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Queen's Scholar of Westminster School, * Student of Christ Church, Oxford. sometime Archdeacon of Westminster. thirty Years Prebendary of this Cathedral Church. MDLXXXVI — IMD, C&CWI who by his historical Collections, earned the Gratitude both of his Country, and of this ancient Port. His studious Imagination discovered new Paths for geographical Science, and his patriotic Labours rescued from Oblivion not a few of those who went down to the Sea in Ships, to be Harbingers of Empire, descrying new Lands, and finding larger Room for their Race. A.S. MDCCCCX. º "The ardent Love of my country devoured all ºfficulties." *** ***** Dedication. Prefered to * - - º see on a ºn ºf his *- -- - - Cbe bakluyt Society. A REPRODUCTION OF THE TABLET ERECTED IN BRISTOL CATHEDRAL TO THE MEMORY OF RICHARD HAKLUYT. BORN 1522. DIED I 6 I 6. LONDON : PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY AT THE BEDFORD PRESS, 20 & 21, BEDFORDBURY, STRAND, W.C. 191 I. HE idea of commemorating the chronicler of early English voyages, so long connected with Bristol as Prebendary of its Cathedral, by a suitable memorial to be erected there, is due to the Rev. R. T. Talbot, D.D., Canon Resi- dentiary of that City, through whose zeal and energy the required funds were collected. The memorial in the form of the inscribed tablet reproduced herewith has been fixed in the wall at the east end of the north choir aisle of the Cathedral. At the unveiling ceremony, which took place on July 7, 1910, a number of distinguished visitors were present, including Sir Clements Markham, K.C.B. (representing the Royal Geo- graphical Society), Admiral Sir Lewis Beaumont, K.C.B., K.C.M.G. (representing the Navy Records Society), Sir William Lee-Warner, K.C.S.I. (repre- senting the India Office), Mr. William Phillips, First Secretary of the American Embassy, and Mr. Albert Gray, K.C. (representing the Hakluyt Society. < * * * * , ', -, * * † : § 3. . . . . ...f5— " ' ~~& 4. ** #:º º 3 The memorial was unveiled by Mr. G. Palliser Martin, President of the Bristol Chamber of Com- merce, and after the ceremony Sir Clements Markham gave an interesting address in the Chapter House on the life and work of Hakluyt. After short speeches by the other representa- tive visitors, the proceedings closed with a hearty vote of thanks to Canon Talbot. Gaylord Bros. Makers ; syracuse, N. Y. PAI. JAM. 21, 1908 ± &*)*+sק *** ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: &*) ***** * * * & * & * &= -ae, · * * ** ****** → º- și și șaeraeae, :::<!!!!!!!!!!!!g:::::::::::::::::::№:53 • • • ** ***æ******* • * !353,5€$£§!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *--★ → *№. ~*~*= * • • • • • ••••• • • ► ► ►► *** • • • • • • ** = £ € ± * & s && → *, • • • • •4 ** * =:s șæ æ , æ ****** sººſ •••• • • • ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ∞ √ • • • • • ******#!*############# �*)(-ae, ſae; *******...*; ** *** ;&# ță) ș. *...*..*?)$', );- ·-·-2!!!!!-→ · …· s-3 (-3; &--- ¿¿.*; iºgaeſ ); &.*** §: §§§§∞ √∞∞∞∞∞§§§§¶√≠、、、。、、、。Ģ¿§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§¿ §§§§-§§§§§}Å?&*)&&&&¿ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§