& º: §§ The University of Chicago. Founded by JOHN D. Rock EFELLER. e Ionization Constants of the Second Hydrogen Ion of Dibasic Acids. Rºsº & - *ś A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTIES OF THE GRADUATE : SCRIOOJ.S OF ARTS, LITERATURE, AND SCIENCE, IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. BY E. E. CHANDLER. - §º # EASTON, PA.: | PRESS OF THE ESCHENBACH PRINTING CO. * . . ' ' ', * * * * * | ; a § * * * * , * ::::: * * * * It!!! iſ: ::\}. #. # . * s' \, , , ** * * * , , * * : * ... !; :::::::::: * :::::::::::::: *:::::: & Twofºlºbº &r E.'ſs. LlºtAikº Q \ * *- S. 6 * * < ** *- ** - • *-, * *s t C ! --.” --- 4 The University of Chicago. Founded by JoHN D. RocKEFELLER. --- The Ionization Constants of the Second Hydrogen Ion of Dibasic Acids. A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTIES OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOLS OF ARTS, LITERATURE, AND SCIENCE, IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY. By E. E. CHANDLER. EASTON, PA.: PRESS OF THE ESCHENBACH PRINTING CO. 1908 The Ionization Constants of the Second Hydro- gen Ion of Díbasic Acids. It is generally believed that dibasic acids ionize in two stages, thus: H, X → H + HX and HX → H + X. From a study of the conductivities of dibasic acids, Ostwald' concluded that, excepting strong acids like Oxalic, the second stage of the ionization did not take place to an appreciable extent at concentrations greater than milli-normal, since the primary ionization constant, k, as calculated from the relation, H - HX = k1 - H. X, (I) where the formulae H, HX, etc., represent molecular or ionic con- centrations, was really a constant for all concentrations greater than 1/1024 normal. For smaller concentrations the apparent value of k, as calculated on the basis of equation (I) usually in- creased appreciably. This increase is the result of the ionization of the second hydrogen ion. If the secondary ionization constant, i. e., the ionization constant of the second hydrogen ion of a dibasic acid, is called k, then H - HX = k,H - X. (2) The magnitude of this constant has been determined previously for a considerable number of acids by four entirely different methods. Trevor” determined the rate at which dilute solutions of acid salts of dibasic acids invert cane sugar, and from the results calcu- lated the concentrations of the hydrogen ions in the solutions used. It was assumed that the dissociation of a salt like NaHX into Na and HX ions is practically complete in dilute solutions and that further ionization of the HX then yields H ions, the concentration of which governs the speed of inversion. A little * Z. physik. Chem., 3, 281 (1889), * Ibid., Io, 321 (1892). 4. later A. A. Noyes' developed a formula by means of which he calculated from Trevor's data the secondary ionization constants of the dibasic acids corresponding to the salts used by Trevor. Tower” found values approximating those of Trevor and Noyes by the use of oxidation cells. Smith" carefully repeated and ex- tended Trevor's work, experiments being made to test the re- liability of the method. Wegscheiderº obtained secondary ioniza- tion constants from the conductivity of the free acids. A fourth, entirely distinct method was used by McCoy to find the secondary ionization constant of carbonic acid.” This method was later extended and applied to the study of succinic acid." The method of McCoy, as used for the latter acid, is based on the following considerations. It was shown that when an acid salt as NaHX, of a dibasic acid is dissolved in water it reacts thus: 2NaHX → H. X + Na, X. The state of equilibrium in such a solution, as well as in one con- taining any arbitrary ratio of total acid and base, is governed by the relations expressed by equations (1) and (2), which by com- bination give HX* k, H, X. X k, (3) In order to determine the state of equilibrium one must know the concentrations of the components. To find the concentration H., X the solution may be shaken, until equilibrium is reached, with an immiscible or partially miscible solvent, such as ether, in which the free acid is soluble, but the salt insoluble. The con- centration of the acid in the ethereal layer, multiplied by a factor, which is a constant for a given acid at a fixed temperature, gives the concentration of the free acid, in molecular form, in the aqueous solution. This factor is the partition coefficient of the free acid for water and ether, which in this case is the ratio of the concen- * Z. physik. Chem., II, 495 (1893). * Ibid., 18, 17 (1895). * Ibid., 25, 144, 193 (1898). * Monalsh., 23, 599 (1902); 26, 1235 (1905). * Am. Chem. J., 29, 437 (1903). " Preceding paper, 5 tration of the molecular H, X in an aqueous solution of the acid alone, to that of the total acid in an ethereal solution which is in equilibrium with the former. If the total concentration of the base, m, is known for the aqueous solution containing H., X, NaHX and Na X, a determination of the total acidity, as shown by a titration, gives the remaining factor for the calculation of the concentrations of HX and X. The formulae by which these calculations are made are deduced in the preceding paper. It is there shown that in general 3. o,C O., C \? Hx-* W(*)—baſis, (4). and C HX X = (*# —º). 0.1 2 0.1 (5) C is the equivalent acid concentration of the water solution minus P times the equivalent acid concentration of the ether solution; P is the partition coefficient; a , and a, are the degrees of ioniza- tion of the acid and neutral salts respectively, and k, is the primary ionization constant of the free dibasic acid; m is the total con- centration of the base (say sodium) in the solution. In most cases these formulas may be greatly simplified; where kia, H., X sº .., , (a,C\” is very small compared with (**) y HX = a,C nearly. (6) In such cases x - c.(*). (7) The method just outlined was applied to the sodium salts of succinic acid by Professor McCoy, at whose suggestion I have studied the conditions of equilibrium in solutions of the salts of a number of other dibasic acids and from the results have calculated their secondary ionization constants. In the preceding paper it is shown how the secondary constants may also be calculated from the conductivities of the solutions of the acid and normal salts. I have also determined the conductivities of solutions of the salts of those acids studied by the partition method and from the results 6 have obtained a set of independent values of the secondary ioniza- tion constants. The experimental work described in the paper consists of three principal parts: the determination of (I) The Partition Coefficients; (2) The Equilibrium Constants; (3) The Conductivities of the Salt Solutions. I. The Partition Coefficients. It is well-known that a quantity of a substance shaken with a mixture of two immiscible or slightly miscible solvents at a fixed temperature is divided between the two in a constant ratio,' if the solute has the same molecular composition in the two solvents. If there is in either solvent partial dissociation or association of the solute, then it is found that a constant ratio of concentrations obtains only for those portions of the solute having the same molecular composition in the two solvents.” This ratio is known as the partition coefficient. I have found ether to be the best solvent in general for use in the determination t of the state of equilibrium in solutions of dibasic acids and their salts. The experiments of McCoy showed that the salts of succinic acid are not taken up by the ether. In most cases ether dissolves the acids satisfactorily and gives for aqueous solutions of the free acid a constant partition coefficient when allowance is made for ionization, thereby indicating that in the ethereal solution the acid exists in the simple molecular form. In other solvents, i. e., chloroform, many acids are partially associated.” Moreover, an ethereal solution will readily separate from an aqueous solution, with which it has been shaken, while solutions of some of the other solvents tried do not readily do so. To purify the ether it was shaken with dilute sodium hydroxide solution, washed re- peatedly with water, and finally distilled. The middle portion only was used. All of the partition coefficients were determined at 25° -- o.or, except one series at oº. The substances were * Berthelot and Jungfleisch, Ann. chim. phys. [4], 26, 396 (1874). * Nernst, Z. physik. Chem., 8, I IO (1891). Hendrixson, Z. anorg. Chem., 13 73 (1897). 8 Hendrixson, Loc. cit 7 shaken together in a plain cork-stoppered bottle in a thermostat, first by a mechanical shaker, until they had come to the tempera- ture of the bath, and then violently for a few minutes by hand and, finally, allowed to settle for about half an hour. This procedure was found sufficient to insure the attainment of equilibrium and to effect a complete separation of the ethereal and aqueous layers. In order to remove a sample of the aqueous solution unmixed with ether, the top stem of the pipette was closed by the moistened forefinger of one hand as the pipette was passed through the ether layer; the body of the pipette was then grasped in the other hand. Sufficient heat was thus communicated to expand the enclosed air and expel the drop or two of ether that had entered the stem of the pipette. The solutions were titrated with standard barium hy- droxide, phenolphthalein being used as indicator. Before the titra- tion of the ethereal solution, water was added and the ether distilled off. Most of the acids used were products of the firm of C. A. F. Kahlbaum. - The results of the partition experiments with the free acids are given in the tables of Series I. The first column gives the molar concentration, A, of the aqueous solutions after treatment with ether. The degree of ionization, a., of an acid was calculated from its primary ionization constant, k, by means of the equation 02 Giºv-ºr For oxalic and dibromsuccinic acids and for dilute solutions of maleic acid k, is not constant; for Oxalic and maleic acids, a was obtained by interpolation from the results of Ostwald' and for dibromsuccinic acid from those of Walden.” The third column contains the values of the ratio, p, of the concentration of an aqueous solution of the acid to that of the corresponding ethereal solution. This ratio may be called the uncorrected partition coefficient. The true partition coefficient, P, is the ratio of the concentration of the unionized or molecular acid in the two sol- vents. It is easily seen that P = p(I — a). The values con- tained in the last column are calculated from this relationship * Z. physik. Chem., 3, 281 (1889). * Ibid., 8, 479 (1891). 8 All of the tables except one refer to partition between water and ether at 25° -- o.o.1. Table IV refers to succinic acid and these Solvents at O’. Series I. Partition Coefficients. TABLE I.—OXALIC ACID. Io"k, = 38ooo. A. I O OOZ. p. P., O. 3815 36 I3.86 8.87 O. 2767 42 I5. 44 8.84 O. 225 I 44 I5. 74 8.8 I O. I9 II 46 I6.35 8.83 O. I339 5 I 17.77 8, 6 I o.O887 6O 2 I. 66 8.64 O. O.I.98 79 42.54 8.85 O. OIO3 86 61.38 8.35 O. OO54 9I. 5 IOO . OO 8.5o 8.64 TABLE II.-MALONIC ACID. Io"k1 = 1580. A. IOO O". p. P. O. I478 9.8 IO. 94 9.86 O. II 2 I II. 5 II. O7 9. 79 O. O862 I 2.8 II. 28 3. 9.86 O. O.33 I I9.6 I 2 . 22 9.82 9.83 TABLE III.-SUCCINIC ACID. Io"ki = 66.5. A. IOO O". p. P. O. I708 I. 9 7. 73 - 7.59 O. O582 3.2 7. 79 7. 54. O. O287 4. 7 7. 73 7.36 O. O2 I? 5.4 7.81 7. 39 O . OI2O 7.2 7. 95 7. 37 O. OO59 IO ... O 8.39 7. 55 O. OO39 I2 .. 2 8.42 7. 39 O. OO23 I5.6 8. 79 7.42 9 . O705 . O7O2 . O374 . O2OO . OI26 . OII6 . OO63 . OO39 . OO998 . OO7O2 . OO480 . OO284 . OOI79 . O28O . OO85 . OO72 . OO63 . OO56 Oog86 . OC544 . OOI75 . OOO84 OOO49 TABLE IV.-SUCCINIC ACID AT o?. IOO O". p. 4 45 43 . 59 . 64 . 68 .67 .85 TABLE V.—PIMELIC ACID. IO"k, = 32.3. IOO O". p. 5. 54. O. 7095 6. 56 O. 7 I 70 7.87 O. 7 IQ5 II. 3O O. 748O I2.6O O. 7075 TABLE VI.-GLUTARIC ACID. IO"k1 = 47.4. IOO O". p. 4. O 3. 72 7.2 3.84 7.8 3.9 I 8. 3 3. 92 8. 9 3.93 TABLE VII.-SUBERIC ACID. IO"ki = 29.9. IOO OZ. p. 5.3 O. 2 I5 7.2 O. 228 I2. 2 O. 246 I7.2 O. 258 2I. 9 O. 274 3 3 4 3 O 6 6 3 3.59 O. 204 O . 2 II O. 2 I6 O. 2 I4. O. 2 I4. IO : OO3 IO . OOI78 . OOI23 . OOO96 OOO77 . OOO64 OOO58 . OOO5 I . OOO46 OOO33 . OOO62 . OOO58 . OOO47 . OOO36 . O26I . OIQ7 . OI3 I . OII9 OO85 . OO57 OO56 A OOO398 OOO272 OOO263 . OOO250 IO"k, = 25.3. IOO O". p. 8.6 O. O679 II .. 2 O. O702 I3 - 4 o.O7I8 I5. O O. O747 I6.6 O. O753 I8. O O. O.782 I8.8 O. O8OO I9. 9 O. O8 IO 2O. 9 O.O823 24. I O. O868 TABLE VIII.-AZELAIC ACID. TABLE IX. —SEBACIC ACID. Io"k, = 23.8. IOO OZ. p. I7.8 O. O2.I.3 I8. 3 O. O2 I3 2O. I O . O22 I 22.6 O. O232 TABLE X.—ORTHOPHTHALIC ACID. IO"k, = I2 IO. IOO O. I9. 4 2 I. 9 26. I 27.2 28.4 36.7 36.9 IOO CY. 56. 2 62.7 62. 9 64. I p. .809 . 822 .873 .894 . 932 . 996 . OO6 TABLE XI.-METAPHTHALIC ACID. Io"k, = 287. p. O. O.82I O. O943 O. O944 O. O949 O 6 2 7 II TABLE XII.-CAMPHORIC ACID. IO"k, = 229. A. IOO O". p. P. O. OO229 9.5 O. O387 O. O350 O. OOI63 II .. 2 O. O398 O. O.353 O. OOI48 II. 7 O. O403 O. O.357 O. O.353 TABLE XIII-ITACONIC ACID. IO"k, = I51. A. IOO Cº. p. P. O. O615 4.8 2.9 2.83 O. O.306 6.8 3. O6 2.87 O. OI6I 9. 2 3. I8 2.88 O. OIO3 II.4. 3.2O 2.8 I O. OO9I I3.8 3. 22 2.83 O. OO39 2 I. 5 3.48 2.85 2.86 TABLE XIV.-MALEIC ACID. IO"k, = II 700. A. IOO O". p. P. O. O993 29. O 9.6O 6.82 O. O486 38.5 II. I9 6.88 O. O337 44 . I I2 . 20 6.82 O. O253 48.7 I3. 27 6.82 O. OIQ6 53. O I4. 4O 6.78 O. O.I.43 58.4 I6. O6 6.69 O. O IOO 63. 7 17.78 6.45 O. OO54 73. I 23. 7O 6.38 t - 6.7I TABLE XV.-FUMARIC ACID. & IO"k, = 930. A. IOO OV. p. P. O. O.27I I6.9 O. 782 O. 650 O. OII.4. 24.8 O.87I O. 655 O. OO96 26.6 O.889 O. 652 O. OO92 27. I O. 893 o. 648 O. OO4. I 37.6 I. O53 o. 658 O. OO4. I 37.6 I. O4O O. 650 I 2 TABLE XVI.-MONOBROMSUCCINIC ACID. - Io"k, = 2780. A. IOO CE. p. P. O. O879 I6.3 O. 4 I 3 O. 344. O. O283 26.8 O. 479 O. 352 O. O.253 28, 2 O. 482 O. 348 O. O.I.3.I 36.7 'O. 599 O. 380 O. OO56 49.9 O. 678 O. 34O O. 345 TABLE XVII.-DIBROMSUCCINIC ACID. IO"k, = 34OOO. A. IOO O". p. P. O. O327 67.6 O. O578 O. OI87 O. O3O7 68. 6 O. O595 O. OI87 O. O3O2 69. I O. O603 O. OI86 o.ors? The results found for Oxalic acid are remarkable; while the value of p increases more than sevenfold within the range of con- centrations used the value of P is so nearly constant that the variations may reasonably be considered as due to experimental errors. Now the value of a used in calculating P by means of the equation P = p(I — a) is that determined from the conductivity of the acid. In its change of ionization with change of concentra- tion, Oxalic acid does not follow exactly the Ostwald dilution law, in which respect it resembles salts and the stronger acids and bases. One of the most important problems connected with the ionic theory has been to decide whether the degree of ionization as determined in the ordinary way from the results of conductivity measurements of a good electrolyte is correct. Assuming the validity of the partition law, the constancy of the value of P seems clearly to indicate the accuracy of the values of a used. The view that the correct value of a is given by conductivity measurements is in accord with the conclusion of A. A. Noyes, who has subjected all the other evidence on this point to a critical review." The constancy of the partition coefficient, P, is equally good for the balance of the acids, for most of which the dilution law holds true. * International Congress, St. Louis, 1904, Vol. IV, p. 311. I3 II. Equilibrium in Solutions of Dibasic Acids; Determination of Equilibrium Constants. It has been shown that the state of equilibrium in a solution containing neutral salt, acid salt and free dibasic acid is represented by the equation - 2-2 #. x=} (3) 2 2 The methods of determining the concentration of each of the constituents of such a solution was outlined in the introduction. In order to calculate the total concentration of the basic ion it is necessary to know the final volume of the aqueous solution. When water is shaken with ether, previously saturated with water, the volume of the aqueous layer increases; this increase in volume was in some cases measured directly in the manner indicated by Mc- Coy for succinic solutions. In most experiments, however, it was found more convenient to determine the increase in volume in another way. It was found by experiment that when water or a dilute solution, such as was used in these experiments, was shaken with ether previously saturated with water, that the increase in volume of the aqueous solution always amounted, at 25°, to 7.8 per cent., and at O’, to 15 per cent. The details of the ex- perimental procedure for the determination of the equilibrium constant may be illustrated by an example taken from the work of glutaric acid. A quantity of pure glutaric acid sufficient to give a mixture of the acid and neutral salts was added to 25.OO co. of exactly normal sodium hydroxide and the solution diluted to 250 cc.; exactly 20 cc. of the resulting solution were shaken in a plain 250 cc. bottle with about 75 cc. of ether at a temperature of 25° + O.OI until equilibrium was reached. This occurred, within ten minutes. After the solution had stood in the thermostat for about thirty minutes longer and the ether and the aqueous layers had completely separated, a portion of each was removed, in the manner described for the determination of the partition coeffi- cients, and titrated with standard barium hydroxide, the ether solution being first evaporated after the addition of water. In all cases phenolphthalein was used as indicator. 20 cc. of the I4. aqueous solution required Io.70 cc. of o.o.972 normal barium hydroxide; 50 cc. of the ether solution required 18.60 cc. of O.Oogg2 normal barium hydroxide. Therefore the (equivalent) acid con- e e IO. 7 O X, O.O.Q.72 centration of the aqueous solution = 7o X 972 O.O52O, , 2C) and the (equivalent) acid concentration of the ethereal solution 18.60 × O.OO992 50 = O.OO369. C = O.O.520 – 3.58 X O.OO369 = 0.0388. H2X = 0.5 × 3.58 × 0.00369 = O.OO66. Since the aqueous volume is increased 7.8 per cent, by the absorption of ether, the total concentration of the sodium = m = O.I./I.078 = 0.0928. HX and X may be calculated by the simpli- —C fied formulas: HX = a,C, and X = o,(*). o, - O.79 and a, a o 70. Therefore, HX = 0.0306 and X = 0.0189. v. * HX* ... = Hix. x = 750. Io"k, = 47. Therefore, Io"k, = 6.3. Since the sodium salts of monobasic acids are, in general, very nearly equally ionized at equal concentrations, it seems probable that the tendency of an acid salt, NaHX, to ionize into Na and HX must be about the same as that of the simpler salts, Nax. Consequently it has been assumed that a, the degree of ionization of NaHX, is equal to that of Sodium acetate at the same concen- tration. The degree or ionization, a, of a normal salt Na, X has been taken the same as that of normal Sodium succinate at the same concentration. The equilibrium concentrations have been determined for solutions of the sodium salts of all the acids in Series I with the exception of Oxalic, in which case the potassium salts were used on account of their greater solubility in water. Some difficulties were encountered in certain cases. The aqueous solution of potassium acid oxalate contains but a very small proportion of free acid and neutral salt. This condition is un- favorable for an accurate determination of the equilibrium con- centrations and therefore of the ratio ki/k, The same kind of difficulty in still greater degree appeared in the study of maleic I5 acid solutions. It was necessary in each case to use a propor- tionately large quantity of ether solution to obtain an accurate titration. Mono- and dibromsuccinic acids also present difficulties in that each is acted upon slowly by water, the first to give hy- drobromic and malic acids," and the second to give hydrobromic and brom maleic acids.” However, the action of water at 25° is too slow to cause very appreciable errors. TABLE XVIII.-GLUTARIC ACID. aq. a. m. C. H.2×. HX. X. ki/k, ki/k,. o. 75 O. 64 O. I855 O. O.808 O. OI67 O. O606 O. O.335 6.6 O. 75 O.64 O. I855 O. O.807 O.OI7O O. O605 O. O.335 6.4 6.5 O. 78 O. 695 O. IO22 O. O4O5 O. OO68 O. O316 O. O2 I4 6.8 O. 78 O. 695 O. IO22 O. O437 O.OO89 O. O34I O.O2O3 6.4 O. 78 O.695 O. IO22 O. O448 O. OO90 O. O349 O. O2OO 6.8 6.7 O. 79 O. 7O O. O936 O. O464 O. OII4 O. O.366 O. OI65 7. I O. 79 O. 7O O. O936 O. O528 O. OI65 O. O4I7 O. OI43 7.4 O. 79 O. 7O O. O936 O. O529 O. OI65 O. O418 O. OI42 7.4 O. 79 O. 7O O. O936 O. O480 O. OII9 O. O379 O. OI60 7.6 7.4 O. 79 O. 7O O. O928 O. O388 O. OO66 O. O3O6 O. OI89 7.5 O. 79 O. 7O O. O928 O. O464 O. OII3 O. O.366 O. OI62 7.3 7.4 O.8I O. 73 O. O618 O. OO84 O. OO25 O. OO68 O. OI95 9.5 O.8I O. 73 O. O618 O. OI64 O. OI5I; O. OI33 O. OI66 7. I O.8I O. 73 O. O618 O. O.269 O. O489; O. O.218 O. OI27 7.6 O.8I O. 73 O. O618 O. O316 O. O763 in O. O.256 O. OI IO 7.6 O.8I O. 73 O. O618 O. O344 O. O445. O. O.279 O. OIOO 8.2 O.8I O. 73 O. O618 O. O406 O. OI5O. O. O.329 O.OO77 9.4 8. I O.83 O. 76 O. O464 O. O.254 O. OO64; O. O2 II O.OO8O 8.7 o. 83 O. 76 O. O464 O. O.26I O. OO68 O. O2 I'7 O. OO77 8.9 o. 83 O. 76 O. O464 O. O.248 O. OO7O O. O2O6 O. OO82 7.4 o. 83 O. 76 O. O464 O. O.248 O. OO67 O. O2O6 O. OO82 7.7 o. 83 O. 76 O. O464 O. O.252 O. OO68 O. O.209 O. OO8I 8. O 8.2 O.84 O. 77 O. O.366 O. O.199 O.OO526 O. OI67 O. OO643 8.3 O. 84 O. 77 O. O.362 O. OIQ7 O. OO514 O. OI65 O. OO635 8.4 O.85 O.87 O. O316 O. OI72 O. OO490 O. O.I.46 O. O562 7.8 O. 85 O. 87 O. O3O9 O. OI72 O. OO490 O. OI46 O. OO534 8. 2 8.2 O. 90 O.83 O. O155 O. OO83 O.OO2O4. O. OO75 O. OO299 9. I O. 90 O.83 O. OI55 O.OO86 O. OO236 O. OO77 O. OO286 8.9 9. O Table XVIII gives the details of all experiments with glutaric acid. The symbols m, C, HX, and X represent the respective * Tantor, J. Russ. Chem. Soc., 23, 339 (1892). Beilstein, Org. Chem., I, 658. * Van't Hoff, Etudes de Dyn. Chem. Amsterdam, page 14. I6 concentrations in terms of gram equivalents per liter, while H, X refers to gram molecules per liter. The simpler formulae, (6) and (7), have been used for calculating HX and X in all cases, except for Oxalic and dibromsuccinic acids. Table XIX gives, in condensed form, the results for other acids; in each case several determinations were made at each concentration, as in the case of glutaric acid. The details are omitted in order to save space. S Oxalic. . . . . . . . Malonic. . . . . . . Succinic. . . . . . . Glutaric. . . . . . Suberic. . . . . . . Pimelic. . . . . . 4%, k1/k, 777, k1/k, 4%, . ki/k, 4%, k1/k, %, k1/k, 777, k1/k, Azelaic. . . . . . . Sebacic. . . . o-Phthalic. . . ſm-Phthalic. . . . Camphoric. . . Itaconic. . . . . . Maleic. . . . . . . . k1/k, ... ???, k/k, I O. 269 I 87 I O. 3 I34. 357 . I87O . 5 . I855 . 5 . I855 ... 2 . I 859 . 9 . I855 ... 2 . I855 ... O 1858 I 3 O. I346 981 O. I88O 39C) . O834 . 9 . I O2 2 . 7 . O824 . 7 . O833 4 . O824 .8 . O824 ... 2 . O825 O O . O463 6 oA61 3 . O468 . 9 I 4 O TABLE XIX. RATIO OF IONIZATION CONSTANTs, ki/k, AT VARIOUS CONCENTRATIONS, m. O. O769 9 IQ O. II 8o 444 . O3 I2 . 2 ..O936 4 . O3 II 4 . O3O9 ... 2 . O3 II ... 2 . O337 8 2 I O. O598 84O O. O94O 459 O. OI7O ... O . O6 I8 ... I . OI69 ... I . OI69 . 6 . OI69 ... 8 . OI69 . 7 . OI7O 65 O. OO84 I3. 2 O. OO84 57. O O. O448 IO87 O. O784 474 O. OO46 26.6 O. O464 8 . 2 O. OO46 O. OO89 29O O. O245 88O O. O587 47O O. O362 8.4 O. OOI8 9. I O. O47O 488 O. O.I.55 9. O O. OOO92. 9. 2 O. O393 4.93 O. OOO46 IO .. 4 & TABLE XIX—(Continued). Fumaric. . . . . . 777, O. O926 O. O468 O. OI56 O. OO84 k1/k, I8.3 2O. 3 25.8 3O. O Monobromsuc- cinic. . . . . . . . 777, O. O926 O. O463 O. O.I.56 O. OO84 k/k, 46. O 54 - O 69. O 9I. O Dibromsuccinic m o ooz7 o on 62 o or sº k1/k 19 In discussing the results we may consider the influence of three factors upon the value of the equilibrium constant: (1) The effect of the ratio of the total base to the total acid in solutions of the salts where the concentration of the base is constant; (2) The effect of the total concentration of the base; (3) The effect of temperature. The experiments of McCoy on carbonates and succinates showed that, for constant concentrations of the total base, the value of ki/k, is independent of the ratio of base to acid. My experiments lead to the same conclusion. If an aqueous solu- tion of the pure acid salt (that is, one having equal molecular concentrations of base and acid) is shaken with ether the ratio of base to acid becomes greater than unity. In the experiments here described no attempt was made to maintain equal concen- trations of base and acid in the aqueous solution; indeed in the case of glutaric acid the ratio was varied greatly in order to test the independence of ki/k,. The ratio of total base, m, to total m *H* + H.x periment with glutaric acid this ratio is I.O44; in the tenth it is 1.282; and in the twelfth it is 1.644. Such a high value of the ratio as the last is unfavorable to accuracy because of the exceedingly small titer of the ether solution; this doubtless ac- counts for the abnormal value found for ki/k,. On the other hand, in the seventeenth experiment the ratio is o. 735 and it is interesting to note that in spite of the large excess of acid above that required to form the dry acid salt the solution contains an appreciable amount of the ion of the neutral salt. Here the great excess of acid is also unfavorable for an accurate determinaton of the constant; nevertheless, the value found is not far from the mean. In the first experiment with a sebacic acid the ratio of base to acid is 1.84. Owing to the limited solu- bility of the acid in water, it is impossible to decrease this ratio very much at large concentrations of the base. Sebacic acid, however, is so much more soluble in ether than in water that there is always sufficient acid in the ether solution to make an accurate titration possible and no difficulty was found in getting concordant values of ki/k,. In the seventh ex- acid in any experiment, is 2O I have found that ki/k, increases with decreasing concentra- tion of the total base. A similar result was found by McCoy for carbonates. Smith also observed a diminishing value of k, with dilution. This is equivalent to an increase of ki/k, if k, is constant. The values of ki/k, have been found by inter- and extrapolation for the concentrations O.I., O.OI and O.OOI of the total base, with results shown in the following table. The last two columns contain the ionization constants of the first and second hydrogen ions. The values of k, were calculated from those of ki/k, for o.oO1 normal concentration: TABLE XX. k/k, - Conc. o. I. Conc. o.o.1. Conc. o.oOI. Ioºk 1. Io9k2. Oxalic. . . . . . . . . . . . 930. O 93O 93O 380OO 40.9 Malonic. . . . . . . . . . . 460 6IO 78O I58O 2. O3 Succinic. . . . . . . . ... 16.5 23.5 3O. 5 66.5 2 . I 8 Glutaric. . . . . . . . . . 7. O 9.8 I4 - O 47.4 3.38 Suberic. . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 4 8. I 29.9 3.67 Pimelic. . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 5.9 7.4 32.3 4. 37 Azelaic. . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 6. I 7.6 25.3 3. 33 Sebadic. . . . . . . . . . . 4. . I 6.5 9. 2 23.8 2.59 o-Phthalic. . . . . . . . . IQO 29O 390 I 2 IO 3. IO m-Phthalic. . . . . . . . 5. 2 8. I IO.8 287 26.6 Camphoric. . . . . . . . 8. O I 2.4 I6.4 229 I4. O Itaconic. . . . . . . . . . 32. O I 7O I5 I 2. I6 Maleic. . . . . . . . . . . . 3OOOO (45000) (6OOOO) II.7OO O . 2C) Fumaric. . . . . . . . . . I7. O 3O 43 93O 2I. 6 Monobromsuccinic. 44. O 78 II 2 2780 24.8 Dibromsuccinic. . . . Io (16) (22) 34OOO 1540 The values in parentheses, for maleic and dibromsuccinic acids, are uncertain. The effect of temperature was determined by means of a series of experiments at o? with succinates. The following results were obtained. TABLE XXI. m. . . . . . . . . . . . O. I739 O. O869 O. O497 O. O29O O. OI58 k/k,. . . . . . . . . I5. 5 I6.7 I8. O I9.7 23. I - It will be seen that although the partition coefficient of suc- cinic acid at o° (fourth table, Series I) is 4.30, instead of 7.45 2 I at 25°, yet the value of ki/k, is practically the same at the two temperatures. This fact is in accord with many well-known results, which show that degrees of ionization and ionization constants are, for most substances, nearly the same at O’ and at 25°. * It is interesting to note that ki/k, for the dibromSuccinic acid is not greatly different from ki/k, for succinic acid, although both k, and k, are enormously greater. Halogen substitution has therefore affected the dissociation of the two hydrogens about equally. A series of experiments was carried out with sebacic acid, using chloroform instead of ether. The results of the partition experi- ments, conducted at 25° -- o.o.1 are given in the following table. A, and A. represent the molecular concentrations of the acid in water and chloroform solutions respectively. It is well known that there is association of the molecules of many substances when dissolved in chloroform. Allowance for a only, there- fore, fails to make the values of P constant. The smaller values of P for the more concentrated solutions indicate, of course, a greater degree of association in the chloroform. TABLE XXII.-PARTITION COEFFICIENTS OF SEBACIC ACID. Aw. Ac. Oğ. p. P. O . OO IOO O. OOO963 I4. 3 I. O4. O. 89 O.OOO59 O. OOO438 I8. 2 I. 36 I. O9 O. OOO3O O. OOOI76 24. 5 I. 7O I. 29 O. OOOI8 O. OOOO87 3O .. 3 2. O8 I .45 The following table contains the results obtained in the de- termination of ki/k, for sebacic acid by the chloroform method. The column headings have the same significance as in the tables where ether was used, but in the column headed A, gives in addi- tion the concentration of the acid in the chloroform. The ex- perimental treatment it the same as that described for ether extraction except in two particulars. (1) The solubility of chloroform in water is so slight that the volume of the water solution is not changed when it is mixed with chloroform, so that the concentration of the total base is not altered thereby. (2) Inasmuch as there is no constant partition coefficient, its value 22 for each experiment with a salt solution usually must be deter- mined by interpolation. No partition experiment was made with the free sebacic acid in which the chloroform concentration was so great as that of the first experiment of the following table. The corresponding value of P, o.84, was obtained by graphical extrapolation: & Cºz. O. 7O O. 82 . %2,. . 2008O . O924.5 . O924.5 . O3346 . O3346 . OI826 . OI826 . TABLE XXIII.-SEBACIC ACID. C. . O2 IO4. OI I82 . OII 95 . OC454 OO484 . OO269 . OO253 . Ac. . OOI 48 . OOO85 . OCO94 . OOO26 . OCO33 . OOOI6 . OCO I4. P. .84 .9 I . 89 . I 7 . I4 . 3O . 33 i H., X. . OOI 25 . OOO77 . OOO83 . OOO3 I . OOO38 . OOO2 I OOOI9 . HX. . O I 54. . OO93 . OO94. . OO39 . OC4I . OO24. . OO22 A. . O566 O282 . O282 . O II 3 ... O II 2 . OO64 . OO65 k/ka. . ... O I . 79 . 34 . 29 . 92 24 The first value of ki/k, is uncertain on account of the uncer- tainty of the factor P = O.84. The remaining values of ki/k, are almost constant. However, too much stress should not be laid on the constancy, as the method is evolved by the phenom- enon of association. For an acid which is difficultly soluble in water, ki/k, may be determined in a manner still different from that described above. The solubility of the acid in pure water is first determined and allowance made for dissociation in the usual way. When the solid acid is present in excess the concentration of the un- dissociated portion of the dissolved acid in aqueous solution of the free acid is equal to its concentration when the salts also are present. It is, well known that it is not easy to determine with accuracy the solubility of a difficultly soluble substance. About two months were spent in an endeavor to find the solubility of sebacic acid in water. Equilibrium between the dissolved and undissolved acid was sought by approaching 25° from both a higher and a lower temperature. Rapid shaking was found to increase the solubility considerably. The result is probably to be explained by the comminution of the crystals by the greater agitation, it being apparently well established that smaller par- ticles are more soluble than larger ones." Forty-four experiments gave an average molar concentration of O.OOI 18; individual values ranged from O.OOI 25 to O.OOIO5. At a molar concentra- tion of O.Oor 18, the degree of dissociation is 13.3 per cent. There- fore the concentration of the undissociated portion is o.oOI 18 X O.867 = O.OOIo. To filter the solution, it was drawn into a pipette by means of a filter pump through a closely packed cotton plug. It was then titrated. That error did not arise from imperfect filtration was shown by the fact that separately filtered portions of the same solution had the same concentrations. To determine ki/k, sodium hydroxide of known concentration was shaken with excess of acid, filtered as described, and titrated. The factors of equation (3) are determined in the same manner as for the partition method, except that the concentration, H, X, remains O.OOIO for all experiments. This method of determining k,/k, for Sebacic acid was not satisfactory. It was even more * Ostwald, Z. phys. Chem., 34, 495 (1900); Hulett, Ibid., 37, 385 (1901). 25 difficult to get a constant equilibrium between the acid salt, the neutral salt, the dissolved and undissolved acid than between the last two alone. The values found for k/k, averaged about 5, but some values more than double this amount were found without my being able to assign any reason therefore. The same method was also tried with suberic acid, but only one experiment was made. The molar concentration of its sat- urated solution was found to be O.OI44, at which concentration the degree of dissociation is 4.4 per cent. and the molar concen- tration of the undissociated acid is o.or 38. In a single experiment in which the total concentration of sodium was O.2OI the value 5.5 was found for k/k, for suberic acid. It is possible that an acid of about this solubility would give constant results and regret is expressed that more experiments were not made with suberic acid by this method. III. The Determination of the Secondary Ionization Constant of a Dibasic Acid by the Conductivity Method. The conductivity of the negative ion HX, of an acid salt, NaHX, cannot be found in the usual way on account of the ionic inter- actions of the solution of the acid salt. The values used by Ost- wald' and Bredigº as the conductivities of HX ions, for the cal- culations of the degree of ionization, from the conductivities of the free dibasic acids, were merely estimated from the com- position of the ion. - I have found the approximate values of such ion conductivities in the following manner: The concentrations of acid and neutral salts and of free H ions were calculated for a dilute solution, say N/Looo, of the pure acid salt, by means of the value ki/k, found by partition experiments. The observed equivalent conduc- tivity of the solution of the acid salt diminished by the conduc- tivity due to the neutral salt and H ions represents the conductivity of the ions of the acid salt. This difference, by division of a number representing the fraction of the sodium actually in the form of acid salt, gave the true (hypothetical) equivalent conduc- * Z. phys. Chem., 2,840 (1888); 3, 281 (1889). * Ibid., 13, 191 (1894). 26 tivity of the acid salt. By subtracting from the latter value the known ionic conductivity of sodium the ionic conductivity of HX remained. The results so obtained clearly revealed a very simple relation- ship. The conductivities of the HX ions were all approximately proportional to those of the corresponding X ions. The detailed results of these calculations are omitted, but the relationship discovered has been utilized to calculate the secondary ionization constants by a method entirely independent of the data of the partition experiments. The good agreement between the values of k, as found by the partition and conductivity methods serves, of course, as an equally satisfactory test of the accuracy of the law just announced. The same relationship between the conductivities of HX and X was observed when the conductivities of the HX ions were estimated in another way. The work of Ostwald' and Bredigº has served to show that the conductivity of an organic ion is dependent upon its composition. Univalent, isomeric ions are equally mobile, and univalent ions, composed of the same number of atoms, have practically the same conductivity. One may therefore safely assume that the conductivity of any ion, HX, of a dibasic acid, H., X, is equal to that of an ion of the most nearly related monobasic acid. Thus the conductivity of the acid suc- cinic ion, HCO,.C.H.C.H.CO, may be considered equal to that of the ion of butyric acid, CHA.C.H.C.H.CO,. In Table XXIV, #x-A is the equivalent conductivity of the X ion of the corresponding dibasic acid; A is the equivalent con- ductivity of the negative ion of that monobasic acid most closely resembling the dibasic acid of the same line. The ratio, A/4\x, is nearly a constant, the mean value of which is O. 595; or prac- tically o.6. We may therefore consider that AHx = 0.6 X #Ax = O.3\x. (8) It is readily seen that the value of Aux, last column, Table XXIV, calculated by this equation, does not differ greatly, in any case, from that of A. * Loc. cit. 27 TABLE XXIV. }\x. - A. M% Ax. O.3\x=\hy. Oxalic. . . . . . . . . . . . 72.4 Acetic. . . . . . . 41.6 O. 575 43.4 Malonic. . . . . . . . . . . 64. I Propionic. . . . 36.8 O. 574 38.5 Succinic. . . . . . . . . . 56. O Butyric. . . . . . 33. O O. 589 33.6 Glutaric. . . . . . . . . . 51. O Valerianic. . . . 31. O O. 608 3O. 6 Suberic. . . . . . . . . . . 44.3 Phthaluric. . . 26.5 O. 598 26.5 Azelaic. . . . . . . . . . . 43.3 Phthalanilic. . 26.2 o. 605 26. O Sebacic. . . . . . . . . . . 4O. I 24. I Camphoric. . . . . . . . 40.8 24.5 o-Phthalic... . . . . . . 49.8 Toluic. . . . . . . 32. I O. 65I 29.9 m-Phthalic. . . . . . . . 50. O “ . . . . . . . . . 32. I O. 642 3O. O Itaconic. . . . . . . . . . 55. 7 Angelic. . . . . . 3I. 5 O. 566 33.4 Maleic. . . . . . . . . . . . 60. O Crotonic. . . . . 34.5 O. 575 36. O Fumaric. . . . . . . . . . 6O. 6 " . . . . . . . 34.5 O. 569 36.4 Monobromsuccinic. 56.4. Butyric. . . . . . 33. O O. 585 33.8 Dibromsuccinic. . . . 55.2 " . . . . . . . 33. O O. 598 33. I Mean, O. 595 By means of the relationship just discussed, McCoy has shown in the preceding paper, how the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution of an acid salt of a dibasic acid may be cal- culated from conductivity data. For the acid sodium salt of N/IO24 concentration, H = a + Wa” + b (9), where (Al-A,) — k,(o.7 A, + 141) O = % (IO) 2A, H– 605 and b kam (Al-O.6A, -20) 24, -ī- 605 and A, and A, represent the observed equivalent conductivities of the acid and normal salts respectively, at 25° and N/Io24 concentration. The value of H calculated by means of the pre- ceding equations may be used to calculate k, by substitution in Noyes's equation: (II) º * Z. physik. Chem., II, 495 (1893). 28 (k, -i- m + H).H.” k, = k (I2) 1(m—H) I have measured the conductivities of those acid and normal salts studied by the partition method. The results are given in Tables XXV and XXVI. The conductivities of the acid salts of oxalic and malonic acids, as well as of many of the neutral salts, have been measured previously by Walden' and Bredig.” My results agree well in general with those of Walden and Bredig, in so far as comparison is possible. * Z. physik. Chem., 8, 433 (1891). * Ibid., 13, 191 (1894). & TABLE XXV.-CONDUCTIVITIES AT 25° IN RECIPROCAL OHMS OF ACID SALTs—NaHX. Dilution. 32. 64. I28. 256. . 5I2. IO24. 2O48. 4096. Oxalic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 IO9 I23 I39 I58 182 2 II 25O Malonic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8o. 5 84 87 90.6 97.3 IO4.8 II.3 I 26 Succinic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 8O 83.3 86.5 89.5 94. IOI - III Glutaric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.4 78.7 82.4 85 88 9I. 6 98 IO6. Suberic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68.9 72. 5 75. 7 78.3 8I. 5 85 9I 99 Azelaic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68.9 72. 5 75. 7 79.3 8I. 5 85 89.8 97 Sebacic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 78 8O 82.9 88.3 95 o-Phthalic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7o. 6 75 8O 85 92 IOO II 2 I25 m-Phthalic. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9I. 3 IOO. 6 II.5 I36, I71 Itaconic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74. 77.8 81.4 85.2 89 94.8 IO2.6 II6 Maleic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 84 88 9I. 5 95 99.5 IO4 I IO Fumaric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8O. 5 86. 2 93 IO4. , I 18.7 I4O I 7O 2O5 Monobromsuccinic. . . . . . . 78.6 86 96.5 IO9 I27 . I 5 I I8O. 6 217 Dibromsuccinic. . . . . . . . . I5O 187 23 I 28O 33 I 381 422 456 3 Sebacic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o-Phthalic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ſm-Phthalic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Itaconic. . . . . . . . TABLE XXVI.-NORMAL SALTs—Na,X. Dilution. Malonic. . . . . . . . Succinic. . . . . . . . tº e e Glutaric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suberic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7 ; 64. 90. 95 94 . 9 I I28. I IO I O2 . 96. 92. 85. 84 8 I 9I 95 99 98. 95 94. 256. II.5 IO5. 99. 95 88. 87 84 94. 92 98. I O2 . I O2 99 98 : 512. II.8 IO9 I O2 97 90. 89 86 96 95 I O2 IO5. IO5 IO2 IOI 6 4 2O48. I 2 I II.4. IO5.5 IOI 94 . 92 90 99 IOI IO5 IO9 I IO IO8 IO7 4096. I 2.2 II.5. IO6 I O2 96 9I IOO IO5 IO6 IO9. II 2 II 2 I IO 3I Table XXVII gives the results calculated from these conduc- tivities by equations (9) and (I2): TABLE XXVII. A1. A2 Ioºk 1. IOGH. Io9k2. Oxalic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I82 I 20 38OOO I93 49 Malonic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO4.8 II2 I58O 35 2 . I Succinic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94. IO4. 66.5 I2. 9 2.7 Glutaric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9I.6 99 47. 4 II. 4 2.9 Suberic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 92.3 29.9 7.4 I. 9 Azelaic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 9I 25.3 7.7 24 . Sebacic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82.9 88 23.8 7.6 2.5 o-Phthalic.. . . . . . . . . . . . . IOO 98 I 2 IO 44 - 4 3.9 m-Phthalic. . . . . . . . . . . . . I I5 98 287 67. 9 24. Itaconic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94.8 IO4 I5I. 18.7 2.8 Maleic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.5 IO8 II 7OO I5. I O. 26 Fumaric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I4O IO8 93O II.3 32 MonobromSuccinic. . . . . . I5I IO5 278O I5I 39 Dibromsuccinic. . . . . . . . . 381 IO4. 34OOO 675 I6OO Table XXVIII contains all of the values which I have found for the ionization constants of the second hydrogen ion of the dibasic acids studied, together with those found by Smith, Weg- scheider and Trevor. TABLE XXVIII.-SECONDARY IONIZATION CONSTANTs, Io"k,. Partition. Conductivity. Smith. Wegscheider. Trevor. Oxalic. . . . . . . . . . . . 4I 49 - e. * * I6. O Malonic. . . . . . . . . . . 2 . O 2 . I I . O IO Succinic. . . . . . . . . . 2 . 2 2. 7 2. 3 Glutaric. . . . . . . . . . 3.4 2.9 2. 7 * - Suberic. . . . . . . . . 3. 7 I. 9 2. 5. 3. 3 Pimelic. . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4 e - tº e - - Azelaic. . . . . . . . . . . 3. 3 2.4 2. 7 Sebacic. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 6 2.5 2.6 o-Phthalic... . . . . . . 3. I 3.9 I. 7 e * * ſm-Phthalic. . . . . . . 27 24 - - tº - IO ... O Camphoric. . . . . . . . I4 O. 7 Itaconic. . . . . . . . . . 2 . 2 2.8 2. 3 • - Maleic. . . . . . . . . . . . O . 2C) O. 26 O. 4. 8. O Fumaric. . . . . . . . . . 22 - 32 I8 29 MonobromSuccinic. 25 39 - - 39 Dibromsuccinic. . . . I54O I6OO - - The methods of Trevor and Smith are similar, except that a different constant is used for the inversion effect of a completely 32 dissociated acid. Their solutions were 1/128 normal with respect to the acid salts and the experiments were carried out at Ioo?, as the speed of inversion was too slow at 25°. This should not materially affect the value of k, unless there was some decompo- sition of the acid at high temperature. Smith found that malonic acid suffered decided decomposition at Ioo? and the value given is an interpolation. He also found that a neutral salt or even water caused quite as rapid an inversion as an acid salt, although in the former cases the rate was irregular. From these consider- ations, it is remarkable that values obtained by Smith's method agree so well with others. The method of Wegscheider, using the free acid, is probably less accurate than the method using the acid salt. Even though the latter is complicated by the presence of the neutral salt. The former method is evidently more accurate for acids having a large value of k, than for those for which k, is small. The values found by Wegscheider for suberic, fumaric and monobromsuc- cinic acids agree very well with those I have found. But his values of k, for maleic and malonic acids, which other experi- menters find to be small, are certainly too large. In conclusion, I wish to express my obligation to Dr. McCoy, under whose supervision the foregoing work has been carried out. * * * * * * * * * * * * **, * : * , , , , * * * * * * * . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * UNIVERSITY OF | iſill 07335 2091 ::::: * * * * * * * * * * * * * ...!!!!!!,'!'};}} * f : * * * * !!!!!!!!! ... ºilº 1 ºf a tº , , , ; ; ; * * a k < * { • . . . . . . . # : “ , t , , , , ...!!!!! * , , , ; } { * * § { * * * : , , , , tº * * * * * * * * * * * * * *; # I * * * 1:...; ; ; ; ; it? : * * * × 48t tº ºt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ## * g º t # * * !!! t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; * : * , ; ; # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : , ; , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; ; 19 § 3 # * * * * * * * , , :::::::::::::::: • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº . . . . . * * * * $.: + & * # tº º::::::::::::::: e i t + t ; : * * * * * * * * * * * s t tº tº 3 :::::::::: 4 tº *- : * * * * * * * * * * * * tº i t . . . . . . . . ; ; ; ; ; , ; ; , ; ; 4 *** * * * * * * : * : * (4 At it it a tº , ; } | f | 1 , , , , , 'll 2: . . . . . . . . . . . ; , ; ; ; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * { } { * { º' tº ' ". . . . . . . * § { } { { ::::}}}}}} a # * * * * , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; * : * * * * * * * * * : ; ; ; ; ; !!! $ * * : * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: º:::::::::::::::::: ! § p !!!!!!!!!"; ; ; ; ; ; ; & ºf 14 tº tº t , ; ; ; }. } * * * * * * * * * * * * * , , , , 4 * § * , , ; ; ; 4 at , * [I tº $ $º is is: tº *** * * * * * * : ; ; ; ; tº gº & ::::::::::::: *** * * * * * * * * : * * * • * : * : * * * * * * * * : # * * * : * : ; ; ; ; * * * * * * g is • tº: { !!!!!! : * * * * * * * : * it r s sº a * * { * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * º: Siºl. t # * * * * tº a #4 # * : ; ; ; ! tº a # 4 & 8 tº 3 3 # # * * * * * * * * * # * * * * * * * * tº ºf ti it is tº a tº 35+ ºłºś. g . . . . * * * * * * * * * * # tº: * : * # * { f : * * * * * * * * * * * * * :::t. ::::::::::::::::::::: * | * : *; it in tº f * : * { 4t tº # 1 s is , t , s: , , twº tº . . . . . . . . . . . *:: * : . . . ; ; , , , , * * * * * “. . . . . . . . . . . . ::::::::: ; ; ; ; , , , * * * * * * * * 1: . . . . . . . . * tº * * * * * * , $ * $ 4 + *:::::::::: * * * * * : * tº 11 tº * * * * * * ::::::t: * * * * * * i , \, t i { i \{ } a as * * * * * * * .#: * 3 ::::::::::::::A; ; ; ; ; ; ; :*::::: **** *****, 3,...; • * * * * * * * * * * , , , , , , , . . . ; e & # tº sº i t w ł & 4 & * I F : * * : * * * * * tº à tê e : , ; * * * * * * * * * * r * : * * * * * * * * > . . . . . . . ; *4 t + * # 4 + · · · · *** * * * : , , ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; ** : * * i # # * * f fat tº * t t! 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