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'~ ~ .+ ' .§§. ,·~* |-- *** « »º.***şº, .، - ×w.} • *, * !!!-* * *- -----*-*æ, The Bulletin of the University of Minnesota is issued as often as twice a month during the University year. The Bulletin comprises— Catalog. Series. Containing the reports of the President and of the Board of Regents, the Register, the Bulletin of General Information, the annual announcements of the individual colleges of the University, etc. General Series. Containing announcements of departments of instruc- tion, reports of University officers, etc. These bulletins will be sent gratuitously to all persons who apply for them. The applicant should state specifically which bulletin or what in- formation is desired. Address The REGISTRAR, The University of Minnesota, - Minneapolis, Minnesota. * Research P&blications. Containing results of research work. Papers are published as separate monographs numbered in several series. Current Problems Series. Containing papers of general interest in various lines of work. \ School of Mines Erperiment Station Series. Containing results of investigations conducted by the Station. - These publications are sent free to libraries and to other institutions publishing similar material. To individuals, a small charge is made. For lists and prices, address The LIBRARIAN, The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Tºulletin uf (Uhe littiueraitu mi ſīlituteauta THE ANNUAL REGISTER | 9 || 6- 19 |7 VOL. XIX NO. 2. APRIL 1918 Entered at the Post-Office in Minneapolis as second-class matter Minneapolis, Minn. -? O/AV/VATA’S/7"Y OAT A///V/VATS0724 MAA’ OAT 7A/At /V/4//V C4MA20 S Sco/e of A eef * Cº 200 yoo woo 4 Go | G/PAA/o S7AA/O Hºº covers Azoº rººfay alwctric ºard aro.4c cry,4/?&ory: $47/Yºº-4. Co?"7Adºr fit ºf Aa a 7” *R*Avravo - fºo/*7Awgoa Gºa'ice Z of race f = rsynºv wallº, &AW&Aºzaravo A. MAZAV&A gºog.g3 - AºA Aº 24 a tºp 4 ºv le t t | — “Fº : : a/ O& | \! lu £7& 4.4 M24/? A: 57° 3. 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Jø/5 &AEAA/V//a:/5: /cc/Z 7-cyaºzº −. or/-/*A*/s rººf O . . . . . | . 2xx-xx- - syo/*e Ayodº 5Aſ //V/20/57/?/AZ. Asoz;4A/y”. Gaº غs aoa"/w/7 oaºy” 2424/4. A coa/24//c • * O *.ſ ſºl- C f 21 ... • * /C Cº... ?". WA’.4 Z. ATA/G/ava. At A //v G. ... • * ~ | Iſeº.ocreas &ors coat w/7 oary- C Z. A 1/4 ZA/V/X 2TVZX7.7F y i i / 62.5 Ze/~er. º' / p Area of University Farm, 422.56 acres CONTENTs Maps of the Campuses. . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * - - - - - - - - 2–3 The University Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–9 Organization of the University. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Board of Regents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Executive Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 The General Faculty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e º e s e s e e e e º e º 'º e 12–62 Historical Sketch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Description of Departments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65–70 Scholarships, Loans, and Prizes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-77 Organizations and Publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78–84 Self-Government Organizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Athletic Organizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Military Organizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Literary Organizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Musical Organizations... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Scientific Organizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Class Organizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Publications . . . . . . . . . ‘ e s e e s a e e s - tº e º e º e s a e º e s a s > * * 83 Admission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85-105 - General Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • - - - - - - - - 85 Admission by Examination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Admission by Certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 List of Entrance Subjects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Requirements of the Individual Colleges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88–94 College of Science, Literature, and the Arts. . . . . . . . 88 College of Engineering and Architecture. . . . . . . . . . . 89 Colleges of Agriculture and Forestry. . . . . 4 - - - - - - - - 89 Schools of Agriculture. . . . . . . . . . . • - - - - - - - - - - - - 90 Law School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Medical School. . . . . . . . . . ^ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 91 School of Embalming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q2 School for Nurses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 College of Dentistry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 School of Mines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 College of Pharmacy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 CONTENTS 5 School of Analytical and Applied Chemistry. . . . . . . . , 93 College of Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Unclassed Students. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Advanced Standing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Accredited Schools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Description of Subjects Accepted for Admission. . . . . . . 98-105 Degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 University State Teachers' Certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107–114 Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Living Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Self-Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Degrees Granted, 1916. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116-128 Honors and Prizes, 1916. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129-131 List of Students by Colleges, 1916-17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132–280 Summary of Attendance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281–287 1916 JULY JANUARY JULY SuMo Tu W Th Su Tu W |Th Fr Mo TUI 2 3 9 || 10 16 17 23| 24 30 31 11 18 25 12 19 26 13 20 27 14 28 2 || 3 || 4 9 10 || 11 16 || 17 18 23| 24 || 25 30|31 | .. 16 30 AUGUST FEBRUARY 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 |. 6 13 20 27 MARCH 1 8 15 22 29 7 14 21 28 6 13 20 27 APRIL 3 || 4 1O 11 17|18 24 || 25 5 12 19 26 MAY 1 || 2 || 3 ilāl; 15 16 || 17 22 || 23 24 29 |30 31|.. 12 26 28 29 JUNE DECEM BER 28 23 3O 2 . . 10 24 14 21 6 13 20 5 12 19 26 27 28 16 30 12 19 13 20 26 27 UNIVERSITY CALENDAR 1916–1917 The University year covers a period of thirty-eight weeks. Com- mencement Day is always the second Thursday in June. 1916 September 13 September 13–20 September 19–26 September October October October November November November November December December December December December December December 1917 January January January January January January January February 24 29 31 1 Wednesday Week Week Wednesday Monday Monday Thursday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Saturday Monday Week week Thursday Friday Friday Week Wednesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Thursday Registration closes except for new stu- dents - Fees payable except for new students Examinations for the removal of condi- tions (except Colleges of Agriculture and Forestry), entrance examinations, registration of new students, and pay- ment of fees First semester begins Agricultural College, farm experience examinations School of Agriculture, first term begins Senate meeting, 4:00 p.m. Dairy School opens Election day; a holiday Medical School second quarter begins Thanksgiving recess begins 9:00 p.m. Dairy School closes Thanksgiving recess ends 8:00 a.m. Second semester condition examinations, Colleges of Agriculture and Forestry Short course for ice-cream makers Senate meeting, 4:00 p.m. Christmas vacation begins 9:00 p.m. School of Agriculture, first term closes Farmers' Short Course Christmas vacation ends 8:00 a.m. School of Embalming begins, weeks’ session School of Agriculture, second term be- gins Second semester registration closes, ex- cept for new students Final examinations begin Payment of fees for second semester closes, except for new students Senate meeting, 4:00 p.m. eight THE ANNUAL REGISTER February February February February March April April April April April May May May June June June June June June June June June 5-6 12 22 28 2–7 11 11 16–21 10 11 11-18 13 14 15 18 Monday-Tues. Wednesday Monday Thursday Wednesday Week Thursday Wednesday Wednesday Week , Tuesday Thursday Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Week Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Registration and payment of fees for new students Second semester begins Lincoln's Birthday; a holiday Washington's Birthday; a holiday School of Agriculture closes Junior Short Course Easter recess begins 9:00 p.m. Easter recess ends 8:00 a.m. Medical School fourth quarter begins Condition examinations in certain col- leges Traction Engineering Course begins Senate meeting, 4:00 p.m. Memorial Day; a holiday Final examinations begin 2:00 p.m. Second semester closes Baccalaureate service Senior Class Day exercises Military Encampment, Fort Snelling Alumni Day Forty-fifth Annual Commencement Summer vacation begins Summer Session begins The University year for 1917-1918 will begin Wednesday, October 10. Program of Entrance Examinations 1916-1917 Entrance examinations for admission to the various colleges of the University will be conducted according to the following schedule, in Room 112, Library Building, unless otherwise specified. Any student finding a conflict in his program should report to the Registrar for adjustment. Tuesday, Oct. 2 Wednesday, Oct. 3 9 a.m. 2 p.m. 9 a.m. 2 p.m. Business Subjects, Elementary Alge- bra, Plane Geometry Manual Subjects, Domestic Art and Science, Agriculture, Higher Algebra. Solid Geometry Astronomy, Botany, Geology, Chem- istry, Physiography, Zoology, Physics, Physiology American Government, History, Eco- nomics, Commercial Geography, His- tory of Commerce, Economic History of England, Economic History of the United States CA LE NDA R 9 Thursday, Oct. 4 9 a.m. English • º 2 p.m. German, Greek, French, Latin, Scandi- navian, Spanish A representative of each department will be at the office of the head of the department each forenoon of entrance examination week from 9 to 12 to give information and advice. Condition Eraminations Regular examinations for the removal of conditions are given at no other times than (1) the week following the Easter recess, (2) the regis- tration week in September, and (3) the week following the Thanksgiving recess, for students in the Colleges of Agriculture and Forestry. The examinations in second-semester courses are given in the Septem. ber period and those in first-semester courses are given after the Easter recess or in September, or at both times, as each school or college may determine. No student may take more than one examination to remove a condition. *. Examination schedules for the respective schools and colleges may be secured at the Registrar’s office. ORGANIZATION OF THE UNIVERSITY The University is organized in Schools, Colleges, and Divisions as follows: THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND THE ARTS THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, including— THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE - THE COLLEGE OF FORESTRY, including— FOREST EXPERIMENT STATIONS AT ITASCA AND CLOQUET THE CENTRAL SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, UNIVERSITY FARM THE NORTHWEST SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, CROOKSTON THE WEST CENTRAL SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, MORRIS THE EXPERIMENT STATIONS, including— r THE MAIN STATION, ST. ANTHONY PARK THE NORTHWEST EXPERIAIENT STATION, CROOKSTON THE NORTH CENTRAL EXPERIMENT STATION, GRAND RAPIDS THE WEST CENTRAL EXPERIMENT STATION, MORRIS THE NORTHEAST DEMONSTRATION FARM AND EXPERIMENT STATION, DULUTH THE SOUTHEAST DEMONSTRATION FARM AND EXPERIMENT STATION, WASECA THE FRUIT-BREEDING FARM, ZUMBRA HEIGHTS THE LAW SCHOOL THE MEDICAL SCHOOL, including— THE SCHOOL OF EMBALMING THE SCHOOL FOR NURSES THE COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY THE SCHOOL OF MINES, including— MINNESOTA SCHOOL OF MINES EXPERIMENT STATION THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY - THE SCHOOL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION THE GRADUATE SCHOOL THE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE, including— GENERAL EXTENSION DIVISION AGRICULTURAL ExTENSION DIVISION THE BOARD OF REGENTS The Hon. FRED B. SNYDER, Minneapolis, President of the Board – 1922 GEORGE EDGAR VINCENT, Minneapolis - - - - - - Ew officio The President of the University The Hon, J. A. A. BURNQUIST, St. Paul - - - - - Er officio The Governor of the State The Hon. C. G. SCHULz, St. Paul - - - - - - - Er officio The Superintendent of Education - The Hon. W. J. MAYO, Rochester - - - - - - - - 1919 The Hon. MILTON M. WILLIAMS, Little Falls - - - - - 1919 The Hon. JOHN G. WILLIAMS, Duluth - - - - - - - 1920 The Hon. GEORGE H. PARTRIDGE, Minneapolis - - - - - 1920 The Hon. A. E. RICE, Willmar - - - - - - - - 1921 The Hon. CHARLES L. SOMMERS, St. Paul - - - - - - 1921 The Hon. PIERCE BUTLER, St. Paul - - - - - - - 1922 1922 The Hon. C. W. GLOTFELTER, Waterville EXECUTIVE OFFICERS GEORGE EDGAR VINCENT, Ph.D., LL.D., President ERNEST B. PIERCE, B.A., Registrar GEORGE H. HAYES, University Comptroller and Secretary of the Board of Regents - JAMES T. GEROULD, B.A., Librarian - JoEIN B. JoHNSTON, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts EDWARD E. NICHOLSON, M.A., Assistant Dean of the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts - FRANCIS C. SHENEHON, C.E., Dean of the College of Engineering and Architecture - ALBERT F. WooDS, M.A., D.Agr., Dean and Director of the Department of Agriculture EDWARD M. FREEMAN, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of the Department of Agriculture . WILLIAM R. VANCE, Ph.D., LL.D., Dean of the Law School ELIAS POTTER LYON, Ph.D., M.D., Dean of the Medical School RICHARD O. BEARD, M.D., Assistant Dean and Secretary of the Medical School - ALFRED OWRE, B.A., M.D., C.M., D.M.D., Dean of the College of Dentistry 'WILLIAM R. APPLEBY, M.A., Dean of the School of Mines FREDERICK J. WULLING, Phm.D., LL.D., Dean of the College of Pharmacy GEORGE B. FRANKFORTER, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Chemistry Lotus D. CoFFMAN, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Education GUY STANTON FORD, Ph.D., Dean of the Graduate School RICHARD R. PRICE, M.A., Director of University Extension MARGARET Sween EY, Ph.D., Dean of Women THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND ADMINISTRATION 1916-1917 FACULTY GEORGE EDGAR VINCENT, Ph.D., LL.D., President B.A., Yale, 1885; Ph.D., Chicago, 1896; LL.D., Chicago, 1911; Yale, 1911; LL.D., Michigan, 1913. Cy RUS NORTHROP, LL.D., President, Emeritus B.A., Yale, 1857; LL.B., Yale, 1859; LL.D., Yale, 1886; LL.D., Wisconsin, Illinois College, South Carolina College. AMos Wilson ABBOTT, M.D., Professor of Gynecology, Emeritus M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia), 1869. fEveRTON JUDSON ABBOTT, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine, Emeritus B.A., Western Reserve, 1873; M.D., Western Reserve, 1875. FRED LYMAN ADAIR, M.D., Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gyn- ecology B.S., Minnesota, 1898; M.D., Rush Medical College, 1901. CEPHAs DANIEL ALLIN, M.A., LL.B., Professor of Political Science B.A., Toronto, 1897; LL.B., Toronto, 1899; M.A., Harvard, 1900. John HowARD ALLISON, M.F., Professor of Forestry, Associate Forester, Agricultural Experiment Station Ph.B., Sheffield Scientific School (Yale), 1905; M.F., Yale Forest School, 1906. FREDERICK JAMES ALWAY, Ph.D., Professor of Soil Chemistry, Chief of the Division of Soils, and Soils Chemist, Agricultural Experiment Station B.A., Toronto, 1894; Ph.D., Heidelberg, 1897. WILLIAM REMSEN APPLEBY, M.A., Professor of Metallurgy and Dean of the School of Mines B.A., Williams, 1886; M.A., Williams, 1893. ALBERT CEDRIC ARNY, B.S. in Agr., Assistant Professor of Agronomy and Assistant Agronomist, Agricultural Experiment Station B.S. in Agr., Minnesota, 1909. - ROBERT CHILDERS ASHBY, B.A., M.S., Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, and Assistant Animal Husbandman, Agricultural Ex- periment Station B.S. in Agr., Nebraska, 1908; B.A., Nebraska Wesleyan, 1910., M.S., Minnesota, 1915. - G USTAv BACH MAN, Phm. D., M.Phm., Associate Professor of Pharmacy Phm. D., Minnesota, 1900; M Phm., Minnesota, 1901. f Died, February 25, 1917. THE GENERAL FACULTY 13 *CLYDE HAROLD BAILEY, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Bio- chemistry and Cereal Technologist, Agricultural Experiment Station B.S.S., North Dakota Agricultural College, 1913; M.S., Minnesota, 1916. LOUIS BENEDICT BALD WIN, M.D., Superintendent, University Hospitals M.D., Minnesota, 1897. DONALD CHURCH BALFOUR, M.D., Associate Professor of Surgery M.B., University of Toronto, 1906; M.D., University of Toronto, 1914. MOSES BARRON, B.S., M.D., Assistant Professor of Pathology B.S., Minnesota, 1910; M.D., Minnesota, 1911. FREDERIC HERBERT BAss, B.S., Professor of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1901. LOUIS BENJAMIN BASSETT, Assistant Professor of Farm Management and Assistant Farm Management Investigator, Agricultural Experiment Station - * & Minnesota School of Agriculture, 1896. GEORGE NEANDER BAUER, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Chair- man of the Department of Mathematics B.S., Minnesota, 1894; M.S., Iowa, 1898; Ph.D., Columbia, 1900. Joseph WARREN BEACH, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English B.A., Minnesota, 1900; M.A., Harvard, 1902; Ph.D., Harvard, 1907. RICHARD OLDING BEARD, M.D., Associate Professor of Physiology, and Assistant Dean and Secretary of the Medical School M.D., Northwestern, 1882. fBMIL HEssel BECKMAN, Ph.B., M.D., Associate Professor of Surgery Ph.B., Grinnell, 1894; M.D., Minnesota, 1901. - ELExIous THOMPson BELL, M.D., Associate Professor of Pathology B.S., Missouri, 1901; M.D., Missouri, 1903. JoHN WESLEY BELL, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine and Physical Diagnosis, Emeritus - M.D., Ohio Medical College, 1876. WILBUR H. BENDER, M.Di., Ph.B., B.S. in Agr. Educ., Associate Professor of Agricultural Education M.Di., Iowa State Teachers’ College, 1890; Ph.B., Iowa, 1895; B.S. in Agr. Educ., Ames, 1914. ALVA HARTLEY BENTON, M.S., Assistant Professor of Farm Manage- ment, and Assistant Farm Management Investigator, Agricultural Experiment Station - B.S. in Agr., Ohio State University, 1912; M.S., Pennsylvania State College, 1913. HERBERT FLOYD BERGMAN, B.S., M.A., Assistant Professor of Botany B.S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1905; M.A., Minnesota, 1914. Joseph INE THORNDYKE BERRY, M.A., Professor of Nutrition, Chief of the Division of Home Economics B.A., Kansas, 1893; B.S., Columbia, 1904; M.A., Columbia, 1910. * Leave of absence, 1916-17. i Died, November 7, 1916. 14 * THE ANNUAL REGISTER ALICE BIESTER, M.A., Assistant Professor of Nutrition B.A., Illinois, 1912; M.A., Illinois, 1913. FRANK S. BISSELL, M.D., Assistant Professor of Roentgenology M.D., Minnesota, 1902; Graduate work at Vienna, 1907-08. WAYNE WILLIAM BISSELL, B.S., M.D., Assistant Professor of Pathology B.S., Wisconsin, 1909; M.D., Rush Medical College, 1911. ROY GILLISPIE BLAKEY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economics Ph.B., Drake University, 1905; M.A., University of Colorado, 1910; Ph.D., Colum- bia, 1912. -. WALTER M. BOOTHBY, M.D., M.A., Assistant Professor of Medicine B.A., Harvard, 1902; M.D., Harvard, 1906; M.A., Harvard, 1907. ANDREW Boss, Professor of Agronomy and Farm Management, Chief of the Division of Agronomy and Farm Management, and Agrono- mist and Farm Management Investigator, Agricultural Experi- ment Station GISLE CHRISTIAN JOHNSON BOTHNE, M.A., Professor of Scandinavian Languages and Literature, Head of the Department of Scandi- navian Languages B.A., Luther College, 1878; B.A., Northwestern, 1879; M.A., Luther College, 1883. WILLARD L. BOYD, D.V.S., Assistant Professor of Veterinary Science, and Assistant Veterinarian, Agricultural Experiment Station D.V.S., Kansas City, Veterinary College, 1909. WILLIAM FREDERICK BRAASCH, B.S., M.D., Professor of Urology B.S., Minnesota, 1900; M.D., Minnesota, 1903. PETER JOHN BREKHUs, D.D.S., Associate Professor of Crown and Bridge Work - B.A., Augsburg, 1902; D.D.S., Minnesota, 1910. WILFRID GORD ON BRIERLEY, M.S. in Hort., Assistant Professor of Horticulture, Chairman of the Division of Horticulture and Assistant Horticulturist, Agricultural Experiment Station B.S.A., Corne11, 1906; M.S. in Hort., Washington State College, 1913. WILLIAM ELLsworth BROOKE, B.C.E., M.A., Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics, Head of the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, College of Engineering and Architecture B.C.E., Nebraska, 1892; M.A., Nebraska, 1896. CARLETON BROWN, Ph.D., Professor of English B.A., Carleton, 1888; M.A., Harvard, 1901; Ph.D., Harvard, 1903. CHARLEs EVERARD BROWN, Assistant Professor and Poultryman, North- west School of Agriculture and Experiment Station, Crookston Graduate, Ontario Agricultural College, 1905. EDGAR DEWIGHT BROWN, Phm.D., M.D., Associate Professor of Phar- macology Phm.G., New York College of Pharmacy, 1898; Phm.D., New York College of Pharmacy, 1899; M.D., Western Reserve, 1902. SoLoN JUSTU's BUCK, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History B.A., Wisconsin, 1904; M.A., Wisconsin, 1905; Ph.D., Harvard, 1911. & . THE GENER.4 L F.'ſ CULTY 15 COATES PRESTON BULL, B.S. in Agr., Professor of Agronomy and Associate Agronomist, Agricultural Experiment Station B.S. in Agr., Minnesota, 1901. FRANK EARL BURCH, M.D., Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology M.D., Minnesota, 1897. OSCAR CARL BURKHARD, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of German B.A., Minnesota, 1901; M.A., Minnesota, 1904; Ph.D., Chicago, 1915. RICHARD BURTON, Ph.D., Professor of English, Head of the Department of English . B.A., Trinity, 1883; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1888; LL.D., Trinity, 1906. WILLIAM HENRY BUSSEY, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics B.A.," Northwestern, 1900; M.A., Harvard, 1902; Ph.D., Chicago, 1904. *FREDERIC KING BUTTERs, B.S., B.A., Assistant Professor of Botany B.S., Minnesota, 1899; B.A., Harvard, 1900. LEROY CADY, B.S. in Agr., Associate Professor of Horticulture, and Associate Horticulturist, Agricultural Experiment Station B.S. in Agr., Minnesota, 1907. RUSSELL DANIEL CARMAN, M.D., Professor of Roentgenology M.D., Marion-Sims College of Medicine, 1901. EDWARD G. CHEYNEY, B.A., Professor of Forestry, Director of the College of Forestry, and Forester, Agricultural Experiment Station B.A., Cornell, 1900; Graduate work at Yale Forest School, 1904-05. PETER CHRISTIANSON, B.S., E.M., Professor of Metallurgy B.S., Minnesota, 1890; B.E.M., Minnesota, 1894; E.M., Minnesota, 1898. JAMES TRENT CHRISTIson, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, Emeritus M.D., Minnesota. 1901. - FREDERIC EDwARD CLEMENTs, Ph.D., Professor of Botany, Head of the Department of Botany B.S., Nebraska, 1894; M.A., Nebraska, 1896; Ph.D., Nebraska, 1898. Lotus D. CoFFMAN, Ph.D., Professor of Education and Dean of the College of Education - B.A., Indiana, 1896; M.A., Indiana, 1910; Ph.D., Columbia, 1911. ALExANDER R. COLVIN, M.D., Assistant Professor of Surgery M.D., McGill, 1894. ELTING Hou GHTALING COMSTOCK, M.S., Professor of Mine Plant and Mechanics, Head of the Department of Mine Plant and Me- chanics, School of Mines B.S., Wisconsin, 1897; M.S., Minnesota, 1907. Louis Joseph CookE, M.D., Director of Health and Physical Education for Men, Medical Examiner, and Director of Gymnasium M.D., Vermont, 1894. - OsCAR CooperMAN, D.D.S., Assistant Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry D.D.S., Minnesota, 1911. * Leave of absence, 1916-17. 16 THE ANNUAL REGISTER JAMES FRANK CORBETT, M.D., F.A.C.S., Associate Professor of Experi. mental Surgery M.D., Minnesota, 1896. RALPH. W. COUNTRYMAN, D.D.S., Assistant Professor of Operative Dentistry D.D.S., Minnesota, 1908. Norm AN JEFFREY Cox, D.D. M., Assistant Professor of Operative Dentistry B.S., Minnesota, 1898; D.D. M., Minnesota, 1901. HARDIN CRAIG, Ph.D., Professor of English - B.A., Center College, 1897; M.A., Princeton, 1899; Ph.D., Princeton, 1901. ALVIN SAYLES CUTLER, C.E., Assistant Professor of Railway Engineer- ing * C.E., Minnesota, 1905. - ROBERT CHESTER DAHLBERG, B.S., Instructor in Agricultural Botany and Seed Analyst, Agricultural Experiment Station B.S. in Agr., Minnesota, 1913. BROR ERIE DAHLGREN, D. D.M., Associate Professor of Dentistry D.D. M., Minnesota, 1901. HANs H. DALAKER, B.A., Assistant Professor of Mathematics B.A., Minnesota, 1902. GEORGE MYRON DAMON, D.D.S., Associate Professor of Prosthetic Den- tistry D.D.S., Minnesota, 1907. WILLIAM STEARNs DAvis, Ph.D., Professor of Ancient History B.A., Harvard, 1900; M.A., Harvard, 1901; Ph.D., Harvard, 1905. WARREN ARTHUR DENNIS, B.L., M.D., Assistant Professor of Surgery B.L., Wisconsin, 1891; M.A., Harvard, 1901; Ph.D., Harvard, 1905. IRA. HARRIs DERBY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry B.S., Harvard, 1899; Ph.D., Chicago, 1910. WILLIAM DIETRICH, M.S., Assistant Professor of Dairy and Animal Husbandry, Animal Husbandman, Northwest School of Agri- culture and Experiment Station, Crookston B.S.A., Wisconsin, 1899; M.S., Illinois, 1906. MAxw ELL J. DORSEY, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Horticulture, in charge of the Section of Fruit Breeding, Agricultural Experiment Station B.S., Michigan Agricultural College, 1906; M.S. in Agr., Cornell, 1910; Ph.D., Cornell, 1913. HAL Down Ey, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Histology B.A., Minnesota, 1903; M.A., Minnesota, 1904; Ph.D., Minnesota, 1909. EDWARD DANA DURAND, Ph.D., Professor of Statistics and Agricultural Economics, Director of the Bureau of Statistics and Chairman of the Department of Economics, second semester, 1916-17 * B.A., Oberlin, 1893; Ph.D., Cornell, 1896. John FRANKLIN EBERSOLE, M.A., Assistant Professor of Economics Ph.B., Chicago, 1907; M.A., Harvard, 1909. THE GENERAL FACULTY 17 HENRY TURNER EDDY, C.E., Ph.D., LL.D., D.S., Dean of the Graduate School, Emeritus, and Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics, Emeritus . - B.A., Yale, 1867; Ph.B., Sheffield Scientific School (Yale), 1868; M.A., Yale, 1870; C.E., Cornell, 1870; Ph.D., Cornell, 1872; LL.D., Center College, 1892; D.S., Yale, 1912. WILLIAM HARVEY EMMONs, Ph.D., Professor of Geology and Mineral- ogy, Head of the Department of Geology and Mineralogy B.A., Central College, 1897; Ph.D., Chicago, 1904. CHARLES ANDREW ERDMANN, M.D., G.Phm., Associate Professor of Applied Anatomy G.Phm., Wisconsin, 1887; M.D., Minnesota, 1893. HENRY ANTON ERIKSoN, Ph.D., Professor of Physics, Head of the Department of Physics e B.E.E., Minnesota, 1896; Ph.D., Minnesota, 1908. GEORGE BYSSHE EUSTERMAN, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine - M.D., Minnesota, 1908. DONALD NIVISON FERGUSON, B.A., Assistant Professor of Music B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1904. INA FIRKINS, B.L., Reference Librarian, University Library B.L., Minnesota, 1888. OSCAR W. FIRKINS, M.A., Associate Professor of English B.A., Minnesota, 1884; M.A., Minnesota, 1898. CARL FISHER, M.D., Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology B.S., Carleton, 1901; M.D., Harvard, 1905. CARL OSCAR FLAGSTAD, D.D.S., Assistant Professor of Prosthetic Den- tistry • D.D.S., Minnesota, 1911. JOHN J. FLATHER, M.M.E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering Ph.B., Sheffield Scientific School (Yale), 1885; M.M.E., Cornell, 1890. HENRY JESSE FLETCHER, LL.M., Professor of Law LL.M., Minnesota, 1902. - *DANIEL FORD, M.A., Assistant Professor of Rhetoric B.L., Dartmouth, 1899; M.A., Harvard, 1905. GUY STANTON FoRD, Ph.D., Professor of History, Head of the Depart- ment of History, and Dean of the Graduate School B.L., Wisconsin, 1895; Ph.D., Columbia, 1903. WILLIAM KERR FOSTER, LL.M., Assistant Director of Physical Educa- cation for Men LL.B., Minnesota, 1908; LL.M., Minnesota, 1909. GEORGE BELL FRANKFORTER, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry and Dean of the School of Chemistry B.S., Nebraska, 1886; M.A., Nebraska, 1888; Ph.D., Berlin, 1893. * Leave of absence, 1916-17. 18 * THE INNU.’ſ L REGISTER EDWARD MONROE FREEMAN, Ph.D., Professor of Plant Pathology and Botany, Assistant Dean of the Department of Agriculture, Chief of the Division of Botany and Plant Pathology, and Pathologist and Botanist, Agricultural Experiment Station B.S., Minnesota, 1898; M.S., Minnesota, 1899; Ph.D., Minnesota, 1905. JULES THEOPHILE FRELIN, B.A., Assistant Professor of Romance Lan- guages * , B.A., Minnesota, 1905. CARL W. GAY, D.V.M., B.S.A., Professor of Animal Husbandry, Chair- man of the Division of Animal Husbandry, and Animal Husband- man, Agricultural Experiment Station D.V.M., Cornell, 1899; B.S.A., Iowa, 1905. GUSTAv W. GEHRAND, Ph.M., Assistant Professor of Dairy Husbandry Ph.B., Wisconsin, 1903; Ph.M., Wisconsin, 1916. - EMIL SEBASTIAN THOMAS GEIST, M.D., Assistant Professor of Ortho- pedic Surgery - - M.D., Minnesota, 1900. JAMES THAYER GEROULD, B.A., Librarian, University Library B.A., Dartmouth, 1895. * - *GERHARD ADAM GESELL, B.A., Assistant Professor of Economics, General Extension Division B.A., Wisconsin, 1908. HERBERT ZIEGLER GIFFIN, B.S., M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine B.S., Princeton, 1900; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 1904. HALD OR B. GISLASON, B.A., LL.B., Assistant Professor of Rhetoric B.A., Minnesota, 1900; LL.B., Minnesota, 1904. - HENRY SAMUEL GODFREY, D.D.M., Professor of Operative Dentistry D. D. M., Minnesota, 1897. HARRIET IRENE GOLDSTEIN, Assistant Professor of Drawing and Design Student, Chicago Art Institute, and Chicago Art Academy. Ross AIKEN GORTNER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Agricultural Bio- chemistry and Associate Agricultural Biochemist, Agricultural Experiment Station t B.S., Nebraska Wesleyan, 1907; M.A., University of Toronto, 1908; Ph.D., Colum- bia, 1909. CHRISTOPHER GRAHAM, M.D., D.V.M., Professor of Medicine B.S., Minnesota, 1887; D.V.M., Minnesota, 1892; M.D., Pennsylvania, 1894. John Evenson GRANRUD, Ph.D., Professor of Latin B.A., Luther College, 1886; M.A., Luther College, 1890; Ph.D., Cornell, 1892. fjohn HENRY GRAY, Ph.D., Professor of Economics and Head of the Department of Economics B.A., Harvard, 1887; Ph.D., Halle, 1892. Rob ERT O. GREEN, D.D.S., Associate Professor of Operative Dentistry D.D.S., Minnesota, 1904. † i * Leave of absence, 1916-17. f Leave of absence, second semester, 1916-17. t THE GENERAL FACULTY - 19 CHARLES ARTHUR GRIFFITH, D.D.S., Associate Professor of Oral Surgery D.D.S., Minnesota, 1907. FRANK FITCH G ROUT, M.S., Assistant Professor of Geology and Miner- alogy - - B.S., Minnesota, 1904; M.S., Minnesota, 1908. THEOPHILUS LEVI HAECKER, Professor of Animal Nutrition and Chair- man of the Division of Animal Nutrition, Agricultural Experiment Station e f MELVIN EveRETT HAGGERTY, Ph.D., Professor of Educational Psy- chology B.A., Indiana, 1902; M.A., Harvard, 1909; Ph.D., Harvard, 1910. ROBERT ANDERSON HALL, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Pharmacology B.A., Chicago, 1905; Ph.D., Chicago, 1907. ARTHUR S. HAMILTON, M.D., Professor of Nervous and Mental Diseases, in charge of the Division of Nervous and Mental Diseases B.S., Iowa, 1894; M.D., Pennsylvania, 1897. ERNEST MARTIN HAMMEs, M.D., Assistant Professor of Nervous and Mental Diseases M.D., Minnesota, 1906. l EveRHART PERCY HARDING, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry B.A., Minnesota, 1894; M.S., Minnesota, 1895; Ph.D., Heidelberg, 1900. THOMAS BRADFORD HARTZELL, D.D.M., M.D., Professor of Oral Surgery, Therapeutics, and Clinical Pathology, College of Dentistry, and Research Professor of Mouth Infections, School of Medicine D. D.M., Minnesota, 1893; M.D., Minnesota, 1894. HERBERT KENDALL HAYES, M.S., Associate Professor of Plant Breeding B.S., Massachusetts Agricultural College, 1908; M.S., Harvard, 1911. MELVIN STARKEY HENDERSON, M.D., Associate Professor of Orthopedia M.B., Toronto; 1906; M.D., Toronto, 1914. EDGAR C. HIGBIE, M.A., Superintendent of West Central School of Agriculture, Morris - . B.A., Minnesota, 1907; M.A., Minnesota, 1909. - ARTHUR DOUGLASS HIRSCHFELDER, M.D., Professor of Pharmacology, Director of the Department of Pharmacology B.S., California, 1897; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 1903. WILLIAM FRANK HOLMAN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics B.S., Nebraska, 1904; M.A., Nebraska, 1906; Ph.D., Goettingen, 1908. EDwARD W. D. HoLWAY, Assistant Professor of Botany CHARLEs WALTER HowARD, M.S., Assistant Professor of Parasitology and Entomology and Assistant Entomologist, Agricultural Ex- periment Station B.A., Cornell, 1904; M.S., Minnesota, 1913. GEORGE FRANKLIN HOWARD, Assistant Professor, Rural School Special- ist, Agricultural Extension Division 20 THE ANNUAL REGISTER SAMUEL LESLIE HöYT, E.M., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Metal- lography E.M., Minnesota, 1909; Ph.D., Columbia, 1914. NED L. HUFF, M.A., Assistant Professor of Botany B.A., Minnesota, 1903; M.A., Minnesota, 1906. WILLIAM HAMMETT HUNTER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry B.A., Harvard, 1904; M.A., Harvard, 1905; Ph.D., Harvard, 1910. JOHN CORRIN HUTCHINSON, B.A., Professor of Greek, Head of the Department of Greek B.A., Minnesota, 1876. CLARENCE MARTIN JACKSON, M.D., Professor of Anatomy, Director of the Department of Anatomy B.S., Missouri, 1898; M.S., Missouri, 1899; M.D., Missouri, 1900. FRANCIS JAGER, Professor of Bee Culture, Chief of the Division of Bee Culture, and Apiculturist, Agricultural Experiment Station ALBERT ERNEST JENKs, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology, Chairman of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology } B.S., Kalamazoo College, 1896; B.S., Chicago, 1897; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1899. JOHN B. JoHNSTON, Ph.D., Professor of Comparative Neurology, Dean of the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts Ph.B., Michigan, 1893; Ph.D., Michigan, 1899. Roy CHILDs JONES, M.S. in Arch., Assistant Professor of Architecture B.S. in Arch., Pennsylvania, 1908; M.S. in Arch., Pennsylvania, 1914. EDWARD STARR JUDD, M.D., Associate Professor of Surgery M.D., Minnesota, 1902. EDWARD CALVIN KENDALL, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biochemistry B.S., Columbia, 1908; M.A., Columbia, 1910; Ph.D., Columbia, 1910. FRANK L. KENNARD, B.S.A., Agronomist and Assistant Professor, Northwest School of Agriculture and Experiment Station, Crooks- ton B.S.A., South Dakota, 1906. WILLIAM HENRY KENETY, M.S., Assistant Professor of Forestry, in charge of Cloquet Forest Experiment Station B.S. in For., Minnesota, 1911; M.S., Minnesota, 1912. HowARD CARL HENRY KERNKAMP, D.V.M., Assistant Professor of Veterinary Science and Assistant Veterinarian, Agricultural Ex- periment Station D.V.M., Ohio State, 1914. DAVID LITCHARD KIEHLE, LL.D., Professor of Education, Emeritus B.A., Hamilton College, 1861; M.A., Hamilton, 1864; LL.D., Hamilton, 1887. HENRY HERBERT KILDEE, B.S.A., Professor of Dairy Husbandry, Chairman of the Division of Dairy Husbandry, and Dairy Husband- man, Agricultural Experiment Station B.S.A., Iowa, 1908. & WILLIAM HERMAN KIRCHNER, B.S., Professor of Drawing and Descrip- tive Geometry, Head of the Department of Drawing and Descrip- tive Geometry B.S., Worcester Polytechnic, 1887. THE GENERAL FACULTY g 21 WILLIAM PAUL KIRKwood, B.A., Editor of Bulletins, Associate Profes- sor of Journalism, and Chief of the Division of Publications B.A., Macalester, 1890. FREDERICK KLAEBER, Ph.D., Professor of Comparative and English Philology, Head of the Department of Comparative Philology Ph.D., Berlin, 1892. - RAY ROBERTs KNIGHT, B.A., M.D., Assistant Professor of Oral Sur- gery, Therapeutics, and Clinical Pathology B.A., Minnesota, 1903; M.D., Minnesota, 1906. - AUGUST CHARLEs KREY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History B.A., Wisconsin, 1907; M.A., Wisconsin, 1908; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1914. SAMUEL KROESCH, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of German B.A., Missouri, 1901; Ph. D., Chicago, 1909. EDw1N M. LAMBERT, M.E., Assistant Professor of Mine Plant and Mechanics . M.E., Minnesota, 1909. Rob ERT CHEEK LANSING, M.A., Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Chief of the Section of Rhetoric, Agricultural College B.S., Nebraska, 1899; M.A., Nebraska, 1901. WINFORD PORTER LARSON, M.D., Associate Professor of Bacteriology - M.D., Illinois, 1904. WILLIAM FREDERICK LASBY, B.A., D.D.S., Associate Professor of Pros- thetic Dentistry and Orthodontia - B.A., Carleton, 1900; D.D.S., Minnesota, 1903. ARTHUR AYER LAW, M.D., F.A.C.S., Associate Professor of Surgery M.D., Minnesota, 1894. HARRY COMEGY's LAW TON, D.D.S., Associate Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry, Orthodontia, and Dental Metallurgy D.D.S., Minnesota, 1908. FRANCIs P. LEAVEN worth, M.A., Professor of Astronomy, Head of the Department of Astronomy B.A., Indiana, 1880; M.A., Indiana, 1887. THOMAS GEORGE LEE, M.D., Professor of Comparative Anatomy B.S., Pennsylvania; M.D., Pennsylvania, 1886; B.S., Harvard, 1892. *ED ward M. LEHNERTs, M.A., Assistant Professor of Geography, Gen- eral Extension Division B.S., Pennsylvania, 1902; M.A., Minnesota, 1908. JENNINGS CRAWFORD LITZENBERG, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics, and Chief of the Department of Obstetrics B.S., Minnesota, 1894; M.D., Minnesota, 1899. _^ RUPERT CLENDON LODGE, M.A., Assistant Professor of Philosophy B.A., Oxford, 1909; M.A., Oxford, 1912. ARCHIBALD HODGE LOGAN, M.D., Assistant Professor of Clinical Medi- cine M.D., Pennsylvania, 1907. * Leave of absence, 1916-17. 22 THE ANNUAL REGISTER ERNEST GUSTAV LORENZEN, Ph.B., LL.B., J.U.D., Professor of Law Ph.B., Cornell, 1898; LL.B., Cornell, 1899; J.U.D., Goettingen, 1901. ELMER JULIUS LUND, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of General Physiology Ph.B., Hamline, 1910; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1914. WILLIAM Foster LUsk, Ph.B., M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Education Ph.B., Wisconsin, 1903; M.S., Minnesota, 1916. ELIAS Potte R LYON, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Physiology, Dean of the Medical School, and Director of the Department of Physiology B.S., Hillsdale, 1891; B.A., Hillsdale, 1892; Ph.D., Chicago, 1897; M.D. (Hon.,) St. Louis University, 1910. - THOMAS Montgomery McCALL, Assistant Professor of Horticulture, Northwest School of Agriculture and Experiment Station, Crooks- ton - B.S.A., Ames, 1910. , EDWARD PROSPER McCARTHY, E.M., Professor of Mining, Head of the Department of Mining E.M., Minnesota, 1900. WILLIAM C. MACCARTY, M.D., M.S., Associate Professor of Pathology B.S., M.S., Kentucky, 1900; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 1904. J. F. McCLEND ON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physiology B.S., Texas, 1903; M.S., Texas, 1904; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 1906. WILLIAM McDou GALL, D.D.S., Assistant Professor of Crown and Bridge Work D.D.S., Minnesota, 1911. * * ARTHUR JAMEs McGUIRE, B.Agr., Instructor in Dairy Husbandry, Central School of Agriculture, and Dairy Farm Management Specialist with the rank of Associate Professor, Agricultural Ex- tension B. Agr., Minnesota, 1904. LOUIS WILLIAMs McKEEHAN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physics B.S. in Eng., Minnesota, 1908; M.S., Minnesota, 1909; Ph.D., Minnesota, 1911. ARCHIBALD MACLAREN, M.D., Associate Professor of Surgery - B.S., Princeton, 1880; M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons (New York), 1883. FRANKLIN R. McMILLAN, C.E., Assistant Professor of Experimental Engineering C.E., Minnesota, 1905. e John SILLIMAN MACNIE, M.D., Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology B.A., North Dakota, 1893; M.D., Columbia, 1896. ARTHUR TEALL MANN, M.D.; Associate Professor of Surgery B.S., Minnesota, 1888; M.D., Harvard, 1896. FRANK CHARLEs MANN, M.D., M.A., Assistant Professor of Experi- mental Surgery and Pathology B.A., Indiana, 1911; M.D., Indiana, 1913; M.A., Indiana, 1914. THE GENER. Cox, Guy M., Walnut Hill, Ill. Cullum, Richard A., Duluth Dow, Lawrence H., Duluth Eggert, Albert W., Minneapolis Ekman, Carl E., Grand Rapids Fagan, Edward J., Minneapolis Flaten, Milo G., Minneapolis Garrett, Albert W., Osseo Graven, J. Howard, St. James Halverson, Stanford C., Minneapolis Halverson, Walter S., Minneapolis Kahner, Martin L., Minneapolis Kempton, H. Seward, Duluth Knoche, Enno A., St. Paul Knott, Spencer H., Minneapolis Kulberg, Samuel, Minneapolis Lande, J. Herman, McGrath Leisen, Raymond J., Minneapolis Matson, Sidney S., Sherburn Meyler, George A., Geneva, Ohio Montgomery, Herbert L., Minneapolis Oehler, Karl F., Devils Lake, N. D. Pearlove, Edward J., Minneapolis Pool, Harry R., Minneapolis Robertson, Ellsworth G., Argyle Scheid, Arthur F., Mankato Schumacher, Clair F., St. Peter Severson, Edwin S., St. Paul Stadler, Roy E., Minneapolis Steele, Julian H., St. Paul Sullivan, Joseph E., Minneapolis Swanson, George, Mankato Timerman, Gates A., St. Paul Towey, Robert E., Minneapolis Weedell, H. Austin, Minneapolis White, Valmah S., Minneapolis Wolf, Earl D., Morristown THE MEDICAL SCHOOL SIXTH YEAR–45 Agnew, Allen T., Vincennes, Ind. Anderson, Allen R., Payette, Idaho B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Anderson, Frank J., Ellsworth, Wis. B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Andreassen, Einar C., Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Christie, Robert L., Long Prairie B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Constans, George M., Blue Earth B.A., Carleton, 1912 B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Freed, Oscar J. R., Water town B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Geer, Everett K., St. Paul B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Goss, Harold Leroy, M1nneapolis Groebner, Otto A,, New Ulm B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Halland, John G., Fargo, N. D. B.S., N.D. Agr. College, 1912 Halley, William Wallace, East Grand Forks B.S., Macalester, 1913 Holmes, Charles King, St. Paul Ph.B., Hamline, 1913 Hovde, Rolf, Duluth B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Hutchinson, Charles J., Minneapolis B.A., Minnesota, 1913 Jepson, Roscoe, Sioux City, Iowa B.S., Dartmouth, 1912 Kittelson, John A., Minneapolis B.S., Beloit, 1913 Klima, William W., Silver Lake B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Knudtson, Herbert M., Hunter, N. 1). Larson, Albert M., Jasper B.A., South Dakota, 1915 Larson, G. Arthur, Taunton B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Lepak, John A., Duluth B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Lynch, George V., Winona Martin, George H., Renwick, Iowa M.D., Iowa, 1907 Merkert, George L., Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Molander, Herbert A., St. Paul B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Moriarty, Cecile R., St. Paul B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Nordin, Gustaf T., Minneapolis I3.S., Minnesota, 1915 Nutting, Clara A., St. Paul B.S., Minnesota, 1915 186 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Pearson, Fritz R., Hudson, Wis. B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Proshek, Charles E., New Prague Reinhardt, William R. L., Spokane, Wash. B.S., Minnesota, Riegel, J. Arthur, B.A., Carleton, 1913 B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Rosenthal, Boleslaus A., B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Sargeant, Howard L., Northfield B.S., Carleton, 1911 Schutt, Ray L., Minneapolis Shapiro, Morse J., Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1915 1916 Minneapolis St. Paul Smersh, Jerome F., Owatonna B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Smith, Millard F. J., Little Rock, Iowa B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Solhaug, Samuel B., Starbuck B.A., Carleton, 1913 B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Stuhr, John W., Euclid B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Sund, Adolph G., Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Swanson, Edwin O., Brainerd Tanner, Chester O., Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Vaughn, Florien, Shelbina, B.A., Missouri, 1915 Mo. FIFTH YEAR–67 Anderson, Edward D., Minneapolis B.A., Minnesota, 1913 Anderson, Hilding C., Mt. Vernon, Wash. B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Borgeson, Egbert J., St. Paul Bregel, Fred L., Fairfax Broker, Walter S., Minneapolis Buscher, Herbert, St. Paul Caldwell, Kenneth S., St. B.A., Minnesota, 1915 Calkins, Leroy A., Wadena B.S., Cornell, 1913 Colby, Woodward L., Hector Cole, Wyman C. C., Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Diehl, Harold S., Clear Spring, Md. B.A., Pennsylvania College, 1912 Ekelund, Clifford T., St. Paul Fineman, Solomon, Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Fjellman, Ruben C., Minneapolis Fritsche, Albert, Minneapolis Gamble, Joseph W., Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Gausemel, Selmer D., Kenyon Giere, Silas W., Sacred Heart Hall, William W., Minneapolis Paul B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Hartley, Everett C., Carver B.A., Beloit, 1914 Hathaway, George J., Minneapolis Hathaway, Stillman J., Northfield B.S., Carleton, 1914 Hawkins, Arthur D., St. B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Herrmann, Edgar T., St Paul B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Holm, Hillard H., Carver Paul Kadesky, David, Aberdeen, S. D. Rennedy, Harry T., Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Kennedy, William A., Minneapolis Kleinschmidt, Clinton, St. Louis, Mo. Kooiker, Herman J., Hull, Iowa Larson, Arnold, Mabel B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Lick, Charles L., St. Paul Little, Roy C., Madison B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Logefeil, Rudolph C., M1nneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Lowe, Thomas A., Hadley Lund, Theodore C., Hutchinson Lundquist, Elmer F., Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1916 McCarthy, Donald, Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1916 McGeary, George E., St. Paul McKinley, J. Charnley, Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1915 McLean, Hugh A., Hannah, N. D. B.A., North Dakota Morrissey, Frank B., Minneapolis Mulder, John L., Rock Valley, Iowa Murphy, Leo T., Minneapolis Nathanson, Morris, Minneapolis IB.S., Minnesota, 1916 Norris, Edgar H., Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1915 Pederson, Nellie C. E., Anoka Perkins, John W., Lewiston, Idaho B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Peyton, William T., Dumont B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Plankers, Arthur G., St. Paul Radusch, Frieda J., Minneapolis B.A., Macalester, 1914 * STUDENTS, 1916-17 187 Roholt, Christian L., Minneapolis Runnerstrom, George E., Waseca Rutledge, Lloyd H., Minneapolis B.A., Missouri, 1915 *Salmon, Lorne H., St. Paul Sawatzky, William A. C., Shakopee B.A., Minnesota, 1913 Scholtes, Harry J., Wabasha Schwartz, Virgil J., Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Slater, Edward P., Anoka IX.S., Minnesota, 1916 Snell, Albert M., Lake Park B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Sturre, Julius R., Parshall, N. D. Swendsen, Carl G., Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Sybil rud, Hjalmar W., New Richland Timm, John A., Utica B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Wallinga, John H., Hull, Iowa B.S., Minnesota, 1916 Weisman, Samuel A., Minneapolis Ylvisaker, Laurits, St. Paul B.A., Norwegian Luther College FOURTH YEAR–79 Adams, Julius, St. Cloud " Alexander, Ernest R., St. Paul Anderson, David D., Minneapolis Arvidson, Carl G., Minneapolis Behmler, Frederick W., Jordan Bergheim, Martin C., Madison, S. D. Blakey, Adam Roy, Estherville, Iowa B.A., Minnesota, 1909 Branton, Alloys F., Minneapolis Brown, R. J., Carroll, Minneapolis B.A., Minnesota, 1916 Carey, James Bain, Minneapolis Christensen, Emun P., Minneapolis Colberg, Arthur J., St. Peter Comstock, Frederick T., South Glens Falls, N.Y. B.A., Cornell, 1915 Countryman, Roger S., St. Paul Crandall, Will G., Lakota, N. D. B.S., Fargo College, 1914 Crook, Rudolf L., St. Paul Dahlby, Albert J., St. Paul Daniel, Donald H., Minneapolis Davis, Irl R., Henderson De Jong, Georgia, Maurice, Iowa Downing, Wendell L., Moulton, Iowa B.A., Minnesota, 1916 Dubbe, Frederick H., Jordan Ehrenberg, Claude J., Minneapolis Ericson, Swan, Minneapolis Farnham, Russell M., Minneapolis B.A., Carleton, 1915 Fasbender, Herman A., Hastings Feaman, Albert C., Sparta, I11. Flagstad, Albert E., Minneapolis Fredrickson, Rickard A., Edinburg, N. D. French, Henry S., Northfield B.S., Carleton, 1915 Gammell, John H., Madison B.S., Minnesota, 1914 M.E., Minnesota, 1915 *Died, September, 1917 Greene, Laurence W., Le Sueur Gruenhagen, Arnold P., St. Paul Haas, Aloys T., St. Paul Harbo, Harold E., Minneapolis B.A. in Educ., Minnesota, 1914 Haynes, Manley H., Minneapolis Phm.B., Minnesota, 1911 Phm.M., Minnesota, 1913 Haynes, Stanley H., Minneapolis B.S. in Eng., Minnesota, 1915 Hedenstrom, Frank G., St. Paul Heimark, Julius J., Clarkfield Herrmann, Siegfried F., Fairmont B.S., Hamline, 1915 Hodapp, Robert J., Mankato Hymes, Charles, Minneapolis Johnson, Arthur C., Minneapolis Jones, Hugh T., Pomona, Cal. B.A., Pomona, 1914 Kennedy, George L., Minneapolis Kinsella, Thomas J., Aberdeen, S. D. Lange, Alfred E., Spokane, Wash. B.S., Whitman, 1915 Larson, Clarence M., Thief River Falls Lineer, Algot S., Minneapolis Lippman, Hymen S., Minneapolis Locken, Oscar E., Crookston McLachlin, Leslie C., Hunter, N. T) McMurray, Fred A., Seattle, Wash. B.A., Washington, 1915 Mattson, Roger H., New Rockford, N. D. Miller, Harry A., Rice B.A., Dixon, 1909 Morrison, Harold E., Minneapolis Morse, Russell W., Minneapolis Muller, Theodore, St. Paul Murphy, W. Holland, St. Paul Nelson, Orville N., Battle Lake Nerad, Anton H., Austin Poppen, Jacob, Sioux Center, Iowa * 188 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Richardson, Harold E., Minneapolis Rigler, Leo G., Minneapolis Rumpf, William H., Jr., Faribault Rypins, Harold, St. Paul B.A., Minnesota, 1914 St. Clair, Roy E., Lordsburg, Cal. B.A., Pomona, 1914 Sahr, Walter G. C., Minneapolis Schulman, Leo M., Minneapolis Seifert, Louis J., Lamberton Shedlov, Abraham, Minneapolis Smith, Adam M., Minneapolis Smith Arthur F., Little Rock, Iowa Sneller, Charles D., Minneapolis Sprafka, Joseph M., Perham Ternstrom, Oscar H., Spokane, Wash. Tiber, Leon J., St. Paul Wyatt, Oswald S., Minneapolis Young, Thomas O., Le Roy B.A., Carleton, 1915 THIRD YEAR–74 Badger, Lucius F., Minneapolis B.A., Carleton, 1916 Benjamin, Walter G., Hutchinson Blaustone, Henry, Minneapolis Phm. B., Minnesota, 1913 Broberg, Gail R., Blue Earth B.A., Minnesota, 1915 Brosius, Ernest J., Minneapolis D.D.S., Minnesota, 1912 Cantwell, William F., White Bear B.S. in Chem., Minnesota, 1911 Christianson, Harry W., Belgrade Phm.B., Minnesota, 1914 Crow, Earl R., Walker Crowl, Verne C., Minneapolis Culligan, John M., St. Paul B.L., Notre Dame, 1915 Daniel, Lewis M., Minneapolis Daniels, Harry A., Two Harbors Deane, Helen M., Monango, N. D. P.A., Carleton, 1915 Denny, Walter W., Des Moines, Iowa B.A., Drake, 1914 Dittrich, Raymond J., New Ulm Doyle, Lawrence O., Minneapolis Dunn, L. Halbert, Minneapolis Dvorak, Benjamin A., New Prague Erickson, John L., Canby Flocken, Charles F., Minneapolis V.S., Cornell Ford, Frances A., Minneapolis B.S., Minnesota, 1914 Fowler, L. Haynes, Minneapolis Gunderson, Nels A., Minneapolis Haggart, Harry H., Fargo, N. D. B.A., Fargo, 1914 Hanson, Elmer C., Fergus Falls Hanson, William A. H., Rochester Henry, Myron O., Minneapolis Hield, Clarence, Armada, Cal. B.A., Pomona, 1916 Hoffman, Max H., St. Paul Hultkrans, Joel C., St. Paul Jensen, Harry C., Hutchinson Jepson, Paul N., Minneapolis B.A., Carleton, 1916 Jernstrom, Roy E., Minneapolis Johnson, Ellsworth J., Windom Juergens, Herman M., Jordan Kennedy, Roger L. J., St. Paul Kerlanski, Samuel Z., St. Cloud B.A. in Educ., Minnesota, 1915 King, George L., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Kokatnur, Gundu R., India Langhoff, Arthur H., Mankato Larson, Leroy J., Moorhead Litman, Morris H., Duluth Lundholm, Arthur M., St. Paul McFarlane, Lloyd E., Parkers Prairie Mackeen, Helen A., Minneapolis Martin, Arthur J., Sheboygan, Wis. B.A., Ripon, 1914 Mayer, Lillian M., Great Falls, Mont. Miller, Loana M., Nome, Alaska Mills, John L., Pelican Rapids Miners, George A., Iron Mountain, Mich. B.A., Carleton, 1916 Moersch, Herman J., St. Paul Nannestad, Rolf S., Albert Lea Nesbit, Harold T., Waterloo, Iowa Norrgard, Henry T., Milaca B.A., Gustavus Adolphus, 1915 Palmer, C. Foster, Albert Lea Pederson, Arthur H., St. Paul Peterson, Willard C., Minneapolis Platou, Erling S., Valley City, N. D. Raverty, E. Lenord, Sleepy Eye Rosenholtz, Burton I., St. Paul Salt, Clifford, Minneapolis B.A., Ohio, 1906 Shimota, Lewis L., Veseli Soderlind, Ralph A., Minneapolis Steffens, Leon A., Worthington Stratte, Harold C., Dawson Strong, G. Frederic, St. Paul Sullivan, Raymond M., Minneapolis Thygeson, Ruth A., St. Paul B.A., Minnesota, 1916 Wang, M. Norman, Wittenberg, Wis. B.A., St. Olaf, 1916 Waugh, James R., Seattle, Wash. B.A., Washington, 1914 Widen, Wilford F., Minneapolis Wiggins, Porter P., Minneapolis Williams, Vernon M., Mora Zanger, Henry G., Minneapolis STUDENTS, 1916-17 189 SECOND AND FIRST YEAR Second and first-year students are listed in the Sophomore and Freshman classes in the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts. SPECIAL STUDENTS-15 Albritton, Errett C., Mayfield, Ky. B.A., Missouri, 1916 Baker, Alfred T., Minneapolis Bryant, Oliver R., Minneapolis M.D., Minnesota, 1905 Burton, Samuel C., Minneapolis M.A., S. W. Polytechnic, Chelsea, London, 1905 Foster, William K., Minneapolis L.L.B., Minnesota, 1908 Guha, Upendranarayan, India Healy, Barbara, Minneapolis B.A., Minnesota, 1915 Kittelson, Olaf, Grand Forks, N. D. B.S., Minnesota, 1910 M.D., Minnesota, 1912 Martin, William S., Memphis, Tenn. Mohn, Sigvard M., Northfield Myers, Jay A., Minneapolis B.S., Ohio, 1912 M.S., Ohio, 1913 Ph.D., Cornell, 1914 Roberts, Lyle J., Omaha, Neb. B.A., Minnesota, 1913 Shafer, Lawrence A., Athens, Ohio Thompson, H. F., Forest City, Iowa. Vik, A. Elliott, St. Paul Zierold, Arthur A., Minneapolis D.D.S., Minnesota, 1907 THE SCHOOL FOR NURSES THIRD YEAR–20 Berg, Esther L., Duluth Bergquist, Olive E., Minneapolis Blum, Enna, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Chaffee, Bessie C., Detroit Covert, Emily C., Billings, Mont. Dunn, Margaret, Minneapolis Harbo, E. Mathilda, Minneapolis Hasle, Eva, Park River, N. D. Hayashi, Fuku, Kyoto, Japan Joach, Celia E., New Prague Jol stad, Esther O., Kenyon Knutson, Mabel A., Fertile Lyon, Margaret E., Minneapolis Price, Katherine A., Minneapolis Redpath, Mary G., La Crosse, Wis. Runnerstrom, Elva, Waseca Smitka, Ella M., Minneapolis Vollbrecht, Agnes E., Hanover Vos, Katherine, Minneapolis Watland, Anne M., Jackson SECOND YEAR.—17 Adams, Marjorie, Fergus Falls Andreasen, Esther M., Ashland, Wis. Baker, Helen M., Nevada, Iowa Bjeldanes, Ragnhild, Madison Corliss, Ione E., St. Paul Flinn, Irma, Minneapolis Fryckman, Hazel P., Minneapolis Garry, Lucille M., Minneapolis Hilmen, Amanda M., Crookston Johnson, Inez H., Mayville, N. D. Kurtzman, Mrs. Dorothy, Minneapolis Larsen, Effie A., Minneapolis Maguire, Inalane M., Excelsior Ostergren, Alice E., St. Paul Rood, Augusta, Minneapolis Schey, Jennie, Sedan Semling, Mabel, Ada PRELIMINARY COURSE—29 Anderson, Frances A., Buffalo Bowser, Martha E., St. Paul Burmeister, Milre J., Mankato Curry, Vernie I., Minneapolis Dwinnell, Daisy G., Hutchinson Hanson, Olga, Glen Flora, Wis. Haupt, Alma C., St. Paul Hilbert, Hortense A., Albany 190 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Hoglund, Laura M., Willmar Joach, Hetty I., New Prague Johnson, Esther V., New Richland Johnson, Mabel E., Waseca Larson, Anna, St. Paul Lough, Alice M., Jordan Lund, Nora, Glenwood McIver, Pearl, Lowry Magnus, Edna M., Glen Flora, Wis. Noreen, Naomi C., Minneapolis Olson, Luella H., Mankato Ouren, Selma, Hanska Peterson, Dora J., Frost Peterson, Laura, Hunter, N. D. Reiter, Lila B., Rochester Romell, Ruth, St. Paul Saeter, Martha E., Fosston Schwerin, Eleanor L., Minneapolis Shamla, Aurelia M., Glencoe Smitka, , Helen, Minneapolis Warner, Florence L., Minneapolis ACCREDITED NIURSES-2 Borge, Martha, Hudson, Wis. Prinks, Henrike, Princeton THE COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY SENIORS–99 Abell, Walter J., St. Cloud Andersen, Leroy C., South Stillwater Bergersen, Louis B., St. Paul Bergh, Ingvald G., Madison Birnberg, Jacob V., St. Paul Bodlen, August T., Stacy Borovsky, Abe, Minneapolis Brink, Frank T., Minneapolis Bruss, Erwin F., Mankato Buehler, John L. Minneapolis Chisholm, David R., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Cohler, Michael J., St. Paul Colburn, Daniel N., Minneapolis Connell, John E., Superior, Wis. Cook, George W., Faribault Dampier, Donald G., St. Paul Danz, Beatrice, Minneapolis Diamond, Hymen A., Minneapolis Durfee, Lawrence M., Minneapolis Farrell, Stanley M., Ellensburg, Wash. Fee, Graham B., Superior, Wis. Feeney, Howard S., Glenwood Fossum, Edgar A., Dassel Freier, Ephraim F., Minneapolis Gabrielson, Leonard C., St. Paul Gardner, Herbert E., Minneapolis Geddes, Donald D., Anoka Gerde, Magnus A., Minneapolis Girvin, Cecil W, Mankato Hansen, Arthur P., St. Paul Hansen, Elmer L., Harmony Harper, Fred W., Enderlin, N. D. Hartig, Rolf P. J., Minneapolis Hartwig, Joseph I., Minneapolis Haven, Walter K., Minneapolis Healy, Clifford J., Wykoff Hendricks, Lambert M., Mayer Herrmann, Max R., Fergus Falls Hillmann, H. Chester, Minneapolis Hoglund, Herbert A., Willmar Holliday, Houghton, Red Wing Iverson, Walter G., Minneapolis Jernall, Roy M., Minneapolis Johnson, Roy L., Willmar Just, Dagny I., Minneapolis Kubesh, Edward J., Olivia Leighton, Emmet G., Minneapolis Le May, Ray B., Homer Lillehei, Clarence I., Luverne Lindelien, Clifford O., Battle Lake Linquist, Robert W., Taylors Falls Lorhammer, Gustav, Norway McKenzie, Morell D., St. Paul Meintsma, Richard, Maple Lake Miller, Melvin A., Wykoff Neiman, Robert, Minneapolis Nelson, Clarence A., New Richmond, Wis. Nylander, Victor T., Minneapolis Olson, Alfred, Minneapolis Paske, Charles H., Worthington Peterson, Chester R., Litchfield Peterson, Walter F., Rushford Pfeiffer, Roy H., Winona Pierson, Linus L., Watertown Plonty, Earl W., Morristown Radke, L. Maurice, Minneapolis Radke, W. Lynn, New Rockford, N. D. Reinking, Henry N., Hamel Reynolds, William D., Jr., Minneapolis Ribbel, George H., Brainerd Ringstrom, George M., Minneapolis Robinson, John F., Bertha Roelike, Stephen J., Melrose STUDENTS, 1916-17 191 Saevig, John G., Rushford Schuft, Adolph F., Hutchinson Sell, Charles A., Adrian Shackell, Harold, Winona Shanahan, Raymond F., Faribault Simonson, August E., Minneapolis Skon, Arthur E., St. Paul Stevens, Marion R., Minneapolis Swanson, Clayton A., Minneapolis Talle, Ingeborg M., Norway Thorson, M. Hauman, Minneapolis Tucker, Charles M., Minneapolis Tucker, Clarence A., Minneapolis Watson, William E., Minneapolis Wedin, Arthur C., Hector Weibeler, Christian J., Belle Plaine Weisman, Harry L., Minneapolis Wendell, Lehman, Minneapolis West, Earl C., Brownton Whitaker, Vernon D., Litchfield White, Eleanora S., Minneapolis White, Floyd M., Minneapolis Wilson, Oliver P., Rushford Wolter, Amadeus F., Minneapolis Zettler, Walter W., Mankato Ziskin, Daniel E., Minneapolis JUNIORS–84 Abrahams, Oscar H., Minneapolis Albrecht, Arnold W., Mapleton Anderson, C. Oscar, Minneapolis Anderson, Ernest J., Minneapolis Anderson, Gustave R., Minneapolis Anderson, Raymond H., Duluth Bang, Charles B., Ada Beckenstein, Isadore S., Minneapolis Brady, Frank P., Red Lake Falls Brandenborg, George A., Minneapolis Brooks, Fiske I., Minneapolis Buck, Wesley V., Des Moines, Iowa Carlson, Melvin H., Brainerd Dwire, George J., Minneapolis Eklund, Conrad L., Minneapolis Farmer, Ernest A., Minneapolis Faus, N. Alden, Osakis Finnegan, Roscoe L., Minneapolis Flandrick, Carl R., White Bear Gilbert, Lloyd I., Casselton, N. D. Gullings, Ingeman O., Detroit Hagberg, Warner V., Minneapolis Halvorsen, Jorgen, Norway Haugberg, Elmer, Minneapolis Hiebert, Gerhard J., Mountain Lake Hoitomt, Raymond M., Minneapolis Homme, A. H. Francke, Minneapolis How, Roy M., Cambridge Johnson, George A., Willmar Johnson, Harvey, Minneapolis Johnson, Herbert E., Waseca Johnson, Raymond E., St. Paul Kelsey, C. William, Minneapolis Kirkpatrick, Frederick K., Palkers Prairie Kirkpatrick, Virgil L., Blackduck Krishef, Jacob L., Minneapolis La Freniere, John G., St. Paul Lauer, Vernon G., Minneapolis Lee, Cloyde W., Northfield Lee, Ernest T., Glenwood Lucian, Arthur E., Crookston McGinn, James A., Brainerd McKinny, Walter H., Appleton Meacham, Lloyd F., Edgerton Melander, Oscar A., Duluth Miner, Clayton L., St. Cloud Moos, Louis C., St. Cloud Nash, Earl G., Homer Nellermoe, Joy O., Buffalo Lake Nelson, Carl W., Minneapolis Nelson, John W., River Falls, Wis, Ness, Hans B., Minneapolis Nishioka, Masahito, Japan Northfield, Ivan H., Lake City Obermeyer, Fred C., Minneapolis Olson, Raymond C., Spring Valley Passer, Clarence W., Waseca Pattridge, Walter H., Tracy Pearson, Edward H., Minneapolis Peterson, Julius A., St. Peter Peterson, Leonard C., Hopkins Priske, Leo R., Mahnomen Robb, George L., Jr., M1nneapolis Salisbury, John A., Parkers P1 airie Shaw, Will S., Tower City, N. L). Silsby, Jay, Minneapolis Silver, Victor L., Clarkfield Simon, Albert F., New Prague Snyder, Challes E., Warlen Storberg, Victor H., Ada Swennes, Harold G., Clarkfield Swensen, Clifford R., North Branch Thomas, Harold E., Marshall Thornby, Ingram J., Dawson Thorson, H. Adolph, Rochester Tomasek, Anthony T., St. Paul Wachtler, Wesley R., Mankato Wellman, H. Walter, Monona, Iowa Werner, Conrad O., Lindstrom Williams, Sigfred G., St. Cloud Woodruff, Harold S., Chatfield Woods, Lorenz F., Belle Plaine Wrucke, Arthur L., Minnesota Lake Zimmerman, Emanuel, St. Paul 192 THE ANNUAL REGISTER SOPHOMORES-89 , Anderson, Albert F., St. Paul Anderson, Elmer O., Dassel Anderson, Harry, St. Cloud Anderson, Lloyd C., Flaxville, Mont. Aronson, Arthur V., St. Cloud Babcock, Willard L., Elk River Bierman, Claude W., Aberdeen, S. D. Brandt, Henry R., Fergus Falls Britzius, Kenneth E., Minneapolis Butler, George E., St. Paul Carpenter, Earl R., Plainview Comartin, Edmund E., Bottineau, N. D. Conway, James H., St. Paul Cook, Maynard E., Farmington Daly, Timothy L., Mapleton Daum, Leo A., Minneapolis Davidson, Fred V., Minneapolis Dille, Walter O., Dassel Dobson, N. Julian, Chatfield Doyle, Thomas C., Minneapolis Egdahl, Harry I., Elk Mound, Wis. Elliott, Virgil D., Cambridge Foster, James M., Minneapolis Foster, Leslie W., Minneapolis Francis, Vinal B., Flandreau, S. D. Fuller, Benjamin F., Redwood Falls Gletne, Jalmer S., Moorhead Graham, Philip G., Rochester Gumper, Joseph, Collis Hallum, O. Ferdinand, Whalan Hansen, Dallas B., Jackson Hawley, Ralph K., Monticello IIedburg, R. Lester, Minneapolis Jamieson, Charles H., Stillwater Jerdee, Joseph C., Minneapolis Johnson, August W., Cyrus Julien, Antone W., Minneapolis Kline, Roman P., Minto, N. D. Kraft, Russell M., Cannon Falls Krause, Louis C., Eau Claire, Wis. Larson, Frans A., Warren Larson, William J., St. Paul Levy, Mandel M., Minneapolis Long, Glen D., Smiths Mill Lynde, J. Kenneth, Parkers Prailie McGill Elmer C., Minneapolis Mara, Samuel G., Delano Medalie, William L., Buhl Meisser, John G., Arcadia, Wis. Melby, Almer J., Minneapolis Miszewski, Aurelius H., Minneapolis Mohn, Elmer J., Hayfield Morcom, Harold E., Soudan Mountian, Matthew D., Good Thunder Murphy, Sylvester L., Lake Park, Iowa Newman, Allen T., Minneapolis Olson, O. Thoralf, Mayville, N. D. Paine, Ralph, Wabasha Pederson, J. Philip, Underwood Pink, David, Minneapolis Reed, Reginald R., Duluth Rodman, Duane E., Akeley Rogstad, Otto V., Detroit Rose, Oscar A., Minneapolis Rostad, Herman D., Zumbrota Rowell, Will J., North Branch Sahr, Willard L., Minneapolis Searing, Ralph T., Bald Eagle Lake Siwinski, Michael A., St. Cloud Skocalopole, Fred L., Cohasset Smith, Leslie FT., Monona, Iowa Stafford, Orin K., Red Wing Stenborg, William A., Sacred Heart Stone, Harvey C., Edgerton Stunkard, Byron W., Minneapolis Swenson, Roger B., Minneapolis Thiers, Frederick C., St. Paul Thomas, A. LeRoy, Dodgeville, Wis. Thurston, Robert F., Albert Lea Ulvestad, Reuben A., Madelia Van Slyke, Arthur C., Benson Veblen, Ingvald S., Cooperstown, N. D. Weiser, G. Conrad, Windom Wild, Harry C., Winona Williams, Harry N., Pelican Rapids Williams, Ward T., St. Clair Witter Leon E., Park Rapids Wolff, H. Douglas, Kimball Wrbitzky, Benjamin P., Silver Lake FRESHMEN-98 Abbott, Victor B., Minot, N. D. Ahmann, Norbert T., Richmond Albinson, Reuben N., Minneapolis Bergan, Eugene L., Sacred Heart Blunt, James K., Bismarck, N. D. Bradley, Herrick, Minneapolis Bryant, James W., Minneapolis Brzenski, Benjamin J., Minneapolis Bugenstein, Simon, Minneapolis Bussard, Oliver, Marshall Bylund, Swan O., Mora Cohen, Michael J., St. Paul Cole, H. Ferdinand, Pelican Rapids Collin, Sam G., Sacred Heart STUDENTS, 1916-17 193 Crolley, William P., Montrose Donaldson, Clifford F., Osakis Downing, Leonard V., St. Louis Park East, Charles D., Mora Fogarty, Edward C., Sherburn Fruchtman, Louis, Minneapolis Gjedrem, Carl L., Houston Glanz, Theodore C., Minneapolis Goldberg, Max W., Minneapolis Gordon, Myer G., Minneapolis Grumstrup, Ernest, Tyler Hagen, William H., Spokane, Hanson, Elmer P., Stewart Hanson, Roy V., Hutchinson Hass, Alfred A., Wheaton Hawes, Perceval H., Minneapolis Henley, V. James, St. Paul Hoel, Harold C., Iola, Wis. Howe, Frederick M., St. Paul Hurst, William W., Stillwater Ioset, Ray G., Wadena Ioset, Roy F., Wadena Jacobson, Ray A., Cumberland, Wis. James, Frederick S., Sleepy Eye Johnson, Alvin F., St. Paul Johnson, Arthur F., Monticello Johnson, Edward L., St. Paul Johnson, Myrtle K., Duluth Johnson, Roy M., Wyndmere, N. D. Wash. Jungmann, Solomon, Menno, S. D. Katz, Abraham, St. Paul Kehne, Henry A., St. Paul Kellett, Glenn B., St. Charles Relly, McMaster P., Fort William, Ont., Canada. Kelly, Robert W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Knapp, Ralph A., Dubuque, Iowa Kracek, Frank C., Scotland, S. D. Lan, Benjamin, Worcester, Mass. Landers, Henry J., Correll Larson, Harry O., Fargo, N. D. Lawler, Miles E., Minneapolis Losby, Theodore L., St. Paul Lund, Eugene, Wabasha Lundquist, Elmer C., Minneapolis Luttio, Vaino A., Frederick, S. D. McCray, Lyle H., Pine Island McIntire, Harold E., International Falls Malloy, James P., Blooming Prairie Marxen, Nicholas J., Jordan Miller, Myron H., Minneapolis Mohn, Malin C., Linton, N. D. Moulton, Claude W., Kasota Müller, Ekard, Gibbon Nellermoe, Delmore L., Sacred Heart Nelson, Axel L., Eau Claire, Wis. Nelson, Leonard C., Sask., Canada Nelson, Victor O., Minneapolis Norden, Lemuel A., Dassel Oster, LeRoy T., Minneapolis Patterson, Alfred G., Fargo, N. D. Prechel, Archie E. E., Waseca Quigley, Maurice W., M.1nneapolis Ramsett, Harold E., Willmar Redman, Donald A., Minneapolis Reed, Robert M., Delmont, S. D. Risk, Paul A., Lisbon, N. D. Rosenbloom, Samuel S., Ely Schwedes, Carl H., Wabasha Segall, Samuel, Minneapolis Smith, J. Dayton, Monona, Sprafka, John F., Perham Staples, Charles W., Minneapolis Stemper, Joseph N., St. Paul Sullivan, Eugene J., Heron Lake Sundby, T. Norman, Rushford Swanson, Clarence V., St. Paul Swanson, Earl C., Minneapolis Swanson, Harold E., Minneapolis Thornton, M. Hillard, Appleton Von Bank, William J., Jordan Whitney, E. La Verne, Minneapolis Wiberg, Paul B., Lake Crystal Williams, Howard E., Park Rapids Witzman, Melvin, Minneapolis Iowa IRREGULAR STUDENTS-2 Johnson, Nelson L., Renville D.D.S., Minnesota, 1902 Kulander, Henry, Swea City, Iowa D.D.S., Keokuk, 1904 THE SCHOOL OF MINES SENIORS–15 Anderson, Edwin H., Oakes, N. D. Cassilly, Thomas E., St. Paul Coryell, Lewis S., Osceola, Wis. Dennis, Richard C., Ashland, Wis. Dopp, James L., Ashland, Wis. Elson, William H., St. Paul 194 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Ernster, Omer F., Brainerd Peterson, Paul A., St. Paul Fearing, Edward J., Little Falls Sweetman, Edwin A., Aitkin Hubbard, William E., Duluth Wallace, Carleton, Minneapolis Kwong, Yih Kum, China Woodruff, John J., Minneapolis Levorsen, A. Irving, Fergus Falls JUNIORS–21 Ainsworth, Robert E., Minneapolis Gannett, Roger W., Minneapolis Allard, Raymond W., St. Paul Hsieh, Chung, China Armstrong, Harold K., Minneapolis Ingersoll, Guy E., Hibbing Bailey, A. Kittredge, Jr., Minneapolis Jerrard, Walther L., St. Cloud Clark, Fred E., Minneapolis Lee, Liang, China Copeland, William A., St. Paul McGilvra, Donald B., Minneapolis Cowin, Percy G., Minneapolis Moga, John A., St. Paul Dane, Carleton M., St. Paul Nichols, Clifford R., Buhl Dowdell, Ralph L., St. Paul Quinn, Howard E., Melrose Foley, Lyndon L., Minneapolis Strand, Harry W., Marine Mills Frank, Harry, Minneapolis SOPHOMORES–20 $ Abramson, Jake, Minneapolis Goldberg, Samuel B., St. Paul Barr, Joseph C., Jr., Riverton Hosted, Joseph O., Duluth Berg, Locksley D., Dickinson, N. D. Kirkpatrick, Roscoe C., Champlin Calhoun, Robert, Minneapolis Mellem, Walter R., St. Paul Donaghue, Abner J., Minneapolis Miao, Yun Tai, China Flom, Frank, Minneapolis Rockwell, Seass A., Fargo, N. D. Frank, Elden J., Duluth Sponberg, Edwin C., Hibbing Frellsen, Sidney A., Minneapolis Stark, James A., Duluth Gandrud, Bennie W., Glenwood Sullivan, Dan C., Stillwater Goldberg, Bert, St. Paul Wadsworth, Lawrence H., Minneapolis FRESHMEN-21 Andersen, A. Clarence, Tyler Munson, Arthur M., St. Paul Arnold, Lewis E., Minneapolis Olson, Paul W., Warren Bergsten, Axel, Florence, Wis. Peterson, Clarence D. B., Minneapolis Chadbourn, Charles H., Minneapolis Powers, Sheldon M., M1nneapolis Davies, Herman F., Minneapolis Raiter, Clifford R., Minneapolis Donald, George A., Ashland, Wis. Ringwood, Thomas E., Ashland, Wis. Johnsen, Trygve, St. Anthony Park . Rydlun, Edwyn G., Minneapolis Johnston, Kenneth A., St. Paul Salet, Harry N., St. Paul Kersten, Erwin H., Minneapolis Thoeni, Victor T., Wykoff Mark, Israel C., Minneapolis Wheeler, James D., Minneapolis Mars, William P., Duluth FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS-3 Carlson, Edwin' N., Brainerd Nelson, E. Gladstone, Kennedy Plut, Frank J., Crosby THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY POST-GRADUATES-2 Blosmo, Oscar J., Minneapolis Rogers, Charles H., Minneapolis Phm.C., Minnesota, 1907 M.S. in Phm., Minnesota, 1916 M.Phm., Minnesota, 1914 W.S. in Phm., Minnesota, 1916 STUDENTS, 1916-17 195 SENIORS–37 Berg, Leonard A., Barron, Wis. Bleser, Karl E., Milbank, S. D. Carlson, Archie H., Willmar Carlson, Roy W., Willmar Distad, G. Raymond, Moorhead Eichinger, Howard E., Canby Fournier, E. Ben, Minneapolis Frank, Robert W., Mt. Union, Pa. Gotlieb, David P., St. Paul Haugen, Selmer, Henning Iverson, Ida, Decorah, Iowa Johnson, Harlan W., Virginia Johnson, Walter M., New Richland Landru, Norwood G., Hendricks Larson, Selma E., Wanamingo Lee, Muyng S., Korea Mike, Charles W., Tower Mulrean, Anna E., Minneapolis Novack, Claude A., Minneapolis Oehlke, Edmund, Newport Oleson, Sydney M., Hutchinson Olson, Chester J., Dassel Olson, Silas C., Porter Peterson, Arthur L. E., Dawson Peterson, Verner C. J., Minneapolis Strate, Herbert A., St. Paul Strimling, Abraham, Minneapolis Strimling, William, Minneapolis Stucky, Paul H., Waseca Sugarman, Joseph B., Minneapolis Sundry, Evans, Kenyon Swenson, James C., Mabel Taylor, Romayne, Minneapolis Vaaler, Raymond A., Grand Forks, N. D. Vadheim, Peter, Tyler Williams, Harry W., Virginia Wong, Jee Foun, China JUNIORS–17 Adler, Mrs. Birdie H., Red Wing Allen, Alvin C., Minneapolis Amberg, Raymond M., Grand Rapids Berkuvitz, Benjamin, St. Louis Park Blanchette, Philip E., Anoka Calliton, Ora A., St. Paul Flanders, Claire L., Ellsworth, Fossen, Cora B., Starbuck Gardner, Frances M., Minneapolis Wis. Hatch, Theodore L., Minneapolis Helland, Albert I., Hendrum Layne, George E., Rushford Lindoo, Earl B., Ladysmith, Wis. Petersen, Elmer D., Fulda Shea, Cecil J., Virginia Skartum, Reuben W., Lake Benton Stein, Louis, Virginia SOPHOMORES-5 Aurness, Rolf C., Minneapolis Bajpai, Ram L., India Sahol, Gotthard J., Fergus Falls Stratte, Alf K., Dawson Tuttle, Francis A., Minneapolis FRESHMEN-43 Anderson, Harley E., Whalan Bergin, Robert W., Blackduck Blomquist, Bernhardt E., Forreston Clark, W. Earl, Ladysmith, Wis. Cohler, Sara B., St. Paul Constantinides, Panayiottis C., Egypt Costello, William J., Grand Rapids Davidson, L. Raymond, Minneapolis Eddy, Gayle J., Morris Fenley, Guy B., Laporte Gibbs, George N., Minneapolis Giller, Morris, Minneapolis Gross, Howard S., Watertown, Guilbert, Oliver W., Waseca Hawlish, Henry J., Hopkins Holec, Rose L., New Prague S. D. Hovland, Guy B., Dawson Jackman, Jesse H., Jr., St. Paul Jensen, Arthur P., Rochester Kinch, Harvey M., Glendive, Mont. Kingman, Gerhart I., East Grand Forks Langeland, Bert T., Zumbrota Madsen, Leo J., Rochester Mahany, Gerald, Eau Claire, Wis. Martin, Floyd, Minneapolis Martin, Royce C., Glendive, Mont. Mattson, Ames P., Braham Mayo, James B., McLaughlin, S. D. Nelson, Dewey, Parkers Prairie Netz, Charles V., Owatonna Newhouse, Edna V. L., Spring Grove 196 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Niles, Ernest G., St. Paul Thompson, Arthur, Cyrus Quast, William J., Janesville Thompson, Maurice A., Blair, Wis. Riley, Philip J., Round Lake Ulven, Clarence O., Big Lake Sackett, Fred J., Lanesboro Wallace, Beryl E., Duluth Schultz, William H., Montevideo Wasielewski, Henry R., Minneapolis Svarry, Elby V., Princeton Winzenburg, Charles P., Granada SPECIAL STUDENTS-3 Casey, Roy E., Chisholm Gormley, George A., Minneapolis Sharpless, Clarence F., Minneapolis THE SCHOOL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY Third-, second- and first-year students in the Arts and Chemistry Course are listed in the junior, sophomore, and freshman classes in the College of Science, Literature and the Arts. POST-SENIOR-1 fBell, Alexander D., St. Paul B.S., Minnesota, 1916 SENIORS–19 fl?urningham, Foster A., St. Paul #Luft, Oscar W., St. Paul *Corson, Benjamin I., Stillwater *Markus, Benjamin, Keewatin †Domovsky, Aaron, New York City *Marr, Horace S., Minneapolis *Durham, Wallace, Minneapolis *Marshall, Olive W., Minneapolis #Eckman, Laurence R., New London *Owens, J. Clyde, Dodgeville, Wis. B.A., Minnesota, 1916 £Rask, Olaf S., Kalispell, Mont. *Egge, Walter A., Minneapolis B.A., Minnesota, 1916 fHigburg, William, Minneapolis fStrong, Frank D., St. Paul *Joselowitz, Goodwin, Minneapolis fWashburn, Frederick M., Minneapolis * Kesselman, Leo E., Siberia fWidell, E. Gideon, St. Paul f}{uentzel, Ward E., Mankato JUNIORS–14 #Andrews, Lawrence J., Eveleth #Hogness, Thorfin, Minneapolis fL)onauer, Max, Duluth f]Kessel, Herbert J., St. Paul *Engstrom, Leslie G., Rockwell City, fMeilsen, Christ, Mankato Iowa * Nelson, H. Godfrey, Pine City jFischer, Earl B., Minneapolis #Orelup, John W., St. Paul *Greenlaw, Charles E., Minneapolis f\Walewitch, Leo G., Siberia fHammer, George E., Litchfield £Williams, Claude A., Lanesboro fliawkey, H. Kimball, Minneapolis SOPHOMORES-22 *Bickel, Arthur C., Mason City, Iowa *Brown, Joseph R., Minneapolis #Boxell, Morris L., St. Paul f(Sorl, Cady S., Jr., Minneapolis * Indicates students in the Analytical Course. # Indicates students in the Applied Course. f Indicates students in the Arts and Chemistry Course. STUDENTS, 1916-17 197 fL)u Bois, Clyde V., Minneapolis *Fosness, Leslie J., Lakefield * Fullen, W. J., Minneapolis fHannaford, Demming L., Virginia *Heck, Frank J., St. Paul fjohnson, Donald L., St. Paul fkoch, Arthur L., Minneapolis *Moe, Claude P., Minneapolis †Nicholson, Harry G., Crookston *Panuska, George J., St. Paul *Peterson, Ernest A., Minneapolis freu, Albrecht H., Dubuque, Iowa #Roberts, Wesley J., Lake Crystal fBuchhoft, Clarence C., Minneapolis †Schermer, Oscar C., Crookston *Thorson, Stuart J., Minneapolis fWestlake, G. Richard, Winnebago †Winslow, Raymond M., St. Paul FRESHMEN-43 f Albrecht, Herbert O., St. Paul fAnderson, Minton M., Minneapolis *Baldwin, Helen, St. Paul †Barrett, Joseph O., Brown Valley #Baskin, Abe H., Minneapolis i Boardman, Harry M., St. Paul *Buresch, Edward W., Lakefield fBusch, John S., Minneapolis iCuthbert, John, Goodsprings, Nev. *Davidson, L. Raymond, Minneapolis fL)owd, William J., St. Paul fL)wyer, Peter J., Minneapolis *Epstein, Hymen, Minneapolis f|Fieger, Ernest A., St. Paul fHalverson, H. Orin, River Falls, Wis. *Horstkotte, Arthur E., Potlatch, Idaho *Inge, Frederick D., St. Paul tjones, Ernest J., Minneapolis fkirby, Harold L., Havre, Mont. fR racek, Frank C., Scotland, S. D. fLahr, Alfred N., St. Cloud fLanphear, Glenn H., Minneapolis fMcCrea, Fred H., Minneapolis fMcLellan, Lee L., Minneapolis iMacRae, Gordon C., Minneapolis †Malmer, Alvin J., Albert Lea *Olson, Harold C., Cokato #Osborne, J. Marshall, Minneapolis f()strom, C. Milton, Reads *Otterstein, Merton R., Amboy f|Parrett, Arthur N., Minneapolis i Pearson, Elmer A., Ely f|Persons, Robert W., Marshall #Beck, R. Carlyle, Minneapolis * Ringoen, Marion R., Ridgeway, Iowa †Saupe, Arthur, Red Wing *Schochet, Abraham I., Minneapolis † Sternberg, Heime, Minneapolis † Stillwell, Walter C., Appleton #Stoppel, Arthur E., Rochester fTobin, Robert J., Tofield, Alta., Canada †Wallfred, Carl L., Minneapolis *White, Philip T., Ely IRREGULARS–4 *Brooks, Leslie C., Minneapolis fHumiston, Burr, Minneapolis B.S., Grinnell, 1916 *Pan, Wen-ping, China *Westerberg, Carl G., Cloquet THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION SENIORS–41 Aas, Sven A., Minneapolis Bacher, Marjorie, St. Paul Barry, Catherine A., Mendota Pergtold, Louis V., Duluth Bjornstad, Arthur B., St. Paul Bryan, Nellie G., Rochester Becker, Rose C., Lake Nebagamon, Wis. Burkleo, Jane, Stillwater * Indicates students in the Analytical Course. f Indicates students in the Applied Course. 198 1 11E . IN NU. H L REGISTER Burns, James F., Sauk Rapids Carlson, Hanphyn T., Grove City Clarke, George B., Minneapolis Coe, Louise E., Duluth Cole, Julia E., Buffalo, N. Y. Corcoran, John J., St. Paul Ecton, Henry L., Minneapolis Finn, Beatryce A., Minneapolis Grawert, Arthur E., St. Paul Groth, Cora M., Saint Ansgar, Iowa Guinn, Mary M., Duluth Hodgaon, Almeda, Bird Island Horne, Fyvie R., Luverne Janes, Eddis E., Hayfield Kelley, Frances E., Minneapolis Liedl, Eleanor, Minneapolis Lipschutz, Morris K., Minneapolis McBroom, Myrtle E., Hutchinson McKeehan, Mrs. L. W., Minneapolis Nellermoe, Otto D., Minneapolis Nelson, Gladys M., Minneapolis Nelson, Lillian E., Minneapolis Orth, Freda E., Lidgerwood, N. D. Pluto, Louis J., Long Prairie Raymond, Emmett A., Winona Sims, Helen D., Little Falls Smiley, Proctor K., Kellogg Steel, Harry J., Mankato Thorstad, Gladys M., Wahkon \Vallace, Alberto A., Valley City, N. D. Ward, Zoe M., Glenwood Whaley, Frances, St. Paul Young, Katherine G., Minneapolis JUNIORS–40 Aho, Leonard, Two Harbors Bozarth, Harriett, Cedar Falls, Iowa Darling, Margaret H., Minneapolis Deloria, Ruth E., Iron River, Mich. Derdowska, Harriet, Winona Dobie, Joseph J., Mapleton Ek, Frances S., St. Paul FitzSimmons, Mary, Minneapolis Franklin, Mabel L., Minneapolis Grasby, Alma, Houston Graves, Ethel G., Rice Haley, Hazel, Hibbing Hawkinson, Anna V., Harris Husband, Ivy C., Watertown, Johnson, Gladys, Buhl Johnson, Henry A., Willmar Joyce, Loraine E., St. Paul Joyner, Taylor M., St. Cloud Kellerhals, May L. E., Minneapolis Kleist, Esther E., St. Paul an S. D. Lysen, J. Eugene, Lowry McKnight, Lucile, Rochester Mace, Gage, Mankato Main, Mabel F., Harcourt, Iowa Meigs, Jerusha G., St. Cloud Moore, Helen M., Minneapolis Moosbrugger, Elmire, St. Paul Murnik, Beatrice, Eveleth O’Brien, Ruth, Duluth Ober, Marguerite F., Minneapolis Patton, Dorothy I., Duluth Reidenger, Leone, East Chain Rist, Lewis M. B., Algona, Iowa Runsvold, Matilda E., Two Harbors Thorstad, Francis, Wheaton Lynderwood, Ruth E., Minneapolis Vest, Florence, St. Paul Widell, Elizabeth S., St. Paul \ Will, Lucy, Minneapolis Wood, Archie F., Long Prairie UN CLASSED–123 .\dams, Ruth, Mt. Viei e, Okla. Aldrich, Mrs. Bettie M., Minneapolis Aldrich, Malcolm, Minneapolis Anderson, F. Lucille, Minneapolis Barney, Edith M., Minneapolis Bennett, Muriel, Minneapolis Blandin, Adolph A., St. Paul Boquist, Harold S., Minneapolis Bowser, Myrtle, St. Paul Buechler, Elsie M., Minneapolis Burmingham, Percy J., Hopkins Burns, Mrs. Louise H., Preston Burns, Maria, St. Paul Chaline, Edith J., Minneapolis Chandler, Floyd A., Minneapolis Channon, Julia H., Rock Island, Ill. Chapin, Alice C., Eden, Mich. Chapman, Madge, Minneapolis Christensen, May, Minneapolis Christie, Blanche, Alexandria Conary, Helen B., Minneapolis Connell, Mary E., Waterville Dahle, Astrid P., Starbuck Daly, Elizabeth B., St. Paul Deming, Norma H., Minneapolis Diederich, Rose C., St. Paul Dwyer, Elizabeth, Minneapolis Eayrs, Helen F., Minneapolis Emery, Marion G., St. Paul Emery, Rhoda J., Douglas Emmel, Dorcas P., Minneapolis Erb, Nellie M., Minneapolis STUDENTS, 1916-17 199 Farley, Mary B., St. Paul Fitzgerald, Caroline A., Minneapolis Fitzpatrick, Lucy, Minneapolis Fitzpatrick, Mary, Minneapolis Flahavan, Frances, Minneapolis Ford, Antoinette E., St. Paul Fredrickson, Margaret F., St. Paul Gerry, Leila E., Minneapolis Ginsberg, Annie, St. Paul Ginsberg, Daisy, St. Paul Goldberg, Florence R., Minneapolis Grant, Mary J., St. Paul Hamstreet, W. Earl, Minneapolis Haney, Elizabeth N., Minneapolis Hardaker, E. J., Minneapolis Hart, Mabel R., Minneapolis Hatz, Anna B., Bangor, Wis. Hatz, Rose, Minneapolis Hawkins, Stella C., River Falls, Wis. Hays, Ada S., Attica, Ind. Hazleton, Lydia L., Minneapolis Hilder, Fannie E., St. Cloud Hill, Pauline V., St. Paul Horr, Edith M., Minneapolis Hughes, Maragaret E., Houston Hurlburt, Frances L., Minneapolis Janson, Wilford S., Minneapolis Jonas, Meta M., La Crosse, Wis. Kelley, Evie F., Minneapolis Kerr, Adah L., Minneapolis King, Julia E., Minneapolis Langvick, Clara G., Richville Langvick, Emma M., Richville Larson, Helen I., St. Paul Leonard, Mary, St. Paul Lewis, Mabel N., St. Paul Lieb, Laura W., Minneapolis Lien, Clara G., River Falls, Wis. Lillegren, Damaris E., Minneapolis Lommen, Georgina, Caledonia McGinnis, Bert B., Minneapolis McGuire, Sarah E., Minneapolis McMahon, Catherine C., Faribault McPhee, Maurietta K., Minneapolis Macdonell, B. Hazel, St. Paul Magnusson, Jennie M., Templeton, Cal Martin, Blanche, Waterloo, Iowa Meek, Mabel F., Waterloo, Iowa Miller, O. H., Minneapolis Mooney, Edward A., Minneapolis Murphy, Theresa, Anoka Newell, Margaret M., Morris O’Keefe, Timothy, Elysian Olsen, Carolyne, St. Paul Ostvik, Ole K., Northfield Owen, Gertrude B., Dodgeville, Wis. Payette, Charles T., Minneapolis Perkins, Alfred G., St. Paul Quail, Margaret, Minneapolis Randall, Ada M., Minneapolis Randall, Grace A., Owatonna Ray, Rosalie E., Minneapolis Richards, Mary B., Painesdale, Mich. Rohweder, Gertrude R., Winona Rush, Alice G., Watseha, Ill. Russell, Jean, Minneapolis Ryberg, Anna B., Kenyon Schanfeld, Sarah, Minneapolis Shaw, Gertrude J., Racine, Wis. Simon, Clara J., St. Paul Simon, Ellen M., St. Paul Smith, Alice M., Detroit, Mich. Smith, Frances M., Minneapolis Stevenson, Ida A., Minneapolis Swift, Mercedes, St. Paul Talbot, Georgina, St. Paul Thompson, Mildred, Minneapolis Tibbetts, L. Isabel, Minneapolis Tillisch, Mary A., Minneapolis Tisdale, Julia C., St. Paul Underwood, Alice, Minneapolis Underwood, Elizabeth, Minneapolis Van Tuyl, Ruth, Minneapolis Wasmus, Beulah J., St. Paul Webert, Florence C., Minneapolis Wells, C. Lucille, St. Paul White, Carrie A., Woodstock, Vt. Wilson, Claire L., Minneapolis Wolfsberg, May E., Minneapolis Woodward, M. Myrtle, Minneapolis Young, Marie T., Minneapolis THE UNIVERSITY SUMMER SESSION, 1916—1,068 Aas, Sven A., Minneapolis Adams, Arlon T., St. Paul Albrecht, Gladys, Minneapolis Alexander, Frnest R., St. Paul Alexander, Wanda, Mińneapolis Allen, Florence C., Hector Allen, Harriet, St. Paul Allen, Hazel, Bemidji Allum, Ralph D., Peoria, Ill. Alseen, Myrtle F., Minneapolis Alterton, Margaret, Minneapolis Alton, Mayce M., River Falls, Wis. Alverson, Miles C., Minneapolis Amery, Frances, St. Paul Ames, June, St. Paul Park Andersen, Anna H., Virginia Anderson, Arthur C., St. Paul Anderson, Arthur L., St. Paul Anderson, Bert G., I.itchfield Anderson, Cecelia, Green Rav, Wis. 200 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Anderson, J. Arthur, Hinckley Anderson, Mabel, Minneapolis Anderson, Margaret, Minneapolis Anderson, Mary, Hutchinson Anderson, Ruth A., Minneapolis Anderson, Ruth G., Minneapolis Andrews, Mary E., Minneapolis Angst, Anna, Minneapolis Anthistle, Harry, St. Paul Anvid, Anna M., Blackduck Appel, Livia, St. Paul Arness, Ole J., Minneapolis Arnold, Almon A., Stillwater, Okla. Arnguist, H. Willet, Hudson, Wis. Arper, Helen C., St. Paul Arries, Alta M., Crookston Arvidson, Carl G., Minneapolis Ash, Ralph E., Wendell Athan, Mary E., Woodstock Atherton, Ned, Worthington Atwood, Perry M., Tower Aydt, Erna, St. Paul Babcock, Willoughby M., Jr., Minne- apolis Babcock, Mrs. W. M., Minneapolis Baer, Bessie T., Baraboo, Wis. Pakalyar, George, Lakefield Baker, Arthur, Deer River Baldwin, Grace, Minneapolis Baldwin, Ines D. S., Willmar * Ballard, Grace, St. Paul Bank, Lena, Minneapolis Bannach, Frances C., Stevens Point, Wis. Barker, Georgia M., Menomonie, Wis. Barker, Grace, Minneapolis * Barker, Helen, Minneapolis Barnhart, Elizabeth, Minneapolis Barrows, Vera F., Herman Bartlette, Mrs. Barbara H., St. Paul Barton, Mrs. Flora R., Minneapolis Bassford, M. Hannah, St. Paul Bau, Chingling, China Pausman, Clarence C., Minneapolis Bausman, Julia, Faribault Pecking, Ella, Fairmount Bell, Charles E., Minneapolis Pell, Jane E., Minneapolis Bell, Stella M., Luverne Bemis, Lillian, St. Paul Park Bernhardt, Genevieve, Minneapolis Beyer, Annie E., Lake Benton Reyer, Helene M., Lake Benton Beyer, Stelca, Lake Benton Tezanson, Edith E., Minneapolis Bird, Mrs. Kathlyn, Mound Rirkeland, Olav, McIntosh Birnberg, Isabel R., St. Paul Bishoff, Kittie, Ashland, Wis. Black, Ethel, Rushmore Blackstone, Jessie, Anaconda, Mont. Blake, Dorothy C., Minneapolis Blanchard, Margaret A., Farmington Blase, Esther M., St. Paul Blaustone, Henry, Minneapolis Blender, Norman W., St. Paul Bliss, Marian, Annandale Boardman, V. E., Eveleth Boehnlein, Charles, Minneapolis Bohen, Florence M., Minneapolis Bolin, Hazel, Minneapolis Boltz, Edith, St. Paul Bomsta, Harriet E., Vancouver, B. C. Bond, Charles V., Morgan Booth, Bert A., Mountain, N. D. Boothroyd, Ralph H., Hanley Falls Bosserman, Homer L., Minneapolis Bosworth, William R., Mapleton Botvidson, Clarence E., Calumet, Mich. Bouchard, Amelia, New Ulm Bouness, Hazel, Minneapolis Boutelle, Fred W., Minneapolis Bowe, Lorena, Northfield Boxeth, Thora, Seattle, Wash. Boxrud, Alf M., Madison Boyd, Hattie M., St. Charles Boyle, John M., Winthrop Boyson, Sadie B., Minneapolis Brackett, Constance E., Ismay, Mont. Brackett, Mrs. Mary M., Minneapolis Bradley, Idella, Tenstrike Branae, Caroline, Glenwood Breden, Peter L., Hills Breed, Ella M., Minneapolis Bresnahan, Anna, Lanesboro Bresnahan, Catherine, Lanesboro Brevig, Olav N., Rothsay Brewsaugh, Geraldine V., Superior, Wis. Briggs, Mabel, Dodge Center Broberg, Agnes, Blue Earth Brohaugh, Gustave C., Washington, D. C. Brohaugh, George O., Kenyon Brohaugh, Mrs. Julia R., Kenyon Prohaugh, R. Luella, Shelly Broker, Florence, Minneapolis Brom, Joseph J., Plato Brook, Harley M., Minneapolis Bros, Raymond, Minneapolis Brose, Leonore L., Luverne Brosius, Ernest J., Minneapolis Prown, Iva M., Milnor, N. D. Brown, Mary C., Stephen Brown, Rebecca R., Duluth Brown, Sedate M., Albert Lea Brunstad, Mabel, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Pryan, Marie E., Minneapolis Bryan, Nellie G., Rochester STUDENTS, 1916-17 201 Iłuck, Wesley V., Des Moines, Iowa Buffington, Gilbert, Stillwater Burgess, Harold O., St. Paul Burgoyne, Mary E., Albert Lea Burgstahler, Edith E., Buffalo Lake Burke, Ruth A., Minneapolis Burmeister, Marie E., New Ulm Burns, Mrs. Louise H., Preston Burns, Maria M., St. Paul Burwell, John H., Hastings Bush, Cora B., Northfield Busian, Zella, Minneapolis Buswell, Oliver, Minneapolis Cadoff, Lillian M., Minneapolis Calkins, Mrs. Bertha F., Green Bay, Wis. Camp, Frances, West Union, Iowa Campbell, Blanche E., Winona Campbel1, Mary K., Minneapolis Cannell, Lillian, Bartlett, Kan. Carlson, Bernice F., Minneapolis Carlson, Jessie, Syre Carlson, Mathilda S., Minneapolis Carlton, Ella, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Carney, Clara K., Minneapolis Carney, Mabel, Minneapolis Carney, Oscar L., Minneapolis Carr, Mary, Minneapolis Carter, Mildred, St. Paul Carufel, Abigail, Minneapolis Cassel, Carl V. E., St. Peter Cassilly, Geraldine, St. Paul Cavanaugh, William J., Duluth Caylor, L. R., Kimball Chambers, Edward G., Owatonna Chandler, Floyd A., Minneapolis Chase, Ellen M., Minneapolis Chisholm, Blanche M., Fargo, N. D. . Christensen, Edgar W., Little Falls Christensen, George C., Robbinsdale Christianson, Emma M., Stanley, Wis. Christianson, Harry W., Belgrade Christie, Ruth, Austin Christilaw, George M., Glenwood Christofferson, Emily, St. Paul Churchill, Asa G., Minneapolis Clancy, Catherine, Minneapolis Clarke, George B., Minneapolis Claussen, Clara M., St. Paul Clefton, Herbert E., Owatonna Cochrane, Paul S., Long Prairie Coffin, Isa, Minneapolis Colahan, Irene, Minneapolis Collins, Margaret, Minneapolis Condon, Florence, St. Paul Condon, Ormond, Minneapolis Condy, Pearl H., Minneapolis Connell, Mary, Winona Cooper, Edna, Oelwein, Iowa Cooper, Marie, Minneapolis Copeland, Genevieve, Iroquois, S. D. Corcoran, John J., Reedsburg, Wis. Corson, Benjamin I., Stillwater Cotton, Ernest H., Rochester Coudich, Daniel, St. Paul Craig, David S., Minneapolis Cribbs, H. E., St. Paul Crim, Grace, Estherville, Iowa Croft, Elmer J., Minneapolis Cronan, Esther, Minneapolis Cross, Laura B., St. Paul Crow, Earl R., Walker Crowley, Jane, Minneapolis Cummins, Lulu, Aberdeen, S. D. Cupp, Wanda H., Mora Curry, Ezra B., St. Paul Cuzner, Fay, Minneapolis Cuzner, Hazel, Minneapolis Dahlby, Albert J., St. Paul Dalager, O. Gerhard, Lake Paik Daly, Walter A., St. Paul Daniels, Elmer A., Minneapolis Daniels, Mary L., Minneapolis Davidson, Emma L., Riceville, Iowa Davis, Gennette C., Minneapolis Davis, Maud C., Long Prairie de Camp, Malvina, Minneapolis Deinard, Amos S., Minneapolis Deinard, Benedict S., Minneapolis De Long, Leo R., Bellingham Denning, George G., Section Thirty Devine, Sadie, Albert Lea Devitt, Catherine M., St. Paul Dickey, Eliza D., Wayzata Dickinson, Sherman, Minneapolis Didriksen, Philip H., Minneapolis Dieken, Anna, Minneapolis Dills, May H., Minneapolis Dinsmore, Eda, St. Croix Falls, Wis. Dittrich, Raymond J., New Ulm Dix, Mary B. D., Jefferson City, Mo. Doane, F. Wayne, Plainview Dolliff, Roger, Redwood Falls Donohue, Philip S., St. Paul Dorenkamper, Elizabeth, Lismore Dosdall, Louise T., St. Paul Dowd, Evangeline, Lansing Downing, Ellison W., Winona Doyle, Mary C., St. Paul Dresser, Myron A., Minneapolis Drohan, Gertrude, Minneapolis Dufwa, Thamar E., Pelan Dulaney, Anna D., Slater, Mo. Dunn, Helen C., St. Paul Dunning, Ruth, St. Paul Durkin, John, Duluth T)vorak, August, Glencoe Dvorak, Benjamin O., New Prague Dwan, Charles W., Two Harbors 202 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Dyer, Ethel E., Bingham Lake Dykman, Howard, Minneapolis Eaton, Bessie E., Keams Canon, Ariz. Ebert, Michael H., St. Paul Eckman, Lawrence R., New London Ecton, Henry L., Minneapolis Edgerton, Bessie E., Minneapolis Edlund, Elsie E., Minneapolis Edlund, Gustaf, St. Paul Edsall, Samuel H., Minneapolis Edwards, Gueladys M., Lake Crystal Egan, Margaret, St. Paul Egeland, Bart. M., Minneapolis Eilers, Mrs. Sara E., Minneapolis Ekelund, Clifford T., St. Paul Elfmann, William H., Lake Crystal Eliassen, Sigurd, Norway Ellestad, Irwin M., Lanesboro Ellingsen, Will E., Duluth Elliott, Ethel, Minneapolis Ellis, A. Clyde, Minneapolis Ellis, Xenia M., Forest City, Iowa Embertson, Emma J., Henning Emerson, Byron T., Minneapolis Emery, Grace, Pine Island , Emmel, Dorcas, Minneapolis Emmons, Mrs. Virginia C., Minneapolis Empie, Josie, Ottumwa, Iowa Enches, Helen G., Minneapolis Engebretson, Arthur E., Lake Park Engelbert, Elmer E., Bronson Englund, Esther, Jordan Finglund, Walter E., Ely Erickson, Henning L., St. Cloud Erickson, John L., Canby Erickson, Mabel, Hastings Erickson, Ogda, Litchfield Ericson, Agnes, Anoka Espeseth, lngeborg, Battle Lake Evans, Blodwen, Mankato Evans, Ella A., Montevideo Eveslage, Ben F., Melrose Ewald, Robert P., Brownton Eyler, Godfrey, Minneapolis Fallon, Madeline, Hutchinson Farley, Liguori, Minneapolis Farmer, John, Minneapolis Farnam, Laura, Minneapolis Farnquist, William C., Minneapolis Fawell, Robert, Hot Springs, S. D. Felien, Arthur S., Cannon Falls Fenstermacher, Louise, Minneapolis Ferris, W. C., Crookston Fieldhouse, William R., Minneapolis Fiero, Low E., Mankato Filberg, Augusta, Sherburn Finn, Beatryce, Minneapolis Fishback, Alta F., Arcola, Ill. Fitzgerald, Mary Z., Hartford, Wis. Flagg, Alice A., Minneapolis Fleenor, Leonard A., Hopkins Flood, Ida M., River Falls, Wis. Foley, Irene M., Minneapolis Ford, Antoinette E., St. Paul Ford, Frances A., Minneapolis Ford, Mabel, Stewartville Fowler, Cora E., Eldorado Springs, Mo. Frankforter, Clarence J., Lincoln, Neb. Franklin, Emanuel O., Minneapolis Fraser, George, St. Paul Freedman, Mark, Minneapolis Friedl, Irene M., Gibbon Friesen, J. John, Mountain Lake Fritsche, Dorothy, Minneapolis Frye, Jeannette K., Minneapolis Gadbois, Mable F., Minneapolis Gall, Alice, White Bear Lake Gallagher, Edith, St. Joseph, Mo. Garber, Ralph J., Gibson City, Ill. Gardner, Alice, Minneapolis Gardner, Frances M., Minneapolis Garrett, Nellie A., St. Paul Garvey, Florence M., Minneapolis Gauger, Ray R., St. Paul Gauthier, Louis, Virginia Gavin, John F., Northome Gearey, Verne S., St. Paul Gebhard, Lilah, St. Paul Gedney, Matt, Minneapolis Geer, Milton A., Alexandria Geraghty, Bridget, St. Paul Gerow, Theron G., Minneapolis Gibson, Isabel, St. Paul Giddings, Guida, Minneapolis Gillette, Mrs. Adelaide R., Minneapolis Gilpin, Mary F., Alexandria Ginsberg, Annie, St. Paul Glaessner, Fredericke, Minneapolis Gleason, Mary F., Portland, Ore. Gleason, Theresa, Stevens Point, Wis. Gloege, Arthur J., Bellingham Gloor, Arnold, Mound Glorvick, Melfin O., Northfield Goldsmith, Hertha, St. Paul Gooch, Mabel, Ellsworth Gorman, Alice, St. Paul Gracie, Ralph D., Bemidji Graham, Minnie T., St. Paul Grangaard, Olga, Waukon, Iowa Grass, Mrs. Alice M., Slayton Graves, Helen, Minneapolis Gray, William A., Hibbing Green, Anna B., Sleepy Eye Greenberg, Maybelle, St. Paul Greene, Lawrence W., Le Sueur Greenwald, Merry G., Minneapolis STUDENTS, 1916-17 203 Gregoly, V. John, Minneapolis Griffin, John F., St. Paul Grimes, Emma E., Minneapolis Grimes, Myrtie B., Le Sueur Grodnick, Sam, Milwaukee, Wis. Gruenhagen, Arnold P., St. Paul Guillemette, Joseph H., Minneapolis Gundershaug, J. N., Willmar Guthormsen, Anna, Neenah, Wis. Guy, Flora M., Minneapolis Guy, Josephine, Minneapolis IIaas, M. Loretta, St. Paul |Haertel, Walter, Minneapolis Haley, Ambrose T., Minneapolis Hall, Mabel N., Fairmont Hallberg, Ethel, Minneapolis Halvorsen, Josephine M., Minneapolis Hamilton, Mark F., Minneapolis Hammond, Nellie, Lake City Hansen, Edna R., Harmony Hanson, Anna T., Duluth IIanson, Elizabeth M., Grove City Hanson, Hilda, Iola, Wis. Hanson, Nellie, Sleepy Eye Hargrave, G. D., Waterville Harper, Harry D., Aitkin Harrington, Frances, Minneapolis Harrington, Halsey, Minneapolis Harvey, Ruth M., Farmington Hauser, Emil, Minneapolis Hauser, Ludwig J., Minneapolis Haverstock, Helen C., Minneapolis Hawkinson, Amy, Stillwater Hawley, Maurice E., Winona Hawlik, Henry, Silver Lake Haynes, Manley H., Minneapolis Healy, Barbara, Minneapolis Healy, Kenneth C., Mankato Healy, Mabel L., Langford, S. D. Heath, Neva, Hastings Heins, Leona M., Le Sueur Helgeson, Gail P., Litchfield Hellesen, Ellen H., Denver, Colo. Hellner, Anna M., Oxford, Neb. Hellner, Emma, St. Paul Helmick, Caroline, Minneapolis Helms, Lillian, Excelsior Helstein, Minnie, Minneapolis Henry, Myron O., Minneapolis Hensel, Anna D., St. Pete Herber, Myron, Germany Herrick, Hazel, Minneapolis Hicks, John, St. Paul Highberg, Esther M., St. Peter Hightshoe, Luella, Hedrick, Iowa Hilder, Fannie E., St. Cloud Hillary, Mabelle, Hopkins Hills, Edythe M., Minneapolis Hirshfield, Frank R., Minneapolis Hoegh, Harry, Mantorville Hoge, Marie, St. Paul Hognason, Johanna, Minneapolis Holen, Norman A., Minneapolis Holmes, Bernt G., St. Peter Holt, Agnes, Minneapolis Holt, Hazel A., Minneapolis Holt, Hazel E., Rochester Holter, S. Benjamin, Red Wing Holton, Ezra D., Elgin Holzheid, Sophie, White Bear Holzschuh, Rita, Minneapolis Homstad, Leila E., Wheaton Hoppock, Eleanor, Minneapolis Horton, Mabel E., Minneapolis Horwitz, Aaron, Minneapolis Hough, Helen E., St. Paul Houston, Frank L., Plentywood, Mont. How, Mary W., St. Paul Howard, Merrill A., Minneapolis Hubbell, Edna L., St. Paul Huey, Harold, Minneapolis Hudec, Marie A., Silver Lake Hughes, Catherine M., Minneapolis Hull, Maurice B., Marshalltown, Iowa Hulstrand, Arthur, Hibbing Hult, George A., Minneapolis Hunn, Fannie, Maiden Rock Hunt, Florence, St. Paul Huntley, Gertrude, Rush City Hurd, Harold R., Minneapolis Hurley, A. Cleo, Minneapolis, IIutchings, Fern B., Sleepy Eye Hutchinson, Winslow, Hutchinson Kan. Hutchinson, Isabel, Alexandria Huus, Randolph, Northfield Hynes, Aileen, St. Paul Ingberg, Albert, Hendrum Ingvalson, Edward C., Lanesboro Irle, Maud, Star Prairie, Wis. Irwin, Frances, Minneapolis Jack, Helen, Minneapolis Jacobs, Judith, Northfield Jaeger, Edgar M., Minneapolis Janes, Eddis E., Hayfield Jechlinger, Frances, St. Paul Jenkins, Philip J., Minneapolis Jenness, Gladys, Minneapolis Jensen, Mary C., Litchfield Jepson, Beatl ice, Minneapolis Jepson, Florence, Minneapolis John, Edward O., St. Paul Johnson, Albert W., Iona Johnson, Amil, Clear Lake, Wis. Johnson, Anna M., St. Paul Johnson, Carolyn A., St. Paul Johnson, Conrad G., Duluth 204 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Johnson, Edward F., Middle River Johnson, Ernest W., Larimore, N. D. Johnson, Esther M., Alexandria Johnson, Frank B., St. Paul Johnson, Harry B., Rosebud, Mont. Johnson, Henry A., Willmar Johnson, Horace E., Minneapolis Johnson, Mrs. W. C., Minneapolis Johnston, Florence D., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Jones, Anna R., Minneapolis Jones, Elizabeth L., Minneapolis Jones, Eva, Blue Earth Jones, Mrs. Kate M., Faribault Jones, Minnie M., American Falls, Idaho Jules, Florence, Minneapolis Kadesky, David, Aberdeen, S. D. Karstad, Luella, Nicollet Kasiska, William H., Baraboo, Wis. Kavanagh, Maude, Durand, Wis. Kavel, Harry W., Minneapolis Kavli, W., Minneapolis Keefe, Agnes, St. Paul Keefe, Anna, Omaha, Neb. Keenan, Addie M., Austin Kelley, Frances E., Minneapolis Kelly, Margaret H., St. Paul Kelting, Aubrey N., Minneapolis Kendall, Mrs. Minnie J., Hector Kennedy, Ella F., St. Paul Kennedy, Thomas F., St. Paul Kennicott, Robert H., Minneapolis Kennison, Leon D., Minneapolis Kent, Ronald W., Minneapolis Kibbe, Delia E., New Richmond Kimball, Eva, R., Minneapolis Kimball, Martha L., Minneapolis King, Bessie, Minneapolis King, Harry T., Minneapolis King, Luella M., Stewartville Kitzmann, Francis R., Faribault Klemer, Ruth K., Faribault Klippstein, Elsa V., Wabasha Knowles, Amos E., Vincennes, Ind. Knudson, Anne, Minneapolis Kohl, Mathilda, St. Peter Kosmoski, Pelagia, Owatonna Kozitza, Rose M., Mapleton Kraemer, Charles M., Minneapolis Kranz, Daisy M., Crookston Kraushaar, Rudolph W., Waverly, Iowa Krough, Sara, Mora Krueger, R. G., St. Paul FCruse, Elsa, Minneapolis Fuehn, Louise, Minneapolis Kunzi, Hazel, Minneapolis Labbitt, Ray W., St. Paul LaBossiere, Cecelia, St. Paul LaCroix, Merrill, St. Peter Lane, Thomas, St. Paul Langford, William R., St. Paul Langtry, Monica, Minneapolis Langvick, Emma M., Richville Langvick, Mina, Richville Lapierre, Arthur P., Minneapolis Larsen, Ernest L., Willmar Larson, Helen I., St. Paul Larson, Robert C., St. Paul Lee, Orrin, St. Paul Leet, Clara B., Conneaut, Ohio Lehmann, Grace E., St. Paul Lehmann, Hattie E., Crookston Lenz, Luella B., Minneapolis Leonard, Mary, St. Paul Lerner, Polly M., Minneapolis Lewandowski, Edward H., Minne- apolis Lewis, Carroll E., Long Prairie Lewis, Jennie E., St. Paul Lewis, Sarah, St. Paul Liddle, Frank M., Hastings Linden, Henning, Minneapolis Linnihan, John, Waseca Livingston, Guy S., Park Rapids Lobdell, Frances, Minneapolis Loemans, Emma M., Minneapolis Lommen, Georgina, Caledonia London, Leah, Minneapolis Longfellow, Grace M., Minneapolis Loiselle, Erminie, St. Paul Lovig, Mrs. Emma A., Sioux City, Iowa Lowe, Mollie, River Falls, Wis. Loye, Edwin M., Minneapolis Iludwig, Ezra, Minneapolis Lufkin, Bernadine, St. Paul Luger, Irving J., Minneapolis Lunde, Agathe, Minneapolis Lundholm, Edward F., St. Paul Lundquist, Alma, Duluth Lundquist, Josie, Minneapolis Luplow, Walter D., Cottonwood Lutz, Imogene, Akeley Lyford, Florence, Winthrop Lynch, Bessie, Staples Lynch, Elinor W., St. Paul Lynch, Nellie L., Crawfordsville, Ind. Lynch, Rachael, St. Paul Lyon, Ethel, Plainview Lyons, Mae L., Minneapolis McArthur, Laura J., Minneapolis McCabe, Margaret N., Deer Lodge, Mont. McCarthy, Louis A., Minneapolis McClellan, Lucia, Minneapolis McCormack, Katherine B., Minneapolis STUDENTS, 1916-17 205 McCoy, Alice, Minneapolis McCoy, Ira C., Chokio McCusker, A. Joseph, Minneapolis MacDonald, Mercedes, St. Paul McGilra, Donald B., Minneapolis : McGovern, Mayme, Mankato McGreaham, Inez, Shawano, Wis. McGrorty, Geraldine, St. Paul McIntire, Julia M., St. Paul MacKechnie, Frances, Minneapolis McKenzie, Lenard F., Adrian McKernan, Teresa J., Minneapolis McKinley, J. Charnley, Minneapolis' McLachlin, Irma, Hunter, N. D. McLachlin, Leslie C., Hunter, N. D. McLeod, John R., Minneapolis McQueen, Jessie, Mapleton McWithy, Reid, Rock Creek Macdonald, Flora J., St. Paul Macdonald, Jessie, St. Paul Macfarlane, Anna H., Duluth Mackeen, Helen A., Minneapolis Madera, Erma, Lyle Madigan, Mark, Maple Lake Magnusson, Jennie, Minneapolis Maier, M. Agnes, Minneapolis Maier, Theresa, Minneapolis Maland, Cora, Rushford Malmstrom, Axel L., Marquette, Mich. * Manion, Louis J., River Falls, Wis. Mann, Harriett E., Kansas City, Mo. Manning, J. Howard, Bathgate, N. D. Mantta, Jacob, Hancock, Mich. Mara, Samuel G., Delano Mareck, Alice, Minneapolis Markham, Burt A., Alma City Markson, Orrin, Owatonna Markus, benjamin, Keewatin Marsch, Adelaide, Wabasha Marshall, Donald E., Red Lake Falls Marshall, Walter J., Serena, Ill. Martin, Lulu, Excelsior Martin, Martha S., St. Paul Mason, Adelaide, Minneapolis Mason, Harold C., Somerset, Wis. Mason, Rebecca H., Minneapolis Mattison, Anna M., St. Paul Mattison, Claire L., St. Paul Mattson, Chester J., Excelsior Matzner, Eric M., New York City Maxwell, Bertram W., Minneapolis Maxwell, Olive L., St. Paul Mayer, Frank A., Minneapolis Mealey, Ethel, Minneapolis Meany, Elizabeth, Rose Creek Melcher, Cora J., Minneapolis Melcher, Mary, Salida, Colo. Melendy, Avalin, Plainview Mellem, Ethel, St. Paul Meredith, Lucile, Minneapolis Merrill, Dorothy S., Minneapolis Metz, Lina, Ottumwa, Iowa Michaelson, L. Mathilde, Minneapolis Mickelsen, Stanley R., St. Paul Miles, Calista M., Minneapolis Miller, Jane S., St. Paul Miller, Jay W., Mitchell, S. D. Miller, Loana M., Nome, Alaska Miller, Mathilda, Whittemore, Iowa Muller, Maude J., St. Paul Miller, Oliver H., Minneapolis Miller, Virginia, Austin, Texas Millhouse, Edwin C., Minneapolis Mills, Julia, Minneapolis Mills, Marjorie, Minneapolis Mitchell, Lottie, Minneapolis Moffat, George N., Minneapolis Montgomery, Herbert L., Minneapolis Moonan, Grace, Waseca Mooney, Edward A., Duluth Moran, Thomas A., Osseo Morehead, Oliver J., Wessington Springs, S. D. Morehouse, Mrs. Leah, Minneapolis Moriarty, Mary, St. Paul Moriette, Gladys, Minneapolis Morrison, Kathryn, Minneapolis Morrissey, Dorothy, St. Paul Morse, Minerva, Minneapolis Moser, Gertrude C., Robbinsdale Mosford, Alice M., Clear Lake Moule, Harvey, Mason City, Iowa Moynahan, Frances, Minneapolis Muench, Joseph F., Mountain Iron Muller, Carl C., Gibbon Munson, Anna, Kenyon Murdock, Mrs. Agnes, Alv wood Murnik, Beatrice, Eveleth Murnik, Mrs. J. J., Eveleth Murphy, Anna L., Minneapolis Murphy, Mary L., Minneapolis VIurray, May, Minneapolis Myhre, O. O., Minneapolis Myrah, Esther, Spring Grove Naundorf, Rosa, Minneapolis Nearpass, Homer L., Anoka Nelson, Grace I., Minneapolis Nelson, Lillian E., Minneapolis Nelson, Mabel O., Cloquet Nelson, Philip M., Chetek, Wis. Nelson, Sena C., Flasher, N. D. Nelson, Theresa, Hastings Nerad, Anton H., Austin Ney, B. Irene, Glencoe Nicklas, Mabel F., Minneapolis Nicolai, Elizabeth M., Montevideo Nikodym, Alouise, Hopkins 206 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Niles, Katherine, Minneapolis Nilsen, Frida, Northfield Nippert, Louise, St. Paul Nisbit, Jane, Rochester Nobbs, Arthur H., St. Paul Noble, Lucile, Minneapolis Nolan, Helen E., St. Paul Nolan, Margaret M., St. Paul Noll, Alfred J., Bigstone City, S. D. Norris, William K., Minneapolis Nye, Ellen S., Minneapolis Nyquist, Anna N., Eagle Lake O’Brien, Mrs. Joan D., Minneapolis O’Connell, John F., Minneapolis O’Connell, Mary, La Crosse, O’Connor, Agnes, Minneapolis O’Halloran, Frances, Chatfield O’Keefe, Timothy, Elysian Oberg, Grace, Center City Oberg, Mabel, Minneapolis Oldenburg, Paul H., Montgomery Olson, Anna, Litchfield Olson, Emma, Duluth Olson, Frank O., Mitchell, S. D. Olson, Hilda, Duluth Olson, Valborg T., Minneapolis Oredalen, Olina, Kenyon Orendorff, Alta, Randolph, Ill. Ortman, Florence, Morris Ortman, Mildred, Morris Osborn, Henry L., St. Paul Ostby, Aslack J., Minneapolis Ostedt, J. H., St. Paul Ostrander, Janie, Spring Valley Owen, Amos D., Minneapolis Owen, Marguerite, Minneapolis Painter, D. H., Minneapolis Palmer, C. Foster, Albert Lea Pan, Wen-ping, China Papenthien, Roy O., Minneapolis Paquette, Peter M., Waubun Parker, Frances P., Newport Patchin, Nelle, Wyocena, Wis. Patton, Edwin J., St. Paul Paulson, Earl B., Minneapolis Paulson, Emma, Two Harbors Pavek, William J., New Prague Payette, Charles T., Minneapolis Pearson, Albert E., Long Prairie Pearson, Fritz R., Hudson, Wis. Pecholt, Charles F., Sanborn Peck, Edna C., Memphis, Mich. Pederson, O. Edward, Minneapolis Pehoushek, Elizabeth V., Minneapolis Peirce, Mabel J., Faribault Pellatt, Amy, Minneapolis Peoples, John S., St. Paul Perkins, Nelline, Pine Island Pei ry, J. W., Eagle Bend Wis. Peterson, Atry H., Eveleth Peterson, Victor C., St. Peter e Petri, Franklin, Minneapolis Petrich, Ida B., Plainview Petfie, Roy A., Deer Creek Petry, Noah E., Berthold, N. D. Picha, Benjamin, St. Paul Pierce, Elizabeth B., Minneapolis Pierce, Harriet, St. Paul Pierce, Helen M., Minneapolis Pinkerton, Laura, Glenwood Piper, Gertrude, Minneapolis Plummer, Winnie, Minneapolis Pluto, Louis J., Long Prairie Poole, Gladys, Truman Powell, Knox A., Minneapolis Prendergast, Harold J., St. Paul Prendergast, Katherine, St. Paul Prest, Marion, St. Paul Price, Mrs. Ilaura S., Preston Probst, Ella, Minneapolis Proshek, H. Frank, New Prague Prudden, Earl D., St. Paul Putnam, Alice E., Blue Earth Pyne, Mrs. Agnes, St. Peter Quigley, Margaret, Butte, Mont. Quigley, Mary L., Butte, Mont. Quinlan, M. Adele, St. Paul Radebaugh, Grace, Minneapolis Randall, Ada M., Minneapolis Randall, Larcom, St. Paul Randall, Laura, Bald Eagle Lake Rankin, Elizabeth, Warren Rasmussen, Einar, Minneapolis Raugland, Arnold I., Minneapolis Rawlings, Carlos V., Minneapolis Rawlings, Mabel, Minncapolis Reetz, Otto A., Bloomer, Wis. Reeve, Ethel B., Washington, Ind. Reich, Hattie E., Springfield, Mo. Reid, Mabel E., Red Wing Reid, Mary F., Canada Reinertsen, S. G., Lake Mills, Iowa Reinhold, Charles O., Northampton, Pa. Relf, Kenneth A., St. Paul Remund, Arthur C., Weatherford, Okla. Reu, Albrecht H., Dubuque, Iowa Reznikov, Alexandra, St. Paul Rich, Helen, Minneapolis Richards, Grace, Minneapolis Ringdahl, N. Robert, Rush City Ringoen, Adolph R., Minneapolis Rist, Lewis M. B., Algona, Iowa Ristvedt, Juliana, Northfield Roberts, Edith M., St. Paul Roberts, Morris, St. Paul Robinson, Elizabeth, Minneapolis STUDENTS, 1916-17 207 Robinson, Mary L., Peoria, Ill. Rockwell, Howard S., Duluth Rodger, Marjorie, Minneapolis Roe, Ellen F., St. Paul Roe, Viola, Hudson, Wis. Roedell, Clarence A., Minneapolis Rogers, Margaret, Minneapolis Rogers, Myrtle, Stevens Point, Wis. Rolland, Marius, Thief River Falls Rood, Belle, St. Paul Rosenwald, Oswald H. E., Norwood Ross, Mary, Baldwin, Kan. Roth, Ernest G., Lamberton Rourke, Mary, Minneapolis Routh, Margaret, St. Paul Rowley, W. N., Rochester Rucker, J. Edward, Minneapolis Rumsch, Hertha, South St. Paul Ruschi, Arthur J., Minneapolis Russel, J. C., McPherson, Kan. Russell, Cora, Plattsville, Wis. Rutherford, Violet M., Minneapolis St. Clair, Leona, Owatonna Saevig, August, Rushford Salet, Harry N., St. Paul Salisbury, Emmett D., Excelsion Sampson, Cheslea A., Excelsior Sanders, George P., Palisade Savage, Eliza T., Windom Savage, H. Rebecca, Humboldt, Iowa Sawers, Orba, Bismarck, N. D. Schaffnit, Dorothy, Minneapolis Schaufuss, Charles, Minneapolis Schmitt, Harrison A., Minneapolis Schmokey, George W., Winona Schober, Jennie M., Minneapolis Schoelkopf, Hazel, St. Paul Schroeder, William F., Mountain Lake Schwartz, Louis F., Minneapolis Schwennsen, Anne, St. Paul Schwerin, Mabel E., Minneapolis Schwoebel, Florence, New Rockford, * N. D. Scofield, Robert J., Zumbrota Seder, R. Irven, Preston Selke, Arthur C., Minneapolis Selke, George A., Minneapolis Selke, W. Erick, Minneapolis Sellhorn, Minnie D., Princeton Severson, Samuel O., Minneapolis Shannon, Nell R., Bemidji Shaughnessy, Clark D., St. Paul Shelland, Annie, St. Paul Shenehon, Eleanor, Minneapolis Shimota, Lewis L., Vesell Shumway, Olive, Aberdeen, S. D. Shute, Mrs. L. B., Minot, N. D. Sidnam, Alma J., Minneapolis Siekkinen, Charles A., Duluth Sime, Marjorie, St. Paul Simon, Clara J., St. Paul Simon, Ellen M., St. Paul Simper, Sara, Minneapolis Sister Eugenia Maginnis, St. Paul Sister Laetitia, Minneapolis Sister M. Aquinas Norton, Rochester Sister M. Edwin Sweeney, St. Paul Sister Mary Eugene Woolsey, St. Paul Sister Victoria, Minneapolis Siverson, Clara, Watson Sjogren, Carl J., Minneapolis Skinner, John J., Owatonna Slindee, Carrie L., Adams Slimey, Elizabeth J., St. Paul Smiley, Proctor K., Kellogg Smith, Charlotte T., Minneapolis Smith, E. May, Minneapolis Smith, Edith C., Iowa City, Iowa Smith, Eunice II., St. Paul Smith, Helen M., Minneapolis Smith, Mary B., Minneapolis Smith, Merle E., Elk River Smith, Milton J., Minneapolis Smith, Theo T., Owatonna Sneller, Charles D., Minneapolis Snyder, James M., Fulda Soderlind, Ralph, Minneapolis Solveson, IHelbert N., Oconomowoc, Wis. Sommer meyer, Viola L., Minneapolis Sommers, Harold, St. Paul Soper, Edgar K., Moscow, Idaho Sorensen, Ray, LeRoy Sparks, Hannah D., Minneapolis Spaulding, Helen, Minneapolis Stav, Cora M., Dennison Steabner, Herman W., Wood Lake Steel, Harry J., Mankato Steenerson, Ingeborg, Climax Steenson, Myrtle, Minneapolis Stelter, Clarence H., Danube Stevens, Charlotte I., Faribault Stewart, Chester A., Minneapolis Stewart, IHope, Stillwater Stone, Genevieve L., Minneapolis Storlie, Carolyn N., Minneapolis Street, Claude W., Glencoe Stroeter, Sophia, Princeton Stub, Chresten A., Minneapolis Stuvland, Adolph L., Northfield Sullivan, Lillian X., St. Paul Sumner, Bernice, Blue Earth Sund, Joseph A., Duluth Sunderland, Henry, Badger Sundkvist, Gerald E., St. Paul Sushansky, Harry M., Minneapolis 208 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Swanson, Agnes W., Cannon Falls Swanson, Esther L., Minneapolis Sward, Merrily, St. Paul Swedberg, Luella, Luverne Sweeney, Anna, Rochester Sweet, Earl, Minneapolis Sweet, Minetta V., Alexandria Sweetman, Gertrude C., St. Paul Swenson, Clarence Q., Minneapolis Swenson, E. Hildegarde, Minneapolis Swenson, Hedvig, Montevideo Swenson, Hildur E., Minneapolis Swenson, Roger B., Minneapolis Sylvester, Charles C., River Falls, Wis. Symes, Ruth, River Falls, Wis. Syse, Emma R., Kerkhoven Syvertson, Selmar, Whalan Talle, Henry O., Albert Lea Taylor, Mrs. Adeline, La Crosse Taylor, Edwin J., Howard Lake Taylor, G. Frank, Excelsior Tenbroeck, Robert C., Minneapolis Terryberry, Helen L., Duluth Thelander, Roy F., St. Paul Thiel, Albert F., Minneapolis Thiel, George A., Staples Thomas, John, D., Minneapolis Thompson, Antoinette, Minneapolis Thorsen, Carl I., St. Paul Thorstad, Francis, Wheaton Thorstad, Gladys T., Wahkon Thurman, Wesley, Franklin Thygeson, Elling, St. Paul Thygeson, Ruth A., St. Paul Tibbetts, L. Isabel, Minneapolis Tigert, John J., Lexington, Ky. Todt, Helen M., Minneapolis Tolson, Edgar, St. Paul Toner, Minnie A., Barry Tonning, Katherine, Moorhead Towey, Robert, Minneapolis Towne, Ralph H., Dawson Tri, Peter N., St. Vincent Trilling, Mabel B., St. Paul Tschida, Rose M., Glen Ullin, N. D. Turnquist, Anna S., Minneapolis Utne, Theodore, Norwood Valentin, Sadie, Aberdeen, Vanasek, Rose, New Prague S. D. Van Ness, Elise, Minneapolis Van Valkenburg, Frederick W., Long Prairie Virnig, Leo F., Pierz Voak, Florence, Worthington Wachlin, Antonia, Brownsdale Wagener, Leona M., Bagley Walker, Adele F., Minneapolis Walker, Margaret E., Minneapolis Warner, Elizabeth, Minneapolis Warwick, Margaret, Minneapolis Waterman, Dorothy W., Minneapolis Waterman, Emma, Minneapolis Waterous, Fred A., St. Paul Watson, Florence H., St. Paul Watson, Jeanette B., Minneapolis Watson, Marie L., St. Louis Park Watson, Mrs. Noble D., Welcome Watts, Marie M., Minneapolis Waufle, Grace G., St. Paul Webster, Marion E., Minneapolis Webster, Ruth, St. Paul Wedin, Jessie, Grantsburg, Wis. Weigley, Mildred, Chicago, Ill. Weiss, George, Minneapolis Welch, V’Lora, Minneapolis Wendlandt, Paul, Good Thunder Wentz, Anna, Minneapolis Werdenhoff, James H., Minneapolis West, Marion O., Lincoln, Neb. Westline, Walter, Fountain Whaley, Frances, St. Paul White, Carrie A., Minneapolis White, Donald F., Anoka White, Philip T., Ely White, Roy W., Clearwater Wichman, Marie, St. Paul Widell, Eleanor, Mankato Wiencke, Otto J., Balaton Wilkins, Mary S., Minneapolis Wilkinson, Sarah H., Minneapolis Willard, Clara E., Mankato Williams, Arthur H., Minneapolis Williams, Margaret R., Minneapolis Williams, Maude E., Mora Willis, Ressie C., Minneapolis Willits, Eleanor, Minneapolis Willoughby, Alice J., Minneapolis Wind, Kate, Hopkins Winter, Winifred L., Minneapolis Winther, Olav S., St. Paul Wise, Ferne, Blue Earth Witte, Bernard J., Jr., Anoka Witty, Walter H., St. Peter Wold, Alvin P., St. Paul Wold, Kathryn O., Princeton Wolf, Amelia E., Nerstrand Wolf, Edward J., Minneapolis Wolf, Gertrude, Faribault Wollin, Richard H., Utica Womack, Frances, Excelsior Womack, Weldon, St. Paul Wood, Margaret J., Minneapolis Wood, Ruth M., Minneapolis Woodford, Constance, Lake City Woodward, Helen, Minneapolis STUDENTS, 1916-17 209 Woodward, Josephine, Minneapolis Woodward, Marion, Minneapolis Wright, Stewart V., Dennison Wyatt, L. Dale, Mount Sterling, Ill. Wyatt, Oswald S., Minneapolis Wylie, Angeline, St. Paul Yates, Edith, Manson, Iowa Ylvisaker, Laurits S., St. Paul Young, Clare M., Spring Valley Young, Katherine G., M.1nneapolis Young, Marie L., Minneapolis THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE-SUMMER SESSION, 1916–201 Aamodt, Arne, St. Paul Adams, Floyd, Owatonna Amundsen, Harriet, Detroit Anvid, Anna, Blackduck Beach, Mary J., Minneapolis Belknap, Arthur A., Alpha, Iowa Benton, Dwight W., St. Paul Berning, Theodore, Renville Bixby, Jacob, kichville Bjorka, Knute, Fergus Falls Borman, R. R., Abercrombie, N. D. Broecker, Lydia, Stillwater Prohaugh, R. Luella, Shelley Brown, Clair, Greensbury, Ind. Brown, Frank H., Minneapolis Brown, Genevieve, St. Paul Tºrunning, George, Sebeka Buster, Spencer, Colton, Cal. Callan, Marie, Minneapolis Chapman, F. W., Westbrook Cheney, Leslie, Mantorville Colby, Leslie, Madelia Collette, Allen, Pine City Colman, Lloyd, Grand Meadow Coon, Ruby, Minneapolis Curtis, Alberta, Chicago, Ill. Dahl. Florence, Minneapolis Dahlberg, Arthur, St. Paul Dahle, Chester D., Minneapolis Doherty, Francis, Pipestone Doherty, Robert, St. Paul Dollenmayer, Dorothy, Minneapolis Doney, Grace, Faribault Dowty, Wilhelmine, Hamilton, Ohio Drew, Margaret, St. Paul Dunn, Ben, Frederic, Wis. Easton, Laura, Wessington Springs, S. D. Eaton, Bessie, Keans Canon, Ariz. Ellingsen, Thorvald, Christiana, Norway Ely, Fordyce, St. Paul Engebrestson, Arthur E., Lake Park Engen, Nels M., Warren Erickson, Ellen J., Alexandria Falkenhagen, Gertrude, Montevideo Feetham, Nellie, St. Paul Felling, A. L., Wausau Filberg, Augusta, Sherburn Fitzgerald, Louise, Fargo, N. D. Frandle, G. J., Frost Ganssle, Anne, Minneapolis Gaumnitz, Christina, St. Paul Giblin, Elizabeth, St. Paul Gibson, Beatrice, Minneapolis G1llig, Edward, St. Paul Girrbach, George, St. Paul Gregg, M. H., Zumbro Falls Gregory, Walter, St. Cloud Gustafson, Albertha, Minneapolis Hackett, S. M., St. Louis Park Hammargren, F. August, Harris Hanson, Anna, Goodhue Hanson, George B., Melby Hanson, Theodore, Dawson Harlan, Rex, St. Paul Harney, Malachi, Cloquet Haugen, Esther, Pelican Rapids Hause, Margaret, St. Paul Healey, Mabel, Langford, S. D. Hephner, Emmet, Loyal, Wis. Hickok, Helen, Minneapolis Hill, Harry, Elk River Hill, Harry Herman, Kimball Hilliard, Milton, Brainerd Holm, Inez, Twin Valley Hough, Helen, St. Paul Ilse, George, Brainerd Iverson, Carl, Ashby Jacobson, Arthur E., Alexandria Jepson, Lydia, Minneapolis Johnson, Arthur S., Fergus Falls Johnson, Esther, St. Louis Park Johnson, Harry, Eagle Bend Johnson, Nelle, Oklahoma City, Okla. Johnson, Oscar L., Mazeppa Johnson, Robert, Willmar Kaercher, Charles, Minneapolis Kay, Gertrude, Minneapolis Kelley, Frances R., Minneapolis Kildahl, Lars, St. Paul Knight, Patience, Taylors Falls Kozitza, Andrew, Mapleton Kozitza, Susan, Mapleton Kreinbring, George, Badger Kuefler, Bernard, Belgrade Kuefler, Herbert, Belgrade Larson, Florence, Alexandria 210 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Laurence, Elsie, Canonto, Canada Lauzer, Abby, Minneapolis Lawton, J. Waldemar, Dawson Lippman, Joseph, Virginia Loken, Carrie, Minneapolis Lucius, Theresa, St. Paul McCallum, Roy, Richmond McCarty, Mark, Mapleton McKee, John, Madelia McKenney, Richard, Minneapolis McKnight, Gibson, St. Paul McQueen, Jessie, Mapleton MacArthur, Laura, Minneapolis MacFarland, Anna, Duluth Madera, Erma, Lyle Maland, Cora, Rushford Mangskau, Mrs. Anna, Breckenridge Marshall, Lawrence, Reading Martın, Archie, Deer River Mealey, Ethel, Minneapolis Mereness, Carol, Windom Miller, Jens P., Bruno Molenaar, Richard, Raymond Monasch, Marcella, Minneapolis Montgomery, B. L., Blue Earth Moore, Fred F., Carleton Morlander, George A., Williams Morris, Laura, Eden Prairie Muench, Henry, Cochrane, Wis. Nelson, Carl E. E., Minneapolis Newbauer, August, Smithville Newberg, Esther, Hibbing Newman, Loretto, St. Paul Nolan, Margaret, St. Paul Nordby, Peter, Holmes City Oberg, Grace, Center City Odland, Theodore, Bertha Oman, Emil, Grandy Parish, Corinne, St. Paul Parker, Frances, Gilbert Peck, H. Ferne, Zumbrota Peters, William A., St. Paul Peterson, Albert, Swea Peterson, Emma, Minneota Peterson, Helen, Atwater Peterson, Henry, Ashby Pierce, Harriet, St. Paul Pilling, Clara, Edgerton Pinkerton, Laura, Glenwood Pirsch, Gregor, Caledonia Pond, George A., Shakopee Posey, Mrs. Maude, Minneapolis Prichard, Everett, Randolph, Wis. Race, Herbert, Erie Reeve, Ethel, Washington, Ind. Roberts, William E., Cambria, Wis. Robinson, Sherrill, Kimball Rockwood, D. C., St. Cloud Rockwood, Hazel, Madelia Rodger, Marjorie, Minneapolis Ryan, Anna M., Minneapolis Saed, T. J., Ettrick, Wis. Samuelson, S. Ernest, Henning Schoelkopf, Hazel, St. Paul Schrupp, Edgar H., Henderson Seavey, Barbara, Aitkin Seavey, Myra, Aitken Sedwick, Charles, Hopkins Skrivseth, Clarence, Turtle River Smith, Eunice, Minneapolis Smith, Mrs. Myrtle, Maple Lake Smith, Ralph B., Maple Lake Souba, Arthur, Hopkins Spaulding, William E., Minneapolis Staley, Katherine, St. Paul Strobel, G. Albert, Mankato Sturges, Agnes, Minneapolis Stuvland, Melvin, Northfield Sunderland, George, Badger Swennes, Agnes, Minneapolis Swift, Ray, Sioux Falls, S. D. Teichroew, Henry, Mountain Lake Temmey, Katherine, Onida, S. D. Thom, Pearl, Rushmore Thomas, John D., Minneapolis Thundstedt, G. A., Willmar Thundstedt, W. A., Willmar Thurston, Onah, Minneapolis Umpleby, Grace, St. Paul Valentin, Sadie, Aberdeen, S. D. Varner, Glenn, St. Cloud Vermilyea, George, Verndale Vietz, John Jay, Excelsior Vig, Agnes, Fosston Walsh, Margaret, St. Paul Washburn, Muriel, Elk River Weech, Raymond, Brook Park Wells, Ellen H., Minneapolis Wells, Francis Grant, Walker Wentz, Anna, Minneapolis Whitwell, Elizabeth, St. Paul Williams, Mary L., Minneapolis Williams, Maude E., Mora Winkelman, Bernard, Clear Lake Wright, Daisy M., St. Paul THE COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY, SUMMER SESSION–86 Abell, Walter J., St. Cloud Andersen, Leroy C., South Stillwater Beckenstein, Isadore A., Minneapolis Bergh, Ingvald G., Madison STUDENTS, 1916-17 211 Borovsky, Abe, Minneapolis Brandenborg, George A., Minneapolis Brooks, Fiske, Minneapolis Buehler, John E., Minneapolis Butler, George V., Minneapolis Cary, Milburn. J., Virginia Chisholm, David R., Chippewa l'alls, Wis. Colburn, Daniel N., Minneapolis Dahl, Casper, Grafton, N. D. Dampier, Donald G., St. Paul Daum, Leo A., Minneapolis Davis, Vernon W., White Eal th Diamond, Hyman A., Minneapolis Evjen, Einar A., Minneapolis Feeney, Howard S., Glenwood Fossum, Edgar A., Dassel Geddes, Donald D., Anoka Gerde, Magnus A., Minneapolis Gletne, Jalmer S., Moorhead Gullings, Ingeman O., Detroit Hallum, Ferdinand, Whalen Halvorsen, Jorgen, Norway Hansen, Elmer L., Harmony Hartwig, Joseph I., Minneapolis Healy, Clifford J., Wykoff How, Roy M., Cambridge Kennedy, Walter J., Marshall Kirkpatrick, Frederick K., Parkers Prairie Koppes, Albrecht J., St. Paul Larson, William J., St. Paul Leighton, Emmet, Minneapolis Lenz, Mandel M., Duluth Lillehei, Clarence I., Luverne Lorhammer, Gustav A., Norway Madsen, Edwin C., Minneapolis Meacham, Lloyd, Edgerton Miszewski, Aurelius H., Minneapolis Morcom, Harold E., Soudan Neiman, Robert, Minneapolis Nellermoe, Joy O., Buffalo Lake Nelson, Clarence A., New Richmond, Wis. Newman, Allen T., Minneapolis Nishioka, Masahito, Japan Obermeyer, Fred C., Minneapolis Paske, Charles H., Stuart, Fla. Peterson, Palmer L., Eau Claire, Wis. Peterson, Walter F., Rushford Pink, David, Minneapolis Plonty, Earl W., Morristown Price, Milton A., Chatfield Radke, W. Lynn, New Rockfold, N. D. Reinking, Henry N., Hamel Ribbel, George H., Brainerd Robb, George L., Jr., Minneapolis Robinson, John F., Bertha Rodman, Duane E., Akeley Roelike, Stephen J., Melrose Rosenbloom, Samuel S., Ely Rosenthal, Victor M., New Orleans, La. Ryan, Edward M., East G1 and Folks Schuft, Adolph F., Hutchinson Sell, Charles A., Adrian Shanahan, Raymond, Minneapolis Simonson, August E., Minneapolis Smith, Vernon D., St. Paul Starr, Oriss D., Cambridge Stenborg, William A., Sacred Heart Stone, Harvey C., Edgerton Stunkard, Byron W., Arnegard Sullivan, T. Emmet, St. Paul Tibesar, Frank E., Crookston Tomasek, Anthony T., St. Paul Watson, William E., Minneapolis Wedin, Arthur C., Hector Wendell, Lehman, Minneapolis Werner, Conrad O., Lindstrom West, Earl C., Brownton Whitaker, Vernon D., Litchfield White, Mrs. Eleonora, Minneapolis Wild, Harry, Winona Williams, Sigfred G., Minneapolis Wolff, Douglas, Kimball gs THE MEDICAL SCHOOL SUMMER SESSION.—92 Anderson, David D., Minneapolis Anderson, Edward D., Minneapolis Annon, Walter T., Anoka Baker, Alfred T., Minneapolis Blakey, Adam R. Estherville, Iowa Bregel, Fred L., Minneapolis Broker, Walter S., Minneapolis Buscher, Herbert H., St. Paul Caldwell, Kenneth S., St. Paul Calkins, Leroy A., Wadena Cochran, Joseph P., Minneapolis Cohen, J. G., Minneapolis Cole, Wyman C. C., Minneapolis Coon, Ruby M., Minneapolis Countryman, Roger S., St. Paul Daniels, J. Iſorton, Minneapolis IDavis, Irl R., Henderson Desha, L. J., Memphis, Tenn. Ekelund, Clifford T., St. Paul Farnham, Russell M., Minneapolis Finberg, Joseph, St. Paul Flagstad, Albert, Minneapolis Flocken, Charles F., Minneapolis Forsythe, S. T., Canonsburg, Pa. 212 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Foster, William K., Minneapolis Freed, Oscar J. R., Watertown French, Henry S., Northfield Gamble, Joseph W., Minneapolis Gammell, J. Henry, Madison Giere, Silas W., Sacred Heart Groebner, Otto A., Minneapolis Gruenhagen, Arnold P., St. Paul Hall, William W., Minneapolis Hardinger, Paul M., Chicago, Ill. Hartley, Everett C., Carver Hartwig, Joseph Q., Minneapolis Hathaway, George J., Minneapolis Haynes, Manley H., Minneapolis Herrmann, Edgar T., St. Paul IIocum, Harold E., Minneapolis Huderle, Arthur, Hutchinson Kadesky, David, Aberdeen, S. D. Karpman, Benjamin, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Kennedy, George L., Minneapolis Kennedy, Harry T., Minneapolis Kennicott, Robert H., Minneapolis Larson, Albert M., Jasper Larson, Clarence M., Thief River Falls Latimer, Homer B., Lincoln, Neb. Lick, Lewis, St. Paul Lowe, Thomas A., Hadley Lund, Theodore C., Salt Lake City, Ljtah McCarthy, Donald, Minneapolis McGeary, George E., St. Paul McGrath, Floyd L., Chicago, Ill. Magoon, Charles A., Pullman, Wash. Miller, Harry A., Rice Morrissey, Frank B., Minneapolis Mulder, John L., Rock Valley, Iowa Murphy, Leo, Minneapolis Murphy, W. Holland, St. Paul Nelson, Lewis E., Oldham, S. D. Nelson, Orville N., Battle Lake Nerad, Anton H., Austin Ohlendorf, Clarence, Park Ridge, Ill. Oliver, Henry E., Chicago, Ill. Oppenheim, Charles J., Chicago, Ill. Palmer, C. Foster, Albert Lea Pearson, Fritz R., Hudson, Wis. Pederson, Nellie C. E., Minneapolis Radusch, Frieda J., Minneapolis Reinhardt, William R. L., Spokane, Wash. Roberts, Lyle J., Omaha, Neb. Rumpf, William H., Jr., Faribault Runnerstrom, George E., Waseca Rutledge, Lloyd H., Minneapolis Sahr, Walter G. C., Minneapolis *Salmon, Lorne H., St. Paul Scholtes, Harry, Wabasha Seibel, John J., Harvey, N. D. Seifert, Louis, Lamberton Snell, Albert M., Lake Park Solhaug, Sam B., Starbuck Sturre, Julius R., St. Paul Swanson, Edwin O., Brainerd Tanner, Chester O., Minneapolis Ternstrom, Oscar H., Minneapolis Tiber, Leon J., St. Paul Vaughn, Florien, Shelbina, Mo. Wallinga, John H., Hull, Iowa Zanger, Henry G., Minneapolis Zierold, Arthur A., Minneapolis THE UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL–138 POST-GRADUATE–1 Relley, Rodney F. SENIORS–26 Bachman, Graydon Betcher, Chester Blossingham, Hazel Bonde, Reiner Briggs, Joyce Brinkman, Lillian Burns, F. Bernard Carney, Sara Erickson, Milda George, Dorothy Jensen, Esther Keefe, Ruth Reefe, William *Died, September, 1917 Kernes, Bertha Kriger, Simon Pederson, Ole Peterson, Henry Riley, Philip Rosenblut, Aaron Saul, Richard Spencer, Honora Terry, Kenneth Timberlake, Emma Towle, James E. Waters, Roy Weis, Lorene r STUDENTS, 1916-17 2 1 3 JUNIORS–29 Alway, Lazelle Alway, Leonore Bachman, Claude Braddy, Harry Briggs, Julia Bullis, Lillian Eaten, Field Gearty, Harold J. Gibbons, Thomas Graham, Ruth Greeley, Julia Harling, Meriam Kriesel, Ralph McGrath, Walter Morrissey, Henry Mulvahill, Marie Mumm, John Newhouse, Edwin Olson, Clarence Peterson, Cal Reid, Robert Reuel, Watts Reynolds, Janet Reynolds, Robert Salisbury, Griffith Strand, Gertrude Watson, Ernest Wells, Wilson Wold, Melford SOPHOMORES-24 Anderson, Evelyn Bjornstad, Eugene G. Briggs, Ralph Ellertson, Selmer Flannagan, Samuel Forsyth, Melvina Gray, Earle Kalmen, Mable Knutson, Edith Kraus, Phyllis Larson, Naomi Lindstedt, Philip MacLennan, Challes Martinson, A. Emanuel Miller, Kenneth Nichols, Ora Podany, George Rerat, Eugene Schmid, Willard Turner, Percy Vye, Warren Waite, Alice S. Wasielewski, Rose White, Richard FRESHMEN-58 Aagaard, Russell Aldrich, Kenneth Anderson, Clifford Baldwin, Helen Berge, Arthur Bevans, Fred R. Borreson, Lillian Bowen, Dorothy Burgess, Arthur L. Cisarsky, Gertrude Coffman, William Colgrove, Francis Cooper, Joseph Cowdery, Lydia Durand, Dana Eaton, John J. Elg, Fred A. Ericksen, Theodore Ferguson, Terzah Giles, Raymond Haggerty, Helen Hall, Katherine Halverson, Laurence Hare, Horace Hirschman, Joy Hortvit, Louise Howard, Marion J. Howard, Wells Jackson, Helen Jaynes, Melfred Jaynes, Mildred Johnston, Norris Raercher, Margaret Kuehne, Gladys Lindstedt, George A. Miller, Hugo Moulton, Frank Nelson, Emory Nelson, Leona Parasius, R. L. Pierce, Agnes Raymond, Will Rerat, George Robinson, Marguerite Rosen, Donna Skinner, Helen Stevens, Stewart D. Stockdale, Robert E. 214 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Vance, Frances S. Vaubel, Marjorie Vye, Lloyd Waite, Champlin C. Waters, Vera Weireter, Leonard Weiskopf, Wilma White, Elizabeth Wilde, Lois Williams, Henry THE CENTRAL SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE & SENIORS–214 Aaker, Nels Adolph L., Kenyon Aakre, Hilma, Hayfield Anderson, Agnes S., Forreston Anderson, Albin W., Clarkfield Anderson, Almer B., Red Wing Anderson, Carl R., Pelican Rapids Anderson, Elmo W., Belgrade Barnard, Paul W., Minneapolis Baumann, Rudolph J., Jasper Belden, Allan B., St. Paul Park Berggren, Chester Le R., Hopkins Blair, Millard F., Winona Blomquist, Blenda U., Minneapolis Borene, Florence B., Newport Boxrud, Floyd, Madison Braun, L. Lucile, Kellogg Brinkman, John A., Zumbrota Brown, Cornie M., St. Paul Brown, Robert M., Goodhue Calkins, William H., Granada Carlson, Earl D., Minneapolis Carlson, Joseph A., Wheaton Carlson, Olga V., Princeton Casady, Alexander B., St. Paul Caylor, Ruth A., Litchfield Chamberlain, Leo W., Laurel Charles, Graham C., Hancock Christgau, Arthur E., Austin Christgau, Victor A., Austin Clark, Eleanor, Cedar Clow, Margaret A., St. Paul Cox, Francis L., Alexandria Cummings, Ward E., Winnebago Cunningham, Edward P., Pipestone Cunningham, Olive S., Pipestone Daggit, Edmund M., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Dahlstrom, Carl A., Minneapolis Dahlstrom, Oscar G., Minneapolis Dalager, Alice, Glenwood T}oty, Walter H., Eyota Dowdle, John R., Savage Elliott, Lucelia G., St. Paul Ellison, Kenneth, Minneapolis Engstrom, Reuben L., Grandy Erickson, Willie B., Red Wing Exstrand, Victor R., North Branch Fauhl, May L., Nebish Ferguson, Paul L., Minneapolis Foss, Oscar E., Pelican Rapids Francis, Gene K., Velmon Center Frans, Myrtle, Harris Furnholm, Roar G., Minneapolis Geppert, Elmer C., Millville Goplen, Ben S., Motley Goplen, Edwin, Zumbrota Gordon, Cornelia, St. Paul Gothmann, Louis, St. Bonifacius Gross, Alta M., Lamoille Grove, Walter R., Elkhorn, Wis. Gustafson, Chester O., Lafayette Hadley, Edgar A., Champlin Hagberg, Arthur, Jr., Brainerd Hall, Earle F., Rio, Wis. Hammargren, Frances L., Harris Hansen, Elmer, Faribault Hartman, Horace W., Winnebago Harvey, Donald U., Eagle Lake Haselhorst, Hugo B., Pequot Haugstul, Tilford B., Kenyon Haussner, Margaret W., White Bear Hawkins, Horatio L., Rogers Hawkins, Martha, Rogers Head, Rhea M., Albert Lea Henderson, Richard, Nisswa Hendrickson, Daisy, Mahtomedi Henning, Roy N., Chicago, Ill. Henrikson, Henry, Kimball Hermanson, Hilmer E., Taconite Hesse, Gerhard, Hartley, Iowa Hesse, Will, Hartley, Iowa Hill, Albert F., Winnebago Hinrichs, Arnold F. J., Red Wing Hokanson, Clarence, Winthrop Hoversten, Anna S., Jewell, Hunt, Viola A., St. Cloud Ingalls, Boyd, Newport Jackson, Charles C., Tenstrike Jackson, Florence, St. Paul Jacobson, Olive V., Ormsby Jeans, W. Raymond, Withrow Jensen, Milton, Two Harbors Johnson, Alfred L., Sparta, Wis. Johnson, Anna S., Milltown Johnson, Axel B., Russell Johnson, Ellen, Wadena Johnson, Leonard L., Elbow Lake Jones, Gaylord W., Black River Falls, Wis. Iowa STUDENTS, 1916-17 215 Kaercher, Gladys D., Minneapolis Kaerwer, Charles H., St. Cloud Kellerhals, James, St. Paul Ridder, Merle W., Minneapolis Kimball, George A., Cass Lake Kirsch, Roscoe, Walnut Grove Koch, Armin, St. Paul Kofstad, Arthur O., New Richland Lal son, Carl M., Flederic, Wis. Larson, Elenora C., North Branch Larson, Fred W., Amboy Larson, Myrtle J., Nelson Lee, Hilma A., Glenwood Lewis, Flossie I., Lewisville Lind, Ernest H., Winthrop Linquist, Carl W., Minnetonka Lips, Howard C., Kenyon Lund, Julia, Boyd Lundberg, R., Osceola Lundeen, Emeline L., Chisago City Lundgren, Ella V., Gibbon McWilliam, Adam J., St. Paul Marple, Max DeW., Wendell Mars, Eva M., Newport * Mattson, Emil F., New York Mills Miller, Carl, Marshall Miller, Elbert W., Anoka Miller, Hans R., Fergus Falls Miller, Harry M., Osseo Moede, Edwin G., Marshall Molstad, William J., Brainerd Moreen, Marjorie E., Minneapolis Morley, Joseph M., Red Wood Falls Morrison, Mertice W., Minneapolis Morrison, Roy C., Copas Musser, Clair W., Fairmont Nelson, Clarence E., Welch Nelson, Kenneth H., New Brighton Nelson, Lincoln W., Newport Nelson, Nels A., Minneapolis Nesbitt, William H., Duluth Newmann, Jessie N., St. Paul Nichols, C. Harold, Minneapolis Nicholson, Robert M., Lynd Nystrom, Paul A., Minneapolis Odegaard, Clarence P., Kenyon Olsen, Mathilda, Ormsby Olson, Otto S., Westby Oman, Milton C., Grandy Osnes, Laurence E., Minneapolis Ostrem, Henry J., Lanesboro Palmer, Agnes I., Minneapolis Patterson, Gretchen, Hugo Paulson, Mollie, Minneapolis Pearson, May, Red Wing Pederson, Archie, Farmington Perkins, Charles E., St. Paul Perry, Fairfield W., Felton Peterson, Charles H., Stillwater Peterson, Paul J., St. Paul Pierce, Stella L., Butler Poole, William H., Truman Portel, Andrew R., Center City l’otter, Edwin J., Triumph Poulsen, Alfred, Redwood Falls Pryor, Cora Mae, St. Paul Qualley, Clara J., Hills Qualley; Elmer G., Hills Reynolds, Frank C., Austin Ridler, Alice, St. Paul Rieke, Lillian M., Gibbon Roberts, Lyle E., Newport Rognley, Amanda R., Hills Rortvedt, Arthur O., Hills Roti, Eddie N., Cottonwood Rovang, Joseph, Dalton Russell, Benedict A., Anoka Salinger, Walter J. F., St. Paul Saussele, Leslie R., Osseo Sawyer, Kendrick P., Owatonna Sayers, Gertie E., Lakeville Scharberg, Mabel, Hayfield Secrest, Henry M., Madelia Sederberg, Alma, Branch Setzler, Myrtle J., Anoka Sharp, Clarence, St. Paul Sheldon, Marshall, Little Falls Siemer, William L., Dundas Skiove, Berton M., Dalton Spong, George E., Farmington Spong, Paul H., Marshall Stevermer, Leo A., Easton Swanson, Albert G., Afton Swanson, Edward J., Stillwater Swenson, Edna S. E., Gaylord Taylor, Horace J., Faribault Thomas, William W., Minneapolis Thompson, Grace E., Osseo Thormodson, Tildon P., Janska Thorndyke, William K., Edgerton Throndson, Clara O.; Hayfield Torgerson, Leonora C., Dalton Trussell, John W., Anoka Tysseling, Wilbur I., Elkton Utley, Lyle, St. Paul Van Valkenburgh, Leon, Osaki's Vaux, Harold O., Faribault Volden, Nels, Madison Voxland, Earl A., Kenyon Weise, Stanley A., Wells Wetherby, Alexander, Minneapolis White, Ora A., Minneiska Williamson, William T., Zumbrota Wilson, Grace J., Pipestone Wolff, Herbert E., Hector Zechlin, Frederick, Minneapolis Zimmer, Carl Lewis, Nemadji 216 THE ANNUAL REGISTER JUNIORS–173 Aasland, John E., Minneapolis Abraham, Carl W., Lindstrom Amundson, Oscar F., Hanska Anderson, Floyd G., Stillwater Anderson, George E., New York Mills Anderson, John A., Canby Anderson, Mauritz E., Winthrop Anderson, Stanley A., Elizabeth, N. J. Austvold, Berthin N., Glenwood Austvold, Johnnie N., Glenwood Bell, Bonnie A., Litchfield Bendixen, Helen M., Morgan Benson, Victor L., Minneapolis Berger, John J., Le Sueur Bergquist, Clarence W., Chisago City Bernard, Olive L., Chatfield Bertilsen, Ben O., Butterfield Blackmore, Marion, St. Paul Blessley, Vera N., Minneapolis Branley, Edward J., Litchfield Braun, Ralph W., Kellogg Bren, Emily, Hopkins Brinhall, Marion M., St. Paul Carlson, Mary H., Aitkin Carper, Esther M., St. Paul Cheney, Fannie P., Pipestone Clark, Kenneth W., Hopkins Clevenger, Lynn, Backus Conzemius, George H., Hastings Cooper, Hazel M., Minneapolis Coulter, Clarence J., Mallory Crandall, Lloyd C., Randolph Dalager, Herman S., Glenwood Dalldorf, Elmer, St. Paul Dewey, Ira T., Campbell Dryer, Olivia L., Minneapolis Dunning, Millard, Anoka Ekelund, Conrad M., Hopkins Erickson, Sigval M., Duluth Evans, Edward J., Montevideo Fabian, Walter F., Campbell Fairley, Everett F., Minneapolis Fox, Eva F., Stanton Francis, Gertrude O., Minneapolis Frydenlund, Emil A., Madelia Frydenlund, Hannah G., Madelia Gausman, Elmer O., St. Paul Gillespie, Hugh S., Minneapolis Gothmann, August M., Bonifacius Grande, Norman O., Cottonwood Grebin, Clarence, Preston Gugisberg, Hazel A., Gibbon Hall, Howard G., Minneapolis Hanson, Harry C., St. Peter Hanson, Nels. M., Manitowoc, Wis. Hanson, Oscar C., Brooten Hanson, Pearl L., St. Peter Harkness, John C. A., St. Paul Harris, Deane, Witoka Hatlestad, Harold, Cottonwood Helland, Chester J., Glenwood Hensel, Emily S., New Ulm Hermstad, Oscar, Luck, Wis. Herrman, Hazel J., New Brighton Hilke, Arnold, Altura Hill, Beryl E., Eden Prairie Hinrichs, Erwin R., Red Wing Hoel, Alf, Iola, Wis. Holland, Selmer, Minneapolis Holland, Storker, Northfield Hollo, Raymond M., Marshall Holten, Edwin L., Glenwood Houle, Orena M., Forest Lake Hovde, Elmer C., St. James PHume, James B., Superior, Wis. Iverson, Carl O., Brooten Jacobson, Gustav O., Bricelyn Johnson, Charlie F., St. Louis Park Johnson, Henry O., Odin Johnson, Hjalmar E., Osseo Johnson, Irvin O., Albert Lea Johnson, John R. L., Lindstrom Johnson, Olga, St. Paul Johnson, Roy E., Brandon Johnson, Rudolf G., Minneapolis Johnston, Georgiana, Windom Johnston, Ruth H., St. Paul Jones, Marian E., Minneapolis Kaye, Bernice C., St. Paul Kermott, Roger, Hudson, Wis. Landgreen, Garrett, McKinley Larsen, Earl, Minneapolis Larson, Harold P., Minnetonka Beach Lee, Audrey M., Cedar Lee, Lois, Cedar Lindall, Geneva I. E., Parkers Prairie Lorntson, Arthur O., Beaver Bay Luger. Rennold J., North St. Paul Lundell, Stanley, Minneapolis Lundgren, Albert E., Gibbon Lundquist, Raymond F., Winthrop McGill, Robert F., Minneapolis McGowan, Robert H., Wabasha McKenna, Francis V., Lonsdale McKillop, Archibald H., St. Paul Madsen, Ingvard B., Tyler Malguist, Sylvia I., Bird Island Mann, Ira B., Annandale Martin, Howard C. M., Madelia Martin, Willard A., Madelia Meincke, Henry, Lake City Mergens, Melvin T., Weyburn Merow, Wayne F., Cataract, Wis. Miller, Charles M., Prosper Miller, Mollie A., Osseo Moen, Gustav W., Glenwood STUDENTS, 1916-17 217 Marion M., Minneapolis Morton, Edwin J., Minneapolis Morton, Harry, Minneapolis Munson, Ernest G., Cokato Murnane, James E., Litchfield Nelson, Lloyd I., Cottonwood Nordin, Oscar F., St. Paul O’Neil, Reynold S., Windom Olson, Amora J., Winthrop Olson, Ida J., Sturgeon Lake Olson, Olive H., Gibbon Osterberg, Myrtle V., Minneapolis Palleson, Emerson R., Fulda Palmer, Elmer A., Nelson Pentz, George A., Jr., Minneapolis Pohl, Loren F., Tobique Poulsen, William L., Redwood Falls Reese, Elmer A., Minnesota Robinson, Euphie M., Baker, Mont. Rucktaeschel, Katherine M. J., Seaforth, Mont. Rudesill, Andrew S., Baldwin, Wis. Rudie, John A., Holdingford Sayers, Ethel P., Lakeville Schrader, Ernest E., Dundas Shore, Arthur W., Rushmore Shore, Wilbur E., Rushmore Sliter, Robert H., Grey Eagle Smith, Herbert L., St. Paul Morlan, Smith, Ralph, Stillwater Soma, Irene J., Ormsby Spangenberg, Albert J., St. Paul Sparks, Eula G., Baker Spears, Herbert, Northfield Spencer, Lyle E., Minneapolis Spencer, Mary E. L., America, Okla. Sprenger, Anna M., Zumbro Falls Stafford, Arthur L., St. Paul Starch, Elmer A., West Concord Strom, Edythe, Minneapolis Strong, Philip C., Excelsior Swan, Madora E., Zumbrota Swanson, Agnes, Minneapolis Swenson, Henry W., Chisago City Taplin, Lawrence, Cedar Taylor, Isabell L., Minneapolis Thiede, Frieda J. C., St. Paul Thomson, Carmen A., St. Paul Troske, Erwin E., Wabasso Utz, Arnold I., St. Cloud Viger, Alfred, Dalton Visher, Harvey H., Forestburg Ward, Louis C., North Branch West, Helen R., Merriam Park White, Grace, Minneapolis Wills, Grace O., St. Paul Yeaple, Harold H., Mankato Zimmerman, Goldie, Osseo FRESHMEN-236 Akermark, Ralph G., Ramsey Albers, Hattie M., Dundas Allen, Jay B., Winnebago Anderson, Adolph C., Ellendale Anderson, Arthur E., Two Harbors Anderson, Herbert R., Cologne Anderson, Lillian, Taylors Falls Anderson, Melvin R., Glenwood Anderson, Stanley O., Montevideo Anderson, William L., Minneapolis Anfinson, Arthur, Kenyon Arneson, Harold M., St. Paul Backer, Christina, New Ulm Bailey, Bernel H., Two Harbors Baker, George W., Janesville Bemis, Harold E., Long Prairie Bender, Lillian D., Waconia Berg, Carl A., Pelican Rapids Bergan, Napoleon, Dawson Berlin, Claus E., Gibbon Bjomstad, Ida, Underwood Blashfield, Alice M., St. Paul Blohm, Chester W., Lake City Blohm, Ralph H., Lake City Blohm, Walton F., Lake City Bluhm, William H., Biscay Boll, Peter A., St. Bonifacius Borg, Harry O., Mayer Borsheim, Peter M., Atwater Bradshaw, Joe R., Knowlton Brevick, George, Minneapolis Brigtson, Engle, Emmons Prown, Carl H., St. Paul Brown, Harry, Hanley Falls Bruestle, Hallette C., Erhard Bull, Marjorie, Stacy Buross, Otis J., Rushford Campbell, Howard, Simpson Carlisle, Frederick W., Lake Benton Carlson, Guybert L., Red Wing Carper, Mary E., St. Paul Carroll, Joseph P., Minneapolis Christensen, Johannes, Askov Christensen, Oluf A., Paynesville Christgau, Walter J., Dexter Christian, Agnes, Frost Clefton, Lorraine A., St. Paul Close, Frank M., Robbinsdale Coburn, James T., Terrace Colombe, Oscar, Little Falls Cook, Marguerite I., Osseo Daggit, Ione R., Chippewa Falls Daggit, Irene R., Chippewa Falls Dalager, Rosalie, Glenwood 218 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Da Pron, Ralph H., St. Paul Deters, George H., Eitzen Dickson, Kenneth, Victoria, D. C., Canada º Dittes, Katherine M., Beardsley Dixon, Bernard, Minneapolis Doris, Ruth A., St. Paul Doyle, Omer, Easton Eckerstrom, Marie K. S., Minneapolis Eidem, Leland, Anoka Engebretson, Guy, Waseca Engen, Lars, Clam Falls Engene, Manda S., Caledonia Engeseth, Russell, Nerstrand Enright, Ernest M., Rose Creek Erickson, Albert T., Grove City Erickson, Aaron F., Grove City Erlinger, Otto M., Elmer Feyereisen, Albert, Woodstock Flatin, Finley O., Spring Grove Foot, Jesse M., St. Paul Fourt, Leslie M., St. Paul Park Frans, Marie. Harris Franzer, John F., Milaca Frederickson, Christian, Hanska Frederickson, Marvin O., Hanska Frisby, George T., St. Charles Fruechte, Walter O., Eitzen Gable, Kenneth D., Minneapolis Gilbert, William L., Becker Gislason, Byron E., Minneota Glyer, Gilbert A., Forest Lake Green, Carroll M., Ruthton Gregerson, Victor, Luck, Wis. Gubrud, Ore G., Spring Grove Gustafson, Herbert, Lafayette Hammargren, Harry L., Hari is Hansen, Secunda, Rockville Hargesheimer, Karl, Rochester Haug, Lauritz, Renville Hawkins, William, Rogers Hein, Josephine I., Hamel Heitmann, Mabel M., Lake City Henderson, David, Nisswa High, Hilding H., New Ulm Hillman, Harold B., St. Paul Hirst, Frederick J., St. Paul Hockley, William A., IIorizon, Sask., Canada. Holmgren, Leroy E., Cambridge Homo, Henry E., Rogers Hopkins, Edward Le R., Hugo Hoyt, Arthur B., Fridley Hunt, Heartie E., St. Cloud Isaacson, Arthur E., Dassel Jacobson, Agnes, Story City, Iowa Jacobson, Grace O., Bowlus Jamieson, Floyd L., Dent Jeans, Harold A., Stillwater Jensen, Andrew, Stephen Jenson, Harry A., Emmons Jenson, Clarence B., Spring Grove Johnson, Abner, Strandduist Johnson, Alton M., Glenwood Johnson, George P., Sacred Heart Johnson, Ruth V., Alexandria Johnson, Willis N., Chester, Iowa Jung, David H., Buffalo Lake Karstad, Raymond C., Nicollet Klima, Annie M., Silver Lake Knott, Floyd, Spur Knott, Lloyd L., Spur Korfhage, Gilbert, South St. Paul Korthauer, August J., Verdi Lager, Agnet I., Winthrop faMont, Ada L., Lake City Larson, Frank H., St. Paul Larson, Melvin K., Ellendale Lee, Oliver G., Hanska Lemon, Walter G., Harris Lewis, Clyde R., Lewisville Leyh, Walter W., Bertha Lilleskov, Oscar J., Stanton Lovdahl, Theodore E., Crosby Luehr, Ella, Caledonia Luehr, Franklin W., Caledonia Lukason, Axel R., Harvick Lund, Eddie, Lafayette I.undberg, Hilda C., Winthrop Lundeen, Nels I., Orr Lyons, Ruth D., Minneapolis McConnell, Lloyd E., Eden Prairie Maas, Walter, St. Bonifacius Maland, Henry M., Frost Malquist, George G., Bird Island Mattson, Emil A., Kensington May, Maynard, White Bear Meyer, Seremus J., Lake City Miner, Gladys I., Minneapolis Miner, Percy E., St. Paul Molenaar, Kate, Raymond Monroe, Lloyd F., Winthrop Moody, Lawrence, Chisago City. Muir, Emma I., St. Paul Munkholm, Louise N., St. Paul Munson, Carl M., Lewisville Myers, Hymen, Minneapolis Nankive11, Hellman S., St. Paul Nelson, Dwight [.., Midale, Sask., Canada Nelson, Earl L., Glenville Nelson, Ernest, Houston Nelson, Melvin, Royd Neseth, Thomas B., Nersirand Newhouse, Olive M., Spring Grove Niles, Charles A., St. Paul Odson, Leroy, Story City, Iowa Oehlke, Clarence P., Newport Olafson, Milton, Ross Olson, Fether J., Grandv STUDENTS, 1916-17 219 Olson, Fred, Turtle Lake, Wis. Olson, Hildur C., Cambridge Olson, Leonard H., Walnut Grove Olson, Nuel L., Cottonwood Olson, Victor W., Litchfield Osborne, Alphonsus J., St. Peter Osborne, Lee J., St. Peter Palm, C. Archie, Princeton Pentz, Adelbert P., Minneapolis Peterson, August T., Chisago City Petranek, Edwald A., Danvers Potthoff, Arthur C., St. Paul Pouliot, Edward P., Minneapolis Poulsen, Lillian, Redwood Falls Price, Allan, Lamberton . Radermacher, Anthony F., Elko Rank, Ralph, Nerstrand Rehder, Carl E., Stillwater Richter, William W., Montgomely Ruble, Andrew L., Robinsdale Rude, Albert H., Sacred Healt Sanness, Olga, Caledonia Sausele, William F., Danube Scheer, Charles W., Pergus Falls Scherer, Joseph J., St. Joseph Seath, Clarence, Hartland Selden, John II., Minneapolis Sheia, Martha, Story "City, Iowa Smith, Joe J., Minneapolis Solem, Otto P., Thief River Falls Sommers, Verna O., Northfield Soukup, Fred J., Bird Island Steele, Harold W., Kimball UNCIL.ASSIFIED Anderson, Frans O., Isanti Anderson, Irving S., Franklin Anderson, Roy E., Russell Appelquist, James W., Fullerton, N. D. Barr, Clarence, St. Cloud Barsness, E. Sydney, Glenwood Brace, George W., Backus Burgstahler, Clark O., Buffalo Lake |Burke, Harry, Clarkfield Cates, Carroll H., Kimball Caulfield, Erwin McD., Byron Clausen, Rasmus V., Milroy Cowell, Lynda A., Creswell, Ore. Culligan, E. J. Ellefson, Henry A., Jackson Feder, John A. W., Madelia Fetsch, Claude S, St. Paul Forsell, Arthur, Goodhue Franks, George R., Viceroy, Sask., Canada. Franks, Loren C., Viceroy, Sask., Canada. Froemming, Alfred L., Hutchinson Steele, Walter, Albert Lea Strand, Allan, St. Peter Suttles, Theodore P., Dundas Swanson, Roy W., St. Peter Swenson, John M., Harris Tamble, Alfred J., St. Paul Taylor, Milton B., Outing Teig, Rudolf E., Truman Theisen, Peter M., St. Joseph Torgerson, Mary L., Dalton Tubbs, Dewey W. C., Marshall Turnacliff, Vera G., Waseca Turner, George A., St. Paul Underdahl, Samuel P., Nerstrand Vikesland, E., Elbow Lake Voehl, Albert H., Lakefield Voxland, Melvin J., Kenyon Voxland, Roy L., Kenyon Wagner, Lorina M., Seafor th Ward, Myron M., Mapleton Ward, Roy M., Osseo Weber, Dewey, Elkton, S. D. Weber, Emil, Elkton, S. D. Wehrend, William R., Princeton Welch, Clarence K., St. Paul West, Ruth A., St. Paul Westberg, Fred T., Stillwater White, Essie M., Minneapolis Wiebke, Roy F., Caledonia Will, Catherine M., St. Paul Winter, Howard J., Deer Creek Youngquist, Ralph, Marine Mills STUDENTS-66 Garry, Clarence, Cottonwood Gotzian, Conrad, Thompson Falls, Mont. Gullickson, Arthur N., Cushing, Wis. Gustafson, Anna, Houston Halvorson, Theodore B., Glenwood Hanson, Hjalmer G., Wolverton Hanson, Oscar, Hanley Falls Hendrickson, O. O., Halley, Alta., Canada Huntsinger, John A., Oronoco Isaacson, Arthur L., Minneapolis Iverson, Torval S., Hazel Jensen, R. C., Arco Johansen, Christian, Tyler Johansen, Frederik O., Tyler Johnson, Ernest J., Winthrop Jones, Joseph E., Luverne Juhl, Jacob, Minneapolis Knips, Roland, Lismore Larson, Lawrence, Butterfield Long, Dalton D., Hugo Malberg, Egbert I., Thief River Falls 220 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Melgard, E. Norman, Rushford Millar, Hugh E., Winona Nelson, Alfred, Claire City, S. D. Newmann, Adolph, St. Paul Niles, J. B., St. Paul Nilsen, Ole M., Paynesville , Olson, Mentzer A., Lindstrom Osenga, Allie, Minneapolis Pesek, Cyril M., St. Paul Peterson, Alfred F., Frost Poston, Claude, Cass Lake Reishus, Orville K., Cottonwood Robertson, Earl M., Osceola, Wis. Schultz, Rudolph, Goodhue Schwartau, George F., Red Wing Skjeveland, Thebert, Hanley Falls Solberg, Andrew, Herbert Stoen, Oscar, Blue Earth Taylor, Fred J., Benbough, Sask., Canada Tenold, Clarence, Blue Earth Thompkins, Daniel D., Byron Torgerson, Ada E., Dalton Widdowson, Harold T., Minneapolis Zaczkowski, Ottmar, Roscoe Normal Training Course—12 Calkins, Susan, Granada Carlson, Hulda, Brookfield Foresman, Alice, St. Paul Geselins, Vera, Cambridge Goss, Martha, Cass Lake Hultkranz, Evelyn, St. Paul Johnson, Ethel, Windom Lee, Jennie, Waseca Metalak, Kate, Brownton Olson, Hazel, Minneapolis Piltz, Arnes, Waconia Schmidt, Frieda, Hugo Dairy School, 1917 UNIVERSITY FARM BUTTER AND CHEESE Abeln, Henry J., Richmond Albers, Frank, Richmond Alley, A. W., St. Paul Anderson, Newell, Moose Lake I3ates, Benneville W., Emmons Bethke, E. J., Waseca Beyer, J., Easton Bjerva, Nels J., Dennison Blecker, Warren, Robbinsdale Brandt, Clarence H., Carlos Bullman, F. S., Blooming Prairie Bygd, Helmer, Boyceville, Wis. Chatelle, Arthur L., Aitkin Darrell, Volney W., Chatfield Dummer, Theodore, New Germany Emcott, Edward, St. Paul Fleisch, Reinhol, Alexandria Folie, Harvey L., Albert Lea Fonfara, Albert, Delano Fredrickson, E., Finn Gaulke, Frank, St. Michael Gay, George E., Westboro, Wis. Green, George H., Clear Lake, Wis. Gregerson, George, Prairie Farm, Wis. Grindy, Bennie, Westport Grutsch, Carl V., Avon Gudvaugen, Andrew, Hanlontown, Iowa Hanan, Lawrence L., Mondovi, Wis. Hansen, Harry, Luck, Wis. Hanson, Geoffrey, Bowlus MAKERS’ COURSE—77 Hauge, Selmer L., St. Hilaire Hegge, Clarence, Grantsburg, Wis. Hill, Arthur, Floodwood . Hinz, John, Osceola, Wis. Holtberg, Willie W., Belgrade Hongslo, Peder, Minneapolis Jaus, Martin A., Gibbon Jensen, George C., Underwood Johnson, Bernhard, Cokato Johnson, John, Biscay Klund, James, Cameron, Wis. Kvale, Oliver, Emmons Larsen, John T., Wilmont Larsen, Otto C., Benson Leffler, John, North Branch Lehne, Kuno E., Springfield Lilly, Fred J., Princeton Lindstrom, Erhard W., Grandy Lund, Harry, Atwater Madsen, Louis L., Buffalo Lake Menzhuber, Wenzel, Mahnomen Mikkalson, Mike, Kiester Nelson, Carl A., Cokato Olson, Morton C., Little Falls Olson, Reuben F., Northfield Orner, Edwin M., Deronda, Wis. Riedell, Gustave, Barron, Wis. Rogers, L. Verne, Mora Roppe, Arthur, Crookston Rouse, Chester W., Ceylon STUDENTS, 1916-17 221 Sandahl, Arthur, Burtrum Sandberg, Arthur W., Lindstrom Schons, Peter M., Mankato Selstad, Einar, Thief River Falls Seyforth, Lyman H., Mondovi, Wis. Sorensen, Hans E., Little Falls Stucky, John H., Pine Island Vakoc, Jerry E., Verdigre, Neb. Venske, Theodore, New Germany ICE CREAM MAKERS’ Althouse, Victor P., Montevideo Anderson, C. O., Wabasha Dugan, Joe C., Lime Springs, Iowa Dummer, Theodore, New Germany Eiter, Raymond, Breckenridge Gutzler, J. A., Park Rapids Hansen, Harry, Luck, Wis. Hanson, Geoffry, Bowlus Hauge, Selmer, St. Hilaire Hill, Arthur E., Floodwood Hongslo, Peder, Minneapolis Johnson, John, Albert Lea Klund, James, Cameron, Wis. Larsen, John T., Wilmont Farmers’ and Home Aal, Ingolf, Starbuck Aarestad, T., Sacred Heart Aase, E. E., Minneapolis Aase, Elling J., Minneapolis Abrahamson, P., Lanesboro Ackerson, C. Walter, Elbow Lake Adams, Floyd R., Owatonna Adams, W. R., Mankato Adelmann, J. C., Minneapolis Adelmann, Nick, Minneapolis Agrey, L. L., Goodhue Ahltfathen, George F., Austin Albrecht, Gust, Fairfax Alden, Andrew, Frederic, Wis. Alderman, Mrs. N. F., Brook Park Alderman, N. F., Brook Park Allan, Viola, Council Grove, Kan. Alm, Mrs. O. E., Minneapolis Almlia, Ludurg, Bricelyn Altermatt, Emil, Springfield Altmeyer, M. W., St. Paul Alwin, E. F., Sleepy Eye Amley, Martin, Ellendale Amley, Oscar, New Richland Andersen, A. C., Tyler Andersen, Alfred C., Cushing Anderson, A. D., Glenwood Anderson, Alfred, Little Falls Anderson, Alfred B., Alexander Voss, John, Pratt Wagner, Fred J., Lemmon, S. D. Wensman, Herman, Freeport Wilde, Arthur A., Chisago City Will, Earnest, Barnum Worm, Frank, Chaska Wright, E. J., Watertown Yennie, Henry, West Concord COURSE—27 Larsen, Otto C., Benson Lehne, Kuno E., Springfield Olson, Michael, LaCrosse, Wis. Peterson, G. C., Northome Rogers, L. Verne, Mora Rouse, C. W., Ceylon Sandahl, Arthur, Burtrum Selstad, Einar, Thief River Falls Sorenson, H. E., Little Falls Vakoe, J. E., Verdigre, Neb. Voss, John, Albany Welch, Daniel, Chatfield Worm, Frank P., Chaska Makers' Week—1,631 Andrew, Elk Mound, Wis. Anna E., Cedar B. J., Sioux Pass, Mont. Carl, Audubon Clifford, Watson David, Isanti E. S., Mankato Edwin, Foreston Edwin, Fergus Falls Eleanor, Minneapolis F. O., Isanti Fred W., Dassel G. M., Granite Falls H. W., Starbuck Mrs. H. W., Starbuck I. F., Roundup, Mont. Mrs. I. F., Roundup, Mont. J. A., Frederic, Wis. J. M., Frederic, Wis. John, Audubon Martin, Isanti Merrill, Skyberg Nels P., Eden Prairie O. E., Blue Earth Peter A., Dassel Richard, Northfield Russel, Eden Prairie S. P., Dassel Selmer, Roundup, Mont. Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, 222 TI / E . ANN U.4 L 18EGISTER Anderson, William, Minneapolis Andross, Mrs. George L., Granada Anstrom, Helen, Minneapolis Arens, Henry, Jordan Arnold, C. L., Watkins Ash, L. W., Roberts, Wis. Ashby, Mrs. R. C., St. Paul Asp, Arthur, Milaca Asquith, Ralph, Windom Atherton, Mrs. Isabel, Newport Ayers, E. D., Pine City Backus, N. B., Bemidji Bahr, George E., Morristown Bailey, Mrs. F. D., Prescott, Wis. Bailey, F. D., Prescott, Wis. Bailey, Vincent, St. Paul Bailiff, E. A., Minneapolis IBaldwin, H. J., Northfield Baldwin, Harris T., St. Louis Park Baldwin, MI1s. R. H., St. Paul Ball, F. C., Minneapolis Pallinger, Earl, Spring Valley Ballmes, George, Deer Creek Bardal, Einar, Starbuck Barnard, A. H., Crystal Bay Barnes, C. A., Minneapolis Barnett, J. C., Kilkenny Barrett, Herbelt, Ft. Atkinson, Wis. I3arrett, James, South St. Paul Bartlett, D. G., Randolph Bartlett, Mrs. D. G., Randolph Bartlett, J. F., Excelsior Bauer, F. H., Delano Bauernfeind, G. B., Nerstrand Baumgartner, Joe, Robbinsdale Beard, Mrs. Cora, Kasson Beard, F., Kasson Becker, Mrs. George, Hampton Beckstrom, Gunnard, Marine Mills Beckstrom, Ruth, St. Paul Beeman, Mrs. W. L., St. Paul Bell, Burch N., Walnut Grove Bellguist, Elmer, Cologne Bement, Mrs. E. M., East Grand Forks Bement, E. P., East Grand Forks Beneke, Arthur, Hamburg 3enjamin, A. C., Deer Creek Benjamin, Ben, Deer Creek Bennett, James, Plain View Bennett, L. K., Spring Valley Benson, F. E., North Branch Berg, Carl, Erskine Berger, C., Fairfax Berger, Otto, Gibbon Berglund, J. A., Milaca Bergquist, Paul, Cokato Bertness, Gustof, Madison Bieri, B., Mound Bies, Mrs. A., Robbinsdale Bies, Mrs. C., Robbinsdale Bjorkman, Charles J., Frederic, Wis. Bjorkman, Frank, Frederic, Wis. Bjorkman, Stanley, Frederic, Wis. Blackburn, J. R., Pine River I31ackburn, Mrs. J. R., Pine River Blair, Millard, Winona Blair, William, Glenwood Blanchard, C. L., Sherburne Blesi, Fred P., Anoka JBlossberg, O., Cambridge Blowers, M. A., St. Paul Bnedehoft, Claus, Red Wing Bobendrier, J. H., Rogers Bode, W. C., Echo Boehl, Charles, Munger Boehl, Charles, Duluth Bolstad, S., Dawson Bonfig, John, Freeport Bonham, E. E., Park Rapids Booty, August, Mound Boraas, O. R., Dawson Borgschatz, W. J., Zumbrota Borss, J. L., Goodhue Borst, H. L., Minneapolis Boss, James, Zumbro Falls Boss, Mrs. James, Zumbro Falls Boss, Mrs. Andrew, St. Paul Botzet, Andrew, Minnesota City Boyce, W. I., Fairmont Boyce, Walter, Fairmont Boyle, Marie, Ulen Boynton, W. J., Rochester Boyum, B. O., Peterson Brant, W. O., Stillwater Brash, Alfred, Maple Plain Brash, Mabel, Maple Plain Braun, Joseph, St. Cloud Brenner, Alphonse, St. Paul Bretzke, Miss, St. Paul Briggs, George, Grantsburg, Wis. Briggs, George A., St. Peter Briggs, Henry R., St. Paul Brockway, W. V., LeSueur Center 3rodersen, P. E., Minneapolis Brohaugh, W. E., Shelly Brooks, Charles, Mankato Brosious, E. J., Stillwater Brossard, E. B., Logan, Utah Brown, A. F., St. Paul Brown, Mrs. A. F., St. Paul Brown, C. E., Elk River Brown, Mrs. C. E., Elk River Brown, C. E., Crookston Brown, Cornie, St. Paul Brown, Fred, Cedar Brown, Mrs. Fred, Cedar Brown, G. W., Wilson, Wis. Brown, George, St. Paul Brown, Harry L., St. Paul Brown, J. L., Black Hall, Conn. STUDENTS, 1916-17 223 Bruette, Harold, Marine Mills Brunkow, Frank L., Delano Brush, Earl, Amboy Brush, George, Owatonna Bugbee, George A., Carlton Bugbee, L. H., Carlton Bulan, A. F., Winthrop Bunge, Amanda, Eitzen Bunge, L. O., Eitzen Bunge, Martha, Eitzen Burgstahler, C. O., Buffalo Lake Burgstahler, L. D., Buffalo Lake Burnham, C. O., Stillwater Burrill, Ethel, St. Paul Burrill, Mrs. V. L., St. Paul Busch, Bernard, Robbinsdale Busch, Fred, Minneapolis Busse, Alfred, Slayton Busse, Arthur, Amboy Campbell, F. C., Park Rapids Campbell, L. A., Utica Caneday, Victor D., Taylors Falls Carlborg, Charles, Clinton Carlson, Alfred M., Minneapolis Carlson, E. D., Minneapolis Carlson, Edwin, Copas Carlson, John A., Buffalo Lake Carlson, V. H., Red Wing Carlson, Walfred, Minneapolis Carlstadt, Alfred, Dassel Carmichael, Robert, Farmington Carnes, J. N., Royalton Carpenter, Harriet, St. Louis Park Carson, Paul, Lake Vadnais Case, Florence D., Charles City, Iowa Cashman, J. E., Owatonna Caspersau, John, Cushing Cederstrom, Arvid, Mayer Chamberlain, E. H., Hastings Chamberlain, Mrs. E. H., Hastings Chamberlain, Edith C., Hastings Chamberlain, Mrs. H. L., International Falls Chambers, George, Owatonna Chambers, Mrs. George, Owatonna Chandler, Mrs. A., St. Paul Chapel, Ray, Houston Chapman, J. E., St. Paul Chapman, Mrs. James, St. Paul Charleston, C. J., Brook Park Chell, Vitus T., Frederic, Wis. Chelson, Fred L., Cannon Falls Chennaux, H. A., St. Paul Park Child, C. S., Minneapolis Christensen, Alfred O., Luck, Wis. Christensen, Edd, South Haven Christensen, J. A., Westbrook Christensen, Jens, South Haven Christenson, N. E., Litchfield Christenson, Mrs. N E., Litchfield Christgau, Mrs. A. W., St. Paul Christgau, Fred, Austin Christgau, John M., Dexter Christie, G. I., Lafayette, Ind. Christison, J. C., Medford Christopher, W. N., St. Paul Christopherson, Fred, Luck, Wis. Clark, Mrs. Kenneth K., St. Paul Clark, M. D., St. Paul Clarke, Harry, Kenbrae Clarke, Mrs. Harry, Kenbrae Clasen, Mrs. Florence, Maple Plain Clausen, O., St. Paul Cleland, Mrs. A. V., Minneapolis Coburn, John, Brook Park Coe, Maynard, St. Charles Cogglesheal, J. M., Mapleton Cogswell, Mrs. L. B., Farmington Cole, Benjamin, Canby Cole, Paul, Canby Collette, Allen D., Pine City Collin, Charles, St. Paul Comfort, H. M., Stillwater Connolly, Mrs. T. M., Minneapolis Connor, E. M., Excelsior Conway, John, St. Paul Conzemius, J. J., Hastings Conzemius, N. H., Hastings Cooper, H. C., Little Fork Coppenheffer, Garreldt, Gray Eagle Cornell, Edward, Watertown Cornell, John, Mayer Corniea, F. A., Faribault Cort, E. G., De Graff Cort, M. J., Minneapolis Cort, Mrs. Sarah, Minneapolis Corwin, W. J., Grand Rapids Coste, C. E., Rush City Coste, Mrs. C. E., Rush City Countryman, Mrs. M. L., St. Paul Craighead, A. N., Clear Lake Crain, E. A., Minneapolis Crandall, Bernard, Randolph Crandall, C. B., Randolph Crandall, Mrs. C. B., Randolph Crane, R. E., Grand Meadow Cray, Marguerite, Minneapolis Cruzen, Ralph, Frederic, Wis. Cummelin, George, Frederic, Wis. Cummings, T. F., St. Paul Cummings, Mrs. T. F., St. Paul Curley, William, Stillwater Curran, G. C., St. Paul Cutting, A. B., St. Paul T)abilstein, Glenn, Winona Daggit, A. W., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Dahlheimer, Frank, Anoka Tahlin, Albin R., Cokato J)ahlin, Arthur, Silver Lake Dahlin, August, T.uck, Wis. 224 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Dahlin, John H., Copas Dahrmawn, H. F., Sleepy Eye Dale, J. D., Minneapolis Daly, Mrs. E. E., Ralph, S. D. Dana, W. M., Minneapolis Dana, Mrs. W. M., Minneapolis Danielson, George A., Minneapolis Danielson, Mrs. George A., Minneapolis Danielson, J. S., Minneapolis Danniger, William, Comstock, Wis. Darmody, M. J., Owatonna Davey, H. I., Staples Davidson, Oscar, Annandale Davis, Mrs. May G., St. Paul Day, Esther, Pequot Day, John M., Lake Elmo Deebach, Elmer, St. Paul Deforth, Benjamin, St. Paul Park Densmore, Eda, Spring Valley Dewey, F. D., Comfrey Dewey, S. R., Monticello Dibble, E. A., Cannon Falls Dickinson, Sherman, Minneapolis Dickman, C. E., South St. Paul Dickman, Mrs. E. J., South St. Paul Dietrich, William, Crookston Dignan, J. A., Waverly Dike, George K., Northfield Dixon, Homer E., Perham Dobber, K., Minneapolis Doble, Mrs. E., St. Paul Doble, Mrs. H. G., St. Paul Dodds, Ralph, Spring Valley Dorland, W. H., St. Paul Dorn, Mrs. I. C., Robbinsdale Doughty, R. H., Milaca Drew, Mrs. J. M., St. Paul Dubeau, Adam, Faribault Dubeau, G. J., Faribault Duhamel, Martin, Alberta, Canada Dunberg, C. L. R., Turtle Lake, Wis. Dunn, Alexander, Cohasset Dunning, Frank, Anoka Dunshee, Mrs. George, Big Lake Durbahm, W. J., Angus Dye, Seabert, Bruno Early, Wallace, Luck, Wis. Eckdahl, D. A., Copas Eckstrom, John, Glenwood City, Wis. Eddy, O. J., Montevideo Edholm, Victor, Frederic, Wis. Edlund, M. C., Dassel Egan, John T., Brooten Egan, William, Brooten Eid, J. H., Montevideo Eidem, Stella, Litchfield Eidsino, Martin, Minneapolis Ekberg, F. A., Herman Ekelund, Ethel, Minnetonka Mills Ekelund, Richard, McGregor Eklof, Albert, Siren, Wis. Ellefson, Edmund, Cushing, Wis. Ellingson, E. L., Welch Ellison, F. H., Minneapolis Ellison, Kenneth, Minneapolis Ellison, Sabra M., Linden Hills Station Elwell, Georgia B., Minneapolis Elwell, Susie M., Minneapolis Engebretson, E. L., Slayton Engeswick, Anna, Lamberton Engholm, Andrew, St. Bonifacius Engholm, Victor, St. Bonifacius Engkvist, Mrs. Anna, Chaska Engle, W. S., Lewistown, Mont. Engquist, Oscar, Marine Erhardt, Harry, Hugo Erickson, Aaron, Grove City Erickson, Albert, Grove City Erickson, Dwight S., Goodhue Erickson, Edward, Red Wing Erickson, Edward T., Appleton Erickson, Emil, Grove City Erickson, Henry W., Montevideo Erickson, L. W., Minneapolis Erickson, Mrs. L. W., Minneapolis Erickson, Lillian, Starbuck Erickson, O. T., Grove City Erickson, Mrs. O. T., Grove City Erickson, O. W., Marine Mills Erickson, P. W., Perham Erickson, Peter G., Northfield Erikson, Jimmie, Luck, Wis. Erlandson, J. W., Plummer Ernst, Mrs. M. E., St. Paul Erwin, Stanley, Waseca Escher, S. C., Slayton Evans, Mrs. A. G., Minneapolis Evans, L. E., Plain View Fahrendorff, Harold, Milltown, Wis. Falkenhagen, Walter M., Montevideo Fallon, Cecil, Hutchinson Fanning, Mary G., White Bear Farmer, W. P., Airlie Farnham, Mrs. C. G., Minneapolis Farnham, Katherine, Minneapolis Farrar, F. O., White Bear Fauskee, Albert, Brooten Fauskee, Milton, Brooten Feder, Carl, Madelia Feder, John, Madelia Feehan, R. W., Pine River Fenstermacher, Nevin, Spring Valley Ferguson, G. A., St. Paul Ferguson, J. E., Canby Field, Danforth, Harmony Filk, Theodore, Biscay Finn, Miss D. A., Minneapolis Finseth, K. Olaus, Kenyon STUDENTS, 1916-17 225 Finsted, L. E., Starbuck Firth, Charles V., Lewiston Fischer, Henry C., Lewis, Wis. Fisette, Ed., Rogers Fisher, E. E., Barnum Fisher, Fred, Warba Fisher, Luella, Minneapolis Fleckinstein, Edward, Faribault Fletcher, Clarence, Pine Island Flikkie, J. J., Shelly Flinn, George M., Medford Flodin, Axel, Frederic, Wis. Flygare, F. O., Dunnell Fobes, Frank, Minneapolis Foote, F. W., Red Wing Forsberg, John A., Fleming Lake Forst, L. E., Red Wing Foslien, Lewis, Alexandria Foss, Elizabeth H., Minneapolis Foster, John L., Foley Fowlds, Matthew, Arco Fox, O. A., St. Paul Fraley, Mrs. J., St. Paul Fralick, C. J., Nary Francis, C. S., Ponca, Neb. Francis, G. A., Frederic, Wis. Frank, J. William, Belle Plaine Franklin, Benjamin, Roseau Franks, C. W., St. Paul Franks, Ray, Viceroy, Sask., Canada Frederiksen, C. H., Clements Frederickson, Casper, Lumberton Frederickson, Marcus, Hanska Freeburg, Fred, Boyd Freeman, Mrs. L. G., St. Paul French, A. L., Anoka French, Mrs. A. L., Anoka Friberg, C. P., Boyd Frienn, Elmer, Red Wing Fries, George A., Frederic, Wis. Fristed, Walter, North Branch Friton, Otto, Sleepy Eye Frokjer, James, Askov Fuhr, Louis A., Vesta Fuller, H. A., Mankato Gabrielson, Emil, Maple Plain Gackstetter, Henry, South St. Paul Gaine, W. R., Brownsville Gallinger, R. J., Glenwood Gannon, Claude, Brooten Ganter, Gladys, New Brighton Gardner, F. L., Pine City Gartside, Agnes, St. Paul Gaumnitz, Fred, St. Paul Gaumnitz, H., St. Paul Gearty, P. W., Robbinsdale Gearty, John T., Robbinsdale Genge, Nels M., Princeton Germann, Mrs. G., St. Paul Germann, Mrs. J. F., St. Paul Germann, Lucy, St. Paul Gerson, W. A.,, Dayton Gerten, F. L., South St. Paul Gibbs, Frank, Merriam Park Gibson, J. D., Morristown Giddings, Mrs. G., Anoka Giddings, G., Anoka Gifford, Jessie, St. Cloud Gillispie, J. E., Stillwater Gilman, Fred, St. Francis Gilsdorf, Jess, Homel Girrbach, George, Minneapolis Gjertson, George, Madelia Gleason, J. J., Minneapolis Glenn, Sam, Eden Prairie Glenzke, Peter, Hopkins Glenzke, Mrs. Peter, Glen Lake Golie, A. F., Sacred Heart Gonsseff, W. V., Owatonna Goodrich, J. A., Minneapolis Gorder, Arnold, Starbuck Gould, Mrs. E. W., Minneapolis Gould, Ellis, Fair Haven Grant, Harry C., Faribault Grant, Mrs. M. C., St. Paul Grass, George, Amboy Grass, N. P., Amboy Graue, Arnold, Windom Graue, Eva, Windom Graue, Mrs. O. M., Windom Gray, Charles, Chicago, Ill. Gray, J. O., Sauk Center Gray, Janet R., Aitkin Gray, N. H., Fergus Falls Greaves, G. R., Jordan Gregorson, Victor, Luck, Wis. Gregory, Lucius, St. Cloud Grellong, L. J., Franklin Gronlund, Oliver, Cushing, Wis. Grout, I. E., Blue Earth Gudal, J. M. O., Hankow, China Gullickson, Mrs. T. W., Bay City, Wis. Gunderson, Gunder, Porter Guseph, G. O., Hazel Run Gustafson, P. O., Maynard Gustafson, S. G., Delano Gustafson, W. H., Montevideo Gutzler, C. T., St. Paul Habberstad, Alethea, St. Paul Habberstad, George N., Stillwater Habberstad, Martha, St. Paul Habberstad, N. M., St. Paul Habberstad, Nora C., Stillwater Habberstad, Pearl D., St. Paul Habberstad, Ruth, Stillwater Hackett, S. M., Aitkin Haedecke, Mrs. A. D., St. Paul Haedecke, August, St. Paul 226 THE .4 NNUAL REGISTER Hage, John, Minneapolis Hageman, L. G., Hastings Hageman, William M., Hastings Hagen, Adolph, Starbuck Haglund, O. N., East Wood Halden, F. E., Mound Halden, Mrs. F. E., Mound Hall, Emma, St. Paul Hall, Marietta, St. Paul Hall, William, Hendrum Halvorson, Julius, Cyres Halvorson, Theodore, Crystal Bay Hammerbeck, Sam, Little Falls . Hammerbeck, Mrs. Sam, Little Falls IIammerduist, S. J., Waterloo, Iowa Hammond, M. B., St. Paul Hammond, Mrs. M. B., St. Paul Hance, Mrs. H. E., Mankato FHance, H. E., Mankato Hancock, J. C., Beroum Hansen, Carl, Wood Lake Hansen, Carl, Grantsburg, Wis. Hansen, John, Grantsburg, Wis. Hansen, J. M., Milltown, Wis. Hansen, Ralph, Luck, Wis, Hanson, Anton, Luck, Wis. Hanson, Arthur M., Montevideo Hanson, E. A., Albert Lea Hanson, H. E., Mapleton IIanson, H. H. Delevan Hanson, Henry, Cresbard, S. D. Hanson, Iſenry O., Luck, Wis. Hanson, P. M., Canby IIanson, P. S., Minneapolis Harland, Hill, Elk River Hargan, Margaret, Mound Harnsohn, Erwin, Le Sueur Harrington, Margaret, Merriam Park Harris, C. B., Mahtomedi Harris, Priscilla, St. Louis Park Harrison, Edwin, Excelsior Harrison, J. F., Excelsior Harrison, J. H., Minneapolis Harter, H. I., Robbinsdale Hartle, John A., Owatonna Hartley, H. L., Duluth Hartness, A. E., Dunnell Harvey, E. L., St. Paul Harvey, Mrs. E. L., St. Paul Harvey, William, Rushford Harvey, Mrs. William, Rushford Hastad, George, Appleton Hastay, Mrs. F. A., Minneapolis Haueli, A. E., Brandon Haueter, Fred, Mayer Haug, R. E., Brooten Haugan, Knut, Pine Island Haugen, Elmer, Manford, N. T. Haugen, O. I., Kenyon ITaugon. Olai, Zumbrota Haugen, Peter, Dawson Haugen, Mrs. Peter, Dawson Haverty, H. A., Maple Lake Hawg, Arthur, Alberta, Canada Hawkins, Guy C., Minneapolis Hawkins, R. W., Warba Hawkins, W. H., Rogers, Hazel, C. H. G., Mapleton Head, Edward, St. Peter Headley, Mrs. L. S., St. Paul Healy, E. D., Mapleton Healy, O. W., Mapleton Healy, Ralph, Mapleton Heberle, Mrs. L., Lake Elmo Heckeroth, Edward, Daytons Bluff Station |Hedlund, Charles O., Frederic, Wis. Hedlund, Victor, Frederic, Wis. Hedman, Alfred, Lamberton Hedman, Andrew, Roseau Hedsdrom, Andrew, Herman Hedtke, Herbert, Waconia Heen, Chris, Osakis Heider, Otto, Anoka Heinecke, Carl A., Appleton Heinecke, George, Appleton Helfman, Flora, St. Paul Hellickson, Arthur, Spring Valley Hemboe, Leah F., St. Louis Park Hemfling, Nick, Frederic, Wis. Hendricks, E. F., Watertown Hendrickson, E. W., Mahtomedi Hennesey, T. E., Millerton, N. D. Henning, Roy, Chicago, Ill. Henry, Borden W., St. Paul Herbolsheimer, A. J., Glencoe Herdine, E. V., Grandy Herfort, E. A., Stillwater Herman, F. W., Red Wing Herman, H. E., Red Wing Hermstad, Joe, Frederic, Wis. Hessing, Roland, Jordan Hetley, W. Kimberly Higbee, E. C., Morris Hilgers, J. P., Barnesville Hill, Clayton, Eden Prairie Hill, Harry, Elk River Hill, Leonard, Elk River Hill, Ralph, Lewiston Hilleboe, J. S., Warren Hinckley, Mrs. C. E., Minneapolis Hinrichs, H., Red Wing Hintz, Julius, Kiester Hodgson, Robert, St. Paul Hoese, William, Mayer Hohag, C. A., Hopkins Holden, A. W., Amboy IIolger, Nels, Praham STUDENTS, 1916-17 227 Holiday, John W., Pine City Holm, C., Twin Valley Holmberg, Gust, Cambridge Holmen, Oscar, Burtrum Holmen, Mrs. Oscar, Burtrum Holmers, E. J., Minneapolis Holmes, Lawrence V., Wrenshall Holmes, M. S., Morristown Holmgren, LeRoy E., Cambridge Holst, H. C., Lake City Holt, A. A., Munger Holt, Mrs. Ira C., Pine City Holtan, Mrs. Alfred, Dawson Holtan, Martin, Dawson Holtzermank, Louis J., Minneapolis Homme, Gunder, Porter Hone, Axel, Frederic, Wis. Hoover, Newton D., Frederic, Wis. Horner, M. C., Wrenshall Horning, Mrs. D. W., Minneapolis Horton, Byron, North Branch Hosetter, A. B., Duluth Hoverson, Alby, Brooten Hoverstad, J. A., Minneapolis Hoversten, Albert, Waseca Hovland, Edward, Emmons Howard, H. R., Lake Crystal Howard, John I., Detroit Hoyum, M. O., Dawson Hubman, Mrs. William, Stillwater Hughes, Walter S., Minneapolis Hulbert, J. M., River Falls Hulbert, N. M., River Falls Hull, F. H., Brook Park Hull, Mrs. F. H., Brook Park Hulteen, Victor, Frederic, Wis. Hummel, J. A., St. Paul Hummel, Mrs. J. A., St. Paul Hummel, Mrs. Mary, Minneapolis Hunt, Romayne, Anoka Huntemer, P. W., Melrose Hunter, Mrs. Marie B., Hopkins Huntington, Frank, St. Paul Huntsinger, L., Douglas Huntsinger, W., Anoka Huntsinger, Mrs. W., Anoka Hurlbut, Gladys, Minneapolis Husby, I., Cannon Falls Ickler, J. K., Daytons Bluff Station Iliff, A. A., Zimmerman Imsdahl, J. T., Oslo Ingersoll, T. W., Buffalo Iverson, Albert, Hugo Jackman, C. E., Estherville, Iowa Jacob, L. O., Anoka Jacobsen, W. C., Morgan Jacobson, H. M., Cannon Falls Jacobson, N. M., Northfield Jacobson, Mrs. N. M., Northfield Jager, John, Minneapolis James, J. O., North Branch Jameson, Mrs. Charles, Stillwater Jandro, O. M., Waverly Jensen, Andrew, Rose Creek Jensen, Carl, Arco Jensen, Christ B., Frederic, Wis. Jensen, George A., Underwood Jensen, Jim, Luck, Wis. Jensen, Leo, Luck, Wis. Jensen, N. P., Ulen Jensen, Norvig S., Frederic, Wis. Jensen, Stanley, Cushing, Wis. Jensen, William, Glendon Jensen, Wesley, Madison Jenson, Jens, Luck, Wis. Jergens, W. E., Biscay Jessen, Murrey, St. Charles Johannessohn, Mrs. A. T., Beltrami Johannessohn, Louis, Beltrami Johansen, N. P., Askov Johnson, Albin, Maple Plain Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Almer, Dassel Amy, Maple Plain Axel B., Eagle Bend C. E., Center City C. M. E., Slayton C. P., Frederic, Wis. Claus, Rockwell City, Edward, Copas Elmer, Isanti Telmer O., Frederic, Wis. Emil, Randolph Hans M., Lamberton Harold B., Herman Harry J., Eagle Bend Herman, Frederic, Wis. Hjalmer M., Luck, Wis. J. A., Osseo Jean, Big Lake Jens, Lake Crystal Joel, Robbinsdale Leonard, Lake Crystal Louis, Luck, Wis. Nels, Minneapolis Ole, St. Louis Park Verle D., Savage William, Milltown Iowa Johnsrud, P. L., St. Paul Jones, Earle, Minneapolis Jones, Mrs. D. T., Minneapolis Jones, E. F., Lake Elmo Jones, J. S., Madison Jones, Joseph E., Luverne Jones, R. G., Pine City Jones, Mrs. R. G., Pine City Jones, Mrs. T. J., Minneapolis 228 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Jordahl, Arthur, Manchester Jorgensen, Christ, Luck, Wis. Jorgensen, Harry, Luck, Wis. Jorgensen, Walter, Luck, Wis. Jump, Clint L., Milaca Jungblut, Fred, Hugo Jungers, John, Sandstone Kahl, Fred, South St. Paul Kahl, Willie, South St. Paul Karnick, R. C., Hastings Karstad, Mrs. O. C., Nicollet Kasal, William, Brownton Kast, John J., Germantown Kauth, Frank, Loretto Kauth, John, Loretto Keinan, Ralph, Good Thunder Keller, C. W., Hastings Keller, Frank, Slayton Keller, T. J., Merriam Park Kemp, Anna, Melrose Kemps, Herb, Stillwater Kenneberg, Belle, St. Paul Kenneberg, S., St. Paul Kenny, Rupert, Willow River Kern, John H., Stillwater Kerr, Charles, South St. Paul Kerssen, B. R., Deer Creek Keup, W. H., Hector Kiedler, Willard, Herman Kietzer, Herbert, Vernon Center Kiger, H. E., Wheaton Kildahl, A. S., Adams Kindley, B. O., Killdeer, N. D. King, Frank, Stacy Kirkpatrick, K. A., Robbinsdale Kiser, O. M., Crookston Rjesness, Mrs. Severt, St. Paul Klaussman, Charles, Robbinsdale Klaussman, Mrs. Charles, Robbinsdale Klinka, John S., Balsam Lake, Wis. Klinka, Mrs. J. S., Balsam Lake, Wis. Klipp, Erik A., Frederic, Wis. Klitzke, H. T., Stewart Knock, F. E., Wheaton Knopke, Emil L., Buffalo Kobler, Fred L., Deer Creek Kobler, H. L., Deer Creek Koeneman, E. J., Cass Lake Koening, George, Homer Koep, A. F., Sauk Rapids Koerner, Illa, St. Paul Koerner, Olga, St. Paul Koldid, G., Minneapolis Kout, P. H., St. Paul Koziol, Anton, Little Falls Koziol, Justine, Little Falls Kozitza, Andrew, Mapleton Krause, Mrs. Charles, Merriam Park Krehn, Emil, South Haven Kromgarde, Emery, Stillwater Kron, George, Richmond Krueger, Fred, Stillwater Krum, Mrs. H. G., White Bear Kruse, J. H., Worthington Kubus, Peter, Osseo Kuchenbecker, E. H., Owatonna Kvenoden, Nels J., Fertile Labbett, William H., St. Paul Lacy, T. W., Minneapolis Lacy, Mrs. T. W., Minneapolis Lagersen, Ole, Anoka Laingen, Charles R., Cottonwood Lamb, Chester, Zumbro Falls Lambert, E., St. Paul Lamborn, George H., Minneapolis Lamborn, Mrs. G. H., Minneapolis Lamborn, Henry, Minneapolis Lang, H. W., Appleton Langum, Mrs. Anna, Minneapolis Langum, Henry, Minneapolis Lantto, Jacob, Annandale Larson, A. J., Dawson Larson, Albert G., Cambridge Larson, Alvin, Little Falls Larson, Anna, Shell Lake, Wis. Larson, C. E., Grantsburg, Wis. Larson, Ernest, Frederic, Wis. Larson, H. G., Duluth Larson, L. G., Cambridge Larson, L. M., Hopkins Larson, L. O., Minneapolis Larson, Raymond V., Taylors Falls Laue, Anna E., St. Paul Lauer, Leonard, Roscoe Laughead, W. B., Minneapolis Laughlin, Mrs. Eva B., Anoka Lavorson, Elmo, Brooten Lawrence, Mrs. A. L., St. Paul Lawson, Even L., Luck, Wis. Lawson, Hance O., Luck, Wis. Lawson, Martin A., Luck, Wis. Lawton, Mrs. A. M., Farmington Lebeck, Alfred, Manchester Lee, F. N., Britton, S. D. Legler, Mrs. Henry, Northfield Leifson, Lars, Glencoe Leindecker, Henry W., Bird Island Leitschuh, Henry, Sleepy Eye Leitze, H. M., Stillwater Leitze, L. S., Stillwater Lemppa, Peter L., Little Falls Lent, C. C., Stacy Leonard, H. R., Stillwater Levorson, Leonard, Brooten STUDENTS, 1916-17 229 Lewer, John, Waseca Lewis, A. E., Minneapolis Leyh, Fred, Bertha Leyh, Walter, Bertha Liebbrand, E. J., Jordan Liesenfeld, Jacob, Comfrey Liller, Florence E., St. Paul Lincoln, A. L., Pipestone Lincoln, Guy E., Minneapolis Lindahl, Edith, St. Louis Park Lindgren, Nathan, Marine Mills Lindh, Albert, Frederic, Wis. Lindquist, Axel, Luck, Wis. Lindstrom, J. D., Braham Lingen, Carl, Starbuck Little, J. L., Hastings Little, P. R., Excelsior Locke, Frank, Osseo Lofgren, C., Minneapolis Logue, Constance, St. Paul Logue, Mrs. Emily V., St. Paul Lohmen, Victor, Lake Elmo Loidolt, Bert, Sauk Rapids Loken, Oscar, Windom Luehr, E. F., Caledonia Luers, H. F., Owatonna Lund, Eddie, Lafayette Lund, Louis, Luck, Wis. Lundberg, Victor E., Annandale Lunde, Carl A., Zumbrota Lundeen, Mark, Isanti Lundgren, Frank, Frederic, Wis. Lundholm, K. F., St. Paul Lunn, F. E., Wheeler, Wis. Lusk, Mrs. W. F., St. Paul Luther, Clara M., Minneapolis Lyden, Andrew, Chisago City Lynch, R. E., Zimmerman Lyness, C. E., New Richland Lyness, Mrs. C. E., New Richland McBroom, J. K., Excelsior McCallum, M., Hastings McCarthy, Owen, Mendota McCarthy, R. H., Madelia McCarthy, Mrs. R. H., Madelia McCauley, John, Warba McClellan, H., Brook Park McClellan, L. E., Hopkins McClintock, Mrs. H. L., St. Paul McCready, Mrs. S. T., Linden Hills Station McDole, G. R., St. Paul McGee, Jerome, New Haven, Conn. McGill, R. F., Minneapolis McGill, Mrs. H. M., Minneapolis McGregor, R. C., Stillwater McGuire, Mrs. D. F., Hopkins McKay, Peter, Delhi McKay, Thomas, Delhi McKibbin, Anne D., St. Paul McManus, O. J., Winona McMiller, R. R., Minneapolis McNeil, W. R., Pullman, Wash. McQuilan, Cecelia, Sioux City, Iowa Mackintosh, Mrs. R. S., St. Paul Madline, Joseph, North St. Paul Magler, Mrs. C. O., St. Paul Magnuson, A. L., Copas Mahle, Simon, Louisburg Mailand, J. C., St. Paul Malcolm, W. G., Bigelow Malcolm, Mrs. W. G., Bigelow Malmgren, J. B., Kerkhoven Maloney, Mrs. M., Haddon Heights, N. J. Maltby, Alexander M., Rich Valley Manchester, Mrs. Stella, Hopkins Mandell, Sidney, Faribault Mandich, Stanley, Excelsior Mangel, Christ, Sauk Rapids Mardaus, J. W., Stillwater Marquardt, Arthur, South Haven Marsden, Harry, Hendrum Martin, A. W., Frederic, Wis. Martin, Edward G., Pipestone Martin, Miles, Fergus Falls Martinson, C. P., Tyler Mason, H. M., Redwood Falls Mason, Mervin, Redwood Falls Massicotte, Grant, Marine Mills Mathiason, Alfred, Walnut Grove Mattson, Albin, Bird Island Mattson, Fred, New York Mills Mattson, I. B., Tyler Mattson, Theodore, Chisago City Maughan, M. O., Columbia, Mo. Maxwell, J. A., St. Paul Meehan, John, Waverly Meehan, M., Ostander Mehlhouse, John, Olivia Mehsikomer, Louise, St. Paul Mehsikomer, Matilda, St. Paul Mehsikomer, Theresa, St. Paul Meinke, John, Minneapoliš Meintsma, Bert, Maple Lake Meintsma, Richard, Maple Lake Melander, Leonard, Red Wing Melching, Mrs. O. C., St. Paul Melin, J. N., Harris Melom, Martin, Osseo Melom, Mrs. M. O., Osseo Melwold, Miss May, Fairfax Mesenbring, Otto, Cologne Metcalf, J. L., Little Falls 230 |L REGISTER THE - N N U. Mickelson, Arnold P., Milltown, Wis. Micks, Karl, South St. Paul Millard, F. E., Canby Miller, Albert, Faribault Miller, Mrs. Amanda C., Minneapolis Miller, B., Minneapolis Miller, Mrs. B., Minneapolis Miller, Herbert, Park Rapids Miller, Hugo, South St. Paul Miller, John P., St. Paul Miller, Joseph, Tyler Miller, Mrs. L., Merriam Park Miller, P. E., Morris Miller, Walter, Mantorville Milne, George H., Preston Miner, Sydney, Preston Mioch, Steven, Excelsior Mix, George, Red Wing Moberg, N., Worthington Moen, J. E., Starbuck Moffatt, Mrs. C. J., St. Louis Park Mogan, Mrs. F. P., Minneapolis Mohnsen, George, Luck, Wis. Moller, J. G., Luck, Wis. Molloy, F. J., Faribault Molloy, J. P., Faribault Molter, E. L., Fergus Falls Montgomery, , B. L., Blue Earth Montgomery, I., Deephaven Montgomery, Mrs. J. S., St. Paul Moore, A. K., Page Moore, Charles A., Solon Springs Moore, F. F., Carlton Moore, V. E., Triumph Moorehouse, Mrs. F. E., Minneapolis Moorehouse, Mrs. J. F., Minneapolis Morley, Joseph, Redwood Falls Morris, Mrs. Frank, St. Paul Morris, W. E., Olivia Morrison, A. E., Copas Morrison, E. G., Copas Morrison, F. G., Copas Morseth, Benjamin, Appleton Mortenson, H. J., Litchfield Mortenson, Otto, Litchfield Morton, J. L., Akeley Morton, Mrs. J. L., Akeley Mosbak, L., Askov Mosey, C. E., Monticello Moshier, C. F., Minneapolis Moulton, Merton, Rush City Muehring, Herman, South Haven Muehring, Lewis, South Haven Mueller, Frank, Hayfield Mundt, Rudolph, Stillwater Munier, George F., Glencoe Munn, Mrs. M. D., Forest Lake Munsinger, J. P., St. Cloud Munson, Bennie, Pelican Rapids Munson, Edward, Pelican Rapids Munson, Martin, Pelican Rapids Murphy, Miss B., St. Paul Murphy, F. W., Wheaton Murphy, Miss J. R., St. Paul Murphy, Ralph, Cushing Murray, Harold D., Wadena Murray, W. A., Wadena Musser, J. C., Fairmont Myers, W. H., Elk River Nash, Carroll D., Tracy Nash, Mrs. Carroll D., Tracy Naughton, William, St. Paul Nellermoe, T. A., Sacred Heart Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson, Nemec, Nesbitt, Nesbitt, Nesbitt, A. P., Maynard Andrew, Robbinsdale Anton, Cushing Arthur, White Bear Mrs. B., Anoka Charles, Litchfield Mrs. Charles, Litchfield Charles A., Luck, Wis. Clarence, Milltown Edward, Hudson, Wis. G. M., Austin H. A., Eagle Bend Hazel, Constance I. E., Lake Crystal J. K., Princeton John P., Stillwater Lewis, Mora N. F., Montevideo O. B., Minneapolis R. M., Duluth Senius, St. Peter W. F., Ashby William, Clearbrook Bessie, St. Louis Park John, Eden Prairie William, Eden Prairie William H., Duluth Neubauer, August, Wykoff Newberg, Andrew, Excelsior Newmann, A., St. Paul Newman, Miss L., St. Paul Nielsen, Albert E., Leech Lake Noleen, Alfred, Shafer Noltimier, Margaret, St. Paul Park Noltimier, Stanley J., St. Paul Park Noren, George, Chisago City Norling, Albert L., Elbow Lake Norsen, K. A., Alexandria Novak, E. E., New Prague Novotny, George, Maple Lake Nygaard, Petra, Starbuck STUDENTS, 1916-17 231 Nylin, Victor E., Tracy Nystrom, Ida, Worthington O’Banion, A. C., Glyndon O’Connel, James L., Le Sueur Center O’Connell, F. P., Waverly O’Hara, James, Lanesboro O'Hara, Mrs. James, Lanesboro Oberg, Reuben W., Frederic, Wis. Obernolte, Edward, Tamarack Odean, Walter, Minneapolis Odegaard, S. O., Sacred Heart Odland, Theodore, Jr., Bertha Oech, Lewis, Winona Oehler, Miss L., St. Paul Oelke, Leopold, Blue Earth Oftedahl, Bennie, Pemberton Oftedal, Sidney, Hanley Falls Olmen, Joseph, Canosia Olson, A. P., Excelsior Olson, Albert, Cushing, Wis. Olson, Ben, Lansing Olson, Emma, Minneapolis Olson, Ernest, Robbinsdale Olson, Fletcher, Robbinsdale Olson, George W., Carver Olson, Mrs. George W., Carver Olson, Henry A., Grove City Olson, J. M., Hutchinson Olson, Lewis H., Gildford, Mont. Olson, Maurice F., Cushing, Wis. Olson, Minnie, Minneapolis Olson, Sam, Madison, Wis. Orr, L. W., Hastings Osborne, Fred E., South St. Paul Ostrem, Carl, Winthrop Ostrem, H., Winthrop Oswald, Henry W., Minneapolis Oswald, J. J., Minneapolis Oversen, Arthur, Starbuck Oweno, J. T., Minneapolis Paddock, Harry, Walker Page, Mrs. Howard, Brookhaven Palmer, A. T., Minneapolis Palmer, Frank C., St. Paul Palmer, Leonard, Minneapolis Palmer, M., Minneapolis Parker, Mrs. E. H., Minneapolis Parkes, Fenton, Sauk Center Parson, Edwin, Northfield Parson, N., Northfield Parson, Mrs. N., Northfield Pauley, Julius, Stillwater Paulsen, Herlief, Luck, Wis. Peake, G. C., Minneapolis Pearson, Clarence, Center City Pearson, Frans, Fergus Falls Pechack, Joseph, Owatonna Pedersen, Paul A. O., Luck, Wis. Penhallegon, Sadie, Princeton Pensyl, E., Nashua Pentz, Milton H., St. Cloud Perkins, Alfred G., St. Paul Perkins, W. F., Minneapolis Perry, Dorothy, Felton Perry, F. W., Minneapolis Pesek, C. M., St. Paul Peterman, John, Waconia Peterman, O. C., Waconia Peters, Henry, South St. Paul Petersen, Arnold, Luck, Wis. Peterson, Axel, Starbuck Peterson, C. O., Atwater Peterson, C. R., Red Wing Peterson, C. W., St. Paul Peterson, Clifton, Isanti Peterson, Delmar F., Cushing, Wis. Peterson, Ella, Starbuck Peterson, George, North Branch Peterson, Harry, Grove City Peterson, Herbert, Chisago City Peterson, Howard A., Luck, Wis. Peterson, J. E., St. Paul Peterson, Martin B., Ruthton Peterson, N. C., Askov Peterson, R. S., Red Wing Peterson, Roy W., Luck, Wis. Peterson, Sigvald, Luck, Wis. Peterson, W. Edwin, Zumbrota Peterson, William, Belview Peterson, William T., Ruthton Peterson, Wilmar C., Luck, Wis. Petschl, Mrs. Frank, St. Paul Pfeil, Roy, Worthington Pierce, F. D., River Falls, Wis. Pierce, Guy H., Lewiston Pinney, E. L., Le Sueur Pofahl, Alice, Waconia Pollard, Mrs. Grace L., Minneapolis Ponath, Mrs. A. E., St. Paul Pond, G. A., Shakopee Pond, J. M., Shakopee Pond, Harold H., Minneapolis Pond, Wilson, Minneapolis Porter, C. V., Viroqua, Wis. Potter, George H., Triumph Potter, L. E., Springfield Potthoff, A. C., Daytons Bluft Station Poulsen, Alfred, Redwood Falls Pratt, C. L., Minneapolis Pratt, C. N., Minneapolis Preston, Clark, Smith Mills Preston, Ralph, Smith Mills Pryor, Leonard H., Hinckley Purdham, C. W., Anoka 232 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Purmort, J. E., Cedar Purmort, Mrs. J. E., Cedar Putnam, F. H., Elk River Putnam, H. A., Battle Lake Quiggle, Edith, Pelican Rapids Quiggle, Edna, Pelican Rapids Raben, Fred, Albert Lea Ramsey, Mrs. F. M., Mahtomedi Randlett, Mrs. Gordon W., Brook- ings, S. D. Rathke, H. S., Preston Rathke, Mrs. H. S., Preston Raymond, E. D., Wayzata Reben, Adolf, Albert Lea Reechstadt, W. M., South St. Reepes, N. H., Minneapolis Rehder, Elsie, Stillwater Reinertson, P. A., Rushford Remley, Frank, Luck, Wis. Reonnpferd, A. F., Amboy Reynolds, Alice, Minneapolis Reynolds, E. E., Minneapolis Reynolds, M. E. E., Minneapolis Rhoy, William, Victoria Richards, H. L., Minneapolis Richardson, Frank W., Garden City Richardson, George, Garden City Richardson, Mrs. I. E., New Brighton Ring, J. P., Sauk Rapids Ripley, E. V., Park Rapids Ripley, Mrs. E. V., Park Rapids Roach, M. J., Minneapolis Robinson, Harriet M., Minneapolis Robinson, Harry S., Angus Robinson, R. B., Minneapolis Rochette, R. E., St. Paul Roe, Ludwig I., Northfield Rogers, Caroline, Madison Rogers, J. P., Montrose Rohwer, Clarence, Rushmore Roise, Henry; Madison Rolstad, I. A., Thief River Falls Rombaugh, D. S., Villard Rommes, Harold, Sacred Heart Romo, L. L., Kenyon Rose, Lasby V., , Mankato Rose, Mrs. W. D., Mankato Rosendahl, Harold, Minneapolis Rosenwald, O., Norwood Rosenwald, Oswald, Kandiyohi Rosholt, Fred, Warba Roth, Rufus, Lamberton Rotto, Martin, Farwell Rotz, Erwin O., Truman Rowekamp, George L., Winona Ruble, F. S., Albert Lea Rud, Sigurd, Frederic, Wis. Paul Ruedlinger, Mrs. C. N., Minneapolis Ruedlinger, Louise S., Minneapolis Ryberg, August, Center City Rydell, E. A., Minneapolis Rydell, Oscar, Pipestone Rysgaard, Mrs. J. M., St. Paul St. Martin, E. J., Minneapolis Saari, Matt, Ely Sahr, Theodore, Frederic, Wis, Samuelson, S., Mayer Sanborn, R. E., Elgin, N. D. Sandeen, E. W., St. Peter Sanders, George P., Palisade Sanders, Stuart, Bethel Sansen, C. G., Dunnell Sarff, J. W., Hebron Sargent, Forrest H., St. Paul Sather, Carl, Frederic, Wis. Sawyer, Mrs. N. S., Excelsior Sayers, A. L., Lakeville Schafer, B. J., Stillwater Schaffer, W. A., Cannon Falls Schak, George B., Hugo Schandorff, Fred L., Luck, Wis. Schanil, George, Olivia Scharber, John W., Anoka Schermer, Nicolaas, Maple Lake Scherrier, O. M., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Schillinger, Emma, Hopkins Schindler, Charles, Stillwater Schlangen, Jacob, Richmond Schmelzer, Herbert, Little Falls Schmid, Roland, Minneapolis Schmidt, G. C., Rock Creek Schnacke, Mrs. R. A., St. Paul Schneider, Marjorie, White Bear Lake Schoweiler, Anthony, Kellogg Schrader, Mrs., Shakopee Schram, A. L., Germantown Schroeder, E. C., Moorhead Schroeder, H. W., Owatonna Schulenburg, E. C., St. Paul Schulenburg, William T., St. Schulz, Rudolph, Goodhue Schulze, Mrs. George, Minneapolis Schumacher, Fred, Spring Valley Schwanbeck, Arthur, Elk River Schwartau, Adolph, Red Wing Schwarz, M. J., St. Paul Schwyzer, G., Minneapolis Scofield, M. G., Brook Park Scott, John T., St. Paul Seaborn, Sarah, Minneapolis Sederlund, David, Frederic, Wis. Sederlund, S. A., Frederic, Wis. Seidenkranz. A., Merriam Park Selvig, C. G., Crookston Paul STUDENTS, 1916-17 233 Sevareid, M., Zumbrota Severson, Elmer, Mapleton Severson, Mrs. Elmer, Mapleton Severson, J. C., Mapleton Severson, Mrs. J. C., Mapleton Severson, Victor, Mapleton Severson, Mrs. Victor, Mapleton Seward, Arthur, Farmington Shadbolt, C. S., Minneapolis Shafer, Walter, Owatonna Shannon, Donald, Bemidji Shannon, Paul E., Walnut Grove Sharkey, W. J., Belle Plaine Sharp, Clarence, St. Paul Sharp, Donald, Minneapolis Shaver, B. G., Wayzata Shaw, Robert, Funkeley Shay, Lawrence, Ostander Shelby, Albert, Madelia Sheldall, M. B., Pipestone Shelland, J. C., St. Paul Shelton, Ida M., Minneapolis Shepard, George, Farmington Shepherd, Mrs. W. L., Minneapolis Sherman, Stephen, Roberts, Wis. Sheu, Lewis, Coleraine Shoen, Cecil, Truman Showers, F. F., Delavan, Wis. Sickeneder, F. J., Waconia Silloway, H. F., Minneapolis Silrun, Isaac, Bricelyn Simmons, J. A., St. Paul Simon, Peter, Altura Simon, Mrs. Peter, Altura Simonson, Martin, Frederic, Wis. Sindt, H. A., Ellsworth Sisler, Ray L., Grand Rapids Siverson, B., Langby Sjoberg, Arthur, Mora Skalbeck, O. O., Sacred Heart Skinnemoen, Ole, Wendell Skone, Arthur, Cushing, Wis. Skow, Carl, Luck, Wis. Skulstad, H. H., Granite Falls Slater, Tom, Mendota Slava, Andrew, White Bear Slava, John, White Bear Slocum, Charles, Echo Sloen, Ernest, Ellendale Smith, C. H., Faribault Smith, Mrs. D. R., St. Paul Smith, E. W., Parkers Prairie Smith, H. R., St. Paul Smith, John M., Minneota Smith, Mathilda, Mahnomen Smith, Mrs. P. H., St. Paul Smith, Ruth, Whitlaw, Alta., Canada Smith, W. W., Whitlaw, Alta., Canada Smith, William, South Haven Smithers, Paul, Kallispel, Mont. Soderholm, A. O., Red Wing Soderlund, A., Sturgis, Canada Soderlund, Oscar, Homen, N. D. Sohm, Theodore, Le Sueur Solve, O. A., Hancock Sommed, Carl H., Rush City Sondergaard, M., St. Paul Sondergard, H. T., Minneapolis Sorensen, Thorwald, Luck, Wis. Sorenson, George, Wayzata Sorenson, James, Albert Lea Sorenson, Niels, Luck, Wis. Sorenson, Soren, Osakis Souba, A. J., Hopkins Spanier, Mathew, Roscoe Spohn, F. W., Anoka Spreiter, W. E., Onalaska, Wis. Springer, Emil, Zumbro Falls Springer, J. J., Zumbro Falls Stage, Bessie, Rushford Stahman, W. F., Wyoming Stanley, W. F., Minneapolis Starz, Edward, Zumbro Falls Stassen, William, St. Paul Stearns, Arthur, Dexter Steele, P. C., Red Wing Steenson, A., Eden Prairie Steidl, Raymond H., Wheaton Steidl, Simon, Carlos Steiner, Mrs. J. F., Minneapolis Steinmetz, F. H., Truman Stensrud, Hans, Watson Stevermer, E. B., Easton Stewart, J. E., Medford Stiff, Clem, Grove City Stone, Walter, Newport Stone, Mrs. W., Newport Stotelberg, Herbert, Ellsworth Stower, F. J., Frederic, Wis. Stradtmann, Fred, Jr., Glencoe Strate, Mercedes, Newport Strating, G. H., Milaca Street, C. J., Sturgeon Lake Strom, George, McGregor Suck, H. W., Freeport, Sutton, W. D., Menahga Sveeggen, S., Alcester, S. D. Swain, Glyde, Elysian Swanberg, Mrs. George, St. Paul Swanson, Albert F., Big Lake Swanson, Geneva, Anoka Swanson, Ida, Anoka Swanson, N. F., Minneota Sweeley, Frank L., St. Paul 234 * THE H NNUAL REGISTER Swenson, Almer W., South Haven Swenson, Vera, Enfield Swerkstrom, Charles, Luck, Wis. Syndal, L. E., Hills Tamke, John H., Brook Park Taylor, Elmer, Minneapolis Taylor, F. J., Russell, Iowa Taylor, Fern, Minneapolis Taylor, George S., Withrow Taylor, Henry L., Anoka Taylor, James, Jasper Taylor, L. S., Owatonna Taylor, Mrs. R. C., Minneapolis Teigen, L. O., Jackson . Tessen, Milo, Starbuck Theilmann, F. W., Hancock Theilmann, P. W., Minneapolis Theisen, Leon P., Kimball Thill, N. C., Belle Plaine Thom, Paul, Cologne Thomas, Everett, Farmington Thomford, F. H., Zumbrota Thompson, Clara A., Minneapolis Thompson, Earle, Clearwater Thompson, G. C., Truman Thompson, G. W., Minneapolis Thompson, M. J., Duluth Thompson, Mackey J., St. Paul Thompson, Nels, Windom Thompson, Ruth, Minneapolis Thompson, Mrs. T. A., Constance Thompson, T. L., St. Paul Thompson, Mrs. U. S., Minneapolis Thompson, Mrs. Ward, St. Paul Thornton, B., Elizabeth, Minneapolis Thornton, Katherine, Minneapolis Thorsen, Emil M., St. Paul Thorson, Louis, Fallon, Mont. Thorson, Theodore, Hammond, Wis. Thorson, Theodore, Le Sueur Center Thorstad, Alfred, Lake Crystal Thursby, L. P., Porter Tierney, John E., St. Paul Tillisch, Mary A., Minneapolis Tillotson, William, Brooten Tjosvold, L. A., Willmar Tobin, J. M., Fairmont Tomlinson, Bessie A., Minneapolis Tompkins, LeRoy, Byron Tornell, Eugene, Lindstrom Tousignant, V. E., Mendota Tovey, James, Taylors Falls Townsend, Sherman, Stillwater Trautman, Harry, Comfrey Trovatten, Olaf, Hanley Falls Truax, Howard, Zimmerman Trump, Ruth, Robbinsdale Tucker, C. H., Rogers Tucker, P. J., Rogers Tuckey, Mrs. L. H., Minneapolis Tuff, J. P., Staples Tundell, Fredolph, Cambridge Turner, W. H., St. Peter Turner, Mrs. W. H., St. Peter Twetten, E. C., Luck, Wis. Tysseling, H. R., Elkton Uhlin, Bernard, St. Paul Ulland, S. S., Blooming Prairie Ulland, Mrs. S. S., Blooming Prairie Ulm, William, Le Sueur Underwood, W. W., Pierz Utley, Mrs. E. S., Minneapolis Utne, John, Dalton Van de Bogart, Mrs., Zumbrota Van Dyke, Frank, Rush City Van Dyke, W. E., Rush City Van Slyke, S. E., Northfield Varrum, H. J., Wayzata Vaughn, Edward, Poplar, Wis. Vaux, E. J., Faribault Velat, Ella, St. Paul Vig, Marius, Luck, Wis. Visher, Harvey, Forestburg, S. D. Vollmer, George F. J., Stillwater Vondracek, L. J., New Prague Vessey, R. A., Minneapolis Von Lehe, Oscar, Le Sueur Von Wald, H. C., Nerstrand Vorhes, R. M., Brooten Vorhes, Ralph, Brooten Vrooman, Lewis E., Minneapolis Vye, Mary A., St. Paul Wagner, E. P., Deer Creek Wagner, Mrs. Fred, Stillwater Wagner, H. Cortelyou, Excelsior Wagner, Walter, Withrow Wahlgren, Swan, Minneapolis Waldeen, C. H., Rice Waller, Adolf, Grove City Walsten, Randolph, Cushing, Wis. Walsten, Leonard, Cushing, Wis. Walter, Gilbert, Waconia Warner, Charles E., Osseo Washburn, G. H., Brook Park Watkins, Harlow, Carlton Watson, J. G., Brandon, Vt. Watts, S. C., St. Charles Waylander, Nels N., Grove City Wees, John, West Concord Wehlitz, Mrs. W. F., Anoka Weigen, Martin, LeRoy Weise, Edward, Wells Weiss, E., St. Paul Welle, Leo, Freeport STUDENTS, 1916-17 235 Welsandt, William, Eitzen Wennerholm, J. P., Minneapolis West, Hans, Grantsburg, Wis. West, J. P., St. Paul Westerlund, August, Clearbrook, Wis. Westerlund, Ernest, Farwell Westphal, G. L., Robbinsdale Weyher, L. C., Brook Park Weyrens, Peter, St. Cloud Whitaker, C. R., Hastings White, C. H., Excelsior White, Frank W., Marshall White, G. T., Cloquet Whitney, William S., Worthington Whitney, Mrs. William S., Worthington Whitson, William, Franklin Wiggerson, Miss L., Minneapolis Wiker, N. H., Mabel Wilcox, Mrs. E. W., St. Paul Wilcox, Florence, Mayer Wilcox, H. B., Bricelyn Wilcox, Mrs. H. B., Bricelyn Wilcox, W. W., White Bear Lake Wilford, M. C., Canton Wilkins, Mrs. John W., St. Paul Wilkinson, John D., New Richland Wilkus, A. J., St. Paul "Willard, D. E., . St. Paul Willard, H. S., Mankato Willerbring, John A., Richthond Williams, G. L., Canada Williams, Henry L., Minneapolis Williams, Mrs. Henry L., Minneapolis Williams, R. C., Aitkin Willis, F., Excelsior Wilson, Mrs. C. E., Minneapolis Wilson, Clarence, Minneapolis Wilson, F. C., Medford Wilson, J. J., Royalton Winkley, Mrs. Frank, Minneapolis Winsemann, William, South Haven Winter, Howard, Deer Creek Wintersteen, C. B., Minneapolis Witham, J. W., Pine River Wolfe, Fred, Rush City Wolf, S. J., Morristown Wolff, Martin, Bird Island Woodard, Albert, Frederic, Wis. Woost, Louise, St. Paul Worsham, C. G., St. Paul Worsham, Mrs. C. G., St. Paul Wright, S. P., Fergus Falls Wulfsberg, E., Elbow Lake Wyanish, E., St. Paul Wyman, Phelps, Minneapolis Wymen, Mrs. Martha A., Minneapolis Yaeger, L. A., Good Thunder Yaeger, Oscar, Mankato Yaeger, Reuben, Mankato Yarnell, J. D., St. James Young, Dave, Centuria, Wis. Youngblood, Leland, Boonville, Ind. Youngquist, Charles A., Marine Mills Youngquist, Stella, Marine Mills Youngquist, W. E., Minneapolis Zapp, Clarence J., Blue Earth Zavoral, H. G., Laporte Zechlin, Fritz, Minneapolis Zeigler, Elmer, Brook Park Ziemer, J. F., Waltham Editors' Week Short Course—60 Berglund, Emil, Minneapolis Blakely, A. W., Rochester Braidenson, B., Duluth Campbell, C. C., Ellendale Carlson, C. W., Gibbon Clay, Cecil, Farmington Clay, Ham, Jr., Farmington Clement, W. A., Waseca Coughlin, J. P., Waseca Curtis, Will, St. James Dahlquist, W. A., Lancaster Dillman, Willard, Excelsior Dooley, Henry F., Sleepy Eye Duffy, William F., Shakopee Erickson, August G., Springfield Ericson, Carl O. G., Minneapolis Evers, Eric Harold, Minneapolis French, C. A., Monticello Galer, M. H., Forest Lake Gannon, J. L., Northfield Piarwood, Emma J., Roosevelt [Henke, Charles W., Dassel Holm, N. E., Minneapolis Hotaling, H. C., Mapleton James, W. Harvey, Breckenridge Jaspard, John F., St. Cloud Jensen, George M., Duluth Kienitz, John E., Cambridge Kienitz, Sidney E., Cambridge Knutson, Harold, St. Cloud Kommerstad, W. M., Albany Landy, James R., Olivia Langworthy, G. F., Spring Valley Liesch, Philip, New Ulm McGowan, M. J., Appleton Markham, Burt A., St. Peter Maxwell, J. A., St. Paul Meyst, Frank J., Minneapolis 236 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Morrison, J. C., Morris Mueller, Michael G., St. Paul Palmer, W. C., Fargo, N. D. Peterson, H. I., Litchfield Peterson, R. S., Westbrook Roble, Anna B., Austin Roe, Herman, Northfield Rossman, Laurence A., Grand Rapids Seiberlich, J. J., Minneapolis Sheasgreen, E. E., Chicago, Ill. Smith, Charles S., Minneapolis Sunstad, Jacob, Hendrum Swanson, C. N., Truman Towne, William E., Duluth Townsend, D. C., Belle Plaine Van Rhea, George J., Milaca Wambeam, Floyd, Lincoln, Neb. Welch, F. M., Stillwater Wheaton, H. E., Hokah Wheelock, Harry M., Fergus Falls Whiting, E. K., Owatonna Widsten, Martin, Warroad Junior Short Course, 1917—980 Albermathy, Kenneth, Rochester Alberts, Esther, Pine Island Albrecht, Roy, Morgan Albro, Harry, Spring Valley Allard, Blanche, Spring Valley Allen, George, Rochester Allen, Jane, White Bear Lake Allen, Samuel, Rochester Allin, Alwin, Minneapolis Allright, Lester, Morgan Allright, Walter, Morgan Amidon, E. P., North St. Paul Amidon, Roger, North St. Paul Anderson, Adell, Braham Anderson, Amanda, Braham Anderson, Carl, Belgrade Anderson, Carol, Braham Anderson, Carol, Princeton Anderson, Elmer, Darling Anderson, Elsie, Isanti Anderson, Esther, Audubon Anderson, Fred, Bethel Anderson, Freldolph, Dalbo Anderson, Gertrude, White Bear Anderson, Hans, Brainerd Anderson, Harold, Hutchinson Anderson, Harry, Isanti Anderson, Hedvig, Isanti Anderson, Josephine, Owatonna Anderson, Leslie, Braham Anderson, Otto, Dalbo Anderson, Richard, Eden Prairie Anderson, Roy, Tracy Anderson, Teddie, Isanti Anderson, Viggs, Askov Anderson, William, St. Paul Anderson, Willard, Eden Prairie Andrews, Ruth, Spring Valley Anlund, Aulock, Dalbo Anlund, Hugo, Dalbo Archard, Essie, Dodge Center Armstrong, Blanche, Bricelyn Arnold, Harold, Rochester Auger, Miss C., White Bear Auger, Robert, White Bear Austin, Luella, Georgeville Bach, Leona, Owatonna Bach, Lorraine, Owatonna Badger, Robert, Rochester Bailey, Claude, Medford Bailey, Myron, Medford Baker, Irma, Medford Bakke, Elmer, St. Paul Bakke, Leo, St. Paul Bales, Thomas, Winnebago Barker, Blaine, Cambridge Barney, Wallace, Medford Barrich, Lowell, Litchfield Barsness, Webster, Elbow Lake Barstow, Isaac, Anoka Barthine, Verna, Stanchfield Beach, Ruth, Hutchinson Beaman, Ralph, Deer Creek Beaver, Ole, Audubon Becker, Harold, Sauk Rapids Becker, Mamie, Montgomery Becklin, Lloyd, Cambridge Becklin, Reuben, Cambridge Becklin, Ruth, Cambridge Beckman, Adla, Isanti Bednar, Josephine, Glencoe Bednar, Mary, Silver Lake Bednar, Wilhelmina, Silver Lake Behrends, Dora, Conger Behrendt, Minnie, Merriam Park Behrens, Erna, Montevideo Bell, Bernice, Hutchinson Bell, Ethel, Hutchinson Bell, Stella, Hutchinson Bemis, Floyd, Long Prairie Bender, Lillie, Chaska Bengstrom, Orlando, Lanesboro Benham, Clyde, Orchard Gardens Benham, Helen, Savage Benjamin, Ben, Hutchinson Bennett, Russell, Ellendale STUDENTS, 1916-17 237 Benson, Alvin, Harmony Benson, Edmund, Harmony Benson, Mabel, Isanti Benson, Roy, Harmony Benton, Cecil, Fairmount Berg, Ebba, Cannon Falls Berg, Edna, Belgrade Bergin, Alvin, Cambridge Bergler, Charles, Winona Bergler, Helen, Winona Bergler, John, Winona Bergquist, Forest, Milaca Bidwell, Gerry, Minneiska Bird, Jennie, Isanti Bismark, Anna, Stanchfield Bismark, Oscar, Stanchfield Bjorka, Knute, Belgrade Bjorkmund, Ernest, Bethel Blair, Lillian, Remer Bleed, Florence, Forreston Bloom, Marvin, Cambridge Blume, Della, Gordan Blume, Ralph, Herman Bocklund, Russell, Princeton Bodell, Floyd, Stanchfield Bohanon, Henry, Wahkon Boostrom, Clara, Isanti Boostrom, Luella, Isanti Borden, Madena, New Brighton Borg, Willis, Isanti Borgerding, Francis, Belgrade Borgerding, Paul, Belgrade Bos, Everett, Milaca Bothum, Elmer, Lanesboro Bowman, Eva, Merriam Park Boyd, George, Wendell Bradshaw, Tracy, Dodge Center Brandt, Theodore, Barnum Bredeson, Oliver, Maynard Briggs, H. R., St. Paul Briggs, Ralph, St. Paul Brody, Arthur, Medford Brolin, Lawrence, Cambridge Brookman, Tony, Lake Elmo Brown, Gilbert, Eden Prairie Brown, Irene, Eden Prairie Brown, Norman, Cambridge Brown, Victor, North Branch Brunkow, Carl, Delano Brunner, Bertha, Montgomery Burch, Edna, Mora Burgdorf, Clarence, White Bear Lake Burgdorf, Marion, White Bear Lake Burrson, Marie, Merriam Park Busta, Will, Brownton Cady, Harold, Lewiston Caldwell, Lowell Hermann Campbell, Harry, Hutchinson Campbell, Richard, Ellendale Canfield, Dwight, Owatonna Canton, Earnie, Watson Canton, Gerda, Watson Carlson, Albin, Detroit Carlson, Benard, Detroit Carlson, David, Stanchfield Carlson, Gay, Isle Carlson, Helmer, Detroit Carlson, Hilda, North Branch Carlson, Raymond, Herman Case, Ernest, St. Cloud Case, Lloyd, Claremont Casper, Henry, Hutchinson Caton, Charles, Hermann Cedarblade, Lyndon, Minneapolis Cederstrand, Alva, Cambridge Chader, Oscar, Bethel Chalstrom, Edith, Dalbo Chapel, Milan, St. Louis Park Chilstrom, Ida, Isanti Christison, William, Plainview Churchill, Geoffrey, Montevideo Clabaugh, Blanche, Remer Clabaugh, Clarence, Remer Clabaugh, Neva, Remer Clausen, Thorvald, Askov Cleland, Dora, Merriam Park Coe, Guy, Medford Cook, Merlin, North Branch Cooley, Annie, Stanchfield Cooper, Myron, Spring Valley Cooper, Robertta, West Concord Cooper, Zena, Mantorville Currie, Sidney, Hinckley Currier, Frances, Mantorville Dahlen, Walter, Cokato Dahlin, Violet, Isanti Dahlman, Florence, Grandy Dahms, Oscar, Morgan Daly, Philip, Rosemount Danielson, Lillian, Isanti Darling, Phoebe, Aitkin Darr, Harold, Minneapolis Davis, Hattie, Clear Lake Davis, Kenneth, Plainview Davis, Lloyd, Anoka Dawson, Louise, West Concord DeMars, Arthur, Maple Lake Debner, Regina, Lester Prairie Deel, Kenneth, Shakopee Degona, Lee, Le Sueur Center Degona, Rose, Le Sueur Center Derry, Lynn, Braham Devenny, George, Shakopee Devold, Oscar, Belgrade 238 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Finch, Cornwell, Spring Valley Fischbach, Glenn, Harmony Fisk, Wyman, Plainview Fixen, Elmer, Morgan Flemming, Albert, Garden City Flemming, Edgar, Garden City Flickinger, Herman, Braham Flormoe, Luther, Cannon Falls Fox, Dorothy, Monterey Fredden, Gordon, Isanti Fredrickson, Harry, Darling Frees, Jens, Barnum Friday, George, Stanchfield Froemming, Harry, Hutchinson Froemming, Robert, Hutchinson Frolick, Evelyn, Montgomery Fynskoo, Lowell, Owatonna Fynskoo, Stanley, Owatonna Gabbert, John, Minneapolis Gabel, Ila, Grandy Gaffany, Clarence, Glenwood Gall, Frieda, White Bear Gehl, Florence, Chaska Gerard, Edith, Cokato Gerdin, Florence, Cambridge Geselius, Laurence, Isanti Dickinson, Rollin, Le Sueur Center Drahos, Jerry, Hutchinson Dressel, Lydia, Hutchinson Dressel, Walter, Hutchinson Driste, Alfred, Litchfield Driste, Willie, Litchfield Drongerson, Carrie, Minneapolis Dunn, Stewart, Hermann Duxbury, Douglas, Harmony Eastlund, Evelyn, Isanti Eastlund, Myra, Isanti Eastman, Clarence, Merriam Park Eastman, Everett, Merriam Park Ebeling, Roy, Owatonna Edkland, Irving, Askov Edblad, Eben, Cambridge Edblad, Ingeborg, Cambridge Edwards, Lucille, Mora Ehlers, Celia, Monterey Ek, Gladys, Cokato Eklund, Richard, Stanchfield Ekstrand, Lillian, Cokato Ekstrom, Esther, Cannon Falls Ekstrom, Nels, Cannon Falls Emme, Lillian, Glencoe Endblom, Hazel, Princeton Gievenhain, Gladys, Robbinsdale Endblom, Nels, Princeton Gigley, Eddie, Anoka Engelsem, Summer, LeRoy Gilbertson, Almer, Grand Marais Engstrom, Albert, Cambridge Gisel, Lela, West Concord Engstrom, Emma, Cambridge Glaeser, Martha, Chaska Enquist, Lillie, Isanti Gove, George, Red Wing Enz, Mark, Frontenac Graham, Charles A., Remer Erickson, Ada, Constance Graner, John, Plainview Erickson, Albert, Stanchfield Graupman, Edward, Plato Erickson, Bertha, Owatonna Graves, Frank, Dodge Center Erickson, Edith, Isanti Greenhagen, Fred, Howard Lake Erickson, Edwin, Milaca Gregerson, Harry, Harmony Erickson, Florence, Lester Prairie Groth, Edwin, Brownton Erickson, George, Isanti Groth, Walter, Brownton Erickson, Joyce, Goodhue Gruber, William, Welch Erickson, Mabel, Braham Grundman, Gertrude, Owatonna Erickson, Terrel, Red Wing Grunklee, Harvey, Claremont Erickson, Erickson, Erickson, Verna, Red Wing Vincent, Goodhue Vivian, Braham Erkel, Elmer, Le Sueur Center Gunning, J. A., Wanda Haase, Harold, Rochester Hagen, Henry, Glencoe Haggberg, Howard, Isle Hagman, Myrtle, Cannon Falls Emick, Henry, Plato Haines, Clarence, Owatonna Esping, Myrtle, Waseca Haines, Harry, Owatonna Essen, Clifford, Cambridge Halden, Edith, Isanti Fackler, Irving, Aitkin Halden, Elsie, Isanti Falconer, Harry, Hutchinson Halden, Emil, Isanti Falconer, Ray, Hutchinson Halden, Mrs. Peter, Isanti Farrar, Merriam, White Bear Lake Halden, Richard, Isanti Felland, Edwin, Harmony Haling, Otto, Rochester Fiegel, Elsie, Albert Lea Hallgren, Nels, Minneapolis Fiegel, Milton, Rochester Halvorson, Andrea, Remer Filk, Ray, Biscay STUDENTS, 1916-17 239 Halvorson, Olvin, Mahnomen Halvorson, Helmer, Mahnomen Hamilton, Russell, White Bear Hammargren, Philip, North Branch Handlos, Ethel, White Bear Hannigan, Leonard, Le Sueur Center Hanson, Agnes, Stanchfield Hanson, Andrew, Albert Lea Hanson, Clement, Barnum Hanson, Frances, Stanchfield Hanson, Gerhard, Minneapolis Hanson, Inez, Montevideo Hanson, Reuben, Grandy Hanson, Ruth, Grandy Harrison, Gordon, Barnum Harth, Gerald, Hinckley Hartkoft, Reuben, Osseo Hartman, George, Shakopee Haseltine, Horace, Excelsior Haugen, Halvor, Montevideo Hayes, Donald, Medford Hed, Ethel, Grandy Hed, Le Roy, Grandy Hedstrom, Signe, Dalbo Henderson, Norman, Lime Springs, Iowa Hendrickson, Ralph, Kimball Henning, Minnie, New Germany Herman, Mervin, Minneapolis Herman, Mildred, New Brighton Hesli, Emma, Merriam Park Hess, Chester, Belgrade Hess, Merritt, Belgrade Hibben, John Grier, Dalbo Higgins, Charles, Hutchinson Hiller, Mary, North Branch Hillig, Clements, Morgan Hixon, Mrs. M. B., Cambridge Hoeft, Orville, Stewart Hoffland, Halvor, Montevideo Hoiness, Melvin, Harmony Hollister, Clifford, Medford Hollister, K., Morristown Holm, Arvid, Dalbo Holmberg, Anna, Isanti Holmberg, Randolph, Cambridge Holmberg, Worthie, Cambridge Holmlade, Violet, Isanti Horsch, Edwin, Delano Horton, Roy, North Branch Howe, Elizabeth, Hopkins Howe, Erwin, Glencoe Humble, Henry, Isanti Humble, Theodore, Isanti Hunn, Leo, Mantorville Hunn, Mary, Mantorville Huschke, Herbert, Morgan Iverslie, Philip, Belgrade Iverson, Irene, Audubon Jacobs, Hildegard, Chaska Jacobson, George, Audubon Jacobson Jahreiss, Janovsky, Janson, Jarrett, Jchoen, Jenson, Jenson, Jenson, Jenson, Jenson, Jenson, , Renel, Waseca Verno, Owatonna Harvey, Le Sueur William, Askov Alton, Eden Prairie Phyllis, Owatonna Alfred, Hutchinson Alvin, Hutchinson Andrea, Belgrade Clara, Belgrade James, Minneapolis William, Belgrade Center Jewell, Earl, Randall, Wis. Joesten, Joesting, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Theodore, Owatonna Frederick, Owatonna Albert, Forreston Clara, Cambridge Clarence, Cokato Dena, Mound Edith, Princeton Edwin, Litchfield Ella, Montevideo Elmer, Maynard Elmer, Forreston Frances, Waseca George, Dalbo Hazel, Osseo Helen, Forreston Herbert, Cokato Hjalmer, Bovey Inez, Waseca John, Princeton Lillian, Cambridge Milton, Cokato Murette, Waseca Nels, Cokato Olive, Cokato Robert, Milaca Selmer, Rochester Vern, Cokato Walter, Excelsior Walton, Braham William, Stewart Jones, Clarence, Medford Jones, Jonk, Jo Jorgenson, Jorgenson, Jorgenson, Jorgenson, Jorgenson, Jorgenson, Joseph, Judin, Ruby, Laurence, Medford hn, Raymond Albin, Hutchinson Clarence, Ellendale John, Hutchinson Julius, Audubon LeRoy, Askov Thorvald, Audubon Harvey, Owatonna Dalbo Jurgenson, Walter, Hutchinson Kaplan, Harvey, Owatonna Kauth, Charles J., Lovetto Kauth, Frances, Robbinsdale 240 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Kehoe, Virginia, Claremont Kelley, Homer, Gladstsone Kerrik, Albena, Silver Lake Kerster, Evelyn, New Brighton Kester, Harold, Hutchinson Keyes, Everett, Excelsior Kienitz, Levine, Cambridge King, Harry, Long Prairie Kirkwood, Ellen, Robbinsdale Kirkwood, Thomas, Robbinsdale Klammer, Harold, Hutchinson Klefsaas, Gustav, Madison Kloos, Luella, Chaska Klopfleisch, Leslie, Brownton Klucan, Richard, Howard Lake Koalska, Della, Merriam Park Koenig, Arthur A., Plainview Kolars, James, Montgomery Kolin, Freda, Minneapolis Koontz, Walter, Fairmont Korista, Margaret, Silver Lake Kosmoski, Thomas, Medford Kothrad, Edwin, Rogers Kovaleski, Joseph, Medford Kozel, Bessie M., Montgomery Kozel, Bessie R., Montgomery Kozel, Mary, Montgomery Kramer, Raynole, Owatonna Krassin, Adeline, Waseca Kroppen, Bertha, Plato Kruse, Raymond, Mankato Kuehn, Elmer, Wanda Lageson, Julian, Ellendale Laird, Bernee, Two Harbors Lamperd, Irl, Belmont Landberg, Clayton, Milaca ILandy, George, Isanti Landy, Margaret, Isanti Lapham, David, White Bear Larson, Albert, Cambridge Larson, Alice, Cambridge Larson, Arthur, Robbinsdale Larson, Dallas, Grandy Larson, Edwin, Dalbo Larson, Elsa, Grandy Larson, Ernest, Cambridge Larson, Evall, Stanchfield Larson, Floyd, Grandy Larson, Hazel, New Brighton Larson, Hurby, Isanti Larson, Louis C., Princeton Larson, Marvin, Isanti & Larson, Mildred, Cambridge Larson, Wilbur, Cambridge Laske, Steve, New Brighton Laugeson, Lyder, Hutchinson Laughlin, Edwin, Owatonna Laughlin, Ruth, Spring Valley La Vere, Leonard, Fairmont Law, Elsie, White Bear Lake Leach, Lawrence, Owatonna Leach, Raymond, Princeton Leaf, Birdie, Dalbo Lee, George, Medford Lee, Jessa, Owatonna Lee, Katherine, Clearwater Lee, Orrin, Medford Lee, Ross, Medford Leech, Roy, Round Prairie Lefavor, Laurence, Cambridge Lefavor, Lloyd, Cambridge Lehman, Russell, Minneapolis Lehne, Cora, Audubon Lehne, Ethel, Audubon Leier, William, New Brighton LeKander, Ruby, Cokato Lenartz, George, Shakopee Lennon, Mark, Owatonna Lennon, Reinhard, Owatonna Lenvik, Harold, Minneapolis Lenzmeir, Edwin, Shakopee Leovsky, Thomas, Delano Lesch, Arthur, Fairmont Levander, Edwin, Cambridge Lind, Ethel B., Cambridge Lind, Theodore, Cambridge Lindahl, Edith, Robbinsdale Lindahl, Ethel, Robbinsdale Lindholm, Signe, Isanti Lindig, Gladys, Merriam Park Lindquist, Roger, Minneapolis Loftos, Elmer, Merriam Park Long, Edith, White Bear Lake Lord, Kenneth, Tracy Lord, Vincent, Tracy Lorenz, Fritz, Mayer Lough, Lora, Jordan Lough, Walter, Jordan Lovos, Gladys, Merriam Park Lucas, Robert, Jr., Eden Prairie Luger, Douglas, Osseo Luger, Gordon, Osseo Lull, Luverne, Owatonna Lund, Anna, Bethel Lund, Harold, Minneapolis Lund, Willie, Bethel Lundberg, Roy, Herman Lundeen, Ethel, Isanti Lundeen, Fredolph, Isanti Lundgren, Howard, Isanti Lundgren, Myrtle, Cambridge Lundgren, Raymond, Isanti Lundquist, Ernest, Litchfield Lundquist, Villa, Kandiyohi Lundquist, Wilton, Kandiyohi Lundstedt, John, Cambridge Lynn, Elsie, New Germany McCinnis, Cabot, Medford STUDENTS, 1916-17 241 McClean, Willis, Howard Lake McCullough, H. D., St. Paul McElroy, James, White Bear Lake McGorgen, Gehard, New Richmond McGrath, Eugene, Owatonna McHarman, Joseph, Waldorf McKenney, Clifford, Cambridge McKenney, Levi, Cambridge McKeown, Gilbert, Medford McMahon, Leo, Spring Valley McMenony, Francis, Rosemount McMullen, Bertise, Shakopee Madigan, Russell, Maple Lake Madison, Richard, Ellendale Maetsold, Henry, Litchfield Maffett, Earl H., Hutchinson Magler, Herbert, St. Paul Magler, Mark, St. Paul Majzner, Frank, Hutchinson Malchow, Vivian, Wilder Malquist, Jerome, Litchfield Maltby, Mildred, Rich Valley Mandell, Olive, Faribault Mann, Edward, Brownton Manning, Henry, Litchfield Marchent, George, Morgan Markytam, Charles, Owatonna Martinson, Leroy, New Richland Mattson, Arthur, Cokato Mattson, Clifford, Isanti Mattson, Geneva, Cambridge Mattson, Janell, Braham Mattson, Nels, Dalbo Mattson, Warner, Dalbo Mayne, Dexter, Maple Lake Mayne, Nellie, Maple Lake Mead, Doris, Fulda Mears, Harold E., Le Medeen, Effie, Braham Medin, Arnold, Grandy Medin, Russell, Grandy Meinke, Howard, Biscay Melin, Earl, Red Wing Melin, Ernest, Springvale Melin, Raymond, Isanti Mellin, Oscar, Howard Lake Mercer, W. L., Rochester Mergens, Edward, Excelsior Merritt, Bruce, Hinckley Meiers, Herbert, Merriam Park Mickelson, Gladys, Braham Mickelson, Leonard, Detroit Miller, Helmath, Waldorf Miller, Lyle, Fairmont Miller, Marie, Eden Prairie Miller, Milo, Blue Earth Miller, Norman, Eden Prairie Miller, Ordelia, Fulda Miller, Rinhart, Herman Sueur Center Miller, Roy, Herman Mitchell, Irwin, Eden Prairie Molenaar, Martin, Raymond Moll, Alvin, Sleepy Eye Moran, Evelyn, Eden Prairie Moran, Ida, Eden Prairie Moran, Myra, Eden Prairie Morell, Agnes, Grandy Morken, Arthur, Herman Morker, Hiram, Herman Mosman, Preston, Monticello Mosvack, Holger, Askov Mullins, Emmet, Hinckley Munger, Clarence, Minneapolis Mungsen, Dorothy, Stanchfield Munro, Angus, Shakopee Munson, Arne, New Germany Murray, Grace, Clearwater Murray, Helen, Clearwater Naegeli, Victor, Hutchinson Napp, Annie, West Concord Navratil, Charlie, Biscay Neddersen, Lora, Anoka Nedderson, Roy, Anoka Nelson, Charlie, Isanti Nelson, Earl, Medford Nelson, Harold, New Germany Nelson, Harry, Constance Nelson, Levi, Grandy Nelson, Marvin, Hutchinson Nelson, Roy, North Branch Nelson, Stanley, Stanchfield Nelson, Thelma, Stanchfield Nelson, Theodore, Braham Nesbitt, Walter, Eden Prairie Newman, Hannah, Cokato Newman, Oscar, Cokato Nickerson, Merton, Good Thunder Nielson, Elsie, Hinckley Nolby, Fredolph, Braham Nolby, Kenneth, Braham Norberg, Alice, Isanti Nordstrom, Mamie, Wegdahl Norman, Adolph, Hallock Norman, Ralph, Cambridge Novell, Forrest, Isanti Novotany, Frank, Montgomery Nuesch, Frances, Welcome Numamaker, Harry, Plainview Nyberg, Mildred, Isanti Nyberg, Myrtle, Isanti Nyquist, Herbert, Isle Nyquist, Rudolph, Cokato Nyquist, Rudolph H., Cokato O'Neil, John, Maple Lake O'Toole, Theodore, Morgan Okerstrom, Frances, Isanti Okerstrom, Roy, Cambridge Okerstrom, Vernie, Isanti 242 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Olson, Alfred, Harmony Olson, Alfred, Isanti Olson, Alvina, Cokato Olson, Eben, Cambridge Olson, Gerald, Harmony Olson, Ida, Isanti Olson, Ina, Belgrade Olson, Merle, Maynald Olson, Myrtle, Braham Olson, Paul, Eden Prairie Olson, Wesley, Isanti Opplider, Louise, Forest Lake Opplider, Robert, Forest Lake Osmundson, Sterling, Dawson Ostberg, Alice, Isanti Ostberg, Reuben, Isanti Otting, Howard, Herman Oversen, Maude, Merriam Park Paddock, Albert, Kimball Palm, Clarabel, Princeton Palm, Mabel, Princeton Palmby, William, Dover Palmquist, Theodor, Cokato Parsons, Sydney, Owatonna Paschke, Luella, Blue Earth Paschke, Milton, Blue Earth Pascoe, Trueman, Medford Patterson, Albert, Madison Paulbitske, William, Merriam Park Pearson, Arthur, Dalbo Pearson, Richard, Grandy Pearson, William, Dalbo Pencille, Annie, Hammond Pencille, Seward, Hammond Pendergast, Webster, Hutchinson Pentz, Mildred, Faribault Perron, Edward, New Brighton Perron, Harry, New Brighton Pestios, Doras, Albert Lea Peters, Anita, White Bear Lake Peterson, Albert, Madison Peterson, Anker, Askov Peterson, Arlene, Stanchfield Peterson, Arthur, Hutchinson Peterson, Carl R., Askov Peterson, Clifford, Cokato Peterson, Earl, Owatonna Peterson, Edna, Askov Peterson, Einar, Springvale Peterson, Filmore, Cokato Peterson, George, Renville Peterson, Guy, Owatonna Peterson, Leroy, Hartland Peterson, Myrtle, Braham Peterson, Odell, Stanchfield Peterson, Oliver, Harmony Feterson, Roscoe, Isanti Peterson, Rudolph, Askov Peterson, Winifred, Stanchfield Petter, Jackson, Herman Pexa, Sylvia, Montgomery Pfeifer, Catherine, Montgomery Pfeifer, Edward, Iverson Pfeifer, Peter, Iverson Phelps, Andrew, Waseca Phelps, George, Merriam Park Phillips, Leslie, Excelsior Pieper, Herbert, Maynard Pinney, Charles, Montgomery Plaisance, Arthur, Stewart Playle, Albert, Elk River Potthoff, Carl, Jordan Preescel, William, Medford Prendergast, Betty, Le Sueur Prentiss, Beatrice, Mantorville Prestige, Donald, Montrose Priebe, Ellen, Waseca Prigge, Walter, Howard Lake Prosch, Wesley, Sleepy Eye Prothero, David, Herman Racey, Elizabeth, Owatonna Radintz, Alfred, Osseo Rahm, Clifton, Rochester Ramey, Mary, Maple Lake Rasmussen, Leonard, Brownton Rauschendorfer, Edward, Winsted Reddemann, Ekly, Le Sueur Center Reddemann, Mile, Le Sueur Center Redner, Alfred, Eden Prairie Reed, Curtis, Comfrey Reed, Everett, Comfrey Reio, Joe, Shakopee Remus, Robert, Long Prairie Reynolds, Alice, Minneapolis Rice, LeRoy, Isanti Rice, Lloyd, Minneapolis Rich, Lillian, Maple Lake Riley, John, Wanda Rippey, Verl, Cambridge Rissell, Frank, Cambridge Rissell, Gladys, Cambridge Rockenbach, Almoretta, Faribault Rockwood, Wayne, Owatonna Rogers, Harry, Eden Prairie Rood, Perry, Herman Roseland, A. J., Braham Russell, Irving, White River Falls Ryan, Cecil, Cedar Rystrom, Benjamin, North Branch Rystrom, Paul, North Branch St. Clair, William, Owatonna Sabathe, Arthur, Spring Valley Sadler, James, Eagle Lake Sandberg, Walford, Isanti Sandell, Hazel, Princeton Sandhow, Theodore, Robbinsdale Sandum, Mark, Villard Sasse, Laurence, Sleepy Eye STUDENTS, 1916-17 243 Sather, Kenneth, Hutchinson Schacht, Mabel, Merriam Park Schaefer, Irving, Maple Lake Schatz, Paul, Brownton Schawmburg, Ortwin, Lester P1 airie Scheidegger, Oscar, Mayer Schifsky, Aldan, White Bear Schifsky, Bernard, White Bear Schiltgen, Aloysius, Oakdale Schmidt, Lillian, Hamel Schmidt, Martha, Belgrade Schmidt, Myrtle, Robbinsdale Scholer, Grace, Zumbro Falls Schouweiler, Anthony, Kellogg Schreiber, Marion, Osseo Schreiber, Nora, Osseo Schubert, Reuben, Dunnell Shuck, Roy, Excelsion Shuck, Wendell, Excelsior Schuft, Elmer, Hutchinson Schugren, Sybil, Isanti Schugren, Walter, Cambridge Schultz, Clara, New Brighton Schultz, Clarence, Sleepy Eye Schultz, George, Winnebago Schumacher, John, Merriam Park Schwamback, Harold, Plainview Scott, Lester, Zumbrota Searles, Carrie, Ashby Searles, Iyle, Ashby Seath, Manford, Hartland Selene, Oscar, Isanti Shand, Charles, Maynard Shaver, Gladys, Mantorville Shea, Mabel, Le Sueur Center Shehan, Catherine, Montgomery Shephard, Glenn, Mantorville, Sheppard Hal, Hutchinson Shereda, Edith, Silver Lake Shereda, Rose, Silver Lake Shugren, Ole, Springvale Shuman, Peter, Maynard Sigfridson, Sigard, Cokato Sinclair, Homer, Rochester Sjoberg, Herbert, Braham Sklanar, Edward, Montgomery Skluzacek, Albert, Maple Lake Skoglund, Clarence, Cambridge Skogman, Rudolph, Cambridge Smith, Allegra, Faribault Smith, Anna, Minneapolis Smith, Florence, Braham Smith, Francis M., St. Paul Smith, Nellie, Robbinsdale Sohlberg, Mildred, Dalbo Solberg, Ingeborg, Le Sueur Center Solberg, Iva, Le Sueur Center Sollman, B. G., Cokato Solveson, IT. N., Audubon Sorenson, Alek, Stanchfield Sorenson, Ernest, Hutchinson Sorenson, Henry, IHutchinson Spaulding, Paul, Wanda Springel, Mildred, Zumbro Falls Stade, Louis, Dunnell Stahmer, Loren, Owatonna Stai, Alice, Isanti Stake, Evaline, Grandy Stanius, Arthur, Isanti Stanton, Challes, Owatonna Starr, Merrill, Tracy § Starry, Walter, Glencoe Steele, Hulda, Alden Steele, Stanley, Merliam Park Stein, George, Claremont Stenius, Milton, Isanti Stensrud, Henry, Hartlund wº Sterner, Joe, New Germany Stockman, Emma, Plato Stoebe, Blanche, Odin Stone, Alvin, Isanti Stone, Hilda, Isanti Stoneberg, Rodney, Grandy Storaker, Petra, Montevideo Strobel, G. A., Plainview Strobel, T-aura, Minneapolis Stroud, Harold, Braham Sundberg, Alida, Isanti Sundberg, Ina, Isanti Sundberg, Mayford, Cambridge Sutter, .\mmund, Isanti Swanson, Carl, North Blanch Swanson, Emma, Bethel Swanson, Henly, Isanti Swanson, Ralph, Welch Swenson, Clifford, Isanti Swenson, Hilding, Winthrop Syhl, Philip, St. Paul Tadsen, Paul, Brownton Tapley, Cletus, Le Sueur Center Tapley, Frank, Le Sueur Center Tapley, Richard, Le Sueui Center Tass, Leo, Hinckley Taylor, Mrs. Joe, Medford Taylor, Marie, Medford Taylor, Warren, Medford Tessman, Albert, Osseo Tessman, Raymond, Osseo Thirstein, Dorothy, Zumbro Falls Thirstein, Marjorie, Zumbro Falls Thompson, James, Good Thunder Thompson, John, Maynard Thompson, Vernon, Shakopee Thompson, William, Maynard Tilden, Harstad, Harmony Tilden, Pearl, Dodge Center Timms, Mrs. C. J., Fairmont Tollefson, Alice. Waseca 244 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Tonjum, Arthur, Owatonna Tracy, Edward, Rosemount Trapp, Effie, Dodge Center Treacy, Evalyn, Albert Lea Treichel, Albert, Springvale Treichel, Blanche, Springvale Treichel, Louise, Springvale Trites, Flora, Winona Troalstrup, Archie, Belgrade Truedson, Hulda, Grandy Truedson, Ruth, Grandy Truitner, Clifford, Dodge Center Truitner, Ethel, Claremont Tschumber, Roy, Winona Twait, Roy, Wilder Ulinder, Henning, Oxford Uppgren, Emerald, Isanti Usher, Harry, Stanchfield Usher, Lester, Stanchfield Venables, Paul, Plainview Vold, Rudolph, Maynard Volkman, Grant, Brownton Vollrath, Edward, Dunnell Wagoner, Carlton, Rochester Wagoner, Joe, Rochester Ward, Bernice, Isanti Wareham, Raymond, Maynard Warner, Ruth, White Bear Lake Washburn, Harold, Elk River Webb, Lola, Osseo Webb, Warren, Princeton Weber, Reuben, Blue Earth Wedge, Clarence, Plainview Wegner, Victor, Owatonna Weigle, Malcom, Plainview Welte, Arthur, Big Fork Werder, Edward, Litchfield Werness, George, Cokato Westerlund, Carol, Cokato Westerman, Arnold, Montgomery White, Agnes, Anoka White, Mary, Anoka Whitney, Donald, Le Sueur Center Wickstrom, Mabel, Isanti Wilkins, Luellyn, Herman Williams, Donald, Lewiston Wilson, Raymond, Litchfield Wilson, Sidney, Austin Wirt, Elmer, Lewiston Wolhart, Reuben, St. Cloud Wondra, George, Montgomery Wood, Holly, White Bear Wood, Lester, Plainview Woodbury, Cyrus, Marietta Wright, Ida, Isanti Wyman, Louise, Dodge Center Yackel, Bertha, Le Sueur Center Yackel, Martha, Le Sueur Center Yngve, Edmund, Cambridge Youngren, William, Barnum Yust, Elsie, Medford Zander, Edwin, Howard Lake Zander, Frank, Howard Lake Zeik, Arthur, Hutchinson Zentic, Frank, Merriam Park Zentic, Louise, Merriam Park Zibell, Olga, Merriam Park Zieger, La Zella, Owatonna Zimmerman, Alexander. Anoka Zimmerman, Arthur, Anoka Zimmerman, Erna, Anoka Zimmerman, Hazel, Anoka Zupp, William, Blue Earth Traction Engineering School, 1916—26 Benton, Joseph S., Rochester Bremer, John, Lake City Chance, Horace C., Minneapolis Chilson, Norman, Elbow Lake Elmgreen, August, Minneapolis Fichtinger, Leo J., Freeport Gjerlow, A. B., St. Paul Goplen, Martin, Zumbrota Hill, Glen W., Cook Hinde, Ralph H., Struble, Iowa Hirth, George, Esple Johnson, Allan M., Glenwood Johnson, Barney, Alvarado. Johnson, Joseph, New Richmond Johnson, Walter, St. Paul Knutson, P. M., Belgrade Kootstra, Dewey, Hannibal, Wis. Kremer, C. E., Duluth Long, Donald, White Bear Lueders, George, Otter Tail Mead, Stanley H., White Bear Reiner, Joseph I., Stewart Schroeder, Ernest, West Liberty, Iowa Swift, Ray, Sioux Falls, S. D. Wanous, Rufas, Hutchinson Wolff, Allen E., Minneapolis Teachers’ Training School, 1916—1,142 Aaby, Stella E., Kasson Abernathy, E. Virginia, Faribault Ackman, Lydia, Faribault Akermark, Elma, Grantsburg, Wis. STUDENTS, 1916-17 245 Akermark, Flora, Grantsburg, Wis. Amundson, Grace, Blooming Prairie Amundson, Louise, Delano Anderson, Alice M., Butterfield Anderson, Anna Alvera, Hinckley Anderson, Anna H., Forest Lake Anderson, August K., Braham Anderson, Mrs. Carrie E., St. Paul Anderson, Ethel P., Forest Lake Anderson, Hattie V., Hector Anderson, Helen Anna, Mora Anderson, Ida M., Forest Lake Anderson, Jessie Melvina, Adams Anderson, M. Esther, Minneapolis Anderson, Mabel E. C., St. Paul Anderson, Mabel S., International Falls Anderson, Marie, South Stillwater Anderson, Richard H., St. Peter Anderson, Theodore O., Rushford Anderson, Vivian, Brainerd Andresan, Lily J., Franklin Angell, Laurentine, St. Paul Archerd, Essie, Dodge Center Armstrong, Agnes, Minneapolis Arnold, Margaret, Crookston Arnold, Mary S., Crookston Arny, Amelia E., Newport Arries, Alta, Crookston Athan, Mary E., Woodstock Aydt, JErna, St. Paul Baer, Bessie T., Baraboo, Wis. Baker, Etta M., Verndale Baldwin, Drusilla S., Willmar Bambery, Stella, St. Paul Banks, Rose, Wausa, Neb. Barber, Mabel R., Watertown Barker, Mae L., Stillwater Barrett, James, Minneapolis Bartel, Elma, Kasson Bartelt, Alma, Faribault Bartholomew, Agnes, Minneapolis Barton, Emily, Silver Lake Batdorf, Eunice, Minneapolis Bauer, Barbara, Cove Beaty, Pearl, Clinton Becher, Magdalena E. Pine City Beck, Tillie, Heron Lake Becksted, Ina, Hinckley Beede, Ella M., Park Rapids Bell, Oliver A., Litchfield Bement, Freda E., Hubbard Bennett, Eunice G., Oklee Benninger, Elizabeth, Savage Benson, Alice E., St. Paul Benson, Anna J., Princeton Benson, Mabelle, Princeton Bergeron, Irene A., Minneapolis Berglund, Elizabeth, Hopkins Berglund, Gunnar A., Hopkins Bergman, Hildur, Minneapolis Bergquist, Ebba C., Chisago City Bergsland, Halfdan L., Red Wing Bernhard, Mrs. Cora, Minneapolis Best, Blanche, Lakefield Bethke, Myrta M., Rochester Bichner, Anna, Stillwater Biebl, Emma, Barnum Bierlein, S. W., Renville Bigelow, Bertha M., Dodge Center Bighley, Cecile I., Northwood Bird, Jennie M., Bethel Bixby, Gertrude N., Richville Bixby, Jacob W., Richville Bjorklund, Frieda M., Buffalo Bjornstad, Emma, Richville Blackwell, Adeline S., Lowry Blanchard, Mary T., Farmington Blesener, Tressa, Northfield Block, Olga W., Marietta Blomquist, Augusta J., Pelan Bloom, Ann C., Center City Boan, Emma, Shakopee Bodene, Agnes C., St. Paul Boehme, Emma C., New Prague Boettcher, Louise J., Waconia Bondurant, Grace, Alexandria Borene, Vera, Newport Borgeson, R. Esther, Mora I}orman, R. R., Abercrombie, N. D. Bornholt, Mary C., Rush City Bouchard, Amelia G., New Ulm Bowles, Mrs. Tryphena, Duluth Boyce, Blanche, Farmington Braathen, S. Amelia, Halma Bradford, Beulah L., St. Paul Bragg, M. Sophia, Bethel Brattin, Alma K., Annandale Braun, Sadie, Brownsville Bredlow, Marie, Faribault Bren, Clementine V., Hopkins Bren, Ellen, Eden Prairie Bresnahan, Anna, Lanesboro Bresnahan, Catherine, Lanesboro Brevig, Clara S., Houston Brigan, Harriett, Stillwater Britton, Linea H., Pillager Brobeck, Adeline M., Kenyon Broeffle, Ethel M., Minneapolis Brooks, Nellie F., Byron Brown, Helen M., Osseo Brown, Luella, Rogers Brown, Roy E., North Branch Brown, Thomas J., Rogers Brown, William A., Bigfork Bruning, George J., Sebeka Buehrer, Bertha E., St. Paul Buell, Myra W., St. Paul Bullis, Everard J., St. Paul 246 - THE ANNUAL REGISTER a' Burgstahler, Edith E., Buffalo Lake Burt, Ida Imogene, Minneapolis Bush, Cora B., Northfield Pyers, Mae E., Hastings Byrne, Agnes, Kilkenny Byrne, Alice, Kilkenny Calkins, Susan M., Granada Callaghan, Nora A., Farmington Callister, Ella C., Skyberg Calloghan, Kate, Farmington Cameron, Loraine R., St. Paul Cameron, Vivian, Spooner Campion, Margaret, Jordan Capes, Grace A., South Haven Card, Evelyn M., Minneapolis Carlson, Hilda S., Princeton Carlson, Hulda A., Buffalo Lake Carlson, Paul E., Montrose Carlson, Mrs. Paul E., Montrose Carson, Elsie M., Mora Casey, Florence M., St. Paul Cates, Ethel L., Litchfield Cavanaugh, Laura B. D., St. Paul Centerwall, Christine, Minneapolis Chapman, F. W., Westbrook Chapman, Ida, Echo Cheney, Emily, Northfield Cherioli, Josephine, Stillwater Christensen, Alice M., Minneapolis Christenson, Inga, New Richland Christenson, Mae L., Rochester Christofferson, Emily, St. Paul Clarke, Eleanor, Cedar Clausen, Myrtle M., Minneapolis Clauson, Marie E., Kennedy Coby, Mary, Greaney Cody, Floss, Minneapolis Cole, Alice M., Wahkon Cole, Altie A., Wahkon Cole, Laura A., Pine City Collin, Mary, Sacred Heart Converse, Dorothy, South St. Paul Cook, Mrs. Cora A., Brainerd Cooper, Hermann, Fayette Cooper, Mabel G., Buffalo Corcoran, Mae M., Belle Plaine Cory, Anna C., St. Paul Cosgrove, Mary D., Green Isle Covell, Nellie N., Bemidji Craig, Janet A., St. Paul Crawford, Allie B., Watertown Croasdale, Mayme, International Falls Crook, Irene, Amboy Cupp, Wanda H., Mora Curtin, Elizabeth A., Fairfax Curtis, Alberta, Chicago, Ill. Curtis, J. B., Danvers Cutler, Pearl, Lismore Dahl, Inga M., Jasper Dalbey, Angie B. B., Minneapolis Danielson, Agnes E., Buffalo Lake Danielson, Nels L. F., Litchfield Davenport, Helen, Holloway Davis, Fannie M., Huron, S. D. Daw, Estella M., Rush City Day, Edna M., Amboy Deforth, Alma C., St. Paul Park Deibler, Effie M., Savage Delaney, Frances L., Lemmon, S. D. Dempsey, Winnifred B., Windom Dennis, Beulah E., Bagley Dennis, Lucile M., Bagley DeVaney, Ethel A., Minneapolis Dickey, Jennie E., Wayzata Dinwiddie, Cora E., Grand Rapids Dinwiddie, Grace E., Grand Rapids Doble, Ann E., Tracy \ Dodge, Jessie J., Spur T)oe, Bertha, Beldenville, Wis. Doherty, R. S., St. Paul Dohle, Emma, Renville Dolan, Stacia E., New Albin Dominick, R. Blanch, Hopkins Donahue, Agnes J., Stewartville T)onahue, Nellie, Clontarf Donaldson, Ruth V., St. Paul Donlon, Ilauretta, Morton Donnersbach, Frances A., St. Paul Doran, Helen M., Kilkenny Doran, Mary, Currie T)orenkamper, Elizabeth, Lismore I)osey, Anna C., Pine City Dosseth, Mabel G., Sacred Heart Drewes, Josephine M., Spring Valley T)ufwa, Nora, Pelan Dufwa, Thamar E., Pelan T)ugan, Anna F., Brainerd T)uncanson, Geneva, Byron T]unden, Ellen, St. Paul T)unkel, Marie, Hastings T) unn, Blanche L., Elbow Lake T)unn, Kathryn E., St. Paul Turand, Catherine F., Puposky l)ykeman, Ruth, Dykeman Earley, Theresa B., Montrose Faston, Laura G., Wessington Springs, S. D. Easton, Ronelia A., Blooming Prairie Eckerman, "Pauline, Montrose Ecklund, Martha, Aitkin Eddleston, Ethel, St. Paul Eddy, Reulah, Webster Edmond, Helen, Claremont Fgan, Stella M., St. Paul Ekman, Edith E., St. Paul Ekman. Evelyn E., St. Paul Ekman, Gertrude, New Brighton Ellefson, Emma, Jackson STUDENTS, 1916-17 2 7 Ellertson, Fred, Erie Ellsworth, Henry C., Grand Marais Engen, Nels M., Warren Enger, Rachel R., Big Lake Engler, Emily, Randolph Engsell, Amy S., St. Paul Engsell, Esther A., St. Paul Ennis, Ethel I., Dundas Epple, Clara, New Ulm Erickson, Alma H., Hartland Erickson, Ida C., Topeka, Kan. Erickson, Judith A., Brainerd Erickson, Lillian C., Alexandria Erickson, Mabel, Hastings Erlandson, J. W., Plummer Ernster, R. Mary, Caledonia Eveslage, Benjamin, Melrose Eynck, J. F., Freeport Fahey, Anastasia C., Rich Valley Fairchild, Ida M., Bruno Fallman, Annie J., St. Hilaire Farrell, Margaret, St. Paul Fee, Grace, West St. Paul Feely, Margaret, Farmington Feetham, Nellie, St. Paul Feldhake, Mary, Montevideo Felien, Lulu E., Stanton Felling, Albert L., Wausau, Wis Felton, E. Mae, Owatonna Fenderson, Eunice M., Cedar Ferch, Lydia A., Correll Finch, Nina B., Butterfield Fink, Anna D., Austin Finley, Gladys D., Brown Valley Finnegan, Alice E., Kilkenny Finnegan, Mae A., Kilkenny Fischer, Cassie L., Buffalo Lake Fisher, Fred H., Warba Fiskerback, Anna, Brooten Fiskerback, Barbara, Brooten Fiss. Amanda E., Gaylord Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth, Kilkenny Fitzpatrick, Rose, Kilkenny Flynn, Laura M., St. Paul Fogelberg, Selma, Hopkins Foley, Louise, Happyland Foley, Monica, St. Paul Forncrook, Mary E., Hinckley Forsberg, Agnes E., Minneapolis Forsberg, Ernest, Minneapolis Forsman, Alice V., St. Paul Fossum, Anna L., Moose Lake Forthun, Christine, Minneapolis Forthun, Gina, Minneapolis Franson, Lydia, St. Paul Frase, Clara A., Lorne Frazier, Amy E., Staples Frederickson, Helen W., St. Paul Froberg, Inga J., Minneapolis I lokjel, Agnes M., Askov Prost, Herbert J., Spring Grove Funke, Rose, Wabasha Furst, Katherine D., New Prague IFyrand, Tilda C., Kenyon Gaard, Sophia, Frost Gahring, Melba, Linden Hills Gallagher, Gertrude, St. Paul Gallagher, Mary, New Richmond, Wis. Gannon, Angela, Brooten Gannon, E. Agnes, Sedan Gassert, Muriel, Hokah Gates, Jeremiah, Menomonie, Wis. Gates, Louise M., Glencoe Gaustad, Clara A., Moose Lake Geehan, Mary E., Elko Gerding, Anna, Melrose Gerken, Anna, Herman Gerken, Gretchen J. H., Herman Geselius, Vera A., Cambridge Gessner, Anna, Plainview Getty, Ina G., Alpha Gibbons, Mrs. Laura, Minneapolis (Jibbs, Fernie, New Auburn Gibson, Beatrice M., Minneapolis Gieriet, Helen R., Madelia Gilbertsen, Ella U., Grand Marais Gilchrist, Elvie S., Buffalo Gilchrist, Emma E., Minneapolis Gillies, Janetta L., Minneapolis Gillogly, Carol, Carlton Glover, Grace E., Racine Gluck, Mabel L., Minneapolis Glynn, Irene A., Savage Goss, Martha G., Cass Lake Gould, Bertha, Minneapolis Gould, Lule B., Hutchinson Gould, May, Minneapolis Grangaard, Olga, Waukon Gregg, M. H., Zumbro Falls Gregory, Walter F., St. Cloud Griffis, Capitola, Minneapolis Griswold, Katherine, Minneapolis Gronvall, Elsa M., Minneapolis Groskopp, Alice E., Grantsburg, Wis. Gross, Louise M., Morton Groth, Minnie, Wright Guimont, C. A., Dayton Guthormsen, Anna, Neenah, Wis. Haatvedt, Rachel, Calmar, Iowa |Hackett, Maud, Waterville Hady, Eleanor, Pine City Haga, Peder A., Northwood Hagen, Sam, Northwood Hague, Sarah A., Sprithg Valley Haley, Theresa, Minneapolis Hall, Muriel M., Foxhome Hallan, Jarla O., Spring Grove Halverson, Fólna M. T., Caledonia 248 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Halverson, Grace A., Baudette Haney, Ethel B., Hinckley Hankey, C. G., Helena, Ga. Hansen, Adella, Farmington Hansen, Alma F., Minneapolis Hansen, Carmen, Wells Hansen, Grace H., Ashby Hansen, Ovedia R., Currie Hansen, Rhoda B., Minneapolis Hanson, Anna A., Goodhue Hanson, George B., Melby Hanson, Gunhilda, Swanville Hanson, Hazel, Birchdale Hanson, Hilda I., Little Falls Hanson, Norma H., Willmar Hart, Margaret A., New Prague Hasenbank, Ida C., Lake Elmo Haslip, Laura V., Northfield Hatfield, Willetta B., Lakeville Haug, Mariom, Madelia Hauge, Esther F., Nerstrand Hayes, Inez E., South Stillwater Haynes, Elizabeth, Minneapolis Healy, Frances M., Spring Valley Healy, Mabel L., Langford, S. D. Healy, Nellie R., St. Paul Hedman, Anna B., Guthrie Heenan, Mrs. Mary, Litchfield Hegland, Joren, Fosston Heideman, Bessie, New Ulm Heller, Margaret A., Braham Hendrickson, Ethel, Minneapolis Henrickson, Carl C, Karlstad Henslin, Phebe M., St. Paul Hensted, Anna, Chandler Hensted, Caroline, Chandler Herberg, M. Mabel, Taylors Falls Herbert, Esther, Minneapolis Hewitt, John R., Coyle, Okla. Hewson, Bertha V., Stacy Hicks, Mrs. Florence S., Alexandria Higley, Marian Hall, Villard Hill, Harry H., Kimball Hillbrand, Percie V., Sturgeon Lake Hiller, Esther A., Minneapolis Hillman, Ida E., Aitkin Hillman, Lillian, Annandale Hillman, Ruth J., Annandale Hjelmstad, J. H., Minneapolis Hodgeman, Helen L., Dodge Center Hofland, Alma, Menomonie, Wis. Hofstad, Anna, Glenville Hoftoe, Rowena A., Nevis Hogan, R. M., Lake Wilson Holcombe, Selma, Stillwater Holen, Helga, Pelan Holen, Ida, Pelan Holm, Alice M., Hinckley Holm, Inez C., Twin Valley Holmberg, Anna E., Cambridge Holt, Cora V., Dennison Holton, Ezra D., Elgin Homstad, Leila E., Wheaton Honaas, Genora, Spring Grove Hope, Helen, Nerstrand Hopkins, Ada H., Hinckley Houlihan, Nellie, St. Paul Houston, Frank L., Plentywood, Mont. Hov, I. S., Kindred, N. D. Howard, Martha C., Hopkins Hoxmeier, Christina M., St. Paul Hoy, Cecelia C., Minneapolis Hoyhtya, Amanda, Dassel Hubbell, Mary W., St. Paul Hulterantz, Ruth E., Minneapolis Hultquist, Myrtle A., Shafer Hunter, Lillian A., Max Huset, Alma J., Brooten Hustad, C. Laura, Echo Huston, Jesse, Bingham Lake Huth, Helen A., Shakopee Hyde, Helen, St. Paul Iago, C. Agnes, Hector Imm, Nelda A., Waterville Irish, Vivien B. M., St. Paul Iverson, Carl M., Ashby Iverson, I. Christine, Halstad Iverson, Clara, Terrace Jacobs, Jacob, Richmond Jacobsen, Emma E., Askov Jacobson, Arthur E., Alexandria Jacobson, Delpha, St. Paul Jacobson, Emma, Jacobson James, Fannie P., Red Wing James, Mildred E., Princeton Jarvis, Zeta M., Minneapolis Jelinek, Agnes, New Prague Jensen, Bessie, Fosston Jensen, Hannah A., Franklin Jepson, Lydia M., Minneapolis Johansen, Margaret O., Tyler Johnsen, Ruth N., Fergus Falls Johnson, A. Octavia, Anoka Johnson, Agnes C., New Richland Johnson, Alice S., Minneapolis Johnson, Alpha T., Grandy Johnson, Arthur S., Fergus Falls Johnson, Clarence, Houston Johnson, Edla C., Minneapolis Johnson, Ellen, Dassel Johnson, Effie E., Litchfield Johnson, Esther S., Aitkin Johnson, Esther T., Center City Johnson, Goldie L., Clarissa Johnson, Hattie, Center City Johnson, Hermie T., Stillwater Johnson, Ida C., Lafayette Johnson, Josephine M., Aitkin STUDENTS, 1916-17 249 Johnson, Lila E., Aitkin Johnson, Mabelle I., Litchfield Johnson, Mayme R., Princeton Johnson, Minnie L., Clarissa Johnson, Nora G., St. Paul Johnson, Rena A., Blooming Prailie Johnson, Robert A., Willmar Johnson, Rosetta C., Sleepy Eye Johnson, Ruth A. D., St. Paul Johnson, Ruth N., St. Peter Johnson, Sigrid O., Alexandria Johnston, R. Edna, Kiester Judin, Lawrence A., Cambridge Juergens, Marion, Minneapolis Kaldahl, Gertrude, St. Paul Ramis, Adolph, New Prague Rassube, Hattie E., Bertha *Kassube, Lewis E., Hanska Rellam, Hazel, Kilkenny Reller, Earl B., Anstad Keller, Olive L., Minneapolis Kelley, Helen U., Minneapolis Relley, William T., St. Paul | Kelly, Anna, Minneapolis Kelly, Catherine C., Montgomely Kelly, Evelyn, Montgomery Kelly, Marian A., De Graff Kempe, Ruby K., St. Charles Kendall, Vera, Loman Kenny, Anita B., Minneapolis Kiefer, Lillian, Belgrade Kildahl, Anna, St. Paul. Kildahl, Lars S., St. Paul Kilgore, Kathleen E., Duluth King, Lily S., Hastings Kipp, Alice M., Warroad Kipp, Mrs. Mary E., Warroad Kjestad, Clara, Madelia Knotts, Cora, Craigville Knutson, Mabel, New Richland Kolbe, Lydia, Sleepy Eye Kooiman, Jennie E., Edgerton Kopecky, Mamie H., Silver Lake Kozitza, Susan B. M., Mapleton Kranz, Daisy M., Crookston Kranz, Sophia, Albany Krantz, Margaret, Iona Freiser, Ruth M., Minneapolis Krier, Elizabeth, Caledonia Frinbring, George H., Badger Krokstrand, Johanna, Sacred Heart Kronstedt, Anton S., Merriam Park Kroohn, Evelyn, Minneapolis Kruger, Lillian, Montevideo Kryger, Gerda E., St. Paul Kucera, Lillian, Cologne Ruefler, Bernard C., Belgrade Kuefler, Hubert, Brandon Kurzek, Rosalie, International Falls LaBonne, Lydia C., Hugo Lagaard, Astrid M., Minneapolis Lagaard, Elizabeth, Minneapolis Lamberg, Ida, Pine City Landahl, Hazel, Gaylord Landsveck, Tilda B., McIntosh Lane, Beula, Osseo Langevin, Diana M., Hugo Larsen, Katherine, Morgan Larson, Edolph, Newark Larson, Florence, Alexandria Lassen, Anna C., Glencoe Lassen, Christine C., Glencoe Lawson, Elsie, Anoka Leathers, Blanche L., St. Francis Leavitt, Carrie M., Milbank, S. D. Lee, Elma J., Brooten Lee, Jennie R., Waseca Lemke, Mabel, Albert Lea Lenander, Naomi M., Cambridge Lester, Lillian L., Aitkin Liden, Helen, Minneapolis Lilley, Clara E., St. Paul Lillo, Lesa, Lengby Lindahl, Gertrude W., St. Paul Lindberg, Irene, Litchfield Lindberg, Mabel E., Cokato Lindell, Alma, Minneapolis Linder, Florence, Easton Lindgren, Myrtle, Taylors Falls Lindquist, Ruth M., Fulda Lindsey, Marion S., Monticello Linscog, Martha J., Wayzata Linstrand, Olga V. E., St. Paul Little, Mildred E. B., Seaforth Liveringhouse, Fannie, Ramey Livingston, Katherine, Dodge Center Lloyd, Margaret, Cleveland Lloyd, Ruth Morgan, Cleveland Locke, Olive A., Osseo Lockwood, Laura M., St. Loe, Valmina, Maynard Lone, Jorgen, Ballclub Lone, Lena, Ballclub Long, Hattie S., White Bear Lake Long, Mrs. T. O., Sioux City, Iowa Lord, Eleanor, St. Paul Lott, Annie J., Chattanooga, Tenn. Lowe, Bessie I., Kellogg Luckman, Mahala H., Elbow Lake Ilukens, Mary E., Le Roy Lumley, Vera, Renville Lund, Ethel M., Austin Lundberg, Hannah, Maple Plain Lundeburg, Marie E., Ellsworth, Iowa Lundeen, Celia C., St. Paul Lundin, Ruth E., Hinckley Lundquist, Edith, St. James Lundsten, Esther M., Waconia Paul 250 THE H NNU.4 L REGISTER Lundsten, Ruth E., Delano Lussenhop, Freda O., Morton Lutz, Imogene, Akeley Lyman, Drusilla G., Stillwater Lynch, May, St. Paul Lynch, Mrs. Pauline, Minneapolis Luon, Horatia, Hinckley McAlvon, Nellie, Beardsley McBride, Josephine, Mankato McCann, Esther, Lismore McCarthy, Alice, Lanesboro McCarthy, Mary, St. Paul McCauley, Adele G., Norwood McCormick, Agnes, Hutchinson McCormick, Barbara, Hutchinson McEachern, M. Hazel, Minneapolis MacEachran, Agnes R., St. Paul McGinnis, William J., Cove McGinty, Rose M., Murdock McGowan, Dean C., St. Paul McGreahan, Inez E., Shawano, Wis. McHugo, Mary, Waseca McHugo, Rose, Waseca McHugo, Ruth, Waseca McKee, John C., Madelia McKinney, Ethel, Minneapolis McMahon, Agnes C., St. Paul McMullen, Celia M., Dassel McPartlin, Ellen E., St. Paul McVicar, Jean M., Princeton McVicar, Laura C., Princeton Magnuson, Joseph, Kerkhoven Maher, Ann B., Magnolia Mahler, Anna M., Aitkin Mahoney, Julia A., Redwood Falls Maki, Hilya W., Moose Lake Malone, Bessie, Lake Elmo Maloney, Eva M., St. Paul Mamer, Regina, Hastings Manning, Mary T., St. Paul Markfelder, Dorothea, E., Wadena Markhus, Carl J., Yorkville, Ill. Maroney, Nettie, Alexandria Marrinan, Margaret, St. Paul Marshall, Laurence E., Reading Martin, Archer H., Deer River Martin, Frances, Pillager Martin, Maud I., Rochester Mason, Clotilda, Long Lake Mason, Thirza, Dodge Center Massopust, Janet H., New Ulm Mathisen, Violet S., Faribault 'Matthies, Lillian, Wells Mattison, Eva M., Long P1 airie Mattson, Alice, Braham Mattson, Geneva H., Glandy Mattson, Maybell, Minneapolis Mayer, Leone, New Ulm Mayo, Josephine, Alpha Mee, Mayme, St. Paul Meidell, Olive M., Beresford, S. D. Mersen, Alice M., Williams Metcalf, M. Lottie, Caledonia Metsala, Anna, Minneapolis Meyer, Edna C., New Albin Michelsen, Magnhild, Minneapolis Mikkelson, Anna, South Park Millard, Faith, Aitkin Millard, Harriet M., Aitkin Miller, Albert, Jackson Miller, Anna L., Minneapolis Miller, Dora J., Osseo Miller, Esther E., Minneapolis Miller, Jens P., Bruno Miller, Mary Alice, Minneapolis Miller, Vyvian, Kellogg Milligan, Millicent M., St. Paul Miner, Grace E., Yola Miner, Zelma P., Yola Mittag, Rose E., Fergus Falls Molamphy, Agnes J., Hastings Molenaar, Grace, Raymond Molenaar, Richard, Raymond Moll, Ida M., Parkers Prairie Monson, Anna O., Hector Montgomery, Helen M., State Sanatorium Montgomery, Ira, Sleepy Eye Moody, Clara, Sanborn Moore, Mary P., Monticello Morey, Lela E., Hastings Moritz, Margaret, Aitkin Morlander, George A., Williams Morlander, Lona E., Williams Morris, Laura C., Eden Prairie Morrissey, Catherine E., White Bear Lake Mosford, Alice M., Minneapolis Mostue, Gertrude A., Sacred Heart Motl, Clara I., Alpha Mueller, Olga, Stockton Muench, Henry F., Cochrane, Wis. Muller, Rabecca, Spring Grove Munn, M. Jeanette, Seaforth Munson, Anna E., Shafer Murphy, Anna, Wabasha Murphy, Emma, Minneapolis Murphy, Kathryn, St. Cloud Murphy, Mae, Caledonia Murphy, Marie, Minneapolis Muzikar, A. George, Jackson Mycres, Mary E., Green Isle Myhro, Sarah, Spring Grove Neaton, Margaret A., Montrose Needham, Margaret T., Minneapolis Nelson, Anna L., Minneapolis Nelson, Astrid C., Isanti Nelson, Charles E., Gibbon Nelson, Christine, London STUDENTS, 1916-17 251 Nelson, Clara L., Buffalo Lake Nelson, Daisy C., Litchfield Nelson, Ellen A., Litchfield Nelson, Emma E., Stillwater Nelson, Esther A., Northfield Nelson, Esther E., Grove City Nelson, Esther W., Minneapolis Nelson, Minnie J., London Nelson, Nannie R., Grantsburg, Wis. Nelson, Olga M., Finlayson Nelson, Winnie V., Hector Nesbitt, Lavinia, Minneapolis Netteland, George L., Strandduist Newhouse, Emma L., Spring Grove Newman, Loretto C., St. Paul Newton, Carrie L., Morton Newton, Sadie, Minneapolis Nielsen, F. Clarey, Askov Niemann, Stella, Ogilvic Niggeler, Gertrude, Minneapolis Nolan, B. Elizabeth, Bethel Noll, Nella, Brooten Noonam, Elizabeth, Lismore Norby, B. O., Oklee Nord, Lillian M., Goodhue Nordby, Peter, Holmes City Nordstrom, Esther J., Watertown Norlin, Selma W., Minneapolis Notton, Clementine, Little Falls Novak, Emma A., Lonsdale Nuernberg, Ida, Young America Nyberg, Ruth M., Hinckley O’Connor, Mae, Blooming Prairie O'Flaherty, Margaret, Kellogg O’Grady, Isabel U., Faribault O’Grady, Ruth E., Faribault O’Hara, Ellen, St. Paul O’Rourke, Winifred, Maple Lake Ober, Marguerite F., Minneapolis Oberg, Grace M., Center City Odell, Agnes L., Watertown Odell, Etta, Brooten Oistad, Manley, Shelly Oleson, Marguerite, Longville Olsen, Amelia, Minneapolis Olsen, Christine S., Waseca Olson, Bertha, Minneapolis Olson, Clara G., Cambridge Olson, Clara V., Welch Olson, Elin O., Maple Plain Olson, Elphy, Waverly Olson, Hazel D., Minneapolis Olson, Minnie C., Watertown Olson, Oscar A., Angus Olson, Sara J., Belgrade Oman, Emil A., Grandy Oman, Harriet, Renville Ordway, Mary, Minneapolis Orendorff, Alta, Randolph Osborn, Lucy, Minneapolis Osborn, Mary L., St. Peter Osland, Bertha, Lime Springs, Iowa Ostlie, Julia, Montevideo Ostlund, Ida V., Barnum Ostrander, Jamie, Spring Valley Otterson, Petra H., Jackson Ovalson, Caroline O., Goodhue Owen, Veda M., Granada Packard, Sarah B., Halma Palm, Eveline A., St. Paul Palmer, Erma, New Ulm Palmer, Ruth A., Minneapolis Palmer, Signe E., Hastings Parker, Frances, Gilbert Parker, Mabel M., Littlefork Paulson, Esther G., Sacred Heart Paulson, IHazel A., Minneapolis Pearson, Nannie L., Cook Pearson, Ruth I., Hinckley Pederson, Dagmar T., Montevideo Pengilly, Clara B., Buffalo Pepin, Blanche E., Rock Creek Perkins, Nettine, Pine Island Petersen, Dagmar, Northfield Peterson, Albert T., Svea Peterson, Alice, Monticello Peterson, Alma T., Lake Wilson Peterson, Blanche, Blooming Prairie Peterson, Clara, Hector Peterson, Dora J., Frost Peterson, Eleanor H., Mayer Peterson, Emma, Hector Peterson, Esther C., Red Wing Peterson, Gladys, Eagle Bend Peterson, Hannah E., Frost Peterson, Hazel O., Moose Lake Peterson, Henry C., Ashby Peterson, Mabel L., Mound Peterson, Martha M., Vining Peterson, Nellie E., Hinckley Peterson, Olga M. V., Murdock Peterson, Selma S., White Rear Peterson, Sophia, Butterfield Petrie, Roy A., Deer Creek Phillips, Bertha J., Ruthton Phillips, Wilmer T., Pequot Piel son, Anna, Minneapolis Pierson, Blanch, Princeton Pierson, Esther C., Center City Pilling, Clara A., Edgerton Piltz, Arnes A., Waconia Pinkerton, Ellen P., Eyota Plehal, Harriet. E., Excelsior Pogue, M. W., Warba Pogue, Mrs. M. W., Warba Pokorny, Henrietta, Silver Lake Potter, Nettie G., Vesta Preble, Hazel C., Stillwater 252 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Preston, Hattie, Northwood Priem, Anna A., Janesville Pringle, Emma J., Greene Pringle, Percy, East Lake Pugh, Verna, Wayland Purmort, Reith, Cedar Putzier, Emma, Bird Island Quam, Mayme H., Hopkins Race, Herbert, Erie Rafferty, Philomene M., St. Paul Rakness, Esther W., Alpha Ramberg, Hannah C., Hastings Randolph, Eva C., Beaver Creek Rankin, Barbara Scott, Badger Rankin, Jessie L., Badger Rasmussen, Dora A., Askov Rasmusson, Lillian M., Dodge Center Reber, Maude, Minneapolis Records, Rae I., St. Paul Redin, Lillie, Grove City Ree, Gyda, Boyd Reed, A. Ruth, Taylors Falls Reed, L. Alice, Taylors Falls Rehfeld, Alice H. D., St. Louis Park Reid, Mary F., Brandon Reierson, Anna, Fosston Reinarz, Viva A., Gemmell Reinarz, Gertrude E., Gemmell Reinhold, Charles O., Northampton, Pa. Reitan, Luella, Minneapolis Renken, Helen C., North St. Paul Reppy, Mrs. E. Netta, Flandreau, S. D. Reynolds, Janet, St. Paul Reynolds, Sadie M., Lime Springs Rice, Alice M., Minneapolis Richardson, Elizabeth, Duane Richardson, Ruby G., St. Frances, Canada Richten, Eleanor, Montgomery Rieman, Louise, Faribault Rindahl, Albert P., Grand Marais Rindfleisch, Elsie S., Minnesota Lake Ripple, Dorothy C., Northfield Robertson, Bess, Alden Robertson, Mayme, Alden Robinson, Mary L., Peoria Rockstrok, Anna, Lakeland Rockwood, David C., St. Cloud Rogers, Myrtle, Stevens Point Rollins, Ruby, Caledonia Romereim, Sina, Hendrum Roning, Ole E., Pelican Rapids Ronken, Irene L., Spring Valley Root, Floy B., New Richland Rosenwald, Arthur W., Madison Rossing, Charlotte, Princeton Roth, Bertha A., Norwood Rouse, Honore, Minneapolis Rovainen, Verna A., Franklin Rundquist, Agda C., Sturgeon Lake Ruskjer, Matie, Hutchinson Russell, Zula, St. Paul Rutherford, Bertha, Austin Ruud, Emma D., McGrath Ruud, Martha C., McGrath Ryan, Anna M., Minneapolis Ryan, Elizabeth F., Millville Rydberg, Carrie, Bovey St. Onge, Julia A., Faribault St. Peter, Lula E., Pupasky Sachs, Helene E., Farmington Sackery, Minnie J., Dassel Saed, T. J., Ettrick Samdahl, Clara W., Montevideo Samuelson, S. Ernest, Henning Sanborn, Aimee E., Northfield Sanden, Emma, Houston Sanquist, Ellen E., Watertown Sayers, Gertrude E., Lakeville Scanlan, Alice M., Maple Lake Scanlon, Anna B., Aitkin Schafer, Gladys, Renville Scheer, Ida, Erhard Scheer, Mary C. Erhard Scherfenberg, Mary E., Nevis Scheveland, Alf I., Hanley Falls Schmidt, Frieda D., Hugo Schmitz, Albin P., Belgrade Schneider, Emily, Albany Schneider, Lorraine, Albany Schofield, Carroll V., Spring Valley Schott, Elizabeth G., Franklin Schouweiler, Agnes, St. Paul Schouweiler, Laura G., St. Paul Schouweiler, Oliva, St. Paul Schouweiler, Rose, St. Paul Schrader, Irene, Dundas Schroeder, Lurenia D., Stillwater Schultenover, Anna H., Mauston, Wis. Schwartz, Magdalene, St. Paul Schwartz, Mary C., Sandstone Schwarzkopf, Lillian M., Brainerd Schwengle, Magdalen C., Lamberton Schwengle, Teresa, Lamberton Sclater, Alice M., Hopkins Seavey, Barbara, Aitkin Seavey, Myra, Aitkin Semon, E. Laura, Mizpah Shambouer, Albina R., Montgomery Shanahan, Alice, Hopkins Sheehan, Terrence J., Hastings Sheehy, Mary, St. Paul Shefner, Rose, Minneapolis Sherer, Hallie M., Sandstone Sherer, Ruth, Sandstone Sherlock, Anna M., Belle Plaine Shields, Agnes T., Kilkenny STUDENTS, 1916-17 253 Shoem, Mabel E., McGrath Siemer, Anna D., Moose Lake Sincocks, Anna, Brainerd Singleton, A. Marie, Laurel Sister Mary Cathaldus, St. Paul Sister Mary Eustachia, St. Paul Sister Mary Oswald, St. Paul Sister Rinalda, St. Paul Siverson, Clara, Watson Siverson, Emelia, Watson Skaar, Helga M., Crookston Skalbeck, Alma O., Sacred Heart Skeie, Elmer, Winger Skipton, Ethel, Kasota Slack, Julia M., St. Paul Slettedahl, Peter J., Dawson Smiley, Proctor K., Kellogg Smith, Carrie L., Garfield Smith, Edna, Kenneth Smith, Elton L., Dodge Center Smith, Edna W., St. Paul Smith, Ethel M., Gemmell Smith, Genevieve, Minneapolis Smith, Gertrude A., Waseca Smith, Gertrude A., Rush City Smith, Mrs. Grace W., Minneapolis Smith, Hazel E., Minneapolis Smith, Ina G., Parkers Prairie Smith, Jessie E., Anoka Snyder, Lottie E. I., Kelliher Soderburg, Sophia M., Duluth Solbrekken, Mabel, Sedan Solen, Helen C., Kenneth Summerfield, Lena L., Sleepy Eye Sorum, Ruth, Minneapolis Souba, Amy, Hopkins Soustegard, Minnie, Brooten Spencer, May L., Minneapolis Spencer, Mildred, Milaca Spies, Anne E., St. Paul Spies, Marie E., St. Paul Sprague, Harriet L., Madelia Stannard, Louise, Taylors Falls Stav, Cora M., Dennison Stearns, Lucy E., Aitkin Steenerson, Ingeborg D., Climax Steinke, Juliet S., St. Paul Stern, Elsie B., Dexter Stevens, Charlotte, Minneapolis Stevens, Rose M., Pine City Stone, Minnie O., St. Paul Stonestrom, Lila I., Dalbo Stowell, Lloyd L., Madison Strand, Irene, Marine Mills Strobel, Gustav A., Mankato Strom, Mabel, Mora Struke, Vera, Gordonsville Stucki, Elma, West Concord Stuvland, Ida, Northfield Stuvland, M. O., Northfield Sullivan, Anna L., Madelia Sullivan, Delia, St. Paul Sullivan, Frances, Stewart Sunderland, George, Badger Sunderland, Henry, Badger Swanlund, A. Edwin, Hopkins Swanson, Edna C., Moose Lake Swanson, Ella J., Savage Swanson, Esther, Rush City Swanson, Lillian R., Hopkins Sweet, Minetta V., Alexandria Swenson, Augusta, Rush City Swenson, Hannah A., Houston Swenson, Mabel C., Bird Island Swenson, Vera O., Enfield Sybilrud, Inga, Hartland Sylling, Bertha O., Spring Grove Symmes, Sylvia A., Renville Tart, Ida M., Alexandria Taylor, Andrew M., Danube Taylor, George E. A., St. Thomas, N. D. Taylor, John W., Outing Teichroew, Henry W., Mountain Lake Teitenberg, Anna M., Wilmont Teitenberg, Carrie H., Wilmont Terry, Gladys M., Gladstone Teutz, Olga, Princeton Theisen, Joseph P., Cold Springs Thiele, Edward, Eitzen Thomas, Mary E., North Branch Thompson, Alma A., Jackson Thompson, Harry, St. Paul Thompson, Ida, Sacred Heart Thompson, Julia F., Fisher Thompson, Thorwald S., Saum Thorsen, Clara P., Red Top Thorson, Leda, Spring Valley Thorson, Olga C., Wayzata Thorson, Thora, Minneapolis Thostenson, Julia M., Wood Lake Thote, Thekla J., Young America Thunstedt, G. A., Willmar Thunstedt, W. A., Willmar Toftey, Johannes, Tofte Tomczak, Wanda C., St. Paul Tool, Ella F., Aitkin Trapp, Elvera E., Dodge Center Trovatten, Anna, Hanley Falls Truedson, Ruth, Grandy Trump, Effie A., Robbinsdale Tdyggeseth, Ida O., Dawson Tryon, Alice R., Minneapolis Tupper, Leon B., Comfrey Umpleby, Grace M., St. Paul Urquhart, Helen, Huron, S. D. 254 THE . INNU. 1 L REGISTER Valentine, Sadie L. A., Aberdeen, S., D. \ an Tassel, Emma, Stillwater Van Tassel, Theresa, Stillwater Varner, Glenn F., St. Cloud Verburg, Jennie C., Barnesville Vermilyea, Leo B., Verndale Vermilyea, Ruth C., Verndale Vogelpohl, Hanna, Eden Valley Vogt, Isabel M., Minneapolis Vollbrecht, Laura, Hanover Vollbrecht, Minnie O., Hanovel Vollmer, Johanna L., Sleepy Eye von Borgersrode, Eda, Winsted von Borgersrode, Gladys, Delano von Borgersrode, Millie, Winsted Vorce, Alta, Claremont Vorce, Bernice, Aitkin Wagener, Leona M., Mishicot, Wahl, Marie O., Karlstad Waldhoff, Myrtle M., North Branch. Waldon, Arthur J., Bertha Wallace, May, Belmond, Iowa Waller, Agnes H., Stacy Waller, Jessie, St. Paul Walsh, Margaret, St. Paul Walsh, Nellie C., Brownsville Wandersee, Ethel M., Minneapolis . Ware, Norah Rose, Spring Valley Warren, Emma C., Spring Valley Warren, Irene E., Spring Valley Waterman, Mabel E., Hubbard Watschke, J. F., Tintah Watson, Florence, Mitchell Watson, Mamie A., Mahtowa Waylander, Myrtle, Grove City Weber, Emma M., Hastings Weber, Margaret P., Rogers Weberg, Esther E., Minneapolis Weech, Raymond C., Brook Park Weichselbaum, Mamie F., Lakeville Welch, Blanche E., Hutchinson Welch, Maude, Green Isle Wis. Weller, Tressa, Springfield Wells, Ellen H., Minneapolis Wells, Francis G., Walker Welte, Frank, Lengby Welton, Agnes E., Maple Lake Welton, Amanda, Buffalo Welton, Maude L., Pine Knoll Wert, Alice E., Baudette Westlie, Clara H., Beaver Creek Westlie, Helen M., Beaver Creek Westlund, Ruth I., Kerkhoven Whalen, Marie E., Litchfield Whelan, Lillian B., Bruno White, Ethyle .A., Lemmon, S. D. Whitney, Emily C., St. Paul Wichmann, Ida M., Belview Wiggins, Esther, Verdon Wiggins, Polly B., Verdon Wilcox, Ella, Excelsior Wilcox, Florence, St. Paul Wildes, May V., Hibbing Williams, Odessa M., St. Paul Williams, Sara E., Minneapolis Wilson, Mary, St. Paul Wilson, Mildred, Cambridge Wind, Kate, Hopkins Winkelman, Bernard C., Clear Lake Winter, Winifred Wood, Calmer H., Byron Woods, Grace E., Owatonna Wright, Edna F., Pillager Wyatt, Edna B., Salt Lake City, Utah Young, Barbara, Princeton Young, Katy M., Hinckley Yates, Grace, Manson, Iowa Young, Laura M., Brainerd Young, Nea P., Hinckley Younger, Ellen J., St. Louis Park Zahler, Mrs. L. H., St. Paul Zea, Myrtle E., Butterfield Zuzelska, Elsie E., Minneapolis Rural Life Conference, 1916–170 Abbott, Mark M., International Falls Allen, Warren H., Walker Anderson, Cecelia, Green Bay, Wis. Anderson, Walter R., Belgrade Atwood, G. H., Fosston Austin, F. F., Holyoke Ayers, Ellsworth, Pine City Baker, C. C., Albert Lea Baldwin, Clara F., St. Paul Barnes, O. A., Winthrop Bennett, Lewis K., Spring Valley Bieri, Margaret E., Blue Earth Bjorka, Knute, Belgrade Bond, C. V., Minneapolis Bornman, Charles J., Alice, N. D. Brandvig, A., Trail Brant, W. O., Stillwater Briggs, J. G., Owatonna Brobeck, Adeline M., Comfrey Brown, Clair W., Rushford Brown, Ida A., Minneapolis Brown, R. A., Lakefield Brunning, George J., Sebeka Buchanan, Roy R., Brown Valley Canty, Gertrude, St. Paul Carl, Leslie M., Lone Tree STUDENTS, 1916-17 25 5 Chapman, F. W., Minnesota Lake Chase, P. W., Mountain Lake Clague, E. D., Minneapolis Cochran, George W., Littlefolk Coffin, R. C., Minneapolis Colby, Leslie L., Madelia Colliver, S. A., Sandstone Cooper, C. H., Mankato Crandall, Elizabeth, Montevideo Cranston, R. W., Minneapolis Croasdale, Mayme, International Falls Davis, Fred, Littlefork Davis, Leslie G., Sleepy Eye Dickinson, Sherman, St. Paul Dinsmore, Eda, St. Croix Falls, Wis. Edwards, E. H., Castle Rock Espenett, C. S., New Brighton Eyerly, Elmer K., Vermillion, S. L. Fall, R. B., Appleton Finke, W. F., St. Paul Fishlock, Alta, Arcola, Ill. Flagg, Alice A., Minneapolis Gerten, F. L., South St. Paul Gillig, Edward M., St. Paul Gillingham, Ina C., Granite Falls Gippe, Hilda M., Watson Glasner, Susan, St. Paul Gloon, Arnold, Mound Goss, Leonarda, St. Paul Gregg, O. C., Lynd Haley, A. T., Minneapolis Halverson, A. Grace, Baudette Halverson, A. O., Thorhult Hamilton, E. N., Osakis Hamlin, H. M., Le Sueur Hann, C. S., Big Falls Hanson, A. M., Excelsior Harvey, F. H., Farmington Hayes, W. H., Backus Hedgcock, J. Franklin, Albert Lea Heedeweedh, George A., Waconia Hegdahl, Bertha, Grand Rapids Helgeson, G. P., Litchfield Hemsworth, E. V., Garden City Hewitt, J. R., Elk River Hibbs, E. G., Albert Lea Higbie, L. C., Harmony Hjetland, J. H., Winthrop Hoffman, Burton L., Plainview Hofstad, Benjamin, Deer River Hogan, R. M., Lake Wilson Holbrook, E. P., St. Paul Howard, E. Lee, St. Paul Howard, Edwin B., Ames, Iowa Howland, Mrs. Abbie M., Northfield Ingerson, Martha, Minneapolis Jewell, D. B., International Falls Johnson, Edward F., Middle Rivet Johnson, Robert A., Willmar Jones, B. B., Le Mars, Iowa Kirkconnel, R., Nevis Knox, C. W., Cleveland Langmaid, Abbie B., Granite Falls Lapham, Frances P., Caledonia Larson, Emma M., St. Paul Lewis, R. J., Forest Lake Lillie, Florence E., St. Paul Lindberg, Mabel E., Cokato Lindgren, A. G., Floodwood Lindsey, Marion S., Monticello Lyness, Charles E., New Richland Lyness, Mrs. Charles E., New Richland McCornas, W. E., Dodge Center McCullough, H. D., Hinckley McLean, Alexander E., Markville Macy, L. G., Jordan Markham, James L., St. Paul Mason, O. G., Remer Mead, C. E., Pine Island Melleye, G. Herbert, Ulen Miller, Jens P., Bruno Miller, Mrs. Jens P., Bruno t Molenaar, R., Jackson Moody, H. L., Lake Wilson Mueller, Emil, Nerstrand Mulder, W. A., Amiret Munier, George F., Glencoe Murphy, Kathryn, St. Paul Muse, C. H., Osseo Nauman, Albert H., Spring Valley Norby, B. O., Oklee Norsen, K. A., Alexandria Olds, Lue A., Granite Falls Olson, G. A., Cushing, Wis. Olson, Roy L., Medford Oman, E. A., St. Paul Persum, F. J. E., Atwater Petersen, William E., Pine City Peterson, J. Martin, Freeborn Pickard, A. E., Minneapolis Poole, Gladys, Truman Quale, E. C., Hartford, S. D. Reinertsen, P. Amos, Rushford Reineke, E. C., Byron Riley, Thomas E., Moorhead Ringdahl, N. Robert, Rush City Robilliard, H. L., Faribault Rodeen, Charles, Willmar Ruehl, Adolph H., Lamberton Ruehl, Mrs. Adolph H., Lamberton Rutledge, I. C., Chisholm Saed, T. J., Ettrick, Wis. Sander, John, Lindstrom Sandt, A. N., Winona Schenck, John W., Grand Rapids Schoenleben, M., St. Paul 256 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Sheay, John P., Hutchinson Shelland, Annie E., St. Paul Sollman, B. G., Cokato Stangel, O. A., Virginia Strobel, G. A., Plainview Swanson, H. B., Cedar Rapids, Iowa Tapping, Minnie E., Minneapolis Teichroew, Henry W., Mountain Lake Ternberg, E. S., Gibbon Thompson, William E., St. Paul Thorp, W. E., Long Prairie Thorson, Theo, Winthrop Tripp, Floyd C., Worthington Upton, R. P., Maple Plain Vandyke, J. A., Coleraine Walker, H. R., Hill City Walker, William H., Beloit, Wis. Waltner, Benjamin, Jackson Watschke, J. F., Tintah Wesinberg, W. J., Utica White, C. E., Minneapolis Whiteside, A. E., Sauk Rapids Whittenburg, R. L., Kimball Wildenstein, E. J., Norwood Williams, L. D., Le Sueur Wilson, M. Eleanor, Red Wing Young, S. D., Lindstrom Yule, C. L., Stephen Extension Gymnasium, 1917—25 Barnes, Donald, St. Paul Berge, Olaf, St. Paul Borglin, Ernest, St. Paul Boss, Kenneth, St. Paul Brubaker, Merlin, St. Paul Cogswell, Leonard, St. Paul Gutterson, Leslie, St. Paul Haedecke, August, St. Paul Hanson, Everett, St. Paul Hanson, Lee, St. Paul McAninch, Harold, St. Paul McAninch, Vance, St. Paul McIntyre, Joe, St. Paul Marshall, Kenneth, St. Paul Raudenbush, Albert, St. Paul Saltzman, Evan, St. Paul Saltzman, Roger, St. Paul Stephens, Paul, St. Paul Sweet, Edward, St. Paul Thom, Myron, St. Paul Thompson, Harry, St. Paul Vye, Lloyd, St. Paul Vye, Warren, St. Paul Weswig, Carl, St. Paul Williams, Henry, St. Paul NORTHWEST SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE ADVANCED CLASS—5 Erickson, Palmer, Goodhue Flaat, Ole A., Fisher Garceau, Lester R., Red Lake Falls Hammer, Edwin, Heiberg Tunheim, Thorval, Newfolden TEACHERS’ TRAINING—7 Bagaas, Gertrude, Stephen Eklund, Amanda, Hallock Huot, Helen, Wylie Imsdahl, Hannah, Oslo Anderson, Herbert, Clearbrook Anderson, Nellie, Ortonville Anderson, Raymond, Hitterdal Anderson, Sam, Alvarado Auburg, Charles, Bagley Bjorsness, Albert, Newfolden Davids, George, Bagley Gigstad, Oscar, St. Hilaire Pearson, Esther, Argyle Torgerson, Almira, Fosston Torgerson, Josephine, Fosston SENIORS–27 Haenke, Florence, Eveleth Hagglund, Birger, Alvarado Heiberg, Rasmus, Heiberg Imsdahl, Josie, Oslo Johnson, Fred, Argyle Johnson, Marion, Felton Monson, Johanna, Drayton, N. D. Ness, Peter, Cass Lake STUDENTS, 1916-17 257 Ovan, Carrie, East Grand Forks Peterson, Maja, Mentor Peterson, Walter, Lancaster Porten, James, Alvarado Sather, Julius, Halstad Scherfenberg, King, St. Cloud Abbott, Thomas, Mentor Arneson, Stanley, Shelly Boness, Olof, Saum Cawelti, Arthur, Crookston Christianson, Arthur, Crookston Hallgren, Emil, Bronson Isaacson, Carl, Thief River Falls Johnston, Earl, Fargo, N. D. Jones, Frank, Clearwater Kulle, Gerda, Alvarado Lee, Clarence, Pencer Lee, Newell, Halma Lofgren, Inga, Warroad Aasland, Russell, Wurmer Abbott, Daisy, Mentor Amundson, Olaf, Bemidji Anderson, Andrew, St. Vincent Anderson, Arthur, Greenbush Anderson, Edna, Greenbush Aure, Elvin, Audubon Austad, Ella, Fosston Austin, William, Malung Bakke, Adolph, Newfolden Bertrand, Wilfred, Stephen Bjelland, Nels, Erskine Bjorge, Arthur, Crookston Boe, Gunnar, Neilsville Bollie, George, Gatzke Borg, Oscar, Hampden, N. D. Bradley, Joseph, Erskine Brokke, Carl, Buxton, N. D. Brunnell, Joseph, Crookston Burnquist, Gustave, Crookston Cawelti, Ruth, Crookston Dahle, Otto, Fertile Davids, Thomas, Bagley Eggen, Herman, Oxville, Canada Ellinboe, Helge, Roseau Ellingson, Sigurd, Neilsville Engelstad, Mabel, Neilsville Enger, Tenny, Halstad Erickson, Carrie, Argyle Erickson, Emil, Fertile Erickson, Olaus, Gatzke Evernham, Fern, Rollis Sheridan, Walter, Minneapolis Soberg, Martin, Fertile Spjut, Magnus, Karlstad Tunheim, Oscar, Newfolden Westberg, Ethel, Cottonwood Lake, N. D. JUNIORS–25 Morris, Harold, Middle River Moses, Bernard, Pelican Rapids Nyquist, Hilda, Fertile Osgaard, Henry, Crookston Rubert, Fred, Orleans Samuelson, Oscar, Crookston Sangen, Martin, Newfolden Skonovd, Arthur, Viking Spokely, Guy, Nielsville Tunheim, Olga, Newfolden Westphalen, Adelia, Crookston Wiger, Alfred, Ulen FRESHMEN-136 Folland, Torger, Halma Gibson, Henry, Ulen Gilbertson, Orvan, Fertile Goodwin, Oliver, Angus Gordon, Loyd H., Cummings, N. D. Grady, Willard, Crookston Grothe, Clarence, Halstad Gustafson, Alvin, Beltrami Hagelie, Otto, Beltrami Hallstrom, Martin, Wylie Hanson, Alice, Newfolden Hanson, Bernt, Holt Hedin, Andrew, Twin Valley Hedlund, Albin, Malung Hegland, Thorval, White Earth, N. D. Hillmer, Ruth, Crookston Hjelle, Hjelmar, Newfolden Hoiland, Johnnie, Halstad Holland, Elmer, Shelly Holland, Ole, Shelly Hutchinson, Harry, Euclid Imsdahl, Verna, Oslo Jacobson, Peder, Neilsville Johnson, Albin, Fertile Johnson, Anna, Fisher Johnson, Anna E., Warren Johnson, Axel, Stephen Johnson, Calmer, Argyle Jorgenson, Carl A., Twin Valley Relly, Alex, Crookston Knox, William, Fisher Krbecheck, Sophia, Erie 258 THE ANN U_{L REGISTER Kvamme, Bennie, Ada Laliberte, Leander, Gentilly Lanager, Ida, Plummer Landin, Caroline, Swift Laroche, Arnold, Euclid Layton, Arthur, Crookston Layton, Louis, Crookston LeBlanc, Ovid, Crookston Lien, Albert, Audubon Lillo, Walter, Lengby Lindberg, Hannah, Roland Lindfors, Cora, Fosston Lindfors, Florence, Fosston Lundin, Oscar, Stephen McCrae, Clarence, Beltrami McGrath, Clement, Greenbush Malme, Arthur, Halstad Malme, Ole, Neilsville Mellen, Clayton, Ulen Miller, Fred, Dayton, N. D. Morberg, Hjalmar, Alvarado Nelson, Albie, Donaldson Nobben, Henry, Thief River Falls Olson, Henry, Erskine Olson, Nobel, Middle River Omdahl, Peter, Halstad Paulson, Alvilda, Neilsville Paulson, Christian, Stephen Paulsrud, Gunnar, Neilsville Paulsrud, John, Neilsville Pearson, Swan, Argyle Pederson, Clarence, Halstad Pelowski, Dominic, Greenbush Peterson, Emma, East Grand Forks Peterson, John, Fisher Peterson, Theodore, Fisher Quam, Edwin, Erskine Rodseth, Andrew, Neilsville Roed, Claudius, Fertile Roed, Luther, Fertile Rubert, Lettie, Orleans Rud, Martin, Viking Rutherford, Raymond, Euclid Salverson, Anna, Fisher Sandbeck, Martin, Charwin, Canada Sandbeck, Oscar, Mossbank, Canada Sandeen, Willie, Clearbrook Simon, Thomas, Neilsville Sirjord, Harold, Flaming Schaper, Emma, Red Lake Falls Shefveland, Richard, Audubon Solvet, Eric, Newfolden Spokely, Earl, Neilsville Stalemo, Anna, Fisher Steenerson, Tarjie, Climax Stewart, Leah, Hallock Strand, Olaf, Roseau Sundem, Elsie, Lancaster Swanson, Tina, Wylie Swenson, Milo, Gary Tangjerd, Thorvald, Bagley Tendeland, Clara, Neilsville Thompson, Carl, Shellbrook, Canada Thompson, Gilford, Ada Thompson, Gunder J., Shellbrook, Canada Thomson, David, Orleans Thorson, I&nute, Ulen Tollefson, George, Hatton, N. 1). Tronnes, Edwin, Shelly Valley, Alpha, Crookston Villand, Clara, Neilsville Westlin, Julia, Newfolden Junior Short Course, 1917—60 Aas, Herman, Climax Anderson, Lena, Erskine Areson, Odin, Climax Belzer, Morris, Crookston Bengtson, Gustaf, Lake Park Bengtson, William, Lake Park Bjornrud, Palmer, Climax Bredlie, Elmer, Eldred Brundin, Hjalmar, East Grand Forks Bruun, Harold, Climax Bruun, Ida, Climax Cawelti, Harold, Crookston Crosby, Norman, Perley DeVore, Morris, Mentor Dragseth, Andy, Eldred Evenson, Meredith, Climax Fadness, Adolph, Fleming Flermoen, Lewellyn, McIntosh Foss, Gunda, Halstad Grove, Harold, Climax Grove, Lawrence, Climax Gunness, Vernard, East Grand Forks Houghum, Clarence, Perley Hovland, Carl, Perley Iverson, Norman, Warren Johnson, Luther, Mentor Johnson, Pearl, Climax Johnson, Ralph, Climax Johnson, William, Mentor Kasberg, Amos, Eldred Kittleson, Bennie, Mentor Knudsin, Arthur, Warren Krbechek, Sophie, Erie Rrogen, Arthur, Eldred STUDENTS, 1916-17 259 Larum, Clifford, Climax Letness, Lars, Crookston Lindberg, Oscar, Fertile Lindem, Selmer, Climax Monson, Alon, Climax Monson, Clifford, Climax Moses, Bertha, Pelican Rapids Moses, Jay, Pelican Rapids Ness, Ralph, Perley Ondahl, Alice, Halstad Pearson, John, Crookston Peterson, LeRoy, Warren Probst, Herman, Warren Rarick, Mary, Climax Remick, Herbert E., Mentor Rude, James, Mentor Swheide, Sivert, Perley Simonson, Arthur, Crookston Sorvig, Otto, Erskine Spanglud, Carl, Kennedy Sparks, Robert, Eldred Strommen, Pauline, Climax Swenson, Albin, Fertile Thoreson, Ingman, Climax Wavra, William, East Grand Forks Young, John, Devils Lake, N. D. Teachers’ Training School, 1916—189 Abbott, Bertha E., Mentor Abbott, Daisie A., Mentor Abrahamson, Evelyn, Warren Amundson, Tillie, Norcross Anderson, Agnes F., Thorhult Anderson, Alma C., St. Hilaire Anderson, Beda, Fosston Anderson, Edna, Greenbush Anderson, Myrtle, Erskine Arndt, Sarah, Highlanding Arndt, Stella, Highlanding Arness, J. A., Fork Bain, Nellie, Fisher Bain, Ruby, Fisher Bakken, Clara, Thief River Falls Ballard, Grace, Warren Beck, Clara, Crookston Bengtson, Myrtle, Warren Benson, Minnie, Erskine Berg, Hulda, Crookston Berg, Nellie O., Dugdale Bergeron, Belle, Argyle Blomquist, Ellen, Middle River Bramseth, Anna, Climax Brandrud, Tilda, St. Hilaire Brown, Mildred, Gary Brustad, Minnie, Crookston Burhart, Ray, Carmel Byrne, Tillie, Clementson Caouette, Clara, Crookston Christopherson, Marie, Crookston Conner, Stella, Thief River Falls Copp, Ida L., Warren Crosby, Emma, Perley Dahl, Mabel, Borup Dahl, Nettie, Borup Dickinson, Lyla, Warroad Dickinson, M. F., Warroad Doyle, Rose, Crookston Duvos, Olga, Karlstad Ehaust, Rozella, Crookston Ehaust, Valentina, Clookston Ehlers, Ella, Leonard Einess, Martha, Fosston Erickson, Elinor, Crookston Erickson, Leonard, Crookston Evenson, Cora, Thief Rive! Falls Evernham, Fae, Rollis Evernham, Mabel, Rollis Evie, Constance, Nielsville Ferdinandson, Myrtle, Goodridge Ferris, Doritha, Crookston Finsand, Inger, Esplee Fisher, Rose, Mentor Folkedahl, Ida, Highlanding Foss, Hilda, Thief River Falls Fossbakken, Mollie, Fosston Froirack, Christine, McIntosh Gibson, Nutah, Warroad Glenn, Valetta, Crookston Gordon, Amanda, Crookston Green, Stella, Plummer Hagen, Nora L., Fertile Hammond, Grace, Glenville Hammond, Nyle, Glenville Hammond, Raymond, Glenville Hansen, Louise, Crookston Hanson, Amanda, Beltrami Hanson, Clara, Crookston Hanson, Dina, Drayton, N. D. Hanson, Esther, Thief River Falls Hanson, Mary, Brager Hartman, Mabel, Euclid Hastie, Amber, Ada Hastie, Belle, Ada Henderson, Myrtle, Frazee Hertweck, Anna, Crookston Hevle, Mary, Newfolden T Hibbetts, Ethel, Goodridge Hilliard, Lora, Lengby Hilliard, Nona, Lengby Hogen, Luverne, Crookston Homme, Thea, Wanke 260 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Hoschied, Gladys, Baudette Iverson, Olga, McIntosh Johnson, Annie, Lake Park Johnson, Emma M., Warren Johnson, Nettie, St. Hilaire Kalland, Ida, St. Hilaire Kelly, Evelyn, Haug Kelsven, Ruth, Crookston Kerestes, Dorothy, Warren Ketten, Emma, Fisher Kilburg, Clara, Red Lake Falls Knutson, Clara, Fisher Knutson, Enger, Crookston Knutson, Mabel, Holt Lager, Martin P., Bronson Larson, Clara, Thief River Falls Larson, Clara, Alvarado Larson, Johanna, Holt Lehman, Martha, Crookston Leslie, Jessie, Rollis Letnes, Paulii.e., Crookston Luther, Mildred, Crookston Malarky, Grace, Crookston Martinson, Clara, Fisher Mathwig, Helen, Warren Miller, Josephine, Warroad Mitchell, Etta, Mentor Mitchell, Grace, Mentor Mogster, Ragnil, Leonard Monson, Sophie, Drayton, N. D. Myrvold, Anna, Bagley Nelson, Florence, Warroad Nelson, Saxton, Warren Newman, Pearl, Halma Nolan, Loretta, Crookston Norie, Ethel, Crookston Norum, Julianne, Hallock Nyquist, Selma, Fertile Olson, Lena, Halstad Olson, Oscar, Halstad Olson, Selma, Roseau Olson, Stella, Anstad Ose, Ingeborg, Fisher Ose, Margrethe, Fisher Ose, Toebjor, Fisher Paulsberg, Alma, Crookston Paulsberg, Jennie, Crookston Phillipson, Marie, Middle River Powers, Margaret, East Grand Folks Price, Arline, Crookston Ray, Lillian, Gonvick Renne, Louise, Shevlin Roy, Sepherna, Warroad Saastad, Christine, Holt Sampson, May, Trail Sannes, Ragnhild, McIntosh Sedlacek, Bessie, Radium Sexton, Mrs. Florence, Crookston Shannon, Clara, Fosston Sheldrew, Charlotte, Grygla Silnes, Sofie, Halma Simonson, Carrie, St. Hilaire Sister Agnes, Crookston Sister Albertine, Crookston Sister Alphonsus, Crookston Sister Angelique, Crookston Sister Anne, Crookston Sister Eugenie, Argyle Sister Josephine, Crookston Sister Madeline, Crookston Sister Marie, Crookston Sister Marie Alix, Crookston Sister Marie Emanuel, Crookston Sister Mary, Crookston Skyberg, Alma, Fisher Skyberg, Olga, Fisher Sollie, Clara, Fertile Sollom, Gunhild, Holt Sollom, Olava, Holt Spjut, Christine, Karlstad Stephenson, Nora, Frazee Stevens, Ruth, Thief River Falls Stewart, Hester, Dugdale Stone, Ida, Crookston Stortroen, Bereth, Fisher Stucy, Agnes, Highlanding Suprenant, Alexine, Red Lake Falls Swenson, Anna, Climax ^- Tell, Esther, Blackduck Teske, Frances, Crookston Thompson, Tillie, Kratka Turner, May, Crookston Ulseth, Christine, Crookston Vavrina, Mary, Tabor Vicklid, Ragna, Fisher Vixie, Olga, Viking Welte, Clare, Lengby Wickum, Agnes, McIntosh Wilson, Christie, St. Vincent Wing, Jennie, Middle River Wood, Lillian, Karlstad Woodham, Gail, Crookston Wurden, Dora, Fisher Zakrison, Alfred, McIntosh Zakrison, Annie, McIntosh Zakrison, Elizabeth, McIntosh WEST CENTRAL SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, MORRIS-137 FOURTH YEAR–3 Aanel ud, Magna, Elbow Lake Quitney, Gerard, I-owry Swenson, Otto, Chicago, Ill. STUDENTS, 1916-17 261 SENIOR CLASS—29 Anderson, Amanda, Wadena Anderson, Nellie, Ortonville Bennett, Robert, Lowry Bolstad, Clara, Dawson Brevig, Caroline, Starbuck Cook, Aura, Westport Dehne, Henry, Holloway Dosen, Clifford, Starbuck Dyrstad, Agnes, Glenwood Field, Hoyt, Spicer Hendrickson, Walter, Kensington Hilleren, Bertine, Benson Huizinga, Flora, Ortonville Jensen, Chris, Morris Keeler, Herbert, Chokio Larson, Arthur, Rothsay Larson, Mamie, Rothsay Ness, Ben, Cyrus Olson, Selma, Ortonville Pehl, Ralph, Campbell Rolen, Carl, Clinton Sinclair, Wayne, LaMoille Solvie, Alice, Cyrus Solvie, Eilert, Cyrus Sugden, Pearl, Herman Thimmesch, Mary, Osakis Vaala, Horace, Madison Warner, Sadie, Hancock Westberg, Ethel, Alamo, N. D. JUNIOR CLASS—23 Anderson, Stena, Belglade Brevig, Agnes, Starbuck Brisbane, Gladys, Morris Cummings, Kenneth, Dawson Dosen, Karen, Starbuck Erdahl, Manford, St. Cloud Erickson, George, Westport Ferrell, Herbert, Morris Hanson, Silas, Harmony Huntley, Max, Hancock Larson, Julia, Lowry Lilienthal, Hazel, Glenwood Madsen, Ole, Herman Mahoney, Francis, Correll Myrun, Agnes, Louisburg Olds, Pearl, Morris Pearson, Victor, Glove City Reisrud, Clara, Starbuck Rolen, Harold, Clinton Solvie, Otto, Hancock Spalinger, Mary, Clinton Stotesbery, Lydia, Barry Ulvestad, Johanna, Chokio FRESHMAN CLASS—82 Anderson, Jim, Clarinda, Iowa Anderson, Otto, Clara City Anderson, Walfred, Murdock Benson, Sherman, Kensington Bjorklund, Reuben, Kensington Bloomquist, Irene, Starbuck Brisbane, Lowell, Morris Burros, Irene, Evansville Christenson, Mabel, Porter Cook, Perry, Donnelly Cooper, Donald, Carlos Diebold, Edwin, Bellingham Dose, Lyle, Beardsley Dripps, Allen, Spencer, Iowa Erickson, Ethel, Nelson Evenson, Harvey, Wolverton Fauskee, Ella, Brooten Fauskee, Tina, Brooten Fosberg, John, Winnipeg, Man., Canada. Gorder, Leroy, Starbuck Hagesteun, Ida, Starbuck Halvorson, Roy, Kerkhoven Halvorson, Theodore, Barrett Hanson, John, Louisburg Herring, Guy, Renville Hiebel, Anna, Alexandria Holtan, Joseph, Dawson James, Harold, Glenwood Johnson, Frank, Ortonville Johnson, Mabel, Ortonville Kling, Louise, Morris Knutson, Carl, Tenney Koehntopp, Herbert, Bellingham Korn, William, Clara City Kranker, Svend, Morris Ilaird, Muriel, Terrace Larson, Arnold, Kensington Larson, Earl, Clinton Larson, Phillip, Murdock Larson, Selma, Cyrus Larson, William, Wolverton Lerdahl, Hilma, Cyrus Lindholm, Gottfred, Ortonville Maanum, Elmer, Hancock \ſecklenberg, Dora, Nashua 262 THE - 1 NNUAL REGISTER Moen, Edward, Kensington Monson, Clarence, Doran Myrun, Viola, Louisburg Nelson, Jessie, Dawson Norby, Christine, Morris Nord, Richard, Wolverton Odden, Harold, Echo Olmeim, Carl, Starbuck Olson, Adolph, Murdock Peterson, Clara, Cyrus Peterson, Walter, Maynard Pittier, Emilio, Washington, D. C. Pushor, Kyle, Donnelly Quam, Andrew, Glyndon Quam, Godeo, Glyndon Ritzschke, Herman, Herman Roiland, Tilman, Louisburg Rolighed, Marvin, Appleton Rolin, Vear, Breckenridge Farmers' Short Andert, Paul, Morris Austin, C. Y., Campbell Ausumb, Ole A., Donnelly Averill, Noble, Osakis Bauman, John, Raymond Biemel, Ludwig, Morris Bost, C. A., Morris Daugherty, J. T., Kandiyohi Davison, Lee, Tintah Davison, Ralph, Tintall Dohlen, Nordfelt, Morris Durkee, Albert, Hancock Ecklund, Herman, Chokio Evers, N., Morris Evers, W., Morris Gaarder, A. A., Chokio Gunderson, Ralph, Kensington Halvorson, Helmer, Farwell Halvorson, Reuben, Kerkhoven Halvorson, Robert, Kerkhoven Hancock, F. A., Morris Hanson, V. H., Herman Haughland, Ole, Morris Hegge, Emil, Ortonville Huntley, Vic, Hancock Johnson, Carl, Madison Johnson, Oscar, Hoffman Rosenau, William, Sauk Centre Saterli, Arthur, Appleton Sears, Elmer, Motley Shaw, Curtis, Morris Simonson, Anna, Terrace Simonson, Helga, Terrace Snyder, Charles, Cottonwood Solbrekken, Emma, Sedan Steinbring, Henry, Morris Sund, Henry, Wendell Swenson, Alvin, Clinton Thieke, Anna, Beardsley Thoen, Elmer, Dawson Thompson, Magnus, Starbuck Thompson, Truman, Osakis Torgerson, Leslie, Motley Ulvestad, Ruth, Chokio Welfare, Leroy, Morris Course, 1917—53 Johnson, Richard, Herman Knudson, Oliver, Montevideo Larson, David, Kerkhoven Larson, Ludvig, Chokio Lindgren, Elmer, Kerkhoven Lindgren, Julius, Kerkhoven McDermond, Lyle, Burtrum Maanum, Hjalmer, Farwell Michels, Joseph, Morris Molenaan, Clarence, Raymond Myrum, O. E., Louisburg Newell, J. B., Morris Quist, Emil, Glenwood Solvie, Martin, Cyrus Sorteburg, A. O., Louisburg Spangrud, Carl N., Starbuck Stock, Carl, Kensington Strand, John, Donnelly Sullivan, John, Morris Swenson, Emil, Clinton Tack, Earl, Montevideo Thimmesch, Bernard, Osakis Tolefson, Elmer, Madison Vaala, Louis, Madison Waller, August, Donnelly Weltzin, Oscar, Tonnelly Teachers' Training School, Summer, 1916–147 Abrahamson, Alma, Hanley Falls Anderson, Edith, Farwell Anderson, Emma, Morris Anderson, Teckla, Evansville Bailey, Grace, Eagle Bend Barsness, Anna, Glenwood Barton, Louise, Herman Plondheim, Mayme, Morris Bohannan, Bessie, Beardsley Bolstad, Clara, Dawson Braaten, Selma, Starbuck Cairney. Tulia, Morris S TUDENTS, 1916-17 263 Carney, Elizabeth, Danvers Chapman, Annetta, Ortonville Christianson, Bessie, Starbuck Clark, Hannah, Carlos Claussen, Clara, New London Coleman, Mayme, Morris Condon, Elizabeth, Graceville Conlogue, Gertrude, Danvels Danielson, Ruth, Cyrus Dyrstad, Gina, Glenwood Eldred, Evelyn, Ortonville Erickson, Cora, Fergus Falls Eul, Esther, Morris Feda, Amelia, Carlos Feda, Emma, Carlos Fenton, Minnie, Hancock Ferrell, Evelyn, Morris Finstad, Olga, Starbuck Flatner, Irene, Morris Gallagher, Loretta, Benson Gorder, Evelyn, Starbuck Gorder, Victor, Starbuck Gregoire, Mary, DeGraff Haldorson, Elma, Hancock Haldorson, Tillie, Hancock Halvorson, Jennie, New London Hamilton, Lois, Alberta Hanrahan, Mary, Morris Hanson, Ella, Chokio Hatlelid, Anna, Cyrus Herbrandson, Ingeborg, Brooten Hilleren, Susia, Benson Hippe, Inga, Cyrus Hjort, Christine, Willmar Holte, Cora, Starbuck Homme, Agnes, Glenwood Honzo, Violet, Chokio Hustad, Manada, Kensington Irgens, Veda, Farwell Jacobson, Bergetta, Bird Island Jensen, Hilda, Granite Falls Johnson, Ellen, Alexandria Johnson, Elvera, Alexandria Johnson, Hanna, Benson Johnson, Hilma, Benson Just, Mary, Morris Kaldahl, Earnest, Glenwood Kane, Anna, Morris Kenna, Helen, Danvers Klevan, Pauline, Starbuck Rnutson, Helga, Garfield Knutson, Rose, Garfield Koll, Theresa, Breckenridge Kreidler, Lola, Herman Landmark, Mabel, Benson Lowry, Bessie, Dassel Lowry, Jessie, Dassel Lukes, Anthon, Long Prairie Lund, Olive, Morris Lyons, Lloyd, Osakis Lyslo, Emma, Benson McCarthy, Mary, Morris McFarlane, Margaret, Sauk Center McIlravie, Isabel, Alexandria McIlravie, Tessie, Alexandria McTighe, Agnes, Holloway Maloney, Agnes, Morris Margeson, Mable, Kensington Meyer, Carolyn, Parkers Prairie Michels, Agnes, Morris Michels, Rose, Morris Modahl, Alice, Alexandria Moen, Alma, Terrace Moen, Ella, Terrace Moen, Mabel, Glenwood Mollman, Charlotte, Herman Murphy, Ella, Morris Nelson, Adelia, Cottonwood Nelson, Clara M., Clontarf Nelson, Harry, Morris Nelson, Ingeborg, Svea Nelson, Mary E., Grove City Nelson, Rose J., Hancock Norem, Mary, Alexandria Norsen, Esther, Wheaton Norton, Marie, Morris Norton, Viola, Morris Nygaard, Constance, Starbuck Nygaard, Nora, Starbuck Odden, Gunda, Echo Olen, Othelia, Benson Olson, Anna G., Alexandria Olson, Anna O., Belgrade Olson, Huldah, Stonington, Mich. Olson, Jennie, Belgrade Olson, Olga, Montevideo Opheim, Edwin, Cyrus Ostlund, Victor, Hoffman Palmer, Mabel, Sauk Center Palmer, Mary, Sauk Center Pederson, Elsie, Hanley Falls Philips, Mabel, Big Stone, S. T. Prince, Blanch, Herman Quackenbush, Ada, Chokio Quam, Berdina, Glenwood Raasch, Anna, Alberta Ranun, Helen, Starbuck Reisrud, Agnes, Starbuck Reitan, Marion, Hancock Ring, Agnes, Morris Sanders, Clara, Hoffman Satterlee, Esther, Montevideo Sauter, Barbara, Morris Sauter, Bathilda, Morris Sauter, T.ouise, Morris Schlegel, Iva, Chokio Schoon over, Blanche, Norcross Shepard, Helen. Morris 264 THE ANN U.-H L REGISTER Simonson, Mabel, Hanley Falls Slette, Marie, Cottonwood Smart, Mary, Scales Mound, Ill. Stoneberg, Lawrence, Morris Stoneberg, Olga, Morris Susag, Mabel, Glenwood Swenson, Elizabeth, Evansville Tarum, Mae, Eagle Bend Tax, Louise, Osakis Thompson, Gladys, Starbuck Thompson, Selma, Starbuck Tonnesens, Elizabeth, Alexandria Toombs, Grace, Glenwood Torpy, Maud, Morris Tripp, Mildred, Morris Ulstad, Augusta, Madison Wagner, Tena, Morris Junior Short Course, 1917—32 Anderson, Josephine, Kerkhoven Boots, John, Johnson Brown, Harold, Sauk Center Derby, Francis, Herman Dusdall, Henry, Hancock Ellingson, Elmer, Cyrus Estenson, Ruth, Hancock Galbraith, Virgil, Sauk Center Goodell, Kenneth, Herman Hoard, Irene, Herman Hoard, May, Herman Hulgren, Kermit, Donnelly Johnsrud, Stella, Herman Larson, Florence, Herman McCollier, Raymond, Herman Metzger, Ellen, Chokio Nelson, Viola, Herman Ostby, Emma, Kerkhoven Otting, Irene, Herman Pierson, Lawrence, Herman Pierson, Myrtle, Herman Ritzschke, Bertha, Herman Ritzschke, Oscar, Herman Rotto, Isaac, Farwell Sandvig, Clara, Brooten Schuler, Magna, Herman Solvie, Ole, Cyrus Solvie, Valborg, Cyrus Stoneberg, Bertie, Herman Strong, Nydia, Herman Tollefson, Leonard, Farwell Ziebarth, Gertrude, Herman Mothers’ Week, 1916–36 Albers, Mrs. W. F., Donnelly Andert, Mrs. A. W., Alberta Barsness, Mrs. Albert, Starbuck Barsness, Mrs. Edwin, Starbuck Braun, Mrs. B., Alberta Desso, Mrs. F. A., Ortonville Eystad, Mrs. E., Alberta Farwell, Mrs. G. H., Alberta Fobey, Mrs. P. H., Alberta Fourgeron, Mrs. G. H., Alberta Ghort, Mrs. H., Alberta Ginnow, Mrs. E., Alberta Grafelman, Mrs. Fred, Alberta Gulbrandson, Mrs. O., Alberta Hodd, Mrs. F. L., Alberta Hustad, Mrs. L. P., Kensington Johnson, Mrs. Adolph, Hancock Tarson, Mrs. T. A., Kensington Larson, Mrs. L. M., Alberta Lemmerman, Mrs. H., Alberta Lippert, Mrs. W. P., Alberta Maanum, Mrs. F. A., Alberta Nordby, Mrs. L. P., Alberta Pederson, Mrs. W. F., Alberta Reisrud, Mrs. C. L., Starbuck Roberts, Mrs. C. W., Alberta Rotto, Mrs. J. L., Farwell Schultz, Mrs. J. A., Alberta Shippen, Mrs. Lee, Cyrus Solvie, Mrs. Edwin J., Hancock Solvie, Mrs. Martin, Cyrus Solvie, Mrs. Olaf, Cyrus Stewart, Mrs. G. H., Alberta Stock, Mrs. John, Kensington Thompson, Mrs. E. E., Starbuck Tollefson, Mrs. F., Farwell Short Course in Embalming—42. Arnoldt, Otto, Janesville Benson, Ben E., Fergus Falls Perntsen, John F., Andover, S. D. Boxe11, George, Howard Lake Britts, Ross W., Mantorville Buchinger, Fredrick J., Minneapolis Elliott, William H., Minneapolis Erickson, Erick E., Braham Ferguson, Mrs. Bertha T., Minneapolis Foley, Michael V., Plainview STUDENTS, 1916-17 265 Lewis, J. Best, Palmyra, Mo. Lewis, Owen H., Lake Crystal Lindberg, Harry, Minneapolis Marti, Walter J., Sleepy Eye Oleson, Wilfred D., Isanti Pederson, Orland, Fosston Peterson, Alfred H., Waubun Peterson, Alfred T., Willmar Pluemer, Harry E., Potosi, Wis. Quist, Walter P., Minneapolis Rappe, Reuben H., Wells Schorn, Henry A., St. Paul Srb, Gilbert J., Dodge, Neb. Tyrholm, Harold T., New Richland Ulland, Obed C., Blooming Prairie Willett, Elmer, Minneapolis Gorham, Joseph E., Minneapolis Graf, Fred H., Minneapolis Greene, Stanley L., Rutland, N. D. Greer, Charles E., Iroquois, S. D. Guthunz, Henry, Jr., St. Paul Harkness, Ernest E., Rochester Heidenreich, Michael J., St. Paul Johnson, Elmer A., Belgrade Kelly, John J., Mankato Knott, Will D., Bristol, S. 1). Koontz, Dwight F., Glenville Koop, Severin E., Brainerd Kozlak, Joseph A., Minneapolis Kraft, Leo R., Worthington Kroke, James O., Staples Langren, Lucia E., Litchfield GENERAL EXTENSION DIVISION Minneapolis Business Courses—564 Ackley, Henry B. Akin, Theo. W. Albee, Thersa D. Alberg, Albert Alvord, S. W. Amguist, Halvor Willet Anderson, A. H. Anderson, E. T. Anderson, Edwin W. Anderson, Emil T. Anderson, F. W. Anderson, G. E. Anderson, Oscar W. Anderson, R. A. Anderson, Walter L. Antisdel, E. G. Armstrong, W. I5. Arness, O. J. Asselin, R. A. Atkin, A. G. Austin, Ella M. Badger, Lester R. Bamcard, F. M. Bardill, O. H. Barney, Hadwen C. Barr, Nick A. Barton, A. D. Bashair, Edith F. Bates, Curtis Bayley, C. S. Beach, Florence Beery, Charles B. Beinhorn, Genevieve Berglund, H. W. Berry, Harry Edwin Bettridge, John E. Bigford, S. J. Blackman, H. E. Blair, Raynond E. Boblett, G. I. Boege, John H. Bofferding, Eugene Bolduc, A. T. Booker, A. W. Boor, William E. Borup, A. H. Boulay, J. A. Roysen, Max C. Brandt, L. Basil Brant, L. B. Braun, Linus A. Braunstein, Hari y A. Breager, Frank [... Brick, Paul Bright, Walter Brisley, Warren T3. Brittin, Lewis H. Brooks, Isabel Rrown, H. C. Brown, Paul H Brown, Stewart W. Brown, Thomas C. W. Browne, Lanfear M. Burbott, O. C. Burgi, Fred Turkleo, Jarie Burns, G. A. Burns, W. J. Ryers, Paul H. Cardozo, Ralph N. Carlson, Basil N. Carlson, C. A. Carlson, C. W. Carlson, G. H. Carlton, Arthul E. Carlton, Ralph T. Carr, P. H. Carrier, Elmer P. Carrington, Henry J. Cary, Walter E. Cassidy, T. G. Ceder, Axel Charlquist, F. R. Chase, Ray L. Cheney, R. C. Christoferson, George W. Chute, l'obert W. Clark, Norman E. Clark, Richard R. Clausen, L. A. Clemens, John B. Clifford, Ralph E. Cody, E. M. Cohn, Robert R. Colle, Alfred Collins, Alfred Leloy Collins, J. E. Condit, I. A. Confeld, David J. Connoy, John J. Cotton, Alfred J. Cullen, Arthur W. Cunningham, Thomas F. Curran, Clare L. Curtis, E. B. T)ahl, C. J. Danforth, M. I. Davis, Charles A. Davis, Richard R. Davison, F. A. Dedrichtson, Harold E Denziel, Charlotte L. De St. Croix, Lawrence Diekmann, William TT. 266 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Dillahunt, W. G. Dirba, Charles Dixon, H. S. Donlin, Joseph C. Dumas, John Dunkel, William J. Dunnigan, T. J. De Rabideaux, St. M. Earenfight, Linnette G. Eastman, Henry I. Edwards, Miss L. M. Eide, Alf Eldredge, E. T. Ellinger, William H. Ellis, Harris Ellison, Earl A. Englund, R. A. Erickson, E. J. Erickson, Herbert Garfield Estenson, Roy Evans, Edward E. Exworthy, Frances Hal riet Fargo, Charles H. Farmer, E. H. Farrington, Bessie Felt, H. P. Ferguson, George A. Ferman, Joseph Walter Fessler, E. J. Fitzsimmons, S. J. Flanders, Mark P. Foley, Sarah Folsom, Edgar P. Fontaine, T.eo P. Forester, Joseph A. Forschler, W. S. France, Alexander H. Praser, Norman D. Fredlund, Paul Freeman, Howard H. Gallagher, A. J. Galvin, Eugene F. Gans, Ernest G. Gerde, A. M. Gerrish, F. Farl Gerth, H. J. Gibbons, Frank Giguere, George A. Gilbert, Carl G. Gilman, E. Dow Godley, Leon M. Goldberg, Isidore G. Goldberg, Zell Gorman, H. J. Graham, J. L. Greenberg. Herman Greene, Carl Greig, John F. Gre iner, M. E. Guernsey, Newell Forbes Gurney, E. A. Gustafson, Arnold Gustafson, Victoria E. Gustafson, Walter J. Guttersen, Milton E. Haberland, G. W. Hadden, George N. Hagg, Arthur D. Hale, H. C. Hallman, W. C. Hamburg, W. C. Hancock, Archie Hannon, J. E. Hansen, George Hanson, Anton G. Harris, Sally P. Hartsough, Douglas J. Haslund, Arthur Hastie, A. E. Hauge, Arthur W. Hawkey, Hollis R. Hawkinson, Alieda C. Hawley, Harold H. IHaynes, R. W. Hedquist, R. J. TIeitsmith, Althea Hendricks, John TTenry, Louis E. Hewetson, B. Hillgren, H. A. IHillman, P. L. Hittleman, Charles W. THobbs, Arnold Hochthausen, Adolph T. TTodge, Albert C. Hodgins, Howard H. Hoffman, J. W. Holm, H. S. Holt, Clara Elizabeth Holt, Walter E. Horan, William R. Horstinson, Fred A. Hughes, C. F. Hurlburt, Harold F. Hyman, Philip N. Jackson, Clifford Jackson, W. J. Jacobson, Henry No.1 man Jacques, Grace James, F. G. C Jarboe, J. F. Javoscak, Jack P Jensen, Carl J. Tensen, Ernest W Johnsen, Tennie A Tohnson, Arthur Tohnson, Arthur C Johnson, Arthur E. Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, A. E. A. H. A. R. H. Clarence H. C. M. Ernest Ernest E. Ewan M. Fred B. F. E. Helmer E. Leander H. Lillian P. Nellie G. O. Einar Roy L. William E. Jones, David G. Jones, David Thomas Jones, Earle R. Jones, Edward C. Jones, William R. Juvred, E. C. Kassube, Frank Keeman, Anten Fellberg, Ernest H. Relly, M. J. Kennedy, Ammie M. Kidwell, R. B. Ring, F. E. Kingbay, J. B. Klason, Iver Klingensmith, Walter Knights, Ingram K. Knutson, Harry M. Koch, A. J. Roch, C. C. |Rramer, William A. Krieg, W. J. Krone, Fred O. Kuehn, Henry Edward La Grange, Myron H. Lambert, Harry E. Lambert, R. W. Lane, J. Francis Lange, I. A. Larson, Agnes M. Larson, C. E. Larson, Clara Larson, Fólwin A. Larson, Walter I. Lebeis, Clara F. Le Blanc. William Lee, George W. Lee, Reynold A. Lerner, Aaron H. Leitzman, Fred N ſlemm, Arthur Levien, Hazel A. G. S I UDENTS, 1916-17 267 Levien, Verne C. Lewis, Appolonia Lumberg, Paul H. Linder, H. W. Lindquist, Harry C. Lineburg, George l'. Linne, Award Loberg, James M. Lockwood, Ralph P. Long, Louis Woodford Longworth, H. W. Ludke, Rose G. Lund, George A. Lundberg, Elsie M. Lundberg, Henry C. Lundgren, Paul J. MacDonald, E. A. McDonald, Sarah A. McElroy, Virginia Eleanor McHenry, Robert D. McInerney, Joseph McKewin, G. L. McLaughlin, Howald James McLaughlin, N. McLeod, Howard L. McNamara, J. R. Magee, O. E. Maguire, Irby A. Mandel, David Alexander Marcus, S. A. Marshall, Lloyd Martin, J. Miles Martinsen, Arnold T3. Martinson, C. O. Mathews, John B. Matson, Verna Matthews, A. G. Meek, Mabel F. Meeker, Dean W. Meighan, J. J. Melamed, Louis Melton, Solon Michel, Clarence Michel, George A. Miller, C. R. Miller, O. H. Mills, G. A. Mitchell, George Lindsey Moe, James Odin Monasch, Jerome A. Monasch, Stanley P. Monson, Aaron Monson, E. G. Montgomery, Glenn E. Montgomery, Lawrence P. Morrell, Andrew Mosher, H. Leon Muckley, Elizabeth Mulcahy, Thomas Mulligan, Leo B. Mulva hill, John Elme 1 Munson, Loren J. Nash, James Linn Nauman, Richard Nelson, A. M. Nelson, Walter Irving Neudeck, W. E. Neumeier, Chester J. Newcomb, Glenn F. Newcomb, O. L. Nickel, Walter A. Nilsen, M. N. N1merfroh, G. B. Nolan, Merrill C. Nordquist, Richard Nordstrom, Leonard Norman, Bert Noot, Arthur F. Norrborn, Oscar E. Norris, Donald R. Nyman, Martin Obara, S. O’Brien, Frank C. O'Connell, John F. O'Keefe, Allan J. O’Sullivan, Timothy Olsen, Mabel Juliet Olsen, Paul Olson, C. J. Olson, Elmore J. Olson, Floyd Olson, T. J. Oman, C. Onion, Charles A. Orr, R. V. Ortley, Arthur B. Oswald, Arthur F. Owen, Paul E. Paarola, George R. Pankopf, Raymond Albert Parson, Wilfred D. Parsons, Henry A. Paul, Ernest Penberthy, Henry H Perine, Edward G. Person, Joseph Perry, H. M. Peterson, Art C. Peterson, Caroline E. Peterson, Clarence A. Peterson, Flora Peterson, Reuben Peterson, Walter Phillips, Parry Pierce, Harold E. Pillow, Emily Y. Plant, John H. Podany, S. P. Polkingham, J. W. Polseek, James Portel, Chai Ies A. Powers, Edna M. Preus, Paul A. P1 ince, Edward G. I’11sch, H. W. P11tchard, Hugh Provost, J. A. Purdham, Plummer l&alph, Harry W. Raymer, W. H. Read, William Reak, Lawrence D. Reed, George J. Rhea, Harold Hait Rickel, Francis J. Rickmire, P. L. Riekki, August Riley, F. H. Robins, John C. Roden, Thomas A. Rodgers, Frank A. Rodlun, Troy M. Roll, Helen Rose, Carroll H. Rose, J. S. Rotella, Joseph Rotering, Victor F. Ruben, Albert G. Russell, Ray E. Rutstrum, Caleri Rychman, Joseph Rydell, Edmund T. Rye, Clarence S. Rye, James A. Sage, Warren E. Salland, J. F. Sandahl, Harold E. Sande, Edwin Sandgren, Arthur N. Sandgren, Rudolph T. Sanford, Edward H. Scharf, Elmer J. Schonebaum, Theodore II. Schmal, G. P. Schultz, Henry F. Schwab, Martin Schwartz, Alfred B. Schwartz, S. Scott, K. C. Searle, Clinton E. Segelbaum, Charles S. M. Sharbach, Gordon Shattuck, Irvine E. Shedd, Franklin Sher, Ray L. Sheridan, Charles R Silber, Mary T. 268 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Simonson, Adolph C. Skinner, F. T. Skog, Frank A. Smith, Arthur P. Smith, A. V. Smith, A. W. Smith, G. Woods Smith, James C. Smith, James Comstock Smith, N. H. Smith, P. W. Snyder, Henry F. Sodergren, Elmer P. Souba, Emil G. Spalth, Wesley W. Stark, Helen Stebbins, Robert S. Stephen, R. B. Stier, Leslie G. Stone, C. A. Stonlie, Frederick O. Storm, Arthur V. Stratton, Thomas A. Strudwick, James Sussmilch, Adelbert A. Sutherland, Frederick Swenson, Albert L. Swenson, Oscar Alvin Tadson, F. C. Talbott, Frank B. Tarbox, Charles W. Taylor, Charles P. Thompson, Edward Thompson, Harvey E. Thomson, Alexander Thorson, Alvin R. Thrall, Ralph A. Thuras, H. C. Timm, Margaret Tingdale, Andrew R. Titus, L. M. Toepel, A. L. Towle, R. E. Treacy, Charles Treat, Floyd C. Troedson, George E. Turner, D. D. Turner, R. H. Turner, Walter H. Tuscany, Edward James Uinbach, L. H. Vilett, R. A. Villesirk, J. K. Von Stocken, William J. Vallinder, Gottfrid Wade, Henry H. Wadsworth, W. M. Wales, Charles Raymond Wallace, Edith M. Wallace, Warren Leslie Wallis, R. P. Walter, Ray B. Walton, Dorothy Way, Elwood J. Weaver, Eglantine M. Weeks, Robert Whitman Weight, Walter Otto Weincke, Otto Weisenbarger, Albert C. \Velch, R. J. Werring, Rex E. Westerman, Walter F. Westerveld, Henry F. Weston, C. D. Widergren, Arthur Will, Fred L. Williams, James E. Willing, LeRoy Williver, L. R. Wilson, Alfred E. Wilson, J. G. Wiltse, Merton A. Wing, L. F. Wistrand, Edwin R. Woehler, Charles G. Wolff, Edwin A. Wood, George B. Woodruff, Carrie M. Woodruff, M. Myrtle Woolley, John H. Yerxa, Clifford Young, Marie L. Youngquist, Dewey Zehrfeld, M. E. Zinn, Charles F. Minneapolis Collegiate Courses—1,056 Abbot, Julia Wade Adair, Myrtle Adams, Emma N. Adams, Mrs. John W. Adams, John W. Adams, Ruth Adams, Ruth W. Ainsworth, Alice Albright, Nora B. Aldrich, Malcolm Allee, Annie M. Allen, Ethel L. Alseen, Clara Hildegarde Alseen, Myrtle F. C. Altnow, Olga A. Amonson, Maude Amonson, Nettie Anderson, Affee Anderson, Alfred Anderson, Bert Anderson, Lydia Anderson, Mabelle Anderson, Margaret Anderson, Margaret F. Anderson, Nora C. Anderson, Paul R. Anderson, Ruth Andrew, Elizabeth H. Andrews, Bernice Andrews, Lorin Ankeny, Sara T. Anthony, Maud Antletz, Leslie Apfeld, Josephine J. Armstrong, O. V. Ashton, Jennie Austin, Harriet Babcock, M. Vinette Bacon, Eleanor J. Bade, Edward S. Bailey, Mabel Raillie, Jean E. Baker, Helen Baldwin, Ethel Grace Baldwin, Louis V. Ballard, Huldah Ballon, Edith S. Ballon, Maturin Baltzell, John C. Banker, Mary L. Barber, Asenath M. Barber, Edith A. Barber, Laura Barquist, Elsie M. Barr, Charles S. Parrett, Majora E. Barry, Florence M. Barry, Mary Elizabeth Barse, Blanche L. Bartlett, Mae L. Baugh, Fiorence Reach, Rowena E. Beard, Archibald H. Beck, Frieda Beck, Maud G. Beckstrom, Emily Bell, Jane E. Bell, Mrs. H. H. Bell, Mabel V. Benepe, Robert Bennett, Nora M. Renson, B G. STUDENTS, 1916-17 269 Bentley, Ruth Bentson, Nathaniel Berg, Elizabeth Berkheimer, Effie B. Berman, Sylvia Betlach, Elvira Jernell Bevernick, A. W. Beyschlag, Grace H. Bezanson, Annie L. Bezanson, Edith E. Biddlecombe, Thomas M. Bird, Kathlyne J. Blair, Virginia Blythe, Mrs. Virginia B. Bahan, Margaret M. Bonneville, Georgia F. Boquist, Paul N. Bosserman, Homer ſlee Bowden, Agnes Bown, Lillian Vernette Boyd, Helen W. Brackey, Elizabeth H. Bradford, Clarice Bradley, Margaret II. Brady, Katherine Brady, Paul E. Brennan, Mrs. Jessie O. Brennan, Nell Brewer, Percy T. Brezensky, Lenore M. Bridgman, Mary B. E. Briggs, Edith Drake Brohm, Mrs. E. W. Brooks, Annie Ethel Brooks, Grace J. Brooks, Lulu Brooks, Miriam W. Brown, Hazel B. Brown, Percy A. Browne, Marie Bruce, Rena J. Bryant, Lora S. Bryne, Mary Edith Buchannan, Annabel Buckley, Margaret C. Budd, Clara Bullard, Irma L. Bullock, Adele L. Burns, Louis H. Burns, Margaret A. Burt, Louis B. Burton, Beulah Burton, F. Burke, Neda M. Byrnes, Mary R. Byrnes, S. Busian, Zella Cady, Mrs. K. B. Callahan, M. Ida Campbell, Myra L. Can, Mary Candee, Frederick L. Carey, Agnes F. Carey, Anna E. V. Carey, Mary L. Cargell, Fidelia G. Carlson, Alfred M. Carlson, C. Arthur Carlson, Philip E. Carlsten, Esther C. Carney, Mildred Carr, Virginia Carroll, Catherine Agnes Carroll, Teresa Casperson, Helmer C. Channon, Julia H. Chapin, Alice C. Chapman, Madge Chapman, Margaret Chapple, Dora E. Chestnut, Mary L. Child, IIarry B. Child, Mary A. Chilson, Helen A. Chilson, Iona F. Chisholm, C. Tryphena Christensen, Emma D. Christie, Blanche Clark, Gordon M. Clarke, Esther A. Clancy, Catherine E. Clausen, Jennie M. Clautier, Henri H. Clayes, Ella M. Cleary, Francis Cleary, Mrs. S. A. Cleveland, Esther Moi ris Clone, Ethel A. Clure, Eleanor Clure, Mrs. W. O. Cobb, Martha L. Cockburn, Edna G. Cockburn, Kathleen Cohen, Jacob George Coffin, Isa Cogrove, Pansy B. Colby, Violet M. Collins, Margaret E. Conn, Bertha Connell, Mary E. Connelly, Catherine Brown Cook, Charlotte E Cook, Elizabeth Cook, Estelle Cook, R. R. Coon, Chance C. Cope, Edith R. Cornish, Margaret D. Cort, Maude O. Cotton, Anna Lora Councilman, Mrs. Alice Coveny, Agnes C. Cowan, Edith B. Cowles, Mrs. Anne F. Cramer, Isabel M. Crane, Jennie C. Cratty, Mabel E. Craven, Edward B. Crawford, Mary Creswell, Emma Crocker, Katherine M. Crockett, Clara S. Crombie, Grace Crounse, Agnes R. Crowley, Charlotte R. Curran, Arthur A. Currie, Constance Dahl, T. N. Danielson, Andrew W. Dailey, Mrs. D. C. Davidson, Lois C. Davis, Anna J. Davis, N. Donna de Camp, A. Lee Dempsey, Allan S. Densmore, Lydia M. Deutsche, Harriet E. Devany, Anne Dickensheet, Howard F. Dickey, Margaret C. Dickie, Mary L. Diederich, Rose C. Diederich, Veronica L. Dillingham, Agnes M. Disney, Florence H. Dodge, Myra E. G. Doer, Margaret C. Dolan, Luella Maude Donaldson, Evelyn Dooley, James L. Doolittle, Compton W. Dondero, Beatrice T. Dorselen, Eleanor V. Drohan, Gertrude Drohan, Margaret Duesler, Grace Duggan, W. J. Dunbar, Emma L. Dungan, Minnie W. Dunn, Cordelia Dusschee, Hilda E. Dwyer, Vivian Dykman, Howard Eckert, Dorotha Edgerton, Bessie E. Edwall, Esther J. Edwards, Mae L. 270 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Egan, Elizabeth Egan, Katherine Elder, Henry K. Elviksen, Andrew Elwell, Susie Marie Emmel, Dorcas P. Erb, Nellie M. Erickson, Huldah Erickson, Victor L. Everhard, Mabeſ Evers, Eric Harold Fairchild, Harriet Fairfield, Elizabeth P. Falconer, Gertrude M. Fankhauser, Mollie Farnam, Josephine E. Farris, Christina J. Fassett, John S. Featherstone, Harriet Fehr, J. J. Ferguson, Bertha Ferguson, Ida May Fields, Nellie M. Finden, Gitona Finkle, Kate Finn, Delia A. Finnegan, Nellie L. Finnigan, Catherine Finnigan, Josephine Fisher, Aimee W. Fischer, James V. S. Fischer, Richard Fitzgerald, Anna C. Fitzgerald, Caroline Fitzpatrick, Mary H. Fitzroy, Celestine Flahavan, Frances Flahavan, Teresa Fleming, Eleanor C. Fletcher, Roland Fleury, Rosanna Flynn, Blanche M. Flynn, Henrietta Flynn, Mary S. Foland, Grace W. Folsom, Louise M. Foote, Miriam D. Ford, Annie G. Ford, Mary F. Ford, Maude Forslund, C. W. Foster, Charles Foster, Rachel H. Foster, W. K. Foster, Mrs. W. K. Fowler, Alice J. Foy, Mrs. Cordelia L. Fredericksen, John A. Freeman, Edna J. Freeman, Eva I. Frey, Mary E. Frick, Laura G. Fridley, Mrs. Edith G. Fridley, John P. Friedlander, Esther Friedlander, Lillian Frimodig, Sophia B. Frisch, Sarah Frisbie, M. S. Frost, Edith L. Fullenwider, Mrs. T. I. Fuller, Mabel B. Funk, Harriet Galland, Mrs. Belle B. Gamble, Annamac Gardner, Alice Gaus, Ottelie Garvey, Florence M. Gedney, Anna M. Gedney, Celista C. Gedney, E. L. Gerry, Leila E. Ghostley, Mabel G. Gibbon, Grace Gibbs, Anna F. Gibbs, George V. Gibbs, Katherine M. Gibbs, Louise Gibson, Isabel Giddings, Guida Gilbert, Opa Gilbert, Vivian Clare Giles, Ethel Estelle Gilkey, Katherine Gilman, Glenora Gilman, Mrs. Margaret Gilruth, Genevieve Gleason, Beatrice Gleason, Clara Gleason, Leo P. Goetzman, C. A. Goetzman, Leon M. Goodale, Ina L. Grabow, Flora W. Graham, Margaret Grant, Alex L. Graves, Alice M. Graves, Mrs. Richard A. Gray, Mrs. Lillian Greene, Elsie Greenlaw, John A. Greenwood, Perry L. Greinbaum, Esther Griebenow, H. E. Griggisberg, Clara L. Grimm, H. P. Grabel, Alice A. Groesbeck, Agnes M. Grohndorff, Lenore Gront, Edith Nellie Grubbs, James Guinotte, Marguerite Guthrie, Ramah L. Hainer, Gertrude B. Haines, I. M. Hagen, Ida A. Hale, M. Loretta Halvorson, Margaret Hamilton, Louise Hamlin, Nellie Lehan Hammer, Sophia O. Hammond, Alice E. Hammond, Grace Haney, Elizabeth Hansen, Alma Hansen, Meta Hanson, H. E. Hanson, Olga S. Hanson, Otto Hanson, Paul O. Harding, Everhart Percy Harding, Gertrude Harding, Nellie iIarman, Bridget Harper, Myrtle U. Harrington, Julia G. Hart, Mabel R. Haseltine, Julia M. Haserick, C. V. Haskell, Edwin Dudley Haskell, Mrs. Olga von W. Hatz, Rose Haubold, Elsie Haupt, A. James Haupt, George E. Hauser, Ida L. Haven, Kittie Hawkins, Catherine Hawley, Ralph K. Hay, George B. IIayes, Effie M. Hays, Ada S. Hays, Dorothea Hazelton, Lydia Heffernan, Susan B. Hegel, Edith Hegel, Newton Heimark, Bessie Heinrich, Mary P. Helm, Mrs. Clyde B. Helmick, Alexander Helmick, Caroline E. Hemenway, John Helgeson, Esther Henberg, Oscar A. Hendricks, Ellen Hennessey, Amy A. STUDENTS, 1916-17 Herchmer, Cordelia Hettberg, Oscar A. Hewitt, Helen Imlay Hickey, Ora I. Hickman, John H., Jr. Higgins, Blanche O. Higgins, F. G. Hildebrandt, Janet G. Hildebrandt, Ruth A. Hilgendorf, Fred W. Hill, Margaret E. Hines, Velma J. Hinman, Kathleen E. Hitchcock, Elizabeth Hobbs, Evelyn A. Hockel, Earl M. Hodapp, H. G. Hoganson, R. Hoidale, Einar Hoidale, Martha Holbrook, Mrs. Elizabeth Holborn, Elizabeth A. Holden, Margaret Holst, Sigurd Holtz, Harriet Holub, Louise R. Holmer, O. Geoffrey Hood, Leone B. Hookey, Edith H. Horan, Elizabeth Horan, Lillian Horne, Jane Horner, Lilliam .\. Horr, Edith M. Horton, Ann V. Howard, Alice Howard, Margaret Howard, Walter Huff, N. L. Hughes, James W. Hughes, Harriet T. Hughes, Margaret Humpfner, Hilda |Hurlburt, Frances Hussey, Alice Huston, Sue Ingle, Jeannette Ingold, Estelle Ingrahm, Florence I rle, Maud Irving, Alice M. Irwin, Anna Irwin, Joanna Jacobson, Elizabeth K. Jaffa, Goldie Japs, Amelia R James, Edith James, Mary L. Jameson, Hazel T adº James, Addie M. Janzen, Gerhard A. Jaquish, Bessie D. Jensen, Margaret D. Johnson, Anna F. Johnson, Mrs. Charles E. Johnson, Dora N. Johnson, F. G. Johnson, F. W. Johnson, Margaret Johnson, Milda Johnson, Otto A. Johnson, Otto Hans Johnson, Reuben A. Johnston, Alice M. Johnston, Harriet C. Jones, Mrs. Gwen M. Jones, Mary P. Jones, Pearl B. Jordan, Clara Jordan, Helen Jordan, Lois M. Jorgens, Joseph Juell, Nils Juell, Mrs. N. Jurgenson, Anna L. Kaiser, Ferdinand Kammarren, Abbie M. Keating, Anna B. Keatley, Sadie Keenan, Agnes C. Relley, Evie F. Kelley, Kathleen Kelly, Mrs. Hubert Kendall, Calla Kennedy, Agnes Kennedy, Marion Renney, Margaret Kenny, Raymond E. Kerr, Maude Keyes, Nellie M. Rilgore, Alice R. Kilgore, Mary Killeen, Florence Killeen, Ursula Kimball, Florence Kindwall, Joseph A. King, Grace E. King, Julia E. King, Margaret Kingsford, Annie S. Kirk, Mary Kirk, Renee J. Kirkwood, Edith Blown Kirtland, Alice S. Kistler, Erma Jane Klampe, Lela M. Kline, R. P. Knapp, Eward A, Knappen, Elizabeth Knappen, Olive L. Knoblauch, Ida Knight, Bessie P. Knight, Sara C. Koch, Arthur L. Kocourek, John F. Roehler, Elsa I. Koenig, Mrs. Myra M. Koerner, Illa Kohler, Katherine M. König, Eva E. König, Viktoria B. Kooiker, Herman J. Krane, Harry A. Krauser, A. Kreidt, Julia Kriedt, A. M. Rrimbill, Julia Kriskey, Imogen E. Kronick, Rose Kvittum, Margaret Kruschke, Alma IKynaston, Ethyl Ladner, Emily Lambert, Mamie E. Larkin, Anna E. Lariviere, Katherine C. Larpenteur, Maria A. Larsen, Daisy Tarsen, E. C. Larson, Edward C. Laubscher, Florence E. Lawrence, Alice Mary Leary, Iva M. Lee, Edward J. Lee, John W. Lee, Josephine Leet, Susan A. Lehmann, Julia E. Leonard, Alice E. Levin, Harry I_evin, Jacob D. Levy, Esther Ilevy, Florence Ilewis, John Lewis, J. L. Lewis, Mrs. C. H. I.ewis, Harriet Adelaide Tidstrom, Hadly A. Lieberg, Odd E. Iliggett, Charles A. Lilligren, H. M. Lilly, Elizabeth Lindholm, Lillie M. Little, Dorothy A. Little, Helen F. Litzenberg, Jane Lommen, Julia A. 272 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Lommen, Olga Lommen, Tilda M. Longworth, H. W. Loomis, Alf Lovell, Lela E. Lowrie, Elizabeth Lundsden, A. Lysen, Eugene J. McAuliffe, Agnes McBride, Emily Raymond McCann, Alice McCarthy, Ethel K. McCarthy, Mary M. McCarren, Jane McChesney, Ernest A. McClennan, Edith McConnell, Dasie C. McCourt, Alice McCulloch, F. B. McCune, Anna L. McDermid, Kate McDonald, Mary G. McDonough, Frances Burns McDunn, Elizabeth B. McFarlane, Mabel G. McGrath, Evelyn McGrath, Helen MacGregor, Effie McGregor, Lulie McGuire, Sarah McHenry, Herbert I.eslie McIntyre, Alice M. McKinnon, Mrs. J. C. McLaughlin, Mrs. George V McLaughlin, S. Agnes McLean, Alice M. Maclean, Ruth F. McIliman, Mae NMcMullen, Margaret M. McNamara, Kathryn A. McNulty, B. M. McShane, Catherine McShane, Ida Gertrude Mabee, Abbie Gale Madden, Adeline E. Madison, Mame L. Malloy, Rosemary Malmquist, Myrtle S. Malmsten, Julia C. Maloney, Bessie A. Manley, Mary E. Mann, Ida V. Manning, Caroline Mansfield, Lavinia Manville, Ethel Marchant, Lura E. Marshall, Anna L Marshall, Sarall T. Martin, Andrew I. Martin, Blanche Martin, Carmelita Martin, Mildred Martin, Maud E. Martiner, Jeanette Martinson, Ellen Marvin, Earle L. Mathis, Mrs. A. C. Mattice, Nina E. Maxwell, Myra Meason, Georgina Meeker, Mary K. Meier, A. G. Mercer, Vivien Merriam, Edna G. Meyer, William J. Michelet, Maren Michaelson, Anna Michaelson, Mathilde Michelstetter, Clare Miles, Carlton W. Miller, Jane S. Martineau, Beatrice Miller, Lillian M. Miller, Margaret B. Miller, Oliver H. Miller, Pearl Mitchell, Maud Mitten, W. L. Mo, Helen G. Moersch, Fred Molan, Kathleen Molstad, Amy E. ..Monroe, Elsie W. Montgomery, Inez Morey, Julia Morrill, Eliza C. Morse, Ella Townsend Mortenson, Mary Ellen Morton, Catherine L. Moves, E. S. Muller, Katherine J. Mullins, Ella Mumm, Ruth E. Munson, Harriet Murdock, J. N. Murphy, Anna Murphy, Mary V. Murphy, S. L. Murphy, Theresa Muth, Edna T. Nason, Effie L Nelson, Albert F. Nelson, A. R. Nelson, Frederick C. Nettleton, Flora Nemire, Emma M. Newell, Bernice Newell, Bertha M. Newell, Esther Newell, Margaret Newman, W. M. Nichols, Mary C. Nicond, Ida Niles, Harriet S. Nobbs, Arthur W. Nolt, Rinnie Norris, Maude Jeannette North, James Northfield, Susan Melissa Northington, James M. Nye, Ellen S. Oakford, Frances P. Oberg, Ezra N. O’Brien, Mrs. Joan D. O’Brien, Michael Joseph O’Hearn, Mary O'Herrin, Mary F. Oliver, Warren W. Orr, Loretta Osborn, Annette E. Osman, Norma B. Otis, Mabel Owen, D. S. Owens, Bess Oyen, Alice Ozman, Gertrude Page, S. Alta Pardee, N. E. Parrish, William M. Parsons, Alice E. Parsons, Judith F. Patch, Alice S. Paul, Helen Pearce, M. D. Pease, Vinnie A. Peck, A. E. Pelton, Ella R. Pelton, Nina M. Peper, Mathilda Perine, Mrs. E. G. Perkins, Ellen G. Peters, Leone E. Peterson, C. W. Peterson, Florence Gunnar Peterson. Mildred Phillips, Anna Travis Phillips, Bertha Phillips, Minnie Pierce, Mrs. M. T. Planf, Antoinette Planf, Felix Pletke. Dora Plunkett, P. F. Poehler, Kenneth Cole Poetlethwaite, B. K. Pomeroy, Lillian C. Porcher, Maria R. STUDENTS, 1916-17 273 Porter, Hattie W. Porter, Ralph W. Powell, Ralph W. Pratt, Mrs. Agnes A. Pratt, Bernice Pratt, Elizabeth Prentiss, Anna D. Prentiss, W. S. Preus, Otto H. Price, Cora Belle Prosser, Ida M. Purcell, Abby Purdy, Mrs. W. W. Putnam, Carolyn M. Quail, Margaret Quay, Malcolm E. Radde, Elsa C. Radusch, Dorothea Radusch, Minna Raines, Mary Edith Ramsdell, Bertha Randall, Ada M. Randall, W. H. Rankin, Mrs. D. A. Ray, Rosalie Edith Redline, Harriet Reed, Myrtle Reid, E. A. Reid, Katherine Reid, Mary D. Reynolds, Alice Reynolds, George W. Reynolds, Gertrude Rheberg, Rachel Richards, Estelle Richards, Grace Richards, Mary Richardson, Frances A. Richardson, Mrs. Mſ. Riedell, Madaline Reider, Mrs. John Rise, Mathilde E. Ritze, Bertha L. Rixon, Lillian Robinson, Harriet M. Rodenbalch, Alvina K. Rodman, Duane F. Rogers, Eda May Rogers, Emma Rogers, Helen [.. Rogers, Lena H. Rood, Mary B. Rosenstein, E11 M. Ross, Effie L. Roth, Irving Rowell, Ora M. Rowell, Will J. Rumbaugh, Mary L. Rummell. Roscoe Rutherford, Margaret Rutledge, Elizabeth C. Ryberg, Anna B. Rydell, Edmui.d T. Saam, Selma Louise Samuels, Mame Samuelson, Cora Sand, Anna Sandberg, Adolph Sandborn, H. O. Sanders, Gladys Sandford, E. Scales, Kate M. Schadegg, Mabel F. Schenck, O. A. Scherer, Lydia C. Schmidt, Edith M. Schoepel, Edith Schlutz, Mathilda C. Schulte, Anna M. Schultz, Rudolph J. Schutz, Archie L. Schussler, Emma N. Schwach, Alois Scott, Jeannette H. Seagren, George E. Seeley, Jennie L. Sehan, M. Sellhorn, Minnie D. Sengir, Barbara C. Sevatson, Carrie Severson, Mabel Seward, Minnie Mabel Seyller, Blanche Seymour, Jane Allan Shaw, Gerirude J. Sheardon, Edith Mſ. Sheehan, Katherine Shepard, George M. Shook, Jane L. Shook, Kate P. Shove, Helen B. Sievers, Gladys Silber, Gertrude Silber, Mary Silver, Dora Skogsbergh, Bessie Small, Mary F. Smith, Alice M. Smith, Burnsley Davis Smith, Constance C. Smith, Cleara T. Smith, Eva Smith, Evelyn Smith, E. G. Smith, Frances M. Smith, Harriet E. Smith, Genevieve Smith, Gertrude E. Smith, Irene Smith, James T. Smith, Jessie Carey Smith, Lois A. Smith, Ora H. Sommermeyer, Louisa W. Speake, Weltha Spencer, Myrtle M. Spindler, Emma K. Stakey, Laurie Stanchfield, Lois H. Stanley, Elizabeth A. Stallard, Harvey Steen, J. H. A. Steinmetz, George Stephen, Harriet Stephens, Jean Stephens, Katherine Stephens, Stella Stevens, E. W. Stevens, Imogene Stevens, Janet M. Steward. Thomas E. Stewart, Alex W. Stewart, Anna B. Stoehley, Agnes Audrey Stock, E. G. Stone, H. C. Stone, Genevieve Storer, Zelma E. Stowe, E. L. Stringham, Josephine Stromme, Minnie Sullivan, Mrs. J. M. Sumner, Bernice Sumpter, Nelle E. Swafford, Mrs. Cola T. Swan, Florence Sweeney, Mrs. John Sweetser, Teresa M. Swennes, Agnes E. Swenson, Viola Tait, Ada M. Taylor, C. H. Taylor, Fannie B. Teeter, Addie M. Teeter, Clo V. Ter Louw, W. H. Terry, Stephen N. Thoorsell, Emelia Thomas, Lucy Thomas, Mary E. Thomas, Miliam E. Thompson, Barbara Anna Thompson, Charles S. Thompson, Maud C. Thompson, Dr. Robert Thompson, Ruth Gage Thomson, Mrs. Agnes R. 274 THE . HNN U.1 L REGISTER Thomson, Elizabeth Thorshaug, Olag Thurston, Adelaide Tice, Ethel A. Tilden, Josephine E. Tilden, Rose E. Tillisch, Mary A. Tinkham, Bertha Tobin, Marie C. Tomlinson, Bessie A. Towler, Mary B. Treadgold, Neiſ M. Trufant, Nellie Tryon, W. E. Tuahy, Katherine E. Turritin, Mary E. Twombly, M. Louise Ulbricht, Emma A. Underdahl, Lena Urquhart, Jean Vallely, Rose V. Van Camp, Kate Van Tuyl, Mrs. C. W. Vaughn, Julia H. Voight, Alfrida H. Von Rohr, Lucy E. Von Storke, Polly Voswenkel, Darsline E. . Waite, Beatrice M. Waiste, Lucy B. Walker, Miner A. Wall, Stephen F. Wallace, Dora B. Wallace, Frances Wailer, Lulu E. Walquist, Ann Walters, Jessie V. Walters, William N. Ward, Susanna R. Warner, F. Russell Warwick, Margaret Waters, Laura A. Watkins, Lena Dell Watson, H. O. Watson, Louise Watson, R. O. Watts, Effe E. Way, Marjorie Weatherhead, Louise C. Weber, Mary L. Webster, Paul D. Weidner, Rose B. Welch, Richard D. Wendell, Ida Marie Wentz, Anna Wentz, Edith Wenz, Arthur H. Wenz, Russell C. Werket, Inga West, Alice M. Westcott, Blanch A. Westlund, Mary E. Wheeler, Carrie M. Wheeler, Eva G. White, Anabel White, Zada A. Whitney, Helen Wick, Milton Wicks, Judson L. Wilkins, Mary L. Wilkinson, Sarah H. Willard, Mary L. Wilson, Ida L. Wilson, Vincent Wimber, Mary M. Winslow, W. M. Winter, Winifred L. Wohlgemuth, Anna Wolean, Alma B. Wolfe, Florence Wolfe, Vera Wolfsberg, May E. Wood, Adelia N. Wood, Harriet Wood, S. V. Wood, Stella Woodford, Constance Woodruff, Pearl E. Woodward, Agnes Y. Woodward, Charles Wright, Clara L. Wyman, Ruth G. Yahr, Cora Yankoski, Frances Younker, Bessie E. Zickrick, Theodore Zierold, Arthur A. Zimmerman, Sarah MINNEAPOLIS ENGINEERING COURSES-168 Allen, W. E. Alton, Albert R. Alton, William Amidon, P. N. Anderson, G. A. Anderson, P. W. Baptiste, Noel Batzli, Oscar Benson, R. E. Bishop, W. E. Blade, J. Robert Black, Joseph D. Blum, John Boardman, Douglas E. Bratberg, Anton Płremenian, Létºis Brinkman, A. L. Brown, Mark G. Buckett, Leslie D. Bue11, E. A. Carlson, C. A. Carman, Frnest C. Charlton, Jeslie Christianson, Sigurd Cleworth, Frank Colberg, James J. Coleman, William P. Coolidge, R. A. Conoling, Charles N. Corwin, J. R. Cory, H. H. Cronon, Edmund D. Dafron, Fayette A. Dahl, George T. Dean, Charles H. Depe1, Herbert O. ' Donald, D. C. Donnelle, Samuel R. Ebin, Louis Enzer, Carl .\. Flecke, Albert Fornell, H. W. Frank, Carl W. Fullenwider, T. I. Gauger, Paul Charles Gauger, R. R. Gerder, Robert L. Goodwin, W. R. Grabner, Walter Grant, Mabel K. Gronvalle, John O. Gundet son, Harold S. Hafner, J. M. Hahn, Stanley V. Hanson, Farley Le R. Haupt, Theodore G. Hauskey, H. L. Heath, Donald C. Hemphill, Arthur D. Hepp, Maylon H. Herman, C. Albert Herman, Maurice D. Herrick, Arne Hill, Elmer M. Hofmann, William C. IHoglin, Ole J. Houghtaling, Jay Huston, Robert A. Ingraham, Iſarry A. STUDENTS, 1916-17 Jackobson, David Johansen, Henry Johnson, Arthur K. Johnson, Axel C. Johnson, Elmer A. Johnson, Edwald J. Johnson, Fred J. Johnson, IIelge R. Johnson, Minard Johnson, Nels O. Kaercher, George E. Kitzler, Philip Klees, Emil Klingensmith, Frank Knight, Ralph J. Knudtson, Morgan Kortsan, Frank A. Krapp, Henry P. La Du, Clarence A Lahtinen, William E. Larson, Albert O. Larson, Arnold Larson, Ernest O. Larson, E. W. Larson, Hans C. Larson, Nathan Lavers, Albert Lavers, Wallace Lavine, E. W. Laurence, Paul J. Levin, J. D. Linden, Chris J. Lindsay, Gordon Loftfield, John E. Lorberbaum, Max Lynch, Thomas F. McArthur, Francis McGuire, John J. Macomber, William K. Mahoncy, G. P. Marking, C. A. Mayhew, J. H. Meyers, R. F. Miller, Harold L. Mills, H. W., Jr. Molmstem, P. C. Moore, H. C. Moore, O. F. Mosher, R. W. Murray, Harry M. Nelson, David Nelson, John W. Ness, Norman R. Nordstrom, Carl Noren, Clifford Overlock, Russell F. Peck, Victor L. Peterson, Harvey F. Peterson, Roy K. Peterson, William A. Peonidas, Phillip Pickard, L. W. Pieh, Lillian M. Pitt, Samuel W. Potell, Charles Potter, De Los , M. Peusch, Arthur F. Radant, Alfred E. Reever, H. L. Robinson, R. B. Sanderson, Earle M. Scharpf, Elmer L. Schelen, J. Elmer Schilling, Charles W. Schultz, A. L. Schultz, Theodore Seelert, Frederic W. Shields, Joseph J. Skooglin, Howard Skarnes, Jay A. Skarnes, R. F. Smith, Arthur J. Stachle, Gilbert C. Sterling, Lawrence Stowe, Charles Strom, Fred A. Tell, A. W. Thomson, Harold Thomson, H. Tomlinson, William Trask, Donald M. Trierweiler, Domonic Troyer, H. Y. Urth, Edwin Walquist, John A. Weidt, Alun Wolft, Fred P. Woye pha, James Yarnell, Clyde S. MIN NEAPOLIS LAW COURSES-28 Bush, Galem E. Card, Myrlin R. Carey, John R. Comaford, Ralph H. Comer, Kenneth N. Connery, Edwin Grice, Walter A. Grubbs, James Victor Hanson, William Edward Haugen, Donald J. IHorrigan, J. F. Johnson, Roy J. Kernan, Thomas II. Kvasse, G. J. La Plant, Frederick P. Lawrence, O. A. McCluskey, Grant C. McLimons, I. J. Meyer, Joscph Mogg, Herbert W. Mortenson, L. J. Norton, Hugh V. Peterson, C. W. Peterson, Iver E. Preus, Herman A. Salesberry, Pearl A. Seymour, Burton WV. Thomas, C. Forrest ST. P.AUL BUSINESS COURSES-104 Adams, Lou M. Adams, Roman M. Algren, Theodore N. Allen, Phillip C. Anderson, C. A. Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Angel!, Fran . i. E. W. L. M. Angell, J. F. Anthony, Theodore M. Arth, Frank J. Baker, O. Bailie, Monroe |Barnes, F. A. Beinhorn, Genevieve Benson, Ray J. Berg, R. F. Bergstrand, W. A. Billstein, Lewis P. Blandin, A. A. Blase, Esther M. Bohen, Mark D. Borovansky, I. J. Boyer, Merl Brokaw, Frederick A. Buckham, C. J. 276 THE ANNUAL REGISTER Buetow, Herbert Bystrom, Richard A. Cane, Thomas J. Carlson, A. G. Carlson, C. R. Carroll, Charles P. Castner, Paul Cavitzel, J. A. Chase, Herbert F. Cherry, George W. Christ, Robert Christensen, Le Roy C. Clapp, W. D. Clark, Paul G. Coan, M. E. Cohn, Ben Colliton, R. A. Cottor, Emil F. Crowl, Oliver Danielson, Andrew W. Daus, P. E. Davidson, E. H. Dedon, Clarence L. Delander, B. T. Delander, N. P. Delaney, F. H. Doherty, G. J. Donnelly, Ignatius Doran, Lawrence Driscoll, Paul F. Driver, Elizabeth J. Duff, J. W. Dugan, Harry R. Eckenstein, Robert Eichhorn, C. H. Ehlers, Edwin Ekstrom, Charles E. Elmer, Carl A. Elmquist, Nan C. Emery, Grace Erbling, A. A. Erickson, John Fitzpatrick, E. R. Fleming, James J. Ford, Walter H. Foss, L. N. Fox, L. A. Frederick, S. B. Fritsch, Alma Fuller, Charles E., Jr. Gadacz, Stanley J. Gamble, John Gehan, J. P. George, Charles W. Gerringer, J. C. Glaunce, Ernst Gode, Fred J. Goff, F. W. Goodrich, Charles W. Goodson, Curtis C. Gordon, Louis H. Gothe, Oscar E. Green, Edward F. Green, Q. M. Greenfield, Joseph W., Jr. Griffin, C. B. Grove, Harold A. Gruber, Jeffney Gullickson, O. L. Hamper, Thomas J. Hane, Ralph Hanson, Earl S. Harrington, Gerry Harvey," Clifford Haselbeck, H. Heard, Charles Henly, Elkan N. Henly, Harold J. Hess, George H., Jr. Hoerjs, Vincent J. Hoffman, Nathan W. Hoklas, H. W. Honebrink, W. Horn, Dora Horton, W. S. Hovig, Lawrence H. Hueller, David S. IIuelster, Howard N. Hunt, Herbert Iffert, Carl N. Jacksen, Leo B. Jelinski, Joseph N. Jensen, Archie O. John, R. P. Johnson, Arthur G. Johnson, Gilbert O. Johnson, Harry L. Johnson, J. B. Kasmirski, Aloysius W. Kelly, Tracy Kerker, Thomas Kirn, H. E. Rlawter, Frederick C. Knebel, Robert L. Knudson, Walter Ropp, George M. Irieg, W. S. Kueffner, William R. Kulp, D. E. Landman, Norman Lang, F. W. Larson, Edward J. Lawrence, Adolph A. Leaf, Edward N. Leavitt, F. A. Lemke, F. J. Lewis, Edward C. Lee, Joseph Lillengren, Harry Lilly, Lawrence Linnervoth, Sidney Ludke, Edward J. Lufkin, Hamilton McCullum, M. E. McCumber, K. H. McDermott, J. Daniel McEllistrem, Marcus McElweel, S. P. McGillick, John McNanmon, John T. McNee, A. W. Mahoney, J. K. Maier, Theodore Maley, C. A. Maley, Paul Marien, Pierre B. Maloney, William Martin, George P. Marriott, Edwin Marvin, William W. Matthews, Henry G. Maurer, Paul G. Melamed, M. L. Meyer, M. F. Miller, Herbert Miller, Harriet Miller, R. B. Minea, B. V. Mingaye, H. T. Montgomery, William S. Moritz, Ray W. Morrell, J. Mulliken, C. E. Mulliken, Walter F. Munson, August A. Munson, Clifford R. Neass, A. E. Nelson, D. P. Nelson, E. J. Nelson, Harold Nelson, Henry Nelson, Hugo E. Nelson, J. A. Nelson, J. Edwin Nelson, Martin A. Oas, Edward R. Oberg, Staffird L. Oberschulle, L. O’Connor, Thomas P. Olsen, Henry Olson, Frank Olson, George Olson, Orde C. Owen, G. Pabst, George N., Jr. Parsons, Axel Edward Patterson, D. K. STUDENTS, 1916-17 277 Pearson, Elmer Pearson, Godfrey Peterson, Arthur W. Peterson, George A. Peterson, Melvin A. Peterson, Paul B. Pettibone, E. M. Pickering, Frank L. Pihaly, Louis Prince, W. W. Proran, Godfrey Quinn, S. J. Quinn, T. L. Quirmbach, C. H. Rangitsch, Frank J. Reinhardt, H. A. Reinking, Benjamin F. Rice, J. M. Ringins, Edward Ringold, William Robertson, G. A. Rosenthal, H. \Rudeen, F. J. Schaber, Harold P. Schaffelke, Henry A. Schiffer, Meyer J. Schilling, P. A. Schulstad, Einar T. Schulze, H. C. Shannon, Thomas J. Shapiro, A. H. Sllipstad, Harry Simerman, G. A. Skaar, H. O. Skok, Eugene L. Sladek, A. L. Sladek, Jerome C. Smith, Leroy R. Smith, Stanley J. Spicker, W. E. Spinn, Frank G. Spitolske, Leon P. Staberg, James Stiehm, A. W. Stodle, Nils Stoffel, John C. Stoffel, John J. Stolpestad, A. Struble, Dwight S. Stutzman, W. J. Swan, I. J. Swanson, H. C. Swanson, Albert Timmerman, A. H. Thomson, Clyde Thomssen, R. H. Thorson, G. H. Thorson, Oscar Tobin, George L. Ulsaker, M. O. Van Brunt, L. J. Vars, W. Keith Vernon, Arthur Wagner, William E. Ward, Pier C. Warn, A. W. Weigel, Ernest J. Westfall, William G. Wicker, O. A. Williams, L. Stanley Wilson, F. Wolff, Otto Wood, George F. Woods, Leon I. ST. PAUL COLLEGIATE COURSES-120 Allen, Harriet Allen, Mildred Ames, Elizabeth Borden, Gertrude C. Borerp, Sophie C. Brandt, R. B. Brey, Florence Brill, Alice Brill, Edith Browns, Claire S. Bruce, Ethel M. Buell, Irche Lucile Buell, Myra Whitncy Clark, Harry S. Clinſon, P. M. Converse, Lulu R. Courteau, Stella Daley, Mary E. Davies, Edith W. Drisco!1, Cliarles T3. Dunn, Teresa M. Emery, Rhoda J. Estby, Ellen Grant, Mary J. Ginsberg, Annie Hauser, William A. Hayes, H. J. Heinze, Robert Hertz, Mrs. Esther Hilbert, Mrs. P. A. Hodapp, Marie Holland, Mary D. How, Lucy How, Mary W. Huspek, Louis Jackson, Mary Isabel Johnson, Jennie U. Johnston, Ida A. Reppers, William M. King, Margaret Kinsey, Helen M. Kneip, Agnes Jarson, Helen Ingeborg Plessing, Albert J. Levine, J. A. Lewis, Margaret Lillie, Florence E. Lorch, Anna Lowry, Edith P. Lowry, Ethelwyn Lyksett, Sylvan L. McClellan, Mary F. McClure, Carol McMullen, Catherine H. McMurran, Mrs. E. McMurran, J. P. Manlove, Mrs. Sarah S. Mann, Mrs. Frederick March, Lulu Marshall, E. Maxwell, Oliver L. Miller, Omar Miller, William Michaels, J. C. Myers, Olivia M. Newton, Millicent Palmquist, Axel F. Parkinson, Laura D. Perry, Alice E. Pope, Emily H. Quin, Henry Quinlan, Mrs. H. T. Rockhaus, Henrietta Rittle, Anna E. Roverud, Ella M. Ryan, Frances L. Salisbury, L. J. Sell, Mrs. John M. Sell, John M. Sister Agnes M. Mahoney Sister Eleanore Michel Sister Elizabeth M. Martens Sister Frances de Sales Larpenteur Sister Gregaria Schluter Sister Jane Margaret Culliman Sister Jeanne Marie Sister Louise M. Lohmar Sister Mary A. McCarthy Sister Mary A. O’Connor Sister Mary A. Naughton Sister Mary C. Shepard 2 7 8 I'/HE - N N U.] L REGISTER Sister Mary F. Whaley Smith, Mrs. E. Fay Tobin, Marie Sister Mary H. Pattner Snell, George F. Tolson, Edgar Sister Mary T. Doughterty Spencer, Ambrose P. Van Winkle, John H. Sister Mary V. O’Brien Stone, R. E. Vaughan, Bernard Sister Rose E. Schmitz Tallman, Kate E. Vibert, Mrs. Frederick D Sister Rose J. Brenan Taylor, William S. Woodward, Lawrence B. Sliney, Katherine A. ST. P. \UL ENGINEERING COURSES-26 Appell, Caspar Gray, Walter R. Rosenthal, Leo Appell, Henry J. Johnston, Harrison Schuelter, H. A. Berger, J. Joseph Keating, James E. Simons, Harry Berglund, R. W. Ledy, Jay H. Stanton, D. R. Booraem, H. Murtz, Rodney S. Villaume, Julius Culligan, F. H. Rand, F. L. Villaume, Louis Curry, J. S. Reiff, E. R. Walsh, Edward Donovan, J. S. Reilly, Roger Wirth, Henry Drake, T. R. Rich, George S. DULUTH BUSINESS COURSES-59 Adair, Mark W. Frestedt, George W. McKibbin, T. E. Arneson, Anke E. Friestad, Anker F. Marjamaa, Jofet Beschenbonel, Carl C. Goss, Leander M. Meaker, James, Jr. Bethune, A. J. Grogan, C. R. Moore, Philip R. Bischoff, Ray W. Grogan, R. S. Mostin, Erling Brown, C. D. Hansen, Fred W. Olson, Charles Carlson, C. A. Hanson, J. W. Olson M. J. Chisholm, J. A. Johnson, Arthur J. Pattinson, C. R. Christensen, Paul Johnson, Frederick S. Peterson, Arthur C. Coughlin, Lester W. Johnson, P. A. Peterson, Carl W. Crosby, Warren J. Kane, Ralph W. - Pyfer, George A. Culmer, W. C. Kugler, Ernest Sibbald, Bruce F. Cyr, A. T. Larrabee, J. W. Smith, William M., Jr. Denney, Harry J. Laskowski, Frank S. Stadler, A. E. Drimple, Kenneth Leonard, William H. Spoeri, Elmer J. Durham, K. W. Linne, Elmer F. Stinberg, E. W. Evans, Charles G. Linne, T. J. Syverson, S. H. Fischer, Sherwood S. Lundgren, S. F. Townsend, R. E. Fossett, Charles R. Lundstrom, Roy Williams, Maude Franseen, Carl G. Lyle, Arthur J. * - DULUTH ENGINEERING COURSES_10 Anderson, Edward Hamilton, Clarence E. Scheuring, Frank W. Blade, Erie Lykholm, Lawrence Schumann, John E. C. Diers, Charles B. Melgard, Alfred Sullivan, Henry J. Ericson, C. A. STILLWATER COLLEGIATE COURSES 31 Allenson, Hulda Davis, Miss Frank C. Holcombe, Selma V. Boyle, Marie Emerson, Nell E. Jackson, Amanda J. Brotherton, Sadie C. Glennon, Gertrude Jenks, Mary S. Brown, Martha D. Gowen, Olive E. Johnston, W. W. Converse, Mrs. Theodore R. Haefner, Alice Kottka, Evelyn Costello, Ann G. Hitchcock, Leila Kunde, Louise H. STUDENTS, 1916-17 279 Lee, Dorothy D. Lindbloom, Etta McCallam, Antoinette McCarthy, Alice M. Marsh, Kate G. Abey, Joseph A. Agrinson, J. O. Anderson, A. Aure, Clarence Baldwin, D. K. Berg, M. I. Bleziu, Marcus Blix, A. J. Bostrom, Edwin Boyum, A. S. Branes, Alfred G. Braun, M. A. Brereton, B. U. Buss, Erwin F. Buss, Mrs. Erwin F. Campbell, Roland P. Chapin, Harold F. Chevrier, Horace Connell, T. A. Cornwall, Walter Cummings, Gerald Curle, John H. Danulson, Carl J. Dauk, George A. Dawald, John J. DeGroodt, R. H. Droll, F. M. Ellingson, G. E. Farsberg, A. T. Fielland, Carl Fischer, Ira B. Fladager, Maurice Fournier, William A. Ganger, John H. Ganz, Jay A. Gould, C. Gould, Mrs. C. Grinager, C. F. Gray, A. N. Hanson, H. O. Hanson, J. B. Heljus, Albert Melby, Olga Nolan, Mary A. Payne, Cora Alice Smith, Leila A. Herbst, H. H. Herrmann, W. C. Hoffman, B. M. Hogen, Ralph Holen, S. I. IIolm, A. E. Holm, Victor E. Ingebretzen, A. M. Johnson, O. C. Johnson, Norman Johnson, N. A. Johnson, T. Algot Johnson, W. E. Jones, George W. Juni, William C. \ Keator, B. C. Klefstad, Gilman Knutson, Harlan Krebsboch, W. S. |Krueger, W. J. Larson, Addie 1.indstrom, O. L. Lodermeier, Karl V. Lurdeman, Edward A. McCom, N. M. McCom, R. A. Mahlum, Arnold Mann, E. Earl Markle, George W. Marshall, H. Medalia, H. A. VIeier, Peter Moe, Hans Moen, Helmer Monson, William Moses, B. F. Myhre, John E. Neessen, Arthur Nelson, C. E. Nelson, C. H. Nelson, Gust Nelson, U. F. Soule, Maude E. Thompson, Pearl Tollifson, Hazel Wigren, Winnie MERCHANTS’ SHORT COURSE—91 Ochs, Ferdinand Olson, Eng Parks, Earl S. Pederson, L. C. Peterson, Charles Peterson, E. W. Peterson, D. A. Peterson, W. T. Priske, W. A. Pugsley, E. U. Quarve, C. A. Quarve, Levard Ramsey, L. R. Ranitscher, Harry Rannard, Charles F. Romstad, H. L. Rorvick, Harold Rubin, Alexander Salo, Walter Scheie, O. K. Schottler, H. C. Simon, N. W. Sorenson, N. C. Steel, N. M. Stuart, Howard Sullivan, M. F. Swanson, F. G. Swedback, C. Swenson, Lewis Swenson, William E. Thomas, John B. Thomas, W. I. Thue, H. H. Trygsbad, John Tuten, T. T. Varco, L. G. Waller, E. C. Wardeberg, E. O. Whaley, E. R. Wood, L. I. Yocum, Mrs. C. J. SHORT COURSE IN RED CROSS W ORK-25 Bastian, Agnes I. Cousins, Dorothy Dale, Florence Dight, Edith T)rake, ſ.cah R. Falconer, Mrs. Paul Gibbon, Mrs. L. L. Glotfelter, Helen Griffin, Viola E. Hutchinson, Abbie M. Johnson, Mrs. Ella Kemper, Mae J. Mitchell, Constance Nelson, Julia A. Nicholson, Mrs. E. E. 280 - THE .4NNUAL REGISTER O’Connell, Mary C. Passer, Mrs. Irene Peterson, Esther A. Rivers, Elizabeth A. Sharp, Julia A. Wind, Myrtle Strehlow, Harriet Woolly, Mrs. Olive Walters, Alice Wray, Mrs. W. E. SUMMARY OF ATTENIDANCE 1916–17 COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND THE ARTS Senior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Junior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sophomore Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Freshman Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mid-Year Freshman Class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unclassed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Arts and Music Course— Senior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Junior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sophomore Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Freshman Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men 87 181 364 486 34 38 Women 194 232 3.25 373 26 83 3 4 29 20 *E*-*. 1,289 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING .\NI) \TCHITECTURE Post-Senior Class— Civil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Class— Civil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Junior Class— Civil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sophomore Class— Civil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men Women Total 281 413 689 859 60 121 4 4 30 20 2,481 Total i : 6 3 : : 20 282 1 H E . HN N U.4 L REGISTER Freshman Class— Men Civil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Undecided . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 161 Irregular Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 523 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Men College of Agriculture— Agricultural Course: Senior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Junior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Sophomore Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Freshman Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Unclassed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 380 Home Economics Course: Senior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Junior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sophomore Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Freshman Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unclassed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & Forestry Course: Senior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 3 Junior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sophomore Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Freshman Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 39 College Summer School: Total registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Duplicates registered 1916-17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Net registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Total for College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515 Central School of Agriculture— Senior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 54 Junior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Freshman Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Unclassed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 526 Normal Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total for School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526 Women º Women 67 36 31 358 60 52 49 163 12 175 Total 20 58 24 25 12 25 164 21 530 Total 201 74 127 873 214 173 236 66 689 12 701 SUMIMARY OF ATTEN DANCE 283 Short Courses— Men Women Total Dairy School: Butter and Cheese Makers' Course. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 º e e 77 Ice-Cream Makers’ Course. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 tº 4 tº 27 104 tº e e 104 Less duplicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 g tº gº 18 86 gº tº e 86 Falmers’ and Home-Makers’ \\'eek Short Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,324 307 1,631 Editors’ Week Short Course. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 2 60 Boys' and Girls’ Week Short Course. . . . . . . . . . . . 666 314 980 Traction Engineering Short Course. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 e tº º 26 Teachers’ Training School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 1,007 1,142 Rural Life Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 34 170 Extension Gymnasium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 * * * 25 Total for Sholt Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,474 1,664 4,138 Less duplicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 7 49 Net total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,432 1,657 4,089 Total at University Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,554 2,233 5,787 Less duplicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 76 299 Net total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,331 2,157 5,488 Northwest School of Agriculture— School of Agriculture: Advanced Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 tº tº e 5 Teachers’ Training Class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº $ tº 7 7 Senior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 8 27 Junior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 5 25 Freshman Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 33 136 147 53 200 Farmers' Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 25 502 Junior Short Course. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 9 60 Teachers' Training School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 175 189 Total for Sholt Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 209 751 Total at Crookston. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689 262 951 Less duplicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº ſº º 3 3 Net total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689 259 948 West Central School of .\gliculture— School of Agriculture: Fourth Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 3 Senior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 14 29 Junior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 11 23 Freshman Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 59 23 82 88 49 137 284 THE .4 NNU.4 L REGISTER Men Women Total Farmers' Short Course. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 © e e 53 Boys’ and Girls’ Week. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 17 32 Teachers' Training School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 139 147 Mothers’ Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º & 36 36 Total for Short Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 192 268 Total at Morris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 241 405 Less duplicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a tº g 1 1 Net total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 240 404 Total for Department of Agriculture. . . . . . . . . . . . 4,407 2,736 7,143 Less duplicates (including those not above) .. 223 80 303 Net total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 184 2,656 6,840 LAW SCHOOL Regular Law Men Women Total Third-Year Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 tº tº º 40 Second-Year Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 51 1 52 First-Year Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 & a tº 68 Unclassed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - tº e 3 Special Law Third-Year Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 e - © 7 Second-Year Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 • e º 8 First-Year Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 tº º º 44 221 1 222 MEDICAL SCHOOL Men Women Total Sixth-Year Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2 45 Fifth-Year Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 2 67 Fourth-Year Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 1 79 *Third-Year Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 7 74 Special Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1 15 267 13 280 The School for Nurses: Men Women Total Third-Year Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ºn tº 20 20 Second-Year Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº º tº 17 17 Preliminary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • * * 29 29 Accredited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e tº e 2 2 © a ſº 68 68 Short Course in Embalming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2 42 * Second- and First-Year students are listed in the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts. SUMMARY OF . HTTEN DANCE 285 COLLEGE OF 1) FNTISTRY Men Senior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Junior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Sophomore Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Freshman Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Irregular Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 366 SCHOOL OF MINES Men Senior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Junior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Sophomore Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Freshman Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 First-Year Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 80 COLLEGE OF PHI ARMACY Men Post-Graduates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Senior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Junior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Sophomore Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Freshman Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Special Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 95 Women 5 6 Women Women 3 SCHOOL OF AN AI.YTICAL AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY Men Post-Senior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Senior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Junior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 14 Sophomore Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Freshman Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Irregular Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 & 101 COLLEGE () [' El) UCATION Men Senior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Junior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Unclassed Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Women 1 Women 24 32 109 - 1.65 Total 21 20 21 80 Total 37 17 43 107 Total 19 22 43 103 Total 41 40 123 286 THE H NNUAL REGISTER Men University High School: Post-Graduates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Senior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Junior Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Sophomore Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Freshman Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 82 GRADUATE SCHOOL Men Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 LINIVERSITY SUMMER SESSION Men Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.18 Duplicates registered 1916-17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Net registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * tº 226 Women 11 10 26 56 Women 98 Women 650 189 461 COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY SUMMER SESSION Men Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Duplicates registered 1916-17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Net registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 MEDICAL SCHOOL SUMMER SESSION Men Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Duplicates registered 1916-17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Net registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Total for Summer Sessions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 Less duplicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Net total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 SUMMARY OF TOTALS Men College of Science, Literature, and the Arts. . . . . . . . . 1,192 College of Engineering and Architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . 523 Department of Agriculture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,184 Law School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Medical School (including Short Course in Embalm- ing and School for Nurses) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 College of Dentistry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 School of Mines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 College of Pharmacy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 School of Analytical and Applied Chemistry. . . . . . . . . . 101 Women 1 1 - Women Women 1,289 7 2,656 1 Total Total 383 Total 1,068 381 687 Total 68 18 Total 72 20 725 717 Total 2,481 530 6,840 222 390 372 107 103 S UMI M12 [R)' O1, 2 | 1 TH. N. D.A.NCE 287 Men College of Education (including University High School) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Graduate School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 Summer Sessions 1916 (net) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 7,731 Less duplicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . —81 7,650 Students of collegiate grade (net) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,859 Students of sub-collegiate grade (net) (including Agri- cultural Schools, University IIigh School, Sholt Courses in Agriculture and Short Course in Em- balming) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & ſº e º g s w = e tº e º sº . 3,791 GENERAL ExtENSION DIVISION Men Minneapolis Business Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514 Minneapolis Collegiate Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 Minneapolis Engineering Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Minneapolis Law Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 946 St. Paul Business Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 St. Paul Collegiate Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 St. Paul Engineering Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 154 Duluth Business Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Duluth Engineering Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 68 Stillwater Collegiate Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Merchants' Short Course. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Short Course in Red Cross Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº e Correspondence Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 1,370 Total for Colleges and Schools (net) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,650 Total for Extension Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,370 Total registration for University. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,020 Women Total 221 342 98 383 461 717 4,836 12,567 —28 —109 4,808 12,458 2,452 6,311 2,356 6,147 Women Total 50 564 817 1,056 2 168 1 28 870 1,816 6 104 90 120 26 96 250 1. 59 & 10 1 69 30 31 3 91 25 25 120 233 1,145 2,515 4,808 12,458 1,145 2,515 5,953 14,973