1 ! VB 590 · A 3 1742 ARTES 1817 LIBRARY VERITAS SCIENTIA OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN : TUEBOR 1 · QUÆRIS-PENINSULAM-AMŒNAM CIRCUMSPICE A COLLECTION OF ALL SUCH STATUTES AND Parts of STATUTE S, As any way relate to the ADMIRALTY, NAVY, and SHIPS of W A R, and other Incidental MATTERS; IN WHICH THE Officers or other Perfons belonging to the faid Offices, or employed in his Majefty's Sea-Ser- vice, may be concerned : Down to the 14th Year of King George the Second, inclufive, TO WHICH IS AD DE D, A TABLE, by way of Abſtract, of all the faid STATUTES, digefted into Alphabetical Order. LONDON: Printed in the Year MDCCXLII. Refers Stacks 1 S Hasper 8-21-45 52960 B THE CONTENTS. Page. Anno. 3 Edw. I C. 4 I 4 St. 2 S. 2. Part 2 17 Edw. II St. I C. II 3 27 Edw. III St. 2 C. 13 ib. ANNGON Ri. II St. I C. 4 5 St. I C. 5 7 C. 3 Hen. IV G. II Hen. V St. I C. 6 8 10 I I C. 7 18 15 Hen. VI C. 3 20 18 €. 8 22 18 C. 19 24 20 C. I 25 31 C. 4 29 14 Edw. IV C. 4 3 I 27 Hen. VIII C. 4 32 28 G. 15 36: 2 & 3 Edw. VI C. 6 41 2&3 5 1900 Ph. &M. Eliz. C. 16 S. 1, 3, 8: 43 €. 5 S. 27, 41, 43, 57 46 C. 5 48 31 C. 4 49 C. 8 51 35 39 C. 17 53 43 C. 3 S. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19,20 58 The CONTENT S. Anno. '', 12 12 Car. II C. 18 S. 1, 18, 19 C. 32 13 St. I C. ୨ 13 & 14 C. 11 S. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, Page. 69' 73 82 96 19, 20, 21, 22, 32 22 G. 5 117 120 22 & 23 C. II 22 & 23 C. 26 S. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 126 29 C. 3 I Gul. & M. C. 32 2 Seff. II C. ~ w S. 23 132 3 5 6&7 7 & 8 7 & 8 7 & 8 Gul. III 4 C. 1.1 C. 21 S. 6 C. 11 S. 1, 2 có có có có có 4, 6, 14 133 I, 2, 3, 4 135 S. 137 ib. 138 C. 19 S. 6,7 140 C. 21 S. 10 143 S. C. 22 I, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 144 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 157 7 & 8 C. 28 S. 5, 13, 14 9 & 10 C. 25 S. 44 159 ୨ & 10 C. 28 Part of Recital and S. I 160 161 9 & 10 C. 40 S. 2, 8, 9 9 & 10 C. 41 163 171 ୨ & 10 C. 43 5.4 10 & II C. 10 S. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18,19 173 184 10 & II C. 25 11 & 12 C. 7 S. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, I Ann. St. I C. 16 I St. 2 C. 9 S. 4, 5 2 & 3 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 S. 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,14,15,17,19 213 196 209 212 4 C. 7 223 4 C. 16 S. 17, 18, 19, 26 225 4 C. 19 19 S. 10, .16, 17, 18 227 6 C. 22 S., 12, 13 232 6 C. 31 S. 2 234 } Anno. The CONTENT S. } Page. Ann. C. 21 S. 46, 51, 52, 54 235 ୨ C. 26 S. 1 240 9 / 10 12 12 I 4 C. 17 S. 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 20, 21, 22 243 St. 2 G. 15 253 St. 2 C. 18 S. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10. 258 Geo. I St. 2 C. 25 266 C. 11 S. 7, 8, 9 281 4 +506 C. 12 282 C. 11 S. 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 14, 27 284 C. 19 S. 4 291. C. 21 S. 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 3 36, 37, 38, 44, 62, 63, 64, 65, 293 66 8 8 9 II ∞ ∞ C. 18 S. 1, 2, 3, 4, 23. 305 C. 24 S. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 310 C. 8 S. 3, 4, 5 317 C. 29 S. 5,6,7 320 12 C. 28 S. 14, 15 323 I Geo. II St. 2 C. 9 S. 6, 7 325 I St.. 2 C. 14 329 2 C. 7 341 2 5 5 baGGG D W N N N C. 21 3.58 C. 23 S: 28 360 C. 36 C. 36 S. 7 G. 18 C. 18 S. 6 361 370 371 374 C. 20 20 S. 15 375 C. 21 S. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 376 C. 25 S..18 381 ୨ 1 C. 35 S. 1,4, 5, 22, 23, 24, 25,27, 383 28, 29, 34, 37° 12 6,79 C. 3 13 C. 4 13 C. 17 13 C. 21 S. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 34 396 413 416 437 The CONTENT S. Anno. C. 27 Y 13 Geo. II C. 24 13 13 14 14 S..3 C, 28 S. 5. C. 38 S. 1, 2, 3 C: 39 2. 下 ​! { * T * t 1 Page. 439 440 448 449 453 Anno いのり​の ​Anno 3° Edwardi I. Cap. 4. What ſhall be adjudged Wreck of the Sea, C 金 ​and what not. ONCERNING Wrecks of the Sea, it is agreed, that where a Man, a Dog, or a Cat eſcape quick out of the Ship, that fuch Ship nor Barge, nor any Thing within them, ſhall be adjudged Wreck: (2) But the Goods ſhall be ſaved and kept by view of the Sheriff, Coroner, or the King's Bailiff, and de- livered into the Hands of fuch as are of the Town, where the Goods were found: (3) So that if any fue for thoſe Goods, and after prove that they were his, or periſhed in his keeping, within a Year and a Day, 27 Ed. III. they ſhall be reſtored to him without delay; and if St.2. C.13. not, they ſhall remain to the King, and be ſeized by the Sheriffs, Coroners, and Bailiffs; and ſhall be de- livered to them of the Town, which fhall anfwer be- fore the Juftices of the Wreck belonging to the King. C. 11. (4) And B 17 Ed. 3. [ 2 ]. (4) And where Wreck belongeth to another than to the King, he ſhall have it in like Manner. (5) And he that otherwiſe doth, and thereof be attainted, fhall be awarded to Prifon, and make Fine at the King's Will, and ſhall yeild Damages alfo. (6) And if a Bailiff do it, and it be difallowed by the Lord,, and the Lord will not pretend any Title thereunto, the Bailiff fhall anſwer, if he have whereof; and if he 12. Ann. have not whereof, the Lord fhall deliver his Bailiff's. St.2. C.18. Body to the King. to Anno 4th Edwardi I. Stat. 2.. De Officio Coronatoris. Wreck of S. 2. (14) CONCERNING Wreck of the Seas the Sea. 12 Ann. St. 2. C. 18. wherefoever it be found, if any lay any_lay Hands on it, he ſhall be attached by fufficient Pledges, and the Price of the Wreck fhall be valued and, de- livered to the Towns. Prerogativa [ 3 ] Prerogativa Regis, Anno 17° Edw. II. Stat. 1. Cap. II. His Prerogative in having the Wreck of the Sea, Whales, and Sturgeons. A LSO the King ſhall have Wreck of the Sea, throughout the Realm, Whales and great Sturgeons taken in the Sea or elſewhere within the Realm, except in certain Places privileged by the King. Anno 27° Edw. III. Stat. 2. Cap. 13. A Remedy where a Merchant's Goods be robbed or perished on the Sea. Item, W Privy or Stranger, be robbed of his E will and grant, that if any Merchant, Goods upon the Sea, and the Goods fo robbed come into any Parts within our Realm and Lands, and he will fue for to recover the ſaid Goods; he fhall be received to prove the faid Goods to be his own by his Marks, or by his Chart or Cocket, or by good and lawful Merchants, Privy or Strangers; (2) and by fuch Proofs the fame Goods fhall be delivered to the Mer- B 2 chants, [ 4 ] 3 Ed. I. C. 4. chants, without making other Suit at the Common Law. (3) And in cafe that any Ships going out of the faid Realm and Lands, or coming to the fame, by Tempeſt or other Misfortune break upon the Sea- Banks, and the Goods come to the Land, which may not be faid Wreck, they ſhall be preſently, with out Fraud or evil Device, delivered to the Merchants to whom the Goods be, or to their Servants, by fuch Proof as before is faid, paying to them that have fav- ed and kept the fame, convenient for their Travel ; that is to fay, by the Diſcretion of the Sheriffs and Bailiffs, or other our Minifters in Places guildable, where other Lords have no Franchife, and by the Ad- vice and Affent of four or fix of the beft or moft fuf- ficient diſcreet Men of the Country; (4) and if that be within the Franchiſe of other Lords, then fhall it be: done by the Stewards and Bailiff, or Wardens of the fame Franchiſes, and by the Advice of four or fix. diſcreet Men of the Country, as afore is faid, without any Delay. Anno 1 [ 5 ] Anno 2do Rich. II. Stat. 1. Cap. 4. The Penalty of Mariners retained to ferve the King on the Sea, which do depart without Licence. Item, WHEREAS Item, divers ners after that they be ta- ken and retained for the Service of the King upon the Sea in defence of the Realm, and thereupon have received their Wages to them belonging, do depart out of the Said Service without Leave of the Ad- mirals, or of their Lieu- tenants, to the great Da- mage of the King our Lord, and of the Realm, and De- lay of his faid Voyages: It is ordained and eſtabliſhed, that all fuch Mariners, who ſhall hereafter fo do, and that found and truly proved before the Admi- ral, or his Lieutenant, be obliged to restore to our Po UR ceo qe plufours Ma- riners apres ceo qils font areftuz & retenuz pur Ser- vice du Roi fur la Meer en defence de Roialme & ent ont refceux lours ga- ges appurtenantz fenfuent hors du dit fervice fanz conge des Admiralx, our de leur Lieutenantz, a grant damage du Roi noftre Seignour,& du Roi- alme, & arreriffement de fes viages avauntditz. Or dene eft & eftabli qe touz ceux Mariners queux de- fore ferront en tielle ma- nere & cela trovex & provex veritablement de- vant le Admiral, ou for Lieutenant, foient tenuz de restorer a noftre Seig nour [ 6 ] Lord the King, the dou- ble of what they fhall have taken for their Wages, and nevertheleſs be imprifoned for a Year without being delivered from thence by Mainprize, Bail, or by any other Way. And the King Wills and Commands all Sheriffs, Mayors and Bailiffs within Franchifes and without, That upon the Certificate of the faid Admirals, or their Lieu- tenants, by their Letters thereupon to be made tef- tifying the ſaid Proof, they forthwith, without expect- ing any other Command of the King our Lord, caufe to be taken, and attached all ſuch fugitive Mariners by their Bodies within their Bailiwicks within Franchiſes and without, and put them in Priſon, there to remain in good and fafe Cuftody, until they ſhall have made Satisfaction to the King as afore is ſaid, and thereupon nour le Roi, le double de ce qils averont pris pur lour gages, & nieutmains eient la prifone dun an fanx ent eftre deliverez par Mainprife, Baille, ou par autre voie. Et le Roi voet & commande a touz Vifcontz, Mairs & Bai- liffs deinz Franchiſes, & dehors qe a la Certifica- cion des ditz Admiralx, ou lour Lieutenantz, par lours Lettres ent affairs tefmoig- nantes la dite proove facent tantoft fanx attendre autre mandement de Roi noftre Seignour prendre & atta- cher toux ceux Mariners futifs par lour Gorps deing lour Baillies deinx Franchifes & dehors, & les mettre en prifone illocqes a demurer en bon & feure garde, tange ils averont fait gree au Roi come defus eft dit, & ent eient Special mandement du Roi noftre Seignour de lour de- liverance. Et autiel pu- niſement foit fait des Ser- geantz A ] [ my] 7 } have a fpecial Command of the King our Lord for their Deliverance. And that the fame Puniſhment be inflicted on Serjeants of Arms, Maſters of Ships, and all others who fhall be attainted by Inquiry before the Admiral, or his Lieutenant aforefaid of having taken any thing of the faid Mariners for fuffering them to go at large out of the Service aforefaid, after they have been taken for the faid. Service. geantz dArmes, Maifres des Niefs, & toux autres qe ferront atteintz par enquerre devant l'Admiral ou fon Lieutenant avant- dit, qils eient rienz pris des ditz Mariners pur lour foefrer aler a large hors del Service avantdit apres ceo qils eient efte areftuz pur mefme le Service. Anno 13° Rich. II. Stat. 1. Cap. 5. What Things the Admiral, and his Deputy, Shall meddle.. Item, FORAS MUCH as a great and common Enforced by Clamour and Complaint hath been oftentimes 2 Hen. IV. made before this Time, and yet is, for that the Admi- C. 11. rals and their Deputies hold their Seffions within di- vers Places of this Realm, as well within Franchife as without, accroaching to them greater Authority than belongeth› [ 8 ] belongeth to their Office, in Prejudice of our Lord the King, and the Common Law of the Realm, and in di- minishing of divers Franchifes, and in Deftruction 15 Rich.II. and impoverishing of the common People. (2) It is ac- C. 3. corded and affented, that the Admirals and their De- puties fhall not meddle from henceforth of any Thing done within the Realm, but only of a Thing done upon the Sea, as it hath been uſed in the Time of the noble Prince King Edward, Grandfather of our Lord the King that now is. Anno 15° Rich. II. Cap. 3. In what Places the Admiral's Jurifdiction doth lie. Item, AT the great and grievous Complaint of all the Commons made to our Lord the King in this prefent Parliament, for that the Admirals and their Deputies do encroach to them divers Jurifdic- tions, Franchiſes, and many other Profits pertaining to our Lord the King, and to other Lords, Cities and Boroughs, befides thofe they were wont, or ought to have of Right, to the great Oppreffion and Impove- rishment of all the Commons of the Land, and Hin- drance and Lofs of the King's Profits, and of many other Lords, Cities and Boroughs through the Realm: (2) It is declared, ordained, and eſtabliſhed, that of St. 1 C. 5, all Manner of Contracts, Pleas and Quarrels, and 13 Rich. II. of [ 9 ] of all other Things done, rifing within the Bodies of Counties, as well by Land as by Water, and alſo Wreck of the Sea, the Admiral's Court fhall have no manner of Cognizance, Power, nor Jurifdiction; but all fuch manner of Contracts, Pleas and Quarrels, and all other Things rifing within the Bodies of Counties, as well by Land as by Water, as afore, and alſo Wreck of the Sea, fhall be tried, determined, difcuffed, and remedied by the Laws of the Land, and not before, nor by the Admiral, nor his Lieu- tenant in any wife. (3) Nevertheleſs, of the Death of a Man, and of a Maihem done in great Ships, being and hovering in the main Stream of great Ri- vers, only beneath the Bridge of the fame Rivers nigh to the Sea, and in none other Places of the fame Rivers, the Admiral fhall have Cognizance, and alſo to arreft Ships in the great Flotes for the great Voyages of the King and of the Realm; ſaving always to the King all manner of Forfeitures and Profits thereof coming; (4) And he fhall have alfo 2 Hen. IV. Jurifdiction upon the faid Flotes, during the faid C. 11. Voyages only, faving always to the Lords, Cities, and Boroughs their Liberties and Franchiſes. C Anno [ 10 ] 13 Ri.II. St. 1. C. 5. Anno 2do Hen. IV. Cap. 11. A Remedy for him who is wrongfully pur- fued in the Court of Admiralty. The State Item, WHEREAS in the Statute made at the 13th Year of the faid confirmed, King Richard, amongst other Things it is contained, that touching the the Admirals and their Deputies fhall not intermeddle Furifdiction. from thenceforth of any Thing done within the Realm, Admiral's but only of a Thing done upon the Sea, according as it bath been duly used in the Time of the Noble King Edward, Grand-father to the faid King Richard. (2) Our faid Lord the King will and granteth, that the faid Statute be firmly holden and kept, and put in due Execution. (3) And moreover, the fame our Lord the King, by the Advice and Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the Prayer of the faid Commons, hath ordained and ſtabliſhed, that as touching a Pain to be fet upon the Admiral, or this Lieutenant, that the Statute and the Common Law be holden againſt them; (4) and that he that feeleth himſelf grieved againſt the form of the faid Statute,. ſhall have his Action by Writ grounded upon the Cafe againſt him that doth fo purfue in the Admiral's Court, (5) and recover his double Damages againſt the Purſuant; (6) and the fame Purfuant fhall incur the Pain of Ten Pounds to the King for the Purfuit fo made, if he be attainted. Anno [ ! ] I Į do Anno 2⁰⁰ Hen. V. Stat. r. Cap. 6. Breaking of Truce and Safe Conduct ſhall be High Treafon. In every Port there fhall be a Confervator of the Peace and ſafe Conduct. Truces and others have Item, FORASMUCH as before this Time di- Some bave vers People, comprized within the Truces broken made as well by our Lord the King that now is, as by fafe Con- his noble Father, and alfo divers other People having ducts, and fafe Conducts, as well of our Lord the King that now received and is, as of his noble Father, have been fome flain, robbed maintained and Spoiled by the King's Liege People and Subjects, as them. well upon main Sea, as within the Ports and Coafts of the Sea of England, Ireland, and of Wales, whereby the faid Truces and fafe Conducts have been broken and offended, to the great Dishonour and Slander of the King, and against his Dignity; (2) and the faid Man-flayers, Robbers, Spoilers, and Offenders of the faid Truces and the King's fafe Conducts, as is afore declared, have been by divers of the King's Liege People and Subjects within the Coafts of divers Coun- ties, received, abetted, procured, concealed, hired, fu- Atained, and maintained: (3) Our faid Lord the Breaking of King, by the Advice and Affent aforefaid, and at the Truce and Requeft of the faid Commons, hath ordained and de-fafeConducts fhall be High clared, that fuch Man-flaughter, Robbery, Spoiling, Treafon. breaking of Truce and fafe Conducts, and volentary But Note, Receipt, This Part of C 2 [ 12 ] I Ed. VI. tor of the in every Port this Statute Receipt, Abettment, Procurement, Concealing, Hiring, making the Suftaining and Maintaining of fuch Perfons, to be faid Offence done in Time to come by any of the King's Liege High Trea- fon is Re- People and Subjects within the Realm of England, pealed by, Ireland, and Wales, or upon the main Sea, fhall be C. 12, & adjudged and determined for High Treaſon done 1 M. Seff. againſt the King's Crown, and his Dignity. (4) And 1. C. 1. in every Port of the Sea fhall be made and affigned A Conferva- from henceforth by the King, by his Letters Patents, Truce ball one lawful Man called a Confervator of the Truce be appointed and the King's fafe Conducts, which ſhall have forty of the Sea. Pounds Lands by the Year at the leaft. (5) And The Autho- that the Confervator have Power and Authority by rity of the the faid Letters Patents, and alfo by Commiffion of Confervator of the Truce, the Admiral of England, to inquire of all fuch Treaſons and Offences to be done againſt the Truce and Safe Conducts upon the main Sea, out of the Body of the Counties, and out of the Franchiſes of the five Ports of the King, as the Admirals of the Kings of England before this Time reaſonably, after the old Cuſtom and Law on the main Sea uſed, have done or uſed. (6) And alfo that the like Confer- vator have like and the fame Power to puniſh all them which be, or fhall be, indicted or accufed be- fore him, as well at the King's Suit, as at the Par- ty's, of any Thing to be done againſt the Truce and the King's Safe Conducts upon the main Sea, out of the Body of the Counties and Liberties of the Realm of England, and out of the Franchife of the five Ports, by fuch Procefs, Examination, Proofs, Deter- mination, Judgment, and Execution, as Admirals of the [ 13 ] the Kings of England before this Time reaſonably, according to the old Cuſtom and Law upon the main Sea uſed, have done or uſed. vator's Au- the Admiral.. 2. Saving the Determination of the Death of a The Deter- Man in this behalf, and the Execution of the fame mination of the Death of ſhall be always referved to the faid Admiral, or to a Man ex- his general Lieutenant out of the ſaid Franchiſes of cepted out of the Confer- the five Ports. (2) And that the faid Conſervator have full Power and Authority to inquire, as well thority, and within Liberties and Franchiſes as without, by Men referved to inhabiting within the Body of the County and Li- berty where the ſaid Port is, of all fuch Treaſons and Offences to be done againſt the Truces, and againſt the King's Safe Conducts, within the Body of the County and Liberty where the faid Port is. (3) And Process to be to make againſt thofe Perfons before him fo indicted, awarded a gainst those fuch Process as here followeth, that is to fay, by that be in- Capias and Exigent, which fhall as well go into the dicted. Counties, of which fuch Men fo indicted be ſuppoſed to be, as into the Counties where fuch Indictments be taken. (4) Which Capias and Exigent aforefaid in both Counties fhall be returned at one Day, and that the firſt Capias in both Counties have Day of Return by a Month at the leaft. (5) And in Cafe The Addi- that the Capias and Exigent be awarded in this Behalf, tions of the that the Names and Surnames of fuch Perfons fo in- Parties in- dicted ſhall dicted, and the Town and the County, and Myſtery be inſerted. whereof they be, fhall be ſpecified and declared in the Indictments and Proceffes of the fame. (6) And that the faid Confervator have full Power to hear, at every [ 14 ] every Man's Suit, which will complain before him- felf, or his Lieutenant, of any Offence done to the Party againſt the faid Truces and Safe Conducts. Two Men (7) And that two Men learned in the Law be named learned in the and affociate in every Commiffion of our Lord the Law fhall be afſociate in King to be made to ſuch Confervator. And that the the Confer- faid Confervator, and the faid Men learned in the vator'sCom- Law, in the Commiffion to him affociate and vator'sCom-Law, miſſion. affigned, fhall have full Power and Authority to rity of the make Deliverance according to the Law and Uſage Confervator of the Land, of fuch Men fo indicted before the faid and two Af Confervator, of Things to be done within the Body The Autho- fociates. of the County or Liberty where the faid Port is, againſt the ſaid Truce and the King's Safe Conducts, and to determine fuch Suits commenced at any Man's Suit which will complain before the faid Con- fervator, of any Offence done to him againſt the faid Truce and Safe Conducts, and thereof to make due Redreſs and Remedy. (8) And that the faid two Men to the faid Confervator ſo affociate, be affifting and attending to the faid Confervator to make the Deliverances and Determination in the Manner and Form aforefaid, when they be by the faid Conferva- tor reaſonably required. (9) And that the faid Con- The Oath of the Confer- fervator, and the faid two Men of Law, be fworn, vator and that they, nor any of them, fhall take Fee, Gift, Allociates. Hire, Wages, Reward, or Brokage, of any other than of the King in any wife in this behalf, in Hin- drance of due Execution and Puniſhment of fuch Traitors and Offenders aforefaid. (10) And that the faid Confervator fhall be refiant in the Port and Places [ 15 ] hall have a Seal. Places where he fhall be Confervator affigned as afore- faid. (11) And every Conſervator fhall take yearly for the faid Office forty Pounds of the King at the leaft. (12) And that they be fworn, that if any Perfon, of what Eftate or Condition foever he be, procure, excite, or abet them, or any of them, to do any Thing contrary to this Ordinance and Oath aforefaid, that every of them ſhall make due Relation to our Sovereign Lord the King, or to the Chancellor of England for the Time being, as fpeedily as he well may, without Concealment in any Point, upon Pain of Impriſonment, and to make Fine and Ran- fom at the King's Pleaſure. (13) And that the ſaid The Confer- Confervator have a Seal of our Lord the King var ha ordained. for the faid Office. (14) And that The Office of the Maſter of the Ship, Barge, or Balinger, or other the Master Veffel in the faid Port, be fworn, and the Poffeffor and Poffeffor of a Ship.- alfo, if he be prefent, before the faid Confervator, before that he paſs out of the faid Port, that he fhall not attempt to do any Thing againſt the ſaid Truce, and the King's Safe Conducts. (15) And alſo that What shall the faid Confervator fhall caufe to be inrolled of Re- be inrolled by the Confer- cord before him, as well the Names of fuch Owners vator. and Mafters, as the Names of their Ship, Barge, Ba- linger, or other Veffel, together with the Number of the Mariners in the fame being. (16) And if The Confer- they take any Thing of the King's Enemies, or of be informed any others, they fhall caufe to be brought fuch of all Things. taken from Things taken into the Port, and thereof make full the King's Information to the faid Confervator, before that they Enemies by thereof make Diſcharge or Sale; if it be not that by Force of vator ſhall the Mari- ners. [ 16 ] of Wind, Tempeft, or of Enemies, or fome other reaſonable Caufe, fuch Ship, Barge, Balinger, or other Veffel, muft enter into another Port for the Prefervation of the fame Veffel, or other Cauſe reaſona- ble; and that then they ſhall make full Information to the faid Confervator, or to the Confervator of the Port in which the faid Veffels arrive or enter, of the Prize and of the Quantity of the Thing, receiving a Letter teftimonial under the faid Seal of the aforefaid Confervator, by the which the Confervator of the faid Port, whereof the Veffel or Veffels fhall go out, may have Notice of the Quantity, and alfo of the Value of Penalty on the Goods and Chattels fo taken. (17) And if any Maſters or Poffeffor or Mafter of any Ship or other Veffel, go Ships, doing out of any Port of the Realm of England, or dif contrary to charge his Ship or Veffel againſt the Form of this Or- dinance, that fuch Ship or Veffel, together with the Prize taken in the fame duly made, fhall be Forfeit to the King, (18) and the Body of the Poffeffor or Maſter of ſuch Ship or Veffel committed to Priſon, there to remain untill he hath made a Fine and Ran- fom to the King. Owners of this Act. 3. Provided always, that no Poffeffors of Ships going out of any Port fhall make any Fine nor Ran- fom, or have Impriſonment of Body, if the fame Poffeffors be not in the fame Ships at the Time of the What For- Offence committed againſt this Ordinance. (2) And feitures the the faid Admiral fhall have the Forfeitures in all fhall have. Cafes out of the fame Franchiſe of five Ports afore- Admiral faid, as he hath had, and hath been accuſtomed of Right to the Office of the Admiral of England, be- 4 fore [ 17 ] $ five rity of the Conferva- the tors within the five Ports. fore the making of this Ordinance. (3) And that all The Autho fuch Confervators to be made within the faid Ports have the fame Authority and Power by King's Letters Patents, and Commiffion of the War- den of the fame Ports for the Time being, to enquire of fuch Offences to be done upon the main Sea with- in the Franchiſes of the five Ports out of the Body of the Counties, and to puniſh all them which ſhall be before the faid Confervator of the fame Offences in- dicted or accuſed by like Procefs, Examination, Proofs, Determination, Judgment, and Execution, as the faid Admirals reaſonably, according to the old Cuf- tom and Law upon the Sea uſed, have done and ufed out of the faid Franchiſe of the five Ports; (4) faving that the Determination of the Death of a Man in this behalf, and the Execution of the fame, fhall be within the fame Franchiſe of the five Ports reſerved to the ſaid Warden, or to his general Lieutenant there; (5) and that the fame Warden fhall have all the For- The Warden feitures there in all fuch Cafes as he hath had, and of the five Ports fhall have been accuſtomed of Right to the Office of the have all the Warden of the five Ports aforefaid before this Time; Forfeitures and that the faid Confervators, and every of them, have Power to make full Execution of this Ordinance in the Form aforefaid. And this Ordinance fhall hold Place and Force, for any Thing to be done or attempt- ed againſt this fame Ordinance, after the Proclamation of this Ordinance and Declaration madę. D Anno there. [ 18 ] 1 } Anno 4to Hen V. Cap. 7. tá In what Cafes Letters of Marque may be granted. { 3 Item, BECAUSE our Sovereign Lord the King bath beard and conceived at the grievous Complaint of the Commons of his Realm in this Par- liament, for that in refpect of a Statute made at his Parliament bolden at Leiceſter the last Day of April, 2 Hen. V. the 2d Year of his Reign, in which Statute is con- C. 6. tained, that the Breaking of Truce and of Safe Con- ducts, and willing Receit, Abetment, Procurement, Counfel, Hiring, Sustaining and Maintaining of Breakers of Truce, and of the Safe Conducts of the King our Lord, to be made by his Liege People from henceforth within the Realm of England and Ireland, and the Country of Wales, upon the main Sea, fhall be judged and determined for High Treafon done against the Crown and the King's Dignity (2) By reafon of which Statute, though the King's Subjects be ſo much grieved against the Truce, that they dare not provide Remedy by way of Act, for that the King's Enemies, as well in the Parts beyond the Sea, as in the Realm of Scotland, have thereof taken great Courage to grieve the King's faithful Liege People, in flaying fome of them, and in taking fome of them Prifoners, and alfo taking their Goods and Chattels, against the Tenor of the Truce, as well upon the main Sea, [ 19 ] Sea, as upon the Marches of Scotland, whereof the Jaid Commons have bumbly befeeched our faid Sovereign Lord the King to provide remedy. (3) The King willing, as well in this Cafe as in other, to take or- der for the Indemnity of his Liege People and faith- ful Subjects, hath declared in this preſent Parliament, that of all Attempts made by his Enemies upon any of his faithful Liege. People againſt the Tenor of any Truce taken before this Time, wherein is no expreſs mention made, that all Marques and Reprifals ſhall ceaſe, the fame our Sovereign Lord the King will grant Marque in due Form to all them that feel themſelves in this Cafe grieved. (4) And our faid Lord the King will do the like to all his Liege People that feel them grieved againſt the Tenor of any Truce, which betwixt him and any of his Ene- mies fhall be newly taken hereafter. (5) And to The Manner the greater Comfort of his faithful Liege People, to how to ob- the Intent that they may the more readily and with- of Marque. out long Delay have Remedy in this Cafe, the ſame our Lord, the King will, that if he or they that feel them grieved against the Tenor and Form of fuch Truce within the Realm of England, out of the faid Marches of Scotland, or upon the Sea, or in the Parties beyond the Sea, fhall complain to the Keeper of the Privy Seal, which for the Time fhall be, who after fuch Complaint heard and perceived, thereof fhall make to the Party Complainant (if he the fame require) Letters of Requeft under the Privy Seal in a due Form. And if, after fuch Requeſt made, the Party required do not make within a convenient ? D 2 Time tain Letters [ 20 ] t · Time due Reſtitution or Satisfaction to the Party grieved, then the Chancellor of England for the Time being fhall caufe to be made to fuch Party grieved (if he that demand) Letters of Marque un- der the Great Seal in a due Form. N. B. This Act fo far as it relates to Scotland be- ing repealed by 4. Ja. I. C. 1. no more of it Seems proper to be here inferted. + Anno 15to Hen. VI. Cap. 3. M What Things be requifite to make a fafe Conduct effectual. Item, WHEREAS our faid Lord the King of late hath granted his Letters of Safe Conduct to certain Perfons to come and go in and out of the Realms and Seigniories of England, France, and Ireland, with certain Number of Ships charged with their Merchandizes, and that Faith and Credit fhould as well be given to the Copy called Vidimus, Sealed under the Seals authentique and approved, as to the Original of the faid Letters. (2) One John de Gautier, one of the Perfons aforefaid, granted and delivered the Vidimus of the faid Safe Conduct to fuch, and to as many as him pleafed, fealed with the Seal of him that calleth himself King of France, under the Colour of which Vidimus a great Navy of the adverfe [ 21 ] adverſe Part was affembled, and did take many Ships, and the King's Liege People and Victual, to the Towns and Fortreffes of the Adverfaries, to the great Damage of the King, and of the Liege People afore- faid, as our faid Lord the King, at the grievous Complaint to him made by the faid Commons in the Said Parliament bath perceived: (3) The fame our Lord the King, confidering the great Inconveniencies which might enfue, by fuch and other which do evil ufe his Letters of Safe Conduct, and that un- der Colour of fuch Vidimus, a whole Navy of Ene- mies may be coloured, and daily victual, ftuff, and refreſh their Party, in great Damage of his Realm of England, doth will, and hath commanded by the Authority aforefaid, to the Keepers of his Great and Privy Seal, that they fhall not fuffer fuch Vidimus Clauſe Vidimus to be put in any Safe Conduct from ſhall not be henceforth to be granted, unless it fo be, that fome put in a Safe great or fome notable Cauſe or Matter move the fame less upon fome our Lord the King to grant the fame in fuch wife. SpecialCaufe. (4) And willeth alfo, that in all Safe Conducts to be granted from henceforth to any Perſon or Perſons, the 20Hen. VI. Name of them, of the Ships, and of the Maſters, and C. 1. the Number of the Mariners, with the Portage 14 Ed. IV. of the Ships, ſhall be expreffed. } The Claufe Conduct, un- 18 Hen. VI. C. 8. I. Confirmed by C. 4. Anno [ 22 ] > Anno 18v Hen. VI. Cap. 8. } What Things be requifite to make the King's fafe Conduct good. t, Item, WHEREAS many. People of the Com- mons aforefaid, Owners of Ships and Vef- fels of this Realm, and the Mafters and Mariners of Juch Ships, taking Ships and Veffels of Spain, and of other Parties, Adverfaries and Enemies to our faid Lord the King, by the Suit of Merchants Aliens of the King's Amity, made before the King and his Coun- cil, and fome Time before the Chancellor of England, have been greatly vexed, and be daily, for that the faid Takers do take their Goods and Merchandifes, charged in the ſaid Ships and Veſſels of Spain and ather Parts; Enemies aforefaid, and fometime by falfe Witnefs, Marks, and Letters Teftimonials contrived, the faid Aliens be restored to the faid Goods and Merchandifes with their Damages, and Expences, to the great and grievous Lofs of the faid Owners, Mafters, and Ma- riners, Takers aforefaid, and Difcouragement to the King's Liege People to make. Such Ships and Veffels, and in Hindrance of the Navy of the Realm afore- faid; (2) Our faid Lord the King confidering the Mat- ter aforefaid, and how the Goods and Merchandizes of the King's Liege People, in like Cafe charged and taken, be Forfeit to the King, hath ordained and granted by the Authority aforefaid, that the faid Mer chants [ 23 ] Aliens of the King's Amity on Board Owners of duct. chants Aliens, at their Pleaſure, may charge fuch Merchants Ships and Veffels of Spain, and of other Parts, Ad- verfaries and Enemies of the King, if the Mafters, may load Owners, or Merchants of fuch Veffels and Ships hav- their Goods ing Letters Patents of the King, of his fafe Conduct, Ships belong- Surety, or Safeguard for fuch Ships or Veffels, and Mer-ing to the chandizes, making mention of the Name of the Ships mies, if the King's Ene- or Veffels, and of the Name of the Mafter of the Ships Masters, or and Veffels, as the Manner is; (3) and if any fuch fuch Ships Ships or Veffels, charged with any Merchandizes of bave Letters fuch Merchants aforefaid, be taken upon the Sea by of Safe Con- the King's Liege People, not having the King's Letters But if Patents, as afore is faid, within the Board of fuch they have no Ships or Veffels, at the Day of the Taking, nor that Juch Letters of Safe Con- fuch Letters Patents, at the Day of the Taking, be in duct, or they the King's Chancery inrolled of Record, that then the be not inroll- Takers and Poffeffors of the Goods and Merchandizes, ers of fuch ed, the Tak-- fo taken, may enjoy and hold the fame, any Statute Goods may or Ordinance made to the contrary notwithſtanding; (4) and that this Statute and Ordinance fhall begin 15Hen.VI. to take his force at the Feaft of Saint Michael, next C. 3. coming; and that Proclamation be thereof made up- C. 1. on the Sea Coafts incontinently after this Ordinance, Confirmed by to the Intent that the faid Merchants Aliens may have 14 Ed. IV. knowledge of the fame Ordinance. detain them. 20Hen. VI. C. 4. Anno [24] 1 Anno 18° Hen. VI. Cap. 19. The Penalty of a Soldier not going with, or departing from his Captain without Licence. Item, SEEING divers and many Soldiers be- fore this Time, which have taken Parcel or half their Wages of their Captains, and fo have muſtered and been entered of Record the King's Soldi- ers before his Commiffioners, for fuch Terms for which their Mafters have indented, have fome time prefently after their Mufter, and the Receipt of Part or of the Whole of their Wages, departed and gone where they would, and have not passed the Sea with their faid Cap- tains, and ſome paſſed the Sea, and long within their Terms departed from their Captains and the King's Service, without apparent Licence to them granted by their faid Captains, whereof hath grown fo great Da- mage to the King and to his Realm, and ſo many In- conveniences, which cannot eafily be expreffed, as of long Time the Experience bath fhewed, and the which Sol diers fo doing, as much as in them was, de- cayed the Honour and Reverence of the King, and have been many ways great Caufers of the Loffes which have enfued in his Lands and Seigniories beyond the Sea, and the Adventure alfo of the Perfons of the Lords and Captains which did conduct them: 2. The [ 25 ] for a Soldier to leave his without Li- cence. have Power determine. 2. The fame King confidering the Premiſes, and It is Felony willing againſt fuch Inconveniencies and Damages to orde provide a Remedy, hath ordained by the Authority Captain aforefaid, that every Man fo muſtering and receiving the King's Wages, which departeth from his Captain within his Term, in any manner aforefaid, except that notorious Sickneſs or Impediment by the Vifita- tion of God (which may reaſonably be known) fuffer him not to go, and which he fhall certify prefently to his Captain, and fhall repay his Money, fo that he may provide him for another Soldier in his Place, he fhall be puniſhed as a Felon. (2) And that the Juf- Which Fuf- tices of Peace ſhall have Power to inquire thereof, and tices of Peace to hear and determine the fame. (3) And likewife to inquire of hath ordained by the fame Authority, that no Soldier, bear and Man of Arms, or Archer, fo muftered of Record, and going with his Captain beyond the Sea, fhall return into England, within the Term for which his Cap- tain hath retained him; nor leave his Captain there in the King's Service, and in Adventure of the War, except that he hath reaſonable Cauſe fhewed by his Captain, and by him to the chief in the Country hav- ing Royal Power, and thereupon fhall have Licence of the ſaid Captain, witneſſed under his Seal, and the Chief Offi- Cauſe of his Licence. (4) And who that fo doth cers of Ports, mufter of Record, and come without Letters Tefti- &c. fhall ar- monials of the Captain (as is faid) within his Term on returning this Side the Sea, that the Mayors, Bailiffs, and other from beyond the King's Minifters, at what Port or Place they ſhall detain them arrive, ſhall have Authority to put them in Arreft, and until the them there to keep until it be of them inquired. Cause of (5) And be tried. E reft Soldiers the Sea, and their Return [ 26 ] Extended to 1 2 Rich. II. (5) And if it be found by Inquiry before Juftices St. 1. C. 4. of Peace, and proved that they have fo muſtered of Mariners Record, and departed from their Captains aforefaid and Gun- without Licence, as afore is faid, that then they fhall be puniſhed as Felons. ners, by 5 El. C. 5. S.27. Mischiefs arifing from the Non-In- duct. Anno 20° Hen. VI. Cap. 1. All Letters of Safe Conducts shall be inroll- ed in the Chancery. Firft, WHEREAS poor Merchants of the King of this Realm daily be robbed by the rollment of King's Enemies upon the Sea, and in divers Rivers and Letters of Ports within the fame Realm, of their Ships, Goods, and Safe Con- Merchandizes, of great Riches, and their Bodies taken and impriſoned with great Duress, and put to great Fines and Ranfoms, and the King's poor Subjects dwell- ing nigh the Sea Coasts taken out of their own Houses, with their Chattels and Infants upon Land, and car- ried by the faid Enemies where it pleaſe them. (2) Which Mifchiefs come by reafon that the faid Mer- chants be difcouraged with Force and Puiffance of Ships, and of People defenfible to keep the Sea and the Coafts of the fame, for that the Ships, Goods, and Merchan- dizes by them taken from the faid King's Enemies, be fome- times claimed by the King's Enemies, by Colour of Safe Conducts not duly purchased, nor of Record inrolled, So that the King's Subjects may have Notice of them. (3) And [ 27 ] (3) And fometime be claimed by Merchants Strangers of the King's Amity, to be due to them, by Colour of falfe Witneſſes of their Nation, and by Letters of Marque and Charters partly by them counterfeited, and by fuch Proofs upon fuch Claims be restored to the fame Goods and Merchandizes often taken in Ships and Veffels belonging to the King's Enemies, and the faid King's Subjects put to great Vexation, and Lofs of their own Goods. (4) Whereby the faid King's Ene- mies be greatly inriched, and their Navy ftrongly in- creas'd, and the Navy and Merchandize of the faid Realm of our Lord the King greatly diminished, and fuch Damages and Inconveniencies daily be likely to in- creafe and come to the ſaid Realm of our faid Lord the King, if Speedy Remedy in this Cafe be not provided. Chancery, to 18 Hen.VI, 2. Our faid Lord the King confidering the Premif- All Letters of Safe Con- fes, and that if People of the King's Amity be feared duct, not in- and diſcouraged to freight the Ships and Veffels of the rolled in King's Enemies and Adverfaries, their Navy in Time be void. to come will be decreaſed and diminiſhed, and the Navy of the King's Subjects and Friends increaſed and C. 8. enlarged by the Advice and Affent aforefaid, and at the ſpecial Requeſt of the faid Commons, to efchew the Miſchiefs aforefaid, hath ordained by Authority of the faid Parliament, that all Letters of Safe Conduct to be granted to the King's Enemies and Adverfaries, or any other People whatſoever, ſhall be inrolled in the Chancery of our faid Lord the King of Record, be- fore that any fuch Letters fhall be in any wiſe deli- vered to them to whom the fame Letters fhall be E 2 granted. [ 28 ] Prizes of Goods or Merchan- from the King's Ene- inies not to granted. (2) And that all fuch Letters of Safe Con- duct hereafter to be granted, not inrolled of Record in the faid Chancery, before the Delivery to them to be made in the Manner as is faid, fhall be void, and of no Force nor Effect. 3. And moreover if hereafter hereafter any Goods or Mer- chandizes be taken by the faid Subjects of our Lord dizes taken the King upon the Sea, or the Coafts of the fame, charged in any Ship or other Veffel, which is belong- ing to the Enemies or Adverfaries of our Lord the be restored, King for the Time being, not having fufficient Let- unless Let- ters of Safe Conducts inrolled in the Form aforefaid, ters of Safe Conduct are that they which fo fhall take the fame Goods and inrolled be- Merchandizes fhall them enjoy without any Reftituti- fore their on thereof to be made in any wife, to whatſoever Per- fon the fame Goods and Merchandizes fo taken, at the Time of the taking of the fame, or before, were be longing. Apprehenfi on, of the Mari- Letters In- xallment. Provifo for 4. Provided always, That the Subjects of our Lord the Idemnity the King, taking fuch Ships charged with Merchan- ners and the dizes, not having nor fhewing fuch Letters of Safe Proof of the Conduct within the fame Ships at the Time of the faid taking, and bringing them by Force to a certain. Port or Place within the faid Realm, fhall not be en- damaged in their Perfon nor Goods for fuch taking, if they be ready to make full Reftitution of the fame Ships and Merchandizes, within reaſonable Time af- ter that full Knowledge is made to them of fufficient Letters of Safe Conduct for the fame Ships and Mer- chandizes [ 29 ] chandizes inrolled in the faid Chancery of Record, before the taking of them. Provided alfo, that this Ordinance fhall begin to hold his Force at the Feast Confirmed by of Saint Michael the Arch-Angel next coming. 14 Ed. IV, C. 4. Anno 31° Hen. VI. Cap. 4.. The Remedy for him who having a Safe Conduct is robbed upon the Sea. UR Sovereign Lord the King, by Au- Where Item,thority aforefaid, hath ordained and Strangers or in any in Amity, League or Conduct are eſtabliſhed, that if any of his Subjects attempt or upon the Sea offend upon the Sea, or in any Port within the faid Port within Realm, under the King's Obeifance, against any the Realm, Perfon or Perfons. Strangers, being upon the Sea, or any other Port aforefaid by way of Amity, League, Truce, and or Truce, or by Force of the King's Safe Conduct having Safe or Safe-Guard in any wife, and eſpecially in attach- attached in ing of any fuch ftrange Perfon, robbing or fpoiling their Perfons of him, his Ship, or any other Manner of Goods, or againſt any other Perſon of his Liege People, the Chancellor of England for the Time being (as well for the Deliverance of any fuch Perſon ſo attached. to be had, as to make Reftitution to every fuch Per- fon fo robbed or ſpoiled of Ship or Goods, or of the Value thereof) fhall have Authority, calling to him any or robb’d. · [ 30 ] The Chan- any cellor calling one Bench or fo attached, to be made of..their of the Juftices of the one Bench or of the other, to him one upon a Bill or Bills of Complaint to him made in this of the Juf Behalf, to make fuch Proceſs out of the faid Chan- tices of the cery, as well againſt all fuch Offenders to bring them the other, into the King's Chancery, there to anſwer to the Par- may deliver ties fo grieved in this Behalf, as againſt any other fuch Perfons Perfon or Perſons to whofe Hands any fuch Perſon and caufe fo attached, Ship, or Goods, fhall come, as for the Refutution Delivery and Reftitution by them to be made of the fame Perfon, Ship, and Goods, as fhall feem to the Goods, &c. fame Chancellor moft expedient and neceffary. (2) And upon this Proceſs fo made out of the faid Chan- cery, the faid Chancellor further to proceed in this Matter, if the Cafe do fo require, by Advice of any fuch Juſtice, to make the Perſon and Perfons Stran- gers fo grieved to have full Delivery and Reftitution any fuch Perfon fo attached, and of all fuch Ships and Goods, and alfo of all their Cofts, Expences, and Loffes disburfed and fuffered by them in this Behalf, and thereupon to award all Manner of Exe- cution out of the ſaid Chancery, in fuch Sort as ſhall ſeem to the faid Chancellor moft expedient and ne- ceffary for fuch Delivery and Reſtitution to be had, calling to him any fuch Juftice as afore is faid. This Confirmed by Act to begin and take Effect the firſt Day of May 14 Ed. IV. the two and thirtieth Year of the ſaid King. 1 C. 4. of ! 1 Anno [ 31 ] Anno 14° Ed. IV. Cap. 4. A Confirmation of Statutes made againft the Breakers of Truce, &c. 18 H. VI. C. 8. .C. J. 31 H. VI. 4. Item, WHEREAS divers and great Offences 15 H. VI. and Attempts have now of late been done C. 3: and committed against the Amities and Leagues made betwixt our faid Sovereign Lord the King, and ftrange 20 H. VI. Princes, against the Safe Conducts and Licences of our faid Sovereign Lord the King, and against the C. Laws and Statutes heretofore made for the Punishment of fuch Offenders in that Behalf, to the great Slander of our faid Sovereign Lord the King, and the general Hindrance of all this Realm of England. (2) The King therefore, by Advice and Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this Parliament aſſembled, and by Authority of the fame Parliament, hath ordained, eſtabliſhed, and enacted, that all Statutes and Ordinances made before the 4th Day of March, in the firſt Year of his Reign, by Authority of any Parliament, not repealed, againſt the Offenders and Breakers of Amities, Truces, Leagues, and Safe Conducts aforefaid, be and ſhall be in their full Force and Effect. (3) And that every of the fame Statutes and Ordinances be put in due Execution in all Things before the Judge or Judges, Perſon or Perſons ordained by the fame Statutes or Ordinances, or any of them, according to the Tenors and [ 32 ] and Effects of every of the fame Statutes and Ordi- nances; any Grant or Confirmation by Act of Par- liament, or otherwife, Ufe, or Cuftom, made, had, This Confir- or uſed to the contrary notwithſtanding: (4) Provided mation doth always, that this Act extend not to any Act or Or- not extend to dinance made for the Puniſhment of any fuch Offen- of 2 Hen, ders in the 2d Year of King Henry the Fifth, V. St. 1. late indeed, and not of right King of England. the Statute C. 6. The Incon- veniencies of Anno 27° Hen. VIII. Cap. 4. For Pirates and Robbers on the Sea. WHERE Pirates, Thieves, Robbers, and Murtherers upon the Sea, many Times efcape the Trial of unpunished, because the Trial of their Offences hath the Courſe heretofore been ordered before the Admiral, or his of the Civil Lieutenant or Commiſſary, after the Course of the Piracy after Law. Civil Laws, the Nature whereof is, that before any Judgment of Death can be given against the Offenders, either they must plainly confefs their Offence (which they will never do without Torture or Pains) or elfe their Offences be fo plainly and directly proved by Witneſſes indifferent, fuch as faw their Offences com- mitted, which cannot be gotten but by Chance at few Times, becauſe fuch Offenders commit their Offences upon the Sea, and at many Times murther and kill fuch Perfons being in the Ship or Boat where they com- mit their Offences, which should bear Witness against them [ 33 ] determined. them in that Behalf, and alfo fuch as fhould bear Wit- nefs be commonly Mariners and Ship-Men, which for the most Part cannot be gotten ne had always ready to testify fuch Offences, becauſe of their often Voyages and Pallages in the Seas, without long tarrying, or Pro- traction of Time, and great Cofts and Charges, as well of the King's Highness, as of fuch as uld pur- fue fuch Offenders: (2) For Reformation whereof, be Before what it enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, Perfons Of that all fuch Offences done in or upon the Sea, or fences com- mitted upon in any other Haven, River, or Creek, where the the Sea hall Admiral or Admirals pretend to have Jurifdiction, be heard and ſhall be inquired, tried, heard, and determined in fuch Shires and Places in this Realm as fhall be li- mited by the King's Commiſſion to be directed for the fame, in like Form and Condition as if fuch Offences had been done upon the Land. (3) And that ſuch Commiffions fhall be had under the King's Great Seal, directed to the Lord Admiral or Admi- rals, or to his or their Lieutenant, Deputy, or Depu- ties, and to three or four fuch other fubftantial Per- fons as ſhall be named by the Lord Chancellor for the Time being, as often as need ſhall require, to hear, and determine fuch Offences after the Common Courſe of the Laws of the Land uſed for Felonies done and committed within this Realm. 1 2. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, By what that fuch Perfons to whom fuch Commiffions fhall be furors the directed, or three of them at the leaft, fhall have full fame Offen-. ces ſhall be Power and Authority to inquire of fuch Offences by inquired of. F the i [ 34 ] the Oaths of twelve good and lawful Men inhabited in the Shire limited in their Commiffion, in fuch like Manner and Form, as if fuch Offences had been committed upon the Land within the fame Shire. (2) And that every Indictment found, and preſented before fuch Commiffioners, of any Felonies, Robbe- ries, Murthers, or Man-Slaughters, done upon the Seas, or in or upon any other Haven, River, or Creek, fhall be good and effectual in the Law. (3) And if any Perfon or Perſons happen to be indicted for any fuch Offence done or hereafter to be done upon the Seas,. or in any other Places above limited, that then fuch Order, Procefs, Judgment, and Execution, ſhall be ufed, had, done; and made, to and againft every fuch Perfon and Perfons fo being indicted, as againſt Felons, and Murtherers, for Murther, or Felony done upon the Land, as by the Laws of this Realm, is ac- cuſtomed. (4) And that the Trial of fuch Offence, Fudgment, if it be denied by the Offenders, fhall be had by twelve and Forfei- Men inhabited in the Shire limited within fuch Com- tures of Ofmiffion, which ſhall be directed as is aforefaid, and no Challenge to be had for the Hundred. (5) And fuch as fhall be convict of any fuch Offence, by Verdict, Confeffion, or Procefs, by Authority of any fuch Commiſſion, ſhall have and fuffer fuch Pains of Death, Loffes of Lands, Goods, and Chattels, as if they had been convict of any Felonies, or Murthers done upon the Lands. The Trial, fenders in Piracy. Clergy Shall not be allow- 3. And be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, that edtoPirates, for Robberies, Felonies, and Murthers done upon the Seas, [ 35 ] ] Seas, or in any other Places above rehearſed, the Of- fenders fhall not be admitted to have the Benefit of their Clergy, but be utterly excluded thereof, and alſo of the Privilege of any Sanctuary. 4. Provided alway, that this A&t extend not to be prejudicial or hurtful to any Perfon or Perfons for taking any Victuals, Cables, Ropes, Anchors, or Sails, Things taken which any fuch Perfon or Perfons, compelled by Ne- upon the Sea ceffity, taketh of or in any other Ship, which may by Neceffity. conveniently ſpare the fame, fo that the fame Perfon or Perfons pay out of Hand for the fame Victuals, Ca- bles, Ropes, Anchors, or Sails, Money, or Money- worth, to the Value of the Thing ſo taken, or deliver for the fame a fufficient Bill Obligatory to be paid in Form following; that is to fay, if the taking of the fame Things be on this Side the Streights of Marroke, then to be paid within four Months; and if it be be- yond the faid Streights of Marroke, then to be paid within twelve Months next enfuing the making of fuch Bills; and that the Makers of fuch Bills well and truly pay the fame Debt at the Day to be limited within the faid Bills. Ports. 5. Provided alway, that whenfoever any fuch Commiffions Commiffion for the Puniſhment of the Offences afore- directed in- to the five ſaid, ſhall be directed or fent to any Place within the Jurifdiction of the five Ports, that then every fuch Commiffion fhall be directed unto the Lord Warden of the fame Ports for the Time being, or to his Deputy, and unto three or four fuch other Perfon or Perfons as F 2 the [36] J 28H.VIII. C. 15. the Lord Chancellor for the Time being ſhall name and appoint; any Thing in this prefent Act to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithſtanding. 6. Provided alſo, that whenfoever any Commiffion ſhall be directed into the five Ports for the Inquifition and Trial of any of the Offences expreffed in this Act, that every fuch Inquifition and Trial to be had by Virtue of fuch Commiffion, fhall be made and had by the Inhabitants in the faid five Ports, or the Mem- bers of the fame; any Thing in this Act to the con- trary thereof notwithſtanding. Anno 28 Hen. VIII. Cap. 15. For Pirates. 1 WHERE Traitors, Pirates, Thieves, Rob- bers, Murtherers, and Confederates upon the Sea, many Times eſcaped unpunished, because the Trial of their Offences bath heretofore been ordered, judged, and determined before the Admiral or his Lieutenant or Commiſſary, after the Courfe of the Civil Laws, (2) the Nature whereof is that before any Judgment of Death can be given against the Of- fenders, either they must plainly confefs their Offences (which they will never do without Torture or Pains) or elfe their Offences be fo plainly and directly proved by Witness indifferent, fuch as faw their Offences com- mitted [ 37 ] Admiral's mitted, which cannot be gotten but by Chance at few Times, becauſe fuch Offenders commit their Offences upon the Sea, and at many Times murther and kill fuch Per- fons being in the Ship or Boat where they commit their Offences, which fhould witness against them in that be- half; and alfo fuch as fhould bear Witness be commonly Mariners and Ship-Men, which, becauſe of their often Voyages and Paffages in the Seas, depart without long tarrying and Protraction of Time, to the great Cofts and Charges as well of the King's Highness, as fuch as would purfue fuch Offenders. (3) For Reformation Trial of O fences com- whereof, be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent mitted upon Parliament, that all Treafons, Felonies, Robberies, the Sea, or Murthers, and Confederacies hereafter to be committed within the in or upon the Sea, or in any other Haven, River, Jurisdicti Creek, or Place where the Admiral or Admirals have on, by the King's Com- or pretend to have Power, Authority, or Juriſdiction, › miſſion. ſhall be inquired, tried, heard, determined and judged in fuch Shires, and Places in the Realm, as fhall be limit- ed by the King's Commiffion or Commiffions to be di- rected for the fame, in like Form and Condition, as if any fuch Offence or Offences had been committed or done in or upon the Land. (4) And fuch Commiffions fhall Alter'd by in.or be had under the King's Great Seal, directed to the w. III. Admiral or Admirals, or to his or their Lieutenant, C. 7. But fee Deputy and Deputies, and to three or four fuch 4 Geo. other fubftantial Perfons as fhall be named or appoint- ed by the Lord Chancellor of England for the Time being, from Time to Time, and as oft as Need fhall require, to hear and determine fuch Offences after the common Courſe of the Laws of this Realm, ufed for Treafons, 11 and 12 Geo. L C. II. [ 38 ] The Commif fioners Au- thority. Treafons, Felonies, Murthers, Robberies, and Con- federacies of the fame done and committed upon the Land within this Realm. 2. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch Perfons to whom fuch Commiffion or Com- miffions fhall be directed, or four of them at the leaſt, ſhall have full Power and Authority to enquire of fuch Offences, and of every of them, by the Oaths of twelve good and lawful Inhabitants in the Shire limited in their Commiffion, in fuch like Manner and Form, as if fuch Offences had been committed upon the Land within the fame Shire. (2) And that every Indictment found and preſented before fuch Commiffioners of any Treaſons, Felonies, Robberies, Murthers, Man-Slaughters, or fuch other Offences, being committed or done in and upon the Seas, or in or upon any other Haven, River, or Creek, fhall be good and effectual in the Law. (3) And if any Perſon or Perſons happen to be indicted for any fuch Offence done or hereafter to be done upon the Seas, or in any other Place above limit- ted, that then ſuch Order, Procefs, Judgment and Ex- ecution fhall be uſed, had, done, and made to, and againſt every fuch Perſon and Perfons fo being indict- ed, as againſt Traitors, Felons, and Murtherers, for Treaſon, Felony, Robbery, Murther, or other fuch Offences done upon the Land, as by the Laws of this Realm is accuſtomed. (4) And that the Trial of fuch Offence or Offences, if it be denied by the Offender or Offenders, ſhall be had by twelve lawful Men in- habited in the Shire limitted within fuch Commiffion, which [ 39 ] ment of Of- which fhall be directed as is aforefaid, and no Chal- lenge or Challenges to be had for the Hundred. (5) The Punish- And fuch as fhall be convict of any fuch Offence or fenders. Offences, by Verdict, Confeffion, or Procefs, by Au- thority of any fuch Commiffion, ſhall have and fuf- fer fuch Pains of Death, Loffes of Lands, Goods, and Chattels, as if they had been attainted and convicted of any Teaſons, Felonies, Robberies, or other the faid Offences done upon the Lands. 3. And be it enacted, by Authority aforefaid, Such Offend- ers ſhall not That for Treaſons, Robberies, Felonies, Murthers, be allowed and Confederacies done upon the Sea or Seas, or in their Clergy. any Place above rehearſed, the Offenders fhall not be admitted to have the Benefit of his or their Clergy, but be utterly excluded thereof and from the fame, and alfo of the Privilege of any Sanctuary. may be Spar- paying for 4. Provided alway, That this Act extend not to Taking of be prejudicial or hurtful to any Perfon or Perfons, for Things that taking any Victual, Cables, Ropes, Anchors, or Sails, ed upon Ne- which any fuch Perfon or Perfons (compelled by necef- ceffity, and fity) taketh of or in any Ship, which may conveniently them. fpare the fame, fo the fame Perfon or Perfons pay out of Hand for the fame Victual, Cables, Ropes, Anchors, or Sails, Money, or Money-worth, to the Value of the Thing fo taken, or do deliver for the ſame a fufficient Bill obligatory to be paid in Form following; that is to fay, if the taking of them fame Things be on this Side the Streights of Marroke, then to be paid within four Months, and if it be beyond the [ 40 ] Commiffions any Place the Streights of Marroke, then to be paid within twelve Months next enfuing the making of fuch Bills, and that the Makers of fuch Bills well and truly pay the fame Debt at the Day to be limitted within the faid Bills. any 5 Provided alway, That whenfoever any ſuch directed into Commiffion for the Puniſhment of the Offences within the aforefaid, or any of them, fhall be directed or ſent to five Ports. Place within the Jurifdiction of the five Ports, that then every fuch Commiffion fhall be directed unto the Lord Warden of the faid Ports for the Time being, or to his Deputy, and unto three or four fuch other Perſon or Perſons as the Lord Chancellor, for the Time being, fhall name and appoint, any Thing in this prefent Act to the contrary notwith- ftanding. 27 Hen. 1 Geo. I. C. 24. 6. Provided alway, That whenfoever any Com- VIII. C. 4. miffion fhall be directed unto the five Ports, for the St. 2. C.25. Inquifition and Trials of any the Offences expreffed 8 Geo. 1. in this Act, that every fuch Inquifition and Trial to be had by Virtue of fuch Commiffion, fhall be made and had by the Inhabitants in the faid five Ports, or the Members of the fame; any Thing in this A the contrary thereof notwithſtanding. to Anno [ 41 ] Anno 2do & 3° Edw. 6. Cap. 6. An Act that the Admiral of England, or any of his Officers, fhall not exact any Sums of Money for Licence to traffick to Ireland, &c. Fo RAS MUCH as within theſe few Years now laft paft, there hath been levied, perceived and taken by certain of the Officers of the Admiralty, of fuch Merchants and Fishermen as have used and practifed the Adventures and Journeys into Ifland, New-found-land, Ireland, and other Places commo- dious for Fishing, and the getting of Fish, in or up- on the Seas or otherwife, by Way of Merchandize in thofe Parts, divers great Exactions, as Sums of Mo- ney, Doles, or Shares of Fish, and fuch other like Things, to the great Difcouragement and Hindrance of the fame Merchants and Fishermen, and to no little Damage to the whole Commonweal. 2. And whereas alſo great Complaints have been made, and Informations alfo yearly to the King's Ma- jefty's most Honourable Council: For Reformation whereof, and to the Intent alſo that the faid Merchants and Fishermen may have occafion the rather to prac- tife and uſe the fame Trade of Merchandize and Fiſh- ing freely, without any fuch Charges or Exactions, as G is [ 42 ] } Admiral or act any Mo- ney, &c. from any is before limited, whereby it is to be thought, that more Plenty of Fish fhall come into this Realm, and thereby to have the fame at more reaſonable Price. 3. Be it therefore enacted by the King our Sove- his Officers reign Lord, and the Lords and Commons in this Shall not ex-prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, that neither the Admiral nor any Offi- cer or Miniſter, Officers or Minifters of the Admi- Merchant or ralty for the Time being, fhall in any wife hereafter travelling exact, receive or take by himſelf, his Servant, Depu- into Ice- ty, Servants or Deputies of any fuch Merchant or foundland, Fiſherman, any Sum or Sums of Money, Doles or Ireland, Shares of Fiſh, or any other Reward, Benefit or &c.for Fiſh. Advantage whatſoever it be, for any Licence to pafs Filberman land, New- this Realm to the ſaid Voyages or any of them: Nor upon any Refpect concerning the faid Voyages or any of them: (2) Upon Pain to forfeit for the first Offence, treble the Sum, or treble the Value of the Reward, Benefit or Advantage, that any fuch Offi- cer or Miniſter ſhall hereafter have or take of any fuch Merchant or Fisherman; for the which For- feiture the Party grieved, and every other Perfon or Perſons whatſoever he or they be, fhall and may fue for the fame, by Information, Bill, Plaint, or Action of Debt, in any of the King's Courts of Record, the King to have the one Moiety, and the Party. complaining the other Moiety: In which Suit no Effoign, Protection, or Wager of Law fhall be al- lowed: (3) And for the fecond Offence, the Party fo [ 43 ] fo offending, not only to lofe or forfeit his or their Office or Offices in the Admiralty, but alfo to make Fine and Ranſom at the King's Will and Pleafure. do Anno 2⁰⁰ & 3° Ph. & M. Cap. 16. An Act touching Watermen and Bargemen upon the River of Thames. tween for. W HEREAS heretofore for lack of good The Office Government and due Order amongst Wherri- and Duty of the eight men and Watermen exercifing, ufing and occupying Overfeers of Rowing upon the River of Thames, there have been Watermen divers and many Misfortunes and Mifchances happened rowing be- and chanced of late Years paft, to a great Number Gravefend of the King and Queen's Subjects, as well to the No- and Wind- bility as to other the Common People that have passed and repaffed, and been carried by Water, by Reafon of the rude, ignorant and unskilful Number of Water- men, which for the most Part been masterlefs Men, and fingle Men of all Kinds of Occupations and Fa- culties, which do work at their own hands; and many Boys being of fmall Age and of little Skill, and being Perfons out of the Rule and Obedience of any honeft Mafter and Governor, and do for the most Part of their Time ufe Dancing and Carding, and other un- lawful Games, to the great and evil Example of other G 2 Such [ 44 ] fuch like, and against the Commonwealth of this Realm. Several A- (2) And all which faid evil and ignorant Perfons in buſes com- the Time of Preffing by Commiffion, for the Service of mitted by the King and Queen's moft Royal Majefties upon the ful and lew'd Sea, for that they have no known Place of abiding, do Watermen. for the moft Part abfent and convey themselves into young unſkil- There ſhall the Country, and other fecret Places, practifing there Robberies and Felonies, and other evil deteftable Facts, to the great Annoyance of the Commonwealth: And fo after the faid Commiſſion of Preſſing ended, oft times the faid evil Perfons do repair again to their former Trade of Rowing, colouring their evil Deeds; (3) &c. 3. For Reformation whereof, be it enacted by the be eight O- King and Queen's Majefties, the Lords Spiritual and verſeers of Watermen Temporal, and the Commons in this prefent Parlia- upon the Ri- ment affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, ver of Thames. That there fhall be yearly appointed, chofen and elected by the Mayor and the Court of Aldermen of the City of London for the Time being, the Num- ber of eight Perfons of the moft wife, difcreet and beſt Sort of Watermen, being Houſeholders, and occupying as Watermen upon the faid River, be- tween Gravefend and Windfor: (2) Which Election ſhall be yearly at the firft Court of Aldermen to be holden within the faid City next after the firſt Day of March: (3) And the fame eight Perſons ſo elect- ed, fhall be named and called, the Overſeers and Rulers of all the Wherrimen and Watermen that from and after the faid firft Day of March, fhall. uſe, occupy, or exerciſe any Rowing upon the faid River [45] River of Thames betwixt Gravefend and Windfor. (4) Which faid Overſeers and Rulers, fhall keep and maintain good Order and Obedience amongſt the faid Watermen, according to the true Meaning of this preſent Act. the Time of 8. And be it further enacted, That if any Perfon The Punish- or Perfons which from and after the faid Feaft fhall ment of Wa termen with- uſe and exerciſe the Occupation of Rowing betwixt drawing Gravefend and Windfor aforefaid, which in the themselves in Time of Execution of any Commiffion of Preffing Preffing. that ſhall be had for the Service of the King and Queen's Majeſties, and the Heirs and Succeffors of the Queen's Majefty, in their Affair, fhall willingly, voluntarily, and obftinately withdraw, hide or con- vey him or themſelves in the fame Time of Preffing, into fecret Places, and Out-corners; and after when fuch Time of Preffing is overpaffed, ſhall return and come again to the ſaid River of Thames, to row be- twixt Gravefend and Windſor aforefaid, and that duly proved by two indifferent Witneffes, before the faid Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen or Juſtices of the Peace, and two of the faid Rulers; that then he or they fo doing or offending, fhall fuf- See 4 and 5. fer Impriſonment by the Space of two Weeks, and Ann. C.19 be baniſhed any more to row from thenceforth upon further Pro- the faid River of Thames by the Space of one whole vifions relat Year and Day then next following. S. 18. for ing bereto. Anno [ 46 ] The Statute of 18 Hen. ordained Anno 5° Eliz. Cap. 5 An Act touching politick Conftitutions for the Maintenance of the Navy. 27. AND where Doubt bath heretofore been, whether the Statute in the 18th Year of VI. C. 19. the Reign of King Henry the Sixth, heretofore made against Sol. against Soldiers retained which depart from their diers, fhall Captains without Licence, did or ought to extend unto extend to Mariners and Gunners ferving on the Seas, taking andGunners. Wages of the King or Queen of this Realm. (2) Be Mariners Filbermen it expreffed, ordained, enacted and declared by Au- thority of this preſent Parliament, That the faid Eſtatute made in the faid 18th Year of the Reign of King Henry the Sixth, in all Pains, Forfeitures, and other Things, did, doth, and hereafter fhall extend, as well to all and every Mariner and Gunner having taken, or fhall hereafter take Preft or Wages to ferve the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, to all Intents and Purpoſes, as the fame did or doth unto any Soldier, any diverfities of Opinion, Doubt, Mat- ter or Thing to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. 41. Be it enacted in the Favour of Fiſhermen and and Mari- Mariners, haunting the Sea as Fiſhermen or Mariners, ners ſhall not That none of them ſhall hereafter, at any Time, be be compelled to ferve as compelled againſt his or their Will, to ſerve as any Soldiers, but Soldiers upon the Land or upon the Sea, otherwiſe in ſome Spe- cial Cafes. than [ 47 ] than as a Mariner, except it ſhall be to ſerve under any Captain of fome Ship or Veffel, for landing to do fome fpecial Exploit, which Mariners have uſed to do; or under any other Perſon having Authority to withſtand any Invafion of Enemies, or to fubdue any Rebellion within the Realm, and alfo except all fuch Perfons as by Tenure, lawful Cuſtom or Cove- nant, be or fhall be otherwiſe bound to ferve. Cafes a Fift erman ſhall be taken by Commiffion to ſerve on the Sea as a 43. Provided always, and be it further enacted by In what the Authority aforefaid, That no Fiſhermen ufing or haunting the Sea, fhall be taken by the Queen's Ma- jeſty's Commiffion, to ferve her Highneſs as a Mariner on the Sea; but that the faid Commiffion be firft brought by Her Highneſs Taker or Takers, to two Mariner. Juftices of Peace next adjoining and inhabiting to the faid Sea-Coafts, Towns or other Places, where the faid Mariners are fo to be taken, to the Intent the faid Juſtices may chooſe out, and cauſe to be returned fuch fufficient Number of able Men, as in the faid Commiffion fhall be contained, to ferve Her Majeſty, as is aforefaid. 5r. This Act fhall continue and endure until the End of ten whole Years, to be accounted from the Feaft of Saint Michael the Arch-Angel, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord God one Thouſand five Hundred fixty-four, and from thence to the End of the next Parliament then following the End of the faid ten Years. Continued by 3 Car. I. C. 4, and 16 Car. I. C. 4. Anno - { [ 48 ] A Sentence definitive in a. civil and Anno 8⁰⁰ Eliz. Cap. 5, For the avoiding of tedious Suits in civil and marine Cauſes. FOR the avoiding as well of long and tedious Suits, as alfo of great Charges and Expences in profecut- marineCauſe ing of civil and marine Cauſes, by reason of divers Ap- by Delagates peals permitted to be made by Order of the Laws Civil Commiffion in fuch Caufes, and to the Intent that as well Stran- Shall be final. gers, as alfo others the Subjects of this Realm, that appointed by fhall have Caufe of Suit in thofe Matters, may have Such Expedition in the fame, as their Natures and Qualities do require, Be it enacted by the Queen's Majeſty our Sovereign Lady, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons in this prefent Parlia- ment affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, that from the laſt Day of this preſent Seffion of Par- liament, all and every fuch Judgment and Sentence definitive, as fhall be given or pronounced in any civil and marine Caufe, upon Appeal lawfully to be made therein to the Queen's Majefty in her Highneſs Court of Chancery, by fuch Commiffioners or Dele- gates as ſhall be nominated and appointed by Her Ma- jefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, by Commiffion under the half Seal, as it hath been heretofore ufed in fuch Caſes, ſhall be final, and no further Appeal to be had or made from the faid Judgment or Sentence defini- tive, or from the faid Commiffioners or Delegates, for or in the fame; any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithſtanding. Anno [ 49 ] Anno 31° Eliz. Cap. 4. An Act against the Imbezelling of Armour, Habiliments of War, and Victual. B the Queen's the Value of diers, &c. Shall be Fe- E it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Imbezelling Parliament, that if any Perfon or Perfons hav- Ordnance, ing at any Time hereafter the Charge or Cuftody of Armour, or any Armour, Ordnance, Munition, Shot, Powder Victuals, to or Habiliments of War, of the Queen's Majefty's, her 20 s. provi- Heirs or Succeffors, or of any Victuals provided for ded for Sol- the victualing of any Soldiers, Gunners, Mariners, or Pioneers, fhall for any Lucre or Gain, wittingly, lony. adviſedly, and of purpoſe to hinder or impeach her By 22 Car, Majeſty's Service, imbezel, purloin, or convey away the Offenders any of the fame Armour, Ordnance, Munition, Shot, are excluded or Powder, Habiliments of War, or Victuals, to the their Clergy. Value of twenty Shillings, at one or feveral Times, that then every fuch Offence fhall be judged Felony, and the Offender or Offenders therein to be tried, proceeded on and fuffer as in Cafe of Felony. II. C. 5. 2. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Au- Within thority aforefaid, that none fhall be impeached for what Time the Offenders any Offence againſt this Statute, unleſs the fame Im- ſhall be im- peachment be profecuted or begun within the Year peach'd. next after the Offence done: (2) And that this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, nor any Attainder or Attainders of any Perfon or Perfons, for any Of- H fence [ 50 ] 1 fence made Felony by this Act, fhall in any wife ex- tend to or be adjudged, interpreted or expounded, to make the Offender or Offenders to forfeit or lofe any Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments any longer than only during his or their Life or Lives, or to No Corrup- make any Corruption of Blood to any the Heir or tion of Blood, Heirs of any fuch Offender or Offenders, or to make nor Forfei- ture of the the Wife of any fuch Offender to lofe or forfeit her Inheritance Dower, or Title of Dower, of or in any Lands, Tene- of Lands or Dower for ments, or Hereditaments, or her Action or Intereft this Felony, to the fame; any thing in this Act contained, or Attainder or Attainders hereafter to be had for- any Offence made Felony by this Act, to the con- The Defen- trary notwithſtanding: (3) And that fuch Perfon dant may and Perfons as fhall be impeached for any. Offence. bring Proof for his Dif- made Felony by this Eftatute, fhall by Virtue of this Act be received and admitted to make any lawful Proof that he can, by lawful Witnefs or otherwiſe, 1 Geo. I. for his Diſcharge and Defence in that Behalf; any S. 3. 4. 5. Law to the contrary notwithſtanding. charge. St.2. C.25. any 4 Anno [ 51 ] Anno 35to Eliz. Cap. 8. An Act for the avoiding of Deceit ufed in making and felling of twice laid Cordage, and for the better preferving of the Navy of this Realm. making of above or un- Compafs. F ORAS MUCH as it is found by Common Several Pe- Experience, that fundry Perfons using the Trade nalties for of making Cables, Halfors, and other Kind of Cor-Cables of old dage within this Realm, have of late for their private Stuff, being Lucre and Gain uſed to make the fame of old, caft der seven and over-worn Cables, Halfors and Cordage, and yet Inches in have craftily and deceitfully uttered and fold the fame, being tarred, as new, good and strong, and as made of new and perfect Stuff, covering and hiding the falſe and corrupt making thereof, by tarring of them be- fore the fame be put to Sale; by Reafon whereof, not only divers Ships, Veffels and Goods, as well of her Majefty's, as of fundry ber Highness Subjects, but alfo the Lives of divers of her faid Subjects have been loft, perifbed, and caft away: 2. For Remedy thereof, and for the avoiding of fuch great Loffes, Inconveniencies and Dangers as might otherwife hereafter enfue by fuch corrupt, falfe, and deceitful making of Cables, Halfors, and other Cordage as is aforefaid. H 2 3. Be [ 52 ] Old Stuff put unto 3. Be it enacted by the Queen's moſt excellent New Cables. Majefty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, that if any Perfon or Perfons, fhall after forty Days next after the End of this Seffion of Parliament, make, or caufe to be made any Cables of any old and over-worn Stuff, which fhall contain above ſeven Inches in Compaſs, then every Perſon ſo offending ſhall forfeit and lofe four Times the Value of every fuch Cable fo by him or them made, or caufed to be made, as is aforefaid: The Penalty (2) And if any Perfon or Perfons, after the faid forty for tarring Days next after the End of this Seffion of Parliament, Cables, Cor- dage, &c. fhall tarr, or cauſe to be tarred, any Halfors or other Cordage made within this Realm of fuch old and over-worn Stuff, as aforefaid, being of leffer Affize, and not containing in Compaſs ſeven Inches, and fhall after, by way of Retail, fell or put to Sale, or cauſe to be fold or put to Sale, the fame being fo tarred: That every Perfon fo offending, fhall forfeit and loſe the treble Value of every Cable, Halfor, and other Cordage, being of leffer Affize; and made of fuch old and over-worn Stuff, as is aforefaid, which ſhall be ſo fold or put to Sale, being tarred as afore- faid: (3) The one Moiety of all which Forfeitures fhall be to the Queen's Majeſty, her Heirs and Suc- ceffors, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon or Perſons as will fue for the fame by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein no Effoign, Protection, or Wager of Law fhall be allowed. 4. And [ 53 ] 4. And furthermore, that every Perfon which fhall Impriſon-" in any wife offend againſt the Tenor and Meaning of ment. - this Act, ſhall be imprifoned for the fame, during her Majeſty's Pleaſure. ? 1 { Anno 39° Eliz. Cap. 17. An Act against lewd and wandering Per- Sons, pretending themſelves to be Soldiers: or Mariners.. Mariners > મ have Tefti- - W HEREAS divers lewd and licentious Perfons, Wandering contemning both Laws, Magiftrates and Religion, and Soldiers, have of late Days wandered up and down in all Parts and other of the Realm, under the Name of Soldiers and Mari- idle Perfons, fhall fettle ners, abufing the Title of that honourable Profeffion to themselves countenance their wicked Behaviours, and do continu- to Work; ally aſſemble themſelves weaponed in the Highways, and they all elſewhere in Troops, to the great Terror and Aftonish-monials,&c, ment of Her Majeſty's true Subjects, the Impeachment of her Laws, and the Disturbance of the Peace and Tranquillity of this Realm. (2) And whereas many heinous Outrages, Robberies and horrible Murthers are daily committed by thefe diffolute Perfons; and unless fome Speedy Remedy be had, many Dangers are like by thefe Means to enfue and grow towards the Common- wealth... 2. Be • [ 54 ] Wandering Mariners 2. Be it therefore enacted by the Authority of this preſent Parliament, That all idle and wandering Sol- diers and Mariners, or idle Perfons, which now are, or hereafter fhall be wandering as Soldiers and Ma- riners, fhall ſettle themſelves in fome Service, Labour ór other lawful Courfe of Life, without wandering, or otherwiſe repair to the Places where they were born, or to their Dwelling-places, if they have any, and there remain, betaking themſelves to fome lawful Trade or Courfe of Life, as aforefaid; (2) upon pain that all Perfons offending contrary to this Act, to be reputed as Felons, and to fuffer as in Cafe of Felony, with- out any Benefit of Clergy to be allowed. 3. And be it further enacted, That every idle and and Soldiers wandering Soldier or Mariner which coming from his fhall have Captain from the Seas, or from beyond the Seas, fhall Teftimonials. not have a Teftimonial under the Hand of fome one 13 Geo. II. C. 24. S. 6. Juftice of the Peace, of, or near the Place where he landed, fetting down therein the Place and Time when and where he landed, and the Place of his dwelling or Birth, unto which he is to pafs, as afore- faid, and a convenient Time therein limited for his Paffage, or having fuch Teftimonial, fhall wilfully exceed the Time therein limited, above fourteen It shall be Days. (2) And alſo as well every fuch idle and wan- Felony to dering Soldier or Mariner, as every other idle Perfon Testimonial. wandering, as Soldier or Mariner, which fhall at any Time hereafter forge or counterfeit any fuch Teftimo- nial, or have with him or them any fuch Teſtimonial counterfeit a forged [ 55 ] forged or counterfeited as aforefaid, knowing the fame to be counterfeited or forged, in all theſe Caſes every fuch Act or Acts to be Felony, and the Offenders to fuffer as aforefaid, without any Benefit of Clergy. bear and de- 4. And be it further enacted, That it fhall be lawful Justices of for the Juſtices of Affizes, Juftices of Goal-delivery, Goal delive- Affize and and the Juftices of Peace of every County, and all ry and Juftices of Peace in Towns Corporate, having Autho- Peace, may rity to hear and determine Felonies, to hear and de- termine thefe termine all fuch Offences in their general Seffions; (2) Offences. and to execute the Offenders which ſhall be convict- Taking the Offender in-- ed before them, as in Cafes of Felony is accuſtomed; to Service except ſome honeſt Perſon valued at the laſt Subfidy for a Year, next before the Time, to ten Pounds in Goods, or forty Shillings in Lands, or elſe fome honeſt Freehold- er as by the faid Juftices fhall be allowed, will be contented before fuch Juftices as fuch Perſon ſhall be arraigned of Felony, to take him or them into his Ser- vice for one whole Year then next following, and then before the faid Juſtices will be bound by Recognizance of ten Pounds to be levied of his Lands, Goods, Tene- ments and Chattels, to the Uſe of our Sovereign La- dy the Queen, if he keep not the faid Perfon or Per- fons for one whole Year, and bring him to the next Seffions for the Peace and Goal-delivery next enfuing after the faid Year. (3) And if any fuch Perſon re-- tained depart within the Year, without the Licence of him that fo retained him, then to be indicted, tried: and adjudged as a Felon, and not to have the Bene- fit of his Clergy. 5 Provided ? [56] The idle Wanderer A 5. Provided always, That if any fuch idle and falling fick Wandering Perfons, as aforefaid, fhall happen to fall by the Way. fick by the Way, fo that by reafon of his Weakneſs he cannot travel to his Journey's End within the Time limited within his Teftimonial, no fuch to be with- in the Danger of this Statute, fo as he fettle himſelf in fome lawful Courfe of Life, as aforefaid, to repair, as aforefaid, to the Place where he was born, or was laſt abiding, within convenient Time after the Reco- very of his Sickneſs, and there remain, as aforefaid; any Thing in this Statute contained to the contrary notwithſtanding. A Remedy where the Wanderer Work. 6. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted, That when any fuch Soldier or Mariner coming from the cannot get Seas, or from beyond the Seas, as aforefaid, ſhall re- pair to the Place of his Dwelling or Birth, according to the Purport of the ſaid Teſtimonial, and cannot of himſelf get there any Work, whereby to employ him- ſelf to Labour, or other lawful Courſe of Life as afore- faid, that then in every fuch Cafe, upon Complaint made by fuch Soldier or Mariner, to two Juftices of Peace of the faid County, of, or near the faid Place, the ſaid two Juſtices fhall take Order by their Difcre- tion, to fet fuch Soldier or Mariner to fome fuch honeft Labour or Work as to them ſhall be thought meet. (2) dred taxed And for want of fuch Work, the faid two Juftices fhall for the Re- lief of a Sol tax the whole Hundred by their Diſcretion, for the re- dier or Ma- lief of fuch Soldier or Mariner, 'till fuch fufficient riner. Work may be had. The Hun- 7. Provided [ 57 ] ask and take 7. Provided alfo, that if any fuch Soldier or Ma- riner coming from the Seas, or from beyond the Seas as aforefaid, ſhall not at the Time of his Landing or in his Travel to the Place whereunto he is to re- pair, as aforefaid, go in the direct Way, that then he refort to fome Juftice of the Peace next adjoining to the faid Place of Landing or Way, and make known unto the ſaid Juſtice his Poverty: (2) Who upon The Soldier perfect Notice thereof had, ſhall have full Power and or Mariner Authority by this prefent Act to licenſe the fame licensed may Soldier or Mariner to pafs the next and direct Relief. Way to the Place where he is to repair, and to li- mit him ſo much Time only as fhall be neceffary for his Travel thither: (3) And that in fuch Cafe his Licenſe being ſo made, and he purfuing the Form of fuch his Licenfe, fhall and may for his neceffary Relief in his fuch Travel, ask and take the Relief that any Perfon fhall willingly give him, and in fuch Cafe, his fuch Travel and taking of Alms, as afore- faid, fhall not be taken as an Offence againſt this Law. 8. Provided alfo, that this Act, nor any Thing No Corrup therein contained, fhall extend or be interpreted to tion of Blood. make or work any Corruption of Blood in any the Heir or Heirs of any fuch Offender or Offenders; any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwith- ftanding. I 9. Provided [ 58 ] 9. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted, that this Act fhall not take any Force or Effect, till forty Days next after the End of this Seffion of Parlia- ment, and fhall continue to the End of the Par- liament next enfuing. Continued by 3 Car. I. C. 4. and 16 Car. I. C. 4. The Statute of 35 El. 21. El. C. Anno 43° Eliz. Cap. 3. An Act for the neceſſary Relief of Soldiers and Mariners.. WHEREAS in the Thirty-fifth Year of the Queen's Majesty's Reign that now is, An A&t. C. 4. and was made, intituled, An Act for the neceffary Relief 39. concern. of Soldiers and Mariners: And whereas in the Thirty- ing the Re-ninth Year of her Majesty's Reign, there was alfo lief of Soldi- made another Act, intituled, An Act for the further Continuance and Explanation of the faid former, Be it enacted by Authority of this preſent Parliament, that both the faid Acts fhall be and continue in Force until the Feaſt of Eafter next, and fhall be from and after the faid Feaft difcontinued.. ers and Ma- riners re- pealed. Who shall be 2. And forafmuch as it is now found more needful bereafter than it was at the making of the Said Acts, to pro- charged with vide Relief and Maintenance to Soldiers and Mari- Contribution for their Re-ners that have loft their Limbs, and difabled their Bodies [ 59 ] Bodies in the Defence and Service of her Majefty and lief: Who Shall receive the State, in respect the Number of the faid Soldiers it, and pay is ſo much the greater by how much her Majesty's just it to them, and honourable defenfive Wars are increased; (2) To and bow the end therefore that they the faid Soldiers and Soldiers beg- Mariners may reap the Fruits of their good Deferv-ging ſhall be ings, and others may be encouraged to perform the punished, like Endeavours. Mariners or &c. with a week- 3. Be Be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Every Pa- Parliament, that from and after the faid Feaft of rish charged Eafter next, every Pariſh within this Realm of ly Sum to- England and Wales, fhall be charged to pay weekly wards the fuch a Sum of Money towards the Relief of fick, hurt, Soldiers and Relief of and maimed Soldiers and Mariners, that fo have been Mariners. as afore is faid, or fhall lofe their Limbs, or diſable their Bodies, having been preft, and in Pay for her Majeſty's Service, as by the Juftices of Peace, or the more Part of them, in their general Quarter Seffions to be holden in their ſeveral Counties, next after the Feast of Eafter next, and fo from Time to Time at the like Quarter Seffions to be holden next after the Feaſt of Eafter yearly, ſhall be appointed, fo as no Pariſh be rated above the Sum of Ten-pence nor under the Sum of Two-pence weekly to be paid, and fo as the total Sum of fuch Taxation of the Pa- riſhes in any County where there fhall be above Fifty Pariſhes, do not exceed the Rate of Six-pence for every Pariſh in the fame County; (2) Which Sums The Taxa- fo taxed ſhall be yearly affeffed by the Agreements of tion of every the Parishioners within themfelves; or in Default Parif. I 2 thereof, [60] ed. thereof, by the Church-wardens, and the Petty Con- ftables of the fame Pariſh, or the more Part of them; or in Default of their Agreement, by the Order of fuch Juftices, or Juftice of Peace, as fhall dwell in the fame Pariſh; or if none be there Dwelling, in the Parts next adjoining. fo The Penalty 4. And if any Perfon fhall refuſe or neglect to pay for refufing to pay the any fuch Portion of Money ſo taxed, it ſhall be law- Money tax- ful for the faid Church-wardens and Petty Conftables, and every of them, or in their Defaults, for the faid Juſtices of Peace or Juftice, to levy fuch Sum by Diſtreſs and Sale of the Goods or Chattels of the Par- ty fo refufing or neglecting, rendering to the Party the Overplus raiſed upon fuch Sale. Churchwar- 5. And for the collecting and Cuftody of the Sums dens, &c. taxed in Form aforefaid, be it enacted, that the Shall pay to the HighCon- Church-wardens and Petty Conftables of every Pariſh Stables the fhall truly collect every fuch Sum, and the fame Money tax-fhall pay over unto the High Conftable in whofe Di- ed. vifion fuch Pariſh ſhall be fituate ten Days before the Quarter Seffions to be holden next before, or about the Feaft of the Nativity of St. John Baptift next, in the County where the faid Parifh fhall be fituate, and fo from Time to Time Quarterly within ten Days before every Quarter-Seffions; (2) And that every fuch High Conftable, at every fuch Quarter Seffions in fuch County, fhall pay over the fame to fuch Juftices of Peace, or to two fuch other Perfons, or one of them, as fhall be by the more Part of the Juſtices ཏེ [61] Account. Juftices of Peace of the fame County, elected to be Treaſurers of the faid Collection; (3) The fame other Treafurers. Perſons to be elected Treaſurers to be fuch as at the laft Taxation of the Subfidy next before the fame Election, fhall be valued and feffed at ten Pounds in Lands yearly, or fifteen Pounds in Goods; (4) Which Treaſurers Treaſurers in every County fo chofen, fhall continue but for the Space of one whole Year, and then give up their Charge, with a due Account of their Re- ceipts and Disburſements, at their Meeting in Eafter Quarter Seffions, or within ten Days after, to fuch other as fhall from Year to Year, in the Form afore- faid, fucceffively be elected. 6. And if any Church-warden, Petty Conftable, or Churchwar- High Conftable, or his Executors or Adminiftrators, dens or Con- Stables fail- fhall fail to make Payment in Form above ſpecified, ing of Pay- then every Church-warden and Petty Conftable, his ment. Executors or Adminiftrators fo offending, fhall for- feit the Sum of Twenty Shillings. (2) And every High Conftable, his Executors or Adminiſtrators, the Sum of Forty Shillings: (3) To be levied by the Treaſurers aforefaid, by Diftrefs and Sale in Manner before expreffed, and to be taken by the ſaid Trea- furers in Augmentation of their Stock, to the Ufes aforefaid. Account or 7. And if any Treafurer, his Executors or Admi- A Treasurer niftrators, fhall fail to give up his Account within failing of his the Time aforefaid, or fhall be otherwife negligent neglecting in the Execution of his Charge, then it ſhall be the Charge. lawful [62] To what Treaſurer make the Soldiers or Mariners lawful for the more Part of the Juftices of Peace of the fame County in their Seffions, to affefs fuch Fine upon fuch Treaſurer, his Executors or Adminiſtrators, as in their Diſcretion fhall feem convenient, fo it be not under the Sum of five Pounds. 1 8. And for the true and just diftributing and the Soldier employment of the Sums jo received according to or Mariner the true Meaning of this Act: (2) Be it enacted by fball repair the Authority aforefaid, That every Soldier or Mari- for Relief. ner, having had his or their Limbs loft, or diſabled in their Bodies by Service, being in Her Majefty's Pay as above is mentioned, or fuch as fhall hereafter return into this Realm hurt or maimed, or greviouſly fick, ſhall repair, if he be able to travel, and make his Com- plaint to the Treaſurers of the County out of which he Who fhall was preffed; (3) Or if he were no preſt Man, to the Treaſurer of the County where he was born, or laſt inhabited by the Space of three Years, at his Election; Certificate. and if he be not able to travel, to the Treaſurer of the County where he ſhall land or arrive; (4) And ſhall bring a Certificate unto any of the Treaſurers afore- faid, under the Hand and Seal of the General of the Camp, or Governor of the Town wherein he ſerved, and of the Captain of the Band under whom he ſerv- ed, or his Lieutenant, or in the Abfence of the faid General, or Governor, from the Marſhal or Deputy of the Governor, or from any Admiral of Her Ma- jefty's Fleet, or in his Abfence from any other Gene- ral of Her Majefty's Ships at the Seas, or in Abfence of fuch General, from the Captain of the Ship where- in [63] } upon cate. The Treaſu rer ſhall af &c. in the faid Mariners or Soldiers did ferve the Queen's Majefty, containing the Particulars of his Hurts and Services; (5) which Certificate ſhall be alfo allowed Allowance of the Certifi- by the General Muſter-Maſter for the Time being, re- fident here within this Realm, or Receiver General of the Muſter Rolls, the Treaſurer and Comptroller of Her Majeſty's Navy, under his Hand, for the avoid- ing of all Fraud and Counterfeiting; (6) Then fuch Certificate, fuch Treaſurers as are before expreff-ign Relief to ed, ſhall according to the Nature of his Hurt and the Soldier, Commendation of his Service, affign unto him ſuch a Portion of Relief as in their Difcretions fhall feem convenient for his prefent Neceflity, until the next Quarter Seffions, (7) At the which it ſhall be lawful The Justices for the more Part of the Juftices of Peace under their of Peace fball grant Hands, to make an Inftrument of Grant of the fame, Relief to or like Relief, to endure as long as this Act fhall ftand Soldiers and or endure in Force, if the fame Soldier or Mariner fo long live, and the fame Penfion be not duly revoked or altered, which ſhall be a fufficient Warrant to all Treaſurers for the fame County, to make Payment of fuch Penſion unto fuch Perfons Quarterly, except the fame ſhall be afterward by the faid Juftices revoked or altered: (8) So that ſuch Relief as ſhall be affign- How much ed by fuch Treaſurers or Juftices of Peace, to Relief fhall to be affigned any fuch Soldier or Mariner having not born Office to either in the faid Wars, exceed not the Sum in grofs nor fort of Sol- diers, or Of-- yearly Penfion of ten Pounds, nor to any that hath ficers. born Office under the Degree of a Lieutenant, the Sum of fifteen Pounds, nor to any that hath ſerved in the Office of Lieutenant the Sum of twenty Pounds. 9. And Mariners.. > [64] 1 The Justices may revoke Relief. 9. And yet nevertheleſs, it ſhall and may be law- or alter the ful to and for the Juftices of Peace and others, hav- ing Authority by this Act, to affign Penfions to Sol- diers and Mariners, upon any juft Cauſe to revoke, diminiſh or alter the fame from Time to Time, ac- cording to their Diſcretions in their general Quarter Seffions of the Peace, or general Affemblies for Cities or Towns Corporate where the fame Penfions ſhall be granted. Mariners from the they are to Soldiers and 10. And whereas it must needs fall out, that many arriving far of such hurt and maimed Soldiers and Mariners do ar- rive in Ports and Places far remote from the Counties Place where whence they are by Virtue of this Act to receive their receive Re- yearly Annuities and Penfions: (2) As alfo they are lief. prefcribed by this Act to obtain the Allowance of their Certificates from the Mufter Mafter or Receiver Gene- ral of the Mufter-Rolls, who commonly is like to abide about the Court of London, fo as they fhall need at the First, Provifion for the bearing of their Charges to fuch Places; (3) Be it therefore enacted, that it may be law- ful for the Treaſurers of the County where they fhall arrive, in their Diſcretion, upon their Certificate (though not allowed) to give them any convenient Re- lief for their Journey to carry them to the next County, with a Teftimonial of their Allowance, to pafs on to- wards fuch a Place: And in like Manner fhall it be lawful for the Treaſurer of the next County to do the like; and fo from County to County (in the direct Way) 'till they come to the Place where they are di- rectly [ 65 ] rectly to find the Maintenance, according to the Te- nor of this Statute. C 11. And for the better Execution of this Act in all The Trea- the Branches thereof, Be it enacted, that every the of Computa- furer's Book Treaſurers in the feveral Counties, fhall keep a true tion, and Book of Computation of all fuch Sums as they levied, Regiſter. and alſo a Regiſter of the Names of every fuch Perſon unto whom they ſhall have disbursed any Relief: (2) And ſhall alſo preſerve or enter every Certificate by War- rant whereof fuch Relief hath been by them disburſed: (3) And alſo that the Muſter-Mafter, or Receiver Ge- Mufter-Ma- neral of the Mufter-Rolls, ſhall keep a Book, wherein fter fhall keep a Book fhall be entered the Names of all fuch whofe Certifi- of Certifi cates fhall be by him allowed, with an Abſtract of cates. their Certificates: (4) And that every Treaſurer re- turning, or not accepting the Certificate brought un- to him from the faid Mufter-Mafter, fhall write and fubfcribe the Cauſe of his not accepting, or not allow- ing thereof, under the faid Certificate, or on the Back thereof. " 12. And be it further enacted, That if any Trea- The Trea- furer ſhall wilfully refuſe to diftribute and give any ing to give furer refuf Relief, according to the Form of this Act, that it Relief. ſhall be lawful for the Juftices of Peace in their Quar- ter Seffions to fine fuch Treaſurers by their Difcreti- ons, as aforefaid; the fame Fine to be levied by Diſtreſs and Sale thereof, to be profecuted by any two of them whom they ſhall authorize. K 13. And [66] Mariner A Soldier or 13. And be it alſo enacted, That every Soldier or taken begg- Mariner that ſhall be taken begging in any Place with- ing or coun- in this Realm, after the Feaft of Eafter next, or any terfeiting a that fhall counterfeit any Certificate in this Act ex- Certificate. preffed, fhall for ever lofe his Annuity or Penfion, Flow the of the Stock and fhall be taken, deemed and adjudged as a common Rogue or Vagabond Perfon, and fhall have and fu- ftain the fame and the like Pains, Impriſonment and Puniſhment as is appointed and provided for common Rogues and Vagabond Perfons. 14. Provided always, and be it enacted, That all Surplusage, the Surplufage of Money which ſhall be remaining in hall be be- the Stock of any County, ſhall by the Diſcretion of fowed. the more Part of the Juftices of Peace in their Quarter Seffions, be ordered, diftributed and beſtowed upon fuch good and charitable Uſes, and in fuch Form as are limited and appointed in the Statutes made and now in Force, concerning Relief of the Poor, and Puniſhment of Rogues and Beggars. Chief Offi- cers of Cor- porate 15. Provided always, That the Juftice of Peace within any County of this Realm or Wales, fhall not Towns ſhall intromit or enter into any City, Borough, Place or execute this Town Corporate, where is any Juftice of Peace for At there. any City, Borough, Place or Town Corporate, for the Execution of any Article of this Act; (2) But that it ſhall be lawful to the Justice and Juftices of Peace, Mayors, Bailiffs and other Head Officers of thoſe Ci- ties, Boroughs, Places and Towns Corporate where there I 67 ] there is any Juftice of Peace, to proceed to the Exe- cution of this Act within the Precinct and Compaſs of their Liberties, in fuch Manner as the Juftices of Peace in any County may do by Virtue of this Act: (3) And that every Juftice of Peace within every fuch City, Borough, Place or Town Corporate, for every Offence by him committed, contrary to the Meaning of this Statute ſhall be finable, as other Juftices of Peace at the Large in the Counties are in this A&t appointed to be: (4) And that the Mayor and Juftices of Peace in every fuch City, Borough, Place and Town Corporate, fhall have Authority by this preſent Act, toappoint any Perfon for the receiving of the faid Money, and paying the fame within ſuch City, Borough, Place or Town Corporate; which Perfon fo appointed, fhall have Authority to do all fuch Things, and be fubject to all fuch Penalties as High Conftables by virtue of this Act ſhould have or be. Forfeitures 16. And be it enacted, That all Forfeitures to be How the forfeited by any Treafurer, Collector, Conftable, fall be enr Church-Warden, or other Perfon, for any Cauſe men-ployed. tioned in this Act, fhall be employed to the Relief of fuch Soldiers, and Mariners, as are by this Act appoint- ´ed to take and have Relief: (2) And after that Relief fatisfied, then the Overplus thereof, with the Over- plus of the Stock remaining in any the faid Treafu- rers Hands, fhall be employed, as is before mentioned, to the charitable Ufes expreffed in the faid Statutes, concerning the Relief of Poor, and for Puniſhment of Rogues and Beggars, (except the ſaid Juſtices, or the K 2 [68] given to the more Part of them, fhall think meet to reſerve and keep the fame in Stock for the Maintenance and Relief of fuch Soldiers and Mariners, as out of the fame County may afterward be appointed to receive Re- Out of what lief and Penfions:) (3) And that the Relief appointed County Re- to be given by this Act, ſhall be given to Soldiers and lief ſhall be Mariners out of the County or Place where they were Soldiers and preffed, fo far forth as the Taxation limited by this Act Mariners. will extend: (4) And if the whole Taxation there fhall be before employed, according to the Meaning of this Act, or that they ſhall not be preſt Men, then out of the Place where they were born, or laſt inha- bited by the Space of three Years, at his or their Election. A Provifion if the Rate London. 19. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Au- be not fuffi- thority aforefaid, That if the faid Rate ſhall be thought cient for the not to be fufficient for the Relief of fuch Soldiers and Soldiers and Mariners as fhall be to be relieved within the City of Mariners in London, that then it ſhall be lawful for the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of London, or the more Part of them, to rate and tax fuch reaſonable Tax, Sum and Sums of Money for the faid Relief, as fhall be to them thought fit and convenient: So as fuch Sum and Sums of Money fo to be rated, do not exceed three Shillings Weekly out of any Pariſh, and ſo as in the Total, the Sum fhall not exceed or be under twelve Pence Weekly out of every Parifh, one with another, within the faid City, and the Liberties there of... { 20. This [ 69 ] 20. This Act to endure to the End of the next Sef- fion of Parliament, and no longer. Continued by 3 Car. I. C. 4. and 16 Car. I. C. 4. Anno 12mo Car. II. C. 18.. → An Act for the encouraging and increafing of Shipping and Navigation. I. + ported from rica, but in · three Fo R the Increaſe of Shipping, and Encourage- No Goods ment of the Navigation of this Nation, wherein, shall be im under the good Providence and Protection of God, the Afia, Afri Wealth, Safety and Strength of this Kingdom is foca, or Ame- much concerned; (2) Be it enacted by the King's moſt Engliſh Excellent Majeſty, and by the Lords and Commons Ships, be-- in this prefent Parliament affembled and by the Au-longing only to Engliſh, thority thereof, That from and after the firſt Day of &c. And the December, one Thouſand fix Hundred and Sixty, and Master and from thence forward, no Goods or Commedities what- Fourths of foever ſhall be imported into, or exported out of any the Mari- Lands, Iflands, Plantations, or Territories to His Maners, Eng- jeſty belonging, or in his Poffeffion, or which may By 13 and hereafter belong unto, or be in the Poffeffion of His 14 Car. I. Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, in Afia, Africa, or C. 11. S.6. America, in any other Ship or Ships, Veffel or Veffels built Ships whatſoever, but in fuch Ships or Veffels as do truly hall have and without. Fraud belong only to the People of lege of Ships England, belonging to liſh, &c. No Foreign- the Privi- [ 70 ] though own- ed and mun- what they bave been during the whole Voy- age. And Note, 7 and 8 W. III. C. 22. England or England, or Ireland, Dominion of Wales, or Town Ireland, of Berwick upon Tweed, or are of the Built of, and belonging to any the faid Lands, Iflands, Plantations ned by Eng- or Territories, as the Proprietors and right Owners lifh, except, &c. And thereof, and whereof the Mafter and three Fourths of thereby the the Mariners at leaſt are English; (3) Under the Pe- Number of the Mari nalty of the Forfeiture and Lofs of all the Goods and ners fhall be Commodities, which fhall be imported into, or ex- accounted, ported out of any the aforefaid Places in any other according to Ship or Veffel, as alfo of the Ship or Veffel, with all it's Guns, Furniture, Tackle, Ammunition and Ap- parel; one third Part thereof to His Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors; one third Part to the Governor of fuch Land, Plantation, Ifland or Territory where fuch Default ſhall be committed, in caſe the ſaid Ship or S. 2. 3. 17. Goods be there feized, or otherwife that third Part con- &c, com alfo to His Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors; and the cerning Re- giftring,&c. other third Part to him or them who fhall feize, in- --- And Ex-form, or fue for the fame in any Court of Record, by as to Prize Bill, Information, Plaint, or other Action, wherein Ships. no Effoign, Protection, or Wager of Law fhall be al- lowed; (4) And all Admirals, and other Commanders at Sea of any the Ships of War or other Ship, having Commiffion from His Majefty, or from his Heirs or Succeffors, are hereby authorized, and ftrictly requir- ed to feize and bring in as Prize, all fuch Ships or Veffels as fhall have offended contrary hereunto, and deliver them to the Court of Admiralty, there to be proceeded againſt; and in caſe of Condemnation, one Moiety of fuch Forfeitures fhall be to the Ufe of fuch Admirals or Commanders and their Companies, ception, &c. to [ 7 ] to be divided and proportioned amongſt them accord- ing to the Rules and Orders of the Sea in cafe of Ships taken Prize; and the other Moiety to the Ufe of His Majeſty, his Heirs and Succeffors. of the &c. not ta land, Ire- 1 18. And it is further enacted by the Authority Sugars, To aforefaid, That from and after the firft Day of April bacco, &c. which ſhall be in the Year of Our Lord One thou- Growth fand Six hundred Sixty-one, No Sugars, Tobacco, America, Cotton-Wool, Indicoes, Ginger, Fuftick, or other be exported Dying Wood of the Growth, Production, or Manu- from thence, &c. unleſs facture of any English Plantations in America, Afia, to other or Africa, fhall be fhipped, carried, conveyed or Engliſh tranfported from any the faid English Plantations to Plantations, any Land, Iſland, Territory, Dominion, Port or Place or to Eng- whatſoever, other than to fuch other English Planta- land, &c. tions as do belong to his Majeſty, his Heirs and Suc- By 22 and ceffors, or to the Kingdom of England, or Ireland, C. 26. S. or Principality of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon 10, and 11 Tweed, there to be laid on Shore, (2) under the Pe- land. nalty of the Forfeiture of the faid Goods, or the full Note, By Value thereof, as alfo of the Ship, with all her Guns, Several ſub- Sequent Sta- Tackle, Apparel, Ammunition and Furniture; the tutes, divers one Moiety to the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Suc- other Thing: ceffors, and the other Moiety to him or them that Growth, ſhall ſeize, inform or fue for the fame in any Court &c. of the of Record, by Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein Plantations, no Effoign, Protection or Wager of Law fhall be al- enumerated. lowed. 23 Car. II. Not to Ire- of the are made Commodi- ties, 19. And [ 72 ] Plantation- Bonds to be modities in King of 19 And be it further enacted by the Authority taken for aforefaid, That for every Ship or Veffel, which from landing the and after the five and twentieth Day of December, in faid Com- the Year of our Lord one Thouſand fix Hundred and the Domini- Sixty, fhall fet Sail out of, or from England, Ireland, ons of the Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, for any England. English Plantation in America, Afia, or Africa, fufficient Bond ſhall be given with one Surety to the chief Officers of the Cuftom-houſe of fuch Port or Place from whence the faid Ship fhall fet Sail, to the Value of one Thouſand Pounds, if the Ship be of leſs Burthen than one Hundred Tons; and of the Sum of two Thouſand Pounds, if the Ship be of greater Bur- then, That in cafe the faid Ship or Veffel ſhall load any of the faid Commodities at any of the faid Eng- lib Plantations, that the fame Commodities fhall be by the faid Ship brought to fome Port of England, Ireland, Wales, or to the Port or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, and ſhall there unload and put on Shore the fame, the Danger of the Seas only excepted: (2) And for all Ships coming from any other Port or Place to any of the aforefaid Plantations, who by this Act are permitted to trade there, that the Governor of fuch English Plantations ſhall before the faid Ship or Veffel be permitted to load on board any of the faid Com- modities, take Bond in Manner, and to the Value aforeſaid, for each reſpective Ship or Veffel, that fuch Ship or Veffel fhall carry all the aforefaid Goods that ſhall be laden on board in the faid Ship to fome other of his Majeſty's Engliſh Plantations, or to Eng- land [73] C.26.S.11. Provifions land, Ireland, Wales, or Town of Berwick upon By 22 and Tweed: (3) And that every Ship or Veffel which fhall 23 Car. II. load or take on Board any of the aforefaid Goods, the Word until fuch Bond given to the faid Governor, or Cer- Ireland' to be left out of tificate produced from the Officers of any Cuftom-fuch Bonds. houfe of England, Ireland, Wales, or of the Town of Further Berwick, that fuch Bonds have been there duly given, relating to fhall be forfeited with all her Guns, Tackle, Apparel fuch Bonds, and Furniture, to be imployed and recovered in Man- by 7 and 8 ner as aforefaid: And the faid Govorners, and every of 22. S. 13. them ſhall twice in every Year after the firft Day of January, one Thouſand fix Hundred and Sixty, re- turn true Copies of all fuch Bonds by him ſo taken, to the chief Officers of the Cuftoms in London. Con- tinued by 13 Car. II. St. 1. C. 14. W. III. C. Anno 12mo Car. II. C. 32. An Act for prohibiting the Exportation of Wool, Wool-fells, Fullers-Earth, or any kind of Scouring-Earth. Fo OR the better preventing and avoiding of fuch Loffes and Inconveniences as have happened, and daily do and may happen to the Kingdom of Eng- land, and Dominion of Wales, and to the Kingdom of Ireland, by and through the fecret and fubtil Exporta- tion and Tranſportation, and by and through the fecret L and [ 74 ] and fubtil Carrying and Conveying away of Wool, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of Wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-Earth and Fulling-Clay, out of, and from the Kingdoms and Dominion aforefaid, and for the better fetting on Work the poor People and In- habitants of the Kingdoms and Dominion aforefaid; (2) And to the Intent that the full and beft Ufe and Be- nefit of the Principal native Commodities of the fame Kingdoms and Dominion may come, redound, and be unto and amongst the Subjects and Inhabitants of the fame, and not unto or amongst the Subjects and Inhabi- tants of the Realm of Scotland, or of any foreign Realms, or States as the fame now of late in fome great Meaſure bath done, and is further likely to do, if fome feverer Punishment than heretofore be not speedily in- flicted upon fuch Offenders as ſhall be Actors or Affift- ants in and to fuch Exportation and Transportation, and in and to fuch Carrying and Conveying away thereof, No Perfon as aforefaid; (3) Be it enacted by the King's moſt ball export Excellent Majefty, the Lords and Commons in this any Sheep or Wool,Wool-prefent Parliament aſſembled, and by the Authority fells, Mort- of the fame, That no Perfon or Perfons whatſoever, lings, Shor- from and after the fourteenth Day of January, one lings, Yarn, Wool-flocks, Thoufand fix Hundred and Threefcore, fhall directly Fullers- or indirectly export, tranfport, carry or convey, or king-Clay. caufe or procure to be exported, tranfported, carried or conveyed out of, or from the Kingdom of Eng- land, or Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, or out of, or from the Ifles of Jersey or Guernſey, with Sarke and Alderney, being under the Government of Guernſey aforefaid, or out of, or from Earth, Ful- P 1 > + any [ 75 ] board any der to be fa any of them, or out of, or from the Kingdom of Ire- land aforefaid, into any Parts or Places out of the Kingdoms, Ifles, or Dominion aforefaid, any Sheep or Wool whatſoever, of the Breed or Growth of the Kingdoms of England or Ireland, or Ifles, or Domi- nion aforefaid; (4) Or any Wool-fells, Mortlings or Shorlings, or any Yarn made of Wool, or any Wool- flocks, or any Fullers-Earth, or Fulling-Clay whatſo- ever; (5) Nor fhall directly or indirectly pack or load, Nor carry, or caufe to be packed or loaded upon any Horſe, load, or Cart, or other Carriage, or load or lay on board, or Sheep,Wool, cauſe to be loaden or laid on board, in any Ship or &c. in Or- other Veffel, in any Place or Port within the King- exported. doms of England or Ireland or Town of Berwick, or Ifles, or Dominion aforefaid, any fuch Sheep, Wool, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of Wool, or Wool-flocks, or any Fullers-Earth, or Fulling-Clay, to the Intent or Purpoſe to export, tranſport, carry or convey the fame, or to caufe the fame to be export- ed, tranſported, carried or conveyed out of the King- doms of England or Ireland, Town of Berwick, Ifles, or Dominion aforefaid, or with Intent or Purpoſe, that any other Perfon or Perfons fhould fo export, tranſport, carry or convey the fame into any Parts or Places out of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland, Town of Berwick, Ifles, or Dominion aforefaid, into the Kingdom of Scotland, or any foreign Parts. &c. to be 2. And be it further enacted by the Authority No Wool, aforefaid, That no Wool, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shor- Wool-fells lings, Yarn made of Wool, Wool-flocks, or any Ful- carried out lers-Earth, of England, L 2 [ 76 ] Wales, Ireland, &c. except &c. The Penal- ties. lers-Earth, Fulling-Clay, ſhall be from and after the fourteenth Day of January, in the Year of our Lords one Thouſand ſix Hundred and Sixty, exported, tranf- ported, carried or conveyed out of the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, or Town of Ber- wick, or Kingdom of Ireland, or out of any Port, or Place of the faid Kingdoms reſpectively, unto the Ifles of Jerſey or Guernsey, or to Sarke, or Alderney, except as in this Act ſhall be hereafter limited, or ap-. pointed. 1 3. And be it further enacted by the Authority afore- faid, That all and every the Offender and Offenders, Of- fence and Offences aforefaid, fhall be fubject and liable to the reſpective Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures hereaf- ter following, that is. to ſay, the ſaid Sheep, Wools, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of Wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-Earth, and Fulling Clay fo ex- ported, tranſported, carried, conveyed, packed or loaden contrary to the true Intent of this Act, fhall be forfeited; (2) And that every Offender and Offenders therein ſhall forfeit twenty Shillings for every fuch Sheep, and three Shillings for every Pound weight of fuch Wool, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of Wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-Earth, or Full- ing-Clay; (3) And alfo the Owners of the faid Ships or Veffels knowing fuch Offence, fhall, forfeit all their Intereſt in the ſaid Ships or Veffels, with all their Ap- parel and Furniture to them and every of them belong- ing; (4) And that the Mafter and Mariners thereof, knowing fuch Offence, and wittingly and willingly aid+ ↓ 1 ing; [ 77 ] ing and affifting thereunto, fhall forfeit all their Goods and Chattels, and have Impriſonment for the fame three Months without Bail or Mainprize; (5) The one Moiety of which faid Penalties and Forfeitures fhall be to the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to him that will fue for the fame by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information in any of His Majeſty's Courts of Record, or before the Jufti- ces of Affize, or in the general Quarter Seffions of the Peace: In which Suit no Effoign, Protection or Wa- ger of Law fhall be allowed. J 1. Merchant port Wools 4. And be it further enacted, That if any Mér- The Penalty · chant or other Perfon or Perſons ſhall after the faid upon any fourteenth Day of January, tranfport or cauſe to be tranf- &c. that ported any Sheep, Wool, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shorl-hall iranf ings, Woollen Yarn, Wool-flocks, Fullers-Earth, or c. Fulling-Clay, contrary to the true Intent of this Act, and be thereof lawfully convicted, that then he ſhall be diſabled to require any Debt or Account of any Factor or others, for or concerning any Debt or Eſtate properly belonging to fuch Offender: (2) Provided Provifo. always, and it is nevertheleſs declared, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained fhall not be con- ftrued to take away any greater Pains or Penalties in- flicted, or to be inflicted for any the Offences aforefaid, by virtue of any former Act of Parliament now in Force 5. And: [ 78 ] gainst this Offences a- 5. And be it alſo further enacted by the Authority A where aforefaid, That every Offence that fhall be done or to be tried. committed contrary to this Act, fhall and may be in- Alt Profecution to be within committed. quired of and heard, examined, tried, and determin- ed in the County where fuch Sheep, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of Wool, Wool- flocks, Fullers-Earth, or Fulling-Clay refpectively fhall be fo packed, loaden, or laid aboard, as afore- faid, contrary to this Act, or elſe in the County where fuch Offenders fhall happen to be apprehended, or arreſted for fuch Offence, in fuch Manner and Form, and to fuch Effect to all Intents and Purpoſes, as if the fame Offence had been wholly and altogether done and committed at and in fuch County. 6. Provided always, and be it enacted, by the Au- à Year after thority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perſons whatſo- the Offence ever ſhall at any Time hereafter be impeached for any By 9. and Offence aforefaid, unleſs fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall 10.W. III. be profecuted within the Space of one Year next en- The Profe- fuing fuch Offence committed. C.40. S. 9. cution may be within three Years. may ſeize Goods con- 3 7. And be it further enacted by the Authority Any Perfon aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for any Perſon or Perfons to feize, take and challenge to trary to this his or their own Uſe and Behoof, and to the Ufe of the At, with King, his Heirs and Succeffors, all and all Man- Intent to be ner fuch Sheep, Wool, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shorlings, &c. and Yarn made of Wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-Earth, and fhall have Fulling-Clay, as he or they ſhall happen to fee, find, the Moiety know or difcover to be laid aboard in any Ship or thereof. transported other [ 79 ] * other Veffel-or Boat, or to be brought, carried or laid on Shore at or near the Sea, or any navigable River or Water, to the Intent or Purpoſe to be exported or con- veyed out of the Kingdoms of England or Ireland, Town of Berwick, Ifles, or Dominion aforefaid, con- trary to the true Meaning of this Act, or to be packed or loaden upon any Horſe, Cart, or other Carriage, to the Intent or Purpoſe to be conveyed or carried in- to the Kingdom of Scotland aforefaid; (2) And that fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall happen fo to feize, take or challenge any fuch Sheep, Wool, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of Wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-Earth, or Fulling-Clay, as aforefaid, fhall have the full Moiety thereof to all Intents and Purpoſes. 8. Provided always, That fuch Perfon or Perfons Provifo, as fhall make any fuch Seizure or Challenge aforefaid fuch Perfons Shall not be to his or their own Ufe, fhall not be admitted or al- Evidence a- lowed to give in Evidence upon his or their Oath or gainst the Oaths, againſt any Perſon or Perſons which ſhall hap- Offender. pen to be indicted, accufed or queftioned by virtue of this Act, or any Thing therein contained. 9. And furthermore, Be it enacted by the Autho- Forfeiture of the Ships, rity aforefaid, That all and every Ship, Veffel, Hulk, if the Owner Barge or Boat, of what kind foever, whereof any be an Alien, Alien-born, or whereof any Natural-born Subjects not or not inba- biting in inhabiting within the Realm of England, fhall be England. Owner or Part-owner, and wherein any Sheep, Wool, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of Wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-Earth, or Fulling-Clay, fhall happen [ 80 ] Lamb-Skin drefs'd. Provifo. happen to be Shipped, put or laid on aboard, contrary to the true Meaning of this Act, fhall be forfeited to the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors. 10. Provided always, That this A&t ſhall not ex- tend to any Lamb-Skin ready drefs'd and prepared fit and uſeful for Fur or Linings. 11. Provided alfo, That this Act ſhall not in any wife extend to the Tranſporting, Carrying or Convey- ing away of any fuch Wool-fells or Pelts, with fuch Wool upon them, or to any Beds ftuffed with Flocks, which fhall be carried or imployed in any Ship or other Veffel for neceffary Ufe only, of and about the Ordnance or other Thing in or concerning fuch Ship or Veffel, or only for the neceffary Ufe of any the Perfons in fuch Ship or Veffel paffing or being, and which fhall not be fold or uttered in any foreign Parts out of the Kingdoms of England or Ireland, or Town of Berwick, Ifles or Dominion aforefaid; (2) Berwick. Nor to the Exporting, Carrying or Conveying of any Wether-Sheep, or of the Wool growing upon any fuch Wether-Sheep, to be carried alive in any Ship or other Veffel, for and towards the only neceffary Food and Diet of or for the Company or Paffengers, or other Perfons therein, and for and towards none other Pur- poſe. Ireland. 12. Provided [ 81 ] } هي ton. 12. Provided always, and be it further enacted, Provifo. That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, Southamp ſhall not extend to any fuch Wool to be exported or Jerfey. tranfported out of, or from the Port of Southampton, Guernſey. only unto the aforefaid Ifles of Jersey and Guernsey, by, or for the only Ufe or Behoof of any the Inhabi- tants of the faid Iſles of Jerſey and Guernſey, or either of them, or to any fuch Wool to be ſhipped or loaden aboard in any Ship or other Veffel, by or for the only Uſe or Behoof of any the Inhabitants of the ſaid Ifles of Ferfey or Guernſey, or either of them, in the Port aforefaid, to be exported and tranfported into the faid Inles of Jerſey or Guernſey, or either of them; fo as fuch Perfon and Perſons that ſhall ſo ſhip or lay aboard fuch Wool into any Ship or other Veffel, do before the ſhipping or laying aboard fuch Wool, deliver unto the Cuſtomer, Comptroller, Surveyor, or Searcher of the Port of Southampton aforefaid (out of which the fame Wool is to be exported) a Writing un- der the Seal or Seals of the reſpective Governors of the fame Ifles of Jerſey and Guernsey, unto which the faid Wool is to be tranfported, or of his or their Deputy or Deputies reſpectively, the which. Writing fhall pur- port and expreſs that the Party named in fuch Writing is authorized and appointed to export or cauſe to be exported out of the Port aforefaid, fo much Wool, expreffing the Number of the Tods, to the fame Ifle, to be uſed or manufactured in one of the fame Ifles or in fome of the Members or Parts of the fame, and that fuch Party fo authorized and appointed to export, or cauſe M [82] &c. caufe to be exported that Wool, hath before the mak- ing and fealing of that Writing, entred into fufficient Bond to his Majefty's Ufe for the landing of the faid Enlarged as Wool in that. Hle. (2) And to the Intent that the to Jerley, Quantity of Wool to be exported out of the Port of By W. and Southampton aforefaid into the faid Ifles or either of M. Seff. 1 them, in any one Year, accounting the Year to C.32. S.14. begin from the firft Day of January next enfu- ing, and fo yearly from the firft Day of January, may not exceed the Quantity hereunder ſpecified, that is to fay, unto the Ile of Jerfey, two Thoufand Tods and no more of unkembed Wool, and unto Guernſey, one Thouſand Tods and no more of un- Alderney. kembed Wool, and unto Alderney, two Hundred Tods and no more of unkembed Wool, and unto Sarke. Sarke, one Hundred Tods of unkembed Wool and no more, every Tod not exceeding thirty-two Pounds. Articles to Y 7 Anno 13° Car. II. St. 1. Cap. 9. An Act for the eſtabliſhing Articles and Ör- ders for the regulating and better Govern- ment of His Majefty's Navies, Ships of War and Forces by Sea. 1 * be obferved. FOR the regulating and better Government of His Majefty's Navies, Ships of War and Forces by Sea, wherein under the good Providence and Protection of [83] of God, the Wealth, Safety and Strength of this King- dom is so much concerned; (2) Be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, with the Advice and Confent of the Lords and Commons in this preſent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority thereof, That all and every the Articles and Orders in this Act mentioned, fhall be duly and refpectively put in Exe- cution, obferved and obeyed in Manner hereafter mentioned. 1 I. (3) That all Commanders, Captains and Officers at Sea, fhall cauſe the publick Worſhip of Almighty God, according to the Liturgy of the Church of England, efta- bliſhed by Law, to be folemnly, orderly and reverent- ly performed in their reſpective Ships: And that Pray- ers and Preachings by the refpective Chaplains in ho- ly Orders, of the reſpective Ships, be performed dili- gently; and that the Lord's Day be obferved accord- ing to Law. II. The publick Worship of God. Drunken- Every Perfon and Perfons in his Majefty's Pay, Swearing, ufing unlawful and rafh Oaths, Curfings, Execrations, ness, &c. Drunkennefs, Uncleannefs, or other Scandalous Acti- ons, in Derogation of God's Honour, and Corruption of good Manners, fhall be puniſhed by Fine, Impri- fonment or otherwife, as the Court Martial fhall think fit. M 2 ነነ III. If [ 84 ] Holding any III. If any Officer, Mariner, Soldier or other Perfon in foreign In the Fleet, fhall give, hold or entertain Intelligence to, telligence. or with any King, Prince or State, being Enemy to, or any Perfons in Rebellion againſt His Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, without Direction or Leave from the King's Majefty, the Lord High Admiral,, Vice- Admiral, or Commander in chief of any Squadron, every fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offending, fhall be puniſhed with Death. Letters or IV. ་ ༣ វ If any Letter or Meffage from any King, foreign Mellages Prince, State or Potentate, being an Enemy to the from any fo- reign Prince King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, or on their &c. Enemy Behalf, be conveyed to any inferior Officer, Mariner to the King. or Soldier, or other in the Fleet, and the faid Officer, Mariner, Soldier, or other, as aforefaid, do not with- in twelve Hours (having Opportunity fo to do) ac- quaint the fuperior Commander with it; or if a fu- perior Officer, or Mariner, being acquainted therewith by an inferior Officer, Mariner, or other, or himſelf in his own Perſon, receiving a Letter or Meffage from any fuch Enemy or Rebel, and ſhall not in convenient Time reveal the fame to the Admiral, Vice-Admiral, or the Commander of the Squadron, every fuch Per- fon fhall be puniſhed with Death, or fuch other Pu- niſhment as the Court Martial ſhall think fit. V. No [ 85 ] V. No Perfon or Perſons of the Fleet ſhall relieve an Relieving of Enemy or Rebel in Time of War, with Money, any Enemy, Victuals, Powder, Shot, Arms, Ammunition, or any other Supplies whatſoever, directly, or indirectly, upon Pain of Death, or fuch other Puniſhment as the Court Martial fhall think fit to impoſe, VI. All the Papers, Charter-Parties, Bills of Lading, Papers, Paſs-Ports, and other Writings whatſoever, that ſhall Charter- parties, &c. be taken, feized or found aboard any Ship or Ships taken in any which ſhall be furprized or feized as Prize, fhall be Ship feized duly preſerved, and not torn, nor made away, but as Prize. the very Originals fent up intirely, and without Fraud, to the Court of Admiralty, or fuch other Commiffi- oners as fhall be appointed for that Purpoſe, there to be viewed, made ufe of, and proceeded upon according to Law, upon Pain of Lofs of all the Shares of the Takers, and fuch further Puniſhment to be inflicted upon the Offenders therein, as the Quality of their Offence and Miſdemeanor fhall be found to deferve, and the Court Martial ſhall impoſe. { VII. • or Gaods None in His Majefty's Pay fhall take out of any Prize Ships Prize, or Ship, or Goods feized on for Prize, any eized for Money, Plate, Goods, Lading or Tackle, before Judg- Prize. ment thereof firſt paſt in the Admiralty Court, but the full and intire Account of the Whole, without Imbezel-- [86] Imbezelling any Cables, Anchors, &c. as Prize not fiftance. Imbezelment, ſhall be brought in, and Judgment paſt intirely upon the Whole, without Fraud, upon Pain of fuch Punishment as fhall be impofed by a Court Martial, or the Court of Admiralty; excepting, that it ſhall be lawful for all Captains, Seamen, Sol- diers and others, ferving, as aforefaid, to take and to have to themſelves as Pillage, without further or other Ac- count to be given for the fame, all fuch Goods and Merchandizes, (other than Arms, Ammunition, Tackle, Furniture or Stores of fuch Ship) as fhall be found by them, or any of them, in any Ship (they fhall take in Fight or Prize) upon or above the Gun- Deck of the faid Ship, and not otherwife, VIII. None ſhall imbezle, ſteal or take away any Cables, Anchors, Sails, or any of the Ship's Furniture, or any of the Powder, or Arms or Ammunition of the Ship, upon Pain of Death, or other Puniſhment, as the Qua lity of the Offence ſhall be found by a Court Martial to deſerve. IX. Foreign If any foreign Ship or Veffel fhall be taken as Prize, Ships taken that fhall not fight or make Refiftance, that in that making Re- Cafe, none of the Captains, Maſters or Mariners being Foreigners fhall be ftripped of their Cloaths, or in any fort pillaged, beaten, or evil intreated, upon Pain that the Perfon or Perfons fo offending fhall forfeit double Damages; but the faid foreign Ships, and all the Goods fo taken, fhall be preſerved intire, to receive Judgment E [ 87 ] Judgment in the Admiralty Court, according to Right and Juſtice. B 7 X. Every Captain or Commander, who upon Signal The Duty of or Order of Fight, or View, or Sight of any Ships of Captains, the Enemy, Pirate or Rebel, or likelihood of Engage- upon Signal ment, fhall not put all Things in the Ship in a fit Pof-of Fight. ture for Fight, and fhall not in his own Perfon, and according to his Place, hearten and encourage the in- ferior Officers and common Men to fight courageouf- ly, and not to behave themſelves faintly, fhall be cafhiered; and if he or they fhall yield to the Enemy, Not to yeild Pirate or Rebels, or cry for Quarter, he or they fo do- or cry for ing ſhall ſuffer the Pains of Death, or fuch other Pu- Quarter. niſhment as the Offence fhall deſerve. } XI. the Com- Every Captain, Commander, and other Officer, Sea- All Officers man or Soldier of any Ship, Frigate or Veffel of War, hall obferve ſhall duly obſerve the Commands of the Admiral, or mands of the other his Superior or Commander of any Squadron, Admiral. as well for the affailing or Setting upon any Fleet, Squadron, or Ships of the Enemy, Pirate, or Rebels, or joining Battle with them, or making Defence againſt them, as all other the Commands of the Admiral, or other his fuperior Commander, upon Pain to fuffer Death or other Puniſhment as the Quality of his Neglect or Offence fhall deferve. } XII. Every [ 88 ] Officers,&c. that in Time XII. Every Captain, and all other Officers, Mariners and of Fight ſhall Soldiers of every Ship, Frigate or Veffel of War, that withdraw, fhall in time of any Fight or Engagement, withdraw or not fight. or keep back, or not come into the Fight and engage, Officers and Ships ap pointed for Convoy, their Duty. and do his Utmoft to take, fire, kill and endamage the Enemy, Pirate or Rebels, and affiſt and relieve all and every of His Majefty's Ships, fhall for ſuch Of- fence of Cowardice or Difaffection, be tried and fuffer Pains of Death, or other Puniſhment, as the Circum- ftances of the Offence fhall deferve, and the Court Martial fhall judge fit. 1 XIII. : · The Captains, Officers and Seamen of all Ships, appointed for Convoy and Guard of Merchant Ships, or any other, fhall diligently attend upon that Charge, without Delay, according to their Inftructions in that Behalf; and whofoever fhall be faulty therein, and ſhall not faithfully perform the fame, and defend the Ships and Goods in their Convoy, without either diverting to other Parts or Occafions, or refufing or neglecting to fight in their Defence, if they be fet upon or affailed, or running away cowardly, and fubmitting thoſe in their Convoy to Hazard and Peril, or fhall demand and exact any Money or other Reward from any Merchant or Mafter, for convoying of any fuch Ships, or other Veffels belonging to His Majefty's Subjects, fhall be condemned to make Reparation of the Da- mage to the Merchants, Owners and others, as the Court [89] Court of Admiralty fhall adjudge, and alſo be pu- Penalty of niſhed criminally, according to the Quality of their Non-Per- Offences, be it by Pains of Death, or other Puniſh-formance. ment, according as fhall be adjudged fit by the Court Martial. XIV. Enemy, or Whatſoever Perfon or Perfons, in, or belonging The Penalty to the Fleet, either through Cowardice, Negligence, for not or Difaffection, ſhall forbear to purſue the Chace of Chacing an any Enemy, or Pirate, or Rebel beaten, or flying, not relieving or ſhall not relieve or affiſt a known Friend in View, to the utmoſt of his Power, fhall be puniſhed with Death, or otherwiſe, as a Court Martial ſhall think fit. XV. a Friend. When at any Time Service or Action ſhall be com- Service com- manded, `no Man fhall preſume to ſtop or put back-manded ſhall not be stopp'd ward, or difcourage the faid Service and Action, by or discourag- Pretence of Arrears of Wages, or upon any Pretence ed on Ac- of Wages whatſoever, upon Pain of Death. XVI. count of Wages. Truſt, or All Sea-Captains, Officers and Seamen that fhall None ball betray their Truft, or turn to the Enemy, Pirate or betray their Rebels, and either run away with their Ship or any turn or yield Ordnance, Ammunition or Provifion, to the weak- to the Ene- ning of the Service, or yield the fame up to themy. Enemy, Pirate or Rebels, fhall be puniſhed with Death. N XVII. All [90] Deferting XVII. t ፡ All Sea-Captains, Officers or Mariners, that ſhall the Service, defert the Services, or their Employment in the Ships, or running away. Spies. Sedition,. Mutiny. Concealers or mutinous or fhall run away, or intice others fo to do ſhall be puniſhed with Death. XVIII. 1 All Perfons whatſoever that ſhall come, or be found in the Nature of Spies, to bring any feducing Letters or Meffages from any Enemy or Rebel, or fhall at- tempt or endeavour to corrupt any Captain, Officer, Mariner, or other of the Navy, or Fleet, to betray his or their Truft, and yield up any Ship or Ammu- nition, or turn to the Enemy or Rebel, fhall be pu- niſhed with Death. XIX. No Perſon in or belonging to the Fleet, fhall utter any Words of Sedition or Mutiny, nor make or en- deavour to make any mutinous Affemblies upon any Pretence whatſoever upon Pain of Death. XX. No Perfon in or belonging to the Fleet, ſhall con- of traiterous ceal any traiterous or mutinous Practices, Defigns Practices or or Words, or any Words ſpoken by any to the Pre- Words. judice of his Majefty or Government, or any Words, Practices or Defigns tending to the Hindrance of the Service, but fhall forthwith reveal them to his Supe- rior, that a meet Proceeding may be had thereupon; upon [ gr ] upon Pain of fuch Puniſhment as a Court Martial fhall find to be juſt. ง XXI. None ſhall prefume to quarrel with his Superior Quarrelling, or Striking Officer, upon Pain of fevere Puniſhment, nor to a Superior ftrike any fuch Perfon upon Pain of Death, or other- Officer. wife as a Court Martial fhall find the Matter to deferve. XXII. Etuals. If of the Fleet find Caufe of Complaint of the Unwholſom- any Unwholfomneſs of his Victual, or upon other juſt neſs of Vi- Ground, he fhall quietly make the fame known to his Superior or Captain, or Commander in Chief, as the Occafion may deſerve, that fuch preſent Remedy may be had as the Matter may require; and the faid Superior or Commander is to cauſe the fame to be preſently remedied accordingly; but no Perfon upon any fuch or other Pretence ſhall privately attempt to ftir up any Disturbance, upon Pain of fuch fevere Puniſhment as a Court Martial fhall find meet to inflict. XXIII. None fhall quarrel or fight in the Ship, nor ufe Quarrelling reproachful or provoking Speeches tending to make or Provoking Speeches. any Quarrel or Diſturbance, upon Pain of Impriſon- ment, and fuch other Puniſhment as the Offence ſhall deferve, and the Court Martial fhall impoſe. XXIV. That N. 2 Τ [92] munition. 1 1 اهد شد Lude scle to des.. A o di k XXIVie og lad Waftful Ex- That there be no waftful Expence of any Powder, pence of Am-Shot, Ammunition, or other Stores in the Fleet, nor any Imbezelment thereof, but that the Stores and Provifions be carefully preferved, upon fuch Penal- ties by Fine, Impriſonment, or otherwiſe, upon the Offenders, Abetters, Buyers and Receivers, as fhall be by a Court Martial found juft in that Behalf. Care of Con- ducting and Steering Ships. Burning a Ship. Sleeping up- XXV. } { That Care be taken in the conducting and fteer- ing of the Ships, that through Wilfulneſs, Negligence, or other Defaults, none of His Majefty's Ships be Atranded or run upon any Rocks or Sands, or fplit, or hazarded; upon Pain that fuch as fhall be found guilty therein be puniſhed by Fine, Impriſonment, or otherwiſe, as the Offence by a Court Martial fhall be adjudged to deſerve. XXVI. All Perſons that fhall willingly burn or fet Fire on any Ship, or Magazine, or Store of Powder, or Ship, Boat, Ketch, Hoy or Veffel, or Tackle or Furniture thereunto belonging, not appertaining to an Enemy or Rebel, ſhall be puniſhed with Death. XXVII. No Man in, or belonging to the Fleet, fhall fleep on Watch. upon his Watch, or negligently perform the Duty impoſed upon him, or forfake his Station; upon Pain of 1} [93] of Death, or other Puniſhment, as the Circumſtances of the Cafe ſhall requirë. A XXVIII. All Murders and wilful Killing of any Perfon in Murders. the Ship ſhall be puniſhed with Death. XXIX. All Robbery and Theft committed by any Perfon Robbery and in or belonging to the Fleet, fhall be puniſhed with Theft. Death, or otherwiſe, as the Court-Martial upon Con- fideration of Circumftances fhall find meet. XXX. Prifoners. No Provoſt-Marſhal belonging to the Fleet, fhall Provoſt- refuſe to receive or keep any Prifoner committed to Marſhal his Charge, nor fuffer him to eſcape, being once in his Cuſtody, nor diſmiſs him without Order; upon Pain of being liable to the fame Puniſhment which ſhould have been inflicted upon the Party difmiffed, or permitted to eſcape, or fuch other Puniſhment as the Court-Martial fhall think fit. ༤ XXXI./ ders. All Captains, Officers and Seamen, fhall do their Apprehend- Endeavours to detect, apprehend, and bring to Pu-ing Offen- niſhment all Offenders, and fhall affift the Officers appointed for that Purpoſe, therein; upon Pain to be proceeded againft, and punished by the Court- Martial at Difcretion. XXXII. If [94] Sodomy. XXXII. If any Perfon or Perfons in or belonging to the Fleet, fhall commit the unnatural and deteftable Sin of Buggery or Sodomy with Man or Beaſt, he ſhall be puniſhed with Death without Mercy... XXXIII. * Other Mif- All other Faults, Mifdemeanors and Diſorders demeanors committed at Sea, not mentioned in this Act, fhall and Difor be puniſhed according to the Laws and Customs in ders at Sea. The Lord High Admi Martials. fuch Cafes ufed at Sea. XXXIV. And it is hereby further enacted, That the Lord High Admiral for the Time being, ſhall by Virtue of ral's Power this Act have full Power and Authority to grant to grant Commiffions Commiffions to inferior Vice-Admirals, or Comman- to call Court der in Chief of any Squadron of Ships, to call and affemble Court-Martials, confifting of Commanders and Captains; (2) And no Court-Martial where the Pains of Death fhall be inflicted, fhall confift of lefs than five Captains at leaſt, the Admiral's Lieutenant to be as to this Purpoſe, eſteemed as a Captain; (3) And in no Cafe wherein Sentence of Death fhall paſs by Virtue of the Articles aforefaid, or any of them (except in Cafe of Mutiny) there fhall be Exe- cution of fuch Sentence of Death, without the Leave- of the Lord High Admiral, if the Offence be com- mitted within the Narrow Seas.: but in Cafe any of the Offences aforefaid be committed in any Voyage beyond [ 95 ] beyond the Narrow Seas, whereupon Sentence of Death fhall be given in Purſuance of the aforefaid Articles, or of any of them; then Execution fhall not be done but by Order of the Commander in Chief of that Fleet or Squadron wherein Sentence of Death was paffed. XXXV. And be it further enacted and declared, that the Judge Ad- vocate of fhall have full Power and Authority to adminiſter to administer an Oath to any Perfon or Witneſs, in order to the an Oath for Trial of Of- Examination or Trial of any of the Offences afore-fences. faid; and in the Abfence of a Judge Advocate, the Court-Mar- Court Martial fhall have full Power and Authority to tial. appoint any Perſon to adminiſter an Oath to the Purpoſe aforefaid. Judge Advocate of any Fleet, for the Time being, any Fleet, XXXVI. Provided alfo, And be it further enacted by the Provifo, Authority aforefaid, That this Act, or any Thing touching the Powers of or Things therein contained, ſhall not in any man- the Lord ner or wife extend to give unto the Lord Admiral Admiral. of England for the Time being, or to any his Vice- Admirals, Judge or Judges of the Admiralty, his or their Deputy or Deputies, or to any other the Offi- cers or Minifters of the Admiralty, or to any others having or claiming any Admiral Power, Jurifdiction or Authority within this Realm and Wales, or any other the King's Dominions, any other Power, Right, Jurifdiction, Preheminence or Authority, than he or they [ 96 ] + I. C. 19. commit any By 6 Geo. they or any of them, lawfully have, hath, or had, S. 4. Per- or ought to have and enjoy before the making of fons in the this Act, other than for ſuch of the Offences ſpecified Sea Service, in the feveral Articles contained in this Act, as here- who shall after ſhall be done upon the main Sea, or in Ships of the Crimes or Veffels being and hovering in the main Stream of this Alt up- great Rivers, only beneath the Bridges of the ſame on the Shore Rivers, nigh to the Sea, within the Juriſdiction of in Foreign Parts, all the Admiralty, and in none other Places whatſoever, be tried and and committed only by fuch Perfons as fhall be in punished as actual Service and Pay in his Majefty's Fleet or Ships- if they had of War. mentioned in been com- mitted on the main Sea. Note, By 7 extended to Anno 13° & 14° Car. II. C. 11. An Act for preventing Frauds, and regu- lating Abuſes in his Majesty's Cuſtoms. & SW. III. HORAS MUCH as it appears, that feveral C. 22. S. 6. unlawful and indirect Means and Devices are This Act is daily put in Practice, to export and import Goods the Planta and Merchandizes prohibited by the Laws and Statutes tions: And of this Kingdom, as alfo to defraud the King's moft by the fame Excellent Majefty of his Dues, Cuftoms and Subfidies, Power given as well by fecret and deceitful Defigns, as by open to fue for Force and Violence used against the King's Majesty's the Forfei- tures and Officers employed in the Affairs of the Cuftoms: At S. 7. 2. For [ 97 ] the Courts Seas at Gravefend. 2. For the better preventing of which Frauds and Violences in Time to come, It is enacted and ordained Penalties in by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with of Admiralty the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and there, &c. Temporal, and Commons in Parliament affembled, Ships and and be it enacted and ordained by the Authority ving from Veſſels arri- thereof, That no Ship or Veffel arriving from the beyond the Parts beyond the Seas, ſhall be above three Days com- ing from Gravefend to the Place of her Diſcharge (within the River of Thames) without touching or ſtaying at any Wharf, Key or Place adjoining to either Shore between Gravefend and Chefter's Key, (unleſs apparently hindred by contrary Winds, Draught of Water, or other juft Impediment to be allowed by fuch Perfon or Perfons as are or ſhall be appointed by His Majefty for managing the Cuſtoms, the Collectors inwards, or other principal Officers of the Cuſtoms ;) (2) And then, or before the Maſter or Purſer (for that Voyage) of fuch Ship or Veffel, ſhall make a juſt and True Entries true Entry upon Oath, of the Burthen, Contents and of Lading Lading of every fuch Ship or Veffel, with the particu- upon Oath. lar Marks, Numbers, Qualities and Contents of every Parcel of Goods therein laden, to the beſt of his Know- ledge; alfo where, and in what Port fhe took in her Lading, of what Country built, how manned, who was Mafter during the Voyage, and who are Owners thereof; (3) And in all Out-Ports or Members, to come directly up to the Place of unlading, as the Out Ports. Condition of the Port requires and will admit, and making Entries, as aforefaid, upon the Penalty of the Penalty. Forfeiture of one Hundred Pounds. O 3. And 、 to be made [ 98 ] Captains, Parts be- yondtheSeas. Goods, 'till * The Duty of 3. And be it further enacted by the Authority Masters and aforefaid, That no Captain, Mafter, Purfer, or any others, tak- other Perfon or Perfons taking Charge of any Ship or ing Charge Veffel bound for the Parts beyond the Seas, or into of Ships of War, &c. the Kingdom of Scotland, whether the fame Ship or bound for Veffel fhall have Commiflion from, or belong unto the King's Majefty that now is, his Heirs or Succef- fors, or ſhall belong to, or have Commiffion from any foreign Prince or State, or otherwiſe, fhall take in, or fuffer to be taken into or laden aboard any fuch To take in Ship or Veffel any English Goods, Wares or Merchan- no Engliſh dize, to be exported into the Parts beyond the Seas, or into the Kingdom of Scotland, until fuch Captain, Entry there- of be made Mafter, Purfer, or other Perſon as aforefaid, fhall have at the Cuf- entered fuch Ship or Ships in the Book of the Commif- tom-boufe. fioners, Cuſtomer or Collector and Comptroller out- wards of fuch Port where he fhall load or take in Goods, together with the Name of fuch Captain or Maſter, the Burden of fuch Ship or Veffel, the Num- ber of Guns and Ammunition fhe carries, and to what Port or Place fhe intends to pass or fail; (2) And before he or they fhall depart with his or their Ship or Veffel out of fuch Port or Place, fhall bring' and deliver unto the faid Perfon or Perfons which are or fhall be appointed by His Majefty for managing the Cuſtoms, the Cuſtomer or Collector and Comp- troller of fuch Port or Place, a Content in Writing under his or their Hands, of the Names of every Mer- chant, and other Perfon or Perfons that fhall have laden [ 99 ] wards. laden and put on board any fuch Ship or Veffel, any fuch Goods or Merchandize, together with the Marks and Numbers of fuch Goods and Merchandize; (3) And fhall likewife publickly in the open Cuſtom- houſe, upon his Corporal Oath, to the beſt of his Knowledge, have anſwered to fuch Queſtion or Queftions as fhall be demanded of him by the faid Perfon or Perſons which are or ſhall be appointed by His Majefty for the Managing the Cuſtoms, the Cuf- tomer or Collector and Comptroller, or their Depu- ties, concerning fuch Goods and Merchandize as ſhall be aboard fuch Ship or Veffel; (4) Upon Pain of For- Ships or Vef- fels of War feiture of one Hundred Pounds; (5) And that no bringing fuch Captain, Maſter, Purfer, or other Perfon or Per- Goods in- fons taking Charge of any Ship or Veffel of War as aforefaid, wherein any Goods, Wares, or Merchan- dizes ſhall have been laden or brought from the Ports beyond the Seas, or out of the Realm of Scotland, fhall unload or put on board any Lighter, Boat or Bottom, or lay on Land, or fuffer to be diſcharged or put into any Lighter, Boat or Bottom, or to be laid on Land out of any Ship or Veffel, as aforefaid, any Goods, Wares or Merchandize whatſoever, before fuch Cap- tain, Maſter, Purſer, or other Perſon taking Charge of the Ship or Merchants Goods for that Voyage, as afore- faid, fhall have fignified and declared in Writing un- der his or their Hands, unto the Perfon or Perfons which are or ſhall be appointed by His Majefty for managing the Cuſtoms, the Cuftomer or Collector and Entry. Comptroller inwards of the Port where he arriveth, the Names of every Merchant or Lader of any Goods O 2 or [ 100 ] or Merchandizes aboard the faid Ship or Veffel, toge- ther with the Number and Marks, and the Quantity and Quality of every Parcel of Goods and Merchan- dizes, to the beſt of his Knowledge, and fhall have anſwered upon his or their corporal Oath, to fuch Queſtions concerning fuch Goods and Merchandizes, as fhall be publickly adminiftred unto him in the open Cuſtom-houſe, by fuch Perfon or Perfons which are or ſhall be appointed for managing the Cuſtoms, Cuſtomer or Collector and Comptroller, or their De- puties, and fhall be liable to all Searches and other Rules which Merchants. Ships are fubject unto, by the Ufage of His Majeſty's Cuſtom-houſe (Victualling- Bills and Entring excepted) upon Pain to forfeit one Hundred Pounds; (6) And upon Refufal to make fuch Entries as aforefaid, as well outwards as inwards, the faid Perfon or Perfons which are or fhall be ap- Liable to pointed for managing the Cuſtoms, and Officers of His Majeſty's Cuftoms, and their Deputies, fhall and may freely enter and go on board all and every fuch Ship or Veffel of War, and bring from thence on On Refufal Shore into His Majefty's Store-houfe belonging to the tries, Offi- Port where fuch Ship fhall be, all Goods and Mer- cers may go chandizes prohibited or uncuſtomed, which ſhall be found aboard any fuch Ship, as aforefaid. Penalty 100 1. Search. to make En- on board, &c. The Power of Officer's 4. And be it hereby alfo enacted, That the faid Perſon or Perſons which are or ſhall be appointed for for manag- ing the Cuf-managing the Cuſtoms, and Officers of His Majefty's toms to en- Cuftoms, and their Deputies, are hereby authorized fearch Ships and enabled to go and enter aboard any Ship or Veffel, and Veffels. ter and as [ IOI ] as well Ships of War as Merchant Ships, and from thence to bring on Shore all Goods prohibited or un- cuſtomed, except Jewels, if they be outward bound; (2) And if they be Ships or Veffels inward bound, from thence to bring on Shore into His Majeſty's Store-houſe, as aforefaid, all fmall Parcels of fine Goods, or other Goods which fhall be found in Cabbins, Chefts, Trunks, or other fmall Package, or in any private or fecret Place, in or out of the Hold of the Ship or Veffel, which may occafion a juft Suf- picion that they were intended to be fraudulently conveyed away; (3) And all other Sorts of Goods whatſoever, for which the Duties of Tonnage and Poundage were not paid or compounded for within twenty Days after the firſt Entry of the Ship, to be put and remain in the Store-houſe aforefaid, until His Majeſty's Duties thereupon be juſtly ſatisfied, unleſs the faid Perfon or Perfons which are or fhall be ap- pointed by His Majeſty for managing the Cuftoms, and Officers of the Cuſtoms, fhall fee juft Cauſe. to al- low a longer Time, and that the faid Perfon or Per- fons which are or ſhall be ſo appointed to manage the Cuſtoms, and the Officers of the Cuftoms, and their Deputies, may freely ſtay and remain aboard until all the Goods are delivered and diſcharged out of the faid Ships or Veffels: (4) And if any Mafter, Purfer, or Master, &c. Suffering Boat-fwain, or other taking Charge in any Ship or Goods to be Veffel, or any other Perfon whatſoever, fhall fuffer unpacked, any Trufs, Bale, Pack, Fardel, Cask, or other Package elled or car- to be opened aboard the faid Ship or Veffel, and the ried away, Goods therein. to be imbezelled, carried away, or put ship comes after the into into Port of and imbez- [ 102 ] 100 1. Discharge, into any other Form or Package, after the Ship comes to forfeit into the Port of her Diſcharge, in every fuch Cafe the faid Maſter, Purfer, Boat-fwain, or others, fhall forfeit the Sum of one Hundred Pounds. Goods con- clearing. 5. And be it further enacted by the Authority cealed in any aforefaid, That in cafe after the Clearing of any Ship Ship after or Veffel, by the Perfon or Perſons which are or ſhall be appointed by his Majefty for managing the Cuſtoms, or any their Deputies, and diſcharging the Watchmen or Tidefmen from Attendance thereupon, there fhall be found on board fuch Ship or Veffel, any Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes, which have been concealed from the Knowledge of the ſaid Perfon or Perfons which are or ſhall be fo appointed to manage the Cuſtoms, and for which the Cuftoms, Subfidy and other Duties due upon the Importation thereof, have not been paid, then the Mafter, Purfer or other Per- fon taking Charge of fuch Ship or Veffel, fhall for- Penalty. feit the Sum of one Hundred Pounds. An Account of all Fo- 6. And for the better Increase of Shipping and to be given Navigation, Be it further enacted, That the Collec- tors and other Officers of His Majefty's Cuſtoms in all reign Ships in all Ports the Ports of England, fhall forthwith give an Account of England. unto the Collectors and Surveyor in the Port of London, (appointed by His Majeſty for all Duties and Matters relating to a late Act, intitled, An Act for Increafing and Encouraging of Shipping and Navigation) of all foreign-built Ships in their Ports, owned and belong- ing to the People of England, of what Built and 12. Car. II. C. 18. Burthen [ 103 ] ´S not to have lifh. Except Burthen they are, for which Certificates have been made according to the faid Act, and that the faid Collector and Surveyor ſhall make a true and perfect Lift of all fuch Ships atteſted under their Hands, and tranſmit the ſame into his Majeſty's Court of Exche- quer, on or before the Month of December, in the Year One thouſand Six hundred fixty-two, there to remain upon Record: (2) And that no foreign-built Foreign- built Ships Ship (that is to fay) not built in any of his Majeſty's Dominions of Afia, Africa or America, or other the Privi- than fuch as fhall (bona fide) be bought before the firft ledge of Ships belonging of October, One thouſand fix hundred fixty-two next to England enfuing, and exprefly named in the faid Lift, fhall or Ireland, though own- enjoy the Priviledge of a Ship belonging to England or ed or mann Ireland, although owned or manned by English (ex- ed by Eng- cept fuch Ships only as ſhall be taken at Sea by Letters &c. of Mart or Reprizal and Condemnation made in the See 12. Car. Court of Admiralty, as lawful Prize) but all fuch II. C. 18. 7 and 8 W. Ships fhall be deemed as Aliens Ships, and be liable III. C. 22. unto all Duties that Aliens Ships are liable unto by S. 2, 3, 17, Virtue of the faid Act for Increafe of Shipping and cerning Re- Navigation. (3) And whereas it is required by the giftring, &c. faid Act, that in fundry Cafes the Mafter and three And Excep- fourths of the Mariners are to be English, It is to be to Prize underſtood, that any of his Majefty's Subjects of Eng- Ships. land, Ireland, and his Plantations, are to be account- of Mariners ed English, and no others; And that the Number of to be ac- Mariners be accounted according to what they fhall counted ac- have been during the whole Voyage: (4) And where- what they cording to as of late fome of the Perfons appointed by his Ma- have been jeſty for the managing the Cuſtoms, and the Officers during the &c.con- tion, &c. as The Number whole Voy- of age. [104] of the Cuſtoms and their Deputies, have been hind- red, affronted, abuſed, beaten and wounded, to the hazard of their Lives in the due Execution of their ſeveral Truſts and Services in their reſpective Places, by armed Companies and Multitudes of Men, and Goods prohibited and uncuſtomed, have by Force and Violence, as well by Land as by Water, been forcibly The Punish- carried and conveyed away; (5) Be it enacted by the ment for Authority aforefaid, that where any Officer or Offi- beating and abufing Officers fhall be by any Perfon or Perfons armed with cers of the Club or any manner of Weapon, forcibly hindred, Cuſtoms. affronted, abuſed, beaten or wounded, as aforefaid, either on board any Ship or Veffel, or upon the Land or Water, in the due Execution of their Office, all and every Perſon and Perfons fo refifting, affronting, abufing, beating or wounding the faid Officer or Offi- cers or their Deputies, or fuch as ſhall act in their Aid or Affiftance, fhall by the next Juftice of Peace, or other Magiſtrate, be committed to Priſon, there to re- main till the next Quarter-Seffions: (6) And the Ju- ftices of the Peace of the faid Quarter-Seffions, fhall, and are hereby impowered to puniſh the Offender by Fine, not exceeding One hundred Pounds, and the Offender is to remain in Prifon till he be diſcharged by Order of the Exchequer, both of the Fine and of the Impriſonment, or diſcover the Perſon that fet him on work, to the End he may be legally proceeded against. 7. And 1 [105] Water-born 7. And be it further enacted by the Authority No Goods aforefaid, That if any Wharfinger or Keeper of any to be landed Wharf, Crane or Key, or their Servants, or any of but in the them, ſhall take up or land, or knowingly fuffer to Prefence of Some Officer be taken up or landed, or fhall Ship off, or fuffer to of the Cu- be Water-born at or from any of their faid Wharfs, toms. Cranes or Keys, any Goods, Wares or Merchandize prohibited, or whereof any Cuſtom, Subfidy, or other Duties are due and payable unto the King's Majeſty, without the Prefence of fome of the Officers of His Majeſty's Cuſtoms thereunto appointed, or at Hours and Times not appointed by Law (except in the Port of Hull, as in the Statute of the firſt Year of Queen 1 EI. C.11. Elizabeth, Chapter the Eleventh, is excepted, and not otherwiſe) or Goods paffing by Certificates, Waſte- Cocquet, or otherwife, without the Prefence or No- tice given to one or more of His Majefty's Officers, That in every fuch Caſe all and every fuch Whar- finger and Keeper of fuch Wharf, Crane or Key, ſhall forfeit and pay the Sum of one Hundred Pounds; The Penalty. (2) And if any Goods or Merchandize ſhall be laden or taken in from the Shore, into any Bark, Hoy, Lighter, Barge, Wherry or Boat, to be carried aboard any Ship or Veffel outwards-bound for the Parts be- yond the Seas, or laden, or taken in, from or out of any Ship or Veffel coming in, and arriving from fo- reign Parts, without a Warrant, and Prefence of one or more Officers of the Cuſtoms, fuch Bark, Hoy, Lighter, Barge, Boat or Wherry fhall be forfeited and forfeited. loft, and the Mafter, Purfer, Boat-fwain, or P Boat, 1 Barge, &c. other Master, Mariner Purfer, &c. [ 106 ] Mariner of any Ship inward-bound, knowing and con- ſenting thereunto, fhall forfeit the Value of the Goods ſo unſhipped: (3) And further, That in cafe any Waterman, Carman, Porter, Waterman, or other Perfon or Per- &c. aſſiſting⋅ fons whatſoever, fhall affift in the Taking up, Land- Porter, Goods carri- ed from one Port to ano- ing, Shipping off, or Carrying away any fuch Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, that then fuch Carman, Por- ter, Waterman, or other Perfon or Perfons fo offend- ing, being apprehended by Warrant of any Juſtice of the Peace for that County, City or Borough, which the faid Juſtices, and every of them are hereby au- thorized to iffue, and to examine Witneffes upon Oath concerning fuch Fact, and the fame being proved by the Oath of two Witneffes, the faid Offend- ers for fuch firft Offence fhall and may by fuch Ju- ftice of the Peace be committed to the next Goal, there to remain 'till he and they find fufficient Surety to be of the Good Behaviour for fo long Time, until he and they ſhall be thereof diſcharged by the Lord Treaſurer, Chancellor, Under-Treafurer, or Barons of the Exchequer; (4) And in cafe he or they fo con- victed, fhall afterwards at any Time offend in the like Kind, then he and they fhall and may by any Ju- ftice of the Peace, as aforefaid, be committed to the next Goal, there to remain for the Space of two Months without Bail or Mainprize, or until he fhall pay unto the Sheriff of that County the Sum of five Pounds for the Ufe of His Majefty, or until he ſhall by the Lord Treafurer, Chancellor, Under-Treaſurer or Court of Exchequer be thence diſcharged: (5) Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any [107] 1 or Warrant. any Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, fhall be ſhipped ther in England or or put on Board to be carried forth to the open Sea Wales. from any one Port, Creek or Member in the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Port and Town of Berwick, to be landed at any other Place of this Realm, without a Sufferance or Warrant firft had and Sufferance obtained from the faid. Perfon or Perfons, which are or fhall be appointed for managing the Cuftoms and Officers of His Majefty's Cuftoms, all fuch Wares and Merchandizes fhall be forfeited and loft: (6) And that the Mafter of every Ship or Veffel that fhall lade or take in any fuch Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, in any Port, Member or Creek within this Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town and Port of Berwick, to be landed and diſcharged in fome other Port, Member or Creek of the faid Kingdom of Eng- land, Dominion of Wales, or Town and Port of Ber- wick, fhall, before the Ship or Veffel be removed or carried out of the Port (where he fhall take in his Lading) take out a Cocquet or Cocquets, and become Cocquet, and bound to the King's Majefty with good Security, in the Value of the Goods, Wares and Merchandizes afore- faid, for Delivery and Diſcharge thereof in the Port or Place for which the fame fhall be entred, as afore- faid, or in fome other Port or Place within the faid Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Port and Town of Berwick; (7) And (the Dangers and Ac- Certificates cidents of the Seas excepted) to return a Certificate to be indorf within fix Months after the Date of fuch Cocquet Bonds. and Cocquets, under the Hands and Seals of the King's Majefty's Officers, figned alſo by fome of the P 2 faid Bond. ed on the [108] Penalty. Officers making falfe Certificates. Penalty. ส faid Perfon or Perfons which are or fhall be appointed by His Majefty for managing the Cuſtoms, or their Deputy or Deputies, in every reſpective Ports, Mem- bers or Creeks where the fame fhall be landed and diſcharged, to His Majefty's Officers of the Cuftoms to whom fuch Security hath been given as aforefaid, that fuch Goods, Wares and Merchandizes were there landed and diſcharged accordingly; upon the Penalty of the Forfeiture of the Bond and Security aforefaid. I'm 8. And be it hereby further enacted, That if any Officer of any Port, Member or Creek, fhall make any falfe Certificate of any Goods or Merchandizes which fhould have been landed out of any Ship or Veffel, that fuch Officer fhall lofe his Imployment, and moreover forfeit the Sum of fifty Pounds, and fuffer one Year's Impriſonment without Bail or Main- prize, and be incapable of ferving His Majefty in any Place of Truſt concerning his Cuftoms, and be fur- ther liable to fuch Corporal Puniſhment as the Court of Exchequer fhall think fit; (2) And if any Perfon ing Cocquets, whatſoever fhall counterfeit, raize, or falfify any Cocquet, Certificate or Return, Tranfire, Let-pafs, or any other Cuftom-houſe Warrant, he fhall forfeit Penalty. one Hundred Pounds, and the Cocquet, Certificate or Return fhall be invalid and of none Effect Cocquet,&c. (3) And if any Goods, Wares or Merchandizes brought or coming into any Port, Haven Haven or Creek within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Port and Town of Berwick, from any other Port, Haven or Creek within the Kingdom of Counterfeit Certificates, &c. invalid. ; England [109] ( England, or Dominions aforefaid, by Port, Cocquet, Tranfire, Let-pafs, or Certificate, in Ships or Veffels, fhall be landed or put on Shore before fuch Cocquet, Tranfire, Let-pafs, or Certificate fhall be deliver'd to fuch Perfon or Perſons which are or ſhall be appointed by His Majefty for managing his Cuftoms, the Cuf- tomer or Collector, and Comptroller of the Port or Place of their Arrival, or to their Deputy or Deputies, and Warrant or Sufferance made and given from fuch Perſon or Perfons, Cuſtomer, or Collector and Comp- troller, or their Deputy and Deputies aforefaid, for the Landing and diſcharging thereof. cers. 9. And be it further enacted by the Authority Goods fe- aforefaid, That if any Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, cretly con- veyed beyond for which the Duties of Subfidy or Cuftom are due Sea Uncuf- and payable to the King's Majefty, fhall be fecretly tomed, and undifcovered conveyed on board any Ship or Veffel before the by the Offi- Cuſtom and Subfidy thereof be duly anſwered and paid, and fhall eſcape the Diſcovery thereof by the Officers of the Cuftoms or others, and be carried in- to the Parts beyond the Seas; In fuch Cafe the Owners or Proprietors of fuch Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, or other Perfon or Perfons who fhall have fo fhipped or cauſed the ſame to be ſhipped and tranſported, fhall forfeit the double Value of the Goods, com- Penalty. puted according to the Book of Rates, except for Coal, which fo fecretly exported, as aforefaid, fhall pay double the Cuſtom and Duty, to be collected and levied in fuch manner as by the Act of Tonnage and Poundage is directed and appointed. A } 10. Be 12 Car. IL C. 4• [110] Bill of En- try to be Marks, &c. A + He quad asdte to trus ¿ 10. Be it further enacted by the Authority afore fubfcribed: faid, That for preventing of Frauds in colouring of Such Bill to Strangers Goods, and otherwiſe, every Merchant or contain the other paffing any Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, Numbers, inwards.or outwards, fhall by himſelf, or his known Servant, Factor or Agent, fubfcribe one of his Bills of every Entry with the Mark, Number and Contents of every Parcel of fuch Goods as are rated to pay by the Piece or Meaſure, and Weight of the whole Par- cel of fuch Goods as are rated to pay by the Weight, without which the Officers of the Cuftoms fhall not fuffer any Entry to paſs; And that no Children of Aliens, under the Age of twenty-one Years, be per- mitted to be Traders, or any Goods or Merchandizes to be entred in their Names. Children of Aliens. { There ſhall II. Be it alfo hereby enacted, That upon any be no Party- Actions, Suits and Informations that ſhall be brought, Fury in Suits, &c. commenced, or entred upon any Law or Statute con- concerning cerning the King's Majefty's Subfidies of Tonnage Customs. Allowances and Dama- and Poundage, or Ships or Goods to be forfeited by Reaſon of unlawful Importation or Exportation, there ſhall not be any Party-Jury, but fuch only as are the Natural and Free-born Subjects of the King, his Heirs or Succeffors. 2 } 12. And whereas Allowances given to Merchants for Defects and others, for Defects and Damages upon Goods, ges in Goods, and Five per Cent. generally upon all Goods import- how to be ed, and Twelve per Centum upon Wines, every Mer- made. chant 2 [111] than men- chant or others having the aforefaid Allowances in- wards, fhall in Perfon upon Oath by himſelf, or by his known Servant or Factor, demand and receive the Moneys due upon Debentures for fuch Foreign Goods exported by fuch Certificate with fuch Abatements and Allowances as were made and given to him upon the Importation; (2) And if he be found fraudulent- Penalty for ly to Ship out less in Quantity or Value than is ex- Shipping less preffed in his Certificate, the Goods therein mentioned, in Quantity, or the Value thereof fhall be forfeited, and the Owner tioned in the or Merchant ſhall loſe the Benefit of receiving back Certificate. any Part of the Subfidy for thoſe Goods; (3) And if Penalty for any Goods ſhipped out by Certificate, as aforefaid, relanding Goods fhip- fhall be landed again in the fame, or any other Port ped by Cer- or Place within the Kingdom of England, Dominion tificate. of Wales, and Town and Port of Berwick, (unleſs in Cafe of Diſtreſs to fave the Goods from periſhing, which ſhall be preſently made known to the Perfon or Perfons which are or fhall be appointed by his Majefty to manage his Cuftoms, and principal Offi- cers of the Port) no Allowance fhall be demanded or made for thoſe Goods, and the faid Goods, or Value thereof, fhall be forfeited and loft. 15. And forafmuch as it doth appear by daily Ex- perience, That there are great Practices and Combina- tions between the Importers and Owners of Goods and Merchandizes, and the Seizers and Informers, with Defign and Intent to defraud the Force of the Law, and his Majefty of his Duties and Customs (2) Be None to it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Ship Seize Ships or or Goods for 1 [112] the Customs, unlawful or Ships, Goods, Wares or Merchandize, fhall be Importation or Exporta- feized as forfeited, for or by reaſon of unlawful Im- tion, but portation or Exportation, into, or out of this King- Officers of dom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Port and &c. Town of Berwick, or any the Ports, Members or Creeks thereunto belonging, or for Not-Payment of any Cuſtoms or Subfidies now due, or hereafter to be due and payable to his Majeſty, but by the Perſon or Perfons who are or fhall be appointed by his Ma- jefty to manage his Cuftoms, or Officers of his Ma- jeſty's Cuſtoms for the Time being, or fuch other Perſon or Perſons as fhall be deputed and authorized thereunto by Warrant from the Lord Treafurer, or Under-Treaſurer, or by ſpecial Commiffion from his Majeſty under the Great or Privy Seal: (3) And if any Seizure ſhall hereafter be made by any other Perfon or Perſons whatſoever for any the Cauſes aforefaid, fuch Seizure fhall be void and of none Effect; any Statute, Law, Act, or Provifion to the contrary, in any wife notwithſtanding. about the 16. And be it further enacted by the Authority In any Suit against Per- aforefaid, That in every Action, Suit, Indictment, fons employ'd Information or Proſecution, wherein or whereby the Customs, the Perfon or Perſons which are or fhall be appointed by Defendant his Majefty for managing his Cuſtoms, or the Officers may plead the General of his Majefty's Cuftoms, or any Officer or Officers, Perſon or Perſons authorized by his Majefty to put in Execution the Act of Parliament, For Increafing and Incouraging of Navigation, their Deputies or Ser- vants, or any others acting in Aid of them, have been, Ifue. 12 Car. II. C. 18. are, [113] this or other Navigation, are, or ſhall be fued, indicted, proſecuted or moleſted, it ſhall be lawful for all and every the faid Perfons, their Heirs, Executors and Adminiftrators, to plead And give the General Iffue, and to give this or the aforefaid Alts relat- Acts of Parliament relating to the Cuſtoms and Navi- ing to Cuf- gation, in Evidence, in any of His Majeſty's Courts of toms, or Juftice, or other Courts where the ſaid Matter fhall be in Evidence. depending; and the Judges of the ſaid Courts are hereby ftrictly enjoined and required to admit the fame, and to acquit and indemnify them and every of them, of, and from all fuch Suits, Indictments, Infor- mations or Proſecutions, for or concerning any Matter or Thing acted or done in the due and neceffary Performance and Execution of their reſpective Trufts and Imployments therein. Seizer or may fue. 17. Be it hereby alfo enacted, for avoiding of Where fraudulent Compofitions, That if any Seizer, Inform- Informer er or Officer, as aforefaid, fhall not profecute to Ef-fhall not fect for the bringing to Trial and Condemnation the profecute with Ef- Ships, Goods and Merchandize by them ſeized or in-fect, Off- formed againft, That then and in every fuch Cafe, it cer of the ſhall be lawful to and for any of the Perfon or Per- Cuſtoms fons which are or ſhall be appointed by His Majefty for managing his Cuſtoms, or the Officers of the Cu- ftoms, or other Perfon or Perfons deputed by them, or thereunto authorized by the Lord Treaſurer, or Under-Treaſurer, to make Seizure of, or inform against fuch Goods and Merchandize, or bring his Action for the fame by way of Devenerunt, and that they ſhall be eſteemed and adjudged in Law as the e true [114] Compofition not to be true firft informers and Seizers, and have the Benefit of fuch Informers or Seizers; any Law, Statute, Act or Uſage to the contrary in any wife notwithſtanding. 18. And that no Informer or Officer be fuffered to for less than compound under one Third of the appraiſed Value, one Third of upon Lofs of his Office. the appraif ed Value. Penalty on 1 19. Be it further enacted by the Authority afore- Custom-Of- faid, That if any of the King's Majefty's Officers, or ficer taking other Perſons appointed to manage His Majeſty's Cu- guilty of ftoms, Searchers, Waiters, or other Perfon or Perfons Connivance. whatfoever deputed and appointed by and under them, Bribe, or or any of them, or any other Authority whatfoever, and imployed in or about the Affairs of the King's Cu- ftoms and Subfidies, fhall directly or indirectly take or receive any Bribe, Recompence or Reward, in any kind whatſoever, or connive at any falfe Entry of any Goods or Merchandizes, whereby the King's Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, fhall be defrauded or hindred in or of his Cuſtoms and Subfidies, or other Sums of Money, or Goods prohibited by the Law to be im- ported or exported into or out of the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, Town and Port of Ber- wick, be fuffered to paſs either by way of Importation or Exportation, the Perfon or Perfons therein offend- ing, ſhall forfeit the Sum of one Hundred Pounds, and be for ever afterwards incapable of any Office or Imployment under the King's Majeſty, his Heirs or Penalty on Succeffors, or any Authority derived from them; (2) &c, bribing. As alfo the Merchant, Mariner, or other Perfon or Merchant, · Perfons [115] Perfons whatſoever, who fhall give or pay any fuch Bribe, Recompence, or Reward, as aforefaid, fhall forfeit the Sum of fifty Pounds. 3 20. Provided nevertheleſs, That if any Perfon or Perfons re- Perſons offending, as aforefaid, ſhall reveal and make vealing their Offence known fuch his or their Offence in two Months Time within two. to the Treaſurer of England, the Chancellor, Under- Months, to be acquitted. Treaſurer, or Barons of the Exchequer, he fhall for that Offence be clearly acquitted and diſcharged. * Goods where nnmbered. 21. And be it further enacted, That all foreign Foreign Goods and Merchandize which by the Perfon or Per- to be landed, fons which are or fhall be appointed by His Majefty and how for the Managing of the Cuftoms, and the Cuftomer, weighed and Collector and Comptroller, fhall be permitted to be landed and taken up by Bills at Sight, Bills at View or Sufferance, fhall be landed at the moſt convenient Keys or Wharfs where the faid Perfon or Perfons fo to be appointed Cuſtomer or Collector or Comptroller, fhall appoint, and not elſewhere, and there or in His Majeſty's Store-houſe of the reſpective Ports, at the Election of the faid Perfon or Perfons fo to be appoint- ed, and the Officers, fhall be meaſured, weighed and number'd by and in the Prefence of the Officers to be thereunto particularly appointed; (2) which ſaid Of- ficers fo appointed fhall perfect the Entry, and there- unto fhall fubfcribe their Names, and the next Day following fhall give Account and make Report of eve- ry refpective Entry fo perfected, as aforefaid, to the faid Perfon or Perfons which are or fhall be appointed e 2 to [ 116]. > to manage His Majefty's Cuſtoms, Cuftomer, or Collector and Comptroller aforefaid, without reaſonable Cauſe to be allowed by the faid Perfon or Perfons, or Officers aforefaid; or in Default thereof, fhall forfeit Penalty, the Sum of one Hundred Pounds. Letters, not Veſſels for 22. Be it alfo enacted, That no Ship, Veffel or carrying Boat, appointed and imployed ordinarily for the to import or Carriage of Letters and Packets, fhall (unleſs it be in export Mer- fuch Cafes as ſhall be allowed by the ſaid Perſon or chandize. Perfons which are or fhall be appointed to manage His Majeſty's Cuſtoms or Officers aforefaid) import or ex- port any Goods or Merchandize into or out of the Parts beyond the Seas, upon the Penalty of the For- Penalty. feiture of one Hundred Pounds to be paid by the Ma- fter of the faid Veffel or Boat, with the lofs of his Place, and all Goods and Merchandize that ſhall be found on board any fuch Ship, Veffel or Boat, ſhall be forfeited and loft. 1 Officers of the Admiral- 32. And be it further enacted and ordained, That ty,Captains, all Officers belonging to the Admiralty, Captains and &c. to be Commanders of Ships, Forts, Caftles and Block-houſes, aiding to the Officers and as alfo all Juftices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Perfons for Bailiffs, Conftables and Headboroughs, and all the Manage King's Majefty's Officers, Minifters and Subjects what- ment of the Cuftams. foever whom it may concern, fhall be aiding and af fifting to all and every Perſon and Perfons which are or ſhall be appointed by His Majefty to manage his Cuſtoms, and the Officers of His Majefty's Cuſtoms, and their reſpective Deputies in the due Execution of all [ 117 ] all and every Act and Thing in and by this preſent Act required and enjoined, and all fuch who fhall be aiding and aſſiſting unto them in the due Execution thereof, fhall be defended and faved harmleſs by vir- tue of this A&t. Anno 22do Car. II. Cap. 5. An Act for taking away the Benefit of Clergy from fuch as fteal Cloth from the Rack, and from fuch as fhall Steal or imbezel His Majefty's Ammunition and Stores. by St. 2. C.25, WHEREAS many evil-difpofed Perfons have Enforced in of late more frequently than in former Times, 1 Ġeo. I. ufed and practifed the Cutting of Cloth and other S. 11. Woollen Manufactures in the Night-time, off from the Racks or Tenters, where the faid Cloth is put for the Drying thereof, and feloniously steal and carry away the fame, to the utter Undoing and Impoverishing of many Clothiers, and the great Hindrance of the Trade of Cloathing. 2. And whereas by an Act of Parliament made in 31El, C.4. the one and thirtieth Year of the Reign of the late Queen Elizabeth, it is amongst other Things enacted, That I T 118 ] Perfons from the That if any Perfon having the Charge or Cuftody of any Armour, Ordnance, Munition, Shot, Powder or Habiliments of War of the faid Queen's, her Heirs or Succeſſors, or of any Victuals provided for the victuall ing of any Soldiers, Gunners, Mariners or Pioneers, fball for any Lucre or Gain, or willingly, advifedly and of Purpofe to hinder or impeach Her Majefty's Ser- vice, imbezel, purloin, or convey away any the fame Armour, Ordnance, Munition, Shot or Powder, Ha- biliments of War, or Victuals to the Value of twenty Shillings, at one or feveral Times, that then every Such Offence ſhall be adjudged Felony, and the Offender therein to be proceeded on, and fuffer as in Cafe of Felony; (2) Unto the committing of which feveral Of fences many Perfons are the more emboldened, in re- Spect that in thofe Cafes the Benefit of Clergy is allowed by Law. 3. Be it therefore enacted by the King's moſt Ex- Stealing Cloth cellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent Rack, or of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Com- imbezelling mons in this preſent Parliament affembled, and the His Maje- fty's Stores Authority thereof, that no Perfon or Perfons who fhall to the Value from and after the five and twentieth Day of May, in the of 20 s. and Year of our Lord one Thoufand fix Hundred and Seven- thereof found guilty, ty, be indicted for felonious Cutting and Taking, Steal- hall be ex- ing or Carrying away of any Cloth or other Woollen cluded from Manufactures, from the Rack or Tenter in the Night- of Clergy. time; or for any Offence committed againſt the faid recited Act, made in the faid one and thirtieth Year of Queen Elizabeth; or fhall feloniouſly fteal or im- the Benefit 31. El. C. 4. bezel [119] bezel any of His Majefty's Sails, Cordage, or any other His Majefty's Naval Stores, to the Value of twenty Shillings, and thereupon found guilty by Ver- dict of twelve Men, or fhall confefs the fame upon his or their Arraignment, or will not anſwer directly to the fame according to the Laws of this Realm, or fhall ftand wilfully, or of Malice, and obftinately Mute, or Challenge peremptorily above the Number of Twenty, or fhall be upon fuch Indictment outlawed, ſhall from and after the faid five and twentieth Day of May, not be admitted to have the Benefit of his or their Clergy, but utterly be excluded thereof, and ſhall ſuffer Death in fuch Manner and Form as they fhould if they were no Clerks. transport 4. Provided always, and be it further enacted by Judges may the Authority aforefaid, That it ſhall and may be be reprieve and lawful for the Judges or Juftices of the Court before them. whom fuch Offender ſhall be arraigned and condemn- ed, at their Diſcretion to grant a Reprieve for the ftaying of Execution of fuch Offender, and to cauſe fuch Offender to be tranſported to any of His Maje- fty's Plantations beyond the Seas, there to remain for the Space of feven Years, to be accounted from the Time of fuch Tranſportation, and during all that Time there to be kept to Labour: (2) And if ſuch Of Penalty for fender ſhall refuſe to be ſo tranſported, or after fuch refusing to Tranſportation fhall return, or come again into this ed, or re- Kingdom of England, or the Dominion of Wales, or turning. - Town of Berwick upon Tweed, within the Time aforeſaid, that then, and in every fuch Caſe the Per- fon i be transport- [ 120 ] fon fo returning fhall be put to Execution upon the Judgment fo given and pronounced againſt them. do Anno 22 and 23° Car. II. Cap. 11. (1) An Act to prevent the Delivery up of Mer- chants Ships, and for the Increase of good and ferviceable Shipping. HEREAS it often happeneth that Mafters and Commanders of Merchants Ships do fuffer their Ships to be boarded, and the Goods to be taken out by Pirates and Sea-Rovers, notwithstanding they have fufficient Force to defend themselves; whereby not only the Merchants are much prejudiced, but the Ho- nour of the Engliſh Navigation is thereby much dimi- niſhed, and Merchants difcouraged from lading their Goods on board English Ships, to the Decay of Shipping: In the Prefervation of which, the Wealth, Honour and Safety of this Nation is fo much concerned: (2) To which the faid Mafters are encouraged by a Practice uſed towards them by the Turks and others, who, after they have taken out the Goods, as an Encouragement to Mafters of Ships to yeild, do not only restore the Ship with fuch Goods as are claimed by the Mafters or Sea- men, but many Times pay unto the Maſters all or fome Part of the Freight, which hath many Times caufed Sufpicion of Treachery in the faid Mafters, to the great Dishonour of the English Nation. 2. For [ 121 ] up any Ship to any Pi- rates, &c. the Com- 2. For the Prevention thereof for the Future, and No Mater for the better Encouragement to Merchants, as wellhall deliver Foreigners as English, to freight and ufe English of 200 Tons Ships; (2) Be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent and 16 Guns Majesty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons affem- without bled in Parliament, and by Authority of the fame, fighting. That where any Goods or Merchandizes fhall be laden on board any English Ship, which Ship, fhall be of the Burthen of two Hundred Tons or upwards, and mounted with fixteen Guns, or more, if the Ma- fter or Commander fhall yeild up the faid Goods to Upon Proof any Turkish Ships or Veffels, or to any Pirates or Sea- in the Ad- Rovers, whatſoever, without fighting, that then and miralty, in- in ſuch Caſe the Mafter fhall, upon Proof thereof capable of made in the High Court of Admiralty, be from thence- mand of a forth incapable of taking Charge of any English Ship Ship. or Veffel, as Maſter or Commander thereof; (3) And If after- if he fſhall at any Time thereafter preſume to take up- on him the on him to command any English Ship or Veffel, he Command of any Ship, fhall fuffer Impriſonment by Warrant from the faid he ball be Court, during the Space of fix Months for every fuch imprisoned Offence: (4) And in cafe the Perfon fo taking the by the Ad- miralty faid Goods, fhall releaſe, give back, or let paſs the Court. faid Ship, fhall pay unto the faid Mafter any Sum or Sums of Money, or any Goods in lieu of Money for Freight, or other Reward or Gift, that in all or any fuch Cafes, the faid Goods or Money fo given, or the Value thereof, as alfo the Maſter's Part of fuch Ship, her Tackle, Apparel and Furniture ſo releaſed, given back, R wards takes [ 122 ] from the Where the back, or let pafs, out of which the faid Goods were Mafter re- ceives back taken, fhall be liable to repair the Perfons whoſe Goods were fo delivered or taken, by Action in the Pirate, &c. High Court of Admiralty : (5) And in caſe the Com- any Part of the Goods mander's, or Maſter's Part of the Ship, Tackle, Appa- taken, &c. rel and Furniture, together with fuch Money and The Mafter not to de- part out of bis Ship, Goods given, as aforefaid, fhall not be ſufficient to repair all the Damages ſuſtained, then the Reparations to be recovered on the Maſter's or Commander's Part of the Ship, to be divided pro rata, amongſt the Per- fons profecuting and proving their Damages, and the Perfons damaged to have their Action againſt the Ma- fter for the Remainder. 3. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Mafter of any fuch English Ships, as aforefaid, being at Sea, and having difcovered any baving dif- Ship to be a Turkish Ship, Pirate or Sea Rover, ſhall Pirate, &c. depart out of his Ship upon any Pretence whatſoever, left by his Detention on board any fuch Ship, the Safe- ty of his own Ship be hazarded. cover'd a The Penalty Ship is un- der 200 4. And be it further enacted, That if the Maftér though not of the where the of any English Ship or Veffel, Burthen of two hundred Tons, or mounted with Tons and 16 Sixteen Guns as aforefaid, fhall yeild his Ship unto any Turkish Ship, Pirate, or Sea-Rover, (not having at the leaft his double Number of Guns) without fighting, every fuch Maſter ſhall be liable to all and every the Guns. Penalties in this Act contained. 5. And [123] * 4 * 5. And be it further enacted by the Authority They or aforefaid, That upon Proceſs made out of the High by Process Court of Admiralty, it fhall and may be lawful to, out of the and for all Commanders of His Majefty's Ships of Admirally to be feized War, or the Commanders of any other English Ships, by Com- to feize fuch Ships or Maſters fo offending, according manders of the King's to the faid Procefs in fuch Cafe to be iffued, and the Ships of fame to bring or fend in Cuftody into any Ports of War or His Majeſty's Dominions, there to be proceeded againſt others. according to the Intent and Meaning of this Act. Not to vio- late the 6. Provided, That none be hereby encouraged to violate the Rights of the Ports of any foreign Prince Rights of or State in Amity with the King's Majefty. any foreign Prince. Mariners 7. And be it further enacted by the Authority Penalty for aforefaid, That if the Mariners or inferior Officers of refusing to any English Ship, laden with Goods and Merchan-fight. dizes, as aforefaid, fhall decline, or refuſe to fight and defend the Ship, when they ſhall be thereunto com- manded by the Mafter or Commander thereof, or ſhall utter any Words to difcourage the other Mari- ners from defending the Ship, that every Mariner who fhall be found guilty of declining or refuſing, as afore- faid, fhall lofe all his Wages due to him; together with fuch Goods as he hath in his Ship, and ſuffer Impriſonment, not exceeding the Space of fix Months, and fhall during fuch Time be kept to hard Labour for his or their Maintenance. R 2 8. Provided [ 124 ] Where the Maſter is forced to yeild his Ship, there be is ex- cufed. 8. Provided always, That if any Ship fhall have been yeilded, as aforefaid, contrary to the Will and Endeavour of the Maſter or Commander, by the Dif obedience of the Mariners, teftified by their having laid violent Hands on him; That in fuch Cafe the Maſter or Commander ſhall not be liable to the Sen- tence of Incapacity, as aforefaid; nor to any Action for the Loffes fuftained by the Merchants, unleſs he ſhall have received back from the Takers thereof, his Ship or fome Recompence, Gift or Reward, as afore- faid. Mariners 9. And be it further enacted by the Authority forcing him to yeild bis aforefaid, That every Mariner who fhall have laid vio- Ship, Felony.lent Hands on his Commander, whereby to hinder him from fighting in Defence of his Ships and Goods committed to his Truft, fhall fuffer Death as a Felon. When any Officers or Seamen are their Ship, • 10. And for the better Encouragement to Captains, Mafters, Officers and Seamen, to defend their Ship; wounded in (2) Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That Defence of when any Engliſh Ship ſhall have been defended by Provifion is Fight, and brought to her defigned Port, in which made for Fight any of the Officers or Seamen fhall have been wounded, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Judge of His Majeſty's High Court of Admiralty, or his Surrogate, or the Judge of the Vice-Admiralty within which the Ship fhall arrive at her Return, up- on Petition of the Mafter or Seamen of fuch Ship fo defended as aforefaid, to call unto him fuch, and fo their Mainte- nance. many 1 1 [125] < against Pi- many as he ſhall be informed to be Adventurers or Owner's of the Ship and Goods fo defended, and by Advice with them to raiſe and levy upon the reſpective Seamen Owners and Adventurers, by Procefs out of the faid maimed in Court, fuch Sum or Sums of Money, as himfelf with fighting the major Part of the Adventurers or Owners then rates, pro- vided for by prefent, fhall judge reaſonable, not exceeding the 8 Geo. I. Value of two per Cent. of the Ship and Goods fo de- C.24. S. 5.- fended according to the firft Coft of the Goods to be made appear by the Invoice (which the Owner or his Factor, or Correfpondent, is hereby required to pro- ´duce) or by the Oath of the faid Owner, Factor, or Correfpondent, if thereunto required; (3) Which Money fo raiſed, ſhall be paid unto the Regiſter of the faid Court, who fhall receive for the fame, three Pence in each Pound, and no more thence, to be dif tributed amongſt the Captain, Maſter, Officers and Seamen of the faid Ship, or Widows and Children of the Slain, according to the Direction of the Judge of the faid Court, with the Approbation of Three or more of the Owners or Adventurers aforefaid, who fhall proportion the fame according to their beſt Judgments, unto the Ship's Company, as aforefaid, having fpecial Regard unto the Widows and Children of fuch as fhall have been flain in that Service, and to fuch as fhall have been wounded or maimed. The Benefit' they are to 11. And in caſe the Company belonging unto any English Merchant-Ship, fhall happen to take any receive by Ship, which fhall firſt have affaulted them, the re- taking a fpective Officers and Mariners belonging to the fame, Ship that fball affault fhall, them. [126] Felony for any Officer Perfon wil fully to de- or other Stroy any Ship. fhall, after Condemnation of fuch Ship and Goods, have and receive to their own proper Ufe and Bene- fit, fuch Part and Share thereof, as is ufually practif- · ed in private Men of War. ť 12. And whereas it often happeneth that Mafters and Mariners of Ships, having injured, or taken upon Bottomry, greater Sums of Money than the Value of their Adventure, do willfully caft away, burn, or other- wife deſtroy the Ships under their Charge, to the Mer- chants and Owners great Lofs; (2) For the Preven- tion thereof for the Future; Be it enacted by the Au- thority aforefaid, That if any Captain, Mafter, Ma- riner, or other Officer belonging to any Ship, fhall wilfully caft away, burn, or otherwiſe deſtroy the Ship unto which he belongeth, or procure the fame to be done, he ſhall fuffer Death as a Felon. 15 C. 7. do Anno 22 and 23° Car. II. C. 26. An Act to prevent the Planting of Tobacco in England, and for regulating the Plan- tation Trade. IS Car. II. 10. AND whereas by one Act of Parliament, in the fifteenth Year of His Majefty's Reign, intituled, An A&t for the Encouragement of Trade, It is de- clared, That inasmuch as His Majefty's Plantations. beyond [ 127 ] beyond the Seas, are inhabited with his Subjects of England, for the maintaining a better Correfpondency betwixt them, and keeping them in a firmer Dependance upon it, and rendring them yet more Beneficial and Advantagious unto it, in the further Imployment and Encreaſe of English Shipping and Seamen, vent of Woolen and other Manufactures, rendring the Navi- gation to and from the fame more Safe and Cheap, and making this Kingdom a Staple, not only of the Commo- dities of thofe Plantations, but also of the Commodities of other Countries, for the fupplying them (it being the Ufage of other Nations to keep their Plantation-Trades to themſelves); (2) It was therefore enacted, That no Goods or Commodities of Europe, fhall be carried into any the Plantations of Afia, Africa or America, but what shall, bona fide, be laden and ſhipped in England, and in Engliſh-built Ships, or Ships made free, and navigated with English, according to an Act of Par- liament on that Behalf: (3) And that no Officer of the Cuftoms in England or Wales, fhall give any Warrant, or fuffer any Sugar, Tobacco, and other Plantation Goods therein particularly named,to be carried into any other Country or Place whatsoever, until they have been firft bona fide unladen in England, as by the ſaid A&t: doth more at large appear. 11. Notwithstanding which, fome Perfons taking Advantage of the not mentioning the Repealing of the Word 'Ireland', in one Clauſe in an A&t of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of His Majefty's Reign, in- tituled, An Act for the Encouraging and Encrease of 12 Car. II. Shipping 19, C. 18. S.. [128] Shipping and Navigation; where Bonds are directed to be taken for all Ships that fhall lade any Sugar, or other Commodities therein particularly mentioned, in any of the faid Plantations, That the fame Commodities fhall be by the faid Ship brought to fome Port of Eng- land, Ireland, Wales, or Town or Port of Berwick, and fhall there unload, and put the fame on Shore, the faid Perfons having either refufed to give Bond for the Return of their Ships in fuch Cafe to England, Wales, or Town or Port of Berwick only, or having given ſuch · Bonds, have nevertheless gone with their Ships to Ire- land; by which Means (although this Kingdom hath and doth daily fuffer a great Prejudice by the transporting great Number of the People thereof to the faid Planta- tions, for the peopling of them) yet that the Trade of them would thereby in a great Meafure be diverted from hence, and carried elsewhere, His Majefty's Cuftoms, and other Revenues much leffened, and this Kingdom not continue a Staple of the faid Commodities of the faid Plantations, nor that Vent for the Future, of the Vic- tual, and other native Commodities of this Kingdom; The Word (2) Be it therefore enacted, and it is hereby enacted Ireland' by the Authority aforefaid, That the Word Ireland, Shall be left aflfhall from and after the twenty-fourth Day of May, Plantation in the Year of our Lord one Thouſand fix Hundred Bonds. and Seventy-one, be left out of all fuch Bonds which ſhall be taken for any Ship or Veffel which ſhall ſet Sail out of, or from England, Ireland, Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, for any English Plan- port of the tation in America, Afia, and Africa; (3) And that Condition of in cafe the faid Ship or Veffel fhall load any of the fuch Bonds. The Pur- faid [129] faid Commodities at any of the faid English Plantati- ons, That the faid Commodities fhall be by the ſaid Ship or Veffel brought to fome Port of England or Wales, or to the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, and fhall there unload and put on Shore the fame (the Danger of the Seas only excepted) and in like Manner for all Ships coming from any other Port or Place, to any of the aforefaid Plantations, who by the aforefaid A&t for Encouraging and Encreaſe of Shipping, are permitted to trade there: (4) That from and after the nine and twentieth Day of September, in the Year of our Lord one Thouſand fix Hundred Seventy and One, the Governor of fuch English Plantations fhall before the faid Ship or Veffel be permitted to load on board any of the faid Commodities, take Bond in Bonds to be Manner, and to the Value mentioned and directed in given before Goods fuf- the above mentioned Act for the Encouraging and fer'd to be Encreaſe of Shipping and Navigation, for each refpec- loaded on tive Ship or Veffel, That fuch Ship or Veffel fhall car- ry all the aforefaid Goods that be laden on board the faid Ship, to fome other of His Majefty's English Plan- tations, or to England, Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed: (5) And that every fuch Ship or Veffel Penalty. which from and after the faid nine and twentieth Day of September, in the Year of our Lord one Thou- fand fix Hundred Seventy and One, ſhall load or take on board any of the faid Commodities, until fuch Bond given to fuch Governor, or Certificate produced See further from the Officers of ſome Cuſtom-houfe of England, these Bonds. relating to Wales, or of the Town of Berwick, that fuch Bond 7 and 8 W. hath been there duly given, or which contrary to the III. C. 22. Tenor S board. S. 13. [130] Penalty where to be. profecuted. Tenor of fuch Bond, fhall carry the faid Goods to any Land, Ifland, Territory, Dominion, Port or Place whatſoever, other than to fuch other English Plantati ons, as do belong to His Majefty, his Heirs and Suc- ceffors, or to the Kingdom of England, Principality of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, and there lay the fame on Shore; that every fuch Ship or Veffel fhall be forfeited, with all her Guns, Tackle, Apparel, Ammunition, Furniture and Lading; the one Moiety to the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to him or them that ſhall ſeize and fue for the fame in any of the ſaid Plantations, in the Court of the High Admiral of England, or of any of his Vice-Admirals, or in any Court of Record in Eng- land, wherein no Effoin, Protection or Wager of Law fhall be allowed. 12. And whereas many Complaints have been made of Shipping, and Veffels belonging to fome of His Ma- jefty's Colonies in America, that contrary to the Intent and Meaning of this, and other afore-mentioned Laws, they have brought and tranſported the faid Commodities to divers Parts of Europe, and there unloaded the fame: Governors (2) Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, of the Ame- That the Governors, or their Commanders in Chief, tations to re- of his Majefty's reſpective Plantations, do once a Year turn yearly at leaſt, make a Return to His Majeſty's Officers of his Cuſtoms in the. Port of London, or to fuch other Perfon or Perſons as His Majeſty ſhall appoint to re- ceive the fame, a Lift of all fuch Ships or Veffels, as rican Plan- to the Cu- Atom-bouſe a Lift of the Ships and Commodities therein. ſhall lade any of the faid Commodities in fuch Plan- tations [131] tations refpectively, as alfo a Lift of all the Bonds taken by them: (3) And in cafe any Ship or Veffel belong- Forfeiture in cafe of ing to any of His Majefty's Plantations, which ſhall Ships un- have on board her any Sugars, Tobacco, Cotton-Wool, loading any Indicoes, Ginger, Fuſtick or other dying Wood, fhall Sugars, &c. except in be found to have unladed in any Port or Place of Eu- England, rope, other than England, Wales, or the Town of &c. Berwick upon Tweed, That fuch Ship or Veffel fhall be forfeited, with all her Guns, Tackle, Apparel, Ammunition, Furniture and Lading, to be recovered and divided, as aforefaid. any Admi- 13. And that it ſhall and may be lawful for any May be pro- Perſon or Perſons, to profecute fuch Ship or Veffel in fecuted in any Court of Admiralty in England; the one Moiety ralty Court of the Forfeiture in cafe of Condemnation, to be to His inEngland. Majeſty, his Heirs and Succeffors; and the other Moi- ety to fuch Proſecutor or Profecutors thereof. to be taken A&t. 14. And laſtly it is hereby enacted, and be it fur- Tangier not ther enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That Tangier to be a ſhall not be deemed or taken to be a Plantation to Plantation His Majeſty belonging in Afia, Africa or America, within this within the Intent and Meaning of this Act, or any of the afore-mentioned Acts, fo as to enjoy any Right, Privilege or Benefit of Trading, to or from the faid Plantations, or any of them; any Law, Act, Ufage or Declaration to the contrary notwithſtanding. S 2 15. Provided $ [132] Continu- ance. 15. Provided always, and be it enacted, That this Act ſhall continue in Force for nine Years, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament, and no longer. Continued by 5 Geo. I. C. 11. S. 19. So long as 1 2 Car. II. C. 4. fhall continue. no 飘 ​Anno 29¹º Car. II. Cap. 3. An Act for Prevention of Frauds and Şoldiers and 23. Mariners Wills ex- cepted out P Perjuries. ROVIDED always, That notwithſtand- ing this Act, any Soldier being in actual military Service, or any Mariner or Seaman being at of this Alt. Sea, may difpofe of his Moveables, Wages and per- fonal Eſtate, as he or they might have done before the making of this Act. Anno [ 33 ] *. *. Anno mo Gul. & M. Cap. 32. I An Act for the better preventing the Ex- portation of Wool, and encouraging the Woolen Manufactures of this Kingdom. Continued by 4 and 5 W. and M. Cap. 24. S. 10. (except what relates to free Exportation of Woolen Manufacture) for three Years, with Proviſo that no Wool fhall be imported from Ireland to Exeter. A ND be it further enacted by the Authority Cocquet how to be made. 4. A aforefaid, That all Cocquets for carrying do. By 5 Geo. Provifions Wool from any Port within the Kingdom of England, I. C. 11. Dominion of Wales, or from the Port cf Berwick up- S. 14. Thefe on Tweed, fhall be written upon Paper, and not Parch- ment, and figned by Three of the chief Officers of to Wool- fuch reſpective Port at leaſt. are extended fells, Mort- lings, &c. •port Export. 6. Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, Ports of Im- That no Wool ſhall be ſhipped from the Kingdom of port and Ireland, but from theſe Ports following, (viz.) Dub- Alter'd by 7 lin, Waterford, Youghall, Kingfale, Cork, and Drog- and 8 W. beda; and that no Wool fhall be imported from the Kingdom of Ireland into any Ports but theſe follow- ing, viz. Liverpool, Chefter, Bristol, Minehead, Barn-- Ataple, Bidiford and Exeter. 14. Provided III. C. 28. S. 5. [134] 1 Wool from Southamp- ton. STO 14. Provided alfo, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to tranſport from the Port of Southampton only, for the only Uſe or Behoof of the Inhabitants of the İflands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, and Sark, and of the Woolen Manufactures there made, one Thou- fand Tods of unkembed Wool for the Ifland of Guern- fey, two Thousand Tods of unkembed Wool for the Inland of Jerfey, two Hundred Tods of unkembed Wool for the Ifland of Alderney, and one Hundred Tods of unkembed Wool for the Ifland of Sarke, more than by the ſaid Act made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second is directed and pro- vided for the fame, to be done according to the fame Rules, Orders, and Directions, and under the like Penalties and Forfeitures as in the faid Act is directed, ordained, appointed and inflicted, and on the further Penalty of twenty Pounds for every Tod of Wool, and Forfeiture of the Wool itſelf (one Half thereof to His Majefty, one quarter Part thereof to the Informer, and the other quarter Part to the Poor of the faid Iflands) in cafe any Perſon fhall again tranſport or attempt to tranſport any of the faid Wool from the faid Iſlands, for every Offence therein; and alſo that and alſo that every Perſon fo offending ſhall from and after the firft Offence be incapable of having or enjoying any Grant of any Wool from the faid Port of Southampton, nor fhall' ever hereafter have any Warrant given or granted him for that Purpoſe; the faid Penalties to be recovered by fuch Perfon as ſhall fue for the fame by any Action of Debt, [ 135 ] Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein no Ef- foign, Protection, Privilege, Wager of Law, Injunc- tion, or Order of Reſtraint is to be allowed, or any more than one Imparlance. Anno 2do Gul. & M. Seff. II. Cap. 2. (12) An Act concerning the Commiffioners of the Admiralty. HEREAS the Office of Lord High Admiral of England, hath at fundry Times, and for feve- ral Years, been executed, and all the Authorities to the Same belonging exercised by divers Commiſſioners for that Purpofe appointed by their Majefties and the late Kings, but of late fome Doubt hath rifen, whether cer- tain Authorities belonging to the faid Office of Lord High Admiral did or do of Right belong to, and might, may, or ought to have been or be exercifed by fuch Com- miffioners for the Time being: Now for avoiding all fuch Doubts and Questions. • miral may 2. Be it declared and enacted by the King's and The Power Queen's moft Excellent Majefties, by and with the of the Ad- Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- in allThings poral, and Commons, in this preſent Parliament af- be executed fembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all oners. and fingular Authorities, Jurifdictions, and Powers, which, by any Act of Parliament or otherwiſe have been. by Commiff [ 136 ] This Act gives no new or en- er. been, and are lawfully vefted, fettled, and placed in the Lord High Admiral of England for the Time be- ing, have always appertained to, and of Right might have been, and may, and fhall be had, enjoyed, uſed, exerciſed, and executed by the Commiffioners for ex- ecuting the Office of High Admiral of England for the Time being, according to their Commiffions, to all Intents and Purpoſes, as if the faid Commiffioners were Lord High Admiral of England. 3. Provided, That nothing in this Act contained ſhall extend, or be taken, or conftued to extend to give larged Pow- or allow to the Lord High Admiral, or to the Com- miffioners for executing the Office of High Admiral, any other Authority, Jurifdiction, or Power, than the Lord High Admiral lawfully had, or might have had, uſed and exerciſed, if this Act had not been made. Officers in Courts Martial to 4. Provided always, and be it enacted, That upon all Trials of Offenders by Courts Martial to be held by take the fol- Virtue of any Commiffion to be granted by the Lord lowing Oath. High Admiral, or the Commiffioners for executing the Office of High Admiral, every Officer preſent fhall, before any Proceeding to Trial, take an Oath before the Court (which Oath the Judge Advocate, or his Deputy for the Time being, are hereby reſpectively authorized to adminiſter) in theſe Words following; "You ſhall well and truly try and determine the "Matter now before You between Our Sovereign "Lord and Lady the King's and Queen's Majefties, "and the Prifoner to be tried; So help you God." Anno [137] 1 Anno 3° Gul. & M. Cap. 11. An Act for the better Explanation and Supplying the Defects of the former Laws, for the Settlement of the Poor. 4. P &c. in the ROVIDED always, and be it enacted, No Soldier, That no Soldier, Seaman, Shipwright, or or Mariner, other Artificer or Workman imployed in their Maje- King's Ser- fties Service, ſhall have any Settlement in any Pariſh, vice to have Port-Town, or other Town, by Delivery and Publi- before Dif cation of a Notice in Writing----, unleſs the ſame be miffion. after the Difmiffion of fuch Perfon out of their Maje- fties Service. a Settlement Anno 5to Gul. & M. Cap. 21. An Act for granting to their Majefties fe- veral Duties upon Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, for four Years, towards car- rying on the War against France. 6. PR ROVIDED, That nothing in this Act Probate of contained ſhall extend to charge the Probate Seaman's of any Will, or Letters of Adminiſtration of any com- excepted, Will, &c. mon Seaman or Soldier, "who fhall be flain or die in and not to be T their Stampt. [ 138 ] f their Majeſties Service, a Certificate, being produced from the Captain of the Ship or Veffel, or Captain of the Troop or Company, under whom fuch Seaman or Soldier ferved at the Time of his Death, and Oath made of the Truth thereof, before the proper Judge or Officer by whom fuch Probate or Adminiftration ought to be granted; which Oath fuch Judge or Of ficer is hereby authorized and required to adminifter, and for which no Fee or Reward fhall be taken.. Anno 6to &mo Gul. III. Cap. г1. An Act for the more effectual Suppreffing profane Curfing and Swearing. HEREAS it is found by Experience, that an Act of Parliament made in the one and twen- tieoh Year of the Reign of King James the Firft, inti- tuled, An Act to prevent and reform profane Swear- ing and Curfing, hath proved ineffectual to the Sup- preſſing of thofe deteftable Sins, by Reaſon of fome Defi- ciences in the faid Act; Be it therefore enacted by the King's moſt Excellent Majefty, by and with the Ad- vice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, The Forfei- and by the Authority of the fame, That if any Perfon tures of fe- veral De- or Perſons ſhall (after the four and twentieth Day of grees of Per- June, in the Year of our Lord one Thouſand Gx Hun- fons for dred Ninety five) profanely fwear or curfe in the Pre- fwearing. fence [139] # fence or hearing of any Juftice of Peace of the County, Riding, or Divifion, or of the Mayor or other Head Officer or Juftice of Peace for any City or Town Corporate, where fuch Offence is or fhall be commit- ted, or that fhall be thereof convicted by Oath of one Witneſs, or by the Confeffion of the Party offending, before any Juftice of Peace of the County, or Mayor, or Bailiff, or other Chief Officer or Juftice of the Peace of fuch City or Town Corporate, where the faid Offence ſhall be committed, that then, for every fuch Offence, the Party fo offending fhall forfeit and pay to the Ufe of the Poor of the Pariſh where fuch Offence or Offences fhall be commited, the reſpective Sums herein after mentioned (that is to fay) every Ser- Common vant, Day Labourer, common Soldier, and common Soldier. Seaman, one Shilling, and every other Perfon, two Shillings; and in cafe any of the Perfons aforefaid fhall, after Conviction, offend a fecond Time, fuch Perſon ſhall forfeit and pay double; and if a third Time, treble the Sum reſpectively by him or her to be paid for the firſt Offence. Seaman, or 2. And it is hereby further enacted, That upon To be levied Neglect or Refufal of Payment of the faid Forfeiture, by Diftreſs. any Juftice of Peace of the County, Riding, or Divi- fion, or Mayor, or other Head Officer or Juftice of Peace of any City or Town Corporate, where the faid Offences fhall be committed, fhall, and are hereby authorized and required to direct and fend his Warrant to the Conſtable, Tythingman, Church-warden, or Overfeer of the Poor of the Pariſh where the Of T 2 fence [ 140 ] If no Dif treſs, Of- } fender to be Set in the Stocks, &c. No Perfon H 1 fence fhall be committed, or where the Offender fhall inhabit, thereby commanding them, or fome one or more of them, to levy, by Diftrefs and Sale of the Goods of the Offender, the Sum fo forfeited, for the Ufe of the Poor of the Pariſh, as aforefaid; and in cafe no fuch Diſtreſs can be had, then every fuch Of- fender, being above the Age of fixteen Years, fhall, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of the faid Ju- ftice of Peace or other Officer, as aforefaid, be publick- ly fet in the Stocks for the Space of one Hour for eve- ry fingle Offence, and for any Number of Offences, whereof he fhall be convicted at oné and the fame Time, then two Hours; and if the Party offending be under the Age of fixteen Years, and ſhall not forth- with pay the faid Forfeitures, then he or ſhe ſhall by Warrant, as aforefaid, be whipped by the Conſtable, or by the Parent, Guardian, or Mafter of fuch Offend- er, in the Preſence of the Conftable. Anno 7mo & 8vo Gul. III. Cap. 19. 1 An Act to encourage the bringing Plate in- to the Mint to be coined, and for the fur- ther remedying the ill State of the Coin of the Kingdom. 10 foip mol. 6. AND for the more effectual prohibiting the to ſhip ten Silver or Bullion without melting down the Coin of this Kingdom, and filver Plate wrought within this Realm, and the Ex- Certificate ・portation of the molten Silver and Bullion of this Kingdom, [141] 1 } · that the 28. As to Hilts, Kingdom, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, and Oath That from and after the laſt Day of March, One fame is fo- Thoufand Six Hundred Ninety-fix, no Perfon or reign Bulli- Perſons whatſoever fhall ſhip or cauſe to be ſhipped on, and not coined, clipt, or put on Board any Veffel or Ship whatſoever, any &c. in Molten Silver or Bullion whatſoever, either in Bars, England. Ingots, Wedges, Cakes, Pinas, or in any other Form See 9 & 10 whatſoever, unleſs a Certificate be firft had and ob- W. III. C. tained from the Court of the Lord Mayor and Al- exporting dermen of the City of London, Oath having been Watches, made before the faid Court, by the Owner or Owners Sword- of fuch Molten Silver or Bullion, and likewiſe by two wrought or more credible Witneffes, that the fame Molten Plate, &c. Silver, and Bullion, and every Part and Parcel thereof, was and is Foreign Bullion, and that no Part thereof was (before the fame was Molten) the Coin of this Realm, or Clippings thereof, nor Plate wrought within this Kingdom; which Oath the faid Court of the Lord-Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lon- don are hereby required and authorized to adminifter, and to examine ftrictly all and every fuch Perfons as fhall make fuch Oath concerning the Premiffes, * # ? . Name. and likewiſe to make and grant a Certificate thereof, Certificate as aforefaid, without Fee or Reward; which Certi- to exprefs ficate fhall alſo contain and exprefs the Name and the Owner's Names of the Owner or Owners of fuch Molten Silver Weight of or Bullion, and of the Witneſs or Witneffes, and the Bullion. true Weight of fuch Molten Silver or Bullion ; An aud given. Entry of which Certificate fhall be duly made by gratis. the faid Court, in a Book to be kept for that Pur- pofe; which Certificate fhall be fhewn to the Com- miffioners to be entred [142] without { miffioners of the Cuftoms for the Time being, or four of them before any Cocket be granted for the exporting fuch Molten Silver or Bullion; And an Entry thereof ſhall be alfo duly made by the faid Commiffioners of the Cuſtoms, in a Book to be kept by them for that Purpoſe. + > 7. And be it further enacted, that if any Perſon or Perſons whatſoever ſhall ſhip, or cauſe to be fhip- Molten Sil- ped, or put on Board any Veffel or Ship any Molten ver or Bul-Silver or Bullion whatfoever, as aforefaid, without lion ſhipt Oath, Certificate, and Entry, firſt made and obtained, Oath, &c. as is before provided, in every fuch Cafe it ſhall and Officers,&c. may feize. may be lawful to and for any Officer or Officers of his Majeſty's Cuſtoms, or any other Perfon or Perfons, to feize fuch Molten Silver and Bullion fo fhipped and put on Board, as forfeited; one Moiety whereof fhall be to his Majefty, his Heirs, and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to the Officer and Officers, or Per- Penalty on fons fo feizing the fame; And the Owner or Owners, the Owner. Proprietor or Proprietors of fuch Molten Silver or Bullion fhall forfeit double the Value of fuch Molten One Moiety Silver or Bullion; one Moiety whereof fhall be to to the King, his Majefty, and the other Moiety to the Perfon that the other to fhall fue or inform for the fame, to be recovered, the Seizer. with Cofts of Suit, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein no Privilege, Protection, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed, nor any more than Maſter of the Ship, if one Imparlance; And the Captain or Mafter of ſuch it belong to Ship or Veffel (if the fame belong to a Subject) who Subject, to fhall knowingly permit the faid Molten Silver. or 1 forfeit 2001. Bullion + 7 11 [ 43 ] 1 Bullion to be put on Board his faid Ship or Veffel, fhall forfeit to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall fue or inform for the fame, the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, to be fued for and recovered in Manner as aforefaid; And in Caſe the Ship or Veffel be a Man If Captain of War, or Veffel belonging to his Majefty, then the of a Man of War, to for- Captain thereof fhall forfeit the Sum of Two Hun- feit 2001. dred Pounds to any Perfon that fhall fue for the and lofe bis fame, as aforefaid, and fhall forfeit his Imployment, Poft, and be incapable of and be made uncapable of any Office or Imployment, any Imploy- Civil or Military. ment. mo Anno 7 & 8° Gul. III. Cap. 21. An Act for the Increafe and Encourage- ment of Seamen. IO. A Six-pence out of all wards the ND be it further enacted by the Autho- per menfem rity aforefaid, - That every Seaman to be paid whatſoever, that fhall ferve his Majefty, his Heirs, or Seamens Succeffors, or any other Perſon or Perfons whatſoever, Wages to- in any of his Majeſty's Ships, or in any Ship or Veffel Support of whatſoever, belonging or to belong to any the Sub- Greenwich jects of England, or any other his Majefty's Dominions, Hofpital. fhall allow, and there fhall be paid out of the Wages & 3 Ann. every fuch Seaman to grow due for fuch his Ser- C. 6. S. 7. Parish Ap- vice, Six-pence per menfem for the better Support of prentices to the faid *Hoſpital, and to augment the Revenues the Sea Ser- vice exempted till the Age of 18 Years. * i. e. Greenwich Hospital. of thereof Note, By 2 [144] thereof for the Purpoſes aforefaid; which monthly Allowance fhall and may be collected, levied, and recovered by fuch Officers, and according to fuch See 10Ann. Rules and Methods, as fhall in that Behalf be ap- pointed by the faid Commiffioners for executing the 2 Geo. II. Office of Lord High Admiral of England, or any 2.Geo. II. three or more of them, or by the Lord High Ad- miral of England for the Time being. C. 17. C. 7. C. 36. C. 18. f Anno mo & 8vo Gul. III. Cap. 22. An Act for preventing Frauds and regu- lating Abufes in the Plantation Trade. WHEREAS notwithstanding divers Acts made for the Encouragement of the Navigation of this Kingdom, and for the better fecuring and re- gulating the Plantation Trade, more especially one Act 12 Car. II. of Parliament made in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of the late King Charles the Second, intituled, An Act for increafing of Shipping and Navigation, great Abufes are daily committed, to the Prejudice of the English Navigation, and the Lofs of a great Part of the Plantation Trade to this Kingdom, by the Artifice and Cunning of ill difpofed Perfons: For Remedy whereof for the future, Goods not to 2. Be it enacted, and it is hereby enacted and or- imported or dained by the King's Moft Excellent Majefty, by exported to and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiri- or from the tual [145] or land, or in the Planta- only; and tual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament Plantations but in Ships affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, that built in F- after the five and twentieth Day of March, One gland, Ire- Thouſand Six Hundred Ninety Eight, no Goods Merchandizes whatſoever fhall be imported into, or tions: The exported out of, any Colony or Plantation to his Master and three fourths Majefty in Afia, Africa, or America, belonging or of the Ma- in his Poffeffion, or which may hereafter belong un-riners of the to, or be in the Poffeffion of his Majefty, his Heirs, Jaid Places or Succeffors, or fhall be laden in, or carried from the Ship to any one Port or Place in the ſaid Colonies or Planta- be wholly owned by tions to any other Port or Place in the fame, the People of the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town faid Places. of Berwick upon Tweed, in any Ship or Bottom, but what is or fhall be of the Built of England, or of the Built of Ireland, or the faid Colonies or Planta- tions, and wholly owned by the People thereof, or any of them, and navigated with the Maſters and three fourths of the Mariners of the faid Places only (except fuch Ships only as are or fhall be taken as Except Prize, and Condemnation thereof made in one of Prize Ships. the Courts of Admiralty in England, Ireland, or the faid Colonies or Plantations, to be navigated by the Mafter and three fourths of the Mariners English, or of the faid Plantations, as aforefaid, and whereof the Property doth belong to English Men: ---) under Pain of Forfeiture of Ship and Goods; one third Penalty. Part whereof to be to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs, and Succeffors, one third Part to the Gover- nor of the faid Colonies or Plantations, and the other third Part to the Perſon who fhall inform and fue for U the [146] Goods may in Prize the fame, by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Westminster, or in any Court in his Majeſty's Plantations, where fuch Offence ſhall be committed. } 3. And be it further enacted by the Authority be imported aforefaid, that (from and after the faid five and and exported twentieth Day of March) Goods, or Merchandizes Ships, the may be exported or imported to and from this King- Master and dom, the Colonies, Plantations, and Places aforefaid, three fourths of the Ma- in any fuch Ships as are or fhall be taken as Prize, riners being and whereof Condemnation fhall be made in one of Engliſh. Ships coming into, or go- tions, liable to the fame the Courts of Admiralty aforefaid, and fhall be na- vigated as aforefaid, by the Mafter, three fourths of the Mariners English, and whereof the Property fhall belong to English Men, any Law or Statute to the contrary notwithſtanding. < 6. And for the more effectual preventing of Frauds, ing out of and regulating Abuſes in the Plantation Trade in the Planta- America, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, that all Ships coming into, or going out of Rules, &c. any of the faid Plantations, and lading or unlading as Ships in any Goods or Commodities, whether the fame be England, his Majefty's Ships of War, or Merchants Ships, and by 13 14 Car. II. the Maſters and Commanders thereof, and their Ladings, fhall be fubject, and liable, to the fame Rules, Vifitations, Searches, Penalties, and Forfei tures, as to the Entring, Lading, or Difcharging their respective Ships and Ladings, as Ships and their Ladings, and the Commanders and Masters of Ships C. 11. 4 are [147] } venue there as Officers are fubject and liable unto in this Kingdom, by Virtue of an Act of Parliament made in the four- teenth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An Act for preventing Frauds and regula- ting Abuſes in his Majeſty's Cuſtoms: And that the And Officers Officers for collecting and managing his Majefty's of the Re- Revenue, and infpecting the Plantation Trade in to have the any of the faid Plantations, fhall have the fame fame Powers Powers and Authorities, for vifiting and fearching of the Cuf- of Ships, and taking their Entries, and for feizing toms in En- and ſecuring, or bringing on Shoar any of the Goods gland. prohibited to be imported or exported into or out of any the ſaid Plantations, or for which any Duties are payable, or ought to have been paid by any of the before-mentioned Acts, as are provided for the Officers of the Cuftoms in England by the faid laft mentioned Act, made in the 14th Year of the Reign Penalty on of King Charles the Second, and alfo to enter Houfes Wharfin- or Warehouſes, to fearch for and feize any fuch afting in Goods; and that all the Wharfingers, and Owners Concealment or Reſcue of of Keys and Wharfs, or any Lightermen, Bargemen, Goods. Watermen, Porters, or other Perfons affifting in the Conveyance, Concealment, or Refcue, of any of the faid Goods, or in the hindring or Refiftance of any of the faid Officers in the Performance of their Du- ty, and the Boats, Bargés, Lighters, or other Veffels, imployed in the Conveyance of fuch Goods, fhall be fubject to the like Pains and Penalties as are provided by the fame Act made in the 14th Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, in Relation to prohibit- ed or uncuftomed Goods in this Kingdom; and that U 2 the fi gers, &c. [148] Listance to be C. II. ? The like Af- the like Affiftance fhall be given to the faid Officers in the Execution of their Office, as by the faid laft given the Officers, and mentioned Act is provided for the Officers in England'; the Officers and alfo that the faid Officers fhall be fubject to the Jubject to the fame Pe- fame Penalties and Forfeitures for any Corruptions, nalties, as Frauds, Connivances, or Concealments, in Violation by 13 and of the before-mentioned Laws, as any Officers of 14 Car. II. any the Cuſtoms in England are liable to, by Virtue of the faid laſt mentioned Act; and alfo that in Cafe any Officer or Officers in the Plantations fhall be fued or moleſted for any Thing done in the Execu- tion of their Office, the faid Officer fhall and may General Jue..plead the general Iffue, and fhall give this or other Cuſtom Acts in Evidence, and the Judge to allow thereof, have and enjoy the like Privileges and Ad- vantages, as are allowed by Law to the Officers of his Majeſty's Cuſtoms in England.. Forfeitures 7. And it is hereby further enacted; that all the bow to be Penalties and Forfeitures before mentioned, not in divided, and this Act particularly difpofed of, ſhall be one third where re- covered. - 1 Part to the Uſe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succef- fors, and one third Part to the Governor of the Cor lony or Plantation where the Offence fhall be com- mitted, and the other third Part to fuch Perfon or Perfons as ſhall fue for the fame, to be recovered in any of his Majeſty's Courts at Westminster, or in the Kingdom of Ireland, or in the Court of Admiralty, held in his Majefty's Plantations refpectively, where fuch Offence ſhall be committed, at the Pleaſure of the Officer or Informer, or in any other Plantation belonging [149] f belonging to any Subject of England, wherein no Effoign, Protection, or Wager of Law, fhall be al- lowed; and that where any Queftion ſhall ariſe con- Proof to lie cerning the Importation or Exportation of any Goods on the Ow- into or out of the faid Plantations, in fuch Cafe the Proof fhall lie upon the Owner or Claimer, and the Claimer fhall be reputed the Importer. or Owner. thereof.. } 8. And whereas in fome of his Majefty's American Plantations, a Doubt or Mifconftruction has arifen ✓ ner. C. 7. upon the before mentioned Act, made in the five and twentieth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Se- 25 Car. II: cond, whereby certain Duties are laid upon the Com- modities therein enumerated (which by Law may be transported from one Plantation to another for the Sup- ply of each others Wants) as if the fame were, by the Payment of thofe Duties in one Plantation, difcharged from giving the Securities intended by the aforefaid Acts, made in the twelfth, two and twentieth, and three and twentieth Years of the Reign of King Charles the Second, and confequently be at Liberty to go to any Foreign Market in Europe, without coming to England, Wales, or Berwick: It is hereby further No Goods to enacted and declared, that notwithſtanding the Pay- be shipped ment of the aforefaid Duties in any of the faid Plan- tho "Duties - paid in the tations, none of the faid Goods. fhall be ſhipped or Plantations, laden on Board, until fuch Security fhall be given as is required by the faid Acts, made in the twelfth, quired, by two and twentieth, and three and twentieth Years 12 Car. II. of the Reign of King Charles the Second, to carry 22 and 23 ་ the till Security given as re- C. 18. and A [ 156 ] Forfeiture Car, II. the fame to England, Wales, or Berwick, or to fome C. 26. on other of his Majefty's Plantations, and ſo toties quoties, of Ship and as any of the faid Goods fhall be brought to be re- ſhipped or laden in any of the ſaid Plantations, under the Penalty and Forfeiture of Ship and Goods, to be divided and diſpoſed of as aforefaid. Goods. Laws, By- laws, &c. pugnant to this Act, void. C 3 1. 9. And it is further enacted and declared by the of the Plan- Authority aforefaid, That all Laws, By-laws, Ufages tations, re- or Cuftoms, at this Time, or which hereafter fhall be in Practice, or endeavoured or pretended to be in Force or Practice in any of the faid Plantations, which are in any-wiſe repugnant to the before mentioned Laws, or any of them, fo far as they do relate to the faid Plantations, or any of them, or which are any ways repugnant to this prefent Act, or to any other Law hereafter to be made in this Kingdom, fo far as fuch Law fhall relate to and mention the faid Plan- tations, are Illegal, Null, and Void, to all Intents and Purpoſes whatſoever. d JU 10. And whereas great Frauds and Abufes have been committed by Scotch-men, and others, in the Plantation Tradeš, by obtruding falfe and counterfeit Certificates upon the Governor and Officers in the Plantations, appointed by his Majesty's Commiffioners of the Customs in England, of having given Security in this Kingdom to bring the Ladings of Plantation Goods to England, Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, as alfo Certificates of having difcharged their Lading of Plantation Goods in this Kingdom, purſuant - to [151] [ 151 to Securities taken in the Plantation, and alfo Cockets or Certificates of having taken in their Ladings of European Goods in England, Wales, or Berwick; by Means whereof they may carry the Goods of Scotland, and other Places of Europe, without ſhipping or Lad- ing the fame in England, Wales, or Berwick to his Majefty's Plantations, and alfo carry the Goods of the Plantations directly to Scotland, or to any other Mar- ket in Europe, without bringing the fame into England, Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed: It is hereby Officers fu- further enacted, That in fuch Cafes where the Gover-Specting Certificate, nor or Officers appointed by the Commiffioners of the to take Se- Cuſtoms in the Plantations fhall have reaſonable curity for Difcharge Ground of Sufpicion that fuch Certificates are falfe or of Plantati- counterfeit (that is to fay) that the Certificate of hav- on Lading; ing given Security in England is falfe, in fuch Cafe and not to the Governor or Officers appointed by the Commiffi- tificate, 'till oners of the Cuftoms ſhall require and take fufficient informed of Security there for the Diſcharge of the Plantation Lading in England, Wales, or Town of Berwick up- on Tweed; and in fuch Cafe where there fhall be Cauſe to fufpect that the Certificate of having dif- charged her Lading of Plantation Goods in this King- dom is falfe or Counterfeit, the Governor or Officers aforefaid ſhall not cancel or vacate the Security given in the Plantation, until he or they fhall be informed from the Commiffioners of the Cuſtoms in England, that the Matter of the faid Certificate is true; and if Penalty on any Perfon or, Perfons ſhall counterfeit, raze, or falfi- Perfons fy any Cocket, Certificate, Return, or Permit, for ing Coc- any Veffel or Goods, or fhall knowingly or willing-quets, &c. * ly cancel Cer- the Truth. counterfeit- [152] In Actions ons. ly make Uſe thereof, fuch Perfon or Perſons fhall for- feit the Sum of five Hundred Pounds, to be recovered and difpofed of as aforefaid, and the Cocket, Certifi- cate, Return, or Permit, fo counterfeited, razed, or falfified, ſhall be invalid, and of no effect. II. ---. Be it further alfo enacted, That upon any brought in Plantations, Actions, Suits, and Informations, that fhall be brought, Fury to be commenced, or entered in the faid Plantations, upon Natives of England, any Law or Statute concerning his Majefty's Duties, Ireland, or Ships or Goods to be forfeited by reafon of any un- or Plantati- lawful Importations or Exportations, there fhall not be any Jury, but of fuch only as are Natives of England or Ireland, or are born in his Majeſty's faid Plantati- ons; and alſo that upon all fuch Actions, Suits, and Informations, the Offences may be laid or alledged to be in any Colony, Province, County, Precinct, ör Divifion, of any of the faid Plantations where fuch Offences are alledged to be committed, at the Plea- fure of the Officer or Informer. Offence to be laid in any Colony thereof. 22 and 23 Car. 11. C. 26. 13. And whereas by the faid Act made in the two and twentieth and three and twentieth Years of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King Charles the Seconds the Bonds required to be given in the Plantations by: Virtue of the ſaid Act, for Encouraging and Increaf ing of Shipping and Navigation, are altered, and the Word Ireland to be left out of the Condition of all fuch Bonds; and by the ſaid A&t it is enacted and provided, That for fuch Ships or Veſſels coming from other Ports or Places, to any of the faid Plantations, which by the Said [153] Said Act for Encouraging and Increase of Shipping were permitted to trade there, the Governors of fuch English Plantations fhould, before the Said Ship or Veffel should be permitted to load on board any of the Commodities in the faid AEt particularly mentioned, take Bond in Manner and to the Value mentioned and directed in the above mentioned A&t for Encouraging and Increaſe of Shipping and Navigation, for each re- Spective Ship or Veffel, that fuch Ship or Veffel fhall carry all the aforefaid Goods, that ſhould be laden on board in the faid Ship, to fome other of his Majefty's Engliſh Plantations, or to England, Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed: But becauſe no Provifion hath hitherto been made for the returning and produc- ing Certificates within fome reaſonable limitted Time, of the landing and difcharging fuch Goods, according to the Condition of the faid Bonds; and alfo, because many Times it hath happened that the Sureties taken in the faid Bonds have been Perfons not refident in the faid Plantations, but of uncertain and unknown Abodes, the faid Bonds have proved ineffectual to the good Purpoſes intended by the faid Acts: Be it therefore Sureties in enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in all ſuch Bonds to be Bonds, to be hereafter given or taken in the faid Plan- of Ability, tations, the Sureties therein named fhall be Perſons of known Refidence and Ability in the ſaid Plantations, for the Value mentioned in the faid Bonds, and that the Condition of the faid Bonds fhall be within Condition of the faid eighteen Months after the Date thereof (the Danger of Bonds. the Seas excepted) to produce Certificate of having landed and diſcharged the Goods therein mentioned, X in Plantation- and known Refidence. [ 154 ] Engliſh- built Ships to be regi- tered, and Proof to be made on Note, 12 Car. II. C. 18. in one of his Majeſty's ſaid Plantations, or in England, Wales, or Berwick upon Tweed, otherwife fuch Bond or Copies thereof being attefted under the Hand and Seal of the Governor or Commander in Chief to whom fuch Bonds were given, fhall be in Force, and allowed of in any Court in England, Ireland, or the Plantations, as if the Original were produced in Court by the Profecutor. 17. And for a more effectual Prevention of Frauds which may be used to elude the Intention of this Act, by colouring foreign Ships under Engliſh Names: Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That Oath before from and after the five and twentieth Day of March, the Collec- which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one Thouſand tor of the fix Hundred Ninety-eight, no Ship or Veffel what- Cuſtoms. foever ſhall be deemed or paſs as a Ship of the Built of England, Ireland, Wales, Berwick, Guernsey, Jersey, or any of his Majefty's Plantations in America, fo as to be qualified to trade to, from, or in any of the ſaid 13 and 14 Plantations, until the Perſon or Perfons claiming Pro- Car. II. C.perty in fuch Ship or Veffel ſhall regiſter the ſame as followeth, that is to fay; if the Ship at the Time of fuch Regiſter doth belong to any Port in England, Ireland, Wales, or to the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, then Proof fhall be made upon Oath of one or more of the Owners of fuch Ship or Veffel, before the Collector and Comptroller of his Majefty's Cu- Or if belong- ing to Ame- ftoms of fuch Port; or if at the Time of fuch Regi- rica, &c. fter the Ship belong to any of his Majefty's Plan- before the tations in America, or to the Iflands of Guernsey, or Governor, 11. S. 6. Ferfey, [ 155 ] Jerſey, then the like Proof to be made before the Go- vernor together with the principal Officer of his Ma- jeſty's Revenue refiding on fuch Plantation or Iſland, which Oath the faid Governors and Officers of the Cuſtoms reſpectively are hereby authorized to admini- fter in the Tenor following, viz. Jurat A. B. That the Ship of The Oath. (Name) (Maſter's Name) (Port) whereof is at preſent Maſter, being a (kind of Built) of Tuns, was built at (Burthen) (Place where) in the Year and that of and (Time when) (Owner's Name) of, &c. are at preſent Owners thereof; and that no Foreigner, directly or indirectly, hath any Share or Part, or In- tereft therein. 18. Which Oath, being attefted by the Governor, Oath to be attested by or Cuſtom Officer refpectively, who adminiſtered the the Gover- fame, under their Hands and Seals, fhall, after having nor, and a been regiſtered by them, be delivered to the Maſter of Duplicate to be tranfmit- the Ship for the Security of her Navigation, a Dupli- ted. cate of which Regiſter ſhall be immediately tranfmit- ted to the Commiffioners of his Majeſty's Cuſtoms in the Port of London, in order to be entered in a general Regiſter, to be there kept for this Purpoſe, with Penalty upon any Ship or Veffel trading to, Penalty on from, or in any of his Majefty's Plantations in Ameri- Ships trad- ca, after the faid five and twentieth Day of March, ing to Ame- and not having made Proof of her Built and Property Proof of ber X 2 as rica without Built. [156] Prize-Ships and to be regt Stered, Oath made that the Property is Engliſh. Filber- Boats, Hoys, &c. • as is here directed, that fhe fhall be liable, and the is hereby made liable to fuch Proſecution and Forfeiture as any foreign Ship (except Prizes condemned in the High Court of Admiralty) would for trading with theſe Plantations by this Law be liable to. 19. Provided always, That all fuch Ships as have been or ſhall be taken at Sea by Letters of Mart or Re- prifal, and Condemnation thereof made in the High Court of Admiralty of England, as lawful Prize, ſhall be ſpeedily regiſtered, mentioning the Capture and Condemnation inftead of the Time and Place of Building, with Proof alfo upon Oath, that the entire Property is English, before any fuch Prize fhall be al- lowed the Privilege of an Engliſh-built Ship, according to the Meaning of this Act. 20. Provided alfo, That nothing in this Act fhall be conftrued to require the Regiſtring any Fiſher- not to be re- Boats, Hoys, Lighters, Barges, or any open Boats or giftered. other Veffels (though of English or Plantation-built) whofe Navigation is confined to the Rivers or Coafts of the fame Plantation or Place where they trade re- ſpectively, but only of fuch of them as crofs the Seas to or from any of the Lands, Iflands, Places, or Ter- ritories in this Act before recited, or from one Plan- tation to another. Ships 21. And be it further enacted by the Authority Names not aforefaid, That no Ship's Name regiſtred ſhall be af- ed, without terwards changed without regiftring fuch Ship de to be alter- Novo, [ 157 ] de novo; on the Cer novo, which is hereby required to be done upon any upon any Regiſtring 'Transfer of Property to another Port, and delivering and if ſold, up the former Certificate to be cancelled under the fuch Sale to fame Penalties, and in the like Method, as is herein be indorfed before directed; and that in Cafe there be any Al- tificate of teration of Property in the fame Port, by the Sale of the Regiſter. one or or more Shares in any Ship after regiftring thereof, ſuch Sale fhall always be acknowledged by Indorſement on the Certificate of the Regifter before two Witneffes, in order to prove that the entire Pro- perty in fuch Ship remains to ſome of the Subjects of England, if any Difpute arifes concerning the fame. mo Anno m⁰ & 8⁰⁰ Gul. III. Cap. 28. 7 An Act for the more effectual preventing the Exportation of Wool, and for the encouraging the Importation thereof from 5. Ireland. A Wool may land. ND be it further enacted by the Authori- Ports where: ty aforefaid, that for the better Encourage- be imported ment of the Importation of Wool from Ireland, from Ire- that it ſhall and may be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons whatſoever, from the Place or Places in the faid § Act limited, to import into England from Ire- §1 W. and land any Quantity or Quantities of Wool to any the Ports M. C. 321 S. 66 [ 158 ] Continued Ports hereafter mentioned (that is to fay) Whitehaven in the County of Cumberland, Leverpool, Chefter, Bristol, Bridgewater, Minehead, Barnstaple, and Biddiford, and to no other; any Thing in the faid Act to the contrary thereof in any wife notwith- ftanding. 13. And this Act to continue in Force for by 9 and 10 three Years, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament. W. III. C. 40. S. 1. and this Alt thereby en- ners of the and armed Sloops to cruise. 14. And for the better preventing the Exportation forced. of Wool, and Correfpondence with France; Be it Commiffio further enacted by the Authority aforeſaid, that the Admiralty to Lord High Admiral of England, or Commiffioners appoint Ships for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral for the Time being, fhall from Time to Time direct and appoint one Ship of the fifth Rate, and two Ships of the Sixth Rate, and four armed Sloops, conftantly to cruize from off the North Foreland to the Ifle of Wight, with Orders for taking and feizing all Ships, Veffels, or Boats, which fhall export any Wool, or carry or bring any prohibited Goods, or any fufpect- ed Perfons. Anno [159] Anno 9no & 10mo Gul. III. Cap. 25. An Act for granting to his Majefty, his Heirs, and Succeſſors, further Duties upon Stampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper. 44. PROVID - ROVIDED, that nothing in this Act Probate of contained ſhall extend to charge with the Will, &c. faid Duties, or any of them, the Probate of any or Soldier of Seaman Will, or Letters of Adminiftration of any common dying or flain Seaman or Soldier, who fhall be flain or die in the in the Ser- vice except- Service of his Majefty, his Heirs, or Succeffors, a Cer- ed, and not tificate being produced from the Captain of the Ship to be ſtampt. or Veffel, or Captain of the Troop or Company, un- Certificate. der whom fuch Seaman or Soldier ferved at the Time of his Death, and Oath made of the Truth thereof, Oath. before the proper Judge or Officer, by whom fuch Probate or Adminiſtration ought to be granted; which Oath fuch Judge or Officer is hereby autho- rized and required to adminifter, and for which no Fee or Reward fhall be taken. Anno [160] 7 and 8 W. III. C. 19, Anno 9n⁰ & 10mo Gul. III. Cap. 28. An Act for the exporting Watches, Sword- Hilts, and other Manufactures of Silver. WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament made in the feventh and eighth Years of his prefent Majesty King William the Third, intituled, An Act to encourage the bringing Plate into the Mint to be coined, and for the further remedying the ill State of the Coin of this Kingdom, It is amongst other Things fo enacted, that after the last Day of March then next enfuing, no wrought Plate of this Kingdom can be ſhipped off, under the great Penalties in the Said Act contained : Be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Ad- vice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this preſent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, that from and after the four and twentieth Day of June, One Thouſand Six Hundred Ninety-eight, it ſhall and Watches, may be lawful to export fuch Watches, Sword-Hilts, wrought wrought Plate, and other Silver Manufactures made Plate, &c. within this Kingdom, being of the Fineneſs of eleven may be ex- Ounces and ten Penny-weight to every Pound Troy, ported as Shall be year- and fo proportionably for a greater or leffer Weight, ly allowed by according to the Rules preſcribed in the ſaid laſt Sword-bilts, recited [161] Cuſtoms. recited Act, as fhall be yearly allowed by the Com- the Commif- miffioners of his Majefty's Cuftoms for the Time be-ioners of the ing, or any three of them; any Law or Statute to the contrary in any wife notwithſtanding. Anno 9no & 10mo Gul. III. Cap. 40. An Act for the Explanation and better Execution of former Acts made against Transportation of Wool, Fullers Earth, and Scouring Clay. 2. Earth or AND whereas under a Pretention of carry. Penally on ing Fullers Earth and Scouring Clay into exporting Ireland, the fame is conveyed into Scotland, and other Fulling- Foreign Parts, to the further Prejudice of the Woollen Scouring Manufacture of this Kingdom: Be it further enacted, Earth. that from and after the four and twentieth Day of June, One Thouſand Six Hundred Ninety-eight, no Fullers Earth or Scouring Clay ſhall be exported out of this Kingdom, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, into Ireland, Scotland, or into any other Foreign Parts, upon any Pretence whatſoever, but that the Exporters, being legally convicted, fhall be liable to the Forfeitures of one Shilling for every Pound Weight. Y 8. And [162] Forfeitures and Penal- 1 8. And it is hereby further enacted by the Au- ties how to be thority aforefaid, that all the Forfeitures and Penalties diſtributed, before in this Act mentioned, ſhall be diftributed in 12 Car, II. Manner and Form following, viz, one third Part to the Uſe of his Majefty, his Heirs, and Succeffors, and the other two thirds to the Ufe of fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall feize or fue for the fame, by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts at Westminster, wherein no Effoign, Protection, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed. } 9. And whereas by an Act of Parliament made in C. 32. S. 6. the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, it is enacted, that no Perfon or Perfons what- foever ſhould, at any Time thereafter be impeached for any Offence against the faid Act, unless fuch Perfons be profecuted within one Year next enfuing fuch Of- fence committed: And whereas a great many Perfons who have been guilty of tranfporting Wool, but Dif covery thereof hath not been made till the Expiration. of twelve Months after the Offence committed, to the great Encouragement of feveral notorious Offenders: For the Prevention whereof, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, that it ſhall and may be law- ful for his Majefty to caufe fuch Perfon or Perfons as are or ſhall be guilty of tranfporting or caufing Exporters to be tranſported any Wool, Wool-fells, Fullers of Wool,&c. Earth, or Scouring Clay, to be fued and proſecuted may be pro- . at 1 [163] three Years at any Time within three Years after the Offence Jecuted in committed, in the fame Manner as Informations, after Offence or other Penal Statutes, have been ufually and may committed. lawfully be profecuted. १ no Anno 9n⁰ & 10mo Gul. III. Cap. 41. An Act for the better preventing the Im- bezlement of his Majesty's Stores of War, and preventing Cheats, Frauds, and Abuſes in paying Seamens Wages. I St. 2. C.25. WHEREAS notwithſtanding divers good This Ast by Lawś made and enacted, for the preventing 1 Geo. I. of the Stealing and Imbexlement of his Majefty's S. 14. fhall Stores of War, and Naval Stores, thofe Frauds, be deemed a Thefts, and Imbezlements are frequently practifed, Publick A&t. and the convicting of fuch Offenders is rendered dif- ficult and impracticable, by Reafon it rarely happens that direct Proof can be made of fuch Offenders im- mediate taking, imbexling, or carrying away any of his Majefty's faid Stores of War and Naval Stores, out of or from his Majesty's Storehoufes, Docks, Yards, Ships, Ordnance, or other Places for keep- ing and preferving the fame, but only that fuch Goods are marked with the King's Mark, and found in the Cuftody and Poffeffion of the faid Perfon accufed for ftealing or imbezling the fame, to the great En- couragement Y 2 [164] No Warlike couragement of fuch wicked Offenders, and to his Ma- jefty's and the Kingdom's great Damage: For pre- venting fuch faid Imbezlements for the future, and for the more effectual Execution of the Laws and Statutes already in Force against fuch Imbexlements and Thefts, Be it therefore enacted by the King's or Naval moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Stores, ex- Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and King's Ufe, Commons, in Parliament affembled, and by the Au- fhall be made thority of the fame, that from and after the four and twentieth Day of June, One Thouſand Six King's Marks, &c. Hundred Ninety-eight, it fhall not be lawful to or cept for the with the for any Perfon or Perfons whatſoever, other than Perſons authorized by contracting with his Majeſty's principal Officers or Commiffioners of the Navy, Ordnance, or Victualling Office for his Majefty's Uſe, to make any Stores of War or Naval Stores whatever, with the Marks uſually uſed to and marked upon his Majefty's faid warlike and naval or Ordnance Stores; (that is to fay) any Cordage of three Inches and upwards, wrought with a white Thread laid the contrary way, or any ſmaller Cordage, to wit, from three Inches downwards with a Twine in lieu of a white Thread, laid to the contrary Way, as aforefaid, or any Canvas wrought or unwrought, with a blue Streak in the middle, or any other Stores with the Broad Arrow, by Stamp, Brand, or otherwiſe, upon Pain that every fuch Per- fon or Perſons, who ſhall make fuch Goods fo marked, as aforefaid, not being a Contractor with his Ma- jeſty's principal Officers or Commiffioners of the Navy, [165] Navy, Ordnance, or Victuallers for his Majeſty's Uſe, or imployed by fuch Contractor for that Purpoſe, as aforefaid, fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit fuch Penalty. Goods, and the Sum of two Hundred Pounds, toge- ther with Cofts of Suit; one Moiety whereof ſhall be to his Majefty, and the other Moiety to the Informer, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Westminster, wherein no Effoign, Privilege, Protec- tion, Wager of Law, Injunction, or Order of Re- ftraint, nor more than one Imparlance fhall be al- lowed. Stores are 3, 4, 5. 1 . 2. And be it further enacted by the Authority Penalty on aforefaid, That fuch Perfon or Perfons, in whofe Cu-Perfon in whofe Cu- ſtody, Poffeffion, or Keeping fuch Goods or Stores, ſtody fuck marked as aforefaid, fhall be found, not being imploy-marked ed, as aforefaid, and fuch Perfon or Perfons who fhall found, &c. conceal fuch Goods or Stores, marked as aforefaid, be- ing indicted and convicted of fuch Concealment, or See 9 Geo. of the having fuch Goods found in his Cuftody, I. C. 8. S. Poffeffion, or Keeping, ſhall forfeit fuch Goods, and Extended to the Sum of two Hundred Pounds, together with the other Par- Cofts of Proſecution; one Moiety to his Majefty, and ticulars, the other Moiety to the Informer, to be recovered, as aforefaid, and ſhall alfo fuffer Impriſonment, until Unless be Payment and Performance of the faid Forfeiture, un-produce a leſs ſuch Perſon ſhall upon his Trial, produce a Certi- Certificate, ficate under the Hand of three or more of his Maje- By 9 Geo.I. fty's principal Officers or Commiffioners of the Navy, C. 8. S. 4. Ordnance, or Victuallers, expreffing the Numbers, may be miti.. Quantities,gated. &c. &c, The Penalty [166] perfonating Quantities, or Weights of fuch Goods, as he or ſhe fhall then be indicted for, and the Occafion and Rea- fon of fuch Goods coming to his or her Hands or Poffeffion. > Penalty on 3. And forafmuch as divers wicked Perfons, dur- any Seaman, ing the late War, and fince, for Lucre and Gain, or forging have perfonated Seamen, who have really ferved, or Letter of are fuppofed to have ferved on board of his Majesty's Bill of Sale, Ships, and thereby have received divers Sums of his or laft Will, Majefty's Money at the Pay Office, or elsewhere, of Attorney, &c. enforced and 25. S. 7.-- his Majesty's Officers appointed for Payment of his Majefty's Fleet and Ships, in deceipt, as well of his Majefty, as of the Perfons who have really ferved on board any of his Majesty's Ships, and have alfo for fuch wicked Purpoſes forged and counterfeited divers This Claufe Letters of Attorney or Bills of Sale, Affignments, or explained by laft Wills, in the Name or Names of Perfons who 1 Geo. I. have really ferved, or were fuppofed to have ferved on St. 2. C. board his Majesty's faid Ships, and have and do alfo And by the procure daily, divers Men and Women to perfonate, Same Act, and divers wicked Perfons do of their own Accord Penalties perfonate the Wives, Relations, or Creditors of fuch may be miti- Seamen, who have or are fuppofed to have ferved on gated by the board of his Majesty's Ships, and thereby have falſely And Note, taken out Letters of Adminiftration to fuch Seaman or by 7 Geo. Seamen, having ferved, or fuppofed to have ferved on Forgery in board of his Majesty's Ships, or have forged and coun- general is terfeited Letters of Attorney, Bills of Sale, or other made Felony Authorities, in the Names of the Executors or Admini- nefit of Cler-ftrators of fuch Seamen, for the Receipt of fuch Wages S. 8. the II. C. 22. gy. as 1 [167] as were due, or fuppofed to be due to fuch Seamen, hav- ing ferved, or ſuppoſed to have ferved, as aforefaid: For the Prevention of which faid wicked Practices for the Future, Be it enacted, That all and every fuch Perfon or Perfons, his, her, or their Aiders or Abet- tors, that fhall be convicted of the faid Crimes and Offences, committed from and after the faid four and twentieth Day of June, fhall, for every fuch Offence, over and above the Penalties to be inflicted by any Laws now in force, forfeit the Sum of two Hundred Pounds, together with the Cofts of Profecution; one Moiety to his Majefty, the other Moiety to the Inform- er, to be recovered as aforefaid, and fhall alfo fuffer Impriſonment until Payment of the ſaid Forfeiture. 4. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted by the Commiſſion- Authority aforefaid, That the faid principal Officers ers of the Navy, Ord- or Commiffioners of the Navy, Ordnance, or Victual-nance, &c. ling Office, for the Time being, may fell and difpofe may fell any of the faid of any of the Stores aforefaid, fo marked as aforefaid, Stores fo as they did or might have done before the making of marked,&c. this Act; and that fuch Perfon or Perfons as hereto- fore.have or ſhall hereafter buy any fuch Stores, or other Stores fo marked as aforeſaid, of the faid princi- pal Officers or Commiffioners, or by their Order, may keep and enjoy the fame without incurring the Penalty of this Act, or any Law to the Law to the contrary what- Buyer to foever, upon producing a Certificate or Certificates have a Cer-- under the Hand and Seal of three or more of the faid tificate principal Officers or Commiffioners of the Navy, Ord- nance, or Victualling Office, that they bought fuch Goods thereof, &c. [168] Goods from them the faid principal Officers or Com- miffioners, or from fuch Perſon or Perfons as did buy the faid Stores from the faid principal Officers or Commiffioners at any Time before fuch Stores were Quantities found in their Cuftody; in which Certificate or Cer- &c. to be tificates the Quantities of fuch Stores fhall be expreffed, expreſſed, and the Time when and where bought of the faid Commiffioners, who, or any three or more of them, for the Time being, are hereby impowered and di- rected, from Time to Time, to give to fuch Perfon or Perfons, who ſhall defire the fame, and have bought, and ſhall hereafter buy any of the aforefaid Stores, within thirty Days after the Sale and Delivery of the faid Stores fo fold or to be fold, as aforefaid. Perfons fued may plead the General !Ifue, &c. 5. And for the better Encouragement of fuch Per- fons who fhall make Seizures or Diſcoveries of any fuch Stores imbezelled or ftolen: Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe any Perfon or Per- ſons ſhall be ſued or profecuted for or by Reaſon of their diſcovering or feizing any fuch Stores or Goods, ſo marked as aforefaid, that in every ſuch Caſe, ſuch Perſon fo fued or profecuted may plead the General Iffue, and give this Act and the ſpecial Matter in Evidence: And in cafe that upon the Trial of fuch Iffue the Defendant fo fued fhall make Proof, that fuch Goods or Stores, fo diſcovered or ſeized by them, were fo marked as aforefaid, and that the Plaintiffs or Profecutors in fuch Suit or Profecution ſhall not at fuch Trial make good Proof that they were fo im- ployed, or had fuch Certificate, as aforefaid, before fuch [169] ſuch Diſcovery and Seizure made, and that they did ſhew the fame unto fuch Defendants before fuch Suit or Profecution commenced or brought, fuch Defen- dant fhall be acquitted, and found not guilty there- upon, unleſs fuch Defendants upon Sight of fuch Cer- tificate did not deliver back unto fuch Plaintiffs or Profecutors, at their Requeft, or otherwife, all fuch Goods and Stores fo feized in as good Plight and Con- dition as they were at the Time of fuch Certificate ſhewn: And in caſe any fuch Defendants fhall be fo or otherwiſe acquitted on fuch Trial, and that fuch Plaintiffs or Profecutors fhall diſcontinue fuch their Suit or Profecution, or be nonfuited therein, fuch Defendants fhall recover treble Cofts. Treble Cofts. 6. And whereas it is neceſſary that Seamen fhould appoint Attornies who may receive their Pay in their Abfence, but of late an evil Practice is introduced, that in the Letters conftituting fuch Attornies there is added a Claufe purporting a Will made by fuch Sea- men, whereby they make their Attornies their Execu tors, and give their whole Eftate, or great Part there- of, the Seamen being ignorant of the Efficacy and Confequence of fuch a Claufe, whereby the Relations and Families of fuch Seamen as are killed at Sea often Suffer great Lofs: For preventing fuch Inconveni- ency for the Future, Be it enacted by the Authority NoSeaman's aforefaid, That from and after the ſaid four and twen-tained in the tieth Day of June, no Will of any Seaman, contain-fame Inftru- ed, printed, or written in the fame Inftrument, Pa- ment with a per, or Parchment, with a Warrant or Letter of At- Attorney Ꮓ Will con- Letter of torney, ſhall be good. [ 170 ] Ecclefiafti- cal Court, forth Let- &c. of any torney, ſhall be good or available in Law to any In- tent or Purpoſe whatſoever. 7. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted by the &c. to take Authority aforefaid, That no ecclefiaftical Court, or only 1 s. for any Perfon or Perſons whatſoever, under any Pretence, the fuing do take or receive any more than the Sum of one ters of Ad Shilling for the Seal, Writing, or fuing forth any Let- miniſtration ters of Adminiſtration granted, or hereafter to be to the Wife, granted, to the Wife or Children of any Seaman Seaman dy- whatſoever dying in the Pay of his Majefty's Navy, ing in the unless the Goods and Chattels of fuch Seaman do King's Na- vy, unless amount to the Sum of twenty Pounds: And if any the Goods, Officer or Officers fhall prefume to take any more &c. amount than the Sum of one Shilling, the Perfon or Perfons ſo offending ſhall forfeit to the Party grieved the Sum Penalty. of ten Pounds, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of his Maje- fty's Courts of Record, or elſewhere. to twenty Pounds. Provifo, King's Stores may be lent to any Ship in Diſtreſs. So they be reftored. 8. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That nothing in this Act con- tained ſhall be conſtrued to hinder any the principal Officers and Commiffioners of the Navy or any chief Commander of any of his Majefty's Ships at Sea, to lend any of his Majeſty's Stores to any Merchant Ship or Veffel in Diftrefs, or otherwife, as might lawfully be done before the making of this Act, in caſe ſuch Goods fo lent be reſtored with all poffible Convenien- cy; and provided fuch Perſon or Perfons fo borrowing the ſaid Stores, from Time to Time, have fuch Certi " ficate [171] have a Cer. ficate as aforefaid, which the faid principal Officers Borrower to and Commiffioners of the Navy, or Commander in tificate. Chief, are hereby required to give to the Party or Parties that ſhall fo borrow the fame. no Anno 9¹º & 10mo Gul. III. Cap. 43. ୨ An Act for the better Encouragement of the Royal Luftring Company, and the more effectual preventing the fraudulent Importation of Luftrings and Alamodes. 4. A Service tak- Alamodes Service. ND be it further enacted by the Authority Officers in the King's aforefaid, That if any Commiffion or War- rant Officer, or other Perfon, who now is, or hereaf- ing on board ter ſhall be in the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs, or or importing Succeffors, and ſhall have the Command or Charge of &c. made any Ship or. Veffel whatſoever, fhall import, bring, incapable of fend, or convey, or cauſe, procure, or Suffer to be the King's imported, brought, fent, or conveyed, or take or load on board any Alamodes or Luftrings, in order to be imported into this Kingdom, or fhall unſhip, or fuf- fer to be unſhipped into any Barge, Hoy, Boat, or other Veffel, any fuch Silks, knowing thereof, he fhall, over and above the Forfeitures and Penalties to which he is liable by this or any other Act, be ipfo facto rendred incapable of ferving his Majefty, his Heirs, and Succeffors, either by Sea or Land, or of Z 2 having [172] Mariner or Reward to having or receiving any Benefit or Advantage which other mak- he fhall or may be intitled to by Virtue of fuch Ser- ing Diſcove- vice; and if any Seaman, Marines, or other Perfon ry. or Perſons whatſoever, belonging or which fhall be- long to any Ship or Veffel, fhall diſcover any Ala- modes or Luftrings, which fhall be imported, brought, fent, or conveyed in any Ship or Veffel whatſoever in- to this Kingdom, or which ſhall be unſhipped into any Barge, Hoy, Boat, or other Veffel, either at Sea or in any Harbour, Creek, or Bay in this Kingdom, in or- der to be imported, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, fuch Perfon or Perfons making fuch Diſcovery, fhall (over and above fuch Part of the Forfeitures and Advantages to which he or they ſhall be intitled by Virtue of this Act) be immediately diſcharged from his or their Service on board fuch Ship or Veffel, if he or they fhall defire the fame and the Captain or Mafter of fuch Ship or Veffel, fhall immediately give him or them a Ticket or Tick- ets, Certificate or Certificates, which fhall intitle him or them to all the Wages due to him or them, for his or their Service on board fuch Ship or Veffel. ; Anno [ 173 ] mo Anno 10mo & II Gul. III. Cap. 10. An Act to prevent the Exportation of Wool out of the Kingdoms of Ireland and Eng- land into foreign Parts; and for the Encouragement of the Woolen Manufac- tures in the Kingdom of England. Fo ORAS MUCH as Wool and the Woolen Ma- This Alb nufactures of Cloth, Serge, Bays, Kerfeys, and made more effectual by other Stuffs made or mixed with Wool, are the greatest5 Geo. II. and most profitable Commodities of this Kingdom, on C. 21. which the Value of Lands, and the Trade of the Nation do chiefly depend: And whereas great. Quantities of the like Manufactures have of late been made and are Daily increafing in the Kingdom of Ireland, and in the English Plantations in America, and are exported from thence to foreign Markets, heretofore fupplied from England, which will inevitably fink the Value of Lands, and tend to the Ruin of the Trade, and the Woolen Manufactures of this Realm: For the Preven- tion whereof, and for the Encouragement of the Woolen Manufactures within this Kingdom, Be it enacted by. the King's moſt. Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, and Commons, in this preſent Parliament affem- bled, and by the Authority of the fame, That no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, from and after the four and [174] No Wool, Wool-fells, Shortlings, of Ireland but Eng- land, &c. and twentieth Day of June, in the Year of our Lord one Thouſand fix Hundred Ninety-nine, fhall direct- ly or indirectly export, tranſport, fhip off, carry or &c. to be convey, or caufe or procure to be exported, tranſport- exported out ed, ſhipped off, 'carried, or conveyed out of, or from to any Place the faid Kingdom of Ireland, into any foreign Realm, States, or Dominions, or into any Parts or Places whatſoever, other than the Parts within the Kingdom of England, or the Dominion of Wales, any the Wool, Wool-fells, Shortlings, Mortlings, Wool-flocks, Worſted, Bay, or Woolen Yarn, Cloth, Serge, Bays, Kerfeys, Says, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth-Serges, Shal- loons, or any other Drapery Stuffs or Woolen Manu- factures whatſoever made up and mixed with Wool or Wool-flocks, or fhall directly or indirectly load, or cauſe to be loaden upon any Horſe, Cart, or other Carriage, or load or lay on board, or cauſe to be laden or laid on board in any Ship or Veffel in any Place or Parts within or belonging to the faid Kingdom of Ire- land, any fuch Wool, Wool-fells, Shortlings, Mort- lings, Wool-flocks, Worfted, Bay, or Woolen-Yarn, Cloth, Bays, Kerfeys, Serges, Says, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth-Serges, Shalloons, or any other Drapery or Woolen Manufactures, to the Intent or Purpoſe to ex- port, tranſport, ſhip off, carry or convey the fame, or caufe the fame to be exported, tranfported, fhipped off, carried or conveyed out of the faid Kingdom of Ireland, or out of any Port or Place belonging to the fame, or with Intent or Purpoſe, that any Perfon or Perſons whatſoever fhould fo export, tranfport, fhip off, carry or convey the fame out of the faid Kingdom of Ireland, [ 175 ] Ireland, into any Ports, or Places, except as afore- faid. 2. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, Penalties on Offenders.. That all and every the Offender and Offenders, Of- fence and Offences, aforefaid, fhall be fubject and lia- ble to the reſpective Pains, and Penalties, and Forfei- tures hereafter following, (that is to fay) the faid Wool, Wool-fells, Shortlings, Mortlings, Wool-flocks, Wor- fted, Bay, or Woolen Yarn, Cloth, Serge, Bays, Ker- feys, Says, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth-Serges, Shalloons, or any other Draperies, Stuffs, or any other Manufac- tures, made of or mixed with Wool or Wool-flocks, fo exported, tranſported, fhipped off, or carried, convey- ed, or loaden, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, ſhall be forfeited; and that every of the Offender and Offenders therein fhall likewife forfeit the Sum of five Hundred Pounds for every ſuch Of- fence; and all and every Ship, Veffel, Barge, Boat, or other Bottom whatſoever, wherein any of the ſaid. Commodities are or ſhall be ſhipped or laid on board, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, fhall be forfeited, with all her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture to them and every of them belonging; and the Maſters and Mariners thereof, or any Porters, Carriers, Waggoners, Boatmen, or other Perfons what- foever, knowing fuch Offence, and wittingly aiding and affifting therein, fhall forfeit forty Pounds; of which one Moiety ſhall be to him or them that ſhall fue for the fame by Bill, Plaint, or Information in any of his Majeſty's Courts of Record in England or Ire- & land, [176] I. C. 21. land, and the other Moiety thereof to the Encourage- By 3 Geo. ment of fetting up the Linnen Manufactures in Ireland, S. 4. This to be difpofed of by the Court of Exchequer there for that Ufe only; in which Suit no Effoign, Protection, or Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance: fhall be allowed. laft Moiety is given to the King. No Acquit- tal, &c. in lowed in Profecution } 3. And to prevent evading the Penalties of this Act, Ireland, al- by Pretention of Profecution or Acquittals in Ireland : Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Bar of any Acquittal, nor any Indictment, Information, or Suit in England. (unleſs the Offender be thereupon convicted) in Ire- land, for any Offence provided againſt in this A&, fhall be pleaded or allowed in Bar or Delay of any Indictment, Information, Suit, or Profecution with- in the Kingdom of England. Any Perfon 4. And be it further enacted by the Authority may feize aforefaid, That it ſhall and may be lawful to and for all fuch Wool, &c. any Perſon or Perſons to feize, take, fecure, and con- vey to his Majeſty's next Warehouſe, all fuch Wool, Wool-fells, Shortlings, Mortlings, Wool-flocks, Wor- fted, Bay, or Woolen Yarn, Cloth, Serges, Bays, Ker- feys, Says, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth-Serges, Shalloons, Stuffs, and other Draperies and Woolen Manufactures, or mixed with Wool.or Wool-flocks, as he or they fhall happen to fee, find, know, or diſcover to be laid on board in any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, or to be brought, carried, or laid on Shore, at or near the Sea, or any navigable River or Water, to the Intent or Purpoſe to be exported or conveyed out of the ſaid Kingdom [ 177 ] [77] Kingdom of Ireland, contrary to the true Meaning of this Act, or to be laden upon any Horfe, Cart, or other Carriage, to the Intent or Purpoſe to be export- ed, conveyed, or carried into any foreign Parts or Places, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning here- of; and alſo that it ſhall and may be lawful to and for any Perfon and Perfons to feize, and fecure all and every fuch Ship, Hulk, Veffel, Barge or Boat, of And also the what kind foever, or wherefoever found or difcovered, Ship, Hulk, wherein any of the aforefaid Commodities ſhall hap- pen to be ſhipped or put on board, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act; and that fuch Seizer in- Perſon or Perſons that ſhall happen fo to feize, take demnified or fecure any of the Commodities aforefaid, or any for fo doing. fuch Ship, Veffel, Hulk, Barge or Boat, as aforefaid, fhall be indemnified for fo doing, to all Intents and Purpoſes. &c. written on ment, and 7. And be it further enacted by the Authority Cockets, aforefaid, That all Cockets and Warrants for the car- &c. to be rying or tranfporting of any of the aforefaid Goods, Paper, and from the Kingdom of Ireland to any Port or Ports not Parch- aforeſaid within this Kingdom, fhall be written upon figned. Paper, and not Parchment, and figned by Three of the chief Officers of fuch refpective Port at leaſt, and that the exact Quantities and Qualities, Marks, Quantities, and Numbers of the Goods aforefaid fo fhipped in &c. to be Ireland, fhall be particularly expreffed and indorſed the Cocket, expreſſed on upon the Cocket, by which the faid Goods are or &c. were to be ſhipped, and likewife upon the Warrant for landing the fame in England, A a 10. And [178] Ports for exporting ing Goods. and import- 10. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all fuch Goods as aforefaid, as fhall from Time to Time be exported from the ſaid King- dom of Ireland, into the Ports of this Kingdom, or Dominion of Wales, in manner as aforefaid, fhall be ſhipped off and entred at the Ports of Dublin, Water- By 4 Ann. ford, Youghall, Kingfale, Cork, and Drogheda, in the C. 7. may faid Kingdom of Ireland, and at or from no other be exported from New Port or Place within the faid Kingdom; nor fhall the fame be imported into any Parts of the Kingdom of England, or Dominion of Wales, other than the Ports of Biddiford, Barnstable, Minehead, Bridgewa- ter, Bristol, Milford Heaven, Chefter, and Liverpool; any Thing in this Act to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithſtanding. Rofs. ble. Offences 12. And be it further enacted by the Authority where tria- aforefaid, That every Offence which ſhall be done or committed contrary to this Act, fhall and may be in- quired of, tried, heard, and determined in the County where any fuch Goods, as aforefaid ſhall be ſo laden or put on board, as aforefaid, or elſe in the County, either in England, or Ireland, where fuch Offender ſhall happen to be apprehended or arreſted for fuch Of- fence, or where any fuch of the Goods aforefaid, or the faid Ship or Ships, Veffels, Hulks, Barks, or Boats ſhall happen to be feized or taken or brought in; and that the faid Trial fhall be in fuch Manner and Form, and in fuch Effect, to all Intents and Purpoſes, as if the fame Offence had been wholly done and commit- ted in the fame County. 13. And → [179] cuting this Bail, &c. 13. And be it further enacted by the Authority Perfons fu ed for exe- aforefaid, That if any Action, Bill, Plaint, Suit, or Information fhall be commenced or profecuted againſt At may file any Perfon, for what he ſhall do in Purſuance of this a common Act, fuch Perfon fo fued fhall and may file a com- mon Bail, or enter into a common Appearance, and plead the general Iffue, not Guilty, and upon Iffue General joined may give this Act and the fpecial Matter in fue. Evidence, and if the Plaintiff or Profecutor fhall be- come Nonfuit, or fuffer Diſcontinuance, or if a Ver- dict paſs againſt him, or if upon Demurrer Judgment pafs againſt him, the Defendant fhall recover treble Defendant Cofts and Damages for the Moleftation. to have tre- ble Cofts. 14. And for the further Encouragement of the Woolen Manufactures of England; Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it ſhall and may be lawful, from and after the faid four and twentieth Day of June, to import from the faid Ports of Dublin, Woolen Ma- Waterford, Youghall, Kingfale, Cork, and Drogheda, nufactures in the Kingdom of Ireland, any Wool, Wool-fells, may be im- ported from Shortlings, Mortlings, Wool-flocks, Worfted, Bay, or Ireland to Woolen Yarn, Cloth, Serges, Bays, Kerfeys, Frizes, England, Druggets, Shalloons, Stuffs, Cloth-Serges, or any other Drapery made of or mixed with Wool, or Wool- flocks, and manufactured in the Kingdom of Ireland, into fuch Ports of this Kingdom or Dominion of Wales only, as aforefaid, fo as Notice be firſt given to Notice being the Commiffioners, or chief Managers of his Majeſty's first given. Cuſtoms in this Kingdom, or to the chief Cuſtomer A a 2 or [180] entred into. T 7 or Collector in the Port to which the fame is intended to be brought, of the Quantity, Quality and Package, together with the Marks and Numbers thereof, with the Name of the Ship and Mafter or Commander, on which the faid Goods are to be laden, and the Place or Port into which they are intended to be imported; And Bond and fo as Bond be firft entred into, to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, with one or more fufficient Sureties, in treble the Value of the Goods fo intended to be imported, that the fame ſhall (the Dan- ger of the Seas excepted) be, landed accordingly, and fo as a Licence be alfo firft taken, under the Hands of the Commiffioners, or chief Managers of the Cu- ftoms for the Time being, or Three of them, or from the chief Cuſtomer or Collector where fuch Bond is given, for the landing and importing thereof, as Licence to aforefaid; which Licence they are hereby authorized be granted and required to grant, without any Fee or Reward, or any other Charge to the Perfon demanding the fame; any Law, Statute, or Ufage to the Contrary in any wife notwithſtanding. gratis. > * A Cruifing 16: And for the better preventing the Exportation Ships to be of Wool out of this Kingdom, or Ireland, into foreign appointed to feize Ships, Parts: Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, &c. export- That the Lord High Admiral of England, or Com- ing Wool, &c. to fo- miffioners for executing the Office of High Admirál reign Parts. for the Time being, fhall direct and appoint two Ships 5. Geo. II. of the fifth Rate, and two Ships of the fixth Rate, and eight armed Sloops, conftantly to cruize on the Coafts of England and Ireland particularly between C. 2.1. ! the [181] the North of Ireland and Scotland, with Orders to take and ſeize all Ships, Veffels, and Boats, which fſhall export any Wool with Intent to carry it into fo- reign Parts; and that the Lord High Admiral, or Commiſſion- Commiffioners, as aforefaid, ſhall ſend a Lift of all Customs to ers of the fuch Ships and Sloops, and the Names of the Com- have a Lif manders, togethe with true Copies of their ſeveral In- ftructions that are or ſhall be given to the Commiffi- oners of the Cuſtoms in London, within ten Days after fuch Orders, as aforefaid, are or ſhall be given: of the Cruifers. 17. And for the Encouragement of the Command- ers and Mariners belonging to the Ships and Sloops aforefaid: Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, All Wool, That all Wool, Ships, Veffels, or Boats that ſhall be Ships, &c. fo feized to. fo feized or taken, fhall be forfeited, and all fuch be forfeited. Wool fhall be lodged in the King's Warehouſe, in fuch Port where it is or fhall be taken or feized, or into which it ſhall be brought, until it fhall be con- demned according to Law; and being ſo condemned, ſhall be expoſed publickly to Sale, after one and And fold by twenty Days, publick Notice being given in Writing Inch of Can- at the Cuſtom-houfe of the faid Port, and on the Roy- al Exchange of London, by Inch of Candle, to the laft and beſt Bidder; and all Ships, Veffels, or Boats that fhall be fo feized or condemned, as aforefaid, ſhall together with all their Guns, Tackle, Furniture and Apparel be expofed to Sale in like Manner; and Produce that one fourth Part of the Produce of the Wool, divided, Ships, Veffels, and Boats fo fold, as aforefaid, ſhall be to the Commander, one other fourth Part to the Of- ficers dle. how to be· [182] 4 [ ficers of the Ship or Ships, Sloop or Sloops that took the fame, one other fourth Part to the Mariners be- longing to fuch Ship, Veffel, or Sloop, to be equally divided and paid amongſt the faid Mariners, by the Collectors of the faid Port, or fuch Perfon or Perfons as ſhall be authorized to pay the fame, and the other fourth Part thereof to his Majefty, his Heirs and Suc- ceffors, after a Deduction made out of the laft fourth Part of all the Charges of Profecution and Condem- nation. Penalty on 18. And for preventing of all Compofition or Con- Commander federacy by any Commander of any Ship, Veffel, or neglecting his Duty. Sloop, with any Perſon whatfoever concerned in ſuch No Wool, &c. of the Pro- Wool or Ship, Veffel or Boat, as aforefaid: Be it en- acted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Com- mander of fuch Ship or Sloop, neglecting his Duty by this Act required, or compounding for any Wool, Ship, Veffel, or Boat, as aforefaid, or conniving at the Exportation of any Wool, fhall lofe and forfeit all Pay and Wages due to him or them, and fuffer fix Months Impriſonment, and be for ever incapable of ferving his Majefty in any Office in the Navy. 19. And for the more effectual Encouragement of the Woolen Manufacture of this Kingdom : Be it fur- duce of the ther enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from English and after the firſt Day of December, in the Year of in America, our Lord One thouſand fix hundred ninety-nine, no Shall be ex- Wool, Wool-fells, Shortlings, Mortlings, Wool-flocks, ported. Worſted, Bay, or Woollen Yarn, Cloth, Serge, Bays, Plantations Kerfeys, [183] Kerfeys, Says, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth-Serges, Shal loons, or any other Drapery Stuffs or Woolen Manu factures whatſoever, made or mixed with Wool or Wool-flocks, being of the Product or Manufacture of any of the English Plantations in America, fhall be loaden or laid on board in any Ship or Veffel, in any Place or Parts within any of the faid English Planta- tions, upon any Pretence whatſoever; as likewiſe that no fuch Wool, Wool-fells, Shortlings, Mortlings, Wool-flocks, Worfted, Bay, or Woollen Yarn, Gloth, Serge, Bays, Kerfeys, Says, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth Serges, Shalloons, or any other Drapery Stuffs, or Woolen Manufactures whatſoever, made up or mixt with Wool or Wool-flocks, being of the Product or Manufacture of any of the English Plantations in America as aforefaid, fhall be loaden upon any Horfe, Cart, or other Carriage, to the Intent and Purpofe to be exported, tranfported, carried or con- veyed out of the faid English Plantations to any other of the ſaid Plantations, or to any other Place whatſoever, upon the fame and like Pains, Penalties, Under the and Forfeitures, to and upon all and every the Offender and Offenders herein, within all and every of the faid English Plantations refpectively, as are preſcribed and provided by this Act for the like Offences, committed within the Kingdom of Ireland; And all Governors or Commanders in Chief of the faid refpective Plantations, as alfo all Officers im- ployed in the Cuftoms, or other Branches of his Majeſty's Revenue there, are hereby authorized, charged, and required to take effectual Care that { 1 " • the like Penal- ties, &c. [184] the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, fo far forth as it relates to the faid refpective Plantations, be duly put in Execution. Anno 10 mo mo & 11mo Gul. III. Cap. 25. An Act to encourage the Trade to New- foundland. WHEREAS the Trade of and Fishing at New- foundland is a beneficial Trade to this King- dom, not only in the imploying great Numbers of Sea- men and Ships, and exporting and confuming great Quantities of Provifions and Manufactures of this Realm, whereby many Tradefmen and poor Artificers are kept at Work, but alſo in bringing into this Na- tion by Returns of the Effects of the faid Fishery from other Countries, great Quantities of Wine, Oil, Plate, Iron, Wool, and fundry other useful Commodities, to the Increaſe of his Majefty's Revenue, and the Encou- ragement of Trade and Navigation: Be it enacted by the King's moſt Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament af ſembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from henceforth it fhall and may be lawful for all his have free Majefty's Subjects refiding within this his Realm of Newfound England, or the Dominions thereunto belonging, trading or that ſhall trade to Newfoundland, and the King's Sub- iects to land. Seas, [ 185 ] ! Seas, Rivers, Lakes, Creeks Harbours in or about Newfoundland, or any of the Iſlands adjoining or ad- jacent thereunto, to have, ufe, and enjoy the free Trade and Traffick, and Art of Merchandize and Fiſhery, to and from Newfoundland, and peaceably to have, uſe, and enjoy the Freedom of taking Bait and Fiſhing in any of the Rivers, Lakes, Creeks, Harbours, or Roads, in or about Newfoundland, and the ſaid Seas, or any of the Iſlands adjacent thereunto, and Liberty to go on Shore on any Part of Newfound- land, or any of the ſaid Iſlands, for the curing, falting, drying, and husbanding of their Fiſh, and for making of Oyl, and to cut down Wood and Trees there for building and making or repairing of Stages, Ship- Rooms, Train-fats, Hurdles, Ships, Boats, and other Neceffaries for themſelves and their Servants, Seamen, and Fiſhermen, and all other Things which may be uſe- ful or advantageous to their Fiſhing Trade, as fully and freely as at any Time heretofore hath been ufed or enjoyed there, by any of the Subjects of his Majeſty's Royal Predeceſſors, without any Hindrance, Inter- ruption, Denial, or Diſturbance of or from any Per- fon or Perfons whatſoever: And that no Alien or No Alien to bait or fiſh Stranger whatſoever (not refiding within the King- in New- dom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of foundland. Berwick upon Tweed) fhall at any Time hereafter take any Bait, or ufe any Sort of Trade or Fifhing whatſoever in Newfoundland, or in any of the faid Iſlands or Places abovementioned. Bb 2. And ' [ 186 ] No Ballaſt, &c. to be thrown out into the Harbours, 2. And for the preferving the faid Harbours from all Annoyances: Be it further enacted by the Autho- of any Ship rity aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fifth Day of March, one Thouſand feven Hundred now next coming, no Ballaſt, Preft-Stones, or any Thing elfe hurtful to or annoying any of the Harbours there ſhall be thrown out of any Ship or otherwiſe, by any Perfon or Perſons whatſoever to the Prejudice of any of the faid Harbours,, but that all fuch Ballaft and But carried other Things fhall be carried on Shore, and be laid where they may do no Annoyance. on Shore. &c. No Perfon 3. And be it further enacted by the Authority to destroy any Stage, aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons whatſoever ſhall Cook-Room, (at his Departure out of the faid Country, or at any other Time) destroy, deface or do any Detriment to any fuch Stage or Cook-Room, or to the Flakes, Spikes, Nails, or any other Thing whatſoever thereto belonging, as he or they fhall fall into at his or their coming into the faid Country, but that he or they fhall (during his or their Stay there) content him of themſelves with fuch Stage or Stages only as are need- ful for him or them, and fhall alfo (at his or their Departure thence) leave all fuch his or their Stage or Stages, without doing or caufing to be done any wil- Stages to be ful Damage to any of them; and that for the repairing repaired of fuch Stage or Stages as he or they fhall fo take, cut out of during his or their Abode there, the fame fhall be the Woods done with Timber fetcht out of the Woods there, and not by the ruining, breaking down, demoliſhing, • with Timber there. preju- [187] prejudicing, or any wife injuring the Stage or Stages any other Perſon or Perfons whatſoever. of Vice-Admi- 4. And be it further enacted by the Authority Every Fifs- ing Ship aforefaid, That (according to the antient Cuſtom firſt entering there uſed) every fuch Fiſhing Ship from England, Harbour, Wales, or Berwick, or fuch Fiſhermen as fhall, from fhall be Ad- miral during and after the ſaid twenty-fifth Day of March, firſt that Fishing enter any Harbour or Creek in Newfoundland, in be- Seaſon, &c. half of his Ship, ſhall be Admiral of the faid Harbour or Creek, during that Fiſhing Seafon, and for that Time ſhall reſerve to himſelf only ſo much Beech or Flakes, or both as are needful for the Number of fuch Boats as he fhall there ufe, with an Overplus on- ly for the Uſe of one Boat more than he needs, as a Privilege for his firſt coming thither; and that the Second Ship, Maſter of every ſuch ſecond Fiſhing Ship, as ſhall en- ral. ter any fuch Harbour or Creek, fhall be Vice-Admi- ral of fuch Harbour or Creek during that Fishing Seaſon; and that the Maſter of every fuch Fiſhing Next Ship, Ship next coming, as fhall enter any fuch Harbour or Creek, fhall be Rear-Admiral of fuch Harbour or Creek during that Fiſhing Seaſon; and that the Ma- fter of every Fiſhing Ship there fhall content himſelf with fuch Beech or Flakes, as he ſhall have neceffary Uſe for, without keeping or detaining any more Beech or Flakes, to the Prejudice of any fuch other Ship or Veffel as fhall arrive there; and that fuch Perfon or Perfon pof- Perfons, as are poffeffed of feveral Places in feveral lefed of fe- Harbours or Creeks there, fhall make his or their hall make Election of ſuch Place as he or they ſhall chooſe to his Election Bb B b 2 abide which to Rear-Admi ral. veral Places [ 188 ] abide in, 48 Hours after De- mand. abide in; and ſhall alfo, within eight and forty Hours and give his Refolution after any After-comer or After-comers into fuch Place to any Af- or Places fhall demand fuch his or their Refolution ter-Comer in touching fuch his or their Election (if the Weather will fo foon permit, or ſo ſoon after as the Weather will permit) give or fend his or their Refolution to fuch After-comer or After-comers, touching fuch his or their Election of fuch Place as he or they fhall fo chooſe to abide in for the Fiſhing Seafon, to the End that fuch After-comer or After-comers may likewife chooſe his or their Place or Places of his or their abode In case of there; and in cafe any Difference ſhall ariſe touching Difference, the faid Matters, the Admirals of the reſpective Har- Admirals bours where fuch Differences fhall arife, or any two of the Place. them, fhall proportion the Place to the feveral Ships, in the feveral Harbours they fiſh in, according to the Number of Boats which each of the faid Ships fhall keep. to proportion 5. And whereas feveral Inhabitants of Newfound- land, and other Perfons, have, fince the Year of our Lord one Thouſand fix Hundred Eighty-five, ingroffed and detained in their own Hands, and for their own private Benefit, feveral Stages, Cook-Rooms, Beeches, and other Places in the faid Harbours and Creeks (which before that Time belonged to Fishing Ships) for taking of Bait, and Fishing and curing their Fish, to the great Prejudice of the Fishing Ships that arrive there in the fishing Seafon, and fome Times to the Over- throw of fome of their Voyages, and to the great Dif couragement of the Trades there: Be it further enacted by [ 189 ] Cook-Room, by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every fuch Perfons who Perfon and Perfons, as fince the faid Year of our Lord have taken Since 1685 one Thouſand fix Hundred Eighty-five, have or hath or detained taken, ſeized, or detained any fuch Stage, Cook-Room, any Stage, Beech, or other Place, for taking Bait, or fiſhing, or &c. fhall for the drying, curing, or husbanding of Fiſh, ſhall on relinquish or before the ſaid twenty-fifth Day of March, relin- the publick the fame to quiſh, quit, and leave, to the publick. Uſe of the Fiſh- Use of Fish- ing Ships, ing Ships arriving there, all and every the faid Stages, ing Cook-Rooms, Beeches, and other Places, for taking Bait and Fiſhing, and for the drying, curing, and husband- ing of Fiſh. &C. man or In- 6. And for the preventing the ingroffing and de- taining of all fuch Stages, Cook-Rooms, Beeches, and other Places, by any Perfon or Perfons for the Time to come: Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That No Fiſher- no Fiſherman or Inhabitant in Newfoundland, or any habitant of other Perſon or Perfons whatſoever, fhall, at any Time Newfound- after the ſaid twenty-fifth Day of March, feize, take land to poſſeſs any up, or poffefs any of the Stages, Cook-Rooms, Beeches, Stage, &c. or other Places, which, at any Time fince the faid until all Year of our Lord one Thouſand fix Hundred Eighty- Ships be pro- Fishing five, did or at any Time hereafter ſhall belong to any vided, &c. Fiſhing Ship or Ships, for taking Bait or Fiſhing, or for drying, curing, or husbanding of Fiſh, before the Arrival of the Fiſhing Ships out of England, Wales, and Berwick, and until all fuch Ships fhall be provided with Stages, Cook-Rooms, Beeches, and other Places, for taking Bait and Fiſhing, and for drying, curing, and husbanding of Fiſh. 7. Provided [ 190 ] Provifo. By-Boat- to meddle 7. Provided always, That all fuch Perfons as fince the twenty-fifth Day of March, one Thouſand fix Hundred Eighty-five, have built, cut out, or made (or at any Time hereafter fhall build, cut out, or make) any Houſes, Stages, Cook-Rooms, Train-fats, or other Conveniencies for Fiſhing there, that did not belong to Fiſhing Ships fince the ſaid Year one Thouſand fix Hundred Eighty-five, fhall and may peaceably and quietly enjoy the fame to his or their own Uſe, with- out any Disturbance of or from any Perfon or Perſons whatſoever. 8. And be it further enacted by the Authority afore- Keepers not faid, That all and every Perfon or Perfons whatſoe- with House, ver, that fhall go over with their Servants to New- Stage, &c. foundland, to keep Boats on a Fiſhing Voyage, com- belonging to any Fishing monly called By-Boat-Keepers, fhall not pretend to or Ships. meddle with any Houfe, Stage, Cook-Room, Train- fat, or other Conveniency, that did belong to Fiſhing Ships, fince the Year one Thouſand fix Hundred Eighty- five, or ſhall be cut out or made by Ships, from and after the ſaid twenty-fifth Day of March, one Thou- fand feven Hundred. And to car- Men in Six. 9. And be it further enacted by the Authority ry two fresh aforefaid, That every Mafter of a By-Boat or By-Boats ſhall carry with him at leaſt two freſh Men in Six, (viz.) One Man that hath made no more than one Voyage, obliged to and one Man who hath never been at Sea before; and imploy two that every Inhabitant ſhall be obliged to imploy two fuch fresh Inhabitant Men. fuch [ 191 ] to carry one in Five. fuch freſh Men, as the By-Boat Keepers are obliged for every Boat kept by them; and further, That all Master of Maſters of Fiſhing Ships ſhall carry with them in their Filing Ship Ship's Company, at leaſt one ſuch freſh Man that ne-fresh Man ver was at Sea before, in every five Men they carry; and that the Maſter of each fuch By-Boat, and each And make fuch Fiſhing Ship, ſhall make Oath before the Collec- Oath there- of. tor, or other principal Officer of the Cuſtoms of the Port or Ports from whence fuch Ship intends to fail, that each Ship and By-Boat's Company have fuch: freſh Men therein as this Act directs; and that the faid Officer or Officers is or are hereby impowered and required to adminiſter the aforefaid Oath to the faid Maſters of Ships and By-Boats, and give a Cer-Certificate tificate thereof under his Hand, without any Fee, gratis. Gratuity, or Reward for fo doing. Man a 10. And be it further enacted by the Authority Every fifth aforefaid, That every Mafter or Owner of any Fishing Green-man. Ship going to Newfoundland (after the ſaid twenty- fifth Day of March) fhall have in his Ship's Company every fifth Man a Green-man (that is to fay) not a. Seaman, or having been ever at Sea before. 11. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons whatſoever ſhall at any Time, after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March, obliterate, expunge, cut out, deface, or any wife alter or Marks of change the Mark or Marks of any Boat or Boats, Train-Boats or fat or Train-fats, belonging to any other Perfon or Per- not to be Train-fats fons, whereby to defraud or prejudice the right Owner or obliterated, &c.. Owners [192] Without Confent of Owner. be rinded, fired. 2 Owners thereof, nor convert to his or their own Ufe any Boat or Boats, Train-fat or Train-fats, belonging to any other Perfon or Perfons, without his or their Conſent and Approbation, nor remove nor take away any fuch Boat or Train-fat from the Place or Places where they ſhall be left by the Owner or Owners thereof, except in cafe of Neceffity, and alfo upon giving Notice thereof to the Admiral of the Harbour or Place where fuch Boat or Train-fat ſhall be left by the Owner or Owners, to the End that the right Owners thereof may know what is become of them. Standing 12. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, Trees not to That no Perfon or Perfons whatſoever, fhall, at any nor Woods Time, after the ſaid twenty-fifth Day of March, rind any of the Trees there ftanding or growing upon any Occafion whatſoever, nor fhall by any Ways or Means whatſoever fet on fire any of the Woods of the faid Country, or do, or caufe to be done, any Da- mage, Detriment, or Deſtruction to the fame, for any Neceſſary Uſe or Uſes whatſoever, except only for neceffary Fuel Fuel except for the Ships and Inhabitants, and for the building and neceffary Repairs of Houſes, Ships, Boats, and Train-fats, and of the Stages, Cook-Rooms, Beeches, and other Places, for taking Bait and Fiſhing, and for drying, curing, and husbanding Fiſh there; and alſo that no Perfon or Perfons whatſoever fhall, at any Time after the ſaid twenty-fifth Day of March, caft Anchor, or do any other Matter or Thing, to the An- Sayns not to noyance or Hindring of the Haling of Sayns in the be annoyed. accuſtomary baiting Places, or ſhoot his or their Sayn ed, &c. or [193] Nor Nets, or Sayns within or upon the Sayn or Sayns of any other Perfon or Perfons whatſoever; and alſo that no Perſon or Perſons whatſoever fhall, at any Time after the ſaid twenty-fifth Day of March, ſteal, purloin, or take out of the Net or Nets of any other Perfon or Perſons whatſoever lying adrift, or Drover for Bait by stolen. Night, nor fteal, purloin, or take away any Bait out of any Fiſhing Boat or Boats, or any Net or Nets belonging to any other Perfon or Perfons. + Baits, &c. &G, in 13. And whereas feveral Perfons that have been guilty of Thefts, Robberies, Murders, and other Felo- nies, upon the Land in Newfoundland, and the Iſlands thereunto adjacent, have many Times efcaped unpunish- ed, becauſe the Trial of fuch Offenders hath heretofore been ordered and adjudged in no other Court of Justice, but before the Lord High Conftable, and Earl Marshal of England: For Reformation thereof, and for the more Speedy and effectual Puniſhment of fuch Offences for the Time to come, Be it enacted by the Authority Robberies, aforefaid, That all Robberies, Murders, and Felonies, New- and all other capital Crimes whatſoever, which at any foundland Time or Times after the faid twenty-fifth Day of may be tried. March, fhall be done and committed in or upon the ty in Eng- Land in Newfoundland, or in any of the Iſlands there- land, by unto belonging, fhall and may be inquired of, tried, Commiſſion of Oyer and heard, determined and adjudged in any Shire or Coun- Terminer. ty of this Kingdom of England, by Virtue of the King's Commiffion or Commiffions of Oyer and Ter- miner, and Goal Delivery, or any of them, accord- ing to the Laws of this Land ufed for the Punishment Cc of in any Coun ปี [194] Admirals in Newfound- of fuch Robberies, Murders, Felonies, and other capi tal Crimes done and committed within this Realm. 14. And be it further enacted by the Authority land to fee aforefaid, That the Admirals of and in every Port and the Rules, Harbour in Newfoundland, for the Time being, be &c. in this and are hereby authorized and required (in order to ed. preſerve Peace and good Government amongst the Aft execut- Seamen, and Fiſhermen, as well in their refpective Harbours, as on the Shore) to fee the Rules and Or- ders in this preſent Act contained concerning the Re- gulation of the Fishery there duly put in Execution; Keep a and that each of the faid Admirals do Yearly keep a Journal, &c. and Journal of the Number of all Ships, Boats, Stages, and deliver a Train-fats, and of all the Seamen belonging to and Copy thereof imployed in each of their reſpective Harbours, and vy Council, fhall alfo (at their Return to England) deliver a true Copy thereof under their Hands, to his Majefty's. moſt Honourable Privy Council.. to the Pri- between ' ' Admirals to 15. And be it further enacted by the Authority determine aforefaid, That in caſe any Difference or Controverſy Differences fhall arife in Newfoundland, or the Ilands thereunto Mafters of adjoining, between the Mafters of Fiſhing Ships and Fishing the Inhabitants there, or any By-Boat-Keeper, for or Inhabitants. concerning the Right and Property of Fiſhing-Rooms, Ships and Stages, Flakes, or any other Building or Conveniency for fishing or curing of Fifh, in the feveral Har- bours or Coves, the faid Differences, Difputes, and Controverfies, fhall be judged and determined by the Fiſhing Admirals, in the feveral Harbours and Coves; and [ 193 95 ] and in cafe any of the faid Mafters of Fifhing Ships, Party ag- By-Boat-Keepers, or Inhabitants, fhall think themſelves grieved may apppeal to aggrieved by fuch Judgment or Determination, and Command- fhall appeal to the Commanders of any of his Majeſty's ers of King Ships of War, appointed as Convoys for Newfound-pointed as land, the faid Commander is hereby authorized and Convoys. impowered to determine the fame, purſuant to the Regulation in this Act. 1501 Ships ap- Lord's Day, thereon. 1-46. And to the End, That the Inhabitants, Fisher- Inhabitants men, Seamen, and all and every other Perfon and Per-toobferve the Sons refiding or being at Newfoundland, or any the faid and not fell Ilands or other Places, may with all Devotion join their any Liquors folemn Prayers and Addreffes to Almighty God, for the obtaining of his Bleffing upon their Perfons and Endea- vours. Be it hereby enacted, That all and every the Inhabitants of Newfoundland, or the faid Iflands or Places adjacent near thereto, fhall ftrictly and decent- ly obferve every Lord's Day, commonly called Sun- day; and that none of the faid Inhabitants (who keep any Tavern, Ale-houſe, or other publick Houfe for Entertainment) fhall entertain or fell, vend, utter, or difpofe of to any Fifherman, Seaman, or other Perfon whatſoever, upon any Lord's Day or Sunday, any Wine, Beer, Ale, Cyder, Strong Waters, or Tobacco, or any other Liquor or Liquors whatſoever. Сс C c 2 Anno [[196] 28 Hen. $ II Anno 11mo & 12mo Gul. III. Cap. 7... An Act for the more effectual Suppreſſion of Piracy と ​2 > • * + W HERE AS by an Act of Parliament made in VIII.C.15. the twenty-eighth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, It is enacted, That Treafons, Felonies, Robberies, Murders, and Confederacies committed on the Sea, fhall be enquired of, tried, and determined ac- cording to the common Courſe of the Laws of this Land uſed for fuch Offences upon the Land within this Realm; whereupon the Trial of thofe Offenders before the Admiral, or his Lieutenant, or his Commiffary, hath been altogether difufed: And whereas, that fince the making of the faid Act, and especially of late Years, it hath been found by Experience, that Perfons commit- ting Piracies, Robberies, aud Felonies on the Seas, in or near the Eaft and Weſt Indies and in Places very remote, cannot be brought to condign Puniſhment with- out great Trouble and Charges in fending them into England to be tried within the Realm, as the faid Sta- tute directs, infomuch that many idle and profligate Perfons have been thereby encouraged to turn Pirates, and betake themſelves to that Sort of wicked Life, trusting that they shall not or at least cannot easily be queftioned for fuch their Piracies and Robberies by reafon of the great Trouble and Expence that will ne ceffarily fall upon fuch as fball attempt to apprehend $ F and ed [97] ? : nies, &c. on the Sea . and profecute them for the fame: And whereas the Numbers of them are of late very much increaſed, and their Infolencies fo great, that unless fome Speedy Reme dy be provided to fuppress them by a ftrict and more eafy Way for putting the antient Laws in that Behalf in Execution, the Trade and Navigation into remote Parts will very much fuffer thereby Be it therefore declared and enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent. Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all Piracies, Felonies, and Robberies, How and committed in or upon the Sea, or in any Haven, Ri- where Pi- ver, Creek, or Place, where the Admiral or Admirals racies, Felo- have Power, Authority or Jurifdiction, may be ex- committed amined, inquired of, tried, heard, and determined, and adjudged, according to the Directions of this Act, in any Place at Sea, or upon the Land, in any of his Majeſty's Iflands, Plantations, Colonies, Dominions, Forts, or Factories, to be appointed for that Purpoſe by the King's Commiffion or Commiffions under the By 4 Geo. Great Seal of England, or the Seal of the Admiralty s.7. Offend of England, directed to all or any of the Admirals, ers against Vice-Admirals, Rear-Admirals, Judges of Vice-Admi- this At may be tried ralties, or Commanders in any of his Majefty's Ships of as directed War, and alfo to all or any fuch Perfon or Perfons, by 28 Hen. Officer or Officers by Name or for the Time being, as his Majefty fhall think fit to appoint; which faid cluded their Commiffioners fhall have full Power jointly or feve- Clergy. rally, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of them; or any one of them, to commit to fafe Cuftody any h Pors may be tried. I. C. II. VIII. C. 15. and ex- ނ Perfon [ 198 ] 7 Perfon or Perfons, againſt whom Information of Piras cy, Robbery, or Felony upon the Sea, ſhall be given upon Oath (which Oath they or any one of them (hall 艷 ​1 have full Power, and are hereby required to adminiə Admiralty fter) and to call and affemble a Court of Admiralty on Court to Ship-board, or upon the Land, when and as often as confift offer Occafion fhall require; which Court fhall confift of feven Perfons at the leaſt. ven Perfons. Where So many cannot be bad. 1 2. And if fo many of the Perfons aforefaid cannot conveniently be affembled, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That any Three of the afore faid Perfons (whereof the Prefident or Chief of fome English Factory, or the Governor, Lieutenant Gover- nor, or Member of his Majefty's Councils in any of the Plantations or Colonies aforefaid, or Commander of one of his Majefty's Ships, is always to be one) fhall have full Power and Authority, by Virtue of this Act, to call and affemble any other Perfons on Ship-board, or upon the Land, to make up the Number of Seven: Perfons 3. Provided, That no Perſon but fuch as are known qualified to Merchants, Factors, or Planters, or fuch as are Cap- fit and vote, &c. tains, Lieutenants, or Warrant Officers in any of his Majeſty's Ships of War, or Captains, Mafters, or Mates of fome English Ship, fhall be capable of being fo called, and fitting and voting in the faid Court. મ Power of Courts fo 4. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, called, in That fuch Perfons called and affembled, as aforefaid, cafe of Tri- hall have full Power and Authority, according to the al of Pirate, &C. 1 Courfe [ 199 ] א { Courfe of the Admiralty, to iffue Warrants for bring ing any Perſons accuſed of Piracy or Robbery before. them to be tried, heard, and adjudged; and to fum- mon Witneffes, and to take Informations and Exami- nations of Witneffes upon their Oath; and to do all Things neceffary for the Hearing and final Determi nation of any Cafe of Piracy, Robbery, and Felony ; and to give Sentence and Judgment of Death, and to award Execution of the Offenders convicted and at- tainted, as aforefaid, according to the Civil Law, and. the Methods and Rules of the Admiralty; and that all and every Perfon and Perfons fo convicted and at- tainted of Piracy or Robbery, fhall have and fuffer fuch Loffes of Lands, Goods, and Chattels, as if they had been attainted and convicted of any Piracies, Fe- lonies, and Robberies according to the aforementioned Statute made in the Reign of King Henry the Eighth.. { A first read, 5. Provided always, and be it further enacted by King's Com-- the Authority aforefaid, That fo foon as any Court million to be fhall be affembled, as aforefaid, either on Ship-board, Court or upon the Land, the King's Commiffion fhall firſt open'd. be openly read, and the faid Court then and there fhall be folemnly and publickly called and proclaim- Prefident to ed and then the Prefident of the Court ſhall in the take the following firft Place, publickly in open Court, take the follow- Oath. ing Oath, vix.. } "IA. B. do fwear in the Prefence of Almighty "Gody That I will truly and impartially try, and "adjudge the Prifoner or Prifoners which fhall be. "brought: [ 200 ] And then to brought upon his or their Trials before this Court, "and honeſtly and duly on my Part put his Majeſty's "Commiffion for the trying of them in Execution, according to the beſt of my Skill and Knowledge; " and that I have no Intereft directly or indirectly, in any Ship or Goods, for the Piratically taking of "which any Perſon ſtands accuſed, and is now to be "tried: So help me God." 6. And he having taken the Oath in Manner afore- adminifter faid, fhall immediately adminifter the fame Oath to the fame to every Perſon who fhall fit, and have and give a Voice Members. in the faid Court upon the Trial of fuch Priſoner or the other Priſoners as aforefaid; and immediately thereupon the faid Priſoner or Priſoners fhall be formally brought bè- How Pri- fore them; and then the Regiſter of the faid Court Joners ball fhall openly and diſtinctly read the Articles againſt before them fuch Prifoner or Priſoners, upon which they or any and tried. of them is or are to be tried; wherein shall be fet be brought Prifoners forth the particular Fact or Facts of Piracy, Robbery, and Felony, with the Time and Place when and where, and in what Manner it was committed; and then each Priſoner ſhall be asked whether he be guilty of the ſaid Piracy and Robbery, or Felony, or not guilty? whereupon every fuch Priſoner ſhall immedi→ ately plead thereunto, guilty, or not guilty, or elſe it ſhall be taken as confeffed; and he ſhall fuffer fuch Pains of Death, Lofs of Lands, Goods, and Chattels, and in like Manner, as if he or they had been attainted or convicted upon the Oath of Witneffes, or his own Confeffion; But if any Priſoner ſhall plead not guilty, 1 Witneffes [ 201 ] voca Witneffes fhall be produced by the Regiſter, and du- pleading, not guilty, ly fworn and examined openly, viva voce, in the Witneſes Prifoner's Prefence; and after a Witneſs hath an-ſhall be ex- ſwered all the Queſtions propoſed by the Prefident of amined viva the Court, and given his Evidence, it fhall and may be lawful for the Prifoner to have the Witneſs croſs- examined, by firft declaring to the Court what Que- ſtion he would have asked, and thereupon the Prefi- dent of the Court ſhall interrogate the Witneſs accord- ingly; and every Priſoner ſhall have Liberty to bring Witneffes for his Defence, who ſhall be fworn, and ex- amined upon Oath, as the Witneffes were that teftifi- ed againſt him; and afterwards the Priſoner fhall be fairly heard what he can fay for himfelf; all which being done, the Prifoner fhall be taken away and kept in fafe Cuſtody, and all other Perfons, except the Regiſter ſhall withdraw from the faid Court, and then the Court fhall confider of the Evidence which hath been given, and debate the Matters and Circumſtances of the Prifoner's Cafe, and the Prefident of the Court fhall collect all the Votes of the Perfons who do fit and have Voices in the faid Court, beginning at the Junior firſt, and ending with himſelf; and according to the Plurality of Voices, Sentence and Judgment ſhall be then given and pronounced publickly in the Prefence of the Priſoner or Priſoners, being called in again; and according to fuch Sentence and Judgment How Sen- the Perfon or Perfons attainted fhall be executed and be executed. tence ſhall put to Death at fuch Time, in fuch Manner, and in fuch Place upon the Sea, or within the Ebbing or Flowing thereof, as the Preſident or the major Part of Dd the [202] the Court to Notary. the Court, by Warrant directed to a Provoft Marfhrat (which the Prefident or faid major Part hall have Power to conftitute) fhall appoint. ** Regiſter of 7. And be it further enacted by the Authority be a publick aforefaid, That fome Perfon, being a publick Notary, ſhall be Regiſter of the Court; and in cafe of his Ab- fence, Death, or Incapacity, or for want of a Perfon fo qualified, the Prefident of the Court fhall and may appoint a Regiſter, giving him an Oath (which he is hereby impowered to adminiſter) duly, faithfully, and impartially to execute his Office; which Regifter ſhall prepare all Warrants and Articles, and take Care to provide all Things requifite for any Trial, accord- ing to the ſubſtantial and effential Parts of Proceed- ings in a Court of Admiralty, in the most fummary Way; and fhall take Minutes of the whole Proceed- ings, and enter them duly in a Book by him to be kept for that Purpofe; and fhall from Time to Time, as Opportunity offers, tranfmit the fame with the Co- pies of all Articles and Judgments given in any fuch Cafes, in any Court whereof he fhall be Regifter, un- to the High Court of Admiralty of England. King's Sub- jects, &c. & i ! 8. And be it further enacted by the Authority committing aforefaid, That if any of his Majeſty's natural born Piracy, &c. Subjects of Denizens of this Kingdom fhall commit on others of the King's any Piracy or Robbery, or any Act of Hoftility, Subjects by against others his Majefty's Subjects upon the Sea, un- der Colour of any Commiffion from any foreign from any fo reigh Prince or State, or Pretence of Authority from any Perfon [ 203 ] Perfon whatſoever, fuch Offender and Offenders, and Prince, hall be adjudged every of them,' fhall be deemed, adjudged, and taken Pirates, to be Pirates, Felons, and Robbers; and they and &c. and every of them being duly convicted thereof, accord-SufferDeath. ing to this Act, or the aforefaid Statute of King Henry the Eighth, fhall have and fuffer fuch Pains of Death, Lofs of Lands, Goods, and Chattels, as Pirates, Felons, and Robbers upon the Seas ought to have and fuffer. > 5 run who ſhall turn Pirate, &c. 9. And be it further enacted, That if any Com- Commander mander or Maſter of any Ship, or any Seaman or or Mariner Mariner, fhall, in any Place where the Admiral hath betray his Jurifdiction, betray his Truft, and turn Pirate, Ene- Trust, or my, or Rebel, and piratically and felonioufly away with his or their Ship or Ships, or any Barge, Boat, Ordnance, Ammunition, Goods, or Merchan dizes, or yeild them up voluntarily to any Pirate, or fhall bring any Seducing Meffages from any Pirate, Enemy, or Rebel, or confult, combine, or confederate Or endea with, or attempt or endeavour to corrupt any Com-vour to cor- mander, Mafter, Officer, or Mariner to yeild up or other, &c. run away with any Ship, Goods, or Merchandizes, or turn Pirate, or go over to Pirates, or if any Per- fon fhall lay violent Hands on his Commander, where- Or Perfon by to hinder him from fighting in Defence of his laying vio- Ship and Goods committed to his Truft, or that ſhall on bis Com- confine his Mafter, or make, or endeavour to make a mander, &c. fhall be Revolt in his Ship, fhall be adjudged, deemed, and adjudged a taken to be a Pirate, Felon, and Robber, and being Pirate, and convicted thereof, according to the Directions of this Juffer Death. € Dd 2 A&t, rupt any lent Hands 1 [204] or aiding [ T A Act, fhall have and fuffer Pains of Death, Lofs of Lands, Goods, and Chattels, as Pirates, Felons, and Robbers upon the Seas ought to have and fuffer. 10! And whereas feveral evil difpofed Perfons, in the Plantations and elsewhere, have contributed very much towards the Increafe and Encouragement of Pi- rates, by Setting them forth, and by aiding, abetting, receiving, and concealing them and their Goods, and there being fome Defects in the Laws for bringing fuch Perfons fet- evil difpofed Perfons to condign Pnniſhment; Be it en- ting forth, acted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every any Pirate, Perfon and Perſons whatſoever, who, after the twen- &c. ball, ty-ninth Day of September, in the Year of our Lord be adjudged Acceffaries, one Thouſand ſeven Hundred, fhall either on the Land, or upon the Seas, knowingly or wittingly fet forth any Pirate, or aid and affift, or maintain, pro- cure, command, councel, or adviſe any Perfon or Perfons whatſoever, to do or commit any Piracies or Robberies upon upon the Seas, and fuch Perfon and Perfons fhall thereupon do or commit any fuch Piracy or Robbery, then all and every fuch Perfon or Perfons whatſoever, ſo as aforefaid, fetting forth any Pirate, or aiding, affifting, maintaining, procuring, com- manding, counſelling, or advifing the fame, either on the Land or upon the Sea, fhall be and are hereby declared and ſhall be deemed and adjudged to be Ac- ceffary to fuch Piracy and Robbery done and commit- The like for ted; and further, that after any Piracy or Robbery is concealing or ſhall be committed by any Pirate or Robber what- foever, every Perfon and Perfons, who, knowing that Pirate, &c. fuch [? [205] ~ 1 to fuch Pirate for Robber has done or committed fuch Pi- Iracy and Robbery, fhall on the Land or upon the Sea, receive, entertain, or conceal any fuch Pirate or Robber, or receive or take into his Cuftody any Ship, Veffel, 'Goods, or Chattels, which have been by any ſuch Pirate or Robber piratically and feloniouſly taken, fhall be and are hereby likewife declared, deemed, and adjudged to be Acceffary to fuch Piracy and Robbery; and that after the faid nine and twentieth Day of September, all fuch Acceffaries to fuch Piracies How Accef and Robberies fhall and may be enquired of, tried, be tried. faries fhall heard, determined, and adjudged after the common Courſe of the Laws of this Land, according to the faid Statute made in the twenty-eighth Year of King Henry the Eighth, as the Principals of fuch Piracies and Robberies may and ought to be, and no other- wife; and being thereupon attainted, fhall fuffer fuch Pains of Death, Lofs of Lands, Goods, and Chattels, and in like Manner as the Principals of fuch Piracies, Robberies, and Felonies ought to fuffer, according to the faid Statute of King Henry the Eighth, which is hereby declared to be and continue in full Force; any Thing in this preſent Act contained to the Contrary notwithſtanding. 11. And forafmuch as it will alfo conduce to the fuppreffing of Robberies on the Sea if due Encourage- ment be given, and Rewards allowed, to fuch Command- ers, Maſters, and other Officers, Seamen, and Mari- ners, as ſhall either bravely defend their own Ships, or take, feixe, and defroy Pirates Sea Rovers, and Enemies 1 [206] ༣ $ Encourage- Enemies Be it further enacted by the Authority ment for Command aforefaid, That when any English Ship fhall have been ers and Ma- defended against any Pirates, Enemies, or Sea Ro- riners to vers by Fight, and brought to her defigned Port, in defend their Ships against which Fight any of the Officers or Seamen fhall have Pirates, been killed or wounded, It fhall and may be lawful &c. to and for the Judge of his Majefty's High Court of See the like Admiralty, or his Surrogate in the Port of London, or Provifion, the Mayor, Bailiff, or chief Officer in the feveral Car. II. C. Out - Ports of this Kingdom, upon the Petition 11. S. 10. of the Mafter or Seamen of fuch Ship fo defended as 44 aforefaid, to call unto him four or more good and. fubftantial Merchants, and fuch as are no Adventurers or Owners of the Ship or Goods fo defended, and have no Manner of Intereft therein, and by Advice. with them to raife and levy upon the reſpective Ad- venturers and Owners of the Ship and Goods fo de- fended, by Proceſs out of the faid Court, fuch Sum or Sums of Money as himſelf and, the faid Merchants, by Plurality of Voices, fhall determine and judge rea- ſonable, not exceeding two Pounds per Centum of the Freight, and of the Ship and Goods fo defend- ed, according to the firft Cofts of the Goods; which Sum or Sums of Money fo raiſed fhall be diftributed among the Captain, Mafter, Officers, and Seamen of the ſaid Ship, or Widows and Children of the Slain, according to the Direction of the Judge of the faid Court, or his Surrogate in the Port of London, or the Mayor, Bai- liff, or chief Officer in the feveral Out- Ports of this Kingdom, with the Approbation of the Merchants aforefaid; who fhall proportion the fame, according. j to [207] 1 to their beſt Judgment, unto the Ship's Company, as aforefaid, having fpecial Regard unto the Widows and Children of fuch as fhall have been flain in that. Service, and fuch as have been wounded or maimed. 13. Provided alfo, That this Act fhall be in Force Att to be in for feven Years, and to the End of the next Seffion of Force for fe- Parliament, after the Expiration of the faid feven Made per- Years, and no longer. K upon ven Years. petual by 6 Geo. I. C. 19. S. 3.-- ers, &c. try the nies, &c. in 14. And for the more effectual Profecution and And enforc ed by 8 Punishment of Piracies, Felonies, and Robberies G. I. C.. the Sea, and of all other Offences aforementioned: Be 24. it declared and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, Commiſſion-- That the Commiffioners appointed or to be appointed hall have. by the aforementioned Statute of King Henry the Power to Eighth, or the Commiffioners for Trial of Pirates; - ap- aforefaid pointed by this Act, ſhall from and after the faid nine Crimes in and twentieth Day of September, one Thoufand feven all the Colo- Hundred, have the fole Power and Authority of try-America. ing, hearing, and determining the faid Crimes and Offences, within all or any of the Colonies and Plantations in America, governed by Proprietors, ar under Grants or Charters from the Crown, and of bringing the Offenders to condign Puniſhment; and fhall and may. iffue forth their Warrant or Warrants · for the feizing and apprehending of any Pirates, Fe- lons, or Robbers upon the Sea, or their Confederates or Acceffaries, being within any of the faid Colonies and Plantations, in Order to their being brought to Trial within the fame or any other Plantation in: 2 America, [ 208 ] Governors of the faid Colonies, America, according to this Act, or fent into England to be tried there; and that all and every Governor and Governors, Perfon and Perfons in Authority in &c. to af the faid Colonies and Plantations, governed by Propri- fift Commif- fioners, &c. etors, or under Charters, as aforefaid, fhall affift the And deliver Commiffioners and their fubordinate Officers in doing up Pirates, their Duty, and alfo in the Execution of fuch Warrants, &c. yeilding and otherwiſe, and ſhall deliver up to fuch Commif- fioner or Commiffioners, Officer or Officers, any Pi- rates, Felons, and Robbers upon the Sea, and their Confederates and Acceffaries, in Order to their being tried, or fent into England, as aforefaid; any Letters Patents, Grants, or Charters of Government, in and about the ſaid Plantations, or other Uſages heretofore had or made to the contrary notwithſtanding. Penalty on 15. And be it hereby further declared and enacted,That Governor, ifany of the Governors in the ſaid Plantations, or any Per- &c. not fon or Perſons in Authority there, fhall refuſe to yield Obedience to Obedience to this Act, fuch Refufal is hereby declar- ed to be a Forfeiture of all and every the Charters granted for the Government or Propriety of fuch Plantation. this Alt. How Com- Trial of Offences 16. Provided always, and be it enacted by the millions for Authority aforefaid, That whenfcever any Commiffi- on for the Trial and Puniſhment of the Offences within the aforefaid, or any of them ſhall be directed or fent to Jurifdiction of the Cin any Place within the Juriſdiction of the Cinque Ports, que Ports, that then every fuch Commiffion fhall be directed un- hall be di- to the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, for the rected, Time [209] } 子 ​tion made. Time being, or to his Lieutenant, and unto fuch other Perfons as the Lord High Chancellor, or Keeper of the Great Seal of England, for the Time being, or Commiffioners for the Cuftody of the Great Seal, fhall name and appoint; and likewife that every Inquifiti- And Inquifi- on, and Trial to be had by Virtue of fuch Commiffion fo, directed and fent to any Place in the faid Cinque Ports, fhall be made and had by the Inhabitants of the faid Cinque Ports, or the Members of the fame; any Thing in this Act to the contrary thereof not- withſtanding. 27 1 mo > Anno I Annæ St. 1. Cap. 16. An Act for the enlarging and encouraging the Greenland Trade. & M, C. 17. WHEREAS by an Act made in the Fourth and 4 and 5 W. Fifth Years of the Reign of their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary, for encouraging the Greenland Fiſhery, a Company was thereby incorporat- ed, giving Liberty to the faid Company, exclufive to the reft of their Majefties Subjects, it is thereby enacted, That it fball and may be lawful for the faid Company, thereby established, and for all and every the Ships and Veffels belonging to or imployed by the faid Company, and truly belonging to England, Wales, or the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, and whereof the Maſters ſhall be Engliſh Men, and inhabiting within the Places Ее afore- [ 210 ] aforefaid, and for no other Ship or Veffel whatsoever, from and after the first Day of May, in the Year of our Lord one Thouſand fix Hundred Ninety three, and until the first Day of October, which ſhall be in the Year of our Lord one Thoufand feven Hundred and Seven, imployed for the catching of Whales in the Ships em Greenland Seas, and other the Seas and Places afore- ployed in the Greenland faid, during fuch their Voyages, to be navigated with Fishery, na- one Third of the Mariners English at the least, and vigated yet to pay no further or other Cuftom for the Oil, Third Eng- Blubber, or Fins caught and imported in fuch Ships or with one liſh. Veffels, than if fuch Ships or Veſſels had been navigated with three Fourths of the Mariners English; any Law, Statute, or Uſage to the contrary in any wife notwith- ftanding. Provided always, and it is thereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no English Ship or other Veſſel belonging to England, Wales, or the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, and which fhall belong to, and be imployed by the faid Company in the catching of Whales in the Greenland Seas, and other the Seas and Places aforefaid, fhall enjoy any Benefit or Privilege by this Act, unless fuch Ship or Veffel did proceed on her Voyage for Greenland, and thofe Seas, or for other the Seas and Places aforefaid, from Eng- land, or Wales, or the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, and was victualled for the faid Voyage in fome of thofe Places, to be attefted by the Collector of the Port where the fame Ship or Veſſel was victualled; notwithſtand- ing which, the faid Company have of late wholly neg- lected and loft that Trade to this Nation: And there- fore, for the enlarging and encouraging the Greenland Trade, [ 211 ] it may Trade, and for the better Improvement of the fame for the Good of England, May it pleaſe your Majeſty that be enacted: And be it enacted by the Queen's moſt Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this preſent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the firſt Day of May, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one Thouſand feven Hundred and Two, it ſhall and may be lawful for any of her Majeſty's Sub- Any of the jects whatſoever, that will adventure to Greenland for Queen's Subjects fifhing of Whales, to have and enjoy all the Privi- may use the leges that were granted to the faid Company by the Greenland aforefaid Act, and fhall not pay any further or other Duty, than if they had been of the faid Greenland Company; any Law or Statute to the contrary not- withſtanding. Fishery. neer, &c. 2. And be it further enacted by the Authority No Harpo- aforefaid, That no Harponeer, or other Foreigners to be im- that are permitted by the faid A&t for carrying on the prefted. ſaid Fiſhery, ſhall be imprefted for her Majeſty's 13 Geo. Service. II. C. 28, S. 5. E e 2 Anno [212] Captain, Mafter,&c. wilfully caft- Anno I mo Annæ St. 2. Cap. 9. An Act for puniſhing of Acceffaries to Fe- lonies, and Receivers of ftolen Goods, and to prevent the wilful burning and deftroy- ing of Ships. 4. AND for the effectual preventing the wilful cafting away, burning, or otherwife deftroying, ing away by Mafters and Mariners, of Ships under their Charge: or burning, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Ship, Shall Captain, Mafter, Mariner or other Officer, belonging fuffer Death. to any Ship, fhall, after the faid twelfth Day of Fe- Etc. any on the High Shire in bruary one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Two, wil fully caft away, burn, or otherwiſe deſtroy the Ship unto which he belongeth, or procure the fame to be done, to the Prejudice of the Owner or Owners there- of, or of any Merchant or Merchants, that fhall load Goods thereon, he fhall fuffer Death as a Felon. The faid Offences 5. And be it further enacted by the Authority committed aforefaid, That all and every the faid Offence and Seas may be Offences committed on the High Seas, or where the tried in any Admiralty hath Jurifdiction, fhall be inquired, tried, heard, determined and judged, in fuch Shires and in fuch Places in the Realm, as fhall be limitted by the Manner as Queen's Commiffion under the Great Seal of Eng- by 28 Hen. VIII. C. land, in fuch Manner and Form, as in and by an Act 15. is di- made in the twenty eighth Year of the Reign of the England, rected. late [213] vitted there- late King Henry the Eighth, is directed and appointed for the Trial of Pirates; and that all and every Perfon Perfons con-- and Perfons, who, from and after the faid twelfth of to fuffer Day of February, One thouſand Seven hundred and Death with- Two, fhall be convict of any of the faid Offence or out Benefit Offences laft mentioned, or fhall ftand mute, or pe- of Clergy. remptorily challenge above the Number of twenty Perfons returned to ferve of the Jury, fhall fuffer Death without Benefit of Clergy, 1 Anno 2do & 3° Annæ Cap. 6. An Act for the Increase of Seamen, and better Encouragement of Navigation, and Security of the Coal Trade.. WHEREAS the giving due Encouragement to fuch of the Youth of this Kingdom, as ſhall vo- luntarily betake themselves to the Sea Service, and Practice of Navigation, and obliging others, who, by Reaſon of their own or their Parents Poverty, are def titute of Employment, or any lawful means whereby to maintain themſelves, may greatly tend to the Increase of able and experienced Mariners and Seamen, for the Service of her Majesty's Royal Navy, and for the car- rying on the Trade and Commerce of this Kingdom: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's moſt excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords [214] Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the five and twen- tieth Day of March, in the Year of our Lord One Parish Boys thoufand Seven hundred and Four, It fhall and may may be put be lawful to and for two or more Juftices of the Peace, out Appren- tices to the in their [feveral and refpective Counties, Ridings, or Sea Service Divifions, as alfo to and for all Mayors, Aldermen, Bailiffs, and other Chief Officers and Magiftrates of any City, Borough, or Town Corporate, within her Majeſty's Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, and likewife to and for the Churchwardens and Overſeers of the Poor (for the Time being) of the feveral and refpective Pa- riſhes within the Places aforefaid, by and with the Confent and Approbation of ſuch Juftices of the Peace, Mayors, Aldermen, Bailiffs, or other the Chief Offi- cers or Magiftrates aforefaid, to bind and put out any Boy or Boys, who is, are, or fhall be of the Age of Ten Years, or upwards, or who is, are, or fhall be charge- able, or whoſe Parents are or ſhall become chargeable to the reſpective Pariſh or Pariſhes wherein they inha- bit, or who ſhall beg for Alms, to be Apprentice and Apprentices to the Sea Service, to any of her Majeſty's To Masters Subjects, being Mafters or Owners of any Ship or of Ships, Veffel ufed in Sea Service, and belonging to any Port or Ports within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed aforefaid, for ſo long time, and until fuch Boys fhall refpectively attain or come to the Age of One and twenty Years; And fuch binding out any fuch Apprentice ſhall be &c. as [215] as effectual in the Law, to all Intents and Purpoſes, as if fuch Boy were of full Age, and by Indenture had bound himſelf an Apprentice: And to the End Boys Age to be inferted that the time of the Continuance of the Service of in his Inden- fuch Apprentice or Apprentices may the more plainly ture, &c. and certainly appear, the Age of every fuch Boy, fo to be bound Apprentice, fhall be mentioned and in- ferted in his Indentures, being taken truly from a Copy of the Entry in the Regiſter Book, wherein the time of his being baptized is or ſhall be entred (where the fame can or may be had) which Copy fhall be given and attefted by the Minifter, Vicar, or Curate of fuch Parish or Pariſhes, wherein fuch Boys Baptifm ſhall be Regiſtred, without Fee or Reward, and may be writ upon Paper or Parchment without any Stamp or Mark; and where no fuch Entry of fuch Boys being baptized can be found, two or more of fuch Juftices of the Peace, and fuch Mayors, Aldermen, Bailiffs, or other Chief Officers fhall, as fully as they can, inform themſelves of fuch Boy's Age, and from fuch Information fhall infert the fame in the faid In- dentures; and the Age of fuch Boy fo inferted and mentioned in the faid Indentures (in relation to the Continuance of his Service) fhall be taken to be his true Age without any further Proof thereof. 2. And be it further enacted by the Authority a- Churchwar- forefaid, That the Churchwardens and Overfeers of dens to pay the Poor for the Time being, of the feveral and ref- down fifty Shillings for pective Pariſhes, from whence any fuch Boy fhall be Boys neceſſa- bound Apprentice to the faid Service, as aforefaid, ryCloathing, fhall &c. and be [216] allowed the fhall pay down to fuch Maſter, to whom the Boy is fame in their bound, at the time of his binding, the Sum of fifty Accounts. No Juch Ap- &c. till Shillings, to provide neceffary Cloathing and Bedding for Sea Service, for fuch Boy; and the Charges by this Act appointed fhall be allowed to the faid Church- wardens and Overfeers on their Accounts. 4. And be it further enacted by the Authority prentice to be aforefaid, That no fuch Apprentice or Apprentices impreſſed, fhall be compelled, or impreffed, or permitted or fuffered to lift or enter him or themſelves into her Years old. Majefty's Service at Sea, or into the Sea Service of her Majeſty's Heirs or Succeffors, till fuch Apprentice or Apprentices reſpectively arrive to the Age of eighteen eighteen Apprentices to be ſent to Years. + 5. And be it further enacted, That the Church- Indentures wardens and Overfeers of the Pariſh, out of which the Collector any fuch Boy fhall be bound an Apprentice, fhall at the Port fend the faid Indentures to the Collector of her Ma- his Master jefty's Cuſtoms, refiding at or belonging to any Port belongs. whereunto or Ports within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, where- unto fuch Maſters or Owners of Ships or Veffels, to whom ſuch Apprentice or Apprentices ſhall be bound, Collector to do or may belong; who ſhall in a Book or Books to be by him kept for that Purpoſe, fairly enter, from time to time, all and every Indenture and Indentures, whereby fuch Apprentice and Apprentices fhall be bound, and which fhall be fo fent unto him, and fhall make an Indorſement upon the faid Indentures enter the fame gratis, &c. of [ 217 ] of the Regiſtry thereof, fubfcribed by the faid Col- lector, without taking any Fee or other Reward for the fame: And every fuch Collector, neglecting or Penalty on refuſing to enter fuch Indentures, and indorfe the Collector neglecting. fame, or making falſe Entries, fhall forfeit the Sum of five Pounds for the Ufe of the Poor of the Pariſh, from whence fuch Boy was bound Apprentice: And all and every fuch Collector or Collectors, or his or their law- ful Deputy or Deputies, of the faid feveral and refpec- tive Ports, fhall from Time to Time tranfmit Certi- Collector to ficates in Writing, under his or their Hands, to the tranfmit Certificates Lord High Admiral of England, or to the Commiffi- to Lord Ad- oners of the Admiralty for the Time being, contain- miral. ing the Names and Ages of every fuch Apprentice reſpectively, and to what Ship he belongs; and upon Lord Admi- Receipt of fuch Certificates, Protections fhall, from ral to grant Time to Time, be made and given for fuch Appren- for fuch Ap- tices, 'till they attain their ſeveral and reſpective Ages prentices of eighteen Years, without any Fee or Reward to be gratis. taken for the fame; which Certificates, fo as afore- faid to be given, are not required to be writ upon ftampt Paper or Parchment. h Protections 6. And be it further enacted by the Authority 43 El. C. 2. aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Perfons, to whom any poor Pariſh Boy hath been, or hereafter ſhall be put Apprentice, according to the Statute made in the forty-third Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, may, with the Conſent and Approbation of Two or more Juftices of the Peace of the ſame County, and dwelling in or near the fame Pariſh where Ff fuch [218] 1 prentices the Sea Ser- vice. fuch poor Boy was bound Apprentice, or by and with the Conſent and Approbation of any Mayor, Alder- man, Bailiff, or other Chief Officer or Magiftrate of poor any City, Borough, or Town Corporate, where fuch Parish Boys poor Boy was bound Apprentice, at the Requeſt of bound Ap- the Mafter or Miſtreſs, then living, of fuch Appren- may be turn- tices, or his or their Executors, Adminiftrators, or ed over to Affigns, by Indenture, affign and turn over fuch Boy Apprentice to any Maſter or Owner of any fuch See 4 Ann. Ship or Veffel, ufing the Sea Service, as aforeſaid, for C.19. S.16. and during the then remaining Time of his Apprentice- ſhip; which Affignment or Affignments of fuch Ap- prentices, fo as aforefaid, fhall be, and are hereby Indentures declared to be good and effectual in the Law: All of Align which Indentures of Affignment are hereby directed to ment to be regiftred. be regiſtered, and Certificates thereof given and tranfmitted by fuch Collector, at the faid feveral Ports where fuch Parish Apprentices fhall be fo affign- ed over, and bound to the Sea Service, in Manner and Form aforefaid; and upon Receipt of fuch Cer- tificates, Protections fhall, from Time to Time, be made and given for fuch Apprentice (fo to be affigned over as aforefaid) 'till they ſhall attain their feveral and reſpective Ages of eighteen Years, without Fee or Re- ward for the fame, in like Manner as aforefaid. All fuch Ap- 7. And be it further enacted by the Authority prentices aforefaid, That all and fingular fuch poor Boys as are till eighteen Years old herein before mentioned, or intended by this preſent exempted Act to be bound and put out, and fuch as fhall be from the affigned over to the Sea Service, as aforefaid, during 6 d. per their [219] Green- II. C. 7. their ſeveral and reſpective Apprenticeſhips, 'till fuch Month to Time as they ſhall attain their ſeveral and reſpective wich Hofpi- Ages of eighteen Years, fhall be, and are hereby de- tal. clared to be exempted, freed, and diſcharged of and See 2 Geo. from Payment of Six-pence per Month towards the & C. 36. better ſupporting of Greenwich Hofpital, the Act of Parliament made in the feventh and eighth Years of 7 & 8 W. the Reign of the late King William the Third (of III. C. 21. glorious Memory) intituled, An Act for the Increaſe and Encouragement of Seamen, or any Clauſe in the fame Act contained to the contrary hereof in any wiſe notwithſtanding. ` 8. And for the better providing fuch Apprentices Masters of with Mafters for the faid Service: Be it further en- Ships, &c. obliged to acted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every take fuch of her Majefty's Subjects being Mafters or Owners of Apprentices. any Ship or Ships, Veffel or Veffels, ufed in the Sea Service as aforefaid, of the Burthen of thirty Tun to the Burthen of fifty Tun, be obliged to take one fuch Apprentice, and one more for the next fifty Tun, and one more for each and every Hundred Tun, fuch Ship or Veffel fhall exceed the Burthen of one Hun- By 4 Ann. dred Tun: And fuch Mafter or Owner of any Ship or C. 19. S. Veffel, refufing to take fuch Apprentice or Appren-ſter ſhall be tices, as aforefaid, fhall forfeit the Sum of ten Pounds bound to for the Ufe of the Poor of the Parish from whence take a Boy fuch Boy was bound Apprentice. Ff 2 16. No Ma- under thir- teen Years of Age, &c. 9. And [220] } And to give an Account of their 9. And be it further enacted, That every Mafter or Owner of fuch Ship or Ships, Veffel or Veffels, fo. Names, &c. obliged to take fuch Apprentice or Apprentices, af- ter his Arrival into any Port or Ports aforefaid,. and before he clears out of fuch Port, fhall give am Account in Writing, under his Hand, to the Collector of fuch Port to which he belongs, containing the Names and Number of fuch Apprentices as are then remaining in his Service. Boys on Officer to 14. And be it further enacted, That every Cu- infert on the ftom - houfe Officer or Officers, at each and every of Cocquet the Number of the Ports aforefaid, fhall infert, and are hereby re- Men and quired, from Time to Time, to infert at the Bottom board, &c. of their Cocquets, the Number of Men and Boys on board the reſpective Ships or Veffels, at their going out of every fuch Port, therein particularly deſcribing the Apprentices by their respective Names, Ages, and the Dates of their feveral Indentures, for which no Fee or Reward fhall be taken, Perfons vo- luntarily binding to Sea Ser- 15. And for the Encouragement of fuch as have or ſhall voluntarily bind themſelves Apprentices to the themfelves Sea Service: Be it further enacted by the Authority Apprentices aforefaid, That all and every fuch. Perfon and Per- fons, who have or fhall fo voluntarily and of his or be impreſſed their own Accord, bind or put him or themſelves for three Apprentice to any fuch Mafters or Owners of any Ship or Veffel, as aforefaid, fhall not be compelled or impreſt into her Majefty's Sea Service, or the Sea Ser- vice, not to Years. vice [ 221 ] by 4 Ann. vice of her Majefty's Heirs or Succeffors, for and Explained during the Term of three Years, to be accounted C. 19.S.17. from the Dates of the reſpective Indentures of fuch voluntary Apprentice or Apprentices; all which In- Indentures dentures are hereby directed to be regiſtered, and Cer- to be regi Stred, and tificates thereof given and tranſmitted by fuch Collec- Certificates tor at the ſaid ſeveral Ports, where fuch Apprentices tranfmitted, already have become ſo bound, or that hereafter ſhall fo bind themſelves, in Manner and Form as aforefaid; ons to be upon Receipt of which faid ſeveral Certificates, Pro-granted for the faid tections fhall from Time to Time, be made and given three Years. for the faid firft three Years of their ſeveral refpective Apprenticeſhips, without either Fee or Reward for the fame.. 1 and there up- on Protecti- Shall be im 17: And whereas Owners and Mafters of Merchant Ships are at great Charge in educating and bringing up the Parish Children, 'till they come to the Age of eigh- teen Years, and other voluntary Apprentices three Years, at which Time they are capable to ferve in her Majefty's Ships of War: Be it enacted by the Autho- When fuch rity aforefaid, When fuch Apprentices fhall be im- Apprentices preffed, or voluntarily enter themſelves into her Ma-preſſed, Ma jeſty's Service, the ſaid Owners or Maſters of fuch Ap-ters to have prentices, their Executors, Adminiſtrators, or Affigns, men's Wa- fhall be intitled to able Seamen's Wages for fuch of ges for them, their Apprentices, as fhall upon due Examination be found qualified for the fame, notwithſtanding their Indentures of Apprenticeſhip. } 19. And able Sea- [222] III. C. 21. 19. And whereas upon the Act of Parliament, be- 7 & 8 W. fore mentioned, made in the Seventh and eighth Years of the Reign of the faid late King William the Third, intituled, An Act for the Increaſe and Encourage- ment of Seamen, as alfo upon the Act of Parliament 8 & 9 W. made in the eighth and ninth Years of the Reign of the III. C. 23. faid late King William the Third, intituled, An A& to inforce the Act for Encouragement of Seamen, ſe- veral Doubts have arofe whether any difabled Seamen, their Children, or the Widows and Children of Seamen flain, killed, or drowned in Sea Service, other than Such as are exprefly qualified by the faid laft mentioned Acts, may be admitted and provided for in Greenwich Hoſpital, when any Vacancies happen therein: Be it therefore enacted, for Encouragment of all Perſons who do or fhall ferve at Sea, That at any Time here- after, when any fuch Vacancy or Vacancies fhall hap- Lord Ad- pen in the faid Hoſpital, That the Lord High Admi- miral to ap- ral of England, or Commiffioners executing the Office difabled Sea of Lord High Admiral of England for the Time be- men, their ing, fhall have full Power and Authority, and is and are hereby impowered and authorized, from Time to &c. to be Time, to nominate and appoint any diſabled Seamen, maintained their Wives and Children, and the Widows and Chil- wich Hofpi- dren of Seamen flain, killed, or drowned in Sea Ser- point any Wives and Children, in Green- tal. vice, to be maintained and provided for in the faid Hoſpital, as the faid Lord High Admiral, or Com- miffioners executing the Office of Lord High Admi- ral, fhall think fit or fee Occafion; any Thing in the faid two feveral Acts of Parliament laft mentioned, or [223] or in the Letters Patents in the ſaid Acts mentioned, contained to the contrary hereof in any wife notwith- ftanding. Anno 4to Annæ Cap. 7. An Act for making the Town of New Rofs, in the County of Wexford in the King- dom of Ireland, a Port for the exporting Wool from Ireland into this Kingdom. WHEREAS by an Act paſſed in this Kingdom C. 10. in the tenth and eleventh Years of the Reign of 10 & II of his late Majefty King William the Third, intituled, W. III. An Act to prevent the Exportation of Wool out of the Kingdoms of Ireland and England, into foreign Parts, and for the Encouragement of the Woolen Manufac- tures in the Kingdom of England, It is, amongst other Things, enacted, That all the Wool and the Ma- nufactures thereof in the ſaid A&t particularly fpecified, as fhould from Time to Time be exported from the faid Kingdom of Ireland, into the Ports of this Kingdom or Dominion of Wales, ſhould be ſhipped off and entred at the Ports of Dublin, Waterford, Youghall, Kingſale, Cork, and Drogheda in the ſaid Kingdom of Ireland, and at or from no other Port or Place within the faid Kingdom, under great Penalties to every Offender against the faid Act: And whereas the Town of New Roſs [224] Rofs in the County of Wexford in the faid Kingdom of Ireland, is in the fame Harbour with the Port of the City of Waterford, and before the paffing of the faid Act hath always had Liberty to export the faid Com- modities directly into this Kingdom; But the faid Town not being particularly named in the faid Act, fome Doubt hath arifen whether the faid Commodities may be exported thence: Therefore to prevent all Doubt for the Future concerning the fame, Be it enacted by the Queen's moſt Excellent Majefty, by and with the Ad- vice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tempo- ral, and Commons in Parliament affembled, and by Town of the Authority of the fame, That at all Times from New Rofs and after the four and twentieth Day of June, one for export- Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Six, It ſhall and may ing Wool be lawful to and for all and every Perſon and Perfons from Ire- land. whomſoever, to fhip off, enter and export from the faid Town of New-Rofs, all the faid Commodities in the faid recited A&t particularly mentioned, and to import the fame into any of the Ports of Biddeford, Barnstable, Minehead, Bridgewater, Briftol, Milford Haven, Chefer and Liverpoole, in the fame Manner, as if the faid Town of Rofs had been particularly named for Exportation of the faid Commodities in the faid former Act; any Law or Statute to the contra- ry thereof in any wife notwithſtanding. made a Port រ Anno [ 225 ] Anno 4to Annæ Cap. 16. An Act for the Amendment of the Law, and the better Advancement of Justice. AND it S. 17. ND be it further enacted by the Autho- Suits in the Admiralty rity aforesaid, That all Suits and Acti- for Seamen's ons in the Court of Admiralty for Seamen's Wages, Wages fhall which fhall become due after the faid firſt Day of be commenc- ed within fix Trinity Term, fhall be commenced and fued within Years. fix Years next after the Caufe of fuch Suits or Acti- A.D.1706. ons fhall accrue, and not after. Cafe of compos, S. 18. Provided nevertheleſs, and be it further en-Provifo in acted, That if any Perfon or Perfons, who is or fhall Non-age, be entitled to any fuch Suit or Action for Seamen's feme co- Wages, be or fhall be, at the Time of any fuch Caufe vert, non of Suit or Action accrued, fallen or come, within the &c. Age of twenty-one Years, feme covert, non compos mentis, impriſoned, or beyond the Seas, that then fuch Perſon or Perſons ſhall be at Liberty to bring the fame Actions, ſo as they take the fame within fix Years next after their coming to, or being of full Age, difcovert, of fane Memory, at large, and returned from beyond the Seas. againſt again Per- S. 19. And be it further enacted by the Authority Action aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons, whom there is or ſhall be any fuch Caufe of G مه fons beyond Suit or Sea may be Action brought af [226] ter their Return. Action for Seamen's Wages, or againſt whom there ſhall be any Cauſe of Action of Trefpafs, detinue, Ac- tions fur trover, or replevin for taking away any Goods or Cattle, or of Action of Account, or upon the Cafe, or of Debt grounded upon any Lending or Contract without Specialty, of Debt for Arrearages of Rent, or Affault, Menace, Battery, Wounding, and Impriſonment, or any of them, be or fhall be, at the Time of any ſuch Cauſe of Suit or Action given or accrued, fallen, or come beyond the Seas, That then fuch Perfon or Perfons, who is or fhall be entitled to any fuch Suit or Action, ſhall be at Liberty to bring the faid Actions againſt fuch Perfon and Perfons, af- Provifo. ter their Return from beyond the Seas, fo as they take the fame after their Return from beyond the Seas, within fuch Times as are reſpectively limited for the bringing of the faid Actions before by this Act, and by the ſaid other Act made in the one and twentieth Year of the Reign of King James the Firſt. 21 Ja. I. C. 16. Will, and intitled to Probates of 26. And whereas great Trouble and Expence is fre- Adminiftra- quently occafioned to the Widows and Orphans of Per- tion to Per- fons dying inteftate to Monies or Wages due for Work fons dying done in her Majesty's Yards and Docks, by Difputes Wages in happening about the Authority of granting Probate of the King's the Wills, and Letters of Adminiftration of the Goods and Chattels of fuch Perfons, and for preventing fuch unneceffary Trouble and Expence: Be it therefore en- acted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Power of granting Probates of the Wills, and Letters of Admi- niſtration of the Goods and Chattels of fuch Perfon and Yards and Docks. Perfons [227] due not to be Perſons reſpectively is, and is hereby declared to be in the Ordinary of the Dioceſe, or fuch other Perfons, to whom the ordinary Power of Probate of Wills, or granting Letters of Adminiſtration do belong, where fuch Perfon and Perſons ſhall reſpectively die; and The Wages that the Salary, Wages or Pay due to fuch Perfon or deemed bo- Perfons from the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs or Suc- na nota- ceffors, for Work done in any of the Yards or Docks, bilia. ſhall not be taken or deemed to be bona notabilia, whereby to found the Jurifdiction of the prerogative Court. } Anno 4to Annæ Cap. 19. An Act for the Encouragement and Increaſe of Seamen, and for the better and Spee- dier manning her Majefty's Fleet. IO. one Ship to &c. ſhall be paid. AND for the Encouragement of all Seamen How Sea- who are or fhall be in her Majesty's Service at men turned Sea, It is hereby declared and enacted by the Autho- over from rity aforefaid, That every Seaman who from and after another, the five and twentieth Day of March, one Thouſand feven Hundred and Six, fhall be turned over from one Ship to another in her Majeſty's Service, or turned aſhore, as not being fit for her Majefty's Service, fhall be paid his Wages which fhall appear to be due to him in the Ship from which he was turned over, be- fore fuch Ship to which he ſhall be turned over do go Gg 2 ^ to [228] 2 & 3 Ann. C. 6. to Sea, either in Money or by a Ticket, which ſhall intitle him or his Affigns to Payment within one Month after the faid Ticket fhall be prefented to the Commiffioners of the Navy at their Office.. 16. And whereas by an Act made in the fecond Year of her Majesty's Reign, intituled, An Act for the Encreaſe of Seamen, and better Encouragement of Navigation, and the Security of the Coal Trade, Pro- vifion is made for putting out of Parish Children Ap- prentices to Maſters of trading Ships and Veffels at the No Mafter Age of ten Years: It is hereby enacted, That no fuch Mafter ſhall be obliged to take any fuch Apprentice un- obliged to take Appren- der the Age of thirteen Years, or who ſhall not appear to tice under be fitly qualified both as to Health and Strength of Years old, Body for that Service; and any Widow of the Mafter of Ships thirteen &c.. of fuch Ship or Veffel, or the Executor or Admini- ftator of fuch Mafter, who ſhall have been obliged to take ſuch Pariſh Boys Apprentice to them, ſhall have the fame Power of affigning over fuch Apprentices to any other Maſters of Ships or Veffels who have not their Complement of Apprentices required by the faid recited Act, to be entertained by them, as is given by the faid Act to fuch Perfons as have taken Children Apprentices, in Purfuance of the Statute made in the. 43 El. C. 2. forty-third Year of Queen Elizabeth. 17. And whereas all fuch Perfons who in Purfuance· of the faid Act, have voluntarily bound, or hereafter fball fo bind themſelves Apprentices to fuch Mafters or Owners, as therein is expreffed, are exempted from her Majefty's [229] Majesty's Service for the Term of three Years, from the Date of their respective Indentures: And whereas Such Exemptions from her Majesty's Sea Service for the Term of three Years, which was intended for the Encouragement of Land Men to bind themſelves Apprentices to the Sea Service, hath been manifeftly abuſed for the exempting aud protecting of Seamen from the faid Service, who having bound themfelves Apprentices, have claimed fuch Exemption, and de- manded Protections accordingly, to the great Hin- ·drance and Prejudice of her Majesty's Sea Service; Be it therefore further enacted and declared, That no No Appren- Perſon or Perſons of the Age of eighteen Years, fhall tices binding themſelves have any Exemption or Protection from her Majeſty's to Sea Ser- Sea Service, who fhall have been in any Sea Service vice of eigh- before the Time they bound themſelves Apprentices; any Law or Statute to the Contrary thereof in any the Queen's wife notwithſtanding. teen Years, › exempt from Service at Sea, who have before any Sea Ser- & M. C. 18. And whereas by an Act of Parliament made their Bind- in the Second Year of the Reign of King Philip and ing been in Queen Mary, intituled, An Act touching Watermen vice. and Bargemen upon the River of Thames, It was enx 2 & 3 Ph.. acted, That if any Perfon or Perfons, which from and 16. S..8.. after the Time therein mentioned, ſhould use and exer- cife the Occupation of Rowing betwixt Gravefend and Windfor, which in the Time of the Execution of any Commiffion of Preffing, that should be had for the Ser- vice of the King and Queen's Majefty in their Affairs, fbould willingly, voluntarily, and obftinately withdraw, hide, or convey him or themſelves in the fame Time of Preffing, [230] 11 & 12 21. Preffing, into fecret Places and Out-Corners, and af- ter, when fuch Time of Preffing is overpaffed, fhould return and come again to the River of Thames, to row betwixt Gravefend and Windfor aforefaid, and that duly proved by Two indifferent Witneſſes before the Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen, or Juftices of Peace, and Two of the Rulers of the Company of Watermen, That then he or they fo doing and offend- ing, fhould fuffer Impriſonment for the Space of two Weeks, and be banished any more to row from thence- forth upon the faid River of Thames, by the Space of one whole Year and a Day then next following: And whereas by an Act made in the eleventh Year of his late Majefty, King William the Third, intituled, An Act W. III. C. for Explanation and better Execution of former Acts made touching Watermen and Wherrymen rowing on the River of Thames, and for the better ordering and go- verning the faid Watermen, Wherrymen,and Lightermen, upon the ſaid River, between Gravefend and Windſor, Perfons who keep or work, or ſhall be imployed in row- ing or navigating any Lighter or Lighters, or other great Craft (except, as in the faid Al is excepted) fhall be registered in the Company of Watermen: whereas in this Time of War, divers Watermen, Bargemen, Lightermen and Wherrymen, belonging to the faid River, do abfcond and not enter themselves in- to her Majesty's Service; and it being highly Neceffary that a convenient Number of fuch Watermen, Barge- men, Lightermen and Wherrymen, fhould from Time to Time be obliged to ferve on board her Majefty's Fleet; Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe Watermen, And fuch [231] board the fuch a Number of them as the Lord High Admiral, &c. Sum- or any three or more of the Commiffioners for execut- Rulers of the moned by the ing the Office of Lord High Admiral of England for Company to the Time being, ſhall from Time to Time give No-Serve on tice to the faid Company of Watermen, there fhall be Fleet, and Occafion for to ſerve her Majeſty, her Heirs and Suc- not appear- ceffors, (being duly fummoned by leaving Notice in ing, to be imprisoned Writing at the Place of their ufual Abode by the Com-for a pany) within ten Days after fuch Summons, ſhall not diſabled for Month, and appear before the Rulers of the ſaid Watermen's Com- two Years, pany, to be fent on board her Majefty's Fleet, fuch &c. Perfon or Perfons fo fummoned, and being duly con- victed before the Lord Mayor and Court of Alder- men of the City of London, or two Juftices of the Peace for the faid City, and two of the faid Rulers, that then he or they fo doing and offending ſhall ſuf- fer Impriſonment during the Space of one Month, and be diſabled from rowing or working upon the faid Ri- ver of Thames, and of enjoying any the Advantages or Privileges of the faid Company for the Space of two Years. Anno [232] Anno 6to Annæ Cap. 22. An Act for continuing feveral Duties there- in mentioned, upon Coffee, Chocolate, Spices, Pictures and Muflins, and addi- tional Duties upon feveral of the faid Commodities, and certain Duties upon Callicoes, China - Wares and Drugs; and for continuing the Duties called the two third Subfidies of Tonnage and Pound- age, for preferving the publick Credit ; and for afcertaining the Duties of Coals exported for foreign Parts; and for fe- curing the Credit of the Bank of England; and for paffing feveral Accounts of Taxes raifed in the County of Monmouth; and for promoting the Confumption of fuch Tobacco as ſhall have paid her Majesty's Duties. I 2. AND for promoting the Confumption of Tobacco of the Growth of her Majefty's Plantations in America, the Increase of her Majefty's Revenue, and for the better Encouragement of the faid Britiſh Plan- No Tobacco tations, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-ninth Day of September, of the Growth of in [233] in the Year of cur Lord One Thoufand Seven Hun- Europe, to any Ships of dred and Eight, it ſhall not be lawful for any Com- be fold in mander of any of her Majefty's Ships of War, or War. Purfer thereof, to fell, deliver, or caufe to be fold or delivered to any of her Majeſty's Seamen or Mari- ners on Board of fuch Ship, any Tobacco of the Growth of Europe, nor any Tobacco mixt with To- bacco of the faid Growth. Britiſh 13. And for the better Employment of the Poor of But only To- this Kingdom, Be it likewife enacted, That all Tobacco of the bacco to be uſed or confumed on Board any of her Plantations. Majeſty's Ships of War in any Part of Europe, from and after the ſaid twenty-ninth Day of September, ſhall be ſuch as is of the Growth of the faid British Plantations which hath paid her Majefty the full Duties, and been manufactured in Great-Britain; upon Pain that every fuch Commander or Purfer who Penalties on ſhall knowingly and wilfully offend herein fhall for- Offenders. feit their reſpective Places and Employments, and &c. to lofe three Shillings for every Pound Weight of Tobacco, his Place, and fo in Proportion for every greater or leffer Quan- and pay 3 s. tity fo fold and delivered; one Moiety thereof to the forevery Queen's Majefty, and the other Moiety to the Inform- Weight. er who fhall fue for the fame by Action or In- formation in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record at Westminster, wherein no Effoign, Protection or Wa- ger of Law, fhall be allowed, and no more than one Imparlance. Commander, Pound Hh Anno [234] } Watermen belonging to Infurance- Sing. Anno 6to Annæ Cap. 31. An Act for the better preventing Miſchiefs that may happen by Fire. 2. AND whereas the Several Infurance-Offices for infuring Houfes against Lofs by Fire, Offices free retain in their feveral Services, and give Coats and from impref- Badges unto Watermen, for Service and Affiftance in extinguishing of Fires, who are always ready at a Call, and are provided with various Sorts of Poles, Hooks, Hatchets, and feveral other Inftruments and Things at the Charge of the faid refpective Infurance-Offices for the extinguishing of Fires; which Watermen by Cuftom and Skill venture much further, and give greater Help than any other Perfons not uſed to come into Danger: And whereas it hath been found by fre- quent Experience, that fuch Watermen are of great Ufe and Service whenever any Fire happens; Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Watermen for the Time being, belonging to each Infurance-Office, within the Cities of London and Westminster, and Limits thereof, not exceeding Not exceed thirty for each Office, fhall be free from being im- each Office. preffed, or liable to be compelled to go to Sea, or ferve as Mariners, or as Soldiers at Land, their Names Their Names and Places of Abode being regiftred and entred with being regif the Secretary or other Officer of the Admiralty Admiralty Office. tred in the Office. Anno [ 235 ] Anno 9¹º Annæ Cap. 21. An Act for making good Deficiencies, and Satisfying the Publick Debts; and for erecting a Corporation to carry on a Trade to the South-Seas; and for the Encouragement of the Fishery; and for Liberty to trade in unwrought Iron with the Subjects of Spain; and to repeal the Acts for regiftring Seamen. 46. AND whereas it is of the greatest Confe- quence to the Honour and Welfare of this Kingdom, and for the Increase of the Strength and Riches thereof, and for the vending the Product and Manufacture, Goods and Merchandizes of or brought into this Kingdom, and Employment of the Poor, that a Trade ſhould be carried on to the South-Seas, and other Parts in America, within the Limits herein after-mentioned; which cannot fo fecurely and fuccefs- fully be begun and carried on, as by a Corporation with a Joint-Stock, exclufive of all others: Now for the better Encouragement of all and every the Per- fon and Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, who Shall be or become Members of the faid Company or Corporation, to be erected as aforefaid; and to the End and Intent that a Trade to the South-Seas, and other Parts of America within the Limits herein af- ter-mentioned Hh 2 [ 236 ] ny vested ter-mentioned, may be carried on and promoted, for the Advantage and Honour of this Kingdom; Be it The South-enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Corpo- Sea Comparation to be erected in purſuance of this Act, and with the fole their Succeffors, fhall have and be intitled unto, and they are hereby intitled unto and vefted from the within the firſt Day of Auguft, One Thouſand Seven Hundred Limits de- and Eleven, for ever, in the fole Trade and Traffick ſcribed in this Section, into, unto, and from all the Kingdoms, Lands, Trade to America Countries, Territories, Iflands, Cities, Towns, Ports, Havens, Creeks and Places of America, on the Eaft Side thereof, from the River of Aranoca, to the Southermoft Part of the Terra del Fuego; and on the Weft Side thereof, from the faid Southermoft Part of the faid Terra del Fuego, through the South-Seas, to the Northermoft Part of America ; and into, unto, and from all Countries, Iflands, and Places within the faid Limits, which are reputed to belong to the Crown of Spain, or which fhall here- after be found out or difcovered within the faid Li- mits, not exceeding three hundred Leagues from the Continent of America, between the Southermoft Part of Terra del Fuego, and the Northermoft Part of America, on the faid Weſt Side thereof, (except the Kingdom of Brazil, and fuch other Places on the faid Eaſt Side of America, as are now in the ac- tual Poffeffion of the Crown of Portugal, and the Country of Surinam in the. Poffeffion of the States General of the United Provinces ;) it, not being in- tended that the fole Trade to any Part of the Eaſt Side of America, now in the actual Poffeffion of the Crown. [237] Crown of Portugal, or the States General, fhall be granted or conftrued to be granted by this A&t; but that it may be and remain lawful for all and every or any the Subjects of her Majeſty, her Heirs, or Succeffors, to trade and traffick to any Part on the Eaſt Side of America, now in the actual Pof- feflion of the Crown of Portugal, or the States Ge- neral, (but to no other Part of America within the Limits aforefaid) as fully and freely in all Reſpects, as they might or could do if this Act had not been made; any Claufe, Provifo, Power, Privilege, Mat- ter or Thing, herein contained to the contrary there- of in any wife notwithſtanding. take wholly Act, to their own enjoy, Ufe all Ships Mem- taken there as Prize. 51. And be it further enacted, That the faid Company to Company to be erected in Purſuance of this fhall and may have, hold, receive, take, and to their own Ufe, and for the Benefit of the bers of fuch Company, in Proportion to their Stock, all and every fuch Ships or Veffels, and all their Guns, Ammunition, Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, and all fuch Goods, Merchandize, and Bullion, Treaſure and other Things, which ſhall be taken as Prize by the Ships, Factors, Agents or Servants, of or belonging to, or employed or licenſed by the faid Company, within the Limits aforefaid, or by fuch of the Ships of her Majefty, her Heirs, or Succeffors, as fhe or they fhall think fit to grant or allow for Convoys, or otherwiſe, for the Defence, Security, or carrying on the faid Trade, without any Account to be rendred thereof to her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors [238] of the Queen's ter ſhall ap- point. Company Succeffors, or any other Perfon or Perfons whatſoever; But Officers fave only that the Officers and Seamen, who ſhall be and Seamen actually on Board any of the faid Ships of her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, which fhall take, or Ships aflift- be affifting to the taking any fuch Ships or Veffels, ing, to be rewarded Goods or Merchandizes, as Prize, fhall have, and thereout, as be entitled to fuch Part and Share thereof, as her She by Char- Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, fhall think fit and direct in and by the Charter of Incorporation to be granted to the faid Company, and no other or greater Part or Share whatſoever; any Thing herein contained, or any Law, Ufage, or Cuftom to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithſtanding: And may feize by that it ſhall and may be lawful for the faid Compa- Force of me, Briny, and their Succeffors, and the Agents, Factors, Arms, Servants, and other Perfons to be employed or li- trading in cenſed by them, to trade, as aforefaid, to feize, by the South- Force of Arms, or otherwiſe, the Perfons, Ships, Goods, Merchandize, or other Effects, of or belong- ing to any of the Subjects of her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, who fhall haunt, frequent, traffick, trade and adventure into the faid South-Seas, or other the Parts or Limits aforefaid (except before excepted) contrary to the true Meaning of this Act; and to keep and detain to the Uſe and Ufes of the faid Com- pany, and their Succeffors, for the Benefit of the Members thereof, in Proportion to their Stock, the Ships, Goods, Merchandize, and other Effects fo feized, without any Account to be rendred thereof, as aforefaid, and to bring or ſend into Great-Britain the Perfons of fuch of the Subjects of her Majefty, tiſh Ships Seas. her [239] her Heirs or Succeffors, as fhall be fo feized, in order to their being profecuted for fuch Offence according to Law. 1 Rules, inca- 52. And be it further enacted, That in cafe any Commanders of the Commanders, or other Officers of fuch Ships of Queen's Ships, &c. of her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, as fhall be not conform- ufed or employed in or for the obtaining, promoting, ing to the fecuring, or carrying on the faid Trade, fhall not in Company's all Things lawful, during their being fo employed, pacitated, conform themſelves to fuch Rules, Directions or In- &c. ftructions, as they fhall receive from the Managers or Directors of the faid Company, or the Major Part of them, in writing under their Hands, every every fuch Commander and Officer fhall be for ever incapable to ſerve her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, in any Office or Place of Truft or Profit, and fhall be liable to anſwer and pay to the faid Company, and their Succeffors, double the Value of all fuch Lofs or Da- mage as the faid Company and their Succeffors fhall fuffer or ſuſtain by the Breach of fuch Orders, Di- rections or Inftructions, to be recovered with full Cofts of Suit, in any Court of Record of her Majeſty, her Heirs or Succeffors, in Manner aforefaid. on 54. And forafmuch as the faid Trade does in a No Embar- great Meaſure depend upon the timely Dispatch from South-Sea Great-Britain of the Ships which shall be employed Company's therein; Be it further enacted, That no Ship or Ships Ships, unless particularly which fhall belong to, or be hired, freighted, or mentioned. employed by the faid Company to be erected, as aforefaid, [240] aforefaid, or fuch Perfons as fhall be licenſed by them to trade within the Limits aforefaid, fhall be, or be liable to be ſtopped or detained by any Embargo, or other Reſtraint whatſoever, unleſs fuch Ship or Ships be particularly mentioned or named in fuch Embargo,. or Order for Reftraint. no Anno 9¹º Annæ Cap. 26. An Act for the better Prefervation and Improvement of the Fishery within the River of Thames, and for regulating and governing the Company of Fishermen of the faid River. W HEREAS the Prefervation of the Fishery of the River of Thames, and the good Govern- ment of the Company of Fishermen of the faid River, are not only highly necessary for furnishing her Ma- jesty's Subjects inhabiting within the Cities of London and Weſtminſter, and the Parts adjacent, with good, wholfome, cheap, aud feafonable Fish, but likewife ad- vantageous to her Majefty, and the Trade of this Kingdom, in breeding up able-bodied Sea-faring Men, and preventing Frauds committed in running of Goods and Merchandizes, whereby the Revenues of the Crown have been much leffened: Be it enacted by the Queen's moſt excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice [241] 1 may make of by the and Alder- Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, and Commons in this preſent Parliament af fembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the tenth Day of June, one Thouſand feven Hundred and Eleven, it ſhall and may be law- ful to and for the Court of Affiftants of the faid Com- The Court of Affiftants pany, for the Time being, or the major Part of them of the Fish- preſent, to make fuch By-Laws and Ordinances for ermen's Company the good Rule and Government of the faid Company, as they ſhall think fit, fo as the fame be always first By-Laws to be approved approved of, or from Time to Time, altered or amended by the Court of the Lord Mayor and Alder- Court of men of the City of London, and likewiſe allowed and Lord Mayor confirmed, according to the Form of the Statute in men of that Behalf made and provided; and that from and London, after the ſaid tenth Day of June, there ſhall be Year- ly and every Year elected and chofen by the next who ſhall Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen, to be held after chufe Yearly the ſaid tenth Day of June, out of the fix Wardens fix Wardens of the faid Company for the Time being to be nomi- of the faid nated by the faid Court of Affiftants, one fit Perſon to Company, a Master of be a Maſter of the ſaid Art or Myſtery of Fiſhermen ; the Art of and alſo out of twelve Affiftants to be nominated, as Fishermen; aforefaid, fix fit Perfons to be Wardens of the faid the twelve Art or Myſtery, (whereof the Water-Bailiff of the Ci- Affiftants, Six ty of London, for the Time being, fhall be One;) Wardens and in like Manner out of Sixty of the Commonalty Bailiff of to be nominated, as aforefaid, thirty fit Perſons to be London to be one) and Aſſiſtants of the ſaid Company; which faid Mafter, thirty Af- Wardens, and Affiftants, or any Sixteen of them, to-fiftants out gether with Three of the ſaid Wardens, fhall be, and of the Com- I i are out of the and out of fix (the Water- monalty. [242] The Ma- fter, &c. Aliftants, day in eve- Filbermen are hereby conſtituted the Court of Affiftants of the constituted faid Company, for the Time being, and fhall meet the Court of and affemble together, from Time to Time, on the firft Thurſday in every Kalendar Month in the Year, who ſhall meet the in the Hall of the faid Company, in order to form the first Thurf- faid Court of Affiftants, and keep the fame for regu- ry Month, lating and reforming Abuſes committed in the faid to regulate Fishery, and for the due Ordering and Governance of Abuſes, &c. the ſaid Company; to the holding of which Court the ſaid Water-Bailiff ſhall be always duly fummoned They shall to attend; and the faid Court of Affiftants, or the fummon the major Part of them prefent, fhall, from Time to and caufe Time, call before them all and every fuch Perſon and their Names Perfons as fhall uſe to fish or drudge within the Limits to be regi- of the faid Fiſhery as stered, &c. common Fiſhermen or Drudgermen, and cauſe every fuch Perfon and Perfons, being duly qualified, or having ferved on board her Majeſty's Navy for the Space of two Years, to have his or their Name or Names entred and regiftred in a Book or Books to be kept by the faid Court of Afſiſt- ants for that Purpoſe, together with his or their re- fpective Places of Abode, and the Name of every Ap- prentice or Servant belonging to him or them, in ufing the Trade of Fiſhing or Drudging within the Shall caufe faid Limits; and fhall likewife caufe fome Mark of Marks to be Diftinction, by Figure or otherwife, to be placed on every Boat, Veffel, and Craft, which fhall, after the faid tenth Day of June, be ufed in fiſhing or drudg- ing within the Limits aforefaid; which faid Figure or Mark of Diſtinction fhall not be changed, altered, or defaced, to the End, that from Time to Time, and put on every Boat. at [243] at all Times hereafter, every fuch Perfon and Perfons, Apprentice and Servant, as fhall offend, contrary to the Meaning of this Act may the better be detected, and that her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, may the better be enabled to know what Number of able- bodied Seamen the faid Company can furniſh for publick Service; and that every Perſon and Perſons Every Per- being duly fummoned by the Direction of the ſaid ſon fum- Court of Affiftants, to be and appear before them, in and refufing Order to be entred and ferve on board her Majeſty's to appear, Navy, who fhall, without lawful Caufe, refufe or be entred neglect to appear, according to the Tenor of fuch and ferve on Summons, fhall be fent on board her Majefty's Navy, Navy, Shall and be difabled from fifhing on the faid River Thames for the Space of two Years. Anno 10mo Annæ Cap. 17. moned, &c. in Order to board the of be fent on An Act for the better collecting and recover- ing the Duties granted for the Support of the Royal Hofpital at Greenwich, and for the further Benefit thereof; and for the preferving her Majefty's Harbour- Moorings. WE board, and difabled to fiſh for two Years. III. C. 21. HEREAS by an Act made in the feventh 7 & 8 W. Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King William the Third, (intituled, An Act for the Increaſe Ii 2 and [244] and Incouragement of Seamen ;) and also another 8 & 9 W. A&t made in the eighth Year of his faid late Majefty's III. C. 23. Reign, (intituled, An Act to enforce the Act for the per men- Increaſe and Incouragement of Seamen,) there was given for the better Support of the Royal Hofpital founded at Greenwich by his faid late Majefty, a. Dur ty of Six-pence per menfem, payable by all Seamen; which Arts have not proved fufficient for the due col- lecting the faid Duty: To the Intent therefore that the Said Six-pence per menfem, may for the Future be more effectually collected for the Ufes: aforefaid, Be it enacted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiri- tual and Temporal;. and Commons in Parliament af Six-pence fembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That eve- fern ſhall be ry Seaman or other Perſon whatſoever that ſhall ferve paid out of or be imployed by her Majeſty, her Heirs or Succef- the Wages fors, or by any other Perfon or Perfons whatſoever, in Seaman for any of her Majefty's Ships, or in any Ship or Veffel the Support belonging or to belong to any of the Subjects of of Green- Great-Britain or Ireland, or Dominions thereunto be- wich Hofpir sal, by the longing, and every Maſter or Owner navigating or Mafter,&c. working in his own Ship or Veffel, whether imployed See 2 Geo. upon the High Sea or Coafts of the fame, or in any II. C. 7. Port, Bay, or Creek (other than fuch Apprentices, 2 Geo. II. under the Age of eighteen Years, as are exempted C. 36. from Payment of Six-pence per menfem by an A& Exceptions made in the fecond Year of her prefent Majeſty's 2 & 3 Ann. C. 6. Reign, and fuch Perfon or Perfons as ſhall be imploy- ed in any Boat upon any the Coafts of Great Britain or Ireland in taking of Fiſh, which are brought freſh of every: S. 7. on 1 [245] on Shore into Great-Britain and Ireland, and every Perſon and Perfons imployed in Boats or Veffels that trade only from Place to Place within any River of Great-Britain and Ireland, or in any open Boats up- on the Coafts of the fame) fhall pay and there be al- lowed and paid by every fuch Maſter, Owner, Sea- man, or other Perfon imployed, or that fhall be im- ployed, the faid Six-pence per menfem, or proportion- ably for a leffer Time, during the Time he or they ſhall be imployed in, or belong to the ſaid Ship or Veffel, for the better Support of the faid Greenwich Hoſpital, and to augment the Revenues thereof for the Purpoſes herein mentioned.. may deduct· > 2. And it is hereby declared, That the Mafter, The Ma- Owner, or Commander of every Ship or Veffel, notters, &c. in her Majeſty's Service, is hereby impowerd and re- the Same, quired to deduct and detain, out of the Wages, Shares, out of Wa or other Profits payable or accruing to fuch Seaman, ges, &c, or other Perfon imployed in his Ship or Veffel, the faid Duty of Six-pence per menfem, (other than for fuch Apprentices and other Perfons as are before ex- cepted;) and fhall pay the fame to fuch Officer or Officers as fhall on that Behalf be appointed by the Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain, or the Com- miffioners for executing the Office of Lord High Ad- miral of Great-Britain, for the Time being. 3. And be it further enacted, That for the better The Admi- levying and collecting the faid Duties of Six-pence rally to ap- per menfem, it shall and may be lawful for the Lord point Re- ceivers, who 1 } High may depute [246] of the Cu- Stoms, &c. to receive the Officers High Admiral, or for the Commiffioners executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain for the Time being, to appoint fuch Perfon or Perfons, as the Duty, he or they fhall think fit, to be Receiver or Receivers of the faid Duty, and alfo to authorize fuch Receiver or Receivers to depute and appoint the Collectors or other Officers of her Majefty's Cuftoms of the ſeveral Out-Ports of this Kingdom, and of the Ports of the Kingdom of Ireland, or fuch other as he or they ſhall think fit to collect and receive the fame; and all the faid Collectors and Officers of the Cuftoms, if fo ap- pointed, are hereby required to collect and receive the fame, according to fuch Inftructions and Directions as ſhall be from Time to Time, fent to them in Writing by the ſaid Receiver or Receivers; and for the Care and Pains therein of the faid Collectors and other Of- ficers of the Cuftoms, and others to be appointed to collect and receive the faid Duty, it ſhall and may be lawful for the Lord High Admiral, or Commiffioners executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great- Britain, for the Time being, to make fuch Allowance to them out of the faid Duties as he or they fhall judge reafonable. Receivers Maſters not in the Queen's 4. And be it further enacted by the Authority afore- may fummon faid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Receiver and Receivers, his or their Deputy or Deputies, for the Time being, for the better Diſcovery of what ſhall be due from the Perfons ferving on board them as to or belonging to any Merchant, or private Ship or Vef- the Number fel aforefaid, by Warrant under his or their Hands, to Service, &c. and examine of Seamen, &c. fummon [247] II. C. 7. S. fummon all fuch Maſters and Commanders, or (in their Abſence) the Owner or Owners of fuch Ships and See 2 Geo. Veſſels, not in her Majefty's Service, to be and appear s. 5. at the Office of the faid Receiver or Receivers, his or their reſpective Deputy or Deputies, (fo as the Per- fon ſo fummoned be not obliged to travel above ten Miles for the making fuch Appearance) which faid Receiver or Receivers, his or their reſpective Deputy or Deputies, are hereby impowered and directed to examine every fuch Mafter and Commander, or Owner or Owners, as to the Number and Times of Ser- vice of all and every Perſon or Perfons belonging to or imployed in fuch Ships or Veffels, who are liable to, or chargeable with the ſaid Sum of Six-pence per · menfem; and if fuch Maſters or Commanders, or (in Masters, their Abfence) the Owners, or any of them, fhall re- &c.refufing fufe, when ſo ſummoned (not having a reaſonable Ex- or to an- cufe) to appear before the ſaid reſpective Perſons here-fwer upon by impowerd to examine them in Manner, as afore- Oath, Shall forfeit 201. faid, or if they fhall appear, and obftinately refuſe to one Half to make full and true Difcovery of the Matters aforefaid, the Hospital, upon their ſeveral Oaths, (which Oaths the ſaid Re- the Profe- ceiver or Receivers, their Deputy or Deputies, are cutor. hereby impowered to adminifter) or fhall neglect to pay the Monies which ſhall be due to the faid Hofpi- S. 7. tal, within fourteen Days after they fhall be cleared inwards by the Officers of her Majeſty's Cuſtoms, that then, and in every fuch Cafe, all and every ſuch Offender or Offenders, for every fuch Refuſal or Neglect, ſhall forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds; one Moiety whereof shall be to the Ufe of the aforefaid. to appear, the other to Hoſpital See 2 Geo. II. C. 7 - [248] Hofpital, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall fue for the fame, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of her Majefty's Gourts of Record, wherein no Effoign, Wager of Law, or Protection fhall be allowed; and if a Verdict fhall paſs for the Plaintiff in any fuch Action, Bill, Plaint, or Information, then fuch Plaintiff fhall have Mafter at- and be allowed double Cofts; and if any fuch Ma- tempting to fter or Commander fhall attempt to go to Sea with his fore the Du- faid Ship or Veffel before he hath duly accounted with ty paid for and paid the faid Receiver or Receivers the faid Duty the preceed for the Voyage preceding, then and in fuch Cafe fuch ing Voyage, Receivers Receiver or Receivers, or their Deputies are hereby may stop the impowered to ftop fuch Ship or Veffel from proceed- go to Sea be- Ship. ing to Sea, 'till the ſaid Duty be paid; and upon the Death or Removal of any Maſter or Commander of any Ship or Veffel, the Owner or Owners fhall deliver to the fucceeding Mafter a true Account of the ſaid Duty due to the ſaid Hoſpital, as aforefaid, and Mo- ney fufficient for the Payment of the fame to the Re- ceivers thereof, and in Default thereof fuch Receiver and Receivers, or their Deputies fhall and lawfully may ſtop ſuch Ship or Veffel from proceeding to Sea, until the faid Duties fhall be fully paid and fatisfied. Quaker's 5.--- In Cafes where an Oath is required by this Affirmation Act, a Quaker's Affirmation fhall be accepted; ed instead of and if fuch Quaker fhall refufe to make fuch folemn an Oath. Affirmation and Declaration, in any Cafe whereby any to be accept- other Perrſon is hereby required to take an Oath, he fhall forfeit and be fubject to the like Penalties, as any > [249] Penalty of falfe Oath or any other Perſon refufing to take an Oath, is liable to by this Act; and in caſe any ſuch Quaker ſhall, up- on fuch his folemn Affirmation or Declaration, affirm affirmation. or declare any Matter which ſhall be Falſe; or if any other Perſon ſhall Purſuant to the Execution of this Act, wittingly or willingly make a falfe Oath, he or they fo offending (being lawfully convicted thereof) fhall fuffer the like Fines and Puniſhments as other Perfons, being convicted of wilful Perjury, are by the Laws of this Realm fubject unto. tracts by the Duty. 6. And whereas it is, and hath of late been the Ufe No Con- and Practice of divers Mafters or Commanders, Seamen ſhall Owners or Part-Owners of divers outward-bound obstruct the Merchant Ships or Veſſels, to enter into, or fign a cer- Payment of tain Writing or Contract, whereby the Mariners de- bar themſelves from their Wages, until fome certain Time after the ſaid Ship or Veſſel's Arrival from off the ſaid Voyage in the fame Port from which they did firft put to Sea, although the faid Ships or Veffels do make delivering Ports in foreign Parts, whereby their Wa- ges would otherwife come due by Law; Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no fuch Contracts, nor any other private Contracts or Agree- ments, made or entred into by any Seaman or Mari- ner, ſhall extend, or be conftrued to extend in any ways to debar, obftruct, or delay the Payment of the Duties aforefaid, which by this or any other Act are appointed to the Uſe of the faid Hoſpital. Kk 7. And [ 250 ] A publick Act. 7. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act, and every Part thereof, fhall be taken and deemed to be a publick Act; and if, at any Time or Times hereafter, any Perfon or Perfons ſhall be ſued for any Matter or Thing done in the Execution of this Act, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall General If and may plead the General Iffue, and give this Act Sue. and the ſpecial Matter in Evidence and if upon ; Trial the Plaintiff fhall become nonfuited, or a Ver- dict fhall paſs for the Defendant, the Defendant ſhall Treble Cofts, recover treble Cofts of Suit. Who may be admitted into the 20. And whereas no Seamen have hitherto been ad- mitted into the faid Hofpital, but fuch only as have Hofpital. ferved in the Royal Navy, notwithstanding great Sums have been conftantly paid towards the Support of the faid Hofpital from the Wages of Seamen imployed in Merchants Service; Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain, the Commiflioners of the Admiralty for the Time being, or whoever elfe fhall, from Time to Time, have Power to direct Admiffion of any Seaman into the ſaid Hofpital, fhall confider, as being fully qualified for an Admiffion into the faid Hofpital, any Seaman, who ſhall offer himſelf to be admitted, and who ſhall produce an authentick Certificate of his having been wounded, maimed, or hurt in defend- ing any Ship belonging to the Subjects of her Majeſty, againſt the Enemies of her Majefty, her Heirs or Suc- ceffors, or in taking any Ship from the Enemy, and thereby [ 25 ] thereby difabled for Sea Service; any Law, Cuftom, Ufage, or Order to the contrary thereof in any-wiſe notwithſtanding. Queen's &c. shall 101. at the faid do by Stress 21. Whereas it is become a common Practice, that If any Ship Merchants Ships and Veffels carrying Merchandize, do not belonging to the Navy very often stop and ride at the Moorings appointed and shall faften laid out for the Uſe of her Majeftÿ's Ships and Veffels, to the and at her Majefty's Ships and Hulks in Harbour, Moorings, near and adjoining to her Majesty's Dock-yards, Store- the Captain boufes and Magazines, fuch Merchant or trading forfeit 10 l. Ships or Veſſels not being forced thereto by any Neceffity for every or Want of Tide, by which Means her Majefty's Ships, Tide be ftays Veffels, and Magazines are fubjected to Accidents by Moorings, Fire, ond other Damages, through the Carelessness of unless necef- the Perfons left on board fuch Merchant Ships, as wellfitated fo to as to Charges, by weakening and wearing the of Weather, Moorings; and the Perfons left on board fuch Mer-&c. chant Ships, by their long ftaying at fuch Moorings, have great Opportunities of running of Goods and imbezelling her Majesty's Naval Stores: For Preven- tion whereof, Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforeſaid, That if any Merchant Ship, or any other Ship or Veffel, not being one of her Majeſty's Ships of War, or belonging to her Majeſty's Royal Navy, or imployed in her Majefty's Service, or fuch Ships as fhall come to deliver Stores into her Majefty's Yards during their Delivery thereof, fhall ftop or faften to any of her Majefty's Moorings, or fix themfelves to any of her Majefty's Ships or Hulks, the Captain, Mafter, Commander, or Perfon, having the Care or Kk 2 Command [ 252 ] } } Command of fuch Merchant Ship or Veffel, that ſhall be then on board, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Pounds for each and every Tide fuch Merchant Ship or Veffel fhall ſtay at the faid Moorings, unleſs it ſhall appear that fuch Merchant Ship or Veffel. was neceffitated fo to do, by Want of Tide, Strefs of One Moiety Weather, or other unavoidable Accident; one Moiety to the Hof- pital, the of which Forfeiture, fhall be to the Ufe of the afore other to the faid Hofpital, the other Moiety thereof to the Ufe Profecutor of him or them that fhall fue for the fame, together Upon Neg- looſe upon four Hours, 1 with Cofts of Proſecution, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record at Westminster, wherein no Effoign, Privilege, Protection, Wager of Law, Injunction, or more than one Imparlance. fhall be al- lowed. 22. And it is hereby further enacted and declared lect to un- by the Authority aforefaid, That upon Notice given Notice given to the Perfon commanding on board fuch Merchant for twenty- Ship or Veffel, or under whofe Care the fame ſhall ber Maje- then be, by any Officer or Officers belonging to any fty's Officers of her Majefty's Ships of War, Docks or Yards, as may unloofe aforefaid, to unlooſe from the faid Moorings, upon from the Neglect or Refufal thereof for the Space of twenty- Moorings. four Hours, it fhall and may be lawful to and for every fuch her Majefty's Officer and Officers, to un- loofe fuch Merchant Ship or Veffel from the faid Moorings. Luch Ship Anno [ 253 ] } Anno 12mo Annæ St. 2. Cap. 15. An Act for providing a publick Reward for fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall dif- cover the Longitude at Sea. WHEREAS it is well known by all that are acquainted with the Art of Navigation, that nothing is ſo much wanted and defired at Sea, as the Difcovery of the Longitude, for the Safety and Quick- nefs of Voyages, the Prefervation of Ships, and the Lives of Men: And whereas in the Judgment of able Mathematicians and Navigators, feveral Methods have already been difcovered, true in Theory, though very Difficult in Practice, fome of which (there is Reaſon to expect) may be capable of Improvement, fome already difcovered may be propofed to the Publick, and others may be invented hereafter: And whereas fuch a Dif covery would be of particular Advantage to the Trade of Great-Britain, and very much for the Honour of this Kingdom; but befides the great Difficulty of the Thing itſelf, partly for the Want of fome publick Reward to be fettled as an Encouragement for fo ufeful and be- neficial a Work, and partly for Want of Money for Trials and Experiments neceffary thereunto, no fuch Inventions or Proposals hitherto made, have been brought to Perfection; Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Commiffion moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and ers appoint- ed for dif Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and covering the Commons Longitude, 1 [254] to it. < + and receiv- Commons in Parliament affembled, and by Au- ing Propo- Jals relating thority of the fame, That the Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain, or the firft Commiffioner of the Ad- miralty, the Speaker of the Honourable Houſe of Commons, the firſt Commiffioner of the Navy, the firft Commiffioner of Trade, the Admirals of the Red, White, and Blue Squadrons, the Maſter of the Trinity- houfe, the Prefident of the Royal Society, the Royal Aftronomer of Greenwich, the Savilian, Lucafian, and Plumian Profeffors of the Mathematicks in Ox- ford and Cambridge, all for the Time being; the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, Philip Lord Biſhop of Hereford, George Lord Bishop of Bristol, Thomas Lord Trevor, the Honourable Sir Thomas Hanmer Baronet, Speaker of the Honourable Houſe of Commons, the Honourable Francis Robarts Efquire, James Stanhope Efquire, William Clayton Efquire, and William Lowndes Efquire, be conftituted, and they are hereby confti- ftuted Commiffioners for the Diſcovery of the Lon- gitude at Sea; and for examining, trying, and judg- ing of all Propoſals, Experiments and Improvements relating to the fame; and that the faid Commiffion- ers, or any five or more of them, have full Power to hear and receive any Propofal or Propofals that fhall be made to them for diſcovering the faid Longitude; Commiſſion- and in caſe the ſaid Commiffioners, or any five or ers to cer- more of them, fhall be fo far fatisfied of the Probabili- tify the Probability ty of any fuch Diſcovery, as to think it proper to of fuch Dif- make Experiment thereof, they fhall certify the fame, covery to the under their Hands and Seals, to the Commiffioners of Commiffion- the [255] Navy, who 14 Geo. II. the Navy for the Time being, together with the Per-ers of the fons Names, who are the Authors of fuch Propofals; ball make and upon producing fuch Certificate, the faid Com- out a Bill miffioners are hereby authorized and required to make for 2000 1. for making out a Bill or Bills for any fuch Sum or Sums of Money the Experi- not exceeding two Thoufand Pounds, as the faid ments. Commiffioners for the Diſcovery of the faid Longi- Explained by tude, or any five or more of them, fhall think necef- C. 39. fary for making the Experiments, payable by the Treaſurer of the Navy; which Sum or Sums the To be paid Treaſurer of the Navy is hereby required to pay im- furer of the by the Trea-- mediately to fuch Perfon or Perſons as ſhall be appoint- Navy. ed by the Commiffioners for the Diſcovery of the faid Longitude, to make thoſe Experiments, out of any Money that ſhall be in his Hands, unapplied for the Uſe of the Navy. this Alt to 2. And be it further enacted by the Authority afore- The Com- faid, That after Experiments made of any Propofal or miſſioners by Propoſals for the Diſcovery of the faid Longitude, the determine Commiffioners appointed by this Act, or the major how far any Propofal is Part of them ſhall declare and determine how far the practicable. fame is found practicable, and to what Degree of Ex- actneſs. 3. And for a due and fufficient Encouragement to any fuch Perſon or Perfons as ſhall diſcover a proper Method for finding the faid Longitude, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the firft Author or Authors, Difcoverer or Diſcoverers of any fuch Me- thod, his or their Executors, Adminiftators, or Affigns, fhall Reward to the first Dif coverer, [ 256 ] } fhall be intitled to, and have fuch Reward as herein after is mentioned; that is to fay, to a Reward, or Sum of ten Thouſand Pounds, if it determines the faid Longitude to one Degree of a great Circle, or fix- ty Geographical Miles; to fifteen Thouſand Pounds, if it determines the fame to two Thirds of that Diſtance; and to twenty Thouſand Pounds, if it determines the fame When to be to one Half of the fame Diſtance; and that one paid. Moiety or Half-part of fuch Reward or Sum fhall be due and paid when the faid Commiffioners, or the major Part of them, do agree that any fuch Method extends to the Security of Ships within eighty Geogra- phical Miles of the Shores, which are Places of the greateſt Danger, and the other Moiety or Half-part, when a Ship by the Appointment of the faid Com- miffioners, or the major Part of them, fhall thereby actually fail over the Ocean, from Great-Britain to any Port in the Weft Indies, as thofe Commiffioners, or the major Part of them fhall chooſe or nominate for the Experiment, without lofing their Longitude beyond the Limits before mentioned. 1 the Commif- As foon as 4. And be it further enacted by the Authority Such Method ball have aforefaid, That as ſoon as fuch Method for the Diſco- been found very of the faid Longitude fhall have been tried and practicable, found practicable and uſeful at Sea, within any of the fioners fhall Degrees aforefaid, That the ſaid Commiffioners, or the certify the major Part of them, fhall certify the fame accordingly, fame to the under their Hands and Seals, to the Commiffioners of Commifion- ers of the the Navy for the Time being, together with the Per- Navy, who fon or Perfons Names, who are the Authors of fuch Shall make Propofal; [257] Payment of Propofal; and upon fuch Certificate the faid Com- out Bills for miffioners are hereby authorized and required to make the Reward, out a Bill or Bills for the reſpective Sum or Sums of and the Money, to which the Author or Authors of fuch Pro- Treasurer of the Navy pofal, their Executors, Adminiftrators, or Affigns, shall pay the ſhall be intitled by Virtue of this Act; which Sum or fame. Sums the Treaſurer of the Navy is hereby required to pay to the faid Author or Authors, their Executors, Adminiftrators, or Affigns, out of any Money that ſhall be in his Hands unapplied to the Ufe of the Na- vy, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act. may allow a 5. And it is hereby further enacted by the Autho- The Com- rity aforefaid, That if any fuch Propoſal ſhall not, on miſſioners Trial, be found of fo great Ufe, as aforementioned, lefs Reward yet if the fame, on Trial, in the Judgment of the faid for any Commiffioners, or the major Part of them, be found Propofal of confiderable of confiderable Ufe to the Publick, that then and in Ufe to the fuch Cafe, the faid Author or Authors, their Execu- Publick. tors, Adminiſtrators, or Affigns, fhall have and receive fuch leſs Reward therefore as the faid Commiffioners, or the major Part of them, fhall think reaſonable, to be paid by the Treaſurer of the Navy, on fuch Certi- ficate, as aforefaid. L1 Anno [ 258 ] Anno 12m⁰ Annæ St. 2. Cap. 18. An Act for the preferving all fuch Ships, and Goods thereof, which shall happen to be forced on Shore, or ſtranded upon the Coafts of this Kingdom, or any other of her Majesty's Dominions. 3 Ed. I. WHEREAS by an Act made in the third C. 4. Year of the Reign of King Edward the Firſt, concerning Wrecks of the Sea, It is enacted, That where a Man, a Dog, or a Cat, efcape quick out of the Ship, that fuch Ship, nor Barge, nor any Thing in them, fhall be adjudged Wreck, but the Goods fhall be faved, and kept by View of the Sheriff, Coroner, of the King's Bailiff, and delivered into the Hands of fuch as are of the Town where the Goods were found; So that if any fue for thofe Goods, and after prove that they were bis, or perifhed within his keeping, within a Year and a Day, they fhall be restored to him, without Delay, and if not, they shall remain to the King, or to fuch others to whom Wreck belongeth; and he that otherwife doth, and thereof be attainted, fhall be awarded to Prifon, and make Fine at the King's Will: 4 Ed. I. And whereas by another Act made in the fourth Year of the Reign of the ſaid King Edward the Firſt, (intituled, De Officio Coronatoris) concerning the Wreck of the Sea, It is enacted, That wherefoever it be found St. 2. [ 259 ] ' found, if any lay Hands of it, he fhall be attached by fufficient Pledges, and the Price of the Wreck fhall be valued, and delivered to the Town; And whereas great Complaints have been made by feveral Mer- chants, as well her Majefty's Subjects, as Foreigners trading to and from this Kingdom, that many Ships of Trade, after all their Dangers at Sea eſcaped, have unfortunately, near Home, run on Shore, or been ftranded on the Coafts thereof, and that fuch Ships have been barbarouſly plundered by her Majefty's Subjects, and their Cargoes embezelled, and when any Part thereof has been faved, it has been fwallowed up by exorbitant Demands for Salvage, to the great Loſs of her Majefty's Revenue, and to the much greater Damage of her Majefty's trading Subjects: For Reme- dy whereof, Be it enacted by the Queen's moft Excel- lent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords. Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Autho- rity of the fame, That the Sheriffs, Juftices of the Sheriffs, Peace of every County, or County of a City or &c, and Town, and alfo all Mayors, Bailiffs, and other Head Custom- Officers of Corporations and Port-Towns near adjoin-houſe Offi- cers to fum- ing to the Sea, and all Conftables, Headboroughs, mon Men to Tythingmen, and Officers of the Cuftoms in all and affift Ships in Diſtreſs. every fuch Places fhall, upon Application made to them, or any of them, by or on the Behalf of any Commander or chief Officer of any Ship or Veffel of any of her Majefty's Subjects, or others, being in Danger of being ftranded or run on Shore, or being ftranded or run on Shore, are hereby impowered and Ll 2 required Mayors, [260] All Ships, Men of War and others, to affift. On Forfei- ture of 100 l. required to command the Conftables of the feveral Ports within her Majefty's Dominions, neareſt to the Sea Coaſts where any fuch Ship or Veffel fhall be in Danger as aforefaid, to fummon and call together as many Men as ſhall be thought neceffary to the Affiſt- ance and for the Preſervation of fuch. Ship or Veſſel, fo in Diſtreſs as aforeſaid, and their Cargoes; and that if there ſhall be any Ship or Veffel, either Man of War or Merchant Ship, belonging to her Majeſty, or any of her Subjects, riding at Anchor near the Place where fuch Ship or Veffel is in Diſtreſs or Danger, as aforefaid, the Officers of the Cuftoms, and Conftables above mentioned, or any of them, are hereby impow- ered and required to demand of the fuperior Officers of fuch Ship or Veffel, fo riding at Anchor, as afore- faid, Affiſtance by their Boats and fuch Hands as they can conveniently fpare, for the faid Service and Prefer- vation of the faid Ship or Veffel, fo in Diſtreſs, as aforefaid; and that in cafe fuch fuperior Officer of fuch Ship or Veffel, riding at Anchor, as aforefaid, fhall refufe or neglect to give fuch Aſſiſtance, he ſhall forfeit for the fame, the Sum of one Hundred Pounds, to be recovered by the fuperior Officer of the ſaid Ship or Veffel, fo in Diftrefs, as aforefaid, together with their Coſts of Suit, in any of her Majeſty's Courts of Record, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Informati- on, wherein no Effoign, Wager of Law, or Protection fhall be allowed. 2. And [261] S. 13. 2. And for the Encouragement of fuch Perfons as Reasonable Salvage to fhall give their Affiftance to fuch Ships or Veffels, fo be made. in Diftrefs, as aforefaid, Be it further enacted, That the faid Collectors of the Cuſtoms, and the Maſter or commanding Officer of any Ships or Veffels, and all others who ſhall act or be imployed in the preferving of any fuch Ship or Veffel in Diftrefs, as aforefaid, or By 5 Geo. their Cargoes, fhall within thirty Days after the Ser-1. C. 11. vice performed be paid a reaſonable Reward for the Goods faved fame, by the Commander, Mafter, or other fuperior from frand- ed Ships are Officer, Mariners or Owners of the Ship or Veffel, fo to pay Cu in Diſtreſs, as aforefaid, or by the Merchant, whofe ftoms. Ship, Veffel, or Goods fhall be fo faved, as aforefaid; and in Default thereof the ſaid Ship, Veffel, or Goods, ſo ſaved, as aforeſaid, fhall remain in the Cuſtody of fuch Officer of the Cuſtoms, or his Deputy, until fuch Time that all Charges fhall be paid, and until the faid Officer of the Cuftoms, or his Deputy, and the faid Maſter or other Officer of the Ship or Veffel, and all others fo imployed, as aforefaid, fhall be reaſonably gratified for their faid Affiftance and Trouble, or good Security given for that Purpoſe, to the Satisfaction of the feveral Parties that are to receive the fame; and that in cafe after fuch Salvage, the Commander or other fuperior Officer, Mariners or Owners of fuch Three Ju Ship or Veffel, fo faved, as aforefaid, or Merchant ices to ad- just the whofe Goods fhall be fo faved, as aforefaid, fhall difa- Quantum 武 ​gree with the faid Officer of the Cuſtoms, or his De- of the Sal- puty touching the Monies deferved by any of the vage. Perſons fo imployed, as aforefaid, it fhall be lawful for the [262] 1 the Commander of fuch Ship or Veffel fo faved, or the Owner of the Goods, or the Merchant intereſted therein, and alfo for the faid Officer of the Cuſtoms, or his Deputy, to nominate three of the neighbouring Juftices of the Peace, who fhall thereupon adjuſt the Quantum of the Monies or Gratuities to be paid to the ſeveral Perſons acting or being imployed in the Salvage of the faid Ship, Veffel, or Goods; and fuch Adjuſt- ments ſhall be binding to all Parties, and fhall be re- coverable in an Action at Law to be brought in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record, by the refpective Perfons to whom the fame ſhall be allowed by the faid Juftices of Peace; and in caſe it ſhall happen that no Perſons ſhall appear to make his Claim to all or any the Goods that fhall be faved, that then and in fuch Cafe, the chief Officer of the Cuſtoms of the neareſt Port to the Place where the faid Ship or Veffel was fo in Diſtreſs, as aforefaid, fhall apply to three of the neareſt Juſtices of the Peace, who fhall put him or ſome other reſponſible Perſon in Poffeffion of the Goods, fuch Juftices of Peace taking an Account in Writing of the faid Goods, to be figned by fuch Offi- cer of the Cuſtoms; and if the faid Goods fhall not be legally claimed within the Space of twelve Months Months, to next enfuing by the rightful Owner thereof, then be fold, publick Sale fhall be made thereof, and if perishable Goods, forthwith to be fold, and after all Charges de- ducted, the Refidue of the Monies arifing by fuch Monies Sale, with a fair and juft Account of the whole, fhall tranfmitted into the Ex-be tranfmitted to her Majefty's Exchequer, there to chequer,&c. remain for the Benefit of the rightful Owner when Goods not claimed in twelve And the appearing [263] appearing, who upon Affidavit or other Proof made of his or their Right or Property thereto, to the Satiſ faction of one of the Barons of the Coif of the Exche- quer, fhall upon his Order, receive the fame out of the Exchequer. without 3. And it is hereby alſo enacted, That if any Per- Perſons en- fon or Perfons whatſoever, befides thoſe impowered tring Ship by the faid Officer of the Cuſtoms or his Deputy, and Leave, the Conftables, as aforefaid, ſhall enter or endeavour to enter on board any fuch Ship or Veffel, fo in Diſtreſs, as aforefaid; without the Leave or Confent of the Commander or other fuperior Officer of the ſaid Ship, or of the faid Officer of the Cuftoms, or his Deputy, or of the faid Conftable, or fome or one of them im- ployed for the Service and Preſervation of the faid Ship or Veffel, as aforefaid; or in caſe any Perſon ſhall mo- Or hindring left him, them, or any of them, in the faving of the the faving the Ship, faid Ship, Veffel, or Goods, or ſhall endeavour to im- to make dou- pede or hinder the faving of any fuch Ship, Veffel or ble Satisfac- Goods, or when any fuch Goods are faved, fhall take tion. out or deface the Marks of any fuch Goods, before the fame fhall be taken down in a Book or Books for that Purpoſe provided by the Commander or Ruling Officer, and the firft Officer of the Cuſtoms, as afore- faid, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall, within the Space of twenty Days, make double Satisfaction to the Party grieved, at the Diſcretion of the two next Juftices of Peace, or in Default thereof, fhall by fuch Juftices of Peace be ſent to the next Houſe of Correction, where he ſhall continue and be imployed in hard. Labour by the [264] Mafters the Space of twelve Months then next enfuing; and Preffers into that it fhall be lawful for any Commander or fuperior may repel the Ship. Goods car- Officer of the faid Ship or Veffel, fo in Diftrefs, as aforefaid, or for the faid Officer of the Cuftoms, or Conſtables on board the fame Ship or Veffel, to re- pel by Force any fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall, with- out fuch Leave or Confent from the faid Commander or fuperior Officer, or the faid Officer of the Cuſtoms, or his Deputy, or fuch Conftables, as aforefaid, preſs on board the faid Ship or Veffel, ſo in Diftrefs, as aforefaid, and thereby moleft them in the Prefervation of the ſaid Ship or Veffel, fo in Diſtreſs, as aforeſaid. 4. And it is hereby likewiſe enacted, That in caſe ried off,&c. reed on Occ. any Goods fhall be found upon any Perfon or Perfons, diately de- that were ftolen or carried off from any fuch Ship or livered up. Veffel, fo in Diſtreſs, as aforefaid, he, fhe, or they, on whom fuch Goods fhall be found, fhall immediately, upon Demand, deliver the fame to the Owner thereof, or to fuch Perfon by fuch Owner authorized to re- ceive the fame; or in Default thereof, fhall be liable Penalty, tre- to pay treble the Value of fuch Goods, to be recover- ed by fuch Owner in an Action at Law to be brought for the fame. ble theValue. Making 5. And it is hereby moreover enacted, That if any Holes in the Perfon or Perfons fhall make, or be affifting in the Ship, &c. Felony. making any Hole in the Bottom, Side, or any other Part of any Ship or Veffel, fo in Diſtreſs, as aforefaid, or ſhall ſteal any Pump belonging to any Ship or Vef- fel, ſo in Diſtreſs, as aforefaid, or ſhall be aiding or abetting [265] abetting in the ſtealing ſuch Pump, as aforeſaid, or ſhall wilfully do any thing tending to the immediate Lofs or Deſtruction of fuch Ship or Veffel, fuch Per- fon or Perſons ſhall be and are hereby made guilty of Felony, without any Benefit of his, her, or their Clergy. 6. And be it further enacted by the Authority General If- aforeſaid, That if any Action, Suit or Information, Sue. ſhall be commenced or profecuted againſt any Perfon or Perſons, for any thing that he or they fhall do, or cauſe to be done, in purfuance of this Act, and exe- cuting any of the Powers and Authorities, or any of the Orders or Directions therein mentioned, all and every Perſon and Perfons, fo fued in any Court what- foever, fhall and may plead the General Iffue, and give this Act and the ſpecial Matter in Evidence; and if in any fuch Suit the Plaintiff or Profecutor fhall be- come Nonfuit, or forbear Proſecution, or diſcontinue the Suit, or if a Verdict fhall paſs againſt him, or Judgment be given againſt him upon a Demurrer, then in any of the faid Caſes the Defendant or Defend- ants ſhall recover full Cofts, for which he and they ſhall have the like Remedy, as where Cofts by Law are awarded; and this Act ſhall be taken and allow- ed in all Courts within this Kingdom as a publick Act, and all Judges and Juftices are hereby required Publick Act. to take Notice thereof as fuch without fpecial pleading of the fame. M m 10. Provided, ሓ [266] Continuati- on. 10. Provided, That this Act fhall continue in force for the Space of three Years, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament, and no longer. Made Perpetual by 4 Geo. I. C. 12. Anno Imo Geo. I. Stat. 2. Cap. 25. An Act to prevent Disturbances by Seamen, and others; and to preferve the Stores belonging to his Majesty's Navy Royal, and alfo for explaining an Act for the better preventing the Imbezelment of his Majefty's Stores of War; and prevent- ing Cheats, Frauds, and Abufes in paying Seamen's Wages; and for reviving and continuing an Act for the more effectual Suppreffion of Piracy. I. } WHEREAS divers Fightings, Quarrellings, and Disturbances, do often happen in and about his Majefty's Offices, Yards, and Stores, belong- ing to his Majesty's Royal Navy, and frequent Diffe- rences and Diſorders are occafioned in and about the Office of his Majefty's Treasury of the Navy, on Pay- Days [267] Days, in London, Portſmouth, and other Places of Meeting for the Service of the faid Navy, by the un- reaſonable Turbulency of Seamen, and others, attending on or relating to that Service, or their Creditors, or by the Rudeness of the Officers intrufted with his Majefty's Stores on Land, or in his Royal Ships, when they are questioned by the principal Officers and Commiffioners of the faid Navy, either for Neglect or Imbezelment of his Majefty's Provifions, Ammunitions, or other Equi- page of the Navy under their Charge, not only to the Disturbance of the Peace, but fometimes to the Danger and Hindrance of his Majefty's Service, both in point of husbanding his Majefty's Revenue, and alfo in the Difpatch of the Ships, on which the Honour and Safe- ty of his Majefty and Kingdom fo much depends; which Inconveniencies require a speedier Remedy than the or- dinary Courfe of Justice; the Parties accufed or of- fending, being many times bound to Sea, and the principal Officers and Commiffioners, for want of Au- thority to fupprefs fuch Infolencies and Disorders, and bear, determine, and punish fuch Offences, being necef- fitated to pass by many Offences, in which his Majefty might be righted, if their neceffary Attendance on that important Service would permit the Profecution of the Offenders before other ordinary Judicatures: For Re- medy whereof, Be it enacted by the King's moft Ex- cellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Treafurer, Comptroller, Treaſurer, Surveyor, Clerk of the Acts, and the Commif- &c. of the Navy, im- M m 2 fioners powered to [268] punish Per- fioners of the Navy, for the Time being, or any one or Sons who make Diſtur- more of them, fhall, from and after the twenty-ninth bance in the Day of September next enfuing, have Power and Au- Yards, &c. thority, by Warrant under any one or more of their · Hands and Seals, to cauſe fuch Offenders to be appre hended, and brought before him or them, and to ex- amine and puniſh all ſuch Perſon and Perfons whom he or they, upon their Enquiry and. Examination of Witneffes upon Oath, (which Oath he or they are hereby impowered to adminiſter) or upon Confeffion of the Party or Parties accuſed,. or on View in his or their Preſence, ſhall find to make, or have made any fuch Diſturbance, Fighting, or Quarrelling, in any the Yards, Stores, Offices, or Places aforefaid, at Pay-Days, or on other Occafions relating to the Naval Services, in fuch. Manner as followeth ; (that is to fay) that they, or any one or more of them, may punish any the faid Offences, by Fine, Impriſonment, or either of them, the Fine not exceeding twenty Shillings, and Impri- fonment not exceeding one Week; and have Power in fuch Cafes, to commit fuch Perfon to the next Goal, or to the Cuftody of the Meffenger or Meffen- gers for the Time being, Attendant on them, who reſpectively are to receive and detain fuch Perfon fo offending; and that the faid principal Officers and Commiffioners, or any one or more of them, then preſent, have hereby Power and Authority to diſcharge fuch Fine or Impriſonment, if they think fit, and for Non-payment of the Fine fo impofed, and not remit- ted, to impriſon the Party offending, until Payment thereof, or otherwife to caufe fuch Offender or Of fenders [269] fenders to be ſent to the next Houſe of Correction to the Place where fuch Offence fhall be committed, there to be kept at hard Labour for the Space of two Months, without Bail or Mainprize; which faid Fines ſhall be paid to the Clerk of the Cheft at Cha- tham, for the Ufe of the maimed Seamen. 2. And it is hereby further enacted by the Autho- And may rity aforefaid, That the faid Officers and Commiffion- bind the Offenders to ers, or any one or more of them (in Cafes where great-good Beba- er Example or Puniſhment is needful) may alſo bind viour. the Perfon or Perfons, fo offending, to their good Bé- haviour, and to anſwer the Offences, whereof they ſhall be accuſed, at the next Affizes or General Quar- ter Seffions of the Peace for the County or Place where fuch Offence ſhall be committed, with or without Se- curities, as Occafion fhall be; and in Default of fuch Securities, where the fame fhall be required, to com- mit the Perfon or Perfons offending, as aforefaid, to the common Goal of the County or Place where fuch Óf- fence ſhall be committed, in Order to their being pro- fecuted for fuch Offence or Offences at the next Af fizes or General Quarter Seffions of the Peace for fuch County or Place. 3. And whereas divers of his Majeſty's Stores and Ammunition, pertaining to his Navy and Shipping, or Service thereof, are often privately imbezelled or filch- ed away For the more effectual Diſcovery of fuch Stores and Ammunition, It is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid principal The faid Of Officers ficers im- [270] the Offend- ers. powered to Officers and Commiffioners of his Majeſty's Navy, or enquire of the Imbezel any one or more of them, ſhall have hereby power to ment of Na-inquire, and by Warrant under his or their Hands and val Stores, Seals, to impower any Perſon or Perſons, to ſearch for and punish the fame in all Places, in like Manner as Juftices of Peace may do in cafe of Felony, and puniſh the Of- fenders by fuch Fine and Impriſonment, as aforefaid, the Value of the Goods fo imbezelled or filched away, not exceeding the Sum of twenty Shillings, and cauſe the Goods to be brought in again; and if the Offence be of ſuch Nature as doth require an higher and ſeverer Puniſhment, then that they, any one or more of them, may commit fuch Offender to the next Goal, or to the Cu- ſtody of their Meſſenger or Meſſengers aforefaid, 'till he or they offending, enter into Recognizance with Surety or Sureties, according to the Nature of the Of- fence, to appear and anſwer to the fame in his Maje- fty's Court of Exchequer, or other Court where his Majeſty ſhall queſtion him or them for the fame, with- in one Year following, on Procefs duly ferved for that Purpoſe on fuch Offender or Offenders. 4. And whereas divers ill-difpofed Perfons, upon Pretence of carrying his Majesty's Naval Goods, Pro- vifions, Victuals, Stores and Ammunition, from his Ma- jefty's Yards, Wharfs, Store-houſes, or other Places, to his Majesty's Ship or Ships, or to fuch Ship or Ships as are imployed in his Majefty's Service, or fuch Perfons as are imployed to recarry or remove from the faid Ship Ships fuch Naval Stores, Goods, Provifions, Victu- als, Stores and Ammunition, to fuch his Majesty's Yards, [271] Goods em- Value of 20s. the Yards, Wharfs, Store-houses, or other Places, do fre- quently imbezel, take and carry them away, where they cannot be found, and remove themſelves to Places un- known, before they can be apprehended, or convicted by due Procefs of Law, by reafon that thofe Witneſſes that fhould prove the faid Facts are bound forth to Sea, or otherwife employed elſewhere, and it is found neceſſary, that Justice be more fpeedily done in fuch Cafes, than by ordinary Courſe of Law it can be: Be it therefore en- When the acted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Treaſurer, bezelled are Comptroller, Surveyor, Clerk of the Acts, and Commif- under the fioners of the Navy, for the Time being, or any one or more of them, where the Value of the Goods fo im- Offender bezelled, taken, or carried away, fhall be under the ſhall be fined, Value of twenty Shillings, fhall have full Power and Authority, upon the Oath of one or more Witneſſes, (which they or any one of them have hereby Power to adminifter) or Confeffion of fuch Party, fo offending, as aforefaid, or other legal Proof thereof, to convict the Party or Parties fo offending, by Writing under his or their Hands and Seals, and to impofe fuch Fine or Fines upon all or every fuch Perfon or Perfons, fo offending, and convicted, as aforefaid, as to the ſaid Treaſurer, Comptroller, Surveyor, Clerk of the Acts, and the Commiflioners of the Navy, for the Time be- ing, or any one or more of them, fhall, in his or their Diſcretion feem meet; the faid Fine or Fines not ex- ceeding double the Value of the Naval Goods, Provi- fions, Victuals, Stores, or Ammunition, fo imbezelled or carried away; which Fine or Fines ſhall be levied by Diſtreſs and Sale of the Goods of fuch Offender, Fine to be levied by Distress virtue and for by [272] three Months. Want there- virtue of the Warrant of fuch Officer or Officers who of, Impri- fhall fo convict the ſaid Offender, directed in Manner Jonment for aforefaid, to the Perfon or Perfons aforefaid, returning the Overplus, if any be, to the Owner of fuch Goods; or in caſe no fufficient Diſtreſs can be found, as afore- faid, the Party or Parties ſo offending, fhall, by Virtue of the Warrant of fuch Officer before whom fuch Per- fon or Perſons ſhall be convicted, be impriſoned in the next Goal, for any Space of Time, not exceeding three Months, without Bail or Mainprize. Naval Stores im- 5. And be it further enacted by the Authority bezelled and aforefaid, That the ſaid Treaſurer, Comptroller, Sur- put on Ship- veyor, Clerk of the Acts, and Commiffioners of the Na- board ſhall vy, for the Time being, or any one or more of them, be feized by Warrant of upon Oath of one or more credible Witneffes (which the faid he or they have hereby Power to adminiſter) teſtifying, Treaſurer, that his Majeſty's Naval Goods, Stores, Ammunition, &c. or Naval Provifions, or any Part thereof, are conveyed into any Ship or Veffel whatſoever, and mentioning the Name of fuch Ship or Veffel, being at Anchor, and not ready to fail that Tide, within any of the Roads, Harbours, Creeks or Rivers within his Maje- fty's Dominions, or any Perfon or Perfons by their or one of their Warrant or Warrants (in which Warrant or Warrants the Quantity or Quality of fuch Goods fhall be fpecified) thereunto authorized and appointed, in the Day-time, fhall have full Power and Authority to go on board any fuch Ship or Veffel whatſoever, being within any of the Places aforefaid; and in cafe Refiſtance or Refufal be made upon Demand, to enter and [ 273] and break open the Hatches and Cabbins, or other Places of fuch Ship or Veffel, and ſearch therein for any fuch Naval Goods, Stores, Ammunition, or Provi- fions belonging to his Majefty's Navy, which have been imbezelled, purloined, and taken away; and the ſame to ſeize, take, and carry away, to any of his Ma- jeſty's Yards or Store-houſes, to be applied to his Ma- jeſty's Ufe, unleſs the ſaid Officers and Commiffioners, upon hearing the Matter, fhall find they were undu- ly feized, and thereupon reſtore them to the Party claiming the fame, which they are hereby impowered to do. &c. A 6. And be it further enacted by the Authority Puniſhment aforefaid, That every Perfon or Perfons who fhall of counter- feiting the counterfeit the Hands of the Treaſurer, Comptroller, Hand of the Surveyor, Clerk of the Acts, or of the Commiffioners Treasurer, of the Navy, or of any of them, or the Hand or Hands of the figning or vouching Officers of his Majefty's Navy, Ships, or Yards, or the Hand or Hands of any one or more of them, to any Bill, Ticket, or other Papers, by Virtue whereof his Majefty's Naval Trea- fure is or may be paid or difpofed of, or fhall know- ingly produce any fuch counterfeit Ticket, Bill, or other Paper, every fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offend- ing, fhall or may be lawfully committed to Priſon by the faid Officers or Commiffioners, or any one of them, until he ſhall find Surety to appear at the next General Affizes or Quarter Seffions of the Peace for the County, Town, or Place, where fuch Offender N n fhall 1 [ 274] 9 & 10 W. III. C. 41. fhall be ſo committed to Prifon, to be there proceeded againft according to Law. 7. And whereas by an Act made in the ninth and tenth Years of the Reign of his late Majefty King William the Third, intituled, An Act for the better preventing the Imbezelment of his Majefty's Stores of War, and preventing Cheats, Frauds, and Abuſes, in paying Seamen's Wages, among other things therein contained, reciting, that forafmuch as divers wicked Perfons, for Lucre and Gain, had perfonated Seamen, who had really ferved, or were ſuppoſed to have ferved on board of his Majesty's Ships, and thereby had receiv- ed divers Sums of his Majefty's Money at the Pay-Of- fice, or elſewhere, of his Majesty's Officers appointed for Payment of his Majefty's Fleet and Ships, in Deceit as well of his Majesty as of the Perfons who had really ferved on board any of his Majesty's Ships; and had alfo for fuch wicked Purpoſes forged and counterfeited divers Letters of Attorney, or Bills of Sale, and Af- fignments, or laft Wills, in the Name or Names of Perfons who had really ferved, or were fuppofed to have Served on board his Majesty's faid Ships; and had and did alfo procure Daily divers Men and Women to per- fonate, and divers wicked Perfons did of their own Ac- cord perfonate the Wives, Relations, or Creditors of fuch Seamen, who had or were fuppofed to have ferved on board of his Majesty's Ships, and thereby had falfely taken out Letters of Adminiftration to fuch Seaman or Seamen having ferved or fuppofed to have ferved on board of his Majefty's Ships, or had forged and counter- feited [ 275 ] feited Letters of Attorney, Bills of Sale, or other Au- thorities, in the Names of the Executors or Admini- ftrators of fuch Seamen, for the Receipt of fuch Wages as were due or fuppofed to be due to fuch Seamen, having Served or fuppofed to have ferved, as aforefaid: For the Prevention of which faid wicked Practices, It was thereby enacted, That all and every fuch Perfon or Perfons, bis, her, or their Aiders or Abettors that Should be convicted of the faid Grimes and Offences, committed, from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June, which was in the Year of our Lord one Thoufand fix Hundred Ninety Eight, fhould, for every fuch Of fence, over and above the Penalties to be inflicted by any Laws then in Force, forfeit the Sum of two Hun- dred Pounds, together with Cofts of Profecution: And whereas fome Doubts have arifen, whether any Offender or Offenders, who fhall or may be convicted of fome of or one of the Crimes or Offences mentioned in the faid Act, and ſhall not be convicted of all the faid Crimes and Offences, fhall, as the faid Act is penned, be fubject and liable to the Penalties in the faid Act impofed on fuch Offenders: For explaining whereof, Be it enacted Perfons con- victed of and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perſon and Perfons, his, her, or their Aiders or Crimes in Abettors, Aider or Abettor, that ſhall be convicted of the recited all or any the Crimes or Offences aforefaid in the faid liable to the laft recited Act mentioned, fhall, for every fuch Crime Punishment or Offence, over and above the Penalties to be inflict- thereby in- flicted. ed by any other Law now in Force, be fubject and lia- Note, by 7 ble to the Pains and Penalties inflicted by the ſaid laft Geo. II. Nn 2 any the Alt, fhall be C. 22. menti- Forgery in 1 [276] general is mentioned Act, to be recovered and diftributed as in made Felony the fame recited Act is mentioned. without Be nefit of Cler- gy. &c. may mitigate the Penalties impoſed by the faid Att. 1 8. Provided always, and it is hereby further enact- ed by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may. The Judge, be lawful to and for the Judge, Juftice or Juftices, be- fore whom fuch Offender or Offenders fhall be tried or convicted of all or any the Crimes or Offences be- fore mentioned, to mitigate the ſaid Penalties and Forfeitures by the fame Act impofed, according to his or their Diſcretion, or in lieu thereof, to puniſh fuch Offender or Offenders in the Premiffes corporally, by caufing him, her or them, to be publickly whipped and committed to fome publick Work-houfe, there to be kept to hard Labour for the Space of three Months, or leſs time, as to fuch Judge, Juftice or Juftices, ſhall, in his or their Difcretion feem meet; any thing in the faid Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithſtanding. The Admi- ralty, &c. may admini- fter Oaths 9. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain and Ireland, in Cafes re- for the time being, or the Commiffioners for execut- lating to the ing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great-Bri- receiving &c. bis tain and Ireland, for the time being, or any one or Majesty's more of them, the Secretary or Secretaries of the faid Treaſure, Lord High Admiral, or Commiffioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral for the time being, and to and for the Treaſurer, Comptrollor, Surveyor, Clerk of the Acts, and the Commiffioners, of his Ma- &c. jeſty's 1 [ 277 ] jefty's Navy for the time being, or for any one or more of them, to adminiſter an Oath or Oaths, in any cafe or caſes relating to the receiving, keeping, iffuing, and accounting for any part of his Majefty's Treafure, Victuals, Stores, or Provifions of his Majefty's Navy, or for the Prefervation of due Order and Diſcipline therein, or in any other matter or thing relating to his Majeſty's Navy, or the Affairs thereof. ཝཱ > The Treafu--- rer of the Navy, &c. may execute the Powers bereby given 10. And it is hereby further declared and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Treaſurer, Comptroller, Surveyor, Clerk of the Acts, and the Commiffioners of the Navy, for the time being, or any one or more of them, may execute all and every them, as the Powers hereby or by any other Law given them, well within Liberties, as or any of them, on all and every the Offenders afore- without. faid, in all Places as well within Liberties as without; any Law, Statute, Ordinance, Charter or Privilege to the contrary notwithſtanding. C. 5- 11. Provided always, and it is hereby declared, This Att That no Clauſe, Sentence, or other Matter, in this ball not re- peal &c. Act contained, fhall repeal, alter, change, or be inter- the 22. preted to make void any of the Clauſes, Matters, or Car. II. Things ſpecified or contained in one Act of Parliament made in the two and twentieth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Charles the Second, intituled, An Act for taking away the Benefit of the Clergy from fuch as fteal Cloth from the Rack, and from fuch as fhall ſteal or imbezel his Majefty's Ammunition and Stores; but that the fame Act fhall remain in full Force [278] The Admi- ralty may execute the Powers in this Act. None ſhall be puniſhed again by any Force and Virtue, for and notwithſtanding any thing herein contained. 12. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted, That all and every the Powers hereby given to any Officer or Commiffioner of the Navy, may be exer- cifed by the Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain and Ireland for the time being, or the Commiffioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain and Ireland for the time being, or any one or more of them. 13. Provided alſo, and be it further enacted, That no Perfon or Perfons, who fhall be puniſhed by vir- other Law, tue of this Act, fhall be puniſhed by force of any for the fame other Law for the fame Offence. Offence. This and the 9 & io W. III. C. 41. Shall be 14. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this prefent Act, and alfo the faid Act made in the ninth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King William the Third, ſhall be deemed pub- deemed, conftrued, allowed, and taken Notice of in lick Aus. all Courts of Law and Equity, and by all Judges and Juſtices whatſoever, and in all other Places and Ju- rifdictions whatfoever, without pleading or ſetting forth the fame, as and for publick Acts to all Intents and Purpoſes whatſoever. Convictions 15. And be it further enacted by the Authority on this Aft aforefaid, That all and every the Convictions and to be final. Judgments, which ſhall be had, made, or given in Purfuance [ 279 ] } Purſuance of this Act, fhall be final, and not fub- ject to any Appeal or Certiorari, nor be removed, fuperfeded, or fufpended thereby, or by any of them; any Law, Statuté, or Provifion to the contrary there- of in any wife notwithſtanding. the General 16. And it is hereby further enacted by the Au- Perfons fued thority aforeſaid, that if any Perſon or Perfons fhall may plead at any time be fued or profecuted for or on Account Iue, &c. of any Matter or Thing by him or them done or ex- ecuted in Purſuance of this Act, or the faid Act made in the Ninth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King William the Third, he or they fhall or may plead the General Iffue, and give this Act, and the faid laſt mentioned Act, and the fpecial Matter in Evidence for his or their Defence, and if upon the Trial a Verdict ſhall paſs for the Defendant or Defen- dants, or the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs fhall be non-fuit, or diſcontinue his or their Action or Suit, or Judg- ment ſhall otherwiſe paſs for the Defendant or Defen- dants therein, then fuch Defendant or Defendants ſhall have double Cofts to him or them awarded And Shall re- againſt ſuch Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, to be levied in fuch cover double manner as Cofts in other Actions may be levied. Cofts. 17. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority The Act of aforefaid, that an Act made in the Eleventh Year of 11 and 12 W.III.C.7. the Reign of his faid late Majefty King William the revived, and Third, intituled, An Act for the more effectual fup- to be in force during this preffing of Piracy, which was thereby to be in Force Act. The for feven Years, and from thence to the End of the faid At is next [ 280 ] tual, by 6 Geo. I. 5 Ann. C. 34. ! made perpe- next Seffion of Parliament, after the Expiration of the ſaid ſeven Years, and which by an Act made in C. 19. S. 3. the Fifth Year of the Reign of Her late Majeſty Queen Anne, intituled, An Act for continuing the Laws therein mentioned, relating to the Poor, and to the Buying and Selling of Cattle in Smithfield, and for fuppreffing of Piracy, was enacted to remain in full Force for feven Years, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament, ſhall from and after the faid Twenty Ninth Day of September next enfuing, be revived, and the fame is hereby enacted to be in Force during the Continuance of this Act. The Dura- 18. Provided, That this Act fhall be in Force for tion of this five Years, and to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament, after the Expiration of the faid five Years, Made Perpetual by 9 Geo. L A&t. and no longer. C. 8. S. 3. Anno [281] Anno 4to Geo. I. Cap. 11. An Act for the further preventing Robbery, Burglary, and other Felonies, and for the more effectual Transportation of Fe- lons, and unlawful Exporters of Wool; and for declaring the Law upon fome Points relating to Pirates. A Act II & 12 W. III. be tried as is 7. ND be it hereby declared, That all and Offenders every Perſon and Perfons who have com- against the mitted or fhall commit any Offence or Offences, for which they ought to be adjudged, deemed and taken C. 7. may to be Pirates, Felons, or Robbers, by an Act made directed by in the Parliament holden in the Eleventh and 28 Hen. Twelfth Years of the Reign of his late Majeſty King VIII. C.15. William the Third (intituled, An Act for the more effectual Suppreffion of Piracy) may be tried and judged for every fuch Offence in fuch Manner and Form as in and by an Act made in the Twenty- Eighth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth is directed and appointed for the Trial of Pirates, and ſhall and ought to be utterly debarred and ex- cluded from the Benefit of Clergy for the faid Offen- And exclud- ces; any Law or Statute to the contrary thereof in ed fromCler- any wife notwithſtanding. gy. 8. Provided always, That nothing in this Act con- This Alt tained ſhall extend or be conftrued to extend to Oo fuch shall not ex- Perfons land. tend to Scot- [282] But to all the King's Dominions in Ameri- ca, and be taken as a publick Act. 12 Ann. St.2. C.18. Perfons as fhall be convicted or attainted in that Part of Great-Britain called Scotland. 9. And be it alfo enacted, that this Act fhall ex- tend to all his Majefty's Dominions in America, and fhall be taken as a publick Act. Anno 4to Geo. I. Cap. 12. An Act for enforcing and making perpetual an Act of the twelfth Year of her late Majefty, (intituled, An Act for the pre- Serving of all fuch Ships, and Goods there- of, which fhall happen to be forced on Shore, or ſtranded upon the Coafts of this Kingdom, or any other of her Majefty's Dominions ;) and for inflicting the Pu- niſhment of Death on fuch as fhall wilful- ly burn or destroy Ships. I. HEREAS the Act made in the twelfth W Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, (intituled, An Act for the preferving of all fuch Ships, and Goods thereof, which fhall happen to be forced on Shore, or ſtranded upon the Coaſt of this Kingdom, or any other of her Majefty's Dominions; ) will expire at the End of this prefent Seffion of Parlia- ment, [283] ] ment, unless the fame be continued: And whereas the faid A&t hath been found by Experience to be of great Ufe and Benefit to the Sea-faring Men and Merchants of this Kingdom, and other his Majefty's Dominions : Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this preſent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid recited Act, (intituled An The recited Act for the preſerving of all fuch Ships, and Goods At made thereof, which ſhall happen to be forced on Shore, or ftranded upon the Coafts of this Kingdom, or any other of her Majeſty's Dominions,) and all the Clauſes, Matters and Things therein contained, fhall be and is hereby declared to be made perpetual. Perpetual. of the Cin- 2. Provided always, and it is hereby further enact- The faid ed, That the faid Act, or any thing therein contained, extend to Alt ſhall not ſhall not be conſtrued to extend to, or any ways affect the Admi- the antient Juriſdiction and Ufage of the Admiralty-ralty Court Court of the Cinque Ports, or the Officers thereto be- que Ports. longing; but the proper Officers of the ſaid Admi- ralty - Court fhall be and are hereby authorized and impowered to put the faid Act in Execution within the Jurifdiction of the faid Cinque Ports, in as full and ample Manner to all Intents and Purpoſes, as any other Perfon or Perfons are by the faid Act appointed to do in any other Parts of this Kingdom. 3. And for the effectual preventing the wilful Caft- ing away, burning, or otherwife deftroying of Ships by Oo 2 the [ 284 ] prejudice the Infurers, the Owners, Maſters, and Mariners thereof, and there- Any Owner, to belonging: Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, Captain, &c. wilful- That if any Owner of, or Captain, Maſter, Mariner, or by destroying other Officer belonging to any Ship, fhall, after the any Ship, to twenty-fourth Day of June, which ſhall be in the Year of our Lord, one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and &c. fhall Eighteen, wilfully caft away, burn, or otherwiſe de- fuffer Death. By 11 Geo. ftroy the Ship of which he is Owner, or unto which I. C. 29. he belongeth, or in any Manner of wife direct or pro- S. 5. 6. 7. cure the fame to be done, to the Prejudice of any Per- This Claufe fon or Perſons that ſhall underwrite any Policy or Pc- and the Of-licies of Infurance thereon, or of any Merchant or fenders Merchants that ſhall load Goods thereon, he ſhall ſuffer ouſted of Clergy, &c. Death. is explained, Note, The first Section is expired. Anno 5to Geo. I. Cap. 11. An Act against Clandeftine Running of un- cuftomed Goods, and for the more effec- tual preventing of Frauds relating to the Cuftoms. 2. AND whereas Rum is now imported in much greater Proportions than formerly: And of this Act whereas the importing thereof in Small Casks or Veffels Times done with Defign, that the fame may more eafily, privately, and clandeftinely be carried off and conveyed without paying the Duties: For Reme- dy whereof, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, is many That [ 285 ] in any ed in Casks the Seamen on board. That if after the Twenty Ninth Day of September, Rum import. One Thouſand Seven Hundred and Nineteen, any under 20 Rum fhall be imported or brought into Great Britain, Gallons for- or into any Port, Harbour, Haven, or Creek thereof, feited; un- lefs füch Cask or Veffel, not containing twenty Gallons Rum were at the leaft (excepting only for the Ufe of the Seamen for the Ufe of then belonging to and on board fuch Ship or Veffel) name all fuch Rum, or the Value thereof, fhall be forfeit- For the Con- ed; nevertheleſs if it fhall be made appear, to the nuance of this Claufe, Satisfaction of the principal Officers of the Cuſtoms fee 9 Geo. I. at the Port of Importation, that fuch Rum, fo im- C. 8. S. 8. ported in ſmall Casks, was for the Ufe of the Mafter C. 28, S. 3. or Seamen belonging to the Ship or Veffel in the & 8 Geo. Voyage, or imported by Merchants or Traders, with- II. C. 21. out Fraud or Concealment, that then and in every which last it fuch Caſe the ſaid Officers are hereby impowered and is continued till 29 Sep- directed to admit fuch Rum to an Entry, and cauſe tember, the Duties thereof to be accepted, inſtead of the 1742, and Forfeiture thereof before mentioned; any Thing here-from thence,. in contained to the contrary notwithſtanding. 1 2 Geo. II. S. 3. By &c. Goods taken 3. And be it further enacted by the Authority Foreign aforefaid, That in Cafe any Foreign Goods, Wares, or in at Sea by Merchandizes, fhall, after the five and twentieth Day any Collier, of March, One Thouſand Seven Hundred and Nine- &c. to be landed, or teen, by any Collier, Fiſher-Boat, or other Coafting put on board Veffel or, Boat, be taken in at Sea, or out of any any other Veffel with Ship or Veffel whatſoever, in order to be landed or out Payment put into any other Ship, Veffel or Boat, within the of Duties, Limits of any Port, without Payment of the Cuſtoms forfeited; and other Duties due and payable for the fame, fuch Goods, And the Mafter to * [286] the Value, unless in cafe tinuance of I. 8. 2 Geo. forfeit treble Goods, Wares and Merchandizes fhall be forfeited, and the Mafter of fuch Collier, Fisher-Boat, or other of Neceffity. Coafting Veffel or Boat, fhall forfeit treble the Value For the Con- of fuch Goods, unlefs in Cafe of Neceffity, which this Claufe, fuch Mafter fhall immediately give Notice of, and fee 9 Geo. make Proof before the Chief Officers of the Cuftoms 1. C. 8. S. of the firſt Port of this Kingdom where he ſhall ar- II. C. 28. rive; and the Maſter, Purſer, or other Perfon taking S. 3. & 8 Charge of the Ship or Veffel, out of which fuch Goods fhall be taken in at Sea, unleſs in Cafe of By which Neceffity, as aforefaid, ſhall forfeit treble the Value Laſt it is con- of fuch Goods fo unfhipt; one Moiety of which For- tinued till 29 September, feiture to be for the Uſe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to him, her, or from thence, &c. them, who will inform or fue for the fame, and ſhall and may be recovered in like manner as is here- in after mentioned. Geo. II. C. 21. S. 3. laft 1742, and Goods not feited. For the Con- 4. And whereas in Ships from foreign Parts, reported, and Goods are often found at clearing fuch Ships concealed found after clearing the in falfe Bulk-heads between the Linings and falfe Ship, for Knees or in concealed Lockers, in order to their being landed without Payment of Duties, fo that 'tis almoft tinuance of impoffible for Officers of the Customs to discover them this Clauſe without having fome previous Information: For Pre- See 9 Geo. I. C. 8. S. vention of which fraudulent Practices, Be it enacted 8: 2 Geo. by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the five and twentieth Day of March, one Thouſand ſe- ven Hundred and Nineteen, all Goods not reported, C. 21. S. 3. and found, after the clearing the Ship by the proper Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms, fhall be liable to II. C. 28. S. 3. & 8 Geo. II. By which laft it is Forfeiture, [ 287 ] 'till the 29th of Forfeiture, and fuch Goods fhall and may be feized continued and profecuted in the Manner herein after mention- ed; any Law or Cuftom to the contrary notwith- September ftanding. 1742, and from thence &c. Tons or the Coafts, count of the treble the For the Con- 8. And whereas divers Ships and Veffels of the Ships of 50 Burthen of fifty Tons, or under, laden with Coffee, under, bo- Tea, Cocoa-Nuts, French wrought Silks, Eaft-India vering on Goods prohibited to be worn in this Kingdom, Pepper, Officers may and other Spices, Brandy, Spirits, and other custom- enter and able and prohibited Goods, pretending to be bound for take an Ac- foreign Parts, do frequently lie hovering on the Coafts Lading, and of this Kingdom, with Intention to run the fame pri- demand Se- vately on Shore, as Opportunity offers, to the great Di-curity in minution and Lofs of the Revenue, and ruin of fair value of the Traders; and by Reafon of the faid Veffels fo hovering, Goods. frequent Opportunities are found for carrying on the tinuance of clandeftine Trade of exporting Wool, and other ftaple this Claufe Commodities of this Kingdom prohibited to be tranſport- See 9 Geo. ed: For the better preventing whereof, Be it declared and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the five and twentieth Day of March, one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Nineteen, where any C. 21. S. 3. Ship or Veffel of the Burthen of fifty Tons, or under, By which laft it is laden with cuftomable or prohibited Goods, ſhall be continued found hovering on the Coaſts of this Kingdom, with- 'till the in the Limits of any Port, and not proceeding on her 29th of September Voyage for foreign Parts, or to fome other Port of this Kingdom, Wind and Weather permitting, It ſhall and from thence may be lawful to and for any Officer or Officers of his Majeſty's Cuſtoms to go on board every ſuch Ship or Veffel, I. C. 8. S. 8: 2 Geo. II. C. 28. S. 3. & 8 Geo. II. 1742, and &c. [288 ] Veffel, and to take an Account of the Lading, and to demand and take Security from the Mafter or other Perſon having or taking the Charge or Command of fuch Ship or Veffel in that Voyage, by his own Bond by him to be entred into unto his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, in fuch Sum or Sums of Money as ſhall be treble the Value of fuch foreign Goods then on board, with Condition, that fuch Ship or Veffel (as foon as Wind and Weather, and the State and Condition of fuch Ship or Veffel doth permit) fhall and will proceed regularly on fuch Voyage, and fhall land fuch foreign Goods in and at fome foreign Port Mafter,&c. or Ports; and if ſuch Maſter or other Perſon having refuſing to or taking the Charge or Command of fuch Ship or Veffel, ſhall upon fuch Demand refuſe to enter into ſuch having fo Bond, or having entered into fuch Bond, ſhall not de- not proceed- part or proceed regularly on fuch Voyage (as ſoon as ing on his Wind, Weather, and the State and Condition of fuch Voyage, Ship or Veffel fhall permit) unleſs otherwiſe ſuffered to make a longer Stay by the Collector (or other prin- cipal Officer in his Abfence) of fuch Port where fuch Ship or Veffel fhall be, not exceeding twenty Days, The foreign then and in either of the faid Cafes, all the foreign Goods may Goods fo on board fuch Ship or Veffel fhall and of the Ship, may, by any Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms, by and fecured, Direction of the Collector or other principal Officer, and Custom as aforefaid, be taken out of and from fuch Ship or enter into Bond, or done, and be taken out paid. Veffel, and forthwith brought on Shore and fecur- ed; and in cafe the faid Goods are cuftomable, the Cuſtoms and other Duties fhall be paid for the fame; And Wool and as concerning Wool or any prohibited Goods lia- ble [ 289 ] ble to Forfeiture, which may be found on Board fuch or prohibited Goods for- Ships or Veffels at the Time of their Unlading, as feited. aforefaid, the fame are hereby declared to be Subject to Forfeiture, and the Officers of the Cuſtoms fhall and may proſecute the fame, as alfo the Ship or Veffel, in Cafe fhe fhall be liable to Condemnation as in the Manner herein after-mentioned. t to be deliver- 9. Provided always, That after fuch Goods are fo such Goods taken out of fuch Ship or Veffel, and brought on brought on Shore and fecured by fuch Officer or Officers, fuch Shore, Bond Bond fo to be given as aforefaid, fhall be void and ed up. delivered up without any Fee or Reward for taking or delivering up the fame; and fuch Bond not being How Bonds otherwiſe diſcharged, fhall, on a proper Certificate not other- wife dif returned under the Common Seal of the Chief Ma- charged fhall giſtrate in any Place or Places beyond the Seas, or be vacated. under the Hands and Seals of two known Britiſh Merchants upon the Place, that fuch Goods were there landed, or upon Proof by credible Perfons, that fuch Goods were taken by Enemies or periſhed in the Seas (the Examination and Proof thereof being left to the Judgment of the Commiffioners of the Cuſtoms) fhall be vacated and diſcharged. 14. And whereas in the Preamble of the Act made,w. & M. in the first Year of King William and Queen Mary, Seff.1.C32. for the better preventing the Expertation of Wool, and encouraging the Woollen Manufactures of this Kingdom, Wool, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shortlings, and Yarn made of Wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-Earth, РР Fulling-Clay, [290] Fulling-Clay, and Tobacco-Pipe-Clay, are enumerated, but in the enacting Part thereof, which relates to the carrying Wool Coast-wife, Wool only is mentioned, and the other enumerated Goods left out, whereby fre- quent Opportunities are given for the Exportation of them, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of the Provifions Said Act: It is therefore hereby enacted by the Au- for prevent-thority aforefaid, That from and after the five and ing the Ex- twentieth Day of March, One Thouſand Seven portation of Wool to ex- Hundred and Nineteen, the like Provifion made for tend to Wool- preventing the Exportation of Wool in and by the fells, Mort- lings, &c. Act before-mentioned, is hereby directed and appoint- ed to extend to Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shortlings, Yarn made of Wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-Earth, Fulling-Clay, and Tobacco-Pipe-Clay aforefaid car ried Coaft-wiſe; any Thing in the ſaid Act, or in any other Act to the contrary notwithſtanding. Diftribution tures. 27. And be it further enacted by the Authority of Forfei- aforefaid, That in all Cafes, touching which no fpe- cial Diſtribution is provided by this Act, one Moiety of the ſeveral Penalties and Forfeitures in this Act mentioned, ſhall be to the Ufe of his Majeſty, his Heirs and Succeffors; and the other Moiety to fuch Perſon or Perſons as fhall fue for and profecute the fame, by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Westminster, or in the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, (except where it is in this Act otherwife directed) wherein no Effoign, Protection, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed. Anno [291] Anno 6to Geo. I. Cap. 19. An Act for making Perpetual fo much of an Act made in the Tenth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, for the reviving and continuing feveral Acts therein men- tioned, as relates to the building and re- pairing County Goals; and alſo an Act of the Eleventh and Twelfth Years of the Reign of King William the Third, for the more effectual Suppreffion of Piracy; and for making more effectual the Act of the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second (intituled, An Act for eſtabliſhing Articles and Orders for the regulating and better Government of his Majeſty's Ships of War and For- ces by Sea.) 4. AND whereas by an Act made in the Seffions 13 Car. II. of Parliament held in the Thirteenth Year of St. 1. C. 9. the Reign of his late Majefty King Charles the Second, (intituled, An Act for eftabliſhing Articles and Or- ders for the regulating and better Government of his Majeſty's Ships of War and Forces by Sea) Pro- vifion is made for the Trial of Perfons belonging to Pp 2 1 bis [ 292 ] his Majesty's Ships or Veſſels of War, who shall be guilty of any Crimes or Offences, mentioned in the fe- veral and refpective Articles in the fame Act con- tained, which shall be done upon the main Sea, or in Ships or Veffels lying or hovering in the main Stream of great Rivers only, beneath the Bridges of the fame Rivers, nigh to the Sea, within the Furifdiction of the Admiralty, and in no other Places whatsoever: But no Provifion is by the faid At made for the Trial and Punishment of fuch Perfons who shall be guilty of any of the Crimes or Offences mentioned in the faid Articles, in Cafe the fame be committed upon Perfons in the Shore in Foreign Parts: For Remedy whereof; Be the Sea Ser- it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, that if fhall commit any Perſon or Perfons, who, from and after the firſt Day of January, One Thouſand Seven Hundred and Twenty, fhall be in actual Service and Pay in Car.II.St.. his Majefty's Fleet or Ships or Veffels of War, fhall C. 9. upon commit any of the faid Crimes or Offences men- the Shore in tioned in the faid Articles, upon the Shore in any Foreign Parts, fhall Foreign Part or Parts, the Perfon or Perfons fo offend- ing, fhall be, and is hereby declared to be fubject and liable to be tried and puniſhed for the fame, in the fame manner, to all Intents and Purpoſes, as if the faid Crime or Crimes, Offence or Offences, had been actually committed or done upon the main Sea, or on Board any of his Majefty's Ships or Veffels of War. vice, who any of the Crimes men- tioned in 13 be tried and puniſhed as if they had been com- mitted on the main Sea. Anno [ 293 ] Anno 6to Geo. I. Cap. 21. An Act for preventing Frauds and Abufes in the Publick Revenues of Excife, Cuf toms, Stamp-Duties, Poft-Office, and Houfe-Money. • Geo, I. C. 29.. AND whereas by an Act paffed in the last 5 Geo. I. Seffion of Parliament, (intituled, An Ã&t C. 11. against clandeftine Running of uncuftomed Goods, and for the more effectual preventing of Frauds relating to the Customs,) any Ship, Veffel, or Boat of the Bur- then of Fifteen Tons, or under, wherein any Brandy, Arrack, Rum, Strong-Waters, or Spirits of any kind whatsoever, fhall be imported or brought into Great-Britain, or into any Port, Harbour, Haven, Note, This or Creek thereof, (except only for the Ufe of the Sea-Part of 5 men then on Board, not exceeding one Gallon for each 11. (being fuch Seaman) fuch Ship, Veſſel or Boat, with all her S. 1.) is ex-. Tackle, Furniture, and Apparel, or the Value there-pired. of, is forfeited and loft, and fall and may be feized, recovered, broke up and fold, as therein mentioned: And whereas to elude the Penalty of the faid Law, many ill-difpofed Perfons do now carry on a clandeftine Trade, by importing thefe Goods in Ships and Veffels above Fifteen Ton: For the Prevention hereof, Be it No Brandy, enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Fo- &c. to be imported in. reign Brandy, Arrack, Rum, Strong-Waters, or Spi- any Veffel of rits of any kind whatſoever, fhall, from and after the 30 Tons or the under.. 1 [294] See 8 Geo. I. C. 18. S. 1. By the first Day of Auguft, one Thouſand feven Hun- dred and Twenty, be imported or brought into Great- Britain, or into any Port, Harbour, Haven, or Creek thereof, in any Ship, Veffel or Boat, of the Burthen of which it is thirty Tons, or under, (except only for the Uſe of the extended to Seamen then belonging to and on board fuch Ship, Veſſels under forty Tons. Veffel, or Boat, not exceeding one Gallon for each ſuch See 9 Geo. Seaman) every fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boats, with all II. C. 35. her Tackle, Furniture and Apparel, as alfo all fuch Penalty. Brandy, Arrack, Rum, Strong-Waters, or Spirits, or S. 22. After Seiz- ure and Condemnati- the Value thereof, fhall be forfeited, and fhall and may be ſeized by any Officer or Officers of the Cu- ſtoms, and ſhall and may be profecuted by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of his Majeſty's Courts of Re- cord at Westminster, or in the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, wherein no Effoign, Protection, or Wager of Law ſhall be allowed; one Moiety of which For- feiture ſhall be to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to the Seizer or Pro- fecutor; any Law or Cuſtom to the contrary not- withſtanding. 30. And be it further enacted, That after the Seizure and Condemnation of fuch Ship, Veffel or on, Ship to Boat, the fame ſhall be intirely broke up, and publick- be broke up ly fold to the beft Advantage, together with the and fold, Tackle, Furniture, and Apparel thereto belonging, By 12 Geo. and the Produce thereof divided in like Manner as I. C. 28. the Ships, Veffels and Boats, under fifteen Tons, are Ship, &c. to be broke up, fold, and the Produce thereof divided &c. S. 14. Such by [ 295 ] by Virtue of the faid Act of the laft Seffion of Parlia- may be used ment. Note, The firft Claufe of the Act referr'd to by this thirtieth Section, (i. e. 5 Geo. I. C. 11.) is expired, and therefore not before inſerted in this Collection: The Words of it, fo far as re- lates to the breaking up and felling the Ship, &c. are as follows, viz. • And after the • Seizure and Condemnation of fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, the principal Officers of his Majeſty's Cuſtoms in the Port or Place where the fame fhall be at the Time of • Condemnation, are hereby directed to cauſe 'fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat to be intirely broke up, and the Materials to be publickly fold C ( ' < to the beſt Advantage, together with the Tackle, Furniture and Apparel thereunto 'belonging, the Produce whereof to be divid- ed as herein after mentioned.' by the Offi- cers of the Customs. C. II. 31. And whereas by the faid Act of the laft Seffion 5 Geo. I: of Parliament, a Remedy was provided among ft other Things, to prevent the Running of Brandy from Ships or Veffels of the Burthen of fifty Tons, or under, which lie hovering on the Coaft within the Limits of the Ports of this Kingdom, and the Exportation of Wool; and whereas fuch Ships or Vejels, to elude the Intent of that Law, do lie at Anchor, or hover on the "Coafts as near to the faid Limits as may be, whereby the Mafters of fuch Ships or Veffels, have better Oppor- tunities [296] Ships of or under fifty Tons hover- ing within See 9 Geo. tunities of making their Signals to the Exporters of Wool, and the Runners of uncuftomed and prohibited Goods, to draw down to the Sea-fide (as they frequently do in great Numbers of armed Men) and of Running the Goods on Shore, and carrying off the Wool and Coin of this Kingdom in their Boats, which make more fre- quent Trips to and from the Shore than they could do, if fuch Ships or Veffels were obliged to lie at a greater Distance from the Shore: Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the ſaid firſt Day of August, one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and twenty, where any Ship or Veffel of the Burthen two Leagues of fifty Tons, or under, being in part or fully laden of the Shore. with Brandy, ſhall be found at Anchor or hovering II. C. 35. within two Leagues from the Shore, and not proceed- Commanding on her Voyage, Wind and Weather permitting, ers of Men It fhall and may be lawful to and for the Command- War, &c. er of any of his Majefty's Ships of War, Frigates, or of the Cu- armed Sloops, appointed for the Guard of the Coafts, or to and for the Commander of any Yacht, Smack, Sloop, or other Boat or Veffel in the Service of his Majefty's Cuſtoms, or to and for any Officer of his Majefty's Cuftoms, to compel the Maſter or other Perfon having the Charge of fuch Ship or Veffel, to come into Port: And it is hereby declared, That fuch Maſter or other Perfon, as aforefaid, as likewife fuch Ship or Veffel, and the Brandy wherewith fuch Ship or Veffel is laden, in Part or in the Whole, fhall be fub- ject to the fame Rules, Regulations, Penalties, and Forfeitures, as fuch Cargoes, Ships and Veffels, and the Mafters or others taking Charge thereof, which hover or Officers Stoms may compel the Mafter to come into Port, &c. within [297] within the Limits of any Port of this Kingdom, are by the ſaid Act fubject unto; any thing therein, or in any other Act to the contrary hereof in any wiſe not- withſtanding. or Brandy or to be taken Penalties, 32. And forafmuch as fuch illegal Importations and Master, &c. Exportations cannot be carried on by fuch Ships or Suffering Veffels, if the Mafters or Commanders thereof do take uncutomed due Care to prevent the fame: Be it further enacted Goods to be put out of by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the his Ship, or ſaid firſt Day of August, one Thouſand ſeven Hundred Wool, &c. and Twenty, if the Mafter, Purfer, or other Perfon in from the taking Charge of fuch Ship or Veffel, fhall fuffer any Shore, be- Brandy, or other uncuſtomed or prohibited Goods, to des former be put out of the faid Ship or Veffel into any Hoy, shall fuffer Lighter, Boat, or Bottom, to be laid on Land, or fhall fix Months fuffer any Wool, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shortlings, ment. Impriſon- Yarn made of Wool, Wool-flocks, Fullers-Earth, Ful- ling-Clay, or Tobacco-Pipe-Clay, to be laden or taken in from the Shore, to be put on board fuch Ship or Veffel, to be carried to Parts beyond the Seas, he or they ſo offending, being convicted thereof, fhall, be- fides the Penalties and Forfeitures to which they will be liable by any Law now in being, fuffer fix Months Impriſonment without Bail or Mainprize. Eight or &c. Officers 34. And whereas the Punishment already inflicted more by Law on fuch who fhall forcibly hinder Officers of the hindering, Customs in the due Performance of their Duty, proved infufficient: Be it therefore enacted by Authority aforefaid, That from and after the Q q has wounding the in Execution first of their Of fice, to be Day transported. [298] ; 1 Day of August, one Thouſand feven Hundred and Twenty, if any Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms be forcibly hindred, wounded, or beaten in the due Ex- ecution of their Office, by any Perfons armed with Club, or any manner of Weapon, tumultuouſly af- ſembled in the Day or Night, to the Number of eight or more Perfons, all and every Perfon or Perfons fo forcibly hindering, wounding or beating the faid Officer or Officers, or fuch as fhall Act in their Aid or Affiſtance, being convicted thereof, fhall, by Order of the Court, before whom fuch Offender or Offenders fhall be convicted, be tranſported to fome of his Maje- fty's Colonies and Plantations in America, for fuch Term as the Court ſhall think fit, not exceeding feven Years, in the fame Manner as by an Act made in the 4 Geo. I. fourth Year of his preſent Majefty's Reign, (intituled, An Act for the further preventing Robbery, Burglary, or other Felonies, and for the more effectual Tranfpor- tation of Felons and unlawful Exporters of Wool, and for declaring the Law upon fome Points relating to Pirates,) the Offenders therein mentioned are to be tranſported to the faid Colonies and Plantations. C. II. Returning Britain or Ireland, Felony. 35. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, into Great- That if fuch Offender or Offenders fhall return into Great-Britain or Ireland, before the Expiration of the faid Term, contrary to the Intent and Meaning hereof, he or they fo returning, fhall fuffer as Felons, and have Execution awarded againſt them as Perfons at tainted of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy. 36. Provided [ 299 ] 36. Provided nevertheleſs, That if any fuch Of Offender be fender ſhall within two Months after fuch his Offence, tion disco- fore Convic- and before his Conviction, difcover two or more of his vering two Accomplices therein to the Commiffioners of the Cu- of his Ac- complices, ftoms in England or Scotland refpectively, fo as they, within two or two of them at leaſt be convicted of fuch Offence, Months, to the Offender ſo diſcovering fhall have and receive the for each, Sum of forty Pounds for every Offender ſo diſcovered and acquit and convicted, as a Reward, for fuch his Diſcovery, and fhall be clearly acquitted and diſcharged of fuch his Offence. have 40 1. ted. above any other Re- 37. And be it further enacted by the Authority Other Per- aforefaid, That from and after the firft Day of Au-vering in fons difco- guft, one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Twenty, if three any other Perfon or Perfons fhall, within three Months Months, to have 401. after fuch Offence fhall have been committed, difcover over and to the faid Commiffioners reſpectively any Perfon or Perfons who fhall have been guilty of fuch Offence, ward. fo as fuch Offender or Offenders be convicted thereof, fuch Diſcoverer or Difcoverers fhall have and receive the like Reward of forty Pounds for every fuch Of- fender fo diſcovered and convicted, over and above any other Reward and Recompence which he or they may be intitled unto on Account of the Goods fo car- ried or conveyed away, which ſhall be recovered by Means of fuch his or their Diſcovery, or on Account of the Penalty which ſhall be recovered for the Run- ing the faid Goods. 4 Q92 38. And [300] To be paid by the 38. And be it further enacted by the Authority Cafbier of aforefaid, That the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms in the Customs. England and Scotland, fhall cauſe the ſeveral Rewards of forty Pounds for the Diſcovery of the Offenders be- fore mentioned, to be paid by the reſpective Receiver General or Caſhier of the Cuffoms for the Time be- ing, out of any publick Money in his Hands under the Management of the faid Commiffioners, upon produc- ing to them a Certificate or Certificates under the Hand of the Judge or Juftice of the Court before whom the Cauſe ſhall be tried, certifying the Conviction of the Offender or Offenders; and the Money fo paid by any Receiver General, as aforefaid, fhall be accepted of and allowed in his Accounts as fo much paid to his Majeſty; and he is and fhall be hereby diſcharged thereof accordingly; any Law, Cuftom, or Uſage to the contrary notwithſtanding. and bow to be tried. Offences re- 44. And be it further enacted by the Authority lating to the aforefaid, That the feveral Offences in this Act men- Cuſtoms, &c. where tioned, relating to the Cuſtoms, or other Duties upon Importation or Exportation, or to uncuſtomed or pro- hibited Goods (except as in this Act is otherwife pro- vided) fhall and may be heard, tried, and determined by Bill, Plaint or Information in any of his Majeſty's Courts of Record at Westminster, or in the Court of Exchequer in Scotland refpectively, wherein no Ef- foign, Protection, or Wager of Law fhall be allowed. 62. And [301] der, bover- 62. And whereas divers Ships and Veffels of the Burthen of fifty Tons, or under, laden with Tobacco, Brandy, Spirits, and other cuftomable or prohibited Goods, pretending to be bound for foreign Parts, do frequently lie hovering on the Coafts of Ireland, with Intention to run the fame privately on Shore, as Op- portunity offers, to the great Diminution of his Maje- fty's Revenue, and Ruin of fair Traders; and Ships or Veſſels of the Burthen of fifty Tons or under, do fre- quently lie hovering on that Coast, to take in Wool, not lawfully licensed to be brought to England, and other Staple Commodities of Ireland, prohibited to be export- ed: For the better preventing whereof, Be it declared Ships of fifty and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from Tons or un- and after the firft Day of August, one Thouſand fe- ing on the ven Hundred and Twenty, where any Ship or Veffel Coafts of of the Burthen of fifty Tons or under, laden with within two cuftomable or prohibited Goods, fhall be found at Leagues of Anchor or hovering on the Coaft of Ireland, within the Shore, two Leagues of the Shore, and not proceeding on her enter fuch Voyage, Wind and Weather permitting, It ſhall and Ships, to may be lawful to and for any Officer or Officers of his Majesty's Cuftoms of this Kingdom, to go on Lading; board every fuch Ship or Veffel, and to take an Ac- And take count of the Lading, and to demand and take Secu- Security of rity from the Maſter or other Perſon having or taking in treble the the Charge or Command of fuch Ship or Veffel in Value of the that Voyage, by his own Bond by him to be entred board, for into unto his Majeſty, his Heirs and Succeffors, in fuch proceeding Sum or Sums of Money as fhall be treble the Value of regularly their Voyage. fuch Ireland, Officers may take Account of their the Mafters Goods on [302] fuch Goods then on board, with Condition that fuch Ship or Veffel (as foon as Wind and Weather, and the State and Condition of fuch Ship or Veffel doth per- mit) fhall and will proceed regularly on fuch Voyage, and ſhall land fuch Goods (except Wool lawfully li- cenfed as aforefaid) in and at ſome foreign Port or Maſters re- Ports; and if fuch Mafter or other Perfon having or fufing Bonds, or taking the Charge or Command of ſuch Ship or Vef- after giving fel, fhall upon fuch Demand refuſe to enter into fuch Bond, or having entred into fuch Bond, fhall not de- part or proceed regularly on fuch Voyage (as foon as Days, Of Wind and Weather, and the State and Condition of ficers may the fuch Ship or Veffel ſhall permit) unless otherwiſe ſuf- Secure all Goods, &c. fered to make a longer Stay by the Collector for other it, not de- parting in twenty Wool. principal Officer in his Abfence) of fuch Port where fuch Ship or Veffel fhall be, not exceeding twenty Days, then, and in either of the faid Cafes, all the Goods fo on board fuch Ship or Veffel, ſhall and may, by any Officer or Officers of the Cuſtoms, by Directi- on of the Collector, or other principal Officer, as afore- ſaid, be taken out of and from fuch Ship or Veffel, and forthwith brought on Shore and fecured; and in cafe the faid Goods are cuftomable, the Cuftoms and other Duties fhall be paid for the fame; and as concerning Wool, or any prohibited Goods, or other Goods liable to Forfeiture, which may be found on board fuch Ship or Veffel at the Time of their un- lading, as aforefaid, the fame are hereby declared to be fubject to Forfeiture, and the Officers of the Cuſtoms ſhall and may profecute the fame, as alfo the Ship or Veffel, in cafe fhe fhall be liable to Condemnation. 63. Provided 1 [303] the Goods, 63. Provided always, That after fuch Goods are fo On landing taken out of fuch Ship or Veffel, and brought on Shore, Bond void. and fecured by fuch Officer or Officers, fuch Bond fo to be given, as aforefaid, fhall be void, and delivered up without any Fee or Reward for taking or deliver- ing up the fame; and fuch Bond not being otherwiſe Bonds not otherwiſe diſcharged, fhall, on a proper Certificate returned diſcharged, under the Common Seal of the chief Magiftrate in any to be vacat- Place or Places beyond the Seas, or under the Hands ed on Certi ficate. and Seals of two known Britiſh or Irish Merchants upon the Place, that fuch Goods were there landed, or upon Proof by credible Perfons, that fuch Goods were taken by Enemies, or periſhed in the Seas, (the Examination and Proof thereof being left to the Judg- ment of the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms in Ireland) fhall be vacated and diſcharged. 64. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority Commiffion aforefaid, That the Commiffioners and Sub-Commiffi- ers of Ex- cife in Ire-- oners of Exciſe reſpectively, in their reſpective Limits land to de- and Diſtricts in Ireland, or the major Part of them, termine all Offences re-- are hereby authorized and required to hear and deter- lating to mine all Offences against any Clauſe or Article con- Wool, &c. tained in this or any other Act of Parliament now in Force in Ireland, made for preventing the unlawful Exportation of Wool, Wool-fells, Shortlings, Mort- lings, Wool-flocks, Worſted, Bay, or Woolen Yarn, Cloth, Serge, Bays, Kerfeys, Says, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth-Serges, Shalloons, or any other Drapery-Stuffs, or Woolen Manufactures made or mixed with Wool OR [ 304 ] None may claim Pro- *or Wool-flocks, and manufactured in Ireland; which Commiffioners or Sub-Commiffioners fhall and may proceed in a fummary Way, and give Judgment or Sentence, and levy the Fines, Penalties, and Forfei- tures thereupon, in fuch or the like Manner, as they are enabled to proceed, give Judgment, and levy the Fines, Penalties and Forfeiture, in Caſes of Exciſe in Ireland, by any Act or Acts of Parliament now in Force in that Kingdom. 65. And be it further enacted, That no Perfon or Perfons fhall be admitted to claim Property in any Seizure in Seizure that ſhall be made upon any Claufe or Claufes Ireland 'till in any Act of Parliament for preventing the unlawful they have given Secu- Exportation of Wool from Ireland, 'till he or they rity, &c. fhall firſt have given fufficient Security to the faid Commiffioners or Sub-Commiffioners of the District where fuch Seizure fhall be made, to anſwer the Pe- nalties attending the Forfeiture thereof, if fuch Seizure ſhall be adjudged to be good in Law. 66. And it is hereby further enacted by the Autho- rity aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall be fued, moleſted, or profecuted for any thing done by Virtue or in Purſuance of this Act, or any of the Claufes therein contained, fuch Perfon and Perfons General If- fhall and may plead the General Iffue, and give this fue. Act and the fpecial Matter in Evidence for his, her, or their Defence; and if afterwards a Verdict fhall paſs for the Defendant or Defendants, or the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs fhall difcontinue his or their Action, or be nonfuited, [ 305 ] nonfuited, or Judgment ſhall be given againſt him or them upon Demurrer, or otherwiſe, then fuch Defend- ant or Defendants fhall have full Cofts to him or them awarded againſt fuch Plaintiff or Plaintiffs. Anno 8⁰⁰ Geo. I. Cap. 18. An Act to prevent the clandeftine Running of Goods, and the Danger of Infection thereby; and to prevent Ships breaking their Quarentine; and to fubject Copper- Ore, of the Production of the Britiſh Plantations, to fuch Regulations, as other enumerated Commodities of the like Pro- duction are subject. I. This Act is 29th of FORA SMUCH as the Laws already made By 8 Geo. to prevent the fecret Landing of prohibited and II. C. 21. uncuſtomed Goods, have been found infufficient for that continued Purpoſe, it being notorious that fuch infamous and per- 'till the nicious Practices are ftill continued in open Defiance of September the Laws, to the great Diminution of the publick Reve- 1742, and nues, the Difcouragement of honeft Traders, and dur-from thence, ing the Time of Infection abroad, to the endangering the Health and Lives of many Thouſands of his Maje- fy's innocent Subjects, by bringing into this Kingdom, from infected Places, Goods, apt to retain Infection And whereas by an A&t paſſed in the fifth Year of his 5 Geo. I. prefent Majefty's Reign (intituled, An Act againft C. 11. < Rr clandeftine &c. [ 306 ] 6 Geo. I. C. 21. S. 29. A No Brandy, &c. to be imported in any Veel less than forty Tons, See 9 Geo. II. C. 35. S. 22. clandeftine Running of uncuftomed Goods; and for the more effectual preventing of Frauds relating to the Cuſtoms,) it was enacted that any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, of the Burthen of fifteen Tons, or under, wherein any Brandy, Arrack, Rum, Strong-Waters, or Spirits of any Kind whatſoever, ſhould be imported or brought into Great Britain, or into any Port, Harbour, Haven or Creek thereof (except as therein is excepted) fuch Ship, Veffel or Boat, with all her Tackle, Furniture, and Apparel, or the Value thereof, fhould be forfeited and loft, and should and might be feized, recovered, broke up, and fold, as therein mentioned, which For- feiture is, by an Alt paffed in the fixth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty (intituled, An Act for pre- venting Frauds and Abufes in the publick Revenues of Exciſe, Cuſtoms, Stamp-Duties, Poft-Office, and Houſe-Money,) extended to Veffels of thirty Tons: And whereas to elude the Intent of the Jaid Laws, many Perfons do now carry on a clandeftine Trade by im- porting thofe Goods in Ships and Veffels above the Bur- then of thirty Tons; For the Prevention thereof, Be it en- acted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this prefent Parlia- ment affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That if any foreign Brandy, Arrack, Strong-Waters, or Spirits of any Kind whatſoever fhall, from and after the twenty-fifth Day of March, one Thoufand feven Hundred and Twenty Two, be imported or brought into Great-Britain, or into any Port, Harbour, Ha- ven, or Creek thereof, in any Ship, Veffel, er Boat of the [307] the Burthen of forty Tons, or under, according to the Admeaſurement prefcribed in the laſt mentioned Act (except only for the Ufe of the Seamen then be- Except &c. longing to and on board fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, not exceeding two Gallons for each ſuch Seaman) eve- ry fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, with all her Tackle, Furniture, and Apparel, as alſo all fuch Brandy, Ar- rack, Strong-Waters or Spirits, or the Value thereof, ſhall be forfeited, and ſhall and may be feized by any Penalty. Officer or Officers of the Cuſtoms, and ſhall and may be proſecuted and divided in ſuch Manner and Form as is preſcribed in the faid Acts concerning Ships, Vef- fels, and Boats of fifteen or thirty Tons, as aforefaid; any Law or Cuſtom to the contrary notwithſtanding. Condemnati- burnt, and 2. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That after the Seizure and Condemnation After of fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, the principal Officers of Seizure and his Majeſty's Cuſtoms in the Port or Place where the on, Hull of fame ſhall be at the Time of fuch Condemnation, are Ship to be hereby directed to caufe the Hull of fuch Ship, Veffel, the Tackle, or Boat, to be burnt and wholly deftroyed, and the &c. fold. Tackle, Furniture, and Apparel thereunto belonging, By 12 Geo. to be publickly fold to the beſt Advantage, and the S. 14. Ship, Produce thereof to be divided, as herein after menti- &c. may be oned, the reaſonable Charges of profecuting, felling, and burning, as aforefaid, being firſt deducted. 3. And whereas many Frauds are committed, to the Prejudice of the Revenue, in the clandeftine Running of Goods imported, and in relanding Certificate Goods, Rr 2 as I. C. 28. Officers of. uſed by the the Cuſtoms, E 308 308 I as well as in exporting Wool, and the Coin of this King- dom, by Watermen and others in Boats, Wherries, Pinnaces, Barges, and Gallies, which are fometimes rowed with fix, eight, or twelve Oars, Built on purpofe for the Smuggling Trade; and in cafe they are purfued by the Officers, do make their Efcape, which may be alfo a Means of bringing in the Infection; For the preventing whereof, Be it further enacted by the Au- thority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty- fifth Day of March, one Thouſand ſeven Hundred Boats, &c. and Twenty Two, if any Boat, Wherry, Pinnace, rowing with more than Barge, or Gally, rowing, or made or built to row, four Oars, with more than four Oars, fhall be found upon the above or be- Water, or in any Barge-houſe, Work-houfe, Shed, or don Bridge, other Place, within any of the Counties of Middlefex, &c. forfeit- Surry, Kent, or Effex, or in the River of Thames, low Lon- edo either above or below London Bridge or within the Limits of the Ports of London, Sandwich, or Ipfwich, or the Members or Creeks to them, or either of them refpectively belonging, fuch Boat, Wherry, Pinnace, Barge, or Gally, with all her Tackle and Furniture, or the Value thereof fhall be forfeited, and fhall and may be ſeized by any Officer or Officers of the Cu- Owner, &c. ftoms; and the Owner or Owners thereof, or any Per- to forfeit fon ufing, or rowing in fuch Boat, Wherry, Pinnace, Barge, or Gally, fhall alſo forfeit and lofe the Sum of for-- ty Pounds; and fuch Seizure and Forfeiture fhall and may be profecuted in the Manner herein after menti- Boat, &c. oned; and after the Seizure and Condemnation of after Con- fuch Boat, Wherry, Pinnace, Barge, or Gally, the to be burnt. principal Officers of his Majefty's Cuſtoms in the 40 1. demnation Port [ 309 ] Port or Place where the fame fhall be at the Time of fuch Condemnation, are hereby directed to caufe fuch Boat, Wherry, Pinnace, Barge, or Gally, to be burnt, By 12.Geo. I. C. 28. and wholly deſtroyed, and the Tackle, Furniture, S. 14. The and Apparel thereunto belonging, to be publickly fold Boat, &c. to the beſt Advantage, the Produce whereof to be di- may be used by the Offi- vided as herein after mentioned; the reaſonable cers of the Charges of profecuting, felling, and burning, as afore- Customs. ſaid, being firſt deducted.. this Att tend. 4. Provided always, That this Act fhall not ex- To what tend, or be conftrued to extend to any Barge or Gal- Barges, &c. ley belonging to, or to belong to his Majefty, or the shall not ex- Royal Family, or any of them, or to any Long-Boat, Yaul, or Pinnace, belonging to, and uſed in the Ser- vice of any Merchant Ship, or Veffel, or to fuch Boat, Wherry, Pinnace, Barge, or Galley, as fuch be licenſed by the Lord High Admiral, or Commiffioners for exe- cuting the Office of Lord High Admiral, or the major Part of the fame Commiffioners, for the Time being; which Licences ſhall be in Writing, figned by the faid Lord High Admiral, or Commiffioners for exe- cuting the Office of Lord. High Admiral, or the major Part of fuch Commiffioners, for the Time being, and ſhall be granted without any Fee or Charge whatfo- ever.. 23. And be it further enacted by the Authority Penalties aforefaid, That the feveral Penalties and Forfeitures in how to be this Act mentioned, fhall and may be profecuted and profecuted,. determined by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of his Majeſty's [ 310 ] Majefty's Courts of Record at Westminster, or in the Court of Exchequer at Edenburgh refpectively, (ex- cept where it is in this Act otherwife directed) where- in no Effoign, Protection, or Wager of Law fhall be allowed; and one Moiety of the faid ſeveral Penalties and Forfeitures fhall be to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon or Perfons as will fue for or profecute the fame. Anno 8⁰⁰ Geo. I. Cap. 24. } An Act for the more effectual ſuppreſſing I. of Piracy. 7HEREAS the Number of Perfons com- mitting Piracies, Felonies, and Robberies up- on the Seas, is of late very much increased; and not- withstanding the Laws already made and now in be- ing, many idle and profligate Perfons have turned Pi- rates, and betaken themselves to that wicked Courſe of Life, whereby the Trade and Navigation into remote Parts will greatly fuffer, unless fome further Provifion be fpeedily made for bringing fuch Perfons, and all others, who shall be any ways aiding and affifting, or in Con- federacy with them, to condign Punishment; Be it therefore declared and enacted by the King's moſt Ex- cellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in [311] or in any or others Pirates, in this preſent Parliament affembled, and by the Au- thority of the fame, That if any Commander or Ma- Command- ers of Ships fter of any Ship or Veffel, or any other Perfon or Per- fons, fhall, from and after the twenty-fifth Day of trading with March, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one furnishing Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Twenty Two, any wife them with trade with any Pirate, by Truck, Barter, Exchange, Stores, cor-- refponding other Manner, or ſhall furniſh any Pirate, Fe- with them, lon, or Robber upon the Seas, with any Ammunition, &c. Provifion, or Stores of any Kind, or ſhall fit out any Ship or Veffel-knowingly, and with a Defign to trade with, or fupply, or correſpond with any Pirate, Felon, or Robber upon the Seas; or if any Perfon or Perfons fhall any ways confult, combine, confederate, or cor- refpond with any Pirate, Felon, or Robber on the Seas, knowing him to be guilty of any fuch Piracy, Felony, or Robbery, fuch Offender and Offenders, and every of them, fhall in each and every of the faid Cafes, be deemed, adjudged, and taken to be Shall be ad guilty of Piracy, Felony, and Robbery, and he and judged guilty of Piracy, they ſhall and may be inquired of, tried, heard, and &c. accord- adjudged of and for all or any the Matters aforefaid, ing to 28 according to the Statute made in the twenty-eighth C. 15. & Year of King Henry the Eighth for Pirates, and the 11 & 12 Statute made in the eleventh and twelfth Years of the W. III. C. Reign of his late Majefty King William the Third, fintituled, An Act for the more effectual fuppreffing of Piracy) which by an Act made in the fixth Year of his preſent Majeſty is made perpetual; and he and they being convicted of all or any the Matters aforefaid, fhall fuffer fuch Pains of Death, Lofs of Lands, Goods, and. Hen. VIII. 7. [312] Perfons be longing to any Veſſel forcibly Merchant and Chattels, as Pirates, Felons, and Robbers upon the Seas, ought to fuffer; and in cafe any Perfon or Perfons belonging to any Ship or Veffel whatſoever, upon meeting any Merchant Ship, or Veffel on the boarding any high Seas, or in any Port, Haven, or Creek whatſoe- Ship, and ver ſhall forcibly board or enter into fuch Ship or Vef- throwing fel, and though they do not feize and carry off fuch over board, Ship or Veffel, fhall throw over board, or deſtroy any &c. fhall be Part of the Goods or Merchandizes belonging to fuch punished as Ship or Veffel, the Perfon or Perfons who ſhall be guilty thereof, fhall in all Refpects be deemed and puniſhed as Pirates, as aforefaid. any Goods Pirates. with 2. And be it further enacted by the Authority Ships fitted aforefaid, That every Ship or Veffel which ſhall be out to trade fitted out with a defign to trade with, or fupply, or Pirates, and correfpond with any Pirate, and all and every Goods the Goods, and Merchandizes put on board the fame for any In- forfeited, half to the tent or Purpoſe to trade with any Pirate, Felon, or Robber on the Seas, fhall be ipfo facto forfeited; one Moiety thereof to the Ufe of the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, the other Moiety to the Perfon or Perfons who fhall firft make Diſcovery, and give Information of fuch Intent or Defign; and ſuch Perfon or Perfons, who fhall firſt make fuch Diſcove- ry, fhall and may fue for and recover the faid Ship or Veffel, and all and every the Goods and Merchan- dizes on board the fame, in the High Court of Admi- ralty. Crown, half to the Diſcoverer, to be fued for in the Admiralty. 3. And [313] I 7. Shall be 3. And whereas there are fome Defects in the Laws for bringing Perfons, who are Acceffaries to Piracy and Robbery upon the Seas, to condign Punishment, if the Principal, who committed fuch Piracy and Robbery, is not, or cannot be apprehended and brought to fu- fice; Be it therefore enacted by the Authority afore- Perfons de ſaid, That all and every Perſon and Perfons whatſoe-clared Ac- ceffaries to ver, who, by the faid Statute made in the eleventh and Piracy by twelfth Years of the Reign of King William the Third, 11 & 12 are declared to be Acceffary or Acceffaries to any Pi-W. III. C. racy or Robbery therein mentioned, are hereby declar- deemed ed, and fhall be deemed and taken to be principal Principals, Pirates, Felons, and Robbers, and ſhall and may, tried and from and after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March, Suffer as one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Twenty Two, befuck. enquired of, heard, determined, and adjudged, in the fame Manner, as Perfons guilty of Piracy and Robbe- ry, may and ought to be enquired of, tried, heard, determined, and adjudged by the ſaid Statute made in the eleventh and twelfth Years of his late Majefty King William, and being thereupon attainted and convicted, fhall fuffer fuch Pains of Death, Lofs of Lands, Goods, and Chattels, and in like Manner as Pirates and Robbers ought by the faid Act to fuffer. and be 4. And be it further enacted by the Authority Offenders aforefaid, That all and every Offender or Offend-convicted on ers, convicted of any Piracy, Felony, or Robbery, by excluded the Virtue of this Act, fhall not be admitted to have the Benefit of s f this Alt, Benefit Clergy. [ 314 ] } Seamen maimed in Fight Rewards in Car. II. Benefit of Clergy, but be utterly excluded of and from the fame. 5. And to the End that a further Encouragement may be given to all Seamen, and Mariners to fight and against Pi- defend their Ships from Pirates, Be it enacted by the rates, ball Authority aforefaid, That in caſe any Seaman or Ma- receive the riner on board any Merchant Ship or Veffel, or any 22 & 23 other Ship or Veffel, fhall be maimed in Fight againſt C.11. and any Pirate, every fuch Seaman and Mariner, upon be admitted due Proof of his being maimed in ſuch Fight, fhall into Green- not only have and receive the Rewards already ap- wich Hofpi- tal prefera- pointed by a Statute made in the twenty-ſecond and twenty-third Years of the Reign of King Charles the difabled by Second, (intituled, An Act to prevent the Delivery up Age. of Merchant Ships, and for the Encreaſe of good and ſerviceable Seamen) but ſhall alſo be admitted into and provided for in Greenwich Hofpital, preferable to any other Seaman or Mariner, who is difabled from Ser- vice, or getting a Livelihood merely by his Age. bly to one War, who any Goods on board, in Commander 8. And whereas great Interruptions and Inconve- of a Man of niencies may attend his Majesty's Service, by the Cap- fhall receive tains or Commanders, or other Officers of his Majefty's Ships or Veffels of War, their receiving on board fuch Order to Ships or Veffels, Goods and Merchandizes, and trad- trade with, ing therewith contrary to Inftructions, which ftrictly Silver, &c. forbid their doing the fame: To prevent therefore the ſhall forfeit ſaid Interruptions and Inconveniencies for the future, bis Com- Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in caſe capacitated, any Captain, Commander, or other Officer of any of except Gold, mand, be in- PL his [ 35 ] Wages. his Majefty's Ships or Veffels of War, whether fuch and loſe his Ship or Veffel fhall be employed at Home or Abroad, ſhall, from and after the twenty-ninth Day of Septem- ber, in the Year of our Lord, one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Twenty Two, receive on board, or per- mit to be received on board, fuch Ship or Veffel of War, any Goods or Merchandizes whatſoever, in Or- der to trade or merchandize with the fame, either up- on his own or any other Perfon's Account, except Gold, Silver, or Jewels, and except the Goods or Mer- chandizes belonging to any Merchant Ship or Veffel which may be ſhipwrecked or in imminent Danger of being ſhipwrecked either on the High Seas, or in any Port, Creek, or Harbour, within his Majefty's Domi- nions at Home or Abroad, or elſewhere, in Order to the preſerving them for their proper Owners; and ex- cept fuch Goods or Merchandizes as they ſhall at any Time be ordered to take or receive on board, by Or- der of the Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain, or the Commiffioners for executing that Office, for the Time being, or any three or more of them, every fuch Captain, Commander, or Officer of any of his Maje- fty's Ships or Veffels of War, fo offending, fhall, upon his being convicted thereof by a Court Martial, lofe and forfeit the Command and Office he then fhall have in the ſaid Ship or Veſſel of War, and ſhall be, and he is hereby for ever afterwards rendred uncapa- ble to ferve any longer in the fame, or in any other Place or Office in the Naval Service of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors; and fuch Captain, Com- mander, or other Officer offending, as aforeſaid, ſhall, Sf 2 as [ 316 ] I } Such Com- mander, and the Proprie- tors of the Goods fhall forfeit the Value there- of to the and Green- - as a further Puniſhment for his faid Offence, lofé and forfeit to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, all the Wages due to him for his Service in the Ship or Veffel of War whereunto he fhall belong, when or at any Time after fuch Offence fhall be committed. +4 9. And be it further enacted, That the faid Cap- tain, Commander, or other Officer of the faid Ship or Veffel of War, and all and every the Owners and Proprietors of fuch Goods or Merchandizes put on board fuch Ship or Veffel of War, as aforeſaid, ſhall lofe, forfeit and pay the Value of all and every fuch Difcoverer, Goods and Merchandizes fo put on board, as aforefaid; wich Hofpi- one Moiety of fuch full Value to fuch Perfon or Per- fons as ſhall make the firſt Diſcovery, and give Infor- mation of or concerning the faid Offence, the other Moiety of fuch full Value to and for the Ufe of Green- Forfeitures wich Hoſpital; all which Forfeitures fhall and may to be fued be fued for and recovered in the High Court of Ad- miralty.. tal. for in the Admiralty. Afia, Afri- ca, and America. 1 To extend to 10. And be it alfo enacted, That this Act fhall extend to all his Majefty's Dominions in Afia, Africa, and America, and fhall be taken as a publick Act, To be taken and ſhall continue in force for ſeven Years, from the as a publick Alt, and be twenty-fifth Day of March, one Thouſand ſeven in force for Hundred and Twenty Two, and from thence to the Jeven Years. End of the then next Seffion of Parliament. perpetual by 2 Geo. II. C. 28. S. 7. Made 1 Anno, [317] Anno 9no Geo. I. Cap. 8. An Act for continuing fome Laws, and re- viving others therein mentioned, for ex- empting Apothecaries from ferving Pa- rish and Ward Offices, and upon Furies, and relating to Jurors; and to the Pay- ment of Seamen's Wages, and the Prefer- vation of Naval Stores, and Stores of War; and concerning the Militia and Trophy Money; and against clandeftine Running of uncuftomed Goods, and for more effectual preventing Frauds relat- ing to the Customs, and Frauds in mix- ing Silk with Stuffs to be exported.. 3. A& C. 41 A ND whereas by an Act made in the ninth 9 & 10 and tenth Years of the Reign of his late W. III. Majefty King William the Third, intituled, An Act for the better preventing the Imbezelment of his Ma- jeſty's Stores of War, and preventing Cheats, Frauds, and Abuſes in paying Seamen's Wages, a Penalty of two Hundred Pounds, with Cofts of Profecution and Pain of Imprisonment, is inflicted upon Perfons having in their Cuftody, Poffeffion, or Keeping, or concealing contrary to the faid Act, any Warlike, Naval, or Ordnance Stores therein mentioned, or any other Stores ar marked [ 318 ] * Perfons baving Tim- ber, Thick Stuff, or mark'd with marked with the Broad Arrow, by Stamp, Brand, or otherwife: And whereas it is neceffary to give Power to mitigate the faid Penalties, and to explain and amend the faid Act, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall, after Plank the five and twentieth Day of March, one Thouſand the Broad feven Hundred and Twenty Three, be lawfully con- Arrow, or victed of having in his, her, or their Cuftody, any the fame. Timber, Thick Stuff, or Plank, marked with the fball fuffer Broad Arrow, by Stamp, Brand, or otherwiſe, or of and pay as concealing any Timber, Thick Stuff, or Plank, fo in caſe of other War- marked, every fuch Perfon fo offending fhall fuffer, like Stores, forfeit, and pay, as for having, keeping, or concealing any other Warlike, Naval, or Ordnance Stores, contra- ry to the ſaid A&t. concealing " by 9 & 10 W. III. C. 41. may miti- gate the 4. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted, Judge, &c. That it ſhall be lawful to and for any Judge, Juftice, or Juſtices, before whom any Offender or Offenders Penalty, &c. fhall be convicted of any of the Crimes or Offences before recited, enacted, or mentioned in this Act, to mitigate the Penalty for the fame, as he or they ſhall fee Cauſe, and to commit the Offender or Offenders fo convicted, to the Common Goal of the County or Place where the Offence fhall be committed, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize, until Payment be made of the Penalty and Forfeiture impofed by this or the faid former Act, or mitigated, as aforefaid, or to puniſh ſuch Offender or Offenders corporally, by cauf- ing him, her, or them to be publickly whipped, or committed to fome publick Workhouſe, there to be kept [ 319 ] kept to hard Labour, for the Space of fix Months, or a lefs Time, as to fuch Judge, Juftice, or Juftices, in his or their Difcretion fhall feem meet; any Thing in the faid recited Act, or in any other Act, to the con- trary notwithſtanding. determine mers touch- 5. And be it further enacted, That where any Dif-The Judge,. pute ſhall arife between the Perfons, upon whofe Infor- &c. shall mations or Oaths, any Perfon or Perfons offending in Difputes be- the Premiſes, or againft the faid former Act, fhall between Infor-- profecuted and convicted, touching any Right or Ti-ing their tle to any of the Forfeitures or Penalties before menti- Rights to oned, or any Part thereof, the Judge, Juſtice, or Jufti- Forfeitures, ces, before whom fuch Offender or Offenders fhall be convicted, ſhall examine the Matter, and finally deter mine the fame. &c, Anno [ 320 ] $4 Anno II mo Geo. I. Cap. 29. An Act to continue feveral Acts therein mentioned for preventing Frauds commit- ted by Bankrupts; for encouraging the Silk Manufactures of this Kingdom; for preventing the clandeftine Running of Goods; for making Copper Ore of the Britiſh Plantations an enumerated Com- modity; and for explaining and amend- ing a late Act for more effectual Puniſh- ment of fuch, as ſhall wilfully burn or deftroy Ships. Geo. I. 5. C. 12. AND whereas by an A&t made in the fourth Year of his Majefty's Reign, (intituled, An Act for enforcing and making perpetual an Act of the twelfth Year of her late Majeſty, (intituled, An Act for preferving all fuch Ships, and Goods thereof, which shall happen to be forced on Shore or ftranded on the Coafts of this Kingdom, or any other of his Majefty's Dominions,) and for inflicting the Puniſh- ment of Death on fuch as fhall wilfully burn or de- ftroy Ships) It is, amongst other Things, enacted, That if any Owner of, or Captain, Mafter, Mariner, or other Officer belonging to any Ship, fhall, after the twenty- fourth Day of June, which shall be in the Year of our Lord [321] Lord one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Eighteen, wil- fully caft away, burn, or otherwife deftroy the Ship, of which he is Owner, or unto which he belongs, or in any Manner or Wife direct or procure the fame to be done, to the Prejudice of any Perfon or Perſons that ſhall un- der-write any Policy or Policies of Infurance thereon, or of any Merchant or Merchants, that fall load Goods thereon, he shall fuffer Death. Ships, &c. 6. And whereas fome Doubts have arifen touching the Nature of the Offence provided against by the faid recited Alt, and the Trial and Punishment to be had and inflicted for the fame, Be it therefore enacted and Wilfully de- declared by the Authority aforefaid, That if any troying Owner of, or Captain, Maſter, Officer, or Mariner be- longing to any Ship or Veffel, fhall, after the four and twentieth Day of June, one Thouſand feven Hun- dred and Twenty Five, wilfully caft away, burn, or otherwiſe deſtroy the Ship or Veffel, of which he is Owner, or to which he belongeth, or in any wife di- rect or procure the fame to be done, with Intent or Defign to prejudice any Perfon or Perfons, that hath or ſhall under-write any Policy or Policies of Inſurance thereon, or of any Merchant or Merchants, that ſhall load Goods thereon, or of any Owner or Owners of fuch Ship or Veffel, the Perfon or Perfons offending therein, being thereof lawfully convicted, fhall be Felony deemed and adjudged a Felon or Felons, and fhall without ſuffer, as in Cafes of Felony, without Benefit of Cler- Clergy. gy. Tt 7. And [ 322 ] How theſe Offences are to be tried, 7. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any of the faid Offences, in wil- fully cafting away, burning, or otherwiſe deſtroying any Ship or Veffel, as aforefaid, fhall be committed within the Body of any County of this Realm, the fame fhall and may be enquired of, tried, determined, and adjudged in the fame Courts, in fuch Manner and Form, as Felonies done within the Body of any Coun- ty, by the Laws of this Realm, are to be enquired of, tried, determined, and adjudged; and if any of the faid Offences fhall be committed upon the High Seas, the fame fhall be enquired of, tried, determined, and adjudged before fuch Court, and in fuch Manner and Form, as in and by an Act made in the eight and twentieth Year of the Reign of King Henry the 28 Hen. Eighth (intituled, For Pirates,) is directed and ap- pointed for the enquiring, trying, determining, and adjudging of Felonies done upon the High Seas. VIII. C. 35. 1 Anno [323] Anno 12mo Geo. I. Cap. 28. An Act for the Improvement of his Maje- fty's Revenues of Customs, Excife, and Inland Duties. 8 or under, Brandy, &c. with more than four by Cuſtom 14. AND whereas by an Act paffed in the eighth & Geo. I. Year of his prefent Majefty, it is enacted, C. 18. That every Ship, Veffel, or Boat, of the Burthen of Veſſels of forty Tons or under, importing foreign Brandy, Ar-forty Tons rack, Strong-Waters, or Spirits, fhall be forfeited, ſeized, im- with all her Tackle, Furniture, and Apparel; and af-porting ter Condemnation thereof, the principal Officers of the and Boats, Cuſtoms in the Port or Place, where the fame ſhall be &c. rowing at the Time of Condemnation, are thereby directed to caufe the Hull of fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat to be burnt Oars, &c. and wholly deftroyed: And whereas by the fame At may be uſed it is likewife enacted, That if any Boat, Wherry, Pin- Officers, &c. nace, Barge or Gally rowing, or made or built to row with more than four Oars, fhall be found upon the Wa- ter, or in any Barge-boufe, Work-bouſe, Shed, or other Place within any of the Counties of Middleſex, Surrey, Kent, or Effex, or in the River of Thames, either above or below London Bridge, or within the Limits of the Ports of London, Sandwich, or Ipſwich, or the Members or Creeks to them, or either of them, refpec- tively belonging (except as therein is excepted) fuch Boat, Wherry, Pinnace, Barge, or Galley, with all ber Tackle and Furniture, fhall be forfeited; and af Tt 2 ter [324] Except the ers ſhall not ter Condemnation thereof, the principal Officers of the Cufioms in the Port or Place, where the fame fhall be at the Time of Condemnation, are thereby directed to caufe fuch Boat, Wherry, Pinnace, Barge, or Galley, to be burnt and wholly deftroyed: And whereas it will be of Service to his Majesty in his Customs to have the Ufe of fuch Ships, Veffels, Boats, Wherries, Pinnaces, Barges, or Gallies, to prevent the foul Traders carry- ing on their clandeftine Defigns, in importing prohibited Goods, and fraudulently landing Goods liable to the Payment of Duties, or relanding Goods after the fame bave been shipped for Exportation; Be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid,. That it fhall and may be lawful.to and for the Commiffioners of his Majeſty's Cuſtoms, to cauſe any fuch Ship, Veffel, Boat, Wher- ry, Pinnace, Barge, or Galley (except as before is ex- cepted) which ſhall be ſeized for any of the Reaſons aforefaid, and condemned, to be uſed by the Officers of his Majefty's Cuſtoms, in cafe the fame, or any of them, fhall be found to be of Service, together with the Tackle, Furniture, Apparel, and Materials belong- ing thereunto, the Officer or Officers, who feized the fame, being firſt paid his or their Share or Shares, ac- cording to the Direction of the before recited Act; any Law, Statute, or Cuſtom to the contrary notwith- ſtanding. 15. Provided always, and be it further enacted by Commilion, the Authority aforefaid, That if the Commiffioners think fit to of his Majeſty's Cuſtoms fhall not think fit, for his uſe fuch Weffel, &c. Majeſty's Service, to make ufe of any fuch Ship, Veffel, Boat, [ 325 ] Boat, Wherry, Pinnace, Barge, or Galley, that then and in fuch Cafe the faid Commiffioners fhall caufe the principal Officers of the Cuſtoms, in the Port or Place where the fame fhall be at the Time of Con- demnation, to ſee the Hull thereof burnt, as if this Act had never been made. mo Anno 1º Geo. II. Stat. 2. Cap. 9.. An Act for granting an Aid to his Maje- fty of five Hundred Thoufand Pounds, towards difcharging Wages due to Sea- men, and for the conftant, regular, and punctual Payment of Seamen's Wages for the future; and for appropriating the Supplies granted in this prefent Seffi- on of Parliament; and for difpofing of the Surplus of the Money granted for half Pay, for the Year one Thouſand feven Hundred and Twenty Seven. 6. the Head of A ND' to the End, Intent and Purpose, that as All Monies well all Arrears of Seamen's Wages, as their granted on growing Wages, may be conftantly, regularly, and Seamen's punctually paid, Be it enacted by the Authority afore Wages Shall faid, That not only as to fuch Monies, as have been be applied to granted in this Seffion of Parliament for the Service of vices. A the thoſe Ser-- [ 326 ] the Navy, but alſo as to fuch Supplies, as fhall be hereafter granted in Parliament for thofe Services, fuch Parts or Proportions thereof, as fhall be on the Head of Seamen's Wages, fhall from Time to Time be iffued and applied for thofe Services conftantly, re- The Method gularly and punctually, in Manner following; that is of paying the Seamen, to fay, when and fo often as any of the Ships of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, fhall have been in Sea-Pay fix whole Months, to commence or be com- puted from the firſt Day of July, one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Twenty Eight, or any Time after, in cafe fuch Ships fhall then be in any Port of Great- Britain, not in Order to be diſcharged, or on the Coaſt of the fame, the Captain or Commander there- of ſhall, immediately after the End of the faid fix Months, make, or caufe to be made out, Pay-Lifts, containing the Names of the inferior Officers, and able and ordinary Seamen, belonging to the Ship un- der his Command, and fhall fend the faid Lifts, fo made out, to the Commiffioners of the Navy for the Time being, who are hereby directed and required to cauſe immediate Payment to be made of two Months Wages to fuch inferior Officers, and able and ordinary Seamen, or to their reſpective Attorney or Attornies, duly authorized to receive the fame, deducting there- out whatever Money ſhall have been paid on Account of the faid Wages by way of Advance: And in caſe any of the faid Ships, that fhall have been fix Months in Sea-Pay, as aforefaid, fhall be then in any Port of Ireland, or abroad in foreign Parts, the Captain or Commander of fuch Ship fhall, immediately after the End [327] End of the faid fix Months, mufter his Crew or Com- pany, and enter the Names of fuch inferior Officers, and able and ordinary Seamen, who fhall defire to have their Wages paid at Home in Great-Britain, in- to Pay-Lifts, as aforefaid, and ſhall ſend and tranfmit the faid Pay-Lifts to the Commiffioners of the Navy, for the Time being, who are hereby directed and re- quired, within one Month after they fhall have re- ceived the ſaid Pay-Lifts, to cauſe Payment to be made of two Months Wages, with fuch Déduction as afore- faid, to the Attorney or Attornies of fuch Perfon or Perfons duly authorized to receive the fame: And the faid Commiffioners are hereby directed and required to give timely Notice in the Gazette of the Time ap- pointed by them for fuch Payment: And when and fo often as any of the faid Ships fhall have been twelve Months in Sea-Pay, then other Pay-Lifts ſhall be made out, fent, and tranfmitted, and two Months Wages paid thereon in the Manner aforefaid; and fo from Time to Time, at the End of every enſuing fix Months, fuch Pay-Lifts fhall be made out and tranf- mitted, and two Months Wages paid thereon, as afore- faid, until the ſaid Ship fhall be finally paid off: And for the Refidue of their Wages, the ſame ſhall be paid in Manner following; that is to fay, as to all fuch of his Majeſty's Ships or Veffels, as fhall return home in Or- der to be laid up, the Wages due to the Officers and Seamen ferving on board of any fuch Ship or Veffel ſhall be entirely paid off within two Months after the Arrival of fuch Ship or Veffel in the Port where the fame is defigned to be laid up: And as to all other • Ships: [328] Twenty Eight Days to be Ships or Veffels in his Majefty's Service, the Wages due to the Officers and Seamen fhall be paid as fol- 'lows; that is to fay, when fuch Ships or Veffels have been eighteen Months in Sea-Pay, then the Wages, due for the first twelve Months thereof, deducting thereout whatever Monies fhall have been before paid by way of Advance, or otherwiſe, in Part or on Account of the faid twelve Months Wages, fhall be paid within two Months after, or fo foon after as any fuch Ship or Veffel fhall put into any Port of this Realm, where his Majeſty's Ships are ufually paid, and fo toties quoties, as often as they fhall have been eighteen Months in Sea-Pay, beyond the Time to which their Wages fhall have been cleared, twelve Months Wages more ſhall be paid in like Manner. 7. And it is hereby declared, That the Computa- tion of the faid Months Wages fhall be by reckoning reckoned to twenty-eight Days to the Month, according to the the Month. ufual Courſe or Practice of the Navy. Anno [ 329 ] Anno 1mo Geo. II. Stat. 2. Cap. 14. An Act for encouraging Seamen to enter in- to his Majefty's Service. WE HEREAS nothing will more effectually con- tribute to the promoting and advancing the Na- val Strength of this Kingdom, than the endeavouring by due and fitting Encouragements, to invite Mariners and Seamen to enter willingly into the Service of their Country, as often as Occafion fhall require; and where- as his Majefty, out of his Princely Concern for the In- creaſe and Encouragement of his Seamen, hath been moft graciously pleafed to recommend the fame from the Throne, as a Confideration of the greatest Importance; Be it therefore enacted by the King's moſt Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this preſent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the firſt Day of Voluntier July, which will be in the Year of our Lord one entring his Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Twenty Eight, if any an Officer Seaman, or able bodied Land-Man, fhall freely and of the Fleet voluntarily come before, and enter his Name with any board any Commiffion Officer or Officers of the Fleet, to be ap- Ship, and pointed for entring fuch Voluntiers, in Order to ferve making his perfonal Ap- in or on board any of the Ships or Veffels of his Ma-pearance on jefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, then fitting out for board, &c. Sea, or that fhall be in want of Men, and ſhall receive titled to U u Name with to ſerve on ſhall be in- a Wages from [ 330 ] cate, and be and two Months Wages. the Date of a Certificate of his fo doing, from fuch Commiffion bis Certifi- Officer or Officers (who are hereby directed and re- allowed Con- quired to make out and give fuch Certificate gratis, duct Money, and without Fee or Reward, and duly to date the fame) and if ſuch Perſon ſhall forthwith proceed to- wards fuch Ship, and fhall make his perſonal Ap- pearance on board the fame, within the Space of fourteen Days from the Day of the Date of fuch Cer- tificate, inclufive of the Day of the Date thereof, if the Place where he fo enters his Name, be not above one Hundred Miles diftant from the Port where fuch Ship lies, or within the Space of twenty Days, if it be at a greater Diſtance, or within the Space of thirty Days, if the Place where he fo enters his Name, be above two Hundred Miles diftant; then, and in fuch Cafe, every fuch Perſon ſhall be, and is hereby declar- ed to be intitled to Wages, from the Day of the Date of fuch Certificate, inclufive of the Day of the Date thereof; and fhall alſo be allowed the uſual Conduct Money, and be paid an Advance of two Months Wa- ges, before the Ship, in which he ſhall be rated and ferve, goes to Sea. Inferior Of- 2. And be it further enacted, That if any inferior ficer or Sea- Officer, or able and ordinary Seaman, ſhall die in the man dying, Commander Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, the to make out Captain, or Commander of the Ship, in which he a Ticket of ferved at the Time of his Death, ſhall immediately, and tranfmit or as foon as conveniently may be, after his Death, the fame, make out a Ticket for the Pay due to the Perſon ſo dying, at the Time of his Death, and fhall fend or bis Pay, tranfmit [ 33 ] tranſmit the faid Ticket fo made out, by the firſt and ſafeſt Opportunity, to the Commiffioners of the Navy for the Time being, for the Ufe of the Executors or Adminiſtrators of fuch Perſon ſo dying; and the faid Which hall Commiffioners are hereby directed and required to paid. be forthwith cauſe the Money due upon fuch Ticket to be forth- with paid to the faid Executors or Adminiſtrators, or to their reſpective Attorney or Attornies, duly autho- rized, in fuch Manner as is herein after appointed to receive the fame, without tarrying for the Return of the Ship, to which the Perfon fo dying did belong, or the General Pay thereof. 3. And be it further enacted, That in cafe any in- Voluntier ferior Officer, or Voluntier, fhall be turned over from turned over not to ferve one Ship into another, then, and in fuch Cafe, fuch in a worse Perſon ſo turned over, fhall not ferve, or be rated in a Quality than in the for- worfe Quality, or lower Degree or Station, than he mer Ship, ſerved in, or was rated for, in the Ship from which and bave he was turned over; and fhall receive, over and above two Months fuch Wages, as are then due to him, an Advance of vanced. two Months Wages, before the Ship, into which he is turned over, proceeds to Sea. Pay ad- wholeCrew, 4. Provided always, That if any Ship be hindred The Re- by any Accident from going to Sea, the Removal of moval of the the whole Crew or Company of fuch Ship, together not to be con- with their Officers, into another Ship, fhall not be trued a conftrued or taken to be a Turning over within the over. Meaning of this Act. Turning Uu 2 5. And [ 332 ] No Perfon forfeit more than was 5. And be it further enacted; That no Perſon in. deferting, to Sea-Pay, that ſhall withdraw himſelf from, or defert: the Service of his Majeſty, his Heirs or Succeffors, fhall due to him forfeit any more of the Pay or Wages due to him, in that Ship than fo much thereof as was due to him for his Ser- vice in the Ship from whence he withdrew himſelf or deferted; and that no Ticket or Tickets made out, or that ſhall be made out, for the Pay or Wages of forfeited or any Seaman, fhall be forfeited or ftopt by his with- drawing himſelf, or deferting, after the making out fuch. Ticket, but the ſame ſhall be duly paid. And no Ticket made out fhall be Stopt on that Ac-. count. Not to al- 6. Provided nevertheleſs, That nothing in this Act ter the Pu- contained fhall extend to take away or alter the Pu niſhment by. 13 Car. II. nifhment appointed by an Act made in the thirteenth St. 1. C. 9.. Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, for appointed fuch Captains, Officers, and Mariners, as ſhall deſert ters. the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, in his Ships, or intice any others fo.to do.. for Defer- Bargains for Seamen's Pay after the first of Septem- ber 17.28, void. 7. And whereas many Perfons encouraging the Ex- travagance, and taking Advantage of the Neceffities of Seamen, have made great and unreasonable Profit to themſelves by anticipating, bargaining for, or purchaf- ing the Pay or Wages due, or to grow due to Seamen, to the Impoverishment and utter Ruin of fuch Seamen, and their Families; Be it enacted, That all and eve- ry Bargain, Sale, Bill of Sale, Contract, Agreement, and Affignment whatſoever, of, for, on concerning any Pay, Wages, or Allowances of Money of any Kind, due: [ 333 ] t due or to grow due to any Seaman or Seamen in the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, for fuch Service, which ſhall be made or entred into, from and after the firſt Day of September, which ſhall be in the Year of our Lord, one Thouſand feven Hundred and Twenty Eight, fhall be, and is, and are hereby declar ed to be void, and of none Effect, to all Intents and Purpoſes whatſoever; any Law, Statute, Cuftom, or Ufage to the contrary thereof in any wife notwith- ftanding; and the Treaſurer of the Navy for the Time being, is hereby authorized, directed, and re- quired to pay, or caufe to be paid to all fuch Seamen, as fhall appear in Perfon at the Pay-Table, or, in their Abfence, to the lawful Attornies impowered by them, in the Manner as is herein after directed, or to the Executors or Adminiftrators. of fuch Seamen, or to their reſpective Attorney or Attornies duly au thorized, in fuch Manner as is herein after directed, the reſpective Pay, Wages, or Allowances of Money of any Kind due to them, without Regard to any Bargain, Sale, Bill of Sale, Contract, Agreement, or Affignment whatſoever, made.or to be made, of, for, or concerning any fuch Pay, Wages, or Allowances of Money of any Kind, from and after the ſaid firſt Day of September, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord, one. Thouſand feven Hundred and Twenty Eight.. 8. Provided always, and be it enacted, That this Not to dif Act, or any Thing herein contained, ſhall not extend, charge any or be conftrued to diſcharge any Seaman of or from Debts or to any Seamen's make void [334] ** any Ticket. the Sale of any Debt or Debts which he has already contracted, or may hereafter contract, or to invalidate or make void the Sale or Sales of any Ticket or Tickets, that is, are, or ſhall be made out for Pay, Wages, or other Allowances of Money, of any Kind, to ſuch Perſon or Perfons as fhall be in Poffeffion of fuch. Ticket or Tickets; but ſuch Sale and Sales fhall be as good, valid, and effectual, as they were before the making of this Act, and as if this Act had not been made; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithſtanding. Or to make denture, intitled to to his Ap- 9. Provided alfo, That this Act, or any Thing void any In-herein contained, fhall not extend, or be conſtrued to whereby any invalidate or make void any Indenture or Indentures, Mafter is whereby any Maſter is or ſhall be intitled to have or receive the Pay, Wages, or other Allowances of Mo- prentice's ney, earned by his Apprentice; but fuch Pay, Wages, Wages. or other Allowances, fhall be paid by the Treaſurer of the Navy for the Time being, or by his Direction, ac- cording to fuch Indenture or Indentures, as has been Exception. ufual in fuch Cafes, fo as fuch Apprentice or Appren- tices were not above the Age of eighteen Years, at the Time fuch Indenture or Indentures were made and executed, in which Cafe no Pay, Wages, or Allow- ances, fhall be paid by the Treaſurer of the Navy, or by his Directions, according to fuch Indenture or In- dentures; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithſtanding. 10. And [ 335 ] by any Sea- unleſs made &c. 10. And be it further enacted, That from and af- No Letters of Attorney ter the firft Day of September, which ſhall be in the Year of our Lord, one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and man good Twenty Eight, no Letter of Attorney made by any revocable Seaman or Seamen, in the Service of his Majefty, his and figned by Heirs or Succeffors, or by the Executors or Admini- the Captain, ftrators of any fuch Seaman or Seamen, in Order to impower, and intitle any Perfon or Perfons to receive any Pay, Wages, or Allowances of Money, of any Kind, due or to grow due for fuch Service, fhall be good and valid, or fufficient for that Purpoſe, unleſs fuch Letter of Attorney be made revocable, and be figned before, and attefted by, the Captain or Com- mander, and one other of the figning Officers of the Ship, to which fuch Seaman or Seamen, who make the fame, belong, or the Clerk of the Cheque of fome of the Dock-Yards, or the Mayor, or chief Magiſtrate of fome Corporation. Pay-Books are cloſed, Seamen who have not re- 11. And be it further enacted, That when, and When the as often as any of the Pay-Books of the Ships belonging to his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, fhall be clofed, fuch Seamen as fhall not then receive, or ceived their have received the Pay, Wages, or other Allowances of Pay, to Money due to them, fhall, upon Application made by have Tickets them to the Commiffioners of the Navy for the Time them to the being, have and receive Bills or Tickets made out to Value of them to the Value of the faid Pay, Wages, or other their Pay. Allowances due to them refpectively; and the faid Commiffioners are hereby directed and required to make made out to [ 336 ] Men driven to their Coafts. make out the faid Bills or Tickets accordingly, and to cauſe the fame to be dated, numbred, regiftred, and paid in a Courſe not exceeding one Month after the Date thereof. Confuls, &c. 12. And be it further enacted, That the Gover- in foreign nors, Minifters, and Confuls appointed, or that fhall Parts, to provide for be appointed by his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, Seafaring in foreign Parts, and refiding there, or, where none fuch are refident, any two or more British Merchants then and there refiding, fhall be, and are hereby au- thorized, directed, and required to fend and provide for all Seafaring Men and Boys, Subjects of Great- Britain, that fhall by Shipwreck, Capture, or other unavoidable Accident, be driven or caft away to fuch foreign Parts or Places, where fuch Governors, Mini- fters, Confuls, or Merchants refide; and the faid Go- vernors, Miniſters, Confuls, and Merchants, are here- by required to provide for and fubfift fuch Seafaring Men and Boys, at or after the Rate of Six-pence per diem each, and to fend Bills of their ſeveral Disburfe- ments upon fuch Occafions, together with proper Commiffion- Vouchers for the fame, to the Commiffioners of the ers.of the Navy for the Time being, who are hereby directed the Charges, and required to caufe immediate Payment to be made of fuch Bills and Disburſements, after due Examinati- on of the faid Vouchers; and the ſaid Governors, Mi- Confuls, &c. nifters, Confuls, and Merchants, ſhall put or ſend the to ſend home faid Men or Boys on board the firft Ship belonging Such Seamen by the first to his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, that ſhall ar- Ships. rive at the Parts or Places where they refide, or any Navy to pay other [ 337 ] f other Parts or Places being near or within a conveni- ént Diſtance for that Purpoſe; or in cafe no Ship of War fhall be then in fuch Parts or Places or within a convenient Diſtance, they fhall fend their faid Men or Boys on board fuch Merchant Ships or Veffels as are bound for any Port in Great-Britain, and are in want of Men to make up their Complement; but if neither Cafe happens within a convenient Time, then they ſhall provide and order a Paffage homeward for ſuch Men and Boys in the firſt Merchant Ship or Veffel bound for Great-Britain; and every Maſter or Perſon having Charge of a Merchant Ship or Veffel, that fhall arrive in fuch foreign Parts, and be homeward bound from thence to any Port in Great-Britain, fhall be and is hereby required to take on board fuch and ſo many of fuch Seafaring Men or Boys, as the faid Governors, Minifters, Confuls, or Merchants fhall direct, not exceeding four, for each one Hundréd Tons of which his Ship confifts. have Six- of fuck Sea- 13. And for an Encouragement for fuch Mafters Masters of of Ships or Veffels to take fuch Seamen or Boys aboard, Ships to and bring them to Great-Britain: Be it enacted, That pence per every fuch Mafter or Perfon having Charge of a Ship diem for the Paffage or Veffel, who fhall produce a Certificate under the Hands of the faid Governors, Minifters, Confuls, or men. Merchants, or any of them, certifying the Number and Names of the Men or Boys taken on board by their Direction, and the Time of taking them on board, and fhall make an Affidavit at his Return, fetting forth the Time during which he fubfifted fuch X x Men [ 338 ] Men or Boys; and that he did not, during that Time, want of his own Complement of Men, or how many he did want of fuch Complement, and for what Time, fhall receive from the Commiffioners of the Navy for the Time being (who are hereby re- quired to cauſe the fame to be paid) Six-pence per diem for the Paffage and Provifions of each Man and Boy, from the Day of their Imbarkation homewards, to the Day of their Arrival in Great-Britain, or be- ing put into fome Ship of War; Six-pence per diem on- ly being deducted for fuch Time, and ſo many Perſons as he wanted of his Complement during his Voyage. Not to take 14. Provided always, That nothing in this Act away other contained ſhall extend or be conftrued to leffen or Advantages to Seamen. take away the Allowances, or other Advantages made or appointed to or for any Seaman, that is or ſhall be in the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, by any Law or Statute now in force, or by the Cu- ftom or Uſage of the Navy. No Seamen Shall be lia- ble to be Sty's Service, 15. And to prevent for the future, as far as may be, any unjuft or fraudulent Arrefts upon Seamen ac- taken out of tually belonging to any of his Majesty's Ships, whereby bis Maje- bis Majefty and the Publick may be deprived of their otherwife Service: Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, than for That no Perſon whatſoever, who ſhall lift and enter himſelf to ſerve his Majefty, as a Seaman on board any of his Majefty's Ships or Veffels, fhall be liable to Debt, &c. be taken out of his Majefty's Service by any Process amounts to or Execution whatſoever, other than for fome Crimi- Some Crimi- nal Matter, unless the 20 l. nal 1 [ 339 ] nal Matter, unleſs for a real Debt, or other juft Caufe By 14 Geo. II. C. 38. of Action, and unleſs, before the taking out fuch Pro- extended to cefs or Execution, not being for a Criminal Matter, Ireland. the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs therein, or fome other Per- fon or Perſons on his or their Behalf, fhall make Af- fidavit before one or more Judge or Judges of the Court of Record, or other Court, out of which fuch Proceſs or Execution fhall iffue, or before fome Per- fon authorized to take Affidavits in fuch Courts, that to his or their Knowledge, the Sum juftly due and owing to the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, from the Defend- ant or Defendants in the Action, or Cauſe of Action, on which fuch Procefs fhall iffue, or the Debt or Da- mage and Cofts for which fuch Execution fhall be if- fued out, amounts to the Value of twenty Pounds at the leaſt, a Memorandum of which Oath fhall be marked on the Back of fuch Procefs or Writ, for which Memorandum or Oath no Fee fhall be taken. And if any Perfon be nevertheleſs arrefted, contrary to the Intent of this Act, it ſhall and may be lawful for one or more Judge or Judges of fuch Court, upon Complaint made thereof by the Party himſelf, or by any his fuperior Officer, to examine into the fame by the Oath of the Parties, or otherwife, and by Warrant under his or their Hands and Seals to diſcharge fuch Seamen, ſo arreſted contrary to the Intent of this Act, without paying any Fee or Fees, upon due Proof made before him or them, that fuch Seaman fo arreſted was actually belonging to one of his Majefty's Ships or Veffels, and arreſted contrary to the Intent of this Act, and alſo to award to the Party fo complaining Xx 2 fuch 340] Plaintiff may enter a fuch Cofts, as fuch Judge or Judges fhall think rea- fonable, for the Recovery whereof he fhall have the like Remedy that the Perfon who takes out the faid Execution might have had for his Cofts, or the Plain- tiff in the ſaid Action might have had for the Reco- very of his Cofts, in cafe Judgment had been given for him with Cofts againſt the Defendant in the faid Action. 16. And to the End that honeft Creditors who aim common Ap- only at the Recovery of their juft Debts due to them pearance, from fuch Seamen as are actually belonging to ſome of and proceed his Majesty's Ships, may not be hindred from fuing for to Judg- ment, &c. the fame, but on the contrary may be affifted and for- warded in their Suits, and instead of an Arreft, which may hurt the Service, and occafion a great Expence and delay to themselves, may be enabled to proceed in a more Speedy and easy Method: Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it ſhall and may be law- ful to and for any Plaintiff and Plaintiffs, upon Notice firſt given in Writing of the Cauſe of Action to fuch Seaman or Seamen in his Majefty's Service, or left at his or their laſt Place of Refidence, before his entring into his Majeſty's Service, to file a common Appear- ance in any Action to be brought for or upon Account of any Debt whatſoever, fo as to intitle fuch Plain- tiff or Plaintiffs to proceed therein to Judgment and Outlawry, and to have an Execution thereupon, other than againſt the Body or Bodies of him or them fo actually belonging to one of his Majefty's Ships, as aforefaid; [ 34 ] P aforefaid; this Act, or any Thing herein, or any for-- mer Law or Statute to the contrary notwithſtanding. Anno 2do Geo. II. Cap. 7. - An Act for the more effectual Collecting in Great Britain and Ireland, and other Parts of his Majefty's Dominions, the Duties granted for the Support of the Royal Hofpital at Greenwich. WE A C. 21. HEREAS by an Act made in the feventh 7 W. III. Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King William the Third, intituled, An Act for the Increaſe and Encouragement of Seamen, and an A&t made in the eighth Year of his faid late Majefty's Reign, inti- 8 W. III. tuled, An Act to enforce the Act for the Increaſe and C. 23. Encouragement of Seamen, and also another Act made in the tenth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty 10. Ann. Queen Anne, intituled, An Act for the better collect- C. 17. ing and recovering the Duties granted for the Sup- port of the Royal Hofpital at Geenwich, and for the further Benefit thereof, and for the preferving her Majeſty's Harbour Moorings, there was given and efia- bliſhed for the Support of the faid Hofpital, a Duty of Six-pence per menfem, payable by all Seamen; and particularly by the faid Act of the tenth of Queen Anne, it [342] & it was (amongst other Things) enacted, that the faid Duty fhould be paid by every Seaman, and other Per- fon whatsoever, that ſhould ſerve or be imployed by her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, or by any other Perfon or Perfons whatſoever, in any of her Majefty's Ships, or in any Ship or Veffel belonging to any of the Subjects of Great-Britain or Ireland, or Dominions thereunto belonging, and by every Mafter or Owner navigating his own Ship or Veffel, whether imployed upon the High Sea, or Coafts of the fame, or in any Port, Bay, or Creek, other than and except fuch Perfons, as by the faid laft mentioned Act are excepted and exempted from Payment of the faid Duty; and it was, by the faid laft mentioned Act, further enacted, That for the better levying and collecting the faid Duty it should be lawful for the Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain, or the Commiffioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain for the Time being, to ap- point fuch Perfon or Perfons, as he or they should think fit, to be Receiver or Receivers of the faid Duty, and alſo to authorize fuch Receiver or Receivers to depute and appoint the Collectors, or other Officers of the Cu- ftoms of the ſeveral Out-Ports of this Kingdom, and of the Ports of the Kingdom of Ireland, or fuch others, as be or they ſhould think fit, to collect and receive the fame, which Power not extending to the Islands of Guernſey, Jerfey, Alderney, Sark, and Man, nor to his Majefty's Colonies, Iflands, and Dominions in America, the faid Duty of Six-pence per menfem has not hitherto been collected in any of the faid Islands, Colonies, or Domini- ons, notwithstanding the general Direction in the faid Act [343 ] Six-pence per men- Act of the tenth of Queen Anne, that the fame should be paid by all Mafters, Owners, Seamen, and others im- ployed in the Ships or Veſſels belonging to any of his Ma- jefty's Subjects of Great-Britain and Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto belonging, to the great Lofs and Prejudice of the faid Hofpital: For Remedy whereof, Be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty,. by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons, in Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid feveral Acts heretofore made, concerning the ſaid Duty of Six-pence per menfem, and every Claufe, Pe- The Duty of nalty, Power, and Thing therein contained, and not altered by this preſent Act, fhall extend, and from fem for henceforth be conftrued, adjudged, deemed, and taken Greenwich to extend, to all Ships and Veffels belonging to any of be paid by Hofpital to the Subjects of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, all Veffels within the ſaid Iſlands of Jerſey, Guernsey, Alderney, belonging to Jerfey, Sark, and Man, and every of them refpectively, and Guernsey, within all and every his Majeſty's Colonies, Iflands, &c. and to the Colonies, and Dominions in America, as well as to thoſe within Great-Britain and Ireland; and that from hence- America. forth every Seaman, and other Perfon whatſoever, that ſhall ſerve or be imployed in any Ships or Veffels be- longing, or that ſhall belong to any of the Subjects of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, within the faid. Iflands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, or Man, or any of them refpectively, or within any of his Majeſty's Colonies, Iflands, or Dominions in America, and every Maſter or Owner working his own Ship or Veffel, whether the fame be imployed upon the High Sea, &c. in OL [344] or in any Port, Harbour, Bay, or Creek; other than fuch Apprentices under the Age of eighteen Years, Exception. as are exempted from Payment of Six-pence per men- 2 & 3 Ann. fem, by an Act made in the fecond Year of the Reign C. 6. 1 of her faid late Majefty Queen Anne, and fuch Per- fon or Perfons, as fhall be imployed in any Boat up- on any the Coaſts of the ſaid Iſlands, Colonies, or Do- minions reſpectively, in taking Fish, which are brought freſh on Shore, to be confumed in the faid Iflands, Colonies, or Dominions refpectively; and every Perſon and Perfons imployed in Boats or Veffels, that trade only from Place to Place within any River of the faid Iſlands, Colonies, or Dominions refpective- ly, or in any open Boats, upon the Coafts of the fame, fhall pay, and there fhall be allowed and paid by eve- ry fuch Mafter, Owners, Seaman, or other Perfon im- ployed, or that ſhall be imployed as aforefaid (except fuch Perfons as are herein before excepted) the faid Du- ty of Six-pence per menfem of lawful Money of Great- Britain, or the Value thereof in the Money of the faid Iflands, Colonies, or Dominions refpectively, and pro- portionably for a ſhorter Time than a Month, during the Time he or they fhall be imployed in, or belong to any fuch Ship or Veffel, for the better Support of the faid Hoſpital, and to augment the Revenues thereof, for the Purpoſes in the faid feveral recited Acts mentioned; which faid Duties fhall be paid by the Mafters, Commanders, and Owners of all and every fuch Ships and Veffels reſpectively, who are hereby authorized, impowered, and required to deduct and detain the fame out of the Wages, Shares, or other Profits [ 345 ] Profits payable or accruing to every Seaman or other Perfon imployed in any fuch Ship or Veffel, and liable to the Payment of the faid Duty if fuch Seaman or other Perſon ſhall have, or be intitled to any fuch Wages, Shares, or Profits. the Duties 2. And be it further enacted by the Authority Receivers of aforeſaid, That for the better and more eafy collecting to appoint and levying the faid Duty of Six-pence per menfem Collectors in in the faid Iſlands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, the Ports of the faid Sark, and Man, and in his Majeſty's Colonies, Iflands, lands and and Dominions in America, it ſhall and may be law-Colonies, ful for the Perfon or Perſons, who is, are, or ſhall &c. be appointed Receiver or Receivers of the faid Duty, by Virtue and in Purſuance of the faid Act of the Tenth of Queen Anne, to depute and appoint any Officer or Officers of the Cuſtoms of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, in the ſeveral Ports of the faid Iflands, Colonies, and Dominions refpectively, or fuch other Perſon or Perfons, as he or they ſhall think fit, to collect the Same; which faid Collectors, fo to be appointed, are hereby authorized, directed, and re- quired to collect the faid Duty of Six-pence per men- fem, in the ſeveral Ports of the ſaid Iſlands of Guern- Sey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, and Man, and of every of them refpectively, and alſo in the Ports of all and eve- ry his Majeſty's Colonies, Iflands, and Dominions in America, according to fuch Inftructions as fhall from Time to Time be fent to them in Writing by fuch Receiver or Receivers; and for the faid Collectors Care and Pains therein, it ſhall and may be lawful for Y y the [346] and examine &c. on Oath, the Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain, or the Commiſſioners for executing the faid Office of Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain, for the Time being, to make fuch Allowances to them out of the faid Du- ty, as he or they ſhall judge reaſonable. Collectors 3. And be it further enacted by the Authority may fummon aforefaid, That fuch Collectors of the faid Duty in the Masters Ports of the faid Iſlands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, and Man, and in the Ports of the faid Colonies, Iſlands, and Dominions in America, fo to be appoint- ed as aforefaid, and every of them reſpectively for the Time being, ſhall be, and is, and are hereby fully au- thorized, and required to fummon and examine upon Oath all and every the Maſters, Commanders, and Owners of all Ships or Veffels belonging to any of the Subjects of his Majeſty, his Heirs and Succeffors, with- in the faid Iſlands, Colonies, and Dominions, or any of them reſpectively, in fuch and the fame Manner as the Receiver or Receivers of the ſaid Duty, and his or their Deputy or Deputies are authorized and im- powered by the faid Act of the Tenth of Queen Anne, to fummon and examine the Mafters, Commanders, and Owners of Ships and Veffels belonging to the Mafters, Subjects of Great-Britain, and Ireland; and if any &c. refuf fuch Mafter, Commander, or Owner of any Ship ing, forfeit 201. or Veffel belonging to any of the Subjects of his Ma- jefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, within the faid Iſlands, Colonies, and Dominions, or any of them reſpectively, fhall refuſe, or neglect, when fummoned, to appear, or to make fuch Diſcovery upon Oath, as by the faid Act [347] } C. 17. Act of the Tenth of Queen Anne, is required (which 10 Ann. Oath fuch Collectors for the Time being, and every of them reſpectively, is and are hereby impowered and required to adminifter) then, and in every ſuch Caſe, every fuch Mafter, Commander, and Owner fhall for every fuch Refuſal or Neglect, forfeit the Sum of twen- ty Pounds of lawful Money of Great-Britain, or the Value thereof in the Money of the faid Iſlands, Colo- nies, or Dominions where the fame fhall be incurred, to be recovered and applied in fuch Manner, and to fuch Ufes, as in that Behalf is herein after mentioned and directed. tain, &c. Great-Bri- 4. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Au- Traders thority aforeſaid, That all and every the Mafters, from the Iſlands or Commanders, and Owners of Ships or Veffels belong-Colonies to ing to any of the Subjects of his Majefty, his Heirs or Great-Bri- Succeffors, within the faid Iſlands of Guernsey, Jersey, to pay fuch Alderney, Sark, and Man, or any of them, or within Part of the any of his Majefty's Colonies, Iflands, or Dominions in Duty, as Shall be due America, who fhall trade or fail from the faid Iflands, at their Ar- Colonies, or Dominions, or any of them, to Great-rival, in Britain, or Ireland, and back again to the faid Iflands, tain, &c. Colonies, or Dominions, fhall pay fuch Part and Pro- portion of the faid Duty of Six-pence per menfem, as fhall be due from fuch Mafters, Commanders, and Owners refpectively at the Time of their Arrival, and during their Continuance in Great-Britain, or Ire- land, within the faid Kingdoms of Great-Britain and Ireland refpectively, and fuch Part and Proportion thereof, as fhall be due from them refpectively, at the Time Y y 2 [ 348 ] And the other Part turn. Time of their Return to, and during their Continu- at their Re- ance in the faid Iſlands, Colonies, or Dominions, within the faid Iflands, Colonies, and Dominions re- Traders ſpectively; and that all and every the Maſters, Com- Britain, &c. manders, and Owners of Ships or Veffels belonging to to pay only any of the Subjects of his Majefty, his Heirs or Suc- bere. ceffors within the faid Kingdoms of Great-Britain, or from Great- 20 Ann.. C. 17. Ireland, or either of them, who fhall trade or fail from Great Britain, or Ireland, to any of the faid Iſlands, Colonies, or Dominions, and back again to Great-Britain or Ireland, fhall pay the ſaid Duty of Six-pence per menfem only in the faid Kingdoms of Great-Britain and Ireland reſpectively, and no Part thereof in any of the ſaid Iſlands, Colonies, or Domi- nions. ↑ 5. And whereas by the faid Act of the Tenth of Queen Anne, the Mafters, Commanders, and Owners of Ships in his Majesty's Service, are exempted from being Summoned and examined by the Receivers of the faid Duty, and their Deputies, in fuch Manner as the Mafters, Commanders, and Owners of Merchant Ships, and other private Veffels are thereby made liable to, and alfo from the Penalties and Forfeitures thereby impoſed and inflicted for refusing to obey fuch Summons,. and make fuch Difcovery, as by the faid laft mentioned Alt is required, and for neglecting to pay the faid Du- ty within the Time thereby limited for Payment there- of, which Exemption has been claimed by, and allowed. to the Mafers, Commanders, and Owners of Merchant Ships, and other private Veſſels hired and imployed by the [349] the Commiffioners, or other Officers of the Navy, Vic- tualling, Ordnance, Cuftoms, Poft-Office, and other Publick Offices of the Crown, whereby the Mafters, Commanders, Owners, and Sailors belonging to fuch Ships and Veſſels have often avoided the Payment of the Laid Duty, contrary to the true Meaning of the faid Act of the Tenth of Queen Anne, which only intended to exempt the Commanders and other Officers of his Majefty's Ships of War, from fuch Summons, Exami- nations, and Penalties: For Remedy whereof, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Receiver and Receivers of the faid Duty fo appointed, or to be ap- pointed, as aforefaid, and his or their Deputy or De- puties for the Time being, by Warrant under his or their Hand or Hands to fummon and examine upon Oath all and every the Mafters, Commanders, and Owners of Merchant Ships, and other Veffels hired or imployed, or that at any Time hereafter ſhall be hired or imployed by the Commiffioners, or other Officers of the Navy, Victualling, Ordnance, Cuſtoms, Poft- Office, or any other Publick Office or Offices of the Crown, for or in the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, in fuch and the fame Manner as fuch Receiver or Receivers and his or their Deputy or De- puties, are by the faid Act of the Tenth of Queen Anne, and by this prefent Act, directed and impow- ered to fummon and examine the Maſters, Command- ers, and Owners of other Merchant Ships, and private Veffels; and if any fuch Mafter, Commander, or Masters of Owner of any Ship or Veffel hired or imployed, or to Merchant Ships hired. be by the Com.. [350] } miſſioners of be hired or imployed by the Commiffioners, or other the Navy, Officers of any fuch Publick Office or Offices, for or &c. may be examined by in the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, as the Re- ceivers. 10 Ann. C. 17. 201. aforeſaid, fhall refuſe to appear, or to make fuch Dif- covery upon Oath, as by the faid Act of the Tenth of Queen Anne is required to be made by the Maſters, Commanders, and Owners of other Merchant Ships, and private Veffels (which Oath fuch Receiver or Re- On Refufal ceivers, and his or their Deputy or Deputies for the to be exam. Time being, and every of them refpectively, is and ined, forfeit are hereby impowered and required to adminifter) or fhall neglect to pay fuch Monies, as fhall from Time to Time be due to the faid Hofpital, from fuch Ma- fter, Commander, or Owner refpectively, for or on Account of the ſaid Duty, within the Time herein af- ter limited and appointed for Payment thereof, then and in every fuch Cafe every fuch Mafter, Command- er, and Owner of any Ship or Veffel fo hired or im ployed, or to be hired or imployed by the Commif- fioners, or other Officers of any fuch Publick Office or Offices, for or in the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, as aforefaid, ſo refufing or neglecting, ſhall for every ſuch Refuſal or Neglect forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds of lawful Money of Great-Britain, to be recovered and applied in fuch Manner, and for fuch Uſes, as in that Behalf is herein after mentioned and directed. , 6. And for the easier and more effectual collecting the faid Duty of Six-pence per menfem of and from the Mafters, Commanders, and Owners of Merchant Ships, ^ [ 35 ] Ships, and other private Veffels hired or imployed, or that ſhall be hereafter hired or imployed by the Commif fioners, or other Officers of fuch Publick Offices, as aforefaid, for or in the Service of his Majesty, his Heirs or Succeffors: Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Secretaries or Chief Clerks of the Secretaries Navy Office, Victualling Office, Office of Ordnance, of the Pub- lick Offices, Cuſtom-Houſe, Poft-Office, and all other Publick Of- to give in a fices of the Crown, ufually hiring or imploying Ships Lift of Ships imployed in or Veffels for or in the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs their Ser- or Succeffors, fhall once in every Year Yearly, upon vice. the first Day of January in each Year, or within twenty Days next following at the fartheft, give and deliver to, or into the Office of the Receiver or Re- ceivers of the faid Duty in the Port of London, a true and exact Lift or Account of the Number and Names of all and every the Ships or Veffels, that in the Year preceding every fuch Account fhall have been hired or imployed by the Commiffioners, or other Officers of every fuch Office refpectively, for or in the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, and of all and every the Ships and Veffels, which, at the Time of delivering in fuch Account, remain in the Service of every fuch Office refpectively, and of all fuch as be- tween every fuch Account ſhall be diſcharged from fuch Service, and of the Names of the Maſters, Commanders, and Owners of all and every fuch Ships and Veffels refpectively, and alſo of the Numbers of Seamen, or other Perfons that fhall from Time to Time be imployed in every fuch Ship or Vef- fel; And that no Treaſurer, Paymafter, or other Offi- Treaſurer of the faid Of- cer, [ 352 ] fices to pay cer, of or belongingto any fuch Publick Office or Of- no Wages to any Ma- fices, fhall make out or pay any Bill for the Freight of fter 'till be any Ship or Veffel fo hired or imployed, or to be hired produce an or imployed for or in the Service of his Majefty, his Acquittance Heirs or Succeffors, as aforefaid, or pay any Wages to from the Receiver. any Mafter, Commander, Seaman, or other Perfon imployed, or that ſhall be imployed, in any ſuch Ship or Veffel, until every fuch Mafter, Commander, or Owner refpectively, ſhall and do produce and ſhew unto fuch Treaſurer, Paymafter, or other Offi- cer reſpectively, an Acquittance or Certificate figned by the faid Receiver or Receivers, or his or their De- puty or Deputies for the Time being, whereby it ſhall appear that fuch Maſter, Commander, or Owner, hath duly and fully paid and diſcharged the faid Du- ty of Six-pence per menfem, and that he is not more than thirty Days in Arrear to the faid Hofpital; and in caſe any Default, Neglect, or Omiffion fhall be made by any fuch Secretary, Chief Clerk, Trea- furer, Paymaster, or other Officer of or belong- ing to any of the faid Publick Offices refpectively, in any of the Acts, Matters, or Things, hereby directed to be by them reſpectively done and performed as aforeſaid, or ſhall in any wife act contrary to the be- fore mentioned Directions, then and in every of the faid Cafes every fuch Secretary, Chief Clerk, Treafu- rer, Paymafter, and other Officer, fo making Default, Neglect, or Omiffion, or acting contrary to fuch Direc- tions as aforefaid, fhall for every fuch Act, Default, On Penalty Neglect, or Omiffion, forfeit the Sum of fifty Pounds of lawful Money of Great-Britain, to be recovered of 50 1. and [ 353 ] and applied in fuch Manner, and for fuch Ufes, as in that Behalf is herein after mentioned and directed. 10 Ann. C. 17. &c. to pay inwards by 7. And whereas by the faid Act of the Tenth of 10 Queen Anne, the faid Duty of Six-pence per menfem is directed to be paid by the Mafters, Commanders, or Maſters, Owners of Ships or Veffels thereby made liable to pay the Duty be- the fame, within fourteen Days after they should be fore they cleared inward by the Officers of the Cuftoms, which are cleared hath been found ineffectual, in as much as many Ma- the Custom- fters and Commanders of Ships and Veſſels, after they bouſe. have been cleared at the Custom-Houfe, have wholly neglected to pay the faid Duty, whereby great Detri- ment and Lofs bath happened to the faid Hofpital: For Remedy whereof, Be it further enacted by the Autho- rity aforefaid, That from henceforth all and every the Maſters, Commanders, and Owners of all Merchant Ships, and other private Ships and Veffels whatſoever, by this or any of the faid former Acts made liable to the Payment of the faid Duty of Six-pence per men- Sem, fhall pay all fuch Monies, as fhall from Time to Time be due from them, and every of them re- ſpectively, unto the faid Hofpital, for or on Account of the faid Duty, before any fuch Ships or Veffels fhall be cleared inwards by the Officers of the Cu- ftoms of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, in any of the Ports of this Kingdom of Great-Britain, or of the faid Kingdom of Ireland, or of the faid Iſlands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, and Man, or of any of them, or of any of his Majeſty's Colonies, Ilands, or Dominions in America; and that no Cu- A Z z ftomer, [ 354 ] ſtomer, Collector, Comptroller, Receiver, Surveyor, Searcher, Waiter, or other Officer whatſoever, of or belonging to the Cuſtoms of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, fhall, at any Time hereafter, clear in- wards any Merchant Ship or private Veſſel whatſoever, by this or any of the faid former Acts made or declar- ed liable to the Payment of the faid Duty of Six-pence per menfem, or grant any Warrant, or give or make out any Cocquet, Tranfires, Returns, or Diſcharges, unto or for any fuch Ship or Veffel whatſoever, or ſhall permit or fuffer any fuch Ship or Veffel to go out of any the Ports before mentioned, until the faid Ma- fter, Commander, or Owner or Owners of every ſuch Ship or Veffel reſpectively ſhall and do produce and fhew forth unto fuch Officer or Officers, an Acquit- tance or Certificate figned by the faid Receiver or Receivers or his or their Deputy or Deputies for the Time being, whereby it ſhall appear, that fuch Ma- fter, Commander, or Owner or Owners, have duly and fully paid and diſcharged the ſaid Duty, and that he or they is not or are more than thirty Days in Ar- rear to the ſaid Hoſpital, or that they are exempted from the Payment of the faid Duties by Virtue of the Exceptions herein, and in the faid Act of the Tenth Mafters, of Queen Anne contained; and every Mafter, Com- Cuſtomers, mander, and Owner of any fuch Ship or Veſſel, who &c. making Default, fhall refuſe or neglect to pay the faid Duty of Six- forfeit 201. pence per menfem, in the Manner and within the Time herein before mentioned, limitted, and appoint- ed for Payment thereof, and alfo every Cuftomer, Collector, Comptroller, Receiver, Surveyor, Searcher, Waiter, [355] Waiter, and other Officer of the Cuftoms, who fhall make Default in any of the Premiffes injoined them refpectively by this Act, or fhall in any wife act con- trary to the Directions herein before mentioned, fhall for every fuch Refufal, Neglect, Default, or Act, for- feit the Sum of twenty Pounds of lawful Money of this Kingdom, if fuch Forfeitures fhall be incurred within Great-Britain or Ireland, or to the Amount thereof in the Money of fuch Iſlands, Colonies, or Do- minions where the fame fhall be incurred, to be re- covered and applied in fuch Manner, as in that Behalf is herein after mentioned and directed. to be accept- 8. Provided, and be it further enacted by the Au- Quaker's thority aforefaid, That in all Cafes, wherein by this Affirmation Act an Oath is required or appointed to be taken, the ed instead of folemn Affirmation and Declaration of the People an Oath. called Quakers fhall be accepted inſtead of ſuch Oath, in fuch Manner and Form, as by the Laws and Sta- tutes of this Kingdom is directed and appointed; and if any fuch Quaker ſhall refuſe to make fuch folemn Affirmation and Declaration in any Cafe, wherein any other Perſon is hereby required to take an Oath, every fuch Quaker fo refufing fhall, for every fuch Offence, be ſubject to the like Forfeitures and Pe- nalties as any other Perfon refufing to take an Oath, is made liable to by this Act; and in cafe any fuch Quakers or Quaker fhall, upon his folemn. Affirmation or Decla- others guilty ration, affirm or declare any Matter which fhall be fa false Affirmation falſe, or if any other Perfon, before any fuch Receiver or Oath, or other Perfon hereby authorized to adminifter liable to like Puniſhment Z z 2 Oaths, [356] as wilful Oaths, fhall wilfully make a falfe Oath, every fuch Perjury. Quaker, or other Perfon, being thereof lawfully con- victed, fhall, for every fuch Offence, fuffer, and be lia- ble to the like Fines, Pains, Penalties, and Puniſh- ments, as Perfons convicted of wilful and corrupt Per- jury are fubject or liable to by the Laws of the refpec- tive Places where fuch Offence fhall be committed.. Forfeitures and Penal- ties how to 9. And be it further enacted by the Authority afore- faid, That all and every, the Forfeitures and Penalties, be fued for. which fhall at any Time hereafter be incurred by Vir- tue of this Act, or any Clauſe therein contained, with- in the Kingdoms of Great-Britain and Ireland re- fpectively, ſhall be fued for and recovered in ſuch Manner, and with fuch Cofts of Suit, as by the faid Act of the Tenth of Queen Anne is preſcribed and di- rected for the Recovery of the Penalty or Forfeiture of twenty Pounds, hereby laid. or inflicted upon the. faid Mafters, Commanders, and Owners of Ships or Veffel's neglecting or refufing to appear, or make Dif- covery, or to pay the faid Duty, in fuch Manner as by the ſaid laſt mentioned Act is required and direct- ed; and that all and every the Forfeitures and Penal- ties, which fhall at any Time hereafter. be incurred. by Virtue of this Act, or any Clauſe therein contain- ed, within the faid Iflands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alder- ney, Sark, and Man, or the faid Colonies, Iflands, or Dominions in America, or within any of them re- ſpectively, fhall be fued for and recovered within the faid Iflands, Colonies, and Dominions refpectively, in fuch and the fame Manner as is. ufual in fuing for. and [ 357 ] and recovering other Forfeitures or Penalties incurred by Virtue of Penal Laws within the faid Iſlands, Co- lonies, and Dominions refpectively, together with dou- ble Gofts of Suit; and that one Moiety of all and every the faid Forfeitures and Penalties, when reco- vered, fhall go and be to the Uſe of the faid Hofpi- tal, and the other Moiety thereof to the Uſe of ſuch Perfon or Perfons, as fhall fue for the fame in Manner. as aforefaid.. 10. And be it further enacted by the Authority General If aforefaid, That if at any Time or Times hereafter, fue. any Perſon or Perfons fhall be fued for any Matter or Thing, which fhall be done by Virtue or in Executi- on hereof, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall and may plead. the General Iffue, and give this Act and the fpecial Matter in Evidence; and if upon any Trial the Plaintiff fhall become nonfuited, or a Verdict fhall Treble Cofts.. paſs for the Defendant, fuch Defendant ſhall recover C. 36. S. and be allowed treble Cofts of Suit. 2 Geo. II. 9, 10. Anno [ 358 ] Perfons fe- loniously Stricken or the Sea, &c. and dying in Anno 2do Geo. II. Cap. 21. An Act for the Trial of Murders in Cafes where either the Stroke, or Death only happens, within that Part of Great-Bri- tain called England. OR Fo R preventing any Failure of Justice, and tak- ing away all Doubts touching the Trial of Murders in the Cafes herein after mentioned: Be it enacted by the King's moſt Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Conſent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament af fembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That where any Perſon, at Perfon, at any Time after the twenty-fourth poisoned on Day of June, in the Year of our Lord one Thouſand feven Hundred and Twenty Nine, fhall be feloniouſly England, ftricken or poiſoned upon the Sea, or at any Place out or fricken of that Part of the Kingdom of Great-Britain called or poiſoned England, and ſhall die of the fame Stroke or Poiſoning within that Part of the Kingdom of Great-Britain called England; or where any Perfon, at any Time after the twenty-fourth Day of June, in the Year of our Lord one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Twenty Nine, ſhall be feloniouſly ſtricken or poiſoned at any Place within that Part of Great-Britain called Eng- land, and fhall die of the fame Stroke or Poifoning upon the Sea, or at any Place out of that Part of the Kingdom of Great-Britain called England; in either in Eng Jand, and dying on the Sea, &c. of • [ 359 ] Stroke, happens, Goal Deli- very, &c. of the ſaid Caſes, an Indictment thereof found by the An Indict- Jurors of the County, in that Part of the Kingdom of ment found by Furors of Great-Britain called England, in which fuch Death, the County Stroke, or Poiſoning fhall happen refpectively, as afore- where faid, whether it fhall be found before the Coroner, Poisoning, upon the View of fuch dead Body, or before the Ju- or Death ſtices of the Peace, or other Juftices, or Commiffioners, ball be good who ſhall have Authority to inquire of Murders, ſhall against be as good and effectual in the Law, as well againſt and Accef- Principal the Principals in any fuch Murder, as the Acceffaries faries. thereunto, as if fuch felonious Stroke, and Death there- by enfuing, or Poiſoning, and Death thereby enfuing, and the Offence of fuch Acceffaries, had happened in the fame County where fuch Indictment fhall be found; and that the Juftices of Goal Delivery, and Justices of Oyer and Terminer, in the fame County where fuch Indictment ſhall be found, and alfo any fuperior Court, shall pro- in cafe fuch Indictment fhall be removed into fuch ceed thereon.. fuperior Court, ſhall and may proceed upon the fame in all Points, as well againſt the Principals in any fuch Murder, as the Acceffaries thereto, as they might or ought to do, in cafe fuch felonious Stroke, and Death thereby enſuing, or Poiſoning, and Death thereby en- fuing, and the Offence of fuch Acceffaries, had hap- pened in the fame County where fuch Indictment ſhall be found; and that every fuch Offender, as well And Of Principal, as Acceffary, fhall anſwer upon their Ar- anfwer, and fenders fhall raignments, and have the like Defences, Advantages, receive the and Exceptions (except Challenges for the Hundred) &c. as if and ſhall receive the like Trial, Judgment, Order, the Murder and Execution, and fuffer fuch Forfeitures, Pains, and bad happen- ed in fuck Penalties, County, • like Trial, [360] Penalties, as they ought to do, if fuch felonious Stroke, and Death thereby enfuing, or Poiſoning, and Death thereby enfuing, and the Offence of fuch Ac- ceffaries, had happened in the fame County where fuch Indictment fhall be found. This Alt by 12 Geo. II. C. 13. S. 3. S.3: Anno 2do Geo. II. Cap. 23. is continued An Act for the better Regulation of Attor- 'till the 24th of June 1748, &c. 28. This Att not to ex- the Council P nies and Solicitors. ROVIDED alfo, That this Act, or any Thing herein contained, fhall not extend, tend to the or be conftrued to extend, to the Examination, Swear- Solicitors of the Treafu- ing, Admiffion, or Inrollment, of Perfons to be Soli- ry, &c. or citors of the Treafury, Cuſtoms, Excife, Poſt-Office, Alifant to Salt or Stamp Duties, or of any other Branches of his of the Ad- Majefty's Revenue for the Time being, or of the So- miralty. licitor of the City of London for the Time being, or of the Affiſtant to the Council for the Affairs of the Admiralty and Navy; but that fuch Solicitors and Affiftant may be examined, fworn, admitted, and practiſe, in their reſpective Offices only, as they might have done before the making this Act. + Anno [ 361 ] ( Anno 2do Geo. II. Cap. 36. An Act for the better Regulation and Go- vernment of Seamen in the Merchants Service. W HEREAS the Welfare and Riches of this Kingdom greatly depend on the Trade and Na- vigation thereof, the fame being of great Ufe and Be- nefit, and tending very much to enriching the Subjects thereof, upon which great Numbers of the Artificers and Manufacturers Livelihoods wholly depend; and whereas, for feveral Years laft paft, the Navigation carried on by the Merchants to Parts beyond the Seas hath been, and doth ftill remain, under very great Difficulties and Expences, by the Uncertainty they labour under by Seamen and Mariners, who fhip themſelves on board Merchant Ships, and after they have fo done, neglect their Duty, and will not remain on board their Ships or Veffels, to diſcharge their Du- ty; and very often, when Ships and Veffels come to be cleared out, in Order to proceed on their respective Voyages, the Seamen refuſe to proceed with them, with- out coming to new Agreements for increafing their Wages, and many of them will leave their Ships and Veffels, and not proceed on their Voyages, which puts the Owners of fuch Ships and Veffels to great Trouble and Charges to get other Sailors or Mariners in their Stead, and often is a Means to overfet the Voyages of A a a fuch [362] Such Ships and Veffels, to the great Prejudice of the Owners and Freighters of the Goods on board the faid Ships and Veffels; and yet fuch Seamen and Mariners after they have committed fuch Offences and Diſorders, will bring Actions against the Owners or Masters of the ſaid Ships and Veffels for the Recovery of their Wages from the Time of their shipping themfelves unto the Time they quit the faid Ships and Veffels: And whereas many of the faid Seamen and Mariners will neglect their Duty when on board at Sea, and defert their Ships and Veffels in foreign Parts, which puts the faid Owners of Ships and Veſſels to very great Diffi- culties and Expences, to get others in their Stead, to bring their Ships and Veffels home; and after- wards fuch Seamen and Mariners infift on reco- vering their Wages, notwithstanding their voluntary Defertion; all which is a great Difcouragement to Trade and Navigation: Therefore, in Order to pre- vent fuch Practices for the future, May it pleafe your Majeſty that it may be enacted: And be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this preſent Parliament No Maſters affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That of Ships to from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June, one proceed on a Voyage Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Twenty Nine, it ſhalk not be lawful for any Mafter or Commander of any agreeing with the Ship or Veffel bound to Parts beyond the Seas, to car- Mariners ry any Seaman or Mariner except his Apprentice or for Wages. Apprentices, to Sea, from the Port or Place, where he without or they were entred, or ſhipt, to proceed on any Voy- age [363 ] age to Parts beyond the Seas, without firft coming to an Agreement or Contract with fuch Seamen or Mari- ners for their Wages, which Agreement or Agree- ments ſhall be made in Writing, declaring what Wa- ges each Seaman or Mariner is to have reſpectively du- ring the whole. Voyage, or for fo long Time as he or they ſhall ſhip themſelves for; and alſo to expreſs in the faid Agreement or Contract the Voyage, for which fuch Seaman or Mariner was ſhipt, to perform the fame; and in cafe any Maſter or Commander of any Ship or Veffel ſhall carry out any Seaman or Mariner, except his Apprentice or Apprentices, upon any Voy- Apprentices age to Parts beyond the Seas, without firſt entring in- excepted. to fuch Agreement or Contract, as aforefaid, and he and they figning the fame, fuch Maſter or Command- er fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of five Pounds for On Forfei every fuch Seaman or Mariner, which he shall carry for each to Sea without entring into fuch Agreement in Writ-Mariner. ing, as aforefaid, to the Uſe of Greenwich Hofpital, to be recovered upon Information on the Oath of one or more Witneſs or Witneffes, before any one or more of his Majeſty's Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, who are hereby authorized and required to iffue out his or their Warrant or Warrants to bring before him or them fuch Maſter or Commander of any fuch Ship or Vef- fel; and in caſe he or they refuſe to pay fuch Penalty or Forfeiture, as aforefaid, to grant his or their War- rant or Warrants, to levy the fame by Diſtreſs and Sale of the Offender's Goods; and, in cafe no Diſtreſs can be found, to commit the Offender or Offenders to the Common Goal of the City, County, Town, or Aaa 2 Place, [364]. Place, there to remain until he or they fhall pay the fame. Mariners to 2. And be it further enacted,. That if any Seaman Lign the Agreement. or Mariner enter or Ship himſelf on board any Mer- chant Ship or Veffel, on any intended Voyage for Parts beyond the Seas,. he and they fo entring them- felves, as aforefaid, fhall, and they are hereby obliged to fign fuch Agreement or Contract within three Days after he or they fhall have entred themſelves on board any Ship or Veffel, in Order to proceed on any Voy- age, as aforefaid; which Agreement or Agreements, or Contracts, after the figning thereof, fhall be conclu- five and binding to all Parties, for and during the Time or Times fo agreed or contracted for, to all In- tents and Purpoſes, any Cuſtom or Ufage to the con trary in any wiſe notwithſtanding, Penalty on Mariners deferting, azc. 3. And be it enacted and declared by the Autho- rity aforefaid, That in cafe any Seaman or Mariner ſhall defert, or refufe to proceed on the Voyage on board any Ship or Veffel, bound to parts beyond the Seas, as aforefaid, or that ſhall defert from the Ship or Veffel, to which he or they fhall belong, in Parts be- yond the Seas, after he or they ſhall have figned fuch Contract or Agreement, he or they ſhall forfeit to the Owners of fuch Ship or Veffel the Wages which ſhall be due to him or them at the Time of his or their de- ferting from fuch Ship or Veffel, or obftinately refuf- ing to proceed on fuch Voyage.. 4. And [ 365 ] 7 1 + the Peace Correction. 4. And be it further enacted, that in caſe any fuch Justices of Seaman or Mariner fhall. defert or abſent himſelf from may commit: any fuch Ship or Veffel, after he or they have en- Deferters to tred into and figned fuch Contract or Agreement to the Houſe of proceed upon any Voyage to Parts beyond the Seas, as aforefaid, upon Application made to any of his Majeſty's Juſtices of the Peace, within their reſpec- tive Juriſdictions, by the Maſter or Commander, Ow- ner or Owners, or other Perfon or Perfons having Charge of the faid Ship or Veffel, to which fuch Seaman or Mariner did belong, it fhall and may be lawful for fuch Juftice or Juftices, and they are here- by required, to iffue forth his or their Warrant or Warrants to apprehend fuch Seaman or Mariner and in cafe he or they fhall refufe to proceed on the Voyage, for which he or they entred into Contra&t or Agreement to perform, as aforefaid, and fhall not give a fufficient. Reaſon for fuch Refufal, to the Sa- tisfaction of fuch. Juftice or Juftices, then to commit fuch Seaman or Mariner to the Houſe of Correction, there to be kept to hard Labour, not exceeding thir- ty Days, nor leſs than fourteen Days, any thing to the contrary notwithſtanding.. ; 5. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, Penalty on that in caſe any Seaman or Mariner fhall abfent him- Mariners abſenting felf from the Ship or Veffel, to which he ſhall be from Ship long, without Leave from the Maſter or Commander without or other Chief Officer, having the Charge of fuch Ship or Veffel, every fuch Seaman or Mariner fhall, for Leave.. $ [366] for every fuch Day's Abſence, forfeit two Days Pay to the Uſe of Greenwich Hofpital, to be recovered, applied, and difpofed of, as is herein after directed by this Act. Penalty for 6. And whereas Seamen and Mariners, after their leaving the Ship before Ships Arrival at their Unlivering Port in Great- discharged. Britain, oft-times leave the Ships and Veffels before they are unladen, or before the faid Seamen and Ma- riners are diſcharged by the Mafters or Commanders of fuch Ships and Veffels; In order to prevent fuch Practices for the future; Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, that in caſe any Seaman or Ma- riner, not entring into the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs, and Succeffors, fhall leave fuch Ship or Veſſel, to which he or they belong, before he or they fhall have a Diſcharge in writing from the Maſter or Com- mander, or other Perfon having the Charge of fuch Ship or Veffel, he or they fo leaving fuch Ship or Veffel fhall forfeit one Month's Pay, to be recovered, applied, and difpofed of, as is herein after directed. Maſters to 7. And be it further enacted by the Authority pay Mari- ners Wages aforefaid, that upon the Arrival of any Ship or Veffel in 30 Days into Great-Britain, from Parts beyond the Seas, the after coming Maſters or Commanders of fuch Ships or Veffels ſhall home. be, and they are hereby obliged to pay the Seamen and Mariners belonging to fuch Ships or Veffels their Wages, if demanded, in thirty Days after the faid Ships or Veffels being entred at the Cuſtom-Houfe, except in caſe where a Covenant fhall be entred into to [367] to the contrary, or at the Time the faid Seamen and Mariners fhall be diſcharged, which ſhall first happen, if demanded, deducting out of fuch Wages the Pe- nalties and Forfeitures by this Act impofed, under the Penalty of paying to each Seaman or Mariner that fhall be unpaid, contrary to the Intent and Meaning of this Act, twenty Shillings over and above the Wages that ſhall be due to each Perfon, to be re- covered by the fame Means and Methods, as the Wages may be recovered; and fuch Payment of Wages aforefaid fhall be good and valid in Law,. notwithſtanding any Action, Bill of Sale, Attachment,, or. Incumbrance whatſoever. + 8. And be it further enacted, that no Seaman or In Cafe of Mariner by entring into or figning fuch Contract or Suit for Wa- Agreement, as aforeſaid, ſhall be deprived of or hinges, Maſter. obliged to dered from ufing any Means or Methods for the Re-produce the covery of Wages againſt any Ship, the Mafter or Agreement.. Owners thereof, which he may now lawfully make uſe of, and that in all Cafes where it ſhall or may be neceffary that the Contract or Agreement in Writing aforeſaid ſhould be produced in Court, no Obligation ſhall lie on any Seaman or Mariner to produce the fame, but on the Mafter, Owner or Owners of the Ship, for which the Wages fhall be demanded; and no Seaman or Mariner fhall fail in any Suit, Action, or Proceſs for Recovery of Wages for Want of fuch. Agreement or Contract being produced, any Law, Uſage, or Cuſtom to the contrary notwithſtanding. 9. And [368] Maſters to deduct out of Seamen's due to 9. And be it further enacted, that the Mafters, or Commanders, or Owners of any Ships or Veffels, Wages all fhall and they hereby have full Power to deduct, out Penalties of the Wages of any Seaman or Mariner, all the Greenwich Penalties and Forfeitures to be incurred by this Act, Hofpital. and to enter them in a Book or Books to be kept for that Purpoſe, and to make Oath, if required, to the Truth thereof; which Book or Books fhall be figned by the faid Maſter or Commander of each Ship or Veffel reſpectively, and two or more principal Officers belonging to fuch Ships or Veffels, fetting forth that the Penalties and Forfeitures contained in fuch Book or Books, are the whole Penalties and Forfeitures ftopt from any Seamen or Mariners during the whole Voyage; which Penalties and Forfeitures (except the Forfeiture of Wages to the Owners on the Deſertion of any Seaman or Mariner, or on refufing to proceed on the Voyage) fhall go to, and be ap- plied to the Ufe of Greenwich Hofpital, and not other- wife, to be paid and accounted for by the Maſters and Commanders of Ships and Veffels coming from Parts beyond the Seas, to the fame Officer or Officers, at any Port or Place, who collects the Six-pence per Month, deducted out of Seamen's Wages, for the Uſe of the faid Hofpital; which Officer fhall have and hereby hath, full Power to adminiſter an Oath to every Commander or Mafter reſpectively touching the Truch of fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, to be paid, applied, and diſpoſed of, as aforeſaid. 10. And [369] Months. 10. And be it further enacted, That in cafe any Forfeitures Maſters, or Commanders, or Owners of any Ships or to the Hof- to be paid Veffels, fhall deduct out of the Wages of any Seamen pital within or Mariners any of the Penalties and Forfeitures, which three by this Act are directed to be deducted and applied to and for the Ufe of Greenwich Hofpital, and fhall not pay the Money fo deducted to fome Officer or Offi- cers, who collect the Six-pence per Month, deducted out of Seamens Wages, for the Uſe of the ſaid Hofpi- tal, in the Port or Place where fuch Deduction fhall be made, within three Months after fuch Deduction, every Perſon ſo neglecting to pay the Money deduct- ed, as aforeſaid, ſhall forfeit and pay treble the Value thereof to the Ufe of the faid Hofpital; which, toge- ther with the Money deducted, as aforefaid, fhall and may be recovered by the fame Means and Methods, as any Penalties and Forfeitures for not duly paying the ſaid Six-pence per Month can or may be recovered. II. And be it further enacted, That this Act fhall Publick Aut. be deemed and taken to be a Publick Act; and all Judges and Juftices are hereby obliged to take Notice of it as fuch, without ſpecial pleading the fame. By 8 Geo. 12. Provided always, and is is hereby enacted, Continuance That this Act fhall continue and be in force for the of this Act. Space of five Years, to be reckoned from the ſaid twen- II. C. 21. ty-fourth Day of June, one Thouſand feven Hundred Continued and Twenty Nine, and from thence to the End of the 25th of then next Seffion of Parliament, and no longer. March Bb b 13. Provided, ¹749, and 'till the [ 370 ] from thence &c. This Alt 13. Provided, That nothing in this Act contained fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to debar any not to debar Seaman or Mariner belonging to any Merchant Ship Seamen or Veffel, from entring, or being entred into the Ser- from entring into the vice of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, on board King's Ser- any of his or their Ships or Veffels; nor fhall fuch Seaman or Mariner, for fuch Entry, forfeit the Wages due to him, during the Term of his Service in fuch Merchant Ship or Veffel; nor fhall fuch Entry be deemed a Deſertion. vice, Ships of War not chargeable Anno 3º Geo. II. Cap. 36. An Act for confirming a Patent granted by her late Majesty Queen Anne to William Trench Efquire, deceafed, for erecting a Lighthouſe upon the Iſland or Rock called Skerries, and for the better Maintenance of the faid Lighthouſe, and for making the Duties granted for maintaining the Same perpetual. 7. P ROVIDED nevertheless, That nothing in this Act contained ſhall extend, or be with Duties conftrued to extend, to charge any of the Ships or Veffels of War belonging to his prefent Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors with any of the Duties granted by for the Mainte- nance of the this [ 37 ] &c. this Act, or the faid Letters Patent; any Thing here- Lighthouse, in contained to the contrary thereof in any wife not- withſtanding. Anno 4to Geo. II. Cap. 18. An Act to prevent counterfeiting the Paffes, commonly called Mediterranean Paffes. WHEREAS certain Treaties or Conventions have been concluded, and are fubfifting between the King's moft Excellent Majefty, and the feveral States and Governments of Barbary, for establishing and preſerving a firm and inviolable Peace between bis Ma- jefty, and the faid States and Governments, and their refpective Dominions and Subjects, by which Treaties it is ftipulated and agreed, that all Ships and Veffels belonging to his Majefty, or any of his Subjects, may freely pass the Seas, and fafely enter and come into the Ports and Harbours of the faid refpective States and Governments, without any Lett, Hindrance, Sei- zure, or Moleftation, upon producing Paffes of a cer- tain Form, under the Hand and Seal of the Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain and Ireland, or of the Commiffioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain and Ireland, for the Time being; and in Conformity to thofe Treaties, and purfu- ant to Several Orders of his Majefty's moft Honourable Privy Council, fuch Paffes have from Time to Time been Bbb 2 iffued, [372] iſſued, and are commonly called Mediterranean Paffes And whereas divers wicked and ill-difpofed Perfons; Subjects of his Majefty, have made and forged fuch Paffes, and have counterfeited the Seal of the faid Of- fice, and the Hands of feveral of the Commiffioners for executing the faid Office of Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain and Ireland, and have fold and published fuch falfe and counterfeit Paſſes in Parts beyond the Seas, or elsewhere, which Practices do not only tend to the manifeft Prejudice of his Majesty's Revenue, and the Lofs and Damage of the Merchants of this King- dom, by fubjecting their Ships, Perfons, and Effects, to be feized and detained; but may also occafion a Breach of the Peace, Amity, and Friendship, between this Kingdom and the States and Governments aforementi- oned, ſhould fuch Offenders go unpunished: And where- as the faid Crimes and Offences, being frequently com- mitted in foreign Parts, are not triable or cognizable in any Court in Great-Britain or Ireland; For Reme- dying fuch Defect and Inconvenience, and alſo for in- Alicting a more exemplary Pnniſhment upon fuch Offend- ers, Be it enacted by the King's moſt Excellent Ma- jefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this preſent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of Counterfeit the fame, That if any Perſon or Perſons, after the ing Medi- terranean twenty-fourth Day of June, in the Year of our Lord Paffes, is one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Thirty One, fhall Felony with- within Great-Britain or Ireland, or any other his out Benefit of Clergy. Majefty's Dominions, or without, falfely make, forge, or counterfeit, or cauſe or procure to be falfely made, 7 forged, } [ 373 ] forged, or counterfeited, or wittingly or knowingly act or affift in the falfe making, forging, or counter- feiting any Pafs or Paffes, for any Ship or Ships what- foever, commonly called a Mediterranean Paſs or Me- diterranean Paffes, or fhall counterfeit the Seal of the faid Office, or the Hand or Hands of the Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain and Ireland, for the Time being, or of any Commiffioner or Commiffioners for executing the faid Office for the Time being, to any fuch Paſs or Paffes, or fhall alter or erafe any true and authentick Pafs or Paffes iffued or made out by the Lord High Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland, or the Commiffioners for executing the ſaid Office for the Time being, or ſhall utter or publish as true any fuch falſe, forged, counterfeited, altered, or eraſed Päfs or Paffes, knowing the fame to be falfe, forged, counterfeited, altered, or erafed, all and every fuch Perſon and Perfons, being in due Form of Law convicted of any of the Offences aforefaid, in any proper Court of Great-Britain, Ireland, or any of his Majefty's Plantations beyond the Seas, where fuch Offence fhall be committed refpectively, fhall be adjudged guilty of Felony, and fhall fuffer Death as in Cafes of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy... 2. Provided always, And it is hereby further en- ThefeCrimes acted by the Authority aforefaid, that all and every committed in the Crimes and Offences before mentioned, which his Majesty's fhall be done or committed in any Country or Place or without, out of Great-Britain, either within the Dominion may be tried. > Dominions, of in any in any Shire [ 374 ] 7 of Great of his Majeſty, his Heirs, or Succeffors, or without, Britain,&c. fhall and may be inquired of, tried, heard, deter- mined and adjudged in any Shire or County. of Great-Britain, by Virtue of the King's Commiffion, or Commiffioners of Oyer and Terminer, and Goal Delivery, or before any Court of Jufticiary in Scot land reſpectively, in the fame manner as if fuch Of- fence or Offences was or were done or committed within the fame County or Shire where fuch Offen- der or Offenders fhall be tried; any Law, Statute, Cuſtom, or Uſage to the contrary notwithſtanding. Anno to Geo. II. Cap. 18. 5 An Act for the further Qualification of Juftices of the Peace. This Act not 6. to extend to the Board of 6.P ROVIDED alfo, That nothing in this Act contained ſhall entend, or be conftrued to GreenCloth; extend to incapacitate or exclude the Officers of the Board of Green Cloth from being Juftices of the Peace within the Verge of his Majefty's Palaces, or Or Commif- to incapacitate or exclude the Commiffioners and fioners and Principal Officers of the Navy, or the two Under Principal Officers of Secretaries in each of the Offices of Principal Secre- the Navy. tary of State, from being Juftices of the Peace in and for fuch Maritime Counties and Places, where they uſually have been Juftices of the Peace; any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithſtanding. Anno [ 375 ] + Anno to Geo. II. Cap. 20. An Act for the better Regulation and Go- vernment of Pilots licenfed by the Cor- poration of Trinity-Houfe of Deptford Strond in the County of Kent, and to prevent Miſchiefs and Annoyances upon the River of Thames below London- Bridge. 15. PR ROVIDED alfo, That this Act, or This At any Thing herein contained, fhall not shall not pre- extend or be conftrued to extend to abridge, preju-te Ju- judice or af- dice, or derogate from any Right, Authority, or rifdiction of Jurifdiction belonging to the Office of Lord High the Lord Admiral; but that the fame fhall be and continue in Admiral, the fame State and Condition as before the making of this Act. Anno [376] 10 & 11 W. III. C. .10. 1 Anno to Geo. II. Cap. 21. An Additional Act for the Encouragement of the Woollen Manufactures of this Kingdom, by the more effectual prevent- ing the unlawful Exportation of the Woollen Manufactures of the Kingdom of Ireland to Foreign Parts. WHEREAS by an Act made in the Tenth and Eleventh Years of the Reign of King William the Third, intituled, An Act to prevent the Exportation of Wool out of the Kingdoms of Ireland and England, and for the Encouragement of the Woollen Manufactures in the Kingdom of England, certain Ships and Sloops are directed to cruize on the Coafts of England and Ireland, particularly be- tween the North of Ireland and Scotland, with Orders to take and feixe all Ships, Veffels, and Boats, which Shall export any Wool, with Intent to carry it into Foreign Parts, but the Commanders of fuch Ships and Sloops are not thereby authorized to feize Ships, Veffels, and Boats, which shall export any Woollen Manufactures from Ireland into Foreign Parts, the Exportation whereof is nevertheless prohibited by Law, and are difcouraged by other Restrictions in the faid Act from putting the fame in Execution; therefore to render the faid Act more effectual, Be it enacted by the [ 377 ] to cruize on the King's moſt Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, and the Commons, in this preſent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, that Admiralty to the Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain, or Com-appoint three miffioners for executing the Office of Lord High Ad-eight or more Ships, and miral of Great-Britain, for the Time being, fhall arm'dSloops, from Time to Time, direct and appoint three Ships the Coasts of of the Sixth Rate, and eight or more armed Sloops, Great-Bri- conſtantly to cruize on the Coafts of Great-Britain tain and Ireland, and Ireland, in fuch Stations as the faid Lord High Admiral, or Commiffioners for the Time being, fhall affign to fuch Ships and Sloops refpectively, with Orders for taking and feizing all Ships, Veffels, and WithOrders Boats, in which any Worfted, Bay, or Woollen Yarn, to feize Vef- Cloth, Serges, Bays, Kerfeys, Says, Frizes, Drug-fels having gets, Cloth Serges, Shalloons, or any other Dra- Manufac pery Stuffs, or Woollen Manufactures whatſoever, tures on made up or mixed with Wool, or Wool-flocks, board to be exported fhall be exported, or laden in order to be ex-from Ire- ported from Ireland into Foreign Parts; and land to Fe- that the faid Lord High Admiral, or the faid Commiffioners for the Time being, fhall fend a Lift of fuch Ships and Sloops, and the Names of Lifts of the the Commanders thereof, together with true Copies Ships and of the feveral Inftructions to them given, within ten Sloops to be Days after the Date of the faid Orders, to his Ma- Commiffio- jefty's Commiffioners for the Management of the ners of the Cuſtoms in Great-Britain, and to the Commiffioners Customs, with Copies of his Majefty's Revenue in Ireland. of the In- 2. And fructions. Ccc Woollen reign Parts. Sent to the [ 37 ] Command and Sloops may fearch Veffels, upon ' 2. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, ers of Ships That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Com- mander of every fuch Ship and Sloop in any Port, Creek, or Road, or in the open Sea, within the Limits of the Station which ſhall be affigned to fuch Ship or Sloop, as aforefaid, to enter and ſearch, or caufe to And on find-be entred and fearched, any Ship, Veffel, or Boat; and ing the if Goods pro- fuch Search any of the faid prohibited Com- bibited, modities. fhall be found therein, and the Maſter or Commander of fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, fhall not immediately produce to the Commander of fuch Ship or Sloop a lawful Cocket or Warrant, licenfing the Exportation or Tranſportation thereof, to take and Carry Crew feize fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, and to carry the fame, into Port. together with the Crew and Cargo thereof, into. any Port in Great-Britain or Ireland. and Cargo Ships and Goods for- feited, A 睿 ​3. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid,. That every fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat fo taken and feized, with all her Guns, Tackle, Furni ture and Apparel, and all the faid prohibited Commo- dities, which ſhall be found therein, fhall be forfeited, and the ſaid prohibited Commodities fhall be lodged in the King's Warehouſe in ſuch Port, into which fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat fhall be carried, as aforefaid, un- After Con- til it ſhall be condemned according to Law, and be- demnation, ing fo condemned, fhall be expofed publickly to Sale, to be fold public on after one and twenty Days publick Notice thereof in publickly twenty-one Writing, being affixed upon the Cuſtom-Houſe of the Days No- faid Port, by Inch of Candle, to the laſt and beſt tice... Bidder; [379] Bidder; and that every fuch Ship, Veffel, or Boat, and all the Guns, Tackle, Furniture, and Apparel thereof, fhall after Condemnation thereof, be expofed to Sale in like Manner; and that one fourth Part of the Produce of fuch Sale or Sales ſhall be to the Commander of the Ship or Sloop, that ſhall make fuch Seizure, as aforeſaid, one other fourth Part to the other Officers of fuch Ship or Sloop, one other fourth Part to the Mariners thereof, to be equally diftributed to the faid Mariners by the Chief Officer of the Cuſtoms in the ſaid Port, or by fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall be authorized to make fuch Sale or Sales, as aforefaid, and the other fourth Part thereof to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, after a Deduction made out of the laft fourth Part for all the Charges of Profecution and Condemnation: Pro-Informers vided always, That if fuch Seizure fhall be made up- indemnified, on the Information of any Perſon or Perfons, fuch In- former or Informers fhall not only be indemnified from the Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures, to which Exporters of the faid prohibited Commodities, their Aiders and Abetters are liable, but fhall alfo receive And to have one fifth Part of the Produce of fuch Sale or Sales, a fifth Part of the Sale. and the Refidue thereof ſhall be divided into four equal Parts, and diftributed in fuch Manner as is here- in before directed. 4. And be it further enacted by the Authority General If- aforefaid, That if any Action fhall be commenced Sue. againſt any Perfon for what he fhall do in Purſuance of this Act, fuch Perſon ſhall and may plead the Ge- neral Iffue, and give this Act and the ſpecial Matter Ccc 2 in [ 380 ] in Evidence; and if the Plaintiff fhall become non- fuit, or diſcontinue the Action, or if a Verdict fhall paſs againſt him, or Judgment be given againſt him Treble Cofts. upon a Demurrer, the Defendant fhall recover treble Perfons claiming Shares in Seizures to give Secu- rity to an- fwer the Penalties. 1 Not to make nalties of Cofts. 5. And be it further enacted, That no Perfon or Perfons fhall be admitted to claim Property in any Seizure that fhall be made upon any Claufe in this or any Act of Parliament, for preventing the unlawful Exportation of Woollen Goods from Ireland, 'till he or they ſhall firft have given fufficient Security by Recognizance entred into before one of the Commif- fioners of the Revenue in Ireland, or one of the Ba- rons of the Court of Exchequer in England, to an- ſwer the Penalties attending the Forfeiture thereof. 7. Provided always, That this Act, or any Thing void the Pe-therein contained, fhall not extend, or be conſtrued to former Acts, extend, to difannul or make void any other Penal- on Exporta- ties or Forfeitures inflicted by any former Law, upon tion of Wool. the Exportation of Wool and Woollen Manufactures, or to alter or repeal any Clauſe therein. contained, which is not hereby altered or repealed; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wiſe notwithſtanding. Anno [381] Anno 6to Geo. II. Cap. 25. An Act for enabling his Majefty to apply five Hundred Thousand Pounds out of the Sinking Fund, for the Service of the Year one Thouſand feven Hundred and Thirty Three, and for the further Dif pofition of the faid Fund, by paying off one Million of South-Sea Annuities, and for enabling his Majefly out of the Mo- nies ariffen by Sale of the Lands in the Iland of Saint Chriſtopher, to pay the Sum of eighty Thoufand Pounds, for the Marriage Portion of the Princess Royal, and ten Thouſand Pounds to the Truſtees for eſtabliſhing the Colony of Georgia in America, and for making good all Defi- ciencies and Charges, by taking of Broad Pieces into the Mint out of the Coinage Duty; and for appropriating the Supplies granted in this Seffion of Parliament, and for iffuing to the Subdean, Treafurer, and Steward of the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter Weſtminſter, out of the Mo- nies [ 382] The Wages 18. and Allow- ance of Vic- да Hundred in Ships of nies referved for building fifty new Churches within the Cities of London and Weftminster, and the Suburbs thereof, and for making Provifions for the Mini- fters of the fame, four Thousand Pounds for the Repair of the faid Collegiate Church, and twelve Hundred Pounds for finifhing the Dormitory belonging there- unto. further enacted by the Authority Aaforefaid, That from and after the twenty- Books of tuals of one fourth Day of June, one Thouſand ſeven Hundred Man in eve- and Thirty Three, there fhall be allowed upon the every Ship of War, in Sea-Pay, a Man in War, to be every Hundred Men, that the Complement of ſuch allowed for Ship of War fhall confift of, and that the Produce of Relief of Officers the Wages of each fuch Seaman, and Value of his Widows. Victuals, fhall be given and applied to the Relief of the poor Widows of Commiffion and Warrant Offi- cers of the Royal Navy, according to fuch Rules, Or- ders, and Regulations, as his Majefty hath eſtabliſhed and appointed, or ſhall eſtabliſh and appoint, for that Purpoſe; and the Principal Officers and Commiffi- oners of the Navy Royal, now and for the Time be- ing, and all other Perfons herein concerned, ſhall and are hereby authorized and impowered to give Allow- ance on fuch Ships Books of the ſaid one Man in eve- ry Hundred Men borne thereupon accordingly. Anno [383] no Anno 9¹º Geo. II. Cap. 35. An Act for indemnifying Perfons who have been guilty of Offences against the Laws made for fecuring the Revenues of Cu- froms and Excife, and for enforcing thoſe Laws for the future. HEREAS, notwithstanding the feveral Preamble, Laws already made to prevent the unlawful importing and clandeftine landing and running of pro- hibited and uncuſtomed Goods, divers wicked and evil difpofed Perfons have of late not only carried on, and do Still continue fuch pernicious and illegal Practices, in open Defiance of the Laws, to the great Diminution of the Publick Revenue, and to the manifeft Prejudice of the fair Traders, and likewife feduced great Numbers of other Perfons to join with them in the faid wicked Practices, whereby the Evil is become fo general, that it is neceſſary that fome further Provifion should be made for effectually preventing the fame, yet neverthe- lefs as there may be ſome hope that many of the faid: Perfons, who have been unwarily feduced, as aforefaid, may be reclaimed by Grace and Clemency from offend ing in the like Manner for the future, Therefore for the Quiet and Eafe of his Majesty's Subjects, who may have been guilty of fuch Offences, and that fuch of them as are not yet become incorrigible, being freed from their [ 384 ] Perſons baving in- curred any their Fears and Apprehenfions, may be induced o leave off their illegal Practices, and to return to their lawful Callings and Occupations, and that fuch Perfons as fhall after fuch an Act of Indulgence, and fo publick a Warning, prefume to commit any of the faid Offences, may be left without Excufe, and be brought to Justice, and duly punished, as their Crimes fhall deferve, May it pleaſe your Majefty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Conſent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this preſent Parlia- ment affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all and every his Majefty's Subjects of this his Majefty's Realm of Great-Britain, their Heirs, Ex- Penalty by ecutors, and Adminiſtrators, and every of them, who clandeftine before the twenty-feventh Day of April, in the Year running of of our Lord one Thouſand feven Hundred and Thirty Six, have incurred any Penalty or Forfeiture in, by, or for the clandeftine running, landing, unfhipping, con- cealing, or receiving, any prohibited Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes, or any foreign Goods liable to the Payment of the Duties of Cuſtoms and Excife, or either of them, and who are or may be fubject to any Information, or other Proſecution whatſoever, for the Duties of fuch Goods, or for the Penalties for the running, landing, unfhipping, concealing, or receiv- ing thereof, or for the making of any falſe Report or Entry of the Loading of any Ship or Veffel, inwards or outwards, or for making any Report or Entry in a wrong Name or Names, or for not reporting any fuch Ship or Veffel, or for breaking Bulk before mak- Goods, &c. before the 27th of April, 1736, Making falfe Entry of Goods, ing [ 385 ] ing fuch Report or Reports, or for altering the Pack- age of any Goods on board any Ship or Veffel, or for landing of any Goods without the Prefence of an Officer, or for ſtaving or otherwiſe deſtroying or ſpoiling any Goods at or after the Seizure thereof by any Officer of the Cuſtoms or Exciſe, or other Perfon duly authorized to make fuch Seizure, and any Per- fons who have beat, abuſed, obftructed, or hindred, Or abufing any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife in the due Exe- Officers, &c. indemnified. cution of their Duty, or who have given or offered a Bribe to any Officer of the Cuſtoms or Excife, and all Perſons aiding, affifting, and abetting, in the com- mitting any of the faid Offences, fhall be and are by the Authority of this prefent Act acquitted, indem- nified, releaſed and diſcharged againſt the King's Majeſty, his Heirs, and Succeffors, and againſt all and every other Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, and any Officer or Officers of the Cuſtoms or Excife, and every of them, of and from all the ſaid Offences (not in this preſent Act hereafter excepted and foreprized) and of and from all Penal- ties, Forfeitures, Indictments, Outlawries, Convictions, and Judgments, not herein after excepted, incurred, had, or given, or that may or might ariſe or accrue for or by Reafon or Means of any the faid Offen- ces or other Matters or Things herein beforemen- tioned and expreſſed. 4. And be it further enacted, that if any Perfon Officers dif- or Perfons, who fhall claim the Benefit of this Act, charged and ſhall, after fuch Claim, bring or commence, or cauſe Coſts againſt Ddd to may recover [ 386 ] Benefit of this Act, terwards them. Perfons to be brought or commenced any Action, Plaint, claiming the Information, or other Proſecution whatſoever, againſt any Officer of his Majeſty's Cuſtoms, or Excife, or and yet af- other Perfon who fhall have aided or affifted any profecuting fuch Officer, for or concerning any Act, Matter, or Thing done or committed by them, or any of them, on occafion of, or for, or by Reaſon or Means of any of the Offences, Frauds, Mifdemeanors, or other Matters or Things intended to be releaſed and dif- charged by this Act, fuch Claim is, and fhall be deemed to be an abfolute Diſcharge and Releaſe to fuch Officer, or other Perfons, of and from all and every fuch Actions, Suits, and Profecutions; and fuch Officer or other Perſons may plead the General Iffue, and give the ſpecial Matter in Evidence; and the faid Officer or other Perfon fhall recover his Cofts of Suit againſt the Perfon or Perfons fo bringing or com- mencing fuch Action or Profecution. Perfons hav- ing the Be- nefit of this Alt, being be 5. Provided alſo, And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, that all and every Perfon and Perfons, who fhall take, receive, or be intitled to the afterwards Benefit of this prefent Act of Indemnity, and ſhall guilty of the afterwards be guilty of, or commit any of the Offen- able to ces, Trefpaffes, Frauds, or Miſdemeanors, as are profecuted herein before mentioned, or hereby intended to be for both for acquitted, releaſed, or diſcharged, or any of the Of- Offence, and fences hereafter in this Act to be mentioned or ex- for Smug- preffed, fhall be fubject and liable to be profecuted, gling Bonds, not only for or in Reſpect of fuch new Offence by &c. him, her, or them committed, but ſhall alfo, for and mer and new in [387] in Reſpect of the faid Offences committed before the making this Act, and for and in Refpect of all Bonds and Securities by them or any them given to his Majefty, or to any Perfon or Perfons for his Ma- jefty's Ufe, commonly called Smuggling Bonds, be fubject and liable to all and every the fame Pains, Penalties, Forfeitures, and Actions, for Duties of Cuſtoms or Exciſe, and Actions upon the ſaid Bonds and Securities, as he, fhe, or they would have in- curred, or been fubject or liable to, in cafe this Act had never been made; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof notwithſtanding. Gallons, ex- 22. And be it further enacted by the Authority Veſſels arriv- aforefaid, that from and after the faid twenty fourth ing from fo- reign Parts Day of June, One Thouſand Seven Hundred and with Six Thirty Six, where any Ship or Veffel whatſoever, Pounds of coming or arriving from foreign Parts, and having Tea on board, or Brandy, on board Six Pounds of Tea, or any foreign Brandy, &c. inCasks Arrack, Rum, Strong Waters, or other Spirits what- under 60 foever, in Casks under Sixty Gallons (except only for cept for the the Uſe of the Seamen then belonging to and on Ufe of the board fuch Ship or Veffel, not exceeding two Gallons Seamen, for each Seaman) ſhall be found at Anchor, or hover- ing within the Limits of any of the Ports of this Hovering Kingdom, or within two Leagues of the Shore, or within two ſhall be diſcovered to have been within the Limits of the Shore, Leagues of any Port, and not proceeding on her Voyage, Wind and Weather permitting, (unleſs in cafe of unavoid- 6 Geo. I. able Neceffity, and Diftrefs of Weather, of which C. 21. Neceffity and Diſtreſs, the Maſter, Purfer, or other C. 18. D dd 2 Perfon 8 Geo. I. [ 388 ] Perfon having or taking the Charge or Command of fuch Ship or Veffel, fhall give Notice to, and make Proof of before the Collector, or other Chief Officer of the Cuſtoms of fuch Port, as aforefaid, immedi- ately after the Arrival of fuch Ship or Veffel into the All fuch faid Port) all fuch Tea, foreign Brandy, Arrack, Goods with Rum, Strong Waters, and Spirits, together with the the Package Chefts, Boxes, Casks, and other Package whatſoever, to be for. feited in or put out containing the fame Goods, or the Value thereof, fhall be forfeited and loft (whether Bulk fhall then have been broken, or not) and the fame Goods and Package ſhall and may be feized and profecuted, or the Value thereof be fued for, by any Officer or Offi- cers of the Cuſtoms or Excife, in fuch Manner and Form as herein after is expreffed; any Law, Statute, or Cuſtom to the contrary notwithſtanding, Foreign 23. And whereas foreign Goods are frequently Goods taken taken out of Ships at Sea without the Limits of any of any Veffel Port, with Intent to be fraudulently landed in this within four Kingdom; For preventing thereof, Be it further en- Leagues of acted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe any Coafts with- foreign Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes, fhall, after out Payment the twenty ninth Day of September One Thouſand of Customs, Seven Hundred and Thirty Six, by any Ship, Boat, the English or Veffel whatſoever, be taken in at Sea, or put out of any Ship or Veffel whatſoever, within the Diſtance of four Leagues from any of the Coafts of this Kingdom (whether the fame be within or without the Limits of any of the Ports thereof) without Pay- ment of the Cuftoms, and other Duties due and payable [389] parent Ne- the Mafter, the Value, * payable for the fame (unleſs in cafe of apparent Necef-Unless in fity, or fome other lawful Reaſon, of which the Ma- cafe of ap- fter, or other Perſon having Charge of fuch Ship, Vef-ceffity, fel, or Boat, ſo taking in the fame, fhall give immedi- ate Notice to, and make Proof before the Chief Offi- cer or Officers of the Cuftoms of the firft Port of this Kingdom where he ſhall arrive) fuch Goods, Wares, and Merchandizes, fhall be forfeited and loft, and the To be for- Maſter, or other Perſon having Charge of fuch Ship, feited, and Veffel, or Boat fo taking in the ſame, and all fuch Per-&c. to for- fons who ſhall be aiding, affifting, or otherwife con-feit treble cerned in the unfhipping or receiving of the faid Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes, fhall forfeit treble the Value thereof; and the Ships, Boats, and Veffels, into which the faid Goods, Wares, and Merchandizes fhall And the Veſſel be unſhipped and taken in, fhall alſo be forfeited and Veel for feited if not. loft, any Ship, Boat, or Veffel, fo to be forfeited and above 100. loft, not exceeding the Burthen of one Hundred Tons; and the Maſter, Purfer, or other Perfon taking Charge of fuch Ship or Veffel, out of which fuch Goods ſhall be taken (unleſs in cafe of fuch apparent Neceffi- ty, or other lawful Reaſon, whereof Notice fhall be given by him, and Proof be made, as aforefaid) fhall alfo forfeit treble the Value of the Goods fo unfhipped, as aforefaid; which Forfeitures fhall be divided and recovered, in fuch Manner as is herein after menti- oned. Tons. 24. And be it further enacted by the Authority FiftyPounds aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons whatſoever Penalty on offering to ſhall offer any Bribe, Recompence, or Reward what- bribe an > foever, Officer to [ 390 ] 390] &c. Connivance, foever, to any Officer or Officers of the Cuſtoms or Excife, to connive at, or permit any cuftomable or prohibited Goods to be run on Shore, or to connive at any falſe or ſhort Entry of any fuch Goods, or to do any other Act whereby his Majefty might be de- frauded in his faid Revenues, every fuch Perfon and Perfons fhall, for every fuch Offence (whether the fame Offer or Propofal fhall be accepted, or not) for- feit the Sum of fifty Pounds, to be recovered and di- vided in fuch Manner as herein after is mentioned. Forfeitures how to be recovered and diftri- buted. 25. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That one Moiety of the feveral Penalties and Forfeitures in this Act mentioned fhall be to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety fhall be to the Ufe of fuch Perfon and Perfons as ſhall inform, profecute, or fue for the fame (except in fuch Cafes where any other Appropriation or Dif- tribution of the faid Penalties is made by this Act, or by any other Act or Acts) and that all the fame Penal- ties and Forfeitures fhall and may be profecuted and fued for, and the Caufes and Controverfies arifing thereupon, tried, heard, and determined, in any of his Majeſty's. Courts of Record at Westminster, or in the Court of Exchequer at Edinburgh refpectively, (except where any Provifion to the contrary is made by this or any other Law or Statute now in force) wherein no Effoign, Protection, Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance fhall be allowed. 27. And [391] the Cuſtom- 27. And whereas in Ships from foreign Parts All Goods Goods are often concealed in falfe Bulk-Heads, be-found con- cealed after tween the Linings and falfe Knees, or in concealed the Master's Lockers, or in the Balaft or falfe Package, and other Report, at private Places, which the Officers of the Cuftoms cannot House, for- eafily find out or difcover, in Order to their being feited, landed without Payment of Duties, and fuch Goods are not by any Law liable to Forfeiture, unleſs the ſame be found after clearing the Ship by the proper Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms; For Remedy whereof, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Goods which fhall be found concealed, as aforefaid, or con- cealed in any other Place on board any Ship or Veffel at any Time after the Mafter thereof ſhall have made his Report at the Cuſtom-Houſe, and which ſhall not be comprized or mentioned in the faid Report, ſhall be forfeited and loſt, and ſhall and may be ſeized and profecuted by any Officer or Officers of the Cuſtoms, and the Maſter, Purfer, or other Perfon having the And the Charge or Command of fuch Ship or Veffel (in cafe Maſter, &c. to forfeit it can be made appear that he was any ways confent- treble the ing or privy to fuch Fraud or Concealment) fhall for- Value. feit treble the Value of the Goods fo found, to be di- vided and recovered in fuch Manner as herein before is mentioned. 28. And whereas the Punishment to which fuch Perfons Perfons as ſhall forcibly obftruct or hinder any Officer ftructing or forcibly ob- of the Cuftoms or Excife, being on board any Ship, wounding Boat, or Veſſel within the Limits of any of the Ports of board in the •Officers on this Execution [392] fice, to be Years, of their Of this Kingdom, are liable by Law, hath proved infuffi- transported, cient; For preventing the faid Offences, Be it further not exceed enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and ing Seven after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June, one Thou- fand ſeven Hundred and Thirty Six, if any Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms or Exciſe being on board any Ship, Boat, or Veſſel within the Limits of any of the Ports of this Kingdom, be forcibly hindred, oppofed, obftructed, wounded, or beaten, in the due Execution of his or their Office or Duty, by any Perſon or Per- fons whatſoever, either in the Day or Night, all and every Perſon and Perſons ſo forcibly hindring, oppof- ing, obftructing, wounding, or beating the faid Officer or Officers in the Execution of his or their Office, and all fuch as ſhall act in their Aid or Affiftance, being convicted thereof, fhall, by Order of the Court, before whom fuch Offender or Offenders fhall be convicted, be tranfported to fome of his Majefty's Colonies and Plantations in America, for fuch Term as fuch Court ſhall think fit, not exceeding ſeven Years, in the fame Manner as by one Act made in the fourth Year of the & 6 Geo. I. Reign of his late Majeſty King George the Firſt, of glorious Memory, intituled, An Act for the further preventing Robbery, Burglary, and other Felonies, and for the more effectual Tranſportation of Felons, and un- lawful Exporters of Wool, and for declaring the Law upon fome Points relating to Pirates, and by one other Act made in the fixth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majeſty, intituled, An Act for the better prevent- ing Robbery, Burglary, and other Felonies, and for the more effectual Tranſportation of Felons, the Offenders As other Felons by the Alts, 4 therein [393] therein mentioned are to be tranſported to the faid Colonies and Plantations; and if any fuch Offender or Offenders fhall return into Great-Britain or Ire- Returning, land before the Expiration of the ſaid Term, contrary ecuted as ſhall be ex- to the Intent and Meaning hereof, he or they ſo return- Felons. ing ſhall fuffer as Felons, and have Execution award- ed againſt them as Perfons attainted of Felony, with- out Benefit of Clergy. 29. And be it further enacted by the Authority Officers aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth mard coast- Day of June, one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and ing Veſſels, Thirty Six, it ſhall and may be lawful to and for any and fearch Officer or Officers of the Cuſtoms or Excife, produc-ed Goods, for probibit- ing his or their Warrant or Deputation, Warrants or Deputations, (if required) to go on board and enter in- to any coaſting Ship or Veffel, which ſhall be within the Limits of any of the Ports of this Kingdom, and to rummage and ſearch the Cabbin, and all other Parts of all fuch coafting Ships or Veffels for prohibited and uncuſtomed Goods, and fuch Officer and Officers is and are hereby authorized and impowered to ſtay and And conti- remain on board all fuch Ships and Veffels, during the nue on board whole Time that the fame hall continue within the during the Veſſel's Limits of any fuch Port, as aforefaid; and if any Per-Stay in the fon or Perſons whatſoever fhall obftruct, oppoſe, mo- left, lett, or hinder any Officer or Officers of the Cu- ftoms or Exciſe, in going or remaining on board any fuch coaſting Ship or Veffel, or in the entring or fearching the Cabbin, or any other Part thereof, every ſuch Per- fon and Perſons ſhall for every fuch Offence forfeit and Eee Port. [ 394 ] One Hun- and lofe the Sum of one Hundred Pounds, to be di dred Pounds vided and recovered in fuch Manner as herein before Penalty on obstructing is expreffed.. Officers. 34. And whereas by the prefent Practice of the Court of Exchequer, and elſewhere, it is become necef fary for all Officers of the Cuftoms and Excife, and other Officers of the Revenue, upon the Trial of any Information of Seizure, to give Proof of the exact Me- thod and Manner of making the Seizure, with an Ac- count of the Form of Words used on that Occafion, notwithstanding the Defendant in fuch Caufe does, on the claiming of fuch Goods, acknowledge that a Seizure of them hath been made, whereby there often happens a Failure of Justice, and his Majefty, and the Officer making the Seizure, and profecuting the fame, are fre- quently defeated of their Right, without entring into In Trials of the Merits of the Caufe; For Remedy thereof, Be it Seizures, further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That on Fudges to all Trials of Seizures whatſoever in the Court of Ex- proceed to the Trial chequer, or elſewhere, the Seizure, together with the af the Me- Method and Form of making it, ſhall be taken to have rits of the Cauſe, with- been made by the Perfon or Perfons who fhall inform out inquiring and fue for the fame, and to be done in the Manner as fet forth in the Information, without Evidence thereof; and all Judges and Juſtices of the Peace, be- fore whom any fuch Seizures ſhall be brought to Trial. or Hearing, are hereby required to proceed to the Tri- al of the Merits of the Caufe, without inquiring into the Fact, Form, or Manner of making the Seizure. into the Fact or Form of making the Seizure. any 37. And [ 395 ] 37. And be it further enacted by the Authority General If- aforefaid, That if any Action or Suit fhall be com-Sue. menced againſt any Perfon or Perfons for any Thing done in Purſuance of this Act, the Defendant or De- fendants in fuch Action or Suit may plead the Gene- ral Iffue, and give this Act and the fpecial Matter in Evidence at any Trial to be had thereupon, and that the fame was done in Purſuance and by Authority of this Act; and if it fhall appear fo to have been done then the Jury ſhall find for the Defendant or Defend- ants; and if the Plaintiff ſhall be nonfuited, or diſcon- tinue his Action, after the Defendant or Defendants ſhall have appeared, or if Judgment fhall be given upon any Verdict, or Demurrer againſt the Plaintiff, the Defendant or Defendants fhall and may recover treble Cofts, and have the like Remedy for the fame, Treble Cofts. as Defendants have in other Cafes by Law. Eee 2 Anno [396] Anno 12mo Geo. II. Cap. 21. An Act for taking off the Duties upon Woollen and Bay Yarn imported from Ireland to England, and for the more ef- fectual preventing the Exportation of Wool from Great-Britain, and of Wool, and Wool manufactured, from Ireland to foreign Parts. 5. AND whereas notwithſtanding the feveral Laws made to prevent the Exportation of Wool un- manufactured from this Kingdom and Ireland to fo reign Parts, fuch Exportation is notoriously continued; Now for the better preventing fuch Exportation of Wool from thence, and fecuring the fame to be manu- factured within this Kingdom; Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Wool, and Wool- len or Bay Yarn, Wool-fells, Shortlings, Mortlings, Wool-flocks, Worfted, Yarn, Cloth, Serge, Bays, Ker- feys, Says, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth-Serges, Shalloons, Stuffs, and other Draperies and Woollen Manufactures, or mixed with Wool or Wool-flocks, which fhall from Time to Time be exported from the faid King- dom of Ireland, from and after the firſt Day of May, in the Year of our Lord one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Forty, into the Ports of this Kingdom hereafter mentioned, ſhall be ſhipped off, and entred at the Ports [ 397 ] Exportation of tation in Ports of Dublin, Waterford, Youghall, Kinfale, Cork, Ports of Drogheda, New - Rofs, Newry, Wexford, Wicklow, wool in Sligoe, Limerick, Galway, and Dundalk, in the faid Ireland, Kingdom of Ireland, and at or from no other Port or Place within the ſaid Kingdom; nor fhall the fame And Impor- be imported into any Parts of the Kingdom of Great- England. Britain, other than the Ports of Biddeford, Barnfta- ple, Minehead, Bridgewater, Bristol, Milford-Haven, Chefter, and Liverpool, in the fame Manner, as if the faid Ports of Newry, Wexford, Wicklow, Sligoe, Limerick, Galway, and Dundalk, had been particular- ly named for Exportation of the faid Goods, in the Act paffed in the tenth and eleventh Year of the Reign of the late King William the Third, intituled, An Act to prevent the Exportation of Wool out of the Kingdom of Ireland and England, and for other Pur- pofes therein mentioned; any Thing in this or any other A&t to the Contrary thereof in any wife not- withſtanding. Veffels only Britain or 6. And the better to prevent the Exportation of Wool to be exported Wool or Woollen Yarn, and the other Species of Wool from Ire- or Woollen Manufactures before mentioned, from Ireland in land into foreign Parts, Be it further enacted by the of the Built Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty- of Great- fifth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one Ircland, Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Thirty Nine, no Wool, wholly own or any of the faid Goods, fhall be loaden or laid on board any Ship, Veffel, or Boat in Ireland, or import-jects of ed or brought from thence into this Kingdom, but in this King- fuch Ships, Veffels, or Boats, as fhall be of the Built of dom or Ire- Great-regiftred. ed and man- ned by Sub- land, and E [ 398 ] Penalty. Great-Britain or Ireland, and which fhall be wholly owned and manned by the Subjects of this Kingdom, or Ireland, and duly regiftred in fuch Manner and Form as herein after mentioned; under the Penalty of the Forfeiture of the faid Goods, or the Value thereof, as alſo of the Ship, Veffel, or Boat, in which the fame ſhall be laden or put on board, together with all her Guns, Ammunition, Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture. • Ships how to 7. And be it further enacted by the Authority be qualified aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty fifth for Loading Wool. Day of December, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine, no Ship or Veffel whatſoever fhall be deemed or paſs as a Ship of the Built of Great-Bri- tain or Ireland, fo as to be qualified to load or take on board in any of the Ports of Ireland, herein ap- pointed for that Purpoſe, any Wool, Woollen or Bay Yarn, or other the Species before mentioned, in or- der to import or bring the fame into the Ports of Great-Britain, in this Act mentioned and appointed for that Purpoſe, until the Perfon or Perſons claiming Régifter. Property in fuch Ship or Veffel, fhall regifter the fame as followeth, (that is to fay) Proof ſhall be made Oath or Af-upon the Oath or Affirmation, in cafe the Perfon be firmation of a Quaker, of one or more of the Owners of fuch Property. Ship or Veffel, before the Collector and Comptroller of his Majeſty's Cuſtoms in fuch Port of Great-Bri- tain or Ireland reſpectively, to which fuch Ship or Veffel fhall belong; which Oath or Affirmation the faid Officers of the Cuftoms refpectively are hereby authorized E 399 ] authorized to adminiſter in the Tenor following that is to ſay, † A. B. do make Oath (or being a Quaker do folemnly affirm) that the Ship of is at preſent Maſter whereof being built of Tons, was built at in the Year and that and of of are at preſent Owners thereof; and that no Foreigner, directly or indirectly hath any Share, Part, or Intereſt therein. A Certificate of which Oath or Affirmation, atteſted Certificate, by the Collector and Comptroller of the Cuftoms who adminifter the fame, under their Hands and Seals, fhall, after having been regiſtred by them, be delivered to the Maſter of the Ship, for the Security of her Navigation; a Duplicate of which Regiſter Duplicate fhall be immediately tranſmitted to the Commiffio-tranſmitted. ners of his Majefty's Cuſtoms in the Port of London, in order to be entred in the General Regiſter, to be there kept by them for this Purpoſe. tered with- 8. And be it further enacted by the Authority Ship's Name aforefaid, That no Ship's Name regiſtred, fhall be not to be al- afterwards changed, without regiftring fuch Ship out registring. again, which is hereby required likewife to be done the fame upon again.. [ 400 ] upon any Transfer of Property to another Port, and delivering up the former Certificate to be cancelled, under the fame Penalties, and in the like Method, as And the Al- is herein before directed: And that in caſe any Alte- teration of ration of Property in the fame Port, by the Sale of Property in it to be in- one or more Share, in any Ship, after regiftring dorfed. thereof, fuch Sale fhall always be acknowledged by Indorſement on the Certificate of the Regiſter, before two Witneffes, in order to prove that the entire Property in fuch Ship remains to fome of the Subjects of Great-Britain or Ireland, if any Diſpute arifes concerning the fame. 9. And whereas great Quantities of Wool have been clandeftinely exported, under the Denomination of Coverlids, Waddings, and other Manufactures made of Wool, whereas the fame was only Wool fightly wrought, or ftitched together, and may be reduced to Wool again, by which Practice the unfair Traders have evaded the good Laws made to prevent the Ex- portation of Wool; For preventing the like Practices Penalty on for the future, Be it further enacted by the Authority exporting aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty fifth Wool fight by wrought. Day of December, One Thouſand Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine, no Coverlids, Waddings, or other Manufactures, or pretended Manufactures, made of Wool flightly ſtitched, worked, or otherwife put to- gether, fo as the fame may be reduced to, and made uſe of as Wool again, or Mattraffes, or Beds ftuffed with combed Wool, or Wool fit for combing, fhall be exported from Great-Britain or Ireland to Parts beyond [401] beyond the Seas, under the like Penalties and For- feitures which are by any Law in being inflicted on Perſons concerned in the Exportation of Wool. fioners of 11. And for preventing any fraudulent Tranfpor- No Wool to tation of Wool, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shortlings, but upon No- be exported Combed Wool, Woollen or Bay Yarn, Worsted Yarn, tice given to Cruels, or Wool flightly manufactured, under the Pre- the Commif- tence of carrying the fame Coaftwife in Great-Britain the Customs, or Ireland; Be it further enacted by the Authority &c. aforefaid, That no Wool, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shortlings, Combed Wool, Woollen or Bay Yarn, Worſted Yarn, Cruel, or Wool flightly manufactured, as aforefaid, fhall from and after the ſaid twenty fifth Day of December, One Thouſand Seven Hun- dred and Thirty Nine, be put or laden on board any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, bound to Parts beyond the Seas, or ſhall be carried or laden in order to be car- ried in any Ship, Veffel, Bottom, or Boat Coaſt- wife, or from one Port of Great-Britain or Ireland to another, unleſs Notice be firft given to the Com- miffioners or Chief Managers of the Cuftoms, or to the Cuſtomer or Collector and Comptroller of the Port from which the fame is intended to be fent or exported, of the Quantity, Quality, and Package, together with the Marks and Numbers thereof, with the Name of the Ship and Maſter or Commander on which the faid Goods are to be laden, as likewife the Name or Names of the Owner or Owners of the faid Goods, and the Place of his or their Abode or Habitation, and the Place and Port into which the Fff fame [ 402 ] fame are intended to be imported, and to whom con- Security for figned; and unleſs Bond be firft entred into to the the landing Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, with one it, or more fufficient Securities, in treble the Value of the Goods fo intended to be carried Coaft-wife, that the fame fhall (the Danger of the Seas excepted) be landed accordingly; due Notice whereof Thall be forthwith tranſmitted by the Cuſtomer or Collector and Comptroller of the Port from whence the fame. fhall be exported, to the Cuftomer or Collector and Comptroller of the Port into which the fame is in- tended to be imported, and Entry made, in the Man- And a Li- ner required by this or any other Act; and unlefs a cence taken. Licence be alfo firft taken under the Hands of the Commiffioners, or Chief Managers of the Cuftoms for the Time being, or any three of them, or from the Cuſtomer or Collector and Comptroller where fuch Bond is given for the landing and carry- ing thereof, as aforefaid; which Licence they are hereby required to grant without any Fee or Reward, or any other Charge to the Perfon demanding the fame; any Law, Statute, or Ufage to the contrary in Bonds not any wife notwithſtanding: And all fuch Bonds fo en- to be dif tred into for the carrying fuch Goods Coaft-wiſe in charged but upon produc- Great-Britain or Ireland, fhall not be diſcharged, but ing a Cer- by producing a Certificate under the Hand and Seal. of the Cuſtomer or Collector and Comptroller of the Port or Place in Great-Britain or Ireland, where fuch Goods were landed, fetting forth, the Quantity, Quality, and Package, together with the Marks and Numbers thereof, with the Name of the Ship and tificate. Mafter [ 403 ] Maſter out of which fuch Goods were landed; and that all fuch Bonds as fhall remain undiſcharged by fuch Certificate after fix Months, fhall be tranfmitted to the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms in Great-Britain, or the Commiffioners of the Revenue in Ireland, who are hereby required to put them in Suit immediately : Forfeiture And if any Wool, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shortlings, on Default. combed Wool, Woollen or Bay Yarn, Worſted Yarn, Cruels, or Wool flightly manufactured, fhall be car- ried or laden on board any Ship, Veffel, Bottom, or Boat, in order to be carried Coaft-wife, or from one Port to another Port, before fuch Bond entred into, and fuch Licence taken out as aforefaid, and before all the Directions of this and every other Act made to prevent the Tranſportation of any of the Goods aforefaid, fhall be fully and duly complied with, fo far as the fame relate to the Exporter or Proprietor of of fuch Goods; or if any of the faid Goods fhall be laden on board any Ship, Veffel, or Boat, bound to Parts beyond the Seas; then all fuch Goods as fhall be fo carried and laden, or the Value therefore ſhall be forfeited and loft, together with the Ship, Veffel, Bottom, or Boat, on which fuch Goods fhall be fo laden or put on board, with all her Guns, Ammuni- tion, Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture. 12. Provided nevertheleſs, That nothing herein No other contained ſhall extend, or be conftrued to extend to Security alter or leffen any other Security now required by ed, or Law bereby leffen- Law for Goods carried Coaft-wife, or to repeal or made void. make void any Law now in force in Great-Britain or Fff 2 Ireland [404 ] 1 Ireland made to prevent the Exportation of Wool, or any the Goods or Commodities aforefaid. 14. And in Order to prevent any fraudulent Prac- tices by Officers or other Perfons in making collufive Seizures, or by entring Informations, and making pri- vate or fecret Agreements, whereby may be evaded any of the Forfeitures or Penalties inflicted by Law, to prevent the transporting out of this Kingdom any Wool, Wool-fells, Wool-flocks, Mortlings, Shortlings, Worsted, Bay, or Woollen Yarn, Fullers - Earth, Fulling-Clay, Tobacco-Pipe-Clay, or any other Scouring Clay or Earth, or to prevent the illegal transporting out of Ireland any of the faid Goods, or of Cloth, Serge, Bays, Kerfeys, Says, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth- Serges, Shalloons, or any other Drapery Stuffs, or Woollen Manufactures whatfoever, made up or mixed None but with Wool, or Wool-flocks; Be it further enacted by Officers to the Authority aforefaid, That it ſhall not be lawful for enter Infor- mations of any Perfon or Perfons whatſoever, other than the Of- ficers of fome or one of the Revenues of Cuftoms or Excife, or Salt-Duties, to enter any Information of Seizure of any Wool, Wool-fells, or other Species of Goods before enumerated, as forfeited by Virtue of this or any other A&; nor fhall it be lawful for any Per- fon or Perſons whatſoever, to enter, or caufe or pro- cure to be entred, filed or profecuted, any Informati- on or Informations againſt any Perfon or Perfons for the Recovery of any Penalty or Forfeiture aforefaid, unleſs fuch Information or Informations be filed and proſecuted in the Name of his Majesty's Attorney Ge- Seizures. nerak [ 405 ] cuted in the neral, or in the Name or Names of fome Officer or To be profe- Officers of fome or one of the aforefaid Revenues of Attorney Cuſtoms, Excife, br Salt-Duties in Great-Britain or General's or their Names Ireland; and if any Information of Seizure of any only. of the Goods before mentioned, fhall be made or proſecuted by any Perfon or Perſons whatſoever, other than in the Name of the Attorney General, or in the: Name of fome Officer of his Majeſty's Revenue as aforefaid; the fame, and all the Proceedings thereup on had, are hereby declared to be null and void; as is alfo every other Information or Informations, with all the Proceedings thereon, which fhall be filed or en- tred for any of the Penalties aforefaid, in the Name or Names of any other Perſon or Perfons than as herein before mentioned; any. Law or Cuſtom to the con- trary notwithſtanding. not to take away the 15. Provided nevertheless, That nothing in this This Alt Act contained ſhall extend, or be conftrued to extend to take away the Power given to the Commanders Power of and Officers of his Majefty's Ships of War, or the arm- the King's GuardShips» ed Sloops appointed, or to be appointed by the Lords Commiffioners of the Admiralty, or the Lord High Admiral for the Time being, to guard againſt the Tranſportation of Wool, out of the Kingdom of Great-Britain or Ireland, purſuant to an Act made in the tenth and eleventh Year of King William the Third, intituled, An Act to prevent the Exportation of Wool out of the Kingdoms of Ireland and Eng- land, and for the Encouragement of the Woollen Ma- nufactures of the Kingdom of England; and another > Act [ 406 ] tions where cuted. Act paffed in the fifth Year of his prefent Majeſty's Reign, intituled, An additional Act for Encourage- ment of the Woollen Manufactures of this Kingdom, by the more effectual preventing the unlawful Expor- tation of the Woollen Manufactures of the Kingdom of Ireland, to foreign Parts, or by any other Act. Informati- 18. And be it further enacted, That all Actions, ons and Ac. Suits, and Informations, to be had and commenced to be entred upon this, or any other Acts for preventing the Ex- and profe- portation of Wool, Wool-fells, Wool-flocks, Mortlings, Shortlings, Worfted, Bay, or Woollen Yarn, Cruels, or Wool flightly manufactured, or Mattraffes, or Beds ftuffed with combed Wool, or Wool fit for combing, Fullers-Earth, Fulling-Clay, Tobacco-Pipe-Clay, or any other ſcouring Earth or Clay from Great-Britain or Ireland; or for preventing the Exportation from Ireland into foreign Parts, of Cloth, Serges, Bays, Kerſeys, Frizes, Druggets, Shalloons, Stuffs, Cloth- Serges, or any other Drapery made of or mixed with Wool manufactured in Ireland, may be entred and proſecuted (except where it is in this Act otherwiſe di- rected) in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Westminster, or in the Court of Exchequer in Scot- land, or at the Quarter Seffions of the Peace, or be- fore any two Juftices of the Peace for any County, City, or Place in this Kingdom, in a fummary Way, at the Election of the Seizer or Informer, or by any Law relating to the Revenue of Ireland, in that King- dom: Wherein no Effoign, Protection, or Wager of Law fhall be allowed, or any more than one Impar- lance; [ 407 ] Onus pro- bandi to lie lance; and if the Property thereof be claimed by any Perfon or Perfons, in fuch cafe the Onus probandi upon the fhall lie upon the Owner or Claimer thereof, and not Owner. on the Officer or Seizer; any. Thing in this, or any other Act contained to the contrary hotwithſtanding. 19. And be it further enacted by the Authority Forfeitures aforefaid, That all the Forfeitures and Penalties before to whom to belong. in this Act mentioned and appointed, except where the fame is otherwife directed by this Act, fhall be to the Ufe of fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall feize, in- form, or fue for the fame, in the Manner herein be- fore directed. Goods to be 20. And be it further enacted by the Authority Prohibited aforefaid, That on the Condemnation of any Wool, fold. or any other of the Species of Goods before enume- rated, the faid refpective Commiffioners fhall and may cauſe all fuch Goods to be publickly fold to the beſt Bidder, at fuch Places as the faid Commiffioners fhall think proper; any Law, Cuſtom, or Ufage to the contrary in any wife notwithſtanding: And out of the Produce of fuch Sale, they fhall caufe to be paid all Charges of Condemnation and Sale, and the Re- mainder to fuch Perfon or Perfons who fhall feize, inform, or fue for the fame, as aforefaid. १ 21. Provided always, and be it declared and en- Officer mak- acted by the Authority aforefaid,. In cafe any Officering Seizure of the Cuſtoms, Excife, or Salt-Duty, fhall receive any mation, In- upon Infor- Information from any other Perfon or Perfons, where- former to bave half. } by [ 408 ] 1 Encourage- Mariners employed in by any Seizure of the ſaid Goods ſhall be made, or any Proſecution ſhall be commenced and carried on to Effect; fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall have and re- ceive to his own Benefit, one Half of what fhall be recovered, levied, and received by any fuch Officer, as a Reward for his Information or Diſcovery; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithſtand- ing. ' 23. Provided always, and be it further enacted by ment to the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the or Maſters twenty-fifth Day of December, one Thouſand ſeven of Ships Hundred and Thirty Nine, if the Maſter of any Ship clandeftine or Veffel employed in the clandeftine exporting to exporting of Parts beyond the Seas, from Great-Britain or Ireland, Wool, to make Difco- any Wool, Wool-fells, Wool-flocks, Mortlings, Short- very thereof. lings, Worfted, Bay, or Woollen Yarn, Cruels, or Wool flightly manufactured, or Mattraffes, or Beds ftuffed with combed Wool, or Wool fit for combing, or any Fullers-Earth, Fulling-Clay, Tobacco-Pipe- Clay, or any other ſcouring Earth or Clay, or in the clandeftine importing from Ireland any Woollen Cloth, Serges, Bays, Kerfeys, Says, Frizes, Druggets, Cloth Serges, Shalloons, or any other Drapery Stuffs, or Woollen Manufacture made and manufactured in Ireland; or if the Mate, or any of the Mariners of fuch Ship or Veffel, fhall give an Account in fix Months after fuch Shipping or exporting any of the Goods before mentioned, to the Commiffioners of the Cuſtoms in England or Scotland, or to the Commiſſi- oners of the Revenues in Ireland refpectively, of the Name [409 ] Z Name of the Ship or Veffel, and the Species and Quantities of fuch Goods fo clandeftinely exported or ſhipped for Exportation to Parts beyond the Seas, together with the Name of the Owner or Own- ers, Exporter or Exporters of fuch Goods, or the Name of the Perfon or Perfons who act in his or their Aid and Affiſtance, ſo as he or they may be profecuted and convicted for fuch his or their Offence or Offen- ces committed againſt this or any other Act made to prevent the illegal Exportation of Wool, or any the Species or Goods before mentioned ; fuch Mafter, Mate, or Mariner, fhall not only be indemnified for fo doing, but ſhall be clearly acquitted and diſcharged from any the Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures he or they are by Law fubject to for fuch his or their Of- fence or Offences; and fhall alfo have and receive three fourth Parts of the Penalties or Forfeitures clear of Charges, that ſhall be recovered and received by Means of fuch their Diſcovery; which the reſpective Commiffioners aforefaid are to caufe to be paid and diftributed in fuch Manner and Proportion as they fhall think proper, and the other fourth Part to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, after deducting the Charges of Profecution and Condemnation; any Law, Cuſtom, or Ufage to the contrary notwith- ſtanding. put this and 24. And to prevent any Difpute relating to the Perfons Authority of any Perfon or Perfons acting as an Ofqualified to ficer, or as Officers of the Cuftoms, Excife, or Salt Du-other Acts ties, in Great-Britain or Ireland, for the putting in relating to Ggg Execution and against Cuſtoms, 1 [ 410 ] Wool, in Execution. exporting Execution this Act, or any other Act or Acts of Par- liament relating to thofe Revenues, or made against the Transportation of Wool; Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perſon who by De- putation, Commiffion, or other Inftrument, under the Hands and Seals of the Commiffioners of the Cuſtoms, Excife, or Salt, in Great Britain or Ireland re- ſpectively, ſhall be appointed to act as an Officer or Servant under them, for putting this or any of the faid Acts in Execution, ſhall be eſteemed an Officer of the Cuſtoms, Exciſe, or Salt reſpectively, to all Intents and Purpoſes in the Law whatever. Perfons op- pofing Of- ficers in their Duty deemed.Fe- lons. - 26. And for the more effectual putting this Act in Execution, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Officer or Officers of the Cu- ſtoms, Exciſe, or Salt, or any other Perfon or Perfons that ſhall act in Aid or Aſſiſtance of any Officer or Officers of the Cuſtoms, Excife, or Salt, in putting this Act in Execution, fhall be hindred, oppofed, ob- ftructed, moleſted, wounded, or beaten in feizing any Wool, Wool-fells, Wool-flocks, Mortlings, Shortlings, Woollen, or Bay Yarn, or any other Species of Goods before enumerated, by any Perſon or Perſons whatſo- ever, either in the Day or Night, by Land or Water; the Perſon or Perſons that ſhall fo hinder, oppoſe, ob- ftruct, moleft, wound, or beat any fuch Officer or Officers, or any Perfon or Perfons who fhall act in his or their Aid or Affiftance in the making fuch: Sei- zures, as aforefaid; or any other Perfon or Perfons whatſoever, being armed with offenfive Arms or Weapons, [ 411 I ] Weapons, or wearing any Vizard, Mask, or other Diſguiſe, who fhall reſcue, or attempt to reſcue any Wool, or other the Goods aforefaid, which fhall be feized by any Officer or Officers of the Cuſtoms, Ex- cife, or Salt; every fuch Perſon or Perfons that fhall be convicted of any of the faid Offences, fhall, by Or- der of the Court before whom fuch Offender or Of · fenders ſhall be convicted, be tranſported to fome of And ſhall be his Majefty's Colonies and Plantations in America, for transported. fuch Term as fuch Court fhall think fit, not exceed- ing ſeven Years, in the fame Manner as by an Act made in the fourth Year of the Reign of his late Ma- jeſty King George the Firſt, of Glorious Memory, intituled, An Act for the further preventing Robbery, Burglary, and other Felonies, and for the more ef- fectual Tranſportation of Felons, and unlawful Ex- porters of Wool; and for declaring the Law upon fome Points relating to Pirates; and by one other Act made in the fixth Year of the Reign of his late Ma- jeſty, intituled, An Act for the preventing Robbery and other Felonies, and for the more effectual Tranſportation of Felons, the Offenders therein men- tioned, are to be tranfported to the faid Colonies and Plantations, and if any fuch Offender or Offenders ſhall return into Great-Britain or Ireland, before the Returning, Expiration of the Time for which fuch Perfon fhall be tranfported, contrary to the Intent and Meaning here- awarded. of, he or they fo returning fhall fuffer as Felons, and have Execution awarded againſt them, as Perfons at- tainted of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy. Ggg 2 28. Provided Execution Shall be [ 412 ] 1 Bonds not with the 28. Provided always, and be it further enacted, chargeable That all Bonds taken, or to be taken purſuant to this Stamp Du- Act, ſhall not be chargeable with any the Duties upon ſtampt Vellum, Parchment, or Paper; any Law or Statute made, or to be made to the contrary notwith- ſtanding. ties. 34. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Action or Suit fhall be com- menced againſt any Perfon or Perfons, for any Thing done in purſuance of this Act; the Defendant or De- General If- fendants in fuch Action or Suit may plead the Gene- fue. ral Iffue, and give this Act and the ſpecial Matter in Evidence, at any Trial to be had thereupon, and that the fame was done in purſuance, and by the Autho- rity of this Act; and if it ſhall appear fo to have been done, the Jury fhall find for the Defendant or De- fendants; and if the Plaintiff ſhall be nonfuited, or difcontinue his Action, after the Defendant or De-. fendants fhall have appeared; or if Judgment fhall be given upon any Verdict or Demurrer againſt the Plaintiff; the Defendant or Defendants fhall and may` Treble Coſts. recover treble Cofts, and have the like Remedy for the fame, as any Defendant or Defendants have in other Cafes by Law. Anno [413] Anno 13° Geo. II. Cap. 3. An Act for the better Supply of Mariners and Seamen to ferve in his Majesty's Ships of War, and on board Merchant Ships, and other trading Ships, and Pri- vateers.. FOR the better Supply of Mariners and Seamen to Serve in his Majefty's Ships of War, and on board Merchant Ships, and other trading Veffels, and Priva- teers, and for the better carrying on the prefent or any future War, and the Trade of Great-Britain, during the Continuance thereof; May it pleaſe your Majeſty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the Merchant King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Ad- Ships, &c. may be na- vice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tempo-vigated by ral, and Commons, in this preſent Parliament affem- three bled, and by the Authority of the fame, That during Foreigners the Continuance of this preſent War, and no longer during the (except in reſpect to fuch Merchant Ships, and other trading Ships or Veffels, and Privateers, which fhalk. be on their Voyage before the Determination of the War, who fhall be, and are hereby allowed the Li- berty and Benefit of returning home navigated in the Manner as herein after is provided) it ſhall and may be lawful for any Merchant Ship, or other trading Ship or Veſſel, or Privateer, to be navigated by foreign Sea- Fourths War. men [414] men or Mariners, not being Natives of Great-Britain, or of any of the Colonies or Plantations thereto be- longing, or his Majefty's natural or naturalized Sub- jects, fo as the Number of fuch foreign Seamen or Ma- riners do not exceed three Fourths of the Mariners at any one Time employed to navigate fuch Merchant Ship, or other trading Ship or Veffel, or Privateer ; and that one Fourth at leaſt, of the Mariners or Sea- men fo employed be at all Times Natives or his Ma- jefty's naturalized Subjects of Great-Britain (fudden Death, and Hazard and Caſualties of War, and the Seas, faved and excepted) one Act of Parliament made 12 Car. II. in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Charles the Second, intituled, An Act for the encouraging and encreaſing of Shipping and Naviga- tion, or any other Statute or Law to the contrary not- withstanding. C. 18. Foreign Seamen Serving on board Men of War, or 2. And for the better encouraging of foreign Mari- ners and Seamen to come and ferve on board Ships be- longing to this Kingdom of Great-Britain, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every fuch foreign Mariner or Seaman, who fhall, from and after the firft Day of January, one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Thirty Nine, have faithfully ferved, during the Merchant Time of War, on board any of his Majefty's Ships of Ships two Years dur- War, or any Merchant, or other trading Ship or Ships,, ing theWar, Veffel or Veffels, or Privateers (which at the Time of ed natural fuch Service ſhall belong to any of his Majeſty's Sub- born Sub- jects of Great-Britain) for the Space of two Years, jects. fhall, to all Intents and Purpoſes, be deemed and to be deem taken [ 415 ] taken to be a natural born Subject of his Majefty's Kingdom of Great Britain, and have and enjoy all the Privileges, Powers, Rights, and Capacities, which fuch foreign Mariner or Seaman could, fhould, or ought to have had and enjoyed, in caſe he had been a natural born Subject of his Majefty, and actually a Native within the Kingdom of Great-Britain. Not to be 3. Provided nevertheleſs, and it is hereby further enacted and declared, That no Perfon, who fhall be Provifo, naturalized by virtue of this: Act, ſhall thereby be en- thereby abled to be of the Privy Council, or a Member of made capa-- either Houſe of Parliament, or to take any Office or ble of Place of Trust, Place of Truft, either Civil or Military, or to have any &c. Grant of Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments from the Crown to himſelf, or any other Perſon or Perfons in Truſt for him; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithſtanding. the King's 4. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for his The fame Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, at all Times when may be practifed in it ſhall be found neceffary to declare War againſt any any future foreign Power, to publiſh a Royal Proclamation, if he War, on or they ſhall judge it requifite, to permit all Merchant Proclama- Ships, and other trading Veffels, and Privateers, to be tion for manned with foreign Mariners and Seamen during po. fuch War, in the Manner as by this Act is provided; and that upon the publiſhing of fuch Proclamation, this Act, and every Thing therein contained ſhall be deemed to be in full force and virtue, and have Con- tinuance that Pur- E 416 ] tinuance for and during the Time of any fuch War, and no longer (except in refpect to fuch. Merchant Ships, and other trading Ships or Veffels, and Priva- teers, which ſhall be on their Voyage before the De- termination of fuch War, who fhall be and are here- by allowed the Liberty and Benefit of returning home navigated in the Manner as herein before is provided.) Preamble. Anno 13° Geo. II. Cap. 4. An Act for the more effectual ſecuring and encouraging the Trade of his Majesty's Britiſh Subjects to America, and for the Encouragement of Seamen to enter into his Majesty's Service. HEREAS the Trade of his Majefty's Sub- jects in America hath for many Years been greatly annoyed by the Spaniards, their undoubted Right to navigate in thofe Seas, without any Moleftati- on, hath been unjustly interrupted, on Pretences alto- gether groundless and unwarrantable, divers Ships and Veffels belonging to Britiſh Subjects have been feixed and confifcated, the Sailors have been injuriouſly im- prifoned, and barbarously treated, and the Britiſh Co- lours have been infulted in the most ignominious Man- ner : And whereas his Majefty has been obliged to de- clare. [ 417 ] 1 clare War against the King of Spain, his Vaffels, and Subjects, to revenge the Injuries, and obtain ample Sa- tisfaction for the Wrongs done to his Subjects; now for the better carrying on the faid War, with Vigour, and for the Encouragement of the Officers and Seamen of his Majesty's Ships of War, and the Officers and Sea- men of all other Britiſh Ships and Veffels, having Com- miffions or Letters of Marque, and for inducing all Bri- tiſh Seamen, who may be in any foreign Service, to re- turn into this Kingdom, and become ferviceable to his Majefty, and for the more effectual fecuring and ex- tending the Trade of his Majesty's Subjects to America, and elsewhere, Be it enacted by the King's moſt Ex- cellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this preſent Parliament affembled, and by the Au- thority of the fame, That the Flag-Officers, Com- Officers, manders, and other Officers, Seamen, Mariners, and Mariners, Soldiers, on board every Ship and Veffel of War in Soldiers on his Majeſty's Pay, ſhall have the fole Intereft and board Ships Property of and in all and every Ship, Veffel, Goods, to have the of War, and Merchandize, which they fhall take after the fole Proper- fourth Day of January, in the Year of our Lord one prizes they ty of all Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Thirty Nine, in Eu- take in Eŭ- rope; and after the twenty-fourth Day of June, in rope after the Year of our Lord one Thouſand feven Hundred January and Forty, in any other Part of the World (being firſt 1739; and adjudged lawful Prize in any of his Majeſty's Courts Part of the of Admiralty in Great-Britain, or in his Plantations World,after in America, or elſewhere) to be divided in fuch Pro- the 4th of portions, and after fuch Manner, as his Majefty, his June Hhh Heirs Seamen, and the 4th of in any other 1740. [418] &c. to Commander's of Priva- Prizes taken by them fall be wholly theirs. Heirs and Succeffors fhall think fit to order and di- rect, by Proclamation to be iſſued for that Purpoſe. Lord High 2. And be it further enacted by the Authority Admiral, aforefaid, That the Lord High Admiral of Great- grant Com- Britain, or the Commiffioners for executing the Of miffions to fice of Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain for the Time being, or any three or more of them, or any teers: And Perfon or Perfons in any Part of America, or elſewhere, by him or them impowered and appointed, fhall, from and after the fourth Day of January, one Thoufand feven Hundred and Thirty Nine, at the Requeſt of any British Owner or Owners of any Ship or Veffel, giving fuch Bail and Security as have been ufually taken upon granting Commiffions, or Letters of Marque (except only for the Payment of the Tenths of the Value of Prizes which fhall be taken, to the Lord High Admiral, or Commiffioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral for the Time being) cauſe to be iffued forth in the ufual Manner, one or more Commiffion or Commiffions, to any Perſon or Perfons whom fuch Owner or Owners fhall nominate to be Commander; or in cafe of Death, fucceffively Commanders of fuch Ship or Veffel, for the attacking, furprizing, feizing, and taking, by and with fuch Ship or Veffel, or the Crew thereof, any Place or Fortreſs upon the Land, or any Ship or Veſſel, Goods, Ammunition, Arms, Stores of War, or Merchandizes, belonging to or poffeffed by any of his Majeſty's Ene- mies, in any Sea, Creek, Haven, or River; and that fuch Ship or Ships, Veffel or Veffels, Arms, Ammu- nition, [ 419 ] nition, Stores of War, Goods, and Merchandizes what- foever, with all their Furniture, Tackle, or Apparel fo to be taken by or with fuch Private Owner or Owners, Ship or Veffel, according to fuch Commifli- on and Commiffions, being firft adjudged lawful Prize, in any of his Majeſty's Courts of Admiralty, as aforefaid, fhall wholly and intirely belong to and be divided between and among the Owner and Own- ers of fuch Ship or Veffel, and the ſeveral Perfons which fhall be on board the fame, and be aiding and af- fifting to the taking thereof, in fuch Shares and Pro- portions as fhall be agreed on with the Owner or Owners of fuch Ship or Veffel, as ſhall be the Captor thereof, their Agents, or Factors, as the proper Goods and Chattels of fuch Owner or Owners, and the Per- ſons that ſhall be thus intitled thereto, by virtue of ſuch Agreements among themſelves; and that neither his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, or any Admiral, Vice- Admiral, Governor, or other Perfon commiffioned by, or claiming under his Majeſty, his Heirs or Suc- ceffors or any Perfon or Perfons whatſoever, other than the Owner or Owners of fuch Ship or Veffel, being the Captor of fuch Prize, Ship, or Veffel, Arms, Am- munition, Stores of War, Goods, and Merchandizes, and the Perfons claiming under him or them, fhall be intitled to any Part or Share thereof, except as to the Cuſtoms and Duties hereafter mentioned; any Cu- ftom, Statute, or other Law to the contrary notwith- ftanding. Hhh 2 3. And [420] How the on. 3. And for the more ſpeedy proceeding to Con- demnation, or other Determination of any Prize, Ship or Veffel, Goods or Merchandizes, taken as aforefaid, and for leffening of the Expences that have been uſual in the like Cafes, Be it further enacted by Prizes all the Authority aforefaid, That the Judge or Judges of be tried for Condemnati- fuch Court of Admiralty, or other Perfon or Perfons thereto authorized, fhall, within the Space of five Days, after Requeſt to him or them for that Purpoſe made, finiſh the ufual preparatory Examination of the Perfons commonly examined in fuch Cafes, in order to prove the Capture to be lawful Prize, or to enquire whether the fame be lawful Prize or not, and that the proper Monition ufual in fuch Cafes fhall be iffued by the Perfon or Perſons proper to iffue the fame, and ſhall be executed in the uſual Manner, by the Perfon or Perſons proper to execute the fame, within the Space of three Days, after Requeft in that Behalf made; and in cafe no Claim of fuch Capture, Ship, Veffel, or Goods, fhall be duly entred, or made in the ufual Form, and attefted upon Oath, giving twenty Days Notice after the Execution of fuch Monition; or if there be fuch Claim, and the Claimant or Claim- ants ſhall not within five Days give fufficient Security (to be approved by fuch Court of Admiralty) to pay double Cofts to the Captor or Captors of fuch Ship, Veffel, or Goods, in cafe the fame fo claimed fhall be adjudged lawful Prize, that then the Judge or Judges of fuch Court of Admiralty fhall, upon producing to him or them, the faid Examinations or Copies there- of; [ 421 ] of; and upon producing to him or them, upon Oath, all Papers and Writings, which fhall have been found; taken in or with fuch Capture, or upon Oath made, that no fuch Papers were found, immediately and without further Delay, proceed to Sentence, either to diſcharge and acquit fuch Capture, or to adjudge and condemn the fame as lawful Prize, according as the Cafe fhall appear to him or them, upon Perufal of fuch preparatory Examinations, and alſo of the Writ- ings found, taken in or with fuch Capture, if any ſuch Writing fhall be found; and in cafe fuch Claim ſhall be duly entred or made, and Security given thereupon, according to the Tenor and true Meaning of this Act, and there fhall appear no Occafion to examine any Witneffes, other than what ſhall be then near to fuch Court of Admiralty, that then fuch Judge or Judges fhall forthwith caufe fuch Witneffes to be examined, and within the Space of ten Days after fuch Claim made, and Security given, proceed to fuch Sentence, as aforefaid, touching fuch Capture; but in caſe, up- on making or entring fuch Claim, and the Allegation and Oath thereupon, or the producing fuch Writings as fhall have been found, taken in or with fuch Cap- ture, or upon the faid preparatory Examinations, it ſhall appear doubtful to the Judge or Judges of fuch Court of Admiralty, whether fuch Capture be lawful Prize or not; and it fhall appear neceffary, ac- cording to the Circumftances of the Cafe, for the clearing and determining fuch Doubt, to have an Ex- amination of Witneffes that are remote from fuch Court of Admiralty, and fuch Examination fhall be defired, [422] Where the Claimant defired, and that it be ſtill inſiſted on, on Behalf of the Captors, that the faid Capture is lawful Prize, and that the contrary be ſtill perfifted in on the Claimants Behalf, that then the faid Judge or Judges fhall forth- with caufe fuch Capture to be appraiſed by Perfons named on the Part of the Captor, and fworn truly to appraiſe the fame, according to the beft of their Skill and Knowledge; for which Purpoſe the ſaid Judge or Judges fhall cauſe the Goods found on board to be unladen, and put into proper Warehouſes, with ſeparate Locks of the Collector and Comptroller of the Cuſtoms; and where there is no Comptroller, of the Naval Officer, and the Agents or Perfons im- ployed by the Captors and Claimants at the Charge of the Party or Parties defiring the fame, and fhall, after fuch Appraiſement made, and within the Space of fourteen Days after the making of fuch Claim, proceed to take good and fufficient Security from the Claimants to pay the Captors the full Value thereof, according to fuch Appraiſement, in cafe the fame fhall be adjudged lawful Prize; and after fuch Secu- rity duly given, the faid Judge or Judges fhall make an interlocutory Order, for releaſing or delivering the fame to fuch Claimant or Claimants, or his or their Agents, and the ſame ſhall be actually releaſed or de- livered accordingly. 4. And it is further enacted by the Authority ball refufe aforefaid, That if any Claimant or Claimants ſhall re- to give Se- fufe to give fuch Security, the Judge or Judges fhall cauſe the Captor or Captors in like Manner to give curity. good /* [423] good and fufficient Security, to be approved of by the Claimant or Claimants, to pay the faid Claimant or Claimants the full Value thereof, according to the Ap- praiſement, in cafe any fuch Capture or Captures fhall be adjudged not to be lawful Prize; and the faid Judge or Judges ſhall thereupon proceed to make an interlocutory Order, for the releafing and delivering of the fame to the faid Captor or Captors, or their Agents. the Colonies Care and 5. And it is further enacted by the Authority Prizes aforefaid, That all fuch Captures, as aforefaid, which brought into ſhall be brought into any of his Majefty's Colonies or in America, Plantations in America, fhall, without breaking under whofe Bulk, ſtay there, and be under the joint Care and Cu- Cuftody to ftody of the Collector and Comptroller of the Cu- be. ftoms; or where there is no Comptroller, of the Na- val Officer of the Port or Place where the fame fhall be brought, and all the Captors thereof, and their Agents, until either the fame fhall by final Sentence have been either cleared and diſcharged, or adjudged and condemned as lawful Prize; or that fuch interlo- cutory Orders, as aforefaid, fhall have been made for the releafing or delivering of the fame; and upon the Condemnation or Adjudication thereof as lawful Prize, fhall, in caſe the fame were taken by any fuch private Ship or Ships commiffioned as aforefaid, be immediately delivered unto the Captors thereof, and their Agents, to be by them difpofed of, as their Goods and Chattels; and in cafe the fame were tak- en by any of his Majefty's Ships of War, unto fuch Perfon [424] Penalty on Judge or Officer de- laying, or offending } Perſon or Perſons, and to be fo divided and difpofed of, as his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors fhall, by Proclamation for that Purpoſe, order and direct. 6. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Judge or Judges, or other Of- ficer or Officers, in any of his Majefty's Plantations or Domininons abroad, to whom refpectively it ſhall ap- against the Directions pertain, ſhall delay the doing, performing, making, of this Att. or pronouncing any of the feveral Proceedings, Mat- ters, or Things for, towards, or relating to condemn- ing or diſcharging, releaſing or delivering of any fuch Capture, in Manner aforefaid, within the reſpective Times herein before limitted, or as foon as the fame, or any of them, ought to be done, according to the Tenor and true Meaning of this Act, all and every fuch Judge and Judges, and other Officer and Offi- cers, fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of five Hundred Pounds; one Moiety thereof to his Ma- jefty, his Heirs and Succeffors; the other Moiety thereof, with full Cofts of Suit, to fuch Perfon or Per- fons who fhall inform or fue for the fame in any of the Courts in or for any of his Majeſty's ſaid Colonies or Plantations, or in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record within his Kingdom of Great-Britain. What ſhall be in the Courts 7. And it is hereby further enacted by the Autho- be paid rity aforefaid, That there fhall not be paid unto or of Admiral among all the Judges and Officers of fuch Court of ty abroad, Admiralty in any of his Majefty's Plantations or Do- for trying minions abroad, for, towards, or relating to the ad- and con- judging [ 425 ] Prizes. judging or condemning of fuch Capture, as aforefaid, demning as lawful Prize, above the Sum of ten Pounds, in caſe fuch Prize, Ship, or Veffel, be under the Burthen of one Hundred Tons; nor above the Sum of fifteen Pounds, in cafe the fame be of that or any greater Burthen; and that upon Payment of either of the faid refpective Sums, as the Cafe fhall require, to the faid Judge or Judges, or any of them, to be by him or them diſpoſed or divided, as he or they fhall think fit, among the Officers of fuch Court, fuch Judges and Officers, and every of them, fhall be liable to all and every the ſeveral Penalties hereby impofed, for neglect- ing or delaying to do and perform their ſeveral and reſpective Duties or Offices in and relating to the feve- ral Proceedings aforefaid, within the reſpective Times herein for that Purpoſe limitted. abroad may 8. Provided nevertheleſs, and it is hereby further Party ag- enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Cap-grieved by Sentence of tor or Captors, Claimant or Claimants, fhall not reft Admiralty fatisfied with the Sentence given in fuch Court of Court Admiralty in any of his Majeſty's Plantations or Do- appeal to minions abroad, it fhall and may be lawful for the Commiſſion- Party or Parties thereby aggrieved, to appeal from the ers appoint- faid Court of Admiralty to the Commiffioners ap- Purpose. ed for that pointed, or to be appointed under the Great Seal of Great Britain, for receiving, hearing, and determin- ing Appeals in Caufes of Prizes; fuch Appeal to be allowed in the like Manner as Appeals to fuch Com- miffioners are now allowed from the Court of Admi- ralty within this Kingdom; fo as the fame be made, Iii within [426] peal. Security to within fourteen Days after Sentence, and a good Se- be given on Juch Ap-curity be likewiſe given by the Appellant or Appel- lants, that he or they will effectually profecute fuch Appeal, and anſwer the Condemnation, as alfo pay treble Cofts as ſhall be awarded, in caſe the Sentence of fuch Court of Admiralty be affirmed; any thing in this Act before to the contrary hereof in any wife Sentence ap- notwithſtanding. Provided always, That the Execu- pealed from, tion of any Sentence fo appealed from as aforeſaid, in the mean ſhall not be ſuſpended by reafon of fuch Appeal, in cafe the Party or Parties appellate fhall give fufficient pended, fo as the Par- Security to be approved of by the Court, in which ty appellate fuch Sentence ſhall be given, to reftore the Ship, Vef- give Securi- fel, Goods, or Effects, concerning which fuch Sentence Shall not be time fuf- ty. Forfeiture of treble on board any Prizes. ſhall be pronounced, or the full Value thereof to the Appellant or Appellants, in cafe the Sentence fo ap- pealed from ſhall be reverſed. 9. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Commander or Commanders, Value for imbezeling Officer or Officers, Seamen, Mariners, Soldiers, or Goods, &c. others, fhall break Bulk on board or embezel any of the Money, Jewels, Plate, Goods, Merchandize, Tackle, Furniture, or Apparel of or belonging to fuch Prize or Prizes fo taken, fuch Commander, Officer, Seaman, Mariner, Soldier, or others, ſhall forfeit treble the Value of all fuch Money, Jewels, Plate, Goods, Merchandize, Tackle, Furniture, or Apparel, as he or they ſhall embezel; one third Part thereof to be to the Ufe of Greenwich Hofpital, and the other two third Parts thereof to him or them that will fue for the } fame, [ 427 ] ſame, by Action of Debt, Plaint, or Information, in any Court of Record in Great-Britain, in which no Effoign, Protection, or Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance ſhall be allowed. Sale of 10. And be it further enacted by the Authority Agents for aforeſaid, That all Appraiſements and Sales of any prizes how Ship or Ships, Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes, as to be ap- ſhall be taken by any of his Majefty's Ships of War, pointed. ſhall be made by Agents, or Perfons nominated and appointed in equal Numbers by the Commander, Of- ficer, or Ship's Company, and others intitled there- unto (that is to fay) that if the Commander or Com- manders of fuch Ship or Ships, as ſhall take any fuch Prize or Prizes, fhall nominate and appoint one or more Perfon or Perfons, Agent or Agents, to fell or appraiſe the ſame, as aforefaid, then the Officers inti- tled thereunto, or the Majority of them, ſhall nomi- nate and appoint the like Number of Perfons or Agents to act for them; and the Ship's Company and others, or the major Part of them, fhall alfo nomi- nate and appoint the fame Number of Perſons or Agents to act on their Behalf in fuch Appraiſement or Sale; Provided that nothing herein contained fhall- extend or be conftrued to alter or make void any Agreement or Agreements made, or to be made in Writing, between the Owners, Officers, and Seamen of any private Ships or Veffels of War. Iii 2 II. And [ 428 ] tice to be Publick No- 11. And be it further enacted by the Authority given by the aforefaid, That after the Sale or Sales of fuch Prize of Agents, of Prizes, as ſhall be taken from the Enemy by any of the Day ap- his Majefty's Ships of War, publick Notification fhall pointed to pay the Cap- be given by the Perſons or Agents appointed, as afore- tors Shares. faid, of the Day appointed for the Payment of the fe- Shares not veral Shares to the Captors aforefaid ; after which three Years, publick Notification, if any Men's Shares fhall remain in the Hands of the Perfons or Agents, appointed as Greenwich aforefaid, and fhall not be legally demanded within Hofpital. three Years, then fuch Share or Shares, fo remaining in the Perfons or Agents Hands, fhall go and be paid to the Ufe of Greenwich Hofpital. demanded in to go to Prizes not 12. Provided always, and be it declared and exempt from enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That nothing the Payment of Customs. herein contained fhall extend, or be conftrued to ex- tend, to exempt any Ships, Goods, Wares, or Merchan- dizes, which fhall be taken as Prize, and brought or imported into this Kingdom, or any of his Majefty's Plantations in America, from the Payment of any Cuſtoms or Duties, or from being ſubject to ſuch Re- ftrictions and Regulations, to which the fame now are, or ſhall hereafter be liable, by virtue of the Laws and Statutes of this Realm. 13. And for the encouraging his Majefly's Subjects to engage in joint and united as well as feparate Ex- pences, Expeditions and Adventures, Be it further en- acted by the Authority aforefaid, That his Majefty b.ex [ 429 ] 1 t be, and he, and his Heirs and Succeffors, are hereby impowered, from Time to Time, during the Conti- nuance of the prefent or any future War, to grant or make any Charter, Commiffion, or Grant, Charters, Charters, Commiffions, Commiffions, or Grants, for the better or more effec- &c. may be tual enabling any Society or Societies, or particular granted by bis Majefty Perfons, to join in any Expeditions or Adventures, by to private Sea or Land, and to fail to and in any of the Seas in Adventu. America, for the attacking, furprizing, taking, or de-rers. ftroying any Ships, Goods, Moveables and Immovea- bles, Settlements, Factories, Creeks, Harbours, Places of Strength, Lands, Forts, Caftles, and Fortifications, now belonging, or hereafter to belong to or to be poffeffed by any Enemy of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, in any Part or Parts of America; and for- the better making and carrying on any Preparations for fuch Purpoſe and Purpoſes, and for the making and affuring to the Societies and Perfons which may be concerned, their Heirs, Succeffors, Executors, Ad- miniſtrators, and Affighs, full and undoubted Proper- ties, Rights, and Titles, of, in, and to, and the full Enjoyment of all and every the Ships, Ammunition, Stores of War, Goods, Chattels, Moveables and Im- moveables, Settlements, Factories, Places of Strength, or Security, Lands, Forts, Caftles, or Fortifications, now belonging to, or poffeffed by, or hereafter to be- long to, or to be poffeffed by any Enemy of his Ma- jefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, in any of the Parts of America, which fuch Society or Perſons ſhall take, or cauſe to be taken from any fuch Enemy, together with all the Proceed, Profits, and Advantages, which may accrue [430] Such Char- ters, &c. ſhall not binder the free Trade to America. ney to be accrue of or by the fame, or any of them, with and under fuch Regulations, and in fuch Manner and Form as his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors fhall think fit; and at any Time or Times afterwards, by any farther Grants or Charters, to confirm, corrobo- rate, and farther affure the Premiffes, and every or any of them, to the faid Societies or Perfons concerned, their and every of their Heirs, Succeffors, Executors, Adminiſtrators, or Affigns, fo as to enable them, and every of them, to have, hold, and enjoy the full Bene- fit thereof, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act; any Law, Statute, Provifion, or Decla- ration to the contrary in any wife notwithſtanding. 14. Provided always, That nothing fhall be con- tained in any Charter, Commiffion, or Grant, made in purfuance of this Act, to exclude or reftrain any of his Majeſty's Subjects from having a full and free Trade to and in any Part of America. 15. And as a further Encouragement to the Offi- cers, Seamen, Mariners, Soldiers, and others on board his Majesty's Ships of War, as alfo of Privateers, to attack, take, and deftroy any Ships of force belonging to Bounty-Mo- the Enemy, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That there fhall be paid by the Treaſurer of his Ma- jeſty's Navy, upon Bills to be made forth by the Commiffioners of the Navy, to be paid according to the Courſe thereof, without Fee or Reward, unto the Officers, Seamen, Marines, Soldiers, or others, that ſhall have been actually on board fuch of his Maje- paid for taking or defroying Enemies Ships. Marinds fty's [ 43 ] fty's Ship or Ships of War, or Privateer or Privateers, in any Action where any Ship or Ships of War, or Privateers, fhall have been taken from the Enemy, funk, burnt, or otherwiſe deſtroyed, five Pounds for every Man which was living on board any Ship or Ships fo taken, funk, burnt, or otherwiſe deſtroyed, at the beginning of the Engagement between them; the Numbers of fuch Men to be proved by the Oaths of three or more of the Chief Officers or Men, which were belonging to the faid Ship or Ships of War, or Privateers of the Enemy, at the Time of her or their be- ing taken as Prize, funk, burnt, or otherwiſe deſtroy- ed, before the Mayor or other Chief Magiftrate of the Port, whereunto any Prize, or Officers, or Men of fuch Ships, as were funk, burnt, or otherwiſe deſtroy- ed, fhall be brought; which Oaths the faid Mayor, or other Chief Magiftrate of any fuch Port, is hereby impowered and required to adminifter, and fhall forthwith grant a Certificate thereof, without Fee or Reward, directed to the Commiffioners of the Navy; upon producing which Certificate to the Commiffion- ers of his Majefty's Navy, together with an authentick Copy of the Condemnation of fuch Ship fo taken; or if fuch Ship be funk, burnt, or otherwiſe deſtroyed, on producing only a Certificate from the Mayor, or other Chief Magiſtrate, as aforefaid, the ſaid Commiffi- oners of his Majefty's Navy, or fuch Perfon or Perfons as they ſhall appoint for that Purpoſe, fhall, according to the Courſe of the Navy, within fifteen Days, make out Bills for the Amount of fuch Bounty, directed to the Treafurer of the Navy, payable to, and to be di- vided [ 432 ] Captors to appoint Agents to receive the Bounty Money. vided amongst the Officers, Seamen, Mariners, and Soldiers on board his Majefty's Ships of War, in Man- ner, Form, and Proportion, as by his Majefty's Pro- clamation to be iffued for that Purpoſe fhall be directed and appointed; and amongſt the Owners, Officers, and Seamen of any private Veffel, or Ship of War, in fuch Manner and Proportion, as by any Agreement in Writing they ſhall have entred into for that Pur- pofe, fhall be directed. 16. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Bill or Bills to be made out for the Bounty hereby granted to the Commanders, Offi- cers, Seamen, Mariners, Soldiers, and others of his Majeſty's Ships of War, for taking, finking, burning, or otherwiſe deſtroying any Ships of War, or Priva- teers, belonging to any of his Majefty's Enemies, fhall be made payable to fuch Perfon or Perſons as ſhall be authorized and appointed by the Commander, and by the Majority of the Officers, and the major Part of fuch Ship's Company, and others, as ſhall have taken, funk, burnt, or otherwiſe deſtroyed the fame, to be diftributed and divided by the faid Perfon or Perfons fo authorized and appointed, amongſt the Captors, in fuch Manner, Form, and Proportion, as aforefaid; the feveral Shares of which Captors, if not legally de- manded within three Years after publick Notification, ſhall be applied to the Ufe of Greenwich Hofpital; and that the Bill or Bills to be made out for the Bounty hereby granted to Privateers, for taking, finking, burning, and otherwiſe deſtroying any Ships of War, or อ 1 [433] or Privateers, belonging to any of his Majeſty's Ene- mies, ſhall be made payable to ſuch Perfon or Per- fons as fhall be nominated and appointed by the Owner or Owners, Officers, and Seamen of fuch Pri- vateer or Privateers, who fhall have taken, funk, burnt, or otherwiſe deſtroyed the fame, or the major Part of them, to be divided in fuch Manner and Pro- portion as ſhall have been agreed by them, as afore- faid. Galleons, rican Courts 17. Provided nevertheleſs, and be it further enact- Prizes of ed by the Authority aforefaid, That nothing herein &c. not to contained ſhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to be adjudged oblige or authorize any Judge of any of his Majeſty's in the Ame- Courts of Admiralty in the Plantations or Colonies in of Admiral- America, or elſewhere out of Great-Britain, to ad- iy. judge or determine concerning the Validity of the Capture of any Ship or Ships, whether Men of War or Merchant Ships, commonly called Flota-Ships or Gal- leons, or any Ship having a Regiſter, bound from Buenos Ayres, or Honduras, or any Goods on board any ſuch Ship; but that all fuch Ships called Flota- Ships or Galleons, and every Ship having a Regiſter, bound from Buenos Ayres, or Honduras, which fhall be taken by any Ship or Ships, fhall with their Car- goes be tried and adjudged in his Majeſty's High Court of Admiralty; any thing in this Act to the contrary: in any wife notwithſtanding. Kkk 18. Provided [ 434 ] Ships, of Britiſh the Enemy, bow to be difpofed. 2 18. Provided always, and be it enacted, That Goods, &c. if any Ship, Veffel, or Boat taken as Prize, or Subjects re- any Goods therein, fhall appear and be proved in the taken from Court of Admiralty to be belonging to any of his Majefty's Subjects of Great-Britain or Ireland, or any of the Dominions and Territories remaining and con- tinuing under his Majefty's Protection and Obedience, which were before taken or furprized by any of his Majeſty's Enemies, and afterwards again furprized and retaken by any of his Majefty's Ships of War, or any private Man of War, or other Ship, Veffel, or Boat under his Majeſty's Protection or Obedience, that then fuch Ships, Veffels, Boats and Goods, and every ſuch Part and Parts thereof as aforefaid, belonging to fuch his Majeſty's Subjects, fhall be adjudged to be reſtored, and ſhall be, by Decree of the ſaid Court of Admiral- ty, accordingly reftored to fuch former Owner or Owners, or Proprietors, he or they paying for and in lieu of Salvage, if taken by one of his Majefty's Ships of War, an eighth Part of the true Value of the Ships, Veffels, Boats and Goods reſpectively fo to be reftored; which Salvage fhall be anſwered and paid to the Captains, Officers and Seamen in the faid Man of War, to be divided in fuch Manner as before in this Act is directed touching the Share of Prizes belonging to the Flag-Officers, Captains, Officers, Seamen, Ma- rines and Soldiers, where Prizes are taken by any of his Majefty's Ships of War: And if taken by a Priva- teer, or other Ship, Veffel or Boat, after having been in the Poffeffion of the Enemy twenty-four Hours, an [ 435 ] 4 العالم an eighth Part of the true Value of the faid Ships, Veffels, Boats and Goods; and if above twenty-four Hours, and under forty-eight Hours, a fifth Part thereof; and if above forty-eight Hours, and under ninety-fix Hours, a third Part thereof; and if above ninety-fix Hours, a Moiety thereof: All which Pay- ments to be made to any Privateer, or other Ship, Veffel or Boat, ſhall be without any Deductions: And if fuch Ship fo retaken fhall appear to have been, af- ter the Taking by the Enemy, by them fet forth as a Man of War, the former Owners and Proprietors to whom the ſame ſhall be reftored, fhall be adjudged to pay, and ſhall pay for Salvage, the full Moiety of the true Value of the faid Ship fo taken and reftored, without Deduction as aforefaid; any Law, Cuftom, or Ufage to the contrary notwithſtanding. { by Privateer 19. And be it further enacted, That in cafe any Ship, or Ship or Veffel, or any Goods or Merchandizes, fhall Goods taken be taken by any Privateer through Confent or clan- by Collufion. deſtinely, or by Collufion or Connivance, fuch Ship and Veffel, and fuch Goods and Merchandizes, and alfo the Ship's Tackle, Apparel, Furniture and Am- munition of fuch Privateer, fhall, upon Proof thereof to be made in his Majefty's Court of Exchequer, or in the Court of Admiralty, be declared and adjudged to be good Prize to his Majefty; one Moiety thereof fhall Forfeiture. be to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to the Ufe of fuch Perfon who fhall difcover and fue for the fame, and the Bond given by the Captain of fuch Privateer, fhall be, and Kkk 2 is [ 436 ] is hereby adjudged to be forfeited to his Majefty! If by Man And in cafe any fuch Ship or Veffel, or any Goods or of War, the Captain, Merchandizes as aforefaid, fhall be taken by any Man &c. to for- of War through Confent, clandeftinely, or by Collufi feit 1000 1. on or Connivance of the Commander or Captain, fuch Commander or Captain fhall forfeit the Sum of one Thouſand Pounds; one Moiety thereof to the Ufe of his Majeſty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to the Ufe of fuch Perfon who fhall diſcover and fue for the fame; to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of his Maje- fty's Courts of Record, wherein no Effoign, Protecti on, Privilege, or Wager of Law, or any more than And be in- one Imparlance fhall be allowed; and fuch Captain capacitated: or Officer fhall forfeit his Command and Employ- ment, and ſhall be, and is hereby difabled and made incapable of any Office or Employment under his Ma- jefty, during the Space of feven Years; and the faid Goods and Merchandizes, and the Ship, Tackle, Ap- parel, Furniture, Guns and Ammunition, fo taken by Colluſion, ſhall be and is hereby adjudged to be good Prize to his Majefty: And the Goods, Ship, &c. forfeited. Taking on Slaves, &c. 1 វ 1 20. And whereas good and neceffary Laws have been board made, and are fill in force within feveral of his Ma- in America jefty's Colonies or Plantations in America, for the pre- without venting the carrying off from the faid Colonies or Confent of Plantations any Servant or Slave without the Confent of the Owner, or the carrying off from thence any other Perſon or Perſons whatsoever, until fuch Perfon fhall have taken out his Ticket from the Secretary's Office the Mafter, and &c; within [ 437 ] 乎 ​within fuch refpective Colony or Plantation, in fuch Manner and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, aš, in and by the faid feveral Laws is declared and pro vided; Be it therefore further enacted by the Autho- rity aforefaid, That all Commanders of private Ships Commanders of War, or Merchant Ships, having Letters of Marque, of Priva- teer-Ships, ſhall upon their going into any of thofe Ports or Har- &c. fubject bours be fubject, and they are hereby determined to be to the Laws fubject to the feveral Directions, Provifions, Penalties tions of the and Forfeitures in and by fuch Laws made and pro- Places there, vided; any thing in this Act contained to the contra- ry thereof in any wife notwithſtanding. and Direc- Anno 13º Geo. H. Cap. 17: An Act for the Increase of Mariners and Seamen to navigate Merchant Ships, and other trading Ships or Veffels.. W HEREAS it is neceſſary to give all fitting Preamble.- Encouragement to Perfons to apply themselves to the Sea Service, and the Practice of Navigation, and alfo to foreign Mariners and. Seamen to engage in the British Service; Be it enacted by the King's moſt Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Con- fent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- mons, in this preſent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That every Perfon herein Perfons ex- after empted from [438] being im- preſſed. after mentioned fhall be freed and exempted from be- ing impreffed into the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors (that is to ſay) 'every Perfon being of the Age of fifty-five Years, or upwards, and every Perfon not having attained the full Age of eighteen Years, and every Foreigner, being a Mariner, Seaman, or Landman, who fhall ferve in any Merchant Ship, or other trading Ship or Veffel, or Privateer, belong- ing to the Subjects of the Crown of Great-Britain. 2. And for the Encouragement of able-bodied Landmen to betake themſelves to the Sea Service, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perſon of what Age foever he be, who fhall uſe the Sea, fhall be freed and exempted from being im- preffed for the full Space of two Years, to be comput- ed from the Time of his firft going to Sea; and that every Perſon who not having before uſed the Sea, ſhall bind himſelf Apprentice to ferve at Sea, fhall be freed and exempted from being impreffed for the full Space of three Years, to be computed from the Time of his binding himſelf Apprentice, as aforefaid. 3. And for the better Securing to all the Perfons be- fore mentioned the Benefit intended them by this A&t, Lord Admi- Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That ral, &c. to the Lord High Admiral of Great-Britain, or Com- tections ac- miffioners for executing the Office of Lord High Ad- cordingly, miral for the Time being, or any Three or more of grant Pro- them, fhall, upon due Proof made before him or them of the refpective Ages and Circumftances (as the Cafe fhall [ 439 ] fhall happen) of any of the Perfons before mentioned, grant a Protection to every fuch Perſon to ſecure him from being impreffed, for fuch Time as by the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, fuch Perfon is to be freed and exempted from being impreffed; all which Wthout Protections fhall be granted without any Fee or Re- ward, ward to be taken for the fame. Fee or Re- Anno 13° Geo. II. Cap. 24. An Act for amending and enforcing the Laws relating to Rogues, Vagabonds, and other idle and diforderly Perfons, and for reducing the fame into one Act of Parlia- ment; and alſo for amending the Laws for erecting, providing, and regulating Houfes of Correction. حب · Soldiers or Mariners with Cer- Aft ROVIDED always, That this Act, or any thing therein contained, fhall not extend, or be conftrued to extend to Soldiers wanting Subfiftence, tificates not having lawful Certificates from their Officers, or the within this Secretary at War, or to Mariners, or Seafaring Men, licenſed by fome Teftimonial or Writing under the Hand and Seal of fome Juftice of the Peace, fetting down the Time and Place of their Landing or Diſ- charge, and the Place to which they are to pafs, and limiting [ 440 ] C. 17. > See 39 El. limiting the Time of fuch their Paffage while they continue in the direct way to the Place to which they are to paſs, and during the Time fo limited, Preamble. Anno 13° Geo. II. Cap. 27. An Act for prohibiting Commerce with Spain. WHEREAS bis Majefty bath been called on by the repeated Infults, Depredations, and Cruel- ties of the Spaniards, to make use of the Power which God hath given him, for vindicating the Honour and Dignity of his Crown, and for fecuring to his Subjects the undoubted Rights and Privileges of Navigation and Commerce to which they are justly intitled; and in order thereunto, his Majefty, upon juft and honoura- ble Grounds, bath thought fit to declare War with Spain; and it being highly Requifite and neceſſary to prohibit and refrain all Commerce between his Maje- fty's Subjects and thofe of Spain in Europe, and to en- force fuch Prohibitions and Restrictions by fevere Pe- nalties; Be it therefore enacted by the King's moſt Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Con- fent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- mons, in this preſent Parliament affembled, and by No Goods to the Authority of the fame, That from and after the be imported first Day of June, in the Year of our Lord one Thou- from Old Spain, &c. fand feven Hundred and Forty, no Wines or Fruits during the of any Sort, nor Wool, Iron, Drugs, or Grocery prefentWar. Wares, * [441] Wares, Skins, or any other Goods or Commodities whatſoever, of the Growth, Product, or Manufacture of any of the Kingdoms, Dominions, Iflands, or Ter- ritories of the King of Spain, commonly called Old Spain, lying or being in Europe, or of the Iſlands com- monly called the Canary Inlands, belonging to the faid King of Spain (except fuch Goods as fhall be bona fide taken and condemned as lawful Prize, in any Court of Admiralty, or ordered by any fuch Court before Comdemnation to be fold, as periſhable, where- in the ſaid Court is hereby directed to proceed in the fame Manner as at any Time before the making of this Act) ſhall, during the prefent War with Spain, be imported in any Ship or Veffel whatſoever, into any Port, Haven, Creek, or other Place whatſoever, in the Kingdoms of Great-Britain or Ireland, or Ifles of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, Ifle of Man, or Minorca, or the Town or Port of Gibraltar, from any Port or Place whatſoever, either mixt or unmixt with any Commodities of the Growth or Product of any other Nation, Place, or Country whatſoever, under the On Penalty Penalty of the Forfeiture of all fuch Goods and Com- of forfeiting Ship and modities, and treble the Value thereof, and of the Goods, and Ship or Veffel in which they ſhall be imported, with treble the all her Guns, Tackle, Furniture, Ammunition, and Apparel, to be profecuted and divided in the Manner herein after mentioned. Value. what are 2. Provided that nothing herein contained fhall Except extend, or be conſtrued to extend, to hinder or prohi- lodged at bit any Goods or Commodities of the Growth, Pro- Minorca or L11 duct, Gibraltar [ 442 ] 1740, before the duct, or Manufacture of any of the Kingdoms, Domi- ist of May nions, Iſlands or Territories of the King of Spain, which ſhall be actually imported into the Iſland of Minorca or Gibraltar on or before the firft Day of May, one Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Forty, from being im- ported into Great-Britain, ſo as the fame be imported home on on or before the twenty-fourth Day of June, one And brought Thouſand ſeven Hundred and Forty, in British built Britiſh Bot- Shipping, navigated according to Law, and fo as due toms before Proof be made on Oath before the Commiffioners of the 24th of his Majeſty's Cuſtoms, or any Three of them, in the June 1740. Port of London, or before the Collector and Comp- Privateers Ships by teer and troller of the Cuſtoms in any other Port of Great- Britain, who are hereby impowered to adminifter fuch Oath, and alfo to enquire into the Truth of the Caſe, and all Circumftances relating thereto; that the faid Goods and Commodities were actually imported into Minorca or Gibraltar on or before the faid firft Day of May. 3. And to prevent collufive, fraudulent, or clandef taking tine Captures by Privateers; Be it enacted by the Collusion, Authority aforefaid, That if any Privateer or Priva- the Priva- teers fhall, by Confent, or clandeftinely, or by Collu- Prize both fion, feize or take any Ship or Veffel whatſoever, up- forfeited, on due Proof thereof, to be made in the Court of Ad- and the Re- miralty, the Bail or Recognizance given in the faid given by the Court, by or on the Behalf of fuch Privateer, at the Privateer taking out of his Commiffion, fhall be pronounced on taking and declared by the faid Court to be forfeited, and fron, alfo the Privateer Ship itſelf, with all her Appurtenances, forfeited. cognizance bis Commif- Guns, [ E 443 ] Guns, Tackle, Ammunition and Goods on board, as alſo the Merchant Ship or Veffel that ſhall be ſo taken, with her Appurtenances and Lading, upon Proof as aforefaid, fhall be condemned as good and lawful Prize; and after Condemnation and Sale thereof, the Perfon or Perfons diſcovering and profecuting the fame, fhall have one third Part of the Net Produce for his or their Encouragement. concerning Goods are, porter. 4. And be it further enacted by the Authority Directions aforeſaid, That if any Queſtion, Diſpute, or Doubt Captures. ſhall ariſe, whether any of the Commodities feized where for having been imported as aforefaid, or any Part Question thereof, either fingle or mixt, were of the Growth, Product of arifes of the Product, or Manufacture of any of the aforefaid Ter- what Coun- ritories or Dominions of the King of Spain, or were try, &c. the imported contrary to this Act, the Proof fhall be in- cumbent only on the Importer or Claimer, and not upon the Informer or Officer; and for Default of ſuch Proof to lie Proof, that then a Judgment thereupon fhall be given for on the Im- the Recovery of the aforefaid Forfeiture, and Executi- on of fuch Judgment ſhall be immediately granted and awarded according to the true Intent and Mean- ing of this Act, without any Stay or Delay whatſoever; and if any Informer, or other Perfon or Perfons, who Five Hun fhall take upon him or them to feize or profecute any Penalty for Goods or Commodities, or any Perſon or Perfons, up- defifting or on, or by virtue or means of this prefent Act, fhall delaying the by Fraud or Collufion defift from or delay the Profe- by Collufion cution of any of the Commodities aforefaid, after Sei- after Sei- zure or Stay of the fame, or the Profecution of any Per- L112 fon dred Pounds Profecution zure. [444] The King by Procla mation may fon or Perfons for any Offence againſt this Act, he and they fo defifting and delaying, fhall, for every fuch Offence, upon due Conviction thereof, forfeit the Sum of five Hundred Pounds. 5. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if his Majefty, in his take off the great Wiſdom, fhall, at any Time during the prefent Prohibition. War, judge it for the Benefit of his People, to take off I the aforefaid Prohibitions and Reſtrictions, or any Part thereof, from any of the Goods and Commodities aforefaid, it ſhall and may be lawful for the King's Majefty, by one or more Proclamation or Proclamati- ons, to be iffued under the Great Seal of Great-Bri- tain, or by his Order in Council, to be publiſhed in the London Gazette to fignify the fame, and thereup- on fuch Goods and Commodities as aforefaid, fhall and may be imported, being firft duly entred, and paying the Cuſtoms and other Duties now due by Law for the fame; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithſtanding. or Claimant to 6. And be it further enacted, That no Foreigner, give 100 l. other Perfon fhall be admitted to enter a Claim to Security to answer fuch Goods, Ship, Veffel, or Boat ſo ſeized as afore- Cofts of faid, until fufficient Security be firft given by Perfons Profecution. of known Ability, in the Court where fuch Goods are profecuted, in the Penalty of one Hundred Pounds, to anſwer the Cofts and Charges of Profecution; and in Default of giving fuch Security, fuch Goods, Ship, i Veffel, [ 445 ] * Veffel, or Boat fhall be adjudged to be forfeited, and fhall be condemned. 7 J $ to be divid 7. And it is hereby further enacted, That all the How For Forfeitures and Penalties, before in this Act mention-feitures are ed and provided, which fhall be incurred in Great-ed Britain or Ireland, fhall be divided into three feve- ral Parts, two third Parts thereof to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other third Part thereof to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall feize or fue for the fame, by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of his Majeſty's Courts of Exchequer in Great-Britain or Ireland refpectively, wherein no Effoign, Protection, Or Wager of Law fhall be allowed, the Charge of which Suits and Profecutions ſhall be paid out of his Majeſty's Part; and as to all Offences committed againſt this Act, and the Penalties and Forfeitures in- curred thereby in the Iflands of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, Man, or Minorca, or in Gibraltar, the fame fhall, and may be profecuted in the Courts of Admiralty, or in any other Courts in the faid Iſlands or Place, and the Seizures of any Ships or Goods imported into the faid Iflands or Place, be made by fuch Perfon or Perfons, as his Majefty by Warrant under his Royal Sign Manual fhall autho- rize and appoint for that Purpoſe, which faid Goods or Ships fo feized, after Condemnation thereof, may be publickly fold, and divided between his Majesty and the Perfon or Perfons feizing the fame, in fuch and the like Proportions, as is before by this Act di- rected, in Relation to Penalties and Forfeitures incur- } red [446] to Goods condemned &c. red in Great-Britain or Ireland, and that the Charge of fuch Proſecutions fhall be paid out of his Majefty's Part; any thing in this or any other Act to the con- trary notwithſtanding. Provifo, as 8. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Au- thority aforefaid, That nothing herein contained in Jerſey, fhall extend, or be conſtrued to extend to the permit- ting any Goods, which fhall have been feized and condemned in the faid Iflands of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, Man, or Minorca, or in Gibraltar, by virtue of this Act, to be imported into the King- doms of Great-Britain or Ireland, in any Ship or Such not to Veffel, or on any Pretence whatſoever; and that in cafe be imported into Great any Goods which fhall have been fo feized or con- Britain or demned in any of the faid Places, fhall be imported into Great Britain or Ireland, the faid Goods, and treble the Value thereof, and alfo the Ship importing the fame, with her Tackle, Ammunition, Furniture, and Apparel, ſhall be liable to be ſeized, profecuted, and divided in the fame Manner, as if fuch Goods and Ship had been imported from any foreign Parts, con- trary to the true Intent and Meaning of this A&t. Ireland. 9. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Action or Suit fhall be com- menced againſt any Perfon or Perſons for any thing done in purſuance of this Act, the Defendant or De- fendants in any fuch Action or Suit may plead the General If General Iffue, and give this Act and the ſpecial Mat- ter in Evidence at any Trial to be had thereupon, and Jue. that [ 447 ] that the fame was done in purſuance and by the Au- thority of this Act; and if it fhall appear fo to have been done, the Jury fhall find for the Defendant or Defendants; and if the Plaintiff fhall be nonfuited, or diſcontinue his Action after the Defendant or De- fendants fhall have appeared, or if Judgment ſhall be given upon any Verdict or Demurrer againſt the Plaintiff, the Defendant or Defendants fhall and may Recover treble Cofts, and have the like Remedy for Treble Cofts. the fame as any Defendant or Defendants have in other Cafes by Law. Anno [ 448 ] 1 Anno 13° Geo. II. Cap. 28. An Act for continuing the feveral Laws therein mentioned, relating to the Premi- ums upon the Importation of Mafts, Yards, and Bowfprits, Tar, Pitch, and Tur- pentine; to Britiſh made Sail Cloth, and the Duties payable on foreign Sail Cloth; to the Greenland, and to the Whale Fishery; for granting a further Bounty for all Ships employed in the Whale Fishery during the prefent War; for ex- empting Harponeers and others employed in the Greenland Fishery Trade, from being impreffed; and for giving further Time for the Payment of Duties omitted to be paid for the Indentures and Con- tracts of Clerks and Apprentices. Harponeer, 5. Greenland Fiſhermen, AND whereas the Greenland Fishery Trade cannot be carried on without Men who are &c. not to uſed to the faid Fibery; Be it therefore enacted by be impreſſed. the Authority aforefaid, That no Harponeer, Line- 1 Ann. St. Manager, Boat-Steerer, or Seaman, who fhall be in or 1. C. 16. belong to any Ship or Veffel, in the Greenland Fiſhery Trade, fhall be impreffed from the faid Service, and S. 2. that [ 449 ] + that any fuch Harponeer, Line-Manager, Boat-Steerer, or Seaman, may, during the Time of the Year that he or they are not employed in the ſaid Fiſhery, fail in the Colliery Trade, upon giving Security to the Satisfaction of the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms, that he or they will proceed in the faid Ship or Veffel to Greenland, or Davis's - Streights, on the Whale Fiſhery, the next Seaſon. to Anno 14 Geo. II. Cap. 38. An Act for the Encouragement and Increafe of Seamen, and for the better and Speedier manning his Majefty's Fleet. W HEREAS the Welfare and Profperity of Preamble.. his Majefty's Dominions are greatly concerned, in giving all due Encouragement to Mariners and Seamen to enter voluntarily into the Ships of the Royal Navy, for the Service and Defence of their Country; Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majeſty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the twenty-fifth Day of March one Thouſand feven Hundred and For- ty One, every able Seaman, who fhall on or before M m m. $ the [ 450 ] on board the the firſt Day of May, one Thouſand ſeven Hundred Bounty-Mo- and Forty One, voluntarily enter himſelf to ſerve on ney increaſ board ed, to Per- any of his Majeſty's Ships of War, fhall receive, fons entring and be intitled to a Bounty of five Pounds, over and voluntarily above his Wages; and every ordinary Seaman, who ſhall on or before the firſt Day of May, one Thouſand 51. 31. feven Hundred and Forty One, voluntarily enter him- ſelf to ſerve on board any of his Majefty's Ships of War, fhall receive and be intitled to a Bounty of three Pounds, over and above his Wages. Fleet. Widows of vice, to re as Bounty. 2. And it is hereby further enacted, That if any Seamen en- Seaman, under the Degree of a Warrant or Commiffi- tring volun- tarily, and on Officer, entring voluntarily into the Service of his killed in the Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, fhall be killed or King's Ser- drowned in the faid Service, and ſhall leave a Widow, cieve a to whom he was lawfully married; every fuch Year's Pay Widow fending or producing to the Commiffioners of the Navy a Certificate, under the Hands of the Mi- nifter, Church-wardens, and Overfeers of the Poor of the Pariſh wherein fhe refides, that fhe is the real Widow of the faid Seaman fo killed or drowned, ſhall receive fuch Sum of Money, by way of Bounty, as fhall amount to, and be equivalent with one Year's Pay or Wages of fuch Seaman, computing the fame according to the rate of the Monthly Wages or Pay he ferved for, or was intitled to at the Time of his Death: And the Commiffioners of the Navy for the Time being, are hereby authorized and required, upon producing fuch Certificate at the Navy Office, to [ 45 ] to order and direct the Payment of ſuch Bounty-Mo- ney accordingly. C. 14. S. 15, 16, 3. And whereas by an Act of Parliament, made 1 Geo. II. and paſſed in the first Year of the Reign of his preſent Majefty, intituled, An Act for encouraging Seamen to enter into his Majeſty's Service, It was enacted, That no Perſon whatſoever, who should lift and enter himſelf to ferve his Majefty as a Seaman on board any of his Majesty's Ships or Veffels, fhould be liable to be taken out of his Majefty's Service by any Process or Execution whatsoever, (other than for fome criminal Matter) unless for a real Debt, or other just Cauſe of Action, and unleſs before taking out fuch Process or Execution (not being for a criminal Matter) the Plain- tiff or Plaintiffs therein, or fome other Perfon or Per- fons on his or their Behalf, ſhall make Affidavit before one or more Judge or Judges of the Court of Record, or other Court out of which fuch Procefs or Execution ſhall issue, or before fome Perfon authorized to take Affidavits in fuch Courts, that to his or their Know- ledge, the Sum justly due and owing to the faid Plain- tiff or Plaintiffs from the Defendant or Defendants in the Action, or Cauſe of Action, on which fuch Procefs Should issue, or the Debt, or Damages and Cofts for which fuch Execution ſhould be iſſued out, amounted to the Value of twenty Pounds at the leaft, a Memorandum of which Oath should be marked on the back of fuch Procefs or Writ, for which Memorandum or Oath, no Fee ſhould be taken: And that if any Perfon fhould be Mmm 2 arrefted E 452 ] arreſted contrary to the Intent of the ſaid Act, it fhould be lawful for one or more Judge or Judges of Such Court, upon Complaint thereof made by the Party himself, or by any his fuperior Officer or Officers, to examine into the fame by the Oath of the Parties, or otherwife, and by Warrant under his or their Hands and Seals to diſcharge fuch Seaman fo arrefted, contra- ry to the Intent of the faid Act, without paying any Fee or Fees, upon due Proof made before him or them, that fuch Seaman fo arrested, was actually belonging to one of his Majesty's Ships or Veffels, and arrefted con- trary to the Intent of the faid Act; and also to award to the Party fo complaining, fuch Cofts as fuch Fudge or Fudges should think reaſonable; for the Recovery whereof be fhall have the like Remedy that the Perfon who took out the faid Execution might have had for his Cofts, or the Plaintiff, in the ſaid Action, might have had for the Recovery of his Cofts, in cafe Fudg ment had been given for him, with Cofts against the Defendant in the faid Action: And it was thereby further enacted, that it should and might be lawful for any Plaintiff and Plaintiffs, upon Notice first given in Writing of the Cauſe of Action, to fuch Seaman or Seamen in his Majesty's Service, or left at his or their laft Place of Refidence, before his entring into his Ma- jefty's Service, to file a Common Appearance in any Action to be brought, for or upon Account of any Debt whatſoever, fo as to intitle fuch Plaintiff or Plaintiffs to proceed therein to Judgment and Outlawry; and to have an Execution thereupon, other than against the Body [ 453 ] 25th of Ireland. Body or Bodies of him or them, fo actually belonging to one of his Majesty's Ships, as aforefaid: Now it is After the hereby further enacted, That fo much of the faid Act March of the firft Year of his preſent Majefty, as relates to 1741, to the preventing and prohibiting any Seaman from be- extend to ing taken out of the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, or to any other of the Matters and Things herein before recited, fhall, from the twenty- fifth Day of March, one Thouſand feven Hundred and Forty One, be exerciſed, executed, take effect, and be of force within the Kingdom of Ireland. Anno 14to Geo. II. Cap. 39. An Act for Surveying the Chief Ports and Head Lands on the Coafts of Great-Bri- tain and Ireland, and the Islands and Plantations thereto belonging, in order to the more exact Determination of the Lon- gitude and Latitude thereof. WHEREA 15. HERE AS by an Act of Parliament made in 12 Ann. the twelfth Year of the Reign of her late Maje- St. 2. C. fty Queen Anne, intituled, An Act for providing a publick Reward for fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall diſcover the Longitude at Sea, the Commiffioners there- in [ 454 ] in named, or any five or more of them, have full Pow- er to bear and receive any Propofal or Propoſals that fhall be made to them, for difcovering the faid Longi- tude; and in cafe the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them, ſhall be fo far fatisfied of the Probability of any fuch Difcovery, as to think proper to make Ex- periment thereof, they shall certify the fame. under their Hands and Seals to the Commiffioners of the Na- vy for the Time being, together with the Perfons Names who are Authors of fuch Proposals; and upon produc- ing fuch Certificate, the faid Commiflioners are thereby authorized and required to make out a Bill or Bills for any Sum of Money, not exceeding two Thousand Pounds, as the faid Commiffioners for the Discovery of the Longitude, or any five or more of them ſhall think neceſſary for making the Experiments, payable by the Treasurer of the Navy to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall be appointed by the Commiffioners for Difcovery of the Longitude, to make thofe Experiments: And for a due and fufficient Encouragement to any fuch Perfon or Perfons as fball difcover a proper Method for finding the faid Longitude, it is thereby further enacted, That the Authors or Difcoverers of any fuch Method fhall be intitled to the refpective Sums therein mentioned, if it determines the faid Longitude according to the refpec- tive Degrees of Exactness, in the faid Act defcribed; and that a Moiety of fuch Reward or Sum fhall be due and paid when the faid Commiſſioners, or the major Part of them agree, that fuch Method extends to the Security of Ships within eighty Geographical Miles of the } [ 455 ] the Shores, which are Places of the greatest Danger And whereas it is abfolutely necessary for making the Diſcovery useful at Sea, and for the Security of Ships approaching near the Shores, that the Chief Ports and Head Lands on the Coafts of Great - Britain and Ire- land, and the Iſlands and Plantations thereto belonging fhould be firft furveyed, and the Longitude and Lati- tude of fuch Places determined more exactly than has hitherto been done: And whereas fome Doubts have arifen, whether by the Words of the faid Act of Parlia- ment, the ſaid Sum of two Thousand Pounds appointed for making ſuch Experiments, or any Part thereof, can be applied for fuch Survey, or fixing the Longitude or Latitude of fuch Places; Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Conſent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament af- ſembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid Commiffioners for diſcovering the Longitude, or any five or more of them, fhall have full Power to The 2000 1. apply fuch Part of the ſaid Sum of two Thoufand Pounds for making Experi- mentioned in the faid Act, as has not already been ments ac- laid out in Experiments, as they ſhall think neceffary cording to the faid Att for the making fuch Survey, and determining the Longitude and Latitude of the Chief Ports and Head St. 2. C. Lands, on the Coaſts of Great-Britain and Ireland, 15.; or any Part of it and the Iſlands and Plantations thereto belonging; may be em- and that fuch Sum or Sums, part of the faid two ployed in Thouſand Pounds, which the faid Commiffioners, or any five or more of them ſhall think neceffary, ſhall mentioned of 12 Ann. making the Surveys be in the Title of this Alt. [ 456 ] be paid immediately by the Treaſurer of the Na- vy, to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall be appointed by the faid Commiffioners for the Diſcovery of the Longitude, to make fuch Survey, and determine füch Longitude and Latitude, out of the Money that fhall be in the Hands of fuch Treaſurer, unapplied, for the Ufe of the Navy. THE THE TABLE 5 W. & M.C.21. IO W. Adminiftration to SE A- P MEN, &C. ROBATE of Will, or S. 6. 9&of Seamen, &c. dying in the Letters of Adminiſtration, III. C. King's Service, on a Certificate 25. S.44. and Oath, not to be charged with Stamp Duties. 137. 159 Ecclefiaftical Court, &c. to 9 & 10 7. 170 Adminiftration to SE A- MEN, &C. granted by the Ordinary of the 4 Ann. Dioceſe where they die; and C. 16. the Wages fhall not be deemed bona notabilia. Admiral. T 226 Admiralty. S. 26. HE Admiral or his De-13 Ri. puty, to take Cogni-II. St. 1. C. 5. 15 Ři.II. C. II. 3. W. III. take only one Shilling for fu- C. 41. S.ing forth Letters of Admini-zance only of Things done on ftration to the Wife &c. of the Sea, and not upon the Seaman dying in the King's Land. 7, 8, 9, 10.2 Hen. Service, unleſs the Goods The Admiral fhall have IV. C. amount to 20%. Cognizance of the Death of a Man, and of Maihem in great c. 3. Ships, in the main Stream of great Rivers, nigh the Sea, &c. and not elſewhere in the faid Rivers. 8 fhall ib. 4 Ann. C. 16. S. 26. Penalty. ib. Probate of Wills, or Letters of Adminiſtration to Perfons dying intitled to Wages in the King's Yards or Docks, to be Nnn great. II. The TABL E. • 15 Ri.II. C. 3. 2 Hen. Admiral. Admiralty. Admiral. Admiralty. Shall have Power to arreſt Ships in the great Flotes for the great Voyages of the King and the Realm ; and Jurifdiction upon the ſaid Flotes, during the faid Voyages. 9 The Statute of 13 Ri. II. IV. C. St. 1. C. 5. confirmed. II. ib. 2 W. & M. Seff. 2. C. 2. And as to a Pain to be ſet on the Admiral, or his Lieutenant, the Statute and Common Law ſhall be holden againſt them. 10 Any fuing in the Admiralty- Court contrary to the faid Sta- tute, liable to an Action on the Cafe at the Suit of the Party grieved:--Shall pay Damages.-- And incur the Penalty of 10/ to the King. ib. miral. a Commiffioners of the Admi- ralty to have and execute the fame Powers as the Lord Ad- 135 The Act for the better Re- C. 23. gulation of Attornies and Soli- citors, fhall not extend to the Affiftant to the Council of the Admiralty. 2 Geo. II. S. 28. I Geo. I. 360 Lord Admiral, or Commiffi- St. 2. C.oners of the Admiralty, or their 25. S. 9. Secretary, or the Principal Of ficers of the Navy may admi- nifter Oaths, relating to the re- ceiving, keeping, &c. the King's Treafüre, Stores, &c. or any thing relating to the Navy or the Affairs thereof. 276 And the Lord Admiral or 1 Geo. I. Commiffioners of the Admiral- St. z. C. ty may execute the Powers by 25. S.12. 1 Geo. I. St. 2. G. 25. given to the Commiffioners and Princi- pal Officers of the Navy. 278 Suits in the Admiralty for S. 17. Seamen's Wages fhall be com- menced within fix Years. 225 feme covert, non compos, &c. b. Provifo, in cafe of Non-age, S. 18. Action againſt Perfons be-S. 19. in the faid Time after their Re- yond Sea may be brought with- turn. ib. teer. Safe Conduct. See Ireland. Piracy. Priva- Alamodes and Luftrings. O W. III. C. 43. S. 4. FFICERS in the 9 & 10 King's Service taking on board or importing Alamodes or Luftrings incapacitated to ferve the King, Sc. 17/1 Reward to Seamen, c. making Diſcovery. A ib. Appren- ib. The TABLE. 2 & 3 Ann. C. 6. S. 1. ib. ib. APPRENTICES to Sea P APPRENTICES to Sea Service. to the Burthen of their Ships (which fee) on Pain of 10% for each. 219 S. 16. Service. ARISH-Boys may be put out Apprentices to the Sea Service, to Mafters of (But by 4 Ann. C. 19. S. 16. 4 Ann. Ships, &c. 213 No Mafter fhall be bound to C. 19. Boy's Age to be inferted in take a Boy under 13 Years old, the Indenture. 215 c.) 228 Church - wardens fhall pay Mafters clearing out, to give 2 & 3 50 s. for fuch Boy's Cloathing, an Account to the Collector of Ann. C. 6. S. 9. &c. and fhall be allowed it in the Port, of his Apprentices on their Accounts.. 215 board. No fuch Apprentice to be Impre impreffed 'till 18 Years old. 216 Apprentices Indentures to be fent to the Collector of the Port to which the Mafter be- Perfons voluntarily bindings. 15. longs: Who fhall enter the themſelves Apprentices to the Impreff- fame gratis, &c. ib. Sea Service, not to be impreffed ing. Penalty on Collector neglect- for 3 Years. S. 4. ing. S. 5. ib. ib. 220 Every Cuftom-houſe Officers. 14. fhall infert in the Cocket the Number of Men and Boys on board, with divers Particulars (which fee). ib. ib. II. C. 17. ing. 217 (But by 4 Ann. C. 19. S.17.4 Ann. Collector to tranfmit Certifi- they fhall not have fuch Ex-C. 19. cates to the Lord_Admiral: emption, if before fuch Binding S. 17. Protecti- Who fhall grant Protections they have been in any Sea Ser-13 Geo. for fuch Apprentices gratis. ib. vice. And fee 13. Geo. II. C. 17.2 Pariſh-Boys bound Appren- S. 2.) tices may be turned over to the Sea Service. ons. S. 6. ib. 221.ons. 228 Indentures to be regiftred, 2 & 3 ib. and Certificates tranfmitted, Ann. C. 6. S. 15. Indentures of Affignment to and thereupon Protections Protecti be regiſtred. 218 granted for 3 Years. All fuch Apprentices 'till When Apprentices, eithers. 17. Green- 18 Years old exempted from voluntary or other, are im- Payment of 6 d. per menfem to Hofpital. Greenwich Hofpital. S. 7. wich S. 8. ib. preffed, or enter themſelves into the King's Service; their Ma- Mafters of Ships obliged to fters to have able Seamen's Pay take fuch Apprentices according for them. ib. Nnn 2 But The TABLE. 1 Gco. APPRENTICES to Sed Service. But fhall have no Wages, if 11. St. 2. Apprentice above 18, at the C. 14. Time of Binding S. 9. 2 Geo.II. C. 23. S. 28. 13 Geo. II. C. 4. S. 15. S. 16. 334 Armour. See Stores. Arrack. See Customs. Affiftant to the Council of the Admiralty. T HE A&t for the better Regulation of Attornies and Solicitors, fhall not extend to the Affiftant of the Council of the Admiralty, &c. 3.60 BRANDY. See Customs. Bullion. No Z O Perſon ſhall ſhip molten 7 & 8 Silver or Bullion, with-W. III. out Certificate and Oath, thats. 6. it is foreign Bullion. 140 C. 19. W. III. But N. 9 & 10 W. III. C.9 & 10 28. as to exporting Watches, C. 28. Swords, wrought Plate, &c. 160 Officer of the Cuftoms, or7 & 8 other Perſon, may feize fuch W. III. C. 19. Bullion. 142 S. 7. Owner to forfeit double the Value, Half to the King, Half to the Seizer. ib. Maſter of the Ship, if belong ib. ing to a Subject, to forfeit 200/. and if it be a Man of War, > Bounty-Money for taking, 2001. lofe his Employment, and &c. Enemies Ships. be incapacitated. B PE CABLES. ib. OUNTY-MONEY according to fuch Rate and in fuch Manner as in this A&t mentioned (which fee) for ERSONS making 35 El. taking or deftroying Enemies. Cables of old Stuff, above C. 8. Ships, fhall be paid by the 7 Inches, fhall forfeit four Times Treaſurer of the Navy on Bills the Value: And tarring any ſuch to be made out by the Commif- made of old Stuff, and being fioners of the Navy. under 7 Inches, and felling the Captors to appoint Agents fame by Retail, fhall forfeit to receive the Bounty-Money. treble the Value. 430 432 51 Civil and Marine Cauſes. A Sentence definitive in 8 EI. C. Civil and Marine Caufes 5. by Delegates appointed by Com- 2 W & M. Seff. 2. C. 2. 13 Car. The T A BL TABLE. Civil and Marine Caufes. Commiffion under the half Seal ſhall be final. Court Martial. C. 9. Art. 34. And no Execution of Death 13 Car. 48 upon any of the Articles in this II. St. Act (except for Mutiny) fhall be without Leave of the Lord Admiral, if within the narrow Seas, or of the Commander in Commerce prohibited. See Spain. Commiffioners of the Ad- miralty. II. St. I. C. 9. Art. 13. 13 Car. T HEY fhall have and execute the fame Powers as Lord Admiral. 135 Confervator of Truce, and Safe-Conduct. See Safe- II. St. I. C. 9. Art. 34. ib. T Conduct. CONVOY S.. HEIR Duty. 88 Penalty on Non-per- formance. ib. For Convoys to Newfound- land; See Newfoundland. Cordage. See Cables. L Court Martial. Chief, if done beyond the nar- OR D Admiral may grant Commiffions to hold Courts Martial. 94 row Seas. 94 Judge Advocate of the Fleet, Art. 35. or in his Abfence, the Court Martial may adminifter Oath for Trial of the faid Offences mentioned in this Act. 95. Where Death inflicted, the faid Court not to confift of lefs than five Captains, Admiral's Lieutenant to be one. ib. This A&t fhall not give the Art. 36. Lord Admiral, &c. any new Power, Jurifdiction, &c. except as to fuch of the faid OL fences as fhall be done on the main Sea, or &c. and by Per- fons in actual Service and Pay. S. ib.. But N. By 6 Geo. I. C. 19.6 Geo. I. 4. Perfons committing any of C. 19. the Offences in 13 Car. II. St. S. 4. 1. C. 9. on Shore, may be tried and puniſhed, as if done on the main Sea. 291. Officers prefent at a Court 2 W. & Martial by Commiffion from M. Seff. 2. the Admiralty, fhall take the C. 2. S. Oath in this Act ſet forth. 136 4. A CRUISERS. DMIRALTY to 7 & 8 appoint Ships and armed W. III. Sloops to cruife, with Orders to C. 28. feize S. 14, The TABLE. 10 & II C. 10. S. 16. CRUISERS. CRUISER s. Parts. Lifts of which Ships and Geo.II. feize Ships, &c. exporting Wool, or carrying or bringing Sloops fhall be fent to the C. 21. prohibited Goods, or fufpected Commiffioners of the Cuftoms, S. 1. with Copies of their Inftructi- Perfons. 158 Admiralty to appoint Cruif- W. III. ing Ships with Orders to feize Ships, Sc. exporting Wool for foreign Parts: And to ſend a Lift to the Commiffioners of the Cuſtoms, with Copies of their Inftructions. 180 S. 17. 1 ib. S. 18. All Wool, Ships, &c. feized fhall be forfeited, lodged in the King's Warehouſe, and, after Condemnation, fold by Inch of Candle. 181 Produce to be divided, one Fourth to the Officers, one Fourth to the Mariners, and one Fourth to the Commander of the Sloop, and the other Fourth to the King, deducting thereout the Charges, &c. ons. 376 Commanders of fuch Ships S. 2. and Sloops may fearch Veſſels, and on finding the faid prohibit- ed Commodities, and the Ma- fter not producing a lawful Cocquet, may carry the Ship, Crew and Cargo into Port. 378 Veffel and Goods forfeited, S. 3. and, after Condemnation, may be fold on 21 Days Notice. ib. General Iffue. Cofts. Trebles. 4. 379 Curfing and Swearing. PE C. ENALTY and Pu-13 Car. niſhment on common II. St. 1. fwearing.rt. 2. 83.138&6&7 ib. Seaman curfing or Commander of Cruiſing Vef- W. III. C. 11. Running of s. 1, 2. Goods. APTAINS, &c. of 13 & 14 CA fel neglecting his Duty, &c. fhall forfeit his Wages, fuffer fix Customs. Months Impriſonment, and be incapacitated to ferve in the Navy. 182 5Geo.II. The Admiralty ſhall appoint 3 Ships, and 8 armed Sloops, to cruise on the Coafts of Great- Britain and Ireland, with Or- ders to ſeize Veffels having on board Woollen Manufactures in this Act ſpecified, in order to be exported from Ireland to foreign C. 21. S. I. C. 11. S. 3. Men of War outward-Car. II. bound from England fhall not take in any Goods, nor, if in- wards, fhall unload any fuch, 'till Entry made of them at the Cuftom-houſe; on Pain of 100l. And Men of War fhall be lia- ble to Searches, &c. as Mer- chant The TABLE. Cuftoms. 13 & 14 chant Ships. Car. II. C. II. S. 3. S. 4. ib. S. 5. S. 6. $. 32. Running of Customs. -- Running of - Goods. 100 98 Refufing fuch Entries, Offi- cer may go on board, and bring on Shore all prohibited and un- cuftomed Goods. Power of Cuſtom-houſe Of ficer to enter and ſearch all kind of Ships. ib. Mafter fuffering Goods to be unpacked, &c. and imbezelled or carryed away, after the Ship comes into her Port of Dif- charge, to forfeit 100 /. ΙΟΙ Goods found concealed after Clearing, Mafter, &c. to forfeit 100 /. 102 Penalty for beating and abufing Cuſtom Officers. 104 Officers of the Admiralty, Captains, &c. to be aiding to Officers, &c. of the Cuftoms. 116 #3 & 14 Ships to come directly to Car. II. their Ports of unlading: And the Mafter, &c. to make true Entries. C. II. S. 2. S. 7. ib. Goods. Warrant: Taking out Cocquet 13 & 14 and entring into Bond. 106 Car. II. Certificates to be indorſed on the Bonds.- Penalty. 97 No Goods Water-born, to be landed but in the Prefence of fome Officer of the Cuftoms. Penalty. Boat, Barge, &c. forfeited.- Penalty on Mafter, Purfer, &c. and on Porter, Waterman,&c.affifting. 105,&c. No Goods to be carried from one Port to another in England or Wales without Sufferance or 107 C. 11. S. 7. Certificates: Penalty for making falfe S. 8. Counterfeiting Cocquets. Cocquet, &c. in- valid. 108 Penalty, where Goods are S. 9. fecretly conveyed beyond Sea uncuſtomed, and undiſcovered by the Officers. 109 ed. Such Bill to contain the Bill of Entry to be fubfcrib- S. 10. Marks, Numbers, &c. IIO There ſhall be no Party-Ju-S. II. ry in Suits, &c. concerning the Cuftoms. ib. Allowances for Defects and S. 12. Damages in Goods how to be ib. Penalty for fhipping lefs in ib. Quantity than mentioned in the Certificate. made. III Penalty for relanding Goods ib, fhipped by Certificate. ib. for unlawful Importation or None to feize Ships or Goods S. 15. Exportation but Officers of the Cuftoms, &c. ib. employed, about the Customs, In any Suit againſt Perfons S. 16. the Defendant may plead the General Iffue; and give this or other Acts relating to the Cu- ftoms, or Navigation, in Evi- dence. The TABLE. 13 & 14 Car. II. S. 17. S. 18. S. 19. Cuftoms. dence. Running of Customs. Goods. I12 Running of Goods. Rum imported in Casks un-Rum. der 20 Gallons (unleſs for the 5 Geo. I. Ufe of the Seamen on board) forfeited. C. 11. 284 Foreign Goods taken in atS. 3. Sea by any Collier, &c. or other Coafting Veffel, to be landed, or put on board any other Veffel without Payment of the Duties, forfeited: And the Mafter to forfeit treble the ib. Value; unleſs in cafe of Ne- 285 Goods not reported, and S. 4. found after Clearing, forfeited. Where Seizer or Informer C. 11. fhall not profecute with Effect, Officer of the Cuftoms may fue. 113 Compofition not to be for lefs than one Third of the appraiſed Value. 114 Penalty on Cuftom Officer taking Bribe, or guilty of Con- nivance And on Merchant, &c. bribing. Perfons revealing their Ofceffity. fence within two Months, to be acquited. 115 Foreign Goods where to be landed, and how weighed and number'd. Penalty. ib. S. 20. S. 21. S. 22. 7 & 8 Veffels for carrying Letters, not to import or export Mer- chandize. Penalty. 116 This Act (of 13 & 14 Car. W. III. II. C. 11.) is by 7 & 8 W. III. C. 22. S. 6. extended to the Plantations in Afia, Africa, and America. 146 C. 22. S. 6. ib. S. 7. Penalty on Wharfingers, Bargemen, &c. affifting in con- veying, concealing, or refcuing 147 the faid Goods. Forfeitures may be recover'd in the Admiralty Courts, held in the reſpective Plantations, &c. And how divided. 148 See Plantations. Plantation- Trade. Plantation - Bonds. 286 S. 8. Ships of 50 Tons or under, Ships ho- hovering on the Coafts of this vering. Kingdom, Officers of the Cu- ftoms may enter and take an Account of the Lading, and demand Security by Bond in treble the Value of the Goods. 287 Maſter, &c. refuſing to enter ib. into fuch Bond, or, after having fo done, not proceeding on his Voyage; the foreign Goods may be taken out of the Ship, and fecured, and the Cuftoms paid: And Wool or prohibited Wool. Goods forfeited. 288 After fuch Goods are brought S. 9. on Shore, the Bond ſhall be de- liver'd up. 289 How Bonds not otherwife ib. diſcharged fhall be vacated. ib. Half The T A BLE. Cuftoms. Running of Customs. Running of Goods. Goods. 21. S. 32. 5 Geo. I. Half the Forfeitures to be to Maſter, &c. fuffering Brandy 6.Geo.I. the King, Half to the Profecu- or uncuftomed or prohibited C. tor, &c. 290 Goods to be put out of his Ship, Brandy. C. II. S. 27. Brandy. C. 21. S. 29. 297 By 6 Geo. I. C. 21. S. 29. If or Wool, &c. to be taken in Wool. Arrack. any foreign Brandy, Arrack, from the Shore, fhall, befides Rum. Rum, Strong-Waters, or Spi- former Penalties, fuffer fix Strong- Waters. rits of any Kind, fhall be im- Months Impriſonment. Spirits. ported into this Kingdom in any 6 Geo. I. Veffel of or under 30 (and by 8 Geo. I. C. 18. S. 1. (fee p. 305) 8 Geo. I. of or under 40) Tons (except C. 18. for the Ufe of the Seamen on board not exceeding a Gallon for each Seaman) every fuch Ship, &c. and all fuch Brandy, &c. fhall be forfeited, and feiz- ed by the Officers of the Cu- have 40 l. for each, and acquit- ſtoms, Half to the King, Half ted. to the Seizer, &c. S. I. 6 Geo. I. C. 21. S. 30. S. 2. 12 Geo. S. 14. Eight or more hindring, S. 34,35. wounding, &c. Officers of the Cuftoms in the Execution of their Office, to be tranſported: And returning into Great Bri- tain or Ireland, Felony. 297 Offender before Conviction S. 36. difcovering two of his Accom- plices within two Months, to 299 293 Other Perfons difcovering, S. 37,38. to have 40. over and above any other Reward; to be paid by the Caſhier of the Cuftoms. After Seizure and Condem- nation the Ships ſhall be broke up and fold. 294 8 Geo. I. And by 8 Geo. I. C. 18. S. 2. C. 18. the Hull fhall be burnt. 307 N. By 12 Geo. I. C. 28. S. 14. I. C. 28. fuch Ship, &c. may be uſed by the Officers of the Cuſtoms, &c. 323 Ships ho- Ships of the Burthen of fifty vering. Tons, or under, hovering within 6 Geo. I. 2 Leagues of the Shore, Com- manders of Men of War, &c. or Officers of the Cuftoms, may compel them to come into Port. 295 C. 21. S. 31. \ ib. Offences relating to the Cu-S. 44. ftoms, where to be tried. 300 Ireland. Ships of 50 Tons or under, Ships ho- hovering on the Coafts of Ire-vering. land within two Leagues of the 6 Geo. I. Shore, Officers may enter them, C. 21. and take an Account of theirS. 62. Lading: And take Security of the Mafters by Bond in treble the Value of the Goods on board, for proceeding regularly on their Voyage. 000 301 Maſter The T A BLE. 6 Geo. I. S. 62. Running of Customs. Customs. Goods. Running of Goods. Maſter refuſing to give fuch Writing, and granted gratis.8 Geo. I. C. 21. Bond, or, having given it, not departing in 20 Days, Officers of the Cuftoms may fecure all the Goods, &c. Wool. ib. S. 63. ib. S. 65. S. 66. 8 Geo. I. C. 18. S. 3. ib. ib. 12 Geo. I. S. 14. forfeited. 30/2 Wool and prohibited Goods ib. On Landing Goods, Bond void, and fhall be delivered up. 303 Bonds not otherwife dif- charged, how to be vacated. ib. None may claim Property in any Seizure in Ireland, 'till they have given Security. General Iffue. Penalties how to be profecut-S. 23. ed and divided. S. I. 309 C. 18. ib. Perfons having incurred any 9Geo. II. Penalty before the 27th ofC. 35. April 1736, by clandeftine Running of Goods, &c. making falfe Entry of Goods, or abufing Officers, &c. Indemnified. 383 Officers are difcharged and S. 4. fhall recover Cofts againſt Perfons claiming the Benefit of this Act, and yet afterwards. profecuting them. 385 304 ib. Perfons who take the BenefitS. 5- Boats, &c. rowing with more of this Act, and are afterwards than four Oars above or below guilty of the like Offences, London-Bridge, &c. forfeited, liable to be profecuted for both and fhall be feized by the Of- former and new Offence, and ficers of the Cuſtoms. for fmuggling Bonds, &c. 386 307 Owner, &c. to forfeit 40 / 308 Boat, &c. after Condemnati- on, to be burnt. ib. &c. Veffels arriving from foreign S. 22. Parts with 6 Pounds of Tea on Tea, board, or Brandy, &c. in Casks Brandy, under 60 Gallons (except for (But N. By 12 Geo. I. C. the Uſe of the Seamen on board, 1. C. 28. 28. S. 14. the Boat, &c. may not exceeding two Gallons for be uſed by the Officers of the each Seaman) and found hover-Ships ho- Cuftoms.) 323 ing within two Leagues of the vering. This A&t. of 8 Geo. I. C. 18. Shore; all fuch Goods, with not to extend to any Barge, &c. the Package, fhall be forfeited, belonging to the Royal Family, and may be feized by the Offi- or in the Service of any Mer-cers of the Cuftoms, &c. chant Ship, or fuch Boats, &c. Foreign Goods taken in orS. 23. as are licenſed by the Admiral- put out of any Veffel within ty; which Licences ſhall be in four Leagues of the English 8 Geo. I. C. 18. $. 4. 387 Coafts, The TABLE. 35. Cuftoms. Running of Customs. Goods. Geo. Coafts, without Payment of the II. C. Cuſtoms, unleſs in cafe of ap- parent Neceffity, fhall be for- feited, and the Mafter, &c. or others concerned fhall forfeit treble the Value, and the Ship into which the fame fhall be unſhipt, or taken in, if it do not exceed the Burthen of 100 Tons, alſo forfeited. S. 24. S. 25. S. 27. $. 28. S. 29. ib. 388 Running of Goods. In Trials of Seizures, Judges 9 Geo. to proceed to the Trial of the II. C. Merits of the Caufe, without 35- §. 34· inquiring into the Fact or Form of the Seizure. General Iffue. Cofts. 394 Treble S. 37. 395 See more under Title Wool. Fifty Pounds Penalty for Defending Ships. See Ma- riners. Greenwich Hof- offering to bribe an Officer of the Cuſtoms to Connivance. 389 pital. Forfeitures how to be reco- Delegates. See Civil and 3.90 Marine Caufes. vered and diftributed. All Goods found concealed See Ships. after the Mafter hath made his Deftroying Ships wilfully. Report at the Cuftom-houſe, forfeited: And the Maſter fhall forfeit treble the Value. 391 Perfons forcibly obftructing or wounding Officers on board in the Execution of their Of fice, to be tranſported for feven Years, as other Felons; and returning ſhall be executed as Felons. ib. Officers of the Cuftoms may go on board Coafting Veffels and ſearch for prohibited Goods, and continue on board during the Veffel's Stay in the Port. 393 DISTURBANCES in the Yards, &c. T I REASURER, 1 Geo. I. Commiffioners, &c. of St. 2. C. the Navy are impowered to 25. S. 1. puniſh Perfons making Diſtur- bances in the Yards, &c. at Pay- Days, or on other Occafions relating to the Naval Services, as in the Act mentioned. 266 May bind Offenders to the S. 2. good Behaviour. 269 The Lord Admiral or Com-S. 12. Penalty of 100/. for obftruct- miffioners of the Admiralty ing fuch Officer therein. ib. may execute the Powers by 0002 this The TABLE. 9 Ann. C. 21. S. 54. 9 & 10 W. III. S. 3. DISTURBANCES in the Yards, &c. this A&t given to the Commif- fioners and Principal Officers of the Navy. EMBARGO. No 278 O Embargo fhall detain the South Sea Company's Ships, unleſs particularly men- tioned. 239 Fullers - Earth. Fulling- Clay. See Wool. GALLEONS. PRI RIZES of Galleons, &c.13. Geo. not to be adjudged in the II. C. 4. American Courts of Admiralty. Greenland Fishery. 433 S. 17- NY of the King's Sub-1 Ann. Fishermen. Fishing. See A jects may use the Green-St. Impreffing. Newfoundland. Ireland. Forging Seaman'sWill, &c. P uſe 1. land Fishery, and fhall enjoy C. 16. all the Privileges before enjoyed by the Greenland Company. 209, &c. Ships navigated by one Third ib. ERSONATING English. Seaman in the King's Ser- 210 Harponeer, or other Foreign-S. 2. S. 5. C. 41. vice, or forging Letter of Attor-ers permitted to carry on the 13 Geo. ney, Will, &c. of fuch Seaman, Greenland Fiſhery, fhall not be II. C.28. in order to receive his Pay, &c. impreffed. 211, 448 forfeit 200% above the Penal- ties already by Law inflicted, and impriſoned 'till Payment. 25. 166 1 Geo. I. This Clanfe is explained and St. 2. C. enforced by 1 Geo. I. St.. 2. C. 25. S. 7. 274 And by the fame A&t S. 8. the Penalties may be mitigated. 276 S.7. $. 8. Greenwich Hofpital. A C. 21. LE Seamen as well in the 7 & 8 Ships, fhall pay 6 d. per men-s. 10. King's Ships, as other W. III. fem out of their Wages, to Greenwich Hoſpital; to be col- lected by the Officers, and ac- cording to the Rules appointed by the Lord Admiral, &c. 143 Lord Admiral or Commiffi-2 oners of the Admiralty, are im- powered & 3 Ann. C. 6. S. 19. The TABLE. 2&3 6. Greenwich Hofpital. powered to appoint any dif Ann. Cabled Seamen, their Wives and Children, or Widows, to be maintained in Greenwich Hof- pital, as they ſhall think fit. S. 70 10 Ann. S. I. S. 2. 222 Greenwich Hofpital. 1 C. 17. S. 4. And their Power to ftop 10 Ann, Ships attempting to go on new Voyage without having paid the Duty for the preceding. 246,248 No Contracts by Seamen S. 6. fhall obftruct the Payment of the Duty. 249 Publick Act. General Iffue:S. 7. Treble Cofts. 250 Seaman producing a Certifi-S. 20. cate of his having been wound- ed, &c. in defending an English Defend- Ship againſt Enemies, or taking ing Ships. any from the Enemy, and there- by difabled, fhall be confider- ed as qualified for Admiffion into Greenwich Hofpital. ib. Apprentices to the Sea Ser- vice are 'till 18 Years old ex- empted from Payment of 6 d. per menfem to Greenwich Hof- pital. 218 The 6 d. per menfem fhall be C. 17. paid out of the Wages of every Seaman by the Mafter, &c: (ex- cept as in 2 & 3 Ann. C. 6. S. 7. (fee p. 218) is excepted). 243 The Mafter may deduct the fame out of the Wages, &c. and pay it to the Receiver to be appointed by the Admiralty. 245 Admiralty may appoint Re- ceivers of the faid Duty, who may depute the Collectors or other Officers of the Cuftoms, &c. to receive the faid Duty: And Admiralty may make them a proper Allowance. ib. Power of Receivers or their Deputies to fummon and ex- amine Mafters of private Ships, or (in their Abſence) the Own- 246 Penalty on them refuſing to appear and be examined on Oath, or (if Quaker, on his) Affirmation. S. 3. S. 4. S. 4, 5. ers. ib.. 248 8 C. 24 Seamen maimed in Fight Pirates. againft Pirates, fhall receive the & Geo. I. Rewards in 22 & 23 Car. II.S. 5. C. 11. and be admitted into Greenwich Hofpital preferably to any diſabled by Age. 314 C. 7. S. I. ל The Duty of 6 d. per menfem 2Geo. II, fhall be paid by all Veffels be- longing to Jerſey, Guernsey, &c. and to the Colonies, &c. in America, (except as in 2 & 3 Ann. C. 5. (ſee p. 218. is excepted). 341 Receivers of the faid Duty, to appoint Collectors in the Ports of the faid Iflands and Colonies, &c. 345 4 Collectors may fummon and S. 3. examine Mafters, &c. on Oath. 346 (And The TABLE. Greenwich Hofpital. 2 Geo.II. (And being Quakers, on C. 7. S. 8. S. 3. S. 4. S. 5. S. 6. S. 7 S. 8. Greenwich Hofpital. Penalties 2Geo.II. S. 9. Forfeitures and 355 how to be fued for. 356 C. 7. General Iffue. Treble s 346 Cofts. S. io. 357 Affirmation. Mafters, &c. refufing, fhall forfeit 20 /. Traders from the faid Iſlands For Forfeitures to Green- or Colonies to Great-Britain, wich Hofpital, &c. See Mari- &c. to pay in Great-Britain, ners. Moorings. Men of War. &c. fuch Part of the Duty as ſhall be due at their Arrival Gunners. See Mariners. here; and the other Part at their Return: And Traders from Great Britain, &c. to pay only here. - 347 HARPONE E R. H St. I. ARPONEER ori Ann. Mafters of Merchant Ships other Foreigners per-C. 16. hired by the Commiffioners of mitted to carry on the Green-s. 2. the Navy, &c. may be ex-land Fishery, fhall not be im-13 Geo. amined by the Receivers. On preffed. Refufal to be examined, forfeit 20%. 348 Secretaries of the Publick Offices, to give in a Lift of Ships employed in their Service: And the Treafurers of fuch Publick Offices fhall pay no Wages to any Mafter of fuch Ship fo hired, 'till he produce an Acquittance from the Re- ceiver; on Pain of 20 / 350 Mafters, &c. fhall pay the faid Duty before they are cleared inwards by the Cuſtom- Houſe; on Penalty of 20. on Maſters, Cuſtomers, &c. 353 Falfe Affirmation or Oath liable to the like Puniſhment as wilful Perjury. 355 Hovering Ships. Cufoms. 211,448 IÏ. C.28. See Ireland. See New- foundland. Infurance Offices. W S. 5. ATERMEN be-6 Ann. longing to the Infu- C. 31. rance Offices, free from impreff-S. 2. ing, not exceeding 30 to each; their Names being regiftred in the Admiralty Office. 234 Impreffing. The TABLE. 2&3 Ph.&M. C. 16. Fisher- men. 5 El. C. 5. S. 41. $. 43. 1 Ann. St. I. C. 16. S. 2. IMPRESSING. fice. IMPRESSING. preffing, not exceeding 30 to ERSONS ufing Row-each; their Names being re- ing between Gravesend giftred in the Admiralty Of and Windfor, who fhall with- draw in the Time of Preffing by Commiffion, and fhall after wards return to row there, fhall be impriſoned for 2 Weeks, and baniſhed from rowing on the Thames for a Year and a Day. 45 Mariners and Fiſhermen fhall not be compelled to ferve as Soldiers, but in fome fpecial Cafes, there ſpecified. 46 Fiſhermen fhall not be taken Ann. 234 The Court of Affiftants of Fisher- the Fiſhermens Company ſhall men. fummon the Fiſhermen, and C. 26. caufe their Names to be regi- ftered, &c. and Marks to be fet on their Boats, &c. and eve- ry Perfon fummoned, and re- fufing to appear, in order to be entred and ferve on board the Navy, fhall be fent on board, and difabled for 2 Years. 240 Geo. Perfons exempted from being 13 by Commiffion to ferve the impreffed: All Perfons eighty II. C.17. King as a Mariner; but that the Years old; all Foreigners ferv- faid Commiffion be firft brought ing on board any Merchant or to two Juftices to chooſe out trading Ship, or Privateer, be- and return fuch Number of able longing to the Subjects of Men as in the Commiffion con- Great-Britain. tained. 13 Geo. impreffed. II. C.28. S. 5. 47 Binding. 437 All Perfons uſing the Sea, S. z. Harponeer or other Foreign- exempted for 2 Years from his ers permitted to carry on the firft going to Sea; and all not Greenland Fishery, fhall not be having before uſed the Sea, who 211, 448 fhall bind themſelves Apprenti- - Watermen, &c. fummoned ces to ferve at Sea, exempted by the Rulers of the Water- for 3 Years, from the Time of Water- men's Company (upon Notice to them from the Admiralty) to ferve on board the Fleet, and not appearing, fhall be impri- foned for a Month, and difabled for 2 Years, &c. 229 Watermen belonging to the C. 31. Infurance Offices, free from im- men. 4 Ann. C. 19. S. 18. 6 Ann. S. 2. 438 And the Admiralty to grant S. 3. Protections accordingly, gratis. Protec- ib tions. See further, Apprentices to · the Sea Service. Ireland. The TABLE. Admiral. 2&3 Ed. VI. C. 6. S. 3. T IRELAN D.. HE Admiral or his Of any ficers fhall not exact Money, &c. from Merchants or Fiſhermen ufing Trade or Fish- ing to Newfoundland, Iceland, or Ireland, for paffing to the faid Places, or on account of their faid Voyages.