1’ .~‘q"l|ci\'¢11; Lllili/-\lI\' F {Q5 r 1‘l\'i - ~\~.;\2s* , '-#5 ——‘ PART III. GEOLOGY AND AGRICULTURE. A PRELIMINAIQY REPOIQT THE FLORIDA PAHISiliS OF EAST LOUISIANA AND THE BLUFF, PRAIRIE AND HILL LANDS OF SOUTHWEST LOUISIANA, W. W. CLENDENIN, A. M., M. s., Geologist. ~ Made Under Direction of State Experiment Stations, BA1‘ON ROUGE, LA. WM. 0. STUBBS, PH. D., Director. Ii LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY AND A. & M. GOLLEGE. __*_——-—-_ BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE. GOV. MURPHY J. FOSTER, President. WM. GARIG, Vice-President Board of Supervisors. A. V. CARTER, Commissioner of Agriculture. 8 TA TI ON STAFF. WM. C. STUBBS, Ph. D., Director. , Assistant Director, Audubon Park, New Orleans, La. B. N. BARROW, B. S., Assistant Direotor, Baton Rouge, La. J. G. LEE, B. S., Assistant Director, Calhoun, La. L.!W. WILKINSON, M. S., Chemist, Audubon Park, New Orleans, La. J. L. BEESON, Ph. D., Chemist, Audubon Park, New Orleans, La. , Chemist. Audubon Park, New Orleans, La, 0. E. COATES. Ph. D., Chemist, Baton Rouge, La. 8. E. BLOUIN, M. S.. Assistant Chemist, Baton Rouge, La. II. BIRD, B. S., Chemist, Calhoun, La. W. W. CLENDENIN, M. S., A. M., Geologist, Baton Rouge, La. W. R. DODSON, A. B., S. B., Botanist, Baton Rouge, La. R. T. BURWE LL, M. 13., Mechanical Engineer, Audubon Park, New Orleans, La. H. A. MORGAN, B. S. A., Entomologist, Baton Rouge, La. 5'. H. BURNETTE, Horticulturist, Baton Rouge, La. 8. B. STAPLES, B. S., D. V. S., Veterinarian, Baton Rouge, La. T. C. GLYNN, Sugar Maker. Audubon Park, New Orleans, La. E. G. CLARKE, Farm Manager, Audubon Park, La. E. B. FITTS, Tobacconist and Farm Manager, Baton Rouge, La. IVY WATSON. Farm Manager, Calhoun, La. J. K. McHUGH, Secretary and Stenographer, Audubon Park, New Orleans, La. H. SKOLFIELD, Treasurer, Baton Rouge, La. A -w-v ___ The Bulletins and Reports will be sent free of charge to all farmers, by apply- lllg to Commissioner of Agriculture, Baton Rouge, La. Q5 //’7 lid‘ ‘/71 /2 -'5 PART I. GEOLOGY AND AGRICULTURE. A PFQELIMINAFQY FQEPCDFQT UPON THE HILLS OF LOUESEANA, North of the Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific Railroad, BY OTTO LERCH, PH. D., Geologist. MADE UNDER DIRECTION OF STATE EXPERIMENT STATIGNS, BATON ROUGE, LA. WM. C- STUBBS, PH.D. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY AND A. & NI. GOLLEGE. BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE’. GOV. MURBHY J. FOSTER President. VVM. GARLG. Vice-President Boa rd of Supervisors. Commissioner of A9_*r1(-ulture. s .___— STA TI OB’ S TA FF. WM. 0. STUBBS, Ph. D., Dire(‘t01'. —— —, Assistant Director, Audubon Park, New Orleans, La. D. N. BARROW, B. S.. Assistant Director. Baton Rouge, La. J. G. LEE, B. S., Assistant Director, Calhoun. Li. H. E. L. HORTON, A. M., Chemist, Audubon Park, New Orleans, Lu. J. T. CRAWLEY, A. M., Chemist, Audubon Park, New Orleans. La. R. T. BURWELL. M. E.. Machinist, Audubon Park, New ()rleans, La. B. B. ROSS, M. S., Chemist, Baton Rouge, La. R. BLOUIN, B. *s., Assistant Chemist, Baton Rouge, La. A. T. PRESCOTT, M. A., Botanist. H. A. MORGAN, B. S. A., Entomologist and I-Iortieultumst. W. H. DALRYMPLE, M. R. C. V. S., Vetermarian. M. BIRD, B. S., Chennst, Calhoun, La, O’l¥lT'O LERCH, Ph. D., Geologist. E. A. NEVVMAN, Sugar Maker. VV. C. STUBBS, JR.. Farm Manager, Audubon Park, New Orleans. La. LAURENCE WEAVER, I*‘arm Manager, Baton houge. IVY VVATSON, Farm Manager, Calhoun, La. H. SKOLFIELD, Treasurer. A. M. GARDNER, B. S., Secretary. L The Bulletins and Reports will be sent free of chmge to all far1n(~r.s. by apply- ing to Commissioner of Agriculture, Baton Rouge, La. em. , gygeaaeé. 0?’ CA LIBRARYLIFORMA W16 '39 , OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONSQ LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY AND A. Ann M. COLLEGE, 5 Baton Rouge, La., June, 1892. To His Excellency, Mu1ph y J. Foster, Governor of Louisiana: SIR-—Pending the appointment of a Commissioner of Agri- culture as successor to Hon. T. S. Adams, elected to Secretary of State, I have the honor to present to you, the first prelimi_ nary report upon the Geological and Agricultural Survey of the State, instituted by the Stations. The necessity for such a sur~ vey was fully set forth in my last annual report to the Governor and his co-operation requested to secure such appropriation as would enable us to prosecute it with rapidity and thoroughness. I trust your Excellency will approve of this work and aid us in its successful prosecution. This survey has been undertaken mainly in the interest of agriculture. To this end soils have been classified and carefully mapped out, typical samples taken, character of vegetation noted, drainage systems established, and general elevation above sea level, with other special peculiarities. The soils have been sent to the laboratories of the Station and are now undergoing physical and chemical examination. Later a special report will be made upon "The soils of the State, their composition and wants. with best modes of supplying the latter.” This repoit will cover the State and be beneficial to every‘ planter and farmer. Incidentally the geology of the State is being carefully studied, so as to locate each section of the State in its proper geological horizon. Especial attention is also being paid to‘%i t. At the edges it measures not over twelve inches and was bored into two feet without reaching base in wells in the town. Section northeast, corner of Bodeau lake, near Bellevue: Finely laminated sand with 5 feet thin clay partings. Gray clay, 2 to 12 inches. Lignite. 12 inches. Finely laminated sand, 25 feet. The sandy clay laminae, especially directly above and below the lignite are rich vegetable remains. Beautifully preserved leaves and stems and fruit which on account of the limited time have not been examined. At Shreveport the shales are beautifully exposed at various places and sections have been published by Dr. Lawrence John- son in his report of the iron ores of Louisiana and Texas. rEhe following exposure at Slaughter Pen Bluff near the city will suffice at this place: 1. Surface a red loam, a poor soil, 6 feet. 2. Clayey sands, compact, full of geodes, 6 feet. 3. Hard sandstone with boulders of impure limestone, 2 feet. 4. Yellowish gray sand with leaves, 8 feet. 5. Dark bluish laminated clay sand, 3 feet. 6. Sandy friable gray clay, with leaves, 6 feet. 7. Lignite, 1% feet. 8. Dark shaly clayey sand, 15 feet. The lignite exposed at this place as well as in other outcrops near Shreveport is firm and apparently of good quality, and I 20 am informed that it has been mined and used with advantage during the late civil war. ' The foregoing sections demonstrate the area these lignitic sands and shales occupy in the region examined. They rest against the lower horizon most likely upon the cretaceous for- mation. They show a uniform southeast dip from 15° to 20°, except in places where they are locally disturbed and which will be mentioned hereafter. The condition during their deposition as shown by their peculiar structure noticeable throughout their whole vertical and horizontal extension remained u_nchanged. From rich car- bonaceous shales in their upper horizon they graduate in the lower into finely laminated sands toward the bottom with occa- sionally heavier seams of crossbedded packed sands. Their economic features have been mentioned before and will be \ treated of more fully in a succeeding chapter. THE CLAIBORNE FORMATION consists in this part of Louisiana of green glauconitic sands and marls containing marine shells so well preserved, and in such an abundance, that as to the age of the strata containing them there can be no doubt. The deposits difier little in structure and lithological material from the underlying and overlying beds seen conformably to rest between them. Their geographical distribution of outcrops is limited, and only near the center of the region surveyed they have been uniformly found in the strati- graphical position indicated. Like the lignitic shales they con- taminate the well water whenever they constitute the water- carrying beds, and like these they enter but little in the compo- sition of the soils of this region. They are of the highest economic importance to Forth Louisiana on account of their fertilizing qualities consisting in their contents in phosphoric acid—lime, potash, which minerals these marls almost always contain. Only a minute study of the beds and a number of complete analyses of the varying material can fix their real economic value. At a few exposures the upper bed of these 21 deposits has been found to consist of altered green sand; but, so» far, it is difficult to say whether this marks a subdivision of the formation, or whether the alteration is due to local causes. In the artesian well bored at Monroe under supervision of Col. Will A. Strong, characteristic Claiborne shells were found at a depth of 185 feet, in a deposit of black clay. A list of the fossils found in the Claiborne strata of this section will be attached to this report. One mile east of Gibsland. on the Y. S. St P. R. R., in an old well. green sand marl has been struck containing the usual abundance of fossil shells, and at various places in wells near I the town of Homer the shell marls have been found. On a little creek, near the road from Homer to Gibsland, between Athens and Homer, a green sand bed crops out and measures six feet in thickness. "Section at Hammets branch, near Gibsl-and : 1. Orange sand _________________________________ -_1—I.’0 feet. 2. Laminated lignitic clay corals fusi and other fossils ____________________________________ __ 6 feet. 3. impure limestone. tdolomitic sandstone) ______ __ foot. 4. Sandy calcareous gray clay—fossils nunierous___- 5 feet. 31-l feet. The fossils are all of Claiborne type. The foregoing section will be sufficient to give the stratigraphic position of the fos- siliferous beds of the Claiborne series. and analyses now being made of the marls obtained from the various outcrops will develop their economic properties, so important for this section of the State. THE GRAY CLAYS. The series of these deposits resting unconformably upon the deeply eroded surfaces of the greensand marls and black lignitic shales. dips under an angle from 10° to 15° southwest and geo- graphically extends over the whole section examined. Along * This section has been published by L. Johnson and has been reexam- ined by the author. 22 every roadside, along every creek, its outcrops are found, easily recognized on the network of fractures covering the exposures, the angular and subangular pieces in which its layers break up and the uniform character of the gray hardened lithological material which only towards the base assumes sometimes a choco- late color. Its peculiar weathering in spurs and ridges can be recognized on larger exposures even at a distance. These clays are of the very greatest importance to North Louisiana, they are the water carrying beds throughout the section, except in those places where erosion has removed them and the under- lying black shales and glauconitic marls have taken their place. They are comparatively free in minerals and the water running over them and appearing as springs along their outcrops on the foot of the hills, or being tapped in wells is of great purity. Their nearness to the surface and their numerous outcrops have caused the material frequently to enter the composition of the soils and especially in the bottoms where often they carry the water of the sluggish creeks and streams ; they give the cold and tenaceous character to the soils, and cause the swamps and stag nant water which covers the low bottoms for a long time during the year. In the western part of Bossier parish they have formed the large flats which characterize that part of the country. They are poor in valuable minerals but furnish pottery clays and brick and fire clays when mixed with the overlying sands. Their stratigraphic position can be studied in the general section hereto attached. A good exposure of the gray clays is found three miles east of Calhoun on theTrenton road, where they are seen in contact with the overlying red sandy clays and ferru- ginous sands. They show their characteristic features, are very plastic when moist and break in angular pieces which have en- tered on many places unaltered the overlying sands. Their sur- face is deeply denuded mantled by the red sands. A few miles east of Calhoun they are well exposed in cuts along the V. S. & P. R. R, slightly disturbed however. \Vherever the rains have cut deeper into the hillsides they have exposed these gray jointed stratified clays and very frequently they can be traced up to the - --__-3...."-'=-'_’ yr .-ex-:L $1-pg ‘ P‘ . -. I ‘ /. flit u ifu m Zw. IK¥Z§§W 500cm/, 2 Z. a2'oc‘gi‘,'0wne- 5. Q?*QI/I/95 clejoosii 4-... Gray’ -ands anazateolsocnoly clays aolia ..Da.zw7u,'l‘eRif1e1‘ It \ ., \ '\ r.“ _ _ --.- ' ’ . i-.;;‘ _-° -' ~=_-"'_—__ . :_'—“_~ ~ ' ' la" _ . 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E . ._ _ 7.5’ 8E:iZ.R 0" Dééiwrawnoev E092 of_f:Ru3f¢I2z 29 Corbula nasuta, Conrad. ‘ Venericardia planicosta, Lam. Astarte sp. nov. 2 Pleurotoma wabe, Conus sauridens. Conrad. Volutilithes petrosa. Conrad. Calyptrophorus velatus, Con. Caricella demissa, Con. Ancillaria staminea, Con. Pseudoliva vetusta, Conrad. Marginella larvata, Conrad. Clavella humerosa, Conrad. Latirus sp. Fusus (Papillina) dumosus, Conrad. Murex sp. "? Mesalia obruta, Conrad. Turritella vetusta, Conrad (Var) Crepidula lirata, Conrad. Solarium elaboratum, Conrad. Natica limula, Conrad. Cythara sp. Flabellum VVailesii, Conrad. Distortio septemdenta, Conrad. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. Climate is a most important factor in the economy of a coun- try. The health, and if we include soils and waters, the wealth of the inhabitants depends largely on it. _lVinds cool and purify the atmosphere, shift the sands and assort them, destroying old and forming new soils. The precipit-ations form with the soils the immediate cause of success or failure of agricultu‘re and horticulture and hydraulic action of the waters has shaped our hillsides and valleys. The temperature determines -the character of the vegetation and animal life and assures comfort or causes discomfort to menf Climatological factors are of so high an im- portance from an economic as well as from a geological poin .1 of view that they deserve a careful consideration. 30 The following data have been obtained through the kindness of Mr. M. J. \Vright, observer in charge of the United States Signal Service at Shreveport. and will give a fair idea of the climate of the district surveyed : MEAN TEMPERATURE AT SHREVEPORT, LA.. FOR EACH MONTH THE PAST TWENTY YEARS, FROM 1871 TO 1890 INCLUSIVE. 5 . . <5 -E.’ r > A . .-1 252-: >'.2i-a-:s§s.='.a E C) '73 ,1‘... C‘: E E 5 S‘ o 0 Q9 :0 '-sir-i2<.‘2>1*-.> l Q 0 n n I u ll '.'1.'.'1g.1'.~,'1;'it'i.' ' ' July 16. 98. July 24. 17 99. July 6 and 8. 19. August :2. 98. July 21. :22 August 9. 100. July I-1. 6 90' July 3. 10. 105. July 252. '22. August 15,1 and ‘.21. } 101. June 24 and,2:2. l 29. '10-2.. July 31. 512. August 15. 1 104. July 9. {10 August 29.; 101. August 1. 13 101. May 31. 1 104. July 31. 1:2. 98. July 1-1. 115 96. July 527. ‘:25. 99. July 11 2'2 91. June 25, '35. August 25. Lowest. Q Q I J 0 0 J I I I I I n on Q l o Q Q U I ' c I I on P January 10. . December 30. January 2, N ovember 30 . December :25. . January 6. December 29. February 13. December 8. January 21. . January 8. . January 17. . January 8. J an uary 3. . January 15. January 27. . March 1. February 10. November 30a 32 TOTAL PRECIP1TA’1‘I()N AT SHREVEPOLT, LAH EACH MONTH THE PAST TWENTY YEARS FROM 1871 TO 1890 INCLUSIVE. Year. Means . . . . . . .. - 4% .>= 2 E E L’ is 5 "3 4.9-1,589 3.2-2,7.47 351;7.58 3932.68 7262.68 2.34248 5.29,2.67 RMQ06 3.68619 2246.52 9.08,8.71 3.5-il7.24 4.555.49 12113.31 3.87477 3.263.3[ 3752.01 402.03 5.15 4.63 —-1.93 4.62 I l 5 ‘Q11 3 § -2‘ 2 < l 2 1-: 1-? l 4.11 7.1. 1 9.10270 1.62, 2.67 1.94; 4.58 7.94 3.31; 9.2710641 1.19135 5.59 4.94 3.46. 0911.79 2.16‘ 11.67 583' 9.47 20.8 1.87 3.87 5.5111.2425.5 2.37 5.70 5.64; 7.047.65 6. 1 1.26 10.23, 2.132.09 2.41 6.17 8.43] 3.212.74 10.97 1.80 2.81‘ 8.63 0.38 3.17 3.16 5.44 4.59 0.651138 5.85 4.451 1.405.70 0.22 4.78 6.60 14.47422 0.06 1.79 7.07 3.66579 4.89 6.32 5.14 0.08 4.16 2.58 1.28 0.44 5.15 4.00 3.85 9.00 4.49 3443.24 2.97 3.05 6.91 2.70 7.97 3.43 3.60 3.22 1.95 3.12 2.09 4.74 5.55 4.47 3.69 3.74 O~'.OJ(\'>CAZC>r~O’;/QCDP-‘1-ii-I\DCDI\'JCDCDI-*CD' . ..........:‘Augu8t_ I September. winowwo -..W21'-_w*- mbwmwwp w-Amoo -K \1OOC>0;>bC‘.’I\'Jt--‘r-‘Q.-‘1-CD‘-‘QOO(‘D<.Tal\$l\'.‘4 W O 00 C&’Jl---‘(\'J03Z/;i1l-*-QD<::C0(\LC>l'-4iCU1>I=~Oh'> : Nov ember. I December. wwwuwAwwmeuwmwe§£§$- wmflommvmmeveawwww" mmwdmm 2 wo§a~@vw~Qwwawwwaafl~| I I I Q I I I I I l 1 I ? I I I I Q A I c.oc>r.o'qc11»-—\1c>c=<.wwt\2:_w~2o:cn4ococ>co 0;-¢=00t0tO1-oac>m<.c1-2-H-‘\2U1c0>s-v1oJ\1c>| | Annual M can 4'.'.s_.sl—4_.3i P Rainfall]. 1 R00 50 3 We HQCQZOO U\\lU\OO|vF-U\‘\1 ~4- l \ I 33 IHUMIDITY, PREVAILING VVIND AND HOURLY “FIND VELOCITY, AT SHREVEPORT. LA. I h W131) 3 e-“Eli 295 >5 Months. §EZ!Z€ 52: 2 ; £3 < l fpcr ct I January . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' 77 1 S 11.3 February . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 77 S 12.5 March . . . . . .._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 63 13.4. April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 S 11.0 May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 S 9.5 June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 S - 9.3 July ................................................ . .1 73 s 2 9.3 August . . . . . . . . . . . . .~' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 72 SE 8.0 September . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = 7 3 ._ E . 8 .4 October . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f r0 8 9.0 November . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' '73 S 10.3 December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ 74 S 10.9 REMARKS. Prevailing wind, direction and average hourly movement of wind deduced from record of twenty years’ observation—1871-1890 inclusive. Relative humidity deduced from sixteen years’ observations-1875-1890 inclusive. Relative humidity corresponds to the readings of dry and wet bulb thermometers. The relative humidity of the air at any time is the per- centage of moisture contained in the air as compared with the whole amount it is capable of holding for the particular temperature at the time. Air con~ taining no moisture is at zero relative humidity; when saturated the relative ' humidity is 100. The foregoing tables are so full and complete that it is un- necessary to add any explanation, and it is hoped that the agriculturist will make full use of their contents. The‘late and severe frost has destroyed to a large extent the fruit of this sec- tion, and the attention of the farmer is called to the tables con taining the data of early and late frost during a period of twenty years. A proper selection of the trees with due regard to these data may save large losses in the future. A careless selection of the sitesfiof residences by placing the dwellings in the direction of the prevailing.wind and swamps has caused destruction of health and life,‘ which will be prevented by a study of the surrounding 34 conditions in which the wind tables given will be found very serviceable. The data giving the precipitations, the tempera-, ture and the humidity of the air will assist the intelligent planter to select his crops and aid him in their cultivation. \VATER. Subterranean waters are found in inexhaustible quantities throughout the section, varying in depth according to the topog- raphy of the country and sometimes influenced by the underly- ing impermeable clays which carry them. The water is gener- ally of great purity, quartz sands constituting their filter, and .gray clays, with no injurious mineral contents, their beds. The depth of wells range from ten to sixty feet, and only the shallow wells are affected by dry seasons. Sometimes the drain- age area of these wells is so limited that the level of the water is fluctuating with each rain. In such cases the water ought not to be used for drinking purposes, as its use will invariably develop malarial diseases. The water of the deeper wells, especially on account of the larger drainage, more thorough filtering and the lower temperature not affected by the daily changes, is agreeable to the taste cannot be considered injurious when used for drinking purposes. MEDICINAL WATERS. CHALYBEATE srsmes AND WELLS. ! \Vhenever the red sandy clay contains alumina enough to become impermeable they sometimes carry the water, and in such cases, as well as when the water has filtered through the red sands and sandy clays before striking an impermeable stratum, it hasbrought a part of the coloring matter, peroxid of iron in solution which may be enough to give ,it the chalybeatic character. Such springs are found all over the country, and this is not strange when we consider the distribution and strati- grapical position of the red sandy clays and sands. At Ruston the grounds of the Chautauqua Society are located on a section with a large number of beautiful springs very rich in carbonate of iron. (See Chemical Report for analyses.) 35 As mentioned on a former page, the water is always entirely unfit, or, at East, injurious to health when constantly used, if found running along the lignitic shales or green sands, but on account of the minerals these mar ls and shales contain, sulphate of magnesia, lime, alumina and iron, potash, sodium and chlo- rine, the water running along them will dissolve these minerals in various proportions, and in some cases, at least, the very qualities which make it undesirable for household use may give it medicinal properties and make it valuable after once its virtues are ascertained. Like the chalybeate springs, they are found all over the country, depending, of course, on the amount of erosion, the gray elays, overlying the green sands and lignitic shales, have sustained. ARTESIAN WELLS. The necessary conditions to insure a flow of artesian water are : Porous strata deposited in form of a mould or dipping under a slight angle in one direction and underlaid and overlaid by impermeable beds. The outcrop of porous beds constitutes the catchment area and must be located above the mouth of the well in order to furnish the necessary hydrostatic pressure. ' In the country surveyed both the series of the lignitic shales as well as the glauconitic sands and marls are sloping in a south- -easterly direction, and the lower series consists to a large extent of sandy beds very porous and freely absorbing the rain which may fall on its exposures. The necessary conditions to insure artesian water are therefore present and wells have been bored _ at Monroe successfully obtaining a good flow at L348 feet. Mi- nute data as to the extent of the receiving area and to amount of water which can be expected from these beds only can be ascer- tained by a more careful survey and especially by making mi- nute geological sections along the Ouachita and Red river courses. At Shreveport artesian water has been obtained, which, however, comes from an entirely different basin, likely from the sands of the upper cretaceous formation. The tables giving the annual rainfall demonstrate sufficiently the fact that cistern water ‘may be secured wherever it may needed throughout the year. 36 SOILS AND THEIR DISTRIBUTION. The soils of this region are derived chiefly from the gray sands and red sandy clays which constitute the surface formation. The alluvium of the Red river and the Ouachita river covers large areas with soils peculiar to them, and the gray clays under- lying the red sandy clays have formed a variety of soils from the stiff tenacious clay to a lighter loam containing sand in larger proportion, covering bottoms and flats. Very rarely the lignitic shales enter directly with their constituents into the composition of the soils of this section of North Louisiana. The soils encoun- tered may be classified as sandy soils, clay soils and loam soils. The geographical distribution conforms to the geological forma- tion from which these soils are derived. That is, the sandy soils cover the uplands, the clay soils the bottoms and flats, and the loam soils the alluvium of the Bed river and Ouachita river, and the hammocks, or second bottoms, of the smaller streams. The sandy soils of this section proper consist chiefly of quartz and small well-rounded grains mixed with humus and sometimes peroxid of iron. Throughout this section these soils are underlaid by red sandy clay, which frequently constitutes the subsoil for many square miles. Its depth beneath the sur- face changes, however, and sometimes it is so far beneath the sand that its constituents do not even affect the subsoil. The red sandy clay consists mainly of sand and clay, colored deeply, fre- quently brilliant by peroxid of iron and its quality varies, more clayey and less sandy, or a reversed proportion, within small range. A numberless variety of soils are shading from the pure gray sand into the pure red sandy loam-—the well-known, char- acteristic and highly valued redlands, covering large areas of the region. The consistency of these varied soils caused by an intermixture of the gray sands with the red sandy clays depends, of course, on the depth from the latter to the former. The com- position of the soils of the red lands is that of the red sandy clay mixed with humus and they constitute the surface soils wherevergerosion has removed the sheet of gray sand. A large amount of humus gives frequently a deep black color to the sandy soils. Q 37 ‘ The subdivisions of the sandy soil are- 1. Black sandy. 2. Gray sandy. 3. Yellowish red sandy. 4. Deep red sandy loam. No. 4 contains a larger proportion of red clay and is the typical soil of the red lands. As mentioned, a large variety -shades from one into the other division and frequently in one farm, nay even in one acre, several of ‘these minor subdivisions -can be found always caused by the distance, more or less shal- I low position, of the red sandy clay to the surface. The pecu- liarities of these minor subdivisions must be studied by the planter. The soil carries all vegetation, it is the place or medium for growth, a material furnishing the necessary support or foothold for the roots which penetrating the mass, hold the plant in that position in which the life functions can be best performed. The . soil is, therefore, primarily simply the physical bearer of the plant, and on the performance of this office all other properties, and each other relation existing between them depend.* The mechanical condition of the soil is therefore of the very highest importance and the attention of the farmer can not enough be called to this fact. Frequently, and especially in these uplands, soils which lack in one or the other ingredients which give it the right composition can be improved without --cost or trouble by studying the soil, the subsoil and the under- soil and their relation to each other. In order to possess the right consistency the soil must be porous to allow the roots of the plants to penetrate its mass without difficulty and give access to the air. It must be dense enough to retain moisture and fertilizers. Sand gives porosity to the soil, clay conveys reten- tive qualities. If the soil contains too much sand it will be like .a sieve through which moisture and fertilizer pass without obsta-’ ~cle till they strike an impermeable stratum along which they *Rocks and Soils—-Stockbridge, page 195. _ 38 \ are carried into the country drainage. If it contains too much clay the soil will be cold and tenaceous, crack in the dry season exposing the roots of the plants to the dry air and drowning them in wet weather by keeping the water like a sponge. It will be easily understood now how the soil can be im- proved. Deep plowing, when the surface soil is too sandy and the subsoil is clayey will obtain the proper composition. This is the usual condition in this section. If the soil and the subsoil are too sandy and the under soil is clayey, by mixing the under- soil with the subsoil and surface soil. This condition is some- times found in the region. If the sand is too deep and none of the former methods can be employed for its improvement, a condition very rarely found in these uplands as far as known to the author, marling or claying the land, bringing the material ‘ from other localities will obtain the same result, though with more cost. A large supply of humus——pine straw—-will largely increase the retentive qualitiesiof such soils. From the foregoing it may be easily enough concluded when deep ploughing and when shallow ploughing ought to be employed in these upland- soils. THE SOIL OF THE UPLAND FLATS. The Gray Loam.--This soil, accompanying Bayou Dorcheat in extensive flats, is evidently derived from the gray clays. In solid sheets, several feet in thickness, it covers the gray sands and red sandy clays. Always of a gray color, it is cold and tenaceous and possesses all the peculiarities of a typical clay soil, cracking in every direction during the dry season of the year and holding the water sponge-like and forming ponds and shal- low swamps during the rainy time. A thorough and systemati- ' cal drainage is required to make these lands available to culti- vation. The natural drainage channels ought to be cleared from all rubbish, brush and treee trunks obstructing the descending water, and in placesqwhere the flats are too level and too exten- sive to allow,conveniently to carry off the water, it ought to be drained into sinkholes, one in most cases enough for an area covering several hundred acres. The near vicinity of the sands Q 39 ,, section. to the surface would in such cases make this a cheap method to pursue and it has been done very successfully in other countries. The position of the gray loam is indicated in the general A supply of humus and sand would obtain favorable results by making these lands more loose. If the flats are sur- rounded by hills it will be found advantageous to conduct the wash, consisting mostly of sand on the fields and distribute the ‘material properly by changing the furrows. Clay soils, containing from 60 to 80 per cent. of clay, form asa rule the most valuable and productive soils and yield good crops of all the more common agricultural plants, particularly wheat, roots, clover and grass. Those soils containing 80 and 90 per cent. of clay have a diminished utility, but yield profitable returns of wheat, clover. buckwheat and horsebeans. While more than 90 per cent. of clay reduces the limits of successful cultivation because of the difiiculty of working and danger from excess of water.* The soils under discussion hardly ever will be found to contain more than 90 per cent. and their improve- ment is, therefore of great importance to the economy of this country. Nothing need be said at this place about the yellow loam accompanying the Ouachita river which in all cases where it has been observed possesses great fertility and the right composition. Its stratigraphic position can be studied in the general section. The Bottom Soils resemble much the gray loam of the flats. Like these, they are derived from the underlying gray clays, of which they sometimes almost solely conist and the varieties they form depend on the amount of sand which has mixed with them, washed in by the rains from the joining hillsides. Like the gray loam ‘soils, they are mostly cold and tenaceous. form the habitat of the crawfish, crack when dry and hold the water like a sponge it wet weather. Generally they are under the present drainage conditions subject to annual overflow. and on that account entirely unfit for cultivation. The original vegetation Q ‘Rocks and Soils--Stockbridg page l-49. >~ I 49 they bear, and of which a list will be found attached hereto, denote them to be very fertile and to include them into the cultivated lands of the country ought to be the aim of the planter. To obtain this result, they must be thoroughly drained. The natural drainage channels must be cleared and deepened suffi- ciently to carry off the largest amount of water which may fall on any given area in twenty four hours, and which may be calcu- lated easily enough from the rain tables embodied in this report. Generally the material is tenaceous enough to allow a subdrain- age with an instrument now employed in many of the northern -clay lands. The same consists of a knife, which, on its lower end carries a cone. A hole, about three feet square and three feet deep is dug in which the instrument is inserted. The distance of the cone from the surface can be regulated by the operator at will when pulled by a horse, the knife cuts into the stiff clay land and the cone p1 esses the material aside. The cut made by the knife closes as soon as the instrument has passed, leaving a drainage channel pressed out by the cone. The-xe subdrainage -channels, which take the place of tiles, drain into a ditch. A more mellow condition of these lands can almost always be -obtained by conducting the sandy wash of adjoining hills on the lands and by changing the furrows. A drainage of the water into underlying sands can seldom be employed as most of these bottoms rest directly upon the underlying gray clays. _ AI.LUVIUl\L Red River Alluviunz iS’oiZs.—There are two chief varieties of soil observed in this portion of the valley of the river. Near the stream a yellowish red, or reddish loamy soil, deep and very productive, observed and termed by Dr. Hilgard at another place of the valley, “frontland soil” The second variety also observed by the same author and termed back bottom soil, is located in the hack bottom away fron1 the channels, If, is heavier and more difflcnlt to till than the former, though un- questionably moie lasting. A number of varieties shades from one into the other and will be studied more minutely hereafter. AZZuMan2. 0/‘ the Ouachi1‘a Zrhiei".-—These soils resemble largely 41 the varieties of the Red river alluvial soils and like in that bot- tom two chief varieties can be differentiated, one frontland lighter loam and a back bottom soil, stiffer and more dificult to till than the former. ' Second Bottoms.—These soils are generally of a black or dark red color and consist of a very fertile sandy loam. A more minute study is required to classify them. The above are the chief varieties of soils observed in the section surveyed and they are classified and studied in relation to the geological formations from which they are derived. Sam- ples of them have been collected and analyses are now being made in the laboratories of the agricultural stations of the State, and some of them will be found in the chemical report of Dr. IVm. G. Stubbs, the Director of these Stations. It is not the province of this report to discuss the agricultural features of the section, the adaptability of the different soils to the various crops and the manures needed. These features will be fully treated off hereafter in the special report by the Director of the Station. USE FUL MINERALS. The most important of minerals found in North Louisiana are certainly the marls. Fortunately for this portion of the State, the blue and green colored tertiary marls occur in abun- dance, though their geographical distribution is limited, con- fined to the central portion of this section, embracing the out- crops of the Claiborne beds. All these marls are true fertilizers and not mere stimulants, they contain phosphoric acid and pot- ash, besides lime in various proportions, which mineral acts as fertilizer and powerful stimulant unlocking otherwise unavail- able compounds, containing potash and phosphoric acid ; soda, magnesia, iron and sulphuric acid, all to a more or less extent contained in the marls of this section. By applying, therefore, these marls to the exhausted fields we return to them fertility which in course of time they have lost through an injudicious cultivation and by marling the fields now in cultivation and adding from time to time vegetable manure we can sustain 42 I their fertility. Even the large amount of alumina these marls generally contain will materially improve our sandy soils by making them retentive and mellow. Dr. Hilgard in speaking of the efficacy of marls remarks that a dressing of 200 bushels per acre containing one-fourth per cent. of potash and the same amount of phosphoric acid, ceases to be effective and therefore requires to be repeated in the course of ten years. The amount of lime present even in the blue and green marls of the tertiary formation is geherally sufficient to be effective for a far longer period of time. Maris are most effective when used in connec- tion with vegetable manure, the pine straw of the hills or the oak and beech leaves of the bottoms will be found handy and most serviceable for this purpose. The marl may be hauled _to the field as it comes from the pit, being thrown from the carts in small piles, it will be in a favorable condition to be acted upon by the weather, especially in winter, it may then be scattered and turned under by the first plowing in the spring (R. T. Hill, I p. 248 Arkansas Geological Survey, 1888). Hilgard recommends to turn the marls under together with green crops. With most of the bluish marls of this region preliminary exposure becomes a matter of great importance, and often of necessity, on account of their frequently containing small amounts of iron pyrites. This mineral, by the action of the atmosphere, is transformed into green vitriol or copperas, and as such would, for the time being, prove highly injurious to plants, causing “ dead spots” wherever a crystal or lump of mineral thus decays. In the presence of a plentiful supply of lime (with due access of air) however, the copperas would be rapidly transformed into gypsum or plaster and inert protoxide of iron, thus adding a useful ingredient to the components of the mail. This renders the previous exposure or weathering of the marls doubly impor- tant. (Robert T. Hill, Arkansas Geological Survey, 788.) Samples of the various tertiary and cretaceous marls have been collected and the analyses and their proper application to the different soils of this section will be given in the future agri- cultural reports of the director. Practical experiments with them will be made at the Stations. 43 Gypsum was only found in the cretaceous islands. It is-1 ‘largely used as fertilizer and stimulant in agriculture and its- application is especially useful to loam and clay soils. It is a special manure for clover, peas and leguminous plants. Salt Wells.--The various works formerly operated in this part of the State and all located on the cretaceous outcrops have been fully described in a former chapter. There is no practical reason why these wells should not be worked with advantage under the present conditions. Fuel is cheap in this section of Louisiana. Solar evaporation would be favorable, and at least the Rayborne works are located near a railroad. ’ Clay/s.—An abundance and a large variety of pottery, fire- brick and common brick clays are found all over the country. Their economic value can, however, not be discussed till the analyses and experiments have been made. Building llfaterial.-—The region surveyed has practically none. VVith the exception of a few ledges of soft sandstone nothing could be used for that purpose. Iron Ores have been examined in 1888 by Lawrence J ohnson,. of the United States Survey, and fully reported upon. Since then a number of the localities have been re-examined by other experts with the view to develop the deposits. On closer inspec-H tion they have so far proved invariably insufficient in quantity,- though the quality of most of the ores tested is good. Lignite or Brown Coal.—This coal occurs throughout the‘ region surveyed, but seems to be more frequent in the western-Q portion. Its deposits forming constituent members of the iign-itic' shales occur in basins, so far as examined never over a few square miles in extent. Their economic value can be determin- ed ,only by minute surveys of the various deposits and by analyses to determine the quality of the material they contain. The coal is largely used in Europe which is sufficiently shown by the following figures for 1890: 44 Tons mined. Value at mine. Germany _______________________ __15.468,-18-1. 8 9,967,812 Austria ________________________ .._15,329,050 12,482,603 Total ______________________ __3o,797,-4.90 $22,450,415 Of which Rhine provinces _________________ __ 661,590 8 381,159 Halle, A. S _____________________ __14,077,38‘3 9.031.238 ,Styria_ _________________________ __ 2,270,023 2,942,327 Bohemia _______________________ __12,190,98'3 8,2i0,7 80 This amount, over three hundred car loads, is nearly thirty per cent. of the entire coal (stone coal and brown coal) produc- tion of these empires, which was (for 1890) 10i,702,370 tons. “Of the total amount of brown coal mined, the district around Halle, Germany, and Bohemia and Styria, in Austria, produced -80 per cent. ‘ The amount of brown coal used in the manufacture of briquettes, coal bricks, tar, parafline, etc., during the year was a little less than seven million tons, and the remainder-over -twcnty three million tons—-was used “raw,” without preparation. These statistics were taken from the government reports by Prof. E. T. Dumble. LITERATURE. N 0 reports or pape rs’ have been published on the region .-surveyed, with the exception of a Congressional document- “The Iron Ores of North Louisiana and Eastern Texas,” by Law- rence G. Johnson, Assistant Geologist, United States Geological Survey, within the knowledge of the writer. However, a num- ber of geologists have touched the region in their geological explorations, and published papers bearing on the subject. The time is too short to fully credit the work of each explorer and we are on that account obliged to make the acknowledgment for previous work in this general way. Hopkins & Locket’s Report on the Geology of Louisiana, Bowes’ Review, vol. 26 and vol. 27. Topographical Survey of Louisiana,’ by Lockett, 1870. 45 Dr. Hilgard’s series of publications in American Journal of Science. Sketch of Louisiana Geology, by Forshay, 1852. Geological Beconnoissance of the State of Louisiana, 1869, by Hilgard. 1881. Report on the Cotton Production of the State of Lou~_ isiana, by Dr. E. W. Hilgard. Prof. McGee-—The Lafayette Formation. Bulletin United; States Geological Survey, in course of publication. ACKN OWVLEDGMEN TS. My thanks are due to all the citizens of the country, who uniformly by their generous and courteous treatment have greatly facilitated my work. To Prof. McGee, of the United States Survey, who has kindly furnished me with the proofsheets of a manuscript treating of the Lafayette formation. To Mr. L. W. Stubbs, Chief Engineer of the V. S. 85 P. R. R., for many courtesies extended, as well as to all the officials of that railroad I had the pleasure to meet. To Mr. E. C. Bright, C. E., Minden; Major McGuire, Monroe; A. R. Thompson, Benton; R. B. Pat- terson, Shreveport, and especially to Mr. Wright, Observer in Charge of the United States Signal Service Office. Prof. Vaughn, of Lebanon College, and Major J .,G. Lee, the Assistant Director of the North Louisiana Experiment Station, and his stafl‘, and J. H. Winard, Captain Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., for maps and papers. CHEMICAL REPORT. Soils, waters, marls, phosphates and iron ores have been mollected on this survey and distributed among the different lab- oratories of the Stations. The laboratory of North Louisiana Experiment Station under Mr. Maurice Bird, B. S., has made the following analyses. The other laboratories will make returns later : WATERS. These are from artesian wells, sipe wells and mineral springs. The first are getting common all over the State for industrial purposes and analytical determinations are needed to detect properties objectionable for the purposes designed. If for drinking purposes the purer the water the better. The same may be said when used for boilers, though the presence of high- ly objectionable substances in potable waters may be tolerated in boiler waters. Those salts which scale or rust the boilers are deemed most objectionable. In mineral springs or wells the presence of certain medic- in al salts gives value to the water and are to be recommended to invalids upon the advice of a physician. ARTESIAN WATERS. No. 1. From Planters’ Oil Mill, Monroe, La., section 6, town- .-ship 17, range 4 west. ‘ No. 2. From Consolidated Ice Company, and known as the Jackson Artesian Wefl, Monroe, La., section 6, township 18, range 3 east. .. No. 3. From same company, Boone Artesian Well, section -6, township 18, range 4 west. 47 SIPE WELLS. N o. 4; From Mr. Shelvy Baucune, Millerton, La., said to be K‘ highly corrosive upon boilers, due to small amounts of free hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. No. 5. From Dr. J. C. Christian, Arcadia, La., southeast quarter of northeast quarter section 19, township 18 north, range 5 west. This water is used for medicinal purposes and is said to be giving great success. SPRINGS. No. 5. From Grifiin Springs No. 1, Chautauqua Grounds, near Ruston. La. No. 7. From Grifin Springs No. 2, Chautauqua Grounds near Ruston, La. 81'? ANALYSES OF WATERS FROM WELLS AND SPRINGS EXPRESSED IN GRAINS PER GALLON OF 231 CUBIC E . INCH S 2 s 9 9 E 5 E P, F. E 3 T53 H 4 "-i mg 0 No. 3 C8 6 3 E2 ‘'5 ES <5 nnmamcs. "-3 a it .=s .= s .3 5° g3 '6 -a in ‘3 <15 :1 w :1 :1 ca 3° 0'3 g0 o . :1 5 OD - E, Q 3 E 3 H H H i '3 3 --4 ‘'3 Q Q £1 :3 ,5. I‘.-'3 C3 U2 r--l I-1 2 _ 3-: U2 U (1) 94 Z Z Z 9 1-- 4.20 3.08 42 84 44 14.79 3.15 54 None None None None 6.02 Mainly S-~dium Chlorideand Carbonate. 2.. .82 1.58 82 .14 2213-14 1.45 44 75 None None None 10.40 Mainly Sodium Carbonate. 3. .. 2.98 1.78 1.05 20 .22 15.17 1.58 55 04 None None None 5.90 Mainly Sodium Compounds. 4. . . 1.53 3.27 .47 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. j Total Solids, 17.76 grs. per Gallon, of Q which 6.95 grs are Organic flatter. 5. . . 65.20 13.26 33 56 31.59 .68 30.41 96.39 89.97 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; Mainly Sulphates and3Chlor1dpsSot('1Al- ' umina, Lime, Magnesia am 0 a. 6... 2.80 1.54 1.54 .68 Trace 1.11 .42 .67 Trace Trace None None Not ( - 2.66 2,31% 1 19 .918 Trace L19 _32 _75 Trace T1.,,ce'N0nb None g Dtd S1SltL(/litly Chalybeaic. 49 ,6’ IRON ORES. Everywhere the Lafayette group, formerly known as the ‘Orange sand, comes in contact with the underlying formation, iron concretions in greater or less quantity occur. The quality of some of these specimens is excellent, but the quantity in no place sufficiently great to excite even the hope of working them. No. 1. A sample obtained three miles south of Farmerville, in the D’Arbonne hills in the Arkansas hills, contained 51.94; per cent. metallic iron. No. 2. A ferruginons sandstone from Old Settlement road, four miles northeast of Calhoun, section 30, township 18, range 2 west, contained 33.16 per cent. metallic iron. No. 3. Clay iron stone, two miles west of Calhoun on Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific Railroad, section 29, town~ ship 18, range 1 east, had 35.56 per cent. metallic iron. These ‘are fair samples of what maybe obtained all through the hills of North Louisiana. LIGNITES. These, it is believed, will some day be found in suflicient purity to justify transportation for use as a fuel. The high water prevailing has prevented a more extended examination for the present. No. 1. Isa sample from section 11, township 18, range 1 west. No. 2. Is a soft lignitic sandstone from crossing of Arkan- sas road and Bayou Choudrant, Ouachita parish, section 4, township 18, range 2 west, and contains a large quantity of iron pyrites. These are local samples; better ones were obtained further west : ALALYSES OF LIGNITES. Volatile Fixed Moisture. Matter. Carbon. Ash. No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37.2}' 25.02 22.30 15.41 \ Y J N 0. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18.62 26.68 54. 70 50 NATURAL PHOSPHATES. On account of the great need of our hill soils for phosphoric acid, hopes have been entertained that deposits of phosphates might be found somewhere in these hills. So far only speci- mens of iron ores containing white nodules of phosphates have been found. One of these sent by T. R. Coleman, of Homer, La., gave 27.95 per cent. of phosphoric acid. Another from Mr. A. K. Olingman contained several nodules rich in phos- phoric acid. It is possible that the iron ores of, this country all carry a small quantity of phosphoric acid and that the acknowl- edged fertility of the red lands, such as occur near Vienna, in Lincom parish, may be due to the phosphates present. This point will be studied hereafter. MARLS. In several places in North Louisiana shell marl and green sand marl (glauconite) have been found. Wlierever the former is easy of access it may be utilized upon adjoining lands. Scat- tered broadcast at rates of one to three hundred bushel sper acre, followed by a crop of cow peas sown broadcast and turned under, good results should accrue. It must be borne in mind, however, that they contain mainly carbonate of lime. A sam- ple of shell marl from a creek in section 2, township 18, range 6, of a thickness of three feet, with rock below and red clay above, and sent by Mr. WV. M. VVashburn, Gibbsland, La., gave 12.21 per cent. lime, equal to about 21 per cent. carbonate of - lime, with traces of phosphoric acid and potash. Green sand marl, on the contrary, contains notable quanti- ties of phosphoric acid and potash, besides the lime and fre- quently of such a quality as ,to justify long transportation. In New Jersey large quantities are annually used by the farmers of the State. A sample sent by Prof. VVayland Vaughn, Mt. Leb- anon, La., from southwest quarter, section 30, township 18, range 6 west, gave upon analysis 7.16 per cent. of lime, .45 per cent. phosphoric acid and 1 per cent. potash. None of these marls should be used in quantity until their value be deter- mined by chemical analysis. The Station at Calhoun will ana- yze samples sent it. 51 SOILS OF NORTH LOUISIANA. It is to be regretted that so few analyses of the soils collect- ed are ready for this report. It is expected after all lahoaaftrmy work is completed to present a special report upon soils. Till then the following analyses are offered: No. 1. Taken from Plat 2. Experiment Field of Xorth Louisiana Experiment Station ; character very sandy ; in culti- vation for seventy-five years; yielded in 1887 prior to occupation of Station, three bales of cotton to fifteen acres; it has since been plowed and cultivated well and yearly manured with a fer- tilizer suitable to crop produced; last year it produced a bale to the acre. Sample taken six inches deep; section 27, township 18, range 1 east. No. 2. Taken from rear end of same field; not quite so sandy. No. 3. Soil from old field adjoining above, grown up in pine sapplings; has received no fertilizers ; very sandy. No. 4. Subsoil of No. 3. No. 5. Soil taken from the top of a hill three-quarters of a mile northeast of Calhoun, with one and a half inches of vege- table mould; soil twelve inches; gray sandy loam. No. 6. Subsoil of No. 5; red clay (Z) twenty inches in depth; both in section 27, township 18, range 1 east. No. 7. Virgin soil from second bottoms of the Ouacliita river three miles northwest of Monroe ; depth, six inches; a brown loam of uniform chocolate color; rich in humus, crumb- ling between the fingers; productive when cultivated; section 36, township 18, range 3 east. No. 8. Subsoil of No. 7. No. 9. Soil of “crayfish land” two miles northwest of Men- roe: section 40, township 18, range 3 east. No. 10. Subsoil of No. 9. ANALYSES OF SOILS AND SUBSOILS. .. .5 . F-I . I -r-( PC; 8 8 6 , 0 ~r-4 4,; '49 s1 -3 ‘.3 ii a g . N0_ 55 '§“ . C3‘ ‘:1 3 ~ 2 Q REMARKS. Q Q 2 '5 - 2 s 5 .2 E 2.2;-§,53%.¢.5g'>¢=5 .2 g s s an S e fgj % s 2» s :3 m: E 5 2 oi <3 0-4 :5 :2 o -5 1. . .120 .336 .762 085 018 -023 .041 .037 Trace .025 1.575 97.010 From front of field of Station. E-;‘ 2. . .090 .529 .829 145 074 .029 .058 .048 Trace .037 2.225 95.510 From rear of field of Station. ,3. . .029 .463 .490 027 027 .011 .009 .021 Trace .026 1.370:97.250 From old field with pine sapplings. 4. . .039 2.561 4.137 134 177 .066 .051 .032 Trace .024 5.220~87.530 Subsoil of No. 3. . .022; .379 .495 009 011 .008 .014 .011 Trace .029 2.050 96.490 Soil northeast of Calhoun. 6.. .0161.776 1.831 112 041 .031 .016 .028 Trace .025|4.020 92.210 Subsoil of No. 5. 7. . .085 1.303 2.550 128 180 .069 .036 .072 .002 .083 7.350 88.350 Soil from second bottom; of Ouachita river. 8. . .13U1.977 3.164 063 089 .085 .024 .061 .004 .052 5.050l89.550 Subsoil from No. 7. 9. . .014I .680 1.133 .040 .036 .023 .021 .007 Trace .026 1.510 96.720 “Crayfish soil ” 10. . .049 1.179 1 153 .043 .054 .025|.0l5 .010 Trace .016 2.060 95.730 Subsoil from No. 9. The above soils are perhaps as poor as any to be found in North Louisiana and their analyses as well as experience sug- gest nutritive mannres applied annually in increasing quantities and the iucorporatmn of vegetable matter. They are easily cultivated and can be made to yield fair returns when judiciously manured. v X L“ CORRECTIONS AND OJIISSIONS. If?‘ gs” #1 at Page 173, line 12, omit comma and substitute co__rnma for semicolon. Page 175, line 17, emboyments should read embayments. Page 177, last line, omit above. Page 181, line 16, paragraph should begin with quotation marks. Page 190, line 31, instead of rocks were removed, read disintegrated rocks were amt removed. Page 190, line 36, omit free. Page 201, line 4, upon the highways should read upon the prerailingly wind- ward side of highways. Page 214, line 28, instead of cale spar read calc spar. ' Page 215, line 8, instead of probably read possibly. Page 221, line 33, line should begin with quotation marks. Page 223, line 25, selection should be selection. Page 229,‘ line 1, instead of Eeliciana read Feliciana. Page 237, line 14, instead of Orange Island read Orange Sand. Page 238, lmc 30, elevated should be eroded. Page 243, footnote, instead of members read numbers. Page 250, line 24, Fogus ferruginea should be Fagus ferruginea. The classification of all sections into Lafayette and Columbia is my own. W. W. C. C“ Lornsmna STATE UNIVERSITY AND A. AND M. COLLEGE, Baton Rouge, La., April 1, 1896. Hon. A. V. Carter, Commissioner of Agriculture, Baton Rouge, La.: OFFICE or STATE EXPERIMENT STATION,} DEAR SIR-—The Geological and Agricultural Survey insti- tuted in 1892 by the Stations under Dr. Otto Lerch, was discon- tinued for the want of funds. The appropriation by the last Legislature made immediate resumption of this important work possible. Accordingly the permanent services of Mr. W. W. Clendenin, Professor of Mineralogy and Geology in the State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, were se- cured by the Station and field work inaugurated early in the summer of 1894. This work has since continued and is now be- ing prosecuted. Prof. Clendenin gives his services from October to March to the University and the rest of the time to field work of the sur- vey. Dr. Lerch’s reports cover the hills of North Louisiana. Prof. Clendenin took up the work where Dr. Lerch left it and has continued the survey through the Florida Parishes of East Louisiana and the bluff, hill and prairie sections of Southwest Louisiana. I have the honor of presenting herewith his prelimi- nary report upon these sections. During [the progress of this survey typical soil samples have been carefully taken and are now undergoing chemical and physical examinations in the laboratories of the Station. When all of the characteristic soils of the State have been collected and analyzed, a special report upon them will be made. This report, besides giving such analyses, will contain also a full agricultural description of these soils, their chemical requirements and physical amendments, together with such other information as may be useful to the planters and farmers of this State. The blufi” lands of North Louisiana and the alluvial lands of the entire State, will be ex- amined during the coming summer. After the preliminary sur- 164 vey is completed, a detailed examination, geologically, agricul- turally and topographically, will be made of the entire State, which will require many years for its completion. When fin- ished it will be a valuable addition to the literature of our State and will afford information not only to our own citizens but to the stranger seeking a home in our midst. N 0 such work as this has ever been performed in this State, and while Louisiana is classed among the earliest settled colonies, she stands almost alone of the States of this Union, without a comprehensive geo- logical survey. If the appropriations be continued, such a survey will certainly be consummated. I ask that you publish this report as Part III., “Geology and Agriculture.’7 Very respectfully submitted, WILLIAM 0. s'rUBBs, Director, LETTER OF TRANSMISSION. Dr. Wm. C. Stubbs, Director State Experiment Stations, Baton Rouge, La., SIR:-I herewith present manuscript of a Preliminary Report upon the Florida Parishes of East Louisiana and the blufi, prairie and hill lands of Southwest Louisiana. The material for this report was collected during the sum- mers of 1894 and 1895. Much other material for a more detailed report is gradually accumulating, which it is hoped will soon be ready for publication. Respectfully submitted, W.,W. GLEN DENIN , Geologist. I. _ INTRODUCTION. Adopting the-plan of the two reports upon “The Hills of Louisiana” by Dr. Otto Lerch, the following brief preliminary report upon the greater part of the State south of the 31st degree of North Latitude is made. The purely alluvial parishes are not here considered, inasmuch as they, being the (up to the present) chief agricultural lands, it was thought best to make a separate report upon them. Only those alluvial soils that lie in proximity to the older soils, in parishes that contain both, are here treated. The material for this report was collected during the sum- mers of 1894 and 1895. The appropriation for the work being made available July 1st, 1894, and I being put in charge of the survey in connection with my work in the University, the remaining months of the summer of 1894 until the opening of the University in October, were given to an examination of the Flor- ida parishes. Several trips were made across the section of the State em- braced in these parishes by wagon, on horseback and on foot; in most of these trips I was accompanied by Prof. W. R. Dodson, Professor of Botany in the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College and Botanist of the Louisiana State Experiment Station. - The object being to make an agricultural report rather than purely geological, particular attention was given to the origin, nature and depth of soil; to water supply and questions of drain- age, and especially to the character of the natural or virgin growth upon the lands, where obtainable, as being one of the -truest indices of their nature and possibilities. This report, designed primarily for the layman in geology, has been written in a popular rather than the techinal style usually adopted for such reports. However popular in its char- -acter, no sacrifice of scientific accuracy has been made. 166 ‘ Few sections have been introduced into the body of the re- port, and no attempt at presenting the ideal substructure of the- State has been made. The superficial deposits which give character to the soils are so independent of older, underlying formations ; and the topography of the region furnishes so little opportunity to study these older strata, that with the present limited knowledge of these underlying beds such an ideal section seems hardly justified. In a special chapter a few sections made by myself, and oth- ers extracted from reports, together with some sections obtained in artesian borings, are given. A few photographs of typical regions are presented. It is to be regretted that the method of travel often prevented a more liberal illustration.- All available information upon the region studied has- been freely used ; and inasmuch as this information was obtained chiefly from short articles and pamphlets long since out of print, and of extremely limited distribution, no attempt has been made always to refer the reader to the source of information. In general I may say that the writings of Thomassy, Wrot- nowski, Hilgard, Hopkins, Lockett, McGee and Stubbs upon the State, and of Spencer, Smith and others upon homologous de- posits elsewhere have furnished the principal literature of this report. Many soil samples and samples of artesian and mineral wa- ters were taken for analysis, and in due time the results of these analyses will appear as special bulletins of the survey. We have at present a chemist at work upon these, and Mr. E. S. Matthews, one of our graduates, has been sent on to Prof. Whitney’s laboratory at Washington, D. C., to carry on the physical analysis. It is the intention, by next fall, should the survey be continued, to fit a physical laboratory at the Univer- sity and make all these analyses here. By this means there will not only be a considerable saving to the survey, but the services of students doing graduate work in the University will be available. As the work of soil analysis, chemical and phy sical, is ex- 1'67 ceedingly tedious and slow, and as it is desired that the entire State shall be represented in these analyses, some time will be required for the issuance of the bulletin embodying their results. The half year allotted to the field work of the survey in 1895 was given to a study of Southwest Louisiana, north almost to the latitude of Alexandria. Four trips east and west across the region between the Teche and the Sabine rivers were made, and a like number north and south. Special trips were made to places of special interest, as to each of the five islands: Orange Island, Petite Anse, Grand Cote, Cote Blanche and Belle Isle ; and every stream extending from the cultivable lands to the gulf was followed by boat to its mouth. In the earlier part of the summer I was alone, but after the close of the session of the University, was joined by Mr. E. S. Matthews, who gave his time and services to the survey for the purpose of making as complete a collection as possible, of the flora of the region studied. As in the Florida Parishes, many samples of soil were col- lected and shipped to the survey headquarters at the University, and are now being analyzed. The field work of the survey for the present season will be upon the purely alluvial soils of the State, and upon the bound- ing “bluff” lands along the Mississippi. . The two sections of the State treated in this report, because they are widely separated by the Mississippi alluvium, and for -convenience in referring to them as geographic units, will be de- scribed in detail in separate divisions ; the Florida Parishes be- ing considered always first and Southwest Louisiana second, be ing the order in which they were studied. It should be borne in mind, however, that such a division is purely arbitrary and made for convenience ; and that geologically and topographically they are similar, and belong alike to the great coastal zone that sweeps uninterruptedly from New Jersey to the Rio Grande. The economic questions touched upon in this report are to be taken up and studied exhaustively, and the results will ap- pear probably as bulletins. 168 A complete, detailed and final report upon any section of the State must wait upon a topographic survey, which, with the present limited appropriation cannot be undertaken. Until then, though economic questions depending upon sur- face geology may be studied with mu ch profit, profonnder ques- tions of scientific interest and also of economic importance must remain unsolved. ll. DESCRIPTION OF AREA. — GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY. The section of Louisiana styled the “Florida Parishes” lies south of the 31st parallel of latitude, between the Mississippi river on the west and the Pearl river on the east ; and is bounded on the south by Lake Pontchartrain, Lake Maurepas and Bayou Manchac. It includes eight parishes, viz. : St. Tammany, Washing- ton, Tangipahoa, St. Helena, Livingston, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana and West Feliciana; and {comprises an area of -about 4500 square miles. This section was not a part of the Louisiana purchase made by President Jefferson in 1803, but continued as part of Florida until 1810, when it was taken possession of by Americans. Bordering upon the Mississippi and Pearl rivers, with many smaller though navigable streams penetrating to its interior, and comprising both hill and alluvial lands, the Florida Par- ishes were early settled and became the seats of some of the handsomest plantation homes of the South. The parish of Felieiana was so called by the Spaniards in recognition of its salubrity of climate, beautiful variety of forest, its clear waters and fertile soil. Baton Rouge, the capital of the State, the seat of the Uni- versity and A. & M. Oollege and State Experiment Station, and the third largest city in the State, is the chief commercial and educational centre of these parishes. It is situated in the parish of East Baton Rouge, upon the Mississippi river at the southern limit of the river bluff, and the beginning, upon the eastern side, of the Mississippi alluvium. Pre-eminently an agricultural section, the variety of soil is very great; and the diversity of crops has produced a diversity 170 of interest that is displayed in the opposing views held by the residents, upon national questions of economics and finance. St. Tammany parish, long the country home of many wealthy families of New Orleans, because of the delightfulness of its cli- mate, is constantly growing in favor; and we find not only many summer hotels along the northern shore _ of Lake Pontchartrain, which are crowded to their utmost capacity during the summer months by people who wish to get out of the city for a time, but also several very pleasant resorts in the interior built up around artesian and other mineral waters that possess healing virtues. When the question of mineral waters can be fully investi- gated it is more than probable that many who now go thousands of miles in search of health giving waters will find in their own State, and practically at their doors, springs and wells in every respect equal to those they annually make tedious and dangerous journeys to reach. ' - Southwest Louisiana, as here described, includes the greater part of the region west of the Atchafalaya river to the Sabine ; and lying south of the latitude of Alexandria. The parishes constituting this area are St. Mary, Iberia, St. Martin, Lafayette, Vermilion, Acadia, St. Landry, Cameron, Galcasieu, and parts of Vernon and Rapides. . The first five of these constitute what is known as the. “At- takapas” country, which derives its name from a tribe of Indians who once occupied this region, and whose descendents are still found there in small numbers. The occupants of the “ At'takapas ” region have been pleased to style it the “Gar- den of Louisiana,” with how much reason I leave it for this re- port and personal investigation to determine. This is theiscene of much of the plot of the beautiful legendary poem, Evangeline ; as also the home and safe retreat of that omnipresent, sometime pirate, Lafitte. Search for this pirate king’s buried treasures is constantly ~made by credulous people, ‘using for the purpose “divining” rods varying in style from that used in the time of Moses to the modern peach or willow fork. Especially is this true upon and near the five islands, people coming scores of miles to join in the search. 171 Were but one-half the energy thus wasted employed in im- proving their farms, these people could much more justly claim for their section the proud title of “Garden of Louisiana.” On the south the area described is washed by Atchafalaya, Cote Blanche and Vermilion Bays, arms of the Gulf, and further west by the Gulf of Mexico itself. The Sabine river marks the entire western border between this area and Texas. Much of the region has been recently reclaimed from the coast marsh and converted into prosperous farms. N 0 other part of the State shows a greater degree of modern thrift and prosperity. Growing and thriving towns are found along the railroads, and well equipped farms upon land that a decade ago was con- sidered worthless for everything except a pasture ground for roaming herds of half-wild cattle and horses. New lines of rail- road are building, and others have been projected through this part of Louisiana, and the era of prosperity seems only to have dawned. The Attakapas country is the home of the Acadians, who found here a retreat when so ruthlessly driven out of their far off Canada homes. Their homes in Louisiana, with their accompa- nying grounds display a peculiar and distinct style of architec- ture and adornment. The Teche country is too well and favorably known to re- quire special description. Upon its banks are found some of the oldest and handsomest homes in the South. Some of the most prosperous, wide awake towns of the State are found along its banks, where the Southern Pacific railroad touches§its western bends , Southwestern Louisiana includes even a greater variety of soil than the Florida parishes ; having in addition to the hills, the flats, the “blufi” and the alluvial bottoms of that section, the “prairies” and a large area of redeemed coastal marsh. On this account a corresponding greater variety of crops is planted and living at home is much more generally the rule. Being re cently largely settled by small farmers from the Northwest, who own and cultivate their own farms, this section, like much of 172 North Louisiana, exhibits the desirable condition of being owned in small tracts and occupied by the owner. TOPOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE. Next to climate, perhaps the most important questions to the immigrant to any region are those of Topography and Drain- ‘age. Upon these will depend whether he may make his home in healthful regions of the well drained uplands, or be forced to the less healthful lowlands; whether the refreshing rains shall purify the atmosphere by removing the products of death and decay, or shall produce disease by bringing from other and more favored localities these same products to vitiate the air by decay- ing in stagnant lagoons and swamps. Usually a geographically old region is a well drained re- gion. Indeed the development of topographic form is usually so rapid, that any except very recent deposits exhibit more or less perfect systems of drainage. As the rapidity with which the topography of a region developsds a function of its attitude to sea level, and as oscillations of the land are continuous, a re- gion geologically very young may be sufliciently elevated to dis- play in a short time an adolescent or even mature topography. On the other hand, topographic forms in all stages of ma- turity may be arrested in their development by subsidence of the land; and if this subsidence is sufficient, be buried by newer deposits. - A section inland one hundred miles from almost any point upon the Louisiana coast would cross almost every stage of development of topographic form from the most helpless youth to full maturity. Three distinct types of topography are displayed in the Florida Parishes, represented by the “pine hills,” the “blufi"s” and the “pine flats.” The “pine hills” constitute the inter- stream areas lying north of a limit, roughly drawn, beginning in West Feliciana near where the Woodville and Bayou Sara railroad crosses the State line, and extending thence southeast to the Amite a few miles north of the mouth of the Gomite river; thence eastward by a 173 zigzag course to the Pearl river near the mouth of the Bogue; chitto. This region displays a topography characteristically mature. The hills are all water sheds, and there remain no undrained interstream uplands. Here we see a topography developed in a former geologic age, and ushered into the present age without essential change. The burial and resurrection during and at the close of the last continental subsidence followed1’so close _the last upon the first, that only a thin veneering of sediment was deposited; shrouding but not concealing the mature character of the topography. Albeit the shroud, is thin; subsequent time and attitude have not enabled the agents of degradation to remove it, and we see this section still in its grave clothes. The streams occupy their resurrected valleys even to their tributaries of the third and fourth order. These latter begin often with such exceedingly steep gradients as to resemble enor- mous bath tubs; and their rapid fall carries them quickly to the level of the parent or remoter master streams. The primary streams occupy trenches in deposits, made during subsidence and principally by themselves, in their own former valleys. In no case was I able to find where they had trenched to the old bed. The character of the soil and the protection afforded by the grasses of this section have reduced erosion almost to a mini- mum ; and the streams, though rapid, are essentially clear. The complete, dendritic systems of drainage, in steep-sloped, V-shaped valleys with strong gradients, bespeak rapid develop- ment upon a land that stood much higher above sea-level than does the present land. Likewise the easy reference of the crests of hills and ridges to one plane shows this to be a dissected plane, originally topographically similar to the pine flats to the south. ' “The “bluff” section includes the remaining portions of the Felicianas and East Baton Rouge south of the “pine hills,” and Livingston parish eastward to the Tickfaw, excepting small areas of the Mississippi and Amite alluvium. 174 Here we have a topography that may be styled adolescent. The primary streams run in channels with steep, often ver- tical banks; and the secondary and tertiary branches have cut gorgelike trenches through the latest deposit, the “bluff,” and often deep into the underlying beds of the next previous geolog- ical age. The narrow, V-shaped valleys with extensive level inter- stream areas attest the youthful character of the topography. Beneath the mantle of “bluff” the dissections by the streams discover a mature topography in all respects like that of the “pine hills;” and, indeed, we find that the level, imperfectly drained uplands of this section are the result of a thickening of ' the veneer that mantles the pine hills, as we approach the princi- gpal sediment transporting stream, the Mississippi. This thickening along the banks of the sediment-laden river, in essence a natural levee, was sufiicient to entirely obliterate for- mer topographic forms, filling up the valleys to the level of the ridges, and covering all with an even coat of sediment. River valleys were {buried beyond possible resurrection and the drainage lines of to-day are independent of former systems. Ten or twelve miles back from the river the influence of former topography begins to be seen in the streams reoccupying their zresurrected channels. Erosion over the “bluff” area is rapid, and the streams cor- respondingly muddy. Enormous quantities of silt and sand are carried into the master streams after every rain, The third type of topography is displayed by the “pine flats,” a topography as yet inits most helpless youth. Limpid, clear streams meandering and loitering through stretches of level which rise but little above their own surface; with almost vertical banks and depth out of proportion to their width, they form a characteristic feature, with few homologies in the United States. Broad, level, poorly drained inter stream areas——so smooth and level that the precipitation runs off in a practically unbroken sheet, thus having little effect as an agent of erosion-—character- ize these flats. 175 The larger streams flowing through them dmbtless are ex- tensions of resurrected valleys; but the smaller lines of drainage are but beginning their work, and their meandering courses show how completely they are at the mercy of the slightest ob- stacles. With scarcely any draught upon them, for the work of transportation, the energy of their currents is expended in deep- ening their channels. These flats grade insensibly into the coastal sea marsh now forming, and are doubtless of similar origin. ' In extent and position they occupy all of that section of the “Florida Parishes” south of the “pine hills” and lying be- tween the Tickfaw and Pearl rivers. Northward along all the principal streams flowing through them, embayments of the flats extend ; and in the cases of the Amite, Tangipahoa and Bogue- chitto these embayments reach beyond the State line. The em- boyments of the Tickfaw and Ohefuncta reach almost to the limits of the State, and of smaller streams, well into the hill section. Each of the Florida parishes is reached by one or more nav- igable streams. The topography of these parishes is on the whole extremely simple. No local disturbances seem to have occurred to inter- rupt the natural though varying processes of erosion and depo- sition. The attitude of the strata indicate slow and gentle regional oscillation through a considerable vertical distance. The evi- dence points to the present attitude being much nearer the bot- tom of the swing than the top. The land probably stood thous- ands of feet higher than its present level; but during the de- position of present surface strata it was never more than a few hundred feet lower than at present. Therefore we find only gentle dips in the strata, and the ridges have been carved out of approximately horizontal de- posits. ' The abnormally rapid fall of the tributary valleys to the bottoms of the master streams, and of side valleys of the 176 s_e_cond and third orderfihaving often a bath tub appearance, in- dicates the great altitude of the land when they were formed. The easy reference of the ridges to one plane, andZthe hori-~ zontal attitude of the strata cut through by the valleys show that the irregularity of surface is due to erosion of a once con- tinuous plain like the present ‘flfl-ats.” Unconformities of strata are observed, but it is unconformity of erosion, and the overlying and underlying strata are essentially parallel. Within the pine flat embayments that accompany the principal streams into hills is usually a second lower flat, the flood plain of the present streams. This is a product of the streams now and in recent times. All the types of topography displayed by the Florida par- ishes are found in Southwest Louisiana: the “pine flats,” the “bluff” and the “ pine hills ;” and in addition the “prairies,” which may be considered distinct from all. The “pine flats” are confined to Calcasieu parish, and ex- tend in an east and west zone along the southern base of the hills, southward as far as west fork of Oalcasieu river. and from the Sabine on the west to the Galcasieu on the east. They cover an area of about twenty-five sections, and are from fifteen to twenty miles in width on the western border of the State and ex- tend up the Calcasieu about to the junction of Black creek with that river. While wet, and characterized by the same vegetation as the “pine flats” of St. Tammany, these flats differ from those con- siderably topographically, as also in character of soil. The primary streams appear to follow mainly their resur- rected valleys, or extensions of these, and the development of drainage systems has progressed far beyond anything displayed by the pine flats of the Florida parishes. However, the topo- graphy is still young, and the interstream areas poorly drained. The flats grade imperceptibly into the hills, and do not ex- tend headward along the primary streams as “second bottoms.” On the other hand, they pass as imperceptibly into the “prai- w ith scarcely noticeable change other than the failing of the forests. 177 All over these flats, but not confined to them, is found a peculiar topographic feature to be discussed later—-the mounds. While the subsoil and underlying formations are in general the same as found in the Florida Parishes, yet the chocolate col- ored, silty loam, found over the prairies to the eastlspreads as a very thin veneer over the flats. The “bluff” regions are much more limited in extent than east of the Mississippi, and are found only as tattered remnants of a former much more extensive plane, capping hills and ridges that mark the sometime western shore of the greater Mississippi. Their surface extension is small, but their influence as a sub- stratum is felt over the greater part of this section. Appearing in northeastern Rapides and northwestern Avoyelles in detach- ed, island “prairies,” in, or bordering along the Mississippi and Red river bottoms; appearing again in erosion tattered areas along Bayou Rouge; then reappearing along the west bank of Oocodrie and Oourtableau bayous, above Washington in St. Lan- dry parish, and extending thence southward to within a few miles of Cote Blance Bay, in a continuous zone of varying width, the “bluff” deposits present a characteristic soil, though too limited in area to be of importance in the development of topo- graphic form. Westward the deposit, in modified form, sinks gradually, but nowhere deeply, beneath the chocolate colored loam of the prairies, of which more in a later paragraph. The “bluff ” deposits here, as in West Feliciana, have the same color and consistency, and weather into like steep-sloped minarets and spires, standing indefinitely in vertical walls with- out crumbling. The bayous, “marais” and “coulees” that meander through or extend across this “blufl”’ area are very unlike the hast-1ly developed drainage system of this formation in West Feliciana. Nowhere do we find the deep, gorge-like valleys; but instead meandering streams in what appear to be old channels, inherited from streams that from some cause became so inactive as to meander aimlessly over a region with faint slope, being turned aside by the slightest obstacle, as a river through its delta or in its extension across a level, recently elevated above sea bottom. 178 Lying well above the alluvial lands to the east, these “bluff ” lands are capable of complete and thorough drainage. Inasmuch as the eastern margin of the “bluff” is highest (being probably the natural levee along the western bank of the ancient Mississippi) and slopes gently to the west, the natural drainage of this region is westward into the “coulees” and “ marais,” and through those into the headwaters of the Mer- mentau, Vermilion or some of the shorter coastal streams. These “ coulees” and “ marais ” are remnants of old, abandoned river channels, that by their clogging have frequently produced extensive high level swamps. Their meandering beds are seen in considerable numbers from Washington southward beyond J eannerette, reaching their greatest development in Grand Marais south of New Iberia. It would appear that during the emergence of the “ bluff” lands of this region, the Mississippi, during high floods, discharged waters to the southwest across these areas ; but with further ele- vation, combined with decreasing volumes of water in the Mis- sissippi, these channels were permanently abandoned, and grad- ually developed into the “coulees” and "marais” of to-day. The “ pine hills” of this section present no essentially new features from those of the Florida Parishes. The topography is mature, and the streams occupy their pre Oolumbian valleys. Erosion now goes on very slowly, and the streams are prevail- ingly clear and limpid. The same steep slopes of tributary streams, with their ultimate branches beginning with the pe- culiar “ bath-tub ” depressions are seen here as east of the- Amite. The “pine hills” here occupy the northern third of Cal- casieu, the northwestern corner of St. Landry, most of Vernon, and Rapides parish with the exception of a zone of Red River alluvium about twelve miles wide, that crosses the parish in a northwest and southeast direction, and divides the hill section into two parts, occupying the northeastern corner and western half. The “ prairies” of Southwest Louisiana are worthy of being placed as a distinct class among the topographical features 17 9 of the State. They have no counterpart in the State east of the Mississippi river, and only detached and very small homologies in other parts of the State. With their stream accompanying, narrow strips of hardwood trees, they constitute about one-half of the area between the base line and the sea marsh, into which they pass imperceptibly. With the exception of marginal strips of timber bordering the sluggish streams, they are treeless. They are probably contemporaneous in origin with or perhaps a little younger than the pine flats, from which they differ chiefly in the character of their deposits. For the most part level and poorly drained, their natural drainage lines seem to be inheri- tances from their former marsh condition, when they existed as marsh bayous, similar to those of the coastal marsh of to-day. As all streams, even to their remote beginnings are tree- skirted, it would suggest that the prairie condition is a result of want of drainage. Two special topographic features are prominent throughout the prairie region; in the west mounds, in the eastern part nat- ural ponds. These are so noticeable, and in the case of the mounds, play such an important part in giving character to the region, that they deserve special consideration. THE MOUNDS. Though not distinctive of the prairie, as these mounds ex- tend throughout the pine flats, into the sea marsh and even into the pine hills, they‘ attain their greatest development in the prairies around and near the sulphur mine in Oalcasieu parish. From this point as a center, these mounds become gradually less numerous and smaller in every direction until at a distance varying from 25 to 75 miles they cease to be of sufiicient devel- opment to attract attention. Their limits are further in an east and west direction, extending eastward almost to Abbeville and westward far into Texas. ln the direction of the pine hills the mounds extend beyond the flats, being found farthest along the bottoms of the larger streams. To the south, southeast and southwest they extend far into the sea marsh, but their limits in these directions have not been traced. 180 In their greatest development they may be fifty feet across the circular base, and their rounded dome-like tops rise ten feet above the surrounding prairie; this after long erosion and tramp'- ing by the hosts of cattle and buffalo that have pastured here, and sought them because of their dryness and superior grass. In structure they are found to be much more sandy than the surrounding land, and the deposit of calcareous clay that is found as a subsoil throughout the prairie is absent in them. Always in zones and often in lines, many times having the appearance of being artificially laid out in intersecting systems of lines, they are never found solitary. Several explanations have been offered to account for them, but as yet none has been generally accepted. Immigrants from the northwest, having seen mounds accu- mulated by the winds about some obstruction, as a bush, have- attributed them to wind action. Their resemblance to colonies of ant hills seen in certain parts of the world has caused them to be attributed to these insects; and the fact that ants are found at the present time oc- cupying some of them gives color to this explanation. Dr. Hilgard accepted this as unquestionably the explanation of their orggin, as shown by the following extract from his report of a “Geological Reconnoissance of the State of Louisiana.” Speaking of “Prairie Faquetyke” he says: “On this prairie we first observe, in considerable numbers, those singular rounded hillocks which dot so large a portion, both of the prairies and the woodlands of Southwestern Louis- iana, and adjoining portions of Texas. With a maximum eleva- tion of about two feet above the general surface, they have a. diameter varying from a few feet to twenty or thirty; their num- ber defies calculation. ' “They do not show in their internal structure any vestige of their mode of origin; or rather, being totally devoid of structure of any kind, they merely prove by their material that there has been a mixing up of the surface soil with from two to four feet - of the subsoil. They are altogether independent of formations underlying at a greater depth, and it seems impossible to assign to 181 them any other origin than that historically known of their brethren in Texas, viz: that of ant hills. “As to the physical or moral causes of the wholesale slaughter or emigration of this once teeming population, deponent saith not. Perhaps some of the aboriginal Attakapas tribes might, if consulted, still be able to bear testimony upon the subject.” Neither of these explanations will account for the gradual decrease in size and numbers as they are farther and farther from a given center, nor for their zonal and often linear arrangement; neither will they explain their more sandy character than sur- ‘ rounding suriace deposits. As coming much nearer their true explanation I quote the following from Dr. F. V. Hopkins’ First Report upon the Geology of Louisiana. In speaking of the sulphur deposits of Oalcasieu, found in boring for oil, he says: The wells are bored in a marsh, often three feet under water. Now this marsh is dotted in every di- rection with mounds, generally circular, and from thirty to fifty feet in diameter and from three to five feet in height. Their appearance is singular, and is rendered yet more effective by the fact that while nothing but marsh grass can grow between them, they are covered with luxuriant clumps of timber trees, whose grouping could not be excelled by the best land- scape gardener. These mounds are not peculiar to this marsh, but are widely scattered over our prairies, and the lower parts of the drift; * * * but they are larger and more numerous here than elsewhere. In structure they are always more sandy and porous than the surrounding soil. These phenomena admit of explanation upon theories already accepted by scientific men * * *. “We have examples at the mouth of the river‘of the force ex- erted by the gases arising from the decay of buried driftwood. I refer to the formation of the “mud lumps” at or near the passes. These are described by Thomassy as heaped up by the continual flow of water and inflammable gas, i. e., marsh gas, bubbling up from a great depth, and bringing with them the lead colored clay of which they are formed. When the delta shall have made 182 -out past these mud lumps, and the decay of vegetable matter shall have been complete, the appearance presented will closely resemble that now seen in our “pimpled” prairies, and especially the marsh above the sulphur bed. “The mud lumps will no longer have each its formative stream of gas and water, but will be mounds in a level, alluvial forma- tion. The varied phenomena of the region thus aid in explain- ing each other. The sulphur was formed by reducing the gyp- -sum with the vegetable matter. The carbonic acid, olefiant gas and marsh gas produced by the process have each left the appro- priate proof of its presence, i. e., the limestone stratum No. 5 contains the former, the petroleum is made of the olefiant gas, and the mounds are the vent holes for the latter.” ‘ Now, however close the analogy in origin of these mounds to that of the mud lumps at the mouth of the Mississippi, their com- position and structure both point to a force acting from below, and -similarity of the underlying deposits to those of the cretaceous ridge which terminates southward in Belle Isle, where undoubt- edZdisturbance has occurred, suggests that here, too, earthshocks were produced, with more or less fracturing of the strata. Such fractures would radiate and rebranch from a central region, and along1the radial and branching fractures the gases would find an easy passage, and above them, around the vents through which they reached the surface, mounds would be produced. This would easily account for the zonar and linear arrange- ment of these mounds, and likewise for their composition and structure, the excess of sand coming from the underlying Lafay- ctte. If ants have to any considerable extent occupied these mounds I think the explanation of such occupancy in the past mayibe found in the fact that then, as now, these were the high- set and driest spots in the region. In Texas, forty miles southwest of Sulphur Mine, these mounds are found, and many of them are capped by ant colonies, while no such colonies are found in the surrounding intermound prairie. Agriculturally these mounds exert a strong influence. In 183 those regions devoted to rice they are difficult to flood, an$ being sandy and without the substratum of clay, when lev'elled> serve as a slow means of draining off the flooding waters. On» the other hand, for those crops that do not require flooding, these mounds and their immediate vicinity offer the most desir- able conditions. NATURAL PONDS. With the disappearance of the mounds in the prairies east- ward appear numerous circular shallow bodies of water or “natural ponds.” In area varying usually from half an acre to- two or three acres each, they constitute as characteristic a fea- ture of the landscape as the mounds further west. Covered with water for the greater part of the year, even during the months of least rainfall, they are for the most part occupied by water plants, both shrubs and annuals. Into these the cattle wade to escape the troublesome flies, and upon leav- ing, carry away with them an appreciable amount of mud. This suggests their origin. The region, naturally flat and poorly drained, had originally an irregular surface upon which water stood in pools. The re- gion was once the pasturing ground for enormous numbers of buffalo. These seeking the pools in which water remained longest, would wallow in them in order to cover themselves with a protecting coat of mud, against pestiferous insects as flies, gnats and mosquitos. This process repeated day after day for century upon century resulted at last in these “ natural ponds,” which in all respects resemble the “ buffalo wallows” of the greats Western prairies. Being easily and completely flooded, where it is possible to- drain the water off from these ponds, they make excellent rice fields. ‘ The streams bordering upon and transacting Southwest Lou- isiana are all navigable in their lower courses, and most of them far into the region. All are characterized by deep channels through the “ flats,” “ prairies ” and coastal marsh until the point where tide water is usually met, when the stream shallows 184 and spreads into a lake like basin, below which, and especially at the mouth where comparatively dead water is met, the rivers are much shallower, and navigation is greatly impeded. Such lakes are Sabine, Oalcasieu, Grand, an expansion of the Mermentau, and Grand in the Atchafalaya. The government has spent, and is annually spending con- siderable sums of money to keep the river months or “passes” open to admit large steamers, but so far only poor success has re- warded the outlay, and now only a few light draft steamers ply these waters. The coastal marsh, which is much more important in South- west Louisiana than in the Florida Parishes, is but an extension of the prairies, and with a slight elevation of the land would be- come such. In their gulfward half they are marked by a net- work of interbranching bayous, with river-like width and depth and with vertical banks that rise from one to three or four feet above the mean level. In width and depth these bayous might suggest an inheri- tance from a former geological period, when the attitude of the land was such as to permit the development of perfect systems of drainage, and of such duration as to allow the streams to out their beds deep and wide. Yet such inheritance is not at all probable, and the bayous are most certainly developments in the marsh itself. With every incoming tide thousands of square miles of marsh are flooded, and with the fall of the tide to a considerable extent drained. The conditions being favorable to the growth of a multitude of marsh reeds and grasses, the entire region is -covered by a dense growth and accumulation of vegetable mat- ter, which retards both the flooding and draining of the marsh. Such obstruction being unevenly distributed, the inflowing and outflowing tides will follow the line of least obstruction, and thus we have the genesis of the bayou. No sediment is brought to the region nor carried away from it save that gathered along the line of drainage itself ; and as the energy of the current is reserved almost wholly for the work of ,erosion, down to a certain limit the depth of the bayou will -» 185 be increased by every incoming and outgoing tide. The sedi- ments gathered from the bayou bed by the rising tide are spread over the surrounding marsh, but most along the margins of the bayous themselves, the greatest check in the current being there. On that account we find the bayou margins higher than the further removed swamps, or the “ front” and “ back ” lands so well recognized by all residents of river basins that are pe- riodically flooded. The sediments eroded from the bed by the outgoing tide are deposited near the mouth of the bayou, and in this they re- semble all rivers reaching the gulf from the interior; becoming rapidly more shallow as they enter or near the gulf. The course of the marsh bayous being a matter of accident, and in nowise dependent upon the inclinations or character of the deposits into which their beds are eroded, they branch and interbranch in the most perplexing manner ; producing a maze of channels which can be traversed only by the aid of a chart. True, by following the current at ebb tide one would come eventually to the gulf, but at what particular point, unless per- fectly acquainted with the marsh it would be impossible for him to predict; for connecting cross-bayous are frequently wider and apparently of greater extent than those that reach the gulf. One of the most notable features that breaks the monotony of the almost featureless topography of the coast marsh is‘the ~ series of long, narrow, bar like islands in the southern half of the marsh; which, because of their usual growth of live oaks are known as “chenieres.” Their slight width and general parallellism to the coast, as well as their composition and struc- ture proclaim them to be homologues of the shell beaches that are forming in various places along the present coast. They support a considerable population, whose chief occupation is the herding and shipping of great numbers of half wild cattle that thrive and fatten on these marshes. ‘ The coast marsh occupies almost one hundred sections of land west of the Atchafalaya river, and is in general about thirty miles in width. ‘Many thousand acres in Oalcasieu and Oamerbn parishes have been reclaimed, and are now in profitable culti- '9 186 vation. Hardly an acre of this land but is likewise reclaimable, and when so reclaimed will take its place among the most desir- able agricultural sections of Louisiana. Concerning the five “islands,” Orange, Petite Anse, “Grand Oote, Oote Blanche and Belle Isle, which rise as lone sentinels in the midst of the coast marsh or on the margin of the ,prairies, their description is reserved for a special section. GEOLOG [GAL HISTORY. The Florida Parishes are a part of the coastal plain that ‘borders the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico from New Eng- land to and beyond the Rio Grande river. The coastal lowland, -averaging about 150 miles in width may everywhere be divided into two and often three distinct types of topography. The “low grounds” of the Oarolinas and the “pine meadows” and “pine flats” of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana consti- tuting the seaward division of the coastal plain are, as has been -described, topographically young. Their illy drained areas ex- '-tend up all the transecting primary streams and many of the secondary. The landward division of the coastal plain is topographically mature. Its perfectly drained surface is made up of a succession -of hills and ridges whose even crests show them to be the tat- tered remnants of a former peneplain. The third type of topography is found as bordering zones -along the great streams whose tributary sources were in the regions of the northern continental ice sheet. While the sedi- ments constituting the strata of this type were deposited quite as late as those of the pine flats, yet the attitude of the land is such that topographic forms have been of rapid development, -and the topography of these areas is not inaptly styled adolescenfl This coastal lowland, constituting the most recent important addition to our continent, belongs to the Lafayette and Oolambia formations. These formations, recent subdivisions of the Orange Sand of Hilgard and other geologists who studied this region, while not fully determined as to exact geological position, 187 are probably late Tertiary and Quarternary. Being almost; destitute of fossils, biologic criteria cannot be used in fix- ing them in the geologic section, and resort must be had to the principle that “geologic history may be read from the configura- tion of the land as readily as from the contemporaneous rocks and fossils.” This being the case a geologic province should include alike the areas of degradation and concurrent deposition. This new significance of topographic forms enables us to correlate widely separate deposits by means of their concurrent, intermerging area of degradation. It is now recognized that any formation “represents a series of deposits laid down by a defi- nitely limited set of agencies in a definitely limited area within a definitely limited period of time ;” and that it “thus expresses tangibly certain conditions of a certain part of the continent dur- ing a certain period of geologic time.” The Lafayette formation must therefore be studied alike in the deposits of clay, sand and gravel, and in the vastly degraded region which furnished thesematerials; and the history of the Columbia formation is read equally well in the deposits of the time and in the deeply eroded strata of the Lafayette. Both Lafayette and Columbia formations are well developed in the Florida parishes. The Lafayette constitutes the “ pine hills,” with the exception of a thin veneer of yellowish brown loam, and extends beneath the Columbia in the flats. The C0- lumbia formation is chiefly confined to the “ pine flats” and “ second bottoms” of, the streams; but in its upper member, the yellowish brown loam, spreads mantlewise over all the hills- BRIEF HISTORY OF THE LAFAYETTE FORMATION. While the geologic age of the Lafayette formation has not been exactly determined, this much is definitely known : It is directly overlain, though uncomformably by the Quaternary Co- lumbia, and underlain, with similar unconformity, by the Grand gulf and other formations of Tertiary age. There is reason to believe that it forms a connecting link between these geologic periods, and belongs in part to both. Of its general characters and distribution, the following from the Twelfth An- 188 -nual Report of the United States Geological Survey,* very ac- -curately describes the formation in the Florida parishes : “The Lafayette formation may briefly be described as an extensive sheet of loams, clays and sands of prevailing orange hues, generally massive above, generally stratified below, with local accumulations of gravel along waterways. The deposit yaries in thickness with the strength of local streams; and the materials combine the characters of the areas drained with, those of the underlying formation. On the whole the formation is so characteristic as to be recognized wherever seen. This formation is “ the most extensive in the United States” and “ is more uniform, petrographically, than any other formation of even one fourth of its extent.” “ In general distribution the formation is known to expand and strengthen southward from a few isolated remnants crown- ing the central axis of peninsular New Jersey, a few miles south -of the Raritan, to a thick deposit forming a terrane 40 or 50 miles wide on the Roanoke; to expand thence southward, in a \ broad zone, at first widening, but afterward narrowing with the encroachment of the overlapping coastal sands upon its area, -quite across the Carolinas; to form the most conspicuous ter- rane of Central Georgia, where it strethes from the Falls line to the inland margin of the coastal sands all the way from the Savannah to the Chattahoochee; to again expand greatly in Alabama with the contraction of the overlying coast sands until it forms an essentially continuous terrane, stretching from the fall line at Montgomery and Tuscaloosa to the waters of Mobile -bay and to within a dozen miles of the gulf in the south- western corner of the State; to expand still more in the Missis- sippi embayment until it overlooks the great river in a practi- cally continuous scarp from Baton Rouge to the mouth of the Ohio; to reappear in extensive remnants beyond the Mississippi in Central and Southwestern Arkansas; and to extend over a vast area in Northwestern Louisiana and Southeastern Texas, and almost certainly to stretch thence southwestward in a con- ’The Lafayette Formation--W. J. McGee. 189 tinuous belt toward the coast and as erosion tattered remnants inland, quite to the Rio Grande.” “ If the direct observation be supplemented by legitimate and necessary inference, the formation must be so extended as to bridge the valleys from which it has been degraded and stretch beneath the various phases of the Columbia formation well toward the Atlantic and gulf coasts.” “With this 1nferential extension the field of the formation becomes co-extensive with the coastal plain of the Atlantic and gulf slopes (including perhaps Florida) and assumes an area of 200,000 or 250,000 square miles. Over the whole of this vast area the Lafayette formation must originally have stretched, and over all of this area, except in the deeper Mississippi em- bayment and in the southwesternmost gulf slope, it must have possessed the wonderfully uniform composition and structure exhibited to-day by its stream-carved remnants.” The Florida parishes lie wholly within the area above de- scribed, and though veneered or deeply buried by the later Co- lumbia formation, undoubtedly have for their foundation the deposits of the Lafayette. In the pine hills of the northern sec- tion the thin coating of Columbia deposits is readily cut through, and the characteristic Lafayette is displayed in all the road cuts and washes. The streams, though having their valleys eroded in the Lafayette, usually run through alluvial deposits of their own recent formation, so that few sections of this epoch are seen in their banks. Though deeply dissected by them, no evidence was discovered of any of the streams bordering on or extending into this region, except the Mississippi, having cut-entirely through the Lafayette and revealing the underlying Grand ‘Gulf formation. The Pearl river, the second deepest and most active stream of the region, where it is deflected against the hills in Northeast Louisiana, displays in its bank characteristic Lafayette deposits and nothing lower. The materials of the Lafayette, as a rule, are not far trav- elled, being largely from local sources. Only in the vicinity of 190 considerable streams that have their sources far in the interior of the continent do we find materials that cannot be traced to their nearby source. The numerous lines of pebbles observed in the red sandy clay and loam are as a rule subangular, thus attesting their brief journey. They are generally cherty in character. In the pebble beds near the large streams these are mixed with muclr more rounded pebbles of quartz, agate, jasper, and frequently of crystalline rocks that are found far to the north. Their round- ing betrays their long journey, and their mineral character proves them strangers to the older neighboring terranes. By far the greater portion of the materials of the Lafayette formation is sand mixed with red loamy clay. This constitutes more than three fourths of the deposit. The color, red at the surface, grading into bluff below, is due to the oxides of iron so abundant in all the newer deposits of the coastal plain. The red color of the sand and pebbles is not inherent, being impart- ed by the iron as a coating, and may be washed away leaving beautiful snow white sand banks. This disseminated iron often becomes concentrated into nodules and shells, or as a cement forms the beds of iron con- glomerate so common at or near the surface in the hills of the Florida parishes. The beds of sand and pebbles often show cross-beddin g and frequent partings of clay. This variation in structure and materials indicates varying and fitful currents and wave-action. The vast accumulations of sediments in the brief epoch of the Lafayette formation suggests two opposite and con- secutive conditions: a pre-Lafayette depression of the conti- nent to the north that brought the surface so near to the base- level of erosion that rocks were removed by the greatly reduced activity of the streams; followed by an upward oscillation about an axis at first within the land but which migrated far to the southward. The low altitude of the sediment producing land and slug- gish character of the streams of immediately free pre-Lafayette time is shown by the fine-grained character of the underlying 191 Grand Gulf formation, and the deeply weathered but unremoved rock materials in the areas which furnished sediments for the Grand Gulf strata. The subsequent upward swing about an axis at first within - the continental limits is indicated by the renewed activity of the -streams which deeply eroded the Grand Gulf formation, and the gradual encroachment of the Lafayette sediments upon this eroded sumace. That the Lafayette sediments were deposited first upon a sinking area is indicated by the underlying coarse sand and peb- ble bed; and that the formation closed upon a rising surface is -equally clearly indicated by the capping of conglomerate so com- mon throughout the region. It would seem highly probable that this continued elevation during later Lafayette deposition and erosion is that which raised the continent to such an altitude as to make the accumu- lation of ice of the Glacial Period possible. This shifting of the axis of oscillation from an interior posi- tion southward will explain the greater thicknesses of the forma- tion toward its interior margin than nearer the coast. What the extent of the migration was is not known. If, as Dr. J. W. Spencer’s studies in the West Indies* seem to prove, those islands became part of the continent and received Lafayette sediments, the axis must have shifted to a position far south of them. It will oppear that the Columbia formation seems to have been formed first upon the rising and later upon the sinking surface of the Lafayette. The unequal heights at which Lafayette sediments are found is due in part to unequal erosion and removal, but in much larger part to a slight warping during oscillation. A notable feature of the formation is the greatly decomposed, semi angular pebbles of chert, feldspar, and other silico-alnmi- nous minerals. These contribute largely to the mottled ap- pearance of sections, and are sometimes of sufiiciently large deposits to be of economic importance. While their decompo- sition has unquestionably continued since deposition in their "“Reconstruction of the Antillean Continent.”-—J. W. Spencer. 192 present position, it is quite probable they were in a high state of disintegration before removal from their parent source. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE COLUMBIA FORMATION. The geologic position of this formation is above and con- tiguous to the Lafayette, upon which it rests uncomformably. Its age is almost certainly Pleistocene Quatenary. Though in its upper members, the brownish-yellow clayey loam and loess, extending over the hills of most of the area of the Lafayette, in the main it is a valley and low level de- posit, which partially fills the deeply excavated valleys of the Lafayette erosion, and laps upon the slopes of its thousand hills. VVith the retreat of the axis of oscillation southward during the closing stages of the Lafayette, when the continent was reaching its greatest altitude, the materials from the eroded Lafayette and other formations began to be deposited upon the yet rising slopes of the Lafayette. , In Louisiana these materials constitute the basal pebble and gravel bed of the Columbia formation. While the continent stood at this great altitude, which enabled the enormously more active streams to cut deep and wide their old channels, it is probable that the ice of the Glacial period accumulated, and inaugurated the continental subsidence which succeeded that period. At any rate subsidence began, and during the remainder of the Oolumbian period its sediments appear to have been deposited upon a sinking bottom. The streams, though weakened by reason of decrease of slope, seem to have been greatly strengthened in volume from the melting ice in the North, and their waters came sediment- laden with the rock flour of the glacial mill. This sediment, mixed with the finer materials furnished by local land areas rapidly silted up the lower stream beds, and the materials do- posited at their mouths were distributed by the waves and cur- rents along the shore, forming a broad, submarine terrace. ‘ In this we have the Port Hudson group of clays and the broad stretches of “ pine flats” in their greater part. With further subsidence and submergence of local land 193 areas, local supply of materials was greatly diminished, and only “rock flour ” from the glacier region, and materials from the upper courses of the now sluggish streams were furnished. These form the brownish-yellow clayey loam and loess, the upper member of the Columbia formation. These in varying proportions and relative positions, show- ing their contemporaneous origin, form the surface deposits over the region described, save in the river bottoms where the de- posits are annually forming over the flood plains of the streams. The volume of the upper Columbia deposits seem to have been a function of the vigor of the producing streams; and as local supply was reduced, only the Mississippi seems to have been effective in producing the final upper member, the loess, of the region. This deposit of glacial materials, collected by the great northern branches of the Mississippi, which sent their feeders into the glacial field of Northern United States, was formed as a broad natural levee upon the submerged banks of that stream. This is the so-called “ bluff” of West Felic iana, East Baton Rouge and Livingston parishes. The “ blufl” is absent from the banks of the Amite, Tangi- pahoa and Pearl, for the reason that these streams did not have their headwaters in glaciated regions; or at any rate not in regions of the great continental ice sheet which furnished these deposits to the Mississippi. ‘ That the axis of oscillation still remained far to the south during all this period of subsidence is indicated by the deeply drowned valleys in the West Indies made in Lafayette dep osits. Characteristic of the upper members of this formation are the vertical walls and steep slopes where erosion occurs. These re- main for long periods without crumbling, probably owing to the fine grained, homogeneous character of the deposit. Though yielding readily to the action of sedimentcharged flowing streams, the ordinary processes of weathering are very slow. McGee says of this “loess” deposit: “ As usual it dis- plays the paradox of friability so perfect that it may be im- pressed by the fin gers, combined with obduracy so great that it 0 194 stands in vertical cliffs for a decade without even losing the marks of spade and pick.” This of course only in the Southern section of this deposit where frost is seldom formed. The Columbia formation thus presents four distinct phases: 1. The basal gravel deposited upon and contiguous to the capping conglomerate of the Lafayette as subsidence began and the sea began to encroach upon the land; and when the conti- ment still stood at a great altitude. 2. The Port Hudson clays, a valley and low level deposit mpon the still subsidin g Lafayette, which clogged the rivers and spread along the coast producing the broad flats. 3. The brown loam which mantled both hills and valleys when continued subsidence brought them below sea level. 4. The “loess ” proper or “bZufl’,” a product of the Mis- asissippi river, the materials of which were obtained almost en-‘ Eirely from the glaciated region to the far North. While these various deposits are characteristic ph ases of a practically Qcontinuous deposit, there exist, locally, deposits of gravel, sand, and clay derived locally from Lafayette strata and hardly distinguishable from it. The influence of local supply is ioest seen! along the margin of the Lafayette hills. The basal gravel of the formation except along the larger streams, is mlainly local, or at least not far travelled; whereas the later members were increasingly foreign in the origin of their ma- vterials. Southwest Louisiana, excepting a few very limited and de- vtached areas, belongs like the Florida parishes to the Lafayette and Columbia formations. While just north of this region out- -crops of the underlying Grand Gulf formation are found; and -extending through it in a northwest and southeast direction, from Belle Isle in the southeast to Chicot in the northwest, is what has been termed a “Cretaceous backbone,” these forma- time are on ‘the whole so deeply covered by Quaternary sedi- ments ,as to exercise little _or no influence upon either topo- graphy or soil. While perhaps effective during Lafayette and earlier Co- 195 iumbia times in directing the courses of the sediment-bearing streams, this cretaceous ridge, if it existed, furnished little ma- terial for later deposits, and for the most part was in an attitude to receive sediments, even so large as coarse gravel and pebbles; as attested by the beds of that character found more than 150 feet above the gulf level on Petite Anse and others of the five islands. Though of the same geological age as the surface formations of the Florida parishes, the difference in character of the soils is marked and distinctive. This difierence is not one resulting from a difference in the attitude of the bottom receiving sedi- ments, but rather a difference in source for these sediments. Geologically this section offers little additional to the re- sults obtained from a study of the Florida parishes. The “pine hills” are Lafayette clays and sands, of the prevailing red and yellow colors, and contain the same subangular cherty pebbles. In Calcasieu as in St. Helena, wells are sunk to the basal gravel bed of the Lafayette which is found at depths varying with surface topography from 50 to 150 feet, and which always furnishes an excellent and unfailing supply of water. In such wells the upper, massive member of the Lafayette stands indefi- nitely without curbing, while the lower, sandier and stratified member requires to be curbed. East and south these deposits sink beneath the prairies, and though too deeply buried to affect surface conditions may be found in Artesian wells. The most southerly point at which these Lafayette sands and clays may be seen, is upon Belle Isle. This in common with the ‘other four islands to the northwest, Cote Blanche, ‘Grand Cote, Petite Anse and Orange, display Lafayette gravels and sandy clays in their sections, underlying later Columbia de- posits; all of which show disturbance since their deposition. We will find';‘.when we come to treat of these islands more in detail, that these sediments have probably been raised to their present height since the time of Columbia deposition, rather than deposited mantlewise over hills of cretaceous rock pro- -ducediby differential erosion. 195 The origin of Lafayette materials was the local and not dis- tant land areas to the north, and their carriers were probably‘ streams of rapid and somewhat local development, rather than- any of the present streams of the region. There is a slight difi"erence in the nature of the pebbles from those commonly found in the “pebble streams” of East Feliciana and St. Helena, that might suggest a slightly different- source. Common among the pebbles east of the Mississippi are cherty casts of paleeozoic fossils‘; and similar fossiliferous peb- bles have been found in Southwest Louisiana. As the Mississippi river undoubtedly existed in Lafayette times, it seems hardly probable that any considerable quantity of pebbles were carried across this broad basin from the North- east; and we are to seek the source of these materials in the older terranes west of the Mississippi rather than east of that stream. N 0 other present stream of the region seems to have existed‘ in pre-Lafayette times. The Red river, that plays so important a part in the recent- development of topographic form in Western Louisiana is of post-Lafayette, and possibly of late Columbia origin; at any rate it cuts through all the deposits of both, and its valley de- posits are later than the “ loess.” The Columbia formation of Southwest Louisiana, while in- general like that of the Florida Parishes, is not the latest de- posit over most of the area over which it occurs. The Port Hudson group is found in the substratum of clays in the pine flats, and at a greater depth beneath the prairies and coast marsh. All artesian wells pass through it, and it has more than- once been mistaken for the Lignitic Group. Only in the flats and along the margin of the prairies is it near enough to the surface to make its presence felt in the soil; but along the eastern border of the “bluff,” as at New Iberia, its clays are worked for brick. 197 Where near enough to the surface to affect the soils, they are considered cold and unresponsive. The brownish yellow, clayey loam is found over all the re- gion south and east of the hills and flats and extending to Bayous Cocodrie, Cor-tableau and Teche; or over the distinct- ively prairie section of the State. Though not the surface de- posit-and in that it differs from the similar deposit of the Florida Parishes—-it lies near enough the surface to give char- acter to the soil, and within reach of the plow. It extends at a slightly increasing depth beneath the coastal marsh, and may be recognized in the banks of all rivers and bayous,‘ as also in the deeper ditches artificially cut for embank- ment or drainage. This stratum is rich in lime ; and this has collected into ir- regular concretions that are similar in character and origin to the colncretions found in the true loess. These are the “children of the loess ” of the Germans, and they make this deposit easily recognizable wherever seen. On either side of the Salt Mine Railroad where it crosses the marsh this concretionary stratum outcrops in the ditches; and in the ditches produced in building the embankments for irrigating canals east of Lake Arthur, and in grading the streets of Lake Charles, the same stratum is cut. This deposit thickens toward the east, and is found in its greatest development and with its upper silt member along the zone extending southward from Washington, and overlooking in a searp, the alluvial lands of the Mississippi and its tributary and accompanying streams. This, together with a similar thickening of the same deposit of the Florida Parishes} toward the Mississippi river, suggests very strongly that the upper members of the Columbia are the product of this stream. That the broad valley between these eastern and western “bluff” deposits, now occupied by the Mississippi and Atchafa- laya rivers, and a score or more of bayous, with their respective “ bottoms” is the valley of the greater Columbia-producing Mississippi, seems highly probable. 198 The general parallelism of the erosion tattered remnants on the west side with the continuous scarp on the east ; and the presence of the similar “loess ” deposits in front grading rapidly into the yellow loamy clay farther back, both point ta those as the probable riverward limits of this deposit. That the main current of the greater Mississippi or the river in a more contracted form has at difl'erent times occupied various positions within this broad channel, is shown by the three distinct and deeply submerged channels* extending across the coastal shelf between Belle Isle and Lake Pontchartrain; made when the continent stood at a greater elevation. The axis of oscillation during post-Columbia elevation seems to have been northwest and southeast; so that even after the' Florida Parishes were raised above the gulf level, Southwest Louisiana continued to receive sediments, and the surface, choc- olate colored loam, was deposited over the prairies and more thinly over the pine flats. Probably at this time the principal current of the contract- ing Mississippi was directed against its western bank—not yet emerged—and the numerous coulees across the “ bluff,” south of Washington, were produced. With continued elevation to the southwest, the Mississippi gradually shifted the current of its contracted volume toward the eastern bank, until it impinged against the “ bluff” escarp- ment of the Florida Parishes. To what extent the river, with its present volume, is able to shift its bed by reason of meanderings and cut-offs may be shown by lines drawn tangent to the outer bends of those abandoned sections, or “ horse shoe” lakes. These will show that the river with its present volume can never migrate far from its present position, unless aided by dif- ferential elevation of its banks; and therefore it has been shifted to the eastern side of its valley by such elevation. - Perhaps second only in importance to the withdrawal of the Mississippi as an active geological agent in Soutwest Louisiana, *See map accompanying Dr. J. W. Spencer’s “ Reconstruction of the An- tillean Continent." 199 by elevation to the southwest and west, was the development of the Red river and its possible diversion from a southerly outlet into the gulf. . That the Red river has been at some time a much larger and more active stream is shown by its broad valley and the multitude of lakes in Northwest Louisiana produced in its some- time strong tributaries by clogging of the main valley. Certain clays worked at Lake Charles, from a pit not far from the Calcasieu have suggested to me that possibly the earlier Red river might have found an outlet by way of the Boeuf and Lake Cocodrie into the gulf along the route of the Calcasieu. These clays are very like undoubted Red river clays, W01 ked at Washington from the banks of the Cortableau. With the elevation to the southwest the course of the Redi river was changed (if indeed it had a southerly outlet) and a new channel was cut through the yellow loam deposits of the western escarpment of the Mississippi, and old abandoned chan- nels of that stream, as the Teche and Atchafalaya were occupied- These streams give evidence of that occupancy in the veneering of their beds, especially the Teche, by a stratum of unquestioned Red river sediment. In times of excessive floods in the Red river, the surplus water found escape through the Vermilion and Mermentau which find their sources in the coulees of the prairies east and north. Both of these rivers display Red river sediments in their banks. Even yet, during excessively high water in Red river, some of the overflow finds an outlet through Vermilion river. With further elevation in the southwest, the Mississippi continued to shift eastward and the Red river northward, sweep- ing away as its channel migrated, the broad zone of yellow clayey loams of the Columbia, leaving only here and there, as in Northeast Rapides and Northwest Avoyelles, tattered remnants . or “ islands.” With the Red river as with the Mississippi, the shifting of the current seems to have been accompanied by a decrease in volume; and the supply of sediments, while lessened seems not to have kept pace with the decreasing volume, and there resulted . 399 a clogging of the lower valleys with sediment—in the Mississippi chocolate colored, in the Red a bright vermilion. It is this chocolate colored loam, supplied by the Mississippi and spread over a shallow marsh, that forms the surface layer of the prairies of Southwest Louisiana. One of the effects of this clogging of the main valley of the Red river was the production of lakes at the mouths of its tribu- tary branches. Such are Sabine lake, Black lake, Lake Biste- - neau, Lake Bodcau, Bayou Pierre Lake and many others. III. -SOILS. I Soils are the residual product of the weathering of rocks. They may be produced where found, but more often are removed from their place of origin. The agents of removal are gravity, wind and running water. Under the influence of gravity all soils creep down the slopes upon which they lie. This process goes on continuously as a re- sult of variation in temperature, and is most pronounced in lati- tudes and regions where range of temperature is greatest. If frost is formed creeping is greatly accelerated. In northern regions, mountainous or hilly regions, and re- gions of crystalline rocks this is an important factor in soil forma- tion and soil removal. The wind is likewise an active agent in soil removal, espe- cially in those regions that have’ a distinctly dry season. The power of the wind to lift and transport particles of con- siderabe weight during storms, and especially whirling storms, is recognized by every one ; and those who have seen the coarse sand lot‘ !the northern lake beaches piled 200 feet high, over- whelming forests and villages, recognize in the straight, steady ~ wind of considerable velocity an active and powerful transport- ipg agent. Pebbles upon the seabeach, worn by Wind-driven sand into 201 angular and fantastic shapes illustrate the efficiency of the wind when surcharged with sediment, as an agent of erosion. The custom in- certain parts of the country of building resi- dences and planting orchards upon the highways illustrates the forced recognition of the wind as a transporter of dust. But it is from the wind-swept prairies of the northwest, where during the frequent long droughts it is necessary to pro- tect the cultivated lands from the denuding action of the winds by planting in narrow strips separated by strips of meadow turf, that we glean the most important lessons concerning the wind as a geological agent. ' By far the most important agent in soil production, soil removal and distribution is running water. Physical agencies combine with chemical to break down all surface rocks, and reduce them to a finely divided condition. This weather rock is soil ; and while in the main partaking of the parent rock, always loses something in solution and may likewise gain other elements during transportation and deposi- tion. According as soils are found where formed, or at most only - slightly shifted by gravity and wind ; or are transported by and deposited in running water, and hence show some degree of stratification, they are collavial or alluvial soils. The soils of our ridges and hill slopes belong to the former class, while our valley soils are alluvial. These groups are neces- sarily indistinctly separated, and all degrees of inter-gradation exist. - All soils may be considered as composed essentially of sand clay and vegetable matter ; and the predominance of these elements respectively gives the classification of soils as light (sandy), heavy (clayey), and humus. This classification, chiefly upon physical characters, is of the greatest importance, inasmuch as our treatment of any soil must be largely determined by our recognition of its belonging to one or the other of these groups. While depth and character of any soil are largely affected by topography and climate, yet there are few virgin soils that 202 have not in them the necessary elements of plant food. We are chiefly concerned in knowing how to preserve and to increase their producing power. Aside from the withdrawal of plant food by growing crops the chief loss of fertility in the soil is due to leaching, or the re- moval of elements of plant food by solution in water percolating through the soil. The lighter or more sandy the soil the greater the liability to leach. ~ On the other hand heavy or clayey soils are apt to be unpro- ductive because of lack of drainage. Whether decaying vegetable matter shall or shall not be a valuable element in the soil is also largely a question of drainage. In wet, poorly drained land the result of decomposition is a brownish, partially soluble product that because (of its acid qualities produces what is termed a sour soil which is unproduc- tive. In well drained land the decay of vegetable matter under- ground produces the black, insoluble humus universally recog- nized as giving fertility to the soil. In the Florida parishes the three classes of soil mentioned are found over large areas. From the nature of the deposit the greatest amount of humus is found in the soils of the river bottoms, especially the first bot- toms, that are subject to overflow. The “second bottoms” and “pine flats” while contain- ing considerable amounts of humus are more especially char- acterized by the development of that distinctly clayey group of strata, the Port Hudson, which produces a heavy soil. Moreover, much of the soluble plant food from the hill soils has been deposited there. These all combine to make these soils inherently fertile or strong. This has long been recognized in the modern alluvial de- posits over the flood plains of streams, but as yet unappreciated in the “ flats” and “ second bottoms” that constitute nearly one half of those parishes east of the Amite. In their present undrained condition these soils are sour and unproductive. This can be completely corrected by thorough 203 drainage and some addition of lime to assist in changing the brown, soluble humus into the true black humus desired. When this is done these lands will become among the most valuable in the State. Over the hills of these parishes, east of the zone of “bluff ” bordering the Mississippi river, is spread a thin coating of brownish yellow, clayey loam that is highly productive. Im- mediately underlying it at a depth varying from a few inches to a few feet is the much more sandy Lafayette; which, when it becomes the upper soil from removal of the yellow loam by erosion, loses its soluble plant food rapidly by leaching. Great care should therefore be exercised to preserve this protective -coating from being removed by washing. This can be done by proper cultivation, and by resorting as much as possible to those crops that require the least stirring of the soil. ‘ Cultivate the valleys, and reserve the steep slopes and ridges for pasture and meadow. Throughout these parishes are found “old fields ” aggrega- ting thousands of acres, that were once productive, but lost their productiveness by inattention to this matter of preservation of the fertile, but easily removable coating of loam. Along the banks overlooking the ancient Mississippi is found a soil, the loess or “ bluff” which combines perhaps more of the elements of productiveness than any other soil in the State. Being well above the flood plains of the streams it is easily drained; and containing much more of clay than sand it does not leach rapidly. Rich in lime, humification, even in poorly drained areas; is rapid and of the desirable kind. ‘ Yet, being so fine grained and incoherent, this deposit erodes rapidly, and the greatest care should be exercised to, pre- vent this wastage by erosion. ‘ Four classes of soils are then found in the Florida Parishes, corresponding to the three upper members of the Columbia for- mation, and the modern alluvial deposits in our river bottoms. Each has its characteristic vegetation, which is probablyjn 204 part a result of the chemical composition, and in part of the physical consitution of the soil and underlying subsoil. The alluvial soils of modern formation along the streams are characterized by hard wood, deciduous and evergreen trees, with a thick undergrowth of shrubs and vines. ' The pine hills west of the Amite, the “good uplands” of Lockett’s map, are clothed with short leaved pine, generously interspersed with magnolia, oak and beech. East of that stream the prevailing growth upon the hills is long leaved pine with sparse undergrowth of black- jack oak. Toward the Mississippi river, as the yellow loam thickens the pine gradully gives place to hardwood, and within the zone on Lockett’s map marked “ bluff,” entirely disappears. The soil of the “ pine hills” is shallow, and the closely un- derlying deposit is a semi-indurated clayey sand rock, that is very impervious to the roots of trees. Uprooted pines show their central roots twisted and gnarled into a knotty mass. Whether from lack of proper food elements, or as seems equally probable, from insufficient anchorage against strong winds, heavy topped, hard wood trees are wanting. Black-jack, and a few other scrubby representatives of the oak family constitute the group of hard wood trees in this re- gion. The area is practically exclusively occupied by splendid forests of virgin pine. The warm, responsive, well drained soil is ideal for pas- turage. The “flats” bordering the hills have essentially the same yegetation as the hills; but as we approach the sea marsh the live oak makes its appearance and becomes a characteristic member of the flora. Here, too, as in the alluvial swamps, we find the stream margins afford abundant bay, gum and cypress. The “bluff” is covered with forests of hardwood; beech, magnolia, oak and hickory are the families chiefly represented, with a dense undergrowth of cane, dogwood, holly and numerous species of the haw family. 205 The better drained alluvial lands have much the same char- acter of forest as the “bluff,” though gums are much more abundant ; while the swampy bottoms are given over almost ex- clusively to willow, gum and cypress. Upon certain sandy bottom lands, as islands in the streams and recently formed land on the inner curves of bends of rivers ; as also in certain regions where by a break of a levee a stream has suddenly spread a thick coating of sand over the bottom, cottonwood is abundant. We are thus almost able to classify the soils in the order of their desirability by the character of the virgin vegetation. In Southwest Louisiana all the types of soil found in the Florida parishes are represented. The “bluff” and “pine hill” areas are the same in both regions, but the “flats” are modified by a thin surface layer of the chocolate colored silt that over- spreads the prairies. The treatment of these soils and their adaptibilities are the same as their homologues east of the Mis- sissippi. The so called “good uplands” of the Felicianas, while they have no representative in the Southwest country, are but [an in- termediate grade between the “bluff” and the “pine hills” and therefore cannot be considered a type. Differing from any soil-described, however, and peculiar to the southwestern section of the State, are the soils of the prairies. Excepting the Red river and more modern alluvium, these are the most recent deposits in the State. When the rest of the State was above the Gulf level, this region was still receiving a deposit of silt-like loam from the increasingly. sluggish current of the Mississippi. This chocolate colored silt, spread upon a stratum of the calcareous yellowish brown loam, in an increas- ingly marshy area, has produced one of the mort fertile soils in Louisiana. The upper stratum of silt, varying from two or three inches to a foot in thickness, while producing excellently as a virgin soil, by reason of its light, porous character soon becomes exhausted. On this occount many of these lands are held in low esteem. - There lies beneath, however, and within reach of the plow, 206 the elements lacking to make these selfsame soils fertile, strong and retentive. The concretionary clayey loam, that everywhere -constitutes the subsoil, if mixed with the chocolate loams pro- duces a soil that as Lockett has expressed it is “good enough.” The admixture of the clayey loam has a twofold effect : by adding lime to the silt humification is accelerated and a blacker, more desirablelsoil produced ; and by increasing the clay con- stituent the soil is made more retentive of, easily removable plant food. The old idea that any soil is inexhaustible in its fertility has occasioned deterioration in much of the most productive land of the State that will require years to correct. All soils are not only exhaustible, but as a rule rapidly so; and unless their productive power is fostered and their fertility -constantly renewed even the most productive become worthless. The “black prairies” of St. Landry and the Attakapas coun- >try owe their color to the fact that the silt covering is sufliciently attenuated to place the calcareous substratum within easy reach ~rf the plow even in ordinary cultivation. All these silt covered prairies would become equally “black” and productive with a -like mixture of the clayey, concretionary subsoil. Along the coulees and bayous are certain black or grayish black, waxy lands known as “ buckshot” lands. These are very productive when properly drained and worked in season, but are difficult to cultivate, requiring often specially adapted implements. So far as superficial examination could settle the matter, these are of the nature of swamp deposits; and are forming in many swampy regions in the Mississippi bottoms of to-day. The Port Hudson clays, where deposited with sufficient -quantities of vegetable matter would produce just such soils. Some of these may indeed belong to this group, but most of them are swamp deposits of more recent date. The prairies, where level and imperfectly drained, are tree- dress; but along the streams there is a luxuriant growth of timber. Back near the remoter beginning of the streams, where the yrairies become broken into knolls, as in the northern part of 207 “ Prairie Mammou” and “ Pine Prairie,” the long leaved pine is gradually extending its dominion and occupying the region. As we pass westward into the region of the mounds or “ pimpled prairies,” the soil becomes more and more sandy- the sand furnished by the mounds themselves. This sandy soil is most excellently adapted to the production of small fruits, and many vegetables. Some of the most luscious pears and peaches I have eaten in Louisiana grew upon these “pimpled prairies ;” and the splendid dewberries and black- berries that.come spontaneously in neglected fields and by the roadside everywhere give ample proof of the suitability of the soil for this class of fruits. Vegetables of the cucurbit family, as watermelons, musk- melons, cucumbers, etc., find here a most congenial home ; and when more direct communication with northern markets is se- cured must become an important product of the region. For the present these soils are very largely compelled to pro- duce rice, though much better adapted to a score of other pro ducts. In the regions of the bayous, e. g., the Boeuf, the Corta- bleau and the Teche; and as we approach the coastal marsh, where the streamsannually or periodically overflow their hot- toms, there is always a marked difference in the “ front” lands and “back” lands. Both are the gift of the streams; but the front lands are coarser grained, sandier, and higher than those farther back. They form a broad, low natural levee upon either side of the stream :and are always selected as residence sites, because better drained and healthier. Before the State was divided into townships and sections, “grants” were laid off with so many arpents frontage upon these bayous and so many arpents deep, Upon the front lands the homes were built, and the back lands reserved entirely for cultivation. : This natural distribution of the sediments by a stream upon its flood plain is based upon their weight and size. The coarser, heavier particles are dropped where there is a maximum check- 208 ing of the current, i. e., along its banks ; and the finer loams and clays are carried to the quieter waters farther back. The soils of the “ back ” lands are therefore finer grained and more clayey, and at the same time less easily drained. Though of similar origin and but different phases of the same formation, these two classes of soils are as a rule so unlike as to require en- tirely different methods of cultivation. The front lands are light, easily drained and responsive; the back lands heavy, wet and cold. The first consideration for these latter is thorough drainage; and this accomplished they prove the more fertile and enduring of the two. IV. ECONOMIC PRODUCTS. MINERAL PRODUCTS. Few mineral products of economic value are found in the Florida Parishes. Iron.-—Gapping the hills in the north, and immediately un- derlying the thin veneering of Columbia yellow loam, is a thin bedded ferruginous sand rock and conglomerate. Though reported elsewhere in the coastal plain as of sulfi- cient richness to be treated as an iron ore, nowhere in the Florida I_’arishes does this ferruginous sandrock or arenaceous ironstone occur either in sufficient quantities or rich enough in iron to be considered a valuable ore of iron. The only use made of it, so far as observed, was as founda- tion stones for houses and fences ; which purpose it serves excel- lently, being very durable and occurring in thin beds easily worked. The iron concretions seen in road cuts, and often having the appearance of cannon balls and |pots, while rich in iron, are only objects of curious interest and scientific value. Ola;/.—Much the most important mineral product of these parishes is the extensive deposits of Columbian clays. These 209 exist throughout the flats and second bottoms of the streams. They are not the typical Port Hudson clays, which are too “fat” for manipulation by the ordinary methods used in the brick fac- tories of this section, but a mixture of these with the later sandy loams that overspread their coastal representative and produced the flats and second bottoms of the larger streams. Along the Illinois Central and Northeastern railroads through these clays, brick-yards have been established ; and throughout the older settled parts of the pine flats, as in St. Tam- many, evidences of ante bellam brick kilns are seen. This deposit of clay, coextensive with the flats and second bottoms, is practically inexhaustible. By the ordinary methods used to the depth of four to ten feet-, many times that depth is available by processes that utilize clays now considered too fat. The clays of the hills are as a rule too lean for brick making. In the valleys of the smaller streams, e. g., at Clinton, East Feliciana parish, the clay is of workable quality. In the region of the “bluffs” it is only where this deposit is cut through and reveals the mixed loess and yellow clayey loam that brick manufacture is carried on. The brick works at Baton Rouge are using this mixed product. The extensive deposits of brick clay in the Florida Parishes which produces a most excellent quality of building and paving bricks, make the clay industry one of the most important indus- tries of the near future. Sand-Though intimately intermixed with red clay, and loam, thus giving the impression that the red color of the sand is inherent, when washed by the streams the sand of the Lafayette group of strata collects in beautifully white banks, and may be used in building. It is chiefly siliceous and retains a fair degree of sharpness. Gravel.-—-Though not found in the extensive accumulations common farther north, yet along the old and modern waterways gravel and pebbles have been deposited in quantities sufiicient to make them valuable as sources of ballast for railroads and highways. 210 In northern East and West Feliciana especially, were such gravel pits noted. Marls and Phosphates.—In one or two instances reports of marl deposits came to me, but no such deposits were found. I think none of importance need be looked for in the Florida Par- ishes. The formations in which workable deposits of phosphates and marls occur in adjoining States lie considerably below any surface deposit in these parishes. The strata here are not to any extent fossil bearing, and though vertebrate remains are found in the valley deposits of the Columbia, it is probable that the decomposition of the organisms was extremely local in its effects. The sedimentary strata are fragmental in character, and the sediments were borne by streams which, as a rule, did not flow through a limestone country. The “bluff” producing Missis- sippi is an exception, and in the “bluff” we find an abundance of the marl element finely divided and universally distributed. Building Materz'als.—No beds of limestome or sandstone exist in this section of Louisiana. The compact, upper memberjof the Lafayette, while present- ing a glazed, rock like appearance in an exposed section, is far too friable and incoherent to be used in construction. The clays and sands are the only valuable mineral constructional materials. Water.—The matter of water supply is one of the most im- portant of economic questions to be considered in determining the desirability of any section for residence. In this the Florida Parishes are particularly blessed. Throughout the hill region, the basal pebble bed of the La- fayette furnishes a never failing supply of clear and wholesome water. Though impossible to secure accurate sections, as the well makers questioned had not been interested in preserving a record -of materials passed through, yet it was the invariable rule to sink the well until the red mottled deposits of sand and clay were passed through and a bed of “white sand and pebbles” was reached. Further sinking was said to “spoil the well,” as it passed into a stratum of bluish clay, probably Grand Gulf, which taints she water. 211 Throughout the hill parishes of this section the wells vary in depth from 30 to 150 feet with the surface topog- raphy ; thus indicating a comparatively regular and constant bed of basal gravel beneath the Lafayette sands. As no exact elevations were taken, the relation of this water bear- ing stratu*n of gravel to the beds of the larger streams cannot be definitely stated ; though they do not differ greatly in elevation: These are in no case Artesian wells. When they are dug wells only the lower part requires curbing, as the massive upper member of the Lafayette in the vertical walls of the shaft be- comes glazed and hardened, and stands indefinitely without cav- ing. Waterbearing strata are found in the Lafayette above the basal gravel, but the flow in wells remains so long discolored by the ferruginous clays that wells are rarely stopped short of the basal gravel, and higher water supplies are curbed out. These upper water bearing strata, by their outcrops furnish thenumarous springs at the bases of the hills along the second- ary valleys. Numerous spring branches are thus supplied throughout the year with most wholesome crystal clear water. Only one Artesian well in this section is known to me ; this is at Baker, on the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad, about seven miles above B rton Rmge. This well, which is something over 700 feet deep, rises in a stand pipe twenty or thirty feet above the surface of the ground. The water is pure and pala- table. The same water bearing stratum was struck in a well of the Water Works Company in Biton Rouge, at a little less than 800 feet, but this well is nat Artesian, probably because the higher water bearing strata which were not curbed out act as drains upon rather than contributors to the deeper supply. A new well is being sunk near the old, and it is the inten- tion to exclude all but the deep supply, and a fi)wing well is confidently expected. In the “ fl tts” wells su-ik to the basal gravels of the Lafay- ette becama finving wells. In mmy instances, however, deeper boring hrs discovered stronger flnving streams of better waten. 212 The mineral wells about Covington, in St-. Tammany parish, are of this deeper class. Many of these Artesian wells have:valuable medicinal quali- ties, and hundgeds of people go annually to test their healing properties. When better known they will probably become favorite health resorts for the thousands who now go to other wells and springs. Abita Springs, in St. Tammany parish, are already well and: favorably known. Few of these Artesian wellsihave been analyzed. The fol- lowing is an analysis of Abita Springs water, made by A. L. Metz, Ph. G., of New Orleans. The analysis gives the number of grains in a United States gallon: I Sodium Chloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. 1.473 Sodium Carbonate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.29& Magnesium Bicarbonate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.946 Calcium Bicarbonate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.084 Ferrous Bicarbonate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.303 CalciumSulphate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.122 Potassa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.201 Alumina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.109 Silica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.075 OrgamcMatter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.347 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18.854 Mr. Metz says : “ The above results show that the water is of superior quality from a sanitary and hygienic point of view.” An analysis of the Roche well at Covington, St. Tammany parish, made by the same chemist, but expressed in parts in one thousand, is as follows : Sodium Chloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0842 Sodium Carbonate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .0249 Magnesium Bicarbonate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0692 Calcium Bicarbonate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2802 Ferrous Bicarbonate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . .. .1418 Calcium Sulphate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .0716 Ferr1cOx1de..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0759 Aluminum Oxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0879 Potassium Silicate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .0999 Silica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .3637 OrganicMatter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .0760 Total .. .... 213 An Artesian well belonging to Mr. Charles Thiery, near 'Covington, is 400 feet deep, and flows with such force as to furnish power for running fans in his hotel. Mr. Thiery thinks the water would rise 100 feet above the surface of the ground. At Summer Camp Farm, on Bogue Falaya river, two and one half miles north of Covington, Mr. W. H. Ellermann has an artesian well 410 feet deep, from which the water rises about 30 feet and flows 55 to 60 gallons a minute through a ll inch pipe. This measured flow, the result of many measurements, is found by Mr. Ellermann to vary with the phase of the moon ; being 5 _.gallons greater when the moon is young than a week earlier or later. On Millhaven Farm, north of Covington, are two Artesian wells ; one 425 feet deep, flowing about 90 gallons a minute through a 2% inch pipe, and the other 375 feet deep, furnishing 100 gallons a minute through a 2 inch pipe. In and around Hammond are numerous Artesian wells, which vary in depth from 4.0 to 300 feet, the deeper passing through several water bearing strata. As a rule here the deeper the well the stronger the flow. At from 75 to 125 feet below the surface a stratum of or- ganic matter is here passed through, and the flow brings up fragments of wood, bark and cones of pine. No well reported here that raises water more than 20 feet above the surface of ground. Southwest Louisiana, while in no sense a mineral section, is pre eminently the most important mineral section of the State. What has been said of the mineral products of the various formations in the Florida Parishes may be equally well said of the corresponding formations here. Olag/.—-In addition to the Columbia clays described on pre- vious pages there is worked at Washington and New Iberia clays of most excellent quality and of later deposit. These are clays of Red river origin. No analyses of these clays have yet been made, nor have the manufactured products—bricks and tiles—so far as I know been tested as to strength, etc. These are lines of investigation an apped out for the future. ' 214 Gravel.--In the hills “streams” of gravel similar to those mentioned in the Felicianas are found ; but so far as learned only one such accumulation is exploited. In the hills of southern Rapides, east of the Kansas City, Watkins and Gulf Railroad, immense quantities of gravel are obtained for road ballast. With further development of the region these excellent de- posits of road metal will be appreciated and in greater demand. Building Stones.—In Northwestern St. Landry is found a very limited area and inferior quality of limestone. Though Dr. Hopkins says of this deposit that it can supply “lime and building stone for the State,” my examination of the deposit leads me to believe that it is not sufficient either in quantity or quality to be of much economic value. While under the pressure of necessity lime has been manu- factured from it, I could find no evidence that it had ever been otherwise used as a constructional material. Indeed it contains a fatal weakness, as a building stone, in the abundance of iron pyrites whose crystals glisten upon every broken surface. Dr. Hopkins* describes it as “a grey limestone of good - quality for burning into lime, and of sufficient hardness to be used as a building stone. It occurs in a hill of drift, on the ter- ritory of the Grand Gulf strata. The drift clay has to be re- moved in order to expose the stone, which has been quarried to some extent, during the war, for lime. The stone is of the va- riety known as anthraconite, from its giving a foetid odor when struck. Parts of it are studded with minute crystals of iron pyrites, while others contain natural fissures, whose sides glitter with cale spar. This quarry will prove a valuable property on the opening of railroads in the vicinity. At present the expense of transportation is too great to allow of successful competition with the West, in supplying our State with lime and building stone.” This stone is believed by Dr. Hopkins to be of Cretaceous age, though in the absence of fossils it is impossible definitely to classify it. It is in the line of the “Cretaceous backbone” of *First Annual Report of the Louisiana State Geological Survey, 1869. ——By F. V. Hopkins, M. D. 215 the State, and is undoubtedly older than the Lafayette. Its fissured condition, wherever observed, either in outcrop or from Artesian borings, shows that it has been subjected to considerable strains, that have not only shattered it, but have produced slight» metamorphism—shown by its compact nature and semi-crystal: line character. In a ravine on Petite Anse is exposed a thin bed of slightly metamorphic sandrock, which is probably Grand Gulf, and which, if in sufficient quantity, and not too deeply buried be- neath Lafayette sands and gravels and Columbia loams, would make a good constructional stone. There is great demand for quarries of building stone in this- section, not only for the ordinary uses in houses, culverts and bridges, but by the government in its efforts to secure deep- water at the mouths of the Sabine, Calcasieu and other rivers. So far the search has proved and is likely to prove fruitless. Water.—No single feature is more strongly impressed upon the notice of one passing from the hills to the lowlands of South-- west Louisiana than the character of the water supply. In the hills one sees everywhere springs and spring creeks; supplied from the sand strata of the Lafayette, and the supply of drinking water is obtained by rich and poor alike from wells dug or bored to the basal gravels of the Lafayette. As east of the Mississippi this is an unfailing source of pure and whole- some water. In the flats and the prairies, as in the alluvial regions, the main supply of drinking water is from accumulated rainfall stored in casks and overground cisterns. The wealthier class of these sections have Artesian wells, that may be had anywhere for the boring, and if sunk to suffi- cient depth furnish excellent water. Many of the larger sugar plantations obtain their chief supply of water from this source. There are few “mineral springs” in this part of the State. The only springs that have attracted suificient notice to become a “resort” are the Belle Chaney springs in northern St. Landry parish. In the alluvial fiat in the bottom of Vermilion river, east of 216 Lafayette, is a large and locally well known chalybeate spring, that has by its overflow built up around itself a broad, basin- like rim of iron. In the vicinity of the sulphur mine are numerous springs with varying mineral properties. One of the most remarkable of these is the so called “sour” spring ; which probably owes its acidity to a small percentage of sulphuric acid. Precisely similar “sour” springs are found upon Belle Isle ; and as this is thought to be a geologically similar region to the underlying sulphur bearin g rocks of Calcasieu, and as here as there gas and oil escape in the surrounding marsh, it may be that simi- lar mineral deposits will here be found. All of the five “islands” have an abundance of excellent spring water, from Lafayette sands. Salt.—By far the most unique and probably the most im- portant mineral product of Louisiana is the deposit of rock salt known to exist upon Petite Anse and Orange Islands, and in all probability upon Grand Cote, Cote Blanche and Belle Isle as well ; as also beneath the intermediate marshes. These salt deposits, supposed to be cretaceous in age, are at the southern extremity of the socalled “cretaceous backbone of the State. For a long time salt springs have been known to issue along this line, as the names “Saline Bayou” and “Saline Lake” attest . and old abandoned saltworks in the northern part of the State show that at an early date in the history of Louisiana salt manu- factured from these springs and wells became a commercial product. But it was only during the Civil War that the deposit on Petite Anse was discovered, and in 189-1 or 1895 that a like dis- covery was madehpon Orange Island. At Petite Anse salt has been for years extensively mined ; and a cave in one section of the mine shows the rock salt lying within fifteen feet of the surface and directly overlain by Lafay- ette gravels. In another part of this island the salt deposit has been pen- tetrated to a depth of 1000 feet without reaching the bottom ; and 2-17 at Orange Island recent reports from Capt. A. F. Lucas (in charge at Petite Anse) show a continuous bed of rock salt pene- trated for 1800 feet without passing through it. Such thickness of rock salt is known nowhere else in the United States, and but few places in the world. If, as is generally assumed, this immense thickness is the result of evaporation of a land locked sea, its continuity and purity proclaim a constancy of conditions that subsequent fre- quent and profound oscillations of the region discredit. Analyses of the rock salt from Petite Anse show it to be al- most 99 per cent. pure ; and it is difiicult to imagine a constant supply of sea water during the accumulation of more than 1000 feet of salt, without any admixture of mechanical sediments or other impurities. It is such immense deposits of salt that make us doubtful of the sufiiciency of the generally accepted theory of evaporation of land locked seas to account for them, and feel that we must find for them another explanation. Concerning the age of the Petite Anse deposit, Hilgardi< writes as follows : “It remains to be shown that the rock salt mass may, with a considerable degree of probability be claimed as a cretaceous outlier ; and reasoning by exclusion, I think this can be done, by considering successively the formations to which it might be referred.” “ Since the lowest (clay and pebble) strata of the stratified driftt are found overlying the rock salt mass, its age is at once ~removed beyond the limits of the Quaternary period.” “As regards the Grand Gulf group, though much impreg- mated with salts of various kinds, its general character as a fresh or brackish water formation renders it peculiarly ill adapted to the genesis of rock salt deposits. It is, moreover, a very pre- -dominantly littoral formation, whose deep water equivalents ap- pear to be so thin that the drift currents have in most cases de- stroyed them. They have not been found in any bore near the coast. *“Geology of Lower Louisiana and the Salt Deposit on Petite Anse 1; land.” Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge.—E. W. Hilgard, Ph. D. $Lafayette. 218 “ The Vicksburg rocks even (which are thinner and of less resisting material in Louisiana than in Mississippi) have been removed in a great measure by the drift, which in Calcasieu seems to be immediately underlaid by the Jackson group of the Eocene. “But the marine groups of the older Eocene are of such in- considerable thickness, each so variable in its nature, and so scantily supplied with salt, that to attribute to either of thenr the formation of so large and pure a mass of rock salt, seems to involve an utter incongruity. “ Not so with the Cretaceous formationjthat underlies them. Not only is salt water the invariable feature of the Cretaceous outcrops of North Louisiana, * * * , but it is there accom- panied by that almost necessary complement, gypsum, which thickens to the southward, until, as demonstrated by the Cal- casieu bores, it passes beneath the gulf with the surprising thickness of over six hundred feet. - “It is well known that the end of the Cretaceous period on this continent was characterized by a ‘ wholesale’ conversion of‘ ocean into inland lakes and dry land. What was, at that time, the condition of the Mexican Gulf basin, we have not the data to determine. But inasmuch as even in early Eocene times water connection still existed between the interior and the gulf ; so of course the same must have been true of the Cretaceo us in- land sea, which by a continuance of elevation inland, was gr ad- ually receding toward the Gulf. “The existence of the great gypsum formation, both in the- interior and beneath the Gulf, argues the concentration and evaporation of a vast amount of sea water as a consequence of the general emergence; and it is but reasonable that the other chief ingredient——salt—should be found somewhere in connec- tion with the great gypsum beds. And the great rock salt bed of Petite Anse, now known to exceed seventy* feet in thickness, without such change of character, as must characterize any de- posit formed on a small scale, seems a fit counterpart to the great gypsum bed of Calcasieu, with which the general dip of the formation would naturally connect it.” *Now known to exceed. 1000 feet in thickness 219 SuZphur.—In Southwest Ca-lcasieu parish, about nine miles west of Lake Charles, are known to exist considerable deposits of sulphur. For a long time before any explorations were made, gas was observed to escape in bubbles through the boggy marsh and in certain places globules of oil could be seen rising and rapidly spreading over the surface of the pools. This led to borings being made in search of marketable quantities of these two minerals. Though the search in this direction proved fruitless—no gas being obtained and oil only in such limited quantities as to be of merely local value—yet it was discovered that beneath the region existed enormous deposits of sulphur. Rich stock companies were formed and expensive machinery imported with a view to mining the sulphur ; but misfortune followed so close upon the inauguration of every enterprise look- ing to the development of these mines, that though more than 30 years have elapsed since the first discovery of sulphur here, its successful extraction may be said to be yet in the experimental stage. It is thought that a process has been discovered by which the sulphur may be easily and cheaply obtained, and in the ex- periment the new process proved very successful. Beautiful specimens of almost pure sulphur were presented to the Survey by the superintendent, Mr. J. C. Hoffman, and a considerable mass was displayed as the product of the initial run. The principle involved in the new method is to force super- heated steam by one pipe down into the deposit, which melts the sulphur and forces it up by another pipe. The principle and method seem both simple and rational ; but certain diificul- ties were revealed by the experimental test, that had not been corrected when I visited the mine in the summer of 1895. The following section furnished me by Mr. Hoffman from a bore 540 feet deep will give a very good general notion of the strata overlying the sulphur, and of the probable age of the de- posit: 220 (1) Yellow and blue clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 feet) (2) Blue clay and fine sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 “ I (3) Blue clay, hard and almost pure, with many sandy >Columbia. pockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 “ | (4) Fine gray sand, water bearing - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135 “ J (5) Gravelly sand, increasing in size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45 “ Lafa tte (6) Gray sand, coarse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 “ l ye ' 7 Marl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% “ ( ) (Petroleum and Tar.) 1' (8) Blue sandy limestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30:} “ Grand Gulf, (9) Calcareous marl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 “ ) or (10) Hard, rough, gray calcareous marl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 “ Vicksburg. (1 1) White saccharoidal calcareous marl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 “ l (12) White saccharoidal calcareous marl reduced to sand. 7 “ J (13) Hard, compact limestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 “ <14) Sulphur ...................................... ..112 “ }G1'e“a"e°‘1S' The upper yellow member of N o. 1 is the attenuated stratum of yellow clayey loams; while the “blue clays” of 1, 2 and 3 are probably Port Hudson. No. 4 is probably the basal member of the Columbia and derived chiefly from the sandy clays of the Lafayette. Nos. 5 and 6 are pretty surely Lafayette. The next 60 feet are not so certainly identified, but in the main very nearly resemble the only Grand Gulf outcrops I have ex- amined, in northern Vernon and southern Natchitoches parishes. They may be partly Vicksburg. No. 13 I have called Cretaceous because of its resemblance to St. Landry limestone. In five other bores the bottom of the sulphur was reached at: 552, 621, 603, 593, and 568 feet respectively. The following is the section of a well here, taken from Dr. Hopkins’ First Report: (1) Blue clay, layers of sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 feet-,-Prairie Diluvium. (2) Sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I73 “ —Drift. (3) Clay rock, soapstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 “ —Grand Gulf. (4) Blue anthraconitic limestone, fissured. . . . . . . . . 40 “ —Vicksburg. (5) Gray limestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 “ 1 (6) Pure crystalline sulphur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 “ (7) Gypsum with sulphur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137 “ >Cretnceous. (8) Sulphur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 “ (9) ’Gypsum, grayish blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .540 “ J “The first four strata were all more or less oil bearing. Several streams of water were struck, one below No. 4 and the other below No. 5. The latter was a strong solution of sulphide of hydrogen. and was flowing during my visit, killing all the vegetation that its water reached. Stratum No. 4 is the one that seems to me to be identical with that of Chicot.” 221 No. 1 corresponds to the Columbia of my section, and No. 2 to my Lafayette. No. 4, while pronounced here as Vicksburg, is recognized as similar to the St. Landry limestone, and Dr. Hopkins, in his Second Report classifies that as Cretaceous. With these amendations it will be seen that the records are fairly agreeable. Concerning the origin of the sulphur here little is known. Being far removed from any volcanic outburst, we can hardly attribute its origin to volcanic agencies. There have been unquestionable convulsions of the earth in this and neighboring regions in Southwest Louisiana that have fissured and to some extent metamorphosed the rocks ; but it seems that these were more probably attendant phenomena upon the formation of the sulphur bed than results of volcanic ac- tivity. The following, extracted from Dr. Hopkins’ first report, for want f_of a more plausible one, is here offered as a probable ex- planation of the sulpur deposits in Calcasieu parish: “The sulphur is of unequaled thickness and purity, and the gypsum is also of unusual quantity. Above them we have the remarkable fact of newer Tertiary and post-Tertiary strata, full of petroleum. Southern California and Trinidad furnish ex- amples of oil from the Tertiary series, but here the drift and di- luvium seem equally full.” “Dufrenoy states that sulphur is commonly associated with gypsum, rock salt and bituminous strata ; and that in fact it is formed from the gypsum by deoxidation by organic matter. “Whether the organic matter is of vegetable or animal origin is a debatable question. Either source would supply carbon and hydrogen, to remove the oxygen from the gypsum on the one hand, and to furnish petroleum and marsh gas on the other. In this instance the large amount of sulphur produced points to the vegetable kingdom as the probable source ; for the accu- mulation of animal matter sufficient for the purpose at this one spot, would have been an unexampled occurrence. “The reaction between lignite and gypsum is very compli- 222 cated in nature, but may be thus approximately expressed : 0121112 O4-;-4. Ca S 04:4 Ca 0 Os-{-4 S-I-4 0 O2-1-2 0 H4-'.-2 0 H2. Or, one equivalent of lignite. and four of gypsum give four each of limestone, sulphur and carbonic acid, with ‘two each of marsh gas and olefiant gas. “Now marsh gas and carbonic acid gas often issue from earth containing decomposing vegetable matter alone, but olefiant gas seldom or never. “By a further reaction with marsh gas and water the olefiant gas becomes equivalent to petroleum, thus : 32 O H2-{-0 H4-}-2 H2 0:3 (06 H1_4)-1-C8 H18-1-% (G12 H24)-{-C 02. Or, thirty-two equivalents of olefiant gas, and one of marsh gas with two of water, contain the elements of one of petroleum, and one of carbonic acid gas.77 “The sulphur was formed by reducing the gypsum with vegetable matter. The carbonic acid, olefiant gas and marsh gas produced‘ by -the process, have each left the appropriate proof of its presence, 2'. e., the limestone stratum No. 5 contains the former, the petroleum is made of the olefiant gas, and the mounds were the vent holes for the latter.” Petroleum and Gas. —As already stated, the sulphur was dis. covered in the search for petroleum and gas. In all the marshy region round about the sulphur mine evidences of both these minerals are seen. The clays and loams of the Columbia and gravel and sand beds of the Lafayette seem to be impregnated with them. Wells stopped in these deposits, while furnishing fairly good water for a time, eventually become foul with crude oil and- have to be abandoned. As far west as Vinton, in the Sabine Prairie, this was found to be so. In the edge of the marsh east of Belle Isle numerous gas ‘springs occur, and in several places pools of oil collect, in every respect like the gas and oil springs of (lalcasieu. It remains to be proven if here too sulphur may be found. Economically, these flows of gas and petroleum are of no value, and are only useful as probable indicators of the existence of other valuable mineral deposits. 223 VEGETABLE PRODUCTS. With variation in the soil of any section goes always a cor- responding variation in its vegetable products. Each plant re- quires its peculiar soil and climate. As almost every type of soil is found in the Florida par- ishes, it is not surprising that we find there a wide range in the variety of vegetation. I/umber.—Mos't of the region is or has been forest clad, and the source of vast quantities of pine and some hard wood lumber. East of the Amite river long leaved pine (Pinus Australis) prevails ; and the forests of this wood have long been an im- portant source of revenue to the owners situated near a stream or railroad. In the hills thousands of acres of virgin pine of the very best quality yet remain. In the pine flats, especially of St. Tammany, numerous turpen-tineorchards are worked, and large quantities of turpentine and rosin are exported. This has practically ruined these orchards for future sources of lumber, as large and small trees have been bled indiscrimi- nately, and it will be many years before a new growth of this timber can be produced, if indeed, it ever can. It seems to be the general experience that when the long leaved pine is entirely destroyed from any considerable area, it does not again spring up naturally, but is succeeded by the “old field” or loblolly pine (P. taeda) which is worthless for lumber. By a judicious selsction of mature trees, and preservation of the vigorous young growth of the long leaved pine, splendid forests of this invaluable timber may perpetually furnish good supplies of lumber from both hills and flats. The hills west of the Amite, with two or three small areas near that stream excepted, have only short leaved pine of an in- ferior grade for lumber. Toward the Mississippi, in the region occupied by the “ blufi,” the pine entirely disappears, being replaced by beech, magnolia, oak, hickory, ash, pecan and gum, which furnish limited quantities of hard wood lumber. The alluvial bottoms of all the streams in these parishes likewise furnish small amounts of hard wood lumber, and the 224 swamps important quantities of cypress and cottonwood. Southwest Louisiana offers nothing new in the line of lum- ber. The hills and flats furnish enormous quantities of long leaved pine, and the alluvial bottom lands an abundance of‘ cypress and much oak and ash. The lumber industry is the principal industry of these re- gions. The Oalcasieu and its tributaries are filled with rafts of logs for the score or more mills upon their banks; and many miles of tram road are built to bring logs from the interior. At present most of the lumber is shipped away for manufacture, though factories are beginning to seek these lumber centers. When this more rational plan of manufacturing the lumber where produced is more generally adopted, this section will have an era of prosperity before unknown. Rosin and Turpentine.——-An industry that has obtained some footing in St. Tammany parish only, so far as I have been able to learn, is the manufacture of rosin and turpentine. Several extensive orchards are worked east and north of Oovington in the long leaved pine flats. This pine is exceedingly “ fat” and produces well for three years. If only trees large enough for lumber were bled for turpen- tine, both this industry and the lumber industry might be per- petuated in these flats and in the hills indefinitely ; for bleeding a mature tree does not materially damage it for lumber. But the vandalism practiced in these orchards in bleeding half mature trees yields but slight returns and perpetually blights the young forest, thus destroying the lumber industry for the future. Charcoal.--In St. Tammany small amounts of charcoal are burned, but the industry has not assumed as yet any considera- ble proportions. It is here made from the long leaved pine. Frmlts and Flowers.——The hard wood areas furnish abundant beech and oak mast, and pecans in considerable variety grow naturally. Persimmons of several varieties are found native ; and muscadines (Vitis vulpina) and two or three less importont varieties of grapes are found in the alluvial regions. One or two edible varieties of wild plum, and several va- 225 rieties of blackberries and dewberries are found. Papaws occur but scantily, and do not attain the tree-like size which character- ize them further north. Maypops are abundant every where. As to the cultivated fruits we are but beginning to realize the advantages offered by this section of the State for their culture. Oranges have long been successfully grown, but the adapta- bility of our soil and climate to the growth of pears, peaches, C?) plums, persimmons and a long list of Japanese fruits ; to straw- berries and blackberries and the whole category of garden vege- tables is only beginning to be appreciated. Japanese fruits, flowers and vegetables seem to find a con- genial home in the Florida parishes. The sandy soils of the Lafayette hills are well suited to grape culture; and while imported varieties of grapes require much attention to preserve them against fungous diseases, yet there is found native in this region a grape, the muscadine, which with culture, I think bids fair to make these lands much sought after for vineyards. This grape and its near kinsman, the scuppernong, seem to possess immunity from the diseases that prey upon imported va- rieties; and while not of value as table grapes produce wines pronounced by connoisseurs to possess a bouquet equal to the Italian and French wines. ‘Vines for domestic use are made by many from these grapes obtained from the open woodland; but so far as known to me no attempt has been made in the state to grow these grapes for the manufacture of wines for the market. It seems to me to be a field as inviting as it is unoccupied. Probably no other region in the United States is known where climate and soil so conspire to produce variety of flowering and decorative shrubs and trees as does the “bluff” section of these parishes. Magnolias of half a dozen varieties ; camellias in va- riety more than a score ; sweet olive, dogwood, holly, spirea, Cape jessamines, crepe myrtle; numerous species of the honey suckle family ; oleanders and roses in infinite variety and pro- fusion. 226 Probably no other flower or plant is more distinctive of these bluff lands, and certainly none more beautiful, than the tangled clumps and dense hedges of Cherokee rose. With its broad spreading white petals, and mass of yellow stamens it is easily the superior in perfection and beauty of any other rose, wild or cultivated, it has been my pleasure to see. One is sur- prised and disappointed, however, to find with all its exquisite beauty it is devoid of odor. The Oherokee rose is ever the ex- ponent of a warm, fertile, responsive soil. Growing profusely throughout the section, it is rarely or never cultivated as an ornamental shrub; but because of its vigorous growth, and sharp, strong, recurving thorns is much used as hedges. An equally characteristic flowering plant of the “ good up- lands,” extending also into the' “ bluff ” region, is the fragrant yellow jessamine. With its long trailing branches, overrunning the fences, and climbing even into the low branching trees, it produces a carpet of yellow, which puts to shame any artificial “Field of Gold,” and makes the early spring breezes heavy with its fragrant sweetness. The plant, however, is considered a pest to be exterminated -or at least confined to legitimate bounds as a decorative plant ; inasmuch as it not only is not a forage plant, but chokes out the better grasses and occupies the land with its mat of twining -branches. ' It contains a poisonous element, and is to some extent used in medicine. This is but one of the multitude of yellow flowers found in the Florida parishes, and the prevalence of yellows among .the flowers of every season cannot fail to attract the attention of one passing through the section. VVhile the variety of annual wild flowers is not so great as in more northern latitudes, probably because of the slight range of temperature, yet no season is without its characteristic wild flowers. The flats both of these parishes and of Southwest Louisiana have not nearly so varied a flora as the uplands, and the flower- ing annuals are chiefly aquatic. 227 “Water lilies,” “water hyacinths” and numerous varie- ties of iris make the lake margins, gum “ swamps” and bayous of the coast marsh gorgeous; indeed in many places, e. g., in Bayou Bon Fouca, Bayou Vincent and Bayou Liberty in St. Tammany it is difficult to prevent these aquatic plants from choking up the streams to the extent of stopping navigation. Forage Plants. -—Louisiana is fairly well off in the line of native forage crops. In the hills and flats, until within the past decade, the chief dependence for native forage plants was in crab grass (Panicum sanguinale) and two or three species of Paspalum, or carpet grass. The last only has been of much value in the hills, and while furnishing good pasturage does not attain sufficient height to be cut for hay. The Panicums and Paspalums, in the low lands and flats, furnish excellent hay. About ten years ago there was introduced into Louisiana a forage plant that has won for itself unstinted praise. This is the Lespedeza striata or Japan clover. Introduced, probably by accident, it has taken such vigor- ous hold upon the soil, both hill and flat, that but for its so recent introduction one might believe it indigenous here. Though appearing late in the spring, and maturing and dying: long before winter, during its stay it is the most important na- tive forage crop of the hills and among the best in the lowlands. In addition to being an excellent crop for grazing it furnishes abundant crops of hay. It is found throughout thehills and flats of the Florida Parishes and Southwest Louisiana. Another native forage plant of the “ piney” woods is the “Beggar tick” (Desmodium molle), which is held in consider- able esteem. Upon the “ bluff ” soils Bermuda grass is the best grazing grass, and the native cane here furnishes good winter and early spring forage. The prairies of the Southwest produce a grass that, while inferior to the grasses above enumerated, furnishes good summer pasturage; while stock in the coast marsh find nutritious grass the year round. 228 In addition to the native forage crops described we have a long list of cultivated crops that furnish abundant forage the entire year. Without attempting to describe them or even to enumerate them entirely or in the order of importance, the following may be named: Oorn, oats, cane, sorghum, cow peas, alfalfa, clover and peanuts. ‘ The last four of these, as also lespedeza, possessing the power of taking up free nitrogen from the air, are important also as fertilizers. Money Crops.-—For a long time, practically only three “money crops” have been grown in the Florida parishes ; cot- ton on the uplands and hills, and rice and cane in the alluvial lands. Until within recent years these crops have been so remuner- ative, that no thought was given to any other, and the economic system of the section has been organized and developed upon the production of these three crops as a basis. Changed conditions have greatly decreased the remunera- tive returns from these crops, and from sheer force of necessity farmers and planters are beginning to turn their attention to other and varied crops. ' This will surely prove to be a “ blessing in disguise.” As a “ one idea” man is a narrow man, so a “one crop ” section of country is bound to be narrowing and discriminating in ten- dency—constantly widening the gap between the owner and tiller of the soil. Variety of crops means diversity of interests, which in turn means competition and development. We will now find what our soils are best suited for, and not what they may be mude to produce. It has been thoroughly demonstrated that corn will make a good crop throughout these parishes, and with the forage crops before named will make the raising and preparing for the market of stock—sheep, hogs and cattle—profitable. Experiment has shown the Lafayette lands of North Louis- iana well adapted to the cultivation of tobacco ; and as the hills 229 -of East Eeliciana, St. Helena, Tangipahoa and Washington parishes are of similar deposits, why should not the farmers of these parishes find in this another money crop“? The “ flats ” of Southwest Louisiana have proven most ex- »cellent rice lands ; and about Hammond flats of similar character and origin are found to be well adapted to the growth of straw- berries and other small fruits, as also for a host of vegetables >-that find a ready sale in the early Northern markets. Almost half of the area east of the Amite river is a similar -deposit, and has precisely the same culture possibilities as those lands that have been tested. It only remains for men of enter- prise to take hold of these lands that have been considered worthless, to convert them into the most profitable fruit and "truck farms of the state. The soil, usually considered too wet and cold for profitable cultivation, is so only so long as it is un- -drained. The “bluff” lands of the Florida parishes need no further experiment to show their capabilities of producing almost any crop suited to the climate of these parishes. The experiment at Baton Rouge to test whether these lands are suited to the growth of a high grade cigar tobacco has proven very satisfactory and favorable ; and it is probable that this will become a valuable addition to the money crops of this section. Here, too, the experiment with that most promising of fibre plants, ramie, has shown these lands eminently suited to its growth ; and when suitable machinery for the preparation of its fibre is perfected, will doubtless take an important place among our crops. The suitability of these “ bluff” lands for sugar cane is no longer a question of doubt, as our upland cane, while not yield- ing so large a tonnage as that from the alluvial lands, possesses a higher percentage of sugar. About the same conditions obtain in Southwest Louisiana as those enumerated in the Florida Parishes. The large prairie section, being peculiar to this part of the State, presents to some -extent peculiar conditions. In the better drained, eastern part, 230 variety of crops, in which corn, perhaps, holds the leading place, has long been the rule. The flatter, western prairies have been so recently put in cultivation, and the mania for rice culture has been so general, that the culture possibilities of these lands have scarcely been tested. Where orchards have been planted, however, pears, plums and peaches (‘‘i) have been found to attain great perfec- tion, and strawberries, dewberries and blackberries are certain and abundant crops. The long list of vining fruits, e. g., watermelons, muskmel- ons, cantaloupes, cucumbers, squashes, etc., wherever tried in these western prairies have shown wonderful adaptability to- the soil ; so also beans, peas, cabbages, tomatoes and potatoes. As perhaps most universally grown both here and in the Florida Parishes, and suitable alike for human and animal food, should be mentioned the sweet potato. Adapted especially to the sandy soils of the hills, and the sandy loams of the prairies, its yield is rich and sure. Though visited at rare intervals by killing frosts, the south- ern coasts, especially the islands and chenieres, are sufficiently safefrom these low temperatures to ,make them suited to the growth of semi-tropical fruits. Previous to the blighting “cold wave” of February, 1895, splendid orange orchards existed upon these islands and along the margins of the lower rivers. These orchards, though injured and in some cases killed, are being re- newed, and will shortly be as productive as before. Perhaps the surest and favorite fruit of the entire State is- the fig. Grown alike on hill and in flat ; on the bluff and in the alluvial bottom, and throughout the prairies, it has established its claim to supremacy among the fruits of the State. Whether or not any or all of the crops Imentioned, whether fruit or vegetable, shall become a “money” crop, depends upon the enterprise with which markets are obtained. Being products common to the entire South, home markets are not of primary importance. The profit will’ arise from the ability to place these products upon an early Northern market before the similar home grown crops are available. 231 Being so readily perishable, the first and chief consideration must be direct railroad communication with these markets. That obtained, the agricultural, horticultural and fructicultural possibilities of Southwest Louisiana can scarcely be foreshad- owed. V. CLIMATE. Among the first questions to be considered in determining the desirability of any region is concerning its climate; and es- pecially is this true of an agricultural region. YVhile no region is so inhospitable in climate as to be en- tirely uninhabitable, yet the question of soil is so intimately asso- ciated with that of climate that any agricultural report that omits a consideration of the climatic elements must be consid- ered incomplete. The questions of temperature, and especially range of tem- perature ; of moisture and the distribution of precipitation throughout the year ; of winds and their local and often violent manifestations in thunderstorms and tornadoes are of primary importance to the farmer and planter, inasmuch as they control not only seed time and harvest, but also the character of crop he may profitably raise. Far too little importance has heretofore been attached to the careful study of these questions, and it is to be hoped that soon there may be voluntary stations established in every vil- lage. It is only by such multiplicity of observations, carried on for a long series of years, that the influence of local though lim- ited water bodies, timber-areas and topographic relief may be seen. From a study of the weather charts, and much better from an examination of the records of the separate stations, some strik- ing facts may be gleaned. Though the section treated in this report covers less than 232 one degree of latitude, yet the northern portion records in some years ten degrees lower temperature than the southern ; and the range of temperature for the former is frequently fifteen- degrees greater than for the latter. ‘ The precipitation over the level coastal marsh and prairie is distinctly less than over the broken and wooded uplands. The hills have apparently the greater influence in inducing rainfall, probably by reason of the forced convectional motion in the pre- vailingly southeast winds. Immunity from killing frosts is often had in the vicinity of considerable water-areas; partially because of their tempering: nature, and partially as a result of the fogs that rise from them and protect adjacent lands, while lands farther removed are- unprotected. This latter effect is very noticeable upon the front- and back lands of our rivers, especially the Mississippi. Perhaps no other illustration of the necessity for consulting the meteorological records before Lembarking in any expensive agricultural enterprise will appeal more strongly or universally to the readers of this report than the failure to make peach growing profitable in Southwest Louisiana. By reason of the mildness of our winters the peach tree is induced to put forth its fruit so early as to be killed by the last frosts. While the trees are vigorous and the fruit luscious ; and while each year there- is an abundant promise of fruit, yet it is found that not more than one crop in five years can be relied upon.| Such small returns do not justify the labor and expense re- quired, and therefore many vigorous young peach orchards have been cut down. Should later blooming varieties be developed, or means dis- covered for retarding their putting forth, peaches may take their place among the profitable fruits of this section. Though fronting upon the Gulf of Mexico, and on that ac- count having its climate tempered by that large body of warm water, South Louisiana in common with the rest of the Missis- sippi valley has a distinctly continental climate, and its weather is chiefly under cyclonic control. The prevailing direction of the wind is frcm some southern 233 -quarter, and is chiefly determined by the relative position of the section with regard to the tracks of “lows” and “highs” as ‘-they cross the continent. These “lows” (atmospheric hollows) and “highs” (atmos- ipheric hills), bringing successively cloudy and fair weather, follow a pretty definite course across the United States, being a great southward bending curve with its apex in the Mississippi valley. First appearing upon the Pacific coast they move southeast to about the longitude of the great river, when the di- rection of progression changes and the remainder of the trans- -continental journey is made in a northeasterly direction. The direction of the wind and character of the weather at any place will depend largely upon its distance and direction from a passing atmospheric disturbance. A “low” passing to the north or a “high” to the south of a place, it near enough to affect its weather will bring, gener- ally, warmer winds and clouding weather. The reverse of these -conditions will produce contrary results. As the section here considered lies for the most part south -of the tracks of the systematic succession of “ lows” and “highs” across the Mississippi valley; and as these “lows” strengthen while the “highs” weaken, as a rule, upon reaching their greatest southing, southerly winds are most frequent. These come from the Gulf moisture laden; and being cooled, both by convectional ascent and by moving into cooler regions, produce an abundant rainfall over the entire section. This is well distributed throughout the year, so that destructive droughts are uncommon. The tempering effects of Lakes Maurepas and Pontchartrain are felt far into the adjacent flats, and frosts are much less com- men or damaging than in the hills. Similar effects are pro- duced in Southwest Louisiana by the bordering bays and Gulf. Throughout South Louisiana maximum temperatures of 100° F. are extremely uncommon, and minimum temperatures below 20° F. are even more rare. Upon the Icoast freezing tempera- tures are infrequent. The range of temperature is about 700 F. in the northern 234 portion of the section and decreases as we approach the coast. The annual precipitation varies from 50 to 70 inches, being in the northern part usually between 60 and 65 inches, and de- creasing toward the coast where it is commonly under 50 inches. This is well distributed throughout the year. Though there is a minimum of rainfall in midsummer, no season can be con- sidered as distinctively dry. The winds are variable though prevailingly southern. Thunderstorms are common, and are usually accompanied by strong winds. Though south of the most frequented tracks of tornadoes, many destructive storms pass through the section ; following, as elsewhere in the Mississippi valley a course from southwest to northeast. Their paths through the pine hills and flats may be traced years after their passage by the prostrate trunks of trees. Summing up we may say : The section is one of moderate range of temperature, being less as we approach the coast; of sufficient though not excessive rainfall, likewise diminishing to- ward the coast, and being well distributed through the year ; of variable though prevailingly southern winds, and occasional de- structive storms. Taken as a whole the climate may be properly called tem- perate. VI. THE FIVE ISLANDS. The “islands” of Orange, Petite Anse, Grand Cote, Uote Blanche, and Belle Isle, lying in a northwest and southeast line in Southwest Louisiana, constitute a topographic feature of the coastal plain that has no other American homologue. While not in the strictest sense islands, yet these detached and limited areas rise so conspicuously above the surrounding prairie and marsh that they are and have ever been referred to as islands. The most northwestern of the series, Orange Island, lies in 235 the southern part of township 12 south, range 5 east; and is washed on its northern side by Lake Pcigneur. The sometime marshy land to the south has been redeemed and converted into firm pasture land. About seven miles to the southeast, across several miles of mnredeemed marsh, lies the second of the series, Petite Anse, township 12 south, ranges 5 and 6 east. It is entirely sur- rounded by an easily redeemable marsh, which is drained to the -north by Bayou Petite Anse, and to the south by several small bayous that find their sources in the marais along the western slope of the “bluff.” Continuing southeast for six miles through an increasingly swampy marsh, the third and probably largest island of the five, Grand Cote, is reached in township 14 south, ranges 6 and 7 east. Six miles farther, in the same direction, after crossing Bayou Oypremort, reaches the next of the series, Cote Blanche, in township 15 south, range 7 east. The cast, north and west sides face a somewhat deep salt marsh, while the south side rises 50 feet precipitously from Cote Blanche Bay, which is slowly but unceasingly encroaching upon the island. East and west along the bay for several miles stretches the narrow, wave- formed beach, which remains above even high tide except when made excessive by stormy south winds. A distance of twenty-five miles in a continuous southeast ‘dlI'6(3'Dl()11 from Cote Blanche must be traversed before reaching Belle Isle, the last of the series, in township 17 south, ranges .10 and 11 east. Wholly surrounded by the sea marsh with its branching and inter-branching bayous, and separated by this marsh from the nearest continuous land by a distance of eight -or ten miles, Belle Isle is truly an island. The “Five Islands’7 thus constitute a series that extends from the south shore of Lake Peigneur in Iberia parish to the -shore of the Atchafalaya Bay in St. Mary’s parish, a distance of about forty five miles, and upon an almost exact right line. They all display similar sedimentary deposits; none being probably older than Lafayette, and the Columbia being the in- 236 variable surface deposits. Characteristic mottled clayey sands, and well rounded pebbles and gravel, with casts of fossils, fix their identity. Distorted sand and gravel beds, and faulted, indurated and semi-metamorphic beds of sandrock, observed on all the islands, bespeak considerable disturbance since these deposits were- made. As such distortions do not extend to the Columbia clays- and loams, and as these sink beneath the marsh and reappear in.- like relation over the prairies, it is fair to presume that the dis- turbances which produced these dislocations preceded the depo- sition of those sediments. The trend of these islands being a continuation of the line connecting the Cretaceous outcropsin Louisiana ; and inasmuch as they are underlaid, so far as investigation has gone, by the rock salt deposit which is usually accounted Cretaceous, it has been generally assumed that they are “remnants” of a former continuous Cretaceous ridge, or “ back bone ” through the State. In his report “ On the Geological History of the Gulf of‘ Mexico’7 Prof. Hilgard says of these islands, in speaking of the Cretaceous Period: “The outliers in Louisiana are too limited in extent for determinations of dip; but it can scarcely be doubted that they represent the summits of an (more or less in- terrupted) ancient ridge, a kind of backbone to the State of’ Louisiana, whose resistance to denudation has measurably in- fluenced the nature and conformation of subsequent deposits. “It is fair to presume that from this ridge the strata dip toward the axis of the Mississippi valley, to meet those on the opposite side, and the depth at which those beds are found in the Calcasieu bores, seem to indicate, on the western slope, a southwesterly dip of three or four feet per mile. “A glance at the map shows, nevertheless, that the general form of the northern Gulf shore was not materially influenced by the existence of this axis of elevation, which probably was marked merely by a series of disconnected islands in the early Tertiary sea that, after the emergence of the immense Creta- ceous area, already prefigured the present Gulf of Mexico.” Colonel Samuel H. Lockett* in speaking of Cote Blanche *Second Annual Report of the Topographical Survey of Louisiana, 18 70. 237 and Belle Isle says : “ These belong to a chain of five islands, running from r orthwest to southeast, through the marshes of Iberia and St. Mary parishes. * . The two extreme islands are considerably smaller than the others, but similar to them in every other respect. “ In both a geological and topographical view, these islands are objects of very great interest. Geologically, they evidently belong to the same epoch as the bluff formation of the eastern bank of the Mississippi river. Their surface presents the same- water worn appearance, being an alternation of irregular ranges of hills and sinuous valleys. We observe the same precipitous bluffs, with a capping of yellow siliceous silt, underlaid by the lower members of the bluff and the sand and pebbles of the Orange Island formation, while the exact coincidence of the torest growth with that peculiar to other bluff localities, would make a resident of Vicksburg, Port Hudson or Baton Rouge, if suddenly transported to these islands, believe that he was still in the immediate vicinity of his own home. “Topographically, these islands are a continuation of the Cote Gelee hills, running north and south through the parish of Lafayette. This same range of hills, continuing northward, re‘ ceives the names Oarencro hills in the northern part of Lafay» ette, Grand Coteau in south St. Landry, the Opelousas hills in the vicinity of the town of that name, and finally abut against the Bayou Boeut at Washington and Moundville. “Further north I have not yet traced them, but am of the opinion that future investigations will discover connecting links between the points last named and Sicily Island in Gatahoula parish, which is itself but a continuation of the hills of Bayou Magon. “ This line, thus marked out by broken chains of hills and detached islands in the sea marsh swamps, I believe to have been the western shore of a once vast estuary whose limits are coextensive with the present alluvial bottom of the Mississippi river. . “To account for these islands in their present positions, we have but to suppose a series of mighty crevasses through 238 -the great natural levee formed along the border of the estuary. ‘These crevasses were made during the movement of elevation “which evidently once occurred throughout the valley of the Mis- . sissippi. “The city of Baton Rouge might have been situated on a =similar island, had the erosion that produced the Devil’s Swamp, just north of it, been continued a little further so as to meet the head of the valley of VVard’s Creek. The rush of waters which would have followed such a result, in some unusually high stage of the ancient Mississippi, can easily be imagined sufficient to sweep away the country for miles back, while the circling eddies just below this hypothetical crevasse would have left unhurt the hills upon which Baton Rouge now stands.” Thomassy found in all the islands proof of “powerful vol- canic convulsions,” and compared them to the mudlumps of the lower Mississippi delta. , While there are unquestionable evidences of disturbances and earthshocks in these islands, e. g., the arching, folding, and faulting of the Lafayette sands, and the faulting and semi met- amorphism of the sand rock, yet I was unable to discover upon any of them any volcanic product whatever. There were un- -doubtedly earthshocks, but 1 could not interpret any evidences seen as proofs of “ powerful volcanic convulsions.” Although the surface deposits here are like those from Washington south, yet I think we are hardly justified in con- sidering these islands as continuations of the Carencro and -Cote Gelee hills. These hills are plainly the products of erosion, and show no evidence of disturbance; while the Columbia loams cf the islands were spread as a veneering over much disturbed and probably elevated Lafayette deposits. At any rate there was nothing seen to indicate disturbance of the Columbia clays and loams. The accounting for these islands as remnants of a once con- tinuous ridge, produced by the sweeping away of the interme- -diate sections in a “series of mighty crevasses through this great natural levee,” is hardly tenable, for oreoasses do not occur in natural levees. Moreover, these islands not being a continua- 239 tion of the natural levee along the western bank of the ancient Mississippi, but lying to the west of this, it is difficut to see how so great an erosion could be produced at the distance of the islands by streams that could only cut channels now repre- sented by the coulees and marais upon the immediate front lands. The'islands are in all probability, to some extent at least, the result of differential erosion, and as Prof. Hilgard says, an “interrupted ridge ;” but this ridge was of pre Columbian for- mation and interrzzption. VVhether borings in the marsh between the islands would reveal the same sequence of deposits that the borings upon Petite Anse and Orange Island show, remains to be determined. In the light of all evidence obtainable, both from published descriptions and personal examination of all of these islands, the following are the conclusions at which I have arrived: 1st. The “Five Islands” are situated upon and are prob- ably remnants of a ridge that has a northwest trend from Belle Isle, and displays outcrops in St. Landry and on Lake Bisteneam 2d. These outcrops, determined by their characters as Cre- taceous, and the rock salt that is known to underlie at a shal- low depth at least two of these islands being probably of the same age, the foundation, at least, ot these islands is Cretaceous. 3d. The fractured, semi-crystalline condition of the lime- stones in the northern outcrops of this ridge, and the disturbed, faulted and sometimes semi-metamorphic condition of the sand and clay beds on the islands point to d{fi"erentiaZ elevation rather than difierentzlal erosion as the explanation of the origin of the ridge or so-called “ Cretaceous backbone” in Louisiana. 4th. VVhatever the date of the origin of this ridge, and: whatever height it may have attained in a former geological pe- riod, it was materially increased in the region of the islands dur- ing the time of Lafayette elevation and erosion. This is attested by the followin g evidence : Lafayette grav- els and pebbles that occur in the hills only along old waterways, and could only be brought to their present position by being rolled along the bottom are found upon these islands more than 240 fifty feet above the level of the Gulf; while in Artesian borings to the east and west of this ridge these gravels are reached at depths varying from one hundred to two hundred feet. Gravel and pebbles of this size could not be carried up such an incline by our strongest streams, and the difference between these levels may be taken as a measure of the warping since these beds were deposited. Moreover, these beds of sand and gravel have been folded and faulted, thus giving unmistakable evidence of differential motion. 5th. The Columbia deposits, especially in its later mem- bers, are spread mantle-wise over the disturbed Lafayette, and show no disturbance. This would indicate deposition upon a submerged ridge, and will account for the steep dips observed in these surface deposits. It would therefore appear, inasmuch as the Lafayette grav- els rest directly upon the rock salt, that the “Cretaceous back- bone” of Southwest Louisiana had at least an initial existence in pre Lafayette times, and the rock salt was unevenly eroded; that during Lafayette emergence and later submergence the strength of the topography was increased by further differential motion; That during early Columbia times this ridge was trenched by strong currents, thus leaving the “interrupted” submerged ridge, which with its later veneering of Columbia sediments was elevated and produced the islands of to-day. Special descriptions of these islands would be or little eco- nomic or scientific interest. They vary chiefly in their surface features. While Grand Cote is distinctly more sandy than Cote Blanche, this is probably due to more extensive removal of Columbia clays and loams. Belle Isle and Orange Island, the extremes of the series, are smaller than the other islands, and use one hundred and twenty five and eighty five feet respectively above the Gulf. Belle Isle gives most evidence of disturbance, and in addition to its sour springs and its evidences of gas and oil, exhibits strata of clay well studded with sulphur crystals. Orange Island is known to be underlaid by eighteen hundred feet of rock salt, and the limit not yet reached. 241 The rock salt mine on Petite Anse displays in section a dis- tinct and almost vertical banding of the salt, which suggests bed- ding, and if so, the enormous thickness of salt passed through is due to this high inclination of the bed rather than great thick- ness of the original deposit. Investigation of the horizontal ex- tent of these deposits will throw much light upon this question, as will also a critical study of the banded structure of the salt. Cote Blanche and Grand Cote have up to the present been -chiefly devoted to agricultural purposes, for which they are eminently suited. VII. SOME GEOLOGICAL SECTIONS. While the geological examination of Louisiana has been too cursory, and the opportunities for determining the sequence of deposits too limited to justify the presentation of a general geo- logical section for the State, yet it seems worth while to bring together the sections obtained by former examinations and by -my own study of South Louisiana, both east ~and west of the Mississippi. As before stated, we are largely dependent upon sections ob- ‘ tained in dug and bored wells for more than the extremely superficial sections afforded by the streams; and as these sec- tions are generally given from memory by men who are not geol- -ogists, only general conclusions may be drawn from them. The increasing popularity of Artesian wells, which sometimes reach a depth of one thousand feet, offers exceptional opportunities for determining the substructure of the State if the companies or individuals boring the wells will take the trouble to preserve specimens of the materials obtained. These specimens should be taken at short intervals—say every five feet, and sent to the Survey headquarters at Baton Rouge. The Survey will pay all freights, and it is hoped that all intelligent citizens will interest themselves in securing this information for us. The sections presented by the streams that have trenched 24:2 their beds deepest display only incoherent, geologically recent sediments. The following are the sections : IN THE PINE HILLS. “ l7luker’s Care,” on Amite river, in St. Helena parish. 1. Soil and subsoil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 inches-Columbia. 2. Mottled sand and clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 feet. 3. Bed sand rock with pebbles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 “ Lafayette. 4. Reddish yellow sand with layers of fine grained clay. .25 “ Some of the pebbles were well rounded, and contained casts of fossil mollusks and crinoids. The best sections of this portion of Louisiana are obtained from dug wells. These always display beneath a few inches of‘ Columbia veneering first ten to twenty-five feet of mottled clayey sand, massive and glazing upon exposed surfaces; then more stratified deposits of the same general character down to the basal bed of sand, gravel and pebbles. Numerous partings of fine grained, white, or red and white mottled “pipe clay” occur, and sometimes these are reported as much as ten feet in thickness. These deposits indicate formation in a shallow mar- ginal sea with fitful and varying currents. IN THE PINE FLATS. 1. Soil and yellowish, sandy Clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 feet] 2. Mottled clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-20 “ 3. Yellow clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-20 “ > Columbia. 4. Continuous blue clay with frequent water hearing I sand layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J At 40-75 feet, beds of organic matter——logs, leaves, bark, pine cones, etc. are obtained. Water from this horizon has Hz S odor. Artesian water rises 1--20 feet. The above data were obtained from a well borer at Ham- mond, La. The Artesian water here is chiefly obtained from- what seems to be the basal Columbia gravels. Deeper boring gives stronger flows, and purer water. IN THE PRAIRIES. Waterworks well at J eannerette, Iberia parish : 1. Red clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 feet-Red River deposit. 2. Sandy mottled clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 “ ) - 3. Organic bed——leaves, twigs, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 “ 8' C01umb1a' 4. Sand and gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 “ ——Lafayette. !‘*SJ°t°E" $":“.¢°!-\"!" F‘ £‘~°.°°!" 243 Ice factory well at J eannerette : Red clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 feet—Red River deposit. Mottled clay and sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 “ - Organic bed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 “ i Columbw“ Sand and gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 “ -—Lafayette. An additional 175 feet in yellow clay . . . . . . . . . . . Artesian well 1 3-5 miles southwest of J eannerette : Soil and gray mottled clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175 feet Chalky hard pan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 “ Columbia Blue clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 “ § Sand and gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 “ —-Lafayette. Artesian well 3% miles southwest of J eannerette : Soil and gray mottled clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140 feet Shell bed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 “ Columbia. Organic bed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 “ Sand and gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 “ —Lafayette. The above four sections were furnished me by Mr. E. P. Moresi, a well borer of J eannerette. fl¢PP@NH Artesian Well at Glencoe, St. Mary parish, La.: Soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12— 18 inches\ Yellow clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% feet. It Quicksand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 “ - Bmmmy ................................. .1. 2m “ iGwmmm' Shale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tough gray clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . § Undetermmed' J Coarse sand and gravel and water at . . . . . . . . . . . . 615 feet. —Lafayette. The above well is situated near Bayou Cypremont, and the section was furnished me by Dr. Simmons, of Glencoe. l“$’°$°!" Prairie north of Petite Anse, after Prof. Hilgard. :* Brownish black surface soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 foot. Ferruginous or calcareous gravel, concretionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J,-—§ feet. Bluish-white silt, mottled with yellow. and hog-ore spots . . . . . . . .2-l»-3 feet. Blue clay, “similar to that m bed of Bayou Petite Anse” . . . . . . . .Not known. The above section is plainly Columbia. *1 have reversed the order of strata members to agree with order used in Artesian well sections. 244 Well at Welch, Calcasieu parish, La.: 1. Soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . ..6-— 8 inches.) 2. Mottled clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 feet I 3. Red quicksand, water bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 “ }Columbia. 4. Chalky clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 “ I 5. Blue clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 “ J 6. Beach sand and gravel at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 “ —Lafayette. This section was furnished by E. L. Earll, a well digger of’ Welch, La. Average Section at Lake Charles, La., (contributed): I. Soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l0— 15 inches. 2. Sandy mottled clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10— 12 feet. - 3. Red sand ................................... .. 1_ 2 feet. Golumbm 4. Mottled clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..40-— 50 feet. 5. Mottled clayey sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-100 feet. -—Lafayettee Artesian Well at Lake Charles, La., (contributed): 1. Soil and mottled clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 feet] 2. Yellow clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 15 “ 3. Blue clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 “ Columbia... 4. Shale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 “ 5. Dark brown clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 “ 6. Variegated sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 “ 7. Sand and pebbles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F . . . . . . . . 185 " % Lafayette’ Artesian water at this level rose 16 feet above surface. 8. Continued through quicksand for about 75 feet, when Xtools be- ‘* came fast and well abandoned. Wells at sugar refinery, Lake Charles, La. , are Artesian and? water very pure from about the 500 foot horizon. John Buck 8t Son’s brick works in south Lake Charles use soil and clay to depth of 10 or 12 feet. At this depth 2 or 3 feet of quick~sand, and below this 60 to 70 feet of good brick clay. Brick Works in north Lake Charles: 1. Soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-12 inches. 1 2. Mottled sandy clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2— 4 feet. 3. Reddish sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2—- 4 “ }Columbia-. 4. Pure red clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .10--12 “ J 5. Fine grained, foul smelling, bluish clay . . . . . . . . . 7— 9 “ 6. Sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 5 “ ' 7. Sand, shells and boulders(?) ....... .., ......... .. 3- 5 “ l Lafayette' This section was furnished by Mr. Burnett, the proprietor of the works. No. 4 of the section is possibly Red River de- posit, and if so, points to the Calcasieu as the former course of ' the Red river. 245 i-ll--1 l-ll-ll-\ es-O s~'>.*-*.<>.@s><>.< war .¢~».~>:-‘ .¢":"‘~$'°$\°l"‘ Section of bore at Sulphur Mine, Calcasieu parish, L:-1.: Yellow and blue clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 feet 2 Sandy blue clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55 “ Columbia. Almost pure blue clay with many sand pockets . . 30 “ § Fine gray sand—-water bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13» “ Coarser, gravelly sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45 " Lafayette. Coarse gray sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 “ Marl (oil and tar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-} “ 1 Blue, sandy limestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30% “ | Calcareous marl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 “ '>Gran%rGu1f’ Hard, rough, gray Calcareous marl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 “ , Vick bu White saccharoidal Calcareous marl . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 “ l S 1g‘ Same reduced to sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 “ J Hard, compact limestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 “ Sulphur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112 “ Cretaceous. Bottom of sulphur at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .510 “ Section of present work-ing hole at Sulphur Mine : Clay, sand, gravel, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 feet—Colnmbia and Lafayette. Shelly (bastard) limestone . . . . . . . . .80—l0O “ —Grand Gulf, or Vicksburg. Solid limestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6—7 “ Sulphur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 “ Cretaceous. Soft, white rock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 “ Piping stops at upper surface of No. 3. The above two sections at Sulphur Mine kindly furnished by Mr. J. C. Hoff- man, superintendent of the works. $"t'“.°°$°l" tl*.°°$°!" S-"H*°° 5°!-‘ Approximate Section at Edgerly, La., (contributed): Sandy, chocolate colored soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12—l5 inches. 1 Mottled clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .. 3- 5 feet. ' . Gray sand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4— 6 “ {L C Olumbla“ Clay.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3— 5 “ J Red quick-sand, water bearing, undetermined. . . —Lafayette. IN THE “BLUFF.” River Section at Tnnica Hills, West Feliciana parish, La.: Yellow loam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Undetermined. ‘‘ Loess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 feet. Port Hudson strata, I \ undetermined. J White clay with calcareous concretions.. § 3 Columbw“ Whitish blue clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section at St. Francisville, West Feliciana parish, La.: Yellow loam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 feet. l, Yellow sand (like the transition between the loess and drift) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 I Columbia. Whitish sandy clay and sand in several alterations )Port Hudson | Sandy silt with roots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . group, unde- I Whitish-blue clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . termined. . . . J 6‘ 246 River Section at Port Hudson, East Feliciana parish, La.: 1. Yellowloam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5feet.) 2. White and yellow hardpan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 “ 3. Three layers of bluish joint clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 “ 4. Sand, indurated above and below, loose and white in middle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . .24 “ >Columbia. 5. Ledge of layers of clay solidified by iron rust . . . . . . . . . . 3 “ 6. Massive clay, blue and very smooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . .13 “ 7. Stump stratum and leaf bed in blue shale . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 “ 8. White clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 “ , River section, five miles above Baton Rouge, La.: 1. White hard pan, yellow above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 feet) 2. Indurated clayey sand, laminated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 ‘ Columbia 3. White and yellow spotted clay, with clayey lime concre- ' tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24. “ River section at Baton Rouge, La.: 1. Brownish yellow loam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231} feet 2. Yellow and white hard pan, with ferruginous concre- . tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 “ Golumbla’ Yellow clay, with limy concretions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16% “ The foregoing five sections, extracted from Hopkins’ Third Report, represent the only natural sections of importance in the “bluff” region east of the Mississippi in Louisiana. As al- ways I have numbered the members of the section from top down ; otherwise the sections are unchanged. Railroad cat at Washington, St. Landry parish, La.: 1. Yellowish brown loam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 feet 2, Yellow clay, with lime concretions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 “ Columbia. 3. Mottled clay, with iron concretions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 “ Sea clijj” at Cote Blanche—After Hilgard : 1. Soil and (brown loam) subsoil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 feet) 2. Stiff greenish brown clay with dendrites . . . . . . . . . . . 5 “ 3. Stiif brown clay with black streaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 “ I 4. Reddish gray loam with ferruginous spots and Cal- careous nodules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8—18 “ 5. Hard pan, mottled white and yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 “ 6. Tough greenish clay with Calcareous concretions. . . -——- > Columbia. 7. Same, non-Calcareous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 “ 8. Gray loam (partly hidden by talus) about . . . . . . . . . . 8 “ 9. Reddish, orange, gray or mottled loam, with ferru- ginous concretions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 “ 10. Cypress muck and lignite about tops of stumps . . . . 1} foot 11. Blue and green sandy clay with cypress roots—visible. 1 “ , 247 The sections here presented suffice to show that in South Louisiana, hill, flat and prairie alike display only Columbia and Lafayette deposits in natwral sections made by streams ; and that dug wells never, and Artesian wells but rarely reach below these deposits. The mottled Columbia clays are displayed in the vertical banks along the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain, and along the north shore of the Gulf in Southwest Louisiana ; and the stratum of organic matter is persistent over the flats and prairies. It is possible as Prof. Hopkins says, that the Cretaceous formation underlies the whole State ; but in most places at such depth that deep Artesian wells fail to reach it. A deep well is now boring at Baton Rouge, and it is hoped that a study of the section which is being carefully taken, will throw new light upon the substructure of the State. THE FLORA OF THE SECTIONS REPORTED UPON IN THIS BULLETIN. The following notes on the botanical features of these sec- tions are made by Prof. W. R. Dodson, Botanist of the State Experiment Station, who accompanied the Survey through the Florida Parishes and made, personally, the collections; and who examined the collections made by Cadet Matthews under his direction, who accompanied the Geological Survey through Southwest Louisiana. These lists constitute only a part of the plants of these sections, being confined chiefly to those of an economic value. At some early day a bulletin will be issued covering all of the plants of the State so far investigated by this department. WM. C. STUBBS, Director. After making a careful study of the notes and collections of Mr. Matthews on the flora of Southwest Louisiana, and compar- ing them with my own on the Florida Parishes, I find the re- gions so strikingly similar that a separation of the two reports would be useless repetition, hence the two sections are included in the following. There are a good number of plants found in each section not found in the other, but they are not of importance here. Respectfully, W. R. DODSON. THE PRINCIPAL PLANTS OF ECONOMIC VALUE IN THE FLORIDA PARISHES AND SOUTHWEST LOUISIANA. BY W. R. DODSON, BOTANIST. TREES. _ Long leaf Pine (Pinus australis) may be said to be the prin- cipal forest growth, both in the hills and in the pine flats. An immense quantity of marketable timber remains yet untouched. Short leaf Pine, Loblolly Pine, Old Field Pine (Pinus tceda), is the principal pine west of the Amite river, to within a few miles of the Mississippi river, and is scattered all over the Florida Parishes and the southwest, but becomes the predomi- nant forest growth only in very limited spots and in land that has once been under cultivation. Northern short leaved Pine (Pinus mitts), is found sparingly in the bottoms of the Amite, Tangipahoa and Pearl rivers, and south of Alexandria. White Pine (Pinus strobus). A few trees are frequently met with in the creek and river bottoms. Pond Pine (Pinus serotina) is frequently met with in the vicinity of Pearl river. Cypress (Taxodium distichum) occurs in all the river bottoms in the sloughs and low places, and in considerable quantities in most of the swamps. OAKS. White Oak (Quercus alba) moderately abundant and of good size on most of the creek bluffs ; frequently along branches in the hills, but seldom exceeding 12 inches in diameter there. Cow Oak (Quercus michauxii) is not generally distinguished from the White Oak, the timber qualities being just as good in 250 -every respect. It is found in moderate abundance in the bot- toms of all the streams. It is generally a larger growth than the White Oak. Water Oak (Qnercns aqaaiica) is quite plentiful along most of the streams: VVillow Oak (Qaercnsphellos). Large trees frequently seen about the margins of swampy places and on creek banks, but not abundant anywhere. Shingle Oak (Qnercas imbricaria) is found occasionally in the upper bottoms of most rivers in the upper parishes. Post Oak (Qaercas obiasiloba) is found in considerable quan- tities in the hills for several miles on each side of the Amite river, and is occasionally met with throughout the hills and the northern portion of the flats. Black Oak (Qaermis iincioria) in moderate quantities through the northern parishes, but mostly limited to hillsides near streams. Black Jack (Quercus nigra), scrubby growth throughout the hills, but never predominant, accompanying long leaf pine. Spanish Oak (Qaercasfalcata), mostly associated with Black “Oak, not quite asabundant. Live Oak (Qaercas cirens) is quite abundant in the lower parishes,_especially on bayous and in the vicinity of the lakes. Beech (Fogns ferruginea) is abundant in most all creek bot- toms, afew areas in the uplands and what is called the bluff lands along the Mississippi river. Large trees are plentiful. Magnolia (Magnolia gramlifiora) is quite abundant in bluff lands and in most of the creek and river bottoms, and in the flats in the vicinity of bayous. Sweet Bay (Magnolia glauca), generally found with Magnolia in wet places and near standing pools. Sweet Gum (Liquidamber styraciflaa). Large trees are mod- -erately abundant in the bottoms of rivers and larger creeks and in the more or less swampy lands. Black Gum (Nyssa syloatica) sparingly through the hills, common on the branches that are running water most of the season. 251 White Ash (Fraxinas Americana) is moderately abundant in low places in the bluff lands, and many creek and river bottoms throughout. Pecan Nut (Oar;/a olivwforrnis) is frequently met with in the ' bottoms of nearly all the streams and bayous. The following ltrees and shrubs of minor importance are found more or less abundant in the bottoms of most all streams and branches, and on hillsides bordering on streams, and some of them less abundant through the hills : Magnolia umbrella, Umbrella Magnolia. Magnolia macrophylla, Large leaved Magnolia. Liriodendron Tulipifera, Poplar. Illicium Floridonum, Anise Tree. Asimina triloba, Papaw or Crusted Apple. Tilia Americana, Bass wood Linden. Zanthoxylum Carolinianum, Prickly ash, Toothache tree. Rhus glabra, Sumac, smooth. Rhus capollina, Dwarf sumac. Rhus aromatica, Polecat Bush. Rhus Toxicodendron, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak. Vitis bipinnata, Goose Grape. Vitus Labrusca, Fox Grape. Vitis vulpina, Muscadine. Ceanothus Americanus, Jersey Tea. Aesculus Pavia, Smooth Buck Eye. Acer dasycarpum, Silver Maple. Acer rubrum, Red Maple. Negundo aceroides, Box Elder. Wistaria frutescens, Wistaria. Cercis Canadensis, Red Bud, Judas Tree. Gleditchia triacanthos, Honey Locust. Gleditchia monosperma, Honey Locust. Prunus Americana, Plum. Prunus Pennsylvanica, Wild Cherry. Rubus Villosus, High Black Berry. ‘ Rubus Canadensis, Dew Berry. Rubus hispidus, Swamp Blackberry. 252 Rosa loevigata, Cherokee Rose. Crataegus crus-galli, Cockspur Thorn. Crataegus flava, Summer Haw. Cornus florida, Flowering Dogwood. Cornus stricta, Stiff Carnel. Cornus sericea, Kinnikinnik. Nyssa uniflora, Tupelo Gum. -Sambucus Canadensis, Common Elder. Lonicera sempervirens, Honeysuckle. Viburnum prunifolium, Black Haw. Cephalanthus occidentalis, Button Bush. Gelsemium sempervirens, Yellow Jessamine. Vaccinium arboreum, Huckleberry. Oxydendrum arboreum, Sour Wood, Sorrel Tree. Ilex opaca, Holly. Ilex decidna, Deciduous Holly. Diospyrus Virginiana, Persimmon. Bumelia lanuginosa. Tecoma radicans. Solanum, shrubby species undetermined. Fraxinus viridus, Green Ash. Sassafras officinalis, Sassafras. Morus rubra, Mulberry. Ulmus fulva, Slippery Elm. Ulmus Americana, Elm.j Ulmus alata, Winged Elm, Whahoo. Celtis occidentalis, Hackberry. Platanus occidentalis, Plane Tree, Sycamore. Carya alba, Shellbark Hickory. Carpinus Americana, Hornbean. Salix nigra, Willow. 253 The following are some of the medicinal and economic herbs : Clematis crispa, Virgin’s Bower. Clematis viorna, Leather Flower. Ranunculus sceleratus, Cursed Crowfoot. Cocculus Carolinus. Podophyllum peltatum, May Apple. Nymphaaa odorata, Pond Lily. Sarracenia purpurea, Huntsman’s Cup. Sarracenia Psittacina, Parrot Beaked Pitcher Plant.} Sarracenia flava, Trumpet leaf, Watches. Nasturtium officinalis, Water Cress. Sisymbrium canescens, Tansy Mustard. Lepidium Virginicum, Peppergrass. Capselly Bursa pastoris, Shepherd’ s Purse. Viola cuculata, Blue Violet. Viola pedata, Bird foot Violet. Viola primuloefolia. Helianthemum canadense, Rock Rose. Drosera capillaris, Sundew. Drosera brevifolia. Ascyrum Crux Andreee, St. Peter’s Wort. Hypericum-—several species, St. J ohn’s wort. Portulaca oleracea, Purslane. Mollugo verticillata, Indian Chick weed. Stellaria media, Chick weed, Troublesome weed. Stellaria prostrate. Sida spinosa, Troublesome weed. Modiola multifida, Modiola. Hibiscus Moscheutos, Wild cotton. Hibiscus incanus, Wild cotton. Oxalis stricta, Yellow Wood sorrel. Geranium Carolinianum, Cranesbill. Cardiospermun Halicacabum, Polygala, several species. Psoralea melilotoides. Tephrosia Virginiana, Goat’s Rue. Astragalus Canadensis, Milk Vetch. 254 Vicia Caroliniana, Vetch or Tare. Apios tuberosa, bearing edible tubers. Phaseolus diversifolius, Wild Bean. Baptisia, several species Cassia Marilandica, Senna. Cassia nictitans. Potentilla Canadensis, Cinquefoil. Fragaria Indica, False strawberry. Passiflora incarnata, May Pop, Passion Flower. Passiflora lutea. Eryngium Virginianum, Button Snake Root. Elephantopus Carolinianus, Elephant’ s Foot. Tiatris elegans, Button Snake Root. Tiatris spicata, Button Snake Root. Solidago—several species, Golden Rod. Helenium tenuifolium, Bitter Weed. Helenium quadrangulatun, Sneeze Weed. Maruta cotula, May Weed Chamomile. Gnophalium polycephalum, Everlasting. Senecio aureus, Golden Butter Weed. Lobelia cardinalis, Cardinal Flower. Specularia perfoliata, Venus’ Looking Glass. Verbascum Thapsus, Mullein. Introduced. Mimulus rihgens, Monkey Flower. Veronica arvensis, Speedwell. Callicarpa Americana, French Mulberry, shrub. Mentha viridis, Mint. Introduced. Calamintha Caroliniana, Calamint. Brunella vulgaris, Self Heal. Lamium amplexicaule, Dead Nettle, weed. Cuscuta compacta, Dodder. Solanum nigrum, Black Nightshade. Solonum Carolinianum, Horse Nettle. Physalis pubescens, Ground Cherry. Datura stramonium, Jamestown weed, Thorn Apple. Asclepias tuberosa, Butterfly weed, Pleurisy Root. Aristolochia serpentaria, Virginia Snake Root. 255 Phytolacca decandra, Poke weed. Chenopodium album, Pig weed. Chenopodium anthelminticum, Worm seed. Benzoin odorifera, Spice Bush, shrub. Phoradendron fllavescens, Mistletoe. Croton Elliottii, Croton. Urtica urens, Dwarf nettle. FORAGE PLANTS AND GRASSES. Almost the entire area of the southern portion of the tate is clothed to some extent with sedges. that are valueless, but the number of valuable forage plants that have refused to be crowd- ed out demonstrates that they would flourish profusely if given a chance by cultivation. Lespedeza (Lespecleza striata), a valuable hay and forage plant, is becoming very generally distributed through the woods and is taking possession of hills and valleys alike. It is said to have made its appearance only within the last few years. The frequent occurrence of various species of the Pulse family is striking. Two or three species of Desmodium, that are relished by cattle, are abundant. Quite a number of native grasses are found scattered through the forests that would afford good grazing for pasture if the timber was cleared off. Also a large number of grasses that are of no value as forage plants are found, All these will be included in a later report which will attempt to give all that is known of the flora of the State. The following are some of the common grasses relished by stock that occur in considerable abundance, either wild, in open fields, or spontaneous in cultivated grounds : Alopecurus pratensis, Meadow Foxtail. Sporobolus Indicus, Smut Grass. Sporobolus junceus, VVire Grass. Cynodon Dactylon, Bermuda Grass. Introduced. Elensine Indica. Cultivated grounds. Introduced. Er-agrostis Purshii. Paspalum platycaule, Louisiana Grass. Paspalum dilatatum, Hairy flowered Paspalum, Bull Grass. 256 Paspalum distiehum. - Panicum sanguinale, Crab Grass. Panicum filiforme, Hairy Crab Grass. Panicum Crus-galli, Tall Panic Grass, Barn yard Grass. Panicum filiforme. Panicum virgatum. An dropogon furcatus, Broom Grass. Poa annus, Meadow Grass. Introduced.