DUPL º of the United States to the English an the Germans by William Vocke Observe good faith and justice toward all nations and ultivate peace and harmony with all. George Washington §§§§§§). №. 3).". ·(,)<!--.]*'),~ §¶√≠√¶√¶√∞i',ſae º, º aeſ; ::::::ŠĶĒĢĞĞșišķs žșšķ № , !Hºººº!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!UMJETTIIIIIIIIIIIIUUUUUUIIITUD¿ Œ Œ Œ Œ œ • • ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ►►∞ √° √≠ √© √Ř© C → C → ∞, ∞, ∞, ∞, ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ ·\ ∞∞∞∞∞∞, ∞, ∞, ∞; ∞, ∞: lº.º.º.º. * Nºvº. MºU.NU.Nº.W.A.Tº | ĒģĒĻU||||||||||†! z-we’-> - -mm. #№ĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪffffffffffÏĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪTĒ :::-(3:3, *、、 §§ THE RELATIONS OF THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE ENGLISH AND THE GERMANS. **** Our war with Spain has been the subject of much acrimonious discussion in many of our newspapers against several of the 1ead- ing nations and governments of Europe, chiefly against Germany. Extraordinary times like these are always apt to arouse popular " prejudices, and designing knaves never fail in such a crisis as ours to endeavor to inflame the passions of the people, that they may best promote their own selfish interests. The American people, ranking among the most enlightened on earth, have always been distinguished by a keen sense of justice and fair play. Yet nations, as well as individuals, be they ever so cautious, cannot help being misled, when they are surronnded by circumstances which prevent a fair and impartial investigation of the conduct of others, concerning which they should be advised that injustice may be avoided. For a long time the press of this country, with rare exceptions, was Constantly filled with expressions of cordial sentiments towards the German people and its government, for it was not forgotten that from that source we obtained during our civil war substan- tial aid and warm encouragement, while England and other European powers waited with eagerness for the moment when the slave power of the Southern States should be firmly estab- lished upon this continent and the disruption of the Union accomplished. During the 1ast few years the tone of our press. in this respect has undergone a remarkable change, and the good will of our people has been turned into other channels. . It is well for us to stop and consider the causes: - . We derive our news relating to European affairs mainly from England; indeed, it may be safely claimed that nine-tenths of allº I º AT& 3 rº 4T) f tº § {sº}}< 4 _5}_*-* * * *...* tº # European matter which is not copied bodily from English news- papers, but is cabled and written for publication in the press of this country, comes from London, and since there is no direct cable line between Berlin and our country the correspondents of the American news agencies at that place send their matter to London, where, to all appearances, it is, as a rule, handled to suit the purposes of the English before it is forwarded to us. The relations between the Germans and the English have for several years past been strained, and this has been the reason why the numerous English writers employed by the daily press of this country have been so unfriendly and uncharitable towards the Germans that at times it has appeared as if all the mendacious scribblers in the whole kingdom, moved by one common impulse, had been gathered together for the sole purpose of bringing about a positive and 1asting estrangement between our country and Germany. The policy of the German government, as well as the conduct of the German people and their relations towards us and other nations, have been the subject of persistent misrepre- sentations and falsehoods. Actual facts have been constantly perverted, and stories have been invented and spread among our American readers of which only the wickedest scandal-bearers could be guilty. Many of these falsehoods find their way from time to time into the editorial columns of a number of our dailies, where they are treated as positive truths, and these papers do not hesitate at times to exhibit towards Germany the same vile spirit which characterizes the source from which the scandals flow. When the war broke out we were gravely assured that the government, the press and the people of Germany were bitterly hostile towards us and that the government was endeavoring to get up a combination of powers to interfere in favor of Spain. When this lie was properly nailed our people were constantly assured that but for the friendly attitude of England the con- tinental powers, with Germany in the 1ead, would have inter- fered, and that hence we owed England a large debt of gratitude. It need hardly be stated that these assumptions never had any more substantial a basis than the unwarranted assertions of the corrupt English newsmongers. The fact that at the very begin- ning of our contest England issued a formal declaration of neutrality, which some of the continental powers did not do, because their past conduct required no particular assurance of good faith, was treated by a large part of the press as evidence 2 that the former was sincerely friendly, while all the others would bear watching. Our people should not forget that at the out- break of our civil war, the government of England was the very first that issued a similar proclamation, and how shamefully that government as well as its people violated the pledge of neutrality during that most trying period of our country's history. At that time England, with Napoleon III. at its side, was all powerful, while Germany was politically weak and distracted. England’s attempts to impose her attitude upon Germany then were unsuc- cessful; it is not very 1ikely, therefore, that, since Germany has become united and strong, such efforts would be of any avail now, when beyond the Anglomaniacs in this country, she is with- out a friend in the world and almost without a voice in the European councils. At the beginning of the present war, the German emperor was reported to have said he “would never permit the Yankees to seize Cuba.” The emperor himself denied it. Our embassador at Berlin was said to have been slighted at Court, and Mr. White nimself showed this to have been a base fiction. Scarcely had the victory of Commodore Dewey in Manila bay become fully known to the public when it was seriously asserted that “grasp- ing Germany” was casting covetous glances at the Philippines and was threatening to interfere with our conquests, which “1ib- eral and unselfish England” was generously offering to help us prevent. This base fabrication turns up again every now and then to scare the timid. A few apparently well-directed shots from a battery at a Cuban port gave rise to the falsehood that the loattery was manned with German gunners. They were 1ooked for and were found not to be there. Then came the lie that gun- ners from Germany were serving the forts at Cadiz, but upon inspection not one could be traced at that place. Prince Bis- marck was made to have said that the war was the result of persistent provocations on the part of our people; the Cologne Gazette, the Hamburg News, and other reputable journals nailed this lie. On other occasions this same great statesman was said to have indulged in most unfriendly remarks about our govern- ment; this, too, proved to be false. Meaningless sentences from the German papers have been introduced with definite assurances that the whole press of Germany “continued to be most hostile,” and while certain utterances from the 1ips of Lord Wolseley, the commander of the English army, and from other English- 3 Imen, concerning the untried character of our raw volunteers, are treated as most friendly criticism, similar expressions from Ger- man military authorities, intended in no more unfriendly a spirit, are set up to show deep hostility. The German consul at Manila was falsely said to have tried to interfere with our blockade; he has himself refuted it. The great gun manufacturer, Krupp, it was alleged, had shipped a large number of cannon to Spain to pe used in her fortified places and to have smuggled them through the German and French custom-houses as kitchen furniture. The story was as false as all the others. The German government has from the beginning of our war given most unequivocal assurances of its good faith, but this has not deterred the scandalmongers from maintaining that “the Kaiser is an arbitrary despot who may commit a rash act at any time by attacking Admiral Dewey.” The Kaiser has been a great bugaboo to them for some time, and they have held him up loefore the American public as a most dangerous person. But they may say what they please; so far he has done nothing to Scare any reasonable man. There is not a cabinet in Europe that has at any time been given the slightest cause to complain of undue interference on his part with its affairs; he has disturbed the peace of the world nowhere, and he will not interfere in our war. Although the scandalmongers delight in calling him “the war lord,” from all appearances he is rather pleased in cultiva- ting the arts of peace among his people, and in his endeavors to promote their welfare by the extension of their commerce and industries, he has in his ten years' reign been eminently success- ful. This is just exactly what worries the English and why they want our people to help them hate the man, for which, however, there is no good reason, because he has been rather friendly to us than otherwise. Only five years ago he inspired his people to send to the World’s Columbian Exposition at Chicago the best and rich- est exhibits of which any foreign nation could boast, and when the world was shocked by the appalling news of the sinking of the Maine in Havana harbor he was the first of all the European rulers who sent his heartfelt condolence to our government. For these and other reasons we should let the English take care of their own grudges against this monarch. ~. While the English scandalmongers continue to assure us that the press and the people of Germany and other countries are all inveterately hostile to us, they insist that the press and the people 4. of their own country, fully appreciating that they are flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone, are our only, our warmest and sincer- est well-wishers. The newsmongers hardly give us any account of the strong undercurrent of English sentiment which manifests itself in numberless communications published in the English dailies and bitterly averse to our cause. The English, it is reli- ably reported, have, ever since the war broke out, been gathering 1arge sums of money to aid the Spaniards; the aristocracy of England contributing very liberally, the Duke of Wellington and Lady Clanwilliam having each paid the sum of five hundred dollars. To overcome this manifestation of English sympathy with Spain it is cabled here falsely from Berlin that the German people have already gotten up a purse of twenty-million, marks for Spain. The New York Staats Zeitung, the best informed paper on German affairs in this country, says that if there are any such collections made in Germany at all they do not amount to twenty-three hundred marks, and that all the contributions made in the whole country come alone from Spaniards living in Germany, while not a penny has been paid by a German. The sum of twenty-three hundred marks is a little over five hundred dollars, and is just one-half of the amount contributed for the Spanish cause by two English persons alone. It may be added there that the fabrication concerning German contributions to the Spanish cause, like many others too numerous to mention, was cabled by the Berlin agent of the Associated Press, which claims to be a respectable news agency. This same individual, finding it no longer congenial openly to misrepresent the attitude of the German government, told us with grave mien only a few weeks ago, that “98 per cent of the German press and the German people still persist in ventilating their spleen against the govern- ment and people of America.” A week later he cabled that “the (German) government scrupulously avoids expressing its views on the subject (of our war) and a few of the German newspapers persist in their attitude of little short of open hostility towards the United States;” but, while he omits to tell us in that connec- tion what the attitude of the many now is—and our people are certainly more interested to know this than what the few think— the still claims that “there is no material change in the feeling in Germany,” which he has always insisted was one of deep hos- tility to our country; and to give further color to his many falsehoods, he invents an interview with “a member of the 5 general staff,” who, he alleges, made most disparaging remarks about our army. If this story is not also made out of the whole cloth, the American people would thank the individual for giving the name of this “member of the general staff,” and if the officers in charge of the Associated Press are sincerely desirous of securing for our people honest intelligence from Germany as well as from all other countries, as they should be, instead of permit- ting the people to be imposed upon by most preposterous misrep- resentations, as has been done right along, then they should promptly discharge this individual from their employ as unworthy of his station. This same individual writes from time to time over his own signature in one of the Chicago dailies, and repeats his slanders about the sentiments of the Germans by relating what he claims to have heard in the cafés and beer saloons of Berlin; and from all we read of him this is doubtless the extent of his acquaintance with the German people and its government. As to the attitude of the German press, those papers that actually do maintain an unfriendly tone and are not in the pay of the English for so doing, might, in view of the very uncharit- able treatment which the German people and their government have for several years past received at the hands of many of our own newspapers, truly say that they are now merely doing unto us what we have been doing unto them in a much more violent form for some time past. It behooves us, therefore, if we expect friendly treatment from others, to temper our own conduct towards them. But every observant reader of the German press 1}: : º >}: ::: #: “That correspondence will necessarily become public. . On ‘reading it the American people will be well aware that while the “United States have ample means for the support of prisoners, as “well as for every other exigency of the war in which they are “engaged, the insurgents who have blindly rushed into that con- “dition are suffering no privations that appeal for relief to charity ‘‘either at home or abroad. “The American people will be likely also to reflect that the “sum thus insidiously tendered in the name of humanity constitutes “no large portion of the profits which its contributors may be justly “supposed to have derived from the insurgents by exchanging zwith “them arms and munitions of war for the coveted productions of “imemoral and enervating slave labor. Mor will any portion of the “American people be disposed to regard the sum thus ostentatiously “offered for the relief of captured insurgents as a too generous “equivalent for the devastation and desolation which a civil war, “promoted and protracted by British subjects, has spread through- “out states which before were eminently prosperous and happy. “Finally, in view of this last officious intervention in our domestic “affairs, the American people can hardly fail to recall the warning “of the Father of our Country, directed against two great and inti- IO & “mately connected puplic dangers, namely, sectional faction and “foreign intrigue. I do not think that the insurgents have become “debased, although they have sadly wandered from the ways of “loyalty and patriotism. I think that, in common with all our “countrymen, they will rejoice in being saved by their considerate “and loyal government from the grave insult which Lord! Wharm- “cliffe and his associates, in their geal for the overthrow of the “ United States, have prepared for the victims of this unnecessary, “unmatural and hopeless rebellion, “WILLIAM H. SAE WARD, “Secretary of State.” The foregoing brief review of the perfidy of the English against Our people may serve as sufficient proof to bear out our assertion that calumny and defamation, employed to serve the greed of money and power, and so degrading to the human heart, have been a distorting mark of the English character. Some of their own best men say so. Thus the pure-minded Addison, more than 180 years ago, said about the vile slanderers that infested the English people in his day, that there was nothing so scan- dalous and detestable in the eyes of all good men as defamation, and he stigmatized the villains who indulged in this infamous practice as “a race of vermin, a scandal to government and a reproach to human nature,” writing further: “Every one who has in him the sentiments either of a Chris- “tian or a gentleman cannot but be highly offended at this “zwicked and ungenerous practice, which is so much in use among us “at present that it is become a kind of national crime, and dis- “tinguishes us from all the governments that are about us.” And further: “Should a foreigner * * * form to himself a notion “of the greatest men of all sides in the British nation, who are “now living, from the characters which are given them in some “other of these abominable writings which are daily published “among us, what a nation of monsters must we appear/’’ Verily, since the days of Addison the national crime of which he speaks, and which has been dwelt upon by other English writers, has increased to an alarming extent. In saying this we set down naught in anger; we challenge no resentment and have no desire to disturb the friendly feelings which are now cherished here towards England; but it is a duty we owe to the American people, as good citizens, to prevent with all our might the arous- ing of race hatred which is sought to be brought about by foreign II. intrigue with the wicked purpose, not only to prejudice us against Germany and to sow the seeds of dissension among our own people, among whom millions from that country have found peaceful and happy homes, but also to lead us into a dangerous policy in our relations with foreign powers. We therefore have no apology to offer for referring to facts which those seem to have forgotten who in our country are lending assistance to the constant circulation of English falsehoods against a people from whom at the time when we most needed friends we received most valuable assistance, as has always been generously recognized by our federal authorities. As early as December, 1861, when the German empire was not yet established and Prussia was the lead- ing power in Germany, Mr. Judd, our Minister at Berlin, wrote: “There is no doubt of the friendly feelings of the Prussian “government towards the government of the United States and its “desire that the rebel/ion should be subdued.” These sentiments were dictated by the traditional policy of Prussia towards our government inaugurated by Frederick the Great, for Outside of Paris our struggling young Colonies had no warmer friend in a11 Europe than he was. Concerning our difference with England anent the Trent affair, Mr. Seward wrote to Mr. Judd in January, 1862: “Your suggestions to Count Bernstorff (Prussian Minister of “Foreign Affairs) concerning the difficulties between the United “States and Great Britain were by no means improper. * * * “Moreover, we deem it fortunate that they were made, because “they elicited the ea pressions of friendly interest on the part of “the government of Prussia towards the United States. We reckon “always constantly on this friendship. It is a moral element of “great value.” On December 1, 1862, Mr. Seward wrote to our Minister at “Berlin: “It is a pleasure to renew the acknowledgments zwhich have “been heretofore made of the friendly and loyal disposition towards “our country which has been constantly manifested by the King of ‘‘ Prºssza. " - On May 16, 1863, he wrote: “You will not hesitate to express assurances of the constan “good will of the United States towards the King and people (of “Prussia), who have dealt with us with good faith and great “friendship during the severe trials through which we have been “passing.” - - I2 In February, 1864, Mr. Judd wrote: “The belief in the fina/ “suppression of the rebellion and the re-establishment of the author- “ity of our government over the entire territory of the Union is now “almost universal throughout Germany.” ** On June 17, 1864, Mr. Seward wrote concerning Baron von Gerolt, the Prussian Minister at Washington: “During all the “vicissitudes of our affairs, while he (Baron von Gerolt) has faith- “fully advocated and defended the interests of his country, he has “at the same time been a firm, framé and hopeful friend of this “government and country.” - On the 27th of April, 1865, when the war was over, all the members of the Prussian House of Deputies, over 26o in number, united in an address to our minister, Mr. Judd, saying to him, among other things, as follows: “Sir: Living among us, you are a witness of the heart-felt “sympathy which this people have ever preserved for the people of “the United States during this long and severe conflict. You are “aware that Germany has looked with pride and joy on the thou- “sands of her sons who in this struggle have placed themselves on “the side of lazy and right. You have seen with what joy the vic- “tories of the Union have been hailed and how confident our faith “in the final triumph of the great cause of the restoration of the “ Union in all its greatness has ever been, even in the midst of “adversity.” That these noble words, coming as they did from a very con- servative and monarchial body, were not mere empty phrases is abundantly shown by the many substantial benefits conferred upon our people by the Germans during the civil war. The governments in Germany never recognized the belligerency of the insurgents, as England and others did, and hence there was nothing in the way of their permitting thousands of their best sons to come over here and take service in the armies of the Union, and wherever these men stood they proved themselves to loe loyal and brave fighters against disunion and slavery. In 1864 three formidable pirate vessels had been built at Bordeaux by the shipbuilders Arman & Co. for the rebel States to continue the war on our commerce, which the pirates built and equipped in England had begun and prosecuted with such terrible effect. Before the vessels could be 1aunched, however, Prussia bought them all up, and our diplomatic agent at Berlin writes to the State Department concerning this fact: “Now that the truth I3 of their destination has become known, French and English sympathizers with rebel pirates are greatly chagrined.” While the English, with their immense wealth, had hardly a do11ar for our government bonds, at all money centers in Germany there were ready markets for them at prices ranging at times figher than those at which they were quoted in New York. Thus Mr. Judd writes on one occasion: “ United States bonds here and elsewhere in Germany are guite “buoyant. They are now quoted at 73 per cent. Permanent invest- “ments in them continue to be made guite largely, although the “speculative mania which had seized upon them and had crowded “out all other funds has perceptibly abated.” Later he writes: - “The demand for United States bonds is still very active, so “much so that at this time they are from 2 to 3 per cent higher “than in New York. They are quoted at 773 (27.7%.” When the war was over the German people, according to reliable estimates, held over 500 million dollars of our bonds, while those of the Confederate States are not known to have found a lodgment on German soil anywhere. These investments are a splendid manifestation not only of the friendly disposition of the German people towards us, but also of their great good sense as prudent merchants and traders. Money, it is rightly said, constitutes the sinews of war. It should therefore not be forgotten that outside of our own country the essential element of warfare was furnished us most liberally by Germany, and the fact that the English, who denied us that aid when we were in turgent need of it, have since then, in time of peace, obtained large interests here by making profitable investments, should not render us so ungrateful as to permit them to come here and malign our former benefactors. But the sympathy the Germans extended to us was by no means prompted by business considerations alone. Their whole heart went out towards us, and while innumerable packages containing underwear, delicacies, hospital supplies, and many other useful articles came to our soldiers in the field from Germany through private channels, some of them were shipped in 1arge quantities directly to the authorities in Washington. Thus the American Consul-General at Frankfurt-on-the-Main addressed to Mr. Seward on the 8th of April, 1863, the following communication: “Sir: I have the honor to enclose to you shipper's receipt for I4. “seventy-nine packages of limen and lint, shipped in the Hamburg “steamer Hammonia, Captain Schwensen, consigned to the Hon. E. “M. Stanton, Secretary of War, Washington, and care of Austin, “Baldwin & Co., New York. This last shipment is for 12,033 Ger- “man pounds, and what is equivalent to 13,036 English pounds, and “is a part of those articles contributed by the Germans, mostly in my “consular jurisdiction, for the wounded soldiers in the Union army. “The next shipment will be for over fifteen thousand pounds, “and zwill &e made directly to the Secretary of State, unless differ- “ent instructions shall in the meantime be received.” “From a 1etter published in one of the Washington papers I “observe that a 1arge quantity of 1int and linen will not be needed “for the soldiers, but the contributors will be satisfied to have it “sold and put to any other uses which the surgeon general of the “army shall deem fit and proper.” “The linen must now be of great value in America, and can be “sold for high prices.” To this communication our noble Secretary of State made grateful recognition, as follows: “I am directed by the President to acknowledge, in behalf of “the American people, a gift which could not be overvalued, even if “it zwere to be regarded as proceeding from the simple motives of “Christian charity. The contribution comes opportunely to us, “however, as a token of the sympathy of our German brethren with “the cause of the American Union, one of whose aspirations it has “öeen, and yet is, to offer an asylum to the exile and the oppressed of “a/Z nations. “We think ourse/ves authorized also to regard the gift as a con- “tribution of the German people to the cause of impartial freedom, “which by means of this painful civil war has become identified “zwith the cause of the American Union. “You will make this acknowledgment known to the donors “in some manner which will be respectful to the government of “the free city of Frankfurt.” - w We insist that a foreign people that exhibited so much feeling for our sick and wounded soldiers as to provide them with 1arge quantities of hospital stores, and that gave us so many other striking proofs of profound sympathy and good will in the hour of our country's greatest danger, should not be permitted now or at any time to be defamed in our press at the bidding of its enemies, the English. I5 \ But our people are daily told that Germany is so intensely mon- archical as to hate our free institutions, and this, it is claimed by the individual who cables the Associated Press dispatches from Berlin, and by others, is one of the first reasons of its alleged hostility to our people now. If this assertion were worth a farth- ing, then the period of our civil war would have been the proper time to assert the alleged hatred, first, because the integrity of our government, as well as all our free institutions, were then trembling in the balance, which is not the case now in our war with Spain; and second, because Germany was then more intensely monarchical than she is now. Such an inherent antag- onism between republican and monarchical institutions as some of our modern editors profess to find did not exist in the eyes of King William and Prince Bismarck when, at the time they held France in their grasp, they permitted her, without the slightest concern, to establish a republic at their very doors, nor did our great historian Motley see it in that light when, in 1863, as our minister to Austria, he wrote to our government concerning the efforts of the German princes to form a more perfect union for the German States, among other things, as follows: “It is impossible not to warmly sympathize with the aspirations “of those who contemplate so splendid a vision as that of a political “union of 46 millions of people of one race and language, and occu- “pying so proud a position as Germans have ever occupied in all “that we understand by civilization, for Germany is assuredly the “mother of modern civilization.” “The strength and union of Germany is an advantage for “Furope and a bond of peace and progress for the world.” “The world at large has much to gain and little to dread in the “increased strength and prosperity of Germany.” To this our noble Seward, who neither cherished such an tunnmanly dread of a centralized monarchical government in Ger- many as certain scribblers now do, replied as follows: “Every effort to consolidate all the German states under a feder- “ation which zwould promote the common development and progress “of the entire fatherland would be hailed in this country with pro- “found satisfaction.” We have said above that since the foundation of the German empire the German people have incurred the deadly enmity of the English, and, taking advantage of the fact that our people speak their 1anguage and that our American editors are with but I6 few exceptions confined to the reading of English news for infor- mation concerning Europe, they have been the means of manu- facturing a sentiment here which is most detrimental to the fair fame of our country abroad. We should be no party to the petty jealousies which inspire the “nation of shop-keepers” against Germany and other countries. When last fall the Germans, for the protection of their commerce in the East, managed by peace- ful negotiations with the Chinese empire to obtain possession of a harbor on the Asiatic coast, an advantage which the English had only been able to secure as the result of two bloody wars, the 1atter raised the hue and cry that the Germans intended to establish barbarous trade restrictions and to shut out all other nations from their sphere of power in the Asiatic waters. This was assiduously circulated in the newspapers of this country, a number of which, professing to believe it, called vehemently upon the Federal government to join “liberal England” in prevent- ing the alleged scheme. There was nothing in the former con- duct of the German government nor in the genius of the German people, who have always been known as prudent traders, that justified the silly charge against them, and the fact is that it was alone prompted by the sordid selfishness of the English, anxious as they were to prevent their successful rivals from gaining a political foothold where they had already, as peaceful merchants, secured large trade interests. The intention to establish trade restrictions by keeping out others in the Chinese ocean were therefore alone harbored by the English. Nor was this the first time they exhibited this contemptible spirit toward Germany. In 1861 they did all in their power to prevent the government of China from granting certain trade privileges to Prussia by means of a treaty of amity and commerce with that country. Their present outcry against Germany, therefore, on the score of trade restrictions is nothing but the cry of “stop thief,” raised by the fleeing robber against his pursuers. The cruelty and rapacity with which they threw their wolf-like fangs into the sides of the poor Chinese should not be lost sight of. They acquired some of their most valuable possessions in China as the result of the most infamous war on record, carried on by them, as it was, for the base purpose of preventing the madarins from inhibiting the debauching and death-dealing traffic in opium, because it was so profitable to the English traders. We are told wherever Eng- 1and colonizes she civilizes and brings happiness and contentment. I7 The truth is that she grants as much liberty as she is obliged to do and no more. Her colonists in Canada and Australia enjoy a fair measure of autonomy, because they would not remain dependencies of England short of it, but in India and elsewhere she rules with unprecedented brutality, taking from that one country alone over a million and a quarter of dollars each day to fatten her big lords and rich industrials, while thousands upon thousands of the wretched people of India, with all their pinching frugality, die annually of starvation. For centuries England has oppressed and outraged the generous and noble-hearted Irish people, and while she permits to prevail among the proletariat in her 1arge cities the most squalid poverty and misery, at which numanity stands aghast, her aristocracy all around those cities revel in unheard of wealth and luxury. Let us pause before we permit a former enemy, with a most unsavory record, to ingra- tiate itself into our favors, not only by heaping upon us now ful- some flatteries, but by maligning others who were our constant and sincere friends. Let the newspaper men of our country emancipate their minds from the corrupting influences which the English have wielded here already too long for the good of our people. It is neither prudent nor just that we should allow the English, as we have done right along, to tell us what other nations are doing and what they think of us; 1et those nations speak for themselves. An adversary never makes an honest spokesman. Our people are fair-minded and generous; they are at all times anxious that truth and justice shall prevail, and not- withstanding the imposition tried to be practiced upon them, it will be found in the end that they are neither a doting King Lear, who turned his kingdom over to an undutiful daughter because she was loudest in her professions of filial love, nor his prototype, the king of Paphlagonia, who, having cast away a noble son at the bidding of a bastard, took the miscreant to his lbosom, and received from him prompt reward for his misplaced kindness by having his eyes put out. The immortal Father of our Country solemnly zwarned his people to be on their guard against foreign intrigue, and this is what he told us our conduct should be towards others: “Observe good faith and justice towards all nations and cultivate “peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this “conduct; and can it be that good policy does not equally enjoin “it? :: 3% sk? » I8 “The nation which indulges towards another an habitual hatred “or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to “its animosity or to its affection. Either of which is sufficient to “lead it astray from its duty and its interest.” We ask no special consideration for the Germans. They are strong and manly enough to fight their own battles; but since they do not carry their grudges against others over to this soil, we should neither permit the English to make our fair 1and the dumping ground for their jealous disposition and ugly quarrels. But this is what they have done ever since they began to recognize that their perfidious policy has brought upon them the wrath of all Europe. They have thus inflicted upon our people a grievous injury, because its calm judgment is being clouded, the voice of reason has in many places been hushed and harsh and unjust prejudices have been aroused. We are aware of the corrupting power of English capital in Europe as well as in the United States. Let the men who aid and abet in the spreading of a dangerous contagion beware that the 1ove of justice which lmas distinguished our people ever since we threw off the cruel yoke of England cannot be rooted out, and that their nefarious scheme to 111te us into an alliance with our hereditary foe, and thereby to disgrace the sacred memory of the heroes of the Revo- 1ution and of the immortal Lincoln and Seward, by insisting that all other nations on earth are our enemies and the English Our Only friends, will suffer a most ignominious defeat. We are told that the English “are our Anglo-Saxon cousins,” whose language we speak and whose customs we cherish, wherefore we should form a closer union with them. Do we not all know that until recently they hardly ever recognized us as their “Anglo-Saxon cousins,” that in former times they had nothing but contempt for us and that their cruel taunts to which we were then constantly exposed were only a degree more offensive than the obsequious- mess with which they now cringe before us? Only on One conspicuous occasion during the civil war did they speak to us as their “Anglo-Saxon cousins,” and that was when towards the close of the struggle they sent us a public appeal, flamboyantly addressed by “The People of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the People of the United States of America,” and beginning with the touching phrase: “We are of the same race, and many of you are our brothers. Can we not, therefore, come to you as peacemakers and address you as I9 friends?” And then these vile hypocrites had the unspeakable insolence to falsify history, and to say to us that there was no difference between the attempted secession of the Southern people and the breaking away of the American colonies from the mother country, and therefore we should let the South go and recognize its independence. - * An alliance with England would not only be an unspeakable folly, but an unheard of infamy. Where is the nation that has ever had an alliance with that pander and has come out of it either with profit or with honor? When we were weak and in the throes of bloody internal strife, England treated us with refined cruelty and treachery; now that we are strong and invin- cible, she humbly sues for “most cordial relations and an alliance,” that henceforth she may share in our glory and we in her infamy. The proud emblem of our American liberties shall not be trailed in the dust by the side of the disgraced Union Jack. To the end of time the inspiring words of the poet— No refuge could save the hireling and slave— From the terror of flight and the gloom of the grave; And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave— shall be and remain a living truth, and the best manhood of America shall not cease to shield our glorious flag from the con- taminating contact with the sullied banner of “perfidious” Albion. Copies of this paper can be had upon application to the Secretary of the Germania Club, corner North Clark Street and Ger- mania Place, Chicago. w IVERSITY OF MICH|GAN 7339 9316 UNIVER 3 9015 O ::::::::::::: º sº § - º sº. " º: ...ºf i º *... sº º . 3. º :-e. ~ º º: tººs Prºjº º ..º. :- * **ś