:::::::. i: * † º º #!!!!!!! intº Sº º ºur Asmoºuſillºw 19 -! ****. º IIIIllſº *Elliſi(IIHIIIſ; º THIS BOOK FORMS PART OF THE ORIGINAL LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHICAN BOUGHT IN EUROPE 1838 TO 1839 BY ASA GRAY / // CALGULATIONS AND STATEMENTS T H E T R A D E BETWEEN Great 33ritain and the Qanited stated of 3merita, USEFUL INFORMATION FOR THE PRACTICAL MERCHANT AND SHIPOWNER ON THE SUBJECTS OF THE COMMERCIAL INTERCOURSE BETwh;EN THE TWO COUNTRIES, THE REVENUE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, CURRENCY, PRECIOUS METALS, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, Exch ANGEs, INSPECTIONS, ESTABLISHED RATES AND USAGES, &c, &c. A CCOMPANIED BY C O PIO U S T A B L E S THE EXCHANGES ARBITRATIONS, THE CORRESPONDING NETT-PRICES OF THE PRIN taL ARTICLES OF IMPORT AND EXPORT, AND OF THE STATISTICS OF THE COMMERCE, NAVIGATION, PRODUCE AND MANUFACTURES OF T H E U N I T E D S T A T E s. BY W. F. REUSS. L O N D O N : EFFINGHAM WILSON, ROYAL EXCHANGE. 1833. ENTERED AT STATIONERs' HALL. L O N D O N ; G. SCHULZE, 13, POLAND STREET. I N T R O DUCTION. THE principal object of the present publication is to furnish to the practical merchant and trader a compendium of the details of one of the most interesting branches of the foreign commerce of Great Britain which, by its arrangement and conciseness, shall effect a very considerable saving of labour, research and time. To those who have made the American trade the study of their lives, the Author does not presume to say any thing new ; but he can nevertheless not refrain from entertaining a hope that the novelty and usefulness of his plan will recommend itself to their approval, whilst he ventures to flatter himself that to those who have hitherto devoted their attention but partially to that promising trade, the following pages may contain some useful suggestions. It is an acknowledged fact that works on mercantile subjects, extensive and varied as the catalogue already is, do not usually meet with very general encouragement from those to whom they are more especially addressed. The cause of this drawback on a more general diffusion of practical mercantile knowledge is founded not so much on the illiberal tendency towards monopoly, of all mercantile enterprise, as on the circumstance that such works are too frequently undertaken by men who, although of high literary attainments, fail to a greater or less degree in the more useful details, whilst practical men but rarely find the time or feel the disposition to write for general information. The present work claims in this respect an exemption from the general jv INTRO DU CTION . rule. The Author pretends to no greater merit than that of practical experience. He has resided many years in London and seen much of the various branches of the trade of this country. He has also had the benefit of a residence in the United States in the prosecution of mercantile pursuits, and from the ample materials thus afforded him, the following pages have been compiled. In truth, the Author devoted some leisure hours to the task of their composition for his private use merely, at some future period, and it is chiefly the great encouragement with which he has been honoured, which has emboldened him thus to obtrude himself for the first time on the notice of the Public. In order to ensure to this publication that degree of confidence, which from its nature is so essential to its success, it may not be superfluous to add a few more explanatory observations. With the exception of such parts as from their official character must necessarily consist of extracts, the work claims to be entirely an original composition. In the selection of the various statements for reference, the utmost care has been exercised, and although they might have been multiplied and varied to a considerable extent, it was deemed foreign to the object in view to encumber the work with too much local detail. The Tariff has been a source of much embarrassment to the Author on account of its well known instability. To give the Tariff, such as it can alone be furnished at present, might be the means, and possibly at no very distant period, of rendering the book less serviceable. On the other hand, to omit it altogether would deprive the collection of one of its principal requisites. The - Author has therefore been induced to furnish the new Tariff, which is to come into operation on the 3rd of March next, so arranged as to admit easily of corrections in the event of any subsequent legislative alterations, to which he has added some supplementary statements and comparative tables with a view to facilitate the politician in the investigation of the merits of the Tariff question. These details were already in print when the long existing differences between the southern States and the eastern and northern States on this important question at length assumed their present serious character, which, INTRODUCTION. V threatening, as it does, the very existence of the Union, is watched with the deepest interest by the trading community of Europe. The purely agricultural southern States have formally declared their hostility to all Tariff-laws whatever, and the President in his message of the 4th December last recommends a further reduction of the existing duties. It remains to be seen to what extent this recommendation will be attended to and whether the southern States will be satisfied with merely a reduction. It would be idle to speculate at present on the probable issue of a contest in which all political parties in the United States take a lively share, and which is carried on under general and great excitement on both sides; nevertheless it may not perhaps be premature to state that it is the hope and belief of well informed men, that a reconciliation may be effected by acceding to a prospective and progressive reduction of the duties on some of the principal European manufactures. The Author flatters himself that the utility of his tables of the equivalent values of the principal articles of American export and import, and of the calculations which accompany them, exhibiting the respective data on which their computation proceeds, will be generally admitted. They are in almost every instance founded on actual transactions and in the estimation of the charges, which usually vary a little in actual business, a middling course has been adopted as the safest; nor would it have been justifiable to assume the respective commissions at less than the established full rates. Whatever the further modifications of the Tariff may eventually prove to be, it may be asserted confidently that they cannot affect the accuracy either of any of the given tables of American exports, or of any of those relating to imports in which the duty has not been taken into the account, —and by far the greater proportion belongs to this class. There remains consequently but a very limited number, which can possibly be affected by any change of duties, and should it prove of sufficient importance, a supplement to the present volume could, in case of need, obviate the inconvenience. . Before concluding, the Author feels the propriety of disclaiming for his Statements and Calculations complete infallibility, and the English not being his native language—of hoping to meet with indulgence on account of any vi INTRODUCTION. defects in the composition. But when he states that the calculations, which present upwards of 26,000 results, obtained upon a principle ensuring their correctnesss, are, without a single exception, the fruit of his own individual labours, that the manuscript has been carefully revised, and the printing assiduously superintended, he fully trusts that in the more essential parts his work will be found sufficiently accurate and minute for all the purposes for which it is likely to be consulted. 59, Bishopsgate Street, within, January, 1833. C O N T E N T S. Page The Commercial Intercourse between Great Britain and the United States, as established by treaties, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The same of the United States with British Colonies, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Revenue laws of the United States, relating to foreign commerce, viz., Ports of Entry, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 of Vessels engaged in the foreign trade, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Tonnage duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Treaties of Reciprocity, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Documents and Requisites of vessels arriving, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Do. do. do. ..., do. clearing out, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Regulations for Passenger's vessels, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 The Tariff, viz. Introductory Remarks, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Advalorem Duties, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Specific do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Restrictions, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Terms of Credit for duties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Drawbacks, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Rates of Duties, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & © º e º 'º tº e º e º e e 28 Comparative statement of Revenue under the Tariff of 1828, and what it will be under the Tariff of 1833, . . . . . . . . . . 48 Chronological statement of all the Tariffs of the United States, 54 Port charges. New York, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © o e º e º O & e s e e e º sº. 56 Philadelphia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Boston, . . . . . • * c e s e e s a e º e º e º C tº 6 C & & Q @ tº e º e o 'º a c e g º e 59 New Orleans, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Key West, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 V 111 CONTENTS. Page Contents of a ton for freight, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Currency and Appreciation of precious Metals, ........................ 62 Standard weight of coins as usually admitted, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Do. ,, do. as practically ascertained, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Weights and Measures, viz. Weights, . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º e s s e o e e s e s a e s e 67 Measures, dry or Corn, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Do. Cloth, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * > * c e s tº e s tº a e º e º e º 'º 71 Do. liquid, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º e º e º e º e e e G 72 Do. Coal, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to e e e s e º e º e 73 Hydrometric Strength of Spirits, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Exchange, customs and laws affecting Bills of Exchange, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Table of British sterling reduced into United States' currency, . . . 76 Arbitrations of Exchange, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 92 Do. , Specie, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gº tº º e 97 Commercial Usages and Rates of the United States, Seasons for transacting business, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Terms and Conditions in the sale and purchase of goods, . . . . . . . . . . 105 Auctions, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Brokers, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Underwriters, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Rates of Interest, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Merchants' Commissions, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Rates of Storage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Inspection of American produce, viz. Flour and Meal, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Pot and Pearl-ashes, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 12 Beef and Pork, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 13 Staves and Headings, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 Calculations and Tables of corresponding values in England, of the principal Exports from the United States, viz. Flour, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 16 Wheat, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 120 Indian Corn, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Cloverseed, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Cotton, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Tobacco, Maryland, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Do. Virginia and Kentucky, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Carolina Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 138 Pot-and Pearl ashes, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Turpentine, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Quercitron bark, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 CONTENTS. Calculations and Tables, of United States' Exports, continued. Whale-and Sperm oil, . . . . . . . . . . . . Whalebone, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © tº 6 s e s e o e o e e º & ë is º & © º 'º º e e º 'º tº tº a tº is ſº tº º ºs º tº e º 'º tº tº o tº Q & Q @ º º Coffee, Cuba, St. Domingo, and Brazil, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cocoa, Brazil, Columbia, and St. Domingo, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calculations and Tables of United States's Imports, viz. Iron, e e g e º e º e º e º a s 6 s is e º º Sheathing Copper, . . . . . . Bar and block Tin, . . . . . Tin plates, . . . . . . . . . . . Cotton Prints, . . . . . . . . . . © º e e º e º O & e Ginghams, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quiltings, . . . . . . . . Drills, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • a . e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e s a e º 'º - © " " Linen, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dº ſº tº e º 'º e º 'º & e e º e º e gº tº º tº e g º & © tº tº º tº we º 'º º º e e g º O tº e º e º 'º º e º 'º e tº e º gº tº e º 'º tº & © tº e º e C g tº & © e º e White Cotton Goods, * } @ tº º º e e º 'º e º sº e s tº e º 'º e s s es e º 'º º e e s e a e s e o e º e e º e o a e e s º is tº dº tº º º ſº tº & © tº º dº tº C & * * * * * * * e º ºs wº wº tº e º ſº º tº º sº * tº ſº tº tº dº ſº tº e tº * @ e ∈ g is © tº & Cº º º e tº tº dº º º Broad cloth, e e o e e o e s e e s e s e e e o e o e º e º 6 e º e º 'º e s & Worsted Stuff Goods, e e s e º e e º e s e e º e º e º e º 8 º' Valencias, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wool, . . . . . . Rags, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linseed oil, . . . . . . . . . Coffee, East India, Saltpetre, . . . . . . . Cinnamon, . . . . . . . . Nutmegs, . . . . . . . . . . Cassia lignea, . . . . . . . . . . Black pepper, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jamaica Pimento, . . . . . . East India Ginger, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indigo, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turmeric, . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barbary, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arabic, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . East India, . . e e º O & © tº sº e º e tº e º ſº tº º º tº e tº 6 e º 'º e e * & & tº º e º 'º e º e e gº dº e e s s a º 8 º' " • Q & d e º e º e g is e e s c > * & © tº e º e º e º & & e º e º 0 e º e e º e º $ sº tº t e º is * & 0 e º 'º º e º e º o tº dº tº e º e º e º 'º e de tº dº & © e º & e º 'º • * 0 & © tº € e º dº e º ºs e e º e e e is e e o e o e s e e º 'º e º e º e º e º e o e o e © tº c • * * e s e e s e e o e s e e e e s e * * * * * * * g e e tº º ſº tº º * * * * * * * * * c e s e e º e º e tº º & © & * * * * * * * * e s e e s e , , * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e a e e o e s e * * * * g c tº c e g g g g Borax and tincal, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e > → Turkey Opium, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cº º East India (Rhubarb,) . . . . . Unrefined Camphor, . . . . . . . Currants, . . . . . . . . . Smirna Raisins, . . . . . tº tº e º g e © tº * @ * * > 0 e ºs tº º tº t e g * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e o e e s e s e e s , s , , , Gum, Shellac, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * g e º e s e * * * * * * * * * c e e s e s a e * {º º & © c q e º e e Q & iº gº tº e º º tº º tº e º e º 0 * * @ º • C. º ºs º g tº 6 & tº * * * * * * * * * * c e º e & gº º * * , e. • * * * * * * * * * c e s e e s e e s e e Page 147 149 1 5 1 154 1 56 I 58 160 16.1 1 63 169 174 176 178 183 185 | 88 l 90 192 200 2O2 204 2O6 208 2 10 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 234 235 237 239 241 243 X CONTENTS. Page Calculations and Tables, of United States’ Imports, continued. Smirna Figs, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Bitter Almonds, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Jamaica Rum, . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 French Brandy, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Wine, Port, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº t t e º 'º e º e º 'º g g º e º º ſº e > * > • . . 253 Sherry, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © º & © tº º tº e o e s e a e e . . 255 Madeira, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº t e º e º a s e º e tº e º e º e º tº º . . . . . . . . 257 Teneriffe, . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 Statistics of the United States, viz. Population, I. General table of, according to five official enumerations, . 260 II. Slave Population, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 III. Comparative view of the Population of some of the principal sea ports and towns, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Commerce, IV. A general table of Imports and Exports, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 V. A comparative statement of Imports and Exports in the year 183!, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º e º e º 'º . . . . 263 VI. The Commerce of each State, in 1831, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 VII. Detailed Exports of domestic Produce and manufactures in 1831, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 VIII. Walue of domestic Produce exported during the last 8 years, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 IX. Exports of domestic Produce from New York, ........ 262 X. Imports and Exports of distilled Spirits at New York, .. 265 XI. Imports of foreign coal, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 XII. Total amount of Duties on Imports, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Navigation, XIII. Tonnage, registered, enrolled and licensed, . . . . . . . . . . 266 XIV. Shipping employed during 1831, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 XV. Foreign Tonnage entering the ports of the United States, 268 XVI. Comparative view of America and British Tonnage entering the ports of the United States, . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 XVII. Steamboats on the western Waters, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 Inspections and produce, XVIII. Flour and meal, totals of inspections, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 XIX. Inspection of ditto in the principal ports specified, . . . . . . 269 XX. Ditto of ditto in Baltimore, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 XXI. Sundry produce inspected at New York, . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 XXII. Cotton, . . . . . . . . • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 270 XXIII. Whalefisheries, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 XXIV. Fur Trade, • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c e e o e o 'º e s e e e s e 271 XXV. The China Trade, . . . . . . . . . tº ſº e º O p * tº º • . . . . . . . . . . 272 CONTENTS. xi Statistics of the United States, continued. Manufactories, XXVI. Cotton manufactories, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sº e º e º e º e º O e e XXVII. Iron works, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to tº e º e º 'º C C e º º O & XXVIII. Glass works, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XXX. Salt, tº e º 'º e º $ tº o e º sº e º e s e s e e o e º 'º e º e s e º e e a e º e º e XXIX. Lead, a c e º O e º O s e º 'º e º 'º e º e º 'º e º e º e º 'º e º e Joint stock companies, XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. XXXIX. General statement of Joint Stocks in twenty five Cities of the Union, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joint Stock Companies in New York, . . . . . . . . . Progress of Stocks in New York, .. Joint Stock Companies in Boston, . . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto. . . . . . . . . . . . in Philadelphia, . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto. . . . . . . . . . . . in Baltimore, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto. . . . . . . . . . . . in Charleston, . . . . . . . . . . . . Ditto. . . . . . . . . . . . in Savannah, . . . . . . . . . . . . . º Ditto. . . . . . . . . . in New Orleans, . . . . . . . . . . Page 247 275 276 277 277 278 280 282 283 284 285 286 286 THE COMMERCIAL INTERCOURSE GREAT BRITAIN AND HER DEPENDENCIES, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, As established by existing Treatics, viz. the Convention of 3d July, 1815, the Act of Con- gress of 29th May, 1830, the Order in Council of 5th November, 1830, and the President’s Proclamation of 5th October, 1830. A DIGEST DRAWN UP AT THE INSTANCE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE UNITED STATEs' TREASURY.” I. THE comm ERCIAL INTERCOURSE of THE AMERICANs witH THE E U R OPEAN POSSESSIONS OF GREAT BRITAIN, 1. There shall be between the territories of the United States of America, and all the territories of His Britannic Majesty in Europe, a reciprocal liberty of commerce. The inhabitants of the two countries respectively, shall have liberty freely and securely to come with their ships and cargoes to all such places, ports, and rivers, in the territories aforesaid, to which other foreigners are permitted to come, to enter into the same, and to remain and reside in any parts of the said territories respectively; also to hire and occupy houses and warehouses for the purposes of their commerce; and generally, the merchants and traders of each nation respectively, shall enjoy the most complete protection and security for their commerce, but subject always to the laws and statutes of the two countries respectively. 2. No higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into the United States, of any articles, the growth, produce, or manu- facture of His Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe, and no higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into the territories of * See a Digest of the Treaties and Statutes of the United States, by Thomas F. Gordon. B 2 T II E CO M M ERCIAL IN TER COURSE His Britannic Majesty in Europe, of any article, the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, than are or shall be payable on the like articles, being the growth, produce, or manufacture of any other foreign country; nor shall any higher or other duties, or charges be imposed in either of the two countries, on the exportation of any articles to the United States, or to His Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe, respectively, than such as are payable on the exportation of the like articles to any other foreign country. 3. Nor shall any prohibition be imposed on the exportation or im- portation of any articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, or of His Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe, to or from the said territories of His Britannic Majesty in Europe, or to or from the said United States, which shall not equally extend to all other nations. 4. No higher or other duties or charges shall be imposed in any of the ports of the United States on British vessels, than those payable in the same ports by vessels of the United States; nor in the ports of any of His Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe, on the vessels of the United States than shall be payable in the same ports on British vessels. 5. The same duties shall be paid on the importation into the United States of any articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture of His Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe, whether such importations shall be in vessels of the United States or in British vessels; and the same duties shall be paid on the importation into the ports of any of His Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe, of any article, the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, whether such importation shall be in British vessels, or in vessels of the United States. 6. The same duties shall be paid, and the same bounties allowed, on the exportation of any articles, the growth, produce, and manufacture of His Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe, to the United States, whether such exportation shall be in vessels of the United States, or in British vessels; and the same duties shall be paid, and the same bounties allowed, on the exportation of any articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, to His Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe, whether such exportation shall be in British vessels, or in vessels of the United States. 7. It is further agreed, that in all cases where drawbacks are or may be allowed upon the re-exportation of any goods, the growth, produce, or manufacture of either country respectively, the amount of BETWEEN GREAT IBRITAIN AND AMERICA. 3 the said drawback shall be the same, whether the said goods shall have been originally imported in a British or an American vessel. 8. But when such re-exportation shall take place from the United States, in a British vessel, or from the territories of His Britannic Majesty in Europe, in an American vessel, to any other foreign nation, the two contracting parties reserve to themselves, respectively, the right of regu- lating or diminishing, in such case, the amount of the said drawback. II. THE COMMERCIAL INTER COURSE OF THE AMERICANs witH TILE COLONIAL POSSESSIONS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 9. The intercourse between the United States and His Britannic Majesty's possessions in the West Indies, and on the continent of North America is not affected by any of the provisions of the articles Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The following is the substance of the President's proclamation of 5th October, 1830, opening the trade between the United States and the British colonies in the West Indies, &c. 10. Whereas, by an Act of the congress of the United States, passed on the 29th of May, 1830, it is provided that, whenever the President of the United States shall receive satisfactory evidence that the govern- ment of Great Britain will open the ports in its colonial possessions in the West Indies, on the continent of South America, the Bahama Islands, the Caicos, and the Bermuda Islands, to the vessels of the United States, for an indefinite or for a limited term, 11. That the vessels of the United States, and their cargoes, on entering the aforesaid colonial ports, shall not be subject to other or higher duties of tonnage or impost, or charges of any other description, than would be imposed on British vessels, or their cargoes, arriving in the said colonial possessions from the United States, 12. That the vessels of the United States may import into the said colonial possessions, from the United States, any article or articles, which could be imported in a British vessel from the United States, 13. And that the vessels of the United States may export from the British colonies aforementioned, to any country whatever,” other than the dominions or possessions of Great Britain, any article or articles, that can be exported therefrom in a British vessel, to any country, other than the British dominions or possessions aforesaid, * See Articles 23 and 24. 4 THE COMMERCIAL INTER COURSE 14, Leaving the commercial intercourse of the United States, with all other ports of the British dominions or possessions on a footing not less favourable than it is now, 15. That then, and in such case, the President of the United States shall be authorized to issue his proclamation, declaring that he has received such evidence; and that, thereupon, and from the date of such proclamation, the ports of the United States shall be opened, indefinitely, or for a term fixed, as the case may be, to British vessels coming from the said colonial possessions, and their cargoes subject to no other or higher duty of tonnage or impost, or charge of any description whatever, than could be levied on the vessels of the United States, or their cargoes, arriving from the said British possessions : 16. And that it shall be lawful for the said British vessels to import into the United States, and to export therefrom, any article or articles, which may be imported or exported in vessels of the United States; and that the Act, entitled “An Act concerning navigation,” passed on the 18th of April, 1818, and the Act supplementary thereto, passed on the 15th of May, 1820, and an Act entitled, “an Act to regulate the com- mercial intercourse between the United States and certain British ports,” passed on the 1st of March, 1823, shall in such case, be suspended, or absolutely repealed, as the case may require, 17. And whereas by the said Act, it is further provided, that whenever the ports of the United States shall have been opened under the authority thereby given, British vessels and their cargoes shall be admitted to an entry in the ports of the United States from the islands, provinces, or colonies of Great Britain, on or near the North American continent, and north or east of the United States, 18. And whereas satisfactory evidence has been received by the President of the United States, that, whenever he shall give effect to the provisions of the aforesaid Act, the Government of Great Britain will open, for an indefinite period, the ports of its colonial possessions in the West Indies, on the continent of South America, the Bahama Islands, the Caicos, and the Bermuda Islands, to the vessels of the United States, and their cargoes, upon the terms, and according to the requisitions of the aforesaid Act of congress, 19. “Now, therefore, I, A. J., President of the United States of America, do hereby declare and proclaim that such evidence has been received by me; and that by the operation of the Act of Congress, passed on the 29th of May, 1830, the ports of the United States are, from this day (5th October 1830) open to British vessels, coming from BETWEEN GREAT BR1TAIN AND AMERICA. 5 the said British possessions, and their cargoes, upon the terms set forth in the said Act.” 20. “That the several acts (specified in Article 16) are absolutely repealed, and British vessels and their cargoes are admitted to an entry in the ports of the United States, from the islands, provinces, and colonies of Great Britain, on or near the North American continent, and north or east of the United States.” The following stipulations were also made : 21. His Britannic Majesty agrees that the vessels of the United States of America shall be admitted and hospitably received at the prin- cipal settlements of the British dominions in the East Indies, viz: Calcutta, Madras, Bombay and the Prince of Wales’ islands, and that the citizens of the United States may freely carry on trade between the said principal settlements and the said United States, in all articles of which the importation and exportation, respectively to and from the said territories, shall not be entirely prohibited; provided only that it shall not be lawful for them, in any time of war between the British govern- ment and any state or power whatever, to export from the said territories, without the special permission of the British government, any military or naval stores, or rice. 22. The citizens of the United States shall pay for their vessels, when admitted, no higher or other duty or charge, than shall be payable on the vessels of the most favoured European nations, and they shall pay no higher or other duties or charges on the importation or exportation of the cargoes of the said vessels, than shall be payable on the same articles, when imported or exported in the vessels of the most favoured European nations. 23. But it is expressly agreed, that the vessels of the United States shall not carry any articles from the said principal settlements to any port or place, except to some port or place in the United States of America, where the same shall be unladen. 24. It is also understood, that the permission granted by the pre- ceding article is not to extend to allow the vessels of the United States to carry on any part of the coasting trade of the said British territories; but the vessels of the United States, having in the first instance, pro- ceeded to one of the said principal settlements of the British dominions in the East Indies, and then going with their original cargoes, or part thereof, from one of the said principal settlements to another, shall not be considered as carrying on the coasting trade, 6 THE REVENUE LAWS 25. The vessels of the United States may also touch for refreshment, but not for commerce, in the course of their voyage to and from the British territories in India, or to or from the dominions of the Emperor of China, at the cape of Good Hope, the island of St. Helena, or such other places, as may be in the possession of Great Britain, in the African or Indian seas; it being well understood that in all that regards this article, the citizens of the United States shall be subject, in all respects, to the laws and regulations of the British Government from time to time established. Memorandum.—According to the Act of parliament of the 6th July, 1825, entitled “An Act to regulate the trade of the British possessions abroad,” the ports in the West Indies &c. opened by the Order in Council of the 5th November, 1830, to American commerce, subject only to the duties imposed upon British vessels and cargoes coming from the same ports to the United States, are as follows: FREE PORTS, St. Vincent—Kingston. Jamaica — Kingston, Savannah la Mar, Montego Bay, Santa Lucia, Antonio, St. Ann, Falmouth, Maria, Morant Bay, Annatto Bay. Grenada—St. George. Dominica–Roseau. Antigua–St. John's. Trinidad—San Joseph. Tobago—Scarborough. Tortola—Road Harbour. New Providence—Nassau. Bermuda—Port St. George, Pt. Hamilton. Crooked Island—Pitt's Town. Bahamas—any port where there is a cus- tom-house. Barbadoes—Bridgetown. New Brunswick—St. John, St. Andrews. Nova Scotia—Halifax. Canada—Quebec. Newfoundland—St. John’s. Demerara—George Town. Berbice—New Amsterdam. St. Lucie—Castries. St. Kitts—Basseterre. Nevis—Charlestown. Montserat—Plymouth. From the privileges thus conceded to American commerce in general, the following articles are excluded, except according to the conditions here mentioned, under penalty of forfeiture : PROHIBITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. Gunpowder, arms, ammunitions, or utensils of war, beef, fresh or salted, and pork, except into Newfoundland,-prohibited to be imported, except from the United Kingdom or from some other British possessions. Tea—prohibited to be imported, except from the United Kingdom, or from some other British possessions in America, unless by the East India Company, or with their license. Fish, dried or salted, train oil, blubber, fins or skins, derived from marine animals— OF THE UNITRD STATES. 7 prohibited to be imported, except from the United Kingdom, or from some other British possession, or unless taken by British ships fitted out from the United Kingdom, or from some other British possession, and brought in from the fishery, and except herrings from the Isle of Man, taken and cured by the inhabitants thereof. Coffee, cocoa-nuts, sugar, molasses, and rum, of foreign production, or the production of any place within the limits of the East India Company’s charter, except the Island of Mauritius, prohibited to be imported into any of the British possessions on the con- tinent of South America, or in the West Indies, except the Bahama or Bermuda Islands, or the Island of Mauritius, and may also be prohibited to be imported into the Bermuda Islands, by His Majesty's order in Council. Base and counterfeit coins, books, such as are prohibited to be imported into the United Kingdom. WAREHOUSING PORTS. By the same Act the following ports are declared Warehousing Ports, viz. Jamaica—Kingston. Nova Scotia—Halifax. New Brunswick—St. John. Canada—Quebec. Barbadoes—Bridgetown. Goods can be warehoused in these ports in the warehouse of the Government without the payment of any duty on the first entry of the same. DUTIES Of some of the principal American articles of export, when imported into the above-men- tioned free ports, as amended by Act of parliament, dated 22d April, 1831, viz: s d S. Flour, wheaten, into Canada, º from other parts to the d and from the British North West Indies, as follows: American possessions into Shingles, 1000, not over 12 the West Indies, &c. . . . . free inches length, . . . . . . . . . º O 7 Do. from other parts, into the Do. do OVer do. 14 9 British possessions in Staves and headings, until 1st North America, the West January, 1834, . . . . . . . 1000 23 8 Indies, &c., Canada ex- Do. do. from 1st January, cepted tº e º e º 'º barrel of 196 fb. 5 0 1834, until do. 1836, . . . do. 19 9 Do. or meal not from Wheat. free White, yellow, or pitch pine Wheat, rice, corn or grain, lumber, one inch thick, unground, . . . . . . . . . . . . free until 1st January, 1834, 1000 ft. 28 0 Biscuit or Bread, . . . . . . . . ... free from 1st January, 1834, Live Stock, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free until do. 1836, . . . . . . . . do. 26 O Wood or Lumber, into Cana- Subsequently, . . . . . . . . . . do. 21 0 da, New Brunswick, Nova Other kind of wood and lumber, do. 28 0 Scotia, or Prince Edward S Hoops, wooden, do . . . . . . . . 1000 5 3 Islands, from British North e tº America, into the British Wine in bottles, wn Of * gall”. 147 0 possessions in the West Foreign bottles, in addition, doz. 1 0 Indies. &c. . . . . . . . . ... free Wine not in bottles, . . . . adval, 7# per cent. S T II E REVENU E L A VVS s d Hay and straw, coins and bul- Leather manufactures, clocks lion, salt, fresh fruits and and watches, linen, mu- vegetables, cotton, wool free. sical instruments, wires, Beef, pork, hams, or bacon, books, and papers . . . . . . do. 30 do. into Canada, and from the Glass manufactures, soap, re- British possessions in fined sugar and candy, North America into the manufactured tobacco....do. 20 do. British possessions in Most other articles, viz. hemp, South America, or the dry fruits, essences, gums, West Indies, or into pickles, prints, quicksilver, the Bahama or Bermuda sausages, tar, tow, and Islands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free. turpentine, . . . . . . . . adval. 7# per cent. THE REVENUE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMER ICA, AFFECTING FOREIGN SHIPPING. I. poRTs of ENTRY IN THE UNITED STATES FOR FOREIGN VESSELs, As established by Law, Acts of 2d March 1799, 24th February 1804, 24th April 1816, and 22d February 1827. None but vessels of the United States shall be admitted to make entry in any other district, than in the one in which they shall be admitted to unlade, or to unlade at any other than the ports following: State of New Hampshire—Portsmouth. Do. Massachusetts—Portland and Falmouth, New Bedford, Dighton, Salem and Beverley, Gloucester, Newburyport, Marblehead, Nantucket, Boston and Charlestown, Plymouth, Bath, French- man's Bay, Wiscasset, Machias and Penobscot. Do. Rhode Island and Providence Plantations—Newport, Bristol and Providence. Do. Connecticut—New London and New Haven, Middletown and Fairfield. Do. New York—New York. Do. New Jersey—Perth Amboy and Burlington. Do, Pensylvania—Philadelphia. OF THE UNITED STATES. State of Delaware—Wilmington, New Castle and Port Penn. Oxford, Do. Maryland—Baltimore, Annapolis, Vienna, Do l)o. DO l)o Do Georgetown on Potomac, Chestertown, Town Creek, Nottingham, Nanje- moy, Digges' Landing, Snowhill and Carrolsburgh. Virginia — Alexandria, Kinsale, Newport, Tappahannock, Port- Royal, Fredericksburgh, Urbanna, Yorktown, Westpoint, Hampton, Bermuda Hundred, City Point, Rocketts' Landing, Norfolk and Portsmouth. North Carolina — Wilmington, Plymouth, Newbern, Washington, Edenton and Plankbridge. . South Carolina—Charleston, Georgetown and Beaufort. Louisiana—New Orleans. Beauford, . Georgia—Savannah, Sunbury, Brunswick, Frederica and St. Mary. The following ports and districts are by construction at the Treasury placed upon the same footing as the foregoing, viz: District of Vermont—Alburg. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. vi Z Champlain–Cumberland Head. Oswego—Oswego. Oswegatchie—Ogdensburgh. Niagara—Lewistown. Buffalo Creek—Buffalo Creek. Genesse—Rochester. Sacket's Harbour—Sacket's Harbour. Cape Vincent—Cape Vincent. Presqu' Isle—Presqu' Isle. Cuyahoga—Cleveland. Miami—Maumee. Sandusky—Portland. Detroit—Detroit. Michilimackinac—Michilimackinac. Teche—Nova Iberia. - Blackely—Blackely. Pearl river—Pearlington. St. Mark's—Magnolia. Key West—Key West. West point—Apalachicola. Pensacola—Pensacola. St. Augustine—St. Augustine. Besides, the other established trading ports in the Gulf of Florida, . Mobile, &c. I () TIHE REV EN Uſ E 1, AWS II. of vessels ENGAGED IN THE FOREIGN TRADE, AND of THE PRIVILEGES GRANTED TO THEM. No goods can be imported into the United States from any place, except in vessels of the United States, or in such foreign vessels as belong wholly to the citizens of that country of which such goods are the growth, produce or manufacture, or from which they can only be, or most usually are, first shipped for transportation.* But this prohibition does not extend to vessels of any foreign nation which has not adopted, and shall not adopt a like regulation.* Goods imported into the United States, contrary to the above pro- hibition, and the vessel importing them, with her cargo, tackle, apparel and furniture become forfeited to the United States; and may be seized, prosecuted and condemned in like manner, and under the provisions established for the recovery of forfeitures to the United States, by the revenue laws.” Whatever produce, manufacture or merchandize of any foreign country, which from time to time may lawfully be imported into, or exported, or re-exported from the United States, in vessels of the United States, may be so imported into, or exported, or re-exported from the United States, in vessels of foreign nations in whose domi- nions like privilege is given to vessels of the United States, in their commerce with these states.—See Treaties of commercial Reciprocity. No vessel, arriving in the United States from a foreign port, or the cargo on board, shall be entered elsewhere than at one of the ports of entry established, nor shall such cargo, or any part thereof be unladen elsewhere, than at one of the ports of delivery. Every port of entry shall be a port of delivery.f Any vessel in which goods shall be brought into the United States, from any foreign place, and which shall be specified in the manifest, verified on oath, before the collector of the port, in which such vessel shall first arrive, to be destined for other districts, may proceed there- with from district to district, within the United States, in order to the delivery thereof, on giving bond with one or more sureties, for the amount of the duties on the residue of goods not landed, and the duties * Act of 1st March 1817. + Act of 2d March 1799. Act of 22d February 1805. OF THE UNITED STATES. 1 I on such of the goods only as shall be landed in any district, shall be paid or secured to be paid within such district.* Any vessel may proceed with goods brought in her, which shall in the manifest first delivered to any officer, or in the manifest delivered to the collector, be reported as destined for any foreign place, from the dis- trict within which she shall first arrive, to such foreign place, without paying or securing the payment of any duties upon such of the goods, as shall be actually re-exported in such vessel; the master first giving bond, with one or more sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the duties upon such goods, that the goods or any part thereof, shall not be landed within the United States, unless entered, and the duty thereon paid or secured. Such bond is however, not required in the event of any ship having entered the ports of the United States from necessity. III. To NNAGE DUTY. On national vessels.-There shall be paid upon every vessel of the United States, which shall be entered in the United States from any foreign port, a duty of six cents per ton, if the officers and at least two- thirds of the crew shall be proved to be citizens of the United States, or persons not the subjects of any foreign prince or state, otherwise there shall be paid a duty of fifty cents per ton.f By Act of 31st May 1830, all duties on the tonnage of national ves- sels, with the last-mentioned limitation, are repealed, from and after the 1st of April 1831. On foreign vessels-If built within the United States, but belonging wholly or in part to subjects of foreign powers, a duty of thirty cents per ton ; on other vessels, fifty cents per ton.] On foreign vessels, arriving from any foreign port or place, to which and with which, vessels of the United States are not ordinarily permitted to enter and trade,-a duty at the rate of two dollars per ton.S On vessels, not of the United States, which may enter her ports, a duty of fifty cents per ton, to be denominated “ light money.”|| From and after the 1st of April 1831, all acts and parts of acts im- * Act of 2nd March 1799. t Acts of 20th July 1790, and 1st of March 1817. # Act of 20th July 1790. § Act of 3rd March 1817. | Act of the 27th March 1804. C 2 | 2 THE REVENU E LAWS posing duties on the tonnage of vessels of any foreign nation, so far as they relate to the imposition of such duties, shall be repealed, provided the president of the United States be satisfied that the discriminating or countervailing duties of such nation, so far as they operate to the disad- vantage of the United States, have been abolished.* It follows that British vessels may now enter an American port, free of tonnage duty. A statement of the nations entitled by treaties to an entry at the domestic rates of duties and charges is given in Section IV. The wardens of the port of Baltimore in Maryland, are empowered to levy and collect an additional tonnage duty, not exceeding two cents per ton, on every vessel of 60 or more tons. All tonnage duty to be paid at the time of entry. IV. TREATIES OF RECIPRocITY. A statement of such foreign vessels as are now entitled to an entry at the American custom-houses at the domestic rate of tonnage duty and impost, and of those which are exempted from the payment of tonnage duties (with a certain exception in the case of vessels of Spain) from 1st of April 1831, according to the terms of the second section of the Act of 31st May 1830,-specifying at the same time the authorities, by which they have become entitled to that exemption. I. WITH RESPECT To Tonn AGE DUTIEs. Wessels of Great Britain from any of His Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe, or from any other foreign port or place.—Conven- tion with Great Britain of 3rd July 1815. Do. of Great Britain, coming from the British islands, provinces or co- lonies in the West-Indies, and on or near the north or east of the United States.—President's proclamation of 5th October 1830. Do. of the Netherlands, from whatever port or place arriving.—Act of Congress of 7th January 1824. Do. of the Hanseatic cities of Hamburgh, Bremen and Lübeck–Treaty of 20th December 1827. Do. of Denmark-Treaty of 26th April 1826. * Act 31st May 1830. OF THE UNITED STATES. 13 Vessels of Brazil.—Treaty of 12th December 1828. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. of Central America.-Treaty of 5th December 1825. . of the Dominions of the Pope.—President's proclamation of 7th 1)o. of Prussia.-Treaty of 1st May 1828. of Russia.-Act of 7th January 1824. of Sweden and Norway and the islands of St. Croix and St. Bar- tholomew.—Treaty of 4th July 1827. of Oldenburgh.-President's proclamation of 18th September 1830. of Sardinia, (kingdom of)—Act of 17th January 1824. June 1827. . of Austria.-President's proclamation of 11th May 1829. . of Colombia.-Treaty of 3rd October 1821. . of Hanover.—President's proclamation of 1st July 1828. . of France,—coming direct from the islands of Martinique and Gua- deloupe, and the ports of Moule and Grand-Bourg, and laden with articles, the produce of those islands.-Act of 9th May 1828, and President’s decision under it. Circular of 9th Feb- ruary 1829. of Spain,_restricted to the ports of Pensacola and San Augustine in the Floridas, and when laden with Spanish productions and coming direct from ports in Spain or her colonies, until the 22nd May 1833.−15th Article of the Treaty with Spain of 22nd February 1819. . of Turkey.—Treaty of 7th May, 1830.-President's proclamation of 4th January, 1832. II a. WITH RESPECT TO DUTIES on CARGOEs. In what foreign vessels, cargoes, whether consisting of the produce or manufacture of the particular country to which such vessels may be- long, or of any other country, are entitled to an entry at the domestic rate of duties and under what authorities, viz: In vessels of Great Britain, coming from the British islands, colonies and settlements in the West Indies and on or near the North American continent, and north or east of the United States.— Proclamation of the President of the 5th October 1830. Do. of Denmark-Treaty of 26th April 1826. Do. of Central America.-Treaty of 5th December 1825. Do. of Colombia.-Treaty of 3rd October 1824. 14 THE REVENUE LAWS Vessels of Sweden and Norway and the islands of St. Croix and St. Bartholomew.—Treaty of 4th July 1827. Do. of the Hanseatic cities of Lübeck, Bremen and Hamburgh.-Treaty of 20th December 1827. Do. of Brazil.—Treaty of the 12th December 1821. Do. of Austria.-Proclamation of the President of the 3rd June 1829. Do. of Prussia.-Treaty of 1st May 1828. Do. of Oldenburgh.-President's proclamation of 18th September 1830. Do. of Turkey.—Treaty of 7th May, 1830.-President's proclamation of 4th January, 1830. b. WITH RESPECT To Duties on CARGOES. In what foreign vessels such cargoes only, as consist of the produce or manufacture of the particular country to which the vessels may belong, are entitled to an entry at the domestic rate of duties, and by what au- thority they are placed upon that footing, viz: Wessels of Great Britain, with articles, the growth, produce or manu- facture of any of His Britannic Majesty's territories in Europe. Convention of 3rd July 1815. Do. of Spain, restricted to the ports of Pensacola and San Augustine in the Floridas, and until 23rd May 1833.−The 15th Article of the Treaty with Spain of 22nd February 1819. Do. of the Netherlands.-Act of 7th January 1824. Do. of Sardinia, (kingdom of)—Act of 7th January 1824. Do. of Russia.-Act of 7th January 1824. Do. of France.—Treaty of 24th June 1822. Do. of Do.—When coming from the islands of Martinique and Guade- loupe and the ports of Moule and Grand-Bourg. Act of 9th May 1828, and President's decision under it. Circular of 9th February 1829. Do. of Hanover.—President's proclamation of 1st July 1828. Do. of the Dominions of the Pope.—President's proclamation of 7th June 1827. O E THE UNITED STATES. 15 V. DOCUMENTS AND REQUISITES FOR VESSELS ARRIVING IN THE UNITED STATES. Manifest.—No goods shall be brought into the United States in any vessel unless the master shall have on board a manifest, signed by him and containing the respective names of her place of sailing and destina- tion, the name, description and built of such vessel, her true admeasure- ment, the place to which she belongs and by whom owned, according to her register, likewise a just and particular account of her cargo, in words at length with the marks and numbers on each package, by whom shipped and to whom respectively consigned, adding a detailed list of the names and baggage of all cabin—and steerage passengers, together with an account of the remaining sea stores, if any. This manifest to be prepared in triplicate and a copy to be delivered to the first officer of the customs, coming on board within four leagues of the coast. Deposit of Register, &c.—The register or other documents in lieu thereof, together with the clearance and other papers granted by the officers of the customs to any foreign vessel, at her departure from the port of her sailing, shall, previously to entry in any port of the United States, be produced to the collector, with whom such entry be made. It shall also be the duty of the master within forty-eight hours after such entry to deposit such papers with the consul or vice-consul of the nation to which the vessel belongs, and to deliver to the collector the certificate thereof, under a penalty of not less than 28 500, nor more than 28 2000. No foreign consul shall return to the master such documents, until he shall produce to him a clearance. Report.—Within twenty-four hours after the arrival of any vessel from foreign parts, at any port of the United States established by law, the master shall make report to the chief officer of the customs, of the arrival of his vessel, and within forty-eight hours after, shall make a further report in writing, to the collector of the district, which report shall contain all the particulars required to be inserted in the manifest. Distilled-Spirits, Wine, and Tea, if any on board, must be spe- cifically declared, within forty-eight hours after arrival. The packet-ships of foreign governments are however exempted from this regulation. Ship-letters.-No vessel arriving, shall be permitted to report, make entry or break bulk, until the master shall have delivered to the post- master all letters addressed to persons residing in the United States, | G THE REVENU E LAWS under the penalty of a sum not exceeding & 100. The master to receive from the postmaster 2 cents for each letter so delivered. VI. Docum ENTS AND REQUISITES FOR, VESSELS CLEARING OUT FROM THE UNITED STATES. Manifest.—The master of any vessel, bound to a foreign place shall deliver to the collector of the district from which such vessel shall be about to depart, a manifest of all the cargo on board, and the value thereof, subscribed by him, and shall swear to the truth thereof, where- upon the collector shall grant a clearance for vessel and cargo. Penalty for offending against this regulation 28 500. Clearance—can neither not be obtained, until the master or other proper persons shall have produced to the collector a certificate, that all goods, which may be on board, subject to the inspection laws of the States have been duly inspected, and receipts for the payment of all legal fees. The owners, shippers or consignors of the cargo shall also deliver on oath to the collector previous to his granting a clearance, manifests in writing and subscribed by them respectively, of the goods shipped by them. Passport or Sea-Letter—for American vessels. First cost 28, 10. There shall moreover be paid on every vessel of the United States sailing to any foreign country, other than some port or place in America, for each or every voyage the sum of 28°4, to be received and accounted for by the collector, at the time of clearing outward, if such vessel be bound direct to such foreign country, or at the time of entry if such vessel shall have sailed to such foreign country, from any port in America, other than of the United States. Unregistered vessels to pay the same. VII. REGULATIONS FOR PAssENGERs’ vesse Ls. If the master of any American or foreign vessel shall take on board at any foreign place, or shall bring into the United States, or shall carry from thence a greater number of passengers, than two for every five tons of such vessel, according to custom-house measurement, he shall with the owners, severally, forfeit and pay the sum of 28 150, for every such surplus OF THE UNITED STATES. 17 passenger; and if the number of the same shall exceed twenty in the whole, the vessel shall be forfeited to the United States. The com- plement of men required for navigating the vessel is not affected by the foregoing. Every vessel bound on a voyage from the United States to any port on the continent of Europe, at the time of leaving the last port, whence she shall sail, shall have on board, well secured under deck, at least sixty gallons of water, one hundred pounds of salt provisions, one gallon of vinegar, one hundred pounds of wholesome ship's bread for each passenger on board, over and above such other provisions, stores and live stock, as may be put on board by the master or passengers for their use, or that of the crew; and in like proportion for a shorter or longer voyage; and if the passengers on board of such vessel, in which the proportion of provisions herein directed, shall not have been provided, shall at any time be put on short allowance, in water, flesh, vinegar, or bread, during any such voyage, the master and owner shall severally pay to each passenger who shall have been put on short allowance, the sum of three dollars for every day, they may have been on such short allowance,—to be recovered in the same manner as seaman's wages. The master of any vessel arriving in the United States or any territory thereof from any foreign place, shall at the time he delivers a manifest of the cargo, or if there be no cargo, at the time of making the entry of the vessel, deliver to the collector a list of all the passengers on board, designating particularly, the age, sex, and occupation of the passengers respectively, the country to which they severally belong, and that of which it is their intention to become inhabitants, together with the number, if any, that have died on the voyage, to which list he shall swear. VIII. THE TARIFF. I. INTRoDUCTORY REMARRs. With the inhabitants of a country like the United States of America, whose geographical situation and happy constitution secure to them, perhaps more than to those of any other, the blessings of per- manent peace at home and the improbability of ever becoming embroiled in the political commotions of neighbours ; who, therefore, look upon foreign politics with an eye of comparative indifference, thus reserving *ll the disposable energies of their minds for the duty of jealously D | 8 "I'll b R EVENU E LAWS guarding and maintaining their republican institutions and rights;–with a nation so located and inspired it is not to be wondered at, that the utmost excitement is constantly kept alive on the subject of the means and regulations affecting their supplies of those articles of comfort and luxury, for which the industry of the old world has not as yet, either with respect to cheapness or excellence, lost its preponderating importance. Next to the election of a President, the Tariff question has ever been one of the most weighty matters in the catalogue of American politics, and a bone of contention between all parties, for some years past. With the view of providing for the payment of the interest on, and the eventual liquidation of, the national debt, contracted chiefly during the wars with Great Britain, Congress obtained the power of regulating the imports by a scale of duties. Under the shield of the protecting influence of these duties, whose gradual increase weighed more and more heavily upon foreign commerce, a number of manufactories have sprung up in the northern, and more particularly in the New England States, all more or less thriving in proportion to the magnitude of the tax imposed upon the article produced by their respective competitors abroad. It must be admitted that those who are desirous of rendering the United States of America as much a manufacturing country, as their territorial extent and physical resources have marked them out for agricultural purposes, cannot but wish for the extension of the National Debt to an indefinite period, inasmuch as, so long as it exists, domestic industry could not, at least in some essential branches, become deprived of the necessary degree of fostering protection. However, matters have been decided otherwise by the course of events. The importance itself of the revenue, which is derived chiefly from the duties on importations, powerfully assisted by the rapid increase of the national prosperity, has contributed to produce a consummation of the original object much sooner than could have been anticipated. By a notice from the Secretary of the Treasury dated 21st July, 1832, it appears, that after the 1st January, 1833, the whole funded debt of the United States will be reduced to 6,962,660 dollars, 27 cents, and at no distant period after that, be entirely extinct, in the event of the 7,000,000 dollars, vested in the United States Bank, with the profits accruing therefrom, becoming, as there is no doubt they will, available. It is further to be observed, that in proportion as the population and relations of the United States have extended themselves, the local interests of the different states have become more distinctly marked out, and more deeply felt. Thus, some of the southern States, which, by their climate, soil, and preponderating black population, are essentially OF THE UNITED STATES. 19 agricultural, without a hope of ever, or at least, not for centuries, becoming manufacturing States, now advocate the principle of “nulli- fication,” or abolition of all Tariff laws;–showing by the opinions of political economists, that it was, not the foreign manufacturer, nor the consumer at home, but the grower of the domestic produce which was given in exchange for foreign commodities, who is sacrificed by the effects of the Tariff, to the benefit of the manufacturers in the northern States; and moreover, that congress had by the extinction of the national liabilities lost its legislative powers respecting imports. The northern States on the other hand, as clamourously insist, not only upon the continuance of the late protections, but even upon a further increase of duties, claiming their right of being protected from utter ruin, and demonstrating that, in acceding to their wishes, government would render the United States truly independent of foreign nations. It cannot be denied that the Tariff has become a question of the utmost difficulty and delicacy, and certainly of a very ungrateful nature for those who are called upon to legislate respecting it. A committee appointed in 1832, for the purpose of investigating its merits and bearings, could not agree upon a report. An able report was however drawn up by Mr. Adams, and submitted by him to congress. The views therein stated form the basis of the new Tariff of 14th July, 1832, which will come into force on 3d March, 1833. For an alphabetical arrangement of this Tariff, and an official comparison of the same with the results of the former imposts, the reader is referred to the following pages. It will be observed that, with a view to conciliate all parties, a middling course has been adopted in the modifications allowed to take place after the period mentioned, which, as it does not fully meet the wishes of any, seems to incur more or less the dissatisfaction of all. It is of course not the purport of the present work to venture an opinion on the merits of the American Tariff in its present modified form, nor to examine the probability of its duration. After all, it might be as premature to risk a decided opinion on these points now, before its provisions have come into operation, as it would be to surmise, that the Tariff question will eventually lead to the breaking up of the federative system in America. The following particulars, explanatory of the customs’ regulations of the United States, as they will be in force from 3d March, 1833, will not be deemed superfluous by the shipper abroad. When goods are imported into the United States in foreign vessels, except those having a special treaty with the United States, which places D 2 20 THE REVENU E LAWS them on the footing of national vessels,” 10 per cent is to be added to the rates of duties on importations by American vessels. For example : if the duty is 20 per cent in American bottoms, it will be 22 per cent, if the importation takes place in foreign vessels not under treaty.t II. ADVAſ.ohem. DUTIES. Since 3d March, 1824, no goods, subject to an advalorem duty, are admitted to an entry, unless the true invoice, signed by the shipper, (the party who consigned or shipped the goods) be presented to the collector at the time of entry. The correctness of this invoice must be sworn to by the consignee, importer, or agent. In case of his not being the purchaser or owner of such goods, the invoice is required to be accom- panied by an affidavit to the same effect of the manufacturer or owner abroad. This affidavit is prescribed to be made before a consul or commercial agent of the U. S. abroad, (who is usually provided with the necessary printed forms for that purpose) or else before some public officer duly authorised to administer oaths in the country where the goods have respectively been purchased, and the same duly certified by the said consul, commercial agent, or public officer, and in the latter case such official certificate shall be authenticated by a consul or commercial agent of the United States : Provided, that if there be no consul or commercial agent of the United States, the required authentications shall be executed by a consul of a nation at the time in amity with the United States, if there be any such residing there; if there be none, it is to be made by two respectable resident merchants. In all cases where merchandize is liable to an advalorem duty, such duty is to be calculated on the nett-cost, or value at the place from whence it is imported, including commission and all charges, except freight and insurance. Hitherto 20 per cent were to be added to the prime cost so established, on importations from beyond the Cape of Good Hope, and 10 per cent if arriving from any other parts. This regulation however has been repealed by the Act of 14th July, 1832, and will therefore be discontinued after 3d March, 1833. Whenever goods, composed wholly or in part of wool or cotton, of similar kind, but different quality, are found in the same package, charged at an average price, it is the duty of the appraisers to adopt the * This law has been confirmed by Act of 14th July, 1832. * See page 10, also Treaties of Reciprocity, page 12. O F THE UN 1'I"E D STATES. 21 value of the best article contained in such package, and so charged, as the average value of the whole.* Advalorem Duties on Cottons.—All manufactures entirely or partly made of cotton, (excepting cotton twist, yarn, and thread,) pay 25 per cent advalorem ; but it is assumed that no such goods if white, can cost less than 30 cents the square yard, or 35 cents the square yard if dyed, coloured, printed, or stained.t If they actually cost less, they are charged 25 per cent on those minimum prices, or 74 cents per square yard on white, and 83 cents on coloured goods. A square yard, measuring of course 36 running inches, gives for every inch of width so nearly # cent, that in all calculations that proportion may be assumed. Therefore a print, 26 inches wide, may be said to cost 6% cents per yard duty. Cotton goods, costing above 30 and 35 cents respectively, per square yard, pay like all other articles, subject to an advalorem duty, adding charges and commission. Advalorem Duties on Woollens.—The Tariff coming into operation on 3d March, 1833, has abolished the complicated and deceptive method of computing the duty on broad-cloth, on a graduated scale of minimum prices, and fixes the duty henceforth at 50 per cent advalorem. The system of a valuation per square yard for the purpose of advalorem duty is however still retained in respect to plains, kerseys, and Kendal cottons, which are to pay duty at the rate of 5 per cent on a value of not less than 35 cents per square yard, and also in regard to different kinds of car- peting. To estimate the cost of the square yard, the lists are usually rejected from the widths, nor do the lists pay duty. Charges at the rate of 2 per cent are added to the cost, and the duty is subsequently charged on the amount of charges. No allowance for measure is ad- mitted. Flannels, bockings and baizes pay, as will be observed, a fixed rate per square yard, without reference to the value of the article, and worsted stuffs 10 per cent advalorem. Cotton or Prussian shawls with worsted fringes are by a late decision subject to the cotton square yard duty only. * Act of 14th July, 1832. t Acts of 22d May, 1824, and 14th July, 1832. 22 THE REVEN U E LAWS ESTIMATION OF FOREIGN COINS AND CURRENCIES, BY LA W. 28°.cts. Pound sterling of Great Britain, valued heretofore at 28°4.44 cts. will after 3rd March 1833, be taken at”. 4.80 Livre Tournois of France, 18; Guilder of the Netherlands, 40 Banco Mark of Hamburg, º e & tº 33} Real de Plata of Spain, º tº º tº tº • I () , Vellon , o te te iº º º 5 Milree of Portugal, e º tº º e º e 1.24 Tale of China, * * tº º e º º º 1.48 Pagoda of India, . de º tº e º e e 1.84 Rupee of Bengal or Bombay, e e º º º 50 Rixdollar of Denmark, . º * © º º º }.00 FSTIMATION BY CUST.O Mſ. 28.cts. Pezza of Leghorn, * º e º e º o 90.17% Florin of Trieste, . * o e º o º o 48 , Bohemia, º º wº e tº tº º 48 ,, Creveld, º * º e º e º 37+%% ,, Frankfurt on the Maine, e e tº º 40 , Nürenberg, . º sº º tº sº © 40 ,, Prussia, e º & º e o © 22:7; , Elberfeld of 60 parts, º e º * º 38 2, 3, 2, 20 × e tº º g to 36; , Leipzic, * & e e º e sº 48 , Augsburg, tº º tº & * e tº 48 ,, St. Gall, e º º e º e º 40Fſ, , Basle, . e e é e º tº t- 40; ºr Dollar of Sicily, . wº º º tº o * º 96.1%; , Saxony, © e sº º º * º 69 , Bremen, * e º º º o º 75 , Leipzic, e - * > e º o e 69 ,, Prussia, © e o º ſº e e 68.7% ºf , Elberfeld, e tº o © tº wº º 55 , Berlin, . º & • wº º º & 67 Zeckin of Leghorn, o º º e te e º 2.00 * Act of 14th July 1832. O F 'l"HE UNI"I"ED ST.YTES. 23 28, .cts. Lire of Tuscany and Florence, º º º . 64 to 1.00 ,, Genoa, * tº º * tº º e 6% to 1.00 Livre of Geneva, . te º © * * e © 29 ,, Neufchatel, º º º e e º e 261';s Crown of Tuscany, e º º º tº e º 1.05 Rouble of Russia, according to the exchange on London.— Francs, valued at I # per cent more than Livres, . º 18; III. SPECIFIC duTIES. Specific duties of so much per pound or per gallon, do not require any explanation as to the manner in which they are applied. Drafts allowed by the custom-house on all articles subject to duty by weight, viz: On any quantity of 1 cwt. . te tº º 1 lb. Do. above 1 , and not exceeding 2 cwts. . 2 ” Do. 2, 2 ×, 35 95 3 35 º 3 , Do. 2, 3 × 95 52 1() 55 e 4 » Do. 2, 10 , 35 55 18 35 e 7 2, Do. 2, 18 , 9 Tares allowed by law : On every chest of bohea tea, º º * te ſº 70 lb. 25 half do. do. . e e º e c 36 , quarter do. do. . º e wº & tº 20 , chest of Hyson or other green tea, the gross 25 35 weight of which is 70lb, . • º º 20 2, 39 box of other tea, not less than 50 or more than 70lb gross weight, e tº tº º te 18 , 55 If 80lb gross weight, . º º tº te 20 2, 35 From 80lb do. do. and upwards, e sº 22 2, On all other boxes of tea, according to the invoice, or actual weight thereof. » Sugar in casks, except loaf, . º e e º 12 per cent. » Do. boxes, . º º º º tº 15 × » Do. bags or matts, e º e te tº 5 2, » Do. boxes, candy, e e e tº e 10 2, 2, Cheese in hampers or baskets, e Q e e 10 2, » Do. boxes, gº & © º tº © 20 2, 2, Candles do. e e e º e e 8 35 2, Chocolate do. º e © º º e 10 25 24 THE REVENU E LAWS On Cotton in bales, * tº sº ſº & º 2 per cent. , Do. , serons, wº & º e tº e 6 » ,, Glauber salts in casks, te e º º e 8 , , Indigo in barrels, G * º º * - 12 2, 32 ,, , other casks, e tº wº * d 15 x, 35 2, 3, SerOnS, tº * tº tº ſº º 10 2, 33 , ,, bags or matts, * º º º º 3 , , Nails , casks, . º º º e • º 8 2, , Soap , boxes, . e to * © * & 10 , , Shot , casks, . º * º tº o e 3 , , Twine , do. º º tº º º tº º 12 , , do. 2, bales. . º o e © 3 , ,, All other goods paying a specific duty, invoice tare, or actual weight. On any of the preceding articles the importer may have the invoice tare allowed, if he makes his election at the time of entering the goods, and obtains the consent of the collector and naval officer. Allowances on liquids.-The act of 2d March 1799, grants to the im- porter an allowance of 2 per cent for leakage on the quantity which shall appear by the gauge to be contained in any cask of liquors subject to duty by the gallon; 10 per cent on all beer, ale and porter in bottles; and 5 per cent on all other liquors in bottles, to be deducted from the invoice quantity in lieu of breakage, or it is lawful to compute the duties on the actual quantity to be ascertained by tale, at the option of the importer, to be made at the time of entry. IV. RESTRICTIONs. No goods subject to duty, can be imported into the United States from sea in vessels of less than 30 tons burthen. Bottles in which ale, beer or porter is imported are free; those in which wine is imported are subject to the same duty as empty bottles. The duty on window glass, such as plate or crown, is to be calculated on the number of square feet in the whole surface as imported, and not upon the number of square feet of a given size, into which it might be Cut. By bars of copper or brass, free, is meant a solid mass hammered, and not fit for use until manufactured. Copper and brass in plates, free by the act of 1816, applies only to copper of a certain description suited for the sheathing of vessels. Copper bottoms, cut round or raised at the • OF THE UNITED STATES. 25 edge, copper-plates or sheets, commonly called brazier's copper, not suitable for the sheathing of ships, are considered, not as manufactures of copper, but as non-enumerated articles and are liable to a duty of 15 per cent. Iron articles are not considered as castings, unless imported in the state in which they came from the mould. No beer, ale or porter can be imported in casks of less capacity than 40 gallons beer measure; nor, if in bottles, in packages containing less than six dozen, under the penalty of forfeiting the same, together with the vessel in which they were imported. No refined or loaf sugar can be imported into the United States, except in vessels of at least 120 tons burthen, and in packages containing at least 600 lbs. under the same penalty as the preceding. No distilled spirits, (except arrack brandy in casks of not less capa- city than 15 gallons, and sweet cordials) can be imported in casks or vessels of less capacity than 90 gallons wine measure, on pain of forfeiture as above. V. Ten Ms of credit For DUTIES. By the Act of congress of 14th July, 1832, the different credits hitherto allowed for the payment of duties on imports are abolished from and after 3d March 1833, and in their stead, the following regulations are established. When the amount of duty on merchandize, wool, manufactures of wool, or of which wool is a competent part, excepted—shall not exceed 200 dollars, the same shall be paid in cash, without discount. If the amount of duties—with the foregoing exception as to wool and woollens,—shall exceed the sum of 200 dollars, it shall at the option of the importer, either be paid at once, or secured to be paid. If paid in cash, discount at the rate of 4 per cent per annum to be allowed. If security for the payment, satisfactory to the collector be offered, credit is granted by law, on one half of the amount for three, and on the other half, for sia, calendar months. The duties on wool, manufacturers of wool, or of which wool is a Component part, shall be paid in cash without discount, or, such mer- chandize shall at the option of the importer, be placed in the public stores, under bond, at his risk, subject to the payment of the customary storage and charges, and of interest at the rate of.6 per cent per annum, for the time it remains there, with the reservation, that the duty be paid, E 26 THE REVENU E LAWS one half in three, and the other half in six months, from the day of importation ; and further, that the importer may, at any time after the deposit of the goods is made, withdraw the whole or any part thereof, on paying the duties on such portion as may be withdrawn, besides the customary storage, charges, and interest. VI. DRAWBACKs. The warehousing or entrepôt system adopted by the United States, differs essentially from that existing in Great Britain. In England, the government places no faith in the trading community. They keep the goods under lock and key, until the duty be paid, or the goods be re- exported. In America, the government very wisely acts upon a different principle. It being a comparatively young country, every possible facility is granted to the fair trader with the view to promote the national rise and prosperity, thereby involving in some measure the revenue itself in the issue of mercantile enterprises. Thus the government of the United States has hitherto not only entrusted the custody of the goods to the merchant, but also materially assisted his operations by a most liberal system of credit, in the item of duties on imports; thereby throwing an additional capital of about 20 millions of dollars, into the channels of his proverbial spirit of enterprise, and likewise giving every reasonable facility, as regards drawbacks. The duties on goods, paid, or secured to be paid, are returned, on the re-exportation thereof, provided such goods have not been landed more than three years, and that they do not consist of foreign dried, or pickled fish, or other salt provisions, nor of playing cards or chain cables. The following restrictions must be noted:* To be entitled to drawback, the duties to be recovered on the re- exportation of the goods on which they have been paid or secured, must amount to at least 50 dollars, by one vessel, at the same time, and by the same person; and the merchandize be in the original state and package with their original marks, numbers, wrappers, &c., but they may be repacked with the permission of the collector. Drawback is not allowed on goods which shall have been imported in foreign vessels, not under treaty of reciprocity with the United States. Drawback will not be allowed on goods exported to any place immediately adjoining the United States, except to places westward and * All enactments affecting drawback are confirmed by Act of 14th July, 1832. OF THE UNITE I) STATES. 27 southward of Louisiana, and to the north-west coast of America, nor in any case, when exported in vessels of less than 30 tons burthen. No allowance of drawback is made on the additional duties, paid on goods, imported in vessels not of the United States, or belonging to a nation not enjoying the privilege of reciprocity. Wines and spirits, to be entitled to drawback (or debenture, as it is more frequently called,) must be kept in the public store, or under a custom-house key, and may be shipped coastwise, without losing the benefit of drawback. Drawback is allowed on Sugar refined in the United States from foreign sugar, provided the drawback shall amount to 12 dollars on one exportation. There is retained by the custom-house from the amount of the duties on goods exported with the benefit of drawback,-other than spirits, 2} per cent, and from the amount of spirits, 2 cents per gallon, besides 3 per cent on the amount of duties. Within twenty days after the clearance of the vessel, the exporter of merchandize must swear to the exportation, and give a bond that they shall not be landed in any port or place, within the limits of the United States, or lose the drawback. In order to redeem this bond, a landing certificate from the place of destination, attested by a consul or commercial agent of the United States, must be produced within a reasonable time, under pain of returning the recovered drawback. UNITED W II. THE TARIFF STAT ES OF THE O F AM ERICA, As AMENDED JULY 1.4TH, 1832, TO COME INTO OPERATION ON THE 3 RD OF A Absynth, a cordial. gal. Acetate of lead, or white lead, dry, or ground in oil. pound. Acid sulphuric, or mu- riatic . . . . . . . . . . do. Do. tartaric, in crystals or powder... per cent. Do. muriatic . . . . . . do. Adzes. . . . . . . . . . . do. Ale, beer, or porter, in bottles.. . . . . . gallon. Do. do. otherwise than in bottles . . . . . . . do. Alcornoque bark. free. Almonds. . . . . . . . free. Aloes . . . . . . . . . . free Alum. • . . . . . . . CWt. Amber. . . . . . . . . . free Ammoniac, bole. . free. Ambergris . . . . . . free. Anatomical prepara- tions ... . . . . . . free. Anniseed . . . . . . . . free. Angola, goat's wool or hair . . . . . . . . . . free. 2& 15 30 2O 15 50 53 MARCH, 1833. Cents. 53 Animals for breeding, or not for breeding. free. Antimony, Regulus of free. Antiquities, all collec- tions of, specially im- ported . . . . . . . . free. Do. do. not specially imported, according to materials. . . . . . . . Anvils and anchors, and all parts thereof, ma- nufactured in whole or in parts. . . pound. Any articles of the growth or manufac- ture of the United States, exported to a foreign country and returned, on which no drawback, allow- ance or bounty has been given by the United States’ Cus- toms. . . . . . . . . free Anchovies, in bottles, per cent. Do. in kegs . . . . . . free. 15 Cents. TII E TAR1 FF, &c. 29 Apparatus, philosophi- cal, specially import- ed for societies, col- leges, schools. . free. Apparel, wearing, and other personal bag- gage in use. . . . . free. Apples, pine . . . . .free. Aquafortis. . . . per cent. Articles, all, composed wholly or chiefly of gold, silver, pearl, and precious stones per cent. Do. manufactured of copper, or of which copper is the princi- pal material, not otherwise enumerat- ed. . . . . . . . per cent. Do. imported for the use of the United States . . . . . . . . free. Artificial flowers. per ct. Arrack . . . . . . . . gallon. Arrow-root. . . . . . free. Assafoedita. . . . . . free. Avaroot . . . . . . . . free, Awl-hafts. ... per cent. Axes • * c e C & G & e º 'º a do. Bacon . . . . . . . . pound Baftas, see Cottons. Baggage, personal, in the actual use of per- Sons arriving in the United States... free. Bagging, cotton, sq. yd. Baizes . . . . . . . . . . do. Balsam, Tolu, and all other . . . . . . . . free. Bandanas, from beyond 28. 25 25 25 30 cents. 57 the Cape of Good Hope. . . . . . per cent. Other places . . . . do. Bang-ups, see Cotton, Barilla. . . Bark of cork-tree, un- tº ſe tº a º e free. manufactured. . free. Do. I’eruvian and allme- dical barks. Barley . . . . . per cent. . . . . free. Barrege, according to materials. Baskets, wood or osier. per cent. DO. grass or straw, do. Do. palm leaf .... free. Beads, of composition, wax, amber, and all others not enumerat- ed . . . . . . . . per cent. Do. of glass, cut... do. and pound. Do. not cut... per cent. and pound. Bed-ticking, flax or cot- ton. . . . . . . . per cent. Beef. . . . . . . . . pound. Bellows. . . . . . per cent. Bells . . . . . . . . . . . do. Belts, Swords, with gold or silver thread, done with the needle. per cent. Berries and nuts, used in dyeing . . . . . . free. Do. juniper . . . . . . free. Bichromate of potash. per cent. Bindings, woollen or worsted. . . . per cent. Birds .. Black, ivory. . . . . . free. Black lead, unmanufac- tured. . . . . . . . . . free. Do. pencils . . per cent. . . . . . free. 1O 5 25 30 20 25 25 25 25 Cents. 30 TARIFF' T II E Blacksmith's hammers and sledges ... pound. Bladders . . . . . . . . free. Blankets, the cost not exceeding 75 cents each . . . . . . per cent. Being above 75 cents each . . . . . . per cent. Bleaching powders.free. Boards, wood. per cent. Bobbinet lace. . . . . . do. Bobbinwire, see Wire. Bockings. . . . sq. yard. Bole, ammoniac ... free. Bolting cloths. percent. Bombazeens, see Silks and Worsted. do. Bombazetts . . . . . . do. Bone, whale, of Ame- rican fisheries ... free. Do. other do... per cent. Do. manufactures of do. Bonnets or Hats of Leghorn, straw, chip or grass, and all flats, braids, or plaits, for making hats or bon- nets . . . . . . per cent. Books specially im- Do. printed previously to the year 1775, and also all books printed in other languages than English, Latin, or Greek. . . . volume. Do. blank. ... per cent. Do. Latin or Greek, un- less printed prior to 1775, if bound, pound. Do. do. if not bound. do. Do. all others, bd. do. Do. in sheets or bas.do. Boots or bootees... pair. 28- 15 10 10 30 30 Cents. 2 # 16 Botany, specimens il- lustrative of.... free. Box-boards, paper. pd. Boxes, shell, or paper, per cent. Do. Japan or wood. do. Bracelets, hair . . . . do. Brads, not exceeding 16 ounces to the thou- sand. . . . . . thousand. Do. exceeding do... pd. 1st and 2d Proof . . . . . . gallon. Do. 3d. do....... do. Do. 4th. do... . . . . do. Do. 5th. do. . . . . . do. Brandy, Brass, manufactures of, if not otherwise spe- cified, or of which brass is a component material... per cent. Brass in pigs, bars, plates, or old, fit only to be manufactured. free. Brass nails ... per cent. Brazil paste...... free. Brazier's rods. . pound. Bricks. . . . . . per cent. Bridles. . . . . . . . . . do. Brimstone. .......free. Britannia metal ware. per cent. Bristles. . . . . . .pound. Brooms, hair or palm leaf . . . . . . . per cent. Brushes of all kinds. do. Buckram . . . . . . . . . do. Bugles (a kind of glass beads). . . . . . pound. and per cent. Bullion. . . . . . . . . free, | Burgundy pitch ... free. 15 25 I 5 25 15 30 25 15 25 15 13 30 26 50 2O cents. 53 57 63 72 85 (). F 3 l 'I' II E Ul N I'I' E L STATES. Burlaps. . . . . . per cent. Burrstones, not manu- factured . . . . . . free. Busts of marble, metal or plaster. . . . . . free. Butter . . . . . . . . pound. Button mould, bone or pearl, without shanks per cent. Buttons of worsted. do. Do. of silk. . . . . . . . do. shell, horn, or bone. . . . do. Do. of ivory, Do. of iron, steel, pew- ter, brass, tin, or wood . . . . . . . . . do. Do. gilt or plated ... do. Do. gold or silver... do. Do. glass, – same as glass. C Cabinet wares. per cent. Cabinets of coins, of gold and silver... free. Do. of copper. per cent. Cables and tarred . . . . . . .pound. cordage, Do. do. untarred ... do. Do. do. made of grass or bark . . . . . . . . do. Do. do. iron, or parts thereof, or chains of manufactured in whole or in part. do. Calomel. . . . . . percent. Camel's hair pencils. free. Camblets, see Stuffs, Cambrics, see Cotton, and Linen. Camomile flowers. free. Camphor, crude ... free. Do. refined.... pound. Candles, tallow.... do. Do. Spermaceti. . . . do. 3. 15 10 5 30 15 Cents. 12 Candles, wax... pound. Canella alba, or Win- ter's bark . . . . . . free. Canes, walking-sticks. per cent. Cantharides. . . . . . free. Canton Silks. Caps, for women. p. ct. crapes, SCC Do. of wool, fur or leather . . . . per cent. Do. of other materials, not for women... do. Cap-wire, see Wire. Carbonate of soda. p. ct. Do. of magnesia. . . do. Cards, playing ...pack. Do, visiting.. . . . pound. Do. wool and cotton. per cent. Carmine . . . . . . . . .free. Carpets, and carpeting, Brussels, Wilton, and treble ingrained. sq. yard. Do. all other ingrained, and Venetian. . . . do. Do. all others, except matting. . . . per cent. Carriages, and parts thereof. . . . . . . . . do. Cascarilla bark . . . free. Casement rods, slit or rolled. . . . . . . pound. Cashmere of Thibet. per cent. Do. Shawls . . . . . . free. Cassia, lignea, buds, or fistula . . . . . . . . free. Castañas . . . . . . . . free. Cast iron vessels, not otherwise specified. pound. Castings of iron, not specified . . . . . . . . do. l 5 l 5 30 15 Cents. 6 30 15 63 35 "I"HE TA R H F F Casts of bronze or plaister. . . . . . . . free. Castor oil . . . .gallon. Caoutchouc. . . . . free. Catsup . . . . . . . . . free, Caulking-mallets. p. ct. Cement, Roman. . . . do. Chafing dishes, copper. per cent. Chairs . . . . . . . . . . . . do Chalk, . . . . . . . . . . free Charts, specially im- ported . . . . . . . . free. Checks, see Cotton, also Linen. Cheese. . . . . . . pound. Chemical preparations, not otherwise enu- merated, . . . . . . free. China-ware... per cent. Chip hats, bonnets. do. Chisels, sockets. . . do. Chloride of lime. . . . do. Chromate of potash. do. Chrome yellow... free. Chocolate. . . . . . pound. Cider, same as Ale. Cigars. . . . . . thousand. Cinnamon... . . . . . free. Circassians, see Stuffs. Clay, manufactd... free. Clocks. . . . . . . per cent. Cloth, see Woollens. Clothing, ready made. per cent. Cloth rags of any kind. free. and oil of. free. Coach laces. . per cent. Coach and harness fur- niture. . . . . . . . . . do. Coal... . . . . . . . bushel. Coal hods, iron. p. cent. Do. copper. . . . . . . . do. Cloves, 25 35 30 Cénts. 40 Cocoa-nuts . . . . . . free. Cochineal. * & º e < e < free. Coculus indicus ... free. Cod-fish, dry. . . . . cwt. Coffee. . . . . . . . . . . free. Cologne water. percent. Columbo root. . . . free. Colours, water. . . . free. Combs, ivory, horn or shell. . . . . . . per cent. Do. iron, lead, copper, brass or wood.... do. Comfits, preserved in brandy or sugar... do. Coney wool. . . . . . free. Confectionary, preserv- ed in sugar or bran- dy . . . . . . . . per cent. Other confectionary.free Copal gum. . . . . . . free. Copper vessels, and all manufactures of cop- per, not otherwise specified....per cent. Do. for sheathing ships. free. Do. braziers’....pound. Copperas . . . . . . . . cwt. Cordage, yarn, twine, pack - thread and Seines untarred ... pa. Do. do, Cordials. . . . . . . .gallon tarred... do. Coriander seed . . . . free Corks . . . . . . . . . pound Cork bark. . . . . . . free Cosmetics. . . . per cent. Corrosive sublimate.do. Cotton . . . . . . . . pound. Do. all manufactures of, or of which cotton is a component part, except cotton-twist, and thread. per cent. 25 25 yarn, 28° 15 25 25 25 25 15 Celli S. : 12 () F 33 "I" H E UNITE I) STATES. Provided, that all ma- nufactures of cotton, or of which cotton shall be a component part, not dyed, co- loured, printed or stained, and not excs. in value 30 cts. the square yard, shall be valued at 30 cents the square yard; and if coloured, printed or stained, in whole or part, and not exceed- ing in value 35 cents the square yard, shall be valued at 35 cents the square yard; — except nankeens im- ported direct from China, which are to pay 20 per cent ad valorem. Cotton, yarn, twist or thread. . . . . . per cent Provided, that all un- bleached and unco- loured cotton yarn, twist or thread, the original cost of which shall be less than 60 cents per pound, shall be deemed and taken to have cost 60 cents per pound, and shall be charged with duty accordingly; and pro- vided further, that all Cotton yarn, twist and thread, bleached or coloured, the ori- ginal cost of which shall be less than 75 Cents per pound, shall be deemed and taken to have cost 75 cents i i | 2& Cents. the pound, and be charged with duty ac- cordingly. Cotton-bagging...sq.yd. Creas a la Morlaix. per cent. Crayon, lead pencils.do Cubebs. . . . . . . . . . frce. Currants. . . . . . . . . . do, Cutlery, not specifically mentioned. . per cent. Cutting knives ... . . do. Demijohns . . . . . each. Diamonds. . . . per cent. Diapers, linen and hemp . . . . . . . . . . do. Dimity, see Cottons. Down, of all kinds..do. Dragon’s blood. ... free Drawings, paintings.do Drawing-knives. p. cent. Drillings, linen.... do. Drugs for dyeing and materials for compos- ing dyes, all medici- nal drugs, not other- wise specified, (ex- cept tartar emetic, Rochelle salts, phate of quinine, ca- lomel, corrosive su- blimate, sulphate of manganese, muriatic sul- or sulphuric acid, re- fined salpetre, blue vitriol, carbonate of soda, red and white lead, litharge or Sugar of lead). . . . . . . . free Duck, sail. . . . per cent. Dyewoods. . . . . . . . free F 25 25 Cents. 3 # 34 TARIFF THE E. Earth, brown, red, blue, dry, being considered as ochre. . . . . . pound Do. do. in oil. . . . do. Earthenware... per cent. Elephants' teeth... free Embroidery, done with a needle and with thread of gold or sil- Velſ. . . . . . . . per cent. Emery . . . . . . . . . . free Enamel. . . . . . per cent. Engravings... . . . . . free Epsom salts..... pound Epaulettes of gold and silver. . . . . . . . . free. Essences, bergamote, lemon, lavender, orange, rose, otto of rOSCS, rosemary, thyme, tyre, and all other essences used as perfumes . . per cent. Do. not so used. . . .free Fans . . . . . . . . per cent. Feathers, ornament...do Do. for beds. . . . ... do. Felt, adhesive, for co- vering ships’ bottoms. free. Felts or hat bodies, wholly or in part of wool. . . . . . . . . . each Fiddles. . . . . . per cent. Figs. . . . . . . . . . . . . free Filberts. free Files . . . . . . . . per cent. Filtering stones. . . free. Fire-arms, except mus- kets and rifles. . p ct. Fish, foreign caught, 20 15 : . l 5 30 25 30 Cents. ! 18 and dry or Smoaked.. cwt. Fish do. mackarel. . bl. Do. do. Salmon..do. Do. do. all other Do. of the fisheries of the United States or territories . . . . . . free Flannels . . . . sq. yard. Flax, manufactured.free Do. manufactures of, and of hemp not otherwise specified, and excepting yarn and cordage, tarred or untarred, Tecklen- burgh's, Osnabrück's and burlaps, bleached and unbleached li- IlêIlS . . . . . . per cent. Flints . . . . . . . . . . free. Floor cloths, stamped, printed or painted. . sq. yard. Floor mattings, usually made of flags or other materials. . per cent. Flour, wheat . . . . cwt. Flowers, artificial.p.ct. Frames or sticks for umbrellas or parasols per cent. Frankincense . . . . free. Fur-hats . . . . . . . . . do. J)0, caps. . . . . . . . . . do. Furs, dressed. . . . . . do. Do. undressed . . .free. G. Galloons, of silk... p.ct. Galls, nuts . . . . . . free. Gamboge . . . . . . . . free. Gilt ware . . . . per cent. Gin, 1st proof... gallon. Do. 2d do . . . . . . . . do. 25 25 25 cents. 00 50 OO OO | 6 43 50 57 60 OF THE UNITED STATES. Gin. 3d proof. . . . . . do 1)o. 4th do. . . . . . . . do. Do. 5th do. . . . . . . . do. Do. above 5th do ... do. Gin cases . . . . per cent. Do. bottles, when im- ported in the cases. . gross. Ginger . . . . . . . . . . free. Ginghams, see Cottons, Glass, window, not a- bove 8 by 10 inches. 100 sq. feet. Do. 10 by 12 do ... do. If 10 by 12 do . . . . do. Do. in plates uncut.do. Do. apothecaries’ phials and bottles, exceed- ing the capacity of 6, and not exceeding 16 oz. each. . . . . . gross. Do. all perfumery and fancy phials and bot- tles, not exceeding the capacity of 4 oz. each... . . . . . . . . . do. Do. exceeding 4 oz. and not exceeding 16 oz. gross. Do. on all wares of cut glass, not specified. pound. and ad valor...per ct. Do. on all articles, not specified . . . . pound. and ad valor. . per ct. Do. bottles, black, not exceeding one quart. gross. Do. do, exceeding...do. Do. demijohns ... each. Gloves, woollen. . p.ct. Glue. . . . . . . . . . pound Goats’ hair, wool, or raw skins . . . . . . free Gold dust and coin..do. 2& . 30 2O Cents. 63 50 25 25 ()0 50 25 Gold leaf. . . . Grapes. . . . . . . . . . free. per cent. Grass ropes . . . . pound Grind stones. . . . .free. Gum arabic or senegal, and all other gums . free. H. Hair cloth and seating. per cent. Do. unmanufactol. free. Do. human, not made up for head dresses. per cent. Do. do. manufactured, belts . . . . . . . . . . . do Do. pencils . . . . . . free. Do. powder . . per cent. Hammers, blacksmith’s pound. Do. all others.per cent. Hams . . . . . . . . pound. Hangings, paper... p.ct. Hardware, not other- wise specified.... do. Harness and coach fur- niture . . . . . . . . . . do. Haarlem oil. . . . . . free. Hartshorn . . . . . . . . do Hatchets . . . . per cent. Hat bodies or felt.each. Hats, fur, leather or woollen. ... per cent. Do. silk or palm leaf.do Do. leghorn, chip, grass Or Straw. . . . . . . . do. Hemlock . . . . . . . . free. Do. manufactures of, or of flax, not otherwise specified and except- ing yarn and cordage, tarred and untarred, Tecklenburghs, Os- 1 5 40 25 30 30 30 30 40 Cents. 5 2 } 18 OO F 2 36 TAR IFF THE nabrücks and bur- laps . . . . . . per cent. Henbane . . . . . . . . free. Hides, raw . . . . . . free. Do. tanned . . per cent. Honey . . . . . . . . . . free. Hooks, reaping, iron or steel . . . . . . per cent. Horns. . . . . . . . . . free. 1 terns. . . . . . . . . . free. Hosiery, woollen, linen, and cotton. . per cent. Hydrometers. . . . . . do. I. Implements of trade be- longing to persons arriving in the United States . . . . . . . . free. India rubber, or caout- . . . . free. Indigo . . . . . . per cent. Ink and inkpowder.free Instruments, chouc. . . . specially imported. . . . . . free. Do. philosophical, ac- cording to the mate- rials of which they are made. Do. musical, of wood, brass or copper. . do. Ipecacuanha . . . . .free. Iron in bars or bolts, not manufactured in whole or in part by rolling, also all iron in slabs, blooms, or other forms less fir nished than iron in bars or bolts, and more advanced than pig iron, except cast- ... cwt. Do. bar and bolt, made 25 30 30 25 20 30 cents. 90 wholly or in part by rolling . . . . . . . . ton. Iron in pigs. . . ... cwt. Do. cast, vessels of, with or without ap- pendages of wrought iron, such as handles, hoops, &c. not other- wise specified...pound Do. all other castings of, not otherwise spe- cified . . . . . . . . . . do. Do. round or braziers’ rods of 3-16th to 8-16th of an inch diameter inclusive, and on iron in nail or spike rods, or nail plates, slit, rolled or hammered, and iron in sheets and hoop iron, and on iron, slit, rolled or ham- mered for band-iron, scroll-iron or case- ment rods . . . . . . do. Do. Scrap or old,—all pieces of iron, except old, of more than 6 inches in length, or of sufficient length to be made in spikes, or bolts, to be rated ac- cordingly as bar bolt, rod or hoop iron.ton. Do, manufactures, or of which iron is a component part (not otherwise specified). per cent. Do. manufactures of, partly finished, same as entirely finished. Do. or steel wire, not exceeding No. 14.. pound. 30 12 25 Cents. ()0 50 | # 50 OF THE UNITED STATES. 37 Iron do. exceeding No. 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . do. Do. square wire used for the manufacture of stretchers for um- brellas, and cut in pieces, not exceeding the length used for that purpose... p. cent Iron spikes. . . . pound. Do. nails, cut or wrought. . . . . . . . do. Do, tacks, brads and sprigs, not exceeding 16 oz. to the thou- sand. . . . . . thousand. Do. exceeding 16 oz. do. . . . . . . . . . pound. Do. anvils and anchors, and all parts thereof manufactured, in whole or in part...do. Do. cables or chains, or parts thereof, manu- factured in whole or in part, without be- nefit of drawback.. pound. Do. mill-cranks and mill-irons of wrought Do. mill-saws.... each Do, blacksmith's ham- mers and sledges.. pound. Do, axes, adzes, hat- chets,drawing-knives, cutting-knives, sick- les or reaping-hooks, Scythes, spades, sho- Vels, squares of iron or steel, plated, brass and polished steel saddlery, coach and harness furniture of all descriptions, steel- i 2& 12 Cents. 2 # yards, scale-beams, socket-chisels, vices and screws of iron, called wood screws. per cent. All articles manufactur- ed in whole of sheet, rod, hoop, bolt, bar iron, or of iron wire, or of which sheet, rod, hoop, bolt or bar iron, or iron wire, shall constitute the greatest weight, and which are not other- wise specified, shall pay the same duty that is charged on sheet, rod, hoop, bolt or bar iron, or iron wire of the same number respectively, but the duty is in no case to be less than. Isinglass . . . . . . . free. Ivory, unmanufact...do. J. Japanned ware of all kinds, not otherwise specified....per cent. Japanned saddlery...do. Jean, see Cotton. Jewellery, gold, set or not Set . . . . . . do. Do. false or gilt... do. Juice of lemons, oran- ges and limes... free. Juniper berries . . . . do. Kendal cottons, wholly of wool, and not ex- 30 25 Cents. 38 THE TARIFF ceeding in cost 35 cents per square yd. per cent. Kerseys, composed wholly of wool, and not exceeding in cost 35 cents per Sq. yd. per cent. Kerseys or kersey- meres, costing above 35 cents per sq. yd. per cent. Kermes... . . . . . . free. Kettles, materials. according to Lace veils. . . . per cent. Do, thread and bobbi- net. . . . . . . . . . . do. Do. coach. . . . . . . do. Lampblack. . . . . . . . do. Lapis, caliminaris, free. Lard. . . . . . . . . pound. Laudanum. . . . . . . free. Lead, old and scrap, pound. Do. pigs, bars, Shts...do. Do. shot. . . . . . . . . do. Do. red or white, dry or ground, in oil. do. Do. manufactured into pipes. . . . . . . . . . . do. Do. black. . . . . . . free. Do. pencils. . per cent. Do, sugar of lead. pound. Do. all manufactures, not otherwise speci- fied... . . . . . . per cent. Leaf gold. . . . . . . . . do. Do. silver . . Leather, and all manu- factures of, not other- wise specified. . . . do. 5 50 25 30 Cents. Leghorn hats and bon- nets,. . . . . . . . . . do. Lemons, and juice and peel of lemons, free. Levantine, see Silk. Limes, and juice of limes.. . . . . . . . . free. Linens, bleached or un- bleached.... per cent. Linsey woolsey, sq. yd. Liquors or cordials, gal. Liquorice. . . . . . . . free. Lithographic stones, per cent. Loaf sugar.... pound. Logwood. . . . . . . . free. Looking-glasses, not silvered. . . . . pound. and adval. per cent. Do. glass plates, sil- wered. . . . . . . . . . do. Lump sugar.... pound. Lustring, see Silks. M. Mace, and oil of, free. Madder and madder root. . . . . . . . . . free. Mahogany. . . . . . . free Malt... . . . . . . per cent. Manganese, sulphrate of... . . . . . . . . . . . ... do. Manna . . . . . free. Manufactured tobacco, other than snuff and cigars. . . . . . . pound. Manufactures of the United States and its territories. . . . . . free. Manufactures of brass, copper, iron, steel, pewter, or tin, not otherwise enumerat- which either of these metals ed, or of 30 2O 15 15 cents. 53 12 10 10 OF 39 "THE UNITED STATES. is a component mate- rial, see Iron. p. cent. Manufactures of cotton, see Cottons. Manufactures of silk, see Silk. Manufactures of wood, not otherwise speci- fied... . . . . . ... per cent. Manufactures of hemp or flax, except yarn, cor- dage, Tecklenburgh, Osnabrücks and bur- laps. . . . . . . per cent. Manufactures of wool, or of which wool is a component part, not otherwise enumerat- ed . . . . . . . . . . . . do. Maps, specially import- ... free. Marble, manufactured, per cent. Do. busts. . . . . . . . free. Do. unmanufactured, free. Mastic, gum . . . . . free. Materials for composing dyes, not otherwise enumerated. . . . free. Mathematical instru- ments, of gold or sil- Weſ. . . . . . . . per cent. Do. of ivory or bone. free. Do. of wood... per cent. Do. of brass, iron, or steel. . . . . . . . . . . do. e e g º º free. Matting made of flags * * * * * * or other material, per cent. Mattrasses....... free. Medals, specially im- ported . . free. * * * * * 28. 25 25 50 30 25 25 5 Cent S. Medals, otherwise.p.ct. Do. silver or gold, do. Medical drugs not spe- Mercury or quicksilver, and all preparations of it. . . . . . per cent. Merino shawls, made of wool. . . . . . . . . do. Do. Circassian ... p. ct. Metal, Britannia . . do. Do. busts. . . . . . . . free. Millboard paper, pound. Mill-cranks and mill- irons of wrought 1TOI). . . . . . . . . . . . do Mill-saws. . . . . . ... each Millinery, of all kinds, per cent. Mint copper, in any shape, imported for the use of the United States. . . . . . . . . free. Mineralogy, specimens illustrative of... free. Mits, or mittens, wool- len. . . . . . . . per cent. l).o. others,- as Cot- tons, or Silk. Models of machinery, and other inventions, free. Molasses. . . . . . gallon. Moreens. . . . . per cent. Morocco skins, .... do. Moss, all kinds. . . free. Mother o’pearl shell do. Muriatic acid, per cent. Musk. . . . . . . . . . . free. Muskets,. . . . per stand. Do. barrels,... per cent. Muslins, see Cottons. Musical instruments, per cent. Do. do. strings. . . free. Music, printed,. . . p.ct. 2& I 5 10 30 15 25 30 15 Cents. OO 5 50 "I" H E TARIFF Mustard. . . . . per cent. Myrrh, gum. . . . . . free. N. Nail rods slit. . . pound. Nails wrought. . . . . . . . do Do. brass . . . . per cent. Do. copper . . . . pound. Nankeens, direct from China . . Do. from other places, ... per cent. see Cottons. Natural history, speci- mens of . . . . . . . free Needles . . . . . . . . free. Nitrate of lead.... p.ct. Do. of potash. . pound. Do. unrefined, per cent. Norwich crapes. . . . do. Noyeau, eau de gallon. Nutmegs. . . . . . , free. Nuts and berries, used in dyeing, and nuts of all kinds. . . free. Nux vomica. . . . . . free. O. Oakum and junk.. free. Oats. . Oatmeal. . . . Ochre, dry. . . . . pound. Do. in oil. . . . . . . . ... do. Do. earth, brown, red, blue and yellow, to be considered as ... per cent. ochre . . . . . . . . . do. Oil, olive, in casks, gallon. Do. castor. . . . . . . . do. Do. hempseed and lin- seed, in casks. . . . do. Do. Spermaceti of fo– reign fisheries.... do. iron, cut or 2& I 5 20 12! 2 | O 15 Cent S. 5 53 10 # 20 40 25 35 Oil of vitriol, or sul- phuric acid. . pound. Do. whale and others, not sperm of foreign fisheries. . . . per cent. Do. Salad . . . . . . . . do. Do. palm. . . . . . . free. Do. Haarlem . . . . free. Do. of juniper, anniseed, cloves and almonds, free. Do. essential—see Es- SCI). CeS. Oil-cloths, other than that usually denomi- nated patent floor- cloth, – see Floor- cloths, . . . . sq. yard. Old brass, copper, pew- ter, or silver, if fit only to be manu- factured, . . . . . . free. Old junk. . . . . . . . free. Onions. . . . . . . . . . free. Olives. . . . . . . . . . free. Opium. . . . . . . . free. Oris-root. . . . . . . . free Oranges . . . . free Ore . . . . . . . . . . . . free. Orchella weed, per cent. Ornaments for head dresses. . . . . . . . . do. Osnabrücks, less than 26 inches wide, ... do. Ox-horns, and all other horns and tips. . free. P. Packthread. . . . Paint-brushes, per cent. pound. Painters’ colours. . free. Paintings and drawings, Paints, not enumerated, and not used princi- pally as dyeing drugs or materials. ... free. 15 15 25 15 25 cents. OF 41 THE UNITED STATES. Paper, antiquarian, de- my, drawings, fools- cap, imperial, me- post, pith, and writing, dium, royal, pound. Do. bank-post folio, and quarto post. . . . . . do. Do. blotting, cartridge, copying, fancy co- loured,fuller's boards, glass, gold leaf, paper- makers’ boards, mo- rocco, pasteboards, pressing do. sand or tissue. . . . . . . . . . do. Do. copperplate, print- ing, or stainers... do. Do. binders’ boards, box boards, boards, sheathing or wrapping . . . . . . do. Do. hanging, per cent. Parasols, of whatever mill- materials made.. do. Parchment. . . . . . . . do. Paris white . . . . pound. Paste, Brazil..... free. Do, imitations of pre- cious stones. . . . free. Do. work, that is set in gold or silver, per ct. Pastel, or woad, ... free. Pencils, blacklead, p. ct. Pencils, hair..... free. Penknives, ... per cent. Pens, of metal, . . . . do. Do. gold or silver ... do. Do, or quills, prepared, do. Pepper, black . . . . free. Do. Cayenne... pound. Perfumery.... per cent. Do. Soap....... ... do. Personal apparel or wearing of persons & 40 25 25 25 25 25 12 15 15 15 cents 17 20 15 1() 15 arriving in the United States, their tools and implements of trade. free. Peruvian bark . . . . do. Perry . . . . . . . . gallon. Pewter, all manufac- tures of, or of which pewter is a compo- nent part, or mate- rials, not otherwise specified.... per cent, Piano-fortes . . . . . . do. Pickles. . . . . . . . . . ... do. Pictures. . . . . . . . . free. Pimento . . . . . . . . . do. Pine apples . . . . . . do. Pink root . . . . . . . . do. Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . do. Pipes, clay—for smok- ing. . . . . . . . . ..free. Pistols . . . . . . per cent. Pitch, Burgundy ... free. Plains, composed wholly of wool, and not ex- ceeding in cost 35 cents, per sq. yd., see Woollens Plaits, of straw, grass, &c. for making bon- ... per cent. nets, . . . . . . . . . . do. Plaids, according to the materials. Planks . . . . . . per cent. Plane irons. . . . . . . do. Plants . . . . . . . . . . free. Plaster of Paris . . . do. Do. for busts and casts. do. Plate, battered, fit only to be manufactured. do. Plated ware of all kind, not otherwise enu- merated. . . . per cent. Platillas. . . . . . . . . do. 25 30 30 30 25 25 25 25 Cents. 42 THE TARIFF Platina. . . . . . . . . . free. Plated wire . . per cent. Plats for hats or bon- nets. . . . . . . . . . . . do Plough plates, as Bar iron. Pocket books, leather. . per cent. Pongees, see Silks. Porcelain . . . . per cent. Poplins . . . . . . . . . do. Porter, in bottles... gal. Do. not in do. . . . . . do. Potatoes . . . . . . bushel. Powder, gun . . pound. Do. hair. . . . per cent. Precious stones, set or not, and all articles composed wholly or chiefly of . . . . ... do. Do. glass imitations.. pound. and ad valor p. ct. Do. Other imitations of. free. Preparations, anatomi- cal . . . . . . . . . . . . do Preserves, in sugar or brandy. . . . per cent. Princettas. . . . . . . . do. Printed music . . . . do. Printing types . . . . do. Prints, on paper... free. Do, cotton, see Cottons Prunes. . . . . . . . . . free. Prussian blue . . . . p.ct. Prussiate of potash. . do Q. Quadrants. . . . per cent. Quercitron bark. ... do. Quicksilver. . . . . free. Quills, unprepared...do. Do. prepared or manu- factured. . . . per cent. 30 30 20 10 15 2O 25 1O 15 15 15 15 Cents. 2O 15 10 Quiltings, see Cottons. R. Rags, of any kind of cloth. . . . . . . . . . free Raisins, in jars or boxes, and all other. free. Ratafia . . . . . . . . gallon Rattans, unmanufac- tured . . . . . . . . . free Ratteens, see Stuffs. Razors. . . . . . per cent. Reaping hooks . . . . do. Red lead or white lead, dry or ground in oil. pound. Reeds, unmanufactured free. Regulus of antimony.. free. Rhubarb . . . . . . . . free Rice . . . . . . . . per cent. Rifles . . . . . . . . . . each Romals, see Cottons. Roots, bulbous... free. Rope, grass or bark,- see Cordage. . pound. Rosin . . . . . . . . . . . free Rotten stone . . . . . . do. Rouans . . . . . . per cent. Rum, 1st proof . . gal. Do. 2nd do. . . . . . . do. Do. 3rd do. . . . . . . . do. Do. 4th do. . . . . . . . do. S. Saddlery, common tinn- ed and japanned, of all descriptions... p.ct Do. plated brass and polished steel. . . . do. Saddles. . . . . . . . . . do. Sad irons . . . . . . . . do. Saffron. . . . . . . . . . free. Safilower . . . . . . . . do. 25 30 15 25 1 O 30 30 25 cents. 53 50 53 53 57 63 OF THE UNITED STATES. 43 Sal soda, or carbonate of soda. . . . . . . . . do. Salt . . . . . . 56 pounds. Do. crude, or mineral. per cent. Saltpetre, refined ... pd. Do. crude . . . . free. Salts, Rochelle... p.ct. Do. Glauber....pound. Do. Epsom . . . . . . . do. Sandal wood, even if ground. . . . . . . free. Sarsaparilla... . . . . do. Sauce, fish . . per cent. Saws, mill. . . . . each. Do. all others. . . . p.ct. Scales, Gunter's.... do. Scale beams . . . . . . do. Screws of iron, called woodscrews... ... do. Do. brass, see Brass. Sculpture, specimens of, specially imported .. free. Do, marble. . . . . . . do. Do, wood. . . . per cent. Scythes. . . . . . . . . . do. Seeds, canary, and all other . . . . . . . . free. Segars...... thousand. Seines...... ... pound. Senna......... ... free. Shawls, merino, made of wool.... per cent. Do. of silk and worst- ed . . . . . . . . . . . . do. Do. Cashmere, real or Thibet ........ free. Do. of silk, from beyond the Cape of Good Hope. . . . . . per cent. Do. do. from other places. . . . . . . . . . do 2& 15 15 15 15 15 25 25 30 30 25 30 50 Cent S. 10 OO 50 Shawls of cotton.. p.ct. Sheeting, Russia ... do. Do, other linen.... do. Do. cotton minimum cost price 30 cents, per sq. yard . . . do. Shellac. . . . . . . . . . free. Shirtings, -as Cottons or Linens. Shoes, of silk.... pair. Do. nankeen, prunelle and leather. . . . . . do. Do. for children... do. Shovels. . . . . . per cent. Silk, raw. . . . . . . do. Do. Sewing. . . . . . do. Do. manufactures of, or of which silk is a component part, from beyond the Cape of Good Hope. . . . . . do. Do. all other manufac- tures of, or of which silk is a component part, from other Sickles or reaping hooks do. Sinchews, see Silks.. Skins, raw or dressed. free. Do. tanned ... per cent. Slates of all kinds... do. Sledges, blacksmiths.. pound. Slippers, silk . . . . pair. Do. leather. . . . do. Do. children’s... do. Smalts. . . . . . . free. Snuff. . . . . . . . pound. Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . do. Do. perfumed... per cent Socket chisels . . . . do. º : : 30 12; 40 10 30 30 25 I () 15 30 15 30 Cents, 30 15 44 THE TARIFF Spanish brown, dry. . pound. Do. ground. . . . . . do. Spectacles, gold or sil- ver, mounted ... p.ct. Do. shell mounted, free. Do. metal do. . . . p.ct. Spelter . . . . . . . . . free. Spikes, iron.... pound. Spirits, distilled from grain, 1st proof. gall. Do. 2nd do . . . . . . do. Do. 3rd do . . . . . . do. Do. 4th do . . . . . . do. Do. 5th do . . . . . . do. Do. above 5th do... do. Do, distilled from other materials than grain, 1st and 2nd proof. gallon. Do. 3rd do. . . . . . . . do Do. 4th do. . . . . . . . do Do. 5th do. . . . . . . . do. Do. above 5th do... do. Sponges . . . . . . . . free. Spoons, iron, tin, pew- ter or plated . . p.ct. Sprigs, not exceeding to the thousand... thousand. Do. exceeding do. do. pound. Spy glasses... per cent. Squares of iron and steel, plated, brass, and polished steel. 16 ounces per cent. Starch . . . . . . . . . . free. Statues, specially im- ported . . . . . . . . free. Do. not of alabaster or plaster... . . . . . . free. Do. of brass, bronze, metal, or wood. p. ct. Do, marble........ do. 12; 25 25 30 25 30 Cents. I ! 57 60 63 67 75 90 53 57 63 72 85 Statues, see also Busts. Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . cwt. Do. manufactures of, or of which steel is a component part, not otherwise specified. per cent. Steel-yards. . . . . . . . do. Stockings, cotton, wool- len, worsted or linen. do. Stones, precious, set or not . . . . . . . . . . . do. Do. burr, wrought, and unwrought. . . . . free. Stone, load . . . . . . free. Stone-ware...per cent. Strings of musical in- Struments. . . . . . free. Stuff goods, worsted, viz; bird's eye, bom- bazetts, calimancos, camblets, circassians, Denmark Satteens, durants, lastings, lus- tres, moreens, prin- ces’ stuff, rattinetts, russels, russeletts, satteen, Scotch plaids, shalloons, tambo- reens, tartans, wild- bore, &c. . . . per cent. Sublimate, corrosive do. Sugar, brown... pound. Do. white clayed... do. Do. loaf and candy. do. Sugar of lead. . . . . . do. Sulphate of copper, or blue vitriol. . . . . . do. Do, quinine. . per cent. Sulphur . . . . . . . . free. Do. flour of . . . . . . do. Sulphuric acid... pound. Sumac . . . . . . . . . . free 25 30 25 12; 20 10 15 15 Cents. 50 . : 3 O OF THE UNITED STATES. 45 Sweetmeats of all kinds. per cent Syrup of sugar cane, in casks. . . . . . . . pound Table knives and forks. per cent. Tallow . . . . . . . . pound. Tacks, not exceeding 16 oz. to the thousand. thousand. Do. exceeding do. pound. Tamarinds. . . . . . . free. Tapioca. . . . . . . . .free. Tartar, crude. . . . . free. Tartaric acid. . per cent. Teas of all kinds, im- ported from China, and other places, east of the Cape of Good Hope, in vessels of the United States, after 3d March, 1833. free. Do. of all kinds, im- ported from places this side the Cape of Good Hope, or in Vessels other than those of the United Teazles. . . . . . . ...free. Teeth of animals, in- cluding elephants. do. Thread, sewing, floss, Cotton, or shoe. p. ct. Do, pack...... • pound. Tecklenburghs. percent. Tiles, for paving, and building.. ..... do Do, marble........ do. Tin, in blocks and bars, free. 28° 25 25 15 25 15 15 30 Cents. 10 Tin in plates and sheets, free. Do. ſoil . . . . . . . . . . do. Do. manufactures of, not otherwise speci. fied. . . . . . . . per cent. Tinctures, medicinal, free. Do. odoriferous. per ct. . . . . free. Tobacco, manufactured, other than snuff and SegarS. . . . . . . pound. Do. manufactured... do. Tongues and sounds. Tips, horn. .. free. Tools, of trade, of per- sons arriving in the United States ... free. Tortoiseshell... . . . . do. Toys, paper . . . . . do. Do. brass, iron, steel, pewter, copper, or wood. . . . . . per cent. Trees. . . . . . . . . . . free. Turmeric ........ do. Turtles . . . . . . . . . . do. Tutenague, or zinc. do. Twine, tarred ... pound. Do. untarred . . . . . . do. Twist, and thread, cot- ton,-see Cottons. Types, printing, per ct. U. Umbrellas, and para- sols, of whatever materials made, p. ct. Do. frames or sticks do. Do. stretchers of iron or steel. . . . . . . . . do. V. Valencias . . . . per cent. Varnishes, of all kind, free. 25 15 25 15 25 25 12 10 Cents. 1() 15 46 THE TARIFF Vanilla beans. . . . free. Vegetables, used prin- cipally in dyeing and composing dyes, com- ing (now) under the duty of 12% per cent, except bithromate of potash, prussiate of potash, chromate of potash, nitrate of lead, aquafortis, and tartaric acid. . . . free. Vegetables of all kinds, not enumerated, and not used principally in dyeing . . . . . . free. Veils, lace. . . . per cent. Vellum . . . . . . . . . . do. Vermicelli. . . . . . . free. Vessels, copper, per ct. Do. cast iron, not other- wise specified. pound. Vices, and screws of iron. . . . . . . per cent. Vinegar. . . . . . . gallon. Vitriol, blue.... pound Do. green, or copperas, cwt. Do. oil of...... pound. W. Wafers . . . . . . per cent. Walking-sticks, OT CalleS . . . . . . . . . . do Watches, all kinds and parts. . . . . . . . . . . do Water colours . . . . free. Waters, bay, lavender, Cologne, Hungary, and honey. per cent. Wax, bees. . . . . . . free. Wearing apparel in actual use of pas- sengers arriving, free. 30 25 25 12# 15 Cents. Webbing, silk, see Silk. Do. worsted. . per cent. Do. all others. . . . . . do. Weld. . . . . . . . . . . free. Whalebone, foreign fisheries. . . . per cent. Wheat. . . . . . . . bushel. Do. flour. . . . . . . . CW't White lead, or red, dry or ground in oil. pound. White, Paris . . . . . . do. Whiting . . . . . . . . . . do. Whips . . . . . . per cent. Willow sheets, for hats. do. Do. baskets. . . . . . . do. Wines of France, red, in casks. . . . . gallon. Do. white . . . . . . . . do. all sorts in bottles. do. until 3d March, 1834, —after that day, one half of those rates respectively; and on all wines, other than those of France, one half of their present rates of duties, re- spectively, from and after 4th March, 1834, which will be as follows: Do. Madeira, Sherry, in casks, cases, or bottles, present rate 50 cents. . . . per gall. Do. of Germany, Spain, and the Mediterra- nean, when imported in casks, unless spe- cially enumerated, present rate, 15 cents per gallon, one half. do. 10 25 30 30 25 Cents, 25 50 10 22 25 OF 47 THE UNITED STATES. Wines, red of Spain and Austria, present duty 10 cents per gallon, one half. . . . . gallon. Do. of all countries, than France, imported in other when bottles and unless specially enu- merated, and on €Il Ulſſle- CaSeS, wines not rated, present rate, 30 cents per gallon, one half. . . . . . . . do. Note.—When wine is imported in bottles, duty is charged on the bottles. Wire, iron or steel, not exceeding No. 14. pound. Do. do. exceeding, No. Do. silver or plated. do. Do. cap or bonnet, covered with silk, cotton, or flaxen yarn, or thread, ma- abroad, do. Do. square, used in the nufactured manufacture of um- brellas, and cut in pieces, not exceeding the length used for that purpose. per ct. Woad, or pastel... free. Wood, all manufac- tures of, not other- wise specified... p. ct. Do. unmanufactured, and dye-woods. free. Wool, Angora goats or Camels . . . . . . . . free. Do. unmanufactured or imported on the skin, 12 25 cents. 15 9 12 prime cost, at the place of exportation, not exceeding 8 cents, per pound. . . . . . free. Do, cost at the place of exportation, ex- ceeding 8 cents per lb. pound. and adval. per cent. Do, fine, mixed with dirt or other mate- rial and costing, when so mixed, 8 cents per lb. or under, to be appraised, and to be charged with the duty of 4 cents per pound, and 40 per cent advalorem. . . . . Do. on the skin, to be estimated, as to weight and value, as other Wool. Woollens, all manufac- tures of, composed wholly of wool, and not exceeding in cost 35 cents per square yard. . . . . . . per cent. Do. on all other manu- factures of wool, not otherwise specified, or of which wool is a component part. per cent. Woollen yarn...pound. and adval. per cent. Worsted yarn... . . . do. Do. Stuff goods, shawls, and other manufac- tures of silk and worsted. See Stuffs Bombazeen, &c.. do. 40 50 50 20 10 Cents. 48 THE TARIFF, &c. Yarn, cotton, bleached, or coloured, the ori- ginal cost of which shall be less than 75 cents per pound, shall be deemed and taken to have cost 75 cents per lb. and shall be charged with a duty of . . . . . . . . per cent. Do. unbleached and un- coloured, the original cost of which shall 25 Cents. III. be less than 60 cents perlb. shall be deemed to have cost 60 cents Do. woollen. ... pound. besides, per cent. Z Zinc, unmanufactured and manufactured. free. 25 20 50 A COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, cents. showING THE AMoUNT of DUTIES According to THE RATEs of THE TARIFF of 1828, ANI. As MoDIFIED BY THE ACT of 14th JULY 1832, CALCULATED Upon THE IMPoRTATIons, of THE YEAR ENDING 30th SEPTEMBER, 1830. Imports for the year Duti tº Duties as modified ending 30th Sept. uties according to by the Act of July SPECIES OF MERCHANDISE, 1830. the Tariff of 1828. ° ºth is 2 " . Quantity. Value. Rate. Amount | Rate. Amount. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Wool, unmanufactured, viz; - not exceeding 8 cents per Ib. ...fb 150,008 4,156|55964cfb 8,287|free % -: exceeding 8 cts. per fö. . . . . . . . do. 519,875 92,697.|55, 4cfb 71,777|40964clb 57,97; - Woollens, 1 not exceeding 33 1-3 cts. per sq. | yard . . . . g & © e º O & © e g º e º yd. 1,034,789. 266,060|54.45 % 144,870) 5 9%| 13,3ſ do. 50 cts. do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452,743|48 do. 217,252|50 do. 226,37] exceed 50 and not exc. 250 . . . . . 2,373,791|54.82 do. 1,300,37250 do. 1,186.8% do. do. 250 cts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81,721|61.58 do. 50,340|50 do 40,8. hosiery, gloves, &c. . . . . . . . . e e º º 133,453|38.5 do. 51,379|25 do. 33,36. bombazins. . . . . . . e e s e º e º 'º e º 'º e º 'º 33,887|36.66 do. 312,425.10 do. 3.3% worsted stuff goods. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,297,545|27.5 do. 284,325|10 do. 129.ſ. blankets . . . . . . . . . . © tº e º 'º º º e º & & 8 594,044|38.5 do. 128,707|25 do. 148,51. other manufactures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319,306||36.66 do. 17,079 50 do, 159.5% coach lace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,026||38.5 do. 1,16535 do. 1,0& Cottons, white and printed, valued 35 cts. per sq. yard. . . . . . . . . . . e G 5,816,839|48.05 do. 2,795,235|45.05 do. 2,620.5% costing 35 cts. or more. . . . . . . 1,029,932|27.5 do. 283,23125 do. 257; hosiery, gloves, mits. . . . . . . . . . . . 387,454|27.5 do. 106,550|25 do. º: twist, yarn and thread. tº e ∈ 172,785|37.5 do 64,794.25 do. 43; nankeens from India. . . . . . . . . . 228,233|30 do. 68,470/20 do. 45.6% other articles. . . . . . . . . . e - e º & © e º 'º 229,215|27.5 do. 63,078.25 do ſº. Silks, from India, piece goods. . . . . . . l,367,092.36 do. 492, 153|10 do 1351; other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,224|36 do. 11,241|10 do. 3,12; — . carried over . . . . . . 14,915,203 6,472,730 | 5,2619" OF DUTIES IN 49 THE UNITED STATES. Imports for the year Duties according to Duties as modified SPECIES of MERCHANDISE. ºnlinº Sept. '..."Taj" by ºnly Quantity. Value. Rate. I aſ mount. Rate. Aſ mount. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Brought forward. . . . . . . . 14,915,203 6,472,730 5,261,940 Silks, other places, piece goods. . . . . . 2,824,918:22 96 621,482; 5 0% 141,246 other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,550,776;22 do. 341,171, 5 do 77,539 TàW. • * ~ * e G & © e e s e o 'º e e a e e º e º e º e s 119,074|16.5 do. 19,647.12% do. 14,884 Lace, of silk, thread or cotton. . . . . . . 824,997 13.75 do 113,437.12% do. 103,124 Flax, linens, bleached and unbleached. 2,485,05327.5 do. 683,389,15 do. 372,758 other manufactures. . . . . . . . . . . . . 526,227|27.5 do. 144,71225 do 131,557 Hemp, Tecklenburghs . . . . . . . . . . . © tº e 563,665|16.5 do. 93,005|l 5 do. 84,550 sheeting, brown and white. . . . . . 250,237|27.5 do 68,81525 do 62,559 other manufactures. . . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 103|27.5 do. 36,603|25 do. 33,276 Japanned and tin ware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,481|27.5 do. 1 1,682;25 do. 10,620 Plated and gilt ware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . e. 156,010|27.5 do. 42,003:25 do. 39,003 Brass ware . . . . . . . . . . © e º ºs e e º ºs e º e º & 329,71627.5 do. 90,672125 do. 82,429 Pewter and leaden ware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,409|27.5 do. 6,71225 do. 6,102 Wood, manufactures of. . . . . . tº º e s e º ºr 112,047.33 do. 36,976.25 do. 28,012 Leather, manufactures of, including saddles, bridles, &c. . . . . * - tº e º e e 499,923|33 do. 164,975 30 do. 149,976 Marble. . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * e º e º 'º e º e º e 14,417.33 do 4,758|30 do. 4,325 Coach furniture, plated saddlery...... 47,872|27.5 do. 13,165.30 do. 14,362 Copper, vessels of... . . . . . . . . . . . Q e º º 1,235|38.5 do. 475.25 do. 308 bottoms. . . . . . . . . e e - e º º is e º 'º e g º ºr 3,609; 16.5 do. 595. 15 do. 54 l other manufactures. . . . . . . . . tº e º º 15, 19827.5 do. 4, 179;25 do 3,800 Paper hangings......... * - e s tº tº e º e º e e 59,52444 do. 26, 191|40 do. 23,810 Glass ware, not subject to specific du . ties. . . . . . tº e º ºs e º e º 'º º ºs e º º ºs e º º 119,925/22 do. 26,384|20 do. 23,985 cut and not specified ... . pounds. 10,958 6, 1923 cts 33% 2,372|3cts 30% 2,186 other articles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 911,919; 129,6322 , 22do. 46,757|2 , , 2000. 44, 165 Gold and Silver lace................ 3, 19113.75 do. 439||12# do 399 Watches, and parts of....... º e º 'º e 312,924|13.75 do. 43,027|12# do. 39,116 articles of, pearls, &c.. . . . . © e g º e 65,026:13.75 do 8,941|12# do. 8,128 China or Porcelain ware............ 90,583:22 do. 19,928|20 do, 18,117 Earthen and stone ware............ 1,168,477,22 do. 257,065|20 do 233,695 Iron and Steel, side arms and fire arms. 179, 15333 do. 59,12025 do 44,788 axes, adzes, drawing knives. . . . . 59,906|38.5 do. 23,064|30 do 17,972 bridle bits of all kinds. . . . . . . . . . 62,271|38.5 do. 23,974|25 do 15,568 cutting knives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95,004|44 do. 41,802.30 do 28,501 Screws, weighing 25tb or upwards 17|33 do. 6|25 do 4 Screws, called wood screws. . . . . . 66,81744 do. 29,399|30 do 20,045 other articles not specified...... 2,908,97827.5 do. 799,969|25 do. 727,245 Clothing, ready made. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,789,55 do. 25,73450 do. 23,394 Hats, leghorn, straw, chip, &c...... 326,79355 do | 179,73630 do. 98,038 fur, wool, leather or silk . . . . . tº º e 49,00433 do. 16, 171|30 do 14,701 quare wire used for umbrella Stretchers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,550|13.20 do 733|12 do. 666 %phering slates. ................... 11,526||36.66 do. 4,226|25 do. 2,882 "ills, prepared. .................. 15,881|27.5 do. 4,367|25 do. 3,970 Black lead pencils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º 4,850:44 do. 2,13425 do. 1,213 Brushes of all kinds................. 9,362|33 do. 3,089|25 do, 2,34l * cloth and hair seating........... 25,332.33 do. 8,360|15 do. 3,800 Holting cloths..................... 39, 158|16.5 do. 6,461||15 do. 5,874 Quick silver ...................... 314,167|16.5 do. 51,838 free. **ass in plates..... © e º 'º e º º e º e e º 'º º ºr 10,608|16 5 do. 1,750|| 5 do. 1,591 "in in plates....................... 390,90016.5 do. 64,498; free. ºpetre, crude..................... 32,214|13.75 do. 4,429 do. Qpium ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139,596.16.5 do 23,033 do. Articles not specially enumerated, at 123 per cent............ • * * * * * * tº & 883,685|13.75 do | 121,507;12; do. 110,461 9 do. 15 do...... • * e º e º g º ºs e e 2,558,858|16.5 do. 422,212:15 do. 383 829 Do, do. 20 do........... tº º ºs & e º is 105,610|22 do 23,23420 do. 21,122 carried over . . . . . . . . . . 35,737,873 11,343,133 8,544,517 H 50 A COMPARATIVE STATEMENT Imports for the year Duti di Duties as modified ending 30th Sept. uties according to by the Act of July SPECIES OF MERCHANDISE. 1830. the Tariff of 1828. "it isº." Quantity. Value. Rate. Amount. I Rate. Amount, E. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Brought forward. . . . . . . . . . 35,737,873 11,343,133 8,544,517 Articles not specially enumerated, at 25 per cent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101,10227.5 %. 27,803 [23 , 96 .25,275 Do, do. 30 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389,821.33 do. 128,641|30, do. 116,946 Do. do. 33% do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761|36.66 do. 279.33% do * Do. do. 35 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,23338.5 do. 475135 do Do. do. 40 do..... e à e º e º e º 'º º º tº 1444 do. 6|40 do. Do. do. 45 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81349.5 do. 402/50 do. Do. do. 50 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,610|55 do. 1,43550 do. Carpets, Brussels, Turkey, &c..sq. yds. 64,885 77,56270 cts. 45,41963 cts. Venetian and ingrain. . . . . . . . do. 182,870. 123,950.40 do. 73,148|35 do. other of Wool, flax, &c. . . . . . do. 184 137|32 do. 59.25 96 Patent, print, or stain, floor cloths... do. 13,666 19,86550 do. 6,83343, cts. Oil cloth, other than pat. floor cloths.do. 2,710 762.25 do. 678|12# do. Furniture oil cloths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 13,071 2,597.15 do. 1,961|12# do. Floor matting of flags or other matls.do 77,464 9,486|15 do. 11,620. 5 96 Sail duck........................do. 1,189,449, 317,347|10 do. 118,945|15. do. Cotton bagging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 688,015. 69,1265 do. 34,401] 3% cts. Wine, Madeira.............. gallons. 179,394 330,42350 do. 89,67425 do. Sherry....................do. 52,281 69,547.50 do. 26,140|25 do. from France, red. . . . . .......do. 1,184,594. 245,549/10 do. 118,459| 3 do. do. do. white. . . . . . . . . do. 565,345, 202,02915 do. 84,802] 5 do. do. do. in bottles...... do. 100,811 187,443.30 do. 30,243|ll do. do, other places, red........ do. 99,542 27,484/10 do. 9,954, 5 do. do. do. white ............ do. 701,177 222,275.15 do| 105,177. 73 do. do. do. other in casks . . . . do. 387,743 30 do.' ſ 116,323|15 do. | do. do, bottled ............do iſ 35il) 290.9%;0 do|i 3,258|15 do. 1,629 Spirits, from grain . . . . . . ........ do. 477,612| 205,70464.40 do. 307,582,6443 do. 307.58% other materials.............. do. 1,214,732 453,286:59.60 do. 723,980|59-60 do. 723,980 Molasses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 8,374,139 jº; do. 418,707.5 do. 4 is,' Beer, ale, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 65,260 60,420;17.5 do 11,421|17.5 do 11,425 Vinegar. . . . . . . . . © tº e º 'º e © tº e º e s e tº e do. 24,058 4,241.8 do 1,925|| 8 do. 1,925). O1L, whale and other fish . . . . . . . . . do 96 15 do 14|15 do 14|| spermaceti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 11 25 do. 3|25 do 3 olive, in casks. . . . . . . . . . . . . .do 14,544 25 do. 3,636|20 do 2,909 . Castor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 20 40 do. 8|40 do. 8 inseed.......................do. 18,815 × 18,07425 do 4,711|25 do 4,711 rapeseed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. | 25 do. 25 do. hempseed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 27 25 do. 725 do. 7 TIAs, from China—Bohea. . . . pounds. 152,990 J 4 do. 6,120 free do. do. Souchong . . . . . . . . . . do. 2,165,977 10 do. 216,598 do. do. do. Hyson skin. . . . . . . . do. 1,918,294 12 do. 230, 195] do. do. do. Hyson and young Hyson. 3,394,608|V 2421711||18 do. 665,029 do. Imperial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 652,930 25 do. 163,233| do. other places—Bohea..... . . . . . do. 6 do. 10 do. * do. do. Souchong. . . . . . . . ... do. 165 18 do 30|10 do. lſ do. do. Hyson skin . . . . . . . . do. 24,322 20 do 4,864|10 do. 2,432 do. do. Hyson and young Hyson. 23 3,307|27 do 6|10 do. 2 Imperial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... do. 106 37 do 39|10 do. ll Coffee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º º º tº º do. 51,488,248 4,227,021|l do. 514,882 free. & Cocoa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do, 2,632,467| 137,453|l do. 26,325 do. Chocolate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 2,895 899|4 do 116l 4 do, 116 Sugar, brown....................do. 78,576,388 3,985,8653 do. 2,357,292 do. 1,964,40 white. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 7,906,658 644,4774 do. 316,266||34 do. 263.3% candy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 7,005 571 12 do 841.12 do. 84. other refined. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do, 62 9||12 do. 7|12 do. / Almonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 1,168,495 3 do 35,054 free. Currants. . . . . * * * * gº º * * * * * * c e º e º a do. 727,533 ! 3. 3 do 21,826 do. Prunes and plums. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 86,905 4 do 3,476] do. carried over. . . . . . . . & © tº e 51,548,974 18,413,461 12,826,871 —- " OF DUTIES IN THE UNITED STATES. 55 Imports for the year o Duties as modified ending 30th Sept. |Putiº ºdiº.” by the Act of July SPECIES of MERCHANDISE 1830. the Tariff of 1828. 14th 1832. Quantity. Value. Rate. Amount. || Rate. Amount. *- Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Brought forward. . . . . . . . . . 51,548,974 18,413,461 12,826,877 Figs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pounds. 1,620,477 3 cts 48,614 free Raisins, in jars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 3,551,869 {was 4 do. 142,075 do. other, "total value of fruits. “ ..do. 2,682.390 3 do 80,4 72 do. Spices—Ginger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 2,050 \ 2 do 4ll do. Cayenne Pepper. . . . . . . . . . . . do. 15 15 do 2|25 cts. 2 Mace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 5] 100 - do 51 free. Nutmegs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 56,469 60 do 33,881] do. Cinnamon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 27,844 ) 457,723|25 do 6,961 do. Cloves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do: 81,822 25 do. 20,455 do. Black Pepper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 2,275,947 8 do 182,076 do Pimento. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 1,915,211 6 do. 114,913| do. Cassia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 376,515|) 6 do 22,591 do. Candles—Spermacetti or wax...... do 963 519, 7 do 67| 7 av.cts. 67 tallow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 129,351 8,959 5 do 6,468| 5 do 6,468 Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... do. 81,440 8,898|9 do 7,330| 9 do 7,330 Soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 58,761 3,310|| 4 do 2,350. 4 do 2,350 Tallow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 2,097 43 l do 21, 1 do. 21 Lard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 135 10| 3 do. 4|| 3 do. 4 Beef and Pork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 659,099 23,220 2 do. 13, 182] 2 do. 13,182 Bacon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 7,617 68] 3 do 229. 3 do. 229 Butter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 5,898 652, 5 do 295] 5 do. 295 Saltpetre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .do. 1,344 80|| 3 do 40|| 3 do. 40 Camphor, crude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 106,944 26,374, 8 do 8,556 free. Salts, Epsom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 2,026 111. 4 do 81 4 cts. 81 Tobacco, manufactured, other than Snuffs, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 321 22410 do 32.10 do. 32 Snuff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 2,599 834|12 do 312||12 do. 312 Indigo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 817,824 715,71530 do. 185,347|15 9% 87,357 Cotton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 415,307| 34,737| 3 do 12,459) 3 cts. 12,459 Gunpowder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 102,109 20,488 3 do 8,169|| 8 do. 8,169 Bristles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 115,551 26,518] 3 do 3,467| 3 do. 3,467 Glue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 40,344 3,110| 5 do, 2,017| 5 do. 2,017 Ochre, dry. . . . . .................do. 655,622 21,182] 1 do. 6,556] 1 do, 6,556 in oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 1,046 430] I do 16 l; do. 16 White and red lead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 244,318 14,321|| 5 do. 12,216, 5 do. 12,216 Whiting and Paris white. ......... do. 389,493 3,933 l do. 3,895. 1 do. 3,895 Sugar of lead.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 95,145 11,846, 5 do. 4,757| 5 do. 4,757 Lead, bar, sheet and pig.......... do. 712,970 18,757 3 do. 21,389 2 do. 14,259 shot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 9,625 1,638|| 4 do. 385| 4 do 385 Cordage, cables and tarred .... . . .do. 1,437,735 71,291 4 do, 57,509| 4 do. 57,509 untarred. . . . . . . . . © º º e º 'º e º ºr do. 152,826 8, 114|| 5 do. 7,641, 5 do. 7,641 Twine, packthread, &c ........... do. 494,875 75,006| 5 do. 24,744|| 5 do. 24,744 Corks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 137,222 30,730|12 do. 16,467|12 do. 16,467 Copper, rods and bolts.. .......... do. 1,24l 262. 4 do. 50l 4 do. 50 * * nails and spikes. . . . . . . . . . . . do. 10,613 2,141. 4 do. 425l 4 do. 425 Fire arms, muskets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 8,34] 25, 1421.50 do 12,511||1.50 do. 12,511 rifles. . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 8 852.50 do 2012.50 do. 20 Iron and steel wire... ......... pound 592,733 59,495 8 av. do. 47,419| 7 av. do. 41,491 tacks, brads, &c., not above 16 oz. per mille . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. 13,177 { 2,799| 5 do. 659 5 do. 659 above 16 oz. . . . . . . . . . . . . pounds. 1,322 5 do. 66|| 5 do. 66 nails. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 613,704 40,906, 5 do. 30,685| 5 do. 30,685 spikes...... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 37,873 1,391 || 5 do. 1,894. 4 do. 1,515 cables and chains....... . . . . . do. 540,628 25,885| 3 do. 16,219. 3 do. 16,219 mill cranks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 2,781 200. 4 do 111 4 do 111 —mill saws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 4,395 12,252|100 do 4,395.100 do 4,395 anchors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pounds. 22,672. 1,121] 2 do 453] 2 do. 453 anvils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 677,246 31,249| 2 do. 13,545] 2 do. 13,545 carried over........ 53,861,621 19,600,046 13,241,349 H 2 A COMPARATIVE STATEM ENT Imports for the year Duti li Duties as modified - ending 30th Sept. º, . ing to by the Act of July SPECIES OF MERCHANDISE. 1830. the Tariff of 1828. 14th 1832. Quantity. Value. Rate. Amownt. Rate. Amount. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Brought forward. . . . . . 53,861,621 19,600,046 13,241,349 Iron, hammers and sledges. . . . pounds 75,616 3,096]2.5 cts. 1,8902.5 cts. 1,890 castings, vessels, and other ....do. 1,157,256 38,686|1.5 do 17,389|1.5 av.do. 17,359 brazier's rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 218,428 5,945|3.5 do. 7,645| 3 do. 6,554 nail or spike rods. . . . . . . . . . . . do 32,848 784|35 do. 1,150| 3 do. 985 sheet and hoop . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 2,326,796 59,822|3.5 do 81,438] 3 do. 69,804 slit, or rolled for casement rods. 2,845 813.5 do 100 3 do. 84 pig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CW't 22,499 25,644.62.5 do 14,06250 do. 11,249 bar, rolled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 138,981. 226,336||1.85 do. 257,115||1.50 do. 208,471 hammered. . . . . . . . . . . pound.68,752,943 1,730,375|| 1 do 687,529.90ctscwt. 552,479 Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cwt. 24,472| 291,957|1.50 do 36,708||1.50 do. 36,708 Hemp unmanufactured. . . . . . . . . . . . do 30,782 200,338|3.00 do 92,346/2.00 do. 61,504 Flax, unmanufactured. . . . . . . . . . . . do 5,850 39,055|225 do 13,162 free. Wheat flour. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 20 I 599||50 do 101|50 do. I 01 Salt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bushels. 5,374,046 671,979|10 do 537,405|10 do. 537,405 Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº ſº e º e º e ........do. 1,640,295 204,773| 6 do. 98,418 6 do. 98,418 Wheat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º º e º º ºs e º ſº º do 422 492|25 do 105|25 do. 105 Oats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - e º 'º e º e º e do. 1,495 378|10 do 149/10 do. 149 Potatoes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 24,795 9,189|10 do 2,479|10 do. 2,479 Paper, folio and quarto post...pounds. 46,617 20 do 9,323|20 do, 9,323 foolscap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... do. 490,536 17 do. 83,391|17 do. 83,391 printing . . . . . e º ºs e º e º e º is s & © ... do. 2,335 × 110,40810 do. 233|10 do. 233 sheathing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 26,664 3 do. 800 3 do. 800 all other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 45,315 15 do, 6,797.15 do. 6,797 Books printed previously to 1775. . vol. 817 4 do. 33| 4 do. 33 in other languages than Latin. . 89,217 ! 130,632 4 do. 3,569 4 do. 3,569 Latin and Greek . . . . . . pounds 7,891 3. 15 do, 1, 18415 do. 1, 184 all other . . . . . . e e º e < * * * * * * * do. 82,440 26 do. 21,43426 do. 21,434 Apothecaries’ phials, not above 6 oz. gross. 1,011 : 3,473|175 do. 1,769|2663 av. 2,693 above 6 and not above 8 oz. . do. 150 125 do. 188266; do. 400 Bottles, not above one quart........ do. 12,136 200 do. 24,272.200 do. 24,272 two quarts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 185 { 52,991|250 do. 462|250 do. 462 one gallon . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * do. 6 300 do. 18|250 do. 13 Demijohns, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 50,614 15,624|25 do. 12,654|25 do. 12,654 Window glass, not above 8 by 10 in. 100 sq. feet. 94 | 300 do, 282,300 do 282 not above 10 by 12 inches. ...do 133 350 do. 466|350 do 466 above 10 by 12, and not above × 25,597 10 by 15 inches. . . . . . . . . . do. 296|| 400 do. 1, 184|400 do 1,104 above 10 by 15 inches. . . . . . do. 1,458) 500 do. 7,290,400 do 5,832 Fish, dried, . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º º - e. e. quintals. 35 l 100 do. 35 l/100 do 351 pickled Salmon . . . . . . . . . . barrels 1,621 200 do. 3,242200 do 3,242 Mackerel . . . . . . . . . . . . do. j|X 27,624|150 do. 586:150 do 586 all other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... do. 715 100 do. 715|100 do 715 Shoes, silk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pairs. 2,469 30 do, 740. 30 do 74l Prunella or nankeen . . . . . . . . . . do. 972 25 do. 243| 25 do. 243 leather, for men and women. . do. 4,302 5,362.25 do. 1,075|| 25 do 1,075 children's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. I32 15 do 20|| 15 do 20 Boots and Bootees. . . . . tº º a º º e º gº tº tº º do. 597 1,013||150 do. 896.150 (do. 896 Cigars, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. 23,880| 251,818|250 do. 59,700|250 do. 59,700 Playing cards. . . . . . e e e º 'º º is a s a s packs. 3,015 430|30 do. 904; 30 do. 904 Roofing slates, not above 12 by 6 \ inches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tons. 50 400 do. 200 Do. do. do. 12 by 14 inches. . . . do. 45] | 500 do. 2,255 Y Do. do. do. 14 by 16 ,, ... ...do. 1,891 ) 600 do. 11.3%| 5 O/\! { Do. do. do. 16 by 18 , , ......do. 427 700 do 2,939|}25 % Do. do. do. 18 by 20 ,, . . . ...do. 294 | 800 do. 2,352 | Do. do, do. 20 by 24 ,, ... ...do. 171|J 900 do. 1,539|J carried over . . . . . . . . . . . . 58,095,992 º 15,102,431 OF DUTIES IN THE UNITED STATES. 53 # SPECIES OF MERCHANDISE. 1830. the Tariff of 1828. 14th 1832 Quantity. Value. Rate. Amount. I Rate. Amount § Dollars. Dollars. - , Dollars. | Brought forward ....... 58,095,992 21,714,610 15,102,431 Roofing slates, above 20 by 24 in- - ches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tons. 16| *34,683.10.00 cts 16025 0% 8,671 * Total value of roofing slates. º Dollars. 58,130,675 21,714,770 15,111,102 Add, estimated amount of duties by the increased value of the pound sterling from 444 to 480 cents on the value : of goods paying duties ad valorem, imported from Great Britain. . . . . . . 415,857 Dollars. 58,130,675 21,714,770 15,526,959 |Deduct, estimated amount of duties on articles declared free under the 3d section of the Act of 14th July, 1832 400,000 Dollars. 58,130,675 21,714,770 15,126,959 Deduct estimated amount of drawback - - and expenses of collection... . . . . . . 4,426,125 3,025,392 Dollars. 58,130,675 17,288,645 12,101,567 Imports for the year & tº Duties as modified ending 30th sept. |Putiº ºff." by the Act of July after March 3d 1834. NoTE. In the preceding statement, wines are calculated at the rates of duty which will be payable The foregoing official statement exhibits the rates of duties chargeable upon the various articles of import under the Tariff of 1828, and also the rates of duties that will be chargeable upon the same articles according to the Tariff of 14th July, 1832, which comes into operation on the 3d March, 1833. In the parallel columns may be seen the amount of duties on each particular article, and the aggregate of duties on the whole, which accrued in the year above mentioned, and which will accrue under the new Tariff, assuming the quantities and description of imported articles to be the same. This document will be found valuable in many respects;–to the merchant, as furnishing a correct specification of the quantities and Value of all articles hitherto imported into the United States from abroad, and also to the politician, as showing the extent of the reduction of revenue effected by the Act of July, 1832. Dollars. Amount of Revenue from Customs, under the Tariff of 1828. tº Q. te e tº * tº sº tº . 17,288,645 Reduction by the Tariff of 1832. sº e tº . 5, 187,078 Amount to be realized from Customs under the new Act. . e sº e * * > tº * * * . 12,101,567 In the additions there will be found some slight inaccuracies, arising from the inaccurate manner, in which the original statements are printed. 54 A compar ATI've STATEMENT, &c. Dollars. The amount received from other sources in the year ending 30th September, 1830, viz: from public lands . º e o º . 3,329,356 dividends on Bank Stock tº tº e * 490,000 incidental receipts . º * e to o 102,370 sºmºmºmº Estimated total annual amount of Revenue under the new Act. . º e o º tº † º 16,023,293 The Expenditure during the year ending 30th September, 1830, exclusive of appropriations for the reduction of the National Debt amounted to. © & G t e . 13,229,533 Surplus of Revenue, under the new Tariff Act over Expenditures. . . . © º tº º & . 2,793,760 IX. A STATEMENT OF ALL THE TARIFFS OF THE UNITED STATES, ARRANGED IN CHRONOLOGICAL, ORDER. The first Tariff Act was passed in 1790. By Act of 2d March, 1799, the duties were raised to meet the expenses incurred by the war with France. A further increase of duties was enacted in 1804, on account of the war against Tripoli. In 1812, the duties were doubled in consequence of the war with Great Britain. Peace being re-established in February, 1815, the Tariff of 27th April, 1816, repealed all former acts, charging duties on Imports, and imposed other rates on a new scale, viz., 7% per cent on dyes, gums, jewellery, lace,—15 per cent on gold leaf, and articles not free, and not subject to other duties, 20 per cent on hemp-cloth, hosiery, brass, tin, copper, iron, steel, pewter, lead manufactures, cutlery, hardware, arms, china, earthenware, and glass, other than window-glass, 25 per cent on woollens and cottons, fixing the minimum value of the latter at 25 cents per square yard,—30 per cent on various articles of luxury, paper, brushes, saddlery, as also various specific duties on all other import articles.—Books, painting, prints, statuary, philosophical instruments, dyewoods, furs, &c. free. TARIFFS OF THE UNITED STATES. 55 The Act of 1st March, 1817, may be called the Navigation Act of the United States, inasmuch as it provides, “ that no importations in the United States from abroad, shall take place except in vessels of the United States, or in such foreign vessels as truly and wholly belong to the citizens or subjects of that country, of which the goods are the growth, production, or manufacture; or from which such goods can only be, or usually are, first shipped for exportation,-this regulation not to eatend to the vessels of any foreign nation which has not adopted, and which shall not adopt a similar regulation. This Act further makes some judicious regu- lations respecting the fisheries and tonnage duty, and interdicts the United States' coasting trade to foreign vessels. The Act of 20th April, 1818, raised to 25 per cent the duties on articles manufactured from copper, on plated saddlery, coach-furniture, cut glass, to 30 per cent on tacks, &c. to 28°1.60 cents for brown, and 28 2.50 per piece for white Russia sheeting, and charged with an addition of 10 per cent on the respective duties, all importations made in vessels not of the United States, or not under treaty. On the 1st March, 1823, an Act was passed, supplementary to that of the 2d March, 1799, providing for the production of the true invoice, on entering goods subject to ad valorem duties, accompanied with the manufacturer's attestations, or in default thereof, for making oath to the value of such goods by the owner, also for the formalities required to obtain drawback. In 1824, the Tariff was again revised, and on the 22d May of that year the duties were again increased, as the following details will show :— ordinary linens, 15 per cent, woollens 30 per cent, worsted goods, 25 per cent, less than 33} cents per square yard, cost, 20 per cent, cottons, hemp, East India silk, 25 per cent, other silks 20 per cent, wool, 20 to 30 per cent, and 15 per cent, if costing 10 cents per lb., or less. Straw hats, 50 per cent, hardware 25 per cent, &c. and all articles thus far sub- ject to 7% per cent were taxed with 12% per cent. On May the 19th, 1828, another important alteration of the Tariff laws took place. The minimum system was extended to woollens and Some other articles, and an increase of duties imposed on cottons, wool, Woollens, iron, hemp, flax, indigo, &c. Since the last mentioned Tariff some reductions have been made at different times on teas, coffee, cocoa, salt, molasses, wines, &c. The nature of that Tariff, and of the provisions of the late enactment of Congress, dated 14th July, 1832, effecting still further reductions have appeared (in a detailed form) in the tables, pages 28 and 48. 56 PO R T C H A R G E S. NEW YORK, The bay and harbour of New York are admitted to rank amongst the largest, safest, and finest in the world. The bay is about nine miles long, and four broad, and communicates with the ocean by an entrance between Staten—and Long Islands, scarcely two miles wide, called the Narrows. The current of the tide is so strong, that notwithstanding the severity of an American winter, it has seldom, at least not since the year 1780,—been so covered by ice during that season, as to impede either the arrival of ships at the city, or their departure from it. New York thus possesses in this respect a decided and important advantage over other American ports on the Atlantic. On the bar, which is situated between Sandy Hook and Schryer's Island, about eighteen miles from the city, the water is never less than twenty feet deep, and close to the city the tide usually rises and falls about six. Rates of Pilotage.—Every pilot who shall take charge of any vessel to the entrance either northward or southward of the White Buoy, on the eastern ridge near the bar, and conduct and safely moor such vessel to a proper wharf; or from the city to the southward or eastward of the said buoy, is entitled by law, for vessels of the United States, and those which are entitled by treaty to an entry upon the same terms as American vessels, to the following rates, viz: Every vessel drawing less than 14 feet, . . . 150 cents per foot. Do. do. 14 do. and less than 18 do. . . . 175 do. do. Do. do. 18 do. and upwards . . . . . 225 do. do. The same rates of pilotage to be allowed on any vessel that may be piloted anywhere within the Hook, the master or owners of which vessel do not wish the same to be brought to the City wharfs. Half pilotage only to be allowed to any pilot who shall take charge of a vessel to the westward of the White Buoy. No pilotage whatsoever to be given to any pilot, unless he shall take charge of a vessel to the southward of the upper middle ground, nor unless such vessel shall be of 70 tons burthen, provided the usual signal be not given, in which case half pilotage is to be allowed. |PORT CHARGES. 57 As Between the 1st of November and the 1st of April inclusive, & 4, additional to be allowed for vessels of 10 feet draught and upwards; if of less draught, 28 2. One fourth additional to be given to the pilots who shall take charge of vessels out of sight of the lighthouse. For every day a pilot shall be required to remain on board, 283 per day. Foreign vessels not entitled by treaty to enter on the same terms as those of the United States, to pay one-fourth additional to the pilots, and also 28.5 over and above the foregoing rates of pilotage. Steamboats for towing ships to sea can be had at the rate of 28.10 per hour. The trip is usually performed from two hours and fifty minutes to three hours. Tonnage Duty, is fully explained page 9. Custom-House Fees.—To the Collector and Naval Officer : - 28 cts. Entry of a vessel of 100 tons or upwards, te º . 2.50 Clearance, , do. do. do. . * º . 2.50 Entry of a vessel under 100 tons, tº & g º . 1.50 Clearance, do. do. do. * * * . 1.5() Every post entry, - º Q º * º º . 2.00 Permit to land goods, º º e º º • . 20 Every bond taken officially, . º tº * s * . 40 ,, permit to load goods, for exportation for drawback, .. 30 ,, debenture or other official certificate, . te º . 20 , bill of health, . * e º º te º e 2O , official document, register excepted, required by any party, . e º e º º * º e 20 Sea-letter, . tº e e º tº º º * . 20 To the Collector.—Admeasuring and certifying the same, of every vessel of 100 tons and under, & . per ton. | Do. do. if above 100, and not exceeding 200 tons. do. . 1.50 Do. do. above 200 tons, º e e e do. . 2.00 For all other services on board any vessel of 100 tons and upwards, having on board a cargo subject to duty, . . 3.00 For like services, if the vessel be less than 100 tons burthen, º º g º gº º e º . 1.50 On all vessels not having on board goods, wares, or mer- chandize subject to duty, º º º * & . 663 Certificate of registry on record, and bond, . is º . 2.25 58 PORT CHARGES. 28 cts. Endorsement on register and records, . º º . 1.00 Every bond for a Mediterranean passport, . tº . 40 Seaman's protection, . º º e e º . 25 Harbour-master's Fees.—On American vessels or vessels of nations under treaty, I } cents per ton, according to the tonnage in the vessel's register or papers;–on vessels of nations not under treaty, double that rate ;-for adjusting differences, 28.2, each case. Rates of Wharfage.—For every vessel under 50 tons at the rate of 50 cents per day, and 124 cents per day for every 50 tons exceeding that burthen ;-if the vessel is caulking, repairing or careening, 33% per cent additional. Wardens of the Port.—The master and wardens, or any two of them, with the assistance of one or more skilful carpenters are appointed to be surveyors of all vessels deemed unfit to proceed to sea, and judges of the repairs necessary for the safety of such vessels on their intended voyage, and in all cases where vessels or goods arrive in a damaged state, and are required by the owners or consigners to be sold by auction for the benefit of the underwriters. In that event the sale is to be made under the inspection of the master and wardens, or any of them, who shall, when required by the owner or consignee, certify the cause of the damage, and the amount of sale and charges, for which service they are to be allowed, for the vessels or goods belonging to citizens of the United States, or to those of nations entitled by treaty to enter on equal terms, 1% per cent on the gross amount of sales; and for every survey on board of any vessel, for damaged goods, at any store, or along the docks or wharfs, 28 1.50 cents; on damaged goods, for each certificate & 1.20 cents ; for each survey on board of vessels put in, in distress & 2.50 cents, and for the same services to vessels paying foreign duties and tonnage, double the amount of said fees. All masters, owners or consignees of foreign vessels, (except those enjoying the privilege of special treaties) must report such vessels at the Wardens office within forty-eight hours after arrival, under penalty of 28.50, and on making the report, pay to the said board the following fees, one fourth part of which is for the use of the pilot and the residue for the use of the said board : 28 cts. If the vessel be of less than 100 tons burthen, . . 4.00 , more than 100, and less than 200 tons, . º . 6.00 PORT CHARGES. 59 & cts. If of 200 tons, or more and less than 300 tons, . . 8.00 ,, of 300 do. or upwards, * © * © , 10.00 Passengers.-On landing passengers, the captain of any vessel has to give bond to the amount of 28 500 for each, that they shall not become chargeable to the public, but this liability can be commuted on paying & I for each passenger. Cabin passengers arriving are besides rated at 28, 2 each, and steerage passengers at 28°1 each, for the benefit of the hospital. The former tax is usually paid by the vessel, it being included in the passage money; the latter, however, from not being taken into that con- sideration, is borne by the steerage passengers themselves. PHILADELPHIA Situated on the west bank of the Delaware, on the narrowest part of the peninsula, formed by that river and the Schuylkill, six miles above their confluence, and about 126 miles distant from the Atlantic, by the course of the Delaware river and bay. Custom-house charges and tonnage duty.—See New York.-No charge for Wardens of the Port. Pilotage.—82.50 cents per foot draft, and & 10 in addition for each vessel, during the winter months. Wharfage.—Inside berths & 2 per day, each vessel; outside berths, half that rate. Passengers.-Each passenger to pay on landing to the Health officer, 282, and to the Guardian of the post, & 1. BO STON. This city is built upon a peninsula of irregular form at the bottom of Massachusetts Bay, and is joined to the main land by an isthmus on the south-side of the town, of about two miles long. Boston harbour is capacious enough for 500 vessels to ride at anchor in good depth of water, whilst the entrance is so narrow as scarcely to admit two ships abreast. Custom-house charges and tonnage duty.—The same as under New York. There is no Harbour-master at Boston. Pilotage,_varies from about 28°1.50 cents at 282.50 cents per foot draft of water, according to circumstances. Wharfage.—No wharfage, lighterage, or other charge attaches to a British ship at Boston, unless the Portwardens are called on for a 60 |PORT C H A R G E S. certificate respecting damage, good stowage, &c. Formerly Dockage was a usual charge, but it is now discontinued, owing to competition between the proprietors of different wharfs. NEW OR LEAN S. Situated on the left bank of the Mississipi, 104 miles from its mouth by the course of that river, and about 90 in a direct line. Tonnage duty and Custom-house fees.—The regulations in force in other American ports, extend also to this. Pilotage.—From sea to the Bar, 8.2 per foot, and from the port to sea, the same. Powerful steam-boats may be had to take vessels either up to the town, or from thence to sea. The charge in the former case is 2&1 per ton measurement, and in the latter from 28°50 to 28°100. for each trip, according to circumstances. Harbour-master's fees,—vary a little according to the size of the vessel. A British brig of 230 tons burthen is rated at 28.6.25 cents. Portwardens, about 28.5. Wharfage, 28°40. Stowage.—The re-pressing of cotton is a charge falling on the ship by which it is exported, and is 75 cents per bale. Stowing cotton, 25 cents per bale, tobacco, & I. per ton, or 50 cents per hbd. Commission on Freight.—Inward 2% per cent, outward 5 per cent. KEY WEST. Rates of Pilotage.—By a late ordinance of the city council at Key West, vessels bound through the North West, to, or from ports farther West, stopping at the island to land passengers and letters, or to procure supplies, are no longer subject to any charge for pilotage, unless a pilot is desired and employed. Vessels entering the port for the purpose of trading and taking a pilot, are to pay as follows. 2&.cts. Drawing 5, and not above 12 feet water . º . 1.50 per foot. All above 12, do. 16 do. Q º . 2.00 do. Do. 16, do. 18 do. to Q . 2.25 do. Do. 18 feet, 2.50 do. Vessels not spoken with until within three miles of the lights on Whitehead's Point, Key West, are exempted from any charge. PORT CHARGES. 61 CONTENT's OF A TON For FREIGHT.* When vessels are freighted by the Ton, and no special agreement is made between the owner of the vessel, and freighter of the goods respecting the rate of tonnage at which each particular article shall be computed, the standards of computation are to be taken as fixed in the following regulation. The following quantities of the several articles enumerated shall be esteemed equivalent to a Ton of dead weight, viz. 1568 lbs. of coffee in casks. 1830 | 120 1307 952 | 1 || 0 6 20 cwt. 16 12 10 6 7 8 95 35 25 95 35 8 barrels flour, 196 lbs. each. 55 25 25 95 95 99 55 do. bags. cocoa in casks. do. bags. pimento in casks. do. bags. beef, pork, tallow, pickled fish, pitch, tar, and turpentine. pig and bar iron, potashes, sugar, logwood, fustic, Niagara wood, and all heavy dye-woods, rice, honey, copper ore, and all other heavy goods. * coffee, cocoa, and dried codfish in bulk. dried codfish in casks of any size. do. hides. ship-bread in casks. do. bags. do. bulk. 200 gallons wine-measure, reckoning the full contents of the casks, of oil, wine, brandy, or any kind of liquors. 22 bushels of grain, peas, or beans, in casks. 36 36 31 29 25 55 25 35 do. do. do. in bulk. European salt. salt from the West Indies. sea-coal. 40 feet, cubic measure, of mahogany, square timber, oak plank, pine, or other boards, beaver, fur, peltry, bees wax, cotton, wool, and bale goods of all kinds. I hlid. of tobacco 8 cwt. China raw silk. 10 , nett, Bohea tea. 8 55 green 2, * By laws of the New York Chamber of Commerce. CURRENCY AND APPRECIATION OF PRECIOUS METALS IN THE U N IT E D STATES OF AM E. R. IC A. The institutions of a comparatively young and effectually emanci- pated nation are necessarily distinguished by a desirable simplicity, and the monetary arrangements of the United States in particular, bear this characteristic feature in every detail in which they allow themselves to depart from previous custom. Prior to their independence, and also subsequently to its attainment, different currencies prevailed in the several States of the American Union, all of which however, have been since abolished by Act of Congress, which also declared all accounts kept in those monies to be inadmissable in the Courts of Justice. Still, from the force of habit, the use of them is not entirely abandoned, but the occasional instances of their employment are confined, without scarcely any exception, to the minor transactions of retailers. It is deemed useless to enter into a parti- cular enumeration of these obsolete currencies, as merchants’ accounts are now universally kept in dollars (8) and cents. . A Dollar contains 10 Dimes, 100 Cents, or 1000 Milles, and is represented : 1. in Gold,—by the 10 Dollar piece, called Eagle, # Eagle, and + Eagle, which however, are scarce, and only to be met with at a premium of from 2 to 5 per cent. 2. in Silver, a, by the American Dollar piece, now scarce. or by 2 — 50 Cent pieces. 4 — 25 do. 10 — 10 do 20 — 5 do. b, by the Spanish Dollar at par. CURRENCY OF THE UNITED STATES, 63 also by the Mexican, Central-American, Peruvian, and Chilian Dollar, being of equal standard with the Spanish, viz. 17 dwt. 8 grs. 1000 Spanish Dollars weigh 866 ounces, Troy weight. Note. The Chilian dollar is sometimes found deficientin weight, the average not exceeding 17 dwt. 7 grs. The Columbian dollar is an anomaly; its fineness is only 9 fine in 12, and its weight 15 dwt. to 15 dwt. Il grs. and its average value 70 to 75 cents. The Spanish and South American Dollar being divided into 8 Reals, and the United States Dollar into as many old New York Shillings, it follows that in New York the # Real piece circulates for # N. Y. shilling, or 64 Cents. I do. e º e I do. . . 12% do. 2 do. º e • 2 do. . . 25 do. 4 do. c e e 4 do. . . 50 do. 3. in Copper, by 100—one Cent pieces. 4. in Bank Notes, issued by the numerous incorporated Banks, established in every part of the Union, and bearing the re. spective values of 28°1. 282. 283. 28.5. 28.10. 28.20. 28.25. 830. 28°40. 3.50. 28, 100. 28.200. 28.300. 28°400. 28.500. 28°1000. &c. Although the Banks can at any time be called upon to redeem the nominal value of their issues by an equal value in the silver currency of the country, their local notes are the only ones, (with the exception of those of the United States Bank), which are current at par within the city, town, or district, where they have been issued; those of distant Banks usually bearing a propor- tionate small discount.* In the appreciation of precious metals in the United States, the * The trade of Banking is perfectly free in the United States. There are about 300 Banks established in that country, of which the “United States Bank,” whose central establishment is in Philadelphia, with twenty-five branch establishments in other parts of the States, is the principal. It is the Government Bank, and although not endowed with any further monopoly or privilege, is on that account as well as on account of the greater extent of its capital, the most influential. This Bank owes its origin to the commercial crisis which afflicted the United States about the year 1814, when a Government Bank no longer existed. At that period the Banks in most of the States stopped payment by mutual consent, which caused a great depreciation in the value of their notes. In order to remedy this state of things, and to break up this combination. Congress suggested the expediency of founding the “United States Bank.” It was incorporated as a National Bank on the 3d March, 1816, and its capital was fixed at 28°35,000,000, divided into shares of 28°100 each, (of which the United States are holders to the amount of 2&7,000,000), (;4 CURRENCY OF THE UNITED STATES. pound Troy is adopted. It contains 12 ounces, each ounce containing 20 pennyweights, and each pennyweight 24 grains. Therefore 480 grains constitute the ounce, and 5,760 grains the pound Troy. The grain is the lowest subdivision now in use in mercantile transactions. The unit of reference for fine silver has been fixed at 12 ounces, each divided into 20 pennyweights, each pennyweight containing 24 grains Troy. Standard silver is to fine silver in the proportion of 11 ounces, 2 pennyweights, or 222 dwt.s. fine in 240,” being the degree of fineness which is understood in the quotation of its commercial price, and adopted in its coinage. In a mass of standard silver, therefore, weighing 1 lb., there should be contained 11 oz. 2 dwts. of fine silver, and an alloy of 18 dwts. of fine copper. By the Statutes of 8th August, 1786, and 6th July, 1787, the coins of the United States and their fineness were established as follows: of Gold—the Eagle of the purity of 22 carats, weighing 268 +% grains, troy-weight, or 246 tº grains pure gold, and worth 10 dollars, the half and quarter Eagle in the same proportion. of Silver, the Dollar of the purity of 11 ounces weighing 409 º', grains troy-weight, or 375 +% grains pure silver, and worth 100 cents; the half and quarter Dollar, the Dime and Bit in the same proportion. bearing interest at 5 per cent per annum, the charter to expire at the termination of twenty years, viz. on the 3d March, 1836.-The first effects produced by the establishment of this Bank were such as had been anticipated. The other Banks found themselves compelled to resume their cash payments, and although they were consequently necessitated to contract their issues, and some to suspend their payments altogether, thereby involving the country and particularly the commercial classes in great distress for the time, the result was in the end beneficial to all, as it was through the instrumentality chiefly of this Bank, that the currency and the monetary system of the country were placed upon that footing of stability and solidity which they have enjoyed ever since. In a statement published by the Directors, dated 1st September, 1831, the affairs of the Bank are represented as in a very flourishing condition, and a clear surplus is exhibited of 28 1,750,000, over and above the original capital. The expiration of the charter approaching, Congress has been applied to for its renewal. This was granted in the last sittings of both Houses (1832), but the sanction of the President was withheld. The Bank is consequently under the necessity of winding up its concerns. The question, whether that body will yet succeed eventually in obtaining a renewal of their charter, or whether their privileges as a National Bank will pass over under certain restrictions, into the hands of others, cannot be answered definitively at present. It will mainly be decided by the next election to the presidental chair, which must take place previously to the expiration of the present United States’ Bank charter. * The former Mint price in England of silver, 62d. per oz. was altered in 1817, by Act of Parliament, when it was enacted, that 1 lb. of standard silver should be coined into 66 shillings, that those who brought the silver should receive 62 of these shillings. CURRENCY OF THE UNITED STATES. 65 of Copper, 100 Cents or 200 half Cents to weigh 24 pounds avoir du poids of copper. - The proportion between gold and silver is as 1 to 15%. In England it is 1 to 1533.” TABLE OF THE STANDARD WE1GHT of coins, As Usu ALLY ADMITTED IN THE UNITED STATES, dwts.grs. 28°.cts. American Gold,—the Eagle should weigh 11.06 valueatpar 10.00 Half do. 99 99 5.15 35 5.00 Quarter do. , 99 2.19% , 2.50 Do. Silver, the Dollar , ,, 17.10 95 1.00 Half do. 95 22 8.17 35 O.50 Quarter do. , 35 4.08%. , 0.25 Dime » , 1.17; 2, (). 10 Bit 2, 3, 0.20; 2, 0.05 English Gold,—a Guinea .,, 25 5.08 95 4.66 Half do. 25 59 2, 16 59 2.33 Third do. , 95 1.18; 3, 1.55 a Sovereign , 25 5.03 25 4.44 Half do. 25 95 2.13% , 2.22 French Gold,—Louis d’or , 59 5.00 95 4.36 Half do. 55 35 2. 12 92 2. 18 Napoleon, 20 francs, 4.03 99 3.60 Do. Silver, Crown 99 ,, 18.17 35 1.10 Portuguese Gold,—Joanese 95 ,, 18.00 95 16.00 Half do. , , 9.00 , 8.00 Moidore 55 95 6.22 95 6.00 Spanish Gold,—Doubloon , ,, 17.08 95 14,60 Half do. 55 95 8. 16 25 7.30 Quarter do. 95 4.08 35 3.65 Eighth do. , 95 2.04 25 1.87% Sixteenth do. 92 1.02 95 0.93% Do. Silver, Dollar 39 ,, 17.08 99 1.00 Any of the foregoing gold coins not of full weight, are considered as light gold, and are generally valued at from 3 to 5 per cent discount on these prices. Having the weight of any quantity of American or foreign gold in a * Dubost, Elements of Commerce. 66 CURRENCY OF THE UNITED STATES. condition to be considered as bullion, an estimation of its value may be made by computing it at the following rates, being the government standard valuations for the regulation of the currency in the United States in conformity to Acts of Congress passed 29th April, 1816. American, English and Portuguese Gold.—The gold coins of America, Great Britain, and Portugal are all of the same standard, and are valued at 88% cents to the pennyweight, or at 27 grains to the dollar, thus the weight of one dollar is 1 dwt. 3 grs. do. 500 , 562 , 12 , do. 10,000 , 11,250 , 00 , French Gold. — The gold coin of France is valued at 874 cents the pennyweight, or 27# grains to the dollar, therefore the weight of one dollar is 1 dwt. 4 grs. do. 500 , 573 , 7 : do. 10,000 , 11,461 2, 8 2, Spanish Gold.—This coin is valued agreeably to Act of Congress, at 84 cents to the pennyweight, or 284 grains to the dollar. The weight of one dollar is I dwt. 6 grs. do. 500 dollars 585 , 6 » do. 10,000 , 11,904 ,, 18 , Doubloons, it will be observed, are received by the Banks at 28, 14.60 each, but they are generally in such demand as to sell for 28°15. each, and even as high as 28 16. The premium at which other gold is quoted in the market is of course in addition to the foregoing valuations. TABLE OF THE WEIGHT AND FINENESS OF COINS, AS ASCERTAIN ED ON AN AVERAGE OF ACTUAL OPERATIONS IN LONDON . English Gold, a Guinea weighs 5 dwts. 9:# grs. Fineness, Standard. 9 Half do. , 2 , 16# 2, do. Third do. , 1 2, 19; , do. Sovereign , 5 2, 3### , do. Half do. , 2 2, 13% , do. Double do , 10 , 6### , do. Five Sov. pieces 25 , 16### , do. Note.—Guineas weighing 5 dwts. 8 grs. and Sovereigns , 5 ,, 2# ,, are considered a legal tender. dwts. grs. dwts, grs, dwts. grº. American Gold, Eagle weighs 11 6 Worseness 0 0} = 11 4; Do. Silver, Dollar , 17 8 average, . do. . 0 84 = 16 16 CURRENCY OF THE UNITED STATES. 67 dwts. grs. dwts. grs. dwts. grs. French Gold, Napoleon weighs 4 34 Worseness, 0 13 = 4 1+ Louis d'or , 5 54 . . do. () 2 5 2; Portuguese do. Dobrão 18,000rs. 18 6 Fineness, exactly Standard. Joanese or 4 do. 6400 , 9 6: . Worseness, 0 0# = 9 5: Spanish Gold, Doubloons, , 17 84 . . do. . . 0 24 = 16 21: Do. coined 1801. , 17 9 . . do. . . l l = 16 9 fºr Do.Silver, Dollars, late coinage, 17 8 average, do. . . 0 8 = 16 17 Do. pillar, . . , 17 8; . . do. . . O 4} = 17 0 East India Gold, Old Bombay gold Mohur, , 7 103 Betterness, 0 3} = 170 grs. fine. Surate Mohur, late coinage, , 7 11 . . do. . 0 2% = 516 do. or 7 dwts. 12 grs. standard. Do. do. old , 7 10} . do. . 0 3% = 170 do. fine. thus 100 Mohurs=3 lbs. 2 oz. 12 dwts. 17 grs. standard. W E I G H T S A N D M E A S U R E S OF THE UNITED STATES OF AM ERIC A. WEIGHTS. The Weights in use in the United States are the same as those established in England. Troy Weight.—For ascertaining the weight of precious metals, Grains 24 I Pennyweight. TSOT30 || 1 Ounce. 5,760 | 240 | 12 || 1 Pound. Apothecaries make use of the pound Troy weight, which they divide into 12 ounces, 96 drachms, 288 scruples, or 5760 grains. The ounce Troy weight for weighing diamonds and pearls is divided into 150 carats, and each carat into 4 grains. Avoir dupoids Weight.—For weighing every other description of mer- chandize is derived from Troy weight, or 14 oz. 11 dwts. 15% grs. Troy,+ I lb. or 175 lbs. Troy=144 lbs. avoir du poids, or 175 ounces Troy=192 oz. avoir du poids. K 2 68 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Grains Troy 27.4% 1 Dram. 437% 16 I Ounce. 7,000 256 16 1 Pound. 196,000 || 7,168 || 448 || 28 || 1 Quarter. 784,000 28,672 | 1,792 | | 12 4 || || Hundred weight. I5,680,000 T573,440 |35,810 |2,240 | SO | 20 I Ton. - Goods formerly sold by the hundred weight, are at present currently sold by the 100 lbs. avoir du poids, except dry cod fish, hoop iron, steel, litharge, whiting, white and red lead, brimstone, flour of sulphur, ochre, American cordage, and sometimes Carracas and Trinidad cocoa, the prices of which articles continue to be regulated by the 112 lbs. In actual transactions 100 lbs. American or avoir du poids weight come out as equal to : 107 84 924 131#. 91+!; 87; 964 1 12 91 Rotoli lbs. 35 55 35 52 55 35 33 97 96 , 3; Maunds 98% lbs. 114; , 85-1%. 98 , 75 Catti 35 25 1} Maunds 1; Balies 96 lbs. in Alexandria, , Algiers, , Augsburg, , Bastia, , Belgium, , Berne, , Berlin, , Breslau, , Bremen, (or 112lb. =102lb.) , Brunswick, , Buenos Ayres, , Bombay, , Cadiz and all Spain, , Cagliaria, , Candia, ,, Canary Islands, , Canton (133} = 1 Pecul.) , Calcutta, (or 82; lbs. per Bazaar Maund) at the Cape of Good Hope, in Chili, Central A- merica, and Co- lombia, 71 Rotoli in Constantinople, 104; lbs. , Dantzic, 90% , , Denmark, 100 35 , England, 45%. Kilogr. , France, (or 112 lbs. = 50%. Kilo.) 963 lbs. light wt., Frankforto.m. or 112 lbs.= 108 lbs. 143 35 in Genoa, 92# , , Hamburg (or 112 =104 lbs.) 96 35 , Havana, 91+'s , , Holland, (or 112 =102 lbs.) 135 , , Leghorn, (or 112 =156 lbs.) 97: , , Leipzic, 111; , , Liebau (360=400 lbs. or 1 ship- pound.) 97 , , Lisbon, (or 132= 128 lbs.), 93# , ,, Lübeck, 4 Maunds , Madras, 57; Rotoli , Malta, (or 175 lbs. | =100 Rotoli,) OF THE UNITED STATES. 69 lbs. 107% in Majorca, 80 Rotoli in 1.12% ,, table , Marseilles, (or 88% a 90lbs. = 100 lbs.) 91: , in Martinique, 914 lbs. , 96 ,, , Mexico, 106% , , 51 , , Naples (196lbs. = 1 || 94; , , Cantar of 100 903 , 95 Rotoli), 81} , 55 2% Poods , Odessa, (36 lbs.=1 Pood.) 89% , 25 56; Rotoli , Palermo (176 lbs= | 90 , , I Cantar) 1513 2, , 100 lbs. , Portorico, 105}, , , Reval, 803 , 33 108 , , Riga, 98á , , Rio de Janeiro, I 103 , , 2%. Poods , Russia, MEASURES. DRY OR CORN MEASURE, Smyrna (125 lbs. = 100 Rot, or 1 quintal of 45 O- key.) Surinam, Sweden, Switzerland, St. Thomas, Trieste, (123=100 lbs.) Tripoli, Tunis, Venice (66 lbs. = 100 lbs. Sotile), Vienna, (124=100 lbs.) Warsaw. The Winchester measure, formerly used in England, is still the standard in the United States. * Quarts 4 I Gallon. 8 2 1 Peck. 32 8 4. 1 Bushel. 64. 16 8 2 1 Strike. 128 32 16 4. 2 1 Comb. 256 64 32 8 4. 2 1 Quarter. 1,280T 320 TIGOT AO | 20 | 10 5 || | Wey. 2,560 | 640 || 320 80 40 20 | 10 || 2 | I Last. Comparison of the American with Foreign Measures.—The following equations of corn measure, for the most part derived from the results of actual importations into England, are given in order to assist in the calculation of corn and grain from other countries, as compared with importation from the United States. 70 AND MEASURES WEIGHTS 103; Qrs. Winchester measure, are equal to 100 Grs. Imperial measure 103 a 103 Qrs. 10; a 10% 113 a 1.1% 103 a) II 143 a 14% 133 a) 14; 35 55 92 39 35 do. do. do. do. do. do. 55 I do. 95 1 do. 35 I do. in England, 1 Last in Holland, Bremen, Hamburg, Dantzic, Elbing, Memel, and Königsberg, 53 1 do. Stettin, Anclam, Stralsund and Wolgast, 55 I do. Rostock and Wismar, Note. Oats have sometimes rendered : a) # Qrs. per last more, from the last mentioned two places. 11; a 113 Qrs. Winch. m. are equal to 1 Last wheat, ) 10: a) 11 143 (a) 14:# l 10 10 10 29 @ 29% 100 200 100 I l; 100 I I Memorandum. 95 95 25 22 39 35 35 99 99 99 99 22 25 99 95 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 35 25 25 95 25 39 95 55 95 35 99 55 35 59 barley, linseed of 48 loop, 1 do. rye, of 45 do. I do. Oats, of 60 do. in Riga and Liebau, 2 barrels linseed, 13; Czetwert in Russia, 20 a 21 Tons in Denmark and Hol- stein, 28 a) 29 Hectolitres in France and Belgium, 100 Stajas 45.8% Metzen 4 Sacs 500 Emines 105; Rubbi 54 Tomoli 1 Salm 2003 Kisloz 5 Fanegas 20 Alquiers in Trieste and Venice, ,, Trieste, , Leghorn, , Genoa, , Rome, , Naples and Sicily, , Malta, , Turkey and Egypt, , Cadiz and all Spain, , Lisbon, I barrel flour contains 5 bushels wheat, and weighs nett 196 lbs, 1 barrel Indian corn, contains 3; bushels, weighing about 57 lbs. each bushel, 1 tierce flax seed contains 7 bushels, 1 bushel clover seed ought to weigh 65 to 68 lbs. 1 do. salt 25 56 lbs. OF THE UNITED STATES. 71 CLOTH MEASURE is in every respect the same as in England. Inches 2} 1 Nail. 9 4. 1 Quarter of a yard. 36 16 4. I Yard. 27 12 3 || 1 Flemish Ell. 45 20 5 || 1 English Ell. 54 24 6 | | French Ell. Comparison of American with Foreign cloth measures. 1284 yards equal 100 aunes de France, but more generally 5 yards are 9 21.4% 200 100 124; 245% 227# I sº 73% 71} 64 58% 100 100 87% 67 75 76 62% 60 62+ 68#. 653 100 100 100 100 55 35 33 35 33 25 35 55 35 35 33 25 35 35 25 25 92 95 25 35 55 22 55 55 95 95 99 55 29 25 25 35 55 59 95 92 55 99 59 25 25 25 95 99 95 35 55 95 92 35 25 taken for 4 aunes, 63 do. de Paris, 100 Cannes of Marseilles and Montpellier, 100 do. , Toulouse, 91+º, Métres, french measure, 100 Aunes of Geneva, 100 Canes of 9 Palmas in Genoa, 100 do. in Rome, 1 Cane in Naples, Sicily, and Malta, 100 Brasos , Venice, 100 do. , Bergamo, 100 do. , Florence and Leghorn, 100 do. , Milan, 1354 Ellen , Trieste, 1173 do. 2, Austria, 100 aunes , St. Gall, for linen, 100 do. 2, do. , cloth, 100 do. , Holland, 100 do. , Brabant (more frequently 3 yards= 4 Ells), 100 do. 2, Hamburg (5 yards=8 aunes, more usual,) 100 do. , Silesia, 100 do. , Dantzic, 100 do. , Norway, 100 do. 2, Sweden, 16.1# Ellen , Leipsic, 167+% do. , Frankfort, o. M. 158 do. , Bremen, 128% do. , Russia, 72 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 100 yards equal 108 Varas in Spain, Havana, Mexico, Colombia, Buenos Ayres, Chili, Peru, and Central America, 100 , , 135; Covados, Portugal and Brazil, 100 , , 136% Pick , Turkey and Egypt, 100 , ,, 200 Covid , Calcutta, 100 , , 133; do. 2, Batavia, 100 , , 245% do. , Canton. LIQUID OR WINE MEASURE, according to the old English Gallon. Pints 2 1 Quart. 8 4 1 Gallon. 336 168 42 1 Tierce. 504 252 63 | T 1 Hogshead. 672 336 84 2 lº, I Puncheon. 1,008 504 || 126 3 2 14 || 1 Pipe. 2,016 | 1,008 || 252 || 6 4. 3 2 | | Tun. { 1 Indian barrel contains 18 gallons, 1 anker 25 10 , 1 gallon ,, 231 cubic inches, I do. linseed oil weighs 7} a 7% lbs. avoir du poids. Comparison of American with Foreign liquid measures—100 gallons of the United States are equivalent to : 2714 Canadas of Portugal and 24% ºr Ohm of Prussia, Brazil, 61% Eimer , Austria, 24??, Arrobas , Spain, Hava- 51%'s do. , Bavaria, na, Mexico, 41% do. , Saxony, and South A- 24%. Ohm , FrankfortoM. merica, 54%, Orne ,, Trieste, 378,”, Litres , France, Hol- 21% Mezzaroli, Genoa, land, and Bel- 84% Barili , Naples, gium, +% do. , Leghorn and 83.” Gallons , Great Britain Tuscany, (252gal.-210 **o do. , Rome, imperial do. * Ohm , Denmark, more usual), +% do. , Sweden, 52*, Viertel , Hamburgh, 30% Wedro , Russia, (better 38 gal. 72%. Almud , Turkey and =20 Viertel), Egypt, and Bremen, | 100 old Gallons , Calcutta. OF THE UNITED 73 STATES. HYDROMETRIC STRENGTH OF SPIRITS. First American Proof is 10 tyct, or more than 10 dpct, under London proof, , 5 a 10 tp.cº. under London proof. , London proof down to 5 tº cº. under London proof, , London proof up to 20 tp.cº. over London proof, ,, anything above 20 º'c. and not exceeding 40 dºct. over London proof. Second do. do. Third do. do. Fourth do. do. Fifth do. do. First American Proof is equal to 19% French degrees (Cartier). Second do. do. Third do. do. Fourth do. do. 95 55 95 55 59 35 2, 204 do. do. 2, 21% do. do. ,, 22; a); do. COAL MEASURE, The former English measure, do. do. do. Pecks 4 1 Bushel. 12 3 1 Sack. 36 9 3 I Vat or Strike. 144 36 12 4|_1 Chaldron. 3,024T 756 |T252 TSTT21 | I Score. Coal is sold in New York as follows: Liverpool, per Ton of Lehigh, Schuylkill, 95 55 Lackawana, ,. do. do. do. It is ascertained that one Ton of Anthracite Coal is equal, as fuel, to six one-horse cart-loads of hard wood. 95 92 99 36 bushels, 28 do. 29 do. 33 do. 74 EXCHANGES AND BILLS OF EXCHANGE IN T H E U N IT E D STATES OF AME R IC A. ON ENGLAND, at 60 or 90 days after sight. Hitherto the par of Exchange has been taken at 4s. 6d. per dollar, or, which is the same thing, 28.40 to equal £9. This valuation of the dollar, however, being considerably higher than is justified by the corresponding value of silver abroad, the exchange on England has invariably ruled at a pre- mium on sterling much higher than it would have been in proportion only, to the commercial balance in favour of Great Britain. In conse- quence of this, and the Tariff act of 14th July 1832, whereby the pound sterling is for the future to be valued at 28°4.80 cents for all purposes at the custom-house, having also set the example, a beginning was made in August last to quote the exchange on England in the more simple way of so many dollars and cents currency of the United States for one pound British sterling. The mode of calculation according to the par-system is as follows: @ 10 per cent premium. @ 8; per cent premium. 28°40 = £9. 28°40 = £9. 28, 110 = £100. 28, 108} = £100. 28°440 = £90. 28°435 = 690. 28 1000 a) 83 per cent premium. £1000 a 9% per cent premium. I OOO X 90. | 000 × 438. 433 90 At 8 per cent premium, 1 cent is exactly a half-penny. In the subsequent table of sterling value, reduced to the American currency it has been endeavoured as much as possible to conciliate the present and late systems of computation. ON FRANCE,-at 60 or 90 days after sight: 5 francs 20 centimes, more or less, for one dollar. EXCHANGES IN THE UNITED STATES. 75 ON HAMBURGH,-at 60 or 90 days after sight: 36 cents, more or less, for one mark banco. ON AMSTERDAM, at 60 or 90 days after sight: 40 cents, more or less, for one guilder currency. ON BREMEN, -at 60 or 90 days after sight: 80 cents, more or less, for one rix dollar louis d'or. Stamps.-None are required in the United States on bills of ex- change of any kind. Days of Grace.—Three days of grace are allowed on bills payable in the United States, the same as in England. Damages on dishonoured Bills of Eachange.—By a revised law of the state of New York, which came into operation on the 1st January 1830, the following damages on Bills drawn or negociated in that state and protested for non-payment are allowed, viz: Bills drawn on the States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ohio, Maryland, Virginia or district of Columbia, three per ct. On the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Ken- tucky or Tennessee,_five per cent. On any other state or territory of the United States, or any other place on or adjacent to the American continent north of the equator, or any other foreign possession in the West Indies, or elsewhere, or the Western Atlantic Ocean, or any port or place in Europe, ten per cent. Such damages shall be in lieu of interest, charges of protest and all other charges incurred previous to, and at the time of giving notice of non-payment, but the holder of such bill shall be entitled to demand and recover lawful interest upon the aggregate amount of the principal sum specified in such bill, and of the damages thereon, from the time at which notice of protest for non-payment shall have been given, and payment of such principal sum shall have been demanded. If the contents of such bill be expressed in the money of account of the United States, the amount due thereon and of the damages allowed for the non-payment thereof, shall be ascertained and determined without reference to the rate of exchange existing between this state and the place on which such bill shall have been drawn, at the time of the de- mand of payment or of notice of non-payment. If the contents of such bill be expressed in the amount or currency of any foreign country, then the amount due, exclusive of the damages payable thereon shall be ascertained and determined by the rate of ex- change, or the value of such foreign currency, at the same time of the demand for payment. - A T A B L E OF R EDUCTION OF BRITISH STER LING M O N E Y INTO UNITED STATES, CURRENCY, British Sterling. 1 Penny, 2 Pence, 3 3, 2 2 3 pp a e 9.9 9 p 2 P tº 2 : 22 10 , , Shilling, 3 y 11 $ 9 12 , 13 2.9 14 J. P. 15 , , 16 , 17 , 18 , . . 19 , tº º 1 Pound, 2 , * : 3 ,, . . 4 , Par. 100% | 101 OT Or Or d4.44.44m d4.46.66m d4.48.88m Dol.cts.m. | Dol.cts.m. | Dol.cts.m. 1.85 1.86 1.87 3.70. 3.72 3.74 5,55 5,58 5.61 7.40 7.44 7.48 9.25 9.30 9.35 11. 11 11.17 I 1.22 12.96 13.02 13.09 14.81 14.88 14.96 16.66 16.74 16.83 18.51 18, 60 18.70 20.36 20.46 20.57 22.22 22.33 22.44 44.44 44.66 44.89 66.66 67.00 67.33 88.88 89.33 89.78 1.11.11 1. 11.67 | 1.12.22 1.33.33 | 1.34.00 | 1.34.67 1.55.55 | 1.56.33 | 1.57. 11 1.77.77|| 1.78.66 1.79.56 2.00.00 2.01.00 || 2.02.00 2.22.22 2.23.33 || 2.24.44 2.44.44 2.45.66 2.46.89 2.66.66 2.68.00 2.69.33 2.88.88 2.89.33 2.91.78 3.11.1 1 || 3.12.67 3.14.22 3.33.33 || 3.35.00 3.36.67 3.55.55 || 3.57.33 || 3.59.11 3.77.77|| 3.79.66 || 3.81.56 4.00.00 || 4.02.00 || 4.04.00 4.22.22 || 4.24.33 || 4.26.44 4.44.44 || 4.46.67 || 4.48.89 8.88.88 || 8.93.33 8.97.78 13.33.33 || 13.40.00 13.46.67 17.77.77|| 17.86.67 17.95.56 101, 102 Or Or d4.51.1.1m d4.53.33m Dol.cts.m. | Dol.cts.m. 1.88 1.89 3.76 3.78 5.64 5.66 7.52 7.56 9.40 9.44 I 1.28 11.33 13. 16 13.22 15.04 15.11 16.92 17.00 18.80 18.89 20.68 20.78 22.56 22.67 45.11 45.33 67.67 68.00 90.22 90.67 1.12.78 1. 13.33 1.35.33 1.36.00 1.57.89 1.58.67 1.80.44 1.81.33 2.03.00 2.04.00 2.25.56 2.26.67 2.48.11 2,49.33 2.70.67 2.72.00 2.93.22 2.94.67 3, 15.78 3.17.33 3.38.33 3.40.00 3.60.89 3.62.67 3.83.44 3.85.33 4.06.00 4.08.00 4.28.56 4.30.67 4.51,11 4.53.33 9.02.22 9.06.67 13.53.33 || 13.60.00 18.04.44 | 18.13.33 102} | 103 Or Or d4.55.56m d4.57.77m Dol.cts.m. | Dol.cts.m. 1.90 1.91 3.80 3.81 5.69 5.72 7.59 7.63 9.49 9.54 11.39 11.44 13.39 13.35 15.18 15.26 17.08 17.17 18.98 19,07 20.88 20.98 22.78 22.89 45.56 45.78 68.33 68,67 91. 11 91.56 1. 13.89 | 1.14.44 1.36.67 | 1.37.33 1.59.44 | 1.60.22 1.82.22 | 1.83.11 2.05.00 2.06.00 2.27.78 2.28.89 2.50.56 || 2.51.78 2.73.33 2.74.67 2.96.11 2.97.56 3.18.89 || 3.20,44 3.41.67 || 3,43.33 3.64.44 || 3.66.22 3.87.22 || 3.89.11 4.10.00 || 4.12.00 4.32.78 || 4.34.89 4.55.56 || 4.57.78 9.11.11 | 9.15.56 13.66.67 13.73.33 18.22.22 | 18.31.11 —-º-º: REDUCTION of BRITIs H stERLING MONEY, &c. 77 CONTINUATION, BY THE RATES OF THE EXCHANGE IN THE UNITED STATES ON ENGLAND. ..., | 103} 104 104, 105 105; 106 British Sterling. OT OT Or Or Or Or D4.60c.00m. | D4.62c.22m. | D4.64c.44m. D4.66c.66m. D4.68c.88m. D4.71 c.11m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. 1 Penny 1.92 1.93 1.94 1.94 1.95 1.96 2 Pence 3.83 3.85 3.87 3.89 3.9] 3.93 3 , , . . 5.75 5.78 5.81 5.83 5.86 5.89 4 , 7.67 7.70 7.74 7.77 7.81 7.85 5 , . 9.58 9.63 9.68 9.72 9.77 9.82 6 , . . 11.50 11.56 11.61 11.67 11.72 11.78 7, 13.42 13.48 13.55 13.61 13.68 13.74 8 , , 15.33 15.41 15.48 15.56 15.63 15.70 9 , 17.25 17.33 17.42 17.50 17.58 17.76 10 , , 19.17 19.26 19.35 19.44 19.54 19.63 11 , . . 21.08 21.19 21.29 21.39 21.49 21.59 1 Shills. 23.00 23. 1 1 23.22 23.33 23.44 23.56 2 ” . 46.00 46.22 46.44 46.67 46.89 47.19 3 ,, . 69.00 69.33 69.67 70.00 70.33 70.67 4 ,, . . 92.00 92.44 92.89 93.33 93.78 94.22 5 , . . 1.15.00 1.15.56 1.16.11 1.16.67 1. 17.22 1.17.78 6 » .. 1.38.00 1.38.67 1.39.33 1.40.00 1.40.67 1.41.33 7 2, .. 1.61.00 1.61.78 1.62.56 1.63.00 1.64.1 1 1.64.89 8 . . . 1.84.00 1.84.89 1.85.77 1.86.67 1.87.56 1.88.44 9 , . . 2.07.00 2.08.00 2.09.00 2.10.00 2.11.00 2.12.00 10 ,, . . 2.30.00 2.31. 11 2.32.22 2.33.33 2.34.44 2.35.56 11 , . 2.53.00 2.54.22 2.55.44 2.56.67 2.57.89 2.59.11 12 , 2.76.00 2.77.33 2.78.67 2.80.00 2.81.33 2.82.67 13 , 2.99.00 3.00.44 3.01.89 3.03.33 3.04.78 3.06.22 14 , 3.22.00 3.23.56 3.25.11 3.26.67 3.28.22 3.29.78 15 ,, 3.45.00 3.46.67 3.48.33 3.50.00 3.51.67 3.53.33 16 , .. 3.68.00 3.69.78 3.71.56 3.73.33 3.75.11 3.76.89 17, .. 3.91.00 3.92.89 3.94.78 3.96.67 3.98.56 4.00.44 18 , .. 4.14.00 4.16.00 4.18.00 4.20.00 4.22.00 4.24.00 19 ,, .. 4.37.00 4.39.11 4.41.22 4.43.33 4.45.44 4.47.56 1Pound 4.60.00 4.62.22 4.64.44 4.66.67 4.68.89 * , .. 9.20.00 9.24.44 9.28.89 9.33.33 9.37.78 9.42.22 3 ,, . 13.80.00 13.86.67 13.93.33 14.00.00 14.06.67 14.13.33 * , .. 18.40.00 18.48.89 18.57.78 18.66.67 18.75.56 18.84.44 *- 78 REDUCTION OF BRITISH STERLING MONEY CONTINUATION, BY THE RATES OF THE EXCHANGE IN THE UNITED STATES ON ENGLAND. I 1 1 pain, 10% 107 107; 108 1084 109 Sterling. OT Or OT OT OI’ Or D4.73c.33m. D4.75c.55m. | D4.77c.77m. | D4.80c.00m. D4.82c.22m. | D4.84c.44m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. 1Penny 1.97 1.98 2.00 2.00 2.01 2,02 2 Pence 3.94 3.96 3.98 4.00 4.02 4.04 3 ,, . 5.92 5.95 5.97 6.00 6.03 6.06 4 , , . . 7.89 7.93 7.96 8.00 8.04 8.07 5 , . . 9.86 9.91 9.95 10.00 10.05 10.09 6 , . . 11.83 11.89 11.94 12.00 12.06 12, 11 7 , . . 13.81 13.87 13.04 14.00 14.06 14. 13 8 . . . . 15.78 I 5.85 15.93 16.00 16.07 16.15 9 ,, 17.75 17.83 17.92 18.00 18.08 18.17 10 ,, 19.72 19.81 19.91 20.00 20.09 20.19 11 , . . 21.69 21.80 21.90 22.00 22. IO 22.20 1 Shilº. 23.67 23.78 23.89 24.00 24. 11 24.22 2 , 47.33 47.56 47.78 48.00 48.22 48.44 3 , 71.00 71.33 71.66 72.00 72.33 72.67 4 , , . . 94.67 95.1 1 95.56 96.00 96.44 96.89 5 , . . 1. 18.33 1. 18.89 1.19.44 1.20.00 1.20.56 1.21.11 6 ,, . . 1.42.00 1.42,67 1.43.33 1.44.00 1.44.67 1.45.33 7 , . . 1.65.67 1.66.44 1.67.22 1.68.00 1.68.78 1.69.56 8 . . . 1.89.33 1.90.22 1.91. 11 1 92.00 1.92.89 1.93.78 9 , . . 2. 13.00 2. 14.00 2. 15.00 2.16.00 2.17.00 2. 18.00 10 , , 2.36.67 2.37.78 2.38.89 2.40.00 2.41.11 2.42.22 11 , 2.60.33 2.61.56 2.62.78 2.64.00 2.65.22 2.66.44 12 , 2.84.00 2.85.33 2.86.67 2.88.00 2.89.33 2.90.67 13 , 3.07.67 3.09.11 3.10.56 3.12.00 3.13.44 3.14.89 14 , 3.31.33 3.32.89 3.34.44 3.36.00 3.37.56 3.39.11 15 , . . 3.55.00 3.56.67 3.58.33 3.60.00 3.61.67 3.63.33 16 ,, . . 3.78.67 3.80.44 3.82.22 3.84.00 3.85.78 3.87.56 17 ,, . . 4.02.33 4.04.22 4.06.11 4.08.00 4.09.87 4.11.78 18 ,, . . 4.26.00 4.28.00 4.30.00 4.32.00 4.34.00 4.36.00 19 ,, . 4.49.67 4.51.78 4.53.89 4.56.00 4.58. 11 4.60.22 1Pound 4.73.33 4.75.56 4.77.78 4.80.00 4.82.22 4.84.44 2 . . . 9.46.67 9.51.1 l 9.55.56 9.60.00 9.64.44 9.68.89 3 , , , . 14.20.00 14.26.67 14.33.33 14.40.00 14.46.67 14.53.33 4 ,, . . 18.93.33 19.02.22 19. 11.11 19, 20.00 19.28.89 19.37.78 CIGIALIN ſl OJ, NI "AONSI?H?Iſ) O S&H,LVJ.S 6 ! 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Ol' d4.44.44m Dol.cts.m. 22.22.22 26.66.66 31.1.1. 11 35.55.55 40.00.00 44.44.44 48.88.88 53.33.33 57.77.77 62.22.22 66.66.66 75.55.55 80.00.00 84.44.44 88.88.88 93.33.33 97.77.77 102.22.22 106.66.66 111.11.11 115,55.55 120.00.00 124.44.44 | 28.88.88 133.33.33 137.77.77 142.22.22 146,66.66 151.1 l. l 1 155, 55.55 160,00.00 164.44.44 168.88.88 173.33.33 177.77.77 182.22.22 186.66.66 101.11.11 195.55.55 200.00.00 204.44.44 100, Ol' d4.46.66m 101 07” d4.48.88m Dol.cts.m. 22, 33.33 26.80.00 31.26.67 35.73.33 40.20.00 44.66.67 49. 13.33 53.60.00 58.06.67 62.53.33 67.00.00 71.46.67 75.93,33 80.40.00 84.86.67 89.33,33 93.80.00 98.26.67 102.73,33 107.20.00 111.66.67 116. 13.33 120.60.00 125.06.67 129.53.83 134.00.00 138.46,67 142.93.33 147.40.00 151.86.67 156.33.33 160.80.00 165.26.67 169.73.33 174.20.00 178.66.67 183.13.33 187.60.00 192.06.67 196.53.33 201.00.00 205.46.67 Dol.cts.m. 22.44.44 26.93.33 31.42.22 35.91.11 40.40.00 44 88.89 49.87.78 53.86.67 58.35.56 62.84.44 67.33.33 71.82.22 76.31.11 80.80.00 85.28.89 89.77.78 94.26.67 98.75.56 103.24.44 107.73.33 112.22.22 121.20.00 125 68.89 130. 17.78 134.66.67 139.15 56 143.64.44 148. 13.33 152.62.22 157. 11.11 161.60.00 166.08.89 170.57.78 175.06.67 179.55.56 184.04.44 188.53.33 193.02.22 197.51.11 202.00.00 206.48.89 1 101, OT d4.51.11m Dol.cts.m. 22. 55.55 27.06.67 31.57.78 36.08 89 40.60 00 45. 11.11 49,62.22 54. 13.33 58.64.44 63. 15.56 67.66.67 72.17.78 76.68.89 81.20.00 85.71. 11 90.22.22 94.73.33 99.24.44 103.75.56 108.26.67 112.77.78 117.28.89 121.80.00 126.31.11 130.82.22 135.33.33 139.84.44 144.35.56 148.86.67 153.37.78 157.88.89 162.40.00 166.91.11 171.41.22 175.92 33 180.43.44 184.94.56 189.45.67 193.96.77 198.47.89 203.00.00 207.51.11 102 OT d4.53.33m Dol.cts.m. 22 66.67 27.20.00 31.73.33 36.26.67 40.80.00 45.33.33 49.86.67 54.40.00 58.93.33 63.46.67 68.00.00 72.53.33 77.06.67 81.60.00 86.13.33 90.66.67 95.20.00 99,73.33 104.26.67 108.80.00 113.33.33 117.86.67 122.40.00 126.93.33 13].46.67 136.00.00 140. 53.33 145.06.67 149.60.00 154.13.13 158.66.67 163.20.00 167.73.33 172.26.67 176.80.00 181.33.33 185.86.67 190.40.00 194.93.33 199.46.67 204.00.00 208.53.33 5 Pounds. 6 2 ſº 7 2 ſº 8 , , 9 , , 10 , , . . 11 , . . 12 , , 13 , , 14 jº 9 15 , , 16 , 17 ,, 18 92 19 , , 20 , , 21 2 ſº 22 , , 23 , , 24 , 25 ,, . . 26 ,, . . 27 , , 28 , , 29 , , 30 , , 31 , , 32 2.9 33 ſº p 34 , 35 ,, 36 ,, . . 37 . . . 38 2.9 39 , , 40 92 41 , , 42 22 e = 43 , , 44 ,, 45, , . . 46 ,, .. 1 102; OT d4.55.56m Dol.cts.m. 22.77.78 27.33.33 31.88.89 36.44.44 41.00.00 45.55.56 50. 11.11 54.66.67 59.22.22 63.77.78 68.33.33 72.88.89 77.44.44 82.00.00 86.55.56 91.11.11 95.66.67 100.22.22 104.77.78 109.33.33 113.88.89 118.44.44 123.00.00 127.55.56 132.11.11 136.66.67 141.22.22 145.77.78 150.33.33 154.88.89 159.44.44 164.00.00 168.55.56 173.11.11 177.66.67 182.22.22 186.77.78 191.33.33 195.88.89 200.44.44 205.00.00 209.55.55 103 Or d4.57.77m Dol.cts.m. 22.88.89 27.46.67 32.04.44 36.62.22 45.77.78 50.35.56 54.93.33 59.51.11 64.08.89 68.66.67 73.24.44 77.82.22 82.40.00 86.97.78 91.55.56 96.13.33 105.28.89 109.86.67 114.44.44 I 19.02.22 123.60.00 128.17.78 132.75.56 137.33.33 141.91.11 146.48.89 I 51.06.67 155.64.44 160.22.22 164.80.00 169.37.78 173.95.56 178.53.33 183.11.11 187,68.89 192.26.67 196.84.44 201.42.22 206.00.00 210.57.87 __-" INTO UNITED STATEs’ cuſ RRENCY. 8 l ..., | 103} British Sterling. O I’ D4.60c.00m. *-* Dol.cts.m. 5 Pas. 23.00.00 6 ,, . . 27.60.00 7 , . . 32.20.00 8 , , 36.80.00 9 , , 41.40.00 10 , , 46.00.00 11 , , 50.60.00 12 , , 55.20.00 13 , 59.80.00 14 , , 64.40.00 15 , , 69.00.00 16 ,, 73.60.00 17 ,, 78.20.00 18 ,, 82.80.00 19 , , 87.40.00 20 ,, 92.00.00 21 , , 96.60.00 22 , , 101.20.00 23 ,, . . 105.80.00 24 ,, 1 10.40.00 25 ,, 115.00.00 26 ,, 1 19.60.00 27 , , 124.20.00 28 ,, 128.80.00 29 ,, 133.40.00 30 ,, . . 138.00.00 31 , , 142.60.00 32 ,, 147.20.00 33 , 151.80.00 34 ,, 156.40.00 35 ,, 161.00.00 36 ,, 165.60.00 37 ,, 170.20.00 38 ,, . 174.80.00 39 ,, 179.40.00 40 ., 184.00.00 41 ,, 188.60.00 42 ,, 193.20.00 43 , 197.80.00 44 ,, 202.40.00 45 ,, 207.00.00 21 1.60.00 104 10.4% 105 105; 106 OI’ Or OT OI’ Or D4.62c.22m. | D4.64c.44 m. | D4.66c.66m. D4.68c.88m. | D4.71 c.11m. x Dol.cts.m. Dol cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. 23.11.1 1 23.22.22 23.33.33 23.44.44 23.55.56 27.73.33 27.86.67 28.00.00 28. 13.33 28.26.67 32.35.56 32.51. I l 32.66.67 32.82.22 32.97.78 36.97.78 37. 15.56 37.33.33 37.51.11 37.68.89 41.60.00 4 1.80.00 42.00.00 42.20.00 42.40.00 46.22.22 46.44.44 46.66.67 46.88.89 47.11.11 50.84.44 51.08.89 51.33.33 51.57.78 51.82.22 55.46.67 55.73.33 56.00.00 56.26.67 56.53.33 60.08.89 60.37.78 60.66.67 60.95.56 61.24.44 65.02.22 65.33.33 65.64.44 65.95.56 69.33.33 69.66.67 70.00.00 70.33.33 70.66.67 73.95.56 74.31.11 74.66.67 75.02.22 75.37.78 78.57.78 78.95 56 79.33.33 79.71. 1 80.08.87 83.20.00 83.60.00 84.00.00 84.40.00 84.80.00 87.82.22 88.24.44 88.66.67 89.08.89 89.51.11 92.44 44 92.88.89 93.33.33 93.77.78 94.22.22 97.06.66 97.53.33 98.00.00 98.46.67 98.93.33 101 68.89 102.17.78 102.66 67 103.15.55 103.64.44 106.31. 11 106.82.22 107.33,33 107.84.44 108.35.55 1 10.93.33 111.46.67 112.00.00 112.53.33 113.06.67 115.55.56 116.11.11 116.66.67 117.22.22 117.77.78 120. 17.78 120.75.56 121.33.33 121.91. 11 122.48.89 124.80.00 125.40.00 126.00.00 126.60.00 127.20.00 129.42.22 130.04.44 130.66.67 131.28. S8 131.91.11 134.04.44 134.68.89 135.33.33 135.97.78 136.62.22 138.66.67 139.33.33 140.00.00 140.66.67 141.33.33 143.28.89 144.97.78 144.66.67 i45.35.56 146.04.44 147.91.11 148.62.22 149.33.33 150.04.44 150.75.56 152.53.33 153,26.67 154.00.00 154.73.33 155.46.67 157.15.56 157.91.11 158.66.67 159.42.22 160.17.78 161.77.78 162.55.56 163.33 33 164.11.11 164.88.89 166.40.00 167.20.00 168.00.00 168.80,00 169.60.00 171.02.22 171.84.44 172.66.67 173.48.89 174.31. 11 175.64.44 176.48.89 177.33.33 178.17.78 179.02.22 180.26.67 181. 13.33 182.00.00 182.86.67 183.73.33 184.88.89 185.77.78 186.66.67 187.55.56 188.44.44 189.51.11 190.42.22 191.33.33 192.24.44 193. 15.56 194. 13.33 195.06.67 196.00.00 196.93.33 197.86.67 198.75.56 199.71. 11 200.66.67 201.62.22 202.57.78 203.37.78 204.35.56 205.33.33 206.31.11 207.28.89 208.00.00 209.00.00 210.00.00 211.00.00 212.00.00 212.62.22 213.64.44 214.66.67 215.68.89 M 82 R EDUCTION OF BRITISH STER LING MONEY British Sterling. 106, 107 1074 108 108, 109 OI’ Or Or OT OI’ OT D4.73c.33m. | D4.75c.55m. D4.77 c.77m. D4.80c.00m. | D4.82c.22m. D4.84c.44m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.ts. m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. 23.66.67 23.77.78 23.88.89 24.00.00 24.11.11 24.22.22 28.40.00 28.53.33 28.66.67 28,80.00 28.93.33 29.06.67 33. 13.33 33.28.89 33.44.44 33.60.00 33.75.56 33.91.11 37.86.67 38.04.44 38. 22.22 38.40.00 38.57.78 38.75.56 42.60.00 42.80.00 43.00.00 43.20.00 43.40.00 43.60.00 47.33.33 47.55.56 47.77.78 48.00.00 48.22.22 48.44.44 52.06.67 52. I 1.11 52.55.56 52.80.00 53.04.44 53.28.80 56.80.00 57.06.67 57.33.33 57.60.00 57.86.67 58. 13.33 61.53.33 61.82.22 62. 11.11 62.40.00 62.68.89 62.97.78 66.26.67 66.57.78 66.88.89 67.20.00 67.51.11 67.82.22 71.00.00 71.33.33 71.66.66 72.00.00 72.33.33 72.66.67 75.73.33 76.08.89 76.44.44 76.80.00 77. I5.56 77.51.11 80.46.67 80.84.44 81.22.22 81.60.00 81.97.78 82.35.56 85.20.00 85.60.00 86.00.00 86.40.00 86.80.00 87.20.00 89.93.33 90.35.56 90.77.78 91.20.00 91.62.22 92.04.44 94.66.67 95. I 1.11 95.55.56 96.00.00 96.44.44 96.88.89 99.40.00 99.86.67 100.33.33 100.80.00 101.26.66 101.73.33 104. 13.33 104.62.22 105.1.1. 11 105.60.00 106.08.88 106, 57.78 108.86.67 109.37.78 109.88.89 110.40.00 I 10.91. 11 1 11.42.22 113.60.00 114.13.33 114.66.67 115.20.00 115.73.33 116.26.67 I 18.33.33 118.88.89 119.44.44 120, 00.00 120.55.56 121.11.11 123.06.67 123.64.44 124.22.22 124.80.00 125.37.77 125.95.55 127.80.00 128.40.00 120.00.00 129 60.00 130.20.00 130.80.00 132.53.33 133. 15.56 133.77.78 134.40.00 135.02.22 135.64.44 137.26.67 137.91.11 138.55.56 139.20.00 139.84.44 140.48.89 142.00.00 142.66.67 143.33.33 144.00.00 144.66.67 145.33.33 146.73.33 147.42.22 148. 11.11 148.80.00 149.48.89 150. 17.78 151.46.67 152.17.78 152.88.89 153.60.00 154.31. 11 155.02,22 156.20.00 156.93.33 157.66.67 158.40.00 159. 13.33 159.86.67 160.93.33 161.68.89 162.44.44 163.20.00 163.95.56 164.71. 11 165.66.67 166.44.44 167.22.22 168.00.00 168.77.78 169.55.56 170.40.00 171.20.00 172.00.00 172.80.00 173.60.00 174.40.00 175. 13.33 175.95.56 176.77.77 177.60.00 178.42.22 179.24.44 179.86.67 180.71. 11 181.55.56 182.40.00 183.24.44 184.08.89 184.60.00 185.46.67 186.33.33 187.20.00 188.06.67 188.93.33 189.33.33 190.22.22 192.00.00 192.88.89 193.77.78 194.06.67 194.97.78 195.88.89 196.80.00 198.62.22 198.80.00 199.73.33 200.66.67 201.60.00 202,53.33 203.46.67 203.53.33 204.48.89 205.44.44 206.40.00 207.35.56 208.31.11 208.26.67 209.24.44 210.22.22 21 1.20.00 212. 17.78 213.11.56 213.00.00 214.00.00 215.00.00 216.00.00 217.00.00 218.00.00 217.73.33 218.75.56 219.77.78 220,80.00 221.82.22 222.84.44 –––…sº INTO UNITED STATEs’ CURRENCY. 83 ...mºwº- - 109% 1 10 British Sterling. Ol' Ol' D4.86c.66m. D4.88c.88m. Dol, cts.m. Dol.cts.m. 5 Pols. 24.33.33 24.44.44 6 ,, . . 29.20.00 29.33.33 7 , . . 34.06.67 34.22.22 8 ,, 38.93.33 39.11.1 1 9 , , 43.80.00 44.00.00 10 , , 48.66.67 48.88.89 11 , , 53.53.33 53.77.79 12 , 58.40.00 58.66.67 13 2, 63.26.67 63.55.56 14 , , 68. 13.33 68. 44.44 15 , , 73.00.00 73.33.33 16 ,, 77.86 67 78.22.22 17 , , 82.73.33 83. 1 1. 11 18 , , 87.60.00 88.00.00 19 , , 92.46.66 92.88.89 20 ,, . 97.33.33 97.77.78 21 , . . I O2.20.00 102.66.67 22 , 107.06.67 107.55.56 23 , 1 11.93.33 112.44.44 24 ,, 116.80.00 117.33.33 25 ,, 121.66.67 122.22.22 26 ,, 126.53.33 27 ,, 131.40.00 132.00.00 28 ,, 136.26.67 136.88.89 29 ,, 141.13.22 141.77.78 30 ,, . 146.00.00 146.66.67 31 , , 150.86.67 151.55.56 32 ,, 155.73.33 156.44.44 33 , 160,60.00 161.33.33 34 , 165.46.67 166.22,22 35 ,, 170.33.33 36 ,, 175.20.00 176.00.00 37 ,, 180.06.67 180.88.89 38 ,, 184.93.33 185.77.78 39 , , 189.80.00 190.66.67 40 ,, 194.66.67 195.55.56 41 , , 199.53.33 200.44.44 42 ,, 204.40.00 205.33.33 43 ,, 209.26.67 210.22.22 44 ,, . 214. 13.33 215. 11.1 l 45 ,, 219.00.00 220.00.00 46 ,, 223.86.67 224.88.89 110 ; | 1 || 1 l l ; OI’ Or Ol' D4.91c. 11 m. | D4.93c.33m. | D4.95c.55m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. 24.55.56 24.66.67 24.77.78 29 46.67 29.60.00 29.73.33 34.37.78 34.53.33 34.68.89 39.28.89 39.46.67 39.64.44 44.20.00 44.40.00 44.60.00 49.11.11 49.33.33 49.55.56 54.02.22 54.26.67 54.51.11 58.93.33 59.20.00 59.46.67 63.84.44 64. 13.33 64.42.22 68.75.56 69.06.67 60.37.78 73.66.67 74.00.00 74.33.33 78.57.78 78.93.33 79.28.89 83.48.89 83.86.67 84.24.44 88.40.00 88.80.00 89.20.00 93.31. 11 93.73.33 94. 15.56 98.22.22 98.66.67 99.11.11 103.13.33 103.60.00 104.06.67 108.04.44 108.53.33 109.02,22 112.95.56 l 13.46.67 113.97.78 117.86.67 I 18.40.00 118.93.33 122.77.78 123.33.33 123.88.89 127.68.89 128.26.67 128.84.44 132.60.00 133.20.00 133.80.00 137.51.11 138. 13.33 138.75.56 142.42.22 143.06.67 147.33.33 148.00.00 148.66.67 152.24.44 152.93.33 153.62.22 157. 15.56 157.86.67 158.57.78 162.06.67 162.80.00 163.53.33 166.97.78 167.73.33 168.48.89 171.88.89 172.66.67 173.44.44 176.80.00 177.60.00 178.40.00 182.53.22 183.35.56 186.62.22 I 87.46.67 188.31.11 191.53.33 192.40.00 193.26.67 196.44.44 197.33.33 198.22.22 201.35.56 202.26.67 203.17.77 206.26.67 2O7.20.00 208. 13.33 211. 17.78 212. 13.33 213.08.89 216.08.89 217.06.67 218.04.44 221.00.00 222.00.00 223.00.00 225.91. 11 226.93.33 227.95.56 112 OT D4.97c.77m. Dol.cts.m. 24.88.89 29.86.67 34.84.44 39.82.22 44.80.00 49.77.78 54.75.56 59.73.33 64.71.11 69.68.89 74.66.67 79.64.44 84.62.22 89.60.00 94.57.78 99.55.56 104.53.33 109.51. 11 114.48.89 119.46.67 124.44.44 129.42.22 134.40.00 139.37.78 144.35.56 149.33.33 154.31. 11 159.28.89 164.26.67 169.24.44 174.22.22 170.20.00 184. 17.78 189. 15.56 194.13.33 199.11.11 204.08.89 209.06.67 214.04.44 219.02.22 224.00.00 228.97.78 M 2 84 R.E DUCTION OF BRITISH STERLING MONEY tº , tº Par. 100% 101 101; 102 102. British Sterling. Or Ol' OT OT OT OT d4.44.44m | d4.46.66m d4.48.88m d4.51.11 m d4.53.33m d4.55.55m Dol.cts.m. | Dol.cts.m. | Dol.cts.m. | Dol.cts.m. | Dol.cts.m. | Dol.cts.m 47 Pounds. 208.88.88 209.93.33 || 210.97.78 212.02.22 || 213.06.67 214. 11.11 48 , , 213.33.33 214.40.00 215.46.67 216.53.33 217.60.00 218.66.67 49 , , 217.77.77|| 218.86.67 219.95.56 226.04.44 222. 13.33 223.22.22 50 , , 222.22.22 223.33.33 224.44.45 225.55.56 226.66.67 227.77.78 51 , , 226.66.66 227.80.00 228.93.33 230.06.67 231.20.00 || 232.33.33 52 , , 231.11.11 232,26.67 233.42.22 || 234.57.78 || 235.73.33 236.88.89 53 , , 235.55,55 236.73.33 237.91.11 || 239.08.89 240.26.67 241.44.44 54 , , 240.00.00 | 241.20.00 | 242.40.00 243.60.00 244.80.00 246.00.00 55 , , 244.44.44 245.66.67 246.88.89 248.11.11 || 249.33.33 250.55.56 56 ,, 248.88.88 250, 13.33 || 251.37.78 252.62.22 253.86.67 255.11.11 57 ,, 253.33.33 254.60.00 255.86.67 257.13.33 258.40.00 259.66.67 58 ,, 257.77.77|| 259.06.67 260.35.56 261.64.44 262.93.33 264.22.22 59 , , 262.22.22 || 263.53.33 264.84.44 266.15.56 267.46.67 268.77.78 60 ,, 266.66.66 268.00.00 269.33.33 270.66.67 272.00.00 273.33.33 61 , , 271.11.ll 272.46.67 273.82.22 275. 17.78 276.53.33 277.88.88 62 ,, 275.55.55 276.93.33 || 278.31. 11 279.68.80 281.06.67 282.44.44 63 , , 280.00.00 | 281.40.00 282.80.00 || 284.20.00 285.60.00 287.00.00 64 ,, 284.44.44 || 285.86.67 || 287.28.89 288.71.11 290. 13.33 291.55.56 65 ,, 288.88.88 290.33.33 || 291.77.78 293.22.22 294.66.67 296.11.11 66 , , 293.33.33 294.80.00 296.26.67 297.73.33 299.20.00 || 300.66.67 67 ,, 297.77.77|| 299.26.67 || 300.75.56 302.24.44 303.73.33 305.22.22 68 ,, 302.22.22 || 303.73.33 || 305.24.44 || 306.75.56 308 26.67 || 309.77.78 69 , , 306.66.66 308.20.00 309.73.33 || 311.26.67 || 312.80.00 314.33.33 70 ,, || 312.66.67 314.22.22 || 315,77.78 || 317.33.33 || 318.88.89 71 , 315, 55.55 317. 13.33 318.71. 11 || 320.28.89 || 321.86.67 323.44.44 72 , 320.00.00 || 321.60.00 || 323.20.00 || 324.80.00 || 326.40.00 328.00.00 73 , 324.44.44 || 326.06.67 || 327.68.89 || 329.31.11 330.93.33 332.55.56 74 , 328.88.88 330.53.33 332.17.78 || 333.82.22 || 335.46.67 337.11.11 75 ,, 333.33.33 || 335.00.00 || 336,66.67 338.33.33 340.00.00 341.66.67 76 ,, 337.77.77|| 339.46.67 || 341.15 56 342.84.44 || 344.53.33 346.22.22 77 , , 342.22.22 || 343.93.33 || 345.64.44 347.35.56 349.06.67 || 350.77.78 78 ,, ... 346.66.66 || 348.40.00 || 350.13.33 || 351.86.67 || 353.60.00 355.33.33 79 ,. . . 351.11.11 || 352.86.67 354.62.22 || 356.37.78 358. 13.33 359.88.89 80 ,, 355.55.55 | 357.33.33 359.11.11 || 360.88.89 362.66.67 364.44.44 81 , , 360.00.00 361.80.00 || 363.60.00 365.40.00 || 367.20.00 369.00.00 82 ,, 364,44.44 366.26.67 368.08.89 || 369.91.11 || 371.73.33 373.55.56 83 ,, 368.88.88 || 370.73.33 372.57.78 || 374.42.22 || 376.26.67 || 378.11.11 84 , , 373.33.33 375.20.00 377.06.67 378.93 33 380.80.00 382.66.67 85 ,, 377.77.77|| 379.66.67 ||381.55.56 383.44.44 || 385.33.33 387.22.22 86 ,, 382.22.22 || 384.13.33 || 386.04.44 387.95.56 389.86.67 || 391.77.78 87 ,, 386.66.66 || 388.60.00 390.53.33 392.46.67 394.40.00 396.33.33 88 , , 393,06.67 || 395.02.22 396.97.78 || 398.93.33 | 400.88.89 391. 1 1.11 103 OT d4.57.77m Dol.cts.m. 215.15.56 219.73.33 224.31.11 228.88.89 233.46.67 238.04.44 242.62.22 247.20.00 251.77.78 256.35.56 260.93.33 270.08.89 274.66.67 279.24.44 283.82.22 288.40.00 292.97.78 297.55.56 302. 13.33 306.71. 11 315.86.67 320.44.44 325.02.22 329.60.00 334.17.78 338.75.56 343.33.33 347.91.11 352.48.89 357.06.67 361,64.44 366.22.22 370.80.00 375.37.78 379.95.56 384.53.33 389.11.11 393 68.89 398.26.67 402.84.44 INTo UNITED STATEs’ cuRRENCY, 85 * - º 103} 104 104; 105 105; 106 British * Or OT OT OI’ Or OT Sterling. D4.60c.00m. | D4.62c.22m. D4.64c.44m. D4.66c.66m. | D4.68c.88m. | D4.71c.11m. ------- Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. 47 Pds. 216.20.00 217.24.44 218.28.89 219.33.33 220.37.78 221.42.22 48 , , 220.80.00 221 86.67 222.93.33 224.00.00 225.06.67 226. 13.33 49 , , 225.40.00 226.48.89 227.57.78 228.66.67 229.75.56 230.84.44 50 , , 230.00.00 231.11.11 232.22.22 233.33.33 234.44.44 235.55.56 51 , 234.60.00 235.73.33 236.86.67 238.00.00 239. 13.33 240.26.67 52 , 239.20.00 240.35.56 241.51. 11 242.66.67 243.82.22 244.97.78 53 , 243.80.00 244.97.78 246.1 5.56 247.33.33 248.51.11 249.68.89 54 , , 248.40.00 249.60.00 250.80.00 252.00.00 253.20.00 254.40.00 55 ,, 253.00.00 254.22.22 255.44.44 256.66.67 257.88.89 259.11.11 56 ,, 257.60.00 258.84.44 260.08.89 261.33.33 262.57.78 263.82.22 57 , 262.20.00 263.46.67 264.73.33 266.00.00 267.26.67 268.53.33 58 ,, 266.80.00 268.08.89 269. 37.78 270.66.67 271.95.56 273.24.44 59 , , 271.40.00 272.71. 11 274.02.22 275.33,33 276.64.44 277.95.55 60 ,, 276.00.00 277.33.33 278,66.67 280.00.00 281.33.33 282.66.67 61 ,, 280.60.00 28 1.95.56 283.3 l. ll 284.66.67 286.02.22 287.37.78 62 , 285.20.00 286.57.78 287.95.56 289.33.33 290.71. I l 292.08.89 63 , 289.80.00 291.20.00 292.60.00 294,00.00 295.40.00 296.80.00 64 , 295,82.22 297.24.44 298.66.67 300.08.89 301.51.11 65 ,, 299.00.00 300.44.44 301.88.87 303.33.33 304.77.78 306.22.22 66 ,, 303.60.00 305.06.67 306.53.33 308.00.00 309.46.66 310.93.33 7 , 308. 20.00 309.68.89 312.66.67 315.64.44 68 ,, 312.80.00 317.33.33 320.35.56 69 , , 317.40.00 320.46.67 322.00.00 323.53.33 325.06.67 70 ,, 322.00.00 323.55.56 325.1.1. 11 326.66.67 328.22.22 329. I'7.78 71 , 326.60.00 328. 17.78 329.75.55 33 1.33.33 332.91.1.1 334.48.89 72 , 331.20.00 332.80.00 334.40.00 336.00.00 337.60.00 339.20.00 73 , 335.80.00 337.42.22 339.04.44 340.66.67 342.28.89 343.91.11 74 , 340.40.00 342.04.44 343.68.89 345.33.33 346.97.78 348.62.22 75 ,, 345.00.00 346.66.67 348.33.33 350.00.00 351.66.67 353.33.33 76 , , 349.60.00 351.28.89 352.97.78 354.66.67 356.35.56 358.04.44 77 , 354.20.00 355.91.11 357.62.22 359.33.33 361.04.44 362.75.56 78 , , 358.80.00 360.53.33 362.26.66 364.00.00 365.73.33 367.46.67 79 ,, 363.40.00 365.15.56 366.91.11 368.66.66 370. 42.22 372.17.78 80 ,, 368.00.00 369.77.78 371.55.56 373.33.33 375.11.11 376.88.89 81 ,, 372.60.00 374.40.00 376.20.00 378.00.00 379.80.00 381.60.00 82 ,, 377.20.00 379.02.22 380.84.44 382.66.66 384.48.89 386.31.11 83 ,, 38] .80.00 383.64.44 385.48.89 387.33.33 389. 17.78 391.02.22 84 ,, 386.40.00 388.26.67 390. 13.33 392.00.00 393.86.67 395.73.33 85 ,, 391.00.00 392.88.87 394.77.78 396.66.67 398.55.56 400.44.44 86 ,, 395.60.00 397.51.11 399.42.22 401.33.33 402.24.44 405. 15.56 87 ,, .. 400.20.00 402. 13.33 404.06.67 406.00.00 407.93.33 409.86.67 88 ,, . . 404.80.00 406.75.56 408.71.1.1 410.66.67 412.62.22 414.57.78 86 REDUCTION OF BRITISH STER LING MONEY I 1. piºn | 10% 107 107. 108 108} 109 Sterling. Or OI’ Or Or OI’ OF D4.73c.33m. | D4,75c.55m. | D4.77c.77m. | D4.80c.00m. | D4.82C.22m. | D4.84c.44m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. 47 Pds. 222.46.67 223.51.11 224.55.55 225.60.00 226.64.44 227,68.89 48 ,, . . 227.20.00 228.26.67 229.33.33 230.40.00 231.46.67 232.53.33 49 ,, . . 231.93.33 233.02.22 234.11.11 235.20.00 236.28.89 237.37.78 50 ,, . . 236.66.67 237.77.78 238.88.89 240.00.00 24 1.11.11 242.02.22 51 , . . 241.40.00 242.53.33 243.66.67 244.80.00 245.93.33 247.06.67 52 ,, . . 246.13.33 247.28.89 248.44.44 249.60.00 250.75.56 251.91.1 1 53 ,, . . 250.86.67 252.04.44 253.22.22 254.40.00 255.57.78 256.75.56 54 ,, . . 255.60.00 256.80.00 258.00.OO 259.20.00 260.40.00 261.60.00 55 ,, . . 260.33.33 261.55.56 262.77.78 264.00.00 265.22.22 266.44.44 56 ,, . . 265.06.67 266.31.11 267.55.56 268.80.00 270.04.44 57 , , , 269.80.00 271.06.67 272.33.33 273.60.00 274.86.66 276. 13.33 58 ,, . 274.53.33 275.82.22 278.40.00 279.68.89 280.97.78 59 ,, . . 279.26.67 280.57.78 281.88.89 283.20.00 284.51.11 285.82.22 60 ,, . . 284.00.00 285.33.33 286.66.67 288.00.00 289 33.33 290.66.67 61 , . . 288.73.33 290.08.89 291.44.44 292.80.00 294. 15.56 295.51. 11 62 ,, . . 293.46.67 296.22.22 297.60.00 298.97.78 300.35.56 63 ,, . . 298.20.00 299.60.00 301.00.00 302.40.00 303.80,00 305.20.00 64 ,, . . 302.93.33 304.35.56 305.77.78 307.20.00 308.62.22 65 ,, . . 307.66.67 309.11.11 310.55.56 313.44.44 66 ,, . . 312.40.00 313.86.67 316.80.00 319.73.33 67 ,, . . 317. 13.33 318.62.22 || 320.1.1.11 || 321.60.00 || 323.08.89 || 324.57.78 68 ,, . . 321.86.67 323.37.78 324.88.89 326.40.00 327.91.11 329.42.22 69 ,, . . 326.60.00 328. 13.33 33 1.20.00 332.73.33 334.26.67 70 ,, . . 33 1.33.33 332.88.89 334.44.44 336.00.00 337.55.56 339.11.11 71 , . . 336.06.67 337.64.44 339.22.22 340.80.OO 342.37.78 343.95.56 72 ,, . . 340.80.00 342,40.00 344.00.00 345.60.00 347.20.00 348.80.00 73 , . . 345.53.33 347.15.56 348.77.77 350.40.00 352.02.22 353.64.44 74 ,, . . 350.26.67 351.91.11 353.55.56 355.20.00 356.84.44 358.48.89 75 . . . 355.00.00 356.66.67 358.33.33 360.00.00 361.66.67 363.33.33 76 ,, . . 359.73.33 361.42.22 363.11.11 364.80.00 366.48.89 368. 17.78 77 , . . 364.46.67 366.17.78 367.88.89 369.60.00 371.31.11 373.02.22 78 ,, . . 369.20.00 370.93.33 372.66.67 374.40.00 376. 13.33 377.86.67 79 ,, . . 373.93.33 375.68.89 377.44.44 379.20.00 380.95.56 382.71.11 80 , , . . 378.66.67 380.44.44 382. 384.00.00 385.77.78 387.55.56 8] ,, . . 383.40.00 385.20.00 387.00.00 388.80.00 390.60.00 392.40.00 82 ,, . . 388. 13.33 389.95.56 391.77.78 393.60.00 395.42.22 397.24.44 83 ,, . . 392.86.67 394.71.] 1 396.55.56 398.40.00 400.24.44 402.08.89 84 ,, . . 397.60.00 399.46.67 401.33.33 403.20.00 405.06.67 4O6.93.33 85 ,, . . 402.33.33 404.22.22 406.11.11 408.00.00 409.88.89 || 4 || 1.77.78 86 ,, . 407.06.67 408.97.78 410.88.89 412.80.00 414.71.11 4 16.62.22 87 ,, . . 41 1.80.00 413,73.33 415.66.67 4 17.60.00 419.53.33 421.46.67 88 ,, . . 416.53.33 418.48.89 420.44.44 422.40.00 424.35.56 426.31.11 INTO UNITED STATEs’ CURRENCY. 87 * , tº 109]. British Or * *| Discº Góm. Dol.cts.m. 47 Pds. 228.73.33 48 , , . . 233.60.00 49 , , 238.46.67 50 , , 243.73.33 51 , , 248.20.00 52 , 253.06.67 53 , , , 257.93.33 54 , , 262.80.00 55 , , 267.66.67 56 , , 272.53.33 57 2, 277.40.00 58 ,, 282.26.67 59 , , 287. 13.33 60 ,, 292.00.00 61 , , 296.86.67 62 , 301.73.33 63 , 306.60.00 64 , 311.46.67 65 , 316.33.33 66 ,, 67 ,, 326.06.67 68 ,, 330.93.33 69 ,, 335.80.00 70 ,, 340.66.67 71 , 345. 53.33 72 , 350.40.00 73 , 355.26.67 74 , 360. 13.33 75 ,, 365.00.00 76 ,, 369.86.67 77 ,, 374.73.33 78 ,, 379.60.00 79 , 384.46.67 80 , , 389.33.33 81 ,, 394.20.00 82 ,, 399.06.67 83 , 403.93.33 84 , , 408.80.00 85 ,, 413.66.67 86 ,, .. 418.53.33 87 ,, 423.40.00 88 ,, 428.26 67 | 10 OF D4.88c.8Sm. 110, Ol' D4.01 c. 11 m. Dol.cts.m. 220.77.78 234.66.67 239.55.56 244.44.44 249.33.33 254.22.22 259. 1 1.11 264.00.00 268.88.88 273.77.78 278.66.67 283.55.56 288.44.44 293.33.33 298.22.22 300. I 1.11 308.00.00 312.88.89 317.77.78 322.66.67 327.55.56 332.44.44 337.33.33 342.22, 22 347.11.11 352.00.00 356.88.89 361.77.78 366.66.67 371.55.56 376.44.44 381.33.33 386.22.22 391.1.1.11 396.00.00 400.88.89 405.77.78 410.66.67 415.55.56 420.44.44 425.33.33 430.22.22 Dol.cts.m. 23 ().8 1.22 235.72.33 240.63.44 245.55.56 250.46.67 255.37.78 260.28.89 265.20.00 270. 11.11 275.02.22 279.93.33 284.84.44 289.75.56 294.66.67 299.57.78 304.4S.89 309.40.00 324. 13.33 329.04.44 333.95.56 338 86.67 343.77.78 348.68.89 353.60.00 358.51.11 363.42.22 368.33.33 373.24.44 378. 15.56 383.06.67 387.97.78 392.88.89 397.80.00 402.7.1.11 407.62.22 412.53.33 417.44.44 422,35.56 427.26.67 432.17.78 | | | 111, Or Or D4.93c.33m. | D4.950.55m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. 231.86.67 232.91. I l 236.80.00 237.86.67 241.73.33 242.82.22 246.66.67 247.77.78 251.60,00 252.73.33 256.53.33 257.68.89 261.46.67 262 64.44 266.40.00 267.60.00 271.33.33 272.55.56 276.26.67 277.51.11 28 1.20.00 282.46.67 286. 13.33 287.42.22 291.06.67 292.37 78 296.00.00 297.33.33 300.93.33 302.28.89 305.86.67 307.24.44 312.20.00 315.73,33 317. 15.56 320.66.67 322. 11.1 ! 325.60.00 327.06.67 330.53.33 332.02.22 335.46.67 336.97.78 340.40.00 341.93.33 345.33.33 346.88.89 350.26.67 351.84.44 355.20.00 356.80.00 360. 13.33 361.75.56 365.06.67 366.7.1.11 370.00.00 371.66.67 374.93.33 376.62:22 379.86.66 381.57.78 384.80.00 386.53.33 389.73.33 391.48.89 394.66.67 396.44.44 399.60.00 401.40.00 404.53.33 4O6.35.66 409.46.67 411.31. 11 416.26.67 419.33.33 421.22.22 424.26.67 426.17.78 429.20.00 431. 13.33 434.13.33 436.08.89 | 12 Or D4.97c.77m. Dol.cts.m. 233.95.56 238.93.33 243.91.11 248.88.89 253.86.67 258.84.44 263.82.22 268.80.00 273.77.78 278.75.55 283.73.33 288.71. 11 293.68.89 298.66.67 303.64.44 308.62.22 313.60.00 318.57.78 323.55.56 328.53.33 333.51.11 338.48.89 343.46.67 348.44.44 353.42.22 358.40.00 363.37.78 368.35.56 373.33.33 378.31.11 383.28.89 388.26.67 393.24.44 398.22.22 403.20.00 408. 17.78 413.15.56 418. 13.33 423.11.11 428.08.89 433.06.67 438.04.44 88 REDUCTION OF BRITISH STER LING MION EY 1. - t British Par. 100% 10] 101, 102 1024 10} Sterling. or OT OT OI’ OI’ OI’ Or D4.44c.44m. | D4.46c.66m. D4.48c.88m. D4.51c.11m. D4.53c,33m. D4.55c.55m. D4.57c.; Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dolt: 89 Pols. 395. 55.55 397.53.33 399.51.1 l 401.48.89 403.46.67 405.44.44 407,4 90 , , 400.00.00 | 402.00.00 404.00.00 406.00.00 408.00.00 410.00.00 412,ſ} 91 , , 404, 44.44 406.46.67 408.48.89 410.51. 11 4 12.53.33 416.5 92 ,, 408.88.88 410.93.33 412.97.78 415.02.22 417.06.67 4.19.11. I l 421.] 93 , , 4 13.33.33 415.40.00 417.46.67 419,53.33 421.60.00 423.66.67 425. 94 ,, 417.77.77 419.86.67 421.95.56 424.04.44 426. 13.33 428.22.22 430,3 95 , , 422.22.22 424.33.33 426 44.44 428.55.56 430.66.67 432,77.78 434.8 96 ,, 426.66.66 428.80.00 430.93.33 433.06.67 435.20.00 437.33.33 430,4ſ. 97 , , 431. 11.11 433.26.67 435.42 22 437.57.78 439.73.33 444.04 98 , , 435.55.55 437.73.33. 439.91.11 442.08.89 444.26.67 446.44.44 448.5% 99 , , 440.00.00 442.2000' 44440.00 446.60.00 448.80.00 451.00.00 453.2 100 , , 444.44.44 446.66.67 448.88.89 451. 1 1. 11 453.33.33 455.55.56 457.7 200 ,, 888.88.88 893.33 33 897.77.78 002.22.22 906.66.67 911. 11. II 915,5: 300 , , | 1,333.33.33 1,340.00.00 1,346.66.67 | 1,353.33.33 1,360.00.00 | 1,366.66.67 1,373.33 400 , | 1,777.77.77| 1,786.66.67 1,795.55.56| 1,804.44.44 1,813.33.33 | 1,822.22.22 | 1,831.]] 500 ,, 2,222.22.22 2,233.33.33 2,244.44.44 2,255.55.56 2,266.66.67 2,277.77.78 2,288.8 600 ,, 2,666.66.66 2,680.00.00 2,693.33.33 || 2,706.66.67 2,720.00.00 2,733.33.33 2,746.6ſ 700 ,, 3,111.11.11 3,126.66.67 3,142.22.22 || 3,157.77.78 3, 173.33.33 3, 188.88.89 || 3,204,4 800 ,, 3,555.55.55 3,573.33.33 3,591. 11.11 || 3,608.88.89| 3,626.66.67 3,644,44.44 || 3.662.2. 900 ,, 4,000.00.00 4,020.00.00 4,040.00.00 || 4,060.00.00 4,080.00.00 || 4,100.00.00 4,120,0ſ 1000 ,, 4,444.44.44 4,466.66.67 4,488.88.89 4,511.11.11 || 4,533.33.33 4,555.55.56 4,577.77 1500 , | 6,666.66.67 6,700.00.00 6,733.33.33 6,766 66.67 6,800 00.00 6,833.33.33 6,866.66 2000 ,, 8,888.88.89 || 8,933.33.00 8,977.77.78 || 9,022.22.22 || 9,066.66.67 || 9,111.11.11 || 9,155.5% 2500 ,, 11,111.11.11 | 11,166.66.67 11,222.22.22 11,277.77.78 11,333.33.33 11,388.88.89 11,44444 3000 ,, 13,333.33.33 13,400.00.00 || 13,466.66.67 || 13,533.33.33 || 13,600.00.00 || 13,666.66.67 13,733.3% 4000 ,, 17,777.77.78 17,866.66.67 17,955.55.66 18,044.44.44 18,133.33.33 18,222.22.22 11,311,1] 5000 ,, 22,222.22.22 22,333.33.33 22,444.44.44 22,555.55.56 22,666.66.67 22,777.77.78 22,888.88 INTO UNITED STATEs’ CURRENCY. 89 103} 104 10.4% 105 105} 106 | British Sterling. OT OT Or Or Or Or D4.60c.00m. | 104.62c.22m. | D4.64c.44m. | D4.66c.66m. D4.68c.88.m. | D4.71 c.11m. *- Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. 89 Pals. 409.40.00 411.37.78 413.35.56 || 415.33.33 || 417.31.11 419.28.89 90 , , || 416.00.00 || 418.00.00 || 420.00.00 422.00.00 424.00.00 91 , , 418.60.00 420.62.22 422.64.44 || 424.66.67 || 426.68.89 || 428.7.1.11 92 , , 423.20.90 425.24.44 427.28.89 || 429.33.33 431.37.78 || 433.42.22 93 , , 427.80.00 429.86.67 431.93.33 434.00.00 436.06.67 || 438. 13.33 94 , , 432.40.00 434.48.89 436.57.78 438.66.67 440.75.56 442.84.44 95 , 437.00.00 439.11.11 441.22.22 443.33.33 445.44.44 447.55.56 96 ,, 441.60.00 443.73.33 445.86.67 || 448.00.00 450. 13.33 452.26.67 97 , , 446.20.00 448.35.56 450.51.1 l 452.66.67 454.82.22 || 456.97.78 98 , , 450.80.00 453.97.78 455. 15.56 467.33.33 459.51.11 461.68.89 99 , , 455.40.00 457.60.00 459.80.00 || 462.00.00 464.20.00 || 466.40.00 100 , , 460.00.00 462.22.22 || 464.44.44 || 466.66.67 468.88.89 471.1.1.11 200 ,, 920.00.00 924.44.44 928.88.89 933.33.33 937.77.78 942.22.22 300 ,, 1,380.00.00 | 1,386.66.67 | 1,393.33.33 | 1,400.00.00 | 1,406.66.67 | 1,413.33.33 400 ,, 1,840.00.00 | 1,848.88.89 | 1,857.77.78 1,866.66.67 | 1,875.55.56 | 1,884.44.44 500 ,, 2,300.00.00 2,311.11.11 2,322.22.22 2,333.33.33 2,344.44.44 2,355.55.56 600 ,, 2,760.00.00 2,773.33.33 2,786.66.67 2,800.00.00 2,813.33.33 2,826.66.67 700 ,, 3,220.00.00 3,235.55.56 || 3,251.11.11 3,266.66.67 3,282.22.22 || 3,297.77.78 800 ,, 3,680.00.00 3,697.77.78 || 3,715.55.56 3,733.33.33 3,751.11.11 3,768.88.89 900 ,, 4,140.00.00 || 4,160.00.00 || 4,180.00.00 || 4,200.00.00 4,220.00.00 || 4,240.00.00 1000 ,, 4,600.00.00 4,622.22.22 || 4,644.44.44 4,666.66.67 || 4,688.88.88 || 4,711.11.11 1500 , , ; 6,900.00.00 6,933.33.33 6,966.66.67 7,000.00.00 7,033.33.33 7,066.66.67 2000 ,, 9,200.00.00 9,244.44.44 9,288.88.89 || 9,333.33.33 || 9,377.77.78 9,422.22.22 2500 ,, 11,500.00.00 11,555.55.56 11,611.11.11 || 11,666.66.67 || 11,722.22.22 11,777.77.77 3000 ,, 13,800.00.00 | 13,866.66.67 || 13,933.33.33 || 14,000.00.00 || 14,066.66.67 || 14,133.33.33 |4000 , | 18,400.00.00 18,488.88.89| 18,577.77.77|18,666.66.67|18,755.55.56|18,844.4444 5000 ,, 23,000,00.00 || 23,111.11.11 || || 23,333.33.33 23,444.44.44 23,555.55.56 90 R EDUCTION OF BRITISH STERLING MONEY tº a º 106% 107 107% 108 108} 109 British Sterling. Or Or OT OT OI’ OT D4.73c.33m. | D4.75c.55m. | D4.77c.77m. | D4.80c.00m. | D4.82c.22m. D4.84c.44m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol cts.m. Dol, cts,m. 89 Pds. 421.26.67 423.24.44 425.22.22 427.20.00 429.17.78 431. 15.56 90 ,, 426.00.00 428.00.00 430.00.00 432.00.00 434.00.00 436.00.00 91 , , 430.73.33 432.75.56 434.77.78 436.80.00 438.82.22 440.84.44 92 , 435.46.67 437.51.11 439.55.56 414.60.00 443.64.44 445.68.89 93 , 440.20.00 442.26.67 444.33.33 446.40.00 448.46.67 450.53.33 94 , , 444.93.33 447.02.22 449.11.1 1 451.20.00 453.28.89 455.37.78 95 ,, 449.66.67 451.77.78 453.88.89 456.00.00 458. 11.11 460.22.22 96 ,, 454.40.00 456.53.33 458.66.67 460.80.00 462.93.33 465.06.67 97 , , 459. 13.33 461.28.89 463.44.44 465.60.00 467.75.56 469.91.11 98 , , 463.86.67 466.04.44 468.22.22 470.40.00 472.57.78 474.75.56 99 , , 468.60.00 || 470.80.00 || 473.00.00 475.20.00 477.40.00 479.60.00 100 , , 473.33.33 475.55.56 477.77.78 480.00.00 482.22.22 484.44.44 200 , , 946.66.67 951.1.1.11 955.55.56 960.00.00 964.44.44 968.88.89 300 ,, 1,420.00.00 | 1,426.66.67 | 1,433.33.33 | 1,440.00.00 | 1,446.66.67 | 1,453.33.33 400 ..., 1,893.33.33 1,902.22.22 | 1,911.11.11 | 1,920.00.00 1,928.88.89 | 1,937.77.78 500 ,, 2,366.66.67 2,377.77.78 2,388.88.88 2,400.00.00 2,411.11.11 || 2,422.22.22 600 ,, 2,840.00.00 2,853.33.33 2,866.66.67 2,880.00.00 2,893.33.33 2,906.66.67 700 ,, 3,313.32.33 3,328.88.89 || 3,344.44.44 || 3,360.00.00 3,375.55.56 3,391.11.11 800 ,, 3,786.66.67 3,804.44.44 3,822.22.22 3,840.00.00 3,857.77.78 3,875.55.56 900 ,, 4,260.00.00 4,280.00.00 4,300.00.00 4,320.00.00 4,340.00.00 4,360.00.00 1000 ,, 4,733.33.33 4,755.55.56 || 4,777.77.77|| 4,800.00.00 || 4,822.22.22 || 4,844.44.44 1500 ,, 7,100.00.00 7,133.33.33 7,166.66.67 7,200.00.00 7,233.88.88 7,266.66.67 2000 , , 9,466.66.67 9,511.11.11 || 9,555.55.56 9,600.00.00 9,644.44.44 9,688.88.89 2500 ,, 11,833.33.33 11,888.88.89 11,944.44.44 12,000.00.00 | 12,055.55.56 | 12,111.11.11 3000 ,, 14,200.00.00 14,266.66.67 14,333.33.33 14,400.00.00 14,466.66.67 14,533.33.33 4000 ,, 18,933.33.33 |19,022.22.22 | 19,111.11.11 | 19,200.00.00 | 19,288.88.89 | 19,377.77.78 5000 , 23,666.66.67 |28,777.77.78 |23,888.88.89 |24,000.00.00|24,111.11.11 || 24,222.22.22 INTO UNITED STATI’s' cu RRENCY. 109% | 10 1.10% | | | 1 l l ; 1 12 British Sterling. Or Or Or Ol' Or Or D4.86c.66m. D4.88c.88m. | D4.91c. 11m. | D4.93c.33m. | D4.95c.55m. | D4.97c.77m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. Dol.cts.m. 89 Pds. 433. 13.33 435.1.1.11 437.08.89 439.06.67 441.04.44 443.02.22 90 ,, 438.00.00 440.00.00 442.00.00 444.00.00 446.00.00 448.00.00 91 , , 442.86.67 444.88.89 446.91.11 448.93.33 450.95.56 452.97.77 92 ,, 447.73.33 449.77.78 451. 82.22 453.86.67 455.91.11 457.95.56 93 , , 452.60.00 || 454.66.67 || 456.73.33 || 458.80.00 || 460.86.67 || 462.93.33 94 , , 457.46.67 459.55.56 461.64.44 463.73.33 465.82.22 467.91.11 95 ,, 462.33.33 464.44.44 466.55.56 468.66.67 470.77.78 472.88.89 96 ,, 467.20.00 469.33.33 471.46.67 473.60.00 475.73.33 477.86.67 97 , 472.06.67 474.22.22 476.37.78 478.53.33 480.68.89 482.84.44 98 , , 476.93.33 479.11.11 481.28.89 483.46.67 485.64.44 487.82.22 99 , , 481.80.00 484.00.00 486,20.00 488.40.00 490.60.00 492.80.00 100 , , 486.66.67 488.88.89 491.1 1. 11 493.33.33 495.55.56 497.77.78 200 ,, 973.33.33 977.77.78 982.22.22 986.66.67 991. 11.11 995. 55.56 300 ,, 1,460.00.00 | 1,466.66.67 | 1,473.33.33 1,480.00.00 | 1,486.66.67 | 1,493.33.33 400 ,, 1,946.66.67 1,955.55.56 1,964.44.44 1,973.33.33 | 1,982.22.22 || 1,991. 11.11 500 ,, 2,433.33.33 2,444.44.44 2,455.55.56 2,466.66.67 || 2,477.77.78 2,488.88.89 600 ,, 2,920.00.00 || 2,933.33.33 2,946.66.67 2,960.00.00 2,973.33.33 2,986.66.67 700 ,, 3,406.66.67 3,422.22.22 || 3,437.77.78 || 3,453.33.33 || 3,468.88.89 || 3,484.44.44 800 ,, 3,893.33.33 3,911.11.11 || 3,928.88.89 || 3,946.66.67 3,964.44.44 3,982.22.22 900 ,, 4,380.00.00 4,400.00.00 || 4,420,00.00 4,440.00.00 || 4,460.00.00 || 4,480.00.00 1000 ,, 4,866.66.67 || 4,888.88.89 || 4,911.11.11 || 4,933.33.33 || 4,955.55.56 || 4,977.77.78 1500 ,, 7,300.00.00 7,333.33.33 || 7,366.66.67 || 7,400.00.00 || 7,433.33.33 || 7,466.66.67 2000 ,, 9,733.33.33 || 9,777.77.78 || 9,822.22.22 || 9,866.66.77|| 9,911.11.11 || 9,955.55.56 2500 , | 12,166.66.67 12,222.22.22 || 12,277.77.78 12,333.33.33 | 12,388.88.80 | 12,444.44.44 3000 ,, 14,600.00.00 || 14,666.66.67 || 14,733.33.33 || 14,800.00.00 || 14.866.66.67|14,933.33.33 4000 , | 19,466.66.67 | 19,555.55.56 || 19,644.44.44 19,733.33.33 19,822.22.22 | 19,911.11.11 4000 ,, 24,333.33.33 24,444.44.44 24,555.55.56 24.666.66.67 24,777.77.78 24,888.88.89 92. ARBITRATIONS OF EXCHANGE. P A R I S. Paris, at 60 days after sight, bought in New York at 5 francs, 35 centimes, per dollar, and negociated in London (for cash) at 25 francs, 75 centimes, per pound sterling; required the arbitrated rate of exchange at New York on London, all extra charges of the operation taken into account : American pounds = 100 pounds sterling, at 60 days after sight, l = 25 francs, 75 centimes, 5.35 = 1 dollar, 40 = 9 pounds American, 100 = 100; (; per cent extra commission, and # per cent brokerage in London,) 100 = 99 (1 per cent interest, to establish the ex- change, at 60 days after sight.) Result: 107.88 per cent. Fiated numbers for this arbitration : 22414 x * exchange in London on Paris. 1000 x * exchange in New York on Paris. TA B L E. Quo- tations in QUOTATIONS IN NEW YORK. 5 frcs. 35 cent. London. p.100l st p. 11 st. 5 frcs. 36 cent. 5 frcs. 37 cent. 5 frcs. 38 cent. 5 frcs. 39 cent. p. 1001 st p. 11 st. Fr. cts. 25.75 25.77; 25.80 25.82% 25.85 25.87; 25 90 25.92% 25.95 25.97; 26 00 26.02% 26.05 26.07; 26.10 f 10788 107.98 108.09 108.19 108.30 108,40 108.5l 108.61 108.72 108.82 108.93 109.03 109.14 109.24 1993, D.ct. 1n. 4.79.47 4.79.91 4,80.36 4.80.84 4.81.50 4.81.87 4.82.27 4.82.71 4.83.20 4.83.64 4.84.13 4.84.58 4.85.07 4.85.55 4.86.00 f 107.68 107.78 107.89 107.99 108.10 108.20 108.31 108.41 108.52 108.62 108.73 108.83 108.94 109.04 109.15 D.ct.m. 4.78.58 4.79.02 5.79.51 4.79.96 4.80.44 4.80.89 4.81.38 4.81.82 4.82.31 4.82.75 4.83.24 4.83.69 4.84.18 4.84.62 4.85, ll p.1007 st 2 107.48 107.58 107.69 107.79 107.90 108.00 108.11 108.21 108.32 108.42 108.53 108.63 108,74 108,84 108,95 p. 11 st. D.ot.m. 4.77.69 4.78. 13 4.78.61 4.79,07 4.79.56 4.80.00 4.80.49 4.80.93 4.81.42 4.81.87 4.82.36 4.82.90 4.83.29 4.83,73 4.84.22 p.1002 st f 107.28 107.38 107.49 107.59 107.70 107.80 107.91 108.01 108.12 108.22 108.33 108,43 108.54 108.64 108.75 p. ll st. D.ct.m. 4.76.80 5.77.24 4.77.73 4.78 18 4.78.67 4.79.11 4.79.58 4,80.04 4.80,53 4,80.98 4.81.47 4.81.91 4.82.40 4.82.84 4.83.33 p.100l st f 107.08 107.18 107.29 J07.39 107.50 107.60 107.71 107.81 107.92 108.02 108.13 108.23 108.34 108.44 108.55 p. 11st, D.ct.m. 4.75.91 4.76.36. 4.78.46 4.77.29 4 77.78 4.78.22 4.78.71 4.79.16. 4.79.64 4.80.09 4.80.58 4.81.02 4.81.51 4.81.95 4.82.44 93 ARBITRATIONS OF EXCHANGE. P A R I S. Quo- tations in London. QUOTATIONS IN NEW YORK. 5 frcs. 40 cent. 5 frcs. 41 cent. 5 frcs. 42 cent. 5 frcs. 43 cent. 5 frcs. 44 cent. p. 100l st p. 11 st. p 100l st p, ll st. Frcts. 25.75 25.77; 25.80 25.82% 25.85 25.87; 25.90 25.92% 25.95 25.97% 26.00 26.02% 26.05 26.07; 26.10 p. 100l st p. 11 st. f 106.88 I ()6.98 107.09 107.19 107.30 107.40 107.51 107.61 107.72 107.82 107.93 108.03 108.14 108.24 108.35 D.ct.m. 4.75.02 4,75.47 4.75.96 4.76.40 4.76.89 4,77.33 4.77.82 4,7827 4.78,76 4.79.20 4.79.69 4,80.13 4.80.62 4.81.07 4,8].55 f 106.68 106.78 106 89 106.99 107.10 107.20 107.31 107.41 107.52 107.62 107.73 107.83 107.94 108.04 108.15 D ct.m. 4.74.13 4.74.58 4.75.07 4.75.5l 4.76.00 4.76.44 4.76 93 4.77.36 4.77.98 4.78.31 4.78.80 4.79.24 4.79.73 4.S0, 18 4.80.67 f 106.48 106.58 106.69 106.79 106.90 107.00 107.11 107,21 107.32 107.42 107.53 107.63 107.74 107.84 107.95 D.ct.m. 4 73.24 4.73.69 4.74.18 4.74.62 4.75.11 4.75.56 4.76.04 4.76.49 4.76.98 4,77.42 4.77.91 4.78.36 4.78.84 4.79.29 4.79.78 p. 100l st p. 11 st. p. 1001 st p. Il st 5 frcs. 45 cent. p.1001 st p. l l st. f 106,28 106.38 106,49 106.59 106.70 106.80 106.91 107.01 107.12 107.22 107.33 107.43 107.54 107.64 107.75 D ct in. 4.73.36 4.72.80 2.73.49 4.73.73 4.74.22 4.74.67 4.75. 16 4.75.60 4.76 09 4.76.53 4.77.02 4.77.47 4 77.96 4.78.40 4.78.89 3. 106.08 106.18 106.29 106.39 106.50 106.60 106.71 106.8.l. 106.92 107.02 107.13 107.23 107.34 107.44 107.55 D.ct.m. 4.71.47 4.71.91 4.72.40 4.72.84 4.73.33 4.73.78 4.74 27 4.74.71 4.75.20 4.75.64 4.76.13 4.76.58 4.77.07 4.77 51 4.78.00 38 105,88 105.98 106.09 106, 19 "106.30 106.40 106.5l l()6.61 106.72 106.82 106.93 107.03 107.14 107.24 107.35 D.ct. m. 4.70.58. 4.71.51 4.71.96 4.72.44 4.72.89 4.73.38 4.73.82 4.74.76 4.75.24 4.75.69 4.76.18 4.76.62 4.77.11 A M S T E R D A M. Amsterdam, at 60 days after sight, bought in New York at 38 cents per guilder, and negociated in London (for cash) at 11 guilders, 16 stivers; required the arbitrated rate of exchange at New York on London, all extra charges of this operation taken into account: American Pounds = 100 pounds sterling, at 60 days after sight, *11;; guilders, *38 cents, 1 dollar, 9 pounds American, 1005 (extra commission and brokerage in London,) 99=(I per cent interest in favour of an indirect remittance.) 100 40 100 100 1 = - *- - - Result: 100.51. per cent. Fiated numbers for this arbitration : 22415 x * Exchange in New York, x * Exchange in London. 100,000. 94 A M S T E R D A M. ARBITRATIONS OF EXCHANGE. QUOTATIONS IN NEW YORK. Quotations in 38 Cents. 39 Cents. 40 centS. 41 cents. London. p. 3'100 st. pr. £1, st. |p.f. 100 st. p. 381. st. p. 38'100 st. p. 361. st. p. 3'100. st. p. fl. st. Fl. st. £ Dl. cts. m. ić Dl.cts.m. £ ſ).cts.m. f D.cts, m. 1 1.16 100.5 1 || 4.46.7 | 105. 15 4.58.44 || 105.80 || 4.70.22 108.44 || 4.8 1.96 1 1. 17 100.94 || 4.48 62 103.59 || 4.60.40 || 106.25 || 4.72.22 108.90 || 4.84.00 1 1. 18 || 101.36 4.50 49 || 104.03 4.62.36 || 106.70 || 4.74.22 || 1 09.36 || 4.86.04 1 1. 19 101.79 || 4.52.4() 104.47 4.64.3 | 107. 14 || 4.76. 18 109.82 4.88.09 12.. O ! 02.2 1 || 4.54.31 104.90 4.66.22 || 107.59 || 4.78. 18 || 1 || 0.28 4.90. 13 12. 1 102.64 || 4.56.18 105.34 4.68. 18 ! 08.04 || 4.80. 18 1 1 0.74 4.92. 18 12, 2 | 03.07 || 4.58.09 105.78 4.70. 1 3 || 1 08.49 || 4.82. 18 1 11.20 || 4.94.22 12. 3 103.49 || 4.59.96 || 106.22 4.72.09 || 108 94 || 4.84. I 8 || 1 | 1.66 || 4.96.27 12. 4 103.92 || 4.61.87 106.66 4.74. O5 109.39 || 4.86.18 1 12. 13 || 4.98.35 12. 5 104.35 | 4.63.78 || 107. 1 0 || 4.76.00 || 109.84 || 4.88. 18 || 1 12.59 || 5.00.40 12. 6 104.77 4.6.565 107.54 || 4.77.96 || 1 10.29 || 4.90. 18 1 1 3.05 || 5.02.44 12. 7 1 O5.20 || 4.67.56 107.98 || 4.79.91 1 1 0.73 || 4.9%. 13 l 13.57 5.04. 49 ! 2. 8 105.62 || 4.69.42 108.4 1 || 4.81.82 || 1 | 1. 18 4.94. 13 1 13.97 5.06.53 CONTINUATION. QUOTATIONS IN NEW YORK. Quotations in 42 Cents. 43 centS. 44 CentS. 45 Cents. London. p.36100st. p. 361. st.p. fl00. st. p. fl. st. p. 38'100. st p. fl. st. p. 6'100 st. p. 61. st. Fl. St. £ D.cts.m. .# D.cts.m. # D.cts.m. £ D cts.m. 1 1. 16 1 11.09 || 4.93.73 || 1 13.73 5.05. 47 1 16 38 5. 17.24 || | 19,02 || 5.28.98 | 1. 1 7 1 11.56 || 4.05.82 || || 14.21 || 5.07.60 || 1 16.87 5. 19.42 || 1 19.53 1 1. 18 || 1 12.03 || 4.97.91 l 14 70 5.09.78 || 1 17.37 5.2 1.64 || 120.03 || 5.33.47 1 1, 19 1 12.50 5.00.00 l 15, 18 || 5. l l .91 1 17.86 5.23.82 120.54 5.35.78 12. 0 || 1 12.97 || 5.02.09 || 1 15.66 || 5. 14.97 || 1 18.35 | 5.26.00 || 12 1.04 || 5.37.96 12" | 1 13.44 || 5.04. Hº || 1 16. 14 || 5. 16. 18 || 1 18.84 5.28. 18 || 12 1.58 5.40.18 12. 2 || 1 13.91 5.06.27 || 1 16.62 || 5, 18.81 || 1 19.34 5.30.40 || 122.05 || 5.42.44 12. 3 114.38 || 5.08.36 || 117. 1 0 || 5.20.44 || 1 19.88 || 5.32.58 || 122.57 || 5.44.76 12. 4 1 14 85 5. 10 44 l 17.59 5, 22.62 || || 20.32 5.34.76 || 123.06 || 5.46.93 12. 5 || 1 15.32 5.12.53 || 1 18.07 || 5.24.76 || 120 82 5.36.98 || 123.57 5.49.20 12. 6 || 115.80 || 5. 14.67 || 1 18.56 || 5.26.98 || 121.31 || 5.39.20 | 124.08 || 5.51.47 12. 7 1 16.27 5. 16.76 || 1 || 9,05 || 5.29. I l 121.8 l 5.4 1.38 || 124.59 5.53.73 12. 8 || 1 || 6.74 5. 18.84 || 1 19.52 | 122.30 5.43.56 || 125.98 || 5 55.9 | 95 ARBITRATIONS OF EXCHANGE. H A M B U R G H. Hamburgh, at 60 days after sight, bought in New York at 34 cents per mark banco, and negociated in London (for cash) at 13 marks, 8 shillings banco; required the arbitrated direct exchange in New York at 60 days' sight, on London, inclusive of charges : l l 100 40 100 100 r ~ *13% marks banco, *34 cents, 1 dollar, 9 pounds, 100á (extra commission and brokerage in London,) 99, (1 per cent interest to establish the exchange at 2 months’ sight.) Result: 102.88. per cent. Fived numbers for this arbitration : 22415 x * exchange in New York. Pounds = 100 pounds sterling, at 60 days' sight, x * exchange in London. 100,000. TA B L E. QUOTATIONS IN NEW YORK. tati Quotations 33 cents. 34 centS. 35 cents 36 cents. in London. p. 6100 st. p. 61 st. p. 6100 st. p. 381 st. p. 8100 st. p. 61 st. p. 8100 st. p. 381 st. M.bo.sh. f D.cts.m. f D.cts.m. £ D.cts.m. f D.cts.m. 13. 8 99.85 4.43.78 || 102.88 4.57.24 || 105.90 4.70.67 || 108 93 || 484. 13 13. 9 100.32 4.45.87 || 1 03.36 || 4.59.38 || 106.40 || 4.72.89 || 109.44 4.86.40 13. 10 || 100.78 || 4.47.91 || 103.84 || 4.61.51 || 106.90 4.75. 1 1 || 109.95 4.88.67 13. 1 1 101.24 4.49 96 || 104.32 4.63.64 107.39 || 4.77.29 || 1 1 0.45 4.90.89 13. 12 101.7 | | 4.52.04 || 104.80 4.65.76 || 107.89 || 4.79.41 || 1 1 0.96 4.93. 16 13. 13 102.17 | 4.54.09 || 105.27 4.67.87 || 108.37 4.81.64 || 1 | 1.46 || 4.95.38 13. 14 102.64 4.56. 18 || 105.75 4.70.00 || 108.87 4.83.86 || 1 1 1.97 || 4.97.64 13, 15 103. ] 0 || || 106.23 4.72. 13 || 1 09.35 | 4.86.00 || 1 12.47 4.99.87 14. O 103.56 || 4.60.27 | 106.71 4.74.24 || 109.84 || 4.88, 18 || 1 12.98 || 5.02.13 14. 1 104.02 || 4.62.31 || 107.18 4.76.34 || 1 1 0.32 || 4.90.36 || 1 13.48 5.04.36 14. 2 || 104.48 || 4.64.36 || 107.65 4.78.44 || 1 1 0.82 4.92.53 || 1 18.99 || 5.06.62 14. 3 104.94 || 4.66.40 || 108.12 4.80.54 || 1 | 1.31 4.94.71 || 1 14.49 || 5.08.84 14. 4 || 105.40 || 4.68.44 || 108.60 || 4.82.67 || 1 1 1.80 4.96.89 || 1 14.99 5, 1 1.07 14. 5 105.86 4.70.49 || 109.07 || 4.84.77 || 1 12.29 || 4.99.07 || 1 15.50 5.13.33 14. 6 || 106.32 || 4.72.53 || 109.55 || 4.86.89 || 1 12.78 5.01.24 || 1 16.01 || 5, 15.60 14. 7 106.78 || 4.74.57 || 110.03 || 4,88.99 || 1 18.27 | 5.03.42 || 1 16.51 5.17.82 14. S 107.24 4.76.62 || 1 1 0.50 || 4.91. 1 1 || 1 13.76 5.05.60 || 1 17.02 5.20.09 96 ARBITRATIONS OF EXCHANGE. H A M B U R. G. H. C O N T IN U A TI O N. QUOTATIONS IN NEW YORK. Quotations| º 37 cents. 38 centS. 39 cents. 1Il London. p. fl00 st. p. 381 st. p. 38'100 st. p. 381 st. p. 36100 st. p. 381 st. M.bo...sh. f D.cts.m. £ D.cts.m. f D.cts.m. 13, 8 1 11.96 4.97.60 1 14.99 5. I 1.07 1 18.02 5.24.53 13. 9 1 i 2.48 4.99.9 | 1 1 5.52 5. 1 3.42 1 18.56 5.26.93 13. 10 1 13.()2 5.02.32 | 16.06 5. I 5.82 1 19. 12 5.29 42 18. 1 1 1 13.52 5.04.53 1 16.59 5. 18. 18 l 19.66 5.3 1.82 13. 12 1 4.04 5.06.84 1 17. 12 5.20.53 120.20 5.34.22 13. 13 14.561 5.09. 16 1 17.65 5.22.89 120.75 5.36.67 13. 14 1 15. ( .. 8 5. 1 1.47 1 18. 19 5.25.29 12 1.30 5.30. 1 1 13. 15 1 15.60 5. 13.78 1 18.72 5.27.64 12 1.85 5.41 56 14. 0 1 16. 1 1 5. 16.04 119.25 5. 30.00 122.39 5.43.96 14. 1 1 16.63 5. 18.36 1 19.78 5.32.36 1 22.93 5.46.36 14. 2 117. 16 5.20.71 120.32 5. 34.76 123.49 5.48.84 14. 3 | 17.67 5.22 98 120.85 5.37.1 1 124.03 5.5 1.24 14. 4 1 18. 19 5.25.29 12 1.38 5.39.47 124.58 5.53.69 14. 5 1 18.71 5.27.60 12 1.91 5.4 l.82 125. 1 2 5.56.09 14. 6 1 19.23 5.29.9 | 122.45 125.67 5.58.53 14. 7 1 19.75 5. 32.22 J 22.98 5.46.57 126.22 5.63. 20 14. 8 120.27 5.34.57 123.52 5.48.98 127.77 5.63.43 97 ARBITRATIONS OF SPECIE. D O L L A R S BOUGHT IN NEW YORK, AND REMITTED TO LONDON FoR sALE. 10,000 10,000 dollars, at par, . . . & 00 Boxes, hoops and packing, 2&12 , 00 Shipping, bills of lading, and small charges . , 3, 25 15 25 2&| 10,015 25 Deduct, interest, to establish the exchange at 60 days after sight, say 2 months, at 6 tº cent tº annum. . . . 100 15 23| 9,915 10 at par f 2,230 18 Sold in London, as follows: 10,000 dollars, weigh : 8,660 oz. ... a 50d. per oz. £ 1804 || 3 Freight, & 10,000, a &40. tº £9. . $2250. a gths. per cent, gº tº £8, 8, 9. Primage, 5 per cent. . 2, 0, 8, 8. Insurance, £1850. a) 20s. cent. £ 18, 10, 0 Policy duty, 2, 4, 14, 0 99 23 // 4, 0. Landing charges, bags, bullion—porter, and small charges, 2, 1 / 11 m 0. Brokerage, # 5 cent, 2, 2 / 5, 1. Commission, iſ cent, . . . . . » 9, 0, 5. 44 18 £ 1759 4 I 1 * 5 If £2,230, 18, Od. in America produce £1,759, 4, 5d. in London, what is the exchange in America for £100 on London 2 Answer, É26.81. 98 ARBITRATIONS OF SPECIE. D O L L A R S. PREMIUM ON DOLLARS IN NEW YORK. PRICE 1I] Par. # tº cent. # # cent. # tº cent. London, per oz. . p. 6100st. p. 61 st, p.£100st. p. 381 st. p.fl00st. p. 361 st. p.fl00st. p. 61 st. Pence. £ D.cts.m. £ D.cts.m. & D.cts.m. £ D.cts.m. 52 121.90 5.4 i. 78 || 122.05 || 5.42.44 || 122.21 5.43. 16 || 122.36 5.43.82 52} 121.32 5. 39.20 || 121.47 5.39.87 | 121.62 5.40.53 || 121.77 5.4 1.20 52% 120.74 5.36.62 | 120.89 5.37.29 || 12 1.04 || 5.37.96 || 121. 19 5.38.62 52} 120. 16 || 5.34.07 || 120.31 || 5.34.71 || 120.46 5.35.38 || 120.61 5.36.04 53 119.59 5.3 1.51 || 1 19.74 5.52. 18 || 1 19.89 5.32.84 || 120.04 || 5.33.51 53} 1 19.01 || 5.28.94 || 1 19. 16 5.29.60 || 1 19.32 5.30.31 || 1 19.46 5.30.93 58; 1 18.45 5.26.44 || 1 18.61 5.27. 16 || 1 18.76 || 5.27.82 || | 18.90 || 5.28.44 53; 1 17.91 5.24.00 || 1 18.06 || 5.24.71 || 1 18.21 5.25.38 || 1 18.35 | 5.26.00 54 | 17.36 || 5.21.60 || 1 |7.5 l 5.22.27 | 1 || 7.66 5.22.93 || 1 17.80 || 5.23.56 54} 1 16.82 5, 19.20 || 1 16.97 5. 19.87 || 1 || 7. 1 1 || 5.20.49 || 1 17.26 5.2 t . 16 54} 1 16.28 5. 16.80 || 1 16.43 || 5. 17.47 || 1 16.57 | 5. 18.09 || 1 16.72 5. 18.76 54; 1 15.75 || 5. 14.44 || 1 15.90 5.15.1 1 || 1 16.04 || 5. 15.73 || 1 16. 19 5. 16.40 55 115.22 5.12.09 || 1 15.36 5. 1 2.71 || 1 15.5 1 || 5. 13.38 || 1 15.65 || 5. 14.00 55} 1 14.69 || 5.09.73 || 1 14.83 5. 10.36 || 1 || 4.98 || 5. l 1.02 || 1 15. 12 || 5.1 1.64 55% 1 14.17 | 5 O7.42 || 1 || 4.31 5.08.04 || 1 14.46 5.08.7 1 || 1 14.60 5.09.33 55% 1 13.66 5.05. 16 || 1 13.80 5.05.78 || 1 13.94 || 5.06.40 || 1 14.09 || 5.07.06 56 1 13. 15 5.02.89 || 1 13,29 5.03.51 || 1 13.42 5.04.09 || 1 13.57 || 5.04.76 56} 1 12.64 5.00.62 || 1 12.78 5.01.25 || 1 12.92 || 5.0 1.87 || 1 13.06 || 5.02.49 56# 1 12. 14 || 4.98.40 || 1 12.29 || 4.99.07 || 1 12.43 || 4.99.69 || 1 12.57 || 5.00.31 56; 1 11.65 || 4.96.22 || 1 | 1.79 || 4.96.84 || 1 | 1.93 || 4.97.46 || 1 1 2.08 || 4.98. 13 57 1 11.15 || 4.94.00 || 1 | 1.28 4.94.62 || 1 | 1.43 || 4.95.24 || 1 1 1.57 || 4.95.87 57} 1 1 0.66 || 4.91.82 || 1 1 0.79 || 4.92.40 || 1 1 0.92 || 4.92.98 || 1 | 1.05 || 4.93.56 57% 1 10.18 4.89.69 || 1 1 0.32 4.90.31 || 1 10.46 || 4.90.93 || 1 1 0.60 || 4.91.50 57% 100.70 || 4.87.56 || 109.84 4.88. 18 || 109.98 || 4.88.80 || 1 10.12 || 4.89.42 58 109.22 || 4.85.42 || 109.36 4.86.04 || 109.50 4.86.67 || 109.63 4,87.24 58} 108.75 4.83.33 || 108.89 || 4.83.96 || 109.02 || 4.84.53 || 109. 16 || 4.85.15 58% 108.29 4.81.28 || 108.43 4.8 1.9l 108.56 4,82.39 || 108.70 || 4.83. 1 1 58% 107.83 || 4.79.24 || 107.97 || 4.79.87 || 108.1 O 4.80.44 || 108.24 4.81.07 59 107.37 || 4.77.20 | 107.5 1 || 4.77.82 | 107.64 || 4.78.40 || 107.78 4.79.02 59} 106.91 4.75. 16 || 107.04 || 4.75.73 || 107. 18 4.76.36 || 1 O7.31 || 4.76.9S 59; 106.46 4.73. 16 || 106.59 || 4.73.73 || 106.73 || 4.74.36 || 106.86 4.74.93 59% 106.01 || 4.71. 16 || 106.13 || 4.71.68 || 106.28 4.72.35 | 106.41 || 4.72.93 60 105.56 || 4.69. 16 || 105.70 || 4.69.68 || 105.83 || 4.70.35 | 105.96 || 4.70.93 ARBITRATIONS OF SPECIE. D O L L A R S. PREMIUM ON DOLLARS IN NEW YORK. PRICE in # tº cent. # tº cent. # tº cent. # * cent. London, Per 0%. p. 6100st. p. 81, st. p.38.100st. p. 361 st. p.38.100st. p. 381 st. p. 8100st. p. 361 st. Pence. f D.cts.m. £ D.cts.m. £ D.cts.m. £ D.cts.m. 52 122.51 5.44.49 || 122.66 5.45. 16 || 122.82 5.45.87 | 122.97 || 5.46.53 52} 121.93 5.42.91 || 122.08 || 5.42.56 || 122.23 5.43.24 || 122.38 5.43.91 52% 12 1.84 || 5.39.29 || 121.49 5.39.96 || 121.64 5.40.62 || 121.79 || 5.41.29 52# 120.76 5.36.71 || 120.91 5.37.38 || 121.06 || 3.38.04 || 121.21 5.38.71 53 120. 19 5.34. 18 || 120.34 5.34.84 || 120.49 5.35.51 || 120.64 5.36.18 53} 119.61 5.3 1.60 || 1 19.76 5.82.27 || 1 19.92 5.32.98 || 120.06 5.33.60 53} 1 19.06 || 5.29, 16 || 1 19.21 5.29.82 || 1 19.36 5.30.49 || 1 19.50 5.3 1. 1 1 53} 1 18.50 | 5.26.67 || 1 18.65 5.27.33 || 1 18.80 5.28.00 || 1 18.94 || 5.28.62 54 117.95 5.24.22 || 1 18. 10 5.24.89 || 1 18.25 5.25.56 || 1 18.39 5.26. 18 54} 117.41 5.21.82 || 1 17.55 5.22.24 || 1 17.70 || 5.28. 1 1 || 1 17.84 5.23.73 54% 1 16.86 5. 19.38 || 1 17.01 5.20.04 || 1 17.15 5.20.67 || 1 17.30 5.21.33 54} 1 16.33 5.17.02 || 1 16.48 || 5.17.69 || 1 16.62 |5. 18.31 || | 16.77 5. 18.98 55 115.80 5. 14.67 || 1 15.94 || 5. 15.29 || | 16.08 5. 15.91 || 1 16.23 5. 16.58 55} 1 15.27 5.12.31 || 1 15.41 || 5. 12.93 || 1 15.55 5, 13.56 || 1 15.70 || 5. 14.2.2 55#. 114.74 5.09.96 || 1 14.88 5.10.58 || 1 15.03 || 5.1 1.24 || 1 15. 17 | 5.11.87 55#. 114.23 5.07.69 || 1 14.87 5.08.31 || 1 14.52 | 5.08.'98 || 1 14.65 5.09.56 56 1 18.72 5.05.42 || 1 13.86 || 5.06.04 || 1 14.00 5.06.67 || 1 14.14 || 5.07.29 56} 1 13.21 5.03. 16 || 1 13.35 | 5.03.78 || 1 || 3.49 5.04.40 || 1 13.63 5.05.02 56# 1 12.71 5.00.93 || 1 12.85 5.01.56 || 1 12.99 || 5.02. 18 || 1 || 3. 13 5.02.80 56# 112.22 4.98.76 || 1 || 2.36 4.99.38 || 1 12.49 || 4.99.96 || 1 12.63 5.00.58 57 1 11.70 || 4.96.44 || 1 | 1.85 4.97. 1 1 || 1 | 1.98 || 4.97.69 || 1 12.12 || 4.98.31 57} 1 11.18 4.94.13 || 1 1 1.81 4.94.71 || 1 | 1.48 4.95.47 || 1 | 1.62 4.96.09 57% 1 10.74 4.92.09 || 1 10.87 || 4.92.74 11 1.01 || 4.93.38 || 1 11.14 || 4.93.96 57# 1 10.25 || 4.90.00 || 1 10.89 || 4.90.62 || 1 10.53 || 4.91.24 || 1 1 0.66 || 4.91.82 58 109.77 || 4.87.87 || 109.90 4.88.44 || 1 1 0.04 || 4.89.07 || 1 1 0.18 4.89.69 58} 109.30 4.85.78 || 109.43 4.86.36 || 109.57 4.86.98 || 109.70 || 4.87.56 58; 108.83 || 4.83.69 108.97 || 4.84.31 || 109. 1 0 || 4.84.89 || 109.24 || 4.85.51 58% 108.37 || 4.81.65 | 108.5 ! 4.82.24 || 108.64 || 4.82.84 || 108.78 4.83.47 59 107.91 4.79.58 || 108.05 || 4.80.22 || 108. 17 4.80.76 || 108.31 || 4.8 1.38 59% 107.45 || 4.77.56 || 107.58 || 4.78. 13 || 107.71 4.78.7 1 || 107.85 4.79.33 59% 107.00 4.75.56 || 107.13 4.76. 13 || 107.26 4.76.71 || 107.40 4.77.33 59; 106.54 4.73.51 || 106.67 4.74.09 || 106.81 || 4.74.71 || 106.94 || 4.75.99 60 106. 10 || 4.71.56 || 106.23 4.72. 13 || 106.36 4.72.71 || 106.49 4.73.33 | 00 ARBITRATIONS OF SPECIE. D O L L A R S. PREMIUM ON DOLLARS IN NEW YORK. PRICE in 1 tº cent. 1} + cent. 1} + cent. London, per oz. . p. 8100 cts. p. 381 st. p. 38.100 st. p. 381 st. p. 6100 st. p. 381 st. Pence. £ D.cts.m. £ D.cts.m. f D.cts.m. 52 123. 12 5.47.20 123.42 5.48.53 123.73 5.49.91 52} 1 22.53 5.44.58 122.83 5.45.91 123. 14 5.47.29 52; 121.94 5.41.96 122.24 5.43.29 122.55 5.44.67 52} 121.36 5.39.38 121.66 5.40.71 121.96 5.42.04 53 120.79 5.36.84 12 1.09 5.38. 18 121.39 5.39.51 53} 120.21 5.34.27 | 20.51 5.35.60 1 20.81 5.36.93 53% 119.65 5.31.78 1 19.94 5.33.07 120.24 5.34.40 53} 119.09 5.29.29 119.38 5.30.58 1 19.68 5.31.91 54 1 18.54 5.26.84 1 18.83 5.28. 13 119. 12 5.29.42 54} | 17.99 5.24.40 | 18.28 5.25.69 1 18.57 5.26.98 54% 1 17.44 5.2 1.96 1 17.73 5.23.24 I 18.02 5.24.53 54} 1 16.91 5.19.60 I 17.20 5.20.80 1 17.49 5.22. 18 55 1 16.87 5.17.20 116.66 5. 18.49 1 16.95. 5. 19.78 55} 115.84 5. 14.84 116. 12 5. 16.09 1 16.41 5.17.38 55% 1 15.31 5. 12.49 1 15.59 5. 13.73 1 15.88 5. I 5.02 55#. l 14.80 5. 10.22 1 15.08 5. 1 1.47 1 15.37 5. 1 2.76 56 1 14.28 5.07.9 | 1 14.56 5.09. 16 114.85 5. 10.44 56} 1 13.77 5.05.64 11 4.05 5.06.89 1 14.34 5.08.18 56# 1 13.27 5.03.42 1 13.55 5.04.67 1 13.83 56# 1 12.77 5. O 1.20 | 13.05 5.02.44 1 13.32 5.03.64 57 1 12.26 4.98.93 1 12.54 5.00. 18 I 12.89 5.0 1.42 57} 1 11.76 4.96.71 1 12.04 4.97.96 1 12.32 4.99.20 57% 1 11.98 4.94.58 1 11.56 4.95.82 1 1 1.83 4.97.02 57# 1 10.80 4.92.44 1 I 1.08 4.93.69 1 11 .35 4.94.89 58 1 1 0.32 4.90.31 1 10.59 4.91.51 1 I O.86 4.92.71 58} 109.84 4.88. 18 1 1 0. 1 1 4.89.38 1 10.39 4.90.62 58% 109.37 4.86.09 109.64 4.87.29 109.91 4.88.49 58% 108.91 4.84.04 109.18 4.85.24 109.45 4.86.44 59 108.44 , 4.81.96 108.7 1 4.83. 16 108.98 4.84.36 59} 107.98 4.79.91 108.25 4.81. 11 108.52 4.82.31 59% 1 O7.53 4.77.91 107.79 4.79.07 108.06 4.80.27 59; 107.07 4.7 5.87 107.33 4.77.02 107.60 4.78.22 60 106.62 4.73.87 106.88 4.75.02 107.15 4.76.22 | ()] ARBITRATIONS OF SPECIE. D O L L A R S. PREMIUM ON DOLLARS IN NEW YORK. PRICE II]. 1} + cent. 2 # cent. 3 # cent. London, p. oz. . p. 8100 st. p. 381 st. p. 38'100 st. p. 381 st. p. 6100 st. p. 381 st. Pence. £ D.cts.m. £ D.cts m. f D.cts.m. 52 124.03 5.5 1.24 124.33 5.59.58 125.54 5.57.96 52} 123.44 5.48.62 123.74 5.49.96 124.95 5.53.33 52% 1 22.85 5.46.00 123. I 5 5.47.33 124.35 5.52.67 52# 122.26 5.43.38 122.56 5.44.7 1 198.76 5.50.04 53 121.68 5.40.80 121.98 5.42. 13 123. 18 5.47.47 53} 121.10 5.38.22 121. 40 5.39.56 122.60 5.44.89 53; 120.53 5.35.69 120.82 5.36.98 1 22.02 5.42 31 53} 1 19.97 5.33.20 120.26 5.84.49 121.45 5.39.78 54 | 19.42 5.30.76 119.71 5.32.04 1 20.88 5.37.24 54} 1 18.86 5.28.27 1 19. 15 5.29.56 120.32 5.34.76 54% 1 18.31 5.25.82 1 18.60 5.27. 11 119.76 5.32.27 54} 117.77 5.23.42 1 18.06 5.24.71 1 19.22 5.29.87 55 1 17.23 1 17.52 5.29.31 1 18.67 5.27.42 55} J 16.69 5. 18.62 1 16.98 5. 19.91 I 18. 13 5.25. O5 55; 1 16. 16 5. 16.27 1 16.45 5. 17.56 l 17.59 5.22.62 55#. 1 15.64 5. 14.96 115.93 5. 15.24 I 17.07 5.20.31 56 1 15. 13 5. 1 1.69 1 15.41 5.12.93 1 16.55 5. 18.00 56} 114.62 5.09.42 1 14.90 5. 10.67 I 16.03 5. 15.69 56; 1 14. 1 | 5.07. 16 1 14.39 5.08.40 I 15.51 5. 13.48 56# 1 13.60 5.04.89 1 13.88 5.06.13 115.00 5.1 1. 11 57 1 13.09 5.02.62 1 13.37 5.03.87 l 14.48 5.08.80 57} 1 12.59 5.00.40 1 12.86 5.0 l .60 1 13.98 5.06.47 57% 1 12. 1 1 4.98.27 112.38 4.99.47 l 13.48 5.04.36 57# | 1 1.63 4.96.13 I 1 1.89 4.97.29 I 18.00 5.02.22 58 1 11. 14 4.93.96 1 i 1.40 4.95. l I 1 12.51 5.00.04 58} 1 10.66 4.91.82 1 1 0.93 4.93.02 1 1 2.02 4.97.87 58% 1 10.18 4.89.69 1 1 0.45 4.90.89 I 11.53 4.95.69 58; 109.7 I 4.87.60 109.98 4.88.80 1 11.06 4.93.60 59 109.24 4.85.51 109.51 4.86.7 1 1 1 0.58 4.9 1.47 59} 108.78 4.83.47 109.05 4.84.67 1 1 0.09 4.89.29 59; 108.33 4.8 1.47 108.59 4.82.62 109.65 4.87.33 59% 107.87 4.79.42 108.13 4.80.58 109. 19 4.85.29 60 107.4 I 4.77.38 107.67 4.78.53 108.72 4.83.2O 102 ARBITRATIONS OF SPECIE. D O U B L O O NS, BOUGHT IN NEW YORK, AND REMITTED TO LONDON FOR SALE. 1000 doubloons, . @ 28 15 each . . . . 28 15,000 || 00 Packing, shipping, bills of lading and small charges 3 50 28, 15,003 || 50 Deduct: interest, in order to establish the exchange at 60 days after sight, say, 2 months, at 6 per cent tº annum, . . . . . . . . . . . 150 || 04 28 14,583 || 46 at Par, or 8 40. # 89. . . . . . £ 3,342 o || 7 | Sold in London : 1000 doubloons, weighing : 866 Oz. @ 73s. per oz. . . . £ 3,160 18 Freight, 28.15,000, at par É3375. a 3ths. #' cent. tº cent, £ 12, 12, 3. Primage, 5 tº cent, 2, 0, 12, 8. £13, 4, 11, Insurance, £3200, a 20s. *P cent, É32, 0, 0 Policy duty, . . , 8, 0, 0 2, 40, 0, 0. Landing charges, &c. . . . . . . , 0, 12, 6. Brokerage, # tº cent, . . . . . . , 3, 19, 0. Commission, # * cent, . . . . . . , 15, 16, 0. 73| 12 || 6 42, 3,087 5 6 If £8,842, 0, 7d. in America produce £3,087, 5, 6d. in England, what is the exchange in America for £100 on England Aaswer, £198,25. | 03 ARBITRATIONS OF SPECIE. D O U B L O O N S. PRICE IN NEW YORK. PRICE in 28, 15.00 cts. 28°15. 10 cts. 28, 15.20 cts. 28, 15.30 cts. London, Per 0%. p. 6100st. p. 381 st. I p. 6100st. p. 61 st. p.36100st. p. 381 st. p.38.100st. p. 361 st. S. d. .# D.cts.m. # D.cts.m. £ D.cts.m. £ D.cts.m. 73.O 108.25 4.81.1 1 || 108.97 || 4.84.31 || 109.69 || 4.87.51 || 1 1 0.42 4.90.76 73.3 107.88 || 4.79.47 || 108.60 4.82.67 || 109.32 || 4.85.87 || 1 10.04 || 4.89.07 73.6 107.52 || 4.77.87 || 108.24 || 4.81.07 || 108.95 || 4.84.22 || 109.67 4.87.42 73.9 107.15 4.76.22 || 1 O7.87 4.79.43 || 1 O8.58 4.82.58 || 109.29 4.85.73 74. () 106.79 || 4.74.62 107.50 4.77.78 || 108.21 || 4.80.98 || 108.93 4.84.13 74.3 106.43 4.73.02 || 107.14 || 4.76. 18 || 107.85 4.70.33 || || 08.56 4.82.49 74.6 106.09 || || 106.79 4.74.62 || 1 O7.49 || 4.78.73 || 108.20 4.80.89 74.9 105.72 4.69.87 || 106.43 || 4.73.02 || 107.14 || 4.76. 17 | 107.84 || 4.79.29 75.0 105.40 4.68.44 || 106. 10 || 4.71.56 || 106.80 || 4.74.67 || 107.48 || 4.77.69 75.3 105.02 || 4.66.78 || 105.73 || 4.69.91 || 106.42 || 4.73.02 || 107. 12 || 4.76.09, 75.6 106.66 4.65. 16 || 105.36 || 4.68.27 | 106.06 || 4.71.38 || 106.76 || 4.74.49 CONTINUATION. PRIG E PRICE IN NEW YORK. in 28, 15.40 cts. 28, 15.50 cts. 28, 15.60 cts. 28, 15.70 cts. London, # Per 0%. p.6100st. p, £1 st. p.6100st. p. 381 st. p-É100st. p. 81 st. p.38100st. - p. 81 st. S. d. £ D.cts.m. £ D.cts.m. £ D,cts.m. 36 D.cts.m. 73.0 1 1 1. 14 4.93.96 || 1 1 1.86 4.97. 16 || 1 12.58 5.00.36 || 1 13.30 5.03.55 73.3 1 1 0.76 4.92.27 || 1 11.48 4.95.47 || 1 12.20 || 4.98.67 || 1 12.92 || 5.01.87 73.6 1 1 0.39 || 4.90.62 || 1 1 1. 10 || 4.93.78 || 1 1 1.82 4.96.98 || 1 12.54 5.00. 18 73.9 1 10.01 || 4.88.93 || 1 1 0.72 4.92.09 || 1 | 1.44 || 4.95.29 || 1 12, 15 4.98.44 74.0 109.64 || 4.87.29 || 1 1 0.35 | 4.90.44 || 1 1 1.06 || 4.93.60 || 1 | 1.77 4.96.76 74.3 109.27 || 4.85.64 109.98 || 4.88.80 || 1 10.69 || 4.91.96 || 11 1.40 || 4.95.11 74.6 108.91 || 4.84.04 || 109.61 4.87. 16 || 1 1 0.32 || 4.90.31 || 1 1 1.03 || 4.93.47 74.9 108.54 || 4.82.40 || 109.24 || 4.85.51 || 109.95 || 4.88.67 || 1 1 0.66 4.91.82 75.0 108.18 4.80.80 || 108.88 4.83.91 109.58 || 4.87.02 || 1 1 0.29 || 4.90.18 75.3 107.82 4.79.20 || 108.52 4.82.31 || 109.22 4.85.42 || 109.92 || 4.88.53 75.6 107.45 || 4.77.56 | 108.15 4.80.67 || 108.85 4.83.78 || 109.55 4.86.89 104 ARBITRATIONS OF SPECIE. D O U B L O O N S. PRICE IN NEW YORK. PRICE 1I] 28, 15.80 cts. 28, 15.90 cts. 28, 16.00 cts. 28°16. 10 cts. London, p. oz. p. 8100 st. p. 381 st. p. 8100 st. p. 61 st. p. 8100 st. p. 81 st. p. 8100 st. p. 81 st. S.d. £ D.cts.m. 38 D.cts.m. £ D.cts.m. f D.cts.m. 73.O 1 14.02 || 5.06.76 || 1 14.75 5.10.00 || 1 15.47 b. 13.20 || 1 16. 19 5. 16.40 73.3 1 13.64 5.05.07 || 1 14.36 5.08.27 || 1 15.08 5.1 1.47 || 1 15.80 5. 14.67 73.6 1 13.25 5.03.33 || 1 13.97 5.06.53 || 1 14.69 || 5.09.73 || 1 15.40 5.12.89 73.9 1 12.87 5.0 1.64 || 1 13.58 5.04.80 l l 14.30 5.08.00 || 1 15.01 || 5. 1 1.15 74.0 1 12.49 || 4.99.96 || 1 13.20 5.03.1 1 || 1 13.9 I 5.06.27 || 1 14.62 5.09.42 74.3 112. 1 1 || 4.98.27 || 1 12.82 5.01.42 || || 13.53 5.04.58 || 1 14.24 || 5.07.73 74.6 ſ 111.73 || 4.96.58 || 1 12.44 || 4.99.73 || 1 13.15 5.02.89 || 1 13.85 5.06.00 74.9 1 11.36 || 4.94.93 || 1 12.07 4.98.09 || 1 12.77 5.01.20 || 1 13.47 5.04.3 l 75.0 1 1 0.99 || 4.93.29 || 1 | 1.69 4.96.40 || 1 12.39 || 4.99.5 | | 1 18.09 5.02.62 75.3 1 1 0.62 || 4.91.64 || 1 | 1.32 4.94.76 || 1 12.02 4.97.87 || 1 12.72 5.00.98 75.6 1 10.25 || 4.90.00 || 1 1 0.95 || 4.93. 1 1 || 1 | 1.64 || 4.96.18 || 1 12.84 || 4.99.29 CONTINUATION. PRICE IN NEW YORK. PRICE IIl & 16.20 cts. 28, 16.30 cts. 28, 16.40 cts. 28, 16.50 cts. London, – “. p. oz. p. 3100 st. p. 61 st. p. 8100 st. p. 361 st. p. 6100 st. p. 361 st p. 36100 st. p. 381 st. S. d. £ D.cts m. 36 D.cts.m. £ D.cts.m. £ D.cts.m. 73.0 116.9 l 5. 19.60 || 1 17.63 5.22.80 || 1 18.35 | 5.26.00 || 1 19.08 || 5.29.13 73.3 1 16.51 5. 17.82 || 1 17.23 5.21.02 || 1 17.95 || 5.24.22 || 1 18.67 5.27.42 73.6 116. 12 5. 16.09 || 1 16.84 5.19.29 || 1 || 7.55 5.22.44 || | 18.27 5.25.64 73.9 115.72 5. 14.3 l l l 16.44 5. 17.5 1 || 1 17.15 5.20.67 || 1 17.87 5.23.87 74.0 1 15.33 5. 12.58 || 1 16.04 || 5. 15.73 || 1 16.75 5. 18.89 || 1 17.47 5.22.09 74.3 1 14.94 || 5.10.84 || 1 15.65 5. 14.00 || | 16.36 || 5. 17. 18 || 1 17.07 || 5.20.3 l 74.6 114.56 5.09. 16 || 1 || 5.27 5.12.31 || 1 15.97 || 5. 15.42 || 1 16.68 5. 18.58 74.9 1 14. 18 5.07.47 || 1 14.89 5. 10.62 || 1 15.59 || 5.13.73 || 1 16.29 5. 16.84 75.0 1 13.80 5.05.78 || 1 14.50 5.08.89 || 1 15.21 5.12.04 || 1 15.91 5. 15. 16 75.3 1 13.42 5.04.09 || 1 14. 12 5.07.20 || 1 14.82 5. 10.31 ! 13.52 || 5.13.42 75.6 1 13.04 || 5.02.40 || 1 13.74 5.05.51 || 1 14.44 5.08.62 || 1 15.14 5.11.78 105 C O M M E R C I A L U S A G E S A N D R A TES OF T H E U N IT E D STATES OF AM E. R. IC A. Although the following statements of local charges and usages in the sale and purchase of commodities, affecting the results of adventures to and from the United States, apply more especially to New York, they may serve equally well as a general guide in transactions with the other American ports on the Atlantic. I. SEASONS FOR TRANSACTING BUSINESs. In New York the season for transacting business, when country buyers come to town or give their orders, begins for spring, about the middle or end of January, and terminates about the first of May. For the fall trade, it begins on the first of August, and closes towards the commencement of November. In Philadelphia, the spring season only, for the Western trade, commences about one month earlier than in New York. During the intermediate periods of the year, very little activity comparatively speaking, is observable in these markets. Goods intended for either season should arrive at least one week before it COIN) Iſle]]CeS. II. TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN THE SALE AND PURCHAs E of Goods. All goods sold by weight or liquid measure, are weighed and guaged by sworn persons appointed for that purpose, at a very trifling expense. No deductions whatever from actual weight or measure are ever allowed under the denominations of draft, over-measure, leakage, or any other, nor any fixed discount on the amount. For tare, it is customary to allow, either the real weight of the empty packages, or the original invoice tare reduced to American pounds, or such a per centage on the gross-weight, as may be specifically agreed upon between the buyer and seller. - .r- P 106 COMMERCIAL U S A GES AND RATES Goods are paid for in two ways : in cash, either without discount, or with the deduction of 4 or 6 months' interest, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum,_ or, which is more usual, by promissory notes, at 4 or 6 months after date, to the satisfaction of the buyer. American produce is invariably paid for in cash without discount. III. AUCTIONs. The natural desire entertained by a large body of American importers, particularly amongst those who devote their attention to dry goods, of effecting quick returns; the necessity of consummating sales within a certain limited period, in order to escape losses on goods affected by the changes of fashion, or subject to deterioration in quality; lastly, the great competition unavoidable in markets which are open to the trade of the world, and unshackled by monopolies of any kind, these are the principal causes which have of late years singularly favoured the system of selling by public auctions in the United States. As it is a system tending much to the detriment and injury of the fair and regular trader, many complaints and various attempts to render it less available, have from time to time been directed against it; but it was only in the autumn of 1831, by a combination of sellers as well as buyers, that the latter were partially successful. The Articles which are usually exposed for public Sale are British cottons and woollens, hardware, French cotton and silk goods, China silks and teas, and sometimes fruits, wines, drugs, wool, &c. There are 59 Auctioneers appointed for the city of New York. They are entitled by law to a commission of 2% per cent on the gross amount of all sales made by them, unless a less rate is previously agreed upon in writing. They are generally satisfied with 3% per cent, which charge includes their guarantee for the solvency of the buyer. The State duty on sales by auction is: 1% per cent, on European dry, and other goods, subject to duty, 2 do. ,, distilled spirits and wines, 1 do. , goods in their original packages from beyond the Cape of Good Hope. Exempted from auction duty are, 1,–the following articles not subject to duties, viz. ships and vessels, utensils of husbandry, live stock, articles grown, produced, or manufactured in this state, except distilled spirits, all domestic manufactures of cotton, wool, hemp, flax, &c. 2.-Goods belonging to the local state or to the United States.—3. Goods sold by the authority of a court, or in consequence of forfeiture or penalty, or under a distress for rent.—4. The effects of a deceased person, sold by executors, administrators, or their OF THE UNITED STATES. 107 surrogate.-5. The effects of a bankrupt sold by his assignees, appointed either by law or by a special assignment.—6. Goods damaged at sea, and sold within 20 days after landing, for account of whom it may concern. IV. BROKERs. In America, the merchants have not as yet generally departed from the primitive custom of officiating as their own brokers in the sale and purchase of merchandize. Nevertheless a great number of those useful, and in transactions of variety and magnitude indispensible, intermediate agents are to be met with in all the principal trading ports. Their charge is from # a # per cent, as may be agreed upon. Buyers seldom agree to pay brokerage. V. UNDERWRITERs. The branch of Marine—and Fire Insurance is exclusively attended to by chartered companies of acknowledged solidity and liberality. Their rates of premiums are often exceedingly moderate, as they require to be paid in cash without any deduction whatever, before the respective risks, they agree to take, can be considered as covered. Policies do not need any stamp. In all cases of recovery British usages and precedents serve as a guide. Life Insurance has not as yet met with much encouragement in the United States. VI. RATES OF INTEREST. The custom-house allows at the rate of 4 per cent per annum in deduction of duties, if paid in cash, but charges at the rate of 6 per cent on the duty on woollens deposited in the public stores, according to law. In mercantile transactions, 6 per cent per annum is, as generally admitted, the current rate. The discount on bills however, is frequently much higher and seldom lower. VII. MERCHANTs’ commissions. Rates recommended for general adoption, and allowed by the New York Chamber of Commerce, when no agreement subsists to the contrary : ON FOREIGN BUSINESs. On the sale of merchandize, . . . . . . . . . . . 5 per cent. , , do. or purchase of stock, . . . . . . . . . ] 55 » , do. 2, do. , specie, # , , ,, purchase and shipment of merchandize with funds in hand: on the aggregate amount of cost and charges, 2% 53 ,, drawing and endorsing bills, in all cases, . . . 2% , selling or purchasing vessels, . . . . . . . . . 2% , 25 procuring freight, * tº & ſº º e tº º sº º º • tº 5 35 P 2 108 COMMERCIAL, USAGES AND RATES On collecting freight or general average, . . . 55 35 35 35 95 99 25 25 35 outfits of, or disbursements for vessels, with funds in hand, effecting marine insurance, in all cases, where the premium does not exceed 10 per cent, on the amount insured, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . when the premium exceeds 10 per cent, on the amount of premium, collecting dividends on stock, . . . . . . . do. delayed or litigated accounts, e e º 'º º adjusting and collecting insurance losses, . . . . . receiving and paying monies, from which no other com- mission is derived, • * * * * * c e s tº e remittances in bills, in all cases, . . . . . . . landing and re-shipping goods, from vessels in distress, on the value, * * * * * * * * is e e s e receiving and forwarding goods, entered at the custom- house, on the value, . . . . . . . . . . . and on responsibilities incurred, . . . . . . . . ON INLAND BUSINESS, On the sale of merchandize, & e s we & e º e º e 33 99 55 95 59 99 59 29 25 35 39 ,, purchase and shipment of merchandize, or accepting bills for purchases, without fund or property in hand, , sale or purchase of stock, . . . . . . . . . » do. 2, do. 2, specie, . . . . . . . . . bills of exchange with endorsement, . . . . . . bank notes or drafts not current, . . . . . . . . selling or endorsing bills of exchange, . . . . . . vessels, selling or purchasing, . . . . . . . chartering, to proceed to other ports to load, . outfits or disbursements, . . . . . . collecting freight or general average, . . . effecting marine insurance in all cases, when the premium does not exceed 10 per cent, on the amount insured, . when the premium exceeds 10 per cent, on the amount of premium, . . . . . . . . adjusting and collecting insurance losses, . . . . . collecting dividends on stocks, . . . . . . . . bills, and paying over the amount or receiving and paying monies, from which no other commission is derived, 2% per cent. 2% 95 55 55 22 25 25 99 59 25 55 35 per cent. 35 99 35 55 55 35 99 55 25 39 35 92 29 55 25 OF THE UNITED STATES. 109 On receiving and forwarding goods,-on the value, . . . . per cent, 35 the same, when entered for duty or debenture, 1 55 , remittances in bills, in all cases, . . . . . . . . # , The above commissions to be exclusive of the guarantee of debts for sales on credit, storage, brokerage, and every other charge incurred. The risk of loss by fire, unless insurance be ordered, or by robbery, theft, or other unavoidable occurrences, if the usual care be taken to secure the property, is in all cases to be borne by the proprietor of the goods. When bills are remitted for collection and are returned under protest for non-acceptance, or non- payment, the same commissions to be charged as though they had been duly honoured. On consignments of merchandize, withdrawn and re-shipped, full commission to be charged to the extent of advances or responsibilities incurred, and half commission on amount of the value. It is necessary to observe that although the above rates of commissions can be charged according to law, less is sometimes taken in particular cases by equitable houses. VIII. RATES OF STORAGE. Chargeable per month, as established by the New York Chamber of Commerce, on 2d March, 1819. Cents. - Cents. Almonds, in frails, &c. . . cwt. 6 | Cordage, . . . . . . ton. 50 Alum, , casks or bags, ton. 40 | Cassia in matts or boxes, . cwt. 10 Ashes, pot or pearl, . . . bbl. 8 || Cotton, Amer. sq. bales of 300 lbs. 12% Beef, . . . . . . . . do. 6 , round do. do. 16 Bottles, quart, . . . . gross. 8 || West India in proportion to round. Bark, quercitron, . . . . ton. 60 | Cotton, East India,inbales, 300lbs. 9 Bagging, cotton, . . . . piece. 3 | Cheese in casks, &c. . . . cwt. 3 Butter, . . . firkin of 60 lbs. 2 | Duck, heavy, . . . . . bolt. 13 Candles, . . . boxes, do. 2 Ravens, or Russia sheeting, Chocolate, . . do. , 50 lbs. 2 piece. 0} Cocoa, in bags, . . . . cwt. 2% Dry goods, . . . 40 cubic feet. 40 casks, . . . . do. 3 | Fish, pickled, . . . . . bbl. 6 Coffee, in bags, . , . . do. 2 dry, in casks, or boxes, cwt. 4 , casks, . . . . do. 2% in bulk, . . . . . do. 2% Copperas, in casks, . . ton. 40 | Figs, in all kinds of packages, do. 2% Copper, , pigs, . . . do. 20 | Flax, . . . . . . . . ton. 60 , sheets or bolts, do. 30 | Flaxseed, in tierces of 7 bushels, 10 brazier's bottoms, . do. 75 | Flour, or other dry articles in barrels, . . . . . . bbl. 4 l 10 COMMERCIAL, USAGES AND RATES cents. Earthenware, in crates of 25 to 30 feet, Crate. in hilds. of 40 to 50 feet, hhd. Grain in bulk, bush. Ginger, bags, . cwt. Glass, window in boxes, 50 feet. Hemp, . . . . . . . ton. Hides, dried or salted, . . hide. Hardware in casks, 40 cubic feet. Indigo, in serons or boxes, cwt. Iron, in bars and bolts, ton. , hoops, sheets, rods, do. Liquors, brandy, gin, rum, porter, wines, in puncheons of 120 gals. do. in quarter casks, . do. , pipes of 120 gallons, . bottled in packages, doz. bottles. Leather, º side. Lard, . in firkins of 60 lbs. Lead, , pigs or sheet, ton. dry, or in oil, o Molasses, in hbds. of 110 gallons. other casks in proportion, Nails, in casks, . . CWt. Oil, in hinds. &c. . . 100 gals. , chests of 30 flasks, chest. bottled, boxes, or baskets, doz. bottles, Paint, in casks, &c. ton. Pork, . . . bbl. Pepper, in bags, CWt. do. 15 30 l 2 1% 6 2% Cents, Pimento, casks or bags, cwt. 2% Rice, . . tierce. 12 half do. 8 Rags, in bales, CWt. 6 Raisins, Malaga, . . cask. 3 do. tº º e box. 1 other packages, cwt. 2 Saltpetre, in bags, . . . do. 2% , casks, ... do. 2% Salt, in bags, or bulk, ... bush. I Shot, in casks, . . . . ton. 37% Soap , boxes of 50 à) 60 lbs. box. 2 Steel ,, bars or bundles, ton. 30 , boxes or tubs, do. 40 Sugar, raw, in bags, &c. CWt. 2 » casks, do. 2% refined, do. 3 Tallow, in casks or serons, do. 2 Tea, Bohea, . chest. 15 do. half chest. 8 green or black, quarter do. 4% boxes in proportion to quarter chests. - sk Tin, in block, . . . , ton. 20 » plates, . . . box. 1% Tobacco, in hids. ... hlid. 37% , bales or serons, cwt. 4 manuf. in kegs of 100 lbs. 2 Whiting, in hds. . . . ton. 37% Wood for dyeing, if under cover, do. 50 , in a yard, do. 25 On articles on which the rate is fixed by weight, it is understood to be on the gross weight, and on liquors, oils, &c. to be on the whole capacity of the casks, whether full or not. The proprietor of the goods is to bear the expense of putting the same into store, and of stowing away and turning out of store. All goods taken on storage are subject to one month's storage; if taken out within 15 days, after the expiration of the month, to half a month's storage, OF THE UNITED STATES. 1 11 and if after 15 days to the charge for a whole month. No premium for risk of fire is included in the above rates. IX. INSPECTION OF AMERICAN PRopUCE. FLOUR AND MEAL. For the city of New York and King's county an inspector of flour and meal is appointed, who may appoint deputies under him, but neither he nor they are allowed to deal in the articles subject to their examination, under a penalty of 28.500. Wheat-flour, rye-flour, Indian meal, and buckwheat-meal are the four descriptions of flour and meal, which cannot be shipped for exportation unless previously examined by the inspector or one of his deputies. The law prescribes that they should be packed in good casks of oak or other suitable timber, secured with ten hoops properly nailed; these barrels to be but of two sizes, one to contain 196 lbs. of flour or meal, with staves 27 inches long, and heads 16% inches wide, and the other to contain 98 lbs. with staves, 22 inches long, and heads, 14 inches wide, or the staves 27 inches long, and the heads 12 inches wide. For the convenience of stowage, they are required to be nearly straight. # Before meal or flour is offered for inspection, their weight must be inscribed on one of the heads with a marking iron. Each barrel must also be branded with the surname and the initials of the christian name or names of the manufacturer, together with the nett weight of 196 lbs. or 98 lbs. contained in each. In addition to this, Wheat-flour intended to be of first quality must be branded, Superfine, that of the second quality, Fine, that of the third, Fine Middlings, and that of the fourth quality, Middlings. Barrels of Rye-flour, intended for first quality, must be branded, Superfine Rye-flour, and of the second quality, Fine Rye-flour. On each barrel of manufactured maize must be branded, Indian meal, provided it is made from maize properly kiln-dried and ground fine and bolted. And on each barrel of manufactured buck-wheat shall be branded, B. Meal. Indian meal may also be inspected in hogsheads of 800 lbs. After the barrels are found to correspond with the provisions of the law as regards their make, contents and marks, the inspector signifies it by branding his name and the county where the inspection is made, on the quarter in a distinguishable manner. The inspection to take place at the time and place of eaportation, under a penalty of 285, for each barrel, to be paid by the purchaser or exporter. If the quality branded on the barrels does not correspond with their Contents, the inspector causes such brands to be made to correspond with the latter; if the weight of the barrel be found too light, they must be marked on 112 COMMERCIAL, USAGES AND RATES the heads with the word light, and a fine levied of 30 cents for each barrel and half barrel for weighing,” besides 20 cents for every pound of weight deficient. If the flour or meal be found injured or damaged, so as not to be fit for exportation, the barrel must be marked, Bad. Both Light and Bad flour or meal are prohibited to be exported out of the state. Every inspector of flour and meal is entitled to receive a compensation for his services, to be paid by the person offering such flour or meal for inspection, as follows, - - for inspecting, boring, branding, and plugging every hbd., . . 3 cents. ,, every barrel or half barrel, ę & & © . I do. when inspected in the city or county of New York, and 2 cents when inspected in any other county. - w Penalties. Persons shipping for exportation flour or meal, not duly branded, forfeit the same, or 28, 5. for each barrel on conviction of having exported such meal or flour. Persons altering or counterfeiting marks and brands forfeit & 100. Persons putting fresh flour into old barrels already marked and branded, or offering adulterated wheaten flour for sale, forfeit in either case 28°5. for each barrel. PoT—AND PEARL ASHEs. Inspectors of pot—and pearl ashes, of which there may not be appointed less than two, nor more than six for the city of New York, are not allowed to act by deputy, but must do their duty in person. They are to inspect those alkaline salts before exportation, by starting the same out of the casks, and carefully examining the same, and distributing them into different sorts, if necessary. They are to put each sort by itself into light casks, well hooped, and coopered, and brand on them the words, First Sort, Second Sort, or Third Sort, Pot-ashes or Pearl-ashes, as the case may be, together with the inspector's name, and the place of inspection at full length, on each of the casks. They must also weigh the same and inscribe with a marking iron on each cask the gross weight and tare. For all these services they are entitled to 9 cents per cwt. But they shall not brand any cask that is not 29 inches long, 19 inches in diameter at each head, full barred, made of white oak staves and heading, or of such other timber as they shall think proper, and also sound and tight. In case of fraud by mixtures of stones, lime, salt or other ingredients, the inspector shall brand the cask with the words, condemned. Any person offering for sale such alkalies for any other than condemned, incurs a penalty of 25 dollars, and for mixing such foreign substances 20 dollars for each offence. Persons counterfeiting brand-marks forfeit 3.125. each time. * Act of 26th April, 1832. 10F THE UNITED STATES. 118 BEEF AND pork." Pickled beef and pork can be exported only in barrels and half barrels. The casks must be made of good seasoned white oak, or white ash staves and heading. The barrels must measure 16% inches between the chines, and be 28 inches long. The half barrels must be of the capacity of not less than 15, nor of more than 16 gallons. They must be hooped with at least 12 good white oak or hickery hoops well set and driven; and the heads substantially made. Every barrel must contain 200 lbs. of meat, and every half barrel 100 lbs. There are one or more inspectors in the city of New York, and one specially to inspect, pack, and put up beef, according to the usages of the Jews. No inspector shall inspect or brand out of his district, under the penalty of 825. Any person usurping the inspector's brand shall pay &l. for every cask unlawfully branded. Inspectors forfeit 282. each time for neglect or fraud in performing their duty. Persons intermixing or shifting beef or pork from cask to casks, after inspection, forfeit 28°10. for each offence. The inspectors receive for each barrel 20 cents, and for each half barrel 12 cents, including their salting, packing, inspecting, and pickling, but exclusive of cooperage, to be paid by the owner. Inspectors are prohibited from dealing in the article they inspect. Beef and pork inspected according to the law of other states need not be re-inspected, if they are accompanied by a proper certificate. BEEF for exportation must not be killed under 3 years of age. It must be cut in square pieces, as nearly as may be, not exceeding 12 lbs. in weight, nor less than 4. Beef found by the inspectors to have been killed at a proper age, and to be fat and merchantable, if divided into three sorts for packing and re-packing in barrels and half barrels, viz. mess, prime and cargo. Mess-Beef consists of the choicest pieces of oxen, cows and steers, well fatted. The shin, shoulder and neck are taken from the fore-quarters, and the legs and leg-rounds from the hind-quarters. Each barrel and half barrel containing beef of this description is branded on one of the heads, Mess Beef. Prime beef consists of the choice pieces of oxen, cows, steers and heifers; amongst these there ought not to be more than half a neck, and one shank with the hock cut off. The vessel containing it must be branded on one head, Prime beef. - Cargo Beef consists of the pieces of fat cattle of three years of age and upwards, with not more than half a neck and three shanks without the hocks in each barrel, and half barrel in proportion. To be otherwise merchantable and branded, Cargo beef. . * Laws of New York, March 12th, 1813. 1 14 COMMERCIAL, USAGES AND RATES A fourth quality of beef is permitted to be put up and exported from New York. This consists of necks, hearts, and the meat of heads, to be denominated and marked, heads, hearts, and hocks. Rounds of beef may always be exported in kegs and tubs. All these qualities of beef must be laid in salt a sufficient time previous to packing; and all beef and pork must be pickled with a strong good pickle, made of as much good clear salt as will dissolve in good fresh water. Every barrel repacked and inspected to have 2% pecks of salt, and 4 oz. of saltpetre, and in the same proportion for half barrels, put into them. The salt manufactured in New York, if of good quality, may be used, and not less than 46 lbs. for a barrel, and 23 lbs. for half a barrel. The weight, the inspectors' name, and the place of inspection must be branded on the head of each barrel. PoRK must be packed and repacked in barrels made of white oak, or white ash staves and heading, and in other respects the same as beef barrels. Barrels to contain 200 lbs. and half barrels 100 lbs. of meat. There are three qualities of pork, mess, prime, and cargo. & Mess pork consists of the rib pieces of good fat hogs only, and must be branded, Mess pork. Prime pork consists of the next best pieces, with not more than three shoulders in one barrel. This shall contain no legs, nor more than 24 lbs. of head without ears, and properly trimmed. Such shall be branded, Prime pork. Cargo pork shall not contain in one barrel more than four shoulders without the legs, nor more than two heads, without the ears, and otherwise properly trimmed, not exceeding 30 lbs. in weight. The pork must be in other respects fat and merchantable, and be branded, Cargo pork. Half barrels in conformity. - Pork must be cut into pieces as nearly square as possible, and none must exceed 20 lbs. in weight, nor be under 4 lbs. The salt and pickle, the branding of the weight, inspector's name, and the place of inspection, is the same as provided for in the case of beef. Navy beef and pork. A law of the legislature passed 18th April, 1815, authorizes the inspectors to inspect and repack the beef and pork used by the navy. The barrels for this purpose are required to be made of good seasoned heart of white oak staves and headings, with good hickory, white oak or other substantial hoops. They must be of the size of not less than 28}, and not more than 30 gallons, and contain 200 lbs. of beef or pork. The heads and staves half an inch thick, and the barrels, when finished, to measure in length 28 inches, the heads 26 inches from the outside of each, and between OF THE UNITED STATES. | 15 the chines not more than 17, nor less than 16 inches. Each cask to be branded with the initials of the maker's name. Casks to be condemned, if otherwise constructed. No legs, heads, or hands of pork to be inspected, and re-packed for the navy; the remainder of the animal to be cut as nearly as practicable in pieces of 8 lbs. so that 25 pieces shall make a barrel containing 200 lbs. of well-fatted pork of the best quality. The legs, shins, necks, shoulders, and leg-rounds of beef to be excluded, and the remainder of the animal to be cut in pieces, as nearly as possible of 10 lbs. each, so that 20 pieces shall make a barrel, containing 200 lbs. of well-fatted beef of the best quality. After inspection and re-packing, every beef barrel to be branded on one of the heads “U. S. prime beef,” and every pork barrel, “ U. S. prime pork,” with the year, the words “New York,” and the name of the inspector branding the Samºl C. STAVES AND HEADINGS, The council of state have appointed an inspector general, and eight or more cullers of staves and headings, who are prohibited from dealing in the article, unless they happen to be coopers. The compensation to the inspector general is 10 cents for each thousand merchantable staves and headings; and for all that are culled out, and are not merchantable, 5 cents a thousand, to be paid by the owner. a' The pay of the cullers is as follows; for every thousand pipe-staves 62% cents; for every thousand staves and headings 50 cents; for every thousand barrel-staves 37% cents; for every thousand short butt-staves 28°1.25 cents; and for all that are not merchantable the cullers receive half prices, to be paid by the owner. z- H H6 CAL CULATIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL ARTICLES OF EXPORT FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO ENGLAND. FLO UR, FROM NEW YORK TO LONDON. 200 barrels, (each 196 lbs. nett,) a 282. P barrel. . . . . . . 28° 400 00 Half lining and cooperage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28°4, 44 Cartage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 8, 50 Petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 / 50 Bills of lading, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1, 00 Factorage, a 3 cts. “P barrel, . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 6,00 Insurance, 28°450.... a 1% tº cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6, 75 28, 19 28; 428. 19 Commission, a 5 per cent. 21| 41 28 449 60 Exchange, at par, £ 101| 3 || 2 Freight, 200 barrels, a 3s. p. bar. £30, 0 Primage, 5 tº cent, , 1 , 10 £ 31, 10, 0 Entry, warrant and order,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0, 10, 0 Landing, wharfage, housing, weighing, cooper- age, re-weighing, delivery and rent, . . . . , 12, 10, 6 Stamp and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 / 10 m 0 Fire Insurance, 3 tº cent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 m 2 / 6 Factorage and guarantee, 1s. & barrel, . . . . , 10, 0, 0) Commission, 2% tº cent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2, 10 / 6 58 13 || 6 in London. 48 159 16 o cwt. qr. lbs. Weight, nett, 347 , 2, 22 - Or 38,942 lbs. a 16s. 1d, tº 196 lbs. in bond. w £ 159 15 || 0 117 F L O U R. SCHEDULE OF DUTIES IN ENGLAND. WHEAT. FLOUR. The Corn-Bill of 25th July 1828, now in force, INDIAN CORN, BARLEY, provides that on every barrel of 196 lbs of flour, and there shall be levied a duty equal in amount to the BRANK duty on 38% gallons of wheat. tº Average Prices. Duty p, qr. Duty p. 196 lbs. Average Prices, Duty p, qr. Se S, s. d. S. d. S. S, s. d. If 52 and under 58 p. qr. 34.8 .. 20.10}... [If 21 and under 22 p. qr. 30. 4 ,, 58 2, 54 , , || 33.8 | . . 20. 3. . . .,, 22 , , 23 , , 28. 10 , , 54 ,, 55 22 82.8 | . . 19. 8 . . .,, 23 , , 24 , , 27. 4 ,, 55 ,, 56 ,, 3 1.8 . . 19.0% . . , 24 •, 25 , , 25. 10 ,, 56 ,, 57 , , 30.8 . . 18.5% . . ], 25 , 26 ,, 24. 4 ,, 57 ,, 58 , , 29.8 | . . 17.10; . . .,, 26 , , 27 , , 22, 10 , . 58 ,, 59 , , 28.8 • , 17. 3 • , , , 27 9 y 28 , , 21. 4. 3 y 59 3 2 60 $ 2 27.8 * @ 16. 7#. º 2 3 28 2 º' 29 3 ſº 19. 10 ,, 60 ., 61 ,, 26.8 | . . 16. O}. . .,, 29 ,, 80 , , 18. 4 ,, 61 ,, 62 , 25.8 | . . 15. 5}. . , , 30 ,, 31 , , 16. 10 ,, 62 ,, 63 , 24.8 | . . 14.10%. , ,, 81 ,, 32 , , 15. 4 ,, 63 ,, 64 , 23.8 | . . 14. 3 . . .,, 32 , , 38 , , 13. 10 ,, 64 ,, 65 ,, 22.8 . . 13. 7#. . ,, 33 ,, 84 , 12. 4 ,, 65 ,, 66 , , || 21.8 . . 18. O#. . , 84 ,, 35 , , 10. 1 () ,, 66 ,, 67 ,, 20.8 . . 12. 5%. , ,, 35 ,, 36 ,, 9. 4 ,, 67 ,, 68 ,, 18.8 ... t1. 2%. , ,, 36 ,, 87 , , 7. 10 3 5 68 - $ 2 69 2 p. 16.8 • - 10. Oł. . 9 y 37 2 ſº 38 § 3; 6. 4 , 69 , , 70 , , 13.8 ... 8. 2%. , ,, 88 , 89 , 4. 10 ,, 70 ,, 71 , , 10.8 . . . 6. 5 . . .,, 39 ,, 40 , , 3. 4 3 2 71 9 p 72 p > 6.8 tº º 4. O+.. 3 ſº 40 2 3 4 I 2 º' 1. 10 , , 72 ,, 73 , , 2.8 . . 1. 7+. . , 41 and upwards, 1. O ,, 73 and upwards, 1.0 . . . 0. 7+. . . - FROM BRITISH COLONIES OUT OF EUROPE. Duty. Duty. S. 8, d. 8. d. - WHEAT, when under 67 p. quarter .. 5.0 p. qr. Flour. 3.0+ p. quarter. ,, at and above 67 tº ſº . . 0.6 . . © & © , 0.3% ” INDIAN CoRN when under. . . . . . . . 34 tº ºt . . 2.6 . . , , at and above 34 © º . . 0.6 . . Note.—The average prices referred to, which regulate the duty, are published weekly in the London Gazette. To decide, whether importations of wheat and flour from the United States can come in question or not, it is indispensible to have a reference to the existing prices and duties; consequently the above table has been added, although a change of the present corn laws in England by a reformed Parliament may not be improbable. 118 F L O U R. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. New- EXCHANGE. York price Par. 101 102 || 103 || 104 105 || 105% 106 || 106] | 107 per Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or barrel. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts,m |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. | D.cts.m | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m 4.44.44 || 4.48.88 || 4.5333 || 4.57.77|| 4.62.22 || 4.66.66 4,68.88 || 4 71.11 || 4.73.33| 4,75.55 Dolets, P.1961b. p.1961b. p.1961b. p 196lb. p.196lb. p.196lb. p.1961b. p.1961b. p.1961b. p.1961b. s. d. s. d. s. d. S. d. S. d. | S. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 2.00 | 16. 1 | 16. 0 || 15. 10}| 15. 9}| 15. 8#| 15, 7 | 15. 6%| 15. 6 15. 5+|15, 5 2.25 17. 4 17. 2; 17. 1 || 17. 0 | 16.10%| 16. 9 || 16. 8% | 16. 7#| 16. 7 | 16. 6; 2.50 | 18. 7 | 18. 5}| 18. 4 | 18. 2 #| 18. 1 || 17.11% 17.10%| 17.10 || 17. 9 || 17. 84 2.75 | 19. 9}|19. 8 || 19. 6 19. 4}|19. 3 |19. 1+|19. 0}| 18.11% 18, 11 | 18.10 3.00 |21. 0}|20. 10}|20. 9 |20. 7 |20. 5; 20. 3}|20. 3 |20. 2 20. 1 |20. 0 3.25 22. 3 |22. 1 || 21.11%|21. 9; 21. 7#|21. 54 |21. 4}|21. 3}|21. 2 #|21. 2 3.50 23. 6 || 23. 4 || 23. 2 23. O 22.10 |22. 8 22. 7 |22. 6 22. 5 22. 4 3.75 |24. 9 |24. 7 || 24. 4}| 24, 2}|24. 0#|23. 10 |23. 9 |23. 8 |23. 7 |23. 5} 4.00 |26. 0 |25. 0}|25. 7 |25. 5 |25. 2 #|25. 0 |24.1 1 |24. 10 |24. 9 |24. 7} 4.25 |27. 3 |27. 0}|26. 9}|26. 7 |26. 4}|26. 2 |26. 1 || 25.11+|25.10}|25. 9 4.50 |28. 6 |28. 3 |28. 0}|27. 9}|27. 7 |27. 44 |27. 3 |27. 2 |27. 0}|26.11} 4.75 29. 8 |29. 5+|29. 3 |29. O}|28. 10 |28. 7 |28. 6 28. 4}|28. 3 |28, 1} 5.00 30.11+|30. 8%|30. 5%|80. 3 |30. 0 |29. 9 |29. 8 |29. 6}|29. 5 |29. 3.} 5.25 |32. 2 |31. 1 1 |31. 8 |81. 5 |31. 2 |30. 11 |30. 9; 30. 8 |30. 6+|30. 5 5.50 |38. 5 |38. 1%|32.10%|32. 7 ||32. 4 |32. 1 || 31.11}| 31.10 |31. 8+|31. 7 5.75 |34. 8 |34. 4}|34. 1 |83. 10 |38. 6% |38. 3 ||38. 1; 33. 0 || 32.10}|32. 9 6.00 |35.11 |35. 7+|35. 4 |35. 0} |34. 9 |84. 5% |34. 4 |34. 2 #|34. 1 |38. 11 6.25 |37. 2 |36. 10 |36. 6;|36. 2% |35. 1 1 |35. 7% 35. 6 |35. 4 |35. 2 #|35. 1 6.50 |38. 5 |38. 1 |37. 9 |37. 5 |37.1#. 86. 10 |36. 8 || 36. 6}|36. 4}|36. 3 6.75 |39. 8 |39. 4 |39. 0 |38. 7#|38. 8% |38. 0 |37. 10 |37. 8 |37. 6;|37. 4} 7.00 |40. 10}|40. 6 |40. 2 |39. 10 |39. 6 |39. 2 |39. 0 |38.10}|38. 8% |38. 6; 7.25 42. 1 |41. 9 |41. 4}|41. 0 |40. 8 |40. 4 |40. 2 |40. 0 |39.10%|39. 8 7.50 |43. 4 || 42.1 1}|42. 7 |42. 3 |41. 10 |41. 6;|41. 4}|41. 2;|41. 0#|40.10% 7.75 |44. 7 |44. 2 |43. 9 |43. 5 |43. 0%|42. 8 |42. 6 |42. 4 |42. 2 |42. 0 8.00 |45. 10 |45. 5 |45. O |44. 7#|44. Sł|43. 10}|43. 8% |43. 6;|43. 4 |43. 2 8.25 |47. 1 |46. 8 |46. 3 |45. 10 |45. 5 45. O |44. 10 |44. 8 |44. 6 |44. 3} 8.50 |48. 4 |47. 11%|47. 5}|47. 0#|46. 7#|46. 3 |46. 0}|45. 10}|45. 8 |45. 6 8 75 |49. 7 |49. 1+|48. 8% |48. 3 |47. 10 |47. 5 |47. 2 #|47. 0}|46. 10 |46. 7% 9.00 |50. 9+|50. 4 |49. 10}|49. 5%|49. 0 |48. 7 |48. 4}|48. 2 #|48. 0 |47. 9} 9.25 |52. 0 || 51. 6;|51. 1 |50. 8 |50. 2 #|49. 9}|49. 7 |49. 4}|49. 2 |48.11% 9.50 |53. 3 |52. 9}|52. 4 |51.10%|51. 5 |50. 11;|50. 9 |50. 6}|50. 4 |50. 13 9.75 |54. 6 |54. 0 |53. 6+|58. 1 |52. 7 |52. H|51.1 1 |51. 8+|51. 54 |51. 8 10.00 |55. 8}|55. 2% |54. 9 |54. 3 |58. 9% 53. 4 |58. 1% 52.10}|52. 8 |52. 5 11.00 |60. 8 |60. 1+|59. 7 |59. 1 , |58. 6%|58. O}|57. 9}|57. 6+|57. 3}|57. 0} 12.00 |65. 73 |65. 0}|64. 5%|63. 10}|63. 3}|62. 9 |62. 6 |62. 24 ||61.11+|61. 8 I 19 F L O U R. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. / New- EXCHANGE. YORK price 107% 108 || 108} | 109 || 109% 110 || 110} | 111 | 1.11% 112 per Or Or Or Or Or Or or Or Or Or barrel, | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts, m D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. || D.cts.m. | D.cts.m 4.77.77|| 4.80.00 || 4.82.22 || 4.84.44 || 4,86.66 || 4.88.88 || 4.91.11 || 4.93.33 || 4.95.55 || 4.97.77 p.196lb. p. 196lb. p. 196lb. p. 196lb. p. 1961b p.1961b. p.196lb. p. 196lb. p.196 lb. p.106lb. Dolcts. s. d. |s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. | S. d. 2.00 15. 4 || 15. 3}| 15. 3 15. 2 #| 15. 1 #| 15. 1 || 15. O#| 15. O | 1.4.11% 14.1 ! 2.25 | 16. 5}| 16. 5 | 16. 4} | 16. 3;| 16. 3 | 16. 2 #| 16. 2 | 16. 1 | 16. 0} | 16. O 2.50 17. 7% 17. 7 || 17. 6 17. b%| 17. 5 17. 4 || 17. Sł| 17. 3 || 17. 2 17. 1; 2.75 | 18. 9 || 18. 8% 18, 7}| 18. 7 | 18. 6+| 18. 5}|12. 5 18° 4 || 18. 3.} | 18. 8 3.00 | 19. 11% | 19.10%| 19. 9}| 19. 9 || 19. 8 || 19. 7 | 19. 6+|19. 5+|19. 4} | 19. 4 3.25 |21. 1 |21. O |20. 11 20.10%| 20. 9}|20. 9 |20. 8 20. 7 | 20. 6 |20. 5% 3.50 22. 3 22. 2 |22. 1 |22. 0 |21. I 1 |21.10%|21. 9}|21. 8% 21. 8 |21. 7 | 3.75 |23. 4}|23. 3}|23. 2 #|23. 1;|23. O}|22.11}|22.10%|22. 9}|22. 9 |22. 8 4.00 |24. 6}|24. 5; 24. 4}|24. 3}|24. 2 #|24. 1+|24. 0%|23. 11% 23.10%|23. 9; 4.25 25. 8 |25. 7 || 25, 6 |25. 4}|25. 3}|25. 2 #|25. 1+|25. 0}| 24.11% |24.10% 4.50 26.10 |26. 9 |26. 7#|26. 6;|26. 5+|26. 4}|26. 8 |26. 2 |26. 1 |26. 0 4.75 |28. O |27. 1 1 || 27. 9}|27. 8;|27. 7 27. 6 |27. 4}|27. 3}| 27. 2 |27. 1 5.00 |29. 2 |29. 1 || 28.11% 28.10%|28. 9 |28. 8 |28. 6+|28. 5}|28. 4 |28. 3 5 25 | So. 4 |30. 2 #|30. 1 |29. 1 1 || 29.10 |29. 83 |29. 7#|29. 6 |29. 5 |29. 4 5.50 || 3:1. 5% |S 1. 4 || 3 1. 2 #|31. 1 || 30. 1 1 |30, 10 |30. 9 |30. 8 |30. 6+|30. 5} 5.75 |32. 7#| 32. 6 |32. 4}|32. 3 || 32. 2 |32. 0}|31. 11 || 31. 9}|3.1. 8 |31. 7 6.00 33. 9}|33. 8 |38. 6; 33. 5 || 33. 3}|38. 2 || 33- 0#| 32.11 |82. 9; 32. 8 6.25 || 34.1 1 |34. 9% |34. 8 |34. 6 || 34. 4}|34. 3 ||34, 1}| 84. 0 || 33.10%|83. 9 6.50 36. 1 || 35.11% 35. 9; 35. 8 || 35. 6; 35. 5 |35. 3 || 35. 1 #|35. O |34.10% 6.75 |37. Q}|37. 1 |36. 1 1 |36. 9}|36. 8 || 36. 6}|86. 4}|36. 3 ||36. 1+|36. 0 7 oo |38. 5 |38. 3 ||38. 1 || 37.11+|37. 9}|37. 8 |37. 6 |37. 4}|37. 2% |37. 1 7.25 |39. 6}|39. 4}|39. 2 #|39. 0%| 88.1 1 |38. 9 |38. 7#|38. 5}|38. 3.} |38. 2 7.50 |40. 84 |40. 6; 40. 4}|40. 2 #|40. 1 | 89.1 1 |39. 9 |39. 7 ||39. 5 |39. 3.} 7.75 |41. 10 |41. 8 |41. 6 |41. 4 |41. 2 |41. 0}|40. 1 1 |40. 9 |40. 7 |40. 5 8.00 |43. O |42. 10 || 42. 8 || 42. 6 42. 4 || 42. 2 |42. 0 |41.10 |41. 8 |41. 6 8.25 |44. 1 #|43. 11%|43. 9}|43. 7 |43. 5 |43. 3 |43. 1 |42. 1 1 |42. 9 |42. 7 8.50 |45. 3}|45 1% |44. 1 1 |44. 9 |44. 7 |44. 5 |44. 24 |44. O#|43. 10}|43. 8% 8.75 |46. 5 |46. 3 |46. 0}|45. 10}|45. 8#|45. 6% |45. 4 |45. 2 |45. 0 |44.10 9.00 |47. 7 |47. 5 |47. 2 #|47. O#|46. 10 |46. 8 |46. 5}|46. 3}|46. 1 |45. 11 9.25 |48. 9 || 48. 6; 48. 4 || 48. 2 |47. 11; 47. 9}|47. 7 |47. 4}|47. 2 |47. º 9.50 |49. I 1 |49. 8% |49. 6 |49. 3}|49. 1; 48. 1 1 |48. 9 |48. 6% |48. 4 |48. 2 9.75 |51. of 50.10 |50, 7}|50. 5 50. 2% 50. 0}|49. 10 |49. 7#|49. 5 |49. 3 10.00 |52. 2+ 52. 0 || 51. 9% 51. 7 || 51. 4} |51. 2 50.11% |50. 9 |50. 7 |50. 4} 11.00 |56.10 |56. 7 |56. 4}|56. 2 55.11 |55. 8}|55. 6 |55. 3}|55. 1 || 54.10%| 12.00. 61. 5 || 61. 2 | 60. 1 1 || 60, 8 || 60. 5 60. 2 || 59. 1 1 || 59. 8 || 59. 5 59. • 120 W H E AT, FROM NEW YORK TO LONDON. 5000 bushels,.... a 28; 1.12 cents per bushel, . . . . . . . . . . 28, 5,600 00 Winnowing, measuring and delivery on board,... 28, 150, 00 Brokerage, } {P cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 28, 00 Insurance, 28.6000.... a 1% tº cent, . . . . . . . . . . , 90, 00 268 || 00 28' 5,868 00 Commission, 5 # cent. 293 | 40 281 6,161 | 40 Exchange, 110 ºf cent. £ 1,260 1 || 8 Freight, 125 tons a 15s. # ton £93, 15, 0 - Primage, 5 tº cent, 2, 4, 13, 9 £98, 8, 9 Entry, officers’ fees, and city dues, . . . . . . . . 2, 1 / 10, 0 Metage from the ship a 2s. 8d. iſ last of 10 qrs. , 6, 18, 4 Petty charges, a 1s. # do. do. . . . . . . . . . 2, 2 / 12 / 0 Lighterage and porterage to granary, 9d. “P qr. , 19, 10, 0 Granary rent and fire insurance, say 4 weeks, a 2s. tº 100 qrs. P week, . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2 m 2 ſ, 0 Turning, a 2s. tº 100 qrs... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 10, 6 Metage and porterage to the granary a 4s. - # 100 qrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,10 , 8, 0 Do. do. from the do. a 5s. tº qr. . . . . . . . »l 1 / 16 ſ, 8 Postage and stamps, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 1 m 7 m 0 Factorage, 1s. 4P qr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,26/, 0 , 0 Commission, .. 2% tº cent. r Guarantee, .... 1 » @ 4% tº cent,... ,63, 0, 11 244 || 4 || 2 Interest, e tº º e º 'º l 55 fº 1,504 || 5 ||10 in London. - 108; qrs. Winchester measure, 100 qrs. imperial: 5000 bushels Winchester measure=604 qrs. imperial measure, a 49s. 9%d. tº qr, in bond, . . . . . . . . . . . . # 1,503 || 14 || 2 W H E A T. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. NEw- York| Par. | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 || 105 || 1053 | 106 | 1064 107 price OT Or Or Or Or Or OI’ Or Or Or Pº" | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. Bush: | 4.53.33 457.77|4.62.22. 4.66.66 || 4,6888 || 4.73.33 4.75.55 Cents p, qr. p. Q r. p. Qr p. QP. p. Q r. p, qr. p. Q r. p. Q r. p. Q r. p. qr. s, d. s. d. | S. d. s. d. s. d. s. d s. d. s, d. s. d. s. d. 60 |32. 6;|32 .3}|32. O#| 31. 9}|31. 6+ 31. 4 || 31. 2+|31. 1 |30.21+|30.10 65 |34. 7#|34. 4}|34. 1 #|33. 10 |38. 6}|38. 3 ||33. 1}|38. 0 || 32.10}|32. 9 70 |86. 8% |36. 5 |86. 2 |35.10 | 85. 6}|35. 3 ||35. 1;|34.11}| 34.10 |34. 8} 75 |38. 9 |38. 5}|38. 2 |37. 10 |37. 64 |37. 3 ||37. 1 |36.11 || 36. 94 |36. ;: 80 |40. 10 |40. 6 |40. 2 |59.10%|39. 6+|39. 3 ||39. 1 |38. 1 1 |38. 9 |38. 7 85 |42. 1 1 |42. 7 |42. 3 |41.10%|41. 64|41. 2 |41. 0 |40. 10 |40. 8 |40. 6 87%|48.11% |43. 7 |43. 3 |42.10%|42. 6}|42. 2% |42. 04|41.10}|41. 8 |41. 6 90 |45. 0 |44. 8 |44. 3 |43. 1 1 |43. 6}|43. 2 #|43. 0 || 42.10 |42. 7#|42. 5 92%|46. 0 |45. 8 |45. 3 |44. 1 1 |44. 6}|44. 2% |44. 0 |43. 10 |43. 7#|43. 5 95 |47. 0#|46. 8 |40. 3% |45. 1 1 |45. 6+ |45. 2% |45. 0 |44. 10 |44. 7#|44. 5 97% |48. 1 , |47. 8 |47. 3}|46. 1 1 |46. 6}|46. 2 |45.11 |45. 9 |45. 7 |45. : 100 |49. 13 |48. 8%|48. 4 |47. 1 1 ||47. 64 |47. 2 |46.11+|46. 9 |46. 6+|46. 4 102}|b0. 2 |49. 9 |49. 4 |48.11 |48. 6 |48. 2 |47. 11;|47. 9 |47. 6+|47. 4 105 |51. 2% |50. 9%|50. 4 |49.10%|49. 54 |49. 1 |48. 9;|48. 7 |48. 5 |48. 3 107#|52. 3 |51. 9}{51. 4 50.10%|50. 5}|49.11% |49. 9}|49. 7 |49. 5 |49. 24 110 |58. 8% 52. 9}|52. 4}|51.10%|51. 5% |51. 0 |50. 9;|50. 7+ 50. 5 |50. 2; 112}|54. 4 53.10 |53. 4}|52.10%|52. 5}|52. 0 |51. 9% 51. 7 || 51. 4}|51. 2 115 |55. 4, 54.10%|54. 4}|58. 11 b8. 5}|53. 0 |52. 9}} 52. 7 || 52. 4}|52. 2 ! 17:#|56, 4} |55. 10}|55. 5 54.11 |54. 5% |54. 0 |53. 9}|53. 7 || 53. 4}|*3. 2. 120 |57. 5 |56. 1 1 |56. 5 55.11 |55. 5% 55. O 54. 9}|54. 6}| 54. 4 |54. 1 122#|58. 5% |57.11% |57. 5% |56. 11 |56. 5; 55.11+ 55. 8#|55. 5 || 55. 2 #|55. 0. il 25, 59. 6 |59. 0 |58. 6 57.11% |57. 5}} 56.1 ! |56. 7#|56. 5 56. 2+|55.11+ 127#|60. 6 |60. 0 |59. 6 |58. 11; 58. 5 57.1 1 || 57. 8 |57. 5 || 57. 2 |56.11 130 ||61. 6% 61. Oż|60. 6 || 59.11+ 59. 5 58.1 58. 8 |58. 5 58. 2 57.1 i 182}|62. 7 |62. O}|61. 6 |60.11% |60. 5 |59. 1 1 |59. 8 |59. 5 || 59. 2 |58. 11 185 |63. 7} |63. 1 |62. & 62. 0 ||61. 5 60. 1 1 |60. 8 |60. 5 |60. 2 59.10%| |140 65. 8#|65. 2 |64. 7 | 64. 0 || 63. 5 62. 1 1 |62. 8 |62. 4}|62. 1+| 61.10 | 122 W H E A T. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. NEw- Year|| 1073 || 108 || 108} | 109 || 1094 | 110 | 110} | 111 || 1114 | 112 price or Or Or Or or or Or Or or Or P* | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m | D.cts.m D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m *| 4.77.77|| 480,00| 482,22| 484.44|| 4.86.66 4.88.88|4.91.11| 4.93.33| 4.95.55 | 4.97.77 cº, P. ºr p. 4 | p q | p q | p q | p q | p q | p q | p q R. 4. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. S. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 60 |30. 8}|30. 7 |30. 5;|30. 4 |30. 3 |80. 2 |38. 0#|29. 11 |29. 9%|29, 8% 65 |32. 7}|32. 6 |32. 4}|32. 3 ||32. 2 |32. O#|31.11 |31. 9 |31. 8 |31. 7 70 |34. 6}|34. 5 |34. 3 #|34. 2 |34. 0%|38. 11 |33. 9%|38. # 33. 6; 33. 5 75 |36. 6"|36. 4 || 36. 2% |36. 1 |35.11%|35. 10 |35. 8 |35. 6;|35. 5 |35. 3; 80 |38. 5 |38. 3 ||38. 1 |37. 11 |37. 9 |37. 73 ||37. 5;|37. 4 |37. 3;|37. 1% 85 |40. 4 |40. 2 |40. 0 |39.10%|39. 9 |39. 7 ||39. 5% |39. 3}|39. 2 |39. 0 87+|41. 4 |41. 1 #|40. 11;|40. 9}|40. 8%|40. 6;|40. 5 |40. 3 |40. 1 |39. 11 90 |42. 3 |42. 0}|41.11}|41. 83 |41. 7 |41. 5 |41. 3}|41. 1%|41. 0 |40.10 92}|43. 3 |43. 0}|42. 1 1 |42. 8%|42. 7 |42. 5 |42. 3 |42. 1 , |41.11 - |41. 9 95 |44. 2+|44. 0 || 48.10%|48. 8 |43. 6% |43. *} 43. # 43. º 42.10%|42. 8% 97}|45. 2 |45. 0 |44. 9}|44. 7#|44. 5%|44. 8% |44. 1 #|48 11% |43. 9; 43. Ž 100 |46. 2 |45.11%|45. 9 |45. 7 |45. 5 |45. 8 ' |45. 1 |44. 11 |44. 8% |44. 6; 102}|47. 14|46.11 |46. 8#|46. 6;|46. 4}|46. 2; 46.0 |45. 10 |45. 8 |45. 5; |105 |48. 1" |47. 10}|47. 8;|47. 6%|47. 4 |47. 2 46.11%|46. 9 |46. 6#|46. 4; 107% |49. 0}|48.10 |48. 7#|48. 5 |48. 3 |48. º 4.1% 47. 8 |47. 6 |47. 3% 110 |50. o |49. 9 |49. 6}|49. 4 |49. 2 |48.11%|48. 9% |48. 7 |48.5 |48. 2% 1 12#| 50.11}|50. 84|50. 6 |50. 8%|50. 1 |49. 11 |49. 9 |49. 6 |49. 4 |49. 2 115 51.11 |51. 8+|51. 6 |51. 3}| 51. 1 , |50. 10#|50. 8 |50. 6 |50. 8; 50. 1 117+| 52.10}|52. 8 |52. 5}|52. 3 |52. 0}|51. 10 |51. 7#|51. 5 || 51. º 5 1. 0 |120 55.10 || 53.7%|53. 5 |58. 2%|58. 0 |52 9}|52. 7 |52. 4}|52. 2 |51.1 122}|54. 9}|54. 7 |54. 4}|54. 2 |53.11%|58. 9 |53. º 53. 4 |58. 1% |52.10% 125 |55. 9 |55. 6+|55. 8 |55. 0 |54.10%|54. 8 |54. #|34. 2#| 54. O |53. 9% 127#|56. 8+|56. 6 |56. 3 |56. O}|55. 10 |55. 7 |55. 4; 55. iſ: 54. 11 154. § 1so |57. 83 |57. 5}|57. 23 |57. 0 |56, 9}|56, 6%|56. 4 |56. 1 || 55.10%|55. 7% 1323:3, 3, §§ 3, § 8, § {|3. 9 |& 3 ||37 ºf 37.9}|36. 9||56, 7 135 |59. 7} |59. 4}|59. 1; 58.10}|58. 8 |58. 5 |58. 2%|57.11%|57. § 57. 6 |140 ||61. 7 ||61. 3}|61. 0#|60. 9% 60. 7 |60. 4 |60. 1 || 59. 10 || 59. 7. 59. 4} 123 IND IAN CO R. N., FROM NEW YORK TO LONDON. 3,680 bushels,.... a 25 cents tº bushel, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28% 920 00 Cartage and shipping, . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 28° 73, 50 Brokerage, a 1 cent tº bushel, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 36, 80 Half-measure and skreen-hire, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 16 , 50 Postage and petty charges,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2, 50 a 129, 30 Insurance, 28°1,125.... à) 1% tº cent, . . . . . . . . 2, 16, 88 146 18 | + 2&| 1,066 18 Commission, 5 § cent. 53. 32 28, 1119 50 - - Exchange, at par, £ 251] 17 | 9 Freight,.. 92 tons... a 15s. Pton.. f69, 0 Primage, 5 tº cent. . , 3, 9 Entry, officers’ fees and city dues,. . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 / 10 m 0 Metage ex-ship, a 2s. 6d. iſ 10 qrs. (460 qrs.), 5, 15, 0 Lighterage and porterage, 8d. per qr. . . . . . . , 11 / 10 m O Metage, 3s. 4° 10 qrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 6, 18, 0 Do, ex-granary, 4d. per q1... . . . . . . . . . . » 9, 4 ºr 0 : Petty charges and stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2 m 5 tº 0 Granary, rent, and fire insurance, 4 weeks a 5s. # 100 qrs. # week, ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4, 12 m 0 :8114 // 3 // O Factorage, ...... 1 tſ’ cent, - w - Commission, . . . .2% º @ 5% tſ’ cent, , 21 , 0, 9 135|| 3 || 9 Guarantee, ...... I 35 3. — * 3 H — Interest,3months, 1} , :9 887 | 6 in London. | 8 bushels=1 quarter, and 103; Winchester measure=100 imperial: say 443 impl. qrs... a 17s. 5%d. tº qr, in bond. . . . . . . :8 386] 14 R 2 T 24 I ND I A N C O R. N. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. New- York priee per Bush. EXCHANGE. Par. | 101 || 102 | 103 || 104 || 105 || 105} | 106 || 1063 | 107 Or Or or Or Or Or OP Of Or Or D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. | D.cts.m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. 4.44.44 || 4.48.88 || 4,53.33 || 4.57.77|| 4.62.22 || 4.66.66 || 4,68.88 || || 4.73.33 4.75,55 P. gr. p. Q r. p, qr. p. Q r. p. Q r. p. Qr. p. Q r. p, qr. p. qr. p, qr. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 17. 5}|17. 4 || 17. 8 || 17, 1}| 17. 0}|16.11 | 16.10%| 16. # 16. 9 || 16. 8 18. 6 | 18. 4}| 18. 3 | 18. 1 #| 18. O} | 17.1 1 || 17.10 || 17. #|!. 8# 17. 8 19. 6}| 19. 5 | 19. 3.}| 19, 2 | 19. 0}| 18. 11 | 18.10 | 18. #|13. º 18. 8 20. 7 |20. 5+|20. 84 20. 2 | 20. 0#| 19. 1 1 || 19.10 | 19. §§ 19. 8% 19. Z} 21. 8 |21. 6 |21. 4}|21. 2; 21. 1 |20. 11 20.10 |20. 9% |20. 8 |20. 7# 22. 8+|22. 6+|22. 4}| 22, 3 || 22. 1 |21. 11 |21. 10 |21. 9 |21. 8 |21. 7 23. 9 || 23. 7 || 23. 5 23. 3 || 23. 1 || 22.1 ! 22. 1 0 || 22. 9 22. 8 || 22. 7 24. 10 |24. 7#|24 5}| 24, 3 |24. 1 |23. 11 |23. 10 |23. 9 |23. 8 |23. 7 25.10}|25. 8 |25. 6 || 25. 3}|25, 1}|24. 1 1 |24. 10 |24. 9 |24, 8 || 24. 7 26.11}|26. 9 |26. 6}|26. 4 |26. 13 |25.11 |25.10 |25. 9 |25. 7% 25. 6; 28, 0 |27, 9;|27. 6;|27, 3 ||37. ii. 36.ii |36.io ||26. 5 |26. #|26. 6; 29. O}|28. 9% |28. 7 |28. 4 |28. 1% 27, 11 |27. 10 |27. 9 |27. #|37. 6# 30. 1; 29.10%|29. 7#|29. 5 |29. 2 28.1 1 |28. 1 0 |28. 9 |28. #|2s. 6# 81. 2 |30. 11 |30. 8 |30. 5 |30. 2 |30. 11 |29.10%|29. 9 |29. 7; 29. 6 32. 2% |31. I 1 || 31. 8 || 3 1. 5 || 3 1. 2 || 30. 1 1 || 30. 10 || 30. *# 30. 7 || 30. # 38. 3 ||32.11}|32. 8% |32. 5}|82. 2+| 31.11% 31.10 |91. *} 3 1. 7 || 31. # 84. 4 |34. 0}|38. 9 |38. 6 |38. 2 #| 82. 11; 32.10 || 32. #|38. |33 ºff 85. 4}|35. 1 |34. 9; 34. 6 |34. 3 || 33. 11% |33. 10 |38. # 33. 7 || 33. 34 86. 5 |36. 1; 35.10 |35. 6+|35. 3 | 84.11% |34. 10 || 34. # 34. 6% 34. 5 ... ::::: ;|39.19 |38.93|38. 3, §§ 113 ||3:19 |3; #|35. 6||35. # 38. 6;|38. 3;|37.ii |37. 7"|37. 3.}|37, o' |36.io |36, 8%|36, 6%|36. 4; 39. 7 ||39. 3 ||38.11 |38. 7}|38. 3}|38. 0 |37. 10 |37. 8 |37. 6;|37. 4% 40. 7+|40. 3}| 39.11+|39. 7#|39. 3}|39. 0 |38. 10 |38. 8 |38. 6 |38. 4 4.1. 8 || 41, 4 || 4 I. O |40. 8 || 40. 4 |40. 0 || 39.10 39. 8 |39. 6 || 39. 4 42. 9 |42. 4}|42. O} |41. 8 |41. 4 |41. O |40. 10 |40. 8 |40. 6 |40. 4 |43. 9}|43. 5 |43. 13 |42. 8+|42. 4}|42. 0 |41.10 |41. 8 |41. 5; 41. *} 44.10 |44. 53 |44. 1 |43. 9 |43. 4}|43. 0 || 42.10 |42. 8 |42. 5" |42. § |45. 10}|45. 6 |45. 1 #|44. 9}|44. 5 |44. 0}|43. 10 |43. 8 |43. 5 |43. # 46. 1 #|46. 7 |46. 2 |45. 9} |45. 5 |45. O}|44. 10 |44. 8 |44. 5 |44. 3% 48. 0 |47. 7 |47. 2+|46. 9}|46. 5 |46. 0}|45. 10 |45. 7%|45. 5; 45. 3 49. 0}|48. 7#|48. 24 |47. 10 |47. 5}|47. 1 |46. 10 |46. 7#|46. 5 |46. 3 I ND I A N C O R. N. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. NEw- York price per Bush. Cents EXCHANGE. 1074 || 108 || 108} | 109 || 109% 110 | 1.10% 111 || 11.1% 112 Or Or Or Or Or Or or OT Or Or D.cts.m. |D.cts m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. 4.77.77|| 4.80.00 || 4.82 22 || 4.84.44 || 4.86.66 || 4.88.88 || 4.91.11 || 4.93.33 4.95.55 || 4.97.77 p. qr. p. Q r. p. Q r. p. (Ir. p. Q r. p. Q r. p. Q r. p. Q r. p. QI'. p qr. S. d. s. d s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. | S. d. 16. 7#| 16. 7 | 16. 6#| 16. 54|16. 5 || 16. 4; 16. 4 || 16. 3 | 16. 2% | 16. 2 17, 7 || 17. º 17. 5% 17. 5 17. 4; 17. § 17. 3 || 17. 2 17. 1 # 17. 1 18. 7 || 18. 6%| 18. 5;| 18. 5 | 18. 4 || 18. 8%| 18. 2:#| 18. 2 | 18. 1 | 18. O#| 19. 6; 19. 6- . 19. 5 || 19. 4 || 19. 3}| 19. 3 || 19. 2"| 19. 1#| 19. 03 |19. OS 20. º 20. 6 || 20. 5 || 20. 4 20. s: 20. 2;|20. 2 | 20. 1 |20. 0 19:1; 21. # 21. # 21. 4%|21. # 21. 3 |21. 2 |21. 1 |21. 0 |20. 11 |20.10% 22. 6#|22. 5:#|22. 4}|22. 3}|22. 3 |22. 2 |22. 1 |22. 0 |21.11 - |21. 10 23. 6 |23. 5"|23. 4 |23. 8" |23. 2;|23. 1;|23. 04|22.11%|22.10%|22. 9% 24. 6 24. 5 || 24. 4 || 24, 3 || 24. 2 24. 1 || 24. 0 || 23.1 1 || 23. 10 |23. 9 25. b3 |25. 4%|25. 34 |25. 2%|25. 1%|25. 0#|24.11%| 24.10%|24. 9%|24, 8% 26. § 26. Aft 26. s 26. 2. 26. iš 35.1; *193|2; 9, 23. 3, §§ 7, 27. 5 |27. 4 |37. 3 |27. 2"| 27. 1 |26. 11;|26.10 |26. 8%|26. 7#|26. 6; 28. 5 |28. 4 |28. 2% |28. 1 |28. 0 |27.11%|27. # 27. 8% 27. 7 |27. 6 29. # 29. 3; 29. * |32 || |29.9 |39.1, 33. º;|. 8 28. º 28. * 30. 4; 30. 8 |30. 1 #|30. 0 |29. 1 1 |29. 9; 29. 8% 29. 7. 29. 5; 29. 4 3 l. 44 31. 3 || 3 I. 1 #| 31. 0 || 30. 1 1 || 30. §§ 80. 8 |30. 6;|30. § 30. 4 32. 4 || 32. .# 32. 1 #| 32. 0 || 31.10%|31. 2, 31. 7#| 31. 8, 31. 4% 31. 3 33. 4 |38. 2; 33. 1 || 32.11}| 32.10 |32. 8%|32. 7 ||32. 5:#|32. 4 |82. 2; 34. 3}|34. †, S4. º 33. 1 1 33. 9% 33. 8 || 33. º 33. 5 || 33. .# 33. 2. 85. 3 |35. 1; 35. O#| 34.10 |34. 8:#|34. 7 ||34. 5; 34. 4 || 34. 2% |34. 1 36. 3, 36. iſ: 36. o: 3:19, 3. § 35. 7 || 35. § 35. 3}|35. 2 ...} ... *|†, , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; *; ; ; ;|..}} * 2 * . © 0+ 3 tº º 7# tº * * † tº 2 i. 89. 2 |39. Oż 3s.joſ §s. 3 ||38. 7"|ss. 543s. 3}|38. 2 |38. 0 |37.10 40. 2 |40. 0 |39. 10 |39. 8 |39. 6;|39. | 39. 3 ||39. 1 , |38.11 , |38. 9 4 I. º :::::: 40. 2} 40. 8 |40. 6"|40. 4"|40. 2% |40. O}|39.10%|39. 9 42. 1:#|41.11% |41. 9% |41. 8 |41. 6 |41. 4 |41. 2 |41. 0 |40. 10 |40. 8, 43. 1"|42.11 |42. 9" |42. 7#|42. 5:#|42. 3}|42. 1%|41.11%|41. 9%|41. 7% 44. 1 |43. 1 1 |43. 9 |43. 7 |43. 5 || 43. 3 || 43. 1 || 42.1 1 || 42. 9 42. 7 |45. Oż|44.10%|44. 8% |44. 6 |44. 4 |44. 2 |44. 0 |43. 10 |43. 8 ' |43. 6 46. 0%|45.10%|45. 8" |45. 6 |45. 4 |45. 2 |45. 0 |44. 9}|44. 7#|44. 5% 126 C L O V E R SEED, FROM NEW YORK TO LONDON. 26 casks, weighing: Note.—Cloverseed is often sold in New York by the bushel; 1 bushel weighs about 65 lbs. Nett 17,540 lbs... a 3 cents #7 lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28% 526, 20 Tight casks, measuring, and packing,. . . . . . . . . . 28, 60, 00 Cartage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • a • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2, 4, 50 Bills of lading, and petty charges,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 1 , 50 Brokerage, } {P cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2 ſ, 63 Insurance, 8600. ... a 1% tº cent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 9 , 00| 77| 63 . : A 603 83 Commission, a 5 tº cent, 30, 17 a 634 00 - . -- Exchange, at par, £ 142|| 13 Freight, a) 9s. tº cask,. . . . . . £1 1 , 14, 0 Primage, 5 tº cent, , 0, 11 , 8 cwt. qrs.lbs. - £ 12, 5, 8 Duty, 156,2,12,020s.{Powt.:8156, 12, 4 Entry, warrant, &c.. . . . . . . . 2, 1 m 4 m 0 - , 157, 16, 4 Landing, wharfage, housing, weighing, load- * ing... a 6s. “P cask. . . . . . . • - - - - - - - - » 7 m 16 m 0 Rent and fire insurance, 4d. § cask, P week, 2 months, ........ . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3 m 9 m 3 Factorage and guarantee, 2% tº cent, . . . . , 8, 2, 8 Commission, 2% 22 . . . . » 8 m 2 m 8 Interest not taken into consideration, .... . Stamps, postage, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 ºr 4 m 0 198| 16 in London. #8 341||| 9 Weight, nett, .... 17,540 lbs. Loss &c. 1 {P cent. , 180 , Nett, 17360 lbs. or 155 cwt. a 44s. 1d. # . & cwt. duty paid. £| 341| 12 T º |price | # New- York p. Ib. Cents # I . 15 # # . # 8 # 2 o C L OVER SEE D. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. Par. 101 102 103 104 105 105% 106 106% 107 Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or D.cts.m. | D.cts.m., D.cts.ml D.cts.m. ſl.cts.m.! D.cts.m., D.cts.m.! D.cts.m. | D.cts.m.! D.cts.m. 4.44.44; 4.48.88 || 4.53.33 || 4.57.77 4.62.22 4.66.66 || 4 68.88 || 4.73.33 || 4.75.55 |, p. cwt. p. ewt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. S. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. 2. s d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 44. 1 || 48.10%| 43. 8%| 43. 6 || 43. 4 || 43. 2 43. I 43. 0 || 42.1 1 || 42.10 46. 10}| 46. 8 || 46. 5}| 46. 3 || 46. O#| 45. 10 || 45. 9 || 45. 7% 45. 6%| 45. 5 49, 8%| 49. 5; 49. 2; 48.11+ 48, 9 || 48. 6 || 48. 5 || 48. 8%| 48. 2; 48. 1 5.2. 6}| 52. 3 || 52. 0 || 51. 8; 51. 5%| 51. 24 51. 1 50. 11; 50.10 || 50. 84 55. 4 || 55. 03| 54. 9 54. 53| 54. 2 53.10%| 53. 9 53. 1 #| 53. 5%| 58.4 58. 2 57.10}| 57. 7 || 57. 3}| 57. 0 || 56. 8 || 56. 6 56. 4 || 56. 2 56. O 61. O | 60. 8; 60. 4 || 59 11}| 59 7#| 59. 3.}| 59. 13 38.11%| 38.9% ºf 73 93.10 || 63. 3 ºs. gº. § 62. A di.ii} gi. 9; 31.7% ºf . º. 3 66. 8 | 66. 3 || 65. 10 || 65. 5%| 65. 1 || 64. 8"| 64. 6 || 64. 3}| 64. 1 #| 63.11 69. 6 || 69. 1 | 68. 8 | 68. 3 || 67. 1 0 || 67. 5 || 67. *} 67. o | 66. 9}| 66. 7 72. 4 || 71.10%| 71. 5 || 70.11%| 70. 6# 70. 1; 69.10%| 69. 8 69. 5 69. 2% 75. 2 | 74. 8 74, 2}| 73. 9 || 78. 3%| 72. # 72. 7, 72.4 || 72. 1:#| 71.10% 78. 0%| 77. 6; 77. 0%| 76. 6}| 76. Oż| 75. 6; 75. 3} 75. of 74. 9}| 74. 6# so.10; so. 4"| 79. § 79. § 78. 3"| 7s. 2; 77.11%| 77. § 77. § 77. 2; 83. 8; 83. 1 #| 82. 7 || 82. O}| 81. 6 80.11%| 80. 8 || 80. 5"| 80. 1}| 79.10% 86. 7 || 86. 0 || 85. 5 | 84.10 | 84. 3 83. 8 || 83. 5 83. 1 # 82.10 || 82. 6+ 89.5 | 8s. 9; ss, 2 | 87.7 | 86.1#| 86, ag| 86. i., §5, §§ 35.6 | 85. 2; 93. 5, 91.7; 90.10}| ſo. 4, 89, § 89, i. 88, 9% ss. 5; ss. 3, 87.1% 95. is 94. § 95. of 93. i*| 93.5% oi. 9; 91. 6' oi. 2; 90.104 go 6# 97.11%| 97. 8 || 96.6}| 95.10%| 95. 2 94. 6 94. 2, 93.1o 93. 6, 93. 2 too. 9}|100.1 || 99.4|98. 7# 97.11, 97.3%| 96.19%| 96.6}| 96. 23 95.19 103.3 |102.11.102. 13|101.4}|100. 7#| 99.11...99. 0%| 99. głl gº to os. 6 106. 6 || 105. 8}| 104. 11|104. 2 | 103. 4%|102. 7#|102. 3 101.10% 10 I. 6 || 101. 2 109. 4 || 108. 6 107. 8%|106.10%|106. 1 || 105. 4"| 104.11%| 104.7"| 104. 2+|108.10 | 12. 2+ 1 ( 1. 4}|110 6 ||109. 8 |108.10.|108. 0#|107. 8 || 107. 3 |106.10%|105. 5% 115. oil 114. 2"|113. 3}|112. 5 || 11. 6%|110. 9 || 10. 4%|109.11 ||109. 6+|109. 14 117.10%| | 16.11}| 116. 1 || 15. 2 | 1 14. # 118. 5}|113. 0 || 12. 7#|1 12. 2 #|111, 9} 120. 9 || 19.10 || 18.10%|117.11%|117. O#| | 16. 2"|115. 9 || 115. 4"|114.11+|114. 5} 128. 7 | 122. 7#|121. 8 |120. 8%|119. 9 || 18.10%|118. 5 || 118 o || 17. 6+|4 17. 14 126. 5 |125. 5"| 124, 5}|123. 5%|122. 6 |121.77|121. 1%|120. 8 |120. 2+|119. 9;| 129. 3.}|128. 3}| 127. 3}|126. 3 |125° 3 | 124. 8%|128.10 |123. 4}|122.11 122. # 132. 1+|131. 1 || 130. O#|129. º 128. 0 || || 27, 1. 126. 6;|126. 1"|125. 7 | 125. 1. 184.11+|133.11 || 132.11 |131.10%|130. 9 || 149. 9 |129. 3 || 128. 9 128. 3 || 127. 9 137. 9}|136. 8+|135, 7+|134. 7 |133. 6 |132. 5}|131.11%|131. 5%|180.11+|130. 5 140. 7+|139. 6+|138. 5+|137. 4}|136. 3}|135. 3"|134. 8%|134. 2 |133. 7#183. 1 I 28 CLOVER SEED. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. New- York 107% 108 108} 109 109% 110 1.10% 111 1 11% 1 12 price Or Or Or Or Ol' Or Or Or Or Or p. Ib. D.cts m. D.cts.u. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts.m., D.cts.m. 4.77.77 4.80.00 4.82.22 || 4.84.44 4.86.66 || 4.86.66 4.91 11 || 4.93.33 4.95.55 || 4.97.77 cental * cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. *F ºf ºn s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 3 42. 9 || 42. 8 || 42. 7 || 42. 6 42. 5 || 42. 4 || 42. 3 || 42. 2 42. 1 || 42. 0 Sł| 45. 4 || 45. 8 || 45. 1; 45. 0% 44.1% 44.1% 44. 9 || 44. 8 || 44. 7 || 44, 6 4 || 47.11% 4.19% 47. 9 || 47. 8 || 47. 6%| 47. 5%| 47. 4 || 47. 3 || 47. º 47. º 4}| 50. 7"| 50. 5%| 50. 4 || 50. 2%. 50. 1 || 50. 0 49.1% 49. 9 || 49. Zi 49. 6; 5 53. 2%| 58. 1 *}} 52.10 52. 8%| 52. 7 || 52. # * *, *, * * 5}| 55. Io 55. 8 || 55. 6; 55. 5 || 55. 3}| 55. 2 55 % 54.10%| 54. 9 || 54. 7% 6 || 58. 5%| 58. 8%| 58. 1 #| 58. 0 || 57.10 || 57. º 57. º 57. 5 57. 3 || 57. 1% 6}| 61. 1" | 60.1 1 || 60. 9 || 60. 7 || 60. 5 60. 3}| 60. 1%| 59.11%| 59. 9%| 59. 8 7" | 63. 84| 63. 6#| 63. 4 || 63. 2 || 63. 0 || 62.10 || 62. 8" | 62. 6 62. 2 | 62. 2 #| 36 tº dº. 2, 3.11% ºft. 9% gº. 7% ºf gº. 3 || 35. º 4.1% º ºſ 8 69. o' | 68. 9%| 68. 7 || 68. 4}| 68. *# 63 0 || 67.10, 97.7%| 67.5 | 66, 3 8}| 71. 7#| 71. 5 || 71. 2%. 71. 0 || 70.9%| 70. 7 || 70. 4% 70. 2 | 70. 0 | 69. 9% 9" | 74. 4"| 74. 1 | 73.10 | 73. 7#| 73. 5 | 73. .# 72. 11%| 72. 9 || 72. 6; 72. 4 9}| 76.11%| 76. 8% 76. 5% 76. 3 || 76. 0 || 75. 9%| 75. % 75. 4 || 75. 1 || 74.10% 10 || 79. 7 || 79. 4 || 79. 1 || 78.10 || 78. 7 || 78. 4;| 78. 1 # 17.1% 77. 7%. 77, 5 10}| 82. 3 || 82. 0 || 81. 9 || 81. 5%| 81. 2% 80.11% 80. § 80. 5}| 80. 2%| 79.11% 11 | 84 11 | 84. 7#| 84. 4 || 84. 1 || 83. 10 | 83. º 83. # 83. 0 || 82. 9 82. 6 11}| 87. 6;| 87. 3 || 86.1 1; 86. 8 || 86. 5 || 86. 1; 85.10%| 85. 7 || 85. Sł| 85. 0} ig" go. Aft| 89.11 | 89.74 so. 4 | 89, oł| 8s. 9" sº. 54 ss. & $7.10%| $7.7 12} 93.16% 92. 6}| 92. 3 || 91.11 | 91. 7# 91. 4 || 91, 0}| 90. § 90. 5 90. 1% 13 | 95. 6"| 95. 2 | 94.10 || 94. 6}| 94. 5%| 93.11 || 93. 7 || 93. 3% 93.11% 92. 8 13+| 98. º 97. 9}| 97. 5%| 97. 1; 96.10 || 96. 6 96. 2 | 95.10 || 95. 6%| 95. 2; 1 4 100. 9; 100. 5 100. 1 99. 9 99. 5 99. 1 || 98. 9 98. 5 98. 1 || 97. 9 14}|103. # 103. 1 | 102. 8%| 102. 4#| 102. º 101. 8 || 101. 4 199.1% 100. 7# 100. 3} 15 |106. 1" | 105. 8#| 105. 4; 105. 0 || 104. Z}|1%, 103.11, 193. 6#| 103. 2 | 102.10 15+|108. 8%| 108. 4 || 107.11%| 107. 7 || 107. *# 106. 10 | 106. *} 106. 1 || 105. 8#| 105. 4, 16 || 1 1. 4; º 110. 7 || 10. 2 | 109. 9; 109. 5 ||109. ºil 108. Z} 108. 3 || 107.10% 16}|114. of 118. 7#|113. 2%|112.10 | 112. 5 || 12. 0 ||111. 7; ' ', ºil 19. 9%| 110. 5 17 |116. 8"|116. 3 |115.10 - || 15. 5 115. O#|114. 7#|114. 2%|113, 9;|113. 5 || 118. 0 17}|119. 4 || 18.10%|| 18.5%|| 18. 0 |117. 5 |117. 2.116. 9 || 16.4"|115.11,115. 3, 18 122. 0 || 121. 6;|121. 1 , |120. 8 || 120. 2%|119. 9% 119. 4 || 1 18.11 || 1 18. 5:#| 118. 0# 184|124. 7#|124. a |123. 8%|123. 3 |122.10 |122. #|131-11 ||21. ºliº ºil. . 19 |127. 3}| 126. 9;|126. 4 |125.10%|125. 5 124. 11;|124. 6 124. 1 |123. #|123. 3 | 194|129.1.1"|129. 5 || 128.11%|128. 6 |128. 0%|127. 7"|127. 1%|126. 8 |126. º 125. 9 |*|isº. 7 isz. ołlisi. 14lisi. 1;|iso. 74|iso. 2 lizo. 9"|iºg. 5 lies. 94.12s. 4 129 GEORGIA COTTON, FROM NEW YORK TO LONDON. S 100 bales, weighing; - Gross, 38,180 lbs... a 4 cents #P lb. . . . . . . . . . . 28 1,527, 20 N.B. No tare allowed. Cartage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3°06, 25 Brokerage, 12% cents {P bale, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 50 - 28°18, 75 Insurance, 28°1650. . a 1% tº cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . m 24 m 75 43 50 1,570 70 || Commission, 5 #’ cent.. 78 54 28 1,649 24 Bxchange, at par. £ 371| 1 |7 Freight, 38,180 lbs... a #d. § lb. . . . . . . . . . .879, 10, 10 Primage, 5 #’ cent. . . , 4, 0, 0 Landing, wharfage, housing, à) 18. 1d. P bale, , 5, 8, 4 Weighing and delivery, ... . . . . , º ºs e º ºs e Aº e º e » 2 / 10 / 0. Sampling, paper, and mending, . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 m 4 / 0 Making merchantable, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 5 / 0 , 0 Rent, 4 weeks, a 16. tº bale, . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 / 13, 4 Stamp and petty charges,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 1 m 8 m, 0 :8:100 // 14 // 6 Fire Insurance, ... § {P cent.) Brokerage, . . . . . . * , - - Commission, . . . . 2; , Sá) 4} &# ct. 2, 19, 9, 3 120 3 |-9 Guarantee, . . . . . . 1 55 36 491 |4 Interest, ... . . . . . . none. * . . . . Discount, 1% tº cent... 7| 7 |s “. . £| 498 12 To in London, *.. : º cwt. qrs. lbs. Weight, gross, 340, 3, 16 Draft, 3, 16 a 1 lb. P bale, Tare, 12, 0, 16 a 4 lbs. per cwt. ,- Nett, 327, 3, 12 * • | or 36,720 lbs .... a 3.25 tº lb. in bond. ..... 6 498 15 7 - - J- 130 G E O R. GIA COTTON. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. New- Par || 101 102 || 103 || 104 || 105 || 105} | 106 || 106} | 107 YortK} or Or Or Or Or Or Or | Or Or Or price |D cts.m. |D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. | D.cts.m | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m p. f6, 4.44.44. 4.48.88. 4.53.33. 4.57.77|| 4.62.22 || 4.66.66 6.68.88 || || 4.73.33 i 4.75.55 Cents d. p. lb. d. p. 1b. d. p. ib. d. p. 1b. d. p. lb. d. p. 1b. d. p. ib. d. p. ib. d. p. ib. d. p. ib. 4 3 * 3 ** 330 3 17 3 15 3 is 3 11 3 to 309 3.08 4} 3 57 3 54 3 51 S 49 3 46 3 43 3 42 3 40 3 39 3 38 5 388 38° 38° 379 376 373 37° 370 3 69 3.68 5} 440 4.17 4 13 4.09 406 403 4 on 400 3.99 397 6 4 * 448 444 441 437 4 34 43° 430 4 *8 427 6+ 4.67 463 460 450 4 ** 4 48 4.46 4 44 443 44? 6# 483 479 || 47° 471 4.67 463 461 460 458 456 6# 499 4.93 - 491 487 48° 478 4.76 475 473 471 7 5 15 5 11 500 5 oz 497 4.93 4.91 4 89 487 456 7} 530 535 521 5 17 5 is 508 500 504 50? 500 7} 546 541 537 5 33 5 * 5*4 531 5 19 5 17 5 15 7# 56* 5 57 5.53 548 543 539 536 5 34 53° 5 0 8 578 573 . 568 563 538 554 5 * 549 547 5.45 8} 594 589 584 579 573 569 567 564 562 560 8} 609 604 5.99 594 588 584 58? 579 576 5 74 8} 6*5 620 615 6 10 604 600 597 5.99 59s 5 89 9 641 636 630 6.25 619 614 6 12 609 607 6 04 9} 657 651 646 640 634 629 626 624 631 618 9} 67s 667 661 655 649 643 641 638 636 6 33 9} 688 682 676 670 664 658 655 653 650 648 1 O 704 698 69s 6 86 679 || 671 668 665 664 66? 10} 7 so 7 14 7 of 7 ol 695 690 697 684 681 678 10} 7 36 7 so 7 as 7 17 7 10 704 7 ol 698 695 692 10} 7 * 744 7 as 7 31 7 as 7 is 7 4s 7 is 7 og 7 of 1 1 767 760 7 ss 747 740 734 7 31 7 *s 7 as 7 as 11+ 7 83 776 7 69 7 6s 7 * 748 7 4s 7 4s 7 39 7 36 11} 7.99 7. 92 7 8s 778 771 7 6s 7 61 7 be 7 * 7 51 |1|1} 8 is 8.98 8 oo 793 786 7 79 776 77° 768 7 6s 12 830 8 *s 8 15 8 os 8 ol 7 9s 7.91 7 88 7 * 7 8. |123. 846 8 39 8 31 8 23 8 16 8 to 806 8 03 7.99 796 12} . 86" 8 35 847 8 39 831 8 27 8 to 8 17 8 13 8 10 |12; 878 8 70 8 62 8 54 846 8 39 835 8 33 838 8 25 |13 893 886 878 870 862 8 55 851 847 843 8 39 |13+ 909 901 893 8 85 877 869 865 861 8 * 8 * 18} 9 * 910 9 os 900 89* 885 8 81 877 87° 870 13% 9 * 9 * 924 9 15 907 900 896 892 888 884 14 937 948 9 39 9 30 9 ** 9 is 911 907 90° 899 14} 978 9 65 9 36 947 9 38 9 30 - 926 9 22 9 * 9 14 14} 988 979 970 90° 9 ** 945 941 937 9 * 938 14} 1004 995 980 977 908 969 936 gº - 947 949 15 10 *o 10 10 10 on 99e 983 976 973 968 90° 957 16 || 1484 || 107* | 1063 | 10 * | 10 49 | 1037 || 1039 || 1039 || 10* || 1016 131 G E O R. G. I. A COTTON. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. New- 107% 108 || 108} | 109 || 1094 | 110 || 1 10} | 111 || 111+ | 112 York or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Ol' Or P”| D.cts.ml D.cts.ml D.cts m|D.cts m| D.cts.ml Dicts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m P. *|4.77.77|| 480.00 || 482.22 || 484.44 || 4.8666 |4.88.88 || 491.11 |49333 || 4.95.55 |4.97.77 cents d. p. ib. d. p. ib. d. p. ib., d. p. ib. d. p. ib. d. p. ib., d. p. ib. d. p. ib. d. p. Ib. d. p. ib. 4 3 07 3.06 303 304 303 30° 301 300 2.99 298 4} 3 36 3 35 3 33 8 32 3 31 3 30 3 29 3 28 3 27 3 26 5 366 3.65 303 3 6s 361 339 3 38 357 3 * 3 * 5} 3.96 394 393 391 390 388 3 87 385 3 84 3 * 6 435 423 4 °l 419 4.18 4.17 4.1% 4.14 4 13. 4 ** 6} 440 4.38 436 4 34 4 33 431 4 29 428 4 27 4 * 6# 4.54 45° 4 so 4 48 447 4.4% 4 43 4.4% 4 41 439 Gá 469 || 4" | 4" | 4° 4* | 4" | 4* | 4" | 4* | 4° 7 4 83 481 480 478 4.76 474 47? 471 469 4.67 7} 498 496 4 95 4.93 4.91 489 4 87 485 4 83 4 81 7# 5 12 5 10 508 506 504 50s 501 499 497 4.95 7# 527 525 523 521 519 5 17 5 15 5 13. 5 11 5 09 8 543 540 537 535 533 531 529 527 525 529 8} 557 5 * 5.53 551 548 546 544 541 539 537 8% 573 569 567 564 56? 560 558 555 5 53 551 8} 587 584 58? 579 577 575 573 570 568 566 9 6 02 5 99 5 97 5 94 5 92 5 89 5 87 585 5 82 5. 80 9} 6 16 6.13 611 608 606 603 601 5.99 596 594 9} 631 628 625 623 620 618 615 6 is 6 10 608 9} 645 64? 639 637 634 63? 629 627 624 6* 10 660 637 634 651 649 646 644. 641 639 636 10} 675 67? 669 666 663 660 658 655 653 6 so 10% 6 89 6.86 683 680 677 675 67? 670 667 664 10} 7 03 700 697 694 691 689 686 684 681 678 11 || 7 19 || 7 |6 || 7 tº 7 to 707 || 7" | 7" | 69° 69° 69. 11} 7 as 7 30 7 sz 7 as 7 * 7 19 7 16 7 13 7 10 7:07 11; 7 as 7 * | 7 “ 7° 7" | 7” 7” 7" | 7 | | 7 a 11} 7.62 7 39 7 56 7 53 7 so 747 744 741 7 38 7 as 12" | 77 || 77 || 770 7" | 7 º' | 7" | 7 * || 7 * | 7 as || 749 12} 79° 7 89 7 86 7 83 7 80 776 773 769 7 66 7 63 12; 8 06 803 8 00 796 793 790 7 87 788 7 so 777 12#. 8 21 8 18 814 8 10 8 07 8 04 8 01 7 º 7 9. 7 91 18 836 8.32 8 29 8 25 8 22 8 18 8'5 8 11 808 80s. 13} 851 847 843 840 836 8 * 8 *9 826 82° 8 19 13 # 8 66 8 62 8 58 8 54 851 8 47 8 4s 840 8 36 8 33 13} 880 876 873 869 865 80s 8 * 8 ** 851 847 14 895 891 887 8 84 880 87° 873 870 866 80? 14} 9 10 9 06 9 O2 8 98 8 94 8 91 8 87 8 84 8 80. 876 14% 9* 9° 910 913 r 909 90° 9* 8.98 894 890 14} 999 9 * 9 * 928 9°4 9” 9." 9 * 90° 90° 15 || 9 sº | 949 || 9” 9" | 9" | 9” 9” 9* | 9* | 9 is 16 || 10 it 1007 || 10* | 999 || 9° 9" | 9” 9* | 97° 97. F32. M A R Y L AND TO B A C C O, FROM NEW YORK TO LONDON. 60 hhds. Maryland, weighing with casks: Gross, 84,250 lbs. Tare, 8,425 ,, a 10 tº cent. Nett, 75,825 lbs... à) 6 cents per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . 28° 4,549 50 Cartage, a 37% cts. per hd. . . . . . . . . . . . . * - © ºf e 3.22, 50 Cooperage, a 12% cts. , do. . . . . . . . - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. * * * » 7,50 Brokerage, } {P cent. , do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 22, 75 Inspection, a 50 cts. , do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 30, 00 2882, 75 Insurance, 28 5000 a 1% tº cent. . . . . . . e tº e º 'º e . . , 75,00 157| 75 e” 28 4,707 25 Commission, a 5 tº cent. 235 36 28 4,942 61 Exchange, at par, £| 1,112 2 Freight, 60 has. Ó 30s, tº hd. . . . . . . . . . . £ 90, 0, 0 Primage, 5 tº cent, .. , 4, 10, 0 # 94, 10 , 0 Entry for warehousing, . . . . . . # 0 , 10 ,, 6 Duty, a 2s. Phhd... . . . . . . . . 2, 6, 0, 0 , 6, 10 / 6 Landing charges, 6d. § 100 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . » 15 ºr 12 / 6 Brokerage, a 5s. Phhd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 15 / 0 , 0 Stamps and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 / 10, 0 £133, 3, 0 Commission, . . . . . . a 2+ £ ct. - Guarantee,........ 1; , ; a 44 * ct. 2, 52, 19, 0 186] 2 Fire Insurance, . . . . 0# , 28 1,298 4 Discount, I tº cent, É 12, 19, 6 Shipping charges, a 3s. 7d. tº hd. . . . . . . . , 10, 15, 0 23| 1.4 g" :9 1,321| 18 in London, Weight, if sound: Gross, 84,250 lbs. Tare, 7,500 , sup. 125 lbs. each. - 76,750 lbs. without casks, Draft and shrinkage, 1,140 , a 4 lbs. & 15 lbs. - 75,610 lbs. Trett, 2,908 ,, a 4 lbs. tº 104 lbs. Nett,TT2,702 lbs, a 4*d, *p lb. in bond, £| 1,321, 18 |; To 6 I33, M A R Y L A N D TO B A C C O. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. NEW- Yonk Par. 101 102 103 104 105 || 105} | 106 1064 || 107 price Or Or Or Or Or Or - OI’ Or Or Or p. ft. D.cts.m. D.cts.m., D.cts.m., D.cts.m. D.cts.m. Dicts.m. D.cts.m. D.cts.m., D.cts.m. D.cts.m. 4.44.44 || 4.48.88 || 4.53.33 4.57.77 || 4.62.22 || 4.66.66 4.68.88 || 4.71.11 || 4.73.33 || 4.75.55 Cents d. p. ib. d. p. ib. d. p. ib. d. p. f6. d. p. Ib. d. p. ib. d. p. ib. d. p. h. d. p. ib. d. p. h. 2 I sº 181 180 179 177 176 1 75 173 174 173 2#. 214 213 2 11 2 10 208 206 206 205 204 203 s” 246 244 24° 240 2 38 2 36 2 39 2 35 234 2 33 3} 26* 260 2 58 256 2 33 2 *l 2 30 2 50 249 248 3# 278 276 274 273 269 267 266 265 264 203 3} 2.94 29* 2 99 287 284 283 Q 81 280 278 277 4 309 307 304 303 2.99 297 296 29* 2.93 29* 4} 3 * 323 s” 3 18 3 15 3 13 3 1? 3 10 309 3.08 4% 3 41 339 336 333 330 327 336 3 * 323 3 * Aft 3 37 3 * 3 * 3.48 3.4% 34° 341 340 339 337 5 373 370 367 364 360 357 350 3 * 3 53 3 * 5} 3 89 386 383 380 376 373 37. 370 3.68 367 5} 4 05 4 O2 3 98 3.95 3 91 387 3 85 3 84 3 82 - 3 81 bā 4" | 41° 4" | 41° 4" | 408 || 4" | 3" | 397 3” 6 436 433 429 436 4 ** 4 18 4 16 4.1% 4 13 4.1% 6} 4 ** 449 4.4% 441 437 4 33 43' 430 428 4 26 6# 4.08 464 460 456 4 * 4 48 - 440 444 44° 441 - 6# 484 480 476 47? 4.67 463 461 439 4 37 436 7 500 596 4.92 4 88 483 479 477 475 473 471 7} 53° 528 523 5 18 5 13 508 506 504 50° 500 8 564 539 554 549 5 * 539 537 5 * 53° 530 84. 595 590 585 580 57. 569 567 564 86° 560 o” | 6a || 6′s 610 || 6 || || 60s 600 59° 59" | 59, 590 94. 639 654 648 64° 636 630 627 634 6* 618 10" | 601 || 6′s 679 || 67 || 6′ | 660 | 67 | 6* | 6* | 6.9 11 7 sº 748 741 7 * 7 * 7 *l 7 18 71° 7 is 7 os 12 8 16 811 8 04 897 7 * 7 8s 779 # 77s 77° 7 de 13 8 sº 874 866 8 * 8° 843 840 836 8.33 889 14 94% 97 92° 9° 9." 90° 899 895 s” 887 15 1009 1000 991 9 * 97° 9% 9° 9* 9* 9 * | 34 M A R Y L A N D TO B A C C O. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. New- 107% 108 108} | 109 109; I IO 110} | 111 111 # York OT Ol' Or Or Or Ol' Or Or Or price D.cts.m. || D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts m | D.cts m | D.cts.m | D.cts.m p. Ib, 4.77.77|| 4.80.00 || 4.82.22 || 4.84.44 4.86.66 4.88.88 4.91.11 || 4.93.33 || 4.95.55 Cents; d. p. ib. d. p. Ib. d. p. ib. d. p. f6. d. p. ib. d. p. ib. d. p. Ib d. p. Ib d. p. ib. 2 173 172 172 1 71 1 71 170 170 169 1 69 . 2# 203 20° 2 o' 200 1 99 1 98 197 197 196 8 23? 2 31 2 31 2 30 229 238 227 227 2 26 S} 2.47 246 246 2 45 244 243 24? 2 41 240 3} 262 201 260 2 39 2 58 2 37 2 56 2 55 2 54 3# 2 76 2.7% 2.74 273 27? 271 270 269 268 i. 4 2.91 290 289 288 287 286 2 85 284 283 4}. 307 3.05 3 04 303 30° 301 300 2.99 298 4; 321 320 3 18 3 17 3 16 3 15 3 13 3 1? 3 11 4} 336 334 3 33 3 32 330 339 3 28 327 3 25 5 35i 3.49 3.48 3 47 345 344 3.42 3 41 340 5} 3.65 364 3 63 3 61 360 359 3 57 336 3 54 5; 3" | 3" | 37 || 37 3" | 3" | 37 3" | 3% 5} 394 393 391 390 388 3 87 3 85 3 84 3 82 6 4 10 4.08 406 4.0% 403 401 4 00 398 3.96 6+ 4 °4 423 4 21 4. 19 4 18 4 16 4 14 4.1% 4 11 # 439 4 37 4.3% 4 34 43? 431 429 427 4.25 6# 4.54 4.5% 4 º' 4 49 4 47 445 4 44 4.4° 4 40 7 469 407 4 66 4 64 4.62 460 458 456 4 54 7} 498 496 4.94 49? 4.90 488 4.86 4.94 482 8 5 28 526 529 52" 519 5 17 51% 519 5 it 8#. 5 57 5 * 5.5% 550 548 546 544 542 539 9 5.87 584 58. 579 576 5 74 57? 569 567 9} 6 16 614 611 608 606 604 601 5.99 596 1 O 646 643 640 638 6 35 632 630 627 6* | 1 70s 7 o’s z” 697 694 691 688 685 65° 12 7 65 7 61 7 58 7 55 7 51 7 48 7 45 7 42 7 39 13 8 24 8 20 8 17 8 13 8 10 8 00 803 800 7.9% 14 8 * 879 87° 871 807 864 860 8 30 8 * 15 9* 9 38 9* 939 926 9 * 918 9 * 9” 16 1 12 Or D.cts.m 4.97.77 d.p. ft 168 196 135 V IR G IN IA OR K E N T U C K Y TO B A C C O, FROM NEW YORK TO LONDON. 60 hlhds. Virginia or Kentucky, weighing with casks: Gross, 90,250 lbs. Tare, 9,025 , (a) 10 tp cent. Nett, 81,225 lbs. a 4 cents tº lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3,249 00 Cartage, a 37; cts. “Phbd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-22, 50 Cooperage, a 12# cts. do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 7, 50 Brokerage, } {P cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 16, 25 Inspection, a 50 cts. per hºld,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 30, 00 Insurance, 83,500, a 15 tº cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 52, 50 128 75 3,377 75 Commission, a 5 tº cent. 168|| 89 s! 3,546 64 ſº Exchange, at par, £ 797] 19 || 6 Freight, 60 hbds. a 35s. Phbd. . . . . . . . . . . . #105 , 0, 0 Primage, 5 #' cent, 2, 5 , 5 , 0 £110, 5 , 0 Entry for warehousing, . . . . . . . . # 0 , 10, 6 Dut 2s. d? hhd. • * g e º O Q & Q & 6 O O uty, a 28 * † : " . , 6, 10, 6 Landing charges, 6d. tº 100 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 20, 3, 9 Stamps and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 m 10 / 0 Brokerage, a 5s. Phhd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 15 m 0 m, 0 Commission, . . . . . . a 2% iſ ct. Guarantee, tº dº ſº º e º 'º º 1% 92 @ 4# dy Cent, 40 // 8 // 9 193 18 () Fire Insurance, . . . . 0# , * I ammes fº 991. 17 | 6 Discount, @ 1 {P cent, # 9, 18, 4 Shipping charges, a 3s. 7d. “Phhd. , 10, 15, 0 20, 13 4 £| 1,012 10 Io in London. Weight, if sound: (* Gross, 90,250 lbs. Tare, 9,300 , sup. 155 lbs. each. 80,950 lbs. without casks. Draft and shrinkage, 2,280 , a) 8 lbs. & 30 lbs. 78,670 lbs. Trett, 3,026 , a 4 lbs. ºp 104 lbs. Nett, 75,644 lbs. a 3" d. 9 lb. in bond. £| 1,011 14 || 9 136 VI R G IN IA OR K E N T U C K Y TO B A C C O. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. New-l Par 101 102 103 104 105 105} | 106 106; 107 Yoſt K Or Or Or Or Or Or Or .Or OT Or price |D.cts.m., D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. | D.cts.ml D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.ml D.cts.m p. f6, 4.44.44 || 4.48.88 4.53.33 || 4.57.77|| 4.62.22 || 4.66.66 4.68.88 || || 4.73.33 || 4.75.55 Cents, d. p. ib. d. p. f6. d. p. ib. d. p. ib. d. p. ib. d. p. ib. d. p. H. d. p. ib. d. p. Hö. d. p.fb. I 135 1 24 123 123 122 1 21 121 121 1 21 130 1% 1 38 1 37 156 1 55 154 1 53 1 53 1 5? 1 51 151 2 190 189 187 186 185 184 1 83 182 182 1 Bl 2} 207 205 204 20% 201 200 1 99 198 1 98 197 2#. 233 2? I 220 2 18 2 17 2 16 2 15 2 ” 214 2 13 2} 239 237 235 2 34 23? 2 3i 2 31 2.99 2.99 228 3 2 30 2 34 25? 250 948 246 2.4% 2 * 243 243 3} 27° 270 268 2 66 264 26? 261 200 2 39 2 * 3# 288 286 284 28° 280 278 277 270 2.7% 274 3# 30° 303 300 297 295 2.93 292 29, 290 289 4 3 * 3 18 316 3 13 3 11 3 08 307 300 3.05 304 4} 3 * 335 333 330 327 324 323 3 * 320 3 19 4; 3 * 35i 3.48 345 34? 3 39 338 337 336 334 4} 370 367 304 361 358 3 55 3 54 3 * 351 350 5 387 383 380 377 374 3.71 3 69 3% 366 303 5} 40° 3.99 3.96 393 390 387 3 85 3 * 38? 380 5} 419 4 15 41° 4.08 405 4.01 400 398 397 395 5} 430 43? 439 4 ** 4 * 1 4 17 4, 15 4” 4.1% 4 10 6 4 * 4 48 445 4 41 4 37 4.33 4, 31 429 4.38 426 6} 46% 464 460 436 45° 4 48 4.46 4 * 443 4 * 6# 4 * 480 476 47? 468 464 4.62 400 4.38 4 37 6# 501 496 49% 488 4 84 480 4 78 47% 474 47? 7 5 17 5 18 508 504 500 496 4.94 49 489 487 7} 530 5.45 541 536 5 31 527 5 25 5 * 520 5 17 8 58? 578 573 568 563 558 556 5 * 5 * 549 8#. 610 611 605 600 594 590 587 5 * 58? 579 9 648 643 637 631 6.25 620 617 6 * 6 12 609 9} 681 675 669 663 657 652 648 6* 643 640 ! 0 7 14 7 of 7 ol 694 688 683 6 80 677 674 671 1 1 779 77° 765 7 58 7 51 745 7 41 7 * 7 35 7 a. 12 845 838 830 8 ** 8 14 807 8 04 800 797 793 VI R, G IN IA OR K E N T U C K Y TO B A C C O. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. New- 107% | 108 108} | 109 || 109% 110 | 1104 || 111 11 l; 112 York or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or price | D.cts.ml D.cts.m. D.cts.ml D.cts.m. D.cts.m. D.cts m| D.cts.ml D.cts.ml D.cts.ml D.cts m p. fb. 4.77.77 || 4.80.00 || 4.82.22 || 4.84.44 || 4.8666 || 4.88.88 7.91.11 || 4.93.33 || 4.95 55 4.97.77 Cents d. p. ib. d. p. ib., d. p. ib. d. p. ib. d. p. ib. d. p. Ib d. p. ib. d. p. f6, d. p. f6. d. p. f6. 1 120 1 so 120 119 119 1 19 118 1 18 117 117 1#. 1 so 130 1 50 149 149 149 148 148 147 147 ** 1 8 l 1 80 180 179 179 1 78 178 177 177 176 2}. 196 196 195 194 194 193 192 191 191 190 gi 2 * 2 11 2 10 209 209 208 207 206 206 205 3á 2*7 2 36 2 ** 2 24 2 24 2 23 2 ** 221 2 * £30 3" 24? 2 41 240 2 39 2 38 2 37 2 37 2 30 2 * 2 34 3} 2 37 2 56 2 35 2 54 2 53 25? 25° 2 5i 2 30 249 3# 27° 271 270 269 268 267 206 265 2.04 263 3# 287 286 285 2.84 283 28? 281 280 279 2 78 4 303 3.02 300 2.99 398 297 296 295 2.94 2.93 4} 3.18 3 17 3.1% 3 14 3 13 3 1? 3 11 3 10 sº 307 4# 3 * 3 32 330 329 328 327 3*6 3 25 3 * 3 * 43 3.48 347 3.4% 344 34° 34. 340 3 38 3 37 336 :* 3 63 3 62 3 60 8 59 3 57 3 56 3 54 3 53 3 52 3 51 5} 379 377 376 374 373 3.71 370 3.68 367 366 5; 39. 392 391 3 89 388 386 38% 3 83 3 * 380 5} 4.09 4 07 406 4.04 4.09 401 400 398 397 3.9% 6 4 * 4 23 4 ** 420 4.19 4 '7 4 ** 4 13 4 '' 4.09 6} 4” 4 38 436 4 * 43? 4 30 4°9 4 28 426 4 * 6# 4 * 4 53 4 * 449 447 440 444 4 43 4 41 439 6} 47° 468 407 4.6% 403 461 439 4 57 4 55 4 * 7 4 * 4 83 4 * 480 47° 476 474 47? 470 40° 7} 5 * 5 13 5 * 509 507 505 503 501 5.99 597 8 5.4° 544 5 * 539 537 535 53° 530 538 5 * 8% 577 574 5 72 57° 507 50° 56* 560 558 5 * 9 607 604 6” 60° 597 5.9% 5.9% 590 5 88 5 * 9, 6* | 6a || 6 || 6’ 6* | 6* | 6 || 6′ 6" | 6′. 10 668 665 6* 6 * 650 633 6 * 648 646 643 11 || 7 as 7 as 7 * | 7 ° 7 16 || 7 tº 71" | 7 o' | 7 o' | 7 o' 12 790 786 7 sº 77° 776 77° 7 69 766 7 63 7 go 138 C A R O L IN A R ICE, FROM NEW YORK TO LONDON. 50 Tierces, weighing: Gross, 33,010 lbs. Tare, 3,301 ,, a 10 d? cent. Nett, 29,709 lbs. . a 2 cents tº lb. . . . . . . . . . .28. 594 18 Cartage, a 12# cts. tº tierce, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 6, 25 Brokerage, a 12% cts. tº tierce, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6, 25 Cooperage, and bills of lading, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5,00 - 28, 17, 50 Insurance, 28.650. . a 1% tº cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 9, 75 27] 25 & 621. 43 Commission, a 5 tº cent. 31|| 7 28 652 50 Exchange, at par 6 146; 16 || 3 Freight, 29.4% cwt. a 25s. P ton, . . . . . . . ...:f 18, 8, 4 Primage, 5 tſ’ cent, 2, 0, 18, 5 £ 19 , 6, 9 Duty, 29,864 lbs. a 15s. P. cwt. £199, 19, 5 Entry, warrant, and order. . . . . . 0, 15, 0, 200, 14, 5 Landing, wharfage, screening, filling, weighing, re-housing and cooperage, a 3s. p tierce, , 7, 10, 0 Re-weighing and delivery, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 m, 12 m 6 Warehouse rent, 4 wks. a lal. P tierce, dj'wk., 0, 16, 8 Stamp and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1, 5 , 0 £ 230 , 5, 4 Fire Insurance, 3 mths. a) 0# tº ct. Brokerage, . . . . . . . . . . # 2, @ 3# dif Ct | 1 ,, 1 tº gº © ... l l ,, 15 Commission, . . . . . . . . 2%. , § {P ct. , tº 15 y, 5 242 () 9 - & £ 388 17 | 0 Discount, I d? cent. 3| 17 | 8 £| 392 4 |s in London, 8 cwt. qrs. lbs, Weight, Gross, 294, 3, 2 Tare, 28, 0, 14 @ about 63 lbs. ºp tierce, 266 , 2, 16 Draft, 0 , 3, 16 a 2 lbs. ºp tierce, Nett, 265, 3, 0 a 29s. 64d.*P cwt. duty paid. £ 392. IO C A R O L IN A R IC E. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. NEw- York price per Cents 2 i . | : i i i | 6 # : |EXCHANGE. Par. 101 || 102 || 103 || 104 || 105 || 105} | 106 || 106; 107 Or Or Or Or Or Or Ol' Or Or Or D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. |D.cts,m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m | D.cts, m | D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m 4,44.44 4,48.88 || 4.53.33 4.57.77|| 4.62 22 || 4.66 66 || 4,68.88 || || 4.73.33 || 4.75.55 p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt S. d. s. d. s. d. S. d. | S. d. S. d. S. d. S. d. s. d. s. d. 29. 6%|29. 5 |29. 3.}|29. 2.; 29. 1 |29. 0 |28. 11 28.10%|28.10 |28. 9; 30. 1 1 |30. 9}| 3: .. 8 || 30. 64 |30. 5 |30. 3.} |30 3 30. 2; 30. 2 30. 1 32. 4 |32. 2 |32. 0}|31 10}|31. 9 || 3 |. 7#|31. 7 ||31. 6 |31. 5%|31. 5 33. 8% |33. 6; 33. 5 |38. 3 ||38. 1% |38. 0 |32 | 1 || 32.10 |32. 9; 32. 8% 35. 1 # 34.10%|34. 9 || 34. 7 | 84. 5% | 84. 3}| 34. 3 ||34. 2 |34. 1 || 34. O 36. 6 |36. 4 || 36. 2 |35.11+ |35. 9}|35. 7% |35. 6; 35. 5}|35. 5 || 35. 4 37. 11 |37. 8+|37. 6 |37. 4 |37. 1 #| 36.11% |36. 10}|36. 9; 36. 8+|36. 7# 39. 3}|38. 1 |38. 0} |38. 8 |38. 5% 38. 3.} |38. 2 |38. 1 |38. O || 37.11 40. 8% |40. 5% |40. 3 |40. 0 |39. 9% |39. 7 ||39. 6 |39. 5 |39. 4 |39. 2; 42. 1 |41.10 |41. 7 |41. 4}|41. 1 #|40. 11 |40. 9% |40. 8% |40. 7#|40. 6# 43. 6 |43. 3 |42. I 1% 42, 8; 42. 5:#|42. 3 |42. 1; 42. 0 |41.1 1 |41. 9% 44.10%|44. 7 |44. 4 |44. 1 |42. 10 |43. 7 |43. 5}|43. 4 |43. 2; 43. 1 46. 3}|46. 0 |45. 8}|45. 5% |45. 2 |44. 11 |44. 9% |44. 8 |44. 6; 44. 5 47. 8 |47. 4%|47. 1 |46. 9} |46. 6 |46. 2; 46. 1 |45. 11; 45. 10 |45. 8; 49. 0 |48. 8% |48. 5 |48. 1% |47. 10 |47. 6% |47. 5 |47. 3; 47. 2 |47. 0 50. 54 |50. 13 |49. 10 |49. 6 |49. 2; 48.11 |48. 9 |48. 7} |48. 5% |48. 4 51. 10}|51. 6}|51. 2% 50.10%|50. 6; 50. 2% |50. 1 |49. 1 1 |49. 9% |49. 7; 53. 3 |52. 1 1 || 52. 6; 52. 2; 51.10% |51. 6; 51. 5 || 51. 3 |51. 1 || 50.11 54. 8 |54. 3}| 53.11 |53. 7 |58. 2; 52.10}|52. 8; 5.2. 6; 52. 4}|52. 3 56. 0%|55. 8 |55. 8}|54. 11% |54. 7 |54. 3 |54. 1 , || 53. I 1 - |53. 8% 53. 6; 57. 5}|57. 1 #|56. 8 |56. 3}| 55. 1 1 |55. 6%|55. 4; 55. 2; 55. 0 |54. 10 60. 3 |59. 10 |59. 5 |59. 0 || 58. 7 |58. 2 #|58. 0 || 57.10 |57. 7% 57. 5; 63. of 62. 7}|62. 2 ||61. 8% |61. 3}|60.10%|60. 8 |60. 5; 60. 3 |60. 1 68. 7#|68. 13 |67, 7}|67. 2 | 66. 8 |66. 2.; 66. 0 |65. 9 |65. 6 |65. 3% *— 14() C A R O L IN A R. I. C. E. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. NEw- York| 107% 108 || 108} | 109 || 1094 110 1 104 || 1 || 1 || 11.1% 112 price Or Or' Or Or Ol' Or Or Or Or Of per | D.cts.m D.cts.m D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. | D.cts.m fb. 4.77.77|| 4.80.00 || 4.82 22 || 4.84 44 4.86.66 4.88.88 4.91.11 || 4.93.33 || 4.95.55 4.97.77 p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. Cents s. d. s. d. s. d, . s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. S. d. | 2 |28. 9, 28. 8%|28. 8, 28. 7 |28. 64; 28. 6 |28. 5; 28. 4%|28. 4 |28. 8% 2} |30. 0}|30. 0 |29.11%|29.10%|29.10 |29. 9 |29. 8% 29. 8 |29. 7 |29. 6; 2# 31. 4 |31. 3}| 31. 2; 31. 2 31. 1 || 31. 0#|30.11%|30. 11 |30. 10 |30. 9; 2# 32. 7% 32. 7 ||32. 6 |32. 5:#|32. 4; 32. 4 |32. 3 ||32. 2 |32. 1 , |32. O# | 3 || 33.11%| 33.10%|38. 9%|38. 8%|33. 8"|33. 7 ||38. 6 |35. 5 || 33. 4} 33. 3% 3} |35. 3 |35. 2 |35. 1 |35. 0 |34. 11 34.10 |34. 9 || 34. 8 |34. 7#|34. 6; # 36. 6%|36. 5% 36. 4}|36. 3}|36. 2% 36. 1 #|36. O#|35. 11; 35.1% 35. 9% 3# 37.10 |37. 9 |37. 8 |37. 7 ||37. 67 ||37. 4%|37. 3; 37. 2%|37. 1; 37. O} 4 |39. 1% |39. 0}|38.11% |38. 10 |38. 9 |38. 8 |38. 7 ||38. 5;|38. 4; 38. 3; 4} |40. 5 |40. 4 |40. *} 40. 1; 40. 03; 39.11 |39. 10 |39. 8;|39. 7#|39. 6# 4# |41. 8 |41. 7 |41. 5; 41. 4;|41. 3" |41. 2 |41. 0#|40. 11;|40. 10 |40. 9 | 4 |43. 0 |42.10%|42. 9 |42. 8 |42. 6%|42. 5 |42. 4 |42. 2;|42. 1 , |42. O 5 |44. 3}|44. 2 |44. Oż|43. 1 1 |43. 10 |43. 8% |43. 7 |43. 5. 43. 4; 43. 3 5} |45. 7 |45. 5% |45. 4 |45. 2%|45. 1 |44. 11; 44. 10 |44. 8;|44. º 44. 6 5% 46.10%|46. 9 |46. 7#|46. 6 |46. 4%|46. 3 |46. 1 #|46. 0 |45.10%|45. 9 5} |48. 2 |48. O}|47. 11 |47. 9}|47. 7% |47. 6 |47. 4%|47. 3 |47. 1; 47. 0 6 |49. 5; 49. 4 |49. 2% |49. 1 |48. 1 1 |48. 9; 48. 8 |48. 6 |48. # 48. 3 6} |50. 9% |50. 7#|50. 5} |50. 4, 50. 2 #|50. 0}|49. 11 |49. 9; 49. .#|49. 6 6% |52. 1 , |51. 1 1 |51. 9}|51. 7#|51. 5;|51. 4 |51. 2 |51. Oż|50.10%|50. 9 6# 53. 4; 53. 2% |53. O#|52.11 52. 9" |52. 7 |52. 5; 52. 3. 52. 1. 52. O 7 |54. 8 |54. 6 |54. 4 |54. 2 |54. 0}|53.10%|58. 8%|53. 6}|53. 5 |53. 3 7# |57. 3 |57. 1 |56. I 1 |56. 9 |56. 7 |56. 5 |56. 3 |56. 1 |55.11 |55. 9 8 |59.10%|59. 8 |59. 5;|59. 3}|59. 14|58. 11; 58. 9 |58. 7 |58. 5 |58. 3 9 |65. 1 |64. 10 |64. 7#|64. 5 |64. 3" |64. 0#|63. 10 |62. 7#|62. 5:#|63. 3 14 l P OT-A N D P E A R L A SH E S, FROM NEW YORK TO LONDON. 200 barrels, weighing: cwt. qrs. lbs. Nett 945, 2 m 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2& 3,176 88 or 105,896 lbs. a 2& 3. d? 1 00 lbs. Half inspection, a 10 cts. d lbs... . . . . . . . . . . 28°105,90 Cartage, a) 8 cts. “P barrel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 16,00 Cooperage, a 6 cts. “P do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 12, 00 Storage, 6 cts. # mth. if over first 10 days after receipt,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 12 m 00 Petty charges, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1,00 Marking, a 2 cts. “P barrel, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4,00 Brokerage, a 1s. tº do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 25 m 00 229 90 Insurance, 28.3600, a 1% tº cent,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 54, "| 3,406 78 2& 170 34 Commission, 5 tº cent. 3,577| 12 2& 804 17 Exchange, at par. ...it tons. cwt.ºrs. lbs. Freight 53, 1,2,0 a 20s. #' ton. £53, 1,6 Primage, 5 tº cent, 2, 2, 13, I £ 55, 14, 7 Duty, 929 cwt. a 6s. P. cwt. ... £278, 14,0 Entry, &c. . . . . . . . . . . , 0, 15,0 £279 , 9 /, 0 Landing, wharfage, and loading, ........... , 5, 0, 0 Housing, & weighing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6, 15, 0 Unhousing, weighing and delivery, . . . . . . . . , ,, 17, 8 Rent, 4 weeks,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 m 13,4 Stamp and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1, 15, 0 £353, 4, 7 Fire Insurance, 0# tº cent. 413, 19 Commission, 2% , @ 5% tº ct. ... , 60, 15, 0 Brokerage, O# , — 1,218 16 Guarantee, 2 55 £ 24| 7 Interest, 4 months, a 6 tº cent. P an. 1,243| 4 £ in London, cwt. qrs. lbs. Weight, Gross, 1061, 2, 16 Draft, 7, 0, 16 a 4 lbs. 1054, 2, 0 Tare, | 3 || // 3 // 0 a 14 lbs. P. cwt. 1,243 15 () () Nett, 922, 3,, 26s. l I d. P cwt. . . . . . . £ o# 10 o | 42 POT-A N D P E A R L A SHE S. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. |EXCHANGE. NFW- : York Par. | 101 || 102 || 103 || 104 || 105 || 105} | 106 | 1.06% 107 price or Or Or Or Or Or Ol' Or Or Or Per | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts m D.cts.m. | D.cts, m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m Bbl. 14.44.44. 4.48.88. 4.53.33 457.77|4,62.22 4.66.66 || 4,6888 || 473.33 4.75.55 p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. P*. s. d. s. d s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 3.00 |26.11% |26. 9}|26. 7}|26. 5 |26. 3 |26. 1 |26. 0 |25.11 25.10 |25. 9 3.50 29.11 29. 8% 29. 5 #| 29. 3 29. 0}| 28.10% 28. 9 |28. 8 28. 7 || 28. 5% 4.00 32.10 || 32. 7 ||32. 4 || 32. 1 #|31, 10% 31. 8% 31. 7% 31. 6; 31. 5 || 31. 3 4.25 |34. 3}|34. 0}|33. 9}|38. 6% |83. 3.}|38. O#| 32.10%|32. 9 32. 8% 32. 7% 4.50 |35. 9 |35. 6 |35. 2; 34. 11; 34, 8% 34. 5; 34. 4 |34. 2; 34. 1 || 38.11% 4.75 |37. 3 || 36.11% |36. 8 || 36. 5 |36. 1 #|35.10% |35. 9 |35. 7 |35. 5% 35. 4 5.00 |38. 8% |38. 5 |38. 1% |37. 10 |37. 6% |37. 3 ||37. 1; 37. 0 || 36.10%|36, 8% 5.25 |40. 2 || 39.10%|39. 6; 59. 3 ||38. 11% |38. 8 |38. 6; 38. 4} |38. 3 ||38. 1 # 5.50 |41. 8 |41. 4 |41. O |40. 8% |40. 4} |40. 1 |39. 1 1 |39. 9 |89. 7#|39. 5; 5.75 |43. 1 #|42. 9; 42. 5:#|42. 1 #|41. 9% |41. 5; 41. 4 |41. 2 |41. 0 |40. 10 6.00 |44. 7#|44. 3 |43. 1 |43. 6}|43. 2; 42.10%|42. 8; 4.2. 6% |42. 4}|42. 3 6.25 |46. 1; 45. 8}|45. 4 |45. 0 |44. 7% |44. 3 #|44. 13 |43. 11% |43. 9}|43. 7# 6.50 |47. 7 |47. 2 #|46. 9% |46. 5 |46. O#|45. 8#|45. 6; 45. 4 |45. 2 |45. O 6.75 |49. 0}|48. 7}|48. 3 |47.10%|47. 6 |47. 1 #|46. 11% |46. 9 |46. 7 |46. 5 7.00 bo. 6;|50. 1;|49. 8% |49. 4 |48. 11 || 48. 6; 48. 4 |48. 2 |47. 11%|47. 9} 8.00 |56. 5% 56. 0 |55. 6 |55. O}|54. 7 |54. 2 |53. I |58. 8% |53. 6 53. 3 New- 107% 108 || 108% 109 || 109% | 1 || 0 || 110} | 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 , || 112 York or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or º D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m Bbl. 4.77.77|| 4 80.00 || 4.82.22 || 4.84.44 4.86.66 || 4 88 88 || 4.91.1 1 || 4.93.33 || 4.95.55 4.97.77 p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. ** s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 3.00 |25, 8 |25. 7 |25. 6 |25. 5 25. 4 |25. 8 |25. 2 25. 1 #|25. O#|24.11% 3.50 |28. 4}|28. 3.}|28. 2; 28. 1 , |28. 0 |27. 1 1 |27.10 |27. 8% 27. 7% |27. 6% 4.00 |31. 1}|31. 0 |30. 10; 30. 9}|30. 8 30. 7 |30. 5; 30. 4; 30. 3 |30. 2 4.25 |32. 6 |32. 4}|32. 3 ||32. 1 #|32. 0}|31. 11 |31. 9; 31. 8 || 31. 7 ||3:1. 5; 4.50 |33.10 |38. 8% |38. 7 ||33. 5}|38, 4 |38. 3 ||33. 1; 33. 0 || 32.10%|32. 9 4.75 |35. 2 #|35. 1 |34.11% |34. 10 |34. 8% | 84. 7 ||34. 5;|34 4 || 3 1. 2; 34. 1 5.00 |36. 7 ||36. 5}|86. 4, 86. 2 |36. 0%|35. 11 |35. 9; 35. 7% |35. 67 ||35. 4; 5.25 |37.11% |37. 10 |37. 8% |37. 6%|37. 5 |37. 3 ||37. 1; 37. OT || 36.10 |36. 8% 5.50 |39, 3}|39. 2 |39. 0 |38. 10}|38. 8% |38. 7 ||38. 5 |38. 3; 38. 1 #|38. O 5.75 |40. 8% |40. 6% |40. 4; 40. 2 #|40. 1 |39. 1 1 |39. 9; 39. 7: 39. 5; 39. 4 6.00 |42. 1 |41.11 |41. 9 |41. 7#|41. 5% |41. 3}|41. 2 |41. O |40. 10 |40. 8% 6.25 |43. 5}|43. 3}|43. 1 #|42. I 14|42. 10 |42. 8 |42. 6 |42. 4 |42. 2; 42. O# 6.50 |44. 10 |44. 8 |44. 6 |44. 4 |44. 2 |44. 0 |43. 10 |43. 8 |43. 6 |43. 4 6.75 |46. 2% |46. 0}|45. 10#|45. 8 |45. 6 |45. 4 |45. 2 |45. 0 |44. 10 |44. 8 7.00 |47. 7 |47. 5 |47. 3 |47. 0}|46. 10#|46. 8 |46. 6 |46. 4 |46. 2 |46. 0 8.00 |53. 1 |52.10%|52. 8 |52. 5}|52. 3 || 52 0#|51.10 |51. 7#|51. 5% |51. 3 143 TU R PENTINE, FROM NEW YORK TO LONDON. 1000 barrels, a 2&1.90 cts. P barrel, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 1,920 00 Cartage, a 6 cents tº barrel, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 60, 00 Cooperage, a 4 cts. P , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, 40, 00 Marking and petty charges, . . . . . . . . © & s e e s a e 2, 25, 00 Brokerage, a 12% iſ barrel, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, 125, 00 28250, 00 Insurance, 282,300, a l; itſ’ cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 34, 50 284 50 28 2,184 50 Commission, 5 d? cent. 109] 23 - 28 2,293 73 Exchange, at par, £ 516. 1 || 9 Freight, 1000 bbls, a 3s.6d. iſ bbl. £175, 0 Primage, 5 tº cent, , 8, 15 £183, 15, 0 Entry, warrant, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 15 , 0 Duty, 100 tons, 19 cwt. 3 qrs. 19 lbs. a 4s. 4d. 2,437, 18, 1 Landing, wharfage, &c. a 3d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 12, 10, O Cooperage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..? is a tº s e º 'º e º e 2, 1, 19, 8 Rent, 4 weeks, a 2s. tº 100 bbls. P week, .. , 4, 0, 0 Stamps and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2, 4, 0 #643, 1, 9 Fire Insurance,. . . . 0# tº cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0% 2, Commission,. . . . . . 2# 2, 2, @ 7# ty’ ct. , 95, 6, 3 738|| 8 || O Guarantee, ... . . . . 2 > 2, * Interest, 6 months, 2} , , £ 1,254 9 in London, cwt. qrs. lbs. Weight, Gross, 2,524, 3, 12 Tare and draft, 580, 1, 12 a 65 lbs. each, Nett, 1,944, 2, 0 a 12s. 11d. * cwt, duty paid. £ 1,255] 16 144 TU R P E NT IN E. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. N EXCHANGE. EW- York | Par. 101 102 103 || 104 105 || 105% 106 || 106] | 107 price Or Or Or Or Or OI’ Or Or Or Or Pº" | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. | D.cts.m barrel. 4.44.44 4.48.88| 4.5333| 4.57.77| 4.62.22| 4.66.66|| 4.68.88 || 4 71.11 4.73.33| 4.75.55 D.cts. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. c wt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. s. d. s. d. s. d. | S. d. S. d. S. d. s. d. | S. d. S. d. s. d. 1.90 | 12. 1 1 || 12.10 | 12. 9; 12. 8% 12. 8 || 12. 7#| 12. 7 | 12. 6; 12. 6}| 12. 6 2.00 13. 2 | 18. 1 || 13. 0%| 12. 11% | 12.1 1 | 12.10%| 12.10 | 12. 9; 12. 9% | 12. 9 2.10 || 3. 5 || 13. 4 || 13. 3}| 18. 2 #| 13. 2 | 18. 1% | 18. 1 | 18. O#| 18. O#| 13. O 2.20 | 18. 8% 13. 7#| 13. 7 || 13. 6 13. 5 13. 4}| 13. 4 || 13, 3}| 13. 3}| 13. 3 2.30 13.11+ | 18.10%| 13.10 | 13. 9 || 13. 8 || 13. 7#| 18. 7 || 13. 6% 13. 6;| 13. 6 2.40 14. 3 |14. 2 14. 1 #| 14. O}| 13.11}| 13.11 || 13.10%| 13.10 || 13. 9}| 13. 9 2.50 | 1.4. 6 14. 5 || 14. 4} | 1.4. 3}|14. 2 #|14. 2 | 1.4. 1 #| 14. 1 || 14. Oż| 14. O 2.60 14. 9 || 14. 8 || 14. 7#|14. 6#|14. 5; 14. 5 || 14. 4}|14. 4 || 14. 3}| 14. 3 2.70 | 15. O}|14. 11% 14.10%|14. 9; 14. 8% 14. 8 || 14. 7# 14. 7 14. 6}|14. 6 2.80 15. 3}| 15. 2% 15. 1 #| 15. O}|14. 11}|14. 11 14.10%|14. 10 || 14. 9; 14. O 2.90 | 15. 7 || 15. 6 15. 5 | 15. 4 15. 3 | 15. 2 | 15. 1; 15. 1 15. 0#| 15. O} 3.00 15. 10 | 15. 9 || 15. 8 || 15. 7 || 15. 6 15. 5 15. 4} | 15. 4 || 15. 3} | 15. 3} 3.10 | 16. 1 | 16. O | 15. 1 I | 15. 10 | 15. 9 15. 8 || 15. 7% 15. 7 || 15. 6% 15. 6; 3.20 | 16. 4} | 16. 3% | 16. 2; 16. 1 #| 16. 0 | 15.11 || 15.10%| 15. 10 15. 9}| 15. 9} 3.30 | 16. 7#| 16. 6; 16. 5}| 16. 4}| 16. 3 | 16. 2 | 16. 1 #| 16. 1 | 16. O#| 16. O 3.40 | 16. 1 1 | 16. 10 | 16. 9 || 16. 8 || 16. 6} | 16. 5% | 16. 5 | 16. 4} | 16. 4 || 16. 3} 3.50 17. 2 17. 1 || 17. 0 | 16. 1 1 | 16. 9% | 16. 8% | 16. 8 | 16. 7#| 16. 7 | 16. 6; New- || 107% 108 || 108% 109 || 109% 110 | 110} | 111 || 111; 112 * Or Or Or Or' OT Or Or OI’ Or Or per | D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m D.cts.m. |D.cts m D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m. |D.cts.m barrel. 4.77.77|| 4.80.00 4.82.22| 4.84.44 4.86.66 4.88.88 4.91.11 || 4.93.33 || 4.95.55 4.97.77 p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. D.cts. s. d. s. d. S. d. s. d s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 1.90 | 12. 5:#| 12. 5:#| 12. 5 12. 5 12. 4}| 12. 4 || 12. 4 || 12. 3}| 12. 3 | 12. 3 2.00 | 12. 8% | 12. 8% 12. 8 || 12. 8 12. 7#| 12. 7 | 12. 7 | 12, 6% 12. 6 12. 6 2.10 || 13. Oż| 12.11% 12.1 1 || 12. 1 1 12.10%| 12.10 | 12.10 | 12. 9; 12. 9 || 12. 9 2.20 | 13. 2}| 18. 2 #| 18. 2 13. 2 | 18. 1% 13. 1 || 13. 1 | 18. 0}| 13. 0 || 13. O 2.30 || 13. 5}| 18. 5}| 13. 5 | 18. 4% 13. 4}| 13. 4 || 13. 3 #| 13. 3 || 13. 3 || 13. 2% 2.40 | 13. 9 || 13. 8% | 18. 8 | 18. 7#| 13. 7#| 13. 7 || 13. 6;| 13. 6 || 13. 6 || 13. 5% 2 50 | 1.4. O | 18. 11; 13. 1 1 || 13.10%| 13. 10 || 13. 9}| 13. 9 13. 9 || 13. 8}| 13. 8 2.60 | 1.4. 3 || 14, 2} | 1.4. 2 ||14. 1 #|14. 1 || 14. 0}|14. 0 || 14. 0 | 18.11% 13.1 ! 2.70 || 14. 6 || 14. 5% 14. 5 ||14. 4; 14. 4 || 14. 3} | 1.4. 8 || 14. 3 |14. 2% 14. 2 2.80 || 14. 9 || 14. 8% |14. 8 || 14. 7#|14. 7 || 14. 6; 14. 6 14. 6 14. 5% 14. 5 2.90 15. 0 | 1.4.11% | 1.4.11 || 14.10%|14. 10 || 14. 9}|14. 9 || 14. 9 || 14. 8+|14. 8 3.00 | 15. 3 | 15. 2 #| 15. 2 | 15. 1 #| 15. 1 | 15. 0} | 15. Q | 15. 0 | 1.4.11% 14. 11 3.10 | 15. 6 || 15. 5; 15. 5 | 15, 4} | 15. 4 || 15. 3} | 15. 3 | 15. 3 || 15. 2 #| 15. 2 3.20 | 15. 9 || 15. 8} | 15. 8 || 15. 7% 15. 7 | 15. 6; 15. 6 15. 6 || 15. 5; 15. 5 3.30 | 15.11% 15.11+ | 15. 1 1 | 15. 10; 15. 10 || 15. 9% 15. 9 || 15. 8#| 15. 8 || 15. 7; 3.40 | 16. 3 || 16. 2% | 16. 2 | 16. 13 | 16. 1 | 16. 0#| 16. 0 | 15.11+ | 15.11}| 15.10% 3.50 | 16. 6 | 16. 5} | 16. 5 | 16. 4} | 16. 4 | 16. 3}| 61. 3 | 16. 2; 16. 2 | 16. 1 # 145 Q U E R C IT R O N B A R K, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO LONDON. *- 100 hhds. weighing : cwt. qr. lbs. Gross, 1,323, 1 , 27 Tare, 105 , 1 , 27 (actual,) Nett, 1,218, 0, 0 a 2&35. P ton of 20 cwt. . . . . 28 2,131 50 Drayage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28° 25, 00 Inspection and cooperage at the warehouse,. . . . , 116, 33 Brokerage, 25 cts. tº hºld, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 25, 00 Cooperage on the wharf,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... , 10, 00 Postage and small charges,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4, 50 180 83 tº º 28, 2,312| 33 Commission, a 5 tº cent, 1 15 62 2&| 2,427 95 -- Exchange, a 105 tº cent. £ 520 5 || 6 Insurance, £500, a 30s. tº ct. £ 7, 10, 0 Policy duty, , 1, 5, 0 - £ 8, 15, 0 Freight, a 15s. 5 ton, . . . . . . :649, 13,0 Primage, 5 tº cent, , 2, d0, 0 95 52 // 3 // O Entry, warrant, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 ,, 15, 0 Landing, wharfage,housing, weighing, cooper- age, re-weighing, delivery, and rent,. . . . . . 2, 48, 7, 0 Stamp and petty charges, . . . . º, e - e º a 4 tº . . . . . 2, 1 ºr 5 , 0 e # I 11 , 5 , 0 Fire Insurance, 0# tº ct." Brokerage, ... 0% , Commission,... 2% , a 45 tº cent,. . . . , 26, 1 , | 137| 6 || 1 Guarantee, ... I , - - º: Interest, ..... none. L £ 657. I 1 || 7 Discount, 2% tº cent. 16| 8 || 7 in London, £ 674 O 2 *T* | *P is cwt. qrs. Ibs. Weight, Gross, 1,323, 1, 8 Draft, 3, 2, 8 a 4 lb. tº hind. 1,319 , 3, 0 Tare, 130, 3, 0 & 12 lbs. ºp 112 lbs. Nett, 1,189, O, 0 a 1 1s. 4d. “P cwt. in bond. £ 673 13 || 4 ty 146 Q U E R C IT R O N B.A. R. K. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. * To; Toc Toi Tuos Too Tºo Tin Tus 1I] Or Or Or Or Or Or Or op Philadelphia | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m per ton. 4.66 66 || 4.75.55 || 4.80.00 || 4.84.44 || 4.88.88 || 4.93.33 || 4.97,77 per cwt. per cwt. per cwt. per cwt. per cwt. per cwt. per cwt. per cwt. Dollars. s. d. S. d. S. d. S. d. S. d. S. d. S. d. S. d. 25 8. 10 8. 9 8. 8 8. 7# 8. 7 8. 6; 8. 6 8. 5 26 9. 1 9. O 8. 1 1 8.10% 8.10 8. 9; 8. 9 8. 8 27 9. 4 9. 3 9. 2% 9. 1; 9. I 9. 0 8. 11; 8.10% 28 9. 7 9. 6 9. 5 9. 4} | 9. 4 9. 3 9. 2 9. 1 29 9. 10 9. 9 9. 8 9. 7# 9. 7 9. 6 9. 5 9. 4 30 1 O 1 1 O. O 9. 1 1 9. 10 9. 1; 9. 8% 9. 8 9. 7 3 | 10. 4 || 10, 3 || 1 O. 2 || 1 O. 1 10. 0} | 9.11% 9. 11 9. 10 32 10. 7 | 10. 6 || 10. 5 || 10. 4 || 10. 3.} | 10. 2% | 10. 1% | 10. 0# 33 10.10 10. 9 10. 8 10. 7 1 O. 6 10. 5 10. 4} | 10. 3.} 34 1 1. 1 1 1. O || 10. 11 10. 1 O || 1 O. 9 || 1 O. 8 10, 7 10. 6 35 1 1. 4 || 1 1. 3 11. 2 || 1 1. 1 1 1. () 1 O. 11 10. 10 10. 9 36 11. 7 11. 6 || 1 1. 5 || 1 1. 4 11. 3 1 1. 2 || 1 1. 1 11. O 37 1 1. 10 1 1. 9 11. 8 11. 7 1 I. 6 I 1. 5 11. 8% | 1 1. 2% 38 12. 1 | 12. 0 || 1 1. 11 || 1 1.10 || 1 1. 8% | 1 1. 7# 11. 6% | 1 1. 5 39 12. 4 || 12. 3 12. 2 | 12. 1 11.11% | 1 1. 10 || 1 1. 9 11. 8 40 12. 7 12. 6 || 12. 4} | 12. 3 || 12. 2 | 12. 1 || 12. 0 || 11.10% QUERCITRoN is the bark (ground) of the black oak, which grows in Massachusets, but more abundantly in Pensylvania. Philadelphia is therefore the most advantageous market from whence to ship it. 147 W H A LE AND S P E R M O IL, FROM NEW YORK TO LONDON. 100 butts, a 130 gals. 13,000 gallons, 40 do. a 70 , 2,800 , 50 do. a 33 , 1,650 , Nett 17,450 gals. a 25 cts. & gallon... g. Cartage, 0.25 cts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2833, 13 Extra cooperage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 33, 13 Brokerage, a # tº cent,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 21, 17 Insurance, 28°4,750, a 1% iſ cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . » 71, 25 28% Commission, 5 #' cent. 2& Exchange, 108 tº cent. £ Freight, (200 gals. # ton), 874 tons, a 20s. & 5 tº cent, primage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # 91 / 12, 4 Entry, warrant, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 15, 0 Landing charges, &c. 15s. # 252 galls. . . . , 43, 10, 0 Extra cooperage and delivery, . . . . . . . . . . 2, 13, 10, 0 Stamps and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 m 5 ,, 0 £150, 12, 4 Fire Insurance, 0# tº cent. Brokerage,.... 0% , Commission, .. 2 55 @ £45 tº cwt. , 52, 14, 8 Guarantee, .... 1 55 -*-*-* Interest, ..... l 53 :6 Discount, 2% tº cent. :3 in London, 100 gals.=83; imperial gals. and 252 gals. =l tun: Nett, Gals. imp. 14,542 Deduct, foot, 115 Imp. Gallons. 14,427 orš7# tuns, a £21,7s. # tunin bondé 4,362 50 158 68 4,521, 18 226|| 06 4,747 24 989| 3 || O 203| 7 || 0 1,192 to ſo 29, 16 || 3 1,222| 6 || 3 1,222| 5 || 9 I 43 TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. W H A L E O I L. EXCHANGE. NEw- I ()5 106 107 108 109 1 10 1 11 | 12 York Ol' OT Or Ol' Or Or OT Or price D cts.m D.cts.m D.cts.m D.cts, m D.cts.m. D.cts.m. D.cts.m. D.cts-m P. 8" 4.66.66 4.71.11 4.75.55 4.80.00 || 484.44. 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 per tun. per tun. per tun. per tun. per tun. per tun. per tun. per tun. Cents. £. s. d. | #. s. d. f. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. 25 21. 17. 7 || 21. 14. 1 21. 1 0. 6 || 2 | . 7. O || 2 | . 3. 8 || 2 | . O. 4 20. 17. O |20. 13. 8 26 22. 12. 7 || 22. 8. l l 22. 5. 3 || 2 | . . . 7 21. 18. 2 | 2 | . 14. 8 || 2 | . 1 1. 2 || 2 |. 7. 9 27 28. 7. 7 || 23. 3. 10 |23. Q. 0 |22. 16. 2 22. i2. 7 22. 9. O |22. 5. 5 22. 1 1. 10 28 24. 2. 7 || 23. 8. 7 || 23. 14, 8 23. 1 0. 9 |23. 7. 1 |23. 3. 4 22, 19. 7 22. 15. 1 1 39 24. 17. 7 || 24. 13. 6 24. 9. 5 24. 5. 4 || 24. 1. 6 23.17. 8 || 23, 13. 10 |23. 10. O 30 25.12. 8 || 25. 8. 5 25. 4. 3 || 25. O. 0 || 24. 16. 1 #24. 12. 1 || 24. 8, 1 24. 4. 1 31 26. 7. 8 |26. 3. 4 || 25. 18. l l 25. 14. 7 || 25. 10. 6 |25. 6. 5 25. 2. 4 |24. 18. 2 32 27. 2. 8 26.18. 2 26. 13. 8 |26. 9. 2 |26. 5. () |26. O. 9 |25. 16. 6 |25.12. 3 33 27. 17. 8 || 27. 13. 1 27. 8. 5 || 27. S. 9 |26. 19. 5 |26. 15. 1 |26. 10. 9 |26. 6. 4 34 28. 12. 8 28. 7. 10 |28. 3. 1 27. 18. 4 27. 13. 1 1 2.7. 9. 5 27. 4. l l 27. O. 5 35 29. 7. 9 || 29. 2. 1 0 || 28. 17. 1 1 || 28. 13. O 28. 8. 5 28. 3. 9 27. 19. 2 |27. 14. 6 36 30. 2. Q 29.17. 9 || 29. 12. 8 29. 7. 7 || 29. 2. 1 O 28. 18. 1 || 28. 13. 4 28. 8. 7 37 30. 17. 9 30. 12. 6 30. 7. 4 30. 2. 2 29. A 7. 4 |29. 12. 5 || 29. 7. 7 |29. 2. 8 38 31. 12. 9 || 3 1. 7. 5 || 3 1. 2. 1 30. 16. 9 30. 1 1. 9 |30. 6.. 9 || 30. 1. 9 |29. 16. 9 39 32. 7. 9 || 32. 2. 4 || 31. 16. 1 0 || 31. 1 1. 4 || 3 1. 6. 3 || 3 1. l. 1 |30. 16.0 |30. 10. 10 40 33. 2. 1 0 || 32. 17. 2 32. 1 i. 7 || 32. 6. 0 || 32. (). 8 31. 15. 5 || 3 1. 10. 2 3 1. 4.1 ! S PER M O IL. per tun. per tun. per tun. per tun. per tun. per tun. per tun. per tun. * e. s. d, £. s. d. £. s. d. E. s. d. £. s. d. 4. s. d. | E. s. d. | E. s. d. 75 59. 8. 5 || 58. 18. O |58. 7. 6 |57. 17. O |57. 7. 2 65.17. 4 || 56. 7. 6 || 55.17. 8 76 60. 3. 5 || 59. 12.10 || 59. 2. 3 |58. 1 1. 7 || 58. 1. 7 |57. 1 1. 8 57. 1. 8 || 56.11. 9 77 60.18. 5 || 60. 7. S 59. 16. 1 1 || 59. 6. 2 58. 16. 1 || 58. 6. O 57. 15. 1 1 || 57. 5.10 78 61.13. 5 || 6 1. 2. 7 | 6t). 11. 8 |60. O. 9 59.10. 7 || 59. O. 5 || 58. 10. 3 || 57. 19. 11 79 62. 8. 5 || 6 1. 17. 5 61. 6. 5 |60. 15. 4 || 60. 5. O 59. 14. 8 || 59. 4. 4 || 58. 14. O 80 63. 3. O | 62. 12. 4 || 62. 1. 2 ||61. 1 (). O |60. 19. 7 |60. 9. 1 || 59. 18. 7 59. 8. 1 8 | 63. 18, 6|63. 7. 3 |62, 15. 1 1 |62. 4. 7 ||61. 14. O |61. 3. 5 60. 12.10 |60. 2. 2 82 64. 13. 6|64. 2. 1 |63. 10. 8 |62. 19. 2 |62. 8. 6 || 6 1. 17. 9|61. 7. 0 || 60. 16. 3 83 65. 8. 6|| 6 1. 16. 1 1 |64. 5. 4 |63. 13. 9 |63. 2. 1 1 |62. 12. 1 |62. 1. 3 ||61. 10. 4 84 66. 3.. 6 || 65. l I. 1 O || 65. O. 1 |64. 8. 4 || 63. 17. 5 63. 6. 5 |62. 15. 5 || 62. 4. 5 85 66.18. 7 | 66. 6.. 9 |65. 14. 11 |65. 3. 0 | 64. 1 1. 1 1 |64. O. 9 (63. 9. 8 |62. 18. 6 86 67. 3. 7 || 67. 1. 7 ||66. 9. 7 || 65.17. 7 || 65. 6. 4 |64. 15. 1 |64. 3. 10 | 63.12. 7 87 68. 8. 7 || 67. 16. 6 |67. 4. 4 | 66. 12. 2 | 66. O. 9 65. 9. 5 64. 18. 1 64. 6. 8 88 69. 3. 7 | 68. 1 1. 4 67. 19. 1 |67. 6.. 9 66.15. 3 | 66. 3. 9 |65. 12. 3 65. O. 9 89 69. 18. 7 || 69. 6. 2 68.13. 9 || 68. 1. 4 || 67. 10. 9 66. 18. 1 ||66. 6. 6 || 65. 14.10 90 70. 13. 8 |70. 1. 2 #69. 8. 7 | 68. 16. 0 | 68. 4. 3|67. 12. 6|67. O. 9 66. 8.11 91 || 7 |. 8. S. 70.16. 0 |70. 3. 4 |69. 10. 7 | 68. 18 9 | 68. 6. 10 |67. 14. 1 1 |67. 3. O 92 72. 3. 8 || 7 1. O. 1 0 |70. 18. O |70. 5. 2 | 69. 13. 2 69. 1. 2 | 68. 9. 2 |67. 17. 1 93 72. 18. 8 || 72. 5. 9 || 7 | . 12. 9 || 70. 19. 9 || 70. 7. 8 69. 15. 6 69. 3. 4 |98. 1 1. 2 94 73.13. 8 |73. O. 7 | 72. 7. 6 71. 14. 4 || 7 l. 2. 1 || 70. 9. 10 |69. 17. 7 | 66. 5. 3 I 49. W H A L E B O N E, FROM NEW YORK TO LONDON. 50 bundles South-Sea, containing : 249 bundles, weighing nett, 10,180 lbs. a 20 cts. tº lb. 28 2,036 00 Labour and packing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 9, 94 Twine, rope, and canvas, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 16 m 13 Cartage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e g º e o e e º 'º e º s a e º 'º e . . , 2, 00 Brokerage, # tº cent,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 5 , 09 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2, 50 35| 66 28 2,071 66 Commission, a 5 tº cent. 103| 58 28 2,175. 24 Exchange, a 105 tº cent. £ 466|| 2 || 6’ Insurance, £500, a 30s. P. cwt. £7, 10, 0 Policy duty, , 1, 5 , 0 — £ 8, 15, 0 Freight, a 25s. Pton,. . . . . . . . £5, 13, 9 Primage, 5 tº cent. ,,0, 5, 9 — , 5 // 19 // 6 Entry, warrant, and order,. . . . . . . . tº º v e º e o e » 0 , 15 , 0 Landing, wharfage, housing, weighing, cooper- age, re-weighing, delivery and rent, . . . . . . , 1, 10 / 3 Stamps and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 15 m 6 º - £17, 15, 3 Fire Insurance, 0% tº cent. Brokerage, ... 0} , - Commission, .. 2% , @ 4} tº cent,... , 19, 19, 3 37| 14 || 6 Guarantee,.... I 35 - C --- Interest, ...... none. :É 503| 17 | O Discount, 2% tº cent. 12| 12 || 0 :6 5 16 9 O in London, - . . cwt. grs. lbs. Weight, 89, 2, 8 Draft, 3, 2, 8 a) 8 lbs. per bundle, Nett, 86, O, 0 a £120, 2, 1d tº ton, in bond,.... f. 5 16| 8 || 5 150 W HALE BONE. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. NEw- 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 Il 1 1 12 York Or Or Or Or Or Or or Or price D.cts m D.cts.m D.cts.m. D.cts.m. D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts.m perfb 4.66.66 4.75.55 4.80.00 4,84.44 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 per ton. per ton. per ton. per ton. per ton. per ton. per ton. per ton. * | 6 s. d. e s. d. e s. d. e s. d. 6 s. d e s. d. 6 s. d. £ s. d. 1 O 62. O. 11 6 1. 9. 8| 60.18. 6 60. 7. 9 59. 17. O 59. 6. 3, 58.15. 6, 58. 4. 9 11 67.17. O 67. 4. 8| 66.12. 5: 66. O. 8 65. 8, 10. 64. 17. 1| 64. 5. 4| 63.13. 7 12 73.13. 2 72. 19. 9. 7.2. 6. 4 71.13. 6, 71. O. 8| 70. 7. 10 69. 15. 1 || 69. 2. 4 13 79. 9. 3| 78. 14. 9| 78. O. 3| 77. 6. 4| 76.1.2. 6, 75. 18. 8 75. 4. 1 || 74. 1 1. 2 1 4 85. 5. 5| 84. 9. 9. 83. 14. 2 82. 19. 3| 82. 4. 4 8:1. 9. 6 80. 14. 8 79. 19.10 15 91. 1. 6 90. 4. 9 89. 8. 1| 88.12. 2 87.16. 2. 86. 19. 4 86. 4. 6 85. 8. 8 16 96.17. 7| 95. 19.10 95. 2. O. 94. 5. O 93. 8. C 92.1 1. 2 91.14. 4| 90.17. 6 17 102.13. 2 101. 14. 1 0 1 00. 15.1 1 99.17.10 98. 19. 10| 98. O. l 1, 97. 4. 1 || 96.17. 18 108. 9. 1 0 1 07. 9. 10|106. 9. 10 105.10. 9|| 04. 11. 8|103.12. 1 0 1 02. 13. 1 1/101.15. 19 l 14. 6. 0|113. 4.10 1 12. 3. 911 1. 3. 7|1 10. 3. 6|109. 3. 5. 108. 3. 4|107. 3. 2O 120. 2. 1|l 18. 19. 10 1 17. 17. 8 116. 10. 5 i 15. 15. 4|l 14. 14. 4| 1 || 3.13. 5|l 12, 12. 21 125. 18. 2 124. 14. 10|123. 1 1. 7|122. 9. 4|121. 7. 2' 120. 5. 3 l 19. 3. 3|l 18. 1. 52 131. 14. 4|130. 9. 10|129. 5. 5|127. 2. 3|126.18. 1 1|125. 16. 1 124.13. 2. 123.10. 23 |137. 10. 5||136. 4.10|134. 19. 4|133. 15. 0 152.10. 9||131. 6. 10 130. 3. O. 128. 19. 24 143. 6. 7|141. 19. 10|140. 13. 2. 139. 7. 10|138. 2. 6|136. 17. 9||135.12. 1 1||134. 8. 25 149. 2. 8|147.14.10|146. 7. 1147. 13. 6|143. 14. 4|142. 4. 6 1 41. 2. 9||139. 17. 26 154. 18. 9||53. 9. 1 0 152. 1, 0|l 50. 14.1 1|149. 6. 2. 147. 19, 4|146.12. 7|145. 5. 10 27 160. 14. 1 1/159. 4.10: 157. 14. 10 156. 6. 5|154.17. 11 | 153. 1 0. 41 52. 2. 6|150. 14.10 28 166. 1 1. O164. 19. 1 0 163. 8. 9|16.1. 19. 9. 160. 9. 9. 159. 1. O 157. 12. 4|156. 3. 8 29 172. 7. 2170. 14. 1 0 169. 2. 7|167. 12. 3|166. 1. 6|163.11. 10'163. 2. 3|| 61.12. 8 30 178. 3. 3||176. 9. 10|174. 16. 6 173. 5. 1017 l. 13. 3|17 O. 2. 8|168. 12. 1 167. 1. 6 Note. Although New Bedford and Nantucket are the principal ports from whence the whale fishery of the United States is carried on, it is only in New York, Boston and Philadelphia, that whale and sperm oil and whale bone meet with ready opportunities for transshipment to Europe. The loss in weight which usually takes place in whalebone has been taken into consideration in the foregoing calculation. | 5 | C OF FEE, ST, DOM IN GO, CU B.A. A N D B R A Z IL, FROM NEW YORK TO LONDON. 500 bags, weighing : Gross, 70,044 Tare, 1,401 a 2 + cent. Nett, 68,643 a 5 cts. per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 || 3,432 15 Cartage, a 3 cts. P bag, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 15, 00 Mending, 1 cent, tº , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 5 ,, 00 Bills of lading, and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 5 , 50 2&25, 50 Brokerage, 3 + cent,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8 / 58 - Insurance, 83,700, a 1% ºf cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 55, 50 89 58 28° 3,521| 73 Commission, 5 tº cent. 176 7 28° 3,697 80 Exchange, at par, £ 832| 0 Freight, 31% tons, a 35s. tº ton, £54, 13, 9 Primage, 5 tº cent, , 2, 14, 8 £57, 8, 5 Entry, warrant, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 15 ,, 0 Landing charges, #d. P. cwt. including rent,... , 36, 4, 3 Lotting, stamps, and petty charges, . . . . . . . . 2, 4 m l ; 8 # 98, 9, 4 Fire Insurance,.... 0; itſ ct. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0} , » Commission,...... 2%. , , X a 5% tº cent, , 47, 13 m 8 146|| 3 Guarantee, . . . . . . 1 » 2, my C Interest, 2 months, 1 , , # 978] 3 Discount, 2% tº cent. 24, 9 * - #| 1,002 12 in London, % cwt. grs. lbs. Weight, Gross, 625, 1, 16 Tare and draft, 18, 1, 16 a 3 lbs. tº bag, Nett, 612 , o, o a 32s. 9d, & cwt. in bond... 8 1,002 3 -: oOTo() 152 TABLE C OF FE E. OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. NEw- York price p. Ib. EXCHANGE. Par. | Ol 102 103 104 105 105% | 06 106% Or OT Or Or Or Or Or Ol' -Gºr D.cts.m. | D.cts.m., D.cts.ml D.cts.m. ſl.cts.m. | D.cts.m., D.cts.m.] D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. 4.44.44 || 4.48.88 || 4.53.33 || 4.57.77 || 4.62.22 4.66.66 || 4.68.88 || || 4.73.33 p. cwt. p. ewt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. s. d. S. d. S. d. S. d. S. d. s. 2. s, d. s, d. | S. d. 82. 9 || 32. 5}| 32. 2 31. 11 || 31. 7#| 31. 4%| 31. 3 || 31. 1 #| 31. 0 38. 7 || 38. 3 || 37.1 1 || 37. 7 || 37. 2}| 86.1 1 || 36. 9 || 36. 7#| 36. 5; 44. 5 || 44. 0 || 48. 7#| 43. 2 #| 42.10 || 42. 5:#| 42. 3}| 42. 1 #| 4.1. 1 50. 8 49. 9}| 49. 4 || 48.10%| 48. 5 || 48. 0 || 47. 9;| 47, 7 || 47. 4% 56. 1 || 55. 7 || 55. 0}| 54. 6#| 54. 0 || 53.6%| 53. 4 58. 1 52.10% 59. O 58. 5; 57. 11 || 57. 4}| 56.10 || 56. 4 || 56. 1 55. 10 || 55. 7 61.10}| 61. 8%| 60. 9 || 60. 2 || 59. 7#| 59. 1; 58.10%| 58. 7#| 58. 4; 63. 4 || 62. 9 || 62. 2 | 61. 7 || 61. 0 || 60. 6 60. 3 || 60. 0 || 50. 8% 64. 9 || 64. 2 | 68. 7 || 63. 0 || 62. 5 || 61.10 | 61. 7 || 61. 4 || 61. O# 66. 2; 65. 7%. 65. 0 || 64, 4}| 63. 9; 63. 3 | 68. 0 || 62. 8%| 62. 5; 67. 8 67. O}| 66. 5 || 65. 10 || 65. 2%| 64. 7#| 64. 4 || 64. 1 | 68. 9} 69. 1 #| 68. 5}| 67.10 | 67. 2%| 66. 7 | 66. O || 65. 8#| 65. 5 || 65. 1% 70. 7 || 69. 1 1 || 69. 3}| 68. 7#| 68. 0 || 67. 5 || 67. 1;| 66.10 | 66. 6; 72. 0}| 71. 4}| 70, 8%| 70, of 69. 4:#| 68. 9%| 68. 6 | 68. 2%| 67.11 73. 6 || 72.10 | 72. 2 71. 6 || 70. 9;| 70. 2 69.10%| 69. 6;| 69. 3 74.1 1+| 74 3}| 73. 7 || 72.10%| 72. 2; 71. 6#| 71, 3 || 70. 11 || 70. 7; 76. 5 || 75. 8}| 75. 0 || 74. 3}| 73. 7 | 72.11}| 72. 7#| 72. 3}| 72. 0 77. 10}| 77. 1%| 76. 5 || 75. 8# 75. 0 || 74. 4 || 74. O | 73. 8 || 73. 4 79. 4 || 78. 7#| 77.10%| 77. 1 #| 76. 4}| 75. 8#| 75. 4;| 75. O#| 74. 8; 80. 9 80. 0}| 79. 3}| 78. 6; 77. 9; 77. 1 #| 76. 9; 76. 5; 76. 1; 82. 2 #| 81. 5%| 80. 8%| 79.11%| 79. 2 | 78. 6 || 7 8. 2 | 77.10 || 77. 5% 83. 8 || 82.10%| 82. 1 #| 81. 4 || 80. 7 || 79.11 || 79. 6;| 79. 2 || 78.10 85. 1 #| 84. 4 || 83. 6%| 82. 9 || 82. 0 || 81. 3 || 80.10%| 80. 6;| 80. 2 86. 7 || 85. 9}| 85 0 | 84. 2 #| 83. 5 82. 7#| 82. 3; 81. 11 || 81. 6; 88. 0}| 87. 3 86. 5 || 85. 7 | 84. 9 || 84. Oż| 83. 8 || 83. 3}| 82.11 89. 6 || 88. 8 || 87.10 | 87. 0 | 86. 2 | 85. 4}| 85. 0 | 84. 7#| 84. 3 90.1 1+| 90. 13| 89, 3}| 88. 5}| 87. 7 || 86. 9;| 86. 5 86. O}| 85. 7% 92. 5 91. 6%| 90. 8 | 89.10 *1% 88. 2 87. 9;| 87. 4%| 87. 0 93.10 || 92.1 1; 92. 1 || 91. 3 || 90. 4; 89. 6;| 89. 2 88. 9 || 88, 4} 95. 3}| 94. 5 || 93. 6 || 92. 7#| 91, 9 go iſ 90. 6;| 90. 1 #| 89. 9 96. 9" | 95.10 | 94.11}| 94. O#| 93. 2 | 92.4"| 91. 1 iſ 91. 6 || 91. 1 go. 8 || 98. 9 || 97. 10 | 96. I 1 || 95.11%| 95. 2%| 94. 9%| 94. 4}| 93.11% 102. 7 || 101. 7%| 100. 8 || 99. 9 98. 9%| 97.10%| 97. 5%| 97, 0 || 96. 7 108. 5 || 107. 5 || 106. 5 105. 5 || 104. 4}| 103. 5 || 102.11}| 102. 6 || 102. 0 114. 24|113. 1; 112. 1 || 11. 0 ||109.11}| 108.11%|108. 5;|108. 0 || 107. 6; 120. 0}|1 18.11 || 117. 9}|116. 8 || 115. 7 || 14. 6#|114. 0 || 1 13. 6 || 1 12.11% | 53 C.O F FE E. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. NEW- York 107% 108 108} 109 109 1 10 110; l 11 11.1% 1 12 price Or Or Or Or Ol' Or Or Or Or Or p. ib., D.cts m, D.cts.m. D.cts.m., D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D:cts.m. D.cts.m., D.cts.m., D.cts.m., D.cts.m. 4.77.77 || 4.80.00 4.82.22 || 4.84.44 || 4.86.66 || 4.88.88 || 4.91.ll 4.93.33 || 4.95.55 || 4.97.77 p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. p. cwt. Cents S. d. s. d. S. d. | S. d. | S. d. | S. d. s. d. s. d. S. d. s. d. 5 30. 9; 30. 8 || 30. 6 || 30. 4; 30. 8 || 30. 1; 30. 0 || 29, 10%| 29. 9 || 29, 7% 6 || 36. 2 36. O#| 35.10%| 35. 8#| 35. 7 || 35. 5 || 35. 3%| 35. 1; 34.11%| 34.10 7 || 41. 7 || 41. 5 || 41. 3 || 41. 1 || 40. 1 1 | 40. 9 40. 6; 40. 4; 40. 2; 40. O 3 47. 0 || 46. 9; 46. 7 || 46. 4; 46. 2 || 46. 0 || 45. 9; 45. 7 || 45. 4; 45. 2% 9 || 52. 5 52. 2; 51.11%| 51. 9 || 51. 6%| 51. 8%| 51. 1 || 50. 10 || 50. 7#| 50. 5 | 94| 55. 1; 54.10%| 54. 7# 54. 4}| 54. 2, 54. 1 || 58. 8%. 53. 5}| 58.2%. 53. 0 10° 57.10%| 57. 7 || 57. 4 || 57. 1 56.10%| 56, 7}| 56. 4%| 56. 1 #| 55.10%| 55. 74 10}| 59. 24 58.1 58. 8 58. 5 58. 2 57 11| 57. 8 || 57. 5 57. 2 56.11 10|| 60. 64 go. 3 || 60. 0 || 59.9 59. 6 || 39. 3., 59. 9, 58. 9 || 58. 6 58.2% 10#| 61.11"| 61. 74 61. 4 || 61. 60.10, 60.6}| 60. 3}| 60. 0 || 59. 9, 59. 6 11"| 63. 3 62.11; 62. 8 || 62. 5 || 62. 1 #| 61.10%| 61. 7 || 61. 4 || 61. O#| 60. 9% 11}| 64. 7 || 64. 3}| 64. o. 68. 8%| 63. 5%| 63. 2, 62.11 || 62. 7% 62. 4 || 62. 1 11; 65.11%. 65. 8 || 65. 4}| 65. 1 || 64. 9; 34.6%| 64. 3, 63.11%. 63. 8 || 63, 5 11}| 67. 4. 67. 0 | 66. 8%| 66, 5 | 66, 1}| 65.10 65. 6; 65. 3 || 65. 0 || 64 8% 12" | 68. 7}| 68. 4 | 68. 0%| 67. 9 67. 5%| 67. 2 | 66.10%| 66. 7 | 66. 3}| 66. 0 12}| 69.11%| 69. 8 || 69. 4}| 69. I | 68. 9%| 68. 6, 68. 2 #| 67. 11 || 67. 7; 67. 3} is: 7i. 4 || 71. 0}| 70. 8%| 70. 5 || 70. 1%| 69. 9}| 69. 6 || 69. 2 | 68.10%| 68. 7 12.É| 72. 8 || 72.4%| 72. 0#| 71. 9, 71. 5 || 71. 1 #| 70. 9}| 70. 6, 70. 2, 69 10} 13" | 74.0%| 78. 8%| 73. 4%| 73. O#| 72. 9 || 72, 5, 72. 1 #| 71, 9}| 71. 5; 71. 1; 13] | 75. 54|| 75. 1"| 74. 9 || 74. 5 || 74. 1 || 73. 9}| 73. 5%| 78. 1%| 72. 9%| 7.2. 6 isł| 76, 9}| 76.5 76. 1 || 75.9%| 75. 5}| 75, 1% 74.9% 74. 54 74.1%. 78, 9} | 18; 78. 1%| 77. 9 || 77. 5 77. 1 || 76.9 || 70. 5 || 76. 1 || 75. 9 || 75. 5 || 75. 1 14 79. 5 79. 1 78. 9 78. 5 || 78. 1 || 77. 9 || 77. 5 || 77. 1 || 76. 9 76. 4% 14}| 80.10 80. 5%| 80. 1 || 79. 9 || 79. 5, 79. 0%| 78. 8%| 78. 4 || 78. 0 || 77. 8 14;| 82. 2 81. 9; 81. 5 81. 1 || 80. 8%| 89. 4}| 80. 0 || 79. 8 || 79. 3%. 78.11% 14%| 83. 6 83. 1; 82. 9 || 82. 5 || 82. O}| 8.1. 8%| 81. 4 || 81. 0, 80. 7# 80. 3.} 15" | 84.10%| 84. 6 | 84. 1; 83. 9}| 83. 4;| 88. 0%| 82. 8 || 82. 3}| 81.11, 81. 7 15}| 86. 14 85.10 | 85. 5;| 85. 1 | 84, 8%| 84. 4 || 83.11%| 83. 7 || 88. 2 #| 82.10 15|| 87.64 87. 2 || 86.9%. 86. 5, 86. 0}| 85. 8 || 85. 5%| 84 11 | 84. 6; 84. 2 15: 88.11"| 8s. 64 88. 2 | 87. 9%| 87. 5 || 87. 0 || 86, 7# 86. 3 85.10%| 8 || 5 | 16 go. 3 | 89.10%| 89. 5%| 89. I | 88. 8%| 88. 8%| 87.1 1 || 87. 6 87. 1 # 86. 9- 164|93. 04, 92. 7 || 92. 2 91.9 91. 4}| 90.11%| 90. 7, 90. 2, 89. 9, 89.4% 17 | 95. 8"| 95. 8 || 94.10 | 94. 5 94. 0 || 93. 7}| 93. 2 #| 92. 9%| 92. 4% 9... O 18 |101. 1 || 100. 74|100. 2 99.9 || 99. 4 || 98.10%| 98. 5%| 98. 0 || 97. 5 9 2 19 |106.6 106. 0%|105. 7 |105. 1;|104. 8 || 104, 2}|103. 9 || 103. 3}|102.10 || 10°. 4% 20 || 11.1 1 || 1 1. 5"||110. 1 1 || 10. 5;|109. 11; 109. 6 ||109. 0 || 108. 6;| 108. O}| 107. 7 154 C O CO A, BRAZIL., COLUMBIA AND ST. D. O M I N G O, FROM NEW YORK TO LONDON. 290 bags, weighing: Gross, 26,505 lbs. Tare, 265 , a] 1 tſ’ cent. Nett, 26,240 lbs. a) 8 cts. P. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... & 2,099] 20 Cartage, 3 cents?' bag,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 g º e º e s e 28° 8, 20 Mending, 1 99 99 do. tº e º 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 e o e º e e º a 6 a e e 95 2, 90 Bills of lading and small charges,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3, 80 Brokerage, # # cent,. . . . . . . . . . tº e º ºs e a e & . . . . . . 2, 10 / 50 Insurance, 282,300, a l; ?: cent, ſº tº c e s tº º e . . 2, 34, 50 59 90 28 2,159 10 Commission, a 5 tſ’ cent, 107 96 2&| 2,267 06 Exchange, 105 # cent. £ 485| 16 || 0 Freight, 2363 cwt. a 35s. p. ton, £20, 14, 4 Primage, 5 'º' cent, , 1, 0, 8 lººms £21, 15, 0 Entry, warrant, &c,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 m, 15 m 0 Landing charges, including rent, . . . . . . . . . . , 13, 16, 6 Lotting and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 2 / 15 / 6 Fire Insurance, 0# * cent. Brokerage, 0% , Commission, 2% , @ 5% tº cent . . . . 2,26, 18, 0 66 0 || 0 Guarantee, l 55 sºmsº Interest, l 95 :6 551] 16 || 0 add, Discount 2% tº cent. 13| 15 |10 £ 565. 11 |10 in London, cwt. qrs. lbs. cwt. grs. lbs, Weight, Gross, 236, 1 , 24 Draft, 2, 2, 11 a 1 lb. 7 // 3 // 5 Tare, 5 // O // 22 (a) 2 lbs. Nett, 228, 2, 19 Dust, 8, 0, 19 @ 4 lbs. º. 112 lbs. Nett, 220, 2, 0 a 51s. 3}d. P. cwt. in bond. £ 565. 9 || 0 H55 C O C O A. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING PRICES. EXCHANGE. NEW 105 106 107 108 109 I 10 I 11 1 12 York Or Or OI’ Or Or OI’ Or Or price D.cts.m. | D.cts, m D.cts.m. | D,cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. per Ib. 4.66.66 || 4 75.55 4.80.00 || 4.84.44 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 per cwt. per cwt. per cwt. per cwt. per cwt. per cwt. per cwt. per cwt. Cents. S. d. S. d. S. d. S. d. S. C. S. d. S. d. S. d. 4. 27. 8% 27. 6 27. 3.} | 27. 1 || 26.10% 26, 8 || 26. 5} | 26. 2 4} 29. 2 28. 11 28. 8% 28. 6 28. 3} | 28. O} | 27.10 27. 7% 4; 30. 7; 30. 4} || 30. 2 || 29.1 1 29. 8% 29. 5% 29. 2; 28, 11% 4; 32. 1; 31.10% 31, 7} || 31. 4} | 31. 1; 30.10% 30. 7# 30. 4; 5 33. 7 || 33. 3; 33. 0} | 32. 9; 3.2. 6; 32. 3} | 32. 0 || 31. 9 5} 85. 0% 34. 9" | 84. 6 | 84. 2% 33.11% 33. 8 || 33. 4} | 33. 1 5# 36. 6% 36. 3 || 35.11% 35. 8 || 35. 4} | 35. 1 , || 34, 9} | 84. 6 5} 38. o 37. 8 || 87. 4; 37. 1 || 36. 9; 36. 5% 36. 2 || 35.10% 6 39. 6 | 89. 2 | 38.10 || 38. 6; 38. 2; 37. 9 || 37. 4 || 37. 0 6} | 40.11% | 40. 7 || 40. 3.} | 39.11% 39. 7# 39. 3% 38.11% 38. 7# 6# 42. 5; 41. 1 || 4.1. 8% 41. 4} || 41. 0} | 40. 8; 40. 4} | 40. of 6# 43.11 || 43. 6; 43. 2 || 42.10 || 42. 5; 42. 1 # 41. 9 || 41. Aſ 7 45. 4; 45. O || 44. 7# 44. 3 || 43.10% 43. 6 || 43. 1; 42. 9 7# 48. 4 || 47.1 1 |47. 6 |47. 1 , || 46. 8% 46. 4 || 45.1 1 || 45. 6 8 51. 3} | 50.10 || 50. 5 || 49.11% 49. 6; 49. 1 # 48. 8% 48. 3.} 8# 54. 3% 58. 9; 53. 3.} | 52.10 || 52. 4} | 51.11 || 51. 5% 51. 0 9 57. 2 56. 8 || 56. 2 55. 8% 55. 2% 54. 9 || 54. 3 || 53. 9; 9; 60. 1% 59. 7 59. 0} | 58. 6; 5S. 0% 57. 6; 57. 0} | 56. 6í 1 O 63. of 62. 6 61.11% 61. 5 60.10% 59. 4 || 59. 10 || 59. § io | 66 o' | 65. 5 || 64.10" | 64. 3, 65. si 63. 3 || 6a, 7, 63, iſ 1 1 68.11 | 68. 3.} | 67. 8% 67. 1% | 66. 6} | 65.11% 65. 4} | 64. 9% 11% 71.10} | 71. 2 | 70. 7 || 69.11% 69. 4} | 68. 9 | 68. 2 | 67. 7 12 74.10 || 74. 2 | 73. 6 || 72.10% | 72. 2% 71. 7 || 70.11% 70. 4 12# 77. 9 || 77. 0% 76. 4} | 75, 8% 75. Oż 74. 4} | 73. 8% | 73. 0% J3 80. 8% 79.11% 79. 3 || 78. 7 || 77.10% 77. 0 || 76. 2 75. 4 13; 83. 7} | 82.10; 82. 1% 81. 5 80. 8% | 79, 9} | 78.11% 78. 1% J 4 86. 7 || 85. 10 || 85. O# | 84, 8% 83. 6; 82. 6 81. 9 81. 0 156 C A L C U L A TI O N S OF THE PRINCIPAL ARTICLES OF EXPORT FROM ENG LAND TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I R O N, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 50 Tons Iron, . . . . . . . . . . ſº tº. * ton, on board, . . . . . . f. 150 0 || 0 || Bills of lading and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . if 0 , 12, 6 º Insurance, £160, a 30s. P. cent, .. 8 2, 8, 0 Policy duty, ..., 0, 10, 0 , 2, 18, 0 3| 10 £ 153| 10 Commission, a 2 tº cent. 3 l £ 156] 12 Exchange, TOS+ cent. TST730|TSOT Freight, 50 tons, a 20s. P. ton, £50, 0, 0 Primage, 5 # cent, , 2, 10, 0 £52, 10, 0 Exchange, a £9 # 840. . . . . . . . . . . . 28.233, 33 Duty, - see below, Entry, bonding, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4,00 Cartage, labour and rent, 1 month, . . . . . . . . . . , 30, 00 Delivery and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5, 00 28.272, 33 Fire Insurance, none—Brokerage, } + cent, Commission, 5 # ct.—Guarantee, 2} + ct.— Interest, say 3 # ct-, -ā) 11 ?: cent, . . . . . . . . , 110, 34 382 67 28 1,113 47 in New York, 50 Tons, a 28 22.27 cts. ton, exclusive of duty. . . . . . . . # 1,113 50 || 0 Note. The results in the annexed table, which is intended for all kinds of iron, are to be understood as eaclusive of the American duty. To establish the prices of the different descriptions of iron, duty paid, the following rates must be added, in accordance with the Tariff Act of 14th July, 1832, (page 36) namely: Foh BAR AND BoIT IRON, not manufactured by rolling, duty 90 cts. per cwt, or § 18,00 cts. # ton. Commission and other charges on the same, say 103, . . . . . . . . . . . ,, 1 1/80 , , , , , -* Total & 19,180 9 3 3 2 y 9 For BAR AND Bolt IRoN, manufactured wholly or in part by rolling, duty,. . .830,00 cts. # ton. Commission and other charges on the same, say 10}, . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, 3/100 , , , , , , Total 2& 33,00 , , ,, , For PIG TRON duty 50 cents per cwt., or, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 10,00 cts. # ton. Commission and other charges on the same, say 103, . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, 1/100 , , , , , , Total & 11,100 cts. # ton: and t57 I R O N. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. (ExCLUSIVE of DUTY). | EXCHANGE. 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 1 11 1 12 LONDON $º Or Or Or OT Or OT Or Or price D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. per ton. 4.66.66 4.75.55 4,80.00 4,84.44 || 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 #. s. d. D. cts. D. cts. D. cts. D. cts. D. cts. D. cts. D. cts. D. cts. 3. O.0 22.27 22.42 22.58 22.73 22.89 23.04 23.20 23.36 3.10.0 24.96 25. 14 25.32 25.50 25.69 25.87 26.05 26.24 4. O.0 27.66 27.86 28.07 28.28 28.49 28.69 28.90 29. 1 1 4. 10.0 30.35 30.58 30.8 l 3 1.03 3 1.28 31.5 l S 1.75 31.99 5. O.0 33.05 $3.30 33.56 83.82 34.08 34, 33 34.59 34.85 5. 5.0 34.40 34.66 34.93 35.20 35.48 $5.75 36.02 36.30 5. 10.0 35.75 36.02 36.30 36.59 36.88 37. 16 37.44 37.72 5. 15.0 37. 10 37.20 37.68 37.97 38.28 38.57 38.87 39.17 6. O.O 38.44 38.74 39.05 39.36 39.67 39.98 40.29 40.61 6. 5.0 39.79 40. 10 40.42 40.74 4.1.07 41.40 4 l .72 42.05 6. 10.0 4.1. 13 41.46 4 1.79 42. 13 42.47 42.81 43. 14 43.48 6. 15.0 42.48 42.82 43. 17 43.52 43.87 44.22 44.57 44.92 7. O.0 43.83 44. 18 44.54 44.90 45.27 45.63 45.99 46.35 7. 5.0 45. 1 7 45.54 45.91 46.29 46.67 4.7.04 47.42 47.79 7. 10.0 46.52 46.90 47.29 47.68 48.07 48.46 48.84 49.23 7. 15.0 47.87 || 48.26 48.66 49.00 49.46 49.86 50.26 50.66 8. O.O 49.21 49.62 50.03 50.44 50.86 5 1.27 5 1.69 52. 1 || 8. 5.0 50.56 50.98 5 1.4() 51.83 52.26 52.68 53. 11 53.54 8.10.0 51.91 52.34 52.78 53.22 53.66 54. 1 O 54.54 54.98 8. 15.0 53.25 53,70 54. l 5 54.61 55.07 55.52 55.96 56.42 9. O.O 54.60 55.06 55.53 55.99 56.45 56.9 I 57.38 57.85 9. 5.0 55.95 56.42 56.90 57.37 57.85 58.32 58.80 59.28 9. 10 O 57.29 57.78. 58.27 58.76 59.25 59.74 60.22 60.71 9. 15.0 58.64 59. 13 59.65 60.15 60.65 61.15 61.64 62. 14 10. O. () 59.99 60.50 61.02 61.53 62.04 62.55 63.07 63.59 10. 10.0 62.68 62.22 63.76 64.30 64.84 65.38 65.92 66.46 1 1. O.O 65.37 65.94 66.5 l 67.07 67.64 68.2O 68.76 69.32 l 1. l 0.0 68.06 68.65 69.25 69.84 7 O.43 7 1.02 71.61 72.20 12. ().0 70.76 7 1.38 72.00 72.62 73.23 73.85 74.46 75.08 12. 10.0 | 73.45 74.09 74.74 75.38 76.03 76.67 77.3 1 77.95 13. O.O 76.15 76.8 l 77.48 78. 1 # 78.82 79.41 80.15 80.82 14. 0.0 8 1.55 82.26 82.97 83.69 84.4 l 85. 12 85.84 86.56 15, 0.0 86.92 87.69 88.46 89.23 90.00 90.77 91.53 92.30 and in the same manner for every other description of iron, or iron manufacture. Erample. To find the cost of bar iron, not rolled, invoiced at £5.00 per ton, exchange 108 p. cent. The preceding table shows the result to be exclusive of duty. . . . . . . . .833 ºr 82 cents per ton, Add the duty and charges thereon, as explained above.......... • . . . . . 19 m, 80 , , , , ,, Which gives for total cost... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28°53 tº 62 cents per ton. 158 SHE AT H IN G COPPER, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 18 cases, assorted from 16 to 24 oz. cwt. qrs. lbs. Nett 120, 2, 4 or 13,500 lbs.. . . . . . a 8d. P. lb. free on board,..:6 450 00 Bill of lading, &c e e º e º a 9 º' tº e s e s e s e o e s e e o 'º £ 0, 12 // 6 Insurance, £475, a 30s. #' cent, # 7, 0, 6 Policy duty, , I , 5, 0 tºmºmºmºmºmºmºmº » 8 , 5, 6 8| 18 £ 458, 18 || || Commission, 2 p. cent. 9| 3 || 6 33 468 I 6 -- Exchange, 105 # cent. & 2,184 35 | 0 Freight and primage, 0 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 C C C & a e º 'º e e º 'º 28°17, 84 Duty,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free, Entry, permit, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3, 50 Cartage, labour, cooperage, and mending, . . . . . . , 8, 00 Delivery and advertisements, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5, 60 Rent, postage, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5,50 28°40, 44 Brokerage, ... . . . . . 0} + cent. Fire Insurance, . . . . 0# , Commission, . . . . . . 5 33 @ 12# * cent, 280, 88 321|| 32 || 0 Guarantee, . . . . . . . . 2% , assº Interest, 9 months, .. 4% , 28 2,505 || 67 || 0 in New York, 3,500 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 18.” cents, * lb. . . . . . . . .28 2,505| 60 10 159 S H E A T H IN G CO P P E R. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 I 11 l 12 LONDON Or Or Or Or Or Or OT Or e lb D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. price p. 10. 4.66.66 4.75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 Pence. CentS. CentS. CentS. cents. CentS. centS CentS. CentS. 8# 18 56 18 73 18 90 1997 19 ** 19 42 19 °o 1978 8 1970 1988 20 00 20 °4 20 43 20 01 20 °0 2O 99 9 20 84 2 1 03 21 22 21 *l 2 1 01 22 80 22 99 22 °o 9% 21 98 22 18 22 38 22 58 22 79 23 99 28 20 23 41 10 23 1? 23 93 23 * 23 7° 23 97 24 * 24 40 24 0° 10# 24 ** 24 47 24 70 24 9° 25 15 25 * 25 °l 25 84 1 1 25 39 25 02 25 80 26 09 26 93 26 °7 26 * 26 0° 11; 26 ° 26 77 27 0° 27 °6 27 51 27 7° 28 91 28 °0 12 27 67 27 92 28 18 28 43 28 69 28 85 29 21 29 47 13 29 94 30 22 30 50 30 78 31 06 31 34 31 62 31 90 B A R A N D B L O C K TI N. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. LoNDoN 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 1 11 112 : Or Or Or Or Or Or OT Or price D.cts.m D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts.m D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. per cwt. 4.66.66 4.75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 4.88.88 4.93,33 4.97.77 Shillings, cents. centS. CentS. cents CentS. CentS. CentS. CentS. 67 1665 16 80 1696 17 tº 17 27 17 43 17 39 1775 68 16 89 17 o' 17 so 17 36 17 sº 17 de 17 8s 18 os 69 17 14 17 29 17 43 17 Gl 1778 1794 18 11 18 °8 70 17 38 17 54 17 70 17 86 18 O3 18 19 18 36 18 53 7 1 17 63 1779 17 95 18 19 18 29 18 45 | 8 62 1879 72 17 87 18 03 18 °0 18 37 18 54 18 71 1888 190° 73 18 13 18 38 18 4° 1862 18 80 18 97 1914 1991 74 18 36 18 ° 1879 18 87 1993 19 * 1939 1960 55 18 61 18 78 18 95 19 13 1931 19 48 1963 19 82 76 18 85 19 ° 19 °o 1938 19 ° 19 7° 1991 2009 160 B A R A N D B L O C K T IN. FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 200 CWt. a 678. tº cwt. free on board, . . . . . . . . . . £ 670 Bills of lading and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . :8 0 , 12, 6 Insurance, £700, a 30s. P ct. £ 10, 10, 0 Policy duty, , 1 , 15, 0 ——— , 12, 5 , 0 I 2 £ 682 Commission, 2 tº cent. 13 £ 696 Exchange, 105 tº cent. 28 3,250 Freight, 10 tons, a 20s. # ton, £10, 0, 0 Primage, 5 tſ’ cent, 2, 0, 10, 0 #10, 10, 0 Exchange, £9 tſ’ 8.40. . . . . . 28 46 , 67 Duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º & free, Entry and custom-house charges,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2, 80 Cartage, labour, rent, I month, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8, 00 Delivery, postage, advertising, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 50. 28 60, 97 Fire Insurance, ... à tº cent." Brokerage, . . . . . . * > Commission, .... 5 55 Sa) 12:3 tp ct. . . . . , 418, 07 479 1. - Guarantee, . . . . . . 2# 2, 28 3,729 Interest, 9 months, 4} , - in New York, 200 cwt.=22,400 lbs., . . . . . . a) 16” cts. # lb. . . . . . . . . 28 3,729 For the table of corresponding prices see page 159. 16] T IN PLATES, TROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. () () 6 i 1000 boxes, IC. . . . . . . . . @ 28s. P box. . . . . . . . . . :6| 1,400 00 500 do. IX. . . . . . . . . . a 34s. , do. . . . . . . . . . . . . 850. O() 1500 boxes, £ 2,250 00 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . £ 0 , 12, 6 Insurance, £2,400, a 30s. tſ’ cent, É36, 0, 0 Policy duty, , 6, 0, 0 — 42, 0, 6 42|| || 2 # 2,292. 12 Commission, 2 tº cent. 45 17 #2| 2,338 9 Exchange, 105 tº cent. 28, 10,912, 88 Freight, 130 tons, a 20s. # ton, £130, 0 Primage, 5}, , 6, 10 #136, 10 Exchange, £9 & 28.40, 2&606, 67 Duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free Entry, bonding, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4, 00 Cartage, labour, rent, 1 month, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 70, 00 Delivery and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8, 00 - 2&688, 67 Fire Insurance, ... 0# tº cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0% 59 Commission, .... 5 35 a 113 tº cent. , 1,290, 67| 1,979 34 Guarantee,...... 2% 95 —s Interest,. . . . . . ... 3 55 12,892 22 in New York, l500 boxes, . . . . . . . . . . @ 28.8, 59% cts. P. box . . . . . . . . 28 12,892 50 162 T IN P L A T E S. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. LoNDoN PRICE per box. 2-3rds | 1-3rd IC. IX. S. S. 20 26 21 27 22 28 23 29 24 30 25 31 26 32 27 33 28 34 29 35 30 36 31 37 32 38 33 39 34 40 EXCHANGE. | Average 105 106 107 108 109 II () | | || | 12 * Or Or Or Or Or Or OT or price D.cts.ml Dicts m | D.cts.ml D.cts.ml D.cts.m. | Dicts.m. | Dicts.m. | D.ctsm Per box" | 4.66.66 4.71.11 4.75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 4.88.88 4.93.33 1977 | S. Dol.cts. | Dol.cts. Dol,cts. Dol.cts. | Dol.cts. | Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. 22 6.43%| 6.49 6.55 6.60% 6.66%| 6.72 6.78 6.84 23 6.70; 6.76% 6.82% 6.88%| 6.94}| 7.00 || 7.06 r. 12 24 6.97%| 7.03% 7.10 || 7. 16 || 7.22}| 7.28} | 7.34% 7.40% 25 7.24}| 7.30% 7.37% 7.43}| 7.50%| 7.56% 7.63 || 7.69 26 7.5 I; 7.58 || 7.65 7.71% 7.78% 7.85 7.91% 7.98 27 7.78%| 7.85% 7.92% 7.99% 8.06% 8.13% 8.20 8.27 28 8.05%| 8.12% 8.20 8.27 | 8.34 || 8.41 8.48 || 8.55 29 8.32%| 8.40 8.47% 8.54% 8.62% 9.69% 8.76% 8.84 30 8.59%| 8.67 8.74% 8.82 8.90 | 8.97% 9.05 || 9.02} 31 8.86%| 8.94 | 9.02 || 9. 10 || 9. 18 9.26 9.33% 9.41% 32 9. 13%| 9.21 9.29 9.37% 9.46 9.54 9.62 || 9.70 33 9.40%| 9.48% 9.57 9.66% 9.74 9.82% 9.91 0.99% 34 9.67% 9.76 9.84 9.93 || 10.02 || 10.10% 10.19% 10.28 || 35 9.94%| 10.03 || 10.12 || 10.21 | 10.30 | 10.39 10.48 || 10.57 36 || 10.21%| 10.31% 10.40 | 10.49 || 10.58 || 10.67 || 10.76% 10.85%| ł63 W H IT E COTT O N G O O DS, FROM MANCHESTER TO NEW YORK. WI DTH. LENGTH H. Rice. NUM BER DEscription. of the of # pieces nominal. Actual. half piece.p. ; piece. per yard. in a case. yards. inches. yards. S. S. d. d. White Cambrics . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6–4 . . 38 a 44 • 12 . . 6 a 12 (; a 12 | ... 100 do. do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8 . . . .31 a 36 | . . 12 . . 5 a 12 || 5 a 10 | ... 100 do. Jaconets, &c. . . . . . . . . . ... 6-4 . . . 40 a 46 ... 12 .. 10 a 24 10 a 24 ... 100 EXCLUSIVE OF D UTY. 10 cases, white Cambrics, Jaconet or Jaconet muslins, containing 1000 half pieces, 12 yards each, a 10s. iſ piece, or 10d. “P yard, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fº 500 0 || 0 Discount, 2% dy’ cent. 12| I () || 0 #3 487| 10 () Cases and packing charges in Manchester, . . . . £ 5, 0, 0 Freight to Liverpool # railroad, a 10s. P ton, or 1s. 6d. iP package, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 m, 15 m 0 Insurance, £525, a 30s. tſ’ ct. . . . . .67, 17, 6 Policy duty, . . . . , 1, 10, 0 tºmºmºsºmºmºmºsº » 9, 7 // 6 15 2 6 f 502 12 6 Commission, 2 d? cent. 1() | | 0 f 512 13 6 Dock and town dues, cartage, bills of lading, and petty expenses in Liverpool, . . . . . . . . . . £ 0, 18, 6 Commission for shipping, a 2s. 6d. iP package, , 1 , 5 , 0 2 3 || 6 x #3 514, 17 O Exchange, a 105 tº cent. & 2,402 63 || 0 Freight, 95 ft. a 1s. # foot & primage, 5 # ct. £4, 19, 9 Exchange, a £9 tº 840, 28 22, 16 Duty, see page 165. Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 50 Cartage and housing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 40 Delivery, advertising and rent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 10 / 60 ſº 28, 39 , 66 . Insurance,. . . . . . O# tº cent ommission, . . . . . . . . 5 35 º tº ; * * Guarantee, gº tº it tº ſº tº º ſº. 2% 35 a 12# tº ct. 336, 99 376 65 O 1 * Interest, 9 months, .. 4% , 28 2,779| 28 || 0 12,000 yards, . . . . a 23 "cts. # yard, exclusive of duty,. . 28 2,779| 20 | 0 Y 2 164 W H IT E CO TT O N G O O D S. A. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. (ExCLUSIVE of DUTY). EXCHANGE. Manchester 19° 106 107 108 109 1 10 1 ll 1 12 price OT Or Or Or Or Or Or Or D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m P*Y* | 4.66.66 || 4.75.55 4.80.00 || 484.44 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 Pence. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. 6 14 19 1 4 3? 14 40 1 4 39 14 7° 14 85 1 4 98 15 || 6} 14 7° 14 89 15 0° | 5 |7 1 5 90 15 44 1 5 97 15. 7" 6# 15 31 1 5 45 15 60 15. 74 1 5 98 16 0° 16 17 1631 6# 15 87 16 0° 16 7 1632 16 47 1662 16 70 169, 7 1644 16 39 16 75 16 90 17 os 17 20 17 33 17 50 7} 1699 17 13 17 as 17 48 17 63 1779 1794 18 19 7# 17 35 | 17 7" | 17 89 18 05 | 1831 18 37 | 1834 187° 7} 18 11 18 29 1840 1863 18 79 1896 1913 1999 8 18 68 18 85 19 03 19 20 19 38 19 55 19 72 19 89 8} 19 24 19 42 19 60 19 78 19 96 20 1 4 2O 31 2O 49 8% 19 80 19 98 2O 17 20 35 20 54 2 () 72. 2() 91 21 09 8% 20 30 2O 55 20 74 2O 93 2 1 12 21 32 21 50 2 1 09 9 2O 9° 21 1 i 21 31 2 1 50 2 1 70 2 1 89 22 09 22 ** 9} 21 48 2 I 63 21 88 22 08 22 28 22 48 22 68 22 * 9% 22 04 22 35. 22 40 22 66 22 87 23 97 23 28 23 * 9} 22 00 22 81 23 0° Q3 24 23 45 23 00 23 87 24 9° I O 23 19 || 23 38 || 23 00 || 23 82 24 03 24 as 24 40 24 * 10} 23 7° 23 94 24 '7 24 39 24 61 24 83 25 05 25 °7 10% 24 28 24 51 24 74 24 97 25 19 25 +1 25 64 25 °7 10} 24 84 25 07 25 °) 25 °4 25 78 26 01 26 24 26 47 1 1 25 40 25 64 25 89 26 13 26 36 26 00 26 83 27 07 I 1} 25 90 26 20 26 45 26 09 26 94 27 18 27 42 27 66 11; 26 5* 26 77 27 09 27 27 27 sº 27 77 28 03 28 °7 11% 27 08 27 34 27 60 27 85 28 10 28 35 28 00 28 8° 12 97 63 27 91 28 '7 28 43 28 09 28 95 29 20 29 ° 12} QS 21 28 47 28 74 29 99 29 27 29 % 29 79 30 ° 12% 28 77 29 04 29 ° 29 % 29 85 30 ° 3O 39 30 °" 12} 29 33 29 00 29 % 30 tº 30 43 30 70 30 98 31 * 13 29 89 3O 17 30 40 30 74 31 01 31 29 31 57 31 * 13+ 30 4° 30 74 31 03 31 31 31 39 31 38 32 16 32 * 18% 31 ol 31 30 3 l 60 3 1 99 32 is 32 47 32 76 33 * 18% 31 57 31 °7 || 32 17 | 32 40 32 70 33 05 || 33 33 33 * 14 32 tº 32 4° 32 74 33 04 33 34 33 64 33 94 34 * 14} 32 69 33 00 33 * 33 01 33 92 34 * 34 53 34 * 1.4% 33 ** 33 * 33 88 34 19 34 50 34 81 35 13 35 * 14} 33 81 34 ** 34 45 34 77 35 09 35 41 35 7? 36.9% 1 5 34 37 34 79 35 93 35 35 36 67 36 99 36 31 36% 15} 34 94 35 °7 35 60 35 93 36 °5 36 37 36 90 37. 15% 35 49 35 8° 36 7 36 50 36 83 37 16 37 30 37 15} 360° 36" | 36 tº 37 07 37 41 37 75 38 09 38 ° | 65 A table exclusive of DUTY, CONTINUATION. EXCHANGE. Manchester | 19° 106 107 108 109 1 10 1 1 1 1 12. price Or Or Ol' Or OT Or Or Or D cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. P**| 4.66.66 4.71.11 || 4.75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 | 1.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 Pence. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. 16 36 62 36 96 S7 31 37 65 38 00 38 34 38 68 39 02 16} 37 18 37 53 37 88 38 23 * 38 58 38 93 39 28 39 63 16# 37 74 38 09 38 45 38 80 39 16 39 51 39 87 40 29 16# 38 30 38 00 39 0° 39 38 3974 4O 19 40 40 40 8° 17 38 80 39 °3 39 00 39 96 40 ** 40 08 41 0° 41 + 17+ 39 42 39 79 40 17 40 °4 40 90 41 27 4 I 65 42 0° 17% 39 98 40 30 40 74 41 13 41 *9 41 87 42 ** 42 0° 17# 40 ** 4() 92 41 * 41 69 42 °7 42 4° 42 * 43 * 18 41 10 41 49 4 l 88 42 37 42 * 43 04 43 * 43 82 18} 41 06 42 0° 42 4° 42 84 43 °3 43 0° 44 ° 44 ** 18% 42 22 42 62 43 02 43 42 43 81 44 21 44 61 45 Ol 18} 42 78 43 18 43 59 43 99 44 40 44 80 45 20 45 60 19 43 * 43 75 44 16 44 37 45 98 45 39 45 °0 46 °l 19% 43 99 44 3? 44. 74 45 1" 45 °6 45 97 46 99 46 80 19; 44 49 44 88 45 °l 45 7° 46 14 46 50 46 97 47 39 19% 45 0° 45 45 45 88 46 30 46 7? 47 14 47 37 47 99 20 45 39 46 02 46 45 46 88 47 31 47 74 48 7 48 00 20+ 46 15 46 58 47 0? 47 4.5 47 89 48 3% 48 77 49 20 20% 46 7" 47 15 47 39 48 0° 48 47 48 91 49 36 49 80 20% 47 27 47 71 48 16 48 60 49 05 49 50 49 96 50 41 2 1 47 83 48 28 48 74 49 19 49 % 50 0° 50 * 51 00 21} 48 39 48 85 49 ° 49 79 50 °2 50 0° 51 14 5 I Go 21; 48 9° 49 4' 49 88 50 34 50 80 51 * 5 1 7° 52 19 2.1% 49 º' 49 98 50 45 50 9° 5 1 39 51 80 52 33 52 80 22 50 97 5() * 5 1 0° 51 49 5 1 90 52 4° 52 91 53 38 TO ASCERTAIN THE DUTY ON WHITE COTTON GOODS FROM MANCHESTER. {{ {{ {& 64 square yard.”—Act of 14th July 1832, Sec. 2. “ All manufactures of cotton, or of which cotton is a component part, to pay a duty of 25 per cent, ad valorem, excepting cotton twist, yarn and thread, provided that all manufactures of cotton, or of which cotton shall be a component part, not dyed, coloured, printed, or stained, not earceeding in value 30 cents the square yard (at the place from whence eaſported) shall be valued at 30 cents the . , CALCULATION of the lowest prices at which white CAMBR ics, JAcon ETs, and JAC on ET MUSLINs should be purchased in Manchester, to correspond with the American customs minimum valuation of 30 cents per square yard, as computed by the customs of the United States. 1000 half pieces, 12 yards each,-12,000 yards, 40 inches wide, @ 16*d. per yard, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ - Discount, 2% per cent. f Packing charges in Manchester and conveyance to Liverpool, . . . . . . . . . . £ Commission 2 per cent. £| Exchange, a 284.80cts. per £23. 2& @ 30 cts. per square yard & 12,000 running yards, 40 inches wide, or 13,333; square yards, 832| 1 || 9 20|| 16 || 1 811| 5 || 8 5| 15 || 0 817|TOTTST 16| 6 |10 533T TBT -Tº-Ti, 4,000 00 | 66 W H ITE CO TT O N G O O D S. B. TABLE showing the prices in Manchester, per running yard (according to the respective widths,) which are equivalent to the valuation of 30 cents per square yard, on the principle of the foregoing computation. Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Fauivalent Widths] ". Widths “...” Widths PRICE. Widths] "...c. inches. p. running yd. inches. p. running yd, inches, ſp. running yd, inches. Ip, running yd. 30 pence 12" | 36 pence 14* | 42 pence 17 * | 48 |pence 19* 3 I ,, 12*7° 37 ,, 15 * 43 ,, 17 * 49 ,, 20 * 32 ,, 13 * | 38 ,, 15 *| 44 ,, 18°7 50 ,, 20 * 33 ,, 137° 39 ,, 16 * | 45 ,, 1879" | 51 ,, 21 * 34 ,, 14 °7 | 40 ,, 16.9° 46 ,, 19" | 52 ,, 2 1 009 35 ,, 14 *| 4 | ,, 17 °" | 47 ,, 19°7′ 53 ,, .22 * If the price in Manchester of WHITE CoTToN Goods of any given width, is LEss than the corresponding equivalent of 30 cents per square yard, as shown in the preceding table, the value of the article being nevertheless considered by the customs as 30 cents per square yard, the rate of duty per ruuning yard may be computed for any given width in the following manner: One square yard of 36 inches being valued at. . . . . . . . . . 30 cents, and the duty on that valuation being 25 per cent, or. 7#cts. p. sq. yd. the proportionate duty for every inch of width, is . . . . . . . . . 208 CtS. add for commission, guarantee, fire insurance and interest, @ 10 # per cent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022 , which gives for every inch of actual width, on account of duty and charges thereon, a total of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 TODO cents ExAMPLE. Cambrics, 40 inches wide, the cost price of which in Manchester, exclusive of charges, is 10d. per running yard, appear from table B. to cost LEss than the equivalent of 30 cents per square yard. They are consequently valued for duty at 30 cents per square yard, and their actual cost in America is to be ascertained by the following method: 10 pence per yard, of 40 inches wide, prime cost, gives, with the addition of all charges, except duty, at the exchange of 108 per cent, as shown in table A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per running yard. 23” cents. to which must be added: Duty and charges thereon for 40 inches, at the rate of #4 of a cent per inch, as above. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is a s e s a e e s tº e e º e º e o 0. giving the total cost, inclusive of duty and all charges, . . . . p. run, yd. 33” cents. 930 66 WHITE Cotton Goods, which cost MoRE than the corresponding equivalents of 30 cents per square yard, as shown in table B, pay a duty of 25 per cent on their actual value. The following calculation, which includes such duty, and the table accompanying it, (C) are applicable to those finer descriptions of goods. 167 W H IT E COT TO N FROM MANCHESTER TO NEW YORK. G O O DS, INCLUSIVE OF DUTY. 10 cases, white Cambric, Jaconets or Jaconet muslins, 30 inches wide, containing : 1000 half pieces, 12 yards each, a 124d. p. yard, . . . . . . . . £ 625 0 || 0 Discount, 2.; tº cent. 15| 12 || 6 f 609| 7 || 6 Cases and packing charges in Manchester,. . . . £ 5, 0, 0 Freight to Liverpool tº railroad,....... . . . . . » 0 , 15 / 0 Insurance, £650, a 30s. P. cent, É9, 15, 0 Policy duty, , 1, 15, 0 — , l l ,, 10 ,, 0 17 5 O #: 626, 12 || 6 Commission, 2 tº cent. 12| || 0 || 8 #|T639|T3TT2 Shipping charges and commission in Liverpool, .......... 2| 3 || 6 #3 64 1. Gº || 8 Exchange, a 105 WCTF-575-55-i- Freight and charge, specified page 163, . . . . . . . . 28 39 , 66 Duty, £627, 8, 6, exclusive of insurance, @ 28°4.80 cts. Plb.,. . . . . . . . . . 283,011.64 @ 25 tº cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 752, 91 Discount, 1} {P cent, , 11, 27 , 741 , 64 28°781 , 30 Fire Insurance,. . . . . . Oś tº cent. ãº"........ , , ), ºr * * * * * | Interest, 9 months, .. 4} , 28 4,294. 94 12,000 yards, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 35” cents # yard . . . . 28 4,294 so C. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES, (INCLUsive of duty.) EXCHANGE. Manchester | 19° 106 107 108 109 1 10 1 11 1 12 e Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or price D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. P*Y* | 4.66.66 4.71.11 || 4.75.55 4.80.00 || 484.44 || 4.88.88 4.93.33 || 4.97.77 Pence. [cts. p. yd.cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd.]cts. p. yd. 12} 35 79 36 00 36 34 36 61 36 88 37 is 37 42 37 69 12# 36 49 || 36 77 | 37 05 || 37 33 || 37 00 || 37 * | 38 tº 38 48 13 37 19 37 47 37 76 38 04 38 32 38 60 38 88 39 16 13} 37 89 || 38 18 || 38 47 38 76 39 °4 39 % 39 62 39 9. 13% 38 39 38 88 39 18 39 47 39 77 40 00 40 ** 40 64 1.68 W H IT E C OT TO N G O O D S. C. TABLE EXCLUSIVE OF DUTY, CONTINUATION. EXCHANGE. Manchester 19° 106 107 108 109 1 10 | | 1 I 12 - price Or Or Or Or Or Or Or GI’ D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts m D.cts m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m |P"Y" | 4.66.66 471.11 || 4.75.55 480.00 4.84.44 4.88.88 4.93.33 || 4.97.77 Pence |cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd |cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. |cte. p. yd. |cts p. yd. |cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. 13; 39 °9 39 39 39 89 40 19 40 49 40 79 || 4 1 99 || 4 || 39 14 39 99 40 30 40 °l 40 91 41 * 41 */ 41 81 42 '' 14} 40 99 || 4 1 00 || 4 | * 41 63 41 94 || 42 34 || 42 * | 42 * 14% 41 °9 || 4 || 7 || 42 0° 42 * || 42 09 || 42 97 43 ** | 43 00 14} 42 09 42 +1 42 74 43 O6 43 37 43 69 44 91 44 33 15 42 79 43 12 43 * 43 77 44 09 44 42 44 74 45 07 15} 43 49 43 ** | 44 19 || 44 49 || 44 81 45 14 || 45 47 || 45 80 15% 44 °0 4.4 °3 44 87 45 °0 45 * 45 87 46 °l 46 °4 15} 44 90 45 °4 45 * 45 9° 46 26 46 00 46 94 47 28 16 45 60 45 94 46 29 46 63 46 98 47 32 47 67 48 0.1 16} 46 30 46 65 47 00 47 3.5 47 70 48 05 48 40 48 75 16# 47 00 47 35 47 71 48 O6 48 42 48 77 49 13 49 48 16# 47 70 48 00 48 ° 48 79 49 4 49 49 49 87 50 ** 17 48 40 48 77 49 “ 49 30 49 % 50 °3 50 00 50 97 17} 49 10 49 47 49 85 50 32 50 59 50 96 5 1 33 5 1 70 17# 49 80 50 18 50 56 50 94 5 1 31 51 68 52 00 52 44 17# 50 50 50 89 51 28 51 66 52 03 52 4° 52 80 53 | 8 18 5 1 20 5 1 39 51 98 52 37 52 7° 53 14 53 * 53 92 18} 51 90 52 39 52 09 53 08 53 47 53 80 54 20 54 65 18} 52 60 53 00 53 40 53 80 54 19 54 59 || 54 99 || 55 39 18; 53 30 53 70 54 * 54 * 54 91 55 * 55 7° 56 12 19 54 00 54 41 54 * .55 °3 5504 56 0° 56 40 56 87 19+ 54 70 55 !! 55 * 55 94 56 36 56 77 57 19 57 go 19; 55 40 55 82 56 °4 56.66 57 08 57 so 57 92 58 34 19; 56 10 || 56 ° 56°" | 57 37 57 °o 58 ° 58 ° 59 of 2O 56 80 57 * | 57 " || 58 09 58 ° 58 95 || 59 39 || 59 82 20+ 57 so 57 93 58 37 58 80 59 °4 5908 60 1° 60 5* 20% 58 30 58 64 59 ° 59 ° 59 97 60 41 60 85 61 29 20% 58 93 59 °4 59 79 60 24 60 69 61 13 61 38 62 0° 21 59 60 60 0.5 60 50 60 95 61 41 61 86 62 31 62 76 21} 60 30 60 76 61 22 61 68 62 13 62 59 63 0.5 63 51 21; 61 00 || 6 1 40 || 6 || 9° | 62 39 || 62 85 63 31 || 63 78 || 64 24 21% 61 70 62 17 62 04 63 "1 63 57 64 04 64 51 64 98 22 62 40 62 87 63 35 63 82 64 30 64 77 65 24 65 71 22} 63 10 63 38 64 00 64 54 65 0° 65 50 65 97 66 4s 22} 63 80 64 28 64 77 65 25 65 74 66 22 66 71 67 19 22} 64 50 64 99 65 48 65 97 66 46 66 95 67 44 67 93 23 65 20 63 69 66 19 66 68 67 18 67 47 68 17 68 66 23# 65 90 66 40 66 90 67 40 67 90 68 40 68 90 6 40 23# 66 60 67 10 67 61 68 0° 68 63 69 O3 69 64 70 95 23# 67 30 67 81 68 3? 68 sº 69 3.5 69 86 7 O 37 70 88 24 68 00 68 51 69 03 60 55 70 07 70 59 71 10 7 1 62 l69 C OT TO N P R IN TS, FROM MANCHESTER TO NEW YORK. WIDTH, nominal fiths. yard; actual from 22 to 26 inches. LENGTH of the piece, 28 yards. N.B. Prints ºths. yard wide are rarely sent. EXCLUSIVE OF DUTY. 10 cases Prints, containing, ë 1000 pieces, 28 yds. each, 28,000 yds. a 14s. iP piece, or 6d. * yard, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 700 O () Discount, 1% d? cent. 10| 10 | () £ 689| 10 || 0 Calendering and making up, a 2d. tº piece, ... + 8, 6, 8 Cases, packing, and pattern cards, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 9, 0, 0 Freight to Liverpool, a 2s. P case, . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 / 0 , 0| Insurance, £750, a 30s. tº cent, . . . . £11, 5 , 0 Policy duty, , 2, 0, 0 2, 13 // 5 // () 3] 11 8 £ 721| 1 || 8 Commission, 2 tſ' cent. 14|| 8 || 5 £| 735 10 || 1 Dock and town dues, cartage, bills of lading and petty charges in Liverpool, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº 0, 18, 6 Commission for shipping, a 2s. 6d. iP case, . . . . , 1, 5 , 0 2| 3 || 6 £ 737 13 || 7 Exchange, a 105 tº cent, 28 || 3,442 50 Freight, 100 ft, a 1s. #' foot, & 5 tº ct. primage, £5, 5, 0 Exchange, a £9 tº 28°40, 28.23, 33 Tuty, see page 171. Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3, 50 Cartage and housing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3, 40 Delivery, advertising and rent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 10, 60 840, 83 Fire Insurance, ... 0# tº cent. Commission, . . . . 5 » I - -- - Guarantee, . . . . . . 2# , @ 12# tº cent, .. , 480, 6. 521| 45 - Interest, as e e º 'º e º 'º 4# 55 2& 3,963 95 in New York, * 28,000 yards, e e e s e º a . (a) 14 16 Cents dy yard, , © C e º O C C C C o e e .23 3,964 80 Z C OT TO N P R IN T S. A. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. (ExCLUSIVE of DUTY.) EXCHANGE. 10 Manchester 5 106 107 108 109 I 10 1 || 1 l price Or Or Or Or 12 d D.cts. m D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.ct D Or Or Or Or er e & W. Wºk, J tº , CUS. Iſl P*Y* || 4.66.66 4.71.11 || 4.75 .cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. P .75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 º cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts rd tº avº tº 4# 10 70 10 86 10 90 06 . p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd cts. p. yd. 43 11 33 43 1 1 1 1 16 1 1 26 36 46 Zſ 1 1 1 11 54 64 1 1 1 1 5 11 89 00 1 1 1 1 75 1 1 85 1 96 06 12 12 11 22 34 - l 12 l, 1 2 46 57 12 12 12 * 1 2 56 6 4 I 2 12 09 12 81 92 12 07 5% 13 oa 13 ** 13 27 39 12 13 04 13 10 13 27 5} 13 59 13 7° 13 85 13 98 13 * 13 03 13 7° 13 87 6 14 16 14 °9 14 42 3. 14 10 14 °3 14 * 14 48 6} 14 73 14 86 15 00 14. 14 69 14 83 14 95 15 08 6# 15 29 1543 15 59 15 72 15 28 15 43 15 * 15 68 63. 15 86 01 5 15 15 86 | 16 00 6 15 2 4. 16 16 16 16 30 4 16 16 29 7 16 43 16 68 16 73 88 16 5 1660 16 75 16 89 7} 1699 17 15 17 31 16 47 17 ot 17 so 17 35 17 so 7# 17 36 1773 # , 17 05 17 63 17 79 1795 18 10 7# 18 13 18 30 18 47 18 64 18 ° 18 °8 18 °4 18 71 8 18 69 1930 1904 !. 18 80 18 97 1914 1991 8+ 19 25 43 19 1939 1950 1974 91 # 19 1962 | 1989 98 9 19 8#. 1983 2O 91 20 20 9 39 19 20 ° 2O 34 20 ** 8#. 2O 38 2O 57 20 77 2O 96 2O 57 20 79 20 94 21 13 9 2O 95 21 13 21 35 20. 21 10 21 * 21 54 21 73 9} 21 52 21 72 21 93 21 13 21 74 21 94 22 14 22 34 9% 22 08 22 39 22 50 22 71 22 39 22 * 22 7° 22 94 9} 22 65 22 86 23 08 22 29 22 9° 23 1? 23 * 25 * 10 23 22 23 44 23 66 23 88 23 * 23 7° 23 99 24 14 10} 23 78 24 99 24 °3 23 46 24 19 24 * 24 * 24 7° 10; 24 35 24 58 24 81 24 04 24 69 24 91 25 ° 25 30 10} 24 9? 25 15 25 39 25 62 25 °7 25 °9 25 7° 25 90 11 25 48 25 7° 25 90 25 20 25 86 26 09 26 3° 26 30 11} 26 05 26 29 26 54 26 9 26 55 26 69 26 9° 27 17 11; 26 62 26 87 27 12 26 º 27 64 27 28 27 52 27 77 11} 27 18 27 43 27 69 27 95 27 63 27 87 28 ° 28 °7 12 27 75 28 0. 28 27 : 53 28 °l 28 47 28 7° 28 9° I 2 Q 80 12+ 28 33 28 38 28 85 º 12 28 39 29 06 22 * 29 ° 29 29 66 29 9 | 30 18 C OT TO N P R IN T S. TO ASCERTAIN THE DUTY ON DYED, PRINTED, COLOURED OR STAINED COTTON GOODS. “To pay a duty of 25 per cent, ad valorem. Provided, that all manufactures of cotton, or of which “cottoo is a component part, if dyed, coloured, printed or stained, in whole or in part, not earceeding in “value 35 cents the square yard (at the place from whence eaſported) shall be valued at 35 cents the “square yard.” Act of 14th puly, 1832, Sec. 2. CALCULATION of the lowest prices at which British Cotton Prints, Nankeens, and Coloured Quiltings, (bearing a discount of 1% per cent) should be purchased in Manchester, to correspond with the American customs’ minimum- valuation of 35 cents the square yard, as computed there. 28,000 yards, 22 inches wide, . . . . . . @ 10 “d. # yard. ... f 1,223| 4 || 6 Discount 1; p. cent. 18| 6 || 9 # 1,204 17 | 9 Packing charges in Manchester and conveyance to Liverpool, (see page 169) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18| 6 || 8 £ 1,223| 4 || 5 Commission, 2 + cent. 24, 9 || 3 £ 1,247| 13 || 8 Exchange, a 284.80 cents tº £. 28' 5,988 89 28,000 running yards, 22 inches wide, or 17,111; square yards, a 35 cents # square yard, ... 28' 5,988 89 B. TABLE shewing the Manchester prices per running yard, (according to the respective widths,) which are equivalent to the valuation of 35 cents per square gard, on the principle of the above computation. WIDTHS, EQUIVALENT PRICEs. 22 inches, . . . . 19. pence # running yard. : 2 D : : #: 2 2 3, 2 3, 2 3, 2 25 2 3 11936 2 º' 3 * > 2. 2 º' p > tº º O ſº 2 P. § 2. 9 y 9 • 26 2 3 C & © e 12430 2 O 2, 2 32 92 {74 C OT TO N P R IN T S. The foregoing table shows the exact prices at which the principal coloured eotton goods of usual widths must respectively be procured in Manchester, in order to import the same into the United States at the customs’ valuation of 35 cents per square yard, which is the lowest valuation upon which the duty of 25 per cent is taken. Therefore, if these goods should cost in Manchester, LEss than 35 cents per square yard (or the equivalents thereof in sterling money per running yard, according to the actual width as ascertained above,) they are assumed by the American customs to have cost that minimum valuation, and the importer has in such case, to clear his goods at a duty of 25 per cent on a nominal value, which in reality exceeds their actual value in proportion to the difference be- tween the latter in price and width, and the assumed value of 35 cents per square gyard. In that case the proportionate rate of duty chargeable on the running yard º be ascertained for any given width by the mode already explained under white cotton goods, viz. One square yard of 36 inches being valued at........ 35 cents. and the duty on that valuation being 25 per cent, or . . . . 83 cents p. sq. yo. the proportionate duty for every inch of width, is . . . . . . ‘243 cent, add, for commission, guarantee, fire-insurance, and in- terest, together 10; per cent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *026 , which gives for every inch of actual width, on account of duty and charges thereon, a total of . . . . . . . . . . 269 1000 Ea'ample. Required to find the cost of a print, 25 inches wide, invoiced at Manchester, at 10 pence per (running) yard: On referring first to table B, it appears that such goods would cost less than the equivalent of 35 cents per square yard, and that they would consequently be valued for duty at 35 cents the square yard. This point being ascertained, their exact cost in the United States can be discovered without much trouble, by the following method : cent. 10 pence per yard prime cost gives, with the addition of all charges, earcept duty, at the exchange of 108 per cent, as per table A, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per (running) yard 19" cents. to which must be added: Duty and charges thereon, for 25 inches, at the rate of #, of a cent per inch, as above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6” giving the total cost, inclusive of duty and charges thereon, 55 per (running) yard. 25* cents, The subjoined calculation and table, marked C, which include the duty of 25 per cent on the actual invoice value of prints, is to be used only when they appear (on reference to table B), to have cost 35 cents per square yard, or MoRE than the equivalent of that valuation. For it is easily perceived, that as soon as the actual value of the goods reaches the minimum valuation, no further reference is required to their actual width in fixing the duty. In truth, it is only in that case, that the duty is in reality 25 per cent, at valorem. 178 C OTTO N P R IN TS, FROM MANCHESTER TO NEW YORK. INCLUSIVE OF DUTY. 10 cases containing, 1000 pieces, 28 pieces each,-28,000 yds. a 10}d. #' yard. . . . # 1,225 0 || 0 Discount, l; tº cent. 18| 7 || 6 # 1,206 12 || 6 Charges in Manchester, specified page 169, . . . . .818, 6, 8 Insurance, £1250, a 30s. #' cent, £18, 15, 0 Policy duty, , 3, 5 , 0 * 2,22 // O A/ O 40. 6 8 £ 1,246. 19 2 Commission, 2 tſ’ cent. 24, 18 10 - # 1,271 18 || 0 Charges in Liverpool, specified page 169. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2| 3 || 6 # 1,274|| 1 || 6 Exchange, a 105 tº cent. 281T 5,945 68 Freight, landing and delivery charges in New York, see page 169, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 40 m 83 Duty: Invoice value, exclusive of in- surance, £1249, 10, 0, exchange 28, 4.80 cts. d? £, 28°5997.80 cents, @ 25 d? cent, a e º e º 'º e º 'º . . .28, 1499,40 Discount, 1} {P cent, 2, 22,50 *mºnººmºº ,,1476 f / 9() 23 1,517, 73 Fire insurance, commission, guarantee and interest, a 12# tº cent, tº e º e e º e e e º O & e º O C C & 95 1,029 // 79 2,547 52 …” wº 28 8,493 20 28,000 yards, ......@ 30 * cents # yard, duty paid,. . . . . . 28' 8,492 40 | C. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. (Inclusive of Dury). EXCHANGE. Manchester! ” 106 107 108 109 1 10 l l 1 112 is Or Or Or Or OT OT Or Or price D cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m D.cts.m. || D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts-m Per yard. 4.66.66 4.71.11 || 4.75.55 4.80.00 || 4.84.44. 4.88.88 || 4.93.33 4.97.77 Pence. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. 10} 30 33 30 30 30 79 31 0° 31 * 31 48 || 3 || 71 31 94 10} 31 04 31 27 31 31 31 74 31 98 32 °. 32 4° 32 68 1 1 31 75 3 99 32 ** 32 47 32 71 || 32 9* 33 19 33 43 11} 32 46 32 79 32 9* 33 19 33 * 33 69 33 94 34 18 11} 33 16 || 33 * 33 07 53 92 34 17 34 ** 34 08 34 93 11} 33 87 34 19 34 99 34 0° 34 90 35 10 35 4? 35 68 12 34 38 34 84 35 11 35 37 35 03 || 35 °9 36 16 36 4? 12} 35 29 35 56 35 83 35 1 O 36 36 36 63 36 90 37 17 12} 36 00 36 28 36 ° 36 8° 37 99 37 30 37 64 37 91 174 G IN G HAMS, FROM MANCHESTER TO NEW YORK. WIDTH called 4, is actually from 24 to 26 inches. LEHGTH of the piece, usually 30 yards. EXCLUSIVE OF DUTY. 2 Cases, containing: 200 pieces striped Ginghams, 24 to 25 inches wide each, 30 yards long,-6000 yards, . . . . . . q e e s e e a 8d. iſ yard, £ 200 0 || 0 Discount, 5 d? cent. 10| 0 || 0 f 190 0 || 0 2 Cases and packing charges,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . el , 10, 0 Freight to Liverpool, tº railroad, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 m 4 m 6 Insurance, £200, a 30s. P cent, É3, 0, 0 Policy duty, ,,0, 10, 0 2, 3, 10 / 0 5| 4 || 6 #3 195| 4 || 6 Commission, 2 tº cent. 3| 18 || 0 :8 199| 2 || 6 Dock and town dues, cartage, bills of lading, and small charges in Liverpool, . . . . . . tº & © tº e º e º 'º e £ 0 , 7, 6 Commission for shipping,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 5 / 0 O| 12 || 6 £ 199| 15 || 0 Exchange, a 105 & cent, 28. 932 17 Freight, 20 feet, at Is. and 5 tº cent primage. ... f. 1 , 1, 0 x- Exchange, a £9 & 28.40, 28 4, 67 Duty, see the note in next page, Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 50 Cartage and housing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 0, 80 Delivery, advertising, and rent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 50 Fire Insurance, ... 0# tº cent. Commission, .... 5 Guarantee,..... 3, . @ 12# tº cent,. . . . , 130, 34 142|| 8 |_ Interest, tº e º º ºs e º 'º 4% 59 2& 1,074 98 6000 yards,...... a 17” cents tº yard, exclusive of duty...&| 1,075l 20 |_ 175 G IN G H A M S, A. TABLE Exclusive of duty. EXCHANGE. Manchester 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 I l I 1 12 price Or Or Or Of Or Or Or Or d D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts m | D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts.m. Pºº Y" | 4.66.66 || 4 75.55 4.80.00 || 4.84.44 || 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 Pence. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. gal. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd, cts. p. yd. 8 17 9. 18 09 18 20 18 49 59 76 93 10 8#. 18 47 18 64 18 82 | S 90 # 16 #. !. 5 1 : 68 8% 19 OI 19 19 19 37 19 55 19 72 19 90 20 O8 20 26 8#. 19 ° 1974 1999 2O !" 20 29 20 47 20 99 20 * 9 20 IQ 2O 29 20 49 - 20 68 20 86 21 ().5 2 l 24 21 43 9} 20 0° 20 °4 2 1 04 Q 1 ** 2 I 4° 2 1 01 21 * 22 90 9% 21 19 2 I 39 2 I Go 2 I 80 2 1 99 22 19 22 39 22 39 9% 21 7° 2 1 94 22 lº 22 * 22 ** 22 7° 22 90 23 10 I () 22 28 22 49 22 71 22 92 23 12 28 33 23 54 23 75 10} 22 83 23 05 23 27 23 48 93 69 23 91 24 12 24 34 10% 23 37 23 59 23 * 24 94 24 36 24 48 24 79 24 92 10} 23 9° 24 13 24 39 24 00 24 8° 25 04 25 °7 25 °o I 1 24 47 24 70 24 94 25 17 25 39 25 62 25 85 26 08 1 1+ 25 9" 25 ** 25 48 25 7° 25 90 26 20 26 43 26 07 I 1; 25 56 25 80 26 O5 26 29 26 53 26 77 27 0 1 27 25 11% 26 10 26 3.5 26 60 26 85 27 69 27 34 27 58 27 83 I 2 26 65 26 90 27 16 27 41 27 66 27 9i 28 16 28 41 B. TABLE. GINGHAMS Note. Table A, is applicable to Ginghams of such a price only, and other coloured cottons bearing a discount of 5 per cent. Table of Manchester prices equivalent to the American customs’ valuation of 35 cents per square yard. thereon, Actual width. per running yard. sº TO O Ú- plained under the article Prints. 2 6 Q as will not amount to more than the American customs' minimum valuation of 35 cents per square yard, the equivalents to which, according to the various actual widths, are shown in Table B. To the results of Table A, must be added, for duty and charges of a cent for every inch of actual width, as ex- Table C, which represents the ; mºe. . }}}} vence. New York values, inclusive of duty, is intended for such Ging- # 33 : # : hams only, the cost of which shall be found, on reference to 26 x . J2.878 x Table B, to exceed the above named customs’ valuation. C. inclusive of the duty OF 25 PER CENT AD VALOREM. Mancheste, 105 106 || 107 108 109 I 10 || 1 || 1 I 12 price OI’ | Ol' Or Or' Or OI’ Ol' Or d D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m P* * | 4.66.66 || 4.75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 4.88.88 4.93.33 || 4.97.77 Pence. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. 1 1 30 48 30 70 3O 93 31 16 31 40 3 | 63 31 87 32 10 11} 31 16 31 49 31 62 31 86 32 10 32 34 32 38 32 82 11; 31 sº 32 08 32 32 32 50 32 81 33 9% 33 30 33 * 1.1% 32 ** 32 77 33 oi 33 30 33 * 33 70 34 01 34 30 I 2 33 °9 33 44 33 70 33 9° 34 * | 34 * | 347° | 34 97 12} 33 88 34 13 34 39 34 0° 34 9 35 17 35 43 35 69 12% 34 30 34 82 35 08 35 * 35 01 35 87 36 14 36 40 12} 35 * 25 50 35 77 36 94 36 °l 36 58 36 85 37 13 13 35 9. 36 19 || 36 40 || 36 7 || 37 o' | 37 * | 37 * | 37 sº *_ "mºsa 176 QUILT ING S, WHITE AND COLOURED. FROM MANCHESTER TO NEW YORK. NoMINAL WIDTH, actual, from 24 to 26 inches, LENGTH of the piece, from 15 to 30 yards. 5 Cases, containing : 150 ends, white, buff and printed quiltings, 2400 yards, @ 13d. * yard, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #3 130 O Discount, 1} {2 cent. | 19 fº 128] I Making up, a 6d. “P end, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3, 15, 0 Cases, packing and cards, a 158. tº case, . . . . . . 2, 3, 15 m 0 Freight to Liverpool # railroad, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0, 8 m 0 Insurance, £150,...@ 30s. tº cent, 82, 5,0 Policy duty, ,,0, 10, 0 2, 2, 15, 0 10| 13 £ 138|| 14 Commission 2 tº cent. 2| 15 tº £ 141| 9 Dock and town dues and charges in Liverpool, . . $0, 15, 0 Commission for shipping, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 0, 12 / 6 1| 7 £ 142] 17 * Exchange, a 105 tº cent, 2& 666 63 Freight, 40 ft. a 1s. 47 ft. and 5 # cent primage, £2, 2, 0 Exchange, £9 # 23.40, 28 9, 33 Duty: on Invoice value, exclusive of in- surance, £138, 16 a 284.80cts. P 6 28°666.24 cts... . . . . ... a 25 tº cent, 28 166,56 Discount, @ 1% # cent, 2, 2,50 - — , 164,06 Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 50 Cartage, housing, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2, 00 Delivery, advertising, and rent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 6 m 20 & *185,09 Fire Insurance,. . . . . . Oš tº cent. Commission,. . . . . . . 5 99 Guarantee, ........ 23 , a 12# * ct... , 117, 51 302 60 Interest, . . . . . . . . . . 8 25 : 2& 969 23 2400 yards,.... a 40” cents tº yard, inclusive of duty, .....g. 969 I 2 f i i 177 TABLE QUILT IN G. S. OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. (INCLUSIVE of DUTY.) *_ |EXCHANGE. Manchester | 199 106 107 108 109 1 10 I l 1 1 12 price Ol' Ol' Or Or Or Or Or Ol' D.cts m | ID.cts, m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m **| 4.66.66 4.71.11 4.75.55 4.80.00 || 484.44 4.8s ss 4.93.33 4.97.77 S. d. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. cts, p. yd. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. 1. 1 40 38 40 69 4.() 98 41 28 4, 1 58 4 | 18 42 18 42 48 | . 2 45 °l 43 * 43 * 44 '7 44 ° 44 ** 45 14 45 40 1. 3 46 04 46 38 46 7° 47 07 47 't 47 73 48 10 48 44 1. 4 || 48 °7 49 * | 49 ° 49 96 || 50 * | 50 °9 || 51 00 51 * 1. 5. 5 1 70 52 98 52 47 52 * 53 * 53 93 54 0° 54 ** 1. 6 54 93 54 94 55 °5 55 7° 56 10 56 °7 56.98 57 39 1 .. 7 57 36 57 99 58 22 58 65 50 08 59 51 59 Q4 60 °7 1. 8 60 19 60 64 6 | 10 61 55 62 00 62 45 62.90 63 35 1. 9 63 93 63 49 63 97 64 * 64 91 65 98 65 86 66 33 1. 10 65 * 66 34 66 34 67 39 67 sº 68 ° 68 82 69 °. 1. 1 1 68 68 69 19 69 71 70 23 7 O 75 71 26 71 78 72 29 2. O 71 ° 72 0.5 72 59 73 13 73 66 74 20 74 74 75 28 2. 1 74 34 7.490 75 46 76 02 76 58 77 14 77 70 78 26 . 2. 2 77 17 77 75 78 34 78 92 79 50 8O 05 8O 66 81 24 2. 3 80 00 80 60 81 */ 81 81 82 ** 83 91 83 62 84 ** 2. 4 82 8° 83 * 84 98 84 79 85 * 85 9% 86 38 87 30 2. 5 85 66 86 31 86 96 87 60 88 24 88 80 89 54 90 18 2. 6 SS 49 S0 16 80 83 90 50 9 I 16 9 | 83 92 * 93 17 2. 7 91 32 92 0.1 92 70 93 39 94 O8 04 77 95 46 96 1 5 2. 8 94 15 94 86 05 58 96 29 96 99 97 71 98 42 99 13 2. 9 96 98 97 71 98 4.5 18 99 91 1 OO 64 101 38 1 O2 11 2. 1 () 99 31 100 * | 101 * | 1.02 °7 || 102 * | 103 * | 104 * | 105 ° 2 | 1 1 O2 64 103 43 104 20 1 04 97 105 74 106 52 107 30 108 08 3. 0 || 105 47 | 106 °7 || 107 °7 107 °7 || 108 ° 109 49 || 1 10 * | 1 || 1 ° 3. 1 || 103 30 109 tº 109 9" | 110 77 | 11 1 * | 112 4° 1 13 * | 1 14 ° 3. 2 | 1 || 1 13 || 1 || 1 97 || 1 || 2 * | | 13 * | 1 || 4 49 || 1 || 5 * | 1 16 ° 1 17 ° 3. 3 || 1 13 97 114 °3 || 1 1599 || | 16 ° 117 * | 118 ° 119 “ | 120 ° 3. 4 || 1 || 6 80 11708 || 118 °7 || 1 19 “ | 120 * | 1Q 1 * | 122 * | 122 * 3. 5 || 1 1963 | 120 * | 1Q 1 * | 122 * | 123 * | 194 * | 125 * | 125 * 3. 6 122 46 | 123 38 124 * | 125 * | 126 17 | 127 ° 128 ° 1289° 3. 7 | 125 29 | 126 °4 127 9 || 128 14 | 19998 || 130 ° | 130 * | 131 * 3. 8 || 128 12 | 129 09 || 130 °" | 131 * | 132 99 || 132 °7 | 133 * | 134 * 3. 9 || 130 93 || 13194 || 132 * | 133 * | 134 99 || 1359" | 136 ° | 137 ° 3.10 || 133 78 || 134 30 | 135 °' | 136 * | 137 33 138 * | 139 ° 140 °7 3.11 || 136 61 || 137 ° 138 ° 139 7" | 1.40 7" | 1.41 79 142 * | 1.43 * 4. O | 139 44 139 49 141 * | 1.42 * | 1.43% 1447° | 1.457° 146 ° Note. On reference to the tables given under White Cotton goods and Prints, e appears that suitable Quiltings, either white or coloured, cannot be procured in Manchester at prices below the equivalents of the respective customs' valuation of 30 it and 35 cents the square yard. They may therefore be looked upon as an article, which pays a duty of 25 per cent on the actual value, and no more. 2 A !78 D R IL LS, FROM MANCHESTER TO NEW YORK. CoTToN on LY, . . . . . . . . . . . . Nominal width, #, actual do. 21 a 25 inches, LENGTH 40 a 45 yards. Cotton & LiNEN, (Union,) do. do. #, , , do. 24 a 26 , , do. 30 a 40 , , LIN EN ONLY, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. do. #, ,, do. 25 a 27 , do. 30 a 40 × A. COTTON AND UNION DRILLS, ExcLUsive of DUTY. 4 bales containing: 200 ends, measuring 7,200, . . . . a 9 pence tſ’ yard,.... if 270. O Discount, 2% tº cent. 6|| 15 - :É 263| 5 Packing charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £3 m 16 m S Freight to Liverpool, tº railroad, . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0, 18 / 0 Insurance, £300, @ 30s. #' cent, É4, 10,, 0 Policy duty, ,,0, 15, 0 » 5 m 5 ſ, 0 £ Commission, 2 tº cent. - sº £ Dock and town dues, cartage, bills of lading and small charges in Liverpool, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 0 , 7, 6 Commission for shipping, a 2s. 6d. 4 bale, .... , 0 , 10, 0 : £ Exchange, a 105 dy’ cent. 28. Freight, 40 feet, a) Is. & foot, & 5 # ct. Primage, £2, 2, 0 Exchange, £9 & 28.40, 28 9, 33| Duty, see page 182. Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 50 Cartage and housing, . . . . . . . . dº e s e s e a tº º ſº º ºs e º 'º º 2, 1 , 50 Belivery, advertising and rent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4, 20 - 23 18, 53 Fire Insurance, ... 0# ty’ cent. Commission, .... 5 35 I Guarantee, e tº e º 'º - 2% 35 (a) 12; # Cent... 95 182 // 58 Interest, . . . . . . . . 4} > 2& in New York, 7,200 yards, s e º is a e º e º e @ 20 91 Cents {} yard, & G & 6 & © a e e s e e 28. 179 D R I L L S, C OTTON AND UNION, A. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES, (ExCIUSIVE of DUTY.) EXCHANGE. PRICE in 105 I06 107 108 109 1 10 1 11 1 12 Manchester Or Or OI’ Or Or Or OT Or er yard D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. ** | 4.66.66 4.71.11 || 4.75.55 || 4.80.00 | 4.84.44 || 4.88.88 || 4.93.33 4.97.77 Pence. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. 6 1 4 19 14 * 1 4 45 1 4 38 14 71 14 84 14 97 15 10 6# 15 31 15 45 15 59 1 5 73 15 88 16 02 16 16 16 30 - 7 16 43 16 58 16 74 16 89 17 04 17 19 17 34 17 49 7} 17 36 177° 17 88 18 04 18 °l 18 97 18 ° 1899 8 18 68 18 85 19 O2 19 19 19 37 19 “ 19 72 19 89 8#. 19 80 19 98 20 16 20 35 2O 54 2O 72 20 90 21 08 9 20 93 2 I 11 21 * 21 50 Q 1 70 21 89 22 99 22 ** 9} 22 04 22 * 22 45 22 00 22 87 23 97 23 °8 23 48 10 23 10 23 38 23 do 23 8" 24 93 24 * 24 40 24 07 10% 24 29 24 * 24 74 24 97 25 20 25 44 25 65 25 87 1 1 25 4! 25 04 25 88 26 12 26 36 26 00 26 84 27 os 11; 26 5° 2678 27 03 27 28 27 53 27 78 28 0° 28 °7 | 2 27 65 27 91 28 17 28 43 28 69 28 95 29 .21 29 47 12# 28 77 29 94 29 ° 29 ° 29 80 30 ° 30 40 30 07 13 29 89 30 17 30 40 30 74 31 0° 31 30 31 48 31 86 13# 31 0° 3 l 31 3 100 3 | 89 32 19 32 48 32 77 33 00 COTTON, AND COTTON AND LINEN (UNION) DRILLS, and other cotton goods, bearing a discount of 24 per cent in Manchester. B. TABLE OF MANCHESTER PRICES equivalent to the United States custom's valuations of: 26 |30 cents per sq. yard for WHITE GOODS. 35 cents per sq. yard. for COLOURED GOODS. actual width . . p. running yd. actual width. p. running yd. 22 inches. 9” pence |22 inches. 10” pence 23 do. 9 *7° do. 23 do. 1 1981 do. 24 do. 9°9° do. 24 do. 1 1 °7° do. 25 do. 10* do. 25 do. 12° do. do. 107* do. 26 do. H 12* do. wº 2 A 2 180 D R I L L S, FROM MANCHESTER TO NEW YORK. UNIon DRILLs, the cost of which eaceeds the Customs square yard valuation for cotton. LINEN DRILLs, not subject to any fictitious valuation for duty. C.. INCLUSIVE of DUTY. 4 bales, containing: 200 Ends, measuring 7,200 yards, a Ilpence # yard, .... f. 330 O || 0 Discount, 2% ºf cent. 8| 5 || 0 £ 321, 15 || 0 Packing charges and freight to Liverpool, see p. 178. £4, 14, 8 Insurance, £350, . . . . . . a 30s. P cent, É5, 5 , 0 Policy duty, , 1, 0, 0 - 6, 5 , 0 10 19 || 8 #3 332 14 || 8 Commission, 2 # cent. 6|| || 3 || 4 £ 339| 8 || 0 Charges in Liverpool, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 & © e o () is a s e 17 | 6 £ 340, 5 || 6 Exchange, a 105 tº cent. 28 1,587 95 Freight and charges in New York, see page 178... & 18, 53 Duty, £333, (invoice amount exclusive of insurance) exchange, a 28.4, 80 cts. # 8, 28 1,598,40.... a 25 tº cent, 28.399,60 º Discount, 1% tº cent, , 6,00 2, 393, 60 r 28°412, 13 Fire Insurance, ... 0# d? cent." Commission, .... 5 35 @ 12# Guarantee, . . . . . . 2%. , # ty’ cent, ... . , 275, 95 688 O8 Interest, . . . . . . ... 4% º 28 2,276 03 in New York, 7,200 yards, . . . . . . . . a 31" cents tº yard, ........... . . . 28 2,275|| 92 | 8 || D R I L L S U 2 C. TABLE OF º O R L IN EN E º SPONDING VALUES, (Inclus Ive of DUTY.) PRICE in Manchester per yard. Pcnce. 9 9} 1 O 10; 1 1 11; 12 105 le EXCHANGE 106 10 e Or 7 108 D.cts Or Or 109 1 1 .cts.m. | D.cts.m Or O 1 ll 4.66.66 D.cts.m. D Or 1 12 4.75.55 .Ct.S. m. D.cts Or Or cts. p. yd .75.55 4.80.00 . IIl D.cts, m D Or tº y - CtS. p. - d 4.84.44 .CtS.m. D 26 01 yd. cts. p. yd 4.88.88 4.9 .CUS. Im 26 °l . cts. p. yd - .93.33 || 4.97 27 41 26 41 . cts. p. yd. .97.77 27 C° 26 01 cts, p. yd. 28 81 27 83 26 82 cts. p. yd 29 % 28 04 97 02 . cts. p. yd. 30 21 29 25 28 25 27 22 30 * 29 47 28 40 27 4° 31 ºn 30 07 29 70 28 07 31 85 30 91 29 92 28 88 33 01 32 09 3 l 14 30 13 33 30 32 * 31 30 30 * 34 * 33 51 32 °7 31 58 34 67 83 76 32 80 31 81 35 81 34 93 34 Ol 33 04 36 08 35 19 34 26 33 28 37 ºn 36 °3 - 35 4% 34 50 37 49 360° 35 7" 34 7° 38 61 37 77 36 90 35 97 38 90 38 03 37 17 36 °3 40 91 39 °9 3S 34 37 43 40 * 39 49 38 0° 37 70 4 1 41 40 62 39 78 S8 89 41 78 40 9° 40 97 39 7 42 81 42 04 41 22 40 36 43 13 * 42 * w 41 ** 40 65 44 ** 43 40 42 00 41 82 44 * 43 78 42 97 42 12 45 61. 44 88 44 11 43 29 45 95 45 2? 44 43 43 60 47 ot 46 99 - 45 * 44 7° 47 36 4605 45 88 45 07 48 “” 47 72 46 99 46 °l 8|| 48 77 40 ** 48 07 48 ° 47 39 47 68 46 34 49 50 18 O 49 º' 48 7° 7 48 0° 5 1 21 50 56 49 88 49 14 5 1 60 50 94 50 24 49 49 52 01 51 99 51 ** 50 00 53 00 52 38 5 1 69 50 96 54 91 53 40 52 76 52 97 54 ** 53 80 53 1? 52 44 55 ** 54 * 54 30 52 °3 55 83 55 23 54 60 53 92 56 81 56 °4 5504 53 00 57 28 56 66 56 0° 55 40 58 °l 57 60 57 09 55 40 58 65 58 09 57 50 56 87 59 ol 59 ° 58 ° 57 92 61 01 60 00 60 ** 59 ° 59 97 58 90 50 39 58 34 1 6 1 47 O 60 90 9 60 41 59 59 8° 62 41 61 93 61 41 60 85 62 88 62 39 61 86 61 29 63 81 63 ** 62 86 62 °l 65 * 64 °9 64 77 63 82 64. 30 63 3° 63 78 62 76 O 65 7° 4 65 25 4 64 77 º 63 84 66 01 t 66 20 65 74 - 65 24 67 11 66 69 66 2% 65 71 68 01 67 62 67 18 66 71 - 68 ° 68 12 º 67 67 67 19 69 4' 69 °4 68 ° 68 17 69 93 69 55 69 13 68 66 70 81 7 O 46 - 70 O7 69 64 21 71 34 7 88 70 98 7 51 70 59 71 10 70 14 72 72 75 1 72 41 1 72 O3 71 61 73 61 * 73 30 72 9% 72 50 4 16 73 83 73 49 73 08 75 0.1 74 72 74 40 74 03 75 58 75 28 74 94 74 56 76 41 76 14 75 84 75 49 76 98 76 71 76 40 76 03 77 81 40 77 so 78 14 77 * 77 85 76 96 77 sº 79 * 78 78 98 78 7" 4. 78 44 79 º' 79 37 79 30 78 99 80 Ol 80 * 80 ° 79 89 81 22 81 O1 80 75 80 48 82 01 81 83 81 6" 81 35 82 63 82 44 82 * 81 94 83 41 83 °5 * 83 0° 82 81 84 °4 83 87 83 06 83 41 84 81 8.4 °7 8.4 °7 84 28 85 * 86 99 85 30 8594 85 ° 85 74 84 99 86 73 87 38 86 97 87 21 86 36 7 88 0° 87 84 88 67 89 " 182 D R IL L S, U N I O N OR L IN E N. EXPLANATION AND USE OF THE FOREGOING TABLES. TABLE A. Cotton-and Union drills, white or dyed, being subject in the United States to the square yard valuations whiell apply to cottons, this table is intended to exhibit the corresponding prices, eaclusive of duty, when it has been found, on reference to Table B, that they are invoiced at prices LEss than the respective equivalents of the custom's valuations of 30 cents or 35 cents per square yard, as the case may be. To the results in this table is to be added the American duty at the rate of: +%% of a cent, for every inch of actual width, for white goods, 1%%% do. do. do. coloured do. The mode of computing this duty is fully explained at pages 166 and 174. w TABLE B. This Table enables the manufacturer at a glance to distinguish those goods which cost MoRE, from those which cost LEss than the equiva- lents of the respective minimum customs’ valuations of 30 cents and 35 cents per square yard. It determines whether the actual cost in America of cotton-and union drills is to be ascertained by the method described under Table A, or by a reference to TABLE C, which shows, not merely the results (inclusive of the duty of 25 per cent) of cotton-and union drills, the cost of which may exceed the equivalents of the said minimum valuations, but likewise the result of drills made of linen only, which description is not subjected by the American tariff to any such minimum square-yard valuation. These pay in all cases an ad valorem duty of 25 per cent on their actual value, whatever it may be. 1.83 L IN EN, FROM BELFAST TO NEW YORK. 2 boxes, containing: 40 pieces + Irish linen, 25 yards each, 1000 yards a 1s. per yard, delivered in Liverpool, ......# 50 0 || 0 Town and shipping charges, including commission in Liverpool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 13 8 Insurance, £60, a 30s. P. cent, ... f.O. , 18 , 0 Policy duty, 0 , 5 , 0 ſºmºsºmºmºe £1 , 3 , 0 || 16 s £ 51] 16 || 8 Commission 2 tº cent, || 0 8 £ 52 17 + Exchange, 105 # cent. 28. 246 72 Freight, 16 feet à 18. tº foot, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £0, 16 , 0 Primage, 5 tº cent, 0, 0, 10 £0, 16, 10 Exchange, a £9 # 28.40. 28 3, 96 Duty: £51, 14, 0, exchange 284.80 cts. + £. 23248.16. . . . . . ... a 25 # cent, 3 G2,04 Discount 14 ºf cent. , 0,93 2, 61 , | 1 Entry, permits, &c, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 2 m 75 Drayage, labour and storage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2 m 50 Postage, advertising and delivery, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 1 m 75 28° 72 // O7 Fire Insurance, 0# tº cent. Commission, 5 2, & @ 12# # cent . . . . , 43, 99 I 16 06 Guarantee, 2%. , S -ººººººº- -* Interest, 4}, 2& 362 78 in New York. 1000 yards, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 36” cents tº yard, . . . . . . . . .8 362, 80 Note. Linens are sent to the United States in assortments from 1s. 3d. to 4s. 6d. per yard cost prices, composed chiefly of the qualities from 1s. 8d. to 2s. 3d. per yard. L IN E N. TABL LE OF CORRESPONDING PERICES EXCH PRICES 105 ANGE. in 106 || 107 Ol' O I OS 109 BELFAST D.cts r OT Ol' I 10 | | I per yar .cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D Or I 12 yard. 4.66.66 .cts.m. | D.cts.m OI" Ol' . () 4.75.5; º D.cts.m. D - Or ... / J.).) 4.80 .Ct.S. m. D.ct S. d. CtS. I.) .80.00 4.84.44 . CLS, Ill D.cts.m. º I º yd. C{S. I). yd. C£S - 4.88.88 4 93 33 e 10 30 32 S. p. yd. cts. p. yd .93.33 4.97.77 30 74 96 . . Ct.S. p. yd. CíS 1 I 33 40 o o 6 30 3 1 18 • D. yd. cts. p. yd 1. 0 36 28 33 04 33 88 12 31 40 31 0° . . cts. p. yd. I 36 °4 || 36 81 34 34 37 6 31 * | 32 07 º 1 39 16 36 37 07 34 1. 86 1 39 4° cy ºn 74 37 34 6 34 35 10 ... 2 42 04 42 * 39 40 9° 31 37 ol 37 88 - 1. 3 44 93 45 °0 4 Q 66 42 97 : 28 40 60 40 89 38 14 1. 4 47 91 45 °9 9 43 99 41 18 16 45 9° Q 25 43 91 !. 5 50 69 º 06 48 52 48 87 : º 46 58 46 92 44 º 1. 6 º 5 i 44 r; 58 47 * 1 b3 97 53 97 37 51 ° 52 19 49 56 49 94 50 °9 ; : ; : | . . . . . . ; 77 55 16 52 52 9° 53 * © 5, - 56 - ; : 59 °4 || 59 7° §: 57 71 || 58 13 * . 55 97 || 56 97 . 9 62 °3 6 O 60 00 5.8 ° 98 62 98 15 61 10 58 59 40 1, 1 () 65 to * 63 63 Ö1 61 * 61 99 9 1 65 °8 66 07 64 97 5 I 62 43 . 11 67 99 4 6 66 ° 64 °4 65 01 2 - 68 49 60 00 67 04 5 5 65 47 ... O 70 °7 40 0 69 °l 67 ** 6S 0° O 2. 1 737s 71 7 193 o 46 70 o' 70 * º 68 30 2 74 30 ..., | 73 72 99 5 7 104 || 7 || 35 ... 2 76 04 21 74 75 40 - 73 * 74 05 (ſ 2. S 79 ºn 77 77 78 35 75 96 76 °. 74 74 58 2 80 ° . . . . ;: | }. ſº | {: 2. 4 82 39 83 9" 80 63 81 °o 81 90 79 so SO 98 80 65 4 ... 5 8.5 °8 85 9° S3 56 84 ** 84 °7 82 49 83 09 83 69 2. 6 88 16 83 86 87 20 S5 49 6 11 t 2. 8 93 92 91 63 02 41 - 93 09 90 81 9 | 47 2 14 89 76 2. 9 96 °o ; 53 95 * 96.9% 93.7% 94 49 º: 1 5 92 80 2. l 6 7 8 20 96 75 46 t 95 83 O 99 99 100 ** º 19 98 99 99 7° 97 4 98 10 98 87 2. l 1 102 °7 34 l 101 94 100 ** 18 103 104. " 1 102 09 1 0 1 101 9. 3. 0 || 105 ° 24 4 104 °8 103 44 || 104 19 106 107 04 105 60 4. 104 104 94 3. 2 1 11 21 05 7 1 O 83 106 3 21 1 12 1 15 89 7 108 0° 1 O7 107 98 3. 4 || 1 16 ° 117 * 15: | 13 7° | 1 1 4 37 100 * | 110 ** 7 3. 6 122 7° 6 1 18 7° 1.19% 14 1 15 + 25 1 1 1 01 3. 8 128 * 123 °7 124 00 ig 53 1 20 * I Q 1 99 ! 28 1 17 09 aſº 2 n 48 5 r ºw , ºr 3. 10 134 °7 129 28 130 4% 131 * 126 4° 127 38 o Q 31 123 10 135 136 30 132 39 12S 129 °4 4. O 140 °4 141 ° *. 137 °l 138 33 133 30 134 33 9. 4. 2 | 1.45 * ... 4: ... 143. 139 * ... 3: . 146 148 01 - 14.4 °3 1 40 141 °7 4. 6 || 157 * 152. 153 | 1:5. ..., | . . . . . . . 45 2 º C. 4. 8 16399 158 33 159 7" 16O 90 156 10 157 30 45 153 ** 164 165 37 162 10 1 58 150 09 4. 10 168 86 14 5 166 81 163 29 6 48 50 17 () 17 J 42 168 04 1 (j4 165 07 5. O 174 62 * : 94 7 J 17 2 70 160 27 5t) {} 175 177 27 :: * 17398 175 36 170 171 74 178 ° 1799° t, 17659 81 1S 1 * 182 36 177 2 18388 | 85 B. R O A D - C L O TH, FROM LEEDS TO NEW YORK, 6 Bales, blue, black, green, olive, brown, and mixed cloth, from 50 to 60 inches wide, measuring 1475 yards, a 7s. P. yard, £ 5 16| 5 || () Packing charges in Leeds, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º £4, I0 , 0 Carriage to Liverpool, . . . . . . . . s & e e s e º e º 'º e º s e 2, 2, 8, 6 6, 18 || 6 £ 523| 3 || 6 Commission, 2 tº cent. 10| 9 || 4 £ 533 12 || () Export duty, £520, a # tº cent,. . . . . . © e º q £2, 12, 0 Dock and town dues, cartage and bills of lading, at Liverpool, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 0, 18, 6 Commission, for shipping, a 2s. 6d. iſ package, ×, 0, 15, 0 Insurance, £550, a 30s. P. cent, ... f6, 5 , 0 Policy duty, , 1, 10, 0 — , 9, 15 , 0 14|| 0 || 6 £ 547 13 4 Exchange, a 105 # cent. § 2,555 78 Freight from Liverpool, including primage, . . . . . . 28° 25, 12 Duty: £533, 12, 10 exchange a 84.80cts. tº £. 28°2561.52 in cash, a 50 tſ’ cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, 1280, 76 Entry, permits, and public store expenses, . . . . . . , 3, 50 Drayage, labour, delivery, and 2 months' rent. . . . , 4, 87 Advertising, postage and small charges, . . . . . . . . 95 8, 25 23 1322, 50 Fire Insurance, ... 0% tº cent. Commission, .... 5 25 - Guarantee,. . . . . . 2} , @ 12# tſ’ cent... . . . , 535, 13 1,857 63. Interest, . . . . . . . . 4} , 28 4,413| Al T less, 24 rugs, ... . . . . . . . @ 50 cts, each, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12| 00 28 4,401. 41 |T in New York, *– 1475 yards,. . . . . . . . @ 28 2.98} cts. # yard,. . . . . . . . . . 28 4,402 86 186 B R O A D – C L OT H. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. |EXCHANGE. * | 105 || 106 || 107 || 108 || 109 || 110 | 111 || 112 1I] Or Or Or Ol' Or Ol' Or Or LEEDs D.cts.m. | D.cts, m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. **| 4.66.66 4.71.11 472.55 4.s000 || 484.44 4.88.88 4.93.33 497.77 per yard. per yard. per yard. per yard. per yard. per yard. per yard. per yard. S. d. D. cts. D. cts. D. cts. D. cts. D. ctS. D. cts. D. cts. D. cts. (3.6 2.77; 2.79 2.80% 2.82 2.84 2.85% 2.87% 2.89 6.9 2.88 2.89% 2.9 | 2.92% 2.94% 2.96% 2.98% 3.00% 7. () 2.98% 3.00 3.02 3.03% 3.05% 3.07% 3.09% 3.11% 7.3 3.09% 3. 1 3.12% 3. 14 3.16 3.18 3.20 3.22 7.6 3. 19 3.2 | 3.23 3.24% 3.26% 3.28% 3.31 3.33 7.9 3.29% 3.31% | 3 33% 3.35% 3.37; 3.89% 3.42 3.44 8.0 3 40 3.42 3.44 3.46 3.48 3.50% 3.53 3.55 8.3 3.50% 3.52% 8.54% 3.56% 3.59 3.61 3.68% 3.65% 8.6 3.0 l 3.63 3.65 3.67 3.69% 3.72 3.74% 3.76% 8.9 3.71% 3.73% 3.76 3.78 3.80% 3.83 3.85% 3.88 9.0 3.81% 3.84 3.86% 3.88% 3.91 3.93% 3.96 3.98 9.3 3.92 3.94% 3.97 3.99 4.01% 4.04 4.07 4.09% 9.6 4.02% 4.05 4.07% 4.10 4. 12# 4.15 4.18 4.20% 9.9 4. 13 4.15% 4. 18 4.20% 4.23 4.25% 4.28 4.30% 10.0 4.23% 4.26 4.28% 4.31 4.34 4.86; 4.89 4.4% 10.3 4.34 4.86% 4.39 44.1% 4.44% 4.47 4.50 4. 53 | 0.6 4.44% 4.47 4.50 4.52% 4.55% 4.58 4.60% 4.63 ! 0.9 4.54% 4.57% 4.60% 4.63 4.66 4.68; 4.71% 4.74% 1 1.0 4.65 4.68 4.7 1 4.73% 4.76% 4.79% 4.82 4.84% | 1.3 4.75% 4.78% 4.81% 4.84% 4.87% 4.90 4.93 4.95% 1 1.6 4.86 4.80 4.92 4.95 4.98 5.0 I 5.04 5.07 1 1.9 4.96% 4.99% 5.02% 5.05% 5.09 5, 12 5. 5 5.18 12. () 5.07 5. 10 5. 13 5. 16 5.19% 5.22# 5.26 5.29 12.3 5.17% 5.20% 5.24 5.27 5.30% 5.33% 5.37 5.40% 12.6 5.27% 5.3 5.84% 5.37% 5.4 1" | 5.44 5.47# 5.50% | 2.9 5.38 5 4 13. 5.45 5.48 5.51# 5.55 5.58% 5.62 13.0 5.48% 5.52 5.55% 5.59 5.62% 5.66 5.69 5.72 | 3.3 5.59 5.02% 5.66 5.69% 5.73 5.76% 5.80 5.83% 13.6 5.69% 5.73 5.76% 5.80 5.84 5.87 5.90% 5.93% I 8.9 5, 80 5.83% 5.87 5.90% 5.94% 5.98 6.01% 6.05 14.0 5.90% 5.94 5.97% 6.01 6.05 6.08% 6.12% 6.16 14.3 6.00% 6.04 6.08 6.11% 6.15% 6.19 6.23 6.26% 14.6 6. l I 6.14% 6.18% 6.22 6.26 6.30 6.34 6.37% 14.9 6.2 # 6.25 6.29 6.33 6.37 6.41 6.45 6.49 15.0 6.32 6.85% 6.89% 6.48% 6.47% 6.51% 6.55% 6.60 15.3 6.42% 6.46 6.50 6.54 6.58% 6.62% | 6.66% 6.70% 15.6 6.53 6.56% 6.60% | 6.64% | 6.69 6.73 || 6.77% 6.81% 15.9 6.63% 6.67% 6.71% 6.75} | 6.80 6.84 6.88 6.92 B. R O A D – C L O T H. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. CONTINUEL). |EXCHANGE. * | 105 || 106 || 107 || 108 || 109 || 110 | 111 1 12 1I] O1" Or Or Or Or Or Or ()r LI.RDS D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.In D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. **| 4.66.66 || 4.71.11 || 4.75.55 4.8000 || 484.44 4.88.88 || 4.93.33 || 4.97.77 per yard. per yard. per yard. per yard. per yard. per yard. per yard | per yard. S. d. D.cts. D. cts. D. cts. D. cts. D. cts. D. cts. D. cts. D. cts. 16.0 6.73% 6.77% 6.82 6.86 6.90% | 6.94% | 6.99 7.03 l 6, 8 6,84 6.88 6.92% | 6.96% 7.01 7.05% 7. 0 7.14% 16.6 6.91% 6.98% 7.03 7.07% 7. 12 7. 16% 7.2 7.25% 16.9 7.05 7.09 7. 13% 7. 18 7.22% 7.27 7.31% 7.36 17.0 7. 15% 7.19% 7.24 7.28% 7.33% 7.38 7.42% | 7.47 17.3 7.26 7.30 7.34% 7.39 7.44 7.48# 7.53 7.57% 17.6 7.36% 7.4 7.45% 7.50 7.55 7.59% 7.64 7.68% 17.9 || 7.46% 7.51 7.56 7.60% 7.6. # 7.70 7.75 7.79% 18.0 7.57 7.6.1# 7.66% 7.71 7.76 7.80% 7.85% 7.90 18.3 7.67% 7.72 7.77 7.82 7.87 7.91% 7.96% 8.01 18.6 7.78 7.82% 7.87% 7.92% 7.97% 8.02 S.07 8. 1 º 18.9 7.88% 7.93 7.98 8. O3 8.08% 8. 13 8. 18 8.22% 19.0 7.99 8.03% 8.08% 8.13 8. 19 8.24 8.29 8.34 19.3 8.09% | 8.14% | 8.19% 8.24% 8.30 8.35 8.40 8.45 19.6 8. 19% 8.24% 8.30 8.3 5 8.40% | 8.45% | 8.5 8.56% ! 9.9 8.30 8.35 8.40% | 8.45 8.51% 8.56% 8.61% 8.66% 20. () 8.40% 8.45% 8.5 l 8.56% 8.62 8.67 8.72% 8.78 20.3 8 5 ! 8. 56 8.6 l; 8.67 8.73 8.78 8.83 8.88% 20.6 8.61% 8.66% | 8.72 8.78% 8.83% 8.89 8.94 8.99 20.9 8.7 Q 8.77 8.82% 8.88 8.94 8.99% 9.05 9.09% 21.0 8.82% | 8.88 8.93} | 8.99 9.01% 9. 10 9.15} | 9.20 2 1.3 8.92% 8.98 9.0.4 9.09% 9. 15 9.20 9.25 9.31 21.6 9. ()3 9.68} | 9. 14% 9.20 9.25% 9.31 9.87 9.42% 21.9 9. 13% 9. 19 9.25 Q.5 ! 9 36; 9.42 9.48 9.53% 22. O 9.24 9.29% 9.35% 9.4 9.47 0.52% 9.58% 9.64 22.3 9.34} | 9.40 9.46 9.59 ().58 9.63% 9.69% 9.75 22.6 | p 13" | 9.303 || 0.36% 563; 9.6s; 974; 6.80% 5.86% 22.9 9.55% 9.6.1# 9.67% 9.73% 9.79% 9.85 9.9 | 9.97 23.0 9.65% 9.71% 9.78 9.84 9 90 9.96 i (),02 1 O.08 23.3 9 76 9.82 9.88% 9.94 | 10.00% 0.06% | 10. 13 || 10.19 23.6 9.86% 9.92% 9.99 || 10.05 || 10.11% 10.17% 10.24 10.80 23.9 9.97 || 10.03 || 10.09% 10.15% | 10.22 || 10.28 10.34% 10.40% 24.0 | 10.08% | 10.14% | 10.20 | 10.26% | 10.32% | 10.38% | 10.45% 10.51% 2 B 2 I 88 W OR STED STU FF GOOD S, FROM MANCHESTER TO NEW YORK. W1 DTH. LENGTH PRICE. Number DESCRIPTION. of of pieces nominal. actual. the piece. per piece. per yard. in a case. yards. inches. yards. s. d. s. d. S.d. s.d. Bombazetts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–8 . . 18 a 19 28 a 29 | 12.0 a 18.0 || 0.5 a 0.8 . . . 50 . Plaids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5–8 . . 18 a 19 28 a 29 | 16.0 a 24 0 || 0.7 a 1.0 . 40 . Tartans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3—4 . . . 24 a 25 | 29 a 30 | 38.0 a 45.0 | 1.4 a 1.8 | . . 40 . Lastings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3-4 ... 25 a 26 || 29 a 30 | 40.0 a 100 0 | 1.4 a 3.0 . 40 . Princetta do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–4 ... 25 a 26 || 29 a 30 | 40.0 a 100.0 | 1.4 a 3.0 | . . 40 . Camblets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3—4 . . . 27 a 32 27 a 32 40.0 a 70.0 | 1.4 a 2.6 | .. 30 . Merinos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3–4 . . . 24 a 27 | 28 a 20 | . . . . . . . . . . | 1.6 a 3.0 . 50 . Circassians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–4 . . . 24 a 27 | 24 a 27 | . . . . . . . . . . . J.0 a 3.0 50 . 10 cases, worsted stuff goods, of any of the above descriptions, measuring 15,400 yds. . . . . . . a 6d. tº yard, £ 385 0 || 0 Discount, 1% tº cent. 5 15 || 6 tº ë £T375-4 || 6 Packing charges in Manchester, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #9, 12 , 0 Freight to Liverpool tº railroad, a 3s. #' case, . . , 1 , 10 , 0 Insurance, £425, a 30s. tſ’ cent, . . . . f6, 7, 6 Policy duty, , 1, 5 , 0 — , , 7 ,, 12 ,, 6 18 14 || 6 is tº £T397 IS To Commission, 2 tº cent. 7| 19 || 2 l #TTO5||18 || 2 Export duty £400, a tº cent, ... . . . . . . . . . . . # 2, 0, 0 . Dock and town dues, cartage, and bills of lading at Liverpool,. ‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 ,, 18, 6 & Commission for shipping, a 2s. 6d. iſ package, .. , 1, 5 , 0 4| 3 || 6 £TTTOTTIs e Exchange, a 105 tº cent, sº-TAT5 F- Freight, 180 feet measurement, a 1s. # foot, . . .69 , 0, 0 . Primage, 5 tſ’ cent, , 0, 9, 0 £9 ,, 9, 0 & Exchange, a £9 # 840 T-3T.427, OO Duty: Invoice value, exclusive of in- f surance, £402, 6 a 28° 4.80 cts. d? £, 28, 1,931.04 cts, a 10 tº cent, .... & 193, 10 Discount, 1 } {P cent, , 2, 90 & 2, 190, 20 Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . * * * * * 0 & O is e s e s e e s a e 2, 3, 50 Cartage and housing, . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º & e º e º 'º e & 2, 3, 20 Delivery, advertising, and rent,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 7, 60 Fire Insurance,. . . . . . 0; itſ cent. 28 246, 50 Commission, . . . . . . . . 5 25 I Guarantee, . . . . . . . . 2% º @ 12# tº ct... 298, O6 544 56 Interest. 9 months. . . .4% —1– º 2 2 55 281 2,458 28 in New York, * - 96 - 15,400 yards, . . . . . . . . . . @ 15” cts. P. yard, . . . . . . . . . . . . 23| 2,457| 84 189 W OR ST E D S T U FF G O O D S. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. Manchester 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 1 11 1 12 º Or Or Or Or Or Or Or wºr price D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts m | D.cts m D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. Per yard. 4.66.66 4.71.11 475.55 || 480.00 4.84.44 || 4.88.88 || 4.93.33 || 4.97.77 S. d C t S. p. y d. C t S. p. y d. C t S. p. y d. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. 13 47 13 ** 13 69 13 80 13 98 1 4 03 1 4 13 14 29 1596 16 10 16 °4 1637 16 °l 16 64 16 78 1691 18 47 18 63 18 79 18 94 19 10 19 ° 19 4 i 19 56 2O 97 21 13 2 1 34 21 * 21 69 2 I 87 22 0% 23 °3 23 48 23 08 23 88 24 98 2.4 °8 24 18 24 08 Q4 88 25 98 26 20 26 43 26 65 26 88 27 1 O 27 32 27 J4 28 49 28 7° 28 98 29 * 29 47 29 7" 29 9° 30 19 30 99 || 3 || 26 31 °3 31 79 32 06 32 3? 32 39 32 85 33 40 33 79 34 08 || 34 30 || 34 65 34 93 35 28 35 60 36 00 36 31 36 º 36 99 || 37 * 37 * | 37 º 38 17 38 51 38 84 39 7 39 30 39 84 40 17 40 4 40 82 41 01 41 36 41 7° 42 97 42 43 42 78 43 º 43 48 52 º 89 44 °7 64 45 01 38 45 7 ! 3 i. 03 º 42 46 82 ; 21 # 60 : OO : 40 º 80 48 °3 48 94 49 30 49 7° 50 30 50 61 5 1 03 51 44 51 47 5 | 91 - 52 * 52 79 53 23 53 07 54 || 53 54 54 00 54 46 54 92 55 38 55 84 56 30 56 76 56 09 56.5° 57 or 57 49 57 97 58 45 58 94 59 42 58 55 59 05 59 56 60 O6 60 56 61 06 61 57 - 62 07 61 06 61 58 62 1 I 62 63 63 16 63 68 64 21 64 73 63 36 64 10 64 65 65 20 65 75 66 29 66 84 67 38 66 07 66 63 67 20 67 7” 68 34 68 91 69 48 70 06 68 57 69 16 69 75 70 34 70 93 71 52 72 11 72 79 71 08 || 7 || 0 | 72 * | 72 9 || 73 * | 74 tº 747° 75 36 73 38 74 * 74-83 || 75 48 || 76 is 767s 77 38 78 ol 76 09 76 74 77 40 78 05 78 71 79 36 8O O2 8O 67 59 27 95 O 62 30 8 97 65 33 º 10 º 79 . 49 º 19 § 89 s: 59 : 29 ; 90 83 60 84 3% 859° 85 76 86 48 87 20 87 9° 88 64 86 11 86 * | 87 °9 || 88 * | 89 07 | 89 81 || 90 * | 91 30 89 61 89 37. 99 14 90 90 9 | 66 92 4° 93 * .93 96 91 12 91 90 92 69 93 *47 94 26 95 04 95 83 96 61 º | l . 5 1 03 *_ Note. The prices of stuff goods are frequently quoted in Manchester at the rate per piece. The table at the head of the preceding calculation, exhibiting the respective quantities of running yards contained in a piece of the several descriptions enumerated, will easily en- able the reader to ascertain the price per yard, upon which basis the above table of corres- ponding prices is computed. The charges per package on the coarser kinds of the above named worsted stuff goods are somewhat less than those on the finer descriptions. The difference is, however, so very trifling, that it would scarcely affect the results of a general calculation. V AL E N C I A S, FROM MANCHESTER TO NEW YORK. Nominal WILTH, # yard, octual do. ordinary quality, 24 to 25 inches, fine do. 26 to 27 inches. LENGTH of the piece, 20 to 30 yards. 2 cases Valencia vestings, worsted, or worsted and silk, con- taining 70 ends, measuring 2,100 yds. 6) 38. 3d. tº yard. .. 8 341|| 5 || || Packing charges in Manchester,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #1 , 5, 0 Freight to Liverpool by the railroad, . . . . . . . . . . ,,0, 5 , 0 Insurance, £360, a 30s. tº cent. . . . . . £5, 8, 0 Policy duty, I , 0, 0 3,6, 8, 0 7| 18 || 0 #3 349| 3 || 0 Commission, 2 tº cent. 6, 19 || 8 #3 356| 2 || 8 Export duty, £350 à) # tº cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #1 , 15, 0 Dock and town dues, cartage and bills of lading in Liverpool, e e o e e s e e e e e s a e s e e o 'º e e e s a • * * * » 0 m 5, 6 Commission for shipping, a 2s. 6d. iP package, .. , 0 , 5 , 0 2| 5 || 6 £ 358 8 2 Exchange, a 105 tº cent. 281 1,672 57 tºº Freight, 16 feet, a 1s. (P foot, & 5 # ct, primage, £0, 16, 10 . Exchange, a £9 # 840, 2& 3, 74 Duty: Invoice value, exclusive of in- surance, £349, 12, a 284.80 cts. * £,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2&1,678, 00 @ 10 tº cent, , 167, 80 Discount, 1} {} cent, , 2, 52 2, 165, 38 Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2 m 30 Cartage and housing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 0, 65 Delivery, advertising, and rent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 25 28, 175, 32 Fire Insurance,. . . . . . Oš tº cent. Commission,. . . . . . . 5 25 Guarantee, . . . . . . . . 2%. , @ 12# tº ct. . . . , 254, 97 430, 29 Interest. 9 months. . . .4% -* --— ; –- - • 9 2 59 28 2,102 86 in New York, 2,100 yards, . . . . . . . . . . . . a 100° cents tº yard, . . . . . . . . 28 2,102 73 19 | V A L E N C I A S. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. *— EXCHANGE. Manchester 19° 106 107 108 109 1 10 1 11 1 12 price Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.nl | D.cts.m. | D.cts m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m *Y* | 4.66.66 4.71.11 || 4.75.55 4.80.00 || 484.44 || 488.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 s, d. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. |cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. cts. p. yd. 1. O 31 56 $1 82 32 09 32 36 32 63 32 90 33 17 33 44 l. 1 34 10 34 38 34 07 34 96 35 °0 35 ** 35 84 36 13 |. 2 36 64 36 95 37 26 37 57 37 89 38 30 38 °l $8 82 1. 3 39 18 39 51 39 * 40 17 40 ** 40 85 4 l 19 41 * 1. 4 41 78 42 07 42 43 43 78 43 ** 43 30 43 80 44 ** 1. 5 44 °0 44 63 45 91 45 39 45 77 46 ° 46 ** 47 3 1. 6 46 80 47 20 47 Go 48 00 48 40 48 °9 49 °o 490° 1. 7 49 * 49 70 50 18 50 60 51 02 51 ** 51 87 52 * 1. 8 5 1 88 52 32 52 76 53 °0 53 65 54 1 O 54 ** 55 00 1. 9 54 42 5 ! 88 53 35 55 8 1 56 28 56 75 57 22 57 69 1. i0 56.96 57 44 57 92 58 40 58 91 59 ° 59 °9 60 30 I. 1 1 59 50 60 O1 6() 52 61 03 61 54 62 05 62 56 63 07 2. () 62 03 62 36 63 10 33 63 64 16 64 09 65 33 65 76 2. 3 69 65 70 25 70 85 71 45 72 05 72 65 73 25 73 85 2. 6 77 27 77 93 78 60 79 °6 79 93 3O 39 81 26 8 19° 2. 9 84 89 85 62 86 36 87 08 87 81 88 A4 89 28 90 Ol 3. () 92 51 93 3 I 94 I 1 94 90 95 70 96 49 97 29 98 08 3. 3 100 18 100 99 1 0 1 86 102 7° 103 * 104 44 105 °1 106 17 3. 6 || 107 74 || 108 °7 || 109 " || 1 1 0 34 || 1 || 1 40 || 112 40 || 1 13 ** | 1 14 * 3. 9 || 1 15 3" | 116 99 || 1 17 * | 118 °º 119 * | 1.20 * | 12 1 * | 122 * 4. 0 | 12298 || 1249" | 125 ° 126 18 127 ** | 128 °0 | 129 °0 130 ** 4. 3 || 130 00 131 7° 132 °7 || 13399 || 135 | 1 || 136 °4 || 137 °7 || 138 ° 4. 6 || 138 * | 139 4° 140 0° | 1.41 ° 143 00 | 1.44 19 145 39 146 ** 4. 9 || 145 * | 1.47 19 || 148 °7 149 0° 150 88 152 + | 153 49 154 ° 5. O | 153 4" | 154 79 156 tº 157 4* | 158 76 160 09 | 161 * | 162 7° 5. 3 | 161 08 || 162 4° 163 ** | 165 36 166 06 | 168 05 | 16949 170 ** 5. 6 | 168 70 | 170 10 | 171 ° 172 09 || 174 * | 175 99 || 177 * 178 9° Note. a mixture of worsted and silk. The duty is the same whether the article is composed entirely of worsted, or of 192 W O O L, FROM LONDON TO BOSTON. CALCULATIONS showing the marimum prices which English, German and Spanish wool should respectively cost in London, in order to be admitted free of duty into the United States : the ea'emption ceasing at the value of 8 cents per lb. according to the Act of 14th July, 1832. ENGLISH WOOL. cwt. qrs. lbs. H6 bales, weighing gross 73, 0, 0 dft. 136 lbs. a 4 lb. tº 240 lbs. 2, 3, 4 tare 176 , real, Nett, 70, 0, 24 or 7,864 lbs. a 3° pence tº lb. . . . . 39 120 16 || 8 Discount for cash 1% tº cent. | 10 |_2 £ 1 19| 6 || 6 Entry, bond, &c,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £0, 12, 6 Packing, bags, and marking, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5 m 9 tº 4 Cartage, wharfage, and shipping, . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 , 6 m 8 Brokerage, } {P cent, . . . . . . tº C tº 4 c s e e a e s e o 'º e e 2, 0, 11 , 11 Bills of lading and small charges,. . . . . . . . . . . . , 0, 10 ,, 6 8| 10 || 1 £ 127| 17 | 5 Commission 2% tº cent. 3| 3 || 1 #3 | 3 || 1 – Exchange, 284.80 cts. tº £. . . . . . 2& 629, 12 Invoice nett weight, 7,864 lbs. a) 8 cents dy lb. . . . . . . . . . . 3. 629| 12 GERMAN WOOL. - cwt. qrs. lbs. 4. 16 bales, weighing gross 73, 0, 0 draft 73 lbs. a 1 lb. ?: cwt. 2, 2, 17 tare 224 , real, Nett, 70 , I , 11 - or 7,879 lbs. a 4” pence tº lb. . . . . £ 131|| 3 || 4 Discount for cash, 5 iſ cent. 6|| 11 || 3 £ 124 12 || | Entry, bond, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £0 m 12 m 6 Mending and marking, ... .................. , 0, 8, 9 Cartage, wharfage, and shipping,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 , 6 m 8 Brokerage, } + cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 12 / 6 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0 , 10, 6 3| 10 |2 £ 128|| 2 || 3 Commission, 2% tº cent. 3|_4_|_| *—lell–il- * Exchange, &4.80 Crs. WT. Tº 630 32 Invoice nett weight, 7,879 lbs....... @ 8 cents {P lb. . . . . . 28. 630 32 193 WOOL, FROM LONDON TO BOSTON. SPANISH WOOL. 20 bales, weighing : cwt. qrs. lbs. Gross, 50 , 2, 0 draft, 152 lbs. a 3|bs. p. cwt. 3, 2, 0 tare, 240 , actual, Nett, 47, 0, 0 or 5264 lbs. ... a 3 * d. # Ib. . . . .if 86 12 2 Discount for cash 5 tº cent. . . . 4| 6 || 7 35. 52T5 Ti Entry, bond, &c. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * £O // 12 // 6 Mending and marking, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 m, 10 m 0 Cartage, wharfage and shipping, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 m 5 m 0 Brokerage, # * cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 8 m 3 - Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 0, 10 / 6 3| 6 || 3 £ 85| 1 || ||10 Commission 2% ºf cent. 2| 2 |IO #3 87| 14 || 8 Exchange, & 4.80 cts # 6, 2& 421| 12 Invoice nett weight, 5264 lbs... 6) 8 cents tº lb. . . . . . . . . . . .28 421 | 12 The foregoing three calculations show that, in order to be entitled to enter free of duty into the United States, by an American or British vessel, wool shipped from London (the charges being as assumed) must be purchased there at the uncommonly low prices of : - 3 * pence # lb. for English, 4 * , 35 , German, - and 3 * , 99 , Spanish. If no commission be charged, the price may advance to: 3 * pence # lb. for English, 4 * , 39 35 German, - and 4 * , 35 , Spanish. If these sorts of wool respectively cost more than the above quotations, they become liable to the duty of 4 cents tº lb, and 40 + cent ad valorem. The following calculations show the nett cost of wool, including these rates of duty. -n. - * - 2 C 194 W O O L, FROM LONDON TO BOSTON. ICNGLISH. 16 bales, weighing as specified in page 192. Nett 7,864 lbs.... . . . . . . . a 5d. p. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 163| 16 || 8 Discount for cash, 1+ tº cent. 2| 1 || 0 £ 161| 15 || 8 Custom-house and shipping charges, see page 192, £7, 19, 0 Brokerage, } {P cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 16 ſ, 2 Insurance, £180. . a 30s. #' cent, . . . . E2, 14, 0 Policy duty, 0, 10, 0 2, 3, 4, 0 1 || 19 2 £ 173 14 |10 Commission, 2% tº cent. 4| 6 || 7 £ 178] I 5 Exchange, a) 105 tº cent. 28. 831|| 00 Freight, gross 8,176 lbs, a #d. #' lb. . . . . . . . . . tº 17, 0, 8 Primage, 5 tº cent, 2, 0, 17, 1 £ 17, 17, 9 Exchange 289 # 28.40. 28 79, 56 Duty, on the weight, Gross 8,176 lbs. Tare 176 , Nett 8,000 lbs. a 4 cts. #9 lb. . 28.320, 00 on the value, #174 , 17, 0 exclusive of insurance, exchange C&4.80 cts. iſ £, 28839.28 @ 40 # ct... . & © e º 'º º tº e º e º Q 2, 335 // 71 55 655 // 71 Entry, permit, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2 / 40 Wharfage, labour, mending bags, trucking, . . . . . . , 17, 55 Weighing, advertising and small charges, ... . . . . , 5, 25 Storage, 25 cents tº bag, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4, 00 - 28°764, 47 Fire Insurance, ... 03 tº cent. Commission, 5 53 Guarantee, . . . . . . 2# , @ 12# tº ct. . . . . . . , 220, 17 984 64 Interest, 9 months, 4} , 28, 1,815. 64 .* Weight in Boston, - Gross 8,176 lbs. Tare 176 , actual, Nett 8,000 lbs. @ 22 °9 cents #7 lb. . . . . . . . . *| 1,815, 20 } 95 TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. W O O L. E N G L IS H. EXCHANGE. LoN DON 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 | 1 || I 12 price Or Or Or Ol' Or Or Or Or D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. "" | A 66.66 471.11 475.55 4.8000 || 484.44 4.88.88 4.93.33 497.77 Pence. cts p. 1b. |cts. p. lb. cts. p. lb. |cts. p. 1b. cts. p. lb. cts. p. lb. cts. p. lb. cts. p. lb. 5 22 69 22 80 22 92 23 03 23 14 23 25 23 36 28 47 5} 24 °7 24 39 24 ** 24.9% 24 77 24 89 25 91 25 '9 6 25 80 25 99 26 13 2636 26 39 26.5° 26 06 2679 6# 27 44 27 58 2773 27 87 28 03 28 0 28 90 28 4 + 7 29 03 29 18 29 34 29 49 29 64 29 79 29 95 30 10 7# 30 G1 30 77 3094 31 10 31 27 31 43 3 100 3 l 76 8 32 19 32 36 32 54 32 72 32 90 33 07 33 25 33 42 8% 33 77 33 96 34 ** 34 33 34 * 34 71 34 90 35 09 9 35 35 35 * 357% 359% 36 15 36 35 36 °4 36 74 9% 36 94 37 is 37 30 37 % 37 77 37 98 38 19 38 30 10° 38 38 38 74 38.96 39 ° 39 40 39° 40 84 4000 10% 40 to 40 38 40 °7 40 °0 4 1 03 4 l 26 41 49 4 16? in’ 41 69 4 1 99 42 17 42 ** 42 65 42 89 43 14 43 38 11% 43 °7 43 * 43 78 44 0° 44 °8 44 °3 44 79 45 04 13° 44 85 45 " 45 38 45 04 45 91 4617 46 44 46.79 12% 46 44 46 7" 4699 || 47 ° 47 * 47 8" 48 09 48 30 13 48 O2 48 30 48 59 49 87 49 16 49 44 49 73 50 01 13% 49 60 49 90 50 20 50 49 50 79 51 08 5 1 38 5 157 14° 5 1 18 51 49 5 180 52 '' 52 4° 52.73 5303 53 04. 14; 52 77 53 09 53 * 53 73 54 04 54 30 54.08 5500 15 54 35 54 08 55.0" 55 34 55 07 5600 5633 56.66 15; 55 93 56 °7 56.6% 56.96 57 30 57 64 57 98 58 38 16 - 57 52 57 87 58 22 58 57 58 92 59 27 59 53 59 S8 English short wools, of low quality, cleanly washed and put up in the German style, are almost always sure of a profitable sale. The number of sheep in Great Britain and Ireland is estimated at 60,000,000; in France at from 35,000,000 to 40,000,000; in Spain at 15,000,000. In the United States their number has decreased of late years, but it is now again on the increase, and may be taken at 14,000,000. In England, the flocks are chiefly kept for food, producing at the same time 112 millions of pounds of wool;—but in the United States, they are kept chiefly for their wool, which however cannot aspire to the description of long English, or fine German wool. 2 C. 2 j96 W O O L, FROM LONDON TO BOSTON. GERMAN. 16 bales weighing, as specified page 192. Nett, 7,879 lbs. . . . . a 1s. 4d. p. lb... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f 525, 5 || 4 Discount for cash, 5 tº cent. 26| 5 || 4 £ 499 () || 0 Custom-house and shipping charges, see page 192, £2, 17, 8 *. Brokerage, # 4’ cent,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 2 / 10 , 0 Insurance, £525, a 30s. #' cent... # 7, 17, 6 Policy duty, , 1, 10, 0 — , 9, 7, 6 14|| 15 2. £ 513, 15 2 Commission, 2} {P cent. 12| 16 || 0 :3 526 12 || 0 Exchange, a 105 tº cent, & 2,457| 6 Freight, or 8,176 lbs. gross, à) #d. # lb. & 5 tº cent primage . . . . . . & © Q & Q e º e e s e . . . . . . tº 17, 17, 9 Exchange, £947 &40, 2& 79, 50 Duty, on the weight, Gross 8,176 lbs. Tare 176 , Nett 8,000 lbs. a 4 cts ºf lb. . 28°320, 00 on the value, £517, exclusive of insurance, exchange 284.80 cts. P. 38, 28°2481.60 a 40 tº cent, . . . . , 992, 64 , 1,312, 64 Customs' and local charges in Boston, see p. 194. , 29, 20 28. 1421, 34 Fire Insurance, ... 0} + cent. Commission, .... 5 92 - Guarantee, . . . . . . 24 × a 12# tº cent, .. , 535, 23 1,956 57 Interest, . . . . . . . . 4} , - 281 4,414, 24 * Weight in Boston, • 24 Gross, 8,176 lbs. Tare, 224 , (actual), Nett, 7,952 lbs. . . . ... à 55” cents tº lb. ............& 4,414 15 | 197 TABLE OF CORRESPONDING PRICEs. woo L. G. E. R. M. A. N. EXCHANGE. 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 1 11 1 12 LoNDON Or Or Or Or Ol' Or Or Or price D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. per ſh 4.66.66 || 4.75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 4.88.88 || 4.93.33 4.97.77 s. d. cts. p. ib. |cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. Ib. cts. p. Th. cts. p. f6. |cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. 1. 4 55 51 55 84 56 18 56 51 56 85 57 | 8 57 5? 57 85 !. 5 58 58 58 93 59 29 59 64 60 00 60 35 60 71 61 06 !. 6 61 65 62 03 62 40 62 78 63 16 63 63 63 91 64 28 1. 7 64 78 65 11 65 51 65 91 66 31 66 70 67 lo 67 so 1. 8 67 79 68 20 68 62 69 04 69 46 69 88 70 30 70 72 l. 9 70 86 71 so 71 74 72 17 72 61 73 05 73 49 73 83 1. 10 7S 93 74 39 74 85 75 at 75 77 76 as 76 68 77 14 1.1 1 77 oo 77 48 77 96 78 44 78 9° 79 to 79 88 80 30 2. O 80 06 80 56 81 O7 81 57 82 O7 82 57 83 07 83 57 2. 2 86 20 86 74. 87 29 87 83 88 38 88 92 89 46 90 OO 2. 4 92 34 92 99. 93 51 94 09 94 68 95 26 95 85 96 43 2. 6 98 48 99 " 99 7" | 100 30 100 99 || 101 * 102 24 102 87 2. 8 || 104 ° 105 * | 105.9% 106 ° 107 * | 107 * | 108 ° 109 so 2. 1 0 1 10 76 1 11 47 | 12 18 1 12 99 1 13 00 1 14 30 1 15 91 1 15 7° 3. () 116 90 117 % 118 40 119 " | 1 1999 120 °5 || 12 1 40 1 22 1" 3. 2 123 03 123 * 124 C° 125 * 126 * 127 00 127 79 128 58 3. 4 129 % 130 °. 130 85 13) 08 132 * 133 34 134 17 135 00 3. 6 || 135 °l 136 9 || 137 07 1879* | 138 ° 13999 || 140 * | 1.41 43 3. 8 141 ** 142 °7 143 39 144 °9 145 ° 146 93 146 °9 147 87 3. 10 147 39 148 ° 1.49 % 150 +7 151 ** 152 °8 153 34 154 39 4. O 153 7° 154 7° 155 73 1567% 157 73 158 79 159 7° 160 73 4. 2 159 °7 160 91 161 99 163 00 | 164 04 165 98 166 tº 167 16 4. 4 16690 167 09 168 18 169 20 170 34 17 | ** 172 so 173 38 4. 6 172 14 | 1.73 °7 174 40 175 33 || 176 °3 17777 17889 180 01 4. 8 178 * 17949 180 6? 18 1 79 1829% 184 * 185 °8 185 45 4. 10 182 4° 185 03 186 84 188 0° 189 °6 190 °7 191 67 192 98 5. O 190 56 191 81 193 O6 194 31 195 56 196 81 198 06 199 31 5. 2 1967° 19799 || 199 * | 200 °7 201 87 | 203 * | 204 * | 205 74 5. 4 202°4 204 17 205 °9 206 83 26)8 17 209 ° 2 J O 84 2 12 17 5. 6 208 97 || 2 10 * 21 1 7° Q 13 10 || 2 14 48 215 °% 217 ** 218 39 5. 8 || 215 11 216 ° 217 9° 219 3° 220 78 222 19 223 °4 225 02 5.10 222 * 222 7" 224 17 225 93 227 99 || 228 * 230 °9 || 231 46 6. o 227 39 228 ° 230 °9 231 99 || 233 * 234 °9 || 236 39 237 99 *-- 198 W O O L, FROM LONDON TO NEW BOSTON. SPANISH. 20 bales, weighing, as specified page 193, Nett 5264lbs. . . . . .a) 18. 4d. tº lb. © & © tº tº 0 & 0 e º e º 'º e .# 350 Discount for cash, 5 tº cent. 17 £ 333 Custom-house and shipping charges, see page 193. £2, 18, 0 Brokerage, } + cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 / 13 ºr 4 Insurance, £350, . . . . a 30s. P cent, É5, 5,0 Policy duty, , 1, 0, 0 95 6 // 5 // O 10 - 4; 344 Commission, 2% ºf cent. 8 £ 352 Exchange, a 105 # cent, 281TT,646 Freight, gross, 5,656 lbs, . . . . a #d. # lb, .... f. 11 , 15, 8 Primage, 5 # cent, , 0, 11 , 10 #12 // 7 // 6 Exchange, £9, † 28.40.... & 66, 11 Duty on the weight, Gross 5,656 lbs. Tare, 240 , Nett, 5,416 lbs, a 4 cents # lb. . . 28.216 , 64 on the value, £346, 9, 0 exclusive of insurance, exchange 284.80 cts, # £. 28 1,662.96, - (a) 40 tº cent, . . . . . . . . . . , 665, 18 , 881 , 12 Entry, permit, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2, 10 Wharfage, labour, mending, trucking, &c. . . . . . . . , 18, 85 Weighing, advertising, and small charges, . . . . . . , 4, 50 Storage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5, 00 Fire Insurance, ... 0# tº cent. 28 978, 68 Commission, .... 5 35 - Guarantee, . . . . . . 2} , @ 12# *P cent... , 362, 22 Interest, 9 months, 4% , * - al Weight in Boston: Gross 5,656 lbs. Tare 240 , real. Nett 5,416 lbs. . . . . . a 55 " cents # lb. . . . . . . . 2& 1,340 90 2,987 2,987 * R 99 W O O L. S P A N IS H. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. LONDON 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 1 11 1 12 price Or Or Or OT Or Or Of Or D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. || D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. per ſh 4.66.66 || || 4.75.55 || 4.80.00 4.84.44 | 1.88.88 || 4.93.33 4.97.77 s. d. cts. p. f6. |cts. p. ib. cts. p. f6. |cts. p. Ib. cts. p. Ib. |cts, p. f6. |cts. p. ſb. cts. p. f6. 1. 4 55 10 55 49 55 83 56 10 56 49 56 82 57 is 57 48 1. 4} | 56" | 57 " || 57 * | 57.70 || 58 “ 58 as 58 7" | 59 ° 1. 5 58 17 58 * 58 88 59 °º 59 ° 59 92 60 28 60 63 1. 5#. 59 68 60 04 60 41 60 77 61 13 61 49 61 85 62 21 1. 6 61 18 || 6 || 35 | 61 99 62 30 || 62 °7 || 63 04 || 63 43 63 79 1. 6% 62 ° 63 07 63 46 63 84 64 ** 64 00 64 98 65 36 1. 7 || 64 19 || 64 * | 64 * 65 37 65 7" | 66 13 | 66 35 | 66 ° 1. 74 || 65 7° 66 10 66 °l 669i 67 7 67 7 68 18 68 ° 1. 8 67 ?" 67 6. 68 04 68 45 68 80 69 °7 69 68 70 09 1. 8% 68 71 69 13 69 56 69 98 70 40 70 82 71 25 71 67 1. 9 70 ?? 70 6- 71 09 7 1 32 71 9° 72 38 72 81 73 * 1. 9% 71 7° 72 16 72 61 73 03 73 49 73 93 74 38 74 sº 1. 10 73 23 73 68 74 14 74 69 75 04 75 49 75 93 76 40 1.10% 747° 75 19 75 66 76 is 76 ° 77 o' 77 si 77 97 1. 11 76 24 76 71 77 19 77 66 78 tº 78 60 79 08 79 % 2. O 79 º' 79 74 80 °4 80 7° 81 * 8 1 7 8.2 °l 82 79 2, 1 82 °6 82 77 83 29 83 80 84 * 84 8° 85 34 85 8° 2. 2 85 27 85 80 86 34 86 87 87 40 87 93 88 47 89.0° 2. 3 88 29 88 84 89 39 89 94 90 50 91 05 91 61 92 16 2. 4 91 30 91 °7 92 ** 93 * 93 * 94 10 94 74 95 * : 2. 5 94 ** 94 90 95 49 96.98 96 ° 97 *7 99 87 98 “ . . 2. 6 97 32 97 93 98 34 99 15 99 77 100 38 101 00 101 61 | The vicinity of the principal cloth-manufactories in the United States renders Boston by far the most important market for the sale of wool. The usual charge for guarantee at Boston is 2} + cent on sale at 6 months, and for a longer term of credit # 2 cent extra for every additional month. Wool from Germany and Spain is often quoted in London at prices which include the duty. If in bond, the duty is allowed on re-exportation, at the rate of 1 penny $ lb on all wool being of the value of 1 shilling # lb or upwards, and of # penny ? lb, if below that value. 200 R A G S, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 200 bags weighing: cwt. qrs. lbs. cwt. qrs. lbs. Gross 449, 3, 12 draft 3, 2, 8 a) 2 lbs. 17, 3, 12 tare 14, 1, 4 average 8 lbs. Nett 432, 0, 0, ... a 20s. P. cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 432 () Discount, 2} + cent. 10| 16 || 0 Entry, bond, and certificate, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if 0 , 12, 6 421| 4 || 0 Marking and mending, . . . . . -- ſº tº tº º . . . . . . . . » 2 m 5 m 0 Wharfage, lighterage and shipping, . . . . . . . , 4, 18, 10 Brokerage, } {* cent, . . . . . . . . .e. e. e º O ſº Q 6 tº e º e 2, 2 m 2 / 2 Bills of lading and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 12, 6 £ 10, 11 , 0 Insurance, £450, a 30s. P. cent,...f6, 15, 0 Policy duty, I , 5, 0 *. *ºmsºmºm 2, 8, 0, 0 18| 1 || || 0 # 439 15 || 0 Commission, 2 tº cent. 8| 15 || 0 #3 448) 10 || 0 Exchange, a 105 tº cent. 3" 2,093| 20 | Freight, a 15s. P' ton, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 16, 17, 6 Primage, 5 # cent, 2, 0, 16, 10 it 17, 14, 4 Exchange £9 tº 840. ... & 76, 49 Tuty, . . . . . . . . tº e º e º a tº . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free. Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 50 Cartage, labour and storing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 25, 60 Weighing, mending, delivery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... , 26, 80 Advertising, rent and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 21 / 10 & 28 153, 49 Fire Insurance, ... 0# 9 cent Brokerage, . . . . . . 0% , - Commission, .... 5 33 @ 12# *P cent, . , 249, 94 403. 43 || 0 Guarantee, . . . . . . 2%. , - | * Interest, . . . . . . . . 3 55 2&| 2,496 63 || 0 in New York, Weighing, Gross, 50,375 lbs. Tare, 1,600 , Nett 48,775 lbs. ... a 5" cents. P. lb........ . .28 2,497 28 || 0 * 20] R A G S. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. LoNDON 105 106 107 108 109 I l () 1 ll 1 12 price Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or per cwt. D.cts.m. | Dicts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | Dicts.m. | D.cts.m. | Dicts.m. | D:ctsm 4.66.66 4.75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 || 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 Shillings. |cents p. lb. cents p. lb. cents p. lb. cents p. lb. cents p. lb. cents p. lb. cents p. lb. cents p. lb. 5 1 61 1 62 1 64 1 65 1 67 168 1 70 1 71 6 1 86 I 86 1 88 1 39 1 91 1 93 1 93 1 97 7 2 08 2 10 2 12 2 13 2 15 2 17 2 19 2 31 8 2 31 2 33 2 35 2 37 2 40 2 42 2 44 2 46 9 2 * 2 37 2 39 2 6i 2 64 2 66 2 69 2 71 10 2 78 2 80 2 83 2 85 2 88 2 90 2 93 2 95 1 1 3 01 3 04 3 oz 3 09 3 1? 3 15 3 18 3 * I 2 3 ** 3 28 3 * 3 33 3 36 3 39 3 43 3 46 13 3 48 3 * 3 * 3 57 3 61 3 64 3 67 3 70 | 4 3 73 3 75 3 78 3 81 3 ** 3 88 3 92 3 95 15 3 93 3 98 4 02 4 05 4 09 4 13 4 17 4 20 16 4 18 4 ** 4 26 4 29 4 33 4 37 4 41 4 4s 17 4 48 4 46 4 50 4 53 4 37 4 61 4 66 4 70 18 4.08 4 68 4 73 4 77 4 82 4 86 4 91 4 95 19 4 89 4 93 4 97 5 01 5 06 5 10 5 15 5 19 2O 5 12 5 16 5 21 5 25 5 30 5 35 5 40 5 45 21 5 35 5 40 5 45 5 so 5 * 5 60 5 65 5 70 22 5 39 5 64 5 69 5 74 5 79 5 84 5 89 5 94 23 5 82 5 87 5 92 5 97 6 03 6 08 6 14 6 19 24 6 05 6 10 6 16 6 21 6 27 6 33 6 39 6 4.5 25 6 28 6 34 6 40 6 45 6 51 6 37 6 63 6 69 26 6 52 6 58 6 64 6 70 6 76 6 82 6 88 6 94 27 6 75 6 81 6 88 6 94 7 00 7 06 7 13 7 19 28 6 99 7 05 7 | 1 7 17 7 24 7 30 7 37 7 43 29 7 22 7 28 7 3.5 7 41 7 48 7 35 7 62 7 68 30 7 45 7 52 7 59 7 66 7 73 7 80 - 7 87 7 94 31 7 69 7 76 7 83 7 90 7 97 8 04 8 11 8 19 32 7 92 7 99 8 07 8 1 4 8 21 8 28 8 36 8 43 33 8 ! 5 8 22 8 30 8 37 8 45 8 53 8 61 8 68 34 8 39 8 46 8 * 8 63 8 70 8 77 8 85 8 93 35 8 62 8 70 8 78 8 86 8 94 90° 9 1 O 9 18 2 D 202 L IN S E E D O I L, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 100 casks, containing: 12,050 old gallons. ...@ £20 tº tun of 236 old gallons, £ 1,02 || 3 - Discount, 2% tº cent. 25, 10 Cash, £ 995] 13 Entry, bond, &c. © E tº G & © tº e º e s tº ſº e C e º e A ºn tº e º 'o £ 0,, 12, 6 Casks, filling, cartage, lighterage and shipping, @ 15s. tun, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 40 m 7 / 3 Brokerage, a 2s. 6d. # tun, . . . . . . tº e º 0 ° a • e o e 2, 6, 13 , 0 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . , 0, 10, 6 Insurance, £1,100... a 30s. p. cent, 8 16, 10, 0 Policy duty, , 2, 15, 0 —, 19 // 5 // O 67 s £| 1,063. I Commission, 2 tſ’ cent. 21| 5 42| 1,084 6 Exchange, @ 10.5 + cent, 28. 5,060 22 - . cwt. qrs. - Freight, 869, 2 . a 25s. P ton, . . . . . . . . . . .854, 6, 11 Primage, 5 #' cent, , 2, 14, 4 £57, 1, 3 Exchange, £9 # 28° 40, 28 281, 42 Duty, Gallons. 12,000 Leakage, 2%. , 240 Nett, Gallons 11,760 a 25 cents. . 282,940, O Discount I # * cent, , 44, 10 º - ,,2,895 , 90 Entry, permits, &c. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3 m 50 Landing, cartage, housing, guaging, . . . . . . . . . . , 46 , 10 Receiving, delivery, cooperage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 25, 00 Advertising, postage and small charges, . . . . . . . . , 10 , 50 Warehouse rent, 1 month, a 25 cents, . . . . . . . . , 25, 00 e 233,287 ,, 42 Fire Insurance, 0# iſ cent. Brokerage,. . . . 0} 95 & Commission, .. 5 2, X, a l l ; ; cent . . . . , 928, 67| 4,216 09 Guarantee,.... 2% 95 Ş Interest,. . . . . . 3 55 2&| 9,276 31 in New York, Measure, nett 12,000 gals. Ó 77” cents tº gallon, ..........g. 00 9,276 203 L IN SEED O IL. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. LONDON 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 | 1 || 1 12 price * Or Or Ol' OI’ OI" OI’ Or Ol' D.cts m | D.cts.m. D.cts.m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts m P** | 4.66.66 || 4.75.55 4.80.00 || 484.44 || 4.88.88 || 4.93.33 4.97.77 £ cts. p. gal. cts. p. gal. |cts. p. gal. |cts. p. gal. cts. p. gal. |cts. p. gal. cts. p. gal. |cts. p. gal. 1 O 54 94 55 17 55 41 55 04 55 87 56 10 56 39 56 36 1 1 57 18 57 43 57 69 57 94 58 19 58 44 58 69 º,8 94 12 59 41 59 69 59 97 60 °4 6() 51 60 78 61 06 61 33 13 61 65 61 94 62 °4 62 53 62 83 63 ° 63 4? 63 7t 14 63 88 64 20 64 52 64 83 65 15 65 47 (i.5 79 66 0.1 15 66 12 66 46 66 80 67 14 67 48 67 81 68 15 68 49 16 68 39 68 71 69 08 69 44 69 80 70 16 70 51 70 87 17 70 59 70 97 71 36 71 74 72 12 72 50 72 88 7 3 26 18 72 83 73 23 73 63 74 03 74 44 74 84 7.5 24 75 64 19 75 07 75 49 75 91 76 33 76 76 77 18 77 61 78 03 2O 77 30 77 7" | 78 19 || 78 63 || 79 08 || 79 ° 79 97 80 * 21 79 °4 80 00 8O 47 80 93 || 8 || 40 81 99 || 82 33 82 79 22 8 l 77 82 25 82 74 83 * 83 7° 84 * 84 79 85 19 23 84 9 84 ** 85 0° 85 * 86 04 86 ** 87 06 87 37 24 86 24 86 77 87 30 87 83 88 36 88 89 89 42 89 95 25 88 48 89 03 89 58 90 13 90 68 Q 1 23 9 i 79 92 34 26 90 71 91 28 91 85 92 42 93 00 93 57 94 15 94 72 27 92 94 93 53 94 13 - 94 72 95 3? 95 9 I 96 51 97 10 28 95 18 95 79 96 4' 97 on 97 64 98 * g8 87 99 48 29 97 41 98 04 98 68 99 32 99 96 100 59 1 () 1 24 101 88 30 99 % 100 30 100 9" | 101 Gº || 102 * | 102 * | 103 * | 104 * 31 101 38 102 *0 103 °4 103 9° 104 00 105 * 105 90 106 04 32 | 104 ° 1 04 81 105 * 106 * 10692 || 107 ° 108 °3 109 ° 3 1 06 35 107 07 107 79 1 O8 * 109 * 109 99 1 1009 1 11 41 34 108 ° 109 ° 110 07 || 1 lost 11 1 0 || 1 12 99 || 1 13 05 || 1 13 79 35 1 1 0 32 1 l l 58 1 1 2 34 1 13 11 1 13 88 1 14 ° 1 15 4° 1 16 19 Note. Notwithstanding the high protective duty on linseed oil in the United States, the consumption greatly exceeds the quantity produced at home. It therefore constitutes an important article of import from England, as well as from Holland and Belgium. The old gallon of linseed oil ought to weigh 73 lbs. 2 D 2 204 EA ST IND I A CO F FEE, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. cwt. qrs. lbs. 200 bags, weighing gross 247, 3, 16 7, 0, 16 tare 3 lbs. draft 1 lb. Nett 240, 3, 0.... a 35s. & cwt.....:8 421 || 6 || 3. Entry, bond, &c.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º $ tº e o 0. £ 0 , 12, 6 Marking and mending, . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 m, 16 ſ, 8 Wharfage and shipping, cartage or lighterage, and lot money, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 2, 6, 13 / 4 Brokerage, } {P cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . Q © tº e 2, 2 / 2 m 2 Bill of lading and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 0, 10, 0 £10, 14, 8 Insurance, £425, a 30s. tſ’ cent, ... f. 6, 7, 6 Policy duty, , 1, 5 , 0 » 7 m 12 / 6 18| 7 || 2 #3 439| 13 5 Commission, 2 # cent. 8| 15 7 #3 448| 9 || 0 Exchange, 105 tº cent. 28' 2,092 77 Freight, a 35s. Pton, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21, 14, 0 Primage 5%, , 1 , 1,8 #22, 15, 8 Exchange, £9 & 28.40, 28.101, 30 Duty,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free, Entry and customs' expenses, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3, 50 Cartage and housing, 4 cents tº bag, .......... , 8, 00 Storage, 1 month, a 2 cents, delivery, 28°5,. . . . . . , 9, 00 Weighing, 3 cents tº 100 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8 ,, 33 Advertising, postage, and small charges, . . . . . . . . , 8, 40 28 138, 53 Fire Insurance, ... 0} {P cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0# 2, º . Commission, . . . . 5 95 @ 115 tº cent, .. , 248, 23 386 76 | Guarantee, . . . . . . 2%. , — Interest, e. a s a Q & Q & 3. 95 & 2,479 53 in New York, weighing Gross 27,763 lbs. Tare 833 , a] 3 tº cent. Nett 26,930 lbs. a 9” cents tº lb. . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 2,477| 65 205 EA ST IND I A C OF FE E. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. LoNDON price per cwt. Shillings. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5 1 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 EXCHANGE. 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 1 11 1 12 Or OT Or Or Or Ol' Or Or D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D,cts.m D.cts.m D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. 4.66.66 4.75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 CentS CentS. CentS. CentS. CentS. CentS. CentS. cents. 9 20 9 28 9 36 9 44 9 53 9 61 9 69 9 77 9 * 9 * 9 61 9 69 9 78 9 86 9 95 10 04 9 % 976 9 * 994 10 0° 1 0 1" 10 30 1 O 39 9 92 10 0.1 10 10 1 O 19 10 28 I () 37 1() 46 10 55 10 17 10 26 10 ** 10 44 1 O 33 10 0° 10 7" 10 80 10 ** 1 O 50 1 O 39 1 O 68 10 78 1 0 37 10 97 1 1 07 1 O 65 1() 74 10 84 10 93 1 1 03 | 1 13 1 1 23 11 33 10 89 10 99 1 1 09 1 1 18 1 1 28 1 1 38 11 48 11 58 11 13 11 *3 11 33 11 44 11 ** 11 64 11 74 11 84 1 1 38 1 1 49 1 1 38 11 6s 11 79 11 89 1 1 99 12 09 11 6s 1 1 72 11 83 1 1 93 12 04 12 14 12 25 12 36 11 86 11 96 12 07 12 | 8 12 29 1240 12 50 12 01 12 10 12 °l 12 ** 12 43 12 ** 12 65 12 76 12 87 12 34 | 2 45 12 56 12 67 12.79 12 90 13 02 13 14 12 59 12 70 12 81 12 92 13 04 13 15 13 27 13 39 I 2 83 12 94 13 06 13 17 13 39 13 37 13 53 13 65 13 07 13 18 13 30 13 42 13 54 13 66 13 78 13 90 13 31 13 43 13 55 13 67 13 79 1391 1 4 04 14 17 13 ** 13 67 13 89 13 92 1 4 04 1 4 17 1 4 30 14 43 13 79 13 91 1 4 04 14 16 1 4 39 1 4 4° 14 ** 14 68 14 93 14 16 1 4 39 1 4 41 1 4 34 1 4 07 14 81 1 4 95 14 °8 14 40 1 4 39 14 66 14 80 14 93 15 06 1513 14 ** 14 65 14 78 14 91 15 04 15 18 1 5 92 1546 14 70 1 4 39 15 03 15 16 15 31 15 43 15 57 15 71 15 00 15, 13 15 27 15 41 15 * 15 69 15 83 1597 15 °4 15 37 15 5° 15 66 15 80 1 5 94 1608 16 22 15 48 15 62 15 70 1 5 90 16 05 16 19 1634 1649 15 72 15 86 16 61 16 15 1630 16 44 16 59 16 74 1 5 96 16 11 16 26 16 40 16 55 16 70 1683 17 oo 16 20 16 35 16 50 16 65 16 80 1695 17 10 17 as 16 45 16 60 16 75 16 90 17 06 17 21 17 36 17 51 1669 16 84 1699 17 W 5 17 3| 17 46 17 61 17 76 16 93 17 08 17 24 17 39 17 56 17 71 17 87 1803 17 17 17 32 17 48 17 63 17 81 17 97 18 13 18 29 17 41 17 56 17 73 17 89 18 06 18 22 18 38 18 54 17 65 17 81 17 98 18 14 18 31 18 47 1864 18 81 206. EAST IND I A SALTPET RE, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. * cwt. gr. lbs. cwt. qr. lbs. . 500 bags, gross 692, 2, 20 tare 56, 1, 20 double bags. - 0,, 3, 20 draft 4, 2, 0 . . 681, 3, 0 Refraction 2, 18, 0, 0 Nett, 649, 3, 0, ..... a 30s. #7 cwt. . . . . . . . . . . £ • r &as ºs-ºs, zºº-gºrºx *egº, Entry, bond, &c. . . . . ... . . . . . . . q e o e s e e s e £ 0 , 12, Lot money, &c. . . . . . . . e ‘º e s e e s e e s e s is e e º 'º e 2, 4, 4 m 6 3 Mending and marking, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3 ſ, 3 ºr 1 Wharfage and shipping, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2 m, 16 m 0 Lighterage and watching, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4, 14, 4 Brokerage, } {P cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4, 17, 6 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . , 0 , 12, 10 £21, 0, 6 - - { . . Insurance, £1,050, a 30s. P cent, £15, 15, 0 - - Policy duty. . , 2, 15, 0 2, 18, 10 // O 974 39 - f Commission, 2 # cent. :6 1,014 2O 12 - Exchange, 105 tº cent. . 28. Freight, a 15s. 5 ton, and 5 tº cent primage. . . . 28 121, 25 Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 3 m 50 Duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free, Cartage, labour, receiving, housing, . . . . . . . . . . . , 23, 90 Labour, delivery, mending, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 15 m 00 One month’s rent, 23°10.10, advertising 28°4. . . . . . , 14, 10 Weighing, a 3 cents per 100 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 23, 10 Postage and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2, 50 w - 28 203, 35 Fire Insurance, . . . . . . 0# * cent. . Brokerage, ....... . . . 0% " 1,034 i 4,827 763 36 02. : Commission, . . . . . . . . 5 95 @ 11; $2 ct. . , 559 , 67 Guarantee, . . . . . . . . . . 2% 55 Interest, . . . . . . . . . . . 3 25 28. in New-York, X- * Gross weight, lbs. 77,028, single bags. actual tare, , 2,840, a 5 lbs. 10 oz. p. bag. Nett, lbs. 74,188 a 7" cents. + lb..... 8] 5,593 *mmºn 5,590 38 78 EA ST IND I A S A LTPET R. E. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING PRICES. EXCHANGE. 105 106 107 108 | 09 110 111 1 12 LoNDON Or Or Or Or OT Or Or Or price D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. per cwt. 4.66 66 4.71.11 4.75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 4.88 88 4.93.33 4.97.77 Shillings. cents. CentS. CentS cents. centS. CentS. cents. cents. : 3O 7 54 7 60 7 67 7 74 7 81 7 88 7 95 8 G3 31 7 78 7 8. 7 91 || 7 on 8 06 || 8 is 8 so 8 *7. 32 8 or 8 08 8 13 8 ** 8 30 8 37 8 ** 8 *s 33 8 25 8 32 8 40 8 47 { 8 55 8 62 8 70 8 78 34 8 49 8 36 8 64 8 71 8 79 8 87 8 9° 9 * 35 8 73 8 80 8 88 8 90 9 o4 9 tº 9 * 9 * 36 8 96 9 04 9 12 9 20 9 29 9 37 9 45 9 53 37 9 20 9 28 9 3 9 44 9 53 9 6i 9 70 9 79 38 9 44 9 52 9 61 9 69 9 78 9 86 9 95 10 04 39 9 67 976 9 * 9 9° 10 O2 I O 1 I 10 20 IO 29 : 40 991 1 O OO 10 09 10 18 10 27 10 36 10 45 10 54 41 10 ** 10 24 10 33 10 * 10 * 10 G1 10 70 10 79 42 1 () 38 1 O 47 1 O 57 10 66 1 O 76 1 O 85 10 95 1 1 05 43 10 0° 10 71 1 O 81 10 91 1 1 01 11 10 11 * 11 * 44 10 85 | O 9° 1 1 03 1 1 is 11 * } , 11 * 11 * 11 ** 45 1 1 09 11 19 1 1 30 11 40 1 1 50 11 Go 11 71 11 * 46 11 33 11 43 | 1 #4 1 1 6s 11 75 11 ** 11 90 12 00 47 11 56 | 1 07 11 78 11 88 1 1 99 12 10 12 * 12 ** 48 11 80 1 191 12 68 12 13 12 24 12 * 12 46 12 57 49 12 03 12 14 12 26 12 37 12 48 1 2 39 12 71 12 82 50 | 2 27 12 38 12 50 12 61 12 73 12 84 12 * 13 08 Note. To calculate the refraction usual in London: cwt. qr. lbs. = 631 , 3 ,, O at 2. Refraction. lbs. lbs. 112 1 12 - Fixed refrac: 5 2 variable refraction allowed, * Cwt. qr. lbs. Cwt. qr. {. lbs. As 107 = 1 1 0 : 631 3 O = 649 3 0 . No refraction is allowed in New York on saltpetre. The quality is judged of by its external appearance, which should be of a light colour and dry. - 208 C IN N A M ON, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. cwt. qr. lb. 12 bales, gross 10, 0, 0 tare 6 lb. 0,, 3, 0 draft 1, nett 9, 1, 0 or 1,036 lbs...@ 5s. P. lb. . . . . £ 259 O || 0 Entry, bond and certificate, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if 0 , 12, 6 Lot money, marking and mending, . . . . . . . . . 2, 0, 15, 0 Cartage, wharfage and shipping, . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 13, 6 Brokerage, } {P cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 , 16 , 0 Postage and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 10, 6 #4 // 7 // 6 Insurance, £300.... a 30s. tº cent, É4, 10, 0 Policy duty,. . . . , 0, 15, 0 — 5, 5 ,, 0 9| 12 || 6 £ 268||12 || 6 Commission, 2 #7 cent. 5| 7 || 6 £ 274 o ſo Exchange, 105 tº cent, & 1,278 67 Freight, a 100s. # ton, . . . . . . . . f. 2, 10, 6 Primage, 5}, , 0 , 2, 6 +2, 12, 6 Exchange, £9, § 28.40. . 28-12, 25 Duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * e e s e s a e s e e s e e s e e free, Entry, permit, &c,. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 50 Cartage, housing, &c. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 1 /, 50 Weighing, delivery, advertising and petty charges. , 5, 60 Warehouse rent, 1 month, a 12#cts. . . . . . . . . . . . , 1, 50 28 24, 35 Fire Insurance, ... 0} {P cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0%. , Commission, . . . . 5 55 @ 11 § {P cent,. . . . , 144, 96 169| 31 Guarantee, . . . . . . 2# 9, º * Interest, say, . . . . 3 55 28] 1,447 98 in New York, Weight, gross 1,120 lbs. (Invoice) tare, 72, Nett, 1,048 lb. . . 6 & 1.38 cents. 39 lb... g. 1,446 24 209 C I N N A M O N. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING PRICES. |EXCHANGE. Londos 195 106 107 108 109 1 10 1 11 1 12 -> Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or price D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. || D.cts.m. | D.cts.m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.lm | D.cts, m Per tº 4.66.66 || 4.71.11 || 4.75.55 480.00 || 4.84.44 || 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 S. d. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts, 3 O 0.84% 0.85 O. S6 0.86% o.87% o.88 0.89 0.89% 3.3 0.91 0.91% | 0 92% 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.96 ().97 3.6 0.97% 0.98% 0.99% | 1.00 1 : 0 1 1.02 1.03 1.04 3.9 1.04% 1.05 1. U6 1.07 1. () 8 1.09 1, 10 1. l I 4.0 1. 1 | 1. 1 2 1. I 3 1. 14 1.15 1. 16 1.17% | 1.18% 4.3 1. 1 S 1. 19 1 .2() 1.2 | 1.22 1.23 1.24% | 1.25% 4.6 1.24% | 1.25% | 1.26% 1.27% | 1.29 1. 3 () 1.31% | 1.32% 4.9 1. 3 1 1.32 1.33% 1.34% 1.36 1.37 1.38% 1.39% 5.0 1.38 1.30 1.40% 1.41% | 1.43 1.44% I.46 1.47% 5.3 1.41% | 1.45% | 1.47 1.48 1.49% | 1.5 ! 1.53 1.54% 5.6 1.5 2 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56% 1.58 1.60 1.61% 5.9 1.58 1.59 1.60% 1.6.1# | 1.63% | 1.65 1.07 1.68% 6.O 1.64% 1.66 1.67% | 1.69 1.70% | 1.72% | 1.74% | 1.76% 6.3 1.71% | 1.78 1.74% | 1.76 1.77% | 1.79% 1.81% | 1.83% 6.6 1.78 1.79% | 1.81% | 1.83 1.84% | 1.86% | 1.88% | 1.90% 6.9 1.84% | 1.86 1.88 1.89% | 1.91% | 1.93% | 1.95% | 1.97% 7.0 1.91% | 1.93% | 1.95 1.96% | 1.98% 2.00% 2.03 (2.05 7.3 1.98 1.99% 2.01% 2.03% 2.05% 2.07% 2. 1 () 2. 12 7.6 2.05 2.06% 2.08% 2.10% 2. 12# | 1.14% 2.17 2.19% 7.9 2.11% 2. 13% 2.15% 3.17% 2.19% 2.21% 2.24 2.2(; 8. O 2.18% 2.20% 2.22% 2.24% 2.26% 2.28% 2.31 2.53 8.3 2.25 2.27 2.29 2.31 2.33% 2.85% 2.38 2.40 8.6 2.32 2,34 2.36 2.38 2.40% 2.43 2.45% 2.48 8.9 2.38% 2.40% 2.43 2.45 2.47# 2.50 2.52% 2.55 9.0 2.45% 2.47# 250 2.52 2.54% 2.57 2.59% 2.62 9.3 2.53 2.54% 2.56% 2.58% 2.61 2.63% 2.66% 2.69 9.6 2.58% 2.61 2.63% 2.65% 2.68 2 70% 2.73% 2.76 9.9 2.65% 2.67% 2.70 2.72% 2.75 2.77% 2.80% 2.83 10.0 2.72 2 74; 2.77 2.79% 2.82 2.84% 2.87% 2.90 10.3 2.78% 2.81 2.84 2.86% 2.89 2.91% 2.94% 2.97 10.6 2.85% 2.88 2.90% 2.93 2.96 2.99 2.02 3.05 10.9 2.92 2.94% 2.97% 3.00 3.03 3.06 3.09 3. 12 1 1.0 2.99 3.01% 3.04% 3.07 3. 10 3.13 3.16% 3.19% 1 1.3 3.05% 3.08 3. l I 3.18% 3 16} | 3.19% 3.23% 3.26% 1 1.6 3. 12 3. 5 3.18 3.20% 3.23% 3.26% 3.30% 3.84 11.9 3.19 3.22 3.25 3.27% 3.30% 3.33% 3.87% 8.40% 1 2.0 3.23% 3.28% 3.31% 3.34% 3.37% 3.41 3.45 3.49 Note. A good second sort is the most suitable for the American market. 2 E 2]0 N UTM E G S, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. cwt. qrs. lbs. cwt. qrs. lbs. 29 casks, Gross, 66 , 2, 0 tare, 7, 3, 26 8, 2, 0 draft, 0 , 2, 2 a)2 lbs. each. each 224 lbs.nett 58, 0, 0 = 6,496 lbs. . . . . a 2s. ?, lb. £ 649 12 || 0 Entry, bond, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0 , 10 m 6 Lot money marking, and coopering, . . . . . . . . . . , 1, 6, 6 Cartage, wharfage and shipping, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2, 8, 0 Brokerage, } + cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3, 5 , 0 Bills of lading and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0, 10, 6 Insurance £700, ſt 30s. P. cent,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 10, 10 , 0 Policy duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 2, 1 / 15 ºr 0 20|| 5 || 6 669| 17 | 6 Commission, 2 + cent. 13| 7 || 6 42 683 5 || 0 Exchange, 105 tº cent. 281 3,188 50 Freight and primage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 45, 00 Duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free, Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3, 50 Cartage labour, and delivery, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4, 70 Cooperage and weighing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 6, 50 Rent, 1 month, a 12% cts. advertising, 284, . . . . , 10, 13 Postage, and petty charges. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2 m 50 28; 69, 83 Fire Insurance, ... O ş tº cent. Brokerage . . . . . . O# , Commission, . . . . 3. 55 @ 11 # tº cent... . . , 362, 49 432. 32 ntee. . . . . . . 2 * º flºº *:::::: 3° . 28 3,620. 82 In New York, Gross, 7,420 lbs. actual tare, 894 » Nett 6,526 lbs... a 55 “ cents # lb. . . 28 || 3,620 62 TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. N U T M E G S. EXCHANGE. LoNDoN 105 106 107 108 109 I 10 I I I 1 12 price Or Or Or Or OT Or Or Or D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.cts-m ** | 4.66.66 4.71.11 4.75.55 4.80.00 || 484.44. 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 S. d. CentS. CentS. CentS. CentS. CentS. CentS. CentS. CentS. 2.O 55 48 55 99 56 50 57 O1 57 53 58 04 58 50 59 08 2.3 62 * 1 62 7° 63 36 63 9° 64 5* 65 10 65 68 66.36 2.6 68 94 69 38 70 22 70 86 71 °l 72 tº 72 80 73 +4 2.9 75 G8 || 76 38 || 77 09 7° 78 so | 79 º' | 79 92 || 800° 3. () 82 41 83 18 83.9% 84 7° 85 49 86 20 87 04 87 * 3.3 89 4 || 89 97 90° 91 * 92 49 93 * 94 " 9500 3.6 95 88 96 78 97 68 98 58 99 48 100 38 101 28 1 O2 18 3.9 192 91 103 *7 | 104 * | 105 ° 106 47 107 43 108 40 109°7 4.0 109 * | 1 1 0 °7 || 1 || 1 40 || 1 12 * 113 40 1 14 °9 || 1 15 ° 1 16* 4.3 116 08 || 1 17 17 1 18 °7 119 ° 120 4° 12 1 ** 1 22 04 1237° 4.6 122 * | 123 97 | 25 ° 126 89 127 45 128 * 129 7" 1309? 5.0 129 °4 || 130 70 13 1.99 133 * 1.34 44 135 06 136 88 138 ° Note. Casks of 2 cwt. nett are preferred by the trade to casks weighing from 5 to 6 CWt. 2 E 2 212 C A S S I A LIG NEA, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 30 chests weighing: cwt. qrs. lbs. cwt. qrs. lbs. Gross, 37, 2, 6 tare, 11, 3, 4 actual. 12, 0, 6 draft, 0 , 1, 2 a) I lb. p. chest. Nett, 25, 2, 0. . . . . . @ £4 * cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 102. O Entry, bond and certificate, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 0 , 12, 6 Lot money, packing, marking, repairing, . . . . . . , 2, 2, 0 Cartage, wharfage, and shipping, . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 / 6 ºr 3 Brokerage, # tº cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0, 10, 3 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 10, 6 # 5, 1 , 6 Insurance, £125, a 30s. P. cent, ... f. 1 , 17, 6 Policy duty, .. , 0, 10, 0 — , 2, 7, 6 7. 9 £ 109 9 Commission, 2 tº cent. 2 3 £ | 1 || 12 Exchange, 105 tº cent. 28. 520. 97 cwt. q's. lbs. Freight, 37, 2, 6 @ 35s. P. ton, .. 63, 5, 8 Primage, 5 # cent, 2, 0, 3, 4 #23, 9, 0 Exchange, #29 p. 28.40. 28.15, 33 Duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free, Entry, permit, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3, 50 Cartage, housing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4, 40 Weighing, delivery, cooperage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 12, 25 Advertising and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6, 50 Warehouse rent, 1 month a 12# cents, . . . . . . . . . . , 3, 25 Fire Insurance, ... 0# ty’ cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0# , Commission, . . . . 5 95 @ 11 § {P cent, .. , 62, 99 108 22 Guarantee, . . . . . . 2# 2, Interest, say, . . . . 3 , 28° 629, 19 r in New York, Weight gross, 4,204 lbs. real tare, 1,320 , Nett, 2,884 lbs. . . . . . . . . .a) 21 * cents tº lb. . . . 28 629| 0 : CASSIA LIG NE A. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING PEICES. EXCHANGE. 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 1 11 I 12 LoN DON Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or price D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. perfb. 4.66.66 4.71.11 || 4.75.55 || 4.80,00 || 4.84.44 || 4.88.88 || 4.93.33 || 4.97.77 S. d. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib., cts. p. f6. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. f6. cts. p. ib. 6O.O 17 oz 17 16 17 3 17 4s 17 60 17 73 17 87 18 °l 62.6 17 64 1777 1792 18 97 18 22 18 36 18 * 18 66 65.0 18 °3 18 37 18 °3 18 08 18 84 18 99 19 “ 1999 67.6 18 82 18 98 19 “ 1999 1940 19 ° 1978 1994 7O.O 19 4' 1948 19 7° 199° 2009 20 ** 20 *l 20 39 72.6 20 01 20 18 2O 36 2O 39 2O 71 20 88 2 1 0° 21 ** 75.O 2O 61 20 79 2O 97 21 tº 21 33 2 I so 21 68 21 60 77.6 21 * 21 39 21 38 21 7° 2 195 22 ** 22 * 22 50 80.0 21 °l 22 00 22 19 22 39 22 57 22 76 22 9° 23 14 82.6 22 41 22 00 22 80 22 99 23 19 23 99 23 °9 23 79 85.0 23 01 23 * 23 41 23 °l 23 83 24 02 24 ** 24 4° 87.6 23 Gl 2S 8" 24 02 24 ** 24 44 24 93 24 86 25 07 90.0 24 81 24 * 24 04 24 * 25 00 25 °7 25 49 25 70 92.6 24 80 25 0° 25 25 25 47 25 09 25 91 26 13 26 35 95.0 25 40 25 03 25 80 26 08 26 °l 26 ° 26 76 26 99 97.6 26 9° 26 °3 26 47 26 70 26 99 27 16 27 40 27 63 I 00.0 26 60 26 84 27 08 27 * 27 ** 27 79 28 03 28 °7 102.6 27 20 27 44 27 69 27 93 28 17 28 4? 28 07 28 9° 105.0 27 80 28 0° 28 30 28 °5 28 90 2994 29 30 29 5* 107.6 28 40 28 65 28 91 29 16 29 42 29 68 29 94 30 20 1 1 0.0 29 00 29 20 29 °3 29 79 30 °4 30 ° 30 °7 30 83 1 12 6 29 99 29 89 3O 14 30 40 30 66 30 93 31 */ 31 48 1 15.0 30 19 30 47 3O 75 3 02 31 °9 31 20 31 84 32 on l 17.6 30 79 31 07 31 36 31 63 31 91 32 19 32 48 32 76 12O.O 31 39 31 68 3 l 97 32 25 32 °3 32 ** 33 11 33 40 122.6 31 99 32 29 32 °8 32 89 33 tº 33 ** 33 7° 34 0° 125.0 32 39 32 89 33 19 33 48 33 78 34 08 34 38 34 08 127.6 33 19 33 49 33 80 34 10 34 40 34 71 35 0° 35 33 130.0 33 79 34 19 34 41 34 72 35 0° 35 33 35 05 35 96 132.6 34 38 34 70 35 03 35 33 35 64 3596 36 29 36 61 1 35.0 34 98 35 * 35 64 35 95 || 36 27 36 60 36 9s 37 24 137.6 35 38 35 91 36 °5 36 37 36 89 37 sº 37 36 37 °9 1 40.0 36 18 36 5° 36 86 37 19 37 31 37 8s 38 19 38 53 142.6 36 78 37 is 37 47 37 80 38 13 38 48 38 83 39 18 145.0 37 38 37 73 38 08 38 4? 38 76 39 " 39 46 39 °l 147.6 37 98 38 33 38 69 39 04 39 ° 39 74 40 10 40 40 150.0 | 88 ° 38 94 39 30 39 % 40 00 40 36 40 73 41 00 2] A B L A C K PEPPER, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 50 bags, weighing 316 lbs. nett, each, 15,800 lbs.. . . . a 4d. “P lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f. 263| 6 || 8 Entry, bond, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº 0, 12, 6 Casing and lot money, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6, 10, 0 Cartage and fees, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 ºr 15, 0 Wharfage, porterage and shipping, . . . . . . . . . . , 2, 15, 0 Brokerage, } {P cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 / 6, 4 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0, 10, 0 £13, 9, 4 Insurance, £300 a 30s. tº cent, , , £ 4, 10, 0 Policy duty, , 0, 15, 0 — , 5, 5 , 0 18| 14 || 4 £ 282| 1 || 0 Commission, 2 + cent. 5| || 3 || 0 £ 287|14 || 0 Exchange, a 105 tº cent, 28 1,342 60 Freight, 7% tons, a 25s. 5 ton, .... E9, 7, 6 Primage, 5 tº cent, ,,0, 9, 6 — £9, 17, 0 Exchange, a £9 tº 28°40, 843, 77 Duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free. Entry, permits, &c, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 3, 50 Cartage, housing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4, 50 Weighing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4, 73 Delivery and mending, , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2, 00 Advertising, postage and small charges, . . . . . . . . , 6, 50 Warehouse rent, 1 month, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1, 00 28°66 , 00 Fire Insurance, . . . . 0# ty’ cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . . 0# 95 - Commission, . . . . . . 5 25 @ 11% º cent. . 156, 71 222 71 Guarantee,... . . . . . 2% 25 - sº Interest, say, . . . . . . .3 95 28 1,565, 31 Weight in New York. - Nett 15,800 lbs. . . . . . . . . a 9” cents & lb . . . . . . . ....... & 1,565||78 TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. B L A C K P EP P E R. EXCHANGE. London 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 l ll 1 12 price Or Or Or Ol' Or Ol' Ol' Or D.cts.m. | Dicts.m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts m | D.cts.m D.cts.m Per tº 4.66.66 || 4.75.55 || 4.80.00 4.84.44 4.88.88 || 4.93.33 || 4.97.77 Pence. cts. p. f6. |cts. p. ib. cts p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. Ib. 2 5 40 5 45 5 50 5 54 5 39 5 64 5 09 5 74 2} 5 96 6 Ol 6 o'7 (; 12 6 18 6 o 6 29 6 35 # 6 53 6 99 6 63 6 70 6 76 6 ** 6 88 694 2} 7 09 7 15 7 22 7 28 7 35 7 4 | 7 48 7 55 3 7 66 7 73 7 80 7 87 7 93 8 00 8 07 8 ** 3} 8 22 8 29 8 37 8 44 8 * 8 *9 8 07 8 73 3# 8 78 8 86 8 94 0? 10 9 º 9 26 54 3# 9 35 9 * 52 9 do {} 69 9 77 9 80 99% 4 99. 1 O 00 10 09 1 O 18 | O 27 I O 36 1 O 45 1() 54 # 10 47 10 *7 1 () 07 10 70 | 10 * | 10 ” 1 1 03 || 1 || 14 # 1 1 04 11 14 11 * | 1 || 34 11 * 11 * 11 64 1 74 4} 1 1 00 1 1 7 11 * | 1 || 98 12 0° 12 ° 12 * | 12 39 5 12 17 1 2 38 12 39 12 * 12 ° 12 º' 12 84 12 9° 5} 1 2 7° 12 8% 1 2 97 13 08 13 20 13 * 13 41 13 ** 5#. 13 29 | 3 4 1 13 54 13 66 18 79 18 91 14 º 14 16 5} 13 30 1398 14 12 14 * 14 °7 14 ° 1 4 02 140° 6 14 42 14 ** 14 69 14 * 1490 15 09 15 * 15 36 6} 14 98 15 1" 15 27 15 + 15 * 15 * 15 82 1590 6# 15 * 15 69 15 84 15 98 16 ° 16. | 6 41 16 º 6# 16 " 16 °0 164? 16 °7 16 7° 16 °7 17 ol 17 7 1668 16 89 1699 17 4 17 30 17. 17 Gl iſ . 7; 17 so 1797 18 14 18 °o 18 47 18 º lsº 18 8 18 94 19 11 19 29 19 46 19 64 19 | 19 09 2() 17 9 21 10 21 9 21 39 2 78 21 99 22 * 22 98 22 * Note. The American markets are occasionally supplied by direct importations from Sumatra with a quality generally inferior to the East India Company's (sifted) pepper. White pepper is not in use. 216 JAMA IC A PIM EN TO, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. cwt. qrs. lbs. 62 bags, gross 51, 2, 0 Draft, 0 , 2, 6 @ 1 lb. tº bag. 50, 3, 22 Tare, 1, 3, 8 a) 4 lb. tſ’ cwt. 49, 0 , 14 = 5,502 lbs. Trett, 212 ,, a 4 lb. tº 104 lbs. 5,290 lbs. a 5d. tº lb. . . . . . . f Discount, 1 tſ’ cent. Entry, bond, &c,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £0 m 12 m 6 Marking and mending, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 0, 15 m, 6 Lighterage, wharfage, shipping, &c. . . . . . . . . . . , 1 O Brokerage, } {P cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 l Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0 Insurance, £125, a 30s. tº cent,... f. 1 , 17, 6 Policy duty, , 0, 10, 0 tºº » 2 ſ, 7, 6 Commission, 2 + cent. £ 109 II? I I 10 I I 15 3 i I I Exchange, 105 tº cent. 23. cwt. qrs. lb. Freight, 51, 2, 0 a 25s. “P ton, . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3, 4, 5 . Primage, 5 tº cent, , 0 , 3, 3 £37,77, 5 Exchange, £9 # 28°40, 28 15, 05 Duty,. . . . . . e Q e s e a c e º sº e s e s e tº a tº º e g tº º ſº tº º e & free. Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . e e o e º e º O & e e s e s e e 2, 3, 50 Cartage and housing, . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 50 Mending, advertising, delivery and weighing, . . . . , 7, 89 1 month rent, a 2 cents tº bag, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 2, 1 , 24 Postage, and small charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2, 50 2833, 68 Fire Insurance, ... 0# tº cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0% , Commission, . . . . 5 55 @ 113 tº cent, . , 64, 83 549) 07 Guarantee, . . . . . . 2} > Interest, . . . . . . . . 3 99 2& in New York, Actual weight, gross, 5,773 lbs. Tare, 173 , a] 3 + cent. Nett, 5,600 lbs. . . . . a 1 1 * cents # lb. ...g. 647 58 647, 36 * | 7 J A M A IC A PIM ENT O. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES price 4 ii|i i | l Note. LoNDON per Ib. 105 OI’ D.cts.m. 4,66 66 Pence. cts. p. ib. 9 48 10 00 10 32 1 1 04 | | 56 | 2 09 | 2 61 13 14 13 66 14 19 1 4 71 1 5 24 1 5 76 1 (j 29 16 82 17 34 17 87 18 40 | 8 03 1946 19 99 2O 52 21 0.5 21 58 22 | 1 106 107 l()8 109 Ol' Ol' Or Or D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. 4.75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. |cts. p. Ib. |cts. p. Ib. 9 56 O 65 O 73 9 82 1009 1 0 18 10 27 1 0 30 10" | () 71 I () 80 1 () 90 1 14 | | 84 | 1 34 | | 44 1160 | | 77 1 | 87 1 | 98 12 20 | Q 31 1 2 4° 1 2 3 1 2 7° 12 84 12 95 13 06 13 z0 1:3 38 13 *9 1.3 (; 1 1378 | 3 91 1 4 03 | 4 16 | 4 ** 14 * 1 4 38 | | 71 1 4 34 1498 15 ' ' 15 °3 15 38 15 52 | ſy 60 I 5 80 1 5 90 1695 1619 1634 1543 16 ° 1673 1689 1697 17 tº 17 28 1744 17 so 17 65 1 - 82 i 798 1803 18 20 1830 | 8 º' 1837 1874 1891 1980 1919 19 * 1943 1903 1904 19 82 20 00 20 18 2O 17 20 30 20 °4 2() 7° 2() 71 2O 99 2 1 09 Q 1 ** 2 I 24 2 I 44 2 || 03 2 83 2 78 2 98 2.2 18 22 * 22 31 22 52 22 72 22 93 EXCHANGE. ***** *** ***… ”*** *********, *----.… ** ºw-a-------> | | () Ol' D.cts. In 1.88.88 j "******~---. | 1 | 1 12 (). I' | () I’ D.Cts.m. cts. p. lb. cts. p. ib. 0 {}{) I () ** | | {}{} 1 | * | 2 ()8 1 2 64 | 3 |8 1 S 74 i 4 28 1.4 °4 I j 38 1594 1649 17 0. 17 59 13 ** 18 (j9 19 25 19 80 2 () 36 209 | 2 l 47 2203 22 58 23 14 | () {}9 I () * 1 | (){} l l 64 | 2 ! {} 1 Q 75 13 30 1 : 86 | 4 || 14 97 15 ° 16 08 | 6 63 17 19 | - 75 | 8 {}() | 8 86 19 4? 1998 2 () 33 2 1 09 2 | 66 22 24 22 79 23 36 D.cts.m 4.97.77 cts. p. ib. I () 63 l l 74 | 2 !}{) | 2 * 13 * | 3 {}8 | 4 54 | ſy | {} 15 60 16 ° 16 ° 17 34 19 ()3 | 9 59 20 00 20 7" 21 *7 2 1 9% 22 43 Since October 1830, when the ports of the British West India colonies were thrown Open to a direct intercourse with the United States in British and American ves- tels, the Americans are no longer dependant for supplies of pimento, on the intermediate Danish—West India, or the British home markets exclusively. 2 || 8 EA ST IN DIA G IN G E R, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 50 bags, weighing : cwt. qrs. lbs. cwt. ars. lbs. Gross, 52, 3, 26 draft, 0 , 1, 22 a 1 lb. 2, 0, 26 tare, 1 , 3, 4 a 4 lbs. Nett, 50, 3, 0.... a 30s, tº cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ Entry, bond and certificate, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 0 , 12 m 6 Lot money, mending and marking, . . . . . . . . . . 2, 0, 12, 4 Cartage, wharfage, and shipping, . . . . . . . . . , 1, 5 m 8 Brokerage, } + cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0 , 7, 9 Bills of lading and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 10 / 6 Insurance, £100, a 30s. P. cent,... + 1, 10, 0 Policy duty, 0 , 5, 0 * 35 I , 15, 0 76 £ Commission, 2 tº cent. £ Exchange, a 105 tº cent. 8. Freight, 53 cwt... . . . . a 25s. P. ton, . . . . . . . . £ 3, 3, 9 Primage, 5 # cent, , 0, 3, 3 :9 3 // 7 // O Exchange £9 tº 28°40.... & 14, 89 Duty, . . . . . . . . e & e º ºs s & © e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free. Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3 m 50 Cartage, housing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º is e º e a » 3, 50 Weighing, mending, delivery, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... , 3, 65 Advertising, postage, and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . 2, 5 , 50 Warehouse rent, 1 month, 2 cents ºf bag, . . . . . . . . , 1, 00 2332, 04 Fire Insurance, ... 0} + cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0# , Commission, , , . , 5 55 @ 113 tº cent, . . . . , 46, 62 Guarantee, . . . . . . .2% -*- Interest, . . . . . . . . 3 Weight in New York, Gross, 5,930 lbs. Tare, 200 , 93 Nett, 5,730 lbs. . . . . . ... à 8” cents tº lb. ..........& 78 99 28° 465 465 219 EA ST IND I A G IN G E R. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. London | 105 106 107 108 109 1 1 () 1 1 l 1 12 price Or Or Or Or Ol' Or Or Or D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m | D.cts m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. P* *** | 4.66.66 || 4.75.55 4.80.00 || 484.44 || 4 88.88 4.93.33 || 4.97.77 Shillings. cts. p. f6. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. Ib. |cts. p. ib. |cts. p. yd. |cts. p. f6. 20 5 71 5 70 5 81 5 86 5 91 5 90 6 o' 6 o' 2 1 595 6 00 6 06 6 it 6 16 6 * : 6 *6 6 31 22 6 19 6 24 6 30 6 3.5 6 41 6 46 6 52 6 §§ 23 6 44 6 50 6 55 6 60 6 66 6 71 6 77 6 83 24 6 68 6 73 6 79 6 85 6 91 6 Q6 7 0? 7 08 25 69? 698 7 0. 7 10 7 16 7 * 7 * 7 3. 26 7 16 7 * 7 * 7 ** 7 * 746 7 * 7 so 27 7 40 7 * 7 33 7 39 7 06 77° 77° 7 * 28 7 65 7 71 7 77 7 8 | 91 7 97 8 04 8 10 29 7 89 79° 8 0. 8 08 8 16 8 ** 8 28 8 34 30 8 13 8 19 8 26 8 33 8 40 8 47 8 *3 8 61 31 8 37 8 * 8 50 8 37 8 03 8 7° 8 79 8 90 32 8 61 8 07 8 74 8 82 8 90 8 97 9 * 1% 33 8 85 89* 8 99 90° 9 * 9 * 30 38 34 9 09 9 16 9 24 9 * 40 9 * 9 56 64 35 9 33 9 41 9 49 57 9 65 Q 73 * 81 9 89 36 9 37 9 65 9 7° 9 * 9 90 0 98. 1 O 06 10 14 37 9 * 9 * 9 98 10 06 10 * 10 ** 10 * 10 *l 38 1 () 05 10 ** 10 ** 10 31 10 * 10 18 10 *7 10 00 39 10 *9 10 °7 1o 40 10 ** 10 * 10 74 10 ** 10 9. 40 10 ** 10 * 10 7" 10 90 10 90 10 99 1 1 0° 11 17 4 l 10 77 10 * 10 93 1 1 03 11 * 11 ** 11 ** 11 * 42 1 1 01 11 * 11 19 l 1 29 11 40 11 *9 11 *9 1 1 00 43 11 * 11 * 11 * 1 | * 11 * | 1 74 11 * 11 9. 44 1 1 49 11 * 1 1 08 l i 79 11 90 12 00 12 19 12 °o 45 1 1 7° 11 ** | 193 12 04 12 tº i 2 ** 12 * 12 4° Note. West India ginger is rarely used. The preference is give on account of its cheapness. n to the East India 2 F 2 220 E A ST IND I A IND I G O, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 10 chests weighing, cwt. ºrs. lbs. cwt. grs. lbs. Gross, 30, 3, 6 tare, 7, 2, 14 7, 3, 6 draft, 0 , 0, 20 Nett, 23, 0, 0 = 2,576 lbs. . . . . . . a 4s. 6d. p. lb. E 579 12 || 0 Entry, bond and certificate, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 0 , 12, 6 Lot money, mending, casing, marking and hooping , 2, 12, 6 Cartage, wharfage and shipping,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 12 / 6 Brokerage, }, + cent, . . . . . sº º e g º ºs = º 'º e º 'º º ſº : * * > ,, 2, 18, 0 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 10, 6 Insurance, £650, ... a 30s. tº cent, f2, 15, 0 Policy duty, , 1, 15, 0 — l l , 10, 0 18 16 () £ 598 8 || 0 Commission 2 tſ’ cent. | | | 19 || 4 £ 610| 7 || 4 Exchange, a 105 tº cent, & 2,848 37 Freight, 140 feet, a 30s. P. ton of 40 feet,. . . . . . £ 5, 5 , 0 Primage, 5 tº cent, , 0 , 5, 3 £ 5, 10, 3 Exchange, £9 tº 840, 28 24, 52 Duty £610, a 284.80 cts. P. Esterling, =28, 2,930, a 15 tº cent, . . . . . . . . 28.439,50 less discount, 1} + cent, , 6,59 — , 432, 91 Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 50 Cartage labour, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2, 50 Delivery, cooperage, weighing, 28 1.50, . . . . . . . . 35 5, 10 Advertising, 28.4, postage, 28 2.50, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6, 50 Rent, a 25 cents, 1 month, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 2 , 50 * 28 477, 53 Fire Insurance,. . . . . . Oś iſ cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . . . 0# , Commission, . . . . . . . 5 25 @ 11 § {2 ct. . . , 370, 04 847. 57 Guarantee, . . . . . . . . 2%. , -j-" Interest, 6 months, .. 3 35 281 3,695 94 in New York, . Weighing, gross, 3,444 lbs. Tare, 854 ×, Nett, 2,590 lbs. . . . . a 28 1.42% cents ºf lb. . . . . # 3,690) 75 L I 8'9 #86-8 #ga," * 3, — I 8 8% 8 #08, '9 I o º .g.: fº #4 lºg | g I '8 #iº ...; º: # I*8 || 0° () I. ## 1's zi-g | #60'g Zorg | #70'g * o's 90 8 6"6 #90°g | 70'8 #iº | 66% #96. 20:8 99.8 sº | 9. #00' 3 || 88’ & #98 & | 88 & #º. tº: º: tº º #: O8° 2, # / A ‘º gz’a #& 2" gº. { Z * 3 ## 2 & 6'8 #9: #sº łogº. 69's tº: #29% #09 & 69" & 9 * 8 Zg' 2, #99 & # * > º .. QQ' & gg'z #1 gº O” #3: #24. 89 °8, I Q ‘à 67' 2, 2f ‘8, * | *gº. º } ſº Q?' 2, 9.7 °C, I pºz. #69' (, , , , . I 6' 2. # I y' & #63 & / Q. • * * º, #69 & #28 & 98" & • ? I #19 & 6ö’ & £z," & Q & " &c. - . # 25° 3 8' 2. Q?,’ ”, ç2°2 Q & & #83 & # I & 6 Oć, º & A 1 ° z'z, I f 'z, 61 ° 5 Z 1 ° 3 #g I & j7 I & 2, º ()' . 6 Q I & %, I 2, I & 60% #20" #6'ſ '6 6 9 G()°3, Al()" & Q ()' 2, cly 2, #1 o' #20 & 90 & #foºt, *}” 9 oo: & | #86. Z, ... /* 80% tº 00:2, #86. I Z6' * jº tº º #96. I . . . ( , , ; I § 9 20. fº {88 * º 26. tº 68" I O'9 #92 | V | | | #81 I #2. | | #24. gz' I #82. I 9° G 29' I 90. ºr iſ 4. O 2' I #89' I 29 #g .. 69' t jº ()' I #89; 1 &9' I #09 | 6. #99 I g" g [" | 89.1 #99 I #gg. I º, º Q' I 89' I O'Q | Q' I OQ - I & ot, & 1 1. . :4 #ög"l l Q' I OQ I e tº "... ". #4. ori "gri #gri ſº 6" tº #: jº. ()?' I 69' I 89 I A 9’ I É. i. - 9'? - #9 º' I 2,8° * tº - Tº #f73' | g $º (T) 2, " !." I | 9"I (){}" I * * * - I 9'? #9ö' I | #96. I † & ‘I 8?," | 2, 3" º Sö I 2%" | O" ſy 8 || " | A ' I ſe | I & I ()?, I 6 I * 4) I I Q: I I # I I ge I I 6'8 () I 60° 8()' I A.O.' I º glº a I # 1 I'l 9'8 º, ()' I I ()” l e - 90°l Q O' I † O' I & Co. * ()()" [ 66" () S6' & 1 & . º, #80' I 9'8 86° 0 | #86 o #16. O #26' 0 | #96 O • ºo ". | 6’ () | 6’ () º, #ºo lº 96'O O’8 12: jº () #98" () 98’ (\ 68 O # * #88-0 88' 0 6" & () #02-0 #Q Z” () (* J. " - i. 8'0 I 8'0 #08'0 * * Af } Q Z” () f / "O g # 9° à i. 0 | 89.0 | #9% 29' 0 || 90'O i840 82° 0 | #82-0 9" & tº º * .. - * $: (*() * * * * #99." 09"() tºo 69" () 89 () º Q9°O gø'O O" & #89'0 350 " () # I go I Q" () £, (; ſ # 29°0 AQ "O A Q ‘O 6' I 'spo 'OI 'sqo # 09' 0 og'o #6?"o #6; —— sqo (I “slo (I 'suo (I ‘Slo' I f' () 9° l º º k (I sqo (I 'S) 0 ‘(I "S).) ‘OI t & 4.4"/6'ſ £4”8.6 y | 88'88" p 's • A *** * * 3'88"; ##" fºg'; 00' 08"; 99". º Ull sqo'OI tū’s] o' de * y Ç9 34 # II IZ’ſ, 99" ( & Ol tu’s].) (I ul's 10°CI ul sho’CI UI*ST O' 99 p "QI lad .10 ... O ..IO JO IO S}o CI u's 19°CI u’sqo-CI & 7, t ..IO .IO aotid £11 || || 1 || 0 || || 601 | SOI 1( JO º ) I 90 I g01 | Noano'I "CIÉ) NV HOXGI SSIſlTVA 5) NIGINOJSGI’I?IOO HO SITQIVI, 'O 5) I CIN I V ICI N I L S W GI 2 2 32 TU R MER IC, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 150 bags weighing: cwt. qrs. lbs. cwt. qr. lbs. Gross, 151 , 2, 12 draft, 1 , 1, 10 a 1 lb. each. 5, 1 , 12 tare, 4, 0 , 2 real. Nett, 146, 1 , 0 . . . . . . . . . . @ 15s. p. cwt. . . . . . . . .it 109 13 9 Entry, bond, certificate,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if 0 , 12, 6 Lot money, marking and mending, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1, 5 , 0 Lighterage, wharfage and shipping, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1, 2, 0 Brokerage, # tº cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 m, 11 m 0 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 m, 8 ºr 6 Insurance, £125, a 30s. P cent... £ . , 17, 6 . Policy duty, , 0, 10, 0 — , , 2, 7 ,, 6 6|| 6 6 £ 1 16| 0 || 3 Commission, 2 + cent. 2| 6 || 5 £ I 18| 6 || 8 Exchange, 105 tº cent, 28. 552 22 cwt. qrs. lbs. Freight, lä1 , 2, 12 a 25s. p. ton and primage, 6) 5 ty’ cent. . . . . . . . © tº tº e º & tº e. e. e º 'º & © tº e e º q # 9, 19, 0 Exchange, £9 # 23 40, 28 44, 22 Duty,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free. Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3, 50 Cartage, housing, labour, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4, 25 Weighing, delivery and mending, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6, 40 Advertising, postage and small charges, . . . . . . . . , 4, 30 Warehouse rent, 1 month, a 2 cents . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3 ,, 00 ſº 28 65 ,, 67 Fire Insurance, ... 0# ty’ cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0} , Commission, .... 5 35 @ 11; tſ’ cent... . . , 68, 74 134: 41 Guarantee, . . . . . . 2} , - sº- Interest, say . . . . 3 55 2&| 686 63 in New York. * : Weight, gross 16,970 lbs. Tare, 450 , Nett 16,520 lbs. . . . . . a 4" cents ºf lb. . . . . . . . 28. 687| TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. T U R M ER. I. C. EXCHANGE. Lesno, 105 || 106 || 107 || 108 || 109 || 110 | 111 l 12 price Or . Or Or Or Or Or Or Or per cwt. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m 4 66.66 4.75.55 4,80.00 4.84.44 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 Shillings. cts p. ib. |cts. p. ib. cts. p. f6. |cts. p. fb. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. b. 8 Q 47 2 49 2 * 9 33 2 ** Q 37 2 39 2 61 9 2 71 2 73 2 76 2 78 2 80 2 sº 2 34 2 30 1 O 2 93 2 97 3 oo 3 0° 3 0° 3 07 3 10 3 1? 1 | 3 19 3 ** 3 25 3 27 3 30 3 32 3 3% 3 97 ! 2 3 44 8 46 8 49 S 5% 3 55 8 57 3 60 S 63 13 3 68 3 7. 3 74 3 77 3 80 3 * 3 ** 3 88 14 3 93 395 3 98 4 o' 40% 4 08 4 it 4 ** I 5 4 16 4 19 4 23 4 26 4 30 4. 3,3 4 36 4 40 16 4 40 4 43 4 47 4 51 4 55 4 Ö8 4 61 4 65 17 4 64 4 68 4 7? 4 76 4 80 4 83 4 87 4 9. 18 4 88 4 93 496 5 00 5 04 5 08 5 12 5 :6 19 5 12 5 16 5 21 5 * 5 30 5 * 5 38 5 * 20 5 36 5 40 5 45 5 49 5 54 5 58 5 63 5 68 21 5 60 5 65 5 70 5 74 5 79 5 84 5 89 5 9 | 22 5 84 5 89 5 94 5 99 6 04 6 09 6 14 6 19 23 6 08 6 13 6 18 6 ** 6 39 6 * 6 39 6 ** 24 6 32 6 37 6 43 6 48 6 * 6 *9 6 63 6 7. 25 6 56 6 6. 6 67 6 7° 6 79 6 °4 6 90 6 96 26 6 8O 6 86 6 9? 6 98 7 04 7 1() 7 16 7 $º 27 7 04 7 10 7 16 7 22 7 29 7 35 7 41 7 47 28 7 *s 7 34 7 a. 747 7 * 7 to 7 67 7 7. 29 7 52 7 38 7 63 7 7 7 7° 7 *s 7 9. 7. 99 30 7 76 7 82 7 89 7 96 8 O3 8 to 8 17 8 * Note. With the increase of American manufactures, turmeric is likely to acquire the same importance which it possesses in the English mai kets. tions of this article from the East Indies have not been by any means” Hitherto direct importa- 224, S H E L L A C, FROM LONDON TO BOSTON. 25 cases, weighing: cwt. qrs. lbs. cwt. qrs. lbs. Gross, 101, 2, 0 draft, 0 , 1, 22 a 2 lbs. 16, 0, 0 tare, 15, 2, 6 real. Nett, 85 , 2, 0........ a 80s. P. cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . .t Entry, bond and certificate, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # 0 Lot money, marking and coopering, . . . . . . . . . . » 1 Cartage, wharfage and shipping, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2, 0, 0 Brokerage, # tº cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . | Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 Insurance, £375. . a 30s. #' cent. . . . .t5, 12, 6 Policy duty, , 1, 0, 0 - — , 6, 12, 6 :É Commission, 2 tº cent. £ 342 13 355 362 5 Exchange, a 105 tº cent. 28. Freight, 375 feet a 30s. # ton of 40 feet, . . . . . £ 14, 1 , 3 Primage, 5 P cent, 2, 0, 14, 1 £ 14, 15, 4 Exchange £9 # 28 40. & 65, 64 Duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .free. Entry, permit, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3 m 50 Cartage, labour and storing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 7, 50 Delivery, coopering and weighing, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 10, 60 Advertising and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6, 75 Warehouse rent, 1 month, a 25 cts. * case, . . . . , 6, 25 28 100, 24 @ 113 tº ct. . . . . . . 2, 199, 21 0.1 Brokerage, . . . . . . 0% , Commission, . . . . 5 55 Guarantee, . . . . . . 2} , Weight in New-York, Gross, 11,365 lbs. Tare, 1,750 , Nett, 9,615 lbs.. . . . a 20 7" cents itſ’ lb. . . . . . . . . 2& Fire Insurance, ... 0# tº º 1,690 299 1,989 50 45 i 95 1,990 30 225 S H E L L A C. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. |EXCHANGE. LoNDON 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 | l I 1 12 price Or Or Ol' Or Ol' Or Ol' Ol' D.cts.m. | D.cts.m | D.cts.m. | D.cts m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts m P* *** | 4.66.66 471.11 475.55 || 480.00 || 484.44 || 4.88.88 4.93.33 || 4 97.77 S. d. |cts. p. ib. |cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. |cts. p. Ib. |cts. p. f6. cts. p. Ib, cts. p. ib. 60.0 1 5 99 16 03 16 17 16 91 16 4% 16 09 16 73 16 87 62.6 16 49 16 63 | 6 78 16 92 17 O7 17 2 I 17 36 17 50 65.0 17 09 17 24 17 39 17 34 1770 1783 18 00 18 15 67.6 17 09 17 85 18 91 18 16 18 32 18 47 18 63 18 79 7 ().0 18 °9 18 45 18 ° 18 7° 18 9% 19 '' 19 °7 1943 72.6 18 89 19 06 19 23 19 40 19 57 19 74 19 9 | 2O 08 7.5.0 1949 1907 1983 20 0° 20 20 20 °7 20 ** 20 71 77.6 20 99 20 27 20 ** 20 03 2 () * 2 1 0” Q 1 18 21 36 8().0 20 79 2O 89 2 1 08 Q1 20 2 I 45 2 1 03 21 ** 22 00 82.6 2 I 30 2 1 49 2 1 08 21 °7 22 97 22 °6 22 4° 22 °4 85. O 2 90 22 10 22 39 22 ° 22 79 22 89 28 03 23 °8 87.6 22 °9 22 71 QQ 9° 23 1? 23 * 23 * 23 7° 23 92 90.0 23 '' 23 * 23 ° 23 74 23 95 24 15 24 3% 24 ** 92.6 23 7" 23 92 24 ** 94 3% 2.4 °7 24 77 24 98 25 19 95.0 24 31 24 53 24 76 24 98 25 20 25 41 25 G2 25 93 97.6 24 * 25 14 25 °7 Q5 00 25 * 2694 26 26 26 48 100.0 25 * 25 75 25 99 26 * 26 “ 26 08 26 91 27 14 102.6 26 ° 26 30 26 00 26 * 27 of 27 °t 27 34 27 76 105.0 26 7° 2696 27 * 27 * 27 70 27 94 28 18 28 4° 107.6 27 * 27 57 27 °3 28 0° 28 * 28 °7 28 8° 29 97 1 1 0.0 27 93 28 18 23 * 28 69 28 9° 29 °o 29 4° 29 71 1 12.6 23 * 28 79 29 ° 29 * 29 °7 99 % 30 09 30 °5 1 I 5. O 29 '' 29 40 29 °7 29 94 30 °0 30 46 30 7° 31 00 1 17.6 29 7° 30 00 30 * 30 * 30 * 31 09 31 °7 31 64 120.O 30 * 30 0° 30 92 31 18 31 4% 31 73 32 o' 32 °9 122.6 30 94 31 22 31 51 3 1 79 32 07 32 3.5 32 64 32 92 125.0 31 * 31 83 32 ° 32 * 32 70 32 99 33 * 33 37 127.6 32 * 32 44 32 7° 33 03 33 * 33 0° 33 * 34 °o | $0.0 32 74 33 04 33 * 33 0° 33 9% 34 ** 34 * 34 83 135.0 33 9” 34 26 34 * 34 89 35 29 35 #1 35 * 36 14 1 40.0 35 ° 35 48 35 * 36 ° 36 46 36 78 37 '' 37 43 145.0 36 ° 36 69 37 ° 37 37 37 7 38 04 38 * 38 7. 150.0 37 °7 37 92 38 30 38 61 38 90 39 31 39 ° 40 0% 155.0 38 77 39 13 || 39 49 39 ° 40 °l 40 57 40 * 41 19 160.0 39 ° 40 * 40 7° 41 09 41 46 41 83 42 * 42 39 165.0 4 | * 4 30 41 94 42 ** 42 7" 43 09 43 * 43 80 17 O.O 42.99 42 78 43 '7 43 * 43 90 44 30 44 7° 45 10 Note. Shellac meets with an extensive sale in New York for the use of the very large at manufactories established there, and for other purposes, as an ingredient. Seedlac is rarely in demand, and difficult to realize. 2 G 226 B A R B A R Y GUM, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. cwt. qrs. lbs. 60 serons, weighing gross 140, 1, 0 tare & draft 14 lbs. each. { m 2 / Nett, 132, 3, 0, ... a 40s. P. cwt. . . . . .6 265 10 || 0 Discount, 2} + cent. 6 12 || 8 £ 258 17 |4 Entry, bond and certificate, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if 0 , 12, 6 Marking, wharfage and shipping, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1, 16, 6 Cartage, &c. . . . . . . . . $ tº e º 'º e º 'º e s e s s a e s e e s w 2, 1 / 10 / 0 Brokerage, } {P cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 / 5 m ll Bill of lading and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 10 / 6 Insurance, £275, a 30s, tº cent,... E 4, 2, 6 Policy duty, , 0, 15, 0 * 2, 4, 17, 6 IO. 12 || || £ 269 10 || 3 Commission, 2 tº cent. 5| 7 || 9 £ 274 18 ſo * Exchange, 105 tº cent. 281 1,282 86 Freight, a 25s. Pton, and primage, 5 # cent, ... to , 4, 0 Exchange, £9 tº 28°40, 28 40, 89 Duty,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free, Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3, 50 Cartage and housing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... , 3 , 75 Mending and delivery, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4, 50 Weighing, a 4 cents iP 100 lbs. advertising, postage and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 8, 60 e 28 61 , 24 Fire Insurance, ... 04 tº cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0} , Commission, .... 5 25 @ 11; itſ cent, .. , 149, 53 2 10 77 Guarantee, ſº e º 'º e a 2% 55 * Interest, . . . . . . ... 3 25 & 1,493 63 in New York, Actual weight, gross, 15,690 lbs. Tare, a 14 lbs. tſ’ seron, 840 , Nett 14,850 lbs . . . a 10" cents # lb. g| 1,493 91 227 B A R B A R Y GUM. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. LoNDON 105 106 107 108 109 | 1() 1 11 l 12 º OT Or Or Or Or Ol' Or () tº price - D.cts m | D.cts.m. •cts.m. | Dicts.m | D:cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m * * 466.56 471.11 || 4.75.55 || 480.00 || 484.14 | assºs | Tº ſº, Shillings. |cts. p. Ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts, p. ſb. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. |cts. p. ib. 30 7 70 7 76 7 83 7 90 7 97 8 04 8 it 8 18 32 8 17 8 24 8 3 8 38 8 46 8 ** 8 (it) 8 67 34 8 64 8 71 8 70 8 87 8 95 9 ().3 9 ! {} 0 # 8 36 9 12 9 19 9 27 9 35 9 4 4 9 5'2 9 tit) 9 (58 38 9 59 9 67 9 75 9 * 993 10 0° 10 ” 10 19 40 10 00 10 15 10 34 1 O 39 10 ** 10 ** | () 60 1069 42 1 O 53 I () 62 1 O 72 108" 10 9 1 | Ot) 1 1 (){} | 1 | 8 44 1 1 00 1 1 1 0 1 1 20 1130 1 | 40 | 1 50 1 1 59 | 199 46 1 1 47 1 1 57 1 1 08 1 1 7° 1 | 89 1 1 99 12 0.) 12 19 48 11 94 12 0.5 12 10 12 °7 1 2 38 12 48 12 * 12 10 50 12 42 12 ** 12 6.5 1270 | 2 87 13 {)8 13 09 13 *o 55 13 60 13 72 13 85 1397 14 10 14 22 14 34 l 4 46 60 14 78 14 83 1 5 93 1518 15 * 15 ** 15 $9 157° 65 15 06 16 10 16 25 1639 16 54 1668 16 83 I (; 98 70 17 13 17 29 17 43 17 Gl 1777 1793 18 99 18 °% 75 18 31 18 48 18 65 1882 1990 19 '7 19 '' 19 " 80 1949 1907 1984 2003 || 20 * 20 ** 20 * 20*. 85 20 07 20 86 2 1 0% 21 24 2 I 44 2 1 03 2 | *} 22°. 90 Q 1 8% 22 05 Q2 20 22 47 QQ "7 22 °7 || 23 07 || 23 * 95 23 03 23 °4 23 40 2308 23.90 24 || 24 * 24° 100 24 °l 24 43 24 00 24 88 25 '' 25 93 25 36 25 79 1 O5 25 39 25 62 25 86 Q6 ()9 26 93 26 56 26 80 27 º 1 10 26 57 26 81 27 06 27 31 27 56 27 8 i 28 ().5 28 °9 1 15 27 75 28 01 28 °0 28* 28” 29 º' as " as “ 120 28 93 29 19 29 46 29 73 30 01 30 28 30 54 30 8 1 Note. The consumption of Senegal, Barbary and other gums used in dyeing is very considerable, and becoming daily still more so by the increase of domestic manufactures. Only the best quality in the original packages and ungarbled will answer. Gum Senegal, although usually imported in casks, may be estimated by the above table. 228 G U M A R A BIC, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 10 cases weighing: cwt. qrs. lb. cwt. qr. lbs. Gross, 38, 2, 0 draft, 0, 0, 20 6 , 2, 0 tare, 6, 1 , 8 real. *- -*-* O Nett, 32, 0, 0, . . . . . . . a £2.47 cwt. . . . . . . . . . . £ 64 O Entry, bond and certificate, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if 0 , 12, 6 Lot money, cooperage and marking, . . . . . . . . . 2, 0, 15 m 0 Cartage, wharfage and shipping, . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 / 2 m 0 Brokerage, } {}^ cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 6, 5 Bills of lading and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 5 m 6 Insurance, £100. . . . a 30s. tſ’ cent, Él , 10, 0 Policy duty,. . . . , 0 , 5, 0 * *ºmmºnsº l // 15 // O 4 16 ° £ 68| 16 || 5 tº º 1| 7 || 7 Commission, 2 tſ’ cent. *º- £ 70| 4 || 0 Exchange, 105 #' cent, 28. 327| 60 Freight, 150 ft. a 30s. # ton of 40 feet, ...... e5, 12, 6 Primage, 5 # cent, , 0 , 5, 8 £5, 18, 2 Exchange, £9, § 840. . .826, 26 Duty, . . . . . .* @ B e. e. e g º e º 'º te e º e º 'º e s e s e e e s a e free, Entry, permit, &c. ... . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 50 Cartage, housing, labour, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2, 48 Delivery, cooperage, weighing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5, 60 Advertising, postage, and small charges,. . . . . . . . . . 2, 6, 50 Warehouse rent, 1 month, a 25 cts. . . . . . . . . . . . , 2, 50 28°46, 84 Fire Insurance, ... 0# ty’ cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0# , *Commission, . . . . 5 , @ 11 § {P cent,.... , 41, 66| 88 50 Guarantee, . . . . . . 2# , *= } - * Interest, say, . . . . 3 2, 23| 416. 10 | in New York, Weight, gross 4,310 lbs. tare, 710 , Nett, 3,600 lbs..... a 11 * cents {P lb. & 416 16 229 G U M A R A B I. C. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. London | 19° 106 107 108 109 11() l ll l 12 $ Or OT Or Or Or Or Or Or price D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts. m | D.cts.m D.cts.m per CWt. 4.66.66 || 4.75.55 || 4.80.00 4.84.44 || 4.88.88 4.93.33 || 4.97.77 4. s. cents p. 1b.cents p. lb. cents p. lb. cents p. 1b.cents p. lb. cents p. lb. cents p, lb. cents p. lb. 1. O 6 71 6 76 6 81 6 86 6 91 696 () i 7 06 1. 2 7 19 7 * 7 30 7 33 7 4. 746 7 * 7 st 1. 4 7 68 773 7 79 7 8s 7 9. 7 97 8 03 8 09 1. 6 8 16 8 22 8 28 8 34 8 ** 8 47 8 ** 8 00 1. 8 8 65 8 71 8 78 8 84 8 91 8 98 05 iº 1 - 1 O 9 13 20 9 27 9 34 9 42 9 4) 56 9 63 1. 12 9 * 69 976 9 84 9 * 10 00 1097 10 15 1. 14 10 10 10 18 10 36 10 34 10 ** 10 30 10 * 10 00 1.16 10 39 1 1 07 10 75 10 89 109? 1 1 00 11" 1 1 17 1. 18 1 1 07 1 115 11 24 11 33 11 * 11 * 11 "o 1 1 09 2. O 11 56 1 1 03 11 74 11 83 1 1 0° 12 0° 12 * 12 ** 2. 2 12 04 12 * 12 23 12 93 1 2 4° 12 ** 12 °3 12 73 2. 4 12 ** 120° 12 73 12 89 12 9° 13 0° 13. 13 ** 2. 6 13 01 13 ** 13 * 13 * 13 * 13 * 13 * 13 66 2. 8 13 49 13 60 13 71 13 * 13 99 1494 14. 14 27 2. 1 O 13 98 1 4 09 14 30 1 4 3° 14 ** 14 * 14. 14" 2. 12 14 46 1 4 37 1 4 09 14 * 14 94 15" 15 º 1531 2. 14 14 94 15 06 15 19 15 * 15 * 15 °7 13. 15 Bs 2. 16 15 43 15 ° 15 68 15 * 15 94 16 °7 13. 19. 2. 18 1 5 91 16 04 16 17 1699 16 “ 16. 16 º 17 º' 3. 0 16 40 1653 16 °7 16 °' 16.9% 17 º 7. 17 º 3. 2 1683 17 o' 17 16 1799 17 “ 17 º 17. 17 . 3. 4 1736 17 so 17 63 17 ° 1795 18. 18. 3. 3. 6 17 8s 1800 18 15 18 ° 18 4% 18. 18. !. 3. 8 18 39 18 48 1894 1879 189” 19. 19. 3. 3. 1 O 1883 1897 19 tº 19 ° 19 " 19. 19. 2. 3. 12 1999 1946 19 ° 19 ° 1999 20. 22. 22. 3.14 1978 1995 20 !? 20 * 20 4° 20. 20. 21 51 3. 16 20 27 20 +4 2001 20 ° 20 90 21 . * . 21 13 3.18 20 7° 2O 92 21 10 21 * 21 40 21. 31. 22 55 4. O 21 24 21 * 2 1 00 2 I ?” 21 97 22. 22. * . 5. O 26 08 26 °l 26 ° 26 " 27 °. 27. *7. *... 6. o 30 93 l 31 19 31 47 31 7° 32 93 32 32 32 200 EA ST IND I A G UMS, viz. ANIMI, ASSAFOEDITA, AMONIAC, COPAL, GALBANUM, GAMBOGE, FRANKINCENSE, MASTIC, MYRRH, OLIBANUM, SANDARAC, STORAx, THUs, TRAGAGANTH, &c. GUMS BENJAMIN AND KINO, although in cases weighing only about 1 cwt. I qr. 20 lbs. gross, may also be estimated by the following calculation and table. 12 cases weighing, cwt. gr. lbs. cwt. qr. lbs. Gross, 42, 3, 24 draft, 0 , 0 , 24 (a) 2 lbs. each. 7, 2, 24 tare, 7, 2, 0 Nett, 35, I , 0 . . . . . . . . a £3 tº cwt... . . . . . . £ I ()5] 15 || 0 Entry, bond, certificate,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 0 , 12, 6 Lot money, coopering and marking,. . . . . . . . . . , 0, 18 /, 0 Cartage, wharfage and shipping, . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 m 4 m 0 Brokerage, } tº cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 0, 10, 7 Bills of lading and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . 2, 0, 10, 6 Insurance, £125, a 30s. P cent, ... f. 1 , 17, 6 Policy duty . . , 0, 10, 0 2, 2, 7, 6 6|| 3 || 1 f | | || 18 || 1 Commission, 2 tſ’ cent. 2| 4 || 9 £ | 14|| 2 || () ºr wº Exchange, 105 tº cent. . 28. 532| 66 Freight, 168 feet, a 30s. p. ton of 40 feet, . . . . . . £ 6, 6, 0 Primage, 5 tſ’ cent, 2, 0, 6, 4 £ 6, 12, 4 Exchange £9 tº 28°40. . . . 28 29, 41 Duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free, Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 3 m 50 Cartage, housing, labour, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2, 96 Delivery, cooperage, weighing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6, 20 Advertising, postage, and petty charges, . . . . . . . . , 6, 50 Warehouse rent, a 25 cents tº chest iſ mth. I mth. , 3,00 28 51, 57 Fire Insurance, ... ... 0; tſ’ cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . . . . . 0% 92 Commission, . . . . . . . . 5 , X a 11% tº ct. . , 65,00_l16 57 |_ Guarantee, . . . . . . . . . . 2% 55 2& 649| 23 Interest, . . . . . . . . . . . 3 25 in New-York, Weight, gross, 4,810 lbs. Tare, 790 , real. Nett, 1,020 lbs. . . . . . a 16" cents tſ’ lb. 28. 649| 23 23 l EA ST IND I A G U M S. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. LONDON 105 106 107 I ()8 109 1 l () 1 11 112 price Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or D.cts. m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts, in per CWt. 4.66.66 || 4.71.ll 4.75.55 || 4.80.00 4.84.44 || 4.88.88 || 4.93.33 4.97.77 £ s. |cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. |cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. |cts. p. ib. |cts. p. ib. 1. 0 6 63 6 67 6 72 6 77 6 82 6 87 6 9s 697 l. 5 7 82 7 88 7 94 8 00 8 06 8 12 8 18 8 ** 1. 10 9 on 9 08 I 5 22 0 29 9 36 44 9 * 1. 15 1 O 20 10 28 1 () 36 10 * 10 53 I () (31 I () 69 10 77 2. O 1 1 39 11 48 1 1 58 10 °7 11 70 11 ** 11 9% 12 * 2. 5 1 2 58 12 68 12 79 12 89 13 0 0 13 to 13 21 18 {}l 2. 10 1 Q 77 13 88 14 00 14 12 1 4 34 14 * 14 47 14 °9 2. 15 14 96 15 09 15 * 15 * 15 47 15 60 15 7° 15 80 3. () 1 6 15 16 29 16 43 16 37 | 6 71 16 ° 16 99 17 13 3. 5 || 17 °4 17 49 17 64 1779 1793 18 10 18 °% 18 40 3. 1 O 18 53 18 09 18 86 19 ()2 19 18 10 * 19 " 19 (;7 3. 15 1972 1999 20 97 20 ** Q0 ** 20 °9 20 77 20 9* 4. O 20 91 2 1 09 2 1 28 21 40 2 1 0° 21 ** 22 9° 22 * 4. 5 22 '9 22 39 22 39 22 09 22 89 23 (9 23 °9 24 49 4. 10 28 29 23 50 23 71 23 92 24 13 24 34 24 55 24 76 4.15 24 48 24 79 24 93 25 ° 25 * 25 ° 25 tº 26 0° 5. 0 25 67 25 90 26 14 26 37 26 60 26 83 27 ()(j 27 29 5. 5 26 86 27 10 27 35 27 59 27 83 28 07 28 32 28 56 5. 10 28 05 28 °t 28 °7 28 8° 29 97 29 ° 29 ° 29 “ 5. 15 29 24 29 º' 29 7° 30 0° 30 31 30 38 30 ** 31 o' 6. O 3O 49 30 7" 31 00 31 27 31 * 3 18° 32 " 32 38 6. 5 || 31 0° 31 9° 32 ° 32 39 32 78 33 (7 33 °0 33 0% 6. 10 32 ° 32 ° 33 4? 33 7° 34 0° 34 33 34 0° 34 º 6.15 34 01 34 3° 34 04 34 94 35 * 35 °7 35 * 36 º 7. 0 || 35 °9 35 * 35 °º 36 7 36 49 36 ° 37 14 37 : 7. 5 36 39 36 72 37 06 37 39 37 72 38 06 38 º 38 73 7. 10 || 37 * 37 93 38 28 38 0° 38 90 39 º' 39 " 40 7.15 38 77 39 ° 39 49 39 % 40 20 40 ° 40 9 41 º 8. O 39 96 40 33 40 71 41 07 4 l 43 41 80 42 17 42 #31 8. 5 || 41 * 41 * 41 9° 42 39 42 " || 45 ' || 43. 3. 8. 10 || 42 * 42 7° 43 1? 43 ** 43 9" 44* 44, #. 8.15 43 * 43 94 44 3% 44 7° 45 “ 45 ° 45 º 46 º 9. O || 44 7° 45 14 45 ° 45 97 46 9° 46 79 47 º 47 69 9. 5 || 45 * 46 34 46 77 47 19 47 C° 48 04 48 73 48 17 9. 10 || 47 '' 47 55 47 99 48 4° 48 8° 49 º 49 º 50 44 & 9. 15 48 ° 48 7° 49 °9 49 % 50 ° 50 * 39. 5 1 71 tº 49 95 4 1 50 87 5 1 33 51 79 52 52 1 O. () 49 49 50 56 ſ}3 3 * 53 98 10. 5 50 * 5 1 1% 51 03 52 º 53. º 28 : 77 55 * 5 S4 fº J 4 t 10. 10 5 1 º º: º : 05 : 54 : 03 55 °3 560? 56 * I O. 15 53 25 - 76 . 27 55 77 56 27 56 77 57 28 57 78 1 1. 0 54 54 55 5 1 (;0 58 ° 59 ° 11. 5 55 * 5596 56 48 57 00 57 58 27 80 60 * #..., | . . . ; * | * * | 58 | *. . . . . . . . . º 83 37 58 91 59 ° 59 60 61 l 1 1.15 57 O2 ; 57 60 * 60 67 61 ** 61 77 62 * 62 °7 12.. O 59 232 EAST IN DIA G U M S. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING PRICES, CONTINUATION. EXCHANGE. | London | 105 || 106 107 || 108 109 || 1 || 0 || 1 || 1 1 12 º Or Or Or Or OT Or Or Ol" * | Dictsm | D.ctsm | D ctsm | Dicts.m | D.ctsm D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m Per CWt. 4.66 66 || 4.71.]] 4.75.55 4.80.00 || 4.84.44 4.88 88 || 4.93.33 || 4.97.77 £ s. cts. p. ib., |cts. p. ib. |cts. p. Th. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. f6. 12. 5 60 * 60 77 61 33 61 89 62 4° 63 ot 63 38 64 14 12.10 || 6 | * 61 97 62 * 63 1? 63 09 64 20 64 84 65 41 12. 15 62 °9 || 63 17 | 63 7° 64 * 64 93 65 * | 66 10 | 66 ° 13. 0 || 63 78 || 64 37 64 97 || 65 " | 66 10 | 66 70 | 67 36 | 67 ° 13. 5 64 97 65 58 66 19 66 79 67 40 68 00 68 01 69 22 13. 1 O 66 16 66 78 67 40 68 Q2 68 63 69 25 69 87 7 O 49 13.15 67 * | 67 98 || 68 ° 69 * | 69 87 70 *0 || 7 || 13 || 7 || 7° 14. O 68 54 69 18 69 83 70 47 71 1 1 71 75 72 39 73 03 14. 5 || 69 73 || 70 38 || 7 || 94 || 7 || 99 || 72 34 || 72 99 || 73 65 74 30 14.10 || 70 9° | 7 | * | 72 * | 72 9" | 73 * | 74 * | 74 91 || 75 °7 14. 15 | 72 * 7 2 79 73 47 74 14 74 Bl 75 49 76 17 76 85 15. o | 73 3 | 73 99 || 74% 75 ° 76 o' | 767° 77 is 78 to 15. 5 || 74 30 || 75 19 75 * 76 39 || 77 °9 77 98 || 78 08 || 79 ° 15. 10 75 69 76 40 77 11 77 81 78 52 79 23 79 94 80 65 15. 15 || 7 6 5° 77 60 | 78 ° * 79 76 80 48 || 8 || 20 | 8 || 9° 16. O || 78 97 78 80 79 °3 80 °0 81 00 8 1 7° 82 46 83 19 16. 5 79 26 8O 00 80 75 81 49 82 23 82 97 83 72 84 46 16. 10 80 4° 8 1 20 8 l 90 82 7" 83 47 84 22 84 98 85 73 16.15 81 %" | 82 49 83 '7 83 99 84 7° 85 46 86 23 86 99 17. O | 82 * 83 01 84 39 85 '7 85 94 86 7° 87 49 88 °7 17. 5 84 02 84 81 85 60 86 39 87 18 87 97 88 75 89 54 17.10 || 85 * | 86.9" | 86°" 87 " | 88 " | 89 * | 90 or 90 * 17. 15 86 40 87 21 88 03 88 84 89 65 90 46 91 27 92 08 18. o 87 * | 88 “ | 89 * | 90 * | 90 89 || 9 || 7 | 92 53 | 93 * 18. 5 88 79 89 0° 90 * | 28 92 * 92 9° 93.79 94 0° 18. 10 89 9° 90 83 91 07 92 51 93 30 94 30 95 0° 95 89 18. 15 9 | 17 92 02 92 68 93 73 94 59 95 45 96 31 97 16 19. O 92 * | 93 * | 94 ° 94 * 95 * | 96 7 97 °7 98 “ 19, 5 || 93 ** 94 * 95 * 96 ° 97 °7 || 97 9 98 ° 99 7" 19. 10 | 94 74 95 ° 96 ° 97 “ 98 99 || 99 °9 100 09 || 101 9° 19. 15 95 ° 96 ° 97 7" | 98 ° 99 “ | 100 * | 101 * | 102 * 20. 0 || 97 * | 98 ° | 98 ° 99 ° 100 7" | 101 09 | 1.02 °o | 103 * 20. 10 | 99 ° | 100 * | 101 °7 | 102 * | 103 * | 104 * | 105 ° 106 0° 21. o | 101 99 || 102 * | 103 ** | 104 " | 105.7° 106 0° 107 º' | 108 60 21. 10 | 104 °7 || 105 * | 106 ° | 107 * | 108 ° 109 tº 11o 1" | 1 || 1 14 22. 0 || 106 ° | 107 ° 108 " | 109" | 110 " | 11 1 07 || 1 12 08 || 11309 22.10 || 109 ° | | 10 0° | 1 || 1 * | 1 12 " || 1 13 * | 1 || 4 |7 || 1 15 * | | 16 °3 23. 0 || 1 11 *| | | 12 * | | 13 * | 114 * | 1.15 " | 11606 || 1 17 7" | 1 1876 23. 10 || 1 1379 || 1 14 * | 1 15 * | 1 17 ° 118 ° | 1 1913 | 120 °3 | 121 30 24. 0 || 1 16 ° | 1 17 * | 118 °" | 119 " | 120 * | 121 6" | 122 7" | 123 * 24.10 || 118 ° | | 1997 | 120 * | 121 * | 123 * | 124 tº 125 °7 | 125 38 25. 0 | 120 * | 122 °7 123 * | 124 * | 125 * | 126 64 127 79 || 128 93 25.10 | 123 * | 124 * | 125 * | 126 ° 127 97 || 129 14 || 130 3" | 131 48 26. 0 | 125 70 | 126 ° | 128 °7 | 129 * | 130 * | 131 64 || 132 * | 134 00 26.10 | 128 ° 129 ° | 130 ° 1317° | 132 * | 134 19 || 135 34 136 ° eswº- 238 TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES, CONTINUATION. EA ST INDIA G U M S. EXCHANGE. Londos | * | 06 107 108 109 I l () 1 1 1 | 12 e Or Or Or Or Ol' Or OT Or price D.cts.m. | Dicts.m. | Dicts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. per cwt. 4.66.66 4.71.11 || 4.75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 4.88.88 || 4.93.33 4.97.77 £ s. |cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. f6. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts, p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. 27. O | 130 47 | 131 ° 1329° 134 14 | 135 37 || 136 °o 137 80 138 to 27.10 || 132 * | 134 " || 135 3' | 136 39 || 137 * | 138 08 || 140 38 || 14 63 28. 0 || 135 * | 136 °' 137 77 1399 || 140 * | 1.41 ° 142 * | 1.44 19 28. 10 | 137 * 1389? 1 40 °9 | 4 || 30 142 * 144 '' 145 * 146 73 29. 0 || 140* | 1.41 * | 1.42% 143 94 | 1.45 * | 1.46% 147 * | 1.49 % 29.10 | 1.42 * 143 7° 1459% 146 49 147 7° 149 19 150 ** 15 l 80 30. O | 1.44 ° 146 14 147 * | 1.48 8% 150 ** 151 ° 152 97 154 34 B O R A X AND T IN C A L. Shillings. cts. p. ib. cts. p. b. cts. p. ib. cts. p. Ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. | 50 14 * 1 4 33 14 0° 14 77 14 89 15 01 15 13 15 “ 5 ! 14.0% 14 77 14 89 1 5 91 15 14 15 °7 1 5 98 15 °l 52 } 4 89 15 ol 15 14 15 26 15 39 15 * 15 64 15 76 53 15 tº 15 * 15 38 15 º' 15 64 15 70 15 89 16 01 54 1 5 97 15 50 15 63 15 76 15 89 16 0° 16 ° 16 °8 55 15 61 15 74 15 88 16 01 16 14 16 27 16 40 16 °3 56 15 85 15 98 16 12 16 °5 16 39 16 ° 16 66 16 79 57 16 09 16 23 16 37 16 °l 1664 16 77 1691 17 os 58 16 33 16 47 1601 16 75 1689 17 on 17 17 17 at 59 16 57 16 71 16 86 17 00 17 14 17 28 17 43 17 37 60 16 82 16 96 17 11 17 25 17 40 17 54 17 69 17 83 61 17 06 17 20 17 35 17 50 17 65 17 79 17 9. 18 08 62 17 30 17 4s 17 60 1773 1790 180° 18 °0 18 33 63 17 54 17 69 17 84 18 00 18 15 18 30 18 45 18 60 64 17 78 17 93 18 09 18 24 18 40 18 °3 18 7 | 8 86 65 18 0° 18 18 18 34 18 °0 18 63 18 °o 1890 19 is 66 18 26 | 8 42 18 58 18 74 18 90 19 O6 19 22 19 º 67 18 50 18 66 18 83 1899 19 " 19 31 19 47 19 3. 68 18 74 1890 1997 19 ° 1940 19 ° 19 7° 19 º 69 18 98 19 15 19 32 19 49 19 65 19 8? 19 98 20 . 7 O 19 °3 1940 19 °7 1979 1999 20 97 20 * | 20 . 71 19 47 19 64 - 19 81 19 98 20 15 20 32 20 49 20 9? 72 19 7" 1988 20 00 20 ** 20 40 20 °7 20 º 20 17 73 is 9, go tº 20 * | 20 " | 20 20. 2: . . . . 74 20 19 20 °7 20 ** 20 7° 20 9° 21 º 21 51 21 69 75 20 48 20 o' 20 79 20 97 21 ° 21 58 2 | 77 21 93 76 20 07 20 * 2 1 04 21 ** 21 49 2 | * . * . 77 20 9" 2 1 09 2 1 38 2 40 2 1 0° 21 °3 22 22 47 (f 1 5 21 * 21 33 2 | 72 21 99 22 99 22 39 22 § | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3 || || 3: . . . . . . 80 Q 1 64 21 8° 22 0° 22 * 22 4° 22 °9 22 04 22 £3 8 1 21 88 22 07 22 39 22 ** 22 0° 22 * 23 2. 23 48 82 22 * 22 ** 22 ** 22 70 22 90 23 99 2:3 . 23. 83 º, so | 33 as 227 22 * 23. 23. . . . . . 84 22 00 22 80 23 00 23 °0 23 40 23 60 23 24 Calculation, see page 254. 2 H 234 B O R A X AND T IN CAL, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 15 cases, weighing: cwt. qrs. lbs. cwt. qrs. lbs. Gross, 43, 3, 23 tare, 11, 1, 21 real. 11 , 2, 23 draft, 0 , I , 2 @ 2 lbs. each. Nett, 32, 1, 0 . . . . . . . ... a 60s. P. cwt. . . . . . . . . Entry, bond, certificate, .................. if 0 , 1. Lot money, cooperage, marking, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 m Cartage, wharfage, and shipping, ..... . . . . . . . , 0 m. I Brokerage, } {P cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 m Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . , 0, / / / y / / : i Insurance, £125,.. a 30s. P. cent, £ 1, 17, 6 Policy duty, , 0, 10, 0 — » 2 // 7 // 6 96 15 18 :6 Commission, 2 tſ’ cent. £ 102 13 H 104 14 Exchange, a 105 ºf cent, & Freight, 210 feet, a 30s. tº 40 feet, ........ + 7, 17, 6 Primage, 5 tº cent, 2, 0, 7, 10 £ 8, 5, 4 Exchange, É9 p. 28° 40, 2& 36, 74 Duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free. Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... , 3, 50 Cartage, labour, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3, 75 Delivery, cooperage, and weighing, ............ , 7, 70 Advertising, postage and small charges, ........ , 6, 50 Warehouse rent, a 25 cents, tº month, 1 month, , 3, 75 28 61, 94 Brokerage,.... 0} 25 Fire Insurance, 0; itſ cent. & Commission, .. 5 25 § 11% º cent . . . . , 61 , 27 Guarantee, . . . . .2% , Interest, 6 mths. 3 95 2& in New York, Weight, gross, 4,920 lbs. Tare, 1,280, Nett, 3,640 lbs. . . . . . . . . a 16" cents {p lb. .... 28° Table, see page 233. 488 123 612 612. 83 21 04 54 * TU R KEY O PIUM, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 6 cases, weighing : (the leaves being first rubbed off.) cwt. qrs. lbs. cwt. qrs. lbs. Gross, 9, 1, 14 draft, 0, 0, 6 1 / 3 ſ, 14 tare, I , 3, 8 real. Nett, 7 m 2 ſ, 0 = 840 lbs... a 14s. r. Ib.... e. 588 0 || 0 Discount, 2% tº cent. 14|| 14 || 0 ſº f 573| 6 || 0 Entry, bond and certificate, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 0 , 12, 6 Cooperage and marking, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 6, 0 Wharfage and shipping, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0, 6, 0 Brokerage, } tº cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2, 18 , 10 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . » 0, 10, 6 Insurance, £600, a 30s. tº cent. . 429, 0, 0 Policy duty, 1 , 10, 0 — , 10, 10, 0 15| 3 |10 4, 588 9 |10 Commission, 2 tº cent. 11| 15 5 #3 600 5 || 3 Exchange, 105 # cent. 28' 2,801, 22 Freight, 24 feet, a 40s. # ton of 40 feet, ...... £ 1 , 4, 0 Primage, 5 # cent, , 0, 1 , 3 £ 1, 5, 3 c Exchange, £9 # 28°40,.... 28' 5, 62 Duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free. Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . tº a e e o O sº e s e e s e e s e 2, 3, 50 Cartage, housing, and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2 m, 25 Advertising, 284, weighing and delivery, 28 1, . . . . , 5 m 00 Rent, 1 month, a 12# cents, . . . . . . . . tº gº tº e s e e º ſº º , 0, 75 - 28 17, 12 Fire Insurance,. . . . . . 0} {} cent. Commission, . . . . . . . . 5 95 Guarantee, '........ 2} , @ 11; d? ct... 313, 54 330, 66 Interest, 6 months, .. 3 95 28, 3,131| 88 Brokerage, ... . . . . . 0} . in New York, Invoice nett, weight, 845 lbs. . . 0.283.70% cents d? lb..... &| 3,130| 73 2 H 2 236 TU R K F. Y O PITU M. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. RXCHANGE. London | 105 106 107 108 109 I 10 I l I I 12 price Or Or OI" Or' Or Or Or Or D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m ** | 4.66.66 || 4.71.11 || 4.75.55 || 480.00 || 484.44 || 4.88.88 4.93.33 || 4.97.77 Shillings. Dol, cts. Dol, cts. Dol, cts. | Dol. cts. Dol. cts. | Dol. cts. | Dol. cts. | Dol, cts. 1 O 2.65% 2.68 2.70% 2.73 2.75% 2.78 2.80% 2.83 1 J 2.91} | 2.94 2.97 || 2.99% 3.02} | 3.05 3.08 3.10% 12 3. 18 3.21 3.24. 3.27 3.30 3.33 3.36 3.39 13 3.44 3.47 3.50% 3.53% 3.57 3.60 3.68} | 3.66% 14 3.70% 3.74 3.7% 3.81 3.84% 3.88 3.91% 3.95 15. 3.96% 4.00 4.04 4.07% 4.11% | 4.15 4. 19 4.22} 16 4.23 4.27 4.3.1 4.35 4.39 4.43 4.47 4.51 17 4.49 4.53 4.57% 4.61% 4.66 4.70 4.74% 4.78% 18 4.75% 4.80 4.84% 4.89 4.93% 4.98 5.02% 5.07 19 5.01% 5.06 5. 1 1 5.15} | 5.20% 5.25 5.30 5.34% 20 5.28 5.33 5.38 5.43 5.48 5.53 5.58 5.63 21 5.54 5.59 5.64% 5.69% 5.75 5.80 5.85% 5.90% 22 5.80% 5.86 5.91} | 5.97 6.02% | 6.08% 6.13% 6.19 23 6.06% 6. 12 6.18 6.23# 6.29% 6.30 6,41 6.46% 24 6.33 6.39 6.45 6.5 ! 6.57 6.63 6.69 6.75 25 6.59 6.65 6.71% 6.77% 6.84 6.90 6.96% 7.02% 26 6.85% 6.92 6.98% 7.05 7.11% 7.18 7.24% 7.31 27 7. 11; 7.18 7.25. 7.31% 7.38% 7.45 7.52 7.58% 28 7.38 7,45 7.52 7.59 7.66 7.73 7.80 7.87 29 7.64 7.71 7.78% 7.85% 7.93 8.00 8.07% 8.14% 30 7.90% 7.98 8.05% 8.13 8.20% 8.28 8.35% 8.43 Note. In regular demand for the China trade. 287 EA ST IN DIA R H U BAR B, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 15 cases, weighing : .” cwt. qrs. lbs. cwt. qrs. lbs. Gross, 21, 1, 22 draft, 0, 0, 15 a 1 lb. 2, 3, 22 tare, 2, 3, 7 real. Nett, 18, 2, 0 = 2,072 lbs..... a 28. § lb. . . . £ Entry, bond and certificate, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # 0 , 12, 6 Lot money, cooperage, marking, . . . . . . . . . . . . » 1 , , 0, 0 Cartage, wharfage and shipping, . . . . . . . . . . . . .” 1 / 2 m 6 Brokerage, # #” cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 m 9 m * Bills of lading and small charges, ... . . . . . . . . . » 0 m. 19 m 6 Insurance, £350, a 30s. #' cent, ... it 3 m 15 m 9 Policy duty, .. , 0 m, 15 m 0 2, 4, 10, 0 f Commission, 2 P cent. 216 207 :6 22() : Exchange, 105 iſ cent. 31 Freight, 62 feet, a 30s. # 40 feet,. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 82, 6, 6 Primage, 5 # cent, , 0 m, 2 m 4 fº , 8, 10 Exchange, £9 p. 28.40. 28, 10, 85 Duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . free, Entry, permit, &c.; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " 3, 50 Cartage, housing, labour, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .” 2 m 50 Advertising, weighing, delivery, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . » ºn 60 Warehouse rent, 1 month a 124 cents * case. . . . .” 1 , 87 Postage and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ” 1 /, 75 2827, 07 Fire Insurance, ... 0# *P cent-Y Brokerage, . . . . . . 0# 2, Commission, . . . . 5 95 @ 113 tº cent, . . 117, 40 1,028, 22 144 47 Guarantee, . . . . . . 2% 9, 2% Interest, say,. . . . 3 95 in New York, Weight, gross, 2,392 lbs. tare, 312 2, Neº, 2,0so Ibs..........a 56° ºne ºf ºil. s 1,172 69 1,172. 70 238 EA ST IN DIA R H U B.A. R. B. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING PRICES. |EXCHANGE. LoNDoN 105 106 107 108 109 | 10 | 1 || 1 12 price Or Or Or OT Or Or Or Or D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts m | D.cts m | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m Per tº 4.66.66 4.71.11 || 4.75.55 || 480.00 || 4.84.44 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 S. d. Dol.cts. Dol cts. | Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts, Dol.cts. 1 ... O 9:29; 0.29% 0.29; 0.30 0.30% | 0.30% º; O.31 1.3 o.36% 0.86; 0.36; 9.3% 0.37} | 0.37% 0.37% º 1.6 0.42% 0.43% 0.48% º; 0.44% 94; O. A.5 O. 45: 1.9 0.49; 0.50 0.50% 0.50% 0.51} | 0.51; º O. 52% 2.0 0.56; o.56% 0.57; 0.57% 0.58; oº:: 0.59; o,59; 2.3 0.63% 0.635 | 0.64% 0.64% 0.65; o.65% | 0.66% o.67 2.6 0.69% ozo; 0.71% 0.71% 0.72; o.73 0.73; 0.74} 2.9 º; 0.77+ 0.78 0.783 || 0.79; 0.80 0.80% 0.813 3 O 9 * 0.84% º; 0.85; 0.86; 0.87% º; 0.88; 3.3 9.9% 0.91 º; 0.92; 0.93; 0.94% 0.95% 0.96 3.6 0.96% 0.97% 0.98% º; 1.00% 1. () li 1.02} 1.03% 3.9 1.03? 1.04; 1.05; 1.06} | 1.07% | 1.083 | 1.093 | 1.10% 4.0 i.io; 1.11% | 1.11% 1.13% | 1.14% | 1.15} | 1.16} | 1.17% 4.3 º 1.18% | 1.19% | 1.203 | 1.21% | 1.22; 1.23; 1.243 4.6 1.23% | 1.25% | 1.26; º 1.28} | 1.29% | 1.30% | 1.32 4.9 39; º: 1.33} ºf 1.35% | 1.36% | 1.38 1.39% 5.0 tº tº lº 1.41} | 1.423 | 1.43% º 1.46% 5.3 *} 1.45} | 1.46% | 1.48% º; 1.5 l 1.52; 1.53% 5.6 1.50% º 1.55% º 1.56; 1.58 º 1.60% 5.9 i.57% i.59 | 1.60; tº tº tº tº 1.6% 6.0 i.64; 1.66 1.67; ºš 1.7% | 1.7% 1.73% | 1.75% 6.3 1.7 13 | 1.72% | 1.74% | 1.76# 1.77; tº tº: 1.82; 6.6 1.78 1.79g | 1.81; 1.83 1.84% | 1.86; º 1.89 6.9 1.84% | 1.86 1.88% 1.90 191} | 1.93% lº 1.97 7.0 º 1.933 193; 1.97 1.98% 2.00% 2.02; º 7.3 1.98; 2.00% 2.02% gº; 2.05% 2.07; 2.09% 2.11; 7.6 2.05} | 2.07% 2.09 2.10% 2.12% 2.14% 2.16% 2.18% 7.9 2.11; 2.13% 2.15} | 2.17% 2.19% 2.21; *::::: 2.25% 8.0 2.18% 2.20% 2.22; 2.24; 2.26% 2.28% 2.30% 2.33 239 UN RE FIN E D C A M PHOR, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 52 chests, weighing: cwt. qrs. lbs. cwt. qrs. lbs. Gross, 58, 3, 16 draft, 0 , 1, 24 a 1 lb. each. 5, 1, 8 tare, 14, 3, 12 real. Nett, 43, 2, 8. . . . . . . . a £8 p. cwt... . . . . . . . it Entry, bond and certificate, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # 0, 12, 6 Lot money, coopering and marking, . . . . . . . . . . , 4, 6, 8 Cartage, wharfage, shipping, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3, 9, 4 Brokerage, } tº cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1, 15 m 0 Bills of lading and small charges, ... . . . . . . . . . , 0, 10, 6 Insurance, £400, a 30s. P cent, ... f. 6, 0, 0 Policy duty, , 1, 0, 0 tº-ºne » 7, 0, 0 f Commission, 2 + cent £ 348 || 1 17| 14 366 5 373 12 i Exchange, 105 tº cent. 2S Freight, 208 feet, a 30s. # 40 feet, . . . . . . . . # 7, 16, 0 Primage, 5 tº cent, 2, 0, 7, 10 Exchange, £9 # 28°40, 28.36 m; 41 Duty,. . . . . . e Q e e s s a e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free. Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 3 m 50 Cartage, labour, receiving, and delivery, ........ , 4, 88 Weighing, advertising, and petty charges,. . . . . . . . , 7, 94 1 month rent, @ 64 cents, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 3 m 25 Fire Insurance, ... 0# tº cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0% , Commission, .... 5 55 @ 113 tº cent, . 200, 12 28 55, 98 1,743 47 256 10 Guarantee, . . . . . . 2%. , Interest, . . . . . . . . 3 x, 2& in New York, Delivery weight, gross, 6,462 lbs. Tare, 1,664 , (Invoice.) Nett, 4,798 lbs. . . . . a 41 ° cents ºf lb. . . 28. 1,999. 57 1,999 80 240 UN RE FIN E D C A M P HO R. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. LoN Don 105 106 107 108 109 1 IO 1 11 I 12 & Or Or Or Or Or Ol' - Or Or price D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m | D.cts.m Per "W" | 4.66.66 || || 4.75.55 4.80.00 || 4.84.44 || 4.88 88 || 4.93.33 4.97.77 £, s. cts. p. ib. cts. p. f6. cts p. h. cts, p. fib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. 8. O 41 68 42 00 '42 ** 42 83 43 * 43 00 44 99 44 39 8. 5 42 9. 43 °0 43 70 44 99 44 49 44 89 45 °0 45 70 8.1 O 44 '4 44 * 44 95 45 30 45 77 46 18 46 00 47 02 8. 15 45 °7 45 79 46 °1 46 03 47 05 47 47 47 90 48 33 9. O 4600 47 93 47 46 47 89 48 32 48 76 49 °0 49 63 > 9. 5 47 83 48 27 48 71 49 15 49 60 50 05 5 O 50 50 94 9. 10 490° 49 °' 49 99 50 4° 50 88 5 1 34 51 80 52 20 9. 15 50 39 50 7° 51 22 51 68 52 15 52 02 53 10 53 57 10. O 51 * 51 99 52 47 52 95 53 43 53 91 54 49 54 88 | O. 5 52 7° 53 * 53 79 54 ** 54 71 55 °o 55 7° 56 19 1 O. 10 53 98 54 48 54 98 55 48 55 98 56 49 57 00 57 49 10.15 55 * 55 7° 56 23 56 7% 57 26 57 78 58 99 58 82 l 1 ... O 56 44 56 90 57 48 58 01 5.8 °4 59 07 59 69 60 13 1 l. 5 57 07 58 °0 58 73 59 °8 59 °3 60 37 60 99 61 34 1 1. 10 58 90 59 “ 59 99 60 34 61 to G1 65 62 °0 62 75 1 1. 15 60 13 60 09 61 35 61 81 62 38 62 94 63 50 64 14 12.. O 61 36 61 99 62 50 63 98 63 6s 64 °3 64 80 65 38 12, 5 62 °9 63 17 63 75 64 33 649? 65 51 66 10 66 59 12. 1 O 63 * 64 41 65 01 65 60 66 20 66 80 67 40 68 00 12.1 5 65 ° 65 0° 66 26 66 87 || 67 48 68 ° | 68 70 || 69 31 13. O 66 28 66 91 67 51 68 13 68 75 . . . 69 37 7 O 00 70 62 13. 5 67 51 68 14 68 77 09 40 70 02 70 66 71 30 71 93 13. 10 68 74 69 * 70 03 70 66 71 31 7 196 72 00 73 2* 13. 15 69 97 70 6- 71 28 || 7 || 93 72 58 73 24 73 90 74 56 14. 0 71 so 7 186 72 53 73 19 73 86 74 °3 75 30 75 87 | 4. 5 72 4° 73 lo 73 78 74 46 75 14 75 83 76 30 77 is 14. 10 73 60 74 34 75 03 75 72 76 +1 77 19 77 so 78 49 14. 15 74 89 75 39 76 29 76 99 77 69 78 39 79 10 79 80 15. () 76 tº 76 83 77 35 78 °6 78 97 7968 80 40 81 in 15. 5 77 35 78 O7 78 SO 79 52 80 25 80 97 81 70 82 4? 15. 10 78 38 79 33 80 0° 80 78 81 5? 89 26 83 00 83 73 15 15 79 st 80 * 81 30 82 95 82 80 83 55 84 30 85 05 |6. O. 8 04 8 I 80 82 50 83 32 84 98 84 84 85 60 86 36 Note. New-York possesses several camphor-refineries under the protection of a heavy import duty on the refined article; so that only the unrefined will answer as a consign- ment from England. - 24 ) C U R R A N T S, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. - cwt. qrs. lbs. 33 butts, viz. gross, 674, 3, 23 Draft, 0 , 2, 10 @ 2 lbs. 674 , 1 , 13 Tare, 108, 1, 13 a) 18 lbs. tº cwt. Nett, 566, 0, 0 a 66s. P. cwt. (long price).:f 1,867. 16 || 0 Discount, 1 tº cent. 18| 13 || 6 £ 1,849| 2 || 6 Less, duty...nett, 566 cwt. . . . . . . a 44s. 4d. P. cwt. . . . . 1,254| 12 || 8 £| 594| 9 |10 Entry, bond and certificate, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 0 , 12, 6 Wharfage and shipping, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6, 12, 0 Cooperage and marking, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2, 19, 0 Lighterage and watching, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4, 2, 0 Brokerage, } + cent, on £1,849 , 2, 6d. . . . . . 2, 9 / 5 / 0 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 10, 6 Insurance, £650, a 30s. #' cent, ... f. 9, 15, 0 Policy duty, , 1, 15, 0 wº 2, 11 / 10, 0 35. I 1 || O f 630 0 ||10 Commission, 2 + cent. 12| 12 || 0 £ 642; 12 || 10 Exchange, 105 tº cent. 28 2,999 00 | Freight, a 208. tº butt, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 33 m 0, 0 Primage, 5 tº cent, , 1, 13, 0 £ 34, 13 , 0 Exchange, £9 tº 28°40 . & 154, 00 . Duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free, Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3,00 Cartage and housing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 25 m 00 Cooperage and petty charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 12, 00 2&194, 00 Fire Insurance, ... 0# tº cent. Brokerage . . . . . . O# 2, Commission, . . . . 3. 95 @ 11; itſ’ cent... . . , 355 , 22 549| 22 Guarantee, . . . . . . 2%. 2, Interest, 6 months 3 55 28 || 3,548 22 In New York, Weighing, gross, 75,534 lbs. Tare, 9,064 , Ø 12 tº cent. - || - Nett, 66,470 lbs. ... a 5 “ cents tº lb. . . . . 28; 3,549 50 2 I 242 C U R R A N T S. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. LoNDoN 105 106 107 108 109 110 1 11 I 12 price Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts-m P** | 4.66.66 4.71.11 4.75.55 4.80.00 || 484.44. 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 Shillings. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. f6. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ºb. 5() 1 64 1 66 1 68 l 69 171 173 1 74 1 76 5 1 188 1 90 1 92 193 195 196 1 98 2 00 52 2 11 2 13 2 1 5 2 16 2 18 2 30 2 ** 2 24. 53 2 34 2 36 2 33 240 24? 244 2 46 2 48 54 2 37 2 39 2 62 2 64 2 66 2 68 Q 70 2 7. 55 2 80 283 2 86 288 290 292 2.95 2 98 56 303 3.06 3 09 3 11 3 14 3 16 3.19 S 22 57 3 36 3 29 3 33 3 35 3 38 340 3.43 3 46 58 3.49 3 53 3 36 339 - 3 62 3 65 3 68 3 72 59 3.7% 3 76 380 3 83. 3 86 3 89 39s 3 95 60 3 95 3 99 4 04 4 O7 4. 10 4. 13 4 17 4 ºl 61 419 4 °3 4 °7 4 30 4 23 4 37 4 41 4 45 62 4. 42 4. 46 4 50 45° 4 37 4 61 4 65 4. 69 63 4 65 469 474 4 77 4 81 4 85 4.90 4 95 64 4 88 4 94 4. 97 5 O1 5 05 5 09 5 14 5 19 65 5 it 5 * 520 524 539 5 34 5 39 5 44 66 5 34 5 39 5 44 5 49 5 53 5 58 5 63 5 68 67 5 57: 5 62 5 67 5 72 5 77 5 82 5 87 5 93 68. 5 80 5 85 5 91 5 96 6 Q1 6 06 6 12 6 17 69 603 6 09 6 tº 620 6.25 630 636 6 4s 70 6 so 63? 6 38 643 649 6 *4 600 6 º 7 I 650 656 662 667 673 6.79 6 85 6 91. 72 6 73 6 79 6.8% 690 697 7 03 7 09 7 13 73 696 7 o’ 7 09 7 15 7 * 7 *7 7 33 7 39 74 7 19 7 *s 7 as 7 38 744 749 7 34 7 do 75 742 749 7 36 7 6. 7 68 77° 7 81 7 so 76 7 6s 77° 779 7 83 7 93 7. 99 8 06 8 13 77 7 88 7 95 8 03 8 O9 8 16 8 23 8 30 8 37 78 8 11 8 23 8 26 8 33 8 40 8 47 8 55 8 63 79 8 34 8 42 8 50 8 57 8 64 8 71 8 79 8 87 8O 8 37 8 65 8 73 8 80 8 88 895 90° 9 11 - Note. Currants being sold in London by the re-weight, and the duty being calculated on the customs landing-weight, the customs-tare also frequently differing from the usual tare of the trade, a small difference often occurs between the seller's nett-weight and that on which the return of duty is allowed, sometimes in favour of the purchaser, at others to his prejudice. ---" -- - Caroteels and other small packages are of more ready sale than butts. 243 SMY R N A R A IS IN S, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 100 barrels, weighing : cwt. qrs. lbs. Gross, 390, 0, 0 Draft, 0 , 3, 16 a 1 lb. 389 , 0, 12 Tare, 55 , 2, 10 @ 16 lbs. $P 112 lbs. Nett, 333, 2, 2..........@ 38s. #' cwt. ........ + 633 13 | 8 Discount, 1 # cent. 6|| 6 || 8 £ 627| 7 || 0 cwt. qrs. lb. Deduct, duty on nett, 333, 0, 9...... a 20s. p. cwt. . . . . . 333| 2 || 0 :3 29.4| 5 || 0 Entry, bond, cocket, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 0 , 12, 6 Wharfage and shipping, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3, 15, 0 Lighterage, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 m 0 , 0 Brokerage, } {P cent, on £627, 7, Od. . . . . . . , 3, 3, 4 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0, 10, 6 Insurance, £350 a 30s. P. cent, , , £5, 5 , 0 Policy duty, , 1, 0, 0 * » 6 m 5 ,, 0 15| 6 || 4 38 309|| 1 || || 4 Commission, 2 #' cent. 6|| 3 || 8 :9 315|| 15 || 0 - Exchange, a 105 # cent, 28 1,473 50 Freight, a 30s. # ton and primage, 5 tº cent, .. 28 116, 74 Duty,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free. Entry, permits, &c, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 3 m 50 Cartage and housing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 13 m, 25 Labour, delivery, coopering, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 7, 05 Weighing, a 4 cents tº 100 lbs. and advertising, .. , 21 , 47 Postage and petty charges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 2 m 50 1 month rent, @ 4 cts. #' barrel, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4, 00 28 168, 51 Fire Insurance, . . . . 0# tº cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . . 0% 55 - Commission, . . . . . . 5 99 @ 11; ?: cent. . 182, 67 351, 18 Guarantee. . . . . . . . . 2% 25 --- * Interest º e e s e º e º º 3° 35 28 1,824 68 ..? in New York, Actual weight, gross, 43,671 lbs. Tare, 5,211 .,, a 12 tº cent. Nett, 38,430 lbs. . . . . a 47° cents # lb. . . . . 281 1,852 42 2 I 2 S M Y R N A R A IS IN S. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. Losmos 105 || 106 || 107 || 108 || 109 || 110 || 1 || 1 || 112 price Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts.m. D.cts.m * * | 4.66.66 471.11 4.75.55 4,8000 | 484.44 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 Shillings. cts p. ft |cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib., cts. p. ib. cts. p. ſp. cts. p. th: | cts. p. ib. |cts. p. ib. 30 2 87 2 89 2 92 2 94 2 97 2 99. 3 O1 3 O4 31 3 11 3 13 3 16 3 16 3 * 3 23 3 26 3 29 32 3 34 3 37 3 40 3 43 3 46 3 48 3 51 3 54 33 3 38 3 61 3 64 3 07 3 70 3 72 3 75 3 78 - 34 3 81 3 84 3 87 3 90 3 94 3 97 4 00 4 09 35 4 05 4 08 4 11 4 14 4 18 4 °l 4 25 4 *8 36 4 28 4 3 * 4. 35 4 39 4 43 4. 46 4 50 4 54 37 4 52 4 * 4 59 4 63 4 67 4 70 4 74 4 78 $8 4 75 4 79 4 83 4 87 4 91 4 95 4 99 || 5 09 39 4 99 5 03 5 07 5 it 5 * 5 19 5 24 5 28 40 5 22 5 26 5 31 5 35 5 40 5 45 5 49 5 54 4 I 5 46 5 50 5 55 5 59 5 64 5 68 5 73 5 78 A2 5 69 5 73 5 78 5 83 5 88 5 93 5 98 6 03 43 5 93 5 97 6 02 6 07 6 * 6 17 6 23 6 ** 44 6 16 6 * 6 26 6 31 6 37 6 42 6 48 6 53 45 6 40 6 4.5 6 30 6 ** 6 61 6 66 6 7° 6 78 46 6 63 6 69 6 74 679, 6 85 6 91 697 7 os 47 6 87 6 92 698 03 7 O9 7 I 5 7 22 7 28 48 7 10 7 16 7 ** 28 7 34 740 747 7 53 49 7 34 740 7 46 7 % 7 58 7 04 7 71 777 50 . 7 57 7 63 7 70 7 76 . 7 82 7 89 7 96 8 03 Note. Malaga fruit from England answer but very seldom, as the Americans carry on a very regular and extensive trade with the south of Spain direct. - Some observation relative to the allowance of duty, applicable also to Smyrna raisins, will be found under the article of currants, &c. 245 S M Y R N A FIGS, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 946 half drums. 810 quarter do. 1756 drums, weighing: tºm cwt. qrs. lbs. cwt. qrs. lbs. 946–2 gross, 213, 0, 9 - Draft, 0, 3, 11 212, 0, 26 810–4 gross, 110, 1, 1 Draft, 0,, 2, 25 109 , 2, 4 321 / 3, 2 Tare, 12 lbs. # 112 lbs... 34, 1 , 25 Nett, 287, 1, 5 a 44s. P. cwt. £ 632| 0 || 1 Discount, I ?: cent. 6|| 6 || 6 #3 625 14 || 5 Deduct, duty, nett, 287 cwt. . . . . . . . . a 21s. 6d. p. cwt. . . . . . . 308| 10 || 6 f 317| 3 |II Entry, bond and certificate, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if 0 , 12, 6 Unhousing, wharfage and shipping, . . . . . . . . 2, 6, 11 , 8 Lighterage,. . . . . . . 5 : * > . e. e s • e o e = * * * * * * * * * * 52 1 /, 0,, O Brokerage, }, + cent, on £625, 14, 5d. . . . . 2, 3 ſ, 3 m 3 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 10 / 6 Insurance, £400, a 30s. P. cent, ... f. 6, 0, 0 Policy duty, I , 0, 0 ººmsmanº- 59 7 m 0,, 0 18 17 11 #| 336|| 1 |TO Commission, 2 tº cent. 6|| || 4 || 5 :É 342|T6 T3 Exchange, a WTFTSTT3575 I- Freight, . . . . . . ... a 2d. iſ drum, . . . . . . . . . . . £ 14, 12, 8 Primage, 5 # cent, 2, 0, 14 , 8 £ | 5 f / 7 // 4 Exchange £9 tº 28°40.... & 68, 33 Duty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free. Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3 m 50 Cartage, housing, labour, delivery and cooperage, .. , 12, 00 Weighing, 4 cents tº 100 lbs. advertising, &c...... , 17, 50 1 month rent, a) # cents tº dram {P month, . . . . . . , 8, 80 28, 110, 13 Fire Insurance, ... 0# * cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0% , Commission, . . . . # 95 @ 11% tº cent, . . . . 190 , 27 300 40 Guarantee, . . . . . . 7 55 * Interest, º . . . . . . 3 99 2& 1,900. 19 Weight in New York, Gross, 36,200 lbs. Tare, 3,620 , Nett, 32,580 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . Ø 5° cents # lb. . . . . . 28' 1,899 41 246 S M Y R N A FIG S. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. LoNDoN 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 1 11 I 12 price Or . Or Or Or Or Or Or Or D.cts.m D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. D.cts.m * * | 4.66.66 || 4.75.55 4.80.00 || 484.44 || 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 Shillings. |cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. [cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. |cts. p. Ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. rh. cts. p. ib. 35 3 69 3 72 3 75 3 78 3 81 3 84 3 88 3 91 36 39* 3.95 3 99 4 02 4 06 4 o9 4 13 4 10 37 4 17 4 20 4 23 4 27 4 31 4 34 4 38 4 42 38 4 40 4 44 4 48 4 5 1 4 55 4 59 4 63 4 67 39 4 64 4 68 4 7? 4 76 4 80 4 84 4 88 4 9e 40 4 88 4.92 496 5 00 5 05 5 09 5 14 5 19 41 5 12 5 16 5 20 5 25 5 30 5 34 5 39 5 44 42 5 35 5 40 5 45 5 49 5 54 5 59 5 64 5 69 43 5 59 5 64 5 69 5 74 5 79 5 84 5 89 5 94 44 5 83 5 88 5 93 598 6 04 6 09 6 64 6 19 45 6 07 61% 6 18 6 23 6 29 6 34 6 39 6 44 46 6 31 6 36 6.4% 6 47 6 53 6 38 6 64 6 69 47 6 34 6 60 6 66 6 72 6 78 6 83 6 89 695 48 6 78 6 84 690 6 96 7 os 7 os 7 14 7 so 49 7 oz 7 os 7 14 7 so 7 sz 7 33 740 7 46 50 7 so 7 * 7 38 7 4s 7 * 7 38 7 65 7 7s 51 7 49 7 36 7 63 7 70 777 7 83 7 90 7 97 52 7 73 7 80 7 87. 7 94 8 {) 1 8 08 8 15 8 22 53 7 97 8 04 8 11 8 18 8 26 8 33 8 40 8 47 54 8 21 8 28 8 35 8 43 8 *l 8 37 8 65 8 73 55 8 45 8 * 8 60 8 68 8 76 8 83 8 90 8 98 56 3 68 8 70 8 84 89? 900 9 of 9 tº 9 ** 57 8 92 9 00 9 08 9 16 9 24 9 32 9 40 9 48 58 9 16 9 * 9 32 9 41 949 9 37 9 66 9 74 59 40 9 48 9 56 9 65 74 9 83 9 91 10 00 60 9 63 97% 9 81 9 89 999 1 O O7 10 16 10 25 61 9 87 996 10 05 10 14 10 23 1 O 32 10 * * 10 50 62 10 it 10 30 10 39 10 30 10 48 10 57 10 07 10 77 63 10 35 | O 44 10 53 1 O 63 10 73 10 82 10 91 1 1 00 64 10 39 10 68 10 78 10 88 10 98 1 1 07 1 1 17 11 26 65 10 * 1093 1 1 0° 1 l 12 11 * | 11 3: 1 1 4° 11 ** Note. The United States are proverbial for the excellence, variety and abundance of their green fruits, in addition to which they receive almost daily from the West Indies supplies of the products of a tropical soil; there is notwithstandin extensive demand for dried fruits from the Mediterranean. The remarks with res apply likewise to figs. g a constant and very pect to the allowance of duty, made under the table for currants, 247 BITTER A LM ON DS, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 35 serons, weighing: cwt. qrs. lbs. Gross, 82, 2, 14 Draft, 0 , 2, 14 @ 2 lbs. &# seron. 82, 0, 0 Tare, 3, 3, 0 (a) 12 lbs. tº do. Nett, 78, 1, 0 . . . . . . . . . . a 268. #' cwt. . . . . . . . .it Discount, 2% tº cent. :6 Entry, bond, certificate,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... # 0, 12, 6 Marking and lighterage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 1 m 5 ºr 6 Unhousing, wharfage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0, 18 m, 6 Brokerage, # tº cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0, 10, 0 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 0, 10, 6 Insurance, £125, a 30s. tſ’ cent... . . if I , 17, 6 Policy duty, , 0, 10, 0 — , 2, 7, 6 101 14 IO 99 fº Commission, 2 tº cent. :6 105 107 10 f : Exchange, 105 tº cent, 28. Freight, a 30s. $ ton of 40 feet, . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 9, 7, 6 Primage, 5 # cent, 2, 0, 9, 5 £ 9, 16, 11 - Exchange, £9 # 28°40, 28 43, 76 Duty,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free. Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3, 50 Cartage, labour, receiving, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5, 00 Labour, delivery, weighing, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5, 40 Advertising, postage and petty charges, . . . . . . . . , 6, 30 28 63, 96 Fire Insurance, ... 0# tº cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0%. , Commission, .... 5 55 @ 11% tº cent..... , 62, 94 50] 126 74 90 Guarantee, . . . . . . 2%. , Interest, . . . . . . . . 3 2, 2& in New York, Weight, gross 9,250 lbs. -- - Tare, 420 , Ø 12 lbs. tº seron. Nett, s,ssolbs...... a 7" cents v Ib........'s 628 628 64 69 248 BITTER ALMONDs. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. LoNDoN price per cwt. 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 $6 37 Shillings. EXCHANGE. 105 106 107 I08 109 | 10 1 11 | 12 Or Or Or Or Or Or OT Or D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m 4.66.66 4.75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 1.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. ib. cts. p. f6. cts. p. f6. |cts. p. Th. cts. p. ib. 5 * 5 29 5 33 5 37 5 * 5 46 5 50 5 54 5 48 5 52 5 57 5 61 5 66 5 70 5 75 5 79 5 72 5 76 5 81 5 86 5 91 5 93 6 00 6 05 595 6 00 6 05 6 10 6 ** 6 20 6 *4 6 29 6 19 6 24 6 29 6 34 6 39 6 44 6 49 6 54 6 42 6 47 6 53 6 57 6 63 6 68 6 74 6 79 6 65 6 70 6 76 6 82 6 88 6 93 6 99 7 03 6 89 694 7 00 7 06 7 12 7 17 7 23 7 29 7 18 7 18 7 *4 7 30 7 36 7 4s 7 4s 7 * 7 36 7 4s 7 48 7 34 7 Gl 7 67 7 73 7 79 7 39 7 6s 77° 7 78 7 * 7 91 7 98 8 94 7 sº 7 89 7. 96 8 03 8 to 8 16 8 23 8 30 8 07 8 14 8 * * 8 27 8 * 8 41 8 48 8 ** 8 30 8 37 8 49 8 * 8 39 8 66 8 73 8 79 8 ** 8 61 8 69 8 76 8 83 8 90 8 97 9 04 8 77 8 85 8 93 9 00 908 9 * 9 * 9 39 9 * 909 9 17 9 24 9 ** 9 39 9 47 9 * 9 * 9 33 9 * 9 49 9 *7 9 64 9 7° 9 80 9 * 9 36 9 * 9 7° 9 * 9 89 9 97 10 0.5 9 7" 9 80 9 89 9 97 1 O 06 1 O 14 1 O 22 10 30 Note. BITTER ALMonds are not only applied to purposes of confectionary, but are also used by quantities in chemical preparations. 249 J AM AIC A R U M, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 50 puncheons, containing: 5,800 imperial gallons . . . a 2s. P. gallon, on board. ... if Brokerage, a 5s. # puncheon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 12, 10, 0 Small charges, . . . . . . . . . . e a e e s e e s = e º e º 'º v a , 0, 10, 6 Insurance, £625. . a 30s. P. cent. . .89, 7, 6 Policy duty, , 1, 15, 0 » ll // 2, 6 580 24 £ Commission, 2 tº cent. #3 604 12 616 Exchange, a 105 P cent. & Freight, a 12s. 6d. if puncheon, . . . . . . . . . . . . tº 31 , 5 , 0 Primage, 5 # cent, 2, 1 , 11 , 4 £ 32, 16, 4 Exchange £9 # 28 40. 28. 145, 86 Duty on, 6,960 gallons. Allowance, 139 , 2 d? cent. 6,821 gals. 3rd. proof g @ 57 cents tº gallon.33,887.97 Discount, the duty being payable # in 3 months, , in 6 months, average 4# months @ 4 tº cent, is 1} + cent, , 58.32 - . 2, 3,829, 65 Entry, permit, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 3, 50 Cartage, labour and storing, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . , 20, 00 Advertising, coopering, guaging, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 31, 12 Warehouse rent, 1 month a 25 cents. ........ , 12, 10 Delivery, postage and small charges, ... . . . . . . . , 8, 55 e 28 4,050, 78 Fire Insurance, ... 0# tº cent. Brokerage, ...... 0% 25 2,875 4,821 Commission, .... 5 25 a) II; tº ct. . . . . , 770, 58 Guarantee, . . . . . . 2} , º - - Interest, ... . . . . .3 95 . 28% in New York, . . - - measuring a 100 imperial gallons to 120 old gallons : Gallons 6,960 . . . . . . @ 28 1.10 * cents {P gallon. . . . . . 28. 7 -*; 7,697| 12 7,696 57 2 K J AM AI C A R U M. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING PRICES. |EXCHANGE. London 105 106 107 108 109 I 10 I 11 1 12 price Or Or Or or Or Or Or Or - D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts m D.cts m D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts m per gallon: 4.66.66 || 4.71.11 4 75.55 4.80.00 || 4.84.44 || 4.88.88 || 4.93.33 4.97.77 s. d. |cts. p. gal, cts. p. gal |cts. p. gal. |cts. p. gal: cts. p. gal. cts. p. gall cts. p. gal. cts. p. gal. 1. O 88 tº 88 95 88 °7 88 79 89 ° 89 24 89 47 89 7" l. 2 91 87 92 52 92 38 92 64 92 90 93 16 93 43 93 69 1. 4 95 61 95 89 96 20 96 49 96 79 97 08 97 38 67 1. 6 99 * 99 % 1 OO 9" 100 39 100 °7 || 10 1 00 || 1 0 1 34 || 101 °7 1. 8 || 103 * | 103 * 103 * 104 is 104 * | 104.9% 105 °9 || 105 ° 1.10 || 106 ° 107 ** | 107 ° 108 93 || 108 “ 108 °4 || 109 * | 109 ° 2. O || 1 10 * 1 1 1 01 1 11 * 111 88 || 1 12 * | 112 76 113 * | 1 13 * 2. 2 114 * | 1 14 79 115 °0 115 73 || 1 16 * | 1 1608 1.17 16 || 1 17 64 2. 4 1 18 90 1 18 °0 1 1997 119 ° 120 °9 120 00 121 '' 12 1 0° 2. 6 121 °9 | 122 * | 122 * 123 ** | 123 97 | 124 * | 125 °7 I 25 ° 2. 8 125 * | 126 ° | 1267° 127 °7 127 * | 128 4° 129 ° | 129 ° 2.10 | 129 * | 12999 || 130 * 131 tº 131 74 || 132 3" | 132 * | 133 ° 3. O 133 * | 133 °7 || 134 * | 134 97 || 135 * | 136 °7 136 * | 137 * 3. 2 136 77 137 * 138 tº 138 °. 139 ° 1 40 19 1 40 °9 141 * 3. 4 140 * 141 * 14 194 149 00 | 1.43 °9 144 ** 144 * | 1.45 °7 3. 6 144 * 1 45 90 145 7° 146 °' 147 °7 148 0° 148 °9 149 ° 3. 8 | 1.47 °9 148 78 | 1.49 °7 150 36 151 1" | 151 9° 152 7* | 153 * 3.10 || 151 7° 152 * | 153 °7 | 1.54 *0 15504 || 155 °7 || 156 7" | 157 * 4. 0 || 155 47 156 * | 157 9 158 05 || 1589* | 159 79 | 160 * | 161 * 4. 2 159 * 160 10 16100 161 99 || 162 80 | 163 7" 164 * | 165 * 4. 4 1629* 163 89 164 84 165 7° 166 99 167 63 168 °7 169 º' 4. 6 166 69 167 ° 168 0° 169 % 170 °7 171 sº 17.2 °3 173 * 4, 8 || 17O 4° 171 49 || 172 * 173 44 17445 175 46 176 ° 177 so 4.10 174 17 175 * 176 °º 177 °9 || 178 34 179 39 180 * 18 1 49 5. O 1779. 17898 180 00 1S 1 14 182 * 182 * | 184 39 185 48 Note. RUM is not used so extensively in the United States as brandy and other spirits. St. Croix and other Leeward Island sorts are the most saleable. The strength of Jamaica should be chiefly 3rd and 4th, American proof, and the colour gold. A comparison of American with English strengths of spirits is given under the article of weights and measures, page 73. 251 F RE N C H B R AND Y, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 25 pipes Cognac, containing : 3000 imperial gallons . . . . a 48. tº gallon, on board,. . . . .6 600 0 || 0 Discount, 1 p. cent. 6|| 0 || 0 :6 594 O || 0 Brokerage, a 58. § pipe, . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º 'º e º is £ 6, 5 , 0 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . » 0 , 10, 6 Insurance, £650, ...@ 30s. P cent, 69, 15, 0 Policy duty, , 1, 15, 0 2, 11 , 10 ,, 0 18| 5 || 6 - £ 612| 5 || 6 Commission 2 # cent. 12| 4 || 6 £ 624 10 || 0 Exchange, a 105 tº cent, & 2,914| 33 -* Freight, . . . . . . . . . . a 15s. p. pipe, . . . . . . . . . . t18, 15, 0 Primage, 5 # cent, 2, 0, 18, 9 £19, 13, 9 - Exchange, £9 tº 840, 2& 87, 56 Duty on 3,600 gallons, 3rd proof, Leakage, 72 , a 2 tº cent. Nett, 3,528 gals. a 57 cts. * gal. 282,010.96 Discount, 1% ºf cent, , 30.16 º 2, 1,980, 80 Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 3, 50 Landing, housing, cartage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 13, 50 Storage, 1 month, . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * - - - - 39 6, 50 Receiving, delivery, cooperage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 18, 80 Advertising and small charges, . . . . . . • * * * * * * ~ 35 9, 80 28 2,120, 46 Fire Insurance,. . . . . . Oś iſ cent. 2 * * * // Brokerage, . . . . . . . . 0# , Commission,. . . . . . . 5 35 @ 11 § {* ct... , 560, 12| 2,680 58 Guarantee, tº gº tº Q & Q & © 2} 53 ---. " Interest, . . . . . . . . . . 3 55 28 5,594| 91 in New York, Measuring, nett, 3,580 gallons, a 28°1.56% cents tº gallon ... & 5,602 70 2 K 2 252 FRENCH B R ANDY. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. |EXCHANGE. LONDON 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 1 11 1 12 price Or Or Or OI’ Or Ol' Or Or D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m P. 3" | 4.66.66 4.71.11 4.75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 4.88.88 4.93.33 4.97.77 p. gallon p. gallon p. gallon p. gallon p. gallon p. gallon p. gallon p. gallon S. d. Dol.cts | Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. 3. O 1.34 1.54% | 1.35 1.35% 1.36% | 1.37 1.38 1.38% 3. 3. 1.39% 1.40 1.40% | 1.41 1.4% 1.42% | 1.43% | 1.44 3. 6 1.45 1.45} | 1.46% | 1.47 | 1.48 1.48% | 1.49% | 1.50 3. 9 2.50; 1.51 1.52 1.52% 1.53% | 1.54% 1.55% | 1.56% 4. 0 1.56; 1.57 1.58 1.58% 1.59% 1.60% | 1.61% | 1.62% 4. 3 1.62 1.62% | 1.63% | 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.68 4. 6 1.67% | 1.68% 1.69% | 1.70 1.71 1.72 1.78 1.74 4. 9 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.75} | 1.76% | 1.77; 1.79 1.80 | 5. O 1.79 1,80 1.81 1.81% 1.82% | 1.83% | 1.85 1.86 Note. French brandy, if shipped from London, will very rarely sell to advantage in the American markets, on account of regular supplies being received from France direct, and also from the general circumstance that the consumption of every kind of spirits is rapidly decreasing in the Union. 258 PO R T W INE, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. | #. }containing : 1,725 imperial gallons, a £35 # pipe of 115 imperial gallons, 525 (138 old measure) on board. . . . . . . . . . . . e 0 || 0 Discount, 2% P cent. 13| 2 || 6 #3 511| || 7 || 6 Brokerage, a 5s. tº pipe, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #3, 15, 0 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . »0 / 10 / 6 Insurance, £550, a 30s. tſ’ cent, ... if 8, 5 , 0 - Policy duty . . , 1 , 10, 0 , 9, 15 ,, 0 14|| 0 || 6 #3 525, 18 || 0 Commission, 2 tº cent. 1(). 10 || 5 £ 536|| 8 || 5 Exchange, 105 tº cent. . 28 2,503 30 Freight, a 15s. P. pipe, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £11 m 5 m 0 Primage, 5 tſ’ cent, 2, 0, 11, 4 £ 11 , 16, 4 Exchange £9 tº 28°40.... 28 52, 52 Duty: 2,070 gallons, Leakage, 41 , @ 2 + cent. 2,029 gals. a 15 cts. P. gal. 28.304, 35 Discount, 1% tº cent, 2, 4, 58 º — , 299, 77 Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 3 m 50 Landing, housing, cartage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 6 tº 25 Storage, 1 month, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3, 75 Receiving, delivery, cooperage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 12, 55 Advertising and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8, 75 28.387, 09 Fire Insurance, . . . . . . 0# *P cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . . . . . 0% 99 Commission, . . . . . . . . 5 , X a 11; º' ct... , 321, 56 708 65 Guarantee, . . . . . . . . . . 2% 95 * Interest, say . . . . . . . 3 35 28 3,211| 95 Measuring in New-York, 2060 gallons. . . . . . @ 28, 1.56 cents tº gallon. . . . . . . 2&_3,213 60 2 5 4 PO R T W IN E. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. |EXCHANGE. London | 105 106 107 108 109 | 10 1 11 I 12 price Or Or Or OT OT Or Or Or & D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m P* P*P* | 4.66.66 4.71.11 || 4.75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 || 4.88.88 || 4.93.33 4.97.77 per gallon.per gallon, per gallon.per gallon.per gallon.per gallon, per gallon per gallon. £ Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. | Dol.cts. Dol.cts. 20 0.98% 0.99 1.00 1.00% | 1.01% | 1.02} | 1.03 1.03% 21 1.02 1.02% | 1.03% | 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 22 1.06 1.06% 1.07% 1.08 1.09 1. 10 1. 1 1 1. 12 23 I , 10 1.10% | 1.11% | 1.12 I. 1 3 1. 14 1. 15 I. 16 24 !-3} i.14% i.iš 1. 16 1 - 17 1. 18 1. 19 1.20 25 º 1.18% | 1.19% 1.20 1.22 1.22 1.23 1.24 26 | 1.21% 1.22 ! .23 1.24 1.25 1.23 1.27 1.28 27 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 29 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 30 1.3% 1.37% | 1.89 1.40 | 1.41 1.42 | 1.48 || 1.44 31 1.40% | 1.41% | 1.42% | 1.43% | 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 32 i.4% 1.45} | 1.46% i.47% 1.49 1.50 1.51 |.52 S3 1.48 1.49 1.50% | 1.51} | 1.58 1.54 1.55 1.56 34 1.52 1.53 1.54% | 1.55% | 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.60 35 1.56 1.57 1.58% | 1.56% | 1.61 1.62 1.63% | 1.65 36 1.59% | 1.60% | 1.62 1.63 1.64% | 1.66 1.67; 1.69 37 1.63% 1.64% 1.66 1.67 1.68% 1.70 i.71% 1.78 38 1.67% 1.6% 1.70 1.71 1.72% | 1.74 i.75% 1.77 39 1.71 1.72% | 1.74 1.75 1.76% | 1.78 1.79% | 1.81 40 1.75 1.76% | 1.78 1.79 1.80} | 1.82 1.88% | 1.85 41 1.79 1.80 1.81% | 1.83 1.84% | 1.86 1.87% | 1.89 42 1.82% 1.84 1.85% | 1.87 1.88% | 1.90 1.91} | 1.98 43 º 1.88 1.89% | 1.91 º; 1.94 1 95% | 1.97 44 1.90% | 1.92 1.93% | 1.95 1.96% | 1.98 i.59% 2.0 l 45 1.94 1.95% | 1.97% | 1.99 2.00% 2.02 2.03% 2.05 46 1.98 1.99% | 1.01 2.02% 2.04% 2.06 2.07% 2.09 47 2.02 2.03% 2.05 2.06% 2.08% 2.10 2, 11% 2.13 48 2.05% 2.07 2.09 2.10% 2.12% 2. 14 2. 15; 2.17 49 3.09% 2.11 2. l 3 2.14% 2.16% 2.18 2.19% 2.21 50 2.13% 2.15 2. 17 2.18% 2.20% 2.22 2.24 2.26 5 1 2.17 2.18% 2.20% 2.22 2.24 2.26 2.28 2.30 52 2.21 2.22% 2.24% 2.26 2.28 2.80 2.82 2.34 58 2.25 2.26% 2.28% 2.50 2.32 2.34 2.36 2.38 54 2.28% 2.30% 2.32% 2.34 2.36 2.38 2.40 2.42 55 3.33; 2.34; 2.36% 2.38 2.40 2.42 , , 2.44 2.46 255 S HE R. R. Y W IN E. FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 12 butts, 12-# ditto. 1,944 imperial gallons... a £28 tº butt of 108 imperial gallon } containing: (:30 old) on board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it 504 O || 0 Discount, 2% tº cent. 12| 12 || 0 - £ 491| 8 || 0 Brokerage, a) tº butt, e e s is tº dº e º e º ſº tº e º & C & ſº tº Q & © :6 4, 10, 0 - Bill of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 0, 10 / 6 Insurance, £525, a 30s. P cent, .. 8 7, 17, 6 Policy duty, , 1 , 10, 0 , 9 m 7 m 6 14| 8 || 0 4: 505] 16 || 0 Commission, a 2 tº cent. 10| 2 || 4 42 515, 18 || 4 Exchange, 105 dy cent. 8] 2,407 62 Freight, 18 butts, a 15s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .818, 10, 0 Primage, 5 tº cent, 0 , 13, 6 £14, 3, 6 Exchange, £9 tº 28°40, 28 63, Ol Duty, gallons,. . 2,340 Leakage, 2 tº ct, 47 Nett gallons, 2,293 ... a 25 cts. . . . 28' 573.25 Discount, 1} {P cent, , 8.60 & *... º.º.º. 2, 564 , 65 Entry, permits, &c. • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 95 3, 50 Landing, housing and cartage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 9, 20 Storage, 1 month, s e e e s e e s e e s = e o e e º e s e º 'º e º e 55 4, 50 Receiving, delivery and cooperage, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 16, 00 Advertising and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8, 00 28.668, 86 Fire Insurance, . . º &P cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0# 2, - Commission, . . . . 5 , @ 113 tº cent, .. , 342, 26 1901 || 12 | Guarantee, tº ſº º O & O 2# 29 *- 8 —- Interest, e e s e O C C C 3 92 . & 3,418| 74 - in New York, º, measuring, nett gallons 2,325 ... a 3 1.47 tº gallon, . . . . . , 8 || 3,417| 75 256 S H E R R Y WIN E. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. LoNDoN 105 106 107 IO8 109 1 10 I 11 1 12 price Or Or Or Or. Or Or Or Or - D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m D.cts.m P* * | 4.66.66 4.71.11 4.75.55 4.80.00 || 484.44 4.88.8s 4.93.33 4.97.77 per gallon per gallon, per gallon.per gallon.per gallon.per gallon.jper gallon, per gallon. 36 Dol.cts. Dol.cts. | Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol.cts. Dol dts. 14 0.90 0.90% 0.91 0.91% 0.92% 0.93 0.93% 0.94 15 0.94 0.94% 0.95 0.95% 0.96% 0.97 0.97% 0.98 16 0.98 0.98% 0.99 0.99% | 1.00; 1.01 I.02 1.02% 17 1.02 1.02% | 1.03 | 1.94 1.05 1.05% 1.06 1.06% 18 1.06 1.0% 1.07% | 1.08 1.09 1.09% | 1.10% | 1.11 19 1. I 0 1.10% | 1.11% | 1.12% | 1.13% | 1.14 1.14% | 1.15 20 1. 14 1, 14% | 1.15% | 1.16% | 1.17% | 1.18 1, 19 1.19% 21 1. 18 1.19 1, 20 1.21 | .22 1.22% 1.23% | 1.24 22 1.22% | 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.26% | 1.27% | 1.28 28 1.26% | 1.27 1.28 1.29 I .30 1.31 1.32 1.33 24 1.30% | 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34% | 1.35 1.36 1.36% 25 1.84% | 1.35% | 1.36% | 1.37% | 1.38% | 1.39% | 1.40% | 1.41% 26 1.38% 1.39% 1.40% | 1.41% | 1.43 1.43% | 1.44% | 1.45} 27 1.42% | 1.43% | 1.44% | 1.45} | 1.47 1. 48 1.49 1.50 28 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.5 13 | 1.52% | 1.53% | 1.54% 29 1.5 l 1.52 1.58 1.54 1.55% | 1.56% | 1.57% | 1.58% 30 1.55 1.56 1.57 1 .58 1.59% | 1.60% | 1.62 1.63% 3 1 1.59 1.60 1.61 1.62% 1.64 1.65 1.66. 1.67 32 1.63 1.64 1.65% | 1.66% | 1.68 1.69 1.70% | 1.71% 33 1.67 1.68 1.69% | 1.71 1.72% | 1.73% | 1.74% | 1.75% : #. #: 1.73% 1.7%, 1.76% | 1.77% 179, 1.8% l. .76% | 1.78 1.79% | 1.8 I 1.82 1.83; 1.84; 36 1.79% | 1.80% | 1.82 1.83% | 1.85 1.86 1.87% | 1.88% 37 1.83% 1.84% | 1.86 1.87% | 1.89 1.90% | 1.92 1.93% 38 1.87% | 1.88% | 1.90 1.91% | 1.93% | 1.94% 1.96 1.97 39 1.91% | 1.92% | 1.94% | 1.96 1.97% | 1.99 3.9% 2.02 40 1.95% | 1.97 1.98% 2.00 2.02 2.03 2.04% 2.05% 42 2.04 2.05% 2.07 2.08% 2.10% 2, 11% 2.13% 2.15 44 2. 12 2.13% 2.15 2.16% 2.18% 2.20 2.22 2.23# 46 2.20 2.2 º 2.23% 2.25 2,27 2.28% 2.30% 2.32 48 2.28 2.29% 2.31% 2.33% 2.35% 2.37 2. 39 2.40% 50 2.37 *ś 2.40 2.42 2.44 2.45% 2.47% 2.49 52 2.45 2.46% 2.48 2.50 2.52% 2.54 2.56 2.57% 54 2.53 *:::: 2.56% 2.58% 2.61 2.62% 2.64% 2.66 | 56 2.61 2.62% 2.64% 2.67 2.69% 2.71% 2.73% 2.75} | . Note. All descriptions of wines are by far more saleable in the United States in small casks, such as Indian barrels of about 20 gallons, quarter casks of about 30 gallons, than in butts or pipes. - 257 M A DEIR A WIN E, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. º }. : containing : Imperial gallons 1,564, a £27 tº pipe of 92 imperial gallons, (or 110 old gallons) on board, . . . . . . . . . . . . s s e e e s • * * * * £ 459 0 || 0 Discount, 2} + cent. | || 9 || 6 f 447| 10 || 6 Brokerage, 58. tº pipe,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 4, 5 , 0 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 0 , 10 / 6 Insurance, £500 . . a 30s. P cent, # 7, 10, 0 Policy duty,. . . . , 1, 5 , 0 *ºmmº » 8 // 15 // O 13 IO 6 f 461 || 1 || 0 Commission, 2 tſ’ cent. 9| 4 || 5 £ 470) 5 5 Exchange, 105 ºf cent, & 2,194 60 Freight, a 12s. 6d. p. pipe, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 10, 12, 6 Primage, 5 # cent, 2, 0, 10, 8 £11, 3, 2 Exchange, £9, § 840 & 49, 60 Duty on 1,870 gallons, Leakage, 37 , @ 2 tº cent, 1,833 gallons, a 25 cents. . 28.458, 25 Discount, 1% tº cent, , 6, 87 * sºmºmºmºmºmº 35 451 // 38 Entry, permit, &c. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3 m 50 Landing, housing, cartage,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8, 50 Storage, l month, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4, 25 Receiving, delivery, and cooperage, . . . . . . . . . . . . , 14, 25 Advertising, and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 7, 30 - 28°538, 78 Fire Insurance, ... 0} {} cent. Brokerage, . . . . . . 0% , Commission, .... 5 29 @ 11 § {P cent,. . . . , 304,09 842| 87 Guarantee, . . . . . . 2# , º wº Interest, . . . . . . . . 3 2, 23| 3,037| 47 in New York, 3,031 Measuring, nett 1,860 gallons... à) & 1.63 cents tº gallon... & 80 2 L 25S M A D EIR A WIN E. TABLE OF CORRESPONDING VALUES. EXCHANGE. LoNDoN 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 | 1 || 112 º Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or price D.cts. m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D,cts.m D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. | D.cts.m. Per Pipe: || 4.66.66 || 4.71.11 || 4.75.55 4.80.00 4.84.44 || 4.88.88 || 4.93.33 || 4.97.77 p. gallon. p. gallon. p. gallon. p. gallon. p. gallon. p. gallon. p. gallon. p. gallon. £ Dol, cts, Dol. cts. | Dol. cts. | Dol. cts. | Dol, cts. Dol. cts. Dol. cts. | Dol. cts. 17 1.15 1.15% | 1.16% | 1.17 1.18 1.18% | 1.19% | 1.20 I 8 1.19% | 1.20 1.2 l 1.22 1,23 1.23% | 1.24% | 1.25% 19 1.24% | 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 º 1.29% isoſ 2O 1.29 1.3() 1.3 | 1.32 1.33 1.33% | 1.34% | 1.35% 21 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.38% | 1.39% | 1.40% 22 1.39 1. 40 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 23 1.43% | 1.44% | 1.45% | 1.46% | 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.5 ! 24 1.48% | 1.49% | 1.50% | 1.51% | 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 25 |.53 1.54 1.55% | 1.56% | 1.58 | .59 1.6() 1.6 26 1.58 1.59 1.60% | 1.61% | 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.66 27 1.63 1.64 1.65; 1.66% | 1.68 1.69 1.70% | 1.71} 28 1.67% | 1.68% | 1.70 1.71% | 1.78 1.74 1.75% | 1.76# 29 1.72% | 1.73% | 1.75 1.76% | 1.78 1.79 1.80% | 1.81% 3() 1.77 1.78% | 1.80 1.81% | 1.83 1.84 1.85% | 1.86% 31 1.82 1.83% 1.85 1.86% 1.88 1.89 1.90% 1.92 32 1.87 1.88% | 1.90 1.91% | 1.93 1.94% | 1.96 1.97% 33 1.91% | 1.93 1.94% | 1.96 1.98 1.99% 2.01 2.02% 34 1.96% | 1.98 1.99% 2.01 2.03 2.04% 2.06 go;; 35 2.01 2.02% 2.04% 2.06 2. () 8 2.09% 2.11 2.12% 36 2.06 2.07% 2.09% 2.1 2. 13 2.14% 2. 16 2.17% 37 2. 1 1 2.12% 2.14% 2. 16 2. 18 2. 19% 2.21% 2.23 38 2.15} | 2. 17 2.19 2.2 1 2.23 2.24% 2.26% 2.28 39 2.20% 2.22 2.24 2.26 2.28 2.29% 2.31% 2.33 40 2.25 2.27 2.99 2 3 | 2.83 2.84% 2.36% 2.38 T E N E R IF FE WIN E. 1 () O.66 o.664 || 0.67 0.67 0.67% 0.68 0.68% 0.69 1 1 O.70 0.70% o.71 0.71% 0.72 0.72% 0.73 0,73} 12 0.74% 0.75 0.75% 0.76 0.76% 0.77 0.77; 0.78 13 O.79 0.79% 0.80 0,80} | 0.81 0.81% 0.82 0.82% 14 0.83% 0.84 0,84% 0.85 0.85% 0.86 0.87 oš7í 1 5 O 88 0.88% 0.89 0.89% 0.90 0.90% 0.91% ogº, 16 0.92% 0.93% 0.94 0.94% 0.95 0.95% 0.96 0.96% iz o.97 || 0.97% o.98 || 0.98% o.99} | 1.00" | 161 | 1.01% 18 1.01 1 0 1 # 1.02% 1.03 1.04 1.04% 1.05% 1.06 19 1.05% | 1.06 1.07 1.07% | 1.08% | 1.09 1. 10 1.10% 20 1. 10 1.10% | 1.11% | 1.12 1.13 1.18% | 1.14% | 1.15 21 1. 14 1.15 1, 16 1.16% 1.17% | 1.18% | 1.19% | 1.20% 22 1.18% | 1.19% | 1.20% | 1.21 1,22 1.23 1. 24 1.25 23 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.27% º 1.30 24 1.27# 1.28% | 1,29} | 1.30% | 1.31} | 1.32% | 1.83% | 1.34} | 25 1.31% 1.32% 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1. 38 1.89 259 TE NERIF FE W IN E, FROM LONDON TO NEW YORK. 30 pipes, containing: 3000 imperial gallons, a £17 tº pipe of 100 imperial gallons, - (120 old) on board, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 510 () || 0 - Discount, 2% ºf cent. 12| | 5 || 0 £ 497 5 || 0 Brokerage, 58. § pipe, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 7, 10, 0 Bills of lading and small charges, . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 0, 10, 6 Insurance, £525, a 30s. P. cent, É 7, 17, 6 Policy duty, , 1, 10, 0 * 2, 9 m 7, 6 17 8 || 0 £ 5 14| 13 || 0 Commission, 2 # cent. 10| 5 || 0 £ 524, 18 ||10 Exchange, 105 # cent. 28 2,449 72 Freight, a 12s. 6d. “P pipe, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 18, 15, 0 Primage, 5 tº cent, 2, 0, 18, 9 f 19, 13, 9 Exchange, £9 tº 28°40, 28 87, 56 Duty on 3,600 gallons, Leakage, 72 do. @ 2 tº cent, Nett, 3,528 gallons, a 15 cents, .. 28 529, 20 Discount, 1% tº cent, , 7, 94 — , 521 , 26 Entry, permits, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3 m 50 Landing, housing, cartage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 15, 75 Storage, 1 month, . . . . . . © & © & e s e e s e . . . . . . . . . . » 7 m 50 Receiving, delivery, cooperage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 22 / 75 Advertising, and small charges,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 8 , 50 28 666, 82 Fire Insurance,... 0# ty’ cent. - Brokerage, .... 0% 95 - Commission, ... . º, 55 @ 11% tº cent. ... , 346, 72| 1,013 54 Guarantee, . . . . 2% 92 | Interest, . . . . . ... 3 55 2&| 3,463| 26 in New York, . - Measuring nett, 3,580 gallons. ... a 97 cents # gallon . . . .281 3,472 60. 2 L 2 260 STAT IS TI CS OF THE COMMERCE, NAVIGATION, PRODUCE & MANUFACTURES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I. POPULATION, According To FIVE OFFICIAL ENUMERATIONS.* STATES ExTENT POPULATION. Increase in per cent and square 1st Census 2d. Census.3d. Census. 4th. Census.[5th. Census. º TERRITORIES. miles. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1820. 1830. years. Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,000 96,540 151,712. 228,705 298,335| 399,462. 33,9 New Hampshire tº e º e º º 9,280 141,885 183,858 214,460. 244, 161| 269,533 10,4 Vermont. . . . . . . . . . . . 10,212 85,539. 154,465. 217,895. 235,764. 280,679. 19,0 Massachusetts . . . . . . . 7,800 378,787 422,845. 472,040, 523,287| 610,014 16,6 Rhode Island . . . . . . . . 1,360, 68,825 69,122 76,931 83,059, 97,210, 17,0 Connecticut. . . . . . . . . . 4,674 237,946 251,002. 261,942 275,248. 297,711 8.2 New York . . . . . . . . . . 46,000 340,120 586,050; 959,049. 1,372,812 1,913,508 39,4 New Jersey. . . . . . . . . . 6,900 184,139 211,149 245,562. 277,575 320.779. 15,6 Pennsylvania tº ſº tº º tº º is tº 43,950. 434,373. 602,545. 810,091 1,049,313; 1,347,672| 28,4 l)elaware. . . . . . . . . . . . 2,068 59,096 64,273 72,674 72,749 76,739 5,5 Maryland . . . . . . . . . . 10,800 319,728. 345,824, 380,546 407,350 446,913. 9,7 Virginia. . . . . . . . . . . . . 64,000 747,610 880,200. 979,622 1,065,366 1,211,272 13,7 North Carolina. . . . . . 43,800 393,951 478, 103 555,500 638,829, 738,470 15,6 South Carolina . . . . . . 30,080 249,073. 345,591. 415,115 sº 581,458) 15,7 Georgia . . . . . . . . . . . . 58,200 82,548 º 252,433 340,989 516,567. 51,5 Alabama . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,800 . . . . . . . . | ſ 127,901 308,997 141,6 Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . 45,350 . . . . . . . . } 8,850 40,352. 75,448 l86,806 80,1 Louisiana . . . . . . . . . . . 48,220. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76,556, 153,407 215,575 40,7 Tennessee. . . . . . . . . . . 40,000 . . . . . . . . . 105,602. 261,727 420,813 684.822 62,7 Kentucky . . . . . . . . . tº º 39,000 73,677. 220,959. 406,511 564,317| 688,844 22,1 Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,200 . . . . . . . . 45,365. 230,760 581,434 937,679| 61,2 Indiana. . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,250 . . . . . . . . 4,651 24,520 147,178. 341,582. 132,1 Illinois. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,000 . . . . . . . . 215 12,282 55,586. 157,575 IS5,4 Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,300 . . . . . . tº º is t 19,783 66,586 140,074 110,4 District of Columbia . . 100 . . . . . . . . 15,093 24,023 33,039 39,858. 20,1 Michigan & ſº e º e º 'º º 'º º * 54,000 . . . . . . 551 4,762 8,896 31,260 250,1 Arkansas. . . . . . . . . . . . 121,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,062 14,273 30,383 113,3 Florida . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,090. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,729 . . . . Total. . . . . . . . 1,009,2343,929,3285,309,7587,239,903, 9,638,16612,856,171 33,4 * The necessity of assigning to each of the following tables a place most suitable to their form and appearance has unavoidably interfered with the numerical order in which they ought to follow, an arrangement which is however fully pointed out in the Index, STATISTICs of THE UNITED STATES,-POPULATION. 261 II. SLAves, According To Five off ICIAL ENUMERATIONS. STATEs, &c. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1820. 1830. Maine. . . . . . . . . . . O O O O O New Hampshire. . . . . . 158 8 O O O Vermont. . . . . . . . © º ºr 16 O O O O Massachusetts. . . . . . . O O O O O Rhode Island . . . . . . . . 948 380 108 48 14 Connecticut. . . . . . . . . . 2,764 951 310 97 23 New York. . . . . . . . . . 21,324 20,613 15,017 10,088 46 New Jersey. . . . . . . . . . 11,423 12,422 10,851 7,557 2,246 Pennsylvania. . . . . . . . 3,737 1,706 795 211 386 Delaware. . . . . . . . . . . . 8,887 6,153 4, 177 4,509 3,305 Maryland. . . . . . . . 103,036 108,554 11 1,502 107,398 102,878 Virginia. . . . . . . . . . . . 292,627 346,968 392,518 425, 153 469,724 North Carolina. . . . . . 100,572 133,296 168,824 205,017 246,462 South Carolina. . . . . . . 107,094 146,151 196,365 258,475 315,665 ‘. & e º e º e tº º e º e º e 29,264 59,699 105,218 149,656 217,470 labama. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º a r 41,879 117,294 Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } 3,489 17,088 33.4% 65,659 Louisiana. . . . . & a tº * * * * º ºs º ºs e º e e & © tº tº e º & & © & 34,660 69,064 109,631 Tennessee. . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º 'º e 13,584 44,535 80, 107 142,382 Kentucky. . . . . . . . . 12,430 40,343 80,561 126,732 165,350 Ohio. . . . . . . . e & tº º e º e 3,417 O O O O Indiana. . . . . . . . . . • e g tº º e º 'º 135 237 190 O Illinois. . . . . tº G & e º 'º e º e i s e e º e º e tº & e s h e gº º e 168 917 746 Missouri. . . . . . . tº e º 'º tº tº e º ºs e º º i º e º e º 'º tº º tº e 3,011 10,222 24,990 D. of Columbia. . . . . . tº e º º te tº tº e º tº 5,395 6,377 6,050 Michigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e s e e 24 O 27 Arkansas. . . . . . . . . © tº tº sº tº e º I & tº sº tº tº º ſº tº e º e tº e º & 1,617 4,578 Florida. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s & e º e º 'º - tº e º f tº * * * * * * * * * * 15,510 Total. . . . 697,697 896,849 1,191,364 1,538,061 2,010,436 III. COMPARATIVE VIEW OF THE POPULATION OF SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL SEA PORTS AND TOWNS, AT DIFFERENT PERIoDs. -*. Boston, New York, ,, 1825 ,, 1830 in 1700 . . ,, 1722 .. ,, 1742 . . ,, 1752 .. ,, 1765 . . ,, 1790 . ,, 1800 . . ,, 1820 . . ,, 1825 . . ,, 1830 . . ,, 1696 . ,, 1756 . . ,, 1773 . . ,, 1786 . . ,, 1790 .. ,, 1800 . . ,, 1810 . ,, 1820 . . Population. 7,000 10,567 16,382 17,574 15,520 18,038 24,937 43,298 58,281 61,392 4,302 10,381 21,876 23,614 33,131 60,489 96,373 123,706 167,059 203,007 Population. Albany, in 1790 .. 3,498 ,, 1800 5,349 ,, 1820 12,630 ,, 1830 . . 24,338 Philadelphia, in 1731 . . 12,000 ,, 1753 . . 18,000 ,, 1790 .. 42,520 ,, 1800 . . 70,287 ,, 1820 . . 119,325 ,, 1830 . . 167,811 Pittsburg, in 1800 . . 1,565 ,, 1820 . . 7,248 ,, 1830 . . 12,542 Baltimore, in 1775 tº tº 5,934 ,, 1790 . . . 13,503 ., 1800 . . 26,614 ,, 1820 . . 62,738 ,, 1830 . . 80,625 Charleston, in 1790 .. ,, 1800 . . ,, 1820 . ,, 1824 . . ,, 1830 New Orleans in 1802 . . ,, 1810 . . ,, 1820 . . ,, 1830 . . Cincinnati, in 1800 . . ,, 1810 . . ,, 1820 . . ,, 1826 . ,, 1830 ,, 1831 . . Washington, in 1810 .. * - Population. 16,359 18,712 24,780 27,817 30,289 10,000 17,242 27, 176 46,310 750 2,540 9,642 16,230 24,831 28,014 8,208 13,247 . | 18,827 262 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATEs. C O M M E R C E. IV. A GENERAL TABLE of IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. IX. ExpoRTs of Dom Estic PRODUCE FROM NEW YORK. 1826 . . . . 1827 . . . . . 1828 . . 1829 . . 1830 . . . . 1831 . . . . . . tº e º e * * * * e º 'º tº º & . . . . . . 24,224,442. . . . . . . . . . . . 27,200,000 . . . . . . . . 23,341,332 & . . . . . . 19,712,283. . . . . . a tº tº º . 11,525,864 . 13,217,696 . 13,745,147 . 13,052,676 . 15,000,000 20,000,000 YEA Cn . FLOUR. CORN. º Value of Value of 31 December. Barrels. Bushels. Packages. YEARS. | IMPORTS. EXPORTS. 1828 . . . . . 207,246 291, 127 1,900 Dollars. 1829 . . . . 220,441 || 264,593 2,804 1791. . . . . . | Previous to the 19,012,040 1830 . . . . 304,352] 174, 182 5,306 1792...... [...###| 26,753,097 1831 . . . . . 437,104] 245,368 3,030 1793. . . . . . #.” . 26,109,572 1794. . . . . . shew the value | 33,026,233 1795. & © of Imports. 47,989,472 A SHIES. 1796, ... . • . . . . . . . 67,064,097 YEARS pot. Trear. Turpentine. TAR. 1797. . . . . . . . © tº e e 51,294,710 ending -*m. 1798. . tº e º 'º e 61,327,411 31 Dec. Barrels. Barrels. Barrels. Barrels. §::::::::::::::: |; 1828. 17,407| 5,798 || ". . . . . . . . . . . išoi...... [...... ... 93.0%0.513 || 1829. . . 21,246 || 6,959 || 103,448 || 18,311 isog... • * @ 7.95%ia. **- 1830. 19,613| 4,152 || 102,441 || 19,397 1803. . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,800,033 1831. . I 19,393 || 5,694 | 121,762 | 18,879 1804. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77,699,074 1805. . . . . . * 6 º' e º e e º e e 95,566,021 || || PROVISIONS. 1806. . . . * @ e º e e 101,536,963 || | YEARS 1807. . . . . . . . . . . . [103,342,150| ending Beef. Pork. Lard. 1808. . . . . . tº º 22,430,960 31 December. Barrels. Barrels. Kegs. 1809. . . . . . * * * e s e e 52,203,233 1810 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66,757,970 1828 . . . . 24,509 25,005 29,845 1811. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,316,833 1829 . . . . 16,720 22,559| 24,976 1812. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,527,236 l830 . . . . 15,022 13,085 14, 136 1813. . . . . . . . . . . . . º 27,855,997 1831 . . 17,913 20,147 24,855 1814. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,927,441 r: O p * *7 º' tº . - #............... ;| XI. IMPORTS OF FOREIGN COAL 1817. . . . . . . . . . . . ... 87,071,569|| INTO THE UNITED STATES. 1818. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93,281, 133 | ". 1819. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70,142,521 YEARS, 1820. . . . . Dollars. 69,691,669 ending Sept. 30th. Bushels. 1821. . . . . . . 62,585,724| 64,974,382 1822. . . . . . . 83,241,541 | 72,160,281 1821. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627,737 1823. . . . . . 77,579,267 74,699,030 1822. . . . . . . . . . * e e º e e º & 970,828 1824. . . . 80,549,007 || 75,986,657 1823. . . . . . tº e º e º º º e e º gº º 854,983 1825. . . . . . 96,340,075 99,535,388 1824. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767,815 1826. . . 84,974,477 77,595,322 1825. . . . . . . . . . . . . . º 722,255 1827. . . 79,484,068| 82,324,827 | 1826 . . . . . . . * * * * * * * c e º º 970,021 1828. . . 88,509,824 | 72,264,686 1827. . . . . . . . tº º . . . . 1, 127,388 1829. . . . . . 74,492,527 | 72,358,671 1828. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906,200 1830. . . . . . 70,876,920 | 73,849,508 1829. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,272,970 1831. . . . . . | 103,191,124 81,310,583 1830. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100,000 , , ; ; ; ºf XII. ToTAL AMoUNT OF DUTIES ON IMPORTS. YRARS, IN THE UNITED STATES. IN NEW YORK ONLY, Dollars. Dollars. 1825 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,098,713. . . . . ... 15,752,100 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED sTATES,-COMMERCE. 263 V. A compar ATIVE STATEMENT of IMPORTS AND EXPORTS DURING THE YEAR ENDING 20th SEPTEMBER, 1831. 13,191,124 *s-ºl. * VALUE VALU R OF EXPORTS. OF - * Domestic Foreign COUNTRIES, IMPORTS. Produce. É. Total. Dollars. Russia, . . . . . . . . . . dº º 'º e º 'º º º 1,608,328 114,852 347,914 462,766 Prussia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,970 27,043 | . . . . . . . . . . 27,043 Sweden and Norway, ...... 901,812 190,511 86,519 277,030 Swedish West Indies,. . . . . . 218,918 251,937 11, l l 1 263,048 Denmark, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © tº 575 178,333 176,883 355,216 Danish West Indies, . . . . . . 1,651,641 1,421,075 224,502 1,645,577 |Netherlands, . . . . . . . . . . tº E tº º 989,837 1,707,292 212,860 1,920, 152 Dutch West Indies, . . . . . . . . 343,799 370,857 45,274 416,131 Dutch East Indies. . . . . . . . . 319,395 128,884 631,442 760,326 England,. . . . . . . . . . tº ſº e o e º º e 41,854,323 28,841,430 2,367,439 31,208,869 Scotland, . . . . . . © º e s e º 'º e º e 1,977,830 1,185, 142 5,567 1,190,709 Ireland, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261,564 589,941 e e º e o e º e s a 589,941 Gibraltar, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150,517 429,087 165,786 594,873 British African ports, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,064 e ‘º e º e º ºs e e 6,064 British East Indies, . . . . . . . . 1,544,273 132,442 675,390 807,832 British West Indies, . . . . . . . . 1,303,301 1,417,291 23,962 1,441,253 Newfoundland. &c. . . . . . . . . • e º e s e e s e e i e º 'º º e º 'º e º 'o • tº e s e º e º 'º tº w e º e e © º ºs British American colonies, . 864,909 4,026,392 35,446 4,061,838 Other British colonies, . . . . . . e e e e º e e e s e i tº a º º ºs & © e º º tº e º 'º e e º ſº º © e º & © tº e º e e Hanse Towns, . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,493,301 1,812,241 779,931 2,592,172 France on the Atlantic, . . . . . 12,876,977 4,963,557 3,228,452 8, 192,009 France on the Mediterranean, 1, 188,766 671,867 300,926 972,793 French West Indies, . . . . . . . . 671,842 704,833 13,044 717,877 Spain on the Atlantic, . . . . . . 566,072 235,584 63,428 299,012 Spain on the Mediterannean, . 709,022 75,121 7,198 82,319 Teneriffe and other Canaries, 125,159 34,931 3,446 38,377 Manilla and Philippine islands, 348,995 15,994 16,830 23,824 Cuba, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,371,797 3,634,144 1,259,698 4,893,842 Other Spanish West Indies,.. l,580,156 261,801 53,245 315,046 Portugal, . . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º 'º º 124,446 39,149 2,356 41,505 Madeira,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177,369 171,563 5,728 177,291 Fayal and the other Azores, . 32,092 10,549 6,049 16,598 Cape de Verd islands, . . . . . . 63,643 45,532 13,557 58,989 Italy, e e º tº e º 'º e º tº e º e o 'º e o 'º e 1,704,264 371,515 323.010 694,525 Sicily, . . . . . . . tº a tº c e º e º e s e e 144,047 2,869 * * * * * * * * * 2,869 Trieste, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161,062 276,561 262,808 539,369 Turkey, is e º a tº e > tº e º ºs e º 'º tº C G e 521,598 38,503 298.304 336,807 Hayti,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,580,578 1,126,698 191,677 1,318,375 Mexico, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,166,745 1,091,489 5,086,729 6,178,218 Central Amcrica, . . . . . . . . . . 198,504 141,179 165,318 306,497 Colombia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,207,154 375,319 282,830 658, 149 Honduras, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,463 46,233 13,732 59,965 Brazil, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,375,829 1,652, 193 423,902 2,076,095 Argentine republic, . . . . . . . . 928,103 415,489 244,290 659,779 Cisplatine republic, . . . . . . . . tº e e is e e s e e e tº & © tº & © e º tº * * * * * * * * * * © & & 0 & 8 €I'll, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tº e º e o e 917,788 8,560 7,616 16, 176 Chili, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e 413,758 849,493 518,662 1,368,155 South America, generally. . . . 4,924 19,922 15,731 36,553 Cape of Good Hope,. . . . . . . . e e s e e s e e s : * ~ e e w a e e s e i e s s e º e º e º s © e e s e e e o e China,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,083,205 244,790 1,046,045 1,290,835 Asia, generally,. . . . . . . . . . . . 77,861 48,268 251,126 299,394 East India, generally. . . . . . . . e e o e s e I e º 'º e e s tº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : e. e. e. e s e s e e e West Indies, generally, . . . . 10,691 628,153 7,474 635,627 Europe, generally, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,702 15 25,715 Africa, generally, . . . . . . . . . . 148,932 175,166 69,891 245,057 South Seas, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 186 16,910 8,963 25,873 Northwest of coast of America 67,635 27,206 51,420 78,626 Uncertain, . . . . . . . e e º 'º e o e & 11,168 tº e º e e s e º e e i e º e e º e Q * * * e e e s a * e < e < Total. . . . . . . . . . º 61,277,057 20,033,526 Sºº-º-º: .***** :*& * .# | *** - * , ; 264 sTATISTICs of THE UNITED STATES, COMMERCE. VII. DETAILED EXPORTs of THE PRODUCE AND MANUFACTURES of THE UNITED STATEs, IN 1831. THE SEA Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Fisheries : Lead, . . . . . . . ; o “º e º 'º º a g º º 7,068 Dried fish or cod fisheries, . . . . . . . . . 625,393 H. oil and sp. turpent. 54,092 Pickled fish, or river ditto, Iron ge, º tº a º e º i • * ºr º e s tº º 6, 109 & , pig, bar, mallS, . . . . . . * herring, shad, salmon, &c. ...... .. 304,441 Castings, . . . . . . . . . . . . 62,376 Wºl. and º: fish oil, . . . . . . . . . . . 554,440 All manufactures of, . . *:::: Spermaceti Oil, . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º ſº. 53,526 Spirits from molasses, . . . . 3. Whalebone, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I e s a e a e e e 133,842 Sugar refined, . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,569 Spermaceti candles, . . . . . . . . . . ... ... 217,830 chocolate, ...'.... ...... *:::: * * T.T,I; Gunpowder, . . . . . * @ e º sº º tº Gº & 3 º THE FOREST. 1,889,472 Copper and brass, . . . . . . . . *:::::: Skins and furs, . . . . . . . . . . 750,938 Medicinal drugs, . . . . . . . . . . 2 ſ O Ginseng, . . . . . . . . © e º ºs e º 'º e 1 15,928 e 104,760 Staves, shingles, boards, &c. 1,467,065 Cotton piece goods : —| 2,969,435 Other lumber, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214,105 Printed and coloured,. . . . . . . 96,931 Masts and spars, . . . . . . . . . . 7,806 White, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Oak, bark and other dyes, ... 99,116 Nankeens, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947,932 All manufactures of wood, 275,219 Twist, yarn and thread, .... iš Tar, pitch, rosin, turpentine, 397,687 All other manufactures of... 61.3. Ashes, pot and pearl, . . . . . . . 935,613 ,832 —| 4,263,477 Flaa, and hemp : —| 1,126,313 AGRICULTURE. Cloth and thread, . . . . . & ºr 231 Product of animals: Bags, and all manuf. of . . . . 2,599 Beef, tallow, hides, cattle, . . . 829,982 Wearing apparel, . . . . . . . . . . . 59,749 Butter and cheese, . . . . . . . . 264,796 Combs and buttons, . . . . . . . 120,217 Pork, pkd. bacon, lard, hogs, 1,501,644 Brushes, . . . . . . . . . tº e º ſº e º ºr 3,947 Horses and mules, . . . . . . . . . 218,015 Billiard tables and apparatus, 2,343 Sheep, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,499 Umbrellas and parasols, . . . 29,580 Vegetable food; Leather and marrocco skins Wheat, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523,270 not sold per pound, . . . . 58,146 Flour, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,938,458 Printing presses and type, .. 8,713 Indian corn, . . . . . . . . . . . . 396,617 Musical instruments, . . . . . . 10,906 Indian meal, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595,434 Books and maps, . . . . . tº ºr tº e 35,609 Rye meal, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71,881 Paper and other stationary, . 55,121 Rye, oats, and o, sm. grain, 132,717 Paints and varnishes, . . . . . . 22,022 Biscuit, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * @ e 250,583 Vinegar, . . . . . . . . & a tº e º e is 7,178 Potatoes, . . . . . . . . tº e º ºs e tº º tº 41,147 Earthen and stone ware, .... 7,378 Apples, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,148 Fire engines and apparatus, 5,630 Rice, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,016,267 Manufactures of glass, ... 102,736 - 16,826,408|Manufactures of tin, . . . . . . 3,909 Tobacco, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,892,388|Manufac. of pewter and lead, 3,588 Cotton, . . . . . . . . . tº º e º e º e ... . . . . . . . . . 25,289,492|Manufac. of gold and silver, 3,464 All other agricul, products : Gold and silver coin, . . . . . . 2,058,474 Indigo, . . . . . . • . . . . . . In OIlê Artificial flowers and jewelry 11,439 Flax seed, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216,376 Molasses, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 948 Hops, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * g e 26,664 Trunks, . . . . . * G - e º 'º e º e 5,326 Brown Sugar, - - - - - - - - - - - - 10,105 Brick and lime, e - e º ºs ºn tº e e 4,412 -* 253,145|Salt, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,848 MANUFACTURES. Articl d — 3,783,248 Soap and tollow candles, ... 643,252 7°ticles not enºmerated : i. boots and shoes, ... 290,937 ... • . . . . . . . . . . . 394,681 Household furniture, . . . . . . 229,231 er articles, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715,311 1,109,992 Coaches and other carriages, 49,490 ””” Hats, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º 353,013 Saddlery, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,440 Total.. 161,277,057 |Wax, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114,017 |Spirits from grain, beer, . . . . 141,794 |Snuff and tobacco, . . . . . . . . . 292,475 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATEs, commerce. 265 VI. CoMMERCE of EACH state oF THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE YEAR ENDING 30TH. SEPTEMBER, 1831. STATES. IMPORTS. EXPORTS. VIII. ExpoRTs of Dom Estic ſº Dollars. Dollars. PRODUCE AND MANUFACTURES, Maine, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 941,417 805,573 New Hampshire, . . . . . . . . 146,205 111,222 Vermont, . . . . . . . . . . tº tº 166,206 925, 127 Years Total Massachusetts,. . . . . . . . . 14,269,056, 7,733,763 ending 30th Sep. amount in dollars. Rhode Island, . . . . . . * ... tº & 562, 161 367,465 Connecticut,. . . . . . . . . . . . 405,066 482,883 1823. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,155,711 New York, . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,077,417| 25,535,144 1824. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49,684,710 |New Jersey,. . . . . . . . . . . . e º ºs e º 'º e º º sº 11,430 1825. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66,000,000 Pennsylvania, . . . . . . . . . . 12,124,083, 5,513,713 1826. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,000,000 Delaware, . . . . . . tº e º e º 'º º ºs 21,656 54,514 1828. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,669,669 Maryland,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,826,577|| 4,308,647 1829. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,800,000 District of Colombia, . . . . 193,555 | 1,220,975 1830. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,800,000 Virginia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488,522| 4,150,475 1831. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,277,057 North Carolina, . . . . . . . . 196,356 341,140 South Carolina, tº e º 'º e g º e 1,238,164 6,575,201 The excess in 1825 was the conse- Georgia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399,949| 3,939;3| |quence of the prices of cotton having Alabama, tº º ºs º º ºs º e º 'º e º e & 244,435 | 2,413,894 been run up very high by speculations, M. tº G & º ſº tº º & º e º ſº ge 9§ 76 6 593 ió 76 i 989 which eventually caused the ruin of Ull p e s - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. • * 2 g º vy 2 s w = 2 * Ohio, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617 ;||many who engaged in them. | Florida,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,710 30,495 Michigan, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,299 12,399 Total.. 103,191,124 || 81,310,583 X. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF DISTILLED SPIRITS. NEW YOR.K. IMPORTS. EXPORTS. x FOREIGN. SPIRITS. of DoMESTIC For EIGN YEARS. SPIRITs. Brandy. Gin. Rum. Total SPIRITs. Gallons. Pipes. Pipes. | Punchs. Gallons. Gallons. | 1827 . . . . . . 98,310 2,056,739 || 126,534 1828 . . . . . . 111,504 || 10,069 5,175 9.17; º lºgº 1829 . . . . . . 79,913 4,336 1,626 7,949 | 1,690,368 || 428,775 1830 . . . . . . . 72,768 1,506 1,916 3,297 805,500 - It may justly be considered, that the rapid decrease in the importations and manu- facture of ardent spirits in the United States is the result of the exertions of the numerous Temperance Societies which have of late years been established in that country. 2 M 266 sTATIstics OF THE UNITED STATEs, NAVIGATION. NAVIG AT I O N. XIII. To NNAGE, REGISTERED, ENROLLED AND LICENSED, OF THE UNITED STATES. Registered Enrolled and li- Total The app * º: Tonnage. censed tonnage. tonnage. of tonnage during the Years. year 1830, arises from Tons and 95ths. the cancelling of 63,108 tons of registered ton- 1815 . . . . . . 854,294-74 513,333-04 || 1,368,127-7s nage, and 26,199 tons of 1816. . . . . 800,759-63 571,458-85 1,372,218–53 enrolled tonnage, (toge- 1817. . . . . 809,724-70 590, 186-66 1,399,911–41 ther 89,308 tons) which 1818 . . . . . 606,688-64 609,095-51 1,226, 184-20 had been sold to foreign 1819 tº º tº º tº 612,930-44 647,821-17 1,260,751–61 nations Or lost at sea in 1820. . . . . . 619,047-53 661, 1 18-66 1,280, 166-24 former years, and which 1821 . . . . . 619,096–40 679,062-30 | 1,298,958–70 had not as vet been al- 1822. 628, 150–41 393,548-7 | 1,334,099-17 | 1.e. for ; 3. l 1823 . . . . . 639,920-76 696,544-87 | 1,336,565-68 owed for in the genera 1324..... 66.973-66 || 79.100-37 ij ió3-03 estimate. — The total 1825 700,737-08 || 722,323-69 | 1,423,111-77 amount of shipping built 1826. 737,978-15 796,212-68 1,534, 190-83 in the United States in 1827. . . . . 747,170-44 873,437-34 1,620,607–78 1830, was 58,804 tons 1828 812,619-37 928,772-50 1,741,391-87 of this amount, 21,242 1829 . . . . . 650, 142-88 610,654–88 1,260,977-81 tons were registered, and 1830 . . . . . 576,475-33 615,301-10 | 1,191,776-43 36,641 enrolled. — The number of seamen be- longing to the United States, estimated with as much accuracy as possible, is 92,000, of whom there are in the foreign trade 50,000, in the coasting trade 30,000, in the cod fishery, 5000, in steam vessels, 1000, and in the United States navy, 6000. XVII. TOTAL NUMBER of STEAM-BoATs, BUILT ON THE WESTERN WATERS. & whole now Lost or When built. No. running. worn out. 1811. . . . . . l tº e º º I 1814. . . . . . 4 to e º ſº 4 !. # sº º ſº tº $ tº : tº e : Note. Of the whole number of 348, 68 were 1817 :::::: 9 : 9 built at Pittsburgh, and at Cincinnati, 111, 68 1818. . . . . . 23 © º ºs 23 of which were running in 1831. 1819. . . . . . 27 tº º te tº 27 Of the 150 lost or worn out, there were ac 1820. . . . . . 7 I 6 2 W gº 1821. . . . . . 6 I 5 tually worn out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 ; tº e º 'º º ſº ſ i ſ Lost by snags. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 823. . . . . 3 1824. . . . . 13 1 12 Burnt . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1825. . . . 31 19 12 Lost by collision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ; tº e º 'º º e : ; 1. ,, by accidents not ascertained .... 34 1828. . . . . . 31 28 3 Total 150 1829. . . . . . 53 53 1830. . . . . . 30 30 1831. . . . . . 9 9 Total . . . . . 348 198 150 STATISTICs of the UNITED STATEs, NAVIGATION. 267 XIV. sIIIPPING EMPLOYED DURING THE YEAR, ENDING 20th. SEPT. 1831. AMERICAN TONNAGE. | FOREIGN TON NAGE, Entered into Departed from Entered into Departed from COUNTRIES. the U. States... the U. States. the U. States. the U. States. Tons. Russia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e º 'º 8,931 4,310 577 Prussia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e o 'º 700 387 Sweden and Norway, . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e 11,346 3,232 2,999 472 Swedish West Indies, . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * tº e 4,793 7,199 262 552 Denmark, . . . . . . . . . . • e º e º 'º e º e º e º e º e º a * * * g e 3,060 Danish West Indies, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,501 41,730 2,827 2,708 Netherlands, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº ſº º tº e º e º e º º 24,076 23,168 349 1,994 Dutch West Indies, . . . . . º e º e - e. e º e º e º ºr e e 11,296 11,430 312 194 Dutch East Indies, . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e º e º e 2,533 6,498 England, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º º ºs º º 223,345 235,345 84,324 83,461 Scotland, . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º e º O e º e º e º e e e 5,674 6,312 11,008 9,102 Ireland, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e & © e º e º ºs e e 4,388 7,838 7,020 2,306 Gibraltar, . . . . . . . . . . e - e º s e º tº º e º e º e º º q Q 3,599 11,703 tº e º dº º º º 256 British African ports, . . . . . . . © c e s e s e º e e e 9 e e - e. e. 121 British East Indies, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,342 6,481 British West Indies, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,046 40,922 23,760 17,903 Newfoundland, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e - © º 275 277 736 British American colonies, . . . . . . . . . . . 92,672 79,364 82,557 94,776 Other British colonies, . . . . . . tº º e º 'º e º e º 248 434 Hanse towns, . . . . . . . . . . º e º 'º e e o e o e º 'º e s 15,934 17,147 12,175 17,487 France on the Atlantic, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,849 48,022 8,666 3,722 France on the Mediterranean, . . . . . . . . . . 13,774 15,459 493 1,477 French West Indies, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,704 35,334 2,793 2,254 Spain on the Atlantic, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,760 4,598 tº º ºs º º e s e 1,068 Spain on the Mediterranean, . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,583 1,905 e tº e º c e º 'º 536 Teneriffe and other Canaries, . . . . . . . . . . . 1,963 1,418 Manilla and Philippine islands, . . . . . . . . . . 2,938 249 Cuba, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132,830 132,222 19,639 17,816 Other Spanish West Indies, . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,060 8,272 3,117 1,051 Portugal, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,043 1,598 1,451 Madeira, . . . . . . e e e e º e s e º e o & © e º s e e º e 2,514 5,163 • b tº e º e º e 13] Fayal and the other Azores, . . . . . . . . . tº & © 660 475 397 25] Cape de Verd islands, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875 1,200 tº e º e o . 236 Italy, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © tº e º ºs e e º 'º e º e º e a e 10,683 9,120 159 Sicily, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,080 378 --- Trieste, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º ºs e tº to º ºn 1,920 4,215 Turkey, . . . . . . . . . . . . * @ e º 'º e º 'º e º 'º - * e º e º e 3,918 2,935 Hayti, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,446 27,807 699 1,006 Mexico, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,377 22,303 11,498 10,019 Central America, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * tº e º 'º. 2,821 3,315 Colombia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e e º 'o e º ºs e º 'º • * > 9,174 7,188 56 Honduras, . . . . . e tº e e e º e º sº tº t e º e º 'º e º e & e - e. 1,456 1,449 600 223 | Brazil, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,805 36,892 1,360 203 | Argentine republic, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º 9,652 8,169 | Cisplatine republic, . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º 'º e º 'º 274 356 | Peru, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,577 523 | Chili, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e s tº e º e º º 3,729 11,145 South America, generally, . . . . . . . . . . . . e - 703 1,018 94 242 | Cape of Good Hope, . . . . . . . . . . . . . * @ s tº tº 929 891 | China, . . . . . e e g º e < * * * & e º e º e º e º 'º e e e e º 'º 4,316 5,061 Asia, generally, . . . . . . e e º e º 'º e º e º e o 'º e º e 1,171 2,447 | East India, generally, . . . . . . . . . . • e is e e e º e & 9 º' & e º 'º º 669 | West Indies, generally, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,903 17,839 e e s º ºs e º º 400 | Europe, generally, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,169 560 2,020 | Africa, generally, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº Q 2,511 5,098 tº º º ſº tº º º 148 South Seas, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © tº 4 29,581 39,470 North west of coast of America, . . . . . e º 'º 375 783 Uncertain, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Total . . • * * 922,952 972,504 281,948 271,994 2 M 2 268 OF THE UNITED STATES-NAVIGATION. STATISTICS XVI. FoEEIGN TONNAGE which ENTERED THE PORTs OF THE UNITED STATES. YEARS TONS. 1824. . . . . . . . ... 89,481 1825. . . . . . . . ... 92,927 1826. . . . ... 105.654 1827. . tº ge ... 137,589 1828. . . . . . . . ... 150,223 1829. . . . . . . . ... 130,743 1830. . . . . . . . . . 281,948 XVI. CoMPARATIVE view of AMERICAN AND BRITISH TONNAGE ENTERING THE PORTS OF THE UNITED STATES. AMERICAN, BRITISH. COUNTRIES. 1830. 1831. # 830. 1831. From England, . . . . . . . . . . . . 199,972 . . 223,343 . . . . 61,247 . . . 84,324 , Scotland, . . . . . . . . . . . 5,874 . . 5,674 . . . . 12,560 . . . . 11,008 , Ireland, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,494 .. 4,385 . . 6,949 . . . . 7,020 ,, British West Indies, . . . . . 22,428 . . 38,046 .. 182 . . . . 23,760 ,, British American colon. ... 130,527 . . 92,672 .. 4,002 . . . . 82,557 Total,....... Tonsl. 364,205 .. 364,125 . . . . 84,940 . . . 208,609 From Great Britain, Decrease of American tonnage,....... 80 tons. Increase ,, British do. . . . . . . . . . . . . 123,729 ,, Colonial Trade, Decrease of American tonnage, .......... 22,237 tons. Increase ,, British do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102,133 ,, XVIII. TOTAL INSPECTION IN THE UNITED STATEs. INSPECTIONS AND PRODUCE. FLOUR AND MEAL. YEARS EN DING- W HEAT-FLOUR. RY E-FLOUR. CORN M EAL • 31st December. Barrels. Barrels. Hhds. Barrels. 1821 . . . . ... 1,707,350 .. 43.976 . . 17,449 .. 40,693 1822. . . . . . . . . . ... 1,599,973 . . 59,363 .. 15, 157 . . . 32,274 1823. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,557,724 . . 75,620 . . 14,705 . . . . . 36,863 1824. . . . . . . . . . ... 1,714,410 . . 68,380 .. . 17,192 .. 70,415 1825. tº tº ... 1,882,611 . . 57,419 .. 14,781, .. ... 51,297 1826. . . . . . . . . . . . 2,031,558 .. 27,282 .. 18,619 . . ... 36,979 1827. . . . . . . . . . . . 2,061,459 . . 34,487 . . 16,869 .. 51,192 1828. . . . . . . . ſº . . 2,245,257 . 55,239 19,178 .. 78,958 1829. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,255,132 . . 77,945 17,891 . . 51,666 1830. . . . * . . 2,851,876 .. 41,351 18,372 . . 35,070 1831. . . . . e º 'º - e. The annual inspections in New York amount to about 1 million barrels of wheat-flour, in Philadelphia and Baltimore half a million, respectively. sTATIST1cs of THE UNITED STATEs, INSPECTIONs, &c. 269 ... 18,372 . . XIX. INSPECTIONS IN THE PRINCIPAL Ports of THE UNITED STATEs, FoE THE YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1830. WHEAT-FLOUR. RYE-FLOUR. CORN MEAL. PLACES. Barrels. Barrels. Hhds Barrels. |Albany, . • * @ 6 & © e º e tº dº º ºs º tº tº tº e & 43,215 tº tº tº gº tº e tº º ſº e º & & © tº e º 'º e º ºf e New York,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827,370 . . . . 15,191 10,316 9,663 Philadelphia, e is e º e º O ſº e º e º º º tº º º º 473,876 tº ſº tº tº 21,712 7,498 19,949 Baltimore, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597,804 4,436 558 5,458 Georgetown, D. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . 139,713 & a tº º dº º dº e º & e e e º dº º e e dº e º ºs e e & Alexandria, D. C. . . . . . . . . . . . 187,432 e tº dº ſº e º 'º & © tº e º tº e º ºs º º tº e * * * * * * * * Fredericksburgh, Va. . . . . . . ... .. 79,336 • s 6 c & © e e º e º e tº º ºs e º ſº tº dº tº tº e º e Q Falmouth, Va. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,406 & e $ 6 ºf 4 e s tº e º a e º 'º e º e s & tº º ºs e º cº º Richmond, Va. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251,024 * & & e º 'º e º º & & © er tº dº º ºs & & Cº. Petersburgh, &c s & © tº e & & Cº º ſº tº • e is 72,000 * e o e º e º e s a e e i e s tº e e * { {} * * New Orleans, * * * * * * * @ dº º & © * * * * 133,700 & tºy tº * g & 4 * e s Total, . . 2,851,856 . . . . . . 41,351 . . . . ... 35,070 XX. INSPECTION IN BALTIMORE, YEAR ENDING DECEMBER. 31. WHEAT FLOUR. RYE FLOUR. INDIAN CORN MEA.L. YEARS Barrels. Half-barrels. Barrels. Half-bbis. Hhds. I Barrels. Half-bbls. 1826 . . . . . 583,671 25,355 1,098 4 30 2,699 2O 1827 . . . . . 561,259 22,921 1,874 63 ºr ºr 5,214 2 1828 . . . . . . 537,010 18,882 4,409 tº tº 415 8,798 11 1829 . . . . . . . 466,144 15, 149 12,777 48 1,609 6,483 1. 1830 . . . . . 587,875 19,865 4,436 tº e 559 5,458 tº dº XXI. INSPECTION OF SUNDRY PRODUCE IN THE Port of NEw York. 1830. STAVES. SPIRITS. Pipes. | W.O.H. Head. | R.O.H. Barrels. | 1829. 1830. Produce of this State... 1,494,399| 662,676 22,676 13,563| 398,220 Casks. Casks. Do. of other States, ... 335,621 506,958] 37,174 1,401,275] 261,635 Total, 1,829,420 1,169,634 59,850 | 1,414,838|| 659,855 Refuse from the State. . 221,922. 151,582] 27,960 || 37,634|| 71,591 Inspection Fees. Do. other States.... 118, i52| 116,848| 29,291 297,182 141311|6 cents per cask. Total, 410,074 268,430l 57,251 / 334,546 212,902 HOPS. | FLAXSEED. 1829. 1830. 1829. | 1830. Bales. . . . 876 606 Casks. Casks. Pounds. . 177,236 127,843 16,498 10,300 |Value, 8 || 17,308.05] 15,980.00l 28°174,000] 28 112,800 270 sTATISTICs of THE UNITED STATEs, PRODUCE, &c. -* XXII. COTTON. 1. GROWTH 3. CONSUMPTION IN THE UNITED STATES. IN THE UNITED STATES. Total crop of 1824, - 5, 569,259 bales. 1826, - 7, 103,482 bales. Ditto ,, 1825, - 6, 720,027 ditto. 1827, - 8, 120,593 ditto. Ditto ,, 1826, - 7, 957,281 ditto. 1828, - 9, 118,853 ditto. Ditto PP 1827, - 8, 720,593 ditto. 1829, -30, 126,512 ditto. Ditto ,, 1828, - 9, 870,415 ditto. 1830, - 1, 182,142 ditto. Ditto , 1829, -30, . . 976,845 ditto. 1831, - 2, 173,800 ditto. Ditto ,, 1830, - 1, ... 1,038,847 ditto. Ditto Jºjº 1831, - 2, 987,477 ditto. 2. PARTICULARS OF CROPS. STATES. 1830. 1831. 1832. New Orleans, . . . . . . . . tº $ tº 354,024 bales, ... 426,485 bales, ... 322,635 bales, Florida, . . . . . . tº e o e o e º e º e 5,787 ditto . . 13,073 ditto . . 22,651 ditto Alabama, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102,684 ditto . . 113,186 ditto . . . 125,921 ditto Georgia, tº e º º ºs e º e º º e 253,117 ditto . 230,502 ditto . . 276,437 ditto South Carolina, . . . . . . . . . . 188,817 ditto . . 185,166 ditto . . 173,872 ditto North Carolina, . . . . . . . . . . 36,862 ditto . . 36,540 ditto . . 28,461 ditto Virginia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,500 ditto . . 33,895 ditto . . 37,500 ditto Total. . . . . . . . 976,845 bales. 1,038,847 bales. 987,477 bales. 4. EXPORTATION. STATES. 1830. 1831. 1832. − Great Britain, . . . . . . . . . . 595,713 bales, .. 200,791 ditto . . © º e 42,212 ditto . . 618,718 bales, . 127,029 ditto . . 27,036 ditto . . 638, 148 bales. 207,209 ditto 46,371 ditto 738,716 bales. 772,883 bales. 891,728 bales. The stock on hand in the United States 1 October 1832, was 33,158 bales less than at the same period in 1831. XXIII. WHALE FISHERY IN 1830. Ships. Tons. Men. Value, dollars. 170 sperm, . . . . . . tº º tº 0 62,900 . . . . . . . . . 5,100 . . . . 5, 100,000 120 COmmon, . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,600 . . . . . 3,000 . . . . 2,400,000 290 ships, e e e a e s e º 'º º º e - gº tº G 102,500 tº $ tº dº . 8,100 . . . . . . . 7,500,000 The average product is estimated at : 120,000 barrels sperm oil, at 28°22. 282,640,000 100,000 ,, common do. at 9. 900,000 Sperm vessel am Common oil. oil. ount to 28, 20,000. The average length of a voyage is thirty months. The average length of a voyage is from eight to twelve months. of each vessel about 28, 9,000. Note. From Nantucket alone, 62 vessels were sent out in 1831—value & 2,000,000. Total, dollars 3,540,000 Outfits • ? The outfits of each | STATISTICs of THE UNITED STATES,-FUR TRADE. 271 XXIV. AMERICAN FUR TRADE, ON THE MISSOURI AND ITS WATERS AND THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, FROM 1815 TO 1830. From an official Report of 5th March, 1832, on the Fur or inland Trade with Merico. Total amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº 8 & © e º e º 'º e e & e s tº º º Dollars, 3,750,000 Clear profits. . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº e º 'º e º 'º e º º e ſº tº e º 'º e º s e a c e g c e º e º is tº ,, 1,650,000 Number of skins, as follows: Buffalo,. . . . . . . . . . 390,000. Deer,. . . . . . . . . . 2,250,000 Beaver,. . . . . . . . . . 375,000. Koon,. . . . . . . . ... 180,000 Otter, . . . . . . . . . . . 60,000. Muskrat. . . . . ... 562,500 AMERICAN FUR COMPANY. The greater part of this trade is carried on by the American Fur Company, with a capital of upwards of 1,000,000 dollars, the annual return of which are about 500,000 dollars. Annual returns of the company, taken on the average of the years 1829, 1830, and 1831. Beaver,. . . . . . . . . . 17,509 Elk, . . . . . . . . 149 Martins,. . . . . . . . . 19,198 Muskrat. . . . . . . . . 384,582 Fox, red,.... 1,688 Lynx,. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,216 Do. Small. . . . . . . . 32,609 Do. cross, . . . 57 Wild cats, ........ 3132 Raccoons,....... 112,669 Do. grey, . . . . 2,164 Wolves, . . . . . . . . . . 805 Rabbits,. . . . . . . . . 4,966 Do. silver, ... 5 Wolverines, ... . . . . . 8 Buffaloes, . . . . . . . 25,333 Do. prairie,... 227 Panthers. . . . . . . . . . 13 Deer, dressed, . . . . 687 Bears,....... 3,965 Badgers,. . . . . . . . . . 161 Do. shaved . . . . . . 72,932 Cubs,. . . . . . . 1,715 Pole-cat,. . . . . . . . . 26 Do. red, . . . . . . . . 28,491 Otters, . . . . . . 9,213 Squirrel,. . . . . . . . . . II Do. grey,. . . . . . . . 17,113 Fishers, . . . . . 3,566 Opossums,. . . . . . . . 25 Minks,... . . . . 16,266 Swans,. . . . . . . . . . . 53 and 179 pounds of castoreum. There is of late years no falling off in the annual supplies on account of the rapid increase of population in the western countries, for although on the immediate frontiers of the in- habited part of this vast extent of country, deer and other large animals have nearly disap- peared, the deficiency is amply made up in what is called the Indian country, and further by the extension of the company's trading Ports. > It is asserted by the Americans that the British possess in this fur trade a great advantage| over them, on account of the high import duties imposed by the American tariff on all the necessary articles for barter. —r 272 sTATISTICs of THE UNITED STATES,-CHINA TRADE. XXV. THE CHINA TRADE OF THE UNITED STATES. SEASONS. EXPORTS 1828.--—1829. raom THE UNITED STATEs. [1823–1824.1824-1825.1825–1826. Quantities. Prices. | Value. - Dol.cts. Dollars. Number of vessels sailed, . . . . 34 43 42 | . . . . . . . . • * ~ e s e i e s a s e s • * Spanish dollars, . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,096,100 6,524,500 5,725,000 |* 1,388,500 . . . . . . 1,388,500 Ginseng, . . . . . . . . . . . peculs 427 6,029 3,357 1,754|various 118,460 Quicksilver, . . . . . . ... do 8,210 6,452 3,738 6,374| 70,00; 446,180 Lead, . . . . . . . . . . . tº a s e e s do 3,610 5,912 19,666 13,119 5.50 72,155 Iron, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 10,044 13,452 3,441 9,407 3.75 35,276 Copper, . . . . . . . . . . gº tº tº e º ºr do. 3, 144 994 1,509 3,237| 24.50 79,306 Skins, land otter, . . . . pieces. 10,855 18,532 14,883 16,354 5.50 89,947 seal, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 12,909 52,048 32,521 8,285 1.75 49,498 T fox, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 17,986 19,477 10,108 30,292 1.25 37,865 | rabbit, . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 100 6,267 1,010 ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 e º e & beaver,. . . . . . . . . . . . do. 4,588 2,532 4,886 6,427 5.50, 33,698 Cochineal, . . . . . . . . . . peculs 160 157 255 228] 325.00 74,100 Sandal wood, . . . . . . . . . . do. 3,404 7,483 3,097 18,206 7.00 127,442 Beche de Mer, . . . . . . . . . . do. 185 29 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Camblets, . . . . . . . . . tº e pieces. 6,362 4,388 4,290 3,900] 28.00. 109,200 Cloth, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 7,791 10,257 12,067 5,200, 30.00. 156,000 Long ells, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 20,796 7,842 10,620 7,300 8.00, 85,400 Handkerchiefs, . . . . . . . . . . do. 6,807 27,228 31,694 10,263 1.50 39,666 Shirtings, . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . 7,612 18,694 19,790. 6.00. 118,740 Cambrics, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 1,000 3,250 8,288 5,850 2.00 11,700 Candles, . . . . . . . . . ... peculs. I35 63 72 | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rice and paddy, . . . . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . 18,927 49,993 26,440 1.50| 39,660 Chintz,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . pieces. 6,770 4, 161 7,376 4,773. 5.25 25,058 Cotton, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bales 1,070 1,575 195 | . . . . . . . . • * * * * * | * * * * * * * * Tortoiseshell, . . . . . . . . peculs. 37 24 16 . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * s e s e Tin plates, . . . . . . . . , boxes. 2,350 100 451 200 10.00 2,200 Tobacco, . . . . . . . . . . . . peculs 1,082 72 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e tº e º 'º Wine, ... . . . • * * * * * * * * CàSeS 849 705 278 tº e º sº. tº º $ tº e i º e º . e. e. e. e. e. Rope, . . . . . . . . tº e e. e. e. e. peculs 250 69 260 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canvass, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 87 e e º e º a tº a 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , & © e º 'º Various articles, ..... dollars. . . . . . . . . e • 9,000 | . . . . . . . . to e e 23,360 Opium, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * @ º tº º 'º e º 'º e º 'º º tº t e º e e s is e g c e s tº peculs 1,256} 650,00 816,725 Spelter, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e º 'º e º 'º º a g º e < e e º e e º e º e º 6 e ... . . . . . do 1,415 6.00 8,490 Tin, . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * g e s a e e s e e e s s e e e e s > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *... do. 700 13.00. 12,600 Skins, sea otter, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .gs & © e º º º & © tº ºt e º e º e ... pieces. 1,062 50.00. 53,100 Do. do. tails,. . . . . . tº e º e º e º is e a tº e º a c e º º e º º e º e º 'º e º e º e do. 1,058 5.00 5,290 Cotton yarn, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . peculs. 338|| 40.00|| 13,520 Balance, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619,335 Total Exports from the United States to China in 1828-29.... tº º tº dº *-* . . . . . . . . . . 28°4,650,230 * Including bills of exchange. STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES-CH IN A TRADE. THE CHINA TRADE.-CONTINUED. IMPORTS SEASON 1828–1829. INTO THE UNITED STATES. Quantities, Prices. Value. Tales Dollars. Tea, Hyson skin, . . . . . . . . . . chests 18,097 . . 21. 263,900 Do. Tonkay, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 6,486 . . 24. 134,033 Do. young Hyson, . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 26, 192 .. 30. 769,375 Do. Hyson, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 11,264 . . 40. 300,388 Do. Gunpowder and Imperial.... do. 4,888 . . 45. 153,945 Do. Bohea, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 901 . . 12. 9,000 Do. Souchong and Powchong.... do. 17,216 . . 17. 264,208 Do. Fecco, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 191 . . 60 7,917 Cassia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . peculs. 2,916 28, 14.00 40,824 Rhubarb, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 99 60. OO tº e 5,940 Sugar, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 2,243 9. 00 20,187 Ware, china, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . boxes. 589 6. 00 3,534 Floor matting, . . . . . . . . . . . . . rolls 1,590 5. OO 7,950 Oil of spices, . . . . . . . . . . . . . peculs 50 160. 00 8,000 Sweetmeats, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . boxes. 220 8. 50 1,870 Vermillion, . . . . . . -g e º e º e -e e º e º e do. 50 48. 00 2,400 Cotton yarn, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . peculs 200 40. 00 8,000 Crapes, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pieces. 24,605 4. 75 ... 116,874 Crape shawls, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 81,625 1. 25 102,031 Do. dresses, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 19,800 2. OO 39,600 Handkerchiefs,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 24,314 . 5. 50 133,727 Sinchews,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 11,340 12, 00 136,080 Sarsnetts, . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e tº e - e. do. ... 17,295 10. 00 172,950 Levantines , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 7,382 11. 00 81,202 Satines,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 4,836 16, OO 77,376 Camblets, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. * 2,465 .. 12. 00 29,580 Florentines, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 850 . 9. O0 7,650 Lutestrings, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 560 8. OO 4,480 Concans, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 100 8. OO 80,000 Pongees, ... . . . . . . . . . . . e - e º is G tº º do. 16,087 . 5, 25 84,457 Velvet, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. . 50 30. OO 1,500 Sewing silk, . . . . . . . . . . . . . peculs e 144 450. O0 64,800 Raw silk, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. 68 440. 00 29,920 Yellow nankeens, long, . . . . . . pieces. . . 291,100 . . . 70 203,770 Do. do. short, . . . . . . . . do. . . 15,000 . . . 42 6,800 Blue, do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 86,000 84 72,912 Sundries, estimated at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 ! Total value of Imports from China into the United States,. . . . . . . . 2&3,337,480 74 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES.—MAN U FACTORIES. M A N U F A C T OR I. E. S. XXVI. COTTON MANUEACTORIES. 1. WEAVING. Capital employed, is estimated, at, . . . . . tº º e º 'º e º sº tº a * * * * * * . . . . . . . . . Dollars, 40,000,000 Numbers of mills, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º e e tº tº tº ſº ſº tº º º e º 'º e º & tº e 795 ,, , spindles, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,246,500 ,, , looms, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * is e & tº e º e º e s e º ºs e º e º e º º ºs e º 'º º is e º e º is a e 33,500 Pounds of yarn sold in 1831, . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e g º gº tº e º sº e º is 10,642,000 Yards of cloth made, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230,412,000 Pounds of ditto, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º is is º ºs e º 'º º is tº º is e º e º º e º 'º e º e º 'º e º e 59,604,900 Males employed, . . . . . . tº e º & © tº tº g º C tº º º e º 'º º e º ſº tº e º sº e º 'º e º 'º e º e º is a e º e º 'º e º e s is a 18,540 Females , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº dº e º e º e º a tº & e º e e º 'º is e º e 4,700 Pounds of cotton used, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77,757,000 y 2 , , starch, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * c e º e º is e º º e 1,641,300 Barrels of flour, for sizing,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,250 Cords of wood,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,550 Tons of coal, . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * e º ſº tº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e º 'º ºn e º e º e º e e º e º & 24,450 Bushels of charcoal,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * c e º s e º 'º & " e s s a s e s e e s e e º a 9,200 Gallons of oil, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº e º 'º e º & © º e º ſº tº e is e º & © tº e º ºs e º . g º s is e 4 & 300,300 Value of other articles used, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dollars, 600,000 2. BLEACHING. It is assumed that one-third of the cotton goods manufactured in the U.S. are bleached. Capital employed in that branch, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº g º ºs e º ºs e º º v. & Dollars, 900,000 Males, about 612, average wages 28 6.00 per week. Females , , 126, 3 y 22 ,, 2.88 ,, ditto. Aggregate wages, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per annum, dollars 209,814 Starch used, . . . . . . tº dº º e º 'º a tº e º e º e º ºs e s tº º e º e e s e º e º ºs º e s e s e e tº º & e º 'º e º ºs e º e º 'º lbs. 429,600 Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º P & 2 & © tº e º 'º e º e º dº tº e e e º & º º e e s e º e º e e s e e º e o e tons, 19,250 Bleaching salts used, ... . . . . . . . . . tº º is e e º e º e º e º e º 'º e º e * * * * * * * * > * * e º e º e º is tº º lbs. 520,000 Oil of vitriol 2 y = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº G & © tº º ,, 585,400 Lime 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c e º e º 'º gº © tº tº º º tº casks, 2,500 Ashes y 9 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº tº gº º dº tº g g º & g º 'º & gº tº e º 'º º it cwts. 11,153 Other materials , domestic,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & ſº tº & tº gº º e º & tº tº ſº $ tº gº tº de value, dollars, 109,100 Ditto ditto ,, foreign,. . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > 2 º' 41,025 3. PRINTING. Capital employed in that branch, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . about dollars, 1,000,000 Men 25 950, average wages 28, 7.00 per week. Females , 125, , , 3 * , 2.50 , ditto. Boys 25 430, , , 35 ,, 1.82 , ditto. Aggregate wages, . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº ſº tº ºn tº $ tº dº ſº e º e g º e º e º 'º e º e º & per annum, dollars, 402,965 Flour for sizing used, . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e º e º 'º e º ºs º ºs e º 'º e º e s tº e º 'º º & barrels, 1,300 Coals 59 ° e s • * * * * * * * * * * e º E tº e º ºs e º 'º e º sº e º e º ºs º e º o e º 'º e º is ſº e e º º tons, 2,250 Wood 39 e • * * * * * * * * * * * e º 'º sº tº tº dº e º g tº e º e º 'º º tº e º 'º t e º ºs e º ſº tº dº º e º º cords, 30,000 Oil 53 e = * * * * * * * * tº tº e º 'º e º e º e © e º ºs º º e = * g is tº e º e º & J C & © º ºs tº e gallons, 3,500 Gum Senegal, arabic, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © º e º e º e º e º 'º e g º O & G & e º 'º dº º ſº tº e º 'º º tº lbs. 30,000 Sumac used, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º º G & º ſº tº gº º ºs * @ º º ſº tº º º g º º ſº e º 'º e º 'º tº $ tº e º e º e 99 53,100 Persian and turkey berries used,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9.9 10,000 Madder used, . . . . . . . tº º ſº tº ſº º º & * tº gº tº e º e tº e º $ tº e º ºs e º º & tº gº º q tº ſº g tº tº tº e º 'º & ,, 8 l 9,500 Indigo 99 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * g º º ſº tº tº º & © tº º º is tº º ſº º ºs e º e º e º e ,, 222,700 Logwood y 9 e s • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e o e s s e e s is e e s e * † º & tº º tº e º 'º e º ºs e º º ,, 572,530 Copper rollers 93 s • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e º e º 'º e º e s º º tº tº w & e e º s º e º e º ºs e º e e 22,500 * 53 Other articles, chiefly of American production or manufacture, as iron boilers, cast iron, lime, quercitron bark, acids and other chemical preparations, value, dollars, 430,000 STATISTICS OF THE UNITE I) STATES-MAN U FACTORIES. 4. MACHINE SHOPs. Capital employed,. Men ditto * @ e º & “ ... ...... Dollars, 2,400,00° Aggregate ditto. . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * > 9 1,248,000 Annual value of product,. . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº e º e º e º is e º e º e º º s e is a tº & p3 3,500,000 They are represented as capable of turning out per an. spindles, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250,000 They require, cast iron, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * ... about tons, 7,776 Wrought iron and steel, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 93 3,200 Sea coal, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . chaldrons, 2,400 Sheet cards, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in value 28, 184,320 Paints and oil, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 jº jº 48,000 Ash plank and pine, . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 93 2 ſº 153,000 Harware, files, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y 5 p > 240,000 5. EXPORTS OF AMERICAN COTTON MANU FACTURES. DESCRIPTIONS. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. White piece goods, . . . . . . . . 821,629 951,001 || 887,627 | 981,370. 964,196 96,931 Printed ditto, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68,884 45, 120 76,012 145,024 61,800. 947,932 Nankeens, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,903 14,750 5, 149 1,878 1,093 2,397 Twist, yarn, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . 11,135 11, 175 12,570 3,849 24,744 17,221 All others, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227,574 || 137.368 28,873 | 127,336|| 266,350 61,832 Totals. . . . . . . 1,138,125 | 1,159,411 | 1,010,232| 1,259,457 | 1,318, 183| 1,126,313 XXVII. IRON WORKS. Iron is found in the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, in almost every county of Pennsylvania, and in Illinois. The first extensive Iron works were raised in Taunton, Mass, in the year 1652. Within the last half century numerous other works of that kind have been erected in different parts of the before named states, particularly at Franconia N.H. Lichfield and Stafford Con. Pittsburg, Pa, &c. In the year 1830, 202 furnaces were in operation in the United States, and produced 155,348 tons of native iron, which were converted into 90,768 tons of bar iron, and 28,273 tons of castings. These 90,768 tons, with the addition of the bar iron made at the bloomeries, amounting in that year to 5,853 tons, made a total of 96,621 tons. Annual consumption of Iron in the United States. In 1830; made at 202 furnaces . . . . . . . . . . tº e º & gº º e g º e i s º is e e * & tons, 155,348 of which were made into castings, . . . . . . . e e º & a e º e º º £ tº 4 & tº e º 'º & º is tº º • ? 28,273 Tons, 127,075 which rendered into bars, at 28 cwts. per ton, makes, . . . . . . . . . . . . tons, 90,768 there were made of bloomed iron, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * tº 9 * * * * * J. P. 5,853 Total Bar iron made annually in the United States, Tons, 96,621 Add : Importation of foreign iron, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 y 33,986 r Annual consumption of Bar iron in the United States, Tons, 130,607 Besides what was made from the blast furnaces into castings, . . . . . . . . . . . . • * > y 28,273 Total. . . . . . Tons, 158,880 2 N 2 276 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES.–MANU FACTORIES. XXVIII. GLASS WORKS. Flint Glass. The first manufactory of importance was established at Pittsburg, in 1812, and the next near Boston, in 1816. There are in the United States 21 furnaces, containing 140 pots; they are located as follows: At Boston and its vicinity. . . . . . . . . 6 furnaces with 38 pots. ,, Providence, Rhode Island. . . . . . . 2 do. 2, 12 do. ,, New York and vicinity . . . . . . . . . 3 do. ,, 22 do. ,, Philadelphia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 do. ,, 6 do. , Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 do. ,, 12 do. , Pittsburg, Pennsylvania,. . . . . . . . 4 do. ,, 32 do. , Wellsburg, do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 do. ,, 12 do. , Wheeling, Virginia. . . . . . . . . . . . . I do. ,, 6 do. Total. .. 21 furnaces with 140 pots. The two most extensive of these factories, with 28 pots, are in the vicinity of Boston. The pots they employ are somewhat larger than the average size, and the article they produce being chiefly intended for cut-glass, it is estimated at the annual average amount of 14,000 Dol. per pot, whilst the annual produce of the 112 pots of the other factories cannot be computed at above 8000 Dol. each. This gives for the total amount offlint glass now made in the United States, 1,300,000 Dollars per annum. Estimate of the raw materials consumed by the 21 furnaces: Lead,. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,450 Tons. Pearlashes,. . . . . . . 900 do. Sand, . . . . . . . . . . . 2,600 do. Fire clay . . . . . . . . 1.000 do. Saltpetre, . . . . . . . . 100 do. Green and Black Glass, viz. bottles, demijohns, carboys, apothecaries’ vials, &c. Numerous establishments exist in the United States for the manufacture of these coarser kinds of glass ware, but a detailed statement of their extent has not as yet been published. The most extensive are at Kensington near Philadelphia, also in the vicinity of Boston, &c. Crown Glass.-Only one crown window glass manufactory is at present in operation in the United States, the New England crown-glass manufactory near Boston, with one fur- nace and six pots. This establishment employs a capital of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150,000 Dollars. gives constant employment to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º f * * * e º e º 'º e º ºr º is is º e º & 65 men. pays wages, annually,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... about 100 dollars. and consumes: Pearl-ashes from Maine, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Tons. Saltpetre, imported,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº gº º º 35 Lime, from Maine, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 » Dry soda from France, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 » Refined borax, imported. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . se e º e º is e s ∈ 2 tº ſº l 2.5 Marine salt. . . . . . . . . gº & e º e º ºs e º 'º e g º ſº tº º it is e º is º e tº º e º 'º e 80 39 Clay from Europe, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº gº tº a I 50 J. J. Sand ,, New Jersey, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 2.9 Wood 2, Maine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,700 92 Coal , Virginia. . . . . . . . . . . . & tº ſº º & © tº * * * * * * * * e e g º e 2,600 92 employing 6000 tons of shipping. Another factory for crown glass has recently been built in the State of New York. Cylinder Window Glass.-There exist 23 manufactories of cylinder window glass in the United States, four located in Pennsylvania, two in New York, two in Maryland, two in Ohio, &c. They are estimated to employ an aggregate capital of, . . . . 690,000 Dollars. to pay annually in wages, . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º º is ºr tº e º & tº * * * * * * * * * e º e e 230,000 ,, and to employ . . . . . . . . . . tº e º is º is º e º e º e º 'º e º 'º e º is tº ſº e s a s e º e s e º e º e s a t 350 men. produce in window glass,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172,000 boxes, or 8,625,000 sq. ft. amounting in value to. . . . . . . . . . . tº e º 'º º ºs e & dº º e º e º 'º e * * * * * * * * c e e. e. e. e. 850,000 Dollars. General results of all Glass Manufactories in the United States. Flint glass ware produced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º e º e º 'º sº e º e º e º º tº e º & e º ſº e 1,300,000 Dollars. Glass bottles, phials, apothecaries’ ware, demijohns, carboys, &c. . . . 200,000 ,, Crown window glass,. . . . . e is e e º e º e º e º e tº $ tº º is © º 'º gº º e º ºs e º 'º e º ºs . . . . . 150,000 , , Cylinder window glass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850,000 , , Total 2,500,000 Dollars. Hands employed,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e ∈ C tº º e º e tº gº º e º º te e º is e º e is 1,800 men. Amount of wages paid . . . . . . . . . . tº e s it is tº e º e º ºs e e s tº t e º e º º e º e º º e º s & 600,000 Dollars. tºmsºmº st ATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES, MANUFACTORIEs. 277 XXIX. LEAD. more than 3000 square miles. The Lead mines in Missouri are the most extensive and the richest on the globe. They extend from the head waters of St. Francis river in a north western direction to the Maramec, a distance of 70 miles in length, and about 45 in breadth, thus spreading over an extent of They have of late years been worked at an increasing ratio. The following quantities, derived from the mines in Missouri as well as those in Illinois and Michigan, were received in New Orleans for the home, coasting and export trade : viz. YEARS ending 30 September. Made at the upper mines. 1822 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1823 . 1824 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1825 . . . . . . 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 * * * * * * * * tº $ tº a t t e º e º e º tº gº ºn tº YEARS PIG.S. ending 31 December. Pounds weight. 12,962 . . . . 1825 . . . . . . . . . . . . 489,473. . . . . . 41,123 . . . 1826 * & © tº * > * > * 1,560,536. . . . . . 45,454 . . . . 1827 . © tº tº $ tº gº tº 6,824,389. . . . . . 58,479 . . . . 1828 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,957,100. . . . . . 86,242 . . . . 1829 tº ſº tº e º ſº º ºs . . . 13,994,430. . . . . • 106,405 . . . . 183,712 . . . . Made at the lower mines. 146,203 . . . . . 100,288 . . . . 1829 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,500,000. . . . . * Lead has also been discovered in Maine and Connecticut. XXX, SALT. CAPITAL EMPLOYED IN, AND RESULT of, THE SALT MANUFACTURE IN THE UNITED STATEs, compUTED Upon AN Aver AGE OF THE YEARs 1829 & 1830. STATES. Maine, ... New Hampshire, Massachusetts, . . . . . . . . . . Rhode Island,. . . . . . . . . . . . Connecticut, . . . . . . . . . . . . New York,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Jersey, .. Pennsylvania, Delaware, .. Maryland, .... dº º ºs * * * * g e º g North Carolina,. . . . . . . . . . South Carolina, Ohio, Kentucky, tº e º e Tennessee, . . . . . . . . . . . . Alabama, . . . . . . . . . . . Illinois, ... Arkansas, .. Florida, Indiana, tº e º 'º º ºs tº e º e º e º º tº e º G & & tº e º g º ºs e e is Virginia,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º tº º * * tº tº * * Capital employed, * : lands, buildings, and Quantities produced | Average prices at fixtures. annually. the manufactory. Dollars. Bushels. Cents per bushel. 22,000. . . . . . 90,000. . . . . . . . . . 37% e - 3,000. . . . . . 1,200. . . . . . º 40 a. 50 . 1,754,576. . . . . . 567,239. . . . . . . . . . . 39 a. 48 5,400. . . . . . 1,600. . . . . . . . . . . 50 tº 5,000. . . . . . 2,000. . . . . . 45 . 3,077,000. . . . . . 1,291,220. . tº e º 'º 45 7,000. . . . . . 7,000. . . . . . ... 50 a. 75 400,500. . . . . . 600,000. . . . . © . . 45 i.e. 2,250 g 7,500. . . tº º ſº. 30 20,000 * 38,000. . . . . . * * 30 1,000,000. . . . . . 1,061,000. . . . . . & Q & 37% • * 96,600 e 31,860. . . . . ... 30 a. 75 9,000. . . . . . 3,000. . . . . . * † º 50 334,762. . . . . . 446,350. . . . . . . . 37 a. 50 160,000. . . . . . 137,320. . . ... 50 a. 75 3,000. 3,640. . . . . . ... 75 a. 100 3,000. . . . . . . . 4,000 tº & Cº º 62 º 53,000. . . . . . . 138,000 tº º . 40 a. 75 3,000. . . . . . * 10,000. . . . . ... 75 a. 100 tº g tº e º º gº º 4,000. . . . tºº tº º tº º 'º 125 278 STOCK COMPANIES. STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES-JOINT JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. XXXI. GENERAL STATEMENT OF Joint stock compan1Es IN NEW YORK AND TWENTY-FOUR OTHER, CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES. Enti Amºunt of Amount ºf Amºunt of Rat Whole Amount cariºstock jºjºsº |pºt, “iºt. NEW YORK CITY. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Banks, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,130,000| 200,000|17,930,000||1,033,200 5.7875|103,769,952 Marine lnsurance Comp.... 3,050,000. 450,000 2,600,000, 403,000||15.572 Fire Insurance Companies, .. 7,800,000. 750,000 7,050,000 479,750 6,805 Miscellaneous, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,383,750 1,500,000 883,750. 83,420 7.731 BROOKLYN. Banks, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300,000]. . . . . . . . 300,000 21,000 7. 2,099,968 | Fire Insurance Companies . 102,000 | . . . . . . . 102,000 4,080 4. ALBANY., º Banks, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,576,600|| 300,000 | 1,276,600|| 301,248|23.608 || 9,792,801 Insurance Companies, . . . . . 550,000 | . . . . . . . . 550,000 || 45,500 8.272 Water-works, . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000 | . . . . . . . . 80,000 3,200 || 4. TROY. Banks, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,018,000) 300,000 || 718,000 | 61,840 8.612 6, 183,996 Insurance Companies. . . . . . 250,000 | . . . . . . . . 250,000 22,500 9. Savings Bank,. . . . . . . . . . . 65,000 . . . . 65,000 1,625 2.50 HART FOR D. Banks, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,859,000|| 250,000| 2,609,000 | 159,540. 6.114 | 15,952,964 Insurance Companies, . . . . . 500,000 500,000 NEW LONDON. Banks, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247,687|.. . . . . . . 247,687 || 15,452 6.338 1,545,180 Insurance Companies,...... 100,000 || 100,000 NEWPORT. - Banks, . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º ºs 595,000| 100,000 495,000; 19,450 3.919 1,939,964 - PROVIDENCE. Banks, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,324,950|... . . . . . . 4,324,950| 276,662 6.3967| 27,672, 184 Insurance Companies, . . . . . 260,000 260,000 BO STON, Banks, . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 13,900,000. . . . . . . . 13,900,000| 695,500 5.061 69,550,000 Insurance Companies, . . . . . 1,150,000 250,000 900,000 49,000 }5 113 Fire and Marine,. . . . . . . . . . . 4,600,000, 300,000. 4,300,000. 245,000 J PORTLAN ID. Banks, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,050,000. . . . . . . . 1,050,000 39,000 3.7142, 3,919,968 Insurance Companies...... 100,000 50,000 50,000 6,000||12. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Banks, & e º e º s e º 'º e º 'º e º e º & 3,895,250 º º º * ſº 3,895,250 186,702 4.792 18,670,184 Marine Insurance Comp.,. . . . 375,000|. . . . . . . . 375,000 || 25,000. 6.666 Fire Insurance Companies. º 250,000 . . . . . . . . 250,000 7,500 3. RICHMOND. Banks, . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 2,517,500|. . . . . . . . 2,517,500 151,025, 5.9035 | 15,102,452 | Branches bank of Virginia,.. 1,250,000 . . . . . . . 1,250,000 | 68,750, 5.50 6,874,972 Do. planters', ........ 1,025,000. . . . . . . . 1,025,000 || 51,250 5. 5,124,964 N (YR FOLK. Banks, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,460,000]. . . . . . . . 1,460,000 85,300|| 5.821 9,240,816 Insurance Companies, . . . . 400,000) 300,000 100,000 6,000. 6. Canal Company, .......... 360,000 360,000 Carried over, Dollars... [76,524,737|5,970,000 70,554,737|4,547,494. . . . . . . 297,440,365 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES — JOINT STO C K COMPANIES. 2 79. Note. Thus the average dividend on the total amount of productive capital is 5.9 p. cent. This and the following statements of American Joint Stocks, will be found in Thomas H. Goddard’s work on Banks, published at New York in 1831. CONTINUATION. dº Amount of . Amount of Amount of whole Ent * - -- * & in re! Th; ºr i, la, Rat caſſock..º."º" ºf peºut. aß, Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Brought forward . . . . . . 76.524,737 5,970,000 70,554,7374,547,494. . . . . . . .297,440,365 - CHARLESTON. Banks,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,975,000 . . . 4,975,000 317,000 26.371 34,341,632 Insurance Companies,.. 750,000 . . . . . . . . 750,000 50,000. 6.666 Railroad Company,. . . . . 600,000 600,000 SAVANNAH. Banks,. . . . . . . . º e º 'º a g º º 2,600,000 260,000 2,340,000. 146,600 6,265 14,661,148 AUGUSTA. Banks, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,400,000 650,000 750,000 60,000 8 5,999,968 BALTIMoR.E. Banks,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,888,691 . . . . . . . . 6,888,691 362,118, 5.256 36,211,864 Marine Insurance Comp. 1,200,000 350,000 850.000 127,000 14,941 Fire Insurance Comp... • 920,000 500,000 420,000 52,500 12.50 PHILADELPHIA. Banks,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,792,000 125,000 10,667,000 693,075|| 6.497. 69,307,472 Branches of the U.S. Bank - | not ment, in this report,. 22,400,000 . . . . . . 22,400,000||1,568,000 7 156,799,968 Marine Insurance Comp. 3,280,000 . . . . . . . . 3,280,000 305,400. 9,3109 Fire Insurance Comp., ... 1,600,000 200,000 1,400,000 90,000 6.428 New ORLEANs. Banks,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000,000 3,250,000 6,750,000. 542,500| 8.037, 54,249,988 Insurance Companies,. . . . 2,400,000 2,110,000 290,000. 135,000. 46.551 - NoFTH CAROLINA. Banks,. . . . . . . . . . . 3,700,000 1,600,000 2,100.000 99,000. 4.714| 9,899,968 NEW HAVEN. Banks, tº e º 'º º ºs e º e s tº º ºs e º e 840,000 500,000 340,000 27,200 8 2,7 zooid Marine Insurance Comp. 110,000 50,000 60.000 3,600| 6 ſ PortsMoUTH. Banks,. . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº º t 775,000 365,000 410,000 23,100 5.633| 2,310,056 SALEM * Banks,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,450,000 . . . . . . * 1,450,00| 60,500. 4.17 2, 6,049,992 Savings Bank, . . . . . . . . 265,000 . . . . . . . . 265,000 10,600 4 Insurance Companies,... 850,000 150,000 700,000 48,000 6,857 NEw JERSEY. Banks,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,262,925 . . . . 1,262,925 75,775|| 6 wºman Insurance Companies. . . 200,000 . . . . . . . . 200,000 14,000 7 Morris Canal & Bank. Co. 2,000,000 2,000,000 Entire capital,.... Dollars|157,783,353 Capital not paying divids. . . . . . . . . . . [18,680,000– Capital paying dividends.]... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139, 100,353|— Amount of divids declared!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,358,462 *ºtººººººººººººº, Total Am. of paper disctd.]. . . . . . . © tº dº º e s tº * o e & & tº º ſº tº º º § º O & tº ſº 697,569,929 280 STATISTICS OF THE UNI'ſ ED STATES-JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. XXXII. NEw York. NEw York City. No. of 28 Amount of Time and rate Amount of BANKs. shares. each capital. of dividend. I dividend. U.S. Branch, ...... tº e 25,000|100 |28°2,500,000 Jan. alluly 34-3 175,000 §: * - e º 'º e º 'º e º e 1822 ; : * 20,000|100 |, 2,000,000 Jan. 24 July 24, 100,000 echanics', . . . . . . . . [1810|22 do. 80,000 || 25 ,, 2,000,000 Jan. & July 3: ,, 140,000 * º d... 1790 perpetual| 41,000 || 50 , , 2,050,000 #. º 3}|, 143,500 eia. WąI’e an UICiSOIl 1,500,000 |June 0 || Dec. 0 canal Co...........|1825 Ditto. 15,000|100 | * * * 9 jº *:::: tº e º e o is 1805|27 * 28,000 || 50 , , 1,400,000 |June 3 Dec. 3 |, 84,000 ity, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [1812|20 do. 25,000 || 50 , 1,250,000 |May 3 Nov. 3 |, 75,000 i. York, . . . . . . . . . . 1812 . i.goo * . 950,000 |May 4 ||Nov. 4 |,, 76,000 enix, . . . . . . . . . . . . [1812|20 do. 20,000 || 25 , 500,000 Jan. 3}|July 3}|, 35,000 North River, . . . . . . . . [1821|21 do. 10,000 || 50 . 500,000 Jan. 4’july 4 ,, 40,000 Tradesmen's, ... . . . . . 1822|10 do. 12,000 || 49 |, 480,000 Jan. 3 July 33|, 31,200 9. "...........|| || || |: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; pe • * * * * * * * * * * * * º 20, ay RNOV. 3. 2 Fulton, . . . . . . . . . . . 1824|20 do. 20,000 || 30 º 'goo ooo May 3}|Nov. 34 . 42,000 Dry Dock, . . . . . . . . . . perpetual 14,000 50 |, 700,000 Jan. 23 July 0 |,, 14,000 º: e g º ºs e º ºs e e 1830 new 8,000 || 25 |, 200,000 ||Not determined. |, - eather-Sellers. . . . . . . 1831 do. *-*-*-*-* | -º-º-º-º-º- 359,900 { 1sºoooo. 23 1,033,200 Note Of these 17 banks the Hudson and Delaware declares no dividend, in consequence of appropriating their means to the great work of completing the canal between the two rivers, which promises a great advantage to the city. The Greenwich and Leather-sellers have recently commenced ; so that the divi- dend has accrued upon a capital of 28°17,930,000—making an interest on the dollar of 5.7875 cts. As the paper discounted will average 60 days’ notes, and 6 per cent discount deducted, there must have been discounted during the year 1830-31, paper to the amount of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 103,769,952 CONTINUED. NEW YORK CITY. INo. of 28° Amount of Time and rate Amount of MARINE IN SURANCE. shares. each capital. of dividend. dividend. New York, . . . . . . . . . . 1798 || 10,000 || 50 |28 500,000 || Jan. 5 || July 5 || 28 50,000 American, . . . . . . . . . . 1815| 10,000 || 50 , 500,000 | May 16 Nov. 12 , 140,000 Ocean, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1810| 10,000 || 35 , 350,000 || Jan. 16 July 12 ,, 98,000 Union,. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1818 10,000 || 50 , 500,500 Jan. 6 July 6 , 60,000 Neptune,. . . . . . . . . . ... 1815 5,000 50 ,, 250,000 || Jan. 6 July 6 ,, 30,000 Atlantic (new series), . . . . . . 10,000 50 , 500,000 || May 5 | Nov. O ,, 25,000 National (ditto), . . . . 5,000 50 , 250,000 || Jan. 0 || July 0 Pacific, . . . . . . ... ... 1817| 8,000 || 25 ,, 200,000 || Jan. 0 || July o 68,000 283,050,000 28 403,000 During 1830–1831, two of , these companies, whose capital amounts to 2&450,000, declared no. dividend, so that the dividend of 28.403,000 has arisen upon a capital of 282,600,000, making an interest of 15.572 cents. The American commenced in 1815, and its dividend to the year 1830–1831 inclusive is 312 per cent, amounting to, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, 1,560,000 - The Ocean, with a capital of 28°350,000, has, from 1823 to 1830–1831, inclusive, yielded dividends of 126 per cent, in the whole, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, 441,030 The New York, with a capital of 28 500,000, has, from 1823 to 1830–1831, inclusive, yielded dividends to the extent of 76 per cent, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, 380,000 STATISTICs of THE UNITED STATEs, Joint stock compan1Es. 281 NEW YORK. CONTINUATION. NEW YORK CITY. No. of & A T O. O. mount of ime and rate Amount of FIRE IN SURANCE • * - tº e COMPANIES. Shares. each | Capital. of Dividends. Dividend. º States, . . . . . . 1824 10,000 || 25 28 250,000 || June o | Dec. 34 || 28 8,750 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1814 20,000 1,000,000 t y Eagle, chartered 1806, | --> 50 2, 1,000, June 33 || Dec. 33 ,, 70,000 with liberty, to increase its cap. to 31,000,000 1806 || 5,000 | 100 |, 500,000 || Jan. 4 || July 4 ,, 40,000 Washington, . . . . . . . . 1814 || 10,000 50 , 500,000 | Feb. 43 Aug. 43 ,, 45,000 Franklin, . . . . . . . . . . . . 1818 6,000 | 50 | , , 300,000 || Jan. 4 July 4 ,, 24,000 Jefferson, . . . . . . . . . . . 1824 5,000 || 50 |, 250,000 || Apr. 3% Aug. 33 ,, 17,500 Howard, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1825 6,000 50 |,, 300,000 || Jan. O July 4 p > ižooo Fulton, . . . . . . . . . º 1819 10,000 || 50 , 500,000 || Jan. 3 July 3% 9 y 32,500 Mutual, . . . . . . . . . . 1798 || 10,000 || 50 |, 500,000 || May 33 || Nov. 34 , 35,000 Merchants 2 e < * * * * * * * 1818 5,000 || 100 |, 500,000 || Jan. 33 || July 33 ..., 35,000 Traders', . . . . . . . . . . . . 1825 | 10,000 || 25 |, 250,000 || May 33 | Nov. 33 ,, 17 soo Manhattan, - e. e. 1819 5,000 || 50 |, 250,000 || June 4 Dec. 3% 22 20.000 Mercantile, . . . . . . 1818 || 10,000 || 30 |, 300,000 | May 0 || July 35 | . Tojoo 4tna, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1824 || 8,000 || 50 |, 400,000 | May 34 Nov. 33 | .. 25.000 North River, e e º e g º O & 1822 || 14,000 || 25 , 350,000 || Mar, 4 Sep. 4 9 2sooo Firemen's, . . . . . . 1825 | 12,000 || 25 , 300,000 || Mar. 3% | Sep. 3% º 21 ooo Equitable, e - e º e º & a 2 & 1822 6,000 50 |, 300,000 || Jan. 4 July 4 24 ooo Phoenix, . . . . . . . . . . . . 1824 5,000 || 50 |, 250,000 || May 0 Nov. O 3 x 2 Contribution, e - © tº e º 'º e 1824 6,000 50 |, 300,000 || May 3% | Nov. 3% 21,000 Farmer's Fire and Loan | 1821 | 10,000 || 50 , 500,000 || Jan. O July 0 2 p. 2 - 173,000 & 800,000. |X 489,750 During 1830 — 1831, two of these companies, whose capital amounts to 28750,000, made no dividend, so that the dividends of 23 489,750 have arisen upon a capital of 287,050,000—making an interest of 6.805 cents. The Washington commenced in 1814, and has made a uniform semiannual dividend of 43 per cent—making in all 144 per cent, amounting tº. . . . . . . From 1823 to 1830–1831, inclusive, the dividends of © tº ſº ſº º e G 695 per cent, making & 347,500—Globe, 52 per cent, 28°520,000-Franklin, 443 per cent, 28.133,000—North River, 64 per cent, 8224,000—making in all, e e a e e º e º e s a e s is a e e s = e s ∈ e s - 4 & 9 720,000 92 ,, 1,224,500 NEW YORK CITY. OTHER INSTITUTIONS. New York Lombard, for the sole purpose of making advances on goods, 1819, . . . . . . . . . . . . . |New York Exchange, . . . . . ; New York High School, | porated 1825, New York Gas | by charter 28 1,000,000, paidin, |New York Sugar refining Co. cap. by charter, 28°150,000, shares 200, paid in, . . . . New York Life Co. insure lives, grant annuities, and receive money in trust, in- corporated 1830,. . . New York and Schuylkill Co. to supply the city with coal, . . . . tº e º 'º e < * * * During 1830–1831, three of these companies, whose capitals amount to 28, 1,500,000, have declared no dividend; so that the dividend of 28 79,700 has arisen upon a capital of 28883,750, making an interest of 7.731 cents. No. of 2& Amount of Time and rate Amount of Shares. each. Capital. or Dividend. Dividend. 2,000 || 100 & 200,000 | Jan. 0 |July 0 2,000 || 100 , 200,000 || Jan. 3 || July 3 || 23 12,000 2,000 25 , 50,000 | 1830 4 p. cent| , 2,000 9,900 50 , 495,000 || Mar. 6 Sep. 5 , 54,450 750 | 185 |, 138,750 | 1830 || 23 15. , 11,250 10,000 || 100 , 1,000,000 | none in 1831 6,000 || 30 , 300,000 IlOIAC 32,650 28, 2,383,750 |ºoroo 2 O 282 STATISTICs of THE UNITED STATEs, Joint stock Cox PANIES. XXXIII. PRogREss of stocks IN THE CITY of NEw York. BANKS. Amount of Dividend Amount of Paper YEAR. Amount of Capital. declared. Rate per cent. discounted. 1819 28 15,000,000.... 28; 782,000.... 4.918 28 78,199,992 1820 2, 15,900,000. . . . 3 * 921,500. . . . . . 5,795 ,, 92,149,980 182 I 3, 15,900,000. . . . . , 920,500. . . . . . 5.789 ,, 92,649,984 1822 2, 16,000,000. . . . ,, 921,200. . . . . . 5.757 ,, 92,119,976 1823 ,, 15,500,000. . . . ,, 992,500. . . . . . 6.403 ,, 99,250,060 1824 ,, 15,600,000. . . . ,, 617,050. . . . . . 3.947 ,, 61,705,020 I 825 ,, 17,450,000. . . 2 ſº 936,500 5.366 ,, 93,649,972 1826 ,, 17,500,000. . . . ,, 1,031,500. . . . . . 5.894 ,, 103,149,856 1827 ,, 17,880,000. . . . ,, 1,025,400. . . . . . 5.751 ,, 102,539,996 1828 ,, 18,330,000. . . . ,, 1,039,200. . . . . . 5.669 ,, 103,919,972 1829 ,, 17,830,000. . . . ,, 977,000. 5.479 ,, 97,699,992 1830 ,, 18, 130,000. . . . ,, 1,037,700 . . . . . 5,7232 ,, 103,769,952 in 12 years... 28, 11,202,050...... 28, 1,120,804,752 MARINE INSURANCE COMPANIES. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. • Amounts of Dividends | Rate p. cent. Amount of Dividends [Bate p.ct. YEAR. Amount of Capital. declared. Cents. Amount of Capital. declared. Cents. 1819 |283,850,000 . . .28° 412,250.... 10.707 |& 4,500,000. . . 28.237,500 ... 5.277 | 1820 ,, 3,850,000 ,, 250,750. . . . . 6.513 |, 4,500,000. . . , 365,000 . . . 8.111 | 1821 |, 3,850,000 . . ,, 250,650. . . 6.510 |,, 4,500,000... . , 364,500 . . . 8.100 | 1822 |, 3,850,000 . . . , 320,150. . . . . 8.310 |, 4,500,000. . . , 365,500 . . . 8.122 | 1823 |, 3,150,000 . . . , 276,500.... 8.777 |, 7,400,000. . . , 485,000 . . . 6.554 | 1824 |, 4,650,000 . . . , 317,000.... 6.817 |, 7,400,000. . . , 552,500 . . 7.466 1825 ,, 5,300,000 ,, 221,000. . . . . 4.169 |,, 11,900,000. . . , 767,500 . . . 6.459 1826 ,, 5,300,000 ,, 260,000. . . 4.905 |,, 12,150,000.. ,, 717,750 . . 5.825 1827 , , 4,350,000 . . . , 228,000. . . . 5.241 |,, 12,450,000. . . , 602,000 . . . 4.835 1828 2, 4,100,000 ,, 301,500.... 7.353 |, 10,100,000. . . , 467,000 . . . 4.524 1829 |,, 3,000,000 ,, .442,000.... 14.733 |, 7,800,000. . . , 464,500 . . 5.955 1830 ,, 3,050,000 ,, 403,000. . . . . 13,213 |,, 7,800,000. . . , 489,750 . . . 6.150 283,682,800 28° 5,878,500 .. In the previous estimates reference is had especially to productive capital in determining the rate per cent. For example, bank capital production is 28, 17,930,000, making 5.7875 cents; but in the above, the capital to the whole dividend declared and the rate per cent determined the one against the other on each species of Stock. STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATEs, Joint STock companies. 283 XXXVI. BosTON. No. of 28 Amount of Time and rate of Amount of BANKS. Shares. Each. Capital. Dividend. Dividend. United States Branch, . 15,000 100 28 1,500,000 || Jan. 34 July 34 || 23°105,000 American, . . . . . . . . . . 7,500 100 ,, 750,000 || April 1 || Oct. 2 ,, 22,500 Massachusetts, . . . . . . 3,200 250 ,, 800,000 || April 2 || Oct. 2 ,, 36,000 New England, . 10,000 || 100 ,, 1,000,000 | April 3 || Oct. 3 ,, 60,000 State Bank,. . . . . . 30,000 || 60 ,, 1,800,000 | April 25 | Oct. 2 . ,, 90,000 Washington, . . . . . . . . 5,000 || 100 ,, 500,000 | April 15 || Oct. 2; ,, 18,750 Commonwealth, . . . . . . 5,000 || 100 ,, 500,000 | April 3 || Oct. 3 ,, 30,000 Eagle, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 || 100 ,, 500,000 April 3 || Oct. 3 ,, 30,000 Globe, . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10,000 100 ,, 1,000,000 | April 2 Oct. 3 ,, 55,000 Union... . . . . ... ..... 8,000 || 100 ,, 800,000 | April 2 || Oct. 2: ,, 36,000 Boston, . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 75 ,, 900,000 | April 0 || Oct. 3 ,, 27,000 City, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 | 100 , 1,000,000 | April 13 || Oct. 3 ,, 45,000 Columbian, . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 | 100 ,, 500,000 || April 2 || Oct. 23 ,, 22,500 Franklin,. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 | 100 , 100,000 | April 3 || Oct. 3.} | .,, 6,500 Tremont,. . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 | 100 | , 500,000 | April 0, Oct. 23 , 12,500 North Bank, . . . . . . . . 5,000 || 100 ., 500,000 | April 3' | Oct. 3, ,, 33,750 Suffolk, . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 | 100 , 750,000 | April 3, Qct. 3 ,, 45,000 Atlantic, . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 || 100 ,, 500,000 | April 23 || Oct. 1 } ,, 20,000 149,200 23 13,900,000 28 695,500 Note. The average rate of interest is 5.0036 cents per dollar. By the rule laid down in the Statement of the Progress of Stocks in New York, the amount of paper discounted must have been : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 69,550,000 No. of Amount of Time and Rate Amount of MARINE INSURANCE. Shares. | Each. Capital. of Dividend. Dividend. American, . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 || 60 2& 300,000 6 per cent . . . . . . 23 18,000 Boston, tº e º e º e º 'º e s - e. 5,000 60 ,, 300,000 3} do . . . . . . . . ,, 10,000 New England, . . . . . . 5,000 | 60 ,, 300,000 7 do . . . . . . . . ,, 21,000 Atlantic, 1830—A new company of which one half of the capital has been paid in . . ......] 2,500 | 100 ,, 250,000 None. 17,500 28, 1,150,000 28° 49,000 FIRE AND MARINE INSTJRANCE COMPANIES Atlas, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 | 60 | 2& 300,000 || 4 per cent . . . . . . 28, 12,000 Boston, • * * e º e is e º º 5,000 60 > y 300,000 10 do .. * * * * * * 2 ſo 30,000 Boylston, . . . . . . . . . 5,000 || 60 ,, 300,000 || 3 do . . . . . . . . ,, 9,000 Columbian,. . . . . . . . . . 5,000 | 60 ,, 300,000 || 10 do . . . . . . . . ,, 30,000 Commonwealth, . . . . . . 5,000 || 60 ,, 300,000 3 do ... . . . ,, 9,000 Franklin,. . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 | 60 ,, 300,000 6 do . . . . . . . . ,, 18,000 Globe, . . . . . . . . . . . . * 5,000 | 60 ,, 300,000 8 do . . . . . . ,, 24,000 Massachusetts, . . . . . . 4,000 || 100 ,, 400,000 3 do . . . . . . . . ,, 12,000 Manufacturers’, . . . . . . 5,000 60 ,, 300,000 None. Mercantile, . . . . . . ... 5,000 || 60 ,, 300,000 5 per cent . . . . . ,, 15,000 Massachusetts Hospital, 5,000 || 100 ,, 500,000 6 do º ,, 30,000 Suffolk, . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 | 60 ,, 300,000 4 do . . . . . . . . ,, 12,000 United States , . . . . . . 4,000 || 50 ,, 200,000 4 do . . . . . . . . ,, 8,000 Washington, . . . . . . . . 4,000 50 ,, 200,000 3 do . . . . . . . . ,, 6,000 Merchants’, © e º e º e º O & 5,000 60 ,, 300,000 10 do . . . . . . º ,, 30,000 72,000 28°4,600,000 | 28 245,000 284 STATISTICs of THE UNITED STATES,-JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. XXXV. PHILADELPHIA. No. of 28 Amount of Time and Rate | Amount of BANKS. Shares. each. Capital. of Dividend. Dividend. United States—(located in this city, with 24 branches in the different States; commenced in 1816, to endure 20 years; Cap. 28.35,000,000, of which the United States holds 2&7,000.000 and individuals 28.28,000,000; it divided 1830-31, 7 per cent.) It is estimated to employ in banking operations in this city, . 15,000 || 100 |& 1,500,000 Jan. 34 July 33 & 105,300 North America, . . . . . tº e º 'º ſº e º º e 2,000 |400|, 800,000|Jan. 34|July 2%. , 40,000 Pennsylvania, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,250 |400|, 2,500,000|Jan. 3 July 3 ,, 150,000 Philadelphia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 || 100 |, 1,800,000|May 23 Nov. 23. , 90,000 Commercial, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 || 50 , 1,000,000 |May 3 Nov. 3 ,, 69,000 Mechanics, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,420 || 35 |, 400,000|May 3%|Nov. 33 ,, 28,000 Farmers’ and Mechanics', . . . . . . 25,000 || 50 |, 1,250,000 May 3 Nov. 33. , 81,250 Schuylkill, * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * e ºs 20,000 || 25 ,, 500,000 May 3#|Nov. 6 ,, 35,000 Northern Liberties,. . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 | 20 |, 200,000 |May 15 Nov. 5 ,, 40,000 Southwark, e s e º e e º e º e * & e º e º ºs e 2,500 100 |, 250,000|May 5 Nov. 5 ,, 25,000 Kensingston, . . . . . . . . e e º 'º e º ºs e 3,700 || 25 ,, 92,000|May 5 Nov. 5 ,, 9,200 Camden, .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 || 50 |, 250,000|April 2 Oct. 24 ,, 11,250 Penn Township, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 || 50 |, 250,000|April 4 Oct. 3%. , 9,375 143,870 28, 10.792,000 2×693,075 tº Note. The United States Bank divided in 1830-31, 7 per cent, which added to its former dividends, makes 70.10 cents from the commencement. No. of | 8 || Amount of Time and Rate Amount of MARINE IN SURANCE. Shares. each.| Capital. of Dividend. Dividend. North America, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,000 || 10 & 600,000 || Jan. 3|July 3 |& 36,000 Pennsylvania, ................ 1,250 |400 |, 500,000 | Feb. 5| Aug. 6 |, 60,000 Delaware,. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . 5,000 | 40 |, 200,000 || June 4 || Dec. 4 |, 16,000 United States, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 || 25 |, 200,000 || June 6 || Dec. 6 |, 24,000 Atlantic, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 3,000 || 100 |, 300,000 || Jan. 10|July 6 |, 48,000 Philadelphia, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 | 100 |, 400,000 || June 6|| Dec. 5 |, 44,000 Mutual, . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e g º ſº º 5,000 || 60 |, 300,000 || Jan. 5|July 5 |, 30,000 Union, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 5,000 || 60 |, 300,000 Jan. 0 || July 3 ||. 9,000 Phoenix, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ãooo so. 480,000 |June 4|Deč, 4|.. aštoo ...sºmeºmºmº" 97,250 233,280,000 28° 305,400 FIRE IN SURANCE. American, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....| 5,000 || 100 8 500,000 |April 4 Oct. 4 |& 40,000 Pennsylvania, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 || 100 |2, 400,000 || Mar. 5|Sept. 0 |, 20,000 Pennsylvania Life and Fire, .... 5,000 || Too |, 309,999 || Jan. 3|July 3 |, 30,000 Franklin, (a new company) . . . . . 4,000 || 50 2, 200,000 || April 0 || Oct. 0 18,000 § 1,600,000 28 90,000 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATEs, Joint STOCK companies. 285 XXXVI. BALTIMoRE. BANKS. United States Bank, .. Bank of Maryland, ... Union B. of Maryland, Bank of Baltimore, .. Commercial, Farmers’ Farmers' & Mechanics', Franklin, . Marine, Mechanics',. . . . . . . . . . Average rate of dividend 5.256 cents. Estimated amount of paper discounted accordi No. of 28 Amount of Time and Rate of Amount of Shares. each. Capital. Dividend. Dividends. 15,000 || 100 || 23 1,500,000 Jan. 33 July 3% 28°105,000 1,000 || 300 , 300,000 |Mar. 2 Sept. 2 ,, 12,000 23,155 75 ,, 1,736,625 1830–31–2% ,, 43,415 4,000 || 300 , 1,200,000 June 3 |l)ec. 3 ,, 72,000 18,000 || 20 } 17,420 : ,, 418,066 May 24 Nov. 3 ,, 25,083,96 10,000 || 50 , 500,000 |April 24 Oct. 23 ,, 25,000 24,000 || 25 , 600,000 |April 8% (Oct. 33 , 43,500 10,000 || 25 || 2, 250,000 |April 3 Oct. 3 || , 15,000 40,000 |12–9) , , 384,000 |June 23 Dec. 3 ,, 21,120 102,575 28°6,888,691 28°362,118,96 ng to the foregoing rule 28°36,211,864. MARINE IN SURANCE COMPANIES, Baltimore, . . . . . . tº dº e & Neptune,. . . . . . . . . . . . American, º *Maryland,. . . . . . . . . . e e o e s a e e FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANIES. Baltimore, Firemen's, . . . . . . . . . . Amount of Time and Rate Amount of Capital. of Dividend. Dividends. 28° 300,000 |Feb. 33 || Aug. 5 || 23 25,000 ,, 200,000 Feb. 12 Aug. 9 ,, 42,000 ,, 200,000 ||Feb. 9 Aug. 6 ,, 30,000 ,, 500,000 20 per cent. ,, 30,000 23 1,200,000 23°127,000 28 500,000 | None this year. ,, .420,000 Jan. 6+ July 6% 28° 52,500 28 920,000 28° 52,500 * The Maryland has 28, 150,000 paid in, on which its dividend is calculated. No. of Shares. each. 1,000 2,000 2,000 500 5,550 10,000 21,000 300 100 100 1000 31,000 º 50 20 * 286 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATEs, Joint stock companies. XXXVII. CHARLESTON. No. of & Amount of Time and Rate of Amount of BANIKS. Shares. Each. Capital. Dividend. Dividends. July 3%. 28, 105,000 United States Branch, . 15,000 || 100 2& 1,500,000 Jan. 3# State Bank,. . . . . . . . . . 8,000 | 100 ,, 800,000 Jan. 2 July 2 ,, 32,000 Bank of South Carolina, 15,000 || 45 , 675,000 6# per cent. ,, 45,000 Union Bank, . . . . . . . . 20,000 50 , , 1,000,000 Jan. 3 || July 3%. , 65,000 Planters’ & Mechanics', 40,000 || 25 , , 1,000,000 Jan. 33 July 3%. , 70,000 98,000 28 4,975,000 28317,000 IN SURANCE COMPANIES Union Insur. Comp. . . 7,500 | 60 28° 450,000 Jan. 28.1% July 28.2% & 30,000 Fire and Marine, .... 5,000 || 60 ,, 300,000 Jan. 13 l July 2%. ,, 20,000 12,500 23 750,000 28 50,000 Note. South Carolina Rail road and Canal company—6000 shares, each 28, 100—capital 28°600,000. This company has filled up its stock entire, and the work is nearly completed. Average rate of interest.—Banks—6.3713 cents.-Insurance companies 6.666 cents. ammº- XXXVIII. SAVANNAH. No. of & Amount of Time and Rate of . Amount of RANKS. Shares. Each. Capital. Dividend. Dividends. United States Branch, . . . . . . . tº e º & No fixed. State bank of Georgia, . 15,000 || 100 || 23 1,500,000 April 34 || Oct. 33 23 105,000 Planter's bank, . . . . . . 7,000 || 100 ,, 700,000 June 3 || Dec. 3 , 33,600 Marine Fire Insur, bank 4,000 || 50 , 400,000 June 28, 1 || Dec. 28.1 ,, 8,000 26,000 28, 2,600,000 28, 146,600 Note. The Planters’ Bank having paid in only 28, 560,000 ; and the Marine 28°280,000, on which sums their dividends are taken, the above amount of dividends, 28, 146,600 has arisen upon a capital of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282,340,000 Rate of interest consequently 6.265 cents. Paper discounted according to the principle laid down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28°14,661,148 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATEs—Joi NT STOCK COMPANIES. 287 XXXIX. NEw or LEANs. No. of Amt. of Amt. I Amount of Time and rate | Amount of BAN KS. Shares. shares.| paid. | Capital. of Dividend. Dividend. United States Branch, 10,000 100 100 23 1,000,000 Jan. 34 July 3% 28; 70,000 Louisiana State Bank, 20,000 100 62}|, 2,000,000 | Feb. 4;|Aug. 43 |, |12,500 Bank of Louisiana, ... 40,000 100 | 100 , 4,000,000 | Feb. 4 Aug. 4 |, 320,000 Bank of Orleans, . . . . 5,000 100 | 100 , 500,000 || Jan. 4 July 4 || 2, 40,000 Consolidation of the Planters of Lousiana. 25,000 100 100 , 2,500,000 In One ~~~ 100,000 10,000,000 28 642,500 INSURANCE COMPANIES. Louisiana State In- 2& surance Company,. . . 400 1000 || 100 400,000 || Jan. 50 |July 125 28 70,000 Louisiana Insur. Co. 300 1000 || 100 300,000 In One Mississippi Marine & Fire,. . . . . tº º is º º tº e º º & 600 500 50 |, 399,999 || Jan. 25 July 25 , 15,000 Orleans Insurance Co. 200 1000 || 100 | . . , 299,999 || Apr. 25 Oct. 25 , 10,000 Merchants', . . . . . . . . 1,000 1000 || 300 |, 1,999,999 || Jan. O July o Orleans Navigation Co. 2,000 100 100 2, 200,000 || Jan. 10 July 10 | , 40,000 4,500 23 2,400,000 28°135,000 The last named of the banks has only had 28°1,250,000 of its capital paid in, x. so that the above dividend of 28.342,500 has arisen upon a capital of, . . . . . . 28°6,750,000 making an interest of 8.037 cents. By the foregoing rule, the amount of paper discounted must have been, . . . . . . 23'54,249,988 The Pouchartrain Rail-Road Company is by charter 150,000, with liberty to increase to 250,000, shares 28, 200. The object is not yet completed, and shares not all taken up. L O N ID O N : G. SCHULZE, 13, POLAND STREET. LIST OF SUBS C R IB ER. S. Copies. Messrs. Aguirre Solarte and Murrietta, . . . . . . . * * * > e º e º e & © tº . . . . . London, 1 ,, Alves and Steele, . . . . . . . tº G & e º ºs º º . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto l P. Anichini, Esq. . . . . * * * * * c e o 'o e º 'º e s tº e º e e e º e s tº e º e e s e e e a . . . ditto 1 Joseph Armstrong, Esq. . . . . . . . . . tº @ Q & Q & © º º q & e º 'º e º º ſº tº tº º G & Manchester 1 James Ashton, Esq. . . . . . . . . . . tº e s = e s e e o e s a e tº º C & © e º ſº tº tº e º º º ditto 1 Messrs. Barclay, Brothers and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, 1 ,, Baring, Brothers and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto 4 ,, Frederick and Charles Barry, . . . . . . . . . tº e º O & © tº e º º tº º tº º & ditto 1 John George Behrends, Esq., . . . . . . . . § º tº gº & e º ºs e s tº e º 'º e º 'º º tº tº e º 'º º ditto l Messrs. Bell and Grant, . . . . . . . . . . . . . © & © tº º º e tº c e º e º a tº . . . . . . . . ditto 1 E. Bernoulli, Esq., . . . . . . . . * * * e º 'º e º 'º e º e º s e o 'º e º 'º e © º 'º e º 'º e º 'º e tº ditto l Messrs. Blunt, Roy, Blunt and Duncan, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto 1 ,, Bottomley, Ziese and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hamburgh I ,, Brown, Danson and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º dº e º º te . . . . . . . . . London, 2 ,, W. and J. Brown and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . Q & © tº dº tº . . . . . . Liverpool, 1 James Carey, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * @ e e s e º a s \ e º e º e º 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & London, 1 Messrs. F. and N. G. Carnes, . . . . . . . . . . . tº gº tº e º is e º e º º ti e º ºs e e New York, 1 ,, Cearns, Crary and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº dº e º e C C & © e º 'º Liverpool, I The Chamber of Commerce, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e t t e º e º & tº gº tº º $ tº & © Elberfeld, I W. Chance, Esq., . . . . . . . . tº e o e º e º 'º C tº e º e º 'º e º & © . . . . . . . . . . Birmingham, 1 W. Chance, Esq., . . . . . . . . tº º ſº º e º 'º tº e º º c e º ºs e º º tº tº e º is tº º ve West Bromwich, 1 Messrs. Cockerell, Trail and Co., . . . . . . . © tº e º º ſº e º e º 'º º e o 'º e º e º e e London, 1 ,, Collman, Lambert and Co., . . . . . . e e º ºs e º e º s s tº e º e º e º e º e ditto 1 Crusen and Flor, . . . . . . . * c & © tº e < e < * ~ & e º 'º º e º 'º . . . . . . Hamburgh, 1 p :) 2 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Copies. Messrs. Davis and Brooks, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, 3 ,, James Dunlop and Co., . . . . . . 9 & 0 & e s tº 4 s e º e e tº G & º 3 e º & 6 e a London, 1 Messrs. C. and C. J. Everett, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto 1 ,, Ewart, Myers and Co., . . . . . . . . . . © e º & © e º 'º e º e º 'º e e o e • Liverpool, 1 ,, Peter Ewart and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manchester, 1 Messrs. Fairlie, Clark, Innes and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, 2 ,, Fish, Grinnell and Co., . . . . . e e s e o e s e & © e º ºs e º 'º e º 'º e º e e New York, I ,, Fletcher, Alexander and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q & © e e e e London, 1 Messrs. Gillespies, Moffatt and Co., . . . . . . . . . © º e º e º tº $ tº Q @ . . . . . . London, 2 ,, W. and G. Goad, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ditto 1 S. A. Goddard, Esq., . . . . . . . . . e e º e º e º e o e º e º O & © e tº e º e º O e Birmingham, 1 Adolphus Goldschmidt, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © e º 'º tº e London, 1 Messrs. John Gore and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . © & © C e º 'º e o e º e e º e º e º e ditto I ,, R. J. Grant and Co., . . . . . . . . . . tº º ſº º e º 'º e º e º e º e º e o e C & ditto 1 H. D. Greverus, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © & © tº º e º 'º e º 'º e º e ºs ditto 1 Messrs. Gruner, Schmidt and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º e o e Manchester, 1 Messrs. Hagarty and Jerdein, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liverpool, 1 ,, Harman and Co., . . . . . e e g º e º e º e o 'º e o 'º e º º . . . . . . . . . . . . London, 1 Adolph Heilbronn, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º º & © G - e º e ditto 1 Alexander Henry, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manchester, 1 Messrs. James H. Heron and Sons, . . . . . . . . . & © tº e º 'º e e º e e o e º e ditto I The Holywell and Douglas Company, . . . . . . . . . © tº 8 tº º ºs e º e G & © º ditto 1 The Holywell Company, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - © e º e to tº e º e º e 9 ditto 1 Messrs. Hopkins, Glover and Co., . . . . . . . . . e & © tº e º & tº e º e º e º e º e e e London, I John Horstman, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto 6 H. Kamp, Esq., President of the Chamber of Commerce and Member of the Provincial States of the Prussian Provinces of the Rhine, . . . . . . . . Elberfeld, 1 Charles Kerr, Esq., . . . . . . e e o O º e o 'o e o 'º e º & 6 & 8 • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, 1 Thomas Kilby, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto 1 Messrs. W. Leaf and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º & © tº e º e º e • London, 1 ,, J. L. Lemmé and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto 1 E. Lewis, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manchester, 1 Messrs. Lucas and Ewbank, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, 1 Messrs. Maury, Latham and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liverpool, 1 W. A. and G. Maxwell, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © tº e º e ditto 1 2 3 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. 3 Copies. Messrs. Melhuish, Gray and Co., ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, 1 W. von Melle, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto 2 George Miller, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto J. K. Myers, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liverpool, I Messrs. Nuppnau and Behrens, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, 1 Messrs. F. Oldenhove, Buff and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Antwerp, 6 ,, James Oswald and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glasgow, 1 ,, Oswald, Stevenson and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e e º e º e e º te e ditto 1 Messrs. Petrie and Chapman, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, 1 Messrs. A. and G. Ralston, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, W. Rathbone, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº e º e º 0 e o 'º e º & © e s e e e s e e c Liverpool, Charles Reade, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o e º 'º e ∈ G e º 'º dº Manchester, Messrs. Reid, Irving and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, L. Reis, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto Messrs. Reuss and Kling, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manchester, ,, Rickards, Mackintosh and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, Richard Roberts, Esq., . . . . . . © Cº e º e º Aº & ºt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manchester, Messrs. Robert, Turner, Jun. and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 º' James Rogers, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, George Rougemont, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, Henry Rutter, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * , , Messrs. Ryan and Dale, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , Fred. Scheer, Esq., . . . . . . . •e sº e e s e º O C & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, Messrs. J. Henry Schröder and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto ,, Schunck, Mylius and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manchester, William S. Sebor, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, G. A. Seeger, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . © º e º O ºf . . . . . . . . London, Frederick Sheldon, Esq., . . . . . . . e e e º e e s e º º e º 'º e º . . . . . . . . . . . . New York Messrs. T. W. Smith and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, Thomas Stephens, Jun., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto Messrs. Stevens, Cromwell and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, James Stephenson, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glasgow, C. W. Stokes, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liverpool, J. M. Sunley, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, J. B. Suwerkrop, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto Messrs. Taylor, Hindle and Co., e e o e s e e s e º e s e º 'º e s e e o e e º e º e º & 6 o Bolton, I J. D. Thornely, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liverpool, 1 4 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Copies. Messrs. W. and T. Townend, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, 3 ,, Townsend, King and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, I Daniel Jackson Townsend, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto ! Messrs. Trueman and Cook, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, 2 ,, Thomas Trueman and Son, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manchester, 1 W. Troost Simons, Esq. United States' Consul for Westphalia and the Prussian Provinces of the Rhine, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elberfeld, 1 Van Damme, Schmitt and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Antwerp and Ostend, 2 Sidney Warwick, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, 1 Henry Waterhouse, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manchester, 1 Timothy Wiggin, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London, 1 Messrs. George Wildes and Co., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto 6 Henry Thomas Windsor, Esq., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ditto 1 I Messrs. Wright and Allen, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York, ************************…………),&&&&&&&&&&§->*** *: -*************&&*********** s ;. &&&&& ***********„ “..…....……××××**********