State of Connecticut - BY HIS EXCELLENCY SIMEON E. BALDWIN GOVERNOR A # rurlantafiull The reawakening of the earth at the touch of Spring, again reminds the people of this Commonwealth that she is one of the fairest in the whole sisterhood of States. To keep her fair, and make her fairer still, our laws provide that once a year the Governor shall set apart a day as Artur alth illira ſlau and I now designate, as such, Friday, the seventeenth day of April next. Let teachers then in our public schools read this procla- mation to all their scholars, and endeavor to impress upon them how much in these directions each boy or girl can do for the good of Connecticut. Let them call attention to the statutes giving a bounty for planting trees by the roadside, and making it a criminal offence to injure trees on another's land, to post advertisements on trees in the highway, to shoot or net any song bird, or to rob a bird's nest. Let them tell their scholars, most of whom know little of the face of Nature, except in their own immediate neighborhood, that in fine scenery and variety of landscape, Connecticut holds a position of distinction in America; that they are among her citizens as fully as their parents; and that it is the duty of every citizen to do his part, be it great or small, to make his State a State Beautiful, and so º | \ tº º e t attractIVe to the home dweller and visitor alike. Given under my hand and the seal of the State at the Capitol, in Hartford, this twenty-seventh day of March, in the year of Our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and fourteen, of the founding of the commonwealth the two hundred and seventy-fifth, and of the inde- pendence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-eighth. By His Excellency’s Command: ALBERT PHILLIPS, Secretary. SIMEON E. BALDWIN. ||||| | Zț788 888/09 106 8 N\/9)|HOI'W HO Å LISH BAINT *N. ·’ „** º vlºgº }y^) bd s b b y L Ó