QB WI 12 1 Bibla B 3 9015 00251 285 6 University of Michigan - BUHR 4 i 1 Fore with the Author's compliments. N. ASTRONOMICAL TABLES AND FORMULÆ. ASTRONOMICAL TABLES AND FORMULÆ TOGETHER WITH A VARIETY OF 1 PROBLEMS EXPLANATORY OF THEIR USE AND APPLICATION. TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED THE ELEMENTS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM. . By FRANCIS BAILY, Esa. F.R.S. L.S. and G.S. M.R.I.A. AND PRESIDENT OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. LONDON 1827. PRINTED BY RICHARD TAYLOR, SHOE-LANE, LONDON, P R E F A C E. Selnany Efrem. 1 5 - az 8 • anaa THE present collection of TABLES and FORMULÆ is a part only of a more numerous collection which I had formed and originally designed for my own use, with a view to save time and trouble in the various astronomical computations and researches in which I have occasionally indulged; but with- out any view to their publication. I found that many valuable Tables, of almost daily use in an active observatory, and which have been published from time to time by various au- thors, were to be met with only in works printed on the Continent, of considerable expense and not easily accessible ;' and that others were so scattered about in different publications, as to make it very troublesome to refer to them at the moment they were wanted. The whole of the Tables which I have here selected from such works, have been either re-computed, or carefully examined by means of differences: the rest are entirely new. vi Preface. In the selection of the Formula, I have been guided more by their fitness for computation, than by their elegance: and have always adopted those which, after repeated trials, I have found to lead to the practical solution of the problem with the least expense of time and labour. Most of these For- mula will be found in the works of other writers : but, it is too well known that in referring to different authors for a Formula, the reader is frequently distracted with a confusion of symbols, the values of which can only be obtained by a reference to other parts of the work : and, when obtained, may be found to be denoted differently by the authors whose writings form the subject of comparison. In order to prevent any confusion of this kind, I have changed the characters, used in the original For- mulæ, into such as will, in most cases, more readily denote the quantities used in the solution of the problem. And, to remove every possibility of mis- take or confusion on this point, I have inserted, at the bottom of each page, the quantities which are denoted by every symbol made use of in the given Formula. The Elements of the System are taken, for the most part, from the Système du Monde of M. La- place (5th edition, 1824): but with additions from Preface. vii other modern authors who have made certain branches of the science their more particular study. I have frequently experienced the want of a synopsis of this kind; where all the different facts relative to astronomy are brought under their respective heads, without the necessity of turning to a variety of works for information. Much time is frequently employed, and oftentimes wholly lost, in a research of this kind, which it is the object of the present abstract to prevent. At the end of the work I have inserted a set of Problems with a view to introduce a few Examples of the use and application of some of the Formula and Tables, which may appear to be more in need of a practical explanation. And here it may be proper to allude to a new method of employing the signs, when annexed to the logarithms of the quan- tities under computation : a method which will be found to be very convenient and useful in the arith- metical solution of algebraical formulæ. The sign therefore prefixed to a logarithm in this work, is in- tended to affect only the natural number of such logarithm : for, in all cases, the logarithms them- selves are to be added together or subtracted from each other (according to the conditions of the problem) exactly the same as if no such signs were viii Preface: annexed. With respect to the signs themselves, it must be observed that the addition of two like signs produces a positive natural number, and the addition of two unliké signs produces a negative natural number. Thus, in page 227, the natural number of the first sum of logarithms is plus, be- cause the two negative signs produce a positive result: on the contrary, the natural number of the second sum in that page is minus, because there is only one negative sign. In complex trigonometri- cal computations the method is still more conve- nient and concise, and renders the result much less ambiguous; as will appear from the arithmetical operations in page 263. . 1 Upon the whole, it is hoped that the present work will not be without its utility. I am aware that it might have been rendered much more ex- tensive: but it would then have lost many advan- tages which attach to a small and portable volume; such as may be convenient to the intelligent and scientific traveller, and not the less useful in the observatory. Those who are desirous of possessing a more comprehensive set of Astronomical Tables, and more numerous and valuable than any that have ever yet appeared in this country, will pro- cure the first volume of Practical Astronomy re- Preface. ix cently published by the Rev. Dr. Pearson : where they will find many Tables that do not come within the design and intention of the present work. For, I have in all cases avoided such Tables as are necessarily formed on the principle of double entry: and likewise those which are merely local; such as Tables of parallax &c. When problems involving quantities of this kind come before the computer, he must either have recourse to the Formulæ, or refer to such larger collections of Tables. The pre- sent work is intended as a Manual only: and aspires to no further merit than accuracy, utility and convenience may fairly lay claim to. I have remarked in a former work that, in all astronomical calculations, in which the sexagesimal notation is so much involved, the computer will find considerable assistance in the use of Callet's Tables portatives de logarithmes : since, by the help of two additional collateral columns given in that work, the computation of any quantities composed of sexa- gesimals becomes, without any reduction, as easy and familiar as those which are formed according to the usual decimal notation. I am now happy in being able to state that a new Table of Logarithms of the natural numbers is about to appear in this country, agreeably to the above arrangement; with b Х Preface. the additional advantage and convenience of having a mark attached to the last figure when it exceeds 5: whereby the table will be rendered more extensive and correct. This valuable addition to our list of mathematical Tables was suggested by Lieutenant Colonel Colby, for the use of the Trigonometrical Survey; and was immediately adopted and put in execution by Mr. Babbage: who has, with great care and diligence, examined and compared all the preceding works on this subject: and under whose able and active superintendence the work is now printing, in stereotype and on coloured paper. January 1, 1827. * * The reader is requested to make the correc- tions, pointed out in the list of Errata at the end, previous to a perusal of the work. And the Author will be obliged by the communication of any other errors that may have escaped his detection. TABLE OF CONTENTS. page 3 6 ELEMENTS OF THE SYSTEM Sun Planets. Mercury Venus Earth.. Mars 9 13 16 28 Vesta ... 31 32 33 34 35 38 41 Juno. Ceres. Pallas.... Jupiter ... Saturn Uranus... Satellites Moon... Satellites of Jupiter Satellites of Saturn Ring of Saturn.. Satellites of Uranus.. Recapitulation 43 44 55 58 59 61 62 b 2 xii Contents. page 71 COS X FORMULA 1 Equivalent expressions for sin x..... 2 72 3 tan X... 73 4 Relative to two arcs A and B 74 5 Differences of trigonometrical lines 76 6 Differentials of do. do. 76 7 General analytical expressions for the sides and angles of any spherical triangle 77 8 Solutions of the cases of right-angled spherical triangles 78 9 of oblique-angled do. 79 10 Trigonometrical series .. 84 11 Multiple arcs 85 12 For computing the Longitude, Right Ascension and Declination of the sun ; and the Angle of Position . 86 13 For computing the Longitude and Latitude, Right Ascension and Declination of the moon or a star ; and the Angle of Position .. 87 14 For computing the Altitude and Azimuth of a heavenly body and its Angle of Variation... 88 15 For computing the time &c, from single altitudes.... 89 16 For computing the time &c, from observations near the prime vertical... 90 17 For computing the effect of atmospheric refraction... 91 18 For computing the equation of equal altitudes 92 19 For computing the correction for the Reduction to the Meridian 93 20 For computing the correction for the Reduction to the Solstice.... 94 21 For computing the Angle of the Vertical.. 95 22 For computing the horizontal Parallax of the moon at any given latitude 95 23 For computing the Moon's parallax in Altitude ..... 96 24 For computing the longitude and altitude of the Nonagesimal 97 Contents. xii page 98 FORMULÆ 25 For computing the Moon's parallax in Longitude and Latitude... 26 For computing the Moon's parallax in Right Ascen- sion 99 27 For computing the Moon's parallax in Declination.. 100 28 For computing the augmentation of the Moon's semidiameter 101 29 For computing the apparent distance between the centre of the moon and the sun or a star 102 30 For computing the place of the moon by means of differences 103 31 For computing the annual precession of the Equinoxes and the mean Obliquity of the ecliptic 104 32 For computing the Nutation of the obliquity of the Ecliptic, and of the Longitude 105 33 For computing the lunar and solar nutation of a star 106 34 For computing the aberration of a star ... 107 35 For computing the corrections to observations with a transit instrument 108 36 For computing the co-efficients used in the preceding formula 109 37 For computing the latitude of a place, from observa- tions of the Pole star, at any time of the day.. 110 38 For computing the height of mountains with the barometer 111 39 For computing the increase of gravity, and the com- pression of the earth from the lengths of two isochronous pendulums...... 112 40 For computing the increase of gravity, and the com- pression of the earth from the vibrations of two invariable pendulums.. 113 41 For computing the corrections to be applied to an invariable pendulum, from various causes 114 42 For computing the principal geodetical quantities depending on the spheroidical figure of the earth. 115 xiv Contents. FORMULA 43 For computing the length of a degree of longitude and latitude, on the earth considered as a spheroid page 116 44 For computing the compression of the earth, from two measured arcs of the meridian 117 45 For computing the equations depending on the theory of the elliptical motion of the planets 118 46 For computing the greatest equation of the centre, the eccentricity of the orbit, and the eccentric anomaly. 119 123 125 129 130 131 132 133 134 138 141 142 TABLES 1 Latitude and Longitude of various Observatories... 2 Mean R of the sun, for every day of the year..... 3 Corrections for every year from 1800 to 1900 4 Correction for the Lunar Nutation 5 Correction for the Solar Nutation 6 For converting sidereal into mean solar time ...... 7 For converting mean solar into sidereal time 8 For converting degrees into time; and vice versa .. 9 Mr. Ivory's Refractions... 10 Corrections for thermometer and barometer.. 11 Corrections for low altitudes., 12 Dr. Brinkley's Refractions 13 Corrections for low altitudes 14 Parallax of the sun, for the 1st day of every month. 15 Logarithms of sin IP.. 16 Logarithms for the equation of equal altitudes..... 17 Altitude of a star, when on the prime vertical ..... 18 For the reduction to the meridian. 19 second part.. 20 Mean obliquity of the ecliptic for every year from 1800 to 1900.... 21 Lunar Nutation of Longitude, and of Obliquity of the ecliptic.. 143 144 145 146 147 153 154 164 165 166 Contents. XV page 168 TABLES 22 Solar Nutation of Longitude, and of Obliquity of the ecliptic... 23 Selenographic positions of the principal lunar spots. 169 24 Angle of the Vertical, and Logarithm of the earth's radius. 170 25 Augmentation of the moon's semidiameter 171 26 Logarithms to be used with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd differences of the moon's place. 172 27 Annual precession of the equinoxes in Longitude; and the constants for R and D... 173 28 For Aberration of a star in R, and first part of do. in Dec... 174 29 For Aberration of a star in Dec. second part 175 30 For Lunar Nutation of a star in R and D..... 176 31 For Solar Nutation of a star in R and D.... 177 32 Circular arcs 178 33 Semidiurnal arcs 180 34 Length of a degree of Longitude and Latitude; and of the Pendulum 181 35 Expansion of various substances. 182 36 For measuring heights by the barometer 183 37 For converting hours, minutes and seconds, into decimals of a day...... · 184 38 For converting minutes and seconds into decimals of a degree, 185 39 For converting any day into the decimal part of a year 186 40 For converting the centesimal division of the quadrant into the sexagesimal.. 188 41 For converting Fahrenheit's scale of the thermometer into Reaumur's and the Centesimal.. 191 42 Comparison of French and English measures ...... 192 43 Various logarithms used in astronomical calculations 193 Explanation of the Tables.. 195 f xvi Contents. PROBLEMS 1 To convert sidereal time into mean solar time: and vice versa .... page 217 2 To compute the Refraction of a heavenly body .... 220 3 To determine the time, from single altitudes of the sun, or a star 222 4 To determine the time, from equal altitudes of the sun 226 5 For the reduction to the meridian. 228 6 To determine the latitude of a place. 231 7 To determine the longitude of a place 236 8 To compute the obliquity of the ecliptic, from observations of the sun made near the solstice .. 247 9 To determine the place of the equinox, from obser- vations of the sun made near that point 249 10 To compute the true place of the moon, by means of differences. 250 11 To compute the parallax of the moon. 252 12 To compute the aberration and nutation of a star 256 13 To determine the corrections for observations made with a transit instrument 258 14 To compute a table of altitudes and azimuths 260 15 To compute the longitude and latitude of a heavenly body, from its right ascension and declination: and 262 16 To determine the height of mountains, by means of the barometer.. 263 List of errors and corrections 265 vice versa ELEMENTS OF THE SYSTEM. B THE SUN. TI HE sun, which is the source of light and heat to our system, is the most considerable of all the heavenly bodies; and governs all the planetary motions. Its mean distance from the earth is 23984 times the semidiameter of the earth; or nearly 95 millions of miles. Its mean longitude, at the commencement of the present century *, was in 280º. 39' 10",2: after subtracting 20" for the effect of aberration. His mean motion in the ecliptic (as it appears to a spectator on the earth) in 100 Julian years, or 36525 mean solar days, is, according to M. Damoiseau, 36000°.76472, or 100rev + 0°.45' 53",0+: whence we deduce his motion in a mean solar day to be 09.98564722 or 09.59'.8",32999; and consequently his mean motion in 365 days to be 359º. 7612354, or 359º. 45'. 40",45. The longitude of his perigee, at the commencement of the present century, was in 279º. 30'. 5",0: and the line * The epoch assumed in the following pages, as the commencement of the present century, is the moment of mean noon at Greenwich, on January 1, 1801; reckoning from the mean equinox. † M. Lalande, in his solar tables, assumed this, in round numbers, equal to 46.0”. M. Delainbre at first determined it to be 45'.54" but he afterwards adopted 45'.45'': at the same time stating that he thought this latter value was too small. Baron Zach has assumed it equal to 45'. 48". ; B 2 4 The Sun. of the apsides is subject to the same variation as that of the earth. The annual motion of the sun in the ecliptic, and its diurnal motion from east to west, are in fact optical de- ceptions, arising from the real motion of the earth in its orbit and on its axis. These will be explained when we come to treat on the motions of the earth. The greatest equation of the centre, as adopted by M. De- lambre, is 1º. 55'. 26",8: but M. Laplace has since pro- posed 1°. 55'. 271,3. It diminishes at the rate of 17",18 in a century. The sun is surrounded by an atmosphere; and it is oftentimes obscured with spots. Some of these spots have been observed so large as to exceed the earth 4 or 5 times in magnitude: and they are generally confined within 33° of the solar equator. The observation of these spots shows that the sun moves on its axis : and the duration of an entire sidereal rotation of the sun is about 25) days. Whence we conclude that the sun is flattened at the poles. The solar axis is inclined in an angle of 7º. 30' to the axis of the ecliptic. The mean horizontal parallax of the sun adopted by M. Laplace is 8",66: but, as recently deduced by M. Encke from the transits of Venus in 1761 and 1769, it is 85,5776: and this angle is the apparent semidiameter of the earth, as seen from the sun. The apparent diameter of the sun, as seen from the earth, undergoes a periodical variation. It is greatest when the earth is in its perihelion; at which time it is 32. 355,6: and it is least when the earth is in its aphelion; at which time it is 31. 31",0. Its mean apparent diameter, or its diameter at its mean distance, is equal to 32'. 2",9. The Sun. 5 The true diameter of the sun is 111.454 times the mean diameter of the earth; or upwards of 882 thousand miles. Whence its volume is 1384472 times greater than that of the earth. Its mass is only 354936 times greater than that of the earth. Whence we conclude that its density is zoet, or .2543 : which is about one quarter that of the earth. A body which weighs one pound at the equator of the earth would, if removed to the equator of the sun, weigh 27.9 pounds. And bodies would fall there with a velocity of 334.65 feet in the first second of time. The sun, and all the planets, move round the common centre of gravity of the system: which centre is nearly in the centre of the sun. This motion changes into epi- cycloids the ellipses of the planets and comets, which re- volve round the sun. The sun is supposed to have a particular motion, which carries our system towards the constellation of Hercules. But, this is doubted by M. Bessel. THE PLANETS. THE number of planets belonging to our system is eleven. Six of these have been known and recognised from time immemorial: namely Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. But, the remaining five, which are not visible to the naked eye, have lately been disco- vered by the help of the telescope; and are therefore called telescopic planets : namely, Uranus, discov. by Sir W. Herschel, March 13, 1781. Ceres, M. Piazzi, January 1, 1801. Pallas, . M, Olbers, March 28, 1802. Juno, M. Harding Septem. 1, 1804. Vesta, M. Olbers, March 29, 1807, All these planets revolve round the sun, as the centre of motion: and in performing their revolutions they follow the fundamental laws of planetary motion so happily discovered by Kepler; and which have been fully con- firmed by subsequent observations. These laws are, 1º. The orbit of each planet is an ellipse; of which the sun occupies one of the foci. 2º. The areas described about the sun, by the radius vector of the planet, are proportional to the times em- ployed in describing them. 3º. The squares of the times of the sidereal revolutions of the planets are to each other as the cubes of their mean distances. The extremity of the major axis of the ellipse, nearest the sun, is called the perihelion: the opposite extremity of The Planets. 7 the same axis is called the aphelion. The line, which joins these two points, is called the line of the apsides. The anomaly of a planet is its distance in degrees from the place of the perihelion. The radius vector is an imaginary line drawn from the centre of the sun, to the centre of the planet, in any part of its orbit. The motion of a planet in its orbit is always most rapid when in its perihelion. This velocity diminishes as the radius vector increases; till the planet arrives at its aphe- lion, when its motion is the slowest. It then increases, in an inverse manner, till the planet arrives again at its peri- helion. The first two laws of Kepler are sufficient for deter- mining the motion of the planets round the sun: but, it is necessary to know, for each of these planets, seven quan- tities; which are called the elements of their elliptical motions. These are, 1°. The mean distance of the planet from the sun: or half the major axis of the orbit. 2º. The duration of a mean sidereal revolution of the planet. 3º. The mean longitude of the planet, at a given epoch. 4°. The longitude of the perihelion, at a given epoch. 5º. The inclination of the orbit to the ecliptic, at a given epoch. 6º. The longitude of the nodes, at a given epoch. 70. The eccentricity of the orbit, described by the planet. The ellipses, however, which the planets describe, are not unalterable. Their major axes and their mean motions in their orbits, appear to be always the same. But the position of their apsides, the inclination of their orbits to the ecliptic, the position of their nodes, and the amount of 8 The Planets. their eccentricities, seem to vary in a course of years. These inequalities, being sensible only in a series of ages, are called secular variations. There is no doubt of their existence: but the modern observations not being suffi- ciently extensive, and the ancient ones not sufficiently exact, there still rests some degree of uncertainty as to their magnitude. There are indeed some inequalities which affect the elliptical motion of the planets. That of the earth, for instance, is a little altered. But, they are most sensible in Jupiter and Saturn : for, it appears that the duration of their mean sidereal revolution round the sun is subject to a periodical variation. MERCURY. MERCURY is the nearest planet to the sun: its mean distance being 0.3870981; that of the earth being con- sidered as unity. This makes his mean distance above 36 millions of miles. He performs his mean sidereal revolution in 87.9692580 mean solar days, or in 87d. 23h. 15m. 439,9: and his mean synodical revolution in 115.877 mean solar days. His mean longitude, at the commencement of the present century, was in 166º. 0.48", 6. His mean motion in his orbit, in a mean solar day, is 4º. 09238, or 4º. 5'. 32",6. His mean motion in 365 days is consequently 1493º. 7175 or 4rev + 53°, 43'. 3',0. The longitude of the perihelion was, at the commence- ment of the present century, in 74º. 21'. 46",9. The line of the apsides has a motion, according to the order of the signs, equal to 5",84 in a year: but, when referred to the ecliptic, this motion will (on account of the precession of the equinoctial points) be equal to 55",9 in a year. And it is in this manner that the value is assumed in the pla- netary tables. His orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic in an angle which, at the commencement of the present century, was 70.0.95,1: and which angle is subject to a small increase of 0", 1818 in a year. His ascending node was, at the commencement of the present century, in 45º. 57.30",9: having a motion, to the westward, every year, of 7",82. But, when referred to the C 10 Mercury. 1 ecliptic, the place of the node will (on account of the pre- cession of the equinoxes) fall more to the eastward by 42",3 in a year. And it is in this manner that the value is assumed in the planetary tables. The eccentricity of his orbit is 0.20551494 ; half the major axis being assumed equal to unity. This eccen- tricity is supposed to increase about .000003866 in a cen- tury. The greatest equation of the centre, deduced from this eccentricity, is 23º. 39' 51"; and subject to an increase of 15,6 in a century. The rotation on his axis is accomplished in 24h. 5m. 289,3. The inclination of its aris to that of the ecliptic is not known. His mean apparent diameter, or his apparent diameter at a distance equal to the mean distance of the earth from the sun, is 6",9: but, at the time of his superior conjunc- tion it is only 5',0; whilst, at his inferior conjunction, it sometimes amounts to 12". Mercury changes his phases like the moon, according to his various positions with regard to the sun and the earth : but this cannot be discovered without the aid of a power- ful telescope. His true diameter, compared with that of the earth con- sidered as unity, is 0.398; which makes it about 3140 miles. His volume is only 0.063, that of the earth being con- sidered as unity. His mass, compared with that of the sun considered as unity, is quito = '0000004936. A body, which weighs one pound at the equator of the earth, would, if removed to the equator of Mercury, weigh 1•03 pounds. Mercury. 11 The proportion of light and heat, which it receives from the sun, is about 6:68 times greater than that received on the earth. As seen from the earth, Mercury never appears at any great distance from the sun ; either in the morning or the evening. His elongation, or angular distance, varies from 16º. 12 to 28º. 48'. His course sometimes appears retrograde. The arc which he describes in such cases varies from 9º. 22 to 15°. 44': its duration in the former case is 231 days, and in the latter case 21} days. This retrogradation com- mences when Mercury is at a distance from the sun, which varies from 15º. 24' to 18º. 39': and terminates when Mercury is at a distance which varies from 14°. 49' to 20°. 51'. Mercury is sometimes seen to pass over the sun's disk: which can happen only when he is in his nodes, and when the earth is in the same longitude. Consequently this phænomenon, for many centuries to come, can take place only in the months of May or November. The first observation of this kind was made by Gassendi in Novem- ber 1631: since which period they have been frequent. The following is a list of all those which have happened since the above date inclusive, and of those that will happen till the end of the present century. o 1631 Nov. 6 1644 Nov. 8 1651 Nov. 2 1661 May 3 1664 Nov. 4 1674 May 6 1677 Nov, 7 1690 Nov. 9 1697 Nov. 2 1707 May 5 1710 Nov. 6 1723 Nov. 9 1736 Nov. 10 1740 Nov. 2 c2 12 Mercury. 1743 Nov, 4 1753 May 5 1756 Nov. 6 1769 Nov. 9 1776 Nov. 2 1782 Nov. 12 1786 May 3 1789 Nov. 5 1799 May 7 1802 Nov. 8 1815 Nov. 11 1822 Nov. 4 * 1832 May 5 1835 Nov. 7 * 1845 May 8 * 1848 Nov. 9 * 1861 Nov. 11 1868 Nov. 4 * 1878 May 6 1881 Nov. 7 1891 May 9 1894 Nov. 10 * Those marked with an asterisk are such future ones as will be visible in this country. VENUS. THE mean distance of Venus from the sun is 0.7233316; that of the earth being considered as unity. This makes her mean distance nearly 68 millions of miles. She performs her mean sidereal revolution in 224-7007869 mean solar days, or in 224d. 16h. 49m. 89,0: and her mean synodical revolution in 583.920 mean solar days. Her mean longitude, at the commencement of the present century, was in 11°. 33.3",0. The mean motion in her orbit, in a mean solar day, is 1°.60217 or 10.36'.7",8. Her mean motion in 365 days is consequently 584º. 7916 or irev + 224º. 47'. 30",07. The longitude of her perihelion was, at the commence- ment of the present century, in 128º. 43.53',1. The line of her apsides has a motion to the westward, of 2",68 in a year: but, when referred to the ecliptic, this line will (on account of the precession of the equinoxes) appear to have a motion to the eastward, of 47",4 in a year. Her orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic in an angle, which, at the commencement of the present cen- tury, was 3º. 23'. 28”,5: and which angle is subject to a small decrease of about 0",0455 in a year. Her ascending node was, at the commencement of the present century, in 74º. 54'. 12",9: having a motion to the westward, every year, of 17",6. But, when referred to the ecliptic, the place of the node will (on account of the pre- cession of the equinoxes) fall more to the eastward by 32",5 in a year. 14 Venus. The eccentricity of her orbit is 0.00686074; half the major axis being assumed equal to unity. This eccentricity is supposed to decrease about '000062711 in a century. The greatest equation of the centre is 0°. 47'. 15%; which is subject to an annual decrease of 0",25. The rotation on her axis is accomplished in 23h. 21m. 75,2. The inclination of her axis, to that of the ecliptic, is not exactly known. Her mean apparent diameter, or her apparent diameter at a distance equal to the mean distance of the earth from the sun, is 16',9: but, at the time of her superior con- junction it is only 9”,6; whilst at her inferior conjunction it sometimes amounts to 61",2. Venus changes her phases, like the moon, according to her various positions with respect to the sun and the earth: which causes a very considerable difference in her bril- liancy. Her true diameter, compared with that of the earth con- sidered as unity, is 0.975; which makes it about 7700 miles. Her volume is 0.927, that of the earth being considered as unity. Her mass, compared with that of the sun considered as unity, is 405871 = .0000024638. A body which weighs one pound at the equator of the earth, would, if removed to the equator of Venus, weigh only 0.98 pound. The proportion of light and heat, which she receives from the sun, is about 1.91 times greater than that re- ceived on the earth. She is surrounded by an atmosphere, the refractive powers of which differ very little from those of the terres- trial atmosphere. Venus. 15 sun. As viewed from the earth, Venus is the most brilliant of all the planets; and may sometimes be seen with the naked eye at noon day. She is known and recognised as the morning and evening star: and never recedes far from the Her elongation, or angular distance, varies from 45° to 47º. 12'. Her course sometimes appears retrograde. The arc, which she describes in such cases, varies from 14°. 35' to 170.12': its duration, in the former case, is 404. 21h, and in the latter case 434. 12h. This retrogradation com- mences or finishes when she is at a distance from the sun, which varies from 270. 40 to 29º. 41'. Venus is sometimes seen to pass over the sun's disc; which can happen only when she is in her nodes, and when the earth is in the same longitude. Consequently this phænomenon, for many centuries to come, can take place only in the months of June or December. It is a phænomenon indeed of very rare occurrence, as may be readily seen by the following list, which contains all those transits of Venus which have occurred since that which took place in December 1639 inclusive (the first that was ever known to have been seen by any human being) to the end of the 21st century. 1639 Dec. 4 1761 June 5 1769 June 3 1874 Dec. 8 * 1882 Dec. 6 * 2004 June 7 2012 June 5 1 THE EARTH. THE earth which we inhabit is also one of the planets that revolve about the sun. Its mean distance from the sun is 23984 times its own semidiameter: whence it is nearly 95 millions of miles distant from that luminary. If this mean distance be assumed equal to unity, we shall have its distance at the perihelion equal to .9832; and its distance at the aphelion equal to 1.0168. It performs its mean sidereal revolution in 365•2563612 mean solar days, or 365d. 6h. gm. 99,6 : but the time em- ployed in going from one equinox to the same again, or from one tropic to the same again (whence called the tropical revolution), is only 365-2422414 mean solar days, or 365d. 5h. 48m. 499,7 *. The tropical year is about 45,21 shorter than it was at the time of Hipparchus. Its mean longitude, at the commencement of the present century, was in 100°. 39'. 10",2: after subtracting 20" for the effect of aberration. Its motion varies in different parts of its orbit. Like all the other planets, it is most rapid in its perihelion, and slowest in its aphelion. In the former point it describes an arc of 1º.1'.9',9 in a mean solar day: and in the * M. Lalande makes this equal to 489,0; whilst M. Delambre makes it 515,6. In fact, if we augment the duration of the year 1, we must diminish the secular motion of the sun 4'',1. See the note in page 3. The Earth. 17 or latter point it describes an arc of only 57'. 11",5 in the same period. Its mean motion is 09.98564722, 0°. 59'.8",32999 in a mean solar day; and 0°.98295603, or 0°. 58'. 58",64172 in a sidereal day. The mean longitude of its perihelion, at the commence- ment of the present century, was 99º. 30'.5",0. But the line of the apsides has a motion, to the eastward, of 11",8 in a year: which line, being referred to the ecliptic, will (on account of the precession of the equinoxes) appear to have a motion of 61",9 in a year. M. Laplace prefers 61",76. A revolution of the earth, from one end of the apsides to the same point again, is called an anomalistic year : and, on the assumption of the quantity stated by M. Laplace, is performed in 365.2595981 mean solar days, or in 3654.6h. 13m. 499,3. The perihelion coincided with the vernal equinox about the year 4089 before the Chris- tian era: it coincided with the summer solstice about the year 1250 after Christ: and will coincide with the au- tumnal equinox about the year 6483. A complete tropical revolution of the apsides is performed in 20984 years. The axis of the earth is inclined to the pole of the ecliptic in an angle which, at the commencement of the present century, was 23°. 27'. 565,5*: which angle is called the obliquity of the ecliptic. It is observed to decrease at the rate of 0",4755 in a year. But, this variation is con- fined within certain limits; and cannot exceed 2º. 42'. This angle is also subject to a periodical change called the nutation ; depending principally on the place of the moon's node: whereby the axis of the earth appears to describe a small ellipse in the heavens. The semi major * M. Bessel makes this only 54",32 with an annual diminution of 0'',46. D 18 The Earth. be b = COSW axis of this ellipse is found by M. Laplace from theory to be 95,40: but Dr. Brinkley, from a comparison of nu- merous observations, makes it only 9",25. If a denote the semi axis major of this ellipse, the semi axis minor (6) will cos 2 w xa: w being the obliquity of the ecliptic. The sun has likewise an effect on the variation of this angle; which amounts, at a maximum, according to M. Laplace from theory, to o”,493: but, according to Dr. Brinkley from observation, to 0",545. These varia- tions in the obliquity of the ecliptic affect the right ascen- sions and declinations of the stars, according to their posi- tions in the heavens. The intersection of the equator with the ecliptic is not always in the same point; but is constantly retrograding, or receding contrary to the order of the signs. Conse- quently the equinoctial points appear to move forward on the ecliptic: and whence this phænomenon is called the precession of the equinoxes. The quantity of this annual change caused by the action of the sun and moon, and which is called the luni-solar precession, is 50',41 ; from which we must deduct the direct motion caused by the planets, equal to 0",31: and the difference, or 50',10 is the general precession in longitude. It is subject to a small secular variation. A complete revolution of the equinoxes is performed in 25868 years. This precession is also subject to a periodical change, caused by the nutation of the earth's axis; and which affects the right ascensions of all the stars, by quantities depending (like the nutation of the obliquity) on the mean place of the moon's node and on the true longitude of the sun. M. Laplace's theory makes the constant of lunar nutation in longitude equal to 17",579; and of the solar The Earth. 19 1 nutation equal to 1",137. But Dr. Brinkley makes the former 17'299; and the latter 1",255. The eccentricity of the orbit of the earth is 0.016783568; half the major axis being considered as unity *. The major axis therefore will be to the minor axis of the orbit, as 1 to .99986. The eccentricity of the earth's orbit is subject to a decrease of 0.00004163 in a century. The sidereal day, or the time employed by the earth in revolving on its axis from any given star to the same star again, is always the same: and has not varied 09,003 since the time of Hipparchus. It is divided into 24 sidereal hours; and these are again subdivided into sidereal minutes and seconds. This mode of reckoning time, during the day, is now universally adopted by astronomers in their observatories : although the commencement of the day is still determined by the apparent culmination of the sun. 1 A mean solar day, as adopted by the public in this country, is the time employed by the earth in revolving on its axis, as compared with the sun, supposed to move at a mean rate in its orbit, and to make 365.2425 revolutions in a mean Gregorian year. But the mean solar day, adopted by astronomers, is founded on the assumption that the sun makes only 365•2422414 revolutions in a mean Grego- rian year. It is divided into 24 mean solar hours; and these are again subdivided into mean solar minutes and seconds. If the sidereal day be taken equal to 24 sidereal hours, ; 2 48 * M. Laplace makes this equal to :01685318, which appears to be E 11 E3 too great. The present yalue is deduced from the formula where E denotes the greatest equation of the centre, and which I have assumed equal to 19.55'.27",3. D 2 20 The Earth. the mean solar day will be equal to 24h. 3m. 565,55 of those sidereal hours. And, if the mean solar day be taken equal to 24 mean solar hours, the sidereal day will be equal to 23h. 56m. 45,09 of those hours. Or, in all cases, if we wish to determine in sidereal time the value of any given inter- val expressed in mean solar time, and vice versa, we shall have sidereal time = 1.00273791 x mean solar time mean solar time = 0.99726957 x sidereal time. The apparent day is the time employed by the earth in revolving on its axis, as compared with the apparent place of the sun. This day is also divided into 24 apparent hours; which are again subdivided into apparent minutes and seconds. This mode of reckoning is still used by the public in many parts on the continent: and is frequently referred to by the practical astronomer on various occa- sions. In fact, the apparent culmination of the sun is the commencement of the astronomical day to every practical astronomer: and in most ephemerides the computations are made in apparent time. Apparent time is constantly changing. This variation arises principally from two causes : 1° the unequal motion of the earth in its orbit; 2° the obliquity of that orbit to the plane of the equator. The mean and apparent solar days are never equal, except when the sun's daily motion in right ascension is equal to 59'. 8",33. This is the case about April 16th, June 16th, Sept. 1st, and Dec. 25th : on these days the difference vanishes, or nearly so. It is at its greatest about Novem. 1st, when it amounts to 16m. 16%. The correction which is applied to apparent time, in order to reduce it to mean solar time, and vice versa, is called the equation of time. It depends on a va- riety of arguments which are given in all the solar tables. The Earth. 21 d h m d h m The astronomical year is divided into four parts, deter- mined by the two equinoxes and the two solstices. The interval between the vernal and autumnal equinoxes is (on account of the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, and its unequal velocity therein) nearly eight days longer than the interval between the autumnal and vernal equinoxes. These intervals were, in 1801, nearly as follow: From the vernal equinox to the summer solstice = 92. 21.:50 = 186. 11. 34 From the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox = 93. 13. 44 From the autumnal equinox to the winter solstice . = 89. 16. 44 178. 18. 17 From the winter solstice to the vernal equinox = 89. 1. 33 7. 17. 17 The mass of the earth, compared with that of the sun considered as unity, is 354977 = .0000028173. Its density is 3.9326 times greater than that of the sun; and is, to that of water, as 11 to 2. The figure of the earth is that of an oblate spheroid ; the axis of the poles being to the diameter of the equator as 304 to 305. Whence the compression of the earth is 303: which I shall denote by. There is a consideraḥle dif- ference however in the results obtained by different astro- nomers and mathematicians. The mean diameter of the earth is about 7916 miles : its equatorial diameter is 7924 miles, and its polar diameter 7898 miles. As a necessary consequence from this circumstance, the degrees of latitude increase in length, as we recede from the equator to the poles. But, different meridians under 22 The Earth, 1 3 d с the same latitude present different results: the general fact however is well ascertained. If the length of a degree, divided in the middle by the equator, be denoted by d, the length of a degree, divided in the middle by any other latitude (=^) will be increased by x sin? a nearly : ·c denoting the reciprocal of the compression above men- tioned. Whence we conclude that the increase is propor- tional to the square of the sine of the latitude nearly. The centrifugal force at the equator is nearly to (= .00346) of gravity. If the rotation of the earth were 17 times more rapid, the centrifugal force would be equal to that of gravity: and bodies at the equator would not have any weight. By reason of the circumstances mentioned in the last two paragraphs, bodies lose part of their weight by being taken towards the equator. If the gravity of a body at the equator be denoted by unity, its gravity at any other lati- tude (=^) will be increased by .00539 sin?, nearly. A pendulum therefore, which vibrates seconds at the equator, must be lengthened in the same proportion, as we proceed towards the poles, in order that the oscillations may be rendered isochronous. If p denote the length of a pendulum at the equator, its length at any other latitude (=^) must be p (1 + .00539 sina) nearly, in order to be isochronous. Light is supposed to take gm. 135,3 to come from the sun to the earth. But, in this interval, the earth has moved 20",25 in its orbit. This motion of the earth produces an optical illusion in the light which comes from all the heavenly bodies; and which is called the aberration of light. From a mean of 3326 observations made by Dr. Brinkley and Dr. Struve, The Earth. 23 the constant of aberration is found to be 20",36. This would make the velocity of light equal to 8m. 159,8. A rare and elastic fluid surrounds the earth, which is called the atmosphere. Neither the temperature nor den- sity of this fluid is uniform; but diminishes in proportion to the distance from_the surface of the earth, and is also affected by various other circumstances. On the parallel of 45° of latitude, the temperature being at the freezing point, and the barometer at the level of the sea at its mean height (= 29.922 inches) the weight of the air is to that of a similar volume of mercury as 1 to 10477.9: whence it follows that, if the density of the atmosphere were every where the same, its height would be 26151 feet, or 4.95 miles. But its true height is much more considerable: since M. Gay-Lussac actually ascended in a balloon to the astonishing height of 23010 feet, or 4.36 miles; being the greatest elevation to which any person has yet ascended. Air is generally supposed to expand in bulk qšo for every degree of Fahrenheit's thermometer: but M. La- place prefers to The rays of light do not move in a straight line through the atmosphere; but are inflected continually towards the earth: so that the heavenly bodies appear more elevated from the horizon than they really are. This phænomenon is called refraction. We find, from the most accurate observations, that the refraction which the atmosphere produces, is for the most part independent of its temperature, and proportional to its density. But, as the density varies according to the temperature, it is necessary to attend not only to the state of the barometer, but also to that of the thermometer. A ray of light, passing from a vacuum into air at the 24 The Earth. temperature of freezing water and under a pressure indi- cated by the barometer at 29.922 inches, will be refracted so that the sine of refraction is to the sine of incidence as 1 to 1•0002943321. It would be sufficient therefore, in order to determine the direction of a ray of light through the atmosphere, to know the law of the density of its strata. But, this law, which depends on the tempera- ture, is very complicated, and varies every moment in the day. The temperature of the whole atmosphere being sup- posed at the freezing point, the density of these strata will diminish in a geometrical progression according to their distances from the surface of the earth : and we find by analysis that, the barometer being at 29.922, the refraction at the horizon is 39'. 54",68. It would be only 30'. 24",1 if the density diminished in an arithmetical progression. The horizontal refraction, which we observe, (about 35'. 6',0) is a mean between these limits. When the apparent height of a star above the horizon exceeds 10°, its sensible refraction depends wholly on the state of the thermometer and barometer at the place of observation: and it is nearly proportional to the tangent of the apparent distance of the star from the zenith, di- minished by 3.25 times the corresponding refraction at that distance: the thermometer being at the freezing point, and the barometer at 29.922 inches. Whence it follows that, at that temperature and under that pressure, the con- stant of refraction is 60",66: but, at any other tempera- ture and under any other pressure, corrections must be applied which are usually given in all Tables of refrac- tion. When the apparent altitude of a star does not ex- ceed 10°, the formula for determining the refraction be- comes more complex: and has been the subject of much The Earth. 25 controversy between the most eminent mathematicians and astronomers. The humidity of the air produces no sensible effect on its refractive powers, and may therefore be safely neglected. The atmosphere is a heterogeneous substance. Out of 100 parts, 79 are azotic gas, and the remaining 21 are oxygen gas: with the exception of 3 or 4 parts of carbonic acid gas out of every 1000. This is found to be univer- sally the case in whatever season or whatever climate, or in whatever part of the world the experiment has been tried. This proportion is also found to exist in the highest points of the atmosphere that have been reached by means of balloons. A body projected horizontally from the surface of the earth, to the distance of about 4•35 miles, if there were no resistance in the atmosphere, would not fall again to the earth; but would revolve round it as a satellite : the cen- trifugal force being then equal to its gravity. The action of the sun and moon has a considerable effect on the waters of the ocean, and produces the phæ- nomena of the tides. The height of the tide, at high water, is not always the same; but varies from day to day: and these variations have an evident relation to the phases of the moon. It is greatest at the syzigies: after which it diminishes, and be- comes the least at the quadratures. The tides are also affected by the declinations of the sun and moon: for they diminish the tides of the syzigies which occur at the equinoxes; and augment the tides of the quadratures, which occur at the solstices. The dimi- nution of the tides of the syzigies at the solstices, is only ; of the diminution of the tides of the syzigies at the equi- . And the increase of the tides at the quadratures, noxes, E 26 The Earth. is twice as great at the equinoxes as it is at the sol- stices. The distance of the moon from the earth has also a sensible influence on the tides. In general they increase and diminish as the diameter and parallax of the moon increases and diminishes; but in a greater degree. The diminution of the tides of the syzigies at the perigee is nearly three times greater than at the apogee. The action of the moon upon the tides is three times that of the sun. The sea rises and falls twice in each interval of time comprised between the consecutive returns of the moon to the same meridian. The mean interval of these returns is 14. oh. 50m. 289,3: consequently the mean interval between two following periods of high water is 12h. 25m. 145,1. So that the retardation in the time of high water, from one day to another, is 50m. 285,3 in its mean state : and it is affected by all those causes which influence the moon's motion. This retardation varies with the phases of the moon. It is at its minimum towards the syzigies, when the tides are at their maximum; and it is then only 39m. 125,7. But, towards the quadratures, when the tides are at their minimum, this retardation is the greatest possible; and amounts to 1h. 14m. 589,8. The variation in the distance of the sun and moon from - the earth (and particularly the moon) has an influence also on this retardation. Each minute in the increase or dimi- nution of the apparent diameter of the moon, augments or diminishes this retardation 3m. 425,9 towards the syzigies : but towards the quadratures the effect is three times less. The daily retardation of the tides varies likewise with the declination of the sun and moon. In the syzigies at The Earth. 27 the time of the solstices, it is about 1m. 269,4 greater than in its mean state : and it is diminished in the same pro- portion at the equinoxes. On the contrary, in the qua- dratures at the time of the equinoxes, it exceeds its mean state by 5m. 459,6: and is in a similar manner diminished by this quantity, in the quadratures at the time of the solstices. But, the state of the tides is so modified by the nature and position of the coasts, the depth of the channel, the operation of the winds, and by other causes, that the above laws will not always be found to correspond with the actual state of the tides, particularly near the coast, or in rivers. The general result however, from a mean of a number of observations, is that the inequalities, in the heights and intervals of the tides, have various periods. Some are of half a day and a day; others are of half a month and a month; whilst others are of half a year and a year : and some are the same as the times of the revolutions of the lunar nodes and apsides. E 2 MARS. The mean distance of Mars from the sun is 1.5236923; that of the earth being considered as unity. This makes his mean distance above 142 millions of miles. He performs his mean sidereal revolution in 686.9796458 mean solar days; or in 686d. 23h. 30m. 418,4: and his mean synodical revolution in 779.936 mean solar days. His mean longitude, at the commencement of the present century, was in 64º. 22.555,5. His mean motion in his orbit, in a mean solar day, is 0°•524072, or 31'. 26",66. His mean motion in 365 days is consequently 191º. 286280 or 191º. 17'. 10',6. The longitude of the perihelion was, at the commence- ment of the present century, in 332º, 23. 56",6. But, the line of the apsides has a motion, to the eastward, of 15",8 in a year: which, on account of the precession of the equinoxes, will appear to move 65",9 in a year. His orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic in an angle which, at the commencement of the present century, was 10.51'. 6',2: and which angle decreases about 0",014 in a year. His ascending node was, at the commencement of the present century, in 48º. 0'. 35,5; having a motion to the westward every year, of 23",3. But, when referred to the ecliptic, the place of the node will (on account of the pre- cession of the equinoxes) fall more to the eastward by 26",8 in a year. The eccentricity of his orbit is 0.0933070; half the Mars. 29 major axis being considered as unity. This eccentricity is supposed to increase about 0.000090176 in a century. The greatest equation of the centre is 10°. 40'. 50"; which is subject to an annual increase of 0",37. The rotation on his axis is performed in 24h. 39m. 21°,3. The inclination of his axis to that of the ecliptic is 30°. 18'. 10",8. His parallax is nearly double that of the sun. His apparent diameter, at his mean distance from the earth, is 6",29. At its conjunction, it is sometimes not more than 35,6; but it increases as the planet approaches its opposition, when it sometimes amounts to 18",28. Sir W. Herschel states that the polar diameter is about it less than the equatorial diameter. Mars changes his phases (somewhat in the same manner as the moon does from her first to her third quarter) according to his various positions with respect to the sun and the earth. But he never becomes cornicular, as Venus and the moon do when near their conjunotions. His true diameter, compared with the earth considered as unity, is ·517 or about 4100 miles; which is rather more than half the diameter of the earth. His volume is 0·1386; that of the earth being considered as unity. His mass compared with the sun considered as unity is 25463 = .0000003927. A body which weighs one pound at the equator of the earth, would, if removed to the equator of Mars, weigh only { of a pound. The proportion of light and heat received by him from the sun, is about 0.43; that received by the earth being considered as unity. He has a very dense but moderate atmosphere : and he 3 30 Mars. is not accompanied by any satellite. As viewed from the earth, he is known by his red and fiery appearance. His course sometimes appears retrograde. The arc which he describes in such cases, varies from 10°.6' to 190.35': its duration in the former case is 600.18h; and in the latter case 800.15h. This retrogradation com- mences or finishes when the planet is at a distance from the sun, which varies from 128°. 44' to 146º. 37'. VESTA. This planet was discovered by Dr. Olbers on March 29, 1807 : its mean distance from the sun is 2.367870; that of the earth being considered as unity. It performs its sidereal revolution in 1325•7431 mean solar days: and its mean synodical revolution in 503.41 days. Its mean longitude, at mean noon, at Greenwich, on Jan. 1, 1820, was in 278°. 30.0", 4. Its mean motion in its orbit, in a mean solar day, is 16. 17",9516: its mean motion in 365 days is consequently 99º. 9'. 15",33. The longitude of its perihelion, on Jan. 1, 1820, was in 249º. 33'. 24",4. According to M. Santini, it has an ap- parent annual motion of + 1.34", 24. Its orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic, in an angle of 70..8'.9: which, according to M. Santini, has an annual decrease of 0", 12. Its ascending node was, on January 1, 1820, in 103º. 13'. 18",2: which, according to M. Santini; has an apparent annual motion of + 15",63. The eccentricity of its orbit is 0.089130; half the major axis being considered as unity: subject to an annual in- crease, according to M. Santini, of .000004009. The greatest equation of the centre is 10°. 13'. 22". The elements of this planet however are not yet sufficiently determined to be depended on : and require correction from futurc observations. JUNO. This planet was first discovered by M. Harding on Sept. 1, 1804: its mean distance from the sun is 2.669009; that of the sun being considered as unity. It performs its sidereal revolution in 1592.6608 mean solar days: and its mean synodical revolution in 473.95 days. Its mean longitude, at mean noon, at Greenwich, on Jan. 1, 1820, was in 200°. 16'. 19",1. Its mean motion in its orbit, in a mean solar day, is 13'. 32", 9304 : its mean motion in 365 days is conse- quently 82°. 25'. 194,60. The longitude of its perihelion, on Jan. 1, 1820, was in 53º. 33'. 46". Its orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic, in an angle of 13º. 4!.9",7. Its ascending node was, on Jan. 1, 1820, in 1710.7.40",4. The eccentricity of its orbit is 0.257848; half the major axis being considered as unity. The greatest equation of the centre is 29º. 46'. 19". 1 The elements of this planet however are not yet sufficiently determined to be depended on : and require correction from future observations. CERES. This planet was first discovered by M. Piazzi, on Jan. 1, 1801: its mean distance from the sun is 2.767245; that of the earth being considered as unity. It performs its mean sidereal revolution in 1681•3931 mean solar days: and its mean synodical revolution in 466.62 days. Its mean longitude, at mean noon, at Greenwich, on Jan. 1, 1820, was in 123º. 16'. 11",9. Its mean motion in its orbit, in a mean solar day, is 12. 50',9230: its mean motion in 365 days is conse- quently 78º. 9'. 46",89. The longitude of its perihelion, on Jan. 1, 1820, was in 147º. 7'. 31",5 : which, according to M. Gauss, is subject to an apparent annual motion of + 2.1",3. Its orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic in an angle of 10°. 37'. 26",2: which, according to M. Gauss, has an annual decrease of 0",44. Its ascending node was, on Jan. 1, 1820, in 80°. 41'. 24". According to M. Gauss, it has an apparent annual mo- tion of + 1",48. The eccentricity of its orbit is 0·078439; half the major axis being considered as unity: which, according to M. Gauss, is subject to an annual decrease of .00000583. The greatest equation of the centre is 8º. 59!. 42". The elements of this planet however are not yet sufficiently determined to be depended on : and require correction from future observations. PALLAS This planet was discovered by Dr. Olbers, on March 28, 1802: its mean distance from the sun is 2.772886; that of the earth being considered as unity. It performs its sidereal revolution in 1686°5388 mean solar days : and its mean synodical revolution in 466•22 days. Its mean longitude, at mean noon, at Greenwich, on Jan. 1, 1820, was in 108°. 24.57",9. Its mean motion in its orbit, in a mean solar day, is 12.48",3934: its mean motion in 365 days is consequently 77º. 54'. 255,59. The longitude of its perihelion, on Jan. 1, 1820, was in 121°.7.4",3. Its orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic, in an angle of 34°. 34.55",0. Its ascending node was, on Jan. 1, 1820, in 1729.39'. 26",8. The eccentricity of its orbit is 0.241648; half the major axis being considered as unity. The greatest equation of the centre is 270.49'. 19". The elements of this planet however are not yet sufficiently determined to be depended on : and require correction from future observations. It appears subject to very considerable perturbations. JUPITER. The mean distance of this planet from the sun is 5•202776; that of the earth being considered as unity. This makes his mean distance above 485 millions of miles. He performs his mean sidereal revolution in 4332.5848212 mean solar days, or in 4332d. 14h. 2m. 89,5: which is nearly 12 years. But this period is subject to some inequalities. His mean synodical revolution is performed in 398.867 mean solar days. His mean longitude at the commencement of the present century, was in 112º. 15. 23",0. His mean motion in his orbit, in a mean solar day, is 0°.08312938, or 4'. 59",26. His mean motion in 365 days is consequently 30°. 3422228, or 30°. 20. 32",0: so that he passes through somewhat more than a sign in the course of a year. The longitude of his perihelion was, at the commence- ment of the present century, in 11°.8'. 34",6. The line of the apsides has a motion, to the eastward, of 65,96 in a year: which when referred to the ecliptic will (on account of the precession of the equinoxes) appear to be equal to 57",06 in a year. His orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic in an angle which, at the commencement of the present century, was 1º. 18. 51",3; and which angle is subject to a small decrease of about 0", 226 in a year. His ascending node was, at the commencement of the present century, in 98º. 26'. 18",9; having a motion to the F 2 36 Jupiter. westward every year of 15",8. But, when referred to the ecliptic, the place of the node will (on account of the pre- cession of the equinoxes) fall more to the eastward by 34",3 in a year. The eccentricity of his orbit is 0.0481621, half the major axis being assumed equal to unity. This eccentricity is supposed to increase about 0.000159350 in a century. The greatest equation of the centre is 5º. 31'.13",8 : which is subject to an annual increase of 0",6344. The rotation on his axis is performed in 9h. 55m. 495, 7. The inclination of his axis to that of the ecliptic is 30. 5. 30". His apparent diameter (measured equatorially) at his mean distance from the earth, is 36",74. At its conjunc- lion it is sometimes only 30",0; but it increases as the planet approaches its opposition, when it sometimes amounts to 455,88. His true diameter, compared with that of the earth con- sidered as unity, is 10•860; which makes it near 90000 miles. The axis of the poles is to his equatorial diameter, as 167 to 177. His volume is 1280:9; that of the earth being considered as unity. His mass, compared with that of the sun considered as unity, is To70.5 = .0009341431. His density, compared with that of the sun considered as unity, is :99239 : and is about # of the density of the earth. A body which weighs one pound at the equator of the earth would, if removed to the equator of Jupiter, weigh 2.716 pounds. But this must be diminished about a ninth part, on account of the centrifugal force due to each planet. Jupiter. 37 The proportion of light and heat which he receives from the sun is •037; that received by the earth being con- sidered as unity. He is surrounded by faint substances which appear like zones or belts: and which are supposed to be parts of his atmosphere. As viewed from the earth he appears, next to Venus, the most brilliant of all the planets; whom he sometimes however surpasses in brightness. His course sometimes appears retrograde. The arc which he describes in such cases varies from 99.51' to 9º. 59': its duration in the former case is 116d. 18h; and in the latter case 122d. 12h. This retrogradation com- mences or finishes when the planet is at a distance from the sun which varies from 113º. 351 to 116º. 42'. Jupiter is accompanied by four satellites. SATURN. The mean distance of Saturn from the sun is 9.5387861; that of the earth being considered as unity. This makes his mean distance above 890 millions of miles. Heperforms his meansidereal revolution in 10759.2198174 mean solar days; or in 29•456 Julian years. But this period' is subject to some inequalities : and his motion at the present day appears to be less rapid than formerly. His mean synodical revolution is performed in 378.090 mean solar days. His mean longitude, at the commencement of the present century, was in 135º. 20'. 61,5. His mean motion in his orbit, in a mean solar day, is 0°. 03349777 or 2.0",6. His mean motion in 365 days is consequently 12°. 22668787 or 12º. 13'. 36",08. The longitude of his perihelion was, at the commence- ment of the present century, in 89º. 9'. 295,8. The line of the apsides has a motion, to the eastward, of 19",4 in a year: which, when referred to the ecliptic, will (on account of the precession of the equinoxes) appear to be equal to 695,5 in a year. His orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic in an angle which, at the commencement of the present century, was 2º. 29'. 35",7; and which angle is subject to a small decrease of 0",155 in a year. His ascending node was, at the commencement of the present century, in 111°. 56' 37",4; having a motion to the westward, every year, of 19",4. But, when referred to Saturn. 39 the ecliptic, the place of the node will (on account of the precession of the equinoxes) fall more to the eastward, by 30",7 in a year. The eccentricity of his orbit is 0.05615050; half the major axis being assumed equal to unity. This eccentricity is supposed to decrease about .000312402 in a century. The greatest equation of the centre is 6º. 26'. 12; which is subject to an annual decrease of 1",279. The rotation on his axis is performed in 10h. 29m. 169,8. The inclination of his axis to that of the ecliptic is 31º. 19'. His apparent diameter, at his mean distance from the earth, is about 16", 20. His true diameter, compared with that of the earth con- sidered as unity, is 9.982; which makes it about 76068 miles. The axis of the poles is to the equatorial diameter as 11 to 12. His volume is 995.00; that of the earth being considered as unity. His mass, compared with that of the sun considered as unity, is 3712 = .0002847380. His density, compared with that of the sun considered as unity, is •550; which is about f of the density of the earth; but there is some uncertainty in this determination. A body which weighs one pound at the equator of the earth, would, if removed to the equator of Saturn, weigh 1•01 pounds. The proportion of light and heat which it receives from the sun is about .0011; that received by the earth being considered as unity. He is sometimes marked by zones or belts; which are probably obscurations in his atmosphere. His course sometimes appears retrograde. The arc 40 Saturni. which he describes in such cases varies from 60.411 to 6º. 55': its duration in the former case is 1384. 18h; and in the latter case 135d. 9h. This retrogradation com- mences or finishes when the planet is at a distance from the sun which varies from 1070.251 to 110°. 46'. Saturn is accompanied by seven satellites : and also surrounded with a double ring. URANUS. URANUS was discovered to be a planet by Sir William Herschel on March 13, 1781; who gave it the name of the Georgium sidus* Its mean distance from the sun is 19·182390; that of the earth being considered as unity. This makes his mean distance upwards of 1800 millions of miles. It performs its mean sidereal revolution in 30686.8208296 mean solar days; or in 84.02 Julian years. Its mean synodical revolution is performed in 369•656 mean solar days. Its mean longitude, at the commencement of the present century, was in 1770.48' 23",0. The mean motion in its orbit in a mean solar day is 0°. 0117695; or 421,37. His mean motion in 365 days is 4º. 295876 or 4º. 17. 45", 16. The longitude of his perihelion was, at the commence- ment of the present century, in 167º. 31'. 16",1. The line of the apsides has an apparent motion, to the eastward, of 52,50 in a year. His orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic in an angle of 46'. 28",44. His ascending node was, at the commencement of the * It is remarkable that this star was observed as far back as 1690. It was seen three times by Flamsteed, once by Bradley, once by Mayer, and eleven times by Lemonnier: not one of whom suspected it to be a planet. That brilliant discovery was reserved for Herschel. G 42 Uranus. present century, in 72º. 59'. 35",3; having an apparent motion to the eastward, every year, of 14", 16. The eccentricity of his orbit is 0.04667938; half the major axis being considered as unity. The greatest equation of the centre deduced from this eccentricity is 5º. 20.57'. His apparent diameter, even at the time of his oppo- sition, is scarcely 4",0. His mass, compared with that of the sun considered as unity, is 17918 = '0000558098. His density, compared with that of the sun considered as unity, is supposed to be about 1•100. The proportion of light and heat which it receives from the sun is about .003; that received by the earth being considered as unity. As seen from the earth the motion of Uranus sometimes appears retrograde. The mean arc which he describes in this case is about 3º. 36': and its mean duration is about 151 days. This retrogradation commences or finishes when the planet is distant about 103º. 30' from the sun. This planet is accompanied by six satellites. THE SATELLITES. The number of satellites in our system, at present known, is eighteen: namely, the Moon which revolves round the Earth, four that belong to Jupiter, seven to Saturn, and six to Uranus. The moon is the only one visible to the naked eye. They all move round their respective primary planets, as their centre, by the same laws as those primary ones move round the sun: namely, 1°. The orbit of each satellite is an ellipse, of which the primary planet occupies one of the foci. 2º. The areas, described about the primary planet, by the radius vector of the satellite, are proportional to the times employed in describing them. 3º. The squares of the times of the revolutions of the satellites, round their respective primary planets, are to each other as the cubēs of their mean distances from the primary. G 2 THE MOON. The mean distance of the moon from the earth is 29.982175 times the diameter of the terrestrial equator; or above 237 thousand miles. She performs her mean sidereal revolution in 27.321661423 mean solar days, or 27d. 7h. 43m. 119,5: but the time em- ployed in making a tropical revolution is only 27d. 321582418, or 27d. 7h. 43m. 49,7. Her mean synodical revolution is 29-5305887215 mean solar days, or 29d. 12h. 44m. 25,87. But these periods are variable; and a comparison of the modern observations with the ancient ones proves incon- -testably an acceleration in the mean motions of the moon, to which we shall presently allude. Her mean longitude, at the commencement of the present century, was in 118°. 171.8",3*. Her mean motion, in 100 Julian years, or 36525 mean solar days, is 4812670.878222 or 1336rev + 3070.52.41",6t: whence, we deduce her mean motion in a mean solar day to be 13º. 17639639 or 13°. 10'. 35",027: and consequently her mean motion in 365 days to be 4809º. 38468235 or * M. Burg has adopted 16'. 56',1: whilst M. Burckhardt assumes it 17.3",0. † Mayer, in his first tables, adopted 52'. 20'' ; but in his second tables, he increased it to 53.35'. M. Burg proposed 52. 43",48 : whilst M. Burckhardt assumed it at 52. 53'',5. Lastly, M. Damoiseau has retained the determination of M. Laplace, which makes it only 52.41",6 as stated in the text. The Moon. 45 13rev + 129º. 23'. 4",85646. It is however subject to a secular variation, as will be shown presently. The mean longitude of her perigee was, at the com- mencement of the present century, in 266º. 10'. 71,5. But the line of the apsides has a motion to the eastward, which in 36525 mean solar days is 4069º. 046278, or Ilrev + 109°, 2.46',6 *; whence we deduce the mean mo- tion in a mean solar day to be 6'. 41",0; and consequently the mean motion in 365 mean solar days to be 40°. 39'.45",36. It makes a sidereal revolution in 3232.575343 mean solar days, or in nearly 9 years. The period of a tropical revo- lution of the apsides is but 3231•4751 mean solar days. These periods however are not uniform: for they have a secular variation depending on the acceleration of the moon; and are retarded whilst the motion of the moon itself is accelerated. The amount of this secular variation, we shall allude to in the sequel. If the mean place of the moon's perigee be deducted from her mean longitude, it will show her mean anomaly. This mean anomaly was, at the commencement of the present century, in 212º. 7.0",8t; and its motion in a. mean solar day is 13º. 064992; consequently its motion in 365 days is 47689.722057, or 13rev + 88°.43.19",4. The mean period of an anomalistic revolution of the moon is 274.5545995 or 27d. 13h. 18m.375,4. But these motions are variable, as will be shown hereafter. Her orbit is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic in an angle of 5º. 8'. 47",9. But this inclination is subject to a periodical variation which principally depends on the * M. Burg makes this 3.25%',7, whilst M. Burckhardt makes it 3.48”,2. M. Damoiseau has adopted the determination of M. Laplace. + M. Burg assumes 6'.56'',6; whilst M. Burckhardt adopts 6'.39",8. 46 The Moon. cosine of twice the distance of the moon from the sun; and amounts, at a maximum, to 8'. 47",15. The mean inclina- tion however is constant, notwithstanding the secular va- riation in the plane of the ecliptic: a fact which is con- firmed by all the observations, ancient and modern. Her ascending node was, at the commencement of the present century, in 13°. 53'. 17",7* It has a motion to the westward, which in 36525 mean solar days amounts to 1934º. 1659722, or 5rev + 134º. 9'. 57",5+: whence we de- duce the motion of the node in a mean solar day to be 0°.052955 or 3'. 104,64: and the motion in 365 mean solar days to be 19º. 328421 or 19º. 19'. 42",316. The nodes make a sidereal revolution in 6793•39108 mean solar days; or in 18·6 Julian years. The place of the node is subject to many inequalities; of which the greatest is proportional to the sine of double the distance of the moon from the sun ; which, at a maximum, amounts to 1°. 37' . 45". A synodical revolution of the nodes is performed in 346.619851 mean solar days; or in 346d. 145.52m. 359,1. The mean period of a revolution of the moon, from node to node, is 27d. 2122222, 27d. 5h. 5m. 36$. These mean motions however are not uniform: for the motion of the nodes is subject to a secular variation depending on the acceleration of the moon; and is retarded, whilst the motion of the moon is accelerated. The amount of this secular variation we shall now allude to. The acceleration of the moon's mean motion arises from or * M. Burg, in the Supplement to his tables, makes this 40”,6: whilst M. Burckhardt adopts 22',2. † M. Burg has assumed 42",0, in the Supplement to his tables : whilst M. Burckhardt has adopted 48",0. M. Damoiseau has followed the determination of M. Laplace. The Moon. 47 the action of the sun, together with the secular variation of the eccentricity of the earth's orbit. Whilst this eccen- tricity diminishes (which is the case at present) the accele- ration will increase: but, when the eccentricity shall begin to increase, this acceleration will be changed into a re- tardation of the moon's motion. The cause of this varia- tion affects not only the position of the moon's longitude, but also the place of her perigee and node. M. Damoiseau has given the following formulæ for the secular variations: where x denotes the number of centuries from 1800. Long: = + 10",7232x + 0",019361 x3 Anom: = + 50",4203 x2 + 0",091035x3 Node = + 65,5632x2 + 0",011850x® These quantities are related to each other, as the numbers 1, + 4•702 and + 0.612. The eccentricity of the moon's orbit is 0.0548442; half the major axis being assumed equal to unity. It does not appear to be subject to any variation. The greatest equation of the centre is 6º. 17'. 12", 7: which also appears to be invariable. The rotation on her axis is equal and uniform ; and is performed in precisely the same time as the tropical revo- lution in her orbit: whence she always presents nearly the same face to the earth. But, as the motion of the moon, in her orbit, is periodi- cally variable, we sometimes see more of her eastern edge, and sometimes more of her western edge. This appearance is called her libration in longitude. The inclination of her axis to that of the ecliptic is 1°.301. 10",8. In consequence of this position of the moon, her poles alternately become visible to, and obscured from us. This phænomenon is called her libration in latitude. 48 The Moon. There is also another phænomenon connected with this subject, arising from the moon being seen by us from the surface of the earth, instead of the centre. This is called her diurnal libration. There are other inequalities in the moon's motions, arising from the action and influence of the sun. The principal of these are the three following ones; which are added as equations to the moon's mean longitude. 1º. The evection, whose constant effect is to diminish the equation of the centre in the syzigies, and to augment it in the quadratures. If this diminution and increase were always the same, the evection would depend only on the angular distance of the moon from the sun: but its abso- lute value varies also with the distance of the moon from the perigee of its orbit. After a long series of observations, we are enabled to represent this inequality by supposing it to depend on the sine of double the distance of the moon from the sun, minus the distance of the moon from its perigee. At its maximum it amounts to 10. 20'. 295,90. 2º. The variation, which disappears in the syzigies and quadratures, and is greatest in the octants. It is then equal to 35'. 41",96. It is proportional to the sine of twice the distance of the moon from the sun : and its duration is half a synodical revolution of the moon. 3º. The annual equation, which follows exactly the same law as the equation of the centre of the sun, but with a contrary sign. For, when the earth is in its perihelion, the orbit of the moon is enlarged by the action of the sun ; and the moon therefore requires more time to perform her revolution. But, as the earth proceeds towards its aphe- lion, the moon's orbit contracts. Hence, the period of this inequality is an anomalistic year: and, at its maximum it amounts to 11'. 11",97. It is subject to a small secular variation. The Moon. 49 The mean horizontal parallax of the moon, at the equa- tor, is 57.0",9. It varies from about 53'. 48" to about 61'. 24" according to the distance of the moon from the earth. The horizontal parallax at any other latitude (=^) is always less than that at the equator, by a quantity which is equal to the equatorial horizontal parallax mul- 1 tiplied by . sin a nearly: being the compression of the earth. The parallax of altitude may, for most ordinary pur- poses, be considered as equal to the horizontal parallax (at the place) multiplied by the cosine of the apparent alti- tude. The apparent diameter of the moon varies also accord- ing to her distance from the earth. When nearest to us, it is 33'. 31",07; but at her greatest distance it is only 29'. 21",91 : the apparent diameter at her mean distance is 31'. 7",0. It is always À of the horizontal parallax of the -moon: or, more correctly, equal to 545 of the lunar parallax. Her mean true diameter is, in proportion to that of the earth, as 5823 to 21332; or as 1 to 3•665. Whence her mean diameter is about 2160 miles. Her figure is that of an oblate spheroid, like that of the earth. Her volume is the of the volume of the earth. Her mass is 7057 of the mass of the earth * Her density is 16ez = 615 of the density of the earth. * M. Laplace made this, at first, equal to 18:57: but he has since reduced it to 7577. The value in the text is deduced from Dr. Brink- ley's constant of nutation. H - 50 The Moon. A body, which weighs one pound at the equator of the earth, would, if removed to the equator of the moon, weigh only t of a pound. The light of the moon is 300 thousand times more weak than that of the sun. Its rays, collected by the aid of powerful glasses, do not produce any sensible effect on the thermometer. The atmosphere of the moon (if it has any) must be exceedingly attenuated; and must be more rare than that which we can produce with our best air-pumps. The refraction of the rays of light at the surface of the earth must be at least a thousand times greater than at the surface of the moon. The horizontal refraction at the moon cannot exceed 1",6. Volcanoes and mountains are discovered on her surface, by the aid of powerful telescopes. A body projected from the surface of the moon, with a momentum that would cause it to proceed at the rate of about 8200 feet in the first second of time, and whose di- rection should be in a line which, at that inoment, passed through the centre of the earth and moon, would not fall again to the surface of the moon; but would become a satellite to the earth. Its primitive impulse might, indeed, be such as to cause it even, after many revolutions, to pre- cipitate to the earth. The stones, which have fallen from the air, may be accounted for in this manner. The phases of the moon are caused by the reflection of the sun's light from her surface; and depend on the rela- tive positions of the sun, the earth and the moon. Eclipses can happen only when the moon is in her syzi- gies: and then only when she is near the place of her nodes. If, at the time of her mean conjunction with the sun, she be The Moon. 51 less than 13º. 33! from her node, there will certainly be an eclipse of the sun in some part of the world : but, if this distance be greater than 19º. 44, there cannot be one. Between these limits it will be necessary to make a more minute calculation. If at the time of her mean opposition, she be 70.471 distant from her node, there will certainly be an eclipse of the moon : but if 130.21' distant therefrom, there cannot be one. Between these limits it will also be necessary to make a more minute calculation. The number of eclipses in a year cannot be less than two, nor more than seven. And when there are only two, they will both be solar. A solar eclipse cannot take place unless the moon be in conjunction with the sun : and then only to a spectator on the earth under particular circumstances. When the centres of the sun and moon are in the same straight line with the eye of the spectator, and the apparent diameter of the moon is greater than that of the sun, the eclipse will be total : but, if her apparent diameter be less, the eclipse will be annular. In other cases, however, which are by far the most numerous, the sun will suffer only a partial eclipse. The greatest possible duration of the annular appearance of a solar eclipse is, according to M. Du Sejour, 12m. 248 : and the greatest possible time during which the sun can be totally obscured is 7m. 585. The magnitude and duration of every solar eclipse will in fact differ at every point of the earth's surface. The following is a list of all the subsequent solar eclipses that will be visible in this country during the present century. The hour of the day at which the eclipse commences, and the number of digits eclipsed, are adapted to the middle of England. H 2 52 The Moon. LIST OF SOLAR ECLIPSES *. Digits eclipsed. h 6. 41 Year. Day and hour. d 1826 Nov. 29. 10. A.M. 1832 July 27. 2. P.M. ·1833 July 17. 5. A.M. 1836 May 15. 2. P.M. 1841 July 18. 3. 1842 July 8. 5. A.M. 1845 May 6. 8. 1846 April 25. 6. P.M. 1847 Oct. 9. 6. A.M. 1851 July 28. 2. P.M. 1858 March 15. 11. A.M. 1860 July 18. 2. P.M. 1861 | Dec. 31. 2. 1863 May 17. 6. 1865 Oct. 19. 4. 1866 Oct. 8. 5. 1867 March 6. 8. A.M. 1868 Feb. 23. 3. P.M. 1870 Dec. 22. 11. A.M. 1873 May 26. 8. 1874 Oct. 10. 9. 1875 Sept. 29. noon 1879 | July 19. y. A.M. 1880 Dec. 30. 2. P.M. 1882 ) May 17. 6. A.M. 1887 | August 19. 3. 1890 June 17. 8. 1891 June 6. 5. P.M. 1895 March 26. 9. A.M. 1896 August 9. sunrise 1899 June 8. 5. A.M. 1900 May 28. 3. P.M. 0. 30 0.36 11. 18 contact 8. 54 6. 15 2. 21 11. 0 9. 43 11. 30 9. 12 5. 0 3. 46 7. 36 5. 3 8. 42 contact 9. 36 3. 43 6. 18 0. 33 4. 0 4. 24 2. 18 11. 58 4. 39 3. O 1. 0 contact 3. 13 8. O * See Hutton's Mathem. Dictionary. Vol. i. page 453. 2nd edition. I have however added a few others, from the list published by M. Du Vaucel in the Memoires des Savans Etrangers. Vol. v. page 575. The Moon. 53 A lunar eclipse takes place only when the moon is in opposition to the sun; and it is of the same magnitude and duration to every spectator on the surface of the earth. It is caused by her passing through the shadow of the earth; which is 3 times longer than the distance between the earth and the moon. The breadth of this shadow, in the part where it is traversed by the moon, is about 2 times greater than the diameter of the moon; and is equal to the sum of the horizontal parallaxes of the sun and moon, minus the semidiameter of the sun. The magnitude and duration of every lunar eclipse will consequently vary according to the magnitude of these quantities at the given time, and the relative positions of the luminaries. Visible eclipses of the moon are so frequent, that a list of them cannot be conveniently inserted in this work. And, on account of the indistinctness of the border of the penumbra, the correct observation of such eclipses is ge- nerally difficult and unsatisfactory. Eclipses generally return again nearly in the same order and magnitude at the end of 223 lunations. For in 223 mean synodical revolutions there are 6585.32 days; and in 6585•78 days there are 19 mean synodical revolutions of the moon's node. Therefore at the end of this period the sun and moon will be found nearly in the same position with respect to the place of the moon's node. This period consists of 18 Julian years and 11 days, if there are four leap years in the interval: but if there are five leap years, it will consist of no more than 18 Julian years, and 10 days. And it will be found that there are generally about 70 eclipses in this interval : of which, 29 will be lunar, and 41 solar. During a mean synodical revolution of the moon, the motion of the sun's mean anomaly, the moon's mean 54 The Moon. anomaly, and the mean distance of the moon from her node, will be respectively 299, 1053533 25°.8169054 30°. 6705153 These quantities are useful in the computation of tables for determining the periods of eclipses. To an inhabitant of the moon, the earth always appears nearly in the same place in the heavens; from which it varies only in consequence of the libration. JUPITER'S SATELLITES. By the aid of the telescope we may observe four satellites revolving round Jupiter : the positions of which, with re- spect to each other, are continually changing. We some- times see them pass over the disc of Jupiter, and to project their shadow on the body of the planet. The shadow which Jupiter himself projects behind him, relatively to the sun, gives rise to another phænomenon of considerable importance. For, the satellites frequently disappear, or are eclipsed in that shadow, although they appear, with respect to us, to be at a distance from the disc of the planet. These eclipses are similar in principle to lunar eclipses; and vary in duration according to the relative position of the bodies with respect to the sun. In the following table are given the mean sidereal revo- lution of the satellites, in mean solar days; together with their mean distances from Jupiter, the semidiameter of that planet's equator being considered as unity; and likewise their masses compared with that of Jupiter considered also as unity. Sat. Sidereal revolution. Mean distance. Mass. dh m 1. 18. 28 d 1. 769137788148 1 6, 04853 1.0000173281 2 3. 13. 14 3. 551810117849 9. 62347.0000232355 3 7. 3. 43 7. 154552783970 15. 350240000884972 4 16. 16. 32 16.688769707084 26. 99835 1.0000426591 56 Jupiter's Satellites. First satellite. The plane of the orbit of this satellite coincides nearly with the plane of the equator of Jupiter ; the inclination of which to the orbit of the planet, is 3º. 5'. 30". Its eccentricity is insensible. Second satellite. The eccentricity of the orbit of this satellite is also insensible. The inclination of its orbit to that of its primary is variable; as well as the position of its nodes. These variations are represented nearly by sup- posing the orbit of the satellite inclined 27', 49",2 to the equator of Jupiter; and by giving the nodes a retrograde motion, on this plane, so as to make a revolution in 30 Julian years. Third satellite. This satellite has a little eccentricity, which is subject to a very sensible variation. Towards the end of the century before the last, the equation of the centre was at its maximum; and was then as much as 13'. 16",4. It afterwards diminished, and was at its minimum about the year 1777; when it was only 5'. 75,5. The line of the apsides has a direct but variable motion. The inclination of its orbit to that of Jupiter, and the position of its nodes, are also variable. These variations may be represented nearly by supposing the orbit inclined 12. 20" to the equator of Jupiter; and by giving the nodes a retrograde motion, on this plane, so as to make a revolution in 142 Julian years. Fourth satellite. The eccentricity of this satellite is greater than that of the other three. The line of the apsides has an annual and direct motion of 42'. 58", 7. The place of the nodes has a direct annual motion on the orbit of the planet, of 4'.15",3. The inclination of the orbit to that of Jupiter is about 2º. 58'. 48". It is in con- sequence of this great inclination that this satellite fre- quently passes behind the planet, with respect to the sun, Jupiter's Satellites. 57 without being eclipsed. Since the middle of the last cen- tury, the inclination of the orbit has increased, and the motion of the nodes has diminished, very perceptibly. Independent of these variations, the satellites are subject to perturbations which affect their elliptical motions; and which render their theory very complicated. The motions of the first three satellites are related to each other by a most singular analogy. For, the mean sidereal or synodical revolution of the first, added to twice that of the third, is generally equal to three times that of the second. And the mean sidereal or synodical longitude of the first, minus three times that of the second, plus twice that of the third, is generally equal to two right angles. It follows therefore that, for a great number of years at least, the first three satellites cannot be eclipsed at the same time. For, in the simultaneous eclipses of the second and third, the first will always be in conjunction with Jupiter : and vice versa. The eclipses of Jupiter's satellites are of great utility in enabling us to determine the longitude of places, by their observation : and they likewise exhibit some curious phæ- nomena with respect to light. 1 SATELLITES OF SATURN. By the aid of the telescope also, we may observe seven satellites to revolve round Saturn: the elements of which are but little known on account of their great distance from us. The following table will show their mean sidereal revolutions in mean solar days, and their mean distances from the planet, in semidiameters of Saturn's equator. Mean Sat. Sidercal revolution. distance. m d h 0. 22. 38 d 0.94271 1 3.351 2 1. 8. 53 1.37024 4.300 3 1. 21. 18 1.88780 5.284 4 2. 17. 45 2.73948 6.819 5 4. 12. 25 4.51749 9.524 6 15. 22. 41 15.94530 22.081 7 79. 7. 55 79.32960 64.359 The orbits of the first six satellites appear to be nearly circular; and in the plane of Saturn's ring: whilst the seventh varies from that plane, and approaches nearer to that of the ecliptic. The great distance of these satellites, and the difficulty of observing them, prevent us from ascertaining the ellip- ticity of their orbits, and still less the inequalities of their motions. We know however that the ellipticity of the sixth is very perceptible. RING OF SATURN. The most singular phænomenon attending Saturn is the double ring, with which he is surrounded: the apparent form and magnitude of which is very variable. Sometimes it appears nearly to surround the planet, and at other times is scarcely visible even in the most powerful telescopes. When it is approaching the latter state, it has the appear- ance of two handles, or ansæ ; one on each side of the planet. This ring, which is very thin and broad, is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic in an angle of 28º. 39'. 54". It revolves from west to east, in a period of 10h. 29m. 169,8, about an axis which is perpendicular to its plane, and which passes through the centre of the planet. And it is remarkable that this is the period in which a satellite, assumed to be at a mean distance equal to the mean di- stance of the ring, would revolve round the primary, ac- cording to the third law of Kepler. The breadth of this ring is nearly equal to its distance from the surface of Saturn: that is, about of the diameter of the planet. Its surface is separated nearly in the middle, by a black concentric band, which divides it into two distinct rings: the breadth of the exterior of which is rather less than that of the interior. The apparent diameter of the ring, at the mean distance of the planet, is 38",42; and of its breadth 55,78. The edges of the ring being very thin, and being oc- I 2 60 Ring of Saturn. casionally presented obliquely to the earth, sometimes disappear. And as this edge will present itself to the sun twice in each revolution of the planet, it is obvious that the disappearance of the ring will occur about once in 15 years: but, under circumstances oftentimes very different. The intersection of the ring and of the ecliptic is in 170°, and 350°: consequently, when Saturn is near either of those points, his ring will be invisible to us. On the contrary, when he is in 80° or 260°, we may see it to the greatest advantage. Regard however must be had to the position of the earth ; which will cause some variations in this respect. The following are the dates, during the en- suing revolution of the planet, when the mean heliocentric longitude of Saturn is such that the ring will (if the earth be favourably situated) either be invisible, or seen to the greatest advantage. Date. Mean Long. Phase. 1825 Nov. 80 170 South side illumined Invisible North side illumined 260 1833 April 1838 July 1847 Dec. 1855 April 350 Invisible 80 South side illumined SATELLITES OF URANUS. By the aid of a very powerful telescope we may discover six satellites revolving round Uranus. The following table will show their mean sidereal revo- lutions in mean solar days, and their mean distances from the planet in semidiameters of his equator. Sat. Sidereal revolution, Mean distance. d h m 5. 21. 25 d 5.8926 1 13.120 2 8. 16. 58 8.7068 17.022 3 10. 23. 4 10.9611 19.845 4 13. 10. 56 13.4559 22.752 5 38. 1. 48 38.0750 45.507 6 107, 16. 40 107.6944 91.008 All these satellites are stated by Sir Wm. Herschel (to whom we are indebted for all we know on the subject) to move in a plane which is nearly perpendicular to the plane of the planet's orbit. RECAPITULATION. Mean distance from the sun. Mercury 0.3870981 Venus 07233316 Earth 1.0000000 Mars 1:5236923 Vesta. 2:3678700 Juno 2.6690090 Ceres. 2.7672450 Pallas 2.7728860 Jupiter 5.2027760 Saturn 9.5387861 Uranus 19.1823900 Mean sidereal revolution, d 87.9692580 224.7007869 365.2563612 686.9796458 1325.7431000 Mercury Venus Earth Mars Vesta Juno Ceres Pallas Jupiter Saturn Uranus 1592.6608000 1681.3931000 1686.5388000 4332.5848212 10759.2198174 30686.8208296 Recapitulation. 63 Synodical revolution. d 115.877 583.920 365.242 779.936 503.410 Mercury Venus , Earth. Mars Vesta Juno Ceres Pallas, Jupiter Saturn Uranus 473.950 466.620 466.220 398.867 378.090 369.656 1 Mean longitude, Jan. 1, 1801. Mercury Venus Earth Mars Vesta Juno Ceres Pallas Jupiter Saturn. Uranus 1820. 166. 6. 48,6 11. 33. 3,0 100. 39. 10,2 64. 22. 55,5 278. 30. 0,4 200. 16. 19,1 123. 16. 11,9 108. 24. 57,9 112. 15. 23,0 135. 20. 6,5 177. 48. 23,0 64 Recapitulation. Mean daily motion in the orbit. Mercury Venus, Earth. Mars Vesta Juno Ceres Pallas Jupiter Saturn Uranus 4. 5. 32,6 1. 36. 7,8 0. 59. 8,3 0. 31. 26,7 0. 16. 17,9 0. 13. 32,9 0. 12. 50,9 0. 12. 48,4 0. 4. 59,3 0. 2. 0,6 0. 0. 42,4 Longitude of perihelion. Jan. 1, 1801. Ann. inc. Mercury 74. 21. 46,9 + + 55,9 Venus 128. 43. 53,1 t 47,4 Earth 99. 30. 5,0 + 61,8 Mars.. 332. 23. 56,6 + 65,9 Vesta r 249. 33. 24,4 at 94,2 Juno 53. 33. 46,0 Ceres 147. 7. 31,5 + 121,3 Pallas. 121. 7. 4,3 Jupiter 11. 8. 34,6 + 57,1 Saturn 89. 9. 29,8 + 69,5 Uranus 167. 31. 16,1 + 52,5 1820. Recapitulation. 65 Inclination of the orbit. Jan. 1, 1801. Ann. var. 7. Ó. 9,1 3. 23. 28,5 + 0,18 0,04 - 0,01 - 0,12 Mercury Venus Earth Mars Vesta Juno Ceres Pallas Jupiter Saturn Uranus 1820. 0,44 1. 51. 6,2 7. 8. 9,0 13. 4. 9,7 10. 37. 26,2 34. 34. 55,0 1. 18. 51,3 2. 29. 35,7 0. 46. 28,4 0,23 0,15 + 0,03 Longitude of the node. Jan. 1, 1801. Ann. inc. 45. 54. 36,9 74. 54. 12,9 + 42,3 + 32,5 + 26,8 + 15,6 Mercury Venus Earth Mars Vesta Juno Ceres Pallas. Jupiter Saturn Uranus 1820. + 1,5 48. 0. 3,5 103. 13. 18,2 171. 7. 40,4 30. 41. 24,0 172. 39. 26,8 98. 26. 18,9 111. 56. 37,4 72. 59. 35,3 + 34,3 + 30,7 + 14,2 K 66 Recapitulation. Eccentricity. Jan. 1, 1801. 0•205514940 0.006860740 0.016783568 0·093307000 0.089130000 0.257848000 0.078439000 0.241648000 0.048162100 Secular variation. + '000003866 .000062711 000041630 +000090176 + 000004009 Mercury Venus Earth Mars Vesta Juno. Ceres Pallas Jupiter Saturn Uranus. .000005830 + *000159350 000312402 0.056150500 0.046679380 Greatest equation of the centre. Jan. 1, 1801. Ann. var. + 0,0160 - 0,2500 - 0,1718 + 0,3700 Mercury Venus Earth Mars Vesta Juno. Ceres Pallas Jupiter . Saturn Uranus 1820. 23. 39. 51,0 0. 47. 15,0 1. 55. 27,3 10. 40. 50,0 rio. 13. 22,0 29. 46. 19,0 8. 59. 42,0 (27. 49. 19,0 5. 31. 13,8 6. 26. 12,0 5. 20. 57,0 + 0,6344 - 1,2790 Recapitulation. 67 Apparent Diameter. True Diameter. Volume. Least. Mean. Greatest. 5,0 6,9 0.398 0.063 Mercury Venus 12,0 61,2 9,6 16,9 0.975 0.927 Earth 1.000 1.000 Mars 3,6 6,3 18,3 0:517 0.139 30,0 36,7 45,9 10.860 1280.900 Jupiter Saturn 16,2 9.982 995.000 Uranus 4,0 40332 80.490 Sun 31. 31,0 32. 2,9 32. 35,6 111.454 1384472.000 29. 21,9 31. 7,0 33. 31,1 0.275 0.020 Moon Mass. Density. Gravity. Sidereal Rotation. Light and heat. m S 1:03 h 24. 5. 28 6.680 0.98 23. 21. 7 1.911 3.9326 1.00 24. 0. 0 1.000 Mercury 2027810 Venus 405871 Earth 354636 Mars 2346370 Jupiter 10705 Saturn 0:33 24. 39. 21 •431 9924 2.72 9. 55. 50 •037 1 3512 •5500 1:01 10. 29. 17 •011 Uranus 1 17918 1:1000 ·003 Sun 1 1.0000 27.90 25. 12. 0 to Moon 1 27620200 2.4185 0.16 27. 7. 43 K 2 68 Recapitulation. m S Revolutions of the moon. dh d Synodical. 29. 12. 44. 2,9 = 29.53058872 Anomalistic . 27. 13. 18. 37,4 = 27.55459950 Sidereal 27. 7. 43. 11,5 = 27.32166142 Tropical 27. 7. 43. 4,7 = 27032158242 Nodical 27. 5. 5. 36,0 = 27.21222222 FORMU L Æ. Formule. 71 I. Equivalent expressions for sin x. 1 cos x . tan x COS X 2 cotx 3 V (1 - cos x) 4 1 Ņ(1 + cotx) tan X 5 ✓(1 + tan x) 6 2 sin x . cost * 1- cos 2 x 7 / 13 2 8 2 tan x 1 + tanx 9 2 cot } x + tan 2 10 sin (30° + x) — sin (30° - x) V3 11 2 sin? (45° + 1 x) - 1 12 1 - 2 sin? (45° - 1 x) 1. tan? (45º – 1 x) 13 1 4- tanº (45° - 1 x) tan (45° + 1 x) – tan (45° — *x) 14 tan (45° + 1x) + tan (45° – x) 15 sin (60° + x) – sin (60° - x) 1 16 cosecant r 72 Formula 11. Equivalent expressions for cos X. sin a 1 tan x 2 sin x . cot x 3 V ( v (1 - sin x) 4 1 (1 + tanº x) 5 cotx ✓(1 + cotx) 6 cos 4x sin 12 7 1- 2 sin 2x 8 2 cos x 1 9 ✓ 1 + cos 2 x 2 10 1- - tanı x 1 + tan a cot tan 1 x cot 1 x + tani, 1 11 12 1 1 + tan x . tan à x 2 13 tan (45° + 1 x) + cot (45° + 1 x) 14 2 cos (45° + x) cos (45° - 1 x) 15 cos (60° + x) + cos (60° - 2) 1 16 secant x Formula. 73 III. Equivalent expressions for tan x. sin x 1 COS X 1 2 cotx 3 dl v loose - 1) re sin x 4 V(1— sin x) N (1 cos x) 5 COS X 6 2 tan x 1 tan x 7 2 cotx coť į x – 1 2 8 cotx tan x 9 cotx 2 cot 2 x 1 10 cos 2 x sin 2 x sin 2 x 11 1 + cos 2 x 12 ſt 1 cos 2 x 1 + cos 2 x tan (45° + 1 x) – tan (45º – 1 x) 13 2 L 174 Formula. IV. Relative to two arcs A and B. sin A.cos B + cos A.sin B 1 sin (A + B) 2 sin (A – B) = sin A.cos B - cos A.sin B 3 COS (A + B) = cos A.cos B - sin A.sin B 4 cos (A - B) Il cos A.cos B + sin A.sin B 5 tan (A + B) tan A + tan B 1-tan A.tan B 6 tan (A – B) tan A tan B 1 t tan A.tan B 7 sin (45° + B) ? cos (45° F B)S cos B + sin B N 2 8 9 tan (45°+ B) = 1 + tan B 1 F tan B 10 tanº (45° + B)= 1 + sin B 1 + sin B 1 + sin B cos B 11 tan (45° + 1B) cos B 1 I sin B 12 sin (A + B) sin (A - B) tan A + tan B tan A tan B cot B + cot A cot B-cot A 13 cos (A + B) cos (A - B) = cot B - tan A cot B + tan A cot A - tan B cot A + tan B 14 sin A + sin B sin Asin B tan} (A + B) tan į (A – B) cotį (A + B) tani (A - B) 15 cos B + cos A cos B - cos A [continued. Formula. 75 IV. continued. Relative to two arcs A and B. 16 sin A . cos B 17 cos A . sin B 18 sin A. sin B II i sin (A + B) + { sin (A – B) i sin (A + B) - sin (A - B) cos (A – B) – 3 cos (A + B) cos (A + B) + cos (A – B) 2 sin 1 (A + B).cos Ž (A - B) 2 cos ž (A + B).cos } (A - B) 19 cos A . cos B 20 sin A + sin B = 21 COS A t cos B = 22 tan A + tan B = sin (A + B) COS A.cos B 23 cot A + cot B = sin (A + B) sin A.sin B 24 sin A - sin B 11 2 sin } (A - B).cos 1 (A + B) 2 sin } (A - B). sin } (A + B) 25 cos B - cos A = 26 tan A tan A - tan B = sin (A - B) cos A.cos B 27 cot B - cot A sin (A – B) sin A.sin B 28 sin? A-sinº B2 29 cos B-cos AS sin (A – B). sin (A + B) 30 cos? A - sin? B = cos (A - B).cos (A + B) sin (A - B). sin (A + B) cos? A.cos? B 31 tan? Atan?B= 32 coť B – cot? A = sin (A – B).sin (A + B) sin? A.sin? B L 2 76 Formule. V. Differences of trigonometrical lines. 1 A sin x = + 2 sin A x.cos (x + į A x) 2 ACOS X 2 sin. A x.sin (x + 1 A x) sin A X 3 Atan x = + COS X.cos (x + AX) sin AX 4 A cotx sin x.sin (x + AX) 5 A sinº x = + sin A x.sin (2 x + A x) 6 A cosa x = sin A x.sin (2 x + A x) sin Ax.sin (2 x + A x) 7 A tan? x = + cos x.cos (x + A x) sin A x.sin (2 x + 1 x) 8 A cotx = sin x.sin(20 + A x) I VI. Differentials of trigonometrical lines. 1 d sin x = + d x.cos x 2 d cos x d x.sin x ll 3 d tan a d x + cos? x 4 d cotx d x sin x 11 5 d sin x = + 2 dx.sin X.cos x 6 d cos x = 2 d x.sin x.cOS X d tan” x = + 2 d x.tan x cos? x 2 dx.cot x 8 d cot? x = sina 2 Formula. 77 VII. General analytical expressions for the sides and angles of any spherical triangle. 1 cos S = cos A .sin S .sin S" + cos S'.cos S" 2 cos S = cos A' .sin S". sin S + cos S".cos S 3 cos S" = cos A".sin S .sin S + cos S .cos S' 4 cos A = cos S.sin A' .sin A" cos A' .cos A" 5 cos A' = cos S'.sin Ah.sin A - COS A".cos A 6 COS A" = cos S'i.sin A .sin A' - cos A .cos A' 7 cos S .cos A' = cot S".sin S sin Al.cot A" 8 cos S' .cos A" = cot S .sin S' sin A".cot A 9 cos Sh.cos A = cot S.sin S! sin A .cot A' 10 sin A sin S sin A' sin S sin A" sin S 12 11 sin I (S' +- S) : sin } (S' –S) :: cot? A": tan (A'- A) cos } (S' + S) : cos } (S – S) :: cot? A": tan Į (A' + A) 13 sin (A' + A): sin }(A'-A):: tan į S": tanĮ (S'—S) cos, (A' + A): cos (A'- A):: tan : S": tan} (S+S) 14 In these formulæ A, A', A", denote the several angles of the triangle; and S, S, S", the sides opposite those angles respectively. For the more convenient computation of the formulæ No. 1-9, certain auxiliary angles are in- troduced, which will be alluded to in the formulæ for the solution of the several cases of oblique-angled spherical triangles. 78 Formulæ. VIII. Solutions of the cases of right-angled spherical triangles. Given. Required. Solution. Hypothen. ( side op. giv. ang. 1 sin x = sin h.sin a and side adj. giv. ang. 2 tan x = tan h.cos a an angle (the other angle 3 cotx = cos h. tan a cos h 4 cos x = COSS the other side Hypothen. and { ang. adj. giv. side a side ang. op. giv. side 5 cos X = tans.coth sin s 6 sin x = sinh r the hypothen. sin s 7 sin x = sin a cases. A side and the angle the other side opposite 8 sin x = tan s.cot a the ambiguous the other angle cos a 9 sin x = COS S 10 cotx = cos a.cots 11 tanx = tan a.sin s 12 cos x = sin a.cos s A side and the hypothen. the angle the other side adjacent the other angle the hypothen. The two sides an angle 13 cos x = rectang. cos. of the giv. sides 14 cotx = sin. adj. side x cot. op. side the hypothen. The two angles 15 cos x = rectang. cot. of the given angles cos. opp. ang 16 COS X = sin. adj. ang. a side In these formulæ, x denotes the quantity sought. a = the given angle s = the given side h = the hypothenuse. Formulæ. 79 IX. Solutions of the cases of oblique-angled spherical triangles. GIVEN, Two sides and an angle opposite one of them. Required, 1°. The angle opposite the other given side. sin. side op. ang. sought x sin. giv. ang. sin x = sin. side oppos. given angle Required, 2°. The angle included between the given sides. cot a = tan. giv. ang. x cos. adj. side cos a' x tan. side adj. giv. ang. cos al = tan. side op. given angle (al + a) r Required, 3º. The third side. tan a' = cos. giv. ang. x tan. adj. side cos a' x cos. side op. giv. ang. cos al = cos. side adj. given angle = (al + a") r In these formulæ, & denotes the quantity sought: a' and a" are auxiliary angles introduced for the purpose of facili- tating the computations. The angle sought in formula 1 is, in certain cases, am- biguous. In the formulæ 2 and 3, when the angles oppo- site to the given sides are of the same species, we must take the upper sign: on the contrary, the lower sign. The whole of these formulæ therefore are, in certain cases, am- biguous. [continued. 80 Formula. IX. continued. Solutions of the cases of oblique-angled spherical triangles. GIVEN, Two angles and a side opposite one of them. Required, 4°. The side opposite the other given angle. sin. ang. op. side sought x sin. giv. side sin. ang. op. given side sin x Required, 5º. The side included between the given angles. tan a' = tan. giv. side x cos. ang. adj. giv. side sin a' x tan. ang. adj. giv. side sin all tan. ang. op. given side (a + a") X Required, 6º. The third angle. cot a' = cos given side x tan. adj. angle sin a' x cos. ang. op. giv. side cos. ang. adj. given side (a' + a") sin al = X In these formulæ, x denotes the quantity sought: a' and a" are auxiliary angles introduced for the purpose of facili- tating the computations. The side sought in formula 4 is, in certain cases, am- biguous. In the formulæ 5 and 6, when the sides oppo- site the given angles are of the same species, we must take the upper sign : on the contrary, the lower sign. The whole of these formulæ therefore are, in certain cases, am- biguous. [continued. Formula. 81 IX. continued. Solutions of the cases of oblique-angled spherical triangles. GIVEN, Two sides and the included angle. Required, 7º. One of the other angles. tan d' = cos given angle x tan given side all = the base al sin al = tan given angle x tan x sin ah In this formula, the given side is assumed to be the side opposite the angle sought: the other known side is called the base, Required, 8º. The third side. tan a' = cos given angle x tan given side all = the base en al COS X = cos given side x cos all COS a In this formula, either of the given sides may be as. sumed as the base : and the other, as the given side. In these formulæ, x denotes the quantity sought: a' and all are auxiliary angles introduced for the purpose of facili- tating the computations. If the side sought in formula 8 be small, the formula may not give the value to a sufficient degree of accuracy : and some other mode must be adopted for obtaining the correct value. M [continued. 82 Formule. IX. continued. Solutions of the cases of oblique-angled spherical triangles. GIVEN, A side and the two adjacent angles. Required, gº. One of the other sides. cot a' = tan given angle x cos given side al = the vertical angle en a' tan x = tan given side x cos a cos all In this formula, the angle, opposite the side sought, is assumed as the given angle: the other known angle is called the vertical angle. Required, 10°. The third angle. cot a' = tan given angle x cos given side all = the vertical angle al sin all cos x = cos given angle x sin a In this formula, either of the given angles may be assumed as the vertical angle: and the other as the given angle. In these formulæ, x denotes the quantity sought: d' and a" are auxiliary angles introduced for the purpose of facili- tating the computations. If the angle sought in formula 10 be small, the formula may not give the value to a sufficient degree of accuracy: and some other mode must be adopted for obtaining the correct value. [continued. Formulce. 83 1 IX. continued. Solutions of the cases of oblique-angled spherical triangles. GIVEN, The three sides. Required, 11°. An angle. A +B+C –B) x sin sin 2 sin { x = - B) xsin (A+B+C -c) sin (A+B+C) x sin (4+B+C - A) sin B. sin C cos i x = sin B. sin C In these formulæ, A, B, C are the three sides of the tri- angle: and A is assumed as the side opposite to the angle required. GIVEN, The three angles. Required, 12º. A side. COS (a +6+9) x cos(a + b +osa) sin 1 x sin b . sinc la COS a+b+c 2 +6+(56) x cos( cosx = a+c X COS 2 sin b. sinc In these formulæ, a, b, c are the three angles of the triangle: and a is assumed as the angle opposite to the side required. In these formulæ, x denotes the quantity sought. The formula, which are resolved by the cosine, are used only when the angle or side x is small. 1 M 2 84 Formula. X. Trigonometrical series. 1 sin x = x x3 2015 + 2.3 &c. 1 are 2 azog 26 COS X = 1 + 2 + &c. 2.3.4 2013 3 tan x = x + 2x 17x7 + + 3.5 32.5.7 + &c. 3 x3 2 25 4 1 cot x = X &c. 3 32.5 33.5.7 22 act 206 5 ver-sin x = 2 &c. 1 + 2 2.3.4 sin3 x 6 x = sin x + 1.3 sin5 x + 2.4.5 + &c. 2.3 cos3 x 7 Els COS X 1.3 cos x 2.4.5 &c. 2.3 8 x = tan X – štans x + } tan” x — &c. In the series No. 7, 7 denotes the periphery of the circle, or 3:14159265. Formula. 85 XI. Multiple arcs. sin 0 = 0 sin x = sin x sin 2x = 2 sin x.cos x sin 3x = 2 sin x.cos 2x + sin x sin 4x = 2 sin xocos 3x + sin 2x &c. &c. &c. cos 0 = 1 COS X COS X = x cos 2x 2 cos X. COS X - 1 cos 3x = 2 cos x.cos 2x COS X cos 4x = 2 cos x.cos 3x cOS 2x &c. &c. &c. tan x tan x tan 2x 2 tan x 1 tan? x tan 3 = tan x + tan 2x 1 tan x. tan 2x tan 43 = tan x ot tan 3x 1 tan. tan 3x &c. &c. &c. 86 Formula. XII. For computing the Longitude, Right Ascension and Declination of the Sun; any one of those quantities, to- gether with the Obliquity of the ecliptic, being given. Also for computing the angle of Position. 1 sin D sin O = sin w 2 cot O = cos w.cot R 3 sin R = cotw.tan D 4 tan A = cos w.tan O 5 sin D = sin w.sin O 6 tan D = tan o, sin R 7 cos O cos R = cos D = sin w.cos R 8 sin p tan p 9 – tan w.cos O O = the Longitude R = the Right Ascension D = the Declination: (minus when South) w = the Obliquity of the ecliptic p = the angle of Position Formula. 87 XIII. For computing the Longitude and Latitude of the Moon or a Star (the Obliquity of the ecliptic being given) from the Right Ascension and Declination: and vice versa. Also for computing the angle of Position. Make tan a = sin R.cot D sin (a + w) 1 tan L = tan R sin a 2 tan 7 = cot (a + w) sin L cos (a + w) sin D 3 sin ? COS a 4 sin L = tan (a + w) tanl Make cot a sin L.cot / 1 5 tan R= cos (a + w) tan L COS a 6 tan D = tan (a + w) sin R sin (a + ) 7 sin D = sin ? sin a 8 sin R = cot (a + w) tan D sin w.cos R sin w.cos L 9 sin p cos 7 cos D L = the Longitude 1= the Latitude R = the Right Ascension D = the Declination: (minus when South) w = the Obliquity of the ecliptic p = the angle of Position 88 Formula. XIV. For computing the Azimuth, angle of Variation and Zenith distance of a star; the Co-latitude of the place, the north-polar distance of the star and its hour angle at the Pole, being given. C tan } (A + V) = cos ] (YSA) x cot IP cos (+4) tan_ (A – V) sin , (SA) x cot IP sin { (% + A) (A + V) - }(A - V) = V } (A + V) + }(A - V) = A sin A sin 2 = sin A X sin P A = the Azimuth, reckoned from the north : which must - be subtracted from 180°, if reckoned from the south. V = the angle of Variation Z = the Zenith distance P = the hour angle of the star, at the Pole ♡ = the Co-latitude of the place A = the North-polar distance of the star Formula. 89 XV. For computing the hour angle at the Pole: the Latitude of the place, and the Declination and Zenith distance of the sun, or star, being given. sin [2+(L- 2+(! – D))x sin[2 = (Į -D] 2 sin ?P= cos L. cos D R + P = the sidereal time of observation If we assume Z- 90°, we shall have the expression for the semi-diurnal arc, equal to cos P = tan D. tan L exclusive of the effect caused by parallax and refraction. L = the Latitude of the place D = the apparent Declination: (minus when South) Z = the observed Zenith distance, corrected for parallax and refraction P = the hour angle at the Pole: plus, when the observa- tion is made to the west of the meridian; minus, when east. In the expression for the semi-diurnal arc, P is negative (and consequently greater than 90°) when the declination and latitude are both on the same side of the equator R = the apparent Right Ascension of the sun or star; increased by 24h if necessary N 90 Formula. XVI. For computing the horary angle at the Pole, and the Zenith distance of a star when on the Prime vertical, together with its Declination, and the Latitude of the place: any two of those quantities being given. 1 cos P = cot L. tan D sin Z 2 sin P = cos D 3 cot P = cos L. cot Z 4 sin Z = sin P. cos D sin D 5 cos Z = sin L 6 tan Z = cos L . tan P 7 cos L = cot P. tan Z sin D 8 sin L = cos Z 9 cot L = cos P. cot D In these cases, the star must be on the same side of the equator as the observer: and its declination must not exceed the latitude of the place. When the declination of the star exceeds the latitude of the place, we shall have, at the moment when the vertical becomes a tangent to the circle of declination, 10 cos P = tan L. cot D sin L cos Z= 11 sin D Z = the Zenith distance of the star P = the horary angle of the star at the Pole D = the Declination of the star L = the Latitude of the place Formula. 91 XVII. For computing the effect of atmospheric Refraction. 1 r= a.tan (Z - br) 2 r = .99918827 X c. tan Z - .001105603 X c. tanZ In these formulæ, Z denotes the apparent Zenith dis- tance; and r is the Refraction required: a, b, c are con- stants, to be determined from observations. No. 1 is Bradley's formula, who assumed a = 57" and b = 3. Dr. Brinkley has proposed a = 56",9 and b = 3.2: but Mr. Groombridge prefers a = 58",133 and b = 3.634. No. 2 is Laplace's formula, reduced to its most simple terms. In the formation of the French Tables of refraction, c is assumed equal to 60",616; but M. Laplace has since proposed 60",66. This latter formula will not give the correct values for greater zenith distances than 74°: at lower altitudes those Tables, as well as most others, are computed from more complex formulæ. In the computation of Tables of refraction, a mean tem- perature and a mean pressure of the atmosphere are as- sumed. Let ß denote the height of the barometer, 7 the height of the thermometer (Fahr.) attached thereto, and t the height of the thermometer in the air, which are as- sumed in the formation of the tables. Then, for any other height (B') of the barometer, and for any other height (7') and (t!) of the thermometers, we have the following ex- pression, by which the mean refraction must be multiplied, in order to obtain the true refraction: viz. 1 B! 1 X B 1 +.0020833 (t' - t) 1 + .0001 (I' -7) Х 92 Formula. XVIII. For computing the correction in time, to be ap- plied as an Equation to the mean time of observed Equal Altitudes of the sun. tan L X 8 T Х 48h~ 30 5 ( tan D.cot 71 T - ) 300 sin 72 T = 8. tan D T.cot 7} T T 8. tan L. 1440 sin 7 T 1440 Make T 1440 sin 77 T = A T.cot 71 T 1440 = B x = - A.8.tan L + B.8.tan D T = the interval of Time between the observations, ex- pressed in hours L = the Latitude of the place of observation ·D = the Declination, at the time of noon, on the given day: (minus, when South) ô = the double daily variation in the declination, deduced from the noon of the preceding day to the noon of the following day: (minus, when decreasing) x = the required correction, in seconds Formulae. 93 2 sin Pcos L.cos D 2 sin sin(L-D), XIX. For computing the correction for the Reduction to the Meridian ; or the correction to be applied to the Zenith distances, observed near the meridian, in order to obtain the true meridional Zenith distance. Pcos L.cos D cot) sin 1" sin(L-D) 4 sin in 2 sinº P Make А 2 sini P - B sin 1" sin 1" cos L.cos D x = - AX cos L.cos D sin(L-D D) x cot(L-D sin (L-D) +Bx( When the sun is the object observed, we must apply the following additional correction, E W -8 x n P = the correct horary angle of the star at the Pole, as shown by a well regulated clock; which angle will change its sign after the meridional passage of the star L = the Latitude of the place D = the Declination of the star: (minus when South) 8 = the change of declination in one minute of time: (minus, when decreasing) E = the sum of the horary angles observed to the East; & W = the sum of the horary angles observed to the West of the meridian n = the Number of those observations x = the required correction, in seconds 94 Formulae. XX. For computing the correction for the Reduction to the Solstice; or the correction to be applied to the decli- nation observed on days near the solstice, in order to de- termine the obliquity of the ecliptic from observation. sin w 1 x = 2 sind R.cos D X sin 1" 2 tan 2 X x tan (D+) sin 1!! (3600) sin 1" tan w 3 X = 83 2 (3600)* sin 1" tan w 24 (1 + 3 tan’ w) 84 + (3600) sin" 1" tan w (1+30 tanw + 45 tan* w 8 720 In which latter equation, if we make w = 23º. 27'. 40" we have x = 131,6346982-0",000541699 84 +0",00000002898477 and the variation, on account of the diminution of every 1" in the obliquity of the ecliptic, will be sin 2" ·0000132748 x sin 2 w х dR = the distance of the sun's true Right Ascension, from the solstice, at the time of observation, converted into degrees 8 = the distance of the sun's true longitude, at the same time, converted also into degrees, and decimal parts of a degree D = the observed Declination corrected for refrac- tion, &c. w = the Obliquity of the ecliptic x = the required correction, in seconds Formulæ. 95 XXI. For computing the Angle of the Vertical; or the angle which should be deducted from the latitude of the place, in order to obtain the reduced latitude on a spheroid. Make a = 20-1 2 c2 (20 – 1) nearly C a X a? x sin 2 L + x sin 4 L sin 1" sin 21 a 10 x sin 2 L very nearly sin 1? XXII. For computing the horizontal Parallax of the Moon at any given latitude of the earth, considered as a spheroid: the horizontal parallax at the equator being given. = - P (1 p=P(1 - a.sin’L + – a.sinºL + x aº. sinºL.cos® L) - a.sin L) very nearly. The quantity, within the parenthesis, denotes the radius of the earth at the given latitude; or the distance from the centre of the earth to that point on the earth's surface: the radius at the equator being considered as unity. с 1 = the Compression of the earth; or the quantity by which the equatorial diameter (considered as unity) exceeds the polar L = the Latitude of the place x = the required Angle P = the horizontal Parallax at the equator p = the required horizontal Parallax at the place 96 Formula. XXIII. For computing the Moon's parallax in Altitude. i sin a = sin p.sin(Z + 7) or 2 = p.sin(Z + 7) very nearly 3 tann = sin p.sin Z sin p.cos Z ΟΥ" 1 4 T sinp.sin Z sinºp.sin 2 Z sinºp.sin 3 Z + + + &c. sin 2 sin 31 sin 1! very nearly. When the apparent zenith distance (as affected by paral- lax) is known, we must make use of the formula 1 or 2. But, when we know only the true zenith distance, we must adopt the formula 3 or 4. The zenith distance on the meridian is = (L - D). p = the horizontal Parallax at the place Z = the true Zenith distance of the moon (Z + 7) = the apparent Zenith distance of the moon, as affected by parallax 7 = the required Parallax Formulæ. 97 XXIV. For computing the longitude and co-latitude of the Zenith: or (as it is frequently termed) the longitude and altitude of the Nonagesimal. Make tan a = sin S.cot L 1 cos A cos (a + w) sin L COS a 2 sin N = tan(a + w) cot A sin (a +w) tans 3 tan N sin a 4 cot A = cot (a + w) sin N When S is between 80° and 100°, or between 260° and 280°, the equations 3 and 4 will be the most proper for use. S = the Sidereal Time of observation: or the Right Ascen- sion of the meridian, converted into degrees L = the reduced Latitude of the place of observation : de- duced from Formula XXI. w = the Obliquity of the ecliptic N = the required longitude of the zenith, or of the Nona- gesimal A = the required co-latitude of the zenith, or Altitude of the nonagesimal o 98 Formula. XXV. For computing the Moon's parallax in Longitude and Latitude. 1º. In Longitude. Make a = sin p.sin A COS a 1 tan II = 1 a.sin()-N) a.cos() - N) + a.sin( ) – N) a>.sin 2( D - N) 2 II = sin 111 sin 211 a3.sin 3( ) – N) + sin 311 + &c. 2°. In Latitude. Make cotb = cos ( - N + 11) tan A cos II sin p.cos A sin 6 c.sin (1-1) 3 tan a = 1 c.cos (6-1) c.sin(6-2), c. sin 26-a), c. sin 316-a) 4 + sin 1" sin 21 sin 31 + + &c D = the true longitude of the Moon N = the longitude of the zenith, or the Nonagesimal A = the co-lat. of the zenith, or the Altitude of the nonag. a = the Latitude of the moon: (minus, when South) р = the horizontal Parallax at the place, by Form. XXII. II = the required Parallax in longitude w = the required Parallax in latitude Formula 99 XXVI. For computing the Moon's parallax in Right Ascension. sin p.cos L Make a = cos D 1 sin F1 = a.sin (P + II) 2 11 p.cos L cos D x sin (P + 11) very nearly 3 a.sin P tan II = 1 - a.cos P 4 II = a.sin P sin 11 + a. sin 2 P a .sin 3 P + sin 31 + &c. sin 2 When the apparent hour angle (as affected by parallax) is known, we must make use of the equation 1 or 2. But, when we know only P, we must adopt the equation 3 or 4. P = the true horary angle at the Pole; or the true horary distance of the moon from the meridian L = the reduced Latitude of the place of observation, by Formula XXI. D = the true Declination of the moon: (minus, when South) p = the horizontal Parallax at the place, by Form. XXII. II = the required Parallax in right ascension 0 2 100 Formula. XXVII. For computing the Moon's parallax in Declina- tion. Make cotb= cos (P + II) cot L cos II sin p.sin L sin 1 sin w = c.cos (D +b -a) 2 p.sin L x cos (D + b - a very nearly sin b 3 tana c.sin (6 - D) 1 - c.cos (6 – D) c.sin(b-D)/c.sin 2(6-D) + c3.sin 3(6-D) 4 = +&c. sin 1 sin 211 sin 31 When the apparent declination (as affected by parallax) is known, we must make use of the equation 1 or 2. But, when D only is known, we must adopt the equation 3 or 4. P= the true horary angle at the Pole L = the reduced Latitude of the place of observation, by Formula XXI. D = the true Declination of the moon: (minus, when South) p = the horizontal Parallax at the place, by Form. XXII. fl = the Parallax in right ascension, by Form. XXVI. = the required Parallax in declination Formulce. 101 XXVIII. For computing the Augmentation of the Moon's semidiameter, on account of her altitude above the horizon: or the correction to be applied to her true semidiameter, in order to obtain her apparent semidiameter. ! 1 x = s® (+000017767 sin A) + (-000017767 sin A je 2 x = s.sina.cot(6-x) – sinº a 2 3 x = s.sina.cot (6-D) - sinº 2 In neither of these equations will the second term ever exceed 0",15. And in the first equation, in lieu of the second term, we may always assume it equal to the first term, multiplied by .008379 sin A, without the risk of an error amounting to the tooth part of a second. O $ = the true Semidiameter of the moon A = the apparent Altitude of the moon in equation 2, the Parallax in Latitude Lin equation 3, the Parallax in Declination x = the correction required (6-1) is determined by Formula XXV. (6 - D) is determined by Formula XXVII. 102 Formula. XXIX. For computing the apparent distance between the centre of the Moon and of the sun, or a star, when near her. Make tan a = cos į (m + s) (MSS) x mas mss S d= COS a M = the apparent longitude of the Moon S = the apparent longitude of the Sun or Star m = the apparent latitude of the Moon s = the apparent latitude of the Sun or Star d = the required apparent Distance of the centres If we substitute the apparent Right Ascension and De- clination, for the apparent Longitude and Latitude re- spectively, the formula will still give the correct value of d. . Formulæ. 103 XXX. For computing the true place of the Moon by means of the equation of Second and Third Differences. 1st Diff: 2d Diff. 3d Diff Series, M al M" d' 4" 8 M" d! 4 Miv h h(h-12), d'+d", h(h-12) (h-24) 8 M=M" + iza" + 2 (12) 2.3(12)8 Х + 2 M', M", M", Miv = the place of the Moon (in Longitude or Latitude, Right Ascension or De- clination) at four successive equal in- tervals, of 12 hours each, as shown by the ephemeris: and taken out so that the required place, M, may fall between M" and M A; A", Al" = the successive Differences between those values d', d" = the successive Differences between those first differences 81 = the Difference between those second differences h = the number of Hours from the time, for which M" is computed M = the required place of the Moon 104 Formula. XXXI. For computing the Annual Precession of the Equinoxes in Longitude, Right Ascension and Declination. Also for computing the mean Obliquity of the Ecliptic, for any given year. P=50",340499-0",0002435890 X Y p=50",176068 +0",0002442966 x y m= 45',99592 +0",0003086450 x y n=20",05039 -0",0000970204 x y h= 0",17926 -0",0005320798 X Y w=230.28'.18",0 w+dw = 230.28'.18",0 +0",0000098423 x y w+dw=239.28'. 18",0-0",48368 xy-0",00000272295 x y Annual Prec. in R = m + n.sin R.tan D Annual Prec. in D= n.cos R P = the annual lunisolar Precession in longitude р = the annual general Precession in longitude w = the mean Obliquity of the ecliptic in 1750 dw = the variation of the angle of the fixed ecliptic dw'= the variation of the angle of the moveable ecliptic m = (P.cos (P.cos wr) = the constant of the ann. prec. in R n = (P.sin o) = the constant of the ann. prec. in D R = the Right Ascension of the star D = the Declination of the star y = the Years from 1750: plus after, negative before M = the annual Motion of the equinoctial points along the equator Formulæ. 105 XXXII. For computing the Nutation of the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, and of the Equinoxes in Longitude. Also for computing the Mass of the Moon. Aw=[+9",648 cos 88-0",09423 cos 28+0",0939 cos 2 )](1+2) +(0",49333-1",2452 x z) sin20 AL=[-18",0377 sin8+0",21707 sin28-0",21632 sin2 )](1+z) -(1",13645-21,8686 X 2) sin 20 Mass of the Moon 1 + z 69.2376 - 178.2918 XZ If we make z = 0, we shall have the values as deter- mined by M. Laplace in the Méchanique Céleste. But the recent determinations of Dr. Brinkley warrant the assump- tion of z = •04125. Whence Aw = +91,250 cos 8-0",090 cos 28+05,545 cos 20 +0",090 cos 2 ) AL=-17",298 sin 8+05,208 sin 2 86 – 1",255 sin 20-0",207 sin 2 ) 1 Mass of the Moon = 79.888 8 = the mean longitude of the moon's Nole D = the true longitude of the Moon = the true longitude of the Sun z = a quantity to be determined from observation Aw = the required Nutation of the Obliquity AL = the required Nutation of Longitude: which is found by multiplying the first term of aw by 2 cot 2 w, and the remaining terms by cot w, then changing the signs of the quantities, and converting the cosines into sines. P 106 Formula. XXXIII. For computing the Lunar and Solar Nutation of a star, in Right Ascension and Declination. Nut. R=AL(Cosw +sinw.sin R. tan D) - Aw.cos R.tan D Nut. D=AL.sin w.cos P + Aw.sin R N By assuming w = 23º. 27'. 40", and the values of Aw and AL as determined in Formula XXXII, we have Nut. R = (155,868 +6,887 sin R.tan D) sin 8 9",250 cos R.tan D.cos 8 + (0",191 + 0",083 sin R.tan D) sin 2 88 +0",090 cos R. tan D.cos 28 - (1",151 +05,500 sin R.tan D) sin 2 O - 05,545 cos R.tan D.cos 2 O - (0",190 +0",082 sin R.tan D) sin 2 ) 0",090 cos R.tan D.cos 2) Nut.D= + 95,250 sin R. cos 8 - 6",887 cos R.sin 8 -0",090 sin R. cos 2 8 + 0",083 cos R.sin 28 +0',545 sin R. cos 20-0",500 cos R.sin 20 + 0",090 sin R. cos 2 ) - 0",082 cos R.sin 2 ) w = the Obliquity of the ecliptic Aw = the nutation of the obliq. of Ecliptic by Form. AL = the nutation in Longitude XXXII. . R = the Right Ascension of the star D = the Declination of the star: (minus when South) 3 = the mean longitude of the moon's Node O = the true longitude of the Sun D = the true longitude of the Moon Formula. 107 XXXIV. For computing the Aberration of a star in Lon- gitude and Latitude; and in Right Ascension and Decli- nation. Aber.in Lon.= -A.cos(O-L).secl Aber.in Lat. = – A. sin (O-L).sin l Aber. in R= -A(sin R.sin o+cosw.cos.R.cos O) sec D Aber. in D = -A(cos.R.sino-cosw.sinR.cos O) sin D -A.sinw.cos O.cos D If we assume A=20",36, and w= 23º. 27. 40", we have Aber.R= -(20",36 sin R.sino +18",677 cos R.coso) sec D Aber. D= -(20",36 cosR.sin 0-18",677 sin R.cos O) sin D - 8",106 cos .cos D Diurnal Aber. in { R = 0",309 cosp.cos P.sec D D = 0",309 cos p.sin P.sin D O= the true longitude of the Sun L = the Longitude of the star 1 = the Latitude of the star: (minus when South) R = the Right Ascension of the star D = the Declination of the star: (minus when South) w = the Obliquity of the ecliptic A = the constant of Aberration: which has been usually assumed equal to 205,255; but more recently=20",36 Q = the Latitude of the place P= the hour angle at the Pole P2 108 Formula. XXXV. For computing the corrections to be applied to the observed transit of a star on account of the error of the Clock, and on account of the three principal errors of the transit instrument, in Azimuth, in the Inclination of the axis, and in Collimation; in order to obtain the correct apparent Right Ascension. sin (0-8) R = (T+dt) + a. с cos (4-8 + +0. cos cos cosa T= the observed Time of transit, as shown by the clock dt = the correction for the error of the Clock : plus when the clock is too slow $ = the Latitude of the place ô = the Declination of the star: plus when North, and minus when South, for the upper culminations; and vice versa for the lower culminations a = the deviation of the telescope in Azimuth: plus, when (pointing to the south) the vertical which it describes falls to the east; and minus, when it falls to the west: and vice versa when pointing to the north b = the Bias or inclination of the axis of the telescope: plus, when the west end of the axis is too high c = the error in Collimation : plus, when the vertical, de- scribed by the optical axis of the telescope (pointing to the south), falls to the east; and minus, when it falls to the west: and vice versa when pointing to the north R = the apparent Right Ascension required Formula. 109 XXXVI. For computing the value (in time) of the co- efficients a, b, c, in the preceding Formula. = [(w+zo" ) – (e+e')] e, d 60 where w' and e' denote respectively the values of w and after reversing the level. c = 1 (t' -t) cos D + 1 (U—b) cos(0-D) where t' and b' denote respectively the values of t and b, after reversing the instrument. By observations of a circumpolar star, 12h --(T_T) b.cos (0-D) – b'.cos (° + D) +20 + 2 cos . tan D 2 cos 0.sin D where T and b' denote respectively the values of T and b, at the lower culmination. a = a = By observations of a high and low star, cos .cos o Х cos Q.sin(8-0) where T', R' and s' denote respectively the values of T, R, and ò of the second star observed. [(T –T)–(ARI–R)] d = the value of each Division of level, in seconds of space 7 = the inclination of the level to the West ę = the inclination of the level to the East D = the Declination of the circumpolar star t = the time of the Transit of the circumpolar star, deduced from an obs. at a given side wire of the instrument. The other quantities are the same as in Formula XXXV. The values of a and c, when once determined, may be afterwards re-examined and corrected by means of a well divided meridian mark. If the level of the axis be well ad- justed, the quantities depending on 6 and b' may be safely neglected. 110 Formula. XXXVII. For computing the Latitude of a place, from observations of the altitude of a star near the pole, at any time of the day Make tan a = tan A.cos P COS a sin ( + a) = x sin A COSA Q = (0 + a) - a For a fixed observatory, we have 2 0 A - A.cos P + .sinP.tan 2 + 4 . sinºP.cos P.tan®® +4*. sinºP.cos P Make a = – A.cos P B = + 42. sinº P.tan p.] sin 1" y = + ( cot ¢ + tan ) sin 1" Q = A + 0 + B + aby As the latitude is always supposed to be very nearly known in a fixed observatory, this series will be found very convenient; in as much as not only y, but also the multi- plier (tan p. sin 1"), may be considered as constant quan- tities. A = the apparent north polar Distance of the star P= the correct hour angle at the Pole A = the observed Altitude, corrected for refraction 0 = the Latitude required Formula. 111 XXXVIII. For computing the Difference in the Heights of two places, by means of the Barometer. x X=C = [1+bg.cos 20] [1+, *_][2++(+6)a] *[(1+r)).log p[1+6–7)3 + r * * * 2 M] + 1 By expanding the last term, agreeably to the method adopted by M. Biot, and assuming the numerical values for the several quantities as below, we have 1 x = 60345.51 x log. of [ Х (] 1 +.0001 (T_T) * [] 1+·00104167(+++)] x [1 +--002695 cos 2 ° ] at the upper c= a Constant determined by observation; and which is here assumed equal to 60158.53 English feet g = the incr. of Grav. from equator to the poles, = '00539 the latitude of the Place B = the height of the Barometer at the lower T= the Temperature (Fahr.) of the mercury station t = the Temperature (Fahr.) of the air B! = the height of the Barometer 1 = the Temperature (Fahr.) 'of the mercury station t' = the Temperature (Fahr.) of the air a = the expansion of Air for 1° of Fahr. = .0020833 m = the expansion of Mercury for 1° Fahr, = .0001001 r = Radius of the earth at ø: assumed = 20898240 feet the Height of the lower station above the level of the sea: assumed = 0 h = the Height of the upper station above the level of the sea: assumed, as a probable mean, = 4000 feet M = the Modulus of the common logarithms = 434294 x = the Difference required, in English feet 112 Formulae. XXXIX. For computing the increase of Gravity from the equator to the poles, and thence the Compression of the earth, from the difference in the lengths of two iso- chronous Pendulums, at different latitudes. P= a + (II – w) sinº L = (1 +g.sin? L) p = — sin W + (II – w) sinºl = w (1+g.sin? 2) P-P (II -2)= sin (L-1). sin (L +1) II - PP ll Quo p.sin? L-P.sin/ 1 5f 2 - 8 с 1- If we assume f we have 2 289 - 1 = '00865052 - 8 and C= 578 5 - 578 Xg C = the ratio of the centrifugal Force at the equator, to the force of gravity there L the Latitude of the place farthest from the equator 1 = the Latitude of the place nearest to the equator P = the length of the Pendulum at the latitude L p = the length of the Pendulum at the latitude 7 II = the length of the Pendalum at the pole w = the length of the Pendulum at the equator = the required increase of Gravity = the required Compression of the earth 1-08 C Formulæ. 113 XL. For computing the increase of Gravity from the equator to the poles, and thence the Compression of the earth, from the difference in the number of Vibrations made in equal times, by an invariable pendulum, at dif- ferent latitudes. 2 n 1 Х N sin (L-1).sin (L + 2) + g2.sin?? N n = xg.sin (L -1). sin (L+1) (1-g.sin? 2) 2 N = the Number of vibrations in a day, made by the in- variable pendulum, at a given latitude 1 n = the additional Number of vibrations in a day, made by the same pendulum, and in the same time, at any other latitude L, greater than g = the required increase of Gravity. The last term in this equation will never exceed .00003 The other quantities are the same as in Formula XXXIX. and the Compression is found in a similar manner. In all these cases it is presumed that the vibrations of the pendulum are made at a given temperature, and at a given height of the barometer; that the arc described by the pendulum is infinitely small: and that the experiments are made in vacuo and at the level of the sea. Or that they are reduced to these several standards, by certain known methods of reduction, which will be explained in the next Formula. O 114 Formulæ. 1 XLI. For computing the corrections to be applied to the number of vibrations of an invariable pendulum, on account of the amplitude of the Arc, the Rate of the clock, the Ex- pansion of the pendulum, the pressure of the Atmosphere, and the Height of the place above the level of the sea. sin (A+a). sin (A-a) for Arc = + N. 32 M.(log sin A-log sin a) for Rate = + N. 86400" +r for Expan. = + Nože (t-) 1 for Atm. = + N.- 1 G Х ala Х -1) 1 Х 1 + .002083 (t' - t) 1 1+.0001 (7'-t) h for Height = + N. R xx N = the Numb, of vibrations in 24h, as shown by the clock A = the semi-Arc of vibration at the commencement a = the semi-Arc of vibration at the end M = the logarithmic Modulus = 2.302585093 go = the Rate of the clock : minus, if losing B = the height of the Barometer assumed as standards t = the Temp. (Fahr.) of the air ) for the specific gravity 0 = the Temp. (Fahr.) assumed as a standard for the pend. B' = the height of the Barometer t' = the Temperature of the air during the vibrations Il = the Temp. of the mercury G = the spec. Grav. of the pend. compared with water g = the specific Grav. of the air / considered as unity h = the Height of the place, above the level of the sea R = the Radius of the earth, at the latitude of the place x = a quantity determined from theory: assumed by Dr. Young, from ·50 to •75 Formula. 115 XLII. For computing the principal geodetical quantities, depending on the spheroidical figure of the earth, at any given latitude. Ellipticity of the earth. =144296) +=(2, )? a Normal, ending at minor axis n= (1-e.sinºL) Ņ=n(1-e) Normal, ending at major axis Tangent, ending at minor axis t=n.cot L Tangent, ending at major axis T=n.tan L.(1-e®) Radius of the parallel . s=n.cos L Radius of curvature of merid. R= (1-2) r=n(1-e).(1-e. sin’L) Radius of the earth Length of arc of meridian dM=n.(1-e)dL =N.NL Do. perpendicular to do. . dP=n.dL a = the semi-axis major of the earth b = the semi-axis minor of the earth 1 = the Compression of the earth = 1 L = the given Latitude 6 C с a 22 116 Formule XLIII. For computing the length of a degree of Longi- tude and Latitude at any point on the surface of the Earth, considered as an ellipsoid; the length of a degree at the equator being considered as unity, and the Compression of the earth being given. 2 Assume e = e = {(1-2) ll alo nearly 1 e2 = je + e + &c. nearly C 2 Deg. of Long. = cos L(1+je sin’L+ e* sin* L+&c.) Deg. of Lat. =1+ eº sinºL+16 e* sinL+&c. с e = the Eccentricity of the ellipse forming the ellipsoid 1 = the Compression of the earth L = the Latitude of the given point, which is assumed to be equidistant from the ends of the degree of Lati- tude required Formula. 117 XLIV. For computing the Eccentricity and Compression of the Earth, from the lengths of two measured arcs of the meridian, differing from each other in latitude. e? di-DÍ dsin? I-D sin? L nearly 2 dź sin? I - Di sin? L c=2x di - DÍ nearly 2 1 1 = the degree of Latitude nearest to the equator L= the degree of Latitude farthest from the equator d = the measure of a Degree, of which I is the middle point D = the measure of a Degree, of which L is the middle point e = the required Eccentricity of the ellipse, forming the ellipsoid = the required Compression of the earth 1 ܘܐ In these formulæ, the values of L and I denote respec- tively the latitude of the middle points of the degrees in question. 118 Formula. XLV. For computing the Equations depending on the theory of the elliptical motion of the planets. a = 72 +e? m = x+ sin x a - e 2 tanıt = tan a te a sin x 19 = te.COS X =b. sint a F e. cost a = the semi-axis major of the orbit; generally assumed equal to unity: in which case, b, e and r must be taken proportional thereto 6 = the semi-axis minor of the orbit e = the Eccentricity of the orbit p = the Radius vector of the planet m = the Mean anomaly t = the True anomaly reckoned from the perihelion x = the Eccentric anomaly ( mt). The determination of this quantity, from which the others are deduced, is one of the most difficult in the science of astro- nomy: and can only be obtained by approximation. It goes by the name of Kepler's Problem }re Formula 119 XLVI. For computing the greatest Equation of the centre, the Eccentricity being given : and vice versa. Also for computing, at that time, the eccentric anomaly; and thence, the true and the mean anomaly. 11 E=2e+ 24.3 8 + 599 210.5 es 17219 -+ e? * &c. 216.7 e=ŽE 11 24.3 E3 587 216.3.5 ES- 40583 EP- &c. 2- cosx = -4 -48e-4.8 xe - 18e" –&c. 1 --COS X tan” x = 1 +COS X tant = 1 1-e tan 1 x 1 te m = r te.sin x E = the greatest Equation of the centre, = m-t e = the Eccentricity of the orbit, the semi-axis major being considered as unity x = the Eccentric anomaly m-= the Mean anomaly t = the True anomaly TABLES. R TABLE I. 123 Latitude and Longitude of various places, where astrono- mical observations have been made. Places. Latitude. Longitude. m S Abo Obs. h 1 29 10 + 60 24 ó + 31 13 5 1 59 41 Obs. 0 39 50 + 53 32 51 + 52 22 17 0 19 33 Alexandria Altona Amsterdam Archangel Bagdad Barcelona Berlin + 64 34 0 2 42 52 + 33 19 40 +41 21 44 1 1 1 + 1 + 1 2 57 39 + 0 8 40 Obs. 0 53 29 + 52 31 45 + 44 50 14 Bordeaux . Breslau Brussels +0 2 16 1 8 9 0 17 29 + 51 6 30 + 50 50 59 +47 29 44 + 51 37 44 1 16 10 Buda Bushey Heath Cadiz Obs. + 36 32 0 +0 1 21 + ( 25 9 2 5 13 Cairo + 30 3 21 + 22 34 15 5 53 44 to 52 12 43 0 0 30 33 55 42 1 13 32 + 40 12 30 to 0 33 38 + 41 1 27 1 55 41 0 50 20 Calcutta Cambridge Obs. Cape of Good Hope . Obs. . Coimbra Constantinople Copenhagen Dantzig Dijon Dorpat Obs, Dublin Obs. Edinburgh Obs. Florence Geneva Obs. 1 14 31 0 20 8 1 46 48 + 55 41 4 + 54 20 48 + 47 19 25 + 58 22 47 + 53 23 13 + 55 56 42 + 43 46 41 + 46 12 0 + 44 25 0 + 50 56 8 + 51 31 50 + 5l 28 40 + 51 28 37 + 54 42 12 + 0 25 22 + 0 12 49 045 3 0 24 38 Genoa 0 35 52 Gotha Obs. 0 42 56 Obs. 0 39 46 Obs. 0 0 0 Gottingen Greenwich Kew Königsberg Obs. +0 1 3 1 21 57 Obs. 124 TABLE I. continued. Places. . Latitude. Longitude. m S Obs. Lilienthal Leghorn Lisbon London (St. Paul's) Madras (Flagstaff) Madrid Manheim Marseilles Mexico h . 035 37 041 7 + 0 36 16 + 0 0 23 5 21 28 1 + + I + II + + 0 15 9 033 52 + 53 6 30 * 43 33 5 + 38 42 24 + 51 30 49 + 13 5 0 + 40 24 57 + 49 29 18 + 43 17 49 + 19 25 45 + 45 28 2 + 44 055 + 40 50 15 + 51 45 39 + 38 6 44 Obs. Obs. 021 29 + 6 36 21 Milan Obs. 0 36 46 - 0 5 23 Obs. 0 57 3 Obs. + 0 5 1 Montauban Naples. Oxford Palermo Paramatta Paris Obs. 0 53 28 Obs. 33 48 45 -10 4 5 Obs. 0921 - 7 45 51 Pekin Obs. 2 1 15 + 5 046 0 57 41 + 4 44 39 + 5 15 0 0 49 59 Obs. +0 2 24 Petersburg Philadelphia Prague Quebec Quito Rome Slough Stockholm Toulouse Tubingen. Turin Uraniburg Verona Vienna Viviers Wilna. + 48 50 14 + 39 54 13 + 59 56 23 + 39 56 55 + 50 5 19 + 46 47 30 0 13 17 to 41 53 54 + 51 30 20 + 59 20 31 + 43 35 46 + 48 31 10 + 45 4 0 + 55 54 38 + 45 26 7 + 48 12 40 + 44 29 14 + 54 41 2 1 12 14 - 0 5 46 Obs. - 0 36 14 0 30 41 Obs. 0 50 52 044 5 Obs. Obs. 1 5 31 Obs. ( 18 44 - 1 41 12 In the column of Latitudes the sign plus denotes North ; and the sign minus, South. In the column of Longitudes the sign plus denotes West; and the sign minus, East, from Greenwich, TABLE II. i25 Mean Right Ascension of the Sun. January 82 February 88 March. 88 h S h m S h m S 1 0 5 9 2 0 5 9 3 0 5 9 4 0 5 9 5 1 5 9 18 40 0,000 ' " 43 56,555 47 53,111 51 49,666 55 46,221 59 42,777 19 3 39,332 7 35,887 il 32,443 15 28,998 20 42 13,215 46 9,771 50 6,326 54 2,881 57 59,437 21 1 55,992 5 52,547 9 49,103 13 45,658 17 42,213 22 32 36,765 36 33,320 40 29,875 44 26,431 48 22,986 52 19,541 56 16,097 23 0 12,652 4 9,207 8 5,763 6 1 5 9 1 5 10 7 8 1 6 10 9 1 6 10 10 1 6 10 11 1 6 12 2,318 10 12 2 6 15 58,873 10 13 2 6 10 14 2 6 11 15 2 11 19 25,553 23 22,109 27 18,664 31 15,219 35 11,775 39 8,330 43 4,885 47 1,441 50 57,996 54 54,551 21 38,769 25 35,324 29 31,879 33 28,435 37 24,990 41 21,545 45 18,101 49 14,656 53 11,211 57 7,767 16 2 11 19 55,429 23 51,984 27 48,539 31 45,095 35 41,650 39 38,205 43 34,761 47 31,316 17 7 7 7 7 7 2 11 18 2 11 19 3 11 20 3 7 11 3 7 12 3 8 12 3 8 12 3 8 12 22 1 4,322 5 0,877 8 57,433 12 53,988 16 50,543 20 47,099 24 43,654 28 40,209 4 8 21 58 51,107 22 20 2 47,662 23 6 44,217 24 10 40,773 25 14 37,328 26 18 33,883 27 22 30,439 28 26 26,994 29 30 23,549 30 34 20,105 31 38 16,660 12 4 8 51 27,871 55 24,427 59 20,982 0 3 17,537 7 14,093 11 10,648 15 7,203 19 3,759 23 0,314 26 56,869 30 53,425 12 4 8 12 4 9 13 4 13 4 13 4 13 In Leap years, enter the table, in January and February, with the given date, minus unity. 126 TABLE II. continued. April. 83 May. 3 June, 8 m S h m S h m S 1 18 21 2 18 21 3 18 21 4 18 22 5 18 22 6 0 34 49,980 13 38 46,535 13 42 43,091 · 14 46 39,646 14 50 36,201 14 54 32,757 14 58 29,312 14 1 2 25,867 14 6 22,422 14 10 19,978 15 2 33 6,640 37 3,195 40 59,750 44 56,306 48 52,861 52 49,416 56 45,972 3 0 42,527 4 39,082 8 35,638 4 35 19,855 39 16,410 43 12,966 47 9,521 51 6,076 55 2,632 58 59,187 5 2 55,742 6 52,298 10 48,853 6 18 22 7 18 22 8 19 22 9 19 22 10 19 22 11 15 19 23 12 15 19 23 13 15 19 23 14 15 19 23 15 15 20 23 14 15,533 18 12,088 22 8,644 26 5,199 30 1,754 33 58,310 37 54,865 41 51,420 45 47,976 49 44,531 12 32,193 16 28,748 20 25,304 24 21,859 28 18,414 32 14,970 36 11,525 40 8,080 44 4,636 48 1,191 14 45,408 18 41,964 22 38,519 26 35,074 30 31,630 34 28,185 38 24,740 42 21,296 46 17,851 50 14,406 16 15 20 23 16 20 23 17 18 16 20 24 19 16 20 24 20 16 20 24 21 16 20 24 22 16 21 24 23 16 21 24 24 17 21 24 25 17 21 25 53 41,086 57 37,642 2 1 34,197 5 30,752 9 27,308 13 23,863 17 20,418 21 16,974 25 13,529 29 10,084 54 10,962 58 7,517 6 2 4,072 6 0,628 9 57,183 13 53,738 17 50,294 21 46,849 25 43,404 29 39,960 26 51 57,746 55 54,302 59 50,857 4 3 47,412 7 43,968 11 40,523 15 37,078 19 33,634 23 30,189 27 26,744 31 23,300 17 21 25 27 17 21 25 28 17 21 25 29 17 21 25 30 17 21 25 31 21 TABLE II. continued. 127 July. co August. co September. of h m S h m S m s 1 25 30 35 2 26 30 59,501 35 3 26 30 35 4 26 30 35 5 26 31 35 6 33 36,515 37 33,070 41 29,626 45 26,181 49 22,736 53 19,292 57 15,847 7 1 12,402 5 8,958 9 5,513 8 35 49,731 39 46,286 43 42,841 47 39,397 51 35,952 55 32,507 59 29,063 9 3 25,618 7 22,173 il 18,729 ha 10 38 2,946 41 59,501 45 56,057 49 52,612 53 49,167 57 45,723 ]] 1 42,278 5 38,833 9 35,389 13 31,944 6 26 31 35 7 26 31 35 8 31 36 9 27 27 27 31 37 37 10 31 11 32 37 12 32 37 27 27 27 27 13 32 37 38 14 32 15 28 32 38 13 2,068 16 58,624 20 55,179 24 51,734 28 48,290 32 44,845 36 41,400 40 37,956 44 34,511 48 31,067 15 15,284 19 11,839 23 8,395 27 4,950 31 1,505 34 58,061 38 54,616 42 51,171 46 47,727 50 44,282 17 28,499 21 25,055 25 21,610 29 18,165 33 14,721 37 11,276 41 7,831 45 4,387 49 0,942 52 57,497 16 28 32 38 17 28 32 38 18 28 33 38 19 28 33 38 20 28 33 38 21 28 33 39 22 29 33 39 23 22 33 39 24 29 33 39 25 29 34 39 52 27,622 56 24,177 8 0 20,733 4 17,288 8 13,843 12 10,399 16 6,954 20 3,509 24 0,065 27 56,620 31 53,175 56 54,053 12 0 50,608 4 47,163 8 43,719 12 40,274 16 36,829 20 33,385 24 29,940 28 26,495 32 23,051 29 54 40,837 58 37,393 10 2 33,948 6 30,503 10 27,059 14 23,614 18 20,169 22 16,725 26 13,280 30 9,835 34 6,391 26 27 34 39 29 34 39 28 29 34 40 29 30 34 40 30 30 34 40 31 30 34 128 TABLE II. continued. October. 82 November. 83 December. 88 h m S h m S h m S 1 40 45 49 2 40 45 49 3 40 45 49 4 40 45 49 5 41 45 50 12 36 19,606 40 16,161 44 12,717 48 9,272 52 5,827 56 2,383 59 58,938 13 3 55,493 17 52,049 11 48,604 14 38 32,821 42 29,377 46 25,932 50 22,487 54 19,043 58 15,598 15 2 12,153 6 8,709 10 5,264 14 1,819 16 36 49,481 40 46,037 44 42,592 48 39,147 52 35,703 56 32,258 17 0 28,813 4 25,369 8 21,924 12 18,479 6 41 45 50 7 41 45 50 50 8 41 46 9 41 46 50 10 41 46 50 11 41 46 50 12 42 46 51 13 42 46 51 14 42 46 51 15 42 47 51 15 45,159 19 41,715 23 38,270 27 34,825 31 31,381 35 27,936 39 24,491 43 21,047 47 17,602 51 14,157 17 58,375 2) 54,930 25 51,485 29 48,041 33 44,596 37 41,151 41 37,707 45 34,262 49 30,817 53 27,373 16 15,035 20 11,590 24 8,145 28 4,701 32 1,256 35 57,811 39 54,367 43 50,922 47 47,477 51 44,033 42 47 51 16 17 42 51 18 43 51 47 47 47 47 19 43 52 20 43 52 21 43 48 52 22 43 48 52 23 43 48 52 24 43 48 52 25 44 48 53 55 10,713 59 7,268 14 3 3,823 7 0,379 10 56,934 14 53,489 18 50,045 22 46,600 26 43,155 30 39,711 34 36,266 57 23,928 16 1 20,483 5 17,039 9 13,594 13 10,149 17 6,705 21 3,260 24 59,815 28 56,371 32 52,926 26 44 48 55 40,588 59 37,143 18 3 33,699 7 30,254 11 26,809 15 23,365 19 19,920 23 16,475 27 13,030 31 9,586 35 6,141 53 27 44 48 53 28 44 49 53 29 44 49 53 30 44 49 53 31 44 il 53 } TABLE III. 129 Corrections to be added to the values in Table II. Year. Correction 8 Year. Correction 8 Year. Correction 8 m S m S m S C 1800 3 33,993 92 1834 2 38,004 265 |B 1868 5 38,569 438 1801 2 36,686 39 1835 1 40,697 21.2 1869 4 41,262 385 1802 1 39,380 985 B 1836 4 39,945 158 1870 3 43,956 331 1803 0 42,073 931 1837 3 42,638 104 1871 2 46,649 277 B 1804 3 41,321 877 1838 2 45,332 | 50 B 1872 5 45,897 224 1805 2 44,014 824 1839 1 48,025 | 997 1873 4 48,590 170 1806 1 46,708 770 B 1840 4 47,273 | 943 1874 3 51,284 | 116 1807 0 49,401 716 1841 3 49,966 890 1875 2 53,977 63 B 1808 3 48,649 662 1842 2 52,660 836 B 1876 5 53,225 9 1809 2 51,342 609 1843 1 55,353 782 1877| 4 55,918 955 1810 1 54,036 555 B 1844 4 54,601 728 1878 3 58,612 | 901 1811 0 56,729 501 1845 3 57,294 675 1879 3 1,305 848 B 1812 3 55,977 448 1846 2 59,988 621 ||B 1880 6 0,553 794 1813 2 58,670 394 1847 2 2,681 567 1881 5 3,246 740 1814 2 1,364 340 B 1848 5 1,929 | 513 1882 4 5,940 687 1815 1 4,057 287 1849 4 4,622 | 460 1883 3 8,633 633 B 1816 4 3,305 233 1850 3 7,316 406 B 1884 6 7,881 579 1817 3 5,998 179 1851 2 10,009 (352 1885 5 10,574 526 1818 2 8,692 125 |B 1852 5 9,257 | 299 1886| 4 13,268 | 472 1819 1 11,385 72 1853 4 11,950 245 1887 3 15,961 418 B 1820 4 10,633 18 1854 3 14,644 191 B 1888 6 15,209 | 364 1821 3 13,326 963 1855 2 17,337 | 138 1889 5 17,902 311 1822 2 16,020 91Q||B 1856 5 16,585 84 1890 4 20,596 257 1823 1 18,713 856 1857 4 19,278 30 1891 3 23,289 202 B 1824 4 17,961 802 1858 3 21,972 976 B 1892 6 22,537 | 149 1825 3 20,654 749 1859 2 24,665 923 1893 5 25,230 95 1826 2 23,348 | 695 ||B 1860 5 23,913 | 869 1894 4 27,924 41 1827 1 26,041 641 1861| 4 26,606 814 1895 3 30,617 988 B 1828] 4 25,289 587 1862 3 29,300 761 B 1896 6 29,865 | 934 1829 3 27,982 534 1863 2 31,993 707 1897 5 32,558 880 1830 2 30,676 480 B 1864 5 31,241 653 1898 4 35,252 826 1831 1 33,369 426 1865 4 33,934 600 1899 3 37,945 773 B 1832 4 32,617 | 373 1866 3 36,628 546 C 1900 2 40,638 | 719 1833 3 35,310 319 1867 2 34,321 492 S 130 TABLE IV. Correction for the Lunar Nutation. Argument = The mean place of the Moon's node. 8 Equation. 86 500 0 0,000 + 500 1000 490 10 510 990 480 20 520 980 470 30 530 970 960 460 40 540 50 550 450 440 950 940 60 560 430 70 930 570 580 420 80 920 410 90 590 910 400 100 600 900 390 110 610 890 380 120 620 880 130 0,065 0,129 0,193 0,257 0,319 0,381 0,441 0,499 0,555 0,610 0,662 0,711 0,758 0,803 0,844 0,882 0,916 0,947 0,975 0,999 1,019 1,034 1,046 1,054 - 1,056 + 630 370 360 870 140 860 640 650 350 150 850 340 160 660 840 330 170 830 320 180 820 310 190 810 300 200 800 290 210 670 680 690 700 710 720 730 740 750 280 220 270 230 790 780 770 760 750 260 240 250 250 TABLE V. 131 Correction for the Solar Nutation. Argument = Sun's true longitude. Equation. O S 270 180 90 + 90 267 183 87 3 93 180 270 360 177 273 357 174 276 354 171 279 351 264 186 84 6 96 261 189 81 9 99 258 192 102 168 282 348 255 195 78 12 75 | 15 72 18 105 165 285 345 252 198 108 162 288 342 249 201 69 | 21 111 159 291 339 0,000 t 0,008 0,016 0,024 0,031 0,038 0,045 0,051 0,057 0,062 0,066 0,070 0,073 0,075 0,076 0,077 + 246 204 66 24 114 156 294 336 243 207 117 153 333 63 | 27 60 30 297 300 240 210 120 150 330 237 213 57 33 ] 23 147 303 327 234 216 54 36 126 144 306 324 231 219 51 39 129 141 309 321 228 222 48 42 132 138 312 318 225 225 45 45 135 135 315 315 S2 132 TABLE VI. For converting sidereal into mean solar time. Hours. Minutes. Seconds. m S 1 2 3 4 5 0 9,830 0 19,659 0 29,489 0 39,318 049,148 0 58,977 1 8,807 1 18,636 1 28,466 1 38,296 10,164 31 0,164 || 31 5,079 16. 10,003 | 31 0,085 2 | 0,328 | 32 | 5,242 2 0,005 32 0,087 3 0,491 33 5,406 3 0,009 | 33 | 0,090 4 | 0,655 34 | 5,570 4 | 0,011 34 | 0,093 5 0,819 | 35 5,734 5 0,014 0,014 | 35 0,096 6 0,983 36 5,898 6 0,016 || 36 0,098 7 | 1,147 || 37 0,062 70,019 || 37 | 0,101 8 1,311 38 6,225 80,022 || 38 0,104 9 | 1,474 | 396;389 9 0,025 39 0,106 10 | 1,638 | 40 | 6,553 | 100,027 || 40 0,109 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 48,125 1 57,955 2 7,784 2 17,614 2 27,443 2 37,273 2 47,103 2 56,932 3 6,762 3 16,591 11 | 1,802 || 41 | 6,717 | 11 0,030 | 41 0,112 12 1,966 - 42 6,881 12 | | 0,033 0,033 || 42 | 0,115 132,130 43 7,044 | 13 | 0,036 0,036 43 0,118 14 2,294 || 44 | 7,208 | 14 | 0,038 44 0,120 15 | 2,457 | 45 | 7,372 | 15 | 0,041 45 0,123 16 2,621 | 46 7,536 16 0,044 46 0,126 17 | 2,785 || 47 | 7,700 17 0,047 | 47 | 0,128 18 2,949 48 7,864 18 0,049 | 48 0,131 193,113 49 | 8,027 19 0,052 | 49 | 0,134 20 3,277 || 50 8,191 20 50 8,191 | 20 | 0,055 | 50 0,137 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 3 26,421 3 36,250 3 46,080 3 55,909 23 24 21 3,440 51 | 8,355 | 21 0,057 | 51 | 0,140 22 3,604 52 8,519 22 0,060 || 52 | 0,142 23 | 3,768 | 53 | 8,683 23 53 8,683 23 | 0,063 || 530,145 24 3,932 | 548,847 | 24 54 0,066 54 0,148 25 | 4,096 | 55 | 9,01025 0,068 55 | 0,150 26 | 4,259 56 9,174 26 0,071 56 | 0,153 27 4,423 57 9,338 27 0,074 || 57 | 0,156 28 | 4,587 || 58 9,502 | 28 | 0,076 | 58 | 0,159 29 4,751 59 | 9,666 | 290,079 59 | 0,161 30 | 4,915 || 60 9,830 30 0,082 60 0,164 TABLE VII. 133 For converting mean solar into sidereal time. Hours. Minutes. Seconds. m S $ 1 0.003 2 3 4 5 0 9,856 ( 19,713 0 29,569 0 39,426 0 49,282 0 59,139 1 8,995 1 18,852 1 28,708 1 38,565 10,164 31 5,092 1 0,003 31 0,085 20,329 32 5,257 2 0,005 || 32 0,087 3 0,493 33 5,421 3 0,008 33 0,090 4 0,657 || 34 5,585 4 | 0,011 34 0,093 5 0,821 | 35 5,750 5 0,014 | 35 | 0,096 6 0,986 | 36 5,914 6 0,016 | 36 | 0,098 7 | 1,150 | 37 6,078 7 0,019 37 0,101 8 1,314 | 386,242 8 0,022 || 38 0,104 9 1,478 39 6,407 9 0,025 || 39 0,106 10 | 1,643 406,571 100,027 40 0,109 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 48,421 11 | 1,807 | 41 41 6,73511 | 0,030 | 41 0,112 1 58,278 12 | 1,971 426,900 12 0,033 42 0,115 2 8,134 132, 136 43 7,064 13 0,036 43 0,118 2 17,991 14 2,300 44 7,228 | 14 0,038 44 0,120 2 27,847 15 2,464 45 7,392 | 15 0,041 || 45 45 | 0,123 2 37,704 16 2,628 | 46 7,557 16 0,044 || 46 0,126 2 47,560 17 2,793 47 7,721 17 0,047 47 0,128 2 57,416 18 | 2,957 48 7,885 18 0,049 480,131 3 7,273 | 19 19 3,121 49 8,050 19 0,052 || 49 0,134 3 17,129 | 20 20 3,285 50 8,214 20 0,055 50 | 0,137 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3 3 26,986 | 21 3,450 51 8,378 | 21 0,057 | 51 0,140 3 36,842 223,614 | 528,542 22 0,060 52 0,142 3 46,699 | 233,778 23 3,778 53 8,707 23 0,063 53 0,145 3 56,555 24 3,943 | 54 8,871 24 0,066 | 54 0,148 25 | 4,107 55 9,035 25 0,068 | 55 0,150 26 4,271 56 9,199 26 0,071 || 56 0,153 27 4,436 | 57 9,364 27 0,074 | 57 | 0,156 28 4,600 58 9,528 28 0,076 58 0,159 29 4,764 59 9,692 | 29 0,079 ) 59 0,161 30 4,928 | 60 9,856 30 0,082 | 60 0,164 134 TABLE VIII. For converting degrees into time : and vice versa. Degrees. Space. Time. Space. Time. Time. Space. T'ime. Space. Time. m m rado h 0 4 31° h 2 4 61° h m 4 4 9i h m 6 4 2 08 32 2 8 62 4 8 92 6 8 3 0 12 33 2 12 63 4 12 93 6 12 4 0 16 34 2 16 64 4 16 94 6 16 5 0 20 35 2 20 65 4 20 95 6 20 6 0 24 36 2 24 66 4 24 96 6 24 7 0 28 37 2 28 4 28 97 6 28 67 68 8 0 32 38 2 32 4 32 98 6 32 9 0 36 39 2 36 69 4 36 99 6 36 10 040 40 2 40 70 4 40 100 6 40 11 044 41 2 44 4 44 101 6 44 12 0 48 42 2 48 4 48 102 648 13 0 52 43 2 52 4 52 103 6 52 14 0 56 44 2 56 4 56 104 6 56 15 1 0 45 3 0 5 0 105 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 1 4 46 3 4 5 4 106 16 17 7 0 7 4 7 8 1 8 47 3 8 107 5 8 5 12 18 1 12 48 3 12 108 7 12 19 1 16 49 3 16 5 16 109 7 16 20 1 20 50 3 20 5 20 110 7 20 21 1 24 51 3 24 81 5 24 111 7 24 22 1 28 52 3 28 82 5 28 112 7 28 7 32 23 1 32 53 3 32 83 5 32 113 24 1 36 54 3 36 84 5 36 114 7 36 25 1 40 55 3 40 85 5 40 115 26 1 44 56 3 44 86 5 44 116 1 48 57 3 48 87 5 48 27 28 7 40 7 44 7 48 7 52 7 56 8 0 1 52 58 3 52 88 117 118 119 5 52 29 1 56 59 3 56 89 5 56 30 2 0 60 4 0 90 6 0 120 TABLE VIII. continued. 135 Degrees. Space. Time. Space. Time. Space. Time. Space. Time. . || . h m m m m 121 8 4151 h 10 4 181 h 12 4 211 h 14 4 122 8 8 152 10 8 192 12 8 212 14 8 123 8 12 153 10 12 183 12 12 213 14 12 124 8 16 154 10 16 184 12 16 214 14 16 125 8 20 155 10 20 185 12 20 14 20 14 24 126 8 24 156 10 24 186 12 24 127 8 28 157 10 28 187 12 28 216 218 14 217 14 28 128 8 32 158 10 32 188 12 32 14 32 129 8 36 159 10 36 189 12 36 219 14 36 130 8 40 160 10 40 190 12 40 220 14 40 131 8 44 161 10 44 191 12 44 221 14 44 132 8 48 162 10 48 192 12 48 222 14 48 133 8 52 163 10 52 193 12 52 223 14 52 134 8 56 164 10 56 194 12 56 224 14 56 135 9 0 165 11 0 195 13 0 225 15 0 136 94 166 11 4 196 13 4 226 15 4 137 98 167 11 8 197 13 8 227 15 8 138 9 12 168 11 12 198 13 12 15 12 228 229 139 9 16 169 11 16 199 13 16 15 16 140 9 20 170 11 20 200 13 20 230 15 20 141 9 24 201 13 24 231 15 24 142 9 28 202 13 28 232 15 28 143 9 32 203 13 32 233 15 32 144 9 36 171 11 24 17221 11 28 173 11 32 174 11 36 175 11 40 176 11 44 177 11 48 204 13 36 234 15 36 145 9 40 205 13 40 235 15 40 146 9 44 206 13 44 236 15 44 147 9 48 207 13 48 15 48 237 238 148 9 52 11 52 208 15 52 178 179 13 52 13 56 149 11 56 209 239 9 56 10 0 15 56 16 0 150 180 12 0 * 210 14 0 240 136 TABLE VIII. continued. Degrees. Space. Time. ( Space. Time. Space. Time. Space. Time. m h m 241 h m 16 4 h m 18 4 301 h 20 4 242 16 8 18 8 302 20 8 331 22 4 332 22 8 333 22 12 1 243 16 12 18 12 303 20 12 244 16 16 18 16 304 20 16 334 22 16 245 16 20 18 20 305 20 20 335 22 20 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 246 16 24 18 24 306 20 24 336 22 24 247 16 28 18 28 20 28 337 22 28 307 308 248 16 32 18 32 20 32 338 22 32 249 16 36 18 36 309 20 36 339 22 36 250 16 40 280 18 40 310 20 40 340 22 40 251 16 44 281 18 44 311 20 44 341 22 44 252 16 48 282 18 48 312 20 48 342 22 48 253 16 52 283 18 52 313 20 52 313 22 52 284 18 56 314 20 56 344 22 56 285 190 315 210 345 23 0 286 316 21 4 346 23 4 254 16 56 255 17 0 256 17 4 257 17.8 258 17 12 259 17 16 260 17 20 19 4. 19 8 287 317 21 8 347 23 8 288 19 12 318 21 12 348. 23 12 289 19 16 319 21 16 349 23 16 290) 19 20 320 21 20 350 23 20 261 291 19 24 321 21 24 351 23 24 17 24 17 28 262 292 19 28 322 21 28 352 23 28 263 293 19 32 323 21 32 353 23 32 264 17 32 17 36 17:40 294 19 36 324 21 36 354 23 36 265 295 19 40 325 21 40 355 23 40 266 296 19 44 326 21 44 356 23 44 267 297 19 48 21 48 357 23 48 17 44 17 48 17 52 17 56 18 0 327 328 268 298 19 52 21 52 358 23 52 269 299 19 56 329 21 56 359 23 56 270 300 20 0 330 22 0 360 24 0 TABLE VIII. continued. 137 Minutes. Seconds. m S S m S 2 4 Space. Time. | Space. Time. Space. Time. | Space. Time. 1 0 4 31 ľ 0,067 31 2,067 2 08 32 2 8 0,133 32 2,133 3 0 12 33 2 12 3 0,200 33 2,200 4 0 16 34 2 16 4 0,267 34 2,267 5 0 20 35 2 20 5 0,333 35 2,333 6 0 24 36 2 24 6 0,400 36 2,400 7 0 28 37 2 28 7 0,467 37 2,467 8 0 32 38 2 32 8 0,533 38 2,533 9 0 36 39 2 36 9 0,600 39 2,600 10 040 40 2 40 10 0,667 40 2,667 11 044 41 2 44 11 41 12 0 48 42 2 48 12 42 13 0 52 43 2 52 13 43 14 0 56 44 2 56 14 44 15 1 0 45 3 0 15 45 0,733 0,800 0,867 0,933 1,000 1,067 1,133 1,200 1,267 1,333 2,733 2,800 2,867 2,993 3,000 3,067 3,133 3,200 3,267 3,333 16 1 4 46 3 4 16 46 17 18 47 3 8 17 47 48 18 1 12 48 3 12 18 19 1 16 49 3 16 19 49 20 1 20 50 3 20 20 50 21 1 24 51 3 24 21 51 22 1 28 3 28 22 52 52 53 23 1 32 3 32 23 53 24 1 36 54 24 54 3 36 3 40 25 1 40 55 25 55 1,400 1,467 1,533 1,600 1,667 1,733 1,800 1,867 1,933 2,000 3,400 3,467 3,533 3,600 3,667 3,733 3,800 3,867 3,933 4,000 26 1 44 56 3 44 26 56 27 1 48 57 3 48 27 57 28 1 52 58 3 52 28 58 29 59 3 56 29 59 1 56 2 0 30 60 4 0 30 60 T - 138 TABLE IX. Mr. Ivory's Mean Refractions; with the logarithms and their differences annexed. Zenith Mean Dist. Refrac. Log. Diff. Zenith Mean Dist. Refrac. Log. Diff. 173 170 3012 168 164 162 1763 1252 974 796 675 587 519 160 159 156 155 466 155 424 154 11 388 152 359 151 334 152 313 151 i 6 1,02 0.0085 2 2,04 0.3097 3 3,06 0.4860 4 4,08 0.6112 5 5,11 0.7086 6 6,14 0.7882 7 7,17 0.8557 8 8,21 0.9144 9 9,25 0.9663 10 10,30 1.0129 11,35 | 1.0553 12 12,42 1.0941 13 13,49 1.1300 14 14,56 1.1634 15 15,66 1.1947 16 16,75 1.2241 17,86 1.2519 18 18,98 1.2784 19 20,11 1.3036 20 21,26 1.3277 21 22,42 1.3507 22 23,60 1.3729 23 24,80 1.3944 24 26,01 1.4151 25 27,24 1.4352 26 28,49 1.4547 27 29,76 1.4736 28 31,05 1.4921 29 32,38 1.5102 30 0 33,72 1.5279 294 31 l ó 351,09 1.5452 32 36,49 1.5622 33 37,93 1.5790 34 39,39 1.5954 35 40,89 1.6116 36 42,42 1.6276 37 44,00 1.6435 38 45,61 1.6591 39 47,27 1.6746 40 48,99 1.6901 41 50,75 1.7055 42 52,57 1.7207 43 54,43 1.7358 44 56,35 1.7510 45 58,36 1.76611 46 1 0,43 | 1.78123 47 2,57 | 1.79637 48 4,80 1.81155 49 7,11 1.82678 50 9,52 | 1.84208 51 12,02 1.85747 52 14,64) 1.87298 53 17,38 1.88863 54 20,24/ 1.90440 55 23,25 1.92036 56 26,41 | 1.93653 57 29,73) 1.95291 58 33,23 1.96955 36,93 1.98646 60 1 40,85 2.00368 1512 278 1514 17 265 1518 252 1523 241 1530 230 1539 222 1551 1565 215 207 201 1577 1596 195 1617 189 1638 185 1664 181 1691 59 : 177 1722 TABLE IX. continued. 139 Zenith Mean Dist. Refrac. Log. Diff. Zenith Mean Dist. Refrac. Log. Diff. 462 1756 1794 1936 1881 467 470 475 479 483 1932 1988 2048 488 2116 493 2191 497 502 2275 388 507 10 390 512 393 517 396 398 523 528 533 402 404 538 616 i 45,01 2.02124 62 0 49,44 2.03918 63 0 54,17 | 2.05754 64 0 59,22 | 2.07635 65 0 2 4,65 2.09567 66 0 10,48 2.11555 67 0 16,78 2.13603 68 0 23,61 2.15719 69 0 31,04 2.17910 70 00 39,16 2.20185 40,59 2.20573 20 42,04 2.20963 30 43,52 2,21356 40 45,02 2.21752 50 46,53 2.22150 71 00 48,08 2.22552 10 49,65 2.22956 20 51,25 2.23363 30 52,87 | 2.23773 40 54,53 2.24186 50 56,21 | 2.24603 72 00 57,92 2.25022 10 59,66 2.25445 20 3 1,43 2.25870 30 3,23 2.26299 40 5,06 | 2.26732 50 6,93 2.27168 73 00 8,83 2.27608 10 10,77 2.28051 20 12,74 2.28498 30 14,75 2.28948 40 16,80 \ 2.29402 50 3 18,88 2.29860 78 06 3 21,01 2.30322 10 23,18 2.30789 20 25,39 2.31259 30 27,66 2.31734 40 29,95 2.32213 50 32,30 2.32696 75 00 34,70 2.33184 10 37,16 | 2.33677 20 39,65 2.34174 30 42,21 2.34676 40 44,82 2.35183 50 47,48 2.35695 76 00 50,21 2.36212 10 53,00 2.36735 20 55,85 2.37263 30 58,76 2.37796 40 4 1,74 | 2.38334 50 4,79 2.38879 77 00 7,91 | 2.39430 10 11,11 2,39987 20 14,392.40550 30 17,74 2.41119 40 21,19 | 2.41695 50 24,72, 2.42278 78 00 28,33 2.42867 10 32,04 | 2.43463 20 35,84 | 2.44066 30 39,75 | 2.44677 40 43,76 2,45295 50 47,88 2.45921 79 00 52,12 2,46556 10 56,47 2.47198 20 5 0,94 2.47848 407 545 410 551 413 557 417 563 419 569 576 423 425 583 429 589 433 596 436 603 440 611 443 618 626 447 450 635 454 642 458 650 T 2 140 TABLE IX. continued. Zenith Mean Dist. Refrac. Log. Diff. Zenith Mean Dist. Refrac. Log. Diff. 659 1139 669 1165 1191 677 688 1219 696 1248 30 1277 1309 1340 1374 1410 707 716 727 738 749 761 772 785 797 811 1447 6 1484 1523 1565 1608 824 1654 79 36 5 5,54 2.48507 40 10,28 2.49176 50 15,16 2.49853 80 00 20,19 2.50541 10 25,36 2.51237 20 30,70 2.51944 30 36,20 2.52660 40 41,88 2.53387 50 47,74 | 2.54125 81 00 53,79 | 2.54874 106 0,04 2.55635 20 6,50 2.56407 30 13,18 2.57192 40 20,09 2.57989 50 27,26 | 2.58800 82 00 34,68 2.59624 10 42,37 2.60462 20 50,33 | 2.61313 30 58,59 | 2.62179 40 7 7,19 | 2.63062 50 16,13 2.63961 83 00 25,40 | 2.64875 10 35,05 2.65806 20 45,10 2.66755 30 55,58 2.67722 40 | 8 6,50 2.68708 50 17,90 2.69714 84 00 29,80 2.70740 10 42,24 | 2.71787 20 55,25 2.72856 30 9 8,88 2.73948 40 9 23,16 | 2.75063 838 84 501 38,12 2.76202 85 00 9 53,84 | 2.77367 10 10 10,35 2.78558 20 27,73 2.79777 46,03 2.81025 40 11 5,30 2.82302 50 25,66 | 2.83611 86 00 47,15 2.84951 10 12 9,88 2.86325 20 33,97 | 2.87735 30 59,51 | 2.89182 40 13 26,61 2.90666 50 13 55,40 2.92189 87 00 14 26,04 2.93754 1014 58,71 | 2.95362 2015 33,60 2.97016 30 16 10,89 2.98717 4016 50,8 3,00466 50 17 33,6 3.02267 88 00 18 19,6 3,04122 10 19 9,0 3.06031 2020 2,2 3.07998 30 20 59,6 3.10024 40 22 1,7 3.12113 5023 8,9 3.14268 89 00124 21,8 3.16489 10 25 40,9 3.18779 20 27 7,1 3.21140 3028 40,8 3.23574 40 30 23,2 3.26083 50 32 15,0 3.28667 90 00 34 17,5 3.31334 1701 851 1749 1801 866 883 1855 899 1909 914 1967 931 2026 949 2089 967 2155 986 2221 1006 2290 1026 2361 2434 1047 1069 2509 1092 2584 1115 2667 TABLE X 141 Mr. Ivory's Refractions continued: showing the logarithms of the corrections, on account of the state of the Ther- mometer and Barometer. Thermometer Barometer Logarithm Logarithm Logarithm 1 50 in. 31.0 0.00000 0.01424 49 0.00094 30.9 0.01248 48 0.00190 8 0.01143 47 0.00285 7 0.01002 46 0.00380 6 802 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 9.97237 9.97326 9.97416 9.97506 9.97596 9.97686 9.97777 9.97867 9.97958 9.98049 45 5 0.00860 0.00718 0.00575 0.00432 44 4 0.00476 0.00572 0.00668 0.00764 0.00861 43 3 42 2 0.00289 41 1 0.00145 9.98140 40 0.00957 30.0 0.00000 69 9.98231 39 9.99855 0.01053 0.01151 29.9 8 68 9.98323 38 9.99709 9.99563 67 9.98414 37 0.01248 7 6 66 9.98506 36 0.01346 65 35 0.01444 5 9.99417 9.99270 9.99123 64 34 0.01541 4 63 9.98598 9.98690 9.98783 9.98875 9.98969 33 3 9.98975 62 32 2 0.01640 0.01738 0.01837 0.01935 61 31 1 60 9.99061 30 29.0 59 9.99154 29. 0.02033 28.9 58 9.99248 28 0.02133 8 57 9.99341 27 0.02232 7 56 9.99434 26 0.02331 6 9.98826 9.98677 9.98528 9.98378 9.98227 9.98076 9.97924 9.97772 9.97620 9.97466 9.97313 9.97158 9.97004 55 9.99529 25 0.02432 5 54 9.92623 24 0.02531 4 53 23 0.02630 3 9.99717 9.99811 52 22 2 0.02730 0.02832 51 21 9.99906 0.00000 1 28.0 50 20 0.02933 142 TABLE XI. Mr. Ivory's Refractions continued: showing the further quantities by which the refraction at low altitudes is to be corrected, on account of the state of the Thermome- ter and Barometer. Zenith Distance T B Zenith Distance T B 86 36 86 40 86 50 87 0 87 10 87 20 + 0,04 1 87 30 87 40 87 50 88 0 88 10 75 Ó - 0,009 76 0 0,012 177 0 0,015 78 0 0,018 790 0,023 80 0 0,030 81 0 0,040 81 30 0,046 82 0 0,053 82 30 0,063 83 0 0,074 83 30 0,089 84 0 0,107 84 30 0,130 85 0 0,159 85 10 0,171 85 20 0,184 85 30 0,198 85 40 0,213 85 50 0,229 86 0 0,248 86 10 0,269 86 20 0,292 - 0,317 0,345 0,376 0,410 0,448 0,490 0,538 0,593 0,654 0,722 0,799 0,887 0,987 1,101 1,231 1,380 1,551 1,749 1,977 2,241 2,549 2,909 + 0,51 0,56 0,62 0,68 0,75 0,83 0,91 1,01 1,13 1,26 1,41 1,59 1,79 2,02 2,29 2,61 2,98 3,41 3,93 4,54 5,26 to 6,12 88 20 0,05 0,07 0,08 0,10 0,11 0,13 0,16 0,20 0,25 0,26 0,28 0,31 0,33 0,36 0,39 0,43 + 0,47 88 30 88 40 88 50 89 0 89 10 89 20 89 30 89 40 89 50 90 0 The column marked T is to be multiplied by (t--50°): and the column marked B is to be multiplied by (B-30in.00). The results are to be applied to the approximate refraction obtained by the pre- ceding tables. TABLE XII. 143 Dr. Brinkley's Refractions : containing the logarithms of the quantities depending on the state of the Thermometer. Far. Therm. Log. T Far. Thierm. Log. T Far. Therm. Log. T 10 34 0.3048 0.2827 0.3283 0.3273 0.3263 58 59 11 35 0.3039 0.2818 12 36 0.3030 60 0.2809 13 0.3253 0.3020 61 37 38 14 0.3243 0.3011 15 0.3233 39: 0.3001 0.2992 16 0.3223 40 17 0.3213 41 0.2983 18 0.3203 42 66 19 0.3193 43 0.2974 0.2965 0.2956 0.2800 0.2791 0.2782 0.2773 0.2764 0.2755 0.2746 0.2737 0.2728 0.2720 0.2711 0.2703 0.2694 20 0.3183 44 21 45 0.2946 0.3173 0.3163 22 46 0.2937 23 47 0.2928 0.3154 0.3144 24 48 0.2919 25 0.3134 49 0.2910 26 0.3124 50 0.2900 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 0.2685 0.2677 27 0.3114 51 0.2891 28 0.3105 52 0.2881 0.2668 29 53 0.2872 0.2660 0.3095 0.3086 30 54 0,2863 0.2652 31 55 0.2854 0.2644 32 0.3076 0.3067 0.3058 56 0.2845 0.2636 33 57 0.2836 0.2627 Approximate Refraction = T.B. tan Z Correct Refraction = = T.ß. tan Z- 144 TABLE XIII. Dr. Brinkley's Refractions contd: containing the quantity C, depending on the state of the Barometer and Zenith di- stance, to be deducted from the approximate refraction. Barometer Zenith Dist. 28.50 | 29.00 29.50 30.00 30.50 oo 30 40 oo 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,2 45 50 52 54 0,3 56 58 60 61 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,2 1,3 1,5 1,8 2,1 2,5 3,0 3,4 4,1 66 1 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,9 2,2 2,6 3,2 3,7 4,5 5,6 6,9 8,9 11,4 1,2 1,3 1,5 1,8 2,1 2,5 3,0 3,4 4,2 5,2 6,4 8,3 10,7 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,9 1,9 2,2 2,2 2,6 2,6 3,1 3,1 3,5 3,6 4,3 4,4 5,3 5,5 6,6 6,7 8,5 8,5 10,9 11,1 5,1 6,3 8,1 10,5 80 TABLE XIV. 145 Parallax of the Sun, on the first day of each month: the mean horizontal parallax being assumed = 85,60. Zenith Dist. Jan. Feb. March April Dec. Nov. Oct. May June Sept. Aug. July • 5 10 15 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 6,00 0,76 0,75 0,74 1,52 1,52 1,51 1,49 1,48 2,26 2,26 2,25 2,23 2,21 2,99 2,98 2,97 2,94 2,92 3,70 3,69 3,67 3,63 3,60 4,37 4,36 4,34 4,30 4,26 0,00 0,00 0,74 0,74 1,47 | 1,47 2,19 2,90 2,89 3,58 3,57 4,24 4,23 2,19 20 25 30 35 40 45 5,02 | 5,01 4,98 5,62 5,61 5,58 6,19 6,17 6,13 6,70 6,68 6,64 7,17 7,15 7,11 7,58 | 7,56 | 7,51 4,93 4,89 5,53 5,48 6,08 6,03 6,596,53 7,04 6,99 7,45 7,39 4,86 4,85 5,45 5,44 5,99 5,98 6,49 6,48 6,94 6,93 7,34 7,33 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 7,93 8,22 8,45 8,62 8,73 8,75 7,91 7,86 8,20 8,15 8,43 8,38 8,59 8,54 8,69 8,64 8,73 8,67 7,79 7,73 8,08 8,01 8,30 8,24 8,47 8,40 8,56 8,50 8,608,53 7,68 7,67 7,97 7,95 8,19 8,17 8,35 8,33 8,44 8,42 8,48 8,46 85 90 U 3 46 TABLE XV. Logarithms of sin. P, in time. Minutes 3 hours 4 hours 5 hours 6 hours 7 hours 0 1 2 3 4 9.165679 9.397940 9.568894 9.698970 9.798933 •170240 •401214 •571358 •700865 .800384 •174773 •404471 •573811 •702743 .801828 •179278 •407713 •576253 •704618 .803266 •183756 • 410938 •578684 •706484 .804697 •188207 • 414147 •581104 •708342 .806122 •192631 •417340 •583513 •710192 .807540 •197028 •420517 •585911 •712034 .808952 •201399 •423679 ·588299 •713868 .810357 •205745 .426825 •590676 •715694 .811756 5 6 7 8 9 10 •210064 •429955 .813149 11 314358 814535 12 .815915 •433070 •436170 • 439255 •442325 •218627 •222870 •227089 13 14 •593042 •717512 595398 •719322 •597744 •721124 -600078 •722919 •602403 •724705 •604717 726484 •607021 •728255 •609315 730018 .611598 731774 .613872 •733522 15 231284 .817289 .818656 .820017 •821372 .822721 .824063 16 •445379 •448419 •451445 •235454 17 239600 18 .243722 .247821 •454455 -457451 19 •825399 20 21 22 23 24 •251897 •460433 .616135 •735262 .826729 •255949 •463400 618388 •736994 .828053 •259978 •466354 -620632 •738719 .829370 •263985 •469293 .622865 .740437 .83068.2 267969 •472218 625089 •742147 .831987 •271930 •475129 •627303 •743849 .833287 .275870 • 478026 •629507 •745544 .834580 •279788 •480909 •631701 •747232 .835867 •283684 •483779 633886 748912 .837148 9.287558 9.486635 9•636061 9.750585 9.838424 25 26 27 28 29 TABLE XV. continued. 147 Logarithms of sin ? P, in time. Minutes 3 hours 4 hours 5 hours 6 hours 7 hours 30 31 32 33 34 9.291412 9.489478 9.638227 9.752251 9.839693 •295244 •492307 .640383 •753909 .840956 •299055 •495123 •642529 •755560 .842213 •302845 •497926 .644666 757203 .843464 306615 •500716 •646794 •758840 .844710 •310364 •503492 -648913 •760469 845949 314094 •506256 .651022 •762091 .847183 317803 •509007 .653122 •763706 •848410 •321492 •511745 .655213 •765314 .849632 •325161 •514470 .657294 •766914 .850848 35 36 37 38 39 40 •328811 •517183 .659367 •661430 41 332442 519883 42 •336053 .663485 •522570 •525245 43 339645 44 •527908 •530559 45 768508 .852058 •770094 •853263 •771674 854461 •773247 .855654 •774812 .856841 •776371 858022 777922 .859198 •779467 860367 781005 861532 •782536 .862690 46 343219 346773 350309 •353827 357326 360807 •533197 *665530 •667567 .669594 .671613 •673623 .675624 .677617 47 •535823 48 •538437 49 •541040 50 51 52 53 54 •364270 •543630 .679601 •784061 863843 •367715 •546208 681576 •785578 .864990 •371142 •548775 .683543 •787089 .866131 •374552 551330 .685501 788593 •867267 •377945 •553874 -687450 •790090 868397 381320 •556406 .689391 791580 .869522 •384678 •558926 •691324 793064 870641 •388018 •561435 •693248 •794541 .871754 391342 •563933 •695163 •796012 .872862 9.394650 9.566419 9.697071 9.797476 9.873964 55 56 57 58 59 U 2 148 TABLE XVI. For the equation of Equal Altitudes of the Sun. Interval Log. A_ _Log. B Interval Log. A Log. B m h m 2 0 3 0 2 7.7015 •7010 •7005 •6999 4 4 6 6 8 8 .6993 7.7297 •7298 •7300 •7302 •7304 •7305 •7307 •7309 •7311 •7313 7.7146 •7143 •7139 •7136 •7132 •7128 •7125 •7121 •7117 •7113 7.7359 •7362 7364 •7367 •7369 •7372 -7374 •7377 •7380 •7383 10 10 .6988 12 12 •6982 14 14 •6976 •6970 16 16 18 18 .6964 20 0 20 •6958 22 22 .6952 24 24 •6946 26 26 .6940 28 •7386 •7388 •7391 •7394 •7397 7400 •7403 •7406 28 •7315 •7317 •7319 •7321 •7323 •7325 •7327 •7329 •7331 •7333 .6934 7109 •7105 •7101 •7097 •7092 •7088 •7083 •7079 •7075 •7070 30 30 •6927 •6921 32 32 34 34 .6914 36 36 •6908 •7409 •7412 38 38 •6901 40 40 •6894 42 42 .6888 44 44 •6881 46 46 •6874 48 48 •6867 -7336 •7338 •7340 •7342 •7345 •7347 •7349 •7352 •7354 7.7357 •7065 •7061 •7056 •7051 •7046 •7041 •7036 •7031 •7026 7.7021 •7415 •7418 •7421 •7424 •7428 •7431 •7434 •7437 •7441 7.7444 50 50 •6859 52 52 •6852 54 54 .6845 56 56 .6838 58 58 7.6830 TABLE XVI. continued. 149 For the equation of Equal Altitudes of the Sun. Interval Log. A Log. B Interval Log. A Log. B h m 4 0 7.6823 h m 5 0 7.6556 2 .6815 2 -6546 4 .6807 4 .6536 6 -6800 6 .6525 8 .6792 8 .6514 7.7447 •7451 •7454 •7458 •7461 •7464 •7468 •7472 •7475 •7479 7.7562 •7566 •7570 •7575 •7579 -7583 •7588 •7592 •7597 •7601 10 10 •6504 12 12 .6493 14 •6784 .6776 •6768 •6759 -6751 14 .6482 16 16 •6471 -6460 18 18 20 20 •6448 22 22 •6437 24 24 •6425 26 .6743 •6734 •6726 •6717 •6708 -6700 •6691 26 .6414 28 28 •7482 •7486 *7490 •7494 •7497 •7501 .7505 •7509 •7513 •7517 -6402 •7606 •7610 •7615 •7620 .7624 •7629 •7634 •7638 .7643 •7648 30 30 .6390 •6378 32 32 34 .6682 34 •6366 6354 36 •6673 36 38 6663 38 •6342 40 .6654 40 .6329 42 .6645 42 .6317 44 .6635 44 •6304 46 .6626 46 •7653 •7658 •7663 •7668 •7673 •7678 •7683 •6291 48 •6616 48 •7521 •7525 •7529 •7533 •7537 •7541 •7545 •7549 •7553 7.7557 •6278 50 •6606 50 .6265 52 52 -6252 54 54 .6239 •6597 •6587 •6577 7.6567 56 56 •7688 •7693 7.7698 •6225 58 58 7.6212 150 TABLE XVI. continued. For the equation of Equal Altitudes of the Sun. Interval Log. A Log. B Interval Log. A Log. B m h m h 6 0 7 0 7:5717 7.6198 .6184 2 2 •5699 4 4 •5680 •6170 .6156 6 6 •5661 8 •6142 8 •5641 7.7703 •7708 7713 •7719 •7724 •7729 •7735 •7740 •7745 •7751 7.7873 •7879 •7885 •7891 •7898 •7904 •7910 •7916 •7923 •7929 10 .6127 10 •5622 12 .6113 12 14 •6098 14 5602 •5582 •5562 i6 .6083 16 18 .6068 18 •5542 20 .6053 20 •5522 22 .6038 22 •5501 24 .6023 •5480 26 •6007 24 26 28 •5459 28 •5991 •5437 •7756 •7762 •7767 •7773 •7779 •7784 •7790 7796 •7801 *7807 •7936 •7942 •7949 •7955 •7962 •7969 •7975 •7982 •7989 •7995 30 •5975 30 •5416 32 •5959 32 •5394 34 •5943 34 •5372 •5350 36 •5927 36 38 •5910 38 •5327 40 •5894 40 •5304 .8002 .8009 42 •5877 42 •5281 44 •5860 44 .8016 •5258 46 •5843 46 .8023 •5234 48 •5825 48 .8030 •5211 •7813 •7819 •7825 -7831 •7836 •7842 •7848 •7854 •7860 7.7867 50 .5808 50 •5186 .8037 .8044 52 52 •5162 54 54 .8051 •5790 •5772 •5754 7.5736 •5137 •5112 56 56 .8058 58 58 7.8065 7.5087 TABLE XVI. continued. 151 For the equation of Equal Altitudes of the Sun. Interval Log. A Log. B Interval Log. A Log. B m h 8 0 h 9 0 7.8302 so QV # 7.8072 .8079 7.5062 •5036 7.4131 •4093 2 .8311 .8086 •5010 4 .8319 •4055 6 •8094 .4983 6 .8328 •4016 8 .8101 0 •4957 8 .8336 10 •8108 4930 10 .8344 •3977 •3937 •3896 12 .8116 •4902 12 8353 14 •8123 •4874 14 •8361 3855 16 .8130 •4846 16 .8370 •3813 18 .8138 •4818 18 .8378 •3771 20 .8145 20 .8387 •3728 . 22 .8153 22 .8396 •3684 24 •8160 24 .8404 *3639 •4789 •4760 •4731 •4701 •4671 •4640 26 .8168 26 .8413 3594 28 .8176 28 .8422 •3548 30 .8183 30 .8430 •3501 32 .8191 •4609 32 .8439 •3454 34 •4578 34 .8448 3406 8199 8206 36 36 .8457 •4546 4514 •3357 •3307 38 .8214 38 •8466 40 *8222 •4482 40 .8475 *3256 42 .8230 •4449 42 .8484 •3205 44 .8238 1415 44 .8493 •3152 46 .8246 •4381 46 .8502 •3099 48 .8254 •4347 48 .8511 •3045 50 .8262 •4312 50 .8520 •2989 52 52 .8530 •2933 .8270 .8278 .4277 •4241 54 54 .8539 56 .8286 • 4205 56 .8548 •2876 •2817 7.2758 58 7.8294 7.4168 58 7.8558 152 TABLE XVI. continued. For the equation of Equal Altitudes of the Sun. Interval Log. A Log. B Interval Log. A Log. B m h 10 0 7.2697 h m 11 0 7.8868 7.0025 2 7.8567 .8576 .8586 • 2635 2 .8878 4 •2572 4 .8889 6.9889 •9748 .9602 6 .8595 •2507 6 .8900 8 .8605 .2442 8 .8911 10 .8614 •2374 10 •8922 .9449 •9290 •9125 .8624 12 C •2306 12 .8932 14 .8634 .2236 14 .8943 + 16 .8643 16 .8954 2164 • 2091 .8953 :8770 .8580 18 .8653 18 .8965 20 .8663 • 2016 20 .8977 •8379 •8168 22 .8673 •1940 22 •8988 24 .8683 •1861 24 .8999 26 .8693 •1781 26 9010 9021 •7945 •7709 •7457 •7189 28 •1699 28 30 •1615 30 9033 32 •1529 32 9044 .6901 .8703 .8713 .8723 .8733 .8743 .8753 34 •1440 34 9055 .6591 36 •1349 36 •6255 .9067 9078 38 •1256 38 •5889 40 •1160 .9090 •5487 .8763 .8773 40 42 42 •1061 9102 •504] 44 .8784 0960 44 9113 •4541 46 .8794 46 9125 •3973 48 .8804 -0855 •0748 •0637 48 9137 •3316 50 .8815 50 0 9148 52 .8825 0522 52 9160 •2536 •1579 6.0341 54 .8836 ·0404 54 .9172 56 .8846 0282 56 .9184 5.8593 58 7.8857 7.0156 58 7.9196 5.5594 TABLE XVII. 153 Showing the Altitude of a star, whose Declination is less than the Latitude of the place, at the moment of its pass- ing the Prime Vertical: also of a star, whose Declina- tion is greater than the Latitude of the place, at the time of its greatest Azimuth, or at the moment when the ver- tical becomes a tangent to the circle of declination. N.B. The Declination must be on the same side of the equator as the Latitude of the place. Declination of the star Lat. 5° 100 15° 200 25° 300 350 8 44 5 90 6 30 8 19° 41' 14 46 11° 54' 10 2 10 30 890 0 42 8 42 8 | 30 31 24 16 | 20 19 17 37 15 19 41 42 8 90 0 49 11 37 46 | 31 10 26 49 20 14 16 30 31 49 11 900 54 40 43 10 36 36 25 11 54 24 16 37 46 54 40 90 0 57 45 | 47 28 30 10 2 20 19 31 10 43 10 57 45 90 0 60 40 35 8 44 | 17 37 | 26 49 36 36 47 28 | 60 40 90 | () 40 7 48 15 40 23 45 32 9 41 6 51 4 | 63 10 45 7 5 14 13 21 28 28 56 36 42 45 0 54 12 50 6 32 13 6 19 45 26 31 33 29 40 45 48 29 55 6 6 12 14 18 25 24 41 31 4 37 37 44 27 60 5 47 11 34 17 23 23 16 29 40 35 16 41 29 65 5 31 11 3 16 36 16 36 22 10 27 48 33 29 39 16 70 5 19 10 39 15 59 21 21 26 44 | 32 9 37 37 : The change of altitude, on the Prime Vertical, in one second of'time is = 15" x sin Lat. X 154 TABLE XVIII. For the Reduction to the Meridian: showing the value of 2 sin IP A= sin 1" Sec. Om lin 2m 3m 4m 5m 6 7m 0 1 2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 2,0 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,2 1,8 | 177 314 491 767 96,2 8,0 17,9 31,7 49,4 71,1 96,7 8,1 18,1 31,9 49,7 71,5 97,1 8,2 18,3 32,2 50,1 71,9 97,6 8,4 18,5 32,5 50,4 72,3 98,0 3 4. 5 6 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 2,3 2,4 2,4 2,5 7 8 8,5 8,7 8,8 8,9 9,1 18,7 32,7 18,9 33,0 19,1 33,3 19,3 33,5 19,5 | 33,8 50,7 51,1 51,4 51,7 52,1 72,7 98,5 73,1 99,0 73,5 99,4 73,9 99,9 74,3 100,4 9 2,6 10 0,1 0,1 11 2,7 2,7 2,8 12 0,1 9,2 9,4 9,5 9,6 9,8 19,7 19,9 20,1 20,3 20,5 34,1 52,4 34,4 52,7 34,6 53,1 34,9 53,4 35,2 53,8 74,7 100,8 75,1 101,3 75,5 101,8 75,9 102,3 76,3 102,7 13 0,1 0,1 14 3,0 15 16 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,2 17 3,1 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 9,9 10,1 10,2 20,7 20,9 21,2 21,4 21,6 35,5 54,1 35,7 54,5 36,0 54,8 36,3 55,1 36,6 55,5 76,7 103,2 77,1 103,7 77,5 | 104,2 77,9 | 104,6 78,3 105,1 18 10,4 10,5 19 20 21 22 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,3 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 3,8 10,7 21,8 10,8 22,0 11,0 22,3 11,2 22,5 11,3 22,7 36,9 37,2 37,4 37,7 38,0 55,8 78,8 105,6 56,2 79,2 106,1 56,5 79,6 | 106,6 56,9 80,0 | 107,0 57,3 80,4 107,5 23 24 25 26 27 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,5 3,9 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 11,5 11,6 11,8 11,9 12,1 22,9 38,3 57,6 80,8 | 108,0 23,1 38,6 58,0 | 81,3 | 108,5 23,4 38,9 58,3 81,7 109,0 23,6 39,2 | 58,7 82,1 109,5 23,8 39,5 59,0 82,5 110,0 28 29 TABLE XVIII. continued. 155 For the Reduction to the Meridian: showing the value of 2 sin P sin 1" A= Sec. Om ]m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m 7m 30 0,5 4,4 31 32 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,6 4,5 4,6 4,7 4,8 12,3 24,0 39,8 59,4 83,0 59,4 83,0 116,4 12,4 24,3 40,1 59,8 83,4 | 110,9 12,6 24,5 40,3 60,1 83,8 | 111,4 12,8 24,7 40,6 60,5 84,2 111,9 12,9 25,0 40,960,8 84,7 112,4 33 34 35 36 37 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8 4,9 5,0 5,1 5,2 5,3 13,1 25,2 13,3 25,4 13,4 25,7 13,6 25,9 13,8 26,2 41,2 41,5 41,8 42,1 42,5 61,2 85,1 112,9 61,6 85,5 ( 113,4 61,9 86,0 | 113,9 62,3 86,4 114,4 62,7 86,8 114,9 38 39 40 4] 42 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,1 5,4 5,6 5,7 5,8 5,9 14,0 26,4 | 42,8 | 63,0 87,3 | 115,4 14,1 26,6 43,1 63,4 87,7 115,9 14,3 26,9 43,4 63,8 88,1 116,4 14,5 27,1 43,7 64,2 88,6 116,9 14,7 27,4 | 44,0 64,5 89, 89,0 | 117,4 43 44 > 45 46 47 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,3 6,0 6,1 6,2 6,4 6,5 14,8 27,6 | 44,3 15,0 27,9 44,6 15,2 28,1 44,9 15,4 28,3 45,2 15,6 | 28,6 45,5 64,9 89,5 117,9 65,3 89,9 118,4 65,7 90,3 118,9 66,0 90,8 119,5 66,4 91,2 120,0 48 49 50 51 52 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,5 1,6 6,6 6,7 6,8 7,0 7,1 53 54 15,8 28,8 45,9 66,8 91,7 | 120,5 15,9 29,1 | 46,2 67,2 | 92,1 121,0 16,1 29,4 46,5 67,6 92,6 121,5 16,3 29,6 | 46,8 68,0 | 93,0 93,0 122,0 16,5 29,9 47,1 68,3 93,5 | 122,5 16,7 30,1 47,5 68,7 93,9 123,1 16,9 | 30,4 | 47,8 69,1 94,4 | 123,6 17,1 | 30,6 | 48,1 69,5 94,8 124,1 17,3 | 30,9 48,4 69,9 95,3 124,6 17,5 31,1 48,8 70,3 95,7 125,1 55 56 57 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,8 1,9 7,2 7,3 7,5 7,6 7,7 58 59 x 2 156 TABLE XVIII. continued. For the Reduction to the Meridian: showing the value of 2 sin 1 P A= sin 1" Sec. gm 8m 10m ni 1]n 120 13m 14m 0 || 125,7 159,0 15970 196,3 1 126,2 159,6 197,0 2 126,7 160,2 197,6 3 127,2 160,8 198,3 4 127,8 161,4 198,9 237,5 282,7 3318 384,7 238,3 283,5 332,6 385,6 239,0 284,2 333,4 | 386,6 239,7 | 285,0 334,3 387,5 240,4 285,8 335,2 388,4 5 6 7 128,3 128,8 129,3 129,9 130,4 162,0 162,6 163,2 163,8 164,4 199,6 200,3 200,9 201,6 202,2 241,2 286,6 336,0 389,3 241,9 287,4 336,9 390,2 242,6 288,2 288,2 337,7 391,1 243,3 289,0 | 338,6 392,1 244,1 289,8 339,4 393,0 8 9 10 11 12 131,0 165,0 202,9 131,5 165,6 203,6 132,0 166,2 | 204,2 132,6 | 166,8 204,9 133,1 167,4 205,6 244,8 245,5 246,3 247,0 247,7 290,6 340,3 291,4 341,2 292,2 342,0 293,0 342,9 293,8 343,7 393,9 394,8 395,8 396,7 397,6 13 14 15 16 17 133,6 | 168,0 134,2 168,6 134,7 169,2 135,3 169,8 135,8 170,4 206,3 206,9 207,6 208,3 208,9 248,5 294,6344,6 398,6 249,2 295,4 345,5 399,5 249,9 296,2 | 346,4 400,5 250,7 297,0 347,2 401,4 251,4 297,8 348,1 402,3 18 19 20 21 22 136,3 171,0 171,0 209,6 136,9 171,6 210,3 137,4 172,2 211,0 138,0 172,9 211,7 138,5 173,5 | 212,3 252,2 298,6 349,0 253,0 299,4 349,8 253,6 | 300,2 350,7 254,4 301,0 | 351,6 255,1 301,8 352,5 403,3 404,2 405,1 406,0 407,0 23 24 25 26 27 28 139,1 139,6 140,2 140,7 141,3 174,1 174,7 175,3 175,9 176,6 213,0 213,7 214,4 215,1 215,8 255,9 302,6 353,3 256,6 303,5 354,2 257,4 304,3 355,1 258,1 305,1 356,0 258,9 305,9 356,9 408,0 408,9 409,9 410,8 411,7 29 TABLE XVIII. continued. 157 For the Reduction to the Meridian: showing the value of 2 sin P A= sin 1" Sec. 8m 9m 10m 11" 12m 13m 14m 30 141,8 1772 216,4 259,6 3067 3067 357,7 412,7 31 142,4 177,8 217,1 260,4 307,5 358,6 413,6 32 143,0 178,4 217,8 261,1 308,4 | 359,5 414,6 33 143,5 179,0 218,5 261,9 309,2 360,4 415,5 34 144,1 179,7 219,2 262,6 310,0 | 361,3 416,5 35 36 37 144,6 180,3 145,2 180,9 145,8 181,6 146,3 182,2 146,9 182,8 219,9 220,6 221,3 222,0 222,7 263,4 264,1 264,9 265,7 266,4 310,8 362,2 311,6 | 363,1 312,5 364,0 313,3 364,8 314,1 365,7 417,5 418,4 419,4 420,3 421,3 38 39 40 41 42 147,5 148,0 148,6 149,2 149,7 183,5 184,1 184,7 185,4 186,0 223,4 224,1 224,8 225,5 226,2 267,2 315,0 366,6 422,2 267,9 315,8 315,8 367,5 423,2 268,7 316,6 | 368,4 368,4 | 424,2 269,5 317,4 369,3 369,3 425,1 270,3 318,3 370,2 | 426,1 43 44 45 46 47 150,3 186,6 150,9 187,3 151,5 | 187,9 152,0 188,5 152,6 189,2 226,9 271,0 319,1 371,1 227,6 | 271,8 319,9 319,9 | 372,0 228,3 272,6 320,8 372,9 229,0 273,3 321,6 | 373,8 229,7 274,1 322,4 374,7 427,0 428,0 429,0 429,9 430,9 48 49 50 51 52 153,2 153,8 154,4 154,9 155,5 189,8 230,4 274,9 323,3 375,6 431,9 190,5 231,1 275,6 324,1 376,5 432,8 191,1 231,8 276,4 325,0 377,4 433,8 191,8 232,5 277,2 325,8 378,3 434,8 192,4 233,2 | 278,0 326,7 379,3 435,8 53 54 55 56 57 58 156,1 156,7 157,3 157,8 158,4 193,1 193,7 194,4 195,0 195,7 234,0 278,8 327,5 380,2 436,7 234,7 279,5 328,4 381,1 437,7 235,4 280,3 329,2 382,0 | 438,7 236,1 281,1 330,0 382,9 439,7 236,8 281,9 330,9 383,8 440,6 59 158 TABLE XVIII. continued. 568,3 / @ For the Reduction to the Meridian: showing the value of 2 sin P A = sin 1" Sec. 15m 16m 17m 18m 19m 20m 21" 0 441,6 502,5 567,2 502,5 5672 63569 708,4 784,9 865,3 1 442,6 503,5 709,7 786,2 866,6 2 443,6 | 504,6 569,4 638,2 710,9 787,5 868,0 3 444,6 505,6 570,5639,4 712,1 788,8 869,4 4 445,6 506,7 571,6 640,6 713,4 790,1 870,8 637,0 876,3 5 446,5 507,7 572,8 | 641,7 641,7 714,6 | 791,4 872,1 6 || 447,5 508,8 573,9 642,9 715,9 792,7 | 873,5 7 448,5 509,8 575,0 644,1 717,1 794,0 | 874,9 8 449,5 510,9 576,1 645,3 718,4 795,4 9 450,5 511,9 577,2 646,5 719,6 796,7 | 877,6 10 451,5 513,0 513,0 578,4 647,7 720,9 798,0 798,0 | 879,0 11 452,5 514,0 579,5 648,9 722,1 799,3 880,4 12 453,5 515,1 580,6 650,0 650,0723,4 800,7 881,8 454,5 516,1 581,7 651,2 724,6 802,0 883,2 14 455,5 517,2 582,9 652,4 | 725,9 803,3 13 884,6 15 456,5 518,3 584,0653,6 727,2 804,6 16 457,5 519,3 585,1 654,8 728,4 806,0 17 458,5 520,4 586,2 656,0 729,7 807,3 18 459,5 521,5 587,4 657,2 730,9 808,6 19 || 460,5 522,5 588,5 658,4 732,2 732,2 | 809,9 886,0 887,4 888,8 890,2 891,6 20 21 22 461,5 462,5 463,5 464,5 465,5 523,6 589,6 659,6 733,5 524,6 590,8 660,8 734,7 525,7 591,9 662,0 736,0 526,8 593,0 663,2 | 737,3 527,9 594,2 664,4 738,5 811,3 812,6 813,9 815,2 816,6 893,0 894,4 895,8 897,2 898,6 23 24 25 26 27 466,5 528,9 595,3 467,5 530,0 596,5 468,5 531,1 597,6 469,5 532,2 598,7 470,5 533,2 599,9 665,6 739,8 817,9 900,0 666,8 741,1 819,2 901,4 668,0 742,3 820,5 902,8 669,2 743,6 | 821,9 670,4 | 744,9 823,2 905,6 28 904,2 29 TABLE XVIII. continued. 159 For the Reduction to the Meridian: showing the value of 2 sin P A = sin 1" Sec. 15m jom 17m 18m 19m 20m 21m 30 471,5 531,3 601,0 671,6 746,2 824,6 907,0 31 472,6 535,4 602,2 672,8 747,4 825,9 908,4 32 | 473,6536,5 603,3 674,1 748,7 827,3 909,8 33 474,6537,6 537,6 | 604,5 675,3 750,0 828,6 911,2 34 475,6 | 538,7 605,6 676,5 751,3 829,9 912,6 35 476,6 539,7 36 477,6 540,8 37 478,7 541,9 38 || 479,7 543,0 39 480,7 544,1 606,8 677,7 752,6 831,2 914,0 607,9 678,9 753,8 832,6 915,5 609,1 680,1 755,1 833,9 916,9 610,2 681,3 756,4 835,3 918,3 611,4 682,6 757,7 836,6 919,7 40 41 42 481,7 482,8 483,8 484,8 485,8 43 44 545,2 612,5 683,8 759,0 838,0 921,1 546,3 613,7 685,0 685,0 | 760,2 760,2 839,3 922,5 547,4 614,8 686,2 761,5 840,7 923,9 548,4 616,0 687,4 | 762,8 842,0 925,3 549,5 617,2 688,7 764,1 843,4 926,8 550,6 618,3 689,9 765,4 844,7 928,2 551,7 619,5 691,1 766,7 846,1 929,6 552,8 620,6 692,4 768,0 847,5 931,0 553,9 621,8 693,6 769,3 769,3 848,9 932,4 555,0 623,0 694,8 770,6 850,2 933,8 45 46 47 486,9 487,9 488,9 490,0 491,0 48 49 50 51 52 492,0 493,1 494,1 495,2 496,2 556,1 624,1 696,0 771,9 851,6 935,2 557,2 625,3 697,3 773,1 852,9 936,6 558,3 626,5 698,5 774,5 854,3 | 938,1 559,4 627,6 699,7 775,8 855,7 939,5 560,5 628,8 701,0 777,1 857,1 940,9 53 54 55 497,2 561,6 56 || 498,3 562,7 57 499,3 563,9 58 500,3 565,0 59 501,4 566,1 630,0 | 702,2 631,2 703,5 632,3 704,7 633,5 705,9 634,7 707,1 778,4 858,4 942,3 779,7 859,8943,8 781,0 861,1 945,2 782,3 862,5 946,6 783,6 863,9 948,1 160 TABLE XVIII. continued. For the Reduction to the Meridian: showing the value of 2 sin 2 P sin 1" A= Sec. 22m 23m 24m 25m 26m 27m 28m 09496 1037,8 1129;9 1225;9 132569 14297 1537,5 1 951,0 1039,3 1131,4 1227,5 1327,6 1431,4 1539,3 2 952,4 1040,8 1133,0 1229,2 1329,3 1433,2 1541,1 3 953,8 -1042,3 1134,6 1230,8 1331,0 1434,9 1542,9 4 955,3 1043,8 1136,2 1232,5 1332,7 1436,7 1544,8 5 956,7 1045,3 1137,8 1234,1 1334,4 1439,5 1546,6 6 958,2 1046,8 1139,3 1235,7 1336,1 1440,3 1548,4 7 || 959,6 | 1048,3 1140,9 1237,3 1337,8 1442,1 1550,2 8 961,1 1049,8 1142,5 1239,0 1339,5 1443,9 1552,1 9 962,5 1051,3 1144,0 1240,6 1341,2 1445,6 1553,9 10 11 12 963,9 1052,8 | 1145,6 | 1242,3 1342,9 | 1447,4 1555,8 965,4 1054,3 1147,2 1243,9 1344,6 1449,2 1557,6 966,9 1055,9 1148,8 1245,6 1346,3 1451,0 1559,5 968,3 1057,4 1150,4 1247,2 1348,0 1452,8 | 1561,3 969,8 1058,9 1152,0 1248,9 1349,7 1454,5 1563,2 13 14 15 16 17 971,2 1060,4 1153,6 1250,5 1351,4 1456,3 | 1565,0 972,7 1062,0 1155,2 1252,2 1353,2 1458,1 1566,9 974,1 1063,5 1156,8 1253,8 1354,9 1459,9 | 1568,7 975,5 1065,0 1158,3 1255,5 1356,6 1461,6 1570,5 977,0 1066,5 1159,9 1257,1 1358,3 1463,4 1572,4 18 19 20 978,5 1068,1 1161,5 1258,8 1360,1 1465,2 1574,3 21 979,9 1069,6 1163,1 1260,4 1361,8 1466,9 1576,1 22 981,4 1071,1 1164,7 1262,1 1363,5 1468,7 | 1578,0 23 982,9 1072,6 1166,3 1263,7 1365,2 1470,5 1579,8 24 984,4 1074,2 1167,9 1265,4 1367,0 1472,3 1581,7 25 985,8 1075,7 1169,5 1267,0 1368,7 1474,0 1583,5 26 987,3 1077,2 1171,1 1268,7 1370,4 1475,9 1585,3 27 || 988,8 1078,7 1172,7 1270,3 1372,1 1477,7 1587,2 28 990,3 1080,3 1174,3 1272,1 | 1373,9 1479,5 1589,1 29 991,8 1081,8 1175,9 1273,7 1375,6 1481,3 1590,9 TABLE XVIII. continued. 161 For the Reduction to the Meridian : showing the value of 2 sinP sin 1! Sec. 22m 23ın 24m 25m 26m 27m 28m 30 993,2 1083,3 1174,5 1275,4 1377,4 1483,1 1592,7 31 994,7 1084,8 1179,1 1.1277,1 1379,0 1484,9 1594,6 32 996,2 1086,4 1180,7 1278,8 1380,8 1486,7 1596,5 33 997,6 1087,9 1182,3 1280,4 1382,5 1488,5 1598,3 34 999,1 1089,5 1183,9 1282,1 1384,2 1490,3 1600,2 35 | 1000,6 1091,0 1185,5 1283,8 1385,9 1492,1 1602,1 36 | 1002,1 1092,6 1187,1 1285,5 1387,7 1493,9 | 1604,0 37 | 1003,5 1094,1 1188,7 1287,1 1389,4 1495,7 1605,9 38 1005,0 1095,7 1190,3 1288,8 1391,2 1497,5 1607,7 39 | 1006,5 1097,2 1191,9 1290,5 1392,9 1499,3 1609,6 40 | 1008,0 1098,8 | 1193,5 1292,2 1394,7 1501,1 1611,5 41 1009,4 1100,3 1195,1 1293,8 1396,4 1502,9 1613,3 42 | 1010,9 1101,9 1196,7 1295,5 1398,2 1504,7 1615,2 43 1012,4 1103,4 1198,3 1297,2 1399,9 1506,5 1617,1 44 1013,9 1105,0 1199,9 1298,9 1401,7 1508,4 1619,0 45 1015,4 1106,5 1201,5 1300,5 1403,4 1510,2 1620,8 46 || 1016,9 1108,1 1203,1 1302,2 | 1405,2 1512,0 1622,7 47 1018,4 1109,6 1204,7 1303,9 1406,9 | 1513,8 1624,6 48 1019,9 1111,2 1206,4 1305,6 1408,7 1515,6 1626,5 49 || 1021,4 1112,7 1208,0 1307,3 1410,4 1517,4 1628,3 50 1022,8 1114,3 1209,6 1309,0 1412,2 1519,2 1630,2 51 ||1024,3 1115,8 1211,2 1310,7 1413,9 1521,0 1632,1 52 1025,8 1117,4 1212,9 1312,4 1415,7 1522,9 1634,0 53 1027,3 1118,9 1214,5 1314,1 1417,4 1524,7 1635,9 54 || 1028,8 1120,5 1216,1 1315,7 1419,2 | 1526,5 1637,7 55 1030,3 1122,0 1217,7 1317,4 1420,9 1528,3 1639,6 56 1031,8 1123,6 1219,4 1319,1 1422,7 1530,2 1641,5 57 1033,3 1125,1 1221,0 1320,8 1424,4 1532,0 1643,3 58 1034,8 1126,7 1222,6 | 1322,5 | 1426,2 1533,8 1645,2 59 1036,3 1128,3 1224,2 1324,2 1427,9 1535,6 1647,1 Y 162 TABLE XVIII. continued. For the Reduction to the Meridian : showing the value of 2 sin P A= sin 1 Sec. 29m 30m 31m 32m 33m 34m 35m 01649,0 1764,6 1884,0 2007,4 2134,6 2265,6 2406,6 1 1650,9 1766,6 1886,0 2009,4 2136,8 2267,8 2402,9 2 1652,8 1768,5 1888,0 2011,5 2138,9 2270,0 2405,2 3 1654,7 1770,5 1890,0 2013,6 2141,1 2272,2 2407,5 4 1656,6 1772,4 1892,1 2015,7 2143,2 2274,5 2409,8 V 5 1658,5 1774,4 1894,1 2017,8 2145,3 2276,7 2412,0 6 1660,4 1776,3 1896,1 2019,9 2147,5 2278,9 2414,3 7 1662,3 1778,3 1898,1 2022,0 2149,7 2281,22416,6 8 1664,2 1780,3 1900,2 2024,1 2151,8 2283,4 2418,9 9 1666,1 1782,3 1902,2 2026,2 2153,9 2285,6 2421,2 10 1668,0 1784,2 1904,3 2028,3 2156,1 2287,8 2423,5 11 1669,9 1786,2 1906,3 2030,5 2158,3 2290,0 2425,8 12 1671,9 1788,2 1908,4 2032,5 2160,5 2292,3 2428,i 13 1673,8 1790,1 1910,4 2034,6 2162,6 2294,5 2430,4 14 1675,7 1792,1 1912,4 2036,7 | 2164,8 2296,8 2432,7 15 || 1677,6 1794,1 1914,4 2038,8 2166,9 2299,0 2435,0 16 1679,5 1796,1 1916,5 2040,9 2169,1 2301,3 | 2437,3 17 || 1681,4 1798,1 1918,5 2043,0 2171,2 | 2303,6 2439,6 18 | 1683,3 1800,0 | 1920,6 2045,1 2173,4 2305,8 2441,9 19 1685,2 1802,0 1922,6 2047,2 2175,6 2308,0 2444,2 20 1687,2 1804,0 1924,7 2049,3 2177,8 2310,2 2446,5 21 1689,1 1805,9 1926,7 2051,4 2179,9 2312,4 2448,8 22 1691,0 1807,9 1928,8 2053,5 2182,1 2314,7 2451,1 23 1692,9 1809,9 1930,82055,7 2184,3 2316,9 2453,4 24 1694,8 1811,9 1932,9 2057,8 2186,5 2319,2 2455,7 25 1696,7 1813,9 1935,0 2059,9 2188,6 2321,5 2458,0 26 1698,6 1815,8 1937,0 2062,0 2190,8 2323,7 2460,3 27 1700,5 1817,8 1939,0 2064,1 2193,0 2325,9 2462,6 28 1702,5 1819,8 1941,1 2066,2 2195,2 2328,2 | 2464,9 29 1704,4 1821,8 1943,1 2068,3 2197,3 2330,4 | 2467,2 TABLE XVIII. continued. 163 For the Reduction to the Meridian: showing the value of 2 sin P sin 11 A= Sec. 29m 30m 31" 32ni 33m 34m 35m 30 17063 1823,8 1945,2 2076,4 2190,5 2332,7 2469,5 31 | 1708,2 1825,8 1947,2 2072,6 2201,7 2334,9 2471,8 32 1710,2 1827,8 1949,3 2074,7 2203,9 2337,2 2474,2 33 | 1712,1 1829,8 1951,3 2076,8 2206,1 2339,4 2476,5 34 1714,0 1831,8 1953,4 2078,9 2208,3 2341,7 2478,8 35 1715,9 1833,8 1955,5 2081,0 2210,5 2343,9 2481,1 36 || 1717,9 1835,8 1957,6 2083,2 2212,7 2346,2 2483,5 37 1719,8 1837,8 1959,6 | 2085,3 2214,9 2348,5 2485,8 38 1721,7 | 1839,8 1961,7 2087,4 2217,1 235037 2488,1 39 || 1723,6 1841,8 1963,7 2089,6 2219,3 2353,0 2490,4 40 | 1725,6 1843,8 1965,8 2091,7 | 2221,5 2355,2 2492,8 41 1727,5 1845,8 1967,8 2093,8 2223,7 2357,5 2495,1 42 1729,5 1847;8 1969,9 2095,9 2225,9 2359,7 2497,4 43 1731,5 1849,8 1972,0 2098,0 | 2228,1 2361,9 2499,7 44 1733,4 1851,8 1974,1 2100,2 2230,3 2364,2 2502,1 45 || 1735,3 1853,8 1976,1 2102,3 2232,5 2366,4 2504,4 46 1737,2 1855,8 1978,2 2104,5 2234,7 2368,7 2506,7 47 1739,2 1857,8 1980,3 2106,6 2236,9 2371,0 2509,0 48 1741,2 1859,8 1982,4 2108,8 2239,1 2373,3 2511,4 49 1743,1 1861,8 1984,4 2110,9 2241,3 12375,5 2513,7 50 1745,1 1863,8 1986,5 2113,1 2243,5 2377,8 2516,1 51 1747,0 1865,8 1988,6 2115,2 2245,7 2380,1 | 2518,4 52 1749,0 1867,8 1900,7 2117,4 2247,9 2382,4 2520,8 53 | 1750,9 | 1869,8 1992,7 2119,6 2250,1 2384,6 2523,1 54 | 1752,9 1871,8 1994,8 2121,7 2252,3 2386,9 2525,4 55 1754,8 1873,8 1996,9 2123,8 2254,5 2389,2 2527,7 56 1756,8 1875,9 1999,0 2126,0 2256,7 2391,5 2530,1 57 1758,7 1877,9 2001,0 2128,1 | 2258,9 2393,7 2532,4 58-1760,7 1879,9 2003,1 2130,3 2261,1 2396,0 2534,8 59 1762,6 1882,0 2005,3 2132,4 2263,4 2398,3 2537,1 Y 2 164 TABLE XIX. For the second part of the Reduction to the Meridian : 2 sin* 1P showing the value of B = sin 1" Minutes 02 108 20 303 408 503 5 6,016,01 6,01 6 0,02 7 0,03 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0,01 0,02 0,04 0,07 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,28 0,38 0,49 0,64 0,81 1,02 1,26 1,54 1,87 2,25 2,69 3,18 3,74 16 1 17 18 0,01 0,01 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,09 0,14 0,19 0,27 0,36 0,47 0,61 0,78 0,98 1,22 1,49 1,82 2,19 2,61 3,10 3,64 4,26 4,96 5,73 6,59 7,55 8,61 9,77 11,04 12,44 13,97 6,01 0,02 0,03 0,05 0,08 0,12 0,17 0,24 0,33 0,43 0,56 0,72 0,91 1,13 1,40 1,70 2,06 2,46 2,93 3,45 4,05 4,72 5,46 6,30 19 20 0,01 0,03 0,05 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,22 0,30 0,39 0,52 0,67 0,84 1,06 1,30 1,60 1,93 2,32 2,77 3,27 3,84 4,48 5,20 6,01 6,90 7,89 8,98 10,18 11,50 12,94 14,51 0,05 0,08 0,11 0,16 0,23 0,31 0,41 0,54 0,69 0,88 1,09 1,35 1,65 1,99 2,39 2,85 3,36 3,94 4,60 5,33 6,15 7,06 8,06 9,17 10,39 11,73 13,19 14,78 6,01 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,09 0,13 0,18 0,25 0,34 0,45 0,59 0,75 -0,95 1,18 1,44 1,76 2,12 2,54 3,01 3,55 4,15 4,83 5,60 6,44 7,38 8,42 9,57 10,82 12,20 13,71 15,35 21 22 23 24 25 26 4,37 27 28 29 7,22 30 31 5,08 5,87 6,75 7,72 8,79 9,97 11,27 12,69 14,24 32 8,24 9,37 10,61 11,96 13,45 15,06 33 34 35 TABLE XX. 165 - Mean Obliquity of the Ecliptic, on Jan. 1. in every year from 1800 to 1900. Year 23 27 Year 23 27 Year 23 27 C 1800 B 1868 23,70 1801 1869 1802 1803 B 1804 1805 1806 1807 1870 1871 B 1872 1873 1874 1875 B 1876 1877 1878 1879 B 1880 B 1808 1809 1810 1811 B 1812 1813 1881 1882 1814 1815 1883 B 1884 B 1816 1817 1818 54,78 54,32 53,86 53,41 52,95 52,49 52,03 51,58 51,12 50,66 50,21 49,75 49,29 48,84 48,38 47,92 47,46 47,01 46,55 46,09 45,64 45,18 44,72 44,27 43,81 43,35 42,89 42,44 41,98 41,52 41,07 40,61 40,15 39,70 1834 39,24 1835 38,78 B 1836 38,32 1837 37,87 1838 37,41 1839 36,95 B 1840 36,50 1841 36,04 1842 35,58 1843 35,13 B 1844 34,67 1845 34,21 1846 33,75 1847 33,30 B 1848 32,84 1849 32,38 1850 31,93 1851 31,47 B 1852 31,01 1853 30,56 1857 30,10 1855 29,64 B 1856 29,18 21857 28,73 1858 28,27 1859 27,81 B 1860 27,36 1861 26,90 1862 26,44 1863 25,99 B 1864 25,53 1865 25,07 1866 24,61 1867 24,16 23,24 22,79 22,33 21,87 21,42 20,96 20,50 20,04 19,59 19,13 18,67 18,22 17,76 17,30 16,85 16,39 15,93 15,47 15,02 14,56 14,10 13,65 13,19 12,73 12,28 11,82 11,36 10,90 10,45 9,99 9,53 9,08 1885 1886 1819 1887 B 1888 B 1820 1821 1889 1822 1890 1823 1891 B 1824 B 1892 1825 1893 1826 1894 1827 1895 B 1828 B 1896 1829 1897 1830 1898 1831 1899 B 1832 C 1900 1833 166 TABLE XXI. Lunar Nutation in Longitude, and in the Obliquity of the Ecliptic. Argument = The mean place of the Moon's node. 8 Long Obliq. 88 Long. Obliq. 0 14,30 + 0,09 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8,16 80 90 100 110 120 0,06 +916250 1,04 9,14 260 2,12 9,09 270 3,16 9,00 280 4,20 8,88 290 5,22 8,72 300 6,23 8,53 310 7,20 8,31 320 8,06 330 9,08 7,77 340 9,97 7,46 350 10,82 7,11 360 11,63 6,74 370 12,40 6,34 380 13,12 5,91|| 390 13,80 5,46 400 14,42 4,99 410 14,98 4,50 420. 15,49 4,00 430 15,94 3,47 440 16,33 2,93 450 16,65 2,38 460 16,91 1,82 470 17,11 1,25 480 17,24 0,67 490 - 17,30 + 0,09 500 130 17,29 17,21 17,07 16,85 16,57 16,23 15,81 15,33 14,79 14,19 13,53 12,82 12,05 11,23 10,37 9,46 8,51 7,52 6,51 5,47 4,40 3,32 2,22 1,09 0,00 - 0,49 1,07 1,65 2,22 2,79 3,34 3,88 4,41 4,92 5,41 5,88 6,33 6,75 7,14 7,51 7,85 8,15 8,43 8,67 8,87 9,04 9,17 9,26 9,32 - 9,34 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 TABLE XXI. continued. 167 Lunar Nutation in Longitude, and in the Obliquity of the Ecliptic. Argument = The mean place of the Moon's node. 3 Long. Obliq. B Long. Obliq. 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 9,34 750 9,32 760 9,26 770 9,17 780 9,04 790 8,87 800 8,67 810 8,43 820 8,15 830 7,85 840 7,51 850 7,14 860 6,75 870 6,33 880 5,88 890 5,41 900 4,92-|| 910 4,41 920 3,88 930 3,34 940 2,79 950 2,22 960 1.65 970 1,07 980 - 0,49 990 + 0,09 | 1000 1,09 2,22 3,32 4,40 5,47 6,51 7,52 8,51 9,46 10,37 11,23 12,05 12,82 13,53 14,19 14,79 15,33 15,81 16,23 16,57 16,85 17,07 17,21 17,29 + 17,30 + 17,30 + 609 17,24 0,67 17,11 1,25 16,91 1,82 16,65 2,38 16,33 2,93 15,94 3,47 15,49 4,00 14,98 4,50 14,42 4,99 13,80 5,46 13,12 5,91 12,40 6,34 11,63 6,74 10,82 7,11 9,97 7,46 - 9,08 7,77 8,16 8,06 7,20 8,31 6,23 8,53 5,22 8,72 4,20 8,88 3,16 9,00 2,12 9,09 1,04 9,14 + 0,00 + 9,16 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700 710 720 730 740 750 168 TABLE XXII. Solar Nutation in Longitude; and the solar nutation, added to the mean diminution, of the Obliquity of the Ecliptic. Argument = The day of the year. Day Long. Obliq. Day Long. Obliq. Jan. 1 11 1,03 21 31 Feb. 10 20 March 2* 12 22 April 1 11 + 6,47 -0,50 July 10 +674 – 6,68 0,85 0,41 20 0,56 1,12 0,27 30 1,21 0,41 1,25 -0,10 August 9 1,25 0,24 1,22 + 0,08 19 1,16-0,08 1,05 0,24 29 0,93 + 0,06 0,74 0,36 Sept. 8 0,60 0,16 +0,35 0,43 18 + 0,20 0,21 - 0,08 0,44 28 - 0,23 0,20 0,50 0,39 Oct. 8 0,63 +0,12 0,85 0,27 18 0,96 - 0,01 1,11 +0,11 28 1,18 0,19 1,24 0,07 Nov. 7 1,25 0,39 1,23 0,27 17 1,18 0,59 1,08 0,45 27 0,96 0,77 0,81 0,60 Dec. 7 0,60 0,90 0,45 0,71 17 - 0,20 0,98 0,05 0,76 27 + 0,25 0,98 + 0,37 - 0,75 37 + 0,66 - 0,93 21 May 1 11 21 31 June 10 20 30 N.B. The Longitude ought to be further corrected by – 0",207 sin 2): and the Obliquity by + 0",090 cos 2). * In Leap years, we must deduct unity from all these tabular dates after February, in order to obtain the corresponding civil date. TABLE XXIII. 169 Selenographic positions of the principal Lunar Spots. No. Riccioli's Names Longe Late. 1 + 580 West 720 67 2 + 40 3 64 24 Zoroaster Mercurius Petavius Langrenus Endymion Cleomedes 4 62 8 5 60 6 55 + 53 + 26 + 47 + 48 7 Atlas 48 8 42 9 32 0 10 32 22 11 32 12 27 12 13 25 13 14 24 18 Hercules CENSORINUS Fracastorius Possidonius Theophilus Cyrillus St. Catharina Menelaus Aristoteles Ptolomæus Arzachel Archimedes Tycho Plato 15 15 16 West 15 East 2 17 10 18 The enlightened part of the Moon's disc is denoted by the versed sine of the angular distance of the moon from the sun. 3 20 19 5 20 10 43 21 10 22 Pitatus 12 I t + + 11 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 11 + + 1 to 1 1 1 29 23 12 24 16 60 25 19 Eratosthenes Clavius Copernicus Bullialdus Blancanus Heraclia 21 26 27 25 65 28 38 + 41 + 7 29 38 30 39 19 31 48 + 24 Keplerus Gassendus Aristarchus Hevelius Schickardus Grimaldus 32 67 1 33 68 49 5 34 East 68 N 1 170 'TABLE XXIV. Showing the Angle of the Vertical, and the Logarithm of the earth's Radius, at different Latitudes : the Compres- sion of the earth being assumed equal to zás: Lat. Angle of the Vertical Logarithm of Earth's Radius 0° 0.0000000 5 9.9999890 10 15 20 9.9999566 9.9999037 9.9998318 9.9997431 9.9996402 25 30 35 9.9995261 40 9.9994044 45 ó 6,0 1 59,2 3 54,8 5 43,4 7 21,6 8 46,5 9 55,4 10 46,4 11 17,9 11 28,7 11 18,6 10 47,9 9 57,4 8 48,7 7 23,8 5 45,4 3 56,3 2 0,0 0 0,0 50 9.9992786 9.9991525 9.9990302 9.9989151 55 60 65 70 75 80 9.99881ll 9.9987210 9.9986479 9.9985940 9.9985610 9.9985499 85 90 Greenwich | ií 11,6 | 9.9991159 TABLE XXV. 171 Showing the Augmentation of the Moon's Semidiameter, on account of her apparent altitude. Horizontal Semidiameter Apparent Altitude 14 30" 16 Ó | 16 30 6 | 1ể ở 16 16 304 16 304 1j o 00 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 6,00 0,75 1,50 2,25 3,00 3,74 4,46 5,18 5,88 6,56 7,23 7,88 8,50 9,10 9,68 10,23 10,76 11,26 11,72 12,15 12,55 12,91 33 36 39 42 0.00 0,71 1,41 2,11 2,81 3,50 4,17 4,84 5,49 6,13 6,75 7,35 7,93 8,49 9,03 9,55 10,05 10,52 10,95 11,35 11,72 12,06 12,37 12,64 12,88 13,08 13,24 13,37 13,46 13,52 13,54 45 600 0,80 1,60 2,40 3,20 3,99 4,76 5,52 6,27 7,00 7,71 8,40 9,07 9,72 10,34 10,93 11,49 12,02 12,52 12,98 13,40 13,79 14,14 14,46 14,73 14,96 15,15 15,30 15,41 15,47 15,49 6.00 0,86 1,71 2,56 3,41 4,25 5,07 5,89 6,68 7,46 8,22 8,96 9,67 10,36 11,02 11,65 12,25 12,81 13,34 13,83 14,29 14,70 15,08 15,41 15,70 15,95 16,15 16,31 16,42 16,49 16,51 0,00 0,92 1,83 2,73 3,63 4,52 5,39 6,26 7,11 7,93 8,74 9,52 10,28 11,02 11,72 12,39 13,03 13,63 14,19 14,72 15,20 15,64 16,04 16,39 16,70 16,96 17,18 17,35 17,47 17,54 -17,57 0,00 0,97 1,94 2,90 3,86 4,80 5,73 6,65 7,54 8,42 9,28 10,12 10,92 11,66 12,44 13,15 13,83 14,46 15,06 15,62 16,13 16,60 17,03 17,40 17,73 18,01 18,24 18,42 18,55 18,62 18,65 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 13,24 69 72 75 78 13,53 13,79 14,01 14,18 14,32 14,42 14,48 14,50 81 84 87 90 z 2 172 TABLE XXVI. Logarithms for the equations of the first, second, and third differences of the Moon's place. Logarithms of the factors of the Hour from Noon or Midnight Hour from Noon or Midnight First differences and diff. 3rd diff. m h m 0 10 h 11 50 20 + 8:1427 8.4437 8.6198 8.7447 8.8416 + 9.9939 9.9878 9.9815 40 30 30 40 20 9.9752 9.9687 50 10 1 0 8.9208 9.9622 llo 10 9.9559 50 8.9878 9.0458 20 9.9488 40 30 9:0969 9.9420 30 40 9.9351 20 9.1427 9.1841 50 9.9280 10 2 0 9.2218 9.9208 10 0 10 9.2566 9.9135 50 20 9.2888 9.9061 40 30 30 9.3188 9.8985 40 9.3468 9.8909 20 50 10 3 0 7.8356 + 7.0452 8.1304 7.3275 8.3003 7.4843 8.4189 7.5896 8.5094 7.6663 8.5820 7.7247 8.6423 7.7703 8.6936 7.8063 8.7379 7.8348 8.7767 7.8572 8.8110 7.8745 8.8416 7.8874 8.8691 7.8964 8.8939 7.9018 8.9163 7.9040 8.9366 7.9032 8.9551 7.8994 8.9720 7.8928 8.9873 7.8833 9.0013 7.8710 9.0141 7.8557 9:0257 7.8374 9.0362 7.8157 9.0458 7.7905 9.0543 7.7613 9.0620 7.7276 9.0689 7.6887 9.0749 7.6436 9.0802 7.5908 9:0847 7.5284 9.0884 7.4230 9:0915 7.3591 9.0939 7.2366 9.0956 7.0621 9.0966 6-7621 9 0 50 10 20 40 30 30 40 20 50 10 4 0 8 0 50 10 20 40 30 9:3731 9.8830 9.3979 9.8751 9.4214 9.8669 9.4437 9.8587 9.4649 9.8502 9.4851 9.8416 9.5044 9.8329 9-5229 | 9.8239 9:5406 9.8148 9.5577 9.8054 9.5740 9.7959 9.5898 9.7861 9.6051 9-7761 9.6198 9:7659 9.6340 9.7555 9.6478 9.7447 9.6612 9.7337 9.6741 9.7225 9.6867 9.7109 9.6990 9.6990 + + 30 40 20 50 5 0 10 10 7 0 50 40 30 20 30 40 20 50 6 0 10 6 0 9.0969 + TABLE XXVII. 173 Showing the Annual Precession of the Equinoxes in Lon- gitude: and the Constants for computing the annual precession in Right Ascension and Declination. Year Precession in Longitude Prec. in A General Luni-solar const. =m Prec. in R and D const. n 1800 5022350 50%22350 50 36354 46,04367 20705690 1805 | 50,22472 50,36232 46,04521 20,05641 1810 50,22594 50,22594 50,36110 46,04676 20,05593 1815 | 50,22716 50,35988 46,04830 20,05544 1820 50,22839 50,35866 46,04984 20,05496 1825 50,22961 50,35745 46,05138 20,05447 1830 | 50,23083 50,35623 46,05293 20,05399 1835 50,23205 50,35502 46,05447 20,05350 1840 / 50,23328 50,35380 46,05601 20,05302 1845 | 50,23450 50,35258 46,05755 20,05253 1850 | 50,23572 50,35136 46,05910 20,05205 1855 | 50,23694 50,35014 46,06065 20,05156 1860 50,23816 50,34892 46,06219 46,06219 20,05108 1865 | 50,23938 50,34771 46,06374 20,05059 1870 50,24060 50,34649 46,06528 20,05011 1875 50,24182 50,34527 46,06682 | 20,04962 1880 50,24305 50,34405 46,06836 20,04914 1885 | 50,24427 50,34283 46,06991 20,04863 1890 50,24549 50,34162 46,07115 20,04817 1895 50,24671 50,34040 46,07299 20,04768 1900 | 50,24793 50,33918 46,07454 | 20,94720 Annual Prec, in R = m + n.sin R.tan D Annual Prec. in D = n. cos R 174 TABLE XXVIII. For determining the Aberration of a star in R, and the first part of the Aberration of a star in Declination. Argument, O = the true longitude of the sun. Os VIS IS VIIS IIS VIIIS Log. a A+ Log. a A+ Log, a At 0 1.2690 1 1.2690 2 1•2691 3 1.2692 0 37 36 2 21 4 | 1•2692 5 | 1.2693 6 | 1.2695 7 | 1.2696 8 1.2698 9 | 1.2700 10 1•2703 11 1.2705 12 1.2708 13 ].2711 14 1.2714 15 1•2718 16 | 1.2721 17 | 1.2725 18 1•2729 19 1.2733 20 1.2738 21 1•2742 22 1.2747 23 | 1.2752 24 1.2757 25 1.2762 26 1.2768 27 | 2•2773 28 1.2779 29 1.2785 30 | 1•2790 0 0 || | | 1.2790 2 11 1.2977 2 6 30 05 1.2796 2 14 1•2983 2 3 29 0 11 1•2802 2 16 1.2988 2 0 28 0 16 1.2808 2 18 1.2993 1 57 27 0 22 1.2815 2 20 1.2998 1 54 26 0 27 1•2821 2 21 1.3003 1 51 25 0 32 1:2827 2 23 1.3008 1 47 24 1.2834 2 24 1.3012 1 44 23 043 1.2840 2 25 1•3017 | 1 40 22 0 48 1.2847 2 26 1.3021 1 36 0 53 1.2853 2 27 1:3025 1 32 20 0 58 1.2860 2 28 1.3028 1 28 19 1 3 1.2866 2 28 1.3032 1 24 18 1 8 1.2873 2 28 1.3036 1 20 17 1 12 1•2879 2 28 1.3039 1 16 16 1 17 1.2886 2 28 1.3042 1 11 15 1 22 1•2892 2 28 1.3045 1 7 14 1 26 1.2899 2 27 1.3048 1 3 13 1 30 1.2905 2 27 1.3050 0 58 12 1 34 1•2912 2 26 1:3053 0 53 11 1 39 1.2918 2 25 1.3055 0 49 10 1 42 1.2924 2 24 1•3057 044 9 1 46 1.2931 2 22 1.3059 0 39 8 1 50 1.2938 7 2 21 1.3060 0 34 1 53 1.2944 2 19 1.3061 0 30 6 1 57 1.2949 2 17 1.3063 0 25 5 2 0 1.2956 2 15 1.3064 0 20 4 2 3 1.2961 2 13 1.3064 0 15 3 2 6 1.2966 2 11 1.3065 0 10 2 9 1.2972 2 8 1.3065 0 5 1 2 11 1.2977 2 6 1.3065 0 0 0 -H Log. a A- Log. a A Log. a A V8 XIS IV: XS IIIS IXs TABLE XXIX. 175 For the second part of the Aberration of a star in Dec. Arguments, (O + D) and (0 – D). (): VIS Is VIIS IIS VIIIS + + + u 30° 1 29 2 28 3 27 4 26 5 25 6 24 7 23 8 22 9 21 10 20 11 19 12 18 13 17 14 16 15 4,03 4,03 4,03 4,03 4,02 4,02 4,01 4,00 3,99 3,98 3,97 3,96 3,95 3,93 3,91 3,90 3,88 3,86 3,84 3,81 3,79 3,77 3,74 3,71 3,68 3,66 3,63 3,59 3,56 3,53 3,49 3,49 3,46 3,42 3,38 3,34 3,30 3,26 3,22 3,18. 3,13 3,09 3,04 3,00 2,95 2,90 2,85 2,80 2,75 2,70 2,65 2,59 2,54 2,48 2,43 2,37 2,31 2,26 2,20 2,14 2,08 2,02 2,02 1,96 1,89 1,83 1,77 1,70 1,64 1,58 1,51 1,45 1,38 1,31 1,25 1,18 1,11 1,04 0,98 0,91 0,84 0,77 0,70 0,63 0,56 0,49 0,42 0,35 0,28 0,21 0,14 0,07 0,00 15 16 14 13 17 18 12 19 11 20 10 21 9 22 8 23 7 6 24 25 5 26 4 27 3 2 28 29 1 30 0 + 1 + + Vs XI: IV8 Xs | IIIs IXs 176 TABLE XXX. For the Lunar Nutation of a star in R and Dec. Argument, 8 = the mean longitude of Moon's node. Os VIS IS VIIS ITS VIII B с B Log. b Log. 6 Log. 6 |--+ . + + 0|| 0-9844 18 0.00 0.9588 6 46 0-9588 8 45 827 0-8960 * 48 14 33 | 30 1 .9844 0 15 0,29 •9571 6 54 8,52 .8939 17 40 14,47 ||29 2 •9843 0 31 0,58 •9554 17 3 8,77 .8917 17 32 14,61 ||28 3 •9842 0 46 0,87 •9536 7 12 9,01 .8896 7 23 14,74 |27 4 •9840 1 1 1,15 •9518 7 20 9,25 •8875 7 14 14,87' | 26 5 .9837 1 16 1,44 .9500 17 28 1,49 •8854 7 4 14,99 | 25 6 •9834 1 32 1,73 •9481 7 36 9,72 .8834 6 53 15,11 ||24 7 .9830 1 47 2,02 •9462 17 43 9,96 •8814 6 42 15,23 ||23 8 •9825 2 2 2,30 -9442 17 49 10,19 .8795 6 29 15,34 || 22 9 .9821 2 172,59 -9422 7 55 10,41 .8776 6 17 15,45 ||21 10 9815 2 312,87 •9402 8 1 10,63 .8758 6 3 15,55 || 20 11 9809 2 463,16 •93828 6 10,85 .8740 5 49 15,64 | 19 12 •9802 3 ] 3,44 .9361 8 10 11,07 .8723 5 35 15,73 | 18 13 •9795 3 153,72 9340 8 14 11,28 .8707 5 20 15,82 17 14 .9787 3 29 4,00 9318 18 17 | 11,49 •8691 5 4 15,90 || 16 15 •9779 13 43 4,28 9297 8 20 11,70 .8677 1 4 48 15,98 | 15 16 •9770 3 574,56 .9275 18 23 11,90 .8663 4 31 16,05 ||14 17 •9760 4 114,84 .92538 24 12,10 •8649 | 4 14 16,12 | 13 18 .9750 4 24 5,11 •9231 8 25 | 12,30 •8637 3 56 16,18 12 19 •9739 4 37 5,39 •9208 8 25 | 12,49 •8625 3 38 16,24 11 20 •9728 4 505,66 .9186 8 25 12,67 .8615 3 20 16,29 10 21 •9716 5 3 5,93 9163 8 24 12,86 .8605 3 1 16,34 9 22 9704 15 16 6,20 9140 8 23 13,04 .8596 2 41 16,38 8 23 •9691 5 28 6,46 .9118 8 21 13,21 •8588 2 22 16,42 7 24 .9678 5 406,73 •9095 8 18 13,38 •8582 2 2 16,45 6 25 •9664 5 51 6,99 9072 8 15 13,55 •8576 1 42 16,48 5 26 .9650 6 37,25 9050 8 11 13,72 .8571 |1 22 | 16,50 4 27 •9635 16 14 7,51 •9027 18 613,88 •8568 1 2 16,52 3 28 .9620 6 247,77 •9005 8 1 14,03 •8565 0 41 16,53 2 29 •9604 6 358,02 •8983 7 55 | 14,18 1 •8563 0 21 16,54 0 30 || 0.9588 6 45 8,27 0.8960 7 48 14,33 0·8563 0 0 16,54 + + Log. 6 + B + B -* Log. 6 + B Log. 6 с c Vs XIS IVs Xs IIIS IX® TABLE XXXI. 177 For the Solar Nutation of a star in Right Ascension and Declination. In Right Ascension In Dec. 1st part 2nd part Degrees Degrees Argument Argument Argument = 20 -20 A 20 R 09 360° 10 350 20 340 30 330 40 320 50 310 60 300 70 290 80 280 90 - 0,00+ 647-1 - 6,00 + 0,18 0,46 0,08 0,35 0,44 0,16 0,51 0,41 0,24 0,66 0,36 0,30 0,79 0,30 0,36 0,89 0,24 0,41 0,96 0,16 0,44 1,01 - 0,08 0,46 1,03 0,00 0,47 1,01 + 0,08 + 0,46 0,96 0,16 0,44 0,89 0,24 0,41 0,79 0,30 0,36 0,66 0,36 0,30 0,51 0,41 0,24 0,35 0,44 0,16 0,18 0,46 0,08 0,00 + 1 to 0,47 + 0,00 + 270 100 260 110 250 120 240 230 130 190 220 150 210 160 200 170 190 180 180 The second part of the solar nutation in R must be multiplied by the tangent of Declination. 2 A 178 TABLE XXXII. Circular Arcs. Degrees 10.0174533 31° 0.5410521 | 61 | 1.0646508 95 1.6580628 2 0.0349066 32 10:5585054 62 1.0821041 100 1.7453293 30.0523599 33 0.5759587 63 1.0995574 105 | 1.8325957 4 0.0698132 34 0·5934119 64 1.1170107 110 1.9198622 5 0.0872665 | 35 0.6108652 65 1.1344640 115 2.0071286 6 0.1047198 36 0.6283185 66 1•1519173 120 2.0943951 7 10.1221730 37 0.6457718 67 1.1693706 i30 2.2689280 8 0.1396263 38 0.6632251 68 1•1868239 140 2:4434610 9 0.1570796 39 0.680678469 1.2042772 150 2:6179939 10 0.1745329 | 40 0.6981317 40 0.698131770 1.2217305 160 2:7925268 11 0.1919862 | 41 0.7155850 41 0.7155850 | 71 1.2391838 170 2.9670597 12 0.2094395 420-7330383 72 1.2566371 180 3:1415927 13 0.2268928 43 0.750491673 1.2740904 1903.3161256 14 0.2443461 44 0.767944974 1.2915436 200 3.4906585 15 0.2617994 45 0.7853982 75 1:3089969 210 | 3.6651914 16 0.2792527 46 0-8028515 76 1:3264502 220 3.8397243 17 0.2967060 47 0.8203047 | 77 1.3439035 230 4.0142573 18 0.3141593 48 0.837758078 1.3613568 240 | 4:1887902 19 0.3316126 49 0.8552113 79 1:3788101 250 | 4:3633231 20 | 0.3490659 50 0.8726646 80 1.3962634 260 4:5378561 21 10.3665191 51 0.8901179 81 1.4137167 270 4:7123890 22 0.3839724 52 0-907571282 1.4311700 280 4.8869219 23 0.4014257 53 0.9250245 | 83 1:4486233 290 5:0614548 24 (1.4188790 54 0.942477884 1.4660766 3005.2359878 25 0.4363323 55 0.9599311 85 1.4835299 310 5.4105207 26 0.4537856 56 0.9773844 86 1:5009832 320 5.5850536 27 10:4712389 57 0.9948377 | 87 1.5184364 330 5.7595865 28 0.4886922 58 1.0122910 88 1.5358897 340 5.9341195 29 0.5061455 59 1.0297443 89 1.5533430 350 6.1086524 30 0.5235988 60 1:0471976 90 1:5707963 360 6.2831853 TABLE XXXII. continued. 179 Circular Arcs. Minutes Seconds í 0-0002909 31 0-0090175 2 .0093084 3 .0005818 32 •0008727 33 0011636 34 -0095993 0098902 1' 0.0000048 31" 0.0001503 2 0000097 32 •0001551 3 0000145 33 0001600 4 •0000194 | 34 0001648 5 .0000242 35 .0001697 4 5 0014544 35 •0101811 6 7 8 ·001745336 0020362 | 37 ·0023271 38 ·0026180 39 •0104720 0107629 •0110538 6 0000291 36 7 0000339 37 8 0000388 38 9 •0000436 39 10-0000485 40 0001745 •0001794 0001842 0001891 .0001939 9 •0113446 10 ·0029089 40 •0116355 11 11 0001988 0002036 12 12 13 0031998 41 ·0034907 42 ·0037815 43 •0040724 44 0043633 45 •0119264 •0122173 •0125082 0127991 (130900 13 •0000533 41 •0000582 42 •0000630 43 •000067944 ·0000727 45 .0002085 14 14 0002133 15 15 0002182 16 •0046542 46 •0133809 16 .0002230 17 47 17 0049451 ·0052360 0136717 0139626 18 48 18 •0000776 46 0000824 | 47 000087348 ·0000921 49 ·000097050 •0002279 ·0002327 .0002376 •0002424 19 ·0055269 49 0142535 19 20 •0058178 50 •(145444 20 21 0148353 21 22 0151262 22 •0061087 51 ·0063995 52 0066904 53 .0069813 54 .0072722 55 23 .0002473 ·0002521 ·0002570 0002618 23 ·0001018 51 ·0001067 | 52 0001115 53 0001164 54 000121255 .0154171 .0157080 •0159989 24 24 25 25 -0002666 26 ·0075631 56 0162897 27 .007854057 0165806 28 0081449 58 0168715 29 •0084358 59 .0171624 30 10.008726660 0.0174533 26 0001261 56 0002715 27 0001309 | 57 .0002763 28 .0001357 | 58 .0002812 29 .0001406 59 •0002860 30 0.0001454 600.0002909 2 A 2 180 TABLE XXXIII. Semidiurnal Arcs. Declination Lat. 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 h m h m h m m h m 5 h 6 9 h m 6 12 10 6 19 6 24 15 6 29 29 6 36 6 49 20 2 6 30 6 39 25 6 50 30 35 h 6 0 6 2 6 4 6 5 6 Ź 6 1 6 4 6 7 1 6 11 6 15 6 1 6 5 6 11 6 16 6 22 6 1 6 7 6 15 6 22 6 2 6 9 6 19 6 29 6 39 6 2 6 12 6 23 36 366 49 6 3 6 14 6 28 6 43 6 59 6 3 6 17 6 34 / 6 52 7 11 6 4 1 6 20 6 41 7 2 7 25 6 5 1 6 24 6 49 1 7 14 7 14 7 43 6 6 6 29 6 58 7 30 8 5 6 7 1 6 35 7 11 | 7 51 8.36 6 9 6 43 1 7 29 8 209 25 7 2 7 18 7 35 7 56 8 21 7 2 7 16 7 32 7 51 8 15 40 45 50 8 54 55 8 47 9 42 60 9 35 12 0 65 12 0 TABLE XXXIV. 181 Showing the length of a degree of Longitude and Latitude on the Earth's surface; and the length of the Pendu- lum beating seconds there: the measures at the equator being considered as unity. Also the increase in the number of vibrations, of an invariable pendulum beating seconds at the equator, on proceeding towards the pole. Compression of the Earth = zó. Late. Degree of Degree of Length of the Longitude Latitude Pendulum Increase of Vibrations ở 1.00000 1.000000 1.00000 5 0.99622 1.00004 1.000076 1.000301 10 98490 15 .96614 1.000669 1:00016 1.00036 1.00063 20 94006 1.001168 1.001783 25 .90685 30 1.002496 •86675 .82005 1.00096 1.00129 1.00177 1.00223 35 1.003284 40 1.004125 •76710 •70828 45 1.004992 1.00269 0,00 1,73 7,02 18,75 27,24 41,59 55,59 76,60 96,21 116,42 143,08 156,25 174,63 191,26 205,61 217,25 225,82 231,08 232,85 50 .64404 1.005858 1.00331 1.00362 55 •57485 1.006699 60 •50126 1.00404 1.007487 1.008200 65 •42377 1.00443 34302 1.008815 70 75 80 1.009315 1.00476 1.00503 1.00523 1:00535 •25960 •17421 •08764 0.00000 1.009682 85 1.009907 90 1.009983 1.00539 182 TABLE XXXV. Showing the linear expansion of various substances for one degree of Fahrenheit's thermometer. White deal 0000022685 Kater 43119 Glass, barom. tubes , English flint with lead Roy Lavoisier 45092 48444 do. ſi without lead. do. 50973 47583 Platina 49121 Iron, cast 61632 63333 65668 Borda Dulong and Petit Roy Borda Dulong and Petit Hasslar Smeaton Lavoisier Roy bar 69844 69907 Steel 59305 . rod 63596 blistered 63900 Smeaton 111 68056 do. 68866 Lavoisier hard. tempered Gold Copper Brass 86197 do. 94444 95456 Smeaton Dulong and Petit Borda 98888 .. Kater scale 99590 ·0000103077 104166 - cast bar 104850 . Roy Smeaton Hasslar Roy Smeaton Lavoisier rod 105155 107407 106038 i 126852 Smeaton 137963 do. 159259 do. wire. Silver Pewter Tin, grain Lead Zinc . hammered . Mercury (Apparent) (Absolute) Air, dry moist 163426 do. do. 1 6480 172685 •0000857339 •0001001001 ·0020833333 0022222222 cubical expan. 1 5520 TABLE XXXVI. 183 For determining Altitudes with the Barometer. Thermometers in open air Thermometers to the Barom Latitude of the place ttt A ttt! A 7- B C 0.00000 ò 0.00117 5 0.00115 0.00004 0.00009 0.00013 10 0.00110 15 0.00100 20 0.00017 0.00022 0.00026 25 30 0.00090 0.00075 0.00058 0.00040 0.00020 0.00000 0.00030 35 0.00035 40 0.00039 45 0.00043 50 9.99980 0.00048 55 9.99960 0.00052 60 9.99942 0.00056 65 9.99925 0.00061 9.99910 40 4.76891 102 4.79860 ò 42 4.76989 104 | 4:79953 1 44 | 4.77089 106 | 4.80045 2 46 4.77187 108 4.80137 3 48 | 4.77286 110 4.80229 4 50 | 4.77383 1124.80321 5 52 | 4.77482 1144.80412 6 54 4:77579 116 | 4.80504 7 56 4.77677 118 4.80595 8 58 | 4:77774 120 4.80687 9 60 | 4.77871 122 | 4.80777 10 62 4.77968 124 | 4:80869 11 64 | 4.78065 126 | 4.80958 12 66 4.78161 128 4.81048 13 68 | 4.78257 130 4.81138 14 70 4.78353 132 4.81228 15 72 4.78449 134 | 4.81317 16 74 4.78544 136 4.81407 17 76 | 4.78640 138 | 4.81496 18 78 4:78735 140 | 4.81585 19 80 4.78830 142 | 4.81675 20 82 | 4.78925 144 4.81763 21 84 4:79019 146 4.81851 22 86 4.79113 148 4.81940 23 88 4.79207 150 | 4.82027 24 90 4.79301 152 | 4.82116 92 4.79395 154 | 4.82204 26 94 | 4.79488 156 4.82291 27 96 | 4.79582 158 4.82379 | 28 98 | 4.79675 160 4.82466 29 100 4.79768 162 4.82353 30 0.00065 70 75 80 9.99900 0.00069 9.99890 85 9.99885 90 9.99883 0.00074 0.00078 0.00083 0.00087 0.00091 0.00096 0.00100 0.00104 25 0.00109 Make D equal to log B-log B'+B): then will the loga- rithm of the differ- ence of altitudes in English feet be equal to A + C + log D 0.00113 0.00117 0.00122 0.00126 0.00130 184 TABLE XXXVII. For converting time into decimal parts of a day. Hours Minutes Seconds h 1.00001 1.04167 2.08333 2 | .00002 1 00069 31 | .02153 2 | .00139 32 ·02222 3.00208 33 02292 4 .00278 34.02361 5.00347 | 35 02430 3.12500 31' | .00036 32.00037 33 •00038 3 ·00003 4 | .16667 4 •00005 34 | .00039 5 20833 5 ·00006 35 00040 6 | 25000 36 ·00042 6.00007 7 •00008 37 •00043 8 00009 6.00417 36.02500 7 | .00486 | 37 ·02569 800556 38 02639 9.00625 39 02708 10.00694 40 40.02778 38 7.29167 8 .33333 9 •37500 10.41667 00044 39 00045 9 | .00010 10 00012 40 •00046 11 •45833 12 •50000 13 •54167 14 | .58333 11 00764 41 ·02847 12 .00833 42 | .02917 13 | .00903 43 ·02986 14 .00972 44.03056 15 01042 45 03125 11 00013 41 .00047 12 00014 42.00049 13 00015 43 | .00050 14 ·0001644 44.00051 15 | .00017 | 45 00052 15.62500 16 | .66667 17 | .70833 18.75000 19.79167 16 •01111 46 | .03194 17 | 01180 •01180 | 47 | .03264 18 | 01250 48 .03333 19 01319 49 03403 20 •01389 | 50 50 .03472 16 .0001846 00053 17 .00020 •00020 | 47 00054 18 ·00021 48 00056 19.00022 49.00057 20 •00023 50 ·00058 20.83333 21.00024 51 00059 22.00025 52 00060 21 87500 22.91667 23.95833 24 1.00000 21 .01458 51 •03542 22 01528 52 .03611 23.01597 53 •03680 24.01667 54.03750 25 / 01736 55 03819 23.00027 53 .00061 24 | .00028 54 -00062 25 *00029 55 00064 26.01805 56 | .03889 26 .00030 56 00065 27 | 01875 57 •03958 27 | .00031 57 00066 28 01944 58 04028 28.00032 58 | .00067 29 •02014 59 | .04097 | 29 ·00034 59 00068 30 ·02083 60.04167 30.00035 60 ·00069 TABLE XXXVIII. 185 For converting Minutes and Seconds of a degree, into the decimal division of the same. Minutes Seconds 1 .01667 | 31 -51667 2 .03333 32 •53333 3.05000 33 55000 4.06667 34.56667 5 •08333 35 •58333 1.00028 31' .00861 2.00056 32 00889 3 00083 | 33 | .00917 4 34.00944 5.00139 35 .00972 ·00111 34. 6.10000 | 36 .60000 7 •11667 | 37 | .61667 8.1333338 •63333 9 •15000 | 39 •65000 10.16667 40 | .66667 6 .00167 36 .01000 7 ·00194 | 37 | .01028 8 ·0022238 •01056 9.00250 39 39.01083 ·0027840 .01111 11 •18333 41 .68333 12 | 20000 42 70000 • 13 .21667 43 .71667 14 | .23333 44 .73333 15 | 25000 45.75000 45 11 ·00306 41 •01139 12 | .00333 42 42 | .01167 13 •00361 43 .01194 14 ·00389 44 | .01222 15 •00417 | 45 •01250 614 16.26667 | 46.76667 17 | .28333 47.78333 18.30000 | 48 .80000 19 .31667 49.81667 20 •33333 | 50 .83333 16 00444 46.01278 17 | .00472 47 1 .01306 18 00500 48 01333 19.00528 49 .01361 20.00556 50 01389 18 1 21 •35000 22 -36667 51 •85000 52 | .86667 53 .88333 23 38333 21 ·00583 51 •01417 22.00611 52 01444 23 | .00639 53.01472 24.00667 54 | .01500 25 | .00694 55 01528 24 | •40000 54 | .90000 25 •41667 55.91667 26 ·43333 | 56 .93333 26.00722 56.01556 27 •45000 57.95000 •950Q! || 27 | .00750 | 57 .01583 28 •46667 | 58 | .96667 28 .00778 58 .01611 29 .48333 59 .98333 29 .00806 59 01639 30.50000 60 1,00000 30 .00833 60 .01667 2 B 186 TABLE XXXIX. For converting any given day into the decimal part of a year of 365 days. Day Jan, Feb, March April May June 1 .000 085 •162 •329 •414 •247 .249 2 ·003 088 •164 •331 •416 3 006 090 .252 •334 •419 4 •008 093 •255 337 •422 5 •011 096 •340 425 .167 •170 •173 •175 •178 •181 .258 •260 6 ·014 ·099 342 •427 7 016 •101 •263 345 -430 8 :]04 •266 *348 •433 019 022 9 •107 •184 • 268 351 •436 10 .025 •110 .186 353 • 438 11 027 •112 .189 •271 •274 277 356 1 •441 12 •030 •115 •192 359 •444 13 033 •118 •195 •279 •362 •446 14 •036 •121 .282 •364 •449 •197 •200 15 •038 •123 285 •452 16 041 •126 .203 .288 • 455 17 044 •129 •205 •290 .367 370 •373 •375 •378 ( •458 18 046 •132 .208 •460 •293 •296 19 049 134 •211 •463 20 052 •137 214 .299 .381 •466 21 055 140 216 301 384 •468 22 058 •142 •219 •304 •386 23 060 •145 • 222 •307 .389 •471 •474 •477 •479 24 •148 .225 •310 .392 •063 066 25 •151 .227 •312 395 26 •068 •153 •230 •315 •482 •397 •400 27 •156 •233 318 .485 28 •159 .236 •321 •403 •488 29 •071 .074 077 •079 •082 •238 323 •405 •490 30 .241 326 •408 •493 31 .244 •411 TABLE XXXIX. continued. 187 For converting any given day into the decimal part of a year of 365 days. Day July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 •496 •581 .666 •748 .833 •915 2 •499 584 .668 .836 918 3 •501 •586 .838 .921 4 •504 589 .841 .923 5 •507 592 .671 .674 -677 •679 .682 .844 .926 6 •510 •595 .846 929 7 •512 •597 .849 931 8 •515 .600 .685 .852 934 9 •518 •603 •688 .855 •937 .940 10 •521 .605 .690 .858 •751 •753 •756 •759 •762 •764 •767 770 773 •775 778 •781 •784 *786 •789 •792 •795 •797 11 •523 •608 .693 .860 942 12 .526 .611 .696 .863 •945 13 •529 .614 .699 .866 .948 14 •532 .616 .868 .951 15 .534 .619 953 16 •537 .622 956 17 •540 .625 .871 .874 .877 .879 .882 959 18 •542 .627 962 19 •545 •630 .964 20 •548 .633 .800 .885 21 •551 .636 .803 .888 22 •553 •638 •701 •704 •707 •710 •712 •715 •718 •721 •723 •726 •729 •731 •734 •737 •740 •742 •745 .890 .805 .808 .967 •970 973 •975 978 23 .556 .641 .893 24 •559 .644 .811 .896 25 •562 •647 814 .899 981 26 •564 .649 .816 .901 •984 27 .652 .819 904 .986 28 .655 .822 .907 .989 29 •567 •570 •573 •575 •578 .658 910 .992 30 -660 .825 .827 .830 912 .995 31 .663 .997 2 B 2 188 TABLE XL. 30° 36 8 For converting the centesimal division of the quadrant into the sexagesimal division of the same. Centesimal degrees. Centes. Sexages. Centes. Centes. Sexages. Centes. Sexages. 1 0° 54 34 67 60° 18 2 1 48 35 31 30 68 61 12 3 2 42 36 32 24 69 62 6 4 3 36 37 33 18 70 63 0 5 4 30 38 34 12 71 63 54 6 5 24 39 35 6 72 64 48 7 6 18 40 36 0 73 65 42 8 7 12 41 36 54 74 66 36 9 6 42 37 48 75 67 30 10 9 0 43 38 42 76 68 24 11 9 54 44 39 36 77 69 18 12 10 48 45 40 30 78 70 12 13 11 42 46 41 24 79 71 6 14 12 36 42 18 80 72 0 15 13 30 48 43 12 81 72 54 16 14 24 49 44 6 73 48 17 15 18 50 45 0 83 74 42 18 16 12 45 54 84 75 36 19 17 6 52 46 48 85 76 30 20 18 0 53 47 42 86 77 24 21 18 54 54 48 36 87 78 18 22 19 48 55 49 30 88 7912 23 20 42 50 24 89 80 6 24 21 36 51 18 90 81 0 25 22 30 58 52 12 91 81 54 26 23 24 59 53 6 92 82 48 27 24 18 60 54 0 93 83 42 28 25 12 61 54 54 94 84 36 29 6 6 62 55 48 95 85 30 30 27 0 63 56 42 96 86 24 31 27 54 64 57 36 97 87 18 32 28 48 65 58 30 98 88 12 47 82 51 56 57 33 29 42 66 59 24 99 89 6 34 30 36 67 60 18 100 90 0 TABLE XL. continued. 189 For converting the centesimal division of the quadrant into the sexagesimal division of the same. Centesimal minutes. Centes. Sexages. Centes. Sexages. Centes. Sexages. .01 0 32,4 34 36 10,8 •67 .68 02 35 03 •36 .69 04 :37 .38 •05 •06 .39 •40 •07 .08 •41 •70 •71 .72 •73 •74 •75 •76 • •78 •79 09 •42 18' 21,6 18 54,0, 19 26,4 19 58,8 20 31,2 21 3,6 21 36,0 22 8,4 22 40,8 23 13,2 23 45,6 24 18,0 24 50,4 25 22,8 25 55,2 26 27,6 27 0,0 27 32,4 •10 •43 •11 •44 ל7• 0 12 •45 •13 •46 •14 .80 •47 • 48 •15 .81 •16 •49 .82 50 .83 1 4,8 1 37,2 2 9,6 2 42,0 3 14,4 3 46,8 4 19,2 4 51,6 5 24,0 5 56,4 6 28,8 7 1,2 7 33,6 8 6,0 8 38,4 9 10,8 9 43,2 10 15,6 10 48,0 11 20,4 11 52,8 12 25,2 12 57,6 13 30,0 14 2,4 14 34,8 15 7,2 15 39,6 16 12,0 16 44,4 17 16,8 17 49,2 18 21,6 •17 .18 •51 •84 36 43,2 37 15,6 37 48,0 38 20,4 38 52,8 39 25,2 39 57,6 40 30,0 41 2,4 41 34,8 42 7,2 42 39,6 43 12,0 43 44,4 44 16,8 44 49,2 45 21,6 45 54,0 46 26,4 46 58,8 47 31,2 48 3,6 48 36,0 49 8,4 49 40,8 50 13,2 50 45,6 51 18,0 51 50,4 52 22,8 52 55,2 53 27,6 54 0,0 •19 .52 28 4,8 .85 .20 •53 .86 .21 •54 .87 .22 •55 .88 23 •56 .89 .24 •57 .90 • 25 •58 .91 •26 •59 •92 •27 .60 28 37,2 29 9,6 29 42,0 30 14,4 30 46,8 31 19,2 31 51,6 32 24,0 32 56,4 33 28,8 34 1,2 34 33,6 35 6,0 35 38,4 36 10,8 93 •28 .61 94 •29 .95 .62 -63 .30 .96 31 •64 •97 .98 .32 .65 •33 •66 .99 34 •67 1.00 190 TABLE XL. continued. For converting the centesimal division of the quadrant into the sexagesimal division of the same. Centesimal seconds. Centes, Sexages. Centes. Sexages. Centes. Sexages. 0001 0034 •0067 •0002 •0035 0068 -0003 •0069 .0036 0037 0004 .0005 0038 0006 0039 0007 0040 -0008 0041 i .0009 0042 0070 .0071 •0072 •0073 .0074 .0075 ·0076 -0077 ·0078 0079 0080 0081 0010 •0043 0011 ·0044 0012 .0045 .0013 0046 ·0014 -0047 ·0015 •0048 ·0016 0049 0082 ·0017 •0050 ·0083 0,324 0,648 0,972 1,296 1,620 1,944 2,268 2,592 2,916 3,240 3,564 3,888 4,212 4,536 4,860 5,184 5,508 5,832 6,156 6,480 6,804 7,128 7,452 7,776 8,100 8,424 8,748 9,072 9,396 9,720 10,044 10,368 10,692 11,016 11,016 11,340 11,664 11,988 12,312 12,636 12,960 13,284 13,608 13,932 14,256 14,580 14,904 15,228 15,552 15,876 16,200 16,524 16,848 17,172 17,496 17,820 18,144 18,468 18,792 19,116 19,440 19,764 20,088 20,412 20,736 21,060 21,384 21,708 21,708 22,032 22,356 22,680 23,004 23,328 23,652 23,976 24,300 24,624 24,948 25,272 25,596 25,920 26,244 26,568 26,892 27,216 27,540 27,864 28,188 28,512 28,836 29,160 29,484 29,808 30,132 30,456 30,780 31,104 31,428 31,752 32,076 32,400 ·0018 ·0051 0084 ·0019 ·0052 0085 0020 0053 0086 ·0021 ·0054 ·0087 0088 0022 ·0055 ·0023 ·0056 0089 0024 0057 ·0090 ·0025 ·0058 0091 ·0026 ·0059 0092 0060 .0093 ·0027 ·0028 ·0029 0061 0094 0062 •0095 ·0030 •0063 0096 -0031 •0064 0097 0032 -0065 ·0098 0033 .0066 .0099 0034 •0067 ·0100 TABLE XLI. 191 Comparison of Fahrenheit's thermometer, with Reaumur's and the Centesimal. Fahr. Reaum. Centes. Fahr. Reaum. Centes. Fahr. Reaum. Centes. le 33 +0,4 +0,6 +0,6 67 + 15,6 + 19,4 8 -142 -17,8 34 0,9 1,1 68 16,0 20,0 1 13,8 17,2 35 1,3 1,7 69 16,4 20,6 2 13,3 16,7 36 1,8 2,2 70 16,9 21,1 3 12,9 16,1 37 2,8 71 17,3 21,7 4 12,4 15,6 38 2,7 3,3 72 17,8 22,2 5 12,0 15,0 39 3,1 3,9 73 18,2 6 11,6 14,4 40 3,6 4,4 74 18,7 23,3 7 113] 13,9 41 4,0 5,0 75 19,1 23,9 8 10,7 13,3 42 4,4 5,6 76 19,6 24,4 9 10,2 12,8 43 4,9 6,1 77 20,0 25,0 10 9,8 12,2 44 5,3 6,7 78 20,4 25,6 11 9,3 11,7 45 5,8 7,2 79 20,9 26,1 12 8,9 11,1 46 6,2 7,8 80 21,3 26,7 13 8,4 10,6 47 6,7 8,3 81 21,8 27,2 14 8,0 10,0 48 7,1 8,9 82 27,8 15 7,6 9,4 49 7,6 9,4 83 22,7 28,3 16 7,1 8,9 50 8,0 10,0 84 23,1 28,9 17 6,7 8,3 51 8,4 10,6 85 23,6 29,4 18 6,2 7,8. 52 8,9 11,1 86 24,0 30,0 19 5,8 7,2 53 9,3 11,7 87 24,4 30,6 5,3 6,7 54 9,8 12,2 88 24,9 31,1 21 4,9 6,1 55 10,2 12,8 89 25,3 31,7 22 4,4 5,6 56 10,7 13,3 90 25,8 32,2 23 4,0 5,0 57 11,1 13,9 91 26,2 32,8 24 3,6 4,4 58 11,6 14,4 92 26,7 33,3 25 3,1 3,9 59 12,0 15,0 93 27,1 33,9 26 2,7 3,3 60 12,4 15,6 94 27,6 34,4 27 2,2 2,8 61 12,9 16,1 95 28,0 35,0 28 1,8 2,2 62 13,3 16,7 28,4 35,6 29 1,3 1,7 63 13,8 17,2 97 28,9 36,1 30 0,9 1,1 64 14,2 17,8 98 29,3 36,7 31 0,4 - 0,6 65 14,7 18,3 99 29,8 37,2 32 0,0 0,0 66 + 15,1 + 18,9 100 + 30,2 + 37,8 20 5 96 192 TABLE XLII. Comparison of French and English Measures, &c. French Metre Decimetre Centimetre Millimetre at 32° Fahr. 39:37079 3.93708 0:39371 0.03937 Eng. Inches of Sir G. Shuck- burgh's scale, at 620 Fahr. French Toise Foot at 560,3 Fahr. 767394007 12:789900 English Inches of the same, at 1.065825 Inch Line 0.088819 j 56°,3 Fahr. . French Toise French Metre Foot at 61°,3 F. 1.949036 0.324839 0-027070 at 61°,3 Fahr. Inch 0-304794 ) French Metre English Foot Inch at 62° F. 0·025399 at 320 Fahr. Centes. Deg. of the Quadrant or 10.0000 = 0° 54' 0"000 Minute or 09.0100 = 32,400 Sexagesimal Seconds or (0.0001 = 0,324 . Comparison of different thermometers xo Reaumur = (32° + el ro) Fahr. ão Centes. (32° +2) Fahr. x° Fahren. 32°) 4 Reaum. 2 xo Centes. * xº Reaum. (aco 32°) Centes. ( xo The length of the pendulum vibrating seconds of mean solar time, in Lon- don, in vacuo, and at the level of the sea, is 39.1393 English Inches of Sir G. Shuckburgh's scale, at 620 Fahr. The velocity of sound, in one second of time at 320 Fahr. in dry air, is about 1090 English feet. For any higher temperature, add 1 foot for every degree of the thermometer above 320. TABLE XLIII. 193 Logarithms of various quantities. Logarithms 5.3144251 Radius, reduced to seconds of the arc Circumference of the circle, radius 1 sin 1" 0.4971499 4.6855749 206264",8 3:1415926 .00000485 •00000970 .00001454 2.7182818 sin 211 4.9866049 5.1626961 0.4342945 •43429448 2.3025851 9.6377843 0:3622157 4.6354837 43200 .00002315 5.3645163 sin 31 Number whose Hyper. log. is=1. Modulus of the common logarithms Complement to the same 12 hours, expressed in seconds Complement to the same 24 hours, expressed in seconds Complement to the same 360 degrees, expressed in seconds Compression of the earth = zdo Sidereal revolution of the Earth, in days Tropical revolution of do. 86400 4.9365137 5.0634863 00001157 1296000 = 003333 6:1126050 7.5228787 2.5625977 2.5625810 = 365.25636 365•24224 Sidereal time into Mean Solar time 9.9988126 0.2898200 Constant logarithms (always additive) for converting French Toises into Metres Feet into Metres. Toises into English Feet . Feet into English Feet Metre into English Feet Millimetres into English Inches 9.5116687 0:8058372 0:0276860 0.5159929 8.5951741 Centes. Degrees of Quadrant into Sexages. Degrees 9.9542425 Minutes of do. into Minutes 1.7323938 Seconds of do. into Seconds 3.5105450 The arithmetical complements of these last 10 logarithms will serve to convert Mean Solar time into Sidereal time, Metres into Toises &c, English Feet into Toises &c, and the Sexagesimal divisions of the Quadrant into the Centesimal divisions. 2 c * EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES. TABLE I does not appear to require any explanation. It contains the Longitudes (from Greenwich) and the Lati- tudes of various places where astronomical observations have been made; and has been taken, for the most part, from the Connaissance des tems. Some of the places, how- ever, have been corrected from more recent observations. Tables II and III serve to convert sidereal time into mean solar time; and vice versa. They show the sidereal time of mean noon on any given day in any given year. The values in the first of these tables have been formed on the assumption that the sun's mean right ascension at mean noon at Greenwich on January 1st in any year is exactly equal to 18h. 40m. os. (which, though not strictly correct, is very nearly so): and that its increase in right ascension in a mean solar day is 3m. 56$,555. To this table is annexed, in a separate column, the amount of the motion of the moon's node from January 1st to any other day in the year; for a purpose to which I shall presently allude. The second of these tables serves to correct the values given in the preceding table. For, since the mean right ascension of the sun will never be the same on the 1st of January in any two years, it becomes necessary to correct the values in Table II by the addition of the quantities here set against the given year. The sum of these two • 2 c 2 196 Explanation of the Tables. values gives the correct right ascension of the sun at mean noon at Greenwich, as reckoned from the mean equinox. These values have been computed from the formula 1} [53'. 295,8 – (y – 4B) 14. 47",08 + 27",48 y] = 3m. 335,993 – (y – 48) 595,1387 + 15,8320 y denotes the number of years from 1800 (negative before, and positive after that period): and ß the number of bissextile days between 1800 and the month of March in the given year, which also changes its sign with y. As these tables are formed for the meridian of Green- wich, it is evident that a correction must be applied when they are intended for any other place situated east or west of that observatory. The amount of this correction is where y XO$,0027379 where a denotes the longitude in time (expressed in seconds) from Greenwich; + when west, and when east. * In the third column is given the mean place of the moon's node on the 1st of January; the whole circle being sup- posed to be divided into 1000 parts. For an example of the use and application of these tables, see Problem I. * These corrections will be, for the following observatories, as under: viz. Altona. 63544 Dorpat 17,544 Dublin + 4,167 Konigsberg 13,462 Milan 6,040 Palermo 8,783 Paramatta 99,235 Paris 1,536 Vienna. 10,763 Explanation of the Tables. 197 Tables IV and V show the correction for the Lunar and Solar Nutation; or the values which ought to be applied to those given in Tables II and III, in order to obtain the sun's mean right ascension as reckoned from the apparent equinox. The true correction, as deduced from Formula XXXIII in page 106, is -15",868 sin 88+0,191 sin 28-1",151 sin 20-0",190 sin 2) = -- 19,058 sin 8+05,013 sin 28-09,077 sin 20-09,013 sîn 2) Table IV contains the correction depending on the moon's node (the position of which may be taken from the two preceding tables), the whole circle being divided into 1000 parts. Table V contains the correction depending on the sun's true longitude, the place of which must be taken from an ephemeris. The last quantity, depending on the moon's true longitude, has been omitted as too small to affect the results in any material degree. For an example of the use and application of these tables, see also Problem I. Table VI expresses the motion of the sun's mean right ascension in a sidereal day, for hours, minutes and seconds of mean solar time; and will be found very useful and con- venient for converting sidereal time into mean solar time. For an example of the use and application of this table, see also Problem I. Table VII is a similar table for the motion of the sun's mean right ascension in a mean solar day, expressed in hours, minutes and seconds of sidereal time; and will be found occasionally useful and convenient for converting mean solar time into sidereal time. 198 Explanation of the Tables. For an example of the use and application of this table, see also Problem I. Table VIII serves to convert degrees, minutes and seconds of space into similar denominations of time : and vice versa. It is founded on the ratio of 15° to lh. and does not require any further explanation. Tables IX, X and XI contain Mr. Ivory's refractions, as given in the Phil. Trans. for 1823. The first of these denotes the mean refraction, for the several degrees of zenith distance therein stated : to which are annexed, in a contiguous column, for the convenience of computation, the logarithms of those values, with their differences. The mean values are computed on the assumption that the tem- perature of the air is 50° of Fahrenheit's thermometer, and that the barometer stands at 30 inches. Table X serves to correct these values when the thermometer or barometer is higher or lower than the mean state above mentioned *. The value, thus corrected, shows the approximate refraction: which, in most instances, will be sufficiently correct. But, in the case of low altitudes and where great accuracy is required, this value must be further corrected by Table XI, agreeably to the rule there given. For an example of the use and application of these tables, see Problem II. * In this table I have united Mr. Ivory's tables II and IV; which is the only alteration that I have made in his arrangement. No error will arise from this disposition of the tables, if the interior thermometer be used; nor if the temperature out of doors differs but little from that within. Explanation of the Tables. 199 Tables XII and XIII are Dr. Brinkley's very con- venient tables for the computation of refraction: but they are not adapted to altitudes lower than 10 degrees. The argument in the first of these tables is the height of Fahr- enheit's thermometer: corresponding to which is the loga- rithm of a quantity which I shall denote by T, and which must be multiplied not only by the height of the barometer (expressed in inches) but also by the tangent of the zenith distance of the star, which must not be greater than 80°. This will give the approximate refraction : which, in the case of low altitudes, and where great accuracy is required, must be further corrected by subtracting the value (which I shall call c) in Table XIII, set against the given zenith distance, and under the given height of the barometer. For an example of the use and application of these tables, see also Problem II. Table XIV has been computed from the assumed hori- zontal parallax of the sun, at its mean distance, being equal to 8",60: and gives the required parallax of altitude on the first day of every month. The proportional parts are easily found for any intermediate day. Since parallax always tends to lower the true altitude of a body, we must add the parallax to the observed alti- tude, in order to obtain the true altitude. Or, which is the same thing, we must deduct it from the observed zenith distance, in order to obtain the true zenith distance. The use and application of this table are sufficiently evident without an example. Table XV will be found very convenient for determining the time as deduced from observations of single altitudes of the sun or a star. The formula, for the reduction of such 200 Explanation of the Tables. observations, is given in page 89: and it will be there seen that the hour angle P is always deduced from a logarithm which expresses the value of sinº {P. In order to save the time and labour of computing the values of such logarithms and to prevent the occurrence of error, I have given the corresponding hour angles, for every minute of time, from 3 hours to 8 hours; which will be sufficient for all ordinary purposes. The time corresponding to any intermediate log- arithm may be readily determined by direct proportion. For an example of the use and application of this table, see Problem III. Table XVI is for determining the equation of equal alti- tudes of the sun, which will be found more convenient and correct than the table in general use for that purpose. It is computed from the Formula XVIII in page 92. The value of A (which is always negative) must be multiplied by the double daily variation of the sun's declination (con- sidered as negative when decreasing) and also by the tangent of the latitude of the place: to which must be added the value of B, multiplied also by the double daily variation of the sun's declination, and likewise by the tangent of the sun's declination at the time of apparent noon on the given day. The sum of these two quantities is the correction required. For an example of the use and application of this table, see Problem IV. Table XVII is computed from the Formula XVI in page 90 (No. 5 and 11). The hour angle, at which the star passes the prime vertical, may be deduced from No.1, and the hour angle at which the vertical becomes a tangent to the circle of declination may be deduced from No. 10. Explanation of the Tables. 201 The hour angle, thus deduced, being added to the right ascension of the star will give the sidereal time when the star is on the prime vertical, or becomes a tangent to the circle of declination, to the westward ; or being subtracted from the right ascension of the star (increased by 24h if necessary) will give the sidereal time of the same position to the eastward. To persons in the practice of making ob- servations on or near the prime vertical, it would be useful to have a table calculated to show the altitude of those stars which they usually observe in such case, and the time at which they pass the prime vertical. See Problem XIV. Tables XVIII and XIX are the well known tables for the reduction to the meridian, computed agreeably to the Formula XIX in page 93. The first of these tables shows 2 sinº P the value of A: sin 111*: and the argument of the table is the distance (in time) of the sun or star from the meridian. This value (or the sum of those values divided by the number of observations, if more than one observa- 1 sin 11 1 * Since 2 sinº IP denotes the versed sine of the arc P, it is evident that the expression in the text is equal to X ver. sine P. It is in this manner that the tables for the reduction to the meridian have been published by the Board of Longitude. They have printed a table of the versed sines of arcs from 0% to 30m of time, and direct that the arith- metical complement of the logarithm of sin 1" be added to the constant logarithm (with its index increased by 4) of the number by which the result is multiplied: thus increasing the trouble and the liability to error. We are also directed to use the logarithm 5.3168000, instead of the arithmetical complement of the logarithm of sin 1", for observations on the stars, when solar time is employed : but the true logarithm is 5-3167966 : a slight difference, which however is of no great moment. 2 D 202 Explanation of the Tables. * ; D) cos L.cos D tion has been made) must be multiplied by sin Z and the product subtracted from the zenith distance (cor- rected for refraction &c) of the sun or star observed near the meridian. The differencet thus obtained will give the true meridional zenith distance of the sun or star, as cor- rectly as if it had been observed precisely on the meridian. It must however be remarked that, when the distance from the meridian is considerable, and when great accuracy is required, this value must be further corrected by the ad- dition of the value of B in Table XIX , multiplied by cos L. cos D ? X cot Z. sin Z The distance in time) of the sun or star from the me- ridian is determined by a well regulated clock; and, for greater simplicity, the motion of the clock should corre- spond with the object observed : that is, if the sun be the object, the clock should be regulated to mean solar time; and if a star be the object, the clock should be regulated to sidereal time. This however is not absolutely necessary, since we may readily correct the errors arising from the rate of the clock. For if the sun be the object, and the clock be regulated to sidereal time, we must multiply A by •99455418 (log = 9.9976285): and if a star be the object and the clock be regulated to mean solar time, we must multiply A by 1.00547562 (log = 0.0023715). There is however, in all cases, a correction necessary when the * See the list of Errata, in this work. + If the star has been observed under the pole, we must take the sum of these two quantities. I Or the sum of the values of B, divided by their number, if more than one observation has been made. Explanation of the Tables. 203 clock does not go accurately during the observations: and whenever this occurs, we must multiply the value of A still further by 1 +.000023151 (log =0.000010053 xr): where r denotes the daily rate of the clock, expressed in seconds, which must be assumed minus when gaining, and plus when losing For an example of the use and application of these Tables, see Problem V. Table XX shows the mean obliquity of the ecliptic, on the 1st of January in every year during the present cen- tury. It is deduced from the assumption that the mean obliquity in 1750 was 23º. 28'. 171,63; and that the annual diminution is 0",457. This corresponds with the determi- nation of M. Bessel, as given in Professor Schumacher's Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 34. Tables XXI and XXII serve to determine the correc- tions for lunar and solar nutation, which should be applied to the values in the preceding table, in order to obtain the apparent obliquity of the ecliptic: and also the value of the lunar and solar nutation in longitude. The correction for the obliquity is deduced from the Formula XXXII in page 105, and is equal to +9",250 cos 88-0",090 cos 28+0',545 cos 20 +0",090 cos 2 ) to which must be added the diminution of the mean obli- quity from the 1st of January to the given day, which is equal to 0",457 365 where d denotes the number of days elapsed from the com- mencenient of the year. xd 2D 2 204 Explanation of the Tables. The correction for the longitude is (as in page 105) equal to -17",298 sin 88+0",208 sin 28-1,255 sin 20-0",207 sin 2) Table XXI contains the corrections for the Longitude and Obliquity depending on the place of the moon's node (which may be taken from Tables II and III), the whole circle being divided into 1000 parts. Table XXII contains the corrections for the same quantities depending on the sun's true longitude: the day of the month being made the argument. In the column marked Obliq. the value of 0",457 x d has been included in the computation. The last quantities, depending on the moon's true longitude, are omitted, as being too small to affect the results in any material degree: but they may be taken into the computa- tion (if required) by actual calculation. For an example of the use and application of these Tables, see Problem VIII. 365 Table XXIII is introduced with a view to preserve some uniformity in referring to the principal lunar spots. Much confusion has arisen from the various names given to the same spots on the moon, by different authors. The present list is taken from the plate in Russel's Description of the Selenographia, who has proposed these spots as a basis from which the situation of other less remarkable spots may be determined. The latitudes are computed from a line passing through Censorinus ; the longitude of which is assumed equal to 32° west: and the positions are taken from the table in the Recueil de Tables Astrono- miques, Berlin 1776. Table XXIV shows the angle of the vertical, deduced from the Formula XXI, in page 95; where c is assumed Explanation of the Tables. 205 equal to 300. The logarithms of the earth's radius, in the last column, are deduced from the Formula XXII, on the same assumption. These quantities are necessary in com- puting the parallax of the moon: for, in such calculations, the latitude of the place and the equatorial parallax of the moon must be diminished in consequence of the compres- sion of the earth. The values for the latitude of Green- wich are given separately at the bottom of the table. For an example of the use and application of this Table, see the note to Problem XI. . Table XXV shows the augmentation of the moon's semidiameter on account of her altitude, deduced from the Formula XXVIII No. 1, in page 101 ; according to the several values of s, from 14'. 30" to 17. 0". Its use and application are too obvious to require an example. Table XXVI contains the logarithms for the equations of the first, second and third differences of the moon's place; and will be found very convenient for obtaining the correct values required. They are computed from the Formula XXX in page 103, for every ten minutes of time from noon or midnight. The two columns, entitled first h differences, contain the logarithms of to which must be added the logarithm of A": the natural number cor- responding to the sum of these two logarithms will be the equation of the first difference *. The column, 1211 ; * The logarithms in the Table are carried to four places of decimals only; which is sufficient for the equations of the second and third differences: but probably may pot be considered in many instances 206 Explanation of the Tables. 2 entitled second differences, contains the logarithm of h (h – 12), to which must be added the logarithm of 2 (12) d' + du : the natural number corresponding to the sum of these two logarithms will be the equation of the second difference. The column, entitled third differences, con- tains the logarithm of h(h-12) (h-6) ; to which must 6(12)3 be added the logarithm of . This last quantity is how- ever generally so small, that it may in most ordinary cases be omitted. All these equations are to be applied to the moon's place, according to the signs : and it should be remembered that the moon's latitude, and declination, when south, is considered as a negative quantity. For an example of the use and application of this Table, see Problem X. Table XXVII was originally computed from the values given in Formula XXXI in page 104, and which are the same as those given by M. Bessel in his Fundamenta Astronomia, page 297. But that distinguished astronomer has (since that formula was printed) re-investigated the subject of the precession of the equinoxes, and the result of his inquiry is the table here given *. The use and application of this Table are too well known to require an example. The formulæ, for deter- mining the annual precession of a star in right ascension and declination, are given at the bottom of the Table. In accurate enough for the first differences. In such case, we must com- h pute the logarithm from the formula 12h * The alterations in the values in the Formula are noticed in the list of Errata. Explanation of the Tables. 207 these formulæ, and indeed in all the formulæ in the present work, the declination when south is considered as a nega- tive quantity, and treated as such in the algebraic and arithmetical computation. Therefore when in such case the amount of precession, aberration &c in declination is a positive quantity, it must be subtracted from the mean declination : and, on the contrary, when it is a negative quantity, it must be added thereto, in order to obtain the apparent declination. Some astronomers still consider the declination as always positive ; and change the sign of the precession &c when the star has south declination. But the former plan is the most convenient; and is now more generally adopted. و Tables XXVIII-XXXI are M. Gauss's very con- venient and general tables of aberration and nutation. They are deduced from a transformation of the Formulæ XXXIII and XXXIV in pages 106 and 107; and will be found very useful when we have not a ready access to more comprehensive tables. The constant of aberration is assumed equal to 20",255; the constant of the lunar nuta- tion of the obliquity equal to 95,65; and the constant of the solar nutation of the same equal to 0",493. These values differ in a slight degree from those given in the formulæ above mentioned: but this difference will in most cases be insensible in practice. The use and application of these Tables may be understood from the following expressions. For the correction in Right Ascension Aber = -a.cos(O+A-R) sec D Lunar Nut = -b.cos(O+B-R) tan D Solar Nut = the two equations from Table XXXI 208 Explanation of the Tables. For the correction in Declination Aber= -a.sin(O+A-R)sinD+the 2 eq.of Tab.XXIX Lunar Nut= -b.sin (O+B-R) Solar Nut= the equation from Table XXXI The values of A and of the logarithm of a are to be taken from Table XXVIII: and the values of B and c, and the logarithm of b, are to be taken from Table XXX: The solar nutation is taken from Table XXXI: and it should be remarked that the second part of the solar nutation in right ascension must be multiplied by the tangent of decli- nation. The computer should bear in mind that, in the whole of these operations, the declination when south is always considered as a negative quantity, and the results must be applied accordingly with the proper signs. For an example of the use and application of these Tables, see Problem XII. Table XXXII is the well known table of the length of circular arcs (radius = 1) deduced from the expression l= a.sin 1". Whence, the length being known, we have 7 the arc a = where I denotes the length of the arc, sin 1" and a the arc itself expressed in seconds. Its use and application are too well known to require an example. Table XXXIII shows the semidiurnal arc, or the in- terval of time employed by the sun or a star in passing from the horizon to its point of culmination, and vice versa; according to its declination, and the latitude of the place. These values have been deduced from the equation in Formula XV in page 89, without considering the effect of refraction; which would increase the duration according Explanation of the Tables. 209 to the circumstances of the case. The use and appli- cation of this Table are sufficiently evident without an example. Table XXXIV has been introduced merely for the purpose of showing the relative values of the quantities therein stated, according to the latitude of the place of ob- servation. The lengths of the degrees of longitude and latitude are computed from the Formula XLIII in page 116. The length of the pendulum is computed from the formula in page 22: and the increase in the number of its vibrations, from the Formula XL in page 113. Table XXXV contains the expansion of various 'sub- stances used in experiments and observations on the pen- dulum. It is extracted from a more copious list given by me at the end of my paper “On the Mercurial Compensa- tion Pendulum" inserted in the Memoirs of the Astronomi- cal Society, Vol I, pages 416—419. The numbers in the table contain the linear expansion of the body, for one degree of Fahrenheit's thermometer: if this number be denoted by e and the difference in the thermometer by to the total expansion for t degrees of the thermometer will be et. If i denote the length of the body before expan- sion, then will its length after the application of heat be l'=1(1+et). At the bottom of the table I have inserted the cubical expansion of Mercury and of Air. The expansion of mercury has been determined with the greatest accuracy by MM. Dulong and Petit. The absolute expansion is that which does not depend on the form of the vessel which contains it, nor on its expansion: whereas in the apparent expansion in glass) these circumstances are 2 E 210 Explanation of the Tables. taken into the computation *. The expansion of air is generally assumed as equal to go of its bulk, for every degree of Fahrenheit's thermometer: but this applies more particularly to air rendered perfectly dry for the purpose of the experiments employed. The expansion of common atmospheric air, impregnated as it generally is with a certain degree of moisture, is supposed by M. La Place to be to of its bulk. These are the two values stated in the table. Table XXXVI is a new and very convenient table for computing, by means of logarithms, the difference of alti- tudes with the barometer. It is deduced from the Formula XXXVIII in page 111 t, by expanding the last term in M. La Place's formula, reducing the measures to English feet, and expressing the temperature by Fahrenheit's ther- mometer. Whence the difference of altitude between the two stations will be found equal to X 60345-51 (1+001111 (+640)] ] ]*[1+-002695 cos 20] 1 Х B log of 1 + .0001 (1-7) In this Table, A denotes the logarithm of the first term here given, expressed in English feet; and C the logarithm of the last term: B denotes the logarithm of 1 + .0001 (T-T'). In the formation of this table I have assumed the expan- * The relative vertical expansion of mercury, in the glass vessel used for the bob of a pendulum (and which is the quantity that affects the rate of the clock) is found by deducting twice the linear expansion of the containing vessel from the absolute expansion of the mercury: and it may be assumed equal to .00009. + See the correction of this formula, amongst the Errata. Explanation of the Tables. 211 sion of air, for one degree of Fahrenheit, to be .00222222, instead of the quantity .00208333 assumed by M. Biot. The rule for the application of this table is given at the bottom thereof in page 183: and here it may be useful to remark that the heights of the barometers may be taken in any measure whatever; whether in English inches, French metres, or any other scale.-For an example of the use and application of this Table, see Problem XVI. Table XXXVII will be found useful in converting hours, minutes and seconds, into the decimal parts of a day: an operation of frequent occurrence in computations relative to practical astronomy. Its use and application are sufficiently evident without further explanation. Table XXXVIII will be found of similar use in con- verting the sexagesimal divisions (or the minutes and se- conds) of a degree, into the decimal divisions of the same. This mode of dividing the degree has all the advantages of (and is much less liable to confusion and error than) the mode, adopted by the French, of dividing the quadrant into 100 parts: and I hope that some public-spirited indi- vidual will ere long be bold enough to print tables founded on this arrangement. The decimal division of the degree is very convenient in all tables (particularly those formed for the purposes of astronomy) where proportional parts are required: and it has many advantages over the ordinary sexagesimal division. But the French mode of dividing the quadrant into 100 parts, calling each of those parts a de- gree, and adopting the same character that is used in the sexagesimal notation, to express that degree (although its value is only ths of that quantity) leads to endless con- fusion, and ought to be discountenanced and discontinued. 2 E 2 212 Explanation of the Tables. Table XXXIX serves to convert any given day into the decimal part of a year consisting of 365 days. In leap years we must add unity to the given date, if subsequent to February, in order to obtain the corresponding tabular date: and in such case, if great accuracy be required, the value thus found should be multiplied by •997. Table XL. The new division of the circle into 400 degrees, by the French, and the numerous and valuable tables that have been computed agreeably to that arrange- ment, render a table of this kind absolutely necessary for converting the centesimal division of the quadrant into the sexagesimal: and vice versa. It is formed on the com- parison stated in Table XLII: where it will be seen that each degree of the French division is equal to 54' only of the sexagesimal division; and each minute of the French division equal to 32",4 only of the sexagesimal. When the French first introduced the centesimal division of the quadrant, the new degrees were denominated grades, and were denoted by the small letter g placed above the num- ber. Thus, 164 degrees were written 1646. This method, so long as degrees only were concerned, and whilst the subdivisions of the degree were expressed decimally, could not lead to any confusion: but this mode of denoting the new quantities has been gradually discontinued, and at the present day most of the French mathematicians use the sexagesimal notation, not only for the new degrees, but likewise for the new minutes and seconds: thus introducing considerable confusion in the value of the quantities alluded In order to remedy this, in some measure, I have de noted the new degree by a small square character placed over it, instead of a round one. Perhaps Perhaps a better plan would be to adopt the small Greek letters S, M, o, to denote to. Explanation of the Tables. 213 the degrees, minutes and seconds of the new division: thus 24 degrees 15 minutes and 37 seconds of the centesimal division of the quadrant would be written thus, 248. 154. 370. But much the best plan would be to discontinue the system altogether. Table XLI serves to compare Fahrenheit's thermometer with Reaumur's and the Centesimal; and vice versa. It is founded on the comparisons given in Table XLII: by means of which equations the present table may be ex- tended to any number of degrees required. Its use and application will be evident on inspection. Table XLII contains various comparisons (of frequent use in practice) relative to French and English measures, &c. In the Base du Systéme Métrique, Vol. 3, page 470, the French metre, which is made of platina, is stated to be equal to 39.3827 English inches: and it has been assumed as such by Professor Schumacher, in his Sammlung von Hülfstafeln, page 16. But this comparison was made when the two measures were both at the freezing point of the thermometer. This degree of temperature is the standard for the French scale: but the standard temperature for the English scale, which is made of brass, is 62° of Fahren- heit. Consequently the value given by Professor Schuma- cher ought to be corrected for the relative expansion of the metals, which will reduce it to 39.37079 inches, as given by Captain Kater in the Phil. Trans. for 1818, page 109; each scale being brought to its standard temperature. By Act 5 Geo. IV, c. 74, Bird's scale of 1760* is de- * There is another scale made by Bird in 1758, called also Bird's Parliamentary standard, which differs +.00016 of an inch from Sir 214 Explanation of the Tables. clared to be the legal standard: and this scale differs so little (only +.00002 of an inch) from Sir George Shuck- burgh's scale, that they may be considered as identical. And as most of the comparisons have been made with Sir G. Shuckburgh's scale, its measure is therefore here re- tained. The old legal standard of France was the Toise de Perou, so called from its being used by the French Acade- micians in that country. It is formed of iron, and was made by M. Langlois in 1735, under the direction of M. Godin. By a comparison of this toise with a copy of Sir G. Shuckburgh's scale at the temperature of 56°,3 Fahr. it was found to be equal to 76.7394 English inches. See Base du Syst. Mét. Vol. 3, page 479. By a Report in the same work, page 433, made by the French Com- missioners, it appears that the toise of Peru, at 61°,3 Fahr. is equal to 1.949036 metres. It is upon these authorities that I formed the comparison of the measures in the table. In the comparison of the centesimal degrees of the qua- drant, I have introduced a new method of denoting those degrees. It consists in annexing a small square character, in order to distinguish them from the ordinary sexagesimal degrees, with which they are frequently confounded. See the remarks I have already made on this subject in page 212. The length of the pendulum is taken from Capt. Kater's last determination in the Phil. Trans. for 1819, page 415. The velocity of sound is deduced from a comparison of the experiments which have been recently made by several George Shuckburgh's scale: and this must not be confounded with the scale of 1760. All these scales are made of brass. Explanation of the Tables. 215 distinguished philosophers: the mean of which is very near the value here assumed. Table XLIII contains the logarithms of various quan- tities which occasionally occur in astronomical computa- tions; and will prevent the necessity of referring to other works, when they are required for use. P R O B L E M S. PROBLEM I. To convert sidereal time into mean solar time: and vice versa. This problem is of frequent occurrence in practical astronomy, and is solved by the help of Tables II-VII in the present collection, which have been expressly formed for that purpose. Their application is as follows: let us make M = the mean solar time at the place of observation S = the corresponding sidereal time R = the mean right ascension of the meridian (or the mean longitude of the sun, converted into time) at the preceding mean noon, at the place of ob- servation a = the acceleration of the fixed stars (as shown by Table VI) for the interval of time denoted by (S-R) A = the acceleration (as shown by Table VII) for the time denoted by M then we shall have M (S – R) – a S = R + M + A The mean right ascension of the meridian, at mean noon on any day in any year, as reckoned from the mean equinox, is found by Tables II and III: to which must be applied the equations deduced from Tables IV and V, in order to 2 218 Problems. give the right ascension reckoned from the apparent equinox * h m S Example. An eclipse of the first satellite of Jupiter was observed at Greenwich on Jan. 17, 1825 at 2h. 19m. 499,0 sidereal time by the clock. The clock however was too fast 59$,14: consequently the correct sidereal time was 2h. 18m. 495,86. Required the corresponding mean solar time? 88 Table II Jan. 17 = 19 43 4,885 2 Table III 1825 3 20,654 749 Table IV Lunar nutation . + 1,056 7477 Table V Solar nutation + 0,062 Mean Rat preceding mean noon 19 46 26,657 reckoned from app. equinox S = 2 18 49,860 (S – R) = 6 32 23,203 Table VI, a 1 4,282 Mean solar time required 6 31 18,921 If the observed time had been mean solar time 6h 31m. 189,921 and it were required to find the corre- * All the ephemerides give the true R of the sun for apparent noon: but we may easily deduce therefrom the R for mean noon, if required, in the following manner. The equation of time being expressed in mean solar time, we must first convert it into sidereal time by Table VII: then change the sign and apply it to the R of the sun for ap- parent noon. The result is the true R of the sun for mean noon: pro- vided the ephemeris has been correctly computed. + The place of the moon's node on Jan. 1, 1825 is, by Table III, equal to 749, from which must be deducted the motion of the node from that day to Jan. 17, which, by Table II, is equal to 2: the dif- ference (=747) is the argument for entering Table IV. Problems. 219 h m S M = sponding sidereal time, the operation would have stood thus: 6 31 18,921 as above found .. R = 19 46 26,657 Table VII. 1 4,282 Sidereal time required 2 18 49,860 A = When the place of observation is situated on a different meridian from that of Greenwich, the value of R as found by these tables must be increased or diminished agreeably to the rule given in page 196. . The mean solar time being ascertained, we may readily determine the corresponding apparent time, by applying the equation of time, as shown by an ephemeris, for the moment of observation * Thus the equation of time on Jan. 17, 1825 at 6h. 31m. 189,92 as given in the Nautical Almanac, was 10m. 345,57; which (being directed to be added to apparent time) must be subtracted from mean time: consequently the corresponding apparent time was 6h. 20". 449,35. There is another very convenient, and equally correct mode of converting sidereal time into mean solar time, by the help of an ephemeris computed for the given place; which is as follows: M = (S – R') – a te where R' denotes the apparent right ascension of the sun * The equation of time is equal to the difference between the sun's mean longitude, converted into time, and the sun's true right ascension. It may be useful to remark that Table VIII in M. Delambre's Tables of the Sun (which is the same as Mr. Vince's XXIX) is inaccurate, and in some cases produces an error of 15,6. Another and a more correct table is given in the Con, des tems for 1820, page 492. 2 F 2 220 Problems. at the preceding apparent noon, and e the equation of time at the same moment: both of which are given in the ephemeris. Take the example above given. h m S= α - е — 2 18 49,86 By Navtical Almanac R' = 19 56 57,70 6 21 52,16 Table VI 1 2,58 6 20 49,58 By Nautical Almanac 10 29,30 6 31 18,88 This result ought to be exactly the same as the pre- ceding: and the slight difference, which occurs, arises from the circumstance that the co-efficients of the two nu- tations, in Tables IV and V, are not precisely the same as those which are used in the computations of the Nautical Almanac. PROBLEM II. To determine the refraction of a heavenly body. The tables of refraction are very numerous, and many celebrated mathematicians have devoted their time and abilities to the investigation of this intricate subject. The labours of Bradley, Bessel, Littrow, LaPlace, Carlini, Groombridge, Atkinson, Gauss, Young, Ivory and Brink- ley, are too well known to require any comment. But, as it was necessary to make a selection, I have chosen the tables of the two latter authors: those of Dr. Young are given annually in the Nautical Almanac. Example 1. The zenith distance of a Aquila was ob- served 71°. 26'. O' the barometer standing at 29.76 inches and the thermometer at 43° Fahr. Required the refraction? Problems. 221 logarithms - 2.23609 Table IX Table X Table X By Mr. Ivory's tables Mean refraction Barometer 29:76 Thermometer 430 = 9.99651 = 0.00668 Refraction = 2' 53',49 = 2.23928 By Dr. Brinkley's tables Table XII Thermometer 43° = 0.2965 Barometer 29.76 = 1.4736 Tangent 71°. 26. = 0.4738 Approximate Refraction = 2' 55",35 = 2.2439 Table XIII 2 ,03 C = True refraction = 2 53 ,32 If we denote the apparent zenith distance by Za and the true zenith distance by Z' we shall have Zt = Za +r where r is the computed refraction. Or, if we prefer ex- pressing these values by means of altitudes, we shall have At = Aa Example 2. The apparent zenith distance of a Lyra was observed 87º. 42. 10": the barometer standing at 29.50 inches, and the thermometer at 35° Fahr. Re- quired the refraction? By Mr. Ivory's tables logarithms Table IX Mean refraction – 3.00856 Table X Barometer 29.5 = 9.99270 Table x Thermometer 35° -0.01444 Approximate mean refraction = 17' 16",80 = 3.01570 Table XI •606 x 15 = † 9,09 Table XI + 1.04 x .5 = 0,52 True refraction = 17 25 ,37 222 Problems. PROBLEM III. To determine the time from single altitudes * of the sun, or a star : its declination, and also the latitude of the place being given. The observed altitude or zenith distance of the sun or star must first be corrected for refraction, as in the last Problem t. Then, by means of Formula XV, in page 89, we obtain the logarithm of sinº | P: and by the help of Table XV, we deduce from that logarithm the value of P, or the hour angle from the meridian. In the case of the sun, this hour angle will be the ap- parent time I from apparent noon at the place of observa- tion: to which the equation of time must be applied, in order to deduce the mean solar time. But, in the case of a star, it will denote the distance, in time, of the star from the meridian; and which, being added to the right ascen- sion of the star, if the observation be made to the westward Single altitudes, or absolute altitudes, is a term given to observa- tions of the altitude of the sun or a star, when made on the same side of the meridian: in opposition to equal altitudes, which are made on both sides of the meridian. See the next problem. It is not meant to imply thereby that only one altitude is taken; because in general there are several: and the usual method is to note down the time of each observation, and the altitude observed; and then to take the mean of the times and the mean of the altitudes as one observatinn. † If the sun be the body observed, it must be corrected also for Parallax by Table XIV. And, since it is the border only of the sun that can be observed at one observation, we must reduce this to the centre, by applying its semidiameter, which may be found in any ephe- meris: or by observing alternately the upper and lower border, and taking the mean of each pair of observations. We must also compute the declination for the apparent time of observation, at the given place. # When the observation is made in the forenoon, this apparent time must be subtracted from 24" in order to show the apparent time of the day. Problems. 223 of the meridian, or subtracted therefrom (increased by 24h if necessary) if the observation be made to the eastward, will give the sidereal time of observation. Example 1. On October 18, 1818 at 3h. 6m. 309,7 P.M. mean solar time as shown by a clock, the zenith distance of the upper border of the sun (corrected for refraction and parallax) was found to be 75º. 0'. 35,9: the place of obser- vation being situated in N. Lat. 52º. 13'. 26" and W. Long. 4m. 49s from Greenwich. What was the correct time of observation ? If we add the semidiameter of the sun on the given day (= 16' 6'') to the zenith distance (corrected as above) of the observed border, we shall have the true zenith distance of the sun's centre equal to 75º. 16'. 15'. We must next compute the sun's declination for the approximate apparent time of observation at the place. Let us suppose that the Nautical Almanac is made use of for these computations. The equation of time at apparent noon (or at 116. 45m. 189,9 mean solar time) at Greenwich, was -- 14". 419,1: which being added, with its sign changed *, to the mean solar time of observation, will give 3h. 21" for the approximate appa- rent time, at the place. But, as the computations are made from the Nautical Almanac, we must add the longitude from Greenwich; and compute the sun's declination for 3h. 26" Greenwich apparent time, with a daily variation of 21'. 51". Consequently the sun's declination at the time of observation was - 9º. 33. 30". With these elements the computation will stand thus: * The equation of time is an equation which in an ephemeris is di- rected to be added to, or subtracted from, apparent time, in order to deduce the mean solar time: consequently we must reverse the sign when we wish to apply the equation to mean solar time, in order to de- duce apparent time. 224 Problems. O 1 11 L = + 52 13 26 D =* 9 33 30 logarithms COS = + 9.7871611 cos = + 9.9939285 + 9•7810896 (L - D) = +61 46 56 Z = + 75 16 15 Z - (L-D) (L - D) = + 13 22 19 Z + (L – D) = +137 3 11 sin } = + 9.0698112 = + 9.9687570 sin + 9•0385682 as above = + 9•7810896 sin?P= + 9•2574786 h m S By Table XV. sinº | P = 3 21 22,7 equation of timet -14 42,7 correct mean solar time. = 3 6 40,07 at the place. observed mean solar time} = 3 6 30,7 Consequently the clock was 9,3 too slow. Example 2. On March 23, 1822, in N. Lat. 51° 33'. 34" I observed, to the westward of the meridian, the zenith di- stance of Aldebaran (after correcting for refraction) to be 68º. 2. 21" at gh. 24". 445,0 by a sidereal clock. What was the error of the clock at that moment? On that day the apparent R of the star was 4h. 254. 439,8 and its apparent Declination was + 16º. 8'. 44"; as shown by the Nautical Almanac. Consequently the operation will stand thus: * The declination of the sun being south, it is considered as a nega- tive quantity in the computations. + By Nautical Almanac at 3h. 26m. 179,7 from Greenwich: or at 3h. 21m. 229,7 + 4m. 495. # If a sidercal clock had been used in this observation, we must have reduced the sidereal time to mean solar time, in order to show the error of the clock. Problems. 225 logarithms COS = + 9.7935825 cos = + 9.9825238 + 9•7761063 L = + 51 33 34 D = + 16 8 44 (L – D) = + 35 24 50 Z = + 68 2 21 Z-(L-D) = + 32 37 31 2 + (L-D) = +103 27 11 11 sin sin } + 9.4485148 = + 9.8949038 + 9.3434186 + 9.7761063 sin?P= + 9.5673123 h m S By Table XV . sinP = 4 59 21,7 R = 425 43,8 correct sidereal time. observed sidereal time = 9 25 5,5 = 9 24 44,0 * error of the clock 21,5 It is scarcely necessary to remark that the most favourable opportunity, for determining the time from altitudes of the sun or a star, is when those bodies pass the prime vertical : since their motion in altitude is then the most rapid, and a slight error in the assumed latitude will not materially affect the result to In fact, in a fixed observatory, (or where the observer may be stationed at the same place for several successive * If a clock, showing mean solar time, had been used in this obser- vation we must have reduced the mean solar time to sidereal time, in order to show the error of the clock. + In the latitude of Greenwich, a star varies 9",3 in altitude in one second of time, when on the prime vertical. The general expression for such variation is 15 cos Lat. 246 226 Problems. nights) if we observe the same stars we may very much abridge the computations by making the observations on the prime vertical; since one calculation made for each star will be sufficiently accurate for a long period: as I have shown more at length in the Memoirs of the Astronomical Society, Vol. 1, page 315. PROBLEM IV. To determine the time of noon or midnight, from equal altitudes of the sun*: the interval of time between the observations, the lati- tude of the place, the declination of the sun and its daily variation being given. This problem is solved by means of the formula in page 92: where the value of the correction x is to be ap- plied to the mean of the times at which the equal altitudes have been observed. The logarithms of A (which is always minus) and of B will be found in Table XVI, opposite the given interval. Then find by the Nautical Almanac, or any other ephemeris, the sun's declination at the time of noon on the given day and at the given place: which however need not be taken out to any great accuracy. Find also the double daily variation of the declination expressed in seconds; that is, the difference (in seconds) between the de- clination at the time of noon on the preceding day, and the declination at the time of noon on the following day t. * If we observe equal altitudes of a star, it is evident that half the interval of time elapsed will give immediately the time of the star passing the meridian, without any correction. + The logarithms of these values, for every day in the year, are now given annually by M. Schumacher in his Astron. Hülfstafeln. They would form a valuable addition to our own national ephemeris; since they would be very useful in navigation, as well as in the observatory. Problems. 227 This quantity is denoted by 8; and it must be considered negative, when the sun is proceeding towards the south pole * Example. On July 25, 1823, in N. Lat. 54°. 20' at gh. 59m. 48 A.M. and at 3h. om. 40$ P.M. the sun had equal altitudes. Required the equation, or correction to be ap- plied to the mean of those times in order to find the time of noon? The interval of time being 6h. lm. 369, we have by Table XVI log. A = 7.7707 and log. B = 7.6187. And by the Nautical Almanac the declination of the sun, at noon on that day, was + 19º. 48'. 29", and its double daily variation equal to 25'. 29" = 1529". The operation therefore will stand thus: logarithms logarithms - A - 7.7707 B= + 7.6187 Ò= 1529" = 3.1844 O= 1529" 3•1844 tan 54°. 20' = + 0.1441 tan 190, 48' = + 9.5300 + 125,57 = + 1.0992 - 2$,15 0.3331 Correction = + 129,57 2,15 = + 109,43 This value, being added to the mean of the times of the observed altitudes, or ļ (20h. 59m. 45 + 27h. Ow. 409) 23h. 59m. 52, will give Oh. Om. 29,43 for the time at appa- rent noon. This however denotes apparent time: and we must add thereto the equation of time, which on that day was up- wards of 6 minutes. If the observations were made on the meridian of Greenwich the chronometer ought to show Oh. 6m. 75,2; and consequently would denote that it was too slow by 6". 49,77. * That is, from the time of the summer solstice, to the time of the winter solstice: or from June 21 to Dec. 21. See the Errata. 2 6 2 228 Problems. PROBLEM V. On the reduction to the Meridian. . In order to determine the meridional altitude of a hea- venly body, it is usual, in large observatories furnished with a mural circle or quadrant, or a transit circle, to observe such body at the precise moment of its passing the me- ridian. But, where the observer is furnished with an alti- tude and azimuth instrument, or a repeating circle, this is not absolutely necessary; since, by means of Tables XVIII and XIX, we may render any number of observations made on each side of the meridian, and at a short distance therefrom, equal in accuracy to those which are made im- mediately at the moment of culmination. For this purpose, it is necessary to know the distance (in time) of the sun or star from the meridian at the moment of each observation: and, opposite to such given distance in time in Table XVIII, is stated the value which ought to be applied to the zenith distance observed. The sum of these values, divided by cos L.cos D their number, and multiplied by sin Z will give the correction which ought to be applied to the mean of the zenith distances observed (corrected for refraction) in order to determine the true meridional zenith distance of the sun or star. Should greater accuracy however be required, we must take the second part of the reduction from Table XIX, the sum of which (divided also by the number of observa- cos L.cos D tions) must be multiplied by (cos L.. D) x cot Z. But sin z this second correction is seldom necessary. The expression for the zenith distance of a star, in terms of its declination and of the latitude of the place, will vary according as the observations are made to the south of the zenith, or to the north of the zenith; and, in this latter 2 Problems. 229 case, according as the observations are made above or below the pole *. These several values will be as follow: Z = L - D. if the obs. be made to the south z = D- L. if to the north, above the pole Z = 180° — (L + D) if to the north, below the pole. It should be observed here that, when the sun is the ob- ject observed, there is a further correction to be applied, which is shown in the formula in page 93: where E and W are expressed in minutes of time, considered as in- tegers. Example. On May 13, 1819 a set of 14 observations of Polaris, near the time of its lower culmination, was made with a repeating circle, at Shanklin in the Isle of Wight, on each side of the meridian; the mean of which gave the ob- served zenith distance, corrected for refraction, equal to 41° 1!. 54",1. The latitude of the place is assumed equal to 50°. 37'. 23"; and the apparent declination of Polaris is found by the Nautical Almanac to be 88°. 20'. 28",87. The observations were made with a chronometer showing mean solar time, having a losing rate equal to 1",8. Polaris passed the meridian at 9h. 37m 32s by the chronometer; and the respective observations were made at the several periods indicated in the second column of the following table. What was the correction to be applied to the mean of the zenith distances above mentioned, in order to reduce them to the meridian? By taking the difference between the several times of observation and gh, 37m. 32s we obtain the values in the * M. Delambre has, in his Astronomie, considered only the case where the observations are made to the south of the zenith: and it was by following him too closely that I was led into the error of ernploying (L-D), instead of. Z, in the Formula in page 93. See the list of Errata. 230 Problems. third column of the following table. Entering Table XVIII with these values, as arguments, we obtain the values set down in the last column: the sum of which being divided by 14 will give 490",9. No. Time of Observation Time from By Meridian. Table XVIII m S m S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 h 9 13 15 9 16 40 9 21 21 9 33 55 9 36 44 9 39 55 9 42 27 9 45 40 9 48 56 9 51 53 9 54 40 9 56 48 9 59 40 10 2 20 24 17 20 52 16 11 3 37 0 48 2 23 4 55 8 8 11 24 14 21 17 8 19 16 22 8 24 48 1156,8 854,3 514,0 25,7 1,3 11,2 47,5 129,9 255,1 404,2 576,1 728,4 961,1 1206,4 14)6872,0 490,9 The subsequent operation then will stand thus : 1 L = 50 37 23 D= 88 20 29 COS = + 9.8023765 cos = + 8.4615613 138 57 52 + 8.2639378 180° - (L + D) = 41 2 8 sin = + 9.8172528 constant log. = + 8·4466850 490,9 = t 2.6909930 on account of mean solar time = + 0.0023715 on account of rate of clock + 0.0000181 13",806 = x = + 1.1400676 Problems. 231 As the star was below the pole, at the time of observation, this correction must be added to the observed zenith di- stance; whence the true meridional zenith distance will be 41º. 1'. 54",1 + 135,81 = 41°. 2!. 71,91; and the latitude = 180° - (Z + D) = 50°. 371. 23",22. In observations with the repeating circle, for determining the latitude, it is necessary to attend to the verticality of the circle; since an inclination of the circle will cause a corre- sponding error in the results. But if the amount of the inclination i be known, we may ascertain the error e in the result, by means of the following equation: sin 1".z.cot Z. We must also attend to the position of the level, and either bring it, by the proper screw, to its zero point, or take an account of the place of the bubble in the two opposite positions of the circle, and allow for the differ- ence, according to the value of the divisions of the scale: prefixing the sign + or according as either end of the bubble is nearer to or farther from the observer than the true zero point. There are also some other circumstances to be attended to, in the management of this instrument, which are pointed out in the works expressly written on that subject. e е PROBLEM VI. To determine the latitude of a place, The best mode of determining the latitude of a place, so as to be independent of the declination of the star observed, and also as free as possible from the errors of refraction, is by observations of a circumpolar star at the time of its upper and lower culmination. These observations may be made by means of a mural circle or quadrant, or a transit circle, at the precise moment of the passage of the star 232 Problems, 8 across the meridian, or they may be made by an altitude and azimuth circle, or a repeating circle, either in the same manner, or in the mode alluded to in the last problem. In either case, therefore, let Z denote the observed or deduced meridional zenith distance of the circumpolar star at its lower culmination, and g its refraction at that point: also let Z denote the observed or deduced meridional zenith distance of the same star at its upper culmination, and si its refraction at that point. Then will the correct zenith distance of the pole, or the co-latitude (4) of the place, be f į (Z + Z) + (8 + 8') It is evident that the accurate determination of ţ will depend on the tables of refraction that are used in the computation: and there is no mode of rendering the pro- blem free from this ambiguity. If we take the case of the pole star as observed at Greenwich, its zenith distance at the upper culmination may be 36º. 55' only, whereas at its lower culmination it may be 40°. 71: and half the sum of the refractions at these points will differ according to the tables of refraction em- ployed. This half sum (the barometer being at 30 inches, and Fahrenheit's thermometer at 50°) will be by Bradley's Tables = 46",02 Bessel's Tables = 46 ,58 Ivory's Tables = 46 ,53 French Tables = 46 ,52 Consequently a difference of half a second, at least, will take place, at that temperature and pressure, according as Bradley's or the other tables are made use of. The next usual mode of determining the latitude of a place, is by means of meridional zenith distances of the sun, or a star (whether circumpolar or otherwise) whose Problems. 233 declination is well known. The expression for the latitude will, in such cases, vary according as the observations are made to the south of the zenith, or to the north of the zenith: and in this latter case, according as the observa- tions are made above or below the pole. Let L denote the latitude required, D the declination of the sun *, or the apparent declination of the star, and Z the observed me- ridional distance of the same corrected for refraction in the case of a star, and for refraction minus parallax in the case of the sun *), then we shall have L = Z +D. if the obs. be made to the south L = D - Z. if to the north above the pole L = 180° - (Z + D) if to the north below the pole. There is another mode of determining the latitude of a place, by means of observations of the altitude of the pole star at any time of the day; a method which is capable of great accuracy, and may frequently prove very convenient and useful. I have already treated this subject, more at length, in two papers inserted in the Philosophical Maga- zine for June and July 1822: and shall here merely refer to the formula, which is given in page 110 of the present work, for the mode of explaining the subject by the follow- ing example. Example. At 4" after the passage of the pole star, at its upper culmination, its altitude (corrected for refraction) was observed to be 50°. 47'. 435,6, and its apparent north polar distance was 1º. 38'. What was the latitude of the place? * Where the sun is observed and where great accuracy is required, its declination should be corrected on account of its latitude. 2 H 234 Problems. The operation will stand thus : logarithms. A 1° 38' on tan = + 8.4550699 P = 60 0 0 COS = + 9.6989700 a 0 49 0,6 tan = to 8.1540399 a = as above A = as above cos = + 9.9999559. cos = + 9.9998235 a = 0.0001324 A = 50 47 43,6 sin = + 9.8892424 (8 + a) = 50 49 0,7 sin 9.8893748 - 0 49 0,6 Latitude = 50 O 0,1 For a fixed observatory, these computations might be somewhat abridged, and rendered less liable to error, by determining the logarithms of the values of (1 sin 1". tan o) and of – (cot p + tan o) sin 1". which in the above case would be 4.4607741 and, -4.8533647 respectively*. The subsequent process then, agreeably to the formula given in page 110, will be as follows: 3.7693773 cos P = + 9.6989700 - 49'. 0",0 = 0 304683473 A = + 3•7693773 sin P = + 9.9375306 A.sin P = + 3•7069079 A?.sin? Pt 7.4138158 1 sin 1".tano = + 4.4607741 + 1'. 14",9 = B = + 1.8745899 3.4683473 n = 4.8533647 + 1",6 = aßg = + 0.1963019 + * The latitude of the place is always known sufficiently near for the determination of these logarithms. Problems. 235 Consequently the latitude of the place will be 50 47 43,6 14,9 1,6 1 - 50 49 49 0,1 0,0 50 0 0,1 There is still another mode of determining the latitude of a place, which is independent of the divisions of the in- strument, and depends only on the apparent declination (D) of the star observed, and on the interval of sidereal time which has elapsed between the observations. This method (which I have also explained more at length in the Philosophical Magazine for May 1825) consists in placing the axis of the telescope of an altitude and azimuth instru- ment due north and south, so that the vertical circle should stand east and west, and thus twice cut the parallels of all the stars between the equator and the zenith. The obser- vation of the two times T and T (at which the star passes the wire of the telescope in its diurnal revolution) will give the latitude (L) of the place from the following formula, cot L = cot D.cos } (T – T) In this formula, (T-T) denotes the correct interval of sidereal time elapsed between the observations of each star, expressed in degrees &c. So that if mean solar time be employed, we must multiply the interval by 1.0027379; or, which is the same thing, add the values found in Table VII, against the given interval. It is evident that this method (like all the others, except that by means of circumpolar stars) depends on the accu- racy of the apparent declination of the star observed: a 2 H 2 236 Problems. small error in this point, however, will not materially affect the results. But, if this mode be adopted in geodetical operations, it is evident that we may obtain the difference in the latitude of two places very exactly and almost indepen- dent of the declination of the star. It is this circumstance that renders the method valuable in such investigations. This method is indeed recommendable on account of its independence of any error in the instrument. If the colli- mation should not be sufficiently corrected, the cylinders of the axis should be unequal in their diameter, the telescope or the axis should bend &c &c, we shall still obtain a cor- rect result, either by reversing the axis between the two operations, or by observing one day in one position and the next day in the other position of the axis, and taking the mean of the two. The success solely depends on the quality of the telescope, and the care employed in levelling the axis. It is scarcely necessary to add that observations of this kind should be made on stars that culminate near the zenith of the place. PROBLEM VII. To determine the longitude of a place. The method of determining the difference of longitude between two given points on the surface of the earth, which is one of the most difficult problems in practical astronomy, has long engaged the attention of various astronomers and mathematicians; and has been executed with more or less accuracy according to the means' employed for that pur- pose. If the distance between the two observatories be not very great, their difference of meridian may be determined with considerable accuracy, by means of chronometers con- veyed from one observatory to the other; or by means of 5 Problems. 237 signals previously agreed on. These methods have been practised very successfully on many recent occasions. But, where this is impracticable, we must have recourse to the observation of certain celestial phænomena for the solution of the problem: and for this purpose, five several and di- stinct methods have been proposed : 1° the eclipses of Ju- piter's satellites : 2° eclipses of the moon: 3° eclipses of the sun: 40 occultations of the fixed stars : 5° the me- ridional transits of the moon, compared with certain stars previously agreed on. The results deduced from the observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites are, for obvious reasons, very unsatis- factory. The phænomena will, in fact, appear to take place at different moments of time, with different instru- ments and to different observers. Moreover, they are visible only in certain positions of the planet in its orbit; a circumstance which very much circumscribes the utility of the method. The eclipses of the moon afford a still more unsatisfac- tory result : they occur but seldom in the course of a year, and the phænomena attending them cannot (on account of the indistinctness of the border of the earth's shadow) be observed with that degree of accuracy which the present state of astronomy requires for such purposes. Eclipses of the sun are more certain in their deductions : but, they so rarely occur, and are at the same time so limited in extent, that they can seldom be brought in aid of the general solution of the problem. From September 1820 to November 1826, there is only one solar eclipse that will be visible in this country. There remain therefore only the two other methods, on which the practical astronomer can safely and constantly depend. Of these, I am aware that occultations of the 238 Problems. fixed stars by the moon have been long considered as affording the best means of determining the difference of longitude between two places: and, assuredly, the results deduced from such observations, made under favourable circumstances, have agreed with each other to a greater de- gree of accuracy, than those deduced by any of the pre- ceding methods. There are, however, many circumstances, attending the practical solution of the problem by this method, which tend to diminish the confidence which is reposed in the cor- rectness of the theory. In the first place, it is necessary to know the apparent right ascension and declination of the star very exactly, on the day of observation; which, if the star is of inferior magnitude (and such being the most nu- merous, are the most likely to be occulted), may not be readily determined: for, we may not be able to find it in any catalogue; and, when found, we have to compute its precession, aberration, and nutation expressly for this pur- pose. In the second place, we have to calculate the paral- lax of the moon for the given moment of observation: and in this computation we must assume a given quantity for the compression of the earth; respecting which, astrono- mers are by no means agreed, and which will consequently give rise to various results, according to the view which each astronomer may take of the subject. Thirdly, this method is dependent on the accuracy of the lunar tables, not only as to the position of the moon and her horary motion, but also as to her horizontal parallax and semi- diameter. Fourthly, the method is, in a great measure, dependent on a correct knowledge of the longitude and latitude of the place of observation. And lastly, the ap- parent border of the moon is so uneven (consisting of pro- jecting mountains and hollow valleys) that we cannot always Problems. 239 depend on the immersion or emersion having taken place at the exact distance from the moon's centre, as computed from the lunar tables. The meridional transits of the moon, agreeably to the method about to be described, are free from all these ob- jections: the observations are made with the greatest fa- cility; the opportunities are of frequent occurrence; the absolute time is of no material consequence; the.computa- tions are by no means intricate or troublesome; and the results are (I believe) more to be relied on than by any of the preceding methods. This method consists in merely observing, with a transit instrument, the differences of right ascension between the border of the moon, and certain fixed stars previously agreed on*; which stars are so selected that they shall differ very little from the moon in declination. It is evi- dent that this method is quite independent of the errors of the lunar tables, except as far as the horary motion of the moon (in right ascension) is concerned, and which, in the present case, may be depended on with sufficient confi- dence: that it does not involve any question as to the compression of the earth: that a knowledge of the correct position of the star is not at all required : and finally, that an error in the state of the clock, is of no consequence. Consequently, a vast mass of troublesome and unsatisfac- tory computation is avoided. Moreover, it is the only method that is universal, or, that may be adopted, at one and the same time, by persons in every habitable part of the globe: for, it is applicable to situations distant 180° in longitude from each other; and even beyond that if required. * Lists of such stars, called mogn culminating stars, are now annually published. 240 Problems. It might indeed, at first sight, appear that the same re- sults would be obtained, if we merely observed the correct time of the moon's transit, without any reference to the contiguous stars : but, a moment's reflection will convince us that, by referring the moon's border to the adjacent stars, we obviate all errors not only of the clock, but also in the position of the transit instrument. For the solution of this problem, let us make, t = the difference (in sidereal time) of the transit of the moon's limb, and of the star previously agreed on, at the observatory situated most westerly; which will be positive when the star precedes the moon, or when the R of the moon exceeds that of the star; but, on the contrary, negative. T = the similar difference, at the observatory situated most easterly. (t-1) = the true observed difference in the R of the moon's limb, for the time elapsed between the two observations *. c= the apparent time (as shown at Greenwich +) of the culmination of the moon, at the western ob- servatory x = the apparent time (as shown at Greenwich) of the culmination of the moon at the eastern ob- servatory. * If more than one star has been observed at both observatories on any given night, t and t must be taken equal to the mean of all the corresponding comparisons made at each observatory respectively. + Or as shown at Paris, Berlin, Milan or any other place for which the ephemeris is calculated, from which the computations are made. And this must always be understood, when Greenwich is alluded to in this manner. Problems. 241 a = D's right ascension, in space computed for d = D's true declination * the time c. r = D's true radius, or semidiam. * a = D's right ascension, in space computed for 8 = D's true declination * the time x. g= D's true radius, or semidiam. * s = the length of the true solar day, expressed in seconds of time. m = the moon's motion in R, in half that interval, expressed in seconds of space: See page 246. x = the assumed difference of longitudes in time: plus when west, and minus when east. (x+e) = the correct difference of longitudes. Find the apparent times, c and X, of the moon's culmina- tion, to the nearest minutet, in order to compute d, r and * The true declination and semidiameter of the moon, are such as they are supposed to be if seen from the centre of the earth: in oppo- sition to the apparent declination and semidiameter, which some per- sons have erroneously imagined ought to be adopted. It may be sufficient to observe here, once for all, that (with a view to prevent confusion) the quantities connected with the eastern obser- vatory, are denoted by Greek letters: and that the similar quantities connected with the western observatory, are denoted by Roman letters. † The apparent time of the moon's culmination at Greenwich, to the nearest minute, may be seen in the Nautical Almanac: and the appa- rent time (at Greenwich) of its culmination on any other meridian may thence be easily deduced. Or, if the sidereal time is known, we may determine the Greenwich apparent time very nearly, by subtracting therefrom the sun's right ascension at Greenwich at the preceding noon; and diminishing the interval by the acceleration of the fixed stars. Or, we shall have, in all cases sufficiently near for this purpose, the required interval c-x= [x +(t - 7)] X :99727: where it should be observed that [x+(t–7)] X •99727 is equal to the time x+(t-7) diminished by the acceleration of the ixed stars for that interval. 25 242 Problems. 8, g, for those approximate times respectively*; and then make S A = (t – 5) + 15.Cos d + 15. cosa no which is the true observed difference in the R of the moon's centre, for the time elapsed between the two observations: where the upper sign is to be taken when the first (or western) border of the moon is observed; and the lower sign when the second (or eastern) border is observed t. Then, by assuming x equal to the presumed difference of longitude, and knowing the apparent time (at Greenwich) at one of the observatories to the nearest minute, we may determine the required apparent time (at Greenwich) at the other observatory, by the following equation: 86400 c = x + (x + A) S Compute a and a for the respective times c and x 1; cor- * It may be useful here to remark that it is not necessary to deter- mine with strict accuracy the absolute value of the moon's semidiameter at both observatories, in order to find the value of A: for, the values may be estimated (in most cases by inspection) in whole seconds only, for one observatory, and the correct differences, in the given interval, being added thereto, will give the proper values for the other observa- tory. With respect to the declination, it may be taken to the nearest ten or twenty seconds only. + These expressions are the same as those which are used in my Paper on this subject, inserted in the 2nd volume of the Memoirs of the Astro- nomical Society; where this subject is treated more at length. $ It may here also be useful to remark that it is not necessary to de- termine with strict accuracy the precise moment of the apparent time of the transit of the moon at both observatories, for the purpose of de- termining a and 6: for it will be sufficient to know the apparent time of the transit of the moon to the nearest minute only, for one observa- 1 Problems. 243 e = recting the moon's motion, for third differences, if required. And the formula for the correction of the assumed differ- ence of longitude will be = [154- - (a –a)]202 which, being added to Xwill give (x + e) for the true difference of meridians required. It is evident that, if 15 A - (a - a) = 0, the value of x has been assumed sufficiently accurate, and does not re- quire correction. In fact, the difference will in general be very small: and, when this is not the case, we may justly suspect some error in the steps of the process. 86400 S S tory, and to find the correct difference of the apparent times, by means of the expression (x+4) In fact, nothing more is required than to compute the true increase of the moon's R during this given interval: and for this purpose Dr. Brinkley has suggested a very convenient rule, which is given in the first number of the Dublin Philosophical Journal. This distinguished astronomer has there shown that (a — «), as far as first differences only are concerned, may be expressed by (x + 4). A". : leaving the equation of second differences (and of the third differences, if required) to be applied in the usual manner. Under this point of view, the problem admits of two cases : one where both the observations are made on the same side of noon or midnight; and the other where they are made on different sides. In the former case, the expression (x + 4). A". A". as far as first. differ- ences are concerned, will lead us to the correct solution, and will save much time and labour: but, in the latter case, it must be divided into two parts : viz. (12+ — x). A". and (x+4 – (125 – x)]. A". and consequently becomes more intricate. In these expressions A" and A'' denote the successive first differences in the moon's motion in R; or the same quantities that are alluded to in page 103. 2 S 11 2 1 2 244 Problems. T Example. On December 5, 1824, Lieut. Foster observed the differences in the culmination of the moon and of the two stars 62 and 95 Tauri, at Port Bowen; the station where the Expedition (for the discovery of a North West passage, under the command of Capt. Parry) passed the winter of 1824-25. Similar differences were observed also at Greenwich. These differences, in sidereal time, were respectively as follow: at Greenwich at Port Bowen 62 Tauri T = + gm 459,58 t = + 24m 539,98 95 9 25 ,98 · t = + 5 42,90 what was the longitude of the place? For the solution of this question, we must first assume an approximate longitude. Now it appears from some oc- cultations of fixed stars, observed by Lieut. Foster, that the longitude might be considered as 5h. 55m. 399,5 west from Greenwich : but, for the sake of round numbers, I shall assume it equal to 5h. 55m. 40s. The operation there- fore will be as follows. The mean of the two observations gives t= + 15m. 189,44 and T = + 0". 99,80: consequently we have (t – 5) = + 15m. 89,64; which being added to 5h. 55. 40s, and the sum diminished by the acceleration of the fixed stars during that interval, will give in round numbers 6h. 10m as an approximate value of the apparent time elapsed between the two culminations. By the Nautical Almanac it appears that the moon's centre passed the meridian at Greenwich at 11h. 35m: con- sequently the moon's first limb passed at 11h. 34m, at Greenwich; and at 17h. 44m (Greenwich time) at Port Bowen. With these approximate values we find the de- clination and semidiameter of the moon, at those respective periods, as follow: Problems. 245 at 11h 34m g 0° 15' 42" 8 = 23 39 20 at 17h 44m 0° 15' 44",39 d = 23 53 30 whence we find A= +15". 85,64 + 1*(17'. 12",88–17'.8",41)=159.89,938 and the correct value of c, for the subsequent computa- tions, will be c=114.34m +(54.55m.40s +15m.85,938) 36400 = 17h.43m. 419,67 The moon's true right ascension must now be calculated for the apparent times x= 11". 34m and c=171, 43". 415,67*: whence we have a = 69° 53' 49",21 66 6 29,93 (a – 6 3 47 19,28 15 A 3 47 14 ,07 15 A – (a - 0) 5,21 24b. 4m. 225 This remainder, being multiplied by 2 x 70.24'.4211 = 1.62, will give e = 89,44 : and the correct longitude will be (x + e) = 51. 55". 315,56 +- Should the value of 15 A - (a – a) be considerable, it will show either that there is some error in the computa- tion, or that the value of x has not been assumed suffi- ciently near. In the latter case, we must diminish e by the acceleration of the fixed stars during that interval, and apply the result to c as a new value for the computation of Thus · (89,44 – 0$,02) 89,42 being added to C, will give 17h. 43m. 339,25 as the correct time for which a S (=277024.42 2 m a. و * Or, at once, for the given interval ; agreeably to the method pro- posed by Dr. Brinkley, as stated in the preceding note. + From a mean of 21 eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, the longitude was found to be 54. 55m, 29%. 246 Problems. should have been computed: and the result would then have been * a = 69° 53' 44",00 a 66 6 29 ,93 (a - ) 3 47 14 ,07 15 A = 3 47 14 ,07 For the convenience of those persons who make use of this method of solution, I have computed the following table of the value of argument of which is m=the moon's motion in R in 12 true solar hours; or the quan- tity which is actually employed, as the first difference, in computing the moon's place, for c or X, as the case may be. The value of s is, in this table, assumed to be equal to 24h. 4m. S : the 2 m S S Argument. diff. Argument. diff. 2 n2 2m 50 o' 2. 1066 6° 30' 1.8513 •1145 0686 5 15 2-2921 6 45 1•7827 •1042 0637 5 30 2.1879 7 0 1•7190 ·0951 0592 5 45 2.0928 7 15 1.6598 •0873 •0554 6 0 2.0055 7 30 1.6044 •0802 •0517 6 15 1.9253 7 45 1:5527 •0740 ·0485 6 30 1.8513 8 0 1.5042 The following table will also be convenient for deter- 86400 mining the logarithm of the value of The argument S * All these values of a and a have been corrected for third differ- ences; which diminish the value of a of about 05,5. Problems, 247 is the increase in the sun's R in 24"; which is found from an ephemeris, by taking the difference in the R of the sun for two successive days. Logarithm of 86400 Argument Diff. for seconds S m S S 3 30 9.9989457 1050 3 40 9.9988955 2 = '100 3 50 9.9988454 3= "150 4 0 9.9987953 4 = 5200 4 10 9.9987451 5 - 6250 4 20 9.9986950 &c &c 4 30 9.9986449 PROBLEMVIII. To determine the apparent obliquity of the ecliptic, from observations of the sun made near the time of the solstices : and thence the mean obliquity at the beginning of the year. The observations necessary for the determination of this problem are always made a few days previous and subse- quent to the day of the solstice; and consist of meridional observations of the sun's altitude, or zenith distance, which must afterwards be cleared of refraction and parallax. These observations are made either at the time of the sun's passing the meridian, or a short time before and after that period, and reduced thereto by the methods already explained in Problem V. The declination of the sun's centre at the time of observation being thus deduced from the formula D = (L - Z), we may determine the correc- 248 Problems, tion that ought to be applied thereto, in order to express the obliquity of the ecliptic, from Formula XX in page 94, since the true value of the obliquity is always very nearly known. When the right ascension and declination are de- termined by the same instrument, we may make use of No. I. But in other cases we shall find the correction suf- ficiently near as follows: viz. x = 135,634782 - 0",00054 84 where 8 denotes the distance of the sun's true longitude from the solstice, at the time of observation, expressed in degrees and decimal parts of a degree; and which may be found by an ephemeris. Example. On June 25, 1812, by an observation of the sun on the meridian at Greenwich, it was found that the zenith distance of the centre, cleared of refraction and pa- rallax, was 28°. 4'. 1': what was the correction which ought to be applied to the declination of the sun, in order to deduce the apparent obliquity of the ecliptic at that time: and what was the mean obliquity at the beginning of the year? The assumed latitude of the place being 51°. 28'. 40" we have the declination at the time of observation equal to 51° 28'. 40" - 28º. 4'. 1" =230. 24'. 39". By the Nauti- ca! Almanac, the true longitude of the sun on that day, at noon, was 93º. 40'. 33"; consequently by Table XXXVIII 8 = 30.6758: and the operation will stand thus : logarithms. 3.6758 = + 0.5653519 (3.6758) = + 1•1307038 13.6347 = + 1.1346456 + 3'. 4",225 = + 2•2653494 (3.6758) = + 2.2614076 00054 = 6.7323938 - 0",099 = 8.9938014 Problems. 249 and the correction will be 3'. 4",23 0',10 = 3'. 4",13: whence the apparent obliquity at the solstice will be 23°. 27. 43",13. In this computation no notice has been taken of the latitude of the sun, which must be computed from the solar tables, and applied with a contrary sign, to the apparent obliquity above deduced. In the present case, the latitude of the sun is + 1",00: consequently the correct apparent obliquity is 23º. 27'. 42",13. The apparent obliquity being thus obtained we may readily deduce the mean obliquity at the beginning of the year, by the help of Tables XXI and XXII. The mean place of the moon's node being 423, we have in Table XX, opposite thereto, – 8,21; and in Table XXII against the given date we have -- 0",76. But those Tables having been formed for the purpose of determining the apparent obliquity from the mean obliquity, the quantities must be applied with a contrary sign, in order to obtain the mean obliquity from the apparent: consequently we have, at the beginning of the year, the mean obliquity = 23º. 27'. 51",10. PROBLEM IX. To determine the apparent equinox, from observations of the sun made near the time of the equinoxes. Observations similar to those alluded to in the preceding problem, made a few days previous and subsequent to the equinox, will enable us to determine the precise time at which the sun is at that point. For the declination of the sun being found from the observed zenith distance as therein stated, we must correct the same for the latitude of the sun, in the following manner. Let D be the declination, de- & 2 K 250 Problems. duced as above, and let D' be the true declination : then we shall have D' = D-l. COS W cos D where I denotes the latitude of the sun (minus when south) and w the apparent obliquity of the ecliptic. The true de- clination of the sun being found, we may determine the longitude by the following formula: sin D sin O = sin w which being compared with the tables of the sun, will show if there is any error * As the determination of the equinoxes depends on the correctness of the latitude of the place, it is desirable that the observations should be re- peated at the opposite equinoxes, in order that the errors may destroy one another. PROBLEM X. To determine the correct place of the moon from an ephemeris, by means of differences. The place of the moon is usually given in an ephemeris for apparent noon and for apparent midnight: but her motion is so variable that her place cannot be accurately determined for any intermediate time without the help of second, and sometimes of third differences. In the annual volumes of the Nautical Almanac there is given a table of second differences, by the help of which this problem is usually solved. But as third differences may sometimes be wanted, I have adapted the whole to logarithmic computa- tion, by means of Table XXVI. In order to use this table, we must find the first, second and third differences, * As the declination, in these cases, is always a small quantity, we have the longitude of the sun with considerable accuracy; even if the obliquity is not well determined. Problems. 251 in the manner pointed out in the Nautical Almanac: and to the logarithms of those differences (taking the mean of the two second differences) add the respective logarithms in the Table. The natural numbers thence resulting (due regard being had to the signs) will be the total correction to be applied to the moon's place in the usual way. Example. What will be the true right ascension and de- clination of the moon on March 3, 1828 at 7h. 10m P.M. apparent time at Greenwich ? By proceeding agreeably to the instructions in the Nau- tical Almanac, we have For the Right Ascension 1st diff. 2nd diff. 3rd diff. Mar. 2. Midn.= 175 38 34 + 5 59 40 3. Noon = 181 38 14 + 4 10 + 6 3 50 3. Midn.= 187 42 4 + 5 8 + 6 8 58 4. Noon = 193 51 2 1 + 58 For the Declination 1 Mar. 2. Midn. 0 56 11 3. Noon = -2 59 8 3. Midn. - 5 1 0 4. Noon = -7 0 23 2 2 57 + 1 1 5 2 1 52 + i 24 + 2 29 1 59 23 The operation will consequently stand thus : For Right Ascension For Declination logarithms. logarithms. + 6° 3! 50" = +4.3390537 - 2° 1' 52" = 3.8640362 Tabular factor = + 9.7761360* factor = + 9.7761360 +3° 37' 17",4 = + 4•1151897 -1° 12' 46",9 3.6401722 7h. 10m * This factor has been computed front the expression agree- 12h, om ably to what has been stated in the note to page 205. 2 K 2 252 Problems. factor = logarithms. logarithms. + 4' 39" = + 2.4456 +1' 47" = + 2.0294 Tabular factor = 9.0802 9.0802 331,6 - 1.5258 12",9 - 1•1096 + 58" = + 1•7634 + 1' 24" = +1.9243 Tabular factor = 7.5908 factor = 7.5908 0",2 9.3542 0",3 : 9.5151 The correction in R will therefore be + 3º. 36'. 43",6, and the correction in declination - 1°. 13'. 0",1: conse- quently the true place of the moon will be as follows: R = 181° 38' 14." + 3° 36' 43",6 = 185° 14' 57",6 D = -2 59 8 1 13 0,1 = -4 12 8,1 PROBLEM XI. To determine the moon's parallax. The parallax of the moon differs at every point of the earth's surface. No general tables therefore can be given adapted to the situation of every observer. The latitude of the place, the position of the moon (not only in her orbit, but as seen from the earth), the hour of the day, and the assumed compression of the earth, are so many varying elements in the computation, that I have always found it much less laborious to calculate the values from the for- mulæ, than to make use of any tables not computed for the exact place of observation. The most convenient formulæ are those given in pages 98-100: and in the computation of occultations I prefer calculating the parallax in right ascension and declination, to that of longitude and latitude; not only because the latter involves the computation of the nonagesimal (a tedious and useless operation), but also because the posi- tions of the stars are given in right ascension and declina- Problems. 253 tion in the catalogues, and therefore require no further conversion, when considered as in conjunction with the moon. In the computation of solar eclipses, either method may be adopted. But, whichever mode is pursued, the method of series will be found the most convenient; and not so liable to error as the other methods: or, at least, any mistake of the pen is soon detected, and may be easily rectified without disturbing any material part of the pro- If we wish for a near approximation only, we may stop at the first term of the series : and, in no case need we extend it beyond the third term. cess. Example. Let the reduced latitude of the place be 48° 39'. 50"; the horizontal parallax of the moon, at that latitude, 54'. 21,5*; the horary angle at the pole (or the correct sidereal time minus the moon's true right ascension) converted into degrees &c, equal to 58º. 43'. 50"; and the true declination of the moon at that time, + 4°. 49'. 44". What should be the parallax of the moon in right ascen- sion and declination ? This is the same example as that given by M. Delambre in his Astronomie, Vol. I, page 376 and 379; and the solu- tion, by means of the series No. 4 in Formulæ XXVI and XXVII, will be as follows: * The reduced latitude is equal to the observed latitude minus the angle of the vertical, which angle is determined by Formula XXI in page 95, or may be seen in Table XXIV, if the compression is assumed equal to zoo. And the horizontal parallax at the place is determined by multiplying the horizontal parallax at the equator by (1 — a.sinL) as stated in page 95: or it may be found by adding the logarithm of the horizontal parallax at the equator to the logarithm which in Table XXIV is set against the given latitude, if the compression be assumed equal to do 254 Problems. For the parallax in Right Ascension logarithms. 0° 54' 21,5 sin = +8.1964369 L = 48 39 50 cos = +9.8198564 P = D = 4 49 44 +8.0162933 COS = +9.9984557 sin P= 58° 43' 50"= +9.9318319 sin 2 P=117 27 40 = +9.9480822 sin 3 P=176 11 30 = +8.8222925 a = +8.0178376 a = +6•0356752 a>= +4.0535128 a = +8.0178376 sin P = +9.9318319 comp. sin 1" = +5•3144251 +30' 36",939 = +3.2640946 a? = +6•0356752 sin 2 P = +9.9480822 comp. sin 2 = +5.0133951 +91,935 = +0.9971525 3 a3 = +4.0535128 sin 3 P=+8.8222925 comp. sin 3! = +4.8373039 +0",005 =+707131092 whence, since the quantities are all positive, the parallax in right ascension is + 30'. 46",879 *. If we denote the apparent right ascension of the moon by Ra, and her true right ascension by Rt, we shall have Ra = R + II where II is the computed parallax in right ascension. This parallax will be a positive quantity when the moon is on * We here see that the first term gives a very near approximation, and that the third term is almost insensible. Problems. 255 the west side of the meridian: but when she is on the east side, it will be negative; because P will then be negative. For the parallax in Declination logarithms. cos (P + II) = 58° 59' 131 = +9.7120040 cot L = 48 39 50 = +9.9443044 +9•6563084 cos į II = 0 15 23 =+9.9999957 cot b = 65 37 8 = +9•6563127 0 54 2,5=+8.1964369 sin L = 48 39 50 =+9.8755520 +8.0719889 sin b = 65 37 8 = +9.9594325 sin (6-D)= 60° 47' 24" = +9.9409331 C+8.1125564 sin 2(6-D)=121 34 48 = +9.9303936 c -- +6•2251128 sin 3(6-D)=182 22 12 = -8.6165019 c=+ 48376692 sin p = C=+8•1125564 sin (6 – D) = +9.9409331 comp. sin 1" = +5•3144251 + 38' 53",005 . = +33679146 C = +6•2251128 sin 2 (6 – D) = +9.9303936 comp. sin 21 = +5.0133951 + 14",754 ... = +1•1689015 C = +4.3376692 sin 3 (6 – D) = -8.6165019 comp. sin 3" = +4•8373039 0",006 . -7.7914750 whence the parallax in declination will be 39'. 71,753. 3 * This logarithm is taken out errone-ysly in M. Delambre's example; which will account for the slight difference in our results. It may be • 256 Problems. If we denote the apparent declination of the moon by Da and her true declination by D, we shall have Da = De -W where w is the computed parallax in declination. It should be remarked that when the declination of the moon is south, D is a negative quantity, and must be treated as such in the algebraic operations: consequently a will, in such case, increase the declination. PROBLEM XII. To determine the aberration, and lunar and solar nutation of a star, by the general tables of M. Gauss. These tables are given in pages 174–177: and, in order to show their use and application, take the following Example. What is the amount of aberration and nuta- tion, in Right Ascension and Declination, of Aldebaran on May 11, 1827, at noon? The right ascension of this star, expressed in degrees &c, is 66°. 30', and its Declination + 16º. 9': and we have, on that day, 0 = 49°. 59', and 8 = 224°. 10'. By referring therefore to the formula in page 207, the operation will be as follows: here useful to state that astronomers formerly used to compute the parallax in declination and latitude without employing the value of II: which certainly rendered their formulæ more convenient. But, by neglecting this quantity, we may cause an error of 8 or 10 seconds in the parallax in declination and latitude. The parallax in declination cannot be correctly known without previously computing the parallax in right ascension: a similar remark holds good with respect to the parallax in latitude and longitude. Problems. 257 For Right Ascension O = + 49° 59' by Table XXVIII A = + 2 25 66 30 R = 14: 6 D = + 16 9 by Table XXVIII Aberration logarithms. COS = + 9.9867 sec = + 0.0175 a = 1.2918 19",77 = 1.2960 6 = + 224 10 by Table XXX . B = 8 17 66 30 R = COS 9.9348 + 149 23 + 16 9 tan + 9.4618 -b- 0.9315 + 21,12 = + 0•3281 by Table XXX C = + 11 ,52 Solar Nut. by s 1,01 Table XXXI - 0,09 Nutation = + 12 ,54 Consequently the correction for aberration and nutation in Right Ascension is - 19',77 + 125,54 = - 7",43. For Declination sin = (O + A - R ) 14° 6 D = + 16 9 logarithms. 9.3867 sin = + 9.4443 a = 1.2918 + 0.1228 of 1",33 1,63 - 3,34 by Table XXIX . { Aberratia" = we 3,64 2 L 258 Problems. logarithms. sin 149° 23' = + 9•7070 6 0.9315 4",35 0.6385 by Table XXXI. 0,26 Nutation = 4,61 Consequently the correction for aberration and nutation in Declination is - 35,64 – 4",61 = - 8",25. PROBLEM XIII. For determining the corrections to be applied to observations with the transit instru- ment. It is well known that observations with the transit in- strument are subject to three principal errors arising from the three following sources: viz. 1° from a deviation of the instrument in azimuth; 2° from an inclination of the axis; and 30 from an error in the line of collimation. There is also the error of the clock, which is usually the most im- portant. Formula XXXV in page 108, shows the whole of the corrections to be applied to the observed time of the transit of a star, in order to obtain the true right ascension. The values of a, b, c, there given, are best determined by the methods pointed out in Formula XXXVI, and which are detailed more at length by M. Littrow in the Memoirs of the Astron. Soc. Vol. I, page 273. For a fixed observa- tory, it would be convenient to have a table made of the sin ( -8) cos ( -8) value of of and of degree of declination: by means of which the corrections, to be applied to the observed transit would be seen almost on inspection, and rendered less liable to error. sin (– 8) table of the value of would also facilitate very cos 1 for every cos cos à COS Such a Problems. 259 cos much the method of determining the amount of the devia- tion in azimuth by means of a high and low star. For if sin ( -8) we assume the tabular value of = n, and the ta- bular value of another star, whose declination is 8', equal sin ( -8) 1 cos8.cos à = n, we shall have cos p.sin (8-0) which is the factor adopted in the formula in page 109 for determining the amount of the deviation in azimuth. COS / n s n' Example. On May 19, 1822, the transit of Sirius was observed at 6h. 37m. 55$,97 by the clock, at Breda in Hun- gary, situated in N. Lat. 47º. 29'. 44": the clock being too fast 365,55; and the three principal errors' of the transit instrument being a= -09,77*, b= -0,11, and c=-09,16. What are the corrections to be applied to the observed time, in order to get the true right ascension of the star? The declination of Sirius being 16º. 28' 40', we have ( -8) = 63º. 58'. 24", and the operation will stand thust: sin 63° 58' logarithms. + 9.9535 ll cos 16 29 + 9.9818 + 9.9717 9.8865 a = •77 •72 = 9.8582 * The error in azimuth (which is one of the most frequent errors) may be deduced either from a circumpolar star, or from a high and low star; as stated in page 109. See the list of Errata. + The declinations, and the differences of latitude and declination, may be taken out to the nearest minute only: and four places of loga- rithms will be sufficient. 2 L 2 1 260 Problems. cos 63° 58' = + 9.6424 cos 16 29 = + 9.9818 1 + 9•6606 b = •11 = 9.0414 •05 = 8.7020 comp. cos 16° 28' 40" = + 0.0182 •16 = 9.2041 с - .17 = 9.2223 Consequently the apparent right ascension of the star will be 6h 37m 559,97 -- 369,55-09,72-0$,05-09,17=6h 37m 189,48. PROBLEM XIV. To compute a table of Altitudes and Azimuths. In all observatories, where an altitude and azimuth in- strument is used, it is extremely desirable to have either a general table of altitudes and azimuths, or a table adapted to some particular stars; in order that we may be able to find such stars at any given hour of the day. The best mode of forming a table of this kind, for a fixed observa- tory, is by means of Formula XIV in page 88: since cos } (YSA) sin 1 (USA) and cos } (+ A) sin } ( + A) are constant quantities for each star; and the only variable quantity for the azimuths will be cot {P. Thus, assuming the north polar distance of Polaris to be 1° 38', and the colatitude of the place 38° 31'. 20", we have the logarithms of the following quantities: viz. Problems. 261 cos } (USA) cos } (x + A) logarithms. cos 18° 26' 40" = + 9.9770973 COS 20 4 40 = + 9.9727708 constant = + 0.0043265 sin } (USA sin } ( + A) sin 18° 26' 40" = + 9.5002159 sin 20 4 40 = + 9.5356680 page 88. constant = + 9.9645179 Each of these constant logarithms, being added to the logarithm of cot } P, (where P must be taken equal to such intervals as may be required) will give the logarithms of the tangents of the sum and difference of two arcs A and V: whence we obtain the value of A alone * The value of the azimuthal angle being thus found, we may deduce therefrom the zenith distance of the star, by means of the other formula in Example. The colatitude of the place, and the north polar distance of the star being as already stated, what are its altitude and azimuth at the distance of 3h 15m from the meridian ? The arithmetical operations, for the solution of this question, will stand thus : P= 3h 15m = 48° 45' 0" P = 24 22 30 cot = + 0.3438116 constant = + 0.0043265 į (A + V) = 65° 50' 20" tan = + 0.348138.1 as above cot = + 0°3438116 constant = + 9.9645479 Ž (ASV) = 63° 49' 11" tan = + 0•3083595 Consequently 65º. 50'. 20" - 63º. 49'. 11" = 2º. 1'. 91 will be the azimuth, logarithms. * It should have beet, stated at the bottom of page 88 that, when y is greater than A, the difference of the segments will be equal to A, and the sum of them equal to V. See the Errata. 262 Problems. logarithms. 1° 38' ON sin = + 8.4548934 P = 48 45 0 sin = + 9.8761253 8.3310187 A = 2 1 11 sin = + 8.5470791 Z = 37 26 55 9.7839396 and 90° - 370. 26'. 55" = 52º. 33. 511 will be the altitude at that hour angle. sin = PROBLEM XV. To compute the right ascension and declination of a heavenly body, from its longitude and latitude: and vice versa. In the case of the sun, this problem is solved by means of Formula XII in page 86: and in case of the moon or a star, we must have recourse to Formula XIII in page 87. In all these cases the obliquity of the ecliptic is presumed to be known. Example 1. The sun's longitude on Oct. 7, 1825, was 193º. 54'. 39", and the apparent obliquity of the ecliptic 23°. 27'. 43": what were his right ascension and declina- tion ? logarithms. = 193 54 39 tan = + 9.3938833 23 27 43 cos = + 9.9625231 (19248 $ 1 tan = + 9.3564064 212h.51m. 129,07 R = O = 193° 54' 3911 sin = 9.3809554 sin = + 9•6000357 23 27 43 D = 5 29 34 sin = 8.9809911 Example 2. On the same day, the moon's longitude at noon was 131° 46'. 33", and her latitude 40. 19'. 8: what were the right ascension and declination ? Problems. 263 L = + 131° 46' 3311 4 19 8 logarithms. sin = + 9.8725974 cot = 1.1219270 1= 1 a = cot = 0.9945244 5 46 57 23 27 43 W = + (a+w) - t 17 40 46 L = + 131 46 33 COS = + 9.9789883 tan = 0.0489810 0.0279693 - 5 46 57 COS + 9.9977845 46 59 22 tan = 0·0301848 R = { 133 0 38 R = + 133 0 38 (a + w) + 17 40 46 D = t. 13 7 12 sin = + 9.8640528 tan = + 9.5034440 tan = + 9.3674968 The right ascension is always in the same quadrant as the longitude: and the rule of the signs will indicate whether the declination be north or south. PROBLEM XVI. To determine the height of moun- tains by means of the barometer. For the determination of this problem, observations of the barometer and thermometer must be made at the foot of the mountain, at the same time that corresponding ob- servations are made at the top of the same. The difference in the height of the stations of the two observers may then be determined by means of Table XXXVI in page 183. agreeably to the rule there given. . Example. M. Humboldt made the following observa- tions on the mountain of Guanaxuato in Mexico, in lati- tude 21º: viz. 264 Problems. upper station lower station Therm. in open air . . . t = 70•4 t = 77.6 Therm. to barometer. p = 70'4 T = 77.6 Barometer • B! B! = 23•66 B = 30.05 what was the difference in the height of the two stations? By referring to the formula at the bottom of Table XXXVI, the operation will stand thus : B = 0.00031 log B! - 1•37401 1•37432 log B = 1.47784 D = 0·10352 log = 9:01502 C = 0.00087 A = 4.81940 6843•7 = 3.83529 Consequently the difference in the altitudes of the two stations was 684307 English feet. This differs from the values given by the tables of M. Oltmanns and M. Biot: but the variation arises from the slight difference in the co- efficients employed. ERRATA, ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA, Page Line 36 20 Professor Struve makes the axis of the poles to that of the equator as 35",645 to 38",442 : whence the compression is = .0728 or 1371 39 29 for .0011 read .011. 46 13 for 6793.39108 read 6798.279. 57 at the bottom insert « Proſessor Struve makes the diame- ters of the satellites as under, viz :" I - I",018 II = 0 ,914 III = 1,492 IV = 1,277 59 10 Professor Struve makes this angle only 280, 5'. 54". 18 Professor Struve makes the breadth of the ring equal to 6",73 and the distance equal to 4",35. 87 17 after “ Latitude” add “(minus when South)”. 88 6, 7 and 8 for (A – V) read (ASV), and add as a note at the bottom of the page “ When y is greater than A, the difference of the segments is equal to A, and the sum of them equal to V.” See the note to page 261. 89 92 5 for R + P read R +P. And add as a note “See page 222 and 223." 14 after Pole, insert “ Which must be divided by 15 in order to reduce it to time." 2 for “the mean time of” read “the mean of the times of." 16 for “minus, when decreasing)” read “(minus, when the sun is proceeding towards the south)." 2 M 266 W n 1 sin 2 for (h Page Line 98 passim for (L - D) read Z. And add at the bottom “Z = the meridional zenith distance of the star." See pages 202 and 228. E- 10 Instead of using the correction -ox M. Cerquero prefers taking the sun's declination for the mean of the times of the observations; which, although it appears more simple, is in fact the same thing, and equally troublesome. 12 after clock, dele “which angle will change its sign after the meridional passage of the star.” 19 and 20 E and W should be expressed in minutes of time considered as integers. a? a? 95 5 for + read sin 2" 103 the second differences should be dd". 11 24) read (h – 6). 104 Since this page was printed M. Bessel has re-investigated the subject of the Precession of the Equinoxes, and has deduced the following results: P= 50",37572 &c. p = 50 ,21129 + &c. m = 46,02824 + &c. n = 20 ,06442 &c. It is from these values that Table XXVII was com- puted : with this exception, that the value of n was erroneously taken by M. Bessel equal to 20",06175. 109 16 for “ the second star" read “the most northern star.” These are not Professor Littrow's words, but it is evident that by adopting this language the result will lead us to the proper sign to be employed for correcting the error in azimuth; which, as it now stands, will be ambiguous. 110 12 + cot &y for y = + (1 coto &c) read y = - (coto &c). 2 h 2 h 111 3 for read 1+ c 1 ] [1 +**] gth 267 1 66 e Page Line 111 3 and 9 for (t + t') read (t + t' - 64°). See page 210. 24 for - assumed = 0" read “assumed = 4000 feet.' 25 and 26 dele the whole of these two lines. 114 at the bottom insert "6 e = the tabular expansion (for 1° Fahr.) of the metal, of which the pendulum is composed." 115 4 for “ Ellipticity" read “Eccentricity.” 181 at the bottom insert “ If great accuracy is required, the time should be further corrected by 09,0127 sin 2): where ) denotes the moon's true longitude." 153 last line for 66 15" sin Lat." read “ 15" cos Lat." “ 200 18 for “when decreasing" read “when the sun is pro- ceeding towards the south.” 203 3 add as a note “When r is negative, we must take the arithmetical complement of the logarithm denoted by .000010053 r." 207 30 for for - h.cos(O+B - R) tan D read b.cos (8 + B - A) tan D + c. 208 3 for for – b.sin(O+B-R) read - b.sin(8 + B-R) 209 118 for "contain" read "express. 228 As a note to this Problem, it may be remarked that the observations of altitude ought to be discontinued when the change of altitude in one second of time amounts to one second of space. 234 7 and 9 prefix the sign + to the logarithms. THE END. PRINTED BY RICHARD TAYLOR, SHOE-LANE, LONDON. ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. . December 12, 1828. No. 15. The first paper read this evening was the following:-Occultations of Aldebaran by the Moon, in the year 1829, computed for ten different observatories in Europe, at the request of the Council of this Society, by Thomas Henderson, Esq. of Edinburgh, and Thomas Maclear, Esq. of Biggleswade, in Bedfordshire. IMMERSIONS. EMERSIONS. 1829. PLACE. Mean Sidereal time. Mean solar time. Angle. Sidereal time. solar time. Angle. m m April 7.... Dorpat.... | 8 16 % 16 % 13 deg. 238 h 8 41 h ng 38 deg. 192 July 25. Dorpat.... 21 36 13 22 Konigsberg 21 7 12 54 below the 261 122 29 14 16 259 121 59 13 46 horizon. |21 35 13 21 54 53 55 Vienna. Aug. 21. Dorpat.... 6. 8 20 ing Konigsberg 5 38 19 37 Vienna. 5 21 19 20 Naples... 5 29 19 28 Milan 4 43 18 42 Paris .. 3 59 17 58 Greenwich, 3 45 17 44 Bedford ... 3 45 17 44 Edinburgh. 3 30 17 20 Dublin.... 3 12 17 Il 297 284 265 238 247 238 254 258 268 257 my 19 21 18 6 51 20 50 6 30 20 29 6 3 20 2 5 47 19 46 5 13 19 11 5 2 19 1 5 2 119 1 4 46 18 45 4 28 18 27 1211 134 159 200 164 138 125 120 105 107 Dorpat.... 0 52 111 15 Konigsberg 0.17 10 40 Vienna. 23 45 10 8 Naples. 23 22 945 Milan 23 10 9 34 Paris 22 51 9 14 Greenwich. 22 48 9 12 Bedford ... 22 48 9 12 Edinburgh. 22 50 9 13 Dublin .... 22 31 8 55 Oct. 15. 292 1 41 12 4 283 1 7 11 31 265 0 41 11 4 243 0 22 10 46 262 0 4 10 27 280 123 35 9 58 292 23 25 9 49 300 123 23 9 47 313 123 12 9 35 306 122 56 9 20 35 32 34 41 30 19 12 5 358 1 90 IMMERSIONS. EMERSIONS. 1829. PLACE. Sidereal time. Mean solar time. Angle. Sidereal time. Mean solar time. Angle. m m m m Dec. 9... h h Dorpat ... 1 4 7 51 Konigsberg 0 29 7 16 Vienna ... 0 0 6 47 Naples ... 23 42 6 29 Milan .. 23 25 6 12 Paris 23 1 5 49 Greenwich. 22 57 5 44 Bedford ... 22 56 5 43 Edinburgh, 22 53 5 40 Dublin 22 36 5 23 deg. h 262 2 8 253 1 33 236 1 3 215 0 41 233 0 25 249 123 59 257 23 53 260 23 52 271 23 44 268 ||23 27 h 8 55 8 20 ng 50 28 ng 12 6 46 6 40 6 39 6 31 6 14 deg. 64 65 66 69 61 51 47 45 41 39 The following are the phases of the three occultations which will be visible at Greenwich, as shewn in a telescope that does not invert. V Em Em Imy C Ims Im КЕ The occultations in April and July will not be visible at Greenwich, although marked as such in the Nautical Almanack: nor will they be seen in any of the western part of Europe. In the preceding ephemeris, the column marked Angle denotes the point of the moon's limb where the phenomenon will take place, reckoning from the vertex, or highest point of the moon's limb, towards the west, or right hand, round the circumference. The object of the Council, in procuring these computations, has been to induce astronomers to look out for the occultations, with a view principally to determine whether Aldebaran will appear projected on the face of the moon, as has frequently been observed in former occultations of this star. It is therefore requested, that particular attention be paid to the following circumstances : viz. 1. whether the star undergoes any change of light, of colour, or of motion, on its immediate approach to the edge of the moon ; 2. whether it appears to be projected on the moon's disc, and for how long a time; 3. whe- ther the dark limb of the moon be distinctly visible and well defined at the time of the phenomenon; 4. whether the star, on its emersion, appears on the moon's disc, or emerges quite clear of the moon's border. 91 In recording the observations, it is desirable that the observer should describe the telescope made use of, and that the same instru- ment should be employed in observing both the immersion and emersion; that it should be noted whether the telescope was ad- justed to the moon or to the star, and whether it had been altered during the observations. And as it is probable that the pheno- menon may differ in some slight particulars, even to persons ob- serving together in the same place, it is hoped that the actual appearances will be recorded (as they may present themselves) by each person, without suffering his impression to be biassed by the opinion or representation of others. It is further requested, that, in recording such observations as may be made, the correct time (as well as the place) of observation may be given; that is, the time shewn by the clock corrected for its error, in order that comparisons may be made of the best mode of computing occultations. Two different methods have been pursued in computing the ephemeris here given; and although the results have agreed sufficiently near to enable the Council to ascer- tain the time to the nearest minute, yet, in some of the cases, the results have varied from each other much more than might have been expected. The computations will probably be revised and investigated, when the correct time and place are ascertained. J. MOYES, TOOK'S COURT, CHANCERY LANE. 502 APR45 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 07015 6115 w .. 1 * ::::