* ---- -------· · · - -- ~~-nſº \!\?\s*\\ \ . y <> t \ \ \ x , .….… yĮ JO C} \\ Q o *** • • • • • • ►~~ ~ ~ !,- - ~~~ ~ ~ * * · * _` \, \, ( * * · * * * · *! 7* · · * * · * * * *=& (~~~~ … - · * * * * * · · * * * * * * * * · **. --★ → • d º - . /'N Arº t -- * * * * * , º, º ſº. WILLOUGHBY WALKE. | | tº . * • * * - A Lieutenant, 2d U. S. Artillery. 3. A copy should be issued every officer of the Corps of Engineers on his application for it, and upon his signing a memorandum receipt therefor. These copies to be returned at the option of the officers, and to be at all times kept from unauthorized persons. N $ * * * * * 3. * §§ i 5. No copy, except as above, should be issued except upon the ºr special order of the Chief of Engineers. - - BY COMMAND OF BRIG.-GENERAL DUANE; i. (Signed) THOMAS TURTLE, º \, Captain of Engineers. .. ! / }}X AAA}}A&AS GEORGE OWEN SQUIER UG Afºſ/ , U 6 A # / 33 7 (CONFIDENTIAL.) --------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ u.2 (ºr ‘’’ ‘,- sº MATH) H. I H) L SUBMARINE \||NIN(, SERWI('E UNITED STATES ARMY. WITH A MANUAL FOR ITS USE IN COAST DEFENSE. st BM ITTED To BRIG-GENERA. J. C. DUANE, CHIEF of ENGINEERs, BY (Jolo NEI, HENRY L. ABBOT, Corps of ENGINEERs, 131&ICV ET BRIGADIER-GENERAL, U. S. A. 1 88 7. ——- ~<}< Prº-- ~~~~ PRINTED ON THE PRESS OF THE BATTALION OF ENGINEERS. : % - \ }. ,” 'i. t (sº 4.2. ‘’” f ( * \ } fy gº * º * - CŞY Yº Cy-ya, 3.9. 1-4 r ... .".Y-1 re. 2, .. " \ ...” gº •º º- & Ç (~ .6 ſ : . . . . g . ‘...} v- 'º' *....J.25\. | D 5- ?--1-6 º HEADQUARTERs CoRPS OF ENGINEERs, Washington, D. C., March 24, 1887. The following system for the Matériel of the Submarine Mining Service, with a Manual for its Use in Coast Defense, prepared under the orders of the Chief of Engineers by Colonel Henry L. Abbot, Corps of Engineers, is, with the approval of the Secretary of War, hereby determined and es- tablished for the Engineer Service of the Army. J. C. DUANE, Brig.-General, Chief of Engineers. LETTER OF TRANSMISSION. ARMY BUILDING, WEST IIouston STREET, New York, January 22, 1887. Brig.-General J. C. Duane, p Chief of Engineers, U. S. A., +. (Through the Board of Engineers.) GENERAL: • • , In 1875 it devolved upon me, as the Commanding Officer of the Battalion of Engineers, to prepare a Manual for the instruc- tion of the Engineer troops in the application of the system of submarine mining which, during the preceding six years, I had devised and, with the efficient assistance of the officers and en- listed men, had developed for the defense of the harbors and rivers of the United States. The experiments upon which this system was based had been thorough and extensive; covering investigations with every class of trodern explosive, with every form of igniting agent, with several different patterns of mines, insulated torpedo cable and minor appliances, and with original apparatus for operating the system by electricity. The details of these investigations are contained in my Report to the Board of Engineers; of which Part I has been published as Professional Paper No. 23 of the Corps of Engineers, while Part II forms a portion of the confidential course of instruc- tion at the Engineer School of Application at Willets Point. The first edition of the Manual, printed on the press of the Battalion of Engineers between the years 1875 and 1877, was intended partly to meet the immediate needs of the service, and partly to undergo the careful experimental revision which seemed to be expedient before any authorized edition was (2) - * vi L ET'T' E I? O H' T R A WS MISS TO W. issued. The book consisted of three separate parts: electricity as applied in submarine mining; the approved matériel of the service; and a drill book for its use in war. After a practical experience of about eight years with this Manual as a text book for the instruction of the officers and en- listed men of my command, I undertook the preparation of a second and thoroughly revised edition. This work, delayed by reasons beyond my control, I now submit, through the Board of Engineers, for your decision as to its fitness to receive the formal approval of the Department. One important modification of the original Manual has been made. Part I of that edition, designed as a text book and aïde memoire in electricity, has been extended to cover other applications to the special duties of the Corps of Engineers, and is now in press as an independent work. It should always accompany the Manual now submitted; because, often referred to therein, familiarity with its contents is assumed. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, HENRY L. ABBOT, Colonel of Engineers, Bot. Brig.-General, U. S. A. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CIIAPTETR I. I.) EFENCE BY SU BMATRINE MIN ES. Elements of modern coast defence.—General conditions to be fulfilled by Submarine mines.—Approved dispositions of mines; grand groups; skirmish lines; detached groups; self-acting mines.—Buoyant and ground mines compared; explosive energy and distance.—Different electrical systems for operating mines. CHAPTER II. IAIBORATORIES AND PERSONNEL. The mining casemate.—The loading room.—The personnel when planting the mines; the personnel when operating the mines. CIIAPTER III. SUBMARINE MINING MATERIEL. MATſºn IEL of TIIE CASEMATE: The operating boxes; the disconnector; the judgment firing key; the resistance coils; the firing battery; the sig- mal battery; the testing battery; permanent earth plates; the detector; the Bradley galvanometer; the Siemens universal galvanometer; the bridge rheostat; the reversing key; switch keys and switches; case- mate cable tags; Wheatstone dial telegraph; tool box A for casemate use.—MATſiri EI, OF THE LOADING ROOM: the buoyant torpedo; the ground mine buoy; the ground torpedo; the self-acting torpedo; charge bags for buoyant torpedoes; the circuit closer; the circuit regulator; electrical fuzes; the switch box; utensils for the loading room; in- sulated wire; insulated joint supplies; special supplies, etc.—MATÉ- RIEI, OF THE BOAT SERVICE: vessels and boats; the mine anchor; the wire mooring rope; the shackles; the cable stop; insulated cable; turks head collars; single junction boxes; the triple junction box; the grand junction box; the junction box buoy; the planting buoy; drum frames; boat earth plates; special tools.—The explosive: suitable ex. plosives and their relative efficiency; properties of nitro-glycerine; properties of explosive gelatine; properties of forcite gelatine; prop- erties of Atlas powder; properties of gun-cotton; properties of dyna- mite No. 1; proof tests; needful precautions.—Shipping dimensions and weights of the Imatériel of the casemate; same of the matériel of the loading room; same of the matériel of the boat service. CIIAPTER IV. PREPARATORY SHORE DUTIES. DUTIES OF THE COMMANDING ENGINEER: locus of the circuit regulators; use of deteriorated cable; requisitions; local administration.—DUTIES OF THE EI.ECTRICIAN: the leading wires; adjusting the testing apparatus; T' A ſ? I, E! O H' CO N T ENT'S. Time Setting up the batteries; adjusting the disconnector; adjusting the judgment firing key; adjusting the operating boxes; adjusting the plates for sea cell tests; testing the fuzes; adjusting circuit closers and circuit regulators; testing the loaded mines; testing the insulated . cable; adjusting dial telegraphs.--DUTIES IN THE LOADING ROOM: buoyant mines, to prepare the compound plug, to charge the torpedo; ground mines; to prepare the compound plugs, to charge the torpedo; Self-acting mines, to make safety rings, to prepare a safety break, to encase the battery, to charge the torpedo; to charge a main line switch box; to charge a skirmish line switch box; to charge a switch box for judgment firing; insulated cable, jointing the core, making a turks head, completing the joint; the moorings, to insert thimbles in wire rope, to attach a cable stop; time required for loading room duties. CHAPTER V. PLANTING THE MINEs. required for planting mines.—DUTIES OF THE COMMANDING EN- GINEER.—DUTIES OF THE ELECTRICIA.N.—DUTIES OF BoAT PARTIES: to place a grand junction box; to place triple junction boxes; to plant a buoyant mine; to plant a ground mine; to raise single mines; to plant mines in grand groups; to raise or repair mines in grand groups; to plant skirmish mines; to raise skirmish mines; to plant self-acting mines; to raise self-acting mines.—The automatic flanking guns. CHAPTER WI. OPERATING THE SYSTEM. Electrical tests of the firing battery; of the signal battery; of the automatic apparatus; of the disconnector; of the judgment firing key; of the mines and cables; occasional tests; repairing injuries to the system. —Drill of the detachment: automatic system drill; mapping drill; judgment firing drill. —Defence of the mines: attacks by daylight; attacks by night or in fogs, fouling lines, flanking guns, electric light, movable torpedoes; injuries from friends; attempted passage by force. LIST OF PLATES. I. Defence by submarine mines. II. Electrical circuits for submarine mines. III. Mining casemate. IV. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Buoyant torpedo, ground torpedo, buoys in use. Anchor, switch box, cable stop, shackle. Grand junction box, triple junction box, single junction box. Drum for torpedo cable; diagram for flotation computations. Diagram of casemate connections. Jointing a core, charging compound plugs, turks head, electrical fuze, loading wires. . ER RATA, Page V. Last line. For “be” read “me.” Page VI. 16th line from top. Insert “being ” before “after.” Page VII and page VIII. Wording should be identical with headings of Chapters. Page 9. 9th line from bottom. Strike out “as well.” Page 10. 4th line from top. Insert “the moorings” before “and.” Page 12. Last line. For “matériel ” read “insulated cable.” Page 15, 21st line from top. Insert “a” after “of.” Page 16, 14th line from top. For “is” read “has been.” Page 16, 9th line from bottom. For “tension” read “potential.” Page 17, 21st line from bottom. For “circuit” read “circuits.” Page 24. 8th line from bottom. For “especial " read “special.” Page 25, 15th line from top. For “especial" read “special.” *Page 31. 14th line from top. For “zinc " read “carbon.” Page 41. 10th line from top. For “plug" read “break.” Page 41. 14th line from top. For “two ring” read “two-ring.” Page 46. Last line. For “formulae'' read “formula.” Page 47. 22d line from top. Change comma to semicolon. *Page 48. 26th line from top. Insert sign of equality between “cos 9)” and 4 & 7.2.” *Page 49. 3d line from top. For “ll "read “ll,”. - - - -------- - - - - - - - - *Page 49. 24th line from top. For “ W 1 – 081" read “ V 1 – 0.81.” *Page 50. 3d line from top. For “2 [(1616 – 827-- 100 + 100)]” read “2 [1616 – (827-- 100 + 100)].” Page 64. 4th line in table. For “cut-off” read “switch.” Page 68. 3d line from top. For “their "read “switch.” *Page 68, 4th line from top. For “iron" read “steel.” *Page 68. 11th line from top. For “1}" read “3.” Page 68, 13th line from top. For “cut-off” read “switch.” *Page 72. 6th line from bottom. Insert “ANCHOR” after “MINE.” Page 100 and all even pages to 134. Change heading to “PREPAIRATORY SHORE DUTIES.” *Page 109. 10th line from top. Insert “ ( page 23)” after “Electrician ". Page 116. 11th line from bottom. Insert “the base’’ before." is.” *Page 135. 5th line from top. Insert “, slipped into its receptacle, ” after “battery.” *Page 135. 11th line from top. For “slip " read “wedge.” *Page 135. 12th line from top, Strike out ‘‘, and wedge it in place.” *Plate IX. In figure 2, add letter A to wire emerging from compound plug. In figures 2 and 3, add letter C to wire at base of circuit regulator plug. In figure 3, add earth wire to fuze can, as in figure 2; add letter D to shore wire; add letter E to buoy wire emerging from ground mine compound plug; add letter F to wire emerging from buoy compound plug. sk Important to meaning-should be corrected by hand. (JIIAPTER I. DEFENCE EY STU BMA FINE MINES. Elements of modern coast defence.—General conditions to be fulfilled by submarine mines.—Approved dispositions of mines; grand groups; skirmish lines; detached group8; self-acting mines.—Buoyant and ground mines compared; explosive energy and distance.—Different electrical systems for operating mines. One frequent problem in coast defence is how to best close the water approaches to the port to be defended. The days have gone by when this can be accomplished by artillery fire alone; a more complex system is now demanded. Such a system comprises: (1) stationary torpedoes which, while allowing free passage for friendly ships, shall bar the channel effectively against any hostile attempt to run past, whether by day or by night; (2) land defences affording facil- ities for operating the torpedoes, security against assault, and substantial cover for the artillery; (3) high power guns of suf- ficient calibre to keep at a distance all armored vessels whose draft and armament would otherwise permit them to approach and destroy the land defences; (4) smaller cannon, aided by machine and rapid firing guns, to open a heavy flanking fire upon launches or other vessels operating against the mines anywhere within the mined zone; (5) bullet proof movable torpedoes, under control from the shore, for the offensive de- fence of the mined area against countermining operations; (6) powerful electric lights to sweep the entire obstructed zone; (7) picket boats pushed well to the front to guard against surprise. This duty should be performed by regular torpedo boats of the navy, able as well to act offensively whenever occasion permits. Stationary torpedoes in modern coast defence thus constitute one fundamental element in a complex system, no part of which can safely be neglected. They are simply channel obstructions —the most formidable which science has thus far been able to devise. With respect to nomenclature, when a torpedo is fixed in position to defend a channel against the approach of an enemy, it differs from a land countermine only in being submerged. (3) 1() DEFENCE B Y S UB MARINE MIN ES. The name torpedo will therefore be restricted to the case itself; while the whole apparatus, including the case, the explosive, the fuzes, the circuit regulator (for causing the contact of the enemy to explode the mine), and the anchor will be called a submarine mine, or simply a mine. - GENERAL CONDITIONS TO BE FULFILLED. Considering the general conditions to be fulfilled by this sys- tem of channel obstruction: - First. The mines must be so arranged as to admit of the safe passage of our own vessels, while they can instantly be rendered dangerous to the enemy. This condition can only be attained by employing electricity as the igniting agent. When there are several parallel channels, it may be admissible to close some of them by self-acting mines; but such instances are ex- ceptional, not the rule. Second. Mines which can be exploded only by the act of an operator on shore have a very limited application. In the night, or a fog, or the smoke of a bombardment, or when several ves- sels are approaching abreast, or when the water is deep, or when the channel is wide, the chances of failure are very great. In- deed, the destructive range of practicable charges is so limited that if the ship be constructed with double cellular bottom and water-proof compartments, judgment firing has become nearly obsolete for any but very narrow channels. In general, there- fore, the system must be automatic, the explosion occurring in consequence of the touch of the enemy; but it should also admit of judgment firing by groups when desired. To meet the contingency of interference by our own vessels, or the use of defensive outriggers by the enemy, provision must be made to delay the explosion, after contact, until the order to fire can be given by the officer directing the defense. Since the apparatus must be operated in a casemate, from which no view of the channel can be had, this condition implies not only an arrangement of the apparatus by which a contact may report itself without firing the mine, but also a telegraphic communi- cation with the ramparts. As a vessel moving at a high rate of speed will remain only for a few seconds within dangerous range of a mine, a perfect code system is essential. - Third. The mines should be so disposed as to cover a large A PP R O V E D D IS POSITI O WS. 11 area of the channel. It is not enough to oppose a narrow belt of danger. The waters well to the front of the forts, under their close fire, and far to the rear, must be dreaded by the enemy. Fourth. Since the mines may remain in position for long periods, the system must provide effective electrical tests, by which the condition of every part may often be verified in detail; and it must also be arranged to admit of easy repairs, in case of need. - Fifth. All the mechanical arrangements of the torpedo must be simple, enduring, and strong enough to resist shocks from friendly vessels and from the explosion of neighboring mines; and special precautions against twisting and undue depression by currents, must be taken for all floating parts. Sãath. Every practicable auxiliary expedient should be adopted. . Movable torpedoes controlled from the shore, and the electric light, have already been mentioned. In addition, the operating apparatus should be arranged to provide for the automatic firing of flanking guns in case of any disturbance of the system by the enemy, under cover of night or fog. The electric cable should have sufficient weight to sink into the mud in favorable localities—thus increasing the difficulty of boat grappling; strong hemp cables, weighted at short intervals, should be anchored in front of the mines with the same object in view; and, lastly, dummy mines and false buoys should not be neglected. APPROVED DISPOSITIONS OF MINES. Mines for obstructing the approaches of an important posi- tion (Plate I) will be disposed upon one or more of four systems—grand groups, skirmish lines, detached groups, and self-acting mines. The last class absolutely closes the channel against all comers; the others offer a safe passage to friends, either through a narrow unobstructed pass or (with certain pre- cautions) over the mines themselves. Grand Groups. On each of several main lines intersecting the zone to be defended, and so laid out as to be well flanked from the forts, grand groups of 21 mines are planted. These mines are separated from each other by intervals of about one hundred feet, and therefore cover a front of 700 yards. They are all operated through a seven-core multiple cable, each core 12 I) E, FE WO E) J3 Y S Uſ B MA I? IN /; MIN E S. serving three mines. When set for automatic firing, only the mine struck by the enemy explodes; when fired by judgment, the three mines on the selected core are exploded simultaneously. When the line of a grand group crosses the track of the enemy at right angles, a second group is disposed in quincunx to reduce the intervals between mines to fifty feet; when the intersection is very oblique this second group may be un- necessary. The following description, with Plate I, will explain the de- tailed arrangements of a grand group. From the mining casemate, the multiple cable containing seven separate cores, extends to a grand junction box planted one hundred feet in rear of two-thirds of the proposed mines. At the grand junction box, the cores diverge into seven single conductor cables, radiating like a fan toward the enemy. These branch cables terminate, upon the line proposed for two-thirds of the mines, in triple junction boxes three hundred feet apart. At each of these triple junction boxes, the cable again radiates through a switch box into three single conductor cables, each terminating at a distance of one hundred feet in a mine—ground or buoyant according to the depth of water. Two of these mines are planted on the line of triple junction boxes, and the third perpendicularly in front of it, toward the enemy. The total cost of a grand group ready for service varies, with the depth of water and strength of current, from six to nine thousand dollars, plus about $1600 per mile of multiple cable required between the group and the casemate. - Skirmish Lines. This method of planting consists in stringing several single mines (not exceeding twenty in num- ber) upon one single conductor cable, at approximate intervals of about two hundred and fifty feet; both ends of the cable are in the casemate, or one of them enters the mining casemate of a coöperating fort—thus affording facilities for telegraphic communication, as well as other important advantages. Near each proposed mine the cable is jointed, through a switch box, to a branch cable about one hundred feet in length—at the end of which a torpedo is planted, loaded for automatic firing only. This system bears a relation to the regular groups not unlike that of a skirmish line to a line of battle. Its proper function is to augment the number of mines in the channel, by a com- paratively small expenditure of matériel; to fill spaces between A PPI, O V E D D IS PO SITI () WS. 13 different main lines; and, finally, to extend the area of danger throughout a wide zone in front. By such an arrangement, the enemy is forced to begin oper- ations at a considerable distance from the principal lines of defence—which should always be kept under the effective fire of flanking guns; and to waste time and incur risks in removing outlying mines so widely scattered as not to be readily dis- covered. An apparent objection to the system is that by cutting the cable at any point, the automatic apparatus must be rendered inoperative; and the cutting may even destroy all the mines beyond that point. But both ends of the cable enter the same or coöperating forts, and by keeping an enduring and powerful firing battery applied to each of them, the mines would usually remain as dangerous as before. Indeed, the only certain effect of such an injury would be to compel the electrician to operate them upon this more troublesome plan. Of course, no judgment firing would be possible with such a system, nor could an injured or exploded mine be located and replaced. The application of skirmish lines is therefore re- stricted to reinforcing grand groups, or to defending harbors of minor importance. The cost of a skirmish line in our ordinary channels is about six thousand dollars, plus $350 per mile for all insulated cable beyond the terminal mines. Detached Groups. This system consists of a few large mines to be fired by judgment; they are therefore preferably ground mines without buoys, when the depth of water will permit. Such mines may be served by insulated cable too much deteriorated for use with an automatic system. Detached groups are used when the enemy is restricted by the conformation of the shore to a few contracted positions for his preliminary distant bombardment; or they may be planted at any time during the siege in rear of the mined zone, to assail him unexpectedly should he succeed in forcing a passage. Self-acting Mines. This system is used to close channels not needed for our own use—especially when they cannot be covered by a close flanking fire from the forts. There are many cheap and temporary varieties of this class which, in cases of emergency, may be improvised for the ob- struction of rivers and other land locked channels. The manner (4) 14 I) E FE WOJ) J3 Y S U B MA R IN E MIN ES. of planting such devices will depend upon the principle upon which they are to be exploded; and the work, dangerous at best, will be done according to the views of the officer preparing them. - - The service pattern of self-acting mine is designed for closing such of the entrances of our larger harbors as may be sacrificed without serious loss, while others parallel to them are kept open to our vessels by using only electrical mines under control from the shore. They may also be very useful in a desperate siege, for obstructing by night passages in our mined zone which the enemy has succeeded in opening and buoying. The cost of the service self-acting mine (complete) may be estimated for ordinary channels at about two hundred and fifty dollars. I3UOYANT AND GROUND MINES COMPAREI). With respect to locus, there are two classes of mines—the buoyant and the ground; their characteristics and relative merits next call for attention. In the ordinary buoyant mine, the torpedo, containing charge, fuzes, and circuit regulating apparatus has sufficient flotation to remain at any desired distance above the bottom, being held down, and in position, by an anchor and mooring of suitable character. In the ground mine, the torpedo, containing the charge and fuzes, rests upon the bottom; and the circuit regulator, placed in a separate buoy, is moored either over it—or, if the use of defensive outriggers by the enemy be apprehended, enough in rear of it to be struck when the ship is over the mine. The latter precaution is not peculiar to the ground mine; since the charge and fuze may be placed in a buoyant torpedo and moored just below the level of the ship's bottom, while the circuit regulating apparatus, in a separate buoy, is placed slightly in rear of its position, as before. When the channel to be defended is sufficiently shallow to allow the charge to rest upon the bottom, and yet to act destruc- tively upon the vessel, the following advantages result from disposing it in that manner. - A%rst. Absolute fixity of position, which largely increases the probability of success in judgment firing. J3 UO YA N T A W D G R O U W D. 15 Second. Increased lightness in the arrangements needful for automatic firing—since the weight of the charge is not to be supported, and the size of the buoy for carrying the circuit regulator, its mooring rope, etc., may be reduced to the mini- mum. In strong currents this is a matter of no small importance, as will soon appear. Third. Less complex arrangements for placing the charge in the best position, relative to the circuit regulator, to baffle defensive outriggers. - Fourth. Absolute security to friendly vessels against accidents resulting from mechanical injuries done by them to the torpedo. On the other hand, the ground mine offers certain important disadvantages, viz.: Fºrst. Larger and hence more expensive charges, are needful for the ground torpedo, owing to the increased distance from the hull. Second. The loading and planting of the mines are more complicated. Third. The hostile vessel, being at a greater distance from the charge, has a better chance of escaping a deadly blow by virtue of strong construction. In fine, the advantages seem to be in favor of the ground pattern for shallow water, and in favor of the buoyant pattern for deep channels; but the exact depth at which the former should give place to the latter, governed largely by the weight adopted for the charge, can only be decided by a knowledge of the mathematical law connecting the destructive energy of an explosion with the distance. Explosive Energy and Distance. A long series of experiments has been conducted at the Engineer School of Application at Willets Point, to determine this law for every variety of explosive. They have resulted (Professional Paper No. 23, Corps of Engineers) in the following formula, in which the extreme destructive range against the hull of a modern ship of war is denoted by A ; the angle included between the ver. tical through this charge and a right line drawn to the point of attack, reckoned from the nadir and expressed in degrees, is denoted by 3; E is a constant depending upon the nature of the explosive; and C is the weight of the charge in pounds. A submergence of three or four feet for 100 pounds, and pro- portionally more for larger charges, is assumed. 16 D F FE W (J E J Y S UIR MAI. IN J. MIN JES. *******-*-*-*-*-**** (1) - - - A = 8 This formula, which will be more fully considered in Chapter III, has led to the important practical conclusion that it is usually inexpedient to employ mines requiring very large charges. For instance, to increase the destructive energy ten times, it is needful to increase the charge one hundred times; or, in other words, 10 000 pounds is only ten times more ef- fective than 100 pounds. For this reason ground mines are usually charged with only 200 pounds of dynamite, and are not used when the depth at high tide exceeds thirty feet; the charge of buoyant mines is fixed at 100 pounds. Upon these figures the dimensions of the system have been established; but provision for increasing the charges, whenever desirable, is made. IDIFFERENT ELECTRICAI, SYSTEMS FOR OPER- ATING THE MINES. It remains to consider the character of the electrical circuit to be chosen for operating a system of mines. Three are avail- able—an open circuit, a closed circuit of high resistance, and a closed circuit of low resistance. All three are used in the United States service; and an officer, especially if called upon to improvise a defence by mines, should thoroughly understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. The following tabular statement, with Plate II, sufficiently indicates the principles upon which operating apparatus have been devised, when, as is generally the case, the earth is used for the return circuit. Three kinds of fuzes are available—low tension, medium tension and high tension. Although some- times interchangeable, the first class (now preferred) pertains more particularly to voltaic currents; the second class, to mag- neto-electric machines; and the third class, to frictional ap- paratus. g *-. - Open circuit. I. Operator applies electricity of high tension. Patano ſº circuit, II. Operator applies voltaic, magneto- Purely Judgment. (high or low). electric or frictional electricity— according to the nature of the U fuze. Open circuit. III. Enemy closes the circuit. Closed circuit, IV. Enemy closes a derived circuit of (high resist.). much less resistance than the primary. Purely Automatic. JD TFF EIR JEW T E L E G T R ICA I, SYST'Jº MS. 17 ſ Open circuit. V. Combine (I) and (III) by using two fuzes, one high tension and the other low tension, placed in derived circuit. Closed circuit, VI. Enemy breaks the circuit and (low resist. ). then re-closes it. Closed circuit, VII. Combine (II) and (III) by using (low resist.). a small normal resistance to be shunted out by the enemy, and a low tension fuze—both in the primary circuit. Closed circuit, VIII. Combine (II) and (IV) by using (high resist.). a resistance coil in the primary circuit, to be shunted out by the enemy ; and a medium tension fuze in a second derived circuit. This is the old English system ; the new system with the Arm- strong relay is too complex for consideration here—see Abbot's confidential School of Applica- tion Paper No. VII. Closed circuit, IX. Combine (II) and (IV) by using (high resist.). Abbot's circuit regulator and a \. low tension fuze. In deciding between these several systems the advantages peculiar to each circuit should be carefully considered. For the open or high resistance circuit these are: JFirst. Accidental firing of mines by blundering is usually impossible when an open circuit or a closed circuit of high resistance is used; but such an accident may occur on a closed circuit of low resistance if the operator happen to be negligent or stupid. Second. A circuit closer can be made much less sensitive to the explosion of neighboring mines than a circuit breaker; and the operating of the system is therefore simpler with open circuits, or closed circuits of high resistance, than with those of low resistance. Third. In the matter of testing the condition of the mines, the open circuit is the more simple; because most faults reveal themselves instantly by the passage of a current, while with a closed, circuit, unless the apparatus be very delicately adjusted, measurements are needful to detect the variations in the flow by which alone trouble is indicated. It need hardly be added that the larger the resistance in the closed circuit, the more does it approximate to the open circuit in this advantage. Fourth. Since on an open circuit no work is performed by the signal battery except at the instant of firing, a few cells JWither Judgment or Automatic. 4 (5) 18 I) EF E W C E /3 Y S Uſ.JP MA R IN J. MIN ES. may be used of a type which will stand for months without deterioration and without renewal. In this respect any closed circuit is inferior, since its signal battery always exacts attention whether the external resistance be high or low. Indeed, with a low external resistance and an automatic sys- tem, so much work will be demanded that many separate and powerful signal batteries will be required; and even with a high external resistance, calling for only a feeble current through each fuze, a constant type of cell must be used, and the com- bined work with many mines will still be so considerable that this condition must receive careful consideration.” The advantages peculiar to the closed circuit are the follow- ing: w Jºrst. Tension fuzes and breaks, and special apparatus nec- essary for judgment firing with an open or highly resisting * To fix ideas upon this important point, the size of a signal battery to work on a system with high external resistance will be considered—the in- sulation of the cables being assumed to be perfect, and the resistance of the several groups to be identical. - - Allowing 80 ohms for the magnet of the operating apparatus, a ohms for the cable, 3 ohms for the fuzes and cut-offs, 4200 ohms for the regulator, and 3 ohms for each torpedo earth, the total resistance of the part of the circuit between the zinc pole of the battery and earth at a triple group of mines, 18 : 80-- a + **** = 1482 -- a. But for each grand group there are seven of these circuits attached to the 1482–H a —; º battery in multiple arc, giving a joint resistance of Hence allow- ing 3 ohms for the home earth, and denoting the number of cells by n, and of grand groups by N, the constant current (C,) to be supplied by the bat- tery is given by the equation: 7) E (2) - - -- * C = --_ -- f £ 1482 -- a n R, + 3 + “” 7 N Evidently, to operate the system with a single signal battery, a type of cell of suitable dimensions to supply this current steadily must be selected. This is the first requisite. But the signal battery must also fulfill a second condition. To operate the apparatus automatically, when any torpedo or buoy is struck by the enemy, an increased current (C,) must flow through that particular circuit. Hence, denoting the resistance of the latter circuit by B, and the joint resistance of a grand group, *** , by A the following equation may be stated, from the laws of derived circuits. Af I) / FFJ; IP JJ W T JE L // (ſ T'Jº ICA. J., S. Y S TJW, M S. 19 circuit are not required with a closed circuit of low resistance. This materially simplifies the manipulations in the casemate. Second. A closed circuit of low resistance permits a restricted use of insulated cable which has deteriorated to such an extent as to be worthless for an open circuit—because the mine can be exploded through a very defective cable. For example, suppose the insulation resistance of a cable to be only 90 ohms, while the metallic resistance of the circuit through the fuze is 10 ohms. Then, by the law of derived cir- cuits, nine-tenths of the current of the firing battery would still traverse the fuze; and, with the usual allowance of surplus power, explosion would be certain. Such a cable, however, could not be used for automatic firing, A C, - m E A. x·x = º +x B --B n R,+3+-R * +B Whence, solving with respect to m : (3) n = , 9.4° 3-B) tº NB (A + AB+3 Nº . A*(E–C, R, ) + NB(AE–2 AC, R,-C, R, NB) Equations (2) and (3) are general formulae applicable to the matériel of the United States Service, and in practice they may be simplified. Thus, if one of many common forms of the sulphate of copper cell be selected, the Watson for example, E becomes 1.0 volt, and R, may safely be assumed at 5 ohms; with the approved operating apparatus, C, is 0.03 ampères; since the range of the firing battery is five miles (largely in excess of probable re- quirements) that of the signal battery may have the same limit, giving a = 60. Making these substitutions, A becomes 220.3; B becomes 80+60 + 6 = 146; and Equation (3) can be put under the form: - 70, t 1+0.68 N-H 0.000N * 0.19-1-0.1 N = 0.015 N* From this equation it appears that the number of cells increases as the number of grand groups is increased, at first slowly, and then very rapidly. Thus: 1 grand group requires 6 Watson cells. 2 4 & {{ { % 7 { { & 4 3 { { { % 4 4 9 § { § { 4 t & & £ & 11 4 4 { % 5 { % § { & 4 15 { { { { 6 4 & { { { { 22 { { { % 7 £ 4 4 & £ 4 39 { { { % 8 $ 4 $ $ {{ 234 4 4 & & 9 4 4 £ 4 & 4 Cº) £ 4 & & Reverting now to the first requisite, let the foregoing values of all the Constants, except of a, be substituted in Eq. (2); and let a have its most un- favorable (theoretical) value, zero. Then: 20 D EFE WO E. B. Y S UIR MA R TWE. MIN ES. because abnormal action of the signal battery would be caused by the leakage through the cable. This subject will receive a mathematical analysis in Chapter IV. Th?rd. A closed circuit either of high or low external re- sistance, renders it easy to detect one class of faults which, occurring in an open circuit, can only be discovered by mechan- ically closing the circuit closer; viz., such a break in the continuity of the conductor as leaves the home end insulated. This injury is unlikely to occur naturally in a submerged cable, but it may be caused by night operations of the enemy. In fine, after much experimental research involving the inven- tion and successive improvement of many varieties of apparatus, the systems marked (II), (III) and (IX) in the foregoing table have been adopted for the United States service; the approved apparatus, however, admits of adjustment for some of the other methods. C, = -* wis te 5n + 3 + TNT If the corresponding values of n and N as given in the foregoing table, be substituted in this formula, the following values result for the normal flow required from the assumed battery. When the external equals the internal resistance, i. e., when it is working to the best advantage, its current is 0.100 ampères. 1 grand group requires 0.025 amperes. 2 4 & { { { { 0.049 & 4 3 & 4 4 & { { 0.075 § { 4 { % £ (, § { 0.099 & 4 5 4 & { { { % 0.125 $ 4 This discussion shows very clearly that the ordinary form of sulphate of copper cell is only powerful enough to operate, automatically, four or five grand groups in perfect condition. If a larger number be required, or if the cables contain slight faults, either a stronger constant cell must be chosen or more than one signal battery must be employed. To illustrate the enormous gain resulting from using a stronger cell, the sulphate of copper variety will be supposed to be replaced by an ordinary Grove or Bunsen cell. The electromotive force then becomes 1.9 volts, and the internal resistance Bay 0.3 ohms. Substituting these values in Eq. (3), and reducing as before, it becomes: , 1+0.68N +0.000 N* 0.42–H 0.28 N - 0.0009 N2 By solving this equation numerically, it will be seen that from 1 to 15 grand group8 may be operated by 3 cells; and from 16 to 36 grand groups by 4 cells. In other words, 3 nitric acid cells are ample for all ordinary purposes. º In fine, this discussion sufficiently proves that the question of the signal battery, although very simple for an open circuit, becomes complex when any form of closed circuit is preferred (JIIAPTER II. I, A BORATORIES AND PERSONNEL. The mining casemate.—The loading room.—The personnel when planting the mines; the personnel when operating the mines. To operate electrical submarine mines successfully, large voltaic batteries and delicate apparatus of various kinds are in- dispensable. To expose this matériel to boat attacks, or even to distant bombardment, would be inadmissible—for even a slight injury here might open the channel to the enemy. The opera- ting apparatus is the most vulnerable part of the system, and all the resources of engineering and the whole military force of the defenders must be combined in its protection; hence the ac- cepted principle that for important harbors the mines must be operated from strong land fortifications. THE MINING CASEMATE. When practicable some well covered casemate in an existing fort will be prepared for use in operating the mines; the floor space should at least equal 12 × 16 feet, and larger dimensions are to be preferred. The following project for defensive arrangements built speci. ally for the purpose, was prepared by the Board of Engineers; and in 1874 it received the official approval of the War Depart- ment, subject to such changes in detail as might be ordered by the Chief of Engineers. It was assumed that the structure would be covered against direct fºre by its location. When this condition cannot be fullfilled, much more substantial protection is necessary. “The room for the operators, instruments, etc., may be in any sheltered part of the main work, out-works, or even in a detached structure built for the purpose; such room being so located that the cables leading from it may be sheltered in the best possible way from an enemy's fire till deep water (say three fathoms, at least, when practicable) shall be reached. “From the operating room the cables, when practicable, should be laid to the proper point on the shore line through a gallery large enough to permit a man to crawl through, such (6) - 22 LA 13 O I: A TO RI ſº S A N D PE IR SO N N J. L. gallery being covered with a sufficient thickness of earth to protect it from an enemy’s shots. It will generally be imprac- ticable to place the bottom of the gallery at its shore extremity, at a level lower than one foot below mean low water, without serious expense; and it has been represented at that reference in the drawings. Wherever it may be practicable to go lower without much increase of cost, it would be well to do so. These galleries should be prepared without waiting till the necessity for their use arises. “From the shore end of the gallery the cables should be led to deep water, by the shortest line, in as deep a trench as can be made with the means at command. It is not to be prepared beforehand, but only in time to be ready for the cables. It is thought that in most of our harbors and rivers where torpedoes will be employed, one or more dredges may be had to excavate these trenches. “The cables being laid, the trenches should be filled up and further covered over with earth (in sand bags when necessary to prevent the leveling action of the sea) to protect them from injury from our own fire and that of the enemy. “When, as will often be the case, it is either impracticable or too expensive to lead the cables from the fort or its outworks, a special structure should be provided—a general design for which (Plate III) is simply a concrete arched room, covered with a thickness of earth which makes it bomb-proof. The clear dimensions of the room are 12" x 16", which is believed to be sufficient for the purposes of the operators, the instruments and such chemicals as are needed. From the table, which is placed in the centre of the room, the cables are led down through a rectangular shaft, 4' × 2' 6", to the gallery below, which is 2' 6" × 3' 6"—these dimensions being large enough to allow a man to crawl through. In low sites it will be carried only to the foot of the slope of earth covering of the structure, as represented in the drawings. From this point to the water, its extension is simply a rectangular trough of concrete, 1 × 2' 6" interior dimensions, which is to be covered up with earth till the occasion for its use arises—when the earth is to be removed, the cables laid, and afterwards covered up with a sufficient thick- ness of earth to secure them from injury from shot and shell. When the ground has sufficient height (ten feet or more) the T II Jº M I WING! (! A SJ; M.A T'J'. 23 gallery may be extended to the farthest point at which the needful cover can be had. “As the best form of table for the electrician and his instru- ments has not yet been fully decided upon, the exact arrange- ment of the cover for the shaft has not been determined, and is, therefore, not given. For the present, the hole may be left covered with a simple trap-door of boards. “When the room is to be in the fort or an outwork, any suita- bly situated casemate may be taken for the purpose; from which the gallery for the cables will be carried out according to the principles already laid down.” Since this project was prepared by the Board of Engineers, all the minor details have been settled. As a rule, this work will be done after the party arrives, and the electrician will therefore need the assistance of a few intelligent and instructed Engineer soldiers at once. . His first duty will be to provide a raised platform and table suitable for the operating apparatus, some battery shelves, and two stout tables—one for the testing apparatus and one for the dial telegraph instrument. A small work bench adapted to the tools contained in box A will also be needed. The platform (Plate VIII) should rise 6 inches above the floor, covering the shaft. In its top is a hinged trap door affording ready access to the latter. Around three of its edges is placed a table 12 inches wide, with the top 42 inches above the platform. The running length should be sufficient to ac- commodate the operating boxes, allowing 24 inches measured on the inner edge, for each. The cables will pass out through holes in the vertical sides of the platform, under the table, to the boxes, where each will be labeled with a casemate tag. The battery shelves are placed by the side of the casemate. They are made of 2-inch plank 15 inches wide, and allow 30 running inches for each 10-cell box. The clear space between shelves is 18 inches. The boxes rest on beveled strips thickly coated with paraffine. The dial telegraph table, which on account of the magnets must be remote from the testing apparatus, should be 24 inches by 30 inches by 40 inches high; it should have a shelf or two under it. The table for the testing apparatus should be 18 inches wide, 24 I, A B O R A T' O B J // S. A. W. D. P. Jº Jº S () W W // I, . 42 inches high, and at least 6 feet long; drawers and shelves under it are convenient. THE I/O AIDING ROOM. A light wooden building distant from the main fortifications and magazines and convenient to the wharf, should be prepared for loading the torpedoes. A floor space of 10 × 10 feet should be allowed for loading a torpedo; and about as much more for the corresponding Squad engaged in loading plugs, switch boxes, etc., and inserting thimbles. The dimensions of the building may be fixed by this rule; i. e. allow 10 × 10 feet of floor space for each four men available. Kings to receive the blocks and falls for slinging torpedoes and buoys in loading, should be attached to substantial beams overhead. Under each ring two strips of 5-inch scantling, about 3 feet long, are spiked to the floor parallel to each other and 3 inches apart; the middle of the support thus formed is hollowed to roughly fit the curvature of the torpedoes; a crow-bar passed through the lowering ring and laid between the strips, will prevent rotation when withdrawing and inserting the plugs in loading. Stout tables and benches must be provided for the use of the other squads. Good ventilation and a moderate temperature are important; and to Secure the latter in inclement weather, a stove must be supplied—well removed from the explosives. Smoking is to be prohibited by formal orders. TILE PERSONNEL. Two periods are to be considered—the planting of the mines, and the operating of them after they have been placed in position. - Planting the Mines. When a maritime war occurs, many harbors will have to be simultaneously defended; to plant the mines successfully care, intelligence and especial training are essential; the numbers of Engineer soldiers are now, and prob- ably will continue to be, insufficient to do the entire work in a satisfactory manner; and, lastly, in every large harbor an ample Supply of tugs and row-boats, with skillful crews accustomed to handling them, can be obtained. Care has, therefore, been taken to assign to Engineer soldiers only such duties as require special training at the School of Application; and which should * T'JJ Jº JP Jº I? S () W W ſº I, . 25 not be trusted to men, no matter how intelligent, without such training, long continued. Hence the figures given below are to be regarded as the mºnºmum consistent with a reſ/sonable prospect of 80/60688. As a convenient unit, the minimum force required for prop- erly planting one grand group of 21 mines is adopted ; with drilled men, a good outfit, and favorable conditions this work should be done in one day. The number of Engineer troops necessary at any harbor may be computed from these data, by deciding how imany such groups must be placed in position simultaneously. For planting one grand group, two commissioned officers are essential—one to exercise a general supervision on the water, and the other to act as electrician. The duties of the latter are too important, and require too much especial knowledge and familiarity with the system, to be safely trusted to civilians. Three non-commissioned officers of Engineers are necessary —one to take station on the boat containing the grand junc- tion-box, and from it to command the parties in the skiffs containing the triple junction-boxes; another to take post in the tug and Supervise the planting of the mines; and a third to superintend the loading of the mines on shore. Twenty-four privates of Engineers are needed—two in the grand junction-box boat, six in the three triple junction-box skiffs, four in the tug planting the mines, and twelve in the loading room. About forty sailors, laborers, etc., must be procured to man the boats, to transport and place on the tug the torpedoes and other apparatus, and to assist generally. Hence, for each grand group the minimum Engineer detail will be the following (the number of commissioned officers usually admitting of some reduction when several groups are laid simultaneously): 2 Commissioned officers. 3 Non-commissioned officers. 24 Engineer privates. 40 Sailors, laborers, etc. Operating the Mines. In operating a system of electrical mines, the duties of the mining casemate are of vital importance to success. Electricity is an agent which allows no margin ror ignorance, carelessness or neglect. The Engineer in charge must (7) 26 I, A B O I? A T'O R T J'S A W D P E JP SO W W /? I, . now be his own electrician, and will be held responsible for every detail. His principal assistant must be exercised in manipulating, and, if necessary, in repairing the electrical apparatus; in making and interpreting the electrical tests; and in obtaining so thorough and exact an understanding of every part of the system, that no excitement of action can prevent the proper performance of duties demanding great coolness and presence of mind in emergencies. As to the size of the detachment, the following is an extract from a project of the Board of Engineers which, in 1874, re- ceived the formal approval of the War Department. “The minimum force required at a fort or battery for opera- ting the system of torpedoes, consists of four men—one officer, who stations himself at Some good point of observation on the work to direct the conduct of the electrician; one private, having with him a telegraphic instrument connected with the operating room; one non-commissioned officer in the operating room as electrician; and one private, also in the operating room, in charge of a telegraph instrument connected with the one on the work. This number makes no allowance for casualties, and should be increased if practicable by one non-commissioned officer and one private. If three reliefs are provided, there will be required for each work, three commissioned officers, six non-commissioned officers and nine privates.” This estimate requires some reduction when the difficulty of obtaining instructed men renders it necessary to fix upon an absolute mºnºmºum. At the more important stations one Engineer officer to com- mand the party and be the responsible electrician, is indispensable; and if one or two other officers who have passed through the special course of instruction in submarine mining at the En- gineer School of Application can be spared, their assistance will be highly desirable. If not, well instructed non-commis- sioned officers of Engineers must be assigned to act as assistant electricians. As the channel cannot be seen from the operating room, tele- graphic communication must be established between it and a look-out, placed in the most suitable part of the fort. Dial telegraph instruments, connected by insulated cable laid where least exposed to injury from the enemy's fire, will be employed; T'II E P E R S () W NEI, . 27 and two privates of the battalion will be required as operators. The service may have to be kept up night and day; occasional repairs may be needed; and an allowance for sickness and cas- ualties must be made. Hence, at least three reliefs should be provided. The minimum personnel when operating the mines will, therefore, consist of: 1 Commissioned officer of Engineers. 3 Non-commissioned officers of Engineers. 6 Privates of Engineers. If the larger force of trained men contemplated by the Board estimate can be spared, it certainly should be supplied; but this minimum detachment is absolutely essential to justify any eſcpectation of success. The whole party, acting under the orders of the Command- ing officer of the post, will be able while serving the mines to incidentally determine ranges for the use of the artillery in action. () || A PTE R III. SU F3 MIA ERIN HE MINING MATERIEL. MATſºrTEL OF THE CASEMATE: The operating boxes; the disconnector; the judgment firing key; the resistance coils; the firing battery; the sig- mal battery; the testing battery; permanent earth plates; the detector; the Bradley galvanometer; the Siemens universal galvanometer; the bridge rheostat; the reversing key; switch keys and switches; case- mate cable tags; Wheatstone dial telegraph; tool box A for casemate use.—MATÉRIEL OF THE LOADING ROOM: the buoyant torpedo; charge bags for buoyant torpedoes; the self-acting torpedo; the ground mine buoy; the ground torpedo; the circuit closer; the circuit regulator; electrical fuzes; the switch box; utensils for the loading room; in- sulated wire; insulated joint supplies; special supplies, etc.—MATſº- RIEI, OF TIIE BOAT SERVICE: vessels and boats; the mine anchor; the wire mooring rope; the shackles; the cable stop; insulated cable; turks head collars; single junction boxes; the triple junction box; the grand junction box; the junction box buoy; the planting buoy; drum frames; boat eartly plates; special tools.--THE EXPLOSIVE: suitable explosives and their relative efficiency; properties of nitro-glycerine; properties of explosive gelatine; properties of forcite gelatine; prop- erties of Atlas powder; properties of gun-cotton; properties of dyna- mite No. 1; proof tests; needful precautions.—SIIIPPING DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS: Inatériel of the casemate; matériel of the loading room; matériel of the boat service. The matériel pertaining to our submarine mining service is classified according to locality, as that of the mining case- mate, that of the loading room, and that of the boat service. Explosives, from their importance, are accorded a separate sub-division of the chapter. MATERIEL OF THE CASEMATE. This matériel includes the electrical operating apparatus, the voltaic batteries, the testing apparatus, the dial telegraph, and the tools and supplies necessary for their adjustment and repair. The electrical operating apparatus consists of the operating boxes, the disconnector, the firing key, and the resistance coils. The essential features of this mechanism were devised in the winter of 1871–72; but successive improvements were made until the year 1877, when the patterns were finally approved. The voltaic batteries are three in number—the firing battery, the signal battery and the testing battery. The testing apparatus comprises a detector, a four-coil Bradley galvanometer, a Siemens MA 7'ſ I; J JJ L OF TII R' ('A SEMA TJJ. 29 universal galvanometer, a bridge rheostat, a reversing key and four switches for changing circuits. The Operating Boxes. These are of two kinds—multiple cable boxes and key-board boxes. One of the former is required for each grand group of mines. Only one of the latter is needed at each station, to operate the entire system and to receive the cables leading to skirmish mines. Both patterns are of the same size, 22 inches by 74 inches by 7% inches, and they each weigh 24 pounds. When set for ser- vice they may be closed and locked—thus excluding dust and preventing unauthorized handling. Multiple cable boxes contain seven magnets, each to operate the three mines upon each core of the multiple cable. Two in- sulated wires traverse the box longitudinally, with binding posts at each terminal to permit adjacent boxes to be united in series. One of these wires carries the current of the signal battery, and the other that of the firing battery. Seven shunt circuits in each box connect the signal battery wire with seven binding posts to receive the seven cores of the multiple cable leading to the mines of its grand group. These shunt circuits each include one of the magnets, and a mercury cup at which the circuit is broken when the armature of the magnet is at- tracted by the flow of current caused by closing the circuit at the torpedo. If set for automatic action, this motion of the ar- mature after breaking the circuit of the signal battery closes the circuit of the firing battery to the torpedo, and thus explodes the charge; if not set for automatic action, the armature re- mains vibrating and thus sounding an alarum until the circuit at the torpedo is broken. This vibrating motion also drops a num- ber shield, and thus indicates which group has been struck. If any given gun plug be removed, and a wire leading to the proper flanking guns be inserted in the corresponding binding post, an enemy disturbing that part of the system will, without exploding the mines, draw upon himself a discharge of canister or case shot. Key-board boxes contain six magnets arranged for the skir- mish mines exactly as just described. The seventh magnet is replaced by two permanent switches, one for the firing battery and the other for the signal battery, to the zinc poles of which their levers are respectively connected by leading wires. Each (8) 30 S UJ; M.A R IN E MINING MA 7'ſ RIE. L. switch has two circuits, to either of which its lever may be turned. Two of these circuits, designed for automatic action, connect their respective batteries to the longitudinal wires traversing the boxes. When thus connected the mines are set for automatic action, as above described. When the signal battery circuit only is closed, if a mine be struck the fact is reported by the sound of the vibrating armature and the fall of its number shield, but no explosion ensues. When both switches are open, the system is entirely inert. The other two circuits at the switches are designed for test- ing. That for the firing battery opens a route for the current through a piece of platinum wire (the counterpart of the bridge of a service fuze) and thence through the resistance coils to home earth. The number of ohms through which it reddens the wire indicates the condition of the battery. The signal bat- tery testing circuit conducts the current to the testing table, where after traversing the desired instruments it returns to the box and flows through the automatic circuit, as before. For convenience in making sea-cell tests, a wire (under the base board) unites the automatic post of the firing battery with the testing post of the signal battery. One important fact must be borne in mind in connection with this part of the sea-cell cir- cuit—it shunts out the resistance (80 ohms) of the magnets. This is necessary in order to secure a good galvanometer deflec- tion with so feeble a current; but if the signal battery has too low an internal resistance to be safely introduced into such a circuit, the gun plugs must be removed before making insula- tion tests with the signal battery, especially at the planting of the mines. If this matter be neglected, and if an accidental contact making good earth beyond the fuzes inside the torpedo exists, the lever of the magnet in the operating box may vibrate when the galvanometer circuit is closed at the testing table, and thus by sending the signal battery current through this shunt route may fºre the mºne. The removal of the gun plugs in making these tests is therefore imperative; it does away with any possibility of such an accident. Mine numbers are nickle-plated discs with large figures stamped thereon; they are issued separately from the boxes, and are to be slipped over the brass shields in the operating boxes, according to the system of numbering adopted. MA. TAE I: TJ L OF T'JI E (JASE MA. T E. 31 Each switch and binding post of the operating boxes must have a distinct label pasted on or near it. Printed slips are supplied; they are to be attached with flour paste, and im- mediately covered with shellac varnish. The Disconnector. The object of this apparatus is: (1) to break the circuit of the signal battery about one-tenth of a Second after a mine is fired, in order to prevent neighboring mines from being endangered by the shock transmitted to their circuit regulators through the water—the circuit remains open about six or eight Seconds and then automatically closes; (2) to inform the operator that an explosion has occured, by the continuous ringing of a bell so long as the signal battery circuit remains open. The zine poles of both batteries are connected to the home earth through this apparatus. The firing battery simply trav- erses the coils of an electro-magnet of low resistance. The signal battery circuit includes two platinum tips, which are held in contact by a projection from a wheel connected to a clock movement. The motion of the armature of the electro-magnet, caused by the passage of the firing battery current, releases this wheel, sets the clockwork in action, and thus opens the circuit of the signal battery until the wheel has completed one revolu- tion. During this revolution the clockwork rings a bell continuously. A cam on the wheel restores the armature to its original position in time to engage the stop, and check the revo- lution at the point necessary to again close the circuit of the signal battery. The Firing Key. This is a reversing key, held in position by a stiff spring which may be overcome at pleasure by pressing a lever. The leading wires from the firing battery traverse it before reaching any other part of the apparatus. Depressing the proper armature in the operating box, and reversing the current by this lever, will explode the corresponding triple group of mines. This apparatus (which is simply a current reverser) was designed to permit firing by judgment with all possible promptitude. The Resistance Coils. This apparatus is a box of re- sistance coils arranged to allow any desired number of ohms less than 160, to be unplugged at pleasure. The wire of the coils is sufficiently coarse to permit them to carry the current of the firing battery without injurious heating. 32 S UB MA 1: I W H MINING MA. T ſº I, II, L. The Firing Battery. Most of those in depot are of the Leclanché type—fluid, a Saturated Solution of ammonium chlo- ride; positive plate, cast zinc in the form of a hollow cylinder, with six vertical cuts to increase the exposed surface and facili- tate the motion of the fluid; negative plate, a carbon slab embedded in a mass of peroxide of manganese and crushed car- bon, contained in a flannel bag. A later pattern contains a cylinder of rolled zinc, and a cen- tral carbon hexagon grooved on each side to fit a cylinder of compressed peroxide of manganese and carbon, 6 inches long and 0.9 of an inch in diameter. These cylinders are held in position by a couple of thick rubber bands, which also serve to prevent contact with the zinc plate. Each cell is of ebonite, 4 inches in diameter and 74 inches high. The battery is put up in stout boxes each containing ten cells coupled permanently in series, with two terminals outside. These boxes each weigh 110 pounds, being 27 × 12 × 11 inches in size. Ten of them constitute the battery for an ordinary station. They should stand on narrow strips of wood nailed to shelves and coated with paraffine. The power of such a battery in good order is represented by the following formula; in which C represents the current in ampéres, and R, the ex- ternal resistance in ohms: C = ...”. . 30 + R, For further details respecting firing batteries see Abbot’s Moſes on Flectricity, especially pages 47, 52 and 72. The Signal Battery. Any form of sulphate of copper battery with an internal resistance not exceeding 5 or 6 ohms per cell, will suffice. At large stations it is advantageous to re- duce this resistance—which may be done by using the following form devised by Captain de Wolski of the Royal Engineers. The jars are of glass, holding about two and a half quarts of fluid. There are two porous cups, one within the other. The zinc, in the shape of a stout rod, is set in a dish of mercury in the inner cup. The solution is dilute sulphuric acid, one part to twelve of water. The copper plate and the sulphate of copper are contained in the outer glass compartment. Every two or three days, the solution between the porous cups is with- drawn and replaced by fresh fluid, thus preventing infiltration of cupric sulphate to the zinc compartment. By this devise great MA 7'ſ I: IEL OF TIII) CASF, MA. T. E. * Q Q * } . constancy of action is secured; with large copper plates the internal resistance can easily be reduced to one ohm. Any copper appearing on the porous cups should be covered with marine glue at once. For further details respecting signal batteries, see Abbot's Notes on Electricity, pages 63 and 72; also consult the foot note on page 18 above. * The Testing Battery. A small and portable pattern of Leclanché cell is in store at the Willets Point depot for issue. The battery is contained in a box 9 × 4 × 6 inches in size; with six triangular ebonite cells connected to seven exterior binding posts So that any of them, or any number of them, may be used at pleasure. The internal resistance is about 10 ohms per cell. The boxes are issued charged ready to receive pure water; about a fluid ounce should be poured into each cell through its filling hole, which should then be loosely corked, The formation in store of troublesome oxychloride crystals on the zincs, may ren- der the cleaning of this battery necessary when first received. Another and perhaps better form of testing battery is the chloride of silver pattern (6 cells) described in Abbot's Motes on Electricity, page 57. Earth Plates. The home earth at a torpedo station must receive very careful attention. Experience * has shown that there is danger that an earth plate connected with the casemate by a single wire, in the usual manner, may be partially or com- pletely detached by rust or accident; and such an occurrence (not always easily detected ) would be fatal to efficiency, since it would introduce so great a resistance into the circuit that the firing battery could not explode the mines. * For example, in September, 1875, the home earth at Willets Point con- sisted of a slab of cast iron, exposing 250 square inches of surface, buried in the mud near a pile of the wharf, and connected with the laboratory by a No. 10 B. W. G. galvanized iron wire. The connection to the slab was a large mass of solder holding a short piece of the wire, which was joined to the land line by a good telegraph joint spiked to the pile just above low water mark. This had been in position for two or three years, (giving a normal resistance of three or four olims) when some obscure difficulty appeared in the Fort Schuyler circuit. At times everything was right, but at others a large re- sistance was noted. Investigation showed that the state of the tide exerted a marked influence; and finally it was discovered that the telegraph joint on the pile had rusted to such an extent as to give a resistance of 80 ohms when wet, and of 50,000 olyms when dry. This joint was well made with fourteen turns of the wire. (9) 34 S UJ; MA R IN E MINING MA 7'ſ. R T E L. It is recommended that the shore ends of the armor of one or more of the submerged multiple cables be soldered together and used as the main plate at torpedo stations. The armor of a mile of submerged single conductor cable has a resistance of only about 1% ohms, and that of a multiple cable has less. The home earth plates used in sea-cell tests should be placed in the sea at the nearest and, most secure point, where frequent inspection can be made. The plates should be about 6 inches by 6 inches, and they should be kept clean. The following experiments upon the resistance of copper and tin earth plates in salt water, were made at Willets Point in April, 1876. The plates were placed in the sea. One was 2 feet by 2 feet in area, giving 576 square inches of active sur- face. The other was varied in size, giving the following results for the joint resistance. Active surface of 18 square inches gave a resistance of 3.51 ohms. g { { & 4 72 “ . . . . & g 1.88 “ “ 126 “ . . . . ( & 1.57 “ “ . . 252 “ . . . . & © 1.42 “ “ “ 576 “ . . . . 6 & 1.07 “ “ 1152 “ . . . . & & 0.50 “ Two copper plates (3 inches by 3 inches) each having an active surface of 9 square inches, opposed at twenty yards dis- tance, in sea water, gave a joint resistance of 20 ohms (10 to each). Such a plate is used for boat tests in planting mines. The earth resistance of service mines planted in salt water has been repeatedly measured, and its normal value is about an ohm. º The end of a torpedo cable left in the sea after an explosion, usually shows a clean cut exposing but little copper, and gives a resistance which often exceeds 100 ohms. The following numerical values of this resistance are derived from measure- ments made upon the cables of service mines immediately after explosion: 130 ohms; 37 ohms; 6 ohms; 107 ohms; 118 ohms; 104 ohms; 133 ohms. º The Detector. This instrument is designed to verify the continuity of circuits. It consists of a galvanoscope with a couple of small Leclanché cells in a compartment at the base of the case. The needle is weighted in a vertical position. The resistance of the coils is about 120 ohms. The circuit between the terminals includes the galvanoscope and the battery. To prepare it for use, open the back slide and remove the MA. Tſº R TE I, O If TII R' ('A SEMA TE. 35 battery; charge each cell with about half a fluid ounce of pure water; replace the corks; see that the connections are made; and return the battery to its place in the case. If sluggish, open the cells and clean the Zincs. In using the instrument, avoid tºpping it and see that the easterior circuit is kept open except when in use. Always raise the detector by the ring on top. The Bradley Galvanometer. This instrument is a four- coil tangent galvanometer of peculiar construction, which has been modified at Willets Point for use in ordinary rough test- ing in the operating casemate. It is fully described in Abbot's Notes on Electricity, page 92. Siemens Universal Galvanometer. This instrument is a sensitive galvanometer, combined with a Wheatstone bridge having one fixed and two variable sides. It is used for the deli- cate testing at torpedo stations, and is fully described in Abbot’s Motes on Electricity, page 89. The Bridge Rheostat. The form of bridge rheostat issued to our torpedo stations is that used in the Post Office service in England, and the instruments now on hand (1887) indicate B. A. ohms. To transform a reading to the legal or Paris ohm, multiply by 0.9888. The instrument as made in England con- tains no binding post between the A and B sides. This post is a great convenience, but must be especially ordered in all purchases for our service. The instrument belongs to the class in which two sides are fixed while one varies. It is so arranged that the A and B sides may be either 10, 100 or 1000 ohms at pleasure; while in the set of coils representing the R side, any number of ohms from 1 to 11,110 may be unplugged. For full details see Abbot's Wotes on Electricity, page 109. The Reversing Key. The form of reversing key supplied to torpedo stations is that used in transmitting telegrams through submarine cables; although more complex than necessary for simple reversing, this pattern is convenient for other uses. The stand is of ebonite, carrying two transverse strips to which the poles of the battery are connected. Two contact pieces are kept pressing by their elastic force under one of these strips; by their binding posts they may be connected to the bridge rheostat in such a manner as to render unnecessary its right hand contact key. By pressing upon the ebonite head of either of these contact strips, the other remaining as before, the 36 S UIR MA. I. IN 1) M IN ING MA. T ſº Jº II) L. battery circuit is closed. The direction of the current, of course, depends upon which is depressed; rapid reversals may thus be made. The circuit of the galvanometer is closed, as usual, by the left hand key of the bridge rheostat. Switch Keys and Switches. The object of these devices is to control the route of the testing currents in the simplest and most expeditious manner. Their construction requires no special description. Casemate Cable Tags. These tags are cylinders of lead about three inches long, cast with a hole through the axis, which will allow a 4% inch leading wire to pass easily. They are bevelled slightly at the ends, and are painted red with French varnish. They are numbered consecutively by figures, printed with black varnish, ranging from one to the whole num- ber of mine leading wires leaving the casemate. This form of tag slipped over the ends of the mine leading wires, and wedged fast at a convenient distance between the table and floor, can never be displaced ; and its weight is handy in detaching cables in testing. Wheatstone Dial Telegraph. This instrument is used to connect the mining casemate with the station of the com- manding Engineer in action; and, in general, for telegraphing wherever noise might interfere with conversation by telephone. For a description of its internal mechanism, with directions for its adjustment and ordinary repairs, consult Abbot's Notes on Electricity, Chapter VI. The directions for ordinary manipu- lation there given are repeated here, together with a special code for use in submarine mining. * MANIPULATION. When using the apparatus, one terminal is put to earth and the second to an insulated wire extending to the other station, where a duplicate instrument is arranged in like manner. - When the apparatus is thus connected, each operator has only four movable parts of mechanism to control; understanding them, practice will soon make any one proficient. The four movable parts are: first, the crank, which is to be kept revolving uniformly and with but moderate rapidity in the direction of the hands of a watch, during the whole time of signaling. An alternating current of electricity is thus gen- erated, which follows one of three routes. If the index be held fast by any depressed button, the current is confined to the MA. T.I., R TEL OF T II E' ('A S E MA. T E. 37 instrument itself and traverses neither its receiver, its bell, nor the line. If the button be raised, the index moves and the current passes to the line through one of the other two routes, depending upon the position of the switch. If the switch lever be up, the receiver magnet is thrown into the circuit and its index moves; if the switch lever be down, the bell magnet is thrown into the circuit and the bell rings. The effect at the distant station depends entirely on the position of the switch there; if its lever be up the receiving index moves; if down, the bell rings. The sender has no control or knowledge of this matter. The second movable part is the switch. It must always be either hard up or hard down; the effect of these positions upon the circuits has been explained above. The lever must be handled delicately to avoid distortion, and the contact points must be kept bright. In a word, good contacts must be made by the lever, or the circuit is broken and communication becomes impossible. Stupidity here causes much trouble; and if no circuit be indicated (the bell or receiving index remain- ing mute when the transmitting index revolves), the switches should always be examined first. The third movable part is the system of buttons; before the revolution of the crank ceases, the button opposite the + should always be depressed, and the index be left at rest against it. To send any letter or figure, depress its button and wait until the index is stopped there. If both switches are up and the in- struments are in unison, both of the receiving indices will point to the desired letter or figure. Sometimes in damp positions a slight shock may be received on touching a button; this will be prevented by wearing a dry glove, or by interposing any insulator between the finger and button. The fourth movable part is the small lever under the receiving dial. This is designed by a gentle backward and forward move- ment to mechanically advance the receiving index step by step, and thus bring it into unison with the index of the transmitter. . The receiving index being also under the control of the distant operator, is liable to move through his agency; its position therefore should not be shifted except as prescribed below for getting into unison. - INSTRUMENTS AT REST. The instruments should always be left with both indices at the +, and ordinarily with the switch (10) 38 SU B MA RIVE MINING MA. T.K. R.I.E.L. lever depressed; but if they are to be watched, time is saved by leaving the switch levers up. The motion of the receiving in- dex makes sufficient noise to attract attention at two or three feet distance, and no shifting of circuits will be needed. To CALL THE DISTANT STATION. Raise the + button, revolve the crank about half a dozen times, depress the + button, and when the index comes to rest, stop turning the crank and await a reply. If the circuit be good, the home bell has rung or the home receiving index has revolved, according to the position of the home switch. At the distant station the effect will be governed by the position of the switch there. So soon as the sound ceases, the distant operator exactly follows the above directions. The return signal being received, the caller has again the right of way; but he should wait long enough not only to raise his switch and see that his two indices are in unison, but also to give ample time for the distant operator to do likewise. IIaste causes loss of time. The next step is to get in unison. To PLACE TIIE INSTRUMENTS IN UNISON. The calling oper- ator sends the sign + twice. At the distant station the receiving index may stop twice at any place on the dial; if this be else- where than at the +, the operator brings his index there by the small lever, and then sends back the sign + twice. If the caller receives this signal at the +, the instruments are in unison ; if not, he repeats. So soon as unison is obtained he has the right of way. With instruments once correctly adjusted, unison should never be lost if the operators take care always to turn the crank uni- formly ; to leave the index of the transmitter at the + in passing from the bell to the sending circuit; and after inter- rupting to stop at the + and to bring the receiving index to the same by the lever. If, therefore, in sending a message unison be suddenly lost, it indicates that something is wrong in the apparatus. The difficulty will usually be caused by a dirty switch, which a little polishing will correct; but if not, the fact should be reported to the officer in charge who should be able to detect and correct the trouble after examining the internal mechanism. Experience has shown that only after long wear, or clumsiness in repairs, is an interruption of this kind likely to OCCIII". MA. T 16 RIAE L OF T H E G A S E M A T'J'. 39 When first set up it may be impossible to place the instru- ments in unison, one always lagging one letter behind the other. This is corrected by interchanging the earth and line wires of the instrument at the subordinate station. After unison is established the message may be sent either by code signals or by the alphabet; when by the alphabet (except messages acknowledged) the first letter must always be preceded by the signs + + +. The receiver is thus informed in advance that the message is to be spelled letter by letter. To TELEGRAPH BY ALPIIABET. Messages (preceded by a triple + as above) are sent by revolving the crank steadily and press- ing down successively the buttons opposite the proper letters, taking care to wait until the index of the transmitter comes to rest before touching the next button, To send the same letter twice in succession, touch a preceding button and then the right one before the index has had time to arrive. To mark the ends of words, stop at the + ; and at the end of the message stop twice at the same character. As soon as a message is received and understood, signify the fact by sending back the letters O K. If the thread of the message be lost by the receiver, it be- comes necessary to interrupt the sender and make him repeat. This is done by revolving the crank, seeing that no button is down. The effect is to give a continuous revolution to the re- ceiving index at both stations; which will soon attract the attention of the sender, as will appear by his ceasing to signal. The instruments are then placed in unison by the sender as above described (he having the right of way), and the message is repeated, beginning with the sentence which was interrupted. In transmitting messages containing many numerals, it may be convenient to use the inner circles on the dial plates, where the right hand figures are to be used to denote numbers (the left hand figures are reserved for code combinations). The intention to pass from the outer to the inner characters is signi- fied by stopping four times at the + ; and to return to the outer characters, by stopping three times at the +. After a little practice abbreviations will suggest themselves, but the details are so easily arranged between the operators that no directions are needed here. - Messages may be sent by the alphabet with considerable speed; but in action, and in the preparatory drill, greater 40 S UB MA R IN E M IN ING MA. T ſº I, IE L. promptness is needful. This is secured by the use of a special code. To TELEGRAPH BY THE SERVICE Copſ. The instruments must have been put carefully in unison; and, with the switches up, the operators fix their eyes on the receiving dials. All signals now refer to the inside characters—the right hand figures denote the mine groups, each being designated by its number; the left hand figures are used for the abbreviated code given below. After sending a message the stop is always to be made at the +. Should either operator desire to send a message not provided for in the code he will stop three times at the +, after which his signals will be read on the alphabet; but every message so sent must be preceded by a triple stop at the +. In every case whether in action or at drill, all code messages must be instantly repeated by the receiver for verification. The following is the regular code for action. By a further combination of numbers it may be extended indefinitely; but, to avoid complexity it should be restricted to urgent messages. THE COI) E FOR ACTION. 11. See that circuit of firing battery is broken at its switch. 22. Report number of any group struck, and prepare to fire it. 33. No vessel near—find out difficulty and report. 44. Friend—let pass. 555. Enemy is over the mine—fire. 666. (Adding number in right hand figures). Prepare to fire group No. When I am ready, message 555 or 44 will be sent, accord- ing to circumstances. 777. Automatic adjustment to fire flanking guns if torpedoes or cables be disturbed. 888. Automatic adjustment to fire the mines—enemy approaching. 121. Trouble here requires your presence. 131. My message was not understood—I now repeat it. 141. Your message is not understood—please repeat. 151. Leak in torpedo. 161. Loss of insulation in cable. 171. The circuit is broken—end of core insulated. 181. The cable has parted—end of core in water. Tool Box A for Casemate Use. To repair the apparatus in use in the casemate, and to enable the electrician to perform his special duties in planting the mines, “tool box A* is pro- vided—the following are its contents. MA. T. ſ. It IEL OF T'ſſ E L OA DIW (; R O O M. 41 T()() L I3() X A.— MININ (; CASEMA'ſ' E. 1, back saw. 1 glue pot. 1 hatchet. 1 rule. 1 mallet. 1 oiler. 1 riveting hammer. 1 oil stone. 2 Screw-drivers. 12 camels' hair pencils, assorted. 1 4-inch chisel. 1 dust brush for apparatus. 1 shears. 1 mercury bottle. 1 Stevens vise, 1 safety ring mould for self-acting mines. 1 hand vise. 1 safety plug wrench for ditto. 1 monkey wrench. 1 blow pipe. - 1 S wrench. 1 nest small evaporators. 3 files, flat, triangular and round. 1 spirit lamp. jº 2 die sinker's files. 1 two ring stand for spirit lamp. 3 cutting plier8. 1 Wedgewood mortar and pestle. 4 gimlets. Resin. 1 brad-awl set of 20 tools. Shellac. 1 soldering copper. Solder, 4 oz. There are many supplies such as marine glue, resin and bees- wax cement, etc., needed occasionally in the casemate ; they will be drawn from the loading room. MATERIEL OF THE LOADING ROOM. As already stated the word mine technically includes the metallic case containing the charge, its contents, its wire mooring rope and its anchor; the word torpedo is restricted to the metallic case containing the charge. The matériel of the loading room includes buoyant torpedoes, charge bags, self-acting torpedoes, circuit closer buoys, ground torpedoes, circuit closers, circuit regulators, electrical fuzes, ex- plosives, switch boxes, and the various tools and supplies used in loading. Each will now be described in turn. The Buoyant Torpedo. A good buoyant torpedo must fulfill certain conditions, which will be recapitulated here to assist in improvising matériel when necessary so to do. They a PG : First. The power of enduring long continued exposure to the action of sea water, the attacks of marine animals and con- stant motion. Experience has shown that wood soon becomes water-logged, and is liable to be rendered leaky by worms; that if the material be metallic and not homogeneous, voltaic action induces rust—even rivets are objectionable in this respect; that screws either inside or outside the torpedo, if not clamped by (11) 42 S Uſ? MA R IN E MINING MA TÉIRIE L. set screws, are frequently loosened by the continued oscillation due to waves and currents; lastly, that few if any paints will long resist submergence in sea water. Upon the whole, open hearth steel galvanized, or primed with red lead and painted with two coats of good white lead and raw oil, toned down to a neutral grey with lamp black, combines economy, endurance and strength better than any other material. The painted sur- face soon becomes coated with rust, marine shells, etc., after which the progress of corrosion is slow. For instance, a sub- mergence of a ſº-inch torpedo for about five years at Willets Point, did not occasion any leakage. Second. The strength to resist unavoidable blows from friendly vessels. In time of war such blows would, of course, be reduced to the minimum by requiring all vessels to slow down their speed to the lowest limit necessary for steerage way when passing the mines, but with every care severe shocks could not be avoided. Third. The strength to resist the explosion of a neighboring mine, after allowance for slight errors in planting which might reduce their normal distance apart. Experiment has established that the approved pattern of buoyant torpedo is unaffected by countermine explosions of 100 lbs. of dynamite at a distance of 40 feet, or of 500 lbs. at 80 feet, both torpedoes being 10 feet or more below the water surface. This strength is ample, the normal distance between mines being 100 feet. Fourth. A form which shall combine the following merits— 1st, a symmetrical shape with respect to a vertical axis, in order to eliminate so far as possible all tendency to twist the moor- ings; 2nd, the maximum attainable displacement, the minimum weight and cross section, and a smooth surface to resist the de- pressing effects of currents; 3rd, freedom from rivets, or other causes of leaks; 4th, convenience in handling and loading. ſºft/. An arrangement by which the electric cable can be Securely attached by its iron armor, leaving the short exposed end of the core encased in a box that will protect it against stresses or mechanical injuries, Sºwth. Internal arrangements which : (1) shall protect the fuze wires against stresses from movements of the charge caused even by severe concussions; (2) shall ensure the prim- ing against dampness; (3) shall hold the circuit regulator firmly in position ; and (4) shall facilitate electrical tests. MA. T J R TJJJ, O F T'JI E L () A D IN (; Jº O O M. 43 Seventh. A judicious economy of construction. All these conditions, with others of minor importance, are fulfilled in the following approved patterns. THE SERVICE 32-INCII PATTERN. The material for our adopted 32-inch pattern (Plate IV, figure 1) is 10-pound open hearth steel (4 of an inch thick) of great toughness and elasticity. The shell consists of two hemispheres ribbed and welded together at the equator, thus avoiding all rivets. Every torpedo before it is accepted, is to be tested with an internal hydraulic pressure of 120 pounds per square inch. The top hemisphere is provided with an external manoeuvring ring; the bottom hemisphere is pierced at the pole by a hole 5% inches in diameter. The edge of this hole is reinforced by a welded ring 1.5 inches thick; and near it are four bosses, also welded, carrying screw bolts which project 24 inches outside to secure the cap. The uses of the cap are to clamp the turk's head of the elec- tric cable; to cover and protect the portion of the core exposed outside the torpedo; and to serve as an attachment for the wire mooring rope. The cap consists of a hemisphere of 15-pound wrought iron ($ inches thick) flanged and dished at the base to fit the torpedo—to which it is attached by the four bolts already mentioned. They pass through slots in the flange, which is then held in position by four screw nuts, keyed down. The water, of course, has free admittance to the chamber inside the cap. The end of the electric cable is thrust through a hole at the pole of the cap, and a turk's head is made upon it, and secured by the clamp—which consists of two jaws, one movable and the other fixed, held together by two screw bolts and nuts. In a few torpedoes a second clamp is provided in the side of the cap, for use when the circuit regulator is placed in a separate buoy. The mooring attachment consists of a ring of inch and a half wrought iron, having a clear hole 24 inches in diameter. It is attached to the cap by three bales of one inch wrought iron, permanently doubly riveted to the sides. - The large hole in the torpedo, covered by the cap, is closed by a wrought iron annular plug screwed into the bossing. The joint is made water tight by a lead washer jammed between the plug head and shell, and by a coating of red lead upon the screw threads. Inside the torpedo, the annular plug carries a shank to which a canvas bag to receive the charge is lashed by marline 44 SUB MA R IN J. MINING MA T'ſ, R J E J. or wired. A hole three inches in the clear, cut with a screw thread, is made through the middle of the annular plug. After the charge has been inserted through this small hole, it is closed by what is known as the compound plug. The uses of the compound plug are; 1st, to close the loading hole against leakage: 2nd, to protect the fuzes bedded in a loose charge of dry dynamite, against mechanical injuries to their connections; 3rd, to hold the circuit regulator firmly in position, near the middle of the torpedo; 4th, to introduce the core of the electric cable without also admitting water; 5th, to form part of the torpedo earth plate. To accomplish these objects, the compound plug consists of a wrought iron plug screwed tightly into the small hole in the annular plug, with a lead washer and a smearing of red lead to exclude water; of a cylinder of stout brass, large enough to contain about a pound of dynamite, the fuzes, etc.; and of the circuit regulator. These parts are either brazed together, or Screwed together and held fast with set screws—as experience has shown that the continual motion of the torpedo will ulti- mately loosen any simple screw coupling. The insulated wire for carrying the electric current passes through a hole in the wrought iron plug to the fuze can, and thence to the circuit regulator—its whole length being thus protected against injury. Where it enters the torpedo, and where it enters the fuze can, it passes through stuffing boxes to exclude water. Lastly, from its intimate connections with the torpedo, the compound plug makes an earth plate, of which the electrical resistance in Salt water does not exceed about an ohm. When the buoyant torpedo is used with a detached circuit regulator, a cap having a second cable clamp (many do not have them) and a plug which will allow the electric current to pass in to the fuze and out to the regulator, are needful. The plug belonging to the ground mine serves the latter purpose, and is made to fit either torpedo. LARGER SIZEs. In the strong currents and deep water of Some harbors, more buoyancy than is possessed by the 32-inch torpedo is required. This is obtained by inserting a cylinder of 20-pound wrought iron between the hemispheres, stiffened by extra welded ribs for the larger sizes; all other details remain unchanged. Such torpedoes are designated by the diameter in inches of spheres having the same buoyancy. Thus a No. 40 MA. Tſº RIE L OF TIIE, L O A D IN G R O O M. 45 torpedo is a 20-pound wrought iron cylinder with hemispherical ends of 10-pound steel 32 inches in diameter, having a displace- ment equal to that of a spherical torpedo 40 inches in diameter. The following table exhibits the dimensions and weights of buoyant torpedoes, complete except the charges and moorings. For each pattern now in store, the mean of ten measured weights is given. The actual free buoyancy when planted, will be the difference between the displacement and weight as given in the table, reduced by 100 pounds for the charge and by 1 pound per running foot for the moorings and electric cable. T)IMIENSIONS OF HUOY ANT TORPEIOO ES. --- -------- +3 Ł £ + | ſº ºf 2, rc Q, ; : Q9 3 = £ 3 B 23 d5 - G) 3 : | NO. Qi.) P- - (A) , e. a; RCInarks. : 33 #: £º: ; p-4 O tº-1 & *n ºf ź &# z; # = 3. : 2 | * lbs lbs lbs feet H 32 635 297 300 0 || All are about 33% inches in outside - 33 695 353 • * 4 • 0.17 diameter, the extreme length in * each case is 4.3 feet plus the length 34 762 384 * e º e 0.35 Of the cylinder. 35 | 829 || 416 . . . . . 0.54 | 36 904 || 451 | . . . . . 0.75 37 982 487 . . . . . 0.96 38 1064 527 | . . . . 1.20 39 1149 567 | . . . . 1.43 40 | 1242 | 610 614 | 1.70 | 41 || 1341 || 654 . . . . 1.96 42 1436 || 701 | . . . . . 2.24 ! 43 1540 777 748 2.53 44 1652 || 831 ... . . 2.77 | One extra welded rib. i 45 1767 865 . . . . 3.17 ‘‘ ‘ ‘ & & & | i $ 888 | Lot of 1879; one extra welded rib. 46 | 1887 | 941 3.50 |}}.} 1884; “ “ 4 * 4 & 47 2013 || 1000 tº a º e 3.85 One extra welded rib. 48 2144 1062 1026 4.20 ‘‘ ‘‘ & & & & CoMPUTATIONS IN ORDERING TorpEDOEs. Buoyant torpedoes of varying sizes are necessary to suit the requirements of our different channels, and before ordering a supply for any harbor it is needful to compute the proper dimensions from local data, which will be furnished by the Engineer Department. The weights of certain parts are constant for all approved patterns (12) 46 S U B M A R T W ſº M IN ING MA. T ſº I. Iſ L. of torpedoes, and these and other dimensions will now be stated in a manner to facilitate such computations. sº J%rst. The simple spherical shell, exclusive of all projections and attachments. Denoting by r the radius in feet, and by s (usually 10) the weight in pounds of a square foot of the steel employed in the construction, the weight of this portion of the torpedo (w'), and the area of a great circle in square feet (a (), are expressed by the following equations: 70' = 4 T 72 &. a ’ = 7: 7.2. Second. The projections and movable attachments, which are sensibly unvarying for all sizes of torpedo. Some of these parts, such as the internal bosses (5 lbs.), the compound plug (17 lbs.), the annular plug (11 lbs.), and the canvas bag (2 lbs.), are inside the torpedo, and hence experience no diminution of weight when submerged. Their total weight is 35 lbs. Other parts, such as the cap and its attachments (34 lbs), the welded ring (say 15 lbs), and the manoeuvring ring (1 lb.) lose about one seventh of their weight in air, when placed in water; that is, their total weight of 50 pounds in air should be taken at 43 pounds in buoyancy computations. Hence, the constant weight (w”) to be added to that of the spherical shell is 35+43 = 78 pounds. For the plane surface exposed to the current by the cap, bales, etc., (a"), an allowance of 0.5 square feet is sufficient. Hence for the weight empty (w), the total displacement (B), and the section exposed to the current (a), we have: (4) . . . w = w' + w” = 4t r*& + 78. (5) . . . B = 64 × 47 r 3. (6) . . . a = a + a” = t r* + 0.5. When considering the problem of submarine defence at any particular locality, it is needful (see Plate VII, fig. 3) to know the minimum draft (d) of hostile vessels to be stopped by the mines; the tidal range (T); the tidal level above low water (t) corresponding to the known tidal currents (w); the depressing effect (a) of those currents upon the torpedo; and the mini- mum submergence (d") needful for water tamping and for concealment. From these quantities, the overlap of the ship upon the torpedo (d"), upon which its efficiency as an obstruc- tion depends, may be computed for any known values of t and w by the formulae: MA T'ſ R IT, I, O F TH E L O A D J N (; 18 O O M. 47 (7) . . . . d" = d – (d" + 0 + t ). The greater the arithmetical difference between the two terms in the second member, the larger will be d" and the better will be the chance of a contact; when these terms are equal the vessel will only graze the torpedo, and a must if pos- sible be reduced by providing more buoyancy. If d' +2+ t >d a simple solution of the problem is impossible, and the defence must include different systems of mines—the more advanced adjusted for low water, and those in rear for high water. A few words respecting the different quantities entering this formula are not out of place. The numerical value of d' is governed by the clearness of the water and the size of the charge. In most of our impor- tant harbors the neutral color of the torpedo renders it invisible when submerged three feet, and this depth affords sufficient tamping for a 100-pound charge. The effect of currents to depress torpedoes (a) was studied experimentally at Hell Gate in 1874, with results fully detailed in Part II, Professional Papers No. 23 of the Corps of En- gineers. Two kinds of oscillation are communicated by currents, one a rapid vibratory movement about the position of equilib- rium, the other, a gradual movement dependent upon the variation in strength of currents at different tidal phases. The former is rather advantageous for the defence in properly mined zones; because several torpedoes must be passed, and each one is as likely to be above as below the normal level when encoun- tered. The latter oscillation is governed by local conditions; but, in general, slack water occurs at the turns of the tide, and the strongest currents occur after the ebb has been flowing for a considerable time. Of course, no tidal depression of the tor- pedo (a) is of importance unless it exceed the corresponding tidal fall of water surface (T — t). In considering the subject for any given channel, the local conditions favoring accumula- tions of sea grasses upon the mooring rope, and animal and vegetable growth upon the torpedo, must not be overlooked. The following formulae (units: foot, pound and second) re- sulted from the Hell Gate investigations, and are fully explained in Part II of General Abbot's Report above named. In them (Plate VII, figure 13) a denotes the tidal depression; y, the tidal swing; }, the angle included between the mooring rope (assumed to remain straight) and a vertical through the anchor; 48 SUR MA RINE MINING MA. Tſº RIE.L. l, the length of the mooring rope (the depth of water at low tide, less the length of the torpedo increased by the value adopted for d’); a, the area of the mid cross section of the torpedo; a", the sum of the diameters of the mooring rope and electric cable (about 0.13 feet); B, the displacement of the torpedo; w”, the weight of the mooring rope and electric cable, which may be estimated at one pound for each foot of /; v, the velocity of the current; and C the weight of the charge. (s) . . tan 9–gºt "º")".,. 2[B — (70 + C + w”)] (9) . . . . a = l (1 — cos ?). (10) . . . . . y = 'sin Ö. These formulae must always be applied before purchasing torpedoes for any special locality, to determine whether the proposed pattern has suitable buoyancy. -- JEXAMIPLE. Let them be applied to the 32-inch service torpedo (4.3 feet long) made of 10-pound steel, charged with 100 pounds of dynamite, and anchored by moorings 80 feet long in a harbor where the least draft of the hostile vessels to be excluded (d) is 18 feet, where the tidal range is 8 feet, and where the most unfavorable current occurs on the ebb at 2 feet above low water, when the velocity is 3 feet per second. (By Eq. 4) . . n-4-(;) io-is-so lbs. (By Eq. 5) . . B=4x4-(; "=635 lbs. (By Eq. 3) . . a = tr (#) +0.5 =0.1 Square ft. 6.1 + 0.13 × 80 cos 9) × 9 gº By Eq. 8) tan & = (*! -H".” X***)^* = 0.178-1-0.304 cog 9. (***) "" = gºfiºſº + 0.304 cos Hence, S =24° 27'. (By Eq. 9) . . . a = 80 (1 — cos & )7.2 feet. (By Eq. 10) . . . y = 80 sin 9 = 33.1 feet. . (By Eq. 7) d" = 18 — (3+7–H2) = 6 feet (most unfavorable). (do.) . d" = 18 — (3+8) = 7 feet (high tide slack). (do.) . d" = 18 – 3 = 15 feet (low tide slack). These computations show that the normal overlap of the ship on this tor- pedo will never be less than six feet, and that its extreme horizöntal distance from the vertical (only important from its effect on judgment firing) will not exceed aljout 33 feet. In other words, this pattern is well suited to the lo- cality in question. Conversely, the dimensions needful to fulfill certain desired conditions may be computed by the following formulae—of which a demonstration is given in Part II of General Abbot's Teport referred to above. MA. T 16 RIEL OF THE LOADING ROOM. 49 (11) . . . . r? – Ar” = A'. (12) . . A = 0.0469 3 + *– 170.7 W 1–72 as 2 /// / Y (13) . Aſ = " l, (0.5 +a" l!') +- C+88-|-l 536.2 VT-72 268.1 (14) . . . . . /, = ºr. As this computation (unless the one indicated above shows it to be unnecessary) is always to be made before ordering tor- pedoes for a special locality, an example will be given. The charge (C) is usually assumed at 100 pounds; but if it should ever be desirable to vary this weight, the formulae provide for so doing. EXAMPLE: NARROWS, NEW YORK. DATA: The minimum draft of the hostile armored ships is assumed at 18 feet; the extreme tidal range is 7 feet; the most unfavorable currents occur on the ebb within a foot of low water, when the velocity is 5 feet per second; a minimum water cushion of 3 feet over the torpedo is here admissable; the greatest low water depth in mid channel is 108 feet, giving: l = 108 – (4.3+. 3) = say 100 feet; the minimum normal overlap of the ship upon the tor- pedo may be taken at 4 feet; such a value of 8 should be assumed as will make the computed weight about equal to that of the service torpedo of corresponding equivalent radius, or say in this case at 15 to be subsequently revised. Hence; (By Eq. 7) . . . a = 18 — (3 + 4 + 1) = 10 feet. 100 — 10 • – 'YY “Y = 0.9. (By Eq. 14) ' 100 25 X 0.9 (By Eq. 12) . A = 0.0489.15+ → *== 1.006. - 170.7 4/1 – 081 25 × 0.9 (0.5–1–0. 13 × 100 × 0. 00 (By Eq. 18) A = ** (0.5–H 8x10 ׺), ºf = 2.249. 536.2 4/1 – 0.81 º - (By Eq. 11) . . . r" — 1.006 r? = 2.249. q = 1.74 feet. Next verify the correctness of assuming the value of 8 to be 15, as above. (By Eq. 4) . . w = 4t (1.74) * 15 + 78 = 649 lbs. The tabular weight (page 45) of a torpedo 41.8 inches in diameter (radius 1,74 feet) is about 690 pounds—showing that too small a value of 8 was assumed. Repeating the computation with s = 18 gives: (By Eq. 11) . . . r" — 1.146 rº = 2.249. q = 1.82 feet. . (By Eq. 4) . . w = 4r (1.82) * 18 + 78 = 827 lbs. The tabular weight (page 45) of a torpedo 44 inches in diameter (radius 1,83 feet) is 881 pounds. Hence this size is plainly indicated by the com- putations as demanded at this locality. Solving the above equations we have for the characteristics of such a torpedo: (13) 50 SUB MARINE MINING MA T'ſ, R.I.E.L. (By Eq. 6) a = t (1.82)” ––0.5 = 10.9 square feet. (By Eq. 5) B = 64 × 4 + (1.82)* = 1616. _ (10.9–1–0.13 × 100 cos & ).25 R rac, (By Eq. 8) tan 19 = 2[(1616–827–1–100-E100).] T 0.231 + 0.275 cos 9. Hence, & = 25° 36'. (By Eq. 9) a = 100 (1 — cos & ) = 9.8 feet. (By Eq. 10) 3) = 100 sin 9 = 43.2 feet. (By Eq. 7) d" = 18 – (3+ 10–1–1) = 4 feet (most unfavorable). (do.) d" = 18 – (3-H 7) = 8 feet (high tide slack). (do. ) d" = 18 – 3 = 15 feet (low tide slack). The large value of y is noteworthy; it clearly demonstrates that judgment firing must not be attempted with buoyant torpedoes planted in so deep water, The following table contains data useful for reference in making such computations. The results are first approxima- tions (not revised for exact value of 8). IDIMENSIONS ANI) ACTION UNI) ER V ARYING CONIOITIONS. | common R. . # * 3 # # | # 3. # #3 || 5 c | #~ | g = | #~ # # 3 & # ſa | #3 & #5 s ‘; a. Q) S ää | # 3 S- || @ 3 : S- 3 3 à || 3: § § ºr. = ſº * ſº *d E" }- £e !-- feet feet feet. feel. - feel. - feet. - ſeal. -- feel. 100 pounds . . . . 20.9 22.7 | 20.0 21.9 16.3 18.6 14.7 17.3 200 pounds . . . . 29.0 || 31.6 27.8 30.4 22.6 25.9 20.5 24, 1 500 pounds . . . . 44.9 || 48.9 42.9 47.1 35.0 40.0 31.7 || 37.3 Neither explosive gelatine nor gun-cotton is manufactured 82 $5 upon a large Scale in this country, and forcite gelatine is com- paratively a new product. Dynamite No. 1 is therefore still T II Jº Jº X. Pſ, O S T V ſº. 83 to be considered the explosive adopted in the United States submarine mining service, although it may very probably yield its place ultimately to explosive gelatine. These explosives, and many others, are discussed in Profes- sional Papers No. 23 of the Corps of Engineers and its two addenda, especially in the last. IIere, therefore, attention will be restricted to practical matters demanding attention when using them upon a large Scale. Since nitro-glycerine constitutes the basis of all of these explosives except gun-cotton, and since there is always a pos- sibility, in case of deterioration or careless treatment, of its exuding in a free form, that explosive will be considered first; although it is quite unfit in its fluid state for any service in W3]". Properties of Nitro-Glycerine. Nitro-glycerine, discov- ered by Ascaghe Sobrero in 1847, and introduced as a practical explosive by Alfred Nobel in 1864, is, at ordinary temperatures, an oily liquid having a specific gravity of 1.6. When first formed its color is a creamy white; but if made from clear gly- cerine, and allowed to stand for a period varying with the temperature, it becomes nearly colorless—often, however, show- ing a faint straw tint. It has a sweet pungent taste, and a hardly perceptible odor. It is poisonous, and contact with the skin before the system has become accustomed to its effects in- duces violent headache and other disorders which continue for several hours. It is very insoluble in water, but readily dissolves in ether and alcohol. The evaporation of the ether, or the ad- dition of water to the alcoholic solution, causes precipitation of the nitro-glycerine. Decomposition is liable to occur if the ex- plosive be exposed to acids or alkaline solutions. Strong light produces no effect. If thoroughly freed from the acids, nitro-glycerine exhibits no tendency to spontaneous decomposition, but if impure it de- mands the most careful attention. The changes in the properties of this explosive induced by changes of temperature, cannot be too thoroughly studied. - Exposed to cold in the fresh milky state, nitro-glycerine con- geals at from —3° to —5° Fah. (Hill); but in the usual clear condition, the change occurs at about 40 degrees Fah. This statement, in general true, is subject to modification in special cases, varying possibly with the amount of water retained in 84 S U B MA R TWE, MINING MA T'ſ RIET, . in the liquid. Frozen, it is a white crystalline mass which can be exploded only with the greatest difficulty. This fact is now universally recognized, and practical advantage is taken of it in this country to reduce the danger of transportation; but formerly it was claimed that, when congealed, nitro-glycerine is specially liable to detonation. Various reasons may be suggested to ac- count for so material an error in the results arrived at by the early experimenters. Thus nitro-glycerine being a very poor conductor of heat, and hence freezing slowly, may perhaps have retained its liquid state in the interior of the mass, and thus vitiated the observation. Possibly incipient decomposition, due to the presence of acids, may have exercised an exceptional in- fluence. Finally, different chemical compounds may have been subjected to experiment—for there are three nitro-glycerines, mono, di and tri, which possess different properties. Their formulae are: Mono-nitro-glycerine C a Ha (NO2) Oa. Di-nitro-glycerine Ca II, 2 (NO, ) Oa. Tri-nitro-glycerine Ca II: 3 (NO2) Oa. The latter is the only one which should be used, and to it alone reference is here made. - At ordinary temperatures, as already stated, nitro-glycerine is an oily liquid of stable composition; it becomes more fluid as the temperature rises. At about the boiling point of water, it develops a tendency to decomposition, and becomes slightly volatile. Champion reports the following as the results obtained by a Series of experiments upon effects produced by the instantaneous application of heat. At 365° Fah. ebulition, volatilization with liberation of yellow vapors. ‘‘ 381 ° ‘‘ slow volatilization. “ 392” “ rapid volatilization. “ 423” “ violent deflagration. “ 442° “ smart deflagration. ‘‘ 466° “ difficult detonation, “ 495° “ very sharp and violent detonation ‘‘ 513° ‘‘ feeble detonation. “ 549° “ feeble detonation with flame. “ Dull red assumes spheroidal state and volatilizes If ignited by a flame when unconfined and in the liquid state, nitro-glycerine burns with difficulty; but if confined, or if struck a heavy blow, it explodes with violence. If a platinum T H E E X P L () S I V Jø. 85 wire immersed in the liquid be greatly heated by a current of electricity, or if a succession of condensed sparks be caused to pass between terminals, one within and the other without the liquid, decomposition, indicated by reddish fumes and shortly followed by explosion, results. The explosion of 20 grains of fulminating mercury enclosed in a metallic cap, either within or near the liquid, induces detonation so excessively violent that tamping is of comparatively little importance—even the pres- sure of the air being sufficient to develop immense force. The chemical nature of the reaction varies with the means employed to effect the change of state. When detonated, the products are innocuous to health; but if the explosion be of a lower order, they are injurious. If it should become necessary to keep nitro-glycerine on hand, it is to be stored in a cool place, in open tin vessels and under pure water which must often be changed. When practicable, the frozen condition is always to be preferred. Any leakage must be carefully avoided; and emptied cans should be destroy- ed by exploding a fuze in them, as the film left behind is dangerous. Hill recommends for removing traces of nitro-gly- cerine, a solution prepared by dissolving flowers of sulphur in a solution of sodium carbonate; it causes a harmless decomposition. The only safe way to thaw frozen nitro-glycerine is by sub- jecting it to a very moderate heat—the best plan being to introduce the can into a vessel containing blood warm water. Experience has established that nitro-glycerine in the liquid form, is unfit for transportation, long storage, or in general for any use in the military service. Properties of Explosive Gelatine. Explosive gelatine in its strongest form consists of 92 parts of nitro-glycerine, gela- tinized by 8 parts of nitro-cellulose—the latter"prepared with special care. By adding from 3 to 5 per cent. of camphor the explosive is rendered proof against severe shocks—even against the impact of a rifle bullet. While this sluggishness is of the greatest advantage in field operations, it has little value in sub- marine mining. The addition of camphor slightly reduces the intensity of action and largely increases the difficulty of ignition. The trade article without camphor is therefore to be preferred. Explosive gelatine is delivered by Nobels' Explosives Com- pany, Glasgow, packed in 50-pound boxes. It is in the form of small cartridges, each wrapped in paper stamped with the name (22) 86 SUB MA R IN J. MINING MA. T.I., R.I.E.L. of the company. In appearance the explosive is fine in texture, being a transparent straw-colored jelly quite elastic to the touch. It is free from nitro-glycerine in the fluid form, even when strongly compressed, and no headache results from the handling. The specific gravity (paper removed) is about 1.53. Struck by a musket ball the uncamphorated compound burns and may partially explode. Ignited by a match it blazes with an intense white flame. When submerged under water in a rubber bag, it is exploded by sympathy at a distance of about 5 feet from a priming charge of one pound of dynamite No. 1–the corresponding range for the latter explosive being twenty feet. It is fully detonated by the service fuze containing 24 grains of mercuric fulminate in a copper cap. Like nitro-glycerine, explosive gelatine may vary greatly in its freezing point—sometimes only becoming a hard opaque solid when the temperature falls below zero of the Fahrenheit scale. In this condition it is much more easily detonated than frozen dynamite. Explosive gelatine is unaffected by water; but is dissolved in ether readily, and in alcohol with difficulty. Unlike the dyna- mite class no separation of nitro-glycerine from the base is caused by dissolving in ether. When the latter is evaporated the explosive gelatine reappears, but with a white opaque color which only changes to the usual straw color after a considerable lapse of time. The stability of the product furnished by Nobel’s Explosives Company has been tested by long storage under unfavorable conditions in India and other hot countries with satisfactory results; but the difficulties of liquification and exudation, sup- posed at one time to be traced to the nitro-cotton and corrected, are not yet certainly overcome. Some samples at Willets Point after continuing in perfect condition for nearly three years have exuded nitro-glycerine—others of the same lot remaining unchanged. Properties of Forcite Gelatine. Forcite gelatine is essen- tially the same explosive as the above, but slightly inferior in intensity of action. Its composition is stated to be 95 per cent. of nitro-glycerine and 5 per cent. of unnitrated cellulose. It is manufactured in this country while the other is not so at present; no long continued tests of its stability have been reported. T'II E EXPI, OSI V E. 87. The specific gravity of forcite gelatine is about 1.51; in color it is slightly darker, and in structure less delicate, than explosive gelatine; a tendency to exude nitro-glycerine appears at a tem- perature of 100° Fahr., long continued; when struck by a musket ball forcite gelatine explodes violently; it explodes by sympathy when submerged under water at a distance of 5 or 6 feet from a detonated priming charge consisting of one pound of dynamite No. 1–the corresponding range of the latter being 20 feet. For further details consult Addendum II to Profes- sional Papers No. 23 of the Corps of Engineers. Properties of Atlas Powder. This explosive differs from dynamite No. 1 only in its base, which consists of 2 parts of sodium nitrate, 21 parts of wood fibre, and 2 parts of mag- nesium carbonate. The percentage of nitro-glycerine, the in- tensity of action, and the general characteristics of the two explosives are the same. Properties of Gun-Cotton. The general characteristics of gun-cotton are so well known, and the probabilities of its use in our submarine operations are so small, that no detailed notice is required here. The Lenk long staple variety is quite superseded by that made by the Abel process. The latter is used in com- pressed discs or slabs varying in weight from half a pound to 25 pounds; also in a granulated form ; also in fine powder. In the compressed forin, fresh water may be absorbed to the extent of one quarter of the final weight without materially reducing the intensity of action when detonated; but a very powerful initial explosive is then needful to cause perfect detonation. The resulting safety in handling and storage often causes wet gun-cotton to be selected for military purposes; but its compar- atively low intensity, and the uncertainty of always producing an explosion of the first order, are objections to its use in submarine mining when good nitro-glycerine compounds are available. Wet gun-cotton should never be exposed to tem- peratures below 32° Fahr., because liable to disintegration in freezing. Properties of Dynamite. There are several kinds and grades of dynamite; that to which reference is here made is known as No. 1. It consists of 75 per cent. of nitro-glycerine and 25 per cent. of kieselguhr, a silicious earth found in Han- over and imported into this country because of its excellence as an absorbent of nitro-glycerine. It chiefly consists of infusorial 88 S U B MA I, IN E MINING MA T ſº I. I.F. L. envelopes, constituting a countless number of microscopic cells of great strength and retaining capacity. Although American bases are now largely used in this country kieselguhr is always to be preferred for the submarine mining service. It will absorb and hold 75 per cent. of the explosive; 7. e., the base is then truly saturated. A full charge is impor- tant—for experiments in France have shown that the rupturing force developed by an explosion, depends not only upon the absolute weight of the nitro-glycerine, but also upon the ratio of the actual to the saturated charge of the absorbent. It may happen that a less efficient absorbent fully saturated, will pro- duce more effect than a better absorbent undercharged, even if the latter actually contains more nitro-glycerine than the former. Undercharging the absorbent also exerts an extraordinary influence upon the sensitiveness of the mixture to detonation. Thus, with randanite (a French silicious earth) as the base, the following charges of fulminating mercury, contained in a metal- lic capsule, were required to produce certain detonation. With 75 per cent. of nitro-glycerine, 0.1 gramme. 4 & 70 { & { { £ 4 £ 4 0.2 { { § { 65 g & i & * { £ 6. (). 5 & £ ( & 60 § { { { § { { { 0.7 f : • 55 { { tº £ § { « g (). 8 s & { { 50 { { £ 4 4 { { { ().9 { { * { 45 & & { { { { { { 1 () & 4 Ičeducing the percentage of nitro-glycerine also lessens the susceptibility to explosion from a violent shock, like that of a bullet. Dynamite No. 1 has the appearance and consistency of heavy brown sugar; the gravimetric density, in pounds per cubic foot, varies from about 60 in the state of loose powder to about 90 when closely compacted. Dynamite usually freezes at about 40° Fah., becoming lighter in color. If it be in the compact form, it is then very difficult to explode; but in a loose powder it is readily detonated by the Service fuze, containing 24 grains of mercuric fulminate in a copper cap—requiring, however, a certain degree of confinement to develop its normal power. Being a very bad conductor of heat, the operations both of freezing and of thawing require considerable time. A certain amount of expansion accompanies the freezing of dynamite, while liquid nitro-glycerine contracts in freezing. T II E JE X PI, O S I V E . 89 IIigh temperatures tend to induce exudation of the nitro- glycerine from the kieselguhr, and should, therefore, be carefully avoided; increased fluidity is probably the cause. Like nitro-glycerine, dynamite burns quietly, without explo- sion, when ignited in small quantities by a flame or a hot coal. In large quantities, the heat generated by the burning mass may raise the temperature of the rest to a dangerous degree, and thus cause an explosion, probably of the second order. Charges from five to fifty pounds enclosed in light wooden boxes, have often been burned with safety; but when, on one occasion, the amount was increased to 12 boxes each containing 56 pounds, a violent explosion occurred about six minutes after the first ignition. Wetting has little or no effect upon the explosive force of dynamite, but a stronger igniting agent is required to ensure detonation. IIence the plan, adopted in submarine mining, of placing of the fuze in a water-tight can containing a priming charge of about one pound of dry dynamite, loosely packed around it; this priming charge never fails to detonate the entire IY) &SS. Although water does not lessen the explosive power of dy- namite, it does cause a separation of the nitro-glycerine from the absorbent, provided compacted cartridges be used. This may be seen by packing a little dynamite in the bottom of a test tube, and adding water. Very soon free nitro-glycerine appears resting upon the mass; and ultimately the whole or nearly the whole is thus removed from the kieselguhr. If the dynamite be in the form of loose powder, no such entire separa- tion of the ingredients occur. No free nitro-glycerine appears in the tube; but if the contents be poured out upon a sheet of tin, many small globules of free nitro-glycerine will be seen mingled with the kieselguhr. Wetting is, therefore, to be avoided in every case; but it is not so serious an inconvenience for the loose powder as for compacted cartridges. Although many of the characteristics of dynamite are those of the parent nitro-glycerine, it possesses some great advantages for the submarine mining service. These are: First. Exemption from danger of detonation from moderate shocks—which is due to the difficulty of transmitting the blow directly to the explosive when protected by its absorbent. For example, common wooden packing cases containing 50 pounds (23) 90 S U R MAIR IN E MINING MA TIſ, IRIE L. have been dropped 130 feet upon solid rock, without exploding the dynamite; and a like result has followed when a wooden box loaded with stone to a weight of 2 cwt. fell 60 feet upon a packing case containing a similar charge. In both instances the case was completely crushed. It should, however, be noted that the nature of the material in contact with the explosive exerts a great influence. Thus a smart shock of iron upon iron, always detonates a thin layer of unfrozen dynamite contained between the surfaces; iron upon stone often fails; iron upon wood never succeeds. At a tem- perature of 120° Fah. a less shock will suffice than at 60° Fah. A very violent concussion, like that of a musket ball fired at short range, produces certain explosion whether the dynamite (unfrozen) be enclosed in paper, cloth, tin or wood. The shock of a neighboring explosion transmitted through water to dyna- mite enclosed in paper or other yielding envelopes, may cause explosion at long distances. Even a service mine may thus ex- plode its neighbor, if the shock develops sufficient energy to crush the metallic case. This subject is fully discussed in Professional Papers, No. 23 of the Corps of Engineers, page 122. Second. Reduced danger in case of spontaneous decomposi- tion from impurities. This advantage is probably due to the fine granulation, which affects the transmission of the heat of decomposition through the mass. Third. Security against leakage or spilling of the nitro- glycerine, if proper precautions against exudation be taken. Fourth. Susceptibility to detonation, even in a frozen state, when care is observed to prevent the mass from becoming Solidly compacted. Proof Tests. As sold by the American companies, dyna- mite is delivered in wooden boxes each containing 50 pounds. These boxes are of half-inch pine, with covers held by screws, and they are lined with stout oiled paper. The outside dimen- sions are 12 x 12 × 18 inches. For the submarine mining service, it is needful to specify in giving the order, that the powder shall be supplied loose, and shall be made from kiesel- gu/ºr imported from //anover; otherwise it will be sent in the form of compressed cartridges, which are usually preferred for blasting purposes. If these boxes are to be stored in magazines, it is well to give them a coat of paint to exclude moisture. T'Iſ E EXPI, OSI VJJ. 91 I3efore accepting a large lot of dynamite from the contractors, it should pass the following tests. To verify the purity of the nitro-glycerine, wash a sample of the dynamite in distilled water, and boil a portion of this water taken from the top of the vessel—suspending in the vapor a strip of blue litmus paper; the latter will redden if free nitric acid be present. Or, test a portion of this water with paper prepared with starch and a little iodide of calcium; a blue color will indicate free acid. If decomposition be more advanced, it may be shown by suspending a strip of the paper moistened in distilled water over the surface of the dynamite. Very active decomposition is made evident by reddish nitrous fumes easily recognized by the smell. In such a contingency great care must be observed in handling, and the material must be promptly burned in small quantities. That the proper percentage of nitro-glycerine has been in- corporated with the absorbent, is ascertained by accurately weighing a small sample, burning out the nitro-glycerine, and weighing the residue; the loss should be seventy-five per cent. Another method is to dissolve the nitro-glycerine from a weighed sample by several washings in ether, and then evaporate the solution. The weight of the base carefully dried, added to that of the free nitro-glycerine recovered from the etheric solution, affords a check upon the accuracy of the test. The Austrian War Office has prescribed the following test of strength before acceptance for the military service. A car- tridge weighing 3.70 ounces, 0.95 inches in diameter and 6.22 inches long, is laid on the middle of a plate of wrought iron, 0.51 inches thick and 6.22 inches wide, resting 19 inches above the ground upon solid supports 23 inches apart. When the dy- namite is detonated with a service fuze, the plate must be bent to an acute, or at least to a right angle. > The precision of this test must depend upon the quality and uniformity of the iron; and it cannot be considered a safe abso- lute standard. For instance, trials at Willets Point with a supe- rior quality of metal gave the following results, the prescribed conditions of the Austrian test being exactly fulfilled. With a charge of 3.7 ounces the included angle was 131°; with 4.3 ounces it was 126°, the back of the plate showing incipient cracks; with 5.0 ounces the angle became 60°, the back of the plate being broken. The blow in this test is so sudden, that the 92 SUR MA R IN E MINING MA T'ſ, R.I.E.L. bending seems to be governed by the number of over strained fibres. - For the U. S. Service, the standard test for intensity consists in detonating a few charges, selected at random from the boxes and each weighing 3 pounds, in similar water-tight tin cans lashed centrally in a four-foot ring suspended vertically 35 feet below the surface, in water about 70 feet deep. The work performed by each shot is measured upon six dynamometers rigidly attached to the ring; and a comparison of the mean of the results with the standard indication, shows accurately the quality of the shipment. The standard indications for these tests (3 pounds in four-foot ring) are: Dynamite No. 1 and Atlas Powder. . . . . . . . . . 15,714 pounds. Explosive Gelatine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,250 “ Forcite Gelatine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,880 “ Gun-Cotton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,713 “ For a detailed description of this mode of testing, consult Professional Papers No. 23 of the Corps of Engineers, page 14. The following are the official English tests (1887) for lique- faction and exudation, applicable to explosive gelatine, gelatine dynamite, forcite and analogous preparations. “For LIQUEFACTION. A cylinder of blasting gelatine is to be cut from the cartridge to be tested, the length of the cylinder to be about equal to its diameter, and the ends being cut flat; the cylinder is to be placed on end on a flat surface without any wrapper, and secured by a pin passing vertically through its centre. In this condition the cylinder is to be exposed for one- hundred and forty-four consecutive hours, to a temperature ranging from 85° to 90° Fah. (inclusive) and during such ex- posure the cylinder shall not diminish in height by more than one-fourth of its original height, and the upper cut surface shall retain its flatness and the sharpness of its edge. If the blasting gelatine and the gelatine dynamite to be tested be not made up in a cylindrical form the above test is to be applied with the necessary modifications.” “For LIABILITY To ExupR. There shall be no separation from the general mass of the blasting gelatine or gelatine dynamite of a substance of less consistency than the bulk of the remaining portion of the material under any conditions of storage, trans- port, or use, or when the material is subjected three times in T II E EXPI, O S I V E. 93 succession to alternate freezing and thawing, or when subjected to the liquefaction test herein-before described.” Needful Precautions, Modern high explosives are justly claimed to be safer to handle than gunpowder, but there are certain rules which cannot be violated with impunity. The tre- mendous power developed by the explosion even of a few ounces, renders the occurrence of small accidents highly im- probable; and those whose duty it is to work with them, should remember that no margin is left for ignorance, carelessness or stupidity. The precautions to be observed in manufacture, do not come within the scope of this Manual; those pertaining to transpor- tation, storage, and use will be considered in turn. IN TRANSPORTATION. Provided they be of good quality, all the explosives under consideration properly packed in light wooden boxes, are quite safe against any shock to be expected in ordinary or even rough handling, whether shipped on rail- ways or steamers. If decomposition or exudation of free nitro-glycerine has occurred, this is no longer true. Where the tests before starting have shown that the nitro-glycerine is in good condition, neither of these dangers is to be apprehended, wnless the temperature be allowed to rise to an eaccessive degree. This matter, therefore, should always receive attention. On steamers, a well ventilated place remote from the engines should be selected; and on railways, if the weather be hot, good ven- tilation and ice in the car, so placed that no water can reach the explosive, are useful precautions. On the other hand, it is desirable to prevent freezing to avoid the inconveniences of thawing. In winter, therefore, care should be taken to protect the boxes against exposure to low temperatures; packing in straw or sawdust may be useful. Under no circumstances should cases of fuzes be placed in the same car, or anywhere in the vicinity of the explosive. Water should always be kept away from dynamite and Atlas powder, to prevent a possible exudation of nitro-glycerine; with cartridges this precaution is highly important. In the case of a conflagration, there is usually no danger of ex- plosion with small quantities of high explosives; but this is far from true with large quantities. In the official trial in England, already mentioned, a mass of 672 pounds of dynamite No. 1 exploded after burning fiercely for a few moments. (24) 94 S U B MA. If I WJJ MINING MA. T ſº I, II, L. IN STORAGE. High explosives should always be stored in cool magazines in which the temperature does not fall below 45° Fahr., and where there is no dripping of water. Damp air, except with Atlas powder, is not injurious. The boxes should be placed on skids; and if kept long on hand, they should be occasionally inspected and tested in the manner already described. The usual precautions against fire should be taken ; and if any of the powder be spilled on the floor, it should be removed at once. No fuze must ever be allowed in the magazine. IN ITANDLING. Nitro-glycerine is an active poison, but is only dangerous when introduced in considerable quantities into the circulation. An instance is on record, where ten drops were swallowed by a man without endangering his life. Smaller animals have been killed, after a lapse of a few hours, by small injections under the skin. Unfortunately, the skin readily absorbs nitroglycerine; and until the system has become accustomed to its effects, the results, varying with the individual and exposure, are headache, vertigo, nausea, intoxication and general lassitude, which often continue for several hours. Similar effects, caused probably by inhalation of vapor or of floating particles charged with nitro-glycerine, occasionally follow from working with dynamite in a close room. Good ventilation, and avoiding any absolute contact with the powder, are, therefore, precautions which usually com- mend themselves after a little experience. The hands should always be washed thoroughly before eating; and it is well to use weak potash lye or strong soap, followed by a second bath in pure water. Habitual workers with nitro-glycerine become proof against the injurious effects—a continuous experience of a couple of weeks being in general sufficient. No satisfactory antidote for nitro-glycerine poisoning has yet been found; cold water applied to the head, and strong coffee taken internally, are sometimes recommended. *The Austrian engineer prescription consists of acetate of morphia mixed with white sugar, always to be administered by a physician. A dozen doses are prepared by mixing one or two grains of the acetate with two drachms of sugar. IN LOADING. Torpedoes should always be loaded in light. wooden buildings, well ventilated; the floor should be frequently swept, and the sweepings including paper wrappings should be * || 0 | < |S on who V} Onowad. ſºvº & H. *~~~~ 'ſuwet Awww.ºvº, 0. oCº A- tu LJ- sºsºr cº-ot, Raº. Ovvv, c. Č-wav, , wºvew Moveev 44 vºv cº-co, ºva… ºvae....…a. WK, T H E Jº X P I, O S I V AE). 95 burned in the open air. Extremes of heat and cold are unfav- orable conditions. No acids or alkalies should be allowed near the explosives, and above all no fuzes. The latter are as dan- gerous as matches in a powder magazine. No unnecessary fire must be permitted in the vicinity. It is true that small quantities of these high explosives ignited by a spark or flame, burn away harmlessly; but, as already remarked, the result is different if the quantity be large enough to give time for the heat of the burning portion to raise the rest of the mass to the temperature of explosion. Disastrous accidents have been traced to this peculiarity as a probable cause; and it is, therefore, well to have no larger supply in the loading room than is necessary for immediate use. The thawing of frozen explosives near a stove is strictly pro- hibited. The best method is to leave the boxes open for several hours in a warm room; but if time be lacking the contents, in open water-tight cans, may be placed in warm water no hotter than can easily be borne by the hand. Dynamite must never be exposed to shocks or violent com- pression between two metals. This rule is specially to be remembered in loading torpedoes, where care must always be taken that none of the material remains in the screw threads. The funnels are made long enough to project entirely through the loading holes; but examination in every case should be made to see that both the male and female screw are free from particles of dynamite, before attempting to close the can or torpedo. That none of the powder should be scattered about the floor or among the tools, is self evident. Any exudation of free nitro-glycerine must be carefully avoided. It is not likely to occur at ordinary temperatures; but, as with other oils, warmth promotes fluidity. For this reason a loaded torpedo must never be left exposed to a hot sun; the heat of the confined air rises to an extraordinary degree under such circumstances in a few minutes. Accordingly, the torpedo must be placed in the shade; or, if this be impossible, it must be covered with blankets kept wet by frequent additions of water. Nitro-glycerine which has exuded from its absorbent, recovers all its dangerous properties; and this rule is, therefore, imperative. If there be any chance that the temperature of the sea water may fall below 45° Fahr., care must be taken in loading the 96 S UI; M.A. R.I.N.J.; MINING MA TF RIE. L. torpedo, and especially in priming the fuze can, that the dyna- mite is left loose without any packing. In this state it is certain to detonate when the fuze explodes; while if packed solid, as in cartridges, a failure might occur. Special care is requisite that the fuzes are deeply embedded in the priming charge of the fuze can. On one occasion, at Wil- lets Point, a buoyant torpedo which had remained for several months in the channel failed to explode when the fuze was fired. Examination showed that the latter had been left at the top of the can, and that the constant rocking in the waves and currents had caused the frozen charge to settle fully an inch away from it; hence the explosion of the fuze, although violent enough to drive a hole through the tin can where the copper cap had chanced to touch it, failed to ignite the dynamite from want of actual contact. A second fuze, properly placed, produced a violent detonation, the dynamite still remaining frozen. SHIPPING DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS. The following data will be found convenient in storing, packing and shipping submarine mining matériel. Whether additional outer packing boxes should be provided will depend upon the distance and mode of shipment. Materiel of the Casemate. This generally consists of light articles which require special care in packing and handling. Operating Boales. Each is packed in a separate case; ex- ternal dimensions of case 25 × 10 × 9 inches; weight about 36 pounds. Fring Battery. Two 10-cell boxes are packed in one outer case; external dimensions 30 × 24 × 14 inches; weight about 300 pounds. Signal Battery. Packed according to pattein. Wheatstone Dial Telegraph. Each packed in a separate very light case; external dimensions of case, 17 × 12 × 9 inches; weight about 27 pounds. Tool Boſe A. Dimensions 19 × 10 x 8 inches; weight about 25 pounds. The Smaller /nstruments. All may be packed in one case, 22 × 20 × 14 inches; weight about 100 pounds. Materiel of the Loading Room. This consists of arti- cles many of which do not require boxing. In storage, torpe- does, etc., can be so packed together as to occupy much less D IME W.S TO WS A WID WEIG II TS. 97 space than would appear from the extreme lengths here given, which include the bales of the caps, etc. Buoyant Torpedoes, model of 1875. All sizes of this pat- tern are 334 inches in diameter at the flange; the lengths and weights vary as follows: No. 32; from lowering to anchoring ring, 4.3 feet; weight, 300 pounds. No. 40; & 4 6.0 “ ‘‘ 615 No. 43; £ 4 & 4 4 & & 4 6.8 4 & & & 760 “. No. 46; ( & & 4 & & 4 & 7.8 C & & g 925 & 4 No. 48; ( & £ 6. & & g & 8.5 & C £ 6. 1050 g & Charge Bags. In ordinary packing boxes—size according to number shipped. - Self-acting Mine Caps. Diameter at flange, 13 inches, and at top, 9 inches; extreme length, 13 inches; weight, 50 pounds. Ground Mine Buoys, model of 1875. Diameter at flange, 29% inches; length from lowering to anchoring ring, 4 feet; weight, 230 pounds. Ground Torpedo, model of 1876. Diameter at base, 40 inches; extreme height, 25 inches; weight, 1350 pounds. Switch Boa. Each box is 5 × 5 × 2 inches in the clear, and weighs 9 pounds. They are packed in cases of convenient size. Circuit Closers and Regulators. Circuit closers are packed by the dozen in cases, 14 × 11 × 6 inches in outside dimensions; weight, 54 pounds. Circuit Idegulator Plugs. A case containing 200 of them occupies 20 × 16 × 11 inches, and weighs 70 pounds. Jºgger's Vise. Each occupies a space 16 × 14 × 4 inches, and weighs 39 pounds. Tool Boa; B occupies a space 24 × 14 × 9 inches and weighs about 50 pounds. Tool Boa; D occupies a space 24 × 11 × 9 inches and weighs about 35 pounds. The other small utensils and supplies needed in the loading room, are packed according to convenience. Materiel of the Boat Service. This also includes many articles which do not require boxing. Mine Anchors. Anchors differ in size and weight according to locality. The standard 1000-pound pattern is 26 inches in diameter and 10 inches thick. Four of them may be placed in a pile 36 inches high. Insulated Cable. Multiple cable is stored in half-mile lengths; and single conductor cable, in two-mile lengths. Both are (25) 98 S U B MA R IN E MINING MA TF RIE. L. coiled on cylindrical drums 4 feet in diameter and 4.5 feet in length. A drum of multiple cable weighs 2.1 short tons; and of single conductor cable, 2.3 short tons. Wire Mooring Jēope. A coil containing 1000 feet weighs about 925 pounds. Drum, Frames. These frames, without drums are 7.8 x 4.7 × 2.5 feet in outside dimensions and weigh about 500 pounds. Junction Boazes. Small single junction boxes occupy 8 × 5 × 44 inclies space and weigh 14 pounds; large single junction boxes occupy 10.5 × 7 × 6 inches space and weigh 39 pounds; triple junction boxes occupy 14 × 14 × 13 inches space and weigh 102 pounds; grand junction boxes occupy 19 × 19 × 12 inches space and weigh 161 pounds. Junction Boaº Buoys in form are double cones united at the base—extreme length, 31 inches; maximum diameter, 22 inches; weight, 64 pounds. They are of thin metal, and must be stowed away carefully. Planting Buoys. These also require care in handling. They are spheres 10 inches in diameter, with two rings each pro- jecting about 24 inches. Their weight is 3 pounds. Tool Boa C. occupies a space of 24 × 11 × 9 inches and weighs about 50 pounds. (JIIAPTER IV. FIREE2A ERATORY SHOERE DUTIES. DUTIES OF THE COMMANDING ENGINEER: locus of the circuit regulators; use of deteriorated cable; requisitions; local administration.—DUTIES OF THE ELECTRICIAN: the leading wires; adjusting the testing apparatus; setting up the batteries; adjusting the disconnector; adjusting the judgment firing key; adjusting the operating boxes; adjusting the plates for sea cell tests; testing the fuzes; adjusting circuit closers and circuit regulators; testing the loaded mines; testing the insulated cable; adjusting dial telegraphs.--DUTIES IN THE LOADING ROOM: buoyant mines, to prepare the compound plug, to charge the torpedo; ground mines, to prepare the compound plugs, to charge the torpedo; self-acting mines, to make safety rings, to prepare a safety break, to encase the battery, to charge the torpedo; to charge a main line switch box; to charge a skirmish line switch box; to charge a switch box for judgment firing.—LOADING ROOM DRILLS FOR BOAT SERVICE.-Insu- lated cable, jointing the core, making a turks head, completing the joint; the moorings, to insert thimbles in wire rope, to attach a cable stop.–TIME REQUIRED FOR LOADING ROOM. DUTIES AND DIRILLS. Upon the approach of hostilities, officers of Engineers will be selected to direct the planting and operating of the submarine defences at the channels to be obstructed. They will be provided with specific orders and plans showing the number and location of the mines; and will make requi- sition upon the Battalion of Engineers and the Engineer depot, for instructed enlisted men and the needful matériel. The present chapter is devoted to this early period of the work, before operations upon the water begin ; it includes mem- oranda for the Commanding Engineer and Electrician, and a complete drill for use in the loading room. DUTIES OF THE COMMANDING ENGINEER. His requisitions will first demand the attention of the Com- manding Engineer; but before they can be drawn up correctly, he must settle one matter which has been left undecided in the approved local projects of the Board of Engineers. Locus of the Circuit Regulators. The normal and sim- plest arrangement with buoyant mines, is to place this mechanism inside the torpedo; and with ground mines, directly over it in a separate buoy. This disposition is liable to the objection that 100 S UIR MA R IN E MINING MA 7'ſ RIE L. if an effective outrigger torpedo catcher can be devised, the mine may perhaps be exploded so far in front of the ship as to do her no vital injury. Three points in this connection are to be borne in mind. Fºrst. The explosion of a single torpedo in contact with the outrigger cannot fail to destroy it, leaving the naked hull to receive the shock of the next mine; and the groups are so arranged that no vessel can pass the obstructed zone without striking several mines. Second. The operator by judiciously manipulating the firing battery switch of the key-board box, can delay the explosion until the ship has over-ridden the mine—unless the catcher be so planned as to grapple and carry off the torpedo or buoy, which with our smooth spherical pattern would be hard to cer- tainly accomplish. Third. By the device of placing the circuit regulator in a separate buoy moored from 70 to 100 feet in rear of the charge, the ship will be over the latter when the catcher touches the former; and hence the shock of the explosion will be delivered precisely where desired, in spite of any such plan of protection. This well known fact must render the efficacy of outriggers so doubtful that ships in motion will rarely be encumbered with apparatus liable at any moment to render them unmanageable. It will be for the officer, after considering the conditions of his special problem, to decide what proportion, if any, of his mines shall be planted with detached regulators—for which pro- vision has been made in planning the details of the system. The objections are increased time and labor of planting, difficulty in discriminating between leakage in the torpedo and in the buoy by the electrical tests, and additional cost. When the method of detached regulators is to be used with ground mºnes, one anchor and a few extra feet of single con- ductor cable and lowering rope, will be required for each of them. With buoyant mºnes, the following extra articles are re- quired: 1 anchor, 2 shackles, 2 thimbles, 1 wire mooring rope, a little extra single conductor cable and lowering rope, 1 ground mine buoy, and 1 ground mine compound plug to take the place of the usual pattern issued with the buoyant torpedo. The fact that a sufficiency of torpedoes provided with two clamps on the Gaps are in store must also be ascertained. D UT'ſ E S () R' (; O M M A N D J W G Jº W G IN E E R . 101 Use of Deteriorated Cable. In one contingency, not un- likely to occur, a radical modification may be necessary in the projects of the Board of Engineers, and hence in the requisitions for matériel, viz: when from deterioration in store the supply of insulated cable is insufficient for the demand. In such a case judgment firing may have to replace automatic firing. If possible this change should be restricted to ground mines; which will then be planted without buoys, and with the con- ductor attached beyond the fuze, to the fuze-can wire. This arrangement is serviceable because the mines can be exploded at will through defective cables. As this is a very important matter it will be submitted to mathematical analysis. , Let C denote the whole current given off by the battery, of which the electromotive force is E and the internal resistance R, ; 6', that traversing the torpedo; 6", that escaping through the fault, which for simplicity will be assumed to be local; r, the resistance between the battery and the fault; t, the resistance between the fault and earth at the torpedo; f, the resistance of the fault; r", the resistance between the battery and earth at home. Then : -(15) . . . . . C = 6'. -- 6". - * , t (16) . . . . c" = 6' -. f (17) . . . . C = E , - - R, + r + r + -ºſ- . t -- f' Combining these equations and reducing: (18) . . fi o' t (R, + r.' + r.) © E – c' (R, + r + r + t) By the aid of Eq. (18) it is easy to find the minimum resis- tance of a fault situated at the distance (r) from a given firing battery, which will not prevent the firing of a torpedo charged with a fuze that requires, for detonation, a known current (e'). For example, with a service firing battery of 100 Leclanché cells, and a range of one mile, let the resistance of the worst ad- missible fault be determined—supposing it to be situated, first, at no sensible distance from the battery; and second, at no sen- sible distance from the mine, assumed for simplicity to be a single torpedo. The resistance of the earth-plates may each be (26) Af 102 SUB MA IA IN E MINING MA. T.I., R.I.E.L. taken at 2 ohms, that of the disconnector at 2 ohms, and that of the fuze at 1 ohm. The value of c' for the service fuze (there being no cut-off with purely judgment mines) is 0.5 ampères; but, for safety, it will be called 0.6 ampères. Hence: " – 0.6 × 15 (30 + 4) J = Higº 0.6 (30 + 4 + 15) f = 0.6 × 3 (30 + 4 + 12) T 145–0.6 (30+4+12+3) This computation proves that, in the case above supposed, many feet of the submerged copper strand might be bared in any part of the cable, without endangering the explosion of the torpedo when acted upon by the firing battery. Hence, if ig- nition were the only matter to be considered, high insulation in the cables used in submarine mining, would be of little importance. So defective a cable, however, could not be used for automatic firing, for the signal battery would constantly throw on the firing battery from the leakage through the cable, whether the circuit regulator remained open or closed. If the passage of a current through a defective cable had no tendency to increase its faults, it would be easy to fix precisely the limit at which automatic firing becomes inadmissible. Thus, with a signal battery of normal strength the insulation resistance may fall to 500 ohms without causing the automatic apparatus, as usually arranged, to act; and, with special devices which will hereafter be explained, this resistance may safely be allowed to diminish to about 250 ohms. Such cables, however, would rapidly deteriorate under the action of a battery; and they could only be used for automatic firing with very great chances of failure. In general, if the insulation resistance per mile has fallen much below a tenth of a megohm, the cable should be consid- ered unfit for automatic firing, and the mines must be set for judgment firing. Requisitions. The heavier articles, such as torpedoes, an- chors, etc., are usually stored at the harbors to be defended : other articles are at the Engineer depot at Willets Point; others are to be bought. Information on these points will be had at the depot. The detail of engineer soldiers will also be made there by the Commandant, guided by the records on file showing the = 2.6 ohms (leak near battery). = 0.7 ohms (leak near torpedo). D UTIES OF COMMANDING ENGINEER. 103 classification and special aptness of every soldier for this duty. The following lists of articles indicate what will be needed. They are based on the minimum personnel, only able to work on one grand group at the same time, and to supply a Sergeant and 12 men for duty in the loading room. If a larger force can be had, the requisition should be increased for articles marked with a Star. For convenience in packing and unpacking, separate lists are prepared for the mining casemate and the loading room. When this plan causes the name of an article to appear more than once, the total number required is added in brackets. Pulky sup- plies for the casemate, other than chemicals, will usually be stored in the loading room. LIST FOR MINING CASEMATE. 1 keyboard box. 1 multiple cable box for each grand group. 1 set of mine numbers—consecutive from unity to the total number of magnets in the operating boxes. 1 set of printed slips for the opera- ting boxes, (11 for each multiple cable box and 14 for each key- board box). . 1 set of casemate cable tags for each multiple cable box, and 6 for each keyboard box. 1 disconnector. 1 hundred-cell firing battery (un- filled). 1 signal battery (unfilled)—to suit the circuits. 1 judgment firing key. 1 firing battery resistance coils. 1 Siemens universal galvanometer. 1 four-coil Bradley galvanometer. 2 switches—one for each galvanom- eter. 2 double button switches. 1 double plug switch (usually issued in Siemens galvanometer case). 2 reading microscopes. 1 bridge rheostat. 1 reversing key. 1 six-cell testing battery (unfilled). 2 large binding posts for testing table. * 25 screw cups. 1 set of earth plates for sea cell tests (zinc, copper, and galvanized iron). *4 dial telegraph instruments. * 6 speaking telephones and alarums. * 1 service detector with battery un- filled (6 in all). *2 Submarine Mining Manuals (6 in all). 4 Abbot's Notes on Electricity. 4 copies of the pamphlet on the switch-board automatic apparatus, printed on the Battalion press in 1878, should it become necessary to issue this old pattern. They are in depot at Willets Point. 6 Daily test books—form printed at Willets Point. * 6 note books (12 in all). 1 small balance and weights. 1 tool box A. 1 set of bar magnets—strong. 1 amalgamating dish. 2 wire amalgamating brushes. 1 iron mercury spoon. 2 battery syringes. 2 acid mixing pots. 2 acid ladles. 1 melting dish for paraffine—porce- lain lined. 6 glass funnels, assorted. 6 pipettes, assorted. 104 SUR MA R IN E MINING MA 7'ſ IRIE L. 12 evaporators, assorted. 2 graduated glass measures (8 oz.). 500 feet of leading wire for case- Illilt,0. - 200 feet of braided cotton wire for cir- cuit regulators (No. 19 B. W. G.) 100 feet of rul)ber insulated wire gauged to fit hole of an inch in diameter—for self-acting mines. 10 pounds of large staples, assorted for cable shaft and cable drums. 1 pound of small staples for leading wires in casemate. 2 yards of standard platinum fuze wire for operating boxes. 2 sheets of emery paper—finest made. 1 chamois skin. 2 pounds of pure mercury for oper- ating boxes. 100 pounds of commercial mercury. 50 pounds of paraffine. 10 pounds of resin. 10 pounds of beeswax. 5 pounds of marine glue. 5 gallons of wood spirits. 1 gallon of asphaltum varnish. 1 quart of Prench varnish. 4 ounces of vermilion. 1 gallon of sulphuric acid. 1 gallon of hydrochloric (muriatic) - acid. 100 pounds sulphate of copper. 100 pounds Sal ammoniac. 5 pounds of sulphate of zinc. 1 pound of alum. 2 pounds of special solder (lead 25, tin 12, bismuth 50, cadmium 13). 5 pounds of common solder. 5 pounds of white sugar for self- acting mines. 1 pound of gum arabic for self-acting mines. 1 pint of resin or kidney oil for self- acting mines. LIST FOR LOADIN (; ROOM. * 3 tool boxes B (4 in all). 1 tool box C (4 in all). * 3 tool boxes I) (8 in all ). * 5 socket wrenches (6 in all ). *10 levers for socket wrenches (12 in all). * 3 Service detectors with batteries unfilled (6 in all ). *4 Submarine Mining Manuals (6 in all). 4 copies of pamphlet of Aug. 1874, if old model (1873) torpedoes are to be used. *4 photographs of loading connec- tions. * 6 note books (12 in all). * 3 sets of 6-inch blocks and falls for slinging torpedoes. * 2 riggers' vises (6 in all). * 2 thimble clamps (6 in all). 1 large bench vise. * 3 crowbar3. * 1 heavy mallet. 12 stiff brushes for applying red lead to 8Crew threads. * 3 funnels for loading torpedoes. * 3 large scoops for ditto. * 3 funnels for loading fuze cans. * 3 small scoops for ditto. Compound plugs—1 for each tor- pedo. Charge bags—1 for each torpedo. Split keys extra–1 for each torpedo. Circuit regulators—21 for each grand group. Circuit regulator plugs—21 for each grand group. Circuit closers—1 for each skirmish mine. Special torpedo caps—1 for each self- acting mine. 2-cell firing batteries—1 for each Belf-acting mine. Safety breaks—1 for each self-acting mine. Circuit closers, inverted—1 for each self-acting mine. Mine switches—7 for each grand group and 1 for each skirmish mine. J) UT'I E S () F (7 O M M A WI) ING JEW (; I WJ} E R . Service platinum fuzes—3 to each mine (1 extra). Service cut-offs—2 to each mine (1 extra). Gutta percha loading wire (No. 14 B. W. G. insulated to fit #1-inch hole)—10 feet for each mine. Rubber packings—200 to each grand group. Brass gland washers—200 to each grand group. Rubber jointing strips—10 half- pound rolls for each grand group. Rubber tubing for joints—100 feet for each grand group. Rubber tubing for cut-offs—100 feet. Rubber tubing for self-acting mines (# an inch in internal diameter) —25 feet. Rubber bands for self-acting mines (half-inch by 2 inches)—1 groS8. LIST FOR BOAT SERVICE * 1 large tug fitted for handling mines. * 5 large row-boats—1 grand junc- tion, 3 triple junction, and 1 for Commanding Engineer. * 1 large lighter? * 3 tool boxes C (4 in all). * 5 tool boxes D (8 in all ). * 1 tool box B (4 in all ). * 1 socket wrench (6 in all). 2 levers for ditto (12 in all ). *4 riggers' vises (6 in all ). *4 thimble clamps (6 in all ). * 5 earth plates for boat use. 2 grappling irons. * 3 binocular field glasses. 1 large telescope. 2 railroad transits. 1 100-foot chain. * 2 cable drum frames, with empty drums and axles complete. * 6 signal flags. * 2 service detectors with batteries unfilled (6 in all). 6 Chesternan's metallic tapes—100 feet. *2 sounding lines—graduated in feet. 105 Rubber cement—6 boxes. Brass jointers—1 pound (500) to each grand group. Sheet lead, of an inch thick—two square feet for each buoyant, and one for each ground mine. Sheet zinc–10 pounds. Fine cotton cloth–1 yard to each 21 ground mines. 25 pounds of white lead ground in oil. 10 pounds of red lead, dry. 6 hanks of twine for each grand group. 1 ball of linen thread—for self-act- ing mines. 1 pot of tallow. 100 pounds of cotton waste. 12 sheets of emery paper, coarse as- sorted. 1 gallon of lubricating oil. AND MISCELLANEOUS. Buoyant torpedoes—according to project. Ground torpedoes—according to pro- ject. Ground torpedo buoys—according to project. Junction box buoys—8 to each grand group. * 6 planting buoys. . Mine anchors—according to project. * Extra anchors—4 500-pound mush- rooms for junction box boats. Grand junction boxes—1 to each grand group. Triple junction boxes—7 to each grand group and 1 to each skir- mish mine. Single junction boxes, large—2 to each grand group. Single junction boxes, small—5 to each grand group. Insulated cable, multiple—according to project. Insulated cable, single conductor, iron armor—1 mile for each grand group, and 2 miles for each skir- mish line. - (27) 106 S U R MA R IN E MINING MA T K R II, L. Insulated cable, single conductor, steel armor—1 mile for each grand group and 1 mile for each skirmish line. Insulated cable, single conductor, defective—for telegraph and gun wires, according to locality. Turks head collars, large—6 to each grand group. Turks head collars, small—5 to each mine. Cable clamps—according to circum- Stances. Shackles—2 large and 2 small for each mine. Extra split keys for ditto—2 for each mine. Thimbles—3 to each mine. Annealed galvanized iron wire, No. 12 B. W. G.-75 feet for each mine. Wire mooring rope, #-inch—accord- ing to numbers and depth. Local Administration. * Lowering and buoy rope—3-inch tarred hemp, length according to circumstances. { Braided cotton line, 13-inch, for planting buoys—500 feet. Lashings, 2-inch rope—1 coil. Marline (in 25 lb. coils)—1 pound (about 200 feet) for each torpedo. * Cod line—1500 feet. Clasp knives, naval—2 to each En- gineer soldier. The explosive—100 pounds to each buoyant mine, and 250 pounds to each ground mine. Apparatus for electric light, com- plete—according to circumstances. Hundred-cell Bunsen or Grove bat- tery—according to circumstances. Two carboys of nitric acid—accord- ing to circumstances. One carboy of sulphuric acid—ac- cording to circumstances Having reported with his party to the Commanding Officer of the fort from which the mines are to be operated, the Commanding Engineer will first make arrangements for a mining casemate and a suitable loading room; and will satisfy himself that sufficient wharf accommodations are available to plant the mines in the manner proposed; he will then organize his laborers and procure his flotilla. - The Engineer detachment is detailed solely for performing the skilled labor required in loading and planting the mines. The number of ordinary laborers needed to transport the tor- pedoes, etc., to the loading room, and thence when charged, to the wharf; to supply the explosives in boxes, in small quantities as needed; to do the manual part of laying the telegraph and gun wires; to load the material on the vessels for planting; and in general, to perform all the unskilled labor on shore, will de- pend very much upon the locality. To handle the flotilla will require sailors, and especially good oarsmen, but the actual number can only be determined on the spot. The average force needful for rapid work is estimated at from thirty to fifty men. The organization of the flotilla will be a matter of no slight importance. When Congress has provided funds for putting our chief harbors in a proper state of preparation for defense, JD UT'ſ Jº S () };" O'O M M A WJD IN G, E W G IN E EIR. 107 one or more special vessels for planting mines will be kept in each of them housed on ways, ready to launch at once. Such vessels should be about 85 feet long and 20 feet beam, with a draft of about 5 feet. Their weight empty should be about 90 tons. The essential requirements are great facility for man- ouvre, and especially for backing, ample deck room, convenient steam crane and steam windlass machinery, space below for storage of torpedoes and anchors, a speed (at least 9 miles) sufficient for ready handling in our strongest tidal currents, and entire sea-worthiness in the roughest water where mines can be planted. With such a vessel, the work can be done much more rapidly than with any which could be chartered in an emer- gency; but, if it be necessary to charter, the above conditions should be fulfilled as nearly as practicable. For each grand group to be planted independently, one steam vessel, one grand junction box boat and three triple junc- tion box boats should be provided—also a steam launch or yawl to transport the officer in charge of the work. The size of these boats will depend on the depth of water and strength of cur- rent to be encountered. In ordinary harbors they should be large and strong enough to carry a 500-pound mushroom anchor slung at the stern, and should have sufficient buoyancy to ride nearly vertically over it in the strongest tides. Such boats can be chartered with good crews of about four men each, in any of our principal harbols. In deep water and rapid currents, barges large enough to carry a 1000-pound mushroom anchor with a crew of six or eight men, will be necessary. Usually wharf facilities will be deficient at our forts; more- over, much time will be saved in planting by having the mines near at hand. Hence, barges with deck room for the matériel of one or more grand groups should be provided, to be anchored in the vicinity of the work. Each grand group is a unit, but with a skilful and well trained electrician, two may be planted simultaneously. A good party in favorable weather and at a favorable locality, should plant a grand group in from one to two working days. Upon this basis, and the urgency of the case, the size of the flotilla should be determined. Having made arrangements for chartering his flotilla, the Commanding Engineer should select his base lines for locating the grand junction box boats, for controlling his movable fish 108 S U B MA R IN E MINING MA 7'ſ RIE L. torpedoes, and if necessary, for operating the mines by judg- ment. The length of these base lines may usually be determined with sufficient accuracy from the map received from the Engineer Department to indicate the positions of the mines. As soon as time permits, a special map should be prepared to show the zone covered by the mines, the borders being subdivided and graduated to correspond with the graduation of his two theodolites, upon the system prescribed for the mapping drill in Chapter VI. His own station in action will be the same as that occupied by the Post Commander and Chief of Artillery. This station and the mining casemate should be connected electrically. For such land lines, single conductor torpedo cable too much dete- riorated for use under water, will serve every purpose. - The selection of the guns to be used for automatically flanking the different grand groups, the arrangements for sweeping the channel with the electric light, and any needed preparations for operating fish torpedoes controlled from the shore, will not be overlooked. The best position for a friendly steamer passage through the mined zone must be considered, and how it shall be prepared— whether mined as usual, or left unmined, or defended by judg- ment mines, or closed with ground mines which do not expose vessels to any possible danger of cutting through the cases into the dynamite by blows from their propellors. The nature of the channel and the amount of passing must decide this matter. Dummies are an essential feature of a complete system of submarine mines. The extent to which they can be used and their character, must be determined by the Commanding En- gineer on the spot. A series of heavy anchors or blocks of stone connected by short taut ropes well tarred and planted in front of and between the grand groups, will delay countermining and afford much protection against the operation of steam launches by night. Insulated cable, especially multiple cable, soon beds itself in the muddy bottom of most of our harbors, while hemp rope will not do so. When time permits, this expedient should never be neglected. Efforts should be made to deceive the enemy’s spies as to the location of the mines, and to give them an exaggerated idea of the extent of the system, by planting false buoys and by opera- ting in waters beyond the actual zone to be defended. JD Uſ T / ES OF T H E E L E G T R J (JIA W. 109 The moral effect of the concealed dangers should be increased by every practicable device—even the extreme expedient of blowing up one or two worthless vessels of our own, in a manner to cause the belief that they were destroyed accidently in pass- ing a mined area, may be worthy of consideration in emergencies, such as an unexpected arrival of the enemy before the channels can be fully closed against him. All these matters are left to the discretion of the Commanding Engineer. DUTIES OF THE EIECTRICIAN. The first duties of the Electrician will be to start any car- penter work needed to equip the casemate; and then to unpack his apparatus and inspect it for injuries which may have oc- curred in transit. Two intelligent enlisted men should be detailed as his assistants. - All being right, the testing apparatus should be set up first; but as soon as possible thereafter, the operating and other ap- paratus must be prepared. The calls from the loading room for tested articles will soon begin; and, for a time, there should be great activity in the casemate. The Leading Wires. The diagram of casemate connec- tions (Plate VIII) will sufficiently recall the general arange- ment of the leading wires; noting that the earth wire—a piece of uninsulated copper or galvanized iron wire stapled round the edge of all the tables, and in good metallic connection through- out—will serve its purpose at first, without any earth attachment. As soon as a submerged armored cable is led into the shaft, however, the ends of all its iron wires should be scraped, united by a copper wrapping twisted round each separately, and placed in permanent connection with this earth wire. The electrical resistance of such an earth should not exceed two or three ohms; but the joint in the shaft must be soldered to ensure its retaining this low figure—a matter of the very first importance in sub- marine mining. Adjusting the Testing Apparatus. Very little time is required to prepare this apparatus for use. The Bradley galvanometer needle should be released by low- ering the stop, and the zero line should be carefully placed in the magnetic meridian. By shifting the pin, any one of the four coils can be thrown into the circuit as desired. One of the (28) 110 SUB MARINE MINING MA TFIRIE L. reading microscopes is habitually kept on the table by this galvanometer. The Siemens universal galvanometer is adjusted in a similar manner. Short flexible wires should always be used in imme- diate contact with its binding posts, and the bridge wire must be carefully wiped and never touched with the fingers. The needle is released by the screw at the base of the glass cylinder, near the letter B. The top screw must only be touched in ac- curate adjustments; and never without, at the same time, watch- ing the needle through the reading microscope. The levelling screws are to be set so that the needle is seen to hang clear of its surroundings; and the top is revolved until the needle points to zero. The travelling box of this galvanometer should be kept inverted over the instrument when not in use, to preserve it from dust. Setting up the Batteries. The subject of batteries is so fully treated in Chapter II of Abbot's Wotes on Electricity, that little need be added here. The six-cell testing battery, if of the Leclanché pattern, is prepared by opening the cover, inserting about a fluid ounce of pure water into each cell, and replacing the corks. The battery should then be ready for immediate" service. Its internal re- sistance should be from 10 to 5 ohms per cell; any sluggishness will probably be due to excessive internal resistance, which can be corrected by cleaning the zincs. If the testing battery be of the chloride of silver pattern, the cells should be about two-thirds filled with an aqueous solution of zinc sulphate—12 ounces to the quart. The service detectors issued for the party are all to be pre- pared by the electrician. The slide in the back part of the box is opened; the two cells are carefully withdrawn; a fluid ounce of pure water is inserted in each, half in each hole; the cells are re-corked, sealed with resin and beeswax cement, replaced and wedged in position; and, finally, the internal leading wires are connected. The resistance of these cells should be about 6 ohms each ; that of the galvanometer coils is about 120 ohms. The instrument is ready for immediate use so soon as these adjust. ments are made; but it must never be tipped, and the circuit between its exterior binding posts must be left closed no longer *, ł z 1 tº g tº - than necessary. Sluggish action is corrected as above. DUTIES of TIII, II, ECTR 101A N. 111 To set up the firing battery, the sawdust packing is removed; the cells are taken out, and their connections filed bright; two cork stoppers are removed and eight fluid ounces of pure water are poured into the filling holes through a glass funnel. This should be done slowly and carefully to avoid overflow, and most of the water should be put into the hole leading to the zinc compartment. After carefully replacing the corks and wiping away any water remaining on the tops of the cells, they are put back into the boxes and connected in series by the straps provided for that purpose. The action of sal-ammoniac upon copper is rapid and destructive; much care, therefore, should be taken to keep the connections dry. Experience has shown that the sal-ammoniac packed round the zinc plates gradually absorbs dampness, and coats them with hard and nearly insoluble crystals, probably oxy-chlorides. By thus covering the surface of the metal, they may increase the internal resistance of the cell from its proper value (about 0.3 of an ohm) to an ohm or more, and thus destroy the efficiency of the firing battery. Should this be found to have occurred, each cell must be opened and the zinc be cleaned and re-amalga- mated. Great care is needful in removing the sealing material to avoid breaking the top of the ebonite jar. The crystals ad- here strongly to the zinc ; and the latter should be treated with a mixture of equal parts of hydrochloric and sulphuric acids, diluted with about 8 parts of water, and be well scraped. These crystals attack all charged forms of the Leclanché battery whether wet or dry; and for long storage, no charged pattern should be purchased. After the battery has been set up it will require no attention except the adding of fluid, and perhaps the removal of these crystals, at intervals of several months. Any difficulty will usually be traced to an increase of internal resistance, and not to a loss of electromotive force. The mode of setting up the signal battery, and its treatment, will be governed by the pattern supplied—its carbon pole will be at once connected to earth through the disconnector as indi- cated on the diagram (Plate VIII). Adjusting the Disconnector, Wind it up and see that it is in perfect order. Provision is made for varying the posi- tion of the projection on the wheel, so that the breaking of the signal circuit may occur more or less promptly as desired. 112 S U B MA R IN E MINING MA TF RIE L. This adjustment should be made very fine, only allowing about 4, of a second for the interval. As soon as time allows, the correctness of this adjustment should be verified as follows. Connect one end of a leading wire to a torpedo post of the key board box, and the other end to the top plate of a circuit closer; connect the metallic base of this circuit closer by a leading wire to one wire of a fuze, the other wire making earth; call this circuit A. Arrange a second circuit B from another torpedo post of the key board box to earth in precisely the same manner. The object proposed is to make the explosion of the fuze in A instantly close the circuit closer in B. This may be accomplished by supporting the latter on a stout wire thrust through the wrench hole, with the circuit closer axis inclined as much as possible without closing the electrical cir- cuit. It is supported at this inclination by a piece of thread attached near the top plate. The middle of this thread is tied round the outer end of the fuze in circuit A, so that the ex- plosion will cut the thread and thus allow the circuit closer in B to tip over and close its circuit. • Now switch on the firing battery, and with the hand close circuit closer A–thus exploding the fuze in A, and very quickly thereafter closing the circuit closer in B. Unless the break in the disconnector has opened before the latter is accomplished the second fuze will also explode. If it has opened, this fuze will not explode until the bell stops ringing—thus verifying the delicacy of the adjustment of the break. This is made evident by considering what occurs when a circuit closer is closed by the shock of a mine explosion in the vicinity. When the primary explosion occurs: (1) the fuze ex- plodes; (2) the charge explodes and communicates a shock to the surrounding water; (3) this shock is transmitted through the water to the neighboring mine; (4) the motion thus caused in its circuit closer (in any inclined position of stability) may possibly close its circuit; (5) should this be the case, it allows the signal battery to flow, thus moving the armature in the operating box, closing the circuit of the firing battery, and ex- ploding the second mine. In the above test all these operations succeed each other in the same order, except that (2) and (3) are omitted, and that the position of the circuit closer is much more favorable for quick action. Hence, if the projection on the wheel be set fine enough to save the second fuze in the above J) UT'ſ JWS () ſº TPI ſº ſº I, ECſ 7" ſº I (J J A W. 113 test, ample time will be given for the safety of its neighbors when a torpedo explodes. No practical difficulty will be found in this adjustment. & Adjusting the Judgment Firing Key. See that the springs work properly; place sufficient mercury in the contact cups to ensure good circuits through the bridge wires, in both positions; lastly, verify the low resistance of these circuits by actual measurement. Adjusting the Operating Boxes. The internal adjust- ments of the key-board and multiple cable boxes are identical. They consist in attaching the mine numbers and, if not already done, the printed labels; in inserting a platinum wire in the test clips; in introducing mercury into the cups, and regulating their relative levels; and in attaching the leading wires other than those of the mines. The distance between the clips (ºr of an inch ) should be verified by measurement, and if necessary be corrected. To do this, remove the six large brass screws and lift out the false bot- tom by the diagonal binding screws; this will expose the adjusting nuts. - The cups are next examined ; and, if found to be too dirty on the inside to ensure a good mercury contact, they are cleaned with a die-sinker's file from tool box A ; or, if necessary, are re- moved from the box and thoroughly polished. They may be detached by loosening the armature pivots, and removing the four screws holding the standard to the false bottom—after which they can readily be unscrewed and taken from the box. As they are nickle plated, this will rarely be necessary. The box is now moved to its permanent place on the table ; the zinc pole of the signal battery is connected through the dis- connector; and its switch is turned to the automatic post. The single cups are next filled about half full of pure mer- cury, and by unscrewing are adjusted to such a height as to give a good contact with the single pin when the number drop is set. The cups should not be raised too high, lest the screw contact be made defective. A small pipette, or a folded paper, or a wooden spoon prepared with the knife, is convenient in inserting the mercury. The double cups are now charged in like manner, great care being taken to regulate the level so that the bridge cannot touch the mercury in them until the single pin has fully emerged, and * (20) 114 SUB MA RIN E MINING MA T'ſ RIE. L. that it plunges in deeply when an earth wire is applied to the torpedo post. * One of the leading wires from the bridge rheostat is now temporarily attached to the firing battery post, and the other leading wire in succession to all the gun posts. No sensible re- sistance should be shown when the corresponding bridges are inserted in the mercury. The temporary wires are aſ once re- moved when this test is completed. The zinc pole of the firing battery is now attached through the judgment firing key to its post in the key board box, and the firing battery resistance coils are connected as shown in Plate VIII. The carbon pole of the firing battery is united to earth through the judgment firing key and the disconnecter. Finally, the platinum wire is to be inserted in the test clips. Wind a few inches on a bit of paper; holding this in the left hand, engage the loose end in the nearest clip and clamp it with the right hand; draw the wire tightly down into the other clip, and clamp it; deposit the bit of paper near by, where it can cause no false contact. A set of printed labels should be issued with each box. If not already in position, they are to be pasted on the top edge (each opposite the corresponding binding post), and on the levers of the battery switches. A good paste for this purpose is made as follows. Dissolve one-fourth of a gill of alum in enough cold water to make a syrup; mix very thoroughly with 1 pound of flour; cook over a slow fire, frequently stirring the mixture until it becomes very thick; when cold, it remains un- changed for a long time. For use, add enough cold water to bring it to the requisite consistency, and apply with the finger. When the labels have partially dried, protect them with a coat of shellac or French varnish. The box being now ready for use, should be tested in the manner prescribed in the next chapter under the heading “daily tests.” Should any of the magnets prove sluggish, remove the false bottom and adjust the distance between the soft iron cores and armature more perfectly. The permanent leading wires connecting the testing apparatus with the key board box being attached, and the different boxes being united as shown in Plate VIII, the automatic apparatus is ready for service. I) U 7'ſ ſº S () ſº 'ſ' Iſ // JE I, Jº (; 7" R / O J A W. 115 Adjusting Plates for Sea Cell Tests. It will be needful for certain tests to have available in the casemate good copper, zinc and galvanized-iron home earth plates. These plates should be submerged in Sea water, easy of access, and secure against mechanical injuries—-conditions not always easy to fulfil. Usually a wet hole will be found or can be made in the cable gallery, where they may be placed connected by leading wires with the casemate. Care must be taken that they do not touch each other and they must frequently be cleaned. If no suitable place can be found for such plates in the sea, the following expedient may be adopted—but it is not favored unless absolutely necessary. Fill a glass jar in the casemate with clean sea water; insert in it a small coil of the galvanized armor of the multiple cable, connected by a leading wire with the home earth. This water may be assumed electrically to form part of the sea, and the auxiliary plates needed for the test may be inserted in it as de- sired. Such plates should be removed and wiped dry at once when the test is finished, and the water should often be renewed. Before regular work can begin in the loading room, a supply of tested fuzes, cut-offs, circuit closers and circuit regulators must be received from the electrician, who should give his per- sonal attention to providing them. Testing the Fuzes. The first test of a fuze is to see that no circuit exists between the wires and the copper cap. This is ascertained with the service detector, which should exhibit no deflection of the needle. The resistance of the platinum must then be accurately de- termined ; it should be about 0.7 ohms—including the copper resistance of the fuze wires, but excluding that of the leading wires, carefully measured for the purpose. Any variation ex- ceeding 0.1 of an ohm in either direction, * any fluctuation in resistance, or other unusual electrical indication, and any visible defect or flaw, should cause the fuze to be rejected. The resistance of fuzes may easily be measured within less than one-hundreth of an ohm, either by the bridge rheostat— *It should be understood that this rule rigidly applies only to fuzes and cut-offs in (tetual service, inhere absolute certainty as to the normal condition is essential. Variations of 0.1 or even 0.2 of an olam may be caused by slight errors in the length of the bridge which produce no sensible effect upon the current required for ignition. Any fluctuation of resistance under test implies defective soldering and is a fatal defect. 116 SUR MAI. IN J. MINING MA TÉ RIEL. using the Siemens universal galvanometer connected as a sine for balancing; or, directly, by the bridge of the latter. In either case, one cell of the festing battery supplies the proper current. These fuzes are highly dangerous if exploded accidentally, and care must always be observed in testing them. It is well to place them in the cable shaft—in a stout box to prevent the flying copper fragments from injuring the cables. If the bridge rheostat be used, 10 ohms should be unplugged on the right, and 1,000 ohms on the left side; the amount un- plugged in balancing, divided by 100, will then give in ohms the total resistance of the fuze and leading wires. With the Siemens bridge, the shunt plug should be carefully inserted in the 10 hole, the 100 and 1,000 holes being plugged. When the needle is balanced, the resistance of the fuze and lead- ing wires in Siemens assumed ohms (see Abbot's Wotes on Electricity, page 90), may be taken from the table without multiplication. The cut-offs must be tested with similar care, and in precisely the same manner as platinum fuzes. The electrical resistance should be 0.7 ohms, and no variation exceeding 0.1 ohm must be allowed (see foot note on page 115). Adjusting Circuit Closers and Regulators. These in- struments will often be issued wholly, or in part, adjusted for service. If incomplete, it will be the duty of the electrician to assemble the several parts; and, under any circumstances, he must make the final tests prescribed below. A little red lead mixed with boiled linseed oil and made wer/ thºok, or, better still, white lead ground in oil and thickened with red lead, is prepared. The face of the base is polished with chamois skin, and if not already so secured is red-leaded into the cylinder—marks being first inade so that the set sorew hole may fall in the riſ/// place. The red-leading should be thorough, not forgetting to put a little in this hole. The set screw is then inserted, care being taken that it does not touch the brass jacket. If any red lead appears round the inside edge of the base, it is to be very carefully wiped off with chamois skin. The face of the cap is next polished with chamois, and the Small screw tested to see that it is firmly in position. Any in- dication of rust on the steel springs must be very carefully removed by scraping with a knife and touching with kerosene. I) Uſ T'ſ ES OF T II E ſº I, E! O'T' ſº I (? TA N. 117 Next apply a coat of thick red lead round the screw, leaving fully a quarter of an inch newt the face clean, start the cap in the threads of the cylinder, and, with the regulator on its side, revolve the former until the contact piece is clamped; turn the screw backward about three-quarters of a revolution ; finally, try if a sudden jerk will cause the contact piece to stick at any point of the circumference. If so, turn the cap back a little more, and repeat until no sticking is possible. Now place one detector wire on the zinc disc, and the other on the base; and, tipping and revolving the mechanism, note if the circuit closes properly in every position. If so, put a little thick red lead in the hole and turn the set screw firmly into position, being careful that it does not touch the brass jacket of the cylinder. This set screw burrs the theads against which it abuts, and accordingly it must never be set home until it is to be permanently ºn position. Next test on an operating box, by uniting wires from a tor- pedo post and earth to the zine disc and the base. The signal battery being on the automatic circuit, and the firing battery off, the instrument should work perfectly as in a torpedo. Finally, insert a braided cotton wire, No. 19, B. W. G., 11 inches long, through the hole in the cylinder, and attach one end closely to the zinc disc by one of its screws. The other end, after passing through the small hole in the base, is to be tested with the detector for no contact with the base when the in- strument is in a vertical position. The sumall hole in the base (if a circuit closer) is then well plugged with melted paraffine, and the slack of the wire is neatly coiled away in the base chamber. The junctions of the cylinder with the base and the cap, the ends of the brass jacket, and the set screw holes are now to be well coated with resin and beeswax cement; and the brass jacket is to be painted with asphaltum varnish. When the lat- ter has been dried before a gentle fire, the instrument is ready for use as a circuit closer, i. e., on a skirmish line, or in any mine which is designed solely for automatic action. For the general case, where either automatic or judgment firing may be desired, it remains to examine and insert the plug which transforms the circuit closer into a circuit regulator. The resistance of the circuit between the small screw and case is first measured ; it should be about 4500 olims, more or (30) 118 S U B MA R IN J. MINING MA T K R II. L. less. The small screw is then removed and the ebonite cap is unscrewed. The movable part is examined to see that it is en- tirely free from rust, that it moves freely, and that it is strongly magnetic—if not, it should be taken out and remagnetized by rubbing the two halves alternately with the opposite poles of a very strong magnet, beginning the strokes at the middle and moving outward ; great care must be taken to give the proper polarity, i. e., the curved (firing) end should be rubbed by that pole of the magnet which attracts the north seeking end of a galvanometer needle. When strongly magnetic it is re- placed and delicately adjusted by the friction pin (this has a screw head and is often mistaken for a screw). This adjust- ment requires patience and a delicate touch. If the spring presses too hard, a failure to fire will result; if too lightly, the little magnet may make permanent contact, and compel the rais- ing of the mine. There is no trouble in finding the mean between these extremes if the officer be accustomed to the handling of instruments. The plug is next tested by uniting the case through about 100 ohms in the resistance coils to earth, and clamping the small screw upon a fine wire leading from a torpedo post—the corresponding gun plug being in, the counterpoise off, and the firing battery switch moved for the instant of the test to its automatic post. Holding the plug upside down (in its normal inverted position) it should now work perfectly when the lever of the judgment firing apparatus is reversed. It is absolutely essential to unplug about 100 ohms in the circuit, and to let go the lever promptly (thus breaking the low resistance circuit), to preserve the plug from serious injury in this test. It is also well to reduce the firing battery to about 50 cells, to ensure delicacy in the adjustment. Having passed this test, the ebonite cap and small screw are replaced ; the ebonite cap must be screwed down gently; if set hard home it is liable to disarrange the adjustment just inade, and thus cause a failure in firing. The screw at the solid end is tightened, if necessary; and its cavity is filled with resin and beeswax cement. The junction of the brass case and ebonite cap is then coated with the latter. The threads of the base screw are next coated with thick red lead, and the plug is firmly screwed into the base of the circuit closer; after which the bight of cotton wrapped wire is bared I) UT'ſ ES OF THI H, J, L E O TR I (? IA W. 119 for a short distance, twisted round the small screw of the plug, and the latter is set gently home. A little slack must be left, lest the wire be injured in uniting the regulator to the com- pound plug. Next verify the operating box test, as above. Finally the space around the plug is filled with melted paraffine, first closing the wire hole to prevent the fluid from escaping. The regulator is now placed in a vertical position, and a measurement is made to see that the resistance of the circuit between the free end of the fine wire and the base remains the same as before; and that when on its side, this resistance is sen- sibly zero. If so, the regulator is ready for the loading room. Testing the Loaded Mines. When the mines are to be used in actual service, it will be advisable to mark and submit them to a more delicate test than is possible with a detector. A double insulated wire extending from the casemate to the load- ing room is needful. In this test the gun plugs should be withdrawn, the signal battery should be reduced if of low internal resistance, and the firing battery should be detached entirely from the operating box. The electrician must give this matter his personal atten- tion; with ordinary care there is no possible danger, and the test is an important one. In the loading room the sergeant tags the mines, and attaches one of the leading wires to an A wire (or to a D wire, the E and F wires being united temporarily by a short leading wire) and insulates the joints in air. The other leading wire he at- taches to the buoyant torpedo or buoy by jamming the end between a split key and slot of the cap, filed bright for the purpose. In the casemate, one leading wire is put to earth; and the other, to a torpedo post of an operating box set to report the striking of the mine without exploding it. No circuit should be shown when the torpedo receives as much motion as it will be likely to experience in the waves and currents; while a violent tip should work the apparatus. The leading wires in the casemate are finally shifted to the delicate testing apparatus; and the vertical resistance, less that of these wires, is carefully recorded, with the designation of the torpedo. This resistance, which should be about 4500 ohms, will be a useful element in the future testing, if the electrician be kept informed as to the marks of every mine as planted. 120 S UB MA R IN E MINING MA T'ſ. R TEL. Testing the Insulated Cable. As soon as practicable after its arrival from the Engineer depot, unless its serviceable condition has been recently verified, the insulated cable should be tested for conductivity and insulation. The conductivity should be tested first. This is done by re- moving the wooden strips and tarred canvas, and measuring the resistance of the copper strand—using the 6-cell testing battery, and the Siemens universal galvanometer and bridge rheostat. The resistance should be about 11 ohms per mile. Should no circuit be shown, about half the cable should be wound on the spare drum, and cut; and each piece should be again tested. By continuing this operation the break must soon be found. If time allows, the insulation resistance should be approxi- mately measured in the manner prescribed in Chapter IV of Abbot’s Notes on Electricity, article “Insulation by deflec- tions”—using the whole firing battery, and Siemens universal galvanometer connected as a sine. The following rough test must under any circumstances be applied. The copper wire at the inner end should be very carefully insulated with rubber wrappings, in the manner prescribed for making a joint—this includes not only the bared end, but also any part of the exposed core which looks as if it had received an injury. Unwrapping a sufficient portion of the free end, the drum should now be submerged in salt water. A leading wire, connected to the zinc pole of the signal battery, should next be attached to the free end of the copper strand, the junction being wrapped with rubber to avoid any possible contact with the iron armor. The coke pole of the battery is then connected, through the 150-ohm coil of the Bradley galvanometer, with an earth plate submerged in the salt water. If no circuit be shown after the drum has been allowed to soak for a few moments, the cable may be considered to be sufficiently good for service. In applying this test to a multiple cable, each copper strand at the inner end should be separately insulated; and the whole seven at the free end should be united and attached to the bat- tery wire. If a deflection of the needle be observed in the test, it may be due to some local injury, or to a general deterioration at- tributable to the time during which the cable has lain in store. A comparison of the results obtained with several drums may throw light upon the matter. 1, U TIES IN LOA DIN (A R 00 M. 121 If a sensible defect be indicated, and especially if a violent deflection of the needle points to the existence of some bad fault, the drum should be removed at once from the water, and preparations should be made to ascertain exactly the locus and character of the difficulty. This subject is so fully treated in Chapter IV of Abbot’s Motes on Electricity, article “To determine the locus of a fault,” that little need be added here. Time will usually be saved by applying the Varley and Murray tests at once. Should the locus prove to be near the middle of the cable, general deterioration may well be feared. To decide the matter, the free end should be wound on the spare drum; the cut should be made; and each part should be again tested in the same manner. If faults near the middle be again indicated, it may usually be assumed that the drum is bad throughout; and the actual insulation resistance should be measured with the bridge, to determine the disposition proper to be made of the cable. t If, after the cutting, one piece prove good and the other show a fault near the new end, a local injury is indicated ; which may usually be found by passing the cable through salt water in the manner laid down in Chapter IV of Abbot's Wotes on Electricity—article “Rude practical tests.” In this opera- tion, too much care cannot be taken to prevent the end of the copper strand from coming in accidental contact with the water or iron armor; or the revolving contact at the drum from be- coming wet or even damp. Great loss of time, and useless cutting of the cable, may result from a neglect of these precautions. All of the insulated wire which is to be exposed to salt water in the cable gallery, or elsewhere, must be tested in the manner just described—and, in every case, the whole of a coil must be tested for conductivity before any cutting. Adjusting Dial Telegraphs. The electrician should see that all the dial telegraphs are in good order before issue—for this, full directions are given in Abbot's Wotes on Electricity, Chapter VI. - DUTIES IN THE L()ADING ROOM. Under this heading will be included the mechanical operations required for preparing the mines in the loading room. Such (31) 122 SUB MARIN / MINING MA 7'ſ R Iſ L. operations are: the preparation of compound plugs for tor- pedoes, both buoyant and ground; charging torpedoes, both buoyant and ground; preparing self-acting mines; and charging mine switches (three modes). The loading room should be placed in charge of a sergeant of Engineers, selected for his knowledge of the subject and his skill in the command of men. IIis duties are to keep his de- tachment busy in such parts of the work as each is best fitted to perform, detailing and transferring men between the squads for this purpose as he deems best; to see that no accident occurs from carelessness or neglect ; to make the electrical tests and the prescribed examinations in person ; to keep himself in- formed as to the general progress of the work, so that no part may fall behind and thus create delay; and finally, to allow no. unauthorized persons in the building. It is needless to say that his duties are onerous and responsible, and that he should be encouraged to communicate freely with the Commanding En- gineer as to every detail. In all these drills the men are supposed to be regularly num- bered in squads of four, and to be equipped with the full loading room outfit prescribed above. At the outset, every man should be individually questioned, to test his familiarity with the precautions prescribed in Chapter III for handling the explosives. - The following instructions and drills are applicable to the approved models of the spherical torpedo (1875) and of the ground torpedo (1876). When the models of 1873 are used, reference should be made to the pamplet printed on the Bat- talion Press in August, 1874, entitled Torp Edo DRILL For LOADING TOOM AND BOAT SERVICE. Copies are in depot at Willets Point, and should be issued if old model torpedoes are stored at the localities where mines are to be planted by the party. Buoyant Mines--to Prepare the Compound Plug. In actual Service, all the screws and washers of the compound plug are to be put together with white lead ground in oil and thick- ened with red lead, and the set screws are inserted; in drills this may be omitted. The following are the duties of each member of the squad. Mumber 1 prepares the connecting wires, in sets, accurately to the following lengths (Plate IX, figure 6). Wire A, insulated J) UT'ſ ſº S I W J, O A /) / W (, Iº () () M. |23 with rubber or gutta percha, and carefully gauged to fit the gland (which is 0.2 of an inch in diameter), is 18 inches long. At one end, the copper conductor is bared for # of an inch ; the strand is firmly twisted with the pliers, and the surface bright- ened with a file. The adjoining insulation is next cut into a tapering conical form, so as to expose a surface at least half an inch long, which must be left untouched with the fingers, in order to preserve it free from grease. Wire C is of No. 19, B. W. G., and is insulated with closely woven cotton braid. It is 11 inches in length, and is perma- nently attached to the circuit regulator by the electrician. The free end is bared for an inch and brightened by Wumber 1. The following are the rules for putting together the com- pound plug (Plate IX, figure 2), for use in either automatic or Judgment firing. Mumber 2, after brightening the terminals, connects the two fuzes by a telegraph joint, closely inade, and attaches wire A as follows: Wire A is held horizontally, bared end to the right; one bared end of the fuze wire is placed parallel to and along- side of the latter, and both are firmly held together with the pliers, which should grasp the outer end of wire A for of an inch and the fuze wire near the insulation; the latter wire is then tightly wrapped round and round the former; the of an inch at the end of wire A is next bent back and hanmered down, so as to expose no sharp ends; wire C and the free end of the fuze wire are connected by a telegraph joint. The work is then carefully examined by the non-commissioned officer and submitted to an electrical test—which should show a good circuit between the end of wire A and the zinc plate, and a poor one between wire A and the base of the regulator when the latter is vertical. All exposed copper joints are next covered with rubber wrap- pings, beginning well back on the insulation. The strips are applied under strong tension, each turn overlapping the pre- ceeding by about one-third of the width. This winding is continued forward and backward, sometimes in a straight and sometimes in a diagonal direction, until a substantial insulation is secured. Mumbers 3 and 4 disconnect the parts of the compound plug. They next pass the unbared end of wire A down through the top of the fuze can ; introduce the fuzes into the can ; smear 124 SUB MARINE MINING MA. T.I., R.I.E.L. the screw of the circuit regulator with red lead ; and force it firmly home, being careful not to tangle the fuzes in the ground wire of the can. - They next fill the fuze can loosely with dynamite, allowing none to adhere to the screw, and seeing that the fuzes are well covered; smear the screw threads with red lead ; force the cap as firmly as possible down upon its lead washer with the S wrench, and set the set screw home—this is imperative, for plugs have come apart in torpedoes from its neglect; slip up on wire A, in the order named, a false seat (if one be necessary to reduce the hole to a diameter of 4% of an inch), a rubber pack- ing, a brass washer and a gland; smear the packing with tallow and force it into the stuffing box; draw wire A up until the joint is near, but below, the rubber packing; move up the washer and gland, and force the latter firmly home, using the S wrench. They must be careful to leave no fault in the in- sulation, especially outside the gland. If the packing be hard, Žt may be softened by pounding. These rules are general for all gland packings. t Mumbers 3 and 4 next finish closing the compound plug as follows:—Wire A is pushed up through the lower tube and plug proper; the former, red-leaded, is screwed hard into the fuze can, and the set screw is set home; finally, the false seat (if necessary as above), the rubber packing, washer, and gland are inserted in the manner already prescribed. The compound plug is now ready for its final electrical test by the non-commissioned officer, who will see that afterward it is handled carefully. When the plug is held vertically in its normal position the test should show a good circuit between the end of wire A and zinc plate, and a bad one between the former and the fuze can. If it be laid horizontally, however, the last named connections should show a good circuit. If the circuit described as bad proves to be good, the difficulty will usually be remedied by tapping the side of the regulator smartly when vertical. For purely automatºo fring, (as on skirmish lines) the com- pound plug is charged identically in the manner just described; but, as the circuit regulator plug is omitted, the tests will differ by showing no circuit in place of the bad circuit. If judgment fring only is intended, the free fuze wire is attached to the ground wire of the can ; and no circuit regulator J) UT'ſ ſº S / W L O A D MAW (; Jº () () M. 125 is needed. Its hole remains filled with the wooden plug, which should be well red-leaded in position and coated with melted paraffine. The tests should show a good circuit between wire A and the compound plug, in any position. Buoyant Mines--to Charge the Torpedo. Two strips of 5-inch scantling, about 3 feet long, are spiked to the floor parallel to each other and 3 inches apart. The middle of the support thus formed is hollowed to roughly fit the curvature of the torpedoes. - The latter, numbered to correspond with the plugs withdrawn to be loaded, are lying in the vicinity with the caps loosely attached. Mumbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 roll a torpedo to the loading blocks; insert the crowbar through the lowering ring; tip it into posi- tion; and chock it with two bevelled strips of 2-inch plank laid across the blocks. They next remove the cap, using a blunt cold chisel to start the keys, and replace the washers, nuts and keys on their bolts. Mumbers 1 and 2 now steady the torpedo, while Mumbers 3 and 4 apply the large wrench and remove the annular plug. They invert it upon a table, and carefully remove the grease from the shank by rubbing with cotton waste, while Mumbers 1 and 2 make ready the charge bag. Mumber 1 aided by Mumber 2 next slips on the lead washer, and lashes the bag firmly upon the shank, using marline in regular wrappings applied under strong tension. They then smear the screw thickly with red lead; insert it; and steady the torpedo, while Mumbers 3 and 4 force it home with all their power—if needful, a few blows with a mallet may be given to the lever of the wrench. * Mumbers 1 and 2 next introduce the dynamite, being careful to get none in the screw threads. Numbers 3 and 4 slip the lead washer on the compound plug; smear its screw with red lead; and, finally, introduce it into the torpedo. The squad then force it home as prescribed for the annular plug; replace the cap, leaving the end of wire A outside; and, lastly, sling the torpedo for testing. This is done by the non-commissioned officer. For automatic firing, the torpedo when horizontal should show a good circuit between wire A and the metal of the case; but when vertical a very bad one, or none at all, according as the torpedo is charged (32) 126 S UB MA R IN E M IN IN G M A T ſ R II) L. for a main or skirmish line. For purely judgment firing, this circuit should be good in any position of the torpedo. The tests being satisfactory, wire A is pushed into the cap, and the mine is ready for planting. It should be stored in a cool place, and covered with a wet blanket whenever eaſposed to a hot sun. This rule is general for all loaded torpedoes. Ground Mines--to Prepare the Compound Plugs. For automatic firing, ground torpedoes and buoys form parts of a single mine; and, as they may be prepared conveniently at the same time by a squad of four men, they will be treated together. For purely judgment firing no buoy is required. Whenever in a ground mine (or in a buoyant torpedo loaded for a detached regulator) two wires are left in sight after load- Žng, the one which should lead directly to the operating casemate is to be cut on a bevel. Two plugs are required for a ground mine (Plate IX, fig. 3), one for the torpedo, and one for the circuit regulator buoy. In actual service, the screws and washers are to be put together with red lead and the set screws inserted; in drills this may be omitted. The following are the duties of each number:- Mumber 1 prepares the connecting wires, accurately, to the following lengths. Wire D, insulated with rubber or gutta percha, and carefully gauged to fit the gland, is 18 inches long. At the fuze can end, the copper conductor is bared for # of an inch; the strand is firmly twisted with the pliers, and the sur- face brightened with a file. The adjoining insulation is next cut into a tapering conical form, so as to expose a surface at least half an inch long, which must be left untouched with the fingers in order to preserve it free from grease. The unbared end is then to be plainly marked by cutting it off on a bevel. Wires E and F are precisely like wire D, except the bevel. Wire C is of No. 19, B. W. G., and is insulated with closely woven cotton braid. It is 11 inches in length, and is attached to the circuit regulator by the electrician. Number 1 bares and brightens the free end for 1 inch. The following are the rules for putting together the compound plugs for use in grand groups. Mumber 1 after thoroughly scraping the wires, connects the fuzes by a telegraph joint, closely made, and attaches wires I) &A I) U T'I /'S / W I, O A D / W. G. Jº O O M. 127 and E to the free ends as follows: Wire I) or E is held hori- zontally, bared end to right; one bared end of the fuze wire is placed parallel to and alongside it, and both are held firmly together with the pliers, which should grasp the end of wire D or E for 4 of an incland the fuze wire near the insula- tion; the latter wire is then tightly wrapped round and round the former; the of an inch at the end of wire D or E is next bent back and hammered down, so as to expose no sharp ends. The work is then examined by the non-commissioned officer, and submitted to an electrical test; which should show a good circuit between the extreme ends of wires D and E. Mumber 2 covers all exposed copper joints, except that of wire D, with rubber wrapping, beginning well back on the insulation. The strips are applied under strong tension, each turn overlapping the preceding by about one-third of the width. This winding is continued forward and backward, sometimes in a straight and sometimes in a diagonal direction, until a sub- stantial insulation is secured. The joint between wire D and the fuze, is next closely wrapped with a strip of sheet zinc, which is pounded into firm contact with the copper. It is then protected by several wrappings of fine cotton cloth, tied securely by twine beyond the ends of the metal. Mumber 2 next attaches the circuit regulator to the com- pound plug of the buoy, the screw threads being red-leaded and forced home hard. He then draws wire C out through the hole; firmly unites it to wire F in the manner just de- scribed for D and E; insulates the joint with rubber strips in the manner above prescribed ; and then lashes wire F to the tube in such a manner as to prevent it from being in the way in introducing the plug into the buoy. Wumbers 3 and 4 separate the two parts of the compound plug of the ground torpedo; remove the glands of the two plugs and fuze can ; and open the filling hole of the latter. They next pass the unbared ends of wires D and E down through the fuze can and its stuffing boxes; introduce the fuzes into the can ; slip down on each wire in the order named, a rubber packing, a brass washer and a gland; smear the packings with tallow and press them into the stuffing boxes; draw up the wires until the joints are near, but below, the rubber packing; move down the washers and glands, and force the latter firmly home with the S wrench; this must always cease if the wires 128 SUB MA R IN E MINING MA T'ſ RIE. L. should begin to turn. They must be careful to leave no fault in the insulation outside the gland. - 4 They next fill the fuze can loosely with dynamite, allowing none to adhere to the screw ; Smear the latter with red lead ; and force its cap solidly down upon its lead washer. The fuze can thus loaded, is to be tested electrically by the non-commissioned officer, to see that the ends of the two wires give a circuit, while none can be obtained between one of them and the fuze can. - AWumbers 3 and 4 next smear with tallow the four rubber packings; slip down upon the wires in the order named, a gland, a brass washer and a rubber packing; pass the wires through the plug proper; unite the latter to the fuze can and set its screw; slip down on each wire, a rubber packing, a brass washer and a gland; and, finally, force the four glands home in the manner prescribed for the fuze can, beginning with the two last put on. The compound plug is now to be tested by the non-com- missioned officer. A good circuit should be shown between the ends of the wires, but none between one of them and the can. Mumbers 3 and 4 next take in hand the plug of the circuit closer buoy, passing wire F through the hole and packing it in the manner prescribed for wires D and E. The non-commissioned officer now tests this plug; seeing that a good circuit is shown between the end of wire F and the zinc plate, but a very bad one between the former and the plug proper when held vertically in its normal position; if laid hori- zontally, however, the last named connections must give a strong deflection of the needle. For skirm/s/, //nes (purely automatic firing) the charging of the plugs is precisely like that just described ; but the absence of the circuit regulator plug will cause no circuit to be shown between wire F and the plug when vertical. For purely judgment firing, no circuit regulator buoy is required. Wire E may be used as a plug to close the fuze can and torpedo; if so, its outer end should be cut to a conical form and well insulated with rubber to prevent infiltration; a better plan is to close these holes with solid discs of rubber packing. The free end of the fuze wires is attached to the fuze can ground wire; and the tests should show a good circuit between wire I) and the compound plug in any position. J) U 7' I ſº S I W L () A /) I W G R O () M. 129 Ground Mines--to Charge the Torpedo. Wumbers 1 and 2 remove the cap, replacing the washers, nuts and keys on the bolts; insert the funnel; introduce the dynamite into the tor- pedo with the scoop and a suitable stick, being careful not to spill it or get it into the screw threads; and prepare a cavity below the filling hole to receive the can easily. They then slip the lead washer on the compound plug; smear the screw thickly with red lead; wipe the threads of the female screw; pass the can through the hole, and start the plug in as far as can be done by hand. Meantime Mumbers 3 and 4 have inserted a crow-bar through the lowering ring, and inverted the buoy on a seat prepared by spiking to the floor two 6-inch scantlings, 3 feet long and hol- lowed to fit the curvature of the buoy. They are placed parallel to each other and 3 inches apart. The men then remove the cap, replacing the washers, nuts and keys on the bolts; slip the lead washer on the compound plug; smear the threads thickly with red lead; and introduce the plug as far as can be done by hand. Mumbers 1 and 2 now steady in succession the torpedo and the buoy, while Mumbers 3 and 4 force the compound plugs home with a large wrench—a few blows, if necessary, may be given with a mallet. The squad now replace the caps leaving the ends of the wires projecting outside through the holes; and sling the buoy by the lowering ring. The non-commissioned officer now makes his final tests; to See, when automatic firing has been ordered, that a good circuit is shown between wires D and E, and none between one of them and the torpedo; for purely judgment firing, a good circuit. must be shown between wire D and the metal of the torpedo. He then sees that a good circuit appears between wire F and the metal of the buoy when horizontal; but when vertical, a very bad one or none at all, according as the buoy is designed for a main or skirmish line. These tests being satisfactory, the wires are thrust inside the caps, and the mine is ready for planting. Loaded torpedoes should be stored in a cool place, and covered with wet blankets whenever eaſposed to a hot sun. Self-acting Mines--to make Safety Rings. If a supply of these rings cannot be issued from the depot, one capable man equipped with the following articles (most of which are in (33) 130 S UB MA R IN J. MINING MA 7'ſ RIEL. tool box A) is required to make them: four rings per hour is fair average work. 1 small balance and set of weights. 1 Wedgewood mortar and pestle. 1 small vessel for water—to counterpoise mortar before gum arabic is added. 2 mixing dishes (evaporators). 1 Safety ring mould. 1 small screw-driver. 1 oiler. 2 camels' hair brushes, for oiling mould. 1 mallet and wooden drift to fit mould. - Cupric sulphate ; loaf sugar; gum arabic. Weigh out 4 drachms (240 grains) of loaf sugar and 8 drachms (480 grains) of cupric sulphate; pulverize them sep- arately in the mortar to extreme fineness; mix thoroughly in an evaporator. This material will make two rings. Put about half of it in the mortar; and, balancing with water as above, add 1 scruple (20 grains) of a solution of gum arabic in water, made as thick as honey; incorporate to a pasty mass free from powder with the pestle; press a little of this mass into the mould, previously oiled to prevent sticking, and compact firmly with the wooden drift and mallet; continue this operation until no more can be inserted; cut off the surplus. at top smoothly with a knife blade, being careful to make no depression ; un- screw the mould ; insert the knife blade, held vertically, between the outer edge of the ring and the mould until the halves sep- arate; press out the centre piece, without distorting the ring; place the ring back in the mould (omitting the centre piece), and press the halves together to accurately gauge the outer diameter; remove the ring and dry for two or three days, when it will be found to be hardened thoroughly. Finally, apply one or two coats of the gum arabic solution to the surface to pre- vent crumbling; after they have dried the ring is ready for use. Self-acting Mines--to Prepare a Safety Break. One capable man is required, equipped with the following materials, most of which will be found in tool box A ; he should prepare four of these breaks per hour. 1 spirit lamp. 1 blow-pipe. 1 Stevens’ vise. 1 safety-break wrench. 1 cutting plier8. J) Uſ T' I E S ſ N J, O A D M W G R O O M. 131. 1 small round-nose pliers. 1 loading stick, # of an inch in diameter and 8 inches long. 1 detector. - - Safety breaks complete, including the soluble rings; rub- ber tubing # of an inch in internal diameter, and cut in lengths of 14 inches; waxed linen thread; common solder (2 parts of lead, 1 part of tin); rubber insu- lated wires gauged to fit hole of an inch in diameter and cut in lengths of 12 inches; resin; resin oil wash; wood spirits for lamp. He first unscrews the ebonite cylinder from the brass ebonite plug; applies a little hot resin oil wash to the threads, and then screws the ebonite cylinder home. He next bares an end of one of the insulated wires for one- fifth of an inch; scrapes it bright and doubles it back upon itself; holds the platinized tip in the pliers, hole (brightened) upward, and places a little resin and solder on top; directs the flame of the blow pipe upon it until the liquid solder fills the hole; inserts the prepared end of the wire in the solder, and holds it straight until solidified in place. He next passes the other end of the wire successively through the brass ebonite plug, a rubber packing, the washer and the gland; clamps horizontally in the vise; draws the platinized tip well home, and holds it there by pressure applied with the platinized terminal; and, finally, closes the stuffing box in the usual way. Care is needful to prevent the compression of the rubber packing from pushing the tip down out of place ; if this occurs, insufficient play is allowed when the plug is assembled, and the electrical test will show no break in the circuit. A rubber packing fitting too closely may cause this difficulty. He next inserts the platinized terminal in a rubber tubing and lashes it firmly, being careful that no rubber projects above the grooves; slips the rubber tubing over the brass ebonite plug, with the platinized terminal in the hole, until a play of about 0.15 of an inch is allowed; and lashes the tubing firmly to the brass ebonite plug. To test, attach one wire of the detector to the insulated wire, and touch the other to the platinized terminal; no circuit should at first appear, but by pressing the terminal home the needle should be deflected. To assemble the safety break, insert the brass spring, the sliding cylinder and a safety ring; compress the spring with the loading stick, and screw the closing ring firmly home. 132 S UB MA RIN E MINING MA TIſ, R TEL. Finally, screw the brass ebonite plug into place. The platin- ized terminal should nearly or quite touch the head of the sliding cylinder. Test by uniting one leading wire of the de- tector to the wire of the safety break, and touching the platinized terminal with the other; no circuit should be shown. Next, with the latter wire in contact with the case, press the platin- ized terminal home (about 4 of an inch) by a metallic pin inserted through the hole in the head of the sliding cylinder and Žn metallie contact with it; a good circuit should appear. These tests should be verified by the electrician. Self-acting Mines--to Encase the Battery. One capa- ble man is required, equipped as follows: With cells already prepared, he should easily encase two batteries per hour. 1 spirit lamp. 1 cutting pliers. 1 detector. 1 standard platinum bridge. Brass battery boxes; chloride of silver cells; resin and beeswax cement; twine ; rubber bands (half inch by two inches); paraffine; wood spirits for lamp ; sets of gutta percha loading wires, gauged to fit a 0.2-inch hole—one wire is 18 inches and the other 12 inches long, and both have unbared &nds. - In general terms, the cells are to be connected in series and placed in a brass battery case, which is then to be filled with melted paraffine, and closed at the top with a brass cover, Securely sealed against leakage. The details of the operation are as follows: The cells as drawn from the depot will usually be complete except the fluid. In this case they are opened carefully; the roll is slightly moistened in a saturated aqueous solution of zinc sulphate; the ebonite case is filled about one-third full of the same solution; the roll is inserted very carefully, to avoid false contacts between the wires and plates; the screw threads are smeared with hot resin oil wash (a half and half mixture of resin and resin oil incorporated over a spirit lamp), and the cover is screwed hard home. If the cells are received in parts, they are assembled as pre- scribed in Abbot's Notes on Flectricity, page 58. Special care must be taken to avoid false contacts between the wires and plates inside the cell. If the positive terminal is a wire sol- dered to the silver plate, too much care cannot be taken to cover D U T’ſ ſº S I W I, () A I) / W (), ſº O O M. 133 the solder with a water-proof insulation; but this terminal should should always form part of the plate itself. The resin oil wash must be applied hot, and thick enough to perfectly seal the cover against leakage. The cells should be prepared and allowed to stand at least a week before loading, in order to detect obscure defects should such exist. The standard test is a distinct reddening of the bridge of a cut-off, held in testing clips or otherwise; the manipulation should be rapid and the test should be repeated no oftener than is unavoidable, because the supply of chloride of silver is necessarily limited to keep the internal resistance within proper limits, and the battery is therefore easily exhausted by overwork. . To encase the battery, brighten the four terminal wires and place the two cells side by side with their top strips in line—one copper and one silver terminal being on each side of the line of strips; spring a rubber band around the tops of the cells (a twine lashing will do) to hold their axes parallel; clamp the bottoms very gently in a vise, to keep the cells in place. Prepare two leading wires by uncovering about 0.4 of an inch of the copper core and bending it 90 degrees to the right, then bending an equal length of the adjacent insulated part 90 de- grees to the left, and finally lashing the two wires together in the form of a fork, with all parts in the same plane; straighten the wires and (removing the cells from the vise for the purpose) pass the free ends (left unbared) downward between the cells until the lashed end rests on their tops; wrap a battery wire closely around each leading wire, secure the ends, trim off, straighten and press the uninsulated parts well into the angle at the base of the strips. Bend the other two silver and copper wires down flat, and connect them by a twisted joint, being careful not to strain them; cut off any excess of length and gently press the whole into the angle at the base of the strip; examine carefully to see that all joints are too short to permit a short circuit even if shifted in position; finally, remove the cells from the vise and lash their bottoms together with twine. Cover the top of the cells with resin and beeswax cement flush with but not above the top of the strips, being careful to insulate all metal in sight; and, finally, place a single thickness of stout brown paper over the top, and trim it to fit the ellip- tical form of the battery (the hot cement will hold it in place). (34) 134 S UB MA R IN E M IN ING MA 7'ſ R I ſº I, . Slip the battery thus prepared upside down into the brass case; bend the insulated wires into position to pass through the holes in the cover; and pour melted paraffine around the cells. The temperature must be kept as low as possible. To this end, begin pouring before the whole quantity in the vessel is melted, and make two or three successive additions, quickly cooling the brass case after each by standing the lower part in cold water. Stop adding paraffine when the surface rises to the top of the ebonite; and before it can cool, pass the wires through the holes in the cover, and press the latter home gently; when cold, Seal with melted resin and beeswax cement around the edges and wire holes; and, lastly, invert the case. It must always be kept Žn this inverted position. After all is complete, the battery should be tested (1) with a detector to see that there is no circuit between either wire and the case, and (2) to see that it reddens the standard platinum bridge. After lying a week, the tests should be repeated. If no trouble has developed, the battery may be trusted to retain its power for many months. Self-acting Mines--to Remove the Battery. This is done by removing the resin and beeswax cement with a knife, taking off the cover, and then holding the different parts of the brass case successively over a spirit lamp. So Soon as the para- fine begins to melt the fluid portion is decanted; and very soon the cells can be withdrawn still well coated. Care should be taken to apply as little heat as possible. The remaining paraffine is removed with a knife. Self-acting Mines--to Charge the Torpedo. The case is charged precisely like that of any buoyant mine, except that only one fuze is inserted; that an inverted circuit closer is used, and that the electrical tests are made in an inverted position. The subsequent work will occupy a capable man about half an hour. * The non-commissioned officer first examines the work already done, and makes the following electrical tests of the special parts to be added. The safety break is tested with a detector very carefully (1) to see that no circuit is shown between its leading wire and the outer case or the platinized terminal (which may be reached through the hole in the head of the sliding cylinder); and (2) to see that a good circuit is shown between these points when . J.) UT'ſ B, S J W /, O A D M W G Jº () () M. 135 the platinized terminal is pressed home (about 4 of an inch) with a metallic pin in contact with the sliding cylinder. Upon the care with which these tests are made will depend the lives of the men handling the torpedo, and its efficiency when planted. He next verifies the condition of the battery by reddening for an instant the standard platinum bridge; and makes sure that the torpedo may be safely capped by seeing that the detector shows no circuit between either battery wire and the metal of the cap. - To assemble the cap, screw the safety break into its place, first coating the screw with red lead ; slip the brass case con- taining the battery into its receptacle, and wedge it in place with cotton; pass the leading wires out through the stuffing boxes and bolt the cover down hard upon the rubber packing under it (the monkey wrench from tool box A is convenient for this purpose); in actual service, upset the end threads of the screw bolts, to prevent them from working loose; insert the rubber packings, the brass washers and the glands in the usual manner; finally, repeat the three electrical tests ordered in the last paragraph. Connect the wires in the cap as follows: Joint the wire of the safety break to the short battery wire by slipping on a rub- ber joint tubing, winding the small wire several times round the large one, bending back the end of the latter with the pliers until no sharp point is exposed, wrapping the exposed copper with a rubber strip, and, finally, drawing up and lashing the ends of the rubber tube in the usual manner. Then, and not until then, unite the other battery wire in a similar manner to the wire coming from the charge; and, lastly, attach the cap to the torpedo, being careful that neither wire is injured in so doing —carelessness in this matter may involve danger to the party loading. The torpedo is now ready for planting. In order to hold the battery in its proper position the cap must always be kept up. To Charge a Main Line Switch Box. As explained on page 63, the mine switch fulfils the double duty of insulating the ends of cable exposed by the explosion of the mines, and of protecting the difficult joint necessary where a single con- ductor radiates into two or three branches. As its gland packings are liable to be exposed to much more water pressure than those in any other part of the system, 136 PIE // PA /* A 7'0 ſº Y S II () ſº ſ! /) U 7' / // S. extreme care is needful; and only skilled and trustworthy men should be detailed for the work. It must be noted that the usual rule in planting mines, to connect any bevelled wire to the wire coming from the case- mate, does not apply to 80%teſ, bowes. With them, it is never followed, the IT wire being always so joined. The following drill is for the new square form of switch box, but is also applicable with slight modifications to the old tri- angular pattern. The non-commissioned officer personally inserts the cut-offs, makes or examines the joints, does the testing, and closes the glands. Two assistants do the rest of the work, under his direction. Mumber 1 prepares the wires (Plate IX, fig. 6). Wire H, insulated with rubber or gutta percha and carefully gauged to fit the 0.2-inch gland, is 6 inches long; one end is cut square; at the other, the copper is bared and scraped for three-quarters of an incl. Three other wires, named K, are prepared exactly like II. AWumber 2 prepares three cut-offs, as follows. The jaws of the hand vise are opened to such a distance that the wires will fall easily between them, with the plug resting firmly upon them; the rubber tube, previously cut to a length of 3 inches, is then forced on by steady pressure, until the whole plug is covered; finally, the shortest wire is bent over 180 degrees, so as to closely hug the cap. - He next joints each of the wires K to a short cut-off wire in the following manner, care being taken to scrape all the surfaces bright, and to have one and a half inches of the cotton insulation removed. Wire K is held horizontally, the bared end to the right; the short cut-off wire, the bared end to the left, is placed parallel to and alongside of the latter, and both are firmly held together with the pliers, which should grasp the end of the copper of wire K for an eighth of an incl, and the cut-off wire near the end of the insulation ; the latter is then wrapped tightly round and round the former; the eighth of an inch at the end of wire K is next bent back and ham- mered down, so as to expose no sharp ends; finally, a thick wrapping of pure rubber is wound tightly over all the exposed copper—beginning well back on the insulation. If needful, the end is made fast by a little rubber cement. I) Uſ T'ſ Jº S IN L, () A D IN (# R O O M. - 137 The switch box (Plate V, fig. 4) is opened, all the glands being removed; and any oil on the outside is carefully wiped off with cotton waste. Looking in the H chamber, any rough edges round the holes connecting with the three K chambers, are carefully removed with a conical or acorn shaped die-sinker's file from tool box B. The non-commissioned officer next inserts the three cut-offs in the box, solid ends down and priming ends outward, thrusting the long wires through the K chambers, and connecting holes, into and through the H chamber; extreme care is required to avoid chafing the insulation, and success should be verified with the detector, by placing one wire on the box and the other suc- cessively on a wire of each cut-off. A small blunt stick of pine is useful to press the three cut-offs gently to the bottom of their respective chambers. The three ends of wire which project from the H chamber, are next brought together and held firmly with the thumb and finger, while with a pair of pliers they are twisted into a strand three-quarters of an inch long, and are brightened with a file. Another test with the detector should now be made, as before, to ensure no contact with the box. Wire H brightened with a file, and the triple strand just made, are inserted in the opposite ends of a brass jointer and pushed well home; the pincers are then to be carefully applied so as to press upon the middle of the jointer, parallel to the wires; rest- ing the lower jaw upon some firm support, several hard blows of the hammer are next to be given to the top jaw so as to firmly jam the brass down around the wires; finally, having tested the closeness of the contact by a strong steady pull, during which the strand must be held by the thumb and finger to prevent injury to the insulation within the box, any sharp ends are to be carefully rounded off with the cutting pliers or file. A strip of pure rubber, about two inches long, is then cut from the coil; and, beginning well back on the insulation, is wrapped under strong tension round and round the exposed metal—each turn overlapping the preceding by about one-third of the width. This winding is continued forward and backward over the whole joint, the turns sometimes crossing in a straight and some- times in a diagonal direction, until the strip is used up. The end is secured by firm pressure, continued for several seconds. By gentle twisting, and the use of the pine stick, the joint is . (35) 138 PIR EP A R A TO R Y SHO Jº Jº D UT'ſ Jº S. next pressed into the H chamber, until it rests just below the shoulder. The false seat is now slipped over the end of wire II, and pressed down until it rests on the shoulder provided for that purpose. A rubber packing coated with tallow is then worked squarely down upon the false seat. A brass washer follows. Finally, the gland is inserted and screwed down until it begins to go hard. Reversing the box, the cut-offs are again gently pressed home; and the test for no contact with the box is repeated. The three short wires are now, in like manner, twisted gently and pressed into their chambers until the joints rest just below the shoulders; finally, the false seats, the rubber packing, the brass washers, and the glands are inserted as already described. The test for no contact is again repeated. The box is now held firmly in the bench vise, and with a monkey wrench the four glands are screwed home; this usually should cease if the wires begin to turn. A final test for no contact between wire H and the box, and for good contact between the former and each of wires K, is then made. To Charge a Skirmish Line Switch Box. The drill, so far as the practical manipulations are concerned, is identical with the last; but the object being different, the arrangements in the box are unlike. The object is to unite a short cable leading to the mine, through a cut-off, to a continuous insulated cable. When prac- ticable, both ends of the latter will be connected with operating boxes; which may be placed either at one or two stations as most convenient. An open circuit is always used. To fulfil these conditions one of the K holes of the box is to be closed effectually against leakage. This may be done by inserting a short piece of insulated wire by the usual method of gland packing, or better by inserting a solid disc of sheet rubber packing. To prevent infiltration with the first method, the exposed end must be tapered for a short distance and be well covered with a rubber strip. / Another of the K holes contains a cut-off, inserted identically as prescribed for a main line box. The third K hole contains a small continuous insulated wire instead of a cut-off. It is connected and inserted precisely like J) Jº II, I, S F() I., B () A T S Jø IAE VI C Jº. 139 a cut-off; but to distinguish it, the outer end of its wºre K is ºut on a bevel. These differences being noted, the box is to be charged in the manner already laid down for a main line box. To Charge a Switch Box for Judgment Firing. This differs from the charging of a main line box only in the in- ternal arrangements. The object is to protect the difficult joint where a single conductor radiates into three branches. This is accomplished by substituting short continuous insulated wires for the three cut-offs. To distinguish a box so charged, the outer ends of the three wºres A are out on bevels. Should there be a deficient supply of boxes, a triple joint may be made by ordinary rubber wrapping; but, as there will always be danger of leakage, the plan is not to be recommended. LOADING ROOM. DRILLS FOR BOAT SERVICE. The mines, when ready for planting, will be transported by ordinary laborers from the loading room, or place of storage, to the wharf; where a crane or derrick should be provided for transferring them to the boats. In case of necessity, the manoeuvering of the boats and the handling of the mines on the water, will be done by sailors —who can always be hired in our large seaports—but the supervision of the work, and certain mechanical manipulations connected with it, must be entrusted to instructed Engineer soldiers. Such of these manipulations as require preliminary training on shore will now receive attention. They comprise: jointing the insulated cable, including core joints; the making of turks heads and the union of the parts in a junction box; inserting thimbles in wire rope; and attaching cable stops. Insulated Cable--Jointing the Core. Too great care annot be taken in this matter; as a single bad joint will cer. tainly entail much loss of time and labor, and may even compel the raising of a whole triple group of mines. With torpedoes planted in the usual manner, there will necessarily be for each multiple cable that leaves the casemate, either 63 or 105 joints in the core, according as buoyant or ground mines are em- ployed. The importance of doing the work well is, therefore, apparent. A good joint should have an insulation resistance of many thousands of megohms. 140 P Hº B, P A R A T' O If Y S II () Jº Jº D U T' I Jº S. Jointing a cable consists of two distinct operations:— Fºrst. Uniting the conductor, and insulating any metal ex- posed in so doing. This is called jointing the core. Second. Causing the iron armor to bear any strain that may be thrown upon the joint. This involves the making of turks heads, and firmly clasping them in junction boxes, or in the torpedo caps. One private with a jointing box D can joint the core. In actual service; men of especial intelligence should be selected; and scrupulous care should be taken to keep the hands clean, and the cores and materials dry and entirely free from grease. No cut surface of the insulation should be touched with the fingers. Convenient access being secured to the two ends to be united, a rubber tube 4 inches long should be slipped over one of them —preferably the smaller—and moved up well out of the way. Each core should then be prepared as follows (Plate IX, figure 1). The end of the copper strand should be bared for a distance of three-quarters of an inch, by cutting the insulation and pulling it off with the fingers. The strand should then be twisted firmly with the pliers and its surface brightened with a file. The adjoining insulation should next be cut into a conical form at least a quarter of an inch long. The two bared strands are now to be inserted in the opposite ends of a brass jointer and pushed well home; the pincers are then to be carefully applied so as to press upon the middle of the jointer, parallel to the wires; resting the lower jaw upon some firm support, several hard blows of the hammer are next to be given to the top jaw, so as to jam the brass down around the wires; finally, having tested the closeness of the contact by a strong steady pull—not jerk—any sharp ends are to be care- fully rounded off with the cutting pliers or file. A strip of pure rubber, about 4 inches long, is then cut from the coil; and, beginning well back on the insulation, is wrapped under strong tension round and round the joint—each turn over- lapping the preceding by about one-third of the width. This winding is continued, forward and backward, over the whole joint, the turns sometimes crossing in a straight and sometimes in a diagonal direction, until the strip is used up. The end is secured by firm pressure, continued for several seconds. If by reason of cold weather the end will not adhere, a little rubber D R / J, J, S Jº'O Jº J3 O A 7' S /; IP V ſ(; ſº. 141 cement may be used; but this should never be done unless absolutely necessary, because the cement has a bad effect upon the rubber. Another strip of rubber, similar to the first, is next cut and applied in the same manner, and the end is secured by pressure, or if necessary, by a little cement. The joint should now be of uniform size throughout, and solidly compacted. The rubber tube is now drawn down so as to entirely cover the joint, and is tied on securely—especial attention being given to the ends. Jare should be taken to protect the joint, thus completed, from any strain or bending. Insulated Cable--making a turks head. In submarine telegraph cables, the armor is jointed by a long running splice with the iron wires, similar to the splicing of a rope to run through a block. In case of necessity, the same device may be employed in the torpedo service, but the method of turks heads is greatly to be preferred when junction boxes are at hand—and it must be exclusively used in connecting the cables to the mines. To make a turks head (Plate IX, figure 4) two privates equipped with a jointing box D are required. They are de- signated No. 1 and No. 2. The former is responsible for the work; the latter aids by holding the cable, passing the tools, etc. If the object be to splice a single cable, or to unite a multiple or single cable to several single cables, with or without inter- vening cut-offs, the turks head will be made first; but if it be desired to attach the cable to a torpedo or buoy, the free end will first be passed through the clamping hole of the cap. In either case, the turks head will be made in the following I (1811) () (? I’. Trim the end square; slip on a collar, flat side first, and place it nine inches from the end; unwrap the jute covering, and bend it back regularly over the collar; do the same with the iron wires and the interior hemp serving; cut off the iron wires with the pliers, removing about four inches from one, and six inches from the next, alternately; trim off about four inches from the jute and hemp wrapping; bend the iron wires separately to closely fit the collar (making two right angles with the pliers) and arrange the ends smoothly along the cable; engage the end of a strand of marline under one of the wires near the collar, and wrap it regularly and closely around the cable, until a point (36) 142 P. R. E. PA R A T' O J Y S EI () Jº Jº O U TI // S. about one inch beyond the end of the jute and hemp is reached; lastly, secure the free end of marline with two half hitches. About 12 feet of it are required. - • In case no collars are at hand, a wrapping of marline of similar form may be substituted. Insulated Cable--completing the joint. If the object be to splice one cable to another, the cores are jointed in the manner already described; the turks heads are placed in their positions in a single junction box; and the latter is bolted together, great care being observed not to injure the exposed parts of the cores coiled inside, and to see that the wrappings of the turks heads are so firmly clamped that no motion is possible. If the cable is to branch into two or three cables, a switch box and triple junction box will be used. The turks heads are first secured in the latter, and then the cores are united as al- ready described. Lastly, the triple junction box is closed. If a multiple cable is to branch into single conductor cables, a grand junction box will be used. The turks heads will first be secured; then the cores will be united ; lastly, the box will be bolted together. If the cable is to be joined to a torpedo or buoy, the turks head is first drawn up until the swell is in contact with the cap, and the clamps are then bolted fast. It is essential that the clamps shall take a firm hold; and if the iron jaws touch, it is sufficient proof that there is not enough of marline wrapping. Afterward the cores are jointed, and the cap is immediately screwed to its seat. Care is needed to avoid any unnecessary bending of the cores, especially at the point where the wire leaves the plug; and no pulling whatever must be allowed. The Moorings--to Insert Thimbles in Wire Rope. The floating part of the mine is subjected to the torsional action of varying tidal currents, and to continual wave oscillation. Ex- perience has revealed a tendency to twists and kinks in the connecting cable, which is overcome by the use of galvanized wire rope as a mooring; but if the ends of the latter be rigidly held fast, the constant bending soon occasions the destruction of the wires. To obviate this difficulty, so far as possible, thimbles are inserted in the rope; and shackles are used to connect it with other parts of the mine. To insert thimbles in wire rope is not an easy operation; and as it should be done rapidly, drilling is very needful to render J) /? / /, L S. Ji'() ſº ſ? () A T' S /ſ/ R V ſſ/ſ/. 143 the men proficient. Much of the work should be done on shore, the rope being cut in suitable lengths according to the depth. By this plan, one thimble may always be inserted in each moor- ing, before embarking; and where the bottom is fairly smooth, the preparation of complete moorings in assorted lengths will certainly save time. Two privates of Engineers are required, although the work can be well done by one of them when time is not important. They should be equipped with : 1 rigger's vise bolted to a rigid support. thimble clamp. tool box C. coil of wire mooring rope. coil of annealed galvanized iron wire, No. 12 B. W. G. . The three jaws of the vise are opened wide; the end of the wire rope is bent by hand, and inserted in such a manner as to bring the single jaw in contact with a point about one foot from the end. It is usual with riggers to allow at least eighteen in- ches for this distance, but in torpedo moorings the lesser length is sufficient. The slack should be held at the proper height, by stopping it to a vertieal handspike. The double jaws, and if needful the single jaw, are screwed together until the bend is reduced to the proper size to receive the thimble—the double jaws pressing the rope opposite its point. By working the vise, tapping the rope with a hammer, and driving the thimble home with a stick used as a drift, it is now easy to bring the two parts of the rope closely round the thimble and in contact with each other. The first stop is now put on, inside the double jaws, by taking two turns with a bit of wire, and drawing it tight by twisting the ends with the nippers. The hold is then shifted so as to bring this stop outside the vise. The short end is next untwisted into strands, using first the nippers and then the fingers; the strands are spread evenly round the rope; and the hemp core is cut off as far up as possible. Each strand is next untwisted in the same manner, and the wires are singly straightened by taking a firm hold of the end with the nippers and giving a violent twitch in a direction par- allel to the rope. 144 PR EP A R A 7"O R Y S HO R E D UTI ES. The wires are now laid uniformly round the rope, and the second stop is applied like the first; its place is about an inch from the ends of the untwisted wires. The next step is to attach the wrapping ball of annealed wire; which has been prepared by cutting about 25 feet off the coil, and winding it loosely, first round the hand and then round the turns thus formed. A couple of inches of the outer end of this ball is inserted under the first stop, and is then bent out of the way into the opening of the thimble. The annealed wire is then unrolled among the unstranded wires, parallel to them. The third stop is next applied, around the middle of the mass of unstranded wires, care being taken to see that the latter are uniformly disposed. The three stops are now well tightened by using the nippers as a lever, the fulcrum being supplied by a wooden wedge placed under the jaw; the ends are twisted as fast as slack is thus obtained. The hammer may also be useful, to aid in get- ting the loose wires into a compact mass. The rope is now shifted from the vise to the thimble clamp, and is rigidly secured therein. All being in readiness for the wrapping, the annealed wire is bent sharply over, at right angles to itself, at a point just above the second stop; this bend is made with the pliers. Holding the angle in place with the left hand, the ball is passed twice over the rope and drawn as tight as possible with the right, thus binding the turn. A small loop is now made by passing the ball twice under the rope. The marline spike, or if preferred a cylindrical iron rod, is thrust through this loop; by revolving it round and round the rope, and regulating the tension by passing the ball over it, a close even wrapping is applied over the unstranded wires; and the end below the thimble is thus perfectly secured. The third and first stops are removed successively as they are reached by the wrapping. After extending the latter well up to the point of the thimble, any part of the ball remaining is cut off; and the two ends of the annealed wire are secured by twisting them together, and hammering them down out of the way. It only remains, after removing the second stop, to trim off and secure the short ends of the unstranded wires, by bending them up over the wrapping and hammering them down so closely as to leave no sharp point to chafe the insulated cable. J) I? I I, I, S JPO R B (). A 7' S E R VIC E. 145 The wrapping thus made should be at least six inches long; if it be a foot long, the rope will part before the thimble will yield. If needful the wrapped portion will be straightened by tapping with a hammer. The Moorings--to attach a cable stop. The use of or- dinary mooring requires considerable time; for each rope must be prepared to exactly suit the depth of water at the spot selected for the planting. Where celerity is of primary impor- tance, this objection to the method has so much weight that the cable stop, which permits the use of the insulated cable for the mooring, has been devised as a temporary expedient. As the cable is deficient in endurance for this purpose, it is necessary to relieve it at the earliest practicable moment, by raising the mines and adding the usual wire mooring ropes; hence, the plan is only recommended for emergencies, and, indeed, is in- applicable where strong currents prevail. At Willets Point, mines thus anchored have often remained in position from one to two weeks without injuring the cables. To attach a cable stop two privates are required, equipped with : 1 tool box C. 1 coil of annealed galvanized iron wire, No. 12 B. W. G. Cable stops. Torpedo cable, attached for service. It is necessary that an open wrapping of wire should be ap- plied tightly round the cable at the upper end, and also just above the stop. In deep water, at least a dozen feet at each place should be protected in this manner. Having fixed by accurate measurement and marked the posi- tion of the stop, the men first apply these wrappings—each working independently. Care is needful to secure the ends so that they can neither slip nor endanger the core, and to use all possible tension. One end may be clamped with the turks head by loosening the cable clamp of the torpedo or buoy, inserting the end, and reclamping it; another may be secured by mar- line and left to be held in place permanently by the cable stop; the others must be drawn back under a few of the previous turns. About twice and a half the desired length of the pro- tection should be allowed in cutting the wire; this will give turns about 14 inches apart. (37) 146 P R /; P A R A T'O IR Y S II () ſº ſº JD UT'ſ ſº S. AWumber 1 now opens the cable stop (Plate V, fig. 2) by re. moving the top half. Wumber 2 bends the cable to the proper curvature and, aided by Mumber 1, inserts it in the groove; the latter now fits on the top half, and clamps the two parts together. It only remains to shackle the stop to the anchor. The temporary use of the stop is often convenient with ground mines, where the buoy is not planted over the torpedo. It is sometimes, but very rarely, advisable to use it even when the buoys are over the torpedoes. In such cases, the insulated cable uniting the two parts of the mine, must be cut consider- ably too long; and the slack should be thrown in a single spiral turn round the anchoring ring. TIME REQUIRED FOR LOADING ROOM IDUTIES AND DRILLS. Very much of course depends upon the skill and practice of the men. The following estimates are based upon records of the time actually occupied by the prescribed details of average first class Engineer soldiers, working steadily but without undue haste. To prepare the compound plug for a buoyant mine—20 minutes. 4. g # To charge a buoyant mine, including opening, inserting the dynamite, and closing—45 minutes. To prepare the compound plugs for a ground mine and its buoy—30 minutes. To charge a ground mine and its buoy ; including opening, inserting the dynamite and closing—55 minutes. To make a safety ring for a self-acting mine—15 minutes. To prepare a safety break for a self-acting mine—15 minutes. To encase the battery (issued complete except fluid)—30 minutes. To charge the special cap of a self-acting mine—30 minutes. To charge a main line switch box—20 minutes. • To joint the cores of two insulated cables—8 minutes. To make a turks head on a single conductor cable minutes. To make a turks head on a multiple cable—20 minutes. To insert a thimble in a wire mooring rope—30 minutes. To attach a cable stop, including wire wrapping the cable, 30 minutes. 1() (; H A PTE R W. PLAINTING THE MINIES. DUTIES OF THE COMMANDING ENGINEER.—Time required for planting mines.—Local Administration.—DUTIE8 of THE EI, ECTRICIAN.— DUTIES OF BoAT PARTIES: to place a grand junction box; to place triple junction boxes; to plant a buoyant mine; to plant a ground mine; to raise single mines; to plant mines in grand groups; to raise or repair mines in grand groups; to plant skirmish mines; to raise skirmish mines; to plant self-acting mines: to raise self-acting mines. –THE AUTOMATIC II,ANKING GUN 8. The four general dispositions for mines—grand groups, skir- mish lines, detached groups and self-acting mines—have already (page 11) been explained. Here, therefore, it only remains to consider the duties of officers and enlisted men during the oper- ations of planting, and, so far as practicable, to systematize the work in the form of drills. I) UTIES OF THE ()() MMANI) IN (; ENGINEER. Time will usually be of the utmost importance when a chan- nel is to be obstructed; and success will very largely depend upon the skill of the Commanding Engineer in so arranging the work as to keep every one constantly and octively employed. To accomplish this it is needful to know the time required for per- forming the different mechanical operations. Time Required for Planting Mines. The following records, kept with this object specially in view at the planting of twelve mines of a grand group in 1881, furnish valuable data. The mines were laid off Willets Point with the small steam launch, by the usual detail of Engineer soldiers, under Lieutenant Abbot; who directed the work on the water and kept the notes, while Lieutenant Fiebeger acted as electrician. The mines, wire mooring ropes equipped with thimbles, anchors, etc., were towed out on a ponton raft and anchored in the vicinity of the grand group. Four row-boats were used; the water varied from 30 feet to 110 feet in depth; the weather was favorable; the current never exceeded about two feet per second, varying in strength and direction with the changes of the tide. 148 P L. A. W. T.' I W G T H E MIN E S. To place the grand junction box anchor in position at a dis- tance of half a mile from the starting point, required about half an hour; and to plant the twelve mines required 7.5 work- ing hours. Thirteen hours would therefore have been spent in planting with this poor outfit a complete grand group. With war facilities, a well drilled party should certainly be able to accomplish that task in one long day’s work. Each grand group being independent of all others, an ample force with a good outfit should be able, in a week or ten days after work begins, to have enough mines planted in the approaches of any of our great ports, except perhaps San Francisco, to defy a sud- den assault. TIME RECORDS OF MINES PLANTED AT WILLETS POINT IN 1881. --- | # 3 re: To prepare mine. . * #: §: ãa 3 º: g d; 3 & 53 o, red if: 3 º 5 # £5 | # = : à 3 || 3a | 3 || 3 || 5 •y .4 tº- $2.3 £ # . O rcſ •4-> £: º E as 3 : * Q, Q ſº dº 80%: Q º &H "F.E, º 5 3 ºf Q 3 £, E3 3. 2 (AE) O # 2 º' --> . *: £ A3 2. § C. 3. º y- 23: q) "c g * -º dº *4 º 3 º 'º 3 : | 3: = | 3 §3 5 | E C --> {0 O - 7mºn, mim. mim. mim mim. mim. mim. mim. mim. mim. 1 | 9 || 10 || 2 | 15 3 3 5 || 2 | 40 2 3 6 8 2 || 13 4 4 || 3 || 3 || 31 : ſ 3 6 2 7 || 3 4 || 6 || 3 || 41 * | 2 || 7 | ... 10 || 4 4 || 3 || 3 || 29 5 3 5 6 2 7 || 8 8 || 4 || 2 || 38 * | 6 7 6 6 6 2 35 3 4 ... 6 || 4 || 5 || 3 || 2 || 26 8 . 4 3 8 11 || 6 || 3 || 5 || 2 || 35 | | 6 7 | 7 || 5 || 4 || 3 || 3 | 40 tº 12 . . . . . . 14 ... 22 ... . . . . 44 11 4 . . . 8 | . . . 11 to . . . 50 is | ... 7 | . . 7 | 6 2 3 || 3 || 38 Man. 4 || 6 || 7 || 2 | 10 || 5 || 0 || 4 || 3 | * i . | | Notes. These records give the actual times consumed in the Several oper- ations including accidents. For example, in planting mine No. 10 the anchor got foul in deep water and had to be raised. The time of stopping the electric cable to the wire mooring rope varied with the depth—75 to 100- foot moorings requiring from 5 to 10 minutes. D UTIES OF COMMA N DIN (# E N G IN E E R. 149 Local Administration. Obviously, the first operation in planting a system of mines, will consist in locating one or more of the grand junction boxes. The Commanding Engineer will be provided by the Chief of Engineers with a map showing the topography in the vicinity, and the position of every proposed mine. He will identify, upon the map and ground, stations for his theodolites suitable for covering the mine field with well conditioned triangles; different stations may, of course, be oc- cupied in succession. This done, he will measure carefully upon the map, the an- gles included between a straight line connecting two stations, and straight lines drawn from each to the first grand junction box. These angles set off with the theodolites upon the ground, will fix the location of the grand junction box; knowing this, its seven groups of mines may be placed in position by a process almost mechanical, as will appear below. During the planting, the place of the Commanding Engineer will be where the work appears most likely to be interrupted, whether on the water or on shore. Certain matters which must never be overlooked are: First In deciding the order of planting the grand groups and skirmish lines, avoid as much as possible the necessity of moving over mines already in position; because, at low water, they may be injured by blows from the propellers or paddles of the steam vessels at work. As a rule, therefore, the advanced groups should first be placed in position—subject of course, to the necessity of obstructing the channel as rapidly and effec- tively as possible if the enemy be in the vicinity. Too much care cannot be taken to see that the cables of the mines already planted do not lie dangerously near to mines subsequently placed. No cable should ever cross a grand group, or pass within less than 100 feet of a mine. Planting buoys may be left temporaily attached to the outer mines of grand groups, or special buoys may be set to indicate the locus of the cables where there is likely to be crowding—the Commandant on the water should be ordered to have this matter constantly in mind. Second. Where any grand junction box is to be placed, the Commanding Engineer should satisfy himself that the non-com- missioned officers at the theodolites have properly adjusted their instruments, and correctly set off the angles taken from the map; (38) 15() PLANTING THE MINES. or, if range flags are to be used, that they are rightly planted. Any error here might involve ruinous confusion and loss of time. If this box be correctly placed, the whole grand group can hardly fail to be right, so far as location is concerned. Thºrd. If the wharf facilities be contracted, or if the steam vessel be small, or if the mines are to be planted at a distance, time will be saved by placing the loaded torpedoes upon barges anchored near the work. Local conditions should be studied in this connection. Fourth. The operation of inserting thimbles in wire rope is slow and tedious, and if done entirely on the water will be cer- tain to cause delay. Hence, as stated in the last chapter, the moorings should always be cut in suitable lengths, and the thimble at one end be inserted on shore before the planting begins. If the depth be nearly uniform, it will be well to put both thimbles in some of the lengths—making an assortment of completed moorings slightly differing in length, from which a selection can be made. Fifth. Too much care cannot be given to a systematic num- bering of the mines as planted. The electrician must be fully instructed in this matter; and the parties attaching the cables to the triple and grand junction boxes, must be cautioned to observe the prescribed arrangement exactly in every case. Waff. The preparation of self-acting mines requires time, which if use is to be made of them must not be forgotten. Sevent/. The chief should satisfy himself that every respon- sible assistant understands his duty and performs it. Much time may be lost by blundering of the electrician, or by needless elaboration of his casemate tests; a loaded torpedo left un- covered in a hot sun may occasion an accidental explosion ; negligence in watching the insulated cable in the water near the steam vessel, may result in fouling the propeller and entailing vexatious delay; and last, but not least, a defective joint made in any of the boats may cost hours. The presence of the Com- manding Engineer should be felt everywhere, no detail being too trifling for his supervision. A%ghtſ. As the work advances, attention should be given to auxiliary expedients. Every practicable device to deceive spies should be adopted. Junction box buoys should be moored where there are no mines, to give an exaggerated idea of the area covered. Newspapers should be encouraged to magnify J) Uſ T' ſ B. S. O ſº T' Eſ Jº Jº I, ſº () 7" ſº I ( / A. W. 151 the extent of the work. In case the enemy should make his ap- pearance off the harbor before it has been possible to close all the channels of approach, a vessel may be blown up well to the front, under circumstances calculated to make him believe that she was accidentally destroyed by a mine in position. In a word, every effort should be made to derive benefit from the dread engendered by dangers unseen, and therefore magnified by the imagination. This is a vital element in submarine mining; it renders futile any attempt to determine the value of such a defense by experimental attacks upon harmless mines in time of peace. I) UTIES () F THE EI,ECTRICI A N. The testing of one set of mines when loading, and of another set as planted, will be in progress simultaneously; and, with a large party on the water, work in the casemate must be care- fully systematized to avoid loss of time. The avoiding of accidents is the first consideration. The firing battery wires must be detached at the battery terminals; loose leading wires are always dangerous in the casemate. The signal battery should never be sent through a fuze unless one of the operating box magnets (80 ohms), or an equivalent resist- ance, is in circuit; this is specially true when several grand groups are to be operated, calling for a signal battery of low in- ternal resistance. Hence, always begin by removing all gun plugs in the operating boates (see page 30). Even the testing battery should be tried, and only enough cells be used in series to give proper motion to the galvanometer needle in the desired test. The exploding current of service fuzes being about 0.48 ampères, it is perfectly safe to pass 0.15 ampères through them— the safety coefficient being then nine; and a simple computation on this basis will indicate what is safe in any doubtful case. The electrician, by night work if necessary, must always have on hand an ample supply of tested articles for use in the load- ing room; so as not to be interrupted by calls for them during the work on the water. He may, however, be called upon to test simultaneously two sets of mines, one just loaded and the other planting. The best arrangement for testing the former in such cases, is to connect one or two cells of the testing battery, and the lead- ing wires from the loading room, to the Siemens galvanometer 152 PI, A N TING THE MIN E S. adjusted as a bridge. A resistance measurement will then only require a moment, and no changes in leading wires will be de- manded. The operating box test prescribed on page 119 may be omitted when time presses. . To test with accuracy and promptness each mine as planted, demands previous preparation. Just before the work begins the electrician disconnects the key board box from the multiple cable boxes; puts the signal battery on the testing circuit, and passes a leading wire from one of the mine posts through the resistance coils of the bridge rheostat to the home earth wire. Now unplugging successively first 4500 ohms, and then 1500 ohms, he closes the Bradley galvanometer circuit, and tabulates the observed deflections for each of the four coils of that in- strument. The deflections of a single mine in good order, when tested in like manner through the same post of the key board box, should not differ much from the first set of values; and those of a triple group, from the last set of values. The actual mine resistance in ohms may be computed by multiplying the tangent of rheostat deflection, by 4500 or 1500 as the tangent of mine deflection case may be. Another method when time allows, is to first ob- tain a mine deflection, and then replace the mine by the bridge rheostat connected to the home earth, and unplug until the same deflection is noted. The amount unplugged will be the desired resistance. These methods are approximate only, their accuracy depending on the constancy of the battery and of the earth plate polarization; but, in general, they are amply suffi- cient to determine whether all is right enough with the mines to allow the planting to proceed. With proper preparations, and skill in manipulation, these tests may be executed very quickly. Hence, the electrician can have no good excuse for delaying the boat parties. The electrician must also make arrangements to be informed regularly and at short intervals as to the state of the tide, which it will be his duty to report by telegraph to the grand junction box boat at each change of 1 foot. Work on the water beginning, the two Engineer privates, equipped with a jointing box D, are sent into the cable gallery as soon as a cable end is received. They drag it to the place in the shaft selected for the junction with the insulated wires already laid from the casemate, and make the joints. Even if fraction, J) Uſ T' I E S O }' T H E E L E O T'R I (JIA W. 153 no water is expected to touch these joints, they must be made regularly and with care; for otherwise dampness will occasion trouble. They must also be protected against the possibility of receiving even slight strains. To avoid the latter danger, the armored cable and the insulated wires, must both be stapled to a stout wooden frame in the shaft. While these joints are making for the first cable, and the tug is proceeding to pay it out, the electrician will prepare his earth plate. This is done by wrapping a single piece of flexible cop- per wire around each of the several wires of the armor to the cable—thus bringing the whole into good metallic contact. The junctions must ultimately be soldered, but it is not necesssary at first. The earth wire from the casemate is then united to this earth plate, of which the electrical resistance per statute mile of submerged multiple cable should not exceed a couple of ohms. Having thus made his preliminary arrangements, the elec- trician prepares for correctly numbering and testing the cables leading to the several mines. The first step is to open tele- graphic communication with the sergeant at the grand junction box. - To do this, the electrician dips into a bottle of mercury the casemate ends of the leading wires just jointed to the several cores of the cable. Another wire connects this mercury with one pole of his dial telegraph instrument (or telephone if that be preferred), the other pole making earth. So soon as the continuous signals come from the boat, he ascertains which wire conveys them by successively removing the ends from the mer- cury. This wire is then attached directly to the dial telegraph instrument or telephone; the signals are interrupted; the in- struments are put in unison ; and regular communication is thus established. The general system to be adopted for numbering the mines, and the numbers to be assigned to the grand group now plant- ing, will be understood from the directions given in the drill “to plant mines in grand groups” below. The electrician has, therefore, only to place the proper cable tags on the six cores not in use; to attach them to the six mine posts marked with the smaller of the seven numbers; to see that this multiple cable box is connected to the key board box; to switch the signal battery to the automatic post; and to telegraph to the sergeant the mine numbers successively dropped in the operating box as (39) * 154 P L. A. W. T.I.W. G T H E M IN E S. the earth wire is successively applied to the different cores in the boat. The wire used for telegraphing will always receive the largest of the seven numbers pertaining to its multiple cable. After the boat ends have all been carefully labelled, the work must be verified by repeating the dropping of the numbers. It only remains to make the above insulation test, as mine after mine and group after group are successively planted. The cable, the fuzes, the cut-offs, and the circuit regulators have all been separately tested on shore by the electrician; the cor- rectness of the connections and the freedom from injury of all the parts, have been verified again and again at every step of the work by the non-commissioned officer in charge; each tor- pedo or buoy has been marked and its resistance recorded. This final operation tests the several joints made in planting the mines, as they are reported ready by the Sergeant. The cores leading to the grand junction box when it is sub- merged after the grand group is planted, should show deflections not differing from the above; being no longer in telegraphic communication, the electrician must arrange with one of his assistants to communicate the result of these final joint tests by flag signals to the boat. For the tests made during the planting of skirmish mines, the flag method of communication must also be employed. An observation will be taken as each mine is placed in position. With perfect cables and joints, no circuit should be indicated; but a small deflection, gradually increasing as the work proceeds, will usually be noted. Any sudden increase denotes a defective junction. The tests made when planting detached groups for judgment firing, especially when the cable is bad, are chiefly useful to verify the continuity of the circuit. The total resistance with good cables should equal that of the cable itself, increased by two or three ohms for fuzes and earth plates. A defective cable will reduce this amount; hence, any large increase should suggest a break in the circuit. So soon as time allows (whether by night or day) each cable must be carried to the delicate testing apparatus; the resistance shown between it and the home earth be accurately measured; and the records be duly entered in a “daily test book,” for future comparison. The method of measurement recommended is that by instantaneous reversals, although Mance's method may J) U 7" IAE S OF 7' H E B () A T P A R TIE/AS. 155 sometimes be the only safe and practicable one. The dexterity of the electrician will appear in these more than in any other of the tests he is required to make. They should be followed by sea-cell tests with the three home earths, which will be explained in the next chapter. DUTIES OF THE BOAT PARTIES. These duties consist in placing grand and triple junction boxes, and in planting and raising mines of various kinds. This work can, of course, be done best in calm weather and still water; but currents of 4 feet per second, and strong winds unaccompanied by waves, do not materially interrupt the work. Rough water is a more serious matter; and where the height from valley to crest exceeds 3 or 4 feet, the planting becomes very difficult, and with small craft impracticable. The manner in which the work must be done in actual service, will vary with the peculiarities of the locality, and with the means at hand. Nevertheless, a routine form of drill is as nec- essary as for pontoniering, to train Engineer soldiers in their duties; and the following forms, adapted to a steam vessel ar- ranged like the launch used at Willets Point, are accordingly prescribed. A different character of vessel will modify the details of manipulation; and in such work it must be remem- bered that practice is better than drill books. However the mines may be planted, one rule is general. AWever wet the end of a core of the insulated cable until it is protected by a good rubber wrapping. This is exceedingly important. To Place and Serve a Grand Junction Box. The fol- lowing matériel is required: 2 railroad transits, or theodolites. 4 signal flags, red and white combined. 1 tug, or large rowboat. 1 heavy mushroom anchor. 2 cables for ditto. 1 grand junction box. 1 junction box buoy. 2 shackles for ditto. 1 cable for ditto, 1 tool box C. 1 jointing box D. 1 binocular field-glass. 1 dial telegraph instrument or telephone 156 PI, A WT'I W G THE MIN ES. 2 earth plates for boat use. 1 set of lead tags. 1 set of lashings and marline. 1 set of movable ballast equal in weight to the anchor. The party in the tug should consist of one non-commissioned officer, one private, one engine-driver, and one steersman. If a large row-boat be employed, which in any but a strong current is preferable to a tug, the engine-driver will be replaced by the necessary number of oarsmen. The boat will carry all the pre- scribed matériel, except the transits and flags. The party on shore will consist of two non-commissioned officers of Engineers, and two privates to act as signal men. The non-commissioned officers will set up their transits at the stations previously selected, and carefully adjust and level them. Each, after clamping his top plate at zero, will then direct his telescope upon the plumb line of the other instrument, and clamp the lower plate. Unclamping the top plate, he will then turn off the angle previously determined from the map, and again clamp the plate. The axis of the two telescopes, prolonged, will now intersect at the exact position for planting the grand junction box. Three cases may occur:— First. At each of the stations, the ground in rear of the in- strument may be clear and level for a sufficient space (depending on the distance to the location for the grand junction box) to admit of placing good range flags. If so, the telescope will be revolved in the Ys, and each flag-man will place two flags cor- rectly on the line marked by the cross hairs. Sometimes the depth may permit the planting of one, or even both of the range flags in front in the water; and the use of range buoys may not always be inadmissable. Second. No good range flags can be placed. In this case, the signal men will post themselves near the instrument, and prepare to signal as directed by the non-commissioned officers. Third. At one station, only, can range flags be placed. In this case the flags there will be established as above described; and at the other station, the flag-man will act as in the second (28,862. When notified that all is in readiness, the boat will proceed to the desired locality. The mushroom anchor, of sufficient weight to hold her in position without any slack, is slung at the stern I) U T' IJES O /?' T'J/ / /3 O A T' PA Iº T' IES. 157 by a stout lashing—with the two cables connected together (to avoid risk of losing the anchor in deep holes) and coiled to pay out from the top; the end is secured strongly to the boat, which, before starting, is trimmed by shifting the ballast. In the first case, the non-commissioned officer— binocular glass in hand—so directs the boat as to place her on one of the ranges, and then keeping carefully on it moves toward the other. On arriving at the junction, he orders the private, who is in readiness with a knife, to cut away the lashing. The boat is then trimmed by shifting ballast; the cable is moved to the bow, hauled taut and belayed; and the position is verified by the two theodolites. In the second case, the boat is conducted to the desired spot by the following code of signals. Each flag-man, directed by the observer at the transit, holds his staff horizontal, with the flag pointing toward the side to which the boat should move. As the line is nearly reached, he raises and lowers the flag rapidly through an angle not exceeding forty-five degrees. When the boat is on the line, he holds the flag vertically over his head. Any divergence from the line after it is once reached, is corrected in a similar manner. By placing himself on one range, and moving steadily upon it toward the other, the non- commissioned officer will thus be able to find his position, and anchor as before. In the third case, the two methods above described are com- bined in a manner too simple to require description. So much of this exercise as has been already described should be frequently practiced—the precision of the work being checked by hauling the anchor rope taut, and fixing the exact position of the bow by triangulation from the shore. The following part of the drill will only be used when a grand group is to be actually planted. The tug carrying a drum of perfectly tested multiple cable, drops anchor as near the entrance of the cable gallery con- ducting to the mining casemate, as her draft will permit. She is accompanied by two or more skiffs, according to the needs of the locality. A warp line is stretched from the tug to the shore; several coils of the multiple cable, the ends of all the cores being carefully insulated with rubber, are laid in one of the skiffs, and she is hauled by hand along the warp line; the slack is buoyed from the bottom by the other skiffs, which (40) 158 P L. A. W. T.' I W G T II Jº M I W E S. successively receive it as required, allow it to run across their gunwales until enough has passed, and then holding fast to the cable, follow along the warp after the leading skiff toward the shore. When the end has passed the line of surf, it is carried into the gallery by a detail of men, the skiffs holding fast to the warp line and allowing the cable to pass ashore without dragging on the bottom more than is necessary. - The tug then proceeds to the grand junction box boat, paying out her cable as she goes; cuts it to the exact length, and passes the end on board; where it is lashed to cleats or the thwarts, and a turks head is made and secured in the grand junction box. The non-commissioned officer now opens telegraphic com- munication with the fort, to learn the numbers designating the different cores of the cable. To do this, he drops one earth plate overboard and binds its connecting wire to one pole of his instrument, the other being attached to any one of the cores. He then revolves the handle continuously if a dial telegraph be used, or alternately calls and listens if a telephone be supplied. The electrician in the fort, who by means of a small vessel of mercury has previously united all the cores to one terminal of his dial telegraph or telephone, the other making earth, de- taches them successively until he ascertains which is the one carrying the current. He then interrupts the operator in the boat, and both instruments are arranged for communication. If telephones be supplied, they must be kept continuously at the ears of the operators when not in use—otherwise loss of time and great annoyance will result. The other six cores are then attached to the permanent posts of the operating box in the casemate; and their numbers are re- ported to the non-commissioned officer in the boat, as he successively closes their circuits by touching his ends with the connecting wire of the second earth plate previously dropped into the water. Once established, these numbers are carefully preserved by attaching cable tags to the ends in the casemate, and lead tags to the ends in the boat. In order to preserve communication with the boat as long as possible, the electrician should assign the highest of the seven numbers to the core temporarily used for telegraphing. As fast as the ends of the cables leading to the triple junction box boats are received, they are secured by temporary lashings; J) Uſ TIES () /?' 7" // ſº J3 () A 7" P A R 7'ſ E! S. 159 turks heads are made and clamped in the proper places (Plate VI, figure 1) in the grand junction box, and the cores are per- manently jointed accordingly. The sergeant then holds himself in readiness to coöperate with the electrician in the tests. If changes of tidal level are great, frequent regulation of the length of mine moorings must not be forgotton. When the work is done, and the grand junction box is low- ered, it should be buoyed with its own buoy. It is well to attach the rope to shackles in the rings, at both ends, to prevent wear—allowing plenty of slack for tidal changes. To Place and Serve Triple Junction Boxes. There are seven of these boxes to each grand junction box. Three skiffs are required in placing them; and if time be important, seven may be employed. Each should contain a sufficient number of oarsmen to control its motion in the current, and in addition thereto two Engineer privates. Each skiff is equipped with : 1 jointing-box D. 1 heavy mushroom anchor. 2 cables for mushroom anchor. 1 junction box buoy. 2 shackles for junction box buoy. 1 set of ballast equal in weight to anchor. 1 stout cod line, at least 325 feet long. 1 triple junction box. 1 mine switch, charged. Stout lashings and marline. The anchor, which must be heavy enough to hold the skiff in position without slack, is slung over the stern ready to be let go by the run. The two cables (united to avoid risk of loss should a deep hole be encountered) are secured, one end to the middle ring of the anchor and the other to the boat. The ballast is shifted to trim the latter. The cod line, which must have been previously wet and stretched to free it from any tendency to kink, is knotted at each 100 feet, allowing about twelve feet at each end for use in lashing. The following is the method of operating when only three skiffs are available. The skiff to be nearest to the grand junction box boat, is placed first. It is brought alongside; and the cod line is made fast at the first mark, to the anchor cable of the boat. The line of mines is always so planted as to be flanked by some par- ticular part of the fort, which has been pointed out to the 160 PJ, A N T I W G T H E MINAE'S. non-commissioned officer in the grand junction box boat. He directs the skiff to row off on a course perpendicular to the straight line drawn from himself to the designated point, paying out the cod line as it moves. If it deviates from the true course, he corrects the direction by verbal orders. On reaching the first 100-foot mark, the private in charge of the skiff causes his assistant to cut the anchor lashing. The boat is then trimmed, and the cable is hauled taut and belayed without slack. The end of the cod line is then thrown off by the non- commissioned officer, and is drawn on board the skiff. The other two skiffs now come alongside the one already an- chored, and make their cod lines fast to its anchor cable at their first marks. The one farthest from the fort then rows away from it, keeping the anchored skiff and designated point in line. On reaching the 300-foot mark, the anchor lashing is cut, the cable is hauled taut and belayed, and the cod line is drawn on board. The third skiff is anchored in a similar manner on the side toward the designated point, the private in charge of the first skiff keeping the third on the line by verbal directions; the oarsmen will be assisted by the position of the two boats already anchored. If there be other skiffs, they are placed in position in a simi- lar manner, attaching their cod lines successively to the one last established, and dropping anchor at 300 feet distance. The first group of mines is planted, in the manner soon to be described, at the skiff first in position—which, when only three are used, then proceeds to prolong the line by the means indi- :ated above. The work of planting is then continued on the same principles until completed—operating always from the middle group outward. This drill, in combination with that already given for estab- lishing the position of the grand junction box, is to be frequently practiced; the precision attained being determined by triangu- lation from the shore. The duties in the skiff during the planting of the mines, are the following. When the cable leading to the grand junction box boat is received, its end is temporarily lashed and a turks head is made and secured in the triple junction box, being care- ful to keep the core dry. As each mine cable is received, it is lashed and secured in like manner ºn the proper clamps (Plate D U T'II'S OF THI E' B O A T P A R TIES. 161 VI, figure 2); a temporary joint, dry and carefully insulated Žn air, is made between its core and that leading to the grand junction box boat; and the Sergeant is notified that mine No.— is ready for the electrician's test. When signalled back that the tested mine is right, lay the mine switch flat in the bottom of the triple junction box, and permanently joint the mine core to a K wire. When the three mines have been thus attached, make a temporary joint between the grand junction box core and the H wire, and signal for a test of the whole group. If correct, make this joint permanent; carefully stow the mine switch so that none of the cores shall be sharply bent at the glands; attach the cover; reeve a line through the ring; lower the box overboard and signal for a new test. If correct, lower away and buoy the box, or not, as ordered. Usually, only the two outer triple junction boxes are thus buoyed; and this is only done when other mines are to be planted near them. To Plant a Buoyant Mine. The men will first be exer- cised in the mechanical operations of planting and raising the the mine, without being required to place it at a particular spot. Subsequently, when the requisite skill has been acquired, the exact position will be indicated in advance. This is, in effect, the preliminary drill for planting all systems of mines. The detachment consists of one commissioned Öfficer, one sergeant, one corporal (who usually steers), at least six privates designated No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, etc., and an engine driver. Mines prepared for automatic firing will be used. The following matériel should be provided:— 1 buoyant torpedo, loaded with 100 pounds of dry smooth gravel; sand is objectionable, being liable to become damp and thus interfere with the electrical tests. 1 planting buoy, with its graduated line. 1 torpedo anchor and lowering rope. 1 75-pound ponton anchor and cable. 1 drum of insulated cable, with its sling. 1 boat hook. 1 sounding line, carefully graduated. 1 cod line, 400 feet long. 1 jointing box D. 1 tool box (). 1 rigger's vise. 1 thimble clamp. 1 service detector. 1 earth plate for boat use. 1 coil of wire mooring rope, with thimbles at ends. Shackles, marline, lashing rope, annealed wire and thimbles. (40) 162 P L A N T' I W G T II E M I W Jº S. The steersman, engine driver and No. 2 bring the launch alongside the wharf, under the falls of the crane, where the rest of the detachment with the torpedo matériel is collected. She is made fast with long bow and stern lines, so as to admit of an easy shifting of position forward and back. The commissioned officer superintends the loading. The sergeant superintends the attaching of the block to the different articles, and gives the necessary orders for lowering. The corporal, assisted by No. 2, receives them on board. The rest of the detachment man the falls. The drum, if not already in position, is first lowered into its trunnion beds, so as to feed from the top—and the free end of the cable, carefully kept dry, is passed by the corporal and No. 2 forward on the starboard (torpedo davit) side, and thence to the torpedo on the wharf. No 1 aided by No. 3 has removed the cap, and they now pass the free end of the cable through the hole, so that the bight shall lie in the plane of the anchoring 'ring; make a turks head; clamp it in the cap; joint the core to the taped wire of the torpedo; replace the cap, and stop the cable firmly with marline to the junction of the bales. Meantime No. 4 knots one end of the lowering rope to the side ring of the anchor; passes the free end to the corporal, and hooks the block in the centre ring; the sergeant causes the an- chor to be lowered away. The corporal passes his end through the sheave of the cat-head; draws the anchor into position as high as possible; takes three turns over the top and round the head of the windlass; passes the rope round the cleat and belays. He then unhooks the block. The block is next hooked to the anchoring ring of the tor- pedo; a short lashing rope is attached to the lowering ring, and the free end is passed to the corporal. The torpedo is now lowered nearly to the deck, and is guided by No. 2 round the stem to the davit; the block on the davit is hooked in one of the bales by the corporal, and made fast to the cleat so as to leave the cap about 3 feet above the deck. The block is un- hooked by No. 2. No. 1 goes on board, and, aided by No. 2, firmly lashes the torpedo in a convenient position by the short lashing rope in the lowering ring, and, if needful, by another made fast to one of the bales. They then cover it from the Sun, and take in the slack of the cable on the drum. D Uſ T' I B, S O Hº' 'T' II E B O A T' PA I? TI E S. 163 Meantime the men on the wharf pass down the small articles, and go on board. The sergeant and No. 3 and No. 4 take po- sition forward, with No. 1 and No. 2; the remaining numbers take position aft. - The bow and stern lines are now cast off, and drawn on board carefully by No. 3 and No. 6, so as not to foul the propeller. The commissioned officer now directs the launch to the point selected for planting the mine; and, after checking the headway, causes No. 3 to drop the ponton anchor, and to make fast its cable when the needful slack is paid out. Meanwhile the sergeant and No. 4 have shackled one end of the wire mooring rope to the centre ring of the anchor; and, if the depth at which the mine is to be planted is accurately known, have cut the rope to the proper length; inserted a thimble; shackled it to the anchoring ring of the torpedo; and stopped the insulated cable at intervals of 6 feet to the wire mooring rope—the last stopping being not less than 6 feet from the anchor. If the exact depth is not known, the mooring rope must be cut after the launch is in position, and a sounding has been made by No. 3. About 5 feet should be allowed for the torpedo, shackles and anchor; and, as a general rule, the top should be placed 3 feet below low water mark, when, as at Willets Point, the tide has a range of eight feet. All being in readiness, the cover and lashings are removed from the torpedo, under the direction of the sergeant, by No. 1 and No. 2; and the block is slacked off by No. 4 until the tor- pedo rests on its side upon the water. The sergeant then tests it electrically, for a good circuit between the end of the cable on the drum and the earth plate in the water, the service detector being intermediate between the two. The block is now removed from the torpedo, and the anchor is lowered under the direction of the sergeant, No. 3 slacking off. The drum is served at the same time by No. 4 and No. 5, while No. 6 guides the cable, taking care that is does not come near the propeller. So soon as the torpedo floats vertically, work is suspended to allow the sergeant to repeat the electrical test. If a good circuit be shown, which cannot be broken by rolling the torpedo with the boat hook, the joint is bad or the circuit regulator is at fault, and the mine must be raised to cor- rect the difficulty. 164 PI, A N T IN G, TII E M IN E S. All being perfect, the planting buoy (page 80) is attached by passing the free end of its graduated line through the top ring of the torpedo, and then securing one of its graduations to the planting buoy, so as to leave ample slack in the bight; the mine is then lowered to the bottom, stopping occasionally to permit No. 1 to lash the lowering rope to the insulated cable with marline. The end, especially, is carefully made fast. In strong currents and water not too deep the operation of lowering may be varied, if the size of the launch permits, by slinging the anchor alongside, and when the torpedo has drifted well away cutting the slings and thus allowing the anchor to go by the run. Care must be taken to dispose the electric cable and lowering rope in such a manner as to render freely without endangering the men. In this method, of course, only the end of the lowering rope can be stopped to the cable. When the mine is down, the planting buoy is brought along- side and the depth of submergence of the torpedo is verified; after which the buoy is detached. Everything being in readiness for paying out the insulated cable, the commissioned officer directs Nos. 1, 2 and 3 to raise the ponton anchor as rapidly as possible. Taking advantage of the wind and tide, and being especially careful not to foul the cable round the propeller, he heads the launch as nearly on her own ground as possible, and slowly proceeds to the point for delivering the end. No. 4 and No. 5 stand in the tank and serve the drum, and No. 6 sees that the cable feeds freely through the after-chock and does not foul the propeller. When not otherwise employed during the drill, No. 6 will watch, boat-hook in hand, to prevent any loose rope from fouling the propeller. This accident will often occur with poorly drilled men. Should there be supernumeraries present, the officer in com- mand will cause them to give such aid as he may see fit. To Plant a Ground Mine, The following matériel should be provided : 1 ground torpedo, unloaded (model of 1873 should be ballasted with 100 pounds of gravel), with the fuzes in the can. 1 lowering rope for ditto. 1 ground torpedo. 1 planting buoy with its graduated line. 1 75-pound ponton anchor and its cable. 1 drum of insulated cable, with its sling. D U TI ES OF T H E B O A T P A R TI E'S. 16.) 1 loose coil of ditto, of a length not less than the depth of water. 1 boat hook. 1 sounding line, graduated in feet. 1 jointing box D. 1 tool box C. 1 riggers vise. 1 thimble clamp. 1 service detector. 1 earth plate for boat use. 1 coil of wire mooring rope, with thimbles at ends. Shackles, marline, lashing rope, annealed wire and thimbles. The steersman, engine driver and No. 2 bring the launch alongside the wharf, under the falls of the crane, where the rest of the detachment with the torpedo matériel is collected. She is made fast with long bow and stern lines, so as to admit of an easy shifting of position forward and back. The commissioned officer superintends the loading. The sergeant, assisted by No. 1, attaches the block to the different articles, and gives the necessary orders for lowering. The corporal, assisted by No. 2, receives them on board. The rest of the detachment man the falls. The drum, if not already in position, is first lowered into its trunnion beds, so as to feed from the top—and the free end of the cable, carefully kept dry, is passed by the corporal and No. 2 forward on the port (cat-head) side, and thence to the torpedo on the wharf. Having in the meantime removed the torpedo cap, No. 1 in- serts this end through one clamping hole, and an end of the short coil of insulated cable through the other clamping hole. The sergeant then orders No. 3, No. 4, No. 5 and No. 6 to make turks heads on these ends; and, when done, sees that they are drawn close to the cap and firmly clamped. He and No. 1 having in the meantime prepared the insulated wires of the torpedo; joint the cores to them—uniting the long cable to beveled wire D. While this is done, No. 3 holds the cap in a convenient position; and then he and No. 1 place it on the tor- pedo—using care to avoid jamming the exposed cores. They then firmly screw down the bolts, and insert and open the split keys. Meanwhile No. 4 has inserted a shackle in one ring of the cap, and attached the end of the lowering rope to the other by two half hitches. IIe then hands this rope to No. 2, who passes the end through the cat-head. (42) 166 PI, A WTING THI E' MIN E S. The sergeant then hooks the block to the anchoring ring, and lowers the torpedo into position; No. 2 draws the rope taut, takes three turns over the top and round the head of the wind- lass, and, passing it round the cleat, belays. He then neatly coils the short insulated cable forward, while No. 1 goes on board, and aided by No. 2 takes in the slack of the long cable on the drum. The block is next hooked to the anchoring ring of the buoy; a short lashing rope is attached to the lowering ring, and the free end is passed to the corporal. The buoy is now lowered nearly to the deck, and is guided by No. 2 round the stem to the davit; the block on the davit is hooked in one of the bales by the corporal, and made fast to the cleat so as to leave the cap about 3 feet above the deck. The block is unhooked by No. 2. No. 1 aided by No. 2 firmly lashes the buoy in a con- venient position with the short lashing rope in the lowering ring, and if needful, by another made fast to one of the bales. No. 1 and No. 2 now proceed to shackle one end of the wire mooring rope to the anchoring ring of the torpedo. The small articles having been passed down, the detachment go on board the launch. The sergeant and No. 3 and No. 4 take position forward, with No. 1 and No. 2; the rest take position aft. If the depth at the proposed anchorage be known, the ser- geant now sees that Nos. 1 and 2 lower the buoy until it rests on the deck and remove its cap; cut the short insulated cable so that, measured between turks heads, it will be about 2 feet longer than the wire mooring rope; pass the end through the clamping hole, so that the bight shall lie in the plane of the anchoring ring ; make a turks head and clamp it; joint the core to the taped wire; replace the cap, and stop the cable to one of the bales. Meanwhile, under his direction, No. 4 and No. 5 cut the wire mooring rope to the proper length ; insert a thimble; shackle the end to the anchoring ring of the buoy; and stop the insulated cable to the mooring rope with marline at intervals of about six feet. If the depth be not known, this is done after the launch is anchored and soundings have been taken. - In deciding upon the proper length of the wire mooring rope, about five feet should be allowed for the buoy, shackles I) U TIES OF THI E' B O A T P A R TIES. 167 and torpedo; and the top of the buoy must be brought at least 3 feet below low water mark. The commissioned officer directs the launch to the point se- lected for planting the mine; and, after checking the headway, causes No. 3 to drop the ponton anchor, make fast its cable as soon as enough slack is paid out, and take a sounding. All being in readiness, the cover and lashings are removed from the torpedo by No. 1 and No. 2; and the block of the davit is slacked off by No. 4 until the buoy rests upon the water, when the block is removed. The sergeant then tests the mine electrically, seeing that a circuit is shown between the end of the cable on the drum and the earth plate in the water—the service detector being intermediate between the two—when the buoy rests on its side; and that (according to circuit) none or a bad one is shown when it floats vertically. The planting buoy is now attached by passing the free end of its graduated line through the top ring of the buoy, and then attaching one of its graduations to the planting buoy—leaving ample slack in the bight. The torpedo is now lowered to the bottom, under direction of the sergeant, No. 3 slacking off. The drum is revolved at the same time by No. 4 and No. 5, while No. 6 guides the cable away from the propeller. The work is stopped occasionally to permit No. 1 to lash the lowering rope to the insulated cable with marline. The end, especially, is carefully made fast. After verifying the depth, the planting buoy is detached. The method of “letting go by the run" prescribed in the drill for planting a buoyant mine, may also be used with a ground mine unless the bottom be rocky. - Everything being in readiness for paying out the insulated cable, the commissioned officer directs Nos. 1, 2 and 3 to raise the ponton anchor as rapidly as possible. Taking advantage of the wind and tide, and being especially careful not to foul the cable round the propeller, he heads the launch as nearly on her own ground as possible, and proceeds to the point for delivering the end. , No. 4 and No. 5 stand in the tank and serve the drum, and No. 6 sees that the cable feeds freely through the after- chock, and does not foul the propeller. When not otherwise employed during the drill, No. 6 will watch, boat hook in hand, to prevent any loose rope from fouling the propeller. 168 P L A N T IN G T H E M I W E S. Should there be supernumeraries present, the officer in com- mand will cause them to give such aid as he may see fit. To Raise Single Mines. There are no differences which need be specified in the drills for raising a buoyant and a ground mine. The launch with the detachment and outfit on board, pro- ceeds to the point where it is to receive the end of the cable. It is rove through the hole in the drum for at least a foot, by Nos. 4 and 5, and secured by staples so as not to interfere with the revolution—which is always to be made in such a direction as to receive the cable on top. The detachment now take post as follows:—No. 3 by the anchor rope forward; Nos. 4 and 5 in the tank by the sides of the drum to revolve it; No. 6 just aft to feed the cable; Nos. 1 and 2 between him and the stern, to haul in through the after- chock; the sergeant supervises the work, and sees that the cable is coiled away evenly and regularly. If there are extra men, they will relieve the others from time to time. All being in readiness, the commissioned officer causes No. 3 to cast off the moorings of the launch. The party at the cable now begin to take it in. If the tide or wind is strongly opposed to the motion of the launch, it may become necessary to back the engine; but this endangers the fouling of the propeller, and usually should not be done. When the vicinity of the mine is reached, the ponton anchor is cast by No. 3, unless the current be slack. - &. When the end of the lowering rope comes on board, the lashings are cut by No. 6, and it is carried forward on the port (cat-head) side by No. 3, aided by Nos. 1 and 2, and passed through the sheave of the cat-head, three times over the top and round the head of the windlass, and round the cleat. No. 3 then takes position to haul in the slack. Nos. 1 and 2 now man the windlass, and raise the anchor or ground torpedo until it reaches the cat-head—when the rope is belayed by No. 3. The sergeant will cut the stops near the Water. The buoyant torpedo, or buoy, is then guided by Nos. 1 and 2 under the davit, using the boat hook and wire mooring rope. Then they attach a lashing rope to the lowering ring, and hook the block to one of the bales of the buoyant torpedo or buoy. Nos. 1, 2, 4 and 5 then raise it out of the water, by heaving on D U TIES OF THE BOA. T P A R TIES. 169 the fall; while No. 3 passes the free end round the cleat, and takes up the slack. When sufficient height has been gained, he belays; and then draws the wire mooring rope on board over the stem. Meanwhile, Nos. 1 and 2 lash the buoyant torpedo or buoy securely, and Nos. 4 and 5 take up the slack of the cable on the drum. The commissioned officer then directs the launch to the wharf, so as to bring her port side under the falls of the crane—where she is made fast with long bow and stern lines, thrown by Nos. 3 and 6. Meanwhile, under the direction of the sergeant, Nos. 1, 2, and 3 unshackle both ends of the wire mooring rope; and cut off the cable close to the cap. The end is then wound up on the drum and secured by Nos. 4 and 5. With a ground torpedo, the short piece of cable also is cut at the cap. Should he deem it expedient, the commissioned officer may dispense with this operation and leave the two parts of the mine coupled together and united to the drum. Arrived at the wharf, the corporal and No. 2 remain on board, to hook on the block and cast loose the ropes. The remainder of the detachment, carrying up the small articles, proceed to the wharf to receive the rest. The sergeant and No. 1 handle the block, while No. 3, 4, 5 and 6, man the falls. The articles are landed in an order inverse to the loading. After delivering the matériel, the corporal, No. 2, and the engine driver take the launch back to her moorings; and the rest of the party remove the articles to the store-house. In this drill, No. 6, when not otherwise employed, watches to prevent the propeller from fouling loose ropes; supernumeraries assist as directed by the officer in command. To Plant Mines in Grand Groups. The seven triple groups in each grand group are numbered consecutively from right to left, as seen from the grand junction box; and their cables are clamped in the latter in the same order, beginning at the multiple cable and following in a reverse direction the hands of a watch. The position of each cable in the box is thus independent of the order of planting. The numbering of mines and clamping of cables at the triple junction boxes follow the same rules—which are imperative in all cases, to facilitate the tracing of any individual mine. (43) 170 - P L A NTING T H E MTN ES. To avoid confusion in the casemate, grand groups will ul- timately be ignored and triple groups will be designated con- secutively—thus No. 1 of the second grand group will be known as No. 8; and of the third grand group, as No. 15. This system will be followed in attaching mine numbers to the operating boxes, and mine tags to the cables; but during the planting the casemate records will be kept upon the system used in the grand junction box boat—the grand groups being distinguished by their natural sequence as planted. The order of planting will usually be: (1) triple group No. 4; (2) the adjacent group farthest from the flanking guns; (3) the adjacent group next the flanking guns, and so on alternately. This renders alignment easy, and by separating the boats facil- itates manoeuvres of the tug. - After the grand and three triple junction box boats are an- chored in position, the tug first lays the single conductor cables connecting them, beginning in each case at the grand junction box boat and carefully avoiding slack. The ends of these cables are at once prepared and clamped in their respective boxes. At the grand junction box the core is permanently jointed to the proper core of the multiple cable; the core in the other boat is carefully kept dry in air. It only remains to prescribe the method of planting one of the triple groups of mines. + The tug should have on board a non-commissioned officer of Engineers in charge, and at least four well instructed privates, with half a dozen laborers. She should be provided with a derrick powerful enough to raise a torpedo or anchor, and sling it overboard; and with a cat-head, to which the anchors (or ground torpedoes) may be slung. There must also be on board: 1 planting buoy, with its graduated line. 1 drum of insulated cable, and its frame. 1 tool box (). sº 1 jointing box D. 1 service detector. 2 earth plates for boat use. 1 rigger's vise. 1 thimble clamp. 1 boat hook. 1 sounding line, carefully graduated in feet. 1 coil of wire mooring rope—where the depth is tolerably uni- form, it is well to have several assorted lengths of this rope with one or both thimbles already inserted. 1 coil of lowering rope. D UTIES OF THI E' B O A T P A R TIES. 171 1 cod line, with a length of 100 feet marked on it, and slack at both ends. Shackles, extra spit keys for ditto, lashing rope, marline, an- nealed wire and thimbles. As already stated, the three mines are to be planted at 100 feet from the triple junction box—two on the line of these boxes, and the third perpendicularly in front. Ascertaining the depth by sounding, and the state of the tide from the sergeant in the grand junction box boat, the length of the mooring rope is determined (allowing 5 feet for torpedo, shackles, etc.); the first torpedo is coupled to its anchor or buoy ready for planting; a mine buoy is attached by its graduated line passed through the lowering ring with both ends (at marks) secured to the buoy; the torpedo or buoy is lowered overboard; the tests prescribed in the drill for planting an isolated mine are made; the torpedo or buoy is hauled alongside; lastly, the anchor or ground torpedo, at a suitable depth above the bottom, is made fast by a stout lashing on its lowering rope—with wire mooring rope and insulated cable carefully prepared ready to be let go by the run. With ground mines on a rocky bottom, the torpedo must not be allowed to strike hard. In still weather and slack water the mine may be placed in the desired position as follows. The tug slowly approaches the skiff from such a direction that, allowing for wind and tide, she will be able to back into position. One end of the cod line is thrown to the skiff, where the 100-ft. mark is held to the anchor rope. The tug now backs off slowly in the right direction; and the instant the other 100-foot mark is reached, the lashing is cut and the mine sinks into its place. The lowering rope is then stopped to the insulated cable, and (allowing for the state of the tide) any surplus is cut off. The tug now goes alongside the skiff; cuts the insulated cable; passes the end on board; backs off and secures the planting buoy; hauls the torpedo to a vertical position and verifies its submergence by the graduation. If correct, the graduated line is freed from the torpedo, the planting buoy is taken on board, and the tug prepares to plant the second mine. " . - The following method of planting is to be preferred to the above in water not too deep (say in 50 feet or less), if the cur- rent or wind be too strong for easy manoeuvring, or if time be of importance. 172 P I, A W T I W G T LI Jº M I W E S. About 150 feet of cable have been regularly jointed to each mine on shore. An auxiliary steam launch or row boat, guided by the cod line, holds itself successively in the three positions designed for the mines. The tug steams alongside, drops the torpedo coupled as above, and passes the end of the cable to the triple junction box boat—either itself or by the auxiliary boat. as most convenient. The men on board haul in the slack, cut it off, make a turks head, and secure it in the proper clamp of the triple junction box. In drilling the slack should not be cut off, and the second turks head may be made on shore. Each mine when planted is tested electrically as follows. The core of its cable is temporarily united to that of the cable lead- ing to the grand junction box boat; and the sergeant on board, on receiving a signal that all is ready, telegraphs the number of the torpedo and group to the electrician—who makes the pre- scribed tests. If all be right, the cores in the triple junction box boat are separated, and the mine cable is jointed to a K wire of the switch box, which has already been laid flat in the bottom of the junction boº. With turks heads properly made there is no difficulty in inserting the switch box in this manner, but in case of necessity it may be set on its bottom, great care being taken to avoid injuring the H wire in closing the junction box. The other two mines are treated successively in like manner. All being right, the connecting cable is jointed to the H wire, and the triple junction box is closed and lowered overboard for testing. If all be right, the box is let go and the boat proceeds to the next station. By this method the electrician himself tests and is responsible for the electrical condition of each mine, and the use of detectors in the boats is avoided. When the mines are planted from a small handy vessel like a steam launch, it is easy to avoid striking mines already in posi- tion; but for a larger craft the space becomes contracted and more care is needful. This is specially the case in planting the No. 3 mines of triple groups where the adjacent left hand group is down; and the No. 1 mine of triple groups where the adjacent right hand group is down—in these positions a long tug must back and manoeuvre obliquely, or it will be certain to strike with its propeller the torpedo already in position. When the last triple group of the grand group is planting, the non-commissioned officer in the boat, after warning the elec- trician, will detach his instrument and temporarily connect the D UT' IAE S OF T H E B O A T' PA I? TIE S. 173 core to the core of the insulated cable of the group. After waiting a sufficient time for the tests to be made, he will again open communication and learn the result. When each of the three mines and the entire group together, has thus been satis- factorily tested he will permanently joint the two cores together; attach the cover to the grand junction box; lower it into the water, to enable the electrician to test all the joints he himself has made; and make some preconcerted signal to a man on the look-out, that this has been done. When the electrician is satisfied that all is right, he will cause this fact to be signalled to the boat; and the grand junction box will be lowered to the bottom, and buoyed. When it is to remain long in position, it is well to make the lowering rope fast to shackles in the rings of the grand junction box and buoy, to avoid chafing. Finally, the boat anchor will be raised, or the tug will be signalled for assistance, according to the facil- ities on board. To Raise or Repair Mines in Grand Groups. If the object be to raise the whole group—as, for instance, at the end of the war—the work will begin at the fort. The end of the multiple cable will first be drawn on board by a hawser, and the cable will then be coiled up on its drum until the grand junc- tion box is reached; each of the seven branches will there be cut, and followed to its triple junction box; and, finally, each torpedo of each group will be raised by its lowering rope, if the end has been recovered while taking up its insulated cable. If the mines have been in position a few months the lowering ropes will be rotten, and the torpedoes must be grappled—their insulated cables indicating their exact positions. These cables themselves should never be used to raise anchors or ground mines. A sling round the torpedo or buoy, as prescribed below, is the proper method. Usually there will be ample time for these operations—which, of course, involve no danger from accidental explosions—and the method of operating can best be decided in each individual case by the officer in charge. If an injury to the system should occur during the war, it would be discovered and its nature defined by the electrical tests; and repairs might become advisable. Such a contingency has been guarded against as carefully as possible; but the pos- sibility of its occurring, even repeatedly, must be admitted; and some of the minor arrangements have been made accordingly. (44) 174 P L A N 7"I W G 1' HE MIN ES. e Thus the junction boxes are kept buoyed as long as possible; because, when they are accessible, no grappling or under-running of cables is necessary. By raising the triple junction box of the defective group and cutting one, two or three of the joints in it, nothing can be easier than to ascertain which mine is in- jured, and to proceed at once to repair it without disturbing the others; or, if the fault is in the mine switch, or in the cable between this box and the fort, to ascertain that fact without disturbing the mines at all. If the buoys have been removed because an attack is immi- nent, the position of the grand junction box can always be found by triangulation, the angles being on record. Grappling in its vicinity from a boat provided with a windlass will soon recover it by one of its cables. From the grand junction box, the defective triple group may be found by under-running its cable; or a new triple group of mines may be planted on a single conductor cable, to fill the gap caused by the injury. If repairs become necessary, great assistance will result from there being no crossing of cables—an advantage which it will be noticed has been secured by the manner of arranging the mines. Experience has suggested various mechanical methods for recovering mines when the usual holds upon the anchor or ground torpedo are lost. I. When only the lowering rope is lost (a common occurrence from rotting), under-run the insulated cable from the triple junction box until the boat is directly over the mine; make a running bowline on a three-inch hemp rope, and press the noose down over the torpedo with a boat hook until it takes hold below the bales; pass the free end through the cat-head sheave; raise as high as possible and make fast; take a new hold with another hemp rope around the wire rope, and raise as before; continue this operation until the anchor or ground torpedo is reached. The only difficulty is to get a good lifting hold upon the wire rope—this may be done by a rolling hitch, or by stop- ping a marline head tightly round the wire rope and attaching the hemp rope below it. II. When the insulated cable as well as the lowering rope is parted, the mine must be found by sweeping with a 3-inch hemp rope about 50 feet long, held between two skiffs and carrying a weight of thirty or forty pounds at the bight. When the D UTIES OF THE B O A T P A R TIES. 175 torpedo is fouled, take two good turns round it by crossing the boats and (if the mine is too deeply submerged for the plan suggested above) raise by the doubled rope and the windlass on the tug. The approximate position of the mine may be inferred from that of the triple junction box. III. If the torpedo is leaky and has sunk, and the lowering rope is parted, grapple for the wire mooring rope with a strong hook and cable and raise by the windlass. More power than usual will be required, because flotation is lacking. IV. When the wire mooring rope and buoy of a ground mine are missing, the great weight of the torpedo and the suction of the mud render the operation a difficult one; it has been accomplished at Willets Point in depths exceeding 20 feet, and where the bottom was very soft, in the following manner. A large hook of 1.5-inch iron attached to a 4-inch hemp rope was lashed to the end of a 30-foot pole, and was engaged by hand in one of the ears. The weight being too great for the windlass, the rope was made fast at the middle of a two-ponton raft, and the torpedo was started from the mud by a tidal lift; afterward it was easily recovered. Under no circumstances should an attempt be made to raise the mine or anchor by the electric cable until all other means, including the use of a diver, have failed. The chance of success is small. To Plant Skirmish Mines. The officer in charge avails himself of every skiff suitable for the purpose; and, accom- panying them himself, causes them to anchor successively, with short cables, as nearly on the line laid down on the map as he finds practicable to designate. The distances apart he judges by the eye. If the line be situated near or between main lines, the floating junction box buoys will enable him to secure con- siderable accuracy, and to avoid placing any of his mines too near the others. Having thus marked out and verified the positions, he causes the tug to lay a properly tested single conductor cable in the usual manner—but passing it over each skiff in succession. The end should be led back to the casemate, or introduced into a coöperating fort; if not, its copper strand must be carefully insulated. Each skiff carries two Engineer privates, equipped with :— 176 - P I, A W T TNT G T H E M IN E S. 1 jointing box D. 1 heavy mushroom anchor. 1 signal flag. Triple junction boxes, mine switch boxes charged for skirmish mines, old turks heads. - The insulated cable is cut as soon as it is received on board; turks heads are made on the ends; they are secured in a triple junction box; their cores are jointed, one to the bevelled wire R of a mine switch placed flat in the junction box, and the other to wire H.; and, lastly, the extra hole of the junction box is closed by an old turks head. Having laid the cable, the tug returns with the mines. She is equipped precisely as prescribed for planting mines in groups; and plants one mine (loaded for purely automatic firing) about one hundred feet in front of each skiff, by one of the methods there laid down. If the bottom be stony, ground mines should not be cut loose too near the surface, lest they be injured by the shock. . The men make a turks head on the cable; clamp it in the triple junction box; joint the core to the remaining (unbevelled) wire K of the switch box; close the junction box; make a pre- concerted signal to a man on the look-out on shore; and lower the box into the water. If the electrician be satisfied with his tests, thereupon made, he signals to that effect, and the box is cut loose and allowed to sink to the bottom. The skiff then raises her anchor, and proceeds to execute the further instruc- tions of the officer in command. - To Raise Skirmish Mines. The cable is coiled up on the drum in the usual manner, by a tug accompanied by several skiffs. As each triple junction box is reached, the branch cable is cut, and the end passed on board a skiff—which proceeds to recover the end of the lowering rope of the mine, in the usual way. The tug subsequently comes back, and raises the mines with her windlass. To Plant Self-acting Mines. A large and powerful tug should be used, fitted with several cat-heads and strong cleats. She is equipped with :— Loaded torpedoes prepared for use as self-acting mines. Anchors for ditto, suited to the channel. Rigger's vises. Thimble clamps. Wire mooring rope. Annealed wire and thimbles. D U 7"I E'S OF TEI E B O A T P A R 'I' IJſ, S. 177 Tool boxes C. A sounding line graduated in feet. Shackles with spare split keys; lowering ropes; marline; lashing rope. The tug receives her mines at the wharf, where a crane or derrick will be available. The torpedoes must all be slung to cat-heads by short ropes. One end will be permanently attached to the cat-head; the bight will be rove through the ring of the cap, and the other end will be belayed in such a manner as to permit gradual slacking off. It should be borne in mind that this class of tor- pedo must always be kept inverted. The mooring is arranged as follows: Two shackles are hooked together; one is bolted to the bottom ring of the torpedo as slung (the usual lowering ring); and the other, to a thimble in- serted in one end of a coil of wire mooring rope of suitable length. The latter is placed on deck near the mine. The lowering rope for the anchor is attached to the side ring, and a shackle is inserted in the mooring ring. The anchor is then slung by the lowering rope, through a hawse-hole near the torpedo; and is secured by making the rope fast in such a manner as to permit of readily slacking off. Having slung her mines in this manner, the tug proceeds, with the officer in charge, to the most distant part of the chan- nel to be defended. She is accompanied by several small boats, each provided with a heavy anchor and a sounding line. The officer will cause these skiffs to anchor at such positions as he may select for the mines—the object being to cover the ground thoroughly as the work proceeds, so that a return to the same . vicinity may be unnecessary. The precision of location observed with electrical mines is not to be attempted; but a good project for a moderately narrow channel is a square, with one diagonal coincident with the middle of the passage. The torpedoes should never be placed nearer to each other than about 250 feet. Where the range of the tide is considerable, arrangements for signalling the stage above low water must not be forgotten. Having established the boats to his satisfaction, the officer proceeds to the most distant one, and learns the exact depth there from the man with the sounding line. He then causes the mooring rope to be cut to the proper length; the thinnble to be inserted, and shackled to the anchor; and the latter to be (45) 178 P I, A N T IN G T H E MIN E S. lowered nearly to the bottom. He then steams close alongside the boat, being careful not to foul its anchor line, and lowers the torpedo anchor until it begins to draw upon the torpedo—then both are slacked off together, the lowering rope of the torpedo being disengaged from it entirely so soon as it is supported by the water in its inverted position. In case the sea is too rough for this operation, the torpedo may be released on reaching the boat, and the anchor be allowed to go by the run immediately afterward. Lastly, the lowering rope of the anchor is detached as low down as possible. The small boat is then established in its second position, while the wire rope of the torpedo to be planted at the next boat is preparing. This manner of planting is safe, since there is no danger of an accidental explosion until the time has elapsed for which the safety break is regulated (about an hour). A careful record of the number and positions of all self-acting mines must be kept, to facilitate their removal when no longer needed. To Raise Self-acting Mines. The operation of clearing a channel from self-acting mines of the approved pattern is trouble- some, even although their number and exact location be known. If it be necessary to preserve the matériel (which is not to be recommended), proceed to the vicinity in a flat bottom boat provided with a strong windlass; send down a diver to find the anchor and attach a strong new line to it (the old rope soon rots and becomes unsafe); raise the anchor very carefully until the torpedo comes in sight; sling it by the cap ring and get it on board without allowing it to turn over—which it has a strong tendency to do; and, lastly, remove the cap and at once detach the battery wire from the wire entering the torpedo. When the end of the battery wire is insulated the torpedo becomes perfectly safe to handle; but such work can only be done in calm weather, and it is considered to be too dangerous to be usually attempted. t Even if it be decided to clear the channel by sacrificing the torpedoes, the operation is not entirely simple. The method by countermines acting as globes of compression, is uncertain and very expensive. Grappling to locate the mines is dangerous, since explosion follows decided tipping even without a shock; and in a strong current it is not always possible to be sure of T H E A Uſ T'O M A TIC FL. A. W. KING G UN S. 179 operating at a safe distance from every mine which may be fouled by the sweeping line. The safest and proper plan is to send down a diver to attach a small charge to the mooring rope, and to explode this by electricity at a safe distance. The tor- pedo, when thus released, will shoot upward with great velocity; and as it may reach the surface before turning over and exploding, dangerous fragments are liable to be thrown horiz- ontally to long distances. If sufficient buoyancy be given to a ten-pound charge to make it float upward along the mooring rope to the torpedo, the latter will probably be exploded by the concussion, and the danger from fragments will be lessened. THE AUTOMATIC FLANKING GUNS. The flanking of every grand group with a heavy fire of canister, grape and shrapnel from large smooth bore or rifled cannon, supplemented by machine and rapid firing guns of large calibre, constitutes an important part of the defence. The can- non, without in any way interfering with their ordinary service, can be arranged to be fired automatically by the enemy when tampering with the mines by night or in a fog. The Post Commander will decide what guns shall be so arranged for each grand group—the more of them the better. The artillery officers will note during the planting the proper direction and elevation for each gun—the object being to dis- tribute the total fire over each group to the best advantage. The Commanding Engineer will see that the electrical circuits are properly prepared. This is done by leading one single conductor cable from the mining casemate to the group of guns flanking each particular group of mines—choosing the most sheltered route where it will be least exposed to the fire of the enemy or to accidental injuries. Deteriorated cable unfit for use under water is en- tirely serviceable for this purpose. The end at the casemate will be secured and tagged with the number of its grand group; and its core will be extended by a leading wire to the operating table, by the electrician. He will also make a good electrical connection between its iron armor and his home earth. The other end will be led to the most distant gun, passing each gun of the group en route. In casemates it should be stapled overhead entirely out of the way. Near each gun the 180 PI, A WT'I W G T H E MIN E S. armor should be untwisted, not cut, and the core be drawn out. This core should be cut and extended by two leading wires long enough to reach the vent of the gun—being careful to insulate the joints from the armor. At the last gun, a leading wire well connected with the iron armor will supply the place of the second fuze wire. When the guns are to be set for automatic action, an electrical gun primer is joined to the two leading wires and inserted in each gun, after it has been properly loaded and pointed by the detachment. Simply drawing out these primers prepares the gun for service in the ordinary manner. It will be noted that the fuzes are all coupled in series, and that the explosion of the whole group will be simultaneous when the firing battery is applied to the single leading wire in the mining casemate. With 100 cells in perfect order, and half a mile of gun-connecting cable and leading wires (giving with return iron armor say 12 ohms), the total number of guns (n) which can certainly be fired may be thus computed: 4-º-º- 145 T 30+ 12-E0.87, Hence, n = 68 guns. This number is largely in excess of what will be required. The electrician of course should actually measure the circuit when completed; and, allowing about 0.1 of an ohm for the increased resistance of each fuze bridge by heating, and sub- stituting the measured values of the electromotive force and internal resistance of his battery as set up, should verify the above computation. He can hardly fail to have a large excess of power. When it is desired to set any group of guns for automatic action, it is only needful to remove the gun plugs in the corres- ponding operating box; attach to the seven gun posts, seven leading wires all radiating from the core of the proper armored cable; and, lastly, switch the signal and firing batteries to their automatic posts. The guns and not the torpedo will now ex- plode if the mines are tampered with by the enemy. (; H M PTER WI. OI2EER ATING TEHE SYSTEM. THE ELECTRICAI, TESTs; the firing battery; the signal battery; the automatic apparatus; the disconnector; the judgment firing key; the mines and cables; occasional tests; repairing injuries to the system.—DRILL OF THE DETACIIMINT; automatic system drill; mapping drill; judgment firing drill.—DEFENSE of THE MINES; modern modes of attack; attacks by daylight; attacks by night or in fogs; the electric light; movable torpedoes; injuries from friends; attempted passage by force. Before the arrival of the enemy, the duties of the officer in charge of the submarine mines will consist; (1) in daily or more frequent electrical tests of the condition of the system ; (2) in any repairs which may be necessary and practicable; and (3) in drilling his detachment for their duties in action. After the enemy appears in front of the position, attempts to destroy the mines, or cross the mined zone, must be thwarted by unceasing vigilance and every known expedient. THE EIECTRICAL TESTS. The object of these tests is to see that the mines are unin- jured, and that every part of the operating apparatus is in proper working order. Daily Tests--The Firing Battery. The minimum strength of the firing battery at any station is determined by the resistance of the circuit of the most distant torpedo ; which may be safely estimated by allowing 12 ohms per mile for the con- ductor, and 8 ohms for the disconnector, fuzes and two earth plates. The resistance thus computed, will indicate the maxi- mum external circuit through which the firing battery must give a current of 1.5 ampères. But to deflagrate fºr inclies of the standard platinum wire * in the testing clips, requires a cur- rent of only 1.0 ampères. Hence, before the clip test can be used with safety, it is needful to compute what increased resistance must be inserted to reduce the needful mine current of 1.5 am- pères to a rheostat current of 1.0 ampères. Denoting by R, , the internal resistance of the firing battery; by R, , the maximum *This wire (of which the fuzes and cut-offs are made) weighs 0.75 grains per yard; is 0.0025 inches in diameter; and has an electrical resistance of 3 ohms per inch. (46) 182 O P E R A 7"I W G 1'EIE S YSTEM. external resistance, computed as above; and by ſo the amount to be unplugged in the coils, which shall verify, by deflagration, the requisite strength of the battery, we have: E E 1.5 : 1.0:: ~~~~ : –-º-. º, + R, R, + æ Hence: (19) . . . . a = 0.5 R, +1.5 R, . Usually, a battery having an excess of power will be supplied; but the minimum limit of strength must be computed by this formula, and daily tests must be made to see that it is never passed. To deflagrate ſº inches of our service platinum wire, requires about double the strength of current which brings it to a very faint red. Hence, if the battery power be considerably in ex- cess of the minimum limit, it will be sufficient to find by trial exactly the number of ohms which, nnplugged in the set of re- sistance coils, will give a faint red color to the test piece when the firing current is switched to its testing post. A record being kept of this resistance, the daily tests of the firing battery will simply consist in unplugging the amount in the set of resistance coils, and switching the firing battery through it. If the plati- num wire shows a faint red color, the battery remains unchanged; if not, further trials must determine through what resistance the desired result can be obtained. The advantages of this modification of the deflagration test are, that the battery is less polarized, that a more delicate measurement of its power is made, and that the trouble of replacing the test wire is avoided. It is not, however, quite so determinate; and near the limit of power, it should not be trusted. It need hardly be mentioned that in these tests, care should be taken to make as few and as short contacts as possible, to avoid polarizing the battery. To this end it is far better, when determining by trial the number of ohms through which the bridge inay be reddened or deflagrated, to begin with less than the computed resistance and work upward rather than the reverse. The contacts polarize the battery, and it is easier to meet than to overtake its effects; moreover, deflagration gives the minimum duration of contact. By working downward the battery may be much weakened. Should any considerable loss of power be detected, the diffi- culty will usually be due to a defective cell. To find the box Z’ H E E L J' ('T'Jø I. O. A /, 7' E. S. 7"S. 183 at fault, the two wires are detached from the battery terminal poles, and a new earth wire is provided; the firing battery switch is put on its testing post, and about a dozen ohms are un- plugged in the resistance coils; the line wire and new earth wire are now applied, successively, to the terminal poles of each battery box, and the resistance unplugged is varied in each case until a faint red color is shown on the test wire; the worst boxes are thus readily detected and noted. Proceeding in like manner with the separate cells in these boxes, the loss of power is exactly located. When the defective cell is thus discovered, it may either be repaired or, if time presses, be cut out of cir- cuit. The normal connections are then restored, and the usual test is made. If the battery has been kept long in action, a general deteri- oration caused by polarization may result. This will disappear after a few hours of rest. The normal electromotive force per cell of the service Leclanché firing battery is 1.45 volts, the internal resistance in perfect condition being about 0.3 ohms. When the latter quantity is actually measured, the fifth method given in Abbot's Motes on Electricity should in general be pre- ferred. It is sufficiently accurate for practical purposes, and is less injurious than any other available at a mining station. Daily Tests--The Signal Battery. To test the signal battery, a wire should be attaehed to the terminal of the set of resistance coils not connected with the earth wire, and a resistance of at least 100 ohms should be unplugged. Touch- ing one of the torpedo posts with the free end of this wire should then cause the corresponding automatic apparatus to work. If a defective cell is suspected, it may be discovered by disconnecting the Bradley galvanometer from its usual con- nections, and touching the terminals of each cell with two wires, the other ends of which are attached to the two binding posts of the galvanometer, its zero coil being plugged. A comparison of the deflections will show which cell is weakest, and to what extent. For an actual measurement of the internal resistance, Mance's method is usually to be preferred. Daily Tests--The Automatic Apparatus. The only parts of this apparatus which require especial attention are the mercury contacts. These must be kept free from dust, and from the oxidation caused by sparks when the circuit is broken. The latter occur chiefly in the circuits of the firing battery, but 184 O P E R A TING T H E S Y S T E M must not be neglected for the signal battery. If the boxes be kept habitually closed, but little trouble will be experienced from dust. The mercury used should be pure, and if treated with dilute nitric acid should subsequently be thoroughly washed in pure water. If any acidity remains, it may coat the interior of the cups with oxide and thus introduce much resistance into the circuit. Should such a condition be suggested by the tests, the bad cups should be removed from the box and scraped clean with a die sinker’s file from tool box A. The only daily test is the following—which is but an ex- tension of that already prescribed for the signal battery. A wire long enough to reach the most distant of the tor- pedo binding posts, is attached to one terminal of the box of resistance coils, the other being joined to the earth wire. At least 100 ohms are unplugged; and, the firing battery being off its automatic post, each torpedo post is touched in succession with the free end of the wire. A rapid vibration of the lever should occur. Should any lever fail to vibrate, the difficulty may usually be removed by regulating the strength and position of the spring connecting it with the base-board and magnet. Close attention should be given to see that the firing bridge considerably disturbs the mercury in both of its cups. If not, the mercury level must be so adjusted as to secure this result. Care in adjusting this level is necessary. If the signal circuit be not broken before the firing circuit is closed, the gun plug being in, a furious and continued vibration certain to bend the lever is the result. This is caused by the current of the firing battery flowing to home earth through the signal battery. It is cor- rected by readjusting the mercury level in the three cups, so that the signal circuit shall be broken before the other is closed. Daily Tests--The Disconnector. The proper condition of this instrument has been incidentally verified when testing the firing battery. If the bell rings correctly at the contacts which send the current through the resistance coils, the mechanism is in perfect order. Occasional rewinding of the clock-work is required, but it is not desirable to retain too strong a tension on the spring; when the bell begins to work sluggishly is soon enough to rewind. Daily Tests--The Judgment Firing Apparatus. No test is required, other than to ascertain by inspection that the T EI E E L E O TR TO A. L T E S T S. 185 mercury cups are in good order and properly filled ; that the leading wires are securely attached to the binding posts; and that the lever works freely. Daily Tests--The Mines and Cables. The nature of the daily tests will depend entirely upon the condition of the cables. While the mines were planting, a record was kept of the de- flection of the Bradley galvanometer with the signal battery switched to the testing circuit, as group after group was suc- cessively placed in position. Final tests of the same character measured the aggregate leak of each grand group, and of the whole system; and if these remain unchanged from day to day, it is safe to infer that no injury has occurred to mines or cables. As the condition of the signal battery may vary slightly, a small change may be noted in the standard deflec- tions, sometimes an increase and sometimes a decrease; but it cannot be confounded with the effect of a serious injury to a cable, or of a leak in a torpedo. With the signal battery on the automatic circuit, either of those accidents will instantly sound the alarum, and drop the mine number of the injured group; with the battery on the testing circuit, a violent deflection of the needle will certainly be shown. Should such indications occur, or should an alarming increase in standard deflection be noted, the fault must be traced to its origin. To do this (if the leak is not sufficient to drop the number of the defective group), an assistant should remove the torpedo cables one after another from their posts, while the electrician, with the Bradley galvanometer and signal battery switches on their testing posts, attentively observes the needle, the coil giving the most sensitive deflection being plugged. A sudden fall will occur when the defective wire is detached. The next step is to determine whether the difficulty results from a loss of insulation in the cable, or from a defect in the torpedo. The best method is that known as the sea-cell test. The electrician first measures the resistance of the group by the method of reversals, taking care to leave the fault depol- arized; and then, after carefully seeing that the circuits of both signal and firing batteries are broken at the key-board, re-attaches the defective wire to its post; removes the counterpoise; in- serts the gun plug, if not already in ; and closes the galvanometer switch to earth. (47) 186 O P E R A TI N G T H E S Y S T E M. By so doing, he has detached this group from all connection with its neighbors, or with any battery in the operating room, and has closed the circuit of the cable through the galva- nometer to earth. But if the copper strand be exposed, or if a leak has occurred in the torpedo, a feeble sea-cell has been formed thereby. The sea water is the exciting fluid. In the former case, the plates are represented by the home earth and the tinned copper strand; in the latter, by the home earth and the zinc plate of the circuit regulator in a buoyant torpedo or buoy, or the zinc strip in the fuze can of a ground torpedo. These feeble cells in completing their circuit through the cable, traverse the galvanometer, and, of course, effect the needle. The nature of the injury is inferred by noting the amount and direction of these deflections, and then considering the results in connection with the resistance already measured. To have several unpolarized home earth plates of different metals is needful in such a test; and for this reason a zinc, an iron and a copper plate, all carefully separated from each other and plunged in the sea, have been provided; they are connected with the casemate by insulated wires so labelled as to be readily distinguished. The terminals are successively connected to the earth post of the Bradley galvanometer switch, the 150-ohm coil being plugged; or, if this fail to give determinate readings, to that of the Siemens galvanometer connected as a sine. The switches on the testing table are so arranged as to permit this to be rapidly done without changing leading wires. To arrive at correct conclusions from such measurements, may call for individual skill on the part of the officer; for a complete set of rules can hardly be laid down to serve as arbi- trary guides. For this reason, the following examples have been extracted from the records at Willets Point. The re- sistance of each fault was determined by the method of short reversals. The casemate leading wires in the sea-cell tests were connected as shown on Plate VIII; and the direction of the deflections refers to the south seeking end of the needle. THI E' E L E (/TRI ('A J, 7' E. S. T.S. 187 J. XAMPLIES OF SEA-(JICI, I, TEST’S. Resistance Deflection of needle— Nature of distant Of' distant home earth being : Carth. Garth Galvanometer. -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - in Ohms. Zinc. IrOn. | Copper. | No. 1, good torpedo, • a ſilic, ºr 1 º' i ; ; *! 1.8 | Bºº. || 34° E. 2° E. ww. No. 2, leaky torpedo.. 1.5 £ 4 4° E. , 30° W. 50° W. No. 3, leaky tºrpedo: 1.5 { { | 20 E. 32° W. 51° W. Nº Plus in-Q wº & 4 21° E. 5° E. 30 w. No. 5, cable fault..... 12ſ) & 4 7° E. 3° E. 1° W. No. 6, cable fault..... 8 $ 4 38° E. 15° E. 19° w. No. 7, cable fault..... 75 4 * 14° E. 9° E. 15° w. No. 8, cable fault..... 24000 Siemens, as sine. 7° E. 2° E. 3° w. No. 1. A torpedo in perfect order, connected to the shore by a perfect cable; the circuit was completed by closing the regulator. No. 2. Identical with No. 1; except that the torpedo was full of water. No. 3. Identical with No. 1, except that the regulator was open, and that the torpedo was full of water. Closing the regulator mechanically produced no sensible effect upon the sea-cell indication. No. 4. A defective torpedo set for an open circuit. It had been ballasted with Sea Sand in lieu of a charge of dynamite; and the moisture con- densed from the air had dampened the sand, and thus bridged the insulating band of the regulator, forming a circuit to earth. The test (compare No. 1) is characteristic of a total loss of insulation in Some part of the circuit through the compound plug. No leakage had occurred in the torpedo. No. 5. A defective cable, the fault being a clean cut leaving the exposed end e in the sea. No. 6. Identical with No. 5, except that 6 inches of the insulation at the cut was exposed. No. 7. A fault caused by an anchor strain, in a cable of which the distant end was insulated. No. 8. A fault caused by an anchor strain, in a cable of which the distant end was insulated. It gave 10° deflection upon the Bradley galva- nometer, 150 ohm coil, when tested by a small 10-cell Leclanché battery. The sea-cell current was too feeble to produce any effect on that galvanometer. The following general principles are applicable in deciding what inferences should be derived from such observations. (1) When the home and distant earth plates consist of the same metal, the sea-cell current will be very feeble as compared with that obtained with the other home plates. This is illustrated by Nos. 1 and 4, in which both plates are iron; Nos. 2 and 3, in which they are zinc ; and No. 5, in which they are copper. 188 O P E R A TING TH E S Y S T E Mſ. The apparent discrepancies shown by Nos. 6, 7 and 8 are due to the fact that the copper strands of the cable are tinned, thus making the distant plate only in part copper. (2) A leak in the torpedo is always characterized by a very small resistance; while in a cable fault it is usually much higher, depending upon the surface exposed. (3) With an iron home earth, the South seeking end of the needle is normally deflected to the west by a leak in the torpedo, and to the east by a fault in the cable; but care must be taken to depolarize the plates if they have been subjected to the action of the signal battery, or these character- istic deflections, especially in the case of a cable fault, may be reduced or even reversed. In fine, with mines operated upon an open circuit, or one of high resistance, a skillful electrician should be able to decide promptly upon the locus and cause of any serious fall of insulation. With a circuit of low resistance, the matter of de- termining injuries would be far more difficult; and this, with other good reasons, decided the choice for our service. Occasional Tests. The internal resistance and electro- motive force of the signal battery should be measured as often as once a month, using any of the available methods. The firing battery has so small an internal resistance, and is so much exhausted by the process, that this better not be attempted un- less serious indications of failing are given. g The circuits of the several mines may be mechanically tested by operating on the circuit regulators, in cases where they are kept in position for so very long periods as to render this de- sirable. It may be done at low water by striking them with a small side-wheel tug, moving at slow speed—or by passing a rope round each wire mooring rope in turn, and holding fast by it over the mine, while the buoy or buoyant torpedo is suddenly tipped over by a boat-hook, or by lowering a small mushroom anchor upon it. A large boat is necessary for this purpose, and a tip and sudden jerk are both desirable. It need hardly be mentioned that the connections in the casemate should receive the most careful attention during this test—the firing battery wire being entirely detached from the apparatus, the gun plugs being removed, and the signal battery being switched on the automatic circuit in order to report the result. The resistance of the home earth should be frequently meas- ured. To do so, one auxiliary plate of known resistance, or two TIſ E E L E (; TIP TO A L T E S T'S. 189 auxiliary plates must be employed. The home earth plates afford every needed facility for the measurement. The best result will usually be obtained with the zinc and iron plates, as the iron armor of the torpedo cable is galvanized. It is well, occasionally, to verify the condition of every part of the automatic apparatus in the casemate, by testing it as a whole at the nearest possible point to the water. This is done by entering the cable shaft, and, with a needle attached to an independent earth wire, pricking each core to the copper at the point where the separate leading wires enter the multiple cable, which, of course, is never submerged. If the signal bat- tery be on the automatic circuit, this should drop all the numbers in succession. By inserting a fuze, a cut-off, and the standard resistance in the independent earth connection, and setting the signal and firing batteries for automatic action, the test may be made to include the automatic firing arrangements. Of course the channel should be watched in the meantime, to see that no friendly vessel is near. Repairing Injuries to the System. While awaiting the close approach of the enemy, both batteries should be kept off the cables; but when he presents himself, it may be desirable, especially by night, to keep the signal battery on its automatic circuit continuously. With good cables, good joints, etc., this will cause no trouble—but if it should be necessary to employ poor materials, the faults may, under the action of the usual zinc current, become worse. It is, therefore, important to re- member the effect of reversing the signal battery (putting zinc to earth). When this is done, the faults have a tendency to close, from the deposit of chloride of copper and other non- conducting salts; and, for a short time, this may be a valuable resource. Still, these salts are formed at the expense of the copper core, and ultimately must lead to its destruction. The expedient, therefore, should always be used with caution. With really bad faults, not much advantage will result—but with many small faults the temporary relief afforded by this device may be important. The trouble occasioned by many small and increasing faults may become serious. A deflection of about 80° on the 150-ohm coil of the Bradley galvanometer, corresponding to a current of about 0.02 ampères, can be permitted in any cable, without danger of an accidental switching on of the firing battery. If (48) 19() O P J R A TI W G T H E S Y S T E Mſ. this limit be approached, the battery must be kept off the cables as much as possible; and when on, the following expedients may be used. Fºrst. The weight of the counterpoise may be increased. The amount by which this can be done must be determined by trial—as it depends largely upon the strength of the signal battery. The operation will consist in replacing the cable by a wire connected through the box of resistance coils to earth; and, after unplugging a resistance corresponding to that with the circuit regulator closed at the mine, weighting the armature by trial until the maximum safe load which will not prevent it from working is determined. Second. Another plan is to shunt this magnet by such a resistance as will produce the same effect. The shunt is intro- duced between the automatic signal post and the torpedo post for the cable in question. Its minimum safe resistance may be determined by the unethod given above. Thºrd. The better plan, perhaps, is to reduce the electro- motive force of the signal battery to a minimum. The apparatus can usually be safely worked with 6 volts; but the minimum number of cells can readily be found by trial, as above, with the resistance coils of the rheostat. The foregoing expedients are designed to retard deterioration exhibiting itself in the system too late to permit thorough repairs. It remains to consider cases where mines have become unserviceable with such methods of operating, but which never- theless may not be absolutely worthless in action. Of course, when time permits, such mines would be replaced; but during an actual siege this could not usually be done, and it only re- mains to derive such uncertain assistance from them as extreme measures suggest. Mines usually become unserviceable from one of three causes —leaking of the cases; faults at joints, or from accidental abrasion of the cable from chafing upon sharp rocks, the swinging of the torpedo, etc.; and successful severing of the cables by the enemy. Each will be considered in turn. Leaking of the cases can be certainly detected by the elec- trical tests. As wetting dynamite does not materially weaken its explosive force, and as the fuzes are kept dry in their water- tight fuze cans, such an injury is only fatal because the water destroys the buoyancy of the case, and hence sinks the circuit T II E E L E (/ T R T (/A ſ, T'Jº S T'S . 191 regulator below the draft of the enemy's hull. The mine is, therefore, still available for purely judgment firing; and, if the channel be not too deep, and be sufficiently narrow to admit of precision in triangulation, it may sometimes be thus used. As mines on main lines, however, are planted in triple groups, and as such an injury would be unlikely to occur in more than one of the three, the best course would usually be to remove the counterpoise, insert the gun plug, and explode the damaged tor- pedo by switching on the firing battery—this would also explode the cut-off, and thus leave the two remaining mines serviceable. The same method is applicable to a leaky skirmish mine. When a bad defect in a joint has developed itself, or when the cable has been so chafed as to expose, but not sever, the copper strand, mines may often be used for automatic firing by connecting the shore end of the cable to the zinc pole of a pow- erful and constant battery, its carbon pole being attached to earth. The closing of the circuit regulator by the enemy will then open a second route through the fuze, which will usually divert sufficient current to effect an explosion with our sensitive fuzes (see page 101). It is needless to say that the Leclanché firing battery is not suited for such uses, owing to its inconstant character; but as most important stations will be supplied with the electric light and a dynamo inachine, or a large battery of Grove or Bunsen cells, the officer will have all needed facilities. With ground mines, if the injury has occurred between the tor- pedo and buoy, applying the current may cause an explosion; and, not to endanger the other mines, the precaution should be taken of seeing that the Leclanché firing battery is switched off its automatic circuit when the experiment is tried. When the enemy has had access to the cables, the amount of injury done will vary greatly with the part he has been able to grapple. On main lines, if he has cut the cable between a mine and its triple junction box, the other two of the group may usually be rendered available by attaching a constant battery, as just described. If he has cut the cable between the triple and grand junction boxes, he has effectually destroyed that triple group. If he has cut the multiple cable, the whole grand group is worthless; this injury, however, is unlikely to occur, owing to the cable sinking into the mud by its great weight. With skirmish mines, when two forts occupy opposite sides of the channel, each cable should enter both mining casemates. A 192 t O PAE R A T'I W G T H E S YAS 7' E.M. single cut will then do no harm, if the device of attaching a powerful and constant battery be employed at each station. Indeed, in this case, the enemy must either sever the cable close to each fort, or cut off each mine from it in detail, or attach un- commonly good earth plates to each end of the cut in order to seriously injure the group. Such operations, under the auto- matic and close fire of the works, will not be easy; and the actual amount of damage may be quickly ascertained by the electrician. Thus, considering the case when both ends of the cable enter the same casemate, measure the resistance between the two ends (a) and subtract the corresponding resistance of the cable before it was cut (r); the result will be the joint resistance of the two faults at the cut. Next, measure the joint resistance of each piece of cable and of the home earth, and subtract the known resistance of latter—the results, (b) and (e), will be the sum of the resistance of each fault and of its line to the casemate. If (a) differs but slightly from the sum b + c, it may be assumed that the measurements are correct, and that the joint resistance of both faults, and the joint resistance of each fault and of its own piece of cable are known. Further than this it is not pos- sible to measure, but from these figures useful inferences may be drawn. * If, for example, (a) sensibly equals (r), the faults are very low in resistance, and the mines near the out can hardly be made active even by a very powerful battery; this is not true, however, for those at a moderate distance from the cut. The joint resistance of the cut-off, of the 100-foot length of branch cable, of the two fuzes in the torpedo, and of the torpedo earth, may be assumed at 3 ohms, through which 1.5 ampéres must pass to certainly explode the mine when its circuit closer is closed by the enemy. At 3 ohms distance (one-quarter of a mile) from the cut, by the law of derived circuits one-half of the battery current will be diverted through the torpedo, and explosion will be certain, provided the current flowing through the cable be three ampères. If the cable resistance from the casemate to the cut be 12 ohms—corresponding to about a mile—the number of large Grove cells (n) to maintain this current is easily computed by Ohm’s formula, thus: TJJ E JEJ, JE (1 TJ2 ſ ("A L T'Jº S T S. 193 2 n. 3 × 3 0.1 m + 9 + - C : 3 + 3 3 = Hence, n = 19 large cells. This, however, is a very unfavorable and improbable suppo- sition. If the resistance at the fault be 8 ohms, corresponding to about six inches of bare copper wire, the resistance of the cable branch at a point one-quarter of a mile from the cut will be 11 ohms, while a torpedo branch at that spot has only 3 ohms. Hence, a main cable flow of only 1.9 ampères is required to give 1.5 ampères through the mine, and the number of cells becomes: 2 n. 11 × 3 0.1 m + 9 + ITT3 n = 12 large cells. Evidently, with a battery of 50 large Grove or Bunsen cells available to apply to the home ends of the injured cable, only one or two mines in the immediate vicinity of a cut will, in general, be unfit for automatic action on this system; and the electrician, if both ends of the cable are in his own casemate, can by three rapid measurements assure himself what fraction of that battery is needed. If one end enters the casemate of the côoperating fort, he has only to telegraph to its electrician (through another skirmish line cable) to measure his fault and compare notes. The result, although not quite so determinate, will furnish a sufficient practical guide when discussed on the above principles. It is not necessary to prescribe mechanical methods to repair injuries discovered in the system; they must be decided by local considerations. It is well, however, to state that in raising a junction box or mine, an hour should always be selected when the tidal current sets away from the line of mines. This pre- vents the boat from drifting in a direction to foul other buoyant mines with the cable she is raising—the most troublesome diffi- culty likely to be encountered in practice. DRILL OF THE DETACHMENT. Each man of the party should be frequently practised in per- forming all the duties which in any contingency may be required 1.9 = (49) 194 O P E R A T'ING TEI E S YST'ſ) M. of him. Thus to set up, adjust and operate the dial telegraph instruments, to make joints, to load torpedoes for new mines, and to make the electrical preparations for flanking guns, etc., may devolve upon any one; and to act as assistant electrician may happen to any of the non-commissioned officers. At stations supplied with the electric light, the whole party should be exercised with the dynamo or in Setting up the bat- tery, in manipulating the lens by night so as to skillfully control the illuminated field, and in taking apart and cleaning every part of the apparatus. In like manner, if fish torpedoes steered and controlled by electricity are provided, the party should be exercised in their U1S62. Beside becoming familiar with the details of their routine work, frequent practice should be had in the special drills soon to be described, which are designed to cover what may occur in an actual attack. The importance of great promptness and efficiency in this part of their duties will be apparent when the short time given to act is considered. A vessel 300 feet long, passing directly over a mine, will be within its dangerous range only about thir- teen seconds if moving at a rate of fifteen miles an hour, and sixty-five seconds if moving three miles an hour. Between these limits the available time will probably lie. In many, and indeed in a majority of cases with automatic mines, the duties will be exceedingly simple. The hostile fleet will be seen approaching the position. The Commanding En- gineer, equipped with a map and field glass, and having his telegraph operator with dial telegraph and copy of code for action (telephones cannot be trusted during the noise of a cannonade) within hearing, will be at his post where a clear view of the channel can be obtained. He will telegraph to the casemate to set the apparatus for automatic action. This order, received by the operator there, will be instantly communicated to the electrician—who then has nothing to do but to set the switches correctly; to report the number of any mine as soon as it is exploded; and to manipulate the apparatus so as to pre- vent any further explosions from being caused thereby. By night, and in dense fogs, only this method of operating should be attempted. t J) R ſſ, L () J' TII E' DJſ, TA G JIM AE W T. 195 But circumstances may occur which will complicate even the automatic Service of the mines. Some of our own vessels may be in the close vicinity; or the enemy may send worthless hulks ahead, steered by electricity, to draw the fire; or he may at- tempt to protect his vessels by out-rigger frames or rafts in order that the explosion may occur too soon to inflict serious injury. In such cases, the Engineer, without ordering any explosions in advance, must know at once what mine is struck, so that from its known locality and the visible position of the vessels, he can decide on the instant whether or not to fire—and if the latter, be able to do so precisely when it will be most effective. In other words, he must know almost as soon as the electrician in the casemate, when any particular mine is struck; and must then be able to perfectly and promptly control the action there taken. Evidently, instructed telegraph operators and a cool and prompt electrician are demanded for such work; and previous drilling based upon the most unfavorable conditions is requisite. To prepare to meet this need, the following drill has been devised and practiced at Willets Point; and it should be fre- quently repeated in actual service, while awaiting the approach of the enemy. In order to cover the whole ground, simulated injuries to the mines have been included—although in battle nothing could be done in such cases but to detach the cable. Automatic System Drill. The Commanding Engineer causes a few insulated cables to be extended from the casemate to the wharf, or other station where a full view of the channel can be obtained, and where the water is close at hand. He proceeds there himself with two privates and the following matériel—leaving the electrician, and a private to serve the tele- graph, in the casemate. 1 dial telegraph instrument (telephones should not be used ). 1 earth plate and connecting wire. 1 circuit regulator to each cable. 1 lowering cord. 1 piece of torpedo cable, about 25 feet long, with a place near the middle prepared by grinding off one side of the armor and slightly exposing the copper strand to simulate such an injury as would be likely to occur from chafing upon sharp rocks. 1 box containing fuzes, cut-offs, screw cups, a zinc plate, small insulated wire and cutting pliers. 1 photograph of loading connections. 196 O P J R A T' I W G T H E S Y S T E Mſ. # * *** One of the privates serves the telegraph on the wharf; the other makes the connections as ordered. To guard against accidents (11) is always telegraphed before beginning work, and before making any changes in the matériel. As the fuzes are dangerous, they are to be so placed and covered that frag- ments by no chance can strike any of the party. The ends of the cables have been left insulated in the air on the wharf. By attaching them through fuzes, cut-offs and cir- cuit regulators, in the manner shown on the loading photograph, to a wire connected with the earth plate submerged in the water, the officer prepares electrically a set of mines; and can, there- fore, easily ascertain the promptness and skill of his party by seeing whether his adjustments and telegraphic orders are fol- lowed instantly by the results intended. Having satisfied himself that the party thoroughly understand how to operate the mines in action, he proceeds to exercise them in detecting defects in the mines and cables. These can be closely simulated. For instance, by attaching the end of one of the cables to the zinc plate, and lowering it into the sea, he can produce the electrical conditions of a leaky torpedo. In like manner, by attaching a cable to one end of the strand of his piece of chafed cable, and sinking the injured part below the water surface (both ends being kept in the air), he can ac- curately imitate a loss of insulation in the cable of that sup- posed mine. In fine, he has every needed facility for exercising his party in their duties in operating the system—such, for instance, as automatic firing; firing a designated mine not struck by the enemy; detecting and reporting, without firing, the touching of a mine, and promptly executing the orders thereupon received; operating the flanking guns; detecting and deciding upon the cause of injuries occurring to the mines, i. e., whether due to leaking of the torpedo, or to chafing of the cables, etc., etc. TELEGRAPH OPERATORs. The duties of the operators and the code for action, have been prescribed in Chapter II, under the the heading “Wheatstone Dial Telegraph.” The latter is here reprinted for convenience of reference. The instruments must have been put carefully in unison; and, with the switches up, the operators fix their eyes on the receiving dials. All signals now refer to the inside characters —the right hand figures denote the mine groups, each being J) Jº Iſ, I, O F 7'IIſ, J) Jº TA (VIIMF, WT. 197 designated by its number; the left hand figures are used for the abbreviated code given below. After sending a message, the stop is always to be made at the +. - Should either operator desire to send a message not provided for in the code, he will stop three times at the +, after which his signals will be read on the alphabet; but every message so sent must be preceded by a triple stop at the +. In every case whether in action or at drill, all code messages must be instantly repeated by the receiver for verification. The following is the regular code for action. By a further combination of numbers, it may be extended indefinitely; but, to avoid complexity, it should be restricted to urgent messages. TII E COI) E FOR ACTION. 11 See that circuit of firing battery is broken at its switch. 22 Report number of any group struck, and prepare to fire it. ' 33 No vessel near—find out difficulty and report. 44 Friend—let pass. 555 Enemy is over the mine—fire. 666 (Adding number in right hand figures). Prepare to fire group No.—. When I am ready, message (555) or (44) will be sent, according to circumstances. 777 Automatic adjustment to fire flanking guns if torpedoes or cables be disturbed. 888 Automatic adjustment to fire the mines—enemy approaching. 121 Trouble here requires your presence. 131 My message was not understood—I now repeat it. 141 Your message is not understood—please repeat. 151 Leak in torpedo. 161 I loss of insulation in cable. 171 The circuit is broken—end of core insulated. 181 The cable has parted—end of core in water. THE ELECTRICAN. To prepare for the drill, the electrician detaches the multiple cable boxes, removes the real torpedo cables from the key-board box, and attaches the wharf wires as directed by the commanding officer. The leading wires of the firing battery and of the signal battery remain attached as usual. While awaiting instructions, the circuits of both the batteries leading to the key-board box are kept broken at their switches; and care must be taken not to exhaust the firing battery un- necessarily during the drill. Orders to the electrician, so far as practicable, will be sent by the service code. The following are his duties for messages requiring manipulations of the apparatus; being the same, of course, as in action. (50) 198 () P E R A T'IWG THE SYSTEM. CODE MESSAGE 22. Switch signal battery to automatic post; see that firing battery is off; tele- graph any number dropping; remove its counterpoise, and see that its gun plug is in; switch signal battery off. CoIDE MESSAGE 33. Close earth circuit at Bradley galvanometer, plug being in 150-ohm coil, and the double button switches right; make sea-cell test as already prescribed; finally, if necessary, measure the resistance of the circuit. Having discovered and reported the cause of the difficulty, replace the counterpoise and re-set the number drop. CODE MESSAGE 44. Replace the counterpoise, and re-set the number drop. CODE MESSAGE 555. Switch firing battery to automatic post; and if disconnector does not report an explosion in a few seconds, shift lever of judgment firing apparatus. The first motion will usually explode the mine struck, and the last will fire the whole group, which although not desired in automatic firing, is preferable to allowing the enemy to escape. In judgment firing, the triple explosion is advantageous, as largely increasing the chances of success. After explosion, break circuit of firing battery; replace counterpoise; re-set number drop if only one mine has exploded, and detach cable if group has been fired. CODE MESSAGE 666. Switch signal battery off its automatic post, if on; see that firing battery is off; remove counterpoise of designated group, and see that its gun plug is in. CODE MESSAGE 777. Remove gun plugs; attach gun wires; switch signal and firing batteries to their automatic posts—the latter, last. CODE MESSAGE 888. First switch signal battery, and then firing battery to their automatic posts, seeing that all gun plugs are in and all gun wires off. If after an explosion any lever vibrates, switch firing battery off before bell stops ringing. No electrician who cannot obey these code messages correctly and instantly by their numbers without referring to the text, is sufficiently instructed to be trusted with the charge of the case- mate in action. Mapping Drill. The extremely short horizontal range even of the largest charges, and the practical difficulty of determining exactly the relative positions of the mines and the enemy, render firing mines by judgment advantageous only in very narrow channels. For these reasons, also, no enormous charges are em- ployed, it being considered that triple groups of small mines are more effective for the few cases where the method will be used. By night, or in fogs, or when shrouded by his own smoke, or by that of our guns, or when advancing with a front of several vessels, or when tidal currents strong enough to sway buoyant J) Jº II, L OF THI E' DJ? TA (J. H. M. E. W. T. 199 mines from their normal positions prevail, the enemy might confidently expect to pass with impunity through an ordinary channel defended only by judgment firing. Nevertheless, it is important that the Engineer charged with the direction of the torpedo defense, should know as accurately as possible the position of the hostile vessels; and it is even more important that the artillery should be constantly supplied with the range, and hence with the elevation to use in pointing the guns; moreover, if the cables have become defective, mines which are useless for automatic work may still be fired by judgment. For these reasons, a mapping drill applicable both to judgment firing and artillery practice has been prepared for low sites where single-station position finders cannot be employed. A map of the channel on a large scale, showing the position of the forts, the mines and their numbers, and the most suitable base line, is prepared, and is attached to the top of a convenient table. One end of the base line should be located at the station to be occupied in action by the Commanding Engineer, where the map will be used. From it and from the other extremity, as centres, arcs of circles are drawn on the map, large enough to include the entire channel within range. The intersection of every convenient radius with the border of the map, should be distinctly marked and numbered to correspond with the limb graduation of the theodolite—the zero being placed on the pro- longation of the base line. At each of the two centres on the map, one end of a black silk thread, well waxed, should be pinned with a small tack— the other end being free. If, now, two theodolites placed at the ends of the base line and so adjusted that their reading shall correspond with the graduation of the maps, are kept pointed at some designated part of an approaching vessel, and the free ends of the threads are drawn tightly over the marks corresponding to the readings of their verniers, the intersection of the threads will mark at every instant the position of the vessel—and hence will indicate what torpedo she is approaching, and what is the true range for every gun bearing upon her. The drill based on this system, is the following. Two non-commissioned officers and four privates of Engineers are required, with the following matériel. 200 O P E R A TI W G T H E S Y S T E Mſ. 1 map and table, with small tacks and waxed silk thread. 2 theodolites or railroad transits. 2 speaking telephones or dial telegraph instruments. Insulated wires, and earth connections. One non-commissioned officer and three privates, with the map, a theodolite, and a set of telegraphing apparatus, are sta- tioned with the Engineer in charge—who is also accompanied in action by a private to serve the dial telegraph instrument connected with the operating room. The rest of the party and instruments are at the other end of the base line. The telegraph line and good earth connections are established. - The two theodolites are planted over the stakes, and carefully adjusted by the non-commissioned officers. The top plates are clamped at zero, and each telescope is directed upon the plumb line of the other instrument. The lower plates are then clamped and the top plates unclamped, ready to follow the designated vessel; the verniers to be read, being those corresponding to the graduation of the map, are selected. The telegraphing apparatus is attached to the line wire, and tested by trial. The map and table are placed in the most convenient shel- tered position near the station of the officer, who gives specific instructions as to what part of the vessel is to be followed by the cross hairs of the telescope. The non-commissioned officers now take their positions at the instruments, each with a private to call out the readings as the zero of the proper vernier passes the designated divisions of the limb –the one at the map station directly, and the other through the telephone which he holds to his mouth. The two remaining privates stand by the table, each holding the free end of a silk thread ; one of them has the telephone connected to the distant station applied to his ear. The other has a pencil to mark the track of the vessel on the map. Each non-commissioned officer now keeps the cross hairs of his telescope directed upon the vessel. The private at the map station calls out the reading of the middle line of the vernier as it crosses each convenient line on the limb, and the private holding the corresponding thread, places it accordingly on his map graduation. The private at the distant station calls out the readings through his telephone, and the receiver moves his thread accordingly. D R II, J., () };" T'II E D E 7" A CII ME W.T. 201 . A glance at the map will now show the position and course of the vessel—the latter being marked with a pencil, following the moving intersection of the threads. An artillery officer furnished with a scale graduated to yards, can take off, as often as he deems necessary, the ranges for any of his guns, and communicate the same by flag signals, or other- wise, to his cannoniers. This triangulation will certainly be required in any attempted passage of the enemy, and the party should be frequently exer- cised in their several duties. If few vessels are passing, a fast sail boat should be sent out to be tracked on the map. Judgment Firing Drill. When the men have become skillful in the mapping drill, it is to be extended to include practice in judgment firing, so conducted as to measure the de- gree of precision attained. The matériel needed is the following: 1 map and table, with small tacks and waxed silk thread. 2 theodolites or railroad transits. 2 speaking telephones or dial telegraph instruments. assºr 1 fast sailing boat or steam launch. 3 planting buoys, with light mushroom anchors and extra long cables. Fuzes; small (3-ounce) dynamite cartridges; leading wires; earth connections. A specified course is ordered for the boat. Near it on the map, certain imaginary mines are located and numbered. Cor- responding small charges of dynamite are laid on shore, where the explosions can be seen from the boat; the fuzes are con- nected with earth and with the apparatus in the casemate. If more convenient, guns loaded in like manner with blank car- tridges of gun powder may be employed. When the sail boat passes over one of the imaginary mines, the corresponding shore charge is fired precisely as the real mine would be exploded by judgment in active service; i. e., the Engineer watches the approach of the intersection of the threads to his mines; telegraphs (666) and the proper mine number to the casemate; and, finally, when the boat is probably within destructive range, telegraphs (555). The explosion of the fuze should occur within less than five seconds thereafter. If from a change in the boat's course he finds that he has made an error in the mine first designated, he has only to telegraph (44), and then (666) followed by the correct number—adding (555) at the proper time for firing. (51) 202 O P E R A 7"I N G T H E S YST'J. M. Upon seeing the flash, the sail boat instantly drops a small anchor attached to a line and buoy. A skiff proceeds to haul the line taut, and its exact position is then fixed by triangulation and located upon the map. By comparing this with the location laid down for the imaginary mine the precision of the practice can be estimated. DEFENSE OF THE MINES. The primary defense of the mines rests with the guns of the forts commanding the channel where they are planted. For our more important harbors, the aid of the Navy may be ex- pected—especially by fast torpedo boats and by picket boats to give warning of boat expeditions of the enemy. Here, however, this assistance will not be assumed, and only the duties of the land forces in independently defending their position, will be considered. Modern Modes of Attack. The following resumé is quoted from “Lecture Notes” prepared for the Torpedo Station at Newport in 1885, by Lieutenant-Commander J. S. Newell, U. S. Navy. “In forcing a passage through submarine defenses, the prin- cipal operations likely to be available are: (1) Sweeping; (2) dragging; and (3) countermining. “SweBPING. The object of sweeping is to discover, locate, or destroy all buoyant material connected with the defensive sys- tem in the channel by which the advance is to be made. “It will be a slow, tedious and an uncertain operation, and unless the greatest possible care be exercised, torpedoes may be left undiscovered. It can hardly be carried out where the boats or vessels are much exposed to the enemy's fire. “The channel to be cleared should be distinctly marked, and as straight as possible, no wider than necessary, as any width beyond what is required for the vessels engaged, will be a waste of time and material, and will be a source of error resulting from careless work. A passage swept should be distinctly marked, or else the labor will be thrown away. “In operating, provision should be made for the protection of the passage cleared and the boats engaged. An active enemy may place mechanical mines in a channel supposed to be cleared unless prevented. D EFE NS E O JP THE MIN E S. 203 “Each sweep requires two boats at least to work it. These boats should be handy and of light draught, enabling them to pass over mines close to the surface. “Sweeps should be of convenient length, that boats may readily handle them. It has been determined that sweeps buoyed from the surface are preferable to ground sweeps. The sweeps should be weighted and supported by three buoys, Sep- arated by distance lines at the surface; one buoy at each end, and one in the middle. “Sweeps can be used: (1) to discover whether buoyant tor- pedoes are employed; (2) to locate such torpedoes; and (3) to destroy those found. “The discovery and location of mines by sweeps will be ac- complished by the sweep described. Towing lines of suitable length should be attached to each end of the sweep, and if the boats proceed slowly keeping the sweep taut, the bearing of the sweep-floats will indicate the position of the thing caught, which can then be located by a suitable buoy. To destroy whatever has been caught, explosive charges must be dragged into contact and exploded. For this purpose, explosive sweeps must be used. A form of sweep experimented with by the English, consists of 20 fathoms of 1-inch hemp, with 7-pound weights attached to its centre and ends, aud supported at these places by distance lines from floats connected by a surface line the same length as the sweep. The distance lines should exceed in length the deepest draught of the vessels employed. Towing lines 20 fathoms long are attached to the ends of the sweep and outside buoys. The explosive charges secured to the ends of the sweep are fitted with horns or hooks, to ensure a favorable contact with the object to be destroyed. To facilitate the fitting of new charges, pieces of wire rope are secured to the tow-rope and sweep on each side of the charge. When the charge is exploded, this piece is rarely broken, and upon hauling in the tow-lines, a new charge can easily be fitted. The electric cable from the charges leads into the nearest boat, where a battery is carried. If the towing lines are marked to feet, the distance of the charge can always be known. “When any object is caught, the sweep is hauled in by the nearest boat, and when the charge is hooked, it is fired. Twenty pounds of gun-cotton will, when exploded in contact with 204 6) Pſ) R A T' I W G T H E S Y S T E Mſ. moorings, buoys or mines 10 feet below the surface, destroy any description of circuit closer, mine or mooring. “Sweeping boats should be provided with means for anchoring So that they can haul in the sweep when required. Any form of anchor that will not hook on the bottom will do, as it would be extremely dangerous to attempt to weigh anything caught by a sweep or hooked by an anchor. “Sweeping boats should always work with the current. As it is difficult to maintain the sweep taut, it is not probable that with sweeps 20 fathoms long, more than 10 fathoms will be swept by each, and in clearing a passage, there will be on the sides a space about one-half the length of the sweep that will not be swept. In a channel marked by buoys 200 yards apart, the passage swept will be 160 yards, and as one sweep clears but 20 yards, there will be required for this channel 9 sweeps. The leading sweeps should be on the flanks, followed by the next one at a safe distance to the rear, of 200 yards say, the outer boats of the second sweeps being immediately in rear of the centre float of the sweep ahead, and this same order be pre- served throughout, the odd sweep taking the course through the mid-channel. “To do this when the wind and current are across the channel will be difficult, and considerable practice will be required to maintain the proper positions. - “After the channel has been swept, and when time or length of channel prevents the slow and tedious operation just de- scribed, a length of chain dragged slowly along the bottom between two gun-boats well protected, would be likely to dis- cover mines left by the boats, and reveal the fact if mines occupy the space searched. “DRAGGING. This consists in dragging with grapnels or hooks over the suspected ground for electric cables. “The grapnels used by the ocean telegraph companies, have been found better adapted for this purpose than the ordinary grapnel. Ordinary grapnels are apt to skip the ground. The telegraph companies employ grapnels that on picking up a cable, cut it, or cut it and nip one end so that it can be raised to the surface. They also employ tripping grapnels that release them- selves when foul of anything that cannot be weighed, as rocks. “Electrical mines will generally be found in the vicinity of batteries that can protect their cables and attachments. A few J) E, FE WASJ) () };" 'ſ II E MJ W E S. 205 observation electrical mines may be found where channel ap- proaches are very narrow. It must not be forgotten that masked batteries may be employed in places where they may least be expected to defend this type of mines. Whenever necessary to approach the shore within effective gun range, the possibility of the presence of electrical mines must be considered, and pre- parations begun to search for the cables. “Searching the beach is one of the most effective ways to find cables. If this cannot be done, then recourse must be had to dragging. “When not exposed to hostile fire, or only at long ranges, it will be better to weigh all obstructions caught. By that means, information may be obtained regarding the system of defense operated against. A cable may lead to a multiple junction box, where a number of mines could at once be ren- dered inoperative or destroyed. “When exposed to hostile fire at moderate or short ranges, the obstructions grappled must be destroyed. This can be ac- complished by using an explosive grapnel. Two to four pounds of gun-cotton placed between the shanks of a four-pound grap- nel will answer the purpose. “A short length of chain connected to the grapnel, and to this the drag rope, five to eight times the depth of water searched, will prevent jumping to a great extent. The result usually obtained with explosive grapnels is, if an armored cable is caught and the charge fired, that the conducting wires or cores are cut, but not all the wires of the armor. If the ex- plosive grapnel be followed by a picking up grapnel, the cable can still be raised, and followed or cut as the case demands. Where a number of boats are used following each other, it will be desirable to cut the cable to prevent the others wasting time. The cable when raised can be examined, and if single, by fol- lowing it a junction box may be found where a number of mines may be rendered inoperative at once. “Steamers should be used for this work, as the men can be more protected from fire. Not under fire any boat will answer. “Attacking boats should have the screw protected by guards, to prevent its being fouled by nets and ropes. They should be fitted with false bows to jump obstructions, and also have weights secured by spans for sinking ropes and nets. (52) 206 O P E R A T'I W G T H E S YSTR) M. “Boats should be painted black, and the crews dressed in dark clothing, with faces blacked when operating against electric lights. Officers should be provided with shade glasses. “In the presence of batteries, before starting the dragging boats, the ships should open the heaviest fire possible, with a view of silencing such guns as bear upon the channel to be operated against, and to divert the enemy’s attention from the boats. The latter should proceed at full speed to the spot where operations are to commence, and then proceed more slowly. Boats should drag along the shore where possible; but it is very improbable that any cables will be found except where exposed to a heavy fire, therefore they must be supported by heavier vessels. “To prevent loss of time in retracing steps or skipping any ground, steamers engaged in this work should tow astern a raft or boat, to which the grapnels are slung in such a manner that they can easily be dropped to avoid loss of ground. The boat or raft towed should have a drag towed astern, to keep it in proper position. Axes, hack saws, cold chisels and hammers should be provided for cutting anything. #, “The object of dragging is to disable and render inoperative electric mines, in order to save the vessels engaged in counter- mining. As multiple cables must go ashore from the field defended, and as they will generally be led well in the rear of the field, it must be considered whether it is practicable to send the boats engaged in dragging inside the field defended to operate against these main cables. “It is desirable that the field should be gone over by two boats at least; and, if possible, these boats should proceed in opposite directions. The field should be divided among the boats, and paths pursued that lead lengthwise the channel, and particularly across it. Each boat, under these conditions, can proceed at full speed when not on her own ground. By pur- suing this plan of running opposite courses, up and down and across the channel, obstructions and dummy cables are more likely to be avoided. It is very probable that many will be missed. The best place to drag for cables will be in rear of the field, or along the shore in front of the fortifications, for in them the firing stations are most likely to be found, and the cables must lead there. The plan of laying lengths of old cables and chains in the field is a formidable obstruction to success in D JE FE WAS E O F T H E MIN ES. 207 dragging. The English use what is known as the Admiralty creeper —a shank with an eye at each end, divided into three equal parts, and on it three pairs of hooks, each pair at an angle of 60 degrees with the others. For small boats, 84 pounds, 22 inches long; hooks, 4 inches long. w For large boats, 17 pounds, 29 inches long; hooks, 6 inches long. “CounterMINING. The improbability, and one might say the impossibility, of a channel being entirely cleared by the opera- tions of sweeping and dragging when exposed to an enemy's fire, leads to this operation, that involves the expenditure of large quantities of material in proportion to the space cleared. “If the operations of dragging and sweeping could insure a clear channel, there would be no reason for adopting this one; but as it is quite probable, considering the uncertainty attending those operations and the difficulty in thoroughly performing them when exposed to sweeping fire, that certain mines (prob- ably observation) will be left; it would not be safe for the fleet to pass over thern, no matter how well protected it might be; therefore, recourse must be had to this method. Dragging and sweeping carried out in the rapid manner they must be if ex- posed to fire, lessen the chances of disaster to the vessels engaged in countermining. “Countermining when applied to the destruction of submarine defenses, consists in dropping a succession of large charges in a straight line, or in two or more parallel straight lines, at such distances from each other that their simultaneous explosion will destroy all mines within their radii of destruction. “It has been determined by a large number of experiments, that 500 pounds of gun-cotton exploded at a depth from 27 to 48 feet, may be expected to destroy all mines within 90 feet, and contact mines at much greater distances. * “If two parallel lines are laid so that the circles of destruction impinge, the mines will be 180 feet apart, and any object equi- distant from four charges would be not less than 125 feet from any charge; and it is very probable that with the simultaneous explosion of four charges, it would be destroyed or rendered inoperative. •. * This is true for some foreign systems but not for ours. We have no need to fear a 500-pound countermine at 80 feet, or a 100-pound countermine at 40 feet. H. L. A. 208 O P ſº I. A 7'ſ N (A T H E S Y S T J M. “Any plan for carrying out countermining charges must be arranged for the boats carried by ships, and should fulfill the following conditions. “1. The channel or passage to be cleared must be defined. “2. The charges accurately spaced and in a straight line. “3. That the operation as far as possible should be automatic, so as not to be stopped by injury tu, or nervousness of those employed. “4. That the destruction of the boat should not prevent the charges already placed from being fired. “5. That it should be distinctly known whether every coun- termine placed was exploded. “6. That the channel cleared should be accurately marked, and “7. That the operation be done with the utmost rapidity. “The countermines can be accurately spaced by using dis- tance lines between each, which, upon tautening, drop the next charge; and so on until all have been dropped. It will only then be necessary that the first one should be dropped by hand. “The line of countermines should be arranged to be fired from either end. “By placing small buoys over each mine, their disappearance will be sufficient proof of the explosion of the charge. Large buoys placed between the mines at stated intervals will not be disturbed, and will sufficiently mark the channel. Use may be made at night of Holmes’ lights. “Boats fitted to carry the countermines, their anchors and buoys, the channel buoys and the necessary cables, should be taken in tow by a gun-boat or launch, and proceeding at full speed on a straight course, the countermines be laid. Where two or more parallel lines are laid, they should be laid at the same time. “One end of the electric cable is kept on board some vessel moved up for the occasion, and the other on the towing vessel. The boats carrying the countermines, should carry one or more men who can, if accidents happen to the tripping or dropping gear, start it again, and in the beginning drop the first charge. “Signals must be arranged between the towing vessel and the vessel controlling one end of the cable. “The mines and their sinkers should be arranged around the sides of the boat, the latter hanging over the side, the former D E, FE WASJ, O Jº T' H E M IN E S. 209 resting on the countermining thwarts. The slings of each mine and the sinker belonging to it, come to the slip on the thwart, which is so arranged that they are both let go together auto- matically as the strain comes on the electric cable, which answers the purpose of a distance line between the mines, as well as the conductor for firing them. “The electric cable is coiled up outside the mines, and to en- able it to run clear, every three or four turns should be hung by rope yarns, which carry away in succession as the strain comes upon them. * “In addition to the mines, each boat should carry three large buoys, which are intended to mark the channel cleared, and are arranged to drop, one at the beginning, one in the middle, and one at the end of the line. These buoys being on the surface, and at a distance of 90 feet from the nearest counterinine, are not destroyed by the explosion. “To make sure that every mine has fired, place a small buoy immediately over it, and the fact of these buoys being all de- stroyed will be evidence that all the countermines have been exploded. They also serve the purpose of floating the electric cable up to the surface, and thereby keeping it sufficiently far from the mines to save it from being blown away. It has been found by experiment that if the electric cable is allowed to be in contact or nearly so with one of the mines, it may be blown away before those beyond have fired. “Three-quarters of a knot of cable is sufficient for 12 coun- termines, furnishing 60-foot branches for each charge, and 500 feet stray cable at each end. “The first buoy is dropped by hand by those in the counter- mining boat at the spot where the clear channel ends. The electric cable pays itself out by carrying away the stops in succession, until it comes to the point where it is attached to the slip of the first countermine; it slips that with its sinker and goes on in the same way. When all are down, the key is pressed at the towing steamer and the line exploded; as soon as this is known, the key at the other end is pressed. “Four minutes is a fair time after dropping the first buoy until the mines are laid and fired.” A study of published modes of attack proposed abroad has led to the following conclusions. (53) 210 O P E R A TTW (W. T.III. S. Y S T E Mſ. Attacks by Daylight. In designating as “mines” what are often called torpedoes, the word is used advisedly. Whether subterranean or submarine, the same general principles as to at- tack and as to defense are applicable. The only systematic method of attacking land mines has been found to be countermining; and it is believed that future wars will show the same to be true for Sea mines. One or more small heavily armored vessels or possibly steam launches controlled by electricity, will move up to the supposed outer limit of danger; will plant from one to four countermines; will back off; and by exploding them through the agency of electricity, will destroy any mines in the immediate vicinity. They will then steam forward into the vortices and plant one or more buoys. By repeating this operation, it is evident that a channel—plainly marked—will ultimately be made through the system, and the whole fleet will be free to pass rapidly past the guns. This operation, however, will neither be expeditious nor safe. The attacking vessels will necessarily indicate their successsive positions of rest; and high power guns, and sea coast mortars provided by their chassis and horizontal azimuth circles with the means of accurate pointing, will prepare for their advances, and will severely tax their powers of endurance, both as to sides and as to deck. Movable torpedoes steered by electricity will assail them below the armor belt. By night, new mines will be planted in the buoyed channel—even the self-acting class being available in emergencies. In fine, the delays and disasters familiar in mining and countermining on land, will find their counterparts on the Sea. But other less elaborate plans of attack may be attempted. An ironclad may try by outrigger frames or wire rope crino- line, to explode the mines at a safe distance from her hull. With electrical mines, this operation will be hazardous in the extreme; the Engineer will delay the explosion until the mine has passed under her bottom, or he will have planted his circuit regulator buoys say 100 feet in rear of his mines, and thus will ensure her receiving the intended blow; or finally, by shattering her defenses with one torpedo, he will leave her encumbered by the wreck, among others equally dangerous. Should divers be sent forward to destroy the system, so soon as their work is revealed by the electrical indications, a mine DJ? If E W S E O Hº' 7" EIJſ, MI W E S. 211 exploded in the vicinity will promptly put an end to their labors. If old hulks steered by electricity are sent forward to explode the mines in the channel—or rafts provided with grapnels are allowed to drift in with the tide, the electrician will switch off his batteries; and, although injury may result to the system, terrible uncertainty as to how many perfect mines may still be waiting to receive him, will be left to the enemy wishing to follow in his armored ships of war. Remembering that these operations must be attempted by daylight, or no definite knowledge of the result can be had by the enemy; and that by daylight the guns of the fort will cover the mines by their deliberate fire, the uncertainty of such means of attack is apparent. A cleared passage well buoyed is a sine. qua non for the hostile fleet. Attacks by Night or in Fogs. By night or in fogs, the firing of the guns and the operating of the mines cannot be so intelligently directed by the defense; but, on the other hand, the enemy can derive but little information as to the details of the damage inflicted, unless he sends boats forward to work sys- tematic mischief, and to drop buoys accordingly. How to defend the mines against boat attacks conducted when shrouded from view, becomes therefore, an important problem. Here the best of all assistance can be rendered by regular naval picket boats; but when they cannot be had, or substitutes improvised by the land forces, four powerful auxiliaries may be employed— fouling lines, automatic action of the guns, the electric light and movable torpedoes under control from the shore. Each will be considered in turn. Fouling LINEs. The general subject of mechanical obstruc- tions such as nets, floating booms, etc., does not come within the Scope of this Manual ; but an excellent defense of this nature against grappling the electric cables whether by drifting rafts, by mortar boats throwing grapnels, or by small boats, should never be neglected. It consists in anchoring one or more six-inch hawsers across the channel among the mines. The ob- ject being to cause these ropes to entangle the grapnels, it will be advisable to attach them to the heavy anchors or blocks of stone holding them in position by very short lengths of rope, thus preventing any part from sinking into the mud. As mul- tiple cables soon bury themselves by their own weight in the 212 O P E R A T'IN G. T.' II. E. S. YST E Mſ. Soft bottoms of many of our harbors, and as a harmless hawser can only be detected after the laborious operation of raising it, the expedient cannot fail to delay the enemy—unless, indeed, use be made of explosive grapnels, in which case he will be deceived as to the damage he is inflicting. FLANKING GUNs. In the preparation of the plans for the defence of our important harbors by submarine mines, the prin- ciple of so arranging the main lines as to admit of their being effectively covered throughout their whole extent by the fire of the works, has been accepted as fundamental. It will, there- fore, be easy for the officers commanding the forts to train their guns, by daylight, in such manner as to sweep with a heavy fire of canister, grape or shrapnel, the positions occupied by the mines and their cables. By marking the true positions of the chassis, and recording the elevations proper for the guns, this fire may be maintained, even at night, so soon as the presence of hostile boats becomes known. If, therefore, the artillery is made aware that this kind of attack is in progress, it is fully within its power to open an effective fire. & To supply this information as soon as any injury has been inflicted, and before any systematic work can be done, the device of providing for the instantaneous and automatic dis- charge of the flanking guns was early incorporated into our torpedo system. So soon as any circuit regulator is closed—as it must certainly be during the effort to raise the mine—or so soon as any cable is cut, the whole volley will be automatically fired, without involving the discharge of the torpedo with which the enemy is tampering. The preparation of these automatic trains, and the requisite arrangements in the operating casemate, are of a simple char- acter, and it is believed that they will do much to render boat attacks by night unsuccessful; for, be it rembered, unless a practicable and buoyed channel through the mines be prepared, no large vessel can advance on the morrow with any reasonable hope of impunity. ELECTRIC LIGHT. To coöperate with the above system, and to expose the enemy to artillery fire as soon as discovered, the electric light is an important auxiliary. It was found by experiments at Willets Point, 1872–77, that in clear dark nights a Fresnel lens and hemispherical reflector, JD EFJ; W S E O Ji' 'I’II E MJ W E S. 213 made to order by Lepaute in Paris, and supplied with an elec- tric light produced by a magneto-electric Alliance machine, or by one-hundred Grove or Bunsen cells, would reveal the pres- ence of any ordinary boat operating within a range of one mile. By keeping her within the beam of light, the practice of ar- tillery could be made murderous. It would be easy in many cases by the use of reflectors, to arrange the apparatus behind a traverse, or within a turret or embrasure, so as to protect it against the fire of hostile shipping. It was also found that the observer, provided with a good night glass, should be stationed at a considerable distance from the lens, and well out of the illuminated field. The dazzling effects of the light, and the rays reflected back by particles of moisture in the air are thus avoided. The conclusion was also reached that in clear moon- light nights and in fogs, but little assistance can be derived from the light. Experiments conducted recently in Europe with the best modern appliances, have led to the following conclusions as to the efficacy of the electric light in coast defense. I. If the object sought have a dark and poorly reflecting sur- face, or if the enemy burn smoke balls, the observer must be near at hand to detect its presence. It is possible to throw a light sufficiently intense to make type readable where the enemy is situated, without making the rays reflected back by him visible at any considerable distance. This fact explains the dis- cordant results often reached in experiments to determine the practical limits of efficient illumination by the electric light; thus one series of trials made in France in 1879 indicated for this limit: Distance from light to object, 8800 yards; from observer to object, 55 yards. Distance from light to object, 8580 yards; from observer to object, 110 yards. Distance from light to object, 6600 yards; from observer to object, 660 yards. Distance from light to object, 1650 yards; from observer to object, 4730 yards. In other experiments, the objects were sufficiently defined to offer a fair target for artillery at the following ranges: Distance from light to object, 6600 yards; from observer to object, 4290 yards. - Distance from light to object, 6600 yards; from observer to object, 4950 yards. (54) 214 O P E R A TING THE SYSTEM. Distance from light to object, 4400 yards; from observer to object, 7150 yards. Distance from light to object, 3740 yards; from observer to object, 7150 yards. II. The position of the observer should be entirely without the cone of light and as low down as possible. The light itself should be out of his sight, and no rays should strike the ground or any reflecting surface near him. Suitable means of commu- nication with the man directing the beam must of course be established. III. Explorations should be made with a somewhat diffused band of light; but when found, the object should be scrutinized and followed by concentrated rays. Good results have been reached upon this system at 2200 yards, the band having a width of 640 yards, and the concentrated beam a width of 80 yards. IV. Practice increases the power of distinguishing objects in this manner. A trained observer has a longer range of vision than one without experience. V. The color of the illuminated object is of material impor- tance. White and light colors are readily seen; the darker the shade the more difficult this becomes. A white boat was readily distinguished at 1000 yards; while a black boat with a black crew and blackened oars was only detected at half that dis- tance, and then only by reflections from the splashing of the oars. If, however, a dark object is projected upon a light back- ground, it becomes visible. WI. The electric light thrown strongly upon a vessel may render it impossible for the pilot to direct its course in a difficult channel. - - VII. In some Austrian experiments one light was opposed to another, the beam being thrown normally; this produced a veil which intercepted vision. VIII. An electric light apparatus is but little endangered by hostile fire; because, dazzling the eyes of the gunner, the Source appears to be a moving object. Its elevated position de- ceives him as to distance. Its changes, eclipses and flashes confuse him. In Russia two batteries practiced at an elevated light and reflector 1485 yards distant, without any effect; shells exploding beyond or short, could not be distinguished from each other—all seemed to take effect near the light. D E H E N S E O F T H E M I W E S. 215 There are two recognized modes of establishing the light in a fortress. In one the generating apparatus is fixed in position, and the current is conveyed to the stations chosen for the re- flector by permanent leading wires; in the other, the whole apparatus is movable. The former involves more waste of electric power; but local conditions must determine which is preferable at any given station. As to outfit, Colonel Mangin of the Corps du Genie, in 1877, applied his aplanetic mirror to military and naval purposes. The firm, L. Sautter, Lemonnier et Cie. of Paris, have developed this idea, and now supply a complete electric light apparatus comprising a three-cylinder Brotherhood engine of 13 horse- power; a Field steam generator; a Gramme machine DQ, which, coupled in quantity, supplies from the luminous face of the positive electrode, a light of 4000 Carcel burners; a Serrin lamp and a hand-regulated lamp (which for high powers they consider superior to any automatic pattern); and a Mangin 35- inch aplanetic mirror, with an auxiliary concavo-convex lens. The light generating apparatus may be mounted upon one vehicle, and the lamp and attached reflector upon another—per- mitting the whole to be moved from place to place and operated 100 yards apart if desired. The directed rays can be either thrown in a horizontal band of about 12 degrees, or by mechanical means can be concen- trated upon any desired point. It is claimed that a light colored object in a clear dark night can be distinguished by this apparatus at a distance of 7000 yards. In operating this light, the channel is first swept with a beam of diverging rays (about 12 degrees); and, as soon as any sus- picious object is noticed, it is studied by a concentrated beam. The observer should be stationed as near the object sought as possible; but under any circumstances he must be entirely without the illuminated beam. If the channel exceeds 2000 yards in width, it should be lighted from both sides. About 30 feet above the water is a good elevation for the reflector; the observer should be lower down. If possible, the reflector should be sheltered from hostile fire; but, if necessary, this condition may be ignored, as experience has shown that it is almost im- possible to direct a close fire upon so intense a light. MovABLE TORPEDOEs UNDER ControL. No patterns of this weapon have yet been adopted as part of the regular matériel 216 O PJ. I. A 7"I W G T H E S Y S T E M. of the submarine mining service, although no little labor has been devoted to their experimental investigation at Willets Point. In the absence of an effective fire of artillery, and par- ticularly if armored vessels should be specially constructed for countermining, movable torpedoes under control from the shore will prove a very useful auxiliary in the defence. At present the Sims' torpedo is regarded as best fitted for such service; and several of them have been purchased and are now in store at the Willets Point depot. They carry 400 pounds of the explosive, and 11000 feet of cable; are steered and controlled from the shore, turning on a radius of 250 feet; have a speed of 10 miles per hour; are in- vulnerable to the fire of shrapnel, and machine or rapid firing guns; and dive under a spar or other similar floating obstruction without injury. The motive and steering power is electricity, generated on shore and conveyed through an insulated cable which is carried by the torpedo and laid as it advances. The special function of movable torpedoes under control is to assail counterminers when operating within the mined Zone, whether by day or by night; but they may be useful to attack a fleet at anchor, or to follow up and destroy any vessel which has succeeded in passing the defences and entering the harbor. When issued, each pattern will be accompanied by directions for putting together and operating. It has been recently claimed that this class of torpedo may be superseded by pneumatic guns of moderate range, firing large charges of some high explosive to be detonated by elec- trical fuzes operated either by impact or by submergence under water. Evidently the use of such a weapon is barred; because it would work injury to our own submarine defences, and thus aid the enemy in a very effective manner. Indeed the inven- tion appears to be better suited to the attack than to the defence; but as no safe channel through the whole mined field can be certainly opened by such means, they may safely be classed with sweeps, grapnels, and other mercly auxiliary modes of attack. Injuries from Friends. No vessel must be allowed to anchor at any point within the portion of the channel covered by the mines. In time of war, this rule can readily be enforced. No danger either to the mines or to the ships, need be appre- hended with sailing vessels. They can pass freely through the channel at any desired speed. DJſ, FE WAS Jº O //, / II Jº M I WAE S. 217 With steamers, certain precautions must be observed. To make torpedoes sufficiently strong to bear the heaviest blows of paddles or propellers, would require them to be too bulky and unwieldy for convenient use. All such vessels must, therefore, be compelled to pass as slowly as is consistent with proper steer- age way; or, better still, they should be towed over the mines by light draft side-wheel tugs. When a special steamer-pass has been left unobstructed, all steamers should be compelled to follow it. In a simple defensive action, our fleet, of course, will keep away from the mines, so as not to prevent the use of the auto- matic apparatus through fear of injuring friendly vessels. This will not interfere with any desired offensive returns—since, by giving due notice, any portion of the channel can be left safe while all the rest is dangerous. Attempted Passage by Force. After the enemy imag- ines that he has a clear channel, he will attempt to pass the obstructions with his fleet. The Commanding Officer of the Fort will have designated the position to be occupied by the Engineer party during such an attempt; and he will naturally remain in the near vicinity himself. This station should be selected where smoke from the guns will not be likely to obscure the view; where the instruments so far as possible can be kept under cover; and where the noise of the cannonade will interfere as little as may be with the use of the mapping telephone. If the latter condition cannot be fulfilled, the instrument must be replaced by a dial telegraph or ordinary key. At sites where single-station position-finders cannot be used, the Engineer in charge of the mines will have laid two carefully protected insulated cables from this station—one to the mining casemate, and one to the other triangulation station; and will also have seen that a good earth is provided. His party will consist of a private to work the dial telegraph connected with the mining casemate, and of the sergeant and three men prescribed for the plotting station of a mapping drill, with their instruments. • The map of the channel, with the locus and condition of the mines laid down upon it, will be so placed as to be readily con- sulted by the commanding officer, the engineer officer, and an 218 O P E R A TI W G T H E S Y S T E Mſ. artillery officer whose duty it will be to regulate by signals the elevations of the guns. * * As the fleet approaches, the position of the leading vessel will be shown on the map by the Engineer triangulations; and every facility for judicious action both with guns and torpedoes will thus be afforded. If the mines are in good order, and no friendly vessels are in danger from them, it will not be well to attempt to interfere with the automatic working of the system. As a rule, under such circumstances, the fewer the orders sent to the mining casemate the better will be the chances of success. INI) EX. Anchor, for buoyant torpedo, 72. Commanding Engineer, preparatory Attack, modern modes of, 202; by duties, 99; requisitions of, 102; daylight, 210; by night or in fogs, during planting, 147; during oper- 211; in force, 217. ating, 181; post in action, 217. Atlas powder, properties of, 87. Countermining, 207, 210. - Cut-off, description of, 58. Battery, firing, description of, 32; tests of, 181; strength for firing David Bushnell, description of, 71. flanking guns, 180; strength for a Defence of the mines, 202. cut cable, 192. Detector, description of, 34. Battery, signal, description of, 32; Dial telegraph, description and use of, analysis of size of, 18; tests of, 183. 36; adjustment of, 121; code for ac- Battery, testing, description of, 33. tion, 40, 197. Battery for self-acting mine, descrip- Disconnector, description of, 31; ad- tion of, 52; to encase, 132. justment of, 111; test of, 184. Batteries, setting up, 110. : Dragging for mines, 204. Boat parties, duties of, 155. Drills, in loading room duties, 121; on Boat service, matériel for, 105; drills, shore for boat service, 139; in plant- 139, 155. ing mines, 155; in operating auto- Brass jointers, description of, 67. matic system, 195; in judgment Brass washers, description of, 68. firing, 201; in mapping tracks of Bridge rheostat, description of, 35. vessels, 198; of electrician, 197. Buoy of ground mine, description | Drum frames, description of, 80. of, 54. Dynamite, properties of, 87; proof Buoy of junction box, description tests, 90; precautions in handling, of, 79. etc., 93. - Buoy, planting, description of, 80; use of, 167. Earth plates, for boat use, 81; at Buoyant mines (see mines). i mining casemate, 33, 109, 158; re- Buoyant torpedo (see torpedo, buoy- sistance of, 33. ant). Electrician, preparatory duties, 23, - 109; during planting, 151; during Cable (see insulated cable). i operating, 181; drill for, 197. Cable mooring, description of, 73. Electric light, efficacy, 212; outfit, Cable drums, description of, 77. 215. Cable drum frames, description of, 80. Explosive gelatine, properties of, 85; Cable stop, description of, 75; to at. proof tests, 92. tach, 145. Explosive energy and distance, 15. Cable tags (casemate), description of, Explosives, rupturing ranges of, 82, 36. 207; precautions in handling, etc., Charge bags, description of, 51. 93. Circuit closer, description of, 57; ad- justment of, 116. i Faults, interpreting, 185; expedients Circuit regulator, description of, 57; for reducing, 189. adjustment of plug of, 117; locus Firing battery (see battery, firing). of, 99. Firing key, description of, 31; adjust- Circuits, electrical, discussed, 16. ment of, 113; test of, 184. Coast defence, elements of, 9. 'Flanking guns, to prepare, 179; use Code for action, 40, 197. of, 212. 220 I W D E X. Forcite, properties of, 86. Fouling lines, 211. Fuzes, description of, 58; testing 115. Funnels loading, description of, 66. Fusible alloy, formula for, 69. of, Mines, conditions to be fulfilled by, 10; circuits for operating, 16; buoy- ant and ground compared, 14; drag- ging for, 204; four systems of dis- posing, 11; how numbered, 158, 169; operating automatically, 194; attack and defence of, 202; drills for load- ing, 121; drills for planting singly, 161, 164; drills for planting grand | groups, 169; drills for planting skir- mish, 175; drills for planting self- i acting, 176; drills for raising, 168; | map of zones of, 199; precautions in planting—Commanding Engi- neer, 149; precautions in planting— Electrician, 151; planting when practicable, 155; sweeping for, 202; tests of loaded, 119; tests during planting, 152, 172; tests, daily, when planted, 181; tests, occasional, when planted, 188; to submerge, several methods, 163, 171; to recover when lost, 174; time required to plant, 147 (see also torpedo). Mining casemate, description of, 21; matériel of, 103. Moorings, iron, 73; phospher bronze, 74; to insert thimbles in, 142. Movable torpedoes, 215. | } | | | Nitro-glycerine, properties of, 83. Operating boxes, description of, 29; adjustment of, 113; daily test of, 183. Passage, by force, 217; for friends, 108. Personnel, when planting, 24; when operating, 25. Repairs in a mined zone, 189. Requisitions for matériel, 102. Resin and beeswax cement, formula for, 69. Resin oil wash, formula for, 69. Resistance coils, description of, 31. Reversing key, description of, 35. Riggers vise, description of, 65. Rubber packing, description of, 68. Rubber strips, description of, 67. Rubber tubing, description of, 67. Safety break, description of, 52; to prepare, 130. Safety rings, composition of, 52; to fabricate, 129. Sea-cell plates, adjustment of 115. Galvanometer, Bradley, description of, 35. Galvanometer, Siemens, description of, 35. Grand junction box (see junction box, grand). Grand groups, arrangement and cost of, 11; drill for planting, 169. Ground mines (see mines). Ground torpedo (see torpedo, ground). Gun-cotton, properties of, 87. Gun fuzes, description of, 58. Guns, flanking, to prepare, 179; bat- tery power for, 180. Injuries, from friends, 216; repairing, 189; time to repair, 193. Insulated cable, three kinds of, 76; jointing the core, 139; making turks heads on, 141; completing the joint, 142; tests of, 120, 185; injuries to, 191 ; use of deteriorated, 101 ; to submerge the shore end, 157; never to cross grand groups, 149; when ordering new, 78. Insulated joint supplies, 66. Insulated wire, patterns of, 66. Jointers, brass, description of, 67. Joints, electrical in cable, 139. Junction box, grand, description of, 79; to place and serve, 155. Junction box, triple, description of, 79; to place and serve, 159. Junction box, single, description of, J unction boxes, to use, 142. Judgment firing key (see firing key). Launch, planting, description of, 70. Leading wires, patterns of, 66; in casemate, 109. Loading funnels, description of, 66. Loading room, description of, 24; matériel of, 104; duties of sergeant in charge, 122; drills in, 121. Loading room duties, time required for, 146; drills in, 121. Map of channel, 149, 199. Marine glue, formula for, 68. Matériel, of casemate described, 28; of loading room described, 41; of boat service described, 70; requisi- tions for, 103. | Sea-cell tests, to make, 185. | Self-acting mines (see mines). Self-acting torpedo (see torpedo, self- acting). I N D Bº X. 221 | Torpedo buoyant, conditions to be fulfilled, 41; service 32-inch pat- tern, 43; larger sizes, 44; dimen- sions for varying conditions, 50; computations when ordering, 45; to prepare compound plug for, 122; to charge, 125; to test loaded, 119, 185; to treat leaky, 190. Torpedo ground, conditions to be ful- filled, 55; description of, 56; to pre- pare compound plugs for, 126; to charge, 129; to test loaded, 119, 185; to treat leaky, 190. Torpedo self-acting, description of, 51; to make safety rings for, 129; to prepare safety break for, 130; to en- case battery for, 132; to remove battery, 134; to charge, 134. i Torpedo fuzes, description of, 58. Triangulation, for position of enemy, 198. Turks head collars, description of, 78. Turks head, drill for making, 141. i : Utensils for loading room, 63. | Vessels and boats, description of, 70. Weights of submarine mining maté- riel, 96. Shackles, description of, 74. Shipping dimensions and weights, 96. Signal battery (see battery, signal). Skirmish mines (see mines). Steam barge for planting mines, 71. Sweeping for mines, 202. Switch box, description of, 62; to charge, 135, 138, 139. Switch keys and switches, description of, 36. Telegraph (see dial telegraph). Tests of loaded torpedoes, 119, 185; of firing battery, 181; of signal bat- tery, 183; of automatic apparatus, 183; of mines and cables, 185; sea- cel 1, 187; occasional, 188; when planting mines, 152; when oper- ating mines, 182. Testing apparatus, adjustment of, 109; description of, 34. Testing battery (see battery, testing). Thimble clamps, description of, 65. Thimbles, to insert, 142. Time, for loading room duties, 146; for planting mines, 147. Tool box A, contents of, 40. Tool box B, contents of, 63. Tool box C, contents of, 81. Tool box D, contents of, 67. Tools special, for boat use, e.81; for Wire, insulated, patterns of, 66. loading room, 63. Wire mooring rope, 73. | Wrenches, description of, 63. 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Jazdg. azzéozºv, CZosed. /*\s EARTH PLATE || PLAN OF MINING CASEMATE (O) *** !! ;*, -*, *s*…*..*,,+.* * * * * * = s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • •^.** --,** • • • • • • • • • • •*. „…º.s. º.: **** • • • • •* •.*¿.*?)( *(.*)') ) * (º… :) ...“, Š. :º) Bºſ: *« «».-ºs-: --º--º--:'{ | – – –V---- PLATE VI FIC. T. C. RAND JUNCTION BOX. 7. * Z. &zº | -----------18; 1N.----------> F|C. 2 TRIPLE JUNCTION BOX. PLATE VII F|C. 3 ELEVATION H.W. *** • • • -— — — — — — — — — — — sº sº º ºs º-º PLAN *... " fº-1 *--> | 8.5 567 TTTT 30" *— — — — — == === = = === === === == = = = = == <== = = = = = = === 8." - w! & jº- 8. ‘FIC. 2 k2% Nº 4- – - 5 ||N.- - - PLATE VIII CASEMATE CONNECTIONS. § →e→ + Q