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H .. .U :2 ' _; \P‘TF-Hz, NR _ was ‘Mme ILLUSTRAEE'D CATALOGUE OF ‘ANTIQU E ORIENTAL WEAVES OF ‘RARE AND DISTQ‘IYNCTIVE‘ QUALITY FINE OLD PERSIAN FAIENCES ~ PERSIAN‘LACQUERS, ARMS - IMPERIAL JEWELS AND OTHER ORIENTAL TREASURES THE WHOLE TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICT ED PUBLIC SALE THE PROCEEDS OF WHICH ARE TO TURNED OVER TO . FREDERICK C. MCLAUGHLIN, ESQUIRE, TRUS'ILEE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE LETTER OF INSTRUCTIONS REPRODUCED IN THE FORE-PART OE THIs CATALOGUE THE SALE WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES . MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, ON THE AFTERNOONS OF ' IAN UARY 6TH, 7TH, 8TH AND 9TH, 1914 AT 2.30 O’CLOCK ' AND WILL BE‘CONDUCTEI) BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY. ASSISTED BY MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, II/IAIWAIS5.5g;-v N E*W%YO R K 1914 a 5" _ ‘S- ' CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur— chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. l“. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur— chaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring M :i’» L. for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7, Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faith— fully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Conditions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a pur— chaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference sub- mitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, ' will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICART ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. A FOREWORD The antique Oriental textiles, pottery and other interest- ing objects of Mohammedan art which are described in the following pages of the catalogue are noteworthy, and deserv- ing of the special attention of connoisseurs, amateurs and the general art—loving public. The collection embraces a total of over five hundred num— bers. Of these three hundred and eight are Persian, Caucasian, Asia Minor, Turkoman, Hispano—Moresque and Chinese rugs, dating from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries and rep- resentative of the very best types in their several classes. In this brief introductory it is not possible to go into detail, but special mention must be made of the Iranian carpets, woven in Northern Persia, which furnish the best representa- tion of the productions of the sixteenth century, and mark the summit of the weavers’ and dyers’ art, notably the beautiful Ispahan court carpets; also the stately creations from the Ardebil, Kurdistan, l/Ieshed and Sehna looms, including royal triclinium ceremonial floor panels. There are also exceptional Asia Minor prayer and shrine rugs, including truly remarkable Ghiordez, Koula, Ladik and Rhodian examples, and among the Caucasian rugs are Kabistan, Kuba, Daghistan and other choice specimens. Those from the Turkoman and Afghan looms include representative royal Bokhara, Yomud, Khivaand Tekke productions. There are also included in this remarkable collection interesting Hispano— Moresque carpets and various Kilims of exceptional quality and large size. Among other treasures and objects suitable for museums will be found fine specimens of Persian and Saracenic pottery coming from Ispahan, Koubatcha, Rhages, Rakka (Meso- potamian) and Rhodian kilns, including jars, tiles, plates, Gombrun, “rice-grain” and other bowls. Among the other Oriental treasures are specimens of rare cloth-of—gold brocade, Persian lacquers and jewelry, among the latter a ring, formerly in possession of the Khedive Ismail of Egypt, composed of a ‘large ruby, an emerald and a sapphire, surrounded with small diamonds. Varied antique Saracenic and European arms and armor of considerable interest are also included. It may be stated in conclusion that all the rugs are antique in character and untreated. As far as it has been possible the proper name, or provenance, of each rug has been given, as the place of origin often determines values. In ancient times the art of both dyer and weaver was among the most honored callings. Vegetable dyes, then ex- clusively used and carefully made, and the mellowing process of time (which is wanting in more recent productions) have added their shimmering luster on many of these rugs, which also show such tranquil perseverance, dexterity of hand and patience without equal, living in the worship of their art; thus one can conceive the secret of these miracles coming from the older looms, the glories of such Oriental craftsman art, remaining unsurpassed and astonishing in our day. JOHN GETZ. [COPY] MCLAUGHLIN, RUSSELL, COE 8: SPRAGUE CITY INVESTING BUILDING, 165 BROADWAY NEw YORK New York, December 41, 1913 AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATICN, The American Art Galleries, Madison Ave. and 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Dear Sirs :— The Oriental Rugs, Carpets and other property placed in your hands by S. Kent—Costikyan, which are to be sold by you at unrestricted public sale and in conformity with your customary agreement of sale, constitute certain assets of the firm of O. Agopian & Son, of Constantinople, in liquidation, and certain other merchandise, part of which is of more recent importations from the Orient, London and Paris. Under the terms of certain duly executed agreements in reference thereto, from the net proceeds of the sale of all of the above property, there are to be paid the claims of the foreign bill-holders of the said firm of O. Agopian & Son and certain prior claims of lHessrs. Knauth, Nachod & Kuhne, existing against the other merchandise. In furtherance of such an arrangement, and for the purpose of facilitating such liquidation, you are hereby instructed to deposit the net proceeds of this sale With the designated depository, The Guaranty Trust Company of‘ New York, to the credit of Frederick C. McLaughlin, Trustee. Yours 'very truly, (signed) FREDERICK C. MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney in Fact for Foreign Bill-holders of O. Agopian 8: Son (signed) KNAUTH, NACHOD & KUI-INE (signed) S. KENT-C'OSTIKYAN CATALOGUE AT THE AMERICAN FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 19M ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 o’cLocK Including Catalogue Nos. 1 to 106 ANTIQUE PERSIAN AND OTHER ORIENTAL RUGS T—SMALL TURKOMAN RUG we?” F mega Q— Xzozélafl Beluchistan weave. Late eighteenth century’. The field with dark blue ground sustaining conventional floral de— sign in light and deep red tones together with white stellated blossom forms. Border presenting a red and blue geometrical cross device flanked by guard stripes with white and red cube forms. Outer border in re- ciprocal maroon and white lancet diapering. Length, 3 feet 7 inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches. .ANTIQUE AsIA MINoR PRAYER RUG Bergama weave. Late seventeenth century. The field with deep salmon—red ground enclosing serrated curved bands with pale sea-green ground, that involve pearl—gray and salmon-red floral devices. The wide border with pearl-gray ground sustaining geometrical and stellated forms woven in like colors, harmonizing with the prayer panel. Length, 4 feet; width, 3 feet 2 inches. 3—SMALL PERSIAN RUG Shiraz weave. Eighteenth century, with fine thin pile. The field presenting numerous small stripes in alternate y green, red and ivory white tones interwoven with small Jd' Si scrolling patterns of varied coloring. Surrounded by a triple border in narrow forms, including an inner band of white, with minute geometric designs in red and blue. The middle border with blue ground sustaining a delicate floriation in varied colors, while the outer band shows green and red reciprocal dentations. Length, 4 feet 8 inches; width. 92 feet 9 inches. ‘ls—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG Shiraz weave. On the deep old-rose background are rows of flowers in green, black and ivory. Scattered among these are charms for luck. The main border is in ivory j d )4” bearing eight-pointed stars in red, blue, green and black. é! ' On either side of this border are black bands bearing squares in ivory and red. Separating the field, and around the edge of the rug, is the saw—tooth design in green, black and rose. Length, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 11 inches. SMALL TURKOMAN RUG Bokhara weave. Late eighteenth century, of typical qual- , ,0 A, ity. Presenting a series of bands woven in Turkoman—red X} 7L’ and blue geometrical patterns, together with a modicum of yellow and white, in the smaller details of the varied bands. Without bordering. 5 Length, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet. r .i 4" "-— m ..- A‘..- wife-‘amen a. .l/‘f-Ye>/*\;.;/av»#"\ [flu-1.1+ y‘ - ., * I ’- . - ' V ,1 L_. ...-~—~ _ ‘ ’- "2.‘ —" ~ . A ~ ~_ . ' - --'* KW’ . :1 ~ 2732-.’ LL.‘ ' - ‘ ' J I PfQjE'fiAR-Qflllr J:n."-h;5;fl5-4h-\»Z~;' l..- ‘.-:"';y.‘i‘§:' .1 G—ANTIQI'E PERsIAN RUG Khorassan weave. Eighteenth century, with fine short pile. The field presenting a greenish—black body color relieved by an elaborate central device, involving a small medallion and four large connecting laneet leaf forms, together with scrolling arabesques and floriations, Woven flz'in old—rose, amber-yellow and ivory—white tones. The main border, with deep rose—colored ground, sustains a characteristic Khorassan anguilliformed meander in black interwoven with floral devices in red and amber tones... The flanking guard bands, with ivory-white ground, sus- tain small scrolling vines in black, rose and yellow tones. Length, 4- feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch. W1 flc a; 7~ANTIQUE L‘AUCASIAN PRAYER RUG Kabistan weave. The prayer field with ivory-white ground, presenting an all-over diaper pattern involving conven- tional flowering in typical red, blue, yellow and green tones. The same colors are carried into the mihrab, to- gether with the white background, defined by figured blue band. Framed by varied borders; an interior band with blue ground showing flowered and serrated stalk meander, in light colors, while the main border displays a red ground with geometrical diaper pattern. The inner and outer flanking guard bands show dark blue body colors, relieved by recurrent small cross devices, show— ing interlaced meander and guard stripes. Length. -l~ feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 9 inches. 8——ANT1QUE PERSIAN RUG fffzl. F eraghan weave. Eighteenth century. The field with deep rose ground, presenting a diamond shaped medallion, woven in a contrasting amber—yellow body color, relieved by small blossom forms in yellow, blue and green. The remaining field displaying angular forms with delicate foliage and flowering yellow, including blue and green tones; while the corner motifs are finished with small floral details, in blue, white, green and mauve tones. The main border with contrasting dark blue ground, showing a red and white anguilliform meander, interwoven with varied floriations, while the narrow guard bands, with green ground, sustains varied details in similar tones. Length, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches. 9—SMALL TURKOMAN RUG Beluchistan weave. The field presenting a Turkoman— red ground, relieved by four small medallions, which dis— play kindred red and brown tones together with mauve and white details. The remaining field is filled with small ' , diamond—shaped plaquette forms woven in varied colors F including a serrated outlining. Framed by triple border— ing; the inner band with orange—red ground sustaining blue, mauve and brown recurrent geometric devices, while the main border, with dark blue ground, covered with small stellated designs showing kindred colors with the field. Has white and red outer guard stripe. Leng/h. .3 feel: 'n‘id/h. 2 fee/ 8 inches. lO—AXTIQUE :\SIA Mixon RUG- Kurd weave. The field is divided into three panels; center showing dark-blue ground, with flowered details, while the two side panels sustain green body colors with geo~ metric scroll motifs in red and blue. The main border 44 a with orange-yellow ground, presenting octagonal pla— quette devices woven in varied tones of red, blue and green; flanked by red and orange yellow bands. Outer border with blue ground, displaying an angular meander pattern in red. Length, 6 feet 6 inches; width. l‘ feel i inehes. 11—SMALL PERSIAN RUG Khorassan weave. Eighteenth century. The field with sea—green ground, sustaining a stellated center medallion and corner motif, that uniformly display old—rose tones, interwoven with black, yellow and green floral details. The remaining field is filled with an “all—over” Herati de— _ sign, of typical character, woven in varied light tones of m”. _) F rose, together with black and yellow floriations, the [:3 W I main border, with rose—toned body color, presenting a palm leaf pattern, woven in harmony with the field. The inner and outer guard bands, with white ground, sustain black and pink meanders. Length. 6 feet 3 inches; width. 3 feet 9 inches. lQ—ANTIQUE CAL'CAsIAN RUG fie? Daghistan weave. On the tan background is the char- acteristic Sumak medallion in deep blue. On this and scattered over the field are geometrical figures in dark and light blue, black and ivory. The large ivory border has a conventionalized flower and stem design in golden yellow, brown, green and blue. On either side of this is a black band sustaining a flower meander in blue, tan and ivory. Length. 5 feet: width. 3 fecf 10 inches. 18—ANTIQUE PERSIAN KILIAI RUG $64‘ L Selma tapestry stitch, of the eighteenth century. The field with all-over pattern including symmetrically posed Herati leaf and flowering details, closely woven in varied tones of yellow, green and old rose with modicum of blue. The main border with rich red golden-yellow ground, sus— taining small green and red floral motifs, while the inner and outer guard bands display blue grounds with red blossoms and black scrolling vines. Length, 6 feel 6 inches: width. 4 feet 7 inches. 14—ANTIQUE CAUCAsIAN PRAYER RUG Kazak weave. With lustrous sheen. The prayer panel presenting a deep turquoise—blue ground, enclosing a series of geometrical emblems and plaquettes, woven in light Caucasian-red, yellow, blue and white. Outlined by a deep blue band, which terminates in the pointed prayer arch, and involves an anguilliform meander in white and red. The outer field with Caucasian-red ground sustain- ing curious geometrical devices woven in colors which appear in the prayer field. The outer border with white ground, sustaining a red, blue and green meander form, which involves curious red and green symbols. The inner and outer guard bands with sapphire-blue ground showing small diamond patterns woven in varied colors. Length. 5 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. yéz & yea H" 15——ANTIQUE TURKOMAN RUG Beluchistan weave. \Vith old ivory-white ground showing an all—over palm leaf pattern woven in olive brown, and carmine-red tones; between each leaf appears a small tree-of—life emblem woven in dark brown. Small palms and birds are woven near the sides of inner borders where they have been introduced as symbols of good luck. The border with Turkoman-red ground bearing a meander and floral design in dark tan and old rose tones. Length, 5 feet 11 ‘inches; widfh, 3 feet 4 inches. 16—RARE PERSIAN DERvIsH RUG Kurdistan weave, of the eighteenth century, heavy and close pile. The field displaying a blended ruby—red ground, which sustains a symmetrically posed design, composed with circular and scrolling arabesque forms, enclosing varied details, woven in well defined amber-yel— low, old rose, sea-green and white tones of rare tonality. The panel also includes an all—seeing eye (to keep off evil) which appears at the upper end, woven in blue and white. Framed in unique form, with bordering on three sides, that show ruby-red, and amber—yellow body colors, to— gether with red floral details, while the lower end is woven with horizontal bands, that display similar rich colors, together with dervish emblems (of the Kazar sect) in— cluding moose skins, crab emblems and knife forms. Length, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches. 17—AXTIQUE PERSIAN RUG (RUNNER) Ardebil weave. The long panel with lustrous dark blue ground, sustaining a series of five foliated medallions, alternately showing white and old rose body colors, with varied details and coloring. The remaining field presents a small cartouche involving floral designs. The inner band showing a light russet-red body color, with floral vines, woven in delicate colors; while the main border sustains a contrasting white ground with recurrent de- signs in red and blue tones. Outer band shows a recipro— cal old rose and brown lancet pattern. Length, 9 feet 2 inches; width. 2 feet 9 inches. 17A———ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG (RUNNER) To match the preceding. Length, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. Ardebil weave. 18——H1srANo-,\IoREsQUE RUG 2” If 19-— Oblong shape. Eig-h-teen-‘ehficentury. The central field with ruby-red ground, displaying a medallion with green field and red interior, relieved by white and blue details. The remaining panel including feathered bands, together with serrated inner bordering, which involve blue, green and yellow details. The main border with blended amber- yellow body color involving palmette forms, with scrolling stems and foliations, woven in varied colors in harmony with the interior, while the outer bordering with red ground displays stellated forms in like coloring. Length, 10 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches. ( Illustrated) ANTIQI'E CAIICASIAN RUG Kazak weave, showing a typical lustrous pile, the field with dark blue ground, sustaining birds and grotesque animals woven in light colors, relieved by a unique red center medallion which involves grotesque animals and other devices, together with green triangular pendants and red corner motifs, with animals, woven in light colors of the field. The main border with dark blue ground, dis- plays geometrical and stellar forms in red, blue and yel— low tones, while the inner and outer guard bands are woven in yellow and red serrated meander forms. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches. fife/6’ k3,,“ , "7/ 3 21 n’! . ~> ' s”: Q‘, I 55) I‘ 3.1.. 4&1! b ..\ .0 ‘0 MM? 1?. o. b (J I. i . is. l "P! .. c are... a. ,. . 3 ~’ .1 a... e ... .715. .1 a \ t u/ .H/W In tIsV n s [(7.4 . eg. Lav. 1. so? .. N0. 18. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY HIsPAxo-MoaEsQUE RUG QO—ANTIQI'E PERSIAN RUG Kurdistan weave. On the camel’s—hair field is a center medallion and corner pieces in dark blue, with geometrical figures in rose, sapphire-blue, ivory and sea-green. The . F large border is ivory with a meander in dark blue, rose and deep mulberry. On either side of this border are sapphire-blue bands bearing flower and leaf meanders. Around the edge of the rug is an antique red border. Length, 8 feet 11 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches. Ql—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG Feraghan weave. The field with dark blue ground, sus- taining a serrated medallion and corner motifs, enclosing blue, red, green and white flowering. The remaining I field presenting a symmetrically posed all—over designfi/jii/(Q f with flowers and Herati leaf details, woven in the varied colors and in harmony with the medallion. TheQQ central border with green ground, sustaining floral devices v in varied color and recurrent designs; the outer and inner W guard bands, showing yellow ground, relieved by scrolling pattern, while the intermediate border shows red ground with blue and white leafy vine. Length, 9 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 1.0 inches. QQ—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG Ardebil weave. The field presenting a blended old rose ground with tones of salmon—pink and slight streaking. The main border with tawny—brown ground, sustaining the conventional palm-leaf pattern, woven in varied colors in— cluding amber-yellow, old rose, sapphire—blue and white , tones. The narrow inner band with ivory-white ground, Xff Z showing a small serpentine motif with diamond forms, woven in varied colors, while the outer bands, with sap- phire-blue ground and anguilliform device, in old-rose and white details, include old-rose guard stripes. Length, 12 feet; width, 4. feet 1 inch. 23—AsIA MINOR HANGING 75%;; W Kilim tapestry stitch of the eighteenth century. The field presenting three large panels woven in alternating white and red body colors with flowered details in varied colors together with interior oblong plaquettes which show simi— lar designs and coloring of the field. Framed by triple bordering; the inner band with deep blue ground display— ing laneet forms woven in red, olive, yellow, salmon-red and white tones, while the middle border, with red ground, sustains conventional floriations in similar colors. The outer band involves a serrated red meander on blended green and yellow ground. Length, 11 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet 10 inches. (Illustrated) Qlid—ANTIQUE TRICOMAR RUG X Kochan weave. On the soft antique red field is an all— gaze. i’ over geometrical figure design in black, ivory, mulberry, sapphire—blue and green. The inner and outer borders are dark brown, bearing squares in these same colors. The center ivory border has a meander in red, blue, mul- berry and green. Separating it from the two gold borders, which also bear meanders, are dark brown bands dotted with sapphire-blue and antique red. Length, 13 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 7 inches. 25—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG fife, L ~K-uba weave. On the deep Persian blue field are char acteristic geometrical designs in leaf—green, rose-tan, camel’s—hair, black and ivory. The three ivory borders sustain “S” forms in the same colors as are used in the field designs. Conventionalized tarantulas form the design in the two black borders. Length, 12 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches. .. Lav“ ht fob-h‘. . . emf L a 1w I .I.\.I~/4.£1w.._*.}w‘. . A... .. € . . ,e éxeeié .- . MW??? w fixidflvy .. |., .1 1 Q q..- \ _ [a 1 I‘ I . . i .‘ r. \ . v i .M- ._. i U-.,.M\ ‘.- . . OI .. . . I . ..( 2:1’; ‘is iii-‘I 3 *F'" g 01% ., ,0 ‘:0 or - ' . I v ' 8393* 8:128 38* 3° "6 g‘lfi’ol 0° 9-) 00° 8° 0'30 " »__ Nvlvlllrawaqw, 1.. ,umro... x,“ Q enema o . fl . .. . a _, u . . .. i . . . a . a, U‘ I. 6 . . . . ‘J . \ 1 k fi» a..." a u‘ c‘ I . .. _ Q A s 0 i . . ‘v. H. - T . ‘ . ‘A. . € b- . a \ .v [ow .. .. . - My‘. . I I. -: tau“ 014$...‘ H¢¢hqo\..aoo~mo . “A/ 0 ‘ .1. . a .r _. - \ a . a v o aiiaomopoihiox.’ cl 7.’ I . :.w:.1. ‘clap-01.. ASIA MINoR KILL“ HANGING No. 23. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Qfi—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG (RUNNER) Kazak weave. The long field with lustrous ruby-red ground, sustaining three flowered octagonal panels, in , blue and white, surrounded by conventional tree emblems, fit 6f L, and small plaquette devices that are woven in varied ' 9 colors, carried from the medallion. The main border presents a dark blue ground alternately figured with small beetle and anchor—like designs, while the outer border sustains a reciprocal serrated design in russet- red meander. Length, 9 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches. 27—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG 4/7, _Knba weave. Eighteenth century. The field with pale sapphire-blue ground presenting an all-over palm—leaf pattern in conventional form involving red and yellow Ky” ' F tones. The main border displaying diagonal bars, woven in alternating yellow, red, brown and white tones, while the inner and outer guard bands display geometric pattern in varied colors on brown and white ground. Length, 8 feet; nriclth, 3 feet 10 inches. ( I Has trn ted) QS—ANTIQUE AsIA MINOR RUG Koula weave of the eighteenth century. The field with blended salmon-red ground, showing delicate floral border— ing in green and white, while two serrated spandrels )2 ///r woven with rich floral pattern on blue ground finish the ends of the panel. Framed by numerous borders which show contrasting body colors relieved by floral and vine @ designs in salmon-red, brown, blue and white. Length, 6 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches. w -.-.:§t# _I :51 t '% ifi . :' saeneessee¢ I111 'ul ‘ ‘m. -, ‘I Q.‘ ‘\\\\\\\‘.\\\~ a. new A a asst-reassess ' 4F QQ—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG Chichi weave. The field, together with the border, dis— playing a deep blue ground, covered with a large spread- ing all-over design, showing conventionalized floral motifs f F’ and scrolling stems, delicately outlined in yellow. The ' ' same motifs appearing in the border, together with red serrated guard bands. Length. 6 feet 1 inch; width, 4 feet Q inches. 30—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG Kuba weave. The field with brownish background pre- senting an all—over pattern, woven in recurrent rows of floral sprays and palm-leaf devices; composed with sub— dued salmon-red, green, blue and amber-yellow tones. )% J 0 Inner band displaying a serrated meander woven in old 7 7 w L, rose and yellow, while the middle border sustains diagonal stripes, woven in polychrome colors which match the field. Outer border with sapphire-blue ground, showing red and yellow floral design. Length, 6 feet; width. 4' feet 4 inches. ( I llns t'ra. ted ) 31—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG Kazak weave, and typical heavy pile. The field present— ing an emerald—green ground with a curious octagonal central medallion, woven inwhite, red and russet—brown tones. The remaining field enclosing quadrangular red and white plaquettes and other conventional devices in peculiar colors of these looms. The overlapping main j J, border, with crimsontred ground, sustains small octagonal plaquette forms, in like colors that match the field, while the flanking inner and outer guard bands sustain blue and red anguilliform meanders. The remaining border show- ing reciprocal serrated devices with flowering in red, white and green. Length. 6 feet; width. 4 feet. ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG 30. No. ANTIQUE CHINESE RUGS SQ—SMALL ANTIQUE CHINESE MAT Late seventeenth century. Lustrous pile, presenting a deep golden—bronze toned body, with conventional blue medallion and corner motifs, woven in serrated form and 7% 4/ a involving blue swastika cross emblems. The bordering includes a dark blue inner band with white dots, followed (Q; - - by blue guard stripes, while the main border shows a blue ' Man/wand golden-bronze colored meander in “T” fret pattern. Length, 9 feet; width, 1 foot 10 inches. 7% d 33—SMALL SQUARE ANTIQUE CHINESE MA'r j ' To match the preceding. /, ' /,~ - Length, 2 feet 1 inch; width, 2 feet. / r 341—SQL'ARE CHINESE MAT Eighteenth century. Lustrous pile, with soft apricot— red ground, sustaining a conventional flowered medallion, woven in light pinkish color, together with a yellow stel— f4 [1 lated center blossom, while the corner motifs show yellow, 2% @ blue and mellowed tones of pink to match. Framed by a border with imperial yellow ground, upon which appear blue and red orbs, or “flaming jewels” of omnipotence. Length, 2 feet 4 inches; nridth, 2 feet 2 inches. 35 SMALL CHINESE RUG Eighteenth century. The panel with soft sheen, present— ing a pale yellow ground, relieved by small sprays of flowers and conventional rosette—like blossom forms, freely j fa Z’ scattered over the field. Framed by a dark blue inner ‘ ' band, filled with small yellow and light blue prunus blos- soms, while the main border sustains an ivory—white swas- tika fret pattern, with small corner blossoms, on dark blue ground. Has dark blue outer margin band. Length, 4 feet; ‘width, 2 feet 2 inches. 1 Q 9'. g a Q Q 5 . . 9 4 H 4 "W!" L | j *1. R1. Esm- 36—SMALL (‘HINEsE RUG Eighteenth century. The field with ivory—white back- ground, sustaining a floral and butterfly medallion, woven in two shades of blue to match the varied floral sprays F and corner motifs. The narrow blue inner band showing ' white dots, while the main border, with ivory-white ground, sustains an intricate fret pattern. Length. 3 feet 10 inches; Width, 2 feet. 3'7—SMALL CHINESE RUG Late eighteenth century. Presenting a pearl—gray ground with center medallion, formed by floral motif in two shades of blue. Remaining field sustains four large peony sprays and two butterflies. The two narrow ends display rocky Z4 peaks that rise midst crested waves, or whirling rapids ' i of the “Dragon Gate,” while the long sides, bordered with dark blue ground, show flower vases and symbolical “Fruit of Abundance” woven in light blue and white. Length. 5 feet 4 inches; width. 2 feet 9 inch”. ""“"'ww-v'- —-—___W—_-W'_W.____._ as‘ v- Xfe. 1., ~ a 9- _ m ..>._ a M 5‘- . v. - a g‘ ‘- ' * n— w < ‘ abu- Ja--_ I I 4 I n I c I M a..- 1 “mega-*1 . --k“*~ u 4 e- -- m SMALL CHINESE RUG Eighteenth century. The panel, with soft sheen, present- ing a deep golden‘yellow ground, relieved by conventional floral medallion and small corner motifs, woven in con— trasting shades of blue, peach—red and ivory-white. The remaining field displays gift objects midst symbolical flow‘ ers and fruit, held within plant jars, woven in varied colors to match medallion. The narrow blue inner band showing white dotting and blue guard stripes, is followed by the main border, with blended persimmon-red ground, involving floral and scrolled details in two shades of blue and salmon-red and white. Length, 4 feet 4~ inches; width. 2 feet 3 inches. 59—SMALL ('Hlxl-zsn RUG ,5? 4e. 6. Eighteenth century. The panel, with dark blue ground, sustains a light—colored center medallion, composed of dragon-headed scrolls and floral details in harmony with the corner motifs and detached floral sprays which show yellow, ivory-white, salmon-pink and pale sapphire—blue tones. The narrow blue inner band with white dotting, is followed by a small blue and white “T” fret meander, while the outer border, with light salmon-red ground, sus- tains yellow, blue and white floriations. Length, 3 feet 3 inches; width, :2 feet. ‘LO—SMALL CHINESE RUG Eighteenth century. The field, with imperial yellow ground, presenting detached floral sprays and a center , medallion, which involves the swastika cross emblem, woven in deep blue and pale salmon-red, matching the Xy/jr P floral corner motifs. The bordering consists of narrow ' blue inner band with white dotting, followed by a fretted meander, while the main border, with dark blue ground, sustains conventional yellow and red floral scrolls, relieved by four blue Buddhist emblems and two circular Shou characters of longevity. Length, 3 feet 3 inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches. 41—CHINEsE GRoTEsQUE FIGURE RUG Late seventeenth century. Woven in oblong shape, the panel with yellow ground, showing dark brown stripes or markings of a tiger skin, relieved by the figure of a semi-human creature or demon of the Chinese mytho— logical realm of King Yama, whose rutilant body is cov- ered with chevron-like scales, woven in mellowed old apricot tones, including ivory—white on the rose—colored ground. The uplifted arms and lower limbs display sharp claws, and the grinning face is bearded. The border sus— tains a dark blue and yellow swastika fret pattern, to— gether with guard stripes, woven in two shades of blue. Length, 6 feet; width, 2 feet 7 inches. 42—SMALL CHINESE RUG e //e W Eighteenth century. The field with soft sheen, presenting a series of six mat-like forms that are separately bordered in yellow with blue cloud scrolls. The panels uniformly sustain apricot—red body colors with floral medallions, woven in contrasting yellow, blue and white tones. The >4 outer margin band showing a dark blue. Length, 5 feet; width, 3 feet 7 inches. ‘its—SMALL CHINESE RUG %//4' W Late eighteenth century. Presenting a pearl—gray ground, filled with symbolical blue floral plants, “Fruit of Abundance,” brush jars and vases that hold mandarin emblems. Interspersed with these are varied blue floral sprays. The two narrow ends display pointed rocks that rise midst wave cresting, and the whirling rapids of the “Dragon Gate,” woven in two shades of blue and soft ivory white. The side border, with pearl—gray ground and guard stripes, sustains blue melon motifs. Length, 4 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches. lkllri—ANTIQUE CHINESE RUG j we? F Early eighteenth century. The panel with soft sheen, presenting a deep golden—yellow ground, relieved by a floral—wreathed center medallion, woven in two shades of blue, salmon-red and white, while the angular salmon-red corner motifs involve swastika cross emblems. The re- maining field displays freely posed flowering plants and vases, together with emblematical fruit of the “Three Abundances.” The border, with dark blue ground, sus- tains an intricate swastika fret pattern, woven in varied colors of the panel. Has dark blue margin band. Length, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches. -L5—SMALL CHINESE RUG Eighteenth century. The panel with soft sheen, display- ing an old salmon—red ground, relieved by a yellow floral and blue cloud—wreathed medallion interwoven with white. The remaining field, with corner motifs in form of angular scrolls and blue swastika cross emblems, includes tawny/dd? 2,, large floral devices and the symbolical pomegranates and “Hand of Buddha” citrons woven in colors to match the medallion. The border, with imperial yellow ground, sus— tains persimmon—red floral patterns and blue leafy scrolls, relieved with white. Length, 4 feet 9 inches; width, 1 foot 11 inches. ‘LG—ANTIQUE CHINESE RUG Late eighteenth century. The field with brilliant salmon- red ground, presenting five formally posed floral medal— lions, woven in contrasting tones of blue, green and dark I I, (4:, brown; the larger central form is composed of a peony flower wreath, enclosing small white stellated and swastika cross devices, which are repeated in the corner motifs. The remaining field sustains detached sprays of flowers and small butterflies, woven in colors to harmonize with the medallion. The narrow inner band displays a blue and red “T” fret meander, while the main border, with sahi'ion—pink ground, is filled with floral details, woven in two shades of blue and white. Length. (5 feet 5 inches; width, 4‘ feet 4 inches. ZFT—ANTIQFE CHINESE RI'G Late eighteenth century. The panel with soft sheen, pre— senting an imperial yellow ground, relieved by a blue cen— tral medallion, which holds the fabled ch’i-lin and phoenix (feng—huang) bird, midst cloud forms. The remaining _ field with floral corner motifs, sustains varied detached L sprays of symbolical flowers and fruit, woven in two ' shades of blue, apricot~red and pale white. The narrow inner band in blue shows a fret meander, while the main border, with imperial yellow ground, displays peony flow- ers and leafy scrolls, woven in shades of blue, apricot— red and white. Has dark blue marginal band. Length. 6 feet 4‘ inches; n‘idth, 3 feet. ‘LS—ANTIQUE (.‘HINnsIc RI‘G Eighteenth century. The field presenting deep peach— red ground, with floral-wreathcd center medallion fram— ing a pair of “tai shish” (Eu—lions) woven in contrasting s, shades of blue, yellow and white. Four other “Eu-lions,” )gf d‘ ,4’ midst blue scrolls, form the corner motifs, while the re— maining field displays detachable floral sprays and but- terflies, grouped around the medallion and showing like colors. The narrow inner band sustains triangulated brown and white dentilations, followed by the main border, with floral scrolls and fretted corner devices, woven in red, yellow, light blue and white on dark blue background. Length. 6 feet 7 inches,‘ width. 4‘ feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) ‘way 514 iii Ill, . . l. ‘II-II . . . i 5r). .8! 1...... 27¢ EL If L .1 i ‘ - .. ‘.i Q . . . 1 1 ‘If . . r a . , P y . .11.!’ .0. i t; . q ‘ '0 43$ ‘ “‘ .' .1»; 4'!» ‘Ln M1 kw. I. ..1 . ,. , H gqkwtdfirgrwsfieéhvlrlsiféW¢¢E4tdrfiitthwe!is!. iii, if) ll... .l . ,w. ... . , L . . 1., a .d . . . ... . . “.1414. . . . .. .. . _. we .» u . . . .. .. . . . . . 1 v . . . I . . f- . . i .L. I 4., .1 e .. . .U... is . . , .1 .l. I! v " . .. ,_ wt‘a... .. . _ IO,...’(| w. M Ill?" 41?’ . s ‘2 3* a “5i” HQ. 'A‘HN‘JI ‘; . -_ u No. 48. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CHINESE RUG .- e. .5“ ~,._ g ‘ 49~ANTIQUE CHINESE RUG Late eighteenth century. The panel with soft sheen, pre— senting a rich salmon-red ground, relieved by an oblong medallion in blue, involving apricot—red and white floral details, while the blue corner motifs in angular form hold f swastika cross ‘emblems. The narrow inner band displays " a blue and white fret meander, with blue guard stripes, while the main border sustains a dark blue swastika pat— ? ~ tern on salmon—red round, to match the inner field. ' 5m If!‘ g Length, 5 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. 50—SMALL (‘HIxEsE DEER RUG Eighteenth century. Presenting a shimmering old ivory— white ground, with allegorical spotted deers and flying cranes, woven in two shades of blue. These creatures of Taoist lore appear at either end, together with conven- j 2/ L tional fir trees and serrated hills. The narrow inner band a‘ \ shows a small blue fret meander, while the blue outer border sustains swastika cross and other emblems, woven in contrasting light blue and white. Length, 3 feet 11 inches; width, 1 foot 11 inches. 51—SMALL CHINESE RUG Eighteenth century. The panel, with blended old salmon- red ground, sustains a round center medallion, which in— volves birds and floral details, woven in blue, yellow, pink and ivory-white tones. The flowered corner motifs show similar soft colors, that are carried into the detached L floral and fruit devices in the field. The dark blue border ' sustains kindred fruit and floral devices, midst precious objects of the mandarin, including flower vases, brush jars, and checker borders, woven in the varied colors of the field. Length, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 9 feet 1 inch. ANTIQUE PERSIAN AND OTHER ORIENTAL RUGS 52—PERsIAN SADDLE—CLOTH Sehna weave. Eighteenth century. Fine close pile, solid j/f L dark blue body color, relieved by small pendants and red ' ' flower corner motifs, involving Herati leaf details woven in varied colors. Trimmed with yellow silk fringe. Dy‘ {6131? ( Length, 3 feet 5 inches; width, 3 fee! 3 inches. 53—SMALL TURKoMAN RUG Tekke—Bokhara weave. Eighteenth century. Displaying a typical deep red ground, the two panel forms are re— \ . L lieved by conventional blue and white plaquette forms dis- ' posed row upon row midst delicate blue tracery. Framed by red and blue borders with small geometrical devices DY, wl lb L\vmgnvolving varied tones together with white. Length, 5 feet; width, 3 feet 10 inches. {ilk—SMALL ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG Kurdistan weave of the eighteenth century. The field with thick pile presents a dark purplish—blue body color, interwoven with small all-over patterns that involve small conventional trees and floral devices, woven in well-defined : and varied colors, dominated by the yellow flowering. $4 Upper and lower ends of the panel including white bands with scrolled details. The main border with white ground sustaining recurrent floral and leaf motifs, while the outer band, with green ground, is relieved by floriations in the varied colors of the field. Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 11 inches. 55—ASIA MINOR PRAYER RUG Kilim weave. Tapestry like flat stitch. The prayer field with red ground sustains three geometrical medallion de- vices woven in black, yellow and white, while the white {UH mirhab arch displays two gulaps (water ewers), together 7“\ ' with a double cross device, in the center. Framed by numerous borders, woven in varied colors, including green, pink, yellow, blue and white body colors, with uniform bead-like spheres. Length, 4 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. 56—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN PRAYER RUG Kazak weave. On the old ivory background is the prayer arch containing geometrical figures in green, red, sap— phire-blue and black. The center border is rose, with _ rosettes 111 Ivory, rose, black and sapphlre—blue. The m- g‘— ner border is black, with a small design in rose, blue and ivory. Outer border is reciprocal trefoil in black and sapphire-blue. Length, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches. 5'7—CAUcAsIAN RUG Kabistan weave. Rich colors and close pile. The field presenting a dark blue background, relieved by an all- over pattern, involving geometrical devices, woven in varied light and brilliant colors peculiar to these looms. Framed by numerous borders. Inner band, with red lanceolations, is followed by a narrow band, with con— (a, trasting white ground, relieved by stellated rosettes in varied colors. The main border with black ground pre— W sents recurrent oblique cuneiforms flanked by green guard ' bands with floral vines. Outer border showing reciprocal \ red and blue pattern. Length, 6 feet 9 inches; width, 4 feet. of Mel .Nuv,..%n\u_..vw.v\.qovfi W Jug "with. . ‘a. of. 5?“ Quinn/‘MU .vxwwwwxewoxefifi. :1 i . .t .._. Vivi,‘ .> v '2’ ‘m/ 4“ R 3’ (a? it}; a???’ - ‘w v v l-\> - 32'»: g‘ .n..-m~b/"~ l . 3S§ '' A itnnllillf I, til-‘Dbl 0| I a 4r 2.93;’. ‘ . _‘ 3f‘ DINOWJOMIJ'OEI. Imuutflvwla a a i n I. ‘5?? ‘1"'-‘7.‘/-'1i'f‘§‘3=/ A‘; o 9 ¢ 465N111?!) [:5 '24s it." I‘? ‘t; i 1; £113; _:'T~,;;_. t'wx/ 5%» H .; \ww. .Yfi/ .i . ~,.,...n.\..H"/......,,\...w_....“.>.x...s.,. Rn..% . c e? N), Rm, 3?. \w/ shoves“? 58—SMALL TI'RKOMAN RUG Beshir weave. Eighteenth century. The field, with pale lapis-blue ground, sustains a conventionalized branching tree emblem midst two slender columns which end above in the niche. The remaining field is filled with conven- tional floral devices, woven in pale red and amber tones L involving a modicum of green and deep blue. The main )5‘ ' - border with amber yellow ground relieved by small sym- bolic devices and geometrical details in red and blue, while the guard bands with blue body colors enclose red and yellow rosettes and oblique bars. Length, 4 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 59—ANTIQUE TURKOMAN BUG Afghan weave. Eighteenth century. The field with crossed bands showing dark blue flowered details on deep lustrous Turkoman-red ground, together with a silvery % J7 [ white geometrical bordering on light red ground. The 76? ‘a ', main border displaying kindred colors, without white; composed in cl‘Iaracteristic geometric forms, while the outer bordering on three sides includes other geometric devices with quadrangular white outlines. Length, 6 feet; width, 4 feet 7' inches. 60——ANTIQUE CArcAsIAN RUG Kuba weave. Late eighteenth century; fine pile. The field with deep blue ground displaying an interesting all- over design involving ten alternating rows of serrated plaquettes arranged in anguilliform woven in soft. red, ivory-white and varied yellow tones. The main bordeLXyd L with rich yellow body color sustains a white, yellow and ' ' red geometrical tracery. The well—defined square forms with flowering representing silver and gold in its con— struction together with jeweled setting. The flanking guard bands of red floriations and reciprocal yellow and red lanceolations. Length, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 5 feet 3 inches. 61——ANTIQLIE ASIA MINOR RUG Bergama weave of the eighteenth century. The field, with deep apricot-red body color, sustains a light sapphire— blue medallion in quadrangular form with flowering in varied low tones which include yellow and pearl—gray X tones. The panel is completed with light blue corner ' motifs that involve pearl—gray tree motifs, in convention— alized form. The main border, with turquoise-blue ’ mi ‘.‘OOII IoOl.O.\II‘..uI . i .mwevwww . 04 a O . ‘II! x . . 0| . o. i J. a s . . v;.QfLWFQR>uV, $05g533$7 , .7 »>~. ., . I o.-lI I'liaill'llfi. QVDOIOIQIK Q i i I I” I. I 0 ‘.00... i .1 1, ‘ i~Il‘.O:lItJb.I|- lauiil'l.llllaull‘oilhol. O. 0.. In‘ . t ‘ if... . a‘ - “\l‘n ?‘_"‘7?'. ._Q "Q- - t '_ . i a: . '7”.~'Q) . V. I ‘I . ,L . ' . "a >-. 9G) . ..... i . .. 7.’... .EJNU ¢amvnmw¢mn¢w .Qfl? 9;; I‘ Wit...“ 5“. . .\Q:‘$1¢a “v : tic Q. Q" trim”? , . . .. i ‘. . ) k... . a» .. .. . an“... .. ..,... . . {we .7; at if c I 7W’. xii _'-,o~'-...§OO -'- 1>.~'Go"..-..o q"- "arwm'mwmw hib 09;, :_- i 0')’; 0'0‘ "'Y‘i’f... . H» . i I _ >4 d?- “' . l .Iu- l a .. O 0 Q; as 4*.’ ' a4- Va. ~fih~i . fin‘ .-'o- .0.’ V- ‘F g‘- ‘O '7 itp'. _ "U .0 v v i. . Olll...“hnl. a... i w’“n§" ‘by’ .9‘. 3M . . . 9 "W1 . . c. . .. +*.¢ t$03?$t;1$1¢i$aft$®tt.t.h ., . 0J0 . . . .. . . . o l Wail‘ -. .. ‘. . . .Wuw .. . , X 0 .¢~. . . i . W»....'...\.¢S¢Qfi .11. At. . O . .h: 1 . . .. . a 1 ‘HQ, . . on. u >.... . . was, . .. .. ...~ .. c ,. ., c .. . we... .r n...’ .I .. Q. . . . , . v a . husk. v .. . ~ . A I.‘ 0.8 . . \. ul'V.‘ vll\'}~.\z.p\ \.!\ ‘ 0Q ’ . b? . o 0 a , r. . u . .7 Fl... - b . ‘(a 0 . .1“. .o . . Hi.“ .. .00? IQQAIOI lilo. III~VQUOOJQIODIQO . gift...‘ ll.i,. ill . Qirttl . .i ,0. IC'OIOCQ'OOQO. No. 89. EIGH'I‘EEN'I‘H ‘ENTURY PERSIAN RUG ground, sustains varied geometrical devices and emblems in red, yellow, blue and silver—gray tones. The inner and outer guard bands, with red ground, are interwoven with stellated rhomboidal forms in colors to match the panel. Length, 6 feet 9 inches; width, .5 feet 11 inches. GQ—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG Joshaghan weave, of the eighteenth century. The field with all—over design in varied colors on white ground, involving a small center medallion and cartouches that are symmetrically posed midst conventional flowering, woven . in light Persian blue, red, green and yellow tones. The L inner band displaying a reciprocal red and white lancet ' . design, while the main border, showing a red ground with recurrent geometrical pattern, is woven in blended bluish green, red and white floral details. The guard bands dis- play light blue ground with scrolling details. Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet. (Illustrated) (iii—ANTIQUE (‘AUcAsIAN RUG q weave. The field, with rich golden-yellow ground, sustains an all-over pattern, woven in well-defined colors which involve the red, green and blue stellated buds and sprays symmetrically posed in the usual style of the jig C Kabistan looms. The inner and outer borders sustain 2 E” ' blue and white conventional cloud scrolls, combined with touches of red, while the center border, with red ground, displays recurrent floral designs in deep rose and light pink. Length. 8 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. ' Wat‘. ,7 ( _. .--"q‘-0 ' GLL—AN'I‘IQUE CAUCAsIAN RUG (RUNNER) Kazak weave, with close, heavy pile. The long panel, with crimson-red ground, sustains varied geometrical devices which surround three large medallions that separately display conventional cloud scrolls and stellated blossoms, centered by square swastika plaquettes. The center me— f; y dallion shows a dark blue ground, while the other two 4,; ' are sea-green, with floral devices. The main border, with geometrical devices, is woven in recurrent plaquette forms and in varied colors of the old Kazak looms. The inner flanking guard band shows reciprocal blue and black lan— cet design, while the outer band, with like reciprocal de— tails, is woven in red and green. Length, 10 feet; width, 4 feet :2 inches. (Illustrated) 65—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUNNER Feraghan weave. Eighteenth century. The field, with deep blue ground, sustains a series of eight blossom— shaped medallions that alternately show red, yellow, white, sea-green and mauve body colors, together with geo— / I’ Lg ’d metrical and floral devices, woven in like colors. The re— yg maining field is filled with small floral rosettes woven in ' diverse colors. Framed by a series of four borders, to- gether_with guard stripes; the main border, with sea- green ground, displays closely woven floral details. The remaining border, with deep rose-colored ground, sustains floriations in varied light colors to match the field, while the outer band shows a reciprocal black and red band in lanceolated form. Length. 12 feet 11 inches,‘ width. 9 feet 9 inches. 66—ANTIQUE (.‘AUCAsIAN RUG I F Karabagh weave. Late eighteenth century. The field, )5\ ' with deep lap'is-blue ground, sustains an all-over palm- leaf pattern and shows varied light colors, including yel— .\\Q£T§\2§PQ\‘\Q~K¢Oll‘QQ QQQA\~OQ‘o\O\: ~.0\\\\.\\rn|. . \0 \Q( I 11 p 4 ¢ _ . q. 4 l .* .\P0C‘\\_0\\I\\\\ I...‘ . . .. . \OQOUI 11 . . . 1.00‘.rlaouoioaa¢oor.a.ooio:0‘00A00\Q\\\$\500\~\\\d..\.-\v o\\o\\\\~‘ §\\~\U r is . . 0 ‘\i C o\- isk,i‘\‘Iov\.\;'6aiiozivovviioaooo‘ .. .r J . . a 7 # I O .u ‘i i I 0 . 9 v. r I . 6. .4 i- , R o. e . ‘ed. . p . . ‘1;: i . . .00. ~\\:b§\.bo. ..'\9.0‘o§~!\\l. \ on. as?" u i . \~\l.v‘\-o\\‘loggv\o\~ossovlsl .s'Q’oIwOfiihSI.‘\v~0\00\;\&t\0 :0\0O0.s0\\109\5 E vloqlftaalrtliofiowo\i06¢... $l?\\\u-\vo-\W-\ . . 7.. i . . “11 ‘l . a. . . ,1 a a? . ¥ ? _. ‘4 axe . c . . ,.... . ,. o . :Qso . Q - 1-1‘. -I_ . §\\ ‘iii » I \a\ vi I‘: . ‘~\¥\‘(09069900.\:- o'siiizsh‘QyossoCQQ: s‘: \(QQQsQQQQYb: 4 .\ , c :- ?:>..7...,.$...... to 1N} .vQawvNaNw 4...; . , . . . J I.) vi‘. f (\1 ' \ . of i . s 4’ _. c . . .. ., - Ra .. . . i. I .. c n. . ,QA .I. c i C . . v. V i. u. .4‘ . I v r . .l, . . 1 y . v . . y l . . , . ~ ~- 70 I . . . ‘Q . “‘\\_ooqaavta. ‘\Ac' -. l ‘ ‘I ‘ ~ ' 1.4‘ ' A ~ ~ . . , . D , w 9 “ I W . v . a a 9 o 0 I d O 0 a I I .._ I O o 0 o ’ o 0 a I 4 m M.‘ ()6 ‘v -~ 1 ‘ .wfi- . , g Y §§\.\\\.-‘¥'004- I I‘ 3.1;! 23* . 2 e». -1“, . ..1; .n f .; .. . . . . , .. .. fiirfvxmlavfirxfv . 1.. . . . . . . . . _ . . m n.0,“ . its! ite'l’f‘i'l‘llQO‘dfldtl v _ . c ~ ' ¢ . . , . Q Pv . . .7511??? \\ - l ‘J "'\ 2 \‘ | 0 '73-‘ .0 .1. i a. . 100 (100.0! s s as: .QOOQ‘QQRQD'I.’ Oi'il’.“ ‘alloifiooioualcogiilllve I‘; .H 2.000013000000060. 9.. . a; o i . , c . , , _ ) ‘J u. . W . 0 .... . . . . . use!’ i in » . . . o I... 0 I.JQO‘.@O|.,...'I .OI' "I..Od..l ‘ I O O U a 0 a I t c O I I ‘ I O I . \ o . .a“ ..-\ f! a UV‘ .0. . ¢ . . . A i i W in . . . o O I | w "v .- 0 F v c O I .1, \ \ ‘0"... a , . . F‘. .n, I. 4 . c¢-. 4 . A. '.1‘. lilo T.- l. 1 ll. . \ ‘ale-VI 00.!‘\S.lil'llfuq\\\ou00§l0-b§i‘O'Ol'lllifi\ovlIlllbtooaoloatt‘lnoaar‘’IuliavlobQO'nOp’lJ? 00-00. . I I f \ | 4‘ r 4 V v i O P’ . . A "O I . . . l v \ DIG." ’,.."n "d..."’l“o ‘0 i. . o {f ‘ No. 64:. .ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG low, white, red and sapphire-blue. The central border, with crimson red ground, displays stellated and geo— metrical devices in two shades of blue, salmon-pink, yel— low and white. The inner and outer guard bands, with white ground, sustains rosetted forms in polychrome colors matching the tones of the palm leaf. Length, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 11 inches. GW—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG Heriz weave of the eighteenth century. The field, with fine thick pile, presents a sapphire-blue ground relieved by a serrated deep coral-pink medallion, woven with flori— ated details in contrasting colors, while the sea—green > F motifs include red and white flame forms. The main j J - border, with deep rose-colored ground, sustains conven- tional flowered details, flanked by inner and outer guard bands woven in light—toned red body colors with conven— tional designs in varied coloring. Length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches. 68—PERSIAN RUG (RUNNER) Hamadan weave. Thick camel’s—hair pile of the eigh— teenth century. The long field, with rose damask ground, sustains a small dark blue medallion motif, interwoven with floral details, showing light blue, old rose and ivory- %Xfl F white tones. The main border, with contrasting yellow, ' . blue and red floral pattern, is flanked by reciprocal guard bands in yellow and red lancet forms. Has outer margin border with tan body color, woven with palm-leaf motifs in varied colors showing dominating tones of rose. Length, 10 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet. GSA—PERSIAN RUG (RUNNER) Companion to the preceding. Length, 10 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet. 69—AXT1QUE ASIA MINOR RUG Koula weave. On the soft gray—green prayer field are three floral stripes in old—rose, ivory, soft yellow and brown. On the brown field above the arch are flowers in rose, ivory and soft green. The pale green and ivory panels above and below the prayer field have conven- 7d. (4:, tionalized flowers in rose, gold and ivory. The large ivory border has geometrical figures in gold, green, rose and brown. 011 both sides of it are narrow bands of green. Length, 6 feet 1 inch; width, 4 feet 2 inches. Mode?" Smymq '70—AXTIQUE RUG On the rose-red field are corner pieces, a center medal- lion, and geometric figures in ivory, blue, dark green, X F black and brown. The larger border, in deep green, bears ' ' geometrical figures in yellow, rose, black, ivory and brown. At one end is a rose—red border with figures forming squares in blue, green and ivory. Length, 9 feet 9 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches. 'YI—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG Feraghan weave. The field, showing a blended rose and apricot—red ground, with slight streaking, is relieved by a diamond-shaped medallion (with dentated edging) en- closing small floral diaperings, woven in varied tones. The remaining field, with small corner motifs, sustains small blue and golden—yellow rosettes, including small roosters, introduced as emblems of good luck and toX/d 0 Z, avert the evil eye. The central border, with amber-yel— ' ' low ground, shows rosette and stellated leaf devices, in conventional form, woven in Varied colors to match the medallion. The inner and outer guard bands, with apri— cot-red ground, display small floriations in varied colors to match. Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width. 11‘ feet 3 inches. FE’). \~/.\° 1.\ '/.\ ’l-\fl.\fl.\ "ravrm ' - v _ I . ’ *1'~~ ‘ ...._ - 7-". ~r.... 5.- ' O. \‘ a‘. '- ‘_ I‘ ..‘~ —\__'I.I ' ' ‘V.’ ' 7 ‘t " _ r 7 7.3’ ~‘ ~- "- I. . >_ ‘I ‘V : ‘if’... _, "- ‘ Q £51". 33' ?~"-"& .4 milk“! #54:’ .e -- "I - ~ . - ~ >- _ i w _-__- . r 4’ N0. 9%. ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN CARPET ___ q“ “IQ—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAX Bro Kabistan weave. The field, with dark blue ground, pre— sents three octagonal medallions, framed in serrated forms; the center displays a sapphire—blue interior and the two others have yellow centers with russet-red borders, , including uniform floral details in varied light colors. yd‘ i The remaining blue field is filled with small figured motifs, ' including rosettes, butterflies and cartouche forms, woven in rich colors to match medallion. The main border, with yellow ground, sustains serrated leaf devices, while the outer border, with blue ground, displays small squares that involve rosettes. Guard stripes show white beads. Length, 8 feet _: width, 3 feet 9 inches. '73——AXTIQUE PERSIAN RUG Daghistan weave. Late seventeenth century. The field presents numerous stripes woven in varied colors, includ- ing russet-brown, blue, amber-yellow, ivory-white and rose tones. These several stripes are relieved by meanders y’ Land small floriations woven in contrasting colors. The ‘large rose border has a conventionalized floral design in black, red and ivory; on either side of it are bands of leaf green, bearing floral meanders. The outer border is blue, having “S” forms in ivory and red shading. Length, 6 feet; width, 3 feet 5 inches. 745—ANTIQUE ASIA MINOR RUG Kurd weave. Three antique red and gray squares form the field of the rug; on these are geometrical figures and center medallions in soft green, mulberry, ivory and red. fif L ‘ The center border is yellow-red, bearing geometric figures in ivory, green and light blue. The inner band is ivory, carrying a meander in red and black. The outer band, of mulberry, has a design in red, ivory and green. Length, 7 feet 4 inches; width, v~1~ feet 2 inches. (Illustrated) 'LJ L. .‘ . 1, .MJ ‘. I _\. V ‘ ¢ 7. f 7 ,.¢. . . . v V . .L . ~ w. :l. .a,m_ >, 7 ~,‘ Q ’ h ., I‘. J. v Q 1 , .. .‘ w ‘. V . , . u, w > , v \f. .‘ "I >- I ‘m. . .1 ‘ , B . . I s V ‘ _ _ _ v 5- V 0.. ‘ . ‘ ‘ . ‘ . Z >. V v- 4..’ . a, .2 $33... v. 3 _ . , , . I. \ ' \ ~ -. :2‘? w ‘v > ‘I Q - N I‘ - 'Q‘ 'r 1!!!‘ 7 -"-.-..“ 1"‘ - ‘ .. v 3. .M/ . ‘ Q q‘; . . ’ a .v 3 . . 1.1%“ H o . .. in... . n .. it ‘_0 , . ..M.‘Q..‘ ‘ . - a‘ .w* ‘ .r‘ I I . 7h’): . 1 . ‘ 5 w," ‘ I \ . . " ; 0 w. ‘ L. ..c ‘Q . a 9-.“ i ‘ ‘0.4 ‘b $ 1 x “in H “rln 31%,..." 83 g3 t i \Q 1L’ ‘ x. m. . f.‘ u... . *QEPS 1h... . J.‘ n i‘. w, .. v ‘ ¥ . vs.‘ ¥ _ {Alan .. - iw ils .. an. 15n-§§ .331 75——A1 " 4 l ‘ !).IPI*..\$\{\{|.~4.J J 41 ., i .2 .3. v1.- .I'i." F U r ‘H ’ 23.2.1 ‘ ‘ 2 i’. . .$‘ 1%: \4 Q :J..%.\, . .. . 1"! VII.- fif‘ r‘) ‘1" :A.~ - cl . . HM ..\- .fivwvww ~ w , ‘v Jr‘ . .3 ‘41v 1 (til? SEVEN'I‘EEXTH ('Ex'rvm' ASIA. Mlxoa HUG F N0. 70. ' f0" I.)14;i~_ In)‘- '-l' y 7 3*’, J! ‘a _ _ .. e... .- a... H, ..~ . .. 4.. I... . . r 1 . .v . r “Amie I . , hwrubf . . w . n. .w .1 w a m . r \..H . i . . .7 . . .. . .. .. . . . . .v f, ....T 3.. ,, .... , . . . a... .7). inf. . f1“? .. . q .. .1 ewkwigfiifigiug. _ a . “02!. i .. . . .u .. .. I) . . to - .- n b: . {L ’ karma * Hr“ . . adv)... . I. .. .KIJ... _ . .. i. was‘... <... f .51 |. .....~. . \- . t . l. . 641 X . . {ii , {at . . Ji. : . \Wv ' . .w W. i. .. - v . . {'5 It . _ . . < . . ¢ ' 5 _I . : . .7. .x A‘. .. . .4 “en ‘ , t... EIGHT ZENTH CENTURY ASIA Mlxoii PRAYER RUG lowed by a flowered border of brown, while a double bor- dering, with sapphire-blue ground, sustains uniform de— vices in salmon-red, white and brown tones. The outer guard band shows yellow body color with flowered an- guilliformed meander. Length, 6 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches. (Illustrated) 78—As1A MINOR PEA-YER BUG Rhodian weave. Seventeenth century. The prayer field is soft antique red; on it are the columns of the prayer arch in sea-green. Above the arch the field is deep blue, bearing a floral design in red, turquoise-blue, soft yel- 7%! /, low, and ivory. The large border is blue, having a rosette meander in red, ivory, blue and brown. On either side of j?!‘ 2 e y, it are narrow red and sapphire-blue bands carrying meanders in red, yellow, blue and ivory. Length, 6 feet; width, 4 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) 79—As1A MINOR PRAYER RUG Ghiordez weave. Seventeenth century. The golden tan prayer field has a floral design in the center which "takes the place of the lamp which hangs from the center of the mirhab. On the soft antique turquoise-blue field above the arch are flowers in old rose, ivory and gold. TT'he two panels above and below the arch have conventional; ized floral designs in ivory, dark brown and rose. The large ivory border has clusters of flowers in soft rose, g’, turquoise—blue, tan and dark brown. The inner border, of dark brown, has a floral design ingold, tan and rose.- The outer border varies from soft sea-green to tan; on this is a floral design in rose, ivory, tan and tones of dark brown. Length, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches. arr". '* I _4- 1,1.‘ w. _ 7 ‘Q . ‘his’ \ i 1 '2'. in ll‘ ' -13‘ 1‘ 4 l ' v3, ,' JJ‘ ‘Lo-s»). M’L‘" No. 96. EIGHTEENTH _CENTURY PERSIAN CARPET o L. w“ nu w. 4 ‘ 7 . ‘~. )4 In,‘ .1, I» ‘. . 43;“. . 3 a $6 * w 0.... I . . a ‘Kn, 6 a L . V. o . ‘OJ i . .,. mm, ,2 w J .k .__ .lflllrttlllihl‘ila..U,hrmr_lll‘k-tthmLtfllho 'ol ‘til-ll!’ 7 “a, , “O . . w’ M ._. H)“ ... .11‘ 1ft. . n01 ». ,1...“ 1 , ‘if. ‘,AIWWHDP 23-. I. Q . V‘ . . ‘ . - .. muidwfi . "I'll’illII:IoOIU..DflnIIII-CI 0'1‘.- t.lll\l.lnll~l‘lnl’-o ‘ ‘A.’ 7:.‘ A J a ‘a r 0 V v _ l a; ' . ~ I .‘..v'-ll‘b‘i.l' C Q ‘ III I n v A v Q‘ 7." l '1 0‘ D .‘A flan. O..I.Y‘IO..‘III.III.OO'i'l'll’... \llui‘l LI.’ 3»: . -1 . , .. h I v1.2.1 II‘ ‘I I ‘U §ll‘ V--i'{ “ ‘ H: . Q. , V . . . 1. 1 V . . . ~ , y A . _\ - v 0 L n ‘ . - l . I § ‘ J ‘ . > w ‘ . .l \ . ‘I 1 ‘ , V \ 1 . V .n . all!!! k . Q - w 9 .- . 0 a v > - O .‘ v 0 - . 3 #fir» . . . ‘ . u Q v 11.! , 1-. ’ \ .. I it"... I - “’'|IQIO . I ;. titan-“345%... . v...‘- I’: .0‘'l'n'U'l'Qi'l..l.."’." .- ,. i . - q .0. |0..\...0 ., OI . . ....Q.¢.m.w.wa.%0 . ff...» . on“ ., O 03’ fig-‘Qt - an}... ,. 4141 il'fl. . .+ . .,,.&#Mmfiw#w§§ H . N0. 78. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ASIA Mnzon PRAYER RUG "27" “"Ws'flmrnflm _ 1 . 4 \0.‘ll‘,!,l‘.‘|, *U’lue , nu)“; . nun"! I he'll-"'0' of” ‘as; a, n 'IujuloosA-PJ" r‘ I‘iljim‘Tie. ' --. ' v.9.“- NJ. .; = t l . \ _ - i _ o '- ~ 1 ~. u "’ >7’.- p I. ‘h v V.’ .l ‘. . ‘ . .p X ‘so i " q» *0’? ‘ ,"i’ ' ~ 1, . "" - ' i i ‘4 "he 1"‘... o‘— 0 a“ ‘ 0*(1 i I ‘ ‘(7 - ' \Qlé‘e . )2’ .21 X». mxgwes ~~ fir .‘i~-1~ e1" L’ — ‘H. .r r- _- v1 ,wf' ‘if; ‘ . 11x“ " o. -_o 1 Q ‘ - 1,. No. 81. Ax'rIQUE TURRoMAx CARPET SO—AXTIQUIJ PERSIAN RI'G Ardebil weave. The field presents a delicate floral diaper pattern woven in well-defined light colors on deep blue ground of lustrous texture. The central border, with I amber-yellow ground, displays a floral motif involving i? recurrent emblems in red and seaw-green, while the other floral details show dark blue and red tones to match the panel. The inner and outer guard bands, with deep rose— colored ground, sustains small floriations in light colors that harmonize with the central border. Length, 7 feet 4 inches; width. 3 feet 4 inches. 81—ANTIQUE TURKOMAN (.‘ARPICT Beshir weave. Large alternating squares in deep red and dark blue form the field of the rug; on these are geometric figures in dark blue, red and ivory. Out— )57/ L lining the squares are bands of yellow—red on which are " v rosettes in blue, ivory and red. The large border is ' dark blue, bearing a geometric design in red. Framing it on the outside is the reciprocal trefoil in red and blue. A brown band dotted with ivory frames the entire rug. Length, 10 feet 5 inches,‘ ‘width, 5 feet 8 inches. (Illustrated ) 82—ANTIQIYE PERSIAN RUG F eraghan weave. Late eighteenth century. The field, with dark blue ground, presents a typical all—over pat— tern in Hcrati design, symmetrically woven in well—de— fined colors, including old—rose, light green, amber—yellow, sapphire—blue and white tones. The main border sustains f§7 (J, C floral cartouches and scrolling stems, woven in varied colors, including green, blue, old—rose and white. Flanked by double inner and outer guard bands, with pale rcseda ground, involving a small red and green floral and leaf detail. Length. 10 feet 7 inches; width, 8 feet 9 inches. SS—AXTIQUE Asia Mlxon RUG Bergama weave. Early eighteenth century. On the soft old-rose background are three large center medallions bearing geometrical figures in old ivory, soft sea-green, black and pale yellow. Scattered over the rest of the field are cartouches, geometrical figures, amulets, ani—f///' L mals and birds to bring good luck and avert the evil eye. ' The narrow border is antique green with “S” forms used as the design in black, ivory and rose. At the ends of the rug is a border formed of squares containing geo— metrical figures in ivory, green, rose, mulberry and yel- low. Length, 13 feet 10 inches,‘ width, 5 feet 6 inches. 841—AXTIQL'E TL'RKOMAN RUG Afghan weave of the eighteenth century. The field, with lustrous pile, shows a deep Turkoman-red body color, relieved by three rows of octagonal plaquette forms in- volving deep blue, orange—red flowered details. Inter— (>7 4 a 2; spaced midst the plaquette appear dark blue stellated y; ‘j ' ' forms. The main border, with red ground, shows an interlaced diaper pattern in light blue and orange—colored tones to harmonize with the field. Length, 9 feet 4 inches; width, 7 feet 7 inches. 85——-ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG Hamadan camel’s—hair weave. The old ivory field has a diaper and geometrical all-over design in camel’s—hair tan. Placed in the center and along the sides are camel’s— hair medallions outlined by narrow dark blue and green bands and having conventional flowers, stems and leaves as the design. The center border is camel’s-hair, bearing {if a meander and flower design in antique red, blue, ivory ' v and rose. At either end of this is the reciprocal trefoil in green and dark blue. Between the borders and field are narrow sapphire—blue bands. Surrounding the entire rug is a broad band of camel’s—hair. Length, 13 feet 10 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. SG—ANTIQUE CALTCASIAN RUG Kuba weave of the eighteenth century. The field, with lustrous ruby-red ground, sustains an interesting all- over pattern, composed with conventional flowered car— touches in symmetrical array and varied colors midst floral details, palm-leaf and other symbolical devices. The characteristic design includes numerous birds, ani- mals and dervish dancing figures. The main border, ' with deep blue ground, sustains a floral and bird motif woven in the varied colors shown in the field, notably \/@ 0.7% ruby-red, amber-yellow, emerald—green, sapphire-blue and ivor -white tones of reat distinction. The inner and ya 7/’ y g outer guard bands, with amber—yellow ground, sustain delicate vines and floriations in like colors. Length, 12 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet 4 inches. (Illustrated) S'Y—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET Feraghan weave of the eighteenth century, presenting a lustrous pile. The field, with dark blue ground, com— prises a large ruby-red central medallion and sea-green corner motifs involving conventional floral details in vari- ous colors, including sea-green, red and ivory-white, ser~ rated outline. The remaining deep blue field is uniformly covered with a conventional Herati design involving flow— ers, leaves and geometrical devices woven in varied colors ‘3:1 and characteristic of the Feraghan looms. The main border, with ruby—colored ground, sustains palmette car- ' touches and flowering scrolls woven in green, sapphire- blue, amber-yellow, coral-pink and ivory~white tones. The flanking bands display sapphire—blue body colors with small floral details, while the remaining inner and outer bands show yellow body colors with floriation and re— ciprocal details in colors that match the field. Length, 15 feet :2 inches; width, 9 feet 10 inches. ., c . - ’_ ‘ s s _ .s . . 3.3.. .. .Q...~uw@.......§gfigizwism;a .. e? sag . .. . _. In»)... ..1 1......JM. .2 \e. s, .. eta [ . I on .r . .“ 4/ 1x8; .. .» MJVMWL .. £3. .a... .E . . I Q . 1 . . .. .ffjrlm". ‘aw “w In; I 1% ..¢ . gym.‘ I .n . r): . m\ 5 l . 1 . 1 . x . . . \fvlnJ-MJIJI'. IJILHIIVY. - ..u . .4 .o . . . O . r l . Q p .. . O O J’Mim. . o Q‘viflm ,“0 $ 0-... . .0 . sswv . 7 ‘Q I- . a . . . . l i. . .. \ r. . ‘I. . I.) v‘ .Q .. e, was, _....H.a,%.aéaasitasAreas. a 31.. 5a.... . I gmfififigrwi 3. n ma. . a... 1-. \ v! . i I I . O O a. at... Wyq. 2 QX-P 0t I . ._. ¢ .. .. X!“ . $1 .(JM‘J . .. - .~.) - v r . “Maw impnfig Hmww Tmfihw. No. 86. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CAUCASIAN RUG ‘O . i . 'o\9 0.0 s i t A I...“ v. > -\»v . i‘ I w. t . .. . .. - . a .n i. . ~ ~ . Q a v t i 4 .d . . u . a 0 . .1. n3. - n . . a i o . .i l . . f . . . . . . . . t . . . t . . . i . I . a - .0 , . .v i. o. v . v . a, . a . , . s. . .. l u . . . .. e v o . 0 .s-\ . I v . .\ s 1 i v ' i . - v v . . .4 . . . . . u e 7 1 . \ n a s . . .. . . ~ . . . n . . s . i . . . .i T . . ‘I l l . . u . . n . .. . I . Du . v - - u. - . . 0. . .. t . > . . a i a . J. c . .0 p v 3 . . .u. . . . . . . . .. . a. 4 n - . v. I. . .1 A . t . - 0 ._ _ a . . . . . . .- .. a. . . s a, .\ . .. f .v . i . . . ‘A . t n l .. . . .. a . . _ .. . m- a o _. v . I - s . I . - . v .! s . i 0 a o . . . n I . e\ a‘ I o O u 1 I ~ . . . .. .. . it. . . . . .0 . . . . s <. l s a u u . s . u .1.3\ hr‘ .n- v .1 'T‘ ' .. as‘... . I , 1. 7n”. .. m. , airs . -. l2: If’. ‘ ...“;’“‘-“ ~ ’ \Ffivcc ,1. T L , ": “sf-‘a . m . ‘ ‘I ' ...‘.a" I, 7- 1,. :1 7:5 poo-“H E . '7 ‘ ' " \ ~I.o _ V- I I 21;, a. ‘Y .I 3 : , ‘ _~> .. Q‘; 00,4! Q.n.uI-6~aLib,LlL-4urQ yd?‘ (ft-ms‘ ; .1" é'fi'lr'fi'w' in‘? ~ _,.fg}q;~:;;-.-': . ‘_ " it???) > . V _ mass; .zfidllfl Q .4 . .. . .. . as". ‘win ‘.0 M50 x A)? . s... ,1. . .p ... 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I " Is'i‘fi a,‘ it.‘ tfi'v‘;fl,{. rot; -; '- -70:a.‘;01";‘.” “ iv . i _. r.‘ _ I‘ ‘ V V . l n " " - »'> ""3 ' ._. :I.‘ . Iv‘ :C " If‘ C >" ' V I my "Li Y‘ Mair-we;- "' " “"""‘"" " "1 k 6' )3 i) #- ..byfi’v’aif J ‘F ,. . ’..,V._ .,..g.|Jvoonbmiv-~o' ~¢~QouHnuuo-_. ....,_.,.| ‘M “Ma Q.”~...\ - 00 Mm.‘- y 0 on- ‘ 1. . , ‘v I 7 Q .I ‘.0 we {3 , . . 1:23 1% . we. tides. 3.4%? a... rm . .. 1 . t . o . ‘@J‘OIO‘OCJfiiOQ\OO'OM'IQIQOIma"IIQOMQOOQIOUO"..lrl‘utcrloo a... .t. L1‘! ._| ;u . Q I M... No. 10". ANTIQUE [innsmx CARPET I." ill SS—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG yjizg/Jf /g' (‘O/I Herat weave. The field, with amber-yellow ground, sus— tains all-over Herati pattern (closely woven) in varied colors, relieved by large elongated medallion, which dis— plays an old rose ground with similar Herati motif. The elaborate red corner spandrels are connected by the inner side bands and complete the framing of the elaborate panel. The main border displays a deep rose-colored ground, with floral pattern, woven in varied colors, in- cluding yellow, blue, green, red and white tones. The outer border shows a yellow ground, which involves floral details. The prevailing colors are soft yellow and old I'OSE. Length, 16 feet 9 inches; width, 6 feet 8 inches. (Illustrated) 89~—LARGE PERSIAN RUG X'J/J? Q Feraghan weave of the eighteenth century. Fine heavy pile. The panel presents a dark blue ground, relieved by three medallions together with varied pendants, woven ‘ in contrasting red, green, yellow and white tones, while the remaining field is covered with conventional serrated flowers, palm leaves and birds (in like colors) interspersed among which appear small forms of animals; saddled horses are introduced at the upper and lower ends. The panel is framed by an interior bordering in free arabesque design, woven in ‘red. Main border, with light green ground, sustains recurrent floral cartouches and scroll motifs, woven in light colors of the field; flanked by red guard bands with green and blue anguilliforms combined with floral details, in colors that harmonize with the field.- Length, 17 feet 8 inches; width, 8 feet 8 inches. (Illustrated) .J. I... 4 .W....).|u . a .....N...r....(.:€2r. .. .v. WM‘. Q wvrhflh. 'twunwpnPmwwww. "Mm f? .. MN . .uommsmlxnuww ‘i . I v '0' a .. a . .‘i'fnhfwk! . I. . ‘II; I ...._..........,...e_........... ....m§............. e.._.......................... , a . ‘at .. x. .r .l. £1 . ...- . . . .Y ,a . ) .r . 1.\ . .o 0 1.4061: 6.0. 7 tr :- . ~ .7‘: .4 .4 s .r .. u . . a! . . . ~ ~ ’ Q, .l a r ~ - 1 - . . %. J‘. I“! .. Q. . as ~ 1° . .: r04. . .. ~95.‘ . . I’ :4 a M. . I . . . . a .. .. .% .......% . ...... thaw. we. .............2 2.. .. o J n. v . l 5‘... .1 p . - v... .Qkl’suln Ir . s .I... \- . 4‘. l-fliv Jero PA c t & H. Z‘ -. . - j 4 I no -- . . . . 2.02.. 1.1%.)... v 20.. 3.3%»... 0.4. -wrufi... . . #Yommtwzawfifiu . . . . . .. .. c . . U... . a .4. I 1 0-. - I ‘- 0. .! _ . 1.5%‘. 7 I .. . r .- A . - . a. . .. .. .. . . - . 33$ 55. 2Q... _. a . . . . . . . . {1... e r. t; is . . > . . . . .. . . \. . .. .. .i . . . ..- . .. . -. . f... . .‘v U z 1 a . m. 0.. .. - ~.. ~\ . 0 .. .b . o . . .d1.\.fl~.n\t. ‘kn’... . . TNHMPMNAQLQwU. J. .. m...» . . Mu» a. . . . wNflU...QP.\K.MJ$ _ . .. g .0 .hffiafiib I _ . - eon‘ .F~‘(nn...a.. 2...’ 3,..1 s... Ana» . r. . lg . o.- 4. . .. .. . .3 ............ e . nae; .- a Y .1“. . .. i m o I . M hub-o’. e"... D ~~ 3"‘! I t \ r , ‘5337.13,. . . 0 .\~ / .11. - . - Q‘ - .i a ' '.‘-Wv' . p a‘; ~.-.e'.‘.‘;~.(,-.u§£n.-.m' 1 _. "" -3 ' o‘fh‘zq .0“'_.“.' w _ - -' ‘ "- IL, _ .'. ' l '0‘ . U. ' ' 1' " =0. 2- ‘.‘Q‘, *.a.."r_'eo." \"1 )1‘ g "7” 0 '7 7 . “in "'ii “7"? " ii? ‘“ ,‘.’-:P.“i.EJ-'LJ)',_ ‘- I‘ . ' . , .. .... 4 L... J. , , .. , . .. w . u. . .. a? ‘ F6; . .m- _ . .. .. f x l. ‘7-. ‘ ... ... \rl- o. 0%.‘) .$’. . - H .0. ad... .5 .A a . . .iiwl. -..1.!~........1-1$M€. . . v%mnu'_..€ hit- .......+.i....i i.tu.|n...fiu...f’w.\i...munw..v . .. .\ .. Q I .u ' -‘ Tar,‘ \~i meg’ - .. , ..~ .. a- dwmltflaiwi. . ll.-. -. . . . ..., . .11... A . even-W. zq-wusvtma a. a... £34 .. -3 s. ..... , , 4...; Q B- .' . .mflo 2b.... ... ' _ MI- | X!!! .4..4.,r... . r . .. . .. T .IufCfiP‘JJQ-fi . .. V... .. L... . .. a)... . aImVs...:JR&'...rZ./M¢fi .91?" .nzn... .. .. .. ... . . .. 2&6... .. .. .T... .. i. . . . . ..~ .. . .. a A... P... . . . a Y: .55-. . Z. . . . . .. . .. I. . 31~ v.-- . ....,¢.... - in.e~$..e_é$.?.nomanila»??? - , . . -1531... 4......“ #3..." a: a‘ > ,- JG .. hi5... .. I‘- a. . _., ... I; K. :dk .' . - a, z .. ... . $.a. . .Umelfp - .AN. . W . .1‘ 2 .l ...0.. 1 l. . .0 {an} i . ‘In-‘1 1 ~. a. :0 i. . No. 88. ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG 90— $1770." . PERSIAN TRICLINIL'M CARPET Ardebil weave. Woven to represent four separate rugs with bordering. The upper panel (sarandaz) or head- piece shows an ivory-white ground, relieved by five dia- mond—shaped medallions, that display moss~green, pale russet and white details. The central panel sustains a blue and white diaper pattern, interrupted by six small medallions which match those above, while the two side stripes, with ivory—white ground, separately sustain nine plaquette forms woven in colors carried over from the center panel. Each panel is separately bordered and shows russet-brown and yellow body colors with varied details. Length, 14 feet; width, 9 feet 2 inches. 91—ANTIQUE TURKoMAX CARPET .5174 d. L. 92— ;éfi¢§/dd.(" Beshir weave. Eighteenth century, with lustrous pile. The field presents an all—over pattern involving eight octagonal plaquettes and conventional floral forms in red, blue and ivory-white on deep blue background. Framed by a series of five borders woven in kindred colors with Turkolnan-red and blue body colors showing con- ventional and geometrical forms, in two shades of blue, amber—yellow and ivory-white tones. The several borders are defined by narrow yellow guard stripes with floral details in blue and red. Length, 13 feet 9 inches; width, 8 feet. (Illustrated) AXTIQUE PERSIAX CARPET Herat weave of the eighteenth century. The panel, with characteristic Herati design, in yellow and old—rose tones, on deep blue ground, is relieved by a large old-rose colored medallion and corner motifs, showing similar old-rose II‘ I . .llv '0 a 4‘: .fkl/ls. .\ K Iofl‘lae ~o~. u mean. . c. f... o " ., .7’ I - w'uoF-h a8 .Ol. 7. P a. human 14..., .0‘- Jlliliiiu .lv #1.,‘ CARPET No. 91. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY TURKOMAN tones, together with sea—green foliated interior, involving deep-blue, moss—green, yellow and ivory—white rosettes and other details. The wide inner border, in reciprocal lanceolated pattern, shows deep blue and amber-yellow tones interwoven with small floriated details. The middle border, with old-rose body color, sustains a flowered diaper pattern in recurrent forms, with rosettes in con— ventional form and varied colors to match the interior panel, while the outer border matches the interior band. Length, 20 feet 9 inches; nridth. 9 feet 5 inches. 93—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET Shiraz weave. The field, with lustrous ruby-red ground, sustains an all—over pattern composed with jardiniere forms and floral bouquets that are woven in green, golden— yellow, mauve and purple tones. The main border, with deep lapis-blue ground, shows slight blending, together with conventional palm leaves, interspersed midst jar— 6 dinieres, carrying conventional flower and leafy sprays, 6 ' woven in red, green, ivory—white, sapphire-blue, mauve and yellow forms; lower end of right border, involving rooster and bird of Paradise, emblems of good augury. The inner and outer guard bands, with golden—yellow ground, sustain floral blossoms and floriations in varied colors, matching the interior. Length, 13 feet 4 inches; width, 11 feet 9 inches. 945—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN CARPET Daghistan weave. Stripes of old gold, ivory and dark blue, separated by narrow green bands, form the field of the rug. ()n these are narrow black and gold lines J p F arranged in a diaper design; in the squares appear con— 7% , ventionalized flowers and leaves in a small design. The large dark blue border has a Caucasian rendering of the Herati border design in sea—green, yellow, green, old gold, sapphire—blue, red and ivory. At either side of this border there is a band of antique red, bearing a flower and leaf meander in rose and sapphire-blue. Sepa- rating the borders are narrow stripes of green. Length, 18 feet 9 inches;'width, 8 feet 4 inches. (Illustrated) 95—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET Mir—Serebend weave. Fine close pile. The field, with lustrous deep rose colored ground, sustains a delicate palm-leaf pattern, in delicate deep blue and orange—red traeery, closely woven row upon row. Framed by a series of seven borders, the middle border, with deep X rose-colored ground, showing conventional blue and red d’ C floriations, together with small serrated leaves and green Dr q m8 anguilliform stems. The inner and the outer border, ' ' with white ground, show similar anguilliform meanders, with tracery and floriations in delicate colors, while the four guard bands show contrasting dark blue body colors, with small floral and leaf devices. Length, 19 feet 1 inch; width, 7 feet 8 inches. 96—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET Bakshaish weave of the eighteenth century, with lustrous color. The field presents a large amber—colored medallion on deep blue ground involving bold Iran arabesque scrolls, together with conventional flowers woven in ruby-red, sapphire-blue, sea-green and deep golden tones. The large medallion bears a sub-medallion in sea-green with X6 F . . . . l 4. deep blue bordering Involving dragon-headed scrolls 1n ' old gold tones, while the center sustains a large cartouche woven in old rose and deep gold together with sacred lotus and scroll emblems. The corners sustain old—rose cartouches in free foliated form, together with arabesque scrolls woven in colors carried from the central medal- H r q , 29K ,_ "._ a." - ‘ .l?°!_‘é5l"ii-L-iii)¢l,"15514;";"nitrite?jig.‘ 9' 34¢’- it‘ \ a.‘ ' . . ‘h- l : i j ‘s p, - . s . ~ ,, , t 2' i l . .1 ' . .1 i l i it I . i t 7 ‘t . 1“; it , _\ t r‘ ‘ "If. renews-tam -_ I‘ A o... 1.‘, .~' ml", . i l . “ J’ J JJUT ‘J Q . .. ~S a; j? 5 [IF-j p1 A .‘ j \ 4 p. . ' ‘ I ., i .-“ i‘ o ‘t ' 1 ‘ . i ‘ *l ‘ w |' 5 ‘ v i i . \ r ‘ :Y ‘.i s; .1. No. 164:. LATE EIGHTE-ENTH CENTURY CHINESE RUG lion, relieved by the deep blue body color. The main border, with deep rose body color, sustains conventional cartouches midst scrolling arabcsque and conventional serrated leafage rendered in the several colors of the panel, while the inner and outer guard bands show con— trasting sapphire-blue ground with floriation. Length, 16 feet 10 inches,’ wid/h, 11 feet 8 inches. (Illustrated) ' 97—ANTIQUE PERSIAN GARDEN Rife Kurdistan weave. Eighteenth century. The field pre— sents a dark blue ground, uniformly covered with a rich jardiniere design, woven in varied colors; showing floral garlands and arbor-like pendants, in old—rose and soft yellow tones, interwoven with delicate and well—defined vines in light green, blue and white moss colors. Midst these recurrent forms appear doves in pairs with joined (4 / bills. The naturalistic design shows Italian or Spanish /d' ' influences combined with the soft blended colors of the Persian looms. The main border, with russet-red ground, sustains an exceptional palmette-cartouche motif, inter- woven with delicate floral scrolls, in deep old—rose, blue and yellow tones. The inner and outer guard bands, with white ground, display flowered devices in light colors, together with small figured guard stripes. Length, 15 feet,‘ width, 8 feet £2 inches. (Illustrated) 98-——AXTIQI'E CHINESE RUG (Samarh'and) Eighteenth century. Fine velvety pile. Panel, pre- senting a deep rose (yen—chi-hung) ground, is relieved by a circular medallion, with floral details and on varied f2 (5' grounds of blue, apricot pink, turquoise and the ruby- like red carried from the field. The floral details and colors in medallion are faithfully repeated on the quad— _ -. \ A p 9' . 11¢x.;,-~\~J* '"X'i‘r" .- a Q. ,- . 1.. ,Wanili-‘J-ddun . 9‘ x5 m . . .. 1.7.»... vuw\ uWF . kmtflaflifinvdv .ti . s . a.‘ ‘d .1 ‘I1.- I ‘ a‘. fit. 1 ‘J \ .vlfifl.» . . ..... IMP". . ...\..flbvodlwl'P.-“ . .1. . inf. . “if? . .. . - L h i H. L‘. 3:21,": 'I-‘Ip w. \ . i. its. . mini. No. 97. EIGHTEEXTH CENTURY PERSIAN GARDEN RUG rant corner motifs. Framed by numerous borderings; inner band, with blue ground, shows red and light blue floriations, flanked by narrow guard bands, bearing apricot—red fret meander. Another border, with ruby~red background, sustains a sapphire—blue swastika fret pat- tern, while the outer border displays conventional wave crests woven in symbolic fungi—forms, together with con— tiguous polychrome filaments. Length, 13 feet 9 inches,‘ width, 11 feet 8 inches. 99—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET X400. up Herat weave. Stripes of antique red, sea-green, blue and rose, carrying floral meanders, form the field of the rug. Surrounding the rug on three sides is a broad black border bearing the Herati pattern in antique red, blue, ivory and ‘green. Separating this border from the field is an antique red band on which are palm leaves in black, blue, ivory and tan. Length, 13 feet 5 inches; width, 7 feet 3 inches. (Illustrated) lOO—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET ,fié/ja Herat weave. Early eighteenth century. Covering the entire dark blue field are large and small rosette con- nection by stems, which forms a conventional design in old-gold, red, leaf green and ivory. These colors are carried through the conventional leaf and flower design, on the antique red background of the large border. Framing this border on either side are golden-yellow bands carrying flower meanders in antique red, green, blue and black. Length, 17 feet 6 inches; width, 7 feet 2 inches. (Illustrated) .5! . If’. \0 . . ~|I ‘Mir . In“: .43 .Iud\ " .J 1.4 -|(._, . ..-..../. .{rt -. n . . . . v H...‘ ‘Na/.03.“ \ .J |\. pt‘ I‘ .' -.....v1h.%et.t. . .. . {If .. I .. v I . .v i I (L . v. Jr ' . . . .. . . 4 . . . (c . . . . - . . s 10. . 4- - . .. J . i. . ... .Jvnzi r Ulrlwl, v .. 1.3.115 .. I‘ . _ i l. . i .. v i ..1_. ... 2 ll .J r i . v .I i . . . - o. .. . . . . i ‘I. F ‘ .v I > . . '0 r» E - . l . t e o. v _ .. r r . . v Q ., v 2.8‘? A . . .n 4 . I\ ....,...sss.....m......fls No. 99. ANTIQU E PERSIAN CAR r ET v- ‘- . ..~4 ' -I I ‘ If. \ I .J J J‘ It‘~,I‘kL . 1 Ol—PERslAx CARPET ‘“ I Herat weave. Early eighteenth century. Companion 7g 5 OJ. F to the preceding. W0 ( n Bq()\7 Length, 15 feet 5 inches; width, 7 feet 8 inches. lOQ—ARTIQUE T'CRKOMAN CARPET Beshir weave. Arranged in rows are rosettes of eight— pointed stars and conventionalized flowers in ivory, gold, old—rose, blue and black. The large border is dark browmjaj (6‘ F having a rosette and leaf design in yellow, rose and blue. ' ' The inner border is blue, bearing a geometrical design ' in ivory, yellow and red. The outer border is golden~ yellow, with a conventionalized design in red, blue, old~ rose and ivorv O 0 Length, 17 feet 8 inches; width, 7 feet 4 inches. 108—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET Teheran weave. Rows of medallions, which form a diaper pattern in yellow, rose, ivory and sapphire—blue, cover the field of the rug; in these are floral designs. On the large antique rose-red border is a rosette and flower d, ([7 meander. Yellow bands carrying floral designs frame this border on both sides. Bears the following inscrip— tion: “I am leaving this work of art to you as a memento. May it be blessed.” Dated 1239. Length, 2;? feet; width, '7 feet 9 inches. IDA—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET Heriz weave. On the ruby-red center of the field of the rug are three old ivory medallions which are outlined with light sapphire-blue bands; on these are floral de— C signs in red, dark blue and black. The corners of the I ' field are deep sapphire—blue, bearing the Herati pattern in red, gold, tan and black. The main border is dark . ,' fit.‘ .fif' ‘.1 if "u? r-I‘Wn. “I, y‘ ‘ No. 166. LARGE CHINESE RUG ' fling.’ ,‘m 'iu ‘_| h . J , | ., Jpn/r“. blue, having the Herati border design in red, tan, gold and black. Framing this border on both sides are ivory bands on which are a conventionalized flower and leaf design in red, tan, gold and blue. Length, 17 feet 3 inches; width, 11 feet 2 inches. 105——ANT1QUE PERsIAN CARPET Kurdistan weave. Triune rug. Fine thick fabric. On the dark blue background of the three rugs which form the whole are conventionalized designs in golden—yellow, old— / / J ” rose, tan, green and blue. The borders which surround 3y / 7 ' ' the fields are antique—red, sapphire—blue and golden—yel— low. On these are floral meanders in rose, sea-green, black and blue.- Length, 18 feet 8 inches; width, 12 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) 106~—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET Ardebil weave. The Mina Khani pattern, which takes its name from the ancient Persian ruler Mina Khani. Three sapphire—blue center medallions and corner pieces in golden-yellow form the decorations on the field of the QJ/firug. The broad border is antique red, bearing the 9%; ' ‘ Herati border design in dark and light blue, ivory, green ' and golden-yellow. On both sides of it are yellow bands A), n g. carrying floral meanders in black, red, blue and ivory. Length. 923 feet 6 inches," width, 11 feet Q inches. (Illustrated) ‘lll‘. '1 l ‘ .‘nlh' ‘ . |' I l I ||l I a in *Wmk.‘ nus-v . . “flu-I.‘ .u.... f n I‘ . i--.‘ e T . 1.. .. .. 6.. . . r... . ....... ,..... ... c..- we... .4 . . . . 119s. . . . _ . .. a J: .. . W . . . . .14‘: .lnll'nlllfl‘it .. Q 0. ‘vigil-r’ ‘NI’Q'IIQ'lO-lv I t ‘4' ~ . r- r s. ~~‘ . _v.l..b 0.‘ 151m."- m... .t v... ........ . *H’G\”s ‘oil have : 3. . r- .. $0. ’ _.-¢‘ No. 106. ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1914. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.80 o’eLoeK Including Catalogue Nos. 107 to 208 ANTIQUE PERSIAN AND OTHER ORIENTAL RUGS 107—ANTIQITE TL'RKIsH PRAYER RUG Blelez weave of the seventeenth century. The prayer field shows an old ruby-red ground, filled with varied small flowering and sustaining two sapphire—blue col- umns that support the mirhab arch, the latter showing _. small red and yellow flowering in conventionalized form. )X; .vp Surrounded by triple borders; the inner band, with ivory- ' 0 0 1 . . . . . whlte ground, dlsplaylng small floral devices woven 1n 4'” 7! alternate yellow, red, blue and coral—pink coloring, while the inner and outer guard bands, with yellow ground and floriations, are defined by red, yellow and blue stripes. Length, 3 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. ‘v ' . ' ~ I \ - . .. a,’ 3 t_ j.‘ ‘ K ‘ I ‘\ l’ \ \; ~. "‘1. ‘\ \ " its 1 l: .41) > a ‘.1. “h;- ¢ :1‘) = W55)‘ ‘hitch "131* Q ‘ ‘h ‘L ,;-\e>§.i'§t.':.~;:;:. l)’ - ._ '-\'~‘ - ‘ q’ Inn! ' " -' - - ‘i ."J - - Mix. 0. 'i'.‘ra‘.'¥’~." "'~~ *9‘ - ,at QED-m 4.4444 um y , . ti K‘. 1/ z a‘ . I . 1:71, $2. * 1 .1" .t i M 1 \ RN?" if l)" /!;e I t ' '2: -' it’ 1;, " ‘ 1 4 77W ' ,_ , v _ g ‘ ' : 1113K“! Q? ‘5 Q t a’), ‘ "I I l “IIJ A 14‘.4_4 A‘ll“ “ i .' -. _ _ ‘,‘N'L ' 71M’ - IN". I s!» ' » a l'f ' ., H . , we”: - a, ; 4 41 A “_ ‘I IDS—ASIA MINOR TAPESTRY PRAYER RUG image” Kis-Kilim weave, showing a fine flat stitch. Prayer niche with pale sea—green tone sustaining small geometrical devices in ruby—red, blue and white forms with serrated outlines. The mihrab, with ruby—red body color, sustains pale sea-green emblems in geometrical form. The outer field is arranged in form of bordering in serrated de- signs displaying old-rose and turquoise-blue coloring. The main border, with dark russet ground, sustains unique forms woven in white and relieved by green and red details. The outer border, in chevron pattern, displays reciprocal carmine-red and deep blue tones to- gether with flowering in varied colors. Length, 4 feet 11 inches; width, 3 feet 9 inches. I n 1.; . : _ - i Lu- ' F . 1''‘ s 1 ~ ‘4 , ., . I ' e ‘ a? - _ . .34‘: ‘; ‘ l.- I. Bran-xv. nu log—Rl-IODIAN SHRINE Rue The prayer field sustains an Asia Minor body color, re- lieved by blue and white pendants and inner leaf border— ing; the mihrab arch, with deep sapphire—blue ground, displays floral devices woven in varied colors, notably g a red, brown, turquoise-blue, yellow and green tones, in- eluding a modicum of white. The bordering, with blue and deep rose ground colors, sustains blue and red flower- mg. Length, 5 feet; width, 2 feet 10 inches. 2 . . T >‘.'! ._ .s ‘ . . Ho ‘P... '4'.‘ { vi? . ‘,L-l‘ . _ 1V. . .w-FIH" rd... up; ‘ 0-. 4. In 4' .I o. .. .lvEr’z i’..- l .U‘. 3.! d! _. in.“ .W .325 25 ‘ . \ .fl.“ J? ‘7.. ...~ 7 O . ‘ .. fwrfi z...‘ N0. 20‘). PERSIAN Tm} LINIUM STATE CARPET ‘ -~. ~'\,'\ . . “ix sky.‘ ' ‘\_ 1.~,~ \ “[5 _ 1':\_\\_» l T. ~4. ' "'. . mam-i. ewsamrwmmwmwrmmaa . '.. 5-‘.1 Q A, k‘ :":'.,|_, >201,‘ tit:- ‘a. ‘ I‘ Is‘: 1 $1 Hawaii-ensue v - Are-iiarmdsreueu '>-" L,‘ _ {I . _ _ \ > - _ ' I! v | - ‘he '52:‘. ' ' - M‘ ‘. I ‘ fi. 1 ,f ' i n . . ' ‘s’ JC- ' . , . '7"fi_'__‘.‘_ 1 ‘I p 9 _\.. .A.. g, D ‘ ~ ‘:2’ >flb~*m~ 6 ‘I'd’; I ' 7- 'n' ‘ if-"' T? . ‘Is.’ a sea” _' .e; ~' .1. -' '‘ ~: ' .':.-.=.~» .=.~;. . I.=;.\" a I ‘I: - g - .4 ' ' 4 ‘- .m-mera Ferment-T- I I v _ ~. ,-.,‘ LLrftJm I \ u __~ _1 IIO—ANTIQUE PERSIAN SADDLE—CLOTH Kerman weave of the eighteenth century. The field, with close pile, presents a deep bluish-black body color, with ) all—over floral and Herati design, woven in varied colors, )f] [ including brilliant yellow, ruby—red, moss-green and white " ' tones. The field, showing red arch for saddle-bow, has bordering in varied fret and reciprocal design. Length, 3 feet 3 inches; width. 9 feet 8 inches. III—ANTIQUE CAUcAsIAN PRAYER RUG Daghistan weave. The field, with soft white ground, sustains a latticed diaper pattern with conventional flowering on blue, yellow and red tones. The same colors are carried into the white mihrab, which is defined by (II—7 flowered golden—yellow and red outlining, in forms of ' pointed arch including date and other marks. Inner band shows a reciprocal red and blue lancet pattern, while the center, with red ground, sustains a geometrical leaf design in varied colors to match field. The guard bands have contrasting dark blue ground with small floriations in light colors. Inscription: “Made in 1221.” Length, 4 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch. lIQ—ANTIQUE CAUcAsIAN RUG Daghistan weave. Close and heavy pile. The field, with rich colors, sustains a golden yellow background, relieved by an all—over pattern woven in alternate rows of small geometrical forms, midst red, blue and white cartouche devices. The inner border, with sapphire—blue lanceola— tions and red defining stripes, is followed by the main 7%‘ border, showing whit-e ground, figured with recurrent '' it scroll motifs in contrasting red, blue and green tones; the flanking guard bands sustain blue and green anguilliform or scrolling meanders. Length, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. 118—ANTIQL'E PERsIAN RUG Old Lavehr weave. Early eighteenth century. The panel, with deep ivory-white ground, presents a series of graceful vases, surmounted by birds, interspersed midst which ap— pear floral bouquets, woven in deep rose tones with green foliations. Framed by a series of small borders; the central, with deep rose ground, sustains small flowering 7g /¢>7/' (4'51 and delicate leafage in light colors, together with flank- ing red and yellow guard stripes. The inner and outer bands, with black ground, sustain yellow and light green floral scrolls in recurrent designs. Length, 5 feet 4 inches; width. 3 feet 5 inches. no!’ (Iii... mmwww ...;......... . i, . .1 l... . s! P T H .......i\....._... .5... 1 l-l—AxTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG S .EC _ umomhsfia 0.1 “tor-I. um wow .wewlmmhdfl .[ SC norn.h_h ofldepwt C DVYOJI. C 1 “ vaolr g1 VP HOG‘ S .hvu Vihe n1 b'S-n m.1b . ahkpmlmml rams.“ um, Phdmm PH 3“ "-1 l d r mho as a .1 at r fielelllc pun(ws €.ngr.d Q ’t m... a c a an H8010 add ulwnmrm eptaeovv. hmV fibm it’ Tpb%|mnv Ct-l-l dde . nhneilfms .1 S ( “Madam .11.... .IT.\} 1'. him 5 sdTm g“.l QC flasSS a. bvlsnu .d a.\.l.O Sn POaHMGU aHtl r n o v 90330? h Fddvt g f/eef fl tions, while the inner and outer flanking guard bands dis— play reciprocal yellow and rose lancet forms. Length, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet .5 inches. 115—-:\NTIQL'E CAUCASIAN RUG I Kfiba weave. ()f the eighteenth century. The field sus— tains a blue-black background, relieved by a flowered palm—leaf pattern, in soft ai'nber—yellow, turquoise—blue and red tones. The serrated medallion displays flowered cross emblems on turquoise—blue ground to match the corner motifs, woven in serrated forms and outlined in red, which L sustains small floral rosettes in varied colors. Framed by ' four borders; the narrow inner band showing white and yellow reciprocal lanceolations, followed by a second border, with pale blue ground, which matches the medal— lion and corner motifs; the third border carries the colors of the field. The outer border, in diagonal pattern, dis— plays floriations on brown ground. Length, 5 feet 10 inches,‘ width, 3 feet 3 inches. 116—SMALL AFGHAN RUG Tekke—Bokhara weave. The field, with lustrous Turko- man—red body color, sustains three rows of small pla- quettes uniformly woven in orange-yellow, red and white, / 74 which are posed midst delicate geometrical traceries show- j J“ / ing like colors. The bordering is woven in delicate tra— 7 ' ' cery patterns in stellated meander forms with kindred colors. Length, 5 feet 1L int-hen: nitlth, 3 feet 8 inches. 117—ANTIQL'F. PERSIAN Rec Shiraz weave. The field, with dark blue ground, dis— plays conventional scrolls and palm-leaf motifs, woven in light colors, together with small floral devices framed by a series of five borders, that show red, dark blue and /% white body colors, together with varied floral details and geometrical forms, woven in colors that harmonize with the interior, including sea-green, sapphire—blue, deep Per— sian red, amber-yellow and salmon—rose tones. Length, 4' feet 3 inches; width. 3 feet 6 inches. 118 Aid-‘AA “ "a? ~é==sp J'IKIr'J'J‘dfAJ 'I'-""‘“‘"'.ir’ \ . ‘. ‘8"‘3' '7',‘ ' " an _ .uneuutu“Inunrunnennnfo #‘ii'v I#|#| |'~| I lfil I 1 I‘ 1 ‘It I l Ifizwlfilfil dz-w-fidi'f' I I I I I I l ‘ ' ' ' ' ' #t'lHlWM‘fi’itfifi-hfi‘fi‘ . I u I a | l I ' _ ' ' ' I \.\\\'-.\us.\\s\1‘\xvnuvi1.“nunu'laiuutauun"In!""'”””"”""“'p‘. 6 dhi-‘i-f" N541; ‘3 utiifi’iin’m}. ‘it: titjtittitl mains u 5 i. a - M ~ \- ‘I '0 a ‘I 'i ‘i 'I u x Q ~ \- \ s N N Q a \I. 1 ~ s u. ‘I ‘a \ \ \ t. ‘l E a 'Illl ‘I I r?!’ v at SMALL ASIA MINOR RUG Bergama weave. The panel, with Turkoman—red ground, displays a geometrical center motif in elongated panel form, flanked by uniform rows of blue and white escalloped devices. The main border, with background matching the field, displays white stellated forms, while the outer border, with floriations on ivory-white ground, is defined by narrow flanking stripes in red, white and yellow. Length, 3 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. 119—:\NTIQFE (.‘Ai'cAsmx RUG Derbend weave. Eighteenth century. The field, with rich red ground, presents a series of geometrical flower and leaf devices, woven in recurrent rows and interspersed with rosettes in conventional form and showing old ivory- white, amber-yellow, sapphire-blue and black. Small amu- lets and bird devices have been introduced midst the de— signs as emblems of good fortune. The main border, with ivory-white ground, shows geometrical forms woven in red, sapphire-blue and rose tones. The flanking borders show black ground with red, blue and yellow rosette de- vices, while the inner border, with ivory—white ground, sustains “S” forms. Length, 6 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches. IQO—PERSIAN RUG Heriz weave. The field, with salmon-red ground, displays a sapphire—blue medallion which encloses conventional floral forms in varied colors, together with an interior small medallion with robin’s-egg blue body color involving varied details. The main border, with dark blue ground, displays floral and scroll designs in varied light colors, while the flanking guard bands, with deep salmon-red tones, display repeat floral devices in blue, white and deep rose tones. Length, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches. 121—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG J oshaghan weave. Sprays of flowers in blue, black, green, antique-red and ivory are arranged in rows on the pinkish— tan background. ()n the large tan border are conven— tionalized leaves and flowers in deep green and mulberry, black, antique red and ivory. At either side of this border is the reciprocal trefoil in rose—pink and deep sap— phire—blue. jav- F X020’? L. Length, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches. ‘at .. . Wtmf-e ..6 s .. .. r-» a Jet \\I/ . I, . .: * .... Q . Ll ' . l (I. eat‘. . ,. | \ W’ o i.. c. . .*a . "t a‘. . reg .._..,M . o _ P . i l wanes. h’..- . .7‘ o n. .1 ‘I |~w : 4 . .v k . . a l! v’! a §-. . I 1 v .. is.‘ .. . . rl ~ . 1 )5 ,5 0.’ 1.1;...“ g .l}: 2' 1;‘. . 011" _ _ "1" _ ,F‘r'w‘;f ' ' . M89331 i'" I ' e . 4 are‘: 36"- " . ”~"' 8‘ . .0- 4 Qiiueiiigie ' Q /- x s, o '- ' i \J; ‘ i I ' 1 60$“ 4' "1 ‘r I‘ ‘ l .1?" “'1' 1' > ~- F: c c Us)"; l‘; m; I s _l: tttrt -- '11" i ‘an emu f. ‘lI‘-2§-$§.5-Q'Q' Add‘? , ., ‘T ‘i . ' Q I . I 3 u h M. ‘if. ‘4. Tl. , a} ... F "1 1‘ seams- _ ~ ‘ " I?“ *' . ' N‘ 0'?- ‘ ‘x *1. ' Q ‘_ V i ‘. I '~'*‘- 1 ‘i s - i ‘ "5 , Q: a 1...... tr nil-.7‘A 7‘’ s61.- _~"-,_?! .. '- . = ' - r"? are"! ‘ ' . .3! sales. J‘kyh . WK"; . esfwx-mr , "3." * ~ ‘I; ‘17"’ we; . H". I.“ v.5. WIN-F If .. FAN. 5W... “1. ‘£031 In‘... .0‘... , ‘I. , ‘it. ll‘... . J.‘ ..‘ u (.59.. we.’ . l. I I ‘I. h a? . L. .. 1.! max-v. . one’, . .... s. . ttsrfcilw-vakirwv. . -; __"> ' ' ‘~ ' lax/ll aerate-u”! 1‘ sun-er ,1 . l M ‘I (w. r~~ 1Q2—ANTIQUE CAL'CASIAX PRAYER RUG Kazak weave. The prayer panel, with écru-toned ground, sustains a quadrangular medallion, woven in red, sap- phire-blue and yellow tones, on a deep blue ground, in— cluding date mark. The remaining field, with small pen— dants, sustains varied geometrical forms and emblems, in colors that harmonize with the medallion, including - d f a delicate inner bordering of conventional vines. Framed %\7 ' ' by a series of five borders, including the inner and outer bands with deep Caucasian red ground, which sustain geometrical devices and plaquettes woven in con- trasting colors to match the inner panel. The outer border shows a deep old—gold ground, with a zigzag pat— tern, involving reciprocal turquoise—blue and black ser— rated pattern. Length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. TQS—ASIA MINOR PRAYER RUG Koula weave of the seventeenth century, with thin pile and Ghiordez knot. The prayer field, with soft re'se'da— toned ground, displays conventional floral bordering, and a column device in free design woven in pale blue, amber and brown details. The mihrab arch, with deep blue L. ground, displays minute floral flecking, which is continued on inner bordering; followed by a yellow band with “S” devices in alternating tones of light blue, tan, yellow and ivory-white. The main border, with ivory-white ground, sustains a geometrical design, in old-gold, tan, sapphire— blue and brown tones. Outer border, with deep golden— yellow ground, shows conventional scrolls woven in har— mony with the main border. Length, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 124———ANT UE PERSIAN RUG /(/ weave. On the varying deep background is a ~——I )y/é (/r center medallion; corner pieces and palm leaves in blue, green, black, ivory and rose. The large border is dark 1\" l\‘.~. q \_\ :Q h . 4' V A‘; ‘75% . 7 ‘r T _ ~- ‘1' ‘ ‘ ‘i " ‘f ~'0\‘. i.’ . g . ,I ’ A \\_ e f" ‘ ‘* W " 1-3‘ film a = , . ‘_ '4 ' . . ‘-- J‘ Jo. I ‘~ in»: ~ 4 . _ > _ . .. _ . fir! E'qt- _ ‘ ' . . ‘1 , , 7.: l ' .n, 4 . . . , I. '— i.‘ i- ‘Q 7. ' . i ' ' ' I‘ . 1'. “,"‘~ 7 ' - ' .n . 0 I v‘ v ‘d i . V’ ,g t‘ ‘ I ' 6 ’ ' ‘D I . ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ O a . . _ 1. . I ‘I ' ' ' . A ‘ . is Y: xii. a; ‘if! i all)‘ i '. 1 "L'i ' i ‘J . "t . if W .1‘... 1H vs 4___ a .9 apes gig’,- ‘g , ‘ . {slug}; '4“ _ h ‘ . i ‘ ' ‘oil'qfignf’ 1,3") -1_f, , ~ _ _ I‘ _ o ' ‘ ‘ . n’ ‘A i - '_ h . My,‘ 1 d ' . f g ‘T’ - '9'.‘ ‘w.’ ‘A v’ I , "16?". A ‘av-0% A.‘ were) aware-‘WW ;'..'A ‘v -1--_ w ‘t ‘as. M were ‘i'“*-t";'l.'tlll\tti imminent? ‘ is. \ .~\. No. 126. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AsIA MINOR RUG blue, with a leaf and flower meander in sapphire-blue, rose, ivory and red. The narrow border is green with a meander in red, rose, ivory and black. Separating the field from the borders is the reciprocal trefoil in dark blue and red. Length. 9 feet 7 inches," width, 2 feet 10 inches. 125-ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG Daghistan weave. On the old-rose background is a large center medallion in sapphire-blue outlined by an ivory band. ()n it are geometrical figures in ivory, old—gold, rose and antique red, and also three cartouches in ivory and rose. The large ivory border has conventionalized )f 4 leaves in gold, black, antique red and blue. The inner % ' - border is dark brown, bearing rosettes in rose, antique red, green, ivory and old-gold. The outer border is com- posed of oblique stripes of red, blue and gold. Between the field and borders is the reciprocal trefoil in sea—green and rose. Length. 4 fee! 8 inches; width, 3 ‘feet 5 inches. 1 Qfi—AsL-x MINoR. RUG Koula weave of the eighteenth century. The field, with salmon—red ground, presents a freely posed all-over de— sign, involving large blue leafy scrolls and conventional cartouche forms with flowers, which are alternately woven T n 7‘ in sapphire—blue, pink, white and yellow tones, peculiar )Xf to the Koula weave. The main border sustains recurrent leaf patterns, woven in pale tones of red and blue, while the inner and outer guard bands display red, yellow and white details. Length, 6 feet; width, 4 feet. (Illustrated) 1 ‘I 4 ‘.'. .° ', . ()j'jlhi a_ ‘ O‘. I '- r‘ ‘~ W ifs:- www lfil'T—l‘nixeess BOKHARA RUG Yomud weave. The field, presenting a typical T urkoman- red body color with conventional lozenge-form, details in lighter colors the Katchli cross device with white border— ing, which connect with the inner band, forming four ob— long panels which complete the interior. The middle border, with light Turkoman-red ground, shows geo- metrical leaf devices in connection with anguilliform pat- tern. The outer border, with soft white ground, matches the interior, while the lower end bands are woven in serrated forms divided by slender bars dominated by the Turkoman-red, blue and white tones shown in the field. Length, 6 feet; width, 3 feet 11 inches. 128—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUNNER Shiraz weave of the eighteenth century, with lustrous deep pile. The long field, with dark blue ground, sus— taining an all-over pattern known as the “Mina Khani” design, composed in symmetrical annular forms and floral rosettes. The varied colors include sapphire-blue, deep f X” golden—yellow, sea—green and olive tones of great dis- ‘ ' tinction. The inner border presents a reciprocal lanceo- lation woven in red and blue tones which match the field, while the outer border, with maroon body color, sustains geometrical scroll devices in varied colors carried ‘from the field. Length, 10 feet 6 i'm-hes; ‘width, 2 feet 8 inches. 128.4—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUNNER ' v To match the preceding. Length, 12 feet; width, 2 feet 8 inches. 129—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG (RUNNER) Kabistan weave of the eighteenth century, with thick and , lustrous pile. The long field, with deep rose—colored back- ground, sustains an interesting all-over design in green, , yellow, blue and white tones, involving small cypress trees, symmetrically posed row upon row, surrounded by floral blossoms and vines, that evolve formal palm leaves midst conventional floriations. Framed by four borders with varying details; the main border showing white ground r 1-” 'I" ’ " 'f;~.-1"~=43~t9:2¢§3§fl ewes": No. 130. ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG :m- r ' mwwi‘ 1.. _ i 1'14; Y . ‘Imwpnmrmmt ~~ . - a it,’ i 1-‘ »~ . - I ‘ ‘d‘ . \ ' i’ \- - ‘ , ' . ' I‘ \ i V‘ ‘ ‘f’ I Q‘ “ ‘ ' , I ‘_ i _ ' ‘ . . 7' . ’ 4- u’ "l :8,’ " " 7' V g-N 4K’; 1 g . . ,a . . . 7 ‘ ‘ ' " $- t s.‘ ._ I Q In ‘» t 0'. i i - I J .v 'I." - r s , I ‘.0 . k 0 - _’_ _ :. s ' ’ ‘4 V. . v ) V 4> ‘r v ‘I a. _ V ‘N _ ‘ I P : 3* I‘ , k ‘ _ 1' f - ' ' , ,, > ' . » i u 4 . n ‘».gl E Q" 7z--‘m.“..' ,-1 - ~fir ' um ' . _ ‘my’ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ J i . ‘ r1‘ |__ . ‘ , r’). . _’_ I V - o ‘I . U > » | n 1 i. ‘t > ‘ - . - - 7;‘ ‘ ' ‘ - -' 1 .' . .1 3 ' :7’ ' ' ' . . . . ‘ ~ 4 ' , i.‘ - I. . ~ ‘ ' l 2-. if .. ”Iflkcwv~}kl i ' I)‘ Q _ ‘M3815’? _ . ,n a mid} K1,, _ , s . A . Q, 3r‘. '§§f .0. ‘. :3 "T .“J ' ‘I "f _ a .c,‘ .- _ i . f I} I p . a V . ‘ ‘ . < . .v . ,- ‘ _ - ¢ x ‘h ” i - l ‘ _ TQQ'U‘QJW ‘l JV ‘v ‘, ‘ . Q r I‘ .1 " KW‘; J‘ H _ _.'.,x‘ "'I. htl'pnftvnmiwgri4i Hg’; . - .4‘, E . - ‘l. . V _ .~.j .. .-_i "i . ~‘ ‘'7 ‘l v" i ‘ . .il I . ' '.““_.;§" 0 D Q . " i‘ i- ' ",r > -‘\Q~ . - \_ _ , , - ‘ .1 f" I - swans“ ixv-Itbflilifflli awe- _ u! . ' v _ . _ _ t 4 % v . , . "1- . ‘ ~ . - " I .. -, as - v' {its we“ . -~ .3 ~ . i -‘ ,1 _ ‘in _ .K - ' 3a? _. 0 gab No. 232. AxTIQUE PERSIAN RUG with angular scroll devices in recurrent form and poly— chrome colors to match the panel. The remaining borders display varied details and contrasting backgrounds in tones peculiar to the Kabistan loom. Length, 10 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches. 130—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG see 4/ Kurdistan weave. With extra heavy pile. The field pre— sents a natural tan—color of camel’s—hair which is relieved by a deep blue center medallion and pendants woven in light sapphire—blue with colored details involving varied floral forms in red, blue, brown, green and white tones. The field is completed by the corner motifs, which sustain red body colors relieved by floral stems woven in colors carried from the center panel. Framed by triple border— ing; the central band presents reciprocal blue and ivor - white lanceolations with red outlines. The inner and outer bands, with reddish brown body color, show delicate floral vines woven in varied colors to match the field. Length, 8 feet 92 inches,‘ width, 4 feet 9 inches. (Illustrated) 131—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN Rue ,X’AZ e? C’. Kuba weave. The long field presents a dark blue ground relieved by an interesting all-over pattern which shows symmetrically posed floral scrolls, rosettes and cartouche devices, woven in well-defined colors of the Kuba looms, including varied tones of red, amber-yellow and white. The main border, with sapphire-blue ground, sustains floral and bird motifs, in colors carried from the field, while the inner guard band, with red diagonal stripes, is followed by red crenellated and flowered band. The outer band is completed in white and red floriations. Length, 19 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 2 inches. abamfiv 2335; Hfizzezfi .mm; 5.4 . . sQ/a . . .bl.‘ ‘ . . n i \ .. gawfingfld tirla... ........... . . . | .t - . .. .. , .. I . < . .. .L j 1 _ . . it’ .- ,. \1 . a, _' JI I 1 . r y i L y .- g y o _ . 0' r. . . . F . v . a I. {.> ‘ .m E . . v .. .nl ¢ . . i . 4 n. ..l.. 7. . . o .0.‘ u .w . . 4 . e 132—RARE TURKoMAN RUG Yomud—Bokhara weave of the seventeenth century. The field, with maroon ground, sustains a symmetrically posed all—over pattern in geometrical forms with contrasting blue, red, white and yellow details. Has ivory-white border with conventional anguilliform details involving serrated forms woven in colors of the field, including broad upper and lower exterior panels which conform with the interior field. Length, 9 feet 1 inch; width, 5 feet 4 inches. 133———ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET (RUNNER) Ashirat weave. Thick camel’s—hair pile. The long field, with natural tan camel’s—hair body color, presents an all-over pattern symmetrically posed, and involves three lozenge-formed medallions (with green outlining) enclos— ing conventional floral details woven in red, lapis-blue, ' yellow and turquoise tones, including a modicum of white. The main border, with white ground, sustains a flowered anguilliform pattern in varied colors, including old-rose, amber—yellow and green tones to match the field. Flanked by reciprocal red and white guard Stripe; outer margin band in natural camel’s—hair tone. Length, 10 feet 10 inches,’ width, 4 feet 8 inches. (Illustrated) 184—ANTIQUE CAUeAsIAN RUG Derbend weave. Late eighteenth century. The field, with crimson brown, sustains a blue all-over trellis pattern, with flowering details in light lustrous colors—framed by a series of seven borders. The main border shows a light Sea-green ground, relieved by herati leaf and blossom ' design woven in varied colors. The flanking bands show floriations on red ground to match the field, while other bands show contrasting blue body colors, with “S” pat— ‘- ' .I i i ‘I Q I... V. 1 I V 4 IV I . II; I r . .. . I1. . | i . .. . . . ....; - .mrw l V ,-94 I . . a I. \ ..| . . . . V ‘I! s. I o Nu , i o . . .. . I V’ . s ‘. IA J r! I. V ire _ .. I a... v V ,. V n . . s. a 40 . .. - v . .. I . V a . . A \ a I: .. I I. U 1 .rl ‘ i I . 0 I I . II . <1" , , ._.~ .’ . -v _ .r , I I L. "L9':I>1L‘F'f.? I f’. .‘Q ‘i ' i “z I 3 J . . . I I t In 4 H I v, | I ) . a . . v . b‘ I I I. A. a mu .V. q. IV u. u .w I 1 . » “seem. . v I . L I . , I . . ‘I. v _, . V . | - . . . T . 1 w V I x. .V . . I ..V .. I: . i. I . a .n l. I f | .C _ . I u . . . 1 I I I V . _ s V .V» V .n . . I v I _ V .I I . . V » I.‘ . . t . I \ /.. I V _ V. V. a I 1 a. . .I . a V o . v . . I . u I I . .I i I V . V . I V. . . . .. ‘ I . v . I _ . . v . 0 . I‘; I 1 I: I s. . . V . V . I . . . I s s V . . . . V I . - :V I i , .. x I.. _ .. . i . V . . . I q .: _ r . I . I. . . V I . I . . . I‘ .V . . . V . r. .I . V . I V . . . . . _ I V t. I .V t . V 4 > : .IV.- I .w- ‘I I . u . . V _ l I w \ . s ‘I a . . v If a . I s! y . . I . ~ . . .0 1 . _ . . .n v . - o I. II . Q i V ..I V s. . . .I I V . i . I _. A I I i V i . s . I V. I V a. . . '4. V v I . V . .1. . V . ~ . . u . V A. . ; VII-I . . . .v i I 4 < 0O .r . w .. V¢V%.V..V.a.. a» 6 q . w ill I. it '1 VIwIwI) V N’ P V. _. .r. Ls Ear. . aw. . . .V . PI” .05....z Jar. . ... V? idwwaaasummxw a . ,. . A." T MW... M? I - I . (‘ii a... with. - . V. V. ........,.....Vt.V.V...e.V....VV..., m? b V. I. o I. “I i . 4 V I n. . . . .. . . . V . .. . . . . I. . .. . V. .V I . . . I .o . . A I . . V i . . .. I .. V . . . a. .V V V . V . ..I I l > v“ "V l 90 v 0 n J 4 t - l. l O . n V 0. . I Q .l a I . _ . . .. V. . .. r . i ... .. . I . a I . A . . . J. V. . I .. . I V _ l. . . . V P .l . V l .I V . _ 4 l. I 0 ~.I _ . . . . I V . V .0 . .I _ . . - I. I . 1 v . . . V . ~ V. y . I i . I. I .. . I . I . I | t . . .. u. \ . .V , . . . . . w . .V . V I I . V. w w. V . . .V .1‘, o.. u .I . V . . . . V _ If . V. _ I, . I . 1 VV . .. .I . . . I . V . i I _ .. V . . . V e a I . . v Q . I I . . I . v V V v w 1 4 I I I I . .I t , _ o s l o . . . IA V . V V . i . V I \I i . n . . V I - . . . V j. I... . V M r , . . . . . . . ..~ . i I 4 1 -IV m V I . o I V . V .I . VI V . I L V I . Q 1 v I . n . . . . I .. . . | 1 I a, . 1 ~ . . I . \ . V i a ._ z .v V V . . .... .V .V .. . . v . . . I I V I . . . . I . s V . V I . . . . _. ‘I . l ; V...V V . V~V . < . I I V V . .. . | .. . e I . V I . . _ A 0 . _ . . i . . u I . . r ' Q i l .a .I . I 9 I n I I ' ¢ h v ll AV - I . i n s . I . . .I I . .. z . s. . V . . VV I V . \ V .. .I. . . . . VV, V‘ I v V v. - v . I ‘ .I . 4 . I 0 I u V . . J p I. .~ . . I V V ‘I I. > I. r .V . . . i s .V u. . . I . . ~ . 0 I V U \ i. \ A. r l .. . WW.’ .. ‘V r . . _ . V #48. a. #k... .V aria... e ..¢V..$$ at... is? s i. $1.» a, a. as...» a. I V . A. l. .\ ‘V. V“ .3. Q 1 if... we .w a... $1M. Aim.‘ .w we. at WV... .4, ~ In 'I T . . a V.. . a7¢..*, ‘.0... ‘we... as}. .. . as. t a . V .. I I I4 .- rIV or I . ..%»\Iwi.| 1.14 . J. II. P.4- 0 . I i . r .n . airs. 5.4 ‘I . .. . . V I4 . ._| I» . I I . m. ‘1. .Yfllw‘lr L i ‘I. a II ll: ‘I M ‘$2 . a. .IflR: \! IV. II. V. I.‘ 4. .V 1 u u . aw. .nwtwwfi a. v“. mm“. ww-fiflfli‘mfi» an.” ( ‘A! Q w \fiv.».V...VV.V a... .\ .- t. ' I a: It 6 a .1.» a a. . I» he i5 w a inf-M. I. m8...“ . a. was? .. a... v .1 I '43 , I!‘ a I 3... |vV .I v . a A a...) . w» .. A“ N0. 135. Srzvnx'rnnx'rn CENTURY ASIA Mlxon PRAYER RUG ‘u- , ‘e 14 ‘ "17.1" e u ....> IGHTEENTH CENTURY AsIA Mixon PRAYER RUG ‘ 6. 15‘ O. tern in varied colors. The inner band displays a recipro— cal blue and red lancet pattern and the other stripe is woven in amber—yellow. Length, 8 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches. 185—ANTIQUE AsIA iWIINoR PRAYER RUG Koula weave of the seventeenth century, with thin pile and Ghiordez knot. The prayer field, with sapphire-blue ground, sustains pale yellow flecking, of small floral de— tails. The turquoise-blue mihrab, connecting with a bor— dering, sustains pale yellow, olive-green and russet—brown __ floral details, woven in conventionalized form. Framed X /75, by a series of borders; the main border, with pearl-gray ground, is relieved by serrated leaf forms, which appear ' in recurrent blue, yellow, olive and russet tones with out- lining. The inner and outer guard stripes .are woven in pale amber tones with flecking and serpentine scrolls. (Restored at either end.) ' Length, 5 feet 7 inches,‘ width, 3 feet 7 inches. (Illustrated) 136—AsIA lVIINoR PRAYER RUG Ghiordez weave of the eighteenth century. The prayer field presents a deep rose tone relieved by light blue fila— ment bordering. The yellowish moss—green mihrab arch, . with serrated outline in varied colors, including white, is surrounded by serrated bordering in polychrome colors, that are repeated on the narrow upper. panel. The main X J i!’ border, with golden-yellow ground, is relieved by a stel- lated diapering woven in varied light colors, notably old- rose, salmon-red, moss—green, sapphire—blue and mauve tones. The inner bordering presents a soft white ground, with diamond pattern woven in multicolors. Length, 5 feet 11 inches; width, 4 feet 1 inch. (Illustrated) I ~.~..:. A - ‘ it,‘ 04 " ‘A’ ‘a a -r'L 1+ s} w. a r ' . i '“ . ‘ l \‘I e ‘ ., . v e - . , ~ . n '4 ; . . . . . . ' ‘ a .' - y - >' . v' . ~.—'» a.‘ ‘ . . . 1| < . " < - l 1 r. “vj , " i‘ - ". ‘ . _ . . , , .- . _. _ . i _ . _¢ - i v ‘ ' . ~ 0 o ' ’ n .. 4 . . l - ..' . ‘ I r . . .. . i' . . l 4 ‘ ., _ -. - ,, . I, ' ‘ _ ‘. . . - .- -_ _ _ 1 . I g‘. ‘ -. . i l, 4- . ‘ l I . .‘ ~‘. , Y c . o o t i v _, H I. a _ ‘-, ' ~ - < .v - - ' w l a . .- .» H '1 4 ~ ~. ‘ .. ,-._ . , . -. ' v ‘ . .. ' . ' ~ I, ‘ : .. .A . ‘a' ‘A .-‘ ' “ J.‘ 4 .-. > ‘ ‘ - . ' . . _. m . , \ “ l- ‘ l‘ A i ‘H l I. e a i a. A J _ i ‘ ' l l ~44 i v ' y T '< i . A 4' I‘ ‘v ‘ . . I . U. ., m:- h . a-’ h a a“ '. l l l-1 ~ , I 5-‘ ‘ T 1 F ‘I , . ‘ n v ls. M ‘I. g 1 '1. if V‘ ~ _ i _ a‘. W t m ‘g L‘ . V; l a _ no‘ I' -._. .l_.‘.." ‘- . i; A 1 a \‘RNN " _ ,5‘? ; . .q. ‘i? - .1?‘ ‘J .-I.';. ' i “F ‘ a‘ i q,’ T a aéi‘l‘ft} ." ‘as: 7' Tu‘; .. EMT“ ' K113“? L______4 -_,v___‘.._ ,w -‘——-:'-¢_ " . , _-. 7 h A“ J 1-.’ Q 2%,‘. ‘.77 ‘- '7 " ‘ \ ._ - V -' ‘n t ‘ ' h . ' ) "' L i . .1 '' 7.‘? - -_ . , l . 1 . ' 5~ ‘l . ‘ 3:. l V ‘A . . _ v.15- tyne. '1 at u. r ‘ p,‘ 4w ts ' vii-‘4?’, I i‘ " . i “it; 1 . " ‘we, a - ‘fir’, . _ ~ I v . ’\ .z'. _ “ y I "5. V . l ' ‘r t . A ‘ s. 9 ... 4 ‘ ‘. \ '\ . “Us. - . “"9" i If.‘ i=5“. M5 “lash-S ~--- . In?‘ ._ :v _ l1.‘ 7' '9 - (‘fl/Vi: 11252-7?‘ ‘ . 10w ‘ ,_ ,4,‘ .L A-1v-—_‘ . .c No. 233. EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CAueAsIAN RUG M ~-¢--_ ~w _, ,‘ .'§._A _ 0 j '* '1 -~._. waterside: .' w v t 4 a . e , A,‘ ‘2 A’ i V ."sf'll .I‘ ' b‘ 2 . ‘ ‘ 1 - ‘J “5: 4‘ Wmwnflgfiqeeiw ‘ A -14 . J,‘ __ - . J T ‘4 q R . v i 4,}. y A ,. s} v - . l‘- < ‘ff-vane 1943-1; ~' .15.. ‘I\\“\fl'£\i§§§\$\\ \\'l'fi!“\\\\ 5? 'gniioiuumyniflfi ‘\rfl1vu __. a‘ , V , '5 >. ' ' ‘ If“, 3' “$‘7l'gfi-"v'l-‘b‘jlg ‘ r- 4‘ w ~: 7 7*1"‘“-'-‘“"‘1§.\\ ,‘I'W "3185“ 1"; . 137—AsIA MINOR RUG Bergama Weave of the eighteenth century. The panel, with Turkoman—red ground, sustains an octagonal medal~ lion surrounded by varied emblematical devices and a small gulap or ubhruk (water ewer), the field including large ff ' dark blue corner motifs, with serrated contour woven in blue, red and white, enclosing varied devices. The main border displays a chevroned scroll pattern woven in the colors carried from the field; flanked by narrow guard bands in serrated meander forms interwoven with pink ground. Length, 4 feet,‘ width, 3 feet 3 inches. 138—As1A MINOR PRAYER RUG Ghiordez weave of the seventeenth century. Presenting a small dun—colored prayer field, with flowered bordering in soft blue, amber—yellow and red, together with a floral pendant. The mihrab arch, with serrated blue and brown outlines, displays conventional flowers to match the panel, showing pearl—gray ground; while the upper and lower . panels, with turquoise-blue ground, sustain conventional )f/éd' arabesque forms with delicate flowers in soft contrasting amber-yellow, blue, white and red tones. Framed by a series of narrow borders; the outer and inner bands, with yellow ground colors, are relieved by conventional details woven in the several colors of the field. The varied narrow middle stripes show alternately pearl—white and blue ground with floriations. Length, 4 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. ANTIQUE CHINESE RUGS 189_SQUARE CHINESE MAT Early eighteenth century. The fine lustrous pile, with soft peach—red ground, sustains a blue central medallion and corner motifs,‘ enclosing sea—green and white floral de— p tails. The remaining field shows delicate orchid and iris ' ’ sprays, together with birds and butterflies, woven in well- defined and delicate colors of the K’ang-hsi period. Length, 2 feet 7 inches," width. 9 feet 6 inches. 14:0—SMALL BLUE CHINESE RUG Eighteenth century. The field, with pale apricot—toned ground, sustains a center medallion in forms of floral wreath woven in contrasting blue, white and light amber )f’ shades; two blue flanking scroll motifs and butterfly ' corner devices in light colors finish the panel. Framed by a dark blue border, which displays small yellow and apricot—red blossoms midst light blue leafy scrolls. Length, 3 feet 9 inches; width, 9 feet 1 inch. Lil—SMALL CHINESE RUG Late eighteenth century. The field, with dark blue ground, presents precious objects of the mandarin, in- cluding vases, table—screens and pictures. Interspersed - with these are symbolical fruit and flowering plants in 7X‘ 6”. F jars, woven in pale turquoise—blue and old ivory—white. Has narrow blue inner border with écru dotting, while the main border sustains an old ivory—white ground with “T” fret meander woven in two shades of blue. Length, 3 feet 5 inches; width, 1 foot 11 inches. 14Q—SQUARE CHINESE MAT Eighteenth century. Lustrous pile, presenting an old salmon-red ground, relieved by a floral medallion, woven in blue, yellow and pale pink tones, while the remaining field sustains floral sprays and corner pieces in like colors. 7%:1J The bordering includes an inner band in blue, with blos— ' ’ , soms and small dentated forms, in varied light colors. The main border sustains an old salmon—red ground with floral motifs and circular (shon) emblems of longevity, woven in two shades of blue and yellow. Length, 2 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 14—3——SMALL CHINESE RUG Eighteenth century. Lustrous pile; the field, with old ivory—white ground, presenting two blue saddled horses that are tethered to trees. The soil is represented in serrated form with rockeries, while the sky shows cloud X 4 ' patches, uniformly woven in two shades of blue, together ' with silvery gray tones. Inner band with dark blue ground showing white dots; outer border sustains con- ventional blue floral motifs on ivory-white ground. Length, 3 feet 6 invhes; width, 1 foot 11 inches. ' 38f “ 1 “3", ("1' . a‘ -‘ ‘ i 1 "' 54"‘: s 5% ' ./ 1 ‘ §“‘\r . D . v r #34,; A; i ‘1;. -. 1~M~SMALL CHINESE RUG X64? Eighteenth century. The panel with blended light apri- cot-red ground, sustaining a small blue quadrangular me— dallion, posed midst small floral scrolls and corner motifs, woven in dark blue and relieved by light colored flowering. The narrow blue inner band shows white dotting, while the larger border, with imperial yellow ground, bears floral and emblem devices woven in apricotq'ed and blue tones in harmony with the field. Length. 3 few! 2 inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches. .V,_,L‘l"a~.." h. 1;! 2-1. ~';-‘a"._ ‘Ed-“.7 ~ s_ 7. any,‘ h _ _ "" ' are. refit-1 .‘ a in I *' 145—SMALI. CHINESE RUG Eighteenth century. The panel, with imperial yellow background, sustains a floral medallion in two shades of blue, ivory-white and pale salmon-pink; remaining field, with angular dragon-headed corner scrolls in archaic blue fret forms, displays detached floral sprays and symbolical bats, woven to harmonize with the medallion. The narrow inner band shows small dentated forms, in varied colors on dark-blue ground, while the larger border, with im— perial yellow ground, sustains light-colored blossoms, small blue bats, shou emblems of longevity and “cash” symbols of riches. Length, 4- feet 2 inches,‘ width, 2 feet. if; I‘? q. ;——-—_——_.—I.-..-<-*— _'E;mfnfl;nt=ngrgag .. ‘a V _ v M, a . ~ _ J F "_ ‘ H V‘ .‘_1 -,, f ' . ‘ ‘ . t ' P‘ I | I. _ ' o 7 ‘ ' ' . "> ~ *' ' Q ‘~ '. . ‘ ' _ .v > , l . " - ‘ - ' - " ' , ‘ ' > ‘ , V ‘I - .g V‘ " , . . ' . ‘ a‘ I - F ' - ' v, -l."§l‘ ' ‘ ~.':8.:$r.l!8€8&8£8#l$ag: gaigilsl. 11f‘ " ,gaggmgrgxugtm. :gnqm, . ~n V .¢ 0 - 0m’ ‘ '- ’e -A-‘ ~' ’*-0‘ , 459+ ‘i’ ' si- ) 4. i ‘ ‘ . g _ . .. —— .. g. .7 p. \. 3".‘ .. 6,1. 1 _. 'l s in. ‘i .‘rmr: : 3.’; In .. ‘ ' .4 ‘.f'ylli' if .. U. a, -1, E .L A, _ t " ' - ' Al‘? 4% is .' ; I -_._ ._ . _, i‘: v' 1‘__,' i - - -' - - we .~ ' cw " v- If’: _ “ , i' l i“,- ' ‘:W ‘luck ‘3 a" 0 n v r-xfifiézi - k1". - V - *q'm {KIRK-m $1",Tnffl'klll'mfxxli‘g_g;,Q‘.. ' ‘ ; , - g i ' '. - ' ~ 7 H - -:~ ' __ V - “ g ‘ H ' s» ' ,- _. . - w" . ‘ragga; k,» ‘i i " ' ' ’ ' i -' " r‘ ‘ "' n n. g R g N B Q n nkujfl, 131a; 1" 4‘ No. 239. SEVENTEENTH' CENTURY CAUcAsIAN RUG 146—SMALL CHINESE RUG $6075. Eighteenth century. The shimmering grayish—white ground is relieved by a central medallion, composed with the mythical ch’i—lin and phmnix bird (fe'ng-huang) woven in two shades of blue and red; the remaining field display- ing varied precious objects of the mandarin, including brush-jars, flower vases, emblematical fruit in trays and checker borders. The border, with dark blue ground, encloses white peony flowers and sapphire—blue leafy scrolls. Length. 4 feet 4< inches; width, 9 feet. 14'7—SAMARKAND SILK RUG Eighteenth century. Square form; lustrous silken pile with ruby—red ground, relieved by a flowered sapphire— blue and soft green medallion, involving archaic angular forms, which are repeated in the corners. Framed by a double bordering; the narrow inner band with red body I’ color showing a “T” fret meander in sapphire—blue, While the main border, displaying a ruby—red ground, sustains recurrent wave crests and filaments, woven in the varied rich colors of the panel, together with a modicum of white. Has deep ruby-red margin. Length. 3 feet 4 inches; uridfh, 3 feet 92 inches. 1418 SMALL CHINESE RUG Eighteenth century. The field, with soft salmon-red ground, sustains an archaic blue medallion, enclosing yellow and white floral details, midst the angular dragon— headed scroll motif. The ren'iaining field, strewn with [4 floral sprays, includes floral corner devices woven in two )& shades of blue, ivory—white and pale yellow. Has narrow blue inner band with white dotting, followed by the main border, which sustains a salmon—red “T” fret meander on yellow ground. Margin band dark blue. Lcnglh. 4 feet 1 inch; width, 9 feet 1 inch. 149—SMALL CHINESE RUG Late seventeenth century. The panel, presenting an old tawny bronzetoned ground, is relieved by a small blue medallion, and the blue corner motifs, which involve con— ventionalized lotus flowers, are woven in lighter shades to match the detached floral sprays, butterflies, fungus- clumps and other emblems that are freely scattered over ['7 the remaining field. A narrow blue inner band, with old X ivory—white dots, is followed by the main border (with tawny ground to match the field), that sustains con— ventional flowers and leafy scrolls, woven in blue, yellow and pale apricot—red shades. Finished by blue margin. 0 . "a. o .0000 00.000 0 0000.. Length, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet. ygflia. % j/fd '/% ' l I‘ > '. u’ -. -._' __ _ r ‘- 9. r1 ' ; AM?‘ "I b , ' u’ ------w an’... » _ '35 '~ . 3'- ',M ~~4 ¢- 7, I ‘ 5x35}: :35} 3151.: i I is, " 3.‘: l V V i‘. .i"; t‘ .t ay-"y-Q- _ “ __. v=1Lftzdfffifliikldf‘wnin}??? -""" ‘b —_ 150LSQUARE CHINESE MAT Seventeenth century. The shimmering pile, with old rus- set-brown toned ground, sustains a white and blue phoenix bird crest, surrounded by four archaic dragon-headed scrolls (woven in solid dark blue) which form the corner motifs. A narrow swastika fret band, in old gold and lapis—blue, completes the bordering. K’ang-hsi period. Length, 9 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 5 inches. 151—CHINESE MAT Companion piece of No. 150. uololi OI. ‘gill. .Ili. Length, 2 feet 7 inches; width, 9 feet 5 inches. 152—SMALL CHINESE RUG Eighteenth century. The field, with soft grayish—white background, presents spotted deer (grouped in pairs) woven in varied blue tones, together with flying cranes. These allegorical creatures appear on the narrow ends midst old fir trees and serrated rockeries, woven in two /d a’ 6' shades of blue, relieved by tones of pale salmon-red. The narrow blue inner band shows white dotting, and the outer border sustains an intricate swastika fret pattern in dark blue and grayish white. Length, 4- feet 8 inches; width, 9 feet 5 inches. ;. smear-‘Lam's ‘ . , 1 %%%~'£W€¥Zwibfiiifi ' m .fferlss fiifimliijfi ' I hate! f ' " - I58‘ZZUNE2UE CHINESE RUG —Seventeenth century. The field, with soft sheen and pearl— gray ground, displays numerous small brown shou characters of longevity, which occupy the panel, besides three flowering plants. One of these natural motifs con- ép/d % sists of lotus flowers appearing at the upper end of panel, 7; I ' woven in yellow and rose tones, while peony flowers in soft red and two shades of blue occupy the center. The third plant motif shows grayish green branches with yel- low hibiscus blossoms, introduced near the bottom of the panel, together with two blue birds. A narrow inner band is woven in brown ground, while the main border sustains an intricate swastika fret pattern, which involves butterflies and shim characters in corrosive brown on grayish-white ground, to match the field. Out—er margin band is brown. lHing dynasty. Length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. 154—ANTIQUE CHINESE Ruer Eighteenth century. The panel shows a shimmering and deep yellowish—bronze tone background relieved by five blue medallions (including the central) composed with floral details in two shades of blue and ivory—white. The remaining field, with corner motifs that match the medal— lions, sustains formally posed floral sprays and jardin- ieres, with plants in like colors. A narrow inner band, 92 X; showing a yellow ground, with white serrated pattern and flowering, in salmon-red and white tones. The main border sustains a blended yellow and rose-toned ground, with swastika fret, woven in the varied colors of the field. Has dark blue margin in band. ‘ Length, 6 feet 6 inches; "width, 4 feet 4 inches. 155—:\NTIQUE CHINESE RUG Early seventeenth century. The field, with soft sheen, presents an interesting imperial yellow body color, re- lieved by a freely balanced all—over design (ton sur ton) woven in the form of conventionalized yellow, White and blue flowers (in part resembling the lotus posed midst scrolling amber-yellow stems. Framed by d)ouble borders, >2 49 d, 21' the inner showing “T” fret meander, woven in two shades of yellow to match the field, while the second border sus- tains an intricate yellow and blue swastika fret pattern. Outer margin band is woven in corrosive brown. Ming dynasty. Length, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 9 inches. > .V/ 4, , / 'h‘ ‘aux. ' 7 m g‘ ‘ 13K‘ 7-,“! 7 7 an‘; 7 ‘h/m " ~' q , Y ' I V .7 . . or . ‘In 1,,‘ 4mm‘!- Llctna - mm a. "Junu'xi'xsrr ‘n "auxin; 1. mu. 4- r man 4 own / “are. ~ *xmm flxrxnfm‘nz ,i ‘ \ . _ . I v '5 \ i ' ‘I I ' ‘ ' ~'-' ' ' - § . , _ a i . z “7 ' >- . ' -. - ' " ' V . , . . 3 7 N1 * I A " " ‘ - - r~ . ' ~ ‘ ' ‘ ' K . ' 2‘ - -‘ ‘4 L z ' "it"? ‘- V ‘ ' m‘ , , . g _ I V . -_ ‘ > 4 ' V f; - . ‘ ‘ ‘ a * w ‘j; ' ' ‘ <- Nrzi- Y‘ = a h‘ V,- ‘ r i .1 V‘ A x V r V r ‘ ~ W1. ~ » -_ i. _ 4.7___4 , v , 4,. , :_.‘V r s V ‘ _ i _ ' =-‘ ' - ,2 ‘ -_ r - j a. '5 V 4 _ _ . K 1 3 ‘L I ‘ . .y El 7 . ‘ I _‘ "r “ , 0 v l ‘ > ’ - .=.; 8r ‘xzxLx’Mx'zJmxm-Uhrgu " l I E“ " '- i - I " _ v w,‘ -. s {r ~ » . ;» -#@%ammwgosm= ' I mmmv. > .m'u; km Amman” ‘ ‘v i 1. 1 it :1‘ fifiifi s"* \ ‘in-“"42" \s“ ,. .94- 6‘ \ warm-w I) - we ‘ #1“ ~ _, x '- ‘ --'-'\~ '?""~~ ' "-“H‘ ‘- ~ ‘A .. \"??r~;\~-1 \ff‘i?~\~$“;-.f§\fi;.§s;;\\ .- , l 4 . ‘.x'mwm'mnWA-‘A wm_‘x;\_~;ié' 32.?“ .,-~ ~ _ \_'~_ by; ‘ ‘.5: ‘4 “"N-XT-X'LX x .m-xflxumsv ~ -\ .s '45!’ \ .m' - ._ m, ,‘z, ‘m _ w \ >"4‘j"<}j,- <~7~£~ - ow»... Fl.‘ w i. -.-.-.. H1‘ __ ‘ ‘ U‘pmfin _._ r ‘fifimfifififi&fiofiéé . g 1‘ ‘ ' 5;," Nx‘mx“ .x-fmiwmxu-m'm' _ w 7 ' J _ __‘ .. - > w- " t ‘e a ‘i - " ‘ v‘ ‘.1’ " 1Q‘ 1;» ‘ ‘ gnu-um- 1mm Allan m '- W15..- H’Xm'xgx 2/ 'X _ _ 4. V M Q,‘ 1 ' _ iv‘. ‘‘ .- ‘ _ “I I i v , 1‘. |- - . ‘X'J' '4 \-‘xv‘x'\' WY.’ ' -4‘ ‘ ' " 1mm“ /mnm. firm * w l - I . - ~¢.x'.x'-\.z".r~ -. L 410.1: m ‘an! 7 \ No. 240. SEvENTEENTm CENTURY CAUCASIAN RUG l ' . WWA. ‘ . ‘1 L’, ‘ i t * i in?!“ _ * | """Z -T 6 1 m1" F a _ *4 \% ~51 any are ~ -ww 1 56—ANTIQUE CHINESE RUG ,fjid F Eighteenth century. The field, with ivory-white ground, sustains a wreathed medallion, woven in contrasting colors and centered by a swastika fret pattern, showing two shades of blue, yellow, salmon—pink and white. The corner motifs, in serrated form, enclose angular fret diapering, while the remaining panel sustains precious objects and ... ve..£\...'._u1 . \ it”? s r :4 .IIIIIIIII J“ w. 4 . IF . r t _ . .. . . O 4 I . .5451. it; .. .w. u 4.1. I - . .-1 . - .\\. .7 U , ‘s . .... ... T , J.» - m Nt Mdenifp... Q . in .s s w a MMT ht . .. a". \t 2.1 .M £3‘ 1W4 \WMV O _ ‘arm I , J - Q . hi. i‘sisl‘z} . l we _. ll ~enough .. .! iillll‘ .lI . fu..~...n.~.r.....shlehkilsiwh . vim.“ J afieflflgefis Us... Juana a, a. .. . .. . .. .QTJ. .v. , . .YH . ._ . . it i , r 4..» v .» \Lkwwmi-lillis‘lilnii \. $2..‘ Jive‘ 8 \.k . . a .. t. in . J _ . .1. .t 0) . “his? 1 v . ... .. . . "f, x " ,.(. . . I . . i. , . .. . . .. .. . m s .. ‘Flu . No. 157. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CHINESE RUG emblems of the mandarin, midst symbolical flower sprays and fruit (pomegranates, peaches and band of Buddha citron) of the “Three Abundances,” the narrow dark blue inner band showing a yellow “key” fretted meander, fol— lowed by the main border, with ivory-white ground, re— lieved by recurrent lotus flowers and leafy scrolls in blue, salmon—pink and yellow. Has dark blue margin band. Length, 6 feet 10 inches; 'll‘idlh, 4 feet 7 inches. 157—ANTIQL'E CHINESE RUG Eighteenth century. The field presents a lustrous old Imperial yellow ground, with floral medallion and butter- fly corner motifs, woven in well-defined and contrasting shades of blue, apricot—red and pale amber-yellow. The remaining field displays other butterflies midst floral and 7f’ 6/ fruit emblems, woven in like colors. The narrow blue 7/ ' ' inner band, relieved by small white dots, is followed by a second narrow band with blue and yellow “T” fret meander, while the main border sustains varied floral scrolls in blue and yellow on salmon-red background. Has dark blue outer margin band. Length, 6 feet 11 inches; ‘width, 4 feet 7 inches. (Illustra ted) 158—ANTIQUE CHINESE RUG Seventeenth century. The panel, with soft sheen, pre- sents a pale salmon—red ground, relieved by a blue flowered medallion, that includes blue and white butterflies, sur- rounded by light yellow scrolls, while the floral corner motifs are woven in like contrasting shades of blue and X”, C , white. The remaining field displays butterflies (emblems of conjugal felicity) and detached flowers, in like tones of blue and white. The border, with salmon—red ground to match the'field, shows peony scrolls in blue and ivory— white; flanked by blue and white stripes. Length, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) )lll M4 1.1 Anna l Ill .\ t , r l. ‘v \* '\ .7 No. 159. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CHINESE RUG - ‘?.Q J\ r. '13:; ~~,|- L‘Qllhk-l.-‘;A"LL ‘in "i. " . -,_“"~ 7 ‘ i "a" V a . W,» --‘,4_,‘.' . .g -. ‘ i .e ,7 . ~v A ~ ~. ' v- <, ‘ - v M ' .. I .. .LTJ I}. Flllpp'rury '- I ‘y ‘ . ‘ J Leigh L4 ' _ , ,. ‘.. I.“ A *1“, ,.< ~51’, .. my? \ 4;) _ ., -_ 4M“- ~_~."'A',,M?~ i-‘u ,w_.s;v,-‘¢wz.-v4>-_ WM...‘ . t v , .~,~.\ ‘WI -Ta; ’ -{r “*1 i t b ‘ ‘L1H EA. .:.' “" iii-"Q's it, I]! 'eif'siqqlgg‘k I‘kif. {1- ‘ rm, Amman-‘mm , ‘ umMAm-immsmflmkmln "i! 1‘ h "thi‘m “"e- . " -' . _ i 1:“: ‘ regain _. .. - ~ I» -* its" i“ A‘ No. 160. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CHINESE RUG 159—ANTIQUE CHINESE RUG Eighteenth century. The field, with shimmering pale apricot-yellow ground (including soft red zones), presents corner motifs and varied floral sprays, together with em- blematical fruits of the “Three Abundances,” interspersed among these freely posed devices being numerous alle— gorical butterflies, uniformly woven in two well-defined jy' Z, shades of blue. The narrow blue inner band displaying white dots, is followed by varied blue stripes, while the outer border, with pale yellow ground (matching the panel), sustains peony flowers and scrolls in two shades of blue. Has dark blue margin band. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet. (Illustrated) IGO—AxTIQUE Cmxnsr. RUG Eighteenth century. The field, with soft sheen, presents a blended pomegranate—red ground, relieved by an all-over design, woven in form of conventional white lotus flowers, that are uniformly posed midst blue leafy scrolls. The ([1 border, with blended pomegranate ground, sustains a ' dark blue meander, which involves swastika cross emblems. Has outer margin band woven in corrosive brown. l/Iing dynasty. Length, 8 feet 5 inches; width, 6 feet. (Illustrated) 161—AXTIQL'E Crnxnsr; RUG Early eighteenth century. The field, with lustrous salm— on—red ground, presents a series of ten small medallion forms, arranged in two rows, which separately display peach motifs (Taoist emblem of longevity) surrounded by five bats (wu fa) woven in two shades of blue and cor- rosive brown, allegorically signifying as many blessings as there are bats. The border, with amber-yellow ground, sustains conventional blue floral and scroll designs; flanked by narrow blue, red and yellow guard stripes. Length, 8 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. . .flwawmm?" “*‘U f a?“ ‘ "'"'""' ' ~~'-=- ~ ~ ~ 1 a ‘'““~ “““~ .s‘1K9é-is‘fl ’ "' “ ‘ ‘ '4 (‘if l'ivn " "ii" ‘ fir'" ‘ i I Vi'iflpiix - rig ‘i i ‘v 3.- ' .i'3'n.'6fi.fl~‘..7;85\vfi./0. 9' H. i ‘ ' ‘ l. .I‘ U’ "'7 .1 -..'-sc O . ti‘ A _fifl“.‘ ‘LE; !\ 1.,‘ ..(.,,_“\fl'’..‘-‘ .I’~:~O\’_,‘~ . ‘I, .J...‘°,"(_,..g-n”l_|b*. "1.! 3-! r, > ~' 7 - _“. ‘a V‘ _ v _ b4 -— O Q l Q l ‘0* ‘1_ “'6' a “ ‘F " Y . ‘n. l- r‘ .Q: . ii4~'_'.h 0'. O‘. . ’ .\.. T'nw-q'hwi . I. “new: _ v _ _. W .7 _ I ‘_ _ -7, a.» a a i " "‘ * ‘ ~ _. _ - 0 ¢- ¢~ ' " 4 0 \ O .‘ ' E.‘.\""l'.°." '7.‘ FL""I$.\'""L'Z{.-7p\n' - G37 ass-‘:57: . ~73‘: . {.7 - {-7 0134-93“: nix-'41‘: "'.’-""~‘-‘ ‘ '33’ "-‘e'w '*" .. . ‘ ' ° - .A - 0 q . - a - _ V _ . _ ‘ < r‘ . .3‘ ‘_ '7 I I I I '‘ Ol'IQt¢,.. - e’ - w e V -' - - " - a, - - ‘ i ' i.— ’ ‘ ' " ‘i’ '7 ’ z y , , b . ' ‘ _ V- m, , -m a. -, _ , _ __ H V. _ . . M1 : I ,, la“ 05 m‘. _>.;. onol-os-omnrovafi "mm. - - 1;, A '-, A . V, _; ,- rmmurpawfivitmum . “,5? . ; #3112117; _ _ . ' ' g .. Lain-u.» - " —-‘--»-—---~5 -"' “e -, ~ “ M ”‘ a‘; - f"; ‘i - z _ . 51- 1) - ,‘f'nm'j-j v-w-j *‘f _ ‘a ‘ " ‘ n . i I _“ A 5 " "_ "'7' ‘ * ,_ I- . H ; '__. - k, ‘_ ' " '- i'w‘ " .. “'5' _‘ I V r ' \ Ill 7‘ t - .. " _, ‘ a ' ' ~_ . _» "w _ ' " i - n‘ ‘3 i ; - = - .43. Ti.‘ .1; .1 a“ .....~~ "for 1 \ - 1 a, U i. -_ -=' a. I - '. . . » - ~ . ~ ‘. at e...’ ~ I v ‘ as ‘ - - - e.‘ "my a was’) w..=....-.;.~..~. » e- - i » ~ ~ ~ 4- - -. - - i .- s. . . .. -. . we... use » ~ we- . » a in: ‘ 0 . . _ ‘ , “5' I 'i\ a 1.1» ' . 0. ‘PM. new... wink.» ‘ a -. . -. .- . " . . ‘" . , -- . ~~-;'__%' ' . -. __ - ‘ ww"-~~1.<""Y'“ “*1: : - w" “' ~23». ' "1‘ i” it?" “ a‘ \ ‘,lgd‘f‘iv‘ ' ' s ‘a?’ mound: '. . -~ ~vv , L-‘Tavfi' W— . ' ' - " ' g ' , ' v I ‘ . f ' W .' 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' '-- ‘H’.- ’-". <7 ‘. i 9' “.v‘ “"‘ ' ' ‘sf-1‘ "a": >925. ‘,w‘,‘ ‘1's; figu- saw - \m-,;;,\'.4,'}~¢N.?.' fiQWWM} ( ...\_-. .4. . .. - a__ s - ‘W, , in’rhW’w." r_ .. 2b.‘: ,_._ _ _ 5 . v :_ _, _ T‘. _ . p ‘ ‘it’ 1 " i‘ """"'*“ "'~ ' *~'-" "-“e’P-W-‘t-f '- s‘ "'1. - a» “L ~ - * -_*_ ~wv"§€' Wmaswwswwswmaws aware? 1:. = = . ‘nearer-new ~_;~~=,~ ~~=c+ sassy-way“ at, I '.—-:~.~ - - . J ‘I’ in Q.;\a'0=ei:"r Hui fii§ii$¥iiifrw~'wwi ‘HQ; ‘5'i".'““.€;e;l-¢w inc-‘h . as... "w‘ " " > ' ¢=WFw-.*~7'J;= » Jae—$6..- 1;»;- -' .,,, ' ‘ . ‘ if: “I . . >_-5_ ' ‘< - ' 4 w‘r. ' ~ 1 nuts-oer ‘w- i No. 248. Elon'rEl-cxru (Ex'rrar PERSIAN CARPET ‘>— TGQ—ANTIQUE CHINESE RUG 7575/4. 168 X dad 1644— /11e4. Eighteenth century. The panel, presenting an old salm— on—red background, is relieved by a small flowered me— dallion and corner motifs which are woven in harmonious tones of blue, apricot-pink and white. The remaining field displays symmetrically balanced small detached ' sprays of flowers and butterflies with like colors. Framed by a double bordering. The narrow inner band, with blue ground, shows small white dots, while the main border sustains recurrent blue and white floral details on yellow ground. Finished by old blue margin band. Length, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 5 inches. ANTIQUE CHINESE RUG On the deep apricot—red field is a center medallion com— posed of branches of flowers, surrounded by cloud forms in dark and light blue, ivory and old gold. In the corners are dragons and leafy scrolls in the same colors. The large salmon-red border has flowers and scrolls in tan and dark and light blue. The inner border has a flower and diaper design in blues and tan. Separating the dark blue band which surrounds the entire rug and the border are strips of old gold and blue. Size, 11 feet 2 inches by 11 feet 2 inches. AXTIQUE CHINESE RUG Late eighteenth century. The field, with soft sheen, dis— plays a pale old-gold ground, relieved by a series of eight small blue medallions, woven in circular forms, which are symmetrically posed midst detached blue sprays of emblematical peony flowers and butterflies. The corner motifs, composed of similar blue floral and scroll details, complete the large panel. The narrow inner band shows a small blue vine pattern on tawny yellow ground, while the main border, with similar yellow ground, sustains an intricate swastika design in dark blue, including dark blue guard stripes and margin band. Length, 12 feet 11 inches; width, 10 feet 9 inches. (Illustrated) . ..v.. . . . . . .. $6 .. . T... a. :2... ~3 .QEWHTNVMQIP. w‘ - .- a. Mo... . nil-ts. - . .. , , . . t. _. a -. a. _ ... w . . . J 1i/irrliJ i . .. "(til-ll? II‘. A -.-o.o..ei.. . help-Put‘... ’& .0 -.. I . .. .0 VI \ . u.. . m i 1. Pi Q. A . 4 - _@ o o O Q Q 0 0 .- G , o a a .0 a o o . . -l ‘0 l . till. ‘.1 I It. »I. . .I .. ..l l. ooooooooooooaooooooooooto...“000000 i .. . . Illilv , i'llli . .I' ,1!” 4| ‘III-ill!- No. 165. LATE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CHINESE RUG 165—ANTIQUE CHINESE RUG Late eighteenth century. Field, with soft sheen, presents a deep salmon—red background, which sustains a central medallion in circular form, involving a Fu—lion sporting with four small cubs, and ball emblem, woven in two shades of blue, yellow and white tones. The four corners are filled by archaic blue dragon-headed fret motifs, en- closing small red and white swastika crosses. The remain- ' - ing field holds precious objects of the mandarin, sym- Ji 6 Z d’ metrically posed midst flowering plants and emblematic fruit, in varied blue, yellow, salmon-red and white tones. Framed by three borders; showing a narrow blue inner band, with white dotting, followed by a blue and white “T” fret meander on tan—colored ground. The main border, with Imperial yellow ground, displays recurrent floral and scroll designs, in two shades of blue and red. Finished with dark blue margin band. Length, 11 feet 7 inches; width, 6 feet 2 inches. (Illustrated) , W 166—LARGE CHINESE RUG @ 0 The panel, with deep salmon—red ground, presents a large central medallion, formed by a circle of conventional cloud scrolls, woven in contrasting blue, white and apricot—red tones, while the interior displays a yellow Fu—lion and blue cubs. The remaining field, with large floral corner motifs, in two shades of blue, apricot-red and white including de— Q tached peony flower sprays, woven in like colors. Framed % 30/7’ ' by double bordering; the inner band with yellow ground, sustaining varied floral details in blue and old ivory-white tones, while the main border sustains a dark blue ground, relieved with flower motifs, woven in apricot-red, ivory- white, yellow and light blue. Has the blue margin band. Length, 14 feet 4 inches; width, 13 feet 9 inches. (Illustrated) O i 0 0 fhiiiii’ief ‘ 167—(‘HINEsE SAMARKAND RUG On the golden tan field of the rug are circles of happiness in dark brown, fruit red, gold and sapphire-blue. The large fruit-red border has conventionalized cloud bands a and waves combined with flowers in gold, blue and dark )f brown. On both sides of this border are dark brown bands ‘ dotted with gold. Length, 9 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 11 inches. 168~—AGRA RUG Arranged in rows on the old ivory field and large border are delicate sprays of flowers in dark blue, two shades of red and green. On the dark greenish-blue band which ' ' surrounds the entire rug is a floral design in red, yellow and green. Length, 7 feet 9 inches; width, 5 feet 1 inch. 169—ANTIQUE CHINESE RUG Early eighteenth century. Presenting a soft sheen; the field, with blended apricot and old-gold ground, is re- lieved by an all-over design in conventional form of orchid flowers and leafy scrolls, woven in blue, yellow and ivory— white, interrupted by five blue medallions, which sepa— / L rately display groups of four butterflies, in light colors. ~>j‘ j 2 v The border, with soft yellow ground, sustaining floral scrolls woven in two shades of blue, apricot-red and ivory— white, has blue and yellow guard stripes and corrosive brown margins on two sides. Ming dynasty. Length, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) PTO—ANTIQUE ASIA MINOR PRAYER RUG Koula weave of the seventeenth century. The prayer field, with russet—brown ground, displays small yellow leaf— like flecking surrounded by an inner turquoise—blue blended bordering which is carried into the mihrab field, together with conventionalized flowers, woven in pale— yellow, brown and ivory—white, together with deep blue outlines. The narrow upper panel border shows a small % yellow and brown honeycomb pattern with flowering. Framed by numerous narrow borders. The inner band, with contrasting white ground, sustains yellow, blue and brown toned details, while others show alternating yellow, turquoise—blue and brown body colors, interwoven with varied contrasting colors and designs. Length, 5 feet 4 inches; width. 3 feet 9 inches. (Illustrated) 171—AN'I‘IQUE CAUCASIAN RUG Kabistan weave. Late eighteenth century, with fine pile. The field displays a deep peacock-blue ground relieved by )%// d [ an all-over design which includes conventional cartouche and floral forms arranged in recurrent rows midst stel— - _ .- 5.1-‘ . -0 a I 9. o l l" . \ f-“ 7'1’ ~91 an? - 1 ‘ f -» . "1‘ '-. PM“ )AQL"~~#" 4"." ‘ . , g. ‘ v is‘ b . . p a. ,- A 0 we ., - L -‘ i" I I _ 'u E ‘a. i n’ ‘we . — ‘I’. ,- W?‘ J No. 169. EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CHINESE RUG b w‘WW‘P ~l ,_ a. ‘- . .> ‘- - ‘ "‘ ‘V .n-Vr- 1" I‘ “r J ‘ . , - . ‘ y 4 - V0 -. “*0 ’ - 1".- _ 7 ¢‘ ’ r. - i i ' _ 3' a L - ‘ * ' _ "0“‘7‘ 1" ". Q . . 10 ~ 0, - c_- _ Q. v ‘i. 'l - V - D ‘> \- ' '> ‘ 1‘ . w. ‘1 - V‘ a "07‘ - ‘,“‘I_h.' |l..l;.‘ ’. v - 9 z ' d 7 ' o ‘: ~. *t . "‘ ”- -aéi&., 7'.’ <~_'I '-a if.‘ I’ of ‘ ‘- .. Q l _ ‘.1; V 7' . ‘ U Q tiigvej '3) ;-. V ' . w’ 7 Aj _ a. :a 2‘? ‘* I" “f ' 7' ~ _ v- ?!i; ' J i‘i‘i“: - - "“'4*.~g;~.’~" ' 14. 4, _ 5-; ' J.“ _ ‘m: - . $311.10?‘ Q.’ I‘ I‘- 1..P".' ' i’ F -7" b?‘ ‘ -' ‘V— ‘Q d ‘,— '7 - ' ‘9'! 0"! @ '» ' ' " i ' ‘if ' ' 41“;- M'‘ "'- 3 '- si 3;.‘ a" ' o .r > “ 0/1.: “' L p i 4“ .1 9'0. ".8" l > ‘ ' ‘ ‘a ‘I ‘ --_r-vv ‘ ,r ‘ . V ’ ‘fr—Z’ ‘if’ V ’, ' ff‘; ' ti ' q - ' - 7. L77 ‘ . - n - - ‘ -_ .. I , V w .7 , , _ _;___ ‘dag-h‘ )Ji- ,3 My! a a '- \ ‘ v‘ . ,5“; I ~_ __. ‘N_ ‘i v,’ ‘ ’ a x- l 7 _ __ Q 7. “ _. ‘r l _ ~ . 1w m .- , *- = *1 \ ‘in ’ firm“ 7” 1m m; - * I‘ I -~ 1 i.- ..1‘ -; z: >- _ U . i. .‘v I‘. A. . -‘~ 7 . l _. ‘ . ‘ - "- J ‘7' ‘ 4-.‘- ‘ > > V_ "v I. .‘ - “V ‘ V A’ ' l‘ 4 J . . 7..‘7‘ .. r ‘alt’ n i M 3x 7 ‘ . . ‘I - ."~~ - ' - ‘ " - _ ' '1’ "' " I. \ v. Q ‘I ' ~ “ t ‘ -‘ -. ‘Yo: .5! i {'10. = ‘. '- K 41;)‘ - \ - = v y e‘ . 15* “- ,_. aid‘. zit" 4P . ‘V: '~.v‘ . < ‘ I ‘1 ‘ g t: b. _ 7" 7 fr" 7 -; u -l ,‘4‘ . a; ' I - ' V ‘ v W‘ W ‘ ‘_ H _ ‘ ., ' ‘ >-v .5 I _ ‘0 " R ' - ‘ , r‘. a ', V,- “..>. 4 an _ Qfilf" -, \f V “ ~ - ‘ V r _ i an» ; = - ‘ _ ‘ M . . -‘ ~13 > _\ .7 . ,1’3' 5;?‘ r " ' - > - in 4 r if V: ‘ ‘ > ' ' . 7; ~ . 5“ ¢' .v ' -"“' "'- ~ ' . _ I '. 1 ‘ ' ' I '; ' _ ' I ‘J g .. |I_1 1i,‘ 7- u. -' "11,2. - ‘ -' . 3‘!_Z_'-’i ‘ ~ ' ' 2 ‘ ‘_ ' ~ ' I 7 ~ ’ ‘V ' r‘ ' I A» ~ r’; ‘a, I‘ ."Wrl'f ~~ ' ' ' ' '' ~ .‘ x U y . ' " ‘ ‘ r .v . . q?) 1' 4 "3 -' 0. . ' 1 '- w a n M ‘ ,3 'l V" '76:! l‘ in v _ . ’ .' i~" ‘h: ~ - ‘ I J I I ‘v I .- v’. ' . ‘ J l h ‘I ‘ . . ' > V: i“ ""q 0 ' ‘7.77 I V I l ,'_ V: "- ' ' V ‘ >' ‘ I VA ;\ V.‘ l _ .7. v ‘ \ ‘ 't ‘ r -\ - V I ' . . - . V - . , 7 \ ' __ ‘ 7' -' '7' - ' V ,‘ " _ _ . . > ‘ > - r _ ‘ . i E. ' \ v ‘ “ 1 v - _ _ v ' . ‘ ' _ - _ i A‘ _ . _ "4, _ ‘ i ‘ .- ' i“. .‘ ' _ . . _ -M, _- ~ 7 - . * . ') ‘ \ I, ‘ ' ‘ 3 - .> 7 ' _ _ u 7 V V ‘ v7 . ' "V v ' :‘Ll“r ‘ 4 r , . _ ~ 7 V ‘ ‘ ' , I V V 7 ‘ . ' ' 5 ‘ ' T . > . i ‘ ' i: ' ' ‘ ‘ ' — r ' \ ~ - ~ 7 i ' ‘ " ~ I" “ I" 1:‘ ‘ ‘ V: > » ' ~ 7‘ . " I . :\ , ' ¢ ‘ N7‘ _ V . \ , _ > A ~ ' ' 3'»? 'j '# rwv—v "fl é ~93: #i-‘ii‘fé 14:71 3’ ~ . ‘ ‘ A ' ‘ _ _ V ' ._ l ‘ " ‘ ' ‘ ¢ 7 l ‘- V , ‘ ’ ‘ . ‘ ‘ _ v _ ‘ - ‘ _ " ' _ u 7 ‘ ‘ ’ .-‘ ‘ _ ~ . . 7 ~ 7‘. ‘ V . - .- '- ' _ ' . ‘ ' ~ - ' . _ ' > ' ' ' ' - ‘ .‘ . . i .- "' 4 ‘ v ‘ , I .‘ ' ' --" 7 ~ 7' > 1 4.. ‘ '-. ‘. _ ‘ V V_ a.‘ V I ‘ 4v‘ ‘ w‘ ‘v V.‘ _ _ 4 ~ ‘ '7‘ ‘ . ~ _ ' ' _ v . - . I V'- > - - ~ ~ ‘ ‘if W‘, > _ _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ \ ,~~ - , . , V _ 4 ‘ 1' ‘ - ' - ~ . ‘ — ' 7 ~ . ‘ ' ’ I ' ‘ E ‘ . ' V ' ' 3 ‘ . I ‘ ’ - ' ' ‘ ' . | . “ ’ a ' Q r~ _ ~ . V‘ _ ' l‘). ‘ " ‘. Q’Ffiiiiif ‘H ~ :\ > y " ‘ . , _,_i > v 1. "r a‘ ‘I ' ' ' Q A“. ' " ' . - ' , ‘ l " ‘Vwwfl'lx‘ "" '70-," 7' ‘r Y 7 . i ‘ _ ‘i A.‘ , ~ 1 , v ‘ w h‘? _ \ *. ... .wrm-JM: m- u a‘ \ v, .- ' . ~i-v V ‘ “-.n$, ‘ - » - .\"r . . . v. V_ ' ‘ ,.." ... ‘ ‘ . . ‘l. - ‘ m '0 h ‘.,' ~ . . I v1.4}; _ _ ~ . ‘J .' 'P 4 :41 . )nar‘gg * Add’ I. ' 3*‘ ‘Z. "\’"‘ ‘Q ' ‘01''’. ‘d -_ : V "\ 7 fi“ ‘“ , - V 1-: ‘ 7 V ~‘-‘~'>7“.~- ' ‘* m' n ' .' * l‘ .- ~ ' \ - . ~ (“Kw P‘ 4' ,r v A . ~r ,. . _ ." ‘. . _ ‘I.’ ‘ ‘ ' l b ‘ .' " ~ E V :L-’:__.§,\‘ ' " ‘ V 7 i ""7 ' , ‘1n-‘ILJ—L“. - i: t I j." ‘ ‘ l V -' >_ v‘." Q- . ' . ' 1-. '. 1|. ' Ii. 7’. _ ‘B .‘I'‘-\. ‘q . '2 7 - ‘ ‘ ' r m z~ ~' _ l‘ “ ifs . N0. Q49. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PERSIAN RUNNER l {fig/J,‘ - s... . .a. at... . .~ 1. .. .......#, t tit. .. 1.. .. .41. s41?‘ '41. as 1. .. a...’ a.‘ .1. a.’ 49.46.? s.» .. . .. rkshrrt 1.. i. .. I .. . . . . . . . . 14 u. . . .J i fit» I. .r. ‘I - ' sv a. .it turn H L a‘ * . .&.vt%.¥%$¢4._..ii as: sieves-n...“ 69% 0 . i . .. l s‘ 9H ..L A 1;:- 4 v #- P‘? g 'L , 3 it - Q 4 ‘is t?‘ it 8* ‘a $ ‘8% a? e .3 1 v .i 11 n 1. "5 4‘ 4 t9‘ 7 3*?‘ $43 a‘ , e e e . _ e ...9 . r . w... a , . . as , . . was??? _ we ..%......ea. ‘$1.11.: 4... 1.. . ,A. . with 11 To . L. . .. p...“ . 0K9... .. . . a.“ .. ..~ . Quin... . . . 1 - x . a .1. 1....’ .. . ... . .w .rP " “flames .01 4m es a} 3'8‘ .. .. . . . v.1’. .. .. v ..H . art...‘ a)...» not! ‘new is ‘a. . 2U. as? a“. . _ ..... . / .5... 11.7.... . . : . . . . . .. f . 1. 41v c. . \II . . .1. 1 c No. 170. SEvExTEExTH CENTURY ASIA MINOR PRAYER RUG lated blossoms and rosettes, woven in varied colors, in- cluding typical red, yellow, blue and white tones. The main border, with deep rose—colored ground, sustains re- current blossom forms to match the field, while the flank- ing inner and outer guard bands have white ground with zigzag meanders. Length, 5 feet; "width, 3 feet 5 inches. 172—ANTIQITE CAL'CASIAN RUG Kazak weave. With heavy pile. The field, relieved by flecking and dark—blue tortoise emblems, sustains a large I medallion motif outlined by dark blue and flowered bands ' woven in angular form and enclosing a white field, to— f’ 7.- gether with central blue and red square panel that in- ' volves floral details in varied light colors. The main border, with white ground, sustains recurrent grotesque ' devices woven in dark blue, yellow, red and russet tones, flanked by outer and inner guard bands, that enclose small serpentine patterns in light colors. Length, 6 feet 4 inches,‘ width, 3 feet 9 inches. 173—ANTIQL'E (.‘AIfcAsIAN Rec Kabistan weave. Fine close pile. The field, with deep sapphire-blue background, sustains an all-over pattern in recurrent rows of geometrical cartouche forms; woven in varied soft colors, including old—rose, turquoise—blue, _{ amber-yellow and white tones. The narrow inner band i shows ivory—white ground and stellated rosette devices, /\’/7' while the main border sustains a dark brown body coloy relieved by stellated floral clusters and alternating obliqu I bars. The intermediate and outer guard bands, with tur— quoise—blue body colors, uniformly display small flowered serpentine meanders in yellow. Length, 6 feet 6 inches,‘ width, 4 feet 7 inches. V v ‘ ‘, “ f '. 1’ a I ‘3 ‘:° ' r I _ _' 56f‘ . ff’KQJ'fi? .-( V. _ __ s.» .‘.:.\.. . Q; l X ‘r \ ..'H"‘.. i "- TR, ' . I‘ as 5% :3 . _. s 1 -, .. 5,3. H'- J i .' ' I. \ ‘I 1, ‘-I:\4--|,'.~.~ Y ' . it. A {rfiifli} { ' ’ ’ n“ ’ 'Jfixfb m. ‘ ‘S <1’ v ' 1741—ANTIQUE PERsIAN RUG >J‘fe’f I’ Feraghan weave. Late eighteenth century. The field, presenting an all-over honeycomb pattern, or net diaper— ing, is woven in pale blue on white ground, and involves flowering with small red palm—leaf devices. The inner band showing a reciprocal blue and coral-pink design, while the main border, with deep red ground, sustains a floral cartouche and Herati leaf pattern, woven in yellow, blue, coral-pink and white. Narrow guard bands, with dark blue ground, display angular meander and leaf form. Length, 6 feet 5 inches; width. 3 feet 11 inches. I'je' _h '00 o '3 ‘,ing. . ... _ v i ‘ ._ . _.‘:-.>.-.. ,V__.-_--“¢- I ~~--._ ,A - ___ _ V,‘ . .90 , \-_.¢_.7....-------' . 0'0 0 I , ' ' 1'75—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG Kazak weave of the eighteenth century. The interior panel, with deep sapphire—blue ground, includes a polyg- onal red and white medallion, defined by blue and white bands, while other smaller geometrical plaquette forms 4; fill the remaining field, framed by an inner rose-colored)?’ 7a, - bordering, bearing small spikelet devices in contrasting blue, white and red. The main border, with “herring— bone” pattern woven in varied colors, is flanked by inner and outer guard bands with dark ground and serrated designs. Length. 5 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. . .‘iifl‘ifii r '4 f, “a. "I O“ "I ‘n. "r" ‘p . .. [76— ,e/M /% sf 9. '* ~13 ‘s 'i. i . ~ r r ‘ .-/-' ‘Army/c’.- ‘k: f . _ w , \ I, a . ‘ Gilli}: ‘- :\.\'TIQ['E TURKOMAN RUG Afghan weave of the eighteenth century. Presenting a lustrous Turkoman-red ground, relieved by six octagonal plaquettes that involve geometrical divisions, woven in green, blue and deep coral-pink; the remaining field sus- tains small stellated green and blue details that are uni- formly distributed midst the octagonal forms. Framed by a series of narrow bordering, the inner band showing “S”-formed details closely woven in alternating colors of the panel, vwhile the middle border sustains geometrical stellated forms in like colors. The following borders show green ground with red details and guard stripes. Length, 4 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches. ‘I r- ~ t‘ 4 ~ i ‘w. HILs-JJ' v" .ahw'hfifl .- O - 0 ~ ' I _ u .. . I; '.9 .‘ ‘ ‘ \\\-‘\\\\s‘\: . '._ _ .i ‘k I 1 l¢o.00"¢.)‘.)- .7 0W‘ \‘ . O "' Q\@ I ‘I " I d ‘I I . ’ o ‘I 1‘ § ' q *4" a . , ¢ 1 ,’ a‘ ’ .~ 6' 'u I v‘ . r'-' I .l #4 -! 1'77—ARDEBIL SHRINE RUG Seventeenth century. The prayer panel, with dark blue background, presents a central medallion, cartouches and other devices, together with small white pendant (under )y/f/ 0, the mihrab arch) bearing an inscription and mystic symbols. The dark blue body color is carried into the spandrel above; defined by delicate bordering and rose 5.3‘. . . A. . if .. u 1.4 I.I..f. grins}? - .. .1-.~..,.......17n»... I a. . (v.- ..x . trunk .... C. . .NKI was. i . can. . . o .9‘ ‘.1 -..-fl.;" . h g s -1. . . .Qifx‘ .r .1... . .v ,.- . I .. . . V ' ‘~ I Y L l’ I I s I\ f t i' — ,- ~ 1"," y‘fi X R “at ,-~“" ;'_ ' i , ",(7 ‘ a; ‘a. \O,‘ ‘I \. "'‘IV "'I ,__ is”) '- ' ‘.. ,__': ’.fiv__:':-' O! I ‘ 151?»? ‘ ‘AW I " ..'";l-‘u."i>~ 1'“ n zlwaiavt'zai I 'v .3221“; . - ~ "'7 ~ ‘ ‘.71 i I , ... I... AWIQ ‘ . . . . ..~ . { _.d;3 . are .a ' a'u'i‘ .xfbl'w- ".:.".'.. 3+- “ ‘ ~95 ~. I ..- .0 '4 O ~‘1..\%\“. . -' i.‘ a» _ i“.-‘ , "Ya-JL‘WQ/f , -; "' "" "“*" v- i“ < 7 - _ . .f V.’ fa‘ I’ I, .----— 1"‘- ! i ski-9..“- fit Q o ; * _9,‘II;~_:7;,‘' ‘.F > ,7‘ Q 1. ..r. “If? C. -' 8,1 . . i. A .. . 1. .. .v . v » ... i . A . . . -. . I us‘; . . . . “ v. i . . - .. of? 5‘. . . r.. .r 1 so v.34‘. . . . .. c v ..v .. . v‘mflav. . o I.‘ . In. 1...,‘ 9.1‘..- . 1...? flasks‘; . e .. . . . . .. . , ... .ets Rinse... . .0 . Q. Q. h! O.1.|.\0.0| I. . I .. . .~ 1 .. . I 0! ‘050.... in . . . d A . . , ‘o. n . . .. .. e. t .. .7 . . .. . a. .. 2.. .. . . I: . 1...; Q . 0 u | Q at, ».. 4 '. “Q ~.- ~. ‘. s-"R. .d‘li-v ‘Q . \v N; .. .-. .. s I » QI‘NISL It." \\s0....4fl.0. . .Pffnvfl..." 1%.: 0'0; | D O N o. 251 . PERSIAN CARPET‘ KHoRAsSA N TRIcLINIUM and blue scrolls, which also surround the main panel. The wide border shows recurrent geometrical designs woven in red, green and blue on pearl-white ground, while the upper division of this border sustains a Mohammedan prayer, woven in brown, together with minute red sym- bolic devices. The outer band, with ruby-red body color, shows recurrent “S” devices. Inscription: “This is a Mosque Carpet.” Length, 5 feet 92 inches; width, 2 feet-10 inches. 178—SMALL PERSIAN RUG Khorassan weave of the eighteenth century, showing lustrous pile. The field, with blended peacock blue body color, sustains a soft red netted diaper motif interwoven with blue blossoms; interrupted by a diamond-shaped center medallion, which displays a deep rose ground color, ' involving blossoms and leafage in varied bright colors. 7%// fif The corners sustain conventional palm—leaf motifs in har- mony with the medallion. Framed by a series of narrow borders; inner showing a peacock blue ground with blue serpentine scrolls and floral details. The same design is repeated on the outer border, while the middle band bears a small serrated meander with floral details.- Length, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. 179—SMALL ANTIQUE KHIVA RUG Yomud weave. Late eighteenth century. The field, with lustrous Turkoman-red body color, sustains a series of cross bars and a vertical band woven, showing geometrical details in characteristic designs and coloring peculiar to, I . the Yomud looms. Framed by a series of borders; the 72/? inner and outer bands sustain small geometric devices in recurrent and scroll forms dominated by white, while the middle border, in geometrical design, shows white and blue lozenge-forms on T‘urkoman-red ground similar to the field. . Length, 5 feet; width, 4 feet. case n, .) J2... . V, , v o _ _ - ., ‘ "w. ’ I 'P‘ n 1 u ,0 .i! v .w . . . M... i. . . .j .t _. .2 , . Q. .0 o-. -' w> U I ughfhi J0. I .14. _%¢tssa . - .- . . .‘ . .. F . ‘a m I 1' . . . I. . . o ..I -..l 0. . . . i . 1 . I . i . . v 0 . .. q i it . . a J i \ _ . . It. .- .v.. a. .4 v n . .H.. . , . h . .. . v n.» . o. . - . u . . . . n . . . . . . . v Q. I . - .fidfihfit ..§ 4 i "4‘ Q. l . ., .. . . . a , . . .. . . . tdlrv \\ 4 L1...‘ .. ~ .. twiiewwzetosafvwooooo . -k 2...: .1 Q eseeiaieesnzafiwswewww 1'1 | ..If fielding. .a - _ .. v... n 0 . .. v- v 1..\ . . Q . .éiffifihfifla. . . “aways... gm..- 1% ,.n....,l.r,........ in». ,woeiil’tgtltfioo’atfi. .. ..1..r.§f.1 1 a... a m... o e e...‘ a 4 . - ,. I , So. 180. EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ASIA UixoR PRAYER 180——AI\'TIQUE ASIA MINOR PRAYER Rec . 6f, 4 {7:1 181— ,yO/eifl Koula weave. Early eighteenth century. The prayer field, presenting a deep turquoise—blue ground, is relieved by salmon-colored floral bordering and free column forms showing similar floral details. spandrel showing tan—colored floral forms connecting with the interior border, defined by a white stripe which par— takes of the serrated form in the arch. Framed by a series of borders; the inner and outer band, with golden-yellow body colors, involving conventional floral scrolls, while the intermediate narrow bands sustain alternately ivory— white and corrosive brown body colors, with flecking and minute lozenge details woven in contrasting colors. Length, 6 feet ‘:3 inches; width, 4 feet. (Illustrated) SMALL PERSIAN MosQUE RUG Shiraz weave. “lith lustrous close pile and well-defined colors. Presenting pearl-white ground, which sustains a pictorial representation of a Turkish mosque, crowned by three domes, woven in perspective form, in varied colors, including green, and the varied Turkoman-red tones pe- culiar to the Shiraz looms. The field is further distin— guished by the Turkish star and crescent emblem, and an Arabic inscription reading, “This is Blessed. This is Blessed.” The framing borders include a central band with rose-colored clouding in form of roses, together with green leafage on white ground; the narrow inner and outer flanking bands display reciprocal red and blue re— current lancet forms. Length, 4 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 9 inches. The sapphire—blue mirhab ' vovivvmuo ngoauulnsmunmmuuwr" ""Fe"lloau\nwQp_I\Am;mAnIvIL.\v4| 7 ‘it “I . ~ _ " I i \ \ X X X \ \- ‘ ‘“_'“'" .. ".1..." "~.,m~n-",“m flu.‘ ., w ‘ a; . ‘ . to l.0v00."\4ul nwnqrqauQouw§u “drum A‘ - "has"; I - I : ‘Il'.‘$ \ oiu4_u44elal_llci'I:v:¢€v'¢¢“..,," ,,,“““ ,'"|a|4'|"", ‘~“,.".‘.,,‘ ‘ .I a, ‘I y. ‘I . "'09,.-IIltljllll~llllfil4"", ‘p.11’, b 6&0 . I‘: ;_ I’ I \\\\\~\ \\\\\ g . Q \ ~ \\\v\§\\m\\\ - \\~ \\‘\\I_ . Q _ P ’ \\\\\ \ §\\\‘ n“~~~~--\\~“-“ Hi . ‘"14" “s: \m“\ \\\\§\v\\\\uu\\\\\\\\\ \ v“ “ \\fl\\\\\\\m\\“\nw\v\.g\q_“ “ \“~_‘ .- V "- . \\\\““_““_-- ISQ—AsIA MINoR PRAYER RUG Ladik weave. The prayer field, with light ruby colored ground, sustains four gulap ewer—forms, or uhrbruks, woven in contrasting sapphire—blue with floral devices in white and yellow. The center of this panel has an Arabic inscription of date 1260 (Mohammedan calendar). The yellow-arched mihrab, relieved by red, white and blue floral designs, is outlined by a serrated blue band. The _ w, main border, with blended moss-green ground, sustains / red, white and yellow floral forms interwoven with con- . ventionalized foliated twigs. Flanked by narrow bands with light ruby-red ground colors matching the prayer panel, showing varied floral devices in alternating yellow, blue and white tones, relieved by intermediate white guard stripes with delicate “S”—formed details. Length. 4 feet 7 inches; width 3 feet It) inches. i t . .- llnlfl , l i. . 1 . . .Oic'IllolllOl'lnOO'I’I'IIOOal'llllll. .l. l Lloyd: .J. o .... f. .. no 2...!‘ M 0 o for . 9 Q @395.“ mam .Hwo Jfiwv w... AM» .0 .h. . .. .. ._.. n g r“. .l.. OOQIO'U‘IOO‘btII 10‘01¢4'0\001’.’,..‘ .i\. . ... . n r n e e v A‘ . . . . ~ 0 . I .L. . . . n1 ,1 onl- d . . , . r. .t q. .. . A .. . t W P x u .. .. a .. ..w .1“ . c t O O .10‘i’n .. r I“. . . .. d 1“ .li'’. .._. . Q,_.i.\ S l b . .0 .! idolonn ... n a .J 0 “I. d n ..i . “EL”... .._ i . .i e 1 can .0 \Y I u... . :1 ,i t r I a . . v n . »¢.¢....... 0 . . 3 S m a m N .9“ . .. . m1 _ Q, 4.? To.” . e for? ‘#0 w. h 0...; n .. T o r] “ [fll l. ‘ :"l" ' l i . , ‘be-‘1,00 f’? aeseeeese‘ infill-‘K; i I i’ z’... 0.0 The field, with red ground, sustains a closely spaced all F'fifi'fi‘il‘fi'gi'a‘flffiwfi-QQQ'Q’Q‘Q' all geometrical emblems (cubes and bite ground, displays an attractive interlaced motif in blue, relieved by red flowering, while the inner and outer W .o l .m . .e m l ‘l w h w W t r 1m ‘we .m a 0 . a] . ~. .... p T b 0N2‘. mmw - m 9 a a... we 0... v a y m w w M. are‘ I w aw m M S 0 I e a z . A f S e .3”, , .. c H 0 m v. We a r . . U... . . ... .. .mmw” .s. .. c we. MM... . .. .. . -310. $0. wavy... 4 ....W..¢... \S . s. . . ‘(e we .M f 0 a # nil...‘ ‘.50..v.l\O§,NU\O.‘...i‘i .. n.\1.-.. . .0.‘ a .. . 0-..‘ i it. .. low. \ .... m 0M r S n3.:. eeaoeescceeea e coco eerie; .rm 1 e new“ On-JO, r0 )0 \‘\‘\\~\‘.\.\-‘OQ-l...\\l\-‘\\fiuA‘-.. l“ fut...‘ :“l.@.‘l\\\'\t~l‘i. "..Q.l\.i.\*“ % L “ 0 u 0 . ‘ at; Q 6 gr w a...‘ a v J . .. N)» .w. . H a . n .1 +5.“. : c. , . H ..m r .m a h l .1. §\. Qlkwf . o .2. ‘A l m h .n .w UH“ . ‘64.0"\\,\\\l\\IUDIM\\-QWQOIIU\§\O\0\\\\l\ti\lll\... h. ..06\.\.. .\ if .. v w A K S t t “1 “ v s . (In .6 . .. , h . . .. . ...... _......e.nawa.ase....esaaezbwea 4.9.. as e a, _ \~\I\l.§l0l\\ili\..\\\ll§\btl \ ll. luv til. \l‘ll f‘: - v .‘i‘Q‘l‘bjl‘ .Olloil“ till 3 L... ‘4 II . . ‘.lll". \ll \ l l {\ ,y/Kdf/ guard bands sustain small rosettes on brownish-black ground. Length, 6 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 4 inches. 18-h—ARTIQUE CAUCASIAN Rue Kazak weave. Eighteenth century. The panel, with bluish—green background, sustains eight—pointed white me— dallions enclosing red and green stellated interiors inter— woven with blue details. The remaining field displays two red pendants and four square red plaquettes, together with angular blue and red geometrical devices and small roses, woven in kindred colors. The main border, with white ground, sustains recurrent square plaquette motifs in varied colors carried from the field, while the flanking inner and outer bands display reciprocal blue and red lanceolations. Length. 7 feet 9 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. _.-o ' i _ i - 1”‘ '10... .' v‘»_‘°"'r." ' '-_'.;-4 k * 0 "I p _ - ~ o 0 ° “‘ w 77 7 Ti __ "‘ I) 7'7 , . ' '. I ' s " ..Q,h:o‘¢-)Q‘(..§ ¢~',,6,5".! p. ' ., ‘ I'- w _ _ "I g ., 4-‘3 aware}, i ‘.4; . ,_ M ‘Wk-“ulw-QW‘" . ,1, l l : ‘J ' x: ' .4. ' m n’ .I. ‘TM—pi’ w»,'_“»,~‘ _ HQ‘ '. ~'— 7 "v _f .1 ' " >¢HH 9» M ->L-;- ,, , “"" . ,sf -- g \ I‘ ! ,.-_ . ._ *‘a-H I, i . 7 . y‘“ g . i ' ‘I ‘ ' ' ' ~~ -" . ~ -_ ‘-:"i '_ 1' 'r t V .s __ I; i 2 o‘.¢-§-2r‘_,+'3-'>b'}il"r¢j{-ifl 1 .. \_-¢;'_ ‘_ > . >o’“ A 'a - , i . Q a" ‘I’ ‘4 ‘a -. V -A-' r'r' '_'."-'~~a. “';*£:*“"'_‘° ‘ l i . ‘p I I “I ' .. .u'I‘O)$ — " ...-'.w~o o .._ »‘. _\" "- .:.:._ .-“"€-'i.¢£¢ V. . mc-Qeiot't-p-t'Q-e'e?-¢'Z>'°’l!’¢*‘§ - ~ ' ’ ‘-'~ . . -41 a", ‘V V ‘Y 1‘ .15“. ‘ “"3,‘ ‘its? at? ' 4w 5- .l 1" e .. _' . ‘_ Afv' *. ‘ ' ‘¢-I~ 135 __ V ,nl'ii'q: '-_ ~‘4r-6-5W w WWII.’ .. Q‘ . 4*.“ “~--"- - — h‘.- . _ V . . we...‘ 51' ‘l: l 6 191$. 1 r __ ~ ‘ E ii‘ .7‘ ' ' i I‘ i ‘if? i i" I s ‘ , a e v '3- i-t-U . @3535?!» ,v sttssesge e. );.=)~i,=-~* ;,-,,»- 1; ,iiw’flgi"? ,‘ I maid.’ " kitties-st" v33 -_ - > ' A ' 4 ' A n a‘ ‘L . b ‘ " ‘ " é . \ l r \ V F''’’‘——’‘ i 7 if > ‘ ~- ‘ .‘ ‘ I O o ‘n . ' 1 ' ~ 0 . M , I‘ ' i‘ s .“v. 4—§.‘ . ~'_, . ~EI>- .Qe ‘30 May €+; "a" M - M ‘ In“. "~- .L. . -7 - V‘ . No. 5256. Two or A SERIEs OF FIvE PERSIAN (‘ARPETs AND RUNNERS 1 5—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG ~Ku-ba weave. Of the eighteenth century. The field dis— plays a dark blue ground relieved by serrated central medallion and corner motifs, which uniformly sustain am- ber-yellow body colors, together with stellated flowering and varied contrasting red and blue borders. The re- maining blue field is covered with a conventional and large flower palm—leaf pattern, woven in typical yellow, red and - sapphire-blue tones with a modicum of white. The main >%(/ / g ' border sustains a sapphire—blue body color, relieved by other conventional palm-leaf designs in connected form, showing the varied colors of the field. The narrow inner I bands sustain small geometrical devices in blue and pink, which are in part repeated on the outer blue band, while the margin border shows varied rosettes on dark blue ground. Length, 6 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 9 inches. (Illustrated) 186—‘ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG J oshaghan weave of the seventeenth century with lustrous pile and well—defined colors. The field, with blue back- ground, sustains three medallions in varied forms, involv— ing ruby-red, amber-yellow, emerald-green, sapphire—blue and coral—red tonesalternately woven on ivory and geo- I metrical forms, which show rich colors carried over from )KOZ/d' , the medallion. The main border, with golden—yellow ‘ ground, presents a' combination of conventional birds and “S” forms, uniquely interwoven in varied colors that harmonize with the field. The inner and outer guard bands, with ivory-white ground, involve small floral scrolls in varied colors. Length, 7 feet; width, 4 feet 2 inches. (I llustratecl) ."4' w # .kl 'DféflMfi.‘Ill.‘000.hfllfilwo|'.w.L‘:04h‘ Oliolll‘cbmubi.ll’loit'iO'lIl! 00-.. st. slJ-MMQIOcUoOOLI-’ 0 L0. -OlltOroiii .. . t .- o I o .t . f .\ r o ,.1 ~ Q .Wiflfllfl O _ in. S ‘:0 O. ‘F. I!’ no. 0 b ... ...................H.....H.H. .-.~..Vfiw§%.%“w¥»wufie“? .u...1..........nm.........#w“ .....w$....... “k. MM 14.... . .1. ,2J... .......~....r. .‘ v to-.. a ‘ O. . ..l . Q . Ito till‘. I olltv ulilol-.. 00 I-Cme\o'-Ol . . 0.‘; lo|.ooOO_. .0 O; O... . .. . .. 4.43... Vivid. _. .f .d. Mam/diverge? .4. a... Ivrdsfivkeure... .. a“... . . . .. . 2...... . v . .. .... .. .. . ...£.w.. .05.]. . . .“.\.~.w 1... a... H .. ..~ . - . . ‘- . . . i. . ... . s . . a. 1 a“ .. ...~ . . . . .. . .. . .. .. .. 1.... . . .H 4.. . p. a . v. .. n - . .: .. . f . .. . .. . . .1. .1. .0 .. .. H . .. \ . . . . . . .. . v I It!‘ l... . . . . .\ .. .. .aa. .. .. . u... .1. .. .. . o ..... ‘ non..-‘ l.:.|lO. 000'. 0.0....‘ '0'. ‘w I. (r... . .. .4 Q c .u a . 4. . . . . i“ IY‘} r - a . v s 44 . .s . .. . is. v.9... . .. a . . .. . .. ..~ - .4. -0 .4...“ .4», .et '4'... .4 ..-..#..~.r....r.4.r.4~h4.r.v 3 .41. Law‘ 14's.... fi 1 __ s .1 ‘(la _ .Llfl, Y..| a... G.- .... L. e4. . 1K ixm...» r . . .. 1 v r .471 . . Jammy!- ’ . .. . ., L. 'Awu'ym'fii ' .l'l'p ' '74. \‘_ ; ‘an? .' "‘ "v- i h ~ 1 ' ‘it ‘*"I’‘" A. .o' ‘7;’ A" s I “vi ‘(621; " "'2 “h .. ,,__ u a". ‘ . ewe-7"?" "34% e . .- ~..~“=;‘;-~.L-_f- ‘ 4. ., L r.“ .. . 1 ‘ I . i I‘. l"?! ‘i l' l ‘ . .- iw“ _ l ‘ in’ "Exrrnr CAUCASIAN RUG . EIGHTEENTH (. 5 u n i ll... ski‘. sl. . I." n*. . . . . H . . N‘ . .i . . \fl 0. . . . .. . a . . \ n . - . . O . o v _ \ . l O - ... ,...=. as.g.‘\§\%%a v .. . r r -. i. .!.,1 Q. . b M ‘b . . l‘ U‘ 54 b4 iN-zk‘bi bib’h‘. D‘ so. to bflboifiboi‘sv ‘Starve... .1... s. . lo\ao.\Iociivl\ . Q . a 0.... a u|lllo- .- .. . '0 00 .. ps~f..fb’ O . . . A. I‘ ‘.4’. a! ' 0‘ ~0..n:.'v0...l. nlOi‘oi. .l‘l. ‘I 0.... '4‘ 0 w M t i o . 1 . ~.Ja. ‘Illa . a . . .. . 5 1“ "£1- nfo‘ O "c: 0.... I; I‘ a... Q a...‘ u. i 50‘! 0:.1¢..lw.oo~... .1. 55 .\ . QIOQI‘IibOOOa'a .0... 09 on 0 ll. olhtbOowocroic oiurwbfionnuollo QJOQQHOI“ QI-IOQQ Qioo'tclrni 9:. O_am.v.n "DON-.QMH. . In! a. 0 I00 \ l c .00.... 0...‘... s l .. ‘,“~ .I I . ‘ill-ll..- ‘Q |..Oo¢ao'.vlI 0 O u No. 18 2K . Q ‘ V .1. - H. .. . .. ‘v 4. .441114311‘. iii‘ r." 1 ¢. 41,, . N0. 186. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY PERSIAN RUG 187-ANTIQI§E AsIA MINoR PRAYER RI'G Ghiordez weave of the seventeenth century. The prayer field, with light Turkoman—red ground, displays two slender white columns involving floriations and a floral pendant, together with representations of gulap ewers. The arched mihrab, with sapphire-blue ground, is relieved by pale amber—colored scroll motifs and red floral devices. Framed by a series of borders of varied width; the main border, with pale blue ground, presents an elaborate floral pattern involving palmette and leafy scrolls woven in pale Turkoman-red, amber—yellow and ivory—white tones in harmony with the mirhab. The remaining borders dis- play amber-yellow tones with red flecking defined by narrow red and white figured stripes. Length, 5 feet 9 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) 188—R0YAL (,TAucAsIAN RUG Daghistan-Baku weave. Fine close pile. The prayer panel, with rose-colered background, presents an altar flanked by branching trees of life emblems, supplemented by a pair of yellow lions (under small mirhab niche) indicating its royal use. The oblong upper and lower panels, with yellow body colors, involve sun and planet )f/y'fl, )‘9 devices, while the outer field sustains large brown tree— ' trunks, which are encircled by white cobras and wood- peckers. Framed by four borders, the narrow inner band showing the reciprocal blue and red lancet pattern, while the blue main border sustains conventionalized red and blue scarab or tarantula motifs. The yellow outer band shows other Zoroastrian (fire-worshiping) emblems. Length, 6 feet; width, 4 fe'et 7 inches. .zk . fisvz... a .lhl- \\h. .\.__.~...<1I?.\\\ .\,~.~.~;~%~.§ . ILJQI» .1 ..1...w~..i.“.~...w1~\§\¢ln.; .! ..l.1r.~ .5. he r...‘- fifluof... O n... an... .. V . . . . u r, .... vivid-1".» IN.» 21 .60 in)‘. . 1....‘- .%MMM¢£.. w R5... #. .. - - - P. a f...- r. i? 1.9.... . £21 p 7%... . .. . 1a.»... _...._........ . .0... .......13.....,. . v "Mr. . ..~ .. . . ..i.-.“..l .Qwwlmrfiklwiwugthkxfiukfipifiionn .1? iak‘l-l .. Lid-I2 ...1.. \ fin. ‘gs . . a. a. ,. an .. _ I‘Wh-N! .. i.‘ .n \\_ll\-.~%5.w .. ~.-\\.§6.~“~§§.H~\\uti.‘\k-i‘Mlt‘ufihfm-Qa’fi \hlhhilhkfl. ’ r. .. 3.1%‘. .¢\.-.-......._...n.. .a .. 3.. i1. .vrfdaw. ..... .. . .- mun/$1., - .....n 13.11:“... M531;- -. ‘we... ‘earl-3%... m .. a... 3b.. 5:.‘ -€§~h~¢~|i§-~§s ...nwfiSQEN~I§HWHJ§WMWs .2755? a... .35 §~ . v: f...%.v....a» w v .\ .~ v . . ..~ . c . .. .. ...~ . . ii‘JJ‘w .4 ‘5.651! . . .. . .... J i .v . . u . 4 Q: r . v . I. if. I. . . . .. ... ; _. . . .. .. . .0 I I . . ‘I | . y n 0\ ‘h. .7 . . ' 4 _ ,- HQJ .. I In 7 i I - > a. 0..“ - t 4 4 . I ... . , i. . 7.. .. l. 2.. _ .. . ..~ . . ._ .. v. .7 I‘ . . . 4 Q ‘n q .. . a s1‘ . U. .. my}. 13.‘! . .. .. .. ...\...h1/............ n. . ~\' ‘:11 :0?" I . U. 7 ‘i '51-‘ Srfi‘i' _V_‘' V 3 .. ‘\ I GMT. 11 . n l- . I! . i . YA. ~_ J. 4. \ 1 3111. c‘ . V ._ . . .. k‘- ..VQQ 0.. K£¥x~n§fi§f .. .... .-...... .. . ... a 01-1‘. "5.4-" "' .. ‘ '4. .~:'0.':.. ?;.‘...';':.112 I ~§-§~NR I.N\J.u 0 cEvExTEENTH CENTURY ASIA Mmon PRAYER Rrc ' s _ _ ' I w v) I \nwunnnnm .1 .s -. >.' . s: < ~ '- _ L?“ l n v 1' Euuuuannnh )nnnu nu: .; 0 ~ ' -,-_ <,-. __ '- ~ V g.“ Q03, ,%~._ *4 g‘. - l v ' ‘ 1 l a‘) '1“? '200\ ' l a“: ' ‘if on “ ‘loo 1 ' _ . - to. l‘. \I ‘ 9 099a ;1.. " r r .._ ~‘.' : ‘tree A V . v " \ . - ~ In. . a... . i» men-""3"" . s 1 ~-.~ ." - ‘ ‘a 11%“: " . i - . lSQhSMALL Asia MINOR RUG Ghiordez weave. Early seventeenth century. The panel, with pearl-gray ground relieved by flecking, sustains a hexagonal center medallion and corner motifs which uni- formly display pale red floral and serrated leaf forms involving the pearl-gray tones carried from the field on black ground. Framed by triple bordering; the main border presenting a chevron form with reciprocal pearl- gray and dark blue ground colors, involving floral devices and flecking. The inner and outer guard bands display delicate green anguilliform meanders interwoven with a salmon-pink floriation. Length, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet. _ A ‘r w 4;’. 4.?r4’7'. "1711‘ '~-' .,~ ' .-'__;v ___ W__ _ I . H ~ H V -_ V . > M ‘M_ n >'(_ _ PM‘, I V ‘ ’ ~ ‘I I ‘ w . V 7' 9v - V~ It.“ u ,.“\\‘ k ' ‘n v v . ' , .. ~,.,...... 1. v‘) \ ‘v ' ‘ u’ 3-? 0 f; 0 37;; A! 7 . p ~ . v ‘ .1 . ‘0 ..n I '7 4 a u I-y: ". ‘I’. ' ' I. . ' 0 n o \a ‘I \ -; : . , .,_ ‘- ‘r T ' b i ‘I- ' , V 5 ~ v , . '1 (an. _. 14-: - Q ‘ 0. .. , - - ‘.Qv‘q'fl? 4'‘ r 1‘ .‘hyrm'h 9 1:‘ 2-.3'9.‘ ' N0. 258. EIGHTEEXTH CENTURY SINEH KL'RDISTAN RUG 190—ANTIQUE AsIA MINOR PRAYER RUG Ladik weave of the seventeenth century. The prayer field, presenting a solid ruby body color, is relieved on three sides by a bordering of pistil~like filaments that are woven in light contrasting colors, while the serrated V g mihrab spandrel in blue is defined by varied stripes; in- fi/d, ' terior displaying amber—yellow gulap ewers (uhrbruhs), together with small geometrical devices. The upper panel, with ruby-red background, sustains lambrequin $577K bordering, together with Ladik lily stems that show folia- % tions in white and blue. Main border, with golden—yellow %/j?' 0 body color, involves recurrent cartouche and lily forms, divided by small bars; flanked by inner brown band, and an outer band, in pale salmon—pink, that uniformly bear scrolling vines and flowering details. Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 1 inch. (Illustrated) 191—ANTIQUE CAUcAsIAN RUG Daghistan weave. The field, with lustrous colors, pre— sents a ruby—red background relieved by three large oc— tagonal medallions which show central panels with varied ground colors and conventional floral details in dark blue, red, sapphire-blue and white tones. The main red field is , , filled with small blossom-shaped plaquettes and rosette X /‘>4 4' forms, woven in like colors matching the medallion. The main border, with white ground, sustains dark blue and red cartouche motifs, in light colors, while the narrow flanking bands display serpentine scrolls in blue, white and rose tones, together with varied guard stripes. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches. (Illustrated) ‘ i A . ..\l. . '- ‘in-‘ftp.’ '.."“CIOQ'Q'Q "b. ‘ . v- 0‘ “fit. M . ."'i0'¢00|.. 1. ” d “ 7.. .‘ '‘P'H‘rw 5 _‘» (‘I ‘V, r’) ‘ . a§'i‘ . ‘i o I “l ‘r‘ ‘03- no. ‘.'.'’\i * O i-q 74A?‘ 7*‘ 341' ," ZLLL-L15‘5‘u’ . h "qu— ‘v r ‘Te-‘j; ‘ ’ a" . ~ ‘. 7‘ 1+ 7‘ i’qJ if * IIIIILL'.‘ *0 "_ 4 4t . ‘2" 1'. ‘ Hli‘ . P.‘- ; ' 2 I ,|.‘,.~J',"' l‘) a ‘ '§+*~+H4v‘vr7f"f’ . “k-Llyim ‘111",’ i "H a ‘I 4- 304‘ 1:1. “.1. I‘ -w - a :5 1 -* i, i . fwab 7;: Alia-Ll.“ “11:2? " ._ .- .7 " ' . nib-"5!- ’--1'":..";‘:.1>;§I<' " " _ ' ' ‘t - 1 ' _ - . * fi*“f"“f.*_. ' Fr‘ '1 '_ ‘ ‘L - O I ._¢; - 3:1‘. ‘I 1.3:.‘ 1' ‘ ‘.5 - 0,.’ v F i 1 1L1’ 4 4 - '-1 7%“ {Iii-11"‘- ' L -.-. ‘noun’... 10-"."vhq. ‘fa-'1; ‘A _‘ o'- v I '_ t .v . J , p‘ , I‘L‘p‘tf ifLfi-fli'I-fifi ‘ -. ‘KI-1- fifflii; - -‘ .'-H+-+',++H4’ '- H. " H++ ‘ w; _ :: 1 ‘ ‘a .' O J$?&}L_1- q}: .. ~ '0.‘ . . e '1. a 0 o ‘ u-o - he?’ l‘whw “#43; “m I“ m}, .4. ... "l v ' * ' ' .".~!'.O ' g n I f 0 * 2‘ ‘1x4. 'u-i-LI‘L'Lm‘I; ‘1.1- a, t it. “a. . L1, rpm?!“ "built" #' u:v~.1.. m.’ 41;. ‘ .1. fiJ'tfl» m._ 4’ v . L L E ' L J: v ‘a ' 24%5 < V '4 . . A 1' (‘I-n, . O I‘. I.‘ O f‘J‘L 1-. .. ‘I .- 0' ' "9|oi‘¢..,.. ~7 in? ‘Ht-n.3- 91153-1." w" '. ra- .1. '1. 3-1.1 '-1~.—p r¢é'*"+‘i>*+Hi-H* ‘ ‘n25’ ‘M15, L Q .47 "Th? i-QHJr H4 ~;ilnquoo.o¢0-.r~oo..,".. W . L1.“ Ji}.._,s‘u .>~.‘<" ‘ - ‘l -_ v _ ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN TAPESTRY PANEL IQQ—AXTIQIIE (‘AUcAsIAx RUG Baku weave. Early eighteenth century, with fine pile. The field, presenting three serrated medallions, with soft black body color, involves geometrical rosette and palm- leaf devices, in soft pearl-gray and ivory-white, together with a modicum of turquoise—blue and red. The remain- iy/fl [7 ing field sustains a soft réséda—colored ground, showing ' ' scattered floral forms woven in soft tones and in harmony with the medallions. Framed by three narrow borders, the outer with a réséda ground showing delicate floral scrolls. The middle band displays oblique bars, while the interior band sustains a reciprocal serrated pattern in brown and réséda green to match the field. ‘ Length, 9 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet 1 inch. 193—AXTIQL'E PERSIAN RUG (RUNNER) M weave of the seventeenth century. The field, 4L7 with blue-black background sustaining four lozenge} shaped medallions, includes small pendants and two end pieces in like forms, which uniformly display floral d'e— . vices on the pale mauve ground, while the remaining field /<>2 d’ displays conventional and scattering floral devices with X connecting vines, woven in varied lustrous colors that are distinctive of its provenance. The main border, with crimson—red ground, shows a flowered diaper pat— tern involving small cartouches, while the inner and outer guard bands, defined by varied stripes, sustain white grounds, with colored floriations and black scrolls. Length, 11 feet 10 inches,‘ width, 3 feet 4 inches. 1941—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN TAPEsTRY PANEL Kabistan—Kilim. ‘Voven in flat tapestry stitch. The field, presenting a series of twenty square panels that uniformly display large geometrical devices in form of the reversed letter “S,” is surrounded by small serrated X0. 195. LARGE ASIA MINOR KILIM CARPET . '3 an‘: .nlPMJLs-mflufv; . d» '5. he ‘ ' . r a " I Ah?- I .' A, e».. ,x. _ No. 284. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CHINESE RUG ‘l G .. . . . I...’ ll .1"). a Adai.‘ .0’- .i.’.... .4‘. .2. . . . . . .. . .. ‘we. .. ..........S. a e... ....1.~..4..J, . Qua .Bvmaww . .‘v . . i . . . -07 , _ ~ "1.‘ I. ‘l. "l , - . .f‘hr \tv. | 1 s. w .l' .4 a m” x. \....A . 1 . . . . . .. U . .1 . , v . ‘. 4 \ Q :l r l . t . i. I.‘ . . . . ill’! . . . .H. . v . .J... .1. .. .... . .. .. 2:...“ ,. . . ,. . . . . ‘O ,1...’ .. -r .. . Q . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . ., . v; - . .. Gan. - w. . . f . . . .. . 1.4. .3 ‘9% . . .. . . . ..~ .. . . . . .. o. . . z v... x, ‘OHM if’ A .|.I l . .. . 1 v. .7. s . . . .a ._. n .u. . . o to \. .. . ll <41 . .- .H _ . .22.»... . .— . . .. . .. . .. . t ‘c . . . 3. w . \ . . ' , - a i‘ .F-oh s, . . ..- . Q . '1 If‘. . . . . . . e . ‘v ‘v Q .__\o \ T . s . ..- .04. . .> . .v - v 4 on - ' . '- .... .. J ‘l . 4 w‘ .a- “ .1; v . ‘HT, . .n v . p. . I. . t . - .. . . . . .. .l .. our‘ _i. 2 . .ll . n '\ . min - . . v. . u . . . .. . 19 4 . . v .. - I 1 . v‘ . J . 7 mil...“ fix 2 Q. . . . .. ..1__ . . . . . .I. . ¢ I... ( 1 \ .f . .l .. -. . .4 .l I . . 2 .. u \ . . . .. J .. i. _ . . . p , .. .. a . _. . .. .. . _. . . ; \ I 1 l v. r < . I r s . é... .. as- .. . .. .. . ..~ . . m . .. I 4. t I .. .. a. ..- .. . . ,- _ .1 1 . ... w... .aiarv . . . _ h ..., . . 1. . . . ,. I .. . . .,,.....w.w else? (2.. \v u . .. » .. .... . ... . .. .. . . . . I M, ovdva. *V.T .2. .. (u $ .1 f‘ . . .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. . .c .. .. . .. N11. . . _. i. . . , . . e. )1. f . . .. . . ‘. .. j» .3. .vw $5 .vwn. . . r. t. . . _ e .. k . is. ... . f _ . .. . .. . .. 6 ,...U.......§ ; .. . .. . . f. .. ......~ . . .. .. .. . .... . .. .. . \ . _ .... ..... _... .4 . . .. _.. . .. .. ... .77. . .. .. . .1... . .. . . . . . . w. . . . .. ‘gaff-.91..‘ r.w§. a . . .t. . ~ . . .. 4? J l u... ...~ , . . . . .. _... . s. . . . _.. . . \. . . . 1.‘? AMI?‘ r. . . . _... . , . . z . .. o . _ _ _‘ I i > w.“ .. ‘was. .- . i l .. .. . .... . . : . .v r. . . . .1 .. 1. \ a . . _ . - . _ . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . n .. . 1 \ _ ..m. .1 . . .Q . . .. ..~ . - u u ~ ~ . .. . a . 4. s .. . . - . .. . . . . . .. . \ . . . . . . .0‘ .v . . a n . .- . n.‘ . . .. s - .- . . i .. b l‘? . . . . - v \ .. .- . ‘ l + . .. . A.- I o . 1 H. n c’ Q i. v .1. . . - .- . ‘o . . i a . Q’ \.. . I _ a. . pl . . . ~ . . . .. . .. . l . C u, I . . s . .. . . . . an . . . . \ ii .II . _ t a. . o .. . t v. u . n ..1 . f. a . . ..~ . . . 4 u . 4 a . o .n .. ‘ - . . Q - l v . I . . ‘If .. .J. . . . . 1 c . . . f. . . .... . .. . l . . .. ,. . . . .. . .. > ..1vi \ 1 . . . .s . _ .l . . < . . . . _.. .\¢ . o . v . - u 0 . b. . I.‘ P ‘ $- ‘ (to . '°. .01. t. 3.. . .74.. o .. .. >.- . . . .0” o_ . . 0 .- . _. ...‘ e“ D .0 . .. a, ....N I h - ‘Id 0 D.- a‘ .. .. .. . . _.. . .. , - . p ._ . . a 4-... ..~ . a -. . _ . . . . q i. _ , . .5 a. ... . \ . , . . . . . . . . .. .. *. . a‘ . .3... . Ml . . . ...;.. .1... .. . . . .. . . .. -. . ... 1H . .. . . . . - \. . . . . . “Io-AW H »; . I." . - . .: . i: h.- - 7...,“ , a. . a 3M4» I ‘ I’ ‘b .I. s. . \‘r 2- -. - . .- . . Juli". -. .0.’ W .qzuLihkaramfféu . . .. . .t v .‘ I. No. 196. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PERSIAN RUG bordering and other details woven in blue, white and red tones. The outer bordering consists of a serrated meander woven in reciprocal colors in harmony with the panel. Length, 9 feet 7 inches; width, 6 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated ) 195—LARGE ASIA MINOR KILIM CARPET Cardova flat tapestry stitch. The field, with deep rose body color, presents an interior hexagonal medallion form, outlined in golden-yellow and enclosing tree of life em- blem, woven in varied colors that are distinctive of the Anatolian dyes. The same tree—motif is carried through the field, including a black diamond—formed stripe. The varied colors include characteristic tones of '1?’ yellow, green, mauve and white. An inner border, with X”. blended dark and light green tones, involves a series of reciprocal lancet forms woven in polychrome colors and in harmony with the field. The main border, with deep rose-colored ground, matches the field and is relieved by serpentine and leaf forms which overlap on a band of dark green. Length, 192 feet 9 inches,‘ width, 11 feet ‘4 inches. (I llnstra ted ) 196—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG Kurdistan weave of the eighteenth century. The field, sustaining a pale amber—colored ground, is relieved by an all-over pattern composed in rows, with floral ‘plant de— si ns. The remainin field includes a serrated medallion F arigd corner motifs, which uniformly display floral motifs r woven in varied soft colors on maroon ground. Framed by triple bordering; the main border with deep blue ground, sustaining a characteristic anguilliform pattern, interwoven with conventional floral cartouches and ser- ~ ~ , ‘ a nhiatflfiiwI.»..;.,.-w.?.;..if?‘ in.‘ 9 .. . :1 ‘ . w . n: 1 . warp > . .. a. . . u . 2..“ ‘ a . . H... _V ....._.. .. n .4 a .. . ., n. ‘M21... .. . . .4“ .\ .. ‘ n1‘. . tr . a...“ Mum kw yfimwwmfl. m 5.12.; a... .,n x “a .2! w? Q. .fnfid Jab SuwwFgziu- ‘. . .. u . l .. w . _ V 1 ‘ in ; Vé‘ .J '0 .._.... :10 ,- Q ”.u a - \ . L i ‘ . a V . . P .1 l ‘ D . * . .1 ‘ - .n . . v ._ T: . . ‘ 1 . . WM? wtw bk‘!- v... A . a 0 I y 1 k I J V w ... “ ‘ Q . . , ‘ I, > .. . . : 4 . v w’ r“ ‘1 ‘ . . .» " A u L‘ . A? n a?’ ‘s L in. .. f... h a... “my. . ‘ 5.; o .M . . Q1» . a “FM-00.‘ 0¢Q¢0~l1¢0¢ _ u ‘ \ . Ewwrmwpm V - v .. 3 L‘. . ~ I‘ . . 0 v. . a‘ 7 1 w. > - l- Js'ni‘ll. k .r v ..r r‘" _r 1: *5’, ~ .j-{af‘h‘v'I xii; . - r». -- ‘ "U ' Pg'fi'! ‘ (‘"1 ‘w.’ - "g, ‘ It‘ .0 . "v r ."._. ,2‘ _;\.'4 .“\l~ "5 - o * .AAII T 0 q . , V .. . . . . tn V .. ;. k , .. ‘. . Q 1 ...‘.a Q n f‘ .0; . .u q. ‘ It 1?. o. :91??? fin; vbuvi; .21, .9 w..n..>. . a. 1.? .n. \ Oq-uuJuhi . ‘. .Jw-v a. J . . v {#1. ‘ . . ,. . . a .w .. r , .- ‘. ‘. . \L ‘. 4 ' ( . . _ i _. ‘. , .. a‘. - . . . . < V. I. v‘. v .u 1 i .I < \ 1 : . V . .. .. ‘ T I‘ c ..\ .4. a» . Mksfifi-.. a .\|\ n .. (I .. .- . J v; u. ...p < 21. o .5. z. .. , ~ . r u . 1 . s‘. 7.. -. It . . v o q‘. n - v , 11.1.2....3.1112113. a: ‘iuiklfai . vaefihetwipi i... rfivflkg N0. 197. EIGHTEEXTH C :xTURY TURKOMAN CARPET rated leaves, involving deep golden—yellow, sapphire-blue, moss-green, rose and ivory-white tones. The narrow inner and outer guard bands, with rose-colored ground, sustain delicate floriations in like colors. Length. 10 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet 1 inch. (Illustrated) 197—AN'I‘IQUE TURKOMAN (‘ARPET Afghan weave. Eighteenth century. Arranged in rows on deep Bokhara red field are octagons quartered by alternate sections—Orange, dark green and blue. The , border is composed of series of squares in red and /d. orange, having geometric figures in blue, green and yel- low. Outlining these squares are dark blue and green bands. The rug is framed by a narrow serrated de- sign in dark brown and orange. Length, 11 feet; width, 7 feet 7 inches. (Illustrated) if 198—AsIA MINOR RUG Koula weave of the early eighteenth century. The in— terior panel, with blended mauve and mallow tones, in— volves two floral column devices, together with small pendants that appear under the spandrel motifs at either end. The spandrels, together with small oblong panels . , which appear at the upper and lower end, sustain, reseda lg d, [ ground colors with floral details, in delicate tones of ' amber-yellow, sea—green and ivory-white, together with a modicum of sapphire-blue. Framed by a series of four borders; the main border, with pale turquoise-blue I ' Z7 ground, showing an angular scroll vine motif, together with conventional floriations in delicate contrasting tones of old gold, ivory-white and tan. The inner and outer bands, with an'Iber—yellow body colors, sustain small anguilliform patterns, with black outlining and delicate colors to match the interior of the panel. An intermedi- ate band with brown body color is relieved by conven— tional flowering in alternate tan, yellow and blue tones. Length, 9 feet 9 inches; width, 4 feet 10 inches. lgg—ANTlQUE PERSIAN RUG Joshaghan weave. Late eighteenth century, with fine pile. The field, with deep rose—colored ground, presents a thoroughly Persian and well-balanced all-over pattern involving scrolling stems, conventional stellated flowering and leafy forms. The well—defined colors include lapis and %fl@/* 4 sapphire-blue, sea-green, deep amber-yellow and white ' v tones peculiar to the J oshaghan looms. The main border, with white ground, displays recurrent flower motifs, midst anguilliform scrolling stems, woven in con- trasting colors in harmony with the field. The narrow inner band, with yellow ground, shows delicate red and green vines, while the flanking guard bands display blue— black body colors with red, yellow and sapphire-blue floriations. Length. 12 feet 10 inches; width. 5 feet 10 inches. (Illustrated) QOO—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET Herat weave. Seventeenth century. On the soft Ina- genta field is a center floral medallion and corner pieces in deep Persian blue, ivory, rose, light sapphire—blue and jade green. Covering the remaining field is the Herati ,, pattern in the same colors. The large dark blue border has a conventionalized floral design in ivory, rose and blue. Framing it on either side is a narrow rose band, bearing a floral design in blue and ivory. The inner and outer borders are the reciprocal trefoil in rose and jade green. Length, 18 feet 7 inches; width, 8 feet 9 inches. (Illustrated) . ...J..f.‘. ', O. . . I.. 5 p70.» Q. .. ...:...3....,. Y laid; ,,........fl....... _ . .. Alum‘ .- . .. .. 1V3. v..?...<..:.. .. . , .. . 8? L3 fguakfmflws .....4..¢...wv..§bfimfi_ 1. wt , (L?) .9. IL? 3.... .4...‘ .. g“... .m. . A .Lfinégfiwxn. .» , 9.5%,»- .rafirnww. u... .. ..f..d1..w._ ...H ...._..._ . ...H.. .. ...~ .. r w. . ‘ .... r... wlmv x Q. . . .. . .. . p. . ‘ . ._.._.M/0..., fimwr. .. . I . . . l 4 . . I.” l u H \> 4 _. - Y i v . . I .. .\‘- .u . ..A. A I l_ < . 1. n H‘. .- a. .51 14. . . v > . .1 . 4 ‘I p .. A .1 . n .. ¢ . I. . _$~ .9 .- . (r. . “.4 a . . I .4 . . . . .r . Y. .W . . . 4 . . . . . . . .. .Aa‘v .. r . “90x? g... 1.. tips.) ‘9. *z. .2”. . .i ‘no . . . .m, ‘- .1.‘ . v. 1 , v4. .; HQHI‘AH. \ n .. ¢ .1... ~ fi .- “r t. a 1.)» .. . . . " “1.1.7 0? .GIH-‘Q‘W’JH . . N36,.‘ .‘. 0 1...‘. 46-‘. . . . x n L , ‘ul- .__... . .i. 1... .w .. . f . . \ . a \ 3.1.. \. . ,v. .. . .. < . .. . . .. . y .. . . .,. . 6 4c .3 ~ 6449. . K G ‘I ‘ .. v v .\ . . . . I ‘u _. . I ~ I I. ~ .I ._ ¢. .. . .~ . -._ . . -. ... . . ‘. , . L ._ . 4. (my. 5...» 23.. i. I.) ‘I a. y’. i 1 .. . _ ......&v¢0~§.fi m . .0 I 4- .u.hfkkl ' _ ~ . ...¢ .0. . ‘fi‘ 0 . q v ,.~ . R. a- . . w. . _ .30‘ 1.: it. 1Q.‘ 1 .. 4.1% \..n.\\ I. , u v. ‘ .. .. H . q“ *0‘. p .h. ._ 0.... .. M... LH . K. I . ‘ . ‘I’ V 15‘: - 1% i". ‘ 00 ~’ b blur‘; "PV'H' \ 0 b v 1 "'f .r I "a; ‘f! "I? who’ ‘ ’ .f- a 3Q‘ 1 2*‘ sip-5.. _Oda".’ ‘ W 0' . 1-“. ' ' ‘av—J 'ké“ ‘Q > -1 -.".Q.1f:'% . \ l v i H i . . )Ld:fi_'h “" ‘5 Y ‘ ‘Q .r A 0' l 990 '- . a r l 15....EIM .. . .4. diqfi. Q. ‘ n . \ .. 1 u a ‘ .} I‘ *fil. .. I ‘ .. v- . ‘ L ‘ . . .. . _ . . ‘ . , /.. O \ 7 1.. . ~ . u a. . . 4 M, x 9, .‘ ; v . .. . _. . ,gln_fik..y.I . .' > . > . h 1.. ~ ... .I _ . .v _~ ¢.. .4 V. . I \,¢ r... _. 1. v ‘ Q . .> . 10.1.‘; . ¢ ..... . . .. n . - . .. ‘A! “Q. . A , .w u. . v ._. . . - v . y >.\ d u‘ . a Q’ ‘ _. _ \ . . ‘— , ‘bk \ b“, . I ‘.- ‘ik ‘ 1!‘ .| I n .. .......~ . ... I G. .. , .1 fl? . 0. . 1... . . p .l. . . .Afi ._ film Twfiirflrq \ n. Ki...“ L . MUM wwmwwwww. "an. .. ,. .riu. . E u. , J4... , . ,.. . ‘H! \o ‘J 5%.... H . ' . - f ,1, ‘V, :0 * ' \ q o v as» H. ‘ .M\€o d ‘Q. My‘, ' LATE EIGHTEEN'I‘H CENTURY PERSIAN RUG a» ‘v \_ - ': m Fir-“inn a“ " ;';b¢; 1 $ ‘7 0.‘. gr ..__..‘1§1-94 ‘ , ;:-v-r4~'v-) '~ m.‘ ‘i C- if m ' . ‘ " 13a! f’! .7: . .q .4 P‘! Afiunfiéum‘... . 4..‘ i Q _ » \ . I a n ,_ uyiwiié. .00.‘? .‘II ‘III...’ pg ‘.34. n‘: . \ .. r K o l . V “a w $4.. *3 .4 a 7H a. q . . “.1 .. , 1 I Q +.....‘ \NE; IX'I‘I'YRYi HISPAN()-.\IORESQUE (‘ARM-1'1‘ 289. SIXTEEX'I‘H (‘ N0. O ‘P ‘ 'fl'gi‘ . ' ' - i " - l , .._ . ' i i ' .~ 4.’ ~ . . ~~~~~~~ ‘ A eye/dare we i- .. . . .. - - ~ . ... .1 .,‘..~%x.‘8. .0. 3.1.7". . ' ’ " .. aka-gm" a‘. .. .71“; 4- A‘ - h vs‘ '- :- 1inch? ' . “ * - - ! 021-10... v ‘ D I , ‘v.3'm sofa-l‘ I ' , I -' . TOR’QQQQ'Q‘Q'SJK' .' 7.1 a f F» 00-.‘ p u ‘ v ‘0 ~.J\. \. '- ‘s . I‘ n ,v ‘ ' - , Lb’ _ 1 ‘ “P2 in!‘ .2. j’ _ ‘if. splat-r" "_~ 2.9,’.~._.3‘¢I' I I ; ‘IL. Igyé ‘, q""*a'o'..o‘._.vr I ‘I. . . . ... ,mv ' Y'lbwsqav-o-vuo'éx ‘r - Y Jaws A-I-ll ' Help; mm'o'n‘o’o‘o'flb 1' ' " r . t ' - ' " '- I V 1 . ‘k .gII ,. II "n 5''’? 3,15: . I“ J I ' *1 - '_ II "4" , "14"‘ I I ‘I .i ‘w ~ h.» M if ~ ml was i .i . ' ' i ". g: - ‘ If‘vfipnfl' 4 l ."1'_‘ J1..." “ v ‘v ,, slur: ‘. mz;1.I.-=.t. f-L - 341 ‘91' ‘la-r "a: ' the}? M r 1 I ~ ‘I... ‘I - I at l\'-'.; ; '~ 84-‘ a" j , ' d 1. 45A ., ‘ I (is. :q. . ‘QI ’ )II I, ‘. x a‘ .y ‘it. . , a as; mgr was ,. ‘MI L N ..‘i '. A i’ . . O.\I ..i‘...~'& ' ":zi’. ‘ I 3-_- ‘I l‘ . 1* (‘vita-3!! .s I. - rear. - l_ :- . ‘In’. \“If. 9" ‘5- ei$w~34~p1+>11~ --.7\~.1“~4 EL’?! ,- but’: " - a ' I ‘ Ale‘. J.‘ ' . “'r i ,. 0.v’l-~-i i"~¢.~_ o v ‘0 i r.‘ i ".Iv .'Pr~“",'.'\‘ 8‘.'tf'.“,¢, . ' j; v-iquq-ggiqv 5-“; 1.5:}. g- - \ 1 . A} ; use he; NE’EYE!!! . a‘ ‘ ~ W?’ I I .‘I§_f" - ._. II , I I I I . II I I . I . A -I‘I,A-__~_ ,.‘> I II Misfit "vs-131*’ ‘sew-3.9m- - . ‘I. I _I_ 4 he‘, 7»-?.'~"mn=r1. . rg-t -_ A a no {A I A v . '.:'10.Iq9‘ "I ‘ riq-Iv'g'rt‘a-‘gt-i» , e‘ ' tare-wane ell-1%???‘ ‘ 7 . :I ‘_ r 3 i 4 f ‘ *¢~v. I .‘ I ~' - s" ‘. ‘ I; :‘ I ' -‘ "I .3,‘ ‘in’ . I a ‘J _. tat-4.- -14 a- (‘0' . 4 av ‘03,133,- 0; _. p ‘I... . ‘9103'; 634:9}. 9,0550’, "'~ I " -".' 1w,‘ 'r-z" {a -j>,i-'fi-i_e;i.-w;~ 4 Djiéxumt Qv-bWKr‘ F5" _ - . I‘. I ‘.Qxlafk‘ofihofl ‘I i1..‘~‘~’6\’ ; _ a “'Ii‘i'tit' . t ‘ ~ . . .. a I .I‘p¢~‘ l ‘ . n I '2.“ ._ e.’ ’ ’s_ i v— ,n “I \i a}: '. .c I ' Hora-9 .1 ~ ago: ugh’ ‘ n...‘ I“o..l.v Q‘. 'f ;.‘\,. _ 2v’ wr». 'P-nv r.‘- . \,.O‘II'.O‘,8‘I’ !l.l!.0.1).l.v'o’v...v, u... . 1’" "7"".21". "rm; * <.IiI|III.‘I._7l {has v a’ w, 3“ _ é, . v _ __ _, ‘ nfifififgt . s . . "x i'- a , ‘419;? 1'- . - .~ . , - .. . . - .'... ‘a; em'~‘Z/..2M , 9' n.4,: II o y .. u..g\,t~ $91."; '94,,’ 'qqanfsr "'1?9Qz"'9'o'é2o959P-Ve'o9t‘afi . '. I Q a " . ' ' I I O i - I. I . . . . ,JIu-L. ' ..I".IIJ"O‘OIOi’£O;xOQOJI a o a ._-."I.I;.'1 I‘. 3 .‘_ O O Q . , . '.9 r 3-,. t. p ' ~v- - I, v 0-" ~11"! 5' 1‘4- : P’! '» .1 u .- .r I- s. I ow~t§4n1pg0¢ivfJV~lh 31'1" ,fla.¢.oru k (‘I '0 oz.’ 5 0'.’ 1-.-1‘1 IQIQ' ,qlyfvluf I I ..;- 2...). !‘~‘.II4"’.~. ‘I. i.o(". .. ,. I.. .. ,.I,_,. ,,'.. ., I.‘ .‘l‘.. s’ A’. o'n_ira‘v'eno.vfl.6 II‘. b .6 o ‘rake. . “,, , oII pf» I l - q¢xn(,qfla,lnqgpif. ‘\IQS'QIIOILQD V"- IOWA“: ’ mfi:@f~-‘:l.l1 .4 a‘ ‘m J! ""1101'00 ,— No. 200. SEvENTEEN'rH CENTURY PERSIAN CARPET 201—R0YAL PERSIAN CARPET 202— Teheran weave. Fine lustrous pile and rich coloring. The field, presenting a deep ruby-red ground, is relieved by a series of seven medallions woven in alternating shimmering green and maroon tones together with sym— bolical floral devices which show contrasting and rich colors. The intermediate spaces on the red field display blue and yellow walking lions, birds-of-Paradise, small leopards and other grotesque animals, interspersed among which appear stellated forms and varied emblems. The panel is further distinguished by the introduction of the Persian lion, bearing scales of law, and the rooster em- blem, indicating good luck and to avert the evil eye. The remaining field involves stellated forms and corner motifs which connect with leaf-formed inner bordering. Framed by a series of five bands woven in kindred colors: the middle, with deep ruby-red ground, displays fruit and leaf forms, together with small stems, while the flanking guard bands show varied floral and serpentine scroll devices dominated by deep blue border motifs. Length. 19 feet 9 inches; width, 7 feet 9 inches. PERSIAN TRICLINIUM STATE CARPET Kurdistan weave. Extra heavy and close pile, with lustrous colors. The upper panel (sarandez), or head— piece, displays a rose—colored body color relieved by a dark blue serrated medallion with flanking light blue _ pendants and serrated light blue corner motifs, which uniformly involve floral details, in distinctive colors and harmonious tones of the Kurdistan looms. The central panel, with natural camel’s—hair tone, displays symmet— rically posed cartouche and floral designs, woven in th varied colors of the headpiece, while the flanking si panels, with deep blue ground, sustains all—over patterns which involve conventional herati designs. Intermediate light blue border stripes, with floral details, separate $1?! 4 6. g% {102% dig/(m. we, the several lower panels; the whole is in form of separate panels uniformly bordered, including a rose— colored band with palmette and scroll design, involving leaves and blossoms in varied colors, while the flanking inner and outer guard bands show soft écru tones with blue and rose—colored floral scrolls. Lenglh. 17 feet 8 inches; width, 11 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) 203 AXTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET Herat weave of the eighteenth century. Presenting a dark blue body color, relieved by an impressive all-over herati pattern that is interrupted by a turquoise-blue and rose—colered center medallion, and flanked by varied red and blue pendants, with characteristic floral motifs. The remaining blue field, displaying conventional flowers and herati leaf details, is symmetrically posed midst _ small geometrical devices, woven in varied tones of rose, )% (/7 , C ruby—red, sapphire-blue and yellow. Framed by numer— / ' ' ous borders, including a wide inner band, with a sap— phire-blue ground, involving palm leaf motifs, in colors carried over from the field, while the second wide border sustains palmette cartouches and floral scrolls in like colors on dark blue ground. The remaining borders, in narrow form, show varied ground colors and floriations in harmony with the field. Leugfh. 24 feel‘: we'd/h, 10 feet. QOl—LARGE PERSIAN CARPET Soutch-Koula weave. \Vith thick. pile. The field, with blended Persian red body color, sustains a series of lotus panels, together with flanking rosettes in conventional ; _ form woven in varied colors, including turquoise—blue, X74 U’ . yellow, emerald-green, sapphire-blue and pearl-White. The panel is completed by dark blue spandrel corner motifs which bear flowered palmette and leafy scrolls woven in contrasting colors and in harmony with the inner panels. Framed by numerous borders; the widest showing a pearl—white ground filled with flowering stems woven in conventional form and the varied colors car— ried over from the interior. Flanked by varying guard bands that display yellow, maroon, and sapphire—blue ground colors, together with varying details. Length, 20 feet 4 inches; width, 12 feet. (Illustrated) 205—AXTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET Mir-Sereband weave. Eighteenth century. ()11 the blended rose field are alternating rows of palm leaves in black, sapphire-blue and jade green. The center border is rose-red, bearing a flower and leaf meander in 2' green, ivory, sapphire—blue and black. Framing it on ' . either side are the typical ivory Mir border bands, carry- ' ing meanders in rose, black and leaf green. Separating the borders are narrow rose, blue and black stripes. Outlining the entire rug is the reciprocal trefoil in sap- phire-blue and blue-black. Length, 15 feet 7 inches,‘ width, 6 feet 10 inches. 206———ANTIQUE PERSIAN TRIcLIxIUu CARPET Feraghan weave. Late eighteenth century; fine pile and rich coloring. The upper panel (sarandaz), or head- piece, presents the palm—leaf pattern in conventional form, closely woven in light colors, on dark blue back- ground, surrounded by a series of borders; the middle band shows a sea—green ground with palmette and flower— % 6, ing twigs, while the varied flanking bands are Woven in contrasting red and body colors, together with floral details. The central panel, with dark blue background, is relieved by an all-over heratz' design, involving well— defined yellow, red, sapphire—blue and white flowers, ser- rated leaves and delicate tracery. The two side stripes, in form of narrow panels, are framed by narrow bands 4"‘. which display palm motifs, in varied colors on dark blue ground, to match the headpiece, completing the repre- sentation of four distinct rugs. The outer guard band, like the inner, displays reciprocal yellow and blue lanceo— lation. Length, 18 feet; width, 8 feet 9 inches. (Illustrated) QOV—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET Joshaghan weave. Seventeenth century. The soft rose- red field, like a garden, contains conventionalized sun— flowers, lilies and weeping—willow trees, which form an all-over design. The large dark blue border has a geo- metrical design in rose, ivory, sapphire—blue, soft yellow 6”! Ca, and green. These colors are used in the design through- out the rug. On either side of the border are rose bands in white and floral meander. Separating the border and field are bands of golden-yellow having small designs in rose and black. Length, 18 feet 2 inches; width, 7 feet 2 inches. (Illustrated) 208—LARGE RHODIAN MosQUE CARPET Seventeenth century. The panel, presenting a soft old Turkish—red body color, is uniformly covered with Sara— cenic scroll pattern woven in blue and forming a sub— background for the large central medallion, pendants and corner motifs, which separately display deep blue J J a’ and moss—green ground colors, together witharabesque 7 ' forms 1n light blue, sea—green and coral—pink tones. Framed by a wide blue border, which sustains flowered cartouche and leafage, closely woven in the varied colors, carried over from the field; flanking guard bands display flowered details with turquoise-blue and Turko- man-rcd toned backgrounds. Length, Q3 feet 8 inches: width, 13 feet 6 inches, .00... .t to.‘ ‘0.4. ‘I I 'm'u” M~~-fl ' Au,._ 5* _ 'flp‘3n ,\f¢_v’\"' ‘ _ 1-~ 5.‘ be’ h V H ‘ _ . WM .. m a .- .-"1'w»~r.~~w-"' ' " so“! ~ we ~a..-~.~--&wi-&@WM.1215m4; mama . v’ ‘ )‘>,l;k ‘ 'g' -~ ..Q-’...r‘.\. .;Q5L*£‘.. .pw.,,,.\. .p.._: . - i " .'.’l".£....-..’~;l‘-u .“.:.... . . ._'l- _ ! o 0 > 0.0).’ in» ‘ - .: ,"o: ‘l‘ Q'ln : Dag-‘_.. o.¢;.i:a.~- . m_-.“-_,J~;’:-)_.é-. v;,.a"-r._ .2‘ . _.~ , V. a. "_.I‘f‘gagfs-yiag' ht“ 4 .-._'. _ JQL . v ,- ,.,‘........- .. V.-.._ .' _.__ _ .... *7 6 - " " ‘ 7 ‘~ ~ 4" _ 'm‘ i V , -.. ' " ‘i ' ‘vi 7 "3 _I'Ju \ - - 5%.. f ..... .."\-.'T Psi-‘35 " .0 i ‘7% -. ' ' . ‘v.7- " ' ex... 1: (I u 0‘ " . ‘ - - ‘, q . _ _ _...q 2 J. . .”.‘_. r ‘ i .. v - .. a a , . a. 1 I ~ . '. .- l ’ . l . - ‘ mans-5.. >.~»->.-J‘-5. 4 -:.- - 1 =2- \ . no: 3 -.- 0ab..¢ ’ ,L - ) C- 'J ‘( w¢vfy'\y‘"‘qfif\f\f‘w"\' \ flN/\':y$-'.W1"\I I; _ I‘, _ I ' I p ‘ _ '' °"’.¢ '\"-- m‘J' ‘ “baa. l‘; V, ‘_g. I‘ -t\;'J‘;1>.<., _1.> _\ l¢_ ' ' v‘ I I."-' -I\V—_‘{"~ ‘, yw¢; v", ‘. “ . 7. LP’. _ r 'i A a’;- all '4'?" i l . , v 0.‘: n - Iv.’ ‘v; 3*‘ ' '0'.‘ . ‘LL ‘~ ‘ '~" ‘Y's y. , ‘ 'w ‘‘ ~\. . . 1 m2‘ 1: *4 ‘ ‘Q.’ "OO'IQ , . . 0% Q.“ 0’ 9 a . ‘s. . g“ 9*’ . _ o . a-a - A ..- .-2 ...~ .. ‘"‘0 n> 0 ¢ _ ‘ H V ~ \ ' 0b ' ' ' ' 4* firew- *- \ er ( " 7"“ """‘ ““¢Y'*J v'.‘ ~ It; .z. ‘a ' - .i 4L1. )Abkxxd'p A -_,‘r,t‘ .-. -‘- - “ta-1)‘ ' '1. )3‘ -‘\ ~4-\‘/" 1 .~.. . a _ . * U “x . .. - ‘ . a , ' ' .- fi . "_v. 'r. v r 1- ‘a v w ‘ ‘an:~ '_‘:_‘|'_~ @736‘ “A...” . “A Q s at _. ‘ ' ‘K _;\Vyn 4’ .fl\ , l v.- Q n , , . ' L ‘ § \ . ' v v y . k ’ - ‘ _> I ‘ ' . »_ ' ' ’ I 1‘ ‘ ‘~ ' ’ ', . ‘A. _ ‘ ' ‘ b .—" V . ~- . (‘s- "In , .- V - -|~.-| ' o n o 7 I ‘1. .,4¢‘* 7'“ .V I : U " ; ...‘ ‘g.’ - "v 1 ‘ . . y 4 " -''.‘A‘ "h ‘ ' , '> _ ‘ _ '. . . ‘v _ ‘ 10$‘ . I, g . I \ _.-'r \r' '. 3 - ' . . - . ' “ “' . i"“~-'- - -.'.-:.... . - 'P ‘"3 “4 l 00;.‘ 7.0-... 00. ‘01.01.41. "'. -‘ '.. . ' ‘- --. 1 __ , - - . > ‘ 'I'I" ‘wfxl .'v‘&_~( ' ‘0" w .. ... ...A".I..." '. .. . . -. . . . 1;.w. . ,x': ~~ I ;.-_/ ‘"3"’ 'w'“ I’ ’ l "' 'i ‘ , ' . #313‘? ‘IQ‘Z'JfimwQ ~.l'.':£_;b.’ ' ‘*"l'fi‘g - ' "i - .. . . ' ' ‘ * 5 . ' ' ' ‘J a .__ - ~' ‘ _ ' . 9. ‘t'._ g ‘ Ll’ld 1. ._".F~'H£-- ~s;*-'4‘J' ‘ A ’ , a“ ’ i 'l“ ' ' ‘ . - Q _ ~ ‘ ._ _ -. . r V V. . ‘ -‘ " ‘*4’ w :4’ 1'." flan’: x J V’- ‘I 1' t‘ . ‘a I k *1 J“ toy-u‘ No. 206. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PERSIAN TRICLINIUM CARPET -.:‘I ~ ' ’ _59 Zip} ‘1‘“¥_*;_'_ > a. -_ J, y . ' .~&~ ' ' 'Letizia-‘Iii;a‘fifm‘fiawiffimifiJ-M‘"i ‘ '- . C . 7>:'-="~‘~r.__, . a-’ ‘ (- .-‘ .‘y‘g “V ‘L - 3-“, ‘.9 P"'¢"~ ' ‘ . "n . i I‘. F a ., J . i ‘ I i “ I - “in '- -‘a _7 <7 ‘L w. l l ' ._ v1 "*ii7'v’ifiif ’."-..».-v>\\' ~?l‘.-‘~) _'-'_f" -'~ " ' ' _:J ‘ .12 .-l-,'-'\ ‘~ - s 4.}. h‘. I,’ !_"\_{v.\ ;_.3 , . .~ _~ v 0-’ ~— 0F__;u-d~ 7Q. m7 "‘~'' - -a\.:.*o T- ‘_' 7“ "xflg‘ggixxvxifizx Y xrxqw \V, 2! ,Aélcqifejg e to .7‘ v“ s'" i. .. ' ‘a I?‘ ~ @Jb. ‘ lief at!» I-'?“7?»‘-'~ 1:‘: in‘: .. M £11: MA‘, as?‘ '- _ . 3h’, am a 1-,‘? ‘- - r- . 3.‘ 1 7W, - i 4 H - '7 " ‘n " ‘ . - f ;, b ‘ ;. . 1' Q" ‘ah-‘8"’! - ‘ . l. '- ' 7 . a‘; '* §- 1 ~ w: egg ' ' . v‘ 1 ' ~» -~ ‘ Vail-33’ flu at - 1» I Y 5 -i _.__.~-_ _., __7,.. $11.13;? a??? gig‘. 1. w“, H.rf* - O a ; , f; Stamina; {l ' " " ,. w.’ ‘NF’ ~: (r‘.i .- l" n e i -' ~¢ ..__ No. 207. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY PERSIAN CARPET \\ <> w» (11:; H A e THIRD AFTERNOON’S SALE THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1911 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.80 o’cLocK Including Catalogue Nos. 209 to 308 ANTIQUE, PERSIAN AND OTHER ORIENTAL RUGS 209—SHIRAZ PERSIAN PILLow (‘ovRR Shiraz weave. Thin pile, presenting a natural camel’s- hair body color relieved by a floral motif, with bl-anch- fi/ ing Stems and foliations woven in well-defined colors of ~ the Shiraz loom: including ruby—red, golden-yellow and varied shades of green with a modicum of white. Length, 2 feet 4 inches; width, 1 foot 11 inches. QIO—BOKHARA-CHARPI STRIP Displaving a rich Turkoman—red bodv color with panel d . ° . . . ° . . Icz des1gns involving dark blue and white geometrical designs and bordering of rare quality. Length, 5 feet; width, 1 foot 9 inches. Ell—ASIA MIxoR RUG Bergama weave. The field, with Turkoman—red ground, centered by a medallion and geometrical details, woven 3f ’ in varied colors. The upper and lower end of field displaying serrated lambrequin forms, in pale reseda green, with red filaments. Inner band showing recur— rent blue and red cartouches, on white ground, includ- ing old gold—colored guard stripes, with small red and blue details. Length, 3 feet 6 inches,’ width, 3 feet. QIQ—SQUARE PERSIAN RUG Shiraz weave. Fine thin pile and lustrous colors. The field, with light ruby—red ground presents an all—over pattern composed of palm leaves, with flowering, and _ arranged in conventional form row upon row in the dis— tinctive style of the Shiraz loom. The inner border, >y/OZ (9/,- / with oblique white and deep blue bars, involves delicate fleurettes, while the outer border with dark blue ground shows conventional floral twigs in varied colors that har— monize with the field. Narrow flanking stripes with reciprocal details in several colors complete the square. Length, 3 feet 9 inches,‘ width, 3 feet 7 inches. QlS—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN PRAYER RUG Shirvan weave of the eighteenth century. Prayer field with amber—yellow ground, presenting a trellised all—over pattern, involving small rosette—like flowering, in con- trasting red, green and blue tones. The angular mihrab arch encloses a cartouche with emblems and angular de— % \ ; vices. Inner band displays a lancet design in reciprocal 7 . brown and blue, while the main border, with dark blue ground, sustains recurrent diagonal floral and leaf motif in red, yellow and green tones. The flanking ‘guard bands, with dark blue body colors, show small blossoms and small oblique bars. Length, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 7 inches. ‘-9 V I. n D -,--..> '1 ' -,L,.‘.‘-.-... m .9... r " 0-“ . ' I‘ 02-‘- _ ,1“ i ‘ - 6 / i ‘ i l -\ ' ‘I 1% ‘ ‘I If’; ! .1 a , 4-‘ ‘- ' 5“ - _ .1 . .r' ‘ ~ ‘ n ‘I I " I - - H‘ . 'm‘. } \ _ ‘- ‘.'.,» h . 0‘ ».~ {"7 ‘ ‘A l ‘ r N \ 9 »~ . _ \ ’ ,. _ . _fj’p - A" ’) " ' M “~.‘lt~i inn.‘ ‘ ._ 'Afl'~.o|.;:‘|s‘.§~ _"71‘ I _31 g "' s 7‘ __ h 7-». ' I ‘T -- ‘ 94,331‘; ‘1. \ \ . . v v‘. ‘z : 0 ‘ » “y w‘. v,‘ ‘ ‘__,.“‘- . ‘. 1,1 t , _ a -.‘_» _y "1...“ ~ - A‘ “watt; :~ A - . ' i , I 33.6‘, ' "U . 9. 00“5P‘.07“b I“6..Oi.o.-~0“’0.'u I I J “v ‘i 1 ~ 9. r" 0 (4-. I. Ql‘t—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN PRAYER RUG Kazak weave of the eighteenth century. The prayer field, with ruby-red body color, sustains an oblong white medallion, which involves geometrical details and geo- metrical bordering. The remaining field displays for- mally posed triangular and other devices, woven in har— mony with the pointed mihrab arch. The main border, with dark blue ground, displays recurrent oblong vignette 4 ‘were? '1,‘ {:9 ‘ 'Jesl'i a"... .. .~ ’ u. 1H .t. i .31 it), srAxo-MoREsQUE CARPET QIx'rEnx'rH CENTI'IitY H1 with flowering’ and scrolls, woven in light colors to match the field. reciprocal yellow and red zig—zag meander. “Made in 1221.” Length, 4‘ feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 9 inches. Flanked by inner and outer guard band in Inscription : 215—R0YAL BOKHARA RUG .eea /? Eighteenth century, of extraordinary fine weave, and six hundred knots to the square inch. Presenting a typical Turkoman—red color of deep lustrous tonality, relieved by geometrical bordering, composed row upon row and showing lighter toned reds and ivory—white, together with blue outlining. Intermediate geometrical forms of trac— ery finish the panel, which is framed by characteristic bordering, woven in kindred colors. An extraordinary example of the Bokhara looms, in form of two joined divan pillow covers. Length, 5 feet; width, 3 feet 9 inches. 5216—OL1) CAUCASIAN RUG ,y/eeffl Daghistan weave of the early eighteenth century. The panel, with old gold ground, sustains an interesting all— over design, which involves conventional panel and pen- dant forms together with serrated leafage and emblems, woven in lustrous tones of sapphire and lapis blue, sea- green and deep coral—pink, amber and ruby tones. Framed by a series of four borders; the interior band, with dark blue ground, showing geometrical stellated forms, while the main border, with old-rose ground, sus- tains recurrent geometrical and floral devices in lapis— blue, and ivory-white, amber—yellow, and turquoise—blue. The flanking guard bands, in “herring-bone” pattern‘, show alternating colors similar to the other borders. Length, 4‘ feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches. QTY—SMALL ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG Shiraz weave of the eighteenth century. Fine, lustrous pile. The field, with ruby—red ground, sustains a sym- @ 0 metrically composed all—over pattern, with white diaper— ' ' ' ing involving palm—leaf details woven in alternate blue, yellow, brown and white tones, together with minute {a floriations. Framed by a narrow bordering; middle band a? with dark blue ground showing a unique anguilliform meander composed with small cubes woven in diverse colors to match the palm—leaf forms. Flanked by narrow guard stripes woven in yellow, blue and red. Length, 3 feet 9 inches; width, 92 feet 8 inches. QlS—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG _ Joshaghan weave of the eighteenth century. Dark pea- cock blue body color, with lustrous sheen relieved by deep rose triangular corner and two side motifs, woven together with small stamens, in ivory—white and red tones matching the small blue and white stellated center rosettes. Framed by triple bordering; the inner band, with deep rose colored ground, sustaining an interlaced geometrical meander, involving small lozenge details, while the middle border, with soft white ground, displays conventional red flowering with green stems and foliations. Outer band showing oblique bars woven in alternating yellow, sapphire—blue, ivory-white and varied red tones. Length, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. 219—ANTIQUE ASIA MINOR PRAYER RUG Ghiordez weave. Late sixteenth century. The field, l presenting a soft réséda green body color, is relieved by a central column with angular branching stems, woven in a 077 . J. /[ soft contrasting yellow, ivory-white and blue, togethei with a modicum of ruby—red. The serrated mihrab arch (7 “g . is defined by ivory-white and sapphire—blue outlines, while ' ' W the spandrels present pearl—white body color, sustaining I I ~\ A‘ . \ 1 t. a~ A's ._ .wfl'bui.» _ ‘r '1..../ No. 219. SIXTEENTH CENTURY ASIA l\IINOR PRAYER- RUG a. , v _ , . .0‘ ‘ o v). \ . _, I 0 ‘I v i e . J1 r : I a t \v . . . . .Amltfiflnflt % 1v, .1‘. , a: . 3 w 0 v s i..- \ I u . ll , \ f f \ .~ . o. ,< . I, Q’ 1 - x . v is‘ 0 t ‘n ll‘, .._..; t. ....c.¢r.<..3.. - n. .4 a ,, A , i . 1 a ! . . O 1 1v . J r . .. . i , . .L ".lHAr, .t. . . , .. . . .v.. . .. . . . -. v .. , I ., ., .. - .. .. . .. 4. .. |-.. , . . I . i.'. . . . .1 ,- ~. . . . .. .J. ‘A. . . I . i - . . . . . , - .i . r , a A a . . . , . , . i a , L .. . l-J . . . .. .. . . . . . . e . .1 r a. .. I . . , i r. . . . . . . (In; .. f , .u . , . . O . a I. \ '1 ,. . ... ¢ . . l, , . . . i . . . . . , ‘a I . " .S v . s s v - . . . 14.1w.) . .. .... . , . . .. . 9 V ,‘(.v n\ -\ '- lifvr {I ‘1' a i . ‘I § l .I‘ v . r , . e .1 .l O. U r .12”. .(r. . . . v . ..J.. .4. ,. View. L. _u.V J . In a . w’ ... . ., . , H . f v , J . a .. 0L” . J n I , . .. , . I , O - OPE ‘P0?! r J n . .. . , , , . . .. L. i .1 . .1; I]. i .. ,. Q . .,. N0. 220. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ASIA MINOR PRAYER RUG l . ~ . . I. I1. . . . ....~ . . .. i e. I r twv . s .. . .o . I- I . 4 V ‘v . l - . n . .. o . . . 1.. . . i. .. o . . . v I . . v ‘:0 - .. . .. 0 I. i .. . k . . \R . 1 . v . 1 i. .f. \ , .. . . I | . I v u a . . ~ . . ‘ . . Q i I ..\~|. ... i . u I. a . . . . s n . 4 . .Q .. . . . I . .. .7 r" v i 1. s .i . I _ o . I . .0 i . ' . .. . . . v. A A , _ .. - ._ s . .. I‘. . _ mi‘. . .. - . . .. . .\ .- r . . . u .a v .. .eo. . 0 .. in . . J 1 .. . . .. 1.... .. ..~ . L... .. ~ . . . . .. .. . . . , v . a s . .v. .\ l u... H. .. v - < b A . o. I < I . e .0 Z - .. . - . .21“; :4: flees- can- , r..W.. -wfibn_i..,wmw a: c... a , 1 in‘ I . - . ._ _ M. Q ,- . _. . . .v .1 u. . . ‘ . . .f . n .a . . a o .. I I < - - ~ I . i - I s c v . . H . .~ - t - . v .v _ I t _ - . . . . ii: I _ . c I f . . . . . . .. . v .. . . . . . v . . .v I. . v n ., - . . . - \- Q I l . _ \ I .' ~ 6 .. . s . I - . . v . . . ..~ _. . . F ... ¢ k?t.s%3?%r , . . e . . *v Q’ . a: see“; as . . A. ova-W _ . ee¢§e¥ § .. . - - 2e» 9e...’ s s a... h... .e s a; v ‘I’. I‘: ‘Q . .. . . -. ¢ . .. . .. . 1 . . . I .. . _ .. . . a . . .. a _ nil . . _ . . I- . 3 iii .\.l". _. av.‘ . I fl‘. .0’. U . .. . _ l n .. . . . 1 . . . . .2 . i , . .Mnw....x.fiqwmfi.i 42 2*); . v . . .zwibunfn .1 .wv ¢ it...“ . . is? 1w. . #23"... .. p . . Q s I a . ~ .. ‘. ..y4 a!‘ v v . c; A i .. u m.'.... . rum. .. . H Hmsklfivsirlhm . .. Iv .L I. . . . .1.00v.. . . I. _ .“Iei. ‘ a . . . .v . . . . 1 by. .5... . .. ...~ . . 1 . .n. . . . .. > r . .. ' Y.. I e... .- u - .... . . u! r.- . .J.D~.v-I . . < . _ . . I” b n; \- v . _ . . . l . .- . I . l. J a i i . -. r u. _ . 1 . u. . .. f. I .0 .0. i . I; . n. . . ._ .. . . .... . . , .. . . . ..w-....... as.‘ _. . . av’ 6W3, “la-3. . . .. .. . _ . .. .. . . . . . Inca; , e . . , . a. .. .51.... . .. Xi; . . .. .. .. ..§b.#iifi§§v$9¢¢@. - . .‘a . 2.... r . I i . . r \ . . ... .v ‘I . . r. .. l .. i. .. . .. f, i u. . lii;lt'lr\l ll. No. 222. SIXTEENTH CENTURY ASIA MINOR PRAYER RUG small conventional floriations. The narrow upper and lower panels, with dark blue ground, enclose conventional cloud scrolls in pale amber tone involving delicate blue and yellow rosettes; framed by a series of borders. The inner and outer bands, in serrated design, show recip— rocal pearl—white and green tones, while the intermediate narrow stripes alternately bear russet—brown and pearl— white body colors, relieved by small fleurettes woven in colors to match the field. Length, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. (Illustrated) QQO—ANTIQUE ASIA MIN-0R PRAYER RUG Mudjur—Ghiordez weave of the seventeenth century. The pale, ruby-colored prayer field involves a green lily stem with branching stellated blossoms. The panel is com— pleted on the interior by small blue filaments which con- tinue into the serrated mihrab arch. The spandrel, with emerald—green body color, displays old—rose and ivory— white gulap ewers and other symbolic devices. The upper # panel band, enclosing an escalloped pattern with geomet— ' rical devices, is woven in varied colors, on corrosive—brown ground. Framed by triple borders; the inner band show— ing a diamond-shaped diapering, woven in polychrome colors, while the middle border, with amber—yellow ground, displays flowered diamond patterns, woven in alternating tones of red, green, blue and mauve. The narrow outer brown band bears small geometrical devices combined with stellated forms. Length, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 4‘ feet 3 inches. (Illustrated 221—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG Daghestan weave ofthe eighteenth century. The field, i 6/ with lustrous colors, presents a sapphire—blue back— ' ground, relieved by three octagonal medallions that I . . I .. . .. v . . . _... . .. . . .. - . . . . .. . a . I . . _P. . H 31.,mm8n 2!. .:.~ willitihhfif’ihf.‘ “NI! . i .. . fflmrli. ... a . 1.1.14... . ........ i. . . .. . v - . .,. . Twawfiln. fires.» I. . . A . .. . . .4 .z ,. u . . . I . . . .. . . . . . . . .- .. . L .I. . . 7 . . In... at tr; . . .. a. . .. . . . .. . Jr . I‘?! . i Ya Fer... a.‘ (I. . I . swam . - ‘at!’ I ' '2' "rm f, , - v'-' ” arj-vrr' I r ‘, .5 . re. ‘ . » . ..1,_ ,- fink‘. ~ . v“ ' as . .| \ v. .. . . I O I . . p .. . .1. .Q | . . . I . v. . . .. A 4 ‘It I 1 I ' Irv ' \. .. 4 . . . . v i r \ . ' I Q - . ' we» > .=' ~ '-~' .4 :J: - on; . 2 e ‘.7 a"! arr-‘"1" ' I e a . . - V.“ v ~ b. I’ II‘ . . 1 . I ..>..¢..........u&5... . . .. . .i 0 .AM I . Q ~ - a . > v . - r. . l . s - All\ ,Q . a V x In’; v.0 it!‘ ‘all?! It‘!!! ' .§..1¢ 30,1 ‘ad... IJivIun . I b . fame?" ., , .3. wfimfifififimffim a. . 5N5 A . LY . .. . [Li 2. .. . .u U‘! 1"!" W. Li" . is, (C . 12 Lbrssrnéflguzwgolritn .. . I ‘.9 O. ,\ , . '4' . i . I“ a 3 .i.o ..P.H f :l . .. tall‘ A . Q‘ a .\ I. I 3. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ASIA MINOR PRAYER RUG 92 .“Hl‘-.‘ display varied body colors and contrasting central panels interwoven uniformly with floral details, including red, white, blue and yellow tones of the old Daghistan looms. The main border, with red ground, sustains cartouche forms, in varied colors to match the panel, while the inner and outer bands display salmon-red body colors with blue floral vines. Flanked by varied guard stripes involving small rosettes and beading. Length, 8 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 9 inches. QQQ—AXTIQL'E AsIA MINOR. PRAYER RI'G Ghiordez weave of the sixteenth century; typical soft coloring. The prayer field presents a subdued reseda- green body color filled with minute floral flecking in deli— cate tones of deep gold and blue. The mihrab spandrel, with blended amber-toned ground color, involves conven— tional floral scrolls, in harmony with the prayer niche, while the upper and lower border stripes display darkyjffl' A4 blue body colors with conventional scroll and rosette devices, woven in colors that match the mihrab. Framed by a series of borders; inner with deep amber-toned _ ground, showing floral devices in conventional form aggjfi 1M varying colors, while the outer border displays a pc ' M ' turquoise—blue background with scrolls and floral car- touches; colors matching the field. The intermediate narrow bands, alternately involving pearl—gray and amber—yellow tones, relieved by the typical floral speck— ing peculiar to- the Ghiordez loom. I Length, 6 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet. (Illustrated) 223—AXTIQUE ASIA MINOR PRAYER RUG Ghiordez weave of the seventeenth century. The prayer field, with ruby colored background, sustains a floral - I W J”- . pendant, together with an inner bordering of small lozenge forms, showing pale blue, turquoise—yellow and lapis—blue tones. The mihrab spandrel,which connects withf , ' inner bordering, displaying a deep golden-yellow body .' _ ‘1" I 4 . 2 T- '7 “41" w‘. ' '7 ‘ l r ' i .. , .2521: s: in we!“ ' \ w ‘ Qs' ‘ g '1. q _ ' . w.» “it t ‘n a r - Q ‘*9’ ‘:8? I’ l i ‘ tJ-‘lz‘fi ‘_ ' ,1. a.‘ - j’ " " l ‘ _ .4, -__.‘t°‘'‘_.~? _‘ '5'fizttfijfliw\qgumkawsws‘ m. \‘!- .. \ ' ‘ I I 7' a , C), if _ 32st!‘ '- i 1 . .. 1.7.1. . .t J‘. ff‘, \ .1. i .. .1. .. 2. o .. . l A.)- .’n.... “flan. .“Mkim .1331’. I. .I .u... . . ._ , . . . - - . i, .. l0. .i" \I I ..v x» . . s I... .Ii rim . . . O. . .% .w-bf-W. 0’ § - ,. . . Q. . fling-a...» 2. . .- 3: . .1. ws..52$..........f - . . . 'IIMHHHIHIH . , I .. . v - v . . . . 1 I . . ._ , . In .I .. . O . i 7 . 4 . . v .‘ . . J n . . . u v . . \ . . .. u _ .x . | s \ . . . i . Q .- . 1.. . r. .0— . ~ . .f. z . i \.. . p I. .J- _ I r - . A I . I . . . _ I‘ A. . . . o. l u‘ r . l . x . o. . t I. v . o Ame.-. flow? . . .: i....r(,\v . . r . . c. L.” In. a)“ m. .\ .du full 1 . ._ ._mw.........,.i 1.... -, {fat . 2...» fake... A 7:.‘ . -.._ i... A :. ... \. ‘L .~) 8 - w u.- l .230? a :14» w. . v a . . E ‘19%- ...Brt. » r. e . .. .. I’ I) . a‘: .1 - . 3 llflitlv .\1lr.l0i .u it. O’... 3 ww 1 ‘a. - £3.» . . . . s . u u I . . v . >4. 9. .- . ‘epo- \ .' .16....’ as. ‘EFF-Q ‘.81.? I rill. . ', V’ c ‘ "51% ‘ . v’, - :-£&F--~'”'_ ‘4 MINE . .~u:v..~" - -~=-t~1"~_. 8 ‘H138’; - usual": 1 .1. A 0 p 4' .7 l A >7‘ 7 1 I A‘ a‘: 5.) ,- ‘Hl . W _ ‘I. ’ . i ‘5.2-’. \“'e‘;"“'\k ‘ - ‘if ils-V 9*1' tins’. ‘I . .‘1'1' cg? .. . v a J . I .. .as 9 A p N Q 1. We’. 7 ‘l .. .1‘ _ .7‘5 -‘ . ' . 1.4: 'J \ "4» -.L No. 224. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PERSIAN RUG color, is relieved by a delicate red and deep yellow geo— metrical diapering. The border stripe above the spandrel, with dark blue ground, shows deep gold, red and blue flowering. Framed by a series of narrow borders; inner band presenting a deep old gold body color, relieved by red and turquoise-blue floral details, while the sap- phire-blue outer border is interwoven with amber and ivory-white devices, uniformly flanked by red and white guard stripes. The intermediate narrow sapphire—blue and yellow bands involve small flecking typical of the Asia Minor looms. Length. 6 feet 92 inches," width, 4 feet. (Illustrated) 224———ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG Herat weave of the eighteenth century. The field, with pearl-gray ground, presents a delicately colored Herati pattern, involving floral and geometrical stellated forms in conventional designs closely woven in delicate old-rose, , . olive—green and soft amber tones. The outer field is [ bordered by conventional palm-leaf designs (called pear— forms), woven in harmony with the field. Framed by a series of narrow border stripes in flowered serpentine and other geometrical forms, in colors to match the field. Length, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches. (Illustrated) Q925—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG lVIir—Serebend weave of the late eighteenth century. The field, with rich crimson ground, presents a small flowered . palm-leaf pattern in delicately defined shades of blue and @M green. Framed by a series of characteristic borders; the main band, with soft white ground, showing an an- ’_/~7 guilliform stem together with palm and floral details, (9 ' if while the guard bands, in narrow form, display maroon, red and sea—green body colors with small floriation in like colors. Length, 4 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet. get-£1. . _m . '11 1F. ‘ 1 ALL.‘- ' CL . ' (3'. 1?. 2'1.’ Fig?!‘ 7i’ ‘17%’? "91?. :3: KERR’? \ ,L‘Y'ZH ‘f .\ . H‘. . _ . I’ @H, . _ . .. ,~. _ . . , . .. , . . . . , . . ,=-, ,' . mi! 3,. , , . ‘ {fir :' }-’ \ . 7;- ¢ . . _ l . .7 . - , \H I l ‘w u QQG—AXTIQI'E PERSIAN RUG e‘ w?- The field with dark blue ground displays a closely woven Herati pattern in conventional form involving symmetrically posed blos— soms, Herati leaf and geometric forms, in red, moss-green, white, together with a modicum of sapphire-blue. Framed by a series of seven borders; the red central band show~ ing an interlaced scroll pattern, with delicate flowering and leaf forms, while the narrow red inner and outer bands Herat weave of the eighteenth century. sustain white serpentine scrolls relieved by small fleur- ettes. The narrow intermediate guard stripes display white and deep blue ground relieved by small floral details. This rug bears an interesting mark of the weave: “1H0— hamet Ali.” v, V” rw-vu “ ' I J ‘ ‘.11? I ' Length, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 9 inches. Z‘ ‘ rib‘ ‘Iva-Iv- . 1 Q 6.1.1 . n\ 2 . ‘ .ic . . \‘fivzgu .- \Y‘ 1“ .43“ 11?. \I‘F? ,. )1? .mfi. LATE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ASIA MIXOR PRAYER RUG 227—ANTIQUE AsIA MINoR PRAYER Rue Ghiordez weave. Late seventeenth century. The entire field presents contiguous stripes woven ‘in alternating colors with conventional scroll meander in yellow, old- rose, turquoise—blue, amber-yellow and white tones char- acteristicof the Ghiordez looms. The mihrab arch is fl vaguely defined through the stripes in amber—yellow, tur— %¢>7 4 z ' v quoise—blue and white lines. The bordering, with reseda ground, sustains conventional miniature tree forms with flowering in deep blue, light moss—green and white tones. (Fringe, with parts of bordering, has been renewed.) Length, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. (Illustrated) 228~ANTIQUE CAUcAsIAN BUG Kuba weave of the eighteenth century. The field, with dark blue ground, sustains an all-over floral design, in- volving lotus blossoms, stems, and stellated rosettes, woven in typical colors of the Kuba looms. The field includes. a serrated turquoise—blue medallion that displays brown and red birds together with a central rosette in delicate violet, blue and white; the field is completed by the small sapphire—blue corner motif with stellated blossom details woven in harmony with the field. Framed by a series of X9? 4/ it five borders; the central with sapphire—blue ground, bear— ing a series of stellated devices in alternating yellow, red, blue and white, which have been carried over from the field. The remaining bands show different red, yellow and black ground colors, relieved by varying details in— cluding floral sprays and oblique bars. Length, 9 feet; width, 1L feet 3 inches. (Illustrated) ># _.p- __ AA ‘.2 ‘a i w . ‘F ‘71 W I,“ V v r _ W : ' ale (a an I‘ i a‘: _ .__ -‘ _.. .__ -1. LT‘ -. p‘ v... _ AL‘ A: ~__> : w e. ' ,; ~_ , -. m: R as as “liirre Q'I'ZT-H-Z‘.‘ “ ‘ g. 1;; l‘ 3; ea. *1 flea "W #1 "it Q Defies? if‘: K . ' arseas;as:ssmartassess‘ * " I!" i‘ i 1 7 r a ,.+('-' w‘ " 17,59“; ,5- s, e, , r ' " ij'rw- .-.. 3,31 ' {r M i‘ . v---- -' Pk‘ ‘,UfiTQZ-n. \‘j ' _ . 7» Tznnffi _._,-‘ ‘you t F’ ’ ' i, \i .i- e “t- 13”’? ‘F c . "w" e we -- ‘We _i- 1 - ~ " ~ ' " ""i R "a2"? "‘ ‘ - " - > ' ' ' . 1’ » ~ ‘MM use! ‘Rife it”belie-“#433? awake» :3‘ -~ :9) A" r I w . 11f"."-. < 3'3"”? g V ; , 2' -'$' ‘ix ‘. ‘If. ‘ ‘JL. ‘1:. V ‘ALMMMfQuJ :1’ \J _ \ *‘ak , v‘ "‘ J. u .' - _.bu 9.4 i ‘@190 i. 111e,?“ 1*, _ ,aeaereaalmmfia s. . # E34‘. '7 . _r 3 , -_'.~ -,-. r ' A". -, "e" ‘i. ‘\“M " f’ v" "'14, V i i I‘? § . '. ‘ 5r‘ » as am.‘ '93: amaze...» - x ‘ ’* _’ -_‘L --' ' - - l - ‘ ' ’ ' ‘ '1‘. E ‘I ’ ‘ v‘* “I '\_< i w \ ~. ' I ‘f, l § ‘1.41%. ‘A. ‘B ‘L -‘ i '7‘ i r p. ‘ ‘Iii. h l '- ~ ‘g ‘ ‘ire-A‘ . ' i .i " Q "r, '_H" {’P- , ~ " _ e ' ‘<03’ .- Yk‘ ‘‘ ' ’* "' ‘i “T a " ‘I a.“ a! .7‘ .- --.,-,%,2 ,' _k$,¢y 1 . ‘ l 1---- .-- - 4-‘, ‘a wf—v- ‘dip-H‘ ‘a!’ *3‘! \ - w Leafs ~ . h. P" -; 7t 9 Ms 1; W. ; “rifled. _ ,. --.,;- ' .2‘? ‘Qt-“- 137,1? v? T"..- ,_-F ' V .4? K1 ‘:2 ~‘-. 2‘ 1i _r_.-@ . ‘s Q* .‘I _ s l.- N ‘ has‘: -- 4 .4 't I 5 i .-._. _ r _ ,_ V a "I, _ , ' ‘it? e “P "a = *ZfieK-fl- iffeiiaill-REZ-n-X'RXRST *3; * aéfii-N-Zfia'éafé'F-Z'LQZ fiafizfiaiaaexazzielz I? s‘ ~ . I""' *‘~ ' v "I "7" Hr - a- '. “Pr?!” ._ 1-w- .. ‘- ' "i. - '- " ,‘AL' - A A‘ 4L “ h .A'n. * ,Aarf. 1 .. “£12. _ , .‘ 7 - " “.‘XP " * i . l u _- .._ W. _ - 1* .i‘i" * i A 1* _, “I .. ‘H " 111“ r ,v v ' i ".i“' , "'*"“"— u _7 ~’' " _'_ j- i i .e 'eiaie "‘ x ‘s QM"? ' em . mm m I sane Wm ‘mm—m I W gmsa‘fi * ."E'fatW _ i "1 i i aw "iRamimainaazwi 5' No. 293. SEVEXTEENTH CE NTI'RY ASIA MINOR CARPET .. A‘ . a .‘ U ,1,"v , g \ .c i ..‘ v < . v ‘ ‘ o 1.,“ ‘.f... . .7 r“ v I 1.? m3. wAusq hi. Lg, .wwuyrk. )J-llfil ‘_ ’ ‘ i ‘.- *4.‘ .Q. r o . ‘7. 2k, .. . . ; - v {v . "IF. .‘ gm» .» L? .u ‘ I“; n» u‘ a 8. .tri. ‘WM _ Willie»; 4., £414,111?’ 1 $2.!!! Ill/((1. I I‘. w ‘3 . . . .urxfiu V ‘ .01.!» ‘ ‘ . ,UIHhWIPgWPIfll’ll‘. I air/id Willwfddw I. gala)?’ r 0?...’ I I I v v .- r; 0 4')‘ I I I!Il/flll?fl/I/ldl'lllfilllllInvddlllvll III!!!’ III’!!! I'III'JII I!!! Ilfddl I I 1 . 1 J 4 II; n A J I‘ A J 1.0;, if .‘ . Ant. . .. 7..‘ . . . » ,ur. ‘. Q‘. . I n ‘ o.!. .‘ I ..... i4» AIAU . Q9 H‘. w \ WAQAQ I‘ . \. H O . flit/Irv’:rift/116596.111 afliq . a I‘ ,. Pu .uL w’, ‘i 111% ‘w 1 1 m!!!‘ \ .l'll- s ’ . .Ukurr t “MFA, . h - fl'll‘lm? ‘- A ‘ ‘ u “Wank W. a .L- . ‘Q .1. rod’? 111111 If‘? Q.’ 9:. :Jlilklf .wq" " . ' . I I No. 229. LATE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CAUCASIAN RUG 4''?‘ ..i111 Q <4. ‘ ‘ .4. O 1 Q¢u§~< . t ‘ I‘ 5 _ I u. 7 I‘ Z ‘ @- DDT I I '1“ v .r - . , Q . ‘ . Viu¢nb¢vliio~uoo ‘vi 7 L ‘It 9 .LZIJ awful-P J . _ - . Z . 1141;’: QM” :14. in’ mu .? é! xvi, V 2%... . .. ‘ , 3.1. 4! ,. . ,. . .. n+1 ‘ . l . , ‘. i. I . ii ..I. . . 2 z 4 . 4'4 ‘ A. ‘ V 4 ‘ . _. i- . .. , . x “5829' T1 1 ‘ . . . , A . ' .4 . r. w . . .v ‘.- . 6 .\ J .o v .11, \ I Q!’- ....v. I J 4 O V .l V _ F . I \ - ..vl| ‘ 2 .a v... .oflfimzl QR .. I 4 - . I) 9;.‘ r I H . \JV ‘ . r. ‘4:. V V ‘- V L , ‘ll: 1 ‘ 1|.‘ N0. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CAUCASIAN RUNNER QQQ—ANTIQI'E (‘AI'cAsIAN Rec Kabistan weave. Late eighteenth century. The lustrous field, with dark-blue ground, sustains four small medal- lions, outlined in white and woven in contrasting red flowered details. The remaining blue field shows varied I geometrical devices, and emblems interspersed with % rosettes, trees and animal forms, woven in sapphire—blue. ' ' ruby-red, amber—yellow, moss—green and coral—pink tones of great distinction. The narrow inner band displays a reciprocal red and green lanceolation, while the main border, with white ground, sustains geol'netrical forms in varied red, green and blue shading. Length, 9 feet 2 inches; width. 4 feet 3 inches. (Illustrated) Q30—AN'I‘IQUE (‘AreAsIAN RUNNER. Kabistan weave of the eighteenth century. The field, with dark blue ground, sustains an all—over pattern, symmet- rically composed with small conventionalized flowers, leafy scrolls, and small lozenge forms closely woven in deep 7' flamber-yellow, moss-green, sapphire—blue and crimson. The main border, with white ground, sustains recurrent brown and red outlining tracery, formally composed in oblong sections, flanked by inner and outer guard bands which display yellow body colors with blue—black vines. Length. 11 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. (Illustrated) 281—ANTIQL'E (‘AIfcAsIAN RUG Kabistan weave of the eighteenth century; fine close pile and exceptional quality. The field, with dark blue back— QZ/X ground, presents an interesting golden—toned all—over de- sign relieved by floral details in red, ivory-wl'Iite and blue. Framed by three borders; the inner with “herring-bone” pattern woven in polychrome colors of the field, while the middle band sustains a floral pattern in typical Cau- casian style; flanking guard stripes display small “her— ring—bone” details in harmony with the remaining borders. Length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. 282—ANTIQITE PERSIAN RUG Derbend weave; fine pile and lustrous colors. The field, with deep golden-yellow background, sustains a palmette motif in anel form and involves conventional floral details woven iii turquoise-blue and other soft contrasting 7'4 colors. The inner band, with reciprocal turquoise—blue and red lancet design, is followed by deep yellow border, matching the color of the panel and relieved by recurrent rosette motifs in varied colors, together with narrow flanking guard stripes, showing small floral flecking in light colors. Length, 9 feet 8 inches; width. 4 feet 4 inches. (Illustrated) 233—ANTIQUE (‘AreAsIAN RUG Kuba weave, of exceptional quality. Early eighteenth century. The field, presenting a soft robin’s—egg blue, is relieved by blue-black and deep bold cartouche motifs, in— volving floral and scroll details, in delicate colors of the Kuba looms, including light green, pale—yellow, and deep / 4 golden tones, together with red and ivory toned bars, ' with flowering, on the soft robin’s-egg color, carried over from the field. Outer bordering, with red ground, sustains floral scrolls and guard stripes which blend with the coloring of the main border, and completes a framing of this beautiful example. Length, 12 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 1 inch. (Illustrated) t , t ‘+1 ‘ u‘. .,-- _ i. _ i v u ‘I. A ‘ .0’; i if,“ ._ . 1%‘ ' I 4| tiqjgfl‘u'!".nifinnnunnnlolulunuylplwm ‘5 c‘! 11-84..‘ 0, I f . ‘ -- v, I 1.‘. c t v - Hug) ., “mun-Ant. unr- \ ~"»"““"..‘l.".'. " § “ v- \mmt‘qm \un“~»iw~~w. §§\\W\\i\\\h‘ 5:. 9*. fig ' i'r t __ 5 ‘iii u A .~ in‘ i—vu’hu‘u" : ~ 1 v. '’A- > -; - 284—ANT1QUE ASIA “mos MAT Ghiordez weave. Early seventeenth century. Presenting contiguous turquoise-blue and rose-colored stripes. The field is relieved by small floral flecking in amber and brown tones, together with small foliated central medallion in %//(j/,— ' like colors. Bordered with a pale amber damask body color, showing floral devices in rose tones of the panel; upper and lower border stripes with dark blue ground involving conventional floral and geometric forms in sim- ilar tones of pale amber and red complete the mat. Length, 3 feet 7 inches; width, 9 feet 2 inches. 235——ANTIQUE ASIA MINOR MAT % / 0, // Companion to the preceding. 7 I Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 92 feet. a "0.’ l3 . Q .. '0 . I‘ u 0% . ‘1;. t ,. V. ‘.L‘IW .. ‘ . £35§¥3L€§ t . ‘ ,.>rz.t$ttt.:$, to’tt.$+tvuirbtxtttttitffii, ‘ .- ‘- . -'¢.-d. 1 ,‘ Us ‘ , u. J. V’lmglnvbiqlw' Qv . l a _ n I u \ 1|.’ .. , “2.74-. ‘ .‘ , .‘w L H r75: f5. 3-? m” I, ‘ . T . .i .. .‘.. ‘ V 10.. . Kym-‘HE. ., , . , Q. 1 . . .‘ w‘ 1. I . . m . Y (4...... 1 V . r. . .51 a‘. .. I. 7 ‘ a .5, J.“ ol-nwm‘rfviiuoluor .7 .fwfb... 3 i on I o .1. +. . 'r. ‘ . .J_4§ ‘.37 G RU ‘ - .. ~.. . r.» . , . ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ;, . . . _ . , w A ‘ .‘n _ . .- _ R . ‘ < V i .7 ... .. . ‘ - . . .. ‘ A . .) ..~‘o,_.l. lrr% \ v V .1 H o \ . a l I‘ _ , . r A ~ Q . r 'l‘ a .l . ‘_vv ‘ . . ‘ , I V » biivfiJ ‘ . . ‘ . . . . . 1...: 4 ,étméif ._ ‘ r -‘ ‘ . o f o o _ 62,-. '2 $8) . ‘xiii-‘2% a-aaaxt ; ii. “ ‘\\4..‘.|: , ‘:‘0l'! u No. 236. EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ASIA Mnzoa PRAYER ggfl'll .. . Q. .. . ‘Y' LY ‘*6 ”' I‘ . if ‘ .... , l ' agar , mg.“ L- ,_ _. . .q I 4 a _I n". ' VI ,4. 0.‘. ‘ . ‘to \jioi‘” l‘ , l “i c, - _ - . min, . l ‘, " ’ 1" I‘ ‘I i. ‘ 1'“ u“ ‘ '7'!’ I ‘a '. .1‘. 11' I’. ' ‘—->I. —' Q ~. ‘s; i. fiend‘; I ‘1'' '- No. 237. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY AsIA MINoR PRAYER RUG 236—ANTIQUE AsIA MINOR PRAYER RUG Koula weave of the early eighteenth century. The prayer field presents a blending of turquoise tones relieved by three floral columns involving small tree forms in tan, black, yellow and white tones. The mihrab is defined by a serrated bordering in white and tan involving flecking, while the spandrel sustains a dark blue ground with con— ventional brown, tan and green floral details. The upper X62 and lower brown border stripes display conventional “S” forms in tan and turquoise-blue. The main border, with white ground, sustains conventionalized flowered stems, woven in alternating tones of light blue, old—gold, black and red tones. F lanked by deep old—gold guard stripes, which separately involve floral and conventional details, while the inner band displays a yellow ground relieved by a small blue anguilliform meander. Length, 6 feet; width, 4 feet 6 inches. (Illustrated) 23'7—ANTIQUE ASIA MINOR PRAYER RUG Koula weave of the eighteenth century. The prayer field, with old—gold ground, displays a pendant floral column together with a bordering of blue devices in blue and red tracery. The mihrab spandrel, with turquoise—blue ground, shows small yellow and red floral diapering, which is extended on the inner bordering. A narrow light -. pearl-gray panel band, with involving blue, red and yel- SX/O? j‘: low flowering, appears above the mihrab. The main border, with pearl—gray body color, sustains conventional floral devices, woven in alternating soft yellow, turquoise- blue, red and brown tones in harmony with the field, while the several narrow guard stripes, with old-gold ground, display flowered flecking in similar tones. Length, 6 feet: width, 4 feet. (Illustrated) on“ azuvad 110m“? VISV l‘HlLLNFIJ HLN'SIEILNSIAHS ‘83;; ‘ON " i 1 ‘up i'il " l ‘M ‘ii. ‘ ‘5i { ('1!) '7 ‘. If?” '1 .I‘ [mild I‘ l, ‘i ! l'p‘l‘fl'hh»; - 4"“ " "4* m ‘WI aw i i- ‘will It; l1 M4,"; “A”: ‘ '~~'*“@-*1~w ' " - - - '1; --zmm,r ‘ {S i 1"} {' :l, -. "15% a" ‘Q -I ‘ . ‘ *Hi‘: ‘Q.’ ~:{‘ 2 a ‘J '. ‘V V.- fl‘ ' ‘Q '3)‘ ‘h - “V ‘,zi‘agh ‘I, f _) ‘ ‘J i. ' ‘If! Lg?) ‘ a z“ . 7 3''. .v. r‘ ‘ ._ . -- ‘.7__7 . ‘"5- -- . pv- I ‘a’ "‘ hi’? ~r~ 12;:4 . ‘i ‘34 "-Tf‘. J'P-‘Jf. 1*’ .1 IizaR'iLaFSJ-ENFI 4' “‘" *5‘ "3* an Q.» H i "a ‘Jr/1:5- - (we; r i" :‘ v , q Hf‘)? ‘ iv . V “\\ i l - L 1.? ' ‘ V ‘ V ' i . - '. 4* “a 1|’ ' ‘4.5.. :0 ..-= < '3‘ "1‘ . V I A", ,7 ‘f $3.’: a ""' c. '1'’. RN!” "- iy ,. . as ;p.¢§i;;_.!.mm - ' " "1‘ ' 1' 5*: “ “ . “‘, f‘.‘ i. "4 ‘ -- "a ma , _ ‘ _ ‘ M ll" ‘ '71 fl:yr""'v 1P“ ‘0, , ‘ ,‘ h ‘n. . r . _‘ ~ _\‘ , , ~ I‘ r g ', I‘ Qflu" ."rl‘fi‘ v‘ -\ I > ‘7; l I P ‘ 4 n i - o ‘ I *‘Q‘Ijjnlsn‘jit r - l‘- I i r. “ ,. “ *zfi ‘ 1, s” Ti. l6"!- " y..,-',‘4§',-;~§-_ '‘ 5p“ i ‘V v|~ ' i._-‘"*. M 1-"-§,} ‘ $\-.q P h l- ‘u’ a v {\swu‘u‘qux‘i,‘ ~ _ I‘ Q a ‘0*! A a "'0 i (w (‘r {#4 Q‘Q'Qf“ {t Q; ‘m r‘. i * “" a 4 w I‘ W d 10-»,“3: ‘ c - ~ Q. ~ 1 .L - _i" j ‘i I 238—ANTIQUE ASIA MINOR PRAYER RUG Koula weave of the seventeenth century. The prayer field displays a blending of soft old-gold and turquoise— blue tones, relieved by a free inner bordering of blossom forms, while the center displays a floral column in tan, turquoise-blue, red, white and amber—yellow tones. The -— mihrab spandrel, with pale green body color, presents a (4'7 floral diapering in the varied colors of the field. Framed by a series of narrow bordering that show alternately yellow, deep blue, white and turquoise—blue ground colors relieved by characteristic floral flecking peculiar to the Koula looms. Length, 6 feet; width, 3 feet 10 inches. (Illustrated) 239—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG Kuba weave with fine pile and rich coloring. Seventeenth century. The field, presenting a lapis-blue ground, is relieved by bold leaf—like forms connected with scrolling stems and interspersed with serrated leafage, woven in the varied colors of the Kuba looms, including dark ' 1 blue, moss—green, yellow, red and light blue tones. The _ ' main border presents a golden-yellow background, re— lieved by a well—defined anguilliform scrolling border, interwoven with flowering in colors, carried from the field, which together with the narrow inner and outer guard stripes complete this rare example. Length, 9 feet 4 inches,‘ width, 4 feet 8 inches. (Illustrated) QALO—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG Baku weave of seventeenth century; fine pile and rich _ coloring. The field, with shimmering sapphire-bluWj: /% a; ground, sustains varied cartouches and leaf forms, inter- spersed with which are numerous stellated blossoms and stems with flowering Woven in varied characteristic col- ors of the Baku looms, including a brilliant red, yellow, rose and white tones. The inner band, with tawny brown body color, involves conventional leaf forms, while the main border displays reciprocal yellow and red lancet forms; flanked by white guard stripes, with small figura— tion in colors to match the field. Length, 7 feet 11 inches; width, 4 feet 11 inches. (Illustrated) 241—AN'I‘IQIIE AsIA MINOR PRAYER RUG ,j‘gefl. Ladik weave. Early seventeenth century; fine pile and typical coloring. The prayer field, with lustrous old- red body color and sapphire-blue mihrab spandrel, shows outlining in serrated form, together with symbolical floral devices. The upper panel, with Vandyck lambrequin, involves the characteristic Ladik lily devices in blue and defined by red outlining. The inner band displays a brown body tone relieved by white geometrical details, while the main border, with ivory—white ground color, sustains a scrolling motif interwoven with geometric de- tails woven in red, green, blue and white tones peculiar to the Caucasian looms of this provenance. The upper and lower borders have been restored by native weavers. Length, 6 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) 249Q—ANTIQUE IsrAHAN FRAcMEN-T yam Fifteenth century. Example of unique interest and pre— senting an Iranian design in salient deep green ara- besque forms interwoven with topaz-yellow and subdued ruby-red tones, together with small floral sprays. The border on two sides has been partially restored. Rare museum specimen. Length, 3 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches. (Illustrated) LL l \ . . i... A 3104..” . 8 .55 0|‘ .. J. .e . In No. 2-H. EARLY SEvENTEEN'rH CENTURY ASIA MINOR PRAYER RUG 5 i 1 - o . 3"" ‘I j -. . . ..: if 3”‘ ‘f ‘J. . ,. .A4 ‘I i 1&4}: H‘ J‘; .9 9 r h ‘ ‘ ‘$1 i‘ -‘-. ' i.‘ " . “Q _. v . - . » . 7 "Johann ‘ h ‘x c ' .‘iri _ .i. ‘ r'l'c ‘H1 ‘- .4 . “ i ‘a y_ y "1“. Hr , ‘ Q ' ‘ ; “v r l \ a, . I: '- " l‘ -3- ' -~'1'.~,-. -‘ r i 1 1 u‘, ‘l ' I } “ I r ' l ~~ \ ‘ 1 r ‘I —‘ ~ \ _ ‘ V- I 5}.‘ r ‘Mm ‘ I - I ‘ n ,I‘v} "36‘ ' \“lwn ‘ it‘?! ‘Why \ ‘h n‘ ‘ r 4-‘ ‘l - 1:, w, I". No. 242. FIFTEENTH CENTURY ISPAHAN FRAGMENT - . ... s 7, In‘ a a . z 7 ~ 0 u 0. . e agree. ,. ...?e.........e.%€e .. a nag? $5.“... * . . 0..’ a. f. . 7. ‘L me A i . av. .1... ..\. Q, ., . . .0 FR: .7 \ ' .4? no i n.._.... > .- w, a . 01 . . .‘ . Q . v . v .. . .- » . , , . -. _ . . .J. i. 6 . . | I_ - I I Q < I 1. . _ - -.. r . i. 1 . a . . i . ‘ .¢ , _.. . I t I . . . a . . u . ~ . r, . I . >7 ‘0 \ n I \ .4. r. we we... ' . .0 e n 0 ‘a . . .I . . .,.. inscoiem... . .. Ra ‘Cam. tiizf . .. ...~ . . . m. xnajflhflmulnnins, . ~. .\ .. ... . . r. a. .% ~ . - " ‘ a . . 4 : a. .. . .. . . ., . o .. . . . . . .. .. .. .u . . l.,§ . y t . . _ . a . . (V 1 v i '7 i 4 . ~& A . ...j o . .. v\ .. av“! J ‘ q ._ . .. . .. n , . in, n" ,0 . b _ a . 7 $ 0 j. a. .mwaflaém Qwwwawdfia .3... awed: t ...~ .. swam-agave... \. v ‘k . .. .. . . Q 9.... . we . . ,. w . .. . . . .. 1 _ _ . ...¢.Q..,...em. .. . m. ,. i... e§$ . v .wmfifa... t M... .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. .q. .. .1. ~ v . _ .6 .. e; ; awwegween . Ml. .Ari. @a. a»... e {K . ’ '.. ‘r: 11.4. Wu F i v.’»\ e . \ 9 (.- I. s e .n .54 . . . - v . w . . .n.... . x... .~.. . w, .. ..~ . .t a z. .... . .1. P0 ; - Queens’... H , .. .7 f -. . .. If. . o. ‘q 1.5. fir’? IV~ . . 35w.“ w v “30th. y . . "PM W s. I. . 1. ./ No. 243. SIXTEENTH CENTURY PERSIAN CARPET I’, I. . Imb- w t I 3 5. v a. .. A... .J .l . was. In ‘QM/Vi? - ‘ a . - It)...’ . . . ‘ a. ... .. I .. _ A. 1.. ~ s... s .s a .. . 1.5%,. 'ARPET SIXT'EENTH CENTURY HIsPANo-MoREsQI'E ( Q l I l IT- if’ 24.8—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET were /7 Rare Kurdistan weave. Sixteenth century; close and fine pile. The field, with maroon background, presents an exceptionally large “tree of life” design, which starts from the lower border line and ends at the upper band; its branching stems, filled with conventional foliage and blossoms, being interspersed by small cypress and other emblematic flowering trees, which uniformly fill the field, the former associated with Mohammedan traditions, sig— , nifying Divine Power and Perpetual Life, while the cy- press is an allusion to the Life Hereafter. The main ‘border, with light ground, sustains recurrent floral plant forms, woven in well-defined colors to match the field, while the flanking white guard bands display small floria— tions. (Slight repairing at either end.) Length, 12 feet 9 inches; width, 7 feet. (Illustrated) 24s4i—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG jg/ée, Herat. weave of the late seventeenth century. The field, with a deep ‘blue ground, presents a typical all—over design, involving flowers and he-rati leaf details, together with vines, closely woven in well—defined and lustrous coral-pink, The colors, including sea-green, amber—yellow, while trees are skilfully distributed over the panel. ‘inner band shows reciprocal blue and red lancet forms, while the main border, with brilliantPersian-red ground, bears conventionalcartouche design midst leafy scrolls, woven in harmony with the field. Flanking narrow bands with dark blue and yellow ground alternately displaying floral scrolls. Length, 12 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet. F-uv- '0 ‘Hi5!!! is . v , .v A, , . ., s . . .. .. , :Hnnl: nodal, ‘a. . , c 7 I V. r . . ,7 s , H ,w Jr. r’... t v w . i. .wfr Lr aka. .2. .3- 5.... .-r Lr er Er .:r ._r L( L .. i s . . -_ r . c. o 4 . . v_ a. a. - s . v i w v . 1 ‘a 0 v s. 3 ‘PFC .. . . 1. .?J v. o ~n| .~ - 0‘ fi ‘1 V a i v .l 111 v e n . . r J $ . . . r 1.7.. .. . , f s .‘_ . . . ‘$4.. . 1 . . . s : will. .. “I ,4 W v . .. .. i . . w; ... | r L i . , . , . . ..j i . . a. F , ‘is. . .r i v f i u...‘ . V y> \. . iv, . , . .0:-;,; I.‘ s V . , \l , IFH‘I‘ 97° '. QAO'O 6 ‘I’. I‘ " *5 5:" No. 2-1-5’. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY KHIVA BOKHARA RUG . s . r. .. a we . J‘VFPvJJ '7 ~ .’ R‘. 0‘ L o. lhzuk ... f. l\l O '4 ~ ‘I f 4 i , . .~ ~ - - . .n i ‘0.. . : ‘,~ 0 ., a. . s i - \ . i. l ‘O i Q 7 . . a on“ x . I A v I. O ‘ ‘a. .\ ~ . a. . \ a. - n C . .v w as |v.¢'iru-- It". is 1 J l q .- s _.. J . nposoum...» , .. ~........... .. . . .. i. n v a ._ 7 L4 , is... Jw )1 J1 41 1% 011.0 ‘4.010 - . _ a a or.” o o o a a a , r .a A, 361%.‘ PM. .. A, .. ow. 9,9, A, Lax.“ 4 o.» a a oéo .. 9,; o ,f. v 0 ohm? .arxrumr .. w 6 7 J1 J‘- J J]! Jfi. J1 J ‘.1 1:! .Jfl. J1.‘1 A‘ 1:1 J1“ .4.‘ J1 J1 .41 Jen. J1 41 J1 All _ I J.‘ J‘ J1 II “a s a. . .. 0.... .r 2. t. Lr .F Mr .7 or ? .F 7.. or or er ._r .F tr . . Q ; w .. ,llI€\i i a. .Zfilil‘lllllllii! ‘ 1|. I.‘ ill-‘unlit i .1; .IN ‘\l'uCYf‘lHTl ZLII v0. tr. e A . or Mr. s! L7 ~r \t if. IllLrrat LP .54 km 1pm’- Lr lrlllir LT \J. Lr L’ ‘if 4 ‘fl’ . a‘! 13...‘. v . . . a \v ~¢ J... v. . . z , \ _ . . .1 w .. k is n. l. .. . ..; . . _ .. .... .. .3 .. a» I.‘ )1. 7.. w. ....~ . .. .- .. i r... s... \a. a . ..\ 01h... .. I)‘ MK...‘ ~ Henge... fl H .. f\v“.s».l' a" .. J . T \. . Q, a)“, a. Y I \ § 1 . \l 1 .. ~ . r . my». . . .i '@ D . $1, v. . ‘J _ ,- . 3.. e I. 0 4 . A V ‘10.4; e 1 , . _ ., . . . x. . 1| .u. i Y. .‘lmil , . .. "v... 8 ., - . ,l r . .- . .0"._H l _ . .. . i @i . i v - I q . M . _ r. .... .. y ‘ pi , ‘ 3» MM , I‘ .‘\(--.n.. . _ ‘I. .I H. O . w n . . r I .>.. I .17.- r r . . . . . . . V . . . , x \ a . . ..., . A 0-- . ,. .. 53.....- . -, . .. . - . ‘ ‘ it I»! \u . u .v .. . .. 4 . .v ~ . . . . . .. Q I . _ 0. Jul .. . .\\ .~ . .. . .. u.. v .. .. . t . .. . . . . \ N . . M . . . I c -~O-. . . ‘ . 4 .r . 0"». . i.“ . .. .. HI I 4 t .. . . .r . . ~ . .0 . I u _ . ‘L f \ R O . . . v . .i. ... K .1! x- . t , . . ~ . .. . . . . J .. . . . - .. .. , . . . . s . a A. . .i t . _. . . \ ~41 .1‘... Q . . I v I . . h a v f. . o R If . . V . n i . . \ R. a ..u .. I . i _ . . \. v .n ‘.1 .. .3. a . I . . . | 0 .k . . \a . t I . a n .. . . . . . - ~... . . . . 7 .~. . _. 1.. ‘ . a: I . l . . . .u. . . . | I n , v I, A 7.. \ i. . O . Iv l . . I 1 . "C .u. \ ..- I. . . i u . _ .. (A . \ _ \ i It \ D _ ti.‘- .\ .‘a . .t '1 Me .U. i...» .imn... N0. 246. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY PERSIAN CARPET . ‘r ,4 l - 7g - . ;,| .v, - 3, .. . .. .TI Lnmn rm..- .dif‘ifl! . . . .. .. ., . . . . \IMH... ‘,1 i.) .. . M... -l 1.. .. .. . .. . i. . - . . . .. . vvhhfl. I 4 . . ~ _ . I . i . a . . I . . f. I .‘ ‘t a. I .. .0 .. . e < .. b u- ' O Q "I V‘ - , i ' ~ ‘\I ‘Y’ . -F"k_. ‘-\ :1" ’- Q‘ I’- n—mw ‘i q .a" .s 133' o‘ ‘1- "w . . ‘a. ‘g ,1 .1; ‘a _._, _,Q, i, v I. » . 5-0»! V -'\,L I i .0,‘ . t . . .c . . . . . . . . .. resend? bah.» . .. . k. '|”\+€ . 1 I l. . . .. l. l n w - l . . I 1 . < . I I n I u . . F .. - v Q .. f . . Q .. . . \ 1 _. i. . . . . . .. . .. | . .. . A . -. . . .. z >.- i .>. I -. ,. . . .i . .7 I Q . ‘I. I : . ..- .1 ,. .\l .w... .. v . . s. . . . .. , E . . . 1 . . . . . ,. y. . . I‘. - ._. ~-'-'‘ __ ._ 1 g .. .» ZI'JQ A.~.|I . .. ,-....., a , _ . . .M r... w......... . ._ gthfiefi .s......,§e§ewwfi. . . u . .. quid... .. em) U, L). - new? :1 Ir? ' ‘1. ‘ii 247. ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET No. D‘ o 245—KHIVA BOKHARA RUG Turkoman weave. Seventeenth century. Unusual qual- ity. Arranged in rows on the deep Bokhara red field are octagons in orange and yellow, on which are geomet- rical figures; placed between the lar e octa ons are >%¥ _’ ‘ 1. ‘ - v‘ ‘ I 1‘. \ . c . » ‘ l’ " . \ ll >4 ' a ‘ ‘p 33331’; ? "£1 - l4_3~8_‘. a‘ ‘0* 1 g. .-~Q ‘ii-3+ s ’* 7 ‘-_‘ \ I r \\_ V }'\‘.a L x\ q 3153*‘ viii-film i '9 " a‘ 7‘ . é? g“ _. s7! . ..‘ ‘e e r f!’ < .j' .713’ . f‘ _' "L 0 I " e ya N 71%; 'aA-u'; a» a. i I ‘ — - --- i-- . Au viva, . . .L s .tl‘ as»... I a. n .fiw ‘n'IQll. .Il . w, .o... J. .I.... vfi-pv. .- v. -.<. . In .4 ..»$. vs... I. > .I to a 0. A... a. . > o. if...» is. .I . \ u .. .. rep’. .5 RV. “we, 48 v II '\II J1} A c v. A»?! . A .7 an; .. . 7! 3.11%“ v. .. F3 pv. I .. . .1“... .. new. .1... fits“... _ e 6‘ bhn. . . I in. a» ’ .- as 5. five .. “93.7.0100; ...Id.II .. _........... as I.. ‘Meme. Lufiw I. drew . . s»... q. . f ,i. .n I‘. 3-‘) I .< II. . C .r‘ars. .. i. . O h‘wh r‘: I . A . ,/.l..I,.I in a»... . on ~..m 1. .. H. .lkvm. .. ii .1, ‘ma..- . .a r. §‘.‘ §..r‘..* o‘ . - .Il lfll 2a . .7 v . . n ,1“ .. . .T . . \ .. .. _ . o. A. \‘4 a w . .. .E....,..~w....a.... . . , .. _ . . I- . I . In. PIIP . a . .. I. . . : , .n. I I QADAI'IQQ‘PQ 46v bfi‘hmlfi.‘ Ty‘ as’ I . . .. . .. .I U. . . as. f a . s. I . . c. .. c. . .I . . . I a .. U ._..I I .. I..I. Q ...~ . . I r. .v r), . . -1395‘... 1!! ._.__:......:..=3=;Q . I” ‘III I a . . ._.. ... 4 III -. I I?‘ v . ‘ > \ I \§Ic¥.a..‘ .- ... .. I F0 r ... a. . \ i... . . I. A, - .. .. .. 1“. .1... . I. l. s .. ... I‘. l . ... . .. .rkkuriwu. . I .. m ._I_ “I. Ikfifi .QsQllI, ~ I . . H I . .. .... u 1... ...4s. I w. . _ I.I.....- ( w 0...’: 10... v~ .II. - ... .‘l v . . A: .afwgvy-.. _ 5 I.“ . I . ‘- - Ax . s 2 I . I .waiuwiwv .. we“ Hawk. r. . ‘I . 1H4“. o. '\4 1.‘. 0.1, .I-r'hll . a3 .. 01.. . w aw... 2.. . H, I! ‘ .uv ; awn... I. ‘Q. o ....~ , I . .99.. . .n . n as. * 1:1: “as???” :1. Q . II , ‘b- . - $31 ‘I ‘.b” I ANTIQUE PERSIAI' CARPET No. 253 II . __l‘ .I.. 14..! ‘.\__I If‘. ' 251—PERs1AN CARPET: KHoRAssAN TRICLINIUM Eighteenth century. On the dark blue field of the large center rug is the herati pattern in antique red, ivory, yellow, green and turquoise—blue. The tree of life, com— bined with rosettes and long slender leaves in rose, dark K blue, yellow and green, forms the conventional design on the jade green background of two long strips and the end or sarandaz or head—piece. Surrounding and sep— arating the four rugs are rose and blue borders, on which are small floral meanders. Length, 20 feet 8 inches,‘ width, 10 feet 2 inches. (Illustrated) Q52—ANTIQUE (‘AUcAsIAx RUG Derbend weave. Late eighteenth century. The field, displaying blended tones of blue, is relieved by a sym- metrically posed all—over pattern, showing varied pla- quettes that alternate with floral devices and floriations, woven in sapphire—blue, Caucasian red, coral-pink, yel- y' / /d—0' lowish-tan and white. The main border, with sapphire— / blue ground, displays recurrent floral forms, woven in deep salmon-red, moss—green, maroon and white, while the narrow guard stripe shows old-rose—colored ground with black scroll devices. Length, 90 feet; width, 9 feet 10 inches. (Illustrated) 253—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET Teheran weave, with extra heavy pile. The field, with white ground, presents an interesting all—over pattern /% X m . Composed of leafy vines arranged in annular forms, and involves flowered palm—leaf details, woven in varied well— defined and rich colors of the Teheran looms. The cor- l . “Y K g» s? + "m. * - I i l i .Y j“ I' ?" v- 1' ' u *1." -'*‘.rv~ x" ' 'T‘j. " i. 7 ‘MTV 7' ' e! D I . ‘ * t ‘a . , , I? K A n - l a -< I o u - . J a i.. _ ‘ q -‘.' “I, - A‘; .9... ow; = ~ .-"’,"",",_, griff- _‘..g .5’ s 0- " " 51254 ' l ' . - a 4-1‘ . A . us‘ ' v ‘g ‘1;!’- ‘4‘9. L.’ ' » ' Ar 7,‘. '- ‘ ‘ 7' 4.’ v ‘a i i _‘.—i T‘? . 4 C 1.1!,- o ~1 ‘ft-1'60 fv‘tro l}? J. y i; ' .. a ‘ , ~_ ,H,15Qf4 ; axe-til: emfi ._ g . ‘A . 0, - ._- _ _ I. ' f. \' o *-..:~..¢,~.-..¢; ._0-" an?“ _> 9 ' -~. - ‘a’ .0 p,‘ re‘ *1) No. Q54. LATE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CAUCASIAN HUG ' ,, [ xg';;,‘.}. - Jeszssfiitaw a Y- - "“' "5'; ‘ ner motifs display old rose ground colors, relieved by floral details; connecting with the inner band. The main border, with blue ground, sustains recurrent floral and bird designs, in colors to match the field, while the outer and inner flanking bands show varied ground colors with floriations in similar colors. Length, 20 feet 10 inches; "width, 6 feet 10 inches. (Illustrated) 254—ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN RUG Kuba weave. Late eighteenth century. The field, with lustrous lapis-blue body color and thick pile, sustains a symmetrically posed all-over pattern in form of flowered cartouches that are interspersed with stellated rosettes and bird designs, arranged row on row. The softly WW’ f blended and brilliant colors include deep amber-yellow, ' light moss-green and sapphire-blue tones, peculiar to the Kuba loom. The main border with white ground sus- taining recurrent floriations and tracery woven in red, blue and yellow shades of the field. The inner and outer square bands displaying blue, red and yellow floriations and vines on background. Length, 16 feet 5 inches; width, 9 feet. (Illustrated) 255—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CAR PET Lavehr—Kerman weave of fine pile and rich coloring. The field, with rich Lavehr rose tone, agreeably sustains an ll-over design composed with symmetrically arranged 87 M%ypress trees in combination with delicate floral devices / and birds; the delicate tracery involving light green, sapphire~blue, old-rose, golden—yellow tones of exceptional harmony. Framed by a series of narrow borders; the main border presenting a contrasting turquoise—blue ground color interwoven with recurrent yellow and red floral scrolls together with flanking red guard band. Two other borders, with white ground, uniformly display flowered rosette and other details; the remaining narrow bands showing floral scrolls and delicate diaper pattern in the varied colors carried from the panel. Length, 15 feet 3 inches; width, 7 feet. 255A—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET 72/; FT? //: Lavehr—Kerman weave, matching the preceding example, with slight variation in the bordering. Length, 15 feet 3 inches; width, 7 feet. 256—FIVE PERSIAN CARPETs AND RUNNERs £44.24.‘ i, ’ field; the inner band, with red ground, and the outer, with Forming a series. Joshaghan weave of the eighteenth century. The field, with deep blue ground, sustains conventional floral and geometrical devices woven in well— The bor- ders uniformly show a de p old—gold body color, with conventional floral details In varied colors matching the defined tones of red, green, yellow and iivhite. This set of five pieces together measure twenty-four feet by blue ground, sustain varied emblems and devices. fourteen feet, forming a floor covering for a single room of such, or greater dimensions. Respective sizes: (1. Length, 15 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet 6 inches. b. Length, 16 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 10 inches. 0. Length, 16 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet 10 inches. d. Length, 13 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet. e. Length, 13 feet; width, 3 feet. (Illustrated) 25'7—Two PERSIAN CARPETs ea we Q58— .34 (7&4. ‘ Qa/ 259— %74 i Herat weave. Eighteenth century. The herati pat- tern, in red, yellow, ivory and green, forms the design on the dark blue field of the two rugs. The large bor— ders are red, sustaining the herati border design in ivory, green, blue and yellow. Framing both sides are bands of blue, yellow and red, on which are small floral meanders. Length, 15 feet 11 inches; width, 6 feet 11 inches. Length, 15 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet 6 inches. SIN-EH KURDIsTAN RUG Eighteenth century. Placed in the center of the dark blue field is an ivory medallion on which is the herati pattern in rose, green, yellow and blue. This Sineh design covers the remaining field of the rug. The cen— ter border is red, bearing“ the herati border design in yellow, sapphire-blue, ivory and green. On both sides of this border are broad blended sapphire-blue bands, on which are beautifully rendered floral meanders. Narrow ivory bands separate the borders and field. Length, 18 feet 4‘ inches; width, 12 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) ANTIQUE CHINESE RUGS SMALL CHINESE RUG Eighteenth century. The close, shimmering pile, with soft salmon-red ground (showing slight variations in its tone), is relieved by a small dark blue fretted medallion, woven with geometrical details in light blue. The cor- ners present small angular devices in dark blue, together with swastika emblems. Finished without bordering. Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 9 inches. 260—D0URLE CHINESE MAT Eighteenth century. Lustrous pile; square panels that separately display lozenge-shaped medallions composed with latticed and floral details in dark blue, yellow, salmon-red and white, centered by a presenting two circular floral motif and scrolled corner devices, with The blue inner band sustains white dotting, while the main salmon-red flowering on Imperial yellow ground. border is woven with a dark blue and yellow “T” fret meander; flanked by light blue stripes. Length. 4- fee! 5 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches. ,//.2 J. /? ‘lull-1k“. ill" a‘ :bi‘vi . .laviflll ... H". J- )a....... ...|.I-., . .1. ..\.- .. ,i . (I ‘I v Q 7 p l’ ‘ - v... . Q .0“ J. .‘ T as m R ‘A a. .. a m m. .._,m.. C N A H A P s t I .H Y . . B N ill-Ii lllll» IL. . . N 4 R a. C .Lm. H _». .. T ‘we. N H m e. T _.,... a ‘a S a. . Qunk . -Qcsl, .. o 2 Raw n. .i o .. J 7... . . T r .65.. h d .. a . ' Eel! ? /.§>. ‘ ., .. . . 1,... . ., . 4‘ . ‘. ., l . . .. . ..H- , . ., ‘ , .zfiéilaiéstfiara ‘ . v‘ . . . 1. . . ‘4 v \ > . ‘ w ._ . .vr “ . . . u \ . . I, V y l, 1,‘ . . ‘ v . . - b . I - A‘ “ 7‘ \ . MW" 0 ‘h > 0!... c J 1 I , a ‘ r: . . .3 ‘ ... ,.\. I a .u I V . .7 ) | (.f ‘ , v V ‘ ‘ ' . . | ~ \ . ... . I. . ‘ v - ‘ 4 I . . . V , r . \ . 7 < V .1 1 ‘ \ v . . .1. . ‘ . IQ!!!’ .. : . . . V . . , 4 . . . A‘ r l v V a v . I . V \ V , 1 .0 V . v r l . ‘ . J . .‘ v . “ ‘ f 7 . V . I . 7 . . V. . r‘. '\ . . , . ~ . V . ‘ ,. l ‘ - V ‘ . :- ‘. . I 4 V _ > f. v I ‘ . . I . . . V’ | l , - V a . ‘ . - l -‘ - 4 . _ Y K , _ . I V v | I‘v V v ‘ I I I 1. 4 . ‘ v . o \ . u r 4 ‘ l» “ . . ‘ 4 . 7 ‘ . ‘V .. I , . . ‘ - . _. . . ‘ , ‘ 4 . ‘ k ‘I ‘ . ‘ x v r . v .. V ‘. ~ . , v v v . ‘ n r I u . . . 3 . . V v . » 3 ~ A‘ > . O > \ . I 7 III.‘ . ‘ . ~ ‘ ‘ . ‘ m -'HA ‘I. ' \ V . V ‘ v .. v ‘i .9} . v V . . . I .1 1 I . \ - .. . ‘ . ‘. . , . . .5 ‘ . . - . ‘ , . ‘ . . w vl ‘ 7 ‘ ‘ u . o . if ‘ , . .1. .. _ V q . . 1? ‘"" ' I,'var I ,' .I ' I‘. :__I'-’l.o"."¢':: 'I'l’” ”" ) J O r". 9 44.0"“! "l f; an on 00.”.- l' . ‘ ' .01. I -' o I v. ‘ a . , |\ Pqo. 270. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ASIA MINOR PRAYER Rue 26'9—IMPERIAL PERSIAN RUG Royal Sehna of the eighteenth century. The field, with luminous “flame-red” ground signifying “life and vic— tory,” is relieved by a large light green medallion, displaying scroll and palm motif together with a blue central plaquette, bearing the Imperial Persian lion and sun emblem woven in yellow. The remaining red field sustains four other yellow lions and two blue octagonal plaquette pendants, involving fish flanked by crested blue , pheasants, or Imperial birds, while the corner motifs, with royal blue body colors, show varied conventional flower devices, in rich golden—yellow, red, blue, white and rose tones. Framed by triple borders; the main band, with red ground, presenting vignettes that hold stemmed lilies, or passion flowers, in pink. Varied alternating cartouches fill the interspaces, while the flanking borders sustain contrasting dark blue body colors with small white and red symbols midst flowered tracery. Rare specimen, with warp of fine hand—spun silk. Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches. (Illustrated) 270—ANTIQUE AsIA MINOR PRAYER RUG Ladik weave of the seventeenth century. The prayer field, with soft golden-yellow ground, presents a spreading pen— dant with three downward branching arms ending in flowered finials. The mihrab spandrel displays a pale amber-yellow ground-color with serrated leaf and blossom XJW pattern, woven in red, blue and yellow. Upper panel band ' shows a pale—amber tone to match mihrab. hIain border, with golden-yellow ground, sustains a flowered cartouche in recurrent design in red, blue, green and white. Narrow white guard bands show serpentine floral scrolls. Length, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 9 inches. (Illustrated) ‘Q .91 .. . - i . .‘W. .11 .1. . n -91 in .m. a :1. ._ i - l. .. .\. .7, ££..._P.-I...o_.§ 0 if .r -. I a o 'l ‘O".o.,\:.:o£ oliilsls olvruid‘li. .. .... _... ... .. . n. . ,II - I _.. . 9...... .803...‘ ¢ ‘this: O“. Pl'b‘t’t'o g ‘2...! u Q. _ I a“ - ‘ . > .. . . 1.. 4 . - . . o v . . I r INItOWWMLhP (. ‘ ,- l.‘ _I‘h . . MIA-Hi WP. e... I .. . .U. .Jiirdlu kl’. It"; I 1 . it; I; ‘at “A .‘i. I‘! '1‘. an: ‘cl.’ innuls. “ Q . O ‘I- . I u . “ii..- D i I.. . I O P a . t r ._.I ‘I111 1~‘_’.' ‘ ‘ . > I ~ ~37 ‘5' 3'. V ‘ ~f' 'Q‘". .m“boiiclrtaoa.g.; . Eff‘fi .- ., -,~ I 1 ,1‘; sin, o in I; "a r’ . ‘ i a . .... _ . \ if. . g ?\*[*p .‘4_ .-%.m~|’.I' I‘. i. I . . p i . A \ ... :‘1... .‘ O. . g 7. .z ‘b .1. .. I‘. ..I.. sniff .. . , . :fl...l...l.:t:...:.w Or 0 I . ~ I» . . I . ._> I w . s I . . . . - . . . :1 I i . . . I . a i . . . . . _ c . . . . . . . v . . _ y. .. .d I. ._ _ I . , . .I . t‘. I. n. , . I . J .. a i. .. .. i. . I. . . . . II . _.. .I . . .. .. . I I . I . e . .t . I I . . . v . I. n .. . . . s .i v . . I . z. . . . . I ~. . I I .4 . I 1. a . . . s . .i y s n L . . i u I .. . . . I . I . . . . I v 4. . . u . . . . . . . w . I . .7 . . \.. - .. . I . . . i. . I I . v . ..I . . . _ v. ... . I I . - . .. . . . .. I ..~ . i . 1 . . . . . . . . . v . . . I I A. . . . .4 . . . v Q .. . . . I . . . . r . . . . . . _. . .. .. i . . . . I . ‘I . . . . . . . . . 4 v .. . a \ . . . .. ... . .I i | . . . . . . . . - v I I . . . . . .f . . . . . I . .. . . . . . . u . I. I . . . . a t . . . . . l. .x . r .. ‘.1 a . . q. .I a . l . .. - v . . .. _ . \ .1 - .. 2 . I v _ i V L r . . . . . . . . . . .1 . ~ v _. . i I . . . . . .. a I o . D I I . . v I. ‘I 1 v .I n .l i . . .l' ‘I a . - L A I . I T I. .. e . I. .n I... s I . . L . . . . . . i . a . - .. o | I . I . ‘I i . I. v. o. I A. I . . . . . . a J . i. . . . . i . _ i . I‘ s . R u ‘I . . v. I o . . i. u. v . v .. . . . . I , .\ u. . . > i ._ . . r . . I .I . u . . ... _ . . . . . a I I I I I . .4 . . I I . _I .I . I I I . . . .- > . u . . . . v I. I i 1. . . . . . .I . .I I 2 J... . i I _v _ I . . . i . : a . I . . I f. v . I- I v . . . . . . a . .1.. . . . . . . . M e .. _ .. I. . I, I. I ~ . . I. . - . . r in‘ . .. I . L . - p u a.’ K O . ._v a. _ . .I .:I . _ ~ . l . .I . . . . z I . v . _ . . . . . . . . v . . I v > . .. V 2 . . . . .. . . . a . n . . . I. v . . .v . I ..~ . a. I v . . . h-u v 4.. t 4 . . _ n 0. . .- . . . . I . . n | .i. . In... . . . i . . I a o . . | .. A . . o y .. v I: ,- .. o . J. I. r as .0103 a. No. 272. FIFTEENTH CENTURY SMALL IsPAHAN RUG I.‘ l I - .I>_ n‘ '- . ‘ V ."I I _-"._~--, !1.._, ' i. , ‘ ~t-b ‘ I I - i If D-ll‘li . V \ . . .4 . .i . v . . -I . , . . . r~j \: . . . . . gm’. .. .n ~I ... - .. .. . -.. . . . . . .. .. . . . _. . . . . . .. . . . , 34(3. 1 it?!) 4.»; if. .\u |. . , T 1.4511,‘ 2' 4 I. v P r.’ .PZPFDIF .E t’l? rib, rd 5a . 1. e 3?. J . Q . a‘. . . i . firr. n . . .. ... . w ..J.. r3. . . . a) .. L 1 . . . 1 z... . a . Er (1. 1 2.1.1521 Era Dr... F: . rirbvkirifflflzsa .. ........Q..S........I. . 1 I V .\ a ‘Y. . A . Q13!‘ 1| I ‘In . w. .i4 44 ‘9...: < < I’ 11-4.4.1- . IPIfY 41~Cl t.'£ _- 1 ' 1' ,. y'r. ~_l ’ V . I .-.A_ ' "El-ii“ ~' a... i.“ . ., a - --:-£.IO:¢MW . w ; :4.’- No. 271. SIXTEENTH CENTURY ASIA MINOR PRAYER RUG 271—ANTIQL'E Asia MIXOR PRAYER RUG Ghiordez weave of the sixteenth century; typical soft pile and soft coloring. The prayer field, with deep ruby—red ground, sustains a central pendant gulab-ewer, together with floral sprigs, and two slender blue and yellow column stripes, together with delicate serrated tracery border— ing. ground, which is carried into the upper panel band, and The serrated mihrab spandrel shows blue back- is relieved by conventional floral details woven in the varied soft blended colors peculiar to the Ghiordez loom. The main border, presenting a soft amber-yellow ground, with flowered cartouche and rosette design, involves leaf and scrolling vines, woven in the light colors of the spandrel: the inner and outer bands displaying varying details, together with narrow guard stripes. Length, 5 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 11 inches. (Illustrated) Q'YQ—RARE SMALL ISPAHAN RUG Early example of the Shah Abbas The panel, with typical deep rose—colored Fifteenth century. variety. ground, presents an interesting old Abbasside, or Iran design, seemingly the precursory motif used during the great Shah’s period. The details include symmetrically disposed lotus palmettes, leafy scrolls, and cloud bands (tichi) woven in contrasting tones of topaz—yellow, emer— ald-green and sapphire-blue on the background, which re- The wide border, with subdued corrosive brown, sustains lotus palmettes in recurrent tains its ruby-like color. forms, midst leafy scrolls, woven in varied colors and in harmony with the panel, including a modicum of white. Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches. )iQ/N. gag/“0, (Illustrated) _ I. _ ,, -',., . (~- ~.. .- ” '11,,1. ,,_ ‘I - 1: “W '5 ""F ‘EU heath“??? "w ’" 4"" ' . ‘3-’ J --‘=.......*_=.- -_.Z-,---__..;.__. _ ‘r I. I .‘ .J'I '1 J 0 a $0,?‘ l ._ ‘11" '~' h.‘ - A! 31 I‘ ‘L!!! 1n! ‘ w - , D 4 ' 1. l’ I“; I‘ V 7' v 4. l V - I. ' .b-I ' " 'v ’ ' - ’ In 1m ’ _ . - a. '.‘!,.'I‘, _ v, | i ._ V a, _ . VI ,\.; If I'.&.‘ ',"-‘_{I _ .' V _ .1 I.6 ' ., J ,._ r sew .1, ' " -' r - - I ‘O i F‘: i (:J ‘31 ~' n~ ‘4: . i ‘ ".‘7.:-17‘.;.~‘§I saw that ‘i “1. l ~>/ —~--~~ ’ ‘:2 ~ . @135. m. a ' i“. _.,=.'.- . ‘IA! \ _. i.’ {~::;“!’\'__"‘\_I. i . ~ ~' ‘zeta s " 2'73—QANTIQUE ASIA MINOR RUG Ghiordez weave of the sixteenth century. The field, with turquoise-blue ground, displays a small diaper pattern ith red fleurettes. Framed by varied borders which sus— ' ' tain light golden-yellow and amber-colored backgrounds, relieved by delicate floriations and scrolls woven in soft blue, crimson-red and tawny-brown tones typical of the Ghiordez looms. Length. 5 feet; width, 3 feet 6 inches. .. , . . . . . |.| .. . ., . .. *— \ ‘IQ’ .. . . . . . . . I .. ... i .I s \\ ....~>~.6 I. .I. I I , . I. ask’??? I. I . . M) Rwx ~..~.... tea... a .i kl . . . . . . b I. . . ... .. '1 . . . . . ...I. . . . .Q I .I I o .1 ... I .dI .. IMO. . . . I . . .I . . .. p. ‘ l. ’ R- ... p .. i . .. . . .. ... . ..I....I..>.. . 1.. .1..I'... . .. I . . . I ...Nu .. . ..~... I .. _.u. . . . ..a . . I 2 ‘W? . .w. .. I . I. .. I. I . . .. .. v I‘. _I r p . . 1”“ ... s I. fit. .8 ‘QI. T H. I I .11.‘)! s I . ‘(LIE ‘ . be _ I I . .I . . ‘ ‘Is-‘.6 .;~ ~ ... Q : I. . .. . .I . . . . . . .. .. . . . .-. . ..-. ‘slain.’ a’ \.~.§.I\.fi\s§..vsvvi , .S.. I. Q. . ...*¢Ir..~\.m~fi.~\~$au.%unvfi\fis \.I%.~r~6_\.$\h\v‘\h~\QQ‘Q’. >.. .< Q‘: . . 1.. ‘Id’. . . .in.asn4kflldfil ‘4.. I u ..h . . .k K I .\ | ‘.1 .Qudfi‘ll . . .. . ... 1...»)...t . .P. .- ..- JM.......,......>... .. . .. ....HHHHH ...Hd. . ....HIPIII I. .. . adv/...“. .. I... I .f. . . . .. . . I. . ..i .. .... . . . . . .. . . I. ‘I . . ‘a ‘1 .2 .',-."., A a It .sl-F- ‘4 yrs-“It x 3": 3 in ‘_‘its J‘ ‘.I‘ '1! 1'". Yb)‘. I f": I .‘1y . I" ..‘p Q‘ 1 f ' 4 Q" ‘ ‘I . it‘; ‘it?’ IN, ' g‘, v 1.‘ -.. x.x .30 .. II . . ..w.‘NI.4MU4~..aN>I.....4-. I ....II II.‘ \~S~.~ \\\~ . . a ~I~ s» 3 ~ ~....\e\.1§ . AIrIu a? k.’ Rh .. ~ aft...» 0 Q Q‘ 5 l-‘~.I-c‘.~.§ 1.3. 4.’! 4. \(ssifi I. \ ‘N5sbi! it...’ . No. 274. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY IASIA MINOR PRAY ER RUG _.__.q- ~<-- “'4 ‘q A “32,: ya; 1' '- ' in: . l ‘1 ' - . ' f . jg.‘ "a U _ ' ‘r’ W’ Q - - ‘ . \- ' 0 l ‘ . \ _ - I r n . I ‘d u. \9' _ 9 No. 300. SIxTRE-NTH (‘ENTI'RY IPsAHAN (‘orRT CARPET a-’ -~ ‘~— I. I i .. .l‘alll. silo-60.0.’ . . .’\}..\' - .IJ. .J. \w.é)v..<(vl. . )2?» 2:. .2 H . . _ . 1 s . f i k w. . n. we’ 9. b .o w. ......Y-z...i . , . 4.1.1. f. . . r . f: . l iii!» . t.‘ 1 ‘twig! .(n‘W‘IM/kk .'P .2... . \MAJQ Q, - .--- .1... \i?! ‘)k’. . n . .. Cal‘. .-Io 5.5.5‘. <57‘... .. I.» I .J. Q. .Q. ‘vial. *4...‘ v Q v .Q. a.‘ )3. ......._..¢€..¥3§_.§ . .. | . ‘no. . . . I *5 - Ana's/~11‘- v ---.e-_’_ ‘enrol-J‘ '\M'\I ... .~.-..~,b>. . .. .. .. .. . ,. ., SIXTEEN TH CENTURY ASIA MINOR PRAYER RUG 274—ANTIQUE AsIA MINoR PRAYER RUG Ladik weave of the seventeenth century, with close pile and lustrous colors. The prayer field presents a solid ruby—red ground and a serrated mihrab spandrel with subdued peacock—blue body color involving yellow and red flowering tree emblems, together with outlining of like colors. The upper panel band, with sea-green ground, shows the typical Ladik foliated stems with flowering in red and black, together with lambrequin outlines on red h m ground. Framed by triple bordering, inner band with (5 ' sapphire-blue ground displaying ruby—red and amber- )i‘ //’Z yellow devices in recurrent diamond form, while the main border, with old-gold body color, sustains an anguilliform %%Wél meander which involves characteristic details and geo- metrical devices peculiar to the old Ladik looms. The outer band, showing sea-green ground, involves red and - ivory—white designs in recurrent design. Length, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches. (Illustrated) 275—ANTIQUE AsIA MINOR PRAYER RUG Ghiordez weave. Sixteenth century. Fine pile and well- defined coloring. The prayer field, with soft écru ground, sustains two figured column forms, together with a small central flowering pendant, woven in contrasting colors, including red, blue and deep yellow. The mihrab arch shows a blended sapphire—blue body color, relieved by flowering tulip plants which are interwoven with other conventional motifs. The panel is concluded above and 074-‘ below with narrow border stripes of varied color and floral design. The main border, with brown background, displays palmette and cartouche devices with floral and leafy vines; the varied colors including ruby-red, tur— quoise-blue, amber-yellow, coral-pink and white. The inner border, with blue ground and scrolling vines, is flanked by narrow guard stripes, while the outer deep golden band, with floriations in red, blue and turquoise tones, is flanked by red and white guard stripes.’ Length, 5 feet; width, 3 feet 9 inches. (Illustrated) " '‘ '.#-'1l'¢;gu,ggf _L . "1:; 0 ."WF" v ‘'“M ' ~““ ' "i l 276—HOLY RI'G 0F GHIORDEZ (ASIA MINOR) Ghiordez weave of the sixteenth century. The prayer field, with pearl—White body, is relieved by two small ara- Aqbesque devices, woven in delicate blue-black indicating the kneeling space, while the arch of mihrab displays three foliated vignettes each bearing a word taken from the til I . ..| i 4% (‘ti {IF-3. .. ..__ Y‘IYfl-MM - . §~ .QWJHWHUI. . 05"... . .J piano-silo‘ .ILJa .Pra‘fk \i.l"{-“l‘|.- t. ‘Bililld'...’ ‘ .a' r.’ . will‘ :Jiialil. i . 4m . .1 .v. . . .. . . null. uql . .l ... .l...i 4 4a. ... . . .. . .. . .. .. . refit. a F‘, ... M Ma... .. . _.. 1 “fit 3... Manny‘: .enrt. fl fix a“ ....L. r a. a v1» fiULVUx.» .. 1... .../_ . 4a..’ .to .. . . .1 . 1 . i n . v . .. a , - . . ' . . C; ' ll 1 'I-n...b it‘ Dr!‘ "I ‘it It!‘ I ‘I s ... a. - fi 5! .1. ‘I! f e . \ . _. .. ., , \...r.\.‘....I¢}.s . R. . .. . .?:'..J.1?Jbr!r . .L..... ... .n .... ; . ..... . .. .. ... . ,. . . . i-.. .. t .Q. . ,.u .u ..fl.a.,§'v . . T. .. .¢ - . . .. ~ . . . . _ . ,. . . - . . ...:fa.J..r.J....E is...) I. . . . i , 5. sea. sea. a ea. , .. .. . C. . J ..~ . a p . .. a‘. l . . h‘ Jhguloi; | . A. . Q'- n .7 ~ . H ‘l\ l’.- . a . .. v .‘wnl‘ ‘I. la ‘. vi? a 7:‘ rvv V90. 7 .. ...VV.I...Y 8..’ L... .. . .\. vv.v.v.u.vr.w.v..... . Wr.w...rr.vr. . . . .. . .. .. . . ,. av{}? '12.; 2 #3.? m. 322,733,914. Q52... . . o l4 0“ o. .w. v. ".v. .... v. v. .. 3W1? . .'£-#....¢w,£§,€.#..rv F... Y . a Ferry :f. . . _. Fa " . I . - a. y o . l. a . | .. .v .. .- .' r... war” was}??? .. mtflflswvm. at... > . . . ... . . .2 t .. . . . . . , , m-vvw- “.3 .05 04' 0‘. We VIO'dfiVjw “4'5”: P‘.W%1&avfi.ntv- ' 9 . . . .f . ... . .. _ e .n i. _. . . .Ii. . . "JW..),. Q . V ‘. g Q .t n 1 .1...‘ ‘I. . . - . .i, .. . . . a... a... a......."......a...§ . . ‘ ..1.....-C..,....--1E... . ‘ A“. . .. - . . Jztwwu . -(P~. . km}. \ .. . . .U. a.” a *4 .. .. .r.. .. . r! Y. . ._ ,fixe u‘? MK: fa. .. Er h . 57v avail‘! . an)...‘ o . . . .i . A -v ._ w . . .rm . I y .a . v. . . o . . . . . 4 . . . . ‘ i s .. .G; .1 . .. > e... .. ‘ilk . . . . .eai'ssra. .. .. . 1) ( .... . n v . Y J . . 4. ‘m w . Y * . . . . LI 1. . . . . n Y . 1. v . I i .. .,. . a J n . .. . H». . Q s . _ . .Q l v. T . 4 n .s . , r.’ 4 . e I . .v .. . . . I _ , 4 . a A 1.. . a v . r s. . a . a . I 4 4. . . . i . - I. . a. A. _ n > . | s . I 3 i - . -. . . . . q. . . .. I A II‘ . . . .. ..' m . . n. _. . . . 4. . ... . . 03.. r . .p . h‘ .... 4». i. - . Yup-A \ A . n. .u. . i < n 1 . . 11 u. . 4.3 L" r . . ,.. . . . . . ~ -. . l .. .> I . . . . . I I“ . L .. a - . . . . .. < . . . . .I s.- . . .. . a. . i A u .. . i n E v . r _ , i ‘I .. H- I . - - . . . .. I‘ 0 I -. I 1 f Q I . . .. i . n .. I. . . 1 . . . a . . . W . .v v .. w . .. J. 5.’ i . . in . , o a. t . . r. .. . . a H .. .. v: . . .-. . . .v _ .. _ . 0.... .v . .. . . .5 .\ . . .i o. .4. . < . .... . - i ' .. I i l . r. I’. A . u .uno .»/ . . J . .. .3 . . . . . v . . . e 4 .. . . .. .N. - u .z. . . t. .. ul. - . . . .. I. ~ I. 4 l n s . .. . . . . ~ ' .4 r... ._. o _. . . 4. . . . . \l 1.. .~ . o . .i. < . . .. . . s s . u. . 0 1. 4 . . .. Q. I 0. 4 -.. . . . .4 a. . e . a. . . . . 4 . n . . . u . . . . n. . . .. a . . r s . . 1. . < .. . . a . . . . . . 4 . v H . - .| . - .| . 0' v . . - . . ... . . a.. .l ., . H . L...‘ . . o . i u .. . . c . ... . s h . . . . . r _ -. .I . ; v. .I L i 4' .v 1 I ‘1 . . . . . a . s . i u. ~. . . . . . . . , .. . . . . .I K. i . M .. . . . .. u . u . ..¢ 4 . u .l . . - .. .vw ‘I! 4..u . , Iw.|i 4.. fir -. i. . . v .n. .3. J . . . . o 1 ..> . . . . J . . a Q a . o . l . il III. p r . | . u .I . . H I . . a u . . v . . . . . . u .2 ,.. . , . .. . okk/fiflilwaQ 3.51 . . . . . .. . . l . . . v . a. r . I v I. 4 . . i . o r. J . i l ’ I . 4U‘41'l.‘ I‘ 1‘ ‘it''s. . i . . . . . h u . . x I . . v u I.‘ . I. . s. . I‘ . . . . . ..J.. . o... . . . . . s I 4 .. v14 w 0* al.31 . .. .. . - .. . .. .. . . . I s . . . u . a .. . .» . v . .. . . . . . . . . . u . . . . I ’ . . . . . . o A I Y . f I . s . e I‘ n. . a . .. 0 ~ . ~ . . . | I. 0- .e. . '0‘ of d 0 t : f’ ‘I . . A . s . . '0 0 a , . ~ . i . - > . . Y i . . . . . ill ~. I . I v v. . A . o . v ii O ‘A . l s - I if MINOR PRAYER RUG No. 277. SEvENTEENTH CENTURY AsIA PI 2 ,ZCQJZ. 4. Koran. The upper bears the word Merhiimat (meaning Mercy, or Kindness); the one to the right contains the word Mouhabet (Charity, or Love), while the one to the left bears the word Mouharet (signifying Proficiency) woven in blue—black and outlined with red. The elaborate mihrab spandrel shows the same pearl—white color carried from the field, and sustains delicate lotus flowers, together with leafy scrolls, woven in dark green and outlined with red, the graceful design involving a cartouche form in each corner. The border sustains the same pearl—white color carried over from the field, relieved by a delicate floral design which involves recurrent details delicately defined in red, green and two shades of blue. Lined with cream—colored silk. This Namazlik, or prayer rug, is the rarest of the old Ghiordez looms. Length, 5 feet 3 inches,‘ width, 3 feet 6 inches. ANTIQUE ASIA MINOR PRAYER RUG Ghiordez weave of the seventeenth century. The prayer field, with sapphire—blue ground, displays delicate border- ing of stamens and filaments, together with a free flowered column extending through the center in delicate amber— yellow, azure-blue and red tones. The mihrab spandrel, with subdued reseda-green ground, shows closely woven red blossom forms. Framed by a series of varying bor— ders; the main band, with blended old-gold body color, sustaining recurrent floral motifs, woven in conventional form, and in the varied colors of the field. Inner band, with pearl-white ground, displays soft yellow and” red floral details, flanked by blended ruby guard stripes, which are repeated in connection with the blue outer bands. Length, 6 feet; width, 4 feet 4‘ inches. (Illustrated) . c o as‘). if . i .. vi... z... .Juftf! kw". A . 9 ~..o.-. .090‘ _km~"“o~w~ooasqv. 0. s. sqooauooooflowmvuo 6.8.063oovoonvuousnohouono“QMOHWUQtHQMVnQM‘W .v. I’. - ~ - cso~os~eooovisb To Iaovboooooooooodo “0-"400QQQQQfOQQQQHQMWQXQOQ‘5310919w. .4 9 O Q ‘ Q Q 9 9 Q Q Q s I‘ s y 4 s as c... oocciwmsfi ,. Q. 9 O‘. 1 Q O Q’... ~ . .. I . I , .. . .. .. Q 90... -9... a’. s Q 0% . . woo-revs’; at. s . L. Tampa.-.“ . , . I a a Q . . . . . I. .l . . t... II. ,4 .II .I q i“... o s a ._ I, . 4% It» . .m s 0a 0 ao. #3309419”? . Q a Q. be‘.Jcoasvaqqoock.5%3043 .. i cacao . . ooovaoaoqodaaic. s 9 o a Q Q o . 0 ' O 9 O ‘OQO‘MQ. \ a... I I, Q Q ‘ ‘ ‘00.3% no a $4.86 q .0 Q Q Q Q. ‘\0 1 b 0 so... a oiavomoookkcaioo ‘a s . . s .0’ .1 in .. o. as?» ‘a. s oi 4.. 1 ~ o o o v ~ .. 0. i Q Q Q Q Q Q 4 Q 0 Q Q Q 0 Q Q A . Q'QQOQQQQOQOQQHQHQHQHQHQ ?QQHQQOQQQQQQOQQQQQQQQWQ .. o . o o s o a Q a o co sovvofleosfiva 4 s I. :3. 11x‘. . .4 shlfl. “*4 3.5.. 3.1.4»... .. Jwrbfii. s§¢\....x .0. .4: .. 31 . SIxTEENTII CENTURY AsIA MINOR PRAYER RUG No. 279. 278—ANTIQUE PERSIAN RUG )y/7/Z [’ Ispahan weave of the sixteenth century. The field, pre— senting a typical old-rose colored ground, which agree- ably sustains an Iranian design, involves lotus, palmette and cloud scroll motifs, interwoven with floral and leaf— age in golden—yellow, sea-green, sapphire-blue, ivory- White, pale-amber and lapis-blue tones peculiar to the Ispahan looms. The panel is completed by old-gold colored corner motifs which ‘involve palmette and ara— besque scrolls in harmony with the field. The main border sustains a bluish—green body color, showing pal- mette, blossoms and leaf scrolls in colors carried over from the panel. Inner guard stripe, with White ground, and the outer red, show similar floral scrolls. Length, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 6 feet. 279—REMARKABLE ASIA Mlxon PRAYER Bro (NAMAZLIK) flffdf Ghiordez weave of the sixteenth century; typical short pile and soft coloring. The prayer rug presents a pale reseda-green ground filled with small white and green floral speckling. The mihrab spandrel, sustaining a sap— phire-blue ground color, is relieved by conventional yellow floral dCX’lCQS, while the narrow upper and lower panel bands show pale green with yellow scrolling design. Framed by triple bordering, together with narrow guard ' stripes; the middle border, with ivory—white ground, bears a conventional floral pattern, Woven With delicate outlining and in colors to match the mihrab spandrel, while the inner and outer bands, with soft sea—green ground, sustain similar conventional details in delicate coloring. Exceptionally large and rare mosque example. Length, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 5 feet 3 inches. (Illustrated) -l=1-I-1-_-1-,-1:-L-L4—*==' Y . '1=L1=I-—k=‘-1-1L_-L_L --['-T1 a. ? l-J—T ‘Tl F2" “' Ek- “iv-4p“ ‘ ‘ , A i I _ 1 ' ' ‘ ' . _ I - l I l . I l . - _ ‘f’ ‘ v ' #0 “is l ,‘ \' ' ‘ \ ' " ' ‘ n , . "1" ,' ) ‘f0’ ,- _ ‘ I - ' d \ ~ _ V 1, 1, ‘ ‘ V ' '9 4‘ “b Iv 5?..5a535-aspséls, N0. 5281. EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CHINESE RUG l f s \ ‘ *"wfitmfifiz Fir“ . A‘ g ‘. 280-A1 I A}. . 1T .. N‘ i I. J ; w; A! . ‘ _ a , ‘.5. la. IQ Hr... . 2w a . .5; .¢.;5 1,.fix}..1 =€E$ww§ . d .H . i I . !. Hwl. Him“ . ‘v, . A . v. u ulll'llllvv 130- Ill’. ‘. in N0. 282. EIGHTEEKTH CENTURY SAMARKAND SILK RUG .Dl w _v. .1. v .h, z. t . H. M a... No. 283. EARLY SEVENTEENTH CENTURY CHINESE RUG 282——.-\.\"rmric SAMARKAXI) SILK RUG Eighteenth century. ‘The field, with lustrous ruby—red background, sustains a conventionalized all-over pattern formed by sea—green scrolls, which are combined with swastika, Buddhistic emblems and bats, woven in varied __. blue, persimmon pink, yellow and soft ivory-white tones. The main border, with deep golden—yellow ground, shows conventional red and light-green floral motifs. The outer border, with sea-green ground, sustains blue and red details in colors to match the field. Length, 10 feet 10 inches; "width, 6 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) 288——:\.\'TIQI.'E CHIXESE RUG Early seventeenth century. The field, with soft sheen, presents a light reseda ground which sustains a contrast— ing circular center medallion, formed by salmon-red and white cloud band, around a blue phooenix (féng) bird—— the particular emblem of an empress. The corner mo- tifs display blue, red and green floral details, While the remaining field sustains detached sprays of lotus and other flowers (woven in like colors) interspersed with varied objects (ch/in, ch’i, shu, of the scholar and mandarin’s pastime. The inner band, with brown ground, shows a line of pale red and yellow pearl or chu emblems, followed by a middle border which displays a salmon—red ground, relieved with “T” fret meander woven in blue, yellow. and pink; the yellow outer border sustains small swastika fret devices, interrupted by crest emblems and floral scrolls. Has distinctive margin band in corrosive brown. Length, 10 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet 9 inches. (Illustrated) QSlL—ANTIQUE CHINESE RUG Eighteenth century. Close pile and lustrous sheen; panel, with deep Imperial yellow ground, presenting a large blue central medallion, surrounded by ten smaller medallions, uniformly woven with floral details, in two shades of blue and a modicum of white, corresponding to the blue peony flower corner motifs. The remaining field displays varied butterflies and detached floral sprays, in— I terspersed with symbolical fruit, notably pomegranates, /§_/peaches and “Buddha’s—hand” citron (which are called / “Fruit of Three Abundances”) framed by double borders; the inner band showing a blue “T” fret pattern on yel- low ground, while the main border sustains floral scrolls and blossoms in two shades of blue and white. Finished by a dark blue margin band. Length, 11 feet 3 inches; width, 9 feet. (Illustrated) Q85—MANCHURIAN SILK AND GILT THREAD RUG Seventeenth century. The field, with lustrous silk pile, presents a blended pink and warm gray background, re— lieved by an all—over pattern in varied colors, showing conventional flowers and leafy scrolls. The small central medallion displays a mystical cross device with flowering, on solidly woven body of silver—gilt threads, which is re— y peated on the four serrated corner motifs, together with floral details to match the field. Framed by a wide border, with recurrent octagonal tracery, woven in blue on blended apricot ground, involving seal characters, of good augury. The inner and outer guard bands, with blue ground, sustain delicate floral details in varied con— trasting colors. Length, 11 feet 8 inches; width, 6 feet 2 inches. ‘ ' in ‘A; ‘ I I p’; .1 i’ . " ##Lwk - U ~ 1 - N‘ 7 \l 7 1‘ .I/ V k r _ . W ‘ 4 ‘a’ g N0. 286. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CHINESE RUG mm~ "10¢. qt “ . a w. -A.' a A ~‘11-- " ‘IQ “IEIQ=QI=IQD¢IIU¢TDL€O 0 a \ O .o." I f '° ‘(up . ‘ '1IaIinl§IEnIaIi> \ "8 ‘ -‘ ‘ ‘ l _‘A ' ‘f’ “'nk'im’.’ Y ‘w'hfly'L—u 5;“ . iIii.F-%#i§Im8nm121i§1r1531rdlrlrgawwvakqlalk—nqi;§ur4L;duJ;- " 4-’ GED." lk\‘I'll\W-£ s‘ as l r , _- ‘v i . ' I’ " a 7/ 1 ‘ ‘iliflildllflllflllfllh \ .\ I ‘ i I ‘\ l I . i‘ I . . 1 a '- u - ‘ " 1 Q \. I! 7...‘! . - l V . ‘Hlfiliflfiffil‘silfilllllfAllflflnaQiFiiPZlliflI‘ILNHIE~JIIIHIIL§IQJ\§n-pq-§§1r, , in u a o a. q .mwopnmnmumn o mswm~wlilfiwlmmi - 5 W ’ ... ‘ if)‘, 9.920 nae. CD Q?QD‘CIID%C2 (Dali? ‘- I ' some E.~G.IO.VFCTQQI 0 one o cum-cite 1 W ’ ,lgfllnggeyadnvIaansar2isunulslfiinslqhmrdasiflsenraisruls * ' » v ' 'M Q _.‘fur: "- “0 it‘ ‘I ‘kw; \ ll’ . ‘nin- \, . .-..» v y" j l ‘ y!‘ < _ ‘'0 ¢_ q. - . .- , .’. ‘.4, V t . -=_v V I I ' I a ‘ . , (‘.346 - J; ‘_Nf-A“ I,‘ a h _ ‘ I . g O p 7- . l 4 m omens; an mm ‘ i ‘ ' ' , ,1’ ‘ ‘M i “m&-'J\YIA>V/* V I‘ — , v ' ‘ _~ .- 0 0 ' ‘ _ V‘ " 'I ‘ 1;: 1:; V _ 3 p ‘ , Q \~. 4L ” - ‘ a?!‘ a‘ \;’ >-'\ 'fl ‘1 . '-‘ a. a {'4 _ ‘ p‘! ‘ I.‘ .91 ~ . ' ' - l _ "5.“ ‘9'1 .1K!!!E?KsInalLfillilwfiFilkfilliifllr a" r ' raw‘. "w ‘ Q.‘ _ f. If- ’ .f 71"‘ ’ i. ' ‘ v w 8;. '. r J . ‘ - . ' _ilpsnr ~;-' '~ ‘*5Kfieflilflialllliiiliiillfl' QhI'mlns‘l'I ' ' V V i r _ ‘T K ‘_‘_ F ’m a aymnaoru , I 90%0 o FIFTEENTH CENTURY RARE SARACEXIC Damascus MosaUE CARPET i l l o QTWMJQ. 0° ~ " " c i was. \ 1-1: *1:- ya ‘saggy ‘ ‘ V‘. l. ‘ i’ l l _ I‘ ~ v“ ' 1 _. . ' I p ' ~§ " 5 if ~ ‘I g ‘.032 n0 W dZohgQ. \ t g L ,\ ..) *‘fififi‘r Lop‘ ‘_v -- 286—LARGE ANTIQUE CHINESE RUG Eighteenth century. The field, with soft sheen, presents an old ivory—white background, which agreeably sustains a round blue center medallion and scrolled corner motifs, uniformly involving butterflies, fruit and floral details, woven in varied shades of blue. The remaining field is freely covered with butterflies and detached flower sprays, 4 including formally posed narcissus plants, young bam- ' boo shoots and ling-chili or polyporous fungus clumps. The inner border, with salmon-pink ground, sustains a “T” fret meander in dark blue, while the outer border displays an old ivory—white ground, with scrolled floral pattern, woven in two shades of blue and white; flanked by blue guard stripes and dark margin band. e0 e" 7e Length, 16 feet 9 inches; width, 11 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) 9287—LARGE ANTIQUE CHINESE RUG Early eighteenth century. Fine pile and soft sheen. The field presents a pale—amber tone background which sus— tains a bold all-over design, woven in mellowed tones of peach—red yellow, varied blue and sea-green tones, show— ing conventionalized cloud motifs, composed to resemble the curious curves on ju-i scepters and symbolical fungus clumps. Interspersed among the free scrolling devices flare numerous bats and peaches (Taoist emblems) ,fi/jfl, ' ——the bats signify blessing in the superlative, and / the ju—i forms convey many good wishes to be fulfilled. The narrow inner band displays blended peach-red and yellow lei—wen (fret) meander, while the main border, with soft red background, sustains a blue and yellow floral motif, together with leafy scrolls, flanked by dark blue, peach—red and yellow guard stripes, while the outer margin band is woven in dark blue. Length, 15 feet 9 inches; width, 11 feet 6 inches. 288—REuARKABLE CHINESE RUG Seventeenth century. Fine lustrous pile; the field, with old ivory—white background, is relieved by salmon—pink central medallion, woven in unusual polygonal escutcheon form, and displaying varied Taoist and Buddhistic em— blems woven in yellow and turquoise—blue, together with wave motifs. The remaining field is covered by a bold scrolling all-over design (showing old salmon-pink, yel— low, turquoise-blue and brown tones) involving conven— j g tional lotus flowers and convoluted stems. Framed by ' numerous borders; an inner band, showing a yellow and salmon-pink swastika fret pattern, is followed by a sec- ond border with yellow, blue and ivory—white vignette ‘and floral details. The main border sustains a flowered honeycomb diaper motif, woven in yellow and blue, While the outer band displays an interlaced blue and sea—green meander. Varied guard stripes show yellow, salmon and turquoise tones of the field. Length, 15 feet 5 inches; width, 14 feet 7 inches. 289—AxTIQL'E HIsrANo-MoREsQUE CARPET The field presents a sixteenth century design with sub— dued salmon-red body color, involving conventional car— touche and geometrical plaquette forms, together with floral rosettes and flowering stems boldly defined in pale moss—green, sapphire—blue, ivory—white and lapis-blue tones. XI The bordering shows flowering devices and cartouches in ' colors that harmonize with the field, while the inner border displays a “flame-red” body color peculiar'to the Saracenic influence, which involves conventional floral sprays together with yellow chevron guard bands. (Border has been restored in harmony with the interior.) Length, 14 feet 4 inches; width, 11 feet 4 inches. (Illustrated) § 0 W ‘ a.‘ I‘ »rl .‘ul \,... I "Q". 9mm SEVENTEENTH CENTURY CAUCASIAN RUG N0. 291 .. .l: f. o H >, . ‘ $Mrwmfimvwn>wohuwmw$gfifivwéu \i-E. QQO—IINIQL'E HIsPAxoJIoREsQIfE CARPET Sixteenth century weave, without pile. The field, with salmon—red ground, presents an interesting all—over de- sign woven in varied colors, involving eartouche form, together with symmetrically disposed palmette, cloud— bands (tichi) and floral devices. Framed by triple bor— dering; the central band, showing salmon—red ground to /— K match the panel, displays recurrent geometrical and N’ ' arabesque forms, woven in turquoise-blue, moss-green, Citron-yellow, sapphire—blue, white and orange-yellow tones, which are carried over from the panel. The inner and outer guard bands present a citron-yellow ground, with serrated divisions, midst flowering devices, woven in like colors and in harmony with main border. Length. 17 feet 6 inches; width. 9 feet 2 inches. (Illustrated) 291—AXTIQL'E (‘:nfcAsIAX RUG Kuba Weave of the seventeenth century; fine pile and lustrous coloring. The field presents a subdued ruby— red tone with slight variation due to age and reparation. Relieved by salient all-over design, which is characteristic of the old Kuba looms, involving floral cartouches, con— ventional leafage and stem forms, interspersed midst which are stellated and other symbols, woven in deep golden—yellow, moss-green, ivory—white, coral—pink, lapis and turquoise—blue tones. The main border, displaying a sapphire-blue ground, is relieved by red scrolling forms, together with a modicum of white, while the guard bands show yellow and white ground with red and corrosive- brown details. Length, 12 feet 6 inches; width, 6 feet 5 inches. (Illustrated) QQQ—ANTIQUE PERSIAN CARPET Joshaghan weave. Late seventeenth century. Fine pile and lustrous, well—defined coloring. The field, with dark blended ruby—red ground, displays an all—over pattern involving arabesque and stellated blossoms symmetrically posed midst floral details, woven in moss—green, amber- ’ yellow, sapphire—blue, white and dark blue tones. Framed y by a characteristic Joshaghan bordering; wide central ' band, showing a dark blue body color, is relieved by geo— metrical interlaced cartouche forms that involve varying floral details, in harmony with the panel. Flanking nar— row bands, with guard stripes, woven in varying details, and body colors that show red, yellow, sapphire-blue and white tones. Length. 17 feet 2 inches; width, 8 feet 1 inch. 293—ANTIQUE AsIA MIxoR. CARPET Bergama weave of the seventeenth century. Fine pile and well—defined coloring. The field, presenting a series of contiguous stripes woven in alternating coloring and varied floral scroll patterns, is interrupted by a large diamond—shaped medallion showing a dark blue ground with floral details in conventional design enclosing a red, yg'fl green and white stellated central medallion; the remain— I ' ing field completed by corner motifs to match the center. The inner border displays a deep red body color, relieved by a floral scroll pattern, which is repeated on the outer bordering, while the main border sustains a golden—yellow ground with palmette forms that alternate with narrow bands woven in red, blue and white. Length, 18 feet; width, 6 feet 10 inches. (Illustrated) s ‘s- 1-’ *0 . ..;,,§‘ “I ‘r .,.-~v-w- T - 1 $0’: '9‘ ’.I > ,\ z -1 _. J. 9.0 ,1 . Q ~ ‘ q A _¢p_q~_ - _ ‘ . N > ‘I -.__'-‘V--_\.- - . ‘M i§1&i°€°»'_ . _ _7 , ) ‘f * ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ v t 7 - ‘x- <-' ._ v r _.A . \. ‘_ v > > ‘ ' V __ J 7;, _ ‘ ~ ‘A ,‘ . 1" "A" M‘; '1 . Mgpwm- - r ‘ i I ‘r "$tgv ,4. ' . t ‘ <_~.._._ ~ No. 295. SIXTEENTH CENTURY MULTI-PANELED MOSQUE CARPET 294—AXTIQUE ASIA MINOR MosQUE CARPET Rhodian weave. Late sixteenth century. Fine pile and well-defined colors. The field, with lustrous ruby-red ground, shows blending of lighter tones, together with blue damask patterns forming a background for a large blue central medallion which involves floral arabesques in varied colors, peculiar to the Rhodian looms of its period. The remaining field displays dep blue and moss-green)? ’ , 7 side panels, together with small pendants, interwoven f ' with the ruby color of the field, involving coral-red, sap- phire-blue and reseda tones. All these are delicately defined by brown outlining. The main border, with deep sapphire—blue body color, displays red palmette and con— ventional lotus flowers, midst scrolling vines; the inner flanking shows a red ground with blue and reseda floria- tion. Length, 923 feet 5 inches; width, 9 feet 4 inches. (Illustrated) 295—RARE MULTI—PANELED hIosQUE (‘ARPET Ghiordez weave of the sixteenth century. From the Im~ perial shrine at Broussa. The field sustains twenty prayer panels, arranged in four rows with subdued ruby- colored niches, relieved by flowered pendants and blue mirhab spandrels; the latter separately display small floral devices and varied emblems, including the “knot 0%?’ £1 destiny” and “comb of cleanliness” woven in red, sap— phire—blue and light green tones, divided by narrow light blue bands enriched with floral vines. The main framing border, woven in varied tones, sustains light—colored floral cartouches, midst rosettes and vines. Flanked by narrow bands which match the interior stripes. Length, 19 feet 9 inches; width, 13 feet 9 inches. (Illustrated) QQfi—NOTEWORTHY HIsPANo-HoREsQUE CARPET Sixteenth century. Fine Cordova weave, with interesting Saracenic design and rich coloring. The field presents a ruby-red ground, which is divided into a series of twelve square panels, each enclosing wreathed forms in com— bination with symmetrically posed emblems and floral devices centered by an annular interlaced device in white, together with Saracenic details, woven in varied mellowed F’ colors that are characteristic of the early Cordova looms. )j/{éz J” ' ' The panels are divided by delicate bands with white and geometrical corner motifs. The outer border, with dark blue background, sustains yellow and green plant forms, in conventional recurrent design. Obviously a Mosque carpet and probably one of the oldest fabrics of its kind known. Centuries have mellowed the colors of this highly interesting example of its provenance. Length, 14 feet 10 inches; width. 6 feet 7 inches. (Illustrated) QQ'Y—RARE ISPAHAN PALACE CARPET Sixteenth century, period of Shah Abbas; showing rare “double back” weaving. The field, with deep amber- yellow body color, sustains an interesting and character— istic all—over design in the form of trellised diamond— shaped panels, that separately enclose emblematical cypress and other trees delineated with and without blos- soms—representing varied forms of the “tree of life” m’ [motifg woven in green and bearing red flowering. The main border, with blended peacock—blue ground, displays similar cypress and flowering trees, in alternate designs, and the varied subdued colors of the field; while the inner band displays a ruby—red ground with floriation, the outer band, with turquoise—blue ground, involves similar details. Fabric of exceptional interest for museums and collectors. Length, 10 feet; width, 6 feet 6 inches. . 5 3:. §QIQSTW_ 3'1‘ ' iinrjl: \ J,‘- _ V ‘.I‘. I I’ O ~¢Q D “ Wm. ..H ixwnizlnwlhnw J \ n . .. . vu- O‘ Q 0 . .v-r. ...... .00 . . Illdlllit lb s. .- .~.P_....- ulna‘ I . P .Q ¢..l-... . I '1 ._ q . ‘.4 C '0‘ . » ICFFIIbZQHI ‘(P- P a at I‘. . ._...w I l n ‘ .r. . Jim _ v )f ... . Jain,- dda. .. “Organism... .QL... I “I: D »' .09 ‘ lb ‘~ “Olga; A - a P .u._. 4 I :m PM: . -. MosQUE CARPET 9298. SIXTEEN-‘TH CENTURY ASIA DIINOR No _- J < ‘flu \VI :- \‘ ' : ‘kc-‘1 “' - 1x2: ‘1 .’=""~'4;~ 6 i’ 74mg” \v ! '~ I’) ‘ ‘ b :1." / ‘: Pr~_ I w!» 8? nix! ' 1:1. _ ‘Q- _ - i x ‘i ‘a -‘ 7 ‘fl " .fa ' V T’ - i '7 - ‘ u _ 7*‘ ~. - 1r r‘; ‘t -‘ II No. 303. T} ‘J agr- ' .br 7. -—< .9 a ‘an! “I: \ 2 nxlauxu .51- ~ (‘at if‘, SIXTEENTH CENTURY ISPAHAN COURT CARPET * M 0-0.4‘ ‘ f" G . \ IF)" 298—REMARKABLE AsIA MINOR MosQUE CARPET We” I Ghiordez weave of the sixteenth century, with typical pile and soft coloring. The field is uniformly covered with narrow multicolored stripes, woven in contiguous form and involving characteristic floral flecking in old-rose, amber—yellow, maroon, sapphire and turquoise-blue tones. The stripes of the field are interrupted by a flowered medallion in lozenge form, involving floral details on light blue ground, together with the tree of life motif delicately delineated in harmonious colors. Turquoise-blue corner motifs, with light-colored flowering details involving pal— mette forms and leafy stems. Framed by a series of characteristic borders;. the outer border, with light blended Turkish-red background, sustains floral details which are repeated on the inner band, which shows a réséda green ground. The middle border is composed of narrow stripes woven in ivory—white and maroon, to- gether with floral flecking, in harmony with the stripes of the field. Length, 14 feet 10 inches; width, 11 feet 9 inches. (Illustrated) 299—ANTIQUE ISPAHAN CoURT CARPET )e/e we Sixteenth century, period of Shah Abbas. The long panel presents a typical Ispahan red (deep rose—toned) background—which sustains a complex all-over design of characteristic Iran design and coloring. The well-bal- anced details include small conventional lotus flower stellated blossoms, leafy sprays and white tichi, or ' “cloud-band” devices; punctuated by symmetrically dis— posed lotus cartouches and palmettes, in well—defined tones of emerald—green, topaz—yellow, sapphire-blue and white. The main border shows a floral design in like colors on dark green background; involving lotus pal- mettes that display similar rich colors in the calyx. Nar- row inner and outer guard bands, with red ground and delicate lotus details, complete the bordering of this rare fabric. Length, 14 feet 8 inches; width, 6 feet 8 inches. (Illustrated) SOD—ANTIQUE ISPAHAN COURT CARPET Sixteenth century, period of Shah Abbas. The long panel presents a complex all-over design in characteristic Iran character and coloring. The well-balanced details include small conventional lotus-flower stellated blossoms, leafy sprays and white tichi or “cloud-band” devices, punctuated by symmetrically disposed lotus palmettes d/fur/c/Z/ woven in well-defined tones of emerald—green, topaz-yellow); $74 [71,44 I’ sapphire—blue and white. The main border shows light ' colors in floral design, on dark green background; in— volving lotus palmettes that display similar colors in the calyx centers. Narrow inner and outer guard bands show red ground and delicate lotus details, completing the bordering of this rare fabric. In a remarkable state of preservation. Length, 95 feet 6 inches; width, 10 feet 6 inches. (Illustrated) SOI—REMARKAELE DAMASCUS MosQITE CARPET. Fifteenth century; rare fabric of its class. The field, with subdued red ground, sustains a closely'woven all—over pattern, together with a circular central medallion and segmental corner motifs. The well—balanced design pre— sents varied blossom forms with curling stems and leafage delineated with minute Saracenic details; the colors in— volving subdued sapphire-blue, amber-yellow, white and lapis—blue tones. The red of the panel is carried into the main border, which is interwoven with recurrent serW/' (47 rated leaves and conventional palmette designs in light ' colors to match the field, while the flanking guard bands in triple form display yellow and red ground colors with delicate geometric tracery, completing a shrine carpet of splendid Saracenic design and of peculiar interest and period. Length. 1.6 feet 9 inches; width, 9 feet 8 inches. (Illustrated) AXTIQUE ISPAHAN COURT CARPET 302 ixteenth century, period of Shah Abbas. The field presents a typical Ispahan deep rose-colored background, which sustains a complex all-over design of characteristic k y sprays disposed lotus palmettes Iran design and coloring. The well-balanced details in- clude small conventional lotus flowers and leaf punctuated by symmetrically and the tereh-baluh', or large serrated leaves, woven in .1 Wm so an wa 0 Us ev. 3 Z] as Pr 0.8 td .0. mb Tn em. Mm ma mT 9. f. ow em cw m .a. d mm "mm fie new wP and cypress tree design in like colors on dark green back- ground, involving lotus palmettes that display flowered in— terior. Narrow inner and outer guard bands, showing green and red ground colors with delicate blossom details, complete the bordering of this rare and exceptionally well peserved survival of the great Abbas period. Length, 27 feet 2 inches; width, 11 feet 10 inches. 308—ANTIQUE ISPAHAN CoURT CARPET Sixteenth century, period of Shah Abbas. The long panel presents a typical Isaphan deep rose-colored background, which sustains a complex all-over design of characteristic design and coloring. The well-balanced details include small conventional lotus-flower stellated blossoms and ' leafy sprays, punctuated by symmetrically disposed lotus Z palmette and tereh-balulk', or serrated leaf forms, woven . in Well-defined tones of emerald-green, topaz—yellow, sap— phire—blue and white. The main border shows a floral design in like colors, on dark green background; involv— ing lotus pahnettes that display similar rich colors in the calyx. Narrow inner and outer guard bands, showing light green ground with like design, complete the border- ing of this interesting specimen. Length, 13 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 7 inches. (Illustrated) 304—LARGE PERSIAN PALACE CARPET Kerman Weave. Late eighteenth century. Magnificent example. The titanic field, with soft ivory-White ground, is relieved by a series of seven dark blue medallions that sustain floral motifs, woven in deep rose, light green, amber-yellow and coral—pink tones, while the main field is covered by recurrent emblems of the cypress tree, skil- fully distributed midst varied floral scrolls and leafy vines, punctuated by deep blue and moss—green, the pre— vailing tones being rose. The main border presents an . amber—colored ground relieved by an arabesque scroll, in ‘52°? {undulating design, interwoven with lotus blossoms and % ' flanked by contrasting guard bands in dark blue with floral vines, while the outer and inner bands are yellow and bear scrolling flower details. Length, 47 feet 9 inches; width, 9 feet 4 inches. 305——:\NTIQUE TURKoMAN CARPET Rare Bokhara—Yomud weave; fine pile and lustrous color— ing. The field, with deep rose—toned red body color, sus— tains a characteristic all-over pattern, symmetrically dis— posed and involving elongated plaquettes that display deep brown backgrounds with white details and outlin— ing. The intermediate spacing shows connected stellated tracery in maroon and white tones, to match the larger _ plaquette devices. The main border, with white ground, 3%? 7d , sustains an anguilliform pattern with geometrical car— touches and “latch-hook” devices. The flanking borders, with Turkoman-red ground to match the field, shows small geometrical devices in uniform rendition, while the upper and lower band are finished with “herring-bone” design in kindred color. This superb example was formerly in the palace of the reigning Khan and placed in an ante— room. Length, 18 feet 10 inches; width, 9 feet 9 inches. (Illustrated) 806—REMARKABLE“LARGE TURKOMAN CARPET Rare Bokhara-Yomud weave; fine pile and exceptional f/ 7/ size. The field, with deep brownish-red ground, presents 6 Z ' a characteristic all—over pattern disposed in geometric elongated plaquette forms, that alternately are woven .1») No. 306. REMARKABLE LARGE TURKOMAN CARPET k ' Q‘ .1 l *1"~".“\‘.'99."-'m§.*'$1 l; ' ' ". .1 '1." J?‘ .,'i-,!5*"- \ 3 ‘I 9, i '1 ' ‘ nr‘i‘rg ".I‘ .|Q\\ ‘Ow . .- vea's" - ‘I.’ _“ ¢~¥1§A 'i 1424-. . \ I I a‘ ' 4 ' I / .- I .l v . . ‘ A ‘a A‘ O- ; " 0. w ’ ‘-_o 1 s ' I I q r P ._ ' ' w, s " ‘a Q Q - '> ' .\ ' .gv‘q . i ;‘ -'.o, v ._.| 0'~ , I‘. ' I C I %o I . ‘j I Q I I I .‘ ' l a H a by _ ' ‘i i ' in.” i i I I. , .v ‘v 11': ‘ 7 " I I" ‘ IT‘: ' \V * . _ ’ l . fix: , 7' I 3 ,5 I :‘ A . . " . ‘ ML of, t A ' "' ' ' ,- 2) "'- . a -. - .1‘ - I x198 ‘\vxjfikmlni " i - . 1‘ .Vgit‘lo e1 I.Ii::” g" ’ i _ i l “%V§Vg“"”v V " ' ' v v o -" ‘ 0*. fist. # ii'f'ivv ‘ AMI-114' ‘ , o ' Q r ‘ 7’ ’ V 1 ~11!!! k‘. m. V u A . .4 . i '9 ‘ 0 ‘i. A ::‘\Q‘|‘0“Q ‘,Iv _ I“. "'. ~ A L 7! at‘ ‘ If‘ I . "1 -w . ‘J ‘i I; ’ ‘I 11-; a,‘ a. :.'.~.r.,_._rn.. .zfu. -" ".504 I No. 305. RARE AxTIQiJE TURKOMAN CARPET “ww- in Turkoman—red and white rows with blue and White outlining involving conventional “latch—hook” devices The contrasting white main border sustains a salient anguilliform design, woven in colors of the field, flanked by narrow lanceolated details, while the ends are finished in small diamond diapering in kindred blue, red and white tones, enclosed by serrated bands. Turkoman rugs of this wonderful quality were made in western Turkestan, near the border of the Caspian Sea. carpet was made for the palace of the Regent, or reign- This particular ing Khan. Length, 36 feet 8 inches; width, 18 feet 7 inches. (Illustrated) 807—LARGE PERSIAN STATE CARPET %f7/e. Remarkable dimensions; shim- The field, with soft, white-toned background, presents a carefully balanced all-over design punctuated by lotus palmettes and car— touches, symmetrically posed midst conventional floral Lavehr—Kerman weave. mering pile and brilliant colors. details, woven in well-defined and harmonious colors, in- cluding yellow, red and black. are studiously carried over into the twelve framing border These varying colors areas; center band sustains a light amber-toned body color, relieved by the scrolling Persian lela-k design, in red, interwoven with flowering twigs, involving sapphire—blue, sea—green, coral—pink and dark blue tones. The flanking bands display turquoise—blue backgrounds, with floral scrolls, in varied colors, while the remaining borders show deep rose, salmon—pink and dark blue background, interwoven with varying details, defined by narrow guard stripes. Length, 87 feet; width, 27 feet. 308—ExTRAoRn1xARY PERSIAN PALACE CARPET Meshed weave; extra thick and shimmering pile. The titanic field, presenting a solid ruby—red body color, is relieved by a ponderous dark blue medallion, woven in elongated multifoil shape; flanked by a series of pen- dants, and relieved by lotus flowers and scrolls, woven in amber—yellow, sapphire—blue, moss-green and varying tones of red. The field, including four small sea—green cartouches with palmette details, is completed by elab- orate dark peacock-blue corner motifs, displaying lotus )% M palmettes and arabesque details in harmony with the ' medallions. Framed by a series of bordering (woven in contrasting colors carried over from the field) the main band, with ruby—red background, is relieved by palmette and floral scroll motifs, while the flanking bands display amber-yellow body colors, with lotus flowers and scrolling details, in recurrent forms. The intermediate bands show contrasting coral-pink backgrounds, with serpentine vines in light colors. The inner and outer guard bands show reciprocal yellow and blue lanceolations, and complete this exceptional fabric. Length, 46 feet 4 inches; width, 228 feet 4 inches. FQURTH AND LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1914 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 o’cLocK Including Catalogue Nos. 309 to 5000 FINE OLD PERSIAN FAIENCES Lacquers, Arms and Armor 309——BLUE AND WHITE PERSIAN PLATE Eighteenth century. The interior showing a conventional blossom in stellated form with bordering under the vitre— ous glaze. Diameter, 10 inches. 31 O—CAUCASIAN OIL J AR Seventeenth century. Koubatcha faience; oviform; blue figure and horse decoration, involving scrolling vines, under the glaze. Height. 10 inches. 811——Two FAMILLE RosE PLATES Chinese porcelain; with glazed decoration. Presenting a rose-colored peony design, with green, yellow and red foliation on green ground. Finished with flowered rim border dominated by rose enameling. Diameter, 9% inches. {HQ—Two ANTIQUE PERSIAN TILEs Fifteenth century. Star—shaped. \Vith raised design in blue and gold luster coloring, including border with inscriptions in flowing Neshky characters. Diameter. 81/2 inches. 818—PERSIAN RosE-wATER BOTTLE Eighteenth century. Pear shape. Showing blue floral decoration on white siliceous glaze. Height, 61;, inches. 314—PERSIAN POTTERY OIL JAR Seventeenth century. Oviform. Covered with a brilliant dark—green glaze, relieved by black decoration in form of floral bands. Height, 9 inches. 315—LARGE PERSIAN RICE—GRAIN BowL Seventeenth century. So—called Gombrun ware. The em— bellishment showing circular medallions, pierced and filled with vitreous glazing in transparent effect (81, grain de The remaining decoration, under the glaze, consists of conventional blue and brownish-black concentric scrolls and floral devices. Diameter, 9 inches. 316—LARGE PERSIAN WATER JAR Eighteenth century. Oviform. Siliceous glazed faienee with blue landscape decoration. Height. 14 inches. 81'7—PERSIAN CUP WITH STEM Early eighteenth century. Ispahan faience with siliceous glazing and blue floral bordering. Height, 3 inches. 31'TA—PERsIAx BOWL Eighteenth century. Ispahan faienee with siliceous glaz— ing. Interior shows floral and bird medallion, whilst the exterior sustains scalloped bordering, with varied floral and bird motifs, under the vitreous glazing. Diameter, 5% inches. 318——PERSIAN OIL JAR Eighteenth century. Ispahan faience. Presenting a pale orange-yellow body color, with blue decoration, showing large figures, birds and animals under the vitreous glaz- mg. Height, 131/2 inches. 319—LARGE CHIxEsE PURC'ELAIN PLATE Eighteenth century. Interior, with floral center, pre- senting a deep blue and white radial design: green and red scroll devices appearing on the white ground. Diameter, 1 1 inches. 320—LARGE CHIXEsI-L PORCELAIN BowL Eighteenth century. The exterior presenting a deep mazarine blue monochrome color, with penciled gold floral designs. The white interior bearing a small red and gold peony flower. Diameter, 101/‘ inches. 321—LARGE PERSIAN OIL JAR Eighteenth century. Oviform. Koubatcha (Caucasus) faience. Siliceous glazing, with blue and black bordering in form of Chrysanthemum blossoms and leafage. Heigh t, 133/,’l inches. 322—LARGE CHINESE PORCELAIN BOWL Eighteenth century. The exterior presenting a deep mazarine blue monochrome color, with penciled gold floral designs. The white interior bearing a small red and gold peony flower. Diameter, 10% inches. 323—PERs1AN 01L JAR Eighteenth century. Oviform. With clouded siliceous glazing, showing blue floral sprays. Height, 10 inches. 32+~LARGE PERSIAN PLATE Eighteenth century. Kaschan faience, with polychrome decorations. The medallion presenting two members of the Royal Family partaking of refreshments, and being entertained by dervishes and minstrels. The border, with floral sprays, includes four vignettes with Arabic inscrip— tions, signifying, “I am at your service,” together with the name of the artist—Ihtisha—Mulk. Diameter, 11 inches. 325£SMALL PERSIAN VASE Seventeenth century. Oviform. Ispahan faienee, cov- ered with clouded turquoise glazing, relieved by super— posed embellishment in black. Height, 5 inches. 326—CAUCASIAN OIL JAR Seventeenth century. Oviform. Koubatcha faience, showing a blended old ivory—brown body color with blue decorations under the vitreous glaze. Height, 9 inches. . erg-‘e. ‘fig.- -_:+--"_;i “ ‘- Y i A. I '- i been awwwmwwanaw ‘is ‘ -dfljijgQLQ£1hu$xtl§“fid-:x¢°*"1* *‘ibAAA¢1-*:QM!~QA 4* "' 3-H? I "' O .. . n ‘ . .1‘: +<~, ‘ V ‘ Ll‘yfifidvl V’ I.‘ “ \‘I. ‘ i, . t ‘ V . , v.5}. I - ‘ ‘1‘ I, ‘. .‘._ I. _ ,. r- 7-: i k’ i 327—PERs1Ax INLAID (‘0MB Box Seventeenth century. Ispahan workmanship. Semi- spherieal shape, with delicate ivory and metal mosaic de- sign, including raised ivory medallion and bordering. Fine specimen. Length, 6% inches; width, 3% inches. 328—PERslAx F LowER VASE Eighteenth century. Slender form. Frit faience, with gray glazing and light blue bordering of Chrysanthemum‘ like blossoms. Unidentified example. Height, 131/1, inches. 329—PERsIAx POTTERY JAR Eighteenth century. Of bulbous body, with handles. Is- pahan frit pottery, presenting an old ivory-white ground, with archaic brown and green decoration, including vertical and horizontal border forms. Height, 12% inches. 330*s—LARGE PERsIAx PoTTERr JAR Eighteenth century, with Ardebil lacquer decoration, showing floral medallions on gilt bronze-colored ground. Height, 15 inches. 331—Two PERsIAx LACQI'EREI) FRAMES Simple oblong forms; arabesque lacquer details showing yellow, red, blue and gold scroll motifs. Rabbet size, 7% by 6 inches. 332—Two PERsIAx LACQUERED FRAMES Larger than preceding, but of similar design. Rabbet or inside measure, 14'1/2 by 12% inches. 833—Two PERSIAN PLATES Eighteenth century. Siliceous glazed faience, with blue decoration in stellated floral forms. Diameter, 91/2 inches. Sséh—CAUCASIAN BUFFALO HIDE SHIELD Eighteenth century. Circular form. Made transparent and hardened. The gold decoration showing medallion and bordering. _ Diameter, 17%z inches. 335—CAUcASIAN BUFFALO HIDE SHIELD Eighteenth century. Circular form. Blade transparent and hardened. The gold decoration showing medallion and bordering. Diameter, 19 1/,2 inches. 336—PAIR PERSIAN LACQUERED JEWEL BOXES Eighteenth century. ()blong shape. Papier maché board, with floral and bird medallion, surrounded by vine motifs, rendered in two shades of gold lacquer. (1) Height, 4 inches; length, 9 inches; width, 6 inches. (2) Height, 5 inches; length, 9 inches; width, 6 inches. SST-ANTIQUE PERSIAN LUSTER BowL Sixteenth century. Ispahan faience. Flanged rim and tapering downward to the narrow base. Dark ruby— red and blue decoration (& reflet me'tallique) Showing varying borders in concentric and floral design. ()Iended.) Diameter, 7 inches. 338—PERSIAN POTTERY JAR Seventeenth century. Ovoid shape, tapering downward to the base. The decoration, on pipe clay body, consists of yellow and red vertical stripes. Painted with floral details in varied colors. Height, 15 inches. 339—RHODIAN PLAQUE Eighteenth century. Lindus faience. Siliceous white glazed body, showing floral stems in conventional form and typical colors, together with a conventional rim border. Diameter, 11% inches. {MO—INTERESTING GEORGIAN PLAQUE Eighteenth century. Caucasian faience. The interior showing a russet tortoise-shell glazing, while the border, with raised embellishment, includes alternating spread- eagle and floral devices under blended green and russet- red glazing. Diameter, 16 inches. 341—BLUE AND WHITE PERSIAN PLAQrE Late eighteenth century. Siliceous white glazed ground, with blue decoration; medallion showing birds and floral motifs, surrounded by scroll and blossom bordering. Diameter, 14-1/2 inches. 3%L2—PER SIAN JAR Eighteenth century. Ispahan faience; covered with pale green glaze, the superimposed decoration consisting in black angular bordering with bird and floral panels. Height, 71/2 inches. (Illustrated) 3&3—PERSIAN OIL JAR Eighteenth century. Gray crackle faience, with sapphire— blue decoration showing dragon and other borders. Height, 11 inches. {Ml—PERSIAN OIL JAR Eighteenth century. Ovoid form, with oblique stripe motif, in blue,- brown and green over glazed enameling, on a body of old ivory color. Height‘. 814 inches. 34-5—AXTIQUE PERSIAN OIL JAR Early eighteenth century. Ispahan faience, with blended old ivory—white body color sustaining a series of foliated panels with blue floral devices, posed midst feathered diapering. Height, 11 inches. 346—LARGE BLUE AND WHITE KOUBATCHA JAR Eighteenth century. Oviform, with blended old ivory- white siliceous glazing, sustaining blue landscape and lake scenery with habitation and trees under the glazing. Heigh f, 14- inches. 34‘7—IANTIQUE PERSIAN OIL JAR Seventeenth century. Ispahan faience, with blended old Ivory, green and brown clouding, sustaining floral de— signs in blue, russet-red and green under glaze. Height, 10 inches. 3-h8—LARGE PERSIAN RICE—GRAIN BowL Seventeenth century. So-called Gombrun ware. Embel- lishment showing foliated panel forms pierce-d and cov— ered Over with vitreous glazing in transparent effect, showing the “rice-grain” pattern. The remaining deco- ration, under the glaze, shows blue and brown floral and border designs. Diameter, 81;, inches. 349—PERSIAN HAND MIRROR Seventeenth century. Oval shape. Gold lacquer back, showing snakes and pheasant, painted in green, red and brown. Length, 3% inches; width, 3 inches. 350—PERSIAN LACQUER ROSARY Box Eighteenth century. Exterior presenting floral arabesque bordering in green and red; outlined with gold and showing a light bronze-colored ground. Length, 12 inches; width, 2% inches. 851—PERSIAN LACQUER MINIATURE AND MIRROR CASE Eighteenth century. Exterior showing background with floral motifs executed in delicate gold rendering, together with red and gold edging. Length, 51/4 inches; width, 314 inches. be _’. .. 1H} V w" |,v - '1: ‘h 0* ' g n r. . . .Tlifiil‘tii'wi ‘ -t - a i No. 353. PERSIAN PAINTING (Judgment Day) 352—PERsIAx LACQL'ER MIXIATURE AND MIRROR ('AsE Shallow oblong form with loose cover presenting caress- ing figure subjects, rendered in colors peculiar to the eighteenth century. Length. 81/5L inches: width. 514 inches. 353—PERsIAx PAINTING (Judgment Day) Curious rendering, showing the angel Terazi with scales. Background is formed by numerous vaguely depicted ghostly apparitions, together with a palatial residence inhabited by other figures. Length. 16 inches.‘ width, 11% inches. (Illustrated) Qqfiifim 92$ 35m. 22 .F 952,6“: 02.2.22; .mmm .oZ .. an... . 11.. l .0 Yr .1 . t. ..- u .... 1r . .. .31. .. .. . I‘ l ,5 l. W .' a I I b 1 l k 4.1 ' all g “ a: a re ll" _ b l . ‘I; l a: .- 1‘! a‘ H’ _ I ‘ .51 gl , ,1 v1,1 ‘A’ , :4} a‘ l I!“ (I. l a” V a. I ; 1%: y: I ‘ 0. a i ‘ ll’l ‘Isl ’ l ' {ii .i l In‘ It I l‘ 3-‘ v l?’ m in‘. q‘ i I . . ' .r .5.-;~ . ‘. r - ' ‘ " l .7, J -> .-W!;-u9§9- s71] I wzsmsmfiamww ' "7? )11 "—— iwv ' l (52!‘ l {4 rm _ .7 , ._. :_. ‘_-I ~ ‘ __ ’ 3541—PERSIAN LACQUER MINIATURE AND MIRROR CASE Seventeenth century. Shallow oblong form with loose cover. The painting presenting hladonna subject, with landscape background, and seraphim midst clouds, while the reverse (on under side of case) presents the Holy Family and other figures rendered in Persian style. In- teresting example in polychrome colors with gilding. Length. 101/; inches; width, 7 inches. 355—PERSIAN PAINTING (Passing of the Soul into Eternity) Unique representation of Mohammed riding the human- headed horse Barah' with face covered by a veil, bearing Arabic inscription, surrounded by four angels and charged by a lion-like creature. Length, 18 inches; width, 14 inches. (Illustrated) 356—PERSIAN PAINTING (D‘EPICTING Death) Curious representation showing shrouded figure with angel, and the seated figure of Alli, wearing inscribed veil. Two other figures of the lower regions appear in the background, representing N inkir and Minkir. Length, '18 inches; width, 14 inches. (Illustrated) 857—PERsIAN LAcQUER PORTFOLIO oR BooK CovER Painted in polychrome colors, with numerous figures, rep— resenting festive occasions, with dancing and refresh- ments, rendered in peculiar style, and costumes of the seventeenth century, surrounded by elaborate bordering, with red vignettes, showing Neshky inscriptions in flowing characters, reading: “When the Dervishes are in the drinking house, they do not call drinking a sin. God forgive them, for they quarrel only at the drinking- table. If you listen to the voice of God, your sins will be forgiven.” Length, 13 inches; width, 9 inches. 858—PERsIAN LACQUER PORTFOLIO oR BOOK CovER Similar dervish figure to the preceding. Length, 13 inches; width, 9 inches. 359—LARGE PERSIAN POTTERY JAR Eighteenth century, with Ardebil lacquer painting in polychrome colors, showing figure and floral motifs, with an escalloped bordering. Height, 14 inches. 360—R0YAL PERSIAN LACQUER JEWEL Box 361 Seventeenth century. Low coffer shape. The painting, in polychrome colors, shows hunting scenery with medal— lions, and bordering which bears inscription reading: “When you succeed in war you will be happy. The camel is smaller than the mouse. when the mouse has the ad- Rendered in flowing Neshky characters. Length, 11 inches; width, 7 inches,‘ height, 41/, inches. vantage.” LARGE CHINESE PORCELAIN BOWL Eighteenth century. The exterior presenting a deep mazarine—blue monochrome color, with penciled gold floral designs. The white interior bearing a small red and gold peony flower, together with narrow rim border. Diameter, 12 inches. 862—LARGE CHINESE PORCELAIN POWDER BLUE BowL Eighteenth century. The exterior shows a mazarine pow- der—blue glazing, which formerly sustained gold penciling of which traces of the floral design still remain, the white glazed interior showing a coral-red floral sprig. Diameter, 19 inches. 863—SMALL CAUOASIAN VASE Seventeenth century. Koubatcha (Caucasian) faience, with brown and gray clouding, sustaining cobalt—blue floral medallions and border. Height, 7%, inches. 864—LARGE CAIIOASIAN OIL JAR Early eighteenth century. Oviform. Koubatcha faience, with blended gray ground and crackle, sustaining a pale blue and brown landscape decoration, under the vitreous glaze, ending near the base in heavy tear-like drops. Height, 13 inches. 865—PERSIA N OIL JAR Early eighteenth century. Ispahan faience, with blended siliceous glazing, showing cobalt—blue and rusSet—brown floral sprays, rendered in two horizontal rows. Height, 121/L inches. 366—LARGE PERSIAN OIL JAR Eighteenth century. Oviform. Ispahan faience, with siliceous white ground, Showing annular floral devices with flecking, and diapered bands, rendered in light cobalt—blue with brown, outlining under the vitreous glazing. Height, 15 inches. 36'7—LARGE PERSIAN OIL JAR Early eighteenth century. Oviform. Ispahan faience, with Siliceous old ivory—white tones, including crackle, relieved by five vertical floral sprays in pale cobalt—blue and ruSset—brown, under the vitreous glaze. Height, 15 inches. 868—LARGE PERSIAN GREEN JAR Eighteenth century. Oviform. Ispahan faience, with pale emerald-green body color, sustaining a black flow— ered diapered pattern, under the vitreous crackle glazing. Height, 14 inches. 369—LARGE PERSIAN OIL JAR Early eighteenth century. ()viform. Ispahan faience, showing a siliceous glaze with brown clouding, the cobalt— blue decorations involving diapered and floral bordering. Height, 14 inches. 370—INTERESTING GEORGIAN PLAQI'E Eighteenth century. Caucasian faience. The interior shows a russet tortoise—shell glazing, while the border sustains a raised embellishment of floral designs, with a blending of green and russet—red glazing. Diameter, 17 inches. 371—LARGE (,‘HINESE BowL Eighteenth century. Exterior presents a deep blue and white decoration, in alternating light and blue stripe forms, involving green, red and gold floral devices. The white interior shows a rim band and conventional floral scroll center. Diameter, 9 inches. S’TQ—LARGE CHINESE BLUE ANI) (‘AFE—AU—L-AIT BowL Early eighteenth century. White interior, with blue floral spray, and rim border, in honeycomb diaper pattern, while the exterior presents a lustrous café—an—lait glazing, with white reserved leaf medallions, that separately sus— tain symbolical blue floral sprays, under the vitreous blue glazing. Era of Yung Cheng (1723-35). Diameter, 9 inches. 373—CHINEsE-PERsIAN EwER (UIIRBRI'K) Early eighteenth century. Wine ewer of dense kaolinic porcelain paste made in China for a Per— sian gift during this period. Pre- senting a brilliant lapis—bluc monochrome glazing of mazarine tint, together with gold penciled tracery. Yung Chéng period (1723-35). Height. 111/2 inches. Sill—CHINESE PORCELAIN EwER (UIIR- BRUK) Glazed in three colors of the Ming famille z'ertc genre. Uniquely formed by two dragons, entwined and holding the sphere emblem of omnipotence; has upturned slender spout and handle. Small porcelain cover surmounted by a miniature leaping fish. This was a presentation piece intended to be used by the Persian Sultan as an nhrbruh'. Height. 10 inches. 375~LAROE AsIA MINOR PLAQUE Eighteenth century. Rhodian faience. The decoration presents a turquoise-blue ground color, with floral plants in white reserve, including lapis-blue calyx and blue out~ lining. Finished with an escalloped (petal-shaped) rim bordering in blue and white. An unusual specimen. Diameter, 191/, inches. 376—CHINEsE PORCELAIN RosE-wATER SPRINKLER Eighteenth century. Dense Chinese porcelain made for the Persian trade, showing characteristic deep blue and white, in alternating forms, which involve floral details in green, red and gold. The decoration includes three quatrefoil medallions in white reserve that display small floral sprays in like colors, together with bordering. Height, 81/2 inches. (Illustrated) 377—CAUcAs1AN OIL JAR Eighteenth century. Oviform. Koubatcha faience, with brown blended body color, presenting a series of borders in linear form, which are composed with foliated medal— lions, flowering vines and lanceolations, uniformly ren— dered in pale cobalt-blue, with brown outlining, under the vitreous glazing. Ilcight, 1:? inches. 878—L‘Arcasmx OIL JAB Eighteenth century. Graceful oviform. Koubatcha faience, sustaining a cobalt-blue landscape and bird motif, involving trees and other plant forms, together with bordering, under the vitreous glaze. Body showing an old ivory-toned ground. Height, 11% inches. 379—CAUCASIAN OIL JAR Eighteenth century. Oviform. Koubatcha faience, with fawn—color body Sustaining diagonal blue floral bands, which are enclosed by upper and lower borderings. Heigh t, 10 inches. SSO—PERSIAN OIL JAR Eighteenth century. Ovoid shape. Ispahan faience, with blended old ivory—colored ground, Sustaining cobalt-blue landscape. With running colors vaguely Showing trees and mosques, together with a suggestion of lake scenery. Height. 1114 inches. 381—CAUcASIAN OIL JAR Early eighteenth century. Koubatcha faience, present- ing a brown clouded white body color, with blue and brown landscape decoration, involving cloud bands and fruit trees, under the vitreous glazing, which ends in heavy tear— like drops near the base. Height. 131,43 inches, SSQ—ANTIQIIE (‘At'cAsIAN OIL JAR Early eighteenth century. Oviform. Presenting a deep - brown clouding (over the ivory-white areas), together with cobalt-blue landscape designs, under the brilliant vitreous glazing. Height, 10 inches. 883—GROI‘P OF FIvE SMALL TIBETAN EuRLEAIs (a) Lama’s Khorten- or brass prayer cylinder with wood handle. (1)) Two brass Buddhist radjra emblems. (c) Tibetan bronze taper and holder; form of miniature flask with dental bordering. ((1) Small bronze cup, and miniature brass mirror. xN-x-xxfxiiifiiiiiax-xziii __ . ‘_ _ ,. .1.‘ 7.‘. I '\ 8h" . 3'». 441%‘ I " *' . ..'~:(' , _ ' ‘A Rxxs-i-qc-Nnmx-x-x- I ' ,- 1992;. a ,. ' . . -~'- .‘4' “'."‘" .M " '1 "last, ; '. ' “ ‘SP-53.)‘. if.“ ' ' Q. :"fi‘ Ric-221321? {-16% ‘75%;; ‘f it? E3":- 3 c .- :X-XmX-X'X-XieXXX-X-X-Xi-X-XlXXXUC-X-x' - ‘up , ,ll fit". .. Arm-705$? . ‘.1 _, II i ~,-l'..- j g. s N‘ 1 ‘$1? at: . I, n is ' ' . _ I .- iis ‘ X ._ v ‘ I til-i‘; . . ~ .y-m as?’ . - ‘ ‘mum-u - » 'I-"lrii’v -- .~ 1!“ a‘": . . mu , -_ >23“ "5 is Qieiri-sfiziaiififir 12! X—X-X-I-X'X'X-X-XJXXX-xtx-m-XX'XX-X'XX-X-X 1 . SSis—INLAn) ISPAHAN MINIATI'RE (‘ASE Eighteenth century. Oblong shape (with loose cover), uniformly presenting minute mosaic inlaying in silver and bronze tones, together with ivory and ebony, in the form of diaper and border designs. Rare, and typical of its period. Length. 7 inches; width, 5 inches. 385—KURDISTAN TENT LAMP Eighteenth century. Shallow iron oil receptacle with opening for taper; wrought iron handle and chain. Height, 8 inches. 386—UNIQUE BRONZE TAZZA—BOWL Sixteenth century. Thinly cast with flaring rim and stem base. Embellished with a delicately incised orna— mentation in curious mixture of Chinese and Saracenic design, including “double fish” emblems (conjugal felic— ity) together with curiously devised seal inscriptions (un— identified). Probably made in Persia, influenced by Chinese designs. Height, 7 inches; diameter. 12 inches. 387—CAUcAsIAN BRONZE UHRBRUK (EWEE) Seventeenth century (Georgian). Globular body with slender spout and curved handle, which holds the hinged stopper. Embellishment in low relief, showing conven— tional foliated details. Height. 11 inches. 888—AEGHAN BRONZE CAMEL BELL Seventeenth century. Conical shape; wrought bronze, with riveted section. Has loop hanger chain and wood striker. Height, 19 inches. 889—PEEsIAN WRoUGHT-sTEEL PLATE Seventeenth century. Tooled embellishment in low re- lief, showing floral arabesques. Persian figure and bird subjects, combined with a central medallion, bearing curi— ous Chinese characters of mystical meaning. Floral de- tails are enriched with gold damaskeening. Diameter, 10 1/4 inches. 390—PERsIAN METAL Box Leaf shape. Curiously constructed with pivoted interior, and ornamented by silver damaskeening. Length, 0 inches; width, 3 inches; height, 13/8 inches. 391—PERsIAN BRASS CANDLESTICK Spreading base, with chased ornamentation, including arabesque and border designs, together with an Arabic inscription. Ilm'ghf, 13% inches. gQQ—PERSIAN BRONZE DERvIsH CUP Shallow form; light-colored bronze. The interior, with a scalloped ornamentation, encloses numerous prayers from the Koran, while other prayers appear on the exterior, together with an inscription, in Persian, signifying that this was made as a drinking cup by NIehedy Kouly, city of Kerbale. Dinmc/cr. 6 inches. 898—PERSIAN “THOUGHT-STEEL BowL Companion piece to No. 389. The exterior, with incised embellishment, shows numerous figures and birds, together with a gold damaskeening, in form of garlands and arabesque scrolls. Diameter, 8 inches. 394—Two PERSIAN COPPER COVERS Dome shape. The embellishment, consisting of arabesque and floral bordering, is enriched with silver damaskeening, lacquered in red and blue, bearing inscription: “Gift of God.” Diameter, 8 inches. 395—PERSIAN (‘OPPER (‘ovER Cone shape. The tooled embellishment represents arabesque and other bordering bearing Arabic inscrip— tion, the details, with damaskeening, showing red and green lacquering. Height, 12% inches: diameter, 10 inches. 396—PERSIAN GOLD INLAID FRUIT ORNAMENT Eighteenth century. Ovoid melon shape; of wrought iron, with gold damaskeening, showing vertical divisions, and a bordering of quatrcfoil medallions. Its Stems sup- port small fruit and leafage forms, together with gold (1 a m a skeen i n g. Height. 123/, inches. 397——PERSIAN COPPER (‘OvER Cone Shape. The tooled embellishment represents arabesque and other bordering bearing Arabic inscrip- tion, the details, with damaskeening, showing red and green lacquering. Height. 123/, inches; diameter. 10 inches. 398—PERSIAN I)A.\IASK1£l-JNED IRON SALvER Oblong shape. The interior embellishment presents a series of eight square medallions, containing groups of royalties and historical personages in conference. The paneling is outlined with gold arabcsque damaskeenilw, and framed by a bordering with inscription in part read— ing: “This salver is made for the use of great men.” “All food served on it is free.” “This artistic work was done by an artist from Ispahan.” Dated, November, 1213 (year of the Hegira). Circa 1835 A.D. Length. 991/2 inches; width. 191/3 inches. Ur.‘ ’ it)...“ h i I “I. V .h when’ 0' 399’S—eTwo ANCIENT BYZANTINE COPPER CANDLESTICKS Slender turned column forms with spreading base. Em- bellishment with gilding, showing incised floral sprays. Height, 91% inches; diameter at base, 12 inches. 4:00—PAIR 0F TALL PERFORATED MosQUE COLUMNS Sixteenth century. Equipped for electric lighting. The intricate pierced ornamentation shows delicate arabesque and other tracery designs arranged in vertical panel and border forms. The tops are surmounted by spheres with openwork in similar Persian motifs. Interesting examples of the Shah Abbas period. Height, 90 inches; base, 24- inches. (Illustrated) 401—GE0RGIAN METAL PLAQUE Seventeenth century. Repoussé work. Representing St. George and the Dragon. The interior medallion is framed by a bordering bearing inscription in old Slavic. Diameter, 151/2 inches. ‘\ ‘log—LARGE GEORGIAN METAL PLAQI'E Late seventeenth century. Octagonal form. Interior panel, with repoussé figure work, surrounded by floral bands together with bossing. The outer bordering in- volves human figures, birds and scrolling blossom forms in bold repoussé rendering. Diameter, 5271/2 inches. 403—GEORGIAX METAL PLAQUE Eighteenth century. Octagonal form. The repoussé ornamentation, in border forms, shows floral scrolls, to- gether with an umbilic center, while the exterior border- ing presents running deer midst floral scrolls. Diameter, 27 inches. ‘Q'iiQVY'Y'Y"fiv‘v‘vvvvvvv'v'fvvq" ‘1% 4 I 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 f?“ 'QAA¢IR“A.'. L‘A‘AQAALQQA ‘a A¢-AA-AAA;“‘A“‘A~_¢__A “i4k€%’<~ ‘$141K ~ ‘ski. 67%;") v.1 mug-,1.‘ \M 1,; wean-.0 .gt M‘; HEW- -'- 'fl“ sass -- ' eras» a» A L?‘ I ‘ ‘“ ’ ' l -. _ RAW‘ ‘We “rwfi‘n .. ~ . i A’ ‘.7 i v ‘ .. i l v 4sfl4s——CHINEsE TEAKWOOD SCREEN Panel slab showing elaborate mother-of-pearl inlay, in- cluding deer and storks, each bearing fungi (ling chi) emblems. The panel is completed by pine tree and small cloud patches, together with disk to represent the moon. The base, with pearl inlaying, displays dragon in quest of the “flaming orb,” together with floral sprays. Height. 36 inches; width, 31 inches. 414 406 4120 405—ANTIQUE PERSIAN BATTLE-AXE Seventeenth century. Iron oX—head with silver dam- askeening, showing arabesque scrolls; projecting horns and ears. Tubular handle of plain iron. Length, 40 inches. aLOG—PERsIAX DAMASKEENED DERVISH AXE Double blades with trident prong. Elaborately incrusted with gold, form of flowers, birds, figures and animals. Iron handle with bud end. Length, inches. (Illustrated) 40’7—LARGE PERSIAN BATTLE—AXE Late seventeenth century. Double blade with lance head. The incised embellishment shows arabesque details, to- gether with bordering, which bears curious inscription in Chinese seal characters. Length. 43 inches,’ width, 91 inches. 408—PERsIAx ARMoR SET (THREE PIECES) Eighteenth century. Ispahan workmanship, the delicate floral chasing and damaskeening being in silver and gold. (a) Large circular shield, including Cufic inscription in border. (1)) Helmet with chain mail and movable face pro- tector, en suite. The embellishment includes Cufic in— scription. (0) Arm pieces, en suite. 4:09—Pensmx ARMOR SET (THREE PIECES) Early eighteenth century. With elaborate painting and monochrome colors and gilding. (a) Large shield presenting a series of medallions with hunting subjects, while the field displays varied animals and birds midst floral and tree forms. (b) Helmet with similar embellishment, including figure medallions and inscriptions. (0) Arm piece, en suite, showing figure, bird and deer panels. ‘HO—TURKISH YATAGHA): Swono Eighteenth century. Repoussé silver—mounted handle and sheath in rocaille design. Blade showing silver scroll work in relief at the hilt. Length, 29 inches. 41 I—PERSIAN SILVER DAGGER Seventeenth century. Silver repoussé mounting of handle and sheath. Showing overlapping feather diapering. Double-edged blade with gold damaskeening near the hilt. Length, 19 inches. 412—RARE SILVER SWORD Seventeenth century Showing an interesting com— bination of_ Asiatic design and classical mounting ob- viously made for a chief. Silver handle with head of Hannibal, bearing crested mark, together with the small initials M. and S. of maker. Guard formed by an entwined serpent together with filigree chain. Scab- bard of silver enriched with vine and leaf patterns, in re- current form and delicate tracing, finished at the end with two fox-head masks. Cut and thrust blade. Length, 40 inches. 4*13-ARMENIAN SILvER. SwoRI) Hilt of silver with raised ornamentation, including chas~ ing. Cross guard and chains. Scabbard of silver repoussé, design matching handle. Eighteenth century. Length, 39 inches. ‘hl‘h—TURKISH SwoRI) (YATAGHAN) Typical ivory yataghan handle. Blade with silver damaskeening, bearing name of maker and date; made by Hassan Asmani (1218), year of the Hegira. Scab— bard of silver repoussé, involving a combination of renais— sance and Saracenic details. Length, 31 inches. (Illustrated) ‘h15——SPANISH CARBINE (MUsKETooN) Seventeenth century. Spreading barrel (blunderbuss form) with gold damaskeening; burr-walnut stock with silver inlaying, including small shield. VVheel-lock fash— ioned without embellishment. Reverse side with steel mounting in scroll design. Length, 38 inches. 416—MooIIIsH FLINT-LOCK CARBINE Late seventeenth century. Spreading blunderbuss—shaped barrel with silver damaskeening and chasing in arabesque design. Walnut stock inlaid with brass and bone. Lock and hammer with chased embellishment. Length, 34 inches. 4:17—VVHEEL—L0CK SPORTING GUN Seventeenth century. Swiss. Octagonal barrel; wrought lock with simple embellishment. Walnut stock mounted with bone; medallion showing a carved deer. Length, 44 inches. ‘HS—ANTIQUE CRossBow Seventeenth century. Augsburg. Of walnut, with carving and elaborate inlaying in ivory and mother-of— pearl; details showing birds and floral scrolls with chas- ing and green-colored ivory, including cartouche with monogram G. F. K. Length, 929 inches. (Illustrated) 4:21—A 4:18 419—‘VHEEL-L00K Sron'rlxo GUN Seventeenth century. Arquebuse d‘ rouez‘. Long oc- tagonal barrel, with silver damaskeening bearing name, Franz Schlogl zu Innbruck. Stock of walnut, with ivory inlaying representing hunting subjects, figures, animals and birds. Lock elaborately chased. Length, 49 inches. 4QO—FLIx'r-LocK (.‘ARBIXE ()IIfsKETooX) Seventeenth century. Spanish. Fu-sil (‘i silezv. Barrel flaring in blunderbuss style. Stock of walnut, with ivory and mother-of-pearl inlaying, showing curious floral and vine details. Lock with chasing. Length, 32 inches. (Illustrated) 4:21—VVHEEL-LOFK (‘ARInxE Seventeenth century. (Austrian) Smooth bore. VVal- nut stock with ivory inlaying, showing animals and scrolls, together with eagle emblem; details are defined by engraving. Lock wrought with scrolled chasing. (Illustrated) Length, 4.01/2 inches. 421A~Two VVHEEL-LOCK PIs'roLs Seventeenth century. (Austrian) Long angular bar— rels; walnut stock9 with ivory inlaying, including gro— tesque forms and scrolls. Finished with sphcroid or ball knobs. Lock wrought with chasing. Length, 261/2 inches. (Illustrated) 4:22—RAJAH’S SILVER STAFF Eighteenth century. Indian. Silver repoussé and chased ornamentation in overlapping feather design. Bears hall mark. F’A Length, 59 inches. ZlQ3——TURKISH l\IANGAL, 0R CHARcoAL STOVE Eighteenth century. In bronze, consisting of three pieces: base, stand and cover. ‘llQ‘h—PERSIAN AR MCHAIR Eighteenth century. With ivory and metal inlay, pre- sumably used in a mosque at Ispahan. A CROWN JEWEL AND OTHER ORIENTAL TREASURES 41%5—M0HAMMEDAN PRAYER CHARM Eighteenth century. In form of three agate plaquettes bearing enameled Mohammedan prayers; mounted in sil— ver. Held by rose—colored cord. 426—M0HAMMEDAN PRAYER CHARM Eighteenth century. In form of three agate plaquettes: central, with intaglio showing large Neshky, with border- ing ring in like flowering characters; the others, red agate, show white enamel prayers. Mounting of silver with black enameling, showing other prayers for protection from illness. Has green silk cord. 427—Two PERSIAN SILVER ENAMELED LocKE'rs Low octagonal chase with hinged covers made to hold prayers. Black enameling and gold incrustations in bird and floral forms. Has green, yellow and red silk cord. ZlI28—PERsIAN PRAYER LocKET Seventeenth century. Circular form, with signs of the zodiac and centered by Persian emblem. Interior holds seven prayer disks. 429—Two SILVER ENAMELED PRAYER BOXES Eighteenth century. Persian elliptical forms with hinged covers. The enameling, in floral design, shows brilliant sapphire-blue and emerald—green details. ‘ISO—Two SILVER ENAMELED PRAYER BOXES Eighteenth century. Persian elliptical forms with hinged covers. The blue and green enameling forming the back- ground for figure subjects. 431—Two SILVER AND GOLD INCRUSTED PRAYER BOXES Late seventeenth century. Octagonal shape. Ispahan workmanship, details showing gold incrusted mystical characters and other devices, with bordering on the silver body. 432—Two SILVER. AND GOLD INCRUSTED PRAYER BoxEs Late seventeenth cen— tury. Octagonal shape. Ispahan work— manship. The details, on silver, show gold in- crustations with in~ scriptions and border- ing. Reverse side shows engraved annu- lar mask with sun- burst. 433—PERsIAx SILVER PERFUME SPRINKLER Eighteenth century. With chased ornamentation in car- touche and diapered bordering. Height, 5% inches. 433A-PERsIAx SIIXER PERFUME SPRINKLER Similar to preceding. With slight variation in detail. Height, 6% inches. 5 Eff "hi? 4 > . I I: ' t 45341-110111. PERSIAN IvoRY SPEcTAcLE Box Eighteenth century. Oblong shape. Elaborately carved obverse side shows a Shah and the Imperial lions and sun- burst emblem of Persia. The reverse side shows engraved portraits of three European ladies and members of the harem. The sides are carved with Arabic inscriptions in vignetted forms, indicating that this case was made to hold the glasses of rulers grown old. Etui of seventeenth century Persian velvet. 435—Tw0 GOLD INCRUSTED DENTAL TooLs Eighteenth century. Comprising hook and scraper, with perforated work and incrusted details. N0. 436. BALTIC SEA AMBER BEADS ‘lasts—BALTIC SEA AMBER BEADS Composed of twenty-four beads, which are hand-wrought from pieces of amber, cast up by the waves from the bot— tom of the Baltic Sea. (Illustrated) 487—PERSIAN IvoRY WHIP HANDLE Eighteenth century. Carved with numerous figures, scrolls and masked forms. Length, 614 inches. 4138—PERSIAN CHARM HOLDER Tubular form. Gold plating involving ruby and turquoise cabochon in alternate studding, in spiral form, with three eyes for suspension, to hold prayer scroll. Length, 3 inches. 4139—PAIR OF PERSIAN GoLD ENAMELED EARRINGS Unique bell—like forms, including colored enamels and pen— dants, composed of gold leaves and minute pearls. ZJAG—PAIR OF ENAMELED GoLD EARRINGS Bell shape, with champlevé enamcling (in varied colors), including Oriental ruby setting, small gold leaf pendants and miniature pearl beading. 4:41—JEWELED ISPAHAN RING Eighteenth century. Pear—shape, with ruby and pearl setting centered by a beryl or tourmaline stone. (Illustrated) ‘HQ—PERSIAN GOLD RING Square face, with openwork uniquely wrought to resemble filigree, found in an old tomb. Date unknown. (Illustrated) M6 M51 A CRowx JEWEL AND OTHER ORIENTAL GEMS 4+3—PERsIAx FILIGREE GOLD RING Small size. Square face, with openwork uniquely wrought to resemble filigree. Found in an old tomb; date unknown. (Illustrated) 444—PERSIAX GOLD NECKLACE Seventeenth century. (‘omposed of seventy-six solid gold beads. Wrought work, showing filigree and millet-like tubicals. (Illustrated) 445—JEWELE1) JADE CIGARETTE (.‘AsE Eighteenth century. Persian. Rare green jade nephrite, showing moss-green modeling and translucent quality. Fashioned from one piece, with gold hinged cover (en suite). The gold mounting consists of numerous small diamonds which surround three exceptional pear—shaped sapphires (en cabochon). The fourth sapphire forms the clasp on the front. Beautiful presentation or cabinet ob- ject. Length. 3% inches; width, 91/, inches. 4:46—UNIQUE JEWELED KHEDIVE RING Massive gold; richly studded with small diamonds that form the Egyptian crescent on both sides. The setting includes three rare crown jewels (en cabochon), notably a wonderful “drop ruby,” “drop—emerald” and “drop- sapphire.” Supposed to represent the shrine of the Khedives; the emerald signifying the higher minaret, and the sapphire the smaller minaret, while the ruby repre- sents the dome. This ring was the particular favorite of the Khedive Ismail Pasha, and was purchased from his. heirs after his death. The consular document, accom— panying, certifies as to its former ownership. (Illustrated) 4lT—THREE ANCIENT ASSYRIAN INTAGLIO SEALS One representing Apollo, another bears double-headed eagle, while the third shows a stag, together with hiero- glyphic-s. Hittite period. 44-8—(‘0LLECT10N 0F ASSYRIAN INTAGLIOS Consisting of fifty-nine examples, with diverse subjects and hieroglyphies. Hittite period. illg—Jl‘EN PERSIAN GOLD I)AMASKEENED DINNER KxlvEs AND ELEVEN DINNER FORKS Eighteenth century. Ispahnn workmanship, showing rich gold inerustations, continued into the blade of knife. 449A—THREE PERSIAN DAMASKEENED KNIVES AND FOUR FORKS Similar to the preceding, but smaller. ~l-lgB—F0URTEEN PERSIAN GOLD DAMASKEENED SPOONS \Vith gold damaskeening matching the preceding ex— amples. Varied sizes. 45O—SMALI. PERsIAN COPPER PITCHER Seventeenth century. With gold incrustation, display- ing arabesque and other medallions, with inscriptions in Arabic characters. Interesting example. Height. 311, inches. 451—PERsIAN FILIGREE AND ENAMELED Box Eighteenth century. Oblong shape, with chamfercd corners. The filigree embellishment shows conventional floral design, in part filled with blue and yellow cnameling. Length, 4 inches; width, 3% inches. No. 4:53. “ ‘II ‘C’ 4 ' l ’ . 1-.---.'- ~ v.4 . A Q .‘ w‘ "'u‘n' “"I‘PHQI A‘ "' , mpt" . " ‘7- ‘ #4:" '3 {Mi-‘i: ‘u i " v Q ‘- .¢-_ . ‘ ,r r \\ I _ . . i >4.- , - ~._-0 k’! '."d‘ ‘ I‘ ~:'- w" - 1n ILLUMINATED KORANIC SCROLL ' 352. . 'r ‘ n-.. ... . ‘J. .L-rlw-e/ 452—PERSIAN LACQUER TREASURE Box Oblong shape. Painted in polychrome colors; show- ing wonderfully rendered flower, bird and butterfly forms, together with gold arabesque bordering. Height, 6 inches; length, 131/3 inches; width, 9 inches. ‘h53—ILLUMINATED KORANIC ScRoLL Early seventeenth century (period of Shah Abbas). Showing beautifully rendered arabesque details, and quo— tations from the Koran in flowing Arabic characters. " .. as“: Lg (Illustrated) 45-l—-BED PEKING LACQUER BowL 4:55 Eighteenth century. Cinnabar lacquer, deeply carved with a number of birds midst peony and plum trees filled with blossoms and foliation; the ground showing delicate flowered fretting. Era of (‘h’ien-lung (1736-1795). Diameter, 71/‘, inches. GEORGIAN SILVER GILT Lovnqo CUP Eighteenth century. Unique Caucasian form, with in- cised bordering, the interior sustaining a crowing cock, While the exterior bears a cartouehe and rim bordering, with Slavic inscription, signifying: “Drink is not a plea— sure, thirst is not bread, love on this earth is the greatest pleasure.” Bears hall mark underneath foot. Width, including handle, 71/2 inches; diameter, 6 inches. FINE OLD PERSIAN POTTERY 4:56—PERSIAN LUSTER POTTERY BOTTLE Sixteenth century. Pear-shaped, with slender neck. Pre— senting a deep metallic luster; the decoration, with foli— ated arabesque forms, involving floral designs, on a light turquoise-blue ground. Exceptional quality. Height, 8% inches. 4'57——PERSIAN FAIENCE PLATE Eighteenth century. Deep shape, presenting a pale blue and brown peacock in conventional form, on blended white ground- Diameter, 9 inches. 458—LARGE PERSIAN FAIENCE PLATE Eighteenth century. Deep shape. The decoration show- ing a pair of pigeons and tree motif, rendered in blue and brown, under the vitreous glaze. Background showing a blue clouded white ground. Diameter, 111/2 inc-hm 459—ANTIQUE PERSIAN PoTTERY LAMP Thirteenth century. Archaic form, showing the remains of a green glazing with earthy incrustation. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 61/2 inches. ‘h60—LARGE PERSIAN POTTERY BowL Eighteenth century. Ispahan faience. Interior showing a series of conventional flowers on a flecked ground of blue and white. *lxterior with concentric devices in blue on white ground. Diameter, 11 inches. ‘Mil—PERSIAN PoTTERY COUPE Eighteenth century. Globular form, coated with lustrous brown monochrome glaze. Height, 4 inches,‘ diameter, 5 inches. 4:6Q—SMALL PERSIAN POTTERY DISH Early eighteenth century. Ispahan faience. With iri— descence. Blue decoration in Chinese style, including leaf forms and bands. Reverse showing simple foliated forms and lines in blue. Diameter, 6 inches. 4:68—PERSIAN POTTERY PLATE Eighteenth century. Deep shape. Coated with brilliant turquoise—blue glaze, interior sustaining conventional blos— som forms, with a bordering of palm leaves. Diameter, 7% inches. 4:645—PERSIAN PoTTERY PLATE Eighteenth century. Deep shape. Coated with brilliant turquoise-blue body color, which sustains conventionalized forms in black, together with trellis bordering. Diameter, 71/2 inches. t£65—ANTIQUE PERSIAN BowL Seventeenth century. Decorated in Chinese style. In- terior presenting a medallion with quadrangular panel and fillets, while the exterior sustains the eight Arhats (Buddhistic disciples) rendered in varied shades of cobalt— blue, Under the glaze- Diameter, 6% inches. 4:66—ANCIENT RAKKA BowL Thirteenth century. Mesopotamia. Deep shape, tapering to a narrow base. The interior sustains radial bordering with conventional arabesque and diaper details, in blue and brown, showing slight iridescence; while the exterior shows running stripes in purplish blue, together with opalescent luster. (Repaired) Diameter, 3 inch” ‘MT—ANCIENT RAKKA POTTERY BOWL Thirteenth century. llesopotamia fa'ience. Bulbous shape, with slender foot. The interior medallion, with figure subjects in blue and brown tones under the lustrous glazing, includes rim bordering, while the exterior shows vertical striping in like colors. (Mended) Diameter, 51/2 inches. 468—-PERsIAI~: LUSTER BowL Sixteenth century. Ispahan fa'ience; the interior pre- senting a blended ruby and brown floral design on white ground, while the exterior sustains a series of three bor— ders in floral and scroll form, rendered in similar ruby and brown tones, d reflet 'méfallique. Hare quality. Diameter, 61/, inches. Mild—ORIENTAL CHALcEDoNY AGATE CI'P Rare transparent marking, in amber and gray color tones. Plainly polished. Diameter, 41 inches. ‘ITO—ANCIENT RAKKA BowL Thirteenth century. Mesopotamia fa'ience. Interior and exterior uniformly displaying honeycomb pattern with brown outline and blue ‘clouding. The exterior show- ing opalescent luster from long immurement. (Re— paired.) Diameter, 1'1/2 inches. ‘FYI—PERSIAN LI'STER PLATE Sixteenth century. Ispahan faience, with siliceous white glazing, sustaining a ruby~red luster decoration in form of conventional flowering and scroll motifs. Diameter, 9 inches. ‘172—PERSIAN FAiENcE BOTTLE Eighteenth century. Pear—shaped, with slender neck. Coated with a light monochrome blue glaze of even tone. Height, 91/2 inches. 473—AncnEoLooicAL EXLARGED POTTERY BoTTLE Bulbous body with attenuated neck and handle, light terracotta. Has unique raised embellishment showing a bordering of circular impressed and tooled discs, midst mummillary protuberances. Unidentified, probably As— syrian fifth-sixth centuries BL‘. Height, 7 inches. ‘FILL—PERSIAN BLUE Goran BOTTLE Sixteenth century. Ispahan faience, coated with a deep lapis-blue glazing, with superposed black floral decora- tion, outlined with underglaze golden-yellow. Rare iri- descent quality. Height, 71/2 inches. 4'75—ANCIEXT RAKKA PITCHER Fourteenth century. Mesopotamia faience, with pale tur— quoise—blue glazing, showing opalescent iridescence from long immurement. Height, 7 inches. 4176—MEDIAN-PERSIAN VASE Thirteenth century. Bulbous form. Rhages faience, with silver—mounted neck. The decoration in blue and brown, showing archaic bordering with iridescent texture. Rare example. Height, 51/2 inches. 477———SMALL RAKKA POTTERY LAMP Thirteenth century. Mesopotamia faience; blue mono— chrome glazing, showing silvery iridescence due from long immurement. Height, 31A,, inches. {TS—RARE PEasIAx POTTERY BOW]. Sixteenth century. Sultanabad fa'l'ence. With flanged rim tapering down to the narrow base. Covered with deep turquoise-blue glaze; displaying conventional ara— besque border motif on the exterior, and alternating radial floral and net design on the interior. Diameter. 71/J inches. 4'79L—PERSIAX RI'DY LUSTER Bowl. Fifteenth century. Ispahan fai'ence. Interior sustains a figured medallion and bordering of tree motifs in pale rose, including rim border with ancient inscription, while the interior shows archaic foliation and flowering. Metal- lic luster. Diameter, 61/2 inches. 480—MEDIAN-PERSIAN PITCHER Fourteenth to fifteenth centuries. Rhages fa'ience, with border decoration involving floral and scroll devices in blue and black. The surface showing opalescent irides- cence from long immurement. Height, 9 inches. 4:81—SMALL M EDIAN-PERsIAN PITCHER Eleventh to twelfth centuries. Bhages fa'ience. Coated with a crackled greenish glaze, showing yellow and gray- ish clouding, together with opalescent iridescence from immurement. Rare example. Height, 5 inches. - vw—w v~v_vww'v _ --' ~ —— 'vv W‘wrvwvfiw-vWww——-——————— —————-w~v v—‘—_—_— —‘ 482—MEDIAN-PERSIAN JAR Twelfth to thirteenth centuries. Rhagcs faience. Broad bulbous form with handles, showing vertical running form, together with opalescent iridescence. Height, 71/, inches. 483—ANT1QL'E ENAMELED FLOWER "ASE .vv'h' 48% Eleventh century. Eighteenth century. Bul— bous form with spreading neck and narrow base. The painted enamel deco- ration on green ground, including floral devices in varied colors, and four small white medallions that are separately painted, with floral details. The remaining decoration con~ sists of bordering in floral and palmation forms. Dominated by rich rose tones. Height, 6 inches. MEDIAx-PERsIAN BOWL Rhages fa'ience. Flanged rim and tapering down to the narrow base. The Syro-Arabic decoration showing archaic blue diaper motifs with brown outlining on the exterior, while the interior sustains other linear bordering in Arabic and other forms. In- vested with opalescent iridescence. Height, 4-1/2 inches; diameter, 81/2 inches. INSIDE OF CovER -~ »- i . Q ' \ K qt‘ _ ‘- 5n. “.3 -- ..1. ... _W>im file, .91.; “F -»~~ ‘~- " " ' - > ' parse-iv.‘ ‘1... ‘We-rum. ~ ' 1 '~ 94!‘ . J ,aysgsqzsiuf'r." 485—R0YAL PERSIAN ENAMELEI) Box Seventeenth century. Small oblong shape. Elaborate enameling on copper, with figured medallions, showing ladies of the royal household. The interior, with white enameling, is enriched by a symbolical green tree. Length, 4 inches; width, 93/4 inches. '* ' * s; - o a .- L 'a- , ', 0* "i" 486—h’IEDIAN—PERSIAN BowL Eleventh century. Rhages fai'encc. Flanged rim and tapering down to the narrow base. The Syro-Arabic decoration showing archaic blue diaper motifs, with brown outlining on the exterior, while the interior Sus- tains radial bordering, together with arabesques and floral devices in Arabic forms. Height, (i inches; (Iinmefer. Ill/1 inches. 487 SMALL MEDIAN-PERSIAN VAs E Ninth or tenth century. Graceful bulbous shape with two recurved handles. Rhagcs fa'ience with exceptional “Mina” decoration, Showing early Iranian leaf border- ing, together with seed devices, rendered in red on deep blue ground. A remarkable and rare example of the highest interest. Coated with lustrous incrustation due to long burial. Height. 3% inches: dinmefer. 31/2 inches. 4‘88—NINE PERsIAN MINIATURES Of the Royal Family, enameled in gold and silver. ‘hSQ—FOUR PIECES OF CLOTH-OF-SILVER Period of Shah Abbas the Great. Four unusually rare and valuable fragments of cloth-of—silver, brocaded with silk, which were originally part of the covering of a jewel box. RARE ECCLESIASTICAL VESTMENTS ANTIQUE TEXTILES AND EMBROIDERIES, AND PERSIAN TILES 4:90—515'1‘ or SIXTEETH CENTURY CLOTH—OF-GOLD EccLE— SIASTICAL VEsTMENTs At the beginning of the seventeenth century a Polish priest in Warsaw was presented with these ecclesiastical vestments. They were made from a wonderful cloth—of- gold sash, which was woven in Persia in the sixteenth century, during the reign of Shah Abbas. So fine and exquisite are the texture and workmanship of this beau— tiful sash, that it proves the skill of the artisans of the great Abbas, who brought Persian art to its height. These four pieces are said to be the finest examples of cloth—of—gold of this period in existence. (A fragment which is missing from the cufic is now in the museum of )Iunich.) The ends of the sash, which are unusually beau- tiful, form part of the back of the chasuble. They also form part of the ends of the stole and cuff‘. The cuff or maniple was Worn on the left arm only. Originally it was a piece of cloth used to wipe the cup, but gradually it became more and more elaborate, and finally was only used as an ornament or part of the ceremonial robes. The center of the sash is woven in bands having a design in red, black and gold. In the borders along the sides are parrots, leaves and flowers arranged in a conventional design. In the Orient the parrot was often used as symbolizing the messenger of love. They also appear again in the ends of the sash along with the carnation and lotus flower. These specimens are wonder— fully preserved, the only noticeable signs of wear being where the black threads have worn away in places. This is often found to be true of the black threads of silk and wool used in antique rugs, for although the Oriental excelled in the beauty and durability of his colors, the black often destroyed the wool or silk, because it was . . .~ 9.. .1!) }§ . _, q.’ , ‘ix-:43... a b l ‘p‘ i ‘ I ‘I, j 1 , ' ' v _ . r .. are... i.‘ g . s‘ '1.v Q} plw. ' \l I . ~l ‘ \ .4 No. 490. SET OF SIXTEENTH CENTURY CLoTII-oF-GoLD EccLEsI- ASTIC‘AI. VEsTMENTs made by dropping vinegar on iron filings, and in turn this caused a chemical action which impaired the fabric. The Small Square with the Greek cross embossed in the center was used for covering the communion cup. (Illustrated) ‘TQI—ROSE-AND—GOLD SILK JACKET wITH CAP To MATCH Eighteenth century. The background of the jacket is knitted with gold threads on which are Sprays of flowers, embroidered in rose silk. The cap iS rose Silk, having a floral pattern in gold and brown. IIQQ—FRAGMENT ISPAHAN CARPET Fourteenth century. A valuable Specimen for collectors. In this antique fragment there are over SiX hundred knots to the Square inch. On the Soft rose background is the typical palmette in Ispahan green, ivory and antique red. 493—ISPAHAN LINEN PRINT Eighteenth century. Covering the center of the black linen panel are corner pieces and a medallion, combined with an intricate all-over design in gold, red and white. Large and Small palm leaves form the decoration on the large border. Narrow bands of white, on which are deli- cate floral meanders frame it on either Side. The cover bears the date 1222. Length, 5 feet 11 inches; width, 5 feet. 4194—PERSIAN SILK GILET EMBROIDERY Seventeenth century. Oblong shape. Needlework in con— ventional border design, arranged in contiguous oblique forms. The embroidery iS solidly executed in Soft golden— yellow, green and tan tones. Rare example of its class. Length, 2 feet 7 inches; width, 1 feet 6 inches. 495—PERsIAN SILK ETOFFE (OR MANTLE) Seventeenth century. Woven in alternating stripes of ivory, Persian blue, red and brilliant yellow. The warp and woof are both pure silk. Length, 8 feet 5 inches,’ width, 5 feet 2 inches. ‘h96—BOKIIARA EMBROIDERY On the dull gold background are large and small flowers and scrolls embroidered in gor— geous shades of red, sapphire-blue, gold and green. Eighteenth century Length, 12 feet 5 inches; width, 7 feet 8 inches. 497—BOKHARA MosQUE EMBROIDERY Composed Of SiX prayer arches, on which are delicately wrought pomegranate blossoms and carnations. These panels are separated by narrow bands which sustain small floral meanders. A broad border of exquisitely embroidered flowers frames the entire piece. The color- ing of the design throughout is in harmonious tones of jade, gold, turquoise-blue and rose on a soft ivory back— ground. Length, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 6 feet 3 inches. 4<98—BOKHARA EMBROIDERY Eighteenth century. On the soft ivory background is an all—Over floral design. The border has sprays of flowers beautifully embroidered in soft tones of Old rose, jade, yellow and deep green. Length, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet 4 inches. 499—PERsIAN EMBROIDERED WALL HANGING The design shows baskets of flowers and scrolls, beau— tifully appliqué with velvet, and embroidered in soft varying shades of silk. Length, 6 feet 9 inches; width, 4 feet. 500—Two ANTIQUE PERSIAN TILES Sixteenth century. Star-shaped, with blue and gold luster decoration. Diameter, 6 inches. 5OOA—Two ANTIQUE PERSIAN TILES Sixteenth century. Star—shaped. ‘Vith blue and brown luster decorations showing bird and flower motifs. Diameter, 6 inches. 5OOB—Two ANTIQUE PERsIAN TILES Fifteenth century. Star—shaped. With blue and gold luster decorations, including border with inscription in flowing Neshky characters. Diameter, 6%; inches. 5OOC—Two ANTIQUE PERSIAN TILES Sixteenth century. Star-shaped. Varied in decoration. Diameter, 71/2 inches. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUcTIoNEER. . . .12. )ism. . . . . . . . . . . . i . Mir!) .1 firb . . . . . . . . I31»; izll (M _ . . . . . . .lt: . .... . . . . . . . r... t . .; 7.2. . . In, I... . ...E.. I f I . .. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . n . . . .. . caveat-all . . . . . . . : . . 1. ‘Mus-M . .. h . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. S . . l . . . . . .. . . a. . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . I. ..méi. PM“ . . . . . . In“. . . . .. . . .. .... .Ini .1. . . a. . . . I . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . ...w ' . , . 5. 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