State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN H. TRUMBULL GOVERNOR iſ rur lantafiult |INCE the first Thanksgiving Day, more than three hundred years ago, this nation has marched forward to a wealth and |power then undreamed of. The stability of our Government, § the extent of our resources, and the intrinsic soundness of our ſeconomic structure are now such that there can be no real uncertainty as to the years ahead. None of this has been attained without intervals of hardship and distress, many of them far more disturbing than the business readjustment from which we al – now emerging. Such times have but served to stimulate inventors' ingenuity, to develop social conscience, and to build up all those spiritual values which thrive most persistently in the face of difficulty. It is, therefore, in deep gratitude, not only for our many material blessings, but also and especially for our national heritage of energy and faith, and for a new challenge to service and progress, that I designate Thursday, the twenty-seventh day of November next, as a day of public (Ulla it k a nitri it iſ calling upon all of the people of the State to give thanks to God on that day, in their homes and churches, for these and all other gifts of His Providence. It would be well for all of us to recall that the first Thanksgiving crowned a year of hardship rather than plenty; that it originated with men and women who had only the barest necessities of life for which to be thankful; that it was born, not of abundance, but of hope and hard work and an abiding confidence in the future of such as “fear God and take their own part.” Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this fourteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty and of the independ- ence of the United States the one hundred and fifty-fifth. By His Excellency's Command: Secretary. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 4445 -- º, º II. |||| O15 O7383 91 * 00 a weeT cv. ' (q 2 o