DCT 29 (24 State of Connecticut BY HIS EXCELLENCY CHARLES A. TEMPLETON GOVERNOR rurlantatin it |ASTE is a principal element of cost. America’s fire-waste is of war-time ſº 3|| magnitude with no war to excuse it. * Last year $500,000,000 in buildings and forests vanished in smoke, following $500,000,000 the year before. Each citizen helps pay this enormous bill. It is reflected in the price of every article of use. Most of this loss is as preventable as the destruction, through negligence, of property and human life on our highways. There can be only one cure in either case, and that is care. The General Assembly having so provided, I designate Thursday, October ninth next, as 3fire fireuerttium ſlau and recommend that an earnest effort be made on that day to teach and practice ordinary care with respect to fire and all other matters affecting our mutual safety and well-being. I further recommend that these efforts do not stop with Fire Prevention Day. | , Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this A twenty-third day of September, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine *śl hundred and twenty-four and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-ninth. By His Excellency’s Command: -1 ~2. CZ Secretary. bd 9268 888/10 9 106 8 N\/5)|HO|WN -IO Å LISHE AINT ~.*