01 ix d. ob. Redd. v d. Sir Fobn Hare olim Patr. 70. Hare Efq; 1670. · 12 037 Eaſt-Wretham R. [St.Ethelbert] Epiſc.xx d. Archidiac. vis. id. oi 03 027 Eton College. Weft-Wretham R. [St. Laurence] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiacon vii s. I 05 01 King's College, Cambridge. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. ŞAttilborough minor pars R. (Holy Croſs] Epiſc. vid. Ar. 42 05 DO chidiac. ii s. vid. ob. Feod. Seneſchalli xii d. Sir Roger Potts Bart. 1709. 48 15 06 Beſthorpe V. [All Saints] Épiſc. xviii d. Archidiac. vi s. viii do .00 10.087 Colleg. Norwich Propr. Arthur Drury Eſq; olim Patr. Mrs. Elizabeth Shaw Widow 1716. Brettenham R. [St. Andrew]: Epiſc. ii s. vid. Archidiac. V's. Oo Il 03 Abb. St. Albans y s. Priori Thetford vi s. vü d. Biſhop of Ely 1701, 31 16 10 Ellingham-magna V. [St. James): Epiſc. xvi d. 00 12 07 Colleg. de åttilburgh olim Propr. Sir Anthony Wingfield olim Patr. -Mr. Thomas Cockayne 1684. 34 or 08 Harpham R. (All-Saints] Epiſc. xii d. Arcbidiac. iiii s. 00 08 05 Hen. Gurney Eſq; olim Patr. Nicholas Hare Gent. 1688. Hockham V. [Holy Trinity) Epiſc. xii d. Arcbidiac, viis. 40 10 00 vii d. ob. Priori Thetford xiii s. iiii d. 17 Pri: Thetford Propr. Sir Robert Jermyn olim Patr. · Phi- lip Ryley Eſq; 1717. Illington * Garboldt am St. John's R.? An Inſtitution to thefe on the Preſentation of Sir Edmund Baron, in All Saints R. Šthe Year 1726. 12 11 03 { vii d.ob. as „viis;}o1 05 { dr.}oo 16 16 03 40 06 08 s. 300 NORFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. 421 d. 40 00 00 Priori Burley Zoo 15 053 33 07 08 30006 os: olas}}o: Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Terths. 1. So d. 37 02 00 Illington R. ($t. Andrew] Epifc. xii d. Archidiac. vii s, vii d. ob. 00 13 11 Mr. John Gaſcoign olim Patr. William Churchman Eſq; 1712. Kenninghall V. [St. Mary] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vii s viid.eb. 00 11.085 Biſhop of Ely. Kilverſton R: Epiſo:-xii d. Archidiac. iii s.- { xiii s. iii d. Reddi vi di 15 05 The KING, Norton-Blow R. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vi s. ii d. 38 05 oo 10071 Priori Caſtleacre x,s. Priori Thetford iïi s. iiii d. Henry Brampton Efq;olim Patr. Robert Browne Eſq; 1722. Quiddenham R. (St. Andrew] Epiſc.xii d. Archidiac. vis.? 40 Go oo viii d. Vicario de Kenninghall iii s. illi d. Reatori de Ban- soo 06 051 bam iii s, ilid. Sir Henry Bedingfield olim Patr. Sir John Holland Bart. 17053 Redleſworth * (St. Peter) with Gaſthorpe R. (St. Nicholas 48 og Ol Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, ix s. viii d. Redd. ix d. 02 03 Sir Drew Drury olim Patr. Sir Bafingburn Gandy Bart. 1713 SROCKLAND All-Saints and St. Andrew's R. Epiſc. iis. Archi- 44 Oo oo { diac. vi s. Priori de Caſtleacre iiit s. Oi oi 115 John Webb olim Patr. Mrs. Anne Martell Widow 1710. S Rockland St. Peter's R.- Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. iii s. Priori de Caſtleacre üiii s. Edward Bulwer Efq; olim Patr. Robert Pooley and Sarah Potts. 23 02 06 ŞRowdham V. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac, vii s. ? vii do ob. Mon Weſtacre Propr. Sir Thomas Lovell olim Patr. John Lovell Eſq; 1701. 30 02 06 (Shropham V. [St. Peter) Epiſc.iis. Archidiac. vii s, vii d.ob. Priori de Caſtleacre xiii s. iiii d. Redd, iij d. Colleg. Thomſon Propr. Mayor and Aldermen of Nor- wicb. Wilby R. All-Saints] Epiſc. ii s. Arcbidiac, vij s. vii d. ob. 48 14 02 2 Priori Romborough xiii s. iiii d 00 14 05 Sir John Hare olim Patr. Nicholas Wilton Eſq; 1686. Mrs. Anne Hare Widow 1720. Not in Charge. Buckenham All-Saints C. (All-Saints and St. Andrew] Sir Thomas Lovel olim Propr. Buckenham St. Martin's C. Rockland St. Mary and St. Martin's. John Anſtis Eſq; 1718. Ruſtheworth als Ruſhford C. (St. John Evangeliſt] 29- 18.08 { . d. Priori orifov 09 07: Zoo 17 04: Wibo Kamberaugt Arcbidiac, vii s. vii d.ob, Zoo 1 : • Redleſworth. Some Books have it Bidleſworth. Index Villaris, & con 1 1. . (d; } oz 100 l, 100 l. -301 Patr. 17259 23 00 00 Gaitwate als Geift wick, als Gueſtwick V. [St. Peter] Epic00 10 or A22 DIOCESE O NORWICH. NORFOLK 3. Spazham, in the Arch-Deaconry. of NORFOLK. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books, Yearly Tenths, 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. is. d. 10.00 oo "Byntree R. [St. Swithin] Epiſc.xxiii d. Archidiac.vii s. viid. ob. 01 00 00 Sir Jacob Aſtley Bart. 1690. S FOULSHAM R. (Holy Innocents] Epiſc. xxi d. Archidiac. . 27 14 09{ vii s, vii d. ob. 02 15 057 Sir Jacob Aſtley Bart. 1715. [St. Epiſc. IL OO 00 diac, vïi s. vii d.ob. Priori Ste Fidis x s. Earl of Yarmouth olim Patr. William Cecil Aſſign. Jo. Corrance Efq; 1673. Mr. William Cecil Clerk (by. Turn).1702. S Salle als Saul R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Epiſc. xx d. Archi-? ,12 19 07 diac. vii s, vii d. ob. Redd. ii d. OI 05 II Erafmus Earle Eſq; 1720. Pembroke-Hall, Cambridge, R. . FO9 17 II ii . 00 1909 100 l. Sir Edward Coke and Sir Phil. Stanhape olim Patr. Ed- ward Lambe Eſq; 1712. S Woodnorton als Norton R. (All-Saints] Epifc. ii s. vid. Ar- ,07,12 03chidiac. vii s. Penf. Vicario de Gerft x s. 15 02 Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Alderford R. (St. John Baptift] Epiſc. xvid... Archidiac. ii s. 00 08 08 Dean and Chapt. of Norwich. 40 00,00 Bawdſwell R. (All-Saints] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. vi s. viï d. 00 14 00 Sir Edward Coke olim Propr. Alexander Pitfield Efq; 1683. Billingford R. Epiſc. xxii d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d., Rectori 42 00 00 de Bawdſwell xvid. Reatori de Below xiiii s. Rectori de oo 15 00 Foxley iis, Sir Edward Coke olim Propr. Mrs. Anne Coak Widow 1680. Brandefton R. [St. Nicholas] Redd. viii d. Archidiac. vi s. 35 Oo oo vilid. Priori Stæ Fidis vi s. viii d. 00 15 037 Magdalen-College, Oxford, 1636. Henry Clarke 1680. ŞElſing R. Epiſc. xxii d. Archidiac. vis. viii de Pri, Caftle. 45 Oo oo acre vi s. viii di Thomas Browne Eſq; 1686. 46 10 00 Foxley R. (St. Thomas]. Epiſc. xxii d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 00 13 04 Lady Anne Savage olim Patr. Edward Lambe Eſq; 1712. . Archidiac, vi s. vid. Mon. Waltham Propr.. Edward Bulwer Efq; 1714, 1724. Gerſt .902. 23 07.08 Reüori de Zoo foot II 02 { 2 NORFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH: 423 S. d. ] Épiſc. }oa. 12 00 00 dow 1700. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tentes, 1. d. GE с 10 00 00 xviii d. Archidiac, vii s. viji d. 11 064 Mon. Waltham Propr. William Hunt Efq; olim Patr. Sir Robert Drury Bart. 1681. Hakeford R. (All-Saints] : with Whitwell V. [St. Michael] OI Epiſc. xv d. Archidiac. vis. viii d. Pri. Pentney. Propr. Mrs. Mary Palgrave 1721. P. j. and Dean and Chapter of Norwich alternately. ŞHelmingham alias Morton R. [St. Margaret] Epifc. vi d.? 27" oo oo Archidiac, ii s. 09.07 055 Thomas Southwell olim Patr. Clement Herne Eſq; 1678. William Helwys Efq; 1724. Heverland V. (St. Peter] Epifc. xx d. Archidiac. vis, viii d. om og 02 Pri. Horſham Sanétæ Fidis Propr. Sir Thomas Hyrn at the Nomination of the Biſhop of Norwich. 27. 00.00 Hindolveſton V. alias Hilderſton (St. George] Epiſc. xv d. 00 12 01 Eccleſia San&tæ Trinitatis Norwich Propr. Dean and Chap- ter of Norwich. REIFHAM'alias Repham Mary's Mediety R. alias Reepham, or oo oo Epiſc. xvd. Archidiac, iii s. iiid. Redd. ii Francis Annyfon Gent. 1681. Mrs. Rebecca Annyfon Wi- 40 00 00 REIFHAM alias Repham Mary's, the other Mediety, R. alias 0 16 015 Reepham, Epiſc. xv d. Archidiac. iii s. üli d. Mrs. Rebecca Annyſon Widow 1700. Ringland V. [St. Peter] Epiſc. xii d. 00 06 07! Abb. Weftderebam Propr. Biſhop of Ely. S Swanington R.. [St. Margaret ) Epifc, xx d. Archidiac. vi s 45 Oo oo viii d. Redd. ix d. Trinity-Hall, Cambridge. Thimblethorpe alias Themilthorpe Ri [St. Andrew] Epiſc. 25 00:00 { xiii d. Archidiac. ii s. Sir Jacob Aſtley Bart. 1715. 38 oooo Thurning R. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. xvid. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 00 14 00 Dr. Richard Hunt olim Patr. Eraſmus Earle Efq; 1706. 25 00 00 Twiford R. [St. Nicholas] Epifc. v d. Archidiac. iii s. oo og in George Grime Eſq; olim Patr. Auguſtin Holl Eſq; 1720: 48 oo oo S Weſton-Longueville R. [All-Saints] Epiſc. xii d: 'Archidiac.? vii s. vii d. ob. Penf. Colleg. Sanétæ Mariæ in Oxon. illi l. New.College, Oxford. S Witchingham St. Faith R. Epiſc.x d. Arcbidiać 23. oo oo Penf. Novo Colleg. Oxon. iii s. iiii d 10 00 New College, Oxford. Witchingham St. Mary's V. Epiſc. xx d. 00 og 091 New-College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. SWoodalling V. (St. Andrew] Epiſc. iii s. Archidiac. vii s. 48 oo oo 16 10 vji d. ob. Redd. viii d. Trinity-Hall; Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. Belaugh Don. [St. Mary) . Bened. Barker (olim) Patr. D. 20 Oo oo 13 01 vi si}.00 { ] } 00 Do 08 031 Joo 17 og: dizoo 20 CO OO isico 4.24 DIOCESE OF NORWICH, NORFOLK. 0. Caverham, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORWICH. 1 S. 8o ko Ar-}.00 701, 12 00 00 $cl. d. 300 3oo 08 . Livings remaining in Charge. Kings Books, Yearly Tenthal 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. Io oo oo Fretenham R. (St. Peter 9.) Epiſc, xii d. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. or oo 09 Mr. William Peake olim Patr, Mr. Peter Parham M, D. 1682. 06 02 01 SHayneford alias Hemford R. (All-Saints] Epiſc. vi d. Ar- 2 chidiac. v s. 00 12 02 John Manfield olim Patr. Thomas Ayde Gent, 1716. Helſiſden R. [St. Mary) Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac, vis. viii d. OI 04 00 Biſhop of "Norwich. ŞHorſted R. [All-Saints] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. ON TO 0.0 Colleg. Regali Cantab. lxxiii s. iiii d. 15 00 King's College, Cambridge. Archidiac. 04 02 iii s. illi d. Pri. Sanzte Fidis iii s. iiii d. oo 08 031 Thomas Southerton Eſq; 1690. STaverham the other Mediety R. [St. Edmund] Epiſc. vi d. Archidiac. iii s. iii d. Pri. Sanctæ Fidis iii s, iiii d. 00 08 031 Biſhop of Norwich 1668, 1669. Livings Diſcharged Clear Yearly Value. 18 06 031 Attlebridge V, [St. Andrew] Epiſc. vid. Archidiac. iiiis, vi d. 00 08 087 Eccleſia Sanētæ Trinitatis Norwich Propr. Dean and Chap- ter of Norwich. 20 09 08 Beeſton St. Andrew's R. Epiſc. x d. Archidiac. iii s. oo 06 08 Sir John Carbet olim Patr. Sir Charles Adam Bart. 1693. 29 04 II Catton V. (St. Margaret] Epiſc. vid. Archidiac, vi d. oo 08 04 Pri. Norwich Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. s Croftwaite R, alias Croſtwick (St. Peter] Epiſc. & Archidiac. 44 19 07 00 05 09 Mr. Charles Harman alias Le Groſs 1694. *34 19 041 Drayton R. [St. Margaret] Epiſc. viii d. Archidiac. vii s. 00 12 031 Biſhop of Norwich. 19 12 04 Felthorpe R. (St. Margaret] Epiſc. vid. Archidiac. iii s. vid. 00 08 00 Biſhop of Norwich. 29 10 024 Horesford V. [All Saints] Epiſc. vi d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. oo 08 067 Pri. Horſham Sanët e Fidis Propr. Sir Ralph Hare Bart. 1707. ] Epiſc. 00 13 04 Sir Horatio Pettus Bart. 1711. 09 12 11 Staninghall R. Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. ii s. 00 03 04 Ecclefia profanata. John Harbord Eſq; 1700. Biſhop by Lapſe 1710. 35 II 04 Sjixworth R. (St. Peter] Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. V s. William Peck Eſq; olim Patr. Francis Long Efq; 1706. Wroxham iac.}.00 V S. bifc.co QO 12 00 „NORFOLK 425 DIOCESE of NORWICH. Clear Yearly Value, d. Yearly 20 , 14 , us Wroxham Is Marywith Salhoufe V. [All-Saints ] Epifc . is.}oo 15.08$ 11:{. vis. Fearly Tenths. . d. 7 40, 14 Arcbidiac. vis. viii d. 015-08 Mon. Carrow Propr.. Sir John Corbét olim Patr. Mrs. Anne Woodhouſe Widow 1719. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Sprowſton Cur. [St. Mary, and St. Margaret] Dean" and 4. Chapter of Norwich Propr. St. Faith's. V, alias Horſham Sț. Faith's. Dean and Chap- ter of Norwich Propr. and Patr.. Thetford, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORWICH. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenth's. the so, I do Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. do S St. Andrew's R. , Epiſc., v doir Archidiaſ, x d. Redd. vi d. 02 08 09 united to St. Peter's . 00 04 10 OI 13 06 Hoſp. Beatæ Mariæ Magdalenæ 00 03 04 I Livings, Diſcharged. Clear rearly l'alue. S St. Peter's THETFORD R. Epiſc. v d. Archidiac, x d. Pri. 29 Oo oo Lewes xïi d. united to St. Andrew's. cena Sir Thomas Holland olim Patr. Mr. Cuthbert Browne. Stanton-Houſe R. (All-Saints] Epiſc. xii do Archidiac, vii s. 00 03C1 viii d. Mayor, &c. of Thetford. 1. } d.} . 3 { 30 00.06 { Pribor sizoo { St. Etheldred R. Biſhop of Ely. Sanctæ Magdalenæ R. D. Coſtres, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORWICH. l. d. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 00 03 04 Deanry of Toftres 00 00 04 Raynham . 13 06 08 OI от об о8 xix d. Lord Townſhend 1693. IS 13 04 Raynham St. Mary's R. Rettori Raynham Santæ 01 17 04 Archidiac. vii s. vii d.'ob. Epifc. xix da Lord Townſhend 1693. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 30 00 00 Holghton alias Houghton, alias Helghton V. [A11-Saints] { All)}00 00 13 04 Mon. Horſham San&tæ Fidis Propr. Lord Townſhend 1684. lii, Podding Margarita }oi 17 04 426 DIOCESE of NORWIC H. NORFOLK { -1. $. . fou 12 00 00 12 00 Clear Yearly:Value. Yearty Tenihy. 1. X. ŞiPodding-Norton R. [St. Margaret] " Axibidiaci v 3."... Epiſt. 10.00: QO xviii d. Mr. was. Paris olim Patr. Mr. Frantis Wejt borp 1991. 28 oo co Raynham St. Martin's "V. Epifé. *ix d. Mon. Blackburgh Propr. Lord Townßend 1684. Riburgh magna R. [St. Andrew] Pri. Bynhan xxvi s. viii d. 49 Oo oo Pri:Walling beam Xti d. Archidiac. vis vi do Epiſc., if s. Sir Edmund Bacon Bart. 720. Sherford allas Sheringford R. [St. Nicholas) Pri. Leises xx 5.7 38 oo oo 00 { Archidiac. iii s. Epiſc. xvid. Mr. Nicholas Browne (by Turn) 1696. Lord Arandell . 13 00 00 Tefterton R: [St. Remiğiùs) Archidiac. lii s. iii d. Epift. xvid. 00 10 00 Thomas Townſhend Ety; olim Patr. Mr. John Curtis Mer- 12.00 ja V. Toftres V. (Alt-Saints] Epiſc. xviii od 00 15 10 Mok. Lewes in Sufix Propr. Lörd Viſcount Trembend (Dr. T.) Curacies, Hempton Cur. (St. Andrew]: The KING Propr. Horſham Sanctæ Fidis Cur. Sir John Hobart (olim) Patr. "}or 09.08 x3 18 00 f. chant 1711. int 1 3. Walfingham, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORWIC# 05 Oo oo 120 l. Livings remaining in Charge. Kirg's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1 s. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietorsa : 1 d. Cokethorpe R. [All Saints] united to Langham parva [St. Mary] in D. Holt, Pri: Ecclefiae Chrifti Norw. lii s. üü d. soo 10 00 Archidiac. V s. ix de Epiſc. xviii d. Chriſtopher Calibrop Eſq; olim Patr. (Dr. T.) 00 13 04 Deanry of Wallingham OO 01 04 08 00 00 Egmere R. [St. Edmundj Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Epift. xviii d. 00 16 00 60 l. Ecclefia profanata. Sir Edmund Bacon Bart. 1720. SSnoring R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. vii s, vii d. ob. Epiſc. ii s. 24 Oo oo 02 08 00 viii d. · Sir Ralph Shelton olim Patr. Samuel Verdon Gent. 1681. St. John's College, Cambridge, Patr. 1725. 18 06 08 Stifkey St. John's R. Archidiac. vii s, vii d. ob. Epiſc. xxü d. 01 16 08 Lord Townſend 1702. 06 13 04 Stifkey St. Mary's R. Arcbidiac. vis. viü:de Epift. xx d. 00 13 04 Lord Townſhend 1702. Wareham St. Magdalen's R. Pri. Bynbam ii s. Archidiac. vi s. 05 Oo oo viii d. Epiſc. xvid. Robert Gawfell Eſq; 1672. об об о8 Wareham St. Mary's R. Archidiac. vis, viii d. Epiſc. xx d.. 00 12 08 Robert Gawfell Efq; 1672. ŞWells R. [St. Peter] Pri. Bynham * s. Archidiac, viis. vid. 26 13 042. ob. Epifc. xvi.. 02 13 04 Edward Rolt Efq; 1714. Livings isizoo 00 10 00 2.302 . NORFOLK 427 DIOCESE: NORWIOH: : ; 1. 1. d. 00 13 04 Holkam V. [St. Withburgh] Arcbidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc.}oo 17 04 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. ·. d.- Barney V. [St. Mary) Pri. Bynham xxvis. viii d. Archidiac. 21 18 02 ; vis. vii d. Epiſc. xviii d. 00 13 04 Pri. Bynham Appr. Sir Jacob Aſtley Bart. 1712, 1720. 12 05 06 Bynham V. (Holy Croſs] Epiſc. iii s. Mon. Bynbam Propr, Mr. Edward Pafton (Dr. T.) 24'07 04 Hindringham V. [St. Martin] Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 00 18 00 Epifc.xii d.. Mon; Chrifti in Norro. Propr. Mr. Richard Browne 1696. firmar. Restorie 23 II 041 រ 17 04 *Mon. Derebam Propr. Mr. William Armiger olim Patr. Mrs. Anne Guavas Widow 1996. 13 17 08 Houghton V 00 16.00 Mon. Hor Pham Sanite Fidis Propr. Sir Henry Sidney olim I Patr. Mr. Warner (Dr. T.) 42.13 09 {. Thurforth alias Thursford R. [St. Andrew] Archidiac, vi s. 00. 16 00 viii de Epiſc. ii s. St. John's College, Cambridge. Warham All-Saints R. Archidiac. vij's. vii d. ob. Epiſc. xvi d. The KING. S Wighton V. [All-Saints) Pri. Ecclefia Cbrifti Norw, xxvi s. 19 OI io viii d. Arcbidiac. vi s. vii d. Epifc. xx d. 03 Mon. Chrifti Norw. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. Denatives. Wallingham parva' Don. [St. Mary] Sir Henry Sydney (olim) Patr. WALSINGHAM Saints Don. Sir Henry Sydney (olimi Patr. WALSINGHAM Sti Petri Don. Sir Henry Sydney (olim) Patr. visizoo. 43 18 08 ot 12 00 xxvi siz! 02 R : 2. Warton alias Warham, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORFOLK. s. d. s. 6.300 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1 Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 08 Oo oo SNORTH-WALSHAM V. [St. Mary] Epiſc. iii s. Archidiac.? oo 16 00 vii s. vii.d. ob. 80 l. - Mod. Hulme Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearby Value 05 Oo oo Alhmenhaygh Curacy [$t. Swithin] oooooo Mon. Hulme Propr. Biſhop of Norwich or his Leffee Patr. 17.00 oo Baketon V. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. 00 10 03? Pri. Bromeholme Propr. Yohn Smith Eſq; olim Patr. Mrs. Julia Brainthwgit Widow 1711. Biſhop of Norwich 1715. si lii2 Barton 429 DIOCES:E! FINOIR WICH. NORFOLK 1. d. ( 00 12 00 00 00 1 5:30 200 dis}oo 07 06 vii d. 300 . you rrhizoo ) i 01 10 00 t. iin 1, iles , , Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, Barton Turfe V. (St. Michael] Epiſc. iis. Archidiac. vïi s. 35 00 Co 00 07 04 vii d. ob. Pri: Bromeholme Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. .. S Beeſton St. Andrew's alias St. Laurence R: 'Epiſc. xx. d. Archi- 25 Oo oo diać. vi's. viii d. Monaſterio de Hulme vi s. viii d. Sir John Hobart olim Patr. Jacob Preſton Efq; 1714, 1724. Bradfield Med, R. [St. Giles] Epiſc. xvi d. Archidiaco, vi s. 35. vili d. Earl of Arundel olim Patr. Duke of Somerſet 1776. S Brunſtead R: (St. Peter). Epiſc. iii s. Archididė. 'vi's. viiid. 44 Oo oo 2. Reflori de Stalham ii s. jüid. 00. 12 06 Lord Bergavenny 1669, 1671. Catfield R. and Y. [All-Saints] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, vii 48 00 oo vii d. ob. Biſhop of Norwich of Duke 'of Shrewsbury. A will 33 00 oo SCroftwick alias Croftweit R. [All Saints] Epiſc. xii d. Ar {* diäc. vi si viï d. Pri: de Bromebolme iii s. iii.d. 00 10 08 Sir Charles Le Groſs.olim Patr. Charles Harman alias Le Groſs Efq; 1720. 16 00 00 . Dilham V. [St. Nicholas] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. -00 ro og Pri. Bromeholme Propr.. Bifhop, of, Ely. 06 oo oo Ecclés R. [St. Maryj Epiſo: xvid. Archidjac. vis viïi d. 2 (Church down) 2. Roger Drury Efq; olim Patri Simon Baldero 1688. Edingthorpe R. alias Edythorpe [All-Saints] Epiſca ii se. Ar- 40 00 00 chidiac. vi s. viii d. 10 064 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter 1710. $ Eaft-Ruſton V. [St. Mary]. Syn. and Prox.xs, vid., Perli 301 03 02 17 00 00 { Epiſc. xxvi's. viii d. Collegium de Wyndefor Propra :: Dean and Canons of Windſor 10 00 00 {Felmingham R. Quarta pars [St. Andrew] Syn. and Prox . či s.? Thomas Crofte Gent. olim Patr.' Mt. Golin Gràile C. 1906. 16 oo oo Felmingham V. [St. Andrew] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. V s. DO 12 oo Stephen Burrel Gent. 1661. Giles Bladwell Gent. 1703. Happiſburgh V. (St. Mary] Epiſc, ii s, viïi d. Archidiac. viis. 40 00 00 vii d. ob. 00 12 08 Abb. Wymondham Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. HEIGHAM Potter V. [St. NicholasEpic: ü sa ii da Ar- 45 00 00 chidiac, vis. viii d. 13 04 Mon. Hulme Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. HICKLING V. [All Saints] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, vi s. viii.d. og 10 04 Pri. Hickling Propr. Martin Calthorpe Eſq; olim Patr. Sir James Montague Knt: 1716. ŞHempſted R. [St. Mary] Syn. Epiſc. xxiii d. Archidiac. vis. 43 oo oo viii d. 18 08 Robert Wood Efq; pro duabus vicib, and Sir John Corbett pro tertia vice olim. Thomas Wood Eſq; 1690. Hofton 300 16 og Ar-Zoo ဝဝ QO 12. OO u is.300 At-300 2000 o 3.00 visizoo NORFOLK. DIOCES E of NORWICH. 4.29 d. 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 Arcbidiac. Zoa 00 00 00 id.}.00 viis. Zoo 10 08 Clär Yearly l'alue. Yearly Tenths. . d. . 17 Oo oo Hofton St. John's V. 00 Mon. Hulme Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. 35 Oo oo Hofton St. Peter's V. Mon, Hulme Propr, Biſhop of Norwich. Honing V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Epiſc. ïi s. 00 09 04 Pri. Bromebolme Propr. · Biſhop of Ely. os oo oo i Horning V. 00 00 00 Mon. Hulme Propr. · Biſhop of Norwich 1662. Horſey V. [All Saints] (Deftru&ta.) Epiſc. xiiii d. @6 00 00 vis. vijid. Rettori-dè Waxtonſham iii s. iiii d. 00 06 01 Pri. Hickling Propr. William Pafton Efq; olim Patr. Earl of Yarmouth or Governours of North-Walſham School. 28 oo oo Ingham Curacy [Holy Trinity] og Pri. Ingham Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. SIrſtead R. [St. Michael] Epiſc. viii d. Archidiac. vis, viii d. 28 oo oo oo 13 04 2. "Pent. Mon. Hulme xiii s. iii d. Biſhop of Norwich. 38 oo oo Leſlingham R. [All-Saints] Epiſc. xd. Archidiac, vi s, viïi d. 00 12 00 St. Mary's als King's College, Cambridge, 1710. 32 00 oo Ludham V. [St. Catherine] Epiſc. iii s. iii d. Arcbidiac. viis. vii d. ob. Mon. Hulme Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. 25 Oo oo Neatſhead V. [St. Peter] Epiſc. iiiis. Archidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. 00 07 03! Mon: Hulme Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. 15 00 oo Pafton V. (St. Margaret] Epiſc. ii s. 00 13 04 Mon. Hulme Propr. Sir William Pafton olim Patr. · Earl of Yarmouib (Dr. T.). 04 00 00 Pawling V. [St. Margaret] Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 00 04 08. Pri Hickling Propr. Sir William Woodhouſe olim Patr. Sir James Montague Kt. 1716. 26 oo oo SRedlington R. [St. Peter] Épiſc . xv d. Archidiac. vis, viïi d. Collegio Wyndfore xv s. Priori Bromebolme iii s, jiii d. 00 08 08 Sir William Woodhouſe olim Patr. John Norris Eſq; 1712. 38 oo oo Slokey R. [St.-Bartholomew] Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 00 10 08 Sir Cha. Le Groſs olim Påtr. Charles Harman als Le Groſs Efq; 1720.. 40 00 00 Smatburgh K. [St. Peter] Epiſc. iis, Archidiac. vi s, viüi d. oi 00 05. Sir Charles Le Groſs, and Sir Phil. Parker alternis vicibus · olim Batr. Charles Le Groſs Eſq; 1681. 18 oo oo Stalham V. [St. Mary]: Epiſc. ii s. viii d. Archidiac. vii s. . . d. .? vii d. ob. Trinity College, Cambridge, Propr. q. Trinity- Hall, Cam- bridge. . Mrs. Catherine Smith Widow 1713. 40 00 00 Sutton R. [St. Michael] Epiſc. xvid. Archidiac. vis. viii d. 00 13 08 Lord Abergavenny. 34 00 00 Swafield als Swayfield R. [St. Nicholas] Epiſc . ii s. Archie The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Tun! { 2 viisizoo 00 1000.. 7 Aibinfo 00 12 00 . 430 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. NORFOLK S. I. d. }oi 00 00 00 Clear Brarlı t'alue. . Yearly Tenths. 1. 2. S Tunſted (St. Mary) with South Ruſton V. (St. Michael] E- 23 Oo oo piſc. iii s. iii d. Penf. Epiſc. xx s. Arcbidiac. x s. vii d. ob. oi 16 11} Pri. Campſey Propr. William Peirce Gent. 1695. 26 oo oo Walcot [All-Saints] Pri. Campſey Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. S Waxham R. (St. John and St. Margaret] Epifc. iiii s. vid. 35 00 00 Archidiac, viii s. vid. ob. 13 04 Sir William Woodhouſe olim Patr. Mr. Samuel Thompſon 1682, 30 00 00 Weſtwick R. [St. Botolph) Epiſc. ii s. Arcbidiac. viis. vời d. obj. do og 04 Earl of Arundel olim Pátr. Duke of Narfolk 1708. Witton V. [St. Margaret] Epiſc. xxi d. -00 19 034 Pri. Bromeholme Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 45 00 00 Wursted V. [St. Mary] Epiſc. i s. Archidige. vi s víü d. 01:00 am Pri Norwich Propr. Dean and Chapter of Narraich. vid. z oo 14 00 00 } D. Blackbourne, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUDB-UR Y. 1 07 17 OI Syn. z oo 15 02 SU FFOLK. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Rezories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. Bardwell R. * [St. Peter) Prox. Arcbidiac, vii s. vii d.ob. Syn. Epiſc. illi s. viii d. 00 15 St. John's College, Oxford. S Barnham St. Gregory R. Prox. Archidiac. vis. viii d. 07 II 10 Epiſc Sir John Crofts olim Patr. Sir Thomas Hanmer Bart. 1218. D. Grafton Patron 1725. . 08 05 05 . d oo 16 064 Sir John Crofts olim Patr. Şir Thomas Hanmer Bart. 1718. D. Grafton Patr. 1725. ŞElmſwell R. [St. John Evangelift) Prox. Archidiac. viis. if 07 11 02 08 viid. ob. Syn. Epiſc . xix d. Hofpitular. Bury xviii s. 80 l. Gardiner Webb Efq; olim Patr. Thomas Browne Gent. 1679. SEuſton R. + [St. Genoveſe] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 13 07 II | Syn. Epiſc. ii s. for 06 09; Nicholas Rookwood Eſq; olin Patr. Sir Thomas Hanmer Bart. 1718. D. Grafton Patron 1725. 0; 16 10:{Langham R. [St, Mary) Prox. Arcbidiac. vs. xx d. Mon. Ixworth xiii s. ili d. 00 11 08 The KING. S Norton R. (St. Andrew] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. Syn. 14 03 09 2 Epiſc. ii s. OI 08 04 Sir John Taſbourgh and Milefon Edgar Eſą; (by Turn) 1709. Mr. Macro (N.) Stowlang. Bardzvell R. annex'd to the Vic. thereof, and given to St. John's College, Oxford, by Mrs. Ellen Gouldjon. Bijhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 228. + Eulion Ris diſunited from Fakenham-parva, which Fakenham-parua is not charged, but the Firſt- Fruits and Tenths are paid by the Rector of Euſton, as by the Compofitions will appear. misfor 02 Syn. Epiſc.}oo for 08 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH 431 1. 5. J. { . , for 44. II 00 Joo 16 "} 34 og 09! Stanton-Saints R. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Syn. Efifc.? Kran's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. 1. d. 08 09 08:{ , . . Stowlangtoft R. (St. George) Prox. Archidiac. vis. viii d. Syn. foo 15 Epiſc. xviii d. , Redd, iii,d. 091 Sir Robert Albfield olim Patr. Sir Symonds D’Ewes Bart. 1710. SYngham als Ingham R. (St. Bartholomew] Prox. Archidiac. 12 16 001+ vii s. viii d. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. for 05 07: Sir Edmund Bacon olim Patr.. Sir Harbottle Grimſton Bart. 1670. Waldegrave Sidey Gent. and John Ling 1727. :: Livings Diftbarged. Clear Yearly Value. Barningham R. [St. Andrew] Prox. Archidiat, viis, vii d. ob, On 06 II 44 10 04 Syn. Epiſc. ii s. viii d. Earl of Suffex olim Patr. Mr. Thomas Browne LL.D. Mr. Francis Browne and James Andrews 1716. C.Culford R. als Cotsford, Prox, Archidiac, vii s. Syn. Epiſc. oo 16 oo ii s. Hopp. Bury viii s.' Reitori Fornham Jenaffeyth vii s. Sir Nich. Bacon olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis 1709. 45 10 08 SFakenham-magna Ri (St. Peter q.] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vid. 06. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. 03 oo Edward Cordell Eſq; olim Patr. Mr. Thomas Ruſhbrooke 1678. 18 ot:04 Hepton R. als Hempton (All-Saints] Prox. Archidiac. vi s. { viri d. Syn. Epifc. ii s. The KING. ] , d. 49 10 047 Epifc. ii s. Sir Thomas Jermyn olim Patr. Mr. Samuel Rye Clerk: 1721 (p.j.) Hindercley R. [St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac. vis. väid. Syn. 47 11 03 Epiſc. ii s. 19 il Sir Edmund Bacon "olim Patr. Roland Holt Efq; 1711. Honington R. (All-Saints] Prox. and Syn. vi s. viiid. 00 15 04 The KING. SI Knettilhall R. als Knadilhall [AllSaints] - Prox. Archidiac. 00 12 og vis. viii d. Syn. Epiſc. xx d. Mr. Charles Croft olim Patr. Mrs. Suſanna Read 1721. (P.j.) ŞLevermere-parva R. (St. Peter} Prox, Archidiac. vi s, viii 34 11 04 { Syn. Epifc. ii s. id. 00 13 03 Mr. Thomas Crofts olim Patr. Richard Cooke Eſq; 1681. Baptiſt Lee Efq; 1722. Rekenhall Lower R. [$t. Mary) Prox. Archidiac, vii s, viid. ob. 37 10 073 Syn. Epiſc. ir s. 01 12 06-4 Sir Edmund Bacon olim Patr. Roland Holt Eſq; 1712. 09 }} ii s. iiji d. Penf. iiii so Sir Robert Jermyn olim Patr. William Capell Efq;.1679. Robert Bugg Gent. 1720. Stanton is;}or 06 05 39 13 02 29 II 08 4.300 १०० 18 07 432 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWICH. i 13 10 1 45 II 00 Clear Yearly Value. . Yearly Tenthi. d. 1. S. d. 39 10 08 Stanton St. John's R. Prox. Arcbidiac, vi s. yiü d. Syn. E-300-18.053 2 ii Sir Robert Jermyn olim Patr. Thomas Ruſbrook Gent. 1683. Róberi Bugg Gent. 1720. 49 10 . . S Thelnetham R. (St. Nicholas] Prox. Archidiac: viis. ix d.ob. for Syn. Epiſc. ii s.. Edm. Bokenban Efq; olim Patr. Richard Bokenbam Efq; 1699. 44 10 04} Epifc. ii s ŞTrofton K. St. Mary] Prox: Arcbidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Syn. Zo1:00 05: The KING 1683, 1686, 1723. Charles Batteley Eſq; (N.) { Watidestilad. Sin em out. St. Margaret] Prox , Arcbidiac.} 00 17 02 Mr. Oſborne olim Fatr. Elizabeth and Samuel Baker 1713.5 Weſton-Coney als Counſton R. [St. Mary] Prox, Archidiac. 44 II 04 . For vis, viji d. SynEpiſc.xviü d. об оо Sir John Hobart olim Patr. Maurice Shelton Eſq; 1709. Weſton als Market-Weſton R. [St. Mary] P.rox. Archidiac. viis. Syn. Epiſc. xx d. Zoo 17 11: Richard Bokenham Eſq; 1705. Thomas Tyrrell Efq; 1727. Wordwell R. [All-Saints] Prox. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Syn. 32 10.00 Epiſc. ii .s. 14081 Sir William Harvey olim Patr. Earl of Briſtol 1720, Not in Charge. Afhfield C. [All-Saints] 1. 6 : 00 : .00 Certified Val. Badwell-Aſh C. (St. Mary:] -I. 13 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Fakenham-parva R. Sir Thomas Hanmer Bart. 1720. D. Grafton Patr. 1725. Hunfton als Huntſdon C. [St.}l . 16 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Mr. Aſhfield olim Patr. Ixworth C. (St. Mary] Sapiſton C. 1. 10': 00 : 00 Certified Val. The KING Propr. q. Thorpe juxta Ixworth C. [All-Saints] Walſam le Willows C. (St. Walanyn le Willows C.ES;} 12 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Mr. Hunt Propr. 44 II 08 Syn: Zoo Bolmere, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUFFOL K. s. S. d. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Beoks. Yearly Tenths. 1. d Restories, &c, with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. 12 04 09Bailham R. * [St. Peter) OI 04 05 John Aston Eſq; 1689. William Acton Eſq; 1722. Barking * This and ſeveral other Places in this Deanry are without Procurations or Synodals, &c. by reaſon the Accounts of ſuch Places (being writ on Paper) are torn out in the original Record. SUFFOLK. DIOCES E of NORWICH. 433 l. s. s. } for 06 04: 100 l. 47.300 Joo 17 01 ဝဝ ss} 00 Joo 19 014 501. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. I. d. 27 10 074 Barking (St. Mary) with Dermiſden R. [St. Andrew] 02 15 00 Francis Needham Efq; olim Patr. Mr. John Gaſcoign S. T.P. and Anne his Wife 1699. Blakenham-parva K. (St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac. 10 03 04 OI 00 04 vii ș, vid. ReEtori de Aldham vi d. Earl of Cleveland olim Patr. John Milner Eſq; 1712. Bramford V. * [St. Mary) Domino Maner. ii d. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. 13 03 09 Archidiac. vii s. vid. Pri Lewes Impr. vel. Abb. Battle. Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. 12 00 05 Codenham V. [St. Mary) with Crowfield Chapel (All-Saints] or 04 00's Nicholas Bacon Eſq; 1690, at the Nomination of the Biſhop of Norwich. 18 Oo oo Helmingham R. (St. Mary] OL 16 oo The KING. 08 11 0575 ( Hemmingeſton R. [S. Gregory] Syn. Epiſc. iis. Prox. Ar-? chidiac, vi s. viii d. Oliver Thorn Gent. 1668. Mr. William Thorn Patr. (N.) S Micklefield R: [St. Andrew] Redd. iiii d. Syn. Epiſc. ii s.? 09,11 00 Prox. Archidiac. vis. viid. Sir Miles Hobart olim Patr. Mr. Abraham Chaplin Clerk 1674. Mr. John Blomfield (by Turn) 1715. II 18 01 Ringſhall R. 01 03 09 1 Thomas Tyrrell olim Patr. Mr.William Pippen Sen. 1707. 10 00 00 Soham-Earles R. (St. Mary] The Counteſs of Hereford 1705. ŞSomerſham R. (St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Archidiac, vii s. 08 oo oo 2 Vicario Oſton iiii s. Domino Maner, vid. Richard GlanvillGent. 1717. 19 10 02 Stonham-Aſpall R. (St. Lambert] OI 19 00 Sir Arthur Capell olim Patr. · Mrs. Mary Greenwood 1703. S OI 14 03 diac, vii s. vi d. Sir Stephen Soame olim Patr. John Orlebar Jun. Eſq; 1696. John Berkeley Eſq; and Eliz. Viſcounteſs of Hereford, his Wife, 1727. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value S Aſhbocking V. [All-Saints] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archi- 43 17 0534 diac. vii s. iii d. Pens. Epiſci vi s. viii d. 0 19 10% The KING, 45 Oo oo Battisford V. [St. Mary] 00 16 00 John Barker Eſq; olim Patr. Robert Barker Efq; 1710. 30 12 00 Blakenham-magna R. [St. Mary] 00 13 07 Eton College. Kk k Creeting 100 l. OI 00 00 rii sooo 16 00 17 02 06 {storihamo:Earlis 2. (St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archi for 05 ch-hoo * Bramford. This Impropriation is found among the Poffeflions of the Abb. of Battle. lum Book in the Firſt-Fruits Office in Co. Suffex. See the Vel 434 DIOCESE of NORWICH. SUFFOLK. 1. d. oo 15 0.5 . Prox}oo {N १०० 49 10 08 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 22 04 00 Creeting St. Olave's R. oo 09 09 Sir Robert Crane olim Patr. Robert Walpole Efq; 1685. Orlando Bridgman Eſq; 1711. 46 14 00 Creeting St. Mary's R. Eton College 1720. 26 14 00 Flowton R. [St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac, iii s, 00 06 II The KING. Earl of Exeter olim Patr. William Pep- pin Gent. 1717 Gofbeck R. alias Bolbeck (St. Mary] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. 38 11 04 00 16 06 Archidiac. vis. viii d. Mr. William Style olim Patr. Mrs. Elizabeth Style 1713, 1720. p. j. S Nettleſted R. (St. Mary] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. 27 II 10 00 17 02 viis. vi d. John Fuller Eſq; 1708. Ofton (St. Mary) with Brifet parva R. Deftrueta. Syn. Epiſc. 29 IO II xviii d. Prox. Archidiac, îi s. ii d. 15 073 Robert Sparrow ſen. 1709. Stonham Jermingham R. alias parva (St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. iis. Prox, Archidiac. vi s, viïi d. Mon. Gipſwich xii d. 00 19 og Mr. Thomas Goodwin olim Patr. John Gage Eſq; 1687. Curacies. Badley Cur. [St. Mary. ] Briſet magna Cur. (St. Mary and St. Laurence.] NEE D'HAM-Market Cur. [St. I. 10 : 00 : 00 Certified Val.. John Baptiſt] Williſham Cur. (St. Mary.] Wylaxham Cur. D. Carlesford, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUFFOLK. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors: 1: d. 16 13 04 Clopton R. [St. Mary] Prox, and Syn. ix s. vid. OI 13 04 Mrs. Mary Brownrigg Widow 1686. ŞGrundeſburgh R. (St. Mary] Capelle Segenho xv s. Prox.? 17,11 03. Archidiac. vii s.. vid. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. for 15 01 Trinity College, Cambridge, or Mr. Gofnold. 16 06 05:Prox, and Syn.x s. Otley R. (St. Mary) Redd. Domino Bergavenny jiži s. vii d. or 12 07 1201 Lord Abergavenny. olim Patr. Mrs. Mary Grove (this Turn). 1702; Witneſham R. [St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. ix s. vi do 01 i7 04 John Meadows Gent. 1708. Livings Cur. [St.}. + 80 I. 18 13 04 20 /. SUFFOLK. 435 DIOCESE of ŅORWICH. 1. s. d. 49 06 08 setzer { Marte hora... [St. Mary] Redd. vi d. ob. Prox. and Syn;}o cio Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Burghe R. [St. Botolph] Penſ. Abb. Bruſyerd xiii s. iii d. Prox. 2 43 16 10 00 16 04 2 and Syn. ix s. vi d. Sir John Rouſe 1677. William Betts Gent. 1701. Beelings alias Bealings magna R. (St. Mary] Pri. Woodbridge 40 12 00 xiii s. iiii dProx, and Syn. ix s. iiii d. I 00 05 Henry Webb alias Wood olim Patr. John Pitt Efq; Patr. 1720, 1726. 07 Oo oo Culpho R. (St. Botolph] oo. 10 09 Sir Charles Blois (N.) SHaſketon near Woodbridge R. [St. Andrew] Pri. Lelbering/e1? 06 08 2- xxvi s. viii d. Prox, and Syn. ix s. vid. Sir Thomas Baker olim Patr. Mrs. Margaret Mariot 1677. Martleſham R. id. ob. Prox. and Syn. 47 10 00 OI OI 10 2 ix s. vi d. John Goodwin Gent. 1698. Elizabeth Goodwin 1724. 20 14. 08 Newborne R. alias Nunburn Chap (St. Mary] Redd. Duci 00 14 05 Norf. ii de Prox. and Syn. V s. ilii d. Edm. Purpet Eſq; olim Patr. Mrs. Anne Weſtern Widow 1719, 1727 37 II 04 Ruſhmere V. [St. Andrew] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. oo 08 08 Mon. Ipſwich Propr. Sir Thomas Jermy olim Patr. Samuel Barnardiſon Eſq; 1717. Tudingham V. alias Tudenham [St. Martin] Prox, and Syn. ix s. vid. OI OI 04. Mon. San&tæ Trinitatis Ipſwich Propr. Sir Edmund Withi- poll olim Patr. Leiceſter Martyn Efq; 1709. Not in Charge. Playford Ch. (St. Mary] Woodbridge Cur. * l. 45 : 00 : 00 Certified Vai. Mon. Woodbridge Propr. Mr. Carthew. Brightwell R. [St. John Baptiſt] Foxall Ch. [All-Saints] Keſgrave Ch. D. Clale, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUDBURY. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 17 01 05 Bradley magna R. [St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. väd. ob. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. OI 14 01 Barth. Soames Eſq; 1692. Stamp Brooksbank Efq; 1728. Dalham R. . , , Syn. 15 10 05 Epiſc. ii s. II 00 Sir Martin Stutville olim Patr. Biſhop of Norwiche 1713, Mr. Affleck (N.) K k k 2 Depding * Woodbridge, a Curacy. In the Year 1667, Mrs. Dorothy Seckford ſettled the Tythes of the ſaid Town on the Miniſter, amounting to about 40 l. per annum. Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 280. 23 00 06 2. d. l. S. d. } {Dabare . As (St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. Syn.3o1 436 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. SUFFOLK. King's Pooks. 1. d. Yearly Tenths. d. S Depding alias Depden R. [St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Pri. de Caſtleacre xx s. John Jermyn Eſq; olim Patr. Richard Thornhill Eſq; 1705. Hancdon R. alias Hankdon, Prox. Archidiac. vis. viiid. .00 15 00 Epiſc. iis. Decano de Stoke vis, viii d. Mr. Ambroſe Everard olim Patr. Galfrid Maltiward 10 11 05{ :Der vi s}or 03 01 zor 07 10 00 Gent. 1709. oi 12 10 15 10 05 OI IL 00 Kedington alias Ketton R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox. Ar- chidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Sir Thomas Berney olim Patr. Sir John Bennet Knt. Tho- mas Williams and Samuel Barnardifton Efqs; 1710. Ledgate R. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Sir John Cotton olim Patr. Nath. Fairclough Gent. and M. Sbute Widow 1701. Moulton R. * [St. Peter] Prox. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. Sir Henry North olim Patr. Mr. Bradbury (N.) Mr. Car- ter 1721. Moulton V. (St. Peter] Syn. Epifc. vi s. viii d. Redd. Nun- nery de Thetford xxi d. Sir Henry North olim Patr. Mr. Bradbury (N.) Mr. 13 06 08 01 06 08 Carter 1721. { Stansfield Belie. Ale Scopes Prox: Arcbidiac . ix s. Syn . Epif.}or ܘܘܐܬܘ 19 01 dizon R. ( Syn. 10 03 09 2 Epiſc. ii s. 00 041 Humfry Moſeley Efq; olim Patr. Richard Moſeley Eſq; 1712. OI 02 11 II 09 047{ . Collegde Stoke vis. viii d The KING 09 11 co { Syn. Epiſc . ii s. ŞStradſhall R. [St. Margaret] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. viid. ob. Duke of Devonſhire 1701. 10 11 05 ŞThirlow magna V. (All-Saints] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. : OI OI OI ob. Pens. Abb. Battel ii s. Colleg. de Stoke Propr. John King Efq; 1715, ŞThirlow parva R. (St. Peter] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 07 10 05 { Syn. Epiſc . ii s. "Penf . Colleg. Stoke xx s. oo 15 00 Sir Stephen Soame olim Patr. William Soame Eſq; 1683. Stephen Soame 1726. 0917 01 Wethersfield R. [St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac, vii's, viid. ob. { 6.}oo 19 08: Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Sir Giles Allington olim Patr. Mr. Hildebrand Allington 1717. 08 oo oo S Wratting magna R. [St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Sir John Bennet Knt. and Samuel Barnardiſton Eſq; 1720. Sir Robert Barnardiſt on Bart. 1726. P. j. 04 19 09 Wratting parva R. Prox. Archidiac. V's. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. oo 09 il Mrs. Anne Turner olim Patr. Sir Edw. Turner Knt. 1671. Wykambroke Moulton R. and V.are Peculiars of the Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. . . . Zoo 1 ܘܘ{.܀ 16 00 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH.. 437 s, Bo Barondifton alias Barnardifton R: [All Saints] Prox. Arcbi-foo 15 00 39 Oo oo 00 IO OI ܘܘ 44 19 08 {. . } } 37 10.00:{ १०० King's Books. Yearly Tenihs. 1. d. . so d. 08 06 107 Wykambroke.V: [All Saints] alias Wickhambrooke, Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vid. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. oo 16 081 The KING 1720. Mon. Pipewell in Co. Northamp. Propr. p. j. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S { diac, viis, vii d. ob. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. 00 15 00 Sir Thomas Barnardiſton olim Patr. Sir John Bennet Knt. Thomas Williams and Samuel Barnardiſton Eſgs; 1714. Bradley parva R. [All-Saints] Syn. Epiſc. vi s. Georgius le Hunt olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis 1687: Fran- cis Dickins Efq; 1724. 46 oo oo Chetbury R. alias Chedburgh (All-Saints] Prox. Archidiac. iii s. SynEpiſcxii d. 00 08 034 Sir Robert Drury olim Patr. Earl of Briſtol 1720. S CLARE V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Redd. v s. Prox, Archi-2 diac, viis, vii d.ob. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Pens. Decano Stoke xx s. oo 09 10 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 42 10 00 Hundon V. [All-Saints] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. 00 15 04 Colleg. de Stoke Propr. Mrs. Penelope Dynham Widow 1664. Mr. George Maltyward Patr. (N.) HAVERILL V. (St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac, vii s. vii d. ob. 38 100 Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Quiet. Redd. Domino de Haverill jiji d. 00 12 06 Pri, Caſtleacre in Norf. Propr. Thomas Cole Gent. olim Patr. George Coldham Efq; 1715. 46 16 06 2 ii s. 00 14 04 Trinity College, Cambridge, Patr. Poftlingford alias Poftlingworth V. * Prox. Archidiac. vi s. 41 II 00 viii d. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Penf. Pri. Dunmow Ixvi s. viii d. 400 13 00 Colleg. de Stoke xx s. George Golding Efq; 1716. Whixoe R. alias Wrixoo Prox, Archidiac. v's. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. 00 IT 038 John Soame Eſq; olim Patr. Fobn Goldſmith Eſq; 1698. Curacies. Chipley Cur. Coolidge Cur. [St. Margaret.) Denſton Cur. Denham Cur. Sir Edward Lewkenor (olim) Patr.- Stoke juxta Clare Cur. [St. Auſtin.). 1 44 12 08 D. * Polling ford V. Augmented with a Rent-Charge of 5.6. per Anrum, by Mr. Ralph Griggs of Stanſ field. Biſhop Kennet's Caje of Impropriations, p. 339. 438 BUFFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. King's Books, be d. I. d. I20 I. 10 00 00 01 00 00 «c. 301 D. Clepdon, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUFFOL K. Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. Rexlories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. $ Bergham R. alias Bargham [St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. ii s, i d. s. 12 10 05 { Archidiac. vii s. vi d. Portio Pri. de Eye xx s. id}01 01 05 00 John Southwell Eſq; olim Patr. James Harvey Eſq; 1703. Cleydon R. [St. Peter) bol. Samuel Ailmer Eſq; olim Patr. Mrs. Priſcilla Beaumont 1713. 15 02 06 SDEBENHAM V. [St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. OI 10 03 { yii s. vi d. Mon. Butteley Propr. Sir Robert Gandy olim Patr. The- mas Rodbard and Edward Gandy Eſq; 1699. Framſden V. (St. Mary) Syn. Epifc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. 10 00 023 vii s. vid. Portio Epiſc. xii s. iii d. oi 00 00 Pri. Sanet & Claræ London Propr. Sir Lionel Tallmach olim Patr. Lord Dyſert 1711. 06 1 05Ź ŞWhitton (St. Mary] with Thurlton R. [St. Botolph] Syn. iis. }oo 13 013 Prox. Archidiac. vis. viii d. Biſhop of Ely. Winſton V. ( d. Prox. Archidiac. 09 03 09 vii s, vid. Dean and Chapter of Ely Propr. and Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value, 45 Oo oo Akenham R. (St. Mary] oo 19 01 Samuel Ailmer Eſq; olim Patr. John Haughfen Efq; 1711. Oliver Thorne Gent, 1720. S Hemley alias Hendale V. [St. Peter] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. 92 13 08 Archidiac. iijis. Portio Sacriftæ Mon. Norw. vis. viii d. Pri. Norovich Propr. Dean and Chapter of Norwich. 03: 45 10 032 . d. diac, viis. John Turner Gent. olim Patr. Mr. Samuel Stephenſon Clerk (this Turn) 1706. Robert Meadows Gent. 1711. ŞSwillond V. [St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac.? 49 06 037 00 14 11 vi s. viii d. Colleg. de Aiton ii s. The KING. Ş Weſterfield R. [St. Mary Magdalen] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. 47 15 10 Archidiac, vii 5. vi d. Biſhop of Ely. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. A ſhfield Thorpe Cur. [St. Mary.} Helmingham parva R. The KING Patr. {Winton vid St. Andrew] Syn. Epiſc. xx d. Prox. Archidias. } oo 18 045 3o ΟΙ ΟΟ Οι s. 300 for 03 002 D. A -- SUFFOLK. 439 DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. 1. fi d. 29. 12 06 OO IO II 2 id:300 00 12 02 D. Colneps, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUFFOL K. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. . Yearly Tenths, Restories, &c. with their Patrous and Proprietors. I. d. id. 32 16 10 Prox. Archidiac. iii s. 12 081 Thomas Seckford Efq; olim Patr. Thomas Redgrave Gent. 1720. Mary Atkinſon 1726. Buckleſham R. (St. Mary) Syn. Epifc. iiis. Prox. Archidiac. 44 II 00 oo 18 02 2 vi s. viii d. Thomas Brooke-Efq; olim Patr. Sir Robert Brooke Bart. 1692. . . dProx 25 14 00 { Archidiac. iii s. 00 og II The KING. 45 11.06 Falkenham V. [St. Ethelbert] oo 15 ci The KING 1687, 1720. P. j. Felixtow V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] 10 q. Mon. ibidem Propr. Henry Seckford Efq; olin Patr. Mrs. Mary Cage 1681. Mrs. Mary Atkinſon Widow 1720. 41 12 04 Kirketon R. alias Kirton (St. Mary) Syn. and Prox. viis. vid. 01 01 04 The KING 1669, 1720. P. j. Levington R. [St. Peter) Prioriſe Redling field vis. viii d.? 18 10 00 Syn. iis. Prox. iii s. The KING (Dr. T.) 20 14 08 Newbon R. alias Nunburne. 00 14 05 Ro. Fiſher Gent. 1710. S Naketon R. alias Nackton (St. Martin] Redd. Manerio xxi d. 29 II 00 00 16.08 Syn. Epiſc.iis. Prox, Archidiac, vi s. viii d. Robert Brooke Eſq; olim Patr. Sir Robert. Brooke Bart. 1673. Phil. Brooke Gent. 1722. 43 10 06 ŞTremly. St. Martin's R. Syn. Epiſc. iii s. Prox: Archidiac. xis. Redd. Mon. Flixion xii d. or 04 00 Sir Robert Barker olim Patr. Sir William Barker Bart. 1712. TremlySt. Proxix s. vi d. The KING. Ş Waldringfield R.. [A11-Saints] Redd. ii s.-iid. Penſ. Ecclefia 21 14 00 Marilebam ii s. vid. Prox. Synvi s. Edmund Purpet Efq; olim Patr. Sir Samuel Barnardiſton Bart. 1696, 1705 47 12 06 Walton V. (St. Mary] Syn. and Prox. vii s. ix d. 00 08 08 Henry Seckford Eſq; olim Patr. Mrs. Mary Cage Widow 1681. Mrs. Mary Atkinſon Widow 1720: Curacies. Aileſborne Cur. Alleſton Cur, alias Alteſton (St. John Baptift) Burgh Cur. Hagtree Cur. Stratton Cur. . d;}co }or } or SOI 13 04 00 og 09: -- 440 SUFFOLK DIOCESE of NORWICH. D. Dunwich, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUFFOLK. 1. 1. $. di 12 00 00 13 06 08 13 06 08 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 18 Oo oo Benacre R. [St. Michael] OI 16 oo Humfry Yarmouth Eſq; olim Patr. Henry North Efq; 1701. 05 OI 101 Dunwich St. John's R. demoliſhed, Syn. and Prox. ix s. vid. 00 10 02 Henſted R. (St. Mary] 01 04 00 William Sydnor Eſq; olim. Patr. Sir Thomas Culham Bart. 1673. Emanuel College, Patr. 1727. Huntingfield R. [St. Mary) Syn.and Prox. x s. iii d. ob. Feod.? 06 08 Seneſchalli xiii s. iiid. Sir Edw. Coke olim Patr. Horatio Walpole Efq; 1709. Uggleſhall R. [St. Mary) Syn. and Prox. vii s. vid. OI 06.08 Sir Thomas Playters olim Patr. Sir John Playters Bart. 1679. John Rouſe Eſq; 1720. 21 06 03 Wrentham R. [St. Nicholas] Prox. and Syn. ix s. vid. 02 02 08 Francis Brewſter olim Patr. John Brewſter Eſq; 1696. Livings Diſcharged. Clearlearly Value. 40 05 90 Bramfield V. [St. Andrew] Syn, and Prox. ii s. oo 12 09 The KIN G. Pri. Bliburgh Propr. 45 02 10 Brampton R. [St. Peter] Syn, and Prox. vii s. vi d. Johannes Leman olim Patr. Mr. Thomas Leman 1681. 2,112 07 Cheſton V. als Chedefton (St. Mary) Syn, and Prox. xii d. oo 12 09 Pri. Pentney in Norf. Propr. Fra. Baxter Efq; olim Patr. Henry Blomfield Gent. 1717. 29 03 04 Cokeley R. [St. Michael] Syn. and Prox. viii s. 00 13 04 Sir Geo. Carew olim Patr.' Horatio Walpole Efq; 1709. 36 00.00 Cratfield V. (St. Mary) Syn. and Prox, viii s. x d. OO 10 og Pri. Sti Neoti Propr. Johannes Lany Eſq; olim Patr. Sir Charles Blois Bart. 1707. 26.02.07 Darſham V. [All-Saints] Syn. and Prox. ix s. vi d. 00 09 01 Thomas Bedingfield Eſq; olim Patr. Fobn Roule Eſq; 1706, 02 00 00 1,720. (P.;) 13 00.00 00 00 00 04 10 00 Joi 04 00 } 45 1.6.00 Dunwich 411-Saints Benef. Said to be the ſame with Dun- wich St. John's (above) if ſo, it ſhould have been diſcharged. S Eaſton-Bavent R. (St. Nicholas] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Ar-? chidiac, vi s, vid. Geoffry Howland Eſq; 1567. Froftenden R. [All-Saints] Syn. and Prox. ix s. vid. OI 04 00 William Glover Eſq; 1720. Fordley (Holy Trinity) with Middleton R. Syn. and Prox. 2 viis. viii d. Edward P¢ge Efq; olim Patr. 70. Woodcock Gent. 1664. SHALLISWORTHE R. [St. Mary) Syn. xii d. Prox. Archidiac. viii s. vid. Sir Giles Allington olim Patr. Diana Lady Wymondley 1690. Heving 36 10.00 10 00 38 Oo oo 302 02 00 00 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. 441 ds. 45 10 00 iss} 32 00 oo {{] for IO 08 13 06 08 00 00 00 19-301 3-300 00 00 00 Clear Kearly Value. Yearly Teaths 1. d. d. SHevingham R. (St. Margaret) Priori Sti Neot. XX s. Syn. ii s. 01 02 08 2 Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vid. The KING. 30 00 00 Holton R. [St. Peter] ΟΙ ΟΙ Ο4 The KING Knotteſhall [St. Laurence] with Buxlow R. (St. Peter] Syn. 1 02 00 2 and Prox, xv s, vid. Arthur Jenny Eſq; olim Patr. Robert Jermy Efq; 1716. Northalls V. als Covehithe [St. Andrew] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. 08 00 00 Prox, · Archidiac, vii s. vid. Sir Edward Cleere olim Patr. Thomas Carthew Efq; 1720. Peaſenhall Curacy (St. Michael] Mon. Sibton Propr. Sir John Rouſe olim Patr, Mrs. Eli- • zabeth Barker. s Raydon als Reydon V.[St. Margaret] with SOUTHWOLD Cha- 28 Oo oo об о8 2 pel, Syn. Epiſc. iis. Prox, Archidiac. vii s. vi d. Pri. Wangford Propr. Sir John Rouſe Bart. 1713, 1727. 45 00 00 Sibton V: [St. Peter] Prox. "Epiſc. vii s. vid. Syn. Archi- diac, xiid. Mon. Sibton Propr. Edmund Chapman als Barker olim Patr. Mrs. Elizabeth Barker Widow 1712. 43 01 07 Sotherton R. [St. Andrew] Syn. and Prox, viii s. viii d. 00 10 08 John Rouſe Efq; 1720. 28 00.00 Southcove R. (St. Laurence] Syn, and Prox, vi s, viïi d. 00 12 03 The KING S Speckſhall als Spexhall R. (St. Peter] Priori Bumburgh xx s. 301 08.00 33 10 00 ? Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. viii s, vid. The KING 31 13 04 Theberton R. (St. Peter] Syn. and Prox. ix s. vi d. 02 13 04 The KING S Thorington R. [St. Peter] Priori Blyburgh xxx s. Syn. and 30 00.00 2 Prox. vii s. viii d. 00 14 00 Sir Edward Coke olim Patr. John Bence Eſq; 1694; 35 Oo oo Ubbeſton V. [St. Peter] Syn. and Prox, viiis. vid. 00 13 04 Pri, Sti Neoti in Hunt. Propr. Wolfran Dowſinge & Jana Uxr, olim Patr. Sir R. Kemp Bart. 1705. 30 00 00 Wenhafton V. [St. Peter] The KING. Pri. Bliburgh Propr. 00 Weſthall V. [St. Andrew] oi oo 02 Dean and Chapter of Norwich Propr. and Patr. Weſtleton V. (St. Peter] Syn. and Prox. ix s. vi d. Co 16 00 Mon. Sibton Propr. Sir Edward Coke olim Patr. Mr. James Fiſke Clerk 1710. 37 15 00 Yokesford V. als Yoxford (St. Peter] Syn. and Prox. ix s. vid. 00 11 05 Thomas Bedingfield Efq; olim Patr. Joht Rouſe Eſq; 1711. 00 I 2 OI 40 00 00 33 oo 06 LII Nor 442 SUPFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 1 Not in Charge. BLITHBOROUGH C. (Holy Trinity) Mr. Wentworth olim Patr. Bliford C. [All-Saints] I. 16 : 00 : oo Certified Val Dunwich St. Peter's C. Dunwich St. Martin's C. Dunwich St. Nicholas C. Laiſton * [St. Margaret] cumi Siſwell. Chriſt's Church Hoſpital, London, and the Company of Han; berdaſhers. Linfted-magna C. (St. Peter] Linſted-parva C. [St. Margaret] Mellis C. Rumbrough C. l. 25 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Stoven C. (St. Margaret] l. 6 : 10: 00 Certified Val.. Walberſwick C. (St. Andrew] Walpole C. (St. Mary] - l. 11 : 00 : co Certified Val. Wangford C. (St. Peter] Wiffet c. [St. Andrew] 1. 20: 00 : 00 Certified Val. 1 l. s. d. 7. S. d. 10 00 00 0 00 00: II 10 10 D. Fordham, in the County of CAMBRIDGE, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUDBURY, CAMBRIDGSH. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books, Pearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with theïr Patron's drid Proprietors. 08 oo oo Aſhley R. [St. Mary) united to Sylverley. oo 16 oo Lord North and Grey 1682. 30 14 02 Burwell R. [St. Mary] 03 01 05 Lord North and Grey 1705. 16 08 or Chevely R. [St. Mary] Of 12 og Sir John Cotton olim Patr. Sir Robert Davers Batt, 1904. Kirtling V. vulgò Catlidg [All-Saints] Lord North and Grey. Knet als Kennet R. [St. Nicholas] 01 03 OI Lord Petre olim Pair. Sir Samuel Barvärditón Bart. 1696. 27 ii ooź Snalewell R. [St. Peter] 02 15 01 Biſhop of Ely. 32 16 051 SOHAM V. [St. Andrew] 03 05 07 Pembrcke-Hall, Cambridge (N.) 07 17 03 Sylverley V. [All-Saints] 00 15 08 Pri. Hatfield Regis Propr, Lörd North and Grey'r717. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 26 09 04 Burwell V. [St. Mary] Ačadeiniä Cantabr. norihinat duas 'perfonas, Dorn. Norib.pre- Jentat unah. (Đr. Tannièr's Book p. 211.) 41 09 041 Chippenham V. [St. Margaret] OL 03 03 Mon. Walden Propr. Earl of Oxford 1700. Downham -Augmented by the Company of Haberdaſhers, London, by buying in the Impropriation of about 50 l. per Ausnum, formerly wholly appropriated to Laiſton Abby. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Inpropria- rions, p 410. 02 00 OO * Laiſton- CAMBRIDGSH. DIOCESE of NORWIC H. 443 1. Clear Pearly Value. Yearly Tenths. d. 1. d. ir il 06 Downham V. [Şt. Mary) 00 00 00 The KING. Pri. Ixworth Propr. 46 og 041 Fordham V. (St. Mary] 01.06 08 Mon. Sempringham in Co. Lincoln Propr. Yeſus College, Cambridge. 28 Oo oo Woodytton V. * [All-Saints] 01 05 07. Mon. Thetford in Norf. Propr. Duke of Norfolk olim Patr. Mr. George Read and John Lloyd 1714 The Heirs of John Nowys Eſq; are Patroņs 1720. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. All-Saints Newmarket Cur: I. ,6 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Barway [St. Nicholas] Chap. to Soham. Kenford, a Ch. to Kennet. Landwade Cur. (St. Nicholas] a Chap. to Ixning in Co. Suff. D. Fordham, in the County of SUFFOLK, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUDBURY. Yearly Tenths, I. d. 1. s. d. 09 07 Ar. Zor -302 02 01 09 viisopor 12 0% SUFEO ĻK. Livings: remaining in Charge. King's Books. Rectories, &c. quith their patrons and Proprietors. SBarton-Mills R. [St. Mary], Collegio de Sroke xl s. Prox. Ar. -44-45-10 chidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Syn. Epiſc. xviii d. The KING. SBRANDON als Brandon-Ferry R. (St. Peter] ProxArchidiac. 20,8,011 vii s. vid. ob. Syn. Epiſc. xviii d. Tbomas. Wright Efq; 1670, 1718. . 12 17 06 { vii d..ob. Syn. Epifc. xviii.d. Mr. Robert Cooke olim Patr. Thomas Breeſe Gent. 1706. Sir John Wodehouſe (N.) 16 06. 08 Eriſwell R. als Earſwell (St. Peter] Prox. Archidiac, vii s. { vii d. ob. Syn. Epiſc., ii s. viii d. Abb. Colcheſter lx s. Sir Henry Bedingfield olim Patr. Thomas Smith Eſq; 1716. Icklingham. . . Epiſc Sir Arthur Capell.olim Patr. Earl of Elex 1700. V. + [. . . Syn. 1307 06. 2 Epiſc. ii s. viii d. Abb. Battel in Suſſex Impr. Dean and Chapter of Can- terbury. 08 01 22 08 or SMILDENHALL V. vulgò MILNER [St. Mary] · Prox. Archi- diac. vii s. vii d. ob. Syn. Epiſc. ii s, viïi d. Mon. Bury Sti Edmundi Propr. Sir Henry Warner olim Patr. Mrs. Anne King 1714. L112 * Woodytton. Part of NewMARKET is in this Parish, :t Ixning Part of NEWMARKET is in this Pariſh. trcbi-}o2 02 04 097 Todenhana 444 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. SUFFOLK, I. S. d. I OB 09 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. Todenham R. (St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac, vii s, vii d. ob. 10 17 06 Syn. Epiſc. xviii d. Thetford xl John Harvey Eſq; 1698. 19 06 08 { Warlington R. [All-Saints) Redd . Edw. Newell eviij d. Redd.? d}or 18 08 Magiſtro Tyndale xviii d. Prox. and Syn. x s. iii d. ob. Mr. Robert Warren 1665. Lord Orford (N.) Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 30 00 00 Cavenham V. (St. Andrew] Syn. Epiſc. xviii d. 00 10 07 The KING. Colleg. de Stoke Propr. Frekenham V. [St. Andrew] Redd. xii d. Prox, Archidiac. 25 00 oo vii s. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. vid. Mrs. Eliz. Sotherton preſented to the Rectory and Vic. 1723. Mr.Wood (N) The Rectory in Rocheſter Dio- ceſe. Herringſwell R. [St. Ethelbert] Collegio Stoke ii s. viii d. Prox. 49 09 041 Archidiar, viis. viid. ob. Epiſc. xviii d. Sir Stephen Soame olim Patr. Mr. Charles Wright and Anne Joo 18 113 his Wife 1700. 44 11 06 ŞIeklingham St. James R. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii s. ob. Syn. For 03 01 . 300 09 Iunie 09 06 Sir Thomas Holland olim Patr. Sir John Holland Bart. 1690. 44 09 041 (Lakenheth V. [St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. viid. ob. Syn. Epiſc. xviii d. Dean and Chapter of Ely Propr. NEWMARKET St. Mary's R. Abb. Battel, xxvi's. viſi d. Prox. 33 09 oo { Archidiac. ini s. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Sir Giles Allington olim Patr. Hildebrand Allington Efq; 1717. 's Wangford R. [St. Dennis] Prox. Archidiac. vis, viii d. Syn. 39 II 00 { Epiſc. xviii à. John Southwell Eſq; olim Patr. Mr. John Wright Clerk 1717. Not in Charge. Mowton juxta Bury R. Sir Tho. Jermyn Bart. 1674, 1685. Ditton C. Wiken als Wicken C. in Co. Cant. 18. : 00.: 00 Certified Val. Spinney Abbey Propr. (which was near this place.) Heirs. of the Earl of Orford Patr. "}. I D. Sippiſwick als Ipſwich, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUFFOLK. Remaining in Charge. King's Books. Books Yearly Tenths, Stoke St. Mary's R. Syn. and Prox, viis, vi de 61 04 00 Dean and Chapter of Ely. Livings S. l. s. d. 1. 12 OO OO SUFFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. 445 s. s. 33. 13 08 11 14 O SEYEV. St. Peter and St. Paulj Prox. Archidiac. vi s. vii d.ob. 01 03 05 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Ténths. 1. d. 1. d. St. Helen's R. IPSWICH, Syn. Epiſc. xvi d. 00 17 04 The KING. Mr. Appleton olim Patr. 19 19 00 St. Matthew's R. 00 10 Co The KING, 05 02 00 St. Stephen's R. Syn. and Prox, vii s. vi d. 00-09 03? Sir Edmund Withipoll olim Patr. Lord Hereford 1684. Not in Charge. All Saints C. St. Auſtin's C. Caldwell C. St. Clements R. Ro. Brook Eſq; 1699.- St. George's C. St. John's C. St. Laurence C. 1. 6 : 00°: 00 Certified Val. St. Margaret's I. 10 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Leiceſter Martin Eſq; St. Mary at the Elmes C. 1. 9 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. St. Mary at the Key C. L. 25 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. St. Mary at the Tower C. 1.60 :- 00:00 Certified Dal. St. Mildred C. St. Nicholas C. l. 1000 : 00 Certified Val. St. Peter's C. 1. 30 : 00 : 0 Certified Val. D. Hartiſinere, in the Arch-Deaconry of SÚDBURY. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs, Rectories, &c, with their Patrons and Proprietors. 19 12 031 Backton R: [St. Mary] Prox, and Syn. viii s. iiïi d. or 19 02 Sir John Prettyman olim Patr. Thomas Syer Gent, 1663. Žohn Needham, John Symonds and John Rampley 1695. Eliz. Cockſedge Widow 1722. Burgate R. (St. Mary]: Prox. Arrhidiac. vii s. viid. ob. Syn. 13. IO IO 2 Epiſc. xviid. Sir Edmund Bacon olim Patr. John Holt Efq; Patr. 1720. 15 10 025? Comeone istAndrew] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. viii d. Syn.201 II 004 Peter Prettyman Gent. 1702. Syn. Epiſc, ix d. Priori Eye xii d. Redd. ii d. Mon. Eye Propr. Mr. Nicholas Grice 1698. Thomas Bür- dus Efq; 1724. 02 - 12 01 Epiſc. xxiii d. Priori Eye iii s. iiiid. Michael Bedingfield Eſq; olim Patr. · Mr. Charles Pleys Sen. . d. I. f. d. 3 { . . . For og or t 26.01 05:{Gebeng Porzypom naredidiae. vi s. vii d. Syr.3o2. Clerk 1707; 09 15.00 15.00 {M ŞMobile ilis. (St. Mary] Prox. Arckidiac. viis, i d. Syn. E-Zoo 19 06 The KING MENDLESHAM 446 DIOCESE of N OR WIC H. SOFFOLK. dizoo 09 04 09? S Okeley R. [St. Nicholas] Prox, and Syn. xii s. xi d. Domino 300 18 05 13 02 08? Wortham Everard or Southmore R. Mediety [St. Mary boj 06 035 King's Books, Yearly Tenths, 1. s. d. 1. d. 14 og 02 MENDLESH AM V. (St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. ix.s. ob. oi 08 II 120 1. Dec. & Cap. Cicėjt. Propr. Thomas Goodwin Efq; olim Patr. Edmund-Shopperd Efq; 1697. Mr. Thomas Brame (this Turny 1714. 19 01 051 Occold R. [St. Nicholas] Prox, and Syn. viii s. viii d. OI 13 ore Mr. Daſèt olim Patr. "Sir Andrew Hacket Knt. 1681, Suff. v s. Thomas Cornwallis olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis 1720. S Palgrave R. . . viji s. 19 II 03 ix d. ob. or 19 01 Sir Thomas Cornwallis alim Patr. Lord Cornwallis 1711. 01 107.13 0111 Syn. Epiſc. xvi d. Re&tori de Stoke Aſh vi's. viii a. S Rifhangles R. (St. Margaret] Prox. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. 00 15 03 Sir Harbottle Grimſton olim Patr. Mr. Edward Vernon 1720. Stoke-Aſh R. [All Sainits] Prox. Archidiac. vi s. viiid. Syn. 11 oi 03 01 02 01 Epiſc. xvid. Pri. de Eye iili s. Sir Henry Bokenbamélim Patr, Walfingham Bokenham Gent. 1712. ŞThorndon R. [A11-Saints] Prox: and Syn. ix's. i d:ob. Pri. xiii s, iiii d. Rectori de Stoke Ab xiis. iii d. 09 02 Sir John Prettyman et alii olim Patr. Mr. Jo. Howchin, Mr. George Girling, and their Wives 1704. Thraudeſton alias Franſton R. (St. Margaret] Prox. Arcbi- 06 08 diàc. vii s. vii d.ob. xviid Frederick Cornwallis Eſq; olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis 1709. SWetheringſet cum Broxford R. [All-Saints] Prox. vii s. vii d.? 33 09-02 ob. Syn. Epiſc. xvii d. Rectori de Stoke Ab v s. Sir Stephen Soame olim Patr. Mrs. Mary Gibſon and Brit- Prox. Archidiac, iii s. ix d. ob. Syn. . Sir Nicholas Bacon oliin Patr. Axton Eſq; Patr. 1720. ] 13-01.00; Prox. and Syn. iii s. vi d. ob. Sir Anthony Felton olim Patr. Johri Holi Efq; Patr, 1720. -06-06-057 Epiſc . xv d. -06-06-05{ { . Syn. Joo Yaxlcy R. (St. Mary] - Prox. Archidiac, vii s. vii:d. ob. 00 12.07 Mr. George Johnſon olim Patr. John Clarke Gent. 1703. Livings Diſcharged. Clear early Value. 42 :13:04 2 vis. viiid. Syn. Epiſc. xxiii d. Pri. Eye iii s. iiii d. Syn. Jos 08 09 Mr. Williain Coleman clim Patr. Mis. Suſan Payne 1691. · Brone Eye 13 06:08 24 11 10:{ . . . }or li d.}03 06.11 tiffe. 171.5. 2 SUFFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 44.7 1. d. 44 11:00 . Exe v s. 301 do} Clear Tearly Value. Yearly Tentbu. 1. s. d. S.Brome R. [St. Mary] Pri. Thetford xiii s. lii do Pri. Eye v s. { Prox, Archidiac. vis. viii d. Syn. Epifc. xv d. 01 00 00 Sir Thomas Cornwallis olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis 1705. S,Fenningham R. [St. Bartholomew] Prox. Archidiac, vi s. viiid. 48 11 03 Syn. Epiſc. ii s. i d. OL 01 00 Edm. Cotton Gent. alim Patr. Mr. Jo, Frere 1667. Redgrave with BOTESDALE R, alias Budeſdale (St. Botolph] 48 10 08 Prox. and Syn. viii s. xid. ob. Penſ. Amarri Bury St. Ed-402 10 08; munds xiii s. iiii d. Hofpitular. Bury iiii s. Sir Nicholas Bacon olim Patr. Sir John Holt Kột. 1709. ŞRekenhall Superior R. [St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 4*3* IT 04 { Syn. Epiſc. xv d. Pri. Eye vi s. vii d. 00 19 041 Sir Nicholas Bacon olim Patr. Roland Holt Eſq; 1712. 31 13 04 Sturſton R. [All-Saints] Prox. Archidiac. V s. Syn. Epiſc. xv d. 00 13 08 Sir Thomas Cornwallis olim Patr. Lord Cornwallis 1713. Thwaite alias Wheight R. (St. George] Prox. Archidiac. vi s. 34 IL 09. viiid. Syn. Epiſc. xvii d. 00 12 03. Sir William Soame olim Pátr. Sir Robert Reve Bart. 1688. Mr. Elias Mayer (this Turn) 1711. Duke of Norfolk 1713. John Shepherd and his Wife 1722. SThornham magna R. [St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac, vii s. vii d. 47 10 001 ob. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. iiii d. Pri. de Eye iiii s. 00 15 01 Sir Henry Bokenbam olim Patr. Charles Killegrew Eſq; 1712. Thornham parva: R. Prox: and Syn. vi s. v d. Pri. de Eye v s. 00 09 054 Sir Henry Bokenham olim Patr. Charles Killegrew Efq; 1702. Wiverſtone R. [St. George] Prox. Archidiac..vi s. viii d. Syn. 3.1 II OG Epiſc. xxiii d. Pri, de Eye üii s. iiii d. Sir Nicholas Bacon olim Patr. Thomas Barnardiſton Eſq; 1707, 1721. p. j. Weſthorpe R. [St. Margaret] Prox. Archidiác. vi s. viii d.? 43° 11 03 Syn. Epiſc. xxiii d. 00:09 Maurice Barrowe olim Patr. Henry Shelton Efq; 1688. 40 10. 01 Wickam Skeith R. (St. Andrew] 00 10 09 Mr. Freeſton olim: Patr. Sir Nicholas Bacon Bart. 1663. Sir William Godbold Knt. 1670. Aſpall Cur. Ridelingfield Cur. 28 13 03 Syn.}oo 17 05: . ] }0.09 093 D. Horne alias horon, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUFFOLK. Livings remaining in. Charger King's Books. Yearly Tenthsi. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 22 16 08 08 Badingham R. [St. John Baptift] 02 05 08 Reginald Rowle Eſq; olim Patr. Henry Blomfield Efq; 1679. Elizabeth Blomfield Widow 1727. Garlton 1. d. 1. s. d. 44:8 DIOCES E of NORWICH, SUFFOLK. King's Books, S. d. 700 loe 1 303 Yearly Tenths. I. d. I. 03 1 03 Carlton R. [St. Peter] 00 07 011 201. oo's, o d. John Bence Eſq; 1705. CertifiedValue. Kelyhall alias Kelliſhali R. [St. Mary) annex'd, Duci Norf. 20-00 05 Domino Maner, id. Syn. Epiſc. iii s. Prox. Archidiac.. viis. 02 00 00, vi d. Sir Thomas Holland olim Patr. John Bence Efq; 1705. § Dennington R. [St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. iii s. Prox. Archidiae. 36.03 04 { vii s, vi d. 12 04 Fohn Rouſe Eſq; alim Patr. Sir John Rouſe Bart. 1683, 1726. 17 17:01 Freflingfield V. * [St. Peter and St. Paul] OI 15 086 Emanuel College, Cambridge, Patr. Margaret Barret 1630. Horham R. (St. Mary] Syn. Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. viïi s. 12 07 OI ini d. Penf. Vic. Hoxne iïi s. vi d. Pri. Brownwell y s. 01 04 081 1001. Rectori Allington xv s. iiii d. Penf. Vicario da Denbam xvid. Sir Edward Coke olim Påtr. Thomas Coke Eſq; 1716. 12 03 09 Hoxne V. alias Hoxon (St. Peter and St. Paul] QI 04 041 Biſhop of Norwich Propr. Sir Robert Southwell olim Patr. William Maynard Eſq; 1690. SSoham Monks R. [St. Peter] Syn. Epiſc. xxii d. Prox. Ar- 19 05 02:. . }or 18 06; Sir Lionel Talmacb olim Patr. Edmund Clench Gent. 1663. Mr. Samuel Ray ſen. (this Turn) 1706. 26 06 10 Wilby R. [St. Mary] 02 12 081 Sir Thomas Wingfield olim Patr. Sir Robert Wingfield Bart. and Sir John Jacob Knt. 1662. Mr. Samuel Ray (this, Turn) 1699. 19 12.03 5 Worlingworth R. [St. Mary] with SOUTHWOLD Chapel [St. or 19 02 { Margaret] Syn. Epiſc. iii s. ilii d. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. John Thurſton olim Patr. Edward Barker Efq; 1704. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Athelington alias Allington R. [St. Peter] Syn. Epiſc. ü s.? 2 Prox. Archidiac. iili s. Pri, Sanétæ Fidis iii s. iii d. 00 09 05 The KING 1621, 1660, 1694. S Bedfield R. [St. Nicholas) Syn. Epiſc.id. Archidiac. vii's. 48 10.04 I 08 oo { vi d. Penf. Pri. Eye xx s. John Cornwallis Eſq; olim Patr. Sir John Roufe Bart. . 1720. Bedingfield V. (St. Mary] 00 16 00 Pri. Snape Propr. Thomas Beding field Eſq; olim Patr. The Reverend Mr. John Beding field 1720. s Denham V. [St. John Baptiſt] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archi- 10 OI Pri. Norwich Propr. Sir Thomas Southwell olim Patr. . Willian Maynard Eſq; 1690. Laxfield * Freſſing field V.--Augmented with a conſiderable Eſtate in Fee-Farm Rents by Dr. Sandcroft, late Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Bikop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 304. 29 09 08 iss}oo o vis.zo. 49 05 08 39 og o8 . -zoo SUFFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. 449 s. { Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. SLaxfield V. alias Layfield [All-Saints] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. 44 og 10 Archidiac. vii s. Pri. de Eye ini l. iiïi s. Prox.? 00 19 04 Mon. Eye Propr. Earl of Oxford 1684. Thomas Coke Eſq; 1719 SM Mendham V. (All-Saints] Syn. Epifc. ii s. Pri. Mendham 23 04 07 xiii s. iii d. Pri. ibidem ii s. pretium Gallina & Centum 00 10 06; Ovorum. Pri: Mendham Propr. Antonius Goſnold olim Patr. Ste- phen Baxter Gent. 1685. 33 09 10 Stradbrooke V. (All-Saints] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. Zoo 19 113 {) }or as Zoo vii s. 09 06 vii s. vid. Pri. Mendham Propr. Biſhop of Ely. Tattington V. [St. Ethelbert) with Brunditch (St. Andrew] 45 10 oo Prox. and Syn. x s. vi d. OL 05 00 Sir Walter Devereux olim Patr. Biſhop of Rocheſter Patr. 26 og 02 ŞWaybred V. [St. Andrew] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. Francis Morris olim Patr. Mrs. Barbara Aſhley Widow 1690. . 41 14 04 Wetherſdale R. [St. Mary Magdalen] 00 13 08 Franciſcus Jermy Eſq; olim Patr. Francis Sandcroft Gent. 1681. Not in Charge. Metfield (St. John] a Donative *. Sileham V. t. Coll. Wingfield Propr. Aldringham cum Thorpe Cur. 1. 6: 15 : 00 Certified Val. Kenton Cur. WINGFIELD Cur. (St. Andrew] Biſhop of Norwich Patr. O. Loore, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUFFOLK. s. s. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, L. d. Rektories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. SAíh near Campſey R. alias Campſey-Aſh (St. John Baptiſt]? 14 05 oo for 08 06 ? Prox, and Syn. X s. üid. Redd, Pri. Campſey id. ob. Earl of Suffolk olim Patr. Mrs. Deborah Brame Widow 1719. FRAMLINGHAM [St. Michael] with Saxted R. [All-Saints] 43 06 08 Re&tori Ketibear, ii s. Vicar. Parham ii s. Redd. Duci Ş04 06 08 Norf. x s. xd. Syn. x s. viïi d. Pembroke-Hall, Cambridge. Kenton * Metfield- -Lands fettled on the Carate there to the Value of 5211. 10 s. by Mr. Chapman Minister of Thorpe near Norwich. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of impropriations, P: 329. + Sileham V. The impropriate Tythes thereof ſettled on the Vicarage by Mr. Anthony Barry of Sile- ham. It had been formerly given to the proper Uſes of Wing field College in that Neighbourhood, and the Rectory wholly impropriated without any Vicarage endowed, or any Maintenance fixed for ſerving the Cure, Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 324. An additional Benefaction of a Houſe and a Clole of three Acres given thereto by Mr. Chriſtopher Barry, ibidem p. 325. Mmm 1 4.50 DIOCESE of NORWIC H. SUFFOLK. S. ] s. *i300 Prox, and Syn. You King's Boks. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. l. d. 08 00 00 S Kenton V. [All-Saints] Prox. and Syn. ix s. xid. Redd. Pri. oo 16 oo 2 de Redlingfield xii d. - Framlingham Gandy Eſq; olim Patr. Anthony Sturt Efq; and James Groundman Gent. 1711. John Pitt Efq; (N.) 08 13 C4 Mownden alias Monowden R. [St. Mary] Prox, and Syn. oo 17 04 viii s. viii d. Sir Lionel Talmach olim Patr. Earl of Leiceſter 1704. 24 13 04 Rendleſham R. [St. Gregory] 02 09 04 The KING. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 43 19 Oi Beyton R. (St. Andrew] 00 11 02 William Forth Gent, olim Patr. Mrs. Anne Warner Widow 1697 28 OI 10 S Boulge * [St. Michael] with Debache R. [All-Saints] Prox. and 00 07 02 Syn. x s. viii d. Thomas Seckford Efq; olim Patr. Mr. Thomas Norih 1710. Sir Thomas Hanmer Bart, Patr. 1722. Branderton 41 19 07 00 19 08 Syn. Charles Seckford olim Patr. William Eeles, Daniel Scot and John Ellicock 1724. Creetingham alias Gretingham V. [St. Andrew! Maner. 42 09 05 Framſden in Augmentatione Vicar. ibidem vi s.. viii:d. Colleg. Soo 19 01 de Dinnington xviii d. The KING. and}co {Eyked. Cor. Wibidem i ca. -Saints] Prox. and Syn. ix s. xd;} ΟΙ Ιο οο 00 12 02 ciüi si}.00 0 18 08 45 12 03 ix s. xi d. Sir Anthony Wingfield olim Patr. William Churchill Eſq;(N.) x d. 41 02 00 Feod. Cur. ibiden ini d. Earl of Suffolk olim Patr. Mr. Henry Boughton 1689. 22 18 031 Hatcheſton V. [All Saints] Prox, and Syn. ix s. vid. Pri. Hickling Propr. Edmund Warren Eſq; olim. Patr. Clement Corrance Efq; 1708. S Marlesford R. [St. Andrew] Penſ. Pri. Sanelæ Fidis xiii s. 47 00 00 { iid. Syn. ix s. vid. Sir William Devereux olim Patr. Stephen Newcomen Gent. 1698. Parham V. [St. Mary] Pri. Hickling Propr. Thomas Wingfield Eſq; olim Patr. 70. Corrance Efq; Donative, and Curacies, Charsfield Cur. [St. Peter] 18:00.: 00 Certified Val. Hoo Cur. [St. Andrew and St. 1,8 Euftachius] 00 : oo Certified Val. Biſhop of Ely. Letheringham Cur. [St. Mary] Woodbridge [St. Mary] Vid. D. Carlesford. * Boulge cum Debache Q. if not now ſeparated ? 20 00 00 00 00.00 8: D. SUFFOLK. 451 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. 1. d. s. d. 12 00 00 { , . . bi- for 05 004 D. Lothingland, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUFFOL K. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Re&tories, &c. with their Pations and Proprietors. 1. SI Bradwell R. (St. Nicholas] Redd. Domino Maner. ii s. 28 Oo oo 02 16 oo { and Prox. ix's. vii d. Sir John Wentworth olim Patr, Sir Thomas Allen Knt. 1683. 14 13 04 Oldton alias Owlton R. [St. Michael] Syn. and Prox. X S. 01 09 04 Edward Hobart Efq; olim Patr. Mrs. Dorothy Reve Wi-. dow 1702. Gerard Van Heythuyſen. Efq; 1720. Somerlton R. alias Somerleyton [St. Mary] 01 04 00 Sir Jobn Wentworth olim Patr. Sir Thomas Allen Bart. 1690. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 31 16 oi Belton R. [All-Saints ] Syn. and Prox, viii s, vii d. on 1506 The Biſhop of Norwich 1714. 46 04 08 Blundeſton R. [St. Mary-) Syn, and Prox. viii s. xi d. ої об о8 William Sydnor Eſq; olim Patr. Sir Thomas Allen 1690, 1726. Mr. Robert Baldwyn 1706. 44 06 01 Burgh Caſtle R. (St. Peter] Redd. jiii d. Syn. and Prox, x s. oo 13 04 The KING. Carlton Covell R. (St. Peter] Syn, Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archi- 24 OI 00 diac. vii s. Edward Bruce Efq; olim Patr. Sir Richard Allen Bart. 1719. Corton V. [St. Bartholomew] The -KING. 14 Oo oo Flixton R. (St. Andrew] oo oo oo Sir John Wentworth olim Patr. Sir Richard Allen Bart. 1703, 1726. Cum Blundeſt on. Suprà, Matth. Britton 1727. S Freton alias Fritton R. [St. Edmund] Syn, and Prox. vii s. 39 17 09 { ix d. 00 13 04 William Sydnor Eſq; olim Patr. Mr. Thomas Allen 1675. George Clarke Gent. (this Turn) 1720. Eliz. Clarke Widow 1726, 1727. Gunton R. (St. Peter] Syn. Epiſc. xii d. Prox. Archidiac. iiiis. 00 10 08 Mrs. Dorothy Holle 1692, 1694. Mrs. Dorotly and Pene- lope Holle 1702. Gurlſton (St. Andrew] cum Southtown alias Yarmouth R.? (St. Nicholas] Syn, and Prox. xiii s. vd. Epiſo. Norw. v.sos Owen Smith Eſq; olim Patr. Chriſtopber Bedingfield Efq; 1705, 1722. 42 09 07. Gyſleham R. (Holy Trinity]. Syn. and Prox. viii s. x d. ої об о8 The KING. SHakby R. (St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. xiii d. Prox, Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Sir John Wentworth olim Patr. Sir-Richard Allen Bart. 1707. Sir Thomas Allen 1726. M m m 2 Kirkley IO 00 00 00 O CO } oo 20 IO 00 46 16 09 :foro 01 02 00 16 oo oo ac. Zo 00 12 00 3 452 DIOCESE of NORWICH. SUFFOLK. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. { : }co 00 II 081 οΙ 00 00 for }oo 16 00 OI 00 01 Clear Yearly Value. i. d. Kirkley alias Tyrkele, alias Thirkely R. (St. Peter] Syn. 15 10 00 2 Epiſc. xii d. Prox. Archidiac. vii s, vii d.ob. Edward Hobart Eſq; olim Patr. Robert Richman Eſq; 1697. ŞKiſſingland V. * (St. Edmund] Redd. xx d. Eccleſia Cath. 42 10 00 { Norw. ii s. Prox, and Syn. x s. ii d. Pri. St. Clare London Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. Lound R. (Baptiftxiii . Prox. Archi- 40 10 03 diac, vi s. viii d. Sir John Wentworth olim Patr. Sir Thomas Allen Bart. 1691. 43 2 viii dobProx, viii s. iii d. Mon, Sti Bartholomei London Propr. Biſhop of Norwich. Mutford V. (St. Andrew) with Barnaby R. [St. John Baptiſt] 30 19 03 { Syn. and Prox, ii s. viii d. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge. Pakefield R. both Medietys [All-Saints] Prox, and Syn. viii s. 29 OI OI 2 ili d. Edward Hobart Efq;, and Sir Thomas Playters olim Patr. Daniel Procter Efq; 1697. S Ruſhmere R. (All-Saints] Redd. xii do Prox. and Syn. viïi s. 25 Oo oo { iii d. Edward Hobart Efq; olim Patr. Mr. Timothy Stamp 1714 Not in Charge. Heringfiete Ch. (St. Margaret.] Mon. Hering flete Propr. Hopton + [St. Mary.] Dean and Chapter of Norwich Patr. Weſt-Town Ch. } 00 15 08 OI OS oo sizoo 00 14 08 S. 1. d. 20 00 00 02 00 00 vi d.}02 ind. You Od 12 00 D. Oxford, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUFFOLK. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Tearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. $ Blaxhall R. (St. Peter] Syn. iii si Prox. Archidiac. vii s, vi d. ? Redd. Maner. i d. John and Alexander Bence Eſqs; 1706. 06 oo oo ŞGlenham parva R. [St. Andrew] Syn. and Prox. viii s. viii d. 2 Redd. xiiii d. Sir Henry Glemham olim Patr. Dudley North Efq; 1717. 08 14 041 Sternefield R. [St. Mary Magdalen] Syn. and Prox. viii s. viii d. co 17 057 Sir John Gawdery Bart. 169.1, 33 06 08 ŞSudburn [All Saints) with ORFORD Chapel R. [St. Bartholo- 2 mew] Prox. and Syn. x s. vid. Pri. Elien. x s. The KING.. Sweftling * Kifingland V.---- Augmented by ſeveral Contributions collected by Mr. William Whiffon Biſkop Ken- net's Cale of Impropriations, p. 330. - Augmented by the Dean and Chapter of Norwich, by granting a Leaſe of the Rectory to the Miniter. Bilbop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, P. 332. "303 03 06 08 + H pton SUFFOLK. 453 DIOCESE of NORWICH. King's Books. Yearly Tentis, 1. s. d. 1. d. { } oo 09 02 08:{vii s. vid. S Sweftling R. [St. Mary) Syn. Epifc. iis. Prox. Archidiac.? joo 18 03: Petrus Leigh olim Patr. Mrs. Sarab Fleetwood Widow 1717: Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. ALDEBURGH V. als ALDBOROUGH * [St. Peter and St. Paul] 7 41. 03 00 cum Cap. de Haſlewood. Syn. Epiſc. i11i s. Prox. Archidiac. 03 06 03 viis. vid. Feod. Seneſchalli vi s, viii d. John Graunge Gent. olim Patr. John Bence Eſq; 1702. 28 16 00 Benhall V. [St. Mary) Syn. xii d. oo 14 ORE Mon. Eye Propr. Sir Henry Glemham olim Patr. Sir Jolin Duke Bart, 1702. Sir Edward Duke 1725. 33 02 06 ŞChefilford als Chillisford R. (St. Peter] Prox. Archidiac. vs.? 00 10 04 2. Syn. Epiſc. iiis: Lord Abergavenny olim Patr. Mr. Theophilus Hook 1700. Dudley North Eſq; 1720. 5 Cransford V. als Cranyford (St. Peter] Prox. Archidiac, vi s. 44. 18 co 13 04 viii d. Epiſc. ii s. Abb. Sybeton xl s. Mon. Sybton Propr. Duke of Norf. olim Patr. Mr. Low- rence Echard Clerk (this Turn) 1696. 41 17 04 Eken als Iken R. (St. Botolph] Syn, and Prox. viii s. viii d. 00 13 04 Lady Anne Wingfield and Earl of Arundel olim Patr. alter- nately. Biſhop by Lapſe 1698. Sir Henry Wingfield Bart. 1679. Earl of Rochford 1724. Freſton V. [St. Mary] 00 10 00 Sir Henry Glemham olim Patr.. Sir Hen. Johnſon Kt. 1706. 19 08 og Snape V. (St. John Baptiſt] 00 10 06 Sir Henry Johnſon Kt. 1706. SAXMONDHAM R. [St. John Baptiſt] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. 48 13 08 2 Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 0 17 07 Sir John Rouſe olim Patr. Charles Long Eſq; 1716. Prox. Archidiac. 25 12 06 Stratford St. Andrews R. Syn. Epiſc . iii s. { vis, viii d. The KIN.G. STunſtall R. [St. Michael] with Doningworth (St. Mary] Syn. 35 17 04 ? and Prox. ix s, 02 02 00 Wolfran Stubb S. T. P. 1688. Edmund Stubb 1722. Not in Charge. Bruſyard C. (St. Peter) I. 6 : 13.: 04 Certified Vol. Farnham C. (St. Mary] l. 15 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Glemham-magnaC.[All-Saints] l. 20 : 00 : 00 Certified Val.. North Glemham C. Rendham V. 1. 36 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Mr. Friar olim Propr. Seth Powell Eſq; 1713. Wanteſden C. (St. John Bap-31. 10: 00 : 00 Certified Val. tiſt] Biſhop of Ely Patr. D. *ALDEBURGH, --This in the original Record is called a Rectory. 14 00 06 x}.00 6.300 (] }o2 10 00 P"}! 454 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. SUFFOLK. D. Sampford, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUFFOLK. o2 02 II 00 10 13 04 ? Syn. V s. { id}or 03 06 in }or Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. I. s. d. Braham als Brantham (St. Michael] with Barholt als Eftber- 25 10 00 2 holt R. (St. Mary) Prox, and Syn. xi s. x d. William Cardinal Gent. olim Patr. Henry Parker Eſq; 1662, 1665, 1670. 13 18 04 Capells R. [St. Andrew] Syn. and Prox. ix s. vi di Redd. jjii d. oi oy 10 John Appleton Eſq; olim Patr. Oliver Johnſon Gent. 1682. Everwardton als Edwardſton R. [St. Mary] Proxies and OI OI 04 Sir Philip Parker olim Patr. Philip Parker Efq; 1686 II 03 09 Herkſted R. (St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. vii s. viii d. 01 02 047 John Oſborne Eſq; olim Patr. John and Peter Cocks Gent. 1697 33 09 07 Hintleſham R. [St. Nicholas] Syn, and Prox. xi s. vi d. Henry Timperley Eſq; 1709. Holbrooke [All Saints] . II II 03 ac. viii s. Retori Sutton vi s. 03 Orį Thomas Clinch Eſq; olim Patr. Sir Rob. Filmer Bart. 1694. Roydon R. [St.Mary) Redd. Domino Maner. xiii s. iii d. Ma- 14 Oo oo ner. Wenham parva iii s. Manerio Holton vid. Syn. Epiſc. For o8 oo ii s, inii d... Archidiac, vii de vi d. Mrs. Martha Skelton Widow 1682. Ralph Hewit Efq; 1702. Shotley R. (St. Mary] Syn. and Prox. ix s. iilid. Sir Anthony Felton olim Patr. Sir Thomas Felton Bart, 1708. 20 18 09 Sprowton R. [All-Saints] Prox. and Syn. ix s. vis. 02 01 101 Sir Anthony Felton olim Patr. Mr. Adam Felton 1690. 12 iz 06 Stutton R. (St. Peter) Prox, and Syn. ix s. vid. Redd. Ma- ner, iis. viii d. Joi 05 09 Mrs. Anne Jermy Widow 1683. 06 13 04 Tatingſton R. als Tadingſton (St. Mary] oo 13 04 Henry Stoneſtreet olim Patr. William Brand Gent. 1699. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Belſted-parva R. [St. Mary] Syn. Epiſc. xiii d. Prox. Archi- 49 14 II 2 diac. iiiis. 00 14 074 Thomas Bloſs Gent. 1720. 00 45 18 00 ŞBentley V. [St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Redd. Priori Stæ Trin.? Gippeſwich xii d. OO 12 037 Sir Lionel Talmacb olim Patr. Sir Anthony Dean Kt. 1697. Morgan Morgan Eſq; 1727. Chateſham V. [All-Saints and St. Margaret] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. 24 Ô7 08 mi d. Prox. Arcbidiac. vis, viii de 00 09 04 Eton College Propr. and Patr. Chelmun- 20 00 00 02 00 00 --301 . SUFFOLK. DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. 453 Boo 49 II OO 49 II 02 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, 1. di l. s. d. 46 02 08 Chelmundefton als Chempſton R. [St. Andrew] Prox. and} Ind}oo 00 17 00 The KING, 41 14 00 Copped hooke als Copdocke R. [St. Peter] Prox. and Syn, vis. 00 19 031 Mr.John Sherman olim Patr. William Palgrave Gent. 1714. 47 00 00 Freſton R. [St. Peter] Prox, and Syn ijii s. 00 12 09 Thomas Gooding Gent. olim Patr. Henry Johnſon Eſq; 1676. V. * St. . s Prox. Archidiac. ? vii s. viii d. 00 10 08 q. St. John's College, Cambridge. Holton R. [St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. xvi d. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 00 15 051 Fra. Mannock Eſq; olim Patr. Richard Snow Gent. 1708. Sir John W’illiams 1719. Stratford R. [St. Mary] Syn, and Prox. viï s. ii d. OI 06 oo The KI Ñ G, as Duke of Lancaſter. Waſhbrook V. [St. Mary] Syn. Epiſc. xii d. 00 16 08 Pri. Dartford olim Propr. Edmund Knapp-Gent. olim Patr. William Palgrave Gent. 1714. Prox. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. oo 17 04 Sir Fobn Wentworth olim Patr. Mr. Philip Parker and others 1684. 45 12 00 Wenham-parva R. Syn. xvid. Prox. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. 00 10 10 John Bruiſe Gent. olim Patr. William Browes Eſq; 1674. 44 10 02 Wherſted alias Querſted V. [St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. iiii s. 00 10 08 The KING. 34 13 00 vi s. viii d. 00 10 104 Ź Arthur Woolrich olim Patr. John Rouſe Eſq; 1709. John Tyllen Efq; 1722. Curacies. Burſtall C. (St. Mary] Felchurch C. Shelley C. [All-Saints] 44 08 06 Wenham-Combult als Magna R. [St. John] Syn. Epiſc. xvi d.}oo 17 04 45 12 00 , 1. S. d. d. OO 12 00 D. Southelinham, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUFFOLK. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. Re&tories, &c with their Patrons and Proprietors. 27 05 II Flixton V. (St. Mary] Mon. Flixton Propr. Sir John Taſburgh olim Patr. The- mas Merry Gent. 1695. 29 10 00 Homersfield R. (St. Mary] 00 IO OS Lady Dorothy North olim Patr. Mrs. Mary Le Grys Wi- dow 1693. Sandcroft * Higham V.-Augmented with the Parſonage Tythes by Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Smith 1684. Biſloop Ken- net's Caſe of Impropriations, P. 297. 456 DIOCESE of NORWICH. SUFFOLK. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. o oo op 00 16 00 00 12 00 Clear Yearly Value. . d. 40 10 00 Sandcroft R. als Sancroft (St. George] Sir John Taſburgh olim Patr. Mrs. Mary Le Grys Widow 1593. Southelmham All-Saints R. Dorothy North olim Patr. 41 10 00 Southelmham St. Nicholas R. John Tafburgh Efq; 1705. 38 12 in Southelmham St. James R. Sir John Taſburgh olim Patr. Baldwin Conyers Eſq; 1706. Southelmham St. Margaret's R. Dorothy North olim Patr. Mr. William Clayton and Jane Clayton Widow 1717. 19 10 00 Southelmham St. Michael's R. Earl of Arundel olim Patr. Richard Taſburgh Efq; (N.) 3.2 10 04 Southelmham St. Peter's R. Sir John Taſburgh olim Patr. - Mr. William Clayton and Jane Clayton Widow 1717. 00 16 oo 41 12 06 00 12 03Ź oo 09 09 00 16 00 3. Stow, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUDBURY. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. their 1. s Buxhall R. (St. Mary] Syn, Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. 05 02 00 00 . Mr. Henry Coppinger olim Patr. Mrs. Sarah Coppinger: ds { viis;}o2 Widow 170.9 ";}02 07 02 06 diac. vs. bi-}00 02 11 09 . Prox. Archidiac. vii s, vii d. Sir Nathaniel Bacon olim Patr. Orlando Bridgman Eſq; 1711, 1723 ŞOnhouſe R. [St. John Baptiſt) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archi-? 00 14.03 Sir John Deane olim Patr. John Pettiward Efq; 1708. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. ŞCreeting All Saints R. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac, vii s. 45 12 00 I Oo oo 2 viid. ob. Tho. Clench Eſq; olim Patr. Orlando Bridgman Eſq; 1706. 46 oo s Creeting St. Peter's R. Priori de Hey Abb. v s. Synods and OI OO 03 2 Prox, xi s. John Farnley olim Patr. Orlando Bridgmen Efq; 1706. ŞFinbarow-magna V. [St. Andrew] Syn. Epifc. ii s. Prox. Ar- 37 10 003 chidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. oo 10 01 Mon. Butteley Propr. Bilhop of Ely. Soo CO Finbarow parva V. (St. Mary). oo 13 04 King's College, Cambridge.. Halley V. als Haughley (St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. 64 10 CO. archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Redd. Domino Suff. xviid. O 15 II Mon. Hazles in Co. Glouceſtr. Propr. Mr. Pretiyman oliin Patr. Yohn Needhain Gent. 1702.. Halſton 301 }or १०० 10 011 co ܙ ܘܘ{ SUT OLE. DIOCESE OF. NORWICH. 457 1 Yearly Ferths. 1. a. oo 14 00 da s. Clear Yearlü Value, ... 27 14.08 Halſton R. als Harleſton., Mr. Richard Muſket olim Patr. John Gage Efq; 1708. S St. Mary's and Peter's in Stow V. als Stow-Market and Mr. Richard Horve olim Patr. Samuel Blackerby Efq; 1710: Newton near Stow V. (St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Ar- 48 Oo oo chidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Samuel Clarke Eſq; 1683. S Wetherden R. [St. Mary] Priorilla de Blackborow xxvi s. viiid. 49 10 00 { Syn. Epiſc: ii s. Prox. Archidiac, vii s, vii ob. The KING. 46 01 00:{St. tom. U pland, Somersedilje . Smith Pepe Aebiedi ariket, mind . 3o 47:30 00:{ riid.300 300 13:04 00 15 061 Shelland C. Geo, Turner olim Propr. . 3 1 ! 1. d. I. d. i dozo1 . 2. Sudbury, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUDBURY. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tentho. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 09 06 08 ŞActon V. [All Saints).. Penf. Priori de Hatfield Peverel vi s. viji d. Syn. Epiſc, ii s. ob. १०० 00 18 08 Prox, Archidiac. vii s. vii di Pri. Hatford Peverel in Elex Propr. Fra. Daniel. olim Patr. Samuel Alſton Efq; 1690." Mſ. Frojt. (this Turn) 1701. Mr. Charles-John Drew 1720, 10 13.04 { Syn. Epiſc. ii so $ Aldham R. [St. Mary] Priori Colme in Eſex xxvi s. vid. DI OI 04 Syn. Epifc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Sir Ed. Coke olim Patr, Mr. Horatio Walpole and Anne his Wife: 1693. ŞAlpheton R. als Alton, Prioriſ& de Dartford in Kent, vi s.? 10 01 08 viid. Syn. Epiſc. iis. Prox. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Mr. Allington olim Patr. John Crow Gent. 1667. Mrs. Mary Smith (this Turn) 1704. Richard Sparrow Gent. 1727. 12 16 101* viis. vii d. ob. SBILDESTON R. [St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiaci? 05 08% John Rivet Efq; olim Patr. William Rivet Efq; 1670. ŞBoxford R. [St. Mary] Syn. Epiſc. iii s. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. The KING Brentilleth als Combuft V. [St. Mary) Pens. Mon. Ozie Eſex 08 oo oo XX S. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Pri. St. Oſyth in Eſex Propr.' Mr. Samuel Colman olim Patr. · Richard Colman Gent, 1706. 11 03 112 vi s. viii d: Brettenham R. (St. Mary] Syn. Epifc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. O1 O2 04 The K ING. isi for OI 00 02 } viis.zo. 20 00 00 Oo oo lac.fo Nnn Bures 458 DIOCESE of NORWICH. SUFFOLK. King's Books. 1. d. . 16 00:{ { for 2 12 OR 30.00 oo S . . }o3 ry Benion Gent, 1716. Yearly Tenibs. di 12 16 001 s. vii d. ob. or 05 075 Colleg. de Stoke Propr. Mr. William Sydney olim Patr. Hen- (Cavendith R. [St. Maryſ Priori Hertford xxvi s. viii.d. Collegio 7 26 Oo oo Stoke. xxvi s. viii d. Syn. Epiſci , iii s. ijii d. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Mr. Brian Smith olim Patr. Maſter of Jeſus College, Cambridge, 1720. 08 09 09:Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. vis. viii d. [] . : The KING. Cockfield R. [St. Peter]:Syn. Epiſc. ï sw. Prox. Archidiac. viis. . vii d. ob. 03 00 00, Mr. Spring olim Patr. St. John's College, Cambridge, 1720. (P.j.) Corneth-parya als Cornard R. [All Saints] Collegio de Stoke 08.02 08 vi s. viii d. Collegio de Sudbury vi s. viii d. Priori Sti Bo- tolphi vi s. viii d. Priori de Hatfield Peverel ii s. iiïi d. Syn. '00. 16 031 Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. vi s.. Thomas Newman Gent. 1.720. Glemsforth als Glemsford. R.. [St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc.xii d. 30 Oo oo Prox. Archidiac. viis. viid. ob. Biſhop of Ely, 28 or 08 Growton R. [St. Bartholomew} Syn. Epiſc.ii's. Prox. Ar- chidiac, vi s viii d.. Mr. John Wintrop olim Patr. Thomas Waring Efq;:1703. SHADLEIGH R. + [St. Mary) Redd. vi.s. Prox. Archidiac. 45 02 OI IO 02 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Helmſet R. als Elmſeth (St. Peter] Mon. Sti Johannis Col- cheſter xxvi s. viii d. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Richard Glanvil 1668. 70%. Crane 1669. Stephen Coe. 1686. Richard Glanvil Eſq; Patr. 1720. Clare- Hall,, Cambridge 1726. Herteſtand Boxted R. [All-Saints] Penſ: Collegio de Stoke xiii :s.? 29 14. 02 { d iiii de. Syn. Epiſc. iili s. · Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 30.2 19 05. The KING. SHetcham als Heckham R. [All-Saints] Redd. Epiſc. Elien. füi's. 26. 13.04. Syn. Epiſc. iii s. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. 13 04 The KI.N.G. ŞLAVENHAM R. [St. Peter]Priori de Colme in Elſex.xls. "Syn. 20 02 II. 2. Epiſc. iiii s.,v d. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. 02 00 033 Thomas Skymere olim Patr. Sir Symonds D'Ewes Bart. 1710.. Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge, are Patrons by Purchaſe ſince 1710, Lawſhell * Bures St. Mary's V. — Augmented by William Martin of Lincoln's Inn Efq; with 40-l. per annum. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 340: # HADLEIGH-- is a Peculiar of the Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 303 oo oo 083 . jos . . }ot } X s. viii de 06 08 13 07 OI } oz iss}az ";}o2 5 "SUFFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. 459 King's Books. I. d. for { Murfelich bei Morbi elanie Red. Parieri Canterbury xiii difor for 07 10: 22 00 00 vii s-302 20 02 08:ŞLawſhell R. [All-Saints] Penf. Abb. Ramſey xxvi sviii d. Syn.402. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. Prox. Arcbidiaci vii s. viid. ob.. Epiſc. iii s. 02.00 03 Henry Drury Eſq; olim Patr. Thomas Lee Gent. 1704. ŞLeigham R. als Leyham (St. Andrew] Syn. Epiſc, ii s. Prox. 16.00-0712 Archidiac. vii s. vii d. 05. or 12 Henry Stapleton olim Patr.. John Hodges Eſq; 1690. Melford R. * Penf. Hofpitio de St, Saviours in Bury 1x s. Syn. 28 02.06 16 03 "Epiſc. ilii s. v d. Prox. Archidiac, vii s. vii d. ob. Sir John Cordell Bart. i6go. Mr. Firebrace Patr. 1720. SMilding als Milden R. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. 10 13 04 { vi s. viii d. OI 04 James Allington Eſq; olim Patr. William Rivet Efq; 1697. Miles Burket Clerk 1703. 13 18 115 Syn. and Prox, Epiſc. Cant. vi s. viii d. S Newton near SUDBURY R. [A1l-Saints] Syn. Epiſc . ii s. Prox. 17 03.09 OI 14 041 Archidiac, vii s. vii d. ob. Pens. Collegio de Stoke vi s. viiid. Maurice Barrowe Efq; olim Patr. Edward Alſton Gent. 1683. Thomas Alſton Eſq; -1722. S Poleſted R. [St. Mary] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 02 04 00 Benjamin Brand Gent, olim Patr. Charles Higgs Efq; 1700. Mr. Ja. Hargrave 1720. Mr. Guy Sindrey 1724. (p.j.) SPreſton V. (St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. 10 077 Robert Rice Gent. olim Patr. Emanuel College, Cambridge. S Semere R. [All Saints) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. II 07 OI 01 02 08 vii de ob. Benjamin Brand Gent. olim Patr. Elizabeth Cox Widow 1705. 16 17 01 Shimplingthorne R. (St. George] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. ili d. Prox. Archidiac, viis. vii d. ob. Zachariah Fiſk Gent. 1704. Mr. Thomas Fiſk 1722. 06 16 08 Somerton R. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac, v s. 00 13 08 Edward Cropley, Gent. olim Patr. Sir Francis Blundell Bart. 1699. Stanſted R. [St. James] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox, Archidiac. vi s, viii d. Mrs. Jane Allington olim Patr. Sir Robert Cordell 1666. Mr. Firebrace Patr. 1720. Edward Parfey Gent. (this Turn) 1720. (as ſuppos'd by Grant from Mr. Firebrace.) Stoke NAYLAND V. [St. Mary) Penſ: Priori de Horſeley xx s. 301 18 01 19 00 10 Syn. Epiſc. iiii s. v d. Prox. Archidiac, vii s. iii d. ob. Colleg. Stoke Propr. William Mannock Eſq; olim Patr. Mr. John White Clerk 1720. Sir John Williams Patr. 1723 Nnn 2 Thorpen Memorandum, there is another Melford charged in this Deanry, in the King's Books, by the Name of Melford-longa (Holy Trinity] Value thereof in the King's Books 231.63 18 d. the Tenths 2 1. 6 s. 8 d. which is ſuppos'd to be the ſame with Melford above ; and if ſo, it is charged by Miſtake, and ought not to remain in Charge : But + Munſellith alias Monks-Ely.--- is a Peculiar of the Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 05 06 002 vii d. ob. viisozoo 5.301 ] 3o. JOI 13 08: . Io oo oo for o oo oo **301 • * Melford. q 460 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. SUFFOLK. I. s. d. si 302 trebi - Ford 00.00 48 12 08 ! King's Books. Yearly Tent bs. d. 18 14 0653 Thorpe-Morieux R. (St. Mary) Redd. Prióri Sti Bartholomei? xiii s. iiii d. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac, vii s. vii d. ob. Frances Coleman Widow 1673. Mr. 70%. and John Spar- row (this Turn) 1701. John Riſby Eſq; 1720. S 21 06 08 Waldingfield-magna R. [St. Laurence] Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d, -ob. 02 08 Paul Powel olim Patr. Mrs. Catherine Clubb Widow 1711. 15 00 05 Whatfield R. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob.'on 10 00} Robert Rolfe olim Patr. James Harriſon Gent. 1703. 04 19 041 Wiſton V. [St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. · Prox. Archidiac, v s. 00 09 115 The KING 1720. (P.j.) Living's Diſcharged. ClearYearly Value: 47 10 00 00:Afington 2. st. Edmund] Syn. Epiſc.iis. Prox. Archi- Pri. Hatfield Peverel in Efex Propr. Nathaniel Gurdon S. T. P. 1691. Chilton R Syn. Épiſc. ii s.. Prox. Archidiac. vis. 00 10 07 Sir Robert Crane olim Patr. Lady Bellaſis 1691. Corneth alias Cornard-magna V. [St. Andrew] Syn. Epiſc.ii s. 39 10 003 Prox. Archidiac. vii s, 00:{ 18 oo Mon. Malling in Kent Propr. Thomas Hares olim Patr. John Aldred Efq; 1686. Edwardſton alias Edwarſtow V. (St. Mary] Syn. Epiſc. ii 39 11 00 2 Prox. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Mrs. Elizabeth Brand 1695. 49 II 00 5 Kettilbērſton R. (St. Mary] Portio Reatori de Monks Ely iiii s. ş? Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Archidiac, vii s. viid. ob. Mr. William Appleton olim Patr. William Leman Gent. 1711. Nawton alias Naulton R. (St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox, 44 II 00 Arcbidiac, vi s. viii d. Thomas Kemp Eſq; olim Patr. Earl of St. Albans and Tho- mas Jermyes Efq; 1676. Mr. Joſia Stebbin 1681. Ş . . 44 11 00 vi s. viii d. Sir John Higham olim Patr. William Pooley Eſq; 1672. Richard Phillips Eſq; 1726. SUDBURY All. Prox. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. :}oo og or Sir Thomas Eden olim Patr. John Littell Efq; 1719 Waldingfiefd-parva V. (St. Laurence) Syn. Epiſcis. Prox. 29 II 00 Archidiac, vis. viii d. Jof. Jackſon Gent. 1687, 1690. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Kerſey C. (St. Mary] King's College, Cambridge, Propr. Lindſey C. (St. Peter] King's College, Cambridge, Propr. Sudbury St. Gregory's c. Watteſham C. (St. Nicho!as] zoo *B01 06. 06.08 . }or І от об 20 II 0O şsunku na A.1-Saints V. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Prox. Arcbidiac.}oo s. }oo 09 10: 461 1.7.11. ] . Syn.Zor 05 093 09 15 Whelnetham-magna R. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d.ob. Syn. 300 19 06 SUFFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. D. Thed walter, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUDBURY. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. lo s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. l. d. 11 17 03 Bradfield Monks alias St. George R. Prox. Archidiac. vi s. { viii d. Syn. Epifc. ii. s. id. visi}o1 03 084 Sir Thomas Jermyn olim Patr. Sir Robert Davers. Bart. SBradfield St. Clare R. Prox. Archidiac. vis. viii d. Syn. Epiſc. 07 04.07 iis. id. (300 14 051 Sir Thomas Jermyn olim Patr. Wiffnive Efq; 1720. 16 17 OI Drykiſton R. [All-Saints] Prox, and Syn. ix s. viii d. ob. OI 13 08 Sir Arthur Ingram olim Patr. George Gooday Eſq; 1694. William Boſworth Clerk (this Turn) 169.5. Felſham R. alias Fotſham (St. Peter) Prox. Archidiac. vi s. 08 04 07 viï d. Syn, Epifc. ii s. id. Pens. Solut. Capelle Lynſey Yoo 16 051 į . Lynſeys vis. viii'd. William Risby Eſq; olim Patr. Mr. John Risby 1700. SHedgeſet R. [St. Ethelbert] Prox, Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Syn..? 1:2 17 II 01 05 09 Epiſc. ii s. id. Sir Edmund Bacon olim Patr. Robert Walpole Efq;: 1680. Thomas Lebeup Eſq; 1724, SLivermore-magna R. (St. Peter] Prox. Archidiac, vii s. vii d. 15 08 113 ob.. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. i d. OI 10 10 John Claxton Efq; olim Patr. Mrs. Phil. Claxton Widow 1681. Baptiſt Lee Efq; 1726. 20 00 02 Ratilſden R. (St. Nicholas] Prox, and Syn. ix s. ix d. ob. 02 00 00 Mr. Rivet olim Patr. William Pooley Eſq; 1671. . George Gooday Efq; 1711. Rougham R. [St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. id. Abb. de Bury ijii l. 02.07 10 Robert Drury Efq;:olim Patr. Clement Corrance Efq; 17ro. S'Staningfield R. alias Stanfield (St. Nicholas] Prox. Archidiac.? 08 00 viii dSynEpiſc. ii s. id 00 16 oo Robert Rookwood olim Patr. Thomas Ruſbrooke Gent, 1682. Tymworth R. (St. Andrew] Prox. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 09 17 11 Syn. Epiſc. ii s. id. Sir Nicholas Bacon. olim Patr.. Lord Cornwallis 1692. Charles Batteley Eſq; 1717 Sir Thoinas Fermyn olim Patr. Mrs. Margaret Brundiſha 1680. Thomas Folkes Efq; 1726.. 06 18 09 Wolpit R. [St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Syn.? DO 13 10 Epiſc. ii s, id. Mon. Bury vi s. viii di Sir Robert Gardiner oliin Patr. Charles Wood Eſq; 1715.- Livings viid.301 02: d.}oo 19 09: T + 462 SUFFOLK DIOCESE OF NORWIC H. 29 12 08 d. 11:{ Yn;}oo 150 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. Ampton R. [St. Peter) Prox and Syn. viii s. ix d. oo 10 021 William Whetell Eſq; olim Patr. Þames Calthorp Efq; 1692. S Barton-magna V. (Holy Innocents] Prox. Archidiac. vis. viii d. 39 10 11 от о63 Syn. Epiſc. ii s. id. Mrs. Cath. Audley olim Patr. Ro. Maltiward (this Turn) 1681. Mr. John Warren 1701. Thomas Folkes Eſq; 1723 . 29 IO II . 041 Mrs. Anne Warner 1697. 29 12 07 Bradfield Combuſt R. oo 09 11 Mr. Robert Cutler olim Patr. Benjamin Cutler Eſq; 1674. . vi s. 35 10 11 { viii d. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. id. Lady Elizabeib Kidſon olim Patr. John Harrington Gent. 1712. Fornham St. Martin R. Prox. Archidiac. vi s. vii d. Syn. 37 10 11}Epiſc. ii s. id, 15 01 Lady Elizabeth Kidſon olim Patr. Sir Thomas Gage Bart. 1711. 23 13 07. Gedding R. Prox, and Syn. viii s. ix d. 00 09 04 Robert Page olim Patr. Mr. Jer. Catlyn Clerk 1672. 41 10 II Epiſc. ii s, id. 00 04 Lady Anne Gardiner olim Patr. Sir Thomas Spring Bart. 1696. ŞRuſhbrooke R. [St. Nicholas] Prox. Archidiac, vi s. viii d. 39 10 11 1 Syn. Epiſc. ii s. i d. "}oo 16 013 Sir Thomas Jermyn olim Patr. Earl of St. Albans 1681. Sir Robert Davers 1722. Thurſton V. elias Throſton (St. Peter] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. 39 10 00 vii d. ob. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. id. OO 13 04 Mon. Bury Sti Edmundi Propr. Ro. Bright olim Patr. Henry Shelton Eſq; 1685. Toſtoke R. (St. Andrew] Prox. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Syn. 39 10 II Epifc. ii s. id. 00 12 10 Henry Lambe Efq; olim Patr. Sir Dudley North 1664. Lady North 1679. S Weſtow R. alias Weft-Stow (St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac, vi s. 39 10 II viii d. Syn. Epiſc. ii.s. id. 00 19 081 Sir John Crofts olim Patr. Edward Progers Eſq; 1708. Whelnetham-parva R. [St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. 35 10 11 ob. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. i d. 00 09 04 Sir Tboinas y ermyn olim Patr. Earl of St. Albans 1681, Mr. Batteley (N.) {Pakepiname st. Mary] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Syn zor Syn. 300 { viss}co SUBFOLK 463 DIOCESE OF NORWICH D. Chingo, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUDBURY. Yearly Tonths. 1. d. 02 06 114 s. OI 00 05 Livings remaining in Charge. Kings Books. 4 s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 23 og 091 Barrow R. [All Saints] Sir Clement Higham olim Patr. Mrs. Anne Quarles Widow 1685. St. John's College, Cambridge, (N.) * 10 04 02 vii s. vii dob. Syn. Epiſc. xx d. Sir Robert Drury olim Patr. John Riggs Gent. 1690. Chevington R. (All-Saints] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. 1 Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Lady Kidſon olim Patr. Counteſs of Rivers 1690. John Turner and Heigham Risby Gents. 1727. Flenton R. alias Flempton, alias Phlempton [St. Catherine] ProxArchidiac. v s. Syn. Epiſc. xx d. Lady Kidſon olim Patr. Sir William Gage Bart. Patr. 1720. S Fornham All-Saints R. united to Hengrave, Prox, Aribidiac. 19 10 05 { vii s.. vii d. ob. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Lady Kidſon olim Patr. Richard Pryme Gent. 1705. Mr. John Warren (this Turn) 1713. Sir William Gage Bart. { Broke yi . obias Sprocedente de Andrew) Prox. Archidiac. 3o. ob.for 16 03 09 12 043 05 Oo oo ܘܘ{ O IO 00 ine] 6.B01 oi 19 oo 1 Patr. 1720. 04 II 08 , . . Zoo visizor Hargrave R. Prox. Archidiac. vis, viii d. Syn. Epiſc. xx d. 00 09 02- Sir Robert Drury olim Patr. Sir Jo. Gregory Bart. 1672. John Turner Eſq; and Heigham Risby Gent. 1727. S Hengrave R. united to Flenton, Prox. Archidiac, vis, viii d. 09 07 OI Syn. Epiſc. ii s. 00 18 081 Mr. Jo. Coale Clerk 1667. Sir William Gage Bart. Patr. 1720. 1.1 16 10. vii d. ob. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. ŞHalſted R. alias Hawſted [All-Saints] Prox. Archidiac. vii si 01 03 08 Sir Robert Drury olim Patr. Sir Dudley Cullum Bart. 1690. 1720. (Horningchire alias Horningſhearth-magna R. [St. Leonard] 1.0. 17 087 Pens. Rettori 1xworthe vi s. viii d. Archidiac. vii s. viid. S01 01 097 ob. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. id. Hofpitular. Bury xxvi s. viii d. Sir Thomas Jermyn olim Patr. Mr. Ro. Sharpe 1683. Sir Symonds D’Ewes Patr. 1720. Sir Jermyn Davers Bart. 1725. Horningchire alias Horningſhearth-parva R. Deftrueta. Prox. 02 16 cois Archidiac. iii s. iii d. Syn. Epiſc. xx d. Põrtio Seller, de oo 05 07. Bury xjii s. y d. Sir Thomas Jermyn olim Patr. Mr. Ro. Sharpe 1683. Sir Symonds D’Ewes Patr. 1720. Sir Jermyn Daver's Bart. 1725. Lakeforth alias Lackford R. [St. Laurence] Prox, and Syn. 19 10 05 { ix s. viid. ob. I 19. og Lady Kidfon.olim Patr.. Sir William Gage Bart. 1714. Nawton 19 10 05 {L {. ] for 464 DIOCESE OF NORWICH. SUFFOLK. yearly -300 :4 . dipoo 17 01 King's Books. King's Books Yearly Tenths. 1. ch ŞNawton R. alias Noughton (St. Peter] Prox. Archidiac. vis. 05 19.04viii d. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Hofpitulario Bury xxvi s. viii d. 00 II II William Payne Gent. olim Patr. Sir Robert Davers 1720. Riſby R. [St. Giles] Prox. Archidiac. vii s. viid. ob. 19 10 05 2 Epiſc. ii s. $for 19 00 Lady Kidſon olim Patr. Mr. Thomas Mariot jun. 1680. John Luckin Gent. 1720. :11 13 11 Saxham-magna R. [St. Andrew:] Archidiac. xi s. i d. ob. Syn. or 03 041 Jobn Eldred Efq; olim Patr. Thomas Lee fen. Efq;, 1686. 08 11 0573 S Saxham-parva R. (St. Nicholas] Prox. Archidiac. vis. viii d. { Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Sir John Crofts olim Patr. · Mr. William Crofts 1692. An- thony Crofts Efq;. 1720. Weſtley R. (St. Thomas Becket] Redd. iii d. Prox. Archi- 09 15 05 diac, ix s. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Lady Kidſon olim Patr. 70. Latham ſen. Clerk (this Turn) 1705. Sir William Gage Bart. Patr. 1720. 14 0.4 02 Whepíted R. Prox. Archidiac. vii s. iii d. ob... Syn. Epiſc. ii s. oi 08:05 Sir Robert Drury olim Patr. Charles Wood Eſq; 1711«. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 34 II 00 Ickworth R. alias Ekeworth Prox. and Syn, viñ s. viii d. 00 15 011 Earl of Briſtol 1720. Rede R. [All-Saints] Prox. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. 'Synods 44 II OO 2 Epiſc. ii s. 00 05 091 The KING. Not in Charge. BURY ST. EDMUNDS--has two Churches, viz. St. Mary and All-Saints, The Curates are choſen by the Corporation, and have about 60 l. per Ann, each. Arebi za 19.06 {Zoo D. Wapnford alias Wangford, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUFFOLK. Yearly Tenths. 1. di OI 10.08 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. I. . s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 15 06 08 · Barſham R. (Holy Trinity] Sir John Lee olim Patr. George Brame Gent. 1673. Ro. Suckling Eſq; 1714: 21 12 031 BECKLES R. (St. Michael] Syn. and Prox, xvii s. iiii d. William Read Eſq; and Sir Robert Yallop dim Patr, John Elmy jun. 1715. 08 13 04 liketſhall St. John's V. The KING. Mon. Bungay Propr. 02 03 02 00 17 04 Ringfield * Ilketfrall St. John's is not in Charge with the Auditor. 2. SUFFOLK. DIOCESE of NORWICH. 465 12 00 oo nes}} / { King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. d. SRingfield (All-Saints) with Redſham-parva R. (St. James] { Syn, and Prox. xvis, v d. QI 04 00 Sir John Duke olim Patr. Philip Prime fen. 1708. 12 00 oo Worlingham R. [All Saints] 01 04 00 The KING. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Pearly Value. 21 15 00 BINGEY alias Bungay St. Trinity V. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. iii d. 00 16 00 Mon. Bungay Propr. Biſhop of Ely. 06 01 04 Endegate R. (St. Mary) Syn. and Prox. vis. oo 14 08 The KING. Ilketſhall . Prox. Archidiac. 36 12 00 vis. ix d. oo Il 04 Mr. Thomas Howard 1685. Ilketſhall St. Margaret's V. Syn. Epiſc. iii s. Prox. Arcbidiac. 27 11 04 vii s. ii d. 00 II 041 Earl of Arundel olim Patr. Mon. Bungay Propr. Uni- verſity Cambridge. S.Metingham V. [All-Saints] Syn. Epiſc. ii s, vid. Prox. Ar-? .chidiac. viis. vid. 13 08 Mon. Bungay Propr. Sir Edmund Bacon olim Patr. Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt Widow 1694. S'Northcove R. (St. Botolph] Syn. Epiſc. xviii d. Prox, Archi- 48 08 10 diac, vii s. vid. The KING. ŞShadingfield R. [St. John Baptift] Syn. Epiſc. iii s. Prox.? Archidiac, viis, vi d. 04 00 Earl of Suffolk 1688. 36 oo oo S Shipmedowe R. (St. Bartholomew] Prox. Archidiac. vi Syn. Epiſc. ii s. Sir Thomas Lee olim Patr. Ro. Suckling Eſq; 1688. 44 10 05 Saterley R. [St. Margaret] Syn. and Prox, viii s, iii di Sir Thomas Playters olim Patr. Sir John Playters Bart. 1678, 1727. 46 08-07 Weſton R. (St. Peter] Syn, and Prox. viii s. i d. 01 06 08 The KING. 35 01 10 Willingham All-Saints alias Ellow R. Syn, and Prox. vii s. id. oi 04 00 Sir Tbo. Playters olim Patr. John Playters Efq; 17.11. SWillingham St. Mary's R. Syn. Epiſc. xviii d. "Próx. Archi- 23 oo oo 2 diac. vi s. viii.d. null. Eccleſia bic. 13 04 The KING Curacies. Bungay St. Mary's Cur. l. 15 : 00 : 00 Certified Val: Bungay St. Thomas Cur. Cove St. Peter's Cur. Ilketſhall St. Laurence Cur. l. 5: 12 : 04 Certified' Val. Redſham-magna Cur. 1. 8: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Ooo D. 00 00 29 11 04 . . . } for . : ii . 301 { viszor 38. 17.06 00 0 o oo oo 466 DIOCESE of NORWICH. SUFFOLK 1. d. 2. OI 12 00 43 04 08 Joo D. Wilford, in the Arch-Deaconry of SUFFOLK. Livings remaining in. Charge: King's Books. Yearly Tenible Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. St. -iiii . 14 18 04 Pri. Sanet & Fidis iii s. Sir James Bacon pro duabus vicib, olim Patr. The Biſhop of Norwich has every third Turn. Hugh Chamberler M. D. 1707, 1727. 12 16 08 Holleſy R. (All-Saints) Prox. and Syn, x s. üd. or 05 08 Sir Michael Stanbope olim Patr. Sir Cæfar Cranmer Knt. and Thomas Webb Efq; 1701. 16 oo oo Kettleborough R. (St. Andrew] Earl of Suffolk olim Patr. foln Maddox Gent. 1696. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Bawdſey V. St. Mary) 20 13 04 The KING. Mon. Butteley Propr. Bradfield V. (St. Andrew] Penſ. Mon. Butteley xii s. ix.d. 46 01 06 Mon. Campſey.iii s. iid. Syn.iis. Redd. Prioriſé Camp- yoo 08. 05 Sey v d. Manerio ilii d. The KING. Mon. Eye Propr. 26 00 00 Bromeſwell R. [St. Edmund] Prox. and Syn. xi s. vñ d. oo og 06 Earl of Suffolk 1708. 48 JI OQ S Dalinghoe R. (St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. ix s. iiü d. Priori? I 06 08 Bromebam iii s. Sir Anthony Wingfield olim Patr. Sir Henry Wingfeld 1675. William Churchill Eſq; (this Turn) 1708. 23 00 00 Lowdham (Deſtrueta) with Pitiſtre V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] 00 oo oo The KING. Mon. Campſey Propr. Melton R. [St. Andrew] Precentor. Ely x s. Pri. Eye 18 08 Domino Willoughby xiiii d. Prox, and Syn. ix s. Dean and Chapter of Ely. 22 12 081 Shoteſham R. [St. Margaret] Prox. and Syn. ix sa im d. od og 071 Will. Stebbing Gent. olim Patr. Charles Burwell Gent. 1693. Sutton V. (All-Saints] Prox. Archidiac. vïs. vide Epifc. iii s. 24 05 00 00 16 02 025 Mon. Eye Propr. Sir John Roufe Bart. 1702. 48 03 08 ŞUfford R. [St. Mary) Syn. Epiſc. ii s. viï d. Prox. Arcbidiac. 00 16 06 vii s. iiii da Capella Seyenhoe xx s. Sir Michael Stanlope olim Patr. Mrs. Suſan Lufkin Widow 1678. WICKHAM-MARKET V. [All-Saints] Prox. and Syn. ii s. 00 13 08 The KING. Mon. Campſey Propr. Butley Cur. (St. John Baptiſt) \. 13 : 00 : 00 Certified Wal. Ramtholt Cur. (All-Saints] b. 13 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Dioceſe 47 19 08 { . Pri. Eye & Zoo {.väs, . 300 22 00 00 OXFORD DIOCESE OF OXFORD 467 B 381 11 03 B Formerly part of the See of Lincoln. Dioceſe of Orford. King's Books. Yearly Tenthr, 1. d. 1. & ISHOPRIC of Oxford * 38 03 04 The Cathedral Church. (CHRIST-CHURCH.) The Deanry and eight Canonries of this Church, including two Profeſſors, viz. of Divinity and Hebrew, are all in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. - 71 -07 02 077 Biſhop of Oxford. Alfred was the firſt Arch-Deacon 1092. Le Neve, p. 165. The ſeveral Livings following are not in Charge for Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. N. B. The Firſt-Fruits and Tenths of the following Bene- fices, are diſcharged by Ad of Parliament 27° Henry VIII. exempting both Univerſities from thoſe Payments, but the Values and Tenths are inſerted here as they formerly paid. All-Saints + incorporated into one Collegiate Church, with the 00 10 08 College of Lincoln. St. Mildred's Pariſh is united to this. Lincoln College, Oxford. 541 S St. Aldat R. in Oxford, Pens. Epiſc. Lincoln xiii s. ijii d. Clear Value. { Prox. vi s. viii d. 00 17 04 Pembroke College, Oxford. Binſey Donative [St. Margaret] with the Chapel of St. Mary Magdalen Pri. Stæ Frideſwid olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Cbrift- Church Patr. St. Clement in Oxford (non in Onere) The KIN.G. 71. Ebba R, in Oxford Prox. xviii d. 00 06 06 Clear Value. The KING S St. Giles V. cum iol. 10 s. Capella Beatæ Mariæ, Repriz. ix s. xd. Abb. Godftowe Propr. St. John's College, Oxford. St. John Baptiſt Cur. (Merton-College Chapel is the Pariſh Church here) St. * This See was Erected firſt by King Henry VIII. and placed at Oſeney, as appears by the Letters Patent of Erection, dated September 1. 1542. See Rymer. Vol. XIV. p. 754. See likewiſe a Grant made to the Biſhop, upon the Removal of the See to Oxford, dated June 9. 1545: 37 Henry VIII. Rymer, Vol. XV. P. 75. [The Charter of Foundation of the Biſhoprick of Oxford now ſublifting, is dated 4 November, 38 Hen Vul.) In the printed Catalogue of Manuſcripts in the Bodleian Library, P. 290. N° 6457: 45. A Copy of an Act of Parliament 27 Henry VIII. 1545. exempting the two Univerfities from Firſt-Fruits and Tentbs, exem- plified 29 Jauuary, 80 Eliz. in Cur. Cancellar. Vid. 1 Eliz. cap. 4. Sect. 34. See Burnei's Ref. p. 339. Hift. & Ant. Oxon. p. 281. + All-Saints -Augmented by Lord Crew, Biſhop of Durham, with 10 l. per Annum. id.}.00 200 II 045 Soo 07 101 Clear Value. 000 2 468 DIOCES E of OXFORD. OXFORD King's Books. lo d. 16). Clear Valve d.}oo 00 12 00 35 l. Clear Value. 16 1. Clear Value. Yearly Tentos 1. d. St. Martin alias Carfax in Oxford R. Prox. and Syn. vi s. viiid. 00 16 01 The KING. Mary Magdalen in Oxford V. Redd. Abb. Ofeney xxvi s, viii 2 Penf. Guardian. Ecclefiæ xvi s. viii d. Abb. Oſeney Propr. Dean and Canons of Cbrift-Church, Oxford. Virgin Mary in Oxford, V. 00 10 05 Oriel College, Oxford. St. Michael's * incorporated into one Collegiate Church, with the College of Lincoli). Newland R. no ſuch Place. Chancellor of Oxford. St. Peter's Le Bay ley R. Prox. and Syn. vis. vijid. 00 07 05 The KING. St. Peter's in the Eaſt V. with Wolvercote [St. Pecer) (22.1. 01 06 02 clear Value.) and Halliwell (Holy Croſs] (16 l. clear Value.) Prox. xi s. viii d. Merton College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. St. Thomas Cur, in Suburbiis. Abb. Ofeney Propr. Chriſt-Church College, Oxon. 12 1. Clear Value Values D. Alon. 1. S. d. 02:{A rox. 301 *** Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 11 00 021 S Amington alias Emington R. [St. Nicholas] Syn. and Prox. ix s. vii d. ob. qa. 02 001 781. CertifiedValue. Sir Henry Aſhurſt Bart. 1695. 18 16 00 Baldwin Brightwell R. (St. Bartholomew] Syn. and Prox. x s. for 17073 2 vii d. ob. Jo. Stone Efq; 1704. об 19 02 Britwell-Salham R. (St. Nicholas] Syn. and Prox. xviii d. 00 13 II The Reverend Mr. James Stopes Clerk. Chalgrove V. [St. Mary] cum Cap. Berwick, Syn. and Prox. 10 05 05 vii s. viii d. Penf. Abb. Thame xxxvi s. Abb. Thame Propr. Dean and Chapter of Oxford. s Chinnor R. [St. Andrew] Syn. and Prox. X s. viii d. ob. Priori? 02 12 co; Wallingford ix s. Mrs. Dorothy Nelſon 1698. The Advowſon is lately pur- chas'd by John Huggins Efq; (as is ſaid.) 07 09 091 Crowell R. (St. Mary) Syn. and Prox. x s. vii d. ob. OO 14 II Lady Catherine Wenman Viſcounteſs Tuam 1695. 09 10 05 Cuxham R. (Holy Rood] Syn, and Prox, xs. vii d. ob. 00 19 00 70 1.00 s. od. Merton-College, Oxford. Certified Value. St. Michael's -Augmented by Lord Crew, Biſhop of Durbam, with 10 l. per Annum. { for 00 06: 26 00 05 - OXFORD. · DIOCESE OF OXFORD. 469 l. So { ?? 09 02 06 *si31 20 00 00 02 00 00 King's Books. Pearly Tenths. d. 1. $. d. Ewelme R. [St. Mary] vulgo Newelme, Syn, and Prox. X s. 21 10 05 vii d. ob. (annex'd to the Regius Profeſſor of Divinity, Ox- $02 03 005 ford. SPirton V. [St. Mary) (cum Cap. Standell deſtructa.) Syn. and 17 09 04Prox. x's . vii d. ob. go Or 14 1 Mon. Norton in Cheſhire Propr. Dean and Canons of Cbrit-Church, Oxford. Southweſton R. (St. Laurence] Syn. and Prox, x s. vii d.ob. 00 18 03 Queen's-College, Oxford. S Stoke-Stalmage R. [St. Mary Magdalen] Syn, and Prox. x s. 12 17 01 vii d. ob. 05 08 Thomas, Parker Eſq; Patr. 1720. P.an iii ob. 82 12 03Seneſcballo xiii s. iiii d. Vicario viii l. 08 02 02 11 10 Warpſgrave R. [St. James] Syn. and Prox xviii d. 00 05 02 + Mrs. Grace Shepheard 1680. Thomas Shepheard Eſq; 1719. 09 10 10. Whitfield R. Syn. and Prox. x s. vii d. ob. 00 19 01 Sir Thomas Tipping Bart. 1709. Hoſp. de Ewelme. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value 40 00 00 Adwell R. (St. Mary] Penf. Collegio Windſor, vi s. viïi d. 00 09 043 John Newell Efq; 1705. William Newell Clerk preſented 1729. SAſton-Rowant V. with the Chapel of Stokenchurch [St. Pe- 49 05 04 OI 13 10 ter and St. Paul] Syn. and Prox. iii s. Priori Wallingford v s. The KING. 'Abb. Sti Albani, 35 18 oo Eaſington R. (St. Peter] Syn, and Prox. xviii d. 00 09 03 Biſhop of Lincoln. 50 00.00 Ibeſton R. [St. Nicholas) Syn. and Prox. X s. vid. ob. 00 18 11 Merton-College, Oxford. 46 07 oo S Lewkenor V. (St. Margaret] (cum Cap. More alias Ackham. ſtead) Syn. and Prox, iii s. 01 03 08 All-Sou's College, Oxford, Patr. SShirborne V. alias Shereborne [All-Saints] Syn, and Prox. 27 00 00 OI OI online Mon. Dorcheſter Propr. Thomas Lord Parker, Lord Chan- cellor of Great Britain, in his own Right 1720. THAME V. * [St. Mary) with the Chapels of Towſey in Co.? 43 00 00 Bucks (St. Catherine] Sidenham [St. Mary) and Tetſworth for 16 og in Co. Oxon [St. Giles) Lord Wenman Impropriator. 37 04 00 WATLINGTON V. (St. Leonard] OI 04 Co. Abb. Oſeney Propr. Thomas Stoner Efq; 1711. Chapels. North-Weſton Chap. Ricote [St. Michael and All-Angels] Chap. formerly to Haſeley. D. * THAME V.--This Living is in ſome reſpects under the Juriſdiction of the Church of Lincoln. Some Incumbents have been inſtituted by the Biſhop of Lincoln ; and others have been inſtituted by the Biſhop of Oxford. :31 "}01 03 fore ] , 470 DIOCESE of OXFORD, OXFORD. 1. 5. 1. s. d. 13 16 00:{] . . xiüi d x;}or d. 302 3. Burceſtez: Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tonths, d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 05 12 081 Ardeley R. [St. Mary] Prox, and Syn. x s. viï d. OO II 03 John Parron Gent. 1707. Geo. Townſend Efq; Patr. 1726. 12 09 0474 Syn. X s. viii d. Blechingdon R. [St. Giles] Abb. Ofeney vi s. viiid. Prox. and and for 04 11: Queen's College, Oxford. S Bucknell R. [St. Mary 9.] Penf. Abb. Ofeney xïïi s. iiii d. Prox. OI 07 075 and Syn. X-s. vili d. New-College, Oxford. 21 09 047{ ChBromur le Charterbouſe in Shene xil s. Charleton upon Otmere R. [St. Mary] Prox, and Syn. * s. viii d. 02 02 11 Queen's-College, Oxford. 08 og 041 Finmore R. [St. Michael] Prox. and Syn Arcbidiat. X s. viï d. 0016 117 John Chaplin Gent. 1704. 12 16 00, Fringford R. (St. Michael] Prox.and Syn. X s. viii d. OI 05 073 Lord Brooke 1597. o7 18 09 Goddington R. (Holy Trinity] Prox. and Syn. viii s. od'15 10 Corpus-Chriſti College, Oxford. 06 02 08 Hampton-Poyle R. [Sf. Mary] Prox. and Syn. x.s. viii d. DO 12 037 Queen's-College, Oxford. Hayford at the Bridge alias Heyford-Purcell R. (St. Mary]7 Prox. and Syn. X s. vii d. Epiſc. Linc. pro Penf. ii s. Ar I 01 03 chidiac. Oxon iro Penf. xiid. Abb. Eynſham xx s. Corpus-Coriſti College; Oxford, 13 16 00:ŞHayford-Warren R: [St. Mary]' Prox, and Syn. X s. vüi d. d}or 07 07: Abb. Oſeney xiii s. iiii d. New-College, Oxford. 07 09 041 Hethe R. (St. George and St.Edward] Prox. and Syn. x s. viii d. 00 14 111 The KING, 16 13 061 Illip R. (St. Nicholas] Prox, and Syn, x s. viii d. OI 13 045 Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. Langton alias Launton R. [St. Mary] Abb. Weſton. xxvi s. 01 02 111 II 09.045 viii d. Prox, and Syn. x s. viii d. Biſhop of London 1695, 1901, 1720. 08 og 041 Lillingſtone-Lovell R. [St. Mary] · Prox. and Syn. x s. viii d. 00 16 11 The KING 12 16 001 Middleton-Stoney R. [All Saints] Prox. and Syn. x s. viii d. oi 05 077 Billiop of Lincoln. 15 09 041 Mixbury R. [All-Saints] Prox. and Syn. x s. viii d. OI 10 11 Biſhop of Rocheſter Patr. 03 15 05 Newton Pricel alias Purcel (St. Michael] oo 07 06 Samuel Trotman Eſq; 1705, 1720. 04 Oo oo Shelliswell R. (St. Ebbe] 00 O8 oo Samuel Trotman Eſq; 1705, 1720. ] , 01 05 07 Trinity-College, Oxford, Patr. Somerton for is for SME 12 16 00:{Odinga ton upon Otmere R. (St. Andrew] Prox. and Syn. x s. xszor OXFORD, DIOCESE of OXFR D. 471 10 { 5 Somerton R. [St. James] Prox. and Syn. x s. vii d. Abb. for 00 02: 15 Or 10 11 09 047] or 03 09 OD 12 00 45 06 08 48 05 06 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. S. d. 1. s. d. I 00 02 Ofeney vii s. vid. Bridget Lille, Fran. Liſle and Mary Poarne preſented 1724. Mr. Farmer Patr. 1725. Soulderne R. (St. Mary] Decano Colleg. de Frediſwid. Oxon ii s. 08 14 02 .00 17 05 Abb. Eynſham liiis, iiii d. Prox. and Syn. x s. vii d. ob. qa. St. John's College, Cambridge. Windlebury R. alias Wendylbury (St. Giles] Prox. and Syn. Por 02 114 Dean and Canons of Chrif-Church, Oxford. (N.) Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Valo. 42 05 03 Ambroſden V. [St. Mary) Prox, and Syn. iii s. Convent de Bonbommes de Afberuge in Co. Bucks Propr. Sir John Glynn Bart. 1719, 49 00 00 BURCESTER V. vulgo Bíſter (St. Edburgh) oo Pri. Burceſter Propr. Sir John Glynn Bart. 1719. Cheſterton V. * [St. Mary] Prox. and Syn, x s. viii d. 00 14 10 Bonbom. de Alberuge in Bucks Propr. New-College, Ox- ford. Cottisford R. (St. Mary] oo 13 04 Eton-College. 5 Curtlington alias Kirtlington V. (St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. Of 12 II 24 13 04 ? x s. viii d. Pri. de Charterhouſe juxta Warwick Propr. St. John's- College, Oxford. Fritwell V. (St. Olave] Prox. and Syn. x s. viii d. 00 14 JIH Decan.& Canonici Regii Coll. Oxon Propr. Samuel Jones Eſq; 1703, 1711. 19 13 04 Hardwick R. (St. Mary] Mr. James Former 1709. Marton V. alias Merton prope Ambroſden † [St. Swithin] oo 16 oo Abb. Eynſham olim Propr. Exeter-College, Patr. and Impr. 41 09 08 SPidington Cur. [St. Nicholas) This was taken out of Am- < Boo broſden. 37 08 10 Stoke-Lyn V. [St. Peter) Mon. Notley Propr. Charles Holt Efq; 1705. 15 00 00. Tofrere R. (Ecclef. Deftru&ta.). oo Q6 06 Mrs. Helen Färmer Widow 1704. 28: Oo oo Weſton on the Green V. (St. Mary] Mon. Oſeney Propr. Mr. Bertie. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Blackthorn Chap. (Deftru&ta.) Hampton- • Cbefterfon. - Poſlibly the Alienation of Tythes from this Parochial Church might occaſion one of the firſt Vicarages in England, if we believe the Report of common Lawyers ; for Mr. Noy urging the Antiquity of Vicarages in this Kingdom, that they were before the Time of K. Jahn, ſays, ' That in Oxfordſhire thei e were four Vicarages before his Reign. Biſhop Kennet's Par. Antig. p. 91. + Merton alias Merfton prope Ambrosden.-The Appropriation and Advowfon thereof given to Exeter-Col. lege. . Kennet's Par. Antig. p. 671. 34 08 08 oo Iooo 12. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 472 DIOCESE of OXFORD. OXFORD. Hampton-Gay Cur. (St. Giles] John Mindes Efg; Patr. Propr. Stratton-Audley Cur. [St. Mary] Chriſt Churcb, Oxford, Patr. "- D. Chipping-Nozton. s. d. d. 18.00 691. vii do ob.qa. { ob.qa ü d.}o1 *03 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. 1 Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors.', Year's . Tentbr . Charlebury V. (St. Mary) with Chadlington Cur. (St. Mary:] 25 05 10 and Shorthampton Cur.[All-Saints] Abb. Eynſham xx s. Prox. 02 10 07 and Syn. vii s. vii d.ob.qq.com Abb. Eynbam Propr. St. John's College, Oxon, Patr. Mrs. Frances Saunder Widow 1696. Chafleton R. . Oſeney xls. Mr. Thomas Greenwood 1715. 07.11 101 Haythorpe R. [St. Nicholas) Prox. and Syn. ix s. viii d. 00 15 02 Earl of Plymouth preſented 1722 The Duke of Shrewf- CertifiedValue. bury (C.) 17 11 08 SKingham alias Kinkham R; [St. Andrew] Prox: and Syn, x s. 2 01 15 02 Mrs. Elizabeth Dowdeſwell Widow 1711. 16. 09 04:5 Rolleright-magna R. [St. Andrew] Prox. and Syn. x s. vii d. 2 OI 12 12 Brazen-Noſe College, Oxford, 09 11 03 Salford R. (St. Mary]. Prox, and Syn. ix s. viii d. JOO 19 ore Mr. Maichew Goodwin Clerk 1710. Sareſden R. alias Sarſton, Abb. Eynſham xii s. iliid. Prox, and Syn. ix s. viii d. 00 17 og Sir John Walter and Ro. Walter Eſq; 1721. 39 06 03 ŞShipton under Wichwood R. or P. , Annex'd to the Profeſſorſhip of Civil Law in Oxford, by Act of Parliament 1617. S Shipton under Wichwood V. [St. Mary) In this Pariſh is the gol Chapel of Le Field, (founded by Sir Henry Unton, April 1, CertifiedValue. Prebendary thereof. 09 08 09 Spilleſbury V. [All-Saints] Prox. and Syn. X's, vii d. ob. qa. 00 18 105 Colleg. de Warwick Projr. Dean and Chapter of Oxford. CertifiedValue. 15.07.01 Swarford R. (St. Mary] 01 10 08 Richard Brideoke Eſq; 1691. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Valur 46 II 08 CHIPPING-NORTON V. (St. Mary] 01 00 08 Abb. Glouceſter Propr. The Church of Glouceſter. Churchill V. (All-Saints] Prox, and Syn, x s. vii d. ob. qa. 00 15 073 Decan. & Socii Collegii Regalis Henr. oslavi Propr. Sir John Walter (N.) Cornwell 08 18 01:] {shi vii d.ob.qa. 16 oo oo 32 Eliz.) 501 ¿ 14 I 08 OXFORD. DIOCESE of OXFORD. 473 s. d. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Textbs 1. d. I. 45 Oo oo Cornwell R. Prox. and Syn. x s. vii d. ob. qa. Abb. Ofeney v s. 00 14 05 The K ING. 36 oo oo Enſton V. [St. Kenelm} Prox. and Syn. x s. vii d. ob.qa. 00 19 057 Abb. Winchcomb in Glouceſter Propr. Lord Lichfield 1708. 43 Oo oo Rolleright-parva R. Abb. Eynſham x s. Prox. ïïi s. iii d. 00 10 08 Nathaniel Booth and Percival Hart Eſqs; 1700. Not in Charge. Aſcot under Wichwood Cur. 31. 18 : 06 : 08 Certified Val . Fyfield Cur. [St. John Baptiſt] Chancellor of the Church of Sarum Patr. Hooknorton Cur. [St. Peter] Biſhop of Oxford Patr. Idbury Cur. [St. Nicholas] Chancellor of the Church of Sarun. D. Cuddeldon. 06 08 013p. 326 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenthoa 1 d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. to s. d. 09 02 08:{Albury , alias Albere R. [St. Mary] Syn. and Prox. X s. * ";} 00 18 63 Earl of Abingdon 1711. 08 oo oo Beckley V.*[St. Mary] with a Chapel at Horton formerly, { and now at Stodeley .}oo 16.00 Pri. Stodeley Propr. Chrift-Church College, Oxford. Cuddeſdon V. (All-Saints] with the Chapel of Wheatley (St. 17 00 05 ? Mary] Syn. and Prox. x s. vii d. ob. (for 14.00; Annex'd to the Biſhopric of Oxford. Ellisfied. + [St. Thomas Becket 4:] Vid. Paroch. Antiq.} Boos 00 12 09 ; Pri. Stæ Frideſwide Oxon. Propr. Lord Guilford. Colle- 14 19 og 3 Garfington R. [Șt. Mary] Syn. and Prox. x s. vii d. ob. oi gio Reginæ vl. Trinity College, Oxford. They make over their Right to ſome Perſon, who preſents the Preſident to it. 30 00 00 Hafely R. I [St. Peter] Annex'd to the Deanry of Windfor: 12 19 02 Holton R. [St. Bartholomew] Syn, and Prox. x s. vii d. ob. OI 05 II Thomas Whorwood Efq; 1702, 1724. March-Balden R. [St. Peter] CO 13 04 Mr. Ralph Freeman (this Turn) 1676. :PP? Milton- Beckley V. - This is ſerved for 111. 10 s. per annum, being an Impropriation, as by Letter from the Revd. Mr. Watkins, Minifter there, dated February 20, 1718. Note, This has not been certified into the Ex- chequer, or to the Gover nours of Queen Anne's Bounty.--And it is now in 1741 ſerved for 8 1 a Year. + Ellisfield V. Note, This is certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the Yearly Value of 20 1. Vide State of the Bounty, zd Edit. p. 227. + Hafeley. Annex'd to the Deanry of Windſor, per Aftum Parl. 5o Anne. 1 09 114 03 00 00 06 13 04 474 DIOCESE of OXFORD; OXFORD. 3. 1 *sofor 10 CO 10 OI 00 OI King's Books, Pearly Tentbs. 1. d. 1. do 24 Oo oo Milton-Maner P. * in the Church of Liacoln. 02 08 oo The Biſhop of Lincoln Patr. 33 18 06 Milton Ecclefia P. or R. 03 07 10 Biſhop of Lincoln. 15 00 co Great-Milton V. (St. Mary) There is a Chapel at Afcot in this ox 10 OG Pariſh Richard Carter Efq; preſented 1723, 1729. 15 06 003 . Abb. Abbingdon < Newenham-Courtney R. [All-Saints) Syn. and Prox, x's. : 01 10 07* Lord Harcourt 1714. 18 13 04 Newingto:. R. T with. Britwell-Priors Chappel. OI 17 04 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 16 09 0411 vii d. ob, ŞStanten St. Jakin's R. [St. John Baptift]. Syn. and Prox. X.s. oi 12 117 New-College, Oxford. 10 16 001 Waterſtock R. (St. Leonard] Syn. and Prox. x s. vii d. ob. OI OI 077 Sir George Coke Knt, Woodeyton R. (Holy Rood] Syn. and Prox. x s. vii d.ob. 70. Nourſe Eſq; 1.795 Ş Yefley alias Eyfley. V. I [St. Mary] only a Curacy, (annex'd to o&º oo oo 00 16 00. the Arch-Deaconry of Oxford.) Arch-Deacon of Oxford Propr. and Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearh Value.. 26 00 00 Marſton prope Oxon V. [St. Nicholas) Oo oo oo Pri. Stæ Frideſwida Propr. 42 00 oo Noke R. [St. Giles] Synand Prox. üi s. ii d.ob.qa. 00 15 11 Dutcheſs of Marlborough Patr. 1726. Waterperry V. (St. Mary] oo 16 or Mon. Ojeney Propr. Sir John Gurfon Bart, 1682. Thomas Rowney Erq; 1716. Not in Charge. Cowley Cur. [St. James] Dean and Canons of Chriſt- Church, Culham V. (St. Paul] Abbey of Abbingdon olim Propr. Biſhop of Oxford Patr. Forreſthill Cur. [St. Nicholas] 1. 25 : 00 : 00 Clear Val. Mon.Ofeney Propr. Mr. Fra..Heywood. Propr. and Patr. Horſpath Cur. [St. Giles] Magdalen College, Oxford. Haddington * Milton-Maner Preb.In the Survey of the County of Oxford, in the Firſt-Fruits Office, after the Charge upon this Preb. it follows, “ Prebenda de Binbroke eff parcel dia de Prebenda, et taxatur in Com. Lincoln”. ( In Dec. Walſhcroft ibm.) + Newington R. is a Peculiar of the Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. I refley alias Eifly V. -is a Curacy ſerved by the Appointment of the Arch-Deacon of Oxford, who is the Impropriator : The Curate has only. 12 l. per annum, as by Letter from the Revd. Mr. Pardi, Curate there, dated February 7,.1718. Note, This is certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty to be of the year- ly Value of 127. but having not been certified into the Exchequer, by Virtue of the Diſcharging Acts, it till remains charged. | Marflon V. { Edward Mafters and Dinah his Wife preſented 1685. Robert King preſented (bac vice) 1705. The Biſhop of Oxford collated 1718. Tho. Whorwood Eſq; Patr. 1726. 1,35 Oo oo OXFORD. DIOCESE of OXFORD. 475 Haddington V. (St. Andrew] Mr. Peally Impr. and Patr. Thomas Whorwood Eſq; 1700. Littlemore, (formerly a Priory.) No Church here. Sandford Cur. [St. Andrew) Mr. Powell, 1. d. d. 1 11 06 03 09 { Zoo 60 l. D. Dedington Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. . Books Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Adderbury V. (St. Mary). with the Chapels of Bodicot (St. 2104 09: John Baptift) and Barford St. John's, Prox. and Syn. x s. fo2 02 057 viii d. Redd. Epiſc. Winton vi s. New-College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. Awkerington alias Alkirton R. [St. Michael] Prox, and Syn. X s. viii d. 00 12 041 Certified Value. William Townſhend Gent. 1720. 18 16 00 Broughton R. (St. Mary] Prox. and Syn, xs, viii d. or 17 074 Lord Say-and-Seale 1683, 1704. 26 10 IO Cropredie V. * [St. Mary] 02 13 OI There was formerly a Preb. of Cropredie, who was Proprietor. Biſhop of Oxford. 12 16 00} Drayton R. (St. Peter) Syn. and Prox, x s. viii d. OL 05 07 John Dover Eſq; 17 16 001 Hanwell R. (St. Peter] Prox, and Syn. x s. viii d. oi 15 073 Sir Jonathan Cope Bart. 1722. 06 02 081 Over-Worton R. (Holy-Trinity] Prox. and Syn, x s. viii d. 00 12 03 801. Thomas Cartwright Efq; 1693. Certified/alue. Swacliffe V. [St. Peter and St. Paul) with Epwell (St. Anne]? 07,09 047 and Shetford Chap. Prox. and Syn. x s. viii d. 14 115 Certified Value. New-College, Oxford, Patr. and Propr. 13 11 00:{ STadmerton R. [St. Nicholas] Prox, and Syn. x s. viii s, Abb. Abbington iii l. xviii s. yiii d. Ci 07 01 Michael Woodhall Eſq; 1702. Tew-magna V. (St. Michael] 00 13 04 Abb. de Godſtowe Propr. Sir Anthony Keck. 17 02 08Wiggington R. [St. Giles] Prox, and Syn. x s. viiid. OI 14 037 Sir Francis North Kt. and others 1683. Now Jeſus Col- lege, Oxon. 15 01 101 Hoſp. Sti Johannis Banbury. OL 10 021 Biſhop of Lincoln Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value 16 15 06 Banbury V. [St. Mary) Repr. vi s. vid. 02 04 00 Biſhop of Oxford Propr, and Patr. 08 10 oo Barford St. Michael's V. Op 12 06 Pri, de Chawcombe Propr. Dr. Cumming Patr. Ppp2 Bloxham Burton-magpa (St. Michael] Cleydon (St. James) Mollington [All Saints] and Wardencon (St. Mary Magdalen) are Chapels to Cropredie. And it is ſaid there was once a Chapel at Clatercote alſo in this Pariſh 70 b. T . . . for 07 01: 06 13.04 476 DIOCESE of OXFORD. OXFORD. 1. d. { nce}}o1 {[for 00 00 30 00 00 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenthe. 1. d. S Bloxham V. [St. Mary) cum Cap. Milcombe [St. Laurence]? 47 Oo oo Prox. and Syn. x s, viii d. 14 14 Pri. Godſtowe Propr. Eton College. DeDDINTON V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox. and Syn. 4S OI 10 114 X s. viji d. Dec. & Cap. Wyndefor Propr. Edward Loveden Eſq; 1700. South-Newington V.[St. Peter] in the Gift of Exeter College. 00 16 00 The KING (this Turn) 1717: Abb. de Eynſham Propr. Not in Charge. Horley (St. Luke) and Horton (St. John Baptiſt] The KING. Milton St. John's Chap. Nether-Worton Cur. (St. James] 1. 10 : 00 : Clear Val. The Duke of Argyle. Tew-parva Chap. (Deftrutta.) Wroxton V. [All Saints] with Balſcott. They are both cal- ed Vicarages in the Charter of H. 8. to Chrift-Church, whoſe Tenant, Lord North, provides for Divine Service in them.. Abb. Wroxton Propr. i D. Henley. s. d. Byxgibwin (St. Michael). and Bixbrand R. [St. James] Syn, Zoo 19 06 1 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tentles. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. 09 15 00 and Prox, xs. vii d. ob. Mr. William Marſo 1682. Lord Parker, Earl of Mac- clesfield Patr. 1722. Ş Chakenden R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Syn, and Prox. x s. 19 09 0471 vii d.ob. 18 11 Richard Lybb Eſq; 1711. ŞCrawmerſh-Gifford R. [St. Mary Magdalen] Priori Goring x s. 32 06 001{ Syn. and Prox. x s. vii d. ob. 01 04 07* Sir Thomas Spencer Bart. 1683. SHarpden alias Harding R. (St. Margaret] with Bowiney an- 12 10 05 001 Synand Prox. x s. All-Souls College, Oxford. SHENLEY UPON Thames R. [St. Mary) Syn. and Prox. X s. 21 01 03 02 02 01 viii d. ob. Biſhop of Rocheſter. og 09 045 Mongewell R. (St. John Baptift] Syn. and Prox. x s. vii d. ob. 00 18 111 John Saunders Eſq; 1685. Ro. Selwood Gent. 1702. Mapledereham V. (St. Margaret] Syn, and Prox. X s. Collegio Eton iïi l. Collegio Wyndſor xx s. Eton College Propr. and Patr. Rutherfield Spor an}or os Xs30 05 00 oí 03 12 10 00 Pers. Zoro for 0500 477 Yearly Tenthe L. s. d. Oi Oi 035 d. 07 09 047 Swynecombe R. [St. Thomas Becket q.) Syn, and Prox, x 5.7 OXFORD. DIOCESE of OXFORD. King's Book! 1. s. 10 12 08 Rutherfield Gray R. Syn. and Prox. x s. vii d. ob. Trinity College, Oxford. 09 09 045 Rutherfield Peppard R. Syn, and Prox, xs, vii d. ob. Jeſus College, Oxford. * S Northſtoke V. (St. Mary) with Newnham Warren Chapel 14 10 00 ? [St. Mary) and Ipfden Chapel (St. Mary] St. John's College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. 00 18 1 elfor og oo xs, 300 ""}00 15 08: 00 14 11 ColZor 12 03: 44 Oo oo 00 14 01 The KING, STuffield R. Syn. and Prox, x s. vii d. ob. Pri. Goring x s. 10 Abb. Mrs. Mary Spire Widow 1692. Dr. William Gibbons and Richard Jones of Ramsbury in Wilts Eſq; 1723. 16 02 085Whitchurch R. [St. Mary) Syn. and Prox. x s. viii d.ob. Col- leg. Wyndefor pro Beks Tythe xxvi s. viii d. The KING Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Shiplack V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Syn, and Prox, iii s. Mon. Miſſenden in Bucks olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor. Southſtoke V. [St. Andrew] with Woodcote Chapel (St. Leo- 30 Oo oo nard] Syn. and Prox. xs, viid. ob. Abb. Eynſham Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxford. Not in Charge. Caverſham Cur, + (St. Peter) Mon. Noteley olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church Patr. Goring Cur. [St. Thomas Becket] formerly a Priory. Mr. Kent of Tbatchan Patr. and Impr. }01 05 073 D. Whitney. . s. . s. d. 19.30 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Pearls Tenths. 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons ana Proprietors, 08 16 08 S Alnſcott R. Vicar. Bampton xiii s. iiii d. Archidiac: Lincoln. 2 viis. viii d. Prox. and Syn. ii s. viiid. 00 17 08 Mr. Edmund Adams 1701. BAMPTON V. (one part) (St. Mary] Dean and Chapter of Exeter Patr. and Propr. of the three Portions. BAMPTON * Rutherfield-Peppard is given to Jefus College in truf, that upon every Vacancy they ſhall preſent the Preſident † Caverjam-is called a Vicarage in the Charter of Henry VIII. to Chrijl. Church, and the Advow.on of it granted them. 10 00 10 ΟΙ ΟΟΟΣ 478 DIOCESE of OXFORD. OXFORD, s. 1. d. ΟΙ ΟΟ ΟΙ 1000 10 { ob. qa. d. 302 foo 13 114 13011 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 10 0010 BAMPTON V. (the ſecond Part or Compórtion) (St. Mary] Dean and Chapter of Exeter. BAMPTON V. (the third Part or Comportion) (St. Mary] Bampton three Portions, Prox. and Syn, x s. vii d.ob, qa. Foi oo oi Eccleſia Exon.xl. Abb. Oſeney XV s. Abb. Eynſham xji s. Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Ducklington R. (St. Bartholomew] Prox, and Syn, X s.' vïi d, 24 10 05 02 09 001 Magdalen College, Oxford. 06 09.0475 Kencote R. [St. George] Prox. and Syn. x s. vii d. ob. ga. Abb. Ofeney x s. William Oldſworth Eſq; 1666. William Hamer.fly Eſq; 1664. Ro. Lodale Efq; 1722. 13 06 10 Langford Church in l. vis. Ecclefiæ Lincoln. 01 06 08 James Stephens 1692. il. 15 14 02 OI 11 05 Biſhop of Lincoln. 21 19 04ź Langford V. (St. Mary] 02 03 15 James Stephens Eſq; 1692. 16 10 10 Stanlake R. [St. Giles] Prox, and Syn. ix s. i d. ob. qa. 01 13 01 Magdalen College, Oxford. 05.03.09 Weltwell R. [St. Mary] Prox, and Syn. x s. vii d. ob. da. o0 JO 041 Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. S Prox, xs. viii de 04 1.4 115 Biſhop of Wincheſter. WHITNEY. V. * [St. Mary] Epiſc. Lincoln. ii s. Epiſc.Win- ton. pro quieto Redd, ii s. viii d. 19 03 Biſhop of Wincheſter. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 21 06 08 Aftall V. [St. Nicholas] Prox, and Syn, x s. vii d. ob. qa. 00 14 11 Eton College, Patr. and Propr. 45 Oo oo Blackburton V. (St. Mary q.] 00 00 00 Mon. Ofeney Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxford. 40 00 00 } . ProxX s. d. Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem Propr. Henry Willet Gent. S Broughton Pogges-alias Pongis R. [St. Peter] Prox, and Syn. .45 00 @0 2 x s. vii d. ob. qa. 14 og Robert Glynn Eſq; 46 oo oo V. Baptiſtwith James] Prox. and Syn. x s. vii dob Abb. Keynſham in Somerſet Propr. Biſhop of Oxford. Clanfield * The Rectory and Vicarage of Whitney were united 9 Car. I. into one Benefice, by the Name of the Reco tory of Whitney, but all Dues and Fees reſerved as if they were ſtill ſeparate. 1. } 04 { 09 12 06 ŞBradwell V. (St. Peter and St. Paul) with Kelmofcate [St, foo 17 053 Syn. 300 I OXFORD. DIOCESE of OXFORD. (479 d. 29. 00 00 { No } oo Clear Yearly Value. Yedrhy Tenible I s. V. St. 30 QO oo iii 14 077 Abb. Elſtowe Propr. Eton College Patr, Anne Gunn 1731. Elford: alias Yelford R: [St. Swithin] Vicariis Bampton v. Są 00:08 óta Prox, and Syn. iiii s. xid. Jonathan Lentball Efq; 1707. 40 00 00 Minſter Lovell V. (St. Kenelm] Prox; and Syn. x s. vii d. ob.qa. 00 16 !1; Eton College Propr. and Patr. Norton-Bruyne V. alias Briſe-Norton (St. Briſe q. ] Principi? 42 00 00 00 18 og Wal. vid. Redd. ii s. Abb. Oſeniey vii s. Prox. and Syn, iii s. Abb. Eynham Propr. Dean and Canons of Chrift-Cburch, Oxford. 48 oo oo Shelton alias Chilton V. Epiſc. & Archidiac, Lincoln. xviii d. 00 10 061 Abb. Bewley in Southton Própr. Mrs. Fane Bray Widow 1710. Teynton V.. [St. John] Prox: and Syn. x s. vii d. ob.qa. 00 14 11 Abb. Tewkesbury Propr. Ed. Bray Eſq; 1712. Not in Charge. Cockthorpe (St. Mary) Chap. to Ducklington, or Stanlake. Cogges V. (St. Mary] Eton College, Patr. Caſwell Chap, in the Pariſh of Whitney. Northmore Cur. (St. Dennis] The Rectory is appropria- ted- to St. John's College. Vid. Rotul, in Ofic. Primit. Trin.. 4 Eliz. Shifford, Chap. to Bampton. Swinbrook Cur. (St. Mary] Chancellor of Sarum Propr, 20 00 00 . J. 16 oo 05 2. Woodſtock. Livings. remaining in Charge. King's Book). l'e at ly Penth's 1. .d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. Blaydon (St. Martin] with WOODSTOCK Chapel [St. Mary "} }or 12 00 2 Magdalen] Prox. and Syır . x s. vii d. ob. qa. Duke of Marlborough 1715. s Cuddington R. alias Kiddington (St. Nicholas] Proxs and Syn. 00 14 11 X s. vii d. ob. ca. Sir Henry Browne Bart. 1666, 1686. 08 02 08 Dunf-Tew V. [St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. x s. vid. ob. qa. 00 16 031 75 l. 12 s. Pri. Merton Propr. Sir John Read Bart. 1690. CertifiedValue. 06 16 001. Glimpton R. (St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. xs. vii d. ob. qa. 00 13 075 Mrs. Frances Wheat Widow 1684. Hanburgh alias Hanborough R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Abb. 02 07 . Prox, and Syn. xs. vii d. ob. qa. . The Preſident of St. John's College, Oxford. Rollilham * Hanborough is no otherwiſe annexed to the Preſidentthip of St. John's, than as the Cille je preſent the Preſident, which perhaps they may be under fome Obligations to do. Dr. Kemp, who was i ot Prel.dent, was inſtituted 30 October, 1728, and religned it ſome time after ; upon which the preſent Prefic'ent was infituted 34 O&tober, 1729. 480 DIOCESE of COXFOR D. OXFORD. di 11 1 75 1. 36 00 00 Erdington alias Ardington, alias Yarneton V. (St. Bartholo-300 16 06 King's Boks: Yearly Tenths. 2. 1. s. d. 09 04:{Rollifham alias Rowlham R. [St. Mary], Syn, and Prox. x s. } vii d. ob. qa. Abb. Oſeney xxvi s. viii d. for 02 111 John Dormer Efq; 1716. 11 09 0475 Shipton upon Charwell R: (St. Mary] Prox, and Syn. x s viid. vii d.301 OI 02 03 Robert Perrot Efq; 1675. William Withers and William Guidot Efqs; 1719 (C.) 16 02 084 Steeple Aſton R. [St. Peter] Prox. and Syn. X s. vii d.ob. qa. OI 12 038 Brazen-Noſe College, Oxford. 19 09 041 Tackley R. (St. Nicholas] Prox. and Syn. X s. vi.d. ob. qa. OL 18 11 St. John's College, Oxon. S Weſtcote Barton R. (St. Edward] Prox. and Sya. x s. vii d. { 07 Oo oo ob. 00 14 00 qa. i ertifiedValue. John Welchman Gent. 1712. 05 05 00 Woodstock New Chapel (St. Mary Magdalen] 00 10 06 . . 15 02 08:19 d 01 10 03* New College, Oxford. Livings Diſcharged. Cliar Yearly Value. 40 00 oo North-Aſton V. [St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. iii s, illi d. 00 13 00 Pri. Bradſtock Propr. Mrs. Winifred Brooks Widow 1711. 50 Oo oo S Carſington . v { vid. 01 04 00 Abb. Eynſham Propr. Dean and Canons of Chrift-Church, Oxford. ] Abb. Eynſham Propr. Benjamin Swete Efq; preſented 1729. Sir Re. Daſowood Patr. 1720. Eynſham V.. [St. Leonard] Prox. and Syn. iii s. Abb. Eyn- 40 00 00 jham xii s. II 05 Abb. Eynſham Propr. Thomas Jordan Gent. 1665. Mr. Samuel Weeley (this Turn) 1705. 38 00 00 Northley V. [St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. x s, viid. ob. qa. 00 18 02 The KING. Abb. Hayles Propr. 25 0000 Sandford V. t Prox, and Sýn. X 5. vii d. ob. qa. Abb. Oſeney Proir. Mrs. Alice Croker Widow 1695. 34 00 00 Staunton Harcourt V. I (St. Michael] on 13 04 Alb, Redyng Propr. All-Souls College, Oxon. Propr. The Biſhop of Oxford. Steeple- / :: 00 14.00 Caffiniton V.-Augmented by Dr. Jaſper Mayne 1672. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 284. + Sandforu V.formerly a Chapel to Steeple- Barton, as appears in Kennet's Par. Ant. p. 263; 280. But 'cis ſuppoſed, when Sandford was ſeparated, the Chapel of Ledwell Dedicated to St. Mary Mazdalen was ſeparated with it. For that Chapel, now deſtroyed, is reckoned to be in the Pariſh of Sandford. I Southley (St. James] Chapel to Staunton-Harcourt. 1 OXFORD. DIOCESE of OXFORD 1481 1 Yearly Tenths, I. 00 14 115 d. 1 00 og 11 Clear Yearly Value. 1. s. d. 31 00 00 Steeple-Barton V. [St. Mary) Prox. and Syn. x s. viid. ob.qa. Mon. Oſeney Propr. John James Eſq; 1712. · Earl of Go- dolphin preſented 1729. Stonesfield R. [St. James] 40 00 00 The KING. Wivelcote R. alias Wilcote [St. Peter] John Cary Gent. 1682. Not in Charge. Begbrook R. [St. Michael] Mrs. Jane Manwood 1704. Brazen-Noſe College, Oxon. Combe Longa Cur. [St. Laurence] augmented with rol. per Ank. by Lord Crew, Biſhop of Durham. Lincoln College, Patr. Godſtow Cap. olim Prioratus, Kidlington V. [St. Mary) annex'd to the Rectorſhip of Exeter College. Mon. Oſeney olim Propr. 21 10 00 00 05 04 Peculiar Juriſdiction of Dorcheſter, formerly in the Abby of Dorcheſter, now in Sir Lorenzo Fettiplace. + Benſington alias Benſon Cur. [St. Helen.] Dean and Chap- ter of Chriſt Church, Oxon, Patr. Mon. Dorcheſter Patr. Chiſelhampton Cur. (St. Mary.] Sir John D'Oyly Bart. Patr. Clifton Cur. (St. Michael.] Mr. Peaſey Patr. Mr. Hucks (W) Dorcheſter Cur. (St. Peter and St. Paul.} Sir Lorenzo Fet- tiplace Patr. Mon. Ibidem Propr. Drayton Cur. [St. Leonard.] Dean and Canons of Chrift- Church, Oxford, Patr. Toot-Balden V. [St. Laurence.] Dr. Lane Patr. Mon. Ofeney Propr. Nettlebed Cur. [St. Bartholomew.] Mr. Stoner Patr. Mon, Dorcheſter Propr. Overy, a Donative. Mon. Oſeney Propr. Studham Cur. (St. John Baptiſt.] Sir John D'Oyly Patr. Warborough Cur. (St. Laurence.] Corpus Chriſti College, Oxford, Patr. and Propr. and the Incumbent is Lefſee of their Tithes. Q99 Dioceſe 482 DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH.. Y s. B' Dioecle of Peterbojough. King's Books Yearly Tent Ass lo d. I. d. 414 17 8 ISHOPRIC of PeTERBOROU GĦ. 41 09 09: This See was formerly Part of Lincoln Dioceſe. See the Charter of Erection, dated Septemb. 4, 1541; 33 Hen. VIII. in Rymer Vol. XIV. p. 731. The Cathedral Church (ST. PETER.) The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. Francis Alree, or Abree, the firſt Dean, anno 1541. Rymer, Vol. XIV. p. 733. All the following. Dignities in this Cathedral Church are: in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Peterborough There are fix Prebends in the Church of Peterborough, all in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Peterborough : None of the ſaid Prebends are charged with any. Payment of Firſt- Fruits or Tenths. 122 7 1 Arch-Deacon. 10 14.084 Nigellus was the firſt Arch: Deacon, anno 1092.. 1 1. s d. D. Bracklep. NORTHAMP: Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 25 05 05. Ayno-R. [St. Michael] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 'Abb. Walden ili s. 02 10 06 Thomas Cartwright Efq; 1711, 09 09 07 Ayfton on the Wall R. [St. Leonard). Archidiac. x s. vii d. oo 18 Mr. Plovden (N.) Budington R. [St. John Baptift] Archidiac. xs, vii d. Penf. E- 20 00 00 piſc. Lincoln. iii s. iiiid. . Pens. Archidiac. xx d. Priori de 02 00 00 fo2 Shene xxvi s. viii d. Priori Chacombe xiii s. Lord Sunderland 1696. The Hon. Thomas Wentwortb Eſq; Patr. 1721. Braden R. [St. Michael] bi o8 08 By field pr. (St. Helen)Archidiac. xs. vii d. Priori Shene v s. 02 16 00 28 00 00 Lucy Knighiley Efq; 1697: 26 10 00 X s. viid. Earl of Hallifax 1719. Cold-Higham R. [St. Maryl Archidiac. vi s. viii d.. Sir William Farmer. E. of Pomfret 1729. 15 03 061 Crowelton, alias Crowton, alias Carwelcon R. [All-Saints] 04 Robert Friend S. T. P. 1719. Culworth V. (St. Mary] 60 l. Canons Abby Pri. Propr. Sir Pope D'Anvers Bart. 1694. CertifiedValue, Edgecote 14 06 08 {Chippines Xarden R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Arcbidias, Joz 13 oo 10 00 00 ΟΙ 00 00 10 00 00 or 00 00 Northamp. DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. 489 1 OI 12 00 "s Zom hey}o! Abb. Delaprey ? 01 10 06 Hofpit. Sti}or 09 ! 10 оо оо of 00 00 08 08 09 461. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I, s. d. 2. s.. d. 12 00 00 Edgecote R. (St. Mary) Archidiac. xs. vii d. 01 04 00 Tobias Chauncey Eſq; 1684, 1703. 16 16 03 Eydon R. (St. Nicholas] Archidiac. xs, viid. OL 13 07 The KING S Farthingho alias Farmingho R. [All Saints] Arcbidiac, x's.? 16 Oo oo 2 vii d. Abb. Leice;tr. liii s. ilii d. Sir John Egerton Bart. 1726. Gayton R. [St. Mary] Arcbidiac, x s. vii de Abb. Delaprey 15 05 0237 xiii s. iiii d. 02 Sir Thomas Samuell Bart. 1682. 09 00 05 Gretworth R. [St. Peter] Epiſc. x s. vii d. 00 18 00 Charles How Eſq; 1705. 13 11 00:{fobannis Northampt. xls. SHelmedon R. [St. Nicholas) Archidiac. x s. vii d. Hoſpit. Sti or 09 01. Corfus-Chriſti College, Oxon. Patr. Job. Dodford Gent. 1705 Hinton R. [Holy Trinity] Archidiac, x s. viid. on The Biſhop of Durham, as Lord Crew of Steane, 1719. The Duke of Kent (W.) 06.17 06 Leweſden alias Weeden V. [St. Peter and St. Mary] 00 13 og Mon. Bitleſden in Bucks Propr. King's College, Cambridge. Maidford R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 00 16 16 Thomas Triſt Efq; CertifiedValue. Marſton St. Laurence V. Archidiac. x s. vii d. Priori Shene xx s. Pri. Shene Propr. Mrs. Anaſtaſia Holman Widow 1705. Prebendary thereof in Lincoln Church is charged in D. and Com. Bucks. S Middleton Cheney R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. X s. vii d. Pri- 31 11 03 ori Shene lii s. Brazen-Noſe College, Oxford. Norton-Davy alias Greens-Norton R. [St. Laurence] with 38 oo oo Whitlebury (St. Mary) and Silveſton (St. Michael] Ar: {03 16 00 chidiac.x s. vii d. The KIN G. 06 1 10.1 Pattiſhull one Part V. (Holy Trinity] Archidiał. xvii d. 00 13 02 461. 15 s. 6 d. Pri.Godſtowe in Oxon. Propr. Nicholas Steward Efq; 1683, CertifiedValue. preſents to both Parts alternately with the King. 06 11 10 Pattihull the other Part. V. [Holy Trinity) Archidiac. xviiid. 00 13 027 461. 5s. 6 d. Pri. Dunſtable Propri Nicholas Steward Eſq; 1683. pre- CertifiedValue. ſents to both Parts alternately with the King. S Sireſham R. (St. Nicholas] Archidiac. 8 s. vii d. ob. Abb. Lei- 13 00 00 2 cefter. vi s. viji d. Sir Richard Holloway Kt. and Francis Heywood Gent. 1684. Mr. Lucy (W.) 09,09 09: Slapton R. [St. Botolph] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 00 18 u Peregrine Gaſtrell Gent. 1694. CertifiedValue 03 06 08 Sutteſbury R. or Chapel. (Deftrueta.) 00 06 08 Mon. Šti Andrea Northampton Propr. Mr. Goodwin Patr. Q992 Thorpe- 20 00 00 02 vow Pri- -303 03 01 Lti- for 06.00 bol. :484 DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. NORTHAMP. 1. d. L. d. IO 02 'II 09 x 5,302 3. 05 06 08 35 11 06 King's Books, Yearly Tenths. SThorpe-Mandefield R. [St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. x s. vii d.? Colleg. Fridiſwid. Oxon, vi s. viiid. d. 301 00 032 William Holbech Gent, and Catherine Wainwright Widow 1711. Mr. Humphreys (W.) 09 09 07 Tyffield R. [St. John) Archidiac. x s. vii d. 00 18 Mrs. Catherine Gilbert 1698. 21 09 0911 viid. Capellano xl s. ŞWarpenham R. (St. Mary] Redd. iiri s. id. Archidiac. x s. 02 02 11 Biſhop of Lincoln. 08 15.00 Whitfield R. [St. John Evangelift] Archidiac. X s. vii d. 00 17 06 Mr. Chriſtopher Temple and William Saunders 1691. Wor. ceſter College, Oxon. Patr. 1726. Cantar, de Chacomb. 00 10 08 Livings Diſcharged. Clear learly Value. 39 02 05 Blakeſly V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. iii s. 00 19 081 Pri. St. John Jeruſalem Propr. Mr. 70. Watts, Bartholo. mew Elmes, and Phillis his Wife 1692. Mr. Pettiver (N.) 30 07 051 BRACKLEY V. (St. Peter) Archidiac. x s. vii d. OI 19 10 Mon. Leiceſter Propr. George Lyter Efq; ; Chacombe V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] 00 15 05 Pri. Chacombe Propr. Mr. Fox, 26 Oi oo Evenley V. (St. George] oo 14 00 Mon. Huntingdon Propr. Magdalen College, Oxford, Propr. Newbottle V. (St. Mary Magdalen] with Charlton, Archidiac. 37 13 10 I 00 or ii s. viii d. Pri. Dunſtable in Co. Bedf. Propr. Sackvile Tufton Eſą; 1720. Plompton R. (St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac, xs, vii d. oo 14 ili Horatio Moore Eſq; and others 1702. Mr. Thomas Busby 1720. 07 Oo oo Stene R. [St. Peter] Archidiac, x s. vii d. 00 IO III Duke of Kent 1724. 46 18 08 .Sulgrave V. [All-Saints] Archidiac. iii s. 00 19 081 Pri. Sti Andreæ Northamp. Propr. Suſanna Wykban 1724. Mr. Holbech Patr. 41 10 01 Thenford R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. Biſhop of Lincoln. 348.9 5. od. S Towceter V. [St. Laurence) * before this was Egonerated the Exonerated. CertifiedValue. Tenths were So об о8 The KING 1673. Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield 1676, 1680. The Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield Impr. and Patr. 40 00 00 Woodford V. [All-Saints] 00 13 00 The KING. Abb. Rouceſter in Co. Staf. Propr. or Abb. Sti Jacobi juxta Northamp. + Donatives, * Towceter, cum Cap. Abthorpe [St. John Baptiſt] This was formerly a Rectory, but is now made a part of the Biſhopric of Coventry and Lichfield, + Woodford to be found both among the Poffeffions of the Abbey of St. James, and in the Account of Rouceſter Abbey in Staffordſhire. iar, 42 09 06 QI 00 00 I NORTHAMP. DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. 485 Donatives, and Curacies. Adfon Cur. Sir John Dryden Patr. Aſhby-Canons [St. Mary] for-2 merly a Priory 1. 12 : 00 oo Certified Val. Sir John Dryden Patr. Brackley St James, Chap. to Brackley V. Radſon Cur: [St. Laurence] -1..6: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Pri. Shene Propr. Mr. Holbech Patr. 31.12 D. Daventree, vulgò Daintree. -303 OI OO OO 20 02 { 10 00 00 OI 00 00 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly. Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 30 02 II Barbey R. with Onely (St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 03 00 03 Mrs. Anne Holled Widow, and others 1701. Brandefton alias Bramſton R. [St.Giles] Abb. Elftowa xx s. 31 O2 II { Arcbidiac, x s. vii d. 03 02 03 Feſus College, Oxon. Patr. 10 00 00 Cateſby V. I (St. Mary] Pri. Catesby Propr. Mr. Parkhurſt. S Charwelton R. (Holy Trinity) Penſi-Pri. Oſwald de Noftell in? Ebor, xüïi s. jjjid. Arrhidiac, x s. vii d. 02 oo 03 William Adams Eſq; 1697. Dodford, V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. iii s. Abb. Weſtminſter (olim) Prop. Gilbert Gunter Gent. 1707. Mr. Welchman (N. W.) 24 02 11 Everton alias Everſden R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 02 08 03 Eton College. 13 08 111 Farthingſton R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob qa. oi 06 10 Biſhop of Lincoln. 07 09 07 Faweſly V. † [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 00 14 Il Colleg. Santa Frideſwida Oxon. Propr. Earl of Oxford, Thomas Foley and John Scrcope Eſqs; 1720. Mr. Knight- ley (W.) 14 Oo oo * Killeſby R. (St. Andrew] oi o oo Annex'd to the Precentorſhip of Lincoln in the Cathedral Church of Lincoln. SLytchbarrow R. [St. Martin] Abb. Sti Jacobi Northamp. xx s. 16 09 07 {Archidiac. x s. vii d. 0I 12 il Knightley Purfey Eſq; 1691. Mr. Addington (W) Preſton-Capes V. I [St. Peter and St. Paul] 00 16 00 Colleg. de St. Fridiſwid. Oxon. Propr. Earl of Oxford, Thomas Foley and John Scroope Efqs; 1720. The Family of the Knightleys name two, and the Truſtees preſent one of them. Stowe Catesby V.—No Vicar there theſe twenty Years paſt; its Value being but 87. per Ann. as by Letter from the Curate dated February 13. 1718. Note, This is not Certified either into the Exchequer, or to the Gover- nours of Queen Anne's Bounty. + Faweſly V.- - The Impropriation reſtor'd to it by Richard Knightley Eſq; Bibop Kernet's Caſe of Lxpropriations, p. 228. | Preſton V. The Impropriation reſtored to it by Richard Knightley Erg; Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Im. propriations, p. 228. “ So it is now both Rectory and Vicarage, and Admiſion to both." 08 00 05 486 DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. NORTHAMP. 1. S. 35 07 00 00 00 00 :01 02 00 23 02 08 King's Books. Yearly Tenthe. 1. d. d. Stowe R. with nine Churches † [St. Peter and St. Paul] Pri. 18 00 oo OI 16 00 2. Sti Andrea Northamp. xx s, Redd. ii s.. Archidiac. X s. vid. S John Loyd Efq; 1720. 06 13 04 Cantar, de Aſhby-Leodgare oo 13 04 06 13 04 Cantar, de Wedenbeck 00 13 04 06 13 04 Cantar. de Charwelton oo 13 04 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value Aſhby-Leogars V. (St. Mary and St. Leodgare] oo 13 04 Mon. de Launda in Leiceſi. Propr. Joſeph Aſhley Eſq; 1711. 39 08 04 Badbey (St. Mary] Newnham V. (St. Michael] Archidiac. iii s. oi 08 oo Mon. Eynſham Impr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxford. 18 19 06 * Killeſby V. [St. Andrew] Archidiac. x s. viid. 00 14 00 Rector thereof, 30 Oo oo Stareton V. alias Staverton (St. Peter] oo Colleg. San&tæ Frideſwida Oxon. Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxon. Patr. 19 00 10 Wedenbeck V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. ifii. s. Pri. Dunſtable Propr. 70. Thornton Efq; 1689. 30 Welton V. (St. Andrew] 00 14:00 The KING. Colleg. Sanétæ Frideſwide Oxon. Propr. Curacies. DAVENTRE E Cur. (Holy Croſs] 1.50 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Colleg. Sanfte Frideſwide Propr. Chriſt Church College, Patr. Helledon Cur. [St. John Baptiſt] 1.20 : 00 : 00 Cert, Val. Pri. Catesby Propr. William Bradgate Patr. 1689. Morton-Pinckney Cur. [St. Mary] Pri. Canons- Aſhby Propr. Oriei. College, Oxon. Patr. l. 40 certified Value. Norton Cur. or Vic. [All Saints] l. 58 : 00:00 Cert. Vel. Colleg. Sanete Frideſwide Propr. Elizabeth Breton Patr. 1701, 1706. D. Haddon Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Abington R. [St. Peter] Archidiac. xs. vii d. Sir Williani Meredith Bart. and others 1710. Mr. Thirsby (N. W.) 19 00 00 Billing-magna R. [St. Andrew] OI 18 oo Brazen-Noſe College, Oxford. S Billing-parva R. [AÎl-Saints] Archidiac, xs, viid. Pri. Sti { Andr. Northamp. xx s. oi oo 031 George Dixon Gent. 1702. Mrs. Woodford (N. W.) s Boughton alias Buckton R. [St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. x s. 02 00 11 Sir Jo. Briſcoe Knt. 1700. Earl of Strafford (N.W.) Brampton + Stowe There is only one Church belonging to Stowe; it is diftinguiſhed by the Name of Stowe, with mine Churches, becauſe formerly it is likely that ſo many belong'd to it. 1. s. d. 20.00 00 2. s. d. 02 00 00 I 02 II Stizor 5:32 20 09 07 2 viid. NORTHAMP. DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. 487 1 S. 1 IO 00 00 for oo of 06 00 05 x sofo2 02 I-2 OI OI 02 02 Aing's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. a. 25 19 07 Brampton R. (St. Botolph] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 02 11 11 Biſhop of Peterborough 1694. Mr. Gore (N.W.) 40. Oo oo Brington R. [St. Mary] 04 Oo oo Lord Sunderland 1699, 1721. 1.3 Oo oo Brockhole R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. x s. vii d. от об оо Thomas Thornton Efq; 1707. 34 Oo oo Bugbroke R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. xs. vii d. 03 o8 oo William Whitfield Clerk, Ro. and Samuel Keinton Clerk 1705. Claycooton R. [St. Andrew) Archidiac. vi s. viii d. Abb. Leiceſter xx s. Mr. Henry Tate Gent. 1698. Mr. Smith (N.W.) Coldaſhby V. (St. "Dennis] oo 12 00 58.1. Abb. Pipewell Propr. William Lee Efq; 1706. CertifiedValue. 26 00 10 s Coterſbrooke R, alias Cotiſbrook (Al!-Saints] Archidiac. x s. vii d. Sir James Langham Bart. 1694. R. ( Archidiac. xs, viid. Priori Inſul. ou Axe xl s. 303 05 03: St. John's College, Oxford. II OI 08 Creeſton R. alias Creaton (St. Michael] Archidiac, vis, ix d. 55:1. 8 s. 8 d. Mr. William Clendon ſen. (this Turn) 1708. CertifiedValue. Flower V. [All-Saints] Archidiac, xs, viid. Pri. Sti Andr. .17 00.00 I 14 00 Northamp. vis. viid. Pri. Merton in Surry Impr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt- Church, Oxford. 17 03 04 Guileſborough V. [St. Wilfrid] 01 14 04 57 h 17 s. Mon. Sulbye Propr. George Clarke Efq; Mrs. Breion (N.) CertifiedValue. Mr. Harvey (W.) S Harleſton R. [St. Andrew] Archidiac. x s. viid. Pri. Lenton 20. 09 07 { xls. Pri. Sti Andr. Norihamp. xx s. 02 00 11 Thomas Andrews Eſq; 1710. OS 10 05 Hayford R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac, jii s. co 17 00, 532. 11 s. 8 d. Mr. Thomas Bedford two Turns in three. Lord Longuevill CertifiedValue. one Turn. Earl of Suſſex (W.) Holdenby R. (All-Saints] Archidiac. xs. vii d. 02 00 03 The KING. q. Duke of Marlborough (W.) Horpoole R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. x s. Abb. St. Albans xls, OI 17 04 Henry Paget Efq; 1904. Mr. Scriven (N.) Mr. Went- worth (W.) S Kiflingbury R. (St. Peter and St. Paul) Archidiac. x s. vii d. OI 16 in 2 Pri. Sti Andr. Northamp. liži s. ijii d. Mr. William Perkins 1709. S Maulton V. alias Molton (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. 14 03 09 587.15.322 iüs. Pri. Sli Andr. Northamp. xii s. iii d. CertifiedValué. Pri. Sti Andrea Noribamp. Propr. Lord and Lady Hat- ton 1690.. Overſton } tor}o2 2 20 02 II 18 13 04 d}o iac. 3o. 301 08 04 488 DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. NORTHAME. J. 1. s. I 010 00 16 16 03 15 об о8 02 IO OI 39 18 04 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. d. 12 16 03 Oveiſton R. (St. Nicholas] Archidiac. X s. vii d. OI 05 073 John Ives Gent. 1703. Dr. Ives (W.) 14 19 07 Pisford R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. x s. vii d. OI 15 II Sir John Briſcoe Knt. 1699. Earl of Strafford (W.) II 13 04 Ravenſthorpe V. (St. Dennis] 01 03 04 661.11 s. 8 d Hofp. St. Fobr's Northamp. Propr. Chriſt Church College, CertifiedValue. Oxford, Patr. 15 00 00 Spratton V. (St. Andrew] Archidiac, x s. vii d. Pri. S:i Jacobi Northamp. Propr. Michael Bateman Gent. 1684. 13 Oo oo Thurnby R. [St. Helen] Archidiac. x s. yü d. Redd. xiiii d. 01 06 oo Mr. Rookby (N. W.) 11 07 08 Watford V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. iii s. :01 02 09 74 1. 8's. 8 d. The KING. Pri. Dunſtable in Bedf. Propr. CertifiedValue. Weſton-Favile R. (St. Peter] Archidiac. x s. vii d. OI 13 072 Francis Harvey Eſq;(W. p. 554.) 12 16 03 Whilton R. [St. Andrew] Archidiac. x s. vii d. OI 05 07 John Smith Gent. 1684. Mr. Roſe (W.) Winwick R. (Holy Trinity] OI 10.08 Biſhop of Lincoln. 25 00 10 Yelvertoft R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. xs, viid. Sir William Craven Knt, 1700. 06 00.00 Cantar. de Brington Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Bugby V. alias Long-Buckby * [St. Gregory] Pri. Morkyate Impr. unæ Med. Pri. Dunſtable in Bedf. Propr. Medietatis alteræ. Biſhop of Goventry and Lich- field 1720, Impr, and Patr. 48 06 04 Eaſt-Haddon V. [St. Mary.] Archidiac. iii s. OI IO 00 Mon. Sulbye Propr. Mrs. Elizabeth May Widow .1702. Mr. Ward (W.) 34 04 04 Lilburne V. [All-Saints] Archidiac. iii s. The KIN G. Mon. Leiceſter Propr. ,07 03 02 Natheby alias Navelby V. (All-Saints, oo 16 oo Mon. Combe in Co. Warw. Propr. William Pike Gent. 1688. Sir John Wolltenbolme (N. W.) Stanford upon Avon V., [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. x s. vii d. .00 19 00 Abb: Sulbye Propr. Sir Verney Cave Bart. 1720. Wilford alias Welford V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. iris. Pens? 00. 16 oo Abb. Sulbye xl s. Mon. Sulbye Propr. Biſhop of Oxford. Weſt-Haddon V. [All-Saints] 01 06 08 Pri. Sanete Frideſwidæ Propr. Sir James Butler Knt. 1693. D. * Bugby alias Long-Buckby This is not charged in the Original Roll as a Vicarage, but as a Rectory, Value xxx l. xi s. viii d. Decima lxis, ii d. Ultra viii l. folut. Priori de Markyate ; and Syn, and Prox. Archidiac. x s. viid. But is fince made a part of the Biſhopric of Lichfield. .00 12.00 30 02 02 OI 00 00 abo 00 12 00 09 07 08 45 09 08 NORTHAMP. DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. 489 D. Higham-Ferrers. Yearly Tenths. 1. s, d. OI OL 033 Arcbi-}os 10 17 or 01 OI 081 kins (N.) Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books, 1. s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 10 12 081 Addington-magna R. [All-Saints] Mr. Robert Smith 1720. Barton-Segrave R. [St. John) Abb. Killingworth xls. Archi. diac. x s. vii d. ob. Mr. Geoffry Barton and Mr. John Sawyer 1703. Mr. E Burton-Latimer R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. Sir Gilbert Dolben 1721. Sir John Dolben (W.) og og 07 Craneford St. Andrew's R. Archidiac. x s. viid. ob. Mr. Bullivant 1719. 12 00 00 Craneford St. John's RArchidiac. vü s, ix d. ob. Biſhop of Lincoln. 12 16 03 Grafton-Underwood R. (St. Mary] Archidiac, x s. vid. ob. Thomas Harper Clerk 1692. Lady Robinſon (N.) Mrs. Ro- binſon (W2.) 29 10 00 02 19 00 00,18 11 OI 04 00 OI 05 07 Hargrave R, (All-Saints] Arcbidiac. x s. vii d. Piori Hunts, 301 06 08 711. istor 49 l. 9 s. od. viii d. 751. 1 2 09 04;{. cbidiac. xi. 2 vis, vili d. John Sprigg Gent. 1684. Mr. Thorowgood (W.) 08 03 04 Newton-Bromſwold R. (St. Faith] Arcbidiac. iii s. 00 16 04 Thomas Bletſoe Gent. 1710. Certified Value. 11 09 04 ŞRaunds V. (St. Peter] Archidiac. X s. vi d. ob. Penf. xxvi s. viji 01 02 Ile CertifiedValue. The KIN G. Abb. Newark in Leiceſter. Propr. 12 16 03 Ruſhden R. [St. Peter] Archidiac. x s. vii d. OI 05 076 The KING, CertifiedValue. Stanwick R. (St. Laurence] Abb. Burg. Sti Petri xx s. Ar- og O cbidiac, x s. vii d.ob. OL 04 II The KING. IO 17 OI Thingden V. als Finedon (St. Mary] Archidiac. ïïi s. OI OI 08 Abb. Croxton in Leiceſter. Propr.Sir Gilbert Dolben 1719. Warketon R. (St. Edmund] Archidiac. Xš. vii d. OL 17 07 Duke of Montague. Woodford of Cokes Part, one Mediety R. [St. Mary] Archi- I'I 08 i diac, v s. iii d. ob. 02 09 Lord St. John. Woodford of Stiles Part, the other Mediety R. (St. Mary Archidiac, v s, iii d. ob. 01 02 01 Lord St. John 1710. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. ŞAddington-parva V. (St. Mary] Archidiac. iii s. pro auxil. { Vic. xii d. 0 15 02- Mon. Sulbye Propr. The Revd. Dr. Anthony Saunderſon 1720. Rrr Bozeat 18 16 03 26 il 04 uxil I. 490 DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. NORTHAMP. S. 1. s. d. 17 II 08 00 12 00 Per}oz Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 34 00 04 Bozeat V. [St. Mary] oo 16 00 Abb. Sti Jacobi juxta Northampton Propr. Mr. John Wiſe- man 1708. Densford (Holy Trinity) and Ringſteed V. + [St. Mary] 00 17 00 Biſhop of Lichfield Propr. Lord Peterborough 1681. 27 09 03 Eaſton-Mawditt V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. Pri. Lavenden in Bucks Propr. Dean and Canans of Chriſt-Church, Oxford. 45 об II Ircheſter alias Archeſter V. (St. Catherine] Archidiac. iii s. oo 16 oo Colleg. Newarke in Leiceſtr. Propr. Samuel Collins Eſq; 1688. 13 13 04 Irtlingborough R. [All-Saints.] 00 10 08 Dean and Chapter of Peterborough 1661, 1664. KETTERING R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Abb. Burgh. Sti Pe- 30 Oo oo tri xls. Arcbidiac. x s. vii d. ob. 03 09 04 Lord Rockingham 1709: 48 12 08 Strixton R. [St. John Biptiſt] Archidiac. xviii d. oo 14 00 Mrs. Caiberine Wiſeman Widow 1707. 24 03 08 Wollaſton V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. iii s. oi 06 08 Abb. de la Pray Propr. The Hon. Thomas Wentworth Efq; 1712. Not in Charge. 331. 45. 40. SHIGHAM-FERRERS V. [St. Mary] cum Chelverſton [St. CertifiedValue. John Baptiſt) and Caldcot. Colleg. Higham Propr. Sir Robert Dacres Kt. 1691. Thomas Dacres Eſq; 1726. 33 1. 6 s. 8 d. Irtlingborough St. Peter's V. Colleg. Irtlingborough Propr. Certified Value. The Hon. Thomas Wentworth Eſq; 1720. D. Northampton. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. All Saints in North AMPTON R. I cum St. Mary's, St. Ca- therine's, and St. Gregory's. 02 04 oo Mr. Edward Collis and others, the Corporation of Nor- thampton. S St. Edmund V. (united to St. Sepulchers.) with St. Michael's ? 00 18 04 { and St. Laurence, demoliſhed. 13 05 00 Hardingſton V. [St. Edmund] от об об The KING. Pri. St. Andrew's Northampt. Propr. 02 10 05 St. Mary's V. (united to All-Hallows] oo 05 ooi St. Peter's R. and St. George's (demoliſhed,) with Kingſthorp 34 02 II Pri. Sti Andr. vil. xiii s. üii d. Maſter of the Hoſpital of St. Catherine near the Tower of London. Livings + Denoford, &c.Epifc. Ceftr. in Originali Rotulo in Ofic. Primit. eft Propr. | All Saints R. and St. Mary's V. were united Feb. 20, 1589. Vide Strype's Life of Arch-Biſhop Whitgift, P. 322. I. S. d. 1. s. d. 22 00 00 { C-302 l's}oo 00 ΟΙ 1ο [st: John Baptiß) and ůpton [St. Michael] Chapels, Penj. 03 08 03: Northamp. DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. 491 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tentbs. 1. s. d. 1. d. 35 14 II Dalington V. [St. Mary] 00 13 07 Pri. Sti Egidii in Boſco in Co. Hertf. Propr. Richard Rains- ford Elq; 1706. Mrs. Elizabeth Griffen 1719. Sir Foſeph Fekyll (W.) 19 13 05 Duſton V. (St. Mary] 00 12 10 Abbey of St. James, Northampton, Propr. Thomas Coke Efq; 1706. St. Giles's V. 00 15 11 Priory of St. Andrew's Propr. Mr. Nathaniel Whalley 1710. St. Sepulchers V. 00 12015 Pri.Sti Andr. Propr. Mr. Nathaniel Whalley S. T. P. 1708. St. John's Hoſpital. 05 15 II Biſhop of Lincoln, St, Leonard's Chap. to Hardingſton, demoliſh ed. 43 13 02 20 10 10 57 19 07 D. Dundle. S. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. s. d. S Achurch R. (St. John Baptiſt] with Thorpe-Watervill, Ar- 14 16 03 ¿ chidiac . x s. vii d. 01 09 073 Lord Exeter 1685. The Revd. Dr. Saunderfon is Patron and Incumbent 1729. 12 04 02 Aldwinckle-Saints R. Archidiac. x s. vii d. OI 04 05 Sir Andrew St. John Bart. 1708. Lord St. John (W.) Earl of Exeter (N.W.) 11 05 03 Aldwinckle St. Peter's R. Archidiac. x s. vii d. OI 02 07* Mrs. Mary Walker Widow (this Turn) 1707. Earl of Exe- ter (W.) Mrs. Fleetwood (N.) 17 02 OI Barnwell Andrew's R. Arcbidiac. x s. vii d. oi 14 021 Duke of Montague. Barnwell Saints R. Archidiac.x s. vii d. ΟΙ 1o o8 Duke of Montague. 35 0907 Benyfield R. [St. Mary] Archidiac, x s. vii d. 03 10 11 Sir Thomas Middleton Kt. 1681. Mr. Joye (w.) Mar- quis of Powis (N.) Clapton R. (St. Peter] Pens. Pri. Sti Neoti xxv s. viii d. Archi- 17 03 09 diac. x s. vii d. I 14 041 Sir Matthew Dudley Bart. 1710. SKING's-CLIFFE R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. x s. vii d. Abb. 13 16 03 de Martyn-Abby xx s. 07 07 Lord Weſtmoreland (W.). Ilip R. (St. Nicholas] Archidiac. x s. vii d. Abb. Thorney 15 06.08 Xiii s. iiii d. OI 10 08 William Atwell Gent. 1681. Thomas Smith (this Turn) 1706. Sir John Germayne (N.) Rrr 2 Lilford 15 06 08 Archi-zor ney Zor 492 Diocese of PETERBOROUGH. Northamp. 1. 1. S. d: 16 08 11:. 2002 II for King's Books. Yearly Tenthis. d. 07 12 03Ź Lilford V. + (St. Peter] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 00 15 02 571. 145.3 d. Coll. Fotbering bay Propr. Sir Thomas Powys 1712. CertifiedValue. ] 00 16 10 68 1.12 s 6d. 1 X s. viid. CertifiedValue. Duke of Montague. ŞLuffwick alias Lowick R. (St. Peter] Archidiac. x s. vii d. oi 12 10 Sir Thomas Bridges Kt. Sir John Germayne (N.W.) 21 II 057 Lutton R. (St. Peter] Arcbidiac. x s. vii d. 02 03 01 Lord Rockingbam 1706. * Naffington P. Decano & Capitulo Lincoln, vi l. viii s. x d. 45 03 03** Penf. Vicario.xls. Redd. Domina Reginæ viii s. uid. Collegio f 04 10 02 de Fotheringhay viii d. Biſhop of Lincoln. 29 03 06; Potchbrooke als Polebrooke R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. x.s.viid. 02 18 04. Biſhop of Peterborough. Stoke-Doyl R. (St. Rumbald] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 02 00 03 Lord Chief Baron Ward Patr. 1708. Mr. W'ard (W.) 10 05 10 Sudborow R. [All Saints] Archidiac. x s. vii.d. of 20 07 Biſhop of London. Ş.Tanſor R. (St. Mary). Archidiac. xs. vii d. Penf. Preben. 13 12 IT Ź dario de Nafington Ixvi s. viii d. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. s APSTONE . Abb. 14, 05 05 01 08 06 Burne iiii s. The KING: 45 00 00 Titchmarſh R. (St. Mary) Archidiac. X s. vii d. ob. qa. 04 10 00 Sir Charles Cæſar Bart. Sir Gilbert Pickering (N.W) STwiwell R. [St. Nicholas). Archidiac. X-s. viid. Abb. Tbor- 09 Oo oo 00 18 og ney XX S. Thomas Ekins Gent. 1705. Mr. Scriven (ÍN. W.) Waddinghoe R. [St. Michael] Archidiac. x s. vii do 01-02 00 7chn Stanion Eſqi John Bridges Eſq; (N. W.); Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Ś Cotterſtock. $ [St. Andrew] with Glapthome V.: [St. Léo- 37 19 oo nard] The is diffolved and become a Lay-Fee. Mr. Steward 1708. 35,08 04. Hemington V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 00.12 11; Priory of St. Neots Propr. Lord Montague 1705. 48 02 04 Pilton R. [St. Michael and All Saints] Archidiac. X. s. vii d.. Sir Thomas Powys. Mr. Powis (W.) 45 14 00 *Naflington V. (All Saints] 00 15 04 Prebendary thereof. OUNDLE Ithilford V.-In Originali Rotulo in Ofic. Primit: Dec. & Cap. Lincoln. funt Propr. # Cotterfiock V. Augmented by John Norton Eſq; with 20 l. per annum. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Im . propriations, p. 338. The Rectory is an impropriation, but was charged as a Rectory in the Survey of Hen. VIII. the Value whererf was xlii l. xv s. xid. The Reprizes were as follows ; Archidiac. X s. vii d. Penf. E- piſ. Lincoln. xls. Decano & Capit. Lincoln. xx s. Penf. Archidiac. Northampt. vs. Priori de Fyrmeſhed vi s. viü d. Vide che Original Parchmenc-Roll in Offic, Primitiarum. 1 1 00 00 { 0-300 00 00 00: 01 02 00 > Northamp. DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. 493 23 19 08 isti?.00 1 00 16 09 Clear Yearly Value, learly Tenths. 1. S. d. 1. d. OUNDLE V. (St. Peter] + with Aſhton Chap. от об о8 The KING. Mon. Petriburg. Propr. ŞSlipton V. [St. John Baptiſt] Archidiec. X s. vii d. Priori Sti? 46 04 10 Fobannis Northampt. xx s. OO II 02 Pri. Sti Johannis Propr. Abbey of Thorney Propr. Sir John Germayne Bart, 1707. 34 06 09 Southwick V. † [St. Mary] Mon. Sulbye Propr. John Lynn Efq; 1691. ir 06 05 Warmington V. [St. Mary) cum Cap. Egilthorp. от об о8 Mon. Petriburg Propr. Lord Weſtmoreland 1680. Earl of Exeter (W.) Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Apethorpe [St. Leonard) formerly Chap. to Naſlington. Finiſhed Cur. [St. Mary) formerly a Monaſtery. Mr. Kirk- bam Patr. (W) Fotheringhay Cur. [St. Mary and All Saints] formerly a Col. lege. Heirs of the Marq. of Hallifax (W.) Newton (St. Mary) formerly a Chap. to Nallington. Yarwell Chap. to Naffington. D. Peterborough: l. s, d. l. d. an- 1305 "} Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprie!ors. S Barnock R. (St. John Baptiſt] Penf. Abb. Peterb. XV s. Ar- 2.8 10 00 02 17 00 chidiac. x s. vii d. Biſhop of Peterborough. Caſtor R. [St. Weneburge] (held with the Biſhopric, being a 52 12 08 nex'd thereto.) Penj. Abb. Peterb.c... Archidiec. x s. ix d. 05 05 03 12 09 07 Colliweſton R: (St. Andrew] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 01 04 11 The KING. 19 08 09 Eaſton near Stamford R. [A1!-Saints] . Ari hidiac. x s. vid. 18 10 Penf. Abb. Peterb. xls. Pens. Epiſc. Lincoln. viii d.. Lord Exeter 1695. 09 09 09 Etton R. [St. Stephen] Archidiac, xs. vii d. 00 18 1 Lord Fitz-Williams (W.), 09 02 031 Marham R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 00 18 02. Lord Fitz-Williams (W.) ŞNorborow alias Northborough R. [St. James and St. Andrew] 10; 19 07 ¿ Archidiac. X s. vii d.. OI OI II 541. CertifiedValue. Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. Pafton R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. X.5. vii d. Penf. Elemoſ. Pe- 13.07 II ? terb. xiii s. illi d. Biſhop of Peterborough. Peakere + OUNDLI V.-Augmented by Capt. Edward Bedles of Oundre. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of linpropriations, | "Southwick V.----- Augmented by John Lynne Efq; with 20 l. per annum for ever. Bishop Kennet's Cafe ya Impropriations, p. 338. lew]}or -}ov 06 09: p. 337. 494 DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. NORTHAMP. I. d. 1. d. arcbi-zos 16 04 } terb, iii s. 35 02 06 King's Books. Yearly Tenths SPeakerke (All-Saints] with Glynton R. [St. Benedict] Archi-7 18 03 113 Ź diac. x s. vii d. Sacriftæ Peterb. xv s. vii d. Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. Thornehough R. (St. Andrew] cum Wainsford Chap. [St. 17 01 03 Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. pro Indemn. iii s. Abb. De- Abb. De- for 14 013 Duke of Bedford 1708. 26 13 04 ŞUfford R. (Holy Trinity) cum Bainton Chap. (St. Mary] Redd. 302 ii d. Archidiac. xs. vii d. 13 04 St. John's College, Cambridge, 1708. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Helpeſton V. [St. John Baptiſt] Redd. iii s, ii da 00 16 oo Chriſt's College, Cambridge. 47 13 00 St. Martin at Stamford-Bridge V. 00 15 042 Mon. Sti Michaelis Stamford Propr. Earl of Exeter 1708, 1719. Maxie V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Redd. xvii d. ob. Burgo Sti Petri, al. Redd. illi s. Mon. Peterburg. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Peterbo- rough. SWITTERING R. [All-Saints] Redd. Reginæ iiii d. Pri. Stam-? 44 06 II 00 ford ii s. Archidiac. x s. vii d. Penf. Abb. Petri vis. viii d. William Watſon Gent. 1692. Earl of Exeter (N.W.) Not in Charge. Eye C. [St. Matthew] l. 16 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Biſhop of Peterborough Patr. St. John Baptiſt V. in the Ci- : ty of Peterborough. Biſhop of Peterborough. Longthorpe (St. John Baptift] Chap. to Peterborough. Oxney Chap. to Peterborough. PETERBOROUGH C. 66 : 00.: 05 Certified Val. John Baptift] - Abbey of Peterborough Propr. Biſhop of Peterborough Patr. Sutton [St. Michael] Chap. to Caftor. Upton (St. John Baptiſt] Chap. to Caftor. Wirrington [St. Mary and St. John Baptiſt] Chap. to Pafton. D. Prelton. 45 or 08 I Oo oo 16 01 ( Kings Books. 1. d. I 2 00 00 s. 734 Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. .. s. d. Alderton R. als Aldrington (St Margaret] Archidiac. iiis. OI 04 00 The KING, Aſhney alias Aſhton R. [St. Michael] Archidiac. üi s. vii d. ob. o oo oo The KING. 3 Blifworth CertifiedValue. 10 00 00 NORTHAMP. DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. 495 King's Books. 16 10 05 I2 IO IO d;}or 52 22 00 00 Yearly Tenths 1. d. 1. d. 20 03 09 Blifworth R. (St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 02 00 041 Lord Hatton 1662. 10. Knibb 1687. William Roberts 1701. Lord Hatton Patr. 1728. 17 09 07 · Caſtle-Aſhby R. (St. Mary Magdalen] Archidiac. x s. vid. OI 14 in Lord Northampton 1680. 17 00 00 Coginghoo als Coginhey R. [St.Peter] Archidiac. x s.vi d.ob.qa. OI 14 00 Mrs: Jane Whalley Widow 1701. Collingtree R. [St. Columbus] Archidiac. x s. vi d. ob.qa. OI 13 001 William Harvey Eſq; 1679. 14 II 03 Coveſgrave alias Coſgrave R. (St. Peter] Archidiac. x s. vii d. oi og or Lord Maynard 1698. S Curtenhall R. (St. Peter and St. Paul). Archidiac. X s. vii d. Priori Lenton vis, viii d. 05 01 The KING. Earl of Hallifax: q. 08 oo oo Eaſton-Nefton V. with Hulncote (St. Mary] 00 16 oo 1. 2s. 6 d. Priory of Seweſley in this Pariſh Propr. Lord Lempſter 1711. Certifiedl'alue. Earl of Pomfret (W.) 07 00 00 Furthoo R. alias Further (St. Bartholomew] Archidiac. iii s. 00 14 00 Jeſus-College, Oxford. 07 17 OI Horton V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. iii s. 00 15 081 The KING. Abb. Sti Jacobi juxta Northampton Propr. Houghton-magna R. [St. Mary] 02 04 00 Francis Arundell Efq; 1708. 06 og 02 Houghton-parva V. Archidiac. x s. vii d. 47 1. 3 s. 4d. Pri. Sti Andreæ Northampton Progr. William Ward Eſq; CertifiedValue. 1720. 16 15 10 S Middleton alias Milton-Malfor R. [St. Helen] Archidiac. x s. vi d. ob. oi 13 07 qa. Mr. Twigden, Mr. Richard Gleed, yo. Twigden and Ben- jamin Twigden. 20 Paſſenham R. (St. Guthlake] 02 00. 00. Thomas Maynard Eſq; 1706. 24 04 02 Pawlerſpurie R. [St. James] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 02 08 05 Sir Benjamin Bathurſt 1687. Lord Bathurſt !W.) 07 Oo oo Preſton V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. 8 s. vii d. oo 14 00 511.135. lod. Pri. Stæ Fridiſwida Oxon. Propr. Sir Richard Newman CertifiedValue. II 03 09 Quinton R. [St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. iii s. Pri. Sti Andr. 02 04 671. 55.9.2. 2 Northampt. vi s. viii d. CertifiedValue. The KING. 30 Oo oo Stoke-Bruern R. + [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 03 OO CO Brazen-Noſe College, Oxford. 14 11 00 Whiſton R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vi d. ob. qa. oi 09 01 Richard Roſe Gent. 1697. Earl of Uxbridge (N. W.) 10 15 OI 1072 St. ] James ] vulgo Wickins, Archidiac. x s. vii d. Lord Sunderland 1702. Mr. Hofer Patr. 1721. Charles Hoſier Efq; 1722. Wotton + Stoke-Bruern. In the original Roll this is charged in Dec. Brackley. 00 12 II *si301 20 00 00 Bart. 1719. Bor 496 DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. NORT HAMP. 1. } ob. 2a. King's Books. Yearly Tenths d. 1. d. 21 15 00 Wotton R. (St. George] Archidiac. x s. vü d. 02 03 06 Exeter-College, O.sford (N. W.) Yardly-Haſtinges R.' [St. Andrew] cum Devington, Priori 13 16 0012 Sti Andr. Northampi. xxvi s. väi d. Archidiac, x s. vi d. 01 07 0.77 Lord Northampton 1696. Livings Diſcharged. Clar Yearly Value. 39 03 04 Brayfield upon the Green V. (St. Laurence] Archidiac. iii s. 00 13 047 Priory of St. Andrew's, Northampton, Propr. Thomas Ward Eſq; 1686. 21 08 08 Glendon alias Clendon V. (St. Mary] 00 1600 Trinity-College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. 49 07 07 Grafton- Kings R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. 00 18 11 The KING, Hartwell R. or Chapel (St. John Baptiſt] Earl of Hallifax (W.) 31 1 2 00 Potterſpury V. † [St. Nicholas] 00 16 07 Domus Cartbuſ. in Coven. Propr. Mrs. Frances Bathurſt Widow 1708. Lord Bathurft (W.) 17 05 00 Rotherthorpe V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. ïïi s. 00 10 11 Abb. Sri Jai obi Northampton Propr.. Sir Thomas Samuel Bart. Chapels. Deynton Chap. to Whifton. Pidington (St. Mary] Chap.} to Horton, l. 20 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Rode (St. Mary] Chap. to Collingtree, l. 15 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. 20 00 00 00 00 00 6034. 08{ d. }or 10 05 D. Giotiwell Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. l. s. d. Reffories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. Arthingworth R. [St. Andrew] Arcbidiac. x s. vü d. ob. Prio- 12 02 081 ri Launda xxvi s. viii d. OL 04 037 Mr. Langham Rokeby (this Turn) 1707. SBowden-parva R. [St. Nicholas] Prióri Launda xiii s. iiii d. 15 04 02 Archidiac. x s. vii d. Arthur Mowſe Gent. 1696. Rowland Walker Eſq; 1726. Duke of Montague (W.) Mr. Wooton (N.) ·23 06 101 Braybrooke R. [All-Saints) Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. 02 06 081 Thomas Griffin Eſq; 1685. Mr. Chapman (W:) 21 09 07 · Broughton R. [St. Andrew] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 02 02 Il Duke of Montague 1709. 03 oo oo Clendon R. [St. Helen] Archidiac, vi s. ix d. ob. 00 16 oo Fra. Lane Eſq; 1665. Ralph Lane Eſq; 1719. Clipſton † Potterſpury V. ---Augmented with 10 l. per annum, by Edmund Arnold Esq; 1675. Biſhop Kennet's Cafe Impropriations, p. 287. NORTHAMP. DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. 497 King's Boks. I. d. s. 00 I 2 OO 12 02 II Yearls Tentes. 1. d. II 12 081 Clipfton Two Parts R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. vii s. iiïid. OI 03 03 Cbriſt's College, Cambridge. 06 00 00 Clipſton third Part R. [All Saints] Archidiac. iii s. iiii d. Chriſt's College, Cambridge. ] 2 Delaprey xxvi s. viii d. 04 03 John Courtman Gent. 1691. Sir Iſaac Ruſſel (W.) Sir James Ruſel (N.) 21 08 or Econ R. [St. Mary Magdalen] Archidiac. x s. vi d. ob. 02 02 09 Thomas Catteſby Efq; 1688. The Revd. Mr. Palmer the Incumb. Patr. 1724. 13 01 00 Farnden R. [St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. от об от: St. John's College, Oxford. 13 06 08 Halcote. R. [St. Mary and All Saints] Penf.Præpoſ.Dingley xl s. or 06 03 Archidiac. x s. vii d. Mrs. Woodford (N. W.) 10 II 03 Hanington R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac, x s. vid. ob. oi oi ois Biſhop of Lincoln 06 17 06 Hardwicke R. [St. Leonard] Penſ. Priori Sti Johannis Jeru- 13 09 2 Salem xxiii s. jiii d. CertifiedValue. Sir Edward Nicholls Bart. and Lady Jane Nicholls 1690. 15.09 07 Harrington R. [St. Peter and St. Paul) Archidiac. x s. vii d. oi 10 II; Lord Stanhope. Earl of Dyfert (W.) 13 14 ogí Hafelbech R. [St. Michael] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. x s. vii d. oi 07 05 Mr. Wykes 1708, 1711, 1729. Mr. Poulton (W) ο Ιο οο Iſham Superior R. + (St. Peter] 00 15 00 62 l. 12 s. 8 d. Mrs. Elizabeth Bagley 1710 CertifiedValue. 07 Io oo Iſham Inferior R. (St. Peter] 00 15 00 62 h. 12 s. 8d. Biſhop of Lincoln 1713. CertifiedValue. 23 OI 05 Kelmarſh R. [St. Dennis] · 02 6 ore Thomas Hanbury Eſq; 1700. Sir Iſaac Ruſel (W.) 48 02 06 SLamport, R. [All Saints) with Faxton Chapel [St. Dennis] 2 Archidiac. x s. vii d. Sir Juſtinian Iſham Bart. 1719. 10 04 041 Lodington R. [St. Andrew] OI 00 05* Sir Thomas Bridges Kt. 1692. 10 08 Oir Maidwell St. Mary's R. Archidiac. x s. vii d. 이 ​oi oo og Mr. George and Jo. Palmer 1706. Sir Iſaac Ruffel (W) 04 17 OI Maidwell St. Peter's R, Archidiac. iii s. 00 09 08 Sir Iſaac Ruſſel (W.) 15 02 II Marſton-Truffel R. [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. x s. vii d. OI 10 036 Robert Breton Eſq; (this Turn) 1701. Sir Iſaac Rufel (W.) Mr, Barwell (N.) 2007 uz; Orlingbury R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. vii d. ob. 02 00 08 Jo. Bridges (this Turn) 1699. Sir Brook Bridges 1726. SES Oulde + Dam Superior and Ilham Inferior R.---were both valued de novo, after the firſt Valuation taken, and in the new Valuation as above, there are no Reprizals mentioned. Vide the Roll in Ofíc. Primit. nis 1304 16 03 498 DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. NORTHAME. : b. J. 1. d. rchin}or 1 Petri303 oi {* Prizor King's Books, Yearly Tenths. d. 18 12 08; Oulde R. alias Woulde R. [St. Andrew] Archidiac. x s. vii d. Op 17 035 Brazen-Noſe College, Oxford, 1706. 13 08 04 Oxenden-magna R. (St. Helen] Abb. Siſternenſ. xls. Archi- OI 16 10 diac. x s. vii d. ob. Jo. Courtman Clerk and others 1706. Mr. Morton (W.) SPightſley R. alias Pitchley * [All-Saints] Abb. Burgi Sti Petri 30 01 03 vis. viii d. Archidiac. x s. vid, 03 00 01 Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. 10 II OI Ruſhton All Saints R. Archidiac, v s. OL OL 02 Lord Cullen in Ireland. Sir John Cotton (W.) II 13 04 Ruſhton St. Peter's R. Archidiac. vis. ix d. ob. OI 03 04 Lord Cullen in Ireland. 14 00 10 Scaldwell R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. Xs. vid. Οι ο8 ΟΙ Duke of Montagu. 06 04 og: Sibberſtote V. [St. Helen] Archidiac. x s. vii d. oo 12 051 Mon. Sulbye Propr. Biſhop of Oxford. 11 01 053 Siwell R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. x s. viid. Pri. OI 02 Ore { Sti Andr. Northamp. xxvis. viii d. Redd. xii d. William Wilmer Efq; 1710. II 14 02 Thorpe-Malveſor R. (All-Saints] Archidiac, x s. vii d. 01 03 05 Ro. Manſell Eſq; 1681. Mrs. Catherine Manſell Widow CertifiedValue. 1719. 22 04 07 Waldgrave R. (St. Peter) Archidiac. x s. vi d. ob. 02 04 05 Biſhop of Lincoln. 13 19 041 Wilbye R. (St. Mary]. Archidiac, xs. vid. 01 07 115 Lord Longueville 1713. Earl of Sulfex (N.) WILLINGBURY alias WELLINGBOR.OW V. (All-Saints] Abb. :24 OI 08 02 O8 oz Crowland xl s. Elemoſ. vi s. vid. Archidiac. V s. Abb. Crowland in Linc. Propr. Lord Brooke 1711. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value, - 42 10 11 Barton-Earles V. [All Saints] The KING, Abb. de Pratis Propr. 29 01 09 Brixworth V. [All-Saints] Archidiac. iit so üido OI 09 07 Chancellor of Salisbury Propr. and Patr. 8 00 00 Cranſley V. [St. Andrew] 00 16 06 Colieg. Newarke Propr. Jobn Robinſon Eſq;-17201 22 00 04 Dailborrow alias Deſborow V. (St. Giles) 00 16 oo The KING. : Pri. Rothwell Propr. 43 OO 02 Dodington V. [St. Nicholas) 00 17 04 The KING. Abb. de Pratis Propr. Harrowdown 60 l. 18. 3o2 + 01 00 00 * Pigliſey alias Pitchley R.---There is no Rector, only a Vicar at 30 l. per Ann. paid out of the Rectory (an Impropriation) annex'd to the Biſhopric of Coventry and Lichfield, as per Letter from Mr. Wood, Vicar of Pitchley, dated Juiy 15, 1919. Dr. Mortow, Bifhc of Coventry and Lichfield, did abate good part of his Fine to increaſe the Portion of the Vicar of Pitcbley in Northamptonſhire. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of. Impiran Friutions, p. 292. 43 12 05:Harrowdown alias Harrowden-magna V. (All-Saints] cum * -. १० Efq; 1719. - 15 11.17 03: Brigſtock (St. Andrew] with Stanion V. (St. Peter] Archi-yor 03 08 NÓRTHAMP. DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. 499 Clear Yearly Value. l'early Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. on 06 041 Mon. Sulbye Propr. The Honourable Thomas IVentworth 37 06 08 Meris-Aſhby V. [All Saints] Archidiac. x s. vii d. oo 03 04 Domus Cartbuſ. in Coventry Propr. Nicholas Hacket Eſq; 1690. ROTHWELL V. (Holy Trinity] with Orton Chapel [All- 12 13 02 { Saints] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 15 10.1 Mon. Cirenceſter in Co, Glouceſter olim Propr. William Ward Efq; 1719, and Sir John Humble alternately, Pitchley Cur. 1. 30 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. This was formerly charged in the King's Books as a Rectory at 301. rs. id. but the Rectory thereof is now appropriated to the See of Lichfield. D. Peloon. Livings remaining in Charge King's Books. Yearly Tenths, I. d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. s. d. 17 Oo oo Aſhley R. (All-Saints). Archidiac. x s. vii d. OI 14 00 Samuel Templar Eſq;. 1696. Blatherwick R. (Holy Trinity) Penſ. Epiſc. Lincoln, iii s. iii d. 14 II 03 Archidiac. xx d, Pri, Launda xiii s. iiii d. or og or 65. 175. 10d. Certified Value. Henry Stafford Eſq; 21 06 08 SBrampton R. [St. Mary] Pri. Sti Neoti xxvi s. viji d. Archi- 02 02 08 diac. xs. Sir Eraſmus Norwich Patr. 1720. diac. iii s. 401. 135. 32. CertifiedValue. Abb. Cirenceſter in Glouceſt. Propr. of Stanion. Sir William Bowyer Bart, and Ebenezer Sadler 1705. Lord Torring- ton (W.) 18 07 01 Bulwick R. (St. Nicholas) Redd. viï s. ix d. ob. Elemoſ. xvi d. or 16 081 Mr. Charles Tryon 1692. Carleton R. [St. Peter] Archidiac. x s. vii d. OI 05 075 Sir Lewis Palmer (W.) 13 16 03 Corby R. (St. John Baptift] Archidiac, xvii d. 01 07 071 Lord Hatton. Earl of Cardigan (W.) SCottingham R. [St. Peter] Archidiac. x s. vii d. Abb. de Bur- 23 07 03:{ go vi s. viii d. 02 06 08.12 Brazen-Noſe College, Oxford. 24 03 06 Dean R. alias Deen [St. Peter] Archidiac. x s, vii d. 02 08 04 Earl of Cardigan (W.) Sff 2 Dingley for Archi-302 ] ] : 12 16 03 1 ! 500 DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. Northamp. s. l. S. d. 04 16 08 07 07 06 00 14 09 10 l. 8 s. quo Jure ? 13 06 08 13 06 08 King's Books. Yearly . Tenths. 1. d. 09 09 04: Ding!ey R. (All-Saints] Archidiac. xs. viid. ob. 00 18 John Mapletoft M. D. 1683. Lord Griffin (W.) Edward Griffin Eſq; (N.) 21 13 00. Gretton-Weldon P, Ecclefia Cath. Lincoln. cs.. iii d. 02 03 035 Bishop of Lincoln. Haringworth Free Chapel [St. John Baptiſt] 00 09 08 Mon. Elſtow in Bedf. Propr. Charles Stanhope Eſq; 1672. Okeley-parva R. [St. Peter] 50l. 14.3. Mrs. Elizabeth Drake alias Trotman 1719. Duke of Mon- CertifiedValue. tagu Patr. 1729 10 02 03· ROCKINGHAM R. * [St. Leonard] Archidiac. x s. vii d. 01 00 02 Lord Rockingham. Lord Rockingham has all the Tythes, CertifiedValue. but q. Stoke-Albany R. (St. Botolph] Pri. de Beyvèr xxvi s. viii de oi 06 08 Archidiac. x s. yii d. ob. Lord Rockingham 1713; 11 12 06 Wakerley R. [St. Mary) Archidiac, x s. vii d. 01 03 03 William Wotton (this Turn) 1713. Earl of Exeter (W.) Weldon R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. X s. viid. от об о8 Lord Hatton 1684. 11.17 OI Weſton V. t with Sutton (St. Mary) Archidiac. iii s. 01 03 085 Abb. de Launda in Co. Leiceſt. Propr. Lord Rockingham 1697. 07 17 01 Wilberfton V. [All Saints). Archidiac, iii.s. OD 1.5 08 Abb. Elneſtow in Bedf. Propr. Lord Rockingham 1691. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Geddington V. [St. Andrew1 OO IT OF Mon. Pipewell Propr. Duke of Montagu. 48 oo oo Gretton V. (St. James] o 18 08 Lord Nottingham 1710. Prebendary thereof (N.) perhaps as Leflee to the Preb. 33 03 04 Harringworth V. [St. John Baptiſt] 01 03 07. Mon. Elſtow in Bedf . Propr. Dean and Chapter of Oxford. 43 18 oo Veckley alias Weekley V. (St. Mary] Archidiac. iiis. oo 18 oo Abb. Sti Jacobi juxta Northamp. Propr. Lord Mountague 1904. Donatives. Laxton Cur. [All-Saints] l. 20 :00 : 00 Certified Val. Pri. Finiſhed Propr. Newton, a Donative (not in Charge.) Duke of Montagu Patr. Okeley-magna Cur. Abb. Pipewell Propr. Mr. Broke. or Drake Patr. (W.) Aittow- * Rockingham R.-is ſaid to be only a Curacy, ſerved by the appointment of the Lord Rockingham at 101. per Annun. Tiis in the Original Survey was charged as above. Vid. the Original Roll in Offic. Primitiarum. + Weft-in the Northampton Roll in Ofic. Primitiarum, is ſaid to be appropriated to the Hoſpital of SA Febr's in Dingle;. 1 10 00 00 RUTLAND 501 DIOCESE OF PETERBOROUGH. Alltow-hundzed. Fearly Tentbs. 1. d. 02 01 07 oi oi 031 Patr, 1729. 02 II 07 00 07 01 00 10 047 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. I. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 20 16 03 Aſhwell R. (St. Mary] Lord Exeter 1680. Mr. Burton (W.). 1Q 13. 01; Burlie V. (Holy Croſs] Pri. Nuneaton in Co. Warw. Propr. Earl of Nottingham 25 16 03 Cotteſmore R. (St. Nicholas] cum Cap. Barrow Earl of Gainsborough 1724. Roger Heath Efq; 03 il' oo} Friſtelton alias Thiſtleton R. [St. Nicholas] 531.0 s. 100: The QUEEN by Lapſe 1704. Mr. Snowe (W.) James CertifiedValue. Brudenell Eſq; (N.) 05 03 09 Greetham V. * [St. Mary] 601.o so 7 d. Pri. Sti Sepulchri Warw. Propr. Earl of Nottingham Patr. CertifiedValué. 1729. 14. II 03 Market-Overton R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] John Wingfield Efq;. 1700, 1724+ 07 17.01 Stretton R. (St. Nicholas] 591. 10 s. 4d. 1 Edward Horſman Eſq; 1719. Certified Value, 14 O2 . Tighe R. [Holy Trinity] Lord Sherard 1704. Mr. Sherard (w.) Livings Diſcharged. Glear Yearly Value. 40 00 00 Exton V. [St. Peter and St. Paul): Pri. Sti Andr. Northamp. Propr. Lord Gainsborough 1700. 46 00 00 Wiſſenden V. alias Whiſſendine + {St. Andrew] Pri. Sempringham in Co. Lincoln Propr. Benei Lord Sherard. or og or 00 15 081 01 08 03 00 16 09 ! oo 14.01 Caft-Hundeed. r d. s. S. II 02 II 1 06 15 05 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. Restories, .&c. with their Patrons and Proprietors, 1. d. Caſterton-magna R. [St. Peter and St. Paulſ OL 02 03 Mrs. Elizabeth Pollard Widow 1691. Earl of Exeter. (W.) Cafterton-parva R. [All-Saints] 00 13 061 John Brown Eſq; 1701. 25 06 05. Empingham P. in the Church of Lincoln; 02 10 07 Biſhop of Lincoln. Hornfield * Greetham V. The Right Honourable the Earl of Nottingham 1702; demiſed to the Vicar thereof and his Succeſſors, all the Tythes of Corn, Grain, Hay, and Wood, ariſing in Wolfox, for an Augmentation of at leaſt 81. Mr. Henry Forſter of Thiſleton, did in 1702, give unto the fame Vicar of Greet- bam, and his Succeſfors for ever, all the Tythes of Corn, Grain. Hay, and Wood, ariſing from the Lands of ſeveral in that Parith, which Tythes are about 15l. per Ann, and by his. Will gave 10l. per Arin. more. Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 423. + Wilſenden alias Whilſendine V. - Augmented by Mr. Forfler of Thiſleton, with 10 l. per Annum. Birop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p.424. per Annum. 502 DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. RUTLAND. s. sre, 300°02 og 00 10 oo King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. oi 06 08 Hornfield R. [AIL-Saints] united to Exton (this is a Sine-Cure, the Church being demoliſh'd) Lord Gainsborough. 29 10 02 Ketton P. in the Church of Lincoln. 02 19 00 Biſhop of Lincoln. 12 10 05 Tinewell R.:[All-Saints) 01:05. 00 Lord Exeter. 05.00 og Whitwell R. [St. Michael] Earl of Gainsborough (W.) Livings Diſcharged. ClearYearly Value. SV. † Church of Lincoln. 15 053 Prebendary thereof. * Ketton V. # [St. Mary) with Tixover [St. Mary Magdalen] 42 03 04 { This is a Peculiar of the Church of Lincoln. Prebendary thereof. 31 10 00 Royal V. [St. John Evangelift) with Effenden [St. Mary] OI 07 081 Þri. Sti And. Northamp. Propr. Lord Exeter 1711. 42 03 OI Tilkencote R. [St. Peter] 00 '12 07 Mr. Jo. Wing field 1711. 1 39 00 oo { { len}} 1300 16.00 1. d. 017 1 D. Okeham-Doca. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rektories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. l... 10 00 05 Kilpelſham R. [St. Mary] OI Oo oo 63 1. 17 5. 5 d. Richard Snow Eſq; 1695. CertifiedValue. (OKEHAM V. [All-Saints cum Cap. de Edgton (St. Edmund] 28 03 011 Langham [St. Peter and St. Paul] Barleythorpe and Brooke 402 16 031 [St. Peter] Abb. Weſtminſter olim Propr. Earl of Nottingham Patr. by an Exchange with the Biſhop of London, by Act of Parliament 9° Willi. tertii. SPikeworth R. [All Saints] (this is a Sine-Cure, the Church 04 Oo oo oo 08 og being down) Lord Exeter. Diſcharged. Clear early Value. Wardley R. [St. Mary) with Belton V. (St. Peter] OI OI 07 The KING. Pri. de Launda Propr. : to Hambledon Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Patr. Brook Cur. I. 5 : 10: 00 Cert. Val. D. + Empingham V.-Augmented by Mr. Henry Forſter with iol. per Aunum. Bilbop Kenner's Cafe of im. propriations, p. 424. İ Ketton V. -Augmented by Mr. Henry Forfler with 10l. per Annum, Bilbop Kennet's Cafe of Impro- priations, p. 424. ch} ។ 46 15 03 Branfton Cur. [All-Saints] Chap.31.27 : 06 : 04Cert.Val. 2 RUTLANDI DIOCESE of. PETERBOROUGH. 503 s. Pearl Tenths. 1. d. 00 16 09. oi 08 09 OI OI 081 80 13 08 00 12 00 oo 19 09: O'T OO ORE 00 00 08 02 00 OI 00 14.06 D. Rutland, alias Maztingley-Hundred. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietor's 08 07 086 Ayſton R. [St. Mary); The Honourable James Brudenell Efq; 1710. 14 07:06. Edweſton alias Eddiweſton R. [St. Mary] Charles Halford Efq; 1687. 10.17 01 Hambledon V. [St. Andrew] Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. 06 17 01 Linden R. alias Lyden (St. Martin) 634.145. 11d. I Sir Thomas Barker Bart. 1687. CertifiedValue. 06 00 05 Martinthorpe R. (St. Martin q.] (this is a Sine-Cure.) Lord. Denbigh 1691. 09 17 06 Preſton R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] 58 l. 12 s. M1. Henry Fawkner, and his Wife 1703. Mr. Broadgate CertifiedValue. 10 01 03 Ridlington. R. [St. Mary and St. Andrew] Lord Gainsborough 1710. 00 06 08 Tho.Burley Decan. Rural. 20 00 10 UPPINGHAM R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Biſhop of London. 07.05.05. Winge R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] 74 1. 11 5.20.1 The KING. CertifiedValue. 12 13.01. Hofp. Sti Johannis Evangeliftæ in Oakham Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Values 10. 00:00. Manton V. [St. Mary] (is only a Curacy, and not endowed). Sir Thomas Mackworth (W.)? 40 06 10 Normanton R. [$t. Matthew q.] Sir Tbonas Mackworth (W.), Wrangdike-hundreds Livings remaining in Charger King's Books... Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. ·· 14:13 01; Barrowden R. [St. Peter) Lord Exeter 1692. 12 16 10 Glayſton R. [$t. Andrew] King's College, Cambridge. 20.00 10. Liddington P. in Eccl. Lincoln. Biſhop of Lincoln. 17 00 05 North-Luffenham R. [St. John Baptiſt] Emanuel College, Cambridge. 12.12 06 South-Luffenham R. (St. Mary) Lord Eſſex, Mr. Meers (W.) 01 05 03 00 00 00 oo, 10 055 1. s. d. Yearly Tenth's 1. d. oi 09 03 01 05 084; 02 00 OI: 01 14 00 01 05 03- Morecote: 504 DIOCESE of PETERBOROUGH. RUTLAND. d. 201 King's Books. Year Tenths. 1. d. 1. . 10 19 07 Morecote R. (St. Mary] OI OI 11 Matthew Hutton Gent. (this Turn) 1668. Mr. Savage (W.) II Stokedry R. (St. Andrew] OI 02 02 Mr. Digby (W) 20.07 06 Seyton alias Seaton R. [All-Saints] 02 00 09 Edward Coney Eſq; 1682. Mr. Tryon (N.), Livings Diſcharged Clear Yearly Value. 31 08 04 Biſbrooke V. [St. John Baptiſt] 00 12 00 Mon. Daventree olim Propr. deinde concell . Eccleſia Chriſti Oxon. Earl of Rutland 1698. Earl of Nottingham (W.) S* Liddington V. [St. Andrew] with Caldecote (St. John] This 43 12 07 is a Peculiar of the Church of Lincoln. Prebendary thereof. Pilton R. [St. Nicholas] 00 09 08 Sir Thomas Powys 1718. Mr. Digby (W.) Memorandum, That Empingham, Liddington, Ketton and Gret- ton in this County, are exempt from the Juriſdiction of the Biſhop of Peterborough, and are Peculiars to the See of Lincoln. 30.16 02 31 06 08 : Dioceſe of tiocheſter. King's Books d. 9 2. Yearly Tenths. 1. S. d 35 16 051 ISHOPRIC*. t 03 09 057 The Cathedral Church. (Sr. ANDREW.) Deanry, Conſtituted about the Year 1541. The KING, 34 14 091 Arch-Deacon of Rocheſter, Erected about the Year 1089. Biſhop of Rocheſter. N. B. There are fix Prebends in this Church not in Charge for Firſt-Fruits and Tenths, four whereof are in the Gift of the King; one is annex'd to the Provoſtfhip of Oriel College, Oxford, by an Act of Parliament 12° Annæ Reginæ ; and one annex'd to the Arch- Deaconry of Rocheſter, by Letters Patent of King Charles the Firſt. D. The Bilopric of Rocheſter is the moſt antient, next to Canterbury, of all in England; a Bishop's See be- ing erected here by St. Auguſtin, who did firft preach the Goſpel unto the Saxons, suno 606. The Cathedral Church here was first erected by Ethelbert King of Kent. This Biſhopric was anticntly in the immediate Patronage of the Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury, which continued will about the Year 1147. Heylin 137- KENT. 505 DIOCESE of ROCHESTER, D. Dartfo2d. d. s. and}" { }or 1.Por of :{ to Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Prarl: Tenths. 1. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors, i. d. 16 18 09 Beckingham R. (St. George] Prox, and Syn. vii s. vid. and ? iii s. iiij d. pro Viſ. Epiſc. OI 13 10 Sir Henry St. John Bart, 1711. Lord Viſcount St. John Patr, 1726. 10 07 08 Charleton R. [St. Luke] Prox. and Syn. viii s, viïi d. 01 00 09 William Langhorne Eſq; 1704. Chellesfield R. (St. Mary) with Farneborow (St. Giles] Prox. 24 14 02 02 09 05 viis. vid. pro Viſ.. Epiſc. illi s. Redd. viiis, id. George Petty Gent. 1692. 16 03.063* Chefilhurſt R. (St. Nicholas] Prox. ix s. vid. Pri. Rocheſter OI 12.04 Biſhop of Rocheſter. 13 19 097 viïis. xd. North-Cray with Rokeſley R. [St. James] Prox. and Syn. , OI 07 Il William Bowes Eſq; 1628. John Buggins 1701. Sir Thomas D'Aeth 1729. 12 13 04 Powles-Cray R. [St. Paulinus] Prox, and Syn. xis, ji d. OI 05 04 Hawkins 1681. 12 17 031 Deptford V. (St. Nicholas) Oi 05 08 Mon. Beigham in Sujex Propr. Edmand Poulter Efq; 1702. Mr. Wilkinſon Patr. 1722. Earith V. (St. John Baptiſt] Prox, and Syn. vii s. vid. oo 19 03 Abb. Leſnes alias Weſtwood Propr. Sir James Bateman Knt. 1713 Greenwich V. [St. Alphage] The KING. . Abb. Shene Propr. (Mon. Vol. I. p. 973.) Abb. Beigham olim Propr. (Mon. Ang. Vol. II. p. 640.) Lee R. [St. Margaret] Prox, and Syn. viii s. illi d. 00 07 02 The KING. 23. 19 02 Lewiſham V. (St. Mary] Prox. & Viſ. Epiſc. x s. xd. 02 07 Il Mon. Lewiſham olim Propr. (Mon. Ang. Tom. I. p. 550.) Abb. Shene in Surr. Propr. (Mon. Vol. I. p. 973.) Lord Dartmouth 1689. Plomſted V. [St. Nicholas] Preb. Sti Martini Ludgate liji s. iuiid. 00 13 10 Mon. Sti Auguſtini Cantuar. Propr. John Michel Eſq; 1707. Sutton V. at Hone (St. John Baptiſt] Mon. Rocheſter olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter Propr. and Patr. Weft-Wickham R. [St. John Baptiſt] Prox. xv s. x d. 01 03 CO Lady Lennard 1624. Sir Stephen Lennard 1680. Richard Hughs Gent. 1705. Sir Stephen Lennard 1720. 09 12 06 21 00 00 02 02 00 03 II 08 06 18 04 10 00 00 01 00 00 II IO IO Ttt WOOLWICK 506 DIOCESE of ROCHESTER. KENT, ). S. d. 00'13 09 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 2 d. 07 12 06 ŞWOOLWICH R. [St. Mary] Prox. vii s. ix d. Pri. Rochefter 1300 xxi s. ix d. oo 15 03 Biſhop of Rocheſter. 06 17 06 Wylmington V. (St. Michael] Mon. Roffen. olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter Propr. and Patr. Livings Diſcharged Clear Yearly Value. 38 05 10 {a ] . ої об o3 Epiſc. ii s. ii.d. The KING. Mon. Bermondſey in Surrey olim Propr. S Footes-Cray and Rokeſley R. [All Saints] Prox. and Syn, vi s. 42 17 00 iii d. The KING 45 05 10;Ş DARTFORD V (Holy Trinity Prox, viis. vid. Penſ. Pri. l. vi d. xvi d. 17 01 Biſhop of Rocheſter Propr. and Patr, 32 08 oo Eltham V. [St. John Baptiſt] Prox. ii s. vid. oo 06 03 Abb. Keynſham in Somerſet Propr. Qriel College, Oxon. preſented 1628, 1636. Mr. Edward Roper Patr. 1721. Mr. Henſhaw preſented 1726. 39 01 03 Horton V. [St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. x s. oo 10 09 Colleg. Cobham Propr. Francis Bathurſt 1691. 39 OI 03 Lullingſtone R. [St. Botolph] cum Lullingſtaine V. 00 k5 os Sir Percival Hart Knt. 1681. Percival Hart Eſq., 1727. Not in Charge. BROMLEY Chap. [St. Peter and St, Paul,] Eaſt-Wickham Chap. (St. Michael.] Leſnes alias Weſtwood Cur. formerly a Monaſtery. (Wis. ver's Fun. Mon. p. 337:) {FC 1. Visofoo 1604 "rifov 17 D. Malling $. I. s. d. Livings remaining in Charge.. King's Books Yearly Tentbs. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 06 06 08 Addington R. (St. Margaret]; Prox.. vi s.. viiid. og 12 08 William Walton Eſq; 1701. 12 17 01 Barming R. (St. Margaret) Prox. vii s. vid. Pri. Ledes ii s. 01 05 08 The KING 12 18 09 Brenchley V. (All-Saints] Prox. viis. vid. oi 05 104 Mon. Leſnes Propr. George Courtop Eſq; 1709. 06 09 04. Byrling V. (All-Saints] Prox. vii s. vid. 00 12 12 Mor. Bermondſey Propr. (Mon. Tom. I. p. 641.). Lord Abergavenny 1715. Cowden KENT. DIOCESE of ROCHESTER. 507 1 1 26 03 09 ?4ܘ ܐ1 ܐܘ {Lamband er te.V. (St. Máry] Prox. vii s. vid. Turno Vic.iüi d.} 10 00 00 OI 00 00 King's Books. Pearly Tentis. I. 2. 1. d. 09 18 11 Cowden R. [St. Mary Magdalen] Prox. iii s. iii d. 00 19 10 Lord Leiceſter 1688, 1720. Ti 1500 Ditton R. [St. Peter] Prox. v's. OI 03 06 Lord Guernſey 1702. 13 OO OO Hadlow V. [St. Mary] Prox. vi s. viii d. OI 06 oo Præceptori de Weſt-Peckham Profr. Sir George Riters 1717. Horſmunden R. [St. Margaret] Prox, viis. vid. Redd. ii s. 1 Henry Haughton Gent. 1660. ig i3 04 Kempſing [St. Mary) and Seale V. (St. Peter] oi 19 04 Mon. Bermondſey in Surrey_Impr. Duke of Dorſet 1720. Lamberherſt V. . Turno Vic. d. 12 10 05 Redd. vid. 01 05 00 Mon. Leeds Pröpr. Dean and Chapter of Rochefier. 17 13 04 Layburne R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox, vi s. viii d. 01 15 04 Francis Clarke Efq; 1667, 1686, 1690. Thomas Halſey Eſg; and Gilbert Clarke 1706. Edward Hall Efq; 1720. 09 18 09 Ligth V. (St. Mary] Prox. viis. vid. 00 19 10- Pri. Tunbridge olim Própr. Earl of Leiceſter 1712. West-MALLING V. [St. Mary] Mon. Malling Propr. Sir John Beaumont Rayney 1712. 14 02 06 Mareworth R. (St. Laurence] Prox. Vi s. vid. OL 08 03 Lord Westmoreland 1702. Nettleſted R. * Prox. ix s. iiii d. Pri. Roffen. xx s. Redd. v s. 01 05 01 Sir-Philip Boteler Bart. 1714. Padleſworth R. Ecclef. Deſtructa. Prox. vii s. vid. oo об ов Mr. John Marſham 1673. 15 05 00 Speldhurſt R. + [St. Mary] Prox, vii s. OI 10 06 Mr. William Cornwall 1693. Troftcliffe R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox. vi s. ii d. ob. OI OO 03 Biſhop of Rocheſter, 04 16 00 Tudeley V. [All-Saints] Prox, ii s. viſi d. co og 074 Mon. Leſnes Propr. "Counteſs of Weſtmorland 1716. 20 03 04 TUNBRIDGE V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox, x s. 02 00 04 Præceptor de Weſt-Peokham olim Propr. Pri. St. John Jeruſalem Propr. (Món. 510. Vol. I.) Charles Lord Ber. Weſtfarley V. [All-Saints] 00 13 001 Mon. Leeds Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter, WESTRAM (St. Mary) and Eaton-Bridge V. [St. Peter and St. 19 19 043 Paul] Prox. vii s. vid. oi 19 11 Ecclefia Cath. Cantuar. Propr. 70. Steers Gent. 1706. 20 18 03 Yalding V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] 02 01 10 Mon. Leſnes Propr. Íbo. Bliſs Efq; 1706. Ttt 2 Livings { . Batminget, Chapel to Nettlefled. + Tunbridge-Wells [King Charles the Martyr] Chapel to Speldhurji. 12 IO IO 03 06 08 10 02 II nard 1912. 06 10 05 }or * 2 경 ​508 KENT. DIOCESE of ROCHESTER. Yearly. Tenths. l. d. 00 13 08 00 10 051 { in . }.00 00 10 057 00 I 2 QO 00 14 07 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. 35 00 00 Allington R. [St. Laurence) Prox, iii s, iii d. Sir Ja. Aſtley Bart. 1714. 35 00 00 Alhurſt R. Lord Dorſet 1717. Duke of Dorſet 1722. Bitborowe R. alias Bidhorough (St. Laurence] Prox, xx d. 40 00 00 Redd. ii s. ii d. Sir Thomas Smith Knt. 1689. Jof. Jones (this Turn) 1716. 40 00 00 Offham R. (St. Michael] Prox. iiii s. iiii d. The KING. 45 00 00 Weſt- Peckham V. [St. Dunſtan] Prox. viii d. Mon, Leeds Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. Penburie V. alias 46 10 00 iii iiii d. Redd. iiji d. Mon. Beigham in Suſſex Propr. Mr. George Bolney 1677. 40 00 00 Ryarſh V. [St. Martin) Prox. viii s. iiii d. Mon. Marten in Surry Impr. William Watton Eſq; 1702. 47 Oo oo Teſton vulgò Teeſon V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Pri. Leeds xx s. Mon. Leeds Propr. Sir Philip Boteler 1711. 48 oo oo Wateringberrie V. [St. John Baptiſt] Mon. Leeds Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter.. Not in Charge. Capel near Tunbridge [St. Thomas Becket.] Præceptor de Weſt-Peckham Propr. Shipborne Chapel. Præceptor de Weſt-Peckham Propr. Lord Bernard Impr. 00 12 08 00 17 00 00 13 00 00 10 00 D. Rochelter. Yearly Tenths. so da l. vid.}oo 10 00 00 01 00 00 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. 1. s. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. SAfh R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox. Archidiac. vii sa vi d.? og 18 04 Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem vil. xiï s. jiii d. 00 19 10 John Petley Gent. (this Turn) 1701. Mr. Bowes Patr. (Harris 29.) Aylesford V. (St. Peter] o 0.00 Hoſp. Stroude olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. Cobhamburie P. [St. Mary Magdalen] oo 04 00 Cobham College. 12 16 02 This is now, 1726, a Farm called Cobhambury, in the Pof- ſeſſion of Abraham Spencer Efq; who pays the Tenths year- ly. There is an Hoſpital at this place. ŞCowling R. (St. James] Prox. Archidiac. viis. viii d. Priori? 14 00 00 { Roffen. vi s. viii d. OI 08 oo Malıb. Tomlinſon Eſq; 1669. Fred. Herne Efq; 1706. Cuxton 02 00 00 128 2 O ori}or ΚΕΝΤ. . DIOCESE Of ROCHESTER. 509 d. XS, 0 10 00 for 08 062 King's Booka Yearly Tenths. 1. los d. s Cuxton R. alias Cookſtone [St. Michael] Portio Decimarum 14 15 05 Priori Rocheſter v s. Abb. Malling v s. Redd. E-Soi 09 06 piſc. viji s. Biſhop of Rocheſter. 06 09 04. Fawkeham R. (St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac, v s. oo 12 113 Bennet Walter Widow and Geo. Gifford Efq;: 1666: 70. Selby and others (this Turn) 1712. Sir Phil. Boteler Bart. 1721. [ Prox. Archidiac, vii s. vi d. 31 15 00 ? Priori Roffen. viii s. viid. Biſhop of Rocheſter. 10 03 11}xüi d. ob. ŞFrendiſbury V. [All Saints] Prox. vii s.. yi d. Priori Roffen. ? 01 00 04 Biſhop of Rocheſter Propr. and Patr. 15 Oo oo GRAVESEND R. [St. George] Prox, vi s. viii di The KING 07 13 04 Halling V. [St. John Baptiſt] 00 15 04 Hofp. Stroude vocat. Newark olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. S Halſtow R. (St. Margaret] Prox. vii s. vid. Priori Roffen. 14 05 073 xxvi s. viii d. Sir Edward Hales 1639, 1664. Walter Blount 1670. Zo. Battie Cler. 1718. 07 00 00 Hartley R. [All-Saints] Prox. vi s. viii d. 00 14 00 Earl of Plymouth 1720. Duke of Shrewſbury. 08 10 00 Higham V. + [St. Mary] Prox. xvi s. viii d. 00 17 00 St. John's College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. Kingſdowne R. with Mapiſcomb R. [St. Edmund) Prox. x s. oo 18 02 Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter 1691, and alternately. SLuddeſdowne R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox. vii s. vi d.? II II 03 Redd. xii d. I. 03 01 Sir John Gulſton Kt. 1689. 02 13 04 Mareſtone R. Chap. (St. Giles] 00 05 04 The KING. St. Margaret's V. in Rocheſter. Mon. Roffen. olim Propr.. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter Propr. and Patr. 16 12 01 S St. Mary's R. in Hoo, Prox. vii s. vid. Priori Roffen. xxi s.? 2 Abb. Reading xiiii d. 1:3 02 Sir Edward Hales 1630, 1560: Thomas Chiffinch Efq; 1719. 16 05 10 Milton R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox. vii s. vid. OI 12 07 The Biſhop one Turn, the KING two Turns. 20 08 09 St. Nicholas and St. Clementis in Rocheſter V.. Priori Roffen. xliii s. 02 00 IoT q. Biſhop of Rocheſter Propr. and Patr. 03 14 09. Ridley R. Proxies vi s. viji d. 00 07 05 Sir Cba. Sedley Bart. 1681, 1719. Shorne + Higbama was a poor Priory of Nuns, ſuppreſſed by Fiſher Biſhop of Rocbefler's means, and given to St. John's College in Cambridge. Leland Itin. Vol. 6. p. 20. 09 or 08 10 00 00 OL. 00 00 xi s}" Roffer. 302 : 510 DIOCESE OF ROCHESTER. KENT , 20 OO OO oo 02 00 00 King's Books Yearly Tenihy, 1. d. I. d. 13 Q1 08 Shorne V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] 01 06 02 Mon, Bermondſey in Surrey Impia Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. Snodeland R. [All-Saints] Biſhop of Kocheſter. 26 10 00 Stone R. (St. Mary) Prox. iii s, ini 2. 02 13 00 Biſhop of Rocheller. 25 13 04 Swaneſcombe R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox. vii s. vid. 02 11 04 John Jenyns Efq; and Sir Roger Jenyns Kt. 1705. Mr. Har. riſon Patr. 1726. Livings Diſcbärged. Clear Yearly Value. 30 00 00 All-Saints in Hoo V. 00 16 og Mon. Roffen.olim 'Propr. Deanand Chapter of Rocheſter 1720. (Harris 25.) 46 00 00 Burham V. alias Burgham (St. Mary] do 16 o Pri. Sti Jobannis Jerufalein Propr. William Randolph Eſq; 1700. , Biſhop by Lapſe 1708. 40 00.00 Chalke V. [St. Mary] 00 12:04 The KING. Colleg. Cobham Propr. 46 03 00 Hoo V. alias St. Warburg, Prox. vii s. vid. oi 17 07 Mon. Rocheſter olim Propr. St. Mary's College in Rocheſter Propr. and Patr. S Longfield R. [St. Mary Magđâlen] Prox. iii s. iii d. Redd. 30 Oo oo Archidiac, vi d. 00 m 09 Biſhop of Rocheſter. 30 00 00 Nurfted R. alias Newfted (St. Mildred] Prox, v s. William Huggefon Eſq; 1704. John and Edward Huggefon 1720. 30 00 00 'Stoke V. (St. Peter] 09 17 02 Mon. Boxley Propr . Baldwin Düppa Eſq; 1710. 30 00 00 Woldham R. [All Saints] Prox. vis. vid. Abb. Mallinge xl s. 01 08 07? Biſhop of Rocheſter. Not in Charge. Chatham [St. Mary) a Chapel held by Leaſe from the Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter. Cobham V. [St. Mary Magdalen] Mön. Bermondſey Propr. Mr. Willian Pemble 17 ig. Stroude Donative [St. Nicholas] Collegium de Strode olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter Patr. Zoo 00 og 06 Kings Books. d. 12 16 08 D. Shorthai. Livings Remaining in Charge. Reétories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Aynesford alias Eynsford R. Prox. vi s. viii d. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. s. Hearly Tenths. 1. d. oi 05 os Aynesfor 1 KENT DIOCESE of ROCHESTER. 511 lo S. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. l. s... 12 QO OO oo Aynesford alias Eynsford V. * 01 04 00 Geo. Gifford Eſq; 1662. 13 04 07 .. Bexley V. (St. Mary] 01 06 057 Pri. Stæ Trinitatis Lond. Propr. Anne St. George 1707. 22 05 08 Braſted R. [St. Martin] Prox, vi s. viii d. 02 04 08 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 28 09. 041 Chedingſtone B. [St. Mary] Prox..vi's. viii d. 02 16 11 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 21:06 08 Chevening R. [St. Botolph]Prox. vi s. vii d. Penſ. Re&to-302 02 08 ri Shoreham xx s. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Clive R. alias Cliffe at Hoo [St. Helen] formerly called 50 O oo Cloves-Hoo, where have been held ſeveral great Councils and 405 00 00 Synods. See Philpot's Survey of Kent, p. 118. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 35 13 04 Eard alias Crayford R. (St. Paulinus] Prox, vi s. viii d, 03 II 04 Earl of Weſtmoreland 1711. 06. 16 08 Eaſt-Farley. V. + Prox, iii s. iiii d.. 00 13 08 The KÍNG. Colleg. Maidfone Propr. og 05 10 Farningham V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] 00 18 07 Eccles. Cath. Cantuar. olim Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Can. terbury. North-FLEET V. [St. Botolph] Prox. and Syn. vi s. viiid. 02 02 00 The KING. Archiepiſc. Cantuar. olim Propr. 1-5 13 Il Gillingham V. (St. Mary] OI 11 041 Món. Sexburgs Propr. King's-Hall, Brazen-Noſe College, Oxford, and the Governours of Middleton School. Grayne V. alias Greane (St. James] an Iſland. 00 19 02 Mon. Sexburgh Propr. William Reeve Gent. 1716. 05 17 II Halfted R. [St. Margaret] Prox. iii s. iiii d. 00 11 091 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 15 17 031 xliii s. üj d. Hever R. (St. Peter]: Prox. iii s. iiii.d. Priori Camberwella 10 08 Earl of Suſſex 1714. 16 13 011 Huntón R, alias Huntingdon, Prox. ii s. viiid. Redd.ii s. viiid. 01 13 03. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 15 16 08 Ightham R. Prox. vi s. viii d. OI IL OS William James 1725. 10 08 04 Eaſt-Malling V. (St. James] Mon. Malling Propr. Sir Thomas Twiſden Bart: 1704. 16 03 04: Meopham V. (St. John Baptiſt] oi 12 04 Ecclefia Cath. Cantuar. Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbu- 21 00.00 09 11.08 поч OI OO IO ry Patr. Sine-Cure. viii . Eaſt. * Aynesford alias Eynsford V.-A Rent reſerved out of the Leaſe of the Rectory, of 20 l. per annum, by Mr. Franc. Potter, Kector. Vide Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 306. + Eaſt-Farley V.-Appropriated by Arch-Bihop. Reynolds to the Hoſpital at Maid, one. 303 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Jo3 01 051 512 DIOCESE of ROCHESTER. ΚΕΝΤ. . 13 06 08 15 03 01: King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. I. de ? 23 oo oo 02 06 oo vi s, viii d. Sir William Twiſden, Leſſee to the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. 14 Oo oo Eaſt-Peckham V. (St. Michael] or 8 oo Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. 30 06 oo Penſhurſt R. [St. John Baptiſt] Prox, vi só viii d, 03 00 07 Earl of Leiceſter 1709, Sevenoake R. alias Senock [St. Nicholas] ої об о8 Sir Charles Farnaby Knt. 1716. [. OL 10 031 Penf. Re&tori Shoreham Ixvi s. viii d. Rector thereof. si Shoreham (St. Peter and St. Paul] and Otford R. * (St. Bar- 34 09 09:{ tholomew] Prox. vis, viii d. Vicario xxil. Redd. Archi- { 03 08 114 22 13 04 Sunbridge R. Prox. Archiepiſc. vi s, viïi d. 02 05 04 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 03 14 09 Woodland R. live Vic. Proxies yearly iïi s. iiii d. oo 07 051 9. If annex'd to Wroteham V. 50 08 01:" ŞWROTEH AMR. [St. George) with Stanſted Chap. [St. Mary]? oo 09 {Abb. Malling x's. Redd. ii s. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 22 05 10 WROTEHAM V. (St. George] Proxies vii s, vi d. 02 04 07 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Biarly Value. Archiepiſc 00 19 10 Cant. xx d. Mon. Rocheſter Propr. Dean and Chapter of Rocheſter, Hayes R. [St. Mary] Restori-Orpington xvi s. viii d. 00 13 09 Rob. Uvedale, Rector of Orpington, Patr. 26 10 oo Ifield R. Proxies yearly iii s. iiii d. oo 08 08 Nich. Zinzano Clerk 1707. Mr. Tho. Chiffinch 1720. 40 Oo oo Keyton alias Keſton R. Proxies iii s. iiii d. yearly. 00 13 00 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury 1626, 1627, 1680, 1704. Orpington V. 01 03 oo The Rector of Orpington 1687. 45 00.00 Shoreham V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] 01 08 08 Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter Propr. and Patr. Not in Charge. Nockholt Chap. alias Knockholt. Plaxtool Chap Stanſted Chap. [St. Mary] 45 Oo oo { 49 00 00 1. 0 45 Oo oo 1 * Sberiebam and Otford R. an Impropriation in the D an and Chapter of Weſtminſter: Lord Willough by of Brooke is Leſſee. The Curate has 20 l. per annum, as by Letter from Mr. Pugh, Curate thereof, Feb. 7, 1716 DIOCESE of ROCHESTER. 513 D. Fordham SUFFOLK. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. l. 1. s. d. Livings remaining in Charge. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Freckenham R. (St. Andrew] (pro Vicaria vide D. Fordbam in Suf William Harriſon Efq; 1705. Elizabeth Sotherton Wi- [for OL 13 01 16 11 0531 Suff.) dow 1723 CAMBRIDGE. Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value 46 oo oo Iſlame V. alias INeham (St. Andrew] Biſhop of Rocheſter Propr. and Patr. or 06 03 ! s. d. {B 131 $ 138 10 6 Dioceſe of Salisbury. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. l. d. ISHOPRI C has the Diffolved Prebends of Bler-> 1385 50 bery, Lavington and Potterne. This Biſhopric was made out of two, viz. Shirborn in Dorſet- ſhire, and Wilton in Wiltſhire, about the Year 1056. The Cathedral Church' (ST. MARY.) Deanry has Heytiſbury R. Godalmyn R. in Surrey ; Mere in Wilts ; Sunning R. in Berks ; Ruſcomb, Hurſt, and Sand- 204 IO O 20 09 00 burſt Rectories in Berks; and Wokingham in Berks. Erect- ed about the Year 1091. The KING, Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church. 60 03 021 Dean and Chapter and 14 Choriſters. 03 11 09 Corporation of the Keepers of the Fabric in the faid Church 07 13 08 All ibe following Dignities in this Cathedral Church are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Saliſbury. s Chancellorſhip has o.dyham R. in Co. Southampton ; Swinbrook ? 56 05 10 cum Fifield and Idbury in Oxon ; and Brixcvorth R. in 405 12 07 Co. Northampton. 69 06 08 Chantorſhip has the Rectory of Weſtbury. об о8 o8 Treaſurerſhip Decanatus Sarum. Netherbury P. x Yatmiſter prima P. Winterborne Earls P. Precentoria. Grantham South P. Lime-Regis P. X Durnford. P. Cancellariatus. Grantham North P. Teynton Regis P. in De- Slape P. Thefauriatus, Chiſſenbury and Chute Alton Autral. P. Alton-Boreal P. Theſe four have Epiſcopal Bedmiſier P. Gillingham minor P. Tarleton P. in Glouceſter. Gillingham major P. Juriſdiction. Grimſton P. x. Chardſtock P. x Warmiſter P. Archidiaconat. Berks. Willesford and Woodford' Huſborne and BurbageP.x Stratton P. Archidiaconat. Sarum. x Uffculme P. x Ilfracomb P. in Devon. Archidiaconat. Wilts. x Bemiſter prima P. Combe and Harnham P. x Sub-Dean. X Shipton P. annex'd to the Bemiſter ſecunda P. Bitton P. Sub.Chantor. Profeſſorſhip of Civil Netherhaven P. x Preſton P. x Fordington and Wridling- Law in the Univerſity Nether bury P. Yatesbury P. ton P. x in Dorſet and So- of Oxford. Biſhopfton P. x Highworth P. xu mer fet. The jos X Uon. P. X P.x. Uuu 514 DIOCESE of SALISBURY. "}} 70 11.08 64 18 09 OI 12 00 }or King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. de S Treaſurerſhip * has Fighelden R. Alwardbury R. als Alderbury ; 101 3 I 2 Putton R. als Pitton; and the Preb. of Celne. 10 02 03 Arch-Deacon of Saliſbury has the Preb. of Rothfen. 07 OI 02 Arch-Deacon of Wilts has the Rectory of Mynty. 06 09 10 16 Oo oo North-Alfon P. in Com. Dorſet. 19 10 00 South-Alton P. in Com. Dorſet. OI 19 00 04 13 04 Axford P. in Com. Wilts. oo 09 04 20 02 06 Bemiiter prima P. ? 02 00 03 22 05 07: Bemiſter fecunda P. in Co. Dorſet. 02 04 061 32 00 00 Bedmiſter and Redcliffe P. in Com. Somerſet. 03 04 00 19 09 02 Biſhopſton P. in Com. Wilts. OI 18 II 29 Oo oo Bitton P. in Co. Glouceſter. O2 18 oo S Burbage P. + in Com. Wilts, united to Huſbourn P. in D. An- 11 02 033{ dover in Co. Southampton. 01 02 02 18 16 08 Chardſtock P. in Com. Dorſet. OI 17 08 35 16 03 Chute and Cheſſenbury P. in Corn. Wilts. 03 II 07 29 03 olį Combe and Harnham P. I in Com. Wilts. 02 18 03 30 oo oo Durnford P, in Com. Wilts. 03 Oo oo 30 03 04 Fordington in Dorſetſhire P. and Wridlington in Somerſetſhire. 03 00 04 32 oi 10Grimſton and Yatmiſter P. in Com. Dorſet. 03 04 02 Grantham North P. and Grantham South P. onerantur in Com. Lincoln, D. Grantham. 62 00 00 Highworth P. in Com. Wilts. 06 04 00 64 13 09 { Co. Glouceſter. ) Lime P. and Halſtock in Com. Dorſet. об 10 до Major Pars Altaris P. 00 13 00 Minor Pars Altaris P. oo 04 00 Netherbury in Terra P. in Con. Dorſet. 02 00 00 Netherbury in Eccleſia P. 04 07 03 Netherhaven P. oneratur in D. Pottern. 17 00 00 Preſton P. in Com. Dorſet. OI 14 00 Slape P. in Com. Dorſet. 02 00 00 05 02 01 Stratford P. in Com, Wilts. 00 10 02 Stratton The four firſt have Epiſcopal Juriſdiction, viz. the Deanry,Precentorſhip, Chancellorſhip, and Treaſurerſhip. All that are Croſled have Archidiaconal. The Prebendary of Chiſſenbury and Chute, beſides his Prebendal (Archidiaconal) Juriſdiction in Chute, hath Epiſcopal Juriſdiction in Winterborne Danteſey in Wilts. The Sub-Dean has Archidiaconal Juriſdiction over the three Pariſhes in the City of New-Sarum (not in- cluding the Clo,e, where the Dean has Epiſcopal,) and Stratford fub Vetus Caftrum, and all their Precincts. The Treaſurer, although he has Epiſcopal Juriſdiction over Alderbury, Pitton, Farley, and Fighelden, yet he has but Prebendal Juriſdiction in Calne and its Appendages ; viz. Chirrill, Berwick, Baſſet, Blackland, and part of Calſton ; Calne being a Preb.annex'd to the Treaſurerſhip. The Dean and Chapter have Epiſcopal Juriſdiction, which they exerciſe by their Communar, (an annual Oficer) as their Oficial over Cannings Epife_ Burtford, Humington, (in Wilts,) Bremſisar, (part in Wilts and part in Hampſhire,) and Storver-Paine in Dorſet. The Biſhop has ſeveral Peculiars, which are viſited by his Vicar-General twice every Year, over which no Arch-Deaco. has Authority ; viz. Marlborough St. Mary's, Marlborough St. Peter's, Prejhute, Devizes St. Ma- ry and St. John, Lavington Epifc. Potierne, Stert, Trowbridge, and Berwick St. James's, all in Wiltſhire. * Treaſurer ſhite United to Figkelden R. in Dec. Amesbury. + Burbage P. is annex'd to Husbourn P. in D. Andover in Co. Southampton. | Combe and Harnham P.-The P. of Ruſcombe-Northbury is annex'd to this Preb. Vide Dec. Reading in Co. Berks. Vide the Inſtitution.Book in Officio Primit. 10 00 00 OI 00 00 02 00 00 20 00 00 43 12 06 20 00 00 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 515 s. Yearly Tent's 1. d. 03 II 06 00 03 04 s. 06 07 04 23 13 02 Žin Com. King's Books. d. 35 15 05 Stratton P. in Com. Wilts. OI 13 04 Sub-Dean of Sarum. Succentor or Subchantorſhip (not in Charge.) 63 13 04 King's-Teynton P. in Com. Devon. 236 11 8 Vicars Chorals. Uffculme P. oneratur in Com. Devon. D. Tiverton. 07 Oo oo Warmiſter P. in Com. Wilts. 25 16 001 Wilsford and Woodford P. in Com. Wilts. 03 04 02 Yateſbury P. in Com. Wilts. 18 00 00 - in Com. Dorſet. 14 13 04 Yatmiſter-inferior P. 25 02 01 Hoſp. Sti Nicholai. The Biſhop 1711. Hofp. Gilberti Kemmer. Not in Charge. Blewberry P. diſſolved, now a Part of the Biſhopric. Gillingham-magna P. formerly charged at l. 54 : 00 : 00 ſince exonerated. Gillingham-parva P. (not in Charge.) Ilfordcomb P. Co. Devon. Loders P. in Co. Dorſet, (quam Abb. Syon habuit) diſſoluta. Shirborn in Co. Dorſet P. diffolved, formerly belonged to the Abby of Shirborn in Dorſeti Winterborne-Earls P. formerly charged in Dec. Ambroſbury, the Tenths whereof were xxvi s. xi d. but are exonerated. The Biſhop of Sarum Patr. 00 14 00 02 11 076 oo 06 05 OI 16 oo OI Og 04 02 10 021 11 00 00 OI 02 00 1. d. 1. d. City of Salisbury, in the Arch-Deaconry of SARUM. WILTS. Diſcharged. Clear Tearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 30 11 08 ŞSt. Martin's R. or Cur. This formerly belong'd to the Col- 2 lege of St. Edmund's in Sarum. 01 03 03 Francis Hill Eſq; Hearſt Efq; Patr. 1725. Not in Charge. St. Edmund R. or Cur. I. 30 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. This formerly belong'd to the College of St. Edmund's. Biſhop of Salisbury. St. Thomas Curacy. Dean and Chapter of Salisbury. Col-}or King's Books. D. Amesbury, alias Ambrosbury. Livings remaining in Charge. 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 14 13 04 Aldington alias Allington R. Archidiac, xix d. 8o 1. Lord Craven 1719. U uu 2 *AMESBURY.---The Church here is a Donative, but was formerly a Monaſtery. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. s. Boſcombe 516 DIOCESE of SALISBURY. WILTS. s. 100 l. n.301 "-302 06 00 tkim oo 80 l. "}or 80l. } { for 02 03 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. d. 1. d. 13 17 01 Boſcombe R. [St. Andrew] Archidiac. pro Prox. and Syn. iii s. 01 07 081 Biſhop of Salisbury. 11 00 0711 ix s. xi d. Ş Chaldrington R. [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. pro Prox. and Syn. or 02 00 Oriel-College, Oxford, (lately purchaſed.) og Oo oo Durnford V. (St. Andrew] CO 18 oo Prebendary thereof, beirg Precentor. ŞFighelden V. (St. Michael] united to the Treaſurerſhip of Sa- 23 Oo oo lisbury. Alderbury Chap. (St. Mary]) Appendages to the Treaſurer- Pitton Chap. [St. Peter]. ſhip of Sarum, over which Farley Chap. he has Epiſcopal Juriſdiction. Grimſted Eaſt , alias Grinſted R. cum Cap. Plaitford, Archi- 07,10 02:1 diac. pro Prox. and Syn. iii s. iii d. 00 15 00 Steph. Fox Eſq; 1717. Idmeſton V. a'ias Idmerſton [All-Saints] cum Cap. de Gum- 15 06 oo of 10 076 { bleton and Purton, Archidiac. pro Prox. and Syn. xiiii s. Ecclefia Sarum Propr. Biſhop of Salisbury Patr. 04 03 09 Landford R. Archidiac. pro Prox, and Syn. vis. v d. oo 08 04 50l. John Eyre Eſq; 1705, 1724. LUDGE RSHALL R. alias LURGESHALL [St. James] Priori II 06 08 Ambrosbury iiiil. Epiſc. xii d. Archidiac. pro Prox. and Soi 02 03 Syn. xiis, jiïi d. ob. Morgan Randyll and Birch S. T. P. 1707 Clarges (Rid.) Mr. Webb Patr. 12.15 02:? bury ii s. iii d. Årchidiac.pro Prox. and Syn. viii s. iii d. ob. ŞMillton R. (St. Mary) and Brickmiſton (R.2 Priori Ambrof 201 05 064 for 05 062 Sir Fred. Hyde Kt. 1670. 19 13 09 Newton-Toney R. Archidiac. is s. xi d. oi 19 041 Queen's-College, Cambridge. STidworth alias North-Tidworth R. (Holy Trinity] Archi-301 03 08; 11 17 01 2 diac. x s. ix d. The KING. Weſt-Dean R. [St. Mary] cum Cap. Grimſtedals Weſt-Grinſted, 19 04 041 Archidiac. pro Prox. and Syn.x's. ix d. * Epiſc.Winton. xxd. Or 18 057 * Archidiać. Winton pro Syn. iii s. iii d. Sir Robert Eyre Kt. and Jo., Eyre Eſq; 1714. Duke of 12 16 10 Winterborne-Cherbrough R. als Gunner, Archidiac. ix s. xi d. oi 05 08.11 Jo. Dampny Gent. 1717. Hen. Dampny Cl. 1723. 18 13 04 Winterſlow R. Penf. xl s. Archidiac. x s. ixd. OI 17 04 Franc. Thiſtlethwaite 1722. Alexander Thiſtlethwaite Eſq; 13 10 00 Woodford [All-Saints) and Wilesford V. [St. Michael] oi 07 00 Piebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly l'alue. 43 12 CO Fighelden V (St. Michael] (no Church.) 01 08 oo The Treaſurer of Sarum is Patr, and Impr. This is a Pe. culiar of the ſaid Treaſurer. Kingſton (R.) White- : 1201, 100l. 200 l. for 200 1. 100%. 300 l. tol. # Sic orig. WILTS. DIOCESE of SALISBURY 517 Yearly Tenths. 1. d. от об о88 s. $. Clear Yearly Value. l. d. 36 oo oo White-Pariſh V. Archidiac. xii s, ix d. 501 Colleg. Sti Edmundi Sarum Profr. Nich. Lechmere Efq; 1704. Robert Briſtow Efq; Patr. 1721. Not in Charge. Alton Chap. formerly charged at 1. 10: 10:00 Bremſhaw Donative (St. Peter] Dec. Sarum Peculiar. Communarius five Officialis Dec. & Cap. Sarum fuper Elec- tionem Dec. & Cap. Bulford Impr. (St. John] Mon. Ambrosbury olim Propr. Andr. Duke Eſq; Impr. and Patr. Durrington Impr. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter Patr. and Impr. Ivychurch, a Chapel in Clarendon-Park, formerly a Priory. Whelpley Chap. formerly charged at l. 2 : 13 : 04 Whitchurch Chap. Colleg. Sti Edmundi Sarum olim Propr. Winterborne-Dantzey Don. [St. Edward] Preb. of Chute Patr. Winterborne-Earls Curacy. Sir Edward Nicholas Patr, 11:{ Si}03 03 08; 300 1. D. Avebury, in the Arch-Deaconry of WILTS. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books Yearly Tenths. 1 d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. S Alcannings R. * [St. Anne] Archidiac. xi s. vid. Abb. Sti 31 16 i Petri Glouceſtr. liii s. iiii d. Abb. Stæ Mariæ Winton xl s. Phil. Darcey Eſq; 1678. Mr. Thornburgh 1681. Wal- ter Ernle Efq; (this Turn) 1709. Mr. Nicholas Patr. 1721. 06 18 niż Alton-Barnes R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. xi s, ii d. ob. 00 13 10 100 l, New-College, Oxford. 07 02 II Bechingſtoke R. [St. Stephen] Archidiac. xi s. iii d. ob. oo 14 03 60 l. Heneage Walker Efq; 1715. Bremhill V. alias Bremble (St. Martin] Archidiac, xii s. 15 15 00 01 10 06 viiid. ob. Vicariis in Ecclef.Sarum xx l. Abb. Malmsbury ijii s. s Biſhop of Salisbury Patr. s Bromeham R. alias Brumhall (St. Nicholas] Archidiac. xi s.? 12 16 003 üid. ob. Abb. de Bello xl s." Abb. Wilton x s. for 95 07: E. Baynton of Spey-Park (R.) Henry Smith (this Turn) 1717. CALNE V. [St. Mary) has the Appendages, Chirrill [St. 08 05 00 00 16 06 James) and Berwick-Baſſet [St. Nicholas] Treaſurer of Salisbury Propr. and Patr. Cannings-Biſhop's V. [St. Mary] Rectori Bromban vi s. viii d. 01 15 II Dean and Chapter of Salisbury Propr. and Patr. Cleve alias Cliffe-Peppard V. [St. Peter] Archidiac. viii s. x d.? 09 Oo oo Abb. Laycock Propr. Richard Gale Patr. 1718. Francis foo 18.00 Goddard Efq; Pair. 1720. Compton- * South-Brome St. James at the end of the Devizes Town-isa Chapel to Alcannings. There was for- merly a Preb. of Alcannings, valued in the King's Books at 131. { } u ispor 200 1. 17 19. 02 { 100 l. 518 WILTS. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 13 06 103 Calne ii s. 80 l. visi} oz }oo 05 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. 1. d. d. s Compton-Baſſet R. [St. Swithin] Priori Biſater iiii l. Re? от об Calne ii s. Archidiac, xi s. ii d. ob. Igol. Biſhop of Salisbury. 08 14 041 Hedington R. [St. Andrew] Archidiac. x s. ix d. 00 17 054 Geoffry Daniel Efq; 1670. Mr. Rogers Patr. 1720. 2006 08 SHelmerton V., [St. Laurence] Abb. Sti Petri Glouceſt. vi s.? 02 00 08 viii d. Arcbidiac. xi s. ii d. ob. The KING. Mon. Bysſham in Berks Propr. Mr. Jan cob Impr. 14 18 111 Henton-magna V. [St. Peter] oi 09 10 St. Nicholas Hoſpital in Salisbury Propr. and Patr. S Newenton P. * alias Hilcot, Vicario ibidem xl s. Archidiac. 02 15 0711 xi s. ii d. ob. 00 05 06 Earl of Pembroke 1702. 07 01 03 Newenton V. alias Hilcot 00 14 OIL Prebendary thereof. V. (. 02 06 oo 23 00 05 and Fifield, Archidiac, xiiii s. xi d. ob. Pri. Sti Swithini Wincheſter Propr. James Bowles Eſq; 1691. 12 II 05 Stanton P. Vicario Stanton xlii s. (Sine-Cura.) oi 05 01 Earl of Pembroke 1712. 06 13 04 Tokenham R. [St. John] Archidiac. ix s. Penf, ix s, iii d. 00 13 04 The KING. ii 18 og 07 Pri. Lewes xxx s. Magdalen College, Oxford. Woodborrow R. [St. Mary Magdalen] Archidiac. xi s. ii d. Hum. Wall Gent. (this Turn) 1709. Heneage Walker Efq; WooTON-BASSET V. [All-Saints] Archidiac. xi s. d. ob. OI 16 11 Abb. Stanley xx s. Abb. Stanley Propr. Lawrence Earl of Rocheſter 1691. Lord Clarendon 1724. 17 03 04 Yateſbury R. [A1]-Saints] Archidiac. xi s. ii d. ob. OI 14 04 Thomas Fettiplace Eſq; 1708. Jo. Kirle Ernle Eſq; Patr. 1720. Cantar, Beatæ Mariæ Virginis 00 15 081 120 1. 100 I. 100 l. { 16. l. 10 00 00 OI 00 00 100 l. Patr. 1720. 12 00 00 07 17 OI Livings Diſcharged. Clear learly Value. 48 oo oo. Avebury V. alias Abury (St. James] Archidiac. xis. ii d. eb. 00 18 oo The KING. Mon. Cirenceſter in Co. Glouceſt. Propr. 39 Oo oo Blakeland R. + [St. Peter] oo 07 OI Willian Smith Gent. 1713. Calfton * Newenton P. has the Preb. of Knoyle-parva (in D. Chalke) as an Appendage, and nominates a Curate to the Chapel of Knople.parva aforeſaid. + Blakeland The Treaſurer of Sarum by means of his Prebendſhip of Calne, has Archidiaconal Juriſ- iction here ; and the Dean of Sarum has Epiſcopal, WILTS. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 519 Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 00 09 04 s. { chic } oo Iooo 00 13 00 Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. 46 oo oo Calſton R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. vii s. vid. George Ducket Efq; Patr. 1722. S Mownton-Winterborne V. (St. Mary Magdalen q.) Archi- 40 00 00 diac. x s. vi d. The KING. 35 Oo oo Round V. alias Rowde (St. Mary] Archidiac. xi s. iii d. ob. Abb. Stanley Propr. Edward Rolt Efq; and Anne his Wife 1718. 40 Oo oo Stanton-Bernard V.[All-Saints] Archidiac. xi s. ii d. ob. Preb, ibidem Propr. Earl of Pembroke Patr. 1720. Not in Charge. Eaſt-Kennet Imp. Mr. Saunders Propr. and Patr. Pri. San£tæ Marg. Marlborough olim Propr. Lyneham Imp. [St. Michael. q.] Humph. Long Efq; Impr. Pri. Bradneſtoke olim Propr. 00 14 oo Bakenton Chap. formerly charged at Calne Hoſp. formerly charged at Corton Chap. formerly charged at Monketon Chap. formerly charged at 1. 4: 8:0 l. 2: 2: 8 1. 3 : 6 8 1. 4:0:0 : D. Chalke, in the Arch-Deaconry of SARUM. d. tion 1721. 26 13 04 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. se d. 24 02 081 Barford St. Martin R. Penf. xxvi s. viii d. Archidiac. x s. ix d. 02 08 031 2401 Edw. and Jo. Foyle, and Richard Fleming Eſąs; 1713. All-Souls College, Oxford, have the Right of Preſenta- Barwick St. John's R. Arcbidiac. x s, ix d. 02 13 04 icol, Earl of Pembroke, S Barwick St. Leonard R, cum Cap. Sedghell, Archidiac. iii s. 08 06 08 iï d. (Ridd.) 00 16 08 80 l. Sir James How Bart. 1698, 1723. II 10 02 Baverſtock R. Archidiac, ix s. xid. 01 03 00 Anne Clark Widow 1713. Exeter College, Oxon. pleno jure, 13 00 00 Burtford V. [St. Peter] от об оо 801. Dean and Chapter of Salisbury Propr. and Patr. S Biſhopſton alias Ebbleſborne R. [St. John Baptiſt] Archi- 19 14 02 2 diac. vi s. 300 1. 19 05 Earl of Pembroke 1688. 12 OI 03 Biſhopſton V. (St. John Baptiſt] 01 04 on Rector ibidem Propr. Earl of Pembroke. 19 13 04 Chilmarke R. [St. Margaret] o 19 04 Earl of Pembroke 1660, 1661, 1701, Damerham 120 1. Arcbi-}or 240 1. 3 520 DIOCESE of SALISBURY. WILTS I 120 1. 00 12 00 13 06 08 200 l. s}or 2 illi d. 300 1. trebi-}or OI 00 00 10 00 00 60 l. ICO I. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. 1. s. d. 25 10 02:{ S Damerham V. [St. George] cum Cap. Martin (Ridd.) Archi-? obi-} oz O2 II 00 diac. xxi s. vid. Abb. Glaſton ii s. Abb. Glaſton Propr. Duke of Newcaſtle 1698. 06 oo oo Dinton V. (St. Mary] Mon. Amirosbury Propr. Ro. Hyde Efq; 1695. Magdalen College, Oxon. Patr. 1723 Ş Donhead St. Andrew's R. Archidiac. xii s. iii d. Penf. liii s. d 06 08 Lord Arundel of Wardour. Donhead St. Mary's R. cum Cap. Charleton (R.) Archi- 30 14 043 OI 05 diac, xii s. ijii d. ob. Lord Arundel 1693. Ş Dunington R. cum Cap. Teffount [St. Mary) (R.) Archi- 15 02 0374 dias. x s. ix d. Vicario xxvi s. viïi d. OL 10 03 Robert Hyde Eſq; 1671. 18 00 00 Ebbeſbourne-Wake R. * [St. John] Archidiac. ix s. vi d. OI 15 oo Fonthill Bishops R. [All Saints] Archidiac. iii s. iii d. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 1 I oo Fonthill Gifford R. (St. Nicholas] Archidiac. xs. xi d. OI 07 00 Charles Cottington Eſq; (R.) George Woodroffe Efq; and Thomas Heath Eſq; 1710. 17 Oo oo Fovant R. [St. George] Archidiac. X s. xd. OI 14 00 ito I. Earl of Pembroke. 30 00 00 Knoyle-magna R. + [St. Mary] Archidiac. ix s. vid. 03 Oo oo 2501. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 08 I2 II Knoyle-parva P. Archidiac. iii s, ijid. 00 17 03 This is an Appendage to the Prebend of Newenton, in D. Chalke. Under this Prebend is a Curacy, in the Nomi- nation of the Prebendary of Newenton aforeſaid. II 17 II Oldſtocke R. alias Odſtoke (St. Mary] Archidiac. ix s. x d. OI 03 09Ź Sir John Webb (R.) Henry Curle Gent. 1693. 17 02 081 Semlye R. alias Semble (St. Bartholomew] Archidiac. x s. ix d. oi 14 037 Mr. George Barbour 1661. Mr. Ro. Barbour 1662. Wil- liam Phillips Gent. 1708. q. If Chriſt-Church College, Oxon. has not bought the Preſentation. Chriſt Church had this Advowſon given them by Dr. Scuth. Stratford-Tony R. [St. Laurence] Archidiac. x s. Penſ. Pri.? Shene xxx s. OI 04 00 1401. Thomas Harris Gent. 1718. Edward Hyde Eſq; (R.) Corpus Chriſti College, Oxon. Patr. Sutton-Mandevile R. [All Saints] Archidiac, ix s. xi d. 01 06 08 Lady St. John 1662. Mr. Matthew Bealing and others 1709. Michael Downe (this Turn) 1714. 08 13 04 Swallow cliffe P. in the Church of HE YTESBURY 00 17 04 Dean of Sarum, as Dean of Heytesbury (Pecul.) * Ebbesbourne-Jake R. ---This is an Impropriation held under the Sub-Chantor of Sarum, by Leaſe to Mr. Ofwaid li'eft, wlio pays the Curate (now Mr. Shuttleworth) 141. per Annum, and the Leſſee alſo is to pay the yearly Tenths thereof. Ex relatione Magiſtri Shuttleworth Curati 1720. + Knoyle-magna - In chis Parith is the Free Chapel of HINDON (St. John Baptiſ] a Borough-Town, to which the King nominated 1725. 1 20 1. Priezo 12 CO 00 13 06 08 I 201, WILTS. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 521 King's Books. $. II 02 00 Yearly Tentis, 1. d. 1. d. 08 Oo oo Teffount Evias R. Archidiac. iii s, iii d. 00 15 00 60 l. John Ah Eſq; 1662, 1670. Mayne purchaſed of Alb (R.) 18 10 10 { rio Shafton xxx . Archidiac, xii s. vid. ob. 80 l. Mon. Shafton Propr. Thomas Merchant Gent. (this Turn) 1699. Lord Arundel of Wardour (R.) 16 Oo oo Tollard-Ryall R. [St. Peter] Archidiac. xiii s. xi d. OI 12 00 John Keene Eſq; 1696. Richard Long (this Turn) 1702. Lord Arundel of Wardour (R.) Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 48 18 06 Broad-Chalke V. (All-Saints] with Bowers-Chalke (Holy 02 15 05 Trinity) and Alveſton V. King's College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. Combe-Biſſet V. * [St. Michael] or 02 064 Prebendary thereof. 40 Oo oo Chicklade R. Archidiac, vi s. iiii d. 01 02 05 Henry Hyde Eſq; 1617. Thomas Apprice (this Turn) 1702. q. Dean and Canons of Chrift-Church, Oxford. Lord Cornbury (R.) Dec. E ooo Cap. vi s. viii d. Archidiac. xii s. ix d. Colleg. Sti Edmundi Sarum. Propr. Thomas Penruddock Efq; 1717 50 00 00 Fifield R. Archidiac. xix d. ob. 00 15 00 Lord Weymouth 1711. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Aníty Impr. [St. James.] Pri. St. John of Jeruſalem Propr. (Vid. Mon. Tom. II. p. 547.) Lord Arundel Patr. Badpit Free Chap. formerly charged at 1. 2: 11:08 Bowers-Chalk alias Burchalk 1. 26 : 04 : 00 Cert. Val. Hummington Cur. [St. Mary) a Peculiar of the Church of Salisbury. Dean and Chapter of Salisbury Propr. and Patr. Knoyle-parva Cur. (not charged or certified.) Laverſtoke Cur. [St. Andrew] Dean and Chapter of Sarum Patr. Vicarii Choral. Sarum Propr. Stratford V. [St. Laurence] near Old SARUM,which is in this Pariſh. Dean and Chapter of Salisbury Patr. and Impr. Weſt-Harnham Chap. [St. George] (Sarum Pecul.) 20 00 00 { Compton Chamberlaine cbidiat. Michaela Epifc . XX S. }1 об оо Xxx D. * South-Burcomb--was certified to the Exchequer, in the Biſhop's Return of Non-Solvents of Tenths, for the Year 1710, to be the ſame with Combe-Biſlet. Vid. the Tenths Books in the Firſt-Fruits Office, p. 226. and the Original Return in Mr. Auditor Harley's Office; notwithſtanding which Certificate, they are diſtinct : South-Burcomb being in the Gift of the Prior of St. John's Hoſpital near Wiltox, and Combe-Biſſet being in the Gift of the Prebendary of Combe and Harnham. Vide D. Wilton, 522 DIOCESE of SALISBURY. WILTS, l. s. idiac;}or OI 12 OO 140 l. 60 l. 100 l. 1401. 120 l. 80 l. D. Cricklade, in the Arch-Deaconry of WILTS. - Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. !! di Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. SAſhton-Keynes V. [Holy Croſs] cum Leigh Capella, Archidiac:? 16 00 00 2 xi s. iii d. ob. Abb. Tewksbury iiii Marc. Edward Foyle Eſq; 1719. Hawkins Chapman Efq; 1724. об об о8 Biſhopſton V. (St. Mary] (Pecul. Dec. Sarum.) 00 12 08 Prebendary thereof. 08 19.02 Blounſden St. Andrew's R. Archidiac. xis. ii d. ob. 00 17 II Earl of Clarendon 1.677. Fran. Keck Efq; 171'4. 19 00 00 Caſtle-Eaton R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. xi s. iii d. 01 18 00 Edward Goddard Eſq; 1696. 1:8 I joCRICKLADE St. Sampſon V. Archidiac. viii s. x d. OI 17. 02 Dean and Chapter of Sarum Propr, and Patr. 1668, 1704. Elingdon Wroughton R. [St. John Baptiſt and St. Helen] 31 04 041 Archidiac. vii s. vii d. ob. Abb. Sti Swithini Wincheſter v l. 03 02 05 Colleg. de Freſwid. Oxon. xxvi s. viii d. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 12 00 oo Elingdon V. [St. John Baptiſt and St. Helen] Archidiac. iiii's. On 04 00 Rector thereof Propr, and Patr. 07,00 10 Haoingdon. V. [St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. iiii s. oo 14 01 Colleg. de Newarke in Leiceſter. Propr. Thomas Freke Eſq; 17.13. William Freke Eſq; 1721. 13 06 08 Henton-parva R. [St. Swithin Archidiac. xis. iii d.ob. OI 06 03 Biſhop of W’incheſter. Ingleſham V. Archidiac. xi's, iii d. ob. 00 16 00: Mon. Beaulieu in Co. Southamp. olim Propr.. (Mon. Vol. I. 926.) Biſhop of Salisbury. 09 03 04 Latton V. (St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. xí s. iïi di ob 00 18 04: Mon, Cirenceſter in Co. Glouceſt. Propr. Hen. Dunch Efq; and others 1770. Anne. Newham, Elizabeth Ellict, and: Mary Cotton 1724. 17: 04 041 FLidiard Milchętt alias Millicent R: [All Saints] Archidiac. or xi s. iii d. o. 14 05 Sir John Askew Patr. 1720. Joſhua Maile h. t. 1723. TO 05 05 Lidiard Tregooſe R. [All Saints] · Archidiac. xi s. 'iii d. ob. Or 00 06 2. Abb. Sti Petri Glouceſt. xx s. Sir Walter St. John Knt. and Bart. 1692. Sir Henry-St. John Bart. 1714. -R, I 08 00: Sir John Talbot Knt. 1702. 22 17 06. I'uriton V. alias Purton (St. Mary] Archidiac. xii s. xd.. 02 05 09. Abb. of Melmsbury Propr. Lord Shaftsbury Patr. and Impr. (R.) Maurice Aſhley Eſq; 1715. 17 CO oo Radburne St. Mary's V. Archidiai. xiiii s. iiid. ob. OI: 14 Mon. Malmsbury olim Propr. Thomas Browne Infr. Mr. Morſe now. Incumbent Patr. 1720. Somerford 1201. 08 00 00 i 2 obozor 200 l. So I. Sol. WILTS. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 523 : King's Books. d. 100 l, I 2 00 00 OS 10 Yearly Tentbs. I. 1. d. 08 Oo oo Somerford Keynes V. [All-Saints] Archidiac. xi s, iii d. ob. 00 16 00 601. Pri. Merlon in Surrý Impr. Edward Feyle Efq; 1686. 10 02 06 Stanton Fitzwarren R, Archidiac, xis, iii d. ob. 01 00 03 icol. Mr, Ippeſley Patr, 1720. 17 00 00 SWINDON V. (Holy Rood] Archidiac. xii s. iii d. 01 14.00 61. The KING. John Violet Impr. The Priory of Southa wyk in Hampſhire Propr. 21 10 071 Wanbrough v. [St. Andrew} Archidiac, xii s. x d. 02 03 00 Mon, Ambrosbury Propr. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter Propr. and Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. CRICKLADE St. Mary's R. co co o 51 The Biſhop Patr. 1669. The QUEEN (this Turn) 1704 47 00 00 Eiſey V. alias Aiſey [St. Mary] Archidiac, xii s. 01 03 05 Abb. Cirenceſter Glouceſt. Propr. Sir Stephen Fox Knt. 1683. SHighworth V. * (St. Michael] cum Cap. Seven hampton? 45 Oo oo { and Blunſdon (St. Andrew] Eccleſia Highworth. xii d. 04 Prebendary thereof Propr, and Patr. 40 00 00 Luddington V. [All-Saints] Archidiac. iiii s. ii d. CI 14 CO Rector thereof Propr. and Patr. SSerencott alias Sharncote R. Abb. Tewksbury x s. Archidiac. 40 Oo oo 2 viii s. ii d. Earl of Northampton 1702 (R.) q. the Patr. 30 00 00 Stratton Margaret's V. + [St. Margaret] Archidiac. xviii d. 00 17 02 The Biſhop of Sarum nominates, and Merton College, Ox- ford, preſents. Not in Charge. South-Marſton, Chapel to Highworth (Sarum Pecul.) Poulton Imp. I [St. Michael.] Giles Fettiplace Patr. Priory of Poulton Propr. D. Malmsbury, in the Arch-Deaconry of WILTS. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. King's Yearly Texths, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. @1 13 04 Avon R. five Capella 00 03 04 An Impropriation. Mr. Hungerford of Calre Impr. SBox V: [St. Thomas Becket] Archidiac. x s. Pri. Monkton? 15 08 09 Farley xl s. OI 10 10 Pri. Farley Propr. George Speke alias Petty Efy; Patr. and Impr. 1707. Mr. Northey Patr. and Impr. 1726. Brinkworth * HIGHWORTH-Dean of Sarum has Epiſcopal Juriſdiction here, and the Prebendary has the Archi- + Stratton V.-Augmented with 200 l. by Sir William Hedges. Vide Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropria- | Poulton-Here was formerly a Priory, which had the Advowfons" of the Rectories of Eton, Mesſy, and Little Cbellef worth in this Deanry, belonging to it. Vide Monaff. Tom. P. ".}ooo 00 08 og 90 l. d. 1. d. ton Zo TOO I. Xxx 2 diaconal. tions, p. 324. II. 826. 524 DIOCESE of SALISBURY. WILTS. Camerar.} ";}02 06 11 300 l, 80l. 200 l. 160 1. "}ör 06 073 200 l. 60 l. 00 II icol. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. I. d d. Brinkworth R. [St. Michael] Archidiac. xi s. Camerar. 02 06 II 23 09 02 Malinsbury xiii s. iii d. George Ayliffe Eſq; 1711. 09 Oo oo CASTLECOMBE R. [St. Andrew] Archidiac. xi s. ii d. ob. 00 18 00 Richard Scroop Eſq; 1714. Gorges Scroop Eſq; 1724. 27 Oo oo Chriſtian-Malford R. [All Saints] Archidiac. xi s. ii d.ob. 02 14 00 Biſhop of Bath and Wells. ] v . .? 16 11 1011 Novo Collegio viii d. 13 02 60l New College, Oxford. 17 05 02 Crudwell R. [All-Saints] Archidiac. xii s. ii d. ob. OI 14 064 Duke of Kent 1718. 13 06 03 § Dauntſey R. (St. James] cum Cap. Weſtend, Archidiac. xi s. 2 ii d. ob. Lord Viſcount Bolingbroke (this Turn) 1713. Earl of Peterborough Patr. 1722. 06 07 11 Draycot-Cerne R. (St. Peter] Archidiac. vii s. id. 00 12 091 Sir James Long Bart. 1711. Gariſdon (All-Saints] Lea and Cleverton R. [St. Giles] Archi- 10.09 og 01 { diac. xiii s. iii d. “Abb. de Malmsbury x s. Lord Ferrers 1716. SGrutlington R. alias Grittleton (St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. ii d. 13 10 00 01 07 00 Rob. Abb. Glaſton ili s. Thomas Banks and Jo. Ferrer 1719. od 10 00 Hankerton V. [Holy Croſs] 00 17 00 Pri. Malmsbury Propr. Thomas Shewring Clerk 1717. Lady Irwyn (in Hibernia) 1723. oi 15 05 { viid. Ş Haflebury R. (All-Saints] Eccleſia Deſtructa. Archidiac. iiii s. The KING. Kembill V. alias Kemble [All Saints] Archidiac. xi s. ii d. ob. II 04 07 02 053 Abb. de Malmsbury xx s. Sol. Abb. Malmsbury olim. Mr. Pleydal Impr. Henry Poole Efq; 1706. 08 09 041 Kington alias Keynton St. Michael's V. Archidiac. vi s. ix d. 00 16 11 Sir Ja. Long Bart. 1716. Benjamin Hive Gent. (R.) Pri. Kington Propr. (L. N.) ŞWeſt Kington R. alias Keynton [St. Mary] Archidiac, xi s. 2 11 09 09}{ ii d. ob. Penſ. Domino Régi c s. OI 02 Il Biſhop of Salisbury. 12 07 03: Langley-Burrell R. Archidiac. xi s. ii d. ob. oi 04 08 Samuel Alf Eſq; 1703. Mr. White (R.) 03 00 00 Leigh Dallamer R. [St. Margaret] 00 16 00 George Bayly Gent. 1675. Sir James Long 1721. Henry Chiver Eſg; (R.) og 07 os} Lokington R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. xi s. ii d. ob. 00 18 og 701, William Norris Efq; 1721. Henry Fitz-Herbert Clerk. Nettleton } or s, i d.}or 120 1. 701 is. Zoo 03 063 gol iszon 120 I. 160l. 8o!. 2 WILTS. DIOCESE of SALISBURY. -525 100 l. 06. }oo 00 12 10 90 l. 07 12 06 901. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I s. d. 2. s. d. S Nettleton R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. xis. ii d.ob. Abb. Glaſton 18 I2 OI "}or 17 02 : 2 xis. id. Sir Richard How Bart. 1714. Oxeſſy R. alias Oakley [All-Saints] Archidiac, xi s. ii d. ob. 06 08 04 Pri. Farley xl s. Henry Poole Eſq; 1711. Pool R. Archidiac. xi s. ii d. ob. CO 15 03 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Somerford-magna R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. xi s. 12 14 07 { ii d. ob. 01 05 051 160 l. Henry Bayliffe Gent. 1702. Sir Ro. Jafon 1704 (R.) Somerford-parva R. [St. John Baptiſt q.) Archidiac. xi s. iii d. 08 07 01 Abb. Málmsbury xii d. 00 16 081 Sir Stephen Fox Knt. 1709. Sir Edward Hungerford (R.) 08 10 05 Sopworth R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. xiii s. 00 17 00 Duke of Beaufort 1710. Stanton. Quintin R. [St. Giles] Archidiac. xi s. ii d.ob. Penf. 10 05 0734 Epiſc. & Archidiac. iiii s. ii d. от oo o64 Lord Lexington 1717. Lady Hungerford (R.) Weſtport (St. Mary) with Charlton and Brokenborow Chapel 16 17. 081 V. [St. John Baptiſt q.] Archidiac. xi s. iiii d. Abb. de Malms- SOI 13:09 sol. bury xx s. The Biſhop 1670. The KING 1705, 1721. Pri. Ivychurch Propr. North-Wraxall R. [St. James] Archidiac, xi s. ii d. ob. 160 l. Heneage Walker Efq; 1718. 08 07 OI Yatton R. [St. Margaret] oo 16 08 8ol. John Child and Willian Jacob 1706. Rob. Child (R.) xis.}o ii d. 300 Sol. 60 l. [}or 00 06; 1201. OI IO II 15 09 02 00 19 07} ac, 360 03 02 viii s. 00 05 10 Livings Diſcharged. Cliar Yearly Value. 44 03 oo Aſhley R. [St. James) Archidiac. xi s. ii d. ob. 60 l. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. S Bremilham alias Brembleham, alias Cowitch R.. Archidiac, 18 10 00 Lord Wharton 1713. 25 Oo oo Buddeſton St. Peter's alias Biddleſton R, William Mountjoy Gent. 1719. 07 Oo oo Calloes alias Kelways R. Walter Long Gent, 1681. CHIPPENHAM V. (St. Andrew] with Fitherton Lucas Chap. 44 00 00 2 Archidiac. illi s. Pri. Monkton Farley xl s. Pri. Monkton Farley Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt- Church. ] iii . Novo 40 00 00 Collegio vid. Rector thereof, the Reverend John Izod.. 00 05 04 p.}o1.07 113 Corſham 526 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. WiTS. d, . F ܕܐ ܘ6 801. { ock} 30o 16 05 3 do 12 II tiw / oo 14 09 Clear Hearly. Plyes 7. Yearly Tenthe d. 49.00 06 Corſham V. (St. Bartholomew] Archidiac, iiii s, op or 07 Mon. Syon in Middleſ. Propr. Lord Weymouth 1713, 70. Conyers Efq; 1720. Benjamin Haskins Styles Eſq; 1727. 20 00 00 Ditcheridge R. Archidiac, iii s. viii de 00 04 10 George Speke alias Petty 1716, 49 Qo oo Efton-Grey R. Archidiac. vii s. 00 12 00 Eſtcourt Hodges Eſq; 1713. 46 or 08 Foxley R. Archidiac. ix s. vii d. :00 07 ogen George Ayliffe Eſq; 1679. jiii 44 00 00 Eton. y s. 13 031 Eton College, Propr. 08 04 02 S Lacock V. [St. Cyriack] Archidiac. xiii s. ix d. Abb. Lacock 801. iii s. ix d. Abb. Lacock Propr. Sir John Talbot 1707. 49 Oo oo Littleton-Drew R. (All-Saints] Archidiac. ix s. vii d. 701. Biſhop of Salisbury. 45 Oo oo Mynty V. (St. Leonard] Archidiac. xi s. ii d. ob. Arch-Deacon of Wilts Propr. and Patr. 45.00 oo 16 06 Trinity] Archidiac. xiis. Abb. Malmsbury viii s. Walter Eſtcourt Eſq; 1713. 23 00 00 Norton alias Newton Colparle V.{All-Saints] Archidiac. viis. 00 05 11 Sir Thomas Eſtcourt Knt. 1687. St. Paul's in MALMSBURY V. with Corſton (All-Saints] and 28.00 00 Rodborne (Holy Rood] Archidiac. xv s. Abb. Malmsbury Soo 16 021 The KING 15 00 00 Segrey V. (St. Mary] Archidiac. v s. xid. ob. 00 15 03 Pri. Bradneſtoke Propr. Lord Clarendon and others Patr. Lady Lee Impr. Sterſton alias Sheriton-magna V. (Holy Croſs] Archidiac. 30 00 00 ini s. xid. 01 00 02 Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter Propr. and Patr. 20 00 00 Sutton-Benger V. [All Saints] Archidiac. ix s. iii d. ob. 00 12 04 Dean and Chapter of Sarum Propr. and Patr. Șherſton-Pinkney R. formerly charged with Tenths at 00 07 05 This is united to Sherſton-magna, (the Church demoliſhed,) The KING 1640. (no Inſtitution ſince.) Not Charged. Aldrington Imp. (St. Giles] Cap. to Sherſton-magna. Mr. Hodges Patr, and Imp. Slaughtenford, formerly appr. to the Priory of Farley. { 1xxx s. Sterftor -301 D. WILTS. 327 DIOCESE of SALISBURY. 1. s. d. e ส. 09 06 08 So l. OI 00 00* IO 00 00 80 l. ΙΙ οο οο OI 02 00 alias}o. 1 D. Malborough, in the Arch-Deaconry of Wilts. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Pearly Tenelis. Reflories, &c, with their patrons and Proprietors. ALDBOURNE alias AWBORNE V. [St. James] Archidiac. xiiii s. ii d. 02 12 078 Mon. Ambrosbury alias Amesbury Propr. (olim.) Bishop of Salisbury Patr. Dec. & Cap. Wincheſter Propr. Bedwin-parva V. [St. Michael] 00 18 08 Earl of Aylesbury. Lord Bruce. 07 03 on Burbage V. (All-Saints] Pecul. Dec. Sarum. 00 14 03 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Buttermere R. [St. James] Archidido. x s. xd. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 14 08 09 Chilton-Foliat R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. xi s. iii d. ob. oi 08' 1o 260 l. Alexander Popham Eſq; 1714. Chute V. (St. Nicholas] (Dec. Sarum Epiſcopal. Jur. habet.) Prebendary thereof Propri and Patr: Ş-Collingborne-Abbás V. alias Collingbotne-Kingſtòri, alias 15,09 033* Colingborne-Regis [St. Mary] Archidiac. xii s. xd. 01 10 08 Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter Propr. and Patr. 16.06 08 ŞCollingborne-Dukes R. * [St. Andrew] Abb. Wherwell viii or 12 08 Arcbidiac, xiii s. ini d. 2801. Duke of Somerſet 1662. Fr. Browne de Merton Colleg. Oxon. bac Vice 1700: об об о8 Braycot-Foliar R. Ecclef. Deſtructa. Archidiac. ix's. 00 12 08 William Bryan Gent. 1711. Rob. Smith Eſq; 1723: 16 04 047{Everley, R. [St. Peter), Archidiac, xi s. iii d. ob. Abb. Wher- OI well xls. Vicario Collingborne-Abbots ilii s. vid. 12 051 Duke of Beaufort 1717; 12:06 08 Ham R. (All-Saints] Archidiac. xiii s. iii d. 01 04 08 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 08 06 08 Huiſh alias. Harden. Huiſh R. [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. x s. 00 16 08 60 l. vi Ro. Hawkins Gent. 1704. Duke of Somerſet (R.): 09 10 021 Manningford-Abbas R. 00 19 00 Duke of Somerſet 1717: 10 03 04 Manningford-Bruce R. [St. Peter] Archidiac. xi s. ii d. 01 00 04 Ro. Nicholas and Thomas Smith Efqs; 1713. Edw. Nicholas Eſq; 1722 (R.) Mildenhall * Collingborne-Dukes R.-- This was formerly parcel of the Duchy of Lancaſter, and therefore called Cold lingborre-Dukes, but was granted by King Henry VIII. to Edward Earl of Hertford, aíterwards Duke up Somerſet, and Protector of England. Upon his Attainder it was forfeited to the Crown, and afterwards re's granted by Queen Elizabeth, to Edward Earl of Hertford; from whom it is deſcended to the Right Honourable Charles Lord Bruce, Baron of Whorlton, who by his Lordſhip's Mother Elizabeth, late Counteſs of Azlesbury , inherits all the Lands of the late Duke of Somerſet. Letter from Lord Bruce to Dr. Afry, December 13.-1725. 401. ";}01 200 I. I20 1. **}.00 80 l. 100 l See p. 528. 528 WILTS. DIOCESE of SALISBURY. 1}or 240 1. ii d.} 02 King's Books Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. d. S Mildenhall alies Minall, alias Mineau R. [St. John Baptift]? 17 08 09 Archidiac. xi s. iii d. 01 14 10 Earl of Pembroke 1619 (R.) Elizabeth Counteſs of Nor- thumberland 1684. Edward Ryder Eſq; 1691. Edward Pocock Clerk 1719. 15 02 11 Okebourne St. Andrew's alias Ogborne V. OI 10 03 60 l. Dean and Canons of Windſor Propr. and Patr. The two Okebournes were formerly a Preb. in the Ch. of Sarum. 14 0 5 10 Okebourne St. George V. alias Ogborne 01 08 07 .60 l. Dean and Canons of Windſor Propr. and Patr. 26 16 08 Pewfem die St. John Baptiſt] Penf. Abb. Hyde xl. xi s. viii d. 02 13 08 Earl of Pembroke 1662. George Stanley 1685, 1702. John Thorpe Eſy; (this Turn) 1705. 08 oo go Prefhutt V. [St. George] oo 16 co Corporatio ad uſum Choriſtarum Propr. Magiſter Choriſta- runi ex Nominatione Epiſc. Sarum Patr. 09 13 01 RAMSBERRY V. (Holy Croſs] cum Cap. Baydon (St. Nicholas] 00 19 03 Olim Prebend. Propr. onerabatur ad 48 l. 11 s. 8 d. The KING. Col. Jones Impr. 06 13 04 Titcomb V. (St. Michael] 00 13 04 Pri. Sanctæ Trin, in Eſton olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor Propr. and Patr. 07 10 05 Wotton-Rivers R. [St. Andrew] Archidiac. xii s. iii d. oo 15 00 80 l. St. John's College, Cambridge, Patr. 1725, who are to pre- fent next, and after that Brazen-Noſe College, Oxon, have an alternate Turn, and ſo on ; this was given and ſo ſet- tled by the Ducheſs of Somerſet. 07 12 031 Cantar. de Ramſberry 00 15 02 Livings Diſcharged. Clear l’early Value. 30 Oo oo BEDWYN-MAGNA V. * [St. Mary) (Pecul. Dec. Sarum.) 00 17 OI Prebenda ejuſden diſolut, olim Propr. Iord Bruce 1714. 30 Oo oo Chefulden V. (Holy Croſs] Archidiac. iiii s. id. 0Q 16 10 Mon. Hide in Southamp. olim Propr. Iſabella Calley 1717. 28 oo oo Froxfield V. [A11-Saints] 00 15 07 Pri. San&tæ Trin. Eston olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Windfor. 44 00 00 MARLBOROUGH St. Mary's V. or OO 114 Dean of Salisbury. MARLBOROUGH St. Peter's R. - 01 04 00 Biſhop of Salisbury. 40 00 00 Milton-Lilborne V. (St. Peter] Archidiac. xiii s. ilii d. 00 15 045 Mon. Cirenceſter olim Propr. Richard Stacey of Abbots- Ann Efq; 1721. Thomas Michel Gent. Wilcott * Beddwn-magna V. V.-Lord Bruce conſtitutes an Official with Archidiaconal Juriſdiction in Bedwyn- magna, Bedron parva, Collingborne-Ducis. In Bedwyn-magna and parva, the Dean of Sarum has Epiſcopal Juriſdictior; in Collin, borne the Biſhop. There was formerly a Prebend of Bedwyn-magna, valued in the Ki..g's Bocks at 63 1. 13s 4.d. V 80 l. 21 00 00 WILTS. DIOCESE of SALISBURY. 529 1 d. d. 30 oo oo Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, do Wilcot V. (Holy Croſs] cum Cap. Draycot, Archidiac, xi s. iii de 00 13 08.1 Pri. Bradneſtoke Propr. Franc. Wroughton Eſq; 1716. Not in Charge. Baydon [St. Nicholas] Chapel to RAMSBURY. Clatford Cur. (olim Prioratus.) Eton-College Propr. and Patr. Eaſton Cur. (Holy Trinity] Prior. Eaſton Propr. Lord Bruce. Littlecot Chap. Pri. Bradneſtoke olim Propr. Selk V. s. vis. }or OI 12 00 160 l. 100 l. { 16.30 120 l. D. Pottern, in the Arch-Deaconry of SARUM. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. Broughton-Gifford R. (St. Mary) Penſ. Abb. Malmsbury vi s. viid. Archidiac, vi s. vii d. ob. Or 18 04 The KING, 16 oo oo Cheverel-magna R. [St. Peter] Archidiac, xs. ix d. Queen's College, Cambridge, 1711, II 07 031 Cheverel-parva Ř. (St. Peter] Archidiac. x s. ijii d. 01 02 083 The KING. Sir Edward Hungerford 1712. (R.) Culſton alias Cowlſton R. [St. Thomas Becket] Archidiac. 07 14 02 viii s. vii d. 00 15 05 80l. The KING, 19 04 09Enford V. Archidiac. xvis. OI 18 051 Mon. Winchcombe in Glouceſter Propr. Richard How Impr. (R.) Governours of Chriſt's Hoſpital, London, Patr. S Fittleton R. [A11-Saints] Priori Shene xiii s. iii d. Archidiac. 2 об оо Magdalen-College, Oxford. 12 07 01 Kevel V. [St. Leonard] Archidiac. xviii s. i d. 01 04 08 Pri. Edingdon olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Winchef- ter Patr. and Impr. 11 06 03 Biſhop's-Lavington V. [All Saints] 01 03 071 Biſhop of Salisbury Propr. and Patr. EAST-LAVINGTON alias Forum V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. viii s, ix d. oi 80 l College of Edingdon Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt- Church Impr. and Patr. 38 09 041 Milkſham V. * [St. Michael] Archidiac. ix s. x d. 03 16 113 Dean and Chapter of Salisbury Propr. and Patr. 28 19 02 Netherhaven P. Redd: Domino Regi xii d. 02 17 II Biſhop of Salisbury. 19 08 04 Patney R. (St. Swithin] 1201. Biſhop of Wincheſter. Pollhott * Milkſham Seen (Holy Croſs] and Earlſtock [St. Mary] Chapels are in this Pariſk. 23 00 00 {F xs. ix d. “302 240 1. 501, 14 02 06 {E* 1.301 08 03 1201. 1 Öi 18 10 Y yy 530 DIOCESE of SALISBURY. Wilts. s. {Pe id}oo 200 l. bi-}o1 301 05 02 17 02 06 2012 08: -302 60 1. 401. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. 1. d. Polſhott R. (St.Peter q.] Pens.Epiſc. xx s. Archidiac, iii s. iiiid. 06 05 00 I 2 06 (83 Acres of Glebe lett for 83 1. Biſhop of Salisbury. 20 06 08 Potterne V. [St. Mary] . 02 00 08 1701. Biſhop of Salisbury Propr, and Patr. I2 1108 SRuffall R. [St. Matthew q.] Penf. Priori Ederoſ. XX s. Archi-} 2 diac, viii s. iiii d. Robert Villers, alias Danvers, jure uxoris. (R.) William Gifford Gent. 1708. St 01 14 03 100 1. ? xii l. s , Mon. Romſey in Co. Southampton Propr. (Vide Leland's Itin. Vol. 7. p. 69.) John Marlyn Gent. 1688. STROWBridge R. * (St. James] Penſ: Vicario de Aſhton iiii s. 02 01 03 Ár chidaia x s. ix d. 1401. Duke of Somerſet 1718. 08 17 II Wilford V. Archidiac. xi s, iii d. 00 17 097 St. Nicholas Hoſpital, Salisbury. 05 16 051 Winkfield R. (St. Mary] Archidiac. ii s. iii d.ob. 00 11 07 Sir Walter Long Bart. 1687. Mrs. Parker 1723. 05 15 00 Cantar. de Eaſt-Lavington. oo II 06 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 42 Oo oo . 01 00 or Pri. Shaftsbury olim Propr. (Vide Leland's Itin. Vol. .7. p. 81.) Dean and Chapter of Briſtol Propr and Patr. 33 oo oo North-Bradley V. [St. Nicholas] Archidiac, iii s. iii d. Colleg. Alſhrugg in Co. Bucks olim Propr. Wincheſter-Col- lege Propr. and Patr. 40 00 00 Chaldfield-magna R. (St. Catherine] Lord Kingſton 17:2: 34 Oo oo Charlton V. (St. Peter) 00 13 06 Pri. Ederoſ. Propr. Pinkney Ruſſell Impr. Dean and Ca- nons of Chrift-Church, Oxford, Patr. 44 Oo oo Cheriton V. alias Chirkſton, Archidiac. xi s.id. OI 02 001 The KING Patr. Pri. Sti Johannis Jeruſalem Dom. Maner. (Mon. Tom. 2. p. 547.) Pri. Lanthoney in Co. Glouceſter Propr. (Vide Mon. Tom. 2. p. 72.) John Hay- ward Impr. 48 Oo oo Erchfont V. [St. Michael] cum Cap. Stert. [St. James] ol II 07 Edward Howard Efq; Impr. Dean and Canons of Wind- for. 50 Oo oo Hilperton als Hilprington R. [St. Michael] Archidiac. xix d. ob. 01 12 00 Thomas Buckley (this Turn) 1702. Jobn Eyles Efq; 1723 Marden * TROWBRIDGE.---Staverton Chap. is in this Pariſh, . + BRADFORD V. hath ſix Chapels, viz. Weſtwood, Stoke [St. Edith) Winſley (St. Mary] Wraxal [St. James] Alworth, and Holt [St. Catherine.) I Erchfont.--Here was formerly a. Preb. Val. 18 l. in the King's Books. It belonged to Wincheſter Nunnery: ? 01 02 00 00 12 00 Wilts. DIOCESE of SALISBUR Y. 531 Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 2. 00 17 09 bi-}00 00 15 06 : oi 06 08 80 l. 00 15 08 Clear rearly Value. d. 40 00 00 Marden V. (All-Saints] Archidiac, ilii s. 60 l. Dean and Chapter of Briſtol Impr. and Patr. Mounton-Farley R. [St. Peter] Penf. Priori xii d. Archi- 38 oo oo diac. ix s. xi d. 80 l. Biſhop of Salisbury. 43 13 04 Netherhaven V.[All Saints] Redd. Domino Regi xii d. Prebendary thereof Patr. has Archidiaconal Juriſdiction here. 36 oo oo Uphaven V. * [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. ix d. The KING Colleg. Windſor olim Propr. (Mon. Vol. 3. p. 73.) Chriſtopher Willoughby Impr. 46 oo oo Whaddon R. Arcbidiac. xix d. ob. 60 l. Sir Walter Long Bart. 1706. Not Charged. Devizes St. John's R. with St. Mary's Chapel. The KING Patr. Edingdon (All-Saints] a Donative, formerly a College of Bon- hommes. Duke of Bolton Patr. Imber (St. Giles] a Donative, formerly a Preb. mouth Patr. At Imber there was formerly a Prebend, Val. 17 1.gs. 8 d. now a Lay-Fee. The Curacy is endowed by the late Lord Weymouth, with about 60 l. per annum. 00 16 051 Lord Wey- D. Wilton, in the Arch-Deaconry of SARUM. King's Books: l. d. l. II 02 OI 301 10 00 00 OI 00 00 02 00 00 20 00 00 80l. 24 Oo oo 200 l. 6.302 · Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. s. d. S+ Bulbridge V. (St. Peter] Archidiac. pro Syn. and Prox. viii s. ilii d. oi 02 02 Mon. Wilton Propr. + Ditchampton R. Archidiac. pro Syn, and Prox. V s. viid. Downton V. [St. Laurence] cum Cap. Nunton (Rid.) Wincheſter-College, Propr. and Fatr. Fulſton St. Peter's and Bemerton R. (St. Andrew] Archidiac. 02 08 oo 2 ix s. xi d. Lord Pembroke 1712. SWilton St. Mary's R. cum Cap. Netherhampton, Ditchamp- 12.16 03 ton, and Bulbridge (St. Peter] Archidiac. x s. vid. ob. 160 l. Earl of Pembroke (Rid.) 05 !3-04 Hoſp. Sti Egidii. 00 II 04 14 13 09 Hofp. Sti Johannis. oi 09 041 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Volue. 48 oo oo Fiſherton-Anger R. (St. Clement] Archidiac, vi s, viii d. ої об оо 801. Mutt. Raymond Gent. (Rid.) Eleanor Shadwell Widow 1692. South- * Uphaven.--Here was formerly a Preb. which belonged to the Priory of Ederos, or Ivechurcb, in Wiltſhire. + Bulbridge V.--and Ditchampton R. -are united to the Rectory of Wilton. Y yy 2 532 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. Wilts. Yearly Teuths. 1. d. 01 05 10 Clear Yearl Value. 1. d. 46 06 09 South-Newton V. [St. Andrew] Abb. Wilton xii d. Mon. Wilton Propr. Lord Pembroke 1689, Patr, and Impr. Not in Charge. Burcombe Donative. The Maſter of St. John's Hoſpital ap- points the Miniſter, viz. the Revd. Mr. Eyre, Canon of Sa- rum, 1722, being Maſter thereof. St. John's Hoſpital. Dean of Sarum, Stratford-Deans Cur. [St. Laurence] Sub-Dean of Saruni Patr. and Propr. D. Wpipe, in the Arch-Deaconry of SARUM. ".302 200 l. 1501. 160 l. 17 15 00 200 l. I 2 00 00 for Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths 1. s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. s. d. II 10 00 Biſhopſtrow R. Archidiac. x s. ix d. Penſ. xl s. 01 03 00 801. Ben. Gifford Efq; 1686. 27 17 03ŞBoyton R. [St. Mary] with the Chapel of Roydon in Com. Somerſet, Archidiac. x s. x d. O2 15 0829 Edmund Lambert Efq; 1717. 19 01 oo; Brixton-Deverel R. Penj. Epiſc. xx s. Archidiac. x s. ix d. oi 18 01 Biſhop of Salisbury. 18 Oo oo Codford St. Mary's R. Archidiac. x s. x d. O 16 oo St. John's College, Oxford. Codford St. Peter's R. Archidiac..x s. ix d. 01 15 06 Earl of Pembroke 1681. Deverel-Longbridge R. * [St. Peter and St. Paul] cum Deve- 01 04 00 { rel Monkton Chap. Abb. Glaſton Propr. Thomas Thynne Eſq; 1685. Lord Weymouth 1724. Hildeveril P. in Ecclefia HAYTESBURY, Diacono Eccleſia 10 04 02 01 00 05 Haytesbury xxvi s. viii d Dean of Salisbury, as Dean of Haytesbury. Horningham P. 7 in the Church of HAYT ESBURY [St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. vii s. vid. до 19 об Dean of Salisbury, as Dean of Haytesbury. Kingſton-Deverel R. Archidiac, xi s, ix d. OI 19 06 Eliz. Cooper Widow 1705. Sir Henry Coker (Rid.) 34 00 09:{Langford-magna alias Steeple R. (All-Saints] Archidiac, s, 400 l. Corpus-Chriſti College, Oxford. 07 13 04 Langford-parva R. [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. viii s. 00.15 04 Lord Pembroke 1719. 28 04 02 MERE V. [St. Michael] Pecul. Dec, Sarum. 02 16 05 Col. Dean of Salisbury Propr. and Patr. Orſton St. George R. als Orcheſton, Archidiac, xi s. vüid. Edward Lambert Efq; 1694. Orſton * Deverel-Longbridge R. Though this be ſet down as a Rectory in the Original Roll, yet Inſtitution is given to it only as a Vicarage ; as may appear by the Books of Inſtitutions in Offic. Primitiarum,anno 1682,1685. + HAYT ESBURY Cur. (St. Peter and St. Paul) Here is a Church, and under it is, beſides Knoak Cha- pel, three other diſtinct Churches, as Hill, Horningbam, and Tidrington; all preſented to by the Dean of Se- rum, and the three Prebendaries which they entitle. 301 09 15 00 < 19 06 19 15 oo 160 l. 07[) sol. 19 07 06 OI 18 09 160 1. WILTS. DIOCESE of SALISBURY. 533 {° 140 1. rucis for 100 l. 16 07 01 {u szor 21 00 00 02 02 00 300 l. 4r.301 16 00 801. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. l. d. SOrſton St. Mary's alias Orcheſton R. Priori Bradſtock xvis. 13 13 09 viü d. Archidiac, xi s, viii d. 07 041 Giles Thornburgh Clerk 1660. Richard Hayter Gent. 1680. Giles Thornburgh 1690. (Rid.) 11 00 00 Sherington R. [St. Michael] Archidiac. x s. xi d. or 02 00 100l. Edmund Lambert Eſq; 1717. Stockton R. [St. John Baptiſt] Penf. Collegio San&tæ Crucis 18 02 01 prope Winton cs. Archidiac. Wilts xi s, viii d. OI 16 02 200 I. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 14 00 00 Stourton R. [St. Peter] Archidiac. x s. ix d. OI 14 00 160 l. Lord Stourton. q. if Henry Hoare Eſq; be not Patron ? STidrington P. in the Church of HAYTESBURY, Archidiac. 09 15 00 { vii s. viii d. 00 19 06 Dean of Salisbury, as Dean of Haytesbury. 17 18 19 Upton-Lovell R. Archidiac. ix s. xid. or 14 10 The KING. SUpton-Scidmore R. [St. Mary] Penf. Ecclefiæ Sarum xx s. Arcbidiac. xiii si jji d. O[ 12 08 160 l. Sir Ed. Hungerford (Rid.) Sir Stephen Fox Kt. 1691. Veny-Sutton R. (St. Leonard] Archidiac. x s. ix d. Sir Rob. Button (Rid.) Heneage Walker Efq; 1716. WARMISTER V. (St. Dennis] Benf. Ecclefiæ Sarum x s. Ar 18 ooo chidiac, x s. I The Original Roll ſays the Biſhop of Sarum is Rector. The Biſhop being Impropriator thereof, is Patr. 21 14 02 Wylye R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. xii s. vi d. 02 03 05 160 l. Lord Pembroke 1708. Wiſhford-magna R. [St. Giles] Archidiac, ii s. vi d. Abb. Wil- 3 ton vis. viiid . Sir Richard How Bart. 1710. 38 04 07 Hofp. de HAY TESBURY (St. Peter and St. Paul] 03 16 051 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 25 Oo oo Berwick St. James's V. (Pecul. Epiſc. Sarum.) 00 17 00 Pri. Mottisfont Propr. John Duke Eſq:(Rid.) Edward Herft Gent, 1682. 38 oo oo Chitterne All-Sants V. Archidiac. xi s. v d. 00 14 01 Domus Scholar. prope Sarum (vocat. Vaux College) Propr. 35 Oo oo Biſhop of Salisbury. Chitterne St. Mary's V. Archidiac. xi s. ili d. Domus Scholar. prope Sarum Propr. Dean and Chapter of Salisbury Propr. and (Patr. q.) 39 00 00 Corlly R. [St. Margaret] Archidiac. xix d. ob. 601. Thomas Thynne Eſq; 1672. Lord Weymouth. 42 00 00 Fiſherton-Dallemer V. Archidiac, iiis. ïïïi d. 00 17 081 Pri. Maiden Bradley Propr. Duke of Bolton 1721. 40 00 00 Norton-Baven V. [All-Saints] The KING. Pri. Dartford Propr. in Kent. 28 00 00 Pertwood R. Archidiac, u s. iii d. oo ob on John Mervin Gent. (Rid.) Sir James How Bart. 1710, Rowlto. 50 1. 00 12 00 501. O 02 OI 00 12 OI 50 1. 401. 534 DIOCESE of SALISBURY. Wilts. I. is for 00 00 Clear Yearly V'alue. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. d. 46 oo oo Rowlſton R. (St. Andrew] Archidiac. V s. o'o 16 oo The KING. 40 00 00 Shrewton V. als Shreſton [St. Mary] Archidiac. xii s. vi d. oo 16 oo 61. Abb. Lycock Propr. Biſhop of Salisbury. 38 oo oo s Stapleford V. [St. Giles q.] Archidiac. Wilts. pro Syn, xii s. 2 iii.d. Eccleſia Cath, Sarum. iii s. iiii d. Pri. Efton Propr. Dean and Canons of Windfor Impr. and Patr. 30 Oo oo Tydulfide V. alias Tillide, Archidiac. v s. 00 15 073 The KING. Pri. Ederoſ. Propr. Ed. Trip Impr. ŞWESTBURY V. [All Saints] with Dilton Chap. (St. Mary]?04 09 071 40 00 00 and Bratton Chapel [St. James] Peculiar of Precentor of Sarum, Propr. and Patr. and has Epiſcopal Juriſdiction here. 40 00 00 Winterborne-Stoke V. [St. Peter] Archidiac. V s. OI 02 03* Pri. Shene in Surr. Impr. E. Rutland 1615. Sir John Ni- cholas 1679. Edward Nicholas Eſq; 1708, 1711. Not in Charge. Knook Chapel to Haytesbury. (Sarum Peculiar.) Madington (St. Mary] Mon. Ambrosbury Propr. Sir Ed- ward Hungerford Patr. MAIDEN-BRADLEY (All-Saints] Donative. Pri. Eding- don Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxford. Norridge Chap. formerly charged at l. 2 : 12 : 06 { 100 1. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. OI 06 06 05 09 10% 03 01 03 D. Abingdon, in the Archi-Deaconry of BERK S. BERKS. Livings remaining in Charge. Kings Books. 1. S. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 13 05 00 Appulton R. alias Appleton [St. Laurence] 120 l. Magdalen-College, Oxford. 54 18 061 Arch-Deaconry of Berks. * Biſhop of Salisbury. 30 12 06 Aſhbury R. [St. Mary] Sine-Cure Biſhop of Bath and Wells. u Aſton-Torald R. [St. Michael] 160 l. Magdalen-College, Oxford. 21 02 087 Burwaſcot alias Buſcot Ř. (St. Mary) 210 1. Mr. Loveden has two Turns in three. John Vannam Gent. 1716. in Right of Mr. Talbot by his Wife, who was of the Family of Yates of Buckland. 33 14 07 Childry R. [St. Mary] Corpus-Chriſti College, Oxford. 13 08 04 Chilton R. [All-Saints] Mary Read Widow 1714. 250 1. IO I 2 II OI OI 03 02 02 03 03 07 051 200 I. 01 06 10 Colfhall 100 / * Arch-Deaconry of Berks-wis united to Northmoreton R. Vide infra. I 1 BERKS. DIOCESE of SALISBURY. 535 King's Books. I. $. d. 17 11 08 100 l. 20 12 06 . 150 l. 1201. 42 10 00 100 l. 12 17 06 50 1. 200 l. Yearly Tenths. I. d. Colfhall V. alias Colleſhull (All-Saints] OI 15 02 Pri. Edingdon in Wilts Propr. Tho. Pleydell Eſq; 1705. 09 18 09 Compton-Bechamp R. alias Compton-Regis [St. Swithin] 00 19 10 Edward Richards Eſq; 1703. Dudcot R. (All-Saints] 02 01 03 Brazen-Noſe College, Oxford. 18 07 OI Eton-Haſtings R. [St. Michael] oi 16 081 Edward Keate Elq; (R.) Mr. Long (W.) Tbo. Orchard Gent. 1694. FARINGDON D. diſſolved and made a Lay-Fee. 04 05 00 Henry Pye Eſq; Propr. and Patr. of the Vic. FARINGDON V. [All-Saints] Pecul. Dec. Sarum. OI 08 or 14 01 03 701 Henry Pye Eſq; Eaſt-Hendreth Ř, alias Eaſt-Hendred [ St. Auguſtine] 15 05 02 OI 10 064 250 1. Biſhop of Salisbury. 08 19 061 Weft-Hendreth V. alias Weft-Hendred (Holy Trinity] 00 17 11 80 l. Pri. Wallingford Propr. Corpus-Chriſti College, Oxford. 12 04 02 Harwell V. [St. Matthew q.] OI 04 05 Abb. Ofeney Propr. Sir Femmet Reymond Kt. 1718. Hatford R. (St. George] oi 05 09 Jobn Jennings Efq; 1718. Nicholas Tyndall Eſq; 1721. 23 07 06 Hinton-Waldriſh R. (St. Margaret]. 02 06 09 Charles Loder Efq; 1717, 10 06 051 Kingſton-Bagpuz R.' [St. John Baptiſt] oi 00 07 80 l. S1. Fobn's College, Oxford. 15 00 02 Letcomb-Baſſet R. (All-Saints] oi 10 00 80 l. Corpus-Chriſti College, Oxford. 31 10 00 Lockinges R. [All-Saints] 03 03 co 150 l. All-Souls-College, Oxford. 27 01 10 Longworth R. [St. Mary] with Charny Chap. (St. Peter] 02 14 02- Jeſus-College, Oxford. 14 15 07 Marcham V. (All-Saints] with the Chapel of Garford. oi 09 06 ICO I. Mon. Abingdon Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxford. 17 09 07 Milton R. [St. Blaſe] 01 14 11 Paul Calton Eſq; 1679. William Fiſher (this Turn) 1703. S North-Moreton R. [All-Saints] annex'd to the Arch-Deacon- 16 13 04 01 13 04 ry of Berkſhire. 12 15 05 South-Moreton R. [St. John] 100 l. Mr. Holloway (R.) Mr. Piercy (W.) Richard Lybb and oi 05 06 70. Brook Gent. (this Turn) 1718. 08 12 11 Puſey R. (All-Saints] 00 17 03: Biſhop of Salisbury. 17 08 11 Shillingford R. [St. Faith] OI 14 10 160 l. Robert Packer Efq; 1694. S Shrevenham V. [St. Andrew] with the Chapels of Longcot ? [St. Mary) and Watchfield. The KÍN G. Mon. Cirencerter Progr. Sunningwell 240 1. 140 1. -} 802. 20 00 00 scot} oz 02 00 00 1401. 536 DIOCESE of 'SALISBURY. Berks. King's Books. 1. S. d. 1. d. 1601. 120 l. 18 13 04 ? Peter] St;}o. Yearly Tenths. Sunningwell R. (St. Leonard] with Kennington Chapel (St. 12 14 07 t; for 05 051 Swithin] Tho. Baſkervile 1707. Sir John Stonehouſe Patr. 1722. 09 05 021 Stevington V. alias Steventon (St. Michael] 00 18 061 Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter Propr. and Patr. SSutton-Courtney V. [All Saints) with Appleford Chap. [St. ? I 17 04 Dean and Canons of Windſor. 03 or 101 Tubney R. (no Church here,) 00 06 02 Magdalen-College, Oxford. 35 02 081 WANTAGE V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] 03 10 03 Dean a'id Canons of Windſor Propr. and Patr. who have Archidiaconal Juriſdiction here. 07 05 02 Wigham R. (All-Saints] 00 14 067 Earl of Abingdon Patr. 17 10 00 Wittenham-Abbats R. alias Parva [St. Peter] OI 15 00 Ed. Dunch Eſq; 1694, 1698. 08 oo oo Cantar. Sanctæ Catherinæ. oo 16 oo 100 l. 50 1. 120 . 100 l. 200 1. { andfo2 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. ABINGDON St. Helen's V. cum Cap. Drayton [St. Peter) and 49 15 00 Radley [St. James] 2 19 OIL The K ING. Mon. Abingdon. 15 00 00 ABINGDON St. Nicholas R. 00 14 00 The KING. 26 00 00 Ardington V. (Holy Trinity] 00 16 vor Abb. Oſeney Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxford. 49 00 0.0 Aſhbury V. [St. Mary] cum Chapelwick, to which 01 03 09 Rector thereof. To Chapelwick, Magdalen-College name three, the Rector muſt prefent one of them. 45 Oo oo Beſfells-Leigh R. (St. Laurence) oo 09 08 John Lenthall Eſq;1703. 47 Oo oo Blewberry V. * [St. Michael] OI 12 081 Biſhop of Salisbury Patr. Decanus dat Inſtitutionem. 35 Oo oo Buckland V. [St. Mary] 01 16 05 Epiſc. Briſtol. Modernus Proprietar. Pri. Edingdon in Wilts olim Fropr. Mrs. Mary Millington 1720, by Leaſe'ſrom the Biſhop of Briſtol. 35 07 00 Cokeſwell V. alias Coxwell (St. Giles] OO 14 og 4. Mon. Beaulieu in Co. Southampton olim Propr. (Mon.Vol. 1. p. 926.) Biſhop of Salisbury Propr. and Patr. Comner alias Cumner V. with the Chapels of North alias St. 2 38 oo oo Laurence Hinxey, South-Hinxey (St. John] and Wotton Jo2 og 084 (St. Peter] Mon, Abingdon Propr. Lord Abingdon. 36 00.00 Denchurch V. alias Denchworth [St. James] 00 15 OI The KING. Mon. Bruern in Oxfordſhire Propr. q. Mr. Geering (B.) Hagborne * Blecwberry. Upton and Aufion-Upthorp are Chapels in this Pariſh. Sarum Peculiars. }o. BERKS. DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. 5 $7 $. els } Clear Yearly Value. Miary. Tenthus 1. s. d. 1. d 45 Oo oo Hagborne V. (St. Andrew OLII 00 : Mon. Cirenceſter Propr. in Co. Glouceſter. Tho. White Jun. 1685. 28 oo oo Hanny V. (St. James) with Lidford als Lyford Chap. 02 03 03 Vicarii Chorales Eccleſ. Sarum Propr. Dean and Chapter of Salisbury. Letcombe-Regis V. [St. Andrew] with the Chapels of Eaſt- 31 00 00 Hallow (St. Nicholas) and Weſt-Hallow alias Challow (St. foi oi 05 Laurence] Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter Propr. and Patr. olim Pri. Amesbury in Wilts. 26 oo oo North-Morton V. (All-Saints] 00 15 09 Arch-Deacon of Berkſhire Propr, and Patr. 26 00 00 ŞOffington alias Uffington V. (St. Mary] with the Chapels ? 2 02 02 00 Balking [St. Nicholas) and Wolſton. Abb. Abingdon Propr. Mr. Whitehead (R.) Mr. Ar- cher (W.) Eliz. Aldridge 1678. William Jelop Efq; (this Turn) 1712. Sparſhall alias Sperſholt V. (Holy Croſs] with its Chapels of Kingſton-Lille [St. John Baptiſt) and Frilford (St. 02 00 02 James.] Abb. Abingdon Propr. Queen's-College, Oxford. Stamford in the Vale (St. Dennis] with Gooſey Chap. V. (All- 41 00 00 02 02 Saints] Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter Propr. and Patr. 37 00 oo Wittenhamn-Earls V. als Wittenham-longa (St. Peter] OI 05 03 Pri. Newton Longville in Bucks olim Propr. Exeter-Col lege, Oxon. Not in Charge. Coxwell-parva Chapel to Farringdon. Drayton Chap: [St. Peter) in the Pariſh of St. Helen's, Abingdon. Fifield V. or Cur. (St. Nicholas] St. John's College, Oxon. Kennington Chap: (St. Swithin) in the Pariſh of Sonningwell. Radley Donative (St. James] Sir John Stonehouſe. 45 Oo oo -302 D. Newbury. Yearly Tenthsa 1. s. d. 00 17 07 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. 1. d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 08 16 00 Aldworth V. (St. Mary.) Hen. Moor Impr. Si. fobr's College, Cambridge. 08 oo oo Avington R. 100l. Richard Jones Eſq; 1717. 20 00 00 Boxworth Ř. alias Boxford" (St. Andrew] Benjamin Tafell, Clerk, 1719. Z z z 00 16 oo 02 00 O 20 L Brightwalton 538 BERKS. DIOCESE of SALISBURY. S. 17 Oo oo 69302 300 / 10 00 00 OI 00 00 120 la 80 l. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. s. d. II 15 00 Brightwalton R. [All-Saints] OI 03 06 160 l. Mr. Juſtice Eyre 1719. William Hitchcock Eſq; 1722. 07 Oo oo Brimpton V. (St. Peter] 00 14 00 60l. W. Wollaſcot Eſq; (R.) Thomas Hunt Gent. 1684. Mr. Dean. Buckleberry V. [St. Mary] cum Cap. Merſton. OI 14 00 90 l. Abb. Reading Propr. Sir Henry Winchcomb Kt. Lord Viſc. Bolingbrook. 05.05 071 Catmer R. (St. Margaret] 00 10 06 60 l. Ralph Shirley Clerk 1719. Cheveley V. (St. Mary] with the Chapels of Winterborne, 26 11 03 Oure, and Leckhamſted (St. James] 02 13 01 I. Abb. Abingdon Propr. Richard Pocock Eſq; 1709. Mr. Bufarr 1724 Mr. Head Patr. 1725. Enborne R. [St. Michael] Lord Craven 1717. 12 08 04 Farnbrough R. [All-Saints] OI 04 10 Sol. The Revd. Mr. Ralph Price. (Antiq. Berkſhire 297.) 08 oo oo Fridleſham R. vulgo Frilſham [St. Fridiſwide q.] 00 16 oo 60 l. Lord Abingdon 1691. 12 14 04 · Hampſted-Marſhall R. (St. Mary] ØI 05 054 100 l. Lord Craven 1715. 09 13 04 HUNGERFORD. V. (St. Laurence] Pecul. Dec. Sarum. 00 19 04 Dean and Canons of Windſor. 22 13 04 EAST-ILDESLEY R. [St. Mary] 02 05 04 Mr. Whetcomb (R.) The Rev.d. Mr. Barnes is Incumbent and Patr. 1722 22 07 01 Weft-Ildefley R. [All-Saints] 02 04 08 240 1. Dean and Canons of Windſor. II 14 07 Inck pen R. [St. Michael] OI 03 052. Audria Brickenden Widow 1714. Kentbury alias Kintbury V. [St. Mary] 60 l, Mon. Ambrosbury in Co. Wilts Propr. Sir Jemmet Raymond IO II 10, LAMBORNE alias Chipping-Lamborne V. [St. Michael] OI OI 02 Abb. Stanley olim Propr. Dean of St. Paul's Propr. and Patri 38 16 104 NEWBURY R. [St. Nicholas 03 17 081 140 1. The KING, (or the Prince.) Peyſmer R. 01 05 02 Ralph Shirley Clerk 1719. 12 11 08 Shaw R. with Donington (St. Mary] OL 05 02 Duke of Chandos (W.) Sir Thomas Dolman Kt. 1691. John Warner 1719. Shawborne V. (St. Michael] Pecul. Dec. Sarum. oi 09 09 Pri. Shirborne Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor Pa- trons, who have Archidiaconal Juriſdiction here. og 11 03 Shelford-parva R. 00.19 OIL Mr. Packer (W.) Hen. St. Jobmand. Frances his Wife 1707. 14 03 04 Weſt-Shelford R. alias Magna (St. Mary] 01 08 04 Mary Linton Widow 1715. Brazen-Noſe-College, Oxong pleno jure. Speene 100 1. 20 00 00 02 QQ OQ Kt. 1719 12 12 OI 2001. 14 17 06 701. 120. BERKS. DIOCESE of SALISBURY. 539 Kings s. d. 20 00 00 andio 02 00 00 400 1. 120 l. 14 06 08 14 02 King's Books. Pearly Tenths, 1. s. d. l. 14 00 10 Speene V. [St. Mary] OF 08 01 801. Knights Templers Propr. Biſhop of Salisbury. 08 or 08 Stanford-Dawley alias Stanford-Dingley R. (St. Dennis) 00 16 02 100 l. Franc. Sawyer Clerk 1705. s Thatcham V. [St. Mary) with the Chapels of Greenham and ? Migiam. Abb. Reading Propr. Sir Henry Winchcombe Bart, 1687. Lord Viſcount Bolingbroke Patr. 1714. Richard Waring Eſq; 1723 35 15 05 Welford R. [St. Gregory] with Wickham Chap. (St. Swithin] 03 II 06 Ralph Shirley Clerk 1719. 04 04 03 Woodhay R. alias Weft-woodhạy [St.. Laurence] 00 08 05 Mr. Rudiard (R.) Mr. Sloper 1719. Yattenden R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] 01 08 08 Sir Edw. Norris Kt. 1711. Mr. Bertie 1724. Cantar, five Cap, Sti Bartholomei. oo 19 05 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 20 00 00 Bedon V. alias Biddon [St. Nicholas] 00 13 OI Mon. Abingdon. (L. N.) Sir Compton Read Kt. 38 00 oo Chaddleworth V. * [St. Andrew] 00 18 05 Prior. Poggbele olim Propr. (Mon. Vol. I. p. 266.) Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter Propr. and Patr. 40 Oo oo Compton V. 01 03 051 Abb. Reading Propr. John Head Efq; 1703. 37 Oo oo Eaſt-Garſton V. vulgo Argarſton [All-Saints] 01 06 08 Mon. Ambrosbury in Co. Wilts Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxford. 45 Oo oo Hampſted-Norrice V. with the Chapel of Langley. 00 19 10 Pri. Goring in Oxon Propr. John Sale and William Beſt (this Turn) 1710. Mr. Dod Patr. 1719. 40 00 00 Waſing R. 00 07 04 Lord Fermannah 1718. Not in Charge. Fawley-parva V. [St. Mary] Mon, Ambrosbury Propr. Sir Rich. Moore. * F D. Gieading. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. OI 05 031 401. 00 16 oo Livings remaining in Chargé. King's Books. 1. s. d. Reftories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 12 12 081 Aldermerſton V. [St. Laurence] Pri, Shirborne Propr. Queen's College, Oxford. 08 oo oo Arborfield R. + [St. Bartholomew] 60 l. Mr. Waterman. 05 15 071 Barkham R. [St. James] 50 l Mr. Waterman Patr. Francis Wroughton Eſq; 1694. Wil- liam Standon Eſq; (R.) Sir Anthony Sturt (W.) Z z. z 2 * Chaddleworth. In this Pariſh the Priory of Poghley was ſituate. † Arborfield.The Dean of Sarum has peculiar Epiſcopal Juriſdiction here. OO II 06 Binfield 540 DIOCESE of SALISBURY. Berks. 100 1. An-302 140 1. 2201. 100 l. 1401. 90 l. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. 18 17 01 Binfield R. [All-Saints] oi 17 08 The KING. 19 07 08 Bradfield R. oi 18 og 350 1. Fran. Springet and others 1703. Mr. Tomſon Patr, 1720. The Reverend Mr. Septimus Turton Patr. 1727. 25 04 047{Bray V; [St. Michael] cum Cap. MaydenHYTH [St. An- 02 10 05 ] (R. Mon. Cirenceſter in Co. Glouceſt. Propr. Biſhop of Ox- ford. 14 19 02 Burfield R. [St. Mary] OI 09 II Duke of Shrewsbury. 14 01 00 Cluer R. alias Cleworth (St. Andrew] OI 08 ore Eton College. 14 14 02 Cookham V. * [Holy Trinity] oi 09 05 40 1. Mon. Cirenceſter in Co. Glouceſt. Propr. Jane Weldon Wi- dow 1694. Walter Plummer Eſq; 1723. 11 12 081 Englefield R. 01 03 031 Fran. Powlet 1711. The Revd. Mr.Wright Patr. 1716. 12 09 041 Finchamſteed R. (St. James] OI 04 11 James Goodyer Gent, 1709. Mr. St. John (W.) 09 01 03 Eaſt-Hampſted R. (St. Mary Magdalen] 00 18 ore 801. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxon. 06 06 08 Padworth R. (St. John Baptiſt] 00 12 08 701. The KING. Pangborne R. [St. James] John Breedon Efq; 1717. Sir John Davies (R.) 12 17 031 Purley R. (St. Mary] oi 05 08 The KING, 14 17 031 READING St. Giles's V. oi 09 08 The KING. Mon. Reading Propr. 10 oo oo READING St. Laurence V. St. John's College, Oxford. Mon. Reading Propr. 12 03 READING St. Mary's V. 01 03 02 The KING. Mon. Reading Propr. 20 01 001 Remnam alias Remenham R. [St. Peter q.] 02 00 01 1501. Jeſus College, Oxford. S Ruſcomb-Northbury P. [St. James] This is annex'd to the 06 13 04 Prebend of Combe and Harnham in the Church of Sarum. 13 04 Biſhop of Salisbury. 06 13 04 “Ruſcomb-South P. [St. James] oo 13 04 Biſhop of Salisbury. Shunningfield ( [All Saints] l 02 00 03 Dean and Chapter of Hereford Propr. and Patr. 10 0600 Sulhamſted-Abbas R. (St. Bartholomew] oi 00 07. Queen's College, Oxford. Sulhamſted- Cookham part of MAIDENHEAD is in this Pariſh, 01 00 00 10 00 00 120 l. 100 l. 200 l, ΟΙ 00 00 80 l. II 300 1. } ield] 02 701, 501. BERKS. DIOCESE of SALISBURY. 541 learly Tenihs. 1. d. 00 12 06 oo 12 05 02 00 08 80 l. 05 02 06 oo 10 03 02 03 06 300 l. 01 02 03 OI OI 04 501. 07 06 08 00 14 08 King's Books. 1. d. 06 05 00 Sulhamſted-Baniſter R. [St. Michael] 120 1. Queen's College, Oxford. 06 04 02 Sulham R. 70 l. Robert Mafon Gent. 1708. 20 07 OI Sunning V. [St. Andrewſ Dean of Salisbury Propr. and Patr. (Peculiar.) Tidmarſh R. (St. Laurence] 701. Edward Strode Eſq; 1707. Samuel Lynne Efq; Patr. 1720. 21 15 02 Tilehurſt, R. and V. united. Anno 1586 (St. Michael] Thomas Walker Clerk 1719. II 03 01į Ufton-Nervet R. (St. Peter] 150 1. Fobn Archer Eſq; 1700. Oriel College, Oxon. 1721. 10 13 04 Waltham-Abbas V. alias White-Waltham (St. Mary] Mon. Chertſey in Surr. Impr. Mr. Arthur Vanfittart Patr.. 1722. Waltham-Laurence V. (St. Laurence] Abb. Hurley Impr. Richard Nevile Eſq;.1712.. Grey Ne- vile Efq; Propr. Warefield alias Berfield V. [St. Michael] The KING 1687. William Freeman Eſq; (this Turn) 1704. Abb. Reading Impr. 13 13 06 Wargrave V. * [St. Mary] Abb. Reading Propr. Richard Nevile Eſq; 1689. 07 17 06 Woolhampton R. [St. Peter q.] Martin Wollaſcot Efq; 1695. Anthony Chute and Richard Shipman Eſqs; 1722. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 50 Oo oo Benham-Valence V. [St. Mary] 80 l. Abb. Reading Propr.. Nathaniel Knight Efq; 1660. Mr. Blagrave Patr. 1722. 15 00.00 Byſham alias Buſtleſham V. [All-Saints] Abb. Byſham. Sir Thomas Hoby 1704, 1722. 43 00 00 Hurley V. [St. Mary.] Pri. Hurley Propr. John Lovelace 1683. Ro. Gayer Efq; OI 06 08 13 06.08 70 l. oi 07 046 00 15 09 801. 00 15 08 00 16 00 00 13 047 80 l. Patr. 1722. 100 / 40 Oo oo Stratfield-Mortimer V. (St. Mary] 00 17' 115 Eton College, Propr. and Patr. 4.2. Oo oo Winkfield v. [St. Mary] 00 16 07 Abb. Abingdon olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Salisbury. 14 Oo oo New-WINDSOR V. (St. John Baptiſt] 01 10 04 Abb. Bylham alias Büfteſham Berks Propr. (Mon. Tom. III. p.. 27.) Abb. de Waliham in Eſſex Propr.t Old- * Wargrave V.--June 4. 1551. John Poynet Bishop of Winton, did by Indenture give to King Edward VI. the Manors of Wargrave, Waltham, Billing bere, and Warfield, (of which the Hundred of Warfield confifts) and all Frınchizes thereunto belonging, together with the Adyowſoos of the Churches, which was confirmed by the Dean and Chapter September 4. following; which King on the 22d Day of the ſame Month of September, grants the fame to Henry Neville Efq; and to his Heirs; and to Winifrede Lofs. Amule's Antiq. of Birkjhire, Vol. II. p. 426. Theſe Manors, &c. were granted to the S:e of Il'inchéfier, by King Henry III. ibidem p. 425. † Leland's Colle&anea, Vol. I. p. 101. 542 DIOCESE OF SALISBURY. Berks. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. oo 16 08 s. drew] Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. 16 00 00 Old-Windſor V. * [St. Peter] Abb. Bymam alias Buſtlejam Propr. (Mon. Tom. III. p. 27.) Abb. de Waltham in Efex Propr. † Sir Thomas Dolman Knt. 1686. Not in Charge. Hurſt V. [St. Nicholas] Peculiar of Sarum. The Dean of Sarum Patr. MAIDEN HEAD Cur. [St. An- . OKINCH AM alias Wokingham [All Saints]aMarket-Town, *1.40 : 00 : 00 Certified'Vál . a Donative Pecul. Dec. Sarum. Serv'd by a Curate at the appoint- ment of Mr. Barker. of Chiſwick. Ruſcombe V. [St. James] Pe-?1.30 : '00 : 00 Certified Vál. culiar of Serum The Prebendary Patr. (2) Sandhurſt Chap. [St. Michael]. Peculiar of Särum (not in l.15: 00 : 00 Certified Val, Charge.) Dean of Sarum Patr. Shotteſbrook R. (St. John Baptift] (100 l.) Charles Calverly 1685. Arthur Vanfittart Efq; 1722. Sunninghill (St. Michael] a 2 Donative (not in Charge) l. 10 : 00 : oo Certified Val. St. John's College, Cambridge, Patr. * 31.10 1 Twiford Chap. in the Pariſh of Sunning. D. Wallingford. 300 I. 120 l. il Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. l. s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 44 17 II Brightwell R. [St. Agatha] 04 09 og Biſhop of Wincheſter. 18 og og Choulſey V. [St. Mary] cum Cap. Moulsford (St. John Baptiſt] or 16 111 The 'KIN G. Abb. Reading Propr. 10 07 06 Stretley V. [St. Mary] QI 00 09 Pri. Hurley Propr. Biſhop of Salisbury. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 40 00 00 QI 15 05 2 Clement) ] Abb. Lyra olim Propr. Peter Sawyer Gent. 1706, and Mr. Allen. St. Old-Windfor V. Augmented by Mr. Weldon with 20 la per Annum. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Ime propriations, p. 340. # Vide Leland's Collectanea, Vol. I. p. 101. Bafilden V. [St. Bartholomew] with Alhampfted Chapel [St. for 15 05! Berks. DIOGESE OF SALISBURY. 543 Yearh Tenths d. s. I. 5. ŞSt. Jumpmard's R, WALLINGFORD * cum Satwell Capella (St.}.no 00 15 03 Clear Yearly Value. d. St. Leonard's 34 00 00 James] Thę KING St. Mary's R. WALLINGFORD The KING. 2:5 00 00 St. Peter's R. Wallingford Edward Gregory Gent. 1691. John Clayton & Ux. Jonat. Bromley & Ux. and Hof. Bromley & Ux. 1722. 12 00 OO oo 08 oo oo 12 01 d. B For Dioceſe of Wincheſter. 1. ISHOPRIC of Wincheſter for Tenths 250 14 7 For Firſt-Fruits thereof 2873 18 1 The firſt Biſhop of this See was Birinus, tranſlated from Dorcheſter in Oxfordſhire, about the Year 636. The Cathedral Church, .(St. Trinity.) This Cathedral was firſt founded by Kingil King of the Weſt- Saxons, who began his Reign in the Year 612. The Church now in being, was begun by Biſhop Walkelin about the Year 1073. and was finiſhed by William of Wykeham, who was made. Biſhop here in the Year 1365. It was firſt dedicated to St. Amphibalus, afterwards to St. Peter, then to St, Swithin, and laſt to the Holy Trinity. The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the Payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. The Dean and Chapter erected out of the diſſolved 'Priory by King Henry VIII. in the Year 1539. All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church, are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Wincheſter. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 67 15 02Arch-Deaconry of Wincheſter, Erected before the Year 1114. 06 15 061 There are twelve Prebends † in the Church of Wincheſter, all in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Wincheſter ; none of the ſaid Prebends are charged with any Payment of Firſt- Fruits or Tenths. But they pay a Rent-Charge of in lieu thereof, which being purchaſed by Biſhop Morley, is now paid for the Support of the College of Clergymens Widows, by him founded near the Cathedral Church. Kimet d. 1. s. d. * Walling ford- There were alſo two other Churches in this place, viz. St. Peter's and All Saints, which are demoliſhed. All Saints is a Sine-Cure, and in the Gift of Pembroke College, Oxon. + The Priory of St. Switbin's in Wincheſter being diffolved Anno 31 Henry VIII. 1539. the ſame King, by Charter dated March 28. 1540. erected a New Chapter to conſiſt of a Dean and twelve Prebendaries. 544 DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. SOUTHAMP. D. Alresford. [Note, The whole County of Southampton is in the Arch-Deaconry of Wincheſter.] 1. S. 13 06 08 49 12 08; 081 het . Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenthe d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. J. d. об о8 Abberſton alias Abbotſton R. with Ichenſtoke V. [St. Mary] 01 06 08 Mon. Rome ſey Profr. Duke of Bolton. AL RESFORD R. (St. Mary) with the Chapels of Meidited (St. Andrew] and New-ALRESFORD (St. John Baptiſt] Prox. 404 19 037 viis, v d. ob. (Pecul.) Biſhop of Wincheſter. II II 10. Avington R. (St. Mary] Prox, and Syn. viii s. iii d. 01 03 024 Bifhop of Wincheſter. 14 18 orž Bighton R. (All-Saints] Repriz, xi s. xi d. 01 08 09 Sir Robert Worſley Bart. 1708. 08 13 04 Bradlie R. [All Saints] Prox. vi s. viii d. oo 17 04 Anthony Henley Efq; 1696, 1725. 08 14 og Bramdean R. (St. Simon and St. James] Prox. and Syn. v s. iii d. 00 17 051 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 23 04. 02 Browne-Candover R. [St. Peter] Repriz, xv s. xi d. ob. 02 06 05 Sir Robert Worſley Bart 1709. Cheriton R. [St. Michaelſ with the Chapels of Kilmerſton 66 02 06 alias Kymeſton and Titchbourne (St. Andrew] Repriz. x s. 06 12 03 xid. ob. (Pecul.) Biſhop of Wincheſter. об об o3 Chilton-Candover R. [St. Nicholas] Prox. and Syn, viï s. iii d. 00 12 073 Sir Robert Worſley Bart. 26 06 08 Eaſton R. [St. Mary] Prox, vis. viii d. (Pecul.) O2 12 08 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 19 II 10, Henton-Ampner R. (All-Saints) Repriz, xlviii s, iï d. OI 19 024 Biſhop of Wincheſter. Ichen-Abbots P. [St. John] Repriz, xviii s. viii d. 00 08 08 The KING. 14 OI 051 Ichen-Abbots R. (St. John] OI 08 01 Duke of Bolton 1707. 09 10 00 Ovington R. Repriz.I's. (Pecul.) 00 19 00 Biſhop of Wincheſter. Sutton V. [All Saints 9.! with Ropeley Chapel [St. Peter]? 19 10 02 Prox, and Syn. ix s. xid. 00 Mrs. London Widow 1711. Mon. Marten in Surr. Impr. Mrs. Anne Alexander Patr. 1725. 22 12 06 Worthy-King's R. [St. Mary) Repriz. xlviii s, iii d. 02 05 03 Duke of Bedford. 10 02 Worthy-Martyr R. (St. Swithin] Prox. and Syn. ix s. xi d. OI II 007 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 04 Oo oo Cantar, de Titchbourne oo 08 oo Livings 04 16 os 021 eter]}o. 19 : Southamp. DIOCESE of WINCHESTER 545 Yearly Tenths. 1. . 01 16 oo { 300 08 06: Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. 35 Oo oo Preſton-Candover V. with Nutlie (St. Mary] Mon. Southwick Impr. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter. Swarroughton R. alias Swerweton, alias Swarneton, Prox. 45 Oo oo and Syn, viii s. qï d. Anthony Henley Ęfq; 1715. Not in Charge. Weld Chapel [St. James] (Pecul.) Wallop Eſq; Weſt-Tiſted Chapel (a Donative.) Magdalen College, Oxford. Woodmancot Chapel, in the Pariſh of Browne-Candover. D. Alton. 1 King's Books . d. 15 00 00 } ΟΙ Ιο οο Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tentbs. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. SALTON V. (St. Laurence] with the Chapels of Haliburne? 2 (Holy Rood] Binſted and Kingeſley (St. Nicholas] Prox. x s. S Mon. Hyde Impr. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter. Bentworth R. (St. Mary) Repriz, iii l. ix s. viii d. or 09 ooo Mr. Aston Incumbent Patr. 1725. Bramſhott R. (St. Mary] Prox. and Syn, viii s. iii d. OI 16 II Queen's College, Oxford. Chawton R. [St. Nicholas] Repriz. xxi s. iii d. ob. 01 02 06 William Knight Efq; 1719. Bulſtrode Peachy Knight Eſq; 14 JO 05 18 og 02 II 05 05 Patr. 1725. OI I 2 00 22 og 041 Colmer R.with Dean-Prior Chapel, Prox. and Syn. viii s. vid. 02 04 11% Sir Henry Tichburn Bart. 1719. 16 oo oo Eaſt-Tiſted R. [St. James] Prox. and Syn. vii d. ob. Sir John Norton Bart. 1691. Norton Pawlet Eſq; Patr. 1722. 18 06 00 Faringdowne R. [All Saints) Repriz. xxvii s. xid. or 16 07 Mrs. Catherine Harlackinden 1684. William Cage Eſq; 1722, 06 05 10 Gretham R. (St. John Baptift] Prox. and Syn. xv d. 00 12 07 Ro. Love Efq; 1717. Richard Love Eſq; Patr. 1725. 10 OI 10 Hartlie-Maudett R. Repriz. v s. vii d. ob. oi oo 02 Sir Simeon Stuart Bart. 1713. 21 04 07 Hedleigh R. (All-Saints] Řepriz, iii 1. viii s. ix d. 02 02 051 Queen's College, Oxford. Lalham R. [St. Mary] Prox, and Syn, vis, iii d. 00 13, 101 William Guidot Eſq; 1713. 13 10 02 Newton-Valence V. Prox. ix s. viïi d. ob. OI 07 00 Mon. Edyngton in Wilts Impr. Mr. Ro. Michel and Ri- chard Downes 1698. James Glyde Gent. 1718. Edmund Yalden Incumbent Patr. 1725. Аааа Selborne 06 18 09 - 546 DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. SOUTHAMPT. s. s. by his Guardian 1719. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. 08 00 Co Selborne Chapel [St. Mary q.] (no Chapel here) 00 16 oo 08 02 01 Selborne V. (St. Mary] 00 16 02 Magdalen College, Oxford, Impr. and Patr. olim Priory of Selbourne. 09 15 10 Shalden R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox, and Syn. iiii s. iiii d. 00 19 07 The KING. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Empſhot R. or V. [Holy Rood] OO II 07 Pri, Southwick Impr. Norton Pawlet Efq; 1701. 37 00 06 Froyle V. [St. Mary) Prox, and Syn. viii s. viii d.ob. O 03 02 Mon. of St. Mary's Winton Impr. William Draper Gent. 29 Oo oo 35 Oo oo 00 II 09 Eaſt-Worldham V. Magdalen College, Oxford, Impr. and Patr. olim Priory of Selbourne. Not in Charge. Perpetual Curacies not in the King's Books. Bentley Cur. (St. Mary] Major Biſhop is Patron by Leaſe of the Tithes and Nomination to the Curacy, under the Arch- Deacon of Surrey. Hawkly Chapel [St. Peter and St. Paul] in the Pariſh of New- ton-Valence. Weft-Worldham Chapel. D. Andover. King's Books. 1. d. S. 42 07 06 30 Oo oo Herbert 1719. Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tents. Rečtories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. Abbots-Anne R. [St. Mary] Repriz. Xxx s. viiid. ob. 04 05 09 Robert Pitt Efq; 1718. 25 07 II Amport V. [St. Mary) Repriz. xl. xvii s. ii d. ob. 02 10 09 Dean and Chapter of Chicheſter Impr. and Patr. 17 04 041 AndoVER V. [St. Mary] Repriz. Iv s. iii d. (olim Prioratus) 01 14 057 St. Mary's Colleg. Winton Impr. Wincheſter College. Burroughclere R. (All-Saints] Prox. vii s. v d. ob. (Pecul.) 03 oo oo The Honourable 12 12 06 Crokeſeaíton R. [St. Michael] Prox, and Syn. vi s. iii d. oi 05 03 Edward Liſle Eſq; 1703. To oo oo Eneham R. (St. Michael] Prox, and Syn. vi s. iii d. oi oo oo Queen's College, Oxford. 26 02 03 Faccombe R. [St. Michael] Prox, and Syn. xi s. vid. ob. 02 12 03 Sir Berkeley Lucy 1719. Fyfield R. (St. Nicholas) Repriz. xxxiii s, xi d. 01 03 03 The KING. Gratley R. [St. Leonard] Prox, and Syn.ws. x d. ob. Mr. Samuel South 1699. 07 13 09 Highclere R. [St. Michael] Prox. vi s. viii d. (Pecul.) 00 15 041 The Hon. Huſborne II I2 II : 15 09 02 OI IO II Herbert 1719. I SOUTHAMPT. DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. 547 ។ King's Books, I. s. d. 41 09 02 Iral}04 04 02 02 II oo 17 03 { Linkinholt R. alias Ninknold (St. Peter] Prox. and Syn. Zoo 14.00; for 05 111 12 00 00 Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. SHuſborne-Terrant P. (annex'd to Burbage P. in the Cathedral Church of Salisbury.) Prox, and Syn. xis. Biſhop of Salisbury. OS 12 06 Huſborne-Terrant V. (St. Peter] Prebendary thereof Patr. and Impr. 25 12 01 Kympton R. Prox. and Syn. vii s, iii d. 02 II 02 John Smith, Francis Stonehouſe, and Humphrey Norborne Eſqs; in Truſt for Mrs. Foyle 1719. 07 00 05 14 00 vi s. iii d. James Worgan Gent. 1705. S Ludſhelfe R. vulgo Lichfield (St. James] Prox, and Syn. ix s. xid. Mr. Henry Kingſmill 1714. Wm. Kingſmill Eſq; Patr. 1725. 18 09 07 Middleton P. alias Long-Pariſh (St. Nicholas] Repr. 1 s. viii d. 01 16 11 Duke of Bolton. 14 I 2 II Munxton R. Prox. and Syn. vii s. iii d. oi 09 031 King's-College, Cambridge. 27 05 021 Over-Wallop R. [St. Peter) Repr. liiii s. ob. 02 14 064 Bluet Wallop Efq; 1701. Lord Limmington Patr. 1725. Penytonne R. als Penton-Mewfy (Holy Trinity) Prox, and 09 12 081 00 19 037 Syn. viii s, v d. Edward Pollen Efq; 1706. Sir Philip Meadows Patr.1725. 15 12 oi Quarley R. [St. Michaelj Prox, and Syn. vii s, ji d. O II 02 William Farrer Eſq; as Maſter of St. Catherine's Hoſpital, near the Tower, London. 15 12 11 Thruxton R. (Holy Rood] Prox. and Syn, vii s. iiid. OI 11 03 Sir John St. Barb Bart. 1709. Patr. 1720. Three Siſters of Mr. Secretary Craggs, the Widow Newfome, the Wi- dow Elliot, and Sir John Hinde Cotton's Lady 1725. Mr. Hugh Winkworth q. 14 15 02 Tudworth R. (St. Mary] Repr. xxiii s. xi d. oi 09 06 John Smith Eſq; 1703. Upclatford R. [All-Saints] Repr. xx s. viii d. ob. 02 04 00 Thomas Jervoiſe Eſq; 1709. 26 00 00 Wey als Weyhill R. (St. Michael] Prox. and Syn. vii s. iii d. 02 12 00 Queen's College, Oxford. 44 II 001 Whorwell P. (Holy Croſs] Repr. xliiii s. vii d. 04 09 01 Sir John Fryer Kt. 1719. 14 00 00 Whorwell V. (Holy Croſs] Repr. vi l. oi 08 00 Prebendary thereof. 21 06 001 Eaſt-Woodhay R. [St. Martin] Repr. v l. vii s. v d. ob. (Pecul.) 02 02 077 Biſhop of Wincheſter. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Combe V. 00 13 03 Dean and Canons of Windſor Impr. and Patt. Аааа2 Goodworth 22 00 00 35 Oo oo 548 DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. SOUTHAMP. s. 1. d. OI 00 00 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Teuths. I. d. 45 00 00 Goodworth-Clatford V. (St. Peter] Mon. of Whorwell Impr. Sir John Fryer Patr. 1720. 32 06 09 Huſborne-Prior V. (St. Andrew] Prox, vii s. v d.ob. 01 05 11 Hoſp. of St. Croſs Impr. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 30 00 00 Middleton V. alias Long-Pariſh (St. Nicholas] 00 16 00 Prebendary thereof Impr. and Patr. 24 19 00 Shipton V. [St. Mary] 00 16 oo Mon. de Novo loco in Surr. Impr. Cornelius Macham 1689. Joſeph Macham and Mary Coleman 1725. 49 16 oo S Nether-Wallop V. (St. Andrew] in Penſione Thefaurar. Ebor. xxvi s. viii d. I 07 03 Vicars Chorals of York Impr. and Patr. 30 Oo oo WHITCHURCH V. (All-Saints] Prox, viis, v d.ob. (Pecul.) , 01 07 034 Hofp. of St. Croſs Impr. Biſhop of Wincheſter. Not in Charge. Appleſhaw Chapel in the Pariſh of Amport. Aſhmanſworth (St. James] Chap. in the Pariſh of Eaſtwoodhay. Bullington (St. Michael] Chapel in the Pariſh of Whorwell. Foxcot Chapel in the Pariſh of Andover. Freefolk Chap. to Whitchurch. St. Mary Bourn Chapel in the Pariſh of Huſborne-Prior. (Pecul.) New-Town Chap. (near Newberry) is a Chap. to Burghclere. Tangley (St. John Baptift] a Chap. to Faccombe. Tufton [St. Mary] Chapel in the Pariſh of Whorwelf. Vernam's Deane Chapel in the Pariſh of Huſborne-Terrant. Woodcot Chapel. 07 12 OI 9. Baſingltoke. Livings remaining in Chargea King's Books, Yearly Tenths. . d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 09 11 051 Aſhe R. [Holy-Trinity] Prox, viii s. viii d. 00 19 01 Charles Wither of Hall Eſq; 1713. Baghurſt R. Repr. xi s. viiid. (Pecul.) 00 15 02 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 10 16 03 Cluddiſdeane R. (united to Fairlie.) Prox, vii s. iii d. OI OI 07 Earl of Shaftsbury 1673. Lord Lymington Patr. 1722. Crondall V. * (All-Saints] with the Chapels of Sutton [All- 22 05 073 { Saints] Yately + [St. Peter] and Alderſhot # [St. Michael] } The Maſter of the Hoſpital of St. Croſs, Wincheſter, Impr. and Patr. Deane * Crondal. The Tithes and Nomination to the Chapel of Sutton, alias Long-Sutton, is held by Leaſe from the Maſter of St. Cross's Hoſpital near Wincheſter, and is now (1724) in Mr. Samuel Blundell, Mr. If. Knight, Mr. Thomſon of Petersfield, Tho. Eedes and Eliz. Blundell. + Yately.—The Tithes and Nomination of the Curate hereof lett by Leaſe from the Maſter of St. Croſs's Hoſpital near Wincheſter to John Limbrey Eſq; Alderſhot. The Tithes and Nomination of the Curate lett by Leaſe from the Maſter of St. Croſs's Hoſpital near Winchefer to Mr. Richard Dean of Crondall. ܐܐ%7ܘ SOUTHAMP. DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. 5:49 09 Oo oo *;}oo King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. 10 08 11 Deane R. [All-Saints] Prox. x s. ii d.ob. OI OO 10 Charles Wither of Hall Efq; 1713. 09 06 08 Dogmersfield R. [All Saints] Repr.xxix s. xi d. 00 18 08 Ellis St. John Eſq; 1718. 14 12 031 Dummer R. [All-Saints] Prox. viii s. id. oi 09 021 John Terry Gent. 1694. Tho. Terry Gent. 1721. 08 03 06; Ellisfield R. [St. Martin] Prox. xvi s. vi d. 00 16 047 Thomas Brocas Gent. 1703, one Turn. Sir Richard Mill the next. q. Mrs. Saltmarſh and Mr. Terry. Elvetham R. Prox, v s. oo 18 oo Sir John Cope Bart. 1717. 11 08 09 Everſley R. [St. Mary] Prox. vi s. iii d. OI 02 103 Sir John Cope Bart. 1707. og 12 06 Farley-Mortimer R. [St.John] (united to Cluddiſdeane.) Prox. . 00 19 03 Earl of Shaftsbury. Lord Lymington Patr. 1722. 06 07 031 Hannington R. Prox, x s. (Pecul.) 00 12 081 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 16 12 II Hekefield alias Heighfield V. [St. Michael] with Mattingley { Chapel. I 13 031 New-College, Oxford, Impr. and Patr. 17 19 07 KINGSCLERE V. (St. Mary] Prox. V s. OI 15 111 Mon. of Byſam, Berks, Impr. Duke of Bolton. 08 10 00 Laverſtock R. (St. Mary] Prox. X s. oo 17 00 Sir Charles Shuckburgh Bart. 1700. Lady Shuckburgh Patr. 17.25. Newnham R. [St. Nicholas) with Chap. of Mapledurwell, 7 alias Mapletrewell (St. Mary] Repr. xiii s. iii d. ob. OI 15 08 Queen's-College, Oxford. 11 13 11 Oaklie R. Repr. xiiii s. vii d 01 03 04 Queen's-College, Oxford. DYHAM V. ] 23 II 057 {. Repr. viii s. Chancellorſhip of Salisbury Impr. and Patr. 29-1907 OverTON R. [St. Maryl Sine-Cure. Prox. vii s. v d. ob. 02 19 11 Biſhop of Wincheſter. OVERTON V. [St. Mary] with Tadley Chapel [St. Peter.]? or og 02 (Pecul.) Rector thereof Impr. and Patr. 09 08 01 Sherborne St. John's R. [St. Andrew) Prox. xxii s. ob. 00 18 09 Edward Chute Efq; 1702. Anthony Chute Eſq; Patr. 1725. II 03 06 Sherfield R. [St. Leonard] Repr.xxiii s. iii d. OI 02 04 Duke of Bolton. og o6 oo; Silcheſter R. (St. Mary] Prox. viii s. iii d. 00 18 07 Sir Thomas Draper 1698. Lady Bleſſinton 1719. Lord Mountjoy Patr. 1725. 11 04 07 Stephinton R. [St. Nicholas] Prox. viii s. viji d.ob. oi 02 051 John Lewknor Eſq;.1696. Mrs. Knight 1722. 24 13 00 Stratfield-Saye R. [St. Mary] Prox, x s. viii d. ob. 02 09 045 Geo. Pitt Eſq; 1717- Stratfield- E 14 12 03:{ 5:50 DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. SOUTHAMPT. s. d. I. d. 08 18 09 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. 06 oo 02 Stratfield-Turges R. (All-Saints] Prox. iii s. iii d. oo 13.00 Geo. Pitt Efq; 1709; Turnworth R. (All-Saints] Prox, and Syn, xv d. 00 17 IOT William Hall 1713. Mr. Thomas Hall Patr. 1725. 15 13 04 North-Waltham R. (St. Michael] Prox, vi s. viii d. (Pecul.) OL II 04 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 14 12 031 South-Warneborow R. (St. Andrew] Repr. iiii l. oi 09 02 St. John's College, Oxford. 08 16 10 Winchfield R. (St. Mary] Prox, ix s. ix d. ob. 00 17 08 James Rudyerd Efq; 1684. Benjamin RudyerdEſq; Patr. 1725. 13 02 081 Wolverton R. (St. Catherine] Prox. x s. oi 06 03 Sir Jemmet Raymond. 08 17 081 Worting R. [St. Thomas Becket] Syn. and Prox. ix s. ob. 00 17 og William Wither Eſq; of Manydown. 10 02 037Wotton alias Laurence-Wotton V. [St. Laurence] Prox. viii s. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter Impr. and Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. SBASINGSTOKE V. [St.Michael] with Nately (St. Stephen) and 49 Oo oo Baſing Chapel (St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. x s. viii d. ob. 03 or 07 Pri, Selborne olim Propr. Magdalen-College, Oxford, Impr. and Patr. 30 00 00 Bramlie V. (All-Saints] OO 14 045 Queen's College, Oxford, Impr. and Patr. 38 oo oo Eſtrop Chapel. 00 04 00 Peter Serle Eſq; Patr. 1725. Mr. William Serle. Ewhurſt Chapel (St. James] 00 02 08 James Plowvden Eſq; 47 Oo oo Farnborow R. Prox, vii s. iii d. 00 15 031 Earl of Angleſea. 35 00 00 Harriard V. (St. Mary] 00 14 07 Mon. Wintney Imp. Duke of Bolton. 40 00 00 Hartley Waſpull R. [St. Mary] Prox, iii s. iiii d. 00 13 08 Dean and Canons of Windſor. S Scures R. alias Skyers, alias Nately-Scures [St. Swithin] Prox. 40 00 00 Anthony Henley Efq; 1697. 44 Oo oo Sherburne St. John's V. (St. Andrew] 00 14 00 q. if Mr. Chute does not preſent to the Vic. as well as the Rectory. Rector thereof Impr. and Patr. 38 oo oo Sherburne-Monks V. (All-Saints] oo 16 oor This Vic, is in the Patronage of Queen's-College in Oxford, who are the Impropriators of the Living ; and they lett the Tithes to the Vicar, which make it worth to him a- bout 300 l. per annum. Queen’s-College, Oxford, Impr. and Patr. Wintney. { hd303 25 Oo oo 300 00 II OI SOUTHAMPT. DIOCESE of WINCHESTER . 551 Yearly Tenths li 00 08 00? d. : 35 00 00 00 13 02 Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. Wintney-Hartlie V. [St. Mary] Mon. Wintney Propr. Mr. James Field 1718. Mr. James Field, Junior, 1725. q. Mr. Tilney. 36 oo oo Wynſlade R. [St. Mary] Duke of Bolton 1717. Not in Charge. Cold-Henley Chap. Itchingſwell (St. Laurence] Chapel in the Pariſh of Kingſclere. Lyſſe Chapel (St. Peter) in the Pariſh of Odyham, the Tithes and the Nomination to the Curacy held by Leaſe from the Chancellor of Sarum by Fr. Tylney Eſq; Pamber Curacy. Queen's College, Oxford. Rotherwick Chapel in the Pariſh of Odyham, the Tithes and the Nomination to the Curacy held by Leaſe from the Chancellor of Sarum, by Mr. Tylney. Sidmanton (St. Mary] Chapel in the Pariſh of Kingſclere, Upton alias Ufton-Grey Curacy. Queen's-College, Oxford. Weiton-Patrick [St. Laurence] Chapel in the Pariſh of Ody- ham, the Tithes and the Nomination to the Curacy held by Leaſe from the Chancellor of Serum by Fr. Tylney Eſq; Grewell [St. Mary] Chapel in the Pariſh of Odyham. O Dokinsfoyd. s. 1. d. 20 00 10 Livings remaining in Charge. Kings Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 21.06 oo Alverſtoke R. [St. Mary] Repr. vii l. ix d. ob. (Pecul.) 02 02 07. Biſhop of Wincheſter. 10 03 09 Bedhampton R. Repr. x s. iii d. or 00 041 William Cotton Eſq; 1713. Frederick Franklin Efq;Patr. 1725. 06 07 081 Blendworth R. (St. Giles] Repr. xviii s. xi d. ob. 00 12 09 Duke of Beaufort 1711. Ş Buriton R. [St. Mary] with PetersFIELD Chapel (St. Pe- 32 16 10% ter] Prox. and Syn. ix s. xi d. ob. 03 05 08 Biſhop of Wincheſter. Chalton alias Chalkton R. [St. Michael] Repr. vil. ix s. ijii d. 02 co ou Duke of Beaufort. Clanfield R. [St. James] Repr. xlvi s. viii d. Duke of Beaufort. 17 19 041 Drokinsford R. Repr. vii l. ix d. ob. (Pecul.) OI 15 II Biſhop of Wincheſter. 35 01 08 ŞEaſtmean V. [All Saints] with Froxfield (St. Peter) and Stepe ? ChapelsProx. vii s, v d. ob. (Pecul) 03 10 02 Biſhop of Wincheſter. Patr. and Impr. 10 06 00 Exton R. Prox. v l. xiiii s. id. ob. (Pecul.) 01 00 07 Biſhop of Wincheſter. FAREHAM V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Repr. viii s, xi d. ob. 08 12 06 (Pecul.) 17 03 Hoſp. of St. Croſs olim Impr. Biſhop of Winchelter. Farlington II 00 00 OL 02 00 . ) 3oz {] . ob.}oo 5:52 DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. SOUTHAMP. $. King's Books. Yearly Tenth. 1. d. 1. d. og 13 04 Farlington R. Prox. x s. viii d. ob. 00 19 04 Thomas Brereton Gent. 1689. Thomas Dacre Eſq; Patr. 1725. 26 19 02 HAMULDON V. [St. Peter) Repr. ix s. viii d. ob. qa. (Pecul.) 02 13 II Biſhop of Wincheſter Impr. and Patr. 24 06 00 HAVANT R. [St. Faith] Repr. xlvii s. v d.ob. (Pecul.) 02 08 07 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 46 02 11 SMeanſtoke R. [St. Mary] Prox. X s. v d. ob. (Pecul.) cum Sub- 2 berton Capella. 04 12 03 Biſhop of Wincheſter. Portiſſaie V. [St. Mary] Repr. ix s. vii d. 01 04 00 Pri. Southwick Impr. Wincheſter-College. PORTSMOUTH V. (St. Thomas Becket] 00 13 04 Pri. Southwick Impr. Wincheſter-College. 06 oo 021 Rowner R. Prox. xix d. ob. OO 12 001 Charles Brune Eſq; 1691. 06 07 031 TITCHFIELD V. [St. Peter] Prox. X s, vid. 00 13 081 Mon. of Titchfield Impr. Duke of Beaufort. II 02 oi 'Upham R. (Pecul.) cum Durley Capella. OI 03 024 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 26 12 081 WALTHAM R. (St. Peter] Repr. xiii l. xiiii s. i d. ob. 02 13 03 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 19 09 041 Warblington R. Prox, x s. viii d. OI 18 11 Mr. Richard Brereton Clerk 1720. William Cotton Eſq; 12 00 00 06 13 04 Patr. 1725. 08:{ 16 03 "} • 21 09 041 Warnford R. Prox, x s. viii d.ob. (Pecul.) 02 02 11 Mr. Vincent for the next Turn, afterwards in the Lady Def- bouverie. George Freeman Eſq; 1703. 30 17 11 Weſtmeane R. Prox. vii s. v d.ob. (Pécul.) cum Privet Capella. 03 or 097 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 08 02 087 Wickham alias Wykeham R. [St. Nicholas] Repr. xxviii s. viji d. ob. Edward Nicholas Eſq; Patr. 14 11 107* Widley R. [St. Mary Magdalen] with Wimering V. [St. Pe- -Zor og 02: ter and St. Paul] Repr. xiii s. iii d. ob. Pri. Southwick Impr. Richard Norton Efq; and Winchef ter-College, 1716. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Values 37 Oo oo Chatterington V. alias Katerington [St. Catherine) Prox. X 5, 00 18 07 Pri. Nun-Eaton Warw. Impr. John Bugby 1684. 47 00 0.0 Hayling V. (St. Mary] Prox. xi s, iïii d. 00 17 00 00 Þri. Shene in Surr. Impr. Lady Mary Howard 1703. John Anſtis Eſq; Patr. 1725. 30 Oo oo Porcheſter V. [St. Mary] The KING. Pri, Southwick Impr. Not in Charge. Cornhampton alias Corhampton, alias Cormanton Chapel. Mr. Collins Impr. Crofton OB 12 00 SOUTHAMPT. DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. 553 Crofton [Holy-Rood] Chapel in the Pariſh of Titchfield. Durley Chapel in the Pariſh of Upham. GOSPORT (Holy Trinity] Chapel in the Pariſh of Alverſtoke. Idſworth Chapel in the Pariſh of Chalton. Northwood (St. Peter] Chapel in the Pariſh of Hayling.. Nuſted alias Nurfted C. Privet Chapel in the Pariſh of Weſtmean. Southwick Cur. [St. James] Mr. Norton, or Wincheſter- College. Priory of Southwick Propr. Southwood Chapel in the Pariſh of Hayling. Subberton Chapel in the Pariſh of Meanſtoke. Wanited Chap Pri. Southwick olim Propr. Weſtbury Chap. in the Pariſh of Weft-Mean. (the Chapel turn'd into a Wood-Houſe.) Weſtburhant Chapel. Mr. Norton Patr. Whipſtrode Chapel. D. Fordingbridge. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. OI 12 00 03 oo 02. 07 12 06 00 15 03 02 or 03 3 00 II 04 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their patrons and Proprietors. 16 oo oo CHRIST-Church V. (Holy Trinity) Pri. of Cbrift-Church Twynham Impr. Dean and Chap- ter of Wincheſter. 30 02 031 FORDINGBRIDGE V. [St. Mary] Prox, xi s. i d. ob. King's-College, Cambridge, Impr. and Patr. Minſted R. [All-Saints] Prox. xi s. John Fuſſell Efq; 1714. Mr. Compton Patr. 1725. 20 12 01} Milford V. Prox.and Syn. iiii s. vid. Pri. Chrift-Church Twynham Impr. Queen’s-College, Ox- ford. 05 13 04 North-Carford Chapel (St. Peter and St. Paul] 75 05 05 ŞRINGWOOD V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] with Harbridge Cha- pel, Repr. iii l. xiiii s. viii d. King's-College, Cambridge, by the Name of St. Mary and St. Nicholas, Impr. and Patr. 12 16 10Sopley V. [St. Michael] Prox. and Syn. ix s. xi d. Pri. Chrift-Church Treynham Impr. Sir Henry Tichburne Kt. Richard Goodrick Efq; 1690. Mr. James Willis ſaid to be Patron 1725. Mr. Willis did preſent 1728. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 28 Oo oo Boldre V. * [St. John] Repr. iiil. xii d. Pri, Chriſt-Church Impr. Mr. Henry Jones 1702. Mr. not exceeding Howell Incumbent Patr. 1723. Ellingham V. [St. Mary] Prox. iiii s, iïi d. Eton-College, Impr. and Patr. Bbbb * Boldre. The Borough of LYMINGTON (St. Thomas Becket] is in this Pariſh. 12- 307 10 06 01 05 081 01 04 00 20 00 00 oo 16 056 Whitiſbury 554 DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. SOUTHAMPT. Clear d. 1. d. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. ot exceeding Whitiſbury V. [St. Leonard] Prox. and Syn, iži s. iii d. (in oo II 04 25 00 00 Com. Wilts.) Pri. Bromer Impr. Lord and Lady Mancheſter 1713. q. Mr. Penruddock. Not in Charge. Breamore Cur. [St. Mary) a Donative. Duke of Mancheſter , d Patr. 1725. Brokenhurſt Chapel in the Pariſh of Boldre. Hale Cur. (St. Mary] Lord Brooke. Priory of Bremmore. Holdenhurſt Chapel in the Pariſh of Chriſtchurch. Holehurſt Chapel to Sopley. Ibſley (St. Martin] Chapel to FORDINGBRIDGE. Lindhurſt [St. Michaelſ Chapel in the Pariſh of Menſted. LYMINGTON Chapel in the Pariſh of Boldre. Milton Chapel (St. Mary Magdalen]? in the Pariſh of Mila Hordel Chapel (All-Saints] ford. Rockburn Cur. (St. Andrew] Pri. Maiden-Bradley in Wilts Propr. Duke of Mancheſter Patr. 1725. . D. Bombone, in the Arch-Deaconry of WINTON. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. l'early Tenths, I. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors.' 1. s. d. 07 16 03 Aſhley R. [St. Mary] Prox. viii s. 00 15 071 Mr. John Davis 1680. Mr. Weeks Patr. 1722. 08 02 01 Barton-Stacie V. [All-Saints] 00 16 02 Pri. Lanthony in Glouceſter olim Impr. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter Propr. and Patr. 37 10 00 Broughton R. [St. Mary) Repr. xxv s. ob. 03 15 00 The Hon. Mr. Juſtice Eyre Patr. 1719. Duke of King- ſton Patr. 26 09 04 Chilbolton R. [St. Mary] Repr. ii l. ix d. ob. (Pecul.) 02 13 11 Biſhop of Wincheſter. Elden R. [St. John Baptiſt] 00 04 00 Sir John Cloberry 1679. 28 02 08 Houghton R. (All-Saints] Prox. vii se v da ob. (Pecula) 02 16 03 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 09 Oo oo Leckford P. (St. Nicholas] Repr, jii l. vii s. xi d. 00 18 oo St. John's College, Oxford. Michildever V. [St. Mary] 02 13 04 Mon. Hyde Impr. Lady Rachel Ruſſel 1722. 26 12 081 Michilmeríh R. (St. Mary] Prox. vii s. v d. ob. (Pecul.) 02 13 03 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 14 18 ni Mottisfont R. [St. Andrew} Repr. xxii s. ob. OI: 09 10 George Fulham S. T. P. and Mr. Richard Story 1701. The Directors of the South Sea Company preſented 1723. Sherfield 02 00 00 26 13 04 2 SOUTHAMPT. DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER . 555 Patr. 1725. 00 10 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1 d. 1. d. 06 10 925 Sherfield-Engliſh R. (St. Leonard] Prox, v s. ii d. 00 13 04 Mr. Edward Keele (this Turn) 1707. Mr. Henry Eyre Sir Henry Tichburne Kt. and Bart. 21 01 10. King's-Somborne V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Repr. xliii s, xid. 02 02 02 Pri. Mottisfont Impr. Sir Richard Mill Bart. 1720. 15 13 061 Stoke-Charitie R. [St. Michael q.) Prox. vii s. v d. OI 11 04 Corpus-Chriſti College, Oxford. 05 Oo oo Wellow V. Prox, ïïi s. iiii d. Mon. de Lettely Impr. Duke of Chandos. 08 05 10 Weſt-Tiderley R. Repr. xii s. xii d. 00 16 07 Henry Whitehead Eſq; 1708. Richard Whitehead Eſq; Patr. 1725. 46 15 071 Wonſton R. (Holy Trinity] Prox. vii s. v d. ob. (Pecul.) 04 13 062 Biſhop of Wincheſter. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 29 Oo oo Lekeford V. [St. Nicholas] 00 17 08 Prebendary thereof. 41 13 11 Longſtock V. [St. Mary] от от об Pri . Mottisfont Impr. "Sir John Mill Bart. 1695. Now Sir Richard Mill is Fatr. 1725. S Romsey V. s. viïi d. ob. 02 Oi og Pri. Romſey Impr. Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter. Not in Charge. Boffington Chapel in the Pariſh of Broughton. Eaſt-Dean Chapel in the Pariſh of Mottisfont. Eaſt-Tiderley Chapel (St. Peter] (Donative.) Mr. Rolle. Elden Chapel. Farmer Hill Patr. Lockerley (St. John] Chapel in the Pariſh of Mottisfont. Northington [St. John] Chapel in the Pariſh of Micheldever. Pittleworth R. (in Lay-hands.). The Church down. Mr. Kelſey, Owner. Popham (St. Catherine] Chapel in the Pariſh of Micheldever. Somborne-parva Chapel (All-Saints] in the Pariſh of King's- Somborne. C Stratton (All-Saints] Chapel in the Pariſh of Micheldever. STOCKBRIDGE (St. Peter] Chapel in the Pariſh of King's- Somborne, Sutton Chapel in the Pariſh of Wonfton. Timſbury Curacy, (olim Prebenda) diſſoluta. is;}oz 1. s. D. Southampton, in the Arch-Deaconry of WINTON. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 05 10 021 Botleigh R. (All-Saints] Prox. vii s. iii d. 00 11 00 Lord Portland and Elizabeth his Lady 1714. Duke of Portland and Duke of Beaufort Patr. 1725. Bbbb 2 Dipdeen d. 1. s. d. 5 56 DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. SOUTHAMPT. 303 { { 12 00 00 King's Books Yearly Tenths. 1. d. le d. 05 12 II Dipdene R. Prox. ix s. xid. 00 11 032 John Harris Efq; 1707. James Harris Eſq; Patr. 1725. II 18 01 Eling V. (St. Mary] Prox. xi s. v d. 01 03 091 Pri. Mottisfont Impr. John Speed M. D. 1714. 34 13 061 Falley R. als Fawley (All-Saints] Prox, vii s. v d. ob. (Pecul.) 03 09 047 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 10 06 03 Milbrook R. (St. Nicholas] Repr. xxiii s. xi d. 01 00 071 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 13 II 10 Nurſling R. Repr. xlviii s. iii d. 01 07 02 Biſhop of Wincheſter. Precentorſhip in the Church of St. Mary's near Southampton, 37 05 05 als the Rectory of St. Mary's, Southampton *, Repr. vül. 03 14 06 viii s. id. (Pecul.) Biſhop of Wincheſter. 21 0907 Prox, xvii s. iiii d. North-Stoneham alias Stoneham-Abbats R. [St. Nicholas] }02 02 111 Richard Fleming Eſq; 1714. South-Stoneham V. alias Stoneham-Epiſc. [St. Mary] QI 04 00 The Precentor or Rector of St. Mary's, near Southampton, Patr. and Impr. The preſent Rector of St. Mary's is the Revd. Mr. Ralph Brideoke, Arch-Deacon of Wincheſter, 1724. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value 18 oo oo All Saints R. in Southampton, Repr. xxviii s. ii d.ob. 00 16.02 The KING.. . 24 Oo oo viii s. ii d. ob. 04 02 Queen's College, Oxford. Pri. of St. Dennis Impr. 49 02 04 Hound V. [St. Mary] Prox, iii s. ijii d. 00 10 051 This, with the Chapels of Burfeldon (St. Leonard) and Hamble (St. Andrew] are under the Juriſdiction of the Rector of Biſhops-Waltham. Wincheſter-College Impr. and Patr. St. John's in Southampton R. 00 13 04 The KING. St. Laurence R. in Southampton, Repr. XV s. 00 15 00 The KING, 20 Oo oo St. Michael's in Southampton V. Repr, xiiii s, xi d. ob. OI 05 02 The KING. Pri. of St. Dennis Impr. Not in Charge. Baddeſley Chapel [St. John] Donative. (olim Præceptoria.) Mr. Keck. Beawley Cur. Duke of Montague. Abby of Beaulieu. Burſledon (St. Leonard] Chapel in the Pariſh of Hound. Chilworth Cur. Abb.st. Dennis Southampt. Mr.Serle Patr. 1725. Exbury Chapel in the Pariſh of Fawley. Hamble In this Pariſh of St. Mary's, in Biſhop Andrews's Time, was erected a Chapel, called Jeſus-Chapel, and by him conſecrated; the form of Confecration whereof may be found at the End of his Rationale on the Common Prayer. The Founder of the ſaid Chapel promis'd to endow it with a ſufficient Maintenance for a Hivier to oficiate there, but by what Means that Deſigå miſcarried is uncertain. ci 02 00 00 $ II 00 00 SOUTHAMPT. DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. 557 Hamble (St. Andrew] Chapel in the Pariſh of Hound. Jeſus Chapel in the Pariſh of St. Mary's, Southampton. Fra. Mylles Eſq; Patr. 1725. Netley Chapel in the Pariſh of Hound. Owre Chapel in the Pariſh of Elinge. Sherley Chapel in the Pariſh of Milbrook. D. Iland of Wight: I. s. d. og : 302 05 06 08 Livings remaining in Charge: King's Books. Pearly Tenths, 1. di Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 32 03 04 Brighſtone (St. Mary) Repr.xxvii s. v. d. ob. (Pecul.). 03 04 04 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 19 17 081 Calborne R. [All-Saints] Repr, xvii s. y d.ob. (Pecul.) oi 19 094 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 23 08 01* Cariſbrooke V. {St. Mary) with NewPORT (St. Thomas Bec-> 02 06 093 ket] and Northwood (St. John Baptiſt] Chapels, Prox. xii s. Pri. of Shene in Surry Impr. Queen’s-College, Oxford. 14. 03. 11 Chale R. (St. Andrew] Prox. vi s. iii d. oi 08 04 Sir Robert Worſley Bart. 1-708. 19. 08 04 Freſhwater R. [All Saints] Repr. viiil. xx d. OI 18 10 St. John's College, Cambridge. 25 18 09 Gatcombe R. [St. Olave] Prox. vi s. iii d. 02 II 10 70. Worſley Eſq;. 17.08. Kingiſton R. 00 10 08 Sir William Meaux Bart, 1682. II 16.03 Motiſtone R. [St. Peter and St. Paul). Prox. and Syn. vi s..lii d. OL 03 07 Sir Robert Dillington Bart. 1692. John Leigh Efq; Patr. 1:72:5. 20 07 OI Nighton R. (St. John Baptiſt] Repr. lüi s. iiii di. . 02 00 081 Queen's-College, Oxford: 20 00 02 Shorewell R. [St. Peter) Repr. xxvïi s. v d. ob. 0,2 Oo oo John Leigh Eſq; 1700. 07 09 07 Capella Sti Spiritus in Newton (Diftru&ta.) 00. 14 II Queen's College, Oxford. 19 01 057 Whippingham R, Repr. xviii s. viii.d. ob. or 18 Que The KING. 07 16 oo Wotton R. (St. Edmund] Repr. iiii s. vii d.. 00 15 074 Edward Life Eſq;1718. 06 06 101 Yeaverland R. Repr. vii s. iii d. ob 00 12 087 Edward Richards Efq; 1710. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly. Valm. 50 00 00 Areton V. alias Atherton (St. George] Syn. xv.d. Mon. Quarre Impr. Edward Fleming Eſq; 1690. 50 Oo oo Benfted R. (Holy Croſs] Prox. iii s. iiii d. (Pecul.) 00:02 08 Biſhop of Wincheſter. S Bonchurch R. [St. Boniface] with Shanklin Chapel, Repr. 50 Oo oo 00 13 06 xi s. ii d. Fon Popham Eſq; Broke not 02 0.2 00 not not 558 DIOCESE of WINCHESTER, SOUTHAMPT. 1. d. 1104 riot not {GC ade-3031 not 1701 1104 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. i, d. not Broke Chapel (St. Mary] 50 Oo oo 00 03 10 William Bowerman Eſq; 1701. 50 Oo oo BRE ARDING V. alias Brading (St. Mary] Prox. and Syn.xv d. 02 00 00 Pri. Bromer Impr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 50 00 00 Ecclefia in Caſtro Careſbrook V. [St. Nicholas] oo 14 oo Mon. Quarre Impr. The Governor of the Illand. ŞGodſhill V. [All Saints] with Whitwell Chapel (St. Rade- 50 Oo oo gund] Repriz, viii s. viii d. 15 09 Pri. Shene in Surrey Impr. Queen's College, Oxford. 50 00 00 St. Laurence R. Repriz. xix d. ob. oo 08 oo Sir Robert Worſley Bart. 1709. 50 00 00 New-Church V. (All-Saints] Repriz. xxi s. iiii d. OI 04 08 Mon. de Bello loco Impr. Biſhop of Briſtol. 50 Oo oo Shalfleet V. Prox. xv d. OI 17 02 The KING. Pri. Byſam in Berks Impr. 50 00 00 Shorewell V. (St. Peter] Prox. vii d. ob. Oi 15 074 ReEtor.ibidem Propr. Mr. Leigh. 50 00 00 Thorley V. Prox. xv d. 00 13 10 Pri. Chriſt-Church Impr. Thomas Gother Gent. 1698. 50 Oo oo YARMOUTH R. [St. James] The KING. Not in Charge. Chapel of St. Radgund, a Chapel to Gatecombe. St. Helen's Chapel. Eton College, Propr. and Patr. NEWTOWN (Sancti-Spiritus] Chapel, in the Pariſh of Calborne. Weſt-Cowes Curacy, 201. per Annum was given to this Cura- cy by Biſhop Morley for a Lecturer. Ride Chap. [St. Thomas Apoſtle] in the Pariſh of Benfted. Antient Chapels in the Iſle of Wight. Alverſton 1. 2:0 : 8 Brittleforth 1. 1:6 : 8 Halden alias Appeldurford 1.4:0:0 Standon I. 3:6:8 not not 00 00 00 I D. Winchetter. King's Books. 1. d. 08 06 08 s. Pearly Tenths. 1. 00 16 08 S. d. 23 06 08 Livings remaining in Charge. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Chilcomb R. Repriz. xxxiii s. iii dii(Pecul.) Biſhop of Wincheſter. Compton R. [All-Saints] Repriz, xiii s. illi d. (Pecul.) Biſhop of IVincheſter. Crawley R. [St. Mary] Prox, vi s. viii d. (Pecul.) Biſhop of Wincheſter. Farley-Chamberlaine R. (St. Mary] Repriz, xxi s. iii d. Ellis St. John Eſq; 1720. 02 06 08 35 13 04 03 II 04 10 12 II OI OI 02 St. SOUTHAMPT. DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. 559 03 06 08 09 Oo oo 02 00 00 03 04 02 14 17 06 X}or oo Iooo King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. s. d. St. George R. in Wincheſter, there is no ſuch Pariſh, (demoliſhid) oo 06 08 Hurſley V. [All-Saints] (Pecul.) 00 18 00 The College of St. Elizabeth Winton Impr. William Heathcote Efq; 1720. 07 oo oo St. Mary's Calendre R. in Wincheſter, Prox. xiii d. 00 14 00 Biſhop of Wincheſter. об о7 об St. Maurice Wincheſter R. * Repriz. xii s. vid. 00 12 09 Biſhop of Wincheſter, St. Mary-Wood R. (demoliſhed) 00 04 00 Biſhop of Wincheſter. St. Peter's in Wincheſter R. (demoliſhed) 00 06 05 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 16 10 02 Sperſhott vulgò Sparſhall V. (St. Stephen] Prox. ix s, xi d. OI 13 00 The KING. Mon. Wyntney Impr. Stoke-Biſhops R. [St. Mary] Prox, vi s. viii d. 01 09 09 Biſhop of Winchester. 12 12 081 Twyford V. (St. Mary] Repriz, xxvii s. v d. ob..(Pecul.) or 05 03+ Hoſp. St. Croſs Impr. Emanuel College, Cambridge. -Mortimer . 15 12 OR vii s. xi d. OI II 02 Truſtees for Univerſity College, Oxford. 05 00 00 Wynnall R. Repriz. xvii s. iiii d. (Pecul.) Biſhop of Wincheſter. 12 19 02 Wyke R. alias Weeke [St. Mary] Repriz. vii s. vii d. ob. OI 05 II Biſhop of Wincheſter. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Pearly Value. 07 08 04 St. Bartholomew in Soca Wincheſter V.. The KING. Mon. Hyde Impr. 19 06 08 St. Laurence in Wincheſter R. oo 12 06 The KING, 1,5 00 05 Layneſton R. Penſione ſolut. Vic. de Sperbott xxvi:s. viii d. oo 05 04 Mr. Merritt. 14 14 04 St. Michael's in Soca Wincheſter R. 00 11 091 Biſhop of Wincheſter. Moreſted R. Repriz, iii s. x.d. (Pecul.) Biſhop of Wincheſter. 16 06 oo St. Peter's Chiſhull in Soca Wincheſter R. Repriz. xx s. OI 08 II The KING. St. Peter's in Colebrook Street Wincheſter R. (demoliſhed) oo 07 04 The KING. St. . 46 oo oo { xii s. v d. ob. 01 07 09. Biſhop of Wincheſter. St. * St. Maurice R.--This Living was augmented by Biſhop Morley. Put Worthy-Mortimer alias Headbourne-Worthy R. -This Living by the Will of Dr. John Radcliffe, dated 13th of September 1714, as often as it becomes void, is to be beſtowed on a Member of Univerſitz-College in Oxford, to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, and the two Divinity Profeffors, the Maſter of Uni- verfity College, and the Rector of Lincoln College, for the time being, or the major part of them. 01 00 00 32 06 08 00 12 00 12 02 02 560 DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER.' SOUTHAMPT. 1 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths 1. d. d. 08 12 08 St. Swithin's R. alias King's-Gate * in Wincheſter 00 12 087 Not in Charge. St. Croſs Hoſpital, the Maſterſhip worth 400 l. per Annum. Biſhop of Wincheſter, St. Faith appropriated to St. Croſs Hoſpital, and joined with it (Pecul.) Ibidem. Hunton (St. James) Chap. in the Pariſh of Crawley. St. John's R. in Wincheſter. Biſhop of Wincheſter. Otterburn [St, Matthew] Chap. in the Pariſh of Hurſley. Owſlebury (St. Andrew] Chap. in the Pariſh of Twyford. St. Peter's Cheſhill in Wincheſter. In this Deanry is the Chapel of Littleton, the Curate is ap- pointed by the Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter, yearly Value whereof is 20 1. In this Deanry is the Hoſpital of St. Mary Magdalen, the Maſterſhip whereof is in the Gift of the Biſhop of Win- cheſter, worth about 50 l. per Anrum. Wincheſter College has a Warden, a School-Maſter, ten Fel- lows, three Chaplains, an Uſher, ſeventy Scholars, fixteen Choriſters, and three Clerks. D. Ewell. [Note, The whole County of Surrey is in the Arch-Deaconry of Surrey.] SURREY. Livings remaining in Charge. Kings Books, Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. s. S Alhted R. [St. Giles] Epiſc. pro Prox. vi s. viii d. Archidiac. 13 15 05 { pro Syn. ii s. i d. oi 07 061 Thomas Howard Eſq; 1698. Lady Diana Fielding Patr. ... s. d. d. }or : 1725.. O 18 04 Barnes R. (St. Mary] (Pecul.) pro Archidiac. Prox. vi s. viii d. 09 03 04 Redd. Domnino de Barnes vi s. viii d. Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's. 19 19 041 BLECHINGLEY R. + (St. Mary] Repriz, null. oi 19 11 Sir Robert Clayton Knt. 1704. William Clayton Eſq; Patr. 1722. II 12 11 S Buckland R. [St. Mary] Epiſc . Wint. pro Syn. ii s. id. Ar- 2 chidiac. pro Prox. vi s. viii d. All-Souls College, Oxford. S Burſtow R. (St. Bartholomew] (Pecul.) Archiepiſc. pro Prox. 15 13 04 II 04 vis. viii d. The KING. Chaihame * II° Rim. April 1328. Apud Waltham. Yo Sauntere fuerat admiffus ad Ecclefiam de King's-Gate, ad PreSentationem Magiſtri Willielmi Ingle Arch. Surr. dictæ Ecclefiæ Pron. & Rr. Canonice Inſtitut. Mandatque Offic. Arch. Wintox, ad ipm Inducend. Stratford, fol. 105, in Reg. Winton. † Blechingley R.----Au AA for diſuniting the Rectory of Blechingley and the Chapel of Earxe, 30 & 4 _Annie Regina -for 03 03: }o1 SURREY. DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER. 561 Yearly d. 07 12 O ' d.}oo 15 15 02 * Progoo King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. I. Chaihame alias Cheame R. [St. Dunſtan] (Pecul.) Archiepiſc. 17 05 05 { pro Prox. vi s. viii d. Penj. Abb. de Bermondſey xxvi s. vïi d. Jor or 14 06 St. John's College, Oxford. 19 16 08 Charlewood R [St. Nicholas) (Pecul.) Ecclefiæ de Charlewood pro perpetua Penſione x s. Decano Peculiar. vis. viid. nood for oi 19 08 Mr. Thomas Honywood 1711. Chipſted R. [St. Margaret] Archidiac, Surr, pro Prox. vii s. 17 19 113 viid. ob. Epiſc. Winton pro Syn. ii s. OI 15 04 Thomas Moore Eſq; Patr. 1718, 1725. Codington V. (St. Mary] Epiſc. Winton pro Prox. vii s. vii d. Archidiac. Surrpro Syn. ii s. id. Pri. Martyn Impr. 12 00 05 ŞLong:Ditton R. [St. Maryj Syn. and Prox, viii s. ix d. Pens. Pension { Priori Merton xx s. 04 00 Robert Coleman Gent. 1714. Dr. Joſeph Clarke Patr. 1723. og 18 04 {E.be the Bishops or inchefter Eſher R. * (St. George) here was formerly a Seat or Palace 00 19 10 Mr. Thomas Cotton and Philadelphia his Wife 1699. 09 02 087SGATTON R. Pent; Priori Leves xxx S. Epiſc . Winton proz 08 00 18 037 Syn. ii s. i d. Archidiac. Surr. pro Prox. vi s. viii d. William Newland Eſq; 1715. Horne Chapel [St. Mary) (now a Rectory 1728) Archidiac. 04 17 11 Surr. pro Prox. vii s. vii d. ob. Epiſc. Winton pro Syn. ii s. Soo og og id. pro quieto Redd, xi d. ob. Sir Robert Clayton Knt. William Clayton Eſq; Patr. 1725. 15 10 05 Leigh R. † [St. Bartholomew] this is only a Curacy OI Il 00 Sir Thomas Scawen Impr. Pri. Newarke in Surr. Propr. Vide inter Poleſion. ejufdem Prioratus, Lymmifield alias Limpsfield R. (St. Peter] Epifc. Winton pro) 20 00:05 Syn. ii s. id. Archidiac. pro Prox. vis. viii d. Penf. Abb. 102 oo oo's Battel ii s. Sir Marmaduke Greſham Patr. 1725. 08 00 05 Maldon V. [St. John] cum Cheſilden Cap. Prox. Epiſc. vis.id. 00 16 06 Merton College, Oxford. 22 01 08 ŞMeftbams [St. Catherine] (Pecul . Archidiac. Surr: pro ļo2 04 02 Biſhop of Canterbury. Mickleham R. Epiſc. Winton pro Prox. vii s. vii d. Archi- OI 06 oo diac, Surr. pro Syn, ii s, id. Sir John Parſons Knt. 1698. Humphry Parſons Efq; Patr. 1725. Сccc Morden * The Advowſon of Elher was given by Deed to Wadham-College, Oxford, by John Latton E q; 1714. Aubrey's Hiſtory of Surrey, Vol. III. p. 123. + Leigh R - This is only a Curacy, though in the Book of Survey in the Firſt-Fruits Office it appears to have been ſurvey'd as a Re&ory. In the Vellum-Book for Surrey, D. Ewell is as follows. Maii Anno iiiiº Edw. VI. Ligh Rettoria-Valet clare per annum cum omnibus Commoditat. juxta Certificatorium Johan. Briſtow, Johan. Woodman, Johan. Allen, Johan. Haythwith & Johan, White, Commiſſionar. Domini Regis in ea parte, ultra vii s. viid. ob. annuatim folut. Arch. Surr. pro Procur. & ii s. inde annuatim ſolut. pro Sinod. xma inde xxxi s. ob. *} • 13 Oo oo 1 l. d. jii ok. XV хү 562 DIOCESE of WINCHESTER SURREY. 4 {N Syn.zor . 5.300 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. $. d. 1. d. 07 12 Morden R. * Archidiac. pro Syn, and Prox. viii s. ix d. 00 15 03. Richard Garth Eſq; Patr. 1725. Nutfield R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Epiſc. Winton pro 14 14 07 { ii s. id. Archidiac. pro Prox. vii s. vii d. or og 05 Mr. Holling worth is Patron for two Lives, and afterwards Jeſus College, Oxon. and Mr. Turner alternately. . ? 24 06 00 Prox. vi s. viii d. 02 08 0.7 Willian Hoskins Efq; Patr. 1725. S Saunderſted R. (All-Saints] Archidiac. pro Prox. vii s. vii d.ob. 07 00 00 0 14 00 Epiſc. pro Syn. ii s. id. George Atwood Gent. 1705. John Atwood Efq; Patr. 1725. Stoke-Dabernon alias Dalborn R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. pro Prox. 13 13 11 2 vi s. viii d. Archidiec. pro Syn. iis. id. OI 07 0i Sir Francis Vincent Bart. Patr. 1690, 1725. 09 II . vii sob. 00 Pri. Tanrigg habet dimid. Reetor. de Wa'kinſted. Pri. Leyſ- nes in Kent babet alteram partem. Charles Saunderſon Gent, 1715. Edward Evelyn Eſq; Patr. 1728. S Warlingham V. [All Saints] with Chelſham Chapel, Epiſc.? pro Syn, ii s. id. Archidiac. Surr. pro Prox. vii s. vii d. ob. Mon. Bermondſey Propr. George Atwood Gent. 1715. John Atwood Eſq; Patr. 1728. S R. † [) pro 35 02 II 2 Prox, vis. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. Woodmanſtone R. [St. Peter] Epiſc. pro Prox, viis. vii d. Archidiac. pro Syn. ii s. id. Penſ. Pri. Sanctæ Mariæ Yoi 02 og Overy xx s. The KING, Walkinfted V, alias Godftone R. (St. Nicholas ) Epiſc. proSyn. Zoo 19 01: II I2 II { :301 for 03 03: li o7 06 oo 09 071 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 30 00 00 Adington V. [St. Mary) Epiſc. pro Syn. i s. i d. Mon. of St. Mary Overy Impr. Sir John Owen Knt. 1709. Sir John Leigh Knt. of Thorp Patr. 1725. Banfted V. not exceeding (All-Saints] Epiſc. vii s. vii d.ob. Archidiac. Surr. Mon. of St. Mary Overy Impr. Chriſtopher Buckle Eſq; Patr. 1725. 44 Oo oo Buckworth V. alias Bechworth (St. Michael] 00 14 10 Mon. of St. Mary Overy Impr. Dean and Canons of Windſor. Cartram * Morden R. —was an Impropriation with a Vicar endowed, but the ſame was reſtored by Preſentation to it as a Rectory in the Year + Wimbleton is ſupply'd by a Curate at the Appointment of the Dean and Chapter of Worceſter, the Impro- priators. 'Twas appropriated with many other of the greateſt Benefices fince 1534. Putney (St. Mary] is a Chapet ſupply'd by the Appointment of the ſaid Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 1 SURREY. DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. 563 1. s. 45 Oo oo is.}.00 50 Oo oo . Ar-300 45 00 00 3oz 300 16 11 Clear Yearly Value. . Yearly Tentbs, d. d. 5 Cartram alias Catterham R. (St. Laurence] Epiſc. pro Sy», ii s. { id. Archidiac. pro Prox. vii s. vii d. ob. 00 16 00 Abb. Waltham in Eſſex Propr. Gecrge Roffey Gent. 1705. Mr. Rullel Patr. 1725. not exceeding Chaldon R. (St. Peter] Epiſc. Winton pro Syn. ii s. id. Ar- { chidiac. pro Prox. vii s. vii d. ob. 15 00 George Kettleby Gent. 1684. George Vernon Efq; 1726. V. ii s, id. Mon. Chertſey Impr. William Weſton Clerk 1713. Mrs. Weſton Patr. 1725. SCROYDON V: [St. John Baptiſt] (Pecul.) Pens. Abb. de Ber- { mondſey cvi s. viiid. Redd. Manſion. ií d. 02 03 10 Mon. Bermondſey Impr. · Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. EBESHAME alias EPSOME V. [St. Martin) pro Syn. & Penf. 46 Oo oo ii s, id. Mon. Chertſey Impr. Sir Ch. Buckle Knt. Ch. Buckle Eſq; and John Lewknor Efq; 1704. John Parkburſt Efq; 1725. 24 Oo oo EwELL V. * [St. Mary] oo 16 oo The KING. Farlie R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. Surr. pro Prox. iii s. Epiſc. 45 Oo oo pro Syn, ii sid. 00 09 071 Merton College, Oxford. 50 Oo oo Harlie V. [St. Bartholomew] Epiſc. pro Syn. ii s. i d. oi 08 0i Mon. Chertſey Propr. Lord Mayor and City of London, as Governours of Chriſt's Hoſpital Patr. 45 Oo oo Hedley R. Epiſc. Winton vii s. i d. 00 16 09 Mrs. Margery Stydolph Widow 1710. Thomas Edwin Efq; (] 40 Oo oo 2 chidiac. pro Syn. ii s. i d. 03 03 Pri. Marten Impr. Henry Byne Gent. 1703. Cha. Byne Efq; Patr. 1725. ŞKingston upon Thames V. [All-Saints] Archidiat. pro Prox,} 34 07 00 vii s. vii d. ob. Syn. ii s. vi d. 02 00 07 Mon. Marten Propr. Nicholas Harding Eſq; 1712, 1725. Lethered V. [St. Mary and St. Nicholas] Archidiac. pro Syn. 50 00 00 ? and Prox. ix s. viiid. ob. oi 08 075 Mon. Leeds in Kent olim Propr. Dean of Rocheſter 1679, Micham V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac. pro Syn, ii s. 35 00 00 id. Epiſc. pro Prox. vii s. vii d. ob. Ecclefia Cant. pro foi ou or quieto Redd. viii d. Pri. San&tæ Maria Overy ii s. Mon. of St. Mary Overy Impr. James Cranmer Gent. 1717 Ccc c 2 ܘܘ{܀ under Patr. 1725. {RIN } oz , ”. }o under RYGATE * EWELLV.-The Survey in Ofic. Rem. Primitiar. et Decimarum, ſays this Rectory was appropriated to the Priory of Newark in Currey ; but from Regiſt. Wzkeham, fo. 130. it appears to have been appropriated to the Priory of Chertſey. 564 DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. SURREY. l. so d. { idizo Bird Patr. 1730. . . St. Clear Pearly Value Yearly Teuths. 1. s. d. SRYGATE V. * (St. Mary Magdalen] Epiſc. pro Syn. ii s. i d. 45 00 oo Archidiac. Surr. pro Prox. vii s. vii d. ob. 02 00 06 Pri. Sanéte Maria Overy Propr. Edward Thurland Efq; 1708. The Reverend Mr. John. Bird Patr. 1725. Robert Lambert D. D. and the Maſter and Preſident of St. John's College, Cambridge (hâc vice) 1728. Mr. under S Tattesfield R. Epifc. pro Syn. ii s. id. pro Prox. V s. pro 300 10 001 50 00 00 Sir Charles Greſham Bart. 1715. Sir Marmaduke Greſham Patr. 1725. John Holman ſen. Eſq; John Auſten Efq; and John Kirrill Eſq; (hâc vice) 1728. not exceeding R. 50 00 00 ix s. 04 07 Nicholas Carew Eſq; 1690. Sir Nicholas Carew Patr. 1725. Not in Charge. in the Pariſh of Kingftone}1.5: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Burrough, a Chapel in the Pariſh of Banſted (now a Barn.) Capel Cur. (St. John Baptift.) Humpbry Parſons Eſq; Crowhurſt Vic, or Chap-[St. George.] Pri. Tanrigg Propr. Mr. Angel of Stockwell Patr and Impr. 1725. Lingfield Cur. [St. Peter and St. Paul.] Lord Howard of Effingham Patr. 1725. Merton Chapel [St. Mary) formerly a Priory there, Rom bert Dorrill Patr. (or the Biſhop.) Mortlack, Chapel to Wimbledon (Cantuar. Pecul.) Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. Eaſt-Moulley Chap. in Kingſton Pariſh. Weſt-Moulſey a Chapel 1. 5:6:8 Clear Value. Lord Biſhop of Wincheſter nominates to the Chapel of Weft-Moulley. Peterſham Chapel (St. Peter) in the Pariſh of Kingſton. Richmond (St. Mary Magdalen] Chapel in the Pariſh of Kingſton. Tanridge Vic. or Chap. Mrs. Elizabeth Fuller, Mrs. Anne Bedger, and Mrs. Lætitia Fuller Patroneſſes 1726. Thames-Ditton (St. Nicholas] Chapel in the Pariſh of King- fton, Woldingham Don. Humphry Parſons Eſq; Patr. 1725. Patr. 1725. D. * RYGATE-Here were formerly three Chapels.-Now 1725, one is a Barn and Oatmeal-Mill ; one a Market-Houſe and Seſſions-Houſe ; and one a Dwelling-Houſe, 1 SURREY, 563 DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER. D. Southwark. 1. s. d. 13 16.08 }ol 20 00 00 02 00 00 01 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrows and Proprietors. 13 15 02 Batterſea V. (St. Mary] or 07 06 Mon. Weſtminſter Propr. Sir Walter St. John Bart. 1701. Now Lord Batterſea. Bedington R. * (St. Mary] Epifc. pro Syn. ix s. viii d.ob. OI 07 08 Nicholas Carew Eſq;1708. Now Sir Nicholas Carew 1725. 08 12 01 Bedington-Portion. [St. Mary] (in Lay-hands.) 00 17 02 Bermondſey R. (St. Mary Magdalen] Penf. Abb. Bermondſey 15 08 1142 xxvi s. viii d, Epiſc. pro Syn. ii s. id. Archidiac. pro Prox. jou 10 10 vii s. vii d. ob. Mr. James Gray 1696. Mr. Browning 1723. Camberwell V. (St. Giles] Epiſc. pro Syn. ii s. id. Mon. Bermondſey Impr. Sir William Bowyer Bart. 1728. 08 00 10 oo 16 OI 2 . pro s Lady Rebecca Atkins 1705. Sir Henry Atkins 1727. 21 16 052 ii s. id. Archidiac. pro Prox. vii s. vii d. ob. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. St. George's in SOUTHWARK R. Penf. Abb. Bermondſey xx s. Epiſc. pro Syn. ii s. id. Archidiac. pro Prox. vii s, vii d.ob. 17 041 S The KING Lambeth R. [St. Mary] Arcbiepifc. pro quieto Red. iii .. vis. 32 15 vii d. Epiſc . Roffen. pro Penf. iis. v.d. Epiſc. Iinton pro Jo3 05 06 Syn. ii s. id. Archidiac. pro Prox, vii s. viid. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. 16 oo oo Newington R. (St. Mary] (Pecul.) Archidiac. Sarr. pro Prox. vi s. viii d. Biſhop of Worceſter, 68 04 09;s St. Olave's in Southwark R. Epifc . pro Syn, viis, viid. ob. Ir- 06 16 052 chidiac. pro Prox, vii s. vii d.ob. Penj. Pri. Lewis ijii l. The KING. 18 00 00 ŞRotherhill R. [St. Mary! Epiſc.pro Syn. ii s. i d. Archidiac. , or 16 oo pro Prox. viis. vii d. ob. Penj. Abb. Bermondſey xx s. Humphrey W badcock Gent. 1711. Duke of Chandos Patr. 1724. 18 13 09 { vii s. vii d. ob. { . 3o Stretham R. (St. Leonard) Prox. ii s. vii d. ob. Syn. Archidiac. for 17041 Lady Elizabeth Howland 1710. Duke of Bedford 1725. ŞSutton R. # [St. Nicholas] Epiſc. & Archidiac. pro Syn. &c. 16 18 04 viii s. vd. Pens. Abb. de Chertſey xiii s. iii d. } Lady Maſon 1690. The Heirs of Capt. Cliffe. Mr. Rooth Titley Clapbar Ri (Holy Trinity? Arcbidiac, pro Prox. vii s. vii d.oo , Winton įro Syn;}o2 03 07: 18 13 09 { {N . . 3o 9:{ 301 OI I 2 00 3 } Soi 13 10 Truítee 1723. Bedington R. and Portionary, in the Vellum-Book are in Dec. Emell. + Culleſdon R.--Is in the Vellum-Book placed in Dec. Ewell. Sutton R. In the Vellum-Book is placed in Dec. Ewell. : 566 DIOCES.E of WINCHESTER. SURREY. 1. s. d. Boo King's Books. Yearly Tenth. 1. d. Titſey R. Epiſc. pro Prox. vi s. viii d. Archidiac. pro Syn. { iis.id. 00 15 081 Sir Charles Greſhamı Bart. 1715. Sir Marmaduke Greſhan Patr. 1726. S Toting. parva alias Graveny R. [St. Nicholas] Penſ. Prior. Stie? 08 08 06 Marie Overy V s. 2 Prox. and Syn. ii s. id. Epiſc . pro Vi- joo 16 104 fitatione ii s. v d. John Keate and Henry Eyton Eſq; Sir James Batcman Patr. 1725. Mrs. Lethulier preſented 1730. Wandſworth V. (All-Saints] Epiſc. pro Syn. ii s. id. Archi. 15 05 05 10 061 diac. pro Prox. vii s. vii d. ob. Mon. Weſtminſter Propr. Mr. John Ackworth. Not in Charge. Chriſt-Church R. in Southwark. Mr.John Ricband others 1713, Truſtees of the Will of John Marſhall, 13 in number. Draper's Alms-Houſes Chapel in Blackmore-ſtreet, Southwark. Draper's Alms-Houſes Chapel at Newington Butts. Dulwich Hoſpital or College. Lock's Hoſpital Chapel. Marſhalſea Chapel in Southwark. St. Peter's Hoſpital Chapel in Southwark. St. Thomas Hoſpital and Pariſh in Southwark, St. Saviour's, clias St. Mary Overies. Two Chaplains choſen by the Pariſhioners in a ſelect Veſtry at 100 l. per ann, each. . for Ar-}or 17 12 08:{] andžer 06 11 03 {Alford alias Awold R. Prox, and Syn. Archidias . Surr. Burri}.co D. Stoke. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. S. d. Abingworth alias Abinger (St. James] Prox. 'ánd Syn. Ar- chidiac. Surr, ix s, viii d. ob. 04 097 George Evelyn Efq;1690. Sir Jobn Evelyn Bart. Patr.1722. Aldbury R. als Alderbury (St. Peter and St. Paul) Prox. and Syn. Archidiac, vii s. v d. 15 037 Earl of Aylesford Patr. 1721. Archidiac. v s.id. 00 13 01 Mrs. Mary Strudwick 1715. Mr. Strudwick Patr. 1725. 91 03 06 Arch-Deacon of Surrey + Érected before the Year 1120. 09 02 041 Biſhop of Wincheſter. 15 18 11:1 Archidiac. ix s. viii d.ob. ŞAfh R. (St. Peter] Penf. Abb. de Chartſey v s. Prox. and Syn. II 10 Wincheſter-College. diac, v s.id. 00 12 04 Thomas Delahay Efq; 1708. Sir John Frederick Bart. Patr. 1725. Bifleet * Titley R. In the Vellum-Book is placed in Dec. Ewell. + Arch-Deaconry of Surrey --Has the Rectory of Farnham in Surrey, the Chapelry of Fremeſham or Franſham (St. Mary] and the Chapelry of Bentley in Co. Southampt. the Chapelries of Elited (St. James) and Sele in Surrey. q. The Vellum-Book in the Firit-Pruits Office, fo. 1441 yn.}or 1 Akum alias Halcombe R. [St. Peter] Prox, and Syn. Arcbi-zoo 12 045 об о3 09 SURREY. 567 DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. s. d. 00 19 02 d. 09 II 08 Bifleet R. [St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac. v s.id. The KING. 07 16 08 {Brianced Sy ali arcibidile. ilias Biley [St. John Baptit] Prox. ܘܘ{* 15 08 13 13 04 of {C ti s}02 10 02 01 13 10 00 ix so}o. I 1ο 1 10 053 ix s}o2 Lord Lanſdown, Sir Thomas Hanmer Bart. and Charles Hal- ſted Eſq; 1713. John Walter Efq; Patr. 1725. CHARTSEY V. (All-Saints) Prox, and Syn. Archidiac. ii s. id. Oi 17 04 Mon. Chartſey Impr. Sir Charles Orbey Bart. 1710. Ro- bert Hunter Eſq; Patr. 1725. s Chidingfold R. * [St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. viii s. 26 04 07 02 12 051 ix d. Dean of Salisbury. Chobam V. [St. Laurence] Prox.and Syn. Archidiac, ii s. i d. or 00 02} Mon. Chartſey Impr. James Zouch Eſq; 1690. John Wal- ter Efq; Patr. 1725. 10 06 101 Eaſt-Clandon R. Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. ix s. viii d. ob. oi 00 08 Thomas Heath Eſq; 1707. Sir Peter King, Lord Chief Juſ- tice, Patr. 1720. Now Lord King 1725. Weſt-Clandon R. Prox, and Syn. Archidiac. viii s. ix d. 01 07 00 Lord Onſlow Patr. 1724. 15 04 09:{ Compton R. [St. Nicholas 9.] Prox, and Syn. Archidiac. ix s. John Fulham Eſq; 1715. Mr. Fulbam Incumbent and Patr. 1726. s Cranley R. (St. Nicholas] Prox, and Syn. Archidiac. ix s. 20 18 013 vii d. ob. 02 OI 09 Sir Richard Blackmore Kt. and Henry Newton LL. D. 1704. Mrs. Sarah Cheynell Patr, 1725. 14 13 111 DARKING V. (St. Martin] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. ii s. i i. oi 09 044 Pri. Rygate Impr. Sir John Parſons Kt. 1705. H:1112- phrey Parſons Eſq; Patr. 1725. 12 00 075 Dunsfold R. [St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac, v s. id. or 04 00 The KING, 11 09 07 Egham V. [St. John Baptiſt] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. ii s, id. 01 02 Mon. Chartſey Impr. Sir William Scawen. (Mr. Scawen.) SEwhurſt R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Penſ. Prior. de Marten. 12 07 033? 01 04 03 Prox, and Syn. Archidiac. ix s. viii d. ob. The KING 29 05 05 FARNHAM V. + [St. Andrew] 02 18 06 Arch-Deacon of Surrey Propr. and Patr. 21 10 05 Fetcham R. Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. ix s, viii d.ob. 02 03 00 Arthur Moorc Eſq; 1719. GODALMYN • Chidingfold In this Pariſh is the Borough of HASLEMERE (St. Bartholomew ] + Farnham V.-Augmented by Dr George Morley late Biſhop of Winchefler, with 20 1. fer upon Conditions : Firſt, That the Vicar fall always reſide upon this Vicarage, notwithſtanding any Dil penfation. Secondly, That he or his Curates do read the Common-Prayer every Day in the Week, Morning and Evening. Thirdly, That he or his Curates ſhall catechize the Children and Servants of this Pariſh every Sunday. Item, He gives 10l. per Annum, to the Vicarage of Horfwell, upon Condition the Vicarage Houſe and Tythes be reſtored to the Church. Biſkop Kermes's Caſe of Impropriations, p. 294, 295. 11 {E , for Annum, , 568 SURREY, DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. 1 King's Books d. I. . s. xs-302 Yearly Tenths. 1. d. SGODALMYN V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Archidiac.pro Prox. 23 17 11 02 07 og { and Syn. ii s. id. Dean of Salisbury Propr. and Patr. 06 07 11 Ilamuldon R. (St. Peter] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. V s.id. 00 12 092 William Elliot Efq; 1702. The next Preſentation is in Lau- rence Elliot Eſq; afterwards in John Walter Efq; 12 16 05Ź Eaſt-Horſley R. * [St. Martin] (Pecul.) Repr. null. OI 05 07 Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. , 22 17 01 viii d. ob. John Nicholas Eſq; 1711. Edward Nicholas Eſq; 1725. . 12 05 05 vii s. id. The KING. 08 18 ot Newdigate R. (St. Peter] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac.viii s. ix d. 00 17 10 The KING 21 00 10 St. Nicholas in Guildford R. Prox. and Syn. Archidiac.ix s. 702 02 01 viii d. ob. Dean of Salisbury. 16 05 025 Ockley R. [St. Margaret] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac, viii s. ix d. 01 12 061 Clare-Hall, Cambridge, Patr. 1725. Okeham R. [All-Saints] Prox, and Syn. Archidiac. vi s. id. 01 02 02, Sir Peter King, Lord Chief Juſtice of the Common-Pleas, 1716. Now Lord Chancellor 1725. in his own Right. 11 00 05 Oking V.alies Woking (St. Peter] Repr. null. OI 02 001 Pri, Newcrke Propr. James Zouch Efq; 1699. John Wal- ter Efq; Patr. 1723. SPuttenham R. [St. John Baptift] cum Cap. Woxborough (St. 7 II 17 11 O 03 og Bartholomew] Prox, and syn. Archidiec. xxviii s. ix d. The KING, 08 18 or Send V. (St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. ii s, id. 00 17 09 Pri. Newarke Propr. Sir Richard Styles 1701. Lord On- Now Patr. 1725 26 or 051 Shire R. [St. James] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. ix s. viï d. ob. 02 12 01 Heneage Lord Finch and William Finch Efq; 1714. Stoke near Guildford R, [Șt. John Evangeliſt] Prox. and Syn. } 01 16 001 18 00 05 Archidiac, ix s. viii d.ob. William Coleworth Eſq; 1712. The Heirs or Executors of the Revd. Mr. Ruſell Patr. 1725. 05 13 04 Thorpe V. [St. Mary] Repr. null. oo II 04 This in the Original Survey in the Firſt-Fruits Office is called a Rectory ; Inſtitution always given to it as a Vic. The KIN G. Abb. Chertſey Propr. Mr. Leigh Impr. II 02 OI t;}01 3 St. * Eaft. Horſley-_--formerly belonged to the Biſhop of Exeter. Leland's Itin. Vol. VII. p. 7. + St. Mary's and St. Trinity Rectories in Guildford, were united by Act of Parliament 100&110 Willielmi III. being augmented by Dr. Morley, late Biſhop of Wincheſter, and Sir Richard Onſlow. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impropriations, Appendix p. 5.1. SURREY. DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER. 569 s. 1. : King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. d. d. II II 00 St. Trinity in Guildford R. * Prox, and Syn. Archidiac, vii s. id. oi 03 01 The KING, 07 00 05 Weybridge R. [St. Nicholas] Prox, and Syn. Archidiac. vii sid. 00 14 co The KING. Windleſham R. [St. John Baptiſt] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. 10 09 07 2 vii s. id. 01 00 11 The KING. ] . s. 24 13 09 viii d. ob. 02 09 0.1 Eton-College. 12 18 09 Wotton R. [St. John Evangeliſt] Syn. Archidiac. ix s, viji d.obi oi 05 10} Sir John. Evelyn Bart. Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Bokeham-magna V. [St. Nicholas) Prox. and Syn, Archidiac. 35 Oo oo ii s. id. 00 19 08 Mon, Chertſey Impr. Mr. Samuel Rouſe 1661. Arthur Moor Eſq; Patr. 1728. 45 Oo oo Bokeham-parva R. Prox. and Syn. ii s. i d. 00 13 061 Sir Benjamin Modox Bart. 16.70. John Pollen Eſq; Patr. 1725. Edward Pollen Eſq; 1728. 28 Oo oo Effingham V. [St. Laurence] Repr. null. 00 15 10 The KING. Pri. Marten Impr. ŞMerowe R. [St. John Evangeliſt] Penſ. Prioriſe Ivingho liži s. 48 16 073 iiiid. Prox. ix s, viii d. ob. qa. Lord Onſlow Patr. 1725, under Peperharrowe R. [St. Nicholas] Prox, and Syn. vii s. id. oo 2 09 Lord Middleton of Ireland Patr. 1725. 48 Oo oo Shalford V. (St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. ix s. viii d. ob. 00 16 051 The KIN G. Hosp. Bethlem extra Biſhopſgate, London, Propr. Walton upon Thames V. (St. Mary) Repr. null. OI 05 04 This was appropriated to two Chaplains, officiating at the Altar of All-Hallows in the Cathedral of York, anno 1414. (See the Regiſter at Wincheſter.) The KING Patr. 1685. Mr. of Adder- bury in Oxfordſhire Impr. 40 19 00 Wifley R. Denzil Onſlow Efq; 1703. Lord Onſow Patr. 1725. 48 oo oo Witley V. [All-Saints] Repr. null. oi 15 07 Mon. Dertford in Kent Propr. Mrs. Smith of Mitcham Patr. 1725. Mr. William Myers Patr. 1726. Mrs. Sa- rah Purefoy and Suſan Smith, Dddd Wonnerin * There are two Chapels in the Pariſh of St. Trinity in Guildford, one in the Hoſpital founded by Arch-Bi- ſhop Abbot, the Chaplain whereof is appointed by five Truſtees, viž, the Mayor of Guildford; the Rector of St. Trinity, the Vice Maſter and two Seniors of the ſaid Hoſp. The Rector of St. Trinity, if an unmarried Man, may make the Maſterſhip his Option without any Election. The other Chapel is in the Hoſp. called the Spies tle, the Chapel whereof is turned into a Wood-houſe: ('he Right of Nomination thereto is diſputed. † Worpleſdon R. ---- The Advowſon hereof ſettled on Eton-College by way of exchange, by an Act of Par- liament.' Antiq. of Surrey, Vol. 3d. p. 321. is. 300 18 00 50 Oo oo 20 06 08 'oo 00 00 00 ; .. 570 DIOCESE of WINCHESTER. SURREY, Clear Tearly Value. Yearly Tentbis, . d. 1. d. 35 Oo oo { Wonnerſh V. [St. John Baptiſt} Prox, and Syn. Archidiac. 301 OI 10 01 vi s. id. Hoſp. Betblem Bilbop/gate, London, Propr, Mrs. Eliza- beth Brancaſter 1718. Mr. Nathaniel Sturt of Ripley Patr. 1725. 7 Perpetual Curacies not in Charge. Bagſhot Chapel (q. if not demoliſhed) in the Pariſh of Win- dleſham. Bramley (Holy Trinity] Chapel to Shalford. Elfted Curacy (St. James] Major Bifhop Patr, and Leſſee of the Tithes and Nomination of the Curate under the Arch- Deacon of Surrey. Frentham Donative Cur. [St. Mary] Major Biſhop Patr. and Lefſee of the Tithes and Nomination of the Curate under the Arch-Deacon of Surrey, Frimley Chapel to Aſh R. Horſhill a Vic, or Chap. [St. Mary] Pri. Newark Propr. Denzil Onſlow Eſq; St. Martha's Chap. Dutcheſs of Marlborough Patr. Okewood (St. John Baptiſt] Chapel in the Pariſh of Wotton. Purbright Chapel (St. Michael] Pri. Newark Propr. Heirs of Mr. Geo. Martin Patr. Ripley Chapel to Send Vic. Scale Curacy. Major William Biſhop Leſfee of the Tithes and of the Nomination to the Curacy under the Arch-Dea- con of Surrey. Thurſley (St. Michael] Chapel to Witley. Endowment of the Vicarage of Ringwood in Hampſhire. NIVERSIS Sanctæ Matris Ecclefiæ filijs ad quos præfentes literæ pervenerint, et quos infra.cripta tangunt ſeu tangere poterunt in futurº Henricus permiſſione di- vina et Sancti Euſebij ſacro-fanctæ Romanæ Ecclefiæ Preſbyter Cardinalis de Anglia ac Winton. Epiſcopus falutem et gratiam, benevolentiam ac fidem indubiam præſentib' ad- hiberi: Ad Univerſitatis veſtræ notitiam deduci volumus per præſentes quod venerabiles viri Præpoſitus & Scholares Collegij Regalis beatæ Mariæ et Sancti Nicholai de Cantebr. Elien’ Dioceſ. proprietarij eccleſiæ parochialis de Ringwode noftræ Diocef. ad Vicariam perpetuam Ecclefia præd' eis per nos legitime appropriať venerabilem virum Magiſtrum Johannem Holland facræ Theologiæ profefforem nobis rite & legitime præſentarunt ad ip- ſam perpetuam Vicariam congrua portione de decimis, fructibus et proventibus ejuſdem Ec- cleſiæ pro ipfius et fuccefforum ſuorum Victu et Veſtitu, et onerum eidem incumbentium fuppcrtatione primitụs aflignata per nos Canonice admittend et inſtituend' in eadem ; noſque volentes ſuſtentationi Vicarij prædictæ Ecclefiæ cujuſcunque in futur' ut tenemur C.norice providere, Portionem Vicarij Ecclefiæ ejuſdem limitamus, aflignamus in et de Decimis Oblationibus ejuſdem Ecclefiæ inferius declarat ; ac hujuſmodi Decimas Obla- tiones fructus et proventus infraſcriptos dictæ Ecclefiæ Vicario cuicunque in futurº exi- finti, et iplius fortioni de Voluntate Conſenſu et Aſſenſu expreffis prædictor Præpoſiti et Scholarium UN DIOCESE OF WINCHESTER. 571 Scholarium Proprietariorum prædictori et prædicti Vicarij pertinere et frectare debere pro- nuntiamus, decernimus et declaramus ; videlicet Decimas Majores garbaroni et feni de Horncrofte de les Campes de Hardbrigge, de les Croftes, de Chaldwell, de Crocefield, de Kippingcroft, de Hurſt, de Rymecroftes, de uno Prato jacente in parte occidental de Charlemede, de Keding, ac unam Acram Teriæ in Biſterne annuatim feminal'; Item dictus Vicarius habebit Decimam feni de Middlemerſhe, Rowham, Litelmede, Charle- mede, Iddemede cum les hemes adjacent'; Item dicta Fcclefiæ Vicarius quiſ urque perci- piet et habebit Decimas Molendinorum, Buſci et Sub-boſci, Agiſtamentorum, Pilcarº Ag. norum lanæ, porcellorum, Aucarum, Columbar’ Cignor', Pullor’, Ca labi, lini, allei, cep.r, herbar' pomorum et fructuum quorumcunque, ac omnes alias Decimas minutas cum Ob- lationibus, Mortuariis et Decimis perſonalibus quibuſcunque. Habebit etiam dictæ Ecclefiæ Vicarius pro Manſione ſua omnes Domos et Solum, infra Præcinctum Rectoriæ ac Gardi- num ejufdem et le Grove-Yard, una cum libero introitu et exitu ad eadem, Exceptis certis domibus affignatis et limitatis pro Præpoſito Collegij prædicti quandocunque in propria perſona illuc venerit aut Socij feu Scholares ejuſdem Collegij pro Negotiis Collegij illuc niiii et non aliter venerint'; videlicet omnibus Cameris & Donibus in alto etin ballo, inferius et ſuperius prout fituantur, ad finem occidentalem Aulæ; Exceptis etiam Granario magno orreo extendent a Porta Rectoriæ verſus Auſtrum ac quinque Bayes alterius orrei extendent ſe a fine Auſtrali prædicti Magni Orrei verſus Occident' una cum Orto ante magnum Oi- reum et quinque Bayes præd', prout eadem Magnum Orreum et quinque Bayes et Or- tus dividuntur per Metas et Bundas ab Orreo & Orto pro Vicario limitat; Re ervato etiam Præpofito vel alicui Socio five Scholari in negotiis ejuſdem Collegij ut prædicitur per Colle- gium miffo cum venerit et quamdiu ibidem expectaverit eaſiamento in Aula et coquina cum ambulatione et ſportamento congruis temporibus in Gardino et Grove-Yard præd' abſque dampno ſeu præjudicio Vicarij præd'. Et præpofitus ſubibit onus reparandi omnes domos et cameras fibi ut præfertur aſſignat et Cancellum dictæ Ecclefiæ de Ringwode, et non licebit eidem Præpoſito aut alicui alteri concedere locare feu ad firmam dimittere Ca- meras et domos præd. ad finem occidentalem Aulæ ut prædicitur fituat alicui perfonæ feu aliquibus perſonis ad habitand' in eiſdem fine affenſu Vicarij Eccleſiæ antedict', et Vicarius dictæ Ecclefiæ ſubibit onus reparandi omnes domos prædictas infra Pracinctum Rectoriæ fibi ut præfertur affignat. Ac idem Vicarius reparabit Capellas de Hardbrigge et Birſton fi et quatenus reparationes eorundem ab antiquo pertinebant ad Rectorem Eccleſiæ de Ringwode prædict, et prædictus Vicarius erit exoneratus ab inventione alicujus Apri five Tauri, ac etiam a folutione decimarum ſeu alicujus partis vel quotæ earundem, aut alicujus Subfidij, ſi forte talia aut Papæ, aut Regi, feu Epiſcopo folvi contigerit in futuro ; Et præd. Ecclefiæ Vicarius inveniet omnes Capellanos infra Parochiam dictæ Eccleſiæ debi- te inveniendos ac Viſitationem Epiſcopi Wynton' cum ipſum viſitare contigerit, et Viſita- tionem Archidiaconi Wynton' fingulis annis fieri conſuet ſubibit et agnofcet ; Ac procura- tiones ratione Viſitationum præd. debit et folvi conſuet una cum Synodalibus et Indemp- nitatibus decem ſolidorum Epiſcopo et trium folidorum et quatuor denariorum Archidiaco- no fingulis annis ratione Appropriationis Ecclefiæ de Ringwode præd. folvend realiter folvet cum effectu : Et alia Jura tam Epiſcopalia quam Archidiaconalia per dictæ Eccle- fiæ Rectorem ſolvi conſuet, Vicarius de Ringwode ſupradict et ſui Succeffores ſuppoita- bụnt. In quorum omnium fidem et teſtimonium præſentibus literis noftris figillum ad cauſas noftras Epiſcopales aſſuetụm apponi fecimus, una cum Subſcriptione Magiſtri Ricardi Pettworth, Notarii Publici, Scribæ noftri in hac parte aſſumpti in fidem piæmiſforum. Dat in M. rio noftro de Southæerk ſexto die Februarii, anno Domini millefimo quadrin- genteſimo quadrageſimo ſexto et noftræ tranſlationis anno quadrageſimo ſecundo. Et ego Ricardus Pettworth Clericus Ciceſtrenº Dioc' Publicus Authoritatibus Apoſto- lica et Imperiali Notarius perpetui Vicarij Ecclefiæ paroch' Portionis in et de Dccimis, Dddd 2 Oblationibus 572 DIOCESE of WORCESTER. Oblationibus, fructibus , obventionibus et proventibus ejuſdem. Ecclefiæ Domor Orrei Gardini ac cæterorum ſuprafcriptorum pro Vicariis de Ringwode declaratorum limitatet aſſignat, Necnon aliis omnibus et fingulis Decimis ut præmittitur. fub anno Domini fupra- dicto Inductione nona Pontificatus vero in Chriſto Patris ac Domini noftri Domini Engenii divina Providentia Papæ quarti anno ſextodecimo Menſe & loco antedict agerentur pro- nunciarentur et fierent, præfentibus adtunc Johanne Brokeſkaw, et Johanne Bennet Clericis teſtibus ad præmiſſa vocat et aſſumpt Præſens interfui, ea vidi audivi per alium fcribere 'feci publicam et in hanc publicam formamredegi, necnon ligno et nomine meis folit et confue- tis appofui, primitus præfentibus figillo dicti Reverendiffimi Patris me hic manualiter ſubſcri-- bendo ſignavi Rogatus, et. fpecialiter requiſitus in fidem et teftimonium præmiſforum, Dioceſe of wozcelter: lo ds B В ISHO,PRIC, diſcharged from the Payment Tenths, but charged for Firſt-Fruits with the Sum of 929 This Biſhopric was founded by Etheldred K. of the Mercians, anno 679, and taken out of the Dioceſe of Lichfield. See. Dug. Mon. p. 120. Tom. I. The Cathedral Church (ST. MARY:): Deanry, The Charter of Foundation of this Deanry bears Date ya.. nuary 24, 1547. 33° K. Hen. VIII. The KING... King's Books. 1. d.. S Arch-Deaconry. of Worceſter. pays Tenths to the Biſhop of 22 58 10 oo 2 Worceſter. Erected 1089. This Arch-Deaconry has the Rectory of Claverdon in : Co. Warwick appropriated to it. Biſhop of Worceſter. N. B. There are. Ten Prebends in the Church of Worceſter, Nine whereof are in the Gift of the King, and one is an-- nex'd to the Margaret-Profeſſorſhip of Divinity in Oxford,, by Act of Parliament... of} j D. Blocklep. 1. s. -[Note, This wicle. Dioceſe is in: the Arch-Deaconry of Worceſter, only this Deanry of Blockley is in the Arch-Deaconry of Glouceſter.] Livings remaining in Cbarge. King's Bock. Yearly Tenths. Retories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors.. 1. 4 CO 00 Blockley V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] 05 08 oo Bihop of Worceſter Impr. and Patr. 07 00 oo Daylesford R: in the Arch-Deaconry of Glouceſter. OO 14 00 00 Penyſton Hastings Sen. 1701.. Dichford 2. d. WorcestersH. DIOCESE OF WORCESTER. 573 2. d. King's Books. Pearly Tenths. 1. d. 06 00 0o. Dichford R. [St. Giles] (in Ço. Warwick) annex'd to the 00 12 00 Rectory of Stratton. Evenlode alias Elmlode R. Prox, Epiſc. xiii d. Syn. Archi-> diac. Glouceſter xii di Mr. Nevill (W.) Philip Woodman Gent. 1717: Iccombe R. [St. Mary) Penſ. Priori Wigorn, xx's. Prox, and 08 00 00 O 16 oo { Syn. Epiſc. Wigorn. viii d. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. Stratton upon the Foſs R. (in Com. Warwick.). Charles Stephens Clerk 1708. Mr. Sheldon (W.) II II 08 Joi 03 02 indzora II 0.0 00 OI 02 00 1. s. de I. s. d. 24 16 08 2. Droitwich. [Note, The Livings with this Mark * are exempt from Archidiaconal Juriſdiktion.] Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Pearly Tenths, Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors.'. *Alchurch R. [St. Laurence.] 02 09 08 Biſhop of Worceſter. 07. 16 101 Beoly alias Bely V. (St. Leonard] 00 15 08 Abb. Alceſter Propr. Mr. Sheldon Robert Powell Gent. 1699. BROMESGROVE V. [St. John Baptiſt] with Norton Chap: [St. 41 08 0itt Nicholas.] 04 02 09. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter Impr. and Patr. 12 12 03Dodderhill V. (St. Auſtin) OI 05 02 Pri. Ecclef. Wigorn. Impr. Phil. Brace Eſq; 1669. Tho. Tryrn and Tho Raftall 1685. Gilbert Penrice Gent. 1717. 09 16 00 *Hampton-Lovett R. [All-Saints] 00 19 077 Sir John Packington (W.) Anthony Aſhfield Gent. 1716. * Hạnbury R. [St. John Baptiſt] 02 19 08 Bowater Vernon Efq; (W.) Tho. Vernon Efq; 1705. 04 0907 St. Nicholas R: in the Town of DROIT.WICH. 00 08 111 The KIN.G. 14 15 02 Northfield R. [St. Laurence) with Cofton Chap. [St. Michael] or 09 064 Tho. Jerveiſe Eſq; 1713. 14 14 07 Salwarp. R. [St. Michael] oi 09 057 Sir John Talbot Kt. 1713. John Ivory Talbot Efq; 1721. 08 co co Tarbigg V. alias Tardebigg (St. Bartholomew] 00 16 oo Mun. Bori’eſley Impr. Lord Plymouth 1705. II 02 031 Upton Warren R: [St. Michael] 01 02 02 Duke of Shrewſbury 1699. Hof. Cox Gent. 1720... Livings Diſcharged. *Clear Yearly Value. 39 15 04 Hadſor R. [St. John Baptist] 00 12 04 John Amphlet Gent. 1704. 39.02 00 - Marten-Hoſentree R. [St. Michael] DO JI 053 Mr. Swift (W.), Naib, Tomkins S. T. P. .1672, St, 29 16 08 574 DIOCESE of Worcester. WORCESTERSH. Yearly Tenthe. I d. 00 12 00 39 05 08 01 04 00 00 09 00 Clear Yearly value. 1. d. 36 15 00 St. Peter's V. in the Town of DROITWICH. Pri. Studely in Co. Warwick Propr. Richard Naſh 168r. Stoke Prior V. (St. Michael.] Pri. Ecclef. Wigorn. Impr. Dean and Chapter of Wor- ceſter. 39 17 07 Witton St. Andrew's and St. Mary's. The KING Not in Charge. Bordeſley Chap to Tardebrigg. Norton [St. Nicholas Chadwick (St. Chadd] Moſeley + [St. Mary] Chapels to Bromſgrove. Whittall [St. Mary] Elmbridge Chap. to Dodderhill. Newton Regis Cur. D. Eveshain, olim in Exempt. Jur. Abbatis de EVESHAM. 1. s. d. 07 : dizor '၀၀ Remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Terths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 05 17 08 Norton Chapel (St. Peter] cum Lenchwick (St. Michael.] 00 II 096 Abb. Eveſham Propr. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 02 04 05 ŞAll Saints Chapel V. Penſ, Abb. Eveſham iiii l. Prox. xvi d. {(united to St. Laurence.) I 01 07 The KING. Abb. Eveſham Própr. ŞBadſey Chap. [St. John] Penſ. Abb. Eveſham xiii s. ijii d. Prox. 31 10 04 { Aub, xx d. 0 10 08 Abb. Eveſham Propr. Dean and Chapter of Cbrift-Church, Oxon. 00 04 00 Bengeworth Chap. (All-Saints] Prox. Abb. xiii d. 00 15 01 Abb. Eveſham Propr. Mr. Haſlewood (W.) 18 12 08 Bretforton V. (St. Thomas Becket] Prox. Abb. xvi d. oo 12 06 Abb. Eveſham Propr. William Bagnal Gent. 1681. S Broadway V. [St. Edbury] Prox. Archidiac. Glouceſter vi s. ΟΙ ΟΙ 09 viid. Mon. Parbore Inpr. Walter Savage Eſq; 1706. Church-Honeyburn # Chap. [St. Egwin] Prox. Abb. ii s. 30 16 02 ii d. ob. o 12 057 9. The KING. Abb. Parſhore Propr. Sir William Compton (W.) 20 07 03 Hampton Chap. [All Saints] Prox. Abb. viii d. 00 15 02 Abb.- Evebam Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxon. Mtofeley, - -- 100 l. given to tliis Chap. by Job Marſox Eſq; Dr. Kennet of Imp. p. 425. | Church. Horeyburn has the demolith'd Chapel of Caw. Honeyburn annex'd in the County of Glouceſter and Deanry of Campden. 19 01 09:{Broadway Syn. eidem iis. vi s} }or ži spoo St. WORCESTERSH. DIOCESE OF WORCESTER. 575 1. J. d. Clear Yearly Value. Yiarly Tenths. 1. d. St. Laurence in EveSH AM Chap. united to All Saints, Pens. 06 00 09 Abb. Evejham lxxiii s. iiii d. "Prox. xvi d. (300 19 08 The KING Patr. Abb. Eveſham Progr. 23 13 05 South-Littleton Chapel (St. Michael] 00 08 02 Abb. Eveſham Propr. Dean and Canons of Chrift-Church, Oxford. North Littleton and Med. Chap. [All-Saints] Prox. Abb. xvid. 00 13 041 Abb. Eveſham Propr.' Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. Uffenham Chapel alias Offenham [St. Mary] Prox. Abb. xvi d. 00 13 011 Abb. Eveſham Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxford. 16 02 00 Wickhamford Chap. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox. Abb.vid. ob. 00 04 055 Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxon. 21 19 08 17 17 08 D. Kidderminſter. and Syn. . v } xo. obs}o. .300 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. 'with their Patrons and Proprietors. l. d. Belbroughton R. (Holy Trinity] Alloc. xi s. v d.ob. pro Prox. 19 00 00 OI 18 oo { John Hill Gent, 1701. Mr. Triſtram (W) 05 03 04 Brome R. in Co. Stafford (St. Peter] 00 10 04 Mary Dolman 1709. Chaddefley-Corbet V. (St. Caffyon] Alloc, xxxviii s. id. 05. 17 03 04 OI 14 04 viz. Syn, and Prox. xis, v d. ob. Stipend. xxvis. viii d. The KING. Colleg. Warw. Propr. 07.18 0875 Dudley V. [St. Edmund) Alloc. xxxvii s. ix d. ob. viz. Pri. ? { 00 15 10 Dudley x s. Domino de Dudley xvid. Fra. Stanley xii d. Pri. Dudley Propr. Lord Ward of Dudley 1721. Elmely. Lovett R. [St. Michael] Alloc. xxxii s. viid, ob, viz. Restor, de Hartlebury xx s. vid. Syn. and Prox. xii s. ol 04 03 id. ob. Henry Toy ſen. (this Turn) 1708. Mr. Townſend (W.) ŞHaghley R. (St. John Baptiſt] Ålloc. xi s, id. ob. pro Syn. and 01 00 07 Sir Charles Littleton Bart, 1706. Hartlebury R. (St. James] Alloc. xxxi s. id. viz. Pri. Wig. 2 30 00 00 03 Oo oo xxvi s. viii d. Epiſe. Wig. xx d. Prox, and Syn. ii s. ix d. Biſhop of Worceſter. KIDDER MINSTER V. [All-Saints] Alloc. cv s. viz. Pri, de 30 15 07:3 Mayden Bradley lxvi s. viii d. Epiſo. Wig. xiii s, iiii d. 403 01 061 Prox. and Syn. xi s. viii d. Pri. Mayden Bradley in Wilts Propr. Thomas Foley Eſq; , Foley. og 10 oo Pedmore R. [St. Peter) Alloc. x s. id. ob. pro Prox, and Syn, 00 19 00 Lord Foley 1721. Ruſhock 17 02 06 { 10 06 0532 Prox. * { } }03 jos '] ?. . . 576 DIOCESE of WORCESTER. WORCESTERSH. King's Books b. d. JO 06 08 Yearly Tenthe l. s. d, 01 00 08 Ruſhock R. (St. Michael] Alloc, iiii.d. pro Syn, and Prox. -The KING. {Stane. V. (St. Mary] Alloc. xls. Decano & Collegio Warw. for for 10 co 1 13 06 08 49 04 08 15 Oo oo The KING. Colleg. Warw. Propr. 26 06 08 Old-. . 02 12 08 and Syn. Thomas Foley Eſq; 1699. Now, 1722, Lord Foley. * Woverley V. alias Wolverley (St. John Baptiſt] OI 06 08 Pri. Eccl. Wigorn. Impr. Pri. Worceſter Propr. Dean and STAFFORDS. Chapter of Worcester. 08 16 051 Clent V. (St. Leonard] 00 17 07 The KING Mon. Haleſowen in Salop Propr. Sir Thomas Littleton (W.) Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 28 07 08 Churchill R. [St. James] Alloc. xii d. pro Syn. and Prox. 00 10 08 Sir Thomas Littleton 1720. S Doverdale R. Ailoc. iii s. viz. Reatori de Hartlebury ii s. Syn. { and Prox, xii d. 00 10 041 Thomas Eginton Gent. 1716. ŞYardley V. + [St. Edburgh] Alloc. ix s. v d. ob. pro Prox. and 45 Oo oo 2 Syn. 19 IT Mon. Maxtoke Propr. Thomas Abbington Efq; 1687. Sir SHROPSH. William Compton (W.) 46 ,10 02 HALESOWEN V. [St. John Baptiſt] OI 10 10 Abb. Haleſowen - Propr. Sir Thomas Littleton Bart. 1720. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Frankley (St. Leonard) is a Chapel to Haleſowen. St. Kenelm's Cur. a Chapel to Haleſowen. Mitton (St. Michael] is a Chapel to Kidderminſter.. Offchurch is a Chapel to Haleſowen. Oldbury in Worceſterſhire [St. Nicholas] Chap. in the Pariſh of Haleſowen. Rowley (St. Giles] is a Chapel to Clent, STURBRIDGE is a Market-Town in this Deanry, in the Pariſh of Old-Swinford. ";} Boo D. Parshoare. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tentos. do s. d. ReEtories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. I d. Abbots-Crome alias Crome-Dabitot, alias Earls Crome R. 07 Oo oo Prox. Archidiac. xii d. Syn. Epiſc. xii do Penf. Re&tori si Soo 14 00 Ripple xx s. Lord Coventry 1713. Abbots. + Yardleyn 11.1. Pariſh is a Chapel called Marſton Chapel, built (asi 4.0 sto put with : bout per A :num) by Fob hilarfion wll; about the Year 1704. Biſhop Kennet's Case of lory epik!!!!, F 425. 2. 100 WORCESTERSH. DIOCESE of WORCESTER. 577 King's Books. S, ŞBirlingham R. [St. James] Prox. Epiſc . xiii d. Syn. Archi- }oo 19 09: 09 17 II ২০০ . . OD 12 00 learly Tenthi. 1. s. d. 1. d. 08 oo oo Abbots-Moreton R. 00 16 oo Lewis Gale Yeoman 1699. 03 Oo oo Besford Chapel 00 06 oo Sir Thomas Sebright Patr. 2 , diac. xii d. 19 091 Mr. Hanford. 72 11 00 * Bredon R. (St. Giles] Prox. Epiſc. ii s. 07 05 01 Thomas Webb and Charles Parfons Gent. 1713. Syn. Epiſc. oo 19 027 The KING (W) Lord Chancellor 1670. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter 1662. ŞHill-Crome alias Croome-Montis R. Syn. Epiſc. xii d. Prox. 07 10 05 Archidiac. ii s. Reatori Ripple vi s. viii d. 00 15 00 Mr. Ruſſel (W. p. 841.) s Cropthorne V. Prox. Archidiac. iii s. ii d. ob. Syn. Epiſc. xii d. Penſ. . Wigorn or og 08 Pri. Eccl. Wigorn. Impr. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 16 Oo oo 5. Crowill V. alias Crowle [St. Peter] Penſ. xlvi s. viii d. Syn.? Archidiac, viii s, id. ob. Prox. Epiſc. xx d.. Sir W. Keyi (W.) Hoſp. Sti Wojtani Impr. Geo. Mat- thews (this Turn) 1713. * Fladbury R. (St. John Baptiſt) with the Chapel of Throg- 81 10 00 morton, Bradley, and Pidle, Feod. Seneſchall . vi s. viii d. 408 02 01 Feod. Ballivi vl. Prox. Epiſc. vi s. viii d. Biſhop of Worceſter. SGrafton-Flyford R. Syn. Epiſc. xvid. Prox. Archidiac, viïi s. v d. ob. Lord Coventry 1721. IO 08 Epiſc. iiii s. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter (W.) 16- 02 01 Inckbarrow V. [St. Peter] Prox. and Syn, xi s. vd. ob. OI 12 02 Prebendary thereof in Hereford Propr. Lord Abergaven- ny 1662; 1713. S Nawnton-Beauchamp R. [St. John Baptiſt] Penſ. Abb. Par-? 15 00 00 Shore xx s. Prox. Archidiac. viii s. vd.ob. Syn. Epiſc.xii d. The KING. S North-Piddle R. [St. Michael] Syn. Epiſc. xii d. Prox. Ar- og op 03 chidiac. vii s. xi d. ob. 00 18 01 John Philpot Gent, 1704. S Priors-Cleve V, [St. Andrew] Syn. Epifc. ii s. Prox. Archi-? 08 oo oo diac, xiid. Pri. Worceſter Propr. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. SPypulton alias Peopleton R. [St. Michael] Syn. Archidiac. iii s. ii d.ob. Epiſc. Wigorn.xii d. Penf. Abb. Parſbore xx s. 01 03 00 Joſhua Dineley Efq; 1717- Eeee Ripple { isizo? 15 06 08 {Halpiste milo, alias Harvington [St. James] Prox, and Syn, zo 20 00 IO 00 01 47-300 Arcbi-300 . }or 16 00 II IO oo 578 DIOCESE of WORCESTER: WorcesTERSH. King's Books. d. i 12 00 CO 02 00 00 i Yearly Tentbs. 1. d. 42 06 04 {Rippleper (elem Hotels with Queenhill Chapel and Holdfaft{04 04 08 Biſhop of Worceſter. Roufelench R. [St. Peter] Pens. Rektori de Fladbury vi s. viii d. og Oo oo { Syn. Epiſc. xii d. ' Prox. Archidiac: viïi si v d. ob.. }oo 18 00 Sir Thomas Rouſe Bart. 1715. ŞSedgebarrow R. Penſ. Pri. Wigorn. Xy s. Syn. Epifc. xvid. 13 15 073 Prox. Archidiac. viii s. vd. 06. vid.}or 07 064 Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. S Strenſham R. [St. John Baptiſt] Prox. Archidiac, vii s. v d.ob. "fore 04 00 2 qa. Syn. Epiſc. v d. Lady Ruſſell 1706. The Heirs of Sir Francis Ruffel (W.) Cantar, de Biſhampton oo 04 00 05 II 052 Cantar, de Ripple 00 II 01 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 27 16 06 Abberton R. Prox. Archidiac. xii d. Syn. Epiſc. xii d. . 00 09 Ralph Sheldon Eſq; 1702. St. Andrew's in PARSHORE V. Syn. Archidiac, viii s. v d.ob. 44 16 oo { Prox. Epiſc. xii d. 00 17 II Mon. Parſhore Impr. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. ŞBilhampton V. [St. Peter] Syn. Archidiac. xii d. Penj. Rectori? 21 14 II 00 14 Il 2 de Fladbury vi s. viï d. Pri. Cokebill Propr. Biſhop of Worceſter. IL 03 08 Brickle-Hampton Chapel (St. Michael] Chap. to Parſhore 00 05 05 26 18 06 S Broughton-Hacket R. (St. Leonard] Syn. Epiſc. vid. Prox.? 1 Arcbidiac, xii d. Zoo 16 013 The KING 46 13 08 Churchill R. (St. Michael] 01 06 08 Robert Dormer Erqi 1:17.11. -Mr. Berkley (W.) 35 13 02 Compron alias Comberton-magna R. (St. Michael] Prox. Thomas Savage and Compton Handford Efq; 1683. John Jauncey Efq; 1721. Mr. Handford (W) S. Compton alias Comberton-parva R. (St. Peter] Prox, Archi-? 25 Oo oo rebi-}oo 18 00 2 diac, xvid.“ Syn, Epift. xii de Biſhop.of Worceſter by. Lapfe 1709. Mr. Laurence (W.) 08 or 06 Desford (St. James) Chapel to PARSHORE 00 05 04 21 19 0612 Syn. Epifc. ii s. ii d. Eckington V. [Holy Trinity] Prox. Archidiac. viiis. v d. ob. 00 10 02 Abb. Parſlbore Propr. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. Elmeley. Caſtle V... [St. Mary] Syn. Epiſc.iis. Prox, Archi- 12 13 II diac. vijis. v d. ob. 00 10 07 Bishop of Worceſter Propr. and Patr. S [. @6 17 00 O 18 co Syn. Epiſc. vij.d. Pri. Skene in Con Surr. Prapr. Henry Neale Esq; 1720. Flyford Horizoo }or 01 00 00 ob.}oo 10 02 { WORCESTERSH. DIOCESE of WORCESTER. 579 , 1. sizoo ! 1 Clear: Yearby.Value. Yearly Teniss. I. d. d. 33:00, 96 Flyford-Flavell R. Syn.: Epiſc. xii d. Prox. Arcbidiac. xii d. 00 10 05 Sir John Walter Bart. 1717. Mr. Sheldon (W.) 45 13 054 Himbleton V. (St. James] Syn. and Prox. Epiſc. ii s. 00 16 087 Dean and Chapter of Worceſter Impr. and Patr. Pri. Worceſter Propr. SIrliscrome alias Earleſtrome R. Penſ. Rector. de Ripple xx s. 41 OP do Prox, and Syn. Archidiac. ii s. 00 14 09 ! Sir Robert Barkham Bart. William Martin Clerk Patr. 1722. 38 18 05: Kington R. [St. James] Penſ. Pri. Hereford xs. Syn. iis. 00 16 co Ri. Wolley 1694. . Mr. Bickerton (W..) Overbury V. [St. Faith] with Alſton.[St. Margaret] Tedington? 38 04 08 [St. Nicholas] and Waſhburn-parva Chapel [St. Nicholas} $00 19 og Archidiac, viii s. vd. ob: Syn. Epiſc. iii s. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter Impr. and Patr. 06 02 00 Pynveyn Chap. annex'd to St. Andrew's in Parſhore 00 05 CO 30.03 075 Upton-Snoddeſbury V. [St. James] 00 16 00 Pri. Malvern majar. Impr. Robert, Dermer Efq; 1717. Mr. Berkley (W.) S'Wickle Chapel alias.Wyck [St. Laurence] annex'd to St. An- 04 19 00 oo 05 04 { drew's in Parſhore. Exonerated. Dormeſton R. Penf. Pri. Stodeley xl s. Syn. Epiſc. xii d. 00 09 01 Bowater Vernon Efq; Chapels and Curacies, Cudſden, Chapel to Bredon. Holdfaſt C. Biſhop of Worceſter Patr. Holy-Croſs Cur. Mr. Hooper Patr. Huddington Cur. George Talbot Eſq; Patr. Hoſp. of St. Wolftans in Worceſter olim Propr. Lench-Abbats, Chapel to Fladbury (demoliſhed.) Norton, Chapel to Bredon. An-Zoo 1 D. Powick. s. 1. d. 053 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Propriсtors. 07 08 or Birts-Morton R. (St. Thomas Becket] 00 14 09 Bridges Nanfan Efq; 1713. Lady Bellamont (W.) Checkenhull V. alias Chocknell, Syn. and Prox, Epiſc. & 16 OI 057 Archidiac. ilii s. ii d. ob. qa. Prox. Epiſc. xvi d. Church oi 12 10 demoliſhed, and the Pariſh united to Leigh. Abb. Parſhore Impr. Leiceſter Martin Efq; (W.) OI 17 03 Cleavelod Chap. (demoliſhed) Prox. and Syn. xii d. oo 03 081 William Lygon Eſq; 1719. . Epiſc Lord Hereford 1689. Leiceſter Martin Eſq;(W.) Eeee 2 Longdon sor 13:09 04: ŞLeigh R. ist. Edburgh] Syn. and Prox. iii s. ii d. ob. qa.for 06 111 i 580 DIOCESE of WORCESTER. WORCERTERSH. I. $. d. II 02 II F King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. de 14 17 03i Longdon V. Syn. and Prox. Epiſc. & Archidiac. ix s. ix d. ob. or og 083 Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter Impr. and Patr. 03 13 13.Maddersfield R. Pri. Wigorn. ii s. Archidiac. xii d.. Prox. Epiſc. xiii d. qa. 07 04 William Lygon Efq; 1703. Pendock R. Syn, xii d. Prox. Archidiac. viii s. v d. ob. OI 02 03 William Caldwell Efq; and his Wife 1710. Lady Bella- mont (W.) 16 10 072{, a Ridmerley-Dabitot R. [St. Luke) Prox. Archidiac. ix s. v d. ab. Syn. Epiſc. xii d. Prox. 'Epiſc.ii s. viii d. vd. For 13.00 Marg. Burchet Widow 1720. Mr. Rodd (W.) FStaunton R. [St. James] Syn. Epiſc. xii d. Prox. Archidiac. 1.1. 05 00 2 viii s. y. d. ob. 1 02 05: Thomas Thornton (this Turn) 1676. John Barton and Thomas Webb Gent. 1711, Suckly R. (St. John Baptift). 1 l. 9.5. 3 d.: Lulſey (St. 26 14 11 Giles] † 12 s. Alfric † [St. Mary) 12 s. 2 d. 1. Pens. Collegio de Foderinghay lii s. iii d... Prox. Archidiac. 02. 13 051 Epiſc. xii s. viiid. Portio Pri. Malvern major iii s, iiü d: The KING JPTON upon Severn R: [St. Peter and St. Paul] Syn. Archi- 2:7 00 00 diac. & Epifc. ix s. v d. ob. 02 14 00 Biſhop of Worceſter.: for {ue 11-302 į v d va.goo and Zoo Livings Diſcharged.. Clear Yearly Palue. S Acton-Beauchamp R. [St. Giles] Prox. Archidiac: viiisi v d. 47 17 00 08 00; 2. ob. Syn. Epiſc. xiid. Prox. Epiſc.xvi d. William Bromley and Benjamin Jefferies Eſqs; 1698. Mr. Berkeley (W) 39 19 01. Berrow V. (Št. Faithf: Pri.Wigorn. viil. 00 1:5 10 Dean and Chapter of Worceſter Impr: 26.04 08. Caſtle-Moreton Curacy || [St. Gregory] 00 10 10 Vicar of Langdon. Chafeley alias Chateſley Chapel (l. [St. John Baptiſt] Syn. and Prox. viiiis. Vid. ob. 00 II 057 Vicar of Longdon. 41 06 04 SEldersfield V. [St. John Baptiſt] Prox. Archidiac, vii s. v d. 17 08 ob. Syn. Epiſc. xvid. Pri. Malverne-parra Impr. Anthony Lechmere Efq; 17.15, Lord Lechmere (W.) 42 16 004ŞHandley-Caſtle V. Syn. Epiſc. xvid. Archidiac. ii s. Prox. Epifc. xvi d. Joi 05 06 Pri. Malverne Impr. Sir Nicholas Lechmere Knt. 1691. o8 oo 061 Malverne-major V. (St. Mary] oo 16 04 Pri, Malverne-major Impr. 70. Bromley Eſq; 1708. Mathon of Lulley Penf. Restor. Suckly xx s. I Alfric~ Pens. Rector. Suckly xl se Carles Mureton and Chafel.y Charel hould not remain in Charge in the Office of Firſt-Fruits, Worcestersh. DIOCESE of WORCESTER. 581 S. 37 19 01 ord}}01 Clear Yearly Value. Yoarly Tenths. 1. d. I d. Mathon V. (St. John Baptiſt] 00 16 oo Abb. Parſhore Impr. Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter. S Powick V. [St. Laurence).cum Cap. Mordeford [St. Leonard] 42 03 023 Archidiac. ix's. v d. ob. 01 00 03 Archidiac. ix's. v d, ob. Syn. Epiſc. ii s. iud. Pri, Malverne-major Impr. Lord Coventry 169 49 09 064 Welland V. [St. James] 00 16 03 The KING. Pri. Malverne parva Impr. Chapels and Curacies. Bransford [St. John Baptift] Chapel to Leigh. Buſhley V. (St. Peter.] Mr. Dowdſwell Patr. Newland (St. Michael.) Henry Bromley Efq; Patr. Malverne-parva V. Mr. Savage. Patr. Pri. Malverne Propr. Wordsfield, Chapel to Malverne. Henry Bromley Eſq;- Patr.. . D. Wigon. l. d. 1. s. id;}co for [N. Bi The Livings in this Deanry pay Tentbs to the Biſhop of Worceſter.] Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths.. Rèftories, &c. uith-their. Patrons and Proprietors. d. FAreley R. (St. Bartholomew] Pens. Ecclefiæ Martley vis, viii di 29 Oo oo CO 18 oo Prox. Archidiac, ii s, ijii d. Epiſc. xii d. Robert Vernon. Clerk 1710. Rector of Martley: SAftley R. (St. Peter] Prox. Archidiac. viïi s. v.d. ob.. Prox. 15: 13:04 OI II 04 { Epiſc. viii s. x.d. ob. Syn. Epiſc.xviii d. Sir Thomas Cooks Winford.. Broadwas R. alias Bradweys [St. Mary Magdalen] Penſ. Pri. 10 09 02 Wigorn. xxix s. iiii d.. Penj. Sacriſte Wigorn, xx s. Prox. Sor 00 % Epiſc. viii d. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 05 16 08 $ Cothridge V. alias Cottryche (St. Leonard] Prox. Archidiac. 11 08 { viii s. v d. ob. Pri. Weſtwood Impr. Rowland Berkeley Efq; Patr. 1722. 15.17 08 Holt R. (St. Martin). with Witley. parva Chapel (St. Michael] 01 11 09 Mercia Walſh Widow 1690. Henry Bromley Eſq; (W.) OI 07 031 Kenſwick Chapel (St. John Baptiſt] 00 02 083 North Foley Efq; Patr, 1722. SKnightwick R. (St. Mary) with Doddenham Chap. [St. An- 13 13 04 OI 07 04 drew] Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. Martley R. [St. Peter} Penf. Collegio de Foderinghay xiii s. iii d. Archidiac. pro Prox. viii s. xi d. ob. Syn. Epiſc. xviii d. Ş02 05 00»- Viſitatione Epiſc. xx d. Thomas Wild, and John Soley (this Turn) 1710. Mr. John Vernon (W) St. diac.zoo : ) 22 10 00 0 00 582 DIOCESE of WORCESTER. WorcesteRSH: L l. s. 12 04 02 08 00 00 09 17 01 300 King's Books, Yearly Tenths. d. l. d. St. Martin's R. Penſ. Priori Wigorn. xiii s. iiii d. Syn, and andzor 01 10 04 15 03 04 Prox. iis. Prox. Epiſc. v d. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. St. Peter's V. in WorcesTER, Syn. Epiſc. xii d. Prox, Ar 01 04 05 chidiac. viii s, v d. ob. Mon. Parſhore Impr. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. ŞPirton R, [St. PeterProx. Arcbidiac. xii d. Syn. Epifc . xii d.}oo 16 00 Lord Coventry Patr. 1722. Severr-Stoke R. [St. Dennis] Prox. Archidiac. viii s. v d. ob. 21 17 04 Prox. Epiſc. ii s. ii d. ob. { . . }o2 02 03 091 Lord Coventry Patr. 1722. 09 04 04:{Shelleſley-Beauchamp R. [All Saints] Penſ. Rectori de Mart-1 2 ley xii s. iii d. Prox. and Syn. ii s. Prox. Epiſc . iii d. 00 18 057 173.00 Lord Foley 1720. Shrawley R. [St. Mary] 00 19 08 Bowater Vernon Eſq; (W.) Thomas Vernon Efq; 1711. S Whitelady-Aſhton, alias Eaſton, alias Biſhops-Aſhton V. [St. 06 17 0351 John Baptiſt] Penſ. Rectori de Warmington x s. Prox. E 00 13 081 piſc. v d. Pri. Whilton Impr. Robert Berkley Efq; 1678. Mr. Ju- ſtice Dormer preſented 1720. S Wichenford V. [St. Michael] Rectori Sta Ellenæ vi s. viii d. dizoo Prox. Epiſc. ilji d. Mon.Wigorn. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter Impr. and Patr. 07 06 03 Witley. magna R. (St. Michael] Prox. Archidiac, viïi s. v d. 16.30 14.074 Syn, xii d. Prox. Epiſc. vi d. Thomas Foley Eſq; 1701. Lord Foley (W.) 10 00 02}{Wils, nina. S Warmington alias Warrenton R. [St. Michael] Syn. and Prox. }or oo 002 Mr. Berkley. Livings Diſcharged, From First- Fruits only; the Tenths being the Property of the Biſhop of Worceſter, are Payable to him. Clear Pearly Value. 06 16 06 {Avis. vid. Syn . Epiſc . ii s. All Saints R. Prox . Epifc . xiii. d. ga. Penſ. Priori Wigorn. Zor oj 03: The KING. 09 00 01 St. Andrew's , Penf . Priori Wigorn. xx s. Syn. ii s. OI 00 01 Abby of Parſhore Propr. Dean and Chapter of Worce- ſter (N.) 03 06 08 Zoo St. Alban R. Pens. Abb. de Eveſham xvi d. Prox. Archidiac. { iii d. Prox. Epiſc. iiii d. Biſhop of Worceſter: Bre licote'R. [St. James] Syn. and Prox. ii s. Prox. Epifc.}oo 07 09: Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. St. 09 10 oo 19 oo s 00 10 00 39 16 0511 ii d. ob. WORCESTERSH. DIOCESE of WORCESTER. 583 S. 46 19 03:{Grimeyi a. St. Bartholomew) with Hallow Chap. Prox. E. E301 10 02 06 OI 02 00 39 16 10 Spetchley R. alias Speckley (All-Saints] Pens. Priori Wigorn. 100 13 01 Clear Yearly Value. Pearly Tenths. d. 1. d. 06 05 02 St. Clement's R. Syn. and Prox. Epiſc. iii s. 00 10 07 Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. Grimley V. [E oi 08 01 Pri. Ecclef. Wigorn Impr. Biſhop of Worceſter 1660, 1713 * St. Helen alias Ellen R. Prox. Eçiſi, xiii d. qa. Biſhop of Worceſter. Henlipp R. (St. s. piſc, ili d. Sir William Cornpton (W.) Thomas Osborne Eſq; 1681. St. John Baptiſt in Bedwardin V. Syn. and Prox, vi s. viii d. Prox. Epifc. v d. от об о8 Mon. Worceſter Impr. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 41 03 04 * Kemſey V. (St. Mary] 00 13. 10 Colleg. de Weſtbury in Wilts Impr. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. * St. Michael's R. in Bedwardin. 00 15 02 Dean of Worceſter as Sacriſt. 23 13 07 * St. Nicholas, Prox. Epifc. vi d. OI 13 00} Biſhop of Worceſter. 18 oo oo Norton Chapel in the Pariſh of Kempſey (St. James] Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. 38 02 08 Oddingley R. [St. James] oo 09 11 Lord Foley 1721, Omberſley V. alias Umbreſley (St. Andrew] Prox. Archidiac. 39 08 0571 viii s. v d. Syn, xviii d. Prox. Epiſc. xiii d. qa. 01 10 08 Abb. Eveſham Impr. Samuel Sandys Efq; 1691, 1721. S St. Swithin's R. Redd. Epiſc. xii d. Ballivo Civit. Socag. 201 06 14 19 II { x d. ob. Penf. Priori Wigorn. XV s. Prox. Epiſc. xiii d. qa. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter: 37 16 01:{Hemljepilia. [Se. James] Rektori St. Ellen, ii s. iii d. Prox. E-200 11 07 S: d. 301 44 17 06 05 07 00 00 05 03, for 31. 10. 08 Syn, and d . Robert Dormer Efq; 1714. Mr. Berkley : W.) 22 06 04 Stowlton Chapel in the Pariſh of Kempſey (St. Andrew] oo 08 02 Dean and Chapter of Worceſter. Tibberton V. [St. Nicholas] 00 07 07 Dean and Chapter of Worceſter Impr. and Patr. (N.) Chapels, or Curacies. * Clains Cur: [St. Peter] (not charged.) Pri. Whiſton olim Propr. Thomas Wylde E:q; Patr. Whitington (St. James] Chapel to St. Peter's. [Note, Thoſe Livings that have this Mark * before them are exempt from Archi- diaconal Juriſdiction.] D. + 584 DIOCESE of WORCESTER. WARWICKSH. d. dol 13 08 00 12 OO 02 10 00 for 03 JO 00 00 0.I 00 00 D. Rington, alias Kineton. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. Atherſton R. Syn. xii de OI 06 02 Mr. Kendrick (W.) Sir Charles Lee Kt. 1681. об оо оо Aulſton V. alias Alveſton (St. James] Mon. Tewksbury Propr. (or Pri, Worceſter.) Rector of Hampton-Biſhops. II II 001 Bareford R. [St. Peter] Prox, and Syn. ix s.. 01 03 0.1 Mr. Ward. . s. 12 17 II xi d. 05 091 Trinity-College, Oxford. 25 Oo oo Brayles V. (St. George] Prox. and Syn. ix s.. v d. Mon. Kenelworth Propr. Mr. Seunders (W.) Thomas Walker Gent. 1711. 1.1 10 073 ŞCherington R. alias Cheriton [St. John Baptiſt] Prox. and 03 00 Syn. ix s. v d. Mrs. Lucy (W.) Francis Sheldon Efq; 1696. Compton-parva R. Lord Northampton. S Halford alias Hawford R. [St. Mary] Mon. Kenelworth xl 5. 09 10 09 092 { Priori Shene viii s. Syn. and Prox. viii s, xi d. 00 11 Biſhop of Worceſter. Hampton-Biſhops R. 7 alias Lucy [St. Peter] Vicario W perton iii l. Prox, viïi s. Geo. Lucy Eſq; 1721. 30 Oo oo Ilmington R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. v d. 03 Oo oo Heſter Baldwin Widow 1703. Mr. Swan (W.) 01 08 Lord Willoughby of Brooke 1715. 14 10 00 Oxhill R. [St. Laurence] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. ix s. v d. or og oo William Bromley Eſq; 1715. o oo oo Pillardington alias Pillerton V. [St. Mary] 00 16 oo Colleg. Warw. Propr. Duke of Rutland Patr. 1722. Utlicote R. alias Idlicot (St. James] Prox. and Syn. ix s. v d. от об о8 Armel Howbdſhip Gent. 1715. Mr. Underhill (W.) 12 17 031 Whatcot R. (St. Peter] Prox. and Syn. ix s, v d. 01 05 083 Lord Northampton 1702. -20 17 03 Whitchurch R. [St. Mary] Prox. and Syn. ix s. v d. 02 OI 08 Richard Mariot Efq; 1711, 19 08 061 Wichford R. (St. Michael] Prox. and Syn. Archidiac. xis. vid. 01 18 101 Edward Sheldon Eſq; 1720. WORCESTERSHIRE. 05 09 08SSHIPston upon Stowre V. (in Archidiaconat. Wigorn.) Penf.? 2 Rektori Tredington xii d. 10 097 Dean and Chapter of Worceſter, or Jeſus-College, Oxon. Tredington Flampton-Biſhopsam in the original Record is placed in D. Warwick. 5:31 Waf}05 51 06 08 { 05 02 08 14 17 03:{Lighthorne R. [St. Laurence] Prox, and Syn. Arcbidiac. ix s. 13 06 08 Pensizoo WORCESTERSH. DIOCESE OF WORCESTER. 5.85 King's Books: 1. $. d. pr. de 2 99 17 06 S * Tredington R. + [St. Gregory] (in Archidiaconatu Wigorn.) {09 19 09 Biarly Tenibs. ii d. Jeſus-College, Oxford, 1719. 15 16 03 Cantar. Sti Nicholai in Tredington. on OI II 07 WARWICKSHIRE. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. ALCEST ER V. q. [St. Faith] Při. Alceſter Propr. q. Lord Brooke 1712. 44 03 II Barcheſton R. [St. Martin] от об о8 Mr. Sheldon W.) John Croft Gent. 1701. ŞBiſhopſton Chapel (St. Peter] belongs to Stratford upon ? ! 50 Oo oo 00 00 00 07 15 02 Bi } 00 12 00 } . ܘܘ{ 12 00 06 Butlers-Marſton V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] 00 16 04 Pri. Alceſter Propr. Thomas Newkam Érq; 20 14 00 Charlécotę V. [St. Leonard] Domus Thelsford Propr. Mr. Lucy (W.) - Rector of Hamp- ton-Biſhops. SLong-Compton V. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Prox. and Syn:? 41 01 04 2 xi s. vid. OL 05 06 Abb. Wawen Propr. Eton-College. 48 00 08 Eatington inferior V. [St. Thomas Becket] Archidiac. ix so v d. oi 04 00 Mon. Kenelworth Propr. Lord Ferrers 1709. 30 05 00 Honington V. 00 18 08 Pri. Coventry Propr. Sir Henry Parker Bart. 1702. Kington V. alias Kineton [St. Peter] cum Cap. Combrook (St. 16 08 13 Oo oo Mary and St. Margaret] Món. Kenelworth Propr. Edward Bentley Eſq; 1713. 32 08 11Loxley V. [St. Thomas Becket] Syn. xii d.. 00 10 08 The KING. Mon. Kenelworth Propr. 45 19 06. Newbould-Pacy V. [St. George] Prox. and Syn. ix s. v d. 00 16 041 9. Pri. Sti Oſwaldi Ebor. Propr. Queen's College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. STRATFORD upon Avon V. (Holy Trinity] (a Peculiar.) Colleg. Stratford. Lord Dorſet 1709. Tiſhoo V. [St. Mary] Mon. Stoneley in Staff. Propr. Mon. Tellesford (W.) Lord Northampton 1706, 1729. Walton-Devile R. [St. James] 00 09 04 The KING, 40 00 00 Wafperton V. [St. John Baptiſt] Pri. Coventry Propr. The Rector of Hampton-Biſhops 1715, 1721. Ffff Welleſburne + Tredington R. is to be divided by Act of Parliament 64 Georgii, entitled, “ An A&t for making the “ Townſhips of Shipton and Tidmington a diftinct Pariſh from the Pariſh of Tredington in the County and “ Dioceſe of Worceſter, and for dividing the Rectory of the ſaid Pariſh of Tredington into three Parts", thus : Tredington i ft Part R. Val. l. 33 : 05 : 10 Xa.l. 03:06:07 Tredington 2d Part R. Val. l. 33 : 05 : 10 Xa. l. 03 : 06:07 Shipton cum Tidmington R. --Val. l. 33 : 05 : 10 Xa.l. 03 : 06:07 20 00 00 02 00 00 29 09 06 01 00 00 49 OI 08 00 10 00 586 DIOCESE of WORCESTER. WARWICKSMI J.: 45 14 08 is.fo Clear rearly Value. Yearly Teutasi lo d. l. d. Welleſburne V. [St. Peter] 00 15 02 The KING. Mon. Kenelworth Propr. 41 03 02 Wolford V. (St. Michael] 00 16 og Pri. Stowe Propr. Merton-College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. WORCESTERSHIRE. ŞAlderminſter V. [St. Mary q.] Prox. Archidiac, Wigorn. viii 5. 29 12 07* vd. ob. Syn. Epiſc. xii d. 14 00 The KIN G. Abb. Parſhore Propr. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Biſhopſton [St. Peter] Chapel to Stratford. Burmington (St. Barnabas] Chap. to Wolford. Compton-Murdock Chap. Colleg. Warwick Propr. Lord Willoughby Patr. (W.) Eatington-ſuperior (St. Mary) Chapel to Eatington-inferior. Holy-Croſs Chapel to Stratford. Luddington Chap. (demoliſhed.) Morton-Merial (not charged.) The KING Patr. Hofp. St. John's Worwic. Propr. Over-Pillerton Chap. [St. Mary Magdalen] (demoliſhed.) Chap. to Pillerton. Packwood [St. Giles] Chap. to Waſperton. Thalesford alias Tellesford Cur. [St. Radegund] (not chat. ged.) Pri. Thalesford alias Tellesford Propr. I 2. IDarwick s. 1. s. d. oo 12 00 WARWICKSHIRE. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons tind Proprietors. 10 12 06 Arrow R. Prox, and Syn. ix s. d. OI 01 03 Lord Conway (W.) Marchioneſs of Normanby and Sir Edward Seymour Bart. 1695: 06 oo oo Baggots-Moreton R. (Holy Trinity) Syn, xii d. Mr. Reynolds (W.) John Hayes Gent. 1713. 07 16 001 Bewdeſerte R. [St. Nicholas] Ecdes. Wotton ii's. Prox, üs. 00 15 07. The KING. 08 10 00 Binton R. (St. Peter] Repr. x s. v d. Francis Conway Eſq; 1699. Now Lord Conway 1722. Exhall R. [St. Giles) Penj. Abb. Kenelworth xiü s. jiii d. Prox. 08 17 031 03: 0822 { and Syn. ix s, vd. The KING. s Fulbrooke Chap. (demoliſhed.) The Pariſh united to Sher- 00 14 02 00 01 05 borne. Hafelor V. [St. Mary and All-Saints] 00 13 04 The KING. Colleg. Warwick. Propr. 04 09 041 Haſeley R. (St. Mary) Penſ. Mon. Sti Sepulchri jün 00 08 115 Lucas Tbrackmorton Eſq; 1716. Ippeſley 00 17.00 ;. -300 06 13 04 WARWICKSH. .: DIOCESE of WORCESTER. 587 l. s. d. For 20 00 00 02 00 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. do II 10 07 Ippeſley R. [St. Peter) Prox. and Syn. Archidiac, ix s. vi d. or 03 00 Sir John Husband Bart. 1697. Kinvarton R. [St. Mary 4.] with great Alne [St. Mary Mag- 17 11 00 dalen] and Wethley [St. James] Chapels, Prox. and Syn, for 15 011 X s. v d. Biſhop of Worceſter. 09 09 Oy Lapworth R. [St. Mary] Archidiac. x s. v d. 00 18 Merton-College, Oxford. St. Mary's V. in the Town of Warwick. Colleg. de Warwick. Propr. Mayor and Corporation of War- - wick. St. Nicholas V. there. 01 06 08 Colleg. Warwick Propr. . Mayor, Bayliffs and Burgeſſes of Warwick. 04 Oo oo Preſton-Baggots R. [All-Saints] Syn. Archidiac. ii s. oo 08.00 Edward Welchman Clerk 1714. 09 Oo oo [] oo 18 oo Mon. Kenelworth Propr.. Sir Fulwar Skipwith Bart. 1720. 08 Snitterfield V. [St. James] Prox, and. Syn. Archidiai. x s. v d. 0Q 16 oo Pri, Sti Sepulchri Warwick Propr. Biſhop of Worceſter. S Wolverdington R. [St. Mary) Prox. and Syn. Archidiac.? 7 10 00 15 00 X s. v d. Mr. Staunton (W): Thomas Lees Gent. and others, 1683. 18 02 06 Cantar. de.Guicliffe. 0 16 03 19 03 09 Hoſp. Sti Johannis. 01 18 041 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 13 06 08 00 00 . 1 . 32 14 067{AN&IST PII a. as fose are systes Faith. Ob. Mon. Henwood poodor 1 oi 08 04 xxvi s. viii dProxand Syn. x s. v dob Lord Brooke 1712. 35 06 02 Aſton-Cantlow y. [St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac. x s. 00 18 11 Mon. Maxtoke Propr. Sir William Compton (W) Charles Parry Gent. (this Turn) 1715. 20 15 021 Bidford V. [St. Laurence] Prox. ix s. v d. 00 15 Co Mon. Kenelworth Propr. Sir Fulwar Skipwith Bart. 1711. 12 OP oo Billeſley alias Biffeley R. † [All-Saints] Repr. ii s. iii d. 00 10 051 The Revd. Dr. Sherlock, Dean of Chicheſter, in his own Right. Budbrooke V. [St. Michael] 00 16 oo Colleg. Warwick Propr. Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgeſſes of Warwick. Clardon alias Claverdon V. [St. Michael] cum Cap. de Norton- OO II 02 LindſeyProx. and Syn, viii s. Arch-Deacon of Worceſter Impr. and Patr. 13 09 064 Coughton V. [St. Peter] Prox. and Syn. ix s. v d. 00 19 00 Mon. Studeley Propr. Sir John Cheſter Bart. 1717. Sir Ro. Throg morton (W.) Ffff 2 HENLEY + Billefley alias Biſeley R. No Inſtitution thereto fince the Year 1624, when Sir Robert Lee preſented. 49 og oo 36 18 10:{ 588 WARWICKSH. DIOCESE of WORCESTER. J. l d. Vot-} Clear Yearly Value. rearly. Tenths, 1. di SHENLEY Chap. in Arden [St. John Baptift] belongs to Wot-2 09 16 oo 2 ton-Wawen . 17 04 oo North-Lindſey Curacy (Holy Trinity] Chap. to Claverdon. Arch-Deacon of Worceſter. 45 13 041 Rowenton als Rowington V. (St. Laurence] Prox. viii s. v d. 00 15 02 The KING. Mon. Reding Propr. Spernall R. [St. Leonard] Syn. ii s. oo 07 09 James Allen Gent. 1690. 08 00 00 Studeley V. (St. Mary] 00 16 00 Mon. Studeley Propr. Mr. Knottesford Patr. 1722. 41 16 04 Tamworth alias Tanworth V. (St. Mary Magdalen] oo 13 04 Pri. Maxtoke - Thomas Archer Eſq; 37 09 08 1684. 05 05 00 Pri. Kenertereb } Portionarii , 08 {W { } 44 II 08 -3.00 00 08 oo 33 08 03 OI 02 ID Temple-Grafton Curacy (St. Andrew] Mon. Wroxhall Propr. Mr. Parker (W) Woolbarrow R. alias Oldbarrow (St. Mary] (in Archidiaco- naty Wigorn.) Anne Knightley Widow 1685. Wotton-Wawen V. [St. John Baptiſt] Repr. x.s. v d. Mon. Maxtoke Propr.' King's College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. (W) Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Brearly [St. Mary) is a Chap. to Wotton-Wawen. Hatton V. (not charged.) Pri. Wroxhall olim. Propr. Mr. Throg morton Patra Outenhall Chap. to Wotton-Wawen. Rowington V. (not charged.) Sherborne V. (not charged.). Pri. Sti Johannis Jeruſalem olim Propr. Mr. Burgoigne Patr. Wigglesford (St. Milburgh] Chap. to Exhall. Wilmcote (St. Mary Magdalen] Chap. demoliſhed. WroxhaN . (not charged.). Pri. Wroxhall olim Propr. Mr. Wren Patr. ! Diocese 1 u - DIGESE of S-T, D AVID S. 589 Dioceſe of St. Davids. s. B 2 5 King's Boks, Yearly Tenthe l. f. de I. d. -426 21 ISHOPRIC of St.-Davids, Eſgobaèth D.dewi. 42 12 021 David removed 'the See' from Caerleon to St. Davids, ☺ anno. Domini, 577, once<çan Archiepiſcopal See, but loſt its Archiepi/copal Power about the Year 1115. (Le Neve 511.) However, ſome Attempts were not wanting to recover.this Dignity ; but Wales being is totally ſubdued by the Engliſh, and the Cauſe being hung up at Röme, remains there undecided. The Prebendary of Llangamarck (being the Treaſurerſhip in the Collegiate Church of Chriſt in Brecon) iii the Deanry of Buelte in Corn. Brecon is annex'd to the Biſhopric, in lieu of Mortuaries, by an Act of Parliament 12° Annæ. Cathedral Church (St. David and ST. ANDREW. (W.) All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of St. Davids. Precentorſhip in the aforeſaid Church with the Preb. of Llan- 20 06 10 10] beder Pont Steven included, was founded anno 1225 by Bp. 02 co 085 Gervaſe. Syn. and Prox. xxiiii s. x d. Arch-Deaconry of St. Davids, cum, P. Meidrim in Co. Car- 56 marthen. (non in onere? [Archdi ag on Ddewi Wallicè.] Repr. 105 12 10% lxvi s. vid. Erected before the Year 1128. SEcclefiæ appropriať ad Suſtentation' Divini Servitii in Eccleſ. 72 15 05 Cathedrali. 07 05 06 120 19 7! Ecclefiæ appropriať ad Canon' reſident in Eccleſia.prædict. 1.2 OI JIH Treaſurer's Office, with the Preb. of Llandifilio Gogoff included, 24: 1:8 06.1 Syn, and Prox. Archidiac. xi s. vid. Kad. Ballivi x s. Was Was 02 09 10 founded Nov. 12. 1259. by Biſhop Richard Carreu. Llanrian, The diſſolved College of Llandwy-Brevy in Cardiganſhire had the following Prebends in it. Llanvaire-Cledogee P. which belong!d to the Precentor.. • Blaenporth P: Llanuchairon P. Hewyde P. Llanwenok P.. in Cardigan D. Sub Ayron. Yftratt P. Llangeby P. Caron P. Carok P.. in Cardigan in D: ultra Ayron. Llanbaderne-Odyn P. Llanbeyduy P. in D. Carmarthen. }in Treffleg he and Bettws P. Treffeglwys P. in Cardig. D. ultra Ayron. The College being diſſolved, theſe all became Lay-fees; but being ſtill continued in Charge in the King's Books,.q. if they are not liable to the Payment of Tenths ? Names of the Prebends in the Collegiate. Church of Brecon, tranſlated from Aberguilly in Co. Cáermar. to Brecknock, by K. Hen. VIII. Llangevelach non_ in onere (in D. Gower, Com. Glamorgan. ) quæ ej Domini Epiſc. ut Decan. Brecon. Llanyenneth (in D. Llandilo, Co. Carm.) 94444 eft Præcentoris, Llanbitter: ef. Zor 3oz { S } 2 590 DIOCESE of ST. D'AVID S. Pembrokesh. King's Books. 1. d. s. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. oi 18 In O2 II 057 OO 10. 057 19 09 07 Llanrian alias Llan-Rhiain P. * Syn. and Prox. iii s. xd. 25 14 041 Mathrey alias Merthir P. 05 04 041 St. Nicholas Penfoyſt P. Syn. Archidiac. ii s. N. B. The Chancellorſhip of St. Davids is the Prebend Llaw- baddon in the Deanry of Dongledy in Co. Pemb. It was founded anno 1287 by Biſhop Thomas Beck, who anno 1284 oppoſed the Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury viſiting his Church as Metropolitan, and pleaded its ancient Rights. Llangan P. is in Charge in D. Carmarthen. Llandewy P. is the Preb. of Llandewy-Aberarth in Dec. ulora Ayron in Co. Cardigan, and there charged. Clydey P. is in Charge in D. Emlyn. Not in Charge. Caerfai P. (not in Charge.) Caerverchel P. (not in Gharge.) Prebenda Epiſcopi. (not in Charge) Trefloyden P. (not in Charge.) 2 Arch-Deaconry of St. Davids. 1 ? 1. is. m} D. Debidiawke. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. s. d. Rectories, &c, with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. Brodey V. alias Browy [St. David] and Hayſcaftel V. [St. 26 00 00 ? Mary] Prox.quolibei tertio anno xvi di :07 10 Biſhop of St. Davids Impr. and Patr. ŞSt. Dogwaels alias Dogwells V: Vifitatione qualibet tertio an- 15 Oo oo no xiiii d. ob. Syni. Archidiac. ii's. x d.ob. quolibet anno. oo og 07* Biſhop of St. Davids or Chapter Patr. Chapter of St., Davids Impr. 07 Oo oo St. Elveis (Llan Elfyw) R. (St. Teilaw] 00 05 01 The KING, or Prince of Wales. FISHGARD Llanbiſter (in D. Melleneth, Co. Radnor.) quæ ej Cancellarii. Llangammarch (in D. Buellt. Co. Brecon.) quæ eft Thefaurarii. Trallwng, Garth-Brengi in D.primæ Brecon. Llanwthwll in D. Buellt, Co. Brecon. St. Harmons, Llandegla, Llan-Gynllo, Llan y Drindod, in D. Melleneth in Co. Radnor. Moughtry in D. Melleneth, Co. Montgomery. Llan-Dyſſylio in D. Carmarthen. Llanarthne in D. Llan-Deilo, Co. Carmarthen. : Llan-Darwg in eodem Dec. Llan-Deygwy alias Llandrge in Dec. füb Ayron, Co. Cardigan. Nantgwnllo, Lledrod, in Dec.'altra Syron, Co. Cardigan. Clyro, Llanfaufraid, Llanbedr Pain Caitle, alias Bochroyd, Llan-Ddeilo-Grabau, Llan-Elweth, in Dec. Elwel Iſmoreth in Co. Radnor. * Llanrian alias Llan-Rhiain P.---This is annex’d to the Arch-Deaconry of Carmarthen. Vide DwCar- marthen. I PEMBROKESH, DIOGESE cof ST.DAVIDS. 591 clear Yearls.lv too 0 00 00 -300 IO OO Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1 lo d. FISHGARD (Àber Gwayn) v. alias Fiſhingard [St." Mary] 16 oo oo Prox. quolibetterrio anno xii de -- Viſit. Archidiaco quolibet an oo 08 00 no xxiii d. The KING, or Prince of Wales. Abb. St. Dogwaels Propr. Thomas Parry Efq; Impr. Granſtone [alias-St . Katherine] and St. Nicholas V. pro In-7 24 Oo oo demn. xii s. Prox. quolibet tertio anno xii d. Viſit. Archi- oo 12 10 diac. quolibet'anno iii s. ix d. Abb. Sti Dogwaels Propr. Mr. Vaughan Impr. Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. { Jordanſton alias The Jordan R. [St. Cwrda] Vifit. quolibet ter-? 00 12 042 tia anno xii d.. Syn. Archidiac. quolibet anno iiii s. ix d. Lewis Vaughan Eſq; 1714. St. Laurence Ř. Penfi Preceptor. Slebeche vi s, viiid, . 18 00.00 Ordinar. iiii s, ix d. Syn. iii s, illi d. OQ 07 10! Prince of Wales. Letterſtone alias Tre Lethert R. (St. Giles] with Llanvair Chap. [St. Mary:] Penſ. Præceptor. Slebecbe viii s. ' Prox. 40 00 00 quolibet tertio anno xxij d. ob., Viſit. Archidiac. quolibet an- 01 05 011 BO V s. ix d. The Prince of Wales. Llandelow V. [St. Teilaw) with Llandely alias Llandewy, 05 05 00 alias Llandhowe[St. Hoel] Chantor and Chapter of St. Davids Propr. and Patr. S Llanrian aties Llan-Rhiain V. [St. Rheanus] Viſit. quolibet tertio 29 Oo oo 2 anno xxiji d. 00 13 OIL Arch-Deacon of Carmarthen Impr. Biſhop of St. Davids. Llanwnda V. (St. Wnda) Vifit. quolibet tertio anno xiii d. ob. 14 00 00 2 Syn. quolibet anno ili d. oo об об Chantor and Chapter of St. Davids Patr. and Impr. ş Merthir alias Marthrey V. (Holy Martyr] Syn. quolibet anno oo 08 09 Y s. ix d. (Annex'd to Granſtone alias Grandeſton Vic.) Bishop of St. Davids Prebendary thereof Impropr. Whitchurch Egwlylwen V. [St. David] Prox. quolibet tertio anno iiiis. vid. Precentor and Canons of St. Davids Patr. The Chapter and Vicars Chorals Impr. Not in Charge. ST. Davids V. The Ch. of St. Davids Propr. and Patr. St. Ederus Cur. 1..4 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Forde Chap. to Haycaſtle 3 z. (noviter ere&ta) : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Llanrythian V. alias Llan- Rheithan (st. Rheanus, -}4. 4 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Vicars Chorals of St. Davids Patr.and Impr. Llanftinan Cur. [St. Juſtinian] l. 4 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Succentor of St. Davids Patr. Maner Nawen Cur. (St. Mary] l. 4 : 00 : 00 Cerlified Valu. Gurhyd 1 rigoo ob. oo { no 300 mie} I 2 00 00 20 00 00 } 2 592 DIOCESE of STO DAVID S. PEMBROKESH. 1 A s. 1. d. for 1 {Ne * s}.00 10 05 Gwrhyd Capell. Nun Capell. (St. Nunn] All theſe five Chapels in St. Patrick Capell . (St. Patrick] Davids Pariſh' are now in Pyſtill Capell . Ruins. Stinan Capell. [St. Juſtinian] D. Dongledie, alias Dau:Gleddau. Livings remaining in Charge: King's Books. Yearly Tenths. lo d. Refories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. ŞLlahadden, Llanhaiden, and Bletherſton R. [St. Aidan) (this 17 17 01 is the Chancellor's P. in the Church of St. Davids.) Archi- 01 15 081 diac. V s, ix d. Ordinar. quolibet tertio anno ii s. ii d. ob. Biſliop of St. Davids. The Chancellorſhip erected before 1509. New-Mote R. [St. Nicholas) Syn, and Prox. Archidiac. V s. 2 00 04 05 Mr. Scourfield. SRudbacfton R, alias Rudbarſton (St. Michael] Pens. Præcep- 15 04 02 toria de Slebeche viii s. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno ii s. ii d. ob. Archidiac. quolibet anno v s. ix d. The KING, or Prince of Wales. Livings. Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. tertio 07 Oo oo 00 07 11 anno viii d. The KING, or Prince of Wales. Præceptor, de Slebeche olim Propr. Mr. Symonds Impropr. SLlahadden V. [St. Aidan] Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 30 Oo oo xvii d. ob. 17 101 Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. . Chancellor of St. Davids Impr. S Llyſivraen R. [St. Miler] Archidiac. quolibet anno.v s. ix d. { Ordinar. quolibet tertio anno viii d. William Scourfield Efq; 1717, and Sir John Philips alter- nately. Maenclochogg V. [St. Mary) Ordinar. quolibet tertio anno 25 00 00 xvi d. Syn, and Prox. V s, ix d. 101 Pri. Pyll Propr. Mr. Scourfield Impr. and Patr. S Prendergaſt R. (St. David] Præceptor. Šlebeche s. Ordinar. 28 Oo oo quolibet tertio anno xviii d. Archidiac. quolibet anno v s. ix d. The KING, or Prince of Wales: Not in Charge. Bletherſton Chap. to Llahadden. Boalfton Cur. Mr. Wogan Patr. Preceptory of Sl:beche olim Impr. Clarbeiton Cur. [St. Martin] l. 5:15:00 Certified Val. Sir Thomas. Stepney Patr. Llandeilo ,, { {L - 20 00 00 ix d.}oo об оо 1 . PEMBROKESH. DIOCESE of ST.DAVID S. 593 tiſt q.] : Llandeilo Cur. [St. Teilaw] (the Church down.) Llangolman C. (St. Colman] Mr. Bowen Patr, to both theſe. Monochlogddi Cur. [St.Dogmael] Abb. St. Dogmaels Propr. Sir John Philips Patr, and Impr. Slebech Cur. [St. John Bap-31. 5 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Mr. Barlow Patr. Preceptory of Slebech olim Impr. Spittle Cur. [St. Mary] 1. 5 : 10 : 00 Certified Val. Church of St. Davids Patr. Uzmaſton Cur. [St. Iſmael] l. 5 : 10:00 Certified Val. Chapter of St. Davids Patr. Walton-Eaſt Cur. [St. Mary) l. 10 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Mr. Hudſon Patr. Wiston Cur. (St. Mary] 1. 9 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Mr. Wogan Patr. A D. Goule alias. Rihos. Yearly Tenths, 1. n. { }or OI II 03 orida 300 00 15 04 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. . d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. rton R. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno xvid. Archidiac. quo- 15 12 II libet anno v s. ix d. John Campbell Eſq; two Turns. Sir Arthur Owen one. Caſtlewalwen (Caſtell-Gwalchmai) R. (St. James] Ordinario 07 13 04 quolibet tertio anno xii d. Archidiac. qualibet anno v s. ix d. The Prince of Wales. Herbrandſton R. [St. Mary] Ordinario quolibet tertio. anno 07 13 04 xiii d. Archidiac. quolibet anno v s. ix d. The Prince of Wales. 06 02 1 Hubarſton R. (St. David] Penſ. Priori de Pulla iii s. iiii d. { Ordinario quolibet tertio anno xx d. Archidiac,'v's. ix d. The Prince of Wales. 06 06 08 Robertſton R. Ordinar. quolibet tertio anno xii d. Archidiac. quolibet anno v s. ix d. The Prince of Wales. 00 15 04 nne zoo 1 300 12 08 $ Livings Diſcharged. Clear Pearly Value. S St.-Bridis R. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno xvi d. Archidiac. 35 Oo oo OI II 031 2. quolibet anno v s, ix d. Mr. Laugbarn. 10 Oo oo Camros V. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno, xiiii d. ob. Archi- diac. quolibet anno xxiii d. 00 13 00 Pri. Haverford-Weſt Propr. William and John Jennyns Gent. 1714. Mr. Bowen Patr. and Impr. (W) . 00 11 041 quolibet anno v s, ix d. The Prince of Wales. Gggg Haſcard 20 00 00 .594 DIOCESE of ST. DAVID S. PEMBROKESHL 1. J. d. s. , so vaircas { d.}00 03 ""goo 300 15 08; IL Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. . d. Haſcard R. (St. Peter] Penſ: Pri. de Pulla xxvi s. viii d. Ar-7 36 oo oo chidiac. quolibet anno v s. ix d. Ordinario quolibet tertio Soi 16 08 anno xii d. The Prince of Wales. S Johnſton R: Ordinario quolibet tertio anno, viii d. Archidiac. 24 OO CO 00 04 00 The Prince of Wales. Staineton V. (St. Peter, called St. Kewil in the Monafticon] loo 4800 00 Ordinario quolibet tertio anno vid. Archidiac. quolibet anna 00 19 08 ii s. iiii d. Pri. Pill. olim Propr. The Prince of Walesa Mr. For. dan Impr. 30 00 00 St. Iſmael V. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno ix d. 00 13 03 Colleg. St. Davids olim Propr. The Prince of Wales. Mr. Lake Impr. SLlangwm R. [St. Hierom] Ordinaria quolibet tertio anno xvid. 47 00 00 00 15 031 Archidiac. quolibet anno v s. ix d. Sir Arthur Owen Bart. 1717. Sir Ri, Walter, and Wyr- riot Owen Eſq; (W.) ŞLlanſtadwall V. [St. Sywall] Ordinario quolibet tertio anno 30 00 00 2 xilii d. Archidiac. quolibet anno xxiii d. Pri. Haverford-Weſt Propr. William Allen Eſq; 1714, Impr. and Patre Marlos V. [St. 20. 09.0Q Q IQ OQ chidiaca quolibet anno . Colleg. St. David's olim Propr. The Prince of Wales. Mr. Lake Impr. 19 10.00 St. Mary's HAVERFORD-West V. Pri. Haverford-Weſt Propr. Corporation there, Nolton R. [St. Madoc] Penf. Pri. de Pulla nii s.' Ordinaria 28 00 00 OQ 08 03 quolibet tertio anna xii d.. Archidiaca quolibet enne v s, ix d. The Prince of Wales. 15 Oo oo Ros-Market V. (St. Iſmael] 09. 08 og Pri. Haverford-W'eſt Propr. The Prince of Walesi Sir Thomas Stepney-Impr. Rupa V. alias Rock St. Mary] (Caftell y graig Roch] Ordi- 17 00 00 nario quolibet tertia anno xiiii diabet Archidiac. quolibet Soo og 045 Pri. Pill. aliw Propr. The Prince of Wales. ; Talbenny R. Ordinario quolibet tertio annoxxif d. Archidiac. 35 Oo oo 00 quolibet anno v s, ix d. 19 03 Wyrriot Owen Elas 1714. Trefgarne R. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno vit d. Archidiac. 14 Oo oo 2 quolibet anno v s. ix d. oo 03 04 Mr. Fowler and the Reverend Mr: James Fanes. Walton R. Ordinario quoliber tertio arno xd. Archidiac. quo- 20 Oo oo libet anno v s. ix d. oo 13 04 Sir Thomas Stepney Bart. Not 00 00'00 รู้ }ဝဝ 1 anno v S. { soc diac . Zoo PEMBROKESH. DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. 59$ 1 D-34 1. -S. 1. S. 10 10 00 Not in Charge. Dale Cur. [St. James ] I, 6 : 00 : 06 Cert. Val. Sir John Cope Patr, Eaſt-Haroldſton Cur. [St. Iſmael] l. 5: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Sir John Packington. Weft-Haroldſton Cur. [St. Padoc.] Sir John Philips Im- propriator and Patr. HAVER FORD-West St. Thomas R. The Prince of Wales. Lambſton Cur. 1. 5 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Sir John Philips Impr. and Patr. St. Martin's in HAVERFORD- WEST 16 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Mr. Bowen Patr. Pri. Haverford-Weft olim Propr. D. Pembroke, alias Nazberth, alias Cattle-martin. , Livings remaining in Charge. - Kings Books. Yearly Tenths. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Angulo alias Nangle R. (St. Mary) Penſ. Pri. Pembr. xxilis. fiii d. Viſ. Ordinaria quolibet tertio anno xiii d. Archidiac. SOI OI 00 quolibet anno v s, ix d. The Prince of Wales. ¢St. Florence R. Vift, Ordinaria quolibet tertio anno ii s. ii d. ob. 16 12 OI { Syn, and Prox. quolibet anno v s. ix d. 02 St. John's College, Cambridge. SHogefton R. * Vif. Ordinaria quolibet tertio anno xiii d. Prox. 07 13 04 and Syn. quolibet anno v six d. William Rachford and William Davies 1675. Sir Arthur Owen Bart. Jeffreyſton V. (St. Jeffry and St. Oſwald] Syn. and Prox. {* quolibet anno iis. vid. 00 09 09 Chantor and Chapter of St. Davids Impr. and Patr. NARBERTH R. [St. Andrew] with the Chapel of Robeſton 25 10 10 Walhan, Archidiac. quolibet anno v s. ix d. Vif. Ordinaria Soż 11 Oi quolibet tertio anno iii s, iïii d. The Prince of Wales. Pulchrohon R. (St. Mary) (Pwllychrochon) Ordinario quolibet 09 12 II tertio anno xvi di Syn. and Prox. V s. ix d. The Prince of Wales. SRoſcrowther, Rhôs y Cryther R. [St. Decumanus) Ordinario? 15 12 11 OI II 031 quolibet tertio anno xvid. Archidiac. quolibet anno v s. ix d. The Prince of Wales. ii 06 08 Stackpoole Baſcher alias Bofherton R. (St. Michael] Penſ? I 02 08 Pri. Pembr. vi s. yiii d. Ordinar. &. Archidiac, vis, viii d. John Campbell Eſq; 1920, Gggg 2 Stackpoole * Vide Hogoton Vic, among the Diſcharged. 06. . Joo 15 04 04 17 06 06 {Jc { ! }oo 19 03? } 301 596 PEMBROKESH. DIOCESE of S T. DAVIDS. King's Books. l. s. d. j. 15 12 11 Yearly Tenths. 1. d. S Stackpoole Elider R. [St. James] (Sine-Cure) Ordinar. quolibet OI II 03 2 tertio anno xvid. Archidiac. quolibet anno vs. ix d. John Campbell Eſq; 1715. TYNE BY alias Tenby R. * [St. Mary] Ordinario quolibet 02 13 01 { tertio anno iii s, vid. ob. Archidiac. quolibet annov s. ix d. The Prince of Wales. iberžor 26 10 10 - 00 00 00 20 00 00 30 15 Livings Diſcharged. Clear learly Value, 09 00 00 Amroth V. Archidiac. quolibet anno xviii d. 00 07 104 Præceptor Slebech Propr. Mr. Woolford Impr. and Patr. 26 oo oo Angulo V. [St. Mary] Prox. quolibet anno xii d. 00 07 II Rector Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids, #7 Oo oo Begeley R. Syn, and Prox, vis. ix d. OI 05 II Sir John Philips Bart. 1700. I4 Oo oo Carew V. Biſhop of St. Davids Impr. and Patr. $ Caſtle-Martin V. [St. Michael] Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno? 2 iis, vid. oo 15 09 Pri. Moureton Propr. John Campbell Eſq; 1720. Mr. Stapleton Impr. 32 00 oo libet tertio anno xvid. Archidiac. quolibet anno v s. ix d. Sir Arthur Owen Bart, ŞCronver alias Cronowr R. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno ix d. 35 00 00 zga. Archidiac. quolibet anna v s. ix d. 00 12 084 The Prince of Wales. St. Florence V. viï . Aro diac, xii d. 00 09 10 The Reverend Dr. Peter Nedham, the Rector thereof. Gumfreſton R. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno ii s. Archidiac. 30 00 00 quolibet anno v s. ix d. 00 19 02% Jo. Willi ams 1693. John Meyrick Eſq; (W.) Esq 29 Oo oo Hogeſton V. 1 Sir Arthur Owen. Jarbeſton alias Yerbeſton R. (St. Laurence] Syn, and Prox. 33 00 00 00 10 041 quolibet anno v s. ix d. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno xvid: ob. Sir John Barlow 1700. John Barlow Ery; (W.) St. Iſmaels R. alias St. Iffells, Archidiac. quolibet anno üis.vi di oo 07 09 Chantor and Chapter of St. Davids Pātr. and Impr. 05 Oo oo Lamfey V. alias Llantiffi (St. Faith] Syn. and Prox. ii s. 00 10 10 Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. and Impr. Lawrenny . }or 03 03: doo bir300 {. Arcbidiac. Zoo 20 00 00 00 00 00 { Ja :30 12 00 00 * TYNEBY alias TENBY R. annex'd to the Vicarage by Queen Anne. + St. Florence V.-In the Vellum-Book in the Firſt-Fruits Office, from whence the Procurations, &c. are taken, this Vicarage is ſaid to be in the Collation of the Biſhop of St. Davids. Hogeflon V. This by the Certificate is returned as a Vicarage, but that is a miſtake, it ſhould have been the Rectory which is left charged, and there is no Vicarage diſtinct from that Rectory. Letter from Mr. Rowe Incumbent, December 7. 1724. but q. I -, PEMBROKESÄ. DIOCESE OF ST. DAVIDS. . 597 Clear rearly Value. 1. d. l. s. . 12 00 00 di Boro {Archidiac. Zoo пno koc Yearly Tenths, d. Lawrenny R. (St. Caredog] Ordinario quolibet tertio anno xii d. 45 Oo oo от об оо. 2 Archidiac. quolibet anno v s. ix d. Lewis Barlow Eſq; 1723. Loweſton R. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno ii d. ob. Archidiac. quolibet anno ilii s. vid. oo 08 06 John Campbell Efq; ŞLudchurch alias. Eglwys-Llwyd R. Archidiac. quolibet -anno 30 Oo oo { V s. ix' d. 00 07 057 The Prince of Wales. 14 00 00 Manerbier V. alias Maenor-bir [St. James] 00 16 oo Pri: Mountton Propr: Chriſt's College, Cambridge, Impr. and Patr. 16 oo oo Martlewy V. alias Martelwy. [St. Marcellus] 00 08 00 Præceptor Slebech Propr." Sir George Bariow Bart, or John Barlow Efq; S St. Michael's V. in Pembroke, with St. Nicholas alias Mounc- 40 Oo oo {s do 18 oo ton V. Pri. MounEton Propr. - Viſcount of Hereford 1699, Patr. and Impr. S Naſh and Upton R. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno ii d.ob. Ar: 2 {N 30 00 00 . . , }oo 13 03: John Bowen Efq; 1708. 22°10 00 {Penerbiye en archidiac. quolibet anno xix di. Ordinario quolibet} oo og ogi Nunnery of Acornbury Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids ::- -Patr.' Sir John Philips Impr. ' S St. Petrock R. * Ordinario quolibet tertio anno viii d. Archi- 32 00 oo { diac. quolibet anno v s. ix d. Penſ. Pri. Pembr. x s. Zoo 00 14-041 Mr. Campbell, 12 00 00 Stackpool-Elider V. [St. James] Ordinàrio quolibet tertio an- no iiii d. ob. Archidiac. quolibet anno xviid. 00 07 10 Rector ibidem Propr. Mr. Campbell. ŠTYNEBY V. (St. Mary) annex'd to the Rectory, Ordinario 2 fingulis annis iii s. nario 301 06 04: Nunnery of Delapree near St. Albans Propr. The Prince of Wales. St. Twinells" alias Winnoć"[St. Winocus) alias Wemor, alias 24 Oo oo Lymoc V. Ordinário quolibet tertio anno ili d... Archidiac. Soo 07 og quolibet anno xxiii d. Chantor and Chapter of St. Davids Impr.-and Patr. 10 00 00 Warren V. alias Woran, Syn, ańd Prox, quolibet anno ii s. oo 08 09 : Biſhop of St. Davids Impr. and Patr. Not.in Charge.. St. Ann's Chap. in Ruins, juxta Pembroke. Coadcandlafs + Chap. in Martlewy Pariſh. ; ܘܘ{ 13 06 08 1 Crancy * N. B. Mr. Campbell has finely adorned three Churches in this Deanry, viz. Starpool. Bofner, Stain pool-Elider, and St. Petrock. + Coadcandlaſs Chap.having laid 60 Years in Ruins, was neatly re-built on the Old Foundvion, and Endowed by Sir Arthur Owen Bart. anno 1718.. MSS Browne Willis Eſq; 598 Jeffrefton Cur. [St. Jeffry and St;}1,7:00 00 Cert . Val . '. + 7 2. 3. a. . s. d. ] 30 DIOCESE OF ST.DAVIDS. PEMBROKESH Craney R. The Prince of Wales Patr. St. Daniel's Chapel. Flimſton, Chapel to Caſtle-Martin, Biſhop of St. Davids. Minivear alias Winware Ch. [St. Womar q.] 347 :00 : -00 Gert. Val. Newton Chap. Mr. Deeds Patr. Abb. of St. Dogmael's Propr. PEMBROKE St. Michael's V. 7 P.ri. Mounst on Propr. Lord, PEMBROKE St. Mary's V. S Viſcount Hereford. Williamſton, Chapel to Begeley. : 00. oo. Cert, Vail. ) Reynoldſton Cur. Ch. to Begeley l. 2 :.00 : öo Cert. Val. Ridpert, Chapel to Carew 1.2 :.057 00 Cert. Val. Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Arch: Deaconry of Breton. 3. firit part of Bicon. BRECK NOCKSH, Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Arch-Deaconry of Brecon, with the P. of Llanvaes, Llog-04 00.00 40 00 00 has, and Llandoy included. Erected before the Year 1140. Biſhop of St. Davids. .09 10 07. Cantreffe R. [St. Mary) pro Ordinaria Juriſdictione v s. ix d. 00 19 00 The Reverend Mr. John Powell. 14 14.04% bet anno vi s. . . oi 09 051 Pri. Brecon olim Propr. The Prince of Wales. Biſhop of Glouceſter Impr. Iſtradgunleſs alias Yſtradgwnleſs R. [St. Kynog] In Ordinaria 09 10 07Viſit. pro Syn. and Prox. x s. v d. Richard Portrey Eſq; 1715. 13 oo oo Llandavilog R. alias Llan-Dy failog (St. Tyfailog] 01 06 oo The Prince of Wales. Llan-Ddetti alias Llanthetty R. (St. Dhetty) Syn. and Prox. o ix s. vd. 00 15 00 James Hughes and Anne his Wife 1714. Roger Fones Efq; ŞLlanhamlach (Kanamlwch) R. [St. Peter] Pri. de Malverne 06 or 08 2 xi s. Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno x s. v d. John Baldwyn 1714 Gabriel Powel Eſq; ŞLlanſanfraid (Llan-Sain-Ffred) R. (St. Bridget] Penj. Pri. 06 04 07 Brecon vi s. vijid. Syn. and Prox. annuatim x's.vd. 00 12 052 Lord Ahburnham 1717. Llanvigan alias Llan-Feugan R. (St. Menghan) Arcbidiac. Brecon pro Prox, vi s. xid. pro Syn. Epiſc. vid. pro Prox. Epiſo. quolibet tertio anno ii s. viii d. The Honourable Baron Price, by a Preſentation granted by Sir Charles Kemys Bart. 1717. Llanvre- ] }oo 19.00; म *၀၀ 00 12 02? } Prisoo 20 10 00 { 00 2 0 1 0 BRECKNOCKSH. DIOCESE"of"ST. DAVIDS. 599 King's Books. Tiarly Tenths. 1. s. d. . d. Llanvrenathe (Llan-Fernach) R. [St. Brynach] Syn. and Prox. 04 10 072 quolibet anna ix s. v.d. Zoo og 003 Mrs. Mary Waters an Infant Heireſs, by Her Truſtees, 1719. SLlulle V. alias Lliwell (St. David) Syn, and Prox. quolibet? 09 10.05 anno ix s. vii d. 00 19 00 ood The Biſhop of St. Davids. Church of St. Davids Impr. 09 03 11 Penderyn R. [St. Cynog] Syn, and Prox. quolibet anno ix s. v.d. do 18 041 Edward Williams Eſq; 1713. Daniel Winter M. D.. S Vaynor alias Y Faenor: Ri (St. Gwendelina] In Ordinaria? 08 03 Ii} Viſit. ix s. v d. 00 16 04 The Prince of Wales.. { bet Zoo 19 1 11:{ ia}. 31:06 oo vis. Zoo 06 07? Ordinaria Zoo 10 00' t 25 Oo oo Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Abriſker, Aber-Efgair V. (St. Mary) Pri: de Malverne 40. Oo oo 2 viï d. Syn. and Prox. viii s. ix d. Pri. Malverne olim Propr. William Flower Eſq;: 1714, Brecon V. [St. John Evangeliſt] olim the Priory Church Pri, Brecon olim Propri. Sir Edward Williams Bart. Wil- 13 04 liam Morgan of Tredeager Eſqi Impr. SLlandewalley, alias Llandevachle, and Crickarderne V. * [St. 40 00.00 Teilaw] Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno iliis, viïi d. Mr. Vaughan of Tretowe 1720. 34 00 00 SLlanſpythid (Llan-Ylbyddyd) v. [st. Codocus] In Ordinaria? Jurifdi&tione iii s. i 2. II' 091 Pri. Malverne-major in Worceſter Propr. Edward Jef- freys Eſq; Patr. and Impr. - vid. and . vid. 00. u 061 Arch-Deacon of Brecon Impr. and Patr. Merthyr-Cynog V. [St. Cynog) Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno 2 ix s. viid. 00 15 00 Pri. Malverne-major in Worceſter Propr. John Jeffreys Efq; Impr., and Patr.) 33 00 00 Talachdy R. [St. Mary] Syn, and Prox, quolibet anno‘v s. v d. 00 09 024 Edward Lewis Efqz 1700- Garth-Brengy.Pi and Curacy in the College of Brecon (St. David] 00 06 08 The Biſhop of St. Davids. 41 08. od Trallong P. and Cur, in the College of Brecon (St: David] 00 14 002 i The Bishop'of: St. Davids. Not in-Charge. Battle Cur. [St. Cynog) I. 5:05: _ Cest. Val. Bettws, Chap. to Llanſpýthid Pa- riſh 1.2 : 00 : oo Cert. Vol. Blaen Llandewalley. In the Vellum Book this is placed in D. Segunda partite Brkowe;; 10 00 00 { nno doo 20 00 00 P.31 . 1 eܘܟ̣ DIOCESE.of: S.T. DAVID SI BRECKNOCKSHË ? .:, - fi . i ! A Blaen Glyn Tawy Capell. to Devunnock, Capell-Kynog Chap. Chriſt's College in Brecknock. Biſhop of St. Davids. Colbren, Chap. to Iſtradgunleſs L. : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Colwen. [St. Colven] Chap. in l. 3: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Iſtradgunleſs Pariſh } Crickadarn Chápe in Llandeval-{1.14 : 00 : oa Cert . Val. The Heirs of Mr. Williams Patr. Difryn-Hondy Cur. in Merthir Pariſh. Garthbrengy Ć. [St: David) under 31. 10 : 00 : 00 Cert.Val. the Preb, [Iſtrad-Welfry 'alias. Veltrey, [St. Mary] Chap. to Devunnock v. } 22 : 00 :100 Cert. Val. Llachvane, Chap. to Llanhamlach.. Llandeilo-Vaur Chap: [St. Teilaw.]. Fobn Jeffreys Efq; Llaniwern C. 1. 5: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Llannant-Brane.and. Llandilo-va-31, 9:06 : 00 Cert.Val Llanvihangell-Nantbrane Chap. [St. Michael.] Pri. Mal- verne-major in Worceſter Propr. John Jeffreys Efų; Llanvihangell-Vechan [St. Michael] a Chapel to Llandevai- log R. Llanthew C. (Holy Trinity) un- der the Arch-Deacon of Bire-1., 6: 00 : 00 Cert. Vals Llanwnnon R. Mrs. Mary Waters. St. Mary Chap. in Brećknoek 1.4: 06 : 02 Cert. Val. Nanddye Chap. in Cantreff Pariſh l. 2 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Penpont, Chap. to Llanfpythid V. Rhyd-Bryw, Chap. to Liwell V. l. 2: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Tafe-Vechan Chap. in Llanthet- 2 : 12 : 00 Cert. Val. : Trallong Cur. [St. David) under the P. thereof f! 1.10: 00 : oo Cert. Val. Tyr-Abbot New-Chap. Cur. [Ilfyd] . De- vunnock Pariſh 3 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. nec C. 32,6 con. . :: - + *- }4. ty Pariſh S. d. D. Second part of Buecknock. MONMOUTHSH, Livings' remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. Comduy V. * alias Llan-Fihangel: Comduy [St. Michael] Syn. 09 13 Oiż and Prox, quolibet anno yi s. xi.... , DO 19 03 Rector thereof. CRICKHOWEL (Cryg-Hywell). R. [St. Edmund] Syn, and 05 09 09Prox. viii s. DO 10 11 Duke of Beaufort. Crickhowel- * Comduy V...In the Vellum Book this is the only Benefice that is placed in D. Third Part of Brecon. o 013 yn. BRBCKNOCKSĀ. DIOCESE OF 'ST. DAVIDS. 601 *. }or 07 }.00 00 11 00 06 14. 09:. 3:{ of}oo III. King's Books, Yearly Textbe, li d. I. d. 04 14 07 Crickhowel-Portion (St. Edmund] (faid to be an Impropria 00 09 055 tion) Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno vii s. id. 31 13 09 Llangattock, Llan-Gattwg R. (St. Cadocus) (Sine-Cure) 03 03 045 Duke of Beaufort. SLlangynedr and Eglwyſveley R. [St. Eynider] Syn, and Prox. 2 13 14 07 xii s. v d. 07 05 Duke of Beaufort. ŞLlangors V. (St. Paulinus] Syn. and Prox. ix s. v d. 05 10 00 Pri, Brecon olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Windſor Propr, and Patr. 19 15 02 Llan-Fihangell Comduy R. (St. Michael] or 1906 Duke of Beaufort. Lord Arthur Somerſet. og 08 09 Comerdny V. 00 18 10 and Prox. X s, ix d, 00 13 051 Lord Aſhburnham. 01 07 031 SLlandevailog Trefy-graig (St. Tyfailog] Cap. in the Pariſh of Llanvillo 02 081 CertifiedValue. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value, 30 00 00 Brunles (Brwnllys) V. (St. Mary) Syn. and Prox, v s. iii d. 00 09 07 Mr. Vaughan of Tretowre 1720. Crickhowel, Cryg-Hiwell V. (St. Edmund] Syn, and Prox. iiii s. vi d. 07 Rector thereof. 40 00 oo Katheddin R. [St. Michael] Repriz, v s. ix d. oo 10 035 Duke of Beaufort. SLlanellw R. alias Llamell (St. Elliew] Syn, and Prox, vii s. 25 Oo oo id. oo 08 07+ Lord Ahburnham. 30 00 00 Llangaſtey-Tall-y-llyn R. [St. Gaſty] Syn, and Prox.viii s. id. 00 og 10; Mr. James Parry. Llanvihangell.Tall,y,llyn R. [St. Michael] Pri. Brecon v s. 40 00 00 . quolibet anno ix s. . 09 02 William Philips Eſq; 1713. 45 Oo oo Llifwen (Llys-Wen) R. Syn. and Prox. quolibet anno v s. v d. 00 07 051 Sir Edward Williams of Gweneruel Knt. 1718. Not in Charge. Llangattock V. Rector thereof, Llanelliw, Chap. to Llangattock [St. Elliew.) Llangenag, Chap, to Llangattock (St. Trillo.] Llantony Chap. in Cwmduy Pariſh l. 5 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Tre-Tower Chap. in_Cwmduy}1. 2 : 10 : 00 Cert. Vak Parish 20 00 00 { Viss}00 Hhhh D. 602 DIOCES E of ST.DAVIDS. BREÇENOCKŞH D. Third Part of Brecknock, alias . Hape 1. S. IQ 00 00 . d. 01 00 00 9. Mr. Wela 4 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books Yearly Tenths. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Glaſbury V. (St. Peter] The Prince of Wales and Biſhop of Glouceſter Patr. alter- nately. The Biſhop Impr. 16 17 06 Llan-Bedr and Patriceo R. * (St. Peter] OL 13 09 Duke of Beaufort. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 17 Oo oo Haia V. Y Gelli (St. Mary] 00 14 Pri. Brecon Propr. Sir Edward Williams Bart. 40 Oo oo Llanigen V. [St. Nicholas] 00 15 057 Pri. Brecon Propr. The Prince of Wales. lington. Not in Charge. Aberllunry, Chapel to Glaſbury V. Capel. y Fien C. . Chap[St. Mary] in the Pariſh of Clodock 7 : 00 : 00 Cert. Vali Edward Harley Eſq; Patr. Heref. Clodock V. [St. Cleodocus.] Edward Harley Efq; Monmouth. Cwmjoy Cur.[St. Mi- l. 11:00: 00 Cert. Val. Edward Harley Efq; Heref. Dulace [St. Michael] Chap. to Ewias-Harold. 4 : 00 : 0o Cert. Val. William Parry Eſq; Propr. Heref. Ewias-Harold C. [St. Mi- 20:00: 00 Cert. Val. Biſhop of Glouceſter Patr. Gwenthwr C. l. 6 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. St. John Baptiſt, Chapel to HAIA V. . Langtown Chap. (St. Pe-? 1. 16 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val.. ter) in the Pariſh of Clodock Edward Harley Eſq; Patr. Llanwaine Llanweno 6 : 10: 00 Cert. Val. Peter] Chap. to Clodock. Edward Harley Eſq; . Llanfilloe . Edward Harley Eſq; Patr. Llanywern C. (St. Mary.] The Pariſhioners Patr.. Heref. St. Margaret's Cur. 1. 6 : 00 : 00 Cert, Val. Edward Harley Eſq; Patr. Heref . Llanibedder R. This in the Vellum-Book is put in D. Buelte. chael] 1-31 a}4. Mi-. 1 BRÉCKNOCK&H. DIOCESÉ Of S T. DAVIDS. 603 Heref. Michael Church-Efkley C. [St. Michael] 7 : 00 : 00- Cert. Val. 00 . Edward Hurley Efq; Patr. Monmouth. Old-Caſtle C. [St. [ St.}. 00 John Baptiſt] 3 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Edward Harley Eſq; Patr. Heref. Rowlſton C. [St. Peter) l. 4 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Edward Harley Efq; Talgarth V. in Brecknock [St. Gwendeline.] Dean and Canons of Windſor. Heref. Walterſtone Cur. [St. Mary]l. 3 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Edward Harley Eſq; Patr. D. Buelte. s. s. of} oz ***00 19 031 Livings remaining in Charge. Ring's Books. Yearly Tentbs. 1. d. Rectories, &c, with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 09 08 09 Llanavon-Vawr R. alias Llan-Afan-fawr (St. Avanust 00 18 10 Biſhop of St. Davids. SLlanganrerch alias Llan-Gammarch P. in the College of? 27 Oo oo { Brecknock. Vide the Biſhopric *. 2 14 00 This is the Treaſurerſhip of Brecknock College. ŞLlanwthull P. alias Llan-Wthwl, in the College of Breck- 09 12 II { nock. Biſhop of St. Davids. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Values 30 00 00 Llan-Gammárch V. QO 17 05 Preb.ibm. Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids. 20 00 00 Llanwthull V. [St. Mwthwi] Preb, ibm. Propr. Biſhop of St, Davids. 25 Oo oo Llanynis alias Llanynys R. Syn. and Prox. V s, v d. 00 14 00 Biſhop of St. Davids. 40 00 00 Maeſmynys R. [St. David] 00 14 01 Biſhop of St. Davids. Not Charged. Altmawr (St. Mauritius] Chap.}.. 2:14: 00 Cert. Val. to Llanavon-Vaur V. Llanllowenwell Chap. to Llanw-31. 2 : 13 : 04 Cert. Val. thull V. Avanus Vaur V. Llanvihangell-Abergweſſin [St. Michael] Cur. to Llanga- merch. . 2 : Llanyihangell-Prinaponvals-Bryant.31. 16 : 00 : 00 Cert. Vol. . H hh h 2 * Llan-Gammarch P.Settled on the Biſhop in lieu of Mortuarios. Llanddewy. -604 DIOCESE of ST.DAVIDS. BRECKNOCKSHI. ܪܶ 1. d. 1. S. d. 10 I2 OI Llanddewy-Abergwillen (St. Da- vid] Chap. to Llanavon-Vaut:34. 18 : 00 : 06 Cert. Val. Llanwrthyd (St. David] Chap.}li 14 : 17 : 10 Cere. Val. Llanganteen [St:Catherine JChap.31. 5 : 00 : 00 Cert.Val. under the Preb. of Llandarog. s . Biſhop.of. St. Davids. Llanfeynfrede Ch, to Llan-Gammarch. Llangynoc (St. Kynog]: Chap. under the Preb. of Llandarog. : 12 : 0g Cert. Val. Llanddewyr Cwm Chap. (St. Das}1..5:00 : 00 Cert Val. LLANVAIR in Buelte [St. Mary] a Market-Town in this Dean- l. 10 : 00 : 00.Cert. Vali ry (not in Charge,) is a Cur. Pri. Brecknock olim Propr. Mrs. Amy, and Mrs. Mary Harcourt Impr. New-church in Tyr-Abbot Ch.. Rayder Chap. to Llan-Gammarch.. 3. Melleneth, Melienpod, alias Elvell-Dchmoneth. RADNORSHIRE. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenthso. Rectories, &c., with their. Patrons and Proprietors. Blethvaugh R. (St. Mary) OI OI 021 Biſhop of St. Davids 03 17 035 St. Harmon alias Llan-Armon:P: in the College of Brecknock. 00 07 08.1 Biſhop of St. Davids.. 80 19 041 Keventhles R. alias Cefüllys (St. Michael] oo 17. 115 Biſhop of St. Davids. 34 00 00 Llanbyſter P: is the Chancellorſhip in the Church of Brecknock, 03.08 00 Biſhop of St. Davids. 05 Oo oo Llandegla P. in the College of Brecknock. Biſhop of St. Dauids. 13 Oo oo Llangunllo P. in the College of Brecknock.. or 06 oo; Biſhop of St. Davids.. 11 17 06 Nantmell V. (St. Kynlog] 01 03 09. Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Church of St. Davids Impr. MONTGOMERYSHIRE 17 08 04 Kerry V. [St. Michael]" OI: 14. 10 Biſhop of $t: Davids Patr. and I'mpr: RADNORSH.. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 35 00 00 Beguildy, V. alias Begeildy (St. Michael] 00- 15 06 Biſhop of 'St. Davids Patr.. Church of St. Davids Impr. 25 00 00 Caſcomb R. (St. Michael] 00 14 00 Biſhop of S.. Davids. 25 00 00 Llanſanfraid-Cwm y tayddwr * (St. Bridget.}; 00:11 06 Biſhop of St. Davids. 40 00 00 St. Harmon V. alias Llan-Armon. po 11.064 Biſhop of St. Davids Patr.. Prebendary Impr.. Hiope * Llanfanfra:d-Cwmytayddwr. The Tithes divided between the Prebend and Vicar. 00 10 00 : RADNORSI. DIOCESE of ST.DAVID S. 605 2. s. di 1 25 Oo oo } }. 1. 22 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Terthsa 1. d. Hiope R. [St. David] 00 10 08 Biſhop of St. Davids. 38 oo oo Llanbiſter V. [St. Kynlog] 00 13 01 Preb: ibr. Propr. Biſhop of St, Davidson 46 oo 00 Llanbadarn Vaur R. (St. Paternus] 00 15 00 Biſhop of St. Davids. 25 Oo oo Llandegla V. [St. Tecla]. oo 06 06 Preb. ibm. Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids. 28 00 00 Llangynllo V. (St. Kynlog] 00 10 013 Preb.ibm. Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids. 30 00 00 Llanydrindod P. alias Lledrindod (Holy Trinity] 00 10 10 Biſhop of St. Davids. 32 00 00 Moughtry P. with Cure [All-Saints] (in Co. Montgomery.) oo 02 08 Biſhop of St. Davids. 24 Oo oo Whitton R. [St. David). 00:08 og Biſhop of St. Davids. Not in Charge. [St. ] to Llanyre [All-Saints] Chap. to Nantmell. 22 : 00 : 00 Certified Val.. Llanvihangell Religon: alias Helligen, Chap. to Nant-lo 3:00. : 00. Certified Val.. mell. Llanwanno als Llanyenno[St. 1: 10 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Wonno] Chap.toLlanbiſter. S Llanvihangel-Rid-Ithon [St. Michael]. Chap.. to Llan-1: 14. :00 :: 00 Certified Vals bifter. Llanbadern Vyneth (St. Wy-31. 19: 00 : 00. Certified Val. nith] Chap. to P.Llanbifter. S Llanddewy-Iftradenny C. (St. David]Chap: to Llanbifter. 14 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Llanydrindod Cur.. (Holy Trinity] under the Preb. {1.. 6 :.00 :. 00. Certified Val. . . . thereof. Moughtrey Cur. [A11-Saints) (in Co. Montgomery.) un-Sl. 8:00 : 00. Certified Val, der the Preb. thereof. Pilleth (St. Mary] Chap. to Llangunllo. 4 :: 12 : 06 Certified Val.. RHAYDER-Gwy. [St. Clem? 1. I ment] Chap. to Nantmell. 1:15: 00:Certified I D. elwel alias Elfael Timoneth *: Livings remaining in Charge.. King's Books. Piariy Tenths. Reftories;. &c. uith their Patrons and Proprietors: 12 13 04 Aberdowe R. (St. Gewydh); 01. 05.04 Bishop of St. Davids. Bryngwyn. No Procurations or Synodals mentioned in the Sarvey, in this Deanry, } to} 1. s. d. 1. s. d. 606 DIOCESE of $T. DAVID S. RADNORSK King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. s. a. I. s. d. IÏ 06 08 Bryngwyn R. [St. Michael] 01 02 08 Biſhop of St. Davids. oy 06 08 Clyrowe alias Clyre P. [St. Michaeí] in the College of Brecon. 00 14 08 Biſhop of St. Davids. 16 oo oo Diſerth R. alias Bettws-Diſerth (St. Gewydh] Biſhop of St. Davids. 12 1ğ'041 Glanſtery R. alias Glandeſtry- [St. Mary] oi 05 11 The KING, or Prince of Wales. дi об о8 Llanfanfreet P. in the College of Brecknock. 00 02 08 Biſhop of St. Davids. ΟΙ 12 ΟΘ 00 12 00 . {lla a}or 04 00) of}co Home Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 42 00 00 Boughrodde V. alias Bochrudd [St. Gynog] 01 04 08 Preb, ibm. Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids. 40 00 00 Clyrowe V. [St. Michael] Preb. ibm. Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids. 35 00 00 Crigrina (Orig. Tregyna) R. [St. David] 00 18 08 Biſhop of St. Davids. 34 00 00 Glafcombe alias Glaſcwm V. [St. David] OI 06 08 Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. and Propr. Llandbedrpain Caſtle P. alias Bochroyd (St, Peter] with a 40 00 00 Cur, in the College of Brecknock. Biſhop of St. Davids. ŞLlandilo-Graban P. [St. Teilaw] with a Cur. in the College 44 00 00 of Brecknock. 19 04 Biſhop of St. Davids. Llanelweth P. [St. Matthew] with a Cur. in the College of 7 25 Oo oo Brecknock. 00 13 00 Biſhop of St. Davids. 40 00 00 Llanſan-Ffraid V. (St. Bridget] 00 11 051 Preb. ibm. Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids. 28 Oo oo Llowes V. alias Llywoffé '[St. Meilig] 00 17 00 00 Arch-Deacon of Brecknock Propr. and Patr. 15 Oo oo Nantmellan V. (St. Michael]. 00 09 04 The Prince of Wales Patr. Duke of Somerſet Impr. 25 00 00 Newchurch R. [St. Mary] 00 10 08 Biſhop of St. Davids. Not in Charge. Bettus-Clyrowe Chap. Bettws [St. Mary] Chap; to 31. 18: 00:00 Certified Val. Differth. Colva [St. David] Chap. to 31: 10: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Glaſcombe. Llanbedr-Paincaſtle C. under the Preb. of Boughrodde. Fl. 8 :.00 7.00 Certified Val. Llanddewy. Vachion (St. David) Chap. to Llowes V. Llandilo-Graban C. (St. Teilaw] under the Preb. Llanbadern y Gareth (St. Patern) Chap. to Clydowe. Llanwarth ! to}. RADNORSH. DIOCESE of ST, DAVIDS 607 Llanwarth (St. Mary] Chap. 31 . 43 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Llanelweth Cur. (St. Mat- thew] under the Preb. 1. 6 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Llanbadering . Garreg Chap.} 12 : 06 : 08 Certified Val. Llanftephan C. (St. Stephen] I. 9:00, : 00 Certified Val. Arch-Deacon of Brecknock Impr. Rulen [St. David] Chap. to? Glaſcombe. 4 : 13 : 04 Certified Val. -5034 . Arch:Ucaconrp of Carmarthen. 0 0 12 00 {L Llambeudy P. ar Impropriation (St. Brynoch] (formerly in for 12 00 07 10 00 D. Carmarthen *. CARMARTHENSHIRE. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly , Tentha. 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons, and Proprietors. 1. 16 00 00 S Arch-Deaconry of Carmarthen, haş the Preb. of Llanrian als Llan-Rhiain in the Ch, of St. Davids annex®d. Biſhop of St. David's. Erected before the Year 1150. 08 Oo oo Eglwyſcymmyn R. [St. Margaret Marlos] 00 16 oo The K IN G, or Prince of Wales. 16 oo oo 2 .) Mr. Conelly and Mr. Cornwall Impr. Llandawk and Pendin R. [St. Margaret Marlos) 00 15 00 Richard Stedman and Jane the Wife of Charles Hanmer Eſq; 1720. 07 Oo oo Llan-Gan P. [St. Gan] in the Church of St. Davids. 00 14 00 Biſhop of St. Davids. 45 00 00 + LLAUGH ARNE P. alias Llacharn [St. Martin] 04 10 00 An Impropriation in the Church of Wincheſter, 06 00 00 SLlanſadyrnyn R. [St. Sadwrn] 700 12 00 06 oo oo 2 + LLAUGHARNE V. united (St. Martin] Soo 12 00 Mr. Edward Hughes 1707, 1717. by Grant from Lord Arthur Somerſet. SLlandyſilio P. [St. Tyffilio] in the Church of Brecon, Pens? 12 09 043 Collegio de Abergwilly xx s. Syn. and Prox.x s. ix d. O! 04 11 Biſhop of St. Davids. 08 13 04 Llanftephan V. (St. Stephen] 0 17 04 Præceptor. Slebech Propr. Thomas Vaughan Efq; Impr. Prince of Wales. S Trefieghe alias Tre’lêch-Bettws [St. Teilaw] anĮmpropriation,? 16 oo oo formerly in the College of Llandewi-Brevi. Mr. Conelly and Mr. Cornwall Propr., Llan- * No Procurations or Synodals mentioned in this Deanry, but to Llandeſilio P. and Llandeviy Cur. or Vic. + Llaugharns. The Advowfon thereof granted to the Church of Winchefer, Aug. 21, 1547. Strype's Memorials, Vol. II. p. 76. & vide Rotul, de Term. Mich. Anno 69 Eliz, whereby the Tenths of this Recto- ry are diſcharged. 1 { tion or I 2 OO 5 608 DIOCESE of ST. DAVID S. PEMBROKESH. ŞLlanddewiwilfrei alias Llanddwi Wilfrai R. Portion (St. Da-}oo 16.00 20 00 00 13 00 King's Books. Yearly Tonths, 1. s. d. 1. d. IO OO OO Llan-Bedr Welfry R. [St. Peter] 01 00 00 The KING, or Prince of Wales, 08 oo oo 2 vid] Sine-Cure The KING, or Prince of Wales. CARMARTHENSHIRE, Livings Diſcharged, Clear Yearly Value. 14 00 00 Abernant V. [St. Lucia] and Cynwyl Chap. 00 15 04 Pri. Carmarthen Propr. John Saintloé, Mary, Anne, and Theod. Tilly preſented 1727. 70. St. Loe Efq; and Mr. Tilly Impr. 21 18 04 CARMARTHEN V. St. Peter's. 00 13 04 Pri. Carmarthen Propr. The Prince of Wales. Jo. Mor- gan Eſq; Impr. St. Clare V, 00 09 08 All-Souls-College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 31 00 00 . Henllan-Amgoed R. [St. David) 00 13 00 The Pariſhioners, being Freeholders. Killmaenlloyd R, alias Cil y manllwdn (St. Philip and St. 35 00 00 & James] The Prince of Wales. 31 Oo oo Llan-bеudy V. [St. Brynoch) 00 16 oo Ch. of Llandewi-Brevi olim Propr. Biſhop of $1. Da- vids Patr. Mr. Conelly and Mr. Cornwall Propr. 17 Oo oo Llandeſfillio V. alias Llan-Dyſfylio (St. Tyffilio.] 00 14 00 Biſhop of St. Davids. Prebendary in the Church of Bre- con Impr. 38 oo oo LLANDDOVERO R. alias Llan-Deferowr (St. Cringat] Sir John Philips Bart. 25 00 00 Llan-Falteg R. (St. Maltig] 00 08 oo Biſhop of St. Davids. 18 05 00 Llan-Gan V. [St. Can] со об оо Preb, of Llangan in the Ch. of St. Davids Propr. Mr. Bloodworth Tenant. Biſhop of St. Davids. 16 oo oo Llanglodwen R. (St. Clydwn] 00 05 04 The Prince of Wales. 47 00 00 Merthyr R. [St. Martin 00 09 08 The Prince of Wales. 43 Oo oo Meidrim V. (St. David) 00 15 00 Biſhop of St. Davids. Arch-Deacon of St. Davids Impr. 16 Oo oo Trefleghe-Bettus V. alias Tre'lêch and Bettws [St. Teilaw] 00 13 04 College of Llandewi-Brevi Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Mr. Conelly and Mr. Cornwall Impr. PEMBROK ESHIRE. SLlanddewiwillfrei alias Llan-Ddewi Wilfrai [St. David] Se. 38 00 00 cond Portion, alias V. 14 1 The KING, or Prince of Wales. # 00 12 00 S-300 Nou CARMARTHENSH. DIOCESE of S T. DAVID S. 609 Not in Cbarge. Bettws Chap. to Trefleghe. Canvil-Elvet alias Colwell, alias Cynwyl [St. Gonvil] {l. 3 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Chap. to Abernant. Mr. St. Loe Impr. Egermond Cur. [St. Michael] l. 3 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Rawleigh Manſell Eſq; Patr. Eglws-fair [St. Davide? Chap.31. 19 : 15 : 00 Certified Val . Eglwys-fair ap Lantâf Ch. to Llan-Beudi. Kyffis Ester ky fig] Cur-to 31. 14 : 12 : 00 Certified Val. Llanllwch Chap. to Carmar-31 . 00 : 10:00 Certified Val. . Llangain Chap. (St. Synin] l. 4 : 00 : 00 Certified Val, Mr. Bloodworth Impr. Llanybri Chap. to Llanyſtephan V. ] Chap.34 to Llanyſtephan V. 1. 10: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Llanvihangell-Abercowyn (St. Michael] Chap. to Mydrim V. Llan-Newida Cur. als New-}l. 6 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Llangining Chap. to St. 2 31. 3 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Cleere. Llandilo-Aber-Cowin C. 1. 16:08:00 Certified Val. Mrs. Geers. Llanwinnio C. [St. Gwinnio] l. 8 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Mr. Roger Jones Impr. Llanwndle C. [St. Michael] Mr. Manwaring Patr. Marros Chap. to Llaugharne. l. 12 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. St. Nicholas Chap. cum Marblechurch. then. D. kidwellp 1. s. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly i enths. d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 08 oo oo Llan-Edi R. (St. Edith) 00 16 oo The KING, or Prince of Wales. og 13 04 Llanvaylog V. alias Llan-Defailog (St. Tyfailog] 00 19 04 Coll. Newark in Leiceſtr. Propr. Duke of Somerſet Impr, and Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 40 00 00 KIDWELLY V. & alias Cidweli [St. Mary] 00 15 00 Pri. Kidwelly Propr, The Prince of Wales. Iiii LLANELLY * Llany ſlephan V. [St. Stephen]— lately made a Meeting-Houſe. + No Procurations or Synodals mentioned in this Deanry. I KIDWELLY V. In this Pariſh are five ruind Chapels, viz. Tylo, Llanvihangel, Coker, Cadoc, and St. Tbomas, 610 DIOCESE . E CARMARTHENSH. of ST. DAVIDS. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. oo I2 08 27 06 08 oo 06 oo Clear Yearly Value. Yearly . LLANELLY V. alias Llan-Elli (St. Elliew] Pri. Kidwelly Propr. Duke of Somerſet Impr. and Patr, 30 Oo oo Llan-Gunnor V. [St. Gwinnour] Mr. John Williams Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids. 10 15 00 Penbrey V. alias Pen Bre (St. Ilfyd] Colleg. de Newark in Leiceſter Propr. or Abb. Sherborne in Dorſet. Duke of Somerſet Impr. and Patr. 40 00 00 St. Iſmael V. Morgan Owen Efq; Impr. The Prince of Wales. Not in Charge. Llanſaint [All-Saints] Chap. to Iſmael. Ifan (St. John] Chap. to Llanelly. oo 12 08 * 00 14 00 Llangennith Late Gwynnoc)}1. 6 : 13 : 04 Certified Val. Llanelly Llandyrw, Chap. to Penbrey. Dewi Chap. (ruined.) Dyddwen Chap. (ruined.) St. Cynderin? Llandevaylog Llannon C. [St. Non] Impr. l. 6 : 13 : 04 Certified Val. Y drindod Chap: (ruined.) D. Llanddilo + and Llan-Gadog. l. {}or OD 10 00 10 00 00 QI 00 00 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenthisi I. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. s, d. Llanarthne P. [St. David] in the College of Brecknock t,for- 15 00 00 merly in the Ch: of Abergwilly. Biſhop of St. Davids. Llanddarog P. [St. Twynog) in the CoHege of Brecknock. Biſhop of St. Davids. 16 oo oo LLANDILO-V AUR V. alias Llan-Deilo fawr [St. Teilow] OI 12 00 Abb. de Valle Regali Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids. Mrs.. Warner Impr. 07 Oo oo Llandraddat V. alias Lifandingad V.. [St. Dingat] 00 14 00 Chapter of St. Davids Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids... Llan-Egwod V. [St. Egwod] 00 17 04. Abb. Talley Propr. Biſhop of 'St. Davids Patr. Marq. of Wincheſter and Morgan Owen Efq; Propr. 09 00 00 LLANGADDOCK V. alias Llan-Gadog (St. Cadocus] 00 18 oo Colleg. Abergwilly Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids. 18 Oo oo ŞLlanvenneth alias Llan-fynnyd P. (St. Egwod) is the Precen- 2 torſhip of Brecon. oi 16 oo Biſhop of St. Davids. Kilcombe is found among the Poffefſions of the College of Newark in Leiceſter. Vide tle Leiceſter-Roll in Offic. Primit. & Decimarum. + No Procurations or Synodals mentioned in this Deanry. | Sce Browne Willis's Mitred Abbies, Vol. II. p. 3030 for the Foundation Charter of the College of -Brecknock. 08 13 04 ***301 * Penbrey CARMARTHENSH. DIOCESE of ST. DAVID S. 611 1 00 10 00 10 00 00 şi , yZoo 00 1. 00 0 King's Books. Pearly Tenths. $ d. 1. s. d. 05 Oo oo Kilcombe V.alias Cil-y-cwm [St. Michael] 00 10 00 John Morgan Efq; Impr. and Patr. 05 00 00 Kinivilgaio V. alias Cynwyl-gaio (St. Kinvil] Abb. Talley Propr. The Prince of Wales Patr. Zacha. Hamlyn Eſq; Impr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 48 oo oo Abergwilly V. alias Aber-Gwili (St. David] oo об о8 Pri. Carmarthen Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Chap- ter of Windſor Impr. Llanvihangell-Kilwargen R. alias Llan Fihangel-Cil-y-fargen? 00 02 08 { [St. Michael] Marquis of Winchofter, now D. of Bolton 1927 Patr. 40 Oo oo Llanarthne V. (St. David] Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. The Prebendary thereof Impr. 40 00 00 Llandeby V. alias Llan-dybiaw (St. Tybie] Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Chapter of St. Davids Impr. 40 00 00 Llangathen V. alias Llan-Galthen (St. Michael and All Saints] 00 13 04 Nunnery of Cheſter Propr. Biſhop of Cheſter Impr. and Patr. Llandſadurne V. alias Llan-Sadwrn [St. Sadwrn] 39 10 00 00 13 00 Abb. Falley : Propt. Franc. Cornwallis Eſq; 1716 Patr. Sir John Rudd Impr. 23 00 00 Llanthenny alias Llanllwni V. [St. Llwny] Pri. Carmarthen Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Bi- ſhop of Lincoln Impr. 46 oo oo Llanvenneth V. alias Llanfynydd (St. Egwod] O0 13 04 Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Precentor of Brecknock Impr. 07 Oo oo Lloughbether V. alias Llanybyder (St. Peter) 00 08 oo Pri. Carmarthen Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Ed- ward Jones Eſq; Impr. 30 00 00 Mothby V. alias Myddfai (St. Michael] 00 12 08 Biſhop of St. Davids Impr. and Patr. 26 Oo oo Llan-Fihangel Orarth V. [St. Michael] 00 12 08 Pri. Garmarthen Propř. William Angell Efq; Patr, and Impr. 27.00.00 Pencarreg V. [St. Patrick] 00 08 oo Abb. of Strata Florida Propr. John Lewis Efq; 1696. Mr. Jones and Mr. Edwards Impr. Not in Charge. Abergorlech Chap Bach Chap (ruined.) Bettws C. [St. David] 1. 6 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. Brechva C. [St. Teilaw] 1.8 ; 05 : oo Cert. Val. Lady Rudd and Mr. Lewis Impr.. Cynfab Ch. to Llandingat. Gwynvey Cur, in the Pariſh of Llangaddock. 2 : 00 : oo Cert.Val. Iiii2 Gwnfan 00 10 00 of}l. 2 : 00:00 612 DIOCESE of S T. DAVIDS. CARMARTHENSH, er-}4 Gwnfan Chap. Holy-Trinity or Tilliaris Chap. I. 10 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Kil-y-cwm C. 1. 10: 00 : oo Cert. Val. John Morgan Eſq; Propr. Llandarwg V. (St. I'wrrwg] l. 8 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. The Preb. Patr. Llan-y. Pimplaint Chap. to Aber. 5 : 00 : oo Cert. Valo gwilly. Llan-Fihangel-wchwily Chap. [St. Michael] Llanlloian Chap. Llanvihangell-Rhoſycorn Chap. Llanycrwys Chap. [St. Davidſ Mr. Marm. Lloyd. Llanſawel Chap. [St. Sawell] Llandingat V. (St. Mary] Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Church of St. Davids Impr. Llanvair y Brin Chap. Llanddeuſant Chap. to Llan-Deilo Vaur. Stipend 2 l. paid by Mr. Rice of Newtown. Llanybither Cur. l. 6 : 10:00 Cert. Val. Llanvihangel-Aberbythick C. 15 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. [St. Michael] Llanlawthog (St. Lawdog] Chap. 1. 5: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. to Abergwilly. Llandeveyſon C. l. 3 : 00 : 00 Cert: Val. Llanwnda Chap. [St. Cwrda] Newid Chap Pelyn Chap. Pencader Chap. (ruined.) Tally C. (St. Michael] 1. 8:00 : oo Cert. Vala Fran. Cornwallis Eſq; Impr. [N. B. The following Chapels. are ruinated.] Criſt (Holy Trinity) Mair, Llanvihangel, Cynhwm, and Trilo, Capel. Gwilym-foethus by Cothi-Bridge. 31. 15 E 9. Gower *, alias Gwpr. l. S. d. og 06 08 oi 07 038 GLAMORGANSHIRE, Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenobs. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Biſhopſton R. (St. Teilaw] 00 18 08 Biſhop of Llandaffe. 09 07 03: Cheriton R. [St. Cadocus) 00 18 08 The Prince of Wales. ŞLlandevailog-Trefgraig, alias Llandeilo-tref-graig Church or ? 02. 08% Chap Guardianatus de Swanzey five P. (an Impropriation.) 09 06 08 Ilfton R. (St. Ilfyd] 00 18 08 The Prince of Wales. og 14 09 Llangevellach V. [St. Geffeliach) 00 19 052 The Impropriation of this is in the Bifhop of 51. Davidsg as Dean of the College of Brecknock. Llanvaydock • No Procurations or Synodals mentioned in this Deanry. 03:{Lla of} oo 20 00 00 02 00 oo GLAMORGANSH. DIOCESE OF ST. D.AVID S. 613 Yearly Tenths. 1. d. oo 1600 00 19 oo 00. 18 07 00 18 08 00 06 04 King's Books. 1. s. de 09 00 00 Llanvaydock alias Llanvadog R. (St. Cadocus] The Prince of Wales, 09 10 05 Lloher alias Llwhwr R. [St. Michael] The Prince of Wales. 09 05 10 Portinion R. alias Portheinon (St. Cadocus] The Prince of Wales. 09:06'08 Roſfille R. (St. Mary] The Prince of Wales 1717. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 8 Oo oo Llandewy V. alias Llan-Ddewi (St. David] Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Chapter of St. Davids Impr.. Llangynnedi V. alias Llangenith (St. Gwynour] All-Souls College, Oxford, Patr. and Impr. Llanrhidean V. [St. ļlfyd] Lord Manſell Patr. and Impr. 2.9 Oo oo Nicholafton R. (St. Nicholas] Lord Manſell. 40 00 00 Oxwich R. (St. Ilfyd] Lord Manſell. 35 00 00 Penmaene R. [St. John Baptiſt]. The Prince of Wales. 08 00 00 Pennarthe V. alias Penkerth (St. Mary] All-Souls College, Oxford, Patr. and Impr. 35 00:00: Rynalton Ri alias Reynoldſtown (St. George] Lord Manſell 1717. 36 oo oo SWANSE Y, V. alias Aber:Tawy (St. Mary] Hojp. Swanſey Propr. Thomas Herbert Eſqi. 1717. Patr. 15 00 oo 00 11 08 10 00.00 OI 05 04 00 11 01 00 18 11 00 09.00 Oo 07 08 00 it oil 00.15 057 ŞLlandilo Tal-y-bout V. alias Llan-Deilo Tal-y-bout [St. Tei- }oo og 05 41 00 00 2. law] Abb. North Propr. Lord Manfell. Not in. Charger Eglws Jevan Cur. St. John's Cur. 1. 5 : 00 :: 00 Cert. Val. Knoylſton V. [St. Maurice] (the Church ruined.) Chapter of St. Davids Propr. and Patr. Llangwyner Chap. [St. Gwynour] Llanfamlet Cur. (St. Samlet] 1. 12 : 00:00 Cert. Val. Llangwick C. (St. Gwick] h. 10 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Oyſtermouth C. [All-Saints] h. 10 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val.. Mr. Herbert Impr. PENRICE C. ($t. Andrew]. 1. 5: 00 :.00. Cert. Vale. Lord Manſell Impr. Arch: 1 614 DIOCESE of ST. DAVIDS. PEMBROKESH. 1 Arch-Deaconry of Caldigan. D. Emlpr. s. .ک 12 00 00 offor 08 12 08:{17 03: { } 09 00 00 Livings remaining in Charge. Kings Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rectories, &c with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. s. d. SCLYDDE Y alias Clydai P. [St. Criſtiolus) in the Church of? 2 St. Davids. I 04 00 Biſhop of St. Davids. S Kilreddin-Cyl-Rhyden R. [St. Teilaw] Syn. and Prox. quo- libet anno v s. ix d. Ordinaria Vif. quolibet tertio anno xx The Prince of Wales. Llan-Geler R. (St. Celer] (Sine-Cure.) Syn. and Prox. quo- 12 18 09 libet anno v s. ix d. Viſ. Ordinaria quolibet tertio anno ii s. foi 05 10.5 ii d. ob. The Prince of Wales. Manderdyvy R. alias Maenor-Deifi (St. David] oo 18 oo The Prince of Wales. 09 09 04. Penboyre R. (St. Llawdog] Allocat, pro Repriſ. x s, ix d. ao 18 11 Marchioneſs of Wincheſter 1720. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value Clyddey V. alias Clydai (St. Criftiolus] Biſhop of St Davids. Rector or Preb. is Propr. of the Great Tythes. 15 Oo oo Kennarth V. alias Cenarth (St. Llawdog] 00 08 08 Nunnery of Llanweir Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Stephen and William Parry Efq; Impr. 38 oo oo KILGARRAN R. alias Cyl-gerddan [St. Llawdog] oo 18 oo The Prince of Wales. 28 00 00 Llangeler V. [St. Celer. 00 13 04 Biſhop of St. Davids, or the Rector. Llanihamel and Penbedo R. alias Llan-Fihangel Penbedw 24 Oo oo Michael] The Prince of Wales. 18 00 00 Penreth R. alias Penrydd. oo 08 oo The QUEEN 1709. 25 Oo oo 00 12 00 [St;}co 00 12 00 s. d. D. Kemmes, alias Cemmacs. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly l'alue. 1 Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 30 00 00 Alba R. alias Whitchurch (Eglwys Wen) (St. Michael] William Lloyd Eſq; 1714. 06 10 00 Bayvill V. with Moylgrove (St. Andrew] Julius Deeds Efq; Propr. Abb. St. Dogmaels olim Propr. The Prince of Wales, * No Procurations or Synodals in this Deanry. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 00 12 00 00 10 00 Bredelloth PEMBROKESH. DIOCESE OF ST. DAVID.S. 615 1. OI 00 00 16 00 OI 00 00 Clear Yearly Value. Mearly Tenths. l. d. 32 00 00 Bredelloth Ř, alias Brydell (St. David] oo 18 oo The Freeholders there. 23 oo oo Caſtle-Burgh alias Bigh [St. Michael] oo 18 oo Prince of Wales. - 42 00 00 Dinas R. (St. Brynach] 00 16 oo William Laugharne Eſq; 1708, and William Lloyd Efq; Lords of Kemys 16 oo oo Eglos-Errow V. (Eglwys-Wrw) (St. Criſtiolus] 00 07 04 Abb. St. Dogmaels Propr. The Prince of Wales. Julius Deeds Eſq; Impr. 44. Oo oo Llanvernach, Llan-Fernach R. [St. Brynach] The Prince of Wales. lwydog R. 32 00. QO St. David) William Laugharne Eſq; 1718, and William Lloyd Efq; Lords of Kęnıys. 13 00 00 Llanichaith R. alias Llan-ychaeth (St. David] 00 06 08: John Warren Eſq; 34. 00.00 Meleney R. alias Mylen, alias Melinau (St. Dogmael] Thomas Lloyd Eſq; 1704, as Lord of Kemys. 08 10 00 Morvill R. (Śt. John Baptiſt] 00 04 00 Sir John Philips Bart. 1715. -22 08 04 Mota-Henrici R. alias Caſtle-Henry [St. Bernard QO 10 08 William Scourfield Efq; 1714. 30 00 00 Nearne V.alias Newerne, alias Nyfer [St. Brynach) 00 16 00 Mr. William Parry Propr. St. Davids Coll. olim Propr. The KING, or Prince of Wales Patr. 44 00:00 NEWPORT TREFDRAETH R. (St. Mary] Anne Lloyd Widow 1714. 0.7 00.00 Pont-faen R.. [St. Bernard] 00 06 08; The Prince of Wales. ŞPoyngeſton alias Ponchardefton R. alias Caftel maul [St.? oo 10 08 Mary] ; St. 15. 00. QO nington (St. Nicholas]: 09. Ofis Abb. St. Dogmaels Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids. 1698. Julius Deeds Efq; Impr. Not in Charge.. Kilywynne Chap. [St. Mary] Llanllawerne Chap: Lords of Kemys. Llantood V. or C. (St. Ilfyd] 1. 5 :. 00 : oo Cert. Val. Llanvair-Nant-Gwyn C. (St. Mary]l. 3 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Howell Impr. Little NEWCASTLE (St. Peter] 1. 5:00 5 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. Sir Thomas Stepney Impr. Maenchlogdye C. 1. 5 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Monington OI 12 00: 22 00 00 " t. 300 2 616 DIOCESE of ST. DAVID S. PEMBROKESH, 00 12 00 {l *04 18 On-Llanarth and Llan-Ina V. (St. Vyſtygy] (the Tythes are an foo og og Monington C. (St. Nicholas) b. 3.: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Ydrindod Ch. to Penboyre. Y Caſtel Ch. to Kenarth. D. Sub Apron CARDIGANSH. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1, s. d. -06 00 00 S Blaynport (Blaenporth)P. [St. David] (formerly in Llandewi-? 2 Brevi College,) now an Impropriation. "izoo Owen Brigſtock Efq; Impr. Dichwood P. alias De Hewyde (St. Vitalis) . (formerly in 06 13 04 { Llandewi-Brevi College,) now an Impropriation. Pens. 00 13 04 300 Ecclef. Llandewi-Brevi xxvi s, viii d. Mr. Cornwall and Mr. Medlicot Impr. 04 07 14 047 Brexi-College,) now an Impropriation. Syn, and Prox. foo 15 05# SIſtrad alias Yſtrad P. [St. Michael] (formerly in Llandewi- }oo quolibet anno v s, ix d. Pens. Ecclef. Abergwilly xl s. Biſhop of St. Davids. Lord Lisburne Impr. 2 Syn. and Prox Biſhop of St. Davids. 18 Oo oo ŞLlan-Dyfryog alias Llandewrydock P. [St. Tyfrydoc) alias { Archidiaconat. Cardigan. Archidiac. pro Prox. x l. "}or 1600 Biſhop of St. Davids. This Arch-Deaconry was erected before the Year 1147, for in that Year David Fitzgerald, Arch-Deacon of Cardigan, was promoted from it to be Biſhop of this See, SLlandeygwy P. alias Llandoge [St. Dyggwd) in the College 2 TO 12 08 of Brecon ; Syn. and Prox. v s, ix d. Penſ. Ecclef. de Aber-{or Oi 031 gwilly xl s. Ordinario quolibet tertio anno xx d. Biſhop of St. Davids. 12 16 08 ŞLlandiffell (Llan-Dyſful) R. (St. Tyſfilio) (Sine Cure.) Syn. and Prox. v s. ix d. Vifit. Ordinar, fiii s. Annex'd to the Headſhip of Jeſus College, Oxford. 01 06 08 SLlan-Gybi P. [St. Cybi] (formerly in Llandewi-Brevi-Col-2 2 lege,) now an Impropriation, Soo 02 08 Mr. Lloyd Impr. 12 18 06 R. (. no v s. ix d Ordinario ii s. 05 10 The Prince of Wales. Llanychairon, Llanerch-Aeron P. [St. Llwchich] (formerly in 03 OI 001 Llandewi-Brevi-College,) now an Impropriation. Mr. Cornwall {mpr. Llanwennog P. [St. Gwenog] (formerly in Llandewi-Brevi. 7 12 II College,) now an Impropriation. 15 031 Lord Lisburne Impr. 08;} { 05 08 for Syn.zor 05 colm }o { . } vi-301 06 :{ Llan- CARDIGANSI, DIOCESE OF IST. DAVID S. 617 I. I 10 00 10 03 20 00 00 . OO 10 no v s. ix d. 10 00 00 , King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. l. s... d. d. SLlan-Fjhangel Penbrip V. [St. Michael] Syn. and Prox. quo- 1:5:00 oo quo-201 2 libet anno ii s. Abb. de Talley Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Mr. Chriſtopher Hughes Impr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. SAber. Porth R. (St. Cynfil] Syn. and Prox, quolibet anno v s. 24 00 00 . ix d., Ordinario quolibet tertio anno viï d. S: 300 II 041 Biſhop of St. Davids. Bangor R. [St. David] Biſhop of St. Davids. S Bettws Bledrws R. (St. Bledrws] Syn, and Prox, quolibet an- 18 Oo oo oo 08 09 Biſhop of St. Davids.. oo 19 2. tertio anno xx d. Archidiac. quolibet anno ii s. viii d. 19 07 Abb. Chertſey Propr. The Prince of Wales Patr. Lewis Pryſe. Efq; Impr. SLlandeſilio-Gogoffe, alias Gogo-fau V. [St. Tyſlilio] Syn. and? 27 Oo oo oo 07 091 2. Prox. quotibet anno_ii s. Biſhop of St.Davids Patr. Treaſurer of St. Davids Impr. 18 00 00 SIArad alias Yſtrad V. (St. Michael] Syn, and Prox. quolibet? anno Coll . Llandewi-Byevi Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Lord Lisburne Impr. Kellam R. alias Cellan (All-Saints) Syn, and. Prox. quolibet? . 19 00 00 00 10 09 anno v s. ix d. Biſhop of St. Davids.' 42 00 00 LLANBEDDER V, alias Llan-Bedr (St. Peter] oo 13 04 Biſhop of St. Davids Patr.. Chapter of St. Davids Impr. 13 00 00 Llandefriog V. alias Llan-Dyfriog [St. Tyfridoc] 00 16 oo Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Arch-Deacon of Cardigan Impr. 26 10 00 Llandiffell V. alias Llan-Dyſful (St. Tyſfil] Abb. Whitland Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. 626 00 00 Llan-Gynllo R. alias Llauguillo (St. Gynllo] 00 13 04 Pariſhioners, being Freeholders. 48 Oo oo Llanllwchiarn R. [St. Llwchaire] Syn. and Prox. v s, ix d. 00 12 095 Biſhop of St: Davids. - 13 00 00 Llanvairy Clwyn R. alias Llanfair Orllwyn [St. Mary] 00 09 04 Biſhop of St. Davids.. 24 Oo oo Llan-Wenog V. [St. Gwynoc] oo 16 po Coll. de Llandewi-Brevi Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Lord Lisburne Impr. 14 00 00 Llanwnnen V. alias Llan-Wnnen (St. Lucia) 00 16 05 Abb. Vale-Royal in Cheſter Propr. Biſhop of St. Das Patr. Mr. Cornwall Impr. Kkkk Trefdruy oo 09 091 anno 11 S. {* betoo 01 00 00 618 DIOCES E of S T. D A VID.S. CARDIGANSH. 2 22 00 00 0 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, 1. s. d. 1. S. d. Mi- 40 00 00 06. Oo The Prince of Wales. Y Ferwig alias Verwick V. [St. Petroc] OI OI 04 Pri. of Cardigan and Abbey of Talley Propr. The Prince of Wales Patr. Sir John Cope Bart. Impr. Not in Charge. Bettws Iran (St. John] Chap. to Penbrin.: Blaenporth C. (St. David] lo 5: 00 : 00. Cert: Val. Owen Brigſtock Eſq; Impr. Bryngwyn (St. Mary] Chap. to Penbrin. Criſt Chap: (Holy Croſs]. Cynon [St. Cynon] Chap. to Llandifilio-Gogoffe. Dichwood alias Dihewid C. St. Vitalis]." 4 Biſhop Patr. Prebendary of Dihewid in the Church of. Brecknock Impr. Henfeniew (St. David] Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Church of St. Davids Impr. Henllan V. a Chapel to Bangor R. Biſhop of St. Davids. Julien Chap. [St. Julien] Llandigwy C. [St. Dygwyd] - 1:7:00 : 00 Cert. Val.. Under the Preb. thereof. Llangyby C. (St. Cybi] 1. 2 :00 : oo Cert: Val. Biſhop Patr. Mr. Lloyd Impr. Llanvair Treligon' alias Trefylon Cur; Biſhop of St. Das vids Patr. Llanvair Cludogie C. [St. Mary] k 4.00 :: 00 Cert: Val, Biſhop Patr. Mr. Cornwall Impr. Llạny chaeron C. (St. Non] 7*'. 4. : 00:00 Cert: Vala. Biſhop Patr:" Mr. Cornwall Impr: Llangraynog V. Biſhop of St. Davids Pátr: Treaſurer of St. Davids Impr.. Mount C: (Holy Croſs] li :33:00: 00 Cert. Valg. Temayne C. (St. Michael]; li: 10: 00 : 00 Cert;Valá Biſhop Patr. Lewis Pryſe Eſq, Impri :.: - 1 ( € 2. King's Boeks. b. ,5. d. Yearly Ténths. S. d. 1. 2. Pitra, Apron and Dchairon; Livings remaining in Cbarge. Régories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. S Aberatħ alias Aber-Arth R. [St., David] is the P. of Llan? Ź dewi-Aberath in the Church of St. Davids. Bishop of St. Davids. S Caroge alias Carrog P. (formerly in the Church of Llandewi. Brevi,) now an Impropriation. IO 00 00 jou odoo odewin 300 08 oo 04 Oo oo CARON , CARDIGANSA. DIOCESE of S T. DAVID S. -619 l. 13 06 08 00 I 2 00 12 00 oo 5 20 00 00 oo Ioco 00 00 00 12 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. s. d. 1. d CARON als Tre Garon P.. [St. Caron] (formerly in the Church Ź of 'Llàndewi-Brevi,) now an-Impropriation. ch F.Llanbaddarn: Odyn P. [St. Paternus] (formerly in the Church об оо оо of Llandewi-Brevi,) now an Impropriation. 04 06 08 Nanguntlo alias Nantgwnlle P.: [S. Gunlloc] (in the College? .. 14 08 Biſhop of Șt. Devids. Treffeglos, Tref-Eglwys P. [St. Michael] (formerly in the for 04 00 2 Church of Llardewi-Brevi,) now an Impropriation. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 32 05 00 CA RON v. alias Tre-Garon-[St . Caron] oo 16 oo Colleg. Llandequi-Brevi Propr. Biſhop of St. 'Davids Patr. Mr. "Cornwall Impr. Kilie-Airon R. alias Cilian-Aeron [St. Michael] Biſhop of St, Davids. ŞLLANBADDERNE-VAUR V. alias Llanbadarn-Fawr (St. Pa- 27 Oo oo ternus] *}or Abb: Vale-Royal in Co. Cheſter Propr. Biſhop of St. Da. vids Patr. Lordi Caſtlemain Impr. (or.Mrs. Palmer.) 20 00 00 Llan:Geitho R. (St. Geitho] Freeholders, Inhabitants, Patr. 30 Oo oo Llanrifted V. alias Llan-rhyftyd'[St. -Reſtitutus] oo 13 of it. Biſhop of St. Davids Pátr. Chapter of St. -Davids Impr. Llanfanfreet V. alias Llanſant-fraid, alias Llan-Sain-Ffrêd (Št. 27 Oo oo Bridget] [St.} 13 04 Biſhop of St. Davids. Patr. Vicars Chorals Impr. 45 Oo oo Llanvihangel-Genaurglyn alias Caſtle-Walter V. [St. Michael] or 04 00 Abb. Vale Royal, in Co: Cheſter Propr. Biſhop of St. Das. vids. Mrs. Palmer Impr. 28 Oo oo Llan-Fihangel-Gelindrod V. (St. Michael] 00 16 oo Abb.. Vale-Royal. Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. Mrs. Palmer Impr. 29 15 00 Llanylar V. (St. Hilary) 00 13 04 Abb. Vale Royal in Co. Cheſter Propr. Biſhop of St. Da- -vids Patr. Mrs. Palmer Impr. Lledrod P. [St. Michael] in the College of Brecknock with a Cur. 00 13 04 Biſhop of St. Davids. 13 00 00 Nantgynllo V. (St. Cynllo] 00 07 04 Prebendary thereof Propr. Biſhop of St. Davids." 13 oo oo Rofdye R. alias Rhôs-diáu (St. Michael] oo 02 08 Biſhop of St. Davids. 25 00 00 Treffeglos alias Tref-Eglwys V. [St. Paternus) Biſhop of St. Davids Patr. 19 Oo oo Trefilan R. (St. Hilary] Biſhop of $t. Davids. K k k k % Not 20 00 00 00 12 00 со по оо 620 DIOCESE of ST. DAVIDS. CARDIGANSH, 1 . [ } Not in Charge. ABERISTWITH. Bettws C. under Llandewi. 1. 00:13 : 04 Cert. Val. Blaynepen halt C. (St. David) un-}i. 00 : 13 : 04 Cert. Val der Llandewi. Eglwſvach C. I. 5 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Garthely C. under Llandewi. 1. oo : 13 : 04 Cert. Val. Gwnvil C. (St. Gwinfil] under Llandewi. 1. 00 : 13 : 04 Cert. Val. Gwynnys C. [St. Gwynwis] Impr. l. 5 : : 00 00 Cert. Val. Kilcennyn C. 1. 5 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Biſhop Patr. Mr. Cornwall Impr. C: [] Cert. Vat. under the Preb. thereof. Llanganfeling alias Llangafalon}1. 6 : 13:04 Cert. Val. C. (St. Cynfelin) Biſhop Patr. Mr. Palmer Impr. Llanhinol C. (St. Daniel] Llanbadarn-Odyne C. ( St. Pa-> ternus) under Llandewi. 5 : 00 : 00 Cert. Vali Llandewi-Brevi C. [St. David) 1. 6. : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Biſhop Patr. Mr. Cornwall Impr: Ilan-Deiniol alias Carrog C. h 3:00: : 00 Cert. Wal. The Biſhop Patr. . Mr. Cornwall Impr. Llanavon-C. Impr. [St. Evanus): lo 3. :-05 : 08.Cert. Val. Llanychairon C. lo 6 : 13 : 04 Cert. Val.. The Biſhop Patr. Mr. Palmer Impr. Llanyrgwyddon C. [St. Urſula] l. 6:13. : 04 Cért. Val. Biſhop Patr. Mr. Palmer Impr. Llanfihangel-Edwin Ch. [St. Michael]; Lledrod C. [St. Michael] under : the Preb. thereof. Sputty-Cerfin C. (St. John Baptiſt), Sputty and Iſtrad C. (St. John? Baptiſt. ) 3 : 10 : oo Cert: Val. Strata-Florida, als Iſtrad flwr C. li 8: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Bifhop Patr.. Mr. Stedman Impr.. pas} } 1 King's Boks. S. d. 187 11 8 B This Biltiopric was founded about the Year. 1560. Dioceſe of St. Alaph. Yearly Tenths. I. d. . 18 15 02 . Heylin p. 70. 74 15 075 Arch-Deaconry of St. Afaph. Held in Commendam (not Union) with the Biſhopric. ab anno 1573. Willis's Survey of St. Afaph, p. 1.11. Erected before the Year 1240. Memorandum, That by Act of Parliament 12° Annxe, the firſt i Sine-Cure in this Dioceſe tħat happens in the Biſhop's Gift, to be void after the making that Act, is to be annex'd to the Biſhopric for ever in lieu of Mortuaries, The 07 09 062 ! DIOCESE OF ST. ASAPH. 621 05:} King's Books. Tearly. Fenths. de l.. 2. The Cathedral Church (St. AsÀ PH.) All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of St. Afaph. Deanry of St. Afaph * (united to the Vic, of Henllan in the 45 11 051 Deanry of Role, and there charged. It has part of the fo4 11 014 Tythes of St. Aſaph, and Llanvair Tythes. Érected before the Year 1279. 40 Oo oo A Portion of the Preb, of Vaynoll, PREC'E'N TORSHIP, 04 Oo oo 37 13 04 Llanufith P. CHANCELLORSHIP. 03 15 04 09 05 05 Llanvaire prima portio P. 00 18 06 09 05 05 Llanvaire ſecunda portio P: 00 18 061 1,8 06 08 Meladyn P. TREASURERSHIP. OI 16 08 03 06 08: Myvod P. alias Myvard. 00 06 08 Ehe follawing, are called Cur. Sal. Prebends. 02 06 og Preb. Adam Renfall . 00 04 08 02 06 08 Preb. Artbur Buckley. 00 04 08 02 10 07 Preb. David ap Hoelo 00 05 00 02 06 08, Preb. Galfr. Ruthin. 00 04 08 02 06 08 Preb. John Griffith. OO 04 08 02 06 08 Preb. Radulpb Berkinhead.. 00 04 08 02 06 08 Preb. Richard Harriſoni. 00 04. 08 Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 33 00 00 Four Vicars Chorals. 02 13.09. Note, In this Church are alſo an Organiſt, four. Singing-Men, four Singing-Boysor. Choriſters.. D. Tegengle.. L. d. 1. d. 19, 00 FLINTSH: Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly. Tenthsi. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 09 10 00 CAErwys alias Cayrus R. (St. Michael) Lastual. Epifc. vis.? viid. Prox. iii s. iiji d. pro Viſit. xvi d.. O 19 Oo Biſhop of St. Afaph. 09 10 00 CAERWYS alias Cayrus V. (St. Michael] Lactual. Epiſc. vis. viii d. Prox. iii s. iii d. fro Viſit. xvid, Biſhop of St. Afaph. 06 15 05:1. Lattual . Epiſc. v. s. iiüi do Prox. annual. iïïi s jiii de 13:06 Biſhop of St. Afaph. Eftiviock alias Skeviog, alias Eſkyveok R: (St. Märy] (uni- 18 10 10 ted to the Vicarage.) Lattual. xii s. vid, Prox. annual. XV s. pro Vifit. ii s. id.. Biſhop of St. Afapb. Halkym Deanry of St. Afaph. Dr. Stanley, Dean of St. Aſaph, compounded for the Deanry of St. Ajaph and i Vic. of Henllan at the Rate.of.6b11 so i dom. Tenths, both in one Compoſition, .17-April, 1707; Videshe Compoſition in Offic. Primit, vis.} oo visito 30 . { 17; 01 1 6:22 DIOCESE of ST. ASAPH. FLINTSHO 16 14 07 ";}or {Ki 4:31 053 s}oo 19 01: "}01 14 06-08 di fo2 King's Books Yearli Tenths. . si d. 1., s. d. S Halkyn R. alias. Halkeyne. [St. Mary] Lałtual. Epiſc. xiii s. 14 07 II 2 id. Prox, annual. x s. pro Vifit. ii s. viii.d. ob. 08 09 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Kilken R. alias Kilkeynę, Sine-Cure, Lactual. xvi.s. viï d. Prox, annual. vi s. viiid. pro.Vifit..ii s. ii d. ob. 13 051 Biſhop of St. Afaph. ŞLlanafaph V. [St. "Kentigern and St. Aſaph] Laftual. iiii s. 09 II 051 2 annual. iiii s. pro Viſit. x d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. (The Biſhop Propr, of the Rectory.) Eurgain (St. ] . 09; s. vii s. vi.d. S Northopp V. [St. Peter] Laftual. v s. . Prox. annual. v s. I 08 08 { pro Vifit. iii s. v d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 11 10 05 Ruthelan V. alias Rhuddlan (St. Mary] Sextis Epiſc. iii s. ' 01 03 00 The Biſhop, the Dean and Chapter Propr. Biſhop of St. Afaph. S Whitford R. [St. Mary] Sine Cure, Laftual. Epiſc. xii s. vi di? 28 17 06 Prox, annual. x s. 3.02 17 og Biſhop of St. Afaph. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Ş.Bodvarry R. alias Botevarry, Bod-Fari, [St. Stephen] Lac- 40 Oo oo {tual. Epiſc, iii s. iiii d. Prox. annual. x:s. pro Vifit, xyii d 00 18.06 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 29 Oo oo Combe V. alias Cwm [St. Valacinian] OO 10 10 The Rector Propr. "Biſhop of St. Afaph. 42 00 00 Dymerchion V. [Holy Trinity] (Chanter of St. Afaph alias Preb. Vaynol Propr. of the Rectory.) Biſhop of St. Afaph. Eſtiviock alias Skeviog V.. [St. Mary] - Lactual. iiii s, ii d. 30 Oo oo Prox. annual. v s. pro Vifit. xx do (q. Rectory and Yoo 12 04 Vicarage united) Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Gwaynyſcore R. alias Gwyneſger (St. Mary] Laxtual. Epiſc. iii s. iii d. Prox. annual. vi si viii de pro Vifit, xiii d. Soo 18 09. Redd. Reģixi d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. ŞHoly-WELL.V. [St. Winefrid] Wallicè Tre-Fynnon alias 40 00 00 z Gwenfrewi, Lastual. ii s. Prox, annual, iii s, iiii d. 00 19.06 Abb. Bafingwerk Própr. Jeſus College, Oxford, nomina- ted-to Robert Davies Eſq; who preſented 1692. He is Proprietor of the Rectory. 33 Do oo Kilken V. 00 12 08 Rector Propr. Biſhop of St. Afaph. Nannerch * NorthoppR.-- Annex’d to the Biſhopric in lieu of Mortuaries, by A&t of Parliament 12? Anne. 00 10 00 { 20 00 00 1 FLINTSH. DIOCESE of S:T. ASAPH. 623 We arly Tenths. d. 00 18 09 id}00 . . d. -Zoo: 19 014 Clear Yearly Value. ·l d. S Nannerch R, alias.Nannergh *[St. Máry] Lattual, vi s. viii d. 40 00 00 Prox, annual. v s. pro Vifit. xvid. Biſhop of St. Ajaph. S Whitford V. (St. Mary] Lattual. Epifc. iiii s. ii do Prox, an- 38 00.00 nual, iïi s. ïïïi d. pro Vift. xvi de Rector is Propr. Bifhop of St. Afaph.. Not in Charge. ST. ASAPH. Differth Cur. (St. Bridget.] 1. 20:06:08 Cert. Val. The Bifhop is. Proprietor as Arch-Deacon in Commendam. Elinat [St. Mary] Chapel- to Northop: The Biſhop nominates. Llanelwis alias-St: Afaph: Vie.. The Biſhop, Dean, Chaun- ter, Chancellor, Official, the four Vicars are Proprietors of the Tythes. Melideu alias Meliden Cur. [St. Mélid.] The Treaſurer is: Proprietor of the Tythes, and appoints the Curate: RHELOFNOID Cur. [St. Michael.] The Biſhop as Arch- Deacon is Propr. of the Tythes, and appoints the Curate, } Moulde alias de monte-Alto. (Br. Gwyddgrpoo:) : 1. 01 00 00 1o oo oo 01. 00 00 Livings remaining in-Charge: King's Books Yearly Tenthis. 1. s. d. Rectories, &c: with their Patrons and Proprietors. •10 00 00 Eaſtyn alias Queenhope R. [St. Cynfar) The Hoſpital of St. John of Jeruſalem in Cheſter; and Coll. Whitley are Propr. of one part of this Rectory. Mons Altus alias Moulde V. [St. Mary] Duke of Bridgewater, and Ro. Davis Eſq; are Propr. of the Rectory: Biſhop of St. Afaph. Patr. Abb. Biham- olim Propr. Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Valuer 44 Oo oo Eaſtyn alias Queenhope. V. [St. Cynfar] 00 13 04: The Rector is Propr. of a Moiety.. Biſhop of St. Afaph. Nerquis Cur. [St. Mary] Tryddyn Cur. (St. Mary) li 9 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. 1.8 :: 00 : oo Cert. Val. O. . Nannerch -By Inquiſition taken 16 November 1619, there appears to have been a Vic. of Nannerch charged as diſtinct from this Rectory, and there are noi diſtinct. Inftitutions to both as ſeparate, but the Vic, though there charged at 4 l. 14 s. 2d. has not been put amongſt the Livings charged, ſo as to be made liable to pay Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. Vide the Original Roll ut ſupra. † Flirt-This by virtue of a Commiſſion of Edward VI: dated 18th December, in the 5th Year of his Reign, was charged as a Rectory at xiil. xi s. vii d. ob. ultra Epiſc. pro Laftual. vis. viii d. pro Procur. an- nual. vis. vijid. et Epiſc..pro ejus Vifit. iis. ii d. ob. per Annum. But there does not appear any Inftitution there- to, and the ſame does not now remain among the Livings.charged with Firk-Fruits or Tenths, q.. Vide the. Charge entered on the Original Roll.in Officia Primit. 2: 624 DIOCESE of ST. ASAPH. MONTGOMERYSH, $ Z d. . 'S. d. }or II 00 00 01 02 00 1302 09 02 II Prox.300 14 06 08 . Poole, alias Pola and Cazenion. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, Restories, &cc. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Caſtle R. (St. German] Lactual. Epiſc. x s. ix d. Prox, an- 12 17 06 OI 05 09 nual. xs. pro Viſit. xxii d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Guilsfield v. alias Gillesfield *[All-Saints] Abb. of Strata-Marcella Propr. Dean and Canons of Chrijf-Church, Oxford, Propr. Biſhop of St. Afaph Patr. 24 16 10:ŞLlandrino R.p{St. Peter, held with the Biſhopric) Laftual.? . Prox. s. . 09 081 Llanervill R. (St. Ervyllj. Lagual. Epiſc. ix s, ii d. Prox, annual. v s, ix d. pro Viſit. ii s. i d Biſhop of St. Afaph. SLlangadvan R. [All Saints) Laftual. Epiſc. ix s. ii d. Prox. 09 05 00 18 06 2 annual, v s. ix d. pro Viſit, i s. ii d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 05 13 04 Llangynyo R. [All Saints] oo II 04 Biſhop of St. Afaph. { Llanſanfraid in Mechen R. (St. Bridget] Sine-Cure, + Laktual. Epiſc. vis. Prox. annual. x s. pro Vifit. ii s. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. ŞLlanvihangle R. (St. Michael] Lałtual. Epiſc. xs. vii d. 25 15 05:? Prox, annual. vi s. viii d. pro Vifit, xx, d. oo'ri 66 Biſhop of St. Afaph. ŞLLANVYLLING R. [St. Mylling] Laktual. Epiſc. xs, vi d. 10 13 09 Prox, annual. xiii s. iii d. 'pro Vifit. ii s, vii d. 01 047 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. M М V. ] 15 14 02 viii d. Prox, annual. xi s. xd. Vifit. ii s. vid. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxford, Propr. Biſhop of St. Afaph. Abb. of Strata-Marcella Propr. JI 16 107% annual. viii s. ix d. pro Vifit, iii s. riii d. (Pennant R. (St. Melange] Lattual. Epiſc. xii s, vi d. Prox. Bilhop of St. Afapb.. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Garthbivio R. (St. Tydecho] Laftual. Epiſc. iii s. iii d. Prox.? 19.00 oo annual, iii s. iiii d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. SHyrnant R. (St. Ilhog] Laétual. Epifc, vïïi s. üüd.Prox. 37 10 0.0 annualvi š. viiid. pro Viſit, xvid. Biſhop of St. Afapb. Lanvair Gillesfield-In the Original there is a Rectory charged Value xxi l. Vide the Roll in Officio Primit. + Llanfanfraid R.-In the Original the Valuation is only xi l, viis, vi d. I Murad In the Original there is a Rectory charged at xv l. xiii s. iiii d. }oi 08 08 rüid.300 3 vi d.}01 for o3 08; 12 02 MONTGOMERYSH. DIOCESE of ST. ASAPH. 625 01 00 00 { og { 300 ii sizoo 301 Clear Yearly Value. rearly Tenths. 1 d. 1. d. 34 07 06 (Lanvair V. (in Caerinion) [St. Mary] Sir William Williams and Ro, Middleton Eſq; Proprietors. S Biſhop of St. Afaph. Llangynog R. (St. Gynog] Lactual. Epiſc. vi s. viii d. Prox, 26 oo oo 00 08 10 annual. iii s. inii d. pro Vifit. xiii d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. SLlanſanfraid in Mechen V. [St. Bridget] Laetual. Epiſc. ii s.? 41 10 oo 00 II 09 pro Viſit. viii d. Rector is Propr. Biſhop of St. Afaph. Poole V. alias WELCH-Poole * [St. Mary] Lactual. Epiſc. 46 18 09 ої об о6; iii s. iii d. Penf. annual. iii s. ix d. Vifit. xiii d. Dean and Canons of Chriſt-Church, Oxford, Proprietors. Biſhop of St. Afaph. Abb. of Strata-Marcella olim Propr. Pennant V. [St. Melangl’] Lactual. iiis. ii d. Prox, annual. ii s. xid. pro Viſit. xvi d. OO II 07 The Rector is Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Not in Charge. Buttington Cur. [All Saints] (in? IO : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Co. Salop) Chap. to Poole Llandeſilio R. [St. Tyſſilio.] Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Llandrynio Cur. [St. Peter] 1. 25 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Llanwddin Cur. (St. John Baptiſt] l. 10 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. New-Chapel [Holy Trinity. 11. 20: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Chapel to Llandrynio 21 24 06 06 s. ual.}oo 1 . D. kpdewen. l. I. d. Livings remaining in Charge. Kings Books. Yearly Tenths. s. d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 13 06 08 Berryw alias Abberryw V. [St. Beuno] ої об о8 Mr. Blaney Propr. of the Rectory. Biſhop of St. Afaph. Knights of St. John of Jeruſalem Propr. olim. 14 Oo oo Llandyſłill R. [St. Tyffilio] oi 08 oo Biſhop of St. Afaph. united ŞLlandyſul V. [St. Tyſfilio] Lattual. Epiſc. iiii s. vii d. Prox. 00 15 01 07 10 10 { annual. iii s, viid. pro Viſit. xiii d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. Manavon R. (St. Michael] Lactual. Epiſc. xs. Prox. annual. ix s. vid. pro Viſit. ii s. iii d. 0 17 10 Biſhop of St. Afaph. New-Town R. [St. Mary) Prox. annual. x s. Lastual. Epiſc. 08. 15 00 xiii s. iiiidpro Viſit. xx d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. L111 Livings * Poole - In the Original there is a Rectory charged, and valued at xxxl. Buttington Chapel in the Deanry of Ponſbury, Co. Salop, belongs to this Pariſh. See Dec: Ponfoury. 08 18 04 { {NT tal. 300 . Zoo "}oo 17 06 626 DIOCESE of ST. AS A PH. MONTGOMERYSH. 1. d. { ܘܘ ΟΙ οοοο OI iss}00 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenthos. l. d. Aberhaveſpe alias Aberhaves, Aber-Rafelb R. [St. Gynog] 48 oo oo Lałtual. Epiſc. x s. Prox. annual. ii s. vid. pro Vifit. x d. 00 18 08 Biſhop of St. Afaph. 40 00 00 Bettws V. [St. Beuno] Mr. Blaney Propr. of the Rectory. Biſhop of St. Afaph Patr. Nunnery of Llanllugan olim Propr. SLlanllwchyarne V. (St. Llwchaiarn] Lattual. Epiſc. vi s. 44 Oo oo viii d. Prox, annual. v s, pro Viſit.x.d. poo 14 09 Mr. Lloyd Propr. of the Rectory. Biſhop of St. Afaph Patr. Nunnery of Llanllugan olim Propr. ŞLlanmerewig R. [St. Llwchaiarn] Prox. annual. v s. Lactual. 7 35 Oo oo xx d. Vifit. viii d. 00 13 042 Biſhop of St. Afaph. [St. . 43 00 00 annual. y s. Vifit. xx d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Llanligan Cur. 1. 10: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Mr. Hughes Impr. Tregynan Cur. [St. Knonkell] l. 20 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Mr. Arthur Weaver Impr. Knights Templars Propr. D. Leviliock. s. s. d. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tentos, 1. d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. Darrowen, Dâr-Owain R. [St. Tydwr] Lactual. xiii s. ijii d. 10 17 II { Prox. annual. vi s. viii d. pro Viſit. ii s. iid. or or 091 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 07 00 00 Kemmaes R. (St. Tydecho] 00 14 00 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Lanbrynmaire R. [St. Mary] Sine-Cure, Laitual. Epiſc. vii s. 04 14 vi d. Prox, annual. illi s. iiid. Vift. xiii d. 0 09 05 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Prox, annual. 12 16 05:Lanwrin R., [St. Wrin) Laual. Epiſc. xv s. d. . s. I Biſhop of St. Aſaph. MAGHUNTLEY alias MACHYNLLAETH R. [St. Peter] Lac- II 10 072 2 tual. Epiſc. x s. Prox, annual. iii s. vid. Vifit. iis. I 03 002 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. MAGHUNTLEY alias MACHYNLLAETH V. [St. Peter] Lac- 06 06 00} tual. Epiſc. v s. Prox. annual ii s. ii d. pro Vifit. xiii d. 00 12 07 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. s Penegweſt alias Penegos R. [St. Cadfareh] Lałtual. Epiſc.xi s.? 07 19 07 2 viii d. Prox. annual. vi s. vii d. Vifit, ii s. üd, is.}oo 15 113 Biſhop of St. Afaph. 3 Livings viis. Zoo 07:{M -300 MONTGOMERYSH. DIOCESE of ST. AS A P H. 627 Yearly Tenth's 1. d. 00 00 00 S. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 1. s. d. 38 oo oo Darrowen V. * [St. Tydwr] Biſhop of St. Afaph. SLlanbrynmaire V. [St. Mary] Laual. Epifc. vüs, vid. Prox. 44 Oo oo { annual. iii s. fiii d. pro Vifit, xiii d, Biſhop of St. Afaph. }oo 08 09 D. Mowthwp. s. d. MERIONE THSH, Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 2. S. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. I. SLLANMOUTHWY R. [St. Tydecho] Lactual. Epiſc. xis. viii d.? 06 18 04 3 Prox. annual. viïi s. iii d. pro Viſit. ii s. 00 13 10 Biſhop of St. Afaph. . . s IO 15 05 OI OI 06 nual. viii s, iiii d. Viſit. xvi. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. dizoo D. Penllyn and Idernion. {c {c is.}or "} 15 16 08 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenth so 1. s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. CORWIN R. (St. Sulien] Sine-Cure, Lactual. Epiſc. xxvi s. 15 05 10 OL 10 07 viii d. pro Vifit. iii s. vid. Prox, annual. x s. viii d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Corwen V. [St: Sulien] Lactual. Epiſc. xiii s. iiii d. Prox, an- 07 01 03 14 OI} nual. v s. iv d. Viſit, xvii d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 02 13 04 A Free Chapel in the Town of Glothaith (St. Mary] 00 05 04 00 13 04 Llan-Aelhaiarne alias Llanetharne R. 00 01 01 Biſhop of St. Afaph. ŞLlandrillo R. [St. Trillo] Sine-Cure, Prox. annual. x s. Laktual.? Epiſc. xxvi s. viii d. pro Viſit, ii s, viii d. for II 072 Held with the Biſhopric. . 13 12 11 Ź annual. x s. pro Vift. xx d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. ŞLlanvawr R. [St. Deiniel] Sine-Cure, Laatual. Epiſc. xxvi s. II 05 00 01 02 06 viii d. Prox. annual. xvi s. ix d. Viſit. v s. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 08 10 02:{Zaprox. anuuai. vis. Vifit. ii s. ii d. ŞLlanuwllyn R, [St. Deiniel] Lactual. Epiſc. xxvi s. viii d. 00 17 00 Biſhop of St. Afaph. L1112 Llanycil Darrowen V. was erected by Biſhop Robert, July 27. 1545, at the Requeſt of Richard ap Gruff Rector. MSS Biſhop of St. Afaph, written by Biſhop Fleetwood. 08 { for vis. Zoro 628 DIOCESE of ST, ASAP H. MERIONETHSH. d. nnual.300 Biſhop of St. Afapb} oo 00 00 00 annual. xii. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I s. d l. 09 04 047 . ŞLlanycil R. [St. Beuno] Laatual. xiii s. iii d. Prox, annual.? xiii s. iiii d. pro Viſit. xii d. 00 18 057 Biſhop of si. Aſaph. Livings Difcharged. Clear Yearly Value Bettws-Givervil-Goch R. [St. Mary] Lałtual. Epiſc. x s. Prox. 32 00 00 annual. v s. pro Viſit. viii d. 00 10 052 Biſhop of si. Aſaph. Gwiddelwern V. [St. Beuno] 30 Oo oo Vicars Chorals Propr. of the Rectory. Biſhop of St. Afaph Patr. SLlandrillo V. [St. Trillo] Prox. annual. xiü s, iïïi d. Lactual. 40 00 00 V s. pro Vifit, xvid. 00 15 08 The Rector Propr. Biſhop of St. Afaph. ŞLlangar R. (All-Saints] Prox. annual. vi s. Lastual. Epiſc. vs. 40 00 00 2 pro Vifit. xvi d. 10 09 Biſhop of St. Afaph. SLlangower R. (St. Gower] Laftual. Epiſc. xs. Prox. annual.7 30 Oo oo iii s. pro Viſit. ii s. 00 10 06 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. SLlanſanfraid-Glyndyfrdwy R. [St. Bridget] Lactual. ii s. Prox. 13 Oo oo Biſhop of St. Afaph. Llanvawr V. (St. Deiniel] Lactual. Epiſc. xiii s. iiii d. Prox. 40 00 00 annual. v s. viii d. pro Viſit. xx d. 00 10 01 Rector Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Not in Charge. Llanwllyn Cur. St. Deinid] Abb. Kimmer olim Propr. Mr. Peter Price Impropr. Biſhop of St. Afaph Patr. Rûg Chapel. Conway Roger Saliſbury Eſq; {GW {Lla ual.. ܘܰܘ;.vi. . . wal.}.00 *;}oo 03 08; {L S. 1. d. 02 00 00 D. Thoſe alias fihos. DENBIGHSH. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books, Yearly Tenths. . d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 20 00 00 Henllan V. [St. Sadwrn] * S Karecredin alias Kerrig y Druidion R. [St. Mary Magdalen] ? 10 08 013 Prox. annual. ii s. oi 00 09 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. SLlandrillo alias Dinerth R. [St. Trillo] Sine-Cure, Prox. an- 27 01 03 02 14 011 nual. xiii s. iiii d. pro Viſt. ii s. id. Biſhop of St. Afaph. SLlangumdimell R. Sine-Cure, LaElual. xvis, ix d. Prox. an- II 04 07 01 02 05 nual. xii s. Biſhop of St. Afaph. LLAN-REST * Henllan V.United to the Deanry of St. Afaph, and He pays Tenths and Firſt-Fruits for the ſame. See the Books of Compoſitions in the Firſt-Fruits Office, } "-302 ansfor .. لكن بلمسه . DENBIGHSH. DIOCESE of S.T. AS A PH. 629 s, I 2 00 00 06 1005 { VS. . }oc Zoo 13 ac-}00 00 IO OI 00 02 CO 1 { , , . . . .}or King's Books. Yiary Tin :) 1. S. d. 1. à SLLAN-Rwst R. [St. Rhwſt] Sine-Cure, Prox. annual. Epiſc. 2 . X s. viii d. Lactual. xvis. pro Viſit. iii s. iiii d. 04 oo Biſhop of St. Afaph. ŞLlan-Sannam R. [St. Sannam] iſt Portion, Prox. annual. Epiſc. vs. pro Viſit. ii's, i d. Lietual. vi s. iii d. 00 13 00 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 06 10 05 Llan-Sannanm R. (St. Sannan] 2d Portion, Prox, annual. Epiſc. pro Viſit. ii s. id. Lactual, vi s, iż d. 00 13 00 Biſhop of St. Afaph. SLlan-Sannan V. [St. Sannan] Prox, annual, iż s. iiïi d. Lac- 05 00 10 tual. iiii s. ii d. fro Viſit. xvid. Biſhop of 'St. Afaph. oi oo oo Mary's of Penrhyn Free Chapel (St. Mary] Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Values SABERGELY V. [St. Michael] Prox. annual. vis. viiid. Lac- 47 Oo oo vii s. pro Viſits. iii d. oi 04 II The Biſhop as Arch-Deacon Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph Patr. 48. Oo oo Bettws V. [St. Michael] Prox. annual. ii s. iii d.Lactual ix s. ii d. 01 05 06 The Biſhop as Arch-Deacon Propr. Biſhop of St. Afaph Patr. DENBIGH R. and V. (St. Marcellus] alias Whitchurch, alias 48 oo oo St. Martel, Prox. annual. vs. Lactual. viii s, iiii d. pro o2 07 08 Vifit. vis. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 35 Oo oo Eglwyſvach V. (St. Martin) 00 13 04 Abb. Conway olim Propr. Governors of the School and Leet at Llanrwſt are Propr. of the Rectory. Biſhop of St. Afaph Patr. 40 00 00 Gwitheryn R. [St. James] Prox, annual. iii s. iiü d. Laetual. 00 13 02 Biſhop of St. Afaph. S Kegidock alias St. George R. Prox, annual. v s. ix d. Lac- 40 00 00 tual. iii s. viii d. pro Vifit. xvi d. I 00 04 The KING, or Prince of Wales. SLLAN-Rwst V. [St. Rhwſt] Prox. annual. ii s. viï d. Lactual.? 30 Oo oo 2 illi s. pro Viſit. xvi d. 00 12 06- Biſhop of St. Afaph, SLlanddogett, Llan-Ddoged R. (St. Dogvan] Prox. annual. { xii d. oo Il 03 Biſhop of St. Afaph. 26 oo oo Llanddulas R. (St. Cymbryd] La£lual. Epiſc. iii s. Prox. { annual. xii d. pro Vifit. iïi d. Re&tori Abergelle vii s. viii d.}" 12 011 Biſhop of si. Afaph. SLlandrillo V. alias Dinerth (St. Trillo] Prox. annual. vi s. 40 00 00 viji d. pro Vifit. viï d. 00 17 07 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Llanelian 1 Xs. cal.foo 13 Lac- }or val. cal.}oo 20 00 00 { 630 DIOCESE of S T. ASAPH. DENBIGHSH. Clear rearly Value. 1. d. {ZI 02 02 wal.for prozoo 00 12 00 . vid. Zoo Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Llanelian R. [St. Hilary] Prox. annual. viii s. viji d. La&ual. 40 Oo oo viii s. iiii d. pro Viſit. xvid. Biſhop of St. Afaph. SLlangernew V. [St. Digain] Sexta Epiſc. xlvi s. viii d. pro 45 00 00 2 Viſit . viiid. Rectori de Llangernew vi s. viïi d. 00 14 077 Chanter of St. Afaph Propr. Biſhop of St. Afaph Patr. 30 oo oo Llangumdimell V. Lažtual. Epiſc. v s. iii d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 30 Oo oo Llanſanfraid, Llan-Sanct-Fraid alias Differth (St. Bridget] 00 14 08 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Llanvihangle, Llan-Fihangel R. [St. Michael] pro Vift. xvid. 45 Oo oo Prox. annual. xvid. Lactual. vis. viii d. 00 15 02 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. SLlanyfydd V. (St. Mary] 45 Oo oo Chancellor of the Church of St. Aſaph Propr. Biſhop of}or oo oo St. Afaph Patr. SLliſvaen, Llys-Faen R. [St. Cymfian] (in Co. Carnarvon)? 44 Oo oo { Lattual. Epiſc. iiiis. Prox. annual. v s. OI 04 00 Biſhop of St. Afaph. Nantglyn V. [St. James] Prox, annual. iii s. iiii d. Laftual. 28 00 00 ii s. vid. 00 14 00 The Biſhop and four Vicars Chorals are Rectors. Biſhop of St. Afaph Patr. Not in Charge. Capel-Garmon (St. German.] Owen Williams Impr. Eglwys-Rhoſe Cur. (in Co. Car- : 00 : oo Cert. Val. narvon) (St. Hilary ] Hoſp. of Penmynıydd Propr. L'anguitenin R. (in Co. Carnarvon) [St. Conſtantine] (held with the Biſhopric.) Arch-Deacon of St. Afaph. Llanvairtal-hayarne Cur. (St. Mary.] Dean and two Com- portionaries of Llanvair in the Church of St. Afaph Propr. Llanyfydd Cur. (St. Mary.] Preb. of Llanyfydd Propr. Biſhop of St. Afaph Patr. Spitty Cur. [St. John Baptiſt] - 1. 10 :00 : 00 Cert. Val. Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem olim Propr. Meſf. Rob. Edwards and Henry Vaughan, Sir Griffith Williams Propr. ton)}1 . -31 A D. Bromfield and Yale. s. d. . Epifc;} Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. s Yearly Tenthis. l. d. Rezories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. 21 02 0331 xii s. Prox. annual. v s. x d. pro Vifit. ii s. x d. 02 02 021 Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter Impropriators, and claim the Patronage. Colleg. St. Stephen's Weſtminſter olim Propr. Llanarmon * The Advowſon of Gresford Rectory granted by the Crown to the Dean and Chapter of Wincheſter, Auguſt 21. 1547. Strype's Memerials, Vol. II. p. 76. Formerly a Rectory charged at 861. 5 so ultra Lac- fual. Epiſc. xxvii s. vid. Prox. annual. vii s. vid. Vid. the Original Roll in Officio Primit. In this Pariſh is Holt Chapel, which is in the Dioceſe of Chefier. DENBIGHSH. DIOCESE of ST. AS A PH. 631 s. 31 15 00 ४.१०3 ०3 03 03 06 00{ King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 2. d. SLlanarmon R. [St. German] Sine-Cure, Lactual. xv s. Prox. об { annual. x s. pro Viſit, iii s. iiii d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 12 16 08 Marchwyel R. (St. Marcellus] Lactual. Epiſc. ii s. iiii d. Prox. annual. v s. OL 05 08 pro Vifit, xx d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. 13 06 0015 Rhuabon, Rhiw-Fabon. V: {St. Mary] Laetual. Epiſc. iii s. . for 06 07: Prox. annual, iii s. ix d. pro Viſit. xxi d. Mr. Wynne Propr, of the Rectory. Biſhop of St. Afaph Patr. Abb. of Valle Crucis olim Propr. 5 WREXHAMV. [St. Giles] Wallicè St. Silin, Lactual. Epiſc. xv s. 19 09 09?? vid. ob. Prox. annual. x s. iii d. ob. pro Vifit. ii s. x d. "s30 OI 18 il Mr. Wynne Propr. of the Rectory. Biſhop of St. Aſaph Patr. Abb. of Valle Crucis olim Propr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. $ Arbiſtock R. alias Erbiſtock [St. Hilary] Lactual. Epiſc. ii s. 42 Oo oo 00 15 05 { annual. ii s. xx d. Biſhop of St. Afaph. SLlandegla R. [St. Tecla] Laftual. Epiſc.iiis, iiii d. Prox. ii s. viii d. pro . d 00 17 02 Biſhop of St. Aſaph. SLlanarmon-Dyfrynkeiriog V. (St. German] Laflual. Epiſc.? OI 04 07 Prox, annual. iii s. iiiid. pro Vift. xvi d. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. ŞLlanverres R. alias Llanverrons (St. Briſe] Lactual. Epiſc. x s.? 48 Oo oo { Prox, aunual. vi s. viii d. pro Viſit. ii s. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Not in Charge. Bryn-Eglwys Cur. (St. Tyſlilio] -1. 6 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Sir John Wynne Impr. and Patr. Llandeſilio Cur. (St. Tyſiilio) 1. 6 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Sir John Wynne Impr. and Patr. Mineva Ch, in WREXHAM Pariſh l. 5 : 10 : 00 Cert. Vel. } {LI e or Prox.300 44 Oo oo VS. Lattual. Epiſc. xs.}os 08 09 D. Marchia. XXX S. Livings remaining in Cbarge. King's Books. l'early Tenihs, d. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. I. d. 18 16 oo ŞLlanrhayader R. * [St. Dogvan] Sine: Cure, Lattual . Epiſc.Zor 17 07: . ŞLlanrhayadre V. [St. Dogvan) Lactual. Epiſc. x s. viii d. 09 03 04 ? Prox. annual. v s. pro. Viſit. xvi d. . 00 18 04 Biſhop of St. Afaph. Llanfylin * Llanrhayader R.-Willis in his Antiquities of St. Afaph, ſhews that this Rectory was granted to the Choir of St. Afaph, p. 199. Biſhop Fleetwood's MS fays, that Dr. South was Rector there. q. tion Book in the Firſt-Fruits Office. 4. Inftitue 632 DIOCESE of ST. AS A PH. SHROPSH. . 12 09 09:{Silparty pili. Sto Mary ] Lattual. Epiſc. x s. Prox, annual. v s. szor { E-} oz 30 00 00 Chirke, Eglwys-y-Waun V. * [St. Mary] Prox. annual. xxiiid. 0 13 01 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. 1. d. o oo oo Llanfylin V. (St. Silin] Co. Denbigh. oo 16 oo The Biſhop, Dean and Chapter are Propr. Biſhop of St. Aſaph Patr. ŞLlanymowthwy alias Llangymenech R. [St. Agatha] Lactual.? 12 13 04 Epiſc. annual. v s. Viſit. OI 05 04 Biſhop of St. Afaph. pro Vifit, ii s. üid or 04 11 Ro. Lloyd Eſq; 1719. S Whittington R. (St. John Baptiſt] Redd. vis. Lactual. E- 25 04 02 piſc. x s. Prox. annual. x s. pro Viſit iii s. iiiid. 02 10 05 Thomas Lloyd Eſq; 1681. Boycot Efq; 1718. DENBIGHSH. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Vifitd. Abb of Volle Crucis Propr. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 00 Llanarmon-Dyffryn Keiriog R. [St. German] Lattual. Epiſc. 40 00 00 -iii s. iiiid. Prox. annual. iii s. iiii d. pro Viſit. xvid. Biſhop of St. Aſaph. Llanyblodwell cum Cap. Moreton R. [St. Michael] (in Com. Salop.) Lactual. Epiſc. iii s. iiii d. Prox, annual. iii s. iiii d.o. 15 021 pro Viſit, ii s. Biſhop of St. Afaph. 45 00 00 ŞLlangollen W. [St. Collen] "Prox. annual. vi s. viii d. pro Viſit. ii s, ii d. 02 'Abb. Valle Crucis Propr. Sir Jobn Wynne Propr. Biſhop of St. Afaph Patr. SHROPSHIRE. 30 Oo oo Kinnerfly V. (St. Mary] 00 14 08 Pri. St. John of Jeruſalem olim Propr. The Prince of Wales. 46 oo oo Knocking R. (St. Mary] Sir John Bridgman Kt. 1695. 18 Oo oo St. Martin V. + 00 IO 02 The Hon, William Herbert Efq; Proprietor of the Recto- ry. Biſhop of St. Afaph Patr. S Oswestry, Croes-Oſwallt V. [St. Oſwald] Lactual. xl s. 46 oo oo Prox. annual. xv s. pro Viſit. ii s. x d. 02 07 06 Mon. Salop Propr. The Hon. William Herbert Efq; 1713. Patr, and Propr. of the Rectory. Mox. Ofweſtry olim Propr. Llanvarthyn V. I formerly charged 00 18 10 Prox. annual. xs. Vifit. iii s. iiii d. Not * Chirke V.---Tythes reſtored to the Church by the Middleton Family. + St. Martin V.--not charged in the original Roll. q. | Llanvarthyn was charged as a Vic. with Tenths as above. Vide the Original Roll. 4. How dira charged? {* ] }. d.}oo 014 } 39 05 oo 00 10 00 "}o2 07 DENBIGHSH. DIOCESE of ST. ASAP.H. 633 1 Not in Charge. Chriſt Chapel in Aſton. Mr. Lloyd Patr. Llanfanfraid-Glyn-Keriog Cur. 1. (St. Bridget] Sir R. Middleton Impr. Llanarmon-Mynyd-Mawr Chapel (St. German]. Llangedwinn (St. Gedwin) Chap. to Llanrhaiadr. Llan-Cadwaladr [St. Cadwallader] Chap. to Llanrhaiadr. Llanwthyn Chapel. Melverley (St. Peter) The Rector of Llandrinio. Morton Chapel Cur. I. 10 : 06 : 08 Cert. Val. Sir John Bridgman Impr. Halfton Cur. [St. John Baptiſt] Will . Mitton Efq; Knights- Templers. Note, This Pariſh is of exempt Juriſdiction. Memorandum, by an Act of Parliament Anno 29º & 30° Caroli zdi, Llanrayader R, in the Deanry of Marchia is veſted in the Dean and Chapter of St. Afaph, towards Repairs of the Cathedral for ever, And by the ſame Act the following Rectories and Vicarages are united. Caerwys R. and V. Denbigh R. and V. Llandyflil R. and V. Llanrooft R. and V. Llanſannan R. one Portion and V. Machynlleth R. and V. Nannerch R. and V. Skeviog R. and V. Cuſtomary Mortuaries formerly due to the Biſhop of St. Afaph on the Deceaſe of every Clergyman beneficed in St. Aſaph Dioceſe. Imprimis, His beſt Gelding, Horſe, or Mare. Item, His beſt Gown. Item, His beſt Cloak, Item, His beſt Coat, Jerkin, Doublet, and Breeches. Item, His Hoſe, or neither Stockings, Shoes and Garters. Item, His Waiſtcoat. Item, His Hat and Cap. Item, His Faulchion. Item, His beſt Book. Item, His Surplice. Item, His Purſe and Girdle. Item, His Knife and Gloves. Itew, His Signet or Ring of Gold. + To which is added as follows, viz. N. B. Theſe Mortuaries, as already mentioned, amounting to a very inconſiderable Va- lue ; and having been by Biſhop Fleetwood never above once or twice taken in Kind, his Lordſhip forgiving the poor Widows, and compounding with the Rich, and applying the Money he took of them towards buying Books for the New Library he cauſed to be M m m m made * Vide Willis's Antiquities of St. Afaph, p. 268. + Idem, p. 280. 634 DIOCESE Of S T. ASA PH. a made over the School: The ſaid worthy Biſhop, as a farther Teſt of his Generoſity, join'd in procuring an Act of Parliament for ſetting aſide this Cuſtom, and beneficing his Succeſſors, by ſettling on the See a Living of a very conſiderable Income in lieu thereof; which good Deed, as it has accordingly took place, ſo it will for ever be remembred with Honour by the ſucceeding Biſhops and Clergy of this Church and Dioceſe. Ex MSS. Doétoris Fleetwood Epiſc. Afaph. I decedens Parochianus tria vel plura cujuſque generis in bonis fuis habuerit animalia, Sacramenta rece- pit, dum viverit, fine dolo, fraude ſeu contradictione qualibet pro recompenſatione fubftrac- tionis decimarum perfonalium, nec non et Oblationum. Secundum melius animal reſervatur poft obitum, pro falute Amimæ fuæ, hujuſmodi liberandum. Quod fi duo tantum in Bo- nis Decedentis extiterint Animalia, de Manſuetudine Eccleſiæ Exactio quælibet nomine Mortuarii remittitur. Stephani Arch. Cant. apud Lambethe, Anno 1206. Vide Synod. Exon. 1287. c. 51. et Concil. Merton, 1300. Synodus Sodorenſis, Anno 1229, in Inſula Manniæ, Cap. 3. Monafticon' I. p.711. vide p. 713. In Mortuis Principale Animal Ecclefiæ perfolvatur, Vacca vel Bos, vel Equus fi fuerit ad Valorem ſex folidorum aut minus. Et quantum ad Veftes fi homo Mortuarium perfolverit, ad Arbitrium Ecclefiæ ftabit, an Veſtes aut tres ſolidos et ſex denarios habere maluerit. Et ſi Pauper fuerit, et nullum Mortuarium perfolverit, accipiantur Veſtes ficuti funt, et quintas quique Denarius ex liberis, et de Gilbogus in bonis poffefforum ad Mortuarii Valorem ſe extendentibusMortuarium Eccleſiæ perfolvatur. Gilbogus eſt, quiſquis aliqua Bona poſſidet, aut pof- ſidendi Jus habet, licet unius diei Ætatis. Ex MSS. Doktoris Fleetwood Epiſc. Aſaph. Rymer Vol. IV. Anno Domini 1331. Vide Monaſticon Angl. Tom. III. p. 2. f. 32, a. ibdm. 54 a. &c. De perpetuo Vicario in Eccleſia S. Saurini Grandis Caftri Conſtituendo. ŘEx{E. III.) Venerabili in Chriſto P.D. eadem Gratia Epiſc. Agennenfi,Salutem. Cum dilectus Clericus Nofter Gaſbertus de Boins-villa Rector Eccleſiæ S. Saurini Grandis Caſtri, alias dicti Puchmirol Veſtræ Diæcefis, deſideret in eadem Eccleſia perpetuum Vicarium ordinari, qui curam ejuſdem Ecclefiæ perfonaliter exerceat, et de ipfius Ecclefiæ fructibus, pro Suſtentatione fua certam percipiat Portionem ; Et Nobis fupplicaverit, ut Ordina- tioni hujufmodi Vicariæ authoritate Veftrâ faciendæ, pro eo quod dicta Eccleſia de Noſtro exiſtit Patronatu, Noſtrum velimus præbere aſſenſum. NOS attendentes Curam Eccleſiæ prædictæ per perſonalem Reſidentiam Vicarij poffe utilius exerceri, Supplicationi prædictæ, ad laudem Dei, et Divini Cultus augmentum, du- ximus annuendum, et hoc Vobis tenore præſentiam fignificamus ut ulterius in Conſtitu- tione Vicarij prædicti, et congrua portione fibi de fructibus ipſius Eccleſiæ affignanda, fa- cere valeatis quod ad Veftrum Oficium in hac parte noveritis pertinere. Datum apud Wyndefore 14 die Novembris. [Hæc Rectoria Vicario perpetuo ita conftituto, petente fcilicet Rectore, annuente Patro- no, et conſentiente Epiſcopo, Rectoria fine Cura habebatur.] N. A. De Debitis Clerico ferfolvendis, Cap. 4. Synodi Sodorenfis ſubſcripti 1229. Debita Clerico perfolvenda funt hæc, fi Homo Mortuarium perſolvat, Clericus habeat ip- fius Caligas, Calceamenta ad precium vi denariorum, et Capituum Pileum, aut Çapellum precij majoris vel minoris ; ficut ipſe Homo in die Natalis Domini ambulaverit. Item Camiſiam, Zonam ad i denarij valorem. Burſam, ad unius Den Valorem, et Cultellum ad unius denarij Valorem, Giraldus DIOCESE of S.T. ASAPH. 635 Giraldus Cambrenſis in Cambr. Defcript. Cap. 18. Omnium quoque rerum quas poſfident, Animalium, Pecorum et Pecudum interdum Deci- mas, donant, quando videlicet vel uxores fibi Martiali Copula jungunt, vel peregrinationis Iter arripiunt, aut quamlibet vitæ ſuæ, Eccleſiæ Confilio, Correctionem affumunt. Hanc. autem rerum fuarum partitionem, Decimam Magnam vocant, cujus duas partes Eccleſiæ fuæ Baptiſmati Tertiam vero Epiſcopo Diæceſano dare folent. Ex MSS. Doktoris Fleetwood, ut antea. In a Decree paſs'd in the Arches 1543, between the Biſhop aud the Rector of Eaſton about Lattuals, Lastuals are thus deſcribed : Tertia parte-Decimarum (quæ vulgariter in illa Dioceſi Afaph Lactualia appellantur,) viz. Lanæ, Agnorum, Vitulorum et Porcellorum infra quamlibet parochiam, infra Dioc. Afaph prædict. et præſertim infra Paroch. de Eaſton infra eandem Diæc. notorie ſit et ſcituat. pro- venient et contingent: Exceptis ſolumodo Ecclefiis Præbend. infra eandem Dicec, exiſtent. ipfamque Tertiam Decimarum partem prædict. ad eundem Rev. Patrem & et Epiſcopatum ſuum prædict. de Jure et Confuetudine fpectaſſet pertinuiſſe, ac fic ſpectare et pertinere, debere pronunciamus, decernimus et declaramus. “Nec non Conſuetudinem in dicta Ma- teria ex part. edićt. Rev. Patr. alias in hac coram Nobis propoſit. deduct. fuiffe, et eſſe Veram, Juftam, Rationabilem, et Legitimam, ac coram Nobis debite et ſufficienter proba- tam, fideliter pronunciamus et declaramus. Redibant autem ad Cantuarienfem Archiepiſcopum ex hac (i. e. Aſaphenſ) Diceceſi Sede vacante, ex Ecclefiæ fuæ privilegio, et conſuetudine per manus ductâ, Multa alia commoda dimidiata, viz. pars omnium Sacerdotiorum Paſtoribus Orbatorum tertia pars minuta- rum ut appellant, ut Lanæ, Agnorum, Vitulorum, Lactis et cæterarum id genus decima- rum ; Immò et quorumcunque Animalium quæ ij poffiderunt, qui, in illa Vacatione, Ma- trimonia inibant; ita tamen ut Vitulo, aut Ove unius Denarius præftaretur. Capiebat præ- terea ad feftum diem 6 Omnium Sanctorum, hac Vacatione durante, Omnium Sacerdo- tiorum reliquorum Decimam, ad eum Valorem, quo fingula Sacerdotia, de More in Deci- mis folvendis æſtimabantur. Præterea qui Diceceſim Cantuarienfis authoritate luftrabant et viſitabant, ex qualibet Marca e quatuor Denarios decerpebant. Sed nec hæc Pecunia ad Itineris et Luſtrationis illius Sumptus attribuebatur. Quid ? quod Rectore quovis, ſu- premam diem, in hac Vifitatione obeunte veſtem Decedentis cum Equo illius inſtructo, uarienſis ex eadem conſuetudine capiebat. Nic. Harpsfield Hiſt. Ecclef. Anglicana, p. 582. Dioceſe of Bango.. King's Boks. s. d. 3 Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 13 03 073 ISHOPRIC of Bangor. Erected about the Year 516. Vide the Engliſh Monaft. p. 374. Mmmm 2 2 Lactualia, Annualia. Procurationes, Arch- 636 DIOCESE OF BANGOR. s. d. 48 06 03 King's Books. Yearly Tentosi 1. d. I. 58 10 07} Arch-Deaconry of Angle ſea. 05 17 00 Erected before 1268. Arch-Deaconry of Bangor *. 04 16 071 This Arch-Deaconry was erected about the Year 1166. The Cathedral Church (ST. DANIEL.) 22 17 03: The Deanry. This Deanry was founded about the Year 603. 02 05 08.1 The Biſhop Patr. Memorandum, That by Act of Parliament 12° Anna, the firſt Sine-Cure that happens to be void in the Biſhop's Gift af- ter the making that Act, is to be annex'd for ever to the Bi- ſhopric in lieu of Mortuaries : And by this Act Llanynis Sine- Cure Co. Denbigh, became fettled. All the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Bangor. Arch-Deaconry of Merioneth (with Llandudno R.) Erected от об о4 13 03 04 before the Year 1327. 00 03 04 Canonicat. Hugho ap. Robert. 00 00 04 00 03 04 Chancellorſhip 00 00 04 oo 04 02 Precentorſhip. 00 00 05 00 18 09 Treaſurerſhip 00 OI 105 17 00 05 Two Vicars Chorals. OI 14 00 26 00 00 Llanvair P. об оо оо Cantar. Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Ş Pennenith alias Penmynydd P. (St. Gradivael] with the Cu-> go Oo oo racy Noie, In this Church are likewiſe an Organiſt, four Singing- Men, four Singing Boys, and ten poor Children, who wear Surplices and officiate in the Choir, who receive 40 s. a-piece Salary on that account. { e }or 02 12 00 oo 12 00 {Peracy. 16 063 D. Arvon, alias Dchor and Ilter, in the Arch-Deaconry of BANGOR. S. CARNARVON. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. . d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. 24 Oo oo Clynnog Vawr R. (St. Beuno] 02 08 oo Annex'd to the Headſhip of Jeſus-College, Oxford. 16 04 041 Llangeinwen alias Llanginivell R. (St. Glinwen] OI 12 054 Earl of Pembroke. ŞLlanrug R. [St. Michael] Prox. Epiſc. v s. x d. Archidiac. 06 12 06 xx d. Certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Boun-00 11 03 ty at 251. Biſhop of Bangor. II 00 07 Duæ Cantar.in CARNARVON. 01 02 00 Llangimin * The Arch-Deaconries of Angleſea and Bangor are united to the Biſhopric of Bangor, by Act of Parlia- ment I° Jacobi Secundi. Willis's Survey of the Cathedral Church of Bangor, p. 291. { 3o. DIOCESE of BANGOR. 637 00 12 00 49 00 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. 1. S. d. MERION ETH, ; 15 10 025 Llangimin alias Llanglynnin R. [St. Celynin] OI II 001 Lord Pembroke. CARNARVON. Livings Diſcharged, Clear Yearly Value. 38 Oo oo Clynnog-Vawr V. [St. Beuno] Archidiac. iii s. illi d. Colleg. ibm. olim Propr. Earl of Pembroke. Llandeiniolen alias Llanthaniolen R. [St. Deyniolen] Prox. 06 101 Epiſc. v s. x d. Arcbidiac. xx d. Prince of Wales. Lord Bulkeley. Llanvilhayrn R. alias Llanaylhairn [St. Elhayarn] Prox. 0 16 oo 2 Epiſc. iii s. illi d. Archidiac. xvid Biſhop of Bangor Llanbeblick alias Llanbeblin V. [St. Peblig] * The Rectory 35 00 00 I 04 thereof belonged formerly to Cheſter Monaſtery. Biſhop of Cheſter Impr. and Patr. ŞLlan-Beris R. alias Llan-Peris [$t. Peris] Prox, Epiſc..x di Archidiac, v d... oo 09 10 Biſhop of Bangor. Llandwrog R. alias Llanturok (St. Twrog] Prox. Epiſc. vis. viji d. Archidiac, ii s. or 03 01 Biſhop of Bangor. 09 oo oo Llan-Wnda V. [St. Beuno] The Biſhop of Bangor, or Jeſus-College, Oxford. 07 Oo oo Llanvair-Is-gaer V. (St. Mary] 00 06 08 . Pri: Bedcelert Propr. . Robert Roberts Eſq; 1674.' The Biſhop of Bangor, or Counteſs of Radnor. Llanllyfni R. [St. Credyw] Prox. Epiſc. xx d. Archidiac. x d. 00 15 09 Biſhop of Bangor. Not in Charge. BANGOR V. (St. Daniel] Tythes appropriated to the Church of Bangor.. Betws-Garmon Chapel (St. German) CARNARVON [St. Mary] Ch. to Llanbeblick. Dinas-Orueg Chap. Llangedoll Cur. (St. Tegay]. Vicars Chorals Propr. Llanvaglan (St. Baglan] Chapel to. Lanwnda. Pentire Chapel (St. Kedol] in Bangor Pariſh. Tythes belong to the Vicars Choral. 30. 30 00 00 {? x *} 10 00 00 49 Oo oo 00 00 00 22 00 00 t D. Arllechwedd, alias Oghaph, Itaph Nanconwep it Cruthpu, in the Arch Deaconry of BANGOR. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. S. 14 07 031 Llan- Aber R. [St. Bodvan] Prox. Epiſc.xs. Archidiac. xx d. o 08 081 Sir William Thomas 1621. Richard Thomas Eſq; 1661. Griffin Thomas Eſq; 1670. Lord Viſcount Bulkeley. Caerhun Llanbeblick. - -- In the Original a Rectory valued at xx l. including the Repriza!s following. Prox. Epiſc. xxii s. ii d. Redd. Domino Regi xvi d. Penj. Priori Cefir. lx s. The Chapel of CARNARVON is in thc Pa- riſh of Llanbeblick, lo d. 638 DIOCESE OF BANGOR. CARNARVON, I him 301 II 04 : VS. King's Books, Yearly Tenths 1. d. 1. . 04 09 07 { Carithan alias Kaethun V. (St. Mary] Prox. Archidiac. iii oo 08 Arch-Deacon of Bangor Impr. Biſhop Patr. 06 19 0475 Llan-Bedr y Cennin R. (St. Peter] (united.) Prox. Epiſc.) 13 111 OO { iii s. iiiid. Archidiac. xii d.. Biſhop of Bangor Patr. 15 13 04 Llanllechid R. [St. Llechid] Prox. Epiſc . xiii s, iiii d. Archi- { { diac. ii s. xd. Biſhop of Bangor. SLlan-Penmachno V. * (St.. Tyddud) Certified to the Go- 09 10 00 2 vernours of Queen -Anne's Bounty at 8 l. 00 19.00 Abb. Bardſey Propr.' Roderick Lloyd Efq; Impr. Biſhop of Bangor Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. CONWAY alias Cynway V. [St. Mary] (The Tythes ſettled on 10 00 00 the Poor of Conway and three other Pariſhes.) Prox. Epiſc. 00 14 09 Archidiac. ii s, x d. Abb. Conway Propr. Mr. Richard Jones 1697. The Biſhop Patr. Dwygyfylehig V. alias Dewy-Gonnlchy (St. Gwinning] Prox. 15 Oo oo Epiſc. v s. ii d. Archidiac. xx d. 07 04 Abbey of Conway olim Propr. Reginald Rutter Gent. 1662. Mr. Coytmore. ŞLlanvair-Fechan R. [St. Mary] Prox. Epiſc. x s. x d. Ar- 40 00 00 ? . chidiac. xx d. 13 09 The Biſhop of Bangor. SLlangelynin R. [St. Gelynin] Prox. Epiſc. viii s. iiiid. Ar- 40 Oo oo { chidiac, xx d. 14 00 The Biſhop of Bangor. 25 Oo oo Trefriw R. (St. Mary] Prox. Epiſc. iii s. iiii d. Archidiac. xii d. 00 15 07 Biſhop of Bangor. Not in Charge Bettws y Coed (St. Michael]?1. Chap. to Trefriw. 3 : 14 : 04 Certified Val. Cureg (St. Cyric] Chapel to Llanllechid. 3 : 00 : oo Certified Val. Dolwyddelan C. [St.Gwyfelan] l. 8: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Gyffin Cur. [St. Benediced] 1. 16 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Llandidno Cur. [St. Tudno] l. 10:00 : 00 Certified Val. Arch-Deacon of Merioneth Propr. Biſhop Patr. Llandygai als Llantegai Cur.}1. 8 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. [St. Tegay] Arch-Deacon of Bangor Propr. Biſhop Patr. Llan-Rhocwin (St. Rhocwin] Chapel to Trefriw. D. * Llan. Penmachno. This, in the Survey-Roll in Officio Primit. is called a Rectory, but Inſtitution is given Ar- Zoo At-} oo 131. to} to it as a Vic, 3 CARNARVON. DIOCESE of B'ANGOR. 639 Kingles l. d. 00 12 00 Ar.}.00 D. Lpn, or Plepn, in the Arch-Deaconry of BANGOR. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 10 09 04:{Aberdaron R. [St. Howyn] Prox. Epiſc. xi s. ii d. Archidiac.? dias.}o OI OO 11 115 St. John's College, Combridge. SLlan-Bedrog R. (St. Petroc] Prox. Epiſc. xviii s, iii d. Prox. 25 II 0531 Archidiac. iii s. viï d. prox. 302 02 II 01 Biſhop of Bangor. 21 03 09 Llan-Jeftin V. alias Llanjeſtyn [St. Juſtin) 02 02 04 Bishop of Bangor. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 16 Oo oo Aberdaron V. [St. Howyn] oo об I Biſhop of Bangor 14 Oo oo Abereche V. alias Aberearch, vulgo Berach (St. Cwrda] Pri. Bethkelert Propr. Robert Roberts Efq; 1673. SBodvean, Bod-Eon R. [St. Buan] Prox. Epiſc. v s. vid. Ar- 24 Oo oo 12 08 ? chidiac, xii d. Biſhop of Bangor. ] 16 06 45 Oo oo vid. Biſhop of Bangor. 50 Oo oo 14 2 Epiſc. xi s. viii d. Archidiac. ii s. Biſhop of Bangor. John Norris 1699. Llanor V. alias Llanfawr [Holy Croſs] Arch-Deacon of Bangor Propr. Biſhop of Bangor. S Meylltyrn R. alias Mildeyrne (St. Peter] Prox. Epiſc. iiii s. 24 00 00 00 ii d. Archidiac. xii d. Biſhop of Bangor. NE EWYN Nefyn R. and V. alias Newin (St. Peter] Penſ. ? 07 Oo oo oo 05 04 Abb. Hamonde xxxiii s. iiii d. Prox. Epiſc. x s. Archidiac, ii s. Biſhop of Bangor. Rhiw alias Rew R. [St. Eelrhuw] Procur. Epiſc.iiii s. Ar- 00 051 chidiac.xvid. Biſhop of Bangor. Not in Charge. · Bodveryn Ch. [St. Meryn] Chap.to Llan-Jeftyn. Bottwnog [St. Beuno] Chapel to Melltyrn. Bryncrois Chapel to Chan-}4. 4 : 04 : 00 Certified Val. Mon. Bardeſey olim Propr. Carngwch (St. Beuno] Chap. to Edeyrn. Denyves Ch. to Llanor. St. Julian Chapel to Llan-Jeſtyn. Keidio Ch. (St. Keidiaw] 1. 5 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. Abb. of Kinner olim Propr. Biſhop of Bangor Propr. Kirverther Ch. to Llanbedrog, Carnarvon D. Llyn. Llandwnny 12 00 00 00 00 00 II 06 22 00 00 { . 640 DIOCESE of BANGOR CARNARVON. 1 Llandudwen [St. Tudwen] Chap..to Aberdaron. Llandwnny als Llan-Tynwen (St. Tudwell] Chap. to Rhiw. Llanvaelrhys [St. Maelrhys] Chap. to Aber-daron. Llangian Chapel to Llan-Bedrog. Llanvihangel-Bachellaeth (St. Michael] Chapel to Llan-Bedrog. Llangwunod alias Llangwy- nod and Tidweilioc C. (St. l. 8: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Gwynen] Mon. Bardeſey Propr. Llan-Dwgwuinio [St. Conning] Ch. to Llan-Jeſtyn. Nantgundanyll C. (St.Daniel] Mon. Bardſey Propr. Penllech (St. Mary] Chapel to Llan-Jeltyn. Penrhos (St. Cynwill] Chapel to Abererche. PWLLHELY (St. Beuno] Chapel to Llan-fawr. Pyſtyll Chapel to Edeyrn. 2 King's Books. s. d. 1. d. { Llagzipity (Sc. Kebi? andrebidia.imgr St. Garmon] Prox; }or : D. Cvionydd, alias Evioneth, in the Arch-Deaconry of MERIONETH. Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. I. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 15 03 04 01 10 04 Epiſc. xiii sd. Archidiac. iii siii d. Biſhop of Bangor. 11 08 01;ŞLlanyſtyndwy R. (St. John Baptiſt] Prox. Epifc. viii s. chidiac. . 02 091 The Bifhop of Bangor, or Richard Vaughan Efq; Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. CRICKEITH:R. als Merthir (St. Catherine] Prox. Epiſc. viii s. 42 00 00 iiii d. Arcbidiac, iiii s. ü d. Biſhop of Bangor. Ş Penmorva R. [St. Beuno] with Dolbenmaen Chapel, Prox. 45 Oo oo E iſc. v s. Archidiac. ii s. vid. 00 19 03 Biſhop of Bangor. Not in Charge. Bethkelert alias Berdcelert Cur. [St. Mary) Earl of Radnor Propr. Dolben-Maen (St. Beuno] Chapel to Penmorva. Llanvihangel y Penant Cur. [St. Michael 1. 8: 00 : 00 Certified Val. Earl of Radnor Propr, Trefflys (St. Michael]. Chapel to Crickeith. Ynys, Cynhaiarn (St. Cynhaiarn] Chapel to Crickeith. {CE spor 06 10; Free 31.8 : 00 : 00 Certified Val. St;}. D. Ardudwp and Citimanner, in the Arch-Deaconry of MERIONETH. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. s. iz 01 08 DOLGELLE R. (St. Mary] Prox. Epiſo: iii s. iiii d. Archidiac. or oбo2 The Prince of Wales. Llan- 1. . 1. d. }or xx d. MERIONETH. DIOCESE of BANGOR. 641 King's Books. l. d. 06 13 04 Yearly Tenths Yearly d. SLlan-Aber R. [St. Bodvan] Prox. Epiſc. x s. Archidiac. iii s. 11 18 09 Z. iiij d. so} 01 Oi 03 10 The Prince of Wales. 05 06 08 Llan-Egryn V. alias Llandegrin (St. Mary} 00 10 08 (Mr. Herbert Impr.) Abb. Kimmer Propr. Biſhop of Bangor Patr. Certified to the Governours at 131. ŞLlanenddog and Llanddwywe R. alias Llanthoyway and? 10 18 01}{ Llanenthowin, (St. Damien] Prox. Epiſc . vis. Archidiac. ii's. Jos oi oi 09 Biſhop of Bangor. (Llanvihangell-Itraith (St. Michael] and Llandeckwin R. uni. 06 14 093 ted to the Treaſurerſhip of Bangor, Pens. Ecclef. Bangor Yoo 13 051 xiii s. iiiid. Prox. Epiſc. xii s. Biſhop of Bangor. Tywyn alias Towyn Merioneth R. * with the Chapels, [All- 60 13 04 06 or 04 Saints] Prox. Epiſc. xls. Archidiac. xiii s. iii d. An Impropriation in the Biſhop of Lichfield, &c. Tywyn V. alias Towyn (All-Saints] 00 13 04 Nunnery of Berking in Elex olim Propr. Biſhop of Bangor. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. ŞFeſtiniog R. alias Feſtinioc [St. Michael] and Maentoroc [St. 45 Oo oo 01 00 05 Mary] Prox. Epiſc. vis. Archidiac, iii s, iiii d. Biſhop of Bangor. Llan-Ddanwg [St.Tanwg]and Llan-Bedir R. (St. Peter] Prox. 35 Oo oo 2 Epiſc.iiii s. viii d. Archidiac. ii s. iiïi d. Biſhop of Bangor. SLlanfair juxta Harlech R. (St. Mary] Prox. Epiſc. vi s. viii d. 32 00 00 2 Archidiac. ii s. v d. 00 13 01 Biſhop of Bangor. Llanfrothen alias Llanwrothen R. (St. Brothen] Prox. Epiſc. 30 00 00 iii s. iii d. Archidiac, xx d. Biſhop of Bangor. . 2 48 oo oo vis. Arcbidiac. ii s. 02 Biſhop of Bangor. Not in Charge. BALA, a Market-Town, but no Ch. here. Llanfacbreth Cur. I. 8: 00 : oo Cert. Val. Abb. Kimmer elim Propr. Mr. Vaughan Propr. Llanbedr Chapel Note, In this Chapelry ſtood at HARL- LECH, a Chapel of St. Mary Magdalen, now diſuſed. Llanvihangel Y Traeth [St. 2 Michael] and Llanddeckwin l. 14 : 06 : 00 Cert. Val. Cur. Treaſurer of Bangor Propr. Nnnin Llaniltyd • Towyn alias Tywyn R. This is made This is made part of the Biſhopric of Coventry and Litchfield. [St.301 ] Zoo 15 03: . , Zoo 13 06 ii d. 300 642 DIOCESE OF BANGOR. MERIONETH 1. s. d. 1. s. d. 22 00 00 tick}}00 Llaniltyd het fyd] Chapel t031. 6:00:00 Cert. Val. Llanvihangel Y Penant (St. Mi- chael] Cur, Chapel to Towyn 20 : 13 : 06 Cert. Val. Penalt Cur. [St. Peter] Chapel 31. 29 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. to Towyn asam 134 Tallyllyn Cur. [St. Mary) Cha- *-. 21 : 10: 00 Cert. Val. pel to Towyn 3. Arnſep alias Aruftley, vel Arwpftli. [The following Pariſbes (Co. Montgomety and Denbigh) are in no Arch-Deaconry, but ſubječt to the immediate Juriſdi&tion of the Biſhop of Bangor.] MONTGOMERYSH. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Reštories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Llan-Ddinam Eccl. Comport, * [St. Lhonio] Prox. Epiſc. xl s. 02 04 00 07 03 or Llan-Ddinam V. (St. L.honio) 00 14 03 Chapter of Bangor Impr. Biſhop of Bangor. ŞLlangurrick alias Llangirrick, Llan-Gurig v. [St. Cyrick] 09 10 00 2 Prox. Epiſc. x s. pro Viſit. ïi s. ii d. 00 19 00 (The Church of Bangor Impr.) Biſhop of Bangor. Abb. de Strata florida olim Propr. Vid. Survey of Henry VIII. in Officio Primit. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Valve. so oo oo Carno V. (St. John Baptift] (Mr. Lenoy Impr.) Pri. St. John of Jeruſalem Propr. Biſhop of Bangor. 34 00 co Llanydlos V. (St. Idlos] oo 08 04 (The Church of Bangor Impr.) Biſhop of Bangor. 40 00 00 Llanwnog, Llan-Wynnog V. (St. Gwynnog] pro Viſit. viii d. oo og 071 (The Church of Bangor Impr.) Biſhop of Bangor. 77 Oo oo Penſtrowed R. (St. Gwrci] Biſhop of Bangor. S Tref-Eglwys V. (St. Michael] Prox. Epiſc. vis. viii d. { pro 32 Oo oo Viſit. ii s. ii d. 00 10 10 (The Church of Bangor Impr.) Biſhop of Bangor. Geo. Pope Eſq; Patr. 1673, 1676. Mon. Haghmond Co. Sa- lop olim Propr. (Vid. Survey of K. Henry VIII. in Of- ficio Primit.) 2. Opffrpnclwyd and kemercij. DENBIGHSH. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Clokaynog R. alias Clocaenok (St. Vodhyd] 01 04 00 Biſhop of Bangor. Llandrynoc * Llanddinam Comportions are velted in the Dean and Chapter of Bangor, by Act of Parliament 10 ja- ecbi II 1685, for repairing the Cathedral and augmencing the Vicarages thereof. See Willis's Survey of the Cathedral Church of Bangor, &c. p. 291. 00 00 00 00 00 00 d. 1. s. d. 12 00 00 3 DENBIGHSH. DIOCESE of BANGOR. S. { { Llanledan alias Llanelidan Church, the other Comportion (St;}.0 04 { YsB01 01 от об 13 or 08 King's Books. Yearl 1. s. d. 1. 19 19 07 {Living lid. ŞLlandyrnoc R., [St. Tyrnog] Prox. Epiſc. viii s. iiii de prolom iö prozor Vifit, ii s. ii d. Held in Commendam with the Biſhopric 1718. 26 13 06 Llanenys alias Llanynys R. (St. Sacran] 0.13 C. Annex'd to the Biſhoprick in lieu of Mortuaries. 08 13 04 SLlanenys alias Llanynys V. (St. Sacran] Prox. Epiſc. xxvi s. . “ 00 17 01. viii d. Biſhop of Bangor. Llanledan alias Llanelidan Church, firſt Comportion (St. 08 oo oo }00 16 16 co Elidan] Biſhop of Bangor. 08 Oo oo oo 16 co Elidan] Settled on the School at Ruthin. Llanvorock R. alias Llanfurog (St. Mwrog] Prox. Epiſc. v s. 16 13 04 13 04 Archidiac, xx d. Biſhop of Bangor. 10 15 00 Derwenymall R. (St. Mary) Prox. Epiſc. ii s. viii d. Biſhop of Bangor. Llanbedir R. (St. Peter] Prox. Epiſc. V s. 01 06 02 Biſhop of Bangor. 30 00 00 Llan-Rhayador R. * (St. Dyfnog] 03 00 00 ŞLlan-Rhayador V. [St. Dyfnog] Prox. Epiſc. xx s. pro Vifit.? 28 13 04 { vi s. viii d. 02 17 04 Biſhop of Bangor. 13 00 00 Llanvairė-Dyffrinclwyd V. [St. Meugan] ої об оо- Preb. of Llanvaire Impr. Biſhop of Bangor. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. SEvenechtyd R. alias Veneghtid [St. Michael] Prox. Epiſc. ii s. O 12 oi pro Vifit, viii d. Biſhop of Bangor. S Llanganhaval, Llan-Gynhafall R. (St. Cynhavel] Prox. Epifc. 1 06 43 oo oo Biſhop of Bangor. Llangwyfen alias Llangwiven R. [St. Gwyfen] Prox. Epiſc. 00 15 10 Biſhop of Bangor. 30 Oo oo Llanhychan R. [St. Hychan] Prox. Epiſc. ii s. vi d. 00 15 09 Biſhop of Bangor. Not in Charge. Cyffeftiog Chapel. Llanrhydd Chapel [St. Meugan] belongs to the Hoſp. of Ruthin in Denbighſhire, Afaph D. Ruthin-Wardenſhip (St. Peter.] Dean and Chapter of Weſtminſter Patr. Nnnn 2 2. : * Llan-Rhayador R. -annex'd to the Biſhopric by Act of Parliament, 10 Jac. II. 302 30 Oo oo { isolo O[ II 06 V S. pile Verzos 11 “ဝဝ 20 00 00 xvid. 644 DIOCESE of BANGOR. ANGLESEA. 1. d. l. s. d. Prox. Epifc. Zor 13 16 17 01 1 Arcy-Deaconry of Angleſca. D. Livon and Talpbolion. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. SLlanbulan R. (St. Peulan] with the Chapels, alias LLAN-? 22 03 113 11 02 04 04 BEUILAN, Prox, Epiſc. xvis. Archidiac, vi s. x d. Biſhop of Bangor. SLlanvethly R. alias Llanfaethly [St. Maethle] Prox. Epiſc. { xiii s. Archidiac. iii s. iiii d. 13 08 Biſhop of Bangor Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 15 Oo oo {-(Mr. Davis Impr. 5 atrito. Conwey olim Propr. Bilhop of}oo 300 14 09 Bangor. SL Llan-Ddeuſant R. alias Llanyddeyſant [St. Marcellus and St. 49 12 02 Marcellinus] Prox. Epiſc. xvij. iiii d. Archidiac. vii s. 02 01 07 vi d. Biſhop of Bangor. ŞLlanfachell R. alias Llanvecheth (St. Machutus] Prox. Epiſc . }or 03 01; 42 00 og vi s. viii d. Archidiac, ii s. id. Biſhop of Bangor. Llan-Rhuddlad R. [St. Rhydlad] Prox. Epiſc. x s. vid. Ar- 47 15 041 {. }or chidiac. ijii s. viii d. 01 09 02 Biſhop of Bangor. SLlantriſfant R. [St. Sanan, St. Afran, and St. Jevan] with its? 47 1504 { Chapels , Prox. Epiſc. xv s. vid. Archidiac. viii s. for Biſhop of Bangor. 48 16 06 ŞLlanfachraeth R. (St. Machraeth] Prox. Epiſc. x s. ü d. Ar-? 2 chidiac. iiïi s. ii d. At-}er I 09 021 Biſhop of Bangor. 48 oo 00- Rhofcolyn R. (St. Gwenfaen] Epiſc. xi s. Archidiac, iiii s, üd. Or 00 06 Biſhop of Bangor. Not in Charge. Bettws Bwchwdw, Chapel to Llantriſſant. Ceirchiogg (Holy Rood] Chapel to Llanbulan. Gwaredock [St. Mary) Chapel to Llantriſſant. HOLY-HEAD (St. Cybi] a Do-? native, olim Collegium 131. 32 : 00 : 00 Ceri. val Jeſus College, Oxon. Patr. and Impr. Keidio alias Rodigeidio (St. Ceidiow] Chapel to Llantriſſant. Llanvihangel yn Towyn (St. Michael] Chapel to Rhoſcolyn. Llanfair yn Kiwbwl als Deubwl [St. Mary? Chap. to Rhoſcolyn. 1.lanvaeloc (St. Maelog] Chapel to Llanbulan. Llanlibio (St. Libio] Chapel to Llantriſſant. Llanfurog [St. Mwrog] Chapel to Llanvaethley. Llanvair-Inghornwy (St. Mary] Chapel to Llandeuſant. Llandogwell ΟΙ II 00 1 ANGLESEA. DIOCESE of BANGOR. 645 Llandogwell (St. Dogwell] Chapel to Llanfachel and Llan- rhrud dlad. Llanpaho (St. Pabo] Chapel to Llanddeuſant. Llanflewyn [St. Flewyn] Chapel to Llanrhuddlad. Llanrhywydrys [St. Rhydrys] alias Llanrodris, Chapel to Llanrhuddlad. Llanynghendle Chapel, and Llanvigail alias Llanfiguil [St. Ynghednoddl] Chapel to Lianvachraith alias Llanfachreth. Llechyliched (St. Ilched] Chapel to Llanbulan. Llechynvary [St. Cynfarwy] Chapel to Llantriſſant. Llanerch. Ýmedd (St. Mary]? Chapel to Llanbulan 4 : 00 : 0o Cert. Val. Llandrygarne [St.Trygarn) and 7 Bodwrog (St. Twrog] Cha-fl . 15 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. pels to HOLY-HEAD Tullyllyn [St. Mary] Chapel to Llanbulan. y}}4. Bodedern Cur. [St. Edern] Cha- pel to Holy-Head 12 :. 15 : 00 Cert. Val. Char34 D. Menep and maltraith. 1. s. d. s. d. fo2 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rektories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. SAberffraw R. (St. Beuno] Prox. Epiſc. xi s. viii.d. Archidiac. 20 15 10 { v s. x d. 02 01 07 The Prince of Wales. ŞLlandwynne R. alias Llandowin (St. Dynwen] (the Church? 14 00 00 2 in Ruins) oi 08 oo SOI Biſhop of Bangor. 14 08 11; Trefdraeth R. [St, Beuno] Prox. Epiſc. xi s. ii d. or 08 10 Biſhop of Bangor. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. ŞEglwyſfail R. alias Llangad walad [St. Cadwallader) with a 35 Oo oo Chapel, Prox. Epiſc. iii s, vid. Archidiac. xxiii d. of 12 092 The Prince of Wales. SHeneglwys R. [St. Llwydian) with the Chapel of Llanfei- 37 00 oo 2 rian, Prox. Epiſc. vi s. viii d. Archidiac. iii s. iii d. 00 18 04 The Prince of Wales, or the Biſhop of Bangor. 35. 00 00 Llanbeder R. [St. Peter] Biſhop of Bangor, 40 00 00 Llan-Eidan alias Llan-Nidan V. [St. Aidan] Sir Thomas Groſvenor 1696. Mr. Lloyd Patr. 1722. Tho- mas Lloyd Eſq; Impr. Pri. Bethkelert Proir. ŞLlangefni alias Llangefyn R. [St. Cynfar] Prox. Epiſc. vi 40 Oo oo { ii d. Archidiac, iii s. ii d. Biſhop of Bangor. NEWBURCH { Es for ܘܘ{-1 00 00 OC 01 00 00 isoo Juo 19 001 .646 DIOCESE of BANGOR. ANGLESEA. d. { Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. I. S . 35 00 oo viii d. Archidiac, iii s. illi d. 19 00 The Prince of Wales. Not in Charge. Llan-Ddeiniol [St. Deiniel Fab] Chapel to Llan-Eidan aliàs Llan-Nidan. Llanfinan (St. Finan] Chapel to Llanvihangel Ys Ceifog alias Efky veok. Archidiac. Bangor Propr. Llangaffo (St. Gaffo] Chapel to Llangeinwen. Llangwyfen (St. Gwyfen] Chapel to Irefdraith. Llanvair Ys Cwnamyd (St. Mary] Chapel to Llan-Eidan alias Llan-Nidan: Llanwillog Cur. [St. Gwilloc] m 5: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Lord Bulkeley Impr. Pri. Penmon olim Propr. Llanvihangel Ys Ceifog (St. Mi-7 chael] and Llan-Jeſtyn (certi- l. 16 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. fied together) Cur. (St. Jeſtin] Dean for Arch-Deacon) of Bangor Propr. Llangriſtiolys [St. Chriſtiolus]and Kerrig-Keinwen alias Karick 43 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. Ywen Cur. (St. Ketuwen] Arch-Deacon of Angleſea Propr. Trefgaian (St. Caiarn) Chapel to Llangefei. Trefwalchmai (St. Morhaiarn] Chapel to Heneglwys. D. Dyrdd and Turkely, Twrcelpn. } lo s. d. d;}03 16 08 1 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. King's Yearly Tenths. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 38 06 08 ŞLlanddyfnam R. (St. Dyfnan] Prox. Epiſc . xxiiii s. iiii d.? Archidiac, ix s. Biſhop of Bangor. Livings Diſcharged, Clear Yearly Value. ŞLlandegvan R. [St. Tydecho] with BE AUMARIS Chapel? 40 00 00 { [ft. Mary] Prox. Epifc. v s. Archidiac, iii s. v d. 01 19 02 Robert Viſcount Bulkeley. 36 oo oo ŞLlandyfrydog R. (St. Tyfrydoc] Epiſc. vii s, vi d. Archidiac. 08 11 il s. xi d. Biſhop of Bangor. 30 00 00 ŞLlaneigrad R. (St. Eigrad] Prox. Epiſc. v s. x d. Archidiac. ii s. v d. 0 19 027 Biſhop of Bangor. 37 00 oo ŞLlan-Elian R. [St. Elian] Prox. Epiſc. xii s. vid. Archidiac 08 02 Biſhop of Bangor. Llanfair {Llands apel 301 } vis. jord ANGLESEA. DIOCESE of BANGOR. 647 the Yearly Tonths. 1. d. s. 00 13 06 47-300 13 x;}oo 34 Oo oo 00 14 07 Clear Yearly Value. . d. Llanfair-Pwllywingyll R. [St. Mary] Prox. Epiſc. iiii s. Ar. 27 Oo oo { chidiac. xiii d. Biſhop of Bangor. SLlanſadwrn R. St. Saturninus) Penſ. Epiſc. xx s. Prox. 2 Epiſc. v s. Archidiac, iis, iii d. Biſhop of Bangor. Not in Charge. Amlwch Ch. [St. Eleth] 1. 20 : 15 : 00 Cert. Val. Arch. Angleſea Propr. BEAUMARIS [St. Mary] Chapel to Llandegvan. Bodedwrd [St. Mary] Chapel to Llan-Elian. Mr. Robinſon Patr. Coedane (St. Blenwydd) Chapel to Llan-Elian. Itha and Pontraeth (St. Mary) Chapel to Llandifnam. Llanallgo (St. Galgo] Chapel to Llanygraid. Llanbedr (St. Peter] Chapel to Llandyfnam. Llandiffilio [St. Tylilio] Chapel to Llanvaire-Pwllgwingyll . Llanfair-Mathefarn'ſ St. Mary] Chapel to Llandifnam. Llanvihángel-Triſilwyn [St. Michael] Chapel to Llanjeſtyn. Llangoed (St. Cwrda] Chapel to Llanjeſtyn. Llan-Jeſtyn V. [St. Jeftin] Biſhop of Bangor Patr. Mr. Hughes Impr. under the Chantor of Bangor. Llanwyan Llyfo alias Llanwynllwivo (St. Wenllyffe] Chapel to Amllwch. Llan-Yſtalloc, Chapel to Amlwch. Llanvewgan, Chapel to Llandegvan. Llygwy (St. Michael] Chapel to Llaneigrad. Meugan Chapel (demoliſhed) Chapel to BEAU MARIS. Rhofperio (St. Peirio] Chapel to Llanelian, Treffibard, Chapel to Llandefrydock. Llanfaes Cur. [St. Catherine] 1.6 : 12 : 00 Cert. Val. Mr.White Propr. Pri. Llanfaes olim Propr. Llandona Cur. [St. Dona.] 1. 4 : 10: 00 Cert. Val. Thomas Lloyd Eſq; Propr. Pri. Penmon olim Propr. Penmon Cur. (St. Seiriol) 1. 6: 08 : 06 Cert, Val. Pri, Penmon olim Propr. . [St. Cha- - . Tioccle of Landaff. King's Books. b. S. d. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 15 09 05 s 154 14 2 ISHOP.RIC of Landaff. Memorandum, The Treaſurerſhip with the Prebend an. nex'd in this Church, is annex'd to the Biſhopric in lieu of Mortuaries, by an Act of Parliament 12° Anne, The 648 DIOCESE OF LAND AFF. d d. I. s. d. ܘܘܐ: of} 00 12 00 for joo '14 13 01 St. Andrew's R. Epiſc. xiii s. iii d. Prox. ïi s. . Syn. Vis Soi 09 035 The Cathedral Church * (ST. THELIAN) St. Peter (W.) PETER Al the following Dignities in this Cathedral Church, are in the Gift of the Lord Biſhop of Landaff, King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Arch-Deaconry of Landaff has the Tithes of Merthir-Mawr 38 12 081 (in Co. Glamorgan) Biſhopſton and Kilgurrock (in Co. Mon- 403 17 03 mouth.) 87 12 II The Cathedral Church of Landaf 08 15 031 02 13 09 { , S Chancellorſhip of Landaff has the Tithes of Iſtradowen (in? 00 05 041 Co. ; of . об оо оо Precentorſhip of Llandaff, has a fourth part of the Tithes of? Landaf Treaſurerſhip (annex'd to the Biſhopric in lieu of Mortua - ries) erected before 1290, has the Tithes of Llanthewy- 12 02 11 Vach (in Co. Monmouth) and a fourth part of the Tithes of or 04 032 Landeff Pariſh Bafſchurch alias St. Andrew's P. had formerly a good Farm 04 00 00 in Landaf Pariſh of about 50 l. per Ann, but alienated 00 08 00 temp. Edw. VI. and only 31. 135. 4 d. Rent left. Caire P, has the Tithes of Caire (in Co. Glamorgan) and of? 03 Llandogo (in Co. Monmouth) and Penterry in D. Groneath. 00 18 01 St. Croſs P. no Corpſe oo or 09 01 03 04 St. Devreux alias Leyſan P. no Corpſe 00 02 04 от об о8 Henry the Third alias Mayo P. alias St. Nicholai, no Corpſe oo 02 08 S Langwm P. has part of the Tithes in Llangwm Pariſh (in Co. 03 05 05 | Monmouth) oo 06.06 Thomas John's alias Fairwater P, fo denominated from a 00 10 08 Hamlet in Landaff Pariſh Ś Warthacum P. (Prox. Epiſc. v s.) has part of the Tithes of 03 17 OI 2 Llangwm (in Co. Monmouth) 00 07 08.1 08; Ś William Clarke alias Harwell P. alias Fairwell , has the Tithes 04 00 oo of part of Landaff Pariſh, viz. two Fourth parts. Note, In this Church are two Vicars Choral, an Organiſt, four Singing-Men, and four Singing Boys or Choriſters. D. Landait. GLAMORGANSH. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1 d. :{ vis. viii d. Abb. de Tewkesbury v s. SB Bonvilton Church ist. Mary J(this belonged to the Abbey of 06 09 02 Mergham) Abb. Mergham xvi s. x d. Epiſc . & Archidiac. Soo 12 11 20 1. crrtified vi s. y d. Procur. Landaff. ii s. Vifit, vi s. viii d. Miles Baſſet Efq; Patr, and Impr. St. * An Account of the firſt State of this Cathedral may be found in Dugdale's Mon. Tom. III. p. 181, 191. 05 06 08 "}.00 1300 of ze १०० 08 00 : s. . } to the Gover- nours. i'' GLAMORGANSH. DIOCESE of LANDAFF. 649 ow]}o2 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. s. d. S St. Fagan's R. Epiſc. xiii s. iiii d. Archidiac. vis. viii d. Syn. . . xii . ii d. for 14 0907 2 ii s. v d. 301 08 11 Thomas Lewis Eſq; Patr. 1721. 20 07 II Kelligaer R. (St. Cadocus] Epiſc. & Archidiac. ix s. iii d. 02 00 og Lord Viſcount Windſor. SLLANTRISSANT V. [St. Ilhog, St. Devoug, and St. Monow] 26 14 02 { with its Chapels , Epiſc. & Archidiac. xi s. 02 13 05 Abb. Tewkesbury olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Glou- ceſter Propr. and Patr. 20 05 071 Mether-Tydvill R. [St. Tydvil] Epiſc. & Archidiac, v s. xi d. 02 00 06 Lord Windſor 1708. ŞPenmark V. (St. Mary) (belonged formerly to the Abby of 08 13 04 ) & Archidiac. 17 04 Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter Propr. and Patr. of the Rectory. St. Peter's alias Peterſtone R, ſuper Ely, Epiſc. & Archidiac. 07 12 081 2 vii s, v d. 00 15 037 Sir John Aubrey Bart. 1717, two Turns, and Thomas Mat- thew Efq; one Turn. 13 07 or Wenvo R. [St. Mary] Epiſc. iii s. Archidiac. vi s. viii d. or 06 08 Mrs. Mary Thomas 1681. Sir Edmund Thomas Bart. is (now) Patr. 1721. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Values Cadoxton R. [St. Cadocus] Epiſc. & Archidiac. viii s, v d. 00 10 023 Alexander Popham Eſq; 1705, and David Morgan Gent. alternately. 35 Oo oo Eglwys-Yland V. (St. Helen] 00 13 031 Arch-Deacon and Chapter of Landaff. 46 oo oo St. George R. Epiſc. & Archidiac. vii s. v d. oo !4 06 Lord Viſcount Windſor 1707. St. Hilary V. OO II 05 Arch-Deacon and Chapter of Landaff. 20 00 00 St. John's CARDIFFE V. [St. John Baptiſt] Cap. to St. Mary's 2 Cardiff Abb. Tewksbury olim Propr. Dean and Chap, of Glouceſter. SLlancarvan, Llan-Garvan . [St. Cadocus] (belonged to the? 40 00 00 Abby of Glouceſter) Epiſc. & Archidiac. ix s. v d. The KING, or Prince of Wales. Dean and Chapter of Glouceſter Propr. of the Rectory. ŞLlandogh V. [St.Tocho) with Cogan [St. Peter) and Leckwith 40 00 oo 2 R. [St. James] Epiſc. & Archidiac, vis. v d. Edward Herbert Efq; 1714. 19 00 00 Llanedern V. alias Llan-Edeyrn (St. Edern) 00 10 10 Arch-Deacon and Chapter of Landeff. 38 oo oo Llanhary R. (St. Iltyd] Epiſc. & Archidiac. illi s. viii d. 00 11 03 Mr. Liſter and Samuel Edwyn Eſq; Counteſs of Leiceſter and others 1704. оооо Llanſanor 30 Oo oo T I 2 00 00 S }or 07 05: 17 04: with goo 16 10 650 DIOCESE of L ANDAFF. GLAMORGANSH, s. 1. f. à. { Lla }ဝဝ thes)}.00 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tentos I. d. 26 oo oo SLlanſanor alias Thawe [St. Lythao] Epiſc. & Archidiac. iiiis. 00 15 06 vi d. Francis Greynne Eſq; 1707. ŞLlantrithed, Llan-Truddid R. [St. Iltyd] Epiſc. & Archi. 46 oo oo 17 2 diac. vii s. v d. Sir John Aubrey Bart. 1708. S St. Llythan's V. (the Vicarage is endowed with all the Tythes); 42 00 00 oo 12 ORE 2 Epiſc. & Archidiac. xxviii s. viii d. Arch-Deacon of Landaff. 28 Oo oo St. Mary's CARDIFFE V. Eccl. deſtructa 09 08 07 Abb. Tewksbury olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Glor- cefter. 28 Oo oo Mertherdivan R. [St. Teilaw] Epiſc. & Archidiac. V s. iüid. 00 og 081 Alexander Popham Eſq; 1705. S St. Michael's upon Eley R.with Britton ſuper Eley (St. Mary] 40 00 00 00 16 08 united, Epiſc. & Archidiac. x s. d.' libero Redd. xii d. Feffery Efq; 1689. Lord Viſcount Windſor Patr. 1721. Michelftowne (. & Archidiac. ? viii s. v d. og oo Thomas Jones Eſq; 1704. 48 oo oo St. Nicholas R. Epiſc. & Archidiac, v s. y d. or 03 00 Martin Button Efq; two Turns. Miles Button one Turn. Martin Button the ſecond Turn 1719. 40 Oo oo Pendoyloyn V. [St. Cadocus] 00 17 64 Arch-Deacon and Chapter of Landaff Propr. and Patr. Pennarth V. alias Penmarth (St. Auſtin] Epiſc. Archidiac. 08 00 00 vii s. v d. Abb. St. Auguſtini vis. vii d. 09 09 Abb. Sti Aug. Briſtol Propr. Thomas Lewis Eſq; 1716, who has been a great Benefactor to this Vicarage. & 16 031 diac. vii s. Arch-Deacon and Chapter of Landaff Propr, of the Rec- { 20 00 00 20 00 00 tory and Patr. 40 00 oo 00 14 og 46 oo oo OI 02 11 Porthkerig R. (St. Kirig] Epiſc. & Archidiac. xiii s. xid. Mr. Philip Jones 1686. Roger Jones Eſq; Patr. 1721. Sully R. [St. John Baptiſt] Epiſc. & Archidiac. x s. ii d. Mrs. Elizabeth Stradling Widow 1711. Sir Edward Strad- ling is (now) Patr. 1721. Not in Charge. Barry R. (St. Nicholas ) I. 26 : 00 : 0o Cert. Val. Evan Seys Eſq; Patr. Caire Cur. (St. Mary.] Prebendary of Caire Propr. and Patr. Iſtrad-Owen Cur. [St. Owen.] Chancellor of Landaf Im- propriator and Patr. 3 LANDAFF GLAMORGANSH. DIOCESE OF LAND AFP. 651 Char34 . LAND AFF V. [St. Peter and St. Teilaw.] The Tythes ap- propriated to the Precentor Preb. of Fairwater and Fairwell, and Treaſurer of Landaff. Llantwit-vaird (St. Iltyd] Cha- 6: 00 : 00 Cert, Val. pel to Llantriſſent Sir Charles Kemmeys (W.) ) Llaniſhen Cur. [St. Dennis] 1. 10 : 00 : 0o Cert. Val. Thomas Lewis Efq; Patr, and Impr. Abb. Tewksbury. Llaniltern (St. Iltyd) Chapel to St. Fagan. Llanvabon (St. Conftantine] Chapel to Eglwys-Yland. Llanwonno Chapel [St. Wonno] (belongs to the Vicar of Llantriffent.) Llavernock R. [St. Laurence.] Thomas Lewis Eſq; 1714. St. Martin's near CARPHILLY C. Radyr V. [St. John Baptiſt] - l. 15: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Thomas Lewis Eſq; Patr. and Impr. under the Church of Landaff. Ruddry Chapel [St. James] (belongs to Bedwas in the County of Monmouth.) Sir James May Patr. Whitchurch (St. Mary] Chapel to Landaff. Aberdare[St. John Baptif] Cha.}l. 20: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Iftrad y Vodwg [St. Divodug]}1. 10:00 : 00 Cert. Val. Chapel to Llantriffent St. John Baptiſt, Chapel to. Llantriſſent. Llyſvaen Cur. (St, Dennis] 1. 10: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Sir Charles Kemmeys Impr. and Patr, Abb. Tewksbury. Roath V. (St. Margaret] l. 7 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Edward Herbert Efq; Patr. and Impr. Welſh St. Donats, Chapel to Llanblethian [St. Donat] in 03 17 091 North Cave. .42 17:01 z bridge: Knareburgh P. has the Rectory of Knaresburgh, in D. Burrow-}04 05 089 ŠLangtoft P. has the Impropriation of Langtoft, in D. Dicker-7 43 19 07 ing and North-Grimſton, in D. Bucroſe. 04 07 Il S North-Newbald P. has the Impropriation of North-Newbald,? .40 Oo oo { in D. Herthill, and a Houſe in Stonegate, York. 76 II 08 Offic. Cuſtod. Fabr. 07 13 02 32 13 04 ? Helmefly, in D. Bulmer. Şofbaldwicke: Pois Plate, and Impr. of Osbaldwicke and Gate-303 05 04 96 04 02 Š Precentor I erected anno 1090, cum Preb. Driffield, cum 13 s. { 4d. Increm, has the Rectory of Driffield, D. Herthill. 1309 09 12 05 Ricall P. has the Manor and Rectory of Ricall, in D. Bulmer. 03 07 02 D. Bor 2 Herthill. 01 08 il 47 16 03 Stillington P. has the Rectory of Stillington, in D. Bulmer. 04 15 07 Strenfall P. has the Manor and Impropriation of Strenfall, in D. Bulmer, with the Chapelries of Oshaldwicke, Hexby, and 74 07 or Moreton, with other Lands in ſeveral Pariſhes, and a Houſe 07 14 08 in the Minſter Yard at York. Sub-Dean founded anno 1229, has the Impropriation of Pres- 50 14 02 2 ton, in D. Holderneſs. Sub-Treaſurer 11 OI 13 04 Succentor + The Chancellor ſhip has the Impropriations and Advowſons of Acclam, D. Bucroſe, and Waghen, in D. Holderneſs ; and in Right of the Prebend of Laughton, the Impropriation of Laughton le Morthing, in D. Doncaſter. I The Precentorchas the Rectory of Uſborne-parva, in D. Burrowbridge, and the Advowſon of the Vicarage. The Treaſurerſhip -charged at 233 1. 6 s. 8 d. in the King's Book, was diſſolved and made a Lay- Feë by K. Edward VI. as were the Prebends of Wilton and Newthorpe annex'd thereto. This Office was erected anno 1090. }ot 04 00 00 33 II 08 7-305 OI 05 16 13 04 YORKSH. DIOCESE of YORK. 665 1. d. 34 11 08 +-303 King's Books.". learly Tenths. 1. S.; d. 08. Oo oo · Succentor has the Rectory of Tunſtal, in D. Holderneſs. oo 16 oo 02 17 01 Tockerington, in Hexhamſhire. 00 SUlliſkelfe P. cum 19 s. 3 d. Increm, has the Manor of Ul- liſkelfe, in D. Ainſty, 303 09 02 Warthill P. has the Rectory of Warthill, in D. Bulmer, and 06 oo oo a Moiety of the Rectory of Axmiſter, in Co. Devon. s Wetwang P. has the Rectory of Weiwang, in D. Bucroſe, and 82 II 03 the Advowſons of Frydaythorpe, Elloughton, and Kirkby 08 05 01 upon Wharfe. 32 10 05 "Wighton P. has the Rectory of Wighton, in D. Herthill. 03 05 00 Wiſtow P. has the Rectory of Wiſtow, in D. Ainſty, and is 65 16.001 Patron of Cawood in the ſame Deanry, and has Lands in 06 11 07 ſeveral other places. + 00 12 00 } City of York, and D. Mintty, in the Arch-Deaconry of Yor k alias WEST-RIDING. [The Livings with this * Mark are under the Juriſdi&tion of the Dean and Chapter of York, and thoſe with this ** Mark in this Dioceſe are exempt, as being formerly under the Abby of Selby. Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths, Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. SAthill R. (St. John Baptiſt] alias Adle, Pri. San&tæ Trin. vi 16.13 04. O1 12 04 { xiii s. iii d. Syn, iiii s. Prox. viis. vi d. Cyril Arthington Efq; 1702. King's Books. l. d. 1. d. 12.30. Ar-}o3 19 06: XXX S. 2 Archiepiſc. pro Syn. ii s. viï d. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 36 oo oo Birkin, Birkyn R. [St. Mary) Syn. vii s. vid. Prox, ijii s. 03 12 00 William Aiſabie Efq; 1718. Mr. Creſy (W) S Bolton-Percy R. [All Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s, Ar- 39 05 021 { chidiac. pro Prox, vii s. vid. Arch-Biſhop of York. Garfurthe, Gerford R. [St. Mary 9.] Abb. San&tæ Mariæ 08 17 061 Pri. Pontefratt. xxiiiis. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. ii s. 00 17.09. Prox. vis. viii:.. James Witham Gent. 1714. R999 Giſley + Salton Prebend was annex'd to the Priory of Noftell, and conſiſted of the Impropriation of Salton Rec- tory, in D. Ridal, and was valued at 53 l. 135. 4 d. in the King's Books, and was diſſolved with that Priory. Maſam Prebend—was the richeſt Prebend in the Church of York, and was valued at 136 1. per Annum, in the King's Books ; it conſiſted of the Manor and Rectory of Maſam, cum Kirby-Malzerd, in D. Catte- rick, and was diffolved and made a Lay-Fee anno 1546, by Arch-Biſhop Holgate. South-Cave Prebend- confifted of the Impropriations of South Cave and Wadſworth, and a Moiety of the Impropriation of Otley; and was valued at 87 l. per Annum in the King's Books. It was diſſolved and became a Lay-Fee anno 1549, by John Wilſon the laſt Prebendary who alien'd it, 666 DIOCESE of YORK, YORKSHI . 13 06 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 ! 16 19 07 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. l. d. 1. d. 26 oo oo Giſley R. [St. Oſwald] 02 12 00 Robert Hitch Eſq; 1709 Trinity College, Cambridge, and Lord Bingley by Turns (W.) Hamſtwaite Y. [St. Thomas Becket) OI 06.08 Domus Fratrum de Knaresburgh Propr. Thomas Atkinſon. 1715. And the Crown by Turns (W.) Kirkby Overelys + [All-Saints] alias Overblows R. Pens. Capellano Stainborne iiiil. Penſ. Cap. Alnwick xv l. Penf. Ar- 20 01 00 02 00 01 chiepiſc. xx s. Penf. Camerario Ebor. x s. Penf. Cantar. Cs. Syn. and Prox. xi s. vid. The QUEEN 1713. Sir Orlando Gee Knt. 1685. Duke of Somerſet. 15 II 10, Kirkdighton R. [All-Saints] Syn. and Prox. xi s. vid. OI II 02 William Thornton Eſq; 1703. LE EDS, Ledes V. [St. Peter] Pri. San&tæ Trin. x l. Redd. 38 00 ii s. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. vi s. Prox. vii s. vi d. Mayor. and Aldermen of Leeds, Mon. Sanctæ Trin, Ebor.. Propr. Leeds St. John R. (the New Church.) The Mayor and Aldermen Patr. 07 02 08 Leythley R. 00 14 03 Duke of Somerſet. (W.) Moremunketon R. [All Saints] * oi 13 11 The KING, ŞNewton-Kyme, Neuton R. [St. Andrew] Archiepifc. pro? 14 00 00 vid. Lord Fairfax 1691. 06 11 10. Rither, Rithëe R. (All-Saints] 00 13 02 John Cale Eſq; 1703. Mr. Robinson (W): 73 06 08 {spofurthe [All Saints ] Arcbiepiſc. pro Syn. iü-s.. Prox. 307:06. 08. Duke and Dutcheſs of Somerſet 1712. 16 or 08 ii s. Prox. vi s. viii d. Swillington, Swy/ilgton R. (St. Mary] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 301 William Lowther. Eſq; 1708. Now Sir William Lowther 24 63.. Q9 Wannafley, clias Hutton-Wannafley, alias Long-Marton R. 02 08:0417 [All Saints] Archiepiſcpro Syn. iiii s. Prox. vii s. vid.. Richard Roundel Eſq;. 1705. Hoſp. Beatæ Mariæ Bothom alias Bothaw oo 1.8 08 11 06 08 Hoſp. Beatæ Mariæ Horsfair 01 02 08 06 131 04 Horp. Sanctæ Trinitatis in Foſgate 0.0 13.,04 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Learly Value. Ş All Saints North-Street R. Archiepiſc.pro Syn. v s. iii.d. . Arofa Qo 08 09% 14 17 02 { chidiac. vis, vili d.. The KING All + Ki, kby-Overley's alias Overblows R.--The Advowron did belong to the D. of Somerſet, but was by Act of Parliament 40 and 5.0 William and Mary ſettled on the Crown, and 'tis by the Act exprehliy provided, that notwithſtanding it is above the Value, yet she Lord-Chancellor. or Lord-Keeper of the Great Seal ſhall 08:00 1 2 02 Bart. 1725. 09 06:08 1 telurit. Vide the As. YORKSH. DIOCESE OF YORK. 667 + King's Books. Pearl Tenthis. 1. s. d All-Saints in the Pavement R. Archidiac. pro Prox. vi s. viii d. 15 03 09 00 11 08 and Little St. Peter's V. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iii s. The KING. Mon. Dunelm Propr. S St. Cruce R. [St.Crux] Abb. Sanctæ Mar, xx s. Archiepifc. pro -28 06 09 Syn, iiis. vi di Prox. vis. viii: d. oo :3 08 The KING 1701. St. Cuthbert with, St. Hellen's on the Walls, Archiepiſc. pro Syn. ix d, and All-Saints in Peaſeholm, Archiepiſc. tro Syn. Yoo 11 OI xvid. : The KING Patr. Capellan. Ebor. Propr. St. Dennis in Walmgate, with St. George Nabourn. Archie- -piſc. pro Syn. iis, viii d. Archidiar, vi s. viïi di Penf. xiii s. Soo 08 or id. Joo pro doo 38 02 06 Boo 31 17 00 jjïi di 00 II 00 300 08 111 04 06S George Palmes Eſq; .1707, and the Crown alternate (W.) 14 04 06 5 St. Helen’s in Stangate V.' Penfi Archiepiſc. vi s. viïi d. Prox. { and Syn. xx d. 00 08 ob The KING. Pri. Mulſeby Propr. 13 04 10 St. Lawrence V. and St. John's Cur. Penſ. Decano Ebor. s. Dean and Chapter of York Propr. and Patr. S St. Margaret in Walmgate, Archiepiſc. pro Syn. v s. with St. 07 08 05 3 Peter's le Willow, Archiepiſc . pro Syn. ii s. vid. The KING. Eccl. Ebor. Propri 21 16 08 St. Martin's in Coney-Street V. oo 08 oo Dean and Chapter of York Propr. and Patr. St. Martin's in Micklegate R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iii s, illi d. 46 04 Oo Archidiac. vi s. viii.d. with St. V. II 07 Edward Thompſon, Samuel Dawson, Thomas Bendlowes, jun. Nathaniel Gold, Abraham Rolfe, Phil. Nisbet; Heyford Wainwright and Ri. Stretton. Pri. Nunmonkton Propr. St. Mary's Biſhopfhill ſen. firſt Mediety, Pri, Santæ Trin, iis, şs 04 00 00 vid. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. v s. Lord Rivers 1705, and the Crown alternate (W.) S St. Mary's Biſhopſhill jun. fecond Mediety, Penſ. Pri. Sanet &?. 39 02.05 { Trin. ü s. vid. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. v s. Lord Rivers 1705, and the Crown alternate. St. Mary's in Cafle-Gate R. Archiepifc . pro Syn, iii s. Archi- 15 Oo oo diác. pro Prox. vise viid. Abb. Santa Mar. Ebor. v s. yoo 04 105 iii d. Pens. Thefaurar. Eccl. Ebor. V s, ji d. v ži d The KING.. St. Michael's of Belfreys, with St. Wilfrid's R. Archiepiſc.pro 11 17 09 Syn. xii d. 04 OI Dean and Chapter of York. St. Michael's in. Spurrier-Gate. alias St. Michael's' at Owſe- II 17 09 Bridge, Penf. Abb. Sanctæ Mar. xxxvi.S. Arcbiepiſc. pro Yoo 04 OI Syn. v s. iiii d. Archidiac. vi s, viii di The KING Patr. 00 IO OI IO 01 is;}oc te}00 { prozoo 1 Q9992 St. - 668 DIOCESE of YORK. YORKSH. { 300 1600 Ar- Zoo I 2 02: 1111 S. 15.14 08 King's Books. Yearly Tenths, I. s. d. I. d. St. Saviour's R. Archiepifc. pro Syn. xx d. Archidiac, vi s. 30 17 II viji d. Abb. Sante Mar. x s. Redd, iiis. Magiſtro Pon. oo 10 08 tis Owſe xviiid. The KING. [St. Trinity's in Goodramgate R. (Well College Propr.) Archi- 19 06 oo epiſc. pro Syn. ii s. with St. John Delpike R. (Preb. of Fenton Propr.) and St. Maurice V.(Mon, St. Mar. Propr.) OI 04 05 Redd. Theſaur. Ebor. xii do Arch-Biſhop of York. 17 18 09 5 St. Trinity's in King's-Court V. in Civitate Ebor. theſe laſt 2 eighteen Livings Thomas Place Maſter of Well Hoſpital. , 31 To 08 chiepiſc. pro Syn. Prox. vii s. vid. Oriel College, Oxford, Propr..and Patr.. 13 15 00 Acaſter V. (Holy Trinity] 00 10 07 Abb. Newboo alias Newborough Propri Lord! Fairfax Patr. 1720 * AcombV. [St. Stephen] Redd. Thefaurar. Eccleſiæ. Ebor. ii s. 00 06 11 Mr. Weller Patr. 1721. Thefaurar. Ebor. olim Propr. 35 06 10 Aſkham-Richards V. [St. Mary] oo 09 047 Pri. Nunmonkton Propr. ff. Thompſon Gent. 1711. IP 09 06 Bardſey V. [All Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiüs. Proxxvi s. 00 08 02 2 Eord Scarſdale. 17.19. Lady Elizabeth Haſtings. Patr. (W.). Cuftos Cap. Sanctorum Angelorum vocat. Sepulchres Ebor. alias Sacriſta Ebor, Propri 28 00 02 *Bilton V. [St. Helen): 00 07 07 Prebendary thereof. 24.15.00. Biſhop-Thorpe V. (St. Andrew] 00. 08. 00:- Pri. Sti. Clementis Propr. The Arch-Biſhop Patr. by. Act:) of Parliament 1729. 25-00-00 * Bramham V. [All-Saints};- oo 12.09, Chrift-Church College, . O. ford.. Prebenda · ibidem olim 4! 14:06 * Brayton V. [$t. Wilfrid] Syn. and Prox. viïi s. v d. oo 15 058 Mon. Selby, Propr... Nicholas Starkey Eſq; 1720. Lady Petre.(W) 44 14 10 *Brotherton V. [St. Edward] Dec. & Cap. Ebor.xvis. viii d. .00 10 08 Dean and Chapter:of York. Cap. Ebor. Propru. 21.06.00 Ş.Collingham V. [Śt. Oſwald] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iii s. Próx. E vis. viiid. 011 Lady Elizabeth Haſtings 1712, Cuftos.Cap. Santt. Ange- locum Ebor, alias Sacrifta. Ebor. Propr.. 38 02 05. Cowthorpe R. (St. Michael] - oo og 07 Mr. Bartholomew Walmeſley 1697: Lady Peire.(W.). : 13 16 oo Drax V. (St. Peter] 00 08 oo Ile. KING. Mon. Drax.Propr. *Fenton" viitd. Propr. 17 1 Prox. zoo 09 01 YORKSH DIOCESE OF YORK. 669 1. s. d. 41' 00.00 27 15 02 00 10 00 Prox;}or 05 10'00 00 12 00 is} 18:30 -301 I 00 00 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. * Fenton V. 00 13 04 The Prebendary thereof Propr, and Patr, Fewſton V. [St. Mary Magdalen] The KIN G. Domus Fratrum de Knaresburgh Propr. SHarwood V. [All-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s, Prox, 19 08 04 2. vii s. vi di 08 02 Pri. Bolton in Craven Propr. Mr. Boulter Patr: (W.). Helaugh V. (St. John Baptiſt] Mon. Helaugh Propr. Duke of Wharton Patr. 1720. , V. . 3 vii 00 10 08 The KING. Pri. Póntefrakt Propr. 43 13 04 Kirkby-Wharfe V. [St. John Baptift] oo 07 08 Preb. Wetwang Propr. and Patr.. 44 07 08 ŞLediham, Ledeſtam V. [All-Saints] Archiepifc. pro Syn. vs:} 00 14 05 2 Prox. vii s. vi d. Mön. Stæ Trin. Ebor Propr. «Lady Eliz. Haſtings 1719. ŞNew-Biſhopfhill V, in Civitate Ebor. (St. Mary] Archiepiſc. 41: 00.00 2 pro Syn. ii s. viird. Dean and Chapter of York Propr. and Patr. 38 06 08. ©TTLE.Y V. [A11-Saints] t. 01 06 02 The K I'N G. Cuſtos Capelle Sanet. Angelorum vec, Sea pulchres alias Sacriſta Ebor. Propr. and Preb: So. Cave. Pärnall V. (St. Robert of Knareſborough]' 00:10 06: The KING. Domus Fratrum de Knaresburgh Propr: Rufforth V. 00 09.04 Hoſp. St. Leonardi Ebor. Propr. Mr. Keigótleg 17213 47 17 II *SHERBURNE V: [All-Saints] OI OI 08 Prebend of Fenton Propr. and Patr.- Micklefield Chap. to Sherburne, (Not certified.) . Próx. vii s. vid. Mon. Salley Propr. Dukeand Dutcheſs of Somerſet. 1703. 12:16 08 Thorner, Thonoure V. [St. Peter] 00 16 04 The KING. Domus Fratrum de Knaresburgh Propr. (annuitas.) 24 16 04 Thorparch V. (All Saints] od 07 06 Sacriſta Ste Måriæ Ebor: Propr. alias Capella Sii Sepulcbri. Savil Eſq; 1672. 18 13 057 Weſton V. [All-Saints] Archiepifc. pro Syn. V.5. 00 13 01 The Free-Shool of Şédbergh Propr. and Patr. viis, . оr об об Commendatar. de Newland Propr. Trinity-College in Camas bridge. 25 15 00 Wighill V. [All-Saints] 00 10 04 Pri, Helaugh Propr. Henry Stapylton 1712. Wiſtow +OTTLEY In this Pariſh is the Curacy of Bramhope, the Chapel was erected by Robert Dively E?q; the Curate appointed by fix Truſtees for that Parpoſe. Ex relatione Edwardi Yardley de Coll. Sti Johannis Camb, Senin 12 об о8 IO 00 00 40 12 09:{ Whitkirke. V. [St. Mary] Arcbiepiſc. pro Syn.iii s. Prox.? Prox;}o 670 DIO.C.E SE of YORK. YORKSH. 1. so 1. d. . : 04 [} Clear PrarkValue. Yearly Tenih, d. * Wiſtow V. (All-Saints] Syn, xii d. Redd. Archiepiſc. x di 00 16.00 Prebend thereof Propr. and Patr. q If the Arch-Biſhop is not Patron ? Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. . Armley [St. Bartholomew] Ch.1, 26-: 01 : 04. Cert. Vál. Aſkham-Bryan C. five V. (St. 31. 8: 00 : 00 Cert. Vala Nicholas] Abbey of York Propr. Mr. Clark Patr. Baildon (St Giles] Ch. to Ottley. I, 20.; 05: 11 Ceri. Val. *Barley Chap. to Brayton V. Beeſton (St. Mary] Ch. to Leeds. I. 28 : 00 : 00 Cert. Vak :Bilborough Cur. 1: 46 : 06 : 10 Cert. Vál. Abb. Newboe Propr.. Mr. Fairfax Patr. "Bramley Ch. to Leeds. l. 30 : 00 : 00. Cert. Val. Bramhope Ch. to Ottley. 1. 43. : 06:08 Cert. Val. Burley Ch. to Ottley. li 25: 03 : 08 Cert, Val. * CAWOOD C. (All-Saints] li 22 : 10: 00 Cert. Val. Preb. of Wiſtow Propr. and Patr. Chapel Allerton Ch, to Leeds. l. 2 : 10 : 00. Cert, Val. Denton Cur. Ch. to Ottley. 1. 20: 00 : oo Cert. Val. Farnley C. in Ottley. 1. 4 : 18 : 04 Cert. Vale Farnley C. in Leeds. l. 5 : 10 ; 00 Cert; Val. Fulforth C. 1,6 : 15:04 Cert. Val. Hadleſey Chap. to Birkin R. to Leeds. 1. II : 13 : 00 Cert, Val. Holbeck Chap. to Leeds. l. 16 : 18 : 08 Cert. Val. Horsforth Chap. to Giſley. 1. 6 : 11 : 08 Cert, Val. Hunſlet (St.Mary] Ch. to Leeds. li 15 : 16 : 08. Cert. Vala St. John C. in Civitate Ebor. l. 41:03 : 04. Cert. Val. Kirkby-Malfide V. (Not charged or certified.) St. Olave C. in Civitate Ebor. l. 9: 10 : oo Cert. Val, Pool Ch. to Ottley. (Not Certified.:) Popleton ſuperior V. [All-Saints] The Crown Patr. Ab- bey of York Propr. Popleton inferior Cur. 1. 23 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Arch-Biſhop of York Propr. and Patr. Rawden Ch. to Giſey. 1. 22 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. St. Sampſon C. in Civitate Ebor. l. 3 : 15 : 00 Cert. Val. Chapter of York Propr. Vicars: Choral of York Patr. Saxton Cur. l. 12 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Sir John Hungate Bart. Patr. * Selby C. [St. Mary and St. German] (formerly a Mona-El. 17 : 10: 00 Cert. Val. ſtery.) Lady Petre Patr. Stainborn Cur. l. 18: 00 : 00 Cert, Jal. Thornthwait Heddingley (St. Michael] Chap:}?. -31.17 2 1 YORKSH. 671 DIOCESE of YOR K. Thornthwait C. l. 2 : 03 : 09 Cert. Val. **Ulliskelfe Cur. (Not certified.) P.ibm. Propr. Walton C. lo 7:13.; 04. Cert. Val, Lord Fairfax Patr. WETHE'R BX Cur. (St. James)? Chap, to Spofurth. l. 18 : 03 : 02 Cert. Val. N. B. In this Dioceſe, and alſo in Cheſter Dioceſe, ſe- veral Chapels were built originally for domeſtick ones, which being afterwards uſed as parochial, never became conſecrated, as it is traditionally reported. mes}} 1. S. d. 06 03 04 1 Prox.}os 14 D.Butkrole, (E. R.) in the Arch-Deaconry of EAST-RID ING. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths Rectories, &c. with their patrons and Proprietors. 1. s. d. Kirkby-Hundelfdale alias Underdale R. [All-Saints] Pens7 Mon, Beatæ Mariæ Ebor. xvi s. viii d. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. vi s. Prox. vii s. vid. Præpoſ. Beverlej pro Avenis xxvi s. 00 12 04 viii d. The KING: Langton R. [St. Andrew] Arcbiepiſc. pro Syn. iis. Prox. 19' 04.07. Præpos vii s. vi d. Abb. Ebor. ii s. Prepos. Beverley pro Tbraves ii s. OI 14 051 The KING. Scarpinbeck R, Abb. Whitby xiii s. iii d. Archiepifc. pro Syn. 14 07.08.1 Prox, Archidiaci vii: s. vid. Proposa Beverley proloi 08 09: Tbraves yi s. viii do The KING. 21 11 10. Serangham R. (St. Peter) 02 03 02 The KING Patr: 42 12 06 Settrington, R. [All Saints] Arcbiepifc, pro Syn. ix s. Prox. 2 vii s. vid. Præpof . Beverley pro le Thraves v s. iiii d. 04 05 03. Counteſs of Bridgwater 1699. Duke of Bridgwater. 12 00 00 Thorpebaflet R. (All-Saints] 01 04 00 Earl of Carliſle 1706, 1722, og 06 oo * Weverthorpe V. [All-Saints]: Epiſc. pro Syn. v s. 00 18 07 Dean and Chapter of York Propr. and Patr. S Weft-Hellerton R. [St. Andrew] Penſ, Ecclef. de Wynerthorp? 21 06 08 02 02 08 2 y si Syn, and Prox. xiii s. vid. The KING. V. * : 10 05 Prox; vii s. vid. Pri. Yeddingham or Bridlington Propr. William Barton 1777. Mr. Wentworth Patr. (W) Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 24 13 00 * Acklam V. [St. John Baptiſt) Chancellor of York Propr. and Patr. 19 00.00 * Bugthorpe V. [St. Andrew] Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr, Eurythorpe or?}o2 isizoo OO 1000 02 00 00 672 DIOCESE of YORK. YORKSH. Clear rearly Value. 1. d. ܘܘ{ { {co . spolzor {H (fuiffo P. 50.) 3.1 05 06 17 10 00 Yearly Tenths. I. d. Burythorpe R [All Saints] Arcbiepifc. pro Syn. ii s. vid. 46 12 02 Prox. vii 3. vi d. Pri. Beverley Pro Moenisi si Mom, Kirk-800 13 oz bam xiiis. iiii d. The KING. Coldham R. alias Cowlam, Syn. and Prox. vii s. vid. Præpof. 30 Oo oo Beverley pro Thraves xvi d. 03 Ora Henry Bernard Eſq; 1720. 32 co oo Frydaythorpe V. 00 09 04 Prebendary of Wetwang Propr. and Patr. Helperthorpe V. [St. Peter q.] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. vid. oo 09 11 30 15 00 mata Peculiar.) The Church of Park Propr. and Patr. (Eng. Mon. 2d Vol: 5 Kirkby-Grindalyth V. (St. Andrew] Arcbiepifc. pro Syn. iiii s. 200 16 11; Prox, vis, vid. Pri. Kirkham Propr. Mr. Towry 1721. Sir Richard Oſveldifton & Cath, uxor. 1722. 36 17. 06 * North-Grimſton V. (St. Nicholas] oo 12 08 Prebend of Langtoft Propr. and Patr. ŞRillington V. [St. Andrew] Archiepifc. pro Syn. iii s. Prox. 200 17 051 2 viis. vid. The KING Abb. Byland Propr. Heirs of Mr. E- therington Patr. (W) Ş Sherburn V. [St. Hilda] alias Sherborne, Archiepiſc. pro 18 02 03 Syn.iiii. s. "Prox. vii s. vid. DO 12 00 Pri, Gisburne or Gisburgh Propr. Sir William Strickland Bart. 1708. @8 15 00 Sledmere V. or Cur. [St. Mary] Mon. Kirkham Propr. Mr. Roper and Mr. Strangways 1720. 38 02 06 ŞWiſtow alias Weſtow V. [St. Mary] Archidiac. pro Prox. 2 viis, vid. The KING. Pri. Kirkham Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York Patr. (W) * Wetwang V. [St. Michael] 00 18 09 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 13 og oo * Wareham V. in Le-Street (St. Mary) Preb. Bramham Propr. Sir Charles Buck Bart. Patr: 31 oo oo Wareham-Perſey V. 01 03 04 Pri. Hawtemprice Propr. ibm. Sir Cha. Buck Bart. Patr, Chapels, or Curacies. Birdfall C. (St. Mary] 1. 15 : 00 : 00 Cert. Vol. Lord Viſcount Irwin Patr. Eaſt-Heſlerton Chap. to Weſt-Heſlerton, (Not certified.) Finmere alias. Femere Chap. to Wetwang. (Not certified.) Kirkham Cur. (Not certified) Priory of Kirkham Propr. Knapton Chap. to Wintringham. l. 6 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Leppington prozoo 00 00 00 1 3oo 19 19 10 32 09 00 00 12 00 1 . YORKSH. : DIOCESE of YORK. 673 Leppington Chap. to Scrangham R. Lutton Chap. to Weverthorpe. (Not certified.) Norton Cur. I. 9 : 04 : 01 Cert, Val. Pri. Malton Propr. Mr. Hebblethwait Patr. Wintringham Cur. (St. Peter] l. 17:06 : 08 Cert. Val. Pri, Malton Propr. Sir William Strickland Bart. Patr. 1.s. d. 1. 's 12 00 00 II 00 00 10 00 00 {Cram (of} 01 00 00 chi-}o2 10 00 00 ΟΙ 00 00 D. Bulmer, (N. & E. R.) in the Arch-Deaconry of CLEA VELAND. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tentho. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. og 08 11 Barnſby R. als Branſby [All-Saints) Syn. and Prox. xi s. vid. 00 18 10 Hen. Beane 1682. Mr. Reeve (W) Boffall V. (St. Botolph] OI 04 00 Colleg. Dunelm. in Oxon. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. Bulmer R. (St. Martin) Syn. and Prox. xi s, vi d. 01 02 00 Thomas Leybourne Cl. 1718. Mr. Wentworth Patr. (W.) S Crayke R. alias Craick + [St. Cuthbert) in Alvertonſhire, (of? exempt Juriſdiction.) Biſhop of Durham. ŞDonnington R. [$t. Nicholas] Firma Regi viïi s. Syn. and 19 oo oo Prox. yii s. x d. for 18 00 Counteſs of Bridgewater 1712. Duke of Bridgewater 1722. SEſcrick R. [St. Helen] Syn. and Prox. Archiepiſc . et Archi- 23 03 09 diac, xii s. vid. 02 06 041 Abbati Beatæ Mariæ vi d. * Bielby Thompſon Efq; 1715. Feliſkirk V. (St. Felix] Syn, and Prox. xi s. vi d. Præceptor Mon. Sti Johannis Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York. 14 Oo oo Foſton R. [All Saints] Syn, and Prox. xii s. vi d. OI 08 oo - The KING. Holtby R. (Holy Trinity) in Howdenſhire, Pens. Mon. Sti 08 Oo oo Cuthbert, viz. pro Syn. and Prox. XXV s. (Of exempt too 16 00 Juriſdiction.) Samuel Howlet Gent, 1684. 17 10 10 Kelvington R. [St. Wilfrid) alias Belvington, Syn. and Prox. xi si vi d. OI 15 OI Sidney-College, Cambridge. 08 02 01 Kirkby-Knowle R. Sýn. and Prox, xi s. vi d. 00 16 021 Thomas Frankland Eſq; 1673. 17 00 02 Seafy R. [St: Cuthbert] Syn, and Prox, vii s, vid. OI 14 00 Lord Viſcount Downe 1697. 17 13 04 Sutton-Galtres alias Sutton in the Foreſt V. (All-Saints] OI 14 04 Pri. Marton Propr. The Arch-Biſhop of York (W.) 23 18 06 Terington R. [All-Saints] Syn. and Prox. xiii s. vid. 02 07 10 Micklethwait (this Turn) 1681. William Barnes Efq; h. v. 1721. Mr. Gilbert or Geldart 9. (W.) Rrrr * Topliffe of Crayke alias Craick R. This Living is in the Biſhopric and County of Durham, and therefore the Incumbents thereof do always receive their Collation from the Biſhop of Durham, the Arch-Biſhops of York aving no Juriſdiction here ; and it is reckoned a Living within the Arch-Deaconry of Durham. Boc *}or 15 + :674 DIOCESE of Y'OR K. YORKSH Yearly Tenths. 1. ΟΙ 19 11 s. d. King's Books. I. s. d. 19 19 02 * Topliffe V. [St. Columb.] Archidiac. vii s. vid. Abb. de Fontibus olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of York Propr, and Patr. 25 17 031 Wheldrake R. [St. Helen] Syn. and Prox, ix s. vi d. Arch-Biſhop of York. 14 13,04 * Wigtington R. Pent. Ecclef. Ebor. V s. The' K ING.“. 02 11 08 OI 09 04 33 16 08 szor ܘܘ 09 oo oo oo oo Iooo Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. * Alpe V: [St. Mary] OI 00 00 Ecclef. Cath. Ebor. Propr. Lord Falconbridge. 25 Oo oo Brafferton V. (St. Peter] Syn, and Prox. vii sį vid. QO 19 061 : The KING, by an Act of Parliament 1729. Pri. Nezo- burgh Propr. 42 19 03 Crambe V. [St. Michael] . Syn. and Prox. xvi s. vi d. 00 18 02 Pri. Kirkham Propr.. The Arch-Biſhop of York Patr. 29 12 06 Dalby R. [St. Mary]:Syn, and Prox, ix s. vid. 00 10 01 Thomas Lumley Gent. 1692. FEASINGWOLD V. [All Saints] Penf. Archidiac. Richmond c s. 27 og 02 Archidiag. Cleaveland viis. vi di 05 015 Archidiaconus Richmond Propr. Biſhop of Cheſter Impr. and Patr, 45 Oo oo Elvirgton R. (Holy-Trinity], Syn, and Prox, vüi s. vi d. · 00 II 081 The KING 07 15 oo * Gatehelmeſley V. alias Gatehemyllaye (St. Mary] 00 04 00 00 Prebendary-of Oſvaldwiak. Hemingbrough V. (St. Mary] (of exempt. Juriſdiction.) The KING. Colleg. de Hemingbrough Propr. 14 10 02 Huntington V. [All-Saints] Eccleſia Cath. Ebor. Propr. Vicars Choral of York. 29 12 06 : Myton V. [St. Mary] Abb. Stæ Mar. Ebor. Olim Propr. . Arch-Bilhop of York Propr. and Patr. 13 10 00 * Olbald wick V. [St. Thomas] oo 08 oo Ecclef. Cath. Ebor. Propr. Prebendary thereof Patr. ŞOver-Helmſly alias Hemylſey R. [St. Peter] Syn. and Prox.? 19 05 oo 2 vii s. viii d. 00 09 11 The KING. 28 02 00 Overton V. (St. Cuthbert] Syn, and-Prox. xii s. vid. 00 08 10 Mon. beatæ Mar. Ebor. Propr. Mr. Bourchier Patr, 35. Oo oo * Ricall V.. [St. Mary] Eccleſ. Cath. Ebor. Propr. · Prebendary thereof. 36 00 oo Sherif-Hutton V. (St. Heien] Pri. Marton Propr.. Arch-Biſhop of York. 33 08 04 * Skelton R. (All-Saints] Redd. Ecclef. Ebor. xx d. Sir Hen, Frankland Kt. 1719. S Skipwith V. [St. Helen] Sýn. and Prox. vis. Penf, Capella-? 40 01 03.? no xxxiis. qii d. (in Jur. Hoveden.) ΟΙ ΟΙ ΟΙ: The KING Pri. Dunelm. olim-Propr, South- 00 12 00 {o *:} 00 12 00 OI 00 00 00 10 00 . 3 YORKSH DIOCESE OF YORK. 675 1. 1. s, d. 30 00 00 # i. 00 12 00 "}00 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. d. s ? 27 18 09 Prox. v s, ix de 00 15 054 27 18 09 South-Ottrington 2d Part. (St. Andrew] Syn. and Prox.v s. ix d. 00 15 051 Mr. John Knightly and Talbot (by Turns.). 33 12 06 Stillingfleete V. [St. Helen] Syn. and Prox. xii s. vid. , 00 !8 09 Hoſp. Beatæ Mariæ Horsfair Propri Dean and Chapter of York Patr, Stillington V. [St. Nicholas] Syn, and Prox. V s. oo 09 06 Eccleſ. Cath. Ebor. Propr. Prebendary thereof. 37 00 00 Strenfall V. [St. Mary] . .00 og 04 Ecclef. Ebor. Propr. Prebendary thereof, 26 15 08 Thirkleby V. [A11-Saints] Syn. and Prox. v s, iii d. Pri. Newburgh Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York. $ Thormanby R. (St. Mary] Penf. Pri. Molsbye xiï s. iiïi d. 49 02 03 { Syn. and Prox. viii s. x d. 00 16 03 Eliz. Robinſon Widow 1705. Lord Dawne (W) 08 14.00 * Wharthill V. [St. Mary]: 00 06 02 Ecclef . Çatb. Ēbor. Propr. Prebendary thereof. 34 12 04 Whenby V. [St. Martin) Syn. and Prox. viii s. vid. 00 08 10 Pri. Molsbye Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York. Mr. Gar. ford (W) Chapels, Donatives; or Curacies. Barbey Cur: 1. 00:10 : oo Cert. Val. Birdforth Chap. to Thormanby. I. 6:06 : 02 Cert. Vill . Carlton-Mincot Chap. to Thirſk. k. 4 : 12:: 00. Cert. Val. Diſhforth Ch. to Topcliffe. 1. 6 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Farlington [St. Giles] Ch. to 31.27 : 16 : 01 Cert. Val. Sheriff.Hutton. * Helleington C: [St. Peter and St. Paul] Slo 6 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Preb. of Ampleford Patr. * Huſtwhait C. 1. 25: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Preb. of Huſtwhait Patr. Huttons ambæ C. (St. Margaret] l. 13:00 : 00 Cert. Val. Arch-Biſhop of York Patr. Ķelburn (St. Mary] 1: 20 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Pri. Newburgh Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York Patr.. leton Márton C. L: 10,15. 10:00 Cert. Val. Abbey of York Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York Patr. to 604 Marton. Newton upon Ouze C: lin' l. 43 :: 06 : 00. Cert," Val. Hoſp. of St. Leonard's, York, Propr. · Mr. Boucher Patr. Over-Silton Chap, to Kilburne. I.. 12: : 00 : 00. Cert. Val. Raſkelf (St. Mary] Chap. to Ea- 00 : 00 Cert. Val. fingwold. Sand-Hattori [St. Mary] Chap. 31. 3.: 10 ; 02 Cert. Val. Thirfk. Rrrr 2 Sowerby : ? :. . ! 7 + نه ای 1 i 2 676 DIOCESE of YORK. YORKSH. Sowerby Chap. to Thirſk. I. 14 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Stockton C. 1..9 : 18 : 06 Cert. Val. Preb. Bugthorp Patr. THIRSK C. (St. Mary] l. 40 : 00 : 00 Cert, Val. Pri. Newburgh Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York Patr. D. Cleaveland, (N. R.) in the Arch-Deaconry of CLEA'VELAND. Arcbitos dias, for o8 10: Fo Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenthsa 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. S Crathorne R. (All-Saints] Priori Gisburn vi s. vii d. Archi- 10 11 103 diac. pro Syn, ii s. Proř. vii s. vid.. 01 02 George Cockayne Efq; 1715. SEfington R. [All Saints] Priori Gisburn xx s. Priori Gisburn xx s. Archidiac. 14 08 063* pro Syn. iiii s. Prox. vii s, vi d. The KING. 15 Oo oo Hinderwell R.[St. Hilda] Archidiac.pro Syn. ijis. Prox.vii s.vid. 01 10 00 Crompton Eſq; Arch-Biſhop of York by Lapſe, 1714. · Sir Richard Osbaldiſton Bart. Patr. 1720. Kirkby in Cleaveland R. (Sine-Cure.) [St. Auſtin] Abb. 21 08 06 067 Whitby lxvi s. viii d. Archidiac: pro Syn. iiii s. Prox. vii s. 02 02 101 vi d. Arch-Biſhop of York. 16 oo oo Leeke V.[St. Mary) in Alvertonſhire, † (of exempt Juriſdiction.) or 12 00 Biſhop of Durham Propr. and Patr. 10 11 00:{ Lofthouſe R. [St. Leonard] Archidiac. pro Syn, and Prox. vii s. vi d. 01 OI 01 The KING, 04 18 09 S Marton V. [St. Cuthbert] Archidiac. pro Syn. iiiis. Prox. vii s, vi d. Mon. Gisburn Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York. NORTH-ALLERRON alias North-Alverton V. [All-Saints]? ,17 10 10 in Alvertonſhire, (of exempt Juriſdiction.) Priori Dunelm. 01 15 OI Colleg. de Dunelm. in Oxford Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durban, 06 18 0655 Ormeſby. V; [St. Cuthbert] Archidiac. pro Syn. iiü s. Prox. vü s. vi d. Pri. Gisburn Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York. Rudby V. [All-Saints] + Here was a Rectory charged at 30 1. 30 Oo oo in the King's Books, but being given to Chrift-Church fo3 00 00 College, it is exonerated. · Co 'egiuni Regium voc. Chrift-Church; Oxon. Propr: Arthur Ingram Efq; 1700. Lord-Irwin Patr. (W) Siggeſton R. [St. Laurence) in Alvertonſhire, Priori Du- 12 13 04 nelm. x s. 05 04 John Turner Eſq; 1708. Sneton | N. B. All the Livings in Allertonſhire are ſubordinate (under the Arch-Biſhop of York) to the Church of Durham, and cxempt from this Arch-Deacon's Viſitation. . : + Rudby V. The Vicar has only 40l. per ann. paid by the Impropriator 'Mr. Ingram, for which he never paid any Tenths. q. If the Tenths are not payable by the Impr. *}oo og 103 17 XX I. 06:{ ! YORKSH DIOCESE of YORK. 677 S. 00 12 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 2. 1. d. 13 02 06 Sneton R. alias Smeton, Abb. Whitby xs. Archidiac. pro Syn. { and Prox. vii s. vi d. Zor 06 03 The KING Stainton V. (St. Peter] Archidiac. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox, vii s. 05 14 02 vi d. }oo 11 05 Mon. Gisburn Propr. · Arch-Biſhop of York. 30 06 10:{Stoks. vid. SSTOKESLEY R. (St. Peter] Archidiac. pro Syn. ix s. Prox. 303 00 08: The Arch-Biſhop of York. Welbury R. [St. Leonard] Priori Gisburn xxvi s. viii d. Syn. 07 02 1 and Prox. xi s. vi d. n: Boo 14 03: The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 06 oo oo S Weft-Roughton R. [St. James) alias Weft-Rouncton, in Al-? vertonſhire, (of exempt Juriſdiction.) The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. , 37 10 00 oo 13 04 2 tion.) Biſhop of Durham. 31 10 00 Cowſby R. in Alvertonſhire, (of exempt Juriſdiction.) OO II 01 Lord Crew 1716. Mr. Montague. q. (W.) SHawnby R. [All-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox. 45 19 07 vii s. vi d. 3oo 15 10 William Berkley 1703. 36 18 04 < Kildade R. [St. Cuthbert] Arcbidiae. pro Syn.is. Prox. vii s. viisor 01 00 04 Charles Turner Eſq; 1719. 27 Oo oo Kirkby V.cum Broughton. 00 10 08 The Rector preſents to this Vic. 20 13 04 Kirkletham V. (St. Cuthbert] oi 06 08 Colleg. de Staindrop in Dunelm. Propr. Serjeant Turner 1675. SLyth V. [St. Oſwald) Pri. Sti Oſwaldi ex Rectoria xxiiii . 44 00 00 301 01 03 { Archidiac. pro Syn. and Prox, ex Rectoria xvi s. Pri. Sii Oſwaldi olim Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York. Here was a Retory charged at 34 l. 4 s. 2 di but ſince 1554 appropriated to the See' of York. S Marík V. [Si. Gernan]. Archidiac. pro Syn. iilis. Prox. vii s. 25 15 00 2. vid. oi 02 Pri. Gisburn Proir. Sir Thomas Lowither Bart. 1717. S North-Ottrington V. [St. Michael] in Alverton bire, . (of 35 55 09 oo o8 oo exempt Juriſdiction.} Hojp. North. Allerton Propr. Chrift-Church College, Oxon, Patr. Soſmotherley V. (St. Peter) alias Oſmonderley, in Alverton-> 12 07 oo 2: jhire, (of exempt Juriſdiction.) Portionar. ſive Preb. Propr. Biſhop of Durham. Thornto :301 DI OI i Alverton-300 00 12 00 678 DIOCESE OF YORK YORKSH 1... So don {}oo D. Clear Hearly l'alue: Yearly Ternhs. li d. Thornton in. Le-Street: V. [St. Leonard] in Alvertonſhire, (of ? 18, 1894 o8 oo exempt Juriſdiction.) Hofp. North-Allerton Propr. q. Chriſt-Church Coll. Oxon. (W: p. 811.) Lord Falconbridge. Roger Talbot Efq; (Gale..) Chapels, Doxatives, or Curacies. Acklam Chap. to Stainton l. 17:03 : 04 Cert. Val. Appleton Chapel to Sneton. (Not Certified.) Ayton C. alias Hayton (All:}1. 14 : 00 : 00. Cert. Val. Saints] Abb. Whitby Propr.. Mr. Lowthorp Patr. Brompton Chap. to North-Allerton.. (Gale) (Not Certified.) Broughton Chap. to Kirkby. Carlton Cur. 1. 7:07 : 04 Cert. Val. Abb. Whitby Propr. Mr. Priſick Patr. Danby Cur. 2. 16 : 03 : 00 Cert. Val. Pri. Gisburn Propr. Dighton a Chap. in Alvertonſhire. (Gale.). (Not Certified.). (of exempt Juriſdiction.) Mr. Montague. Patr. Eaſt-Rouncton Chap. to Rudby l. 5 : 02 : 00. Cert. Val. Eaſton Chapel to Ormſby. l. 17 : 10 : 04 Cert, Wal. Eaſt-Hartleſey Cur. minna l. 12 : 05 : 00 Cert. Val. Abb. Whitby Profr. Mr. Lawson Patr. Egton (St. Hilda] Chap. to Lyth. l. 21 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Eſkdaleſide C. l. 7.: 16:08 Cert. Val. Faceby Chap. to Carlton. 1. 19:05: 00 Cert. Val. . 21 : 00:00 Cert. Val. Giſburgh alias Gifborough Cur. [St. Nicholas) (Not certified.) PriGisborough Propr. Arch-Bihop of York. Patr. Glazedale C. 1. 9:11:08. Cert. Val. Highworſell C. in the Pariſh of? :06': 08 Cert. val. North-Allerton, Hilton C. 1.5.: 09. : 04 Cert, Val. Haſley Chap. 'to Whitby. (Not Certified.) Hutton or Hunton-Bonvile di 101:1.00 : 00, Cert: Val. Chap. to Birkby. Ingleby-Arncliffe Cur. . lo 6 : 00 : 00 Gert. Val. Pri: Gisburn Propr. Mr. Maleverer Patr. Ingleby-Greenhow C. 7. 13. : 1,3 : 04 Ceri. Vai. Mon. Whitby Propre -St. Chap. to Yarum.. 21:05: 00 Cert. Val. Middleſborough C. formerly a ] 1. 6:00:00 Cert. Val.; Cell to Whitby. Sir William Huſtler Patr. (W.) Midleton C. [St. Cuthbert] lo 4 : 09:08 Cert, Val. Newton Fylingdales [St. Stephen] Chap:}1.21 : 00:00 Cert . Val . of}' I 3. : 2 C } YORKSH. DIOCÉSË of YOŘ K. 679 ... Seamer (St. Martin] Chap. 1931. 7 : 17 : 00 Cert . Val . Newton Chap. to Ayton. 1. 6 : 04 : 00 Cert. Val. Nunthorp C. li 10. : 12 : oo Gert. Val. Mr. Lowther Patr. Carlton. 7 : 17 : 00 Cert. Val. Skelton Cur. (A11-Saints] i. 29 : 03 : 04 Cert: Val. Pri. Ĝisburn Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York Patr. Thornaby Chap.to Stainton. (Not: certified.) Uggle-Barnaby Chap. to Whitby. I. 7 : 16 : 08 Cert. Val. * Upletham Chap. to Giſburn alias Giſborough, Whitby Cur. (St. Mary) a Market-Town in this Deanry, olim a Monaſtery in this Pariſh. (Not in Charge.) Arch-Biſhop of York Patr. Whorton (Holy Croſs ] Chap. to}.:13 : 10:00 Cert . Val Rudby. Wilton C. (St. Cuthbert] I. 19 : 09 : 06 Cert. Val. Pri. Gisburn Propr. YARUM Cur. [St. Mary Mago}. 38 : 03 : 06 Ceri. Val. Arch-Biſhop of York Patr. $ D. Craven, (W. R.) in the Arch-Deaconry of YORK, alias WEST-RIDING. s. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. OI 03 04 s. 03 12 00 OL 05 043 01 02 08 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. IT 13 04 Bolton R. [St. Peter] Ambro. Pudſay Efq; 1709. 36.00 oo Burnſall R. [St. Wilfrid] 2 Med. 1 l. 16 s. each. . John Alcock Gent.. 1709, to one Mediety. Sir William Cra- ven to the other Mediety, 1690. 12 13 11; Gargrave V. [St. Andrew] Abby of Salley Propr. "Mr. Chiſtopher Dodgſon Sen. 1717. Mr. Marſden (W) І об о8 GISBOURN V. (St. Mary] Pri. Stainfield Propr. Lord Burlington Patr. 1723. 21 00 071 Kighley R. (St. Andrew] Lord Burlington 1679. 06 13 04 Kirkby in Malham-Date V: ť Abby of Weſt-Derebam in Norf. olim Propr. Mr. Went- worth Patr. 32 00 00 Linton R. [St. Michael] 2 Med. 1 l. 12 s. each. The KING 14 14 04 Marton R. [St. Peter] Heber Eſq; 1679. 10 18 il Preſton V. (St. Mary] Pri. Bolton olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt- Church, Oxford. 02 02 00 oo 13 04 03 04 00 or og 05 OI 01 10 SKIPTON + Kirkby in Malham-Dale V. Certified to the Governours at 30 l. 680 DIOCESE of YORK. YORKSH. 1 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 1. 04 00 10 SKIPTON R. (Holy Trinity] 00 08 01 Dean and Chapter of York. 28 Oo oo Slaitbourne R. (St. Andrew] 02 16 oo Mr. Charles Marſden 1690. 04 Oo oo Slaitbourne Cur. (St. Peter] Chap. to Slaitbourne R. oo 08 oo 19 05 02į Thornton R. (St. Mary] 01 18 06 Sir Arthur Kay Bart. 1708. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 40 04 00 Addingham R. (St. Peter 00 18 097 Cambridge Univerſity 1714. (in right of Sir Walter Vava- four Bart.)W. 39 12 02 Arncliffe V. [St. Oſwald] 01 06 08 Univerſity College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 42 16 or Bingley V. (All Saints) 00 14 08 The KING. Pri. Drax Propr. 08 00 00 Bracewell V. [St. Michael] 00 04 II Abby of Kirkham Propr. Thomas Weddel Eſq; 1717. 24 12 00 Broughton V. [All-Saints) 00 11 07 Pri. Bolton olim Propr. Chrift-Church Coll. Oxon, Propr. and Patr. 30 04 oo Carleton V. [St. Mary] 00 10 02 Pri. Bolton olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt- Church, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 46 02 00 Giggleſwicke V. [St. Alkald] 02 02 04 Cella de Fynkall in Durham Propr.. Mr. Richard Jackſon 1720. Mr. Dockwra (W.) 29 18 06 Ilkley V.(All-Saints] 00 15 041 Pri. Hexham Propr. Mr. Robert Weelks Cl. 1716. Mr. Maud. (W.) 22 II 06 Kettlewell V. [St. Mary] Abby of Coverbam Propr. William Faucet Gent. 1699. 38 18 08 Kildwicke V. [St. Andrew] oi oo 091 Pri. Bolton olim Propr. Dean and Canons of Chrift-Church, Oxford, Propr, and Patr. 43 Oo oo Mitton V. (St. Michael] oi 08 09 Mon. Stä Mar. Ebor. Propr. John Anſtis Efq; 1719. Duke of Norfolk Patr. 39 12 10 Skipton V. [Holy Trinity) OI 01 03 Pri. Bolton Propr. Dean and Canons of Chrift-Church, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 22 18 00 Waddington Cur. [St. Helen] Chapel to Mitton. 00 04 10 Vicar of Mitton, or Mr. Weddell of Waddow. SETTLE, a Market-Town in this Deanry, but no Chap. in it. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Barnoldſwick C. (St. Mary] 1. 5 : 08 : 04 Cert. Val. Lady Petre, or Mr. Duke Propr. Chto Skipton V. St. and St. Cuthbert.] Coniſton 00 1000 YORKSH. DIOCESE of YORK. 681 Coniſton [St. Mary] Chapel to Burnfall (not certified.) Grindleton, Chapel to Mitton l. 4 : 03 : 00 Cert, Val. Haltongill Cur. 1. 12 : 01 : 02 Cert. Val. Horton C. 1. 13: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Mr. Wilſon Patr. Hubberholm (St. Michael] Cha- 1. 10 : 06 : 00 Cert, Val. pel to Arncliff Rilfton (St. Peter] Chapel to Burnfall (not certified.) Silſden, [St. James] Chap. to 31. 20 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Kildwick cha-}4 . Toffet [St. Bartholomew] Chap.}. 5:18 : 00 Cert. Val. to Gilbourne 5 : 18: 00 Cert. Val. Upletham, Chapel to Giſbourne (not certified.) Waddington (St. Helen]-Chapel to Mitton. D. Dickering, (E. R.) in the Arch-Deaconry of E AST-RIDING. id.302 ΟΙ 1o 0o 22 00 00 2 00 02 Livings remaining in Charge. Kings Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. de s Burton-Agnes V. [St. Martin] Penf. Abb. Ebor. x l. xiii s, ijii d. 20 06 03 Archiepiſc. pro Syn. vii s. vid. Prox, viii s. 02 00 07 Sir William St. Quintin Patr. (W.) John Hill ſen. and jun. by Grant from Sir William St. Quintin 1727. Abb. St. Mar. Ebor. Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 49.) 15 Oo oo Folkton R. [St. John Evangeliſt] Earl of Carliſle, William Green, and his Wife, and others 1718. Foxhole alias Foxhalls Ri Abb. San&tæ Mariæ ivil. Præpof. Beverley pro Thraves x só Pri. Bridlington xii s. Syn. and S02 04 00 Prox, Xv s. vi d. William Gee Eſq; 1912. Thomas Gee Eſq; (W.) HUNMANBY V. [All-Saints] Archiepifc.. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox. 20 OI 08 viii s. Abb. Bardney. vi s. vïïi d. Abb. Bardney Propr. William Olbaldiſton Efq; 1715. S Seamere V. [St. Martin] Archidiac. pro Syn. vii s. vi d. Prox. 18 16 053 viis. vid. Diacono ibidem xl s. I 17 071 Sir Jobri Napier Bart. 1707. · Marquis of Carmarthen (W.) Abb. Whitby Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 50.) STwing R. firft Mediety (All-Saints] Præpof. Beverley ii s.viii d. 08 I2 DI 2 Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox, xxi d. 00 Twing R. ſecond Mediety [All Saints) Præpos. Beverley ii s.? 08 12 OI viii d. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox. xxi d. oo The KING, Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 26 08 06 Boynton V., [St. Andrew] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox. vii s. vid. 00 15 05 The KING Pri. Bridlington Propr. Sir William Strickland Bart. Patr. (W.). Srir Burton- { Prox.}o OI 17 025 Prox.300 682 DIOCESE of YORK. YORKSH. s. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 00 12 0.5. S. -} oo 00 14. 101. 00 08 00- : . . 19.02! Abb. Thornton Propr. (Eng. Mon, Vol. II. p. 50.). Edward Clear Yearly Value. 1. du 10 06 08 Burton-Fleming V. ; Sir Richard Ofbaldifton Bart. Patr. 1721. Abb. Thornton Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 50.) Abby of Bardney Propr. (W) Carnaby V. [St. John Baptiſt] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiiis. Prox. 43 04 oo vii s. vid. Sir William Strickland Bart. 1703. Pri. Bridlingtor. Propr. 02 13 04 Ergham R. (St. John Baptiſt) The KING 1716. Folkton V. (St. John Evangelift] Archiepiſc . pro Syn. iii s. 29 04 00 Prox, vii s. vid, Earl of Carliſe 1687. William Green and others 1717. The Rector Propr. $ Foton V. (St. Andrew] Arcbiepifc. pro Syn. iii s. Prox. 18 00 oo vii s. vid. The KING, Pri. Bridlington Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 49.) Charter-Houſe at Hull Propr..(W.). Galmpton V. (St. Nicholas] Archiepifc. pro Syn. iiiis. Prox 287 IQ Oo viis. vid. Pri. Bridlington iiii s. Sir John Legard Bart. 1708. Pri. Bridlington Propr. 12 18 oo SGarton V.[St. Michael] Archidiac.pro Syn. iii s.. Prox. vii s. vid. The KING.. Pri. Kirkbam Propr. 25 00 00 * KELLOND alias KILHAM V. (All-Saints Dean of York Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vat. II. p. 50.) Dean of York Patr: 31 09 08 * Langtoft V. [St. Peter] Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 30 03 00 Mufton V. [All-Saints] Pri. Thornelon Propr. f Eng. Mon. Vol. If. p. 50.) William Ofbaldifton Eſq; 1.687. 18 06 08 : Nafferton V. [All-Saints] Abb. Mėlfa ji s. im d. Abb. Mella Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York. 27 Oo oo Righton V. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. vid. Prox: for OI 10 10 104 {G } do 10 03. viisizoo 00 10 08 00 13 04 oo 16 002 00 13 00; 01 07 061 00 19 00 39 10 00 ini s. Hutchinſon Efq; 1690. Radton alias Roadstone v. [AH-Saints), Archiepifc.pro Syn. Proxi viis. vid. n.3oo 1904 The KING, Abb.. St. Mar. Ebor.'Prapr..(Exg. Mon. Vol. II. p. 49.). Arch-Biſhop of York (W.) 38 oo oo SCARBOROUGH V. (St. Mary] от об о8- Pri. Bridlington Propr. William Thompſon Efq; 1708. Scawby V: [st. Laurence] Archiepifc, prö Syn. ii s. Prox. Zoo 13 04 { 44 10 00 2 vii s. vid.. Pri. Bridlington Propr.. Dean and Chapter of Norwich.. Willerby V. (St. Peter) Pri. Bridlington x sa viz o Ar.chi- epiſc. pro Syn, iijjs. Prox, vijs. vid. 00. 18 00 Thomas Coundon"Efq; 1691. Prin Bridlingtex Propr. Wold 28 10 09 ser YORKSH. DIOCESE OF YORK. 683 Yearly Tenibs.. 1. s. d. 00 13 11 3 27 Oo oo 4-31 Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. Wold-Newton V. Abb. Thornton Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 50.) 4. Abb. Bardney Propr. Edward Hutchinſon Eſq; 1690. Chapels, Donatives, or Guracies. Awburn Cur. 1. 2 : 13 : 04 Cert. val. Sir William Strickland Bart. Patr. Pri. Bridlington Propr. Bempton Cur. [St. Michael] l. 13:06:08 Cert, Val. Mr. Burton Patr. Pri. Bridlington Propr. Beſfonby Cur. (St. Magnus] ·lo 5:06:08 Cert. Val. Mr. Štaveley Patr. Pri. Bridlington Propr. BRIDLINGTON aliasBURLING- TON Cur. [St. Mary) 8: 00 : 00 Cert. Vala Arch-Biſhop of York Patr. Pri. ibidem Propr. : Butterwick, Chapel to Foxhole (not certified.) Cotham alias Cottam, Chapel to Langtoft (not certified.) Clayton (St. Leonard] Chapel to Seamer (not certified.) Cloughton, Chapel to Scąwby (not certified.) Eaſt-Ayton (St. John Baptiſt] Chapel to Seamer (not certified.) Finley als Filey Čur. [St. Oſwald]l. 16 : 00 : 00 Cert, Val Flamborough Cur. (St. Oſwald] l. 16 : 00 : 00-Cert. Val. Arch-Biſhop of York, and Walter Strickland alternate. Fordon, Chapel to Hunmanby (net certified.) Fraiſthorp, Chapel to Carnaby l. 3 : 00 : oo Cert. Val Grindal, Chapel to Bridlington l. 5 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Here Hackneſs c. formerly a Priory2 or Cell to Whitby-Abby (St. 21 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Peter] Harpham, Chapel to Burton-Agnes (not certified.) Lowthorp Cur. (St. Martin] l. 9:03:08 Cert, Val: Sir William St. Quintin Patr. Collegium ibidem Propr. Ruſton-parya alias Ruiſton C. -In 1 4 : 17 : 00 Cert. Val. Speeton C. h 3:05 : 06 Cert. Val. Pri. Bridlington Propr. enüb.olbewertelen to Whitby-Abby [5/34 D. Doncatter, (W. R) in the Arch-Deaconry Yor K, alias West-RIDING. 1. S. 08 1809 Livings remaining in Charge. Ring's Books. Yearly Tentbs. 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. 12 17 06. Arkſey. V. + [All-Saints] OI 05 09 Mon. Lenton in Co. Notting. Propr. Sir George Cooke Bart. 1708. St. Mary] 00 17 107 , Prox. sd The KING Afton alias Alfton R, (All Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. ijii s. 12 15 02 Prox. vii s. vi d. Earl of Holdernefs 1712. sirf 2 Athwicke + Arkſey V.--augmented to 100 l.per Annum by Bryan Cooke Eſq; 1660. Biſhop Kennet's Caſe of Impro- priations, p. 276. :{ is . "}or 05 06 684 DIOCESE of YORK. YORKSH. King's Books. d. S. 04 13 04 32 05 10 23 oo oo об оо 08 08 53 or 08 06 02 > a Yearly Tenthis. I. d. Athwicke alias Adwick t in the Street Chapel (St. Laurence] 00 09 04 Mon. Hampnall Propr. Henry Savile Eſq; 1720. S Badſworth R. (St. Mary] Pens, pro Clement, tith. Prebend. Pon- 2 tefra&t. xls. Archiepiſc..pro Syn. iiii s. 303 Prox. vii s. vid. 03 04 07 s, iEarl of Derby 1716. Barnburgh R. (St. Peter) Archiepifc. pro Syn, ijii s. Prox. viis. vi d. . Southwell xvil 302 Southwell College. 14 06 10:{Burrow. also c... [St. Helen] Archiepifc . .pro Syn. vs. vid. vidio1 Sir George Tempeſt Bart. 1703. Darfield R: (All-Saints] one Moiety, Archiepiſc. pro Syn.and Prox. y s. ix d. Pri. Pontefract. x s. ix d. ind305 James Greenwood Eſq; 1705. or Mr. Savile (W.) 32 19 02 DONCASTER V. (St. George] 03 05 II Mon. San&tæ Mariæ Ebor. Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York. 19 03 04 Egglesfield V. alias Eglesfield (St. John Baptiſt] OJ. 18 04 Mon. Charter-Houſe in Coven. Propr. Duke of Norfolk. Felkirke V. [$t. Peter] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox. vii s. 10:{F 07 OD 10 viisizoo 3oo 14 021 vi d. Arch-Biſhop of York. Mon. Sti Oſwaldi Propr. S Fiſhlake V. [St. Cuthbert] Archidiac. pro Syn. ii so Prox. 13 03 09 x. for 06 04: 2 Dean and Chapter of Durham. Durham College in Oxon. Propr. 12 04 07 Handſworth R. (St. Mary] OI 04 057 Duke of Norfolk 1679. 15 05 oo Hatfield V. [St. Laurence] OI 10 06 Pri. de Rupe Propr. (Rock.) Duke of Devon (W.) 18 11 10+ SHerthill R. [A1]-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s.' Prox. vii s. vi d. Pri. Lewes xxvi's, vil d. 17 02 Marquis of Carmarthen 1.7.16. Duke of Leeds (W.) Hymmeſworth R. [St. Helen] Redd. Domino Regi pro Clement. 20 or 003 tith. xiii s. iiii d. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox. vii s. S02 od 014 vid. Thomas . Kirkbram with R. [St. Mary) Archiepifc, pro Syn. vs. Prox.? 12 18 04 2 iii s. 01 05 10 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 10 01 00{Kirkſmeaton R. [St. Mary] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox. } 01 00 01 viis. vid. Thomas Birdfall Gent. Patr. 1721. [Mary Archiepiſc . s Prox. viis. vid.. 00 16 08 The KING, SHEFFIELD viiis. viszor 17 rox.301 08 07 037 Syn. iiis; + Athwiche alias Adwick Chapel in the Street ----Mrs. Anne Savile purchaſed this Rectory and reſtored it to the Church, Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 278. YORKSH. DIOCESE of YORK. 685 S. 12 00 00 04 og King's Books, 1early Tenths. 1. d. 1. d. 12" 15 023 vii s. vid. {Savis. VIDV. [St. Peter] Archiepiſe. pro Syn. ii s. Prox, for 05 06; William Fellop Efq; 1713. Mon. de Charter-Houſe in Coven. Propr. 44 18 09 Sprotburgh R. (St. Mary] 04 og 10 Lionel Copley Efq; 1718. 17. 13 04. Sylkiſton V. [All-Saints] Or 15 04 Mon. Pontefrakt Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York. 26 00:02:{ ŞTankerſley R. [St. Peter] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. V s. Prox. vii s. viis, for O2 12 004 vi d. Mr. Wentworth 1714. II 07 081 Thurnfcoe R. [St. Helen] Archiepiſc. Prox. viii s. viii d. 01 02 09- The Honourable Thomas Wentworth Eſq; 1714. 12 u 058. ŞThribergh B: alias Tirheigh (St. Leonard] Arcbiepiſc. pro Sýn. 301-05 014 Sir John Brearſby Kint. 1687: Mr. Savile (W.) 06-14 07 {s . Todwicke R. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii Zoo 13 051 Prox. vis. viï d.. Earl of Carmarthen 1690. Now the Duke of Leeds. Treton R. [St. Helen] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox. vi s. fore viii d. Duke of Norfolk 1689. Mr. Wentworth (W.) 10 Oo oo Whiſton R. [St. James] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, iiii s. Prox. vii s. iisdom vi d. Duke of Norfolk 1689. q. Mr. Wentworth. S.Wikerſley R. [St. Alban) Archiepiſc . pro Syn. ii s. Prox 08 oo 02 Joo 16.00 vi s. viii d. Pri. Werſop vis, vil d. Mr. F.chn Sylveſter 1715. Livings Diſcharged Clear Yearly Value. Barnby V. [St. Peter] Syn. and Prox, vii s, vid. 00 19 03 Colleg. Cotterſtock Propr. Mr. Gregory Patr, 1721. 06 13 04. Bolton V. ſuper Dern (St. Andrew] 00 13 061 Mon.de Monk Breton Propr. Mr. Jackſon. Braithwell V. [St. James] Archiepiſc . pro Syn. ii-s, Prox. vii s. üss} 00 14 09 vi d. The KING. Pri, Lewes in Suſſex Propr. S* Brodſworth V. [St. Michael] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, iiii s. . Prox, i . .} oo 00 12 08 vii s. vid. Dean and Chapter of York. Ecclefia Ebor. Propr. 23 oo oo Campfall V. [St. Mary Magdalen] oi 13 08 Pri. Walland Wells in Nottingh. Propr. Mr. Lea Patr. 1721. Mr. Yarburgh (W) 19 03 I Cantley V. [St. Wilfrid] 00 12 07 Pri. Walland Wells in Nottingh. Propr. Duke of Kingſton 1716. Earl of Shrewſbury (W) Coniſbrough { vid. o oo oo 18 00 00 3! 18 06 686 DIOCES E of YORK. YORKSH. Charts j. d. 16 03 09*** ix d. szor 21 02 00 3o. 50 oo oo 0300 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 28 15 09 Coniſbrough V: [St. Peter] Syn, and Prox. xi s. vid. 00 17 03 Arch-Biſhop of York. Mon. Lewes in Suſſex Propr. Darfield V. [All Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. ü s. Prox. iii s. d. og 02 Trinity College, Cambridge. Pri. Sti Johan. Jeruſalem Propr. 14 10 10 Darton V. [All Saints] OT 05 00 Mon. Mönk Breton Propr. William Wentworth Efqz 1904. Dinnington R. (St. Nicholas) oo 08 oo The KING . ii s. 00 18 co vid. Robert Moleſworth Eſq; 1699. SHigh-Hoyland R. firſt Mediety [All-Saints] Archiepifc. pro? 00 10 04 10 04 50 Oo oo High. Hoyland R. fecond Mediety [All-Saints ] Archiepifc. pro} 00 10 04 John Savile Éfq; 1695, and Sir William Wentworth Bart. by Turns (W.) 26 17.03:{ Horton. Pannell V. (All-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. x s. Prox. 3oo 11 c0: The Governours of the School at Wakefield. Mon. Sanet e Trin. Ebor. Propr, alias Sacriſta Ebor. SHooton-Roberts R. [St. John Baptift] Arcbiepifc. fro Syn, ii s. 43 07 10 { Prox. vis. viii d. 15 02 Earl of Stafford 1692. Earl of Holderneſs 1714. alterna. tim. Mr. Wentworth (W.) ŞSouth-Kirkby V. [All-Saints) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox.? 42 00 O'I { vii s. vid. Oi II 00 Sir John Armitage Bart. Patr. 1721. Mon, Sii Oſwaldi de Notel Propr. Mr. Allot (W.) * Laughton V. [All Saints] Cancellar. Ebor. Propr. & Patr. S Maltby V. (St. Bartholomew] Archiepifc. pro Syn. vis. viii di 23 12 10 2 Prox. vii s. vid. 09 04 The KING. Mòn. Arthington Propr. Mar. Cap. [St. Helen] (Stipend.) 00 08 10 Mon. Hampnall Propr. Earl of Kinnoul Patr. Sowſton V. [All-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox. viis. 35 02 02 vi d. 00 14 001 John Adams Efq; Henry Cooke Efq; 1708, Mon. Welbek Propr. Mr. Adams (W.) 32 02 II Penniſton V. [St. John Baptiſt] Syn: and Prox. xii s. vid. Oi 13 05 William Bolſvile Efq; 1718. and Sir William Savile (W.) Capell Sti Stephani Weſtminſt. Propr. SROTHERHAM V. [All-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. vid. 2 Prox, vii s. OI 12 10 Lord George Howard Norf. 1704. Mon. Rufford (Not- tingb.) Propr. Ruſton for 27 05 06 OO 13 04 d}oo 00 09 IO OI 02 {on 21 00 1 vi dozor YORKSH. : DIOCESE of YORK. 687 $. 1. d. }00 82 Clear YearlyValue. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 38 og oo Ruſton, alias Ruiſton, alias Reyſton V. [St. John Baptiſt] OI 14 04 Arch-Biſhop of York. Mon, Monk Batton Propr. Little-Sandall R. (St. Oſwald) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox. 45 06 093 vis. yiij dPri. Lewes. in Sudex. vi s. viſ d. 18 00 The KING 19.15 06 Ştainton V. [St, Winefrid) oo II 06 Mon, Sti Oſwaldi Notel Propr. Lord Caſtleton Patr. 1721. 25 12 00 TICKHILL V. [St. Mary] Syn. and Prox, xi s. vi d. 00 14 03 Francis Foliambe Efq; 1689. Mon. Sti Oſwaldi Propr. 23 II 05 Wadworth V. [St. Mary] 00 08 03 Preb. de Cave in Eccl. Ebor. olim Propr, Mr. William Ar- thur.. 41 16.01. Warmſworth R, [St. Peter] Archiepifc. pro Syn. xii d. 00 13 01 Mr. John Battje 17.16. 30. OI: 10 Wath V. [All-Saints) Syn. and Prox, xi s, vi d. O II 007 Mon. Sti Ofwaldi: Propr.. Dean and Canons of Chriſt- Cburcb, Oxford: Chapels, Donatives, or Guracies. Adwick upon Dern C. 1..20 : 05:00 Cert. Val.. Attercliff*(Holy Jeſus] Chapel? to Sheffield IQ : 00 : oo Cert. Pal. Auſton alias Anſton (St. James), l. 10.:.10 :.00 Cert. V'al.. Preb. Laughton Propr. BARNESL E Y [St. Mary.] Chap. 18:18: Cert. Vai.. to Silkeſton Bolſterſtone, Chapel to Egglesfield l. 7: 14 : 07 Cert. Val. Bradfield, Chapel to Egglesfield l. 24 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Cawthorne Cur. [.All-Saints] -1 33 : 04 : 04 Cert. Val. Duke of Kingſton Patr. Denby, Chapel to Peniſton 1. 32 : 07 : 06 Cert. Val. Eccleſhall, Chạpel to Sheffield 1. 9: 19 : 00 Cert. V.01. Frickley cum Clayton Cur. [A11-31. 17:03 : 10 Cert. Val. Saints] Mr. Anne Patr. Furbeck and Letwell Cur. [St. Peter] 15 : 15 : 10 Cert. Val. Preb. Laughton Propr. 6 Chapel to Rotherham Hatfield Cur. (St. Laurence] 1. 42 : 14 : 00 Cert. Val. Hickleton Cur. [St. Dennis] In 4 : 00 : 00 Cert. Vol. Mr. Wentworth Patr. Pri. Monk Breton olim. Propr. St. John's Cur. Chap. to Laughton l. 7: 14 : 07 Cert. Val. Preb. Laughton Propr. Loverſall, Chapel to Doncaſter l. 10 : 10 : 00 Cert. Val.. Melton ſuper Montem Cur. [St. h ] 20.: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Earl of Kinnoul Patr. Mexborough 1 [St.}? ? } ,-688 YORKSH. DIOCESE of YORK. 1 }4 } to}": ! Mexborough Cur. 1. 20: 00 : 00 Cert. Vale Arch-Deacon of York Propr. and Patr. to Egglesfield and Penniſton 1. 7:13:00 Gert. Val. Ranfield alias · Ravensfield [St. James] Chapel to Mexbo- <1..10 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. rough Shelbrook C. [St. Michael 1. 10 : 00 : 00 Gert. Val. Sikehouſe [St. Peter] Chapel to Fiſhlake V. 7:11 : 08 Cert. Val. Stainington, Chapel to Egglesfield (not certified.) . · Wath Lord Malton Patr. Temple-Newſome (formerly a Commandry of Knights Tem- plars, now the Seat of Lord Viſcount Irwyn.) Thorp-Salvin Cur. [St. Peter] l. 10: 04:00 Cert. Val. Preb. Laughton Propr. Thorn C. (St. Nicholas] l. 48 : 17 : 10 Cert. Val. Duke of Devon. Patr. Tinſley alias Tinſlow, Chapel to Rotherham l. 29 : 18: 00 Cert. Val. Wales Cur. (St. John] l. 10:05 : 00 Cert. Val. Preb. Laughton Propr. Wentworth Cur. [Holy Trinity] l. 27 : 10 : 05 Cert. Val. Mr. Wentworth Patr. Now Lord Malton. Wooley, Chapel to Ruiſton 1. 21 : 14 : 04 Çert, Val. Worſborough (St. Mary] Chapel to Darfield V. Wortley, Chapel to Tankerſley. 1031. D. Lcrthill, (E. R.) in the Arch-Deaconry of EAST-RIDING. t Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Rettories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. . d. 48 16.03 St. Andrew's in Beverley P. + 04 17.07 No ſuch Prebend, but now a Lay-Fee. 35 14 09:{Baynton Bi {St. Andrew] Preb. Sti Michaelis Ixxii s. ii d. d. 3031 03 II 053 Fob Hudſon Eſq; 1681. St. John's College, Oxford, Patr. (W.) og 12 06 Burnholme R. alias Nunburnholme (St. James] oo 19 03 Arch-Biſhop of York. 21 12 08-5 Catton R. #. (All Saints) Penf . Preb. Beverley pro Thraves { xxvi s. viii d. Syn. and Prox, xiiii s. ves}02 02 03 03 The KING, Cottingham + St. Andrew's in Beverley P.-Note, This Prebend, with that of St. Michael's and St. Nicholas in this Deanry, are all diffolved, and long ſince extinct ; as by Letter from the Reverend Mr.Jefferſon, February 7. 1718. Catton R, The Advowſon came to the Crown in Exchange with the Duke of Somerſet. I. "YORKSH. DIOCESE of YORK 689 1. d... King's Books. Yearly Tenths. . s. d. 106 134 Cottingham R. [St. Mary] (Impropriation) 10 13 04 Belonging to the Biſhop of Cheſter, Lett to Sir Michael Wharton. -20 09 041 Eyton alias Gitton R. [St. Mary] 02 00 11 Arch-Bishop of York. 12 11 o8 Godmanham R. alias Goodmadam (All Saints) Pens. Ecclef. 2 Beverley xxxiii s. iiiid. Syn, and Prox. xii s. OI 05 02 Mr. John Taylor 1718. The Reverend Mr. Leonard Aſh 10 07 OI Heſt and Hull alias Heffel V. [All-Saints] 01 00 08 suere The KING. Pri. Gisburgh Propr. in Spalding, (Holme R. + [All Saints] (Impropriation) Penſ. Ecclef . Bever-> 27 'oo oo ley xx s. Diacono xx s. Syn. and Prox. xi s. vid. Redd. Les zo. Patr. 1721. 02 14 00 1111 s. 10 00 00 OI 00 00 OI 10 00 02 00 00 OI 12 00 "}or a303 03 10 $ St. John's College, Cambridge. Holme in Spalding V. (All-Saints] St. John's College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. 10 00 07 Hotham R. (St. Oſwald] Oi Oo oo The KING 15 00 00 Hugget R. (St. Mary] The KING. 20 oo oo : Lokington R. (St. Mary. Richard Remington Eſq; 1684. The Patronage now is in Sidney College, Cambridge, 1721. 16 oo oo Loniſborough R. [All-Saints] Lord Burlington 1715. St. Mary's V. in BEVERLEY, with Holme Church (in the Ju- I riſdiction of Beverley) Joi 08 03 The KING. The Preb. of St. Martin's Propr. S St. Michael in Beverley P. (no ſuch Prebend). being (now) a 31 18 04 2 Lay-Fee 15 03 04 Middleton R. (St. Andrew] (in the Juriſdiction of Beverley) 01 10 04 Thomas Robinſon Eſq; 1716. Dr. Samuel Breary Incum- bent and Patr. 1721. S 02 06 08 Juriſdiction of Beverley) Edmund Barker Gent. 1703. Mr. Gee Patr. 1721. 20 OI 08 Rowly R. (St. Peter] Efter Hildyard Widow 1716. Sir Robert Hildyard Bart. Patr. (W.) South-Dalton R. [St. Mary] (in the Juriſdiction of Beverley) or 04 00 Sir Charles Hotbam Bart. 1715. S Sutton ſuper Darwent R. (St. Michael] Ecclefiæ Beverley xx s. 14 14 09 Syn. and Prox. xis, vi d. og 05Ź Sir Thomas Clarges Bart. Patr. Tttt Walkington + Holme R. Is an Impropriation in St. John's College Cambridge ; the ſaid College preſents to the Vicarage thereof, and lets out the Rectory to the Vicar by Leaſe for his Life, at a Pepper-Corn yearly Rent (if demanded). This Rectory and the Vicarage thereof, have not paid any Tenths for many Years, but how they are diſcharged from payment of the ſame does not appear. It is ſuppoſed they are diſcharged by ſome Grant from the Crown for that purpoſe. 23 06 08 { North-Burton R: alias Cherry-Burton (St. Michael] (in the fo2 06 08 02 00 02 12 00 00 690 DIOCESE of YORK. YORKSH. 1. s. de 02 IO 00 10 00 00 OI 00 00 32 12 06 I 2 10 00 }or King's Books: Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. 24 13 04 {Walkington Du-Jo2 og 04 Preb. Sti Jacobi pro Tbraves lxxiii s. iii d. Francis Lord Marſham 1690. Heirs of Biſhop Watſon Patr. (W.) 25 00 00 Welton V. (St. Helen) in Howdenſhire The KING. Chantry in Lincoln Cathedr. olim Propr. 05 00 10 Hoſp. Sancti Nicholai in Beverley OO 10 OI Hoſp. Sanctæ Trinitatis juxta Hull Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Awthton V. [All-Souls] 00 08 oo Pri. Ellerton (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 49.) Lord Caſtleton 1689. 18 Oo oo * Barnby-Moor V. alias Burnby (St. Catherine] 00 10 08 The Dean of York Propr. and Patr. 32 03 04 * Biſhops-Burton V. (All-Saints] 00 10 08 Dean and Chapter of York Propr. and Patr. * Biſhop-Wilton V. (St. Edith] 00 14 04 Treaſurer of York Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 49.) Mr. Darley Patr. 46 14 07 Brantingham V. [All Saints] in Howdenſhire, Syn. and Prox. xviis, vid. or 04 II Dean and Chapter of Durham Propr. and Patr. Colleg. de Dunelm. in Oxon. olim Patr. 17 00 00 Budwith firſt. Mediety V. [All Saints] OO 14 03 The KING Patr. 26 07 00 * Bubwith ſecond Mediety V. [All Saints] 00 16 00 The Dean and Chapter of York Patr. The Chapter of York Propr. to one Mediety. Abby of Rella Landa Propr. to the other Mediety. Burnby R. [St. Giles] 00 15 06 Earl of Burlington 1708. 17 Oo oo * Driffield-magna V. [All-Saints] and 00 15 00 Driffield-parva (St. Peter] 00 10 04 Præcentor of York as Prebendary of Driffield. 30 Oo oo Eloughton V. [St. Mary q.] 00 10 001 The KING. Mon. Kirkleys Propr. q. If the Prebend of Wetwang is Propr. and Patr. 45 Oo oo Eftrington V. [St. Michael] in Howdenſhire 01 04 II The KING. Pri. Durham Propr. 49 10 06. Everingham R. [St. Emeldis] оr об о8 William Weſtoby Gent. 1707. Sir Marmaduke Conſtable Patr. (W.) 24 II 08 Ferriby V. [All Saints] 00 17 04 The KING. Præceptor ibidem Propr. 39 15 02 Full-Sutton R. OI OI 037 John Eyre, and Frances his Wife 17131 Gevindale 26 02 04 00 00 00 YORKSH. DIOCESE of YORK. 691 I. d. foo 17 13 10 00 00 Clear Yearly Value: Yearly Tenths, d. * Gevindale V. 14 00 00 oo 09 10 Dean of York Propr. and Patr. (W.) 27 04 02 Harſwell R. (St. Peter] Syn. and Prox, ix s, vi d. 00 08 00 Sir Thomas Slingsby 1703. 29 Oo oo Hayton V. [St. Martin) 00 15 or Dean of York Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 49.) Dean of York Patr. (W.) Holme V. [St. Peter] united to St. Mary's Beverley, Syn. 06 13 04 2 and Prox. x s. Præpos . Beverley iiii s. vi d. Preb. Sti An- 400 17 il dreæ vis. Colleg. Beverley Propr. Corporation of Beverley. 25 Oo oo Hoton-Craneſwick V. (St. Peter] OI 10 10+ Pri. Watton Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 49.) Sir Charles Hotbay, Bart. 06 16.08 * Kildwick VSt. Helen] 00 09 073 Dean of York Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 49.) Dean of York Patr, Kirkbourne V. alias Kirborne [St. Mary] oo og oo The KING. Pri. Gisburn Propr. 27 Oo oo Kirk-Ella V. [St. Andrew] or 06 03 : Pri. Hawtemprice Propr. Sir James Bradſhaw Kt. 1705. Ellerker. Bradſhaw Eſq; Patr. (W.) 09 13 04 Leconfield V. (in the Jur. of Beverley.) 00 16 oo Abb. Alnewick Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 48.) Walter Compton Eſq; Patr. 1721. Mr. Lee Patr. (w.) 24 об об Lund V. [All-Saints] 00 12 07 Pri. Warter Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 49.) Richard Remington Gent. 1719. 08 08 oo Millington Cur. Dean of York 1721. 12 13 00 * Newbald V. [St. Nicholas] oo 08 00 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. * 46 10 00 North-Cave V. (All-Saints] OI 00 09 Pri. Carthuf. apud Hull Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 48.) Thomas Worſeley Eſq; Mr. Metham (W.) North-Dalton Cur. (All-Saints] Abbey of Watton Propr. Mr. Dixon Patr. 1721. 39 00 00 * POCKLINGTON V. [All-Saints] or 00 02 Dean of York Propr. and Patr. (W.) 08 06 08 Saunton V. alias Saneton (All-Saints] 00 12 024 Pri,Watton Propr. Lord Langdale Patr. 1721. 47. 05 oo Scorbrough R. [St. Leonard] (in the Juriſdiction of Beverley.) 00 14 00 Duke and Dutcheſs of Somerſet 1688. об о7 оо Sculcoats V. (St. Mary] 00 10 08 The KING. Pri. Cartbuf. apud Hull Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 48.) 38 06 oo Seaton-Roſſe Cur. (St. Edmund] Priory of Wartre Propr. Marg. Carmarthen Patr. Tttt 2 Skerne oo oo oo 09 06 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 692 DIOCESE of YORK. YORKSH. Yearly Tenths. Clear learly Value. 1. d. 13 05 oo Skerne alias Skyren Cur. Pri. of Watton Propr. 1. s. d. 00 00 OO. Mr. Duncomb of Bedfordſhire Patr. 1721. 30 00 00 32 Oo oo 17 08 04 44 10 00 27 Oo oo 17 * South-Cave V. [All Saints] oo, 16 oo Præbenda. Propr. Mr. Gibſon Patr. 1721. * Thornton V. [St. Michael] oo 14 07 Dean of York Propr. (Eng. Mon. 'Vol. II. p. 49.) The Dean of York Patr. Warter alias Wartre V. [St. James] 00 08 oo Pri. Warter Propr. Sir William Pennington Bart. Patr. 1721; * Wighton V. [All-Saints] oo 09 041 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Wreſſel V. [St. John of Beverley] 00 II 041 Pri. Drax Propr. Duke and Ducheſs of Somerſet.. Not in Charge. Allerthorpe Ch. to Thornton. (Not certified.) Beilby. Chap. to Hayton [St. Giles)" (Not certified.) Beſwick Chap. to Kildwick juxta Welton. (Not certified.) BEVERLEY-Minſter als Bever-> ley, St. John (in Jur. Beverley) Sl. 31 : 06 : 08 Cert. Val. College of Beverley Propr. The Town of Beverley Patr. Blacktoft C. ? Chapels to 21. 20 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Barnby-Marſh C:S Hoveden. Sl. 20 : 00.: 00 Cert. Val. In Jur. Hoveden. Bolton Chap. to Pocklington. (Not certified.) Cottingham C. [St. Mary) 1. 42 : 00 : 00 Cert. Vai. Biſhop of Cheſter Patr. Eaſt-Cottonwith Chap. to Awthton. (.Not certified.) Ellerton C. (St. Mary] l. 10: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Pri. Ellerton Propr. Mr. Bethel Patr. * Frangfoſs Cur. 1. 8 :.10 : 00 Cert. Val. Dean of York Propr. and Patr. Holme on the Wold Cur. (Not certified.). Nunnery of : Swine Propr. Edward Barnard Efq; Patr. Howden, alias Hoveden Cur. (St. Peter] in Jur. Hoveden.. (Not Certified.) College of Hoveden Propr. Sir Tho- mas Sling sby Bart, Patr. HULL alias KINGSTON upon Hull, Charter-Houſe of Hull Propr. Kildwick juxta Welton Cur. [All-Saints] (Not certified.). Priory of Watton Propr. Tho. London Efq; Patr. Laxton Chap. to Hoveden. (in Jur. Hoveden.) (Not certified.) St. Mary's in Huil, held with the Holy Trinity.olim. Ellerker Bradſhaw Efq; Patr. Millington Chap. to Gevindale. (Not certified.) Shipton Chap. to Wighton. (Not certified.) Skidby Chap. to Cottingham. 1. 20: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. St. Trinity in KINGSTON UPON HULL V. Corporation of Kingſton 1715. Charter-Houſe in Hull Propr. Watton I . . . } ir ! YORKSH: DIOCESE of YORK. 693 Watton Cur. (St. Mary] 1. 10 : 10: 00 Cert. Val. Priory of Watton Propr. Mr. Bethel Patr. Wilberfofs C. (St. John Baptiſt] l. 12 : 00 : 00 Cert, Val. Pri. Wilberfoſs Propr. Mr.Wilberfoſs Patr. Yapham cum Melſonby Chap. to Pocklington. (Not certified.) D. Holderneſs, (E. R.) in the Arch-Deaconry of EAST-RIDING King's Books. Is. d. 1. 10:{ . . . 13.11 101 1 prozor Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenths. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. d. Barmiſton R. [All Saints] Præpos. Beverley pro Avenis xxviii s. Archiepiſc. pro Prox. vii s. vid. Archidiac. prooi 07 02 Syn. iiïi s.. Sir Griffith Boynton 1720. Beford R. [St. Leonard] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. vii s. vid. Prox, Archidiac. V s. Pri, Bridlington xiii s. iii d., Penf. {02 04 00 xiii s. iiii d. Præpos. Beverley pro Aven. Ixii s. viii d. Arch-Biſhop of York. Brandeſburton R. [St. Mary) (in Jur. Beverley.) Mon. Bever- ley lxvi s. viii d. alia Pens. xlso eidem Mon. pro Prox, and 02 09 08: Syn. xiis. George Noel Gent. 1692. St. Jobn's College, Cambridge, 22 00 00 Boz jo 24:13.04 Patr. 1724 13°06 og for { Catewicke R. [St. Michael] Penſ. Pri. Pontefract xl s. Pre- IO: 05 Oo. { pop . Beverley Pro Thraves xxvi's. viii d. Archiepifc. pro Syn, foi oo 06. vii s. Proxv s. . - The KING Halfham R. (All-Saints] (in Jur. Beverley.) Præpos . Beverley? pro Avenis xl Š. Penſ. xxvi s. viii d. eidem Præpos. pro Syn. 01 06 08. x s. Archiepiſc. pro indemn, iïïi s. Richard Rand Gent: 1696. Mr. Conſtable Patr. (W.) Hornſey V. [St. Nicholas] cum Riſton R. (St. Margaret] 13 03 04 Archiepift. pro Prox. viii s. vi d. Penſ. Ixvi Š. viii d. Ar for 06 04 chidiac. pro Syn. iiii s. The KING. Abb. Stæ Mar, Ebor. Propr. to Hornſey. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p.48.) Leven R. [St. Faith] (in Jur. Beverley.) Prepos. Beverley pro Tbraves lxvis. viï d. eidem pro Syn. & Prox. xxx s. Se- Se-01 13 04 neſchall. x s. Sir Michael Wharton Kt. 1711. Nuthill R. (the Church is demoliſhed.) 00 04 00 11 06 03 { Osiyo ni s. vid. Prox . vii s. vi d. ŞOwthorne V. [St. Peter) Akk, de Crifall xł s. Archiepiſc.pro}o1 02 072 The KIN G. Abb. Kirkſtall, or Criſtall, Propr." SPATTRINGTON R. [St. Patrick] (in Jur. Beverley.) Præpoſ. Be- } 02 04 09 verley xx s. idem per Aven. vil. viii s. iiii d. eidem pro Syn. x s. Edward Saunders Gent. 1682. Clare-Hall, Cambridge, Patr.. Roofe 16 13 04 02 00 00 22 00 00 { : 694 DIOCESE of Y OR K. YORKSH. ܘܘܐ { Ar. Jo { { Ford { 12 00 00 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. I. d. Roofe R. [All Saints] Pri. Kirkham xls. Archiepiſc. pro 19 Oo oo Syn. iiii s. vi d. Præpos . Bever.pro Aven. lxxi s, viii d. Ar-Soi 18 00 chidiac, vïi s. vid. Earl of Exeter 1692. Mr. Kirby Patr. (W.) Rowth R. [All-Saints) Præpos. Beverley pro Thraves xiii s. pro 08 17 OI Aven. ix s. ix d. Archiepiſc. pro Prox. vii s. vid. Archi 00 17 08.1 diac. pro Syn. iii s. Ellerker Bradſhaw Eſq; 1712. Ryes alias Riſe R. (in Jur. Beverley.) Prepos. Beverley pro 10 00 05 Aven. xiiii s. iiii d. eidem pro Syn.vii s. vid. eidem pro Prox. S01 00 00 vii s. ii d. The KING. Sigleſton alias Siglefthorn (St. Laurence] (in Jur. Beverley.)? 31 03 03 Præpoſ. Beverley pro Aven. lx s. eidem pro Thraves lxvii s. 02 012 xi d. Prox. x s. Penf. Ixvi s. viii d. The KING. Sprotley R. (St. Swithin] Præpoſ. Beverley pro Aven. xxxvi s. 07 00 10 viiid. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Archidiac. pro Prox: Zoo 14. 01 vii s. vi d. Richard Rand Gent. 1714. 13 18 09 Sutton-College Church [St. James] (no ſuch Place now.) oi 07 10 Wynſted R. (St. German] alias Wylſted, Prepos. Beverley prot Aven, xxxs. Syn. and Prox. ix s. vid. or 04 00 Sir Robert Hildyard Bart. 1716, 1722. II 18 04 Hoſp. Sti Sepulchri juxta HEADON. 01 03 10 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 44 00 00 Alburgh V. alias Aldburgh (St. Bartholomew] 01 07 06 The KIN G. Abb. Kirkſtall Propr. ( Monaft.) [] . } 34 17 00 Prox. vii s. vid. Archidiac. pro Syn. iii s. po 08 og The KIN G 1623. Pri. Bridlington Propr. 26 10 00 * Burton-Pidſey V. [St. Peter or St. Mary] Dean and Chapter of York Propr. and Patr. Coledon-parva R. Pa govo Evariyelift. oo 05 04 The KING, Eflington V. [All-Saints] Stipend. Capellano Owte Newton ilii I. Mon. Melfa Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York Patr. Frodingham V. [St. Elgin) The KING. Abb. Thornton Propr. IO 05 00 Garton V. (St. Michael] 00 12 011 The KING. Abb. Thornton Propr. Goxhill [St. Giles) alias Gowfeley R. Prepoſ . Beverley xiiii s.? 44 02 04 eidem Prox. xiiii s Pri. Bridlington Propr. Robert Moore Gent, 1625. Wil- liam Lifter Efq; 1721. * HEADON { {, 00 12 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 { E ३० ΟΙ 00 00 I 2 00 00 00 10 00 YORKSH. 695 DIOCESE of YORK. Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. s. { * HEADON (St. Auftin) (it goes along with the Vicarage of}oo 0 00 00 00 10 02 Arcbic-200 18 oo oo Sub-Dean of York. 31 08 II Hilſton R. [St. Margaret] Ralph Carliſle Gent. 1713. SHolym V. (St. Nicholas] Syn, and Prox, xi s. vi d. Archie- 48 Oo oo 00 19 II 2 piſc. pro Aven. xxxiii s. iii d. Pri. Kirkſtall Propr. Sir Cha. Hotham 1709. Mayor and Burgeſſes of Beverley 1718. 25 Oo oo Holmpton R. Penf. Abb. Criſtall v s, Archiepiſc. pro Syn. vid. oo 08 04 The KING. об то оо Humbleton V. (St. Peter] OI 00 01 Abb. Thornton Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York Patr. Kayingham V. (St. Nicholas] 01 04 00 Abb. Melfa Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York. ŞKilnſey V. [St. Helen] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. 08 10 00 Prox. 12 10 2 viis, vi d. Abb. Kirkſtall Propr. Thomas Bacon alias Sclater Efy; 21 00 00 Patr. 1725. 24 00 00 06 15 00 00 00 00 47 10 00 '15 00 00 48 og 08 10 00 00 16 04 oo Mapleton V. (All-Saints] 00 09 04 Arch-Deacon of Eaſt-Riding Propr. and Patr. Marfleete Cur. Colleg. Sutton Profr. Richard Brodrepp Impr. 1721. Mr. Waterland Propr. (W.) Pagula alias Paul V. (St. Andrew and St. Mary] Præpof. Be- oi 00 00 verley pro Avenis xiiii s. illid. Archidiac. pro Prox. iii s. Abb. Kirkſtall Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York. * Preſton V. [All-Saints] 01 04 00 Sub-Dean of York Propr. and Patr. Skeekling V. [All-Saints] 00 14 00 Pri. Kirkſtall Propr. Mr. Conſtable Patr. 1721. Skeffling V. [St. Helen] 00 14 08 Pri. Kirkſtall Propr. Mr. Holmes Patr. 1724. Skipfea V. (All-Saints]. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. (a Stipend.) 00 19 077 Pri. Melſa Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York. Swine V. [St. Mary] 00 16 00 Pri, Swine Propr. Anne Tadman Widow 1705. Mr. Moorhouſe Patr. (W.) Sutton Cur. (St. James] Richard Brodrepp Eſq; Patr. 1721. Mr. Maſon Patr. (W.) * Tunſtall V. [All-Saints] Succentor Canonicorum Ebor. Propr. and Patr. Ulrome V. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. xii d. 00 07 11 Mr. Shipton Patr. 1721. Mr. Rickaby Patr. (W'.) * Waghen V. [St. Peter] 00 14 os Chancellor of the Church of York Propr. and Patr. Welwick V. [St. Mary] (in Jur. Beverley.) Præpof. Bever. 13 04 ley pro Pròx. x s. The KING. Præpos. Beverley Propr. * Withernwick 32 10 08 10 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 30 Oo oo 14 Oo oo { . . I 696 DIOCESE of YORK. YORKSH. 1. $. ". . 1 20 13 01:$ Caſtleford R. (All-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. V s. Prox. vi s.? Clear Yearly Value. Clear Yearly Tenths. d. d. 34 15 00 * Withernwick V. ESt. Alban] Pens. Perſon. ibm. ii s. 00 12 08 Prebendary of Arch-Biſhop's Holme Propr. and Patr, Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies, Bilton (St. Peter] Chap. to Swine (Not certified.) Burſtwick Cur, (Not certified.) Pri. Kirkſtall Propr. Mr. Conſtable Patr. Drypool C. (St. Peter] 1. 11 : 10 : oo Cert. Val. Abby of Swine Propr. Mr. Baynes Patr. Eaſternick Chap. to-Humbleton. (Not certified.) Liffet [St. James] Chap. to Beford. (Not certified.) Marton Chap. to Swine. (Not certified.) Nunkeeling C. 1. 20 : 13:: 04 Cert. Val. Priory of Nunkeeling Propr. Cert. Val. . Pri. Bridlingion Propr. Mr. Bointon Patr. Skirlaw (St. Auſtin] Chap. to Swine. (Not certified.) Witherenſea Cur. (St. Nicholas] D. Pontefract, (W. R.) in the Arch-Deaconry of YORK, alias WEST- RIDING. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Book!. Yearly Tenths. lo s. d. Rektories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. l. d. Ackworth R. ] iiii Prox. vii s, vi d. 02 04 0.1 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Adlingfleet V. [All-Saints] Arcbiepifc. pro Syn, iii s. Prox. vii s. vi.d. The KING, and Mr. Vincent (W.) Mon. Selbye Propr. S Almonbury V. [All-Saints) Pens. Vicario Dewsbery xlviii s. 20 07 II viii d. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox. vii s. vid. 02 oo og Collegium de Rotherham Propr. The Governour of the Free-School of Chitherow in Lancaſhire. BRADFORD V. [St. Peter] Colleg. Newark in Leiceſter Propr. Francis Buller Efq; 1718. Mr. Wolfe. (W.) 01 031 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 02 Croften R. [All-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, ii s. Prox. vi s. . 00 001 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. 14 00.0771 vii s. vid. Elmely R. [St. Michael] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, iiii s. Prox. or 08 00 Sir George Savile Bart. 1714. HALLIFAX 09 12 11 {A * Zoo 19 03: si}02 C 1 20 00 00 02 00 00 ܘܘ vi s}o2 {CE viszor 이 ​: L YORKSH. 697 DIOCESE of YORK. King's Books. d. Hearly Tenths 1. i. s S. d. 84 13 06:{ ŞHALLIFAX V: {St. John Baptift)Archiepifc. pro Syn. vis.}08 09 04: { xxii s. üi difoz WAS BEED Y AUxSaints ? cum . Cap. Horbury, Arcbiepifc.3oz १०० 05 04 02 Prox. vii s. vi d. Priori Lewes xiiii 1. xiii s. 08 og 043 The KING. Pri. Lewes in Suſſex Propr. Kirkberton V. [St. John Baptiſt] Vicar. Dewsberry iiii l. Ar 130608 or 06 08 chiepifc. pro Syn. vii s. vid. Prox. iiii s. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Capella Sti Stepha- ni Weſtminſt. Propr. 25 13 09 02 II 047 Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s.' Prox, viis. vid. Tam Rex quam Thomas Wentworth Eſq; 1670. Sir Wil- liam Wentworth Bart. 1712. 25 08 06 Methley R.[St. Oſwald] Archiepiſc . pro Syn. iiii s. Prox.vii s.vid. 02 10 101 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Archi- 40 00'07*epiſc. pro Syn. ini s. Ş Thornhill R. (St. Michael] Vicario Dewsbery xiiii s. 07 Prox, vii s. vi d. } oo 00 Sir George Savile Bart. 1714. 29 19 02 02 19 11 pro Syn. iiii s. Prox, viis. vi d. The KING Capella Sti. Stephani Weſtminſt. Propr. Warmfield V. (St. Peter] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox. 00 10 05 vii s. vi d. Mon, Sti. Oſwaldi Propr. Clare-Hall, Cambr. Patr. Barn. Oley Cl. 1684. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 25 06 08 , s ŞBatley V. [All-Saints] Arcbiepiſc. pro Syn. iiiis. Prox. vii s. ? vid. OI 13 02 Mon. Sti. Oſwaldi alias Notell Propr. John Copley Cl. 1719. E. of Cardigan. (W.) SBirſtall V. (St. Peter] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, vi s. viii d. Prox. 48 19 02 2 vii s. vi d. Mon. Sti. Oſwaldi Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York. Coll. Sti Stephani Weftm. (W.) V. ? yü s. vid. The KING, or Sir Walter Calverley (W.) Capella San&t. Angelor. Ebor. alias Sacrift. Ebor. Propr. ŞDarrington V. (St. Luke and All Saints] Archiepiſc . pro Syn.7 35 00 00 2 Prox. viis. vi d. · Prab. Pontefr. xxiii s. Priori Pon- for 13 01"} tefr. xiii s. iiii d. Arch-Biſhop of York. Pri. Sti Johannis Baptiſta de Pontefrad Propr. Prox. 46 04 05 { Dewſbury V. [All Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iii s. 02 05 04 The KING. (q. if not as Duke of Lancaſter ?) Ca- pella Sti Stephani Weſtminſt. Propr. * Ferry-friſton V. [St. Andrew] alias Water-freſton, Archie.? 15 03 04 piſc. pro Syn. v s. Prox. vü's, vid. Vicars Choral of York Propr. and Patr. Uuuu Fetherſton iisizor 3.}oz oj II 37 05 06 {Calverley Y. [St. Wilfrid] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iii s. Prox.? Boo 00 19 024 y s. :- { 00 0 II II 698 DIOCESE of YORK. YORKSH. , d. ŞHUDDERSFIELD V. (St. Peter] Vicario Dewsbery lii s, ii d.}or 15 04 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenthose bo d. S Fetherſton V. [All-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Prox. 45 Oo oo oa 10 10 2 vii s. vi d. Mon. Sti. Oſwaldi Propr. Dean and Canons of Chrift- Church, Oxford. 46 10 00 Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iii s. Prox. vii s. vi de 15 04 Mon. Sti Oſwaldi Propr. Sir William Ramſdon Bart. 169.6. 32 IQ oo Kellington V. [St. Edmund] 00 18 101 Præceptor de Nesvland Propr. Trinity-College, Cambridge. 12 14 00 Merfield V. [St. Mary) alias, Mirfield. oo 12 o' The KIÑ G. Pri. Kirkleys Propr. 48 07 02 Normanton V. [All-Saints] OO 14 00 Præceptor de. Nun-Appleton Propr. Trin. College, Game bridge. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 48.) PONTEFRACT V. [All-Saints). cum St. Giles Capella nunc in 47 Oo oo Foro. 01 06 08 The KING. Mon. Sti. Johannis Baptiſt. Propr. Rothwell V. (Holy Trinity] Archiepiſc . pro Syn. iiis. Prox. 41 18 10 viis. vid. 19 03 Pri. Sti Oſwaldi (Ebor. Com.) Propr. Gervas Pierpoint Efq; 1702. Lord Viſcount Irwin Patr. (W.) Sandall-magna V. [St. Helen] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, iſiis. Pens: 2 48 17 04*xiii s. iiii d. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Capella Sti Ste- pbani Weſtminſt. Propr. S ] . 7 24 OG 00 & vii s. vid. 13 Ol Mon. Stæ Mariæ Heyninges in Lincoln. Propr.. . Thomas Harvey Efq;. 1689, and Sir John Jackſon (W.). Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. St. Anne's Chapel in the Groves, Ch. to Hallifax, 3:00: 00 Cert. Val. inzor {R Prox. fo. 19 033 Pens;}or 06 09: 1 ves;}1 . Arnim [St. David] Chap. to??. ? t}%. 7 : 00:00 Carlton (St. Mary] Chap. to}1.25: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. : 00 : oo Cert: Val. - : Cleckheaton Chap, tq, Birſtal. Coley Chap. to Hallifax. I. 13 : 12 : 02 Cert. Val. Crofterne alias Croſtone Ch. to? 1. Hallifax. : Cumberworth [St. Nicholas] Chap. to Bradford. Si18 : 15 : 00 Cert. Val. Eaſt-Ardeſley C. 1. 27 : 00 : 0g Cert. Val. Eland alias Elland (St. Mary] 26 : 10 : oo Cert. Val. Chap. to Hallifax. to } ry}} Flockton YORKSH. DIOCESE OF Y OR K. 699 14 ew]} 4. 34 : 03 : Flockton Chap: to Thornhill, I. 31 : 05 : 00 Cert, Val. Harlithead cum Clifton Cur. in}. 8 : 09 : 06 Cert. Vol. the Par, of Dewsbury. Sir John Armitage Patr. Haworth [St. Michæl] Chap.}1. 31 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. to Bradford. Heptonſtall [St. Thomas Becket]} 1. 10 : 1) : 00 Cert. Val. Ch, to Hallifax. l Holmfirth Chap. to Kirkberton. l. : 09:06 Cert. Val. Hook (St. John] Chapel to Snaith. l. 8:13:04 Cart. Val. Honley Ch. to Almonbury. l. 24 : 06 : 06 Cert. Val. Horbury [All Saints 9.] Ch; to 31. 7:00 : 00 Cert. Val. Thornhill. . Idle Ch. to Calverley. 1. 13 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Illingworth (St. Mary] Ch.. to} 2. 12 : 16 : 00 Čert. Val. Hallifax. Knottingley (St. Botolph q.) Chap. to Pontefract. Lightcliffe alias Lightwick Chap. to Hallifax. 31.10 : 11:06 Cert.Val. Luddenden Chap. to Hallifax. K. 3 : 13 : 04 Cert. Val. Marſden Chap. to Almonbury 2. 3 : 06 : 08 Cert, Val. Meltham [St. · Bartholomew]? Chap. to Almonbury. št. 34 : 03 : 06 Cert. Val. Nun-Appleton Cur. (Not certified.) Pri. Nun-Appleton Propr. Offet [Holy Trinity] Ch. to Dewſbury. : 00 : oo Cert, Val. Pudſey Chap. to Caverley (St. Laurence] Pudfey Cur. (All-Saints] 1. 20:05: 00 Cert. Val. Pri. Sti Oſwaldi Propr. Mr. Pierpoint Patr. Raftrick Ch. to Hallifax. l. 5. : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Ripponden [St. Bartholomew]? Chap. to Hallifax, 5 l. 22 : 13 : 04 Cert. Val. Roecliffe [St. James] Chap: to Snaith. Scamaden alias Stadmaden alias Deanhead Ch.to Huddersfield. Jl. 15 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Slackthwait Ch. to Huddersfield. I. 00 : 04 : 00 Cert. Val. ** SNAITH C. (St. Mary] 1. 44 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. Pri. Snaith, Cell to Selby Abbey Propr. Mr. Yarborough Patr. Sowerby-Bridge Chap. to Hal-? lifax. Sl. 6:00 : 00 Cert. Val. Sowerby (St. Peter] Chap. tož Hallifax. fl. 12 : 02 : 08 Cert. Val. Thornton (St. James] Chap. to? } Bradford. 1.-10 : 13 : 04 Cért. Val. Tonge Ch. to Birſtal. Fl.:7: 10: 00 Cert. Val. Whitgift C. (St. Mary Magdalen] li 40 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Wibley (Holy Trinity] Ch. to}2. 13:05 : 00 Cert. Val. Uuuu 2 to31. 5 } Woodkirk 700 YORKSH. DIOCESE of YORK. Woodkirk C. (St. Mary] I. 31 : 05 : 00 Cert. Val. Wragby Cur. St. ] (Not certified.) Pi. Sei Oswaldi Propr." Sir Rol. Gwynne Patr. D. Bidall, (N. R.) in the Arch-Deaconry of CLEA VELAND. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. 00 14 10$ oi 08 10 01 07 00 14 17 06 01 09 09 M k-302 02 10 02 01 00 02 Patr. 1719. OI 04 02 33 06 08 03 06 08 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 07 08 051 Appleton V. (All-Saints] Abb. Sti. Albani Propr. Sir William Strickland Bart. 1706. 14 08 06 Barton in the Street R. [St. Michael] Arthur Viſcount Irwin in Scotland, 13 10 00 Gillinge R. (Holy Croſs] Lord Fairfax 1710. Hutton-Buſhell V. (St. Matthew] Abb. Whitby Propr. Thomas Wentworth Eſq; Patr. 1721. Miſperton R. (St. Laurence] alias Kirby-Miſperton, als Kirk- 25 01 by Over-Carr. Edmund Charles Blomberg Eſq; 1707. 10 01 08 Oſwaldkirk R. (St. Oſwald) Henry Frankland Eſq; 1700. Mr. Moore of Oſwaldkirk 12 01 101 Shingleſbie R. alias Slingſby (All-Saints] Robert Ward Clerk 1718. "The Duke of Buckingham Patr. 1720. Stangrave R. The KING, Thorneton in PickeRING R. [All-Saints} High Cholmley Efq; Patr. 1721. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 27 00 CO Ampleford V: [St. Hilda] Prebendary thereof Propr, and Patr. 29 08 oo Brompton V. [All-Saints] Pri. Malton Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 50.) Sir Wil. liam Cayley Bart. 1685. 35 Oo oo * Ebberſton alias Ibberſton V. Dean of York Propr. and Patr. 46 18 08 Eaſton V. Pri. Hexham Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 50.) Counteſs of Salisbury. Earl of Satisbury (W) 19 00 oo * Ellerburne V. [St. Hilda] Dean of York Propr. and Patr. 35 08 oo HELMSLY V. (All-Saints] : Pri. Kirkham Propr. Sir Robert Clayton Kt, and others. 1691. Mr. Duncomb Patr. 1721. 49 01 00 KIRKBY-MOORSIDE V.[All-Saints] The K ING. Pri. Newburgh Propr. 20 00 00 Q2 00 00 oo 08 07 01 04 00 00 II 081 7 00 15 00 00 14 05 OI 02 10 or 8 or Laſtingham Is YORKSH. DIOCESE of YORK. 701 ltarly Tentho. l. d. 01 14 09 34 Oo oo 00 14 091 01 01 02 00 19 03 39 10 00 от об о8 1 00 16 04 00 09 01 00 05 II Clear Yearly Value, 1 -d. 49 15 00 Laſtingham V. [St. Mary q.] The KING, Abb. Stæ Mariæ Ebor. Propr. (Eng. Mon. Vol. II. p. 50.) Leveſham R. Mary Etherington Widow 1691. Mr. Simpſon Patr. (W.) 22 15 03 Middleton V. Abb. Kirkſt all Propr. (Eng. Mon, Vol. II. p. 50:) Thomas Robinſon Efq; -1716: 48 05 06 Normanby R. Richard Hill Eſq; 1719. Nunnington R: (All-Saints] The KING. 41 00 00 * PICKERING V. [St. Peter]" Dean of York Propr. and Patr. 38 08 10 * Salton V. [St. John of Beverley] Preb. of Salton olim Propr. Lord Fairfax. 37 Oo oo Scawton R. (St. Mary). Lord Fairfax and Thomas Worſley Eſq; alternately 1720, or Mr. Cholmondèley. Not in Charge. Bildſdale Ch. to Helmſley. 1. 6 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Cold-Kirby Chap. to Helm ley. l. 8 : 13 : 04 Cert. Val. Coxwould Cur. (St. Michael] (Not certified.) Pri. Newburgh Propr. Lord Falconbergh Patr. Goatland C. l 4 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Hovingham C. [All-Saints] l. 20 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Pri. Newburgh Propr. Kirkdale C. 1. 12 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Pri. Newburgh Propr. ST. LEONARD'S C. in New-? MALTON. 1. 16': 13 : 04 Cert. Valo St. MICHAEL'S C. in New-31. 16: 13 : 04 Cert. Val. MALTON. In Malton nova, Chapels to Old-Malton. Old-Malton C. (St. Mary] 1. 16 : 13 : 04 Cert. Val. Pri. Malton Propr. Arch-Biſhop of York Patr. Lord Malton is Patron of Old-Malton, in exchange with the. Arch-Biſhop for Melleſworth R. in Hunts. Old-Byland Cur. (Deftrueta.) 1. 14 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. Abb. Byland Propr. Roſedale Cur. (St. Laurence] 1. 5 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Pri, Roſedale Propr. Swinton C. 1. 24 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Synnnington C. I. 19 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Wykeham C. [All-Saints] l. 20 ; 09: 00 Cert. Val. Abbey of Wykebam Propr. } s 1. D, *702 DIOCESE of YORK. YORKSH S. 1. d. . D. Biippon Remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. l. d. 08 00 00 Duæ Cantar, de RIPPON. 00 16 oo 24 00 071 Hoſp. Stæ Mariæ Magd. ibidem. 02 08 oo 10 14 04 Hoſp. Sti. Johannis juxta Rippon. OI OI 057 D. Rippon cum Maſſam, a Peculiar Juriſdiction. Rippon Eccleſia Collegiata (St. Peter and St. Wilfrid] The KING, Patron of the Deanry. Arch-Biſhop of York Patron of the Sub-Deanry and fix Prebends. Aldfield Cur. cum Studley (St. Laurence] Chap. to Rippon. Biſhops-Monckton C. 1. 00 : 15 : 04 Cert. Val, Biſhops-Thornton C. 1. 2 : 00 : oo Cert. Vol. Bongate [St. John Baptiſt] Chap. to Rippon. (Not certified.) Middleſmoor C. Patleybridge C. [St. Mary] l. 26 : 03 : 04 Cert. Val. Sawley C. (St. Michael] l. 20 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. Skelton. C. l. 7 : 16 : 00 Cert. Val. Winkley cum Grantley C. (St. 31. 00:02 : 00 Cert. Val. Oſwald) Hexhamſhire Peculiar Juriſdiction, Co. Northumberland. Allendale (cun Ninebanks) Cur. l. 26 : 06 : 08 Cert. Val. + HEXHAM Cur. [St. Andrew]? cum Whitby Capella. l. 13 : 06 : 08 Cert. Val. St. John Lees C. I. 6 : 13 : 04 Cert. Val. St. Mary in Bingfield C. 1. 8 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. St. Oſwald C. I, 4 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Sir William Blacket is Patr. of the five firſt of theſe Benefi. ces in Hexhamſhire. Tockerington C. 1. 10: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Prebendary thereof Impr. and Patr. is the Prebendary thereof in York Cathedral. D. Bingham. [Note, The whole County of Nottingham is in the Arch-Deaconry of Nottingham.] Norts. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Eooks. Yearly Tenihs, d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 04 17 06 St. Anne's in Sutton-Bonnington R. oo 09 09 Lord Berkeley. Ş Barton in Fabis R. (St. George] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. 19 03 09 Archidiac, pro Prox. vii s. vi d. Arch Biſhop of York. ŞBINGHAM R [All-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, iïi s. Arcbi-? 44 07 11 diac. pro Prox, vii s. vid. Earl of Cheſterfield 1711. II 09 041 Broughton R. Archiepifc. pro Syn. iiiis. Prox, vi s. viï d. oi O2 il Sir Gervaſe Clifton Bart. 1689. Clifton + Hexham-In this Pariſh is a Lecture of conſiderable Value, in the Gift of the Company of Mer- cers, London, drew}} . 1. s. 1. d. S301 18 047 {BI *304 08 09 4 NOTTS. DIOCESE of YOR K. 703 2 d.'- ii sazot 18 10 King's Books, Pearly Tenths. . d. Clifton R. [St. Mary) Arcbiepiſc. pro Syn, ifiis. Archidiac. 21 06 101 ekidiac. Joz 02 02 08 pro Prox. vii s, vi d. Sir Gervaſe Clifton Bart. 1689. Sir Robert Clifton Patr. 10 07 03 Codgrave oft Mediety (All-Saints] Archiepifc. pro Syn. iii s. Archidiac. pro Prox, iii s. iiii d. or 02 00 Earl of Kingſton. 09 14 og F Codgrave 2d Mediety [All Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. ii s. :{ . pro iii S}.00 ob 19 05 Earl of Kingſton 1698, 1722. 08 07 06 Colfton-Baflet V. (St. Mary) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. 00 16 09 The KING. Pri. Landa Propr. Cortlingſtock alias Coſtock R. [St. Giles] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 07 18 04 iiii s. Archidiae. pro Prox. vi s. viï d. "}00 00 15 10 Ann Perkins Spinſter, and Roby Sherwin 1708. Mr. Arm- ſtrong Patr. (W.) 08 00 05 vi s. viii d. ŞElton R. [Št. Michaelj Arcbiepifc. i s. Archidiac. pro Prox.foo 16 005 Gabriel Moore 1686. SEAbridgford R. [St. Mary] alias Eftburghford, Archiepiſc. 19:08 061 * Difc . pro Syn. ijii s Archidiac. pro Prox. viis. vi d. Magdalen-College, Oxford, alternately with Mr. Chaworth. 19 08.06Gotham R. (St. Laurence] Archiepiſc . pro Syn. iii s. . . sArchi- bino1 OI 18 10$ diac. pro Prox, vii s, vi d. Heyrick Aythorp Efq; Patr. 1721. Hawkſworth R. [St. Mary and All-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. . Zoo 3 illi s. Archidiac. pro Prox. vis. viii d. 17 041 Richard Butler Eſq; 1707. 18 08 04 S Hickling R. (St. Mary 9.] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, jiii s. Archidiac. OL 16 10 & pro Prox, vii's, vid. Queen’s-College, Cambridge. ŞHolme-Pierpoint R. [St. Edmund] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. v s.? & Archidiac: pro Prox. vii s. vid. 3.01 I 10 09 Duke of Kingſton 1719. S Keworthe R. [St. Mary Magdalen] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, iii s. 07 05 oo 00 14 06 & Archidiac. pro Prox. v s. Thomas Hayes Gent. 1715. Sir Thomas Perkins (IV.) SLangar R. [St. Andrew] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. viii s. Archi-2 10 07 II oi oo og 2 diac. pro Prox. vi s. vi d. Scroope Lord How 1714. 25 04 07 2. Prox. viis. vi d. ŞLeke R. (St. Helen] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. vis. Archidiac. profoz 10 053 Frances Stanhope Widow 1717. S-St. Michael's iir Sutton-Bonnington R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 15 02 OI 10.02 Dean and Chapter of Briſtol. 07 11 00; s.? Normanton fuper Sore R. [St. John] Archiepiſc.pro Syn. iiii Archidiac. pro Prox, vi s. viiid. 00 15 01 70.Forey (this Turn) 1697. Richard and James Richards 1719. Fran. Lewis Efq; Patr. 1728, Plumtree 08 13 09 . . . zo biržos in -}or 0:{ 704 DIOCES E of YORK. NotTS. {Plymotecore St. Mary) Archiepiſe. pro Syn. Vs. Archidiac;}o 101. 13 02 06 09 07 06 Zor -301 09 26 14 08 King's Backs. Yearly Tenths, 1. s. de 1. S. d. Plumtree R. [] V Archidiac, 19 19 07 pro Proxvii s. oi 19 11 Lionel Copley Eſq; 1718. 04 12 06 ŞRadcliffe.V. upon Trent [St. Mary) Arcbiepiſc. pro Syn. üii s. oo 09 03 2 Archidiac. pro Prox. vii s. vi d. CertifiedValue. Mr. Pigot Patr. 1721. Pri. Thurgarton Propr. SRemſton R. (All-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iii s. Archidiac. } 2 pro Prox. vi s. viii d. John Bellamy Efq; Stanford R. [St. John Baptiſt] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. vis, Ar- 00 18 09 chidiac. pro Prox, vi s. viii d. Francis Lewes Eſq; 1722. S ] , fro 15 09 0431 iiiis. Archidiac, pro Prox. vi s. viii d. I 10 II Pendock Price Eſq; 1717, S Weltbridgford R. alias Weſtburghford (St. Giles] Archiepiſc. 16 14 02 1 13 05 2 pro Syn. iiii s. Archidiac. pro Prox. vi s. viii d. Millicent Fuller Widow. Duke of Kingſton Patr. 1724. 14 16 00Widmerpole R. [St. Peter] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiiis. Archi- oi 09 07 2 diac. pro Prox. vi s. vii d. Marquis of Dorſet 1712. Duke of Dorſet Patr. (W.) 18 17 06 Wilford R. [St. Wilfrid] Syn, and Prox. non ſpecificat. 01 17 09 Sir Gervaſe Clifton Bart. 1694. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly value. . Archidiac. ili s. iii d. of Kingſton 1719. V. [St. Mary] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. vis. Archidiac. 16 05 00 2 pro Prox. vii s. vid.. Sir Thomas Parkins Bart. 1714. Pri. Ulvefcroft Propr. Carlcoſton V. [St. Mary] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, iiii s. Archi. 00 12 024. diac. pro Prox. vii s. vid, Duke of Newcaſtle. Pri. Wirkſop Propr. Flyntham V. (St. Auſtin] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Archi- 32 Oo oo OO 12 03 diac. pro Prox, vii s. vid. Trinity College, Cambridge. Abby of Welbek Propr. Granbye and Sutton V. (All-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. vis. 00 12 04 Archidiac. pro Prox. vii s, vid. Duke of Rutland 1720. Pri. Thurgarton Propr. 08 Oo oo SKneton V. [St. Peter] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Archidiac. 00 08 11 pro Prox. vi s. viii d. Sir Francis Molyneux Patr. Abb. Newboo Propr. 47 12 04 Kynalton V. [St. Wilfrid) Syn. and Prox. null. 00 15 10 Arch-Biſhop of York Propr. and Patr. Orfton + 4.tbolton Ram (only a Vicarage) ----and join’d to Holme-Pierpoint. See the Books of Inſitutions in Dificio Primit. 00 13 06 19 17 06 ŞAdbolton: 2: + Arcbiepiſc. pro Syn. ïi s. Arcbidiac. pro Prox, Zoo 05 04: १०० {, Arcbi. } oo cbi- is.} 30 14 08 ܘܘ{* - - NOTTS. DIOCESE of YORK. 705 1. d. -44 06 oo { ac.}or 43 03 oo 13 II Io oo oo { 1111 s. 00 00 00 ܘܘ IO 08 Clear Yearly Value... Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Orſton V. + [St. Mary] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. viii s. Archidiac. pro Prox. vii s. vid. 04 051 Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. 24 Oo oo Radcliffe upon Sore V. (Holy Trinity] Syn: and Prox, null. oo 13 04 Duke of Kingſton. Pri. Burſcough in Lancaſt. Propr. :14 03 04 Rodyngton V. [St. Peter] Syn. viii s. Prox. vii s. vid. 00 13 04 Duke of Devon. The College of Durham Propr. s Screiton R. (St. Winifred] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiïi s. Archi- diac, pro Prox. vis. viii d. Peniſton Whalley Eſq; Staunton on the Wold R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiïis. Archidiac. 43 oo oo 00 2 pro Prox. iii s. iii d. 05 04 Sir Gervaſe Clifton Bart. Patr. 1721. . . vi's. . 11 Richard Fownes and Margaret Armſtrong 1699. Sir Tbo- mas Parkins (W.) 14 II 0:1 Tithby (Holy Trinity q.] cum Cropwell R. (a Curacy only) Mr. Cbaworth Patr. 1721. Pri. Thurgarton Propr. Whatton V. I [St. John of Beverly] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, vis. 28. 10 00 Archidiac. pro Prox. vii s. vi d. Mr. Shipman Patr. 1721. 21 07 04 Archidiac. , 13: 100 Lady Katherine Hutchinſon. Pri.Wirkſop Propr. After- wards in Edward VI's Time, the College of Fotherin- gay. Wiffawe V. (Holy Trinity] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iliis. oo og or Mr. Stopford (Antiq. p. 34.) Pri. Wirksop Propr. ” Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Afacton Cur. [St. John of Beverley q.) (not certified.) Duke of Kingſton Patr. Abb. Welbeck Propr. Awthorp c. alias Owthorpe}1. 10 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Cur. (St. Margaret]. Mr. Hutchinſon Patr. Pri. Thurgarton Propr. Edwalton, Chapel to Rodington b. 5 : 10 : 00 Cert, Val. Kingſton fuper Sore, Chapel to}l. 14 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Radcliffe on Sore(St. Wilfrid q.] Scarrington, Chapel to Ofton (not certified.) Shelford C. [St. Mary and All- Saints] 40 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Pri. Shelford Propr. xxxx Staunton + Orffon V.-Augmented ſince the Reſtauration by the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln. Antiq. of Not- tingham, p. 117. | Whatton -Galfr. Arch-Biſhop of York, appropriated the Church of Whatton to the Abby of Se. James's at Welbeck, ſaving always a Competency for the Vicar that ſhould miniſter, viz, a third Part. Tho. roton's Antiq. of Nottinghamſhire, p. 143. { . Willoughby Y: [St. Mary and All Saints Arcbiepifc. pro Syn, Zoo 13: 10; 20 00 00 21-31. 1 706 DIOCESE OF YORK Norts. Staunton Cur. (St. Mary] 1. 16 : 00 : 00 Cert: Val. Pri. Haverbolme Propr. Thrumpton (All-Saints] l. 27 : 10:00 Cert. Val. Pri. Norton Propr. . D. Newazke. d. 1. S. d. {A 20 00 00 Arcbi-zo? 02 00 00 Bor 09 07 06 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. I. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. S Averham R. (St. Michael] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Archi- diac. pro Prox. viis, vi d. Lord Lexington 1711, 13 02 03 s Crumwell R. (St. Giles) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. ii s. Archidiac.? от об о2 pro Prox. vi s. viii d. Duke of Newcaſtle 1717. 09 16 00 Eikering R, Archiepifc. pro Syn. Äii s. Prox. vi s. viii d. 00 19 071 Marquis of Dorcheſter 1709. and Sir George Savile Bart. 1722. alternately. og og og Elſton R. [A11-Saints] Syn. ii's. Prox. V s. 00 18 101 Anne Lafcells Widow 1702. Fledborough R. (St. Gregory] Archiepifc. pro Syn. V s. Ar- oo 18 09 chidiac. pro Prox. vii s. vid. Marquis of Dorcheſter 1712. Hawton juxta Newarke_ R. (All-Saints] Archiepifc. pro Syn. 17 13 04 15 04 į vis. Archidiac. pro Prox. viis. vid. Sir Richard Nerdigate Bart. 1697. 09 09 041 Hokerton R. (St. Nicholas] Archiepifc.pro Syn. itiis. Archi- diąc. pro Prox. vi s. viii d. Mr. More Patr. 172Į. 19 08 04 Kellome R. (St. Wilfrid] Syn. iiiis, "Prox. vii s. ΟΙ 18 1ο Lord Lexington 1690. NEWARKE V. [St. Mary Magdalen] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 21 05 023 xvii s. vid. Archidiac. pro Prox. xvii. s. vid. 3oz 02 02 06 The KING. Pri. San&tæ Katherina Linc, Propy. Rolſton V. (Holy Trinity] Archiepiſc. pre Syn. iji s. Archi- 10 01 03 { diac. pro Prox. vii s. Arcbis} 01 00 or Souibwell College Propr. and Patr. 06 14 0432 pro Prox. v s. ŞShelton R. [St. Mary] Archiepifc. pro Syn, xijd. Archidiac. . . d. Zoo 00 13 055 Counteſs of Salisbury 1712. 14 01 102 vid. South Collingham R. (Śt. John BaptiA] Syn, and Prox. xis.for 18 02.; Biſhop of Peterborough. 11 16 13 111 Staunton R. [St. Mary] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, vi s. Archidiac. 2 pro Prox. vii s. vid. ac OI 13 04 Anne Charlton Widow 1714. Thorpe near Newarke R. (St. Laurence] Archiepifc. pro Penf.} 08 00 00 Fi} 16 po & Synag. xiii s. illi d. Archidiac, pra Prox. vi s. viii d. The KING, Weſton { Ar- Zoo . }op 18 11; 02{ NOTTS. DIOCESE OF YORK 707 .. d. {F ts300 . }oo 13 02; 0 00 00 Syn. Por 02 00 King's Books, Yearly Texths. 1. d. 19 02 II Weſton R. [All-Saints] Syn. iiii s. Prox. vii s. vid. 01 18. 03. Sir Thomas Willoughby Bart, and John Digby Esq; 1704. 07 11 00:{Wynthorpe R. T [All-Saints] Archiepifc. vii s. viii d. ' Archi }oo 1501 Mayor and Aldermen of Newarke, q. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 25 19 06 Barneby V. [All-Saints] Syn. ii s. 00 10 11 Southwell College Propr. and Patr. 18 Oo oo Cottam V. alias Cotton (St. Michael] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. ii s. 00 15 091 Duke of Newcaſtle. Pri. Thurgarton Propr. Farenden V. alias Faringdon (St. Peter] cum Balderton (St. 14 00 00 Giles] Syn, and Prox. null. 00 -13 04 Prebendary thereof in the Church of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. S Kilvington R. # [St. Mary] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. ii s. Archi-> 48 07 00 diac. pro Prox. V s. William Cartwright 1689. 44 00 00 Kneefall V. (St. Bartholomew] Syn. and Prox. null. Southwell College Propr. and Patr. Laxton alias Lexington V. (St. Michael] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 38 10 vi s. Archidiac. pro Prox. vii s, vi d. Earl of Kingſton 1694. Duke of Kingſton 1722. Colleg. Ebor. Propr. 40 00 00 ŞMarnhamorestWilfrid] Arcbiepiſc . pro Syn . vis. Arcbi-}oo ry ir William Brownloe Eſq; 1690. Ballivat. de Egle Propr. Sir Anthony Cope Patr. (W.); 35 14 00 Normanton V. (St. Matthew q.) Syn. iiii s. oo 08 06 Mr. Daniel Patr. Pri.Wirkſop Propr. 37 Oo oo North-Clifton V. (St. George] Syn, and Prox, null. 00 14 081 Prebendary thereof in the Church of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. 08' 15 00 North-Collingham V. (All-Saints] Syn. and Prox. null. 00 17 05 Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. Abb. Petriburg Propr. 07 10 00 North-Muſkam Mediety V. (St. Wilfrid] Syn: and Prox, null. oo og 11 Prebendary thereof Propr. N. B. The other Mediety was appropriated to the Priory of Shelford. 29 02 oo 2 og Scarle V. [St. Helen] Archiepifc. pro Syn. ix s. oo 10 03 Prebendary of Southſcarle in the Church of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. Stoke near Newarke V. [St. Oſwald) with Sirefton and Co- 36 or ID dington Cap. (All-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, xi s, Archi- Soo 16 00 diat.pro: Prox. XV S. Chancellor of Lincoln Cathedral Propr. and Patr. XXX X 2 Sutton + Wynthorpe is annex'd to Newarke by Charter February 8. 1672. Tharoton's Antiq. of Nottinghamshire, t Kilvington R.-The Church of Southawell Pátr. (Antig. p. 166.) Y Po 187 708 Norts DIOCESE of YORK ! 29 19 08 { 5300 TS. chidiac. pro Prox. vis. viii d. Clear Fearly Value. Yearly Tenths, L. d. ŞSutton upon Trent V. [All Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. v s. 00 10 08 Archidiac. pro Prox. viis. vid. The KING 1715. Duke of Newcaſtle Patr. (Thoroton, p. 381.) Pri. Wirkſop Propr. 15 or oó. Thorney V. [St. Helen] Syn. vi s. 00 08 09. The KING 1703. Pri. Brodbolme Propr. John Diſney Eſq; (Thoroton, p. 194:) Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Fiſkerton (St. Mary] Chapel to Farenden (not:certified.) Langford C. (St. Bartholomew): 1, 10 : 00:00 Cért. Val Mr. Moore Patr. Knights Templars Propr. Maplebeck C. l. 19:10 :.00. Cert. Vat. Abb. Rufford Propr. North-Mulkam altera Med. (St. Wilfrid] (not certified.). Prii Shelford Propr. Ollington Cur. (Holy Rood] (not certified.) Mrs. Cart wright Patr. Knights Templars Propr. Sibthorp Cur. [St. Peter] (not certified.) College of Sibthorp" Propr. Winkburn C. 1. 18: 00 : 00 Cert. Wal... Knights Templars Propr.. D. Nottingham Livings remaining in Charge Kings Books Yearly Tenthe ReEtories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 06 01 00 Colwicke R. [St. John Baptift] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. vi s. Ar- { chidiac. pro Prox. vi s. viii d. 0Q 12 01 70. Muſters and others 1680. . 01. 06.02. Scroop Lord: How :1705; 14 06 0o1 Gedling firſt Mediety R. (All-Saints) Syn, and Prox, null. oi 08 071 Gedling ſecond Mediety V. [All-Saints.)" Arcbiepiſc. pro Syn. 06 16 08 is. Archidiac. pro Prox. iii s. ix d. 00 13.08 Catherine, Elizabeth, and Bridget Wood 1703, and Earl of Cheſterfield. Pri. Shelford Propr. 07 19 02 s. vi DO 15 11 Sir Humphrey Moroux Bart. 1691. 18 or os Kirkby.in Aſhfielde R. [St ; Wilfrid): Archiepifc. pro Syn, vis. { Archidiac. pro Prox: vii s. vi.d. Duke of Newcaſtle 1700. 10 16 03 'Lamley R. (Holy Trinity]. Archiepifc. iiüs. Prox. viis. vi.d. or Or 071 Mr. John Marler 1719, one Turn. Lord Midleton one Turn. Mr. Staples of Nottingham one Turn. The Re- verend Mr. Mountague Wood and of Lamley one Turn, and one Turn, as be- ing the Heirs of Sir Francis Willoughby. 1. d. I. d. Ar-300 . Boi 13.01 08 ŞGonalton Ri alias Gonalfton (St. Laurence] Arcbiepiſc.profoo 15 11 . Zor 16 02 Sto Nortsä DIOCESE of YORK. 709 oo 06 07. 07 06 {M iepifc.oo { ] 24 II 08 Michaelisco 111 s. King's Books Yearly Tentbs. . s. d, s. d. St. : 10 05 00: . d. Marquis of Dorcheſter 1708. Duke of Kingſton 1722. Pri. Lenton Propri MAUNCELL V. alias MANSFIELD (St. Peter] Archiepiſc. oo 14 09 fro Syn. v s. Archidiac. pro Prox. vii s. vid. Dean of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. Teverſhall alias Terfall R. [St. Catherine] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 09 19 02 Ïïis. Archidiac. pro Prox. vis. viii d. 00 19 II Sir Francis Molyneux Bart. 1716. 11 or 00; Hofp. ad finem Pontis Nottingham OI 02 01 04 13.04 Hoſp, Sti Johannis oo 09. 04 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value, Arnold alias. Arnall V. (St. Mary] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. ilii s... og Duke of Devonſhire. Colleg. Newark Leiceſt. Propr. 18: 15 00 F-Attenborough V. [St. Mary) Archiepiſc. ad Feſtum Michaelis 00 08 08 Sir Francis Folejambe . Pri. Félley Propr.. q. The Duke of Devon. Basford V. [St. Leodegarius] Archiepiſc. pro-Syn. ii s. Archi- diac, pro Prox. ii s. 17. 09 The KING. Při. Catwick Propr. 25' 10 002 Beeſton V.[St. John Baptiſt] Archidiac.Notting.proProx.vis.viiid. oo 09 06 Duke of Devonſhire 1711. Pri. Lenton Propr. Bilburgh R. [St. Martin q.] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. : 07 03 diac. pro Prox. viiis, viii d. John Tbynne Eſq; 1689. Mr: Richard Edge 1722. Bullwell R. ($t. Mary. q.] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iii s. Archi- 33 Oo oo 00 IO 07 diac. pro Prox. ïi s. Sir William Stanhope Knt. 1705. Lord How (W.) - 25 Oo oo xii d. 00 09 11 Earl of Cheſterfield 1719. Pri, Shelford Propr.. Eftwáyte R. [St. Mary] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. ii s. Archidiac. 39 15 00 pro Prox. V s. 19 03 Henry Plumtree Eſq; 1689.. Gryeſley V. Syn. and Prox. null. 00 16 06 Pri. de Bello Valle Propr. Sir Robert Sutton Knight of the Bath 1728.: Hucknall ý. (St. Mary Magdalen q.) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. ii s. 00 09 091 William Byron. Pri. Newted Shirwood Propr. 12 16 01 Lenton V. (Holy Trinity] Syn. and Prox, null. co 18 03 The KING, Pri. Lenton Propr. Lowdam V. Archiepiſc. Ebor. pro Syn. vis. Archidiac. pro 00 09 10 2 Prox, vži s. vi d. Marquis of Dorcheſter 1712. Mon. Weſtminſter Propr. Lyndeby 14. 16.08 { Arcbim }o 37 06 08 {Archi- bi-} ŞBul Archi-goo : 11 00 00 20 00 00 i 41 09.06 pro}oo 710 DIOCESE OF YORK, Norts. 1 1. s. d. }08 1114 is;}oo 05-08 Arcbidiac. Zoo 06 113 00 10 00 { Trend Clear Téarly Value. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. SLyndeby' R. (St. MichaelArchiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Archi- 43 Oo oo diac. pro Prox. vis, viii d. Lord Rochdale 1689. S St. Nicholas in NoTTINGHAM R. Archiepiſc. pro Syn, vi s. 15 07 09 Archidiac. pro Prox. vi s. viii d. The KING, Nuthall R. (St. Patrick] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, iiii s. Archidiac. 31 00 oo pro Prox. V s. 07 052 Richard Slater 'Eſq; 1694. 12 19 00 St. Peter's in NOTTINGHAM R. Syn iii s. Prox. vi s. viïi d. oo 16 09 The KING. $Radford V. (St. Peter] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iii s. 23 oo oo pro Prox. vi s. viii d. The KING. Pri. Lenton Propr. 06 07 00 Selfton V. [St. Helen] Syn. and Prox. null. Sir William Willoughby. Pri. de Bello Valle Propr. Strelly R. [All-Saints) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. ii s. Archidiac. pro 17 10 00 Prox. vis, viii d. 12 05 John Thynne 1689. Mr. Richard Edge 1722. Trowell R. firſt Mediety [St. Helen] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, ii s. 40 Oo oo Archidiac. pro Prox, iii s. iii d. Sir Thomas Willoughby Bart. 1709. 45 Oo oo . . Fobn Hacker Gent. 1719. Wollaton R. (St. Leonard) cum Coffall, Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 44 13 00 vii s. vi d. Archidiac. pro Prox, vi s. viï d. 1.08 Sir Thomas Willoughby Bart. 1708. Lord Middleton 1724. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Anneſley C. [All-Saints] li 20 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. . · Pri. Felley or Newted Propr. Broxſtow, Chapel to Bilburgh (not certified.) Hoveringham C. [St. Michael] l. 20 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Trinity College, Cambridge, Patr. Kimberley, Chapel to Gryefley. Mansfield-Woodhoufe (St. Ed. mund} Chapel to Mansfield ſl . 40 : 13:04 Cert. Val. Paplewick C. l. 17: 08 : 06 Cert. Val. Pri. Newſted Propr. Skegby, Chapel to Mansfield l. 13:06:08 Cert. Val. Sneynton C. 1. 12 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Duke of Kingſton Propr. Pri. Lenton Propr. Stapleford C. St. Helen l. 6:03 : 10 Cert. Val. Þri. Newfted Propr. Sutton in Aſhfield C. (St. Mary] l. 14 : 06 : 08 Cert. Val. Pri. Tburgarton Propr. Thurgarton C. (St. Peter] l. 20 ; 90: 00 Cert. Val. Trinity College, Cambridge, Patr, D. . og 05: ŞTrowell R. fecond Mediety (St. Helen ) Archiepiſc. pro Syn. Zoo 09 05! 08 03 } I NoTs. . 711 DIOCESE of YORK. D. Gietford. King's Books. d. Yearly Tenths. I. to S. 14 19 02 Livings remaining in Charge. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. S Babworth R. [All-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. v s. viii d. Ar- chidiac. pro Synt. vii s. vi d. Mr. Wortley Patr. 1721. SCarlton in Lynrike R. [St. John] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Archidiac. pro Prox. vi s. viii de Arch-Bifhop of York. Clayworth R. [St. Peter] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Archi. 2 diac. pro Prox. viis. vid. Dean of Lincoln. 15 13 04 26 10 10 Ar for og in -}or 11 04 info2-13 of Joo 18 04 bin}1 { bir foro bir for 06 053 11 16 05:{ Gamelton R. (St. Peter] Arcbiepiſc. pro Syn. ii s. Arcbidiac. Zor 03 072 08 oo 04 null, Dean and Chapter of York. SEdwinſtowe V. [St. Mary] Archiepifc. pro Syn. vi s.. Archi- 14 00 00 { diac. pro Prox, vii s. vid. Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. 11 18. 11:Eftmarkham [St. John Baptift] with Weft-Drayton V, Archi- epiſc. pro Syn. ijii s. Archidiac. pro Prox, vii s. vid. 01 03 104 Duke of Newcaſtle 1709. Abb. Weſtminſter. Propr. 13 04 09:ŞFenningley R. [St. Oſwald). Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iii s. Archi- diac, pro Prox, vis, viii d. Jo. Harvey Eſq; 1712. 01 03 071 pro Prox, vi s. viiid. The KING. [. II 14 02 Prox. vis. viii d. 01 03 05 William Wogan and Samuel Buck Eſq; 1689. Mr. Nevil (W.) S Hartworth alias Harworth (All Saints] cum Membris V. Ar-? 05 09 07 00 10 11 chiepiſc. pro Syn. iii s. Archidiac. pro Prox, vis, viiid. Thomas Howard 1684. John Fell Gent. (this Turn) 1719. Duke of Norfolk Patr. Abb. Westminſter Props. 15 12 06 Heydon R. [St. Peter] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. vii s. vid. OI II 03 Sir Hardolph Waſteneys Bart. 1707. S Kirton R. (Holy Trinity] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. ii s. Archi-? 07 14 092 00 15 052 diac. pro Prox. vis. väid. 1717 ! . . 19 10 078 pro Prox. vii s. vi d. 00 Sydney Wortley 1695. [] Co. Ebor. or 02 01 2 iilis. .. pro Proxvis. viii d. Mayor and Burgeſſes of Doncaſter. Sandley Aro} oo 07:{ 11 01 05: { 712 DIOCESE of YORK. Norts. s. S. 13 04 06.300 { "}02 05 06 prozor King's Books. Yearly Tenth. 1. s. d. 1. d. 14 08 06:{SandleyR: alias Sandby (St. Martin] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. ii s. : }or OL 08 107 Archidiac. pro Prox. vii s. vid. Thomas Lord Middleton 1720. S South-Leverton V. [All Saints] Arcbiepiſc. pro Syn..iii s. 06 13 04 Ar-300,13 ? chidiac. pro Prox. vii s. vi d, Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Propr. and Patr. * Stourton V. (St. Peter] Archiepiſc. pro Syn, ii s, Archidiac. 05 07 03:{ 00 IO 08 pro Prox. vii s. vid. Dean and Chapter of York. 22 15.027* Warſop R. [St. Peter and St. Paul] Arábiepifc. pro Syn, iiii s. Prox. viis. vi.d. Iſaac Knight Efq; 1703. Weſt-Markham V. (All-Saints] with Pendercots alias Bever- 07 12 OI cotts V. (St. Giles] Arcbiepifc. pro Syn. iiiis. Archidiac. pro Soo 15 02 Prox. vis. viii d. Duke of Newcaſtle. Abb..Weſtminſter Propr. 12 14 02- WorksOp V. [St. Mary and St. Cuthbert] Archiepiſc . pro Syn, xii d. 04 0.5 Pri. Workſop Propr. Sir John Rodes Bart. 1685, as Lef- ſee to the Biſhop of Lincoln. .06 06.08 Hoſp. BAUTRE Y 00 12 0:3 08 14 02 Hofp. BLYTHE 00 17 05 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Bilítrop R. alias Bilſthorp [St. Margaret] Syn, and Prox. 2 illis. xd. Sir Brian Broughton Bart. 1714, BLYTHE V: [St. Martin] Syn. and Prox. null. 01 08 11 Trinity College, Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. Pri. Blythe olim Propr. * Bole V. (St. Martin) Syn. and Prox. null. : 00 09 04 Prebendary thereof in York Cathedral Propr. and Patr. 35 Co oo Clareborough V. (St. John Baptiſt] Syn, and Prox. null. 00 19 06 Sacriſta Sanétæ Mariæ Ebor. Propr. Duke of Devonſhire. Cokeney V. (St. Mary] Archiepifc. pro Syn. iiii s. Archidiac. pro Prox, vii s. vid. Abb. Welbeck Propr. Marquis of Dorcheſter 1910. Duke of Kingſton 1725. 25 Oo oo Egmanton V. (St. Mary] Archiepiſc. iiii s. 00 08 075 Pri. Newſted Propr. John Neale Gent. 1718. Sir B. Broughton (W) 16 00 00 Elkiſley V. [St. Giles] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. oo 07 075 Mon. Welbeck Propr. Duke of Newcaſtle. 15 00 00 ESTRETFORD V. [St. Swithin] Syn, and Prox. null. 00 10 06. Sacriſta Santt. Marie Ebor. Propr. Duke of Devonſhire, 30 00 00 Everton V. (Holy Trinity] Syn. and Prox. null. 00 14 02 Sacriſta Sanèt. Mariæ Ebor. Propr. Duke of Devonſhire 1711. Grinley Prox. Zoo 49 Oo oo 10.02 35 00 00 21 00 00 20 00 00 com Joo 18 101 "Norts. DIOCESE of YORK. > 713 1. d. 34 02 00 47 IO OO Sutton upon 18 13 09 Sutton . 301 І со од Clear Yearly Value. Tearly Tenshs. 1. s. 15 Oo oo Grinley V. (St. Peter and St. Paul] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. vii s. 00 15 10 Pri Wirkſop Propr. Duke of Devonſhire 1673. 26 oo oo Haytton V. [St. Peter] Syn. and Prox, null. oo 09 061 Sacriſta Sanet æ Mariæ Ebor. Propr. Duke of Devonſhire. 36 16 08 Heydon V. (St. Peter] Archiepiſc. pro Syn: vi s. 00 08 04 Fof. Palmer 1683. 22 22 11 06 * Lanam V. (St. Peter] Syn. and Prox, null. 00 10 04 Dean and Chapter of York Propr. and Patr. Matterſey V. [All-Saints) alias Merſey, Syn. and Prox. null. 00 12 10 Arch-Biſhop of York Propr. and Patr. 17 10 oo * Miſterton V. [All-Saints] Syn. and Prox, null. OI 00 06 Dean and Chapter of York Propr. and Patr. Myſſyn V. Syn, and Prox. null. 00 12 057 The KING, Pri, Matterſey Propr. Lownde [St. Bartholomew] with Scroby V. (St. ] Syn. and Proxnull. Sacriſta Sanitæ Mariæ Ebor. Propr. Mrs. Mary Butler 1683. Lady South (W.) STrufwell Eaft part R. (St. John Baptiſt] Arcbiepiſc. pro Syn. 40 16 04 Archidiac. pro Prox. . Dean and Chapter of York. Truſwell Weſt part R. [St. John Baptiſt] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. 40 03 04 xii d. Archidiac. pro Prox. iii s. iiii d. Sir Thomas Willoughby Bart. 1709, 22 13 II TUXFORD V. + [St. Nicholas] Archidiac. pro Syn. ii s. oo 09 05 Pri. Newsted Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. SWalkringham V. (St. Mary Magdalen] Archiepiſc. fro Syn. 30 Oo oo iis. Archidiac. pro Prox. vi s. viii d. Pri. Wirkſop Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 5 Waylifbye V. (St. Edmund] Archiepiſc . pro Syn, iis. Archi- 29 13 09 diac. pro Prox. vi s, viii d. 00 12 011 Abb. Weſtminſter Propr. and Patr. Sir George Savile 1720. -] . ii s. Ar- 48 13 10 chidiac. pro Prox. vi s. viii d. 19 04 Bailiffs and Burgeſſes of Eaſt-Retford. S Whetely V. [St. Peter] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. Arcbidiac. 49 Oo oo pro Prox. vi s. viji d. 00 07 10 Abb. Weſtminſter Propr. Thomas Lord Middleton 1720, Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. * alias Peter 9:11:08 Cert. Val. Preb. of Abſthorp in York Cathedral Patr. and Propr. Auſterfield, Chapel to Blyth I. 15 : 08 : 04 Cert. Val. BAUTREY (St. Nicholas] Chapel to Blyth (in Co, York.) (not certified.) y Bothumſall + Tuxford - In the Record after Synodals ii s. it follows,'" and alſo for Belfringe Boundes by Compofi- tion iis, o ] Zoo 16 014 . . Zoo 19 07: { de v }oo 15 011 {.} joo { Boo 714 DIOCESE OF YORK. Norts. Bothumfa!l [St. Mary] Chapel}.21 : 06 : 08 Cert . Val . Boughton C. (Ch. demoliſhed:) 1. 10: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Littleborough C. lo 4:03 : 04 Cert. Val. Abb. Welbeck Propr. Serleby, Chapel to Hartworth alias Harworth. Upton, Chapel to Heydon.. Wellow C. (St. Swithin] 1. II :00 : 00 Cert. Val. Abb. Rufford Propr. Weſt-Burton C. (St. Helen] 1. 12 : 13 : 04 Cert. Val.. Abb. Newted Propr. 1. Juriſdiction of Southwell. [All the following Benefices are in the Gift of His Grace the. Lord. Arch-Biſhop of York.] Benefices remaining in. Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. l.. d. Q2 11 03 Beaton alias Eyton P: 00 0:5 01 16 15 10 Beckingham P. oi 13 07 23 11 03 Dunham.P 02 07 01 22 19 07 Exton in Cropwell P: 02 05 11 24 10 00 Exton altera P: 02 09 00 Q8 17.06 Halmiſton alias Hallaughton P:. 00: 17 09, 22 06 oo Normanton P. 02 04 074 North-Leverton P.. North-Muškam P: 27 19 07 Northwell P.. 02' 15 II} 48 01 03 Norwell Overhall P: 04 16 01 05 oo 021 Norwell Tertia P. 00 10 00 Rampton P. or'11 09 Segefton alias Sacrift P. 00 02 03 13 04 07 South-Muſkam P. 01 06 051 Southwell College 03 18 07 115 13 4 Sixteen Vicars Choral of Southwell: College, each 14 s. 5:d, I II 04 4 The College. 09 17 II Woodburgh P. 00 19 094 Arch-Biſhop of York, 00 10 00: 05 Oo oo 32 05 oo 03 04 06 15 17 11 OI 02 06 39 05 10 D. Southwell and Peculia: Turifoiction. Yearly. Tinths. l. d. 00 12 061 Living's Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. ! l. d. Re:Tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 38 oo oo Beckingham V. [All-Saints) Archiepiſc. viii d. Benjamin Campfield 1690. Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 17 12 00 Bleaſby V. (St. Mary] Syn. and Prox. nullo Chapter of Soutbwell Propr. and Patr.. 00 08 00 Blud worth Norts. DIOCESE of YORK 715 3. 25 13 00 20 00 00 00 12 00 20 00 00 oo Iooo • Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. d. 1. d. 24 02 00 Bludworth V. [St. Mary) Syn, and Prox, null. 00 08 oo The Prebendaries of Oxton Propr. and Patr. 19 Oo oo Calverton V. [St. Wilfrid] Syn. and Prox, null. oo o8 oo Chapter of Southwell Propr. and Patr. 27 14 04 Caunton V. [St. Andrew] cum Beſthorpe, Syn. and Prox, null. oo 08 02 Chapter of Southwell Propr, and Patr. Cropwell-Biſhop V. [St. Giles] Syn. and Prox. null. 00 10 08 The two Prebendaries of Oxton. 49 10 00 Dunham V. [St. Oſwald] Syn. and Prox. null. oo 09 04 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Eddingley V. (St. Giles] Syn, and Prox, null. oo 08 oo Chapter of Southwell Propr. and Patr. 49 05 10 Eton V. [All-Saints] Archiepiſc. pro Syn. iiii s. 00 09 04 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 23.10 oo Exton alias Oxton V. (St. Peter] Syn. and Prox. null. Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 26 15 10 Farnesfield V. (St. Michael] Syn, and Prox, null. 00 08 oo Chapter of Southwell . Kirtlington V. [St. Swithin] Syn. and Prox. null. oo 07 04 Chapter of Southwell. 12 14 03 North-Leverton V. [St. Martin] Syn. and Prox, null. Prebend in Southwell Propr, and Patr. S North-Muſkam firſt Mediety V. (St. Wilfrid] Syn. and Prox. 00 10 08 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 35 00 oo Northwell V. [St. Laurence] Syn, and Prox. null. 00 09 03 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 17 10 oo Northwell-Overhall V. (St. Laurence] Syn. and Prox, null. oo 09 03 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 36 17 02 Rampton V. [All-Saints) Syn. and Prox. null. OI Oo oo Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. 38 15 00 South-Muſkam V. (St. Wilfrid] Syn, and Prox, null. oo 08 oo Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. og 03 04 SOUTHWELL V. [St. Mary] Syn. and Prox, null. 00 15 04 Chapter of Southwell Propr. and Patr. 23 13 04 ; South-Wheatley R. [St. Helen] Syn, and Prox. null. 00 13 05 Chapter of Southwell. 35 14 00 Upton V. (St. Peter] Syn. and Prox. null. oo og 01 Chapter of Southwell. 13 Oo oo Woodburgh V. (St, Swithin] Syn. and Prox. null. 00 08 00 Prebendary thereof Propr. and Patr. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Darleton [St. Giles] Chapel to Dunham. Halam C. [St. Michael] Capella 31. 00 : 07:00 Cert. Val. to South well Halloughton C. (St. James] l. 10 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. P. Halloughton Propr. and Patr. Y yyy 2 Holme 10 00 00 null. Boo 1 716 DIOCESE of CARLISLE. Holme (St Giles) Chapel to}: 7: 10: 00 Cert. Val , North-Muſkam 7 : 10 : 00. Cert. Val. Morton C. (St. Dennis] 1. 19:07 : 00 Cert. Val. Ragnal [St. Oſwald) Chapel to Dunham. Dioceſe of Carliſle * King's Book.. be d. 531 04 91 s. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. 53 02 053 B'S ISHOPRIC of Carliſle Erected anno 1133, out of the Dioceſes of York and Durbam, The Cathedral Church. (ST. MARY THE VIRGIN.), The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths; founded anno 1542. There are four Prebends in the Church of Carliſle, all in the Gift of the Biſhop; none of the ſaid Prebends are charged with any payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths, but they pay a Fee-Farm Rent of lxxxii l. xi s. ix d. qa. in lieu thereof, which being ſold by the Crown, is now paid to the Ste- ward of the Corporation for the Support of the Widows of the poor Clergy. Dr. T. D. Alderbit, alias Alnedale, alias Allerdale. 22 00 00 CUMBERLAND. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tent As. 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. s. d. og 04 07 Addingham V. † [St. Michael] Syn. iiii s. "Prox..xvid. co 58 057 Pri. Carliol. Propr. . Dean and Chapter of Carlife. 10 04 02 Aſpatrick V. I [St. Patrick] Syn. V s. Prox. xx d. 01 00 05 Pri. Carliol. olim Propr. Biſhop of Carliſle Propr. and Patr.. 19 18 04 Bolton R. [All Saints] Syn. į s. Prox, iii s. iiii d. OI 19 10 Sir Wilfrid Lawſon Bart. 1720. Bromfield V. (St. Kentigern] Syn. fii s. Prox, ii s. ii d. ob. 02 04 00 Mon. Sanétæ Marie Ebor. Propr. Biſhop of Carliſle. 45 13.06 Caldbeck R. (St. Kentigern] Syn. iii s. Prox. iiii s. vi d. 04 II 045 Biſhop of Carlife. go 08 111 Crofthwait V. (St. Kentigern] Syn. iiii s. Prox. ijii s. üïïi d. ob. 05 Oo 10% The KING and Biſhop alternately. Abb. Santa Maria de Fontibus in Co. Ebor. Propr. Grayſtock * Carlile or Carliſle Some have affirmed, that the 'Right Honourable Perſon who had the Title of Earl from it Anno Dom. 1661, was the firſt that inſerted the Letter (S) into the word Carliſle, thereby ta ſtrengthen the pronunciation, and make it ſound better ; but this muſt be a Miſtake, for tħere are ſeveral Atteitations mentioned in our Hiſtories temp. Hen. VIII. from authentic Copies where it is ſo writ-Dr. I. But Note, that the preſent Biſhop Dr. Bradford writes it Carlile, and not Carliſle. + Addingham, Aldhingham, Auldingham (oppidum ad lapides antiquum penfiles.) | Afpatrick, Aſpatryke as commonly called Afpatria (Goſpatricii vel Áfpatricá Habitatia.) CUMBERLAND. DIOCESE of CARLISL E. 717 d. Bart. 1711. 22 IO IO { -fo2 05 OI K.ing's Books. Yearly Tenth's I. d. 1. 40. 07 08 14 Grayſtock R.and College St. Andrew]Syn. ii s.vid. Prox. iiis.xd. 04 00 09: The Honourable Charles Howard' 1686. Univerſity of Cambridge 1693. Sir Wilfrid Lawſon Bart. 1711, 1717. 08 13 06 Iſuell alias Ifall V. (St. Andrew] Syn. iiïi-s. Prox. xiiii d.ob. 00 17 041 Mon. Hextuldeſham (Hexham) Propr. Sir Wilfrid Lawſon 08 10 00 Kirkland V. '[St. Laurence] Syn. iiii s. Prox, ii's. 00 17 00 Mon. Carliol. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle. 13 or oz Laſingby V. [St. Nicholas) alias Lazonby, Syn. ii s. Prox. ii s. 01 06 015 Pri. Lanercoft Propr. Biſhop of Carlife. 12 11 051 Melmerby R. (St. Mary and All-Saints] Syn. ii s. Prox. ii s. oi 05 011 Thomas Pattefon Gent. 1701. 12 06 03 PénRETH * V. [St. Andrew] Syn. iii s. Prox. iiii s. iïïi d. or 04 075 Biſhop of Garliſe Propr. and Patr. 20 14 091 Plumbland R. [St. Cuthbert] Syn. ii s. Prox, iii s. 02 OI 051 Sir Wilfrid Lawſon Bart. 1720. Salkeld R. [$t, Cuthbert] alias Arch-Deaconry of Carliſle, Syn. { v s.. Prox. vis. 02 Biſhop of Carliſle. The Arch-Deaconry || founded 1133. 43 03 06 Skelton R. [St. Michael] Syn.iiii s. Prox, vi s, ix d: 04 06 045 Corpus-Chriſti College, Oxford. 33 06 08 Ş.Torpenho alias Torpennow V. [St. Michael]Syn. ijii s. об о8 s. Abb. Roſedale Propr. Biſhop of Carlife. 17 18 OI Uldaile alias Ulndale R. Syn. ii s. Prox.iii s. iiii: d. OD 15 091 Mr. Chr. Dalſton 1697. 13 13 04 { viï d. Prox. ii s. viii d.. ŞUſnelby alias Ounlby alias Ouſeby. R. [St. Patrick]. Syn, for oy 04 Biſhop of Carliſle. Livings Diſcbarged. Clear Yearly Value. SAinſtable alias Anſtablith V. (St. Andrew] Syn. ii s. Prox. 35 Oo oo ** d.' Abb. Lanercoft Propr. Mrs. Barbar. Hagget Widow 1680. Mr. 7ohn How. Bride-kirk V. [St. Bridget] Syn. xviii d. Prox. iii s. iiii d. Oi Oi 04 Pri. Gisburne in Co. Ēbor. Propr. Ro. Lamplugh Esq;1720. 47 Oo oo Crogling R [St. John Baptift] 'Syn. ii s. Proxiis. - 00 16 00 Lord Wharton 1691. 14 10 09 Dacre V. + (St. Andrew] 00 16 oo The KÍN G. Colleg. de Kirk-Oſwald Propr. 15 11 09 Deerham V. Syn, ii s. Prox. x d. co 09 04 Mon. Gisburne in Ebor. Propr. Biſhop of Carliſle. Edenhall * Penreth V. -augmented by Biſhop Stern with 20%. per Annum. Mr. William Mawſon gave a Leaſe of Tithes in Slegill, in the Pariſh of Moreland, Weſtmoreland, about 10l. per Annum. Dr. Smith Biſhop of Carlile gave 500 l. for an Augmentation. Dr. I. | Vide Willis's Survey, p. 815. The Archidiaconal Power here is ſmall, the Juriſdiction being veſted in the.. Biſhop and his Chancellor. + Dacre V. This is only a Curacy, though ſtiled a Vic. in the Original, formerly a Monaſtery. rox.300 16 10 33 00 00 -718 DIOCESE of CARLISLE. CUMBERLAND. 1. d. 43 07 08 9:2001 1 $}or 15 00 Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, l. d. Edenhall V. [St. Cuthbert] Syn. vi s. Prox. xvi d. ..01 15 02 Dean and Chapter of Carliſe. 22 16 04 Gilcrux V. [St. Mary q.] Syn. ii s. Proy. xiiii d. ob. qa. 00 II 05 Mon. Cawder Propr. Biſhop of Carlife. SHOLME-CULTRAM (St. Mary] cum NewTON-ARLOISH V 45.00 oo 00:13 04 2 [St. John Baptiſt] Abb. Holme-Culiram, Propr. Univerſity of Oxford 2715. 39 10,02 Hoten alias Hutton R. [St. James] Syn. xii d. Prox. ii s. or 17 035 Dean and Chapter of Carliſe. 44 00 00 Kirk-bride R. (St. Bridget] Syn, xüd.. Prox, viii d. 00 10 00 Sir Charles Dalſton Bart. 1717. 08 00 00 KIRK-OSWALD V.** [St, Oſwald) 00 16 00 The KING. Colleg. de Kirk-Oſwald Propr. Sowreby [St. Kentigern) alias Caſtle-Sowerby V. Syn. iiii. s. 40 12 02 Prox. xvi d. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle Propr. and Patr. Wighton alias Wigton. V. (St. Mary) Syn. ,xvid. Prox. 32 13 04 ii s. ii d. ob. qa. 15 11 Mon. Holme-Cultram Propr. Biſhop of Carlife. -KEŞWICK-is a Market-Town, in this Deanry. (Not in Charge.) Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Allhallows Cur, formerly a Ch. to Aſpatrick 9 :: 00 : oo Cert. Val. Beſſenth wait C. (St. Rega] l. 22 : 04 : 08 Cert. Val. D. and C. of Carliſe Patr. Bolton Cur. 1. 5 : 00:00 Cert. Val. Borowdale Ch. to Crofthwait. Camerton Cur. 1. 15:10 : 00 Cert. Val. Dean and Ch. of Carliſe Patr. Croſcanonby Cur. l. 25 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Dean and Ch. of Carliſe Patr. Culgarth [All Saints Ch. to? Kirkland. Flimby als Flemingby [St. Ni- cholas ) Ch. to Camerton. 1..02 : 04 : oo Cert. Val. Hawes Ch. to Beffenthwait. St. John's Ch. to Crofthwait. 1. 4 : 15 : 00 .Cert. Val. Ireby Cur.. 1. 25 : 00 : 00 Cert. Vai. Dean and Ch. of Carliſe Patr. Long-Wathby (St. Peter] Ch. to Edenhall. Matterſdale Ch. to Grayſtock. I. 6 : 04 : 09 Cert. Val. Mungriſdale Ch. to Grayſtock. l. 5 : 14 : 1 Cert. Val. Newton Chap. (St. John) 1. 21 : 12 : 07 Cert. Val, The Biſhop of Carliſe Patr. Newland Ch. to Crofthwait. || Raughtonhead Ch. to Sowerby. I. 4 : 10 : 00 Cert. Val. Renwick * Kirk-OSWALD-Only a Curacy though ſtiled a Vic. as before. || N. B. Several of theſe Chapels, as already obſerved, page 67t in York Dioceſe, have not been conſe- 5:34 to}!. 6 : 00 : 08 Cert. Val Vi-31.02 : ciated. 1 CUMBERLAND. DIOCESE of CARLISLE, 719 Renwick Car. I. 4 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Pri. Hexham Propr. The Inhabitants Patr. Thornthwait Chap. to Crofthwait. Threlkeld (St. Mary} Ch. to 18 : 16:06 Cert. Val. Grayſtock. Weſtward Cur. 1. 23 : 00 : 00 Ceft. Val. D. and C. of Carliſe Patr. Wethermelock Ch. to Grayſtock.l. 7:01 : 10 Cert. Val. Wyborne Ch. to Crofthwait. to} D. Earlille. 1. ! Soo 02 03 02:00 00 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books Lingly Yearly Tenthis. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors, 14 13 oi; Aikton R. [St. Michael] Syn. iiiis. Prox. xvi d. oi 09 03 Lord Lonſdale 1707. 02 00 00 S Arthuret R. [St. Michael] 200 04.00 01 02 01 Z Arthuret V. (St. Michael] Sir Richard Grahme Bart . 1673. Lord Preſton 1688. Bewcaſtle R. [St. Mary] 00 04 00 Dean and Chapter of Carliſe: 21 03 111 BOWNES R. (St. Michael] Syn. V s. Prox. ii s. ü d. obi 02 03 04 Lord Lonſdale. 08 oo oo BRAMPTON V. [St. Martin] 'Syn. Epiſc. iiii's. pro Viſta- 00 16 00 2 tione viii d. Lord Carliſe Propr. and Patr. 08 18 01 Dalſton V. *[St. Michael] Syn. iiii s. Prox, xiii d. ob. oo 1709 Biſhop of Carliſle Propr. and Patr. :. or or oo Kirklinton R: [St. Cuthbert] 00'02 01 Fof. Appleby Eſq; 1707. ogqo'00" Orton: R. Syn. iijis. Prox. ii s. vMi d. : 00 18 00 70. Briſcoe Eſq; 1709 09 00 00 Biſhop of Carliſle Propr. and Patr.' Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Beamond alias Beaumont R. [St. Mary] united to Kirk-An- 18 01 06 00: 16.02 dres, Syn, iïi s. Prox. s. viii d. Sir Föhn Löwiber Bart. 1692. Lord Lonſdale (W) SBURGH V. upon the Sands (St. Jamés q:1 Syn. ii s. viii d. jo 02 Prox. x d. cb. qa. Abb. Holme Cultram Propr. Lord Lonſdale. 42 00 00 Caſtlecarrick R. (St. Peter] Syn. Epiſc. ïi s. Viſit. Epifc. xii d. 00 II 035 Dean and Chapter of Carliſle. 27 10.00 Croſby V.on Eden (St. Mary) Syn. ii's. Prox, xü d. oo 07 Oi Biſhop of Carline Propr. and Patr. 26 or 08 Denton R. (St. John Baptiſt q.] Syn. ii s. Vifit. viii d. 00 08 06 Biſhop of Carlife. Irthington * Dalton V.Dr. Thomas Smith, ſometime Dean and afterwards Biſhop of Carliſle, gave (among other large Charities) 300 l, as an Augmentation to this Vic. (Ex Ant. Doctoris T...) Stanwické alias Stanwix V. [St. Michael] Syn. x s. viid, 300 18 00 ) 13 08 00 Buprox. xid. Cb 720 IDIOCESE of CARLISLE. CUMBERLAND. l. 1. d. { .09 09 08 Clear Yearly Value. rearly Tenths. d. So oo oo Irthington V.[St.Kentigern] Syn. Epifc. iii s.pro Vifit. Epiſc.vii d. 00 12 011 Pri. Lanercoſt olim Propr. Henry Dacre Eſq; 1692. Joſeph Appleby Efq; Patr. 1722. (W.) Kirk-Andres (füper Elke cum Nichol-Foreſt annex d * .) [St. 200 oy 01 2 Andrew] Syn. ii s. Prox, vid. Lord Preſton Patr. Kirk-Andres fuper Eden, united to Beaumond.R. [St. Andrew] The KING Patr. to. Kirk-Andres. Lord Lonſdale Patr. to Beaumond. iiii s. 32 10 00 Prox. xvi d. i og og Henry Dacre Efq; Lord Lonſdale, and Mr. Briſcoe alter- nately. Earl of Carliſle (W'. p. 815.) 18 03 00 Scaleby R. (All-Saints) Syn. ii s. Prox. xii d. 00 15 02. Biſhop of Carliſle. 24 Oo oo Stapilton R. alias Stepleton (St. Mary 9.] oo 02 10 Lord Carliſle 1714. Ş . 40 00 00 { xvid. OI 03 00 Dean and Chapter of Carliſle Propr. and Patr. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Armathwait (Chriſt and St. Mary:] Ch. to St. Cuthbert's, in Carlife. Cammock Cur. (the Church ruined.) The Biſhop Patr. Carlatton C. (the Church in Ruins.) Pri. Lanercoft Propr. The Biſhop Patr. CARLISLE St. Mary's C. The Cathedral, the Nave where- of is parochial. Dean and Chapter Patr. CARLISLE St. Cuthbert's C. The Dean and Chapter Patr. Combrew Cur. l. 13 : 12 : 10 Cert. Val. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle Patr. Cumwhitton Cur. (St. Mary) 1. 10 : 00 ; 00 Cert. Val. Dean and Chapter of Carliſe Patr. Eaſton Ch. (the Ch, ruined) to Lanercoft. [Beck . . )a . Grinſdale C. [St. Kentigern] 1. 2: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Hayton Cur. [St. Mary Mag-}1. 9 : 05 : 00 Cert. Val. o St.}. ] Dean and Ch. of Carliſe. HESKET (St. Mary] Ch. to St. Cuthbert's. 22 : 15 : 00 Cert. Val. Ivegill Ch. to Dalfton. Lanercot Nichol-Foreft—was valued in the King's Books at 2 I. and annex'd to Kirk- Andres (Super Eſk, as ſuppo- ſed) by Letters Patent dated 119 Maii, 70 Caroli. The two Livings of Kirk-Andres above mentioned not be- ing diftinguiſhed in the King's Books, and but one of them ever in Charge in the ſaid Books, it is difficult to know which of them that Charge belongs to : Kirk-Andres fuper Ejk is ſuppoſed to be taken out of the Pariſh of Arthuret about 70 or 80 Years ago. CUMBERLAND. DIOCESE of CARLISLE.: -7.21 Lanercoft Cur. (St. Mary Mag-}1. 14:05: 00 Cert. Val. 5-31. dalen] oo Cert, Val Pri. Lanercolt Propr. Mr. Appleby Patr. Rowcliff alias Rockliffe C. l. 20 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Dean and C. of Carliſle Patr. Seburgham alias Sebram Seb- ram C. [St. Mary] l. 19:00:00 Cert. val. Dean and Ch. of Carliſle. Walton Cur. l. 9:05:00 Cert. Val. Pri. Lanercoft Propr. Mr. Appleby Patr. Warthwick (St. Leonard] Ch. to Wetherall. Wetherall Cur. (Holy Trinity] Pri. Wetherall Propr. D. and Ch. of Carliſe Patr. Wrea or Wren [St. Mary] Ch. to St. Cuthbert's, in Carliſë. D. Weltnterland. . 1. S. 1. s. d.. ! WESTMERLAND, Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Textos d. Rectories, &c, with their Patrons and Proprietors. 23 13 04 Alkby R. [St. Peter] Syn. iiii s. Prox, xx d. 02 07 04 Sir George Fletcher Bart. 1694. Geo. Vane Eſq; II 01 00; Barton V. (All-Saints] Syr. jii s. Prox. xx d. OL 02 OIL Pri. Warter Propr. 'Sir John Lowther Bart. 1705. BURGHE' (. xvi di 10 08 08 og { Prox. xxi d. Queen's-College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 16 10 07 Brougham alias Burgham R. (St. Ninianus) Syn, iïi s. i d. Oi 13.00 Lord Thanet 1713, 1722. 08 03 04 Clifton R. [St. Cuthbert] Syn. iii s. Prox. ii s. viii d. 00 16 04 Biſhop of Carlife. 48 19 02 SKIRKBY-STEPHEN V. [St. Stephen] Syn. xvi d. Prox. 17 xvi d. Mon. Stæ Mariæ Ebor. Propr. Lord Wharton 1699. 37 17 II Kirkbythore R. [St. Michael] Syn. iiii s. Prox. ïii s. iii d. 03 15 091 Lord Thanet 1699. St. Laurence in APPULBY alias APPLEBEB. 09 05 . oo 18 06 Prox, x d. ob. Collegium Stæ Trinitatis Wetherball Propr. Deau and Chapter of Carliſle. 25 07 03. Lowther R. [St. Michael] Syn. jjii s. Prox, v s. viii d. 02 10 081 Sir John Lowther Bart. 1694. 21 15 073 Marton R. (St. James] Syn. ii.s. Prox. iii s. x d. ob. 02 03 06 Lord Thanet 1713. 16 17 03: ORTON alias OVERTON V. (St. Mary) Syn. v s. Prox. V s. OI 13 08 Pri. Coningſhived Propr. Inhabitants thereof. Zzzz Livings + St. Laurence in Appulby alias Applebee V.--The Dean and Chapter of Carliſle being Impropriators, have given back to the Vicar and Schoolmaſter all the great Tythes by Leaſe, reſerving only to themſelves and Succeſſors the antient Rents, which it was not in their power to give away.' Dr. Todd. 722 DIOCESE of CARLISLE... Westmer. d. I. S. d. 08 13 04 i. :}or xx d. 35 12 07 { viii d. v s. ii d.. 40 00 00 * 302 Livings. Diſcharged: Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths, 1. 31. 16 oo Aſton V. alias Akham [St. Kentigern) Syn. iiii s. Prox. iii di 00 12 00 Pri. Warter Propr. William Sandford Efq; 17.17, 1723. Bampton V. [St. Pátrick] Syn.iiii s., Prox. iii d. 00 14 06 The KING. Abb. Skappe Propr. 40 10 00 Cliburn R. (St. Cuthbert] Syn. iii s. Proxi xvi d. 00 18 or Bishop of Carlife. 47 02 06 Croſby-Garret alias Garrard R..[St. John] Syn. iiii s. Prox. 2 oi 19 0541 Mon. Whitby in Ebor. Propr.. Thomas Gate Gent. 1713. Ş Croſby-Ravenſwart V: [St. Leonard] Syn. iii s. Prox. ii s. 15. 04 Abb. de Fontibus Ebor: Propri Ja. Grašine Efq; 1708 Ş Duſton R.. alias Dufton (St. Cuthbert] Syn. iiii s. Prox. 44 18 10 L: 18 00 The Hon. Mr. James Grahime Eſq; Mr. Blackwell (W) St. Michael's in APPULBY alias Applebee, alias Bougate V. 02 01 047 2 Syn. Epiſc. Car.iiii s. Archidiac. xvid. Prox. xviii d. Colleg. Stæ Trinitatis Wetherhall Propr. Biſhop of Carliſle. 45 00 00. Morland V. [St. Laurence] Syn: iiii s. Prox, xvi d. of 03 og.. Collegium Stæ Trin. Wetherball Propr. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle, 48 00 00 - Mufgrave R. [St. Theobald]" Syn. ii s.' Prox. iiils. 01 12'10 Biſhop of Garliſle. Newbigging R. [St. Edmund] Syn. xii d. Prox. iiii d. 00 09 05 Richard. Crackanthorp Eſq; 1698. 40 00 00 S Ormeſhead alias Ormſide R. [St: Támes q. I Syn. iiiis.. Prox. i s. viiid. or 15 08 Biſhop of Carlife. 06 00.00 Shappe alias Hepp V. * [St. Michael] Syn. iii s. Prox. v.d. 00 17 06 The KING. Abb. Shapp Propr. 45 00 00 Warcopp V. (St. Columba] Syn. iii s. Prox.. xviiid. 00 18 06 Abb. Shappe Propr. Richard Brathwaite. Eiq; 17.14 Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies., Bolton [All-Saints} .. Chap: to Morland. 5 : 00 :.00. Cert. Vali Brougham [St: Wilfrid) Ch. to Brougham R: Little-Strickland Ch. to Morland. Ch. 11 : 12 00:: Cert. Vál. Stephen Martindale Chito Barton.. l. 10:15: 071 Cert, Val. Milbourn (St. Cuthbert] Ch. to Kirkby-Thore. Mordale Ch. to Shappe. li 2 : 15 : '00 Cert. Vat: Putterdale Ch, to Barton, 1. 9 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val: Ravenſtondale Cur. l. 18:01: 00 Ceri, Val.. Abbey of York Propr. Duke of Wharton (W) Southby, *Shapp alias Hepp: V.. -This is only a Curacy, though ſtiled a Vic, in the Original. 22 00 00 oo DO :30 to 31 ? "WESTMERL. -D-1-0-CE'S E of CARLISLE 723 . Southby or Soulby, Chapel Kirkby-Stephen to}!. 20 : 00 : 00 Certi Val. Stainmore, Chapel to Burgh 1. 8: 00 : 00 Cert, Val. Temple-Sowerby (St. James] Chapel to Kirkby-Thore. Thrimby, or Thurnby, Chapel}. 10:00:00 Cert. Val. } to Morland N. B. Several of theſe ſmall Chapels were never conſecrated. Dioceſe of Chelter. * -King's Books. 2. is. ' X. -420 OI 8 Yearly Tenths. 2. a. 42 00 02 J. 0 ISHOPRIC of Cheſter I Bishop í ! The Cathedral Church. (CHRIST-CHURCH and St. Mary.) : The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths, Erected anno 1541. There are fix Prebends in the Church of Cheſter, all in the Gift of the Biſhop; none of the ſaid Prebends are charged with any payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths, Arch-Deacon of Richmond, Arch-Deacon of Cheſter, Nominated by and receive Penſions from the Biſhop of Cheſter, but have no Juriſdiction. The Arch-Deaconry of Richmond formerly belonged to the See of York, the Endowment and Perquiſites whereof was worth above 200 l. per Annum, and was eſteemed the beſt Arch-Deaconry for Profits and Privileges in England; but it was annex'd by, King Henry VIII. to the See of Cheſter, and made part of the Biſhopric of Cheſter. Z 2 7 2 2 The * The following Livings are part of the Popeffions of the Biſhopric of Cheſter. + Arlechdon, in Co. Cumbr. + Clapham, in D. Kirby. Lonſdale, Co. Ebor. Backford, in D, Wyrrhall, in Co. Cefir. Cottingham, in D. Harthill, in Co. Ebor. Bidſton, in D. Wyrrhall, Co. Cefir. + Eaſingwould R. in D. Bulmer, Co. Ebor. + Bolton in Lonſdale, Co. Lanc. Kirkby-Ravenſworth, in D. Richmond, in Co. Ebor. Bolton in le Moors, in D. Manchefer, Co. Lanc. Llangathen, in D. Carmarthen. Bowden, in D. Frodſam, Co. Cefir. Llanbeblick, in Co. Carnarvon, D. Vehor and Ifter. Bradley, in D. Lapley, Co. Staff Mottrum, in D. Macclesfield, Co. Cefir. The Bp. has butto's. per Annum Rent from this place. Over, in D. Middle-Wich, Co. Cefir. Budworth, in Co. Ceftr. D. Frodham. Patrick-Brompton, in D. Caterick, Co. Ebor. Cartmeal, in Co. Lanc. Ribcheſter, in D. Amounderneſs, in Co. Lanc. Caſtleton, in Co. Derb. D. Alt-Pecco. + Thornton Steward, in D. Caterick, Co. Ebor. Childwell, in D. Warrington, in Co. Lanc. Wallizey, in D. Wyrrhall , Co. Ceftr. Chipping R. in D Amounderneſs, in Co. Lanc. Waver ham, in D. Frodham, Co. E bor. Thoſe with this Mark t were part of the Endowment of the Arch-Deaconry of Richmond. See for the Endowment and Privileges of the Arch-Deaconry of Richmond, in Gale's Regiſtrum Honoris de Richmond, in Appendice, p. 62, 63, 64. See Dugdale's Mon. Tom. III. p. 243. concerning the Arch-Deaconry of Cheſter, and Le Neve, p. 131. I The Charter of Erection of this Biſhopric is dated 4° Auguſt 1541, in the 33d Year of King, Henry VIII and is 'to bě found at length in Rymer's Federa, Vol. XIV. p. 717. III. 17 24 DIOCESE of CHESTER. The Arch-Deaconry of Cheſter was ſever'd from the See of Lichfield, by King Henry VIII. anno 1541, and given to the See of Cheſter, and made part of that Biſhopric ; : it had the Impropriation of Bolton le Moor in Co. Lancaſter annex'd to it, and was valued in the King's Books at 651.. 10 s. per Annum. D. Chelter, in the Arch-Deaconry. of CHESTER. 1. a enf}03.18-06 }06 Q6. 13.04 4 d.) CHESTER Livings remaining in. Charge. King's Books. Pearly Teniksi 1. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 19 06 051 Barrow R. (St. Bartholomew] Pens. Prebendario Tervyn iiii. s. oi 18 07. Lord Rivers 1707. Prox 07 op 02 xviii s. 14.00 Dean and Chapter of Cheſter. Chriſtleton R. [St. James q.] Prox. and Syn: xvi.s. iiir d. Penf.? 39. 05 00 2: Abb. Ceftr. xxiii s. Sir Roger Moſtyn Bart. 1717- 15 13 1.11 Eccleſton R. [St. Mary] Prox. viii's. it d. 0.1 II 04 Earl of Abingdon 1701. Baron of Kinderton (W.) 66. 06 053X Prox. and Syn. xvi s. iiii d. Redd. v s.. SHowarden alias Harden R. in Co. Flints [St. Deinofor Daniell?ob 12.072. Sir William Glynn Bart. 1714. 52 Oo oo St. Mary's on the Hill.R. in Civitate: Ceftr. 05:04 00 Richard Wilbraham Efq; 1715. F ] 6 13 . Ecclefia Colleg. Sti Johannis Ceftr. Propr. q. Biſhop of Cheſter. q.. Sir John Bridgman. 06 15 10 .Pulford R. (St. Mary] Prox, xviii d. 00.13 07 431, 1 s. 6 d. Sir George Warburton Bart. 1717. CertifiedValue. 19 11 00 TERWYN V. alias TARVYN (St. Andrew) OL. 19 01 Prebendary thereof in Eccl. Lich. Propr. and Patr. 24 07 081 Thorneton R..[St. Mary] Prox, and Syn. xvi s. iiii d. 02 08 09 Lord Warrington 1691. Mr. Richard Hill 1720. 20.03 04 Torperley R. (St. Helen] Prox, and Syn. viii s. id. 02 00 04 Fobn Arden Eſq; and others 1716. 23 06 08 Waverton R. [St. Peter] Syn, and. Prox. Archidiac. & Abb. 06 08 Ceftr. xii s. ï d. Biſhop of Cheſter. 13 07 11 Hoſp. Sti Johannis Baptiſta oi 06 og Livings Diſcharged.. Clear Yearly Value. 27. 00 00 St. Ofwald V. in Cheſter, Prox; xviii d. 00 17 10 Mon. Sanita Werburgb Ceftr. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Cheſter Propr. and Patr. St. Peter's in Cheſter R. Archidiac. & Abb. Ceftr. xlis, vi d. 00 13 04 Biſhop of Cbefter. 1-2 18 04 Sti CHESTER. DIOCESE of CHESTER. 725 Clear Yearly Value, 33 11 10 St: Trinity's in Cheſter R. Prox, vüüs, ji d. Lord Derby 1720. Yearly Tenths. d. : do 17 061 1. . Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Of} St, Bridget's R. in Cheſter l. 18 : 14-: oo Cert, Valo Colleg. St. John's Ceftr. Propr. Biſhop Patr. Bruern (St. Mary) alias Church in Heath, Chapel to - St. Of 41 : 00:: 00 Cért. Val. wald's Bunbury Chap. or Vic. [St. Boniface] (not certified.) Com- pany of Haberdaſhers London, Patr. Farndon (St. Chadd] 1. 33 : 00': oo Cert. Val. Colleg. of St. John's Ceftr. Propr. Sir Roger Groſvenor Patr. Gilden-Sutton 1. 12 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. Colleg. of St. John's Céſtr. Propr. Mr. Stanley Propr. Hargrave Chap. [St. Michael]?j. 40 : 05: 00 Cert. Val: (in Tarvyn Parish). HOLT [St. Chadd) in Denbigh- ſhire, Chapel to Gresford, in l. -32 :: 13:04 Cért. Val. St. Afaph Diòceſe Inice (St. James] 20l, by Impr:}1. 8:03 : 03 Cert. Val. precarious Mon. St.Werburgh Propr., Dean and Chapter Patr. St. John Baptiſt V. in Cheſter 1...31 : 06 : 00 Cert. Val. Mr. Sparks (W.) Iſcoyd, Co. Denbigh, under Holt Chappelry. St. Martin's in Cheſter 1.: 1:16: 00 Cert. Val. St. Michael's in Cheſter 1. 15 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Biſhop Patr.. St. Olaves in Cheſter 1. I': 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Biſhop Patr. St. Peter's in Cheſter 1. 12 : 18 : 04 Cert. Val. Plemondſtall [St. Peter] 1. 80 : 00 : oo Precarious. College of St. John's Cheſter Propr. Sir John Bridgman Patr. il d. D. Frödichain, in the Arch-Deaconry of Chester: Livings remaining in Charge. Kings Books: Rettories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 13. 04.07: Alhton R. [St. Martin] Penf. Ecclefie de Lymme ii s. Ro. Malýne and Thomas Ellifon Gent. 1717.. Mr. Meſley (W.) 24 00 00 Bowden V. [St. Nicholas] Prox. xv s. iii d. Bifhop of Cheſter Impr. and Patr. Pri. Birkenhead olim Propr. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. от об о5: 02 08 00 I Budworth 7:26 CHESTER. DIOCESE of CHESTER King's Books. 1. lis 02.07 041 06 11 Ceftr. xii d. Abbozoo } . 10 00 00 OI ΟΙ 00 00 Yearly Tenths. I. d. 06 10 oo Budworth V. (St. Mary and All Saints] 00 13 00 Mon. Sanet. Mariæ de Norton Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt Church, Oxford. 23 13 11; FrodSH AM V. (St. Laurence] Prox, and Syn. vis, v d. Mon. Sanet. Mariæ de Valle Propri -Dean and Chapter of Oxford, SGràppenhall R. [St. Wilfrid] Syn..and Prox. viii s. ii d. Abb. . oo 13 021 Nich. Starkey and Edward Vaudry Efq; 1700, 1722. Mr. Bourdman (W.) 11 00 07 Lymme Mediety with: Warburton R. (St. Mary] or 02 00 Sir George Warburton Bárt. 1714. 11 03 05 { 'dieties viii s. iid. ŞLymme the other Mediety R. (St. Mary] Prox. of both Me- 01 02 00-9 Auguſtin Lee Eſq; 1700. 10 04 02 Rinton alias Runcorne V. [St. Bartholomew] 01 00 05 Mon. Beatæ Mariæ "Norton Propr. Cbrift-Church College, Oxford. Rouſthorne V. alias Roftherne [St. Mary] 69 1.9 s. 7d. Mon. de Landa in Co. Norihamp. Propr. Peter Venables CertifiedValue. Efq; 1662, 1673. George Venables Vernon Efq; 1726. -12 11 10 Waverham V. Syn. and Prox. xiiïs. x d. OI 05 021 Mon. Beatæ Mariæ de Valle Regati Propr. Cheſter Impr. and Patr. 06 00:00 Whitegate V. (St. Maryl (an Impropriation) 00 12 00 Mr. Chulmleigh Impr. Chapels, Donatives, or. Curacies. Altringham is a Market-Town in this Deanry, but no Church or Chapel in it. Alvandley (in Frodſham Pariſh) l. 5 : 10: 00 Cert, Val. Bowden-parva (not in Charge.) Ringey (in Bowden-parva Pariſh) in Diffenters. Hands. Warburton [St. Werburgh] Chapel to Lymme (in Lymme Med, 2a Pariſh.) In Great Budworib Pariſh. Little-Leigh. Nether-Peover [St. Oſwald)? 1. 39 :.00 -upon-acertain Condition Cert. Vål. More, but uncertain l. 13 : 06 : 08 > :$ Ce Nether-Whitley. ', Val [ [ [St. Helen] In Rothern Pariſh. (High-Leigh. KNOTT ESFORD (St. Peter] 1. 26: 16 : 02 Cert. Val. Over-Peover [St. Laurence] I. 35.:.08 : 02 Cert. Val. In Biſhop of 200 CHESTER) DIOCESE of CHESTER. 727 In Runcorne Pariſh. Afton I. 18:15 : 04 Cert. Val. Dareſbury (All-Saints] 1. 35 : 10: 00 Cert. Val. Halton [St. Mary] 1. 14 : 12 : 00 Cert. Val. Sir John Cheſſbyre Patr. Thelwall.'+ : + This with the greater part of the Chapels in this Dioceſe, are ſaid never to have been conſecrated, 'tis now diſuſed; many of theſe Chapels were Originally only Domeſtick ones, as may be ſeen in Leiceſter's Hiſtory of Cheſhire. i D. Macclesfield, in the Arch-Deaconry, of CHESTER. ii s. . 09 OI & zor OI 00 00 · Livings' remaining in Charge. King's Books. learly Tenthi. I. . Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors: 1. d. ŞAlderley R. [St. Mary] Syn. and Prox. viii s. ii d. . 14. IO 10 01 Hamlet Woods Gent. 1714. Sit Thomas Stanley (W.) 13 00 071 Chedill R. alias Chedle [St. Mary] Syn, and Prox. xiii s. oi 06 oo Lord Viſcount Bulkley 1920, 1723. 07 04 047 Goſworth R. [St. James] Sýn. and Prox, xii d. oo 14 05 Earl of Macclesfield. 1703. Lady Mohun Patr. 1720. ' 23'03.04. Mobberley R. [St. Wilfrid] Syn: and Prox. viii s. ii' d. OŻ 06 04 Mr. Mallory 1720. 32 03 09. Mottrum R. (St. Michael] Sýn. arid Prox. xvi s. viii d. 03 04 04 An Impropriation belonging to the Biſhops of Cheſter. Northenden-alias Northden R[St. Wilfrid] Syn. Prox, & 06 Penf. xxxiiii s. x idir or oo og Dean of Cheſter. 10.00.00: - Preſtbury:V. [St. Peter) - Mon. Sanet, Werburg Propr.: John. Leigh of Addington Efq; 1691. SSTOPPORTE alias Stockport R. [All-Saints] Syn, and Prox. 29.06 08:{ xvi s. viii di Mr. Warren 1720. S Wimſlow R. alias Wilmſlow (St. Bartholomew] Syn, and? 32 15 00 Prox. viii s. ii d. Mr. John Harriſon in Truſt for Mr. Trafford 1713. - Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly.Value. 104 10 . Taxal R. [St. James] Syn. and Prox. xii d. Abb. Ceftr. x s. .00 18 03 John Sbalcroſs Efq; 1707. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Mottram in Langendale Cur. l. 21 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Biſhop of Cheſter Patr. InMottram Pariſh, Capefthorne C. (Holy Trinity.] Woodhead c. h 2 :00 : 00 Cert. Val, Ini 07 00 08 x;}o7 and303 03 05 06 ins 19.28 CHESTBR. DIOCESE OF CHESTER w In Preſtbury Parish. FAdlington. Boſley 1. 3 : 18: 00 Cert. Vál. Chelford 1. 12 : 09 : 11 Cert. Val. Foreſt Chapel. MACCLESFIELD [All-Saints] 1, 59 : 00: '00 Cert. Vál. Marton 16:19: 00 Cert, Val. Pott Chapel l. 22 : 10:00 Cert. Val. Poynton (St. Mary:] Siddington - I. 22 : 10 : oo Cert.-Val. Wincle. In Stockport Pariſh. Chadkirk (St. Chadd.] Diſley (Ali-Saints] I. 6: 13 : 04 Uncertain. Marple 1. 2:: 00:00 Cert, Val. Norbury. D. Malban-Wich alias Paniptwich, in the Arch-Deaconry of CAESTER. for 18 113 rox. 302 iiii d. xiii s. 13 II OI Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tentbs. zl. S. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors, s. Acton V. (St. Mary) Syn. and Prox. xvi s. iiiid. Abb. Cum- bermeyre xl s. Lord Dyfert: 1720. 05 16-08 ŞAldalem alias Audlem V. [St. James] Syn. and Prox. xiii s. :viii d. 00 II 08 .681. 11 s. 7 d. CertifiedValue. Pri. Sti Thomæ Staff. Impr. Mr. Richard Broclefby 1716. S Barthumley R. alias Bertunley [St. Bertoline] Syn. and Prox. 25.07 OI 02 10 085 Mr.Crewe 1720. John Crewe Efq; 1721. 06 10 00 Coppenhall R. [St. Michael] Penſ. Epiſc. vi s. viii d. 00 13 00 52 l. 13 s: 4.d. Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield. CertifiedValue. Wiburnbury V.[St. Chadd] Pens. Epiſc. xiii s. iii d. 01 07 021 Biſhop of Coventry and Lichfield Propr, and Patr. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 24 03:06 Baddeley R. [St. Michael] 00 00 00 Sir Thomas Maynwaring Bart. 1691. Wiſtafton R. (St. Mary] Penſ. Epiſc. v s. ijiid Vicario Wi- burnbury vi s. oo 08 oo Richard Walthall Eſq; 1704. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Burleydam (in Audiem Pariſh.) -Minſhull (St. Bartholi 06 Sert. Val. (in Coppenball Pariſh.) Mon. Combermeyre Propr. Haflington (in Barthumley Pariſh) l. 20: 00:00 Cert. Val. Marbury 33 16:08 P -3оо A CHESTER DIOCESE of CHESTER. 729 Marbury Chap. fupply'd by the Rector of Whitchurch in Shropſhire (in Wbitchurch Pariſh, Lichfield Dioceſe, in D. Salop.) NAMPTWICH [St. Mary and }l. 27 : 03 : 04 Cert. Val. St. Nicholas] Wrenbury, fisiMargaret] (in}4 30 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val.. Pariſh) D. Malpas, in the Arch-Deaconry of CHESTER. I 1. , s. 48 08 067 pella 06:{ Ca-fo4 16 10: 2 }or 1 2 02 II iid. Zor 03 18 08 Livings renraining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. Rečtories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1.. S. d. 16 17 08 Alford R. (St. John Baptiſt] Syn. and Prox. xiiii s. xd. OI 13 09 Lady Mobun 1720. SMALP As firſt Portion R. [St. Oſwald) cum St. Chadd Ca- Lord Cholmondeley and Mr. Drake alternately 1720. 44 19 02 "MALPAs ſecond Portion R. (St. Oſwald) cum Whitwell 04 og II Mr. Drake 1720. S Tattenhall R.. [St. Alban] Archidiac. Ceftr. pro Syn. and Prox. 13 17 06 07 09 viii s. ii d. Pens. Abb. Ceftr. iii s. Biſhop of Cbefter. Thilfton alias Tylſton R. [St. Mary] Syn. and Prox, viii s, ii d. I 04 03 Penf, Reatori de Malpas vi s. viii d. FLINTSH. Lord Cholmondeley and Mr. Drake alternately 1710. 39 06 08 Bangor R. [St. Dinoth] Syn. and Prox, xx s. William Lloyd Eſq; 1691. 19 13 04 Worthenbury R. + [st. Dinoth] ] 01 19 04 Thomas Puleſton Eſq; 1714. CHESTER Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 46 12 05 Codington R. alias Todington (St. Mary] oo 10 05 Dean and Chapter of Cheſter. 47 09 04 ? Ceftr. xiii s. ii d. Handley R. [All Saints] Syn. and Prox. viii s. ii d. Abb. oo 12 00 Dean and Chapter of Cheſter, Chapels, Donatives, or Caracies. Harthill Cur. (All-Saints] I. 18: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Mr. Drake Patr. Overton [St. Mary] (in Bangor Pariſh) Co. Flint, nothing per- petual certified. Stokelach alias Shocklach [St. Cert. Val. Edith] Mr. Pulefton Patr. Colleg. St. John's Cefir. Propr. D. + Worthenbury R. [St. Dinoth]-taken from Bangor R. and made a diſtinct Pariſh by Act of Parliament Will, and Mar. Parl, 2. Seff. 1. . Abb, foo 1 t;}l26 : 00:00 5 A 2.0 730 Gitter DIOCESE of GHETER D. Middle-IDich, in the Atch-Deaconry of ĈHESTER, 16.00 49 1. 06 13 04 Livings Pemaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths 1. 4. d. Re&oriesy, &c. with their patrons direito Proprietorsi 1. s. d. Syn. 68 Oo oo 2 and Prox. xvi s. viji d. Abb. Ceſtr, xii. s. John Egerton Efq; 1705. S Brereton d. 07 00 05 OO 14 00 z de Aſtbury xii do Francis Lord Brereton 1719. 23 13 0IŹ Davenham R. [St. Wilfrid] Syn: and Prox. xvi.$. ilii d. 02 09 03 Mr. Riébard Vernon 1720: 15 10 02 SANDBACH V.. [St. Mary) Syn. iii s. 00 13 04 Mr. Richard Vernon 1420. Mr. Stépbens () Swetenham R. Syn. and Prox. iiii s, x d. Pen. Rectori de 05 Oi 03 OO IO OIL Aftbury xii d. CertifiedValue. William Sudetenham Eſq; 1716 1:2 04 07 Warmingham R. [St. Leonard'ſ Syn, and Pròx. vill's. it di OF 04 057 FLINTSH. Mr. Cremes 1720. Mr. Crezi Ofley' (w.) Hanmer V. [St. Chadd] od 13 04 491. 175.5 d. Mon. Haghmond in Co. Salop Propko Sir Thomas Hanmer CertifiedValue. Bart. 1706. CHESTER.. Living's Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Lawton alias Church-Lawton R. [All Saints] Syn, and Próx. 00 18 03# XX d. Pens. Rettori Ajtbury xid. Jof. Lawton 1705. MIDDLEWICH V. [St. Michael] 01 08 00 Lord Brereton 171g. Pri. Sanit Trin.Lenton in Notts. Propr. 1:8. 16 oo Over V. (St. Chadd] 00. 14 05 Ecclefia Colleg. Sti Johan. Ceftr. Propr.. Biſhop of Cheſter Impr. and Patr.. Chapels, Donatives, or. Curacies.. In Aſbury Pariſh. S CONGLETON [St. Peter] l. 41 :: 15 : 00 Cert. Val. Little-Budworth (St. Peter] 1. 2. : 00 : 00. Gert. Vat.. Biſhop Patr. In Sandbach Pariſh, ŞGooftrey t. io to ::00 Gert. Val.. Holms or Church-Hulme lo 23. :-03 : 06. Cert. Val. Watenhall (in Over Pariſh.) Whitegate alias Newchurch (St. 2 : 1d : do Cert. Val.. Mary) in D. Frodhim. 47 07-06 { {, -Zoo 34 12 00 St.34 DI ton CHESTER. 731 DIOCESE of CHESTER. D. Wprfchall alias ozrall, in the Arch-Deaconry of CHESTER: 1. d. Ceftro}o2 02 10 I XXX S. $ Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books Yearly Tenths, 1. d. Reflories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 30 13 04 Babington R. [St. Andrew] Syn.and Prox. viii s. ii d. 03 OI 04 Mr. Poole 1720. 18 08 04 Heſwall R. Syn, and Prox. viii s. ii d. от 16 то 591. 16 s. 10d. George Davenport Eſq; 1716, and Mr. Spencer alternately, Certified Vaue. Kirkby R. alias Weft-Kirkby [St. Bridget] Syn. and Prox. 28 13.04 02 17 04 Dean and Chapter of Cheſter. 11 05 00 NestỌN V. [St. Mary and St. Helen] Abb. Ceftr. xxxiii s. iii d. 01 02 06 Mon. Santi. Werburg Propr. Dean and Chapter of Cheſter. Woodchurch R. Syn. and Prox. xvi s. viii d. Abb. Ceftr. 25 og 02 Prox, vi s. viii d. Mr. Greene 1720. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 19 ļI 10 Backford V. (St. Oſwald] oo !9 oo Pri. Birkenhead Propr. Ro. Compton Efq; 1720. 32 03 04 EfthamV. [St. Mary] Abb. Ceftr. xxiü s. iiü d. OI 05 031 Abb. Cejtr. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Cheſter. 35 13 06 S Thurftafton alias Thurftanton R. [St. Bartholomew] Syn. and { Prox. xviii d. Abb. Ceftr. v s. 04 Dean and Chapter of Cheſter. Walizey R. Med. [St. Hillary) Syn. and Prox. viïi s. ii d. 44 99 Abb. Ceſtr. ii s. 02 00 Biſhop of Cheſter. An Impropriation belonging to the Biſhop of Cheſter. The other Moiety the Biſhop has. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Bidſton cum Ford 1. 21 : 00 : 00 Cert: Val. Biſhop of Cheſter Impr. and Patr. Mon. Byrkhed olim Propr. ind} oo i di }or i. Morton Chap} Chapels to Bidſton (not certified.) Bromburgh (St. Barnabas] El. 5:11:08 Cert. Val. Mon. St. Warburg Ceftr. Propr. Dec. & Cap. Ceftr. Patr. Burton Cur. (St. Nicholas.] Biſhop of Lichfield Patr. and Impr. Over-Church in Upton 1. 4 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. College of St. Jabn's Propr. Dean and Chapter of Cheſter Patr. Shotwich (St. Michael] 1. 23: 15 : 00 Cert. Val. Mon. Si. Werburg in Ceftr. Propr. Dean and Chapter Patr. Stoke Cur. l. 29 : 04 : 00 Cert. Val. Lord Gerard of Bromley Patr. 5 A.2 D. 732 LANCASH. DIOCES E of CHESTER. D. Andreus or Amounderneſs, in the Arch-Deaconry of RICHMOND: 1. S. d. 1. oi 08 04 t 551 < P ü vii for 303 18 113 Livings remaining in Cherge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors . 24 16 05 Chipping R. Syn. ii s. Prox. iii s. iri d. 02 og 07? An Impropriation belonging to the Biſhop of Cheſter. 14 03 04 GARSTANGE V. (St. Helen] Syn. ii s. Prox, iii s, v d. 73 1. 10 s. Abb. Cockerſand Propr. Richard Richmond Clerk and CertifiedValue. others 1706. Silveſter Richmond Gent. 1722. 21 or 004 KIRKHAM V. (St. Michael] Syn. ii s. viii d. Prox, vis. viii d. 02 02 01 Mon, de Valle Regali Propr. Dean and Canons of Chriſt- CertifiedValue. Church, Oxford. 41 00 00 LANCASTER V. [St. Mary] Syn. ii s.. viii d. Prox. viii s..x d. 04 02 00. Mon. Syon Propr. Robert Gibſon. Efq; 1714. Dr. Fenton- (W.) PRESTON V. [St. Wilfrid] Syn. ii s. viïi d. Penſ. Mon, de Syon 15 03 11* vi l. xiii s. in d. 01 10 04 Colleg. de Newarke in Leiceſter Propr. Sir Henry Hougb- ton Bart. 1720. SRibcheſter R. (Śt. Wilfrid q.] Syn. ii's. vííid. Proxiilus. 39 09 og ? fiii d. An Impropriation belonging to the Biſhop of Cheſter, Livings. Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 36 13 04 Chipping V. Biſhop of Chefter. 38 10 00 Cockerham V. Syn. xviii d. Prox. ii s. iii d. OI 01 08 Mon. Lancaſter Propr. Mr. Froſt 1708. Lord Haver- Mam claims it. Col. Chartres (W.) S St. Michael's upon the Wyre V: Syn, ii s, viii d. Prox. iiii s. 44 10 00 OI OI 09 Coll. Bætisfield in Lich. Dioc. Propr. Thomas Clitheral Gent. Mr. Johnſon (W) 28 18 05. Pulton V. (St. Chadd q.) Syn. ii s, vi d. Prox, iiii s. v d. 00 15 08 Mon. Syon in Middleſ. Propr. Mr. Fleetwood 1674. 38 19 OI RIBCHESTER V. (St. Wilfrid q.). Biſhop of Cheſter. Chapels, Donatiives, or Curacies. Biſpham C. b. 8 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Mr. Fleetwood Patr. Nunnery of Syon Propr. 00 00 00 . { } X d. 00 00 00 Copp C. Ellell 1. 1: 10 : oo Cert. Val. Lytham Cur. (St. Cuthbert] 1, 22 : 00 : 0o Cert. Val. Mr. Clifton Patr. · Priory of Durham Propr. Shirehead (in Cockerhan Pariſh) l. I: 02 ; oo Cert. Val. Wood-Flumpton (in St. Mi- chaei's Pariſh) 3: 00 : 00. Cert. Val, Mi-}" . --> In LANCASH. DIOCESE of CHESTER 733 In Garft ang Pariſh. Chap, in the Town. Pilling (St. John Baptiſt] l. II: 13:04 Cert. Val. In Kirkbain Pariſh. Goofnargh (certain only) in 3 : 18 : 00 Cert. Val. Hambleton l. 11:05 : 00 Cert. Val. Lund l. 6: 18 : 04 Cert. Val. Warton Chap. [St. Paul] conſecrated anno 1725. Whitechapel. In Lancaſter Pariſh. Admarſh l. 5: 10: 00 Cert. Vål. Caton, Lonſdale Deanry, Vide Dec. Lonſdale. Greſlingham, Lonſdale Deanry, Vide Dec. Lonſdale. Overton l. 12 ::05 : 00 Cert. Val. Stalmine [St. James] li 28 : 12 : 04 Cert, Val. Wyderſdale I. IL : 10 : 06 Cert. Val. In Preſton Pariſh. Broughton 1. 34 : 08 : oo Cert. Val. St. Laurence. New-Chapel in Grimſargh. New-Chapel in Preſton Town (St. George) conſecrated 1726. In Ribcheſter Pariſh. Longridge I 4 : 13 : 04 Cert. Val. Sir Henry Houghton Patr, Stidd li 3 : 19 : 01 Cert. Val. O. Blackbourn, in the Arch-Deaconry of CHESTER. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books Yearly Tenths. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. SBLACKBOURN V. I [St. Mary) Syn. and Prox. xxiii s. Epiſci 08 01 08 Ceftr. vii s. xd. Penfi Eccl. xx s. Mon. Whalley Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. S Whalley V. [All-Saints] + Syn. and Prox. xliii s. Ejifc. Ceftr. xl s. Redd. Guardianis Whalley xx s. 12 04 Mon.Whalley Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. In Blackbourn Pariſh, Balderſton [St. Leonard.] Darwen [St. James] l. 9:16 : 08 Cert: Val. 14 : 15 : 04 Cert. Val. Lango l. 7:06 : 08. Cert. Val. Law or Lowchurch alias Wal- l. 15 : 18 : 08 Cert. Val. ton [St. Leonard Samlelbury (St. Leonard] 1. 14 : 16 : 08 Cert. Val. Tockholes (St. Michael) 1. 15 : 01:08 Cert. Val. In I BLACKBOURN V.La Penſion ſettled on this Pariſh by Arch-Biſhop Sanderoft. Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 308. + Whalley V. a Penſion ſettled on this Pariſh by Arch-Biſhop Sandcroft. Biſhop Kennet's Cafe of Im- propriations, p. 308. The Borough of Clithero is in this Pariſh. 2 1. S. d: Boo 16 02 Harwood [St. Bartholomew]}. 14 : 15 : 04 Cert. Val . ; } 734 DIOCESE of CHESTER. LANCASH. 1 "} In Whalley Pariſh. Acrington l. 00 : 15 : oo Cert. Væl. Altham [St. James] 1. I1 : 15 : 08 Cert. Val. Nathaniel Curzon Eſq; Patr. BURNLEY (St. Peter] 1. 23: 16 : 08 Cert. Val. Caſtle (demoliſhed) the Pro-S1. 6: 00 : 0 Cert. Val. fits given to Whitwell Church-Kirk (St. James] l. 12 : 17:08 Cert. Val. Nathaniel Curzon Eſq; Patr. CLITHERO (St. Michael] 1. 22 : 12 : 06 Cert. Val. Nathaniel Curzon Eſq; Patr. COLNE (St. Bartholomew] 1. 30 : 16 : 02 Cert. Val. Downham [St. Peter] l. 10 : 15 : 04 Cert. Pal. Goodſhaw. HASLINGDEN (St. James] li 17:08 : 99 Cert. Val. Nathaniel Curzon Eſq; Patr. Holme. Marſden I go : 16:08 Cert, Val. Newchurch in Pendle [St. Mary] l. 1 : 12 : 09 Cert. Val. Newchurch in Roſendale (part}1. 23 : 10 : 00 Cert. Val . diſputed) [Holy Trinity] Padiam [St. Leonard) l. 15:09:09 Cert. Val. the ſame be- 6 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Caſtle ) ! D. Furnes and Cartmeal, in the Arch-Deaconry of RICHMOND. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. i d303 1.9 II 19 G6 og 14 08 {. १०० 00 10 08 Remaining in Charge. King's Books. 1. s. d. Rektories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. ŞAldington alias Aldingham R. (St. Cuthbert] Syn. iii s. iii d. 39 19 02 Prox. 1111 s. d. The KING. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Dalton in Furnes V. [St. Mary] The KING as Duke of Lancaſter. Abb. Furnes Propr. * Kirkby-Irelith V. (St. Cuthbert] Syn. ii s. viii d. Prox. 13 10 00 Dean and Chapter of York Propr. and Patr. 20 05 00 Urſwick V. (St. Michael] Syn. ii s. viji d. Prox. iii s. ijii d. Abb. Furnes Propr. Pariſhioners thereof, among whom the Tithes and Patronage are divided. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. CARTME AL Cur. [St. Mary] (not certified.) Biſhop of Cheſter Patr. Pri, Carimeal Propr. Coulton (Holy Trinity] 1. 18 : 06 : 08 Cert. Val. Inhabitants Patr. “Abby of Furnes Propr. HAWKSHEAD I. 42 : 00 · 00 Cert. Val. The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Abby of Furnes Propr. 00 15 09 Pennington LANCACH. DIOCES É of CHÉSTER. 7359 Pennington (St. Michael] A 10 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Duke of Lancaſter Patr. Abby of Coniſhed Propr. Saterwaite; Chap. to Hawkſhead l. 2:00:00 Cert. Val. Abby of Furnes Propr. Tindthwait Ch. (in Coulton Pariſh.) UlveRSTON (St. Mary] I. 28 : 18: 00 Cert. Val. Mr: Fell Pätr. Abby of Coniſhed Propr. Wardland, Chapel to Kirkby-Irėlith (not certified.) In Cartmell Pariſh. Cartmell-Fell i. 8 : 10 : 02 Cert. Val. Flookborough 1. 9: 12 : 00 Cert. Val. Lindall 1. 5 : 08 : oo Cert. Val. Staveley l. 6:03 :.06 Cert. Val. The Impropriation belongs to the Biſhop of Cheſter. In Dalton Pariſh. Kirkby-Irelith 1. 3 3 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Ramſide alias Ramſtead l. 8:03 : 04 Cert. Val. Walney, an Iſland 1. 9: 14 : 00 Cert. Val. In Kirkby-Irelith Pariſh. BROUGHTON [St. Mary Mag-}i. 7:10 : 11 Cert. Val. Seathwait änd Dunnerdale 1. 3 :'18 : 06 Cert. Val. In Ulverſton Pariſh. Blawith 1. 4:00: 00 Cert. Val. Coniſton 1. 3 : 09 : 10 Cert. Val. Lowick 1. 10 : 00 : 00 Cert. Dal. Tower 7:01:00 Cert. Val. 1 l, 3. Kirkbp-Lonſdale, in the Arch-Deaconry of RICHMOND. ! 3 13 09 09:{Whittington R; Syn. iis, vid. ension Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenths. . d. Rectories, &e. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. Prox. ii s. ii d. ob. І об II d. Edmund Horriby Eſq; 1716, for Mr. Cairns. YORK, in the Arch-Deaconry of RICHMOND. 35 07 085 Bertham R. (St. John Baptiſt q.] Syn. ii s. viii d. Prox. iiii s. v d. 03 10 09" Ferdinand Hadlefton Èſq; preſented 1720. The Heirs of Mr. Bouche 1920. (Mr. Parker claims a Right.) 12 05 00 Tatham R. [St. James q.] (in Co. Lanc.) Syn. xii d. Prox.xxd. OI 04 06 56 l. 45. Lórd Cardigán 1720. CertifiedValue. Thornton R. [St. Oſwald] (in Co. Lanc.) Syn. ii s. viii d. 28, 13.013 Prox. iiii s. v d. 17 031 CertifiedValue. Dean and Chapter of Worceſter Propr, and Patr. of the Vic, which is not charged. This Rectory being an Impropriation granted to the faid Dean and Chapter, they pay the Tenths thereof, or their Far- mier. Livings viii 661. ros. 1 736 DIOCESE of CHESTER. LANCASH 21 00 00 { LANCASHIRE. Livings Diſcharged. Clear learly Value. 27 Oo oo Claughton R. (St. Chadd q.) Syn. xvi d. Prox. xx.d. og 19 06 Peter Legh Efq; 1700. 28 05 02 Mellinge V. [St. Peter] Syn. ii s. viii d. Prox. vi s. viii d. 00 14 021 The KING. Mon. Croxton in Leiceſt. Propr. Tonſtall V. [St. John Baptiſt] Syn. ii s. viii d. Prox. iiii s. v d. 00 12 04 YORK Mon. Croxton in Leiceſt. Propr. Jo. Barret Gent. 1699. 20 05 00 Clapham V. Syn. xvi d. Prox. xx d. 00 11 08 Biſhop of Cheſter Impr. and Patr. as Arch-Deacon of Rich- mond. WEST MERL. KIRKBY-LONSDALE V. (St. Thomas or St. Mary q.) (in 49 13 08 Co. Weftmerland) Syn. ii s. iiii d. Prox. vi s. vii d. 02 or 06 Mon. Sanet, Maria Ebor. Propr. Trinity College, Cam- YORKSH. bridge. ŞSEDBERGHE V. [St. Andrew] Syn. ii s. viii d. Prox. vi s. 42 17 04 viii d. Penf. Monaſterio Coverham ijii l. Feod. 1 s. I Mon. Coverham Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Burton (in Thornton Pariſh:) l. 15 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. Caton, Chapel to Lancaſter l. 9: 10: 00 Cert. Val. Greilingham Chap. to Lancaſter l. 9:00 : 00 Cert. Val. LECK (in Tunſtal Pariſh) 1. 2: 18: 00 Cert. Val. Tatham-Fell (in Tatham Pariſh) 1. 2.: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. In Bentham Pariſh, Co, York. SINGLETON ha 20 : 00:00 Cert. Val. 2 Ingleton-Fell l. 7 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. In Kirkby-Lonſdale Pariſh, Co. Weſtmerland. Barbon 1. 3 : 0 : 06 Cert. Val. Firbank 1. 4 : 08 : 04 Cert. Val. Hutton-Roof 1. 2 : 10 : oo Cert. Val. Killington . 8 : 10 : oo Cert. Val. Middleton 1. 8: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. In Melling Pariſh, Co. Lancaſter. § Archolm I. 8: 10 : 00 Cert. Val. HORNBY (St. Margaret) l. 6:13 : 04 Cert. Val. In Sedbergbe Pariſh, Co. York. Dent (St. Andrew] 1. 33 : 18 : 00 Cert. Val. Garſdale 1. 17:05 : 00 Cert. Val. Howgil 9: : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. D. Leiland, in the Arch-Deaconry of CHESTER. LANCASHIRE. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenthos, Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Croſton R. and V. [St. Michael] Syn. and Prox. xxviii s. viii d. 31 II 10 Epiſc. Ceftr, xix s. iiii d. Mon. Syon liii l. vis. viii d. Pau- %03 03 025 peribus X s. Charles Layfield S. T. P. 1703. Mr. Pilkington (W.) ECCLES- 1. 1. s. d. $. d. LANCASH. DIOCESE of CHESTER. 737 King', 1. S. u. 302 Prinfo. TI 00 00 { 01 02 00 45 16 08 49 15 06 -For King's Books. Yearly Tenths. l. d. 28.16.00-SECCLESTON R. [St. Mary) Syn. and Prox. xvis. Redd. xiii s. viii d. Mon. Syon xx s. Ballivo xl s. 02 17 076 Mr. William Latham 1704. SLeiland V. [St. Andrew] Syn. and Prox: xiii s. iiii d. Pri. Penwortham xls. Abb. Eveſham Propr. Edward Fleetwood Efq; 1690. Standiſh R. [St. Wilfrid] Syn, and Prox. xvii s. Ballivo c s. 04 II 08 Mr. Turton 1720, in Right of Mr. Standiſh The Uni- verſity of Cambridge preſented 1722, 1723. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. S Brinhill R. alias Brindle [St. James] Syn. and Prox. V s. Bal- { livo xx s. OL 05 10 Earl of Devonſhire 1662. Duke of Devonfhire (W) 46:03 00 Hoole R. + (Holy Trinity] 00 13 041 Mrs. Elizabeth Hamby 1703. Mr. Hamby and Mr. Crook (W.) Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. in 1. 10: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Douglas in Eccleſton Pariſh) 1. 10: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Longton (in Penwortham Pariſh) l. 14 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. In Crofton Pariſh. Beconfal 1. '2:07 : 11 Cert. Val. CHORLEY [St. Laurence](201. of which by the Rector) 1. 33 : 06 : oo Cert. Val. Rufforth (St. Mary] (20 l. of }1. 22 : 13 : 00 Cert. Val. which by the Rector) Tarleton [St. Mary] confecrated 1719. In Leiland Pariſh. Euxton. Heapy l. 7:09 : 00 Cert. Val. Penwortham C. [St. Mary.] Mon. Penwortham Propr. Mr. Fleetwood Patr. 10l} D. Manchetter, in the Arch-Deaconry of-CHESTER. ; 1. s. d. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. I. s. d. 26 13 04 Aſhton under Line R. [St. Mary 9.] 02 13 04 Lord Warrington 1700. Earl of Warrington. 29 11 05 Bury R. [St. Mary) Syn. and Prox. XV s. iii d. 02 19 01 Lord Aſhburnham Patr. 1722. 36 03 11; Middleton R. (St. Leonard) Syn. and Prox. xvi s. viï d. 03 12 041 Sir Ralph Afbton 1720. Preſtwich † Hoole R. -taken from Crofton and made a diſtinct Parish by Act of Parliament 17 Car. I. 5 B 738 DIOCESE of CHESTER. LANCASH, 1. S. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. d. 46 04 ogź Preſtwich R. [St. Mary] Syn. and Prox: xv s. iiii d. 04 12 05. Mr. Watſon Wentworth 1720. 21 OO 05 Radcliffe R. Syn. and Prox. ii s. 02 02 00 Sir Ralph Aſhton Bart. 1716. 1-1 04 091 RACHDALE V.+ [St. Chadd] Syn, and Prox. xv s. iii di QI 02 054 Mon. Whalley. Propr. Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury.. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 36 02 00 BOLTon in Le Moor V. I [St. Peter] or oo 03 Eccleſia Lichfield Propr. Biſhop of Cheſter Impr. and Patr. 1.8 19 00 Dean V. [St. Mary] 00.08 oo The KING. Mon. Whalley Proprio 4.5 1.5 01 Eccles V. (St. Mary] Syn. and Prox. xv s. 00 12 09 Mon. Whalley Propr. Sir Francis Anderton 1720. The KING 1722.: Not in Charge. MANCHESTER has two Churches St. Anne's (Biſhop of Cheſter) and St. Mary's the College Church. The Crown appoints the Warden. Wardenſhip and four Fellowſhips of the College of Mancheſter. The KING Ellenbrook (in Eccles Pariſh) l. 23:-06 : 03., Cert. Val. Flixton Cur. [St. Michael] 1.- 34 : 00 :.00 Cert. Val. Prebendary of Flixton in Lichfield Cathedral Patr. and Impr. In Bolton Pariſh. "Blackroad [St. Catherine] 1. 21 : 00 : 09 Cert. Val. Bradſhaw. Edenfield 1. 00 : 05:00 Cert. Vál. Rivington 1.-28: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Turton (St. Bartholomew]* 1. 4 : 14 : 00 Cért. Val.. Walmſley 1. 5 : 13 :-00 Cert. Val. In Bury, Pariſh SHeywood 1. 8:.00 : 00 Cert. Väl.. Holcombe. In Dean Pariſh. S.Horwich 19: 00 : 00 Cert. Val.. Weſt-Houghton (St. Mary] 1. 2:01: 06 Cert. Val.. In Mancheſter Pariſh. Birch 1. 3:.10.: 00 Cert. Val. 1.27 ::07 :08 Çert. Val. Cholerton 1. 1:15: 00 Cert. Val. Denton (St. James] 1. 12. : 00.: 00 Cert. Val. Didſbury PRACHDALE V.ma Penſion ſettled on this Pariſh by Arch-Biſhop Sandcroft. Biſbep Kennet's Cafo of impropriaticas, p. 308. I Bolion Endowed with a Leaſe of the Great Tythes by the Lord-Keeper Bridgman. Ex relatione Reverendi Do&toris Bray. . {i Blakeley LANCASH DIOCESE of CHESTER. 739 nd31 : 1 ! Didſbury (St. John] I. 5 : 04 : 00 Cert. Val. Lady' Bland Patr. Goſton (St. James] l. 8: 15 : 00 Cert, Val.. Newton, beſides a Houſe and Garden I: 15 : oo Cert. Val. Salford (Holy Trinity] 1, 60 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Stretford 1. 1:01 : 02 Cert. Val. In Middleton Pariſh. SAſhworth. Cockey 1. 2 : 15 : 00 Cert. Val. In Preſtwick Pariſh. Oldham ['St. Mary.] Ringley (Holy Trinity] 1. 30 : 10 : 00 Cert, Val. Shaw. In Rachdale Pariſh, Littleborough (St. James] l. 10: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Milnrow I. 13 : 13 : 06 Cert. Val. Sadleworth in Yorkſhire (St.31. 16 : 10: 00 Cert. Val. Chadd] Todmerdine (St. Mary) inclu- 2 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. ding 1 l. for the Houſe Whitworth (St. Bartholomew] l. 6:06 : 08- Cert. Val. D. Warrington, in the Arch-Deaconry of CHESTER. 14 15 05 {. .? 30 oj 09 06 05 II 08 oo II 02 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 1. d. Aughton R. [St. Michael] Syn, and Prox. ix s. iiiid, Redd. Guardianis Ecclefiæ vs. Alexander Heſketh Eſq; 1700. Thomas Heys Gent. 1721. Childwall V. (All-Saints] Syn. and Prox. viii s. ilii d. 581. 35. Mon. Holland Propr. Biſhop of Cheſter Impr. and Patr, CertifiedValue . SHalſal R. (St. Cuthbert] Syn. and Prox. xii s. 'Ballivo lxvi s. 24 II 05={ viii d. 02 09 01 Lady Mohun 1720. 08 03 04 Priori Penwortham vis. viii d. Northmeales R. [St. Cuthbert] Syn. and Prox. viii s. viii d. Henry Fleetwood Efq; 1708. SPRESCOTT V. [St. Mary] Syn. and Prox. xv s. iiii d. Penj.? 24 10 00 Epiſc. xiii s, iii d. King's College Cambridge, Propr. and Patr. Sephton R. [St. Helen] Syn, and Prox. xv s. iii d. 03 00 02 Earl of Cardigan 1722. Lord Molineux (W.) S Walton R. [St. Mary) Syn. and Prox. xv s. iii d. Ballivo 06 19 082 Abb. Shrewsbury xx s. Capellano xiii s. iiii d. Earl of Cardigan 1722. 06 13 04 Walton V. (St. Mary] 00 13 04 The Rector thereof Propr. WARRING- iss}o2 d}oo 16 04 and Prox. xv s, iii d. Pens;}02 08 01 30 OI 08 69.16 10:{ CS. 5 B 2 740 DIOCESE OF CHESTER: LANCASH. l. s. d. {" d304 4 00 00: King's Books. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. S WARRINGTON R. [St. Helen] Syn. and Prox. xv s. ijiid: 2 40 00 00 611.185. 3 d. Abb. Shrerwsbury xx s. Certified value. Mr. Atherton 1720. Richard Alberton Eſq; 1723. WIGAN R. (All-Saints] with Holland Chapel (St. Thomas Becket) Syn. and Prox. xvi s. viiid. Seneſchallo iitil. Bal- 0 10 08 livo Wygan iii l. Sub-ſeneſchallo xxvis. viii d. Penf. Ec- $08 01:01: clefie Lichfield xx li Sir John and Orlando Bridgman Efqand Lord' Digby 1720. Winnwick R. [St. Oſwald). Syn. and Prox. xv s. iiii d. Seneſ- Ballivo cs. Pri. Sti Oſwaldi ci so 10 04.11 Lord: Derby. Lord. Afbburnham Patr. 1722., The Burrough of Newton is in this Pariſh. 102 9 09:{ challo cs. .}.ro { ii d. ܘܘ{" 00 I2 II 1111 d. 44 05 06 QI 00 00 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Ş Hilton V. alias Huyton [St. Michael] Syn. and Prox: illi s. 42 00 00 Mon. Burſcough Propr. Lord Molyneux 1720; 32 18 04 LEIGH VI. [St. Mary] (Stipend 9.4.) 00 18 00 Pri. Herbury in Co. Warw. Propr., Mr. Richard Shuttle- worth and others 1696. Mr. Miffock and others (W.) ORMSKIRK V. [St. Peter,and St. Paul] Mon. Burſcough Propr. Lord Derby. Not in Charge. LIVERPOOLE R. + [St. Nicholas), The Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Council of Liver.. poole, preſent to St. Nicholas and St. Peter's. Here are three Churches St. Nicholas, St. Peter's, and St. - George (a. New Church) taken out of the Pariſh of Waltos: by Act of Parliament. Altcar Cur: [St. Michael]'. 1., II : 10:00 Cert. Valio Abb. Merevalê Propr. Lord Molyneux. Patr..(W'.) Croſby-magna (in Sephton Pariſh.) In Childwall Pariſhi. SHALE (St. Mary] l. 17:17 : 00. Cert. Val.. Garſton. In Halfall Pariſh. Maghall (beſides: 20 l. by the Rector) 5:00 : 0g Cert. Val. Melling (Holy-Rood); li. 28 :: 10. : 00. Cert. Val. fl. : 00 Tin + LIVERPOOLE RAn Act to enable the Town of Liverpoole in the County of Palatine of Lancaſter, to build a Church and endow the ſame; and for making the ſaid Town and Liberties thereof, a Pariſh of it ſelf diftinct from Walton, 100 William III. Parl. 1. Seff. 1. An Ad for building and endowing a Church upon the Scite of the Caſtle of Liverpaole, and for explaining a former Act for building another Church there, 1Georgii. LANCASH. DIOCESE of CHESTER 741 1 ( In Leigh Pariſh. Aſtley (St. Stephen] l. 37 : 19 : 08 Cert. Val. Atherton (St. John-Baptiſt] Ch. to Leigh, conſecrated 1723. Chobert (St. Peter] in the Hands of Diſſenters.) In Preſcot Pariſh. St. Helen's li 7:13: 06 Cert. Val. Farnworth (St. Wilfrid q.] (be-7 fides 247. 135. 7 d. for 32*1. 16: 16:00 Cert. Val. Years) Rainsford (beſides 75 l. left) I. 19 : 17 : 00 Cert. Val. In Walton Pariſh, Formby (20 l. by the Rector) I, 23 : 02 : 00 Cert. Val. Kirkby, [st; Chade.623. 2. of}l. 24 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Weft-Derby [St. Mary](20 1. 16s, of which by the Rector):Sl. 43.: 02 : 08 Cert. Val. In Warrington Pariſh. Burntwood alias Burtonwood, nothing perpetual (about 20l. during Lives.) Holintare 1. 6: 02 : oo Cert. Val. Trinity Chapel in Warrington/. 17:10 : 00 Cert. Val. - Town 31. 17 In Wigan Pariſh. Billing 1. 34 : 00 : 08 Cert. Val. Hindley I. 38 : 13 : 06 Cert. Val. Holland [St. Thomas Becket] (25 1. of which by the Rec- Sl. 27 : 02 : 08 Cert. Val. tor) In Winwick Pariſh. Aſhton (beſides 50 l. by the I! 12 : 00 Cert. Val, Newchurch (beſides': 50 l. hy). the Rector) 2 : 10:00 Cert. Val. Newton [St. Peter] (beſides 31, 18 : 09:00 Cert. Val. 2ơ l. by the Rector) } 1. ? } D. Burrowbridge, in the Arch-Deaconry of RICHMOND. YORKSH. King's Books. li d. $. 03.06 08 Livings remaining in Charge. Yearly Tenth's. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. . d. Condall V. [St. Mary and All Saints] is certified to the Gover- nours of Queen Anne's Bounty, to be of the clear yearly Soo 06 08 Value of gl. No Inſtitution. Pri. Newburgh Propr. William Robin- son Eſq; Patr. (Gale) Farneham V. Syn. iis. Prox. iii s. v d. (no Inſtitution) certi- fied as above at gl. 0 13 02 Pri. de Bello Válle in Co. Linc. Propr. Church of York Patr, Gold- 06 12 01 742 DIOCESE of CHESTER. YORKSH, . 1. s. S. King's Books. Yearly Tenths. d. 1. d. SGoldſborough R. (St. Mary] Syn. ii s. 00:. Prox. iii so v d. 10 01 001 Pens. Capitulo Eccleſiæ Ebor. Ix s. or 00 01 Mr. Byerley 1720. 05 17 031 Hunſingore V. [St. John Baptiſt] Syn. ii s. Prox. ïïïi s. v d. 00 11 081 Comandria de Ribſtone in Co.. Ebor. Propr. Sir Henry. Good- rick Bart. 1690. S* KNARESBOROUGH V. [St. John Baptiſt] Syn. ii s. Prox. 09,09 04:{ 00 vis. viii d. CertifiedValue. Preb. Knaresborough in Eccl. Ebor. Propr. Sir Thomas Slingsby Bart. 1716. 23 08 09 RIPLEY R. [All-Saints] Syn. iis. Prox. vi si viji d. 02 06 10 Sir Jon Ingolsby Bart. 1695. 08 17 11 Stanley alias Staveley R. [All Saints] Syn. ii s. Prox. ii s. üd. 00 17 091 Sir Thomas Slingsby Bart. 1716. * Little. Uſborne V. (Holy Trinity] (no Inſtitution) certified 03 08 04 to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty, by the Name Yoo 06 10 of Owsborne at 131. 155. Precentor of York Patr. and Impr. Eccl. Cath. Ebor. Propr. V.. 07 17 OI fied as above at 10 l. 10S. 15 08 Domus Sti Roberti Knaresburgh Propr. Mr. Tancred (W.) ) Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 29 12.00 * Aldburgh V. (St. Andrew] 00 19 II . Dean and Chapter of York Propr. and Patr. 26 oo oo * Burton-Leonard V. (St. Helen] до об от Dean and Chapter of York Propr. and Patr. 45 00 00 Copgrave R. [St. Michael] Syn. ii s. Prox. iiii s. v d. 00 IO II Mr. Lewis 1720. Kirkby on the Moor V.. [All-Saints] Syn. ii s. Prox. iiii s. 47 09 II O 15 04 The KING. Mon. Newburgh Propr.. S Marſton alias Marton V. cum Grafton, Syn, and Prox, vii s. 29 13 10 v d. 00 05 II Abb. Malton Ebor. Propr. St. John's College, Cambridge. 25 II OO Nidd V. Syn. ii ș. Prox. iiii s. v d. oo 06 087 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Colleg., de Rippon Propr. 39 10 00 Great-Uſborne V. [St. Mary:] 00:07 oo Mon. Egleſton Propr. Chapter of York Patr. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. * Allerton-Maleverer [St. Mar-31. 8: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. tin] Dean and Chapter of York Propr. and Patr. Arkendale [St. Bartholomew] (in Knaresborough Pariſh.) Kirkhamerton (St. John Baptiſt] l. 16:00 : 00 Cert. Val. Mr. Stockdale Patr. Nunnery of Muneton Propr. Marton ဝဝ s}oo 05 Smara YORKSH. DIOCESE of CHESTER. 743 Marton (in Kirkby.ſuper-Moram Pariſh) tam}4 7:00 : 00 Cert, Val, Nunmonkton (formerly a Nun-}. 18: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. nery) Mr. Stockdale Patr. Ribſton Cür. [St. Andrew.] Stainley l. 1: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. In Aldborough Pariſh. BURROUGHBRIDGE, or Bur- ? rowbridge, or Burrough 10 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. brigge [St. James) Dünftorth [St. Mary] (allow-31 . 10 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. ed by the Vicar) :31. *-}4 . D. Catterick, in the Arch-Deaconry of RICHMOND. 1. d. 37 06 08 03 14 08 { 1 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. s. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. SBEDALL R. (St. Gregory] Syn. iii s. Prox. vis. viii d. Feod. 89 04 09?? Præceptor liii s. iiii d. 05 Mr. William Peirſe 1698. Edmund Barſtow and Robert Hitch Eſqs; 1722. Mr. Peir ſe and Mr. Stapilton alter- nately (Gale.) Burnefton V. [St. Lambert] Thomas Robinſon Eſq; 1711. The KING_1714. Mon. Sanet, Mar. Ebor. Propr. William Robinſon Efq; (Gale.) CATTERICK V. [St. Anne] Syn. viïi s. Prox. vis. viii d. 25 02 01 Penf. Mon, Santi. Mar. Ebor. xiii s. iiii d. Pri. Sti Mer-02 10 02.. tun xls. The KING. Mon: Sanet. Mar. Ebor. Propr. Downham V. [St. Michael] (no Inſtitution) Syn. ii s. Prox. ii s. ii d. certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty, to be of the clear yearly Value of 61. 10 s. by 05 15 10 00 11 07 the Name of Downholm (See the State of Queen Anne's Bounty) but not diſcharged, as not being certified into the Exchequer Duke of Bolton Patr. and Impr. (Gale.) Mon. Coverhem Propr. Sir Roger Beckwith (W.). •5 03 06 Eaſt-Witton V. + [St. Ella] Syn. iis. Prox. iïï s. v d. 00 10 044 Abb. Forrevall Propr. Toby Hodfon Eſq;.1703. Earl of Ailesbury (Gale.) S Fingall R. [St. Andrew] Syn. ii s. Prox. vis. viii d. Pens? 18 18 042 Mon. Sanete Agaiba vi s. viiid. Penf. Pri. Mertun vi s. OI 17 10 Sir Marmaduke Wyvell 1720. Hawkſwell R. (St. Oſwald] Syn. iii s. Prox. iiii s. v d. Penſ. 20 14 047 Mon. Beatæ Mar. Ebor. xx s. 02-01 053 Charles Dalton Eſq; 1720. Kirklington + Eaft-Wition — was certified amongſt the diſcharged Livings at the clear yearly Value of 12 l. but i bere put amongft the Livings remaining charged, because the Tenthsare payable yearly by the Impropriators vizor d 7:44 DIOCESE of CHESTER. YORKSH. 1. d. {* drew An-}o3 00 00 6 1. 15.09 04 for s}03 09 034 '1111 bol. 2 s. King's Books. Yearly Tenth. 1. s. d. 25 07 03 Kirklington R. Syn. ii s. Prox. ïi-s. ü d. 02 10 08 Lord Caftlecomer 1717. S* Marſham [St. Mary] cum KIRKBY-MALZERDV. (St. An- 30 Oo oo CertifiedValue. Preb. Marſham in Eccl. Ebor, olim Propr. Trinity College Cambridge. SMIDDLEHAM Deanry [St. Mary and St. Alkeld] (a. Peculiar OI 10 11 Juriſdiction of its own) Penf. vi s. viii d. The KING. S Patrick-Brompton R. † (St. Patrick] Syn. iii s. Prox. vi :S. viii dPensSans. d. An Impropriation belonging to the Biſhop of Clefter, who is Patron of the Vicarage. 14 00 05 Scruton.R. (St. Radegund] Syn. ii s. Prox. iiti 5. vid. 01 08 oo Roger Gale Efq; 1720. Spenithorne R. [St. Michael] Syn, iii s. Prox, vis. viii d. 20 10 05 Pens. Pri. Sti Mertun x s. 02 01.001 Sir Marmaduke Wyvill and Mr. Scroop 1720. 13 00 05 Tanfield R. [St. Nicholas] Syn, ii s. Prox. iiii s. v d. от об оо; Earl of Ailesbury 1720. CertifiedValue. F.Thornton-Wattles R. [St. Mary] Syn. ii s. Prox. vis. viii d. Pens. Pri. Sti Mertun vi s. 00. 13 OI Sir William Blacket Bart, 1696. Mr. Milbank 1720. S Wath R. [St. Mary) Syn. ii s. Prox. iiii s. v d. Penf. Mon. Sanet, Mar. Ebor, ili s. iiii d. Earl of Ailesbury 1720. Lord Bruce 1723. S Wenſley R. (Holy Trinity] Syn. v s. Prox, vi s. viiid. Pens? 49 09 09?? Pri. Sti Mertun xxxiii s. iiii d. Duke of Bolton 1720. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 42 14 00 Aſkarthe V. (St. Andrew] oi 18 08 Abb. Forrevall Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. Grinton V. [St. Andrew] Syn. ii s. Prox. iiii s. v d. oi 04 06 The KING. Pri. Bridlington Propr: Hornby V. [St. Mary] 00 13 06 Dean and Chapter of York Propr. and Patr. 32 05 00 Kirkby-Fletham V. [St. Mary) Syn. ii s. Prox. ii s. ii d. 00 19 10 The KING, Comandria Montis Sti Johannis in Co. Ebor. Prapr. 19 19 04 Piccal V. alias Pickhall [All-Saints] (10 1. thereof precarious). 00 11 04 Hop. Sti Leonardi Ebor. Propr. Trinity College, Cam- bridge. Thornton-Stuard V. [St. Oſwald) Syn. ii s. Prox, jiiis. v d. 00 13 04 Duke of Bolton Patr. (Gale.) Biſhop of Cheſter Impr. as Arch-Deacon of Richmond. 18 15 oo Well V. [St. James] Syn. ii s. Prox, ïïïis. vid. 00 17 041 Well Hoſpital Propr. and Patr. Chapels. + Hinton--is a Chapel in the Pariſh of Patrick-Brompton (Gale) not charged or certified. { 17 iſ or {Wachel Mar. Es creuses viima. d. on. }or Pers. Zot 15 08.1 304 18. 113 42 00 08 * 37 06 08 31 17 06 4 YORKSH. DIOCESE of CHESTER. 7+5 Chapels, Donatives, 'or Curacies. Bellerby (in Spenithorne Pariſh.) l. 4:00 : 00 Cert. l'a!. Coverham (Holy Trinity] for-31. 16 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. The KING Patr. (Gale.) Horſhouſe Ch.(in CoverhamPariſh) 1. 1:09: 00 Cert. Val. Leeming (St. John Baptiſt] (in Pariſh) } 5 : 00:00 Cert. Val. Muker (in Grinton Pariſh) 1. 8:06 : 03 Cert. Val. Patrick-Brompton Cur.[St.Patrick]l. 22 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Weit-Witton 1. 5 : 16:08 Cert. Val. Duke of Bolton Patr. Abb. Horreval Propr. In Aiſgarth Pariſh. ((10 thereof precarious) 15 : 10 :00 Cert. Val. Hardrew. Hawes (10 2. thereof preca-}6. 13: 00 : 00 Cert . Val . Lundes (2 l, thereof precarious) 1. 3: 15 : 00 Cert. Val. In Catterick Pariſh. Bolton upon Swale e Vicary)}6. 17.: 15 : 00 Cert. Val. Hipfwell (91. thereof by the }. 9:13 : 00 Cert. Val. Vicar) Hudſwell (9 1. thereof by the Vicar) 9: 13:00 Cert, Val. In Wenſley Pariſh. Bolton (paid by the Rector) 1. 15:00 : 00 Cert. Val. Redmires [St. Mary] (paid by 31. 15: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. the Rector) D. Gichmond, in the Arch-Deaconry of RICHMOND. YORKSH. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenthi. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 19 17 01 Barmingham alias Berningham R. [St. Michael] Syn. iii s. OI 19 08 The KING. 08 12 06 Brignall V. (St. Mary] Syn. iiii s. Redd. iiii s. 00 17 03 The KING. Hop. Sti Leonardi Ebor. Propr. $ Croft R. (St. Peter] Syn. vii s. Monaſt. St. Mar. Ebor. x l. 21 08 04 2 Cell. Sanèt. Martini xxx s. The KING. 09 03 IIŹ Danby-Wilke R. Syn. iiü s. Prox, üli s. v d. 00 18 041 Sir Hugh Smithſon Bart. Patr. (Gale.) Lord Baltimore 1720. Matthew Tarran (h. v.) 1721. Eaſtby 1. 1. d. l. s. d. x 1302 02 02 10 50 746 DIOCESE of CHESTER. YORKSH. 1. Penf. 702 07 01 Penso fo2 25 05 c2** 3oz 06 or 03 IO 02 11 ΟΙ ΙΙ ΟΟ S Smeton R. Syn, and Prox, viii s. v d. Pens, Mon. Sanet. Maribor 07 04 King's Books Yearly Tenths. s. d. 1. d. 02 13 04 Eaſtby V. + [St. Agatha] Stipend. liii s. iiii d. 00 05 04 The KING Patr. (Gale.) Mon. Sanit. Agathe Ebor. Propr. 23 11 05:ŞGillinge V. [St. Agatha] Syn. iiii s.svd. Prox. iii s. Ź Mon. Sanèt. Mar. Ebcr. čs. Pri. Sanet. Mar. Ebor. Propr. Mrs. Margaret Wharton Widow (this Turn) 1705. William Wharton Efq; (Gale.) 5 Kirkby-Ravenſthorpe alias Ravenſwath R. [St. Peter and St. Felix] Syn. iiii s. Prox. iii s. iiii d. Mon. Sanet. Mar. Ço2 10 06 Ebor. xlii s. Firma vi d. An Impropriation belonging to the Biſhop of Cheſter. Kirkby upon Wiſke R. [St. John Baptiſt] Syn. v s. Prox. . . 15 07 Sir Hugh Smithſon Bart. 1697, 1722. Mandfeld v. [All-Saints] Syn. and Prox. X s. Eleemos, xx s. 00 12 On The KING Mon. Sanet. Agathæ Ebor. Propr. 12 06 05* Marík R. (St. Cuthbert] Syn, and Prox. iii s. ini di OI 04 07 pal. 55. The KING Patr. (Gale.) Mr. John Hutton 1694. CertifiedValue. Mellhamby R. [St. James q.] Syn, and Prox, ilii s. v d. 01 00 03 Univerſity College, Oxford. 15 10 00 Middleton-Tyers V. Syn. V s. The KING. Mon. San&t. Mar. Ebor. Propr. SRICHMOND R. [St. Mary] Syn, and Prox. xviii s. iii d. Pens. 15 05 07 Mon. Sanet. Mar. Ebor.cs. Pri. Sti Martini xiii s, iii d. OL 10 06 661. 175.4.d. The KING, Certified Value. 58 14 02 Romaldkirk R. [St. Romald] Syn. and Prox.xxvis. 05 17 05 Mr. Maire 1720. Thomas Mayor Efq; (Gale:) 13 13 04 { Ebor. cv sa Capellano e so Mr. Hall 1720. 06 13 04 Staynlocks alias Stanwick V. || ſive Preb. [St. John Baptiſt] 00. 13 04 Ecclefia Colleg. Rippon Propr. Humphrey Wharton Éfq; Impr. William Wharton Eſq; preſented 1722. Sir Hugh Smith ſon (Gale.) 14 12 QI Wicliffe R. Syn. and Prox. iiii s. oi 09 02 Univerſity of Cambridge, in Right of Mr. Tunſtal. Mr. Tunſtall (Gale.) Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Anderby-Steeple V. (St. Helen] 01 06 08 The KING. Abb. Jorrevall Propr. SEaſt-Cowton alias Long-Cowton V. (St. Mary) Syn, illi s. 38 oo oo Do Prox. vi s. iii d. Hoſp. of St. John Kirkby Ravenſworth Patr. Pri. Brid- lington olim Propr. * Eaſtby V. is an Impropriation in one Mr. Greenwood of Oxfordſhire, the Curate paid by him but 81. 6 s. 8 d. per Annum. Certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty, to be of the yearly Value of (State of Queen Anne's Bounty, 2d Edit. p. 173.) but not certified into the Exchequer, fo not diſcharged. ll staynlocks alias Stanwick V.This is not certified into the Exchequer, fo not diſcharged; bat is cer- tified to the Governours of the Bounty of Queen Anne, to be of the yearly Value of 381. 16s. State of Queen Anne's Bounty, 2d Edit. p. 173. 39.01 08 "300 08 08 23 YORKSH. DIOCESE of CHESTER. 747 00 13 OI 47 05 oo } Langton on Swale R. Syn. ii s. Firma xii d. Earl of Holderneſs 1720. SRokeby V. [St. Mary) Syn. ii s. iii d. Prox, iis, ii d. ob. 2 Penj. Abb. Eggleſton vii s. ix d. · The KING. Abb. Eggleſton Propr. Stratford V. (Holy Trinity] Mon. Eggleſton Propr. Lord Lonſdale 1720. oh ºoo 21 10 00 0 08 044 33 oo oo oo 08 01 Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Arkengarthdale, Chapel to Strat-31 . 8 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Barton-Cuthberts and Setiapilcon}1. 11: 00 : 00 Cert. Val , "} Pariſh) Bowes (St. Giles] 1. 20 : 15:00 Cert. Val. The Pariſhioners are Patr. (Gale.) Mr. Brunſhell Patr. (W.) Abby of York Propr. Clearby 1. 00 : 10: 00 Cert, Val. The Executors of Dr. Robinſon, late Biſhop of London, Patr. Abby of York Propr. St. ] Biſhop of Cheſter Patr. (Ga!e.) Learkirk (in Romaldkirk Pariſh)? 20 : 00 : 00 Cert.. Val. allow'd by the Rector Marrick (St. Andrew] Cur. I. 10 : 10: 00 Cert. Val Lord William Powlet Patr. (Gale.) Richmond (St. Trinity] Chap. (Gale) not certified. Yeaforth (in Danbywiſk Pariſh) ſerved at the Charge of the 5 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Rector In Gilling Pariſh. car) :. Eriholm (St. Mary) l. 27 : 04 : 06 Cert. Val. Forcet [St. Cuthbert) 1. 58 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Hutton-magna 1. 28 : 06 : 06 Cert. Vol. South-Cowton (St. Mary] 1. 39 : 04 : 00 Cert. Val. } 2. Coupland, in the Arch-Deaconry of RICHMOND. CUMBERLAND. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. $. Livings remaining in Charge. Kings Books. 1. d ReEtories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Botill alias Bootle R. [St. Michael] Syn. ii s. id. Prox. 19 17 03 2 701. 2 s. 2 d. 2 ilii s. v d. Penſ. Pri. Sanet. Bege iiii s. CertifiedValue. Robert Pennington Eſq; 1704. 19.03 on Deane R. [St. Oſwald] Syn. ii s. id. Prox. jiii s. v d. 74 l. 95. Lord Wharton 1712. . CertifiedValue. 5 C2 for 19 08 oi 18 031 Diſtington 748 DIOCESE of CHESTER. CUMBERLAND. King's Books . d. ";}o2 : 22 II IO 4.300 37 00 00 Yearly Tenths. L d. 07 or 00 Diſtington R. Syn. xiii d. Prox. xxii d. 00 14 01 68 1.9s. 2 d. Sir James Lowther Bart. 1712. CertifiedValue. 10 04 07. Lamplugh R. (St. Michael] Syn. iii s, id. Prox. ifii s. v d. 01. 00 051 711. 11 s. 6 d. Thomas Lamplugh Efq; 1701. CertifiedValue. R. Syn. iii s 23 05 oo 02 06 06 . ? lv s. iiii d. Mr. Curwen 1720. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 44 15 II Brigham V.+ (St. Bridget] Syn, iiii ssid. Prox, vi s. viï: do. 02 OI 074 Mon. Stainthorp Propr. George Fletcher Efq;: 1705. Corney R. [St. John Baptiſt q.]. Syn. xi d. Prox. ii s. 00 19 081 Mr. Pennington 1720. EGREMOND R. (St. Michael] Syn. iis. id. Prox. iiii s. v d. 45 15 10 2 Penf. Pri, Santt & Bege xxii s. 00 15 02 Duke and Ducheſs of Somerſet. 35 00 00 Gosforth R. [St. Mary) Syn. ii s. id. Prox, iiii s. v d. OI 15 05 John Senhouſe Erq; 1720. Haveringham alias Harrington R. Syn. xiii d. Prox, ii s. iiid. 00 14 081 Henry Curwen Eſq; 1695. 26 OI 08 Millom V. (Holy Trinity] Syn, iïs. Prox. vi s. viii d. 00 16 06 The KING, as Duke of Lancaſter. Mon. Furnes Propr. 23 oo oo Moreſby R. [St. Bridget] Syn. xüid. Prox. ii s. üii d. 00 12 02 Mr. 7of. Yates 1711. 18 16 06 Wayberthwait R. (St. John] Syn. xid. Prox. xx d. 00 07 02 Sir William Pennington Bart. 1708. Whittingham R. alias Wicham (St. Mary) Syn, xxi d. Prox. 49 12 03 iii s. iiïi dPenf. Pri. SanEtæ Begæ x s. 0 17 06: Miles Pennington Eſq; 1720. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Arleckdon Cur. 1. 10 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Biſliop of Cheſter Impr. and Patr. Arch-Deacon of Rich- mond Propr. St. Bees [St. Bega] Cur, formerly 31. 12 : 00 : 00 Certo Val. a Monaſtery Queen's Colleg. Oxon. Patr. or Mr. Lowther (W.) St. Bridget's I. 7 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Mr. Robinſon Patr. Abby of Calder. Cleator Cur. (St. Clement) b. 6: 12 : 00 Cert. Val. Mr. Robinſon Patr. Abby of Calder Propr. Clifton (in Workington Pariſh) for Drigge (St. Peter] l. 5:06 : 08 Cert. Val. Sir William Pennington Patr. Abby of Conijhed Propr. Hayle + Brigham accoon In this Parihh is the Borough of Cockermouth. 1 १०० . the Chapel ruined (not paid}. 3 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. CUMBERLAND. DIOCESE of CHESTER. 749 Hayle Cur. 1. 7 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Lord Lonſdale Patr. Abb. Coniſhed Propr. St. John's Cur. I. 7:00 : 00 Cert. Val. Mr. Robinſon Patr. Abby of Calder Propr. Irton (St. Paul] Cur. 1. 4 : 13 : 04 Cert. Val. Sir William Pennington Patr. Pri. Setön Propr. Long-Town is a Market-Town in this County (not in Charge) no Church here. Muncaſter (St. Michael] Cur. I, 10 : 00 : 00 Cert. Vals Sir William Pennington Patr. Abby of Coniſhed Propr. Ponſonby l. 9:02 : 00 Ceri. l'al. Mr. Stanley Patr. Abby of Coniſhed Propr. RAVINGLASS is a Market-Town in this Deanry (not in Charge) no Church here. Whitbeck Cur. l. 9: 14 : 08 Cert. Val. Mr. Park Patr. Abby of Coniſhed Propr. In St. Bees Pariſh. Emmerdale 1. 4 : 13 : 04 Cert. Val. Eſkdale (St. Catherine q.] 1. 9: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Lowſewater l. 4 : 11:00 Cert, Val. Nether-Waldale l. 5: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Waſdalehead l. 3 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. WHITEHAVEN Old Church [St. Mary] 40 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Whitehaven Trinity Ch. or the New Church 1. 40 :: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. In Brigham Pariſh. COCKER MOUTH [All-Saints] 1. 34 : 13 : 04. Cert. Val. Seckmurthy 1. 2 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Embleton (St. Cuthbert] I. 8:05 : 00 Cert. Val. Lorton (St. Cuthbert] l. 7 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Buttermire 1 :00 : oo Cert. Val. Wythorp I 00 2 : 07 : 00. Cert, Val. In Millom. Pariſh. SThwaits Cap. [St. Anne) confecrated anno 1724: Ulpham I. 5:00 : 00 Cert. Val. 534 or}" . i l. D. Kendall, in the Arch-Deaconry of RICHMOND. Yearly Tenths, 1. d. S. 03 13 04 WESTMERLAND, Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 36 13 04 ŞEverſham alias Haverſham V: [St. Mary) Redd. San&t. Mar. 60 l. 12 s. Ebor, xl s.' Syn. and Prox. Archidiac, xiii s. iiii di CertifiedValue. Mon. Sanet. Mar. Ebor. Propr. Trinity College, Cam- bridge. 28. 11 0532 viiid. S.Greſmer R. (St. Oſwald] Penf. Abb. Beatæ Mar. Ebor, xlvi s. Sir William Fleming Knt, 1720, }02 37 17 01 Hayſham 3 750 DIOCESE of CHESTER. WesTMERL. 7 s. d. 1. so d. xls. eptori}og 09 04 06 02{ King's Boks. Kings Yearly Tenths. OS 09 02 SHayſham R. (St. Peter q.] Syn. ii s. Prox. xx d. Firm. Mon. 00 2 Syon vi s. viii d. 70 1.9 s. 9 d. CertifiedValue. William Werden Gent. 1698. 20 00 07 Halton R. Syn. and Prox. iii s. ii d. 02 00 00 571. 175.9d. Mr. Cairns 1706. Certified Vaue. S KENDALL V. (Holy Trinity] Prox. xiii s. iiii d. Præceptori 92 05 00 Mon. Sanet. Mar. Ebor. Propr. Trinity College, Cam. bridge. R. . 74 10 023 Syn. and Prox. vii s. i d. 07 09 00 Dean and Chapter of Worceſter Impr. Windandermere alias Windermere R. (St. Martin] Penf. Abb. 24 06 08 Sanet. Mar. Ebor. xxxiiis. iiſi d. Vicario de Kendall xiii s. 02 08 08 ilii d. Mr. John Barton (this Turn) 1705. 06 04 041 Hoſp. Domus Leproforum 00 12 051 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. Beethom V. [St. Michael] Prox. iïi s. iii d. The KING. Cantar. de Eccleſ. Propr. 28 03 04 Bolton in the SandsV.Co.Lancaſter, Syn. ii s. Prox. iiiis. viïid. oo 09 06 Archidiaconus Richmond Propr. Biſhop of Cheſter. 31 06 08 . BURTON V. (St. James] Penf. Mon. Sanèt. Mar. Ebor. liii s. 01 II 0817 Mon. Sanet. Mar. Ebor. Propr. Mrs. Elizabeth Oldfield 1694. Mr. Berriſon (W.) Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies, Centro 13 06 og ої об о9 Aughton (St. George] (in Halton}1 . 22 : 03 : 04 Cert. Val . } 22 : 03 : 04 Cert. Val. Croftwaite (in Haverſham Pariſh) l. 13 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Kellet Pariſh) 29 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. Preſton-Patrick (St. Patrick] (in 4:03 : 04 Cert. Val. Silverdale (in Warton Pariſh) l. 5: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Troutbeck (in Windemere Pariſh) I, 10 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Witherſlack [St. Paul] (in Bee- thom Pariſh) 31 : 00 : 08 Cert. Val. In Greſmer Pariſh. SAMBLESIDE 1. 10: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Langdale ... 5:15:06 Cert. Val. 31 . In + Warton V.-mis certified to the Governours of Queen Anne's Bounty, to be of the yearly Value of 781, 15 s. WESTMERL. DIOCESE of CHESTER. 751 er} In Kendall Pariſh. Burdſide I. 13:05 : 08 Cert. Val. Crook I. 3:05 : 00 Cert. Val. Grayrigg (ſome of which never paid for ſeveral Years) 1. 6:13 : 04 Cert. Val. Hugill l. 6 : 10: 00 Cert. Val. Kentmire l. 8 : 06 : oo Cert. Val, Longſteddale l. 9:05:00 Cert. Val. Natland (ruinous) I. oo : 15 : 00 Cert. Val. Old-Hutton [St. John Baptiſt] l. 9: 17 : 10 Cert, Val. Selfide Chriſt's Chapel] 1. 8:05 : 00 Cert. Val. Staveley l. 7:03 : 04 Cert, Val. Underbarrow 1. 9:01 : 06 Cert. Val. Winfter 1. 5:01 : oo Cert. Val. Dioceſe of Durham. King's Books. 1. Yearly Tenths. $. d. 1. d. 182 2 015 1821 I 3 B' , ISHOPRIC of Durham The Biſhopric of Landisfarne was erected anno 635, which, anno goo, was changed into the Biſhopric of Cheſter on the Street, in the County of Durham ; which See was, anno 995, removed to Durham. The Cathedral Church. (St. CUTHBERT and St. Mary.) The Deanry of this Church is in the Gift of the King, and not charged with the payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. It was founded May 12. 1541. There are twelve Prebends in the Church of Durham, all in the Gift of the Biſhop. None of the ſaid Prebends are charged with any payment of Firſt-Fruits or Tenths. Arch-Deaconry of Durham, erected before the Year 1080. his has the Rectory of Eaſington, in D. Durham, an- nex'd to it. 100 000 10 00 og D. Durham, in the Arch-Deaconry of DURHAM. $. Yearly Terithe, 1. s. d. 00 10 00 O2 CO 00 DURHAM. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books 1. d. Reflories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors.. 05 00 05 Apoſtolorum Duodecim infra Caftrum Bernardi 20 00 00 Arcliffe V. alias Acliffe, alias Aicliffe (St. Acca q.) Mon. Sti Cuthberti Dunelm. olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durbam. II 03 011 Billingham V. (St. Cuthbert] Syn. v s. iii d. Mon. Sti Cuibberti Dunelm. olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham, 3 01 02 03 Boldon 752 DIOCES E of DURHAM. DURHAM, 1 60 10.05 Ida }}or 03 08: 53 06.08 05 06 08 07 12 06 671. King's Books. Yearly Texths. 1. d. I. d. 24 13 04 Boldon alias Boldovers R. [St. Nicholas] 02 og 04 Biſhop of Durham. Braundiſpeth R. alias Branſpeth (St. Brandan) Syn. iïi s. об от ook Thomas Swinborne Eſq; 1695. Mr. Tong (W) 07 18 01 Coniſcliffe V..(St. Edwin] Syn, and Prox. ii s. 00 15 09 Biſhop of Durham. 28 17 or Eggleſcliffe V. [St. John Baptiſt] Syn. and Prox. iii s. 02 17 081 Pri. Finchdale alias Finkall Propr. Biſhop of Durham. 20 18 Oi Elwick R. Syn. and Prox. ii s. 02 or 09 Biſhop of Durham. 39 06 00 Ganesford alias Gaynford V. [St. Mary q.] Syn, and Prox.iris. 03 19 077 Mon. Sanet. Mar. Ebor. Propr. Trinity College, Cambridge. 27 13 04 Gateshead R. (St. Mary] Syn, ii s. 02 15 04 Biſhop of Durham. ŞHart (St. Mary Magdalen] and HARTIPOLE V. [St. Hilda] ? II 17 01 2 Syn. and Prox, iii s. The KING. Earl of Scarborough (W.) Pri. Gisburne Propr. Haughton R. [St. Andrew] Syn, and Prox, ii s. Biſhop of. Durham. Hazilden-Monachorum V. [St. Mary] oo 15 03 Mon. Sti Cuthberti olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Dur- CertifiedValue. ham. 27 05 05 Hurworth R. [All-Saints] Syn. and Prox. ii s. 02 14 061 Cha. Pinckney Eſq; (this Turn) 1714. Mr. Chambers (W.) 12 14 095 Hetchinſon alias Heighinton V. [St. Michael q.] Oi 05 051 Mon. Sti Cuthberti Dunelm. olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 124 000 Houghton in Le Spring R. (St. Michael] 12 08 oo Biſhop of Durbam. Kellow V. [St. Helen] Biſhop of Durham. Long-Newton R. Biſhop of Durham. 05 12 06 Margaret St. ibidem Crucis, in Civitate Dunelm, oo II 03 Dean and Chapter of Durbam. 54 04.091 Merrington V. [Št. John] Syn. ii 01 08 05 Mon. Sti Cuthberti olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Dur- han, 04 19 02 Middleham-Biſhop's V. (St. Michael] Syn.-ii s. 00 og II The KING.Cella de Fynckball olim. Propr. 0 00 00 Middleton George [St. George] Portionar. Syn. ii s. oo 08 oo Chriſtopher Pinckney (this Turn) 1705. Mr. Killingball (W.) 25 17 OI Middleton in Teaſdale R. Syn. and Prox. iii s. O2 II 08 The KING Lord Bernard (W.) Oo oo North-Bayley in Durham t, alias St. Mary's the Great. Arch-Deacon of Northumberland Patr. Norton f Is coriietby th: Nine of St. Mary le Bow. See the diſcharged Livings. -20 00 00 02 00 00 20 00 00 02 00 00 oo 1 OO DURHAM. DIOCESE of DURHAM. 753 s. 08 19091 1 King's Books. Yearly Tenths. l. d. 1. d. 31 11 055 Norton V. (St. Mary) Syn. and Prox, ii s. 03 03 01 College of Norton Propr. Biſhop of Durham. 16 oo oo St. Oſwald in Durham V. or iz oo Mon. Sti Cuthberti olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 17 18 011 Redmarſhall R. (St. Cuthbert] Syn. ii s. OI 15 091 Biſhop of Durham. 42 10 IO Ryton R. [Holy Croſs] Syn. and Prox. ii s. 04 05 or Biſhop of Durham. 05 00 05 Seaham V. (St. Mary q.] 00 10 00 Abb. Coverham Propr. Earl of Gainſborough 1697. 73 18 0i; SEDGEFIELD R. [St. Edmund the Biſhop q.] Syn. and Prox. iis. 07 07 091 Biſhop of Durham. 67 06 08 STANHOPE R. [St. Thomas Apoftle] 06 14 08 Biſhop of Durham. 12 13 04 Staynton in Strata R. (All-Saints] QI 05 04 The KING 18 oo oo Waſhington R. or 16 oo Biſhop of Durham. 89 18 0iWearmouth Epiſcopi R. + (St. Michael] Prox, ii s. Biſhop of Durham. 39 19 041 Whitborne R. Prox. ii s. 03 19 11 Biſhop of Durham. 20 08 11 Wickham alias Whickham R. [St. Mary) Syn. ii s. Epiſc. iiis. 02 00 101 Biſhop of Durham. 31 13 04 WoolSINGHAM R. (St. Mary and St. Stephen] 03 03 04 Biſhop of Durham. og 18 on Wynſton R. [St. Andrew] Syn, and Prox, ii s. 00 1909 Biſhop of Durham. 05 09 041 Hofp. infra Caftrum Bernard OO 10 11 Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 37 II 00 Biſhopton V. [St. Peter] Syn, and Prox. ii s. oo 08 07 Sherborn Hoſpital Propr. and Patr, 44 Oo oo Cockfield R. Syn. and Prox. ii s. 00 19 09 Lord Bernard 1717. 40 17 11 Dalton V. [St. Andrew] 00 12 00 Mon. Sti Cuthberti Dunelm. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durbam. 31 05 08 Dittinſdale R. alias Dinſdale (St. John q.] oo og Ole Dean and Chapter of Durham. Edmunbyers R. (St. Edmund q.) Syn. ii s. 00 13 Or Dean and Chapter of Durbam. 5 D Elton + Wearmouth Epifcopi R.-SUNDERLAND R. which was a part of this Pariſh, is by an Ad of Parliament Geo. made a diſtinct Pariſh from Wearmouth Epifcopi, in the Gift of the Biſhop. It is dedicated to the How ly Trinity. 24 II 08 754 DIOCESE OF DURHAM. DURHAM. 1. d. 04 02 06 25 14 08. 05 06 08 00 00 QO Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Terths. 1. d. 36 10 00 Elton R. pro duobus Syn. ii so 00 14 ORE Mark Shaftoe Eſq; 1709. 28 07 00 Gretham V. Syn. and Prox. ii s. 00 14 02 Gretham Hoſpital Propr. and Patr. 37 00 00 Grindon V. (St. Thomas Becket] Syn. and Prox. ii s. 00 09 01 Shirborne Hoſpital Propr. and Patr. Kinneſworth R. Eccl. deftrueta, and united to Witton-Gilbert oo 06 08 Dean and Chapter of Durham. Middleton St. George R. [St. George] oo 07 03$ William Killinghall Efq; 1723. Monk-Weremouth R. [St. Peter] a Curacy. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 48 03 11 Pitlington V. alias Piddington (St. Laurence] Syn.iï s. 01 09 05 . Mon. Sti Cuthberti Dunelm. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 23 00 00 Sockburne V. [All-Saints] Syn. and Prox. ii s. 00 07 091 $hirborne Hoſpital Propr. and Patr. Stranton alias Staunton V. [All-Saints] with Seton Chapel an- 45 00 oo next (St. Thomas Becket] Syn. and Prox. iiii s. OI 15 07 Mon. Gisburne' in Co. Ebor. Propr. Thomas "Thursby and R. Noble (this Turn) 1710. Fohn Dodſworth Eſq; 1728. Not in Charge. STOCKTON on the Tees + antiently a Chapel to Norton St.. Thomas. Biſhop of Durham Patr. Sherborne Hoſpital ST. ANDREW AUKLAND (part whereof precarious, viz. fl. 50: 00 : 00 Cert.. Val.. 19 l. 18 s.) The Biſhop Patr. Pri. Durham. Propr. Aſh or Elh Cur. [St. Michael]] Chapel to Lancheſter, out of 1. 6:13 : 04 Cert. Val. which is paid il. 8.so 4 d. (clear 51. 55.) an-} or 1 iz:}1 BERNARD-ČASTEE Cur. (St.}1. 30 : 09 : 00 Ceri. Val. Mary] Mr. Bowes. Patr. College of Bernard's-Caf.le Propr. Birkby R. [St. Peter) in the Dio- ceſe and County of Fork, but in the Gift of the Lord Bifhop ke 35 : 00 :: 00 Cert. Val. of Durham, in D. Cleaveland, and there certified Caſtle-Eden Cur. [St. James] · 12 : 04 : 00 Cert. Val. Mr. Bromley Patr. College of Aukland Propr. Cheſter + Stockton on Tees V. An Act for making the Chapelry of Stockton in the County of Durham a diſtinct Parish, 12 Annæ, Seff. 1. An Act for explaining a former Act for making the Chapelry of Stockton, in the County of Durham, a dis- tinct Pariſh, i Georgii (42.) DURHAM. DIOCESE of DURHAM. 755 il Cheſter Cur. [St. Mary and St. Cuthbert] (not certified.) Mr. Hedworth Patr. College of Cheſter Propr. Croxdaile Cur. (not certified.) Chapter of Durhan Patr. Pri. Durham Propr. DARLINGTON C. (St. Cuthbert] l. 20: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Lord Bernard Patr. College of Darlington Propr. Denton, Ch, to Ganesford 1. 46 : 14 : 04 Cert. Val. Eaſington R. (St. Mary] annex'd to the Arch-Deaconry of Durham (not in Charge or certified.) Ebcheſter Cur. (St. Ebba q.] 1. 16:07 : 05 Cert. Val. Maſter of Sbirborne Hoſpital Propr. and Patr. Eggleſton Cur. (not charged or certified.) Mr. Baker Pati. College of Eggleſton Propr. Elmdon, Chapel to Sedgfield (not charged or certified.) Eſcomb Cur. I. 13 : 00 : oo Cert. Val. Biſhop of Durham Patr. College of Aukland Propr. Elh Chap. to Lancheſter. Falfton C: I. 10 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. St. Giles's in Durham 1. 20:06 : 00 Cert. Val: Mr. Tempeſt Patr. Hoſp. Keppyre Propr. Hamſterley Cur. (St. James ] 1. 18: 06 : 00 Cert. Val. Biſhop of Durham Patr. College of Aukland Propr. St. HelLEN'S AUKLAND C. 1. 13: 09 : 04 Cert. Val. . The Biſhop Patr. Pri. Durham Propr. Hunſtanworth Cur. 1. 10: 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Mr. Ord Patr. Hoſpital of Keppyre Propr.. : [Nether sl. Mr. Elliſon and others Patr. Pri. Jarrow olim Propr. St. John's, Chapel to Stanhope R. (not charged or certified.) Lancheſter Cur. [All-Saints] ho 14 : 08 : 04 Cert. Vál. Biſhop of Durbam Patr. College of Lancheſter Propr. Lameley Cur. (not certified.) Sir Henry Liddell Patr. College of Cheſter Propr. St. Mary le Bow alias North- Bayley in Durham C. 10 l.1. 15: 00 : oo Cert. Val. whereof precarious Arch-Deacon of Northumberland. ( 6 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. tain only) Dean and Chapter of Durham. Pri. Durham Propr. Medumſley, Chap. to Lancheſter [St. Mary Magdalen] 1. 10 : 03:04 Cert. Val. Mugleſwick Cur. 1. 15 : 18:08 Cert. Val. Dean and Chapter of Durham Patr. Pri. Durham Propr. St. Nicholas in Durham C. l. 13 : 19:04 Cert, Val. Mr. Tempeſt Patr. Hoſp. of Keppyre Propr. Sattley, Chapel to Lancheſter 1. i : 04:00 Cert. Val. Sedberghe, Chapel to Houghton (not certified.) Shields alias St. Hilda Cur. I. 66 : 08 : 04 Cert. Val. Dean and Chapter of Durham Patr. Pri. Durham olim Propr. 5 D 2 Heworth Eur. Ecclef. deprute;}1. 46 : 01 : 00 Cert. Val. :} South- 756 DIOCESE of DURHA M. DURHAM paid }. ] 4.34 South-Bayley in Durham R. (St. Mary] out of which is paid l. 3:09 04 :- Cert. Val. . 6 s. 8 d. The KING Patr, Staindrop Cur. [St. Mary] 40 l. whereof precarious 44 : 05 : oo Cert. Val. Lord Barnard Patr. Coll. of Steindrop Propr. Tanfield Cur. [St. James) (not certified.) Sir Henry Liddell Patr. College of Cheſter Propr. Trimdon C. [St. Mary Magdalen] l. 21 : 05 : 00 Cert. Fál. Mr. Woodfield Patr. Whitworth V. (not certified.) Dean and Chapter of Dur- bam Patr. Pri. Durham Propr. Whorlton Cur. Chapel to Ga- 12 : 10 : oo Cert. Val. nesford Witton le Wear C. (St. Philip } 1. 11:10. : 00 Cert. Val. and St. James] Lord Derby (or Darcy) Patri Colleg. Aukland Propr: Witton-Gilbert with Kimbleſ- worth alias Kinneſworth, $1.55 : 11 : 00. Cert. Val. Ecclefia deftru&ta. Chapter of Durham. Pri. Durham Propr. Wolviſton Ch. [St. Peter q.) (not charged or certified.) Chap- ter of Durbam Patr. Priory of Durham Propr. }4 1. 12 } D. Anewick, in the Arch Deaconry of NORTHUMBERLAND. Yearly Tenisa 1. d. 02 06 03 01 02 04 24 16 08 02 09 08 05 16 08 1 NORTHUMBERL.. Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. 1. d. Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 23 03 on Egglingham V.. [St. Maurice q.] Biſhop of Durham. Pri. Tinmouth olim Propr. 11 03 04 Embleton V. [St. Mary] Merton College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr.. Ingram R. [St. Michael q.] Lanc. Algood (this Turn) 1703. Hen. Ogle Eſq; 1664. Mr. Ogle (W) 58 06 08 ROTHBURY Ř. (All-Saints] Biſhop of Carliſle. 18 05 071 Warkeworth V. [St. Laurence) Biſhop of Carliſle Propr. and Patr. 12 II 03 Whittingham V. (St. Bartholomew] Dean and Chapter of Carliſle Propr. and Patr. Pri. Car- liſe olim Propri Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 18 oo oo Alneham V. (St. Michael] Pri. Alnewick Propr. Duke and Ducheſs of Somerſet. 45 Oo oo Edlingham V. [St. John Baptiſt] Dean and Capter of Durham Propr. and Patr. OL 16 06 01 05 01 oo 07 08 00 13 057 Shivilbottle 1 NORTHUMBERL. DIOCESE of DURHA M. 757 Yearly Tenths. 1. d. oo 09 057 Clear Yearly Value. 1. d. 35 00 00 Shivilbottle V. (St. James] The KING. Pri. Tinmouth Propr. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Allinton Ch. (St. Michael] ALNEWICK Čur. (St. Mary and St. Michael] Pri. Alne. wick Propr. Inhabitants of Alnewick Patr. Bewick (Holy Trinity] Ch. to Egglingham. Bolton Chap. to Edlingham. (Not certified.) Cheventon Ch. to Warkworth. Halliſton Ch. [St. Mary] 1. 8 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Pri. Halliſton Propr. Duke of Somerſet Patr. Rennington Ch. to Embleton. [All-Saints] (Not certified.) Rock (St. Philip and St. James] Chap. to Embleton. (Not certified. Bambrough, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORTHUMBERLAND. J. Yearly Tenths. l. d. 02 00 00 $. 02 10 00 03 06 08 00 06 08 OI 05 074 00 08 oo 00 12 06 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. l. d. Rectories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 20 00 00 BARWICK on Tweed V. (Holy Trinity] Pri. Durham olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham Propr, and Patr. 25 Oo oo Bothall R. [St. Andrew] Duke of Newcaſtle 1691. Earl of Oxford. (W.) Branxton y. Mon. Dunelm. olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 12 16 oo Chatton V. (Holy Croſs] Pri. Alnewick Propr. Duke and Ducheſs of Somerſet. 04 00 00 Chillingham V. [St. Peter] Pri. Alnewick Propr. Biſhop of Durbam. 06 05 05 Ellingham V. [St. Mary] Mon. Dunelm. olim. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 24 00 00 Ford R. [St. Michael] Franc. Blake Delavall Eſq; 1723. 03 13 04 Newton V. Kirke, alias Burch-Newton (St. Gregory] Pri. Kirkham in Co. Ebor. Propr. William Strother Efq; 1681. Norham V. [St. Cuthbert] Mon. Dunelm. olim Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. 05 08 0i, WOLLER V. [St. Mary] Pri. Alnewick Propr. Biſhop of Durbar. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 25 Oo oo Haughton-longa V. (St. Peter) Pri. Alnewick olimPropr. Duke and Ducheſs of Somerſet 1697. 27 00 00 Ilderton R. [St. Michael] Duke and Ducheſs of Somerſet 1704. 02 08 oo 00 07 04 15 06 08 OJ 10 08 00 10 09. 00 18:11 oo 08 oo Leſburh 758 DIOCESE of DURHAM. NORTHUMBERL: d. s. . Clear Yearly Value. Yearly Tenthe 1. 1. d. s. 43 05 03 Leſbury V. (St. Mary] 00 16 031 The K ING. Pri. Alnewick olim Propr. 14 00 00 00 08 og Meldon V. (St. John] Dean and Chapter of Durham. .45 Oo oo Whitfield R. 00 1600 William Whitfield Eſq; 1703. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Aldcroft Ch. to Holy Inand. (Not certified.) Banbrough Cur. (St. Aidan] Pri. Noſtel Propr. D. and C. Durbam Patr. Belford (St. Mary] Ch. to Bam. l. 2 2 : 00:00 Cert. Vál. brough. Berdnell Ch. to Bambrough. (Not certified.) Carham Chap. [St. Cuthbert] (Not certifitd.) Mr. Foſter Patr. Cornhill Ch. to Norham. 1. 11:01: 00 Cert, Val. Doddington Ch. to Chatton. (Not certified:) Hebburne Ch, to Bothall. (Not certified.) Holy-Iſland V. or Cur. [St. 31. 36 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. John Evangeliſt] Kyloe alias Hyloe Ch. to Ho-}1. 13. : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. ly-Iſland. Lowick Ch. to Holy-Iſland. 1.II : 10: 00 Cert. Val. Tweedmouth (St. Bartholomew 9.] Ch. to Holy-Iſland. h 15 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. m-} w1 . D. Co2bridge, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORTHUMBERLAND. d. 1. s. d. Livings remaining in Charge. "King's Books. Yearly Tenths, 1. Refories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. 109 18 01 Bywell Peter's V. (St. Peter 00 19 091 Mon. Dunelm. Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. -06 14:04; Chollerton V. [St. Giles] 00 13 057 Pri. Hexham Propr. Sir John Fenwick Bart. 1689. Sir William Blacket (W.. ) II İL08 Corbridge V. + (St. Andrew] OI 03 02 Pri. Carliſle Propr. Dean and Chapter of Carliſle. *12 03 or HAUNTWEZELL V. [Holy Croſs q.] 01 04 03 Biſhop of Durham. .:03.08 04 Kirkhearle V. [St. Wilfrid) об об 10 581. 10 s. Abb. de Alba-Landa Propr. Sir Thomas Lorraine Bart. and CertifiedValue. Dr. Tomlinſon (W.) 05 08 04 Ovingham V. (St. Mary] 00 10 10 261. Mon, Stæ Mar. Ebor. Propr. Pri. Ovingham, Cell to CertifiedValue. Hexham (W.) Mr. Addiſon Patr. (W) Symondſbourne it Corbridge -Formerly appropriated to the Priory of Tinmouth, after in exchange to Carliſle. Leland's Itin. Vol. V. p.93. NORTHUMBERE. DIOCESE of DURHAM. 756 34 06 03 23 oo oo King's Booksa Nearly Tenths. 1. d. I. d. Symondſbourne R. (St. Symon] 03 08 071 The KING, by the Attainder of the E. of Derwentwa- ter 1723. Univerſity of Cambridge, in Right of the Earl of Derwentwater. 08 16 03 Warden V. (St. Michael] oo 17 071 66 l. Pri. Hexham olim Propr. Sir William Blacket Bart. 1704. CertifiedValue. Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 23. Oo oo ALDESTON V, als Alſton-Moor, in Cumberland (St. Auſtin q.] 00 15 031 Pri. Hexham Propr. (W) Moſes Henzell Gent. 1696. Mr. Hilton (W.) Bywell St. Andrew's V. 00 06 11 Abb. de Alba. Landa Propr. William Fenwick Efq; 1711. Mr. Thornton (W.) 26 oo oo Kirkhaugh R oo 08 09+ yo. Hilton Efq; 1697. Dr. Tomlinſon Patr. (W) 46 00 00 Knarſdale R. oo 09 101 Biſhop of Durham. Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. Ailmouth (St. John Baptiſt Ch. to Leſbury. (Not certified.) Bellingham Ch. to Symondſbourne. (Not certified.) Birtley Ch. to Chollerton. (Not certified.) Chipchaſe Ch. to Chollerton. (Not certified.) Fawſtone Ch. to Symondſbourne, Garragill, Co. Cumberland, Chap. to Alſton-Moor. (Not cer- tified.) Halton Ch. to Corbridge. (Not certified.) Haydon (St. Cuthbert Ch. to Warden. (Not certified.) Newbrough Ch. to Warden. (Not certified.) Shotley (St. Andrew] Ch. to : 15 : 00 Cert. Val. Bywell St. Andrew. Slaley Cur. l. 15 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. Sir William Blacket Patr. Whittenſtall Ch. to Bywell St. Peter's. tº 31 . I 2. Mozpeth, in the Arch-Deaconry of NORTHUMBERLAND. Yearly Tenths. 1. d. 00 13 04 06 13 04 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books 1. s. d. Re&tories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors.. Bolam V. (St. Andrew] The KING. . Pri . Tinmouth Propr. 03 13 04 Felton V. [St. Michael]. The KING. Pri. Brinkburn Propri Hartborne V. Pri.. Tinmouth Propr. Biſhop of Durhan. 04 08. 01. Hedwallen V. (St. Andrew] The KING. Abb. de Alba-Landa.. 00 07 04 20 00 10 02 00 01 oo 08 09 Horſley: 760 DIOCESE of DURH A M. NORTHUMBERL. 32 16 08 03 05 08 or 12 CO 13 06 08 King's Books. Yearly Tenths 1. d. I. s. d. 07 13 04 Horſley-longa V. + [St. Helen] 00 15 04 Pri. Brinkbourne Propr. Duke and Ducheſs of Somerſet 1692. The KING, 1714. MORPETH R. [St. Mary] Earl of Carliſle. 16 oo oo Newburne V. (St. Michael] Biſhop of Carliſe Propr. and Patr. Ponteland V. [St. Mary] ої об о8 Merton-College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 03 17 01 Shipwaſhe R. held with Bothal R. (W.) (Holy Sepulchre] 00 07 08 Duke of Newcaſtle 1691. Earl of Oxford (W.) 14 18 or Stamfordham V. alias Stamford-Hiam. oi 09 09 The KING. Pri. Hexham Propr. 05 13 04 Staynington alias Stanington V. [St. Mary] 00 II 04 Abb. Newminſter Proir. Biſhop of Durham. -13 18 or Whalton R. oi 06 091 Thomas Bates Eſq; 1710. -07 03 04 Whelpington V. (St. Bartholomew] 00 14 04 Abb. Newminſter Propr. Biſhop of Durham. 21 15 071 Woodhorne V. (St. Mary] 02 03 063 Pri. Tinmouth Proșr. Biſhop of Durham. Chapels, Danatives, or Curacies. Framlingham Ch. to Felton. Hooton Ch. to Woodhorne. 1. precarious.) Meldon R. (St. John] D. and Ch, of Durbam Patr. Nether-Witton (St. Giles] Ch. to Hartborne. (Not certified.) Newbiggio (St. Bartholomew] Ch. to Woodhorne. Ougham or Ugham Chap. to Morpeth. (Not certified.) Riall. Ch. to Stamford-Hiam. (Not certified.) Widdrington Ch. to Woodhorne. D. Newcaûle, UPON TINE. 1. vs. d. d. 13 06 08 20 00 00 02 00 00 Livings remaining in Charge. King's Books. Yearly Tenths Restories, &c. with their Patrons and Proprietors. Bedlington V. (St. Cuthbert] ог об о8 Pri. Durham Propr. Dean and Chapter of Durham. ELLESDEN R. [St. Cuthbert] Jo. Douglas Eſq; and Chriſt. Waite 1715. Mr. Howard Patr. (W.) 50 Oo oo Nicholas St. of NEWCASTLE V. [St. Nicholas] 05 Oo oo Biſhop of Carliſle Propr. and Patr. ,36 13 04 Northumberland Arch-Deaconry with Howick R. [St. Mary] 03 13 04 This Arch-Deaconry was erected before the Year 1140. Biſhop of Durbam. Hoſp. if Horſley-Linga V.-The Advowſon fettled in the Crown 40 89.59 Will. & Mar. per. Act of Parliament NORTHUMBERL. DIOCESE of DURHA M. 761 King's Boks, . d. 00 13 04 Hofp. Elſhaw. 09 11 051 Hoſp. Beatæ Mariæ, in Newcaſtle. Yearly Teashs. 1. s, d. 00 01 04 00 19 on 3. од об от; OI OO 08 02 og IT Livings Diſcharged. Clear Yearly Value. 38 oo oo Benton alias Mickle-Benton V. (St. Bartholomew) Baliol-College, Oxford, Propr. and Patr. 35 Oo oo Heddon on the Wall V. [St. Andrew] The KING, Abb, de la Landa Propr. 24 Oo oo Mitford V. Abb. Newminſter Propr. Mr. Mitford Propr. and Patr. 41 18 00 Tinmouth V. [St. Oſwin] Pri, Tinmouth Propr. Earl of Eſſex 1681. The Crown, Duke of Somerſet, and Sir John Delavall Patr. (W.) Chapels, Donatives, or Curacies. St. Anne's Cur. in Newcaſtle. (Not certified.) The Corporation Patr. Corſenſide Ch, to Elleſdon. lo 7: 13:04 Cert. Val. Cramlington (St. Luke] Ch. to b. 6 : 00 : 00 Cert. Val. St. Nicholas, in Newcaſtle. Earſden Ch. to Tinmouth. I. i : 00:00 Cert. Val. Gosford Ch. to St. Nicholas, in Newcaſtle. (Not certified.) NEWCASTLE St. Andrews Ch. to St. Nicholas (Not certified.) NEWCASTLE St. John's Ch. to St. Nicholas. (Not certified.) NEWCASTLE All Saints Ch. to St. Nicholas. (Not certified.) St. Thomas Cur. in Newcaſtle. (Not certified.) The Corporation Patr. Trinity-Houſe Chap. in Newcaſtle. (Not certified.) Wallſend Cur. (Not certified.) Pri. Durham Propr. Chapter of Durbam Patr. to}4 . 5 E APPEN 4 : 2 763 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X. NO I. T The Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury's Directions to the Biſhops of his Province, Anno 1737. concerning Orders and Curates. 1. THAT you require of every Perſon who deſires to be admitted to Holy Or- ders, that he fignify to you his Name, and Place of Abode, and tranſmit to you his Teſtimonial, and a Certificate of his Age duly atteſted, with the Ti- tle upon which he is to be Ordained, at leaſt Twenty Days before the Time of Ordina- tion; and that he appear on Wedneſday, or at fartheſt on Thurſday in Ember-Week, in order to his Examination. II. That if you ſhall reject any Perſon who applies for Holy Orders, upon the Ac- count of Immorality proved againſt him, you ſignify the Name of the Perſon fo reject- ed, with the Reaſon of your rejecting him, to me within one Month ; that ſo I may ac- quaint the reſt of my Suffragans with the Caſe of ſuch rejected Perſon before the next Ordination. III. That you admit not any Perſon to Holy Orders, who having reſided any con- ſiderable time out of the Univerſity does not ſend to you, with his Teſtimonial, a Certi- ficate ſigned by the Miniſter, and other credible Inhabitants of the Pariſh, where he ſo re- ſided, expreſſing, that Notice was given in the Church, in time of Divine Service, on ſome Sunday, at leaſt a Month before the Day of Ordination, of his Intention to offer himſelf to you to be ordain'd at ſuch a Time ; to the end that any Perſon, who knows any Iinpedir:ent, or Notable Crime, for the which he ought not to be ordained, may have Opportunity to make his Objections againſt him; and that upon ſuch Notice given, no fuch Objections have come to their knowledge. IV. That you admit no Letters Teſtimonial, on any Occaſion whatſoever, unleſs it be therein expreffed, for what particular End and Deſign, ſuch Letters are granted; nor unleſs it be declared by thoſe, who ſhall fign' them, that they have perſonally known the Life and Behaviour of the Perſon for the time by them certified ; and do believe in their Con- ſcience, that he is qualified for that Order, Office or Employment, to which he deſires to be admitted. V. That in all Teſtimonials ſent from any College or Hall, in either of the Univer- ſities, you expect that they be ſigned, as well as ſealed; and that among the Perſons ſign- ing, the Governour of ſuch College or Hall, or in his Abſence, the next Perſon under ſuch Governour, with the Dean, or Reader of Divinity, and the Tutor of the Perſon to whom the Teſtimonial is granted, (fuch Tutor being in the College, and ſuch Perſon be- ing under the Degree of Mafter of Arts,) do ſubſcribe their Names. 5 E 2 VI. 764 APPE N D I X. VI. That you admit not any Perfon to Holy Orders upon Letters Dimiffory, unleſs they are granted by the Biſhop himſelf, or Guardian of the Spiritualities Sede vacante ; nor unleſs.it be expreſſed in ſuch Letters, that he who grants them, has fully ſatisfied himſelf of the Title, and Converſation of the Perſon, to whom the Letter is granted. VII. That you make diligent Enquiry concerning Curates in your Dioceſe, and pro- ceed to Eccleſiaſtical Cenſures againſt thoſe, who ſhall preſume to ſerve Cures without be- ing firſt duly licenſed thereunto ; as alſo againſt all ſuch Incumbents who ſhall receive and eniploy them, without firſt obtaining ſuch Licenſe. VIII. That you do not by any means admit of any Miniſter, who removes from ano- ther Dioceſe, to ſerve as a Curate in yours, without the Teſtimony in Writing of the Bi- ſhop of that Dioceſe, or Ordinary of the peculiar Juriſdiction, from whence he comes, of his good Life, Ability, and Conformity to the Ecclefiaftical Laws of the Church of Eng- land. IX. That you do not allow any Miniſter to ſerve more than one Church, or Chapel, in one Day, except that Chapel be a Member of the ſaid Pariſh-Church, or united thereun- to; and unleſs the ſaid Church, or Chapel, where ſuch Miniſter ſhall ſerve in two Places, be not able in your Judgment to maintain a Curate. X. That in the Inſtrument of Licenſe granted to any Curate, you appoint him, what ſhall appear to you, upon due Confideration of the Duty to be perform'd by him, the Va- lue of the Benefice, and the other Circumſtances of the Caſe, a ſufficient Salary according to the Power veſted in you by the Laws of the Church, and the particular Direction of the Act of Parliament for the better Maintenance of Curates. XI. That you take Care, as much as is poſible, that whoſoever is admitted to ſerve any Cure, do reſide in the Pariſh where he is to ſerve ; eſpecially in Livings that are able to ſupport a Reſident Curate : And where that cannot be done, that he do at leaſt reſide fo near to the Place, that he may conveniently perform all the Duties both in the Church and Pariſh. XII. I have only this farther now to recommend, That your Clergy be required to wear their proper Habits, agreeable to the Canons. + 1 NO II. Directions concerning the proper Inſtruments to be brought to the Biſhop, for obtaining Orders, Inſtitutions and Licences; and alſo concerning the Things to be done after Inſtitution or Licence obtain'd; as drawn up by the preſent Lord Biſhop of London, and annex'd 10 bis printed Dire&tions to the Clergy of bis Dio- ceſe in the Year 1724. For ORDERS. A Signification of his Name, and Place of Abode ; according to the firſt Article of of the Arch-Biſhop's Directions. Certificate of having made Publication in the Church, of his Deſign to enter into Ho- Ty Orders ; according to the third Article of the Arch-Biſhop's Directions., Letters A PP E N D I X. 765 Letters Teſtimonial of his good Life and Behaviour ; according to the Tenor of the 3:4th. Canon, and the fourth and fifth Articles of the Arch-Biſhop's Directions. Certificate of his Age from the Regiſter-Book, under the Hands of the Miniſter and Church-Wardens of the Pariſh where he was born. Title upon which he which he is to be Ordain'd; according to the Tenor of the 33d Canon ; for a Form thereof fee Nº III. Note, That by the firſt and ſecond. Articles of the Arch-Biſhop's Directions, all the fore- mentioned Inſtruments are to be tranſmitted to the Biſhop at leaſt twenty Days bem fore the Time of Ordination. In caſe he come for Prieſt's Orders, he is to exhibit to the Biſhop his Letters of Orders for Deacon. For INSTITUTION. TH Before it. HE Preſentation to be tender'd to the Biſhop, and left with him to be conſider'd. The Orders of Deacon and Prieſt to be exhibited to the Biſhop ; according to the 39th Canon. Teſtimonials of his former. good Life and Behaviour, according to the 39th Canon ; and if he come out of another Dioceſe, then a Teſtimonial from the Biſhop or Ordinary of the Dioceſe or Place from whence he comes. TO After Inſtitution. O compound for his Firſt-Fruits, at the Office of Firſt-Fruits, according to Stat. 26 H. VIII:.C. 3. S. 2. unleſs it be a Living that is diſcharg'd, either as being a Vicarage not exceeding rol. a Year, or a Parfunage not exceeding ten Marks in the King's-Books, and ſo diſcharg'd by Slat. 1 Eliz, C. 4. S. 29. Or elſe, as not exceed- ing 50 l. per Annum clear Value, and ſo diſcharg'd by Stat. 5 Ann. C. 24. S. 1. To carry the Mandate of Induction to the proper Office of the Perſon to whom it is directed ; and after Induction * to receive a Certificate thereof from the Perſon who inducts. To read the Common-Prayer, and declare Affent and Confent, within two Months next after actual Poſſeſſion, according to Stat. 13, 14 Car, II. C. 4. § 6. unleſs diſpens'd with by the Ordinary upon fome lawful Impediment. To make the Declaration in the Church, That he will conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England, as it is now by Law eſtabliſhed ; and then to read the Certificate of his having ſubſcrib'd it before the Biſhop. Theſe to be done within three Months afier Inftitution. To read the thirty-nine Articles, in Time of Common Prayer, with Declaration of his unfeigned Afient thereunto, within two Months after Induction. Note, It may be convenient to procure a Certificate from the Church-wardens, or other In habitants, of having perform'd all the forementioned Things, which are to be done in the Church; but there is no Law that requires ſuch Certificate, nor need it be in any cer- tain Forn, To The uſual Form of Induction is this: The Perſon impower'd to induci, taking the Hand of the Perſon to be inducted, lays it on the Key of the Church, (in the Church Door) or the Ring of the Door, (or if the Church be ruinated, 'tis done by laying his Hand on the Wall, or the Fence of the Churchyard) and ſaying, “ Ey virtue of this Inftrument (which he has from the « Arch-Deacon) I induct you into the real, actual, and corporal Poleſion of the Rectory of N. with all its “ Fruits, Members and Appurtenances." Which ſaid, he puts the Incumbent into Pollefion of the Church, who when he has tolled a Bell comes fort) ; and the Inductor endorſes a Certificate of ſuch bis Induction on the Warrant of the Arch-Deacon, atteſted by those voho were preſent. 766 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X. To take the Oath of Abjuration within three Months after Inſtitution ; either in one of the Courts of Weſtminſter, or at the General Quarter-Seſſions of the County, City, or Place where he ſhall reſide, For a Licence to a CURACY. A Nomination from the Incumbent ; in which is to be expreſs'd the Salary propoſed to be allowed for ſerving the Cure. To exhibit to the Biſhop his Letters of Orders. To bring Letters Teſtimonial from his College ; or if he come not immediately from a College, then to bring them from the neighbouring Clergy, where he has dwelt for ſome time before, if in the Biſhop's own Dioceſe. In Caſe he come from another Dioceſe ; then, to bring Letters Teſtimonial from the Biſhop or Ordinary, of the Dioceſe or Place from whence he comes; according to the 48th Canon, and the 8th Article of the Arch-Biſhop's Directions. Within three Months after he is licenſed to a perpetual Curacy ; to read in the Church the Declaration appointed by the Act of Uniformity, " That he will conform to the Li- “ turgy of the Church of England, as it is now by Law eſtabliſh'd ;” and alſo the Certi- ficate of his having ſubſcribd it before the Biſhop, according to Stat, 13, 14. Car. II. 6.4. § 11. For a Licence to a LECTURÉ. O bring to the Biſhop a Certificate from the Miniſter and Church-wardens, of his having been duly elected, or an Appointment under Hand and Seal of the Perſon or Perſons who have Power to appoint. To exhibit his Orders of Deacon and Prieſt. To bring Teſtimonials of his ſober and regular Behaviour. To read the thirty-nine Articles in the Preſence of the Biſhop, according to Stat. 13, 14 Car. II. č. 4. 19. Within three Months after being Licenſed; to make the Declaration appointed by the Act of Uniformity 13, 14 Car. II. 6.4.811. “ That he will conform to the Liturgy “ of the Church of England, as it is by Law eſtabliſh'd," in the Church where he is ap- pointed Lecturer ; and at the ſame time to read the Certificate of his having ſubſcribed it before the Biſhop. T Values i Diſpenſation for a PLURALITY. O obtain of the Biſhop, in whoſe Dioceſe the Livings are, two Certificates of the Values in the King's Books and the reputed Values and Diſtance of ſuch Livings ; one Certificate for the Lord Arch-Biſhop of Canterbury, and the other for the Lord Chancellor. And if the Livings lie in two Dioceſes, then two Certificates, as aforeſaid, are to be obtain'd from each Biſhop ; each certifying the Value in the King's Books, and the reputed Value of the Living in his own Dioceſe ; and both of them, the Diſtance of the two Livings. To bring two Papers of Teſtimonials from the neighbouring Clergy, concerning his Behaviour and Converſation; one for the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, and the other for the Biſhop of the Dioceſe. To Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X. 767 To exhibit to the Arch-Biſhop his Letters of Orders, of Deacon and Prieſt. To exhibit to his Grace a Certificate of his having taken the Degree of Maſter of Arts at the leaſt, in one of the Univerſities of this Realm, under the Hand of the Regiſ. ter of ſuch Univerſity, reſpectively in Purſuance of the 41ſt Canon. In Caſe he be not Doctor or Batchelor of Divinity, nor Doctor or Batchelor of Canon Law, he is to procure a Qualification, as Chaplain to ſome Nobleman, or to ſome other Perſon empower'd by Law to grant Qualifications for Pluralities, (which is alſo to be duly regiſter'd in the Faculty Office, in order to be tender'd to the Arch-Biſhop) accord- ing to the Stat. 21 H. VIII. C. 13. And if he hath taken any of the foreſaid Degrees, which the Statute allows as Qualifications, he is to procure a Certificate thereof in the manner beforemention'd; and to exhibit it to the Arch-Biſhop. TH Form of a Title for Orders. To the Right Reverend Father in God EDMUND Lord Biſhop of London. HESE are to certify to your Lordſhip that I, A. B. Rector (or Vicar) of in the County of and your Lordſhip's Dioceſe of London, do here. by nominate and appoint C. D. to perform the Office of a Curate in my Church of aforeſaid, and do promiſe to allow him the yearly Sum of for his Maintenance in the ſame, and to continue him to officiate in my ſaid Church until he ſhall be otherwiſe provided of ſome Eccleſiaſtical Preferment, unleſs by Fault by him committed he ſhall be lawfully removed from the ſame. And I hereby folemnly declare, That I do not fraudulently give this Certificate to entitle the ſaid C. D. to receive Holy Orders, but with a real Intention to employ him in my faid Church ac- cording to what is before expreſs’d. Witneſs my Hand this in the Year of our Lord Day of The foregoing Form may be uſed for the Nomination of a Parochial or Stipendiary Curate, omitting the laſt Clauſe. FORM S of divers INSTRUMENTS, of General Uſe. No III. The following Form may be uſed for a Certificate of a Clergy- man's having read the Common-Prayer, and for his having perform’d other things therein mention’d, as requiſite to be done by him, upon bis Admiſion to a Benefice. M Emorandum, That on Sunday the Day of in the Year of our Lord 1728. A. B. Rector of C. within the Dioceſe of Winton, and Coun- ty of Southampton, did read in his Pariſh-Church of C. aforeſaid, publickly and ſolemnly, the Morning and Evening Prayer, according to the Form preſcribed in and by the Book entitled, 768 A P PE N D I X. entitled, “ The.Book of Common-Prayer, and Adminiſtration of the Sacraments, and “ other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Uſage of the Church of “ England, together with the Pſalter or Pſalms of David, pointed as they are to be .fung or faid in Churches; and the Form and Manner of making, ordaining, and confe- “ crating of Biſhops, Prieſts, and Deacons." And immediately after reading the ſame, the faid A. B. did openly and publickly, before the Congregation there aſſembled, de- clare his unfeigned Affent and Conſent to all things therein contained and preſcribed ; in theſe Words following, viz. “ I A. B. do hereby declare my unfeigned Aſſent and * Conſent to all and every thing contained and preſcribed in and by the Book entitled [The “ Book of Common Prayer, and Adminiſtration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and “ Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Uſe of the Church of England, together «c with the Pfalter or Pſalms of David, pointed as they are to be ſung or faid in Churches ; " and the Form and Manner of making, ordaining and conſecrating of Biſhops, “ Prieſts and Deacons.”] Alſo that he did publickly and openly, on the Day and Year aforeſaid *, in the time of Divine Service, read a Certificate under the Hand and Seal of the Right Reverend Father in God, Lord Biſhop of Winton, in the following Words (the Certificate verbatim) and immediately after reading thereof, did in the fame Place, the Congregation then preſent, read this Declaration following : Viz. “ I do declare that I will conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England as it is now by Law eſtabliſhed.” And that on the Day and Year aforeſaid, the ſaid A. B. did read the Articles of Religion, commonly called the 39 Articles, agreed upon in Convo- cation in the Year 1562, in the Pariſh Church aforeſaid, in the time of Divine Service there, and did declare his unfeigned Affent and Conſent thereto : And theſe Things we promiſe to teſtify upon our corporal Oaths, if at any time we ſhould be duly called there- to. In Witneſs, Esc. I A Preſentation to a Rectory or VICARAGE. To the Right Reverend Father in God R. by divine Permiſſion Lord Biſhop of P. to his Vicar-General in Spirituals, or to any other Perſon or Perſons, having or to have fuffi- cient Authority in this behalf; 7. S. of, &c. the true and undoubted Patron of the Rectory of E. in the County of N. and your Lordſhip’s Dioceſe of P. Greeting : Preſent to your Lordſhip, and to the Rectory and Pariſh-Church of E. afore- ſaid, now void by the natural Death of C. N. Clerk, the laſt Incumbent there, and to my Preſentation in full Right belonging, my Beloved in Chriſt 7. A. Clerk, Maſter of Arts, † humbly praying that your Lordſhip would be graciouſly pleaſed to admit, and canonically to inſtitute him the ſaid J. A. to the Rectory and Pariſ-Church of E. afore- ſaid, to inveſt him with all and ſingular the Rights, Members, and Appurtenances there- unto belonging, to cauſe him to be inducted into the real, actual, and corporal Poſſeſſion thereof, and to do all other Things which to your Paſtoral Office may in this Cafe apper- tain or belong. In Witneſs, &c. N. B. Where the Benefice is valued at 10 l. or above, in the King's Books, the Preſenta- tion muſt bave a double Forty Shillings Stamp ; if under 10 d. three Sixpenny Stamps are ſufficient. Letters * ( If done on the ſame Day) but if on any other Day within three Months preſcribed as above for reading sbe fame, the Certificate of the Performance of theſe things may be made ſeparately, as the Caſe ſhall require. # If a Minor preſents, By the Advice and with the approbation of M. B. Eſq; my. Guardian larfully appointed. I Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X. 769 Wh Letters Teſtimonial for HOLY ORDERS. To the Right Reverend Father in God R. by divine Permiſſion Lord Biſhop of P. Greeting Hereas our well-beloved in Chriſt R. M. Batchelor of Arts, hath declared to us his Intention of offering himſelf a Candidate for the ſacred Office of a Deacon, and for that end hath requeſted of us. Letters Teſtimonial of his Learning and good Beha- viour: We therefore, whoſe Names are hereunto ſubſcrib'd, do teftify, that the ſaid R. M. having been perfonally known to us for the ſpace of three Years laſt part, hath during that Time, lived piouſly, ſoberlys and honeſtly, and diligently applied himſelf to his Stu- dies ; nor hath he at any time (as far as we know or have heard) maintain'd or written any thing contrary to the Doctrine or Diſcipline of the Church of England: And more- over, we think him a Perſon worthy to be admitted to the ſacred Order of a Deacon. In Witneſs, &c. Letters Teſtimonial for INSTITUT 10 N. To the Right Reverend Father in God R. by Divine Permiſſion Lord Biſhop of P. E whoſe Names are here under written, teſtify and make known, that the Revd. A. B. Clerk, Maſter of Arts, Vicar of B. in the County of C. and Dioceſe of D. having been perſonally known to us for the ſpace of three Years laſt paſt, hath during that time lived piouſly, ſoberly, and honeſtly : Nor hath he at any time (as far as we know, or believe) held, written, or taught any thing contrary to the Doctrine or Diſcipline of the Church of England. In Witneſs whereof we have hereunto ſet our Hands. Dated the Day of in the Year of our Lord W Qualification for a Nobleman's Chaplain. O all and fingular to whom theſe Preſents ſhall come, 7. Sackville E. of T. fend Greeting : Know ye, that I the ſaid Sackville, E. of T. for, and on account of the great Probity of Life, Integrity of Morals, and Proficiency in Sacred Learning of 7. D. Clerk, M. A. have nominated, appointed, taken and admitted, and by theſe Preſents do nominate, appoint, take, and admit him the ſaid 7. D. into the Number of my Domeſtick Chaplains, to ſerve me in the Performance of Divine Offices within my Houſe or Chapel ; by virtue whereof it ſhall , and may be lawful, to and for him the ſaid F. D. my ſaid Chap- lain, freely to have, enjoy, and maintain all and fingular the Privileges, Benefits, Liber- ties, Preheminences, and Immunities whatſoever, given and granted to the Chaplains of the Barons and Peers of this renowned Kingdom of Great Britain, by the Statutes and Laws thereof, to all Intents and Purpoſes of Law that may follow thereupon: And this I have thought fit to teſtify to all and every of you, as I do by theſe Preſents. Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, &c. N. by Divine Permiſſion Biſhop of D. to all and ſingular to whom theſe Preſents ſhall come, Greeting. Know ye, that we the ſaid N. Biſhop of D. for and in confideration of the Learning, good Life, and ſincere Religion of our Beloved in Chriſt, R. S. Clerk, Maſter of Arts, have admitted, conſtituted and appointed, and by theſe Preſents, do ad- mit, conſtitute and appoint him the ſaid R. S. one of our Domeſtick Chaplains, that he may, 5 F 770 Α Ρ Ρ Ε Ν DI X. may, by virtue hereof, have and enjoy all the Privileges, Benefits, Immunities and Ad- vantages, which may, or do of right belong to the Chaplains of the Biſhops and Peers of this Realm, according to the Form of the Statute in that Cafe made and provided. In Teſtimony whereof we have put our Seal, which we uſe in this Caſe, to theſe Preſents ; and have ſubſcribed the ſame this Day of April, in the Year of our Lord One Thouſand Seven Hundred and Forty-one, and in the Year of our Confe. cration. : A Clauſe in the Act of Parliament 21 Hen. VIII. Cap. 13. concerning Pluralities of Livings. I any Perſon having one Benefice with Cure of Souls, being of the yearly Value of 8 l. or above doth accept of another with Cure of Souls, and be inſtituted and induct- ed into the Poſſeſſion of the fame ; then immediately after ſuch Poſſeſſion thereof, the firſt Benefice ſhall be adjudged to be void, and the Patron may preſent another. But no Deanry, Arch-Deaconry, Chancellorſhip, Treaſurerſhip, Chanterſhip or Pre- bend in any Collegiate or Cathedral Church, no Parſonage that hath a Vicar endowed, nor any Benefice perpetual appropriate, to be taken in the Name of a Benefice with Cure of Souls. The Number of Chaplains every Peer, &c. may qualify by the Stat. 21 Hen. VIII. Cap. 13. - 1 3 2 1 of} 2 I. 8 Duke 6. Marquiſs and Earl 5 Viſcount 4 Biſhop 6. Chancellor, Baron, and Knight of the Garter Ducheſs, Marchioneſs, Counteſs and Baroneſs; being Widows Treaſurer and Comptroller of the King's Houſe, the King's Secretary, the Dean of? the Chapel, the King's Almoner, and Maſter of the Rolls- The Chief Juſtice of the King's-Bench, and Warden of the Cinque Ports Proviſo, That the King's Chaplains may hold as many Livings as the King ſhall give. Other Perſons qualified to purchaſe Licence to hold two or more Benefices by the ſame Statute. А LL Spiritual Perſons of the King's Council may purchaſe Licence to hold three Livings with Cure : All other the King's Chaplains, not ſworn of_his. Council , Chaplains of the King, Prince or Princeſs, or any of the King's Children, Brethren, Sif- ters, Uncles or Aunts; the Brethren and Sons of all Temporal-Lords born in Wedlock, the Brethren and Sons born in. Wedlock of every Knight *, may all of them purchaſe Licence to hold two Livings with Cure as aforeſaid. All * Bus nodof Baronets, that Dignity being created fonce this Act. Biſhop Gibſon's Codex, 548. A P P E N D I X. 771 1 All Doctors and Batchelors of Divinity, Doctors and Batchelors of Law, admitted to ſuch Degrees by the Univerſities, and not by Grace only, may purchaſe Licence to hold two Livings with Cure of Souls as above. Proviſo, That every Ducheſs, Marchioneſs, Counteſs, Baroneſs, Widows, and after marrying Commoners, may qualify the ſame Number of Chaplains, as if they had con- tinued Widows. 25 Hen. VIII. Cap. 6. E . , Baron of the Exchequer, and the King's Attorney and Sollicitor General, may each of them have one Chaplain to be Attendant on his Perſon, having one Benefice with Cure, who may be Non-reſident upon the ſame. Grant of a Preſentation to a Vicarage, on the next Avoidance. T O all Chriſtian People to whom theſe Preſents ſhall come, A. B. of, &c. Eſq; true and undoubted Patron of the Vicarage of the Pariſh Church of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E, ſendeth greeting. Know ye that the ſaid A. B. for divers good Cauſes and Conſiderations him hereunto eípecially moving, hath given, granted, aſſigned and confirmed ; and by theſe Preſents doth give, grant, aſſign and confirm unto F. G. of E. &c. Efq; his Executors, Adminiſtrators and Aſſigns, the firſt and next Avoidance, Do- nation, Collation, Nomination, Preſentation and Free Diſpoſition of the ſaid Vicarage of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E, aforeſaid ; whenfoever, howſoever, and by what Means foever the fame Vicarage ſhall firſt and next happen to become void, by the Death, Reſignation, Deprivation, Ceſſion, Permutation, Diſmiſfion, or by any other way whatſoever, (other than by Promotion of the preſent Incumbent to a Biſhopric, as is hereafter mentioned and expreſſed) willing, and by this preſent Writing granting, that it ſhall and may be lawful to and for the ſaid F. G. his Executors, Adminiſtrators and Aſſigns, to preſent a fit Perſon to the fame, and to do all and every other Thing and Things, which to the Office or Duty of a Patron or Patrons of the fame Vicarage of C. do, or doth belong or appertain, in as full and ample manner as he the ſaid A. B. might or could have done therein, if theſe Preſents had not been made. “And farther Know ye, that the ſaid B. for himſelf, his Heirs, Executors and Adminiſtrators, doth covenant, promiſe an grant to and with the faid F. G. his Executors, Adminiſtrators and Aſſigns by theſe Pre- ſeents, That he the faid A. B. now is true and rightful Patron of the ſaid Vicarage, and now hath rightful Power, and lawful Authority to give, grant and aſſign the ſaid firſt and next Avoidance of the ſaid Vicarage, according to the true Intent and Meaning of theſe Preſents. And farther, that he the ſaid F. G. his Executors, Adminiſtrators and Aſigns, ſhall and may from time to time, and at all times hereafter, lawfully, quietly, and peaceably hold and enjoy the next Avoidance of the Premiſſes, and effectually preſent to the ſame his Clerk, who ſhall and may be thereupon duly inſtituted and inducted, without the Lett, Suit, Trouble or Interruption of him the ſaid A. B. his Heirs, Executors, Admi- niſtrators or Aſſigns, or any Perſon or Perſons lawfully claiming by, from or under him. And farther know ye, That if it ſhall happen that the ſaid Church of C. ſhall next bea come void, by the Pronotion of the now preſent Incumbent thereof to be a Biſhop, whereby the King's Majeſty, his Heirs or Succeſſors ſhall be entitled to preſent to the ſame : That then and in ſuch Caſe the ſaid F. G. his Executors, Adminiſtrators and Aſigns, ſhall 5 F 2 have 772 APPENDIX. have the next Preſentation to the ſaid Church of Ć. when it all become void after the Preſentation of the King's Majeſty, his Heirs or Succeſſors. Provided always, That as ſoon as the next Preſentation or Nomination shall have taken Effect, according to the true Intent and Meaning of theſe Preſents, That the free Diſpoſition and Right of Pa- tronage ſhall remain and revert to the faid A. B. and his. Heirs, as if this preſent Grant: or Writing had never been made. In Witneſs, &c. A Refignation before a Publick Notary.. Day of N the Name of God Amen, Before you a Notary Publick, and credible Witneſſes here preſent, I Vicar of the Pariſh Church of the County of and Dioceſe of * for certain juſt and lawful Cauſes me hereunto eſpecially moving, without Compulſion, Fraud:or Deceit, do purely, fimply, and abſolutely reſign and give up my faid Vicarage and Pariſh Church, with all their Rights, Members, and Appurtenances, into the facred Hands of the Right Reve- rend. Father in God by: Divine Permiſſion. Lord: Biſhop of or of any other whomſoever, that hath, or ſhall have Power to admit this my Refigna- tion ; and I totally renounce my Right, Title and Poffeffion, in and to the fame Vicarage and Pariſh Church, with all their Rights, Members, and Appurtenances heretofore had,.; and hitherto belonging to me. I quit them, and expreſly recede from them by thefe Pre- fents : AND that this my Reſignation may have its full Effect, I do hereby nominate and appointmy beloved in Chriſt and jointly and ſeverally my Proctors or Subſtitutes to exhibit this my Reſignation to the ſaid Reverend Father, and in my Name to pray that his Lordſhip would graciouſly vouch- ſafe to accept thereof, and to pronounce and declare the Vicarage of: afore- ſaid void, and to be. void of my. Perſon, to all Intents of Law. that may follow there- upon; and to decree that an Intimation of the ſaid Avoidance may be iflued to the Pa.- tron thereof.. In Witneſs whereof Į have hereunto ſet my Hand and Seal this in the Year of our Lord One Thouſand Seven Hundred and. Witneffés, 7. B. D, G. Refgnation to a Biſhop: Nibe Name of God Amen, Before you the Right:Reverend Father in God R. by Divine Permiſſion Lord Biſhop of Pi and credible Witneſſes here.preſent. I T. D. Vicar of L. in the County of N. and in your Lordſhip's Dioceſe and Juriſdiction of P. for certain juſt and lawful Caufes me hereunto eſpecially moving, without Compulſion, Fraud or Deceit, do purely, ſimply, and abſolutely reſign and give up my faid. Vicarage and Pa- riſh Church of L. with all their: Rights; Members and Appurtenances, into your Loord- Ship's ſacred Hands, with all my. Right, Title and Poffeffion of, in and to the ſame; I quits them, and exprefly recede from them by theſe Preſents: humbly praying, that your Lord ſhip would be graciouſly pleaſed to accept this my Reſignation, and to pronounce and de- clare the: Vicarage of L. aforeſaid. void, and to be void of my Perfon to all. Intents of Law that may follow thereupon, and to decree that an. Intimation of the ſaid. Avoidance. may be iſſued to the Patron thereofs. In Witneſs, &c. It *- If it be a Reſignation upon a Permutation, Eeing defirows to exchange my ſaid Vicarage and Pariſh Church fori thé, Re&ory of M. in: the County of D: Hint Dioceſe of Ex. A P. P E N D I X. 773 It is to be obſerved, that a Reſignation is to be made to the Biſhop or Ordinary and not to the Patron, except the Church or Chapel be a Donative exempt, in whichº Caſe it is to be made to the Patron, in the preſence of a Notary Publick and two credible Wit- nefſės. And in Caſes of Exchange, or Permutation of Benefices, on account of Health, or other Conveniencies, which the Law allows; it ſeems to be the moſt adviſeable for the Parties to reſign before a Notary, that their reſpective Reſignations may be interpofed be- føre either of the Livings is declared void by the Ordinary; becauſe it may be doubted, whether a conditional Reſignation bevalid or not, if the Words purely, ſimply, and abſo- Lutely be omitted ; for by the Statute of the 31ſt of Q. Eliz. c. 6. 58. all corrupt Reſig. nations are ſtrictly prohibited in the following Words: “ That if any. Incumbent of any 6 Benefice with Cure of Souls, after the end of the ſaid Forty Days, do, or ſhall corruptly - reſign or exchange the fame, or corruptly take for, or in reſpect of the reſigning or ex- changing of the fame, directly or indirectly, any Penſion, Sum of Money, or Benefit 66.. whatſoever ; That then as well the Giver, as the Taker of any ſuch Penſion, “Sum of Money, or other Benefit corruptly, ſhall loſe double the Value of the Sum ſo given, w taken or had ; the one Moiety, as well thereof, as of the Forfeiture of double Va. * lue of one Year's Profit before mentioned, to be to the Queen's Majeſty, her Heirs and “ Succeſſors, and the other Moiety to him or them that will fue for the ſame, by Action “.of Debt, Bill or Information, in any of her Majeſty's Courts of Record, in which no - “ Eſſoin, Protection, or Wager of Law or Privilege, ſhall be admitted or allowed." Form.of. Nomination to an augmented Chapelry or Curacy. To the Right Reverend Father in God, THOMAS Lord Biſhop of Ely, the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Ely ſend Greeting. HER EAS the Curacy of the Chapel of Chettiſpam in the Pariſh of in the City and Dioceſe of Ely, is augmented, or ſhortly intended to be aug- mented, by the Governours of the Bounty of Queen Anne, for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the poor Clergy ; by reaſon whereof it is requiſite; that a Curate ſhould be duly nominated, and licens 'd to ſerve the ſaid Cure, purſuant to an Act of Parliament in that Caſe made and provided. Now We the ſaid Dean and Chapter do hereby nomi- nate Thomas Martyn Clerk (the Perſon employed by Us in ſerving the ſaid Cure), to be Curate of the ſaid Chapel of Chettiſham ; and We do humbly pray your Lordſhip to grant him your Licence to ſerve the ſaid Cure, and to perform all divine Offices therein accordingly. In Witneſs, &c. The Form of Donation or Nomination to a Church or Chapel, that is Donative and exempt from Epiſcopal Juriſdiction. all Chriſtian People to whom theſe Preſents ſhall come, A. B. of C. in the Coun. ty of D. Efq;- Lord of the Manor of E. in the County aforeſaid, Greeting Whereas the Church or Chapel of T. in the County of is now void by the natural Death of T. S. the laſt Incumbent there, and doth of right belong to my Gift or Donation ; Know ye that I the ſaid A. B. have not only given and granted the faid Church or Chapel of T. with all its Rights and Appurtenances, unto my beloved in Chriſt. J. S. Clerk, M, A. of whoſe. Probity and Learning. I am well ſatisfied, but alſo by Virtue of TO 774 A P P E N D I X. of theſe Preſents, do induct him the ſaid J. S. into the corporal Poſſeſſion of the ſaid Church or Chapel, with its Rights and Appurtenances as aforeſaid. In Witneſs, &c. N. B. That the Clerk in this caſe is to ſubſcribe and take the Oaths before his Patron. Another Form of Donation to a Chapel . O the Right Reverend Father in God, Lord Biſhop of Winchel-, ter ; A. B. of, &c. fendeth Greeting. Whereas the free Chapel (the Donative or Curacy) of B in the County of Surry and Dioceſe of Wincheſter, is now void by the Death of T. S. the laſt Incumbent'there, and doth of Right belong to my Gift or Donation : Theſe are humbly to certify your Lordſhip, that I do nominate John Smith, A. M. to be Curate of the ſaid free Chapel of B. humbly beſeeching yout Lordſhip to grant him your Licence for ſerving the ſaid Cure. In Witneſs whereof, &c. TO Extra£t from an Axt for the better Maintenance of Curates, &c. for preventing any Eccleſiaſtical Perſons from buying the next Avoidance of any Church Preferment. 12 Annæ, Cap. 12, Sefl. 2. NACTED, That if any Rector or Vicar ſhall after 29 Sept. 1714, preſent any E Curate to the Biſhop or Ordinary to be licenſed to ſerve the Cure in his Abſence ; the Biſhop having regard to the Greatneſs of the Cure, and Value of the Liying, ſhall , before granting ſuch Licence, appoint under his Hand and Seal, a Stipend not exceeding 501. per Annum, nor leſs than 20l. to be paid at ſuch Times as he ſhall think fit by the ſaid Rector or Vicar ; and upon Complaint made that any Curate licenſed before that Time, hath not a ſufficient Maintenance, the Biſhop may appoint a certain Stipend, or on Ne- glect or Refuſal to pay ſuch Stipend, he may determine the ſame, and fequefter the Profits of the Benefice until Payment ſhall be made. If any Perſon after 29 Septemb. 1714, ſhall for any Sum of Money, Reward, Gift, &c. in his own Name, or in the Name of any other Perſon take or accept the next Avoidance of, or Preſentation to any Benefice with Cure of Souls, Dignity, &c, and ſhall be pre- ſented thereupon ; then every ſuch Preſentation ſhall be void, and ſuch Agreement deem'd a Simoniacal Contract, and the Crown may preſent to ſuch Benefice, Dignity, &c. for that time only, and the Perſon fo corruptly taking or procuring ſuch Benefice or Dignity, &c. ſhall be adjudged a diſabled Perſon in Law to have and enjoy the fame ; and ſhall alſo be ſubject to any Pain, &c. inflicted by the Ecclefiaftical Laws, in like Manner as if ſuch corrupt Agreement had been made after ſuch Benefice, &c. had become vacant. By an Aɛt of Parliament 12 Annæ, Cap. 14. T is Enacted, That when a Preſentation ſhall be brought to any Biſhop, &c. He is I on , thier to the beſt and utmoſt of his Knowledge or Belief the Perſon or Perſons who made ſuch Preſentation to be the true and real Patron or Patrons of the ſaid Benefice or Ec- cleſiaſtical Living, or made the ſaid Preſentation in his, her, or their own Right, or whe- ther ſuch Perſon or Perſons ſo preſenting be not medi.tely or immediately, directly or in- directly, Truſtee or Truſtees, or any way intereſted for ſome other ; and what Perſon or Perſons A. PP E N D I X. 775 Perſons by Name ; who is or are Papiſts, or make Profeſſion of the Romiſh Religion, or the Children of ſuch, or for any other, and what Perſon or Perſons, and what he knows, has heard, or believes, touching or concerning the ſame. And if ſuch Perſon or Perſons ſo preſented, ſhall refuſe to be to examined, or ſhall not anſwer directly thereto, then, and in every ſuch Caſe, ſuch Preſentation Mall be void. > Rules and Orders for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the Poor Clergy, &c. IT HAT the Augmentations to be made by the faid Corporation, ſhall be by the way of Purchaſe, and not by the way of Penſion, II. That the ſtated Sum to be allowed to each Cure which ſhall be augmented, be 200 l. to be inveſted in a Purchaſe, at the Expence of the Corporation. Ill. That the Governours ſhall begin with augmenting thoſe Cures that do not exceed the Value of 10l. per Ann, and ſhall augment no other, till thoſe have all received our Bounty of 2001, except in the Caſes, and according to the Limitations hereafter named. IV. That in order to encourage Benefactions from others, and thereby the ſooner to compleat the Good that was intended by our Bounty, the Governours may give the ſaid Sum of 200 l, to Cures not exceeding 50 l. per Annun where any Perſons will give the ſame, or greater Sum, or Value in Lands or Tythes. V. That the Governours ſhall every Year, between Chriſtmas and Eaſter, cauſe the Ac- count of what Money they have to diſtribute that Year to be audited ; and when they know the Sum, publick Notice ſhall be given in the Gazette, or ſuch other Way as ſhall be judged proper, that they have ſuch a Sum to diſtribute in ſo many Shares ; and that they will be ready to apply thoſe Shares to ſuch Cures as want the fame, and are by the Rules of the Corporation qualified to receive them, where any Perſons will add the like or greater Sum to it, or the Value in Lands or Tythes, for any ſuch particular Cure. VI. That if ſeveral Benefactors offer themſelves, the Governours ſhall firſt comply with thoſe that offer Moſt. VII. Where the Sums offer'd by other Benefactors are equal, the Governours ſhall always prefer the poorer Living. VÍIF Where the Cures to be augmented are of equal Value, and the Benefactions offer'd by others are equal, there They ſhall be prefer'd that firſt offer, IX. Provided nevertheleſs, that the Preference ſhall be ſo far given to Cures not ex- ceeding 10l. per Annum, that the Governours ſhall not apply above t two third Parts of the Money they have to diſtribute that Year, to Cures exceeding that Value. X. Where the Governours have expected till Michaelmas what Benefactors will offer themſelves, Then no more Propoſals ſhall be received for that. Year ; but if any Money remain after that to be diſpos'd of; in the firſt place, two or more of the Cures in the Gift of the Crown, not exceeding 10 l. per Annum, ſhall be choſen by Lot, to be augmen- ted preferably to all others : The preciſé Number of theſe to be ſettled by a General Court, when an exact Liſt of them ſhall be brought in to the Governours. XI. As for what ſhall remain of the Money to be diſpoſed of after That, a Liſt ſhall be taken of all the Cures in the Church of England, not exceeding 10 l. per Annum ; and ſo many of them be choſen by Lot, as there ſhall remain Sums of 2001. for their Augmentation. XII, * Thirty-five Pounds in the firlit Rules. ☆ One Third in the firft Rules. 776 A P P E N D I X. XII. When all the Cures not exceeding 10 l. per Annum fhall be ſo augmented, the Governours ſhall then proceed to augment thoſe of greater Value, according to ſuch Rules as ſhall at any time hereafter be propos'd by them, and approved of by Us, our Heirs or Succeffors, under our or their Great Seal. XIII. That all charitable Gifts, in real or perſonal Eſtates, made to the Corporation, Ihall be ſtrictly applied, according to the particular Direction of the Donor or Donors -thereof, where the Donor ſhall give particular Direction for the Diſpoſition thereof: And where the Gift ſhall be generally to the Corporation, without any ſuch particular Direc- tion, the ſame ſhall be applied as the reſt of the Fund or Stock of the Corporation is to be applied. XIV. That a Book ſhall be kept, wherein ſhall be entered all the Subſcriptions, Contri- butionş, Gifts, Devices or Appointments, made or given, of any Monies, or of any real or perſonal Eſtate whatſoever, to the Charity mention'd in the Charter, and the Names of the Donors thereof, with the Particulars of the Matters ſo given ; the ſame Book to be kept by the Secretary of the Corporation. XV. That a Memorial of the Benefactions and Augmentations made to each Cure, ſhall, at the Charge of the Corporation, be ſet up in Writing on a Stone, to be fixed in the Church of the Cure ſo to be encreaſed, there to remain in perpetual Memory thereof. XVI. When the Treaſurer ſhall have received any Sum of Money for the Uſe of the Corporation, he ſhall, at the next General Court to be holden after ſuch Receipt, lay an Account thereof before the Governours, who may order and direct the fame to be pla- ced out for the Improvement thereof, upon ſome publick Fund or other Security, till they have an opportunity of laying it out in proper Purchaſes for the Augmentation of Cures. XVII. That the Treaſurer do account annually before ſuch a Committee of the Go. vernours, as ſhall be appointed by a General Court of the ſaid Corporation, who ſhall au- dit and ſtate the fame ; and the faid Account ſhall be enter'd in a Book to be kept for that Purpoſe, and ſhall be laid before the next General Court after ſuch ſtating ; the ſame to be there re-examin'd and determined. XVIII. The Perſons whoſe Cures ſhall be augmented, ſhall pay no manner of Fee or Gratification to any of the Officers or Servants of this Corporation. Note, If a Living of ſmall Value be augmented either by. Lot, or by way of private Benefaction, as abave, which Living by ſuch Augmentation is not advanced ſo, as to be of the clear yearly Value of 50 l. or upwards ; the Same Living is capable of a fecond Augmentation, if 200 l. more be offer'd the next year after ſuch Augmenter tion, provided the Living after ſuch additional Augmentation do not exceed in yearly Value fifty Pounds. Directions to ſuch as Mall deſire to become Contributors to the Augmentation of ſmall Livings. I F by Gift. In Caſe the Contributor deſires to apply ſuch Gift to any particular ſmall Living, in order to entitle ſuch Living to 200 l. of the late Queen's Bounty, according to the fourth Rule of the Governours; it will be proper to do it by one of the Forms of Propoſals hereafter ſet forth: But if he deſires to give any Sum of Money generally without any particular Direction or Application thereof, the Contributor upon fignifying ſuch his Intention to the Board, may immediately. (if deſired) pay in his Money to the Treaſurer : Or in caſe the Benefaction offer'd be any Eſtate in Lands, he may have it ſettled on the Corporation in ſuch manner as proper Council fhall adviſe. If APPENDI X. 777 If by Will or Deviſe. Where the Deviſor deſires to apply the Sum of 2001. or more to any particular ſmall Living, it may be done in the following Form. 66 Item, I give " to the Corporation of the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, for the Augmen- - tation of the Maintenance of the poor Clergy, the Sum of (*200 l.] to be paid to 66 the ſaid Governors, fo foon (after my Deceaſe) as the ſaid Governors ſhall order the - Sum of 2001, out of their Revenue to be added thereto, to be laid out for a perpe- 66 tual Augmentation of the [+ Rectory] of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. If the Deviſe be to be made of Money to the Corporarion generally, without any par- ticular Direction or Appointment of the Deviſor, it may be ſufficient if in this Form. “ Item, I give to the Corporation of the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, for " the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the poor Clergy, the Sum of “ to be by them applied to the Augmentation of ſmall Livings, according to the Powers 66 veſted in them by their Charter, and Rules made for that Purpoſe.” * If more, expreſs it. + Where 'tis a ReEtory, fay (Rectory;) where 'tis a Vicarage, ſay (Vicarage ;) where 'tis a Curacy, ſay (Curacy) of the Chapel of F. in the Pariſh of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. Forms of Propoſals for augmenting ſmall Livings, &c. HE Governors of The Bounty of Queen ANNE, &c. having lately given No- T , tice, that they have a conſiderable Sum of Money ready to be diſtributed in the Augmentation of poor Cures, &c. do hereby farther advertiſe, That they will now re- ceive Propoſals from all ſuch Perſons as deſire to join with them in augmenting, &c. and that the Propoſals muſt be made in the following Manner. In Caſe of a Propoſal of Money. Of M, in the County of N. (* Gent.] for himſelf, his Heirs, Executors and Adminiſtrators, propoſeth and promiſeth to the Governors of The Bounty of Queen ANNE, for the Augmentatian of the Maintenance of the poor Clergy, to advance and pay the Sum of [+ 200 l.] ſo ſoon as the ſaid Governors ſhall order the Sum of 2001. out of their Revenue to be added thereto, to be laid out for a perpetual Augmentation of the [i Restory) of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. 'In Wit- nefs whereof he hath hereunto ſet his Hand'and Seal the Sealed and delivered in Preſence of * If a Gent. Say Gent. if of other Condition, expreſs it as it is. t The Sum muſt not be leſs than 200 l. if more, expreſs it. * Where 'tis a Restory, ſay as above, [the Rectory] of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. Where 'tis a Vicarage, ſay the [Vicarage] of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. Where 'tis a Curacy, Tay the (Curacy of the Chapel of É; in the Pariſ] of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. 1. A.B. Day of 5 G Upon 778 APPENDI X. T.A.B. Upon Receipt of the Money, the Governors ſhall give the Benefactor an Inſtrument under their Common Seal, in this Form. T HE Governors of the Bounty of Queen ANNE, for the Augmentation of the Main- tenance of the Poor Clergy, do hereby acknowledge to have receiv'd of A, B. of M. in the County of N. [* Gent.) the Sum of († 2001.] and do hereby promiſe to add thereto the farther Sum of 2001. and to lay out the whole Sum of with all convenient Speed, in a Purchaſe of Lands, Tythes, or other Hereditaments, to be ſettled for a perpetual Augmentation of the [Rectory] of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. purſuant to her Majeſty's Rules ; and until ſuch Purchaſe can be made, will apply the Profits to be made thereof, for the Benefit of the [ || Rector of the ſaid Church] In Witneſs, &c. *+ As before. ll If a Rectory, ſay as above, [Rector of the ſaid Church.] If a Vicarage, ſay, (Vicar of the ſaid Church.] If a Curacy, ſay, (Curate of the ſaid Chapel.] In Caſe of a Propoſal of Lands or Tythes as a Gift. II. Of M. in the County of N. (* Gent.] propoſeth, promiſeth and agreeth for himſelf, his Heirs and Alligns, to and with the Governors of The Bounty of Queen ANNE, for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the Poor Clergy, well and ſufficiently to convey and aſſure, or procure to be convey'd and affur’d, the [ + Tythes] of G. in the County of H. of the full Value of [t 2001.] to or for the Benefit of the [ll Restur) of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. and his Succeffors, for a perpetual Augmentation of the ſaid [ Rectory] in ſuch manner as the ſaid Governors ſhall order, and their Council ſhall adviſe, fo ſoon as the faid Governors ſhall order the Sum of 2001. out of their Revenue, to be laid out for a farther perpetual Augmentation of the ſaid [ ** Restory.] In Witneſs, &c. *+ As before. # When 'tis Tythes, ſay, as above, [Tythes] of G. &c. IV hen Land, ſny, [A Meſſuage or Tenement, and Acres of Land, ſituate, lying, and being in] G. & C. !! If it be a Rectory, ſay as above, [Rector] &c. If a Vicarage, ſay, (Vicar) of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. If a Curacy, sizy, [Curate of the Chapel of F. in the Pariſh] of Č. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E. ** If it be a Rectory, ſay, [Rectory.]' If a Vicarage, ſay, (Vicarage.] If a Curacy, ſay, [Curacy] Upon ſuch Conveyance made, the Governours ſhall give the Be- nefactor an Inſtrument under their Common Seal, to this Effe£t. T HE Governors of The Bounty of Queen ANNE, for the Augmentatión of the Maintenance of the Poor Clergy, in Conſideration of a Benefaction in (* Tythes] made by A. B. of M. in the County of N [+ Gent.] do hereby promiſe to lay out the Sun of 2001. with all convenient ſpeed, in a Purchaſe of Lands, Tythes, or other Hereditanients, to be ſettled for a further perpetual Augmentation of the [ll Rec- tory] of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of É. purſuant to Her Majeſty's Rules ; and until fuch Purchaſe can be made, will apply the Profits thereof for the Benefit of the [ Restor of the ſaid Church.] In Witneſs, &C. *+11+ As before. . . In APPENDIX. 779 TI In Caſe of a Propoſal of Lands of the Value of above 400 1. where the Party is not willing to give the whole. III. Of M. in the County of N. (* Gent.] propoſeth and promiſeth for himſelf, A.B. his Heirs and Aſſigns, to and with the Governors of the Bounty of Queen ANNE, for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the Poor Clergy, well and ſufficiently to convey and affure, or procure to be convey'd and aſſurd, the [+ Tythes] of G. in the County of H. of the full Value of [ $ 400 l.) and upwards, to or for the Uſe and Benefat of the [ * Rector] of C. in the County of D. and Dioceſe of E, and his Succeſ- fors, for a perpetual Augmentation of the ſaid [ + Re&tory] in ſuch Manner as the faid Governors fhall order, and their Council ſhall adviſe : They, the ſaid Governors, pay- ing unto the faid A. B. or his Order, upon Execution of the ſaid Conveyances, the Sum of 200 l. In Witneſs, &c. N. B. The PROPOSALS muſt be on Stampt Paper, and the Execution thereof atteſted by Witneſſes, as is uſual in other Deeds. † As before. # 400 l. Value is the leaſt for which the Governors are entituled to pay 200 l. if the Value be more, expreſs it. Directions for Incumbents of augmented ſmall Livings. HE Incumbent is to procure a Certificate from the Biſhop or Ordinary- of the Dioceſe, That he is the Perſon officiating in ſuch augmented Benefice, which Inſtrument the Incumbent muſt exhibit to the Treaſurer, to flew that he is the proper Perſon entitled to receive the Intereſt allotted to be paid half-yearly upon ſuch Augmentation. If he be Incumbent of a ſmall Living, that is augmented with a private Benefaction, as well as with the Queen's Bounty, which Benefaction remains in the Hands of the Benefactor not laid out in a Purchaſe, or not paid in to the Treaſurer ; the Incum- bent in ſuch Caſe before he receives the Intereſt of the Governor's Money, muft cer- tify to the Governors, That he has received the Intereſt of the Benefactor's Money, which may be done in the following Form : June the 1728. Do hereby humbly certify to the Governors of the Bounty of Queen ANNE, &c. That I have receiv'd one Year's * Intereſt, due at Lady-Day laſt, for the Money propoſed for the Augmentation of the V. of in the County of and Dio. ceſe of Witneſs my Hand A. B. Vicar of * If Lands are proposid, ſay, Rent due at Lady-Day laſt for the (Land.) Form of a Receipt for the Governor's Intereſt. Eceived of Jeffrey Elwes Eſq; Treaſurer to the Governors of the Bounty of Queen ANNE, &c. the Sum of being half a Year's Intereſt due on (Lady-Day laſt paſt) of Two Hundred Pounds, appropriated by the ſaid Governors for the Augmentation of the Vicarage of in the County of and Dioceſe of I ſay received by me A. B. Vicar of aforeſaid. N. B. The moſt convenient Times for receiving the half-yearly Payments of the Go. vernors Money, are between Lady-Day and Midſummer, and between Michaelinas and Chriſtmas, at which Times conſtant Attendance is given by the Treafıuras Fr ſuch Payments. (15 I R 5 G 2 780 CHURCHES and CHAPELS omitted. IN mour. Ld Wey BATH and WELLS Dioceſe. Wonford-Eagle Chap. to Tollar-Fratrum. N Axbridge Deanry, Bideſham and In Pimperne D. Crawford-parva C. P. Mr. Mark Cap. to Wedmore. Portman. Tarrant Mon. Propr. In Bath D. ST. MICHA E L and ST. JAMES In Shafteſbury D. Hanford R. P. Mr.Sey. Ch. in Bath, belonging to St. Peter and St. Paul's R. als Bath Abby Ch. Faringdon Cap. to Iwern-Courteny. Monkton Comb (St. Michael] Chap. to Marja [St. Margaret] and E. Orchard Southſtock. Cap. to Iwern-Minſter. In Bridgwater D. Strinxton Chap. to Culve. In Whitchurch D. Pluſh Cap. to Buck- North-Newton and St. Michael Chap. to land-Newton. North-Peterton. Kingſton Cap. to Canford. Ichſtoke [St. Mary] Chap. to Chilton. WAREHAM St. Mary's C. olim a In Frome D. Chilcompton V. (St. John Priory. P. Geo. Pitt Efq; Baptiſt] Patron Mr. Tucker. Prior. Woolland C. P. Mr. Banks. Milion Bradſtoke Propr. Mon. Propr. Lullington C. [All-Saints] mouth Patr. Prior. Long-Leet Propr. CHICHESTER Dioceſe. In Glaſton Juriſdic.Catcote, Edington, Stawll, In Arundel D. Houghton Cap. to Arundel. Sutton Cap. to Murlinch. In Boxgrave D.Weſtmarden (St. Mary] Cap. In Ilcheſter D. Eaſt-Chinnock R. [St. to Upmarden. Mary] The Crown Patr. Breckleſman Cap. to Eaſt-Withring. In Radcliff and Bedminſter D. Publow C. In Midhurſt D. Tuxhith Cap. to Trotton. [All Saints] cum PensFORD Cap. Linchmere C. P. Mr. Rapley. Shelbred [St. Thomas Becket] Mr. Lamb Mon. Propr. Patr. Chantry of Publow Propr. In South-Malling D. Lynfield C. (St. John Winford cum Felton (St. Mary and St. Baptiſt] Mr. Newton Patr. Peter] D. of Somerſet Patr. South-Malling [St. Michael] Mr. Ruf- In Taunton D. Staplegrove R. Earl Poulet fel P. South-Malling College Propr. Patr. of both. In BRISTOL Dioceſe. In Storington D. Worthing Cap. to Broad- In Bridport D. Heltock C. [St. Mary] olim water. Cap. to Lyme-Regis The Corpora- Worminburſt C. olim Cap. to Steyning. tion of Lyme Patr. Mr. Butler P. In Briſtol D. Shirehampton Cap. to Weſt- In Terring D. Heene Cap. to Terring. bury, Co. Glouceſter. Abbots-Leigh (Holy Trinity] C. to Bed. COVENTRY and LICHFIELD minſter, Co. So-merſet. Dioceſe. In Dorcheſter D. Kimbridge C. P. Mr. In Salop D. Neſſecliff [St. Mary] Chap. to Clavell. Cerne Abby Propr. Neſtrange, Co. Salop. A Church at MELCOMBE-REGIs conſe Co.Warwick. Honiley R. [St.John Baptiſt] crated 1603, made parochial, and called Mr. Saunders Patr. Chriſt Church, Compton Churches and Chapels omitted. 781 ton, Compton-Murdak C. Lord Willoughby In Redenhall D. Tyvetſhall (St. Mary] R. Patr. Coll. of Warwick Propr. Patr. Lord Cornwallis. EXETER Dioceſe. In Rockland D. Shopham [St. Andrew] In Aileſbear D. Newton-Poppleford Chap. In Thetford D. Thetford St. Cuthbert's and held with Shopham [St. Peter) to Aileſbear. Thetford St. Mary's. Cur. Patr. the Exmouth (Holy Trinity] Chap. to Little- D. of Norfolk of the firſt, and the Cor- ham. In Dunkſwell D. Culm-Davy Chap. to poration of Thetford of the laſt. In Toftres D. Coldkirk R. (St. Mary] Hemyoke. In Dunsford D. Zele (St. Mary] Chapel In Dunwich D. Aldringham C. [St. An- Mr. Kellhall Patr. to South-Tawton. In Kenne D. Cowick C. [St. Thomas Becket] drew] cum Thorp Chap. (St. Mary] olim a Priory. Patr. Mr. Goulde. Mr. Harvey Patr. Abbey of Leyſton Impr. In Okehampton D. OKE HAMPTON in Bur- go [St. James] Chap. to Okehampton. In Thingoe D. The two Churches at Bury In Tamerton D. Shiptorr Chap. to Bickleigh. are St. Mary and St. James. Budoc Chap. to Eggbuckland. In Tiverton D. Shillingford Chap. to Baump- In Dorch. Juriſdict. Piſhull c. held with OXFORD Dioceſe. In Totneſs D. Meage R. Nettlebed, being in the ſame Patronage Patr. Sir Wil- and Juriſdiction. liam Carew. Co. Cornwall, in Eaſt D. Chapels at Kel- PETERBOROUGH Dioceſe. LINGTON and SALT ASH. In Penwith D. St. Ives and St. Nicholas In Brackley D. Warkworth [St. Mary] Chap. to Marſton St. Laurence Chap. to Unilalant. In Weſt Ď. Neighton Chap. to St. Winnow, ROCHESTER Dioceſe. and Cannek Chap. to St. Veep. In Malling D. Grombridge Chap. to Spel- HEREFORD Dioceſe. hurſt. In Ludlow D. Weſt-Hope and Corſton In Shoreham D. Downe Chap. to Orpington. Chap. to Diddlebury. Lidling (St. Mary Magdalen] Cap. to Gil- Middleton Chap. to Stanton-Lacy. lingham. Hetbe Chap. to Stoke-Milburgh. SALISBURY Dioceſe. LONDON Dioceſe. In Avebury D. Itchilhampton Chap. to Al- Tuttle-Fields Chap. in the Pariſh of St. canning Margaret Weſtminſter, in Co. Mid- In Potterne D. Staverton Chap. to Trow- Foxham and Hyrway Chap. to Bremhill. dleſex. bridge. NORWICH Dioceſe. WORCESTER Dioceſe. In Flegg D. Ormeſby (St. Michael, St. An. In Kineton D. Tidmington Chap. to Tre- drew and St. Peter] Cur. Patr, and dington, now a R. and joined with Impr. Church of Norwich. SHIPSTON. DEDICATIONS 1 782 DedicATIONS tranſmitted ſince the Printing of the Book and ſome few corrected. j S In CANTERBURY Dioceſe. Mary] Marſhwood [St. Mary] WYM- BOURNE-MINSTER [St. Cuthburga] Turmouth R. is [All-Saints] Aſh [St. Nicholas] Stodmarſh (St. Mary] In CHICHESTER Dioceſe. Wingham (St. Mary] Wye (St. Martin] Upmarden is [St. Michael] Sidleſcomb Goodneſton [Holy-Croſs] Staple [St. St. John Baptift] Brightling [St. Tho- James] Hawkherſt [St. Laurence] Ry: mas Becket] İkilſham [St. Nicholas] ver [St. Peter] Weſt-Cliff [St. Peter] Eaſt-Guilford (St. Mary] Telſcomb (St. Guſton (St. Martin] Swinfield (St. Peter] Laurence] Cliff [St. Thomas Becket] Acris [St. Martin] Braborn (St. Mary] Kirford (St. John Baptiſt] Chittingley (St. Stanford [All Saints] Nunnington [St. Peter and St. Paul] Isfield [St. Mar- Mary) Smeth (St. Mary] Billington (St. garet. Peter] Fairfield (St. Thomas Becket] Fe- In COVENTRY and LICHFIELD VERSHAM (St. Mary] Bettfanger [St. Ma- Dioceſe. ry] Minſter (St. Mary and St. Sexburga] Meller Chap. [St. Thomas Becket] Chelaf- Bradherſt [St. Peter] ton (St. Peter] Okebrook [All-Saints] Scropton (St. Paul] Long-Eaton (St. In B ATH and WELLS Dioceſe. Laurence] Moreton-Say [St. Margaret] Lilſtock [St. Andrew] Spargrove (St. Whittington [St. John Baptiſt] Eaton- Laurence] Weft-Lilford (St. Peter] Po- Conſtantine (St. Mary] Broughton (St. kington (St. Andrew] Hawkridge [St. Mary) Swinford-Regis R.[St.Mary] Weſ- Giles] Williton [St. Peter) Fitzhed (St. ton ſub Lizard R. (St. Andrew] Rouceſter Mary Magdalen] Hárdington (St. Mary] [St. Michael] Horton [St. Michael] Wridlington (St. Mary] Long-Leat. (St. Mere [St. Peter] Stow (St. John Baptiſt] Radegund] Barrow (St. Mary and St. Barr [St. Margaret] Bloxwith [All-Saints] Edwin] Berrington (Holy Trinity] Hint (St. Bartholomew] Whittington [St. Heathfield (St. John Baptiſt] Oke [St. Giles] Badſley-Clinton is [St. Nicholas] Bartholomew] Halle [St. James] Ath- Merival (St. Mary) Stoke (St. Michael ] Prior (Holy Trinity] Barrington [St. Stretton on Dunſmore (All-Saints] Anſty Mary] Bromfield (St. Mary] Chelling- [St. James] Over-Shuckburgh (St. John ton [St. James] Dufton [St. John] Baptiſt] Knowle (St. Giles] Lopen (All-Saints] In ELY Dioceſe Rifton [All Saints] Trull [All-Saints] Fenny-Drayton [St. Mary] Weſt-Wick- Thurlbere St. Thomas] Upton [St. ham [St. Mary] Shengey [St. Mary] James] Wilton [St. George] Withiel (St. THORNEY (St. Mary and St. Botolph] Mary Magdalen] Hill-Forence [Holy- Croſs] Langford [St. James] In E XE T E R Diocefe. Pinhoo [St. Michael] Aileſbear (St. Chri- In BRISTOL Dioceſe. ſtopher]. Littleham (St. Michael] Top- Wraxhall [All-Saints] Netherbury [St. Tham [St. Margaret] Stoke-Canon (St. 3 Bartholomew] 1 Dedications Tranſmitted, &c. 783 ty] Ingham (St. James Folkingham is (St. drew] Hillington (St.John Baperthing (St. Bartholomew] Inſtow is [St. John Baptift] Fenbon (All-Saints) Fofton [St. Peter] Weſtleigh (St. Peter] Kennerley (St. Burwell is (Holy Trinity] Gretford is (St. John Baptiſt] Sandford (St. Swithin] Martin] Iupholm (St. Peter] Saltby (St. Dunkſwell (St. Nicholas) 'Ayſhton [St. Peter] Bolington [St. James ] CASTOR is John Baptiſt] Shildon (St. James] Hol- [St. - Kyneburg] and Sereby [All-Saints] comb-Burnell [St. John Baptiſt] Whiteſton Keilby is [St. Peter] [St. Catherine] Hitteſley (St. Andrew] Al Co. Bedford. Higham-Gobion (St. Mar- wardeſcot [St.Peter] Parkham [St. James) garet] Aſtwick Dedication is unknown. Wyer-Gifford (Holy Trinity] Offwill Northill [St. Mary] (St. Mary] Dun-Chidioke (Holy Trini Co. Buckingham. Everſaw was [St. Ni- Pouderham [St. Catherine] Mam- cholas] Gawcot [St. Andrew] Waxham head [St. Thomas] Shillingford (St. George] [St. Mary) Fulmer [St. James] Rou- Idsford (St. Mary] Goodleigh (St. Peter] Tham was (St. Laurence) Litcote (St. Meavy [St. Peter] Low-trenchard [St. Giles] Dagnall [All-Saints] Cudington Peter ] Holcomb-Rogus [All-Saints] [St. Nicholas] KELLINGTON Chap. [St. Mary] SALT Co. Huntingdon. Little-Raveley (St. ASH Chap. [St. Nicholas] PENZANCE James] [St. Mary] Maderne (St. Maderne] Co. Leiceſter. Aníty [St. James] Cad- well [St. Mary] Knighton [St. Jarnes] In GLOUCESTER Dioceſe. Noſeley (St. Mary) Rotteiton [St. John] Weſton upon Avon (All-Saints] Bibery Tirlington (St. Andrew] Drayton (St. [St. Mary] CIRENCESTER [St. John James ] Whetſton (St. Peter) Ravenſton Baptiſt] Eaſtleach (St. Andrew] Aylber- [St. Michael] Thorpe-Sackvill (St. Mi- ton [St. Mary] Rangeworthy (Holy Tri- chael] Dalby-Woulds [All-Saints] Dad- nity] Rodborow [St. Mary Magdalen] lington [St. James.] Odington [St. Nicholas] Cold-falperton [All-Saints] CHELTENHAM [St. Mary] LONDON Dioceſe. Sevenhampton [St. Andrew] Temple Church [St. John Baptiſt] Sa- voy (St. John Baptiſt] Paddington (St. In HEREFORD Dioceſe. James] Stanmere-parva (St. Laurence] Monefley (St. Bartholomew] Sapy is [St. Co. E lex. Burſted-magna [St. Mary Nicholas] Coldington is [St. John Baptift] Magdalen] Roxwell (St. Michael] Brox- Canfronie [St. James] Hampton-Biſhops ted als Chawreth (St. Mary] Hedning- [St. Andrew] "Norton-Canons (St. Nicho- ham ad Caftrum [St. Nicholas] Colne-Al- las] Selleck [St. Tefiliai] Orcop [St. ba [All Saints] Marks-Tey (St. Andrew] Mary] Ballingham (St.Dubritius] Garway Good Eaſter [St. Andrew.) [St. Michael] Llangarran [St.Deinol] Rad- nor-Vetus (St.Stephen] Ruardine [St: John In:NORWICH Dioceſe. Baptiſt] Longdon (St. Bartholomew): Brundal [St. Clement] Starſton (Holy Croſs Betring-parva (St. Peter and St. In LINCOLN Dioceſe. Paul] Saxlingham-Nethergate (St. Mary) Co. Lincoln. Glentworth (St. Michael] Yelverton [St. Mary] Claxton [St. An- ] Andrew) Holwell (St. Wilfrid] " -] lington is [St. Andrew] Ednam is (Holy Margaret] Thurſton (St. Ethelbert] Hel. Croſs} Woodhall (St. Margaret) Barro- gay (All-Saints} Fofton [St. Peter) Rif- by is (St. Helen] Gedneyfenn (Holy Tri- ton (St. Michael] Rollefby is (St. George) nity] Lutton-Bourne [St. Nicholas] Morley (St. Botolph] Melton-parva [Alla Maring [A11-Saints] Friſthorp (St. Peter] Saints] Bowthorp (St. Michael] Corte Walcot ¡St. Oſwald] Marſton (St. Mary] fty is [St Edmund] Southmere [All- Saints] 784 Dedications Tranſmitted, &c. Saints] Sherringham [All-Saints] Eton verell [St. Mary] · Kingſton-Deverell [St. [St. Andrew Gaiſthorpe [St. Peter] Mary] Tidrington (St. James] Tilſted St. Co. Suffolk. Fakenham-parva (St. An- Thomas Becket} Knook (St. Margaret] drew] Sapiſton (St. Andrew] Middle- Comner (St. Michael] Wittenham-longa is ton [St. Mary] SOUTHWOULD (St. Ed- [All Saints] mund] Melles (St. Margaret] Rom- burgh (St. Michael] Redgrave (St. Mary] In WINCHESTER Dioceſe. Sileham [St. Margaret] Haflewood [St. Bramdean (St. Simon and St. Jude] Mary] Rendham (St. Michael] Melford Elden (St. John Baptiſt] Frenſham is (St. [Holy-Trinity) Stoke [St. Mary] Ney- James.] lond (St. James] In WORCESTER Dioceſe. In OXFORD Dioceſe. Elmbridge (St. Mary] Abbots-Crome Newington (St. Giles] Leafield [St. [St. James] . Grafton-Flyford [St. John Michael] Shetford (St. Martin] Bollcot Baptift] Huddington (St. Michael] Earlf- (St.Mary Magdalen] Sandford is (St. Mar crome [St. John Baptiſt] Ridmerley-Da- tin] Stanton-Harcourt is [All Saints] bitot is (St. Bartholomew] Malverne-par- va (St. Giles] Honnington [A11-Saints] In PETERBOROUGH Dioceſe. Morton-Murrell (Holy Croſs] Norton- Caſtor (St. Keneburga] Oxney (St. Lindſey (Holy Trinity] Hatton (Holy Mary] Houghton-parva [St. Michael] Trinity] Rovington [St. Laurence] Sher. Okeley-magna [St. Michael] Pitchley borne [All-Saints] [All-Saints] Barrow (St. Mary Magdalen] In ST. DAVIDS Dioceſe. In ROCHESTER Dioceſe. Maenlogdi [St. Dogmael] Nettlefted (St. Mary] Shipborne [St. Giles] - Hunton (St. Mary] Ightham [St. In LANDAFF Dioceſe. Llanover [St. Bartholomew] Tinterne- In SALISBURY Dioceſe. parva [St. Michael] Llanthewyvach (St. Brixton-Deyerel [St. Michael] Hilde- David] Pertholey (St. Bartholomew] Peter] . AN AN Ι Ν D E X OF THE DIOCESES, COUNTIES, and DEANRIES, Contained in this BOOK. Canterbury Dioceſe. H E Catbedral Church. Page I THE HI 2 Page 25 26 27 30 33 35 37 38 Bath Bridgwater Carey Crewkerne Dunſter Frome Glaſtonbury Juriſdi&tion Ilcheſter Merſton Poulet als Pawlet Redclife and Bedminſter Taunton KENT. Bregge als Bridge Canterbury 4 7 Charing Dover 7 Eltham 8 Lymme als Lympne 10 Oſpring Sandwich 14 Sittingborn 15 Sutton 17 Weſtbere 19 MIDDLESEX, Canterbury Juriſdi&tion 20 40 42 12 ibid. 45 Briſtol Dioceſe. The Cathedral Church 48 Bath and Wells Dioceſe. . DORSET Birport als Bridport The Cathedral Church 20 48 SOMERSET. Axbridge GLOUCESTERSH. Briſtol 23 52 5 H DORSET INDE X. Page i Page 54 Coventry 57 Marton 59 Stoneley 62 DORSET. Dorcheſter Pimperne Shaftsbury Wbitchurch ILI = 123 125 Ely Dioceſe. Chicheſter Dioceſe. The Cathedral Church 127 The Cathedral Church 67 SUSSE*. Arundel Boxgrave Chicheſter Dallington Haſtings Lewes Midhurſt Pagban Cant. Jurifdia. Pevenley Soutb-Malling Storington Terring, Cant. Juriſdiet. 68 70 73 73 75 76 81 84 ibid. 87 88 CAMBRIDGESH. Berton als Barton Bourne Camps Cambridge Cheſterton Ely Shengey Wisbich 128 129 130 132 133 134 135 136 0.00 Exeter Dioceſe. The Cathedral Church 137 90 Coventry and Lichfield Dioceſe. Tbe Carbedral Chartt 90 = DERBY. High-Peak Afbborne Caftillar Chefterfield Derby Repingdon 93 94 95 97 99 102 DevONSH. Aylisbeare Barnſtaple Cadbury Chriſtianity alias Exeter Chumleigh Dunkefwell Dünsford Hertland Holfworthy Honyton Ipptepen Kenne Morton Okebampton Płympiree Plympton Sbirwell South-Molton Tamerton Taviſtock Tiverton Torrington Totneſs Woodteigb 138 140 141 142 143 145 146 147 148 150 151 152 1 154 SHROPSHIRE. Newport Shrewsbury 155 103 105 156 STAFFORDSH. Laptey and Treizull Leeke and Alton Newcaſtle and Stone Tamworrbrand Tutbury 108 III 113 '116 157 159 161 164 165 166 168 169. 171 CORNWALL. WARWIERSH. 118 INDEX. ܀ Page 230 232 1 233 235 236 239 240 242 243 245 247 248 250 255 253 255 256 259 260 262 263 265 268 269 270 271 272 274 = CORNWALL Page SHROPSH, Eaſt 1972 Stotterfden Kerier. 173 Penwithe 175 Lincoln Dioceſe. Poudre 176 Pydre 178 The Cathedral Church Trigge the Great 179 Trigge the Less 181 LINCOLNSH. Weft 182 Afacko Aveland Glouceſter Dioceſe. Afwardburn with Zafford Beltiflato The Cathedral Church 184 Bolingbroke Cbriſtianity GLOUCESTER. Calfwaith alias Catcewark Campden 184 Candlefoe Circenceſter with the peculiar Juriſ- Corringbam 187 diction of Biberie Gartree Durley 190 Graffoo Fayrford 191 Grantham Foreſt 193 Grimsby Glouceſter 195 Hill Hawkisbury 198 Holland Stonehouſe Horncaftle Stowe 202 Lawres Winchcomb 204 Longoboby Lovedon Hereford Dioceſe. Lourbeſk and Ludburgh Manlake The Cathedral Church 207 Nefs Stamford HEREFORDSH. Walſcroft Frome 208 Wraghoo Hereford Yarburgl Irchingfield alias Archenfield 213 Leominſter alias Lempſter 215 BEDFORDSH, Roofs als Rolle 218 Bedford Webley als Weobley 219 Clopbат Weſton Dunſtable Eaton SHROPSH. Fleete Burford Sbefford Clunn and Wenlock BUCKINGH A MSH. HERE FORDSH. Bucks Ludloze 227 Burnham Mureſley MONTGOM. Newport Ponsbury alas Pontesbury 229 Waddeſden 5 H2 200 HO 211 221 277 278 279 281 282 284 222 224 !! 286 288 290 292 296 Wendover IN DE X: lii 301 368 ibid. i ºf} ibid. E · 307 308 Page Essex Page Wendover 298 Newport 363 Wycombe 300 Ongar 364 Peculiars, belonging to the Arch-? Rochford 366 Biſhop of Cant. Stampford Juriſdiction of St. Albans Tendering 369 Witham 372 HERTFORDSH. Waltbam Juriſdi&tion 374 Baldock 301 Canterbury Juriſdiation ibid. Berkhampſtead 303 Peculiars belonging to the Biſhop of} ibid. Hertford 304 London. Hitchin 305 Peculiars of the Dean and Chap-? ter of St. Paul's. ibid. HUNTINGDONSH. Peculiars of the Dean and Chap- ibid. Huntingdon 306 ter of Canterbury St. Ives Peculiars of New Coll. in Oxford ibid. Leightonſtone Peculiars of the Earl Rivers ibid. $:. Neots 310 Peculiar of the Earl of Warwick ibid. Yaxley 311 HERTFORDSH. LEICESTERSH. St. Albans 275 Ackley 313 Braughing 276 Chriſtianity alias Leiceſter 315 Frankland Norwich Dioceſe. Gartree Goodlaxton 321 The Cathedral Church 279 Gofcot 325 Norwich City ibid. Sparkenboe 327 NORFOLK London Dioceſe. Blofield Breckles 383 The Cathedral Church 329 Briſley City of LONDON 331" Brooke 387 Middleſex Co. 337 Burnham 390 Peculiars of Canterbury 343 Cranwiſe alias Cranwich 392 Depwade ESSEX Fincham 397 Barking 343 Flegg 399 Barſtaple 345 Hingham 401 Chafford 347 Hitcham 404 Chelmesford 348 Holt 405 Colcheſter 351 Humbleyard 407 Dengey 352 Ingworth 409 Dunmow 353 Lynne 411 Harlow Redenball 415 Hedningham 357 Repys 417 Lexden Rockland 419 Sparbam 316 318 381 A 384 396 356 360 INDE X. 482 Sparham Taverbank Thetford Toſtres Walſingham Warton alias Warban SUFFOLK Blackbourne Boſmere Carlesford Clare Cleydon Colneys Dunwich Page Page 422 Peterborough Dioceſe. 424 The Cathedral Church 425 ibid. NORTHAMPT. 426 "Brackley 482 427 Daventree alias Daintree 485 Haddon 486 430 Higham-Ferrers 489 Northampton 432 490 Oundle 434 491 Peterborough 435 493 438 Preſton 494, Rothwell 2439 496 Weldon 440 499 RUTLANDSH. Alltow-Hundred 501 442 Eaſt-Hundred ibid. Okebam-Soke ... 502 Rutland Deanry alias Marting hey- 443 Hundred 444 445 ibid. Wrangdike Hundred 447 Rocheſter Dioceſe. 449 The Cathedral Church 504 CAMBRIDGESH. Fordham 3503 451 452 KENT. 505 506 508 454 Dariförd 455 Malling 456 Rocheſter 457 Sborebama 463 SUFFOLK 464 Fordham 465 CAMBRIDGE 510 SUFFOLK Fordham Gippiſwich alias Ipſwich Harti mere Horn alias Horon Looſe Lotbingland Orford Samford Southelmbam Stow Sudbury --- Tbedwaſter Tbingo Waynford alias Wangford Wilford Oxford Dioceſe. The Cathedral Church Oxford City OXFORD. Aſton Burceſter Chipping-Norton Cuddeſdon Dedington Henley Whitney Woodſtock 461 513 ibid. . 467 513 515 ibid. 468 Salisbury Dioceſe The Cathedral Church City of Salisbury Wilts. Amesbury alias Ambrosbury Avebury Chalke Cricklade Malmsbury Marlborougb Pottern - Wilton 515 517 519 470 472 473 475 476 477 479 522 523 527 529 531 Wylya 5 INDEX: Page St. Davids Dioceſe. 532 Page Wylye 589 BERKSH. Abingdon Newbury Reading Wallingford The Cathedral Church 534 537 PEMBROK ESH. Pebidiawke 542 Dongledie alias Dan-Gledd au Rouſe alias Rhos 539 -590 592 593 Wincheſter Dioceſe. Pembroke alias Norberek, als Cafle-}595 The Cathedral Church 598 600 602 546 603 SOUTHAMPTONSH. Alton Andover Baſingſtoke Drokinsford Fordingbridge Somborne Sauthampion Iſand Wight Wincheſter 1 } 604 605 607 609 610 SURREY. Ewell. Southwark Stoke Ringwood V. Endowment. 543 BRECKNOCKSH. Brecknock" ist Part 545 2d Part 38 Part als Haye 548. Buelte 550 553 RADNORSH. 554 Melleneth, Melienydd, alias Elvell- 555 Ucbmoneth- 557 Elwel alias Elfael-Ifmoneth 558 Carmarthen Kidwella Llanddilo and Llan-Gadog 560 565 GLAMORGANSH. 566 Gower als Gwyr 570 *PEMBROKESH. Emlyn Kemmes alias Cemmaes 572 CARDIGANSH. Sub-Ayron 572 Ultra-Ayron and Uchairon 573 574 St. Aſaph Dioceſe. 575 576 The Cathedral Church 579 581 FLINTSH. Tegengle 612 Worceſter Dioceſe. 614 614 The Cathedral Church ll 616 618 WORCESTERSH. Blockley Droitwich Evelham Kidderminſter Parſhore Powick Worceſter 620 621 WARWICKSH. Kington alias Kineton WORCESTERSH, WARWICKSA. Warwick 584 MONTGOM ER Y6H. ibid. Moulde alias de Monte alto (Br. 585 Gwyddgrygg) 686 · Poole alias Pola and Carenion Kydewen °_( Br.3623 624 5 ! INDEX Page 625 Newport 626 Ujke (WC) Kydewen Keviliock = Page 659 660 York Dioceſe. MERIONETHSH, Mowthwy Penllyn and Idernion 627 ibid. The Cathedral Church 663 3 I DENBIGHSH. Rhofe alias Rhos Bromfield and Yale Marchia SHROPSH. DENBIGHSH. Eafton. Lactuels 628 630 631 632 633 635 665 671 673 676 YORKSH, York City, and the D. of Hinfty Bučkrofe Bulmer Cleaveland Crāven Dickering Doncaſter Herthill - Holderneſs Pontefrati Ridall 679 681 683 1 Bangor Dioceſe. 688 693 The Cathedral Church 635 1 696 700 1 CARNARVON and MERION ETHSH. Arvon als Uchor and Ijter Arllechwedd alias Ughaph, Ijaph, Nanconwey and Cruthyn "Llyn alias Lleyn Japhs} 637 639 636 NOTTINGHAMSH. Bingham Newarke Nottingham Retford : Southwell Juriſdiction 640 Southwell ibid. Carliſle Dioceſe. 702 706 708 711 714 ibid. MERION ETHSH. Evionydd alias Evioneth Ardudwy and Eſtimanner MONTGOMERYSH. Arnſey alias Aruftley vel Arwyſtli 642 The Cathedral Church 716 DENBIGHSH. Dyffrynclwyd and Kemerch Alivon and Talybolion Meney and Maltraith Dyndd and Turkely. Turedyn CUMBERLAND. 642 Alderbie alias Alnedate, als Allerdale 716 644 Carliſle 719 645 646 WEST MERI. Weſtmerland - 723 Llandaff Diecele. The Cathedral Church GLAMORGANAH. Landaff Groneatb alias Cowbridge MONMOUTHSH. Bergavenie Chepſtow alias Netberwent Cheſter Dioceſe. 647 The Cathedral Church 723 648 651 CAESTER. Cheſter 724 654 Frodham 725. 656 Macclesfield 727 Malban-Wicla INDEX Page CUMBERL, 728 Coupland. 729 730 WESTMERL, 731 Kendall 1 Malban-Wich als Namptwich Malpas Middlewich Wyrrhall alias Worrall 747 749 751 LANCASH. Andreus or Amounderneſs Blackbourn Furnesand Cartmeal Kirkby-Lonſdale Leiland Mancheſter Warrington 751 Durham Dioceſe. 732 733 The Catbedral Church 734 735 DURHAM. 736 Durbam 737 739 NORTHUMB. Alnewick Bambrough 741. Corbridge 743 Morpeth 745 Newcaſtle upon Tyue. YORKSH. Burrowbridge Caiterick Richmond 11 756 757 758 759 - 760 FINI S. + C 1 1 { 中 ​了 ​7. .م لها . UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 07421 6535 BOOK CARD DO NOT REMOVE A Charge will be made LOXETT M-84634 if this card is mutilated TYP or not returned with the book GRADUATE LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN AUTHOR GL. 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARDS B 354318