º º ºº º º º º º - º º - Tº - º º º … . º tº - --- º T º º º º º º º º º º º º º º T º º º º º º º º - T- º ºº º: -T- - º º º º: º º: º º - º º º: º -- | *** - ººz. º -- -º- º º º º º - º º - º º º º º º º º º º º º - - º º - º º º º º º º º º º º º: - º º | º º - . - º º º: º º º º º º º - - º º º º º º º º | º º - º º | º - º º º º º º º º º º - º -- º º º - º º º º º - º --- º º º * - º º º º - - º º º º - º --- º º º - | º º º º º º T º º, sºoºººº- _ FC Z. C. E. - º º - º º º - º º º º º - º º º º º -i. … --- º º º - - º -- º -- º º | - º º - º !º º º - | - º - T = 3 º ALUMINU M. º - º º - - - -- º -- - º … º º | -- º º º tº º º º º º º | - TX f < 3 4+2, i ; | 00042 COUNTER ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE in THE ALUMINUM RECTIFIER. ALBERT LEWIS FITCH. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Michigan. TABLE OF CONTENTS. ++ Measurement of the Counter E. M. F. I. Introduction. l. Historical Review— — — — — -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -l. 2. Other metals used -------------------------- ºl. 3. Electrolyte S ------------------------------- l. 4. other factors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- l. 5. The orie S advanced — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - 2. 6. Condenser action — — — — — ---------- - - - - -- - - - --- 2. 7. Object of this investigation --------------- 3. II. The First Study. l. Apparatus - a . Disk — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 3. b. Motor connections - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,4. C. Cell used - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4. d. SWitches — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 5. e . Other instrument, S used - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. 2. Operations --------------------------------- 5. 3. Advantage S of this method ------------------ 7. 4. Data and discussion ------------------ ------08. a . Table I. ------------- - - - - ------- - - - - - - - - 8. b. Table II. ------------------------------- 9. III. The Second Study --------------------------- 10. l. Reasons for this study ---------------- - - - - 10. 2. Apparatus --------------------------------- 10. 3. Operations -------------------------------- ll 4. Circuit, S - - - - - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ll. 5. Measurement of the time of open circuit -- 12. TV. 7. Curve of counter E. M. F. and time of open circuit -- 13. Theory Proposed ------------------- - - - --------------- 13. l. Derivation of the formula - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14. 2. Determination of the constants — — — — — — — — — — - - - - ------ 18. 3. Computation for constants ------------------------- 29. 4. Discussion of the formula ----- - - - - - - ----------- — — — 21. 5. Explanation of the curves ------------------- - - - - - - 24. Plates l. 1.-- 1 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25. 2. l -- 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26. 3. l- - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 27. 4. 2--1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 28. 5. 2.--2 ------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29. 6. 2.--3 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 3C . 7. 2.--4 ---------------------------------------------- 3l. 8. 2.--5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31. 9. Calibration curve for set, s l and 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32. 10. Calibration curve for set 4 ---------------------- 32. ll. 4- -l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- - - - - - - - 33. 12. 4- -2 - - - - - -------- -------------------------------- - - 34. l3. 4- -3 - - - - - ---------------------------------------- 35. 14. 4.--4 --------------------------------------------- 35. lö. 5-–l ------------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36. 16. 5-–2 ------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37. 17. 5-–3 --------------------------------------------- 38. VI. Discussion of Curves — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -------- 1. Difference from other cells — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ---------- 2. Consequences of this view - - - - - ------------ - - - ----- 3. As a rect, ifier - - - - - - - - ----- - - - - - - -------- - - - - - - - - - 4. Set 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- - 5. Set 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VI. Summary -------------------------------------- -------- VII. References ----------------------------------------- COUNTER ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE IN THE ALUMINUM RECTIF IER. INTRODUCTION. Historical Review. The anomalous action of aluminum in the electrolytic cell was f i r St. discovered by wheatstone in 1855. Soon after this, Buff found that an electrolytic cell one electrode of which was aluminum would rectify the alternating current. Among the other men who have been interested in this cell may be mentioned Ducretet (10), Hutin and Leblanc (lb), Montpellier (21), Nodon (25), Guthe (12), Greene (13), and Schulze (28––34). The last named of these has perhaps done the largest amount of work of any. His articles have appeared from time to time in a number of magazine S. Other metals used. The earlier experimenters with this cell confined themselves to the study of aluminum but later investigation (31) has shown that many other metals possess this same property to a greater or less degree. Among these athere)may be mentioned iron, nickle, cobalt, mag- nesium, cadmium, tin, bismuth, zirconium, tantalum, etc. Electrolytes. A great number of electrolytes may be used in the rectifier. The most commonly used are the alums, phosphates, and carbonates; however Graetz and Pollak have shown that any electrolyte Which Will liber- ate oxygen on electrolysis may be used more or le SS Satisfactorily. Other factors influencing the cell's action. It has been found that the ability of the cell to rectify alter- nating current depends upon the current density at the aluminum 2. the electrons are with difficulty forced thru. anode (23), the inductance and resistance of the circuit (27), and its temperature (31). The cell rectifies best when the current density is high and the inductance, resistance, and temperature are low. The ories advanced . Several theories have been advanced to explain the action of this cell. The earlier theory known as THE SOLID FILM THEORY ascribes this action to the electrolytic deposition and decomposition of a solid film of Some oxide or hydroxide of aluminum on the aluminum anode. The deposition takes place While the current flows in one direction and being a high resistance material the film soon grows to a thick- ness which shuts off the current in that direction. The de composition takes place when the current is in the opposite direction and per- ~ mits the current to flow unimpeded from the electrolyte to the elec- trode . - In 1902 Guthe (12) first gave us the later theory, known as THE GAS FILM THEORY. This theory ascribes the action to a film of oxygen gas which is spread over the solid layer. The free electrons of the metal are forced thru the gas film by the very high potential grad- ient with very little difficulty when the aluminum is the cathode, but when the current reverses, and the aluminum is the anode, no such - º - --- *. tº ſº thing can take place for there are no free electrons in the electro- - lyte. Instead, the current must be carried thru the film by the ions of the electrolyte and these being relatively large as compared to Condenser action. It has been known for a great many years that the aluminum cell acts to a certain extent like a condenser. Schulze (31) states that a cell 40 x 40 x 40 cm. With both plates of aluminum had a capacity of 5,000 mſd. On 160 volts alternating current of a frequency of 50 3. cycle 5 per Second. It was possible, he states, to take an alternating current of 250 amperes thru this condenser. But one must not go too far in likening this cell to an ordinary leaking condenser as Greene . (13) has shown. - Object of this investigation. This investigation was undertaken to determine if a more careful study of the counter electromotive force, which is produced when the current enters at the aluminum, would throw some light on the action Of the cell as a condenser and also on the theories advanced. THE FIRST STUDY. Apparatus. Disk. The first study was undertaken with the apparatus as shown in Fig. l. D is a disk designed for this work and made in the Engineering Shops of the University of Michigan. It is a solid hard rubber disk of ap- proximately 31 cm. radius. Firmly fastened to this disk are three con- centric rings of brass. The inner ring R, has an inner radius of 12 cm. and an outer radius of 16 cm. It is made in one solid piece. The second ring R, has an inner radius of 19 cm. and an outer radius of 23 cm. It is divided into Sectors ranging in magnitude from 5 degrees to 35 degrees. The outer ring Rs has an inner radius of 26 cm. and an outer radius of 30 cm. It is divided into sectors ranging from 3.75 degrees to 28 degrees. Each sector on each ring is connected electrically to a binding post on the back of the disk. On the cir- cumference of the disk is a steel tire. The disk is mounted on the shaft of a Roth motor, designed to run at 2, 000 R. P.M. on 220 volts direct current. This disk is enclosed in a wooden box supported on sliding arms so that the box can be brought as near as desired to 4. the disk and then clamped fast. The front of this box holds the brush C Ontact, S B, , B, , B, , made of spring steel with brush contacts of sheet C Opper". B, and B, are bolted directly to the box and allow the brushes fastened to them to bear on the rings R, and Rs. B, is a moveable brush contact, Supported on a brass rod bent at right angles and passing thru the box front at a point directly in line with the center of the motor Shaft. A long brass pointer P is fastened to this brush holder by heavy brass nuts and plays over a protractor of 8 inches radius divided into quarter degrees. On the back of the disk, the sect- ors are connected as is shown by the dotted line. - MO t, or connections. The mot, or is connected With it, S field over the 22C volt, direct, current power line and its armature over the storage battery. By this arrangement, any desired speed up to 2,000 R. P.M. is attainable by varying the number of cells of the storage battery. As shown in the diagram, S.B. is the storage battery to furnish current to the cell C. This cell is composed of a lead plate with an area of approximately 90 sq. cm. and an aluminum Wire .258 cm. in diameter and 10 cm. in length, immersed in a saturated solution of sodium phosphate. The lead is the same grade as is used in the Chemistry Department in qualitative chemical experiments and is a- bout 99% pure. The aluminum wire was tested and found to contain .27% iron and considerable silicon in the form of Silicate S. It is about 99% pure. Both electrodes are heavily coated with a good grade of Sealing wax where they emerge from the solution to eliminate surface effects which were found to be present when the electrodes were not coated. Switches. S, and §2. make an eight pole double throw switch. Sg is a double pole double throw switch of the tilting type. A slight movement dis- connects one side and connects the other. The two sides are electric- ally connected as ShoWn. S., and S - are single pole switches. All these SWitches are made of heavy copper. Other instruments. R; and R. are high grade Leeds and Northrup resistance boxes each having a total resistance of 21, lll .5 ohms. G is a Leeds and North- rup high sensibility galvanometer With a resistance of 1600 ohms. This galvanometer is fitted with a concave mirror of 40 cm. focal – length. The source of light, a single filament carbon lamp, and the Scale of translucent celluloid are arranged to Slide on two guides, one on either Side of the gaivanometer. By this arrangement, the Whole System of light, and scale can be moved back and forth until the pos- ition for the best focus is obtained. H. R. is a high resistance box in series with the galvanometer. All resistance was cut out of this box before readings were taken. L is a carbon lamp inserted to cut down the current when the switch was first thrown. A is a Weston ammeter with . Cl ampere divisions. A suitable voltage was obtained over the storage battery termin- als with S, S, open and S, thrown to the right. S, and Sº were both open. The sum of the resistances R." and R' was kept at 21, loo ohms. Then When S, Sa was thrown up the current flowed from the storage battery around a divided circuit. R' and R; form One circuit, and the Other is thru S, , S, , C, A, T, and back to S. B. When this current, as shown by the ammeter, had dropped to . Cl ampere, Sz Was closed, cutting out all 6. resistance in series with the cell, and when the current had again dropped to . Cl ampere the ammeter A was cut out of the circuit, by closing Ss. The cell was left directly across the storage battery for a time and then the motor Was Started. When the motor had attain- ed full speed, S, was thrown to the left, cutting the cell off from direct connection to S.B., and closing the circuit thru the rotating disk during one half of each revolution. The current then flowed from S. B. to E down the wire at the right to F then to B, . From B, it flowed thru the disk to the Wire on the back and around to R, thence to B, N, I, O, to S, and thru C back to the storage battery. By this 2. arrangement, the cell was placed across the battery one half the time and for a sufficiently long time during each revolution to bring it back to its former State. However as soon as the last sec- tor connected to this wire had passed B2 the circuit, thus establish- ed was broken and the cell was left on open circuit until the sector on R, which was connected to this wire came under B, . The cell Was then placed over a fraction of the storage battery voltage equal to _R.' W, , where V, designates the storage battery voltage and r" FT. F. FF' designates the storage battery resistance. Since r is so very small as compared to R, and R, it may be neglected and was in all comput- at ions. Current, then flowed from S.B. thru B.E.,H.R.,8,9,8, ºr to the moveable arm r, thru B. , the wire and ring R, to N, I, O and thru the cell back to the storage battery. The resistances in R, and R! were adjusted until the galvanometer showed no deflection when H. R. was all out, the sum of R, and R. being kept at 21, 100 ohms. Then the counter electromotive force of the cell equalled R.' V, Fºr-Fºr-Fr" The time of open circuit was computed from the position of the pointer on the protractor. The moveable arm r was moved to a new \ . 7. position as indicated by the pointer and a new reading taken. The position of the pointer for zero time of open circuit, was found by connecting a dry cell and ammeter in series with B2. and Ps and ro- tating r backward until the contact was broken. Sg Was kept thrown to the right all the time except. When readings Were actually being taken. This placed the cell across the Storage battery most of the time and When not directly over the storage bat- tery it still was placed across it one half the time thru the disk. Advantages of this method. This method has some decided advantages over the method used by Greene (13). The cell was placed directly across the storage battery terminals when readings were not actually being taken, thus insuring a much more steady state in the cell than if the cell were connect- ed only thru the disk. When the cell was connected to the battery thru the disk, it was connected for a much longer time thaºcula attain. The counter electromotive force was measured directly against the applied voltage thus making R, and R! : R. more nearly equal than if a standard cell had been used. Also any slow change in the appli- ed voltage has much less effect on the final results if our measure- ments are taken against it directly than if We must compare both applied voltage and counter electromotive force to a third source. The readings could be taken at an average of one per minute or less and the period of open circuit could be changed without stopping the nearly motor, thus insuring a mueh morea constant speed. Since the armature battery current was from the storage Awe could control the speed within wide limits. The slower speed enabled us to take readings for much longer periods of open circuit than if the motor had run at 2, 000 R. P. M. The points on the curve of counter electromotive force and time of 8. open circuit, could be plotted as closely as desired, the only limit being the accuracy of placing the pointer. On so large a protractor 3. S W 3 S used, it was found that this could be done to . l degree. Data and discussion. Table I. Speed, 300 R. P. M. Electrolyte, Saturated solution of sodium phosphate. Applied voltage, 97 volts. Time of closed circuit, read at end of readings, T. Time of open circuit in seconds, t . Counter E. M. F., V, in volts. T------- l. 5 hrs. --4. 1 hrs. --5. 5 hrs. --25 hrs. t V V V V . OCOOOC 97. O 97. C 97. O 97. O . CCO278 95.4 96.1 96.5 96.8 . OC1945 94.7 95.2 96.2 96.5 . OC472 93.3 94.8 95 - 6 96. l . OC 752 92.3 94.4 95.2 95.7 . Cl31. 90.3 92.8 94.2 95. 1 . Cl86 88 - 5 91. 2 93.4 94.5 . C297.5 85.8 89. 6. 91.8 93.3 . C408 83. 6 85. 6 90.3 92. l . C520 81.8 84.9 89. O 91. O . O631 79. 8 83.9 87.6 90. O It, Will be noticed in the above data that the counter E. M. F. is not only a function of the time of open circuit, but also of the time of closed circuit. One cannot assume then that this cell Will assume a constant state and remain there for any appreciable length of time. Since it took between 10 and 15 min. to take a set of read- ings, one must conclude that the curve plotted between counter elec- tromotive force and time of open circuit is not a simple curve as desired but a sort of composite curve. The error due to the assump- tion that the cell remains constant during the taking of a set of readings is larger the shorter the length of time of closed circuit. F- 24e y Therefore if one wishes to use such data #t= must be taken after a time of closed circuit sufficiently long so that the time for taking the data is negligible. This explains why Some investigators have had difficulty in reproducing their curves when the period of clos- ed circuit was a matter of a few minutes. This same variation of counter electromotive force is noticeable táciº all the range of volt- age applied from 2 volts to 97 volts. - Table II. Speed, 300 R. P. M. Electrolyte, Saturated Solution of sodium phosphate. Applied voltage, 2. l volts. Time of closed circuit, read at end of readings, T. Time of open circuit in Seconds, t . Counter E. M. F. in volt S V. T— — — — — — — — 22 min. -55 min. --l. 5 hrs. -2.25 hrs: 3 hrs. ---4.5 hrs. - 5.5 hrs. t, V V V V W V V ÇOOOOO 2.100 2. 100 2. loo 2. loo 2. loo 2. 100 2. loo . CC222 2. O90 2. O9.5 2. O96 2. Q98 2. O98 2. C98 2. Q98 . OC50 2. O8O 2. O9C 2.092 2. C94 2. Q94 2. O9.5 2. O93 . OC78 2. O'74 2. O85 2. O88 2. O90 2.091 2. O90 2. C90 . Ol33 2. C6C 2. O'77 2. Q8 2. Q83 2. O84 2. C84 2. O82 . Ol&9 2. C48 2. C67 2. O'73 2. O'77 2. O'78 2. C79 2. O'77 . C328 2.013 2. Q46 2. O55 2. O62 2. O65 2. O67 2. O63 . Q466 1.989 2. Q23 2. Q4C 2. O46 2. O55 2. O56 2. O57 . O606 1.963 2. OC 7 2. O20 2. O33 2. C4O 2. C40 2. C37 . O'745 1. 943 l. 990 2. Olo. 2. O21 2. O29 2. O3 l 2. Q27 . O855 1. 930 l. 980 l. 997 2. Cl3 2. O20 2.921 2. C2C As in Table I it tº feed that, the counter electromotive force is a function of the time of closed circuit, as Well * time of open circuit. It Will also be noticed that for corresponding periods of closed and open circuit this lower voltage has a much larger value Aora aſ 'ces Of V/V. . Therefore the time for taking readings makes a greater er- ror in the lower voltages than in the higher. A 10. THE SECOND STUDY. Reason for second study. Since the time for taking readings by the former method could not be decreased, the oscillographic method was devised. This method en- ables one to take a complete set of readings in about one second. This eliminates to a large degree the objection to the former method and also eacºles one to get readings for much shorter periods of closed circuit. Apparatus. The diagram förathe oscillographic arrangement of apparatus is ShoWn in Figure 2. In this arrangement, the Same disk was used as be - fore With the same brush contacts and the same electrical connections on the disk . In the back of the box face, a large screw Was placed to stop the rotating arm r at the same place each time. As before; it was arranged to have the cell placed directly across the Storage battery when readings were not being taken. S., and 5. eight pole double throw switch. S., and S3 are double pole double throw switches. C is the rectifier. L is is a lamp for resistance. A is a Weston ammeter with . Cl ampere divisions. L and A may be cut out of the circuit by switches S, and S, . R is a Leeds and Northrup resistance box with a total resistance of l, lll ohms and 0 is the vibrator of the Siemens and Halake oscillograph. The oscillographic chamber Was filled With oil to produce the proper damping effect. The cylinder of the oscillograph is connected directly to the motor shaft which rotates the disk. This makes the cylinder and disk rotate in exact Synchronism. ll. Operations. When S3 is thrown to the right, with S, S, down, current comes from S. B. to B, E, S, , F thru S, to S, and S, then to C and back thru S, to the storage battery. Current also comes directly from S.B. to S, and S; by the path B, A. This arrangement enables one to use two electrodes of different metals in the same cell if desired and still have them independent of each other. If S, be thrown to the right and S, to the left, Ala is directly across the storage battery irrespective of how any other switches of the system may be thrown while Al, depends up- on the position of Ss. Reversing S, and S3 places A1, directly across the storage battery While Ala depends upon S., . Both may be thrown to the right, which places Alpmand Alz in parallel across the storage battery or both may be thrown to the left placing the electrodes in parallel thru S, . This is a very desirable arrangement, where one wishes to experiment with two anodes. However in this work but one switch was used and one anode. The cell was made of the same mater- ials and in the same way as in the first study. When S s is thrown to the left current passes to B, E, S3, B, along the wire on the back of the disk to R, out at B, to S., thru the cell ºr and back to the storage battery, while the brush B, is on the sectors connected by the wire. When the last connected sector has passed Bs the cell is left on open circuit until the sector on R2 connected to R, passes under P2 . Current, then flows from S. B. to B, E, Ss, thru 0, R, r and Ba. , then thru the connection on the back to B, and so thru the cell and back to S. B. It is to be noticed that no matter how the current comes to the cell it always is in the same direction thru it i. e. from the aluminum to the lead. If the counter electromotive force drops after a short period of open circuit, when B2 Come S into play, there is a difference of potential across the oscillograph and 12. &#& Requal to the difference of the storage battery voltage and the counter electromotive force of the cell. This difference of poten- tial Will be registered on the photographic film on the cylinder of the O Scillograph. Measurement of time of open circuit. A flash is registered on the film Whenever the Small Sector on R2, which is connected to R, , and R 3, passes under B2. Then if We rotate B2 about its axis the resulting flashes on the film Will be registered at exactly corresponding point S of the film. Knowing the Speed of the motor, We can compute the length of time between any two flashes by measur's ing the distance between them and finding what fraction it is of the total film length. We know the greatest length of time of open circuit is always the same Since the rotating arm is stopped at the same point each time by the projecting screw. This gives a very good check on the measurement. l mm. distance between flashes corresponds to . OOC37 see.when the motor is running at 750 R. P. M. In most case S the Se flashes are very distinct So that one can measure fairly accurately to Q. OCC2 Sec. If still shorter intervals are de- Sired, one has but to increase the speed of the motor. Measurement of counter E. M. F. ( A calibration curve must be made in order to measure the difference V. between the Storage battery voltage and the counter electromotive force of the cell. This is easily done by removing the cell and con- necting its terminals together and ther sending current from a known electromotive force thru the oscillograph and its accompanying re-- sistance. The deflections of the oscillograph are proportional to the current thru it and therefore proportional to the difference of po- tential across its terminals. One has but to measure each ordinate l3. length and compare it with the deflection for the known difference of potential. The value of this ordinate subtracted from the applied voltage gives the counter electromotive force of the cell for that period of open circuit. Curve of counter E. M. F. and time of open circuit. If one plots the counter electromotive force as ordinates and the time of open circuit as abc is Sae, a curve is obtained which looks very much like the curve of decay of electromotive force in a leaking con- denser. But if the equation W = w.e.” is assumed and the value of c computed for each point of the curve it is found that c is not a Constant thruout the same curve nor is it the Same in Successive curves for the same period of open circuit. This leads one to think that this c depends for its value on the time of closed circuit and - - C tº also on the time of open circuit. But the formula V = V, e is de- - - - * As *4 c – c for-c rived on the assumption that c is constant in value; # - 3:#-Görar- /7 of proper ze---g He re. A 22 ce- c. & y 2 fºr a < *, 'ez a f *A c ***** of 2/222 22 or - ree-ti-agi–e=####-t:#e=triº fºg-rººt=&prºt-critic siegł-e-itrºet š-is rict, desirable . C & os e a cº-c ºf 2 + . . . One must rather go back to the initial conditions and build a formula which will embrace the fact that this counter electromotive force aeronet.*, the time of open circuit, and on the time of closed circuit. THEORY PROPOSED. We have seen that the eurve-of counter electromotive force (pict- tea against the time of open-circuit depends on both time of open Circuit, and time of closed circuit. Let us assume with Guthe (12) and Schulze (31) that the aluminum anode becomes coated with a layer of some oxide or hydroxide of aluminum and that this solid layer is Covered With a very thin film of oxygen gas whose thickness depends on the applied voltage and the time of open circuit. If this layer of oxygen gas attains a definite thickness for each applied voltage l 4. then the thickness of the solid layer must increase with increasing time of closed circuit, for if one places a milliammeter in the cir- cuit With the cell and storage battery, it Will be seen that While the current does attain a very low value in a very short time after the circuit is closed, it does not remain at that value but is cone stantly dropping lower and lower. Even after a whole day on closed circuit, it can be seen that this current is growing smaller and Smaller, altho at a very slow rate. This solid layer is deposited electrolytically and therefore its thickness must be proportional to the quantity of electricity passing thru the cell, which in turn depends on the length of time the cell is left on closed circuit, . The drop in counter electromotive force after a period of open cir- cuit is due to the leakage of electricity thru the combined thickness of Solid layer and oxygen. It has been shown that this oxygen film decreases in thickness with increasing time of open circuit (31). We have here then a clear case of a condenser With a double dielectric both parts of Which leak slightly and change in thickness, the solid layer increasing in thickness With the time of closed circuit, and the gas film decreasing in thickness with the time of open circuit. Derivation of formula. - From the theory of condensers we have i = -dq = -d (CV) dt, dt, Where i is the current leaking thru the dielectrics, q is the quantity of electricity stored in the condenser, C is the capacity of the con- denser at that instant and V is the difference of potential between the two plates of the condenser. With a double dielectric we have t - § 2" e." TF(ETIT, era") the formula C 1 5. in which S is the area of the plates, c' is the dielectric constant tf of the substance whose thickness is d', c is the dielectric constant of substance of thickness d" and C is the capacity. Dividing both numerator and denominator by c." and placing Sc' = K we have - 4 TT * T = −-º- ăTº gºal c." Now let d', c' and d", c." apply to the solid layer and gas film, respect- ively, and ai-sie call the maximum thickness of the gas film do . If we as Sume the rate of change in thickness of the gas film proportional to the thickne SS We have f : o” —, t #"= —cd"; #" = - c dt; integrating, Z log d"-4 - -cAt 7. - - Ct. Therefore log d" = -ct or d" = d, e # By Substitution in the equation for i, we get in which h = c do . But we also know that the current leaking thru 11 a high resistance is equal toe the quotient of the electromotive force over the resistance divided by the resistance : i = W - – c t r” + Se Where r equals the resistance of the solid layer and S equals the Afzva èzzy - resistance of the maximum gas film. Placiing these values for i errºt, We have l6. If we carry out the indicated differentiation we get - C t - C t -K (d.'t he )d V + (-KV c he ) dt, –––– —— - Ct. 2 - C t (d" + he ) r” + Se Simplyfing - - C t - C ti —ct, 2 –K (d.' * he j div - KV c he = V (d.' * he J . dt, - Ct r” + S6 Therefore - C t - Ct. -K dy. = (d" + he Jat “ (K c he Jat V - Ct. - - Ct, r” + SG d' + he - – C. t. - C t = d' dit. - * — he dt. * K. G. he dt - Ct, - Ct. - C t rº + SG Y' 4. Se d' + he Integrating V - C t - C t Z-K log V_Z= / d' (-et - log(r. 4 se )) - h log (r se ) V. - r"C os - - c t * - K log (d.' + he }_Z - G t - C t - C = d.'t * d' log r + se - h log r + se - K log_d 't he r r"C r” + S CS r” + S GT. H. Therefore d' tyr , -ct, (d'/rc – h/cs) -K log V = log e * r * se We r” + S ) Simply fing -at . —ct, W = W., e (; * Sè - r” + S -at, - C tº f = W., e (A + Be ) Where A = r—, B = s , C r” + S r” + S a = d'/rK and f = d'Arc = h/cs. -K l'7. It is easy to find out something of the nature of these last two values a and f'. a = d' = g". . . . . 4. It r"K ST3TS cº sTo S 4 where s' is the specific resistance of the solid layer. Since we know s' to be very high a must be very small. Similarly for f, –4 ºr -,++. ºr , . -- - tº f = *:: ** = (s'd º/āls ; cº'ch/c"S) = .#Fºr + # #72 4 rp where s" is the specific resistance of the gas film. This s” must be higher than s'ºz'the nature of the Substance S. Then We See - e re/7 that f is negative and stiž1 smaller, than & . Schulze (31) has given us relative values for some of these quant- ities. He give S r approximately .02 s, and d' approximately 100 h. Then A = 1/51, B = 50/51, C = 100/101 and D = - C t, f' expand (A + Be ) by the binomial theorem. Yve f^n o' -ct, f f’ – f Ct. f—l – c t (f -l) f–2 -ct, (f-2) 2 - (Be 4 A) = B e + f B e A * f (f -l) B e A + - - - r", - It was shown above that f is extremely small and A is also small, therefore we do not introduce any great error if we neglect all terms after the Second. Factoring, wre here - Ct. f —f C to f f’-l c t Ct. (Be 4 A) = e (B + f B e A) = x - Ye f f’-l. - f' C t Where X = B and Y = -f BA, and We call e = l since f is so small. This simplyfies our formula to ". . " - at ct - Ct. W = W. e (X - Ye ) (C + De ) o - at Ct - Ct. e (CX - CYe + DXe - YD) - Vº e H - C. € + K € l8. Which reduce S to Ct. - C t W = V. (H - Ge + Ke ) if We place e = l. This last is justified by the very small values of both a and t. Determination of constants . Let us write v, - V, /V. , v, = V, /V, etc. Then we may write Ct. - C t v, - H - Ge + Ke Ct. CAt - Ct. -CAt v. = H – Ge e + Ke e Ct. 2 CA t —ct – 2 CAt v, - H - Ce e + Ke e Ct. 3 CA t -ct, -3 CA t v, - H - Ge e + Ke e nº ſerra / where A t is taken as a certain definite length of time and t as the time of open circuit from which we wish to count. By subtraction we get ct, CAt —ct, - c.f. t. A v. = v. - V - Ge (1 - e ) + Ke (e - 1) ct cat CA t –ct -cat —cAt A v. = V, - V, F Ge e (l − e ) + Ke e (e - 1) Then CA tº -ct, -c At - c.4t, - Ct. CA t – c. At A v, - e AV, F Ke e (e - 1) - K e e (e - 1) -ct, -2CAt - - C4 t C4 t = Ke (e - € – 1 + e ) - Ct. - c.4 t CA t - CAt E Ke (e - e ) (e - 1) Therefore CA t K = —4 V, t-É.---4 V. --—- - CA t CA t - CA t if we begin to count time of open circuit from t = C, since for this - Ct, value Of t, e = l. Similarly - C A t Ct. CAt c At Ct C4t - CA t Av, - e A V, - Ge e (1 - e ) - Ge (l − e )e Ct c 4t 2C4t - CAt = Ge (e - e º 'º - G + 1) Therefore - CAt G - A V2. " € AV, - CAt - C A t CA t (e - € ) (1 - e ) Now since V = V, when t = 0 1 = H – G + K Orº H = 1 + G - K By Subtraction. We also get ct 2 c.4t CAt - ct, -2 CA t – c. At A v. = V, - V, - Ge e (1 - e ) + Ke e (e - 1) Then c 4t, —ct - c.4 t –2CA t Av, - e Av = Ke (e - 1) (e - 1) CAt CA t whdrce: K = 4.W. T. & 4 V. - A V4 - 5 *— - CA t -2C At - CA t - CAt CAt - CAt (e - l) (e - 1) (e - 1) (e - G )e But, We found be £o re. CAt K = A V, - € A V, - CA tº c At -CA t (e - € (e - l) The refore CA t -C4 t A V, - e A v. = Ave - A V. when ee & - CA tº c.At 4 v. 3 A.V. F (e + G ) = a constant, M. T- Then 2 CA t CA t G - Me + 1 = O 20. The solution of this last equation gives us the value of c, when We know the values of At and M. This equation also shows that M must be the same in all the various curves provided only that We take A tº the Saſſlé . Computation for the constant S. Using the equation just derived for M we obtain the following values for this constant. The figures in the parentheses are to give We ree - the plate from which the data was taken and the subscript on the M gives the value used for At , thus M, means that At was used as . Clsec (l--1) (l--3) (2–-l) (2--2) (2–-3) (4--l) . ll 3.31 3. lo 3 M.5 3. 53 3.36 2.96 M 3. l8 2.87 2. 58 2. 63 2.75 2.93 The mean value of M, ... is 3.23 which gives a value of 84 for c and the mean value for M, is 2.82 which gives a value of 88 for c. The mean of these two values, 86, was taken for c in all the following Computation. Using the value of c just obtained, and substituting in the formula for K With At = . Cl9 sec. We obtain K F AVA - 5 . 1192 AV = Av. - 5. ll.92 A.V. (. 195 - 5 5. iigg) ( . 195 - 1) . 396 which gives the following values. - (1--1) (1--3) (1--4) (2--1) (2--2) (2––3) (4--1) K . 138 . 121 . O215 . 150 . O945 . O568 . 101 (4--2) (5--1) (5--2) K . Q329 . 265 . O615 In a similar way by using c = 86 and At F . Cl9 se c. We obtain the following formula and values for G. G = A v. - . 195 A V, - = Av. - . 195 A V. (5.1192 - . 195) (1 - 5.1192) –20. 2 ſ which gives (l--l) (1--3) (l--4) (2--1) (2--2) (2- -3) G .000.94 . OCC87 . OCC46 . OC 145 . OCC87 . OCC 645 (4--1) (4--2) (5- -l) (5-–2) G . 20124 . OCC42 . OCCO3 . OCC)695 Discussion of formula . The formula - -at, —ct ºf - - © t V = V, e (A + Be ) (C++ De ) eXpands to -at, – c t f -f C. t. f—l –ct (f -l) f–2 -ct, (f-2) 2 W = W., e (C + De ) (B e + f B e A + tº-DP e A * terms in higher powers of A) which reduces to Ct, - C t W = W. (H - Ge Ke ) f - f'C t f’- 1 When We consider f so small that we may place B = l; e = l; B Fl; * …” B f’-l. = -1, and We neglect all terms involving powers of A higher than - - at, the first, and place e = 1. This means then that we put H = C *PAf, B G = - CAf' and K = D. If we express A, B, C and D in terms of the thick- B - - nesses of the dielectrics and their resistances, we are able to de- *ēr”. of *4elec- sº, “ ; 2 or *, *,'es - - termine H, G and K in these—same=terms and so prove that their values from curve to curve are what would be expected from the theory. This seet et substitution gives us H = d' + h f I’ d'ºh d" + his Since r and d' both increase with increased time of closed circuit, H Should increase . This is ShoWrl in each Set of Curve S. AlSo We have 22. and since d' grows; with increased time of closed circuit while h K should decrease in value as the time of closed remains unchanged, K circuit, increase S. This is also shown in each set of curve S. However, substituting for G. We find G = -d' r f dTº Th s Which should increase in value as time of closed circuit, increases, since both d' and r increase. It is seen from the tables that G de- - - 22/2are ºf creases with increased time of closed circuit. This seeming failure of the formula is explained/however if we go back and take into ac- count one more term of the expansion. The formula can be written 2. 2. Ct c t - c t W = W. (C + DA f * (CA f – DA f – CA f e ) e º De ) © B B 2E* 2E* c 2 - #2 ºz. .” - if we include the term Haririg the second power of A and make the same f -f G t f -1. substitutions as befoee for B., e , B . This gives us the same value S for H and K as before, but the value of G is reduced by the two terms involving the square of A/B. Thus gives - ct, H = C + DA f ; G = CA f - DA* f – CA f e ; K = D B w B 2B2. 2E * - Now We know K from the formula derived for finding the constants. This gives us a value of D, but D is equal to l - C, therefore C is known. We also know H and so can find A. f. Call this quantity X. - B We now can Write Ct. * e G = Cx — x - f # # # but since D is ee very small compared to C We can neglect the second term. This reduces the expression for G to ct, G = Cx - C x*e - 2 f º Ct. In this expression we know all the terms except e , but this should - 2 23. Y remain constant from curve to curve. Substituting the values of G, o, and x for the second set of curves we find it does prove very nearly constant. 2--l G = . OOl45 H = . 85.145 K = . 150 from Table IV. Therefore C = l - . 150 = .850 H = C + D A f = . 850 + . 150 A f = .851.45 B B 150 A f = .001.45 B A f = . CC967 = x B Therefore 2 ct, G = .001.45 = (.850) ( .00967) - .. 850 (.00967) e 2 f Ct. - e = 170. ºf ºn (2-2)- G = . CCC87 H = .9064 K = . C945 from Table W. Therefore C = 1 - D = . 9055 H = .90.64 = . 9055 + . 0945 A f = .00953 = x B Therefore 2 ct, G = .000.87 = (.9055) (.00953) - .9958 (.99953) e 2 f c t e = l88 f 2- -3) G = .000645 H = . 94.38 K = . O568 from Table VI. . Therefore C = 1 - D = .9432 H = .9438 = .9432 + . 0568 A f B - f = . Olć55 = X # 24. 2 Ct. G = . Cocò45 = (.9432) ( . Cloë5) - . 9432 (.91055) e 2 f Ct. S. = 178. f It is to be noticed that the figures in the fourth and fifth decimal va/azs of ct, places Should be known accurately in thea H and C for this e to be - * f constant. These figures can not be accurately determined from the curves, hence We ought not to expect more than a rather rough agree- ment in the values computed. Explanation of curves. - - In each set of curves taken one cell was used thruout , so the changes in the curves are due to the changes in this single cell. The cells for the various sets of curves were made as nearly as possible exact- †y alike. The electrolyte was dissolved in distilled water in a larg bottle, and enough was made at a single time for all the curves shown. The applied voltage ranges from 10 to 99 volts, and in each set the change of the curve with time of closed circuit is clearly shown. 25. PLATE 1--1 Electrolyte, saturated solution of sodium phosphate. Time of closed circuit 16 min. Applied E. M. F., V. = 99 volts. Counter E. M. F. , V. Time of open circuit in seconds, t . 75C R. P. M. C = 86 K = . 138 H = . 86.29 G = . COO.94 ct ct, - cit t V V/V. ct, G Ge Ke V/V, Error Observed – - Computed . OC 178 96.9 . 978 . 153 l. 165 . OCll ... ll.90 .981 +3 . OC407 93.8 . 947 . 35C 1. 419 . OCl3 ... O 974. .959 +12 ... CO685 92.2 . 931 . 589 l. 802 . OC 17 .0767 .938 +7 . OC814 91.7 . 926 . 700 2. Olé. . OCl.9 . O686 . 93C #4 ... CC98 90.6 . 915 .843 2. 323 . OC2]. . O595 . 920 * 5 . Cl15 89. 8 . 907 . 988 2. 686 . OC25 . O515 . 912 +5 . Cl52 88.7 896 L. 31. 3. 706 . OC35 . C373 . 897 +l . Cl69 88. 7 . 896 l. 45 4.263 .00.40 . C324 . 891 –5 . Cl88 87.7 . 886 1.62 5. C53 . OC48 . O274 . 886 –0 . O2C5 87. 1. . 88C 1.76 5.812 . Q055 . Q238 . 881 +l . C218 86. 7 . 876 1.88 6. 554 . OC 62 . Q211 . 878 *2 . O275 85.7 .866 2.37 lo .. 70 . ClOl . Cl29 . 863 –3 . O298 85.1. .86C 2.56 l?.94 . Cl21. . ClO'7 .862 +2 . Q322 84.8 .857 2.77 15.96 . Cl50 . CC87 . 857 O . C335 84.8 . 857 2.88 17.8l. . Cl67 . CO78 .854 -3 . 0355 84.2 . 850 3.06 21.33 . O2CO . OC 65 . 849 -l 3. 22 25.03 . O235 . OC 55 .845 +l . C374 83.6 . 844 26. PLATE l-–3. Electrolyte, saturated solution of sodium phosphate. Time of closed circuit, 3 hrs. Applied E. M. F. , Counter E. M. F. , V. Time of open circuit, in seconds, t . 750 R. P. M. C = 86 K = . 121 t V V/V, Observed , co278 96.4 . 974. . OC389 95.1 . 96.1 . CO648 93.5 .944 . ClO35 91.9 . 928 . Olll 91.4 . 923 . Ol38 90.6 . 915 . Cl67 89.8 . 907 . Q222 88.5 . 894 . Q238 88.3 . 892 . O266 87.5 .884 .0309 86. 7 . 876 . O331. 86. 6 . 875 . Q350 86.1 . 969 - Q374 85.6 . 865 V. = 99 volts. .0204 = . 8798 G = . COO 87 ct, ot, —ct ct, © Ge Ke V/V, Error --- - Computed . 239 l. 270 - 0010 . C954 .974. O . 334 1. 397 . COll . C87 . 966, #5 . 557 1. 745 - 001.4 ..d694 .948 #4 . 891 2.438 . CC2C . 0497 . 927 –1 . 955 2. 599 . OC21 - 0466 - 924 +l l. 19 3.287 - 0027 . C368 . 914 – 1 l. 35 3. 857 . 0.032 . C315 . 908 +l 1.91 6.753 . OC 55 . Clºg .892 -: 2.95 7. 729 . CQ 63 . C167 . 889 -3 2. 29 9.875 . 0091 - 0123 .883 -l 2. 66 14.296 .0117 . oogº .877 ::1 2.87 17.64 . O144 . OC 69 - 872 –3 3.01. 20. 29 .0166 . CC&O . 869 Q 3.22 15. O3 . OC48 - 864 - 1. 27. PLATE l--4. Electrolyte, saturated solution of sodium phosphate. Time of closed circuit, 24 hrs. 15 min. Applied E. M. F. , V, - 99 volts. Counter E. M. F., W. Time of open circuit in seconds, t . 725 R. P. M. - c = 86 K = .9215 H = .979 G = .00046 ct ct, -ct, t V V/V. ct, e Ge Ke V/V, Error Observed - Computed . OC74 9.7. 9 .989 . 636 l. 889 .0009 . Ollá. .989 O .0102 97.7 . 987 .877 2.404 .00ll .009C . 987 O . O129 97.5 . 985 l. 11 3.034 . OCl4 . OC76. . 985 Q . C15C 97.4 . 984 l. 29 3. 633 . OCl." . OC59 . 983 -l. . O156 97.2 . 982 l. 34 3. 8.19 . OCl8 . OC56. . 983 +1. . O.199 97.2 • 28%. 1.71 5.539 .0025 . coag Iggo lº . 0220 97.1 .981 1.89 6.619 ... CO3C . OC33 . 979 -2 . C268 96.9 27° 2.32 °.974 .2946 .co.22 .377 – .0287 96.4 27# 2.47 11.76 .2954 .cola gº, i. .0316 96.4 . 974 2. 72 15.18 . OC 70 • CO14 . 97.3 -l . O34C 96.1 . 971 2.92 18.54 . OC85 - OOlz .972 ºl - Q368 95.8 'º. 3.1% ºf .9108 .3063 º . .0384 95.8 *7 3.3° 27.11 .0125 .330s ...; "3 2. 7", / e of 22e z c ºr c 0 , t , 2 & e c oz cºs. - {2/3-262-044-263. .0% /. 78 76 .2% .72 .70 & 3 -8 (a .8% / 62 .6O 73 ,76 .72. 28. Electrolyte, saturated solution of sodium phosphate. Time of closed circuit, Applied E. M. F., Counter E. M. F.; W. = 49 ; min. 30 sec. Volt, S. Time of open circuit, in seconds, t. 725 R. P. M. C = 86. K = V . OC 38 .0063 . Cl26 .0142 , Ol'75 .019.7 . C217 .0232 .0268 . C287 .0310 . C332 .0354 . O384 46.7 45.9 44.2 43. 6 43. 1 2.6 42. 3 42. Q 41.6 41.4 4.l.. 3 49.8 40.6 40. 1. . 150 = . 85.15 G = - 001.45 ct ct, - Ct, V/V, ct, e Ge Ke V/V, Observed.--- - - Computed . 953 . 327 l. 387 . OC20 . 108 . 957 . 937 . 54l l. 718 . OC25 . Q375 . 937 . 902 1.08 2.945 . OC43 . O510 . 899 . 890 l. 22 3. 38.7 . OC49 .0444 . 891. . 880 1.50 4.482 . OC65 . Q334 . 878 .87C 1.69 5. 419 . OC89 . Q277 . 87Q . 863 1.86 6.4.24 . OC93 . Q234 .866 . 857 l. 99 7 - 316 . Olć)6 .0205 .860 . 850 2.30 9. 974 . Olá5 . O850 .852 . 845, 2.49 12.00 . Ol'74 .01.25 . 847 .843 2.67 14.37 . Q208 . O104 . 841 . 834 2.85 17. 29 . Q250 . OC87 .835 . 83C 3. C4 2C. 91. . O303 . OC'77 . 829 .820 3.30 27. ll . C393 . OC 55 ... 818 Errºo +4 O -3 :l +2 –Q +3 +3 +2 +2 –2 +1. -l. -2 r -- PIATE 2- -2 Flectrolyte, saturated solution of sodium phosphate. Time of closed circuit 9 min. 30 sec. Applied E. M. F., W. F. 49 volts. Counter E. M. F., W. Time of open circuit in seconds, t. 725 R. P. M. C = 86 K = . O945 H = , 9964 G = .90087 ct, ct - cit, t V V/V, ct; € Ge Ke V/V, Error Observed Computed , 0.028 48. O .980 . 24l l. 273 . OCll . O'742 .980 O , 0.063 47.6 . 973 . 542 l. 719 . COl. 5 ... O 550 . 960 -13 .0104 46. 38 .945 .895 2.447 . CO21 - 0.386 - 943 -2 . Cl29 45.88 . 936 l. 11 3.034 . OC26 . O312 . 935 -1. . 0192 45. 23 . 924 1.65 5.2O7 . OC45 . O182 . 920 –4 . 0210 44. 90 . 917 1.81 6. ll . OC 53 . O155 . 917 C .0262 44. 57 . 910 2. 25 9. 488 . OC83 . O100 . 908 +2 .0284 44.2 . 902 2.44 ll. 47 . OC 98 . OC 83 . 905, +3 . 0314 44. C . 898 2. 7Q 14.88 . Ol29 . OC64 .9CC +2 . 0354 43.86 .895 3. C4 20.91 . Cl82 . OC45 .893 -2 , 0.380 43. 18 . 881 3.27 26. 31. . O229 . OC36 - 887 +6 , 0384 43. 26 . 883 3. 3C 27. 11 . O236 ... CO35 . 886 43 30. PLATE 2 – “3 | | - - | | | - S. Electrolyte, saturated solution of sodium phosphate. Time of closed circuit, l hr. 32 min. Applied E. M. F., W. = 49 volts. Counter E. M. F. , V. Time of open circuit, t , in seconds. 725 R. P. M. C = 86 - K = . C 568 H = - 94.38 G = . CQQ645 ct, ct – c. t. t V V/V, ot, e Ge Ke V/V, Error Observed Computed . OC96 47. 85 . 978 . 825 2. 282 ... CC15 . 02:49 . 967 —ll , 0.125 47. 36 . 967 l. O'72 2.92.1 ... COlº . Q195 .961. -6 . Cl63 47. C4 .961. l. 4CC 4. C55 ... CO26 . C140 . 955 – 6 . Cl94 46.7C . 952 1. 67 5. 31.2 . OC34 . Q107 .951 -1 , 0211 46. 54 . 950 l. 81 6. llC . OC39 . OC93 . 948 –2 .0228 46. 38 .946 1...96 7. C99 . OC46 ... CO 80 . 947 +l , 0.240 46. 38 .946 2. C6 7.846 . OC 51. . OC 73 .946 C .0272 46. 13 . 941 2. 34 10.38 . OC 67 . OC 55 . 943 + 2 . Q281 46. C 5 - 940 2.42 1.1.25 . OO72 . CO 51 .942 + 2 . C323 46.05 - 940 2.78 16. 12 • Q104 . OQ35 .937 -3 ,0340 45.88 . 938 2.92. 18.54 . Oll.9 . CO31 . 936 -2 . C355 45. 72 .933 3. C5 21. 12 . O136 . CC27 . 933 O . C37.2 45. 56 . 931 3.2C 24. 53 . Cl64 . 0023 . 93C -l. . C384 45.48 . 928 3. 30 27, ll . Ol' 5 . OC21 . 928 O Plate 2- -4. Electrolyte, saturated solution of sodium phosphate. Applied E. M. F. 49 volts 725 R. P. M. On closed circuit 2 hrs. 50 min. Plate 2- -5 | | S. T- Same cell as above on closed circuit 23 hrs. 20 min. 1, 7 g /77 e o foyo e º c / r c v å ż / rz s e c o 7 ºs2. . Plate-1 & 2 Calibration curve for Plates 1--l, l--3, l-–4, 2--1,2--2, 2––3, 2––4, 2––5. Longer ordinate for 10 volts with 50 ohms in series with oscillograph. Used with Plates 2--1,2--2, 2- -3, 2––4, 2--5. Shorter ordinate for 19 volts with 100 ohms in series with oscillograph Used with Plates 1--l, 1--3, l--4. Plate 4. Calibration curve for Plates 4--1,4--2,4--3,4--4. Corresponds to 14 volts with 100 ohms in series with oscillograph. - 33. PLATE 4 - -l. Electrolyte, saturated solution of sodium phosphate. Time of closed circuit 15 min. Applied E. M. F. 100 volts. Counter E. M. F., W. Time of open circuit in seconds, t. 750 R. P. M. c = 86 K = . 101. H = .9002 G = . C9124 cit ct, - Ct. t V V/V, ct, e Ge Ke V/V, Error Observed - Computed . OC 58 95. 6 . 956 . 498 l. 645 . OC20 . O61.5 . 960 +4 . OC98 94.2 . 942 . 842 2.321 - 0029 . 0435 . 941 -l . Cl33 92.9 . 929 1. 14 3. 127 ... CO39 . O323 . 929 C . Cl'74 91.9 . 919 l. 50 4.482 - 00:56 . 0225 . 917 -2 . C2CO 90.8 .9C8 1. 72 5. 585 . CO69 . Cl31 .9ll +3 . C233 90.2 . 902 2. CC 7. 389 . OC92 . Cl37 . 905. +3 . C27C 89.5 .895 2. 32 10, 18 . C.126 - 0099 .897 +2 . O302 88.8 . 888 2.60 13.46 . Cl67 . OC 75 . 891 +3 . C338 87.8 . 878 2.91 18.27 . C226 . O055 . 883 +5 . C374 87.4 . 874 3. 22 25.03 . 0310 . OC40 . 973 -l 34. PLATE 4--2 Electrolyte, Saturated solution of sodium phosphate. Time of closed circuit on 100 volts 15 min. and 75 volts 5 min. Applied E. M. F. , V. F 75 volts. Counter E. M. F. , V. Time of open circuit in seconds, t . 75C R. P. M. - C = 86 K = . C329 H = . 96.75 G = . CCC 42. Ct, ct, —ct, t V V/V, ot, ë Ge Ke V/V, Error - Observed - Computed - . Cl22 73. 3 . 978 l. O5 2.858 .0012 . Ollā . 978 O . Olć 6 73. 1. . 975 l. 425 4. 158 . OC17 . OC 79 . 974 -l. . Olę0 73. l . 975 L. 635 5. 129 . OC22 . OC64 . 97.2 -3 . O2.19 72.8 . 971 l. 80 6. O50 . OC25 . OC54 , 970 -1. . C.273 72. 4 . 965 2.35 10.49 . OC44 . OC31 . 966 + 1 . O3Q8 72. C. . 960 2.65 14.15 . OC 59 . OC23 .964 #4 . O332 72. O . 960 2.86 17. 46 . OC 73 . OO19 . 962 £2 . C365 72. C . 960 3. 14 23. lo . OQ97 . CQ1.4 . 960 - O . C374 72 - C . 960 3.22 25, C3 . ClO5 . OC13 . 958 –2 35. Plate 4--3 Electrolyte, saturated solution of sodium phosphate. Applied E. M. F. 50 volts. - 750 R. P. M. On 100 volts 15 min. , 7.5 volts 5 min. , 50 volts 5 min. Plate 4 -- 4. Same cell as above with applied E. M. F. 25 volts. On 100 volts 15 min. , 75 volts 5 min. , 50 volts 5 min. , 25 volts 5min. |----- ---------- _ _ _ _ _ o/o e 77 c/rc w Ż ż / rz s e c o 77 o’s4- - - - - - - ſiitſººrtritººrittº-;2&ć - |- ·HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHFHHHH - 1 L l lt-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-tt +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 36. Plate - | | | | | || | | | || | | 1111 | | | | || || || __ - | | | 5'--l. Electrolyte, saturated solution of sodium phosphate. Time of closed circuit, 1 min. - Applied E. M. F., V, - 10 volts. Counter E. M. F., W. Time of open circuit in seconds, t . 750 R. P. M. - - C = 86 K = . 265 H = . 135 G = .00003 ot ot, - C tº t V V/V, ct G Ge Ke V/V, Error Observed Computed . OC22 9. 16 .916 . 189 1.298 -90005 .229 .955 Tº . ClC7 8. 20 . 820 . 920 2. 509 . OCCl ... 105 . 840 +2C . Cl42 8. C8 . 808 1. 22 3. 387 . OC Ol . O'78 ... 813 +5 . Cl96 7. 85 . 785 l. 69 5. 419 .0002 . O49 . 784 -l . O246 7. /8 . 778 2. l.2 8. 330 . OCO2 . O318 . 767 -ll . 0307 7. 48 . 748 2. 64 14. Ol . OCC4 . Ol&9 . 754 + 6 . O342 7. 48 . 748 2.94 18. 92 . OCQ6 . O140 . 748 -C . C374 6. 40 . 640 3.22 25. Q3 . OCC8 . O106 . 745 + 1.05 37. A PLATE 5-–2. Electrolyte, saturated solution of sodium phosphate. Time of closed circuit 10 min. Applied E. M. F. , Wo F 10 volts. Counter E. M. F. , V. Time of open circuit, in seconds, t. 75C R. P. M. - C = 86 K = . C615 H = . 9392 G = . CCO695 - ct, ot, – c t t V V/V, ot, © Ge Ke V/V, Error Observed Computed . OC 76 9. "C . 970 . 654 l. 923 . CC13 - C32C . 97C O . Cl26 9. 55 . 955 1. C8 2.945 . CC20 . C2C8 . 958 +3 . O.188 9. 52 . 952 1.62 5. C53 . OC35 . Cl22 . 948 - 4 . C218 9. 41. . 941 1. 87 6. 488 . OC45 ... CC95 . 944 +3 . O283 9. 40 . 940 2.44 ll. 42 . OO68 . OC54 . 938 -2 . C32 9. 34 . 934. 2.75 15. 64 . O109 ... CO39 . 932 -2 . C336 9.34 . 934 2.89 17. 99 . Cl2.5 . OC34 . 93C - 4 . C365 9.28 . 928 3. 14 23. 10 . Cl6C . OC27 . 926 -2 . C374 3. 22 25. O3 . Clº 4 ... CC25 . 934 Electrolyte, Saturated solution of sodium phosphate. Applied E. M. F. lo volts. On closed circuit, 30 min. 75C R. P. M. Plate 5. Jeale for 3 - - - - - Calibration curve to go with Plates 5––1, 5-–2, 57-3. Corresponds to 2 volts with 15 ohms in series with oscillograph. | /00 | 26 .72 363 . & ? .630 .7 % | 72 (o 63 .6 % , «Ț2. 7 / 77 e of op e 77 c & r c ozi * /77 sec o zºs. +-+-+-+-+-+ A 39. Discussion of curves . It is evident in these oscillographic curves, as in those plotted from the data taken with the galvanometer, that the curve does not reach a limiting form. In every case the curve of counter electro- motive force plotted against the time of open circuit rises With increased time of closed circuit. It is evident then that this count- er electromotive force is not due entirely to a gas film as Guthe supposed. It seems evident also that 3. permanent change must take place in the cell with time of closed circuit, for the current which leaks thru the cell does not attain a minimum value but continually drops lower and lower. Both of these effects are explained if we as- sume that the cell's action depends upon the thickness of the solid layer, which increases in direct proportion to the quantity of elec- tricity passing thru the cell, and also upon the thickness of the gas layer, which quickly reaches a maximum value for each applied electro- motive force and then gradually decreases in thickness With the time of open circuit. The increase in thickness of the solid layer results in an increase in the resistance of the combined layer, Which account S for the gradually decreasing value of the leakage current on closed circuit, and also accounts for the rise of the curves With time of closed circuit. The decreasing thickness of the gas film results in a decrease in resistance of the combined layer which in turn accounts for the drooping curve. Difference from other cells. This way of looking at the cell explains why it acts differently than the ordinary electrolytic cell with both electrodes of Some in- 3 ºc ºf active substance,as platinum. With inactive electrodes, there will be no solid layer deposited; for the electrolytically produced oxygen can not combine with the electrode. In such a cell, the current Will I. Tº drop to a very Small value and remain at that value provided the ap- plied Voltage is low enough, since the electrodes are unaffected by the passage of the current. But with an aluminum anode there is always deposited some of the solid layer, and a rest:#####, drop in current results Consequences of this view. J If this view is correct we may use any electrolyte which will pro- duce oxygen on electrolysis and any anode which easily combines With this oxygen to produce a compound With a relatively high resistance. The former has been partially proved by Graetz and Pollak (ll) and the latter by Schulze (31). As a rectifier. When the cell is used to rectify the alternating current, there is a slight deposit of this solid film every time the aluminum i S the anode. However when the current reverse S, this deposit is not de composed by the current; for to de compose& the compounds of aluminum by electrolysis a rather high temperature is required. As this pro- cess proceeds, We may reach a stage where the heat produced in the resistance of this solid film is sufficiently high to raise the temp- erature of the whole cell to the point, where this solid film begins to de compose on the reversal. When this temperature is reached, the cell fails to Work satisfactoray. Set 4. Set 4 was taken to show N that the effect, on the cell is due to the relative thickness of the two layers. Plate 4'--l Was taken after the cell had been on closed circuit on 100 volts for 15 min. The ap- plied voltage was then dropped to 75 and plate 4--2 taken, then to 50 and finally to 25. The solid film built up by the 100 volts was large as compared to what would have been produced by the lower voltages in the same length of time. This solid film remained on the electrode 41. thruout the test, but for each applied voltage there is a definite maximum thickness of the gas film which changes with the applied voltage. The curves for the lower voltages are what one would get if the cell had been placed across this lower voltage for a much longer time. Set 5. * Plate 5--1 was taken with lc volts applied for l min. Plate 5-–2 was taken after lo min. of closed circuit and Plate 5-–3 after 30 min. It is seen; there is a rapid change in this cell in the first few minutes of closed circuit. This great change will explain the difficulties some investigators have encountered who neglected to take into account the rapid change in this Solid layer. Summary. This investigation has shown that any method of experimentation - in Which an appreciable length of time must elapse during the taking of data, the cell being on closed circuit at least a part of this time, Will introduce serious errors due to the change taking place in the cell itself. So far as the author is aware, no attempt has ever been made to explain the action of this cell on the theory that the action is | due to a double dielectric, one part of which changes with the time of open circuit, and the other with time of closed circuit. This in- vestigation has shown that Such a theory is plausible and fully ex- plains all the cases investigated. The cell does not attain a steady state after a short time of closed circuit, nor does the single dielectric theory seem plausible. The theory leads to the conclusion that any electrolyte which lib- erates oxygen on electrolysis may be used in the rectifier. It also ShoWS that other metals than aluminum should be available Since it 42. requires only that the metal form a compound with the liberated ox- ygen and that this compound have a rather high resistance. The author is indebted to the University of Michigan for the ap- paratus provided, to Prof. N. H. Williams for many helpful suggestions, and to Mrs. Fitch for help in the computations. … 43. REFERENCES. l. Atkins M. D. Physical Review Vol. 13 page lo2. 2. Beet. Z Wied. Ann. Vol. 2 page 94. 3. Buff' Ann. de Liebig Vol. 52 page 296. 4. Blondin J. - Ecl. Electr. Vol. 14 page 293. - - 5. Blond in J. - Soc. Int. Elect. , Bull. 1 page 323. 6. But, trier M. Cebtralblatt Accumulatoren Vol. 6 page 56. 7. Bairs to G. E. and Mercer R. Faraday Soc. , Trans. 7 page l. 8. Carman A. P. and Balzer G. J. - Physical Review Vol. 30 page 776. 9 Cook S. R. Physical Review Vol. 20 page 312. lC). Ducretet Comptes Rendus Vol. 80 race 280. ll. Graetz and Pollak - Elektrotechnische ZS chr. 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SchUlze C. - Zeitschr. Elektrochem. VO 1. e page 526. 31. Schulze G. Zeitschr. ElektrO Chem. Vol . 14 page 333. 52. SchUlze G. ann. der Physik Vol. 28 page 787. 33. Schulze G. Ann. der Physik Vol. 25 page 775. 34 . Schulze G. and Lindemann R. Phys . Zeitschr. Vol. 15 page 254 . 55. Taylor A. H. - Ann. der Physik Vol. 3 O page 987. 56. Van Laar T. T. Chem. Zentralbl . 19 O8 l page l O2 l . 57. Walter L. H. Electrician VO 1 . 7l page l O57. RULES COVERING USE OF MANUSCRIPT THESEs IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LIBRARY AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OFFICE Unpublished theses submitted for the doctor's degrees and deposited in the University of Michigan Library and in the Office of the Graduate School are open for inspection, but are to be used only with due regard to the rights of the authors. For this reason it is necessary to require that a manuscript thesis be read within the Library or the Office of the Graduate School. 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