a 34 A 5' lºº - -- Hºº & P - \l C. c. 7 ( Lºgº.º.º. Tº Pº Ç. P -ul Cº. T \ \º . §º: #: - º º & C ExhibiTION OF PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS BY T : :Tº . *º :2. iſ represent ATIVE i. # MODERN MASTERS |Nº. Gyº MAY 28 1920 Qs V6 |C ſ s f & \ Aº w Q J J & º \º ^ Nº. §: THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS APRIL 17 to MAY 9, 1920 i % $4 | Ž | º-> ºr (; C T C 's & Cº. ºp & - cº- ºf . º's ºf 3 ºr as wj:WT: X & #Sicº º's an º', ; E : { The Schools of The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts train students in painting, sculpture and illustrating. The success achieved by the Schools is testified to by the number of artists of great reputation who received their training in them. The present instructors are: Charles Grafly, Hugh H. Breckenridge, Henry McCarter, Robert Vonnoh, Joseph T. Pearson, Jr., Daniel Garber, Philip L. Hale, Arthur B. Carles, John F. Harbeson and Charles de Geer. Detailed information in regard to the Schools will gladly be furnished to any one interested in the subject. The second term of the present school year be- gan February 2, 1920, but students may enter at any time. Summer School at Chester Springs, Chester Co., Pa., now open to receive students. Apply to D. Roy Miller, Resident Manager. THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS FOUNDED 1805 BROAD AND CHERRY STREETS CATALOGUE OF AN EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS BY REPRESENTATIVE MODERN ARTISTS APRIL 17 TO MAY 9, 1920 PHILADELPHIA I92O MANAGEMENT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS PRESIDENT, JOHN FREDERICK LEWIS. VICE-PRESIDENT, CLEMENT B. NEWBOLD, DIRECTORS, THEOPHILUS P. CHANDLER, T. DEWITT CUYLER, GEORGE H. McFADDEN, ARTHUR H. LEA, CLEMENT B. NEWBOLD, CHARLEMAGNE TOWER, EDWARD T. STOTESBURY, JOSEPH E. WIDENER, ALFRED C. HARRISON, JOHN HOWARD MCFA DD EN CLARENCE C. ZANTZINGER, ELI KIRK PRICE, FRANK H. CAVEN, TREASURER, GEORGE H. MCFADDEN. SECRETARY, JOHN ANDREW MYERS. CURATOR OF PAINTINGS, GILBERT S. PARKER. CURATOR OF SCHOOLS, ELEANOR B. BARKER. CHESTER SPRINGS SUMMER SCHOOL, D. ROY MILLER, RESIDENT MANAGER. comMITTEE ON EXHIBITIONs, CLEMENT B. NEWBOLD, CHAIRMAN. GEORGE. H. MCFADDEN, ALFRED C. HARRISON, EDWARD T. STOTESBURY, JOHN HOWARD MCFADDEN, JOSEPH E. WIDENER, The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts begs to acknowledge its ap- preciation of the great generosity of the Artists Collectors and Dealers through whose kindness the Exhi- bition has been made possible. It is curious that while the music of Debussy, Strauss, Skryabin, Stravinsky, and Schoenberg is known and accepted in Philadelphia as of great aesthetic value, the paintings of Seurat, Renoir, Cézanne, Dégas, Picasso and Matisse, outside of a few connoisseurs, are unknown or ridiculed. And yet in the art-centres of Europe it is a received opinion that both the above groups of painters and composers have simultaneously developed in new and often similar directions of deep and lasting significance. Will Philadelphia realize this? It is im- portant intrinsically, and also because a new school of painters is arising in America which is penetrating still farther in the direction taken by such masters as Cézanne, Picasso and Matisse. It would be a great national loss if these should be unrecognized in their own country. LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI A/ º * 5.3. ** PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS BESNARD, ALBERT - I The Arabs Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson 2 The Harbor Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson BRAQUE, GEORGES 3 Dice and Cards 4 Violin: Still Life 5 Still Life 6 Still Life Loaned by M. de Zayas CASSATT, MARY 7 Filet de Coiffant Loaned anonymously 8 Young Mother and Her Children Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson 9 Young Mother Loaned anonymously IO In the Theater Loaned by Mrs. Edgar Scott II Portrait of a Young Girl Loaned by Mrs. W. Plunket Stewart 12 Portrait of a Child Loaned by Mrs. W. Plunket Stewart S I3 I4. I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 2O 2 I 22 23 24 25 26 Portrait of Her Mother Loaned by Mrs. W. Plunket Stewart Child with a Dog Loaned by Mrs. W. Plunket Stewart Portrait Loaned by Mr. Clement B. Newbold Portrait of a Child Loaned by Mrs. J. Gardner Cassatt Woman with Two Children Loaned by Mrs. J. Gardner Mother and Child Loaned by Mrs. J. Gardner Etching in Color Loaned by Mrs. J. Gardner Etching in Color Loaned by Mrs. J. Gardner Etching Loaned by Mrs. J. Gardner Etching in Color Loaned by Mrs. J. Gardner Etching Loaned by Mrs. J. Gardner Etching in Color Loaned by Mrs. J. Gardner Etching in Color Loaned by Mrs. J. Gardner Etching Loaned by Mrs. J. Gardner Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt 6 27 29 3O 3 I 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O Etching Loaned by Mrs. Etching Loaned by Mrs. Etching Loaned by Mrs. Etching Loaned by Mrs. Etching Loaned by Mrs. Etching in Color Loaned by Mrs. J. Etching in Color Loaned by Mrs. J. Etching Loaned by Mrs. J. Etching Loaned by Mrs. J. Etching in Color Loaned by Mrs. J. Etching Loaned by Mrs. J. Etching in Color Loaned by Mrs. J. Etching Loaned by Mrs. J. Etching in Color Loaned by Mrs. J. J. . Gardner . Gardncr . Gardner . Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Cassatt Cassatt Cassalt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt Cassatt 7 4. I 42 43 44 45 46 47 Portrait of a Child Loaned by Mr. Robert Kelso Cassatt Portrait of a Child Loaned by Mr. Robert Kelso Cassatt Portrait: Alexander J. Cassatt Loaned by Mr. Robert Kelso Cassatt Portrait of Two Children Loaned by Mrs. J. Gardner Cassatt Portrait of Her Mother Loaned by Mrs. J. Gardner Cassatt Family Group Loaned by Mr. Robert Kelso Cassatt Child's Head Loaned by Mrs. J. Gardner Cassatt CÉZANNE, PAUL 48 49 5O 5.I 52 53 54 Rocks and Trees (Water Color) Landscape Loaned by Miss Bliss The Bathers (Lithograph) Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz - The Bathers (Lithograph) Loaned anonymously Landscape (Water Color) Loaned by Miss Bliss Bathers Under the Bridge (Water Color) Loaned by Miss Bliss Bathers (Water Color) Loaned by Miss Bliss 8 55 Trees on the Mountain Loaned by Miss Bliss 56 Still Life Loaned anonymously 57 The Mountain Loaned by M. de Zayas 58 Still Life Loaned by Mr. Walter C. Arensburg 59 Still Life Loaned by Mr. Walter C. Arensburg COURBET, GUSTAVE 6O Portrait of a Woman 61 The Mayor of Ornans 62 The Great Oak of Ornans 63 Portrait of a Man Loaned by M. de Zayas 64 Figure of a Man Loaned by M. de Zayas 65 Apostle Jean Journet Loaned by M. de Zayas DAUMIER, HONORE 66 The Discharged Janitor Loaned by Mr. Carroll S. Tyson, Jr. 67 Waiting in Line at the Theater Loaned by Mr. Carroll S. Tyson, Jr. 68 The Lawyer Loaned by M. de Zayas 9 D£GAS, EDGAR 69 7o 7 I 72 73 74. 75 76 77 78 Man Seated Holding a Book Loaned by Durand-Ruel Fan Loaned by Mrs. Edgar Scott Reclining Figure Loaned by Mr. Adolph Lewisohn Ballet Dancers Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson The Bath Loaned by Durand-Ruel The Dancers Loaned by Mrs. Edgar Scott Portrait of Manet Loaned by M. de Zayas Dancers Loaned by Mrs. W. Plunket Stewart Pastel Loaned by Mr. Robert Kelso Cassatt Studies for Painting “Jeunes Spartiates s'exercant a la Lutte ’’ Loaned by M. de Zayas DENIS, MAURICE 79 Lithograph Loaned by Miss Bliss DE LA FRESNAYE, ROGER 8O Still Life (Pen Drawing) Loaned anonymously IO 8I Still Life Loaned anonymously 82 Still Life (Water Color) Loamed anonymously DERAIN, ANDRE 83 Still Life (Chalk Drawing) Loaned anonymously 84 Still Life (Chalk Drawing) Loaned anonymously 85 Green Landscape Loaned anonymously 86 The Tree Loaned anonymously 87 Landscape Loaned anonymously 88 Last Supper (Water Color) Loaned anonymously 89 Still Life \ Loaned by M. de Zayas 90 Portrait of a Woman Loaned by M. de Zayas 9I Woman and Landscape Loaned by M. de Zayas GALANIS, D. 92 Fish: Still Life Loaned anonymously II 93 Tea Pot: Still Life Loaned anonymously 94 Soldiers in Castle (Woodcut) Loaned anonymously GAUGUIN, PAUL 95 Ia Orana Maria Loaned by Mr. Adolph Lewisohn 96 Lithograph Loaned by Miss Bliss 97 Lithograph Loaned by Miss Bliss 98 Landscape Loaned by M. de Zayas GLEIZES, ALBERT 99 Woman in a Hammock (Water Color) Loaned anonymously IOO Water Color Loaned anonymously IOI Water Color Loaned anonymously IO2 Bermuda Landscape Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz LAUTREC, TOULUSE IOS Resting Loaned by M. de Zayas IO4 Chocolate Loaned by M. de Zayas I2 IO5 Lithograph Loaned by Mr. Earl Horter , IO6 Conquette de Passage Loaned by M. de Zayas IO7 Lithograph Loaned by M. de Zayas Io8. An Actress Loaned by M. de Zayas Io9 Tragedy Loaned by M. de Zayas I IO Lithograph Loaned by M. de Zayas I I I Two Women Loaned by M. de Zayas I 12 Grenelle Loaned by M. de Zayas I 13 An Acrobat Loaned by M. de Zayas I 14. The Ball Loaned by M. de Zayas 115 Why Not Loaned by M. de Zayas 116 The Pony Loaned by M. de Zayas I 17 Two Heads Loaned by M. de Zayas I3 LAWRENCIN, MARIE I 18 Spanish Lady Loaned anonymously I 19 Swinging Loaned anonymously I2O Head (Water Color) Loaned anonymously I2 I Picabia's Children Loaned anonymously I22 Dancers (Drawing) Loaned anonymously LEGER, FERNAND 123 Pen Drawing Loaned anonymously MAILLOL, M. I24 Figure of a Woman Loaned by M. de Zayas 125 Figure of a Woman Loaned by M. de Zayas MANET, EDOUARD 126 La Majo Loaned anonymously 127 Spanish Woman Loaned by Mrs. Edgar Scott 128 Girl's Head (Pastel) Loaned by Mrs. Edgar Scott 129 Olympia Loaned by M. de Zayas I4. I3O I3 I I33 I 34 I36 I37 I38 I39 I4O I4 I I42 The Raven Loaned by M. de Zayas Boats Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson Peasant Woman Loaned by Mr. Robert Kelso Cassatt Head of a Spanish Woman Loaned by Mr. Robert Kelso Cassatt Woman in Bed Loaned by Mr. Clement B. Newbold The Tragic Actor Loaned by M. de Zayas Lola de Valencier Loaned by M. de Zayas Cats Loaned by M. de Zayas Berthe Morisot Loaned by M. de Zayas Silentium Loaned by M. de Zayas Manano Camprubi Loaned by M. de Zayas Eva Gonzales Loaned by M. de Zayas The Gitanos Loaned by M. de Zayas I5 I43 I44 The Dead Man Loaned by M. de Zayas The Good Pipe Loaned by M. de Zayas MATISSE, HENRI I45 I46 I47 I48 I49 I5O I5 I I 52 I53 I54. I55 Monotype Loaned anonymously Monotype Loaned anonymously Nude Loaned anonymously Flowers Loaned by Mrs. W. A. Wertheimer Interior Loaned by M. de Zayas Apples Loaned by M. de Zayas Nude (Water Color) Loaned by Mr Alfred Stieglitz Copy from “Delacroix º' Drawing, “L’en- levement de Rebecca ’’ Loaned by M. de Zayas Drawing No. I Loaned by Mr Alfred Stieglitz Drawing No. 2 Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz Drawing No. 3 Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz I6 I56 I57 I 58 I59 I6o I6I I62 I63 Drawing No. 4 Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz Drawing No. 5 Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz Drawing No. 6 Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz Drawing No. 7 Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz At the Seashore Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz Bathers Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz Landscape Loaned by M. de Zayas Abstraction Loaned by Mr. Walter C. Arensburg MONET, CLAUDE I64 I65 I66 167 I68 Garden at Vertheuil Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson Port of Havre Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson Ice on the River Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson The Sea Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson One of the Thames River Series Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson I7 I69 The Sea Loancd by Miss Anne Thompson 17o The Poplars Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson 171 Flower Panel Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson 172 Flower Panel Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson 173 Boats: Holland Loaned by Mrs. W. Plunket Stewart I74 Boats: Argenteuil Loaned by Mr. Robert Kelso Cassali, 175 Winter Loaned by Mrs. W. Plunket Stewart 176 The Pool: Thames River, London Loaned by Mrs. W. Plunket Stewart 177 Marine: Holland Loaned by Mrs. W. Plunket Stewart 178 Landscape Loaned by Mr. Clement B. Nowbold 179 Windmill in Holland Loaned by Mr. Carroll S. Tyson, Jr. MORET, H. 18o Gatherers of Sea Weed at Moelan Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson MORISOT, BERTHE I8I Boats Loaned by Mrs. W. Plunket Stewart I8 PICABIA, FRANCIS 182 Entrance Into New York Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz 183 Chanson. Negre Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz PICASSO, PABLO 184 Pen Portrait (Drawing) Loaned anonymously 185 Violin and Flask Loaned anonymously I86 Trees Loaned anonymously 187 Charcoal Portrait Loaned anonymously 188 Abstraction Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz 189 Portrait Loaned anonymously 190 Still Life Loaned anonymously 191 Head Loaned anonymously 192 Figures Loaned anonymously 193 Lamp (Water Color) Loaned anonymously 194 Ceret Loaned anonymously I9 195 Still Life Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz 196 Portrait (Drawing) Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz 197 Portrait Loaned by M. de Zayas 198 Still Life (Etching) Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz 199 Water Color Loaned by M. de Zayas 2OO Water Color Loaned by M. de Zayas 2OI Water Color Loaned by M. de Zayas 2O2 Still Life Loaned by M. de Zayas 2O3 Still Life Loaned by M. de Zayas PISARRO, CAMILLE 2O4 Winter Landscape Loaned by Mrs. W. Plunket Stewart REDON, ODILLON 205 Lithograph Loaned by Miss Bliss 206 Lithograph Loaned by Miss Bliss 207 Lithograph Loaned by Miss Bliss 2O 208 Lithograph 209 Loaned by Miss Bliss Lithograph Loaned by Miss Bliss 2Io Bouquet RENOIR, AUGUSTE 2. II 2 I2 2 I3 2 I4. 2 I 5 216 217 218 2 IQ 22O Roses Loaned by Durand-Ruel Woman Seated Holding a Rose Loaned by Durand-Ruel After the Bath Loaned by Durand-Ruel Girl with Falcon Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson Head of a Girl Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson Landscape at Beaulieu, Alpes Mara- times, 1893 Loaned by Durand-Ruel Lithograph Loaned by Miss Bliss Lithograph Loaned by Miss Bliss Head of a Young Girl Loaned by Mrs. W. Plunket Stewart Woman in Brown (Pastel) Loaned by Mrs. W. Plunket Stewart 2 I 22 I 222 223 224 225 226 227 Two Girls (Etching) Loaned by M. de Zayas Nude (Lithograph) Loaned by M. de Zayas Mother and Child (Drypoint) Loaned by M. de Zayas Young Girl Loaned by Mr. Robert Kelso Cassatt The Lady with the Hat Loaned by M. de Zayas Two Women Loaned by M. de Zayas Head of a Boy Loaned by M. de Zayas RIVERA, DIEGO M. 228 229 23O 23 I Majolica Loaned anonymously Still Life Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz Still Life Loaned anonymously Landscape Loaned by M. De Zayas RODIN, AUGUSTE 232 233 Drawing No. I Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz Drawing No. 2 Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz 22 234 Drawing No. 3 Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz 235 Drawing No. 4 Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz 236 Drawing No. 5 Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz 237 Drawing No. 6 Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz 238 The Athlete (Sculpture) Loaned by Mr. Samuel S. White, 3rd SEURAT, GEORGES 239 In the Park Loaned by Mr. Adolph Lewisohn SEVERINI, GINO 24o Nature Morte Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz 241 Mother and Chiid Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz 242 Woman Seated in a Square Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz SISLEY, ALFRED 243 Landscape Loaned by Miss Anne Thompson VUILLARD, M. 244 Lithograph Loaned by Mr. Earl Horter 23 245 Lithograph Loaned by Mr. Earl Horter 246 Lithograph Loaned by Mr. Earl Horter 247 Lithograph Loaned by Mr. Earl Horter 248 Lithograph Loaned by Mr. Earl Horter 249 Lithograph Loaned by Mr. Earl Horter VILLON, JACQUES 250 Spring at Puteaux Loaned anonymously WHISTLER, JAMES McNEILL 251 Chelsea Girl Loaned by Mrs. W. Plunket Stewart 252 Nude Loaned by Mr. Carroll S. Tyson, Jr. 253 The White Woman Loaned by Mr. John Braun WRIGHT, S. MACDONALD 254 Spring Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz 255 Synchromy in Green and Orange Loaned by Mr. Alfred Stieglitz 256 Synchromy in Blue and Green Loaned by Mr. J. F. Dewald 24 milliºl - --—--- ~~~~ ------— —- --~~ * As a temporary home for the Art Students Philadelphia has unique advantages. Known as the “City of Homes,” it affords good living at a lower cost than is possible in any other large city in the East. 9. In historical interest it is rich, and its suburbs, easy of access, offer unusual chance for out-of-door work. Opportunities for general culture are varied and the Academy is fortunately able to secure special rates for its students to many of the lectures and concerts given each season. ... The Academy itself is centrally located and within short walking distance from it are good boarding-places. The two principal railroad stations are each within five minutes' walk. s ‘I Recognizing that a comfortable living place is an aid to serious study, the management invites correspondence with students from a distance and offers freely its information and its aid. 4. J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY WASHINGTON SQUARE PRESS PHILADELPHIA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS Annual members are such persons as contribute $10 annually for the maintenance of the Academy. LIFE MEMBERSHIP Life members are those who contribute the sum of $100. Annual and life members are admitted to all the public exhibitions and lectures at the Academy, have a right to use its library, subject to the regula- tions of the institution, and receive an admission ticket. They have all the privileges of stock- holders except the right to vote. Checks may be sent to George H. McFadden, Treasurer, at the Academy. FORM OF BEQUEST I give, devise and bequeath to “The Pennsyl- vania Academy of the Fine Arts ". . . . . . . . . . . Dollars in trust to invest and keep invested and apply the income only to the maintenance of the said Academy.