º º - º º º in B 33.3492 * º º º | º Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAI. JAM. 21, 1908 * rº-FFººve *ionwºousiasis” qh.L.Io. S Vll & 2 A Synuri FEB 1 & 1920 - Gº, 3 A2. - * \ \ '. ~ Co a nect clo- \ º, o wis, et av U + e. g . ---ºf c C O N N E CT I C UT TEACHERS' RET I R E M E N T SYSTEM 1919 TEACHERS’ RETIREMENT BOARD CHARLES D HINE Chairman BURTON MANSFIELD Insurance Commissioner EVERETT J STURGES Bank Commissioner HORACE D TAFT Term expires July 1 1921 CHARLES L AMES Term expires July I 1923 EDWARD S eBOYD . Secretary CONNECTICUT TEACHERS’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM Chapter 57, General Statutes 1918 Chapters 61, 83, 261, 270 and 318, Public Acts 1919 DEFINITIONS SECTION I The following words and phrases as used, unless G s sec 1015 a different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall have the following meanings: “Retirement system ’’ shall mean the arrangement provided in this act for payment of annuities and pensions to teachers; “annuities " shall mean payments for life derived from contributions from teachers; “pensions ° shall mean payments for life derived from contributions from the state; “teacher ” shall mean any teacher, principal, supervisor or superintendent engaged in the service of the public schools; “public school ’’ shall mean any day school conducted within this state under the orders and superintendence of a duly elected School committee or board of education, including the state board of education; “regular interest” shall mean interest, at the rate determined by the retirement board, and shall be substantially that which is earned by the funds of the retirement association compounded annually on the last day of December of each year; “ retirement board ” shall mean the teachers’ retirement board, as provided for in section four ; “retirement association ” shall mean the teachers’ retirement association, as provided for in section three; “expense fund * shall mean the fund provided for in paragraph numbered one in section four; “annuity fund ’’ shall mean the fund provided for in paragraph numbered two in section four; “pension fund * shall mean the fund provided for in paragraph numbered three in section four; “ school year ” shall mean the twelve months from and including the first day of July of any year to and including the thirtieth day of June next succeeding ; “assessments * shall mean the annual payments to the annuity fund by members of the association. MEMBERSHIP SEC 2 A teachers’ retirement association shall be organized G s sec 1016 among the teachers in the public schools as follows: All "9"P” teachers, except as hereinafter provided, who enter the service of the public schools for the first time on or after July 1, 1917, shall become thereby members of the association. Any teacher, who shall have entered the service of the public schools before June 30, 1917, may at any time on or before September 30, 1917, upon application in writing to the secretary of the retirement association, become a member of the association. Any such G S Sec 1017 6 teacher failing to do so may thereafter become a member of the retirement association by paying an amount equal to the total assessments, with regular interest thereon, that he would have paid if he had joined the retirement association on September 30, 1917. Any teacher who shall have attained the age of sixty- five years and shall have taught at least forty years in the public schools, twenty-five of which shall have been in this state, and who, prior to June 30, 1917, shall have retired from active teach- ing because of physical incapacity for further service, may, at the discretion of the retirement board, become a member of the retirement association. Such retired teachers shall thereupon be entitled to receive an annual pension so long as he shall live, at the rate to which he would be entitled had he become a member of said association as an active teacher on September 30, 1917, provided no pension paid such retired teacher shall amount to less than three hundred nor more than five hundred dollars per year. MANAGEMENT SEC 3 The management of the retirement system is vested in the teachers’ retirement board which shall consist of five mem- bers. The insurance commissioner for the state, the bank com- missioner for the state and the secretary of the state board of education shall be members of this board. Two persons from the teaching force of the state, one to serve until July 1, 1919, and one to serve until July 1, 1921, shall be members of this board. On or before June 15, 1919, and biennially thereafter, the members of the retirement association shall elect from their number, in a manner to be prescribed by the retirement board, one person to serve upon the retirement board for a term of four years beginning July first, following his election. If a vacancy occur in the positions filled by members of the retirement associa- tion, the retirement board shall elect a member of the retirement association to fill the unexpired term. The members of the re- tirement board shall serve without compensation, but they shall be reimbursed from the expense fund of the retirement associa- tion for any expenditures or loss of salary or wages which they may incur through service on this board. All claims for re- imbursement on this account shall be subject to the approval of the board of control. The retirement board shall have power to make by-laws and regulations not inconsistent with the provi- sions of this act; and to employ a Secretary, who shall give a surety bond in such amount as the board shall approve, and clerical and other assistance as may be necessary. The salaries shall be paid by the board with the approval of the board of con- trol. The retirement board shall provide for the payment of retirement allowances and such other expenditures as are re- quired by the provisions of this chapter. The retirement board 7 shall adopt for the retirement system one or more mortality tables, and may, from time to time, modify such tables or pre- scribe other tables to represent more accurately the expense of the retirement system. The retirement board shall perform such other functions as are required for the execution of the pro- visions of this chapter. FUNDS SEC 4 The funds of the retirement system shall consist of an G. S Sec 1018 expense fund, an annuity fund and a pension fund. (I) The expense fund shall consist of such amounts as shall be appro- priated by the general assembly from year to year on estimates submitted by the retirement board to defray the expenses of the administration of this chapter, exclusive of the payment of retire- ment allowances. (2) The annuity fund shall consist of assess- ments paid by members of the retirement association, and in- terest derived from investments of the annuity fund. Each member of the retirement association shall pay into the annuity fund in the manner provided in section eight, five per centum of his annual salary; provided, when the total sum of assessments on the salary of any member at the rate of five per centum would amount to more than one hundred dollars or less than twenty- five dollars for any school year such member, shall in lieu of assessments at the regular rate, be assessed one hundred dollars a year or twenty-five dollars a year, as the case may be, payable in equal installments to be assessed for the number of months during which the schools of the community in which such mem- ber is employed are commonly in session. Any member of the retirement association who shall for thirty years have paid reg- ular assessments to the annuity fund as herein provided, shall be exempt from further assessments; but such member may there- after if he so elects, continue to pay his assessments to the fund. No member so electing shall pay further assessments after the total sum of assessments paid by him shall at any time have amounted with regular interest, to a sum sufficient to purchase an annuity of five hundred dollars at age sixty; and interest thereafter accumulating shall be paid to the member at the time of his retirement. (3) The pension fund shall consist of such amounts as shall be appropriated by the general assembly from time to time on estimates submitted by the retirement board, for the purpose of paying the pensions provided for in this chapter. QUALIFICATIONS FOR RETIREMENT SEC 5 Any member of the retirement association may re-gs §: ; tire from service in the public schools on attaining the age of ..."; * sixty years or on the completion of thirty-five years of service, not less than twenty of which shall have been in the public schools Retirement Allowances 8 of this state not less than five of which shall immediately precede retirement. Any member of the retirement association, if incapa- ble of rendering satisfactory service as a teacher, may, with the approval of the retirement board, be retired by the employing school board on attaining the age of fifty-five years, or at any time thereafter. Any member of the retirement association on attain- ing the age of seventy years, shall be retired from service in the public schools; provided, if the employing committee shall so request in writing, the retirement board may permit the employ- ment of such member beyond the age of seventy years, and on the retirement of such member he shall receive from the state the pension to which he would have been entitled at the age of seventy. A member of the retirement association after his re- tirement under the provisions of this section shall be entitled to receive from the annuity fund, as he shall elect at the time of his retirement, on the basis of tables adopted by the retirement board; an annuity, payable in monthly payments, to which the sum of his assessments under the provisions of section 4, with regular interest thereon, shall entitle him; or an annuity of less amount as determined by the retirement board for the annuitants electing such option payable in monthly payments, with the provi- sion that on the death of the annuitant, the annuity shall be con- tinued to and throughout the life of such person as he shall nominate by written designation duly acknowledged and filed with the retirement board at the time of his retirement. The retirement board may offer benefits of equal value with the bene- fits herein provided and the contributor retiring may accept the benefits herein provided or one of said alternate benefits in lieu thereof. Any person receiving payments of an annuity as pro- vided in this section shall receive with each monthly payment of his annuity an equal amount to be paid from the pension fund as directed by the retirement board. Any teacher who shall have become a member of the retirement association under the provisions of section 2, and who shall have served fifteen years or more in the public schools of the state, not less than five of which shall immediately precede retirement, shall, on retiring or being retired as provided in this section, be entitled to receive a retirement allowance as follows: Such annuity and pension as may be due under the provisions of this section; an additional pension to such an amount that the sum of this additional pen- sion and the pension hereinbefore provided in this section shall equal the pension to which he would have been entitled under the provisions of this act if he had paid thirty assess- ments on his average yearly wage for the five years preced- ing his retirement, with interest thereon at three per centum compounded annually; provided if his term of service in the state shall have been over thirty years, the thirty assessments shall be reckoned as having begun at the time of his entering 9 service and as drawing interest at three per centum compounded annually until the time of his retirement; and further provided, if the sum of such additional pension, with the annuity and pension provided for by this section, is less than three hundred dollars in any one year, an additional sum sufficient to make an annual retirement allowance of three hundred dollars shall be paid from the pension fund. If at any time it is impossible or impracticable to consult the original records as to wages received by a member during any period, the retirement board shall determine the pension to be paid under the provisions of this section in accordance with such evidence as it may be able to obtain. WITHDRAw AL AND REFUNDS SEC 6 Any member of the retirement association withdraw- G S Sec 1020 ing from service in the public schools before becoming eligible to retirement shall be entitled to receive from the annuity fund all amounts, contributed as assessments, with regular interest thereon, in one sum or in four quarterly payments as the retire- ment board may elect. If such withdrawal shall take place after ten annual assessments have been paid, the member so with- drawing may, if he shall so elect, receive the amount due him in the form of such annuity for life, based on the contributions of such member, with regular interest thereon as may be deter- mined by the retirement board in accordance with its annuity tables. If a member of the association withdrawing and receiv- ing payments in accordance with the provisions of this section shall die before the amount of such payments equals the amount of his contributions to the annuity fund, with regular interest, the difference between the amount of such payments and the amount of his contributions, with regular interest, shall be paid to the executor or administrator of his estate; if no demand shall be made on the retirement board within six months next follow- ing the death of such member for the payment of the sums due under this section, such sums may be paid to such person or persons as are entitled to the estate, and such payments shall be a bar to recovery by any other persons. Any member of the retirement association who shall have withdrawn from service in the public schools, shall, on being re-employed in the public schools, be reinstated in the retirement association in accordance with such plans for reinstatement as the retirement board shall adopt. If a member of the retirement association shall die be- fore retirement, the full amount of his contributions to the annuity fund, with regular interest to the day of his death, shall be paid to the executor or administrator of his estate; if no de- mand shall be made on the retirement board within six months next following the death of such member for the payment of the sums due under this section, such sums may then be paid to such person or persons as are entitled to the estate, and such pay- ment shall be a bar to recovery by any other person. G S Sec 1021 G. S Sec 1022 10 FUNDS NOT AssIGNABLE SEC 7 That portion of the salary or wages of a member de- ducted or to be deducted under this act, the right of a member to an annuity or pension and all his rights in the funds of the retirement system shall be exempt from taxation, and from the operation of any laws relating to bankruptcy or insolvency, and shall not be attached or taken upon execution or other process of any court. No assignment of any right in or to said funds shall be valid. The funds of the retirement system, so far as the same are invested in personal property, shall be exempt from taxation. DUTIES OF EDUCATIONAL OFFICIALs SEC 8 The school committee or board of education of each town, city or district in the state shall, before employing in any teaching position any person to whom this act may apply, notify such person of his duties and obligations under this act as a con- dition of his employment. On or before October first of each year the school committee or board of education of each town, city or district shall certify to the retirement board the names and salaries of all teachers in its employ to whom this act shall apply. The school committee or board of education of each town, city or district in the state shall, on the first day of each calendar month, notify the retirement board of the employment of new teachers, removals, withdrawals and changes in salary of teachers that shall have occurred during the month preceding. Under the direction of the retirement board the school commit- tee or board of education of each town, city and district in the state shall furnish such other information as the board may require relevant to the discharge of the duties of the board. The school committee or board of education of each town, city and district in the state shall, as directed by the retirement board, deduct from the amount of the salary due each teacher employed in the public schools of such town, city or district, such announts as are due as contributions to the annuity fund as prescribed in this chapter, shall send to the treasurer of said town, city or dis- trict an order for the amount of such deductions drawn in favor of the retirement board and shall send a statement of the amounts deducted to the secretary of the retirement board. The school committee or board of education of each town, city and district in the state shall keep such records as the retirement board may require. The secretary of the state board of education shall keep such records and make such reports concerning teachers in its employ as may be required by the retirement board and shall de- duct monthly from salaries of such teachers the amounts due as contributions to the annuity fund under the provisions of this chapter. 11 & CUSTODY, CARE AND ACCOUNTING OF THE FUNDS SEC 9 The treasurer of each town, city or district in the GS Sec 1023 state shall transmit monthly to the secretary of the retirement board the amount deducted from teachers’ salaries in such town, city or district as specified in the order of the school committee or board of education of such town, city or district in accord- ance with the provisions of section eight. The secretary of the state board of education shall transmit monthly to the secretary of the retirement board the amount deducted from teachers’ salaries under the provisions of this chapter. The sec- retary of the retirement board shall monthly pay to the treas- urer of the state all sums collected by him under the pro- visions of this section. All funds of the retirement system shall be in custody and charge of the treasurer of the state and the treasurer shall invest such funds as are not required for current disbursements in accordance with the laws of the state govern- ing the investment of saving bank funds. He may, whenever he sells securities, deliver the securities so sold upon receiving the proceeds thereof, and may execute any document necessary to transfer the title thereto. The treasurer of the state shall make such payments to members of the retirement association from the annuity fund and pension fund as the retirement board shall order to be paid in accordance with sections five and six of this chapter. On or before the third Wednesday in January, the treasurer of the state shall file with the insurance commissioner for the state, and with the secretary of the retirement board, a sworn statement exhibiting the financial condition of the retire- ment system on the thirty-first day of the preceding December and its financial transactions for the year ending at such date. Such statements shall be in the form prescribed by the retire- ment board and approved by the insurance commissioner. PENSION RESERVE FUND SEC Io The comptroller is directed to draw orders on the 1919 Chap 318 treasurer for the payment of such moneys as may be certified by the teachers’ retirement board as necessary according to the mortality tables adopted by the board for the payment of pen- sions allowed to retired teachers. Such moneys shall be held in a reserve fund, invested and controlled in the same manner as the annuity fund of the retirement system and used for the pay- ment of pensions. CERTAIN Towns ExEMPTED AND REIMBURSED SEC II If the school committee or board of education of G s sec 1024 any town or city, or any town or city having in effect at the time * * * of the passage of this act, a pension system for teachers’ or a teachers’ retirement system, constituted by act of the general 1919 Chap 83 1919 Chap 170 1919 Special Acts 222 and 239 Par A Par B 12 assembly, shall, on or before September 30, 1919, by written application filed with the retirement board, request the exemp- tion of such town or city from the provisions of this act, such town or city shall be exempted. Any town or city which has been exempted from the provisions of this act which shall re- tire a teacher with a pension annuity or allowance and the school committee or board of education of such town or city shall cer- tify under oath to the retirement board the amount of such pension annuity or allowance, said town or city shall be reim- bursed annually by the state within one month following the close of the current school year, to such amount as the retire- ment board may determine. STATE INSTITUTIONS SEC I2 The teachers' retirement board may, upon applica- tion by the board of trustees of any institution supported by the state at which teachers are employed, class such institution as a public school under the provisions of section one of the general statutes. The secretary and treasurer of such board of trustees shall perform the duties required of educational officials under the provisions of sections eight and nine. INCORPORATED SECONDARY SCHOOLS SEC 13 Any incorporated secondary school not under the orders and superintendence of a duly elected school committee or board of education, but located in a town not maintaining a high school and providing free tuition to pupils of the town in which it is located, and which shall have been approved by the state board of education under the provisions of chapter 54 of the general statutes, may, upon application of its board of trus- tees be considered a “public school ’’ and included in the retire- ment system for teachers at the discretion of the retirement board, and the duties required of town officials under sections eight and nine shall be performed by the corresponding officers of said school. NEw LONDON PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS SEC 14 Any teacher employed by the city of New London in its public schools, who shall begin service after July I, I919, shall become thereby a member of the teachers’ retirement asso- ciation of the state, and shall be exempt from, and entitled to no rights under, the provisions of the charter of said city re- lating to the teachers' retirement fund. Any teacher now in service in the public schools of the city of New London, may, on or before July 1, 1919, become a mem- ber of the state retirement association and entitled to all the rights 13 and subject to all the obligations thereof, by written application to the Secretary of said association and by paying an amount equal to the total assessments, with regular interest thereon, that he would have paid if he had been in service before June 30, I917, and joined said association on or before September 30, I917, Or, if such teacher was first in service subsequent to July I, I917, by paying an amount equal to the total assessments, with regular interest, that he would have paid if he had joined the state retirement association on entering the service of the public schools. Said city of New London shall continue to be entitled to re-par c imbursement by the state according to the provisions of section eleven for all pensions, allowances or annuities paid by it to teachers who have been retired or may hereafter be retired under the provisions of the charter of said city. When any teacher now in service in the public schools of the Par D city shall elect, on or before July 1, 1919, to become a member of the state retirement association there shall be paid, for such teacher, from the teachers’ retirement fund of said city to the fund of the state retirement association the assessments with in- terest, that such teacher is required to pay upon becoming a member of such association, and thereupon all rights of such teacher to any part of said retirement fund of said city, except as in this act provided, and all obligations to pay any assess- ments thereto, shall terminate. From said retirement fund of said city, with all accumula- Par E tions thereto, including any part thereof as may have been set apart as a permanent fund, there shall be made, in addition to the payments to be made under section fourteen, Par D, hereof, all payments to which any teacher may be entitled, who has been or may be retired under the provisions of said charter; and, also, there shall be paid from said fund to any teacher who shall be- come a member of said state association under the provisions of section fourteen, Par D, hereof, and shall continue as a teacher in the public schools of said city and who would, but for the failure to pay assessments to said fund, become entitled to retire- ment under the provisions of said charter, such amounts as he or she would be entitled to upon retirement under said charter, less any amounts that he or she may receive under the state retire- ment system. - - - After this act shall come into effect the city of New London Par F shall not be obliged to make any further payments to said fund, unless said fund shall not be sufficient to pay all obligations under said charter as hereby amended, in which event said city shall pay into said fund an amount sufficient to meet all such obliga- tions. Any balance of said fund remaining after all obligations are satisfied shall be paid into the general treasury of the city for School purposes. *\e 14 ADMINISTRATIVE RULES ADOPTED BY THE TEACHERS' RETIREMENT BOARD I That a leave of absence not to exceed twelve calendar months in length, and formally granted by a school committee to a teacher, shall not be considered as removing him from the public school service; that, such leave of absence shall not be considered as breaking the continuity of the period of five years of service immediately preceding retirement which is required by section six of the act, but that such absence shall not count as part of the said five years of service. 2 That a substitute teacher who is on the pay-roll of any School board at an annual salary shall be considered as a regular teacher. 3 That, if a teacher receives salaries from two or more School boards, his annual assessment shall be based on his ag- gregate salary, and the monthly deductions therefrom appor- tioned to the several boards employing said teacher. .4 That, when a teacher loses pay for an absence of less than a month, other than formal leave of absence, such teacher will be required to pay the assessment of that month as if on full pay. Note — This is not to be construed as affecting the assess- ments of teachers entering or leaving service during the month, such teachers being assessed only on wages for actual teaching time. 5 (Refer to Rule I.) That, any teacher on formal leave of absence may, if he chooses, pay monthly assessments to the annuity fund during such leave of absence, and the period of time covered by assessments paid in this manner, shall be con- strued as constituting actual service, providing the number of such monthly assessments paid in continuity shall not exceed the number payable in one school year. 6 That, the annual assessments shall be remitted to the board in equal instalments for the number of months of the school year of the town, even though the town's payments to teachers are not equal. V –4 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 901 5 07416 8827