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In the Office of the LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS, at Washington. All Rights Reserved. gº --~~~ * * , i.e., z < *, *ČK * // ~22 2-4- ge. § - /3-72 P R. E. F. A. C. E. *~... Fictitious names have been adopted by writers from * the earliest historic times in nearly all countries, whether of a political, religious, or scientific character; either as a signature wholly different (pseudonym); transposing the letters, or portions of their real name (anagram); a special phrase having direct reference to the subject matter treated (phraseonym); aspiring to a title, or a supposed aristocratic name (titlenym, or aristonym); or, simply employing one or more initials of the author (initialism). Various names have been given to combinations of partial abbreviates in connection with dashes, stars, and other characters, but the entire list can properly be comprised in those above noted, adding the important One of anonyms, or works that are presented to the public anonymously. Among the reasons which writers have for adopting false signatures, may be mentioned, - a genuine modesty with those who decline to place their true name before the public until their work has passed through the terrible crucible of the merciless critic, so that if it should not succeed and be generally condemned, the real author would be known to Only a few friends; fears of personal injury if their name is disclosed, where direct attacks are made upon motive or character; many times the real name would serve to limit the sale of a work, notably, where the private character of the writer has been tainted, or when totally unknown to the public; the idea is often entertained, that a work published anonymously, or over a pseudonym, will have a larger sale iy PREFACE. on account of the universal desire to ascertain the author's real name, and that the investigation will bring out a large amount of gratuitous advertising. Clever publishers often act upon this idea, publishing works anonymously upon both sides of a subject which agitates the public mind at the time; those naturally witty as Haliburton, Seba Smith, Clemens, Derby, Locke, etc., use a nom de plume which in itself appears a witticism, attracting immediate attention; a pseudonym is often adopted by reason of the unlawful or disreputable matter treated, that would compromise the social position of the writer were the true name disclosed; a sobriquet applied to an author by contemporaries has often been taken up and used as a pseudonym. Various signatures are usually employed by City correspondents who write for several provincial journals. Literary titles are frequently changed when ill success attends previous efforts, or when an entire change is made in the character of the works. There is a peculiar fascination to a writer who watches the progress of his work as passed upon by the critics, when the true author is not suspected even by his immediate friends, but in nearly all cases when- ever successful, this desire for concealment is waived, and care is taken to be formally introduced to the public; in fact, it is no uncommon thing for both the true name and the nom de plume to appear upon the title. On the authority of Querard, the first general collection of pseudony- mous and anonymous authors was made in Germany about 1684, which was soon followed by the work of Adrian Baillet at Paris, 1690. Nearly all European Nations have had their “Dictionaries of Fiction, Phrase, and Fable,” stating incidentally the moms de plume of their various authors. M. Antoine Alex. Barbier in 1826 published the first complete collection of false names in his valuable work of 4 vols. 8vo, which has never been favored with an English translation. Among the more prominent works which have furnished excerpts for this compilation, are the following :- Samuel A. Allibone,— Critical Dict. of Am. & Eng. Authors. Phila. 1871 W. Davenport Adams, Dict. English Literature. N. Y. 1872 PREFACE. V D. Appleton and Company, American Cyclopaedia. N. Y., 1880 William Allen,- Biographical Dictionary. Boston 1858 Authors, various, - Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissen- schaften und Künste, (134 vols.) Berlin, J 818–1847 N. Antonio, - Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus, Barcelona, 1788 Boston Public Library, Quarterly Bulletins. Boston 1867-1881 M. Antoine Alex. Barbier.-- Anonymes et pseudonymes. Paris, 1822–1827 Julius Bartoloccius, Bibliotheca Magna Rabbinica. Romaº. 1694 S., Cobham Brewer, Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. London, 1874 Alexander Chalmers, Biographical Dictionary. (32 vols.) London, 1817 C. H. and T. Cooper, Athenae Cantabrigiensis. Cambridge 1861 Robert Chambers, Cyclopaedia of English Literature. London, 1879 M. Didot, - Biographie Universelle. (46 vols.) Paris, 1866 E. A. Duyckinck,-- Cyclopaedia of American Literature. N. Y., 1855 Francis S. Drake, - Dictionary of American Biography. Boston, 1874 Gentlemen's Magazine,— (140 vols.) London, 1731–1871 Olphar Hamst,-- Handbook for Fictitious Names. London, 1868 Georges d’Heilly,– Dictionnaire des pseudonymes recueillés. Paris, 1869 C. G. Joecha,- Allegemeines Gelehrten Lexicon Leipsic 1750 A. J. Johnson and Son,<- General Cyclopaedia. N. York, 1879 Lanzi,- Storia Pittorica della Italiano. Milan 1824 J. Le Neve,— Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae. Oxford, 1854 Lowndes, Bibliographical Manual. London, 1858–1864 F. Leypoldt, H Library Journal. N. York, 1876–1881 G. Maria Mazzachilli, Gli Scrittore d’Italiano. Brescia. 1763 Diego Barbosa Machade,- Bibliotheca Lusitana. Lisboa. 17.59 M. Michaud, Biographie Universelle. (45 vols) Paris, 1866 G. K. Nagler,- Künstler. Muinchen. 1852 Lawrence B. Phillips, Dict. of Biographical Reference. London, 1871 J. M. Quierard, Les Supercheries litteraries dévoiliés. Paris, 187() Robert Reboul,— Anonymes, pseudonymes, et Super- cheries literaties. Marsellies. 1879 H. J. Rose,_ Biographical Dictionary. London 1848 E. De Toplado, Biografia degli Italiani illustre. Venezia, 1845 G. Vapereau, L. Dictionnaire Universel des Contemporarins. Paris, 1858 William A. Wheeler,- Dictionary of Fictitious Names. BOston, 1866 E. Walford, Men of the Time. London, 1877 The Author tenders his acknowledgments to the many friends who have assisted him in procuring true names that have heretofore been unknown, as well as correcting errors in lists previously published. The members of the N. Y. Press Club have rendered valuable assistance from the commencement of the compilation, especially in important suggestions, and in the correcting of proof-sheets. Thanks are due to Journalists of the principal cities for efforts in making the work full and correct as possible; it is to be regretted however, that a few Provincial Journals vi PREFACE. neglected to respond to his urgent solicitations for data that would be of service to the work and of interest to readers; information, which their contributors would have gladly furnished. Those authors who have refused to reply, can have no reason for complaint, in case their names or pseu- donyms are written incorrectly, or wrong date of birth inser- ted. This caution is developed the greatest among those who have little reputation in the world of letters, as their willingness to impart information increases in proportion to their literary importance. With the long list of over 4200 pseudonyms and ano- nyms, doubtless many errors exist in both true names and literary titles, as even the shortest names are often written from three to eight different ways. In conclusion, it is proper to remark, that a collection of pseudonyms and anonyms can never be complete, as fresh travelers are every day embarking on the uncertain and perilous highway towards Parnassus and Fame. J. E. H. E X P L I C A TI O N. The Pseudonyms are intended to be given exactly as written by those who use them, and are indexed from the first letter employed, not except- ing those having the prefix of articles, a, am, or the. When a doubt exists concerning the writer using the pseudonym, the mark of interrogation (?) succeeds it. The first column of dates indicate the birth, and the second the death, neither of which is noted only on reliable authority. When the date is known of the first employment of the pseudonym, the year follows the true name with the prefix of pub, or p. PS EU ID O N Y MS. A., Matthew Arnold. 1822 . . . . A. B., Annie Beaty. . . . . . . . . A Barrister, Sir James Fitzjames Stephen. 1829 . . . . Abby Church, Miss Young. . . . . . . . . Abdallah, Auguste Pereria Saromefiho. . . . . 1878 A Beef Eater, George Vesey. . . . . . . . . Abel Shufflebottom, Robert Southey 1774 1843 A. B. H., Amanda B. Harris. (pub. 1847) . . . . . . . . Abimelech Coody, Gulian C. Verplanck. 1786 1S7() Abner Perk, Rev. A. Stevenson Twombly. . . . . . . . . Abraham, Abraham Norwood. (pub. 1845). . . . . . . . Abraham Page, J. S. Holt. . . . . . . . . Ace Clubs, J. C. Loftin. (pub. 1871) . . . . . . . . Achete Domestica, Miss L. M. Budgen. (pub. 1854) . . . . . . . . A Citizen of the United States, Alexander Hill Everett. 1792 1847 A Clergyman, John Morrison. (pub. I'787) . . . . . . . . A Clergyman's Daughter. E. P. Loyd. . . . . . . . . A Clergyman's Daughter Miss Ellen Clacy. . . . . . . . . A Clergyman's Daughter, Mrs. Eliza Smith. (pub 1849) . . . . . . . . A Clergyman of the Church . . . . . . . . of Scotland, William Peebles. 1767. 1823 A Clergyman do do G. E. Webster. . . . . . . . . A Clergyman do England, Legh Richmond. 1772 1827 A Clergyman's Wife, S. E. Mapleton. . . . . . . . . A Companion Traveler, Miss Harris. (pub. 1847) ... . . . . . A Coroner's Clerk, Rev. Erskine Neale. (pub.1828) ... . . . . . Acorn, James Oakes. 1807 1 SºS A Cosmopolite, John Dix. (pub. 1839) . . . . . . . . Acton Bell, Anne Bronté. . . . . 1849 A Country Clergyman, J. W. Cunningham. (pub. 1805) . . . . . . . . A Country Curate, Erskine Neale. (pub. 1828) . . . . . . . . A Country Parson, H. Moule. (pub. 1806) . . . . . . . . A Country Parson, Andrew Kennedy H. Boyd. 1825 . . . . A Country Pastor, Richard Whately. 1787 1863 Adam Hornbook, Thomas Cooper. 1805 . . . . 8 PSE UDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Adam Stevin, Adam Lux, Ada Vernon, Addie, Addison of the North, (?) Adelina Patti, Adersey Curiosibhoy, A Detective, A de Younge, Adirondack, Admonish Crime, Adolph Meyer, A. D. S., A. Dubrony, AEsop, (N. Y. Telegram) A Freeman, A. F. T., A Friend of the Family, A Gaol Chaplain, Agate, Agatha, A Gentleman who has left his Lodgings, A Glow-worm, Agogas, A Graduate of Oxford, A Grandfather, Agricola, A Harrow Tutor, A. H. Linton, Aiken Dunn, (Bºklyn Times) A. J. Barrowcliffe, A. J. Greenough, A Justified Sinner, A. K. H. B., A Kingsman, A. Kroatees, A Lady, A Lady, A Lady, James Richardson. (pub. 1812) 1760 1850 Ulysse Pic. e e s tº e º 'º. Susan E. Dickinson. Adelaide J. Cooley. . . . . . . . . Henry Mackenzie. 1745 1831 Marchioness of Caux (divorced), . . . . . . . . mee Adele Juana Maria Patti. 1848 . . . . Joseph S. Moore. (pub. 1869) * = e º ſº e º º tº e º 'º $ is a $ Andrew Edward Beal. Miss A. Watson. L. E. Chittenden. James Cook Richmond. M. A. Goldschmidt. Edward de Maune. A. de Bermans. Lillie Devereux Blake. Jean Joseph Louis Blanc. Anne Fraser Tytler. William Oyrton. Rev. Erskine Neale. Whitelaw Reid. Bessie Lawrence. John Russell. John Loraine Baldwin. Charles William Davy. John Ruskin. (pub. 1843) Sergius St John. (pub. 1705) William Elliott. Cecil Frederick Holmes. Alphonso A. Hopkins. Thomas C. Latto. Alfred Julius Mott. Jane G. Avery. James Hogg. Rev, A. K. H. Boyd. R. W. Essengton. Josiah F. Polk. (pub. 1844) Mrs. Samuel G. Howe, née Julia Ward. (pub. 1854) Mrs. Rundell. (pub. 1806) Elizabeth Missing Sewell. g & sº e º ºs e º & is e º 'º a tº $ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * & e e º e º & © * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1825 . . . . * * * * g e e & tº e º 'º tº e s s PSEU DONYMS OF AUTHORS, 9 A Lady, Susan Fennimore Cooper. 1830 . . . . A Lady, - Mrs. Annie Jameson. 1797 1860 A Lady of New York, Mrs. Richard K. Haight, née Sarah Rogers. 1819 . . . Alaster, James Orton. (pub. 1851) 1826 . . . . A Layman, D. Rowland. 1778 1859 A Layman, Edward Hall Anderson. . . . . . . . . A Layman, H. R. Bush. . . . . . . . . A Layman, James Allen Park. . . . . . . . . A Layman, J. Bevans. (pub. 1822) . . . . . . . A Layman, J. D. Chambers. (pub. 1832) 1801 . . . . A Layman, Jeremy Taylor. 1613 1667 A Layman, J. Norton. 1606 1663 A Layman, John Larnicourt Anderson. . . . . . . . . A Layman, John Poynder. 1779 1849 A Layman, J. Skinner. 1721 . . . . A Layman, J. Watts de Peyster. 1821 . . . . A Layman, P. Hoare. 1755 1834 A Layman, Richard Monckton Milnes. 1809 . . . . A Layman, Robert B. Seeley. (pub. 1822) . . . . . . . . A Layman, Samuel Austin Allibone. 1816 . . . . A Layman, Sir John Bagley. . . . . . . . . A Layman, Sir Walter Scott. 1771 1832 A Layman, Solon Robinson. 1803 . . . . A Layman, Theodore Irving. 1809 1880 A Layman, Thomas Cogan. . . . . 1607 A Layman, Thomas Hardinge. 1512 #572 A Layman, Thomas Sanden. (pub. 1774) * * * * * * * A Layman, William Falconer. 1730 1769 A Layman, W. F. HOOk. 1778 1841 A Layman, W. Hitherley. . . . . . . . . A Layman, William Rivington. . . . . . . . . Alba, Alexina B. White. . . . . . . . Albert J. Booth, Cecil Burleigh. 1850 . . . . Alcibiades, (Punch) Alfred Tennyson. 1809 . . . . Alcipe, Leonar de Almeida P. L. e L., C de O., Marqueza de Alorna. . . . . . . . . Alcium, John Calvin. 1509 1564 Alcofribas Nasier, François Rabelais. 1483 1553 Alderman Rooney, D. O'C. Townsley. . . . . . . . . Aldiborontephoscophornio, James Ballantyne. 1792 1833 Aleph, Rev. William Harvey. 1808 . . . . 10 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Aleter, Esq., Alex, Alexandcr the Corrector, Alexander de Comyne, Alexander Erdan, Alexandre Caesar Bombert, Alexis Barteville, Alfred Rochfort, Alfred Ayers, Alfred Croquis, Alfred Crowguill, Alfred Marchaud, Al Fresco, Algernon Sidney, Alice, Alice, Alice G. Lee, Alice Hawthorne, Alice Wentworth, (author of) A Lincolnshire Grazier, Aliqua, Aliquis, A Literary Antiquary, Alithinas, Allan Grant, - All the Talents, (author of) Ally Sloper, Almaviva, A. L. O. E., (A Lady of England.) A London Antiquary, A London Physician, A Lover of Literature, Alpha, Alpin Grant, Alter, Alton Clyde, A Lunar Wray, Alvarez Espriella, A. M., A Manchester Man, A Manchester Manufacturer, Robert E. Strahorn. . . . . . . . . Eliza A. White. (pub. 1873) . . . . . . . . Alexander Cruden. 1701 1770. Charles Thomas Browne. . . . . . . . . André Alexander Jacob. . . . . . . . . Mary Henri Beyle. . . . . . . . . Edward de Maune. . . . . 1880. Maj. Alfred R. Calhoun. . . . . . . . . Dr. T. Embly Osman. . . . . . . . . Daniel Maclise. . . . . . . . . Alfred Henry Forrester. 1806 1872 M. Kaufman. (pub. 1877) . . . . . . . . Dr. Kenworthy. . . . . . . . . Gideon Granger. 1767 1822 Alice Clay Neale. 1828 1863 Alice Hyneman Rhine. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Joseph Clay Neale; then, Mrs. Haven, née Emily Bradley. 1828 1863 Septimus Winner. (pub. 1870) . . . . . . . . Mnne. Radcliffe. . . . . . . . . Thomas Hartwell Horne. 1780 1854 Mrs. Eliza O. Peerson. . . . . . . . . Richard Marks. (pub. 1830) . . . . . . . . F. W. Fairholt. (pub. 1846) ... . . . . . Hardinge Furenzo Ivers. . . . . . . . . William Wilson. 1801 1860 E. S. Barrett. ... . 1820. Charles H. Ross. (pub. 1864) . . . . . . . . Clement Scott. e tº e º º º e Charlotte Tucker. . . . . . . . . John Camden Hotten. . . . . . . . . James Howard. (pub. 1672) 1626 1701 Thomas Greene. (pub. 1603) . . . . 1684 L. L. Phelps. . . . . . . . . William Wilson. . . . . . . . . Rev. Joseph B. Owen. . . . . . . . . Sarah Anne Jeffreys. . . . . . . . . Rev. M. J. Savage. (pub. 1879) . . . . . . . . Robert Southey. 1774 1843. Thaddeus O’Mahoney. . . . . . . . . J. Lamb. . . . . . . . . Richard Cobden. 1804. . . . . PSEU DONYMS OF AUTHORS. A Man of Business, A Man of Business, Amara, George, A Marc Théotime, Amateur Casual, Amatthey, Amelia, Amender, American Girl, Americanus, Americus, Amicus, (London Times) Amicus Curlae, A Minute Philosopher, Amner, A Modern Greek, A Modern Pythagoras, A Mother, A. Munster, A. M. Whitewell, Amy Lathrop, Anacreon Moore, Anacreon of the Guillotine, An Amateur, An Amateur, An Amateur, An Amateur, A Nameless Nobleman, An American, An American, An American, An American, An American Citizen, An American Gentleman, An American in London, An American Girl Abroad, Anacharsis, An Angler, An Antiquary, An Antiquary, An Antiquary, Anastasius Grün, T. Dicker. William Rathbone. Mrs. Alexander Kaufman. Marc Antoine Bayle. James Greenwood. Arthur Arnould. Mrs. Welby. Benj. F. Burnham. (pub. 1877) Adelina Trafton. Caleb Evans. Dr. Francis Lieber. Sir Thomas Fairbairn. John Payne Collier. Rev. Charles Kingsley. George Steevens. Robert Mudie. R. Macnish. Sarah Bird. Farrar O’Sullivan. John Close. Anna B. Warner. Thomas Moore. Bertrand Barère, de Vicuyae. C. K. Sharpe. James E. de Kay. Pierce Egan the Younger. W. Cox. Mrs. Jane Goodwin Austin. George Henry Calvert. J. Fenimore Cooper. Lewis Cass. Richard Biddle. Williann Beach Lawrence. Richard S. Coxe. (pub. 1813) Rev. Calvin Colton. Miss Trafton. Baron Jean Baptiste. Sir Humphrey Davy. (pub. 1874) Alexander Maxwell Adams. Col. De la Moote. Richard Thomson. Anton Alex. Von Auersperg. (pub. 1831) & ſº tº " * * * (pub. 1867). . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * & e s tº tº ſº tº dº. (pub. 1711) 1690 . . . . & ſº º º ºs e º & & Cº. ºº & e º 'º a & G & º e º & sº 1779 1852 1781 e e º e º º $ tº 1789 1851 1782 1860 1796 1847 1800 1880 tº dº e º g º º & • * * * * e º º 1778 1829 1795 * 1806 ğ, 12 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, A Native Georgian, A Native of the South, An Attorney, Anchor, Andreas Memor, Andrew Jack Downing, à. An East Anglien, An English Critic, An Englishman, An Englishman, An Englishman, An Englishman, An Englishman Abroad An English Opium Eater, An English Play-goer, An Englishwoman, An Englishwoman, An Ennuyée, An Epicure, A New England Housekeeper, An Ex Editor, An Ex.—M. P., Angelina, Angelina, Anglicanus, A Night in the Wilderness, An Irish Lady, An Irish Man, An Irish Woman, An Invalid, Ann, Anna Edianez, Annals of the Parish, (auth. Of) Anna Matilda, Anna Matilda, Anne Frances Randall, Anne Gray, (author of) Anne Thomas, A. B. Longstreet. (pub. 1840) 1790 Dr. Myles Cooper. 1735 Sir George Stephen. J. Watts de Peyster. Duc de Grammont. (pub. 1878). . . . Seba Smith. 1792 Charles Feist. (pub. 1813) º G. H. Townsend. 1835 1870 1785 1794 . . . . 1821 . . . tº * - - John Cave Hobhouse. (pub. 1809)1786 . . . J. Dollinger. John Gough. (pub. 1789) tº as tº * * * Lord Holland. Alexander Tighe Gregory. - - - - Thomas de Quincy. 1786 John Oxenford. 1812 Frances Wright. 1795 Miss Waldie. Mrs. Jameson, 776e Anna Murphey. (pub. 1826) 1797 Frederick Saunders. 1807 Mrs. Samuel Gilman, née Caroline Howard. 1794 Col. Thomas Picton. 1822 O'Niel Daunt. • * - Harriet Martineau. 1802 T. Prest. º, º is a R. S. Ellis. • * * * James Greenwood. 1690 . Mrs. S. D. Greer. * * * * Thomas Moore. 1779 Anna Perrier. (pub. 1866) * * * * Robert Fulke Greville. 1554 Mrs. Ann Thomas. - * * * Zénaide Marie Ann Fluiriot. tº e º ſº. John Galt. 1779 Mrs. H. Cowley. Mrs. Henry Thrale, then Mrs. Ga- briel Piozzi, mée Hester Lynch. 1740 Mrs. Mary Robinson. 1758 Thomas Henry Lister. Mrs. Pender Cudlip. Annette Elizabeth, v. D....H.... Annette E. von Droste Hülshoff. . . . . * * * - 1821 1800 - e & - • * * * PSE UDONYTMS An Octogenarian, An Officer, An Old Angler and Bibliopole, Boosey Thomas. An Old Boy, An Old Bushman, An Old Mald, An Old Man, An Old Sailor, An Old Stager, An Old 'Un, (Turf Field & Farm) Francis A. Durivage. (Old Spirit) An Old Vicar, An Opera Goer, A Northern Man, Anthony Grey, Anthony Griffenhoof, Anthony Harmer, Anthony Pasquin, Anthony Poplar, Anti Harmonics, Anti Monopoly, Anti Scriblerus Histronicus, Antony Real, A Pastor, A Pastor's Wife, Ape, (Vanity Fair) A Peer’s Son, A. P. F., A Philadelphian, A Physician, A Physician, A Physician, A Pianist, (Atlantic Monthly) A. P. Knutt, A. P. L. Parin, A Poet, A Poet, A Priest of the English Church, Aptomas, A. R. A., Arachnophilus, A Reader Therein, OF AUTHORS, James Roche. 1770 George Robert Gleig. 1796 Thomas Hughes. tº e & tº Hon. W. Wheelwright. gº º tº $. Miss Phillips. (pub. 1861) tº gº tº º Sir Francis Bond Head. 1793 M. H. Barker. gº º e ºf Munsell B. Field. 1822 1814 Rev. John Wood Warter. Donald G. Mitchell. 1822 Charles Jared Ingersoll. 1782 Henry Carl Schiller. (pub. 1845). . . . John Humphreys Parry. Rev. Henry Wharton. (pub. 1693). . . . 13 1853 e ‘º º º tº º tº gº * gº tº e 1875 1880 1806 . . . . 1862 tº tº $ tº John Williams, (pub. 1797) 1818 Ed. Dublin University Mag. . . . . . . . . Alexander Peterkim. (pub. 1800) . . . . . . . William Duane. (pub. 1804) 1760 1835. John Roberts. (pub. 1729) . . . . . . . . Ferdinaid Michel. (pub. 1837) g tº * * Thomas Frognall Dibdin. 1775 1847 Mrs. Austin Phelps, née Martha Stone Hubbell. 1814 1856 M. Pellegrini, tº º ºs tº tº # Geo. John Douglass Campbell. 1845 . . . . Alexander P. Forbes. (pub. 1850). . . . . . . . W. Williams. . . . . . . . . John Aryton Paris. 17S5 1856 John Hoskyns. 1638 1683 Samuel Henry Dickson. 170S 1872 Louis M. Gottschalk. 1829 1869, Augustus M. D. Livandais. . . . . . . . . Henry W. Faxon. . . . . . . . James Montgomery. 1771 1854 L. Osborne. 1806 . . . . Clement Ogle Smith. (pub 1861) . . . . . . . . M. Thomas. James Cameron Lees. Adam White. Andrew Cristadoro. tº g tº º se sº º gº e º C gº 14 PSEU DO NYTMS OF AUTHORS, A Rebel, A Retired Guardian, Archaeus, Archer, Archie Fell, ...Ariel, Ariel, Arion, (in' Shipwreck”) Aristarchus New light, Aristides, Aristophanes, Arlington, (N. Y. Star) Armand Duplessis, Arminius von Thundertentro- nckle. (Pall-Mall Gazette) Arnet, Arnold Winchester, Arrelsee, Artemus Ward, Arthenicé, Arthur Gordon Pym, (au. Of) Arthur Grifferihoof, Arthur Locker, Arthur Lot, (Puck) Arthur Moncamp, Arthur Pendennis, Arthur Penn, (Puck) Arthur Sketchley, Arthur Stahr, Arthur Venner, A Russian, A. S., A. S., Asa Trenchard, Ascott Hope, A Sentimental Idler, A. S. H., A Shaker, (Atlantic) Aslıelford Owen, A Skeleton in every House, Asmodeus, Asmodeus, George Cary Eggleston. William Bradley. Rev. John Sterling. (pub. 1764) . . . . . . . . George A. Stockwell. M. J. Capron. Buckner H. Payne. Stephen R. Fiske. William Falconer. Arch'p. Richard Whately. tº e º º ºs e º e e e º ºs e º # e. tº a tº e º ſº & is e is e - © tº $ tº e s e º E * * * 1787, 1863 Francis W. Blagdon. (pub. 1802). . . . . . . . Arthur Boyrie. (pub. 1873) . . . . . . . . Robert M. Baxter. 1851 . . . . Edward de Maune. 1880 Matthew Arnold. 1822 . . . . John Hannet. . . . . . . . . Caroline G. Curtis. (pub. 1880) . . . . . . . . Robert L. Cope. (pub. 1867) . . . . . . . . Charles Farrar Browne. 1834. 1S6, Mnne, de Rambouillet. 1588 William Makepeace Thackeray. 1811 1863 J. Brander Mathews. tº a • * . It tº J. H. Forbes. (pub. 1828) H. C. Bunner. Thomas Pilgrim. (pub. 1879) William Makepeace Thackaray. 1811 1863 H. C. Bunner. e g º - g º is ey Rev. George Rose. (pub. 1867) . . . . . . . . Mme. Valeska Voight. Wm. Mc Grillis Griswold. MI. Polith. (pub. 1823) Anna Shipton. (pub. 1855) Anna Swanwick. (pub. 1843) Henry Watterson. Robert Hope Mori crieffe. Harry Harwood Leach. Arthur Sherburne Hardy. Elder F. W. Adams. Anne Ogle. C. Waters. Thaddeus W. Meighali. Thomas Nichols. e º 'º e º a tº e & sº y º º s º º * * * * * * * e tº º e º s tº a e tº tº º e º ºs e - tº e º 'º e i s - * Q - e. e º 'º º PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Asmodeus Secundus, A Southerner, A Southern Matron, A* * Major, Astraea, Astrophel. A Student at Law, Atlantis, (author of) A Traveler, A Traveler, A Traveler, A Traveling Bachelor, A Traveling Showman, A Trinity Man, Atticus, Atticus, Atticus, Augur, (London Life) Augusta Evans, Augustus Dunshunner, Augustus Stowell, Aunt Abbie, Aunt Fanny, Aunt Fanny, Aunt Friendly, Aunt Hattie, Aunt Judy, Aunt Julia, Aunt Kitty, Aunt Maggie, Aunt Mary, Aunt Mary, Aunt Patty, Aunt Prudence, Aunt Yewrownckie, Australie, Autocrat of the B'kfast Table, A Veteran Observer, A Virginian, A Virginian, A Von Tromlitz, Charles Sotheran. Seymour R. Dake. Mrs. Samuel Gilman, mée Caro- line Howard. C. B. Coles. Mrs. Aphra Behn. Sir Philip Sidney. Frederick Knight Hunt. William Gillmore Simms- Henry Salt. John Bavin. Mrs. A. Rayall. 1640 1689 1554. 1586 1814, 1854 1806 187ſ) 1780 l 83. in a e s = º e J. Fenimore Cooper. (pub. 1823) 1789 1851 John M. Dillºs. Thomas J. M. Wright. (pub. 1827). . . . . . . . George Faulkner. Joseph Addison. Richard Heber. Henry Mort Feist. Mrs. A. J. Wilson. Wm. Edmonstoune Aytoun. Alfred Owen Legge. Abby Skinner. (pub. 1855) Mrs. Fanny Barrow. Mrs. F. D. Gage. S. Baker. H. N. Woods Baker. , , 1775 1672 1719 1773 1833 1836 . . . . 1813 1867 ſº º e º tº e = { tº e º tº ſº e ∈ E: gº tº e º e º 'º a Mrs. Alfred Gatty. (pub. 1851) . . . . . . . Julia Colman. (pub. 1850) Maria, J. McIntosh. Mrs. Henshaw. Mrs. Mary Hughes. Mrs. Mary A. Lathbury. Caroline Lee Hentz. L. R. Muzzy. * * * g e º e if s e e º s º is # Mrs. Henry G. Blinn. (pub. 1877). . . . . . . . Mrs. Henry Herron. (pub. 1877). . . . . . . . Oliver Wendell Holmes. E. D. Mansfield. R. Tyler. William Caruthers. Carl A. Fºolrick von Witzleben. 1809 . . . . * & & E * * * * 16 PSEU DONYTMS OH' 21 UTHORS. A Voyager, A Walking Gentleman, A Water Drinker, A. W. Crawford, A. W. Farmer, A Wonderful Quiz, A Yankee, A Yankee, A Yenar de Flagy, A Young American, George Hill. Thomas Colley Grattan. Basil Montagu. Lord Lindsay. Isaac Wilkins. James Russell Lowell. J. H. Ingraham. (pub. 1840) Richard Grant White. La Comtesse de Mirabeau. Alexender Slidell, after 1837 as Alexander Slidell Mackenzie. Ayrshire Legatees, (author of) John Galt, Azāmat Batuk, B., B., B., B., (Microcosm) Bab, Babbington White, Baby Rue, (author of) Bailey, Baldwin, Balloonist, B. A. M., Banker Poet, Barber Poet, Bard of Avon, (?) Bard of Ayrshire, (?) Bard of Hope, (?) Bard of Memory, (?) Bard of Olney, (...) Bard of Rydal Mount, (?) Bard of Twickenham, (?) Barnacle, Barnes O'Hara, Parney Williams, Baron Grimm, Baron Nilense, JBaron Stack, N. L. Thieblin. B. F. R. Chichester. Henry Charles Banbury. Mr. Black. Rt. Hon. George Canning. "W. S. Gilbert. Miss Bradden. Mrs. Charlotte M. Clark. Fred Douglas. William GOOCl win. Alfred Ford. Brother Azarius Mullany. Charles Sprague. Jacques Jasmin. William Shakespeare. Robert Burns. Thomas Campbell. Samuel Rogers. William Cowper. William Wordsworth. Alexander Pope. A. C. Barnes. Michael Banim Jr. Barney O'Flaherty. M. Albert Millaird. J. A. S. Collin de Plancy. Mme. Ratazzi. 1796 . . . . 1796 . . . . 1770 1851 1812 . . . . 1741 1830. 1819 . . . . 1809 1861 1822 . . . . 1803 1848 1779 1839 º e s e º e e 1817 . . . . * * * * * * * * 1791 1876 1798 1864 1564. 1616 1759 1796 1777 1844 1763 1855 1731 1800 1770 1850 1688 1744 * * * * * * * * 1823 1876 1793 . . . . e e s e e & Q 9. PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. 13aranovius, Barbatus, Barhebroeus, Barletius, Barloeus, Barrabas Whitefeather, Barrheus, Barrister, Barron, Barry Cornwall, Barry Gray, (Home Journal) Baste, Albert Barowski. Nicolas Asclepius. Aboul Faradge Marvin Barlesio. Gaspard van Bairle. Douglas Jerrold. Martin Cellarius. Sir James Fitzjames Stephen. Sir R. Phillips. Bryan Waller Proctor. Robert Barry Coffin. Pierre Eugene Grange. Battle of Dorking, (author of) Col. Chesney. Bayard, B. Dadd, Beaubien, Beau Brummell, Beaulien, Beef Eater, Bee Hunter, Bee Master, Behadour, Belle Boyd, Belle Brittan, Belle Otis, Belle Smith, Belle Z. Bubb, (Corner Stone) Belinda, Bello, Belshazzar, Benauly, Ben Bloomer, Benedick Whipem, Benedict, (Paris Press) Benedict Cruiser, Benisius, Benjamin Place, Beraldus Aurelius, Bermudas, Bernadillo, (Paris Français) Bernadino, Franklin J. Ottarson. John H. Williams. M. Mooreau. George Bryan Brummell. Rev. Roland A. Wood. George Vesey. Col. Thomas B. Thorpe. Dr. Cumming. Tippou-Saib. Mrs. Hardinge. Hiram Fuller. C. H. Woods. Louisa Kirby Pratt. S. W. E. Beckner. Arabella, Fermor. Jacopo Cieco. Augustus Waters. (pub. 1845) 17 . . . . 1615 . . . . 1571 1226 1286 . . . . 1480 1584 1648 1803 1857 1499 1564 1829 . . . . 1767 1787 1874 e e º g tº sº e & tº tº Jº e º 'º tº º tº e º gº tº & tº e s & e º º ºs º gº * * * * * * * * tº tº a tº $ & © tº * tº º e º e º & * e º 'º e º sº e & ſº tº ſº tº * * * Benj. V. Abbott, b. 1830; and his bros. Austin, b. 1831, & Lyman. 1833 . . . . Oscar C. Whittlesey. Richard Harris. (pub. 1612) B. Jouvin. George Augustus Sala. Giovanni Boten. Edward Thring. Nicolas Berauld. Charles T. Harris. Victor Fournet. Thºas B. Chrystal. (pub. 1869) e ºn tº sº e º 'º º tº a te e e º sº º 18 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Bernard Blackmantle, Charles Malloy Westmacott. . . . . . . . . Berry, Gillies Le Bouvier. 1386 1460 Bertall, C. Albert d’Carnoux. (pub. 1878). . . . . . . . Bertie Vyse, Arthur A'Beckett. . . . . . . . . Berwick, James Redpath. (pub. 1859) 1833 . . . . Bessie Albert, Mrs. Edmund Gayton. (pub. 1645). . . . . . . . Besieged Resident, Henry Du Pre Labouchere. 1831 . . . . Beta, E. B. Bassett. (pub. 1869) . . . . . . . . Bettina, Mrs. E. von Arnim, mée Eliza- beth Brentano. 1785 1859 Beulah, Fanny D. Bates. . . . . . . . . Beverovicus, Jan von Benewyck. 1594 1647 B. Hackle, A Monheimer. . . . . . . . . Biascoli, r Nicola-Giuseppe Biagoli. 1768 1860 Bibliophile, S. Austin Allibone. 1816 . . . . Bibliophile Jacob, Paul Lacroix. 1806 . . . . Bibliophobia, Thomas Frognall Dibdin. 1775 1847 Bideford, the Rural Postman of, Edward Capern. 1819 . . . . Bigot, Anne Carnuel. . . . . 1694 Bill Arp, Charles H. Smith. (pub. 1852) . . . . . . . . Billiemas, François Billemaz. 17.50 1703 Billy Bowline, Henry S. Raymond. - is tº tº e º & Binnacle, W. W. Lewis. . . . . . . . . Birch Arnold, Mrs. J. M. D. Bartlett. s & © tº a tº º Bischop, Simon Episcopus. 1583 1643 Bishop's Daughter, (author of) Rev. Erskine Neale. 1805 . . . . Black Dwarf, Thomas Jonathan Wooler. 1786 1853 Blanche, (Saturday Night) Mrs. E. B. Field. . . . . . . . . Blind Traveler, Janus Emilius W. E. Cranborne. 1821 1805 Blind Traveler, James Holman. 1701 1857 Blondell, (N. Y. Mail) W. F. Williams. . . . . . . . . Blue Jay, Charles J. Williams. . . . . . . . . Blythe White, Jr., Solon Robinson. 1803 . . . . B. M., Mrs. Macandrew, mée B. Miller. . . . . . . Bob O'Gotham, Robert H. Greely. . . . . . . . . Bob Short, A. B. Longstreet. (pub. 1840) 1790 . . . . Boispréaux, Bénigne Dujardin. 1722 . . . . Bolton Row, Hon. S. Ponsonby. Bolton Rowe, Clement Scott. . . . . . . . . Bonomelus, Hendrick von Bonewell. . . . . 1542 Bonfreriuc, Jaques Bonfrere. 1573 1643 Bon Gaultier, Theodore Martin. 1816 . . . . PSE UDONYMS OF AUTHORS, 19 Bonnet de Lyon, Amédée Bonnet. 1795 Dookworm, Thomas F. Donnelly. . . . . . . . . Bornd von Guseck, Carl Gustav von Berweck 1803 Bos, G. W. M. Reynolds. . . . . . . . . Bossolus, Jacques le Bossu. 1546 1626 Boston Bard, Robert S. Coffin. 1797 1857 Boston Rebel, John Lovell. 1769 1840 Boz, Charles Dickens. 1812 1870 Braganza, H. A. Bragg. . . . . . . . . Brambletye House, (author of) Horace Smith. 1779 1840 lºrenda, Mrs. Castle Smith. . . . . . . . . Bretagne, Pierre Cheque. . . . . 1542 Bret Harte, Francis B. Harte. 1839 . . . . Brick Pomeroy, Mark M. Pomeroy. (pub. 1868) . . . . . . . . Bricktop, George C. Small. tº te & Bride of Sienna, (author of) Mrs. Jordan Smythies. . . . . . . . . B. Ridges, Bridges W. Smith. . . . . . . . . Brindamour, J. A. S. Collin de Plancy. 1793 . . . . British Pausanius, William Camden. 1551 1623 Brooklyn, (Brooklyn Eagle) Thomas Kinsella. . . . . . . . . Brother Ignatius, Joseph Leycester Lyne. . . . . . . . . Brother Jonathan, Octavius Blewitt. (pub. 1853) . . . . . . . . Brother Peregrine, Octavius Blewitt. . . . . . . . . Brudder Bones, John F. Scott. . . . . . . . . Brugensis, François Lucas. 1812 . . . . Brulius, Joachim Bruel. 1653 B. T., Amos Torrey. . . . . . . . . Buller Of Brazen OSe, John Hughes. (pub. 1819) 1798 1864 Bun, D. B. Sheahan. 1843 . . . . Burke Brentford, Nathan D. Urner. . . . . . . . Burleigh, Mathew Hale Smith. (pub. 1842)1810 1879 Burleigh, William Henry Burleigh, 1S12 1871 Burton Hunt, (a member of) IButtons. Byrd Little, Byron and Moore, Bucheim, Henry Braddon. . . . . . . . T. Z. C. Cowles. . . . . . . . . E. Victoria Lomax. . . . . . . . . . J. A. S. Collin de Plancy. 1793 . . . . Paul Fagius. 1504 1550 20 PSEUDONYTMS OF AUTHORS. ., Blackwood) C., C., C., C C # # * * *., Cactus, (Brooklyn Times) Rev. Arthur Cleveland Coxe. John Cogan. John Wilson Croker. Mrs. Robert Southey, mée Caro- line Annie Bowles. Hugh Carew. Mary F. Foster. Jonathan Swift. Cadwallader, (Brooklyn Eagle) William C. Hudson. Cadwallader Rowlands, Caesariensis, Caius Gracchus, Caius Grammaticus, Calaver, (author of) Caleb Burt, Caliban, Caller Herrin, Cam, Camille Bernard, Camille Lorraine, Camillus, Camlan Garonva, Campbell Wheaton, Camus, C. A. M. W., Candia Macheside, Candide, (Figaro) Cannibal Jack, Cantell A. Bigly, Capability Brown, Cape Cod Folks, Cappot, Capra, Captain Cuthbert Clutterbuck, (author of) Captain Gregory Seaworthy, Captain Rag, Captain Rawdon Crawley, Captain Roberts, Captain Rock, Captain Rock, Captain Rock in London, Captain Shandon, J. C. Hotten. James Waddell Alexander. 1818 . . . . 1780 1857 1787 1854. r 4 -: 4 * r * > 1607 1804 1859 François–Noel Babeuf. 1764 1797 Gaspar Scioppius. 1576 1649 Dr. Bird. 1803 1854. Cecil Burleigh. 1850 . . . . Robert Buchannan. (pub. 1849). . . . . . . . Annie Smith. . . . . . . . - Walter Lewis. . . . . . . . . Mme. Katazzi. - 1830 . . . . M. Hippolyta Babon. . . . . . . . . Alexander Hamilton. 1757 1804. Rev. Rowland Williams. 1818 1870, Helen C. Weeks. (pub. 1877) . . . . . . . . Pierre François Merville. 1783 1853. Charles Wooley. (Woodley?) . . . . . . . . Giuseppe Mario. 1810 - J. A. A. Clarette. 1840 - Charles Beach. . . . . . . . . George W. Peck. 1817 1859 Launcelot Brown. 1715 1773. Sarah P. McLean. . . . . . . . . Jean Gabriel de Tanilledo Capo. 1800 . . . . Ben Tetius de Benedictus. 1497 William Scott. . . . . . . . . James Gregory. 1638 1675. Edward Smith. 1688 1710. George F. Pardon. 1825 . . . . Augustus C. Hobart. 1822 . . . . Roger O'Conner. . . . . . . . . Thomas Moore. 1779 1852. M. J. Whitty, C. Smith Cheltnam. PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, C. A. R., Catherine Alice Roberts. tº e º q Caractacus, (Stock Journal) E. Sendall. tº tº e ºs Carbon, M. Labrousse. tº º tº e Cardrac Verdelle, Caricius Cogelius, Carl Benson, Carl Detlef, Carle, Carleton, Carlfried, Carlopago, Carlstadt, Carmen Sylva, Carnarius, Carnelle, Caroline Fry, Caroline Gravière, Carpus, Carrie Carleton, Carroll Malone, Carteromaco, Cartier, Carvallo, Caryophilus, Casca, (Petersburg Gazette) Caspar Almon, Castara, Caste, (author of) Castel Chinso, Castellanus, Castil, Castor, or Castorius, Castorim, Cato, Cato, Cato Parans, Cat Stevens, Caveat Emptor, Cavendish, Cavendish, Cawnpore, (author of) (author of) Richard Harris. Ulrich Zwingli. 1484 Charles Astor Bristed. 1820 Clara Bauer. F. J. Sardon. & ſº e º Charles Carleton Coffin. tº tº tº Charles F. Wingate. 1847 Carl Zwingli, * e º is Andrew Bodenstein. 1480 Princess Elizabeth of Roumania. . . . . Johann Vieschouwer. 1520 tº º º tº º ºn tº º Claudo Felix Theodore Aligny. 1798 . . . . Mrs. Wilson. Mme. C. Rueleus. Samuel Cox. (pub. 1877) Mrs. Washington Wright, mée Mary Booth. M. Mc Burney. g Scipone Fertegeurre. Jean Hippolyte Villemessant. Mme. Miolan Carvalho. Blasio Grofalo. John Thompson. F. W. Leasley. Lucy Herbet. Emily Jolly. tº º tº gº Peter Bagley. (pub. 1825) tº e Pierre Du Chatel. François Henry Joseph Blaze. John Beaver. M. Zobbau. George Burgess, Stephen Higginson. Rt. Rev. Richard Heber. Charles A. Stevens. George Stephens. Henry Jones. W. Johnson. Neale. George Otto Trevelyan. 1787 * * * * 1812 1677 1767 1784 * * * * e º ſº tº e e º 1827 . . . . tº e º gº tº gº tº º 22 PSE UDONYMS OF AUTHORS, C. B., Charles Bathurst. o 9 o a 2 - 2 ºf C. C., Charles Clark. (pub. 1838) . . . . . . . . C. C. A., Cyrus C. Adams. . . . . . . . . C. C. Fraser Tytler, Mrs. Edward Slidell. . . . . . . . . C. E., Charlotte Elizabeth Brown. 1792 1846. C. E. A., Clemintina Edith Aiken. (p. 1876). . . . . . . . Cecil, Charles James Apperly. 1777, 1843. Cecil, Cornelius Tongue. . . . . . . . . Cecil, William Hone. 1779 1842. Cecil Davenant, Rev. Derwent Coleridge. 1S00 1852 Cedric Oldacre, Rev. John Wood Warter. 1806 . . . . C. Effingham Esq., John Esten Cooke. 1830 4 ºr C. E. K., Mrs. Davis, mee Caroline E. Kelly. . . . . . . . . Cellarius, Jacob Keller. 1568 1631 Century White, John White. 1590 1645 C. E. Revons, Charles C. Converse. 1834 . . . . Cervantes Hogg, E. S. Barret. . . . 1820. C. E. Sheridan, Hon. Mrs. C. E. Norton. 1808 . . . . C. F., (Star) Charles File. 1843 . . . . C. F. D., Charles Force Deems. 1820 . . . . C. F. G., Mrs. Charles Gore, mee Cather- ine Frances Grace. 790 1861 C. G. H., C. G. Hamilton. . . . . . . . . Chaise de Cahagne, François Arsene Cey. 1806 . . . . Cham, (Artist) Comte Amedee me Noé. 1819 . . . . Channault, Pierre Gilbert Colin. . . . . 1555 Champ, J. W. Champney. 1843 . . . . Champflury, J. F. N. Fleury. . . . . . . . * Champlin, (Evening Post) George C. Mason. 1820 . . . . Chancery Lane Esq., James Edwin Wilson. . . . . . . . . Charcoal Sketches, (author of) Joseph C. Neal. 1807 1847 Charles Anchester, Miss Sheppard. . . . . . . . & Charles C. Charles Cousin. (pub. 1878) . . . . . . . . Charles Clifford, W. H. Ireland. 1796 1S:3 Charles de Bernhard, Charles Barnard. . . . . . . . . Charles de Bernhard, Dugrail de la Villette. . . . . . . . . . Charles Dodd, Hugh Tootell. . . . . 1745 Charles Dodd, Richard Fooke. . . . . . . . . Charles J. de la Planche Esq., Wm. Makepeace Thackaray. 1811 1863 Charles Martell, Charles Quiet, Thomas Delf. e º 'º º Charles Henry Noyes. C & © PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Charles Sealsfield, Charles Summerfield, (D. Rev.)Alfred W. Arrington. Charles Summerfield, Charles Ulrich Jr., Charlotte Elizabeth, Charlton Jay, Charondas, Chartist Parson, Clavignard, Cherith, Chessel, Chester, Chevalier, Chevalier de Thémuseuil, Chevalier M'Arone, Cheviot Tichborne, Chinese Philosopher, Chiquita, Choniates, Christabel, Christabel, Goldsmith, Christal Croftangry, Christian Mc Kenzie, Christian Reid, Christian Severne, Christian Virgil, Christine Miller, Christmas, Christopher Caustic, Christopher Crowfield, Christopher North, Christopher Valdarfer, Chrysanthea, Chrysantheus, Chrysastome Dagobert, Ciaconicus, Ciaconicus, Cid Hamet. Cid Hamet Banengeli, Cielius, Cincinnatus, 23 INCarl Postel. 1793 1864 1810 1867 Theodore Foster. . . . . . . . . William Hamilton Galt. 1856 Mrs. Tonna, née Charlotte Eliza- beth Brown. 1792 1846 J. C. Goldsmith. tº e º 'º e º º ºs Le Caron. 1536 1617 Rev. Charles Kingsley. 1819 1875 Theodore Chavigny. 1687 1771 Fanny Surtees. (pub. 1878) . . . . . . . . Johann Caselius. 1533 1613 William Brown. . . . . 1745 M. C. Hart. . . . . . . . . Cardonner Saint-Hyacinthe. 1684 1746 George Arnold. 1834, 1865 W. H. Ainsworth. 1805 . . . . Oliver Goldsmith. 1728 1774 Mrs. Eppie Bowden Castlen. . . . . . . . . Nicetas–Acominatus. 1216 Miss Mahoney. . . . . . . . . Fannin N. Smith. . . . . . . . . Sir Walter Scott. 1771 1832 Anne Duffell. . . . . . . . . Frances C. Fisher. . . . . . . . Mrs. Anna Boulton. Marco Girolamo Vida. . . . . . . . . Mrs. E. C. W. Van Walree. . . . . . . . . Henry Noel Fearn. 1811 . . . . Thomas Greene Fessenden. 1771 1837 Mrs. Stowe, mee Harriet Beecher. 1812 . . . . Prof. John Wilson. 1785 1854 Joseph Haslewood. 1769 1833 Lilly C. Harris. . . . . . . . . Thomas Lake Harris.(pub. 1854) 1823 . . . . Jean Baptiste Alphone Led’huy. . . . . . . . . Alfonso Chacon. 1510 1599 Pedro Cason. 1525 1581 Thomas Babington Macauly. 1800 1859 Miguel de Saavedra Cervantes. 1547 1616 Lingi Richiere Rhodiginenus. 1450 1525 William Plumer. 1759 1850 24 OF AUTHORS, PSEUDONYMS Charles E. Newton, Citizen of the United States, Civis, Civis, Civis, Civis, C. K., C. L., Clairé de Chandeneux, Clairvelle, Clara Balfour, Clara Cushman, Clara Moreton, Claribel, Claude Chansonetti, Claude Lake, Claude Vignon, Clemastone, Clergyman etc., Clericus, Clio, C. E. Perine Alexander Hill Everett. A. Peterkin, Baron Stowell. George Thompson. John Coles. Charles Kingsley. Mrs. J. H. Connelly, mee Celia Logan. Mrs. Bailey, née Emily Beranger M. Louis François Nicolaïe. Mrs. Felicia Dorothea Hemans. Emily Bradley. Mrs. Moore, née Clara Jessup. Mrs. J. Bernard. M. Cantiuncula. Mathilde Blind. Mme. Bouvier. Clement Bocciardo. I See page 7. ) William Cartwright. Edwin J. Reilly. CLIO (by initials in Spectator) Joseph Addison. Cliophile, Clod, C. L. Smith, C. M. C., C. M. Cornwall, Cocambo, Coelicus, Coesius, Coeur de Lion, Col, Col. Frederick Ingham, Collacon, Colley Cibber, Collins, Colmolyn, Colson, Colteli, Columba, Commodoro Rolling—Pin, Francesco Octavio. G. L. Frankenstein. Mrs. C. L. Gascoigne. Charlotte Moon Clark. (p. 1878) Mary A. Roe. (pub. 1866) Paul JBurain. Adrien Petit. Philipp von Zesen. J. Boleslas. George Collier Bower. Edward Everett Hale. E. P. Day. James Rees. George Stevens. Charles Sotheran. Gillis Bellicour. Michael Procope—Couteau. Jean Coster. John Hanson Carter. tº 6 c e º ºs º º * - ſº º ºs º º º * * * * * * * * 1794 1835 e ºf s e tº a tº e & sº e s tº a s gº * = e º e s s s e º 'º tº tº º º º tº e º º te e º º * * * * * * * x $ tº e º 'º & º & sº o º ºſ e º e PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Common Sense, Communipaw, Competition Wallah, Comtesse Dash, C. O. Nevers, Conrad, Conrad von Bolanden, Constantia, Contius, Cope, (Brooklyn Eagle) Corilanus, Corina, Cornelius O'Dowd, Corn Law Rhymer, (?) Coroner's Clerk, Corruption, (author of) Corry O' Lanus, Coryot Junior, Cosmopolite, Cosmopolite, Cossack Marlinsky, Cottage Girl, (author of) Count de Cagliostro, Counterpart, (author of) Countess Gigliucci, Countess Gilbert de Voisons, Countess T. Guiccioli, Count Joannes, Count of Penhafirme, Courtney Melmoth, Cousin Alice, Cousin Geoffry, "Cousin Jacques, Cousin Kate, Cousin May Carlton, Cousin Nourna, Cousin Sue, Credo, (author of) Crispinus, Crispus, (Brooklyn Eagle) Crito Cantabrigiensis, (author of) Major C. C. Wheeler. Thomas Turton. (pub. 1827) tº º q = tº $ tº ge * * * * gº tº º º Sir Richard Phillips. 1767 Pliny Miles. 1818 G. O. Trevelyan. tº e º 'º Vicomtesse de St. Mars. 1779 Charles Crozat Converse. 1834 . Alfred Bunn. (pub. 1816) tº e º º Rev. Joseph E. Carl Bischoff. . . . . Mrs. John Murray, mee Judith Sargent. 1751 Antoine Leconte. 1526 W. C. Copeland. tº e º & Fredrice Furius. 1510 Elizabeth Thomas. 1675 Charles James Lever. 1809 Ebenezer Elliot. 1781 Rev. Erskine Neale. (pub. 1828). . . . Thomas Moore. 1779 John Stanton. 1826 Samuel Paterson. 1728 John Dix. (pub. 1839) tº $ tº e Jahun Lawson. 1779 Alexander A. Bestuzheff. 1795 Mary Bennet. tº º te s Joseph Balsamo. 1743 Miss Sheppard. tº tº º e Clara A. Novello. 1818 Maria, Taglioni. 1804 Marquese T. de Boissy, gº º te tº George Jones. 1791 Admiral Sir G. R. Sartorius. 1790 Samuel Jackson Pratt. 1749 [See Alice G. Lee.] Mrs. Gordon Smythies. tº ſº tº ºn Louis Abel Beffroi de Reigney. 1757 Catherine D. Bell. & e º sº Miss M. A. Earle. © tº tº wº Dr. J. E. Nagle. tº e º 'º S. A. Wright. tº e º ºs Prof. L. F. Townsend. * * ſº e John Westland Marston. 1819 26 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Croaker, Croaker & Co., Cruiser Benedict, C. S., C. S., C. S. C., Cudlip, Cumbermere, Curopolates, Currier Bell, Curtius, Cuthbert Bede, Cuthbert Comment, Cuyler Pine, C. W. S., Cycla, Cymon, Cypraeus, Cypress Jr., Cyril Thornton, Cyrille, (Boston Post) D., Dahcotah, (author of) Daisy Howard, Dalburgius, DalmOcand, Da Mara, Dame Quillet, Danbury News Man, Dancourt, (Gaz. de France) D. Andrean Philopatrum, Daniel Hardcastle, Daniel Stern, Dantri Stephanowitch, Darby North, Darby O’Dowd, Darcy, Joseph Rodman Drake. 1795 1820s Fitz Greene Halleck. 1795 1867 George Augustus Sala. 1828 . . . . Charles Sotheran. 1847 . . . . C. Stanton. . . . . . . . . Charles S. Caverley. . . . . . . . tº- Annie Thomas. (pub. 1863) . . . . . . . cºs Alfred ASSolat. . . . . . . . . George Codinus. ... . 1443. Mrs. Arthur Bell Nichols, mée Charlotte Bronté. Matteo Corti. Rev. Edward Bradley. Abraham Tucker. Ellen Peck. (Catherine 2) . . . . . . . . Charles Williams Short. (p. 1831). . . . . . . . Mrs. Ellen Clacy. . . . . . . . . Frederick Somerby. . . . . . . . . Paul Kupperschmidt. 1563. 1609: William Post Hawes. 1821 1842: Capt. Thomas Hamilton. 1789 1842 Baron Adolph d’Avril. & e º a s is e e. D. Dr. Nikolaus Delius. tº e º 'º e º e cº- Mrs. M. H. Eastman, née Mary Henderson. Myra Daisy Mc Crum. Johann Kamera von Dalberg. George Macdonald. Guillaume Delamarre. Suzanne Giroux Morency. 177: James M. Bailey. Adolph Racot. Robert Parsons. Richard Page. . . . . . . . . Marie de Flavigny. (Cts. Agoult) 1800 . . . . J. Girard de Riallo. (pub. 1878). . . . . . . . Daniel Owen Madden. (p. 1848) . . . . . . . . Mrs. Kate Luby. Jean Baptiste Cadry. 1818 . . . . 1445 1503" e tº e º e º tº º * * * * * * * *= tº tº e º sº º ſº gº (pub. 1591) * * * * * e s = , PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Tarnley, (author of) Geo. Payne Rainsford James. 1801 Darppil, George Lippard. 1822 D'Avallo, Charles Yves Cousin. 1769 David Blair, Sir. Richard Phillips. 1767 D. C. Addison, D. C. L., Dead Beat, (Brooklyn Eagle) Deane Roscoe, Dean of St. Patrick, De Azambuya, , De Bréville, De Bury, De Camille, Decanus, De Carnirés, D’Ethis, De Faux, (author of) De Ferrièrs, De Jérémie, Der Joughe, De Junior, De l'Aude, De L. G., Deliverinto Antiquity, Della Caravauna, Della Crusca, Delminio, Delphiné, Delphin Gay, A., (Delta, 1837) 4., 4., De Luc, Demetrius Wyseman, Demochares, Democritus Junior, Denarius, Dennis Jasper Murphey, Dennis Muldoon, De Partibus, De Petrus, De Portu, Chas. Addison Daniell. (p. 1SS0) * * * * Alex. James Beresford Hope. Joseph Howard. Jr. * * * * Frederic B. Yates. (pub. 1880) . . . . Jonathan Swift. 1667 Hieronimo Oleastro. g is º ºt Edward Desnoyers. 1814 Ange Henri Blaze. 1816 Pauline Guyot Lebrun. 1815 Edward Mavenham Hoare. e tº tº gº M. de Theirry. tº C tº Louis Dominique Corney. 1738 Mrs. A. E. Stothard. tº gº & O M. Raoul. tº ºn tº tº Albert Bitzius Gottschel. 1797 Adrianius Junius. 1511 Elbridge Paige. * * * * Jean Pierre Fabre. 1755 Captain Henry. dº º º º William Barclay Turnbull. 1811 Pietro Caravane. tº º tº e Robert Merry. 1756 Giulio Camillo. 1497 P. Baker. (pub. 1862) a g º g Mme. Emile de Girardun. 1804 Benjamin Disraeli. 1805 David Macbeth Moir. 1798 Francis Barham. (pub. 1847) 1808 Jean Anténor Huede Caligny. 1657 Willis Dicke. (Willis Duke) . . . . Antoine de Mouchy. 1494 Robert Burton. 1576 William Penny." (pub. 1868) ... . Rev. Charles Robert Maturin. 1782 George B. Goodwin. © tº e g Jacques Despars. 1380 Pierre Bord d'Hautoine Borel. 1809 Maurice O'Fihely, tº tº º ſº. 1820 . . . . * * * * * , § 4 28 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Dermand O’Meara. Frank Gassaway. FIenry D. Inglis. Octave Feuillet. Dermitius, Derrick Dodd, Derwent Conway, T)ésiré Hazard, Desmarettes, Jean Baptiste le Brun. De Specioza Villa, Edward Gayton. Dessaix, (Paris Press) M. Hairdet. De Stendhal, Devenant Cecil, De Virigens, Marie Henri Begle. Derwent Coleridge. Carl Georg August Winterfield. Devonshire Poet. Owen Jones. (pub. 1786) D.—G., George Daniel. (pub. 1835) D. Gabriel de Cardena, Z. Cano, Andréas Gonzalez de Barcia. D. H. Bomeair, (Paris Press) Robert Mitchell. (pub. 1801) D'hele, Thomas Hales. Diabolus, Joseph Howard Jr. Diana. Butler, Dickey Lingard, Dick Tinto, (N. Y. Times) IDiedrick Knickerbocker, IHarriet Sarah Dunning. Frank Boott Goodrich. Washington Irving. Dinks, Captain Jonathan Peel. Diogenes Jr., (Lantern) John Brougham. Dirceo, Thomas Antonio Gonzaga. Disbanded Volunteer, Discipline of Life, (au. of) Disinherited, (author of) Di Vernon, Doctor Amoenus, Doctor Antonio, Doctor Bronson, Doctor Frampton, Doctor Grandlien, Doctor Hookwell, Doctor Leo, Joseph Barbour. Lady E. C. M. Ponsonby. Lady Charlotte M. C. Bury. Mrs. Croller H. Criswell. Robert Couton. Giovanni Ruffini. W. A. Peters. William Gilman. Léon Lavaden. (author of) Rev. Robert Armitage. Leo de Colange. (pub. 1877) Doctor Merry, J. Wyndham. Doctor My—Book, (?) John Abernethy. Doctor Oldham at Graystone, Dr. Caleb Sprague Henry. Doctor Peter Morris, John Gibson Lockhart. Doctor Robinson, Dennis Hannegan. Doctor Slop, (?) Sir. John Stoddart. Doctor Syntax, Archibald F. Gordon. Doctor Syntax, William Coombe. (author of) Mrs. Acton Tindale. (pub. 1856) 1795 1835 1812 . . . . . . . . 1731 1609 1666 1783 1842 1800 1852 1794 1852 1740 1814 1790 1864 tº e º 'º e s tº * t e º 'º º ºs º & 1826 . . . . 1783 1859 1799 1854 1810 1880 1747 1793 ſº tº tº º & ſº º tº * * * * * * * * e e º e º 'º a s tº gº tº sº e º & tº ºn tº e º º is sº 1763 1831 1804 . . . . 1797 1854 & ſº tº gº º g º 3 1741 1823 ' PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Doctor Underhill Opdyke, Doctor Planus, Dodenius Duckworth, Royal Tyler. Walter Burley. Dr. Asa Greene. Dodger, Beter Thompson. Dod Grile, M. A. Bierce. Doeg, Elkanah Settle. Doesticks, (Q. K. Philander.) Mortimer M. Thompson. Doggerel Drydog, Dog Whip, L. D. Smith. Doing and Suffering, (au. of) Miss. C. Bickersteth. Dolly Dawdle, Mrs. H. Clay Lukens, mée Mary C. Painter. Dolores, Mrs. Dickinson. Dom Anselmo, Dominick Murray, D. Moran. Dominie's Legacy, (author of) A. Picken. Domino, M. Walter. Dom Maur, François Claude Jourdain. Don, James H. Connolly. D. O. N., (Pittsburg Dispatch) Daniel O’Neill. Donald Campbell, Stephen Cullen Carpenter. Donatello, F. J. Le Moyne Burleigh. Don Carlos, (Phil. Sund, Mer.) Henry P. Cheever, Donellius, Hughues Doneau. Don John, Jean Ingelow. Don Lucadio Doblado, James Blanco White. Don T. B. Leevitt, James Mudie Spence. Dora d’Istria, Helen Koltzoff Massalsky. Dorothea Alice Shephard, Dorothy Doe, (N. Y. Examiner) Mrs Galusha. Anderson. Dow Jr., (Sunday Mercury) Elbridge Gerry Paige. Drahlegne, (Turf Field & Farm) Fred. J. Englehardt. Drandius, Georg Drand. Dranmor, Ferdinand von Schmidt. Drapier, Jonathan Swift. Dream of Chintz, (author of) Miss Planche. Drift—Wood, Druid, Henry H. Dixon. Druid, (N Y. World) Henry M. Flint. Ducas, Makrembolitissa Eudosia. Du Cental, A. Richard. Duchatelet, Thomas Paine. (pub. 1788) Charles Clarke. (pub. 1838) Giovanni Domenico Costadoni. Mrs. Pratt, née Ella Farman. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 29 1756 1826 1275 1357 1788 1837 1648 1724. 1831 1865. • * * * * * * * 1841 . . . . ... 1863. 1741 1785 • * * * * * * * 1840 . . . . e tº e g º e º a * * * * * * * * 1527 1591 1830 1881 1775 1841 e e º e e e º te • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1573 1635 1667 1745 1809 . . . . 1737 1809 30 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. TXucrest de St. Aubin, Dud Jermyn, Dudu, Duffle, Dufourquet, Du Jura, Duke of Argyll, Dumaillot, Dunhelmus Bastlensis, Dunn Brown, Dunoeus, Du Poy Monclar, Dupri, Dupuy, Duroeus, Dusty, Dutchess, Du Var, D. Y., (author of) (London Standard) E., E. A. M., Earl of Gowrie, Earl of Minto, Earl Shinn, East Anglien, East Lynne, (author of) (author of) Easy Chair, E. B., Eben-ezer, E. Berger, Ebony, E. B. Revile, E. Buerstenbinder, Ebu Osu, E. B. Waverley, E. C. A., Ecce Coelum, Ecce Deus, (Harpers) (author of) (author of) Stephanie Felicété Genlis. 1746 1830 Walter R. Benjamin. 1854 . . . . Julia Fletcher. . . . . . . . . John Galt. 1779 1839 Jenny Bastide. 1792 . . . . Jean François Germain. 1762 1825 George Douglas Campbell. 1823 . . . . Antoine François Eve. 1747 1814 Thomas Chatterton. 1752 1770 Rev. Samuel Fiske. . . . . 1864 Andrew Downes. 1550 1627 Bernard Dupuy. 1520 1580 Edward de Maune. . . . . 1880 Thomas Acton. 1662 1721 Jean Dury. . 1637 Willard G. Nash. . . . . . . . . Archibald Boyd. . . . . . . . . Isadore M. B. Gautier. 1769 1824 Edmund Quincy. 1808 1877 E. Nicholas Francis Flood Davin. . . . . . . . . Mrs. E. A. Maddock. (pub. 1839). . . . . . . . Rev. James White. 1804 1862 George W. Elliott. Edward Strahan. Charles Feist. (pub. 1813) Mrs. Henry Wood, mée Ellen e tº d - - - - - • * * * Price. 1820 . . . . George William Curtis. 1824 Erastus Brooks. 1815 Eben Aldred. * e º a Elizabeth S. Sheppard. s & º º William Blackwood. 1776 Oliver Byrne. e tº º tº E. Werner. s s a º Benjamin Stephenson. (p. 1807) . . . . John Wilson Croker. 1780 Emily C. Agnew. * G - e. Rev. Enoch Fitch Burr. 1818 Dr. Joseph Parker. & © tº º PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, 31 Tecce Homo, Prof. John Robert Seeley 1834 . . . . IEcho Club, (Atlantic Monthly) Bayard Taylor. 1325 1878 Ecir, (Philadelphia Bulletin) Prof. Isaac L. Rice. 1850 . . . . Eclipse of Faith, (author of) Prof. H. Rogers. 1810 . . . IE. C. Revons, Charles C. Converse. 1834 . . . . Eden Warwick, George S. Jabet. . . . . . . . Edgeworth Benson, John Scott. . . . . . . . . Edith May, Anna Drinker. . . . . . . . . Editors Drawer, (Harpers) W. A. Seaver. . . . . . . . . Edmund Hofer, E. Marlitt. . . . . . . . . Edmund Kirke, John R. Gilmore. 1823 . . . . Edward Askew Sothern, Douglas Stewart. 1830 1880 Edward Baldwin, William Godwin. 1756 1836 Edward Barrett, (Holt&Co.) . . . . . . . . Edward Bradwardine Waverly, John Wilson Croker. 1780) 1857 IEdward Falconer, Edward O'Rourke. . . . . . . . . Edward Fitzball, Edward Ball. (pub. 1814) . . . . . . Edward Garret, Mrs. A. D. Mayo, née Sarah S. C. Edgerton. 1819 1848 Edward Haselfoot, William Sidney Walker. 1795 1846 Edward Helner, Ernest Koch. . . . . . . . . Edward Herbert, J. Hamilton Reynolds. . . . . . . . Edward Knott, Matthias Wilson. 1580 1656 Edward Novel, Edward de Maune. . . . . 1880 IEdward Osborne, Anne Manning. . . . . . . . . Edward Trevor, Edward R. Bulwer. 1831 . . . . Edward Trevor, Hon. Julian Fane. (pub. 1861) . . . . . . . . Tºdward Search, Abrabram Tucker. 1705 1774 Edward Stephenson O’Brien, Isaac Butt. M. P. 1813 . . . . Edward Sexby, Josiah Quincy. 1744, 1775 IEdwin, Thomas Vaughn. . . . . . . . . E. E. P., Francis Edward Paget. 1806 . . . . E. F. L., Nſr. Floyd. . . . . . . . . E. Foxton, Sarah G. Palfrey. (pub. 1865) ... . . . . . E. G. D., Edgar G. Dunnell. ... . . . . . Eglin, Raphael Goetz. 1559 1662 Egyptus, Dr. Joseph Parrish Thompson. 1819 1879 E. H. Arr, Mrs. Ellen H. Rollins. (pub.1880) . . . . . . . . E. H. C. M., Nathan Davis. . . . . . . . . IE. H. R., Elizabeth Harcourt Mitchell. ... . . . . . IE. H. S., Lord Edward H. Smith Stanley. 1806 lº. H. T., Earl of Derby. . . . . 1826 32 JFSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, E. Hughes, Eidrah Trebor, Eiggam Strebor, E. L., Eleanor Kirk, Madame T. Cherer. Robert Hardie. Maggie Roberts. Elaezar Lord. (pub. 1834) Mrs. Nellie Eleanor Ames. Elegy on the Times, (author of) John Trumbull. Elia, Eli Fant, Elijir Goff, Elinor Elliott, Charles Lamb. Edward Underhill. William Davies. Ella S. Sargent. Elinor Wey, (N.Y.Independent) Mrs. Elliot Glover. Eli Perkins, Elisa, Eliza, Elizabeth Berger, Elizabeth Conover, Elizabeth S. Chester, Elizabeth Wetherell, Eliza Grace, Ella Rodman, Ellen, (Louisville Journal) Ellen A. F. Campbell, Ellen Alice, Ellen Louise, (Harpers) Ellis Bell, Ellis Gray, E. L. Montague, El Negro, |Elpis Melena, El Razi, Elsie Gorham, Elsie Hay, E. Lynn, E. M., E. M. B., E. M. .E., Emeff, (Home Journal) Emerson, E. M. H., Melville D. Landon. Anne E. Petitpain Voiart. Mrs. Elizabeth Carter. Elizabeth Sheppard. Miss Dugin. Elizabeth A. Smith. Susan Warner. Mrs. Anthony Todd Thompson. Mrs. E. R. Church, mee Eliza Mc Illvane. (pub. 1851) Mrs. W. Nichols, mée Rebecca S. Reed. Abbe Flanner. Col. Thomas Bangs Thorpe. Mrs. William V. Moulton, mee Ellen Louise Chandler. Emily Jane Bronté. Louisa T. Cragin. Miss E. L. Hervey. Pedro Alonzo Niño. Marie Espérance von Schwartz. Almed Ben—Fares. Mrs. Carter. Fanny Andrews. Mrs. E. Linton. E. Magrath. Mrs. William Gellie. E. E. Millard. (pub. 1878) Mary Flagg. Sir James Emerson Tennent. Edwin Maria. Heaton. & Cº tº tº Q º e C C & G G o ºs e e o e º e º s 1788 1871. 1750 1831 1775 1834. 1771 1824 º e º 'º e º 'º º 1786 1866, 1717 1806. tº e º e s is a s to ſº e e s e s a tº e º ºs º º ſº de 1815 1878. 1835 . . . . 1818 1848. e e º ºs e º tº º • e º 'º e º 'º º tº e º 'º e º 'o º tº ſe e º e º º ºs tº ſº e º 'º º $ tº ºn tº e º e g º ºr tº º º ſº e s tº º tº º ſº tº e º º ſº. 1804 . . . PSEUDONYMS Emie Roseau, Emile Dalamothe, Emily Chester, (author of) Emily Hawthorne, OF AUTHORS, Emeline Reed. Emili de Girardin. Mrs. Samuller, Crane. Mrs. Emily Thornton Charles. Emily Hermann, (Lit. World) Mrs. Catherine Luders. Emily Melville, Emily Windham, Emily Verdery, English Aristophanes, (?) English Critic, English Mercenus, English Opium Eater, English Palladio, English Petrarch, (?) English Rabelais, English Sappho, (?) Englishman & Englishwoman, Ennis Graham, Emotrio Romano, Ensanada, Enylla Allyn, E. Q. A. B., Eolopoesis, E. Owens Blackburn, Epaminondas, Ephemera, Ephraim Hardcastle, Ephraim Holding, Epistographas, E. Q. B., Erao, Erato, E. R. C., Eremita, Ernest Gilmore, Ernst Warmley, Erodore, Erratic Enrique, M. A., Erring, yet Noble, (author of) Erycius Puteanus, E. S., (N. Y. Times) (author of) (N. Y. Sun) Mrs. Derby, mée Emily Jones. Mrs. Anne Caldwell Marsh. Mrs. Emily Verdery Battay. Samuel Foote. George Herbert Townsend. John Collins. Thomas De Quincey. Inigo Jones. Sir Philip Sidney. Thomas Amory. Mrs. Mary Robinson. [See page 12] Mrs. Molmouth. Giusué Carducci. J. A. S. Colin de Plancy. Mr. Spencer. Mrs. Bull, Jacob Bigelow. Elizabeth Casey. Gideon Granger. Henry Fitzgibbon. William Henry Pyne. George Mogridge. Governor Carr. (pub. 1876) E. Quentin Banchard. (p. 1881) Erastus Brooks. William D. Gallagher. Eustace R. Conder. Daniel l'Ermite. Mrs. Helen H. Farley. James B. Manson. Jacob Abbott. Henry Clay Lukens. Isaac C. Reed. Jr. Henri Dupuy. Edward Seymour. née Anna M. s tº e º e º e º e sº e ºs e e º is * * * e º 'º gº º * † e º e º 'º º tº $ tº dº tº ſº e sº 1720 1777 1835 1868 1624 1683 1785 1859 1572 1652 1554. 1586 1691 1789 1758 1800 tº º e º ſº º te tº * @ e º $ tº ſº º * * * * * * * * • & & e º e º ºs 34 OF AUTHORS, PSEUDONYMS E. S. A., E. S. L • 3 E. S. O’Brien, Espencoeus, Espriella Alvarez, Estelle, Estelle, Ester Warren, (N. Y. Mirror) (Independent) Ethan Spike. Ethel Carlton, Ethel Gale, (Independent) Ethel Lynn, Etienne, Etienne Pall, Etonensis, Ettrick Shepherd, Eugene Aram, (author of) Eugene de Moncourt, Eugene Martin, Eugene Pomeroy, Eugenia St. John, Eugenie John, Eugenius Philalethes, Eusebius, Eva, Evalina, E. V. B., Eve, Evelius, (author of) Everpoint, Every Day, E. W. A., (author of) E. W. Sidney, Ex-Barber Fribbleton, Ex—Editor, Exile of Erin, Ex—M. P. Expertus, Express, (N. Y. Tablet) 3. Extinguished Exile, Ezek Richards, * Ernst Sylvanus Appleyard. Elizabeth Susan Law. Isaac Butt. Charles d’Espence. Robert Southey. Elizabeth Bogart. Emily Marion Harris. (p. 1878) Miss E. Robinson. Matthew G. Whittier. Oliver King. Helen E. Smith. Mrs. Ethel Lynn Beers. Victor Joseph Etienne Jouy Felix Platel. William Ewart Gladstone. James Hogg. Lord Lytton. Charles Jean Baptiste Jacquart. Baron de Vaux. Thomas F. Donnelly. Martha Eugenia Berry. E. Marlitt. Rev. Thomas Vaughan. Dr. Edward Dorr Griffin Prime. Mary Eva Kelly. Fanny Burney. Hon. Mrs. Eleanor Vere Boyle. Antoine François Maillot. Andreas Felix d’OEfelse. Joseph M. Field. F. A. M. Pike. Mrs. Eliza Winslow Allderdice. Nathan Beverly Tucker. Dr. Asa Greene. Col. Thomas Picton. Rev. M. W. Newman. O'Neil Daunt. Rev. Malcolm Mc Coll. A. J. Dunlap. T. W. Reid. John Savage. º: * % * k * º 1813 . . . . 1511 1571 1774 1843 1836 . . . . e g tº ſº tº º ſº ſº. g º ºs e º ºs º º tº e º ºs º & © e tº º ſº tº gº tº & we * * * * * * * * 1772 1835 1805 1874. tº e º ºs º is & gº 1747 1814 1706 1780 . . . . 1856 1784 . . . . 1822 . . . . ' PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, F. A., Faber, Fabius, Fabricus Boderianus, Fadette, Fage Huntington, Fagerman, Fairfax Balfour, Fairy Bower, (author of) Frederick Arnold. (pub. 1840) François Antoine Lefevre. John Dickinson. Gui Lefevre de la Boderie. Marion C. L. Reeves. Mrs. J. H. Foster. Annie E. Bartholomew. Watts Phillips. H. Mozley. Faithful Promisor, (author of) J. R. Macduff. Faith Garney, Faith Latimer, Faith Templeton, IFalconbridge, Falcon Feather, Tanchon, Fanfan, IFanny Fern, Fanny Fielding, IFanny Forrester, Fanny Lewald, Fanny Manetti, Tanny Percival, Eanny True, Tarian, Farthing Poet, Tat Contributor, Tat Contributor, Tather Ignatius, IFather Paul, Tather Prout, Father Venance, IFay, F. Clinton Barrington, Federalist, F. E. H. H., Telicia, (author of) Felix, Mrs. A. T. Whitney. Mrs. John A. Miller. Harriet Booner Barber (p. 1880) Jonathan F. Kelly. John Collier. Mrs. Laura Sanford. Mrs. F. B. Smith. Mrs. Farrington, then Mrs. El- drige, then Mrs. Jas. Parton, née Sarah Payson Willis. Mary J. S. Upshur. Mrs. Adoniram Judson, née Emily C. Chubbuck. Mme. Adolf W. T. Stahr. Fanny Smith. Mrs. F. A. Percy. Mary Asenath Short. Ange François de Saint-Ange. Bichard Henry Horne. A. Miner Griswold. Wm. Makepeace Thackeray. George Spencer. Pietro Sarpi. Francis Mahony. Jean François Dongados. Mrs. Smead. Julius Warren Lewis. John Jay, 1745–1829, Jas. Mad- ison, 1751–1836, Alex. Hamilton. F. E. H. Haines. (pub. 1879) M. Betham Edwards. Bon Louis Henri Martin. 35 1670 1737 1732 1808 1541 1598 e e º e º e º 'º 1747 1810 1803 . . . . 1837 . . . . 1811 1863 1799 1856 1552 1623 1805 1866 1763 . . . . tº e º 'º gº tº ſº º 36 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Felix Ago, Samuel Stehrman Haldeman. 1812 . . . . Felix Murry, Evart A. Duyckinck. 1816 . Felis Oates, George L. Catlin. . . . . . . . . Felix Summerly, Sir. Henry Cole. 1808 . F. E. P., Francis Edward Paget. 1806 . . . . Ferdinand de Lisle, Edward de Maune. . . . . . 1880. Fernan Caballero, Cecilia Böhl de Faber y Larrea. . . . . . . . . Ferus, Johann Wild. 1485 1554 Ferragus, (Independence Belge) Louis Ulbach. 1822 F. F., Frederick Fysh. . . . . . . . . F. F., of the Cedars, Henry William Herbert. 1807 1858 F. G., François Gaume. (pub. 1824) . . . . . . . . F. G. Trafford, Mrs. J. H. Riddell. (pub. 1866) . . . . . . . . Fiber or Fiberius, John Beaver. . . . . 1395 Ficquat, Pierre-Jean de Boccage. 1700 1767 Fiesco, William Elliott. 1788 1863. Figaro, Henry Clapp. Jr. . . . . . . . Filia, Miss. S. A. Dorsey. . . . . . . . Filia Ecclesia, Miss. S. A. Dorsey. . . . . . . . . Filinto Elisio, Francesca Manuel Nascimento. . . . . . . . Fin Bec, William Blanchard Jerrold. 1826 . . . . Firminius Durius, Frémin Douri. 1512 1578. First Love, (author of) Margracia Loudon. . . . . . . . . First of the Knickerbockers. P. Hamilton Myers. 1812 . . . . Fitz—Gerald, Bonaventura Baro. 1600 1696, Fitznoodle, (Puck) B. B. Valentine. . . . . . . . . Flaccus, Dr. Thomas Ward. 1847 . . . . Flaneur. (Boston Post) Charles Green. . . . . . . . tº Flaneur, Edmund Yates. 1828 . . . . Flaneur, (Brooklyn Eagle) Renward Philip. . . . . . . . . Flaneur, Park Benjamin. 1849 F. La—tour Tomline, W. S. Gilbert. . . . . . . . . Fleta, Adam de Stratton. . . . . . . . . Fleta, J. de Lovetot. . . . . . . . Fleta, Kate W. Hamilton. . . . . . . . . Fleta, Thomas de Weyland. . . . . . . . . Fleta, William De Brampton. (p. 1835) . . . . . . . . Flirtation, (author of) Charlotte Susan Maria Bury. 1861 F. L. M., F. L. Moore. . . . . . . . sº. Floro Orsin, Alice Townsend. . . . . . . . tº Flora Walford, Bessy G. Walford. (?) . . . . . . sº Florence Leigh, Anna T. Wilbur. 1817 es PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. 37 Florence, Mrs. S. S. Osgood, mee Frances Sargent Locke. 1811 1850 Florence Marryatt, Mrs. Ross Church. . . . . . . . . Florence Mc Comb, Mary M. Melim. (pub. 1875) . . . . . . . . Florence Percy, Mrs. B. P. Akers, née Elizabeth A. Allen. 1832 . Floridas, Jean Fleury. . . . 1469 Florio, or Floranthes, James Gordon Brooks. 1801 1873 F. M., Sir Frederick Madden. 1801 1873 Fontius, Bartholomew Fonti. 1445 1513 Forerius, Francisco Foreiro. 1523 1587 Forrestier Auber, A. A. Woodward. . . . . . . . . Found Dead, James Payn. . . . . . . . F. Pylodet, F. Leypoldt. 1835 . . . . Frances Burney, Mme. D'Arblay. 1752 1840 Frances Derrick, Mrs. Motley. * * * * tº dº tº Frances Stanley, Mary Gibson. . . . . . . . . Francis Forester, Rev. Daniel Wise. 1813 . . Francis Herbert, Gulian Crommalin Verplanck. 1786 1870 Francis Herbert Esq., Robert C. Sands. 1799 1832 Francis Herbert, William Cullen Bryant. 1794 1880 Francis Oldys, George Chalmers. (pub. 1792) 1742 1825 Frank, James Pedder. 1755 1859 T'rank Churchill, George Henry Lewes. 1817 1878 Frank Fairleigh, (Sharp's Magazine) Frank Edward Smedley, 1830 1864 Frank Falconer, (Turf, Field & Farm) E. N. Carvalho. 1817 . . . . Frank Falkland, G. L. Wilson. . . . . . . . Frank Forester, Henry William Herbert. 1807 1858 Frank Leslie, Frank Collier. . . . 1879 Frank Mayfield, Daniel Starnes. e e s e º e = Frank Mayo, Francis Maguire. 1839 . . . . Frank Murdoch, Francis Hitchcock. Prank Parson, F. Jaycox. . . . . . . . . Frankenstein, (author of) Mrs. Shelley, mee Mary Woolstoncroft Godwin. 1797 1851 Franz, Peter Francius. 1645 1703 Franz Nava, Edward Francis Rimbault. 1816 . . . . Franz Wallner, Franz Leidersdorf. (pub. 1864) . . . . . . . Fra Plinio, Antonio San-Felice. 1515 1570 Fray Antonio Agapida, Washington Irving. 1783 1859 Frédérick, (Paris Press) M. Vahrer. . . . . . . . Frederick Fay, Dr. James Johnson. (pub. 1834) . . . . . . . . 38 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Frederick Marsden, Freeman, Freeman, Freinshemius, French Politician, Frère Dumas, W. A. Sliver. Jean Joseph Louis Blanc. William Henry Drayton. Johann Freinshiem. Major Moyle Scherer. (p. 1823) Martial de Brives. Friend of Industry, (N. H. Gaz.) Benjamin Dearbon. Friends in Council, (author of) Sir Arthur Helps. Friend of the Family, Frisius, Fritz, Frixer, Fronto Dueoens, Frusius, F. T. L. Hope, Fulginas, Fullonius, Fuzzy Guzzy, G., G.* * * A. B., Gabble Gridiron, Gabled Home, (author of) Gail Hamilton, Galateo, Galaxy Club, Galoot, Gamaliel Smith, Gamaliel Smith, Gambler's Wife, Gaol Chaplain, (author of) Gar, (N. Y. Times) Garonva Camlan, Garrow, Garvani, (Paris lllustration) G. A. S., Gath, Gath Brittle, Gaultier, William Oyrton. Regnièr Gamma. A. Smith. Marie Antoine Fridzeri. Franton du Duc. André des Freux. Doctor Farrar. Gentili Gentle. Guillaume le Toulon. William Henry Burleigh. G. L. C. Gent. Augustus Bozzi Granville. Joseph Haselwood. (pub. 1809) L. Bates. Mary Abagail Dodge. Antoine Ferrari. Mark Twain and Don Piatt. Edward P. Kendall. Francis Place. (pub. 1823) Jeremy Bentham. Mrs. E. C. Grey. Rev. Erskine Neale. J. Garczynski. Rowland Williams. Mrs. Thomas Adolphus Trollope. Sulpice Paul Chevalier. George Augustus Sala. George Alfred Townsend. Robert W. McAlpine, Theodore Martin, 1816, and W. E. Aytoun. (jointly) tº gº a g º º ſº tº tº ſº tº e º sº tº ſº. tº e º sº t w = e tº # tº it is tº * tº ſº º e º 'º º 1810 . . . . 1801 1827 . . . . 1841 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, G. D., G, D., Geille de Saint Ledger, Gellert, (?) General Observer, Genesee, Genesee, (N. Y. Examiner) George Darby. Prof. George Dunbar. Anne Hyacinthe Colleville. William W. Walsh. Nathan Fisk. E. M. Crawford. Prof. J. H. Gilmore. Genevese Traveler, (Lon. Times) Matthew L. Davis. Gentle Life, (author of) Gentle Lochiel, General Tom Thumb, Geoffrey Crayon Esq., George Carleton, Admiral, George Eliot, George Forrest, Esq., George Fribbleton, George Garrulous, George Howard Esq., George Psalmanazar, George Roberts, George Sand, George Telltale. George Washington AEsop, George Washington Brick, Georges Steune, Georgiana Gower, Geraint, Geráld, (Paris Press) Gerald Griffin, Gerald Hart, Gerard Lebrunie, Gerda Fay, Geremias Gotthelf, Gerlacus Petri, Gerobulus, Gertrude, Getty Gay, G. F. P., Gilbert Forrester, James Hain Friswell. Donald Cameron. Charles Stratton. Washington Irving. George IV of England. Mrs. Geo. H. Lewes, then Mrs. Cross, mée Mary Ann Evans. George Fitz—Boodle, (Frazer's) Wm. Makepeace Thackeray. Rev. J. G. Wood. Dr. Asa Greene. George Arnold. Francis C. Laird. (?) (on Formosa) Robert Walters. Mme. Dudevant, mée Amantine Lucille Aurore Dupin. Isaac Edward Holmes. George T. Lanigan. John E. Hatcher. David Schonestein. Mrs. Alexander G. Fullerton. Frank Mc Hale. M. d’Arlhac. Dionysius Lardner Boucicault. Thomas J. Irving. Gérard de Marval. Caroline M. Gemmer. Albert Britzius. Peterson Gerlac. Jean Oudraadt. Mrs. Simpson, née Jane Bell. Mrs. William Bennett. George Frederick Pardon. Henry Braddon. (pub. 1833) 39 1774 1851 1761 1824 tº e º 'º e º º º & © tº g º ºs e º tº e º 'º º tº e tº tº tº a s e º ſº. * e < * * * * * tº ſº e º g º º º 40 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Gilbert Mortimer, Montgomery Gibbs. e Q sº º e º 'º e Ginx's Baby, (author of) Edward Jenkins. . . . . . . . Giovanni Benedetto, Nicolo Gracome Mittarilli. 1707 1777 Giovanni Nanni, Annius of Viterbo. 1432 1502 Giraldus Canderensis, Girald Barry. 1146 1224 Girard Montgomery, Rev. George Moultrie. (p. 1837) . . . . . . . . Girl of the Period, Mrs. Eliza Lynn Linto 1822 . . . . Giuseppe Maria, Giovauni Racagni. 1741 1822 Glacier Forbes, James David Forbes. 1809 1868 Glananville, J. A. S. Collin de Plancy. 1793 . . . . Glance Gaylord, Warren S. Bradley. . . . . . . . . Gleaner, (Boston Transcript) Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch. 1805 1861 G. L. M., Gilbert Laing Meason. (p. 1828) . . . . . . . . Gloan, (Chicago Field,) Thomas A. Logan. . . . . . . . . Glow-worm, John Loraine Baldwin. . . . . . . . . G. M., Gervasse Markham. (pub. 1593) 1570 1655 Godfrey Greylock, Godfrey Sparks, Golden Rod, (author of) Good Earl, Goody Two Shoes, Gopher, Gorda Fay, Gordox, Gotham and the Gothamites, Gothamite, Governor, Gracchus, (Petersburg Gazette) John Thompson. Grace Greenwood, Grace Mortimer, Grace Ramsay, Grace Wharton, Grace Wistace, Graduate of Oxford, Granby, (author of) Grandfather, Grandfather Lickshingle, Graham Allen, Grapheus, Gratacap, Joseph Edwards Adams Smith. . . . . . . . . Charles Dickens. 1812 1870 Mrs. Constance Cary Harrison. . . . . . . . . Archibald Angus. . 1520 Giles and Griffith Jones. 1684, 1761 Jacob Pentz. . . . . . . . . Caroline M. Gemmer. . . . . . . . . Noah W. Pike. 1838 Samuel B. H. Judah. g tº º ſº tº tº e. Col. Thomas Picton. 1822 . . . . Henry Morford. 1823 1881 1767 17S0 Mrs. L. K. Lippincott, née Sara Jane Clarke 1823 Miss M. B. Stuart. . . . . . . . . Rathleen O'Meara, . . . . . . . . Mrs. Anthony Todd Thompson mee Katherine Byerly. . . . . . . . . Robert Wace. 1120 1180 John Ruskin. 1819 . . . . Thomas Henry Lister. 1801 1842 Sergius St. John. (pub. 1705) . . . . . . . . Robert W. Criswell. . . . . . . . . George Arnold. 1834 1865 Corneilise Schryver. 1482 1558 Paul Antoine Cap. 1788 . . . . PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Graybeard, John Franklin Graff. Gray Eagle, (Turf Field & Farm) Fred. J. Englehardt. Great Commoner, (?) Great Witch of Balwery, reenhorn, Green Mt. Boys, (Author of) Gregor Samarow, Gregory Greendrake Esq., Gregory Griffin, Greyson, Griffith, Grinder, Grimaud, Grubendol, Gruthuyse, G. S., (N. Y. Mail) G. Tilesius, Gustave d’Alaux, Gustave Haller, (Sunday Times) (Paris Press) Gumbo Chaff, Gudelinus, Gussie, Guy Fawkes, Guy Livingston, Guy Rivers, Guy Roslyn, (author of) G. W. B., (N. Y. Eve. Post) , S., (N. Y. Tribune) William Pitt. Margaret Aiken. George Thompson. Dan Pierce Thompson. Oscar Meding. (pub. 1881) J. Coad. (pub. 1804) George Canning. Henry Rogers. Michael Alford. Harry H. Marks. Armaud Sylvestri. John Oldham. Louis de Bruges. George Slater. Johannes N. Franz Xavier Gistl Maxime Raybaud. Mrs. Gustave Fould, mée Wilhe- lmina Joséphine Simonim. Elias Howe Jr. Peter Gondelin. Augusta Chambers. Edward James. J. Lawrence. W. Gilmore Simms. Joshua Hatton. R. Young. George W. Blunt. George Wilson Meadley. George W. Williams. (p. 1871) 1770 1827 1863 . . . . 1582 1652 1653 1683 1422 1492 1845 . . . . tº e º ſº e º 'º p tº e º is e g º ºs George W. Pettes. (pub. 1880) . . . . . . . . George W. Smalley. 42 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, H., H. A. Burton, Hackle Palmer, Hagius, Hajji Baba of Ispahan, H. A. L., Haldimand, Hall Hildebrand, Halm, Hamden, Hampden, Hamilton Murray, (Knight's) Handley Cross, (author of) Handloom Weaver, Hanky Pankey, (author of) Hannah Waitford, (Lounger) Hannibal, Hans Breitman, Hans Yorkel, H. A. Page, Happy John, ‘Harford Flemming, (Commercial Advertiser) Hari Kari, Harkaway, Hark Comstock, Harold Thornton, Harriet, Harriet Myrtle, Harrow Tutor, Harry B. Free, Harry Bloodgood, Harry Bluff, Harry Castlemar, Harry Fenwood, Harry Franco, Harry Gringo, Harry Hazel, Harry Hieover, Harry Hudson, Harry Hunter, Harry Hunter, (Turf, Field, & Farm) Henry William Herbert. John Habberton. Dr. R. Blake Key. Peter Hagen. James Morier. (pub. 1824-8) Major H. A. Levison. Mary Marcet. A. F. Birdsall. Mrs. Lovell. (pub. 1867) Isaac Orr. William Hooper. Henry Malden. R. H. Surtees. William Thorn. W. H. Cremer, Jr. David Hume. (pub. 1835) George Joseph L. W. Silliman. . . Charles Godfrey Leland. A. Oakey Hall. (pub. 1850) Alexander H. Japp. Edwin F. Roberts. Mrs. Dr. Mc Clellan, née Harriet Hare. Elias F. Carr. Charles Marshall. P. C. Kellogg. Cecil Offard. Miss White. (pub. 1853) Mrs. C. A. Miller, née Mary Gillies. . . . . . . Cecil Frederick Holmes. Harry F. Boynton. Carlo Moran. M. F. Maury. Charles A. Fosdick. William W. Walsh. (p. 1868) 1807 1858. e e º & º ºs º º tº e º ºs e s = 1569 1620 1780 1849, 1769 1858. 1858 . . . . 1793 1844 1742 1790, tº e º e < * * & sº * * s ſº tº - g º & © s tº º g tº ºs tº º ſº º . tº tº $ tº º º ſº º & º ºs & e º 'º * @ e º s e º ºx 1853 Charles F. Briggs. (pub. 1837) .... 1777 Lt. Henry Augustus Wise. Justin Jones. Charles Brindley. IIenry Hunter. C. W. Field. James L. Gould. 1810 1869 * * * -s tº e g tº tº º tº º tº e º ºr * * * * * * * PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Harry Hunter. Harry Lorreguer, Harry Twitcher, Harry Sackett, Harry Zena, (Panama Star) Bartlaw Reid, Hartley Wintney Tracts, Harvey Howard, Harvard Senior, Hawkeye Man, Harkwood, Hawser Martingale, B., B., C., (N. Y. Times) C. Decanver, C. Esq., C. L., Derwent Conway, D. of Cheltenham, . Dropper, Headlong Hall, Hearton Drille, Heartsease, (author of) Heatherbell, Hegemon, Heinrich Yalc Snekul, Heir of Radcliff, (author of) Helen Berkeley, i (author of) Helen Mar, Helen's Babies, (author of) Helen W. Irving, (Home Jour’l H. E. M., Henpecked Husband, Henricus Anton's v d Linden, Henricus von Hassia, Henry Augustus Raymond, Henry Brownrigg, Henry Charlet, (Paris Press) Henry Churton, (au. of) Henry Gibson. Charles James Lever. Henry Brougham. Andrew Dixon. Col. George H. Butler. Robert Hardie. F. O. Gifford. Will S. Faris. Rev. H. D. Ward. Robert J. Burdette. John Acuto. John Sherburne Sleeper. (Turf, Field and Farm) Hamilton Busby. H. B. Doyle. Howard Carroll. C. H. Cavender. (pub. 1846) William Henry Ireland. Rev. H. C. Leonard. Henry David Inglis. Henry Davis. (pub. 1852) Louis J. Jennings. Thomas Love Peacock. Jennie H. Gray. Charlotte Mary Yonge. Eleanor Smith. Philipert Guidi. Henry Clay Lukens. Charlotte Mary Yonge. (pub. 1694) e - tº e º e ºs • * - tº e º º ºr • * * * g º º ºr e - © e º e º º- • e º e s e º a tº e º e º & & e •e e º sº e º a tº 1823 . . . . Mrs. Jas. Mowatt, then Mrs. W.F. Ritchie, née Anna Cora Ogden. 1819 1870. Mrs. D. M. F. Walker. John Habberton. Cardinal Henry E. Manning. Lady Scott. Antonides Naerdema. Heinrich Langenstein. Mrs. Geo. Lewis, mée Sarah Scott Douglas Jerrold. Pierre Gifford. Albion Winegar Tourgee. Henry Des Hoox, (Paris Press) M. Durcul–Darenbeau. tº e s s tº $ tº º, 1808 . . . . 1786 1546 1320 1604 1397 1795 1857 44 - PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Henry Gréville, Henry Harrison Haines, Henry Holbach, Henry J. Thurston, Henry Laurent, FIenry Roeve Colcroft, H. E. O., H. E. P., Heraclitus Grey, Berks, Herman Grimbosh, Biermes, |Hermis das Peath, Hermit, (Troy Times) Bermolaus, Herr Teufelsdröckh, IHertfordshire Incumbent, Hesba Stratton, Bester A, Benedict, Bervis Nano, H. G., H. H., II. H. Barnard, IHibernicus, Hieronymus Lorm, Hierophilos, FIiersingius, Hildanus, FIiram Greene, His Mother, |Historicus, H. K., H. L. W., H. M., H. M. K., H. M. S., Hobomock, (author of) Holm Lee, IHoly Maid of Kent, (?) Bome Life, (author of) IHomer, Mme. Emile Durand, mée Alice Fleury. Harry Enton. William Brightly Rands. Francis Turner Palgrave. Henry L. Gesling. Henry R. Schoolcraft. Thomas George Fonnerean. Harriet Eleanor Phillimon. Charles Marshall. (pub. 1879) John Gurbrand. Dr. Charles Mackey. B. Lumley. (pub. 1838) J. A. S. Collin de Plancy. Rev. Washington Frothingham Almoro Albrizzi. Thomas Carlyle. Doctor Blakesley. Sarah Hamen Smith. Mrs. T. P. Dickinson. Harvey Leach. Hudson Gurney. (pub. 1799) Mrs. Jackson, mee Helen Hunt. George Skinner. De Witt Clinton. Heinrich Landesman. Archbishop Rev. John Mc Hale. 1791 . . . . Nicolas Sparre. Wilhelm Fabricus. William A. Wilkins. M. M. Rolls. Sir W. G. G. Vernon Harcourt. Herbert Kynaston. Henry Lovett Woodward. Harriet Martineau. Henry Mackenzie. Harriet Marion Stephens. Mrs. Daniel Lee Child. Harriet Parr. (pub. 1854) Elizabeth Baxter. Marianne Farmingham. Samuel H. Homan. tº ſº tº $ tº e º is s tº º ºs º e tº tº e 1802 1876 1745 1831 1823 1858 * * * * * * * * PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, 45 Homeward Bound, (author of) James Fenimore Cooper. 1789 1851 Homo, Charles S. Westcott. . . . . . . . Honestus, Benjamin Austin. 1752 1820. Honey Bee, Eliza A. E. Smith. . . . . . . . . Honoria, Marguerite A' Power. (p. 1856) . . . . . . . . Honoria Martesia, Judith Sargent. 1760 1820 Hookanit Bee Esq., S. R. Wigram. . . . . . . . . Hope Ansted, Miss Burdett. . . . . . . . . Hope Ledyard, Miss C. L. Harris. . . . . . . . . Hope Leslie, (author of) Catherine Maria Sedgwick. 1789 1867 Horace in Cincinnati, Thomas Pierce. 1786 1850 Horace Fitzjersey, Theodore A. Buckley. . . . . . . . . Horace Hornem, Lord Byron, (George Gordon) 1788 1824 Horace Welby, John Timbs, 1801 1875 Horam, the Son of Asmar, Rev. James Ridley. . . . . 1765 Hortentius, George Hay. . . . . 1830 Horus, G. C. Fisher. . . . . . . . . Hosea Bigelow, James Russell Lowell. 1819 . . . . Hotspur, Henry Buck. . . . . . . . . Hotspur, H. M. Feist. . . . . . . . . Household of Moore, (au. of) Anne Manning. gº tº e º e º e. Howajii, George William Curtis. 1824 . . . Howard, Roland T. Coffin. 1826 . . . . Howard Glyndon, Mrs. Edward W. Searing, mée Laura C. Redden. 1840 . . . Howard Markham, Mary Cecil Hay. . . . . . . . º Howard of the Times, Joe Howard Jr. . . . . . . . . Howe Benning, Mary H. Henry. . . . . . . . . H. Peppercorn. M. D., Richard Harris Barham. 1788 1845 H. S., Ralph Thomas. 1840 . . . . H. Trusta, Elizabeth Stewart Phelps. 1815 1832 Hubert White, J. Storer Cobb. 1842 . . . . Huggins, George Dolland. 1774 1852 Hugh Littlejohn, John Hugh Lockhart. . . . . . . . . Hugo Playfair, (Bro. Jonathan) Paul Paterson. (pub. 1840) . . . . . . . . Huguet, Français Armand. 1699 1765 Humphrey Oldcastle, Henry St. John. (Bolingbroke) 1678 1751 Hungarian Tales, (author of) Mrs. Catherine G. F. Gore. 1799 1861 Huntsman, Hon. F. Grantley Berkeley. . . . . . . . . H. W. H., (N. Y. World) Benry William Herbert. 1807 1858 Hyde Marston, Captain Carlton. (pub. 1844) . . . . . . . . IIypocrisy, (author of) Rev. C. C. Colton. . . . . 1832 46 PSEUT)ONYMS OF AUTHORS, Ianthe, Ibn-Abid, Ibn-Maat, lconoclast, Ida May, Idamore, Ida Raymond, Idestone, Ignatius Loyala Robinson, Ignotus, Ignotus, Ike L. Berger, Ikey Solomons Jr., Ik Marvel, Ik Wallis, Ill-used Candidate, Il Mauro, Impulsia. Gushington, Indian Agent, Indicus, Indigina, Ingoldsby, Ingoldsby Legends, (au. of) Insulaneus, Invalid, Invisible Green, (Cincinnati Times) Iolo Morganway, Ion, (Baltimore Sun) Ione, Ipecac Useless M. D., Ira Zell, Irish Catholic, Irish Lady, Irish Man, Irish Priest, Irish Whiskey Drinker, Irish Woman, Mrs. Daniel Embury, mee Emma Catherine Manley. George Elmakyn. Aboul-Halçon Zavavi, Charles Bradlaugh. Mrs. Mary H. Greene Pike. Mary Cutts. May T. Tardy. Rev. Thomas Pierce. Samuel Lorenzo Knapp. Felix Platel. James Franklin Fuller. (p. 1875) Thomas W. Eichelberger. 1806 1863 1223 1273 1168 1230 1833 . . . . 1827 . . . 1784 1838 1608 1681 & g º º tº ſº & William Makepeace Thackeray. 1811 1863 Donald Grant Mitchell. Thomas R. Laughton. J. C. Caley. Giovanni Arcano. Lady Seline Dufferin. William Augustus Bowles. Major Evans Bell. 1822 1763 1834 1500 1535 1807 . . . . 1763 1805 Mrs. Alexander Isaacs Menken, then Mrs. John C. Heenan, then Mrs. R. H. Newell, mee Dolores A. Fuertos, Adelaide McCord. 1835 1868 Rev. James Hildyard. Richard Harris Barham. Wilhelm Menaptus. Robert Fulke Greville. William G. Crippen. Edward Williams. E. Kingman. Mrs. Hewitt, then Mrs. Stebbins née Jane T. Moore. Eugene A. Houston. Robert B. Roosevelt. Bishop James Warren Doyle. Mrs. S. D. Greer. Thomas Moore. Bishop M. J. O’Farrell. John Sheehan. (pub. 1868) Anna Perrier. (pub. 1866) 1809 . . . . 1788 1845 1554. 1628 1747 1826 tº e º ſº. * * e º e º 'º - tº s g g º ºs tº 1832 . . . e tº ºf g º & © • * * * * * * * PSE UDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Irenaeus, (N. Y. Observer) Irner, Dr. Samuel Irenaeus Prime. Bon Louis Henri Martin. Irondequoit, (N. Y. Examiner) Dr. F. T. Buckland. Irraghiconnor, (Celtic Monthly) John C. Hennessy. Isa, Isaac Bickerstaff, Isaac Bickerstaff, (Tatler) Isaac Tompkins Gent, Isabel, Isabel Berkeley, Isalin, Italian Pindar, It Matters not Who, Itzmunsh, Ivan Ort, Ixion, Jacia, Jack Bunsby, Mrs. Knox, mée Isa Craig. Dean Swift. Richard Steele. (pub. 1709) Lord Brougham. William Gilmore Simms. [See Ellen Berkeley.] 47 1667 1745 1671 1729 1779 1868 1806 1870 Janet De la Touche. (pub. 1879) . . . . Gabrielle Chiabrera. Rev. Edward Nares. Ben Moïse Avigador. Ossian E. Dodge. Leon N. Salmon. J. John Crane. (pub. 1790) Theodore H. Vandenburgh. Jack Downing of Downingville Seba Smith. Jack Finncane, Jack Harkaway, Jack Humphries, Jack Ketch, Jagob Bibliophile, Jacob Corvinus, Jacob Larwood, Jacob Omnium, Jacques, (Paris Press) Jacques de Voragine, Jacques Rozier, J. A. G. Barton, James Colcroft, James Ficias Erythroeus, James Sowers, (author of) James Weathercock, James Yellowplush, Jane Kingsford, Janin, (Paris Press) Sub. Ed. Pall Mall Gazette. Bracebridge Hemynge. Jonathan F. Kelly. (pub. 1850) Thomas Kibble Hervey. Paul Lacroix. William Raabe. L. R. Sadler. Matthew James Higgins. Albert Duchesne. Giacomo de Voraggio. Mme. Emilie Paton. Shosher Chunder Dutt. J. W. Cole. Giovanni Vittorio Rosio. Mrs. Cornelius Tuthill, née Louise Caroline Higgins. T. G. Wainwright. W. M. Thackeray. C. F. Barnard Jr. M. L’Abbé Richorean. 1552 1647 1762 1848 . 1591 * e º e º e º gº * tº gº tº gº e º 'º º e e is e e º 'º e e = * * * * * * tº e º tº º º tº º tº e º 'º º º tº º 'º a ſº e s º e tº e º & º º ºs * * * * * * * * tº e º 'º e º º 4 48 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Jannonius," Jansen, Jaques, January Searle, Janus, Janus Panonius, Janus Plancus, Jasper, Jasper Biddle, Jay Carlton, (Hearld) Jay Eckob, . B. Selkirk, ., (Holiday Tour) ; H • 2 C. Stewart, Cypress Jr., D., D., Jeannes, (Diary, in Punch) Jean Allut, Jean Baptiste, Pietro Glamone, Johann Heinrich Deufer. J. Hain Friswell. George Searle Phillips. Dr. Johann Joseph I. Dollinger. Johann Cisinge. Giovanni Bianchi. E. P. Robinson. Albert Smith. J. Carlton Goldsmith. J. Storer Cobb. James Brown. Captain John Codman. James Clay. Joel Crook. John Coxe Boyce. Julia. C. Grimani. John Camden Hotten. J. S. Crossey. William Post Hawes. J. D. B. De Bow. John A. Dix. (pub. 1839) Wm. Makepeace Thackeray. Elias Marion. Jacques du Tertre. Jean de Vivelle, (Paris Press) Charles Cannirt. Jean Dolent, Jean Froissart, Jean Jambon, Jean Lander, Jean La Thorne, Jean Paul, Jean Sans-Peur, Jeanette Haderman, Jéanie Dods, (Figaro) Jedediah Cleishbotham, Jeemes Pipes of Pipesville, Antoine Fournier. Alphonso Daudet. J. Hay Macdonald. Mme. Ernst Hello. (pub. 1866) John Dilks. 1676 1748 . . . . 1770 1827 . . . . 1818 . . . . 1799 . . . . 1434. 1472 1693 1775 1816 1860 1842 . . . . 1709 1787 * * * e º e s ºr tº e º e º e º 'º' 1821 1842 1820 . . . . 1798 1880 1811 1863 . . . . 1730 1610 1687 tº e º sº e º & & • * tº ſe tº e º & Johann Paul Friedrich Richter. 1763 1825 M. Hippolyta Babon. (pub. 1868) Mrs. Walworth. Miss Mackay. Sir. Walter Scott. Stephen C. Massett. Jefferson Brick, (B'klyn Times) Alexander Black. Jehu O’Cataract, Jennie June, Jennie Maria, Jeunius, (Paris Press) John Neal. Mrs. Jennie C. Croly. Céline Renard. "Victoria Joncures. tº º ºs e e º º ºs * * * * * * * * PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, 49 Jeremiah Bingletub, John Styles. (pub. 1797) © tº dº e Jeremias Gotthelf, Albert Bitzius. . . . . . . . . Jeremy Levy, Dr. Lorton Osborne. . . . . . . . . Jeremy Savonarola, Francis Sylvester Mahoney. 1805 1866 Jessie June, f Mrs. Simelde Forbes. . . . . . . . . Jeune, Jean C. Dominique de Lacretille. 1766 1855 J. E. W., Jonas E. Whitly. 1849 . . . J. F., John Foster. 1812 . . . . J. G., James Glassford. (pub. 1812) . . . . . . . . J. H., Denis Florence Mc Carthy. 1820 . . . . J. H. C., John H. Connelly. 1840 . . . . J. H. N., Cardinal John Henry Newman. 1801 . . . . Jim Crow, Thomas D. Rice. 1808 1860 Jimmy Restless, James Hull. . . . . . . . . Jimuel Briggs, Phillips Thompson. . . . . . . . . J. J. R. * * * * Joseph Jules Rouel. . . . . . . . . J. K. L., Bishop Doyle. . . . . 1834 J. M., John Martin. 1791 1855 J. M., J. Milner. 1744 1797 J. M., John Muir. . . . . . . . . J. M. & C. C., John M. & Charlotte Chanter. . . . . . . . . Joanna of Naples, (author of) Mrs. Louisa Jane Hall. . . . . . . . . Joannes A. Bosco, Jean Dubois. . . . . 1626 Joannes Albinus, Giovanni Albinus. . . . . 1480 Joannes Eboracensis, John Belmeys. . . . . . . . . Joannes Toupins, Jonathan Toup. | 13 1785 Joaquin Miller, Cincinnatus Heine Miller. 1841 . . . . Job Sass, George A. Foxcroft. gº tº e s º & s Joe Miller, (Jest-Book) John Mottley. 1692 1750 Joe Miller, 2d., James Ballantyne. . . . . 1833 Joe Miller Jr., Thompson Westcott. . . . . . . . J. O. H., James Orchard Halliwell. 1821 . . . . Johannes Videlbias, J. A. S. Collin De Plancy. 1793 . . . . Johann Saville Stein, John Saville Stone. . . . . . . . . John, John Westley Beach. 1825 . . . . John Brighte, J. Duncan. 1720 1808 John Brownjohn, Charles R. Talbot. (pub. 1877) . . . . . . . . John Buncle, Thomas Amory. 1691 1789 John Carboy, (N. Y. Dispatch) John A. Harrington. . . . . . . . . John Claridge, Dr. John Campbell. . . . . . . . . John Clarke, T. H. Horner. tº e º e º 'º e > John C. Walker, James W. Riley. tº e º e e º ſº º T) 50 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, John Daly, John Dangerfield, John Darby, John de la Salle, John de Bergham, John Donkey. John of Fickenham, John Gifford Esq., John Gifford, John Gifford, John Gossip, John Greene, John Halifax, John Hampden, John Happy, John Harwood, John H. Edwards, John Hester the Spagericke, John Jorrocks, John La Touche, John Norton, John Oakum, John Oldberg, John of Manchester, John Paul, John Phoenix, Gentleman, John Quod, John Roberts, John Ross, John Scott Ripon, John Search, John Search, John Search, John Smith, John Smith Esq., (author of) John Smith Jr., of Arkansas, (Bk’lyn Sun) John S. Moray, John Struys, John Sur—rebutter, John Shadow, (Spectator) John Timon, John Waters, John Besemeres. Oswald J. Frederick Crawfurd, Dr. J. E. Garretson. John Davis. Thomas Chatterton. Thomas Dunn English. John Howman. Alexander Whillier. Edmund FOSS. John Richard Greene. E. R. Champlin. George Henry Townsend. Mrs. Craik, née Dinah M. Muloch. George N. Grenville. J. P. Roberts. Charles Miner. John Edward Haynes. James Forrestier. (pub. 1594) M. Edward Sartees. Oswald J. Frederick Crawfurd. Try-on-iah-ok-araven. (p. 1807) Walter P. Phillips. Rev. Leonard Withington. John Bosworth. (pub. 1853) Charles H. Webb. Capt. George Horatio Derby. John Treat Irving. Thomas Swinerton. Koo-wes-koo-we. John Scott Byerley. (pub. 1803) M. Marseli. Richard Whateley. Wm. Henry Ashurst. (pub. 1833) John Delaware Lewis. Seba Smith. Sylvester S. Southworth. Augustus R. Cazauran. John Morrison. (pub. 1684) John Anstey. John Byron. - Donald Grant Mitchell. Henry Carey. tº a tº e º ºs º Kx. tº º cº º e e º ſº. gº & © º ºs e º 'º tº e º s º E tº . . e º 'º is a s & a & º tº g º ºs º º 1787 . . . . tº gº e º 'º e º & e e º ºr 6 is e a 1825 . . . . 1788 1850 1800 1865 1825 . . . . º e º 'º - e º º tº gº º e º e º sº tº º º tº t e º tº * * * * * * * * * * is e º a 3 s. 4 g º gº e = * * 1823 1861 1810 1838 . . . . 1554 1790 1866 1787 1863 i. e. e º e º $ tº 1792 1868 1691 1763 1822 . . . . 1793 1858 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, 51 Johnny Boquet, (N. Y. Tribune) George Alfred Townsend. Jonathan Farbrick, (Courier) Jonathan Freke Slingsby, Jonathan Oldstyle Gent, Jonathan Toup, Jon Bee, Joseph Brandt, Joseph Fume, Joseph Hunter, Josephus Tela, ( Ecce Homo) Josh Allen's Wife, Josh Billings, Joseph Citrouillard, Joshua Coffin, (?) Joshua, Davidson, Joshua Jedediah Jinks, Joshua Short, Journeyman Engineer, Journeyman Printer, Joy Allison, (N.Y.Independent) Mary A. Cragin. J. R., (Gent's Magazine) J. R. D., J. R. M., J. S., (London Times) Judocus Sincirus, Judah Arieh, Jules, Jules René, Jules Sand, Jules Simon, Julia A. Willis, Julia C. Ripley, Julian Cramer, Juliette Lamber, Julius Caesar Hannibal, Julius Seidlitz, Julius Von Rodenberg, June Guare, Junior, Junius, (Insurance Times) Junius, tº e º ſº tº e º ºs Silas Pinckney Holbrook. 1796 1835 Dr. John Francis Waller. 1810 . . . . Washington Irving. (pub. 1802) 1783 1859 E. R. Poole. (pub. 1822) John Badcock. Tha-yan-dan-e-ga. William Andrew Chatto. Henry Nelson Coleridge. Joseph Webb. (pub. 1813) Marietta Holley. tº sº e g º º Henry W. Shaw. 1818 . . . . M. Jean L. Auguste Connerson. . . . . 1878 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 1807 . . . . Mrs. Eliza Lynn Linton. 1822 . . . . "W. B. Dick. Frederick Oakley. Thomas Wright. (pub. 1870) C. Manby Smith. (pub. 1853) James Roche. James Reid Dill. Hugh McCulloch, Sir. John Stoddart. Just Zinzerling. Léon. (of Modena) 1574 1654 Jean Joseph Garnier. 1816 . . . . Marquis de Cassamajor. . . . . i878 Mme. Dudevant & Jules Sandeau. . . . . . . . J. F. S. Suisse. Julia A. Kempshall. Mrs. J. C. Dorr. . . . . . . . . Joseph Lemuel Chester. 1821 . . . . Mme. Edward Adam. J. Levison. Itzig Jedteles. Julius Levy. Mrs. A. G. Cole, mée Harriet A. A. Burleigh. Hyacinthe—Theodore Baron. Cornelius Walford. François du Jow. 1773 1856 1590 1620 * * * * * * * . . . . 1865 1707 1787 e tº gº tº e º ſº sº. 1545 1602 52 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Junius, Junius Americanus, James H. Brown. Arthur Lee. Junius Americanus, (Boston Gazette) Daniel Everett. JUNIUS, [These celebrated letters were published in the “Public Ad- vertiser’ from Sept. 21, 1769 to Sept. 21, 1772, 41 persons have been accused of their author- ship. 13 names which have attracted most attention for 100 years, are appended.] Jupiter Carlyle, Jurista, Justified Sinner, Justitia, Justus, Justus, Juvenile, (S. F. Cronicle) Juvenon, J. V. Z., J. W., J. W., J. W. H. M., J. Y. A • 3 K., Kah-ge-gwa-ge-bow, Rahl, Henry Sampson Woodfall. Sir Philip Francis. George Sackville. Thomas Paine. William Pitt. Edmund Burke. James Adair. John Wilkes. Charles Lee. William Girard Hamilton. Samuel Dyer. Charles Lloyd. Hugh Macauley Boyd. Alexander Carlyle. Uriel Acosta. James Hogg. Bennett Lowe. C. Ebhardt. (pub. 1876) Jesse Vanden Woudel. Col. Thomas Picton. François Jean Thuitleru. Joseph Veazie. John Wade. John Wilson. 1740 1792 1769 1813 1740 1818 1716 1785 1736 1809 1708 1778 1730 1797 . . . . 1798 1727 1797 1731 1782 1729 1796 1725 1772 1740 1800 1746 1791 1721 1805 1587, 1647 1772 1835 John Wm. Henry Molyneaux. . . . . . . . John Yonge Akerman. (p. 1834) K. John Collyer Knight. (p. 1842) . . . . . . . . George Copway. Johann Calvinus. Kalulu, (N. Y. Dramatic News) F. E. Ramsden. Kampa. Thorpe, Karl Bernhard, Rarl (E. C. Revons) Reden, Earl Pretzel, Karl Stille, Rate Campbell, Rate Cleveland, (Cin. Herald) Rate Manton, Mrs. E. W. Bellamy. Saint Aubin. Charles Crozat Converse. Charles H. Harris. Germain C. Godefroi Demme. Jane Elizabeth Larcombe. Mrs. W. Nichols, mée Rebecca S. Reed. Mrs. S. G. Knight. tº e e s e º sº e tº ſº º g º 'º º 1760 1822 1829 . . . . PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Kate Phusin, Kate Putman, Kate Syndas, Kate Thorne, Katherine Morris, Katherine Williams, Kaufmann, Kaufmann, K. C., Reld, (Syracuse Herald) Kel–Kun, (Paris Press) Kelsic Etheridge, Remal Eddin, Kempferhausen, (Blackwood) Kenner Deane, Kenner Gerrard, Kesmit, (author of) Key-note, (N. Y. Examiner) Kham—Khanan, Rhan-Sahib, Kilosa, Kingsman, Kinkel, Kinmont Willie, Kinsayder, Kirke White, Kirwan, Rit, Kit Baun, Mariner, Kit Carson, Knickerbocker, (Phila. Disp.) Knight of Innishowen, K. N. Pepper, (N. Y. World) Kric, (N. Y. World) Kroates, Kuhlos, Rulmus, Kwang Chang Ling, John Ruskin. 1819 . . . . Kate Putman Osgood. *º º ºs & Miss K. Sandys. tº ſº gº Louisa M. Gray. (pub. 1874) Q ſº º e Mrs. F. A. M. Pike. & & ſº ge Mrs. Laura A. Buck. tº e º s Gerard Mercator. 1512 Nicolaus Mercator. 1620 gº º tº gº e is sº gº W. C. M. Kent. 1823 . . . Harry S. Hewitt. 1856 . . . . Edward Texier. gº tº it is W. B. Smith. * † tº ſº Abd-er-Kezzek. 1413 Robert Pearce Gillies. (p. 1827) . . . . Mrs. Benjamin Smith, mée Charlotte Tenner. 1749 S. E. Nolan. tº º 'º e Julia Fletcher. e tº º ºs Prof. Nathan Shepard. * @ g Abdul-Rahnyon. 1555 Siraj Uddin Ali Khan Arza. tº e º 'º e e º gº ë is & © e is $ & Harriet Hosmer. 1831 . . . R. W. Essengton. s & sº g Elizabeth Sara Sheppard. e tº $ tº William Armstrong. 1790 in & ſº e $ tº $ e John Marston. (pub. 1598) 1570 Henry Kirke White. 1785 Rev. Nicholas Murray. 1803 John Wilson. tº º g Mrs. Charles Cowden Clark, née Mary Novello. 1809 . . . . Christopher Carson. 1809 John S. Du Sollé. * G & º John Sheehan. (pub. 1862) tº e º e James W. Morris. (pub. 1858) . . . . H. G. Crickmore. e º ºs Josiah F. Polk. (pub. 1844) John Harris. 1802 Louisa A. Victoria Gottsched. 1713 * * * e e º 'º Alexander Delmar. (pub. 1878) 1836 . . . . 54 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. L., L. L., Labelle Cardière, Labenette, Laco, Lacon, (author of) La Crissoniere, Lactilla, Ladovie Haus, Lady, Lady Audley's Secret, (au, of) Lady Caroline Lascelles, (Paris Press) Lady De' Beauclerk, Lady Graham, Lady Morgan, Lady of Virginia, Laertes, L'African, Lageniensis, La Girandole, (Weathercock) Lagrange, La Hode, Laicus, Lake—Elbe, Lambecius, Lambert Lilly, La Meschinerie, Lamplighter, (author of) Lamp of Life, (author of) La Muse Limondière, Catherine Swanwick. (p. 1858) . . . . . . . James Lennox. Lady Lyons of Strathmore. Louisa Labé. Jean Baptiste Corsee. Stephen Higginson. Rev. C. C, Colton. Charlotte Catherine Corson. Anne Yearsley. Revé Delorme. [See pp. 8 and 9] Mary Elizabeth Bradden. Mrs. J. Maxwell, née Mary Eliz- abeth Bradden. Lady D. De Vere. Maria, Callcott. Miss S. Owenson. (Mac Owen) Mrs. J. P. Mc Guire. George Alfred Townsend. Jean Teon. Rev. John O’Hanlon. (p. 1871) Emile de Girardin. Augustin Cardeilhac. N. Pére La Mothe. Rev. Lyman Abbott. Archibald Bleloch. (pub. 1878) Peter Lambeck. Samuel G. Goodrich. Pierre Enoch. Maria S. Cummins. Fanny Elizabeth Bunnett Charlotte Bourette. Tancashire Incumbent, (Lon. Times) Rev. Abraham Hume. Lancilottus, Lane Wyclife, Langeveld, Lapage, La Ramée, Larkin, Larry Leigh, Larry O' Hannegan, Lascelles Wraxalſ, Corneille Lancelotz. Elizabeth Jennings. Georgius Macropedius. Marie Anne Boccage. Pierre Ramus. John L. Cassidy. L. T. Warner. Lee O’ Harris. Sir Fred. Charles L. Wraxall , . . . 1878 dº e º º º e º e 1760 1815 1748 1828 1740 1813. * * * * * * * * 1788 1842 1841 .... 1483 1552 1804. 1855. . . . . 1876 1680 1740 1835 . . . . * * * * * * * * & & © tº e º ſº º . . . . 1590 • * * * * * > g. 1714 1784. 1547 1622 . . . . 1558 1710 1802 1515 1572 1828 1865 Latonius, Latonius. Latonius, Launay, PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Launcelot Crosse, Launcelot Langdale, Launcelot Langstaff, (Salmagundi) Launcelot Temple, Launcelot Templeton, (Ivanhoe) Launcelot Wagstaffe Jr., Laura Barker, Laura Caxton, Laurent, Laurent Jan, Laurie Loring, Laurie Todd, Tavengro, L' Avocat, (author of) Lawrence Barrett, Lawrence Frazer, Lawrence Lancewood, Lawrie Todd, Layman, Lay Preacher, L. B. T., L. C. M., L. E., L. E., (author of) Learned Blacksmith, (?) Leatherstocking, Le Baron Schop, (Paris Press) Leborgne, Le Comte d’I * * *, Legrand, Leighton, Le Jeune Moraliste, L. E. L., Teland Searcher, Lelio, Le Mangeur, Barthelemy Masson. Jacques Masson. Jacques Masson. Pierre Boaistman. M. Frank Carr. George I. Graham. W. Irving 1783–1859, J. K. Paul- 55 1485 1566 1475 1554 1510 1596 1500 1566 tº ſº tº º & e ding 1779–1860, & Wm. Irving, 1766 1821 John Armstrong. Sir Walter Scott. Dr. Charles Mackay. Mrs. Tom Taylor. Lizzie B. Comins. Michael Neuré Meslin. Laurent—Jean de Lausanne, L. Maria Pratt. John Galt. George Borrow. Antoine Vincent Arnauld, Tarry Brannigan. Lawrence F. Abbott, Daniel Wise. Grant Thorburn. |See page 9 | Joseph Dennie. Lawrence Buckley Thomas, Louise Chandler Moulton, Eleanor Eden. Mrs. Edwards. Elihu Burritt. Doctor Dolby. Edward Texier. Beuvit Boigne. Mrs. Jules Gay. EHenri Belleville. Rev. Jessie Appleton. Emile Deschamps. 1709 1779 1771 1832 1812 . . . tº a º ºs e º 'º º tº e º ºs e a s e tº e º 'º e º a s & º º tº E tº e e tº gº º e º ſº º g º º tº º gº º e sº Mrs. Maclean, née Letitia Eliza- beth Landon. Wm. Wallace Hebbard. Liugi Riccoboni. Pierre Comestor. 1802 1838 1621 1704 1674 1753 s e º e º ſº º º 56 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Lemechen, Le Monsieur de l'orchestre, Lemuel Gulliver, Lenial Seab. Le Noven de mon Oncle, Leo, Leo, Léon, Léon Dwrocher, Leonard Roe, Leone Leoni, Léonie d’Aunet, Leon Lafitte, Leontes, Leo Valleitã. Le Perin, Le Prince de la Critique, Le Rondié, Leto Pomponio, Letters from a Persian, Le Vicomte Delauney, Le Viola, Lewis Arundell, (author of) Lewis Carroll, Lewis Carroll, L’homme qui-let, (Paris Press) Lifting the Veil. (author of) Lieut. Ashbury Lawrence, Lieut. Warneford, Ligonier, Lil, Lilla N. Cushman, Lincolnshire Grazier, L’Inconnue, Line upon Line, (author of) Linkensale, Linwoods, (author of) Literary Antiquity, Literary Cookery, (author of) Little Breeches, Little Bugler Little Henry (author of) (author of) Simon Lemnius, Arnold Mortier. Jonathan Swift. D. S. B. Johnston, J. A. S. Collin de Plancy. Col. Pemberton. (pub. 1869) J. K. Casey. Leonard Boitel. Marie Roch Louis Reybaud. John Douglas. J. D. Osborne. Madam Baird. Col. Prentis Ingraham, James Bindley. Teodero Anselmi. Augustin Daly. Jules Gabriel Janin. Angier Gaillard. Marchese Francesco Vilelleschi. Lord Lyttleton. (pub. 1835) Mme. Emile de Girardin. Col. Thomas Picton. Frank Smedley. Charles L. Dodgson. D. C. Ludwidge. J. Poignart, M. W. McLain. Maj. Alfred R. Calhoun. W. H. C. Russell. Wm. Henry Burleigh. Waterman L. Ormsby Jr. Anna M. S. Rossiter. Thomas Hartwell Horne. Mrs. L. Virginia French. Mrs. J. Mortimer. L. D. Ingersoll. Catherine Maria Sedgewick. F. W. Fairholt. (pub. 1846) A. E. Brae. John Hay. George Munroe Roger. Mrs. M. M. Sherwood, 1510 1550 1667 l'Y45 tº e e º e < e < 1806 1855 1799 . . . 1721 1807 1804 1874 1530 1593 i822 . . . . tº º & © - - - © tº e º 'º a tº a tº & tº º ºr e º 'º a 1834 1830 . . . . 1789 1867 1814 1866 tº a tº e º e - e. 1775 1851 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Littlejohn, Little Susy, Little Things, (author of) Llewellyn Penrose, L. Mariotti, L. Montigny, L. * * * Mus, (letters) L. N. R., LO, Lochiel, Lollards, (author of) London Antiquary, London Hermit, London Physician, London Physician, Lone Star, (author of) Longalius, Long Island Farmer Poet , Longinus, Lord Beichan, Lord and Lady Thou, Lord Cumdermere, Lord Dundreary, Lorenzo Benoni, Lord Mahon, Lord No Zoo, Lord Timothy, Lottie Linwood, Loubat, Louis de Montalte, Louis de Montalte, Louis Levater, Louis de Vermond, Louis Reymond, Louise Capsadell, Louise de’ Alq, Louisa Mülbach, Louisa. Twomby. Lounger, (Harpers) (author of) R. Shelton Mackenzie, Mrs. Prentiss. (pub. 1854) Miss H. Wilson. John Eagles, (pub. 1856) A. Gallenga. Adolph Lemoine. Mrs. Lefevre. (pub. 1754) Miss L. N. Ranyard. Fillippo Piccolo. Sir Donald Evans Cameron. Thomas Gaspay. John Camden Hotten. F. Parke. James Howard. (pub. 1672) Wm. Augustus Guy. Mary Elizabeth Lee. , Christophe de Longueil. Bloodgood H. Cutter. Jean Dlugosz. Gilbert Becket. Lord & Lady Nugent. (p. 1832) Jean-Baptiste-Alfred Assolat. Rev. Charles Kingsley. Giovanni Ruffini. Philip Henry Stanhope. John Swinton. Timothy Dexter. Mrs. Helen M. Cooke. François-Phillippe Bohan. Blaise Pascal. Rev. Antoine Arnauld. M. Louis Adolph Spach. Louis Enault. (Paris Press) Ernest Daudet. Mrs. Hammond. Olga Ebhardt. Mrs. Clara Mundt. Louisa Meredith. George William Curtis. Love and Ambition, (author of) Comte de France. Lover of Literature, L. Pylodet, Thomas Greene. F. Leypoldt. (p. 1862) 57 1809 1881 * * * * * * * * tº a tº e º ºs e º & e º ºs e º º º tº g º e º 'º º is 1626 1701 1810 1813 1849 1490 1522 1415 1480 1810 1856 1827 . . . . 1819 1875 1753 1816 1703 1777 1747 1806 1751 1804 1623 1662 1612 1694 * * * * = * * * 1814 1873 1812 . . . . 1824 . . . . tº º º ºs e e º e 58 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, L. T. Anglicanus, Lucian, Tucifer, Tucinda B., Lucy Fountain, Luisinus, Luke Lernier, (?) Luke Limner, Lun, Lunar Wray, Lupulus, Luscinius, Tuxymon Roy, Tycidas, Lynde Palmer, Lyndon, Lynn Bard, Lynn Erith, Lyrics by the letter H., Mabel, Mabel Hazelton, Mabel's Progress, Mac, (The Danburian) Mac, Macaulay, (Rochester Democrat) Mace Sloper, Mac Gilla Cuddy, Mack, (Cincinnati Commercial) Mac Shimi, M. A. D., Mada, Madam Bourdon, Madam Brun, Madam C. Reyhaud, Madam D’Arblay, Madam De Stolz, Madam De St. Balman, Madam Flaggare, Madam Kinkel, Dean Stanley. 1815 1881 John Calvin. 1509 1564 John Ball. 1585 1640 Miss L. Bowser. . . . . . . . . Kate Hilliard. e º ºs e º e º 'º Francesco Luvigini. 1523 1568 F. S. Leighton. . . . . . . . . John Leighton. (pub. 1874) a o e º e s is e John Rich. . . . . . . . . Rev. M. J. Savage. (pub. 1879) . . . . . . . . Heinrich Woelflein. 1470 1532 Ottamar Nachtgall. 1487 1535 Samuel H. Homan. 1842 . . . . John Milton. 1608 1677 Mrs. Mary L. Peebles. (p. 1862) . . . . . . . . Matilda A. Bright. . . . . . . . . Alonzo Lewis. (pub. 1831) . . . . . . . . Edward Fox. . . . . . . . . Col. Charles G. Halpine. 1829 1898 M. M. P. Hazen. e - © e º 'º º ſº- C. H. Reed. (Rand) tº e º ſº º Mrs. Thomas A. Trollope. tº e º e º ſº. tº- C. E. A. McGeachy. . . . . . . . . W. Mc Connell. e º 'º e is º gº Rev. Washington Frothingham. . . . . . . . Charles Godfrey Leland. 1824 . . . . Richard Archdekin. 1619 1690. Joseph McCullough. . . . . . . . . Archibald Simpson. . . . . . . . . Mary Andrews Denison. . . . . . . . . Mary L. Clark. . . . . . . . tº- Mme. Mathilde Froment. . . . . . . . Marie M. de M. Forte Brun. 1713 1794 Henrietta Arnaud. 1800 . . . . Frances Burney. 1752 1840 F. Begon. . . . . . . . . Barre d’ Ernecourt. . . . 1660 Emelia F. Carlin. 1810 . . . Elizabeth Sara. Sheppard, 1830 1862 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, 59. Madden, Mary Anne Sadlier. 1820 . . . . Madeline Leslie, Mrs. H. N. Woods Baker. 1815 . . . . Mademoiselle Mori, (au. of) Charles Clark. . . . . . . . . Madge Elliot, Margaret Eytinge. . . . . . . . * Madge Graves, (author of) Anna D. Ludlow. . . . . . . . . Mad Poet, (?) Mc Donald Clark. 1789 1842 Mad Poet, (?) Nathaniel Lee. 1656 1692 Maga, William Blackwood. 1776 1834. Maggie Symington, Charlotte Symington. . . . . . . . . Magnoeus, Arne Magnusson. 1663 1730. Magnus Merriweather, Charles R. Talbot. (pub. 1878) . . . . . . . . Magus of the North, Johann Georg Hamann. 1733 1788 Maigret, Jean Salmon. 1490 1557 Maitre, (Paris Press) M. Davrellé des Essaut. . . . . . . . . Maitre Adam, Adam Billaut. . . . . 1662 Major Fridolin, Khalil Sheriff Pasha. . . . . . . . . Major Jack Downing, (N. Y. Adv.) Charles Augustus Davis. 1795 1867 Major Jack Downing, (Downingville) Seba Smith. 1792 1868, Major Jep Joslyn, J. E. P. Doyle. 1837 . . . . Major Jones, William Theodore Thompson. . . . . . . . . Major Marble, Henry T. Cheever. 1814 . . . . Major Muldoon, William H. McCartney. . . . . . . . . Major Penniman, Charles W. Dennison. * > ... it tº º ſº e Malachi Malagrowther, Sir Walter Scott. 1771 1832 Malakoff, (N. Y. Times) Dr. W. F. Johnston. . . . . . . . . Malcolm J. Errym. M. J. Rymer. . . . . . . . . Malcolm Macgregor, William Mason. 1725 1797 Malinche, Dona Xaramillo Marina. 1505 1529 Malleolus, Felix Hammerlein. . . . . . . . . Malleus Hoereticorum, François Caster. 1515 1559, M. A. Madden, Mrs. J. Sadlier. 1820 . . . . Man about Town, (Brooklyn Sun) William Muldoon. . . . . . . . . Manchester Man, J. Lamb. . . . . . . . . Manchester Manufacturer, Richard Cobden. 1804 . . . . Manchester Poet, Charles Swain. $803 . . . Manfred, — Preston. . . . . . . . . Manhattan, (London Herald) Joseph A. Scoville. 1815 1864 Man in the Front-Row, Henrietta Henderson. & e º ſº tº Man in the Moon, Rev. J. Eagles. . . . . . . . . Manners in Parliament, (au. of) Henry Lucy. © & © e º e s e Man of Bath, Ralph Allen. gº tº e º ºs º e Man of Business, T, Decker. e e s tº 60 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Man of Business, Man of Ross, Manual of Conduct, (au. of) Manuel, Marc de Montifaud, Marco de St. Hilaire, Marchmont Needham, Marco Mantuano, Marco Paul, Margaret Blount, William Rathbone. (p. 1867) . . . . John Kyrle. Rev. Thomas Wright. tº º o & Ernest Lepine. tº a tº Mme. Lāon Quirogne. mee Maria Amelia Chartryale. * * * * Margaret Bourne, (N. Y. Independent) Mrs. Oliver Johnson, mee Jennie Margaret Catchpole, Margaret Holmes, Margaret Junkin, Margaret Maitland, (author of) Mrs. Oliphant. - - - - Margaret More, Margaret Nicholson, Margaret Russell, Margaret Sidney, (N. Y. Independent) Miss H. M. Stone. * - tº º Margery Deane, Marginalia, Maria dell’Occidente, Maria, Gaston, Marian Douglass, Marian Harland, Marie, Married Critic, Mariel, (Paris Press) Marie Le Baron, lMarietta, Marinus, Mario, Marion Ward, Marius, (Advertiser) Mar. Jozon d’ Erquar, Miark Broderick, Mark Girardin, tº e º ºs * * * * Emile Marc Hillaire, 1790 . . . . Josiah Quincy. 1744 1775 Marco Benevides. 1489 1582 Rev. Jacob Abbot. 1803 . . . . Mrs. Mary O' Francis. - - - - A. Abbott. 1808 1872 Rev. Richard Cobbold. 1797 . . . . Mrs. M. V. Bates. tº e º 'º a 4 & 5 Mrs. M. J. Preston. . . . . . . . . Annie Manning. . . . . . . . Percy Bysshe Shelley. 1792 1822 Mrs. Thomas Kibble Hervey, née Eleonora, Louisa Montague. 1811 . . . . Margaret J. Pitman. . . . . . . . . Edgar Allen Poe. 1811 1849 Mrs. Marie Gowan Brooks. 1795 1845 Alphonse Dudet. 1800 . . . . Anne D. Greene. . . . . . . . . Mrs. E. P. Terhune, mée Marian Virginia Hawes. 1835 . . . Harriet M. Skidmore. * * * * * * * Jules Gabriel Janin. 1804 1874 M. Moorien. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Bielby. Harriet M. Bradley. tº g Jaques Martin. . 1562 Giuseppe Baletti. 1728 Mrs. Stevens, mée Harriet Marion Ward. 1823 1858 William Charles Wells. 1757 1817 Joseph-Maria Querard. 1797 1865 Mrs. E. S. L. Thompson. . . . . . . . Gerardin Saint—Marc. 1801 . . . . PSEUDONYMS Markham Howard, Mark Littleton, OF AUTHORS, Mary Cecil Hay. John Pendleton Kennedy. Mark Macrobin, (Blackwood's Magazine) Allan Cunningham. Mark Quencher, Mark Rochester, Mark Twain, Marlay, Marmone, (author of) Marodous Country (au. of) Marquis de la Pailleterie, Marrying Man, (author of) Marshall Forwardo, Martel, (N. H. Statesman) Martha Farquharson, Martianus Magister, Martin Doyle, Martin Mar-prelate, Martin Priest, Mary Barrett, Mary Barton, Mary Berwick, Mary Clavers, Mary Cozinski, Mary De Clifford, Mary Densel, Mary Hartwell, Mary Langdon, Mary Lorimer, Mary Morrison, Mary Orme, (author of) Mary Powell, Mary Rie, Masque of Poets, Massachusettensis, Massius, Master Adam, Master Timothy, Masurius, M. A. T., Mata, (author of) Charles M. Connelly. Wm. Charles Mark Kent. Samuel Langhorne Clemens. D. W. Chapman. Philip Gilbert Hamerton. Samuel Woodworth Cozzens. Alexander Davy Dumas. Mrs. G. Smythies. Lebrecht von Blucher. Rev. Washington Frothingham. Martha Finley. Martin Lemaistre. Rev. William Hickey. John Penry. John Penry. Mary O. Nutting. (pub. 1869) Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskill. Adelaide Anne Proctor. Caroline Matilda Kirkland. Miss H. A. Steinhauer. Sir. E. E. Bridges. Mary S. Mc Cobb. Mrs. M. H. Catherwood. Mrs. Mary H. Greene Pike. M. O. B. Dunning. Mary B. Washburne. Mrs. Thomas Nichols, then Mrs. Sargent Gove, mée Mary Neal. Mrs. Richard Rathbone, mée Anne Manning. Miss M. Walsingham Cream. G. P. Lathrop. David Leonard. André Mars. Adam Billaut. Geo. W. M. Reynolds. (p. 1839) Touis Desmasures. Mary Agnes Tincker. William R. Thompson. 61 tº º e º e º ºs 1785 1842 1823 . . . . 1835 . . . tº tº tº a tº a tº º tº s > * e º sº º * * * * * * * * 1559 1593. 1559 . . . . 1811 1865, 1825 . . . . tº e º ºs e º e w & e º e e e * * * * * * * * * - tº - tº e º 'º' a e º 'º e º s ºr 1810 . . . . tº e º e º e º 'º' * * * * * * * * 1740 1829 1515 1576 . . . . 1662 * R - e º e º gº e G e º e g º sº. ‘52 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Materfamilias, Mrs. C. M. Bell. tº º O is a tº tº º Mat Mac Arno, Theodore P. Cook. . . . . . . . . Mattie May, Mrs. C. R. Brown. . . . . . . . . Mathalin, Gaillard Taillasson. 1580 1647 Matthoeus Soletanus Malteo Tafuri. 1492 1585 Matthew Bramble, Andrew Mac Donald. 1757 1790 Matthew Brown, Wm. Brightly Rands. (pub. 1837) . . . . . . . . Matthew Carey, Augustus R. Cazauran. & º ºs ºs º º Matthew Merchant, W. S. Wood. . . . . . . . . Matthew Stradling, M. F. Mahoney. . . . . . . . . Matthew Unit, James Pooton. 1834 . . . . Maurice O'Quill, Martin Van Buren Denslow. . . . . . . . & Maurice Sand, Maurice Dudevant. . . . . . . . May, M. Porter. tº e º ºs e s tº May Clayton, Mamie Wilson. º º º ºs º º º May Hamilton, Julia Tilt. (pub. 1857) . . . . . . . . May Mannering, H. P. H. Nowell. . . . . . . . . May Martin, (author of) David P. Thompson. . . . . . . . . May Myrtle, Mrs. Maria Holden. . . . . . . . . Mayer, Simon Marius. 1564. 1624 Maynard, Willert Beale. . . . . . . . . Max, W. H. Maxwell. 1852 . . . Max Adeler, (Philadelphia Bulletin) Charles Heber Clark. * * * * * tº g Max Mannering, (Springſ'd Republican) Josiah Gilbert Holland. 1819 1881 Mazzochole, Alessio Simmacho Mazzochi. 1684 1771 M. B., Mary Lamb. 1765 1847 M. B., Mona Drew. . . . . . . . . M. B. Drapier, Jonathan Swift. 1667 1745 Mc Arone, George Arnold. 1834 1865 Mac Leod Noyes, Francis T. Palton. . . . . . . . . M. D., Marcus Davis. (pub. 1791) . . . . . . . . M. D., (Alcohol as Medicine) Doctor F. R. Black. . . . . . . . . M. D. C., Erastus Brooks. 1815 . . . . M. De Viellerge, Honoré de Balzac. 1799 1851 M. dudré Gill, De Gunes. Means and Ends, (author of) M. E. B., Meg Dods, Mehalah, (author of) Meirion, Meister Karl, M. E. L., Catherine Maria Sedgewick. 1789 1867 Mary E. Gillie. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Johnston. (pub. 1815) Rev. S. Baring Gould. W. Owen. (pub. 1791) * @ s tº ſº º Charles Godfrey Leland. 1824 . . . . Mary Elizabeth Lee. 1813 1849 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. 63 Mela Britannicus, Charles Kelsall. (pub. 1823) . . . . . . . . Melford, John Reeve. . . . . 1540 Member for Cheltern Hundreds, Henry W. Lucy. & © º ºs e s - Member of the Burton Hunt, Henry Braddon. tº e s tº e º 'º' M. E. M. J., f Margaret Elizabeth Mary Jones. . . . . . . . . Memorial of Dalton, (au. of) John Call Dalton. . . . . . . . . Menor, Antoine Ag’r A. de Grammont. . . . . . . . . Montor, Josiah Quincy. 1744 1775 Mentzer, Johann Fischart. 1545 1614 Merauges, Antoine Chanorrier. . . . . ] 570 Merchantius, Jacques Le Marchant. 1537 1609 Mercurius Aulicus, Sir John Birkenhead. 1615 1679 Mercurius Rusticus, Thomas Frognall Dibden. 1775 1847 Mercury, (Turf, Field and Farm) L. C. Bruce. * * * e g º e e Mercutio, Will Winter. . . . . . . . . Mercy Philbrick's Choice, (au, Oſ) Mrs. Helen Jackson. . . . . . . . . Merlin, (Examiner) Alfred Tennyson. 1809 . . . Merlin Coccage, Trofilo Folengo. 1491 1544 Merry Andrew, Andrew Borde. 1500 1549 M # * *e T * * * y, Thomas Moore. 1779 1852 Metador, (New York Times) William L. Alden. © e º e s s e e Meta Lander, (N. Y. Independent) Mrs. Dr. E. A. Lawrence, née Margaret Woods. M. E. W. S., (Appleton's Journal) Mary Elizab'h Wilson Sherwood. . . . . . . . . M. H., Mrs. Hullah. . . . . . . . . M. H. B., (St. Louis Republican) Mrs. Mary Hewins Burnham. . . . . . . . . M. H. S., (St. Nicholas) Mary H. Seymour. 1840 1881 M. H. T., Mrs. Stephen Fiske. . . . . . . . Micah Balwhidder, John Galt. . . . . . . . . Michael Angelo Titmarsh, William M. Thackeray. 1811 186: } Michel Carlin, J. H. Bonnye. . . . . . . . . Michael Hefferman, Samuel Furgerson. . . . . . . . . Micyllus, Jacob Moltzer. 1503 1558 Migionette, Emily H. Moore. - e. e. e. e º ºs Miles O’Reilly, Charles Graham Halpine. 1829 1868 Milford Bard, John Lofland. . . . . . . . . Milly Mayfield, Mrs. M. S. Holmes. . . . . . . . IMimi, Marie Anne Carton Dancourt. 1685 1780 Minnie at Home, Mary A. Dunham. . . . . . . . . Minnie Mary Lee, Julia A. Wood. . . . . . . . . Minnie Munster, Harriet E. Burleigh. 1813 1864 lMinor Topics, (New York Times) John Swinton. tº e º sº e º O © 64 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Minnie Myrtle, Minnie Myrtle, Mintwood, Minute Philosopher, Minutius Felix, Mira, Mirabilia, Mirage, (author of) Miriam's Heritage, Miroeus, Miron, Miss Grundy, Miss Keddie, Miss Lucy Austin, Miss Melon, Miss Mulock, Miss Planche, Miss Wetherell, Mithridates, Mit (Mot) Yenda, M. l'Abbe Bossuet, M. McGuire, M. M. D., M. M. M., Modern Aristophanes, (?) (The Ama Modern Greek, Modern Mephistopheles, (au. of) Miss Alcot. Modern Pythagoras, (Blackwood) Modern Rabelais, (?) Mofussillite, Mohawk, Mohican, Moina, (Chicago Field) Mola, Ma-Guini, Moléri, Momritius, Monadnock, Monckton Milnes, Monk Lewis, Mrs. Joaquin Miller, née Anna L. Johnson. (pub. 1854) Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt, mée Sarah M. L. Bryan. Mary A. E. Wager. Rev. Charles Kingsley, George Hardinge. Jean Joseph Brunet. Guiseppe Maria Maraviglia. Julia Fletcher. (author of) Mrs. Alma Johnston. Aubert Lemire. Miron J. Hazeltine, Miss M. A. Snead. S. Tytler. Lady Duff Gordon, Dutchess of St. Albans. Mrs. George Lillie Craik. Mrs. M. A. Mackarness. Miss S. Warner. Timothy Adney. Sir. Richard Phillips. Malcom Mc Pherson. Mary Mapes Dodge. W. Tooke. Samuel Foote. Robert Mudie. teur Emigrant) Robert Macnish. William Maginn. Thomas Lang. T}r. Nicholas Rowe. Joseph E. Fisher. e e º e º O O Gº. e e e º 'º e º 'º' º, º ºs e º o º ve 1819 1875 1744 1816 1766 1853 1684 tº a º º ſº e º is 1826 . . . . 1850 . . . . 1774 1820 1720 1771 1777 1842 1802 1837 1793 1842 Mrs. John C. Dinnies, mée Anna Peyre Shackelford. Matthew Mac Duibhne. M. Hippolyte Jules Demolière. Bonino Mombrizio. T}r. Nicholas. Lord Houghton. Matthew Gregory Lewis. 1808 . . . . 1809 . . . . 1773 1818 PSEUDONYMS GH' AUTHORS, Monsieur X, (New York Sun) Mons. Tombo, Montague Shatt, Montanus, Morag, (author of) Moralisto, (Poet ‘lariat' of Carthage) Joseph Howard Jr. John Armstrong. Latham C. Strong. Robert van der Berghe. Miss Gibb. J. M. Dill. Morals of May Fair, (author of) Mrs. Edwards. Morar, Mordecai Mullion, Mordichai, Morel, Morgan de Pembroke, Morgan O'Doherty, (Blackwood) Sir. Wm. Augustus Frazer John Wilson. Isaac Nathan. Eustache Deschamps. Morgan Evans. Dr. William Maginn. Morgan Rattler, (Frazer's Magazine) Percival Weldon Banks. Morning & Night Watches, (au) J. R. Macduff. Mormon, (author of) Morotius, Mortimer, Morus, Mosa, Mother Ann, Mother Goose, Mother Goose, Mother Goose, (edited by) Motherhood, (author of) Mother & Daughters, (author of) Mrs. Catherine G. F. Gore. Motley Manners, Mount Sorel, (author of) Mouray, Moyne, Mozis Addums, M. Pelham, M. Quad, (Detroit Free Press) Mr. Arle, (author of) Mr. Benjamins, Mr. Dawe, Mr. O' Pake, (Corner Stone) Mr. Pick, Mr. Pipps, (Punch) Mr. Smitts, Mr. Sparrowgrass, Mr. Sponge, Solomon Spaulding. Carlo Giuseppe Morozzo. J. M. Murphey. Alexandre More. Matteo Gribaldi. Ann Lee. (pub. 1816) Charles Perrault. (pub. 1697) Mrs. Goose, mée Elizab’h Foster. Thomas Fleet. (1719) Louisa Payson Hopkins. Augustine J. H. Dnganne. Mrs. Annie Marsh. Jean Raymond Merlin. Nicholas Toussaint-Desessarts. Dr. George W. Bagby. (p. 1874) Sir. Richard Phillips. Charles B. Lewis. Miss Jolly. Charles B. Hart. John Abercrombie. S. W. E. Beckner. Joseph A. Scoville. Percival Leigh. Mark Prager Linds. Fred. S. Cozzens. Henry William Herbert. tº s º sº e º a º & E º 'º º is tº wº tº ºn tº e º e º sº. $ e º 'º º ºs s as tº a tº º ſº $ tº & 1806 1850 1736 1784 1628 1703 1744 1810 tº e º e º 'º fº e tº $ tº e º 'º e tº 66 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Mr. Thom. Whyte, C. W. Elliott. . . . . . . . . Mr. Yorick, Laurence Sterne. 1713 1768 Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Hector, mée A. F. Thomas. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Beauchamp Brown, (au. of) Mrs. Jane Goodwin Austin. . . . . 1880 Mrs. Butler, Frances A. Kemble. 1829 Mrs. Calhoun, Mrs. Lucia Gilbert Runkle. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Clara Moreton, Mrs. Bloomfield Moore, mée Clara Jessup. (pub. 1857) . . . . . . . . Mrs. Craven, Mlle. La Forroundays. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Delaney, Mary Granville. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Felix Summerley, Mrs. Henry Cole. Mrs. Fizzlebury's new Girl, R. J. De Cordova. . . . . . . . . Mrs. F. M. Berry, Miss Whitcher. - - - - - - - Mrs. Fry, Elizabeth Gurney. 1780 1845 Mrs. Freeman, Sarah Jennings (Duchess of Marlborough) . . . . . . . Mrs. Gilman, Mr. Ballou. * * * * * * * Mrs. Glasse, Sir. John Hill. 1716 1775 Mrs. Horace Manners, Algernon Charles Swinburne. . 1843 Mrs. H. O. Ward, Mrs. Bloomfield H. Moore. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Jerningham, Mrs. Hart. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Jervis, Mrs. Samuel Gilman, née Caroline K. Howard. 1794 Mrs. J. F. Noyes, Jane McElhinney. . . . . . . . . Mrs. J. G. Binney, Juliette Pattison Binny. • * * * * * s Mrs. Lovechild, Lady Eleanor Fenn. 1743 1813 Mrs. Manners, Mrs. Wm. C. Richards, mée Cornelia H. Bradley. 1822 Mrs. Margaret Caudle, Douglas Jerrold. 1803 1857 Mrs. Maria Gilman, C. F. Barnard Jr., . . . . . . . . Mrs. Markham. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Penrose. 1837 Mrs. Mary Clavers, Mrs. William Kirkland, mée Caroline M. Stansbury. 1801 1864 Mrs. Morley, Queen Anne. 1664. 1714 Mrs. O'Donovan, Mrs. O'Donovan Rossa. . . . . . . . . Mrs Overtheway, Juliana Horatia Ewing. tº e º 'º º º Mrs. Partington, Ben P. Shillabar. 1814 . . Mrs Ramsbottom, (John Bull) Theodore Hook. 1688 1841 Mrs. Ross Church, Florence Marryatt. . . . . . . . Mrs Wister, Annis Lee Wister. tº e º 'º - e - * M. S., (Home Journal) Mary J. Safford. tº e ºs M. S., Menella Bute Smedley. (p. 1851) ... . . . . M. T. Jugg, (N. Y. Merald) -Joseph Howard Jr. . . . . . . . . PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Mul, (Brooklyn Sun) William H. Muldoon. Mullner. J. A. S. Collin de Plancy. Multatuli, Edward D. Dekker. Munsie Waunch, David Mackbeth Moir. Munster, Farrar O’Sullivan. Musings of an Invalid, (au. of) F. Townsend. Mussot, Jean-François Arnould. Mutius, Marco Antonio Mozzi. M. Violet, Capt. Frederick Marryatt M. W. H., (Sun) Mayo H. Hazeltine. M. W. T., Mary W. Tileston. (pub. 1876) My Clerical Friends, (author of) Thomas Marshall. My Daughter Elinor, (author of) Frank Lee Benedict. My First Season, (author of) Beatrice Reynolds. My Pen, (N. Y. Pick) Myron Hubbell, Mystery, (author of) My Trip to Paris, (author of) Nabob at Home, (author of) Nachtigall, Nacíautus, N. A. Oudenarde, Narssius, Natalis Comes, Nat Forsith, Nathan Hogg, Native Georgian, Native of the South, Navarrus, Neafie, Ned Buntline, Neil Forrest, Nella, Nellenus Cilacames, Nellie, Nellie Ames, Nellie Eyster, (Eyler) Nellie Grahame, Nelsie Brook, Caleb Dunn. (pub. 1854) Wiiliam E. McElroy. Thomas Gaspey. Alfred Arthur Reade, N. Mrs. Monkland. Othmar Luscinius. Giacome Nacchiante. James K. Paulding. Jan van Naerssen. Noël Conti. Frank Stainforth. Henry Baird. A. B. Longstreet. Dr. Negles Cooper. Martimius ab Azpeleneta. Edwin R. Purple. Edward Z. C. Judson. Mrs. Cornelia Floyd. Miss E. Ward. O’Neil Glacau. Miss E. Marsh. Eleanor Kirk. M. Osten. Mrs. A. K. Dunning. Mrs. Ellen Ross. * * * * s sº e ºs * * * * * * * * 1734 1795 1678 1736 1792 1848 & © tº º e º ſº º tº gº tº e º 'º gº º tº tº º º te & © º & © tº ſº tº g º gº * & g º ºr º e 1779 1860 1580 1637 1580 © tº tº e º s gº º 1790 1870 1735 1785 1493 1586 1831 1879 68 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Nelly Armstrong, (author of) Mrs. S. R. Whitehead. Nemesis, (London Dispatch) James Beal. Nemesis of Faith, (author of) James Anthony Froude Nemo, Roland F. Coffin. Neptune, Benjamin Ogle Taylor. Neptunus, Benjamin Bruce. Sir Richard Steele. Sir Richard Steele. Hon. Charles Henry Fane. Newdigate prezimar, William H. Mallock. New England Housekeeper, Mrs. Samuel Gilman. New Gospel of Peace, (au. of) Richard Grant White. N. Y. Times Man, (6th Column Fancies) W. L. Alden. M. Felix, Nicholas Wanostrocht. N. H. Belden, N. B. Clarke. Nibrah, L. S. Hardin. Nicander, Rev. Morris Williams. Nichault de Tavalette, Nicholas Smith, Edward Knott. Nichol Jarvie, (Brooklyn Times) William Mc Donald Wood. Nicholas Spicer, (Turf Field & Farm) Col. Alban S. Payne. Nicias Foxcar, (Journal) Rev. Francis Jacox. Nick, Jonas E. Whitley. Nick of the Woods, (author of) Dr. Bird. Nic Slater, Charles M. Connolly. Night in the Wilderness James Greenwood. Nights at Mess, (author of) Rev. James White. Nikolai Stohedrin, W. Saltikoff. Nilla, Abby Allin. (pub. 1850) Nimport, (author of) Edwin Lasseter Bynner. Nimrod, (Bell's liſt) Charles James Apperly. Niphas, Augustine Nifo, Nitgenockle, William Hamilton Galt. Noah Count, Edwin H. Trafton. Nestor, (London Guardian) Nestor Ironsides, Neville Temple, Nobody, nothing of Nowheres, Rev. James Alexander Young. Nobody's Husband, (author of) Samuel Woodworth Cozzens. Noevius, Gaspard Nefe. N. of Arkansas, Col. C. M. F. Noland. Nomad, Gen. George A. Custer. Nonnius, Ludwig Nuñez. Ferdinand Nunnez. J. G. P. Holden. Nonnius Pincianus, Nonpariel Quadrat X. P. D., Maria Frances Sophie Gay. * * * * * * * * 1671 1729 1671 1729 1794 1858 1822 . . . . a s tº e e s - tº a tº e º e º e • * * * * * * * 1776 1852 1580 1655 1847 . . . 1822 . . . . 1849 . . . . 1803 1854 1690 . . . . 1773 1843 1473 1538 1856 . . . . • * * * g e º e & tº e º 'º e º 'º 1840 1876 1555 . . . . 1473 1553 PSEUDONYMS Nora, or Norma, Noricus, North, Northamptonshire Peasant, Northamptonshire Poet, North Country Angler, Nothern Heroditus, (?) Norwich Weaver Boy, OF AUTHORS, Mrs. James Gordon Brooks, mée Elizabeth Aiken. Conrad Tockler. John Wilson. John Clare. John Plummer. Thomas Doubleday. Snorre Sturleson. William Johnson Fox, Notes of Eastern Travel, (au. of) Mrs. Harry Rawson. Nothing, Norval, (author of) W. P. Scargill. E. H. Noyes. Notitia Literature, (N. Y., Churchman) Edward Tuckerman. Novalis, Novanglus, N. T. Nuzio, Nym Crinkle, (Almon's Remembrancer) Observer, Observer, O’Brien, E. S., Occasional, (Turf Field & Farm) Occasional, (Philadelphia Press) Ockside, Oconomowoc, Octavia. Thanet, Octavia, (Home Journal) Odds and Ends, (author of) Odds and Ends, (N. Y. Dispatch) O. D. V. Or O. D. Uss, Ododonus, O’ Hara Tales, O’ Hara Family, O. H. T. O., Ojos Morenos, O. Jr.. O. K., O. K., (author of) Frederick von Hardenberg. John Adams. Nicolas Trübner. (pub. 1872) Girolamo Muzzio. Andrew C. Wheeler. O. Benjamin Bruce, Benjamin Ogle Taylor. Isaac Butt. (pub. 1837) Col. S. D. Bruce. John W. Forney. Mortimer M. Thompson. Dr. James A. Henshall. Alice French. Lady Seymour, née Mary Alice Ives. Andrew Wynter. Walter C. Quevedo, John H. Mack. Edward Wolton. John Banim. John and Michael Banim. George L. Frankenstein. Mrs. Josephine Russoll Clay, Waterman L. Omsby Jr. Oliver King. O. Kiréeff. (pub. 1876) 69 1805 . . . . 1495 1530 1774 1855 1793 . . . . 1831 . . . . 1178 1241 1786 1864 1817 . . . 1772 1801 1735 1826 1817 . . . 1496 1576 e is e a º e º sº. * e is a g º e * * * * * * * > * tº dº à e º e º p • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1492 1555 1800 1842 * * * * * * * * 70 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Oldest Inspector, Old Actor, Old Bacheldor, Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Jeliffe, Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old Old |Bacheldor, Boy, Boy, Boy, Burchell, Bushman, Cabinet, Celt, Chalk, (Brooklyn Union) Chatty Cheerful, Colony, Corporal, Ebony, Grimes, Harlo, Humphrey, Hurrygraph, (author of) Maid, Man, Merry, Nick, Public Functionary, Sailor, Scout, Si, Skeharry, South, Stager, Straws, (New Orleans Picayune) Times, (Memphis Appeal) Traveler, ’ Un, (Turf field & Farm) Vicar, Yorkshire Turfman, Olearius, Oliver, Oliver Ancient, Oliver Echo, (Evening Wisconsin) J. Bently. Mortimer M. Shelly. George William Curtis, "William Wirt. E. E. Blanchard. J. Tillotson. Thomas Hughes. Elihu Burritt. Hon. W. Wheelwright. R. Watson Gilder. W. Bottrell. tº º 'º - Henry Chadwick. 1824 William Marty n. Rev. F. N. Zabriskie. Rev. Leander S. Coan. Willian, Blackwood. Albert Gorton Greene. Rev. Charles E. Abbott. George Mogridge. James A. Robinson. (pub. 1865) Miss Planche. Miss Phillips. Sir. Francis Bond Head. Edwin Hodder. Paul Emile Durand Forgues. James Buchanan. (To ſongress 1859) 1791 tº º v. º. * ~ * * e - & 4 * * * * tº e º 'º, • * * * * * * - * - e. • * ~ * - * - 1813 . . . Matthew Henry Barker. 1790 1846 H. R. Merril). . . . . . . . . Samuel W. Smalls. . . . . . . . . Major H. A. Levison. . . . . . . . Benjamin Austin. 1752 1820 Munsell B. Field. 1822 1875 Joseph M. Field, 1856. James D. Davis. . . . . . . . —— Trusta. . . . . . . . tº. Francis Alexander Durivage. 1814 .. Rev. John Wood Warter, 1806 . . . Henry William Herbert, 1807 1858 Johann Dan'l von Oleuschtaeger. 1711 177 Oliver Gibbs. . . . . . . . . Robert W. McAlpine. * * * * * * * *- S. D. Forbes. PSEU DONYMS OF AUTHORS. Oliver Harper, Oliver North, Oliver Oldschool, Oliver Oldschool, Oliver Optic, Oliver Yorke, Oliver Yorke Esq., Oliver Varcoe, (author of) Olivia, Ollapod, Olphar Hamst, Olrig Grange, (author of) Once in a While, One and Twenty, One from the Plow, One of the Barclays, One of the Fancy, One of the Fancy, One of no Party, One of the People called Christians, Onesimus, One who has whistled at the Plow, One who is but an Attorney, One who is really an Englishman, Onslow Yorke, On the edge of the Storm, (au. of) On the Rock, On the Square, On to Richmond, Onuphrio Muralto, Onyx Titian, Oofty Gooft, (author of) O’ Pake, (Brooklyn Eagle) Opera Goer, Opportunities, (author of) O. P. Q. Philander Smiff, Oricellarius, Orient, Orion, Orpha Hammond, Orpheus C. Kerr, Ortyx, (author of) (N. Y. Tribune) Madam D’Aprey M. Mullen. Joseph Dennie. Nathan Sargent. William T. Adams. Dr. William Maginn. Francis Sylvester Mahoney. Mrs. Notley. Emily E. Briggs. Willis Gaylord Clark. Ralph Thomas. Rev. Walter C. Smith. M. H. Bright. F. W. Robinson. G. Mitchell. 71 1768 1812 1794 1875 1822 . . . 1793 1842 1805 1866 1840 . . . . e tº º ºr tº gº tº e tº 3 º º dº tº ſº º tº gº & ſº a s tº a tº º ſº tº ſº tº º, ºr Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis. (p. 1854). . . . F. Taylor. Thomas Moore. James Grant. Bishop George Horne. P. L. Courtier. (pub. 1809) Alexander Somerville. George Butt. (pub. 1775) C. W. Smith. (pub. 1857) William Hepworth Dixon Maggie Roberts. C. W. Lawrence. William B. Coddington. Gen. Fitz Henry Warren. Horace Walpole. Sarah Woodford. Gus Phillips. William M. Mallison. Donald G. Mitchell. S. Warner. A. A. Dowty. Benardo Ruccellai. Frederic Kidder. J. Hammerton. Orpha Turner. Robert Henry Newell. David H. Eaton. 1779 1852 1806 . . . . 1730 1792 1811 . . . 1804 . . . . 72 PSEU DONYMS OF AUTHORS. Oscotean, Ossian, Ossoli, Oude Mer–Snits, Ouida, Our Bookworm, Our Boy Tom, "William Charles Mark Kent. James Macpherson. Marchesa d’Ossili, mée Margaret Sarah Fuller. Mark Prager Lindo. Louise de la Ramé, Thomas F. Donnelly. Proof Sheet of Phiadelphia. Our Farm of 4 Acres, (au. of) Miss Coulton. Our Member for Paris, Henry Du Pre Labouchere. Outlines of Social Economy, (au. of) W. Ellis. O. W., Owanda, Owen Meredith, Owenson, Owlet, (author of) O. W. von Horn, Oxford Graduate, Pacificus, Pacificus, (1843) Paddy, (Brooklyn Eagle) Paddy Green, Paganus Piscator, Palingenesius, Pallai Blorio, Palmer Hackle, Palmezeaux, Pamela, Panaetius, Pangloss, Panomita, Pansey, Pansey, Pantarch, Pardulphus Prateius, Parlate ltaliano? (author of) Parmenas Mix. "Kentucky Patriot) Parsee Merchant, Parson Brownlow, (Paris Press) William Owen. E. Robinson. (pub. 1791) Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton. Lady Sidney Morgan. Francis Edward Paget. "W. Oertel. John Ruskin. P. Alexander Hamilton. Joshua Reed Giddings. Henry McCluskey. G. H. Townsend. Payne Fisher. Pietro Angelo Mauzolli. Beago Palladio. Robert Blakely. (pub.1848) Michael Cubieres. Lady Fitz-Gerald. Baptiste de Ferrare. Paul Hendié. Antonio Beccadelli. Esther Reid. (pub. 1870) Isabella M. Alden. Stephen Pearl Andrews. Pardoux Duprat. J. B. Torricelli. A. W. Kelly. J. S. Moore, (pub. 1868) (pub. 1869) 1823 . . . . 1738 1796 1810 1850 1841 . . . . * * * g e º 'º jº a & B e. e. e. e. e. 1769 1825 1794 1863 1831 . . . . 1783 1859 1806 . . . isig .. 1757 1804 1795 1864 1827 1870 tº g º e o ºs e e e º 'º º ºs e º 'º 1752 1820 . . . . 1831 . . . . 1490 tº e e g º ºs º º * e º e º 'º - - tº e e s tº e º a * * * * * * * * William Gannaway Brownlow. 1805 1877 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Parson Frank, F. Jacox. Parson Lot, Rev. Charles Kingsley. Partenio Etire, Pietro Aretino. Parthenia, Guiseppe Marione Mazzolari. Pascarel, (Springfield Republican) Rev. B. Ellison Warner. Pastel, G. F. Pardon. Pastor, Thomas Frognall Dibden. Pastor's Wife, Mrs. Austin Phelps, née Martha Stone Hubbell. Pastorini, Charles Walmsley, Pathfinder, (?) John Charles Fremont. Patricius, Philip Adler. Patrick Fitzgibbons, (N. Y. News) John W. Mc Donell. Patterson Aymer, Charles Knight. Fatty Lee, Alice Carey. Paul, Sir. Walter Scott. Paul Allen, John Neal. Paul Beranger, J. A. S. Collin de Plancy. Paul Charnet, (Paris Press) Paul de Léoni. Paul Chatfield M. D., Horace Smith. (pub. 1836) Paul Creyton, John Townsend Trowbridge. Paul Dilion, Paul Bourde. Paul Everett, Cornelia Lovejoy. Paul Fairchild, John A. Taylor. Paul Ferrol, (author of) Mrs. Archer Clive. Paul Gosebett, Charles Lever. Paul Himery, (Paris Press) M. Albert Millaud. Paul Jane, Adolphe von S. de Burckenfeldt Paul Marcoy, (Paris Press) Lorenzo de Saint-Cricq. Paul Marsie, (author of) Justin Mc Carthy. Paul Peebles, Augustus Maverick. Paul Pindar, John Yonge. Akerman. Paui Peppergrass, J. Boyce. (pub. 1853) Paul Periwinkle, Percy Boyle St. John. Paul Prendergast, Douglas Jerrold. Paul Preston Esq., Col. Thomas Picton, Paul Pry, (author of) John Poole. Paul Pryor, E. T. Taggard. Paul Revere, Jacob Abarbanell. Paul Rouillon, Auguste Paul Poulet Malossis. Paul Siegvolk, Albert Mathews. Paul Thomas, M. Sheritier. 1819 1875 1495 1597 1712 1786 tº º tº e º sº e us 1775 1847 1814 1856 isis .... 1484 1539 1856 . . 1791 1873 1820 1871 1771 1832 1793 1876 1793 tº e º e º e º e • e º e º is e tº e º 'º º ºr º ºs s & º ºn tº G º ſº * G tº º ºs º is º tº e º e º Gº tº º 74 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, T'aul Ynetchi, Paul's letters to his Kinsfolk, Pauline Markham, Paulus Silentiarius, Pausanius, Pavius, Pax, (Boston Courier) Pay Fisher, P. B. St. J., (?) P. D. de Saiut Sylvester, Peach Bloom, Peak Gavilan, Peanut Bard, Pearl Rivers, Pearl Rivers, Pearl Rivers, Peasant Bard, Peasant Bard, (?) Peccadille, (le Français) Peccadille, Peep of Day, (author of) Peer’s Son, Peleg Arkwright, Peleg Wales, Pelham, (author of) Pelican, Pellican, Pellicarius, Peltrel, Pencillwood, (author of) Pendragon, Penholder, Penman, Pennsylvania Farmer, Pequot, (N. Y. Tribune) Percey Curtiss, Perdita, Père Archange, Père Elie, * -- Peregrine Courtenay, Peregrine Persic, Elliot Ryder. . . . . . . S. r Walter Scott, 1771 1835. Mrs. Me Mahon, née Margaret Hall. . . . . . . . . George P. Philes. 1828 . . . . William Camden. 1551 1623. Pietro Pouw. 1564. 1611 Hugh F. McDermott. 1833 . . . Wm. Andrew Chatto. (p. 1839) . . . . . . . Percy Boyle St. John. 1819 . . . . . Pierre F. Porant-Desbarres. Alice F. Mudd. Henry Pope. Josiah D. Canning of Gill. Eliza Jane Poitevent. e e º e a Mrs. A. M. Holbrook. Mrs. E. J. Nicholson. George Hil). Josiah D. Cummings. as º 'º - e º ºs E. Bandovin. Victor Doubled. tº e º ºs e º 'º- Mrs. J. Mortimer. . . . . . . . George John Douglas Campbell. 1845 . . . . David L. Proudfit. William A. Croffut. . . . . . . . . Edward Geo. E. Lytton Bulwer. 1805 1873. James W. Gerard. © tº tº º sº tº ſº Conrad Kurschner. 1478 1556. M. Marbode. . . . . . . . . P. Nicolas. . . . . 1649. Rev. Robert Armitage. Henry Sampson. (pub. 1878) Rev. Edward Eggleston. Charles Hallock. John Dickinson. Charles W. March. Mrs. W. N. Cox. - * * * * * * Mrs. Robinson, née Maria Darby. 1760 1796. tº e º sº a s e e- * * * * e º e sº- • * > se e s as © tº e º ºs e º 4 1732 1808. 1815 1864 Michael Degranges. 1734 1822 Marie Maximilien Harel. 1749 1823. Winthrop Mackworth Praed. 1802 1839 James Morier. 1780 1848, PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Père Hyacinthe, Perforatus, Perley, Personne, Perversion, (author of) Pestalozzi, (Brooklyn Times) Peter Martyr, Peter Morris, Peter Oliver, Peter Palette, Peter Parley, Peter Parley, Peter Parley, Peter Pattieson. Peter Peppercorn, Peter Peppercorn, Peter Permot, Peter Pilgrim, Peter Pindar, Peter Pindar, Peter Pindar, Peter Plymley, Peter Porcupine, Peter Porcupine, Peter Pomfret, Peter Priggins, Peter Punever, Peter Query, Peter Quince, Peter, Peter Schlemihl, Peter Scriber, (Com. Advertiser) Peter Simple, (author of) Peter Wilkins, Petroleum V. Naseby, Petrus Auratus, P. Fisher Esq., Pharaoh Budlong, Pharboeus, |Phases of Faith, Phazma, Philadelphian, (London Globe) (author of) Charles Loyson. Andrew Borde. Benjamin Perley Poore. E. G. P. Wilkins. Rev. Wm. F. Connybeare. Bernard Peters. Pietro Martire Anghiera. John Gibson Lockhart. William Pynchon Oliver. Thomas Onwhyn. Samuel Griswold Goodrich. Wm. Martin, & John Bennett. W. Tegg. Sir. Walter Scott. Rev. Richard Harris Barham. Thomas Love Peacock. W. M. F. Round. Dr. Robert Montgomery Bird. C. F. Lawler. (pub. 1803) Dr. John Wolcott. St. George Tucker. Sidney Smith. William Cobbett. William Leggett. Richard Graves. Rev. J. Hewlett. (pub. 1821) Lawrence N. Greenleaf. Martin Farquhar Tupper. Isaac Story. John Gibson Lockhart. George Wood. Charles Augustus Davis. Capt. Frederick Marryatt. Robert Paltock. (pub. 1750) David Rosse Locke. Pierre Doré. Wrm. Andrew Chatto. (p. 1839) Frederick Beecher Perkins. Hans Verwey. IProf. Francis Wm. Newman. Mathew C, Field. W. Williams. & Cº. & E º º tº a 1771 1788 1785 tº e º is tº e º sº e s tº º e º & & © tº tº ºr e s º & # e º º is tº tº e 1805 . . . . 1812 1844 tº g : & © tº Z6 OF AUTHORS, {PSEUDONYMS Philalethes, Philalethes, Philalethes, Philalethes Tren, Philander Smiff O. P. Q., Philanthropos, Phileleutherus Anglicanus, Phileleutherus Lipsiensis, Phileleutherus Norfolciensis, Philemon Perch, Philenia, Philesius Vogesigena, Philibert, (author of) Philidor, Philip Baboon, Philip (or Paul) Quilibet, Philip Slingsby, Philipson, Philip Wharton, Phillip Galen, Phillip Morgan, Philisides, Philochristus, Philomela, Philomessus, Philomneste Junior, Philomon, (Notes on Moore) Philopacificus, Philopolis, (Vermont Chronicle) Philo Scotus, Philosopher, Philosopher of the Unknown, Philosopher of Wimbledom, Philosopher Varvicensis, Philothie O’Neddy, Phiseldeck, Phiz, Phocian, Phoenix, Phoenixiana, (author of) Photius Junior, (Political Essays) Robert Fellows. (pub. 1818) Sir R. J. W. Horton, Thomas Maule. (pub. 1694) Louis du Moulin. (pub. 1640) A. A. Dowty. William Ladd. J. W. Donaldson. (pub. 1847) Richard Bently. Samuel Parr. R. M. Johnston, Mrs. Perez Morton, née Sarah W. Apthorp. Matthias Pingmaun. Thomas Colley Grattan. François André Danican. Philip Bourbon, of Anjou. George E. Pond. Nathaniel Parker Willis. Johann Sleidan. John Cockburn Thompson. Phillip Lange. Morgan Phillips. Sir Philip Sidney. Edwin Abbott Abbott. (p. 1878) Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. Jacob Locher. Gustave Brunet. (pub. 1866) Rev John Howard Marsden. N. Worcester. James Marsh. Henry F. Ainslie. Marc Antoine Contarini. Louis Claude de St. Martin. John Horne Tooke. Dr. Samuel Parr. Auguste Marie Donday. Christoph Schmidt. Hablot Knight Brown. Alexander Hamilton. Sir Henry Martin. (pub. 1628) Capt. George Horatio Derby. William Sherlock. e ‘º e º ºs e º e 1867 1554. 1586 1674 1737 1470 1528 tº e º 'º tº a a • & e º ſº e º 'º sº . . . . 1550 1743 1803 1736 1812 1747 1825 1740 1801 1815 . . . . 1757 1804 1823 1861 1641 1707 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, P. H. Marcellus, Physician, Physician, Physician, Physiology of Marriage, (au. of) W. A. Alcott. Pianist, (Atlantic Monthly) Piccadilly, Picciola. Picciola, (author of) Pictor Ignotus, Pierre Coeur, Pierre l’Estoilo, Pierre l'Etoile, (Paris Press) Pierre Jules Stahl, Pierre Pennilesso, Pierrot, Pieseio, Pieter Maritzburg, Pietro, Pikestaff, Pimpernel, Pious Jeems, Pipp , his Diary, Piscator, Piscator, Piscinarius, Pisistratus Brown, Pisistratus Caxton, (Punch) (Blackwood) Planchette, (author of) Platonic Puritan, Platus, P. L. Jacob, Plover. (American Field) Plu-ri-bus-tah, (author of) P. M. Burton, P. N. Fortunlo, Poche, Podgers, (Forest and Stream) Poet of Languedoc, Poliarchus, Policeman X, (Punch) George Cronmiller Jr. John Aryton Paris. John Hoskyns. Samuel Henry Dickson. (pub. 1856) Louis M. Gottschalk. Pierre S. Gerard. Angelina S. Mumford. (p. 1852) Xavier Boniface. William Blake. tº G & & © tº º gº & º e º e º ºs º- tº º e º e º 'º gº Anne Caroline de V. d’Ambre. ... Pierre de Boscaselde Chastlebars, Wm. Henry Ireland. Arsène Houssaye. M. de Thierey. Pierre Jules Hetzel, Thomas Nash. George Arnold. Commander L. A. Beardslee. Rev. T. Jackson. Pierre Mavromichalis. Thomas Baker. (pub. 1866) Rev. W. H. Beaver. Col. James Gordon. Percival Leigh. Izaak Walton. Thomas P. Lathy. Johannes Wier. William Black. (pub. 1771) Edward Bulwer Lytton, E. Sargent. John Howe. Girolomo Piatti. Paul Lacroix. John S. Wise. Mortimer M. Thompson. Edgar Pemberton. Pauline Fortunio Niboyet. M. Pierre Deschamps. R. L. Ogden. Jacques Jasmin. Sir Charles Cotterell. WIlliam M. Thackeray. (pub. 1800) tº dº e º e º 'º º 8 & s e º ºs e e tº e º 'º e º ºs ºr & © º e º tº tº tº º e º e º is e © tº º e º 'º º ºr tº º tº e º 'º - e. 1631 1664 1811 1863 -78 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Polinto, Political Portraits, (Daily News) Polyhistor, Polyhistor, Polypus Pomeranus, Poningoe, Pontanus, Pontiac, (Harper's Weekly) Poor Richard, (Almanac) Poor Robert the Scribe, Poor Robin, (Almanac) Popular Philosophy, (au. of) Porte Crayon Porte Crayon, Potiphar, (Atlantic Monthly) Pot-Pie Palmer, P. P., Clerk of this Parish, P. P. C. R., Prairie Bird, Prateolus, Presbyter, Presbyter Anglicanus, Presbyter Catholicus, President, Presto, Priam, Priest of the English Church, Primus, Prince, Princess of Art, (anthor of) Prisoner of Chillon, Privateer, (N. Y. Sportsman) Private Milos O'Reilly, Professor at the Breakfast Table, Prog, (Turi, Ticlid and Farm) Prognosics, Prospero, Protestant Journalism, (a Proteus, P. Thorne, F. B. Wilkie. F. H. Hill. Daniel Georg Nordhof. Theodori Thordsen. Eaton Stannard Barrett. Johann Bugenhagen. Caleb Dunn Dennis Dupont. Glivel Knight. Benjamin Franklin. (p. 1732) Charles Miner. Robert Herrick. (pub. 1661) George Miller. Barnard Isaac Durward. David Hunter Strother. George William Curtis. Edward Sanford. Dr. John Aburthnot. Thomas Watts. M. W. Willenan. Gabriel Dupream. Samuel Hurlburt Turner. J. H. Harris. William Harness. (pub. 1823) Dr. Thomas Sanden. (p. 1774) Jonathan Swift. C. J. Collins. tº e º º a e º sº. tº tº Q - e - - - * * * * * * * * Clement Ogle Smith. (p. 1861) ... Alexander Monro. Leon N. Salmon. C. Fallet. François de Bonnivard. Charles J. Foster. Charles Graham Halpine. Oliver Wendell Holmes Thomas J. Scott. Placide Fosco. Francis Douce. Thomas Marshall. S. S. Carvalho. Mrs. Lafayette Smith, née Mary P. Wells. • * * * * * e PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, JPublicola, (London Dispatch) D. E. Williams. T’ublicola, John Quincy Adams. Publicola, John Williams. Publicola, Sidney Smith. Publioola, (London Dispatch) William Johnson Fox. Publius, (Spectator) Alexander Hamilton. Punch, (Paris Press) Gaston Vassy, f’urchase in the Church, (au, of) William Angus. Puritan and Quaker, (author of) Rebecca Gibbons Beach. Q. Q., Charles G. Rosenberg. (p. 1854) “Q., Edmund Hodgson Yates. *Q., Thomas Purnell. (pub. 1867) Q. P. Index, W. M. Griswold. Q. Q., Jane Taylor. Quaker Poet, Bernard Berton. Quaker Poet, (?) John G. Whittier. Quallon, S. H. Bradbury. 'Quatrelles, Ernest Lépine. “Quechy, (author of) Susan Warner. Queen of Connaught, (au. of) Harriet Jay. Querculus, Nicolas Chesnan. Quercus, Rev. O. A. Kingsley. Query, James T. Brady. Quevedo, R. W. Wright. Quevedo Redivivus, Lord George Gordon Byron. Q. K. Philander Doesticks, Mortimer N. Thompson. Quid, Robert Allan Fitzgerald. Quintanus Stoa, Giovanni Fred. Conti Quinzano. Quintin Queerfellow, Charles Clark. (pub. 1834) Quintus Sectanus, Ludovico Sergardi. Quinzano, Giovanni-Francesca Conti. “Quiver, (Brooklyn Union-Argus) Timothy J. Dyson. Quixstar, (author of) Elizabeth Taylor. “Quiz, Charles Dickens. Quiz, Rev. Ed. Caswell. (pub. 1846) *Quodlibets, Robert Hayman. (pub. 1628) 79 1767 1848 1773 1845 1771 1845 tº a tº e º 'º e e 1815 1857 1783 1824 1784 1849 1807 tº $ tº º sº º ſº e tº º ºs e = e º 'º tº e º e s e e º 1788 1824 1831 1867 tº º ſº gº º tº º y 1484 1557 1660 1726 1486 1557 1812 1870 80 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Raconteur, Radical, Raemsdonck, Raimond, Ralph Harrington, Ralph Morely, Ralph Redwood, Ralph Royal, Rambler, Rambler, Ramsbottom, Benjamin Perley Poore. Leslie Grove Jones. Joseph Jean de Ghesquieré. William Henry Hurlburt. Ralph Thomas Jr. Henry L. Hinton. J. G. P. Holden. Jacob Abarbanell. George H. Fullerton. (p. 1879) Luther L. Holden. Theodore Edward Hook. Random Recollections, (au. of) James Grant. Ranger, Raoul de Navery, Raoul Tovel, (Paris Press) Raoul Rochette, Rausse, Ravenswood, Rawdon Crawley, R. B., R. C. H., Reader Therein, Rebel, Reckoner, (Kingston Gazette) Recollections in the Peninsula, Red as a Rose is She, (au. of) Redaxela, Red Spinner, Redwood, (author of) Reginald Fitz-Roy Stanley, Reginaldus, Reginauld Reverie, Regionmontanus, Register Seely. Regius, R. E. H. Greyson, Rejected Addresses, (au. Of) R. E. L., or R. E. M., IRemi de Florence, Resident of San Domingo, Captain Flack. Lady Georgiana Fullerton. Raoul Toché. Raoul Désiré Rochetto. H. F. Franke. Charles Washington Beebee George Frederick Pardon. Robert Beverly. Sir Richard Colt Hoare. Andrew Cristadoro. George Cary Eggleston. John Strachan. Major Sherer. Miss Broughton. Hon. Mrs. Cropper. Nassou William Senior. Miss C. M. Sedgewick. Robert Cowton. Valire Regnauld. Grenville Mellen. Johann Müller. - Mrs. Metta, Victoria, Victor. Louis Leroy. Henry Rogers. James Smith 1775–1839, and Horace Smith, (jointly) Mrs. Dr. Leprehon, mee Rossana E. Mullins. Remigo Nauni. J. W. Fabens. 1820 . . . 1779 1839, 1731 1802 1827 . . . . & © tº e º 'º - s a e e e º is a e ‘t e º 'º e A. tº º e < * * * * * * * * * * * . tº e º 'º - tº 8 tº tº º e º e º 'º e s º ºs e - © tº , tº e º 'º - º 3 tº • * * * * * * * * & © tº e < * * 1779 1849 . . . . 1878. 1521. 1581 PSEU DONYMS OF AUTHORS, William Bradley. Andrew Winter. Edward Burton. Thomas Byerly. (Paris Press) Léon Levaden. Retired Guardian, Retnyw Werdna, Reuben du Mort, Reuben Percy, Revé de Longueval, (pub. 1752) (pub. 1823) Revilo, Oliver P. Marshall. Reynard, Frank Foxcroft. Reynard, (N. Y. Telegram) Myron Fox. Rev. Aristarchus Newlight, W. Fitzgerald. Rev. C. C. Clark, Sir Richard Phillips. Rev. David Blair, Sir Richard Fhillips. Rev. Doctor Dryasdust, Sir Walter Scott. Rev. Micah Balwhidder, John Galt. Rev. Mr. Clark, John Galt. Rev. Peter Pennot, (Boston Globe) William M. F. Round. Rev. S. Barron, Sir Richard Phillips. Rev. Simon Olive—Branch, William Roberts. Rev. W. Cooper, J. G. Bertram. R. G. W., Richard Grant White. R. H., Robert Hawker. R. H., Robert Hobson. Rheal, Sebastian Gayet Cesena. R. H. E. Greyson, Henry Rogers. Rhyndaceus, Andrí Jean Lascaris. Richard Brick, J. Duncan. Richard Hayward, Richard Saunders, (Almanac) Benjamin Franklin. Bichard Sucklethum Spruggins, Countess of Morley. (p. 1829) Richelieu, (Brooklyn Eagle) William E. Robinson. Richmond, Jacob R. Sheppard. Rifle, George H. Butler. Rigby, Lady Eastlake. mee Elizabeth Rigby. Rigdam Funnidos, John Ballantyne. Rigolo, (N. Y. Sun) M. H. Thieblin. Ringbolt, Capt. John Codman. Ring Jepson, Henry Jepson Latham. Ristaud, Sophie Cottin. Rita, Mrs. Otto Booth. R. J., Richard Jeffries. (pub. 1878) Mortimer Collins. Richard Kendall Mankittrick. R. J. Colton, R. K. M., Frederick Swartwout Cozzens. 81 * dº tº dº º sº tº 1768 1840 1768 1840 1771 1832 1779 1839 1779 1839 1768 1840 1822 . . . 1753 1827 1810 . . . & e º 'º º tº º & 1818 1869 1706 1790 1814 . . . . 1816 . . . . 1774 1821 & e º e º 'º º ºs 82 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, R L. Midgely, Rob Creighton, Robert Bloomfield, Robert Boggs, Robert Burton, Robert Byr, Robert Carlton, Robert Crowbuck, Robert Dexter Romaine, Robert Franz, Robert Hall, Robert Halstead, Robert Heller. Robert Herron, (Letters) Robert Hope Ascott, Robert O’Lincoln, Robert Slender, Robert Triet, (Paris Press) Robert Turner Colton, Robert Waldmüller, Robert and Wm. Whistlecraft, Robert Wringham Colman, Robertjeot, Robertson Grey, Robin Day, (author of) Robinson Crusoe, Rob—Roy, Rochelle, Rockingham, (author of) Rocky Hill, (author of) Roland Gilderoy, Rollo Books, (author of) Romance of War, (author of) Romanus, Romeo, (N. Y. Evening Express) Rosa, Rosa, Rosa Abbott, Rosalie Somers, R. O. Sault, Rosa Graham, Rosavella, (N. Y. Independent) D. Pulsifer. (pub. 1837) R. C. Mitchell. Elizabeth Flagg. H. A. Clark, Nathaniel Crouch. Carl Robert Bayer. Barnard R. Hall. Robert Persons. George Payson. — A Russian Princess. Charles Vien. Henry. Earl of Peterborough. William Henry Palmer. John Pinkerton. Robert Hope Moncrieff. George C. Mason. Philip Freneau. Raoul Toché. Mortimer Collins. Edward Duboc. (pub. 1872) John Hookam Frere. James Hogg. John Sanderson. Rossiter Worthington Raymond. Dr. Bird. Daniel Defoe. John Mc Gregor. Joseph Henry Flacon. Comte de Jarnac. J. K. Nutting. Charles Rowley Jr. Rev. Jacob Abbott. Jannes Grant. Rev. F. J. Lenihan. G. W. Fellows. Rosalié Bonheur. Rosa Vertner Jeffrey. R. Abbott Parker. Mrs. Harriet Marion Stephens. Charles F. Swan. Sarah L. Post. gº º o O e o ºr a tº e º e º a s ºr tº º º v c + 3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1846 1S35 783 1844 1854. 1731 1857 1834. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e - e º a s a w 1822 . . . . 1823 1858 Marochetti, quée Blanch Tucker. . . . . . . . . PSEUDONYMS OF A JTHORS, Roscoes Wanderings, (au. of) Tošccruscian, ROSo Rayland, TèOsius, Rothwell, Roumi, Roving Englishman, T. P., R. Q. Sierbols, R. Q. Larius, Ryer, R. T., £ubens, Ruhamalo, Runnymede, Ruphelenguis. Rural, (N. Y. Tribune) Russell, (Boston Traveler) Russian, Russworm, Rustic Bard Ruth Elliot, Ruth Garrett, Rutledge. (author orj R. W. Cohnan, (Utica Herald) (author of) (Washington Republic) Sabino, Sabinus, Sagadahoc, Sagardi di Lara. Sahafzadeh, Sailors and Saints, (author of) Saint Albin, Saint Albin, Ça.iº.t Aubin, Cºint Benjamin, Saint Cecilia, Saint Etienne, Saint Johnstown, (author of) Mrs. L. Meredith, née Louisa Twamley. Rev. Washington Frothingham. Mrs. N. E. Mortimer. Friedrick Koes. Mrs. Mary Andrews Denison. Dzati Aïwas. E. C. Greenville Murray. Robert Paltock. (pnb. 1750) Jeane B. Prudence Boissier. Henry Arcularius. Ida Pfeiffer. Ralph Thomas. Girolamo Rossi. Lily Scudamore. Rt. Hon. Benjamin Disraeli. François Ravlengherio. M. L. Dunlap. Col. Russell H. Connell. M. Polith. (pub. 1823) Freidrich Wilhelm Gluchen. Robert Dinsmoor. Lillie Peck, Isabella Fivy Mayo. Mrs. Harris, mée Miriam Cole. James Hogg. S. 83 1684, 1766 1826 * Q & ſº e º 'º º 1797 1858 1539 1607 1805 1880 1539 1597 e e º e º e º a is a tº s - - a s 1717 1783 1757 1S36 . . . . 1878 1772 1835 Rev. Edward Ballard. (p. 1734) . . . . Francisco Floridus. Frederick Kidder. David Cohen. Mohammed Esaad Efendi. Capt. W. N. Glascock. Honeré de Balzac. J. A. S. Collin De Plancy. Rarl Bernhard. Richard Grant White. G. Manigault. (pub. 1871) Cosm de Villiers. Mrs. Robert Logan. 1500 1547 < e < e - a s e sº e s > * > 1700 1850 * f. Tº 03 tº tº $ tº 1S00 . . . 1822 . . . . 1680 1750 84 PSA/UDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Saint Patrice, Şaint Saphorin, Saintine, §aład for the Solitary, (au, of) Salajalel, Šajirasius, (Saïnaſa Gryer, Šàm uel A. Bard, i.Jamuel Dowell, Samuel Prior, Samuel Sampleton, Samuel Slick. Samuel Wright, Sancius, Sandette, Sanford and Merton, Sans Malice, San Souce, Sappho of Toulouse, Sarah Anderson, Sarah Marshall Hayden, Satanella, Satiricus Sculptor, Sarah Search, Sarah Stickney, Sarah Tytler, §arbievius, Sargeant Zinn, Sartorius, Savid, (New York World) Savile, Saville, Saville Row, Saxafragi, Saxe Holme, (au. Of) Saxius, Say, Sayings & Doings, (author of) J. B. P., Scaeva, Sconcs in Legal Life, (au. of) Baron James Harden–Hickey, François Louis do Pesmes. Joseph Xavier Boniface. Frederick Saunders. George Croly. Claude Saumaise. O. Meding. Ephraim George Squier. John Close. John Galt. Luigi Monti. (pub. 1878) *. Thomas Chandler Haliburton. Charles T. Murray. Rodriguez Sanchez de Arnah. Marie A. Walsh. (pub. 1879) Thomas Day. Martin Akakia. Nella Marshall McAfee. Clarence Isaure. Sarah Coxer. Mary Frazaer. Mrs. Mary Hewins Burnham. William Henry Ireland. F. Nolan. Mrs. Ellis. Henrietta, Keddie. Mathieu Cassimer Sarbiewski. James Edwin Wilson. Johann Snyders. James Davis. Henry Sothern. Clement Scott. Saville Clark. Sheldon B. Thorne, Mrs. Alma Calder Johnson, née Rush Ellis. Christian Sax. Langdon Cheves, Theodore Edward Hook. Samuel Browning Power. John Stubbes. William Spink. 1668 1737 1807 . . . . 1780 1860 1588 1658 tº º e s e s a sº- s tº e s = e s a * * * * e e º - tº º e º a s tº e e - © e º e º 'º' tº * * tº tº e º 'º • * * * * * * > * * * > * * * * tº ºn e º 'º - tº * * * c e º 'º - G - e. e º e º 'º e & © tº a e º e 1776 1857 1788 1841 e e s e s a • * PSEU DONYMS OF AUTHORS, Scenes and Characters, (au. of) Charlotte Mary Yonge. Schartenmeyer, Schelius, Scholastic Divine, Friedrich Vischer. Rabode Hermann Scheels. Anselm of Laon. Schonberg Cotta Family, (au. of) Mrs. Andrew Charles. Schreoelius, Schreoelius, Schryner, Scintillae Juris, Scipion, Scotch Granite, (author of) Scottish Hogarth, (?) Scotts Irishman, Scott Marvel, Scotty, (Chicago Times) Scourge of Princes, (?) Scriblerus Mortimus, Scriverius, Scrutator, Scrutator, Scrutator, Scrutator, Scrutator, Scrutator, Scultetus, S. D. B., Sea, Seacoal, Sealsfield, S. E. B., Secundus, Se De Kay, Self Control, Senectus, Sentimental Idler, Sentinel, (New York World) Senex, Sepia, Serranus, Serranus, (Country Gentleman) (Reply to Max Muller) (Brooklyn Eagle) (author of) Kornelis Schrevel. Thierré Schrevel. Cornelius Graphaeus. Charles John Darling. Etienne d' Arnal. Mrs. Shepard, mée Hannah Mc Laren. David Allan. William Bruce. (pub. 1811) J. Dawson Findlay, C. K. Urquhart. Pietro Aretino. John Arburthnot, Jona. Swift, 1667–1745, & Alexander Pope. Pieter Schryver. , Charles Jerram. (pub. 1826) Charles Rivington. C. P. Measor. Daniel Macallan. K. W. Harlock. Rev. Malcolm Mac Coll. Johann Schultz. S. D. Bruce. Roland F. Coffin. William G. Hudson. Charles Sealsfield. Yamuel Egerton Brydges. Peter Lotich. Charles D. Kirke. Mrs. Mary Booth. Gideon Granger. Harry Harwood Leach. William H. Bogart. James Anderson. Fanny Fryatt. François Lambert. Jean de Serres. 85 1823 1622 1662 1615 1664 1572 1654 1482 1558 tº º ſº tºº & © Tº & 1733'1801 1830 1744 1796 1688 1744 1661 1743 1770 1853 * * * * tº ºs e e 1793 1864 1762 1837 1528 1560 86 PSEUIDONVMS OF AUTHORS, $Jeth F3ede, Seth Spicer, Several Authors, (Tales of Glauber Spa) C. M. Sedgewick, W. C. Bryant, J. K. Paulding, W. Leggett, Sexten, Sexton of the Old School, (London Times) S. G. O. S. H., Shaker, 2 (Iondon Times) (Atlantic Monthly) Shakesperian Scholar, Shamrock, Shanes—al-Maala, Sharwood Bonner, Sheelah, Shell Cove, Shelsley Beauchamp, Shepherd of Banbury. Sherwood Forrester, Shirley, Shirley Dare, Sholto, Sholto and Reuben Percy, Sholto Percy, Siderocrates, Sidney A. Story Jr., Sidney Hyde, (author of) (New York Mail) Samuel Evans, Benjamin F. Gould. and R. C. Sand. Richard Augustine. Spencer Hall. R. D. Williams. Prince Cabos. Kate Mc Dowell. Miss A. Fletcher. Z. A. Mudge. John Campbell. Spencer T. Hall. John Skelton. Powers. Lucius Manlius Sargent. Sidney Godolphin Osborne. Elder F. W. Adams. Richard Grant White. (pub. 1871) T. Waldron Bradley. (pub. 1862) Mrs. Dunning, mee Susan D. R. Shelton Mackenzie. T. Byerley. J. C. Robinson. (pub. 1823) Samuel Eisumenger. Frances West Atherton Pike. Mary Caroline Pike. Sir Paul Neal. Sidrophel, Sidrophel, Sieur du Sauvage. Sigma, (Boston Tianscript) Signal Lights, Sig. Della Rosa, Sig. Monaldini's niece, (au. Signor Pastorini, Signor Sarti, Silurist, Silverpen, Simeon Scribe, Simeon South. Simeon Toby, (author of ) William Lilly. Toland Brissot. Lucius Manlius Sargent. H. M. Johnson. Richard Coker. (pub. 1871) of) Mary Agnes Tincker. Bishop Walmesley. Enight Ashton. Henry Vaughn. Eliza Meteyard. Adam Black. J. Macgregor. George Trask. 1568 1786 1867 1808 . . . tº tº e º s º 'º e tº dº ſº º is a tº tº * tº tº º ſº º º sº. • * > * : * * * tº e º 'º tº º ſº º tº e º e º ſe tº us © º º e º 'º $ tº & e º & e º 'º º 1468 1523 1560 1643 1786 1867 * * * * * * * * 1621 1822 . . . . 1784 . . . . 1797 1857 e is ºe PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Simon Suggs, (New York Clipper) Simon Suggs, Simplicius Verinus, Singing Sibyl, Sinner Saved, Sir. Alexander Drawcausin, Sir. Andrew Freeport, Berd H. Young, Johnson J. Hooper. Thomas Browne. Metta, Victoria Fuller. William Huntington. Henry Fielding. Publisher of Spectator. 1664. 1673 1824 1853 1744 1813 1707 1754 Sir. Charles Morrell, |Rev. James Ridley. 1765 Sir. Charles Rockingham, Le Comte de J. de Rhan-Chabot. . . . . . . . . Sir. Cosmo Gordon, Sir. Edgerton Brydges. 1762 1867 Sir. Frizzle Pumpkin, (au. of) Sir. Gregory Gander, Sir. J. M. and J. S., Sir. John Edgar, (The Sir. Major O'Doherty, Sir. Marmaduke, Theater) Sir. Thomas FitzOsborne, Sir. Toby, Sir. Victor's Choice, Si Slokumb, Sister Dora, Six, (New York Examiner) (au. Of) Rev. James White. George Ellis. Sir. J. & Dr. J. Smith Mennes. Richard Steele. Dr. William Maginn. Theodore Tilton. William Melmoth. Scott Sutton. Annie Thomas. Henry P. Cheever. Dorothy W. Pattison. Rev. A. K. Potter. Six Months in a Convent, (au. of) Rebecca Thorese Reed. Six to One, (author of) Edward Ballamy. 1745 1815 1671 1729. 1793 1842 1710 1799 e e º e & © tº e Sivard, James Davis. . . . . . . . . S. Joshua Jenkins, E. D. Taylor. Shekarry, Major Leveson. & © Skeleton in every House, (au. of) C. Waters. Sketches from shady Places, (au. of) Thor Fredur. *. Sketches of India, (author of) Major Moyle Sherer. Slingsby Lawrence, S. M., Snel fungus, Smectymnuus, George Henry Lewes. Menella Smedley. (pub. 1851) Patrick Proctor Alexander. Stephen Marshall, Ed. Calamy, Thomas Young, Mathew New- comer, and Wm. Spurston. Lewes Clement. º º º º e º a º e º ºr Snapshot of the Linden Field. Snoggins, Social Etiquette of N. Y., (au. of) Mrs. Abby Buchanan Longstreet Socinus Ejectus, Soerensen, Sola, Henry M. Putney. Thomas Baker. André Severin Vellejus. Olive San Louie Anderson. tº tº ºi º e º ſº º dº 1656 1740 1542 1616 s e e º 'º e º & 88 PSEU DONYMS OF AUTHORS. Solitaire, Solomon Bell, Solomon Lovechild, Solomon. Second Thoughts, Solon Shingle, Somerset Herald, Somnambulus, (Edinburg Journal) Song Diamond, (author of) Soncinus, Sophia Homespun, Sophie May, Sophie Sparkle, Sophy Winthrop, Southerner, Southern Matron, (N. Y. Telegram) Southernwood, Sozzo, Spaniards, (author of) Spanish Ennius, Sparrowgrass, Spartacus, (author of) Spartacus, Spavento, Speranza, Spirit of 76, Spiritual Visitors, Spondanus, Spooperldyke, Sprouts, (author of) (author of) J. S. Robb. William J. Snelling. Lady Fenn. (pub. 1851) John P. Kennedy. Caleb Dunn. J. R. Planché. Sir, Walter Scott. S. Brainard. Paolo Barbus. Elizabeth H. Monmouth. Rebecca Sophia Clarke. Jennie E. Hicks. Mrs. S. W. Weitzel. Seymour R. Dake. Mrs. Samuel Gilman, mée Caroline Howard. Charles Sotheran. (pub. 1863) Giuseppe Albina. M. Rymer. Juan de Mena. Fred Swartwout Cozzens. R. M. Bond. William James Linton. Paul Hendié. Lady Wilde. (Mrs. W. Robert) Mrs. D. S. Curtis. F. Townsend. Jean de Sponde. Stanley Huntly. E. Whiteing. (pub. 1879) Spur of Monmouth, (author of) Henry Morford. Spy, (Vanity Fair) Spy in Washington, Squibob papers, (author of) S. R. P., S. S. C. Stampede, *...* papers, Statts, S. T. C., Stedman, (Newark Daily M. Pellegrini. Mathew L. Davis. Capt. George H. Derby. Miss S. Rugeley Powers. Silliman S. Conant. Jonathan F. Kelly. (pub. 1850) Henry Ward Beecher. William Statts. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Mrs. Kinney, mée Elizabeth C. Dodge. 1804 1848 1795 1870 1834 ... 1796 . . . 1771 1832 & tº º tº e e • * ~ * tº tº º 1794 . . . . 1847 . . . . ... . 1611 1411 1456 1818 1867 e tº º 4 c e a jº º ºs º º s tº º sº tº e e º 'º º e º sº e s tº a º 1846 . . . . tº ſº º 'º - e º a * * * * * * * * e tº * is a gº tº 1824 . . . . gº tº tº * * * g. 1772 1834 PSEUDONYTMS OF AUTHORS. Stella, Stella, Stella, Stella, Stella, Stempasius, Stendhal, Stephen Collett, Stephen Dugard, Stephen Oliver, Stern Wheeler, Stevenson, Still Waters, St. Kames, Stofflerinus, Stone Edge, ‘Stonehenge, Stonemason, Stories of Hospital and tamp, Strapontin, Straus, (New Orleans Picayume) Strauss, Jr., Strephon, Strix, (New York Evening Express) Stronbury, (author of) :Strong and Free, (author of) ‘Stuart De Leon, Stuart Sterne, ‘Students at Law, (My Queen) (author of) (author of) (author of) (au. of) Student Life at Harvard, (au. of George Henry Tripp. Subaltern, Sudorius, Suffrant Jacques, Suffridus, Sui Generis, Sulky, Surfaceman, Susan Coolidge, Susan Dimick, Sut Lovingood, Sveeadstroem, S. W.. (author of) (author of) S. Nugent Townsend. Anna Blanche Lewis. Anna C. Johnson. (pub. 1854) Mrs. Bowen Graves. Mrs. E. H. Leurs. Penelope Devereux. Pierre Baron. Marie Henri Beyle. Thomas Byerley. William Mudford. W. A. Chatto. (pub. 1839) Charles S. Wheeler. (pub. 1851) Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell. Margaret Agnes Paul. . . . . 1535 1812 1865 tº e º 'º e - e. e e º º º e º e Johann Stoeffler. Lady F. Parthenope Verney. e - ºn e John Henry Walsh. (pub. 1853) . . . . . Hugh Miller. 1802 1856 Charlotte Elizabeth McKay. . . . . . . . . Paul Burain. . . . . . . . . J. M. Fields. . . , 1856 Rate Field. Edward Bradbury. George W. Hows. Rev. J. Cameron Lees. Miss Phillips. Miss G. H. Lyman. Gertrude Bloede. (pub. 1878) Frederick Knight Hunt. gº to ſº … tº º º tº & a tº a tº e º 'º 1796 . . . . 1545 1594 1822 . . . . 1527 1597 Rev. George Robert Gleig. Nicolas Lesueur. L. Ulbach. Sjurd Peeters Petri. Thomas Mann. (pub. 1833) Henry W. Arcularius. M. Alexander Anderson. Susan Chauncey Woolsey. Ednah D. Cheney. Captain George W. Harris. Julia Christina Nyberg. Samuel Ward. tº ſº a . g º m ºn 1805 1869 1785 . . . . 90 PSEU DONYMS OF AUTHORS. Swan of Litchfield, Swan of Padua, S.— (W.—) Esq., Sweet Sin S. W. P., ger of Michigan, Sydney Daryl, Sydney Dayre, Sydney Yendys, (or, Wendys- Sygrianus Sylvander, Sylvan Scribe, Sylvanus Sylvanus Sylvanus Sylviolus Sylvius, Sylvius, Szatmary, T. 3. Tabarin, Tabiensis, 2 (letters) (Turf, Field and Farm) Snap, Urban, Urban, Gent., (Paris Press) Tabitha Tickletooth, Tacitus, Tag, Rag Talender, (Canal Policy 1821) and Robtail, Anna Seward. Count Francesco Algarotti. Sir Walter Scott. Mrs. Julia H. Moore. Swiss Family Robinson, (au. of) D. von Wyss. S. W. Patridge Douglas Straight. Mrs. Cochrane. Sidney Dobel. Michele de Bologne. Robert Burns. Seloftus D. Forbes. A. E. Bergh. Editor Gentleman's Magazine. Edward Cave. Antoine Forestier. François du Bois. Franz Dubois Hoe. Joseph Szigligetti. T. Martin Farquhar Tupper. Georges Duval. Jean Caynazzo. Charles Silby. Charles Glidden Haines. Tacitus and Bracceolini, (au of) John Wilson Ross. I. Disraeli. August Bohse. Tales of Kirkbeck, (author of) Miss H. S. Farrer. Tales of the Martyrs, (author of) Annie Field Elsdale. Tales of the Tales of the Wars, Northwest, (au. Of) Talis Qualis, Tall Son of York, (Old N. Y. Spirit) Talvi, Tam, Tanfucio Taswert, T. B., Neri, Major Sherer. M. Strandberg. (au. of) William Joseph Snelling. William T. Porter. . Mrs. Edward Robinson, mee Therese A. Louise Von Jacob. Thomas MacKellar.' R. Fucini. John Allan Stewart. Thomas Bates. (pub. 1877) 1747 1809 1712 1764 1771 1832 tº e º e ºs e º ºr e is 4 tº e s tº dº us a ſº as tº gº tº * * * * s e s we & tº tº ſº tº sº tº º ºr tº e º gº tº $ tº gº tº a º e º e º & 1581 1649 1614, 1672 1814 . . . . 1810 . . . . ... 1621 1801 1863 1793 1825 1766 1848 1661 1751, ge º sº gº tº $ tº e e º 'º a tº * is 1812 . . . * * * * * * * * PSEUDONY.: IS OF AUTHORS, T. B., T. Clark, T. E. Cour, Temothié, Templar, Templeton, Tenella, Tennysoniana, Tenocarus, Tenpin Boy, Ter Tisanthrope, Teufelsdroeckle, Teutha, Tewksbury, Texelius, T. F., T. F. S., T. H., (Paris Press) (author of) Thomas Brightwell. John Galt, W. G. T. Barter. Tremin—M. Escoffer. William Charles Mark Rent. George H. Munroe. Mary Bayard Clarke. R. H. Shepherd. William Snouckaert. Francis Shubael Smith. William Houyman Gillespie. Thomas Carlyle. William Jerdau. William Porter Ray, Johann Tetzel. George Ashby. T. F. Salter. (pub. 1841) Thomas Hamilton. That Girl of Mine, (author of) Maurice F. Egan. That Husband of Mine, (au. of) Mrs. Mary Andrews Denis of . That LOver of Mine, Thayendenega, Th Bentzon, Thekla, "The maninthemoon, Theodore Basil, Theodore Bramwahld, Theodore de la Guard, Theodore Gift, Theodore Hell, Theodore Philalethes, Theodore Taylor, Theophile, Theophile Wagstaffe, Theophilus Marcliffe, Theophilus Secundus, Theoria, Theta, M. T)., Theotine, The Abbé, The French Politician, The African, º (au. of) Maurice F. Egan. Joseph Brant. Mme. Thérese Blanc. (p. 1: 78) Caroline M. Mason. John Eagles. (pub. 1856) Thomas Becon. George Kent. Nathaniel Ward. Dora. Havers. C. G. T. Winkler. Thomas Maule. John Camden Hotten. (p. 1864) Michael Phillips Mandar. Wm. Makepeace Thackeray. William GOOCl win. Rev. Stephen Jenner. Digley Pilot Starkey. William Thorn. (pub. 1863) Marc Antoine Bayle, Angustin Barruel. Maj. Moyle Scherer. Juan Leo. (p. 1823) & is $ $ ſº - as sº tº e º ſº ſº a º ºs * * * * * * * * tº e º ºr * * * * * * * * * * * * g º º ºr * * * * * * * * tº a º 4 tº e º 'º '759 1823 18T 1 1863 1756 1S36 (p. 1854) . . . * * * * * g g tº 1483 1522 '92 PSEU) DONYMS OF AUTHORS, The Amateur Lambeth Casual, James Greenwood. (pub. 1711) . . . . . . . The American, The Author, The Bard, "The Bard of the Forest, The Baker Poet, The Beckoning Series, (au. of) Paul Cobden. The Bishop of London, The Black Dwarf, The Black Fence, (author of) The British Pausanius, The British Spy, The Buccaneer, The Butcher, The Byzantine, The Call—Boy, The Cape Cod Folks, (au. of) The Captain, (author of) The Catholic Bishop of Bantry, The Celt, The Chancellor, The Chartist Parson, The Cid, The Cigar, (author of) The Col's Opera Cloak, (au. of) The Croakers, The Danburian, The Deputy Governor, The Devil’s Football, The Disbanded Volunteer, The Druid, The Dutchess, (author of) The English Opium Eater, (au.) The English Sappho, (?) The Farrago, The Fat Contributor, The Fat Contributor, The Federalist, The Flaneur, The Flaneur, The Flaneur, The Flaneur, (Boston Post) (Brooklyn Eagle) (Noah's Sunday Times) Claude Fournier. M. Evans. Edward Jerningham. William Wickenden. Jean Reboul. (pseud.) Archibald Campbell Tait. Thomas Jonathan Wooler. Rev. John Moultrie. William Camden. William Wirt. Anna Maria Hall. William Fowler. Elie Beschitay. Charles J. Smith. Sarah P. McLean. William C. Gover. T. Decker. Thomas Davis. Robert D. Holmes, Rev. C. Kingsley. Roderigo Laynez. Charles Clark. Mrs. Chaplain Brush. Irving and Drake. Charles E. A. Mac Geachy. Gilpin Gorst. Henry Willard Austin. Joseph Barber. Henry H. Dixon. Archibald Boyd. Thomas De Quincey. Maria D. Robinson. Joseph Dennie. A Miner Griswold. Wm. Makepeace Thackeray. Jay, Madison, and Hamilton. Charles Green. Edmund Yates. Renward Philip. Park Benjamin. 1745 1823 * - ºr e º 'º 4 tº e º 'º - e º 'º * * * g e º ºr a 1811 . . . . 1786 1853 1799 1874 1551 1623 1772 1834 1805 . . . . tº e º z c s e e * * * * g o º e * * tº a s a e - * * * g e º e - e º 'º t e tº º * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * tº º f is t e º 1785 1859 1758 1800 1768 1812 1837 . . . 1811 1863 & tº e s a s = - 1809 1864 The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHCRS, Growler, Governor, Hawks of Hawk Hollow, Jilt, (author of) Juvenile, (Old Spirit) Iºnight of Innishowen. Lancanshire Poet, Landgrave, Latine, Lay Preacher, Linwoods, (author of) Listener, (author of) Literary Confederacy, Little Bugler, Lone Star, (author of) Lynn Bard, Major, Man about Town, (N. Y. Stal) Mantuan, Man who keeps his eyes and ears open, Man who was a Private, Misses Wetherell. Poet of Kirkintilloch, The Wide, Wide, World. The Wife of Leon, (author of) Mrs. Warfield & Mrs. Lee. (p. 1843) The Old Shekarry, Poet at the Breakfast Table, Oliver Wendell Holmes. (p. 1872) 1809 . . . . The The The The The The The The The Polish Byron, (?) Private Secretary, (au. of) Rajah, Raven, Referee, Rev. Doctor Dryasdust, Rev. M. Clarke. River Dove, (author of) Spencer Wallace Coon. Henry Morford. Dr. Bird. Mrs. Gordon Smythies. Col. Thomas Picton. John Sheehan. (pub. 1862) Edwin Waugh. Mrs. T. K. Harvey, mée E. L. Montague. Beatrix Galindo. Joseph Dennie. Catherine Maria Sedgewick. Mrs. Wilson, mée Caroline Fry. Bryant, 1794–1878 Verplanck and Sands. George Munroe Roger, Mary Elizabeth Lee. Alonzo Lewis. (pub. 1831) Ben Perley Poore. William Muldoon. Giovanni Battista Spagnuoli. Henry Ward Beecher. Samuel Miller Quincy. Susan and Anna Warner. Walker Watson. Susan Warner. H. A. Levison. (pub. 1871) Adam Meckiewiez, Col. Chesney. Rammohun Roy. A. R. Frey. Archie Gordon. Sir. Walter Scott. John Galt. John P. Anderdon. The Rural Postman of Biddeford, Edward Capern. The Three Homes, (author of) Mrs. W. Potter. The The Times Bee—Master, Tsar’s Window, (au. of) John Cumming. Mus. Hooper. The Two Consciences, (au. of) W. Dennis. tº e e s e e º sº. tº e º e º e º 'º 1798 1855. 1780 1833 1856 . . . . 6 * * * * * * * 94 PSE UDONYMS OF AUTHORS. The Unknown Eros, The Undersigned, The Vagabond, The Water Poet, The Yankee Farmer, The Young Un, Thom Draw, Thomas A. Kempis, Thomas Bishop, Thomas Brown the Younger, Thomas Chalmers, Thomas Grunnio, Thomas Hayward, Thomas Ingolsby Esq., Thomas Lackland, Thomas Little Esq., Thomas Maitland, Thomas Raynold, (Physiton) Thomas Rowley, Thomas Signis Tyrrell, Thomas the Rhymer, Thomas Thumb Esq., Thomas Wilkes, Thornton Wells, Thrace Talmon, (au. Of) (Paris Press) Three Hours, (author of) Thursty McQuail, Tibbie Shiels, Tiber and the Times, (au. of) Tiger Lily, Tivag, Tiletanus, Tim Bobbin, Tim Bunker, Tim Cladpole, Timoleon, (Boston Courier) Timon, Timon, Timon Fieldmouse, Timothy Caxton, Timothy Hairbrain, Coventry K. Dighton Patmore, 1833 George Arnold. Adam Badeau. John Taylor. John Lowell. George P. Burnham. Thomas Ward. Thomas Hammerken. M. Hayes. Thomas Moore. (pub. 1813) Andrew James Symington. M. Escoffer. William Oldys. (pub. 1738) Tev. Richard Harris Barham. G. C. Hill. Thomas Moore. (pub. 1808) Robert Buchanan. Thomas Chatterton. Thomas Pichon. Thomas Learmont. T}r. Benjamin Church. (p. 1758) Samuel Derrick. T. Williams. Mrs. E. T. H. Putman. Twee Edith Hale. (pub. 1856) Mrs. W. Potter. Wallace Bruce. (pub. 1874) Isabella Richardson. Edward C. Bruce. Iillie Devereux Blake. Daniel E. Gavit. Josse Ravesteyn. John Collier. William Clift. Richard Lower. Isaac Orr. Donald Grant Mitchell. Viscount de Corménin. William Brightly Rands. John Close. James Anderson. (Malleolus) (pub. 1760) 1834, 1865 1580 1654 1769 1840 1815 . . . . * @ g º & tº $ & * * * * * * * * 1696 1761 17 S8 1845 tº $ tº g º ſº º is * * * * * * * * & e º 'º ſº s e tº 4 a m e º 6 tº e tº gº tº e º ſº tº º * † tº e º 'º dº tº a tº dº º º º ºs º • * * * * * * * 1631. 1691 1793 1844 1822 . . . . * * * * * * * * 1739 1808 PSEUIDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Timothy Templeton, Timothy Thistle, Timothy Tickler, Timothy Tickler, Timothy Titcomb, Timothy Touch'em, Timothy Trimm, Tin Trumpet, (author of) Tirso de Molina, Titus A. Brick, Titus Brick, T—(J–) Esq., T. Merchant, Toler King, Tom Brown, Tom Cribb, Tom Cringle's Log, Tom Folio, Tom Hawkins, Tomlin La Tour, Tom Owen the Bee Hunter, Tony Pasquin, (Blackwood) (au, Of) Tom Pepper, the trippings of, Tom Pipkins Wedding, (au. of) H. W. Pullen. Tom Quick, Tom Tripp, Tom's Wife, Tony Pastor, Touchatout, Touchstone, Touchstone, Touchstone, Toulounais le Genie, Tournachon, Town Crier, Toxophilus, Treasure Trove, T. Percy Jones, Tracy Towne, Trafford, Tragus, Tramp, (author of) (author of) (Brooklyn Times) Charles Adams. O. Ellsworth. James K. Paulding. tobert Syme. (pub. 1818) Josiah Gilbert Holland. Thomas Beck. Napoleon TLespes. Horace Smith. Gabriel Tellez. J. C. Hotten. Augustus Seaman. J. W. Croker. Thomas Dibdin. Mrs. Emily Fox. Thomas Hughes. Thomas Moore. Michael Scott. Joseph E. Babson. Theo. Wm. Alois Buckley. W. S. Gilbert. Col. Thomas Bangs Thorpe. John Williams. Charles F. Briggs. (pub. 1854) (pub. 1880) (p. 1837) (pub. 1871) George B. Wooldridge. Giles Jones. (pub. 1881) George D. Tallman. Harlan Halsey. Leon Bienvenu. John Durcie. John Savage. M. Booth. Joseph Tidele Langier. Felix Nadar. Charles A. Byrne. William L. Faddis. L. Case. (pub. 1873) Prof. W. E. Aytoun. Mrs. E. W. Sawtille. (p. 1879) Mrs. J. H. Riddell. Hieronymus Bock. Charles M. Skinner. 95 1803 18:34 1819 1881 1765 1808 1811 . . . . 1779 1849 15S5 1648 * * * * g is ºr s * * * * * * * 1779 1852 1789 183 1825 1856 tº º & 4 - tº º e tº is e º gº s tº g º g º & © 2. we e is e º ºs o ºr * * * * g e s 2. ſº tº s º ºs e º is & e g º º ºs e a tº dº º ſº tº sº º & • * * * * * * g. 96 PSEUDONY’MS OF AUTHORS. Translator General, Traveler, Trebla Revorg, Trebor, Trefoil, Tremaine, Triangle, Tricotrin, Trinculo, Trinity Jones, Trinsome, (Paris Press) Trissotin, Tristan, Tristram Merton, (knight s Magazine) Tristram Shandy, Tristram Templeton, Trois Etoiles, Trovatore, (Dwight's Journal of Music) Trumps, Trumps, Trusta, (author of) (N. Y. Tribune) T. S. H., T. T., T. Umbellus, T. W., Two Brothers, Two Brothers, Two Brothers, Two Millions, (author of) Typhus Odaxius, Philemon Holland. [See page 15] Albert Grover. Robert S. Davis. Gen. F. F. Millen. Robert Plummer Ward. Frank Bellew. N. J. Henderson. Andrew C. Wheeler. William Jones. Raoul Toché. Abbé Cotin. François L'Hermite. (pub. 1878) (pub. 1879) Thomas Babington Macaulay. Laurence Sterne. N. F. F. Davin. Greenville Murray. William Francis Williams. Dr. J. C. Mc Collum. William Brisbane Dick. Mrs. Austin Phelps, mee Eliza- beth Stuart. Thulia Susannah Henderson. Theodore Tilton. David H. Eaton. Thurlow Weed. 1551 1636. * ~ * g º e s v tº a e º e º z º. 1604 1682 1601 1655 1800 1859 1713 1768 * * * * e º 'º º- 1815 1852 1835 . . . . 1854 . . . . 1797 . . . . Alfred and Charles Tennyson. . . . . A. and Geo. Henry Mooney. Julius Charles, 1796–1855, and Augustus William Hare. William Allen Butler. (p. 1858) Titi degli Odalsi. 1796 1834 PSEU DONYMS OF AUTHORS, TJbique, Parker Gillmore. U. Donough Outis, Richard Grant White, Ugo de Sienna, De Benciis. Una, Mary A. Mc Mullen. (p. 1874) Una, Mary Ford. Una and her Paupers, (au. of) Josephine M. Higin botham. Una Locke, Mrs. V. L. Bailey. Una Savin, Mrs. George H. Hepworth. TJnawares, (author of) Frances Mary Peard. Uncle Hardy, William Senior. TJncle Herbert, Timothy Shay Arthur. Uncle Jake, Robert Mc Alpine. 'Uncle James, James Rodwell. (pub. 1858) Uncle Jerry, Mrs. Charles E. Porter, mée Anne Emerson. Uncle John, Edwin O. Chapman. Uncle John, Elisha Noyce. (pub. 1865) Uncle Juvinell, Heady Morrison. (pub. 1876) TJncle Paul, Samuel Barham Jr. TJncle Philip, Rev. Francis Lister Hawks. Uncle Remus, Joel Chandler Harris. Uncle Schneider, C. M. Connolly. Uncle Toby, Rev. Tobias Ham Miller, Uncle Will, Prof. William Wells. Uncle Will, V. M., Rev. W. F. Crafts. Uncle Willis, Stephen W, Tilton. TJncommercial Traveler, Charles Dickens. Un Créitien, (Paris Press) Léon Levadin. TJn Passant, (Paris Press) Ernest d’Hervilly. Un Rural, (Paris Press) G. de Cavagnac. Une Crovate blanche, (Paris Press) Marie Esudier. TJniverse a Desert, (au. Of) William Williams. Uriel, (author of) F. de Powys. Urtisius, Christian Wursteisen. tº e s e dº e º y © e s º dº tº gº tº tº e º 'º º e º 'º * tº tº gº tº e º ºs 1809 . . . . gº tº e g º e º ge * * * ºn tº e º ºs * * * * * * > * * * * tº º te tº & © tº e º º tº ºs * e is a es e º a e e º e e º te º © º e º we & © tº (º, ſº s º 'º º ſº 1544 1588 98 PSEU DONYMS OF AUTHORS, V. 3. Vacuus Viator, Vadianus, Mrs. Archer Clive. Thomas Hughes. Joachim de Watt, Valentine Stephenson,(Independent) Miss Georgia Hamlen. Valentine Vox, Val Versatile, Van, Van den Campen, Vanderdecken, Van der Kun, Vandyke Brown, Vandyke Brown, Vanesa, (author of) Vanity Verses, (author of) Van Nieuwenhuysen, John Walsh. Harry Enton. T). W. Bartlett. Johann van der Campen. William Cooper. (pub. 1873) Peter Lunaeus. Marc E. Cook. 2 William Penn Brannon. Margaret Agnes Paul. Nathaniel Merton Safford. Jean N. Gustave Vaez. M. Palmer. Gaston Deserres. Friedrich Ludwig Jahn. William Beckford. Vaticanism Unmasked, (au. of) Joseph Warren Alden. Varick, (On the Horse) Vatel, (Paris Press) Vater Jahn, Vathick, (author of) V. B., Venus of Milo, (author of) Verax, Verax, (Chronicle 1815) Verdad, Verdant Green, Verdillo Cardrac, Verity Victor, Verm retus, Veteran Observer, Veterinarian, a Professional, Vetus, (Letters to the Times) V. Hugo Dusenbury, Viator, Viator, Vicar of Bray, Vicompte D'Albans, Victor Granella, Vidocq, Vieux Moustache, Viggo Lau, Vigilant, (author of) (Puck) Vincent Brooks. William P. Shreve. Henry Dunckley. William Godwin. E. F. Millen. Rev. Edward Bradley. Richard Harris. E. M. Wright. Jean Vernerey. Edward Deering Mansfield. Prof. A. S. Copeman, Edward Stirling. H. C. Bunner. Benjamin Ogle Taylor. J. H. Bright. Simon Alleyn. Mme. Ratazzi. J. R. Tardieu. Col. Charles Ashton Hawkins. Clarence Gordon. Hother Tolderlund. R. Mitchell. (pub. 1878) 1711 1785 1823 * e is $ & e º te tº dº º tº 4 g : * a s tº e º is tº s & tº g { } {e 1586 1638 1825 1866 tº ºn tº ſº it tº gº º tº e º sº tº e º 'º tº e º s e a º º tº s a tº * * * tº sº * * * * * * 1756 1S36 1834 . . . . 1827 . . . . e ºf s tº gº e e & g º & Iº g tº a tº º is a tº e s ∈ º e º 'º e º 'º º * { } e º ºs º º tº PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Vigilant & Wizard, Vigilio Nolarci, Villaard, Village Schoolmaster, Village Shoemaker, Vindex, (Paris Press) Vindex, Vindex, Viola, Viola, Violet Fane, Volet Vane, Violetti, Virginia Confederate, Virginia Gabriel, Virginian, Virginian, Visiting my Relations, (au. Vitalis, Vivian, (Leader) Vivian Grey. (author of) Volusenus, Volzogenius, Von Tromlitz, Vormius, Vow D. S. A. Mystifizinsky, Voyager, Vyvian Joyense, %t., (Journal of tommerce) Wade Whipple, Wait, Waldemir Klein, Walking Gentleman, Wall St. Bear in Europe, TVWalneerg, W. and R. C., Walsingham, John Corlett. Luigi Carnoli. Henrietta Adelaide Beaumesnil. Charles M. Dickinson. Charles M. Dickinson. Charles Buet. Henry Rogers. William Gibbons. Fanny Downing. (pub. 1865) Mrs. Franklin Thurston, née Laura M. Hawley. Mrs. Cecil Singleton. Mrs. Jane L. Howell. Mrs. David Garrick, mee Marion Eva. A. M. Kelly. Mrs. Geo. P. Marsh. (p. 1856) R. Tyler. William Caruthers. Mary Ann Kelty. Eric Sjöberg. George Henry Lewes. Rt. Hon. Benjamin Disraeli. Florence Wilson. Lodowijk van Wolzogen. Earl Friedrich von Witzleben. Olails Worm. F. F. Vischer. George Hill. Winthrop Mackworth Praed. W. William Cowper Prime. George Stevens. (pub. 1857) G. L. Frankestein. Mrs. E. F. Carlin, mee Schmidt. Thomas Colley Gratton. Samuel Young. (pub. 1855) Thomas Knox. (pub. 1797) William 1800, & Rob't Chalmers. Will Stewart. e tº gº tº º & ºt e tº a º e º a º * * * * * g e gº tº s º º ºs e 1794 1828 1817 . . . 1805 1880 1500 1547 1642 1690 1773 1839 1588 1654 1796 . . . . 1802 1839 181() . . . 1796 1864 1854 1802 1871 100 PSEUDONY" MS OF AUTHORS. Walter Anonym, Walter Barrett. Clerk, Walter Clinton, Walter March, Walter Maynard, Walton, Walworth Mansfield. Warner Christian Search, Warreniana, (author of) Warren T. Ashton, Warrington, Warwick, Warwick, Watch Returns, Waterdale Neighbors, Water Drinker, Waters, Wauch, Waverly, Wayne Hovey, W. Baerger, W. C., s C., ; eaver Poet, ebfoot, W. E. F., W. F. P., Welwood, Werdna Retnyw, W. E. S., Wesley Bradshaw, Western Memorabilia, Wetherell, Wexisnensis, VW. H., (Shakespeare's Sonnets) What'shisname, W. H. H., (New York Sun) Whipen, White, "Whitefriars, : (author of) Henry Jackson Sargent. Joseph A. Scoville. W. H. D. Adams. (pub. 1869) Orlando B. Willcox. Thomas Willet Beale. Henry Thorpe. W. H. Walton. Baron Smith. (pub. 1835) William Friedrich Deacon. William T. Adams. (pub. 1853) William S. Robinson. Frank B. Ottarson. Frederick R. Ryer. John M. Moore. Justin Mc Carthy. Basil Montague. William Howard Russell. David Macbeth Moir. Sir. Walter Scott. William Johnston. T. J. E. Thoré. Sir. William Chambers. William Cowley. William C Coward. Richard Derby Ness. William Thom. W. D. Phelps. W E. Flaharty. (pub. 1876) W. F. Palmer. (pub. 1878) Sir. Henry Moncrieff. Dr. Andrew Winter. William E. Simmons. Charles Alexander. William Gowans. Susan Warner. Jonas Magnus. William Herbert. E. C. Massey. W. H. H. Haseltino. Richard Harris. Q Thomas Anglus. Jane Robinson. 1809 . . . . 1815 1864 gº tº we g º is wº • * * * * * * * * * * g e º 'º 1799 1845 1822 . . . . tº º & e º 'º º e $ ſº º 'º º s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tº tº $ ſº º ſº tº º 1804 1870. 1818 . . . 1583 1651 1580 1630, e - a g º º tº s º º sº tº º * e º ºs º º tº ſº, 1582 1676, PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. W. H. R., Wide Awake, Widett Gray, Widow Bedott, Widow’s Tale, William Harris Rule. (p. 1841) George W. Moore. De Witt Grinnell Ray. Frances M. Whitcher. Mrs. Southey, mee Catherine Anne Bowles. Wife of a Mormon Elder, (au of) Mrs. Maria Ward. Wife's Perils, (author of) Mrs. C. L. Gascoigne, mee C. L. Smith. Wild Edgerton, Brock Mc Vicker. Wildflower, (author of) F. W. Robinson. Wildflower of the Linden Field, Lewis Clement. Wilhelm Raabe, J. Corvinus. Wilibald Alexis, Wilhelm Haering. Wilkes, Samuel Derrick. Will Adams, John Neal. (pub. 1822) Will de Grasse, William Furniss. (pub. 1850) Will Denbigh, (author of) Mrs. Dinah Muloch Craik. Will Honeycomb, George Gordon. Will Wildwood, (Turf, Field and Farm) Frederick Eugene Pond. William Aimwell, William Simonds. William Bibliophile belge. J. S. von de Weyer. William Cauynge, Thomas Chatterton. William Cecil, Rev. Edward Nares. William Churne. Francis Edward Paget. William Edward Sidney, Beverly Tucker. William Henry, Mrs. M. A. Diez. William Marshall, Horace Walpole. William Mendrock, Pieré Nicoté. William Nader, S. X. Q., William Douglas. William Penn, Jeremiah Evarts. William & Robt. Whistlecraft, John Hookam Frere. William Wastle, John Gibson Lockhart. Winnefred, Mary Frances Gibson. Winnie Woodfern, Mary W. Stanely Gibson. Winning Hazard, Albert De Vere. Wirth, Jean Haspinian. Wist, (New York Evening Post) William Francis Williams. Witch Hazel Bud, Budd. Within, without & Over (au. of) Amanda H. Hall. Witling of Terror, Bertrand de vieuzac Barère. Witweyke, Hugh Oliver. (author of) a tº * * * * * * tº & © tº e e º se 1812 1852 1787 1854 & “s º ºs º 'º - º e & sº e - 4 - e. 1721 1769 1793 1876 as e e º a e º gº 1752 1770 1762 1848 1806 . . . 1784 1851 1717, 1797 1625 1695 1691. 1752 1781 1831 1769 1846 1794 1854 1515 1575 1836 . . . . 1755 1841 . . . . 1569 102 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Wizard, . J. Andre, . J. F., FC., . L. K., (Morford's Magazine) . L. M. Jay, . M. Sieg, Wollstoncroft, "Woloweki, Wonderful Quiz, Wooing O't, (author of) i John Corlett. W. Jordan. William John Fitzpatrick. William Kingsford. (pub. 1788) William Linn Keese. * * * * * * * * tº a tº a o º º is º e ºs e e º 'º' Julia Louisa Matilda Woodruff. . . . . . . . Sigismund Wulff. Mary Godwin. Marie Szymonowska. James Russell Lowell. Mrs. Hector. Worcester Speculator. (Mass. Spy) Nathan Fisk. Work about the 5 Dials, (au. of) Maude Alethea Stanley. W. O. Von Horn, Woyda, W. Oertel. Adam Adamowicz. Wreck of the Grosvenor, (au. of) W. Clarke Russell. W. R. G., ("all-Mall Cazette) YW. . . . . S., W. S., W. Savage North, W. S. R., W. U. R. . Wycliffe Lane, Wyliaume Fawcette, Y., (Spectator) Yanthopalus, Yavier, Yeuerthe. Y. Y. Z., (London Magazine) William Rathburn Greg. G. W. H. Haring. Prof. William Spaulding. S. Newell. Walter S. Raleigh. (pub. 1729) William Upton Richards. Mrs. Edward Jennings. J. K. Hamilton Willcox. X. Eustace Budgell. Nicephorus Callistus. Joseph Xavier Boniface. Parmelia S. Vining. Thomas De Quincey. tº $ $ tº e º ſº tº tº º º º ºn tº e sº- tº e º e < * * * PSEU DONYMS Yankee, Yankee, Yarmouth, Yawcob Strauss, Year at Poplar Row, Yellow Plush. YOrick, York’s Tall Son, Young American, Young and Happy Husband. Young Rapid. Young Roscius, (au. of) (N. Y. Spirit) Young Trail Hunters, (au. of) Yveling Rambaud, Z., Z., Zachary Craft, Zadkiel the Seer, Zavarre Wilmhurst, Zekel Allspice, Zernoudjy, Zeta, Zeta, (Graphic) Zibra Sproule, Ziska, (N. Y. Sun) Zohrab, (author of) Z. P., ZypCeus, Zypoeus, OF AUTHORS. J. H. Ingraham. Richard Grant White. Isaac H. Bailey. Charles Follen Adams. March Ellinwood. Wm. M. Thackeray. Pietro C. Ferrigni. William T. Porter. Alex. Slidell Mackenzie. A. A. Dowty. Col. T. Allston Brown. Wm. H. W. Betty. (p. 1878) Samuel Woodworth Cozzens. Frédéric Gilbert. (pub. 1875) Z. Col. G. W. Prosner. Hannah Moore. Charles Kelsall. (pub. 1823) Lieut. Richard James Morrison. William Bennett. John Cooper Vail. Borhan Eddya. James Anthony Froude. John Lowell. Rev. George Trask. Amos Jay Cummings. James Morier. L. W. Mansfieid. Franz van den Zype. Hendrick van den Zype. 103 1809 1861 1822 . . . © tº e º se e 1811 1863 1809 1858 1803 1848 tº e º . * * * * e e º e º ºs º º º e º ſº tº gº tº e tº º tº gº tº ſº tº º tº e º ºs º & 1780 1849 1578 1650 1577 1659 AIDDENT) A. Abbé, Abbé Bocadelot, Aberdeen, A. B. G., Aboul Hassan, A. B. Philologer, (Asa Public Scribe) A. C. H., (N. Y. Mail) Actaea, Ada Clare, Adle Dharir, Adolph Brunglas, Adolph d'Ennery, A. Doubtful Gentleman, Advena, A. E. L., Affinities of Foreigners, (au. of) Afterglow, (author of Agnes Stanfield, Agricola, Agricola, Agrikler, A. H. Oakes, A. H. R., A Lady, (Puck) (Flora's Dictionary) A Lady, Alanus, Albert, Albert, *=== Belmonti Cagnoli. . . . . . . . . Pierre Michon. 1610 1685 Hugh D. McIntyre. . . . . . . . . Sir. George Biddell Airy. 1801 . . . . Ali-Ibn-Kharaf. . . . . . . . . Laurence Sterne. 1713 1768 A. C. Haeselbairth. . . . . . . . . E. C. Agassiz. . . . . . . . . Mrs. J. F. Noyes, mée Jane Mc Elhinney. & © g º 'º e º Ali Alhossi. . . . . . . . Adolph Glaisbrunner. 1810 Eugene Phillip Dennery. 1812 James K Paulding. D. P. Starkey. Miss A. E. L. Lee. Janet Robinson. G. P. Lathrop. Jane McElhinney. John Young. (pub. 1822) W. F. Whitehouse. (pub. 1845) Joseph Edwards. H. C. Bunner. Alice Hyneman Rhine. Mrs. William Wirt, mée Eliza- * * * * * * * s & & © tº gº º & * is e º g º is ge beth Washington Gamble. 1784 1857 Sally A. Brock. Jan Bardzinski. . . . . . . . . John Abercrombie. . . . . . . . . Giovanni Battista. Fortis. 1741 1803 [Most of the names here appended were received too late for insertion in their proper place. The true names of Authors for various anonymous works have been disclosed since the early pages were in plates. The Arthor considers the list too important to be omitted. } Correspondence relating to corrections or additions, respectfully solicited. PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Albertus Aguensis, Albertus Teutonicus, Alcibiades, A Lesson in Love, (author of) Alexis Wilbald, Al Hadj. Alic, Alice Irving Abbott, Aliph Cham, Allan Kardec, All the Way Round, (au. of) All Wrong, (author of) Alpine Flower, (author of) A. L. S., Amatus Lusitanus, Ambroise, American Family in Paris, (au. of) Amigo, (N. Y. Ilerald) Andoemus Oxoniensis, André, Andrew Marvell, A New England Man, An Exile of Erin, (Irish American) Angelina Gushington, Anglicanus, (London Times) Albert of Aix. Velbert de Bollstadt. James Anderson. Edwin Binner. W. Haering. Hamondah-ben-abd-al-Aziz. Col. William Alexander. Miss H. H. Burdick. (p. 1881) Walter S. Yeldam. Leon Hippolyte Denisart Rivail. Addie Emmet Carr. Annie U. Griffin. Margaret Roberts. A. L. Schoenduv. Joan Rodriguez Amato. Launcelot—Polite Catarino Anna E. Ticknor. Dr. Salmon Skinner. John Owen. Pierre Nicolas Marville. Arthur Middleton. James K. Paulding. Rev. M. W. Newman. C. W. R. Cooke. Dean Stanley. Anglicanus of the Day, (au, of) Thomas Marshall. Anicetus, Annals of a Baby, (author of) Annibale, Another Man's Wife, (au. of) Ansted Hope, Antonio Blanc, Antony, A Person about Town, Apthorp, Archdeacon Chausable, Archibald Head, Ardboe, Aretino, Ariel, Aristides, William A. Clarke. Sarah Bridges Stebbins. Anna Ballard. Irene Widdennar Hartt. Miss Burdett. Leblanc de Guillet. Antoine Nicolas Berand. Cornelius Webb. (pub. 1822) Mrs. Perez Morton, mée Sarah Wentworth. T. W. Marshall. (pub. 1868) John M. Turner. Gen. F. F. Miller. Leonardo Bruni. E. B. Canning. Col. T. L. Mc Kinney. tº e º 'º & © tº º © tº e º 'º º ſº e e º 'º f - © tº e e º e º e º 'º. e º e º sº e gº tº º tº ºr ſº ſº tº º e ‘º e º 'º e º e 1818 1881 1560 1622 1754 1815 1743 1788 1778 1860 ge º 'º e º 'º e e e º e < * * * tº dº º 'º e º 'º 1730 1799 1792 . . . . tº e º 'º is a tº º 1759 1856 106 PSEU DONYMS OF AUTHORS, Aristocratic Tout, Arouet, Arria, Aspromente, A. T., Atelier de Lys, (author of) Augspur, Aunt Carrie, Aunt Esther, Aunt Florida, Aunt Louisa, Aunt Mary, (author of) Aura. (Morning Advertiser) Auratus, Autograph. (lowell Citizen) Aven Roschid, Barbarossa, Barnwell, Barton Gray, (N. Y. Independent) Belarius of Cymbeline, Benoni Blake, (author of) Bently Parker, Berkeley, Betsy Bobbit, (author of) Biting the Thread, (au. of) Blindpitts, (author of) Blue Jacket Suit, Borland Hall, (author of) Brandywine, (Memphis Appeal) T. Wood. Joseph Brown Ludd. Eliza L. Pugh. H. E. H. King. Mrs. Anne Thomas. Margaret Roberts. Henry J. M. Sampson. Caroline L. Smith. Mrs. John A. Smith. Phebe Travers, Mrs. Valentine. M. A. Hodgson. William Gale, Jean Daurat. Charles F. Coburn. Roschid Ibn. John Scott. Robert B. Roosevelt. George H. Sass. Eastwick Evans. Malcomm Maclellan. Park Benjamin. Charles Edward Lester. Marietta Holley. Frederick Webster. Elizabeth Taylor. H. D. Smith. Rev. Walter C. Smith. Alex. Mc Grew. Brave Little Heart, (author of) Bonavia Hunt. Brief Honors, (author of) Brothers, (author of) Brown, Jones, and Robinson, Brutus, (Aurora) Buck Saw, Busy Moments of an Idle Woman, (au. of) Caballero, Camille Selden, (author of) Captain B. Barnacle, Captain Carnes, Captain Chamier, Captain Will Dayton, Moses L. Scudder Jr. Thomas Smelt. Richard Doyle. Stephen Simpson. Joe. C. Aby. Mrs. Susan Pettigrue King. Mrs. C. Bohl de Arrom. Margaret Roberts. Charles M. Newell. M. I. Cumming. William James. Cecil Burleigh. (pub. 1869) e tº tº £ 3 & 8 º e g º A Q & 4 as e º e o e º sº. s & 9 e º e º 'º' 1858 . . . . 1829 tº 1815 1826 1826 . . 1789 1854. tº e º 'º e º is & sº gº º is a tº ºf PSEU DONYMS OF AUTHORS 10'7" Carboy, (N. Y. Dispatch) Carl, Carroll Winchester, Case against he Church, (au. of) C. Edwin Vredenburgh. Caspipini Tamor, Cassini, Catherine Stewart, Catholicus, (London Times) C. Chamier, Century of Independence, (au, of) J. R. Hussey, Chailness, Charles D. Knight, Charles Warwick, Chatsworth, (author of) Cheerfulness, (author of) Cherry Ripe, (author of) China Hunter's Club, au. of) Christian Painter, (author of) Christie Crust, Christianus Democritus, Christophilus Gratianus, Chroniquense, Clara Clara Augusta, Clara Vance, Clare and Bebe, (author of) Cſorinda, Claudero, Son of Nimrod, Clouds and Sunshine, (au. of) Coming of Christ, (author of) Comin through the Ryo, au. of) Commissionaire, (author of) Compte de Courchamps. John C. Harrington. . . . . . . . . C. S. Newhall. . . . . . . . Caroline G. Curtis. tº C º an e º º Rev. Jacob Duchı. . . . . . . . . James H. Gardiner. tº e º e º a Kate M. Zeigle. 1850 . . . . Cardinal Newman. 1801 . . . . James Williams. . . . . . . . Mme. Judith Mendis, & e º e g º O sº Mrs. R. L. Gilbert. C & © tº e º e e C. J. McDonough. tº e º P. G. Patmore. . . . . . . . . C. P. Gibson. º, e º - e º 'o - Helen Mathers. tº e º ºs e º 'º' Annie T. Slosson. tº e º 'º e º - * Mrs. Sidney Lear. © e - e. e º ºs º- Eliza Freeman Dennison. . . . . . . . J. C. Dippel. . . . . . . . . Samuel Lacius. * * * s e e 9 º' Mrs. W. Sykes, mee Olive Logan. 1841 ..... Mrs. Clara Cole. Winifred Winthrope, G - e. e. e º º Mary Andrews Denison. . . . . . . . . Mrs. Kirke, mee Ellen W. Olney. . . . . . . . . Agnes C. Mac Lehose. . . . . . . . . James Wilson. F. Townsend. Rev. William B. Orvis. tº e º 'º gº tº º ºr Helen Mathews, e - e e s e <> Frederick Webster. * @ º e º º º Maurice Cousen. e e º e e s tº e. Confessions of an old Bacheldor, (au. of) E. Carrington. Contes de Guillaume Vade, Contest of the 12 Nations, (au. of) William Howison. Marie A. François de Voltaire. 1694 1778 e e e s s is nº º Convent Life Unveiled, (au. of) Mrs. E. Auffray, née Edith Corinne, Count Rumford, Cousin Stella, (author of) Cousin Torrence, O'Gorman. tº e º gº © tº Gº Mrs. W. H. Tucker. . . . . . . . . Benjamin Thompson. 1753 1814 Mrs. C. Jenkin. . . . . . . . . John D. Coughlin. s a e º e º 'º - T08 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Cousin Virginia, Craven, Crimea. (author of) Criminal Code, (author of) Critique. Crito (l, fido Insurance Magazine) Cryptonymus, C. Toulman, Curtis Percy Damen's Ghost, (author of) Dark Colleen. (author of) Deirdré, (author of) Dion Boucicault, Doctor J. P. Phillips, Doctor H., Dolent Jean, T}ominion Artist, (author of) Don Jeremy Savonarola, Dorothy, (author of) Dot and Dime (author of) Douglas Bell, Ducóame, Duke of Scampington, E B. Eboracus, Ed., Education of Girls, (au. of) Edward Colvil, Edward Strahan, Effie Lawton. Electra (author of) Eliphas Lévi, Ella Ellwood, Ellerton Vincent, Flsie Strivelyne, Eluathan Elmwood Esq., E. Marlitu, (?) £mile Eyler, English Justinian, (?) English Juvenal (?) English Roscius, (?) English Terrence, (?) Virginia W Johnson. Captain Carleton. Mrs. Andrew Neilson. Charles John Darling. D B Sheahan. Samue" Brown. K. R. H. Mackenzie. TMrs. C. Crosland. Mrs W. N. COX. E. L. Bynner. Harriet Jay. Dwyer Joyce. Dionysius Lardner. J. P. Durand. (pub. 1878) Hother Jolderland. Antoine Fournier. Mrs. Sidney Lear. Francis Sylvester Mahony. Margaret Agnes Paul. Lillie E. Barr. Miss Douglass. Henry Hooper. Eustace Clare Grenville Murray. ... Ethel Lynn Beers. W. W. Broom. (pub. 1865) Edward Teneyck. Erederick J. Farraday. Mary Lowell Putnam. Earl Shinn. Mrs. S. May Bell. Compte de Jarnac. Alphonse Louis Constant. Ellen Shade. M. C. Logan. Sir Noel Paton. Dr. Assa Green. Eugenie John. M. Osten. Edward I. John Oldham, T)avid Garrick Richard Cumberland. º e s , ſº e º ºs 1843 . . . . 1812 1822 . . . . 1805 isgö tº º º ſº º º a tº gº ſº e º º º a 1209 1307 1653 1683 1716 1779 1732 1811 PSEU DO NYMS OF AUTHORS, Epic of Hades, (author of) Ernest Halfenstein, Lewis Morris. Mrs. Seba Smith, née Elizabeth Oakes. Emilie Buerstenbinder. Emily C. Pearson. Esther, A. W. Buchan. Esther Sarah Kenneth, Mrs. E. M. Babson. Eternal Hope and Punishment, (au. of) Henry Smith Sutton. Eugène Sue, Marie Joseph Eugène Sue, Euphranor, (author of) E. Fitzgerald. Everlasting Punishment, (au. of) Henry William Pullen. Ernest Werner, Ervie, E. von Rotherfels, Fancies of a Whimsical Man, (au. of) Fannie Grey, Faye Huntington, Emma von Ingerslaven. F, Townsend. Mrs. E. D. Hundley. Mrs. I. H. Foster. Five Knights of St. Albans, (au, of) William Mudford. Flaccus, John Waters. F. M. P., F. M. Peard. Folio Tom, J. E. Babson. Forest Arcadia, (author of) Nathaniel W. Coffin. Fosters Brothers, (author of) James Payne. (pub. 1859) Francis Eastwood, Mrs. D. C. Knevals. Frank Brierwood, Mabel Clifton. Frank Hudson, George Kimball. Frederick Mohr, Charles Leidhof. Fredol, Friday Night, (author of) J. S. Isaacs. (pub. 1870) Friedrich Halm, Muench—Bellinghausen Fun and Earnest, (author of) F. Townsend. F. W. R., Fannie W. Rankin. G. and P. Wharton, Gentle and Simple, (au. of) George Fleming, Georges d’ Heilly, Georges d’ Heylli, Ghostly Colloquies, (au. of) Golo Raimund, Gontrau Borys, (Paris Press) Grace Graham, Grimm, Gryll Grange, (author of) Gwilym Caledfryn, Margaret Agnes Pnul. Julia Fletcher. Leon Gambetta. (?) Austin Edward Poinsot, |F. Townsend. George Dannenberg. Eugene Berthoud. Mrs. S. B. Titterington. Thomas Love Peacock. Rev. William Williams. Horace B. A. Moquin Tandon. Louis Amédé Eugène Achard. ge tº 9 tº gº e º sº. tº e º e º ºs e = tº e º 'º º 'º º tº gº tº º e º sº º cº- Katherine and John Thompson. . . . . . . . & © tº gº te tº tº º 1814, 1875 1785 1866, tº e º e ºs º ºs s. 110 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS. Gypsey, Hab'k O. Westman, Habla von Español, (au, of) Hadji Abd-e Hamid Bey, Hal–a–Dacotah. Hans Patrick Le Conner, Hans Pfaal, Harro Harring, Harty the Wanderer, Hautboy, Hay Ezey, He and I, (author of) Mrs. Grace Courtland. T. Ewbank. (pub. 1844) J. B. Torricelli. (pub. 1868) a louis Du Couret. (pub. 1860) General Henry H. Sibley. J. L. Bowman. Tºdgar A. Poe. .gnatius S. Szymanski. (au. of) F. Owen. John Harper. Fanny Andrews. Sarah Bridges Stebbins. Heaven Our Home, (author of) Rev. William Brauk. Henri Charlet, Henry Druit, Henry Lewis, Henry Wilson, Herbert Ainslie, Berbert Newbury, Pierre Giffard. William Flint. A. H. Lewis. Jeremiah Jones Colbath. E. Maitland. S. A. F. Herbert. (pub. 1869) Ilelty s Strange History, (au of) Mrs Jackson. H. F. P. fileien F Parker. Hilda among the Gods (au of) Rev. Walter C. Smith. Hindoo Tales, (author of ) His Heart’s Desire His Majesty Myself, Homer Wilbur, (?) (au. of) S. Dandu. (pub 1873) Mrs. Ellen W. (Olney) Kirk. Rev. W. M. Baker. J Russell Lowell. Hon. Miss Ferrard (author of) Mary Laffan. How we raised our Baby, (au. of) Jerome Walker. Ickabod 1zax, Ignatius de loyala, Ignoto, Im for 1m, (author of) Imported Sparrow, In the Tropics, (author of) Iota. (Dublin University Magazine) Isabel, Is Eternal Punishment Endless?, (au of) Is that all r, (author of G. S Stebbins. Imigo de Recaldo de Loyala. Richard Barnfield. Rufus S. Shapley. Horton Rhys. J. W. Fabens. Dr. John Francis Waller, Anna Cora Ogden. James Morris Whiton, Miss H. W. Preston, Jack Downing, (letters to N. Y. Advertiser) Charles Augustus Davis. Jacobstaff, Janet, (author of) George B. Eaton. Millicent Garret Fawcett, , Jennie of the Princess, (au. of) B. H. Buxton. 1792 1870 * * * * g º se tº e - is a tº 3 e º sº e º º ºs gº tº tº tº ſº * tº wo * * * * * * * * * * tº e º 'º e f is tº tº 4 c 3 1810 1819 187() 1833 . . . . PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Jennie M. Drinkwater, Jennie Woodville, J. F. W., J. Gotthelf, J. Huen–Dubourg, J. M. S. Daurignac, Mrs. Nathaniel Conklin. J. L. Stabler. Dr. John Francis Waller. A. Bitzius. — Hammond. Mme. J. M. S. Orliac. 1II is tº e & a tº tº e tº tº º e º e º ºr gº tº gº tº gº tº º e John A.’ Dreams, (author of) Julia Russell Sturgis. John Chester, John Mitchell. John of York, (Old N. Y. Spirit) John H. Tobin. . . . . . . . . Jonquil, J. L. Collins. (pub. 1875) tº º tº gº tº Josephine Jackson, Mrs. C. B. Whitehead. tº º ſº º 'º e º 'º Joshua Sylvester, John Camden Hotten. gº º º Journal in Portugal, (au, of) Dora Quillinan. . . . . . . . J. R. Dix, George Spencer Phillips. Juan de Arona, Pedro Paz—Soldan y Unánue. . . . . . . . . Juan J. Ben Ezra, Manuel Lacanza. . . . . . . . . Jules Noriac, C. A. J. Cayron. . . . . . . . . Earl Detlef, Raroline Bauer. . . . . 1876 Kate Cameron, Rate D. W. Barnes. . . . . . . . . Rate Dashaway, Mabella Ann Ward. (p. 1865) . . . . . . . . Rathie's Stories, (author of) Amanda M. Douglass. & e º Gº e º º Kesiah Shelton, (author of) Mrs. Aldrich. ge e a G e º 'º º Rindling—Wood Jimmy, (au, of) Rev. E. A. Rand. s tº ſº e º 'º tº gº Kismet, (Remington) Mrs. Newton Sears. y & © e º 'º º ºs Leisure Hours, (author of) George Lunt. . . . . . . . . Le Religéuse, (author of) Jean Hippolyte Michon. ge tº º e º e º ºr Letters from Jamaica, (an. Of) Charles Rampini. . . . . . . . . Letters from Head Q’rs, (au. of) Maj. S. G. F. Calthorpe. . . . . . . . . Letters from Rome, (au. of) F. Townsend. tº e i e º $ tº T. H., Lucy Hooper. 1816 1841 L. I., J. Loring Pratt. tº e º 'º Tife at Rideau Hall, (au. of) Miss Howels. e - © tº e º º º Life in India, (author of) Mrs. Monkland. tº ſº º ºs e º 'º Life of Francis de Sales, (au. of) Mrs. Sidney Lear. tº º cº e º ſº ºr Life out of Death, (author of) Nathaniel Cartwright. e tº tº e o º Live Boys, (author of) A. Morecamp. * * ~ e o e º e Logan, (Letters) Townsend Ward. . . . . . . . Louis Alex. César Bomlet, Marie Henri Beyle. 1783 1842 Louis Henry, Albert Henry Lewis. (p. 1872) . . . . . . . . Lucrèce, Mrs. Coralin Daniels, mée Morrison. . . . . . . . . Magpie, W. H. Webb. (pub. 1859) ' tº e º g º e º ſº 112 PSEUDONYMS OF AUTHORS, Maore, Margaret's old Home, (au. of) Marie Rosseau, Marion Couthony, (Phila, Bulletin) Mary Singleton, Spinster, M. L. R., M. N. M. 3 Modoc, (Cincinnati Enquirer) Mother Julia, Mrs. Mackenzie Daniel, Mrs. Partington, Nadar, Nemesis, Nomistake, No Name, On-the-go, Paul Braddon, Paul Pasquin, Partisan Leader, J. Inglis. (pub. 1879) . . . . . . . . Jennie R. Shaw. . . . . . . . . Mary J. Reed. . . . . . . . . Marion C. Smith. . . . . . . . . F. Brooke. . . . . . . . . H. W. Powell. . . . . . . . May Riley Smith. tº e º 'º o º Mrs. Pierre F. MC’Donald, then Mrs. Henry Meigs, née Mary Noel Bleecker. (pub. 1845) . . . . . . . J. E. P. Doyle. 1837 . . . Marie R. J. Billiart. (pub. 1871) . . Ellen Pickering. * - Samuel P. Avery. . . . . . . . . Gustave Felix Tournachon. . . . . . . . Antony Watre. a * * * * * * W. B. Partee. . . . . . . . . Cecil Burleigh. 1850 . . . Francis Alfred Steimer. 1854 . . . . J. Howard Van Arden. 1856 . . . . Fraser Tytler. 1747 1813. Nathaniel Beverly Tucker. 1784 1851 Peculation Triumphant, (au. of) Charles O'Conor. 1804 . . . . Beter Ploughshare (Canal Papers 1821) S. B. Beach. (?) Philalethes, Phillipe Laicus, Prometheus, Prosper Chazel, Recapper, Reddick, R. E. Ducaigne, Red Wing, Roger Widdrington, Sir A. W., The Commodore, The Old 'Un, Titus A. Brick, Vidette, Vision of Rubeta, War in Disguise, War in Disguise, Xariffa, (Turf, Field and Farm) J. Petzholdt. Phillipp Wasserburg. . . . . . . . . Francis Alfred Steimer. 1854 . . . A. Le Reboullet. . . . . . . . . Thomas C. Abbott. . . . . . . . Joseph Kidder. tº e º 'º a º sº. W. McKendee Heath. . . . . . . . . Frederick Eugene Pond. 1856 . . . . Roger Preston. . . . . . . . . Sir Anthony Weldon. (p. 1650) 1590 1655. Myron Pond. . . . . . . . . Francis A. Durivage. 1814 1880 C. E. File. 1843 J. E. P. Doyle. 1837 . . . . Laughton Osborn. (pub. 1838) . . . . . . . . James Stephen. (pub. 1805) . . . . . . . . Gouverneur Morris. (pub. 1806) 1752 1816 Mary Ashley Townsend. . . . . . . . . ſ §§ sº ºğº º #; º (ºft'ſ º § º: º dº \\ Ž'. § º º Đ sº º º º “ sº º' tº gº. ' '. - º ; * º ; : . . . - * . . . . tº dº nº º ----- # * * * * * * ºf "Hº &# : ; ºf ". - * , iſ " ºt º' . § §§ º | #. º º $. g w ... ', º, ... . ; , "º'ſ