º º º º º º º º º º º º º º - THE INFLUENCE OF ILLUMINATING GAS AND ITS CONSTITUENTS ON CERTAIN BACTERIA AND FUNGI by Clint on Albert Ludwig 1917 A dissertati on submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Michigan. T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S I. Introduction * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e - e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e º s II. Historical - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - III. Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e - - A. Organisms used and general methods . . . . . . . . . B. Experimental l. Illuminating gas a. Source and composition of the gas . . . . . . . b. Effect on the different organisms . . . . . . . 2. Ethylene a. Production and purification of the gas, etc. , … -e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - º b. Effect on the different organisms . . . . . . . 3. Carbon monoxide a. Production and purification of the gas, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . --------- --------- b. Effect on the different organisms --- - - - - 4, Methane a, Production and purification of the gas, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. Effect on the different organisms . . . . . . . 5. Methyl iodide vapor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Tobacco smoke a. Preparation and composition of the smoke, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. Effect on the different organisms . . . . . 7. General observations and discussion . . . . . . . IV. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 l3 29 31 35 35 THE INFLUENCE OF ILLUMINATING GAS AND IT'S CONSTITUENTS ON CERTAIN BACTERIA AND FUNGI I N T R O D U C T I O N It has been known ever since the observations of Girardin (6) in 1864 that certain phanerogfams are susceptible to injury by the presence of illuminating gas in the soil or air, Since then considerable work has been done in Europe on the subject and in both Europe and America on the allied subject of the toxicity of smoke. Some of the recent work on both questions has been done in this country by Crocker and his students, of Chicago University, who have demonstrated the very large role played by ethylene in producing the re- sult 8 observed. They have secured remarkable result 8 with the use of illuminating gas and ethylene on some very common plants. They have found, for instance, that the almost in- finitesimally small amount of one part of ethylene in 2, 000, 000 parts of air causes closing of carnation flowers in twelve hours (l) and that the even smaller ratio of one part in 10, 000, 000 parts causes nastic curvatures in cast or bean seed- lings (7). Besides being a matter of very great general and theoretical interest, the work on toxicity of gases to grow - ing plants, of which the results just mentioned are probably as remarkable as any reported to date, has had important practical applications as well. Thus the greenhouse man has learned that it is not a good plan to have gas piped into the greenhouse, especially if connections be not made with the greatest care. Thus, also, workers in the physiology of the higher plants have adopted the plan of keeping illuminating and other gases away from all laboratories in which the work i 3 conducted. - With the bacteria and fungi, however, there have not been reported thus far any cases where such remarkable sen- sitivene 55 to the chemically more inert organic gases haſe been exhibited. In fact, very little work has been done with these gases in this field, and, in most cases reported, gases were used in the pure condition, very few or no attempts having been made to determine the lower limit of toxicity. It became, therefore, a matter of considerable independent interest and some practical importance as affecting labora- tory practice to determine as nearly as possible the lower limit of toxicity of illuminating gas and its separate con- stituents toward several of these organisms. It was to ef- fect this sort of a determination and to investigate any allied questions that might come up that the experiments forming the basis of this paper were conducted. H I S T O R T C A L A number of investigations have been carried out to determine the reactions of phanerogams to low concentrations of different gases and a smaller number to determine the more fundamental matter of the effect on *fare processes. They have often been concerned in the first instance with smoke injury; and the results in general have tended to show, as would be expected, that mineral acid oxides or the oxides of toxic elements, as, for instance, arsenic, are decidedly toxic under conditions of much dilution in the air. They have also shown, as mentioned earlier in this paper, that certain plants show a remarkable sensitiveness to certain quite inert gases. This work will not be reviewed further here, as it has only an indirect bearing on the problem in- vestigated. When we come to the lower plants, however, we find that comparatively little has been done along this line. Quite early in the history of bacteriology the question of the Oxygen relation was worked out and convenient methodºper- fected for the study of this relation with reference to any particular organism. This latter involved a study of hydro- gen and carbon dioxide as determining their availability for displacing the air in anaerobic culture conditions; but the matter of other gases, especially in less concentrations than purity, appears not to have seemed to be of importance. There 4. have been some pieces of work done, however, which have a suggestive or direct bearing on the problem and are there- fore worthy of mention here. Perhaps the earliest published paper of this kind was by Tassinari (15). In this case, the effect of tobacco smoke on several bacteria, including both pathogenic and non- pathogenic species, was investigated. The exposure to the smoke was made by means of a clever bit of apparatus in which a drop of the culture was held on a fragment of linen and the smoke drawn past it for a little while. The strip was then dropped into sterile media and the time required for develop- ment noted. The check cultures developed uniformly in 12 to 24 hours. The smoked cultures with only one exception were delayed from 24 to 100 hours in development or had failed to develop at all at the end of 8 to 12 days. - Percy Frankland (4, 5) investigated the effect of hydro- gen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, sulphuretted hydrogen, and sulphurous anhydride on Bacillus pyocyaneus, and the spirilla of Koch and Finkler. In carbon monoxide the spirilla produced colonies sparsely while B. pyocyaneus produced none until later exposed to the air. Nitrous oxide hindered the development of colonies but did not prevent it, while nitric oxide, sulphuretted hydrogen, and sulphurous anhydride each prevented the development of colonies not only while the media": exposed to the gas but +4 Co also after ++s return to the air. Krause (9) observed that Bacillus pyocyaneus would grow in an atmosphere of illuminating gas or hydrogen sulphide but would not produce pigment under those conditions. When later exposed to atmospheric air the cultures produced the usual pigment. Edwin F. Smith (14) has made the atatement that the small amount of carbon monoxide present where the oxygen has been removed by the potash-pyrogall ol method of conducting anaerobic cultures is harmless to many bacteria but that he has reas on to think that it is injurious to others, even if it does not entirely inhibit growth. The grounds for his suspicion were not given. moltech (11) studied the effect of tobacco smoke on certain phanerogams and microorganisms. He found that the movements of Chromatium Vinosum (Ehrenb.) Winogradsky, Begºñas SQ = , and Spirillum sp. were stopped by the smoke. The experiments were carried on by means of hanging drops in a small chamber. The growth of Phycomyces nitens was slowed down. His work showed that nicotin will not cause reactions in the “phan erogamic plants used, Vicia satival, Pisum sativum, and Cucurbita Pepo, similar to those caused by the smoke, but that pyridin and carbon monoxide will each do it. This result is reinforced by the added ob servation. that the smoke from burning paper, wood, or straw will give rise to the same reaction. Mūnz (12) has recently succeeded in isolating from garden soil, ditch water, river ooze, and leaf fragments of various water plants certain bacteria which are capable of utilizing methane as a source of carbon and of energy. The writer regrets that he has not had the opportunity of read- ing Irºnz's work. The note given above was made from an ab- stract in the Zeitschrift für Botanik. The original paper is a dissertation at Halle, and dºo the war, was not available for examination. The published work with fungi and algae is even less abundant than with bacteria. A few pieces of work are worth mention, however. Molisch (11) has shown, as was mentioned above, that the growth of Phycomyces nit ens is slowed down by smoke; and Thom (16) has reported that in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide no one of the species of Penicillium with which he worked developed within a week but that development set in after the tubes were rest or ed to the air, Richards and MacDougal (13), working with Nitella, found that it could live in carbon monoxide of 80% concentration but it was somewhat paler than the check in air . Working with certain other algae Woycicki (19) has shown that illuminating gas will induce certain remarkable altera- tions both in the shlºſºe of the cell and in its internal structure. He worked with species of Spirogyra, Cladophora, and Mougeotia and found that in many cases curious outgrowths of the cells were produced which often resembled holdfast s the filaments usually became broken up into small pieces or even into the individual cells and the contents of the cells became more or less disorganized according to the strength of the gas. The cells were often killed. In the case of Cladophora fract a var. horrida the sensitiveness was seen to be much less than for Spirogyrg and with certain strengths of the gas this species produced a plano spores. It was found also that the laboratory air of ten contains enough gas to induce alterations in the algae and that carbon monoxide and acety- lene are capable of calling forth the changes. Langdon (10) has recently made the somewhat remarkable discovery that free carbon monoxide occurs in the floats of a Pacific marine alga, Nereocystis luetkeana, sometimes to the extent of 12% of the enclosed gases. The range was found to extend down to 1% and to average about 4%. This is in- teresting in view of the generally accept ed belief in the poisonous nature of this gas to plants, since it shows that at least some plants capable of conducting photosynthesis contain tissues which are tolerant of quite large amounts of this substance. I N V E S T I G A T I O N ORGANISMS USED AND GENERAL METHODS The organisms used in the study here reported consisted of bacteria and fungi. Of the se, a number, Bacillus subtilis B. & Fey, easis (Zehrn, a na rearm.) ſtig, ("ruber of Kiel), Conna B. pyocyaneus Gessard, B. rubidus Eisenberg, and Sarcina lutea Schröter were obtaired from the Dept. of Bacteriology of the University of Michigan. A number of bthers, Bacillus garot ovorus Jones, B. melonis Giddings, B. gampestris Pammel, B. mycoides Flºgge, B- solanisaprus Harrison, B. radicicola Beyerinck (of red clover), Bacterium stewarti Erw. Smith, and Bact. tumefaciens Erw. Smith were securéd from the American Museum of Natural History through the Botanical Dept. of the University of Michigan. The following fungi were used: – Oidium lactis Fregenius, obtained from the Dept. of Bacteri- ology, rerºsolated from the air in the laboratory, Penicillium sp. , isolated from moldy bread, E. pinſºphilum Hedgcock, P. camemberti. Thorn, P. roqueforti Thorn, and P. expansuſ, Link, all of which were obtained from Miss Margaret B. Church through the courtesy of Dr. Chas, Thorn, Fusarium radici cola Wollenw: , Gleosporium cingulata. Atkinson, Endothia parasitica (Murr.) P. J. & H. W. And..., and E. fluens (Sow.) S. & S., all of which were received from Dr. Lon A. Hawkins, The cultures were carried on ordinary 1% glucose, 1% pept one, 0.3% beef extract agar, with 0.5% sodium chloride and 1.5% agar, except that some of the experiments with B. rubidus were carried out on autoclaved potato slants. The color which it develops on this substratum makes the medium of some value. The reaction of the agar varied with differ - ent batches from nearly zero to slightly over +l on Fuller's scale, but was usually about +0.8. The exposures of the bacteria and some of the fungi to the gases were made in test tubes confined in air tight chambers. This method has the disadvantage that it is prae- tically impossible to get quantitative data by its means such as could be obtained by using Petri plates and counting colonies. On the other hand the development can be followed better from day to day in tubes than in plates within a larger vessel. The air tight chambers used consisted dºf four Novy jars and a number of bell jars with tubulature at the top which were fitted with two hole rubber stopper's holding tubes for the introduction of gas. sºlaces in a base composed of a heavy crystallizing dish with a layer of plaster of Paris about 2 cm. thick, impregnated with paraffin, in the bottom. The plaster of Paris was poured in the dish in the wet condition and was prevented from breaking the dish by putting paraffined corrugated paper around the edge of the dish to take up the expansion. The chambers were sealed by running melted paraffin between the base of the bell jar and the side of the dish. The gases were introduced from a Hempel gas burette, +++++++g the ga's 3+, by means of the pressure of a few centi- meters of water during the earlier part of the work. However in most of the experiments the gas was allowed to enter di- rectly and its amount was measured by reading pressures on a manometer made by inserting the open lower end of a tube of mercury in a layer of mercury in a bottle. The tube passed - ºtá, 7c. Cº. 7 ºł. —£, Zz6, , &_v^^ a C º://". AL-M. 1 O through the other hole in the stopper. As thus set up the apparatus constituted a barometer, but it was only necessary to attach the free tube to any closed receptable in order to use it as a manometer. When a certain amount of gas was to be introduced into a given chamber, the refore, the chamber and the man ometer were connected at the same time to an aspi - rat or and exhaustion carried out, usually to about 15 cm, of mercury. They were then connected with the gas container and gas all owed to ent er until the pressure had risen the calcu - lated amount on the scale, the calculation being on the basis that the amount of a gas in a given volume varies as the pressure. The apparatus was then allowed to finish filling with ordinary air, after which it was closed and set aside. The reason for introducing the gas while the pressure was low was to furnish other means than diffusion to insure it 5 pass - ing through the cott on stoppers. It is not certain, of course that the gas within the tubes was of the same compositi on as that in the chamber, outside the tubes; but with the evidence y/e/area/ of diffusion through the stoppers,in such cases as that of smoke and methyl iodide vapor where the aid of air pressure could not be employed it seems not unreas onable to think that the gas concentrati on within the tubes at least approached pretty closely that in the bulk of the chamber. The concen- trations mentioned in all cases are to be considered not as giving exact values but merely fairly close approximations. The actual values were probably slightly lower. When pure gas of some kind, or at least oxygen free gas, was desired in -- ~~ 11 contact with the cultures one of two or three different plans was employed. In the case of illuminating gas it was either allowed to pass through the vessel continuously during the experiment or it was passed through long enough to displace the air and then stopped. In the latter case it was usually renewed daily during the experiment. When washed with pyrogallol to remove the oxygen the experiment was conducted in the usual way in a small Novy jar, the exhaustion being carried out about six times. Foºerſ gases, which had to be manufactured for the purpose, a battery of eight test tubes fitted with perforated rubber stoppers containing glass tubes arranged in wash bottle fashift was used. The gas after Washing in alkaline solution of pyrogallol was passed through the battery of tubes. The connections were carefully wired and sealed with sealing wax and paraffin. All results here reported unless otherwise stated were from at least two trials and many of them were checked several times. EXPERIMENTAL l, Illuminating Gas Source and Composition of the Gas tº of the work consisted in test s with illumi- nating gas. Such tests have the disadvantage, of course, that the gas is a mixture and not a perfectly constant mix- ture at that ; but its - d the fact that it is l2 the substance which usually contaminates laboratory air made it seem worth while to use it. The gas used in Ann Arbor during the first part of the experiments (winter of 1915 - 16) was pure coal gas; later (winter of 1916-17 to Feb. 1), it was a mixture of coal and water gas; and at the last (after Feb. 1, 1917) it º:-- once more of coal gas only, except for the 5-day period, Feb. 12-16, during which time a small amount of water gas was mixed in. The gas before and l after the date mentioned analyzed approximately as follows: *I am indebted to Prof. W. L. Badger of the Dept. of Chemical Engineering of the University of Michigan and to Mr. Chas. R. Henderson, Chemist to the Ann Arbor Gas Co., . for the analyses and data given here concerning the illu- minating gas used in the se tests. Before Feb, l After Feb. 1. C02. . . . . . . ... i - 2 % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e -- e. 0.9 – 2.0 % CnH2n . . . . . 4 - 5 % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 - 4.5 % 02 . . . . . . . . 1 - 2 % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º 0.8 - 1.5 % CO . . . . . . . . ll -14 % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º 6.0 - 7.8 % CH4 . . . . . . 25 -30 % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 - 35 % H2 . . . . . . 40 -50 % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . º 35 - 45 % Nº. about 10% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - ll 3% The figures given here are not the result of specific analyses made for the puſgºose of this study, but instead are the result of the examination of a large number of 3tudent 13 analyses. However, as the gas was used at various times over an interval of a year and a half or more it seems that any analysis more exact than that given above can hardly be of greater value for purposes of interpreting the results. Or - dinarily the gas was not washed. It was the intention to do so, but the pressure in the pipes was not sufficient to drive it through wash bottles, and one or two preliminary experi- ment s showed that with the organisms at hanfºia not ex- hibit the extraordinary toxic properites shown toward some phan erogams. It was therefore decided that as long as no very decided toxic properties were shown it was not necessary to - other in organ ic remove traces of H2S, NH3, or, gases which presumably might be present and exert harmful influences, Effect, on the different organisms. In giving the results of the tests with illuminating gas, and with the other gases as well, a brief summary will be given for each species used, instead of giving a chronolog - it?al account of the experiments or of giving single experi- ment 3 in detail. Bacillus subtilis. This organism was cultured in the following approximate concentrations of illuminating gas : - 0.5%, 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 85%, and 100%. In ałt these concentratiº and including 25% the colony development, both as to abundance and as to character, was practically identical with the development in air. This normal growth, 14 as is well known consists of a white, often wrinkled, layer on the surface of the agar. The development in 50% gas and above, however, was quite different in character. The chief difference, and perhaps the only one of importance, was the f! Wvalad, 2k, wºoa a much smaller volume, of the colony produced. This was very small, so that the colony never had the opaque character of normal ones. The development was confined to the area in - ošulated and did not spread over the surface of the agar as was the case when development was normal. Occasionally only pin point colonies were developed, or perhaps nothing at all until after return to the atmosphere. Complete steril- ization practically never took place with arl exposure not to exceed ten days; but it sometimes took a week of more for development to become evident after return to the air. In those cases where some development occured in the gas it did not proceed further when returned to the air, but usually after the lapse of a variable period of time an area of normal development began at some point and grew over the slant. Inoculations made from these colonies grown in gas produced in the air a colony development differing very slightly or not at all from the normal in appearance. Two series of expejºiments were run to test the ability of the organism to develop continuously in different per- centages of illuminating gas. In these tests the inoculations after the first generation instead of being made from air cultures were made from the percentage of gas into which they lº were to go unless no development had taken place in that concentration. In that case the inoculation was made from the highest lower concentration in which growth had occurred. In the course of this work, the organism was carried through 5 transfers in each of 5%, lož, and 25% gas, 3 transfers in 50%, 5 transfers in 85%, 5 transfers in 75%, and 9 transfers in pure gas. It is quite evident, therefore, not only that the organism can grow in the gas, but that it can keep + up, Or an indefinite period under the conditions of these experiments. To determine if it was the small amount of oxygen present in the gas that made growth possible some cultures were run in a small Novy jar which was evacuated six times to about 10 cm. - *** w8.2k woe- Of mercury, and, gas, allowed to enter slowly through two or three wash bottles containing alkaline solution of pyrogallol. The development was almost as good as in untreated gas, but there may have been traces of oxygen present. In one case a culture of yeast in sugar solution was also put into the jar to absorb any small amount of oxygen that might still be present. There was no noticeable difference in the develop- ment, but there may still have been traces of oxygen present as the yeast culture fermented very weakly if at all, so that it can hardly be relied on to have removed any oxygen possibly present. Cultures made directly from air cultures showed an ability to grow ºn-ºre illuminating gas sº not slightly superior to that of cultures from pure gas. 16 The growing of the organism in the pure gas seems to have caused little or no change in it, except in the colony charac – ter due to the slowing down of growth to a very low point. This is evidenced by the fact that a culture inoculated, with the organism from a line which had been carried exclusively in the air developed as well as another from a line which had been carried for some time in the gas. It is also evidenced by the fact that in the first transfer cultivated in the air after a period of several generations in gas the colony growth was normal in appearance in all respects. The examination of stained microscopic mounts supported the foregoing evidence. Bacteria from air cultures one day and ll days old and from a gas culture ll days old were stained. The bacteria of the gas an". *). case resembled those of the one day air culture more than the 11 day air culture in size, shape, and especially in the presence of spores. There were only a few spores in the one-day culture, none in the ll-day gas culture, but most of the structures in the ll-day air culture were Spores, Bacillus pyocyaneus. The culture of B. pyocyaneus used in this study developed the green color only rarely. The coi or has therefore not been used as a character on which to base comparisons, although it has been so used in the past. The typical colony growth was rather dirty white, semi-trans- lucent in character, and it was often difficult to determine whether or not the growth in one tube was more vigorous than 17 -> in another. The organism was first grown in 5%, 50% and 85% gas. The development was quite normal in 5% gas but pro- ceeded more slowly in the higher concentrations so that where - as it took about three days for a culture in air to reach its maximum, it took two to three days longer for the 85% gas culture to reach the same stage. Attempts at this time to grow it in pure %luminating gas met with three clear cut failures and one apparent success, but the apparent success was perhaps due to failure to displace all the air in the container. In one of the cases of failure the organism developed (after a 4-day exposure) when returned to the air, but in the other two (after exposures of 6 days and 3 days) it did not develop within periods of 16 and *...* rectively. These results were apparently in opposition to those of Krause (9), who reported that B. pyocyaneus will grow in pure illuminating gas. In later experiments, however, as will be shown presently, the attempt to cultivate the organism in pure gas resulted successfully. There was little or no al- teration in the colony character in the gases, provided a colony was produced. It was found also that the organism can apparently be carried indefinitely in most of the gas concentrations and perhaps also in pure gas. It was carried through 5 transfers in 5%, 10%, and 25% gas, 3 transfers in 50%, 5 transfers in 85%, ll transfers in 75%, and 9 transfers in pure gas. In the unsuccessful trials with pure gas in these two series, the 18 organism always developed on the slant after being exposed to the air, although sometimes appearing in separate colonies instead of a streak, as if most of the inoculating bacteria had been killed. It seemed at first, therefore, that B. pyo- cyaneus is able, either by direct modification or by the selection of a resistant strain, to develop the ability to grow in pure gas. Later trials showed, however, that cultures devel oped in the gas just as well from inoculations from the air as from 75% gas or pure gas. These apparently contradic - tory result s seemed quite unexplainable except on the assump- tion of a change in the composition of the gas and it was thought at the time that as A&ºss had taken place. Later, knowledge was obtained of the variation in the gas com - position which has already been noted. Upon comparison it, was found that the successful cultures of the organism began about Feb. 1, 1917, at the time the change was made to pure coal gas instead of the mixture of aoal and water gas. The significant change in the composition of the gas would seem to have been the drop from about 12 or 13 to 7 or 8% of carbon monoxide. It should be remarked, however, as will be shown later, that neither of these coneontrations of Co is of much significance if the rest of the mixture be atmospheric air. In fact the organism showed such great tolerance of CO when mixed with air that one would not expect a difference of only 5 or 6% of the gas to exert any marked effect. It is also worthy of note that the first failures to grow in the gas 19 occurred during the first period when the gas consisted Of pure coal gas and had about the same composition as in the last period. The results, therefore, are even yet unex- plainable on the basis of any knowledge now at hand. Bacillus Kieli ensis. This organism grows vigorously, reaching a maximum in 3 to 4 days and has a very brilliant dark red color with a surface greenish metallic or coppery sheen. As the colony ages the sheen gradually disappears, the colony becomes brickish red and the pigment often diffuses more or less into the medium. This color responds readily to cultural conditions and so furnishes a sensitive index for detecting disturbances with the life processes. It s alt era - tions are so numerous and complicated, however, that no at - tempt will be made either to describe them fully or to rºlerº - ti on the many variations observed. In gas concentrations of 10% and less the development was normal. In 25% it was some- times normal but more of ten slightly retarded and the color rendered less brilliant. In 50% gas the metallic sheen was usually nearly lacking, the color considerably lighter, and the rate of growth considerably less, so that it took ab-eat two or three days longer for it to reach its maximum than it took in air. In still higher concentrations these changes were progressively more noticeable until pure gas was reached, in which development was very slight and the colony was color- less or whitish, with only occasionally a trace of pinkish pigment. In the gas-air mixtures the color was usually 20 variable, ranging from déep red to light pink or whitish and sometimes with purplish shades, and a number of these shades usually occurred in the same streak. The weak colonies de- veloped in gas of a high concentration grew vigorously when again returned to the air and devel oped pigment, but never to the extent shown by a colony grown in air from the start. In testing its ability to grow continuously in gases the organism was carried through 5 transfers in 5%, 10%, and 25% gas, 3 transfers in 50%, 5 transfers in 85%, ll transfers in 75%, and 10 transfers in pure gas. Growth occurred in pyro gallol washed gas when tubes were inoculated from the pure gas culture or from an air culture. They were about equal in amount and grew also in a second oxygen free gas culture. Air cultures i no culated from cultures carried for several trans - fers in pure gas developed abundant but not normal pigment, However, a few transfers sufficed to bring about normal de- velopment. Where the cultures had been carried in gas for only two generations the color was normal at the first re - cultivating in air. w The examination of the stained preparations showed a lack of any striking morphological differences between the treated and unt reated bacteria. In air culture the organism tends to show shorter, smaller, more c occus-like rods as the culture grows old. In gas the juvenile shape seems to be maintained for a longer period of time, probably ſº to the slowing down of the development. 2l Bacillus rubidus. - Part of the cultures of B. rubidus in illuminating gas were made on autoclaved potato plugs. On this medium it produces a clear orange color which makes development easy to detect. The organism grew well in 0.5% and 5% illuminating gas, but did not grow in a strength of approximately 85%, except possibly slightly in one trial, although it developed promptly when restored to the air. In pure gas no development eccurred during the exposure. . In one case no development followed a 3-day exposure within 18 days, and in another a 6-day exposure was followed by no development within 22 days; in a third a very slight development began 5 days after the close of an 8-day exposure. - Sargina lutea. Sarcina lutea proved to be one of the more susceptible organisms studied. It was, however, grown in 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 85% of illuminating gas. There was ordinarily no checking of the development in the - *~~tº wra o cLa e-º-º-o-º-4- 5% concentration, but * ºf £ºlº i-at-en-sity in ºntration. used, al-e-ºe-tº-º. The air culture and 5% gas culture would reach their full development first, and then the others would successively reach approxi- mately the same stage, although this did not come fully to pass except very rarely with culture in 50% of gas or above in the time during which the exposure continued. In the con- tinuous culture in gases the organism was carried through 5 transfers in 5%, 10%, and 25% gas, 3 transfers in 50%, and lo transfers in 75%. It was found impossible to secure 22 unmistakable development in pure gas although there were a few cases of possible very slight development. Oidium lactis. . The work with Q. lactis revealed the fact that it +s—apparently—just about &ºts ºf * º ŽK. - - º º OYıCII. T. j. Of It was grown in all cong entration 3 of illuminating gas em- ployed, including the pure gas both untreated and washed in pyrogall ol solution; but its behavior in the stronger concen - trations was rather erratic, Usually the growth under such conditions was very slight; and sometimes it started from only a few centers, as if the treatment had partially sterilized the slant; but at other times it would approach the maximum reached by a culture in air if left long enough. It was grown continuously for 5 transfers in 5%, lož, and 25% gas, 3 transfers in 50%, ll transfers in 75%, 5 transfers in 85% and 5 transfers in 100%. At times the character of the col- ony development diffeyed between those in large percentages of gas and those in air or low percent ages of gas but here again the reaction was not uniform. In some tests the threads were more *pressed and more water soaked in appear- ance in a high gas atmosphere and in others the threads Were more upright and tufted or white velvety in appearance. Torula sp. - This organism did not show any particularly remarkable characteristics in connection with these studies. Normally the colony is deep pink in color and is composed of quite a considerable mass of material. In gases the toxic 23 ffects are evidenced by a slower or in complete development of the colony and by a paler color than normal. The organism grew in all the gas-air mixtures used -- 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 85% gas -- but not in pure gas. The 5% and usually the 10% concentration did not show any toxic effect but at 25% of illuminating gas the development was checked without ex = ception. At 75% and 85% the development was very slow and the colony quite pale, sometimes nearly colorless. Normally an exposure in pure gas was followed by development within a week when returned to the air, but in a few cases an exposure Of a week or less seemed to sterilize the material, since no development had taken place in 13-18 days. In continuous growth in gas it was carried 5 transfers in 5%, lož, and 25% gas, 3 transfers in 50%, ll transfers in 75%, and 5 transfers in 85% gå.5 s Earlsºn Sps - - This species on the medium used grows rather rapidly and soon becomes green with the large number of conidia produced. This color soon changes to some shade of brown, and later the colony is often overgrown with hyphae from under neath. The checking effect of unfavorable conditions can of ten be detected in cultures long after conidia production by means of the younger appearance of the treated cultures as compared with the check. Development occurred in 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 85% gas but not in pure gas. It was quite normal in character tº o 50% but was much slowed down at that concentration. The checking of 24 growth was abserved at 10% but not at 5%. At concentrations of 75% and above development is slow and does not extend very far laterally. As a result a cushion shaped or rought ly hemisphaerical mass of apparently upright hyphae is produced at each point of inoculation. The entire slant, therefore, often contained these pulvinate colonies, which sometimes reached a diameter of 2 or 3 m. m. and became more or less confluent. Conidia were not produced under such circumstances except in one or two instances where it is doubtful if the percentage of gas had been maintained. Even after the return of these cultures to the air there was only exceptionally any coni dia production although new cultures inoculated from them and kept in the air devel oped coni dia, normally. Cultures pre- vented from developing by being exposed to pure gas grew and produced conidia as usual in ºf cases upon being returned to atmospheric air. The species was maintained continuously in culture for 4 transfers in 5%, 10%, and 25% gas, 3 transfers in 50%, lo transfers in 75%, and 4 transfers in 85% illumina- ting gas. Bacterium stewarti. Bact... stewarti, which is the cause of a disease of sweet corn, is an aerobic organism which proved to be one of the most susceptible employed. It grew in 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, and 75% of illuminating gas; and it was possible to keep it growing continuously in the se; but the development in the last concentration mentioned was slow. A distinct 25 checking effect was always shown by 10% and often a slight one seemed to be shown by 5%. In 75% of the gas the organism failed to develop at first but later did develop. The first development occurred at about the time the city gas company ceased producing water gas as was the case of the first de- velopment of B. pyocyaneus in pure gas. The circumstance is probably referable to the reduction of the CO content of the gas. No development was observed in any concentration used above 75%; but only rarely did development fail to take place after removal to the air, although it was usually 5-15 days in becoming visible and was also usually slight or very slight in amount. The following organisms were tested once in each of 25%, 50%, 75%, 85%, and 100% illuminating gas. - Bacillus carotovorus. -- In pure gas there was slight development of B. carotovorus in one case at the end of a 6- day exposure but none in the other at the expiration of an equal period. In both cases, however, prompt development fol- lowed a return to the air. Growth occurred in all the lower concentrations, but it was checked in all; and the retardation was still noticeable in the 25% concentration at the end of the 6-day period. Bacillus melonis. In one case with B. mel on is the tube in pure gas showed a very slight development at the end of the period. In the other, however, no growth was visible although it became visible soon after the return to the air. Growth 26 took place in all the lower comeentrations but it was much retarded in all. The retardation was greatest in the higher concentrations. £3 Bacillus campestris. -- witägempestria also, develop- ment occurred in all the concentrations of gas used except pure gå.S., although there was distinct retardat i on in even the 25% concentration. In pure gas there was not growth in one trial but a possible very slight development in the others In both cases growth occurred after removal from the gas, although it took periods of 6 and 5 days respectively for it to become discernible. Bacterium tumefaciens. -- There was visible development of Bact. tumefaciens in all percent ages of gas except pure gas, although a distinct checking effect was observed in the lowest concentration used, 25%. No development took place in pure gas but occurred after returning the tube to the air. The colonies in this case became visible 5 - 8 days after the removal from the gas. Bacillus solani saprus. --- There was a flistinct and c on- siderable checking of the development of B. solani saprus in all of the concentrations of gas used, and in the greater ones the development was only slight . In the pure gas there was no visible growth, although it did occur following the return of the culture to the air, in which case it became visible in 1–5 days. Bacillus radicicola. -- B- radi cicola proved to be one 27 of the more susceptible species. Development occurred in 25% gas, but it was only slight. At 50% concentration and above development was absent although it occurred following the return to the air. The periods of time in which the col- onies became visible in the cultures removed from pure gas to the air were 12 days and 5 days respectively. Bacillus mycoides. -- There was at least a vejºy slight development of B. mycoides in all of the concentrations of gas used but the 25% strength showed a retarding action, since it. took three days for the colony to cover the slant from a spot in oculated at the center while in air the slafºt was covered in two days. The development remained very slight in the higher percentages of gas until the tubes were removed to the air 6 days after the beginning of the tests in each case. This very slight colony developed in the case of the 50% and 85% gas, where the inoculation was by streak, was very similar in appearance to that of B. subtilis in concentrated gas. After being removed to the air normal development began in from 2 to 5 days and soon covered the slants. It did not originate all along the streaks, however, but at isolated points, so that separate colonies were formed as if a partial sterilization of the slant had been produced by killing the bacteria between the points where the colonies arose. A number of fungi were grown in Petri plates and the ef- fect of different gases noted by measuring the diameter of the 28 colonies at 3-day intervals, -es (in some instances where this could not be done the sum of two different radii was taken instead). The medium used was potato, glucose (2%) agar (3%). It was poured into the plates and the fungus inoculated into the center of the freshly hardened layer of agar. The plates were then sealed under bell jars and the gas introduced in the usual way. The apparatus was taken down every third day to record data. In the jar containing pure gas the gas was al- lowed to pass through constantly. This dried the agar in the first test and may have had something to do with the failure of any growth to occur in any of the plates after return to how 2 v Q ſº the air. In the second test, the gas was passed over water in a wash bottle before entering the jar, and this prevented ex- cessive evaporation. The accompanying ºre. the organ- isms, the treatments, and the results obtained, the measure- ment s being diameters of colonies in millimeters. It can be seen from this that the lower limit of toxicity, or at least of retardation of growth, is between 10% and 25% in most of the species; but in one, Fusarium radicicola, it is remarkably high, being at or nearly 50%. None of the values indicating retardation at 10% or below tºnes than the value for its check except for Endothia fluens at 10%. The lower limit for inhibition of E. fluens, therefore, would seem to be somewhere between 5% and 10%. The retarded cultures, after being returned to the air, grew at approximately the same rate 29 as the regular air culture, thus demonstrating that after - effects are usually lacking; except that no development oc- curred in any case in any plate which had been exposed to pure gå 5 s Some of the cultures, including the two species of Endothia and Fus. radicicola, produced in the toxic amounts of gas a more compact, velvety, deeper colony, with the hyphae more erect than in air. It is likely that these hyphae have interesting morphological characteristics induced by the treatment but opportunity was not found to investigate this feature. It seems clear, therefore, that among the species studied, there is no example of the extreme sensitiveness to illumina- ting gas which is displayed by some phanerogamis. The tolera- tion of the organisms for other gases will be treated in the parts that follow. 2. Ethylene, Production and purification of the gas, etc. The ethylene used in the se experiments was produced by heating 95% alcohol with c. p. sulphuric acid. It was passed through wash bottles containing water, sodium hydroxide solu- tion, and c. p. sulphuric acid respectively and stored in a gasometer over water until required for use. It was not ana- lyzed but when it was important that the oxygen impurity be removed the gas was passed through two or three wash bottles containing pyrogallol. The exposures to the gas were made in TABLE SHOWING THE EFFECT OF TIFFERENT CONCENTRATIONS OF ILLUMINATING GAS ON THE GROWTH OF SEVERAL FUNGI | Gas No. of Penicillium Penicillium Penicillium Penicillium Endo thia Endºthia. Fuscºrium Glomerella trial pinophilum camernberti | rºgue forti eXparl 81 m. paraxitica. # fluens - radici cold cingulata. No of --- - mea, Surº €e l 2 3 4 | l 2 3 4. l 2 3 4 l 2 3. 4. L 2 3 4 l 2 3 4. l 2 3 4 ment --- d -- l ižº Lºs T-13 IEE 13 – 25 -35 T 35T-62T-51 - 18 -37 – - 24 =53 -87 - 3 ºf -2.3 - 24 -45 -66 -90 29 - 54 -80 - Air 2 6.5-24 -41 -56 ll -23 -32 -43 23 -61 -85 - l6 =33 -50 -68 4 - 5-34 -65 -88 1; -º-; C.s" l'? -47 -73 20 -55 -84 A.Y. 10 -26 -42 -57 12 –24 -33.5-43 25. 5-61 - 5-88 - 17 – 35 =50 =68 14 -44 - 5-76 -88 - e 20 - 5-46 -69.5-90 24 - 5-54 w8-82 - - - ll. -42 -71 -87 5 -44 -71 -º 19 -52 -80 5% gas 2 7 -24 -39 -53 11.5-24 -32 -44 18 - 52 -89 - 15.5-33 -5]. -67 7, 5-35 -67 – 9 O * 42 | = { l l - 7, 5-29 -51 -73 14 –43 -70 -92 17. 5-50 -78 10% gas 2 6.5-21 -36 -51 ll -22 -29 -41 14 -49 -81 - 15 - 31 =46 -63 7. 5-33 -60 -83 - - º 9 - 12 =34 =60 23 =44 -65 -87 18 -37 -58 -82 l 10 -l9 -29 - 8 -l 5 -21 -30 17 -44 - 52 -93 8 - 17 - 25 -38 18 -32 -49 -73 5.5-22 -39 -67 14 -41 -66 -85 12. 5-39 -68 25% gas 2 4 -ló -27 -42 7.5-16 –24 -30 || 7.5 - -59 - 8.5-19 -27 -4.3 6 *23 -39 -65 7 -17 -36.5-63.5 la .5-42.5-65.5-86 15 -38 -6.3 -82 AV - 7 -17. 5-28 --42 8 -15 - 5-22. 5-30 12 •44 - 55.5-93 8 -18 -26 -40 - 5 12 -27. 5-44 -69 -- - ----- º 7 - 9 – 21 -45 20 -42 -63 -87 15 -29 -44 -67 l 8 -13 - 22 - 6 *ll -ló -24 8 - 29 -40 - 70 5 =9 - 5-sel 3 = 24 ll. -21 -34 - 56 l, 5–10 -l'? -37 12 -36 -60 -82 9 -26 -4.3 =69 50% gas 2 2 -ll - 5-21 -36 4.5-lo -16 -23 3 -12 - 23 -73 3.5 - 7, 5-12 -29 -l'? - -26 -48 4 * 9 - 5 -19 -41. 16 -39 -61 - 5-84 - 5 12 -27. 5-43 - 5-68 AV . 5 -l2 -21 - 5-36 5 -10.5-16 -23.5 5.5-20.5-36.5-71.5 4 - 8.5-12-5-26-5 11 -19 -30 -52 - - 1 - 5 - 6 -ll = 30 l6 =39 - 54 -76 10 -19 -30 -53 º: l 4 - 5 - 5 - 7.5–21 4 - 5 = 7 = 2 - 3 - 5 -33 2 - 4 - 5 - 16 8 =l 4 - 20 -42 O = 2 - 6 - 27 7 - 23 -38 -59 5 e 16 -29 -55 75% 2 2 - 4 s 5- 7 - 22 2 - 6 - 9 -18 1 - 4 - 8 -37 3 - 5 - 7 - 22 3 - 8 -13 -39 1 – 4 – 8 - 5-28 - 5 ll a 5-31 -46 -67 - 5 7.5-17. 5-29. 5-54 AV . 3 - 5 *- 7 -21 - 5 3. º 5.5- 8 *18 l. 5* 3 - 5 - 6 - 5-35 2, 5* 4 - 5 =6 -19 5.5-ll =16 • 5-40 - 5 - | 0 - O - O - 0 O = 0 = 0 = 0 O = 0 = 0 = 0 - l 0 - O - O - O 0 - O - O - O 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 0 - O - O - O Q - 9 - 9 - 0 || 0 – o – o – o 9 - O - O - O O = 0 = 0 = 0 100% gas 2 0 - O - C - O 0 - O - O - O 00 - 0 - 0 - Q O = 0 - O - O 0 - 0 -- 0 - 0 \ 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 0 - O - O - O O = 0 = 0 = 0 AV . 0 - O - O - O 0 - O - O - O O O = - 0 = 0 9 = 0 = 0 = 0 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 || - | day in tervals of exposure to the gas, the fourth is after an | additional 3 days out of the gas and in the ordinary air . | Measurements represent diameters of colonies in millimeters. The first three measurements in each case were made after 3-& 3i the manner already described; but it is doubtful * * oxygen free conditions were attained in any test. The concen- trations used were approximately 0.4%, 4-5%, 20%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 85%, and 100% or nearly 00; and were the same rºle organisms used unless otherwise noted. Effect on the different organisms Bacillus subtilis. -- With B. subtilis there was little or no checking of development up to a concentration of 50 or 60% and no very great checking in any cancentration. The appearance of the colony in all cases was quite normal. There were no examples of the very thin colony growth produced under certain other conditions. Bacillus pyocyan eus. -- Ethylene exhibited very little inhibiting effect on B. exocyaneus. The appearance of the cultures was quite the same as that of cultures in air for all the lower concentrations. In concentrations of 85% or more, however, there was sometimes a discernible retardation of the development. It is possible that this occurred always, as differences in colony development are hard to detect with this organism under the conditions used, and may have been over- looked. - Bacillus Kieli ensis. There was little inhibiting effect exerted by ethylene on B. Kieli ensis. The organism grew vig - orously and in all the concentrations except the very highest produced almost as large a colony growth as in air. There was, 32 in fact, often no detectable difference up to an 85% concen- tration, although at a higher figure retardatioſ.nd paleness in the color of the colony were observed. With conditions approaching absence of oxygen in the ethylene surrounding the culture the inhibition and paling were quite marked although not equaling that produced by raw illuminating gas, which it - self contains about 1% of oxygen. Bacillus rubidus. -- The concentrations in which B. rubidus was tested were 0.4%, 4–5%, 85%, and approaching 100%. In the first three the culture was on autoclaved potato, in the last on agar. It grew in all, , and when growing on the potato produced the characteristic orange yellow pigment freely, sarcina lutea. -- This organism was tested in 4%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 85%, and approaching 100% ethylene. It grew well 1%ll of these, but more or less inhibition could be detected at 60% and higher, increasing in general with the concentra- tion although in some individual trials the development at a concentration of 85% was almost as vigorous as in air. The color of the culture was never much affected. Oidium lactis. -- This organism grew well in all the gas concentrations used, the cultures being scarcely distin- guishable up to 85% from those in air. At greater concentra- tions slight inhibitive effects were not, ed. Torula sp. -- This yeast grew well in all of the tests, the cultures being scarcely distinguishable from a culture in air at as high a concentration of the gas as 60%. At 85% and 33 higher the growth was checked and the color paler, so that at nearly 100% the growth was quite slow at first and the colony practically colorless or whitish. In a few days, however, the development became greater and the color darker, although not as dark as the culture in air until after the return of the Culture to the air, Penicillium sp. -- This species of green mold was grown in 4%, 85%, and a concentration approaching 100% of ethylene. The development was after the normal fashion and was nearly or quite as vigorous at 85% as it was in air, while the dele – terious effects of the more nearly pure gas operated only to delay the natural course of development for a day or two. The following species were grown, two trials each, in only 50% and 85% of ethylene: - Bacterium stewarti. -- The growth of Bact, stewarti in both concéntrations of ethylene was good, In the higher gas content there was slight inhibition; but in both tests the de- velopment was fully equal to that in air by the third or fourth day, - Bacillus carotovorus. -- The development of B. carot ovorus while exposed to ethylene was good in all cases tested. In 50. of the gas it was quite equal to the air culture and in 85% it was only slightly less vigorous. Bacillus melonis. -- In one trial the growth of B. melonis in both ethylene contents was about equal to that in air. In the other there was slight inhibition in the 85% concentration. 34 Bacillus campestris. -- The tests seemed to show a slight inhibition of B. campestris at 50% of ethylene although they did not agree especially well on the point. At 85% the inhibition was somewhat greater but not at all remarkable. Bacterium tumefaciens. -- With Bact. tumefaciens the tests showed a clear inhibitive effect at both concentrations of the gas but greater at 85% than at 50%, and the effect was maintained until the cultures were removed to the air. - Bacillus solanisaprus. -- The growth of B. solanisaprus in the two ethylene-air mixtures used was practically equal to that of the same organism in air. - Bacillus radici cola. -- The development of the check culture of B. radicicola in air and of the cultures in 50% and 85% ethylene were practically identical in both tests. Bacillus mycoides. -- In the first test with B. mycoides, where the inoculation was made in a streak, no difference could be made out between the growth in air and in the ethylene. In the second test, however, where the slant was inoculated at 3, single spot near the center, it to ok about four days for the colory to spread over the entire slant in 85% of ethylene, and about three days in 50% ethylene while in air the inva- Si on was complete in two days. It seems quite clear to the writer from the results men- tioned above that the presence of 4-5% of ethylene in the illumingting gas used is totally inadequate to account for the effect of the gas on the bacteria and fungi studied. 35 3. Carbon Monoxide. Production and purification of the gas, etc. The carbon monoxide used in these studies was made by heating crystallized potassium ferrocyanide with strong c. p. sulphuric acid. The gas was bubbled through a strong solution of sodium hydroxide and stored over water or weak sodium hydrox- ide solution until needed for use. It was not further purified except that it was passed through two wash bottles of freshly prepared pyrogallol solution when it was important to have all oxygen removed. The tests were made in the manner already described for the other gases. The concentrations used were 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and a concentratiºn approaching 100%. Effect on the different organisms. Bacillus subtilis. -- The effect of carbon monoxiºle on B. subtilis was to induce in all the higher concentrations the very thin sort of colony described for the higher concentrations of illuminating gas. As in the case of illuminating gas, also, the colony did not undergo change to the normal air type when returned to the air, but often a normal colony would start up at some point on the slant and progress over the slant from that point. The colony was normal in type and vigor to a con- centration of 10%; at 25% and above the modified colony devel- oped, the vigor being successively less as the gas approached 36 purity. Using this organism as a measure of toxicity, there- fore, carbon monoxide would appear to be something like twice as toxic as illuminating gas. Bacillus pyocyaneus. -- This organism grew in all the concentrations of carbon monoxide used although its develop- ment was slowed down to some extent in the higher percentages. It was hard to make out any place at which the inhibition set in, º the inderinite tint of the colonies, although it seems likely that it should be placed at 25% or 50%. There was no apparent change in colony type. Bacillus Kieli en sis. -- B. Kieli ensis was found capable of growing in all the test conditions with carbon monoxide. The first clear cut response to the gas was at 50%, where re- tardat ion of the growth and modification of the color took place. At 25% development was usually normal but the color was sometimes rendered slightly paler. As the concentrations increased the inhibition of growth and the interference with color production increased until as the condition of purity of the gas was approached the colony growth produced was very slight and practically without color. It will be noted that if we take B. Kieli engis as a test organism carbon monoxide seems to be just about as toxic as illuminating gas, or per- haps even slightly less so. Bacillus rubidus. -- In the case of B. rubidus a single successful series of cultures in carbon monoxide showed a re- tardation in the rate of development at 10%; at 25% it was 37 quite marked; at 50% and 75% the development was very slight at the end of a 5-day period; and at 100% there was no visible development. After return to the air vigorous growth took place in 2 to 3 days. - Sarcina lutea. -- Saroj na lutea proved quite susceptible to the influence of carbon monoxide. The development was normal or nearly so to 10%. of the gas but at 25% the inhibitive effect was clearly noticeable. At 50% and above the develop- ment was very slight during an 8-day period of exposure. At a concentration approaching purity of the gas there was very little if any discernible growth. Oidium lactis. -- Carbon monoxide exerted a checking ef- fect or the growth of 0. lact is at a concentration as low as 10% but it was very slight. The development was good even at nearly 100% and only slightly atypical in character. There wes rather more tendency in the gas for the hyphae to grow up - ward and assume something of a tufted character. - Torula sp. -- This organism grew in all the concentra- tions of the gas used, although slight inhibition occurred at 25% and perhaps at 10% and the development was very slight at a Co content approaching purity. The decrease in the growth was accompanied by a decrease in the depth of color of the dolony, so that in the case of the greatest inhibition the colony was practicelly colorless. The colonies in the gas up to 75% reached a maximum quite as great as that in air but 38 took a few days longer, while for colonies in an atmosphere containing more co neither this maximum nor the typical in - tensity of color was reached. Upon return to the air, however, these conditions were attained. Penicillium sp. -- The lowest CO content at which growth was checked was lož, increasing gradually up to the greatest used. At this point the development was very slow. It was also very slow at 75%, although more vigorous than at the greater concentration; but contrary to the condition with illuminating gas conidia were produced. From these results it would appear that carbon monoxide is approximately as inhibitory in its effects on the organisms tested as is illuminating gas. It would not seem to be suffi- ciently toxic to account for the effects produced by the illu- minating gas. 4. Methane Production and purification of the gas, etc. Since methane is usually present to approximately 30% in the illuminating gas used in these studies it seemed reason - able to expect tº the effects of the illuminating gas might be due, at least partially, to its presence. This was rendered the more likely by the fact that it seemed impossible to attri- bute the results to ethylene or carb on monoxide or to the two combined. Accordingly some methane was prepared from methyl 39 iodide by means of the copper-zinc couple. Tests with this gas gave results corroborative of the hypothesis mentioned above. The gas as produced had a distinct odor, however, and it, seemed likely that some unchaged methyl iodide vapor had been carried over with it in spite of the fact that it had been passed through a column of zinc for the purpose of de- composing such traces. The question arose, therefore, whether the result s were due to the methane or to the methyl iodide. Accordingly a few tests were run with methyl ibdide vapor; and the results indicated clearly, as will be shown in a subsequent section, that the former results might, indeed, have been due +, o methyl iodide in the gas. It was necessary, then, to run some tests with methane known to be free from methyl iodide. is effie–ethe-r-method. The most convenient way to make pure methane is by teeating aluminium carbide with water as acetylene is produced from calcium carbide. No aluminium carbide could be procured, however, owing to the European war; and the method finally adopted was by heating barium oxide and anhydrous seau. acetate. This method is said to produce nearly pure methane, as opposed to the soda-lime method in which the product has small quantities of ethylene and other impurities mixed with it. As previous experiments had demonstrated that ethylene in ºnal quantities is practically inocuous it was felt that all such impurities incident to the use of barium oxide would probably be of no consequence; and the results were amply 40 corroborative of the -i-Ges. The gas was stored over water until required for use. The results from the gas produced from methyl and arº / or one /r/a/ on Zy iodide are not considered in the folio wing note; The concen - trations used were 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and approaching 100%. Effect on the different organisms Bacillus subtilis. -- In all the concentrations of methane used the development of B. subtilis was normal in character and good in amount. There was some checking of development in the higher concentrations, extending apparently as low as 25%; but it was not great and was dissipated at the end of only 3 days except in the nearly pure gas. Even in this the reduction in development at the end of 6 days was only slight and one day after return to the air was indi stinguishable. Bacillus pyocyaneus. -- As was perhaps to be expected B. pyocyaneus grew well in all the concentrations used, but, with a slight reduction in the highest concentrations. This, however, had disappeared by the end of three days, Bac illus Kieli ensis. -- The development of B. Kieliensis in methane was good throughout but was slightly less vigorous in the greatest concentrations of the gas. It was practically impossible, moreover, to pick any one place at which the first inhibition could be said to occur. The color was also affected comparatively little though it was possible to pick on the 25% concentration as that at which the first color change was visible. 41 Bacterium stewarti and Sarcina lutea. Contrary to ex- pectations Bact, stewarti and S. lutea were practically un- checked in their growth throughout the series of exposures to methane used. Oidium lactis. -- The development of Q. lact is was prac – tically unchecked throughout the series of methane exposures, In the practically pure gas there was some difference in the mycelial development in that the hyphae seemed less appressed to the medium, but this was perhaps due to a difference in the water content or some other feature of the medium. Torula sp. -- The growth of this yeast was good in all the tests with methane although somewhat slowed down in the highest concentrations. The colony was somewhat pale at 75% of the gas and more so at the still higher concentration. A few days after the return to the air the cultures were indis — tinguishable. *** *. -- It was impossible to establish any in- hi bi + i on by methane of the growth of this species of Penicillium. The development at 75% and above did seem to be somewhat checked, but the slowing down of the development was only slight at best - and probably without significance. 5. Methyl Iodi de Vapor. The use of methyl iodide vapor was not contemplated in the original plan of the experiments and it was brought in, as ex- plained above, to check up the results obtained with methane 42 made from methyl iodide. The chemical was introduced into the culture chamber by dropping the liquid on a bit of absorbent cotten supported by a glass rod passing through a rubber stop- per which was then immediately put in place in the tubulature of the bell jar which served as the châmber. The liquid then evaporated and the vap or diffused to all parts of the interior of the jar. That it diffused through the cottºn plugs is at - tested by the effects it produced on the cultureS. In the first trial no measure was secured of the amount of methyl iodide used, but it was considerably more than in the second, where the amount was limited to 5 drops. The volume of the jar was approżimately 3.8 liters. The results with whe di f – ferent species in these trials were so much alike that it is hardly necessary to consider each separately. The species tested in the conditions mentioned above were Bacillus subtilis, --- lactis, Torula sp., and Penisºn sp. Without exception the culture was killed in the test with the larger amount of methyl iodide, i.e., there was no development during a 7-day exposure to the vapor nor within a period of 24 days after return to the air, at the close of which time the tubes were discarded. With the smaller amount of the chemical the development was nearly normal in all cases except that there was a slight slowing down of development, visible, however, only for periods of one to 4 days. In addition, , the yeast was slightly paled in color and B. rubidus (on potato) was clear yellow instead of orange yellow 43 in color, In a second series of two trials 6 drops of the liquid were used in the first trial and something more than 10 in the second. The species used in this series were Bacillus stewarti, --- Bac f// solanisaprue, ####m radioicola, and B. mycoides. In this series again the results were quite uniform. The organisms were characteristi cally greatly inhibited at first but soon recovered and developed with great vigor so that in the first experiment they overtook the air cultures in - about 4 or 5 days on the average. In the second experiment where the amount of the chemical was more than twice as great the inhibiting effect was more permanent and the recovery not so marked. Thus Bacillus melonie, B. tumefaciens, and B- solanisaprus were the only ones to recover and develop as fully as in air by the close of a 6-day exposure. B. mycoides would probably have shown equal ability except that the inoculation in this case was made at the center of the slant only. The colony was quite normal but showed reduced ability to invade the surface of the substratum in the vapor . The general effect of methyl iodide vapor, therefore, as shown by the data presented above, is to sterilize when used in sufficiently large amounts; but when used in smaller amounts it. is to induce an initial great retardation of development followed later by a very vigorous growth. 44. 6. Tobacco Smoke. Preparation and composition of the smoke, etc. Inasmuch as smoke of various kinds has been found to be decidedly toxic to a number of phanerogams it was thought to be worth while to run a few tests along with the others on the cryptogams under study. The smoke was produced by connecting the interior of a bell jar inverted over the culture tubes to 8,11 aspirator by means of a tube through a rubber stopper and also to a cob pipe by means of another tube. The pipe was filled with tobacco, "Prince Albert" brand, the aspirator started, and the tobacco light ed. When the culture chamber became filled with a white, opaque smoke cloud the aspirat or was stopped and the connecting tubes plugged. The air in the chamber soon be - came clear, but the upper surfaces of everything within, and the vertical surfaces to some extent also, became coated with a brown layer. This did not extend into the test tubes, and consequently not to the agar, because it was clearly limited to the surface of the cott on plugs. Any reactions, therefore, can not be laid to these condensation products except as the condensation may not have been complete or as reevaporati on may have taken place so that the diffusion through the cott on plugs could occur. In some of the test s the smoke was passed through one or two wash bottles containing water. In the se cases a brown oily substance formed in small quantities and came to the surface in the water, and it took longer to produce the opaque 45 cloud in the culture chamber. No trials were made with smoke from other substances, although results similar to and quite as interesting as those secured from tobacco smoke would be expected. It is quite impossible, of course, to get any accurate idea of the chemistry of the mixture called smoke without mak- ing an analysis. Even then the analysis would have to be from the actual gases in the culture chamber to give any precises delineat i on of the conditions. Moreover, the composition of the gases of ºf the combined gases and suspended matter certain - ly varies according to the time the smoke has been standing. work has been done, however, to determine qualitatively the compounds present. No attempt will be made here to review the findings of investigators further than to enumerate some of the compounds which have been reported. Thus Wohl and Eulenberg (18) reported a series of hydrocarbons of the benzene series or Orne analogous to it, and in addition formic, propi onic, buty- ric, valerianic, and carbolic acids, creosote, ammonium chlo- ride, ammonia, pyridine, pic oline, luti dine, collidine, par- voline, coridine, and rubidine. Kissling (8) reported that the mono x ide strongly poisonous materials are carborºhydrogen sulphide, hy- drocyanic acid, picoline bases, and nic otine. To this list Thoms (17) added a phenol boiling at 190° - 200°, a small quantity of furfural, and a substance boiling at 200°-260°, containing sulphur and nitrogen and no terpenes. Knight and Crocker (2, p. 346) have called attention to the presence of 46 ethylene and correlated its presence with the effect of smoke on some phanerogams. Effect on the different organisms. The development of the bacteria in smoke was rather vari- able, probably ºf to a failure to secure uniform conditions in the different trials. There was a stronger tendency in smoke than in the other gases for the colony development to begin at the bottom of the slant and progress upward after a preliminary period of no growth. No particular It ea. S. On can be assigned for this at present, although the general tendency for growth to proceed in this way in the cultures in all gases was probably due to the greater thickness of the substratum at the bottom of the slant and to the heavier inoculation secured on the first parts of the streak. It would seen that the pre - vention of growth at the out set would preclude any assumption that the gases did not diffuse to the bottom of the tube. There was only one trial with washed smoke for each of the following organisms, Bacilius subt ili se -- In the first test there was no vis- ible development in unwashed smoke till the sixth day; in the e- second test it became visible on the second day. The retarda- tion continued throughout the duration of the exposure, however, with the washed smoke showing the less inhibiting effect. Bacillus pyocyaneus, -- In unwashed smoke, both trials, the growth of B. pyocyaneus became visible at one day but the 47 colony had not entirely covered the slant at the end of the 7-day exposure. In washed smoke the slant was covered in 6- days. Bacillus Kieli ensis. -- In the first trial the colony of B. Kieli ensis in raw smoke had just become visible in 6 days. In the second trial it had become visible in 2 days in both raw and washed smoke. By the end of the 7-day period, however, it had covered only a little more than half the slant in raw Smoke but the whole of it in washed smoke. Bacillus rubidus. -- The inoculation of B. rubidus for this test was made on potato and no test was run in washed smoke. In the other, distinct retardation was evident, as the treated cultures required 2 days and 4 days respectively to become visible while the check colony in both cases was vis- ible the day after inoculation. Sarcina lutea. -- The development of S. lutea was hin- dered by the smoke, more so by that which was untreated than by that which was passed through water; but in all cases the colony occupied all the inoculated area and had produced an abundace of material by the close of the 7-day exposure. Oidium lactis. -- The development of Q. lact is began promptly in smoke at the bottom of the slant and progressed gradually upward. The colony in washed smoke covered the surface of the agar in considerably less time than in the raw smoke. Torula sp. -- In neither trial did the colony of the yeast in raw smoke cover the surface of the agar by the end 48 of the 7-day exposure, although the colony in the treated smoke did reach that degree of development. As with most of the others the development proceeded from the bottom upwards. Penicillium sp. -- The development of this green mold was retarded in both smoke chambers but more so in the uritreated than in the treated smoke. The development began at the bottom of the slant and proceeded upward, conidia being produced normal - ly. By the end of the 7-day exposure the slant was covered in the washed smoke and only about half covered in the other. With each of the following bacteria there were two trials each of untreated and of washed smoke, Bacterium stewart i. -- The behavi or of Bact, stewart i in smoke was quite typical. The washed smoke was less toxic than the unwashed and the development proceeded from below up - ward, but was still limited to a rather small area at the base of the slant in raw smoke when the week's exposure closed. Bacillus carotovorus. -- The development of B. carot ovorus began at the bottom in raw smoke and had covered half to 3/4 of the available agar surface at the end of a week. In washed smoke, however, the surface was covered in 4-6 days. Bacillus melonis. -- The colony of B. melonis was visible within a day after inoculation in washed smoke but it required 2-4 days in the other. In the former condition, , also, the colony had not occupied all of the slant at the end of a week in either trial, - Bacillus campestris. -- In raw smoke it took two days for the colony of B. campestris to become visible and it had 49 extended upward only about 1 cm. at the end of 6 days. In the treated smoke the colony was visible in one day and the slanted agar surface practically covered in 6 days. In the second test with raw smoke there was no development at all, , but this was possibly due to some other condition than the presence of the smoke. Bacterium tumefa.giens. -- The growth of Bact. tumefaciens in untreated 5moke did not become visible for two days in the more vigorous culture of the two and in both cases was still confined pretty closely to the base of the slant at the close of the 6-day period. The cultures in the washed smoke grew more vigorously. Bacillus solanisaprus. -- The presence of smoke, either washed or unwashed, proved to be a hindrance to the growth of B. solani saprus, with the washed smoke, as usual, exhibiting the less toxicity. Bacillus radi cicola. -- There was little difference be - tween the behavior of B. radici cola and the other bacteria in smoke. In the first trial the colony was still confined to the lower half of the slant in the raw smoke at the end or the ex- posure while in the second no growth had taken place. In the treated smoke the grown was more vigorous and the colony ex- tended the entire length of the slant. Bacillus mycoides. -- The presence of either washed O1" url = washed smoke proved to be an inhibiting fact or to the growth of B. mycoides, with the raw smoke exerting the more severe 50 inhibition. In the washed smoke the colonies had spread nearly or quite over the surface of the agar by the time the exposure was ended but in the raw smoke there was no development in one case and a colony pretty closely confined to the base of the agar slant in the other. It thus appears that tobacco smoke is more or less toxic to the organisms used. In view of the very complicated and variable mixture of compounds which constitute smoke it is hardly worth while to venture an opinion as to which substance or group of substances exerts the influence. 7. General Observations and Discussion The experiments as carried out and the method adopted for reporting them were not chosen to bring out differences in the reactions of the different species used, but a few general ob - servations may not be a miss. It was noted, as was, of course, to be expected, that not all organisms showed the same sort of reaction or exhibited the same degree of tolerance to the gases. Thus B. subtilis, B- Exocyaneus, B. mycoides, and B. Kieli ensis, showed a high degree of tolerance for illuminating gas. In the case of B. subtiliš, B- mycoides, and B. Kieli ensis the colony in the high concentrations was quite different in appearance from the normal one. In the case of the first two this is due perhaps merely to the very small mass of material produced, but in the last named it is associated also with a decrease in pigment production. However, in the case of B. pyocyaneus and Q. lact is the appear- ance of the colony was comparatively little altered. Probably the most sensitive of the species studied were Sarcina lutea, Bacterium stewarti, and Penicii'ium sp. Among the group of fungi tested together, Fusarium radioicola was the most re- sistant while Endothia fluens was most inhibited by the lower contents of gas, followed by E. parasitica and Penicillium Pinophilum. The data of these studies seem to show that the extreme sensitiveness manifested by certain phanerogams to some of the chemically more inert gases is not to be found throughout the whole plant kingdom; but that, on the contrary, many organisms possess in a high degree the ability to tolerate the se gases. Incidentally it may be remarked that so far as the results from the species studied in this investigation can be projected to cover all species, thei=ef-ere, they indicate that there is only a small chance that the gas which would escape from the gas fixtures in a room would be enough to invalidate results obtained from cultures in that room. It should be remembered, however, that even phanerogams vary considerably in this re- gard, as has recently been shown by Miss Doubt (3) and others, also that at least some algae appear to be quite sensitive, as is reported by Woycicki (19). It would not be at all surpris- ing, therefore, and is perhaps to be expected, even, that some more sensitive bacteria and fungi will yet be found. The known existence of only a few such would render precautions necessary 52 in bacteriological and mycological work which in the light of the results here reported seem unnecessary. The data do not seem to warrant any conclusion that any of the strains acquired an increased degree of tolerance for illuminating gas by being cultivated continuously in its pres- ence. Such did seem to be the case for a time with B. pyocyan- eus and Bact... stewarti; but when cultures inoculated with the original mother strain, which had not been exposed to gas at all, were exposed to the gas along with the supposed acclimated strain the development of the unacclimated strain was quite the equal of the other . In fact there was some evidence that continuous growth in toxic concentrations of the gas weakened the organism slightly. This was more clearly evidenced with B. ruber, perhaps, than with any other and was shown by the fact that the color production was not normal for 3 or 4 trans- 7 razos Xers fers in the air after several g-e-Hera-ti-e-Hä in pure gas. It is hardly possible at this time to state definitely just what causes the inhibiting action of illuminating gas. Some checks run with hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and air washed in pyrogeliol indi cated rather strongly that a good part of it is due to the lack of oxygen even with the facultative anaerobic species. Not all of the results can be so accounted for, how- ever, as it does not explain the after-effects, nor why one gas in a given concentration should produce a greater effect than another, as, for instance, why a mixture of 25% carbon monoxide and 75% air should produce almost as great a retarding 53 effect on the growth of B. subtilis as a similar mixture of 50% illuminating gas and 50% air. Certainly no one gase eas component of the illuminating gas has toxic properties suffi - cient to account for the results, Ethylene and methane are relatively iºnous and in additi on ethylene is present in only small quantities in illuminating gas. Carbon monoxide proved to be more toxic than the illuminating gas in some cases; but it also is present in only small quantities. Possibly. the most reasonable hypothesis for the present is that the re- sults are the sum of a relatively large effect due to the dilu- tº i or of the oxygen plus a smaller effect due to the weakly poisonous properties of some of the component gases, the most - important apparently being carbon monoxide. C O N C L U S I O N S l. None of the species of cryptogams studied, including 13 bacteria and 12 fungi, showed any very marked sensitiveness ow avº (; - to, illuminating gas or its components. 2. In the higher concentrations (above 25%) of various component gases, however, most of the bacteria and fungi used are checked in growth or wholly stopped. In the latter case growth will usually take place after exposure to the air, although often from a comparatively few foci, as if many of the cells had been killed. Sometimes the culture is entirely ster- ilized. *** 3. Different species exhibit different degrees of tolera- tion for the gases, and in general a species which is relatively 54 intolerant of one is relatively intolerant of others. 4. There was no real evidence that the continued culture of an organism in illuminating gas induced the development of any increased tolerance for the gas by the strain so cultivated. On the other hand there was some slight indication that the vigor of a strain so cultivated was slowly lowered. 5. The colony habit of organisms is often modified more or less strikingly in the more toxic gases. This is exempli- fied especially in the color variations of B. Kieli ensis, the decrease in colony mass and gross appearance in B. Kieli ensis, B. subtilis, and E. mycoides, and the more compact, upright arrangement of hyphae in several fungi. 6. Ethylene and me thane are relatively less inhibitory to the organisms used than is illuminating gas but carbon monoxide is about equal to the illuminating gas in this respect, 7. The effect of the gas cannot be laid to any one con- stituent but is probably the sum of the small effect of each plus the greater effect of a deficient oxygen content. 8. Tobacco smoke is toxic to the organisms on which it was tried. 9. The vapor of methyl iodide is toxic to the organisms tested, and if used in sufficient quantity kills the cultures. 10. Incidentally the foregoing results indi cate that the small amount of illuminating gas often present in laboratory air is not a menace to scientific result 5 in bacteriology and my cology. 55 The writer takes pleasure in extending thanks to Prof. F. C. Newcombe for suggestions and help tendered during the prosecution of this study, and also to all others who have helped in forwarding it. LITERATURE CITED Crocker, Wm., and Knight, Lee I. Effect of illuminating gas and ethylene up on flowering carnations. Bot. Gaz. 46: 259-276. 1908. - - ------- ----- Toxicity of smoke. Bot. Gaz. 55 : 337-371. 1913. Doubt, Sarah L. 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