WAS B197 18172 Pro SCIENTIA ARTES VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TIXHOR SQUARIS PENINSULAM AMO NAM CIRCUMSPICE MUNDO Transportation History Collection NUNUA 453 ***** "m مانی را می گیری 22 GA AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAIL ROAD COMPANY Passed at December Session, 1826. Maruland. Comes, 4.1.tissa , , ma Baltimore; PRINTED BY WILLIAM WOODDY. ........ 1827. :: Q che 13 r $ 2, 120.93 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAIL ROAD COMPANY. PASSED AT DECEMBER SESSION, 1826. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As- sembly of Marylund, That Isaac M'Kim, Tho- mas Ellicott, Joseph W. Patterson, John M'Kim, Jr. William Steuart, Talbot Jones, Ros- well L. Colt, George Brown and Evan Thomas, be, and they are hereby appointed Commis- sioners, under the direction of a majority of whom, subscriptions may be received to the Cap- ital Stock of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, hereby incorporated: and they, or a majority of them, may cause Books to be opened Books for tak- at such times and places as they may direct, for tions, to be the purpose of receiving Subscriptions to the pened. Capital Stock of said Company, after having given such notice of the times and places of opening the same, as they may deem proper: and that upon the first opening of said Books, they shall be kept open for at least ten successive days, from ten o'clock, A. M. until two o'clock, P. M. and if at the expiration of that period, such a subscrip- tion to the Capital Stock of said Company, as is necessary to its incorporation, shall not have been obtained, the said Commissioners, or a on . Sy TIAKSTOWIATION 4 > of Baltimore. majority of them, may cause the said Books to be opened, from time to time, after the expiration of the said ten days, for the space of twelve months thereafter, or until the sum necessary to the incorporation of the Company sbal} be sub- scribed if sooner subscribed: and if any of the said Commissioners shall die, resign, or refuse to act during the continuance of the duties de- volved upon them, by this Act, another may be appointed in his stead, by the remaining Com- missioners, or a majority of them. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Capital Capital Stock. Stock of the said Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, shall be Three Millions of Dollars, in shares of One Hundred Dollars each, of which Ten Thousand Shares shall be reserved for sub- ed to the State, scription by the State of Maryland, and Five and the the city Thousand for the City of Baltimore, for the space of twelve months after the passage of this Act by the Legislature of Maryland: and the re- maining Fifteen Thousand Shares may be sub- scribed for by any other Corporation, or by In- dividuals; and that as soon as ten thousand shares of the said Capital Stock shall be subscribed, the subscribers of the said stock, their succes- sors and assigns shall be, and they are hereby declared to be, incorporated into a Company, by the name of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, and by that name shall be capable in law of purchasing, holding, selling, leasing and conveying estates, real, personal and mixed, so far as shall be necessary for the purposes herein after mentioned and no farther, and shall have perpe- tual succession, and by said corporate name may sue and be sued, and may have and use a common seal, which they shall have power to alter or Corporate name of the Company 5 . renew at their pleasure, and shall have, enjoy, and may exercise all the Powers, Rights and Pri vileges, which other corporate bodies may law- fully do for the purposes mentioned in this Act. SEC 3 And be it enacted, That if more than Fifteen Thousand Shares shall be subscribed Manner of ap. portioning the to the Capital Stock of said Company, not re Stock. served to the State of Maryland or to the City of Baltimore, the said Commissioners, or a ma- jority of them, shall reduce the subscription to Fifteen Thousand Shares, by striking off from the largest number of Shares in succession, until the subscriptions are reduced to Fifteen Thous- and Shares, or all the subscriptions to one Share: and if there be still an excess, then lots shall be drawn by the Commissioners, to determine who are to be excluded. Sec. 4. Ind be it enacted, That upon every such subscription, there shall be paid at the time of subscribing, to the said Commissioners, or to their agents, appointed to receive such subscrip- tions, the sum of One Dollar on every Share sub- Sum to be paid scribed, and the residue thereof shall be paid in on subscribing, such instalments, and at such times as it may be the directors to required by the Presivent and Directors of said instalments. Company; provided, that not more than one third of the subscription be demanded in any one year, from the commencement of the Work; nor any payment demanded until at least sixty days' pub- lic notice of such demand shall have been given by the said President and Directors: and if any subscriber shall fail or neglect to pay any instal- ment, or part of said subscription thus demand. ed, for the space of sixty days next after the time the same shall be due and payable; the Stock on stock for non- which it is demanded, shall be forfeited to the payment of in- and powers of call for further Forfeiture of stalments. 6 Company, and may be sold by the said President and Directors, for the benefit of the Company; but the President and Directors may remit any such forfeiture, on such terms as they shall deem proper Charter to be- 1000 ken in twelve months. ing to be called Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That if the sub- come forfeit if scription, herein made necessary to the incorpor- Stock be not ta- ation of the said Company, shall not be obtained within twelve months after the first opening of the Subscription Books, by the said Commission- ers; this act and all the subscriptions under it, shall be null and void; and the said Commission- ers, after discharging the expenses of opening the Books, shall return the residue of the money paid in upon such subscriptions, to the several subscribers in proper proportions to the sums respectively paid in by them. Sec. 6. ind be it enacted, That, at the expi- General meet-ration of the ten days for which the books are when one thous: first opened, if ten thousand shares of said capi- Stock is taken tal stock shall have been subscribed, or if not, as soon thereafter as the same shall be subscribed, if within one year after the first opening of the books, the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall call a general meeting of the subscri- bers, at such time and place as they may appoint, and shall give at least twenty days' public notice thereof, and at such meeting the said commission- ers shall lay the subscription books before the sub- scribers then and there present, and thereupon the said subscribers, or a majority of them, shail elect twelve directors, by ballot, to manage the affairs of said company, and these twelve directors, or a choosing Presi! majority of them, shall have the power of electing ors. It the first a president of said company, either from amongst per rezation of the directors or others, and of allowing him such an: the Company 7 and the proxy. Manner of con- and ܀ ; Directors. Marv compensation for his services as they may deem proper; and that in said election, and on all other occasions wherrin a vote of the stockholders of said company is to be taken, each stockholder shall be allowed one vote for every share owned by it, him, or her, and every stockholder may depute any other person to vote and act for it, mayo vote by him, or her, as it's, his, or her proxy; Commissioners aforesaid, or any three or more of them, shall be judges of the said first election of Directors. Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That to continue the succession of the president and directors of tinuing the suc- said company, twelve directúrs shall be chosen President annually, on the second Monday of October in every year, in the City of Baltimore, by the stock- holders of said company, and that the state of The State of Maryland and the city of Baltimore may each the Corporation appoint one additional director of said company wire for every twenty five hundred shares of stock of said company by them respectively owned at the time of such election, but shall not be permitted to vote upon their stock in the election of the di- rectors by the stockholders in general meeting; and that the directors of said company, or a majority of them, shall have power to appoint Directors to judges of all elections and to elect a president appoint Judges of said company, either from amongst the di to fill vacancies rectors or others, and to allow him such com- pensation for his services as they may deem pro- per; and if any vacancy shall occur, by death, resignation, or refusal to act, of any president or director, before the year for which he was elect- ed has expired, a person to fill such vacant place for the residue of the year may be appointed by the president and directors of said company, or Baltimore appoint Directors. ) , and Board 8 . bolders to be of a majority of them, and that the president and directors of the company shall hold and exercise their offices until a new election of president and directors; and that all elections which are by this act, or the By Laws of said company, to be made on a particular day, or at a particular time, if not made on such day or at such time, may be made at any time within thirty days thereafter. Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That a general meeting of the stockholders of said company ing of the stock-shall be held annually, at the time and place ap- held annually, pointed for the election of the president and to choose Di directors of said company; that they may be call, ed at any time during the interval between said annual meetings, by the president and directors, or a majority of them, or by the stockholders the stockhold- owning at least one-fourth of the whole stock era may be call- subscribed, upon giving thirty days' public no- tice of the time and place of holding the same, and when any such meetings are called by the stockholders, such notice shall specify the parti- cular object of the call; and if, at any such call- ed meetings, a najority (in value) of the stock- holders of said company are not present, in per- son or by proxy, such meetings shall be adjourn- ed, from day to day, without transacting any bu- siness for any time not exceeding three days, and if within said three days, stockholders hay- ing a majority (in value) of the stock subscribed, do not thus attend, such meeting shall be dis- solied. Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That at the regu- lar annual meetings of the stockholders of said company, it shall be the duty of the president and directors in office for the preceding year, ed 9 the affairs of be laid before general meeting may remove di. . The President and directors to to exhibit a clear and distinct statement of the Statement of affairs of the company; that at any called meet the Company to ings of the stockholders, a majority of those the present may require similar statements from the president and directors, whose duty it shall be to furnish them when thus required; and that at all general meetings of the stockholders, a ma- jority (in value) of all the stockholders. in said Stockholders company may remove from oflice any president rectors. or any of the directors of said company, and may appoint others in their stead. Sec. 10. Ind be it enacted, That eve Pre- sident and Director of said Company, before he qualify. acts as such, shall swear or affirm, as the case may be, that he will well and truly discharge the duties of his said office to the best of his skill and judgment. Sec. il. And be it enacted, That if any of the said Fifteen Thousand Shares of the Capital posing of the Stock of said Company, not reserved to the City of Baltimore or to the State of Maryland, shall re Baltimore. main unsubscribed until the organization of the said Company; or, if the Shares of said Capital Stock, herein before reserved to the said State or City, or any part of them, shall not be sub- scribed by said State or City respectively, during the time for which such Stock is reserved for them: In either case, the President and Directors of the said Company, or a majority of them, shall have power to open Books, and to receive subscriptions to any of the Capital Stock of said Company, which may thus remain unsubscrib- ed for, or to sell or dispose of such unsubscribed Stock, for the benefit of the Company, for any sum not under its par value; and the purchasers 2 Stock reserved to the State and to the City of 10 and Directors. or subscribers of such Stock, shall have all the rights, powers and privileges of original subscri. bers, and shall be subject to the same regula- tions. Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That the said Powers of the President and Directors, or a majority of them, may appoint all such officers, Engineers, Agents or Servants whatsoever, as they may deem neces- sary for the transaction of the business of the company, and may remove any of them at their pleasure: that they, or a majority of them, shall have power to determine by contract, the com- pensation of all the Engineers, Officers, Agents or Servants, in the employ of said Company, and to determine by their By Laws, the manner of adjusting and settling all accounts against the Company, and also the manner and evidence of transfers of Stock in said Company: and that they, or a majority of them, shall have power to President and pass all By-Laws, which they may deem neces- mako By-Laws. sary or proper for exercising all the powers vest- ed in the company hereby Incorporated and for carrying the objects of this Act into effect; Pro- vided, only, that such By-Laws shall not be con- trary to the Laws of the United States, or the Laws of any of the States, assenting to this act, or any of the provisions of this Act Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That if the Capi- President and tal Stock of said Company, shall be deemed in- the sufficient for the purposes of this Act, it shall of the Compaa and may be lawful for the President and Direct- ors of said Company, or a majority of them, from time to time, to increase the said Capital Stock by the addition of as many shares as they may deem necessary, for which they may, at their option, cause subscriptions to be received Directors may Power of the Directors to augment Capital Stock ny 11 gotiate loans. sident . in the manner prescribed by them, or may sell the same for the benefit of the Company, for any sum not under their par value; and that they, or a majority of them, shall have power to borrow Power to ne money for the objects of this Act, to issue certi- ficates or other evidence of such loans, and to pledge the property of the Company for the pay- ment of the same, and its interest. Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That the Presi-ers of the pro- dent and Directors of said Company shall be, and rectors and Di- they are hereby invested with all the rights and powers necessary to the construction and repair of a Rail Road from the City of Baltimore to some suitable point on the Ohio River, to be by them determined, not exceeding sixty six feet wide, with as many sets of Tracks as the said President and Directors, or a majority of them, may deem necessary, and they, or a majority of them, may cause to be made, or contract with others for making, said Rail Road, or any part of it: and they, their agents, or those with whom they may contract for making any part of the same, or their agents, may enter upon and use, , and excavate, any Land which may be wanted for the scite of said Road, or the erection of Ware Houses or other works necessary to said Road, or for any other purpose necessary or use- ful in the construction or repair of said Road, or its works, and that they may build Bridges, may fix Scales and Weights, may lay Rails, may take and use any Earth, Timber, Gravel, Stone, or other materials which may be wanted for the construction or repair of any part of said Road, or any of its works; and may make and con- struct all Works whatsoever which may be ne- cessary and expedieni, in order to the proper com- 12 Lateral May take and pletion of said Road, and that they, or a majority Power to make of them, may make or cause to be made, lateral Rail Roads, in any direction whatsoever, in con- nexion with said Rail Road from the City of Baltimore to the Ohio River, and in the con- struction of the same, or their works, shall have, possess, and may exercise, all the rights and pow- ers hereby given to them in order to the construc- tion or repair of the said Rail Road from the City of Baltimore to the Ohio River. Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That the Presi, uso materiálo. dent and Directors of said Company, or a ma- jority of them, or any person or persons authoriz- ed by a majority of them, may agree with the owner or owners of any Land. Earth, Timber, Gravel, Stone, or other materials, or any im provements which may be wanted for the con- struction or repair of any of said Roads, or any of their works, for the purchase or use and Manner of occupation of the same; and if they cannot agree, Land and ma- or if the owner or owners, or any of them, be a terials for the Feme Covert, under age, non compos mentis, or out of the county in which the property wanted may lie, when such land and materials shall be wanted, application may be made to any Justice of the Peace of such county, who shall thereup- on issue his warrant under hand and seal, direct- ed to the Sheriff of said county, requiring him to summon a Jury of twenty inhabitants of said county, not related, nor in any wise interested, to meet on the land, or near to the other property or materials to be valued on a day named in said warrant, not less than ten, nor more than twenty days after the issuing of the same, and if at said time and place any of said Jurors summoned, do not attend, the said Sheriff shall immediately 13 of summon as many Jurors as may be necessary Manner with the Jurors in attendance, to furnish a Pannel choosing a Jury" a of twenty Jurors in attendance and from them cach party, or its, his, her or their agent, if either be not present in person or by agent, the Sheriff, for him, her, it or them, may strike off four Ju- rors, and the remaining twelve shall act as the Jury of Inquest of Damages: and before they act as such, the said Sheriff shall administer to each of them an oath or affirmation, as the case may be—That he will justly and impartially va lue the damages which the owner or owners will sustain by the use or occupation of the same, re- quired by the Company: and the Jury in estimat- ing such damages, shall take into the estimate, the benefits resulting to the said owner or owners, froin conducting such Rail Road through, along or near to the property of said owner or owners, but only in extinguishment of the claim for dama- ges; and the said Jury shall reduce their Inqui- sition to writing, and shall sign and seal the same, and it shall then be returned by said Sheriff to the Clerk or Prothonotary of his county, as the case may be, and by such Clerk or Prothono- tary, filed in his court, and shall be confirmed by said Court at its next session, if no sufficient cause to the contrary be shewn; and when con- firmed, shall be recorded by said Clerk or Pro- thonotary, at the expense of said Company; but if set aside, the said Court may direct another Inquisition to be taken in the manner above pre- scribed; and such Inquisition shall describe the property taken, or the bounds of the land con- demned, and the quantity of duration of the in- terest in the same, valued for the Company, and such valuation, when paid or tendered to the 14 Roads. owner or owners of said property, or his, her, or their legal representatives, shall entitle the said Company to the estate and interest in the same thus valued, as fully as if it had been conveyed by the owner or owners of the same; and the valuation, if not received when tendered may at any time thereafter be received from the com- pany, without costs, by the said owner or owners, or his, her or their, legal representative, or re- presentatives. Sec. 16. And be it enacled, That wherever, Crossing other in the construction of said road or roads, it shall be necessary to cross or intersect any established road or way, it shall be the duty of the president and directors of said company, so to construct the said road across such established road or way, as not to impede the passage or transpor- tation of person, or property along the same; or where it shall be necessary to pass through the land of any individual, it shall also be their duty to provide for such individual proper wagon- ways across said road or roads, from one part of his land to the other. Sec. 17. And be it enacted, That whensoever ansaterini so it shall be necessary for said Company to have, shall be viewed use or occupy, any lands, materials, or other property, in order to the construction or repair of any part of said road or roads, or their works, or necessary buildings, the president and direct ors of said Company, or their agents, or those contracting with them for making or repairing the same, may immediately take and use the same, they having first caused the property wanted to be viewed by a jury, (formed in the manner herein before prescribed in those cases where the property is to be changed or altered by Power to use , boon same 15 to put admixture with other substances, before such alteration is made,) and that it shall not be necessary, after such view, in order to the use or occupation of the same, to wait the issue of the proceedings upon such view; and the inquest of the jury, after confirmation, and after pay- ment, or tender of the valuation, shall be a bar to all actions for taking or using such property, whether commenced before or after such con- firmation, or the payment of said valuation. Sec. 18. And be it enacted, That the said president and directors, or a majority of them, shall have power to purchase, with the funds of said company, and place on any rail road con-the machinery structed by them under this act, all machines, upon the road wagons, vehicles, or carriages of any description whatsoever, which they may deem necessary or proper for the purposes of transportation on said road, and that they shall have power to charge for tolls upon, (and the transportation of persons) goods, produce, merchandise, or property of any kind whatsoever, transported by them along said rail way, from the city of Baltimore to the Ohio river, any sum not exceeding the following , rates, viz: On all goods, produce, merchandise, Rates or property of any description whatsoever, trans transportation! . ported by them from west to east, not exceeding one cent a tun per mile for toll, and three cents a tun per mile for transportation: on all goods, produce, merchandise, or property of any de- scription whatsoever transported by them from east to west, not exceeding three cents a tun per mile for tolls, and three cents a tun per mile for transportion: and for the transportation of pas- sengers, not exceeding three cents per mile for each, passenger: And it shall not be lawful for of 16 travel uport the Road under license pany. vest- . taxation No person to any other company, or any person or persons except whatsoever, to travel upon or use any of the from the Com- roads of said company, or to transport persons, merchandise, produce, or property of any de- scription whatsoever along said roads, or any of them, without the license or permission of the president and directors of said company; and that the said road or roads, with all their works, improvements and profits, and all the machinery of transportation used on said road, are hereby Road and all vested in the said company incorporated by this ed in the Com- act, and their successors forever; and the shares of the capital stock of the said company, shall be deemed and considered personal estate and Exempt from shall be exempt from the imposition of any tax or burthen by the states assenting to this law. Sec. 19. und be it enacted, That the said Divideuds to President and Directors, shall annually or semi- annually, declare and make such dividend as they may deem proper, of the net profits arising from the resources of the said Company, after deducting the necessary current and probable contingent expenses; and that they shall divide the saine amongst the Proprietors of the Stock of said Company, in proper proportions to their respective Shares. Sec. 20. And be it enacted, That if any per- Penaltieme for son or persons shall wilfully, by any neans ile Bradt or to whatsoever, injure, impair or destroy any part of any Rail Road, constructed by said Company under this Act or any of their necessary Works, : Buildings, Carriages, Vehicles or Machines of said Company; such person or persons, so of- fending, shall each of them, for every such of- fence, forfcit and pay to the said Company the sum of Five Flundred Dollars, which ntay be be declared . impair, done to . its works. Lithomount Pamphlet Binders Gaylord Bros. Inc. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. Pat. Jan. 21, 1908