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A?» Q. i .imfl. . wxfififiv ..¢..&\H..&\?.w .7... 1 1..“ .wnéwfiv . .mnhmvifiav. . :1.....:3f.......>+\1$$ bzrmifiljug . v vii. W4.“ . p i5 . {Gr ... iflw? .11. . . I \lu \ .I H - in Q ~ ~ . b v . > I. I» I 1 a 1 In.‘ | - ~ . 1' w. A. - é... .Efsfi, .. 513.". 3m. . . a... a an». .. ...... . v.» . ... a .mv. .Wwnwn? .Mfi Ah..s........,.._.-m... 4.1... .. . . .. . ~ . .. 1 . .01.. . L. 1 1 .... . . . . .f. ‘m. A _ Y. . . r . J. {3M7 . - . . . . ‘Mn-Ru, .. .1 .. \ .. .Ynnwwwwflgmwnmflgvr . 1. Hmw». wimuwmkulv .. .k . . .. A . kg? . 1. .MN” .m. It. . n . : . 31$ .7 . . . . ..Wrxmfl.vvw.wiwm .1 .mfinwq .tgfix .wmu . .. . _ v . . :2 1% x . at...‘ . C! u, » ELYIMN. » i w. .. . .x .5. . x - “h 1 A ‘a, .m www... . . . .. - 3%.... .. Q in“). 6...; 5R... uvrflb. 1% .7 m. .1 .. . . k. r . aw}. um». . w»... ,2 uF§J§§WWwWm énnwré. .Adewfinhm... . NLL? filzfindafirir?" HAMILTON CLUB OF CHICAGO. SERIAL PUBLICATIONS. NUMBER 5. A BRIEF REVIEW OF THE LEGISLATION AGAINST CORRUPT PRACTICES “ AT ELECTIONS. BY ROGER SHERMAN, OF THE CHICAGO BAR. Delivered at a Meeting of the Club, December 9, 1898. MR. PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN :—T he task that has been assigned me this evening is at once both simple and complex. It is simple that I am required to deal merely in facts of history. It is complex in this, that such legislation stretches over a period of some three hundred years and covers scores of pages in the statute books of England, Canada and the United States. It is my purpose merely to outline for you the current of legislation -—to sketch the development and the present status of the law on this subject. This I shall do briefly, trusting to the speakers who follow to fill in the outline with facts gleaned from a more thorough study of the subject and a riper experience. ~Away back in the time of William and Mary, in 1695, an act was passed by the House of Commons in England to prevent charges and expenses in the elections of members of Parliament. From that time to the present, every period of a few years has seen the enactment of further legislation along the same line. Successively in the years 1729, 1809, 1827, 1852, 1854, 1868, 1872, 1883, 1895, and in other years, acts tending in the same direction have been passed by the Eng- lish Parliament. The law of 1883 is at once the epitome of all the learning and experience acquired in England and the model for all of the States in this country that have enacted laws against corrupt practices. On this account its provisions should be explained some- what at length. It provides first against treating, defining that term to mean pro- viding “meat or drink entertainment” for the purpose of influencing votes. Not only is the one who provides the entertainment guilty, but the elector who accepts is equally under the ban of the law. The term “corrupt practices” is defined to mean treating, undue influ- ence, bribery and personation. The law provides that the election of any candidate shall be abso- lutely void if the candidate is found personally guilty of corrupt prac- 69 3925?9 11K 197*} .9525’ tices (except treating or undue influence), or if such offenses have been committed with his knowledge or consent. He is further debarred forever from occupying a seat in the House of Commons. If he has committed such corrupt practices through his agents he is debarred from occupying a seat in the House of Commons for seven years. Punishment for different infractions of the law also includes hard labor in prison for a term of one or more years and a forfeiture of the right to hold ofiice, register or vote. Illegal practices are stated to include payment for carriages, and railway fares, in conveying electors to or from the polls, and no person is permitted to let or rent carriages, horses or other conveyances to third persons for the use of electors in going to and from the polls. The law further provides that no payment shall be made for music, torches, flags, banners, cockades, badges or any other mark of distinction to be used by electors at or near the polling places, and that premises where liquor is sold shall not be used as committee rooms. There is, however, a saving clause in the law, which provides that practices carried on without the knowledge or consent of the candi- date and contrary to his orders shall not debar him and that it shall be a sufficient defense for him to show this and the additional fact that reasonable care was taken to prevent such infractions of the law. On or before nomination day each candidate is obliged to declare in writing the name of someone who is to act as his election agent. As soon as the names of such agents are handed in the list is published. Each agent is permitted to appoint deputies, or sub-agents, as they are called. Then the agent in turn is obliged to declare and publish the list of such sub-agents. The candidate or his agent appoints every polling agent, every clerk, and every messenger employed at or about the polls. They also hire every committee room and contract for all the expenses of the campaign. Contracts for such expenses are not enforceable unless they are entered into by the candidate himself or his agent. All contributions to the campaign fund must be received by or sent to the candidate or his political agent. Claims for all expenses are absolutely void unless they are presented within fourteen days from the time the candidate is declared elected. Then the can- didate or his agent must pay such claims within twenty-eight days after such announcement of election. After that date they can only be presented and allowed through a court of law. If they are approved by the court they are then allowed as a part of the legitimate expenses and may be paid as if presented within the specified time. Each candidate is permitted to expend the sum of one hundred pounds for personal expenses. Every other item of campaign expense must be handled by and through the political agent. When the election is over the candidate is obliged to send a written statement of his personal expenses to his agent and within thirty-five days after the day on which the candidates are declared elected each agent has to transmit to the proper officer a schedule of expenses, including the following: Statement of all payments made by election agent; state- ment of personal expenses of the candidate; list of claims unpaid or disputed; schedule of all moneys or the equivalent received and the 70 names of the donors. Within seven days after the return of the agent’s schedule the candidate must in the same manner present his schedule of personal expenses. The failure to comply with these provisions makes the candidate liable, if elected, to forfeit his ofiice and his right to vote, or to suffer a fine of one hundred pounds for each day he assumes to act officially. F alsifying either of these schedules is declared to be perjury. Sick- ness, absence from the city, death, etc., are considered excuses for not complying with the strict letter of the law in regard to the date for presentation of schedules, but application must be made to a court of competent jurisdiction for an order extending the time specified. When these schedules are handed in to the returning officer, he in turn is obliged to publish them in two newspapers in the burrough or county where the election is held, together with a notice stating where they can be seen. The schedules are then retained for two years, open to public inspection, and at the end of that time are either returned to the candidate or destroyed. The law further declares that electors who are guilty of corrupt practices cannot vote at any elections. If justices, barristers or solicitors are found guilty, they are reported to the proper officers and proceedings are instituted to debar them from office. In the case of the conviction of those to whom licenses have been granted for any purpose, certain officers are obliged to file statements of such con- victions and when persons so convicted again apply for licenses, the proper officers may refuse to consider the applications. The regis- tration officers of each county are obliged to keep and publish the full list of all voters disqualified under the terms of the law. The law provides for the filing of petitions to contest elections within a certain number of days after election and the method of instituting all legal proceedings in connection with the violation of the act. It is provided that no one shall be excused from testifying in any trial or proceeding in connection with the enforcement of the act on the ground that his testimony will incriminate him. He is given, however, a certificate of indemnity which is a bar to any subsequent proceeding for violations of the law so disclosed. The law contains a classification of persons who may legally be employed in connection with elections, alloting so many to each bur- rough, county and polling place. There is then provided a list of legitimate expenses, which includes those of the candidate him- self, printing and advertising, stationery, expenses of holding public meetings, providing committee rooms, etc. Expenditures for any other objects than these are absolutely prohibited. A maximum scale of expenses is included in the law, providing that in burroughs not exceeding two thousand inhabitants, not more than three hundred and fifty pounds shall be expended; in burroughs of upwards of two thousand, three hundred and eighty pounds and an additional thirty pounds for every one thousand inhabitants above the first two thou- sand; in counties not exceeding two thousand inhabitants, six hun- dred and fifty pounds; in counties of upwards of two thousand, seven 71 hundred and ten pounds, and sixty pounds additional for every one thousand inhabitants above the first two thousand. It will be seen that the provisions of this law are far-reaching and the penalties imposed most severe, but such a law was absolutely necessary at the time it was passed. The conditions in England before its passage, in spite of the previous legislation on the subject, were frightful; the expenditures made by candidates incredible. In one election in Yorkshire alone more than £200,000 was spent. In 1826 one candidate is said to have spent £86,000, mostly for “ribbons, music and refreshments.” In 1768 in Northampton the patrons of the candidates are said to have spent £100,000 each; so much, in fact, that Lord Halifax was ruined, and Lord Northampton cut down his trees, sold his furniture and went abroad for the rest of his days. Bribery in elections was carried on to a greater extent than ever before in the history of the world ; ingenious devices of all kinds were invented for outwitting and evading the exact letter of the law. In 1874 in Lon- don this device was arranged for avoiding liability for bribery: A man, disguised as a chimney-sweep, was placed in a chimney; the candidates were ushered into the room where there was an open fire- place connected with the chimney; as each elector walked by the fire- place there dropped from above an orange containing a sovereign. It was so common in Birmingham at one time to present to elec- tors glasses of beer with sovereigns in the bottom that the practice was known far and wide, and was commonly called the “Birmingham trick.” Another evil that this law sought to eradicate was “personation.” This consists in one man’s representing himself to be another, and voting in the name of the man he purports to be. On one occasion it is said that the votes of ninety fishermen were polled, when they were afterwards discovered to have been miles away on the North Sea, and the votes of ten dead men were counted at the same election. The purposes of the act of 1883, as stated by Henry James, its author, were: First—To consolidate the laws of England in regard to elections. Second—To check corrupt practices by punishing and degrading the offenders. Third—To render detection of offenders certain. Fourth—To abolish or reduce the extent of paid agencies. Fifth—To limit the amount of expenditures. There is little question that these objects were quite fully attained. English writers and statesmen agree that the effect of the law of 1883 has been most salutary. It has been stated that it changed England from one of the most corrupt countries of the world in respect to bribery at elections to one of the purest, and this although few convictions were ever had under the law and in spite of the fact that the officials have made comparatively little exertion in enforcing its terms. With such a successful example before them it is not strange that certain of the United States should seek to obtain the benefit of legis~ lation so effective in its results. 72 Massachusetts in 1892 and 1893 passed laws which followed quite closely the English model. It was not found practicable to enact all the terms of the English law, owing to the different conditions exist- ing in this country, but the substantial part of the law was re-enacted. The Massachusetts act defines and forbids corrupt practices, but at the same time it is directed principally towards securing full and public account of all political expenditures. There is no limit placed on the amount that can be spent by candidates or by political com- mittees, nor are these expenditures confined to specified objects. The political committee is recognized and its treasurer is required to account for all expenditures. Individuals distributing or receiving moneys for campaign purposes must account just as if they were treasurers of the political committee. Reports accompanied by vouch- ers must be returned to the proper oflicers and the committees are forbidden to solicit contributions from candidates. If a candidate is requested to contribute it is made his duty to decline, although he may voluntarily give such sums as he desires. The penalties for infractions of this law are a fine not exceeding $1,000, imprison- ment for a term not exceeding one year, or both. The Massachusetts statute is generally conceded to be the most nearly like the the English model of all our statutes, and perhaps the most satisfactory law that we have in this country, but there is no ques- tion that there are some defects even in this. The principal criticisms that have been made against it are, that the penalties for violating its terms are not severe enough. ; that the office should be forfeited instead of a mere fine or punishment inflicted; that the amount of expendi- tures should be limited, and that the objects of such expenditures should be specified. Notwithstanding these defects, the operation of the law in Massachusetts has been for the most part satisfactory. New York was one of the first states to enact a law against corrupt practices. In 1890 an act was passed, copied from the English statute, though not nearly so far-reaching. It defines corrupt practices, bribery, etc., in the broadest terms. It provides for the punishment of offenders. The penalties inflicted include terms in the county jail, forfeiture of office and denial of the right of suffrage for a term of five years. It provides for the filing of a statement by the candidate showing in detail all moneys contributed and expended by him directly or indirectly. It requires that this statement shall be signed and sworn to by the candidate, and provides where it shall be filed and kept. This act was supplemented by a further law in 1895, providing against the furnishing of entertainment, the paying for procuring the attendance of voters at the polls, and the expenditure of money for any other purposes than the printing and circulating of hand-bills, books or other papers, or conveying electors to the polls, or for providing music or the rent of halls. It has been said of this act that it is the weakest of all the Amer- ican statutes on the subject. The principal criticism seems to be that it requires the report of election expenses to be made by the candidate and not by the political committee. The effect of this has been that . 73 the candidate files the report required showing a certain amount of personal expenses incurred by him and allowed by the law, and then puts in as one item all the balance of the money turned over to the political committee. In this way it is evident the purposes of the law are thwarted. In 1896 Ohio passed a law that is supposed to embody in it the experience of the states that had previously passed laws on the same subject and to include the best provisions of all prior enactments. In this act expenditures are limited by allowing a certain amount per capita, and it is provided that expenditures in excess thereof shall invalidate the election. It further provides that statements shall be made by both candidates and political committees. In this way a full and complete statement of all expenditures is made public. In March of this year the constitutionality of certain provisions of the Ohio law was passed upon by the Supreme Court of the State, in the case of Mason vs. the State, where it was shown that John W. Mason, who had been elected Probate judge of Adams County, was guilty of promising several offices of more or less importance in con- sideration of receiving the support of the promisees. He was ousted from office and it was held that the provisions of the Corrupt Practices Act authorizing the Court to render judgment declaring the election void, the office vacant, and to exclude the incumbent therefrom, were not in conflict with the constitution of the State, and were valid. Many of the other States of the Union have passed laws against corrupt practices along the lines already mentioned. Some have copied the New York or Massachusetts laws almost verbatim, others have mingled certain portions of the preceding laws with innovations of their own. Nevada, for instance, has a law, passed in 1895, identi- cal with the New York statute in regard to the statement by the candi- date, but it also requires a statement by the committee. It further pro- vides that vouchers must be filed for all amounts exceeding five dollars. It limits the amount to be spent by each candidate according to a cer- tain percentage of the salary of the office he is seeking. A supple- mental law, passed in 1897, provides the objects for which expenses may be incurred, and fixes the amount of such expenditures in dollars and cents, instead of according to a per capita, schedule. Utah enacted a law in 1896, which is also identical with the New York law, except that the political committee, as well as the candidate, is required to file a statement. Infractions of this law are not a cause of forfeiture of office. Wisconsin has a law that appears to be one of the clearest and most satisfactory in its terms. It embodies the best parts of all the laws previously enacted. Connecticut also has a fairly satisfactory law, though fines are imposed for infractions of its terms instead of a forfeiture of the office. During the last ten years the Territory of Arizona and the follow- ing states, among others, have passed acts intended to prevent cor- rupt practices at elections: 74 California. Montana. Colorado. Nevada. Connecticut. New Hampshire. Kansas. New Jersey. Massachusetts. New York. Michigan. Ohio. Minnesota. Utah. Missouri. Wisconsin. Canada also has a corrupt-practices act modeled after the English statute. It will be seen that Illinois is far behind her sister states in this particular. The only legislation in this state worthy of mention in this connection is that part of the election law which defines bribery and similar crimes, and imposes punishment for the offenses there enumerated. It certainly seems that it is high time for us to reap the benefit of the experience of England and to follow the example of tthe other states of this country, by enacting an effective law on this su j ect. So much for the history and status of legislation against corrupt practices. One matter in this connection has come to my attention that seems to have been generally overlooked. It is this: The pay- ment by political parties of the naturalization expenses of foreigners. At least three states, Connecticut, Ohio and Pennsylvania, have passed laws against this infamous practice. Many of you know how it is carried on in this city. just before registration and election each party deposits a certain sum of money with the Clerks of the Circuit and Superior Courts. Tickets are then issued against these funds “good for one naturaliza- tion.” These are distributed free of charge through the agency of the party machinery. On stated occasions the recipients of these tickets are herded together and driven up to the Clerks’ ofiices. Here some one acts as witness for them. Often the witness who swears that he has known the applicant for five years, has to call for the applicant’s ticket to learn the name of the man for whom he vouches. They are then naturalized, with the understanding, ex- pressed or implied—usually expressed in forcible terms—that the new citizen will vote for the party that has so unselfishly assisted him. The chances are that such a citizen will value the government of which he thus becomes a part at about the sum he pays for his citizen- ship—nothing. This practice breeds perjury; it tends to breed corruption in the Clerk’s office; it foists upon this country as citizens and voters the offscourings of Europe—the scumdoflheearth. If left to themselves the great majority of these people would not become naturalized until they had learned our language and customs, and many would not become naturalized at all. Any law intended to prevent corrupt practices at elections should include a provision directed against this most vicious of all election practices. Every state should have a law preventing political parties from railroading ignoramuses and rapscallions into United States citizenship. 75 ...... . ..“Hj. uuhruclf Rrlavuétmnva. . .....WHJ. .../war: 01.11.33}... -\| .. . . 3.1.) . ".111 1.31%.. 1\. .a ....51. Qvéuui .....éiiC/éq. .. 1 1...... ... TQvXAQQRflMlQ. . 1 . EL»... .\... . r .M... _\ 1 I > x 1...... 1r} .... ......1 a. .. .. . . .\ . r 1.. l 11.11 .ll .0. . . 1.. 1. I .... .. . ...); .1 . . a . z. ... .1. .19» . . .iv . 2. 19.111... w&\\. ...“: I .... .1 .ffilan. . .2 .... A. ... “11...... .. . .1. ¢ : .. 2?. .v u. .../... m. u .... . . . s . 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