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I\1i |‘v\I\1\-I\r|.i$-ll!|Il-.1,‘-.l.|a‘..lr>$|\..~lI V-E L .743- 4;’ . -2 §I;\..\.‘ , Li an La...) - .4 J .|-.lu~;-Mil-0-M-I-0-H-|-M-H-G ==-=-_==-2: -:5-=--=--3:22-2:: - -B U l~lI.‘~lUJ‘).‘-1')’ HYQF Mgigm con -0-hi-I -u I-no lnmnmmnnllluhmiiluunllmnn RS » igfln Raufe k: I ) Rl 8: R ";k'5 Ranch I _n5a__g1gg:_|um\!au W%WPJ%E%¥EEEBEJIW \ O-F THE G IF’ i i|ii||‘|i|1||||'|fiiliflfliflfiiliflililiflililfiiifil||||i|iIWlifli?é TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Case Blanking and Cupping Press r.__. R R. KEESU Krk's Ranch, Route One Qaose, Michigan BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company 2//. United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 1941 United States Government Contract W-ORD-481, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material ‘holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model,. note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917, C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 443, '7 6th Congress. 3rd Session). II /I?) r9 Z9 / I25 *w>Z/4-..a-~c=i<-€-~é _ v’ 10‘ _V -2' A TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tool Holder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Tool Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Inspection . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . 19 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . 20 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Tool Servicing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 III OVER-ALL VIEW OF BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS IV CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Catalogue Data Manufacturer Machine Description Type of Feed Machine Motor Production Crankshaft Speed Cooling Solution Pump Lubrication Tools Height Weight Floor Space CATALOGUE DATA E. W. Bliss Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Vertical, single, straight side, double action Crank press, E. W. Bliss #6, 3 V-belt drive motor to flywheel Roller Feed 1 15 h.p.; 3 phase; 60 cycle; 220/440 volts; 38/19 amps.; 1750 R.P.M. 564 per minute 94 R.P.M. Centrifugal (Gusher) 1/10 h.p. Motor; 1 phase; 60 cycle; 110 volts Force Feed System Piece No.: Cupping Punch B-1 Blanking Punch A-1 Blanking and Cupping Die A-1 Sizing Die W-15 Stripper .766 Stripper Spring 2% X .10 x .016 12 ft., 3 in. 22,750 lbs. 5 ft. X 6 ft. CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Machine Description MACHINE DESCRIPTION Strip metal automatically fed to the Caliber .30 Case Blanking and Cupping Press is blanked out and formed into the shape of a cup. _--I— Motor V-Belts Flywheel —_-____ . )/ Brake Assembly Slotted Bur Guard Covering Bull Gear Connecting Rod Clutch Lever Outer Rom ,_-_.__ Feed Roller Assembly FRONT AND END VIEW OF PRESS Power and The E. W. Bliss Double Action Draw Press, illustrated above, is powered Transmission by one 15 h.p. motor, through 3 V-belts to the flywheel pulley and crank- shaft. The power is transmitted from the flywheel to the jackshaft. At the right end of the jackshaft is located a small pinion gear which drives the large bull gear. A rolling key clutch incorporated in the hub of the bull gear controls power to the crankshaft through linkage to the clutch lever. [21 CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Machine Description Power and Transmission (Cont) Feed Rollers Rom Shearing Mechanism Cooling Solution A conventional brake drum is located on the outer end of the crankshaft, next to the flywheel. A lined brake shoe, located and secured by a bracket attached to the machine frame, provides the friction necessary to hold the crankshaft in position when the clutch is disengaged. The clutch and brake action are synchronized through the clutch lever. When the clutch is engaged, the brake is released;'and when the clutch is disengaged, the brake is applied. In normal operation, if the clutch is disengaged for any reason, the crankshaft will always stop at its maximum upward position. For inspection or adjustment purposes, the flywheel may be rotated by hand, and the crankshaft stopped and held in any desired position. There are two sets of feed rollers on the machine, one on the right side and one on the left side. The feed rollers are rotated and timed for the progres- sion of the strip metal by gears, located on the inside of a housing which is attached to the rear of each set of the feed rollers. There is a slotted bar bolted to the left end of the crankshaft, which through a series of con- necting rods and a rocker arm controls the action of the rocker arm shaft. The rocker arm shaft is connected to and controls both the first and second set of feed rollers. The rocker arm moves forward and backward; on its forward stroke the trip lever-inside the ratchet engages the gear and rotates the feed rollers. ‘ The ram is in two sections, “outer and inner.” The outer ram is made of cast iron and is held.in a vertical position by a V-shaped gib arrangement. The inner ram is made of steel and is recessed on four sides. It has two ma- chined bearing surfaces which ride on the inner surface of the outer ram. The mass of the rams assists the power stroke of the punch and absorbs the shock of impact and subsequent vibration. ' The lower surfaces of both rams are machined for attachment of the punch holder blocks. The outer ram is actuated by and connected to the crankshaft eccentric cams by two connecting rods. The inner ram is connected to and actuated by a sin- gle adjustable connecting rod attached to the crankshaft throw. The outer ram is powered by the two eccentric cams and controls the blank- ing press. The inner ram connected to the crankshaft throw controls the cupping press. The shearing mechanism is powered from the crankshaft through an ec- centric cam, and a connecting rod to the ram. Near the bottom of the ram is attached a plunger arm. In the center of the plunger arm is the shearing mechanism. The plunger arm and shearing mechanism are timed by an automatic cycle repeater. The automatic cycle repeater is chain driven from a geared sprocket mounted on the crankshaft at the left side of the press. At each twelve revolutions of the crankshaft, the automatic cycle repeater causes the cycle breaker to make contact with the solenoid. The solenoid plunger arm moves in to engage the cutting block sleeve and pis- ton. The cutting block unit descends to shear off the scrap web. As the unit rises, it breaks contact with the solenoid and the solenoid plunger rod goes back to its original position, releasing the cutting block sleeve from the piston. To prolong die and punch life, the strip brass and the blanking punch are bathed by a solution which acts both as a cooling and a lubricating agent. '[3l CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Machine Description Cooling Solution (Cont.) Controls Lubrication Chute Roto ry Wosher Elevator The base of the machine forms a reservoir for this solution, which is pumped through a pipe system to the dies. The pump is located at the rear of the machine and is driven by a 1/10 h.p. vertical direct drive mo- tor. One push button “Start and Stop” switch provides control of the main drive motor and is attached to the right front of the machine. One overload switch for the main driving motor is attached to the lower part of the machine on the right side. One toggle type switch, for the pump motor, is mounted in front of the machine directly under the “Start and Stop” switch. All of the main parts of the machine are lubricated by a force feed lubri- cating system. A curved metal chute extends from the screen under the die block to the rotary washer. The cups flow down this chute from the screen to the rotary washer. The rotary washer is located at the left rear side of the press, between the end of the cup feed chute and the elevator. The cup container, known as a washer, is a cylindrical shell of perforated brass, equipped with metal pins attached to the inner surface of the washer. The brass cylinder or washer is suspended above a metal pan, which rests on the floor; this arrangement allows the lower surface to be immersed in the water contained in the pan. Hot water is piped to a position directly above the washer, allowing the water to flow over the washer into the pan below. The pan is equipped with a drain plug which is adjusted to maintain a correct water level at all times. The washer is rotated by an electric motor. The pins agitate or tumble the cups through the water in the pan, thus washing them clean. The washer contains two openings, one at each end. The cups are fed from the press into the washer by means of a feed chute. They pass from the washer into the elevator through the opening at the opposite end of the washer. The elevator is located directly behind the press and rotary washer. It extends from the floor in a vertical position up through the ceiling into the annealing room. CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Machine Description Rear View Motor, Jockshoft, Flywheel, Rocker Arm Shaft ond Cooling Solution Pump Guard Covering Bull Gear Feed Roller Assembly Feed Roller Rack This rear view of the Caliber .30 Case Blanking and Cupping Press shows the motor, belt drives, jackshaft, small pinion drive gear, rocker arm shaft and cooling pump. The press is started and stopped by a clutch in the crankshaft bull gear wheel. On the lower right hand side of the reservoir is attached the cooling solu- tion pump. The pump on the motor circulates the cooling solution from the reservoir in the machine bed, through a pipe system to the punches and dies. The cooling solution serves both as a cooling and lubricating agent. The rocker arm shaft is located at the rear of the press at the base of the die block and is connected to two housings attached to the two sets of feed rollers. The function of the rocker arm shaft is to rotate the feed rollers. '— Mote: l 1- Flywheel . E_ll— U V _;, Rocker Arm Shall REAR VlEW—CAL. .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS [5] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Machine Description Guard Covering _ \ Molar Flywheel Cross Shaft “Connecting Rod Bull Gear ‘ 'iL. Clutch Lever lit; Clutch Lever Shaft Ram Feed Roller U! Mechanism Flywheel, Jackshafi, Bull Gear, and Clutch OVER-ALL REAR VIEW OF PRESS The flywheel is mounted on the left end of the jackshaft. Incorporated in the hub of the flywheel is a shear pin, necessary as a safety measure for the protection of the press and its working tools in the event a jam occurs. The jackshaft is mounted on the upper rear of the press, at a position ap- proximately level with and running parallel to the crankshaft. Mounted on the right end of the crankshaft is a spur pinion gear whose teeth are in constant mesh with the bull gear, and from which the driving power of the bull gear is received. The jackshaft is supported by and rotates in two bearings, all of which are enclosed in a cast-iron housing. The fly- wheel, pinion and bull gears are enclosed in metal guards as a safety meas- ure for the machine and its operators. The bull gear is mounted on the right end of the crankshaft, outside the press frame. Incorporated in the hub of the bull gear is a rolling key clutch. Located between the bull gear and the press frame is the manually operated mechanism for engaging or disengaging the clutch. Engaging the clutch results in a positive action of the crankshaft in relation to the bull gear. [6] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Machine Description Spur Gear Guard Covering ____.- Bull Gear Feed Roller / Mechanism Crankshaft, Eccentric Cams and Crankshaft Th row \ Motor Flywheel Cross Shaft “Connecting Rod OVER-ALL REAR VIEW OF PRESS The crankshaft consists of one throw, located in the center of the crank- shaft, and two eccentric cams, one on each side of the throw. Each cam has a geared section on its outside face. There are two spur gears mounted on a cross shaft which is held directly in front and parallel to the crank- shaft. Each spur gear is in constant mesh with its complement gear on the cams These gears, when rotated, allow a vertical adjustment of the outer ram stroke. [7] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Machine Description Sheer Cam and Slotted Bur Feed Roller Control lnner and Outer Roms Slotted The crankshaft extends through the left side of the machine frame. Mounted on the crankshaft, on the outside and next to the frame, is an eccentric cam which operates the shearing mechanism. Bolted to the left end of the crankshaft is a slotted bar which, through a series of connecting links, rocker arms and rocker arm shaft, actuates the feed rollers. Bur END VIEW OF PRESS SHOWING FEED ROLLER CONTROLLING MECHANISM The outer ram is made of cast iron, held in a vertical position by two V- shaped gibs. The ram is actuated by and connected to the crankshaft cams by means of two connecting rods. The bottom surface of the ram is machined to hold the blanking punch holder block assembly. The inner ram is made of steel, recessed at the four corners. The ram is provided with two opposed bearing surfaces which ride against the inner surface of the outer ram. The ram is actuated by and connected to the crankshaft throw by a Pitman connecting rod which allows a vertical ad- justment of the ram stroke. The bottom surface of the inner ram is ma- chined to hold the cupping punch holder assembly. The mass of the rams assists in the power stroke and absorbs the subsequent shock and vibration produced by the blanking and cupping operations. [8] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Machine Description Feed Rollers Motor V-Belts Flywheel -__________. Brulce Assembly Slotted Bur I ‘i ' ~ / Cronlcsholt F d R ll I ' ' Operzteing Zr: El-Illlirgecfliveflng Clutch Lever . J J 1 I V _. i ‘ I Fezd Rollller /(C 5 I l_ U \ ssem y ~. ' U ' Feed Roller . '> ‘ Assembly OVER-ALL FRONT AND END VIEW The press is equipped with two sets of feed rollers; each set is held in its housing. These housings are bolted to the right and left side of the machine respectively. The feed rollers are connected by a cross shaft and are timed to operate in unison. Each housing contains two cylindrical feed rollers, mounted one above the other, between which the strip metal is fed. The lower roller is driven by a ratchet and pawl arrangement by means of the cross-shaft at the back of the machine. The upper roller is timed to move in unison with the lower roller by a set of interlocking spur gears mounted at the front of the feed roller housing on the ends of the roller shafts. The spur gears are enclosed by a metal shield for the protection of the working parts and the machine operator. The upper feed rollers in each housing are held in contact with the lower roller by two coil compression springs di- rectly above and bearing against the rollers. A constant pressure brake is located on the outside and in front of the housing of each lower feed roller shaft. The feed rollers are actuated from a slotted bar through a series of con- necting links and a rocker arm. To regulate the power stroke which op- erates the feed rollers, an adjustment can be made on the connecting link attached to the slotted bar on the crankshaft. [9] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Machine Description Slotted Bar / Guard Covering Flywheel Feed Roller .. Controller Shear Block —""" Shearing Mechanism Solenoid END VIEW OF PRESS SHOWING FEED ROLLER ASSEMBLY The shearing mechanism, which is located at the left end of the machine, is actuated by the eccentric cam through the connecting rod from the ram. The shear plunger operating bar is connected at one end to the ram and is held in a horizontal position above the plunger by two strap links connect- ed to the other end. The strap links are mounted on a stud connected to the plunger housing, an arrangement which permits a slight rocking mo- tion of the straps. The plunger and shear operating sleeve are enclosed in a housing. The piston plunger moves up and down inside the piston sleeve with every revolution of the machine. Bolted to the left end of the piston housing is a solenoid switch which actuates a plunger shaft, inserting it in a hole through the piston into the sleeve, thus forming a single unit of the piston and sleeve. The solenoid switch actuated by an electrical im- pulse from an automatic cycle repeater inserts the plunger rod into the piston and sleeve on every twelfth stroke of the press. The automatic cycle repeater is chain driven from a geared sprocket mounted on the crankshaft at the left side of the machine. [10] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS ' Machine Description Feed Rocks Clutch Lever Rollers Ship Metal Rolls Ruck - FEED RACK ASSEMBLY The feed racks are bolted to the floor at the right end of the machine di- rectly in front of the feed roller. The feed racks are built to accommodate two rolls of strip metal. The strip metal rolls are held upright on a set of metal rollers which allows the roll to unwind itself, as it is fed into the ma- chine. The strip metal rollers are mounted in a movable carriage held in the base of the feed rack. This arrangement permits the second roll to be moved in front of the feed rollers after the first roll of metal is consumed. The rolls of strip metal are placed in the feed rack by means of an elec- trically driven chain hoist. [11] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Tool Holder Description TOOL HOLDER DESCRIPTION Punch Holder Fork: Each of the six punch holder forks is inserted in its proper milled out slot in the cup- ping punch block from the front side. Its forked end is placed in the block with the countersunk portion of the fork up. The fork locks the punch in the punch holder block. Cupping Punch: The cupping punch is placed in the Punch Holder Assembly punch is locked in position by the fork which enters its grooved neck. Cupping Punch Holder Block: The cupping punch holder block holds six cupping punches, and is bolted against the back-up plate on the bottom of the inner ram by means of four Allen head bolts. Outer Ram Face Plate: The outer ram face plate has two dowel pins on its top surface to assist in aligning it on the under surface of the outer ram. It is attached to the ram with four Allen head bolts. There are six holes drilled in the face plate to allow the cupping punches to travel through it. The blanking punch holder block is attached to its bottom surface after the blanking punches have been placed in it, flanged end up, from the top side. Inserted in each corner is a hollow guide bushing, into which the guide posts of the die block holder are inserted. These posts and bushings keep the die block holder and the punch holder blocks in alignment. Blanking Punch: The blanking punch is inserted flanged end up, into the blanking punch holder block from the top side. The blanking punches are hollow to permit the insertion of the cupping punches and to guide them in their vertical motion. Blanking Punch Holder Block: The blanking punch holder block has two dowel pins on its top surface to assist in aligning it with the under side of the outer ram face plate. It is attached to the outer ram face plate by eight screw head bolts. The punch holder block holds the blanking punches in vertical alignment with the dies. cupping punch holder block from the under side. The‘ [12] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Tool Holder Description Die Block Assembly Stripper Plate: The stripper plate rests upon the top surface of the blanking and cupping die block. It strips the scrap web from the blanking punch. Blanking and Cupping Die Block: The blanking and cupping die block is constructed to accommodate six blanking and cupping dies which are inserted in it, flanged end down, from the bottom side. The blanking and cupping die block rests on the top surface of the die block holder. The blanking and cupping die block is fastened by Allen head bolts. Sizing Die Block: Each of the six sizing die blocks holds a sizing die and a three segmented stripper which are inserted from the top side. The sizing die blocks are inserted in their respective milled out slots in the die block holder and are held in position by a lock pin. The stripper plate rests upon the blanking and cupping die block, which in turn, rests upon the die block holder. They are attached to the die block holder by means of eight Allen head bolts, which are inserted through holes drilled in the stripper plate and the blanking and cup- ping die block. Die Block Holder: The die block holder is bolted to the bed of the machine by four bolts. Located in each corner is a guide post which is inserted in the hollow bushings of the outer ram face plate to assist in aligning the die block and the punch holder block. There are six slots milled in the top surface of the die block holder for insertion of the six sizing die blocks. [13l CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Tool Holder Description Punch Holder Fork Cupping Punch Holder Block l___ Outer Ram Face Plate \\\/ Cupping Punch \\ —— Blanking Punch \ Blanking Punch Holder Block Punch U CROSS SECTIONAL DRAWING OF DIE BLOCK ASSEMBLY Stripper Plate - \ E Blanking and \\ Cupping Die Blanking and Cupping Die Block \ / Sizing Die Block \$izing Die / Stripper \ Sl"pPe' Spring (Coil) Die Block Holder CROSS SECTIONAL DRAWING OF DIE HOLDER ASSEMBLY CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Tool Description STRIPPER TOOL DESCRIPTION STPIPPER SPRING Tool Name: Cupping Punch Piece No.: B-1 Location: Set vertically in ram Normal Life: 150,000 pieces The punch is made of steel, hardened, ground and polished. Shank is slightly softer than working end. Tool-Name: Blanking Punch Piece No.: A-1 Location: Set vertically in ram Normal Life: 1,000,000 pieces The punch is made of steel, hardened, ground and pol- ished. Shank is slightly softer than working end. Tool Name: Blanking and Cupping Die Piece No.: A-1 Location: Die block Normal Life: 1,000,000 pieces Die is made of steel, hardened and polished. Surfaces are ground. Tool Name: Sizing Die Piece No.: W-15 Location: Die block Normal Life: 250,000 pieces Sizing die is made of steel, hardened and polished. Top and bottom surfaces are only ground. Tool Name: Stripper Piece No.: .766" Location: Die block under die Normal Life: Indefinite The stripper consists of three pieces held together by a coiled spring band. It is made of steel, ground and polished on the angles. Tool Name: Stripper Spring Piece No.: 2% X .10 x .016" Location: Around stripper Normal Life: Indefinite The stripper spring consists of a small coil wire spring. l 15 l CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Process Sequence Feed Racks Feed Rollers Punch and Dies Blanking and Cupping Stripper Disposal Cutofi‘ PROCESS SEQUENCE Strip brass in the rolls is placed in the double feed racks by the operator. The operator breaks the band on the roll and removes it; then grasps the end of the strip, pulling it toward the first set of feed rollers. If the end of the strip is bent, it should be straightened with a leather hammer be- fore it is placed between the feed rollers. Before the end of the strip brass is placed between the feed rollers, the operator steps on a foot lever which opens a gap between the rollers. This gap facilitates the feeding of the end of the strip into the dies. The op- erator places the end of the strip between the feed rollers and sets it be- tween the stripper plate and blanking dies. The operator then disengages the foot lever, the gap between the feed rollers is closed, and the press is ready for operation. As the operator starts the press, the first set of feed rollers starts to rotate, feeding the strip through the die block progressively with each stroke of the ram. The outer and inner ram descend simultaneously and the blanking punch blanks a disc out of the strip brass. The scrap web is stripped from the blanking punch by the stripper plate. The cupping punch descends through the center of the blanking punch and forces the disc into and through the cupping and sizing dies, forming the cup. As the ram raises, the cup is stripped off the punch by a stripper located under the dies. After the cups are forced through the dies, they drop onto a screen under the press, then fall into a chute which guides them into a rotary screened washer. As the washer rotates, the cups are bathed with hot water, which washes off the cooling solution. The cups flow through the washer and drop into the vertical elevator which conveys them upward to the annealing room. On the upward stroke of the ram, the blanked out web moves forward and enters the second set of feed rollers. At each twelfth stroke of the ram the cutoff mechanism which is electrically controlled, shears the scrap web and ejects it into a truck. The scrap web falls from the machine into a truck. When the strip reaches its end and leaves the rack, the operator pushes the full section of the rack in alignment with the first set of feed rollers and repeats the above operation. CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Process Sequence FLOW CHART Feed Rack Strip brass in coils is placed in the double feed racks by the operator. I Feed Rollers Operator breaks band on coil, grasps end and pulls it toward first set of feed rollers. End of strip, if bent, is straightened before it is placed between feed rollers. The operator places the end of strip brass in the feed rollers and pulls it between the stripper plate and blanking dies. As the operator starts the machine, the two first feed rollers start to rotate feeding the strip through the die block progressively with each stroke of the ram. Feed rollers are powered by ratch- et gear to rocker arm shaft, to con- necting rod, to slotted bar on crankshaft. Blanking and Cupping The outer and inner rams descend simultaneously, and the blanking punch forces the strip brass through the blanking die, forming the blank. The blank is forced off the blanking punch by the stripper plate. The inner ram descends and the cup- ping punches force the blank through the cupping and sizing die, forming the cup. Ram is powered by connecting rod to crankshaft, to clutch, to bull gear, to pinion gear, to jackshaft, to flywheel by three V-belts, to 15 h.p. Motor. Stripper As the ram raises, the cups are stripped off the punch by strippers located under the dies. Disposal After the cups are forced through the dies, they drop onto a screen under the press and slide down a chute into the rotary screened washer. The cups pass through the washer to the elevator. l Cutoff On the upward stroke of the ram, the blanked out web moves forward and enters the second set of rollers. At each twelfth stroke of the ram, the scrap web is cut off and dropped into a truck. As the strip reaches its end, the operator pushes the feed rack into position and places the end of the next coil between the rollers repeating the above opera- tion. The cutoff shear mechanism is powered by crankshaft to con- necting rod, to ram, to plunger arm, to piston, piston to cut off shear. Cut off shear moves down with the twelfth stroke of the ram. [17] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The material when received at the blanking and cupping press is in the form of flat strip brass (70% copper, 30% zinc), in rolls weighing approx- imately 250 lbs. After the brass strip has been processed, it is in the form of a cup. The closed end of the cup is known as the bottom and the open end as the mouth. The dimensions of the strip brass The dimensions of the cup after before the draw are as follows: the blanking and cupping opera- tion are as follows: Width of Strip Brass 6%; Outside diameter .'766—.7 60 Thickness Sidewall variation .001—.003 of Strip Brass .135—.139 . Bottom thickness .135—.129 After the blanking and cupping operation, the cups are delivered to the Annealing Department where they are annealed, pickled and washed before being delivered to the first draw. FIG. 1 FIG. 2 FLAT STRIP BRASS IN A ROLL CUP AFTER CUPPING AND BLANKING OPERATION [18] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Inspection Visual Gage Care Gages INSPECTION At frequent intervals, after the blanking and cupping operation, a careful visual inspection of the cups must be made. The cups should be inspected for scratches on the inside and outside Walls, for crooked heads, and crook- ed tops. These defects indicate an immediate adjustment of the machine to correct the fault. Whenever defective cups are found, the lot from which they come must be removed from the machine and properly identified to prevent mixing the bad lot with the good cups. Gages are expensive instruments, machined to a fine precision. Improper use or carelessness in gaging may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may affect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be employed in matching a cup to a gage. A protected location should be used for storage of gages to prevent their damage when not in use. The most accurate checks are made when the cups are cool since heat causes expansion of the metal and results in a temporary variation in the cup size. The outside diameter of the cup is gaged with a twin ring gage. Cups must pass through the larger or “go” ring and must not pass through the smaller “no go” ring. The inside diameter of the cup is checked with a plug gage. The bottom thickness of the cup is checked on a dial indicator. Variation in this dimen- sion greatly affects succeeding draws. The above described inspection methods are those most commonly em- ployed in the manufacture of Caliber .30 Case Blanking and Cupping. However, other methods may be developed to maintain the manufactur- ing standards. [19] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Adjustments ADJUSTMENTS Objective To maintain satisfactory production a machine must be adjusted to com- Cautions pensate for the wear of its tools and other working parts, and to meet new conditions caused by a difference in material. It is necessary to inspect the machine and components regularly in order that any troubles may be detected and corrected immediately. This section of the manual, with its illustrations, photographs, and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all of the machine troubles that will be en- countered, therefore certain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. A thorough analysis of the trouble will indi- cate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. Adjustments are never to be made while the machine is in motion, or until the flywheel has stopped. Inspect the clutch latch rather than the starting button to determine whether the clutch is disengaged. Make frequent inspection to determine whether proper and sufficient lubricant is being pumped to the working tools of the machine. Adjustments on, or below, the ram requires the insertion of a wood block between the ram and the bedplate to prevent its falling. This block will avoid damage to the machine tools or injury to the adjuster’s hands, should the ram fall accidentally. Examine the machine periodically to determine whether all connections and adjustments are secure. CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Adjustments Metal Progression The metal progresses through the machine between two sets of rollers, one set at each end of the machine. The action of the rollers determines the speed at which the metal is fed. The rollers are actuated by a lever con- nected to the outer end of the crankshaft. ‘The amount that the rollers turn with each revolution of the crankshaft is determined by the distance that the controlling lever is set off center. It should be adjusted so that the holes in the metal do not overlap but are not so far apart that there is a waste of metal. Slotted Bar Guard Covering Flywheel Feed Roller Controller ,’ Solenoid Shear Block ‘ Tools: 2. 3. ENLARGED VIEW OF SLOTTED BAR ; q J I v\ I . FEED RLLER ASSEMBLY 11/3" wrench, %" wrench. Procedure: 1. Operate the machine and observe the distance between the holes in the scrap metal. ' Turn off the power and wait until the flywheel stops before proceeding with the adjustment. Use a 1%" wrench to loosen the nut on the controlling lever on the outer end of the crankshaft. If the holes in the scrap metal are too far apart, decrease the action of the rollers by using a % ” wrench to adjust the lever connection farther toward the center of the crankshaft. If the holes overlap, increase the action of the roller by adjusting the lever away from the center. Operate the machine and again observe the distance between the holes in the scrap metal. The above procedure must be repeated until the holes in the scrap metal are evenly spaced. I21] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Adiustmenfs Feed Roller The metal should be fed smoothly into and through the machine between Tension the rollers. If there is not sufficient pressure on the rollers, they will slip on the metal, cause the holes in the metal to overlap and result in de- fective cups. A 21/4" wrench is used to turn the two nuts above the feed rollers to in- crease the tension on the rollers. Each of the nuts should be turned a like amount so that the pressure is uniform on both sides of the metal strip. V ENLARGEMENT OF FEED ROLLER FEED ROLLER ASSEMBLY TENSION ADJUSTMENT Feed Roller Brake The feed roller brake holds the feed roller to prevent it from turning in the reverse direction. If the brake fails to perform its function, it can be tightened by turning the hand knob at the lower part of the brake shoe. ENLARGEMENT OF BRAKE HAND KNOB Brake Hand Knob FEED ROLLER BRAKE I 22 I CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Adjustments Cmnkshoft Broke The brake connected to the crankshaft keeps the ram from falling when the clutch is disengaged. It must be adjusted so that the brake drum is gripped firmly when the brake is applied, but should not be so tight that it drags when the drum is in motion. The adjustment is made by turning the two set screws, one on the lower part of each of the brake shoes. Brake Adjusting Screw and Loch Nu! CLOSE UP OF TOP BRAKE ADJUSTING SCREW AND LOCK NUT BRAKE ASSEMBLY Tools: Procedure: 7/8” wrench, 1/2" wrench. 1. Use a % " wrench to loosen the lock nuts on both of the adjusting screws on the brake shoes. 2. Use a 1/2" wrench to loosen the adjusting screws a fraction of a turn, bringing the shoe closer to the brake drum. 3. Tighten the lock nuts on the adjusting screws. 4. Operate the machine and observe the action of the brake. Caution: The above procedure should be repeated until the brake drags slightly when the machine is in motion. Then the adjusting screws should be tightened just enough to free the shoe from the drum. [23] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Adjustments Broke Release Rod The brake release rod connects the brake lever to the clutch lever. Its function is to synchronize the action of the brake and the clutch. When the clutch is disengaged, the brake lever should be released so that the brake may be applied through the brake spring. When the clutch is engaged, the rod should act to pull the brake lever sufficiently to release the brake shoe from the brake drum. ENLARGEMENT SHOWING BRAKE RELEASE ROD \ Broke Release Rod Adjustment BRAKE ASSEMBLY Tools: Two "/8” wrenches. Procedure: 1. Loosen the lock nut on the brake release rod with a %;” wrench while holding the adjusting nut with the other 7 8" wrench. 2. Use a % ” wrench to turn the adjusting nut until the clutch lever is in a position about 2%” above the clutch lever latch. The brake shoes should be just free of the drum when the clutch is disengaged. 3. Hold the adjusting nut in place and tighten the lock nut. 4. Check the adjustment by observing whether or not the brake is re leased when the clutch is engaged. I24] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Adiustments Sizing Die and Stripper Replacement Procedure: The sizing die completes the drawing of the cup to its finished size. The stripper, located below the die, strips the finished cup from the punch. Both the die and stripper are contained in the sizing die block. If either the die or the stripper is defective, it must be replaced. 1. Remove the sizing die block lock pin by lifting it out of the hole in the die block. Slide the blanking and cupping die block from the die block holder. Turn the sizing die block over and allow the sizing die and stripper to fall out into your hand. Place the stripper and the sizing die back into the sizing die block, replacing either one with a new part if necessary. Caution: Observed that the hole in the die and the stripper is tapered. Make certain that the small part of the taper is on the bottom when the sizing die block is placed into the die block holder. . Slide the sizing die block into the die block holder and insert the die block lock pin into the hole in the die block. If the blanking and cup- ping die is dropped into the die block holder when the sizing die block is removed, it must be inserted into the blanking and cupping die block before the sizing die block can be replaced. ' [25] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Adiustments Blanking and Cupping Die Replacement Tools: Procedure: The blanking and cupping die assists in the blanking of the strip and the drawing of the cup. If the die becomes dull, it must be replaced. It is removed by removing the stripper plate and the blanking and cupping die block. %” Allen wrench, 3/15” Allen wrench. 1. Use a 3/8 ” Allen wrench to remove the Allen screws from the stripper plate. Lift off the stripper plate. 2. Use a %5” Allen wrench to remove the Allen screws from the blanking and cupping punch holder. 3. Slide the blanking and cupping die block from the die block holder allowing the die to fall into your hand. 4. Replace the blanking and cupping die by inserting it up into the die holder. 5. Slide the blanking and cupping die block back in place on the die block holder. 6. Place the stripper plate back onto the blanking and cupping holder and replace the Allen screws. Caution: Turn the flywheel one complete revolution by hand to check the adjustment before turning on the power. l26l ‘ CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Adiustments Cupping Punch Replacement TOOlS: Procedure: The cupping punch forces the metal slug through the combination die and then through the bottom draw die. If one of the punches is worn or broken, it must be replaced. To remove the punch it is necessary to remove the punch housing; remove the fork that holds the punch in place and allow the punch to drop down through the dies. 1%" wrench, fork puller, screwdriver. 1. Use a 1% ” wrench to loosen the two outer nuts on the latch that holds the punch housing in place and release the latch. Remove the punch housing by grasping the two handles and pulling the housing from the machine. 2. Use a screwdriver to loosen the screws that hold the strainer in place beneath the machine. Remove the strainer. 3. Use a fork puller to pull out the fork which holds the punch in place. The fork slides out of the punch holder block. If there is difliculty in removing the fork, the Allen screws beneath the punch holder block can be loosened before removing the fork. 4. Pull the punch from the punch holder block and allow it to drop out through the dies and into the solution at the base of the machine. 5. Insert a new punch up through the dies with the working end down. It will be necessary to use a rod or a piece of tubing to push the punch far enough up into the cupping punch holder. [27] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Adiustments Procedure (Cont) 6. Hold the punch in place in the punch holder block and replace the fork to hold it in place. Caution: Tighten the Allen screw beneath the punch holder block if it has been loosened. 7. Replace the punch housing; latch, and tighten the nuts to hold the latch. Replace the strainer. Caution: Turn the flywheel one complete revolution by hand to check the replacement before turning on the power. CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Adiustments Blanking Punch Replacement Tools: Procedure: If one of the blanking punches is defective and fails to blank out the metal forming the slug, it must be replaced. To remove and replace the blanking punch, it is necessary to remove the stripper plate, the blanking and cup- ping die block and the blanking punch holder block. %” Allen wrench, %5" Allen wrench, rawhide mallet. 1. 2. Use a 3/8" Allen wrench to remove the Allen screws from the stripper plate and remove the stripper plate from the machine. Use a 3/1’6" Allen wrench to remove the Allen screws that hold the blanking and cupping die block to the die block holder. Remove the blanking and cupping die block from the machine. Use a % " Allen wrench to remove the six Allen screws from the blank- ing and cupping punch holder block, and remove the punch holder block from the outer ram face plate. Use a rawhide mallet to tap on the bottom side of the blanking punch, forcing the defective punch from the punch holder. Replace the punch by tapping it into the punch holder gently with a rawhide mallet. Caution: If there is a sharp edge on the bottom of the shoulder on the new blanking punch, it should be removed before inserting the punch into the punch holder. There is a possibility that the sharp edge may shear some of the metal from the punch holder, reducing the life of the holder considerably. [29] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Adiustments Blanking Punch 6. Place the blanking punch holder block back onto the outer ram face Replacement plate. Insert and tighten the Allen screws. (Cont) 7. Replace the blanking die block and the stripper plate back On the machine. Caution; Turn the flywheel one complete revolution by hand to check the replacement before turning on the power. Shear Knife The shear knife cuts the scrap metal to uniform lengths. If the knife fails to perform its function, it must be lowered by adjusting the four nuts above the shear knife. ‘ Shear Knife : Adjustment END VIEW OF MACHINE Tool: 15/8” wrench. Procedure: 1. Loosen the two lower nuts on the shear knife adjusting screws with a 1%” wrench. 2. Tighten the two upper nuts on the adjusting screw, thus lowering the shear knife. (Both of the nuts should be tightened a like amount.) 3. Tighten the two lower nuts against the bracket. Caution: Turn the flywheel one complete revolution by hand to check the adjustment before turning on the power. I30] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Adjustments Cupping Punch The cupping punch forces the metal slug through the blanking and cupping Adjustment die to form the cup. It is actuated by a Pitman connected to the crank- shaft. The adjustment is made by turning the Pitman screw. If it is not properly adjusted, the cupping punch may come up out of the blanking punch, damaging either of the punches on the down stroke of the ram; or the cupping punch holder block may be lowered too far and hit against the top of the face plate of the outer ram. For proper adjustment, the Pit- man should be adjusted so that there is about 14" clearance between the top of the outer ram face plate and the bottom of the cupping punch holder block. Connec§ing ' i I ' ' A ' k_Cam o — i . - Pitman Adjustment Outer Ram Tools: 2%" wrench, 1%" wrench, 11/4" wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 11/4 " wrench to loosen the two outer nuts on the latch that holds the punch housing in place and release the latch. Remove the punch housing by grasping the two handles and pulling the housing from the machine. 2. Engage the clutch and use a flywheel rod to turn the flywheel until the Pitman is at the bottom dead center. Disengage the clutch. 3. Use a 1%” wrench to loosen the two nuts in the Pitman that holds the Pitman screw in place. 4. Use a 2% " wrench to turn the Pitman screw until there is 1/4 " clearance between the top of the outer ram face plate and the bottom of the cupping punch holder block. [31] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Adjustments Cupping Punch 5. Engage the clutch and use a flywheel rod to turn the flywheel until Adjustment (Cont) the Pitman is at the top dead center. Caution: Turn the flywheel one complete revolution by hand to check the adjustment before turning on the power. Broke Spring The brake spring acts to close the brake shoe against the brake drum. The spring must have sufficient tension to press the brake shoe firmly against the brake drum when the brake rod is released. Brake Release Rod‘ Adjustment 4"’. S 5 - ‘I ENLARGEMENT OF BRAKE SPRING _ Brake Release Rod BRAKE ASSEMBLY Tools: Two 1%” wrenches. Procedure: 1. Use a 1 %" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the brake spring rod while holding the adjusting nut with another 1%" wrench. 2. Use a 1%" wrench to turn the adjusting nut on the spring rod until there is a firm pressure against the brake shoes. 3. Hold the adjusting nut in place and tighten the lock nut against the adjusting nut. 4. Check the adjustment by operating the clutch lever and observe whether or not the brake shoe presses firmly against the drum when the clutch is disengaged. l32l CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Adjustments Blanking Punch The blanking punch is forced into the upper portion of the blanking and Adjustment cupping die, cutting the metal into circular slugs. The punch is actuated by a connecting rod connected to the crankshaft. Adjustment of the punch is made by changing the position of the cam on the crankshaft. This is done by turning a hexagon cross shaft between the two connecting rods that operate the outer ram. The punch should be adjusted so that it enters the die a distance a little more than the thickness of the metal. Cam Adiustm Shaft ConnecltziggI _ Cam Pitman Adjustment Tool: 1% " wrench. Procedure: 1. Engage the clutch and use a flywheel rod to turn the flywheel until the ram is at the bottom dead center. Disengage the clutch. 2. Use a 1%" wrench to loosen the nuts on the outer ram connecting rod bearings. 3. Use a 15/8" wrench to turn the hexagon cross shaft located between the connecting rods until the blanking punch enters the die a distance a little greater than the thickness of the metal. (The hexagon rod is turned down to raise the punch and is turned up to lower the punch.) 4. Tighten the nuts on the connecting rod bearings. 5. Engage the clutch and turn the flywheel to the top dead center. Caution: Turn the flywheel one complete revolution by hand to check the adjustment before turning on the power. [33] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Troubles and Corrections Objective Scored or Scratched Walls Punch Outs TROLIBLES AND CORRECTIONS The adjuster will encounter many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may confront an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. The following operating difiiculties can be recognized by visual and gage inspection of the cups, together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Visual inspection will reveal scratches on the inside or outside walls of the case. Scratches on the outside walls can be detected by finger nail in- spection. The causes are: 1. Foreign matter (dirt, grit, shav- ings, etc.) in the cooling solu- tion. Foreign matter (dirt, dried soap, etc.) on the strip brass. . Cracked die——a fracture in the cross section of the die. . Scratched die-—a scratch on the inside surface of the die. .Chipped punch——a piece is broken off the end of the punch. . Skinned punch—the punch sur- face marred. The corrections are: 1. Remove the cooling solution, clean the reservoir, put in clean cooling solution. Check the source of supply; call the inspector. Replace with a new die. Polish the die if the scratch is not too deep, or replace with a new die if necessary. Replace with a new punch. Polish the punch if it is not too badly skinned. If it is beyond repair, replace with a new punch. Visual inspection discloses that the bottom of the cup is punched out or the side of the cup is deformed by the punch. Caution: Check tool identification and dimensions. If the tools are within specifications, shut the machine down until metal hardness has been checked by the Metallurgy Department. (Tools must never be altered by the adjuster.) The causes are: 1. Brass strip—-—the metal is too hard. The corrections are: 1. Check the source of supply; call the inspector. I 34 I CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Troubles and Corrections Punch Outs (Cont.) Burred Top Crooked Tops Crooked Bottoms Sidewoll Thickness Too Large The causes are: The corrections are: 2. Brass strip—the metal is too 2. Check source of supply; call the soft. inspector. 3. There is no radius on the 3. Replace with a new punch. punch. The punch is too large on the drawing end. Polish the die to remove excess brass. 4. Brassed up die—there is an ex- 4. cessive coating of brass on the drawing surface of the die. 5. The die is upside down—the 5. die is not placed in the die block properly. Remove the die and replace it in the proper position. Visual inspection discloses that the mouth of the cup is burred. The corrections are: 1. Align the punch with dies properly. 2. Replace with a new punch. The causes are: 1. The blanking punch is not in proper alignment with the die. 2. Chipped punch——a piece is broken off the end of the punch. 3. Chipped die—a piece broken 3. Replace with a new die. off the cutting edge of the blanking die. Visual inspection discloses that the mouth of the cup is irregular. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The brass strip metal is too 1. hard. 2. Brassed up die——there is an ex- 2. cessive coating of brass on the drawing surface of the die. Check the source of supply; call the inspector. Polish the die to remove excess brass. 3. Worn die—the drawing surface 3. Replace with a new die. is too large or irregular. Visual inspection discloses that the bottoms are irregular. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Worn die——the drawing surface is too large or irregular. 1. Replace with a new die. 2. Uneven radius on bottom of punch. 2. Replace with a new punch. Gaging discloses that the sidewalls of the cup are too thick. Caution: Check tool identification and dimensions. If the tools are within specifications, shut the machine down until metal hardness has [35] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Troubles and Corrections Sidewall Thickness Too Large (Cont) Sidewall Thickness Too Thin Uneven Feed of Strip Brass to Feed Rollers Smashup been checked by the Metallurgy Department. (Tools must never be altered by the adjuster.) The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Too much taper on the punch. 1. Replace with a new punch. 2. Radius at the end of the punch 2. Replace with a new punch. is too great. 3. The punch is too small. 3. Replace with a new punch. 4. The die is too large in the draw- 4. Replace with a new die. ing surface. Gaging discloses that the sidewalls of the cup are too thin. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Not enough taper on the punch. 1. Replace with a new punch. 2. Radius at the end of the punch insufficient. 2. Replace with a new punch. 3. The punch is too large. 3. Replace with a new punch. Visual inspection discloses that the feed rollers are not operating properly. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Broken spring in the feed roller 1. Replace with a new spring. ratchet. 2. Worn dog in the feed roll ratchet. 2. Replace with a new dog. One or more tools are broken and have to be replaced. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Broken parts—punches, dies, 1. Replace the broken parts. etc. CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Tool Servicing TOOL SERVICING Obiective Proper tool servicing is essential to maintain standard quality in the drawing of the bullet jackets and cartridge cases. Dies and punches are costly and great care must be exercised in the servicing of these tools. Adjusters will be concerned primarily with the removal of brass and small scratches that appear on working surfaces of dies and punches; and they must be careful, when using an abrasive on any tool, not to alter materially its dimensions. Servicing New Dies All tools that cannot be corrected by polishing or minor straightening must be returned to the Tool Service Department. 1. Dies as received from the tool room are normally undersize to allow for expansion pressure, and for lapping to a desired size when necessary. . The size of the die may be checked by a die plug gage, but a test run should be made before any lapping is performed. . As a precaution, before a test run is made, the die bore should be in- spected for roughness and polished if necessary. If the bore is rough, causing undue friction, more metal may be pulled from the bottom of the jacket or case at the start of the draw than is necessary. . The product from the test run should be carefully gaged and inspected. Then, and then only, if an undersize or out of true die is indicated, should the die be lapped. If trial in the machine shows that the die is undersize, place it in a three-jaw chuck on a speed lathe to lap it. Check the die to see that it is in the chuck straight and secure. FIG. 1 OVER-ALL VIEW OF SPEED LATHE [37] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Tool Servicing FIG. 2 FIG. 3 CORRECT METHOD OF PLACING INCORRECT METHOD OF PLACING DIE IN CHUCK DIE IN CHUCK Lapping Procedure 1. When lapping is necessary, proceed as follows: Use a lap stick made of brass, lead, fiber or wood about the same diameter as the die hole. 2. Dip the lap stick in a solution of #120 emery dust and olive oil or coal oil. 3. Hold the lap stick as nearly as possible in line with the angle of the taper. When lapping the land, hold the stick at a right angle to the mouth of the die to keep the land true. A land which is not true causes irregular wall thickness and crooked tops on jackets and cases. 4. While holding the lap stick against the die, give the stick a rapid in and out movement. This cuts down the ridges left by the grinder wheel in the metal surface and makes it smoother. Repeat this op- eration according to the amount of metal that must be taken out of the die. 5. Wipe the die clean with a cloth. 6. Next, polish the die with the finest grade of emery cloth available, not coarser than #220. 7. Finish the polishing operation with crocus cloth. 8. Wipe out the inside of the die again with a cloth. 9. Remove the die fiom the chuck and check the size of the die with a plug gage. 10. Be sure the die is free of all emery dust before replacing it in the ma- chine for production. Carboloy Dies To lap a Carboloy die, follow the same procedure, using diamond dust and olive oil instead of emery dust. [38] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Tool Servicing Servicing Scratched Dies Servicing a New Punch -La piping Polishing 1. Before removing a die from a machine to look for scratches, remove the stripper to determine whether the stripper, rather than the die, is scratched. ' 2. Check the die or stripper visually to determine how badly it is scratched. If the die or stripper has a very deep scratch, it should be sent to the Tool Service Department. 3. If it is found that the scratch is in the die, check the die with a die “wear limit” plug gage to determine how much metal can be worked out of it without making the die too large. ' 4. To polish the die, place it in a three-jaw chuck on a speed lathe. 5. Polish it with fine emery cloth, then with crocus cloth. 6. If the scratch can't be removed by polishing, the die will have to be lapped. See lapping procedure, or send to the Tool Service Depart- ment if necessary. 7. Check the die size with the “wear limit” plug gage before putting it into production. Before an abrasive of any kind is applied to a new punch its dimensions should be carefully checked with a micrometer or profile gage; and its working surface should be examined for finishing or handling marks and lack of polish. A highly polished punch aids in stripping and allows the metal to flow freely, thereby reducing the tendency of brass to pile up on the working surface. An adjuster will not be required to lap more than .0005” from a new punch. If more than this must be removed to bring the punch to size, it should be returned to the Tool Service Department for correction. Lapping is done with a piece of abrasive cloth wrapped around and moved back and forth along the axis of the punch as it revolves in a speed chuck. If the abrasive were held stationary, deep rings would be cut into the surface, thereby ruining the finish. The punch is shown in Fig. 4 correctly chucked and in Fig. 5 incorrectly held. Avoid excessive overhang of the punch as this is a safety hazard, and make sure that the jaws are correctly set, and tightened securely. Do not allow the jaws to grasp the working surface of the punch. Only a very fine abrasive such as emery cloth is to be used in the lapping operation. The surface of a properly lapped punch will have a dull grey color with a cross-hatched effect. The lapping operation must be followed by polishing. Polishing is done in the same manner as lapping except that a finer abrasive is used, as for example crocus cloth, and a final operation called draw polishing. This final operation is done after the chuck is stopped. To draw polish a punch move the abrasive cloth lengthwise over the entire working surface, avoid- ing rotary motion of thepunch or the abrasive. Continue this final opera- tion until all lapping marks are removed and the desired high polish or mirror like finish is obtained. [39] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANIGNG AND CUPPING mass Tool Servicing FIG. 4 FIG. 5 CORRECT METHOD OF PLACING INCORRECT METHOD OF PLACING PUNCH IN CHUCK PUNCH IN CHUCK Servicing As a punch is used, its working surface wears, accumulating scratches and a coating of brass. Excessive wear is determined by measuring with a micrometer or checking with a profile gage. Obviously, an undersize punch must be replaced with one of approved dimensions. Scratches, if not too severe, may be removed by the lapping and polishing operations described above. A light coating of brass may be removed by the polishing operation alone. The question of how soon a new punch will need lapping or polishing can be answered only from experience since many variable factors enter into the problem. [40] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Machine Lubrication MACHINE LLIBRICATION Centralized Force The blanking and cupping press is equipped with a centralized force feed Feed Lubricating System Friction lubricating system. This system is a positive, mechanical method of delivering lubricant, under high pressure, to a group of bearings from one central station in exact measured quantities, and as frequently as desired. It consists of a central pumping unit, two main supply lines, and an automatic measuring valve at each bearing. The force feed system is operated by opening a valve under the reservoir and pumping the hand lever until a pressure sufficient to lubricate the machine is obtained. This operation develops pressure of one of the main lines throughout the entire system. A hand operated rotary valve in the pump base directs the flow of lubricant into either main supply line, thus providing the automatic operation of all valves. Complete and positive lubrication of a large number of bearings is obtained in less than one minute from a central point. Every bearing receives the amount of lubricant required, entirely independent of the judgment of the oiler or his ability to reach all bearings regularly. Lubricant is delivered from the central pumping unit through the two main supply lines to all measuring valves in the system. This pressure is first applied to one supply line and then to the other to provide the complete operation of all measuring valves. No mechanical connections are required. Each individual valve is fully adjustable as to quantity and equipped with a positive sight indicator. The full line pressure is avail- able to operate all valves because there are no restricted passages. The efficiency of all machines depends, to a great extent, upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction as far as we are concerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all, but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. [41] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Machine Lubrication Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Bearings Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite-tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubri- cation. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: . Speed of the shaft or slide. . Load on the shaft or slide. . Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. . Cleanliness of surroundings. 1 2 3 4. Constant or intermittent operation. 5 6. Temperature of surroundings. 7 . Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. [42] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Machine Lubrication Grease ' Lubrication Methods Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen, good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. .@P‘t'>‘P°.l\"!-‘ Accessibility of bearing. 7. Frequency of lubrication. Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: Simple oil hole. Bottle oiler. Ring oiler. Plain oil cups. Drop feed cups. Wick feed cups. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 9°fl9‘P‘F‘9°!°!-‘ Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. Screw down cups. 0 Compression cups. Pressure guns and patented fittings. t‘>‘.°°.l\'>£" Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. [43] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Machine Lubrication Hints on Lubrication Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrica- tion.” Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fit- ting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places, in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times—except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. [44] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANl(lNG AND CUPPING PRESS Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART Equipment Part to be Imbricated How Applied Recommendations E. W. Bliss Blanking and Cupping Press Counter 15 h.p. Electric Motor Plain bearings and guides Ball or roller bearings Gears Bearings Bearings Bearings Centralized Force feed System Packed Bath -Oil cups Pressure gun Ring Oiler Semi-Fluid Pressure Grease Ball Bearing Cup Grease SAE-20 SAE-20 Semi-Fluid Pressure Grease SAE-20 I45] CALIBER .30 CASE BLANKING AND CUPPING PRESS Index Adjustment, Blanking Punch, 29 Blanking Punch Replacement, 29 Blanking and Cupping Die Replace- ment, 26 Brake Release Rod, 24 Brake Spring, 32 Crankshaft Brake, 23 Cupping Punch, 31 Cupping Punch Replacement, 27 Feed Roller Brake, 22 Feed Roller Tension, 22 Metal Progression, 21 Shear Knife, 30 Sizing Die and Stripper Replace- ment, 25 Anti-friction Bearings, 41 Blanking Punch Adjustment, 33 Punch Holder Block, 12 Punch Replacement Adjustment, 29 Punches, 12, 15 Blanking and Cupping, 17 Blanking and Cupping Die Replace- ment Adjustment, 26 Bottom Thickness, 18 Brake, 24 Action, 3 Drum, 2, 23, 26 Lever, 24 Release Rod Adjustment, 24 Shoe,2,23,26 Spring Adjustment, 32 Bull Gear, 6 Burred Top, 35 Carboloy Die, 38 Chute, 4 Chftch, 6, 24 Action, 3 Lever, 24 Controls, 4 Cooling Solution, 3, 4 Solution Pump, 1, 5 Crankshaft, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 23, 33 Brake Adjustment, 23 Speed, 1 Throw, 7 Crocus Cloth, 38 Crooked Bottoms, 35 INDEX Crooked Tops, 35 Cupping Punch Adjustment, 31 Punch Holder Block, 12 Punch Replacement Adjustment, 22 Punches, 12, 15 Cutoff, 16, 17 Defects, 19 Dial Indicator, 19 Die, 16, 37 Block, 13, 27 Block Assembly, 13 Block Holder, 14, 25 Disposal, 16, 17 Eccentric Cam, 7 Elevator, 4 Emery Dust, 38 Feed Rack, 17 Racks, 11, 16 Roller Brake Adjustment, 22 Roller Tension Adjustment, 22 Rollers, 3, 8, 9, 16, 17 Floor Space, 1 Flywheel, 2, 5, 6, 21 Friction, 41 Gage Care, 19 Grease, 42 Height, 1 Jackshaft, 2, 5, 6 Lap Stick, 38 Lapping, 37, 39 Procedure, 38 Lubricating Film, 41 Lubrication, 1, 4, 41 Hints on, 43 Methods, 42 Machine Motor, 1 Manufacturer, 1 Metal Progression Adjustment, 21 Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 43 Motor, 2, 5 Outer Ram Face Plate, 12 Outside Diameter, 18 Plug Gage, 19 Plunger Arm, 3 Rod, 10 Polishing, 39 Power, 2, 3 Production, 1 Punch, 16 Holder Assembly, 12 Holder Fork, 12 Outs, 34, 35 Ram, 3, 8 Reservoir, 3 Rocker Arm Shaft, 5, 8 Rotary Washer, 4 Scored Walls, 34 Scratched Walls, 34 Scratches, 19, 40 Selecting Lubricant for Given Bear- ing, 42 Servicing, 40 New Dies, 37 New Punch, 39 Scratched Die, 39 Shear Cam, 8 Knife Adjustment, 23 Shearing Mechanism, 3, 10 Sidewall Thickness Too Large, 35, 36 Thickness Too Thin, 36 Variation, 18 Sizing Die, 15 Die Block, 13 Die and Stripper Replacement Ad- justment, 25 Slotted Bar, 8 Smashup, 36 Speed Lathe, 37 Stripper, 15, 16, 17 Plate, 13 Spring, 15 Switch, 4 Thickness, 18 Tools, 1 Transmission, 2, 3 Twin Ring Gage, 19 Type of Feed, 1 Uneven Feed of Strip Brass to Feed Rollers, 36 V-belt, 2 Visual Inspection, 19 Weight, 1 TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 First Draw Case BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 1941 United States Government Contract W-ORD-4.-81, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was de- veloped from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammunition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for drawings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible but they are as of this date and are subject to changes. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, - map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917, C 30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 443, 76th Congress, 3rd Session.) II MANUAL CORRECTlONS—CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE LOCATION ERROR CORRECTION Page 1l,—Spec Inside diameter after 1st Draw .300-.302 Inside diameter after 1st draw .551—.553 Page 3!, Loose Ram Omit—-does not apply TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tool Holder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Tool Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 ‘Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Tool Servicing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 44 III DRAW PRESS—CALlBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE IV CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Catalogue Data Manufacturer Machine Description Machine Motors Type of Feed Feed Motor Production Crankshaft Speed Stroke Cooling Solution Pump Tools Floor Space Over-all Height Weight CATALOGUE DATA E. W. Bliss Co., Brooklyn, New York Vertical Duplex Straight Side Crank Press; E. W. Bliss No. 62; 4 V Belt Drive Motor to Fly- wheel to Crankshaft. Two 3 h.p. ; 220 / 440 Volts; 3 phase; 60 cycle; 860 R.P.M. Rotary Hopper (44 R.P.M.) Gearhead %; h.p.; 115/230 Volts; 1 Phase; 60 cycle; 725 R.P.M. 440 per minute. 110 r.p.m. 5” Gear Type 1/10 h.p. ; 1 phase; 60 cycle; 110 Volts. _ Piece No. Punch D1 Guide Ring .766 Die .655x16° Stripper .622 Stripper Holder 1.492x60° 51/4 ft. x 7 ft. 7! 9/! 15,000 lbs. [1] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Machine Description MACHINE DESCRIPTION Hopper Motor L. H. R. H. Flywheel Pulley Main Crankshaft Hub Guard Motor and Clutch Connecting Rota / Rod Hopper Ram Clutch Lever \ Clutch Lever (huh Trip Cam Cooling 1" ‘ . I _ - ‘ Solution \ Feed Table Reservoir FRONT VIEW Power and The E. W. Bliss Duplex Draw Press, consisting of two identical presses Transmission illustrated above, is powered by two 3 h.p. motors, one for each section of the press, through four V belts, to their respective flywheel pulley and crankshaft. Incorporated in each flywheel hub is a rolling key clutch for control of power to the crankshaft through linkage to an individual clutch lever which permits individual operation of each press. [2] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Machine Description Power and Transmission (Cont.) Camshafts Rotary Hopper Feed Table Ram Cooling Solution Controls Safety Guard Lubrication A conventional brake drum is located on the inner end of each crankshaft. A lined brake shoe, secured and located by a bracket attached to the machine frame, provides the friction necessary to hold the crankshaft in position when the clutch is disengaged. The clutch and brake action are synchronized through the clutch lever. When the clutch is engaged, the brake is released, and when the clutch is disengaged, the brake is applied. In normal operation, if the clutch is disengaged for any reason, the crank- shaft will always stop at the maximum upward position of the cranks. For inspection or adjustment purposes, the machine may be rotated by hand and the crankshaft stopped and held in any desired position. Two camshafts for actuation of the fork and finger mechanisms are located in the right and left rear of the frame. They are driven by a block chain and sprocket wheels from the inner end of each crankshaft. A cam on each camshaft moves the fork and finger mechanism forward, and a spring pulls them back. On the outer ends of the camshafts are V pulleys for driv- ing feed discs and agitators on the feed table. Power is transmitted to rotary dial shafts by round belts. Rotary dials are driven by bevel pin- ion and ring gears on their under side. The rotary hopper -receives the cups from an overhead source and feeds them, through the medium of the flat feed chute, to the feed table in a “mouth up” position. The hopper is driven by a % h.p. reduction gear head motor, through a V belt. The feed table is for the transference of cups from the feed chute to the fork and fingers, through the medium of the rotary dials. The ram is a heavy cast-iron block. Its mass assists the power stroke of the punch and absorbs the shock of impact and subsequent vibration. The lower surface is machined for attachment of a punch holder block. Each ram is driven by and connected to the crankshaft by a connecting rod and wrist pin. Each ram is held in alignment by a V-shaped gib arrangement. To prolong die and punch life, each cup is bathed by a cooling solution which acts as a cooling and lubricating agent. The base of the machine forms a reservoir for this cooling solution which is pumped through a pipe system to the die. The pump is located at the rear of the machine and is driven by a 1% h.p. vertical direct drive motor. Two push button “Start and Stop” switches provide control of main drive motors. Two overload switches, one for each main drive motor, are attached to the right and left rear of the machine. Two toggle switches are mounted at the rear of the flat feed chute. The left hand switch is for the pump motor, while the right hand switch controls the hopper motor. The safety glass door is hinged so it will swing outward. If it is opened while the machine is in operation, a cam on its outer edge will contact and release the clutch lever from the catch block, and spring action will return the lever to its “off” position. Lubrication of all moving parts is accomplished by Alemite-Zerk fittings, oil cups, oil holes or distribution of lubricant by oiler, swab, etc., over the desired point. (See Lubrication Chart, page 43.) [3l CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Machine Description Motor, Counte rshaft This rear view of the cal. .30 First Draw press shows the motors, adjustable and Flywheel and brackets, and belt drives contained within a guard. Each press is started Cooling Solution and stopped by a clutch contained in the hub of the flywheel. Pump Below the motors in the frame of each press is a feed finger camshaft. These shafts are driven separately by block chains and sprockets from the inner end of each crankshaft. The camshafts drive the feed finger mechanism which pulls the cups in from the rotary dials and locates them under each punch. The cooling solution pump motor is visible between the two frames. The pump on the motor circulates the cooling solution from the reservoir in the machine bed, through a pipe system, to the punches and dies. The cooling solution serves both as a cooling and lubricating agent. Adjustable _- Bracket _.__ Adjustable Bracket Guard ... Block Chains REAR VIEW l4l CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Machine Description \ Feed Fingers and Fork Assembly TOP FRONT VIEW AT FEEDING MECHANISM For each rotary dial there is a die assembly consisting of two sets of dies and feed fingers. The die and feed finger assembly are set at the rear of the rotary dial. The die is mounted in the die block and the feed finger assembly is mounted on the die block holder. The feed fingers are actuated by the feed finger camshaft. The forward position of the feed fingers places their hooks in line with the double feed track and two cups are moved into their grasp. As the fingers pull back they press the cups against the forks and, thus held, the cups are carried back directly over the dies and under the punches. In this “back” position the fingers hold the succeeding cups in the feed tracks. When the punches descend, they push the cups down through the fingers and forks and through the draw die below. The fingers and forks then move forward for more cups. CLOSE-UP OF CAM FOLLOWER ASSEMBLY I5] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Machine Description Feed Finger Camshaft Push Rod Feed Finger Camshaft The feed finger camshaft is located on the rear of the machine and supports the cam follower assembly. The camshaft is driven by a block chain from a sprocket wheel on the crankshaft to a sprocket wheel on the feed finger camshaft. This method of driving times the feed fingers with the feed finger camshaft. The feed finger cam on the camshaft forces the cam follower and push rod forward allowing the cup to slide into the feed finger. This action is referred to as a positive action. CLOSE-UP OF FEED FINGER CAMSHAFT A heavy coil tension spring pulls the assembly back, thus placing the cups over the dies. This action is referred to as the negative action. The push rod is connected to a lug on the feed fingers on one end and to the camshaft on the other end through a yoke which slips over the shaft and is actuated by the cam through the camshaft follower. The feed fingers transfer the cups, two at a time, from the rotary dial to a position over the dies under the punches. I6] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Machine Description Rotary Hopper The rotary hopper is a feeding mechanism, set at an angle on the front center of the press above the feed table. It is fed by a conveyor pipe from an overhead hopper. A limited supply of cups is fed into the hopper and, as the cups are rotated in the hopper, they escape “mouth up” through the U-shaped openings in the lower edge of the hopper rim. As the cases fall into the narrow channel in the hopper base around the outer rim of the wheel, they slide down by gravity in a “mouth up” position. From the channel the cases go down through the feed chute, below the hopper base, and slide out on the feed table, “mouth up," in the proper position for the punch. The hopper is a bronze casting shaped like a pulley with four spokes. It is located on a cast-iron base by means of a center shaft about which it rotates. Through a V-type belt around the pulley rim, a pg h.p. geared head motor furnishes the motive power. The lower edge of the pulley rim is fitted with a 18" x 2" bronze band, in which a series of U-shaped openings are pierced. The cast-iron base is stationary and mounted on brackets. The channel around the outer edge of the base is concentric with the hopper stud shaft, and the outlet at the bottom aligns with the opening in the feed chute. U-Shaped Opening ROTARY HOPPER l7l CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Machine Description Rotary Dial and Cup Guide A rotary dial is located at each end of the feed table. However, this des- cription will refer to only one dial, since the two dials are identical. The rotary dial feeds the cups into the feed finger mechanism as they come from the feed chute and slide across the feed table. The rotary dial consists of a steel dial set in a semi-circular opening in the rear edge and flush with the feed table. The dial is mounted on a vertical shaft in a bearing bracket on the machine bed. The rotary dial is belt-driven, through a short horizontal shaft from its underside, by a bevel pinion and ring gear. Cup guides direct the flow of cups to the rotary dial. As the dial turns, the mass of cups is worked down to a double row. This action is accomplished by the center cup guide, which is fastened to the dial center, and by the cup guide agitator. The cup guide agitator is driven by an agitator arm with a roller on its end in contact with a cam on the drive pulley. As the rotary dial rotates, the agitator jogs the cups into the double track. Rotary Dial Drive ROTARY DIAL AND CUP GUIDE ASSEMBLY [8] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Tool Holder Description TOOL HOLDER DESCRIPTION Die Block Assembly Lock Pin: The lock pin is inserted through a small hole in the rear of the die block. It holds the die block in place on the bolster plate. Die Block: The die block holds two die assemblies. They are held in the channel of the bolster plate by the lock pin. The bolster plate is adjustable to allow centering the dies under the punches. The die assembly is inserted into the die block from the bottom side. The large hole in the rear end of the block assists the adjuster in inserting, locating, and removing the die block. Guide Ring: The guide ring is inserted first in the die block from below, with the large end of the tapered hole up. It centers the cup in a vertical position over the draw die located immediately below. Draw Die: The draw die is inserted into the die assembly hole of the die block under the guide ring and with the large end of its tapered hole up. It forms and controls the outside diameter of the cup as the cup is forced through it by the punch centered above. Stripper Holder: The stripper holder is inserted under the draw die with the large end of the tapered hole down. It holds a three- segmented stripper in position. Stripper: The stripper, consisting of three segments held together by a coiled spring, is inserted into the stripper holder with the large end of the tapered hole up. The stripper unit strips the case from the punch after the case has been forced through the die on; BLOCK DISASSEMBLED assembly. Die Block Lock Pin ““““ _ \ Stripper ' Stripper Holder Guide Ring CROSS SECTION OF DIE BLOCK ASSEMBLY l 9 l CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Tool Holder Description Punch Block Anvil: The anvil is inserted into the top side of the punch Assembly holder block in contact with the head of the punch and punch holder. It protects the face of the ram from the thrust of the punch. Punch Holder Block: The punch holder block contains two dowel pins for alignment and is bolted to the under side of the ram by four Allen screws. It holds two punch assemblies. Punch Holder: The punch holder is inserted in the punch holder block from the top side, with the flanged end up. The lower end is threaded to receive a hexagon gland nut. It retains the punch assembly in the punch holder block. Split Collar: The split collar is composed of two halves which are held in place by a coiled spring. It acts as a flange on the head end of the punch against which the sleeve is held by a gland nut. Sleeve: The sleeve is assembled on the punch from the head end after the gland nut. It acts as a spacer in the alignment of the punch. Gland Nut: The gland nut threads on the outer surface of the gland nut are screwed into the inner threads of the punch ; holder, forcing the sleeve against the split collar. It holds the ; 2 punch assembly to the punch holder. Punch: The punch, with the gland nut, spacer sleeve, and I / split collar in place, is inserted into the bottom side of the punch holder, head end up. The gland nut is then screwed into the punch block holder, which holds the assembly in a PUNCH BLOCK DISASSEMBLED vertical position- ’ ‘V. ‘ Button Anvil <,\g §\ Punch Holder / / R . Collar Bl k Spring oc .' \\ Bushing Key Gland Nut % 1/” Punch CROSS SECTIONAL DRAWING or PUNCH l 10 l CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Tool Description Punch Guide Ring Die Stripper Stripper Holder TOOL DESCRIPTION ' Tool Name: Punch—First Draw Piece No.: D-1 Location: Held vertically in ram Normal Life: 140,000 pieces The punch is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. The shank is slightly softer than the working end. Tool Name: Guide ring—First Draw Piece No.: .766 Location: Above die Normal Life: 1,000,000 pieces The guide ring is made of hardened tool steel, ground and polished. Tool Name: Die—First Draw Piece No.: .655 x 16° Location: Die block Normal Life: 44,000 pieces The die is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. Tool Name: Stripper—First Draw Piece No.: .622 Location: Die block—under die Normal Life: 100,000 pieces The stripper consists of three pieces held together by a coiled spring. It is made of hardened tool steel, ground and polished. Tool Name: Stripper Holder~First Draw Piece No.: 1.492 x 60° Location: Between die and stripper Normal Life: 10,000,000 pieces The stripper holder is made of hardened tool steel, ground on all surfaces. [11] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Process Sequence Overhead Hopper Rotary Hopper Flat Feed Chute Feed Table Turntable Feed Finger and Fork Ram and Punch The Draw Stripper and Disposal Lubrication and Cooling Solution PROCESS SEQUENCE The cups are fed by gravity from a truck or conveyor into the overhead hopper. They drop through a feed pipe which has a control gate, into the rotary hopper. The cups are agitated in the rotary hopper and, as the hopper rotates, the cups escape through U slots in the lower edge of the hopper rim into the rotary hopper base channel, in a “mouth up” position. From the hopper base channel they fall down into the flat feed chute. The cups are conveyed in an upright position by gravity through the S-shaped flat feed chute, which breaks their fall and enables them to emerge, mouth up, in a single layer, on the feed table. The operator visually inspects the cups for defects, foreign matter, and upside-down position, then pushes them along the feed table to the right and left rotary dials. The rotary dials carry the cups to the entrance of the feed tracks, past the agitator and between the cup guides. The cups are carried in single file past the counters to the feed fingers. On the upward stroke of the ram, each fe'ed finger moves forward and allows a cup to enter each hook. As the ram descends, the fingers start to move back, pressing the cups firmly against the forks. As the cups touch the fork, the whole assembly moves back together until the cups are directly above the dies and under the punches. The ram descends with the punches which force the cups through the guide rings into and through the dies and strippers. The guide rings seat the cups straight on the punches. The forcing of the cups through the dies is known as the draw. The draw reduces the wall thickness and diameter and increases the length of the cups. Before the draw, the components are known as the cups and after the draw, as the first draw cases. As the punches withdraw from the dies, the cases are stripped off by the three-segmented strippers, located under the dies; then the cases fall into a chute which guides them to a mechanical conveyor. During the drawing operation, the cups are lubricated and the tools are cooled by a cooling solution which flows over the cups and dies, through an opening in the die block. CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Process Sequence MACHINE FLOW CHART Overhead Hopper Cups are fed by gravity from truck or conveyor into overhead hopper through feed pipe. I Feed Pipe Conveys cups by gravity past control gate into rotary hopper. Rotary Hopper Rotates, and cups escape through U slots into rotary hopper base channel, then fall, mouth up, through flat feed chute down to feed table in a single layer. Feed Table Cups are visually inspected by the opera- tor and pushed by hand to rotary dial. Rotary Dial Carries cups past agitator into feed track, single file, past the counters to the feed fingers. I Feed Fingers Pull the cups, one at a time, over the dies and under the punches. I Hopper is powered by a %; h.p. reduc- tion geared motor and a V-type belt. Electric control is a toggle switch on right side of press. Power from ring gear to pinion gear, to shaft, to pulley, to round leather belt, to pulley on camshaft. Ram and Punch Ram descends and the punches force the cups through the dies and strippers, in- creasing the length, and decreasing the diameter and sidewall thickness of the cup. After this operation, the cups change identity and are known as cases. Power supplied by feed finger from push rod, from cam follower, from cam, from camshaft, from sprocket, from block chain, from sprocket on crankshaft. l Stripper After the punch forces the cup through the dies, it withdraws and the case is stripped off the punch by a three-segmented strip- per under the die. Then the case falls into a chute which guides the case into a me- chanical conveyor. Ram is powered by the connecting rod from the crankshaft to the clutch, to the flywheel, by 4 V-type belts, from a 3 h.p. motor on side of the press. CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Product The component, when it is received by the first draw press, is in the Description , form of a cup, as shown in Fig. 1. The cup is received from the Annealing Department, where it was annealed, pickled and washed. When the cup is delivered to the Annealing Department from the cupping press, the metal has a very bright, brassy appearance and a smooth finish. After the cup has been annealed, the metal appears dull and has a rough finish. The cup is made of brass (70% copper, 30% zinc). The closed end of the cup is the bottom and the open end is the mouth. The dimensions of the cup are as follows: Before lst Draw After lst Draw Outside diameter .766i760” Outside diameter .662i659' Inside diameter .560"-.558” Inside diameter .300i302’ Bottom thickness .135i129” Bottom thickness .129-5.135’ Sidewall variation .001”-.003” Sidewall variation .001i002” Over-all length .46s’i.455” Over-all length .sszisss” After the drawing operation, the cup, hereafter known as the case (see Fig. 2), is delivered to the Annealing Department, where it is annealed, pickled and washed before being delivered to the second draw. FIG. 1—BEFORE 1st DRAW FIG. 2—AFTER ‘Isl DRAW 110 Before After Before After After Pickle Annealing Annealing Annealing Annealing ' and Wash I14] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Inspection Visual Gage Care Gages INSPECTION A careful visual inspection of the case must be made. Inspect both the inside and the outside of the case for scratches. Inspect the case for crooked heads, crooked tops, or bodies that are not round. These defects, call for adjustments on the machine. If a defect is found, the lot of which it is a part must be taken from the machine and properly identified, so that it will not be mixed up with lots composed of good cases. Gages are expensive instruments machined to a fine precision. Improper use, or carelessness in gaging, may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may affect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be employed in matching a case to a gage. A protected location should be used for storage of gages to prevent their damage when not in use. The most accurate checks are made when the cases are cool, since heat causes expansion of the metal and results in a temporary variation in the case size. The bottom thickness is checked on a dial indicator, as variation in this dimension greatly affects suc- ceeding draws. The body of the case is gaged with a twin ring gage. Cases must pass through the larger or “go” ring and must not pass through the smaller “no go” ring. The above described inspection methods are those most commonly em- ployed in the manufacture of Caliber .30 First Draw Cases. However, other methods may be developed to maintain the manufacturing standards. [15] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Adjustments ADJUSTMENTS Objective To maintain satisfactory production a machine must be adjusted to com- Cautions pensate for the wear of its tools and other working parts, and to meet new conditions caused by a difference in material. It is necessary to inspect the machine and components regularly in order that any troubles may be detected and corrected immediately. This section of the manual, with its illustrations, photographs, and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all of the machine troubles that will be en- countered, therefore certain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. A thorough analysis of the trouble will indi- cate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. Adjustments are never to be made while the machine is in motion, or until the flywheel has stopped. Inspect the clutch latch rather than‘ the starting button to determine whether the clutch is disengaged. Make frequent inspection to determine whether proper and sufficient lubricant is being pumped to the working tools of the machine. Adjustments on, or below, the ram requires the insertion of a wood block between the ram and the bedplate to prevent its falling. This block will avoid damage to the machine tools or injury to the adjuster’s hands, should the ram fall accidentally. Examine the machine periodically to determine whether all connections and adjustments are secure. CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Adjustments Die Replacement Procedure: The dies may become worn, causing the case to be too large in diameter, or may become scratched, causing scratches on the outside of the case. In either case the die must be removed and replaced with a new die. 1. DIE BLOCK ASSEMBLY Open the rear guard by releasing the latch and swinging the guard door away from the machine. Remove the die block lock pin. . Remove the die block by placing fingers in the large hole in the center _ of the die block and pulling the die block out of the die block hole. 8. Keep the other hand underneath the die block to hold the dies and the stripper intact. Allow the dies and the stripper to fall out in your hand; then turn the die block over. Inspect the dies and the stripper for defects. If any of the parts are defective, replace with new parts. Replace the guide rings, the dies, the stripper ring, and the stripper in their respective order. Caution: Be sure that the assembly is free of dirt and grit. Observe that the hole in the die is tapered. The small part of the taper should be at the bottom when the die block is placed in the die block holder. . Turn the die block back over in its normal position, holding one hand on the under side of the die block to keep the dies and the stripper from falling out. Now slide thedie block back into the die block holder, and replace the die block lock pin. Close and latch the rear guard door. I 17 I CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Ad iustments Punch The punch may become worn, causing the inside of the case to be too small in diameter, or may become scratched, causing scratches on the inside of the case. In either case the punch must be replaced. 1%” Wrench Replacement TOOIS: Procedure: 1. PUNCH BLOCK ASSEMBLY Open the front guard by raising the latch and swinging the guard door on its hinges. Use a 13/8” wrench to remove the gland nut beneath the punch holder by turning the wrench from right to left. When the nut is clear of the punch holder, shake the punch from side to side at the same time pulling down on the punch until the punch is released from the punch holder. Remove the split collar by spreading the two sections and slipping it over the top of the punch. Slide the sleeve and the gland nut from the top of the punch. Slide the gland nut over the top of the new punch, the threaded side up. Replace the sleeve following the nut and replace the split collar with the wide part of the shoulder to the top. Replace the punch assembly into the punch holder and start the gland nut by turning it into the punch holder. Tighten the nut up as far as possible with your fingers; then use the 1%” wrench to tighten. Swing the guard door into place and lock with a latch at the left side of the door. [18] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Adjustments Agitator (Feed Table) T0Ols: FEED TABLE SHOWING AGITATOR ADJUSTMENT Procedure: The feed table agitator agitates the cups before they begin their travel through the feed tracks. If it is not properly adjusted, the cups will jam before they begin their travel to the feed fingers. The agitator should be adjusted so that it is centered between the cup guide. Adjustment is made by a set screw that changes the position of the agitator. 1/3" Wrench, 1/4" Wrench 1. ENLARGED VIEW OF SET SCREW ADJUSTMENT Open the front guard door by releasing the latch and swinging it away from the machine. Use a 1/2” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the agitator adjusting screw while holding the adjusting screw with a 1/4" wrench. . Use a 1/4" wrench to turn the agitator adjusting screw until the agitator finger is at the approximate center between the track guide and the spring. . Tighten the lock nut on the agitator adjustment screw while holding the set screw in place. Caution: Close and latch the front guard door. Check by operating the machine and observing the action of the agitator. [19] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Adjustments Fork and The camshaft that actuates the feed finger is connected by a block chain to the flywheel shaft. If the chain slips on the sprocket or is removed for any reason, the chain must be replaced so that the action of the punch is synchronized with the action of the feed finger. If they are improperly timed, the cup in the feed finger would not be in position over the die in time to be forced through the die by the punch. Finger Timing Tools: FORK AND FINGER TIMING Procedure: 7/§” Wrench, Flywheel Rod 1. CLOSE-UP OF CAM AND YOKE W Idler Pulley Cam CLOSE-UP OF PUSH ROD SPRING Open the rear guard door by releasing the latch and swinging it away from the machine. Release the push rod spring by pulling it towards the back of the machine and unhooking it from the spring bracket. Use a 78" wrench to loosen the bolt that holds the block chain idler pulley, thus releasing the tension on the block chain. Lift the chain clear of the dogs on the sprockets and remove the chain. Turn the feed finger camshaft until the push rod cam follower is 1" past the high side of the cam. Replace the block chain on the crankshaft sprocket and then on the camshaft sprocket holding the camshaft in the above position. Use the left hand to raise the idler pulley firmly against the block chain thus removing all slack. Hold the pulley in place and tighten the studs with the 7/8" wrench. Replace the push rod spring by pulling it toward the back of the machine and booking it to the spring bracket. Caution: Close the rear guard doors and latch. [20] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Adjustments Feed Finger Push Rod Tools: The feed finger is carried forward by cam action on the feed finger push rod. The push rod can be lengthened or shortened, thus changing the forward position of the feed finger. The feed finger should be adjusted so that it travels far enough forward to receive the cups from the cup guide. %" Wrench, Drift Punch FEED FINGER PUSH ROD ADJUSTMENT Procedure: 1. ENLARGED VIEW OF ADJUSTMENT ON PUSH ROD Open the front guard by releasing the latch and swinging the guard door away from the machine. Engage the clutch and use a flywheel rod to turn the flywheel until the feed fingers are at the end of their forward stroke. . Place two cups in the cup guide against the feed finger. Open the guard door in the rear of the machine by releasing latch and swinging it away from the machine. Use a %” wrench to loosen the two cap screws on the push rod (the push rod is made up of two sections, the slotted portion of one section allows the finger to be shifted forward or backward, when the cap screws are loosened). Use a drift punch to pry the two sections of the push rod a sufficient distance to allow the cups to enter the feed finger freely. Hold the push rod in this position and tighten the cap screws. Caution: Close and latch the rear guard. Remove the cups from the cup guide. Use a flywheel rod to turn the flywheel until the ram is at the top dead center. Caution: Close the front guard door and latch. [21] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Adjustments Feed Finger Adjustment FEED FINGER ADJUSTMENT Procedure: The feed finger carries the cup in line with the punch and die. The finger is pushed forward by cam action and is pulled back in line with the die by spring action. The back position is determined by the adjustment of the two set screws in back of the feed finger assembly. If the set screws are not properly adjusted, the cup will not be centered directly over the die, causing the wall thickness to vary. 1%" Wrench, 3/16" Allen Wrench 10. 11. 12. ENLARGED VIEW OF THE TWO ADJUSTING SET SCREWS Open the front and rear guards by releasing the latch and swinging the guard door away from the machine. , Remove the safety glass from the front guard and close the door. Place a cup in the feed finger, engage the clutch and use a flywheel rod to turn the flywheel until the feed fingers are in their farthest backward position. Then continue to turn the flywheel until the punch almost touches the cup in the feed finger. Use a 1%” wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the set screws in back of the fork and finger assembly. Use a %” Allen wrench to turn the feed finger adjustment set screws until the cup is in line with the punch and die. Use a 1%),’ wrench to tighten the lock nuts while holding the set screw in place with an Allen wrench. Remove the die block, holding one hand beneath the block to keep the dies and stripper intact. Then turn the block over and set it on the back part of the machine. Use a flywheel rod to turn the flywheel until the cup drops through the cap plate. Reach into the die block holder and remove the cup from under the cap plate. Use a flywheel rod to turn the flywheel until the ram is about 3/1 of its distance to top dead center. Disengage the clutch and continue to turn the flywheel until the ram reaches top dead center. Hold your right hand on the under side of the die block. Turn the die block in its upright position and slide it back into the die holder. Open the front guard and replace the safety glass. Caution: Close and latch the front and rear guards. I22} CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Adjustments Fork I Tools: The fork must be properly adjusted to allow clearance of the cup beneath the punch and over the die. If the fork is too far forward or backward, the cups will hang. Two %" Wrenches, Pliers Procedure: 1. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. FEED FINGER FORK ASSEMBLY FORK ADJUSTMENT Open the front guard by lifting the latch and swinging the door forward. Use pliers to remove the two cotter keys in the pins on the forward end of the push rod. Remove the flat washer on the upper pin with the fingers. Using right hand, pull the spring forward to release the tension on the upper pin. Remove the pin and release the spring. Remove the bottom pin. Remove the push rod. Use two %” wrenches, one to hold the adjusting screw and the other to loosen the lock nut. Use a 1/2” wrench to turn the adjusting screw until the fork is flush with the back face of the cup slot in the cap plate. Use a 1/9,” wrench to hold the adjusting nut in place and tighten the lock nut. Grasp the push rod assembly in the right hand and replace in position. Insert the upper pin into the pin hole until the end of the pin is flush with the inner edge of the slot. Grasp the push rod spring firmly in both hands pulling forward until in position for the pin to be inserted. Holding spring in this position, drive the pin in place with heel of the hand. Replace lower pin. Use the pliers to replace both cotter keys spread- ing to lock in place. Close the front guard by swinging forward into place and latch. I23} CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Adiustments Hopper For proper agitation of the cups the agitator studs should be adjusted about ‘X5’ from the inside face of the hopper. 1%" Wrench Agitator Studs TOOIS: Procedure: 1. 2. EN LARGED VIEW HOPPER STUD T T I s '1) HOPPER WITH GUARD REMOVED Release the hopper latch and open the hopper door. Use an 146" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the threaded end of the agitator stud. Use finger to hold the stud and turn the nut on the inside of the spoke of the hopper wheel, until the end of the stud is about 3/{6’' from the inside face of the hopper. Repeat this performance on each of the agitator studs, turning the hopper by hand in order to bring the agitator studs to the opening. Check the adjustment by turning the hopper by hand and observing the action of the agitator studs. [24] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Adjustments Hopper Agitator Stud Replacement TOOIS: Procedure: The hopper agitator studs are for the purpose of agitating the cups in the rotary hopper. They may become bent or broken and will have to be replaced. In order to replace the studs, the hopper must be disassembled and the spoked wheel removed. ‘ Two “/16” Wrenches, 11/4" Wrench, 9/{6'' Wrench HOPPER SHOWING AGITATOR STUDS 1. Empty the hopper of all cups. 2. Use a 91/6" wrench to remove the studs holding hopper belt guard; remove the guard by lifting up and away from the hopper belt. 3. Use a %;" wrench to loosen the two studs on the back side of the motor bracket. 4. Use a 1%,/’ wrench to loosen the lock nut on the motor bracket adjusting studs. 5. Use a %” wrench to loosen the adjusting studs, lowering the motor bracket. 6. Remove the belt from the motor pulley and hopper wheel. 7. Use a 11/4" wrench to loosen the hopper stud nut on front of the hopper. Remove the nut and space washer. [25] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Ad iustments Procedure: (Cont.) 8. Remove the hopper door latch over the end of the stud. 9. Remove the hopper cover by lifting it clear of the hopper stud and 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. place it on the floor out of the way. Remove the hopper wheel by lifting the wheel clear of the stud. Place it on the floor where the agitator studs may be removed. Use an 1%” wrench to loosen and remove the adjusting nut on the end of the damaged agitator stud. Remove the damaged stud from the spoke of the hopper wheel. Replace one of the nuts on the new or serviced agitator stud. Replace the stud in the spoke of the hopper wheel and tighten the second nut holding the agitator stud in place. Reassemble the hopper wheel on theihopper stud, followed by the hopper cover, then the hopper door latch and the space washer. Use the 11/1” wrench to tighten the hopper stud nut in place. Replace the hopper belt and adjust it to the proper tension by tightening the adjusting screws on the motor frame. Caution: Replace the hopper belt guard. Use an 1%” wrench and adjust the agitator stud 1/33” from the bottom of the hopper. Refill the hopper, close the hopper door and return the door latch to locked position. [26] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Adjustments Rotary Hopper The rotary hopper is driven by a V type belt. If the belt becomes loose Belt and slips, it must be tightened by raising the hopper motor. Tools: 19/32" Wrench, 9/16" Wrench, 1/2" Wrench ENLARGED VIEW ADJUSTMENT STUD BOLTS HOPPER SHOWING ADJUSTABLE BRACKET, MOTOR PULLEY AND V BELT DRIVE Procedure: 1. Open the center rear guard by raising the latch and swinging the door away from the machine. 2. Use a 9/16" wrench to loosen the stud bolts located in the rear of the sliding hopper motor adjustment bracket. 3. Use a 1%2" wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the front of the sliding hopper motor adjustment bracket. 4. Use a %" wrench to turn the adjustment screws evenly to raise the sliding hopper motor adjustment bracket. This will tighten the motor belt. Raise the motor, testing the belts for tautness by pressing your hand against them. 5. Tighten the lock nuts on the front of the sliding hopper motor adjust- ment bracket and the stud bolts on the rear of the bracket. Caution: Close the center rear guard by swinging the door forward into position. Lock with the latch. 6. Check the belt to see if it is taut. Operate the machine and observe belt action. [27] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Adjustments Clutch Lever Spring Tools: Procedure: When the clutch lever is released it is pulled up by the clutch lever spring. This action should disengage the clutch and release the brake lever so the brake shoe can be pressed against the brake drum. If the spring does not perform its function, the tension must be increased. Two 7/8" Wrenches ENLARGED VIEW OF CLUTCH LEVER SPRING CLUTCH LEVER SPRING 1. Use a 7 8" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the adjusting screw. 2. Use a V8” wrench to turn the adjusting nut until the tension on the spring will draw the kick-out cam firmly against the clutch housing when the clutch is disengaged. 3. Use a 7/8" wrench to hold the adjusting nut while tightening the lock nut, using another 78" wrench. [28] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Adjustments Brake Spring Tools: Procedure: The brake spring acts to close the brake shoe against the brake drum. The spring must have sufficient tension to press the brake shoe firmly against the brake drum when the brake rod is released. Two %" Wrenches . ENLARGED VIEW BRAKE SPRING BRAKE SPRING ADJUSTMENT 1. Use two 78” wrenches, one to hold the adjusting nut and the other to loosen the lock nut. 2. Use a %" wrench to turn the adjusting nut on the spring rod until there is a firm pressure against the brake shoes. 3. Hold the adjusting nut in place with 78" wrench and tighten the lock nut with another 7/8" wrench. 4. Check the adjustment by operating the clutch lever and observing whether or not the brake shoe presses firmly against the drum when the clutch is disengaged. I29] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Adjustments Brake Release Rod The brake release rod connects the brake lever to the clutch lever. TOOIS: Procedure: Its function is to synchronize the action of the brake and the clutch. When the clutch is disengaged, the brake lever should be released so that the brake is applied through the brake spring. Also when the clutch is en- gaged, the rod should act to pull the brake lever sufficiently to release the brake shoe from the brake drum. For proper adjustment the adjusting nut should be about 1%" above the brake lever. Two 1%” Wrenches 1. ENLARGED VIEW BRAKE RELEASE ROD ADJUSTMENT BRAKE RELEASE ROD ADJUSTMENT Release the latch on the rear guard and swing the guard away from the machine. Use an M6” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the brake release rod while holding the adjusting nut with another 1%," wrench. Use an 1%" wrench to turn the adjusting nut until it is about 1%” above the brake lever. Tighten the lock nut with 1%” wrench while holding the adjusting nut in place with another 11/16" wrench. Caution: Close the guard by swinging it into place and latch securely. To check for accuracy, engage the clutch, turn on the power, then disengage the clutch and observe whether or not the brake lever is released. I30] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Objective Scored or Scratched Walls Crooked Draw TROUBLES AND CORRECTIONS The adjuster will encounter many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may con- front an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. The following troubles may be recognized by visual and gage inspection of the component together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Visual inspection will reveal if scratches are on the inside or outside walls of the case. Scratches on the outside walls can be detected by finger nail inspection. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Foreign matter (dirt, grit, shav- 1 . Remove the cooling solution, ings etc.) in the cooling solution. clean the reservoir, replace with clean cooling solution. . Send the cups to the Washing Department to be rewashed. 2. Foreign matter (dirt, dried 2 soap etc.) on the cups. 3. Chipped punch—a piece is 3. broken off the end of the punch. Replace with a new punch. 4. Skinned punch—the punch sur- 4 face marred. . Polish the punch if it is not too badly skinned. If it is beyond repair, replace with a new punch. 5. Cracked die—a fracture in the 5 cross section of the die. . Replace with a new die. 6. Scratched die—a scratch on the 6 inside surface of die. . Polish die if the scratch is not too deep. Replace with a new die if necessary. 7. Foreign matter (dirt, grit, etc.) 7. on the feed table or in the hopper. Clean the table or hopper. Gaging discloses uneven sidewall thickness, crooked tops, uneven bottoms. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Bent punch. 1. Straighten the punch in an ar- bor press, or if it cannot be straightened, replace with a new punch. 2. Worn ,die—the drawing surface too large or irregular. 2. Replace with a new die. I31] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Crooked Draw 3. Foreign matter (dirt, shavings, 3. (Cont.) Thick Bottom Thin Bottom Punch Outs Remove the die and the die block; clean and replace the die assembly. burrs, etc.) under the die. 4. The die is too tight in the latch 4. Remove the die and adjust it. block. 5. Defective cups. 5. Clear the hopper and check the source of supply. Remove the ring, reverse its position and replace it. 6. The guide ring is upside down. 6. Tighten the punch in the punch holder properly. 7. Loose punch—the punch is loose 7. in the holder. Gaging discloses insufficient material drawn out of the bottom of the case. Caution: Check tool identification and dimensions. If tools are within specifications, shut machine down until anneal has been checked by Metal- lurgy Department. (Tools must never be altered by the adjuster.) The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Not enough taper on the punch. 1. Replace with a new punch. 2. Radius on the end of the punch 2. Replace with a new punch. insufficient. Gaging discloses too much material drawn out of the bottom of the case. Caution: Check tool identification and dimensions. If tools are within specifications, shut machine down until anneal has been checked by Metal- lurgy Department. (Tools must never be altered by the adjuster.) The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Too much taper on the punch. 1. Replace with a new punch. 2. The radius at the end of the punch is too great. 2. Replace with a new punch. Visual inspection discloses the bottom of the case is punched out or the side of the case is deformed by the punch. Caution: Check tool identification and dimensions. If tools are within specifications, shut machine down until anneal has been checked by Metal- lurgy Department. (Tools must never be altered by the adjuster.) The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Improper anneal~the cup me- 1. Send to the annealing room to tal is too hard. Improper anneal—~the cup me- tal is too soft. No radius on punch—the punch is too large on the drawing end. be reannealed. . This cannot be corrected. The cup will have to be salvaged. Call the inspector. . Replace the punch with a new one. I32} CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Punch Outs (Cont.) Short Case Long Case Uneven Feed of Cups to Feed Fingers Hopper Stops 4. The die is inverted——the die is not placed in the die block properly. 4. Remove the die; replace the die in the proper position. Gaging discloses the case is not long enough and the walls are too thick to meet specifications. The causes are: 1. The die is too large—it is over- size in the drawing surface. 2. Small punch——the punch is undersize from’ wear or pol- ishing. The corrections are: 1. Replace with a new die. 2. Replace with a new punch. Gaging discloses the case is too long and the walls too thin to meet specifi- cations. The causes are: 1. Die too small-—it is undersize in the drawing surface. 2. Punch too large—the punch is oversize or does not have the proper taper at the drawing end . The corrections are: 1. Lap out the die to the proper size. 2. Replace with a new punch. Visual inspection discloses that feed finger is not receiving cups in proper time as it moves in and out. The causes are: 1. The counters are improperly adjusted. 2. The agitators are improperly adjusted. 3. The cup guides are bent or out of adjustment. 4. The feed finger push rod is im- properly adjusted. 5. The fork is improperly adjusted. 6. The belt is loose or oily. The causes are: 1. Overloaded hopper—too many cups in hopper. 2. There is an oversize cup in the feed chute. The corrections are: 1. Adjust the counters. 2. Adjust the agitators. 3. Straighten the guides if they are bent or adjust them if neces- sary. 4. Adjust the push rod. 5. Adjust the fork. 6. Tighten the belt if it is loose; clean the belt if it is oily. The corrections are: 1. Remove the excess supply of cups from the hopper. 2. Clear the chute; check the source of supply. [33] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW‘ CASE Troubles and Corrections Hopper Stops (Cont.) Smash Up Dial Plate Stops Slow Press Uneven Flow of Cooling Solution Loose Ram 3. Clear the hopper—call the Maintenance Department. 3. The hopper escape slots bent. One or more tools are broken and have to be replaced. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Bent punch. 1. Replace with a new punch. 2. The machine is out of time or 2. Retime or adjust the machine. adjustment. 8. Bent cups. 3. Clear the hopper and check the source of supply. 4. Broken push rod spring. 4. Install a new spring. 5. Replace with new parts or call the Maintenance Department. 5. Broken machine parts. Visual inspection discloses lack of cups feeding to fingers. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Belt is too loose. 1. Adjustment will have to be made by cutting the proper amount from the belt and re- clamping it. A lowered production rate may indicate that the stroke of the press is slowed down. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Loose Belt. 1. Adjust the belt. 2. Galled gibs. 2. Check the lubrication. (Call the Maintenance Department.) 3. Dry bearings. 3. Check the lubrication. (Call the Maintenance Department.) Visual inspection discloses that pump is operating but the supply of cool- ing solution is not being supplied properly to the drawing operation. This condition may result in scores or scratches on the case or in damaged tools. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Lack of cooling solution in the reservoir. 1. Fill the reservoir with the proper amount of solution. Visual inspection discloses that the lock nut has become loose and ram has lowered itself. The correction is: 1. Adjust the ram stroke. Tighten the lock nut. The cause is: 1. Loose lock nut. [34] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Clutch Clicks Motor Stops Visual inspection discloses the clutch does not operate properly. The cause is: "The correction is: 1. Call the Maintenance Depart- ment. 1. Bent or broken pins, rod or springs. The dog will not re- lease properly. Visual inspection discloses that the motor is not running and the press is stopped. The cause is: The correction is: 1. An overload, or burnt out arm- ature, bearings etc. 1. If there is an overload, clear the cause of the overload; and press the reset button to start the machine. If there is any other reason for the motor to stop, shut off the power and call the Maintenance Department. CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Tool Servicing TOOL SERVICING Objective Proper tool servicing is essential to maintain standard quality in the drawing of the bullet jackets and cartridge cases. Dies and punches are costly and great care must be exercised in the servicing of these tools. Adjusters will be concerned primarily with the removal of brass and small scratches that appear on working surfaces of dies and punches; and they must be careful, when using an abrasive on any tool, not to alter ma- terially its dimensions. Servicing New Dies All tools that cannot be corrected by polishing or minor straightening must be returned to the Tool Service Department. 1. Dies as received from the tool room are normally undersize to allow for expansion pressure, and for lapping to a desired size when necessary. The size of the die may be checked by a die plug gage, but a test run should be made before any lapping is performed. As a precaution, before a test run is made, the die bore should be in- spected for roughness and polished if necessary. If the bore is rough, causing undue friction, more metal may be pulled from the bottom of the jacket or case, at the start of the draw, than is necessary. The product from the test run should be carefully gaged and in- spected. Then, and then only, if an undersize or out of true die is indicated, should the die be lapped. If trial in the machine shows that the die is undersize, place it in a three-jaw chuck on a speed lathe to lap it. OVER-ALL VIEW OF SPEED LATHE [36] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Tool Servicing 6. Check the die to see that it is in the chuck straight and secure. (See illustration below.) FIG. 1 FIG. 2 CORRECT METHOD OF PLACING DIE IN CHUCK INCORRECT METHOD OF PLACING DIE IN CHUCK Lapping Procedure 1. When lapping is necessary, proceed as follows: Use a lap stick made of brass, lead, fiber or wood about the same diameter as the die hole. 2. Dip the lap stick in a solution of No. 120 emery dust and olive oil or coal oil. 3. Hold the lap stick as nearly as possible in line with the angle of the taper. When lapping the land, hold the stick at a right angle to the mouth of the die to keep the land true. A land which is not true causes irregular wall thickness and crooked tops on jackets and cases. 4. While holding the lap stick against the die, give the stick a rapid in and out movement. This cuts down the ridges left by the grinder wheel in the metal surface and makes it smoother. Repeat this operation according to the amount of metal that must be taken out of the die. 5. Wipe the die clean with a cloth. 6. Next, polish the die with the finest grade of emery cloth available, not coarser than No. 220. 7. Finish the polishing operation with crocus cloth. 8. Wipe out the inside of the die again with a cloth. 9. Remove the die from the chuck and check the size of the die with a plug gage. 10. Be sure the die is free of all emery dust before replacing it in the machine for production. [37] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Tool Servicing Carboloy Dies Servicing Scratched Dies Servicing a New Punch Lapping To lap a carboloy die, follow the same procedure, with diamond dust and olive oil instead of emery dust. 1. Before removing a die from a machine to look for scratches, remove the stripper to determine whether the stripper, rather than the die, is scratched. 2. Check the die or stripper visually to determine how badly it is scratched. If the die or stripper has a very deep scratch, it should be sent to the Tool Service Department. 3. If it is found that the scratch is in the die, check the die with a die “wear limit” plug gage to determine how much metal can be worked out of it without making the die too large. 4. To polish the die, place it in a three-jaw chuck on a speed lathe. 5. Polish it with fine emery cloth, then with crocus cloth. 6. If the scratch can’t be removed by polishing, the die will have to be lapped. See lapping procedure, or send to the Tool Service Department if necessary. 7. Check the die size with the “wear limit” plug gage before putting it into production. - Before an abrasive of any kind is applied to a new punch its dimensions should be carefully checked with micrometer or profile gage; and its work- ing surface should be examined for finishing or handling marks and lack of polish. A highly polished punch aids in stripping and allows metal to flow freely thereby reducing the tendency of brass to pile up on the work- ing surface. An Adjuster will not be required to lap more than .0005” from a new punch. If more than this must be removed to bring the punch to size, it should be returned to the Tool Service Department for correction. Lapping is done with a piece of abrasive cloth wrapped around and moved back and forth along the axis of the punch as it revolves in a speed chuck. If the abrasive were held stationary deep rings would be cut into the surface, thereby ruining the finish. The punch is shown in Fig. 1 correctly chucked and in Fig. 2 incorrectly held. Avoid excessive overhang of the punch as this is a safety hazard, and make sure that the jaws are correctly set, and tightened securely. Do not allow the jaws to grasp the working surface of the punch. Only a very fine abrasive such as emery cloth is to be used in the lapping operation. The surface of a properly lapped punch will have a dull grey color with cross-hatched effect. [38] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Tool Servicing Polishing Servicing a Used Punch The lapping operation must be followed by polishing. Polishing is done in the same manner as lapping except that a finer abrasive is used, as for ex- ample crocus cloth, and a final operation called draw polishing is done with the chuck stopped. To draw polish a punch move the abrasive cloth lengthwise over the entire working surface avoiding rotary motion of the punch or the abrasive. Continue this final operation until all lapping marks are removed and the desired high polish or mirrorlike finish is obtained. FIG. 3 CORRECT METHOD OF PLACING PUNCH IN CHUCK FIG. 4 INCORRECT METHOD OF PLACING PUNCH IN CHUCK As a punch is used its working surface wears accumulating scratches and a coating of brass. Excessive wear is determined by measuring with microm- eter or checking with profile gage. Obviously, an undersize punch must be replaced with one of approved dimensions. Scratches, if not too severe, may be removed by the lapping and polishing operations described above. A light coating of brass may be removed by the polishing operation alone. The question of how soon a new punch will need lapping or polishing can be answered only from experience since many variable factors enter into the problem. [39] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Bearings MACHINE LLIBRICATION The efliciency of every machine depends to a great extent upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 8. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction, as far as we are con- cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufliciently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. ' 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite—tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [40] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. Load on the shaft or slide. Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. Constant or intermittent operation. Cleanliness of surroundings. Temperature of surroundings. .'Q.@.~.°°.N Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. .‘q.@.°‘tI>‘.°°.l\'> Frequency of lubrication. I 41 I CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: Simple oil hole. Bottle oiler. Ring oiler. Plain oil cups. Drop feed cups. Wick feed cups. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 9°.-q9=.°‘r'=~.w.l\°!-* Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. 1. Screw down cups. 2. Compression cups. 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrication”. Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places; in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times—except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. I42] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART . . N 0. of Fittings, Frequency of Imbmcam Machine Part Grease Cups, etc. I/ubrication H ours Crankshaft bearings . . . . 4 8 Pitman bearings . . . . . . 2 8 Drive shaft bearings . . . . 4 8 LIGHT GREASE §$’S ei, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i 22 C1.‘2‘Zh..' 1 ; I L 1 I 1 1 I 2 16 Block chain idler pulleys 2 16 Ratchet pulley assembly 2 8 Main drive pulley . . . . . 1 8 HEAVY OIL ilitfifiifipin 3 it (Yellow Oder) Coolant pump . . . . . . . 1 24 ?RF; ‘3*Iéa(r:1)OMPOUND Drive pinion and gear 1 1 wk. Revolving dial plate . . . . 2 8 Dial plate drive shaft . . . . 2 8 Dial plate agitator . . . . . 4 8 Camshafts . . . . . . . . 4 8 MEDIUM OIL Cam rollers . . . . . . . . . 2 8 (Red Oiler) Clutch lever . . . . . . . . 2 24 Idler pulleys for hopper belt . . 2 8 Dial Plate agitator cams 2 8 Cam for finger assembly 2 8 Ring and pinion gears . . 2 8 I43] CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Index Abrasives, 38 Accurate Checks, 15 Adjustable Brackets, 4 Adjusting Screw, 19 Adjustment, Brake Release Rod, 30 Brake Spring, 29 Clutch Lever Spring, 28 Die Replacement, 17 Feed Finger, 22 Feed Finger Push Rod, 21 Feed Table Agitator, 19 Fork, 23 Fork and Finger Timing, 20 Hopper Agitator Stud Replace- ment, 25 Hopper Agitator Studs, 24 Punch Replacement, 18 Rotary Hopper Belt, 27 Adjustment Bracket, Hopper Motor, 27 Adjustment Stud Bolts, 27 After Annealing, 14 Pickle and Wash, 14 Agitator, 12, 34 Adjusting Screw, 19 Arm, 8 Studs, 24 Alemite-Zerk Fittings, 4 Annealed, 14 Annealing Department, 14 Anti-Friction Bearings, 40 Anvil, 10 Base, 7 Bearings, 35 Before Annealing, 14 Belt Drives, 4 Block Chain, 6 Chain Idler Pulley, 20 Chains, 4 Bolster Plate, 9 Bottom Thickness, 15 Variation, 14 Brake, 30 Action, 3 Drum, 3, 28, 29 Lever, 28, 30 Release Rod, 30 Release Rod Adjustment, 30 Rod, 29 Shoe, 3, 28, 29 Spring, 29 Spring Adjustment, 29 Cam Follower, 6 Follower Assembly, 5, 6 Follower Yoke, 5 Camshaft, 3, 13, 20 Follower, 6 Cap Plate, 22, 23 Carboloy Dies, 38 INDEX Case, 14 Bottom, 14 Mouth, 14 Sidewall, 14 Cast-Iron Base, 7 Center Cup Guide, 8 Chuck, 37 Clutch, 4, 30 Action, 3 Clicks, 36 Housing, 28 Lever, 2, 28, 30 Lever Spring, 26, 28 Lever Spring Adjustment, 28 Coil Tension Spring, 6 Coiled Spring, 9 Component, 12 Control Gate, 12 Controls, 3 Conveyor Pipe, 7 Cooling Solution, 3, 12 Solution Pump, 1, 4 Solution Pump Motor, 4 Counters, 12 Countershaft, 4 Crankshaft, 2, 6 Speed, 1 Sprocket, 20 Crooked Draw, 32 Heads, 15 Bodies, 15 Tops, 15, 32 Crocus Cloth, 37 Cup Bottom, 14 Guide, 5, 19, 21 Guide Agitator, 8 Guides, 8, 12, 34 Jam, 19 Mouth, 14 Slot, 23 Cups, 3-9, 12, 14, 34, 35 Dial Indicator, 15 Plate, 35 Diameter, 12 Diamond Dust, 38 Die, 5, 6, 11, 12, 17, 23, 32, 34 Assembly, 5 Block, 5, 9, 12, 17, 22 Block Assembly, 9 Block Hole, 17 Block Holder, 5 Block Lock Pin, 17 Bore, 36 Plug Gage, 36 Life, 3 Replacement Adjustment, 17 Dies, 36 Disposal, 12 Double Feed Track, 5 Draw, 12 Die, 9 Polish, 39 Drive Pulley, 8 Emery Cloth, 37 Excess Oil, 42 Feed Chute, 6, 7, 8 Finger, 12, 20, 21, 22 Finger Adjustment, 22 Finger Assembly, 5, 22 Finger Cam, 6 Finger Camshaft, 4-6, 20 Finger Fork Assembly, 23 Finger Mechanism, 8 Finger Push Rod, 21, 34 Finger Push Rod Adjustment, 21 Fingers, 5, 6, 13, 19 Fork, 12 Motor, 1 Feed Pipe, 12, 13 Table, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13 Table Agitator, 19 Table Agitator Adjustment, 19 Track, 5 Tracks, 12 Feeding Mechanism, 5 Finger Assembly, 5 First Draw Case, 12 Flat Feed Chute, 3, 12 Floor Space, 1 Flywheel, 4, 21 Hub, 2 Pulley, 2 Shaft, 20 Foreign Matter, 32, 33 Fork, 34 Fork and Finger Timing Adjustment, 20 and Finger Assembly, 22 Adjustment, 23 Assembly, 5 Friction, 40 Front Guard, 18 Guard Door, 19 Gage Care, 15 Gages, 15 Gaging, 32, 33 Geared Head Motor, 7 Gland Nut, 10, 18 “Go” Ring, 15 Grease, 41 Guide Ring, 9, 11, 12, 17, 33 Hints on Lubrication, 42 Hook, 12 Hopper, 24, 34 Adjustable Bracket, 27 Agitator Stud Replacement Adjust- ment, 25 Agitator Studs Adjustment, 24 l44l CALIBER .30 FIRST DRAW CASE Index Hopper, Cont. Base, 7 Belt Guard, 25 Bracket, 7 Center Shaft, 7 Door Latch, 25 Latch, 24 Motor, 3 Motor Adjustment Bracket, 27 Rim, 7, 12 Stops, 34 Stud, 24 Stud Shaft, 7 Wheel, 24 Idler Pulley, 20 Inside Diameter, 14 Inspection, Visual, 15 Key Clutch, 2 Kick-Out Cam, 28 Lapping, 36, 38 Lap Stick, 37 Large Diameter, 17 Lock Pin, 9 Long Case, 34 Loose Ram, 35 Lubricant, 4 Lubricating Film, 40 Lubrication, 4, 12, 40 Chart, 43 Methods, 41 Machine Motors, 1 Main Drive Motors, 3 Micrometer, 38 Motor, 36 Bracket, 25 Bracket Adjusting Studs, 25 Cooling Solution Pump, 4 Geared Head, 7 Hopper, 3 Motor Pulley, 25, 27 Motor Stops, 36 Motors, 4 Main Drive, 3 “No Go” Ring, 15 Oil Cups, 4 Holes, 4 Oiler, 4 Outside Diameter, 14 Over-All Height, 1 Length, 14 Overhead Hopper, 7, 12, 13 Pickled, 14 Pinion Gear, 13 Pitman, 13 Polished Punch, 38 Polishing, 39 Power, 2 Production, 1 Profile Gage, 38 Pulley Rim, 7 Punch, 4, 5, 10-13, 18, 23, 32—35 Assembly, 18 Block Assembly, 10, 18 Cuts, 33 Holder, 10, 18 Holder Block, 3, 10 Life, 3 Push Rod, 6, 20, 23 Replacement Adjustment, 18 Rod Assembly, 23 Rod Spring, 20 Ram, 3, 12, 13 Rear Guard, 17 Ring Gear, 13 Rotary Dial, 3, 5, 8, 13 Dial Shafts, 3 Dials, 12 Hopper, 3, 7, 12, 13 Hopper Base Channel, 12 Hopper Belt Adjustment, 27 Safety Glass Door, 4 Guard, 4 Scored Walls, 32 Scratched, 17 Dies, 38 Walls, 32 Scratches, 15, 18, 32 Second Draw, 14 Selecting Lubricant, 41 Servicing New Dies, 36 New Punch, 38 Used Punch, 39 Set Screw, 19 Short Case, 34 Sidewall Thickness, 14 Sleeve, 10, 18 Slow Press, 35 Small Diameter, 18 Smash Up, 35 Speed Chuck, 38 Lathe, 36 Split Collar, 10, 18 Sprocket, 4 Wheel, 6 Storage of Gages, 15 Stripper, 9, 11-13, 17 Holder, 9, 11 Ring, 17 Stroke, 1 Swab, 4 Switches, 3 Toggle, 3 Thick Bottom, 33 Thin Bottom, 33 Three-J aw Chuck, 36 Toggle Switches, 3 Switch, 13 Tools, 1 Tool Service Department, 36 Servicing, 36 Track Guide, 19 Transmission, 2 Turntable, 12 Twin Ring Gage, 15 Type of Feed, 1 Undersize Punch, 39 Uneven Bottoms, 32 Feed of Cups, 34 Flow of Cooling Solution, 35 Sidewall Thickness, 32 Visual Inspection, 15, 32. 33 Wall Thickness, 12 Washed, 14 Worn Punch, 18 Yoke, 6 [45] TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Second Draw Case BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 1941 United States Government Contract W-ORD-481, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917, C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public N o. 443, 76th Congress, 3rd Session). II MANUAL CORRECTlONS—CALlBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE LOCATION Page 18—Fig Page 13—Fz'g Page 1./,, ‘I6 & 9' Page 1 6—Spec Page 1 6-Spec Page 16-Spec Page 26—Pr0c 3 ERROR Guide Ring Die Guide Ring Inside diameter before 2nd Draw .300-.302 Inside diameter after 2nd Draw .274—.276 Bottom Thickness after 2nd Draw .135-.143 3/8 ” Wrench CORRECTION Top Die Bottom Die Top Die Inside diameter before 2nd Draw .551—.553 Inside diameter after 2nd Draw .518—.520 Bottom Thickness after 2nd Draw .137 —.141 % ” Wrench TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tool Holder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Tool Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Process Sequence . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Tool Servicing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 III DRAW PRESS—CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE IV CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Catalogue Data Manufacturer Machine Description Machine Motor Type of Feed Feed Motor Production Crankshaft Speed Stroke Cooling Solution Pump Tools Floor Space Over-all Height CATALOGUE DATA E. W. Bliss Co., Brooklyn, New York Vertical Straight Side Single Crank Press E. W. Bliss No. 304 6 V Belt Drive Motor to Crankshaft 71/2 h.p.; 3 phase; 60 cycle; 220/440 volts; 23.5/11.8 amps.; 865 R.P.M. Automatic Pin Wheel Hopper (6 R.P.M.) Gearhead ys h.p., 1 phase, 60 cycle 115/230 volts, 3.4/1.7 amps., 1725 R.P.M. Coun- tershaft 48 R.P.M. 360 per minute. 90 r.p.m. 8!! Centrifugal (Gusher) Model 1 P3 3450 R.P.M., 1/10 h.p. 1 phase, 60 cycle, 1.1 amp., 110 volt Piece No.: Punch D-2 Top Die .588x14° Bottom Die .5665x14° Stripper .574 Stripper Holder 1.492x60° 4 ft. x 7 % ft. 10 ft. x 1% ft. Ill CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Machine Description Crankshaft Brake Assembly Hopper Box Hopper Feed Tubes Switch Switch Glass Guard Pump Motor Power and Transmission MACHINE DESCRIPTION Connecting Rod ' Guard Clutch Handle -4‘ ww '-as-. em . FRONT VIEW The E. W. Bliss single draw press No. 304, illustrated above, is powered by a 7% h.p. motor, through six V belts, to the flywheel mounted on a horizontal crankshaft. Incorporated in the flywheel hub is a rolling key clutch for control of power to the crankshaft through linkage to an individual clutch lever. A conventional brake drum is located on the end of the crankshaft oppo- site the fiywheel. A lined brake shoe secured and located by a bracket attached to the machine frame provides the friction necessary to hold the crankshaft in position when the clutch is disengaged. The clutch and brake action are synchronized through the clutch lever. When the clutch is engaged, the brake is released, and when the clutch is disengaged, the brake is applied. I2] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Machine Description Power and Transmission (Cont.) Pin Wheel Hopper Feed Tracks Ram Detector Stems Cooling Solution Controls In normal operation, if the clutch is disengaged for any reason, the crank- shaft will always stop at the maximum upward position of the crank. For inspection or adjustment purposes, the machine may be rotated by hand and the crankshaft stopped and held in any desired position. The pin wheel hopper receives cases from an overhead source and through feed tubes deposits the cases, “mouth up,” in the feed tracks on the bed of the machine. The motive power for the pin wheel hopper is supplied by a % h.p. reduc- tion gear-head motor, on an adjustable mounting bracket at the left side of the hopper, through a V belt to the pin wheel. The feed tracks, with the assistance of the feed fingers, transfer the cases from the feed tubes to the punch and die stations. The ram is a heavy cast-iron block. Its mass assists the power stroke of the punch and absorbs the shock of impact and subsequent vibration. The lower surface is machined for the attachment of a punch holder block. The ram, the sides of which are fitted into V grooves to guide it in its vertical motion, is connected to the crankshaft throw by a non-adjustable connecting rod. Two coil springs are attached between the back side of the ram and a spring bracket mounted on the machine frame above the crankshaft. The springs act as a counter balance and assist in dissipating the vibration set up by the punches’ contact with the cases during the drawing process. The detector system, which is mounted on the front of the ram, is a mechanism which detects inverted cases, cases on their sides, and foreign objects within cases as they travel through the feed tracks. Above each feed track is located a detector stem. If a detector stem en- counters an improperly positioned case or a foreign object in a case, the stem will be forced upward, and will move the knockoff bar to the right. The knockoff bar will strike and move the clutch lever latch pin to the right, tripping the clutch lever; thus the clutch is disengaged, the brake is applied, and the machine is stopped. To prolong die and punch life, each case is bathed by a cooling solution, which acts both as a cooling and a lubricating agent. The base of the machine forms a reservoir for this cooling solution which is pumped through a pipe system to the die. The pump is driven by a 1/ 10 h.p. vertical, direct drive motor. The main motor control switch is of the push button “start and stop” type. An overload switch, with a “reset” pushbutton is also provided for pro- tection of the main drive motor. Two toggle type switches contained in the same case are provided for con- trol of the hopper and pump motors. The right hand switch is for the pump motor, and the left hand switch controls the hopper motor. [3] c/sussa .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Machine Description Lubrication Lubrication of all moving parts is accomplished by Alemite-Zerk fittings, oil cups, oil holes, or distribution of lubricant by oiler, swab, etc., over de- sired point. (See Lubrication Chart, page 40.) Rear View of This rear view of the caliber .30 draw case press shows the motors and ad- Caliber .30 justable brackets. The press is started and stopped by a clutch in the- Draw Case Press crankshaft flywheel. Below the frame is shown the %; h.p. motor that drives the cooling solu- tion pump which circulates the cooling solution from the reservoir in the machine bed through the pipe system to the punches and dies. The cooling solution serves as both a cooling and a lubricating agent. Motor V Bells Brake Assembly Hopper Box Guard _ Hopper Motor H opper Wh eel Brake Release Rod Shall Die Blocks S"’"“" Cooling Pipe REAR VIEW [4] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Machine Description Detector System The detector system is a mechanism which detects cases which are not in their proper positions and foreign objects within cases as they travel through the feed tracks. The detector system, which is bolted to the front of the ram, consists of a detector stem for each feed track. If a stem en- counters a foreign object in a case or locates an improperly positioned case, the detector stem will be forced up, and its upper end will move the knockoff bar to the right. The knockoff bar will strike the clutch lever latch, tripping the clutch lever which disengages the clutch, and applying the brake, thereby stopping the action of the ram. Detector System Assembly Knockout Bar Detector Stems Clutch Lever Latch Clutch Lever VIEW OF THE DETECTOR SYSTEM [5] CALIBER .30 srcono DRAW CASE Machine Description Connecting A connecting rod connects the ram to the crankshaft. The flywheel on the Rod and Ram end of the crankshaft transmits power to the ram from the motor. There are two heavy coil springs which cushion the impact of the ram on its downward stroke and help in a small way to lift the ram on its upward stroke. The clutch lever is used to start and stop the press. In the running position it is hooked onto the latch pin catch. For automatic stop, the latch pin kicks the lever off its hook. The rod on the clutch lever connects the lever to the clutch. Crankshalt Connecting Rod ‘ - .- -1&- Qt -_ ~Q~ . _ - ~ ‘ ‘ -Q» v RAM AND COUNTERBALANCE SPRINGS (REAR VIEW) [6] CALIBER .30 secoma DRAW CASE Machine Description Pin Wheel Hopper The pin wheel hopper and hopper box are located at the top and to the Description left of the machine. The pin wheel hopper box is a cast-iron reservoir with the bottom sloping toward an opening which leads into the pin wheel hopper. The pin wheel hopper, attached to the front of the hopper box, is mounted on a project- ing cast-iron bronze lined bearing, into which is fitted the pin wheel shaft and hub. The pin wheel hopper consists of an inner and an outer dish-shaped rim and a mid-section of pin rings and spacer rings, bolted to form a hopper assembly. The outer rim has three spokes attached to a hub shaft on which the entire hopper revolves. The hopper is driven by a V type belt from a gear reduction %; h.p. motor. Hopper Box Hopper Motor Hopper Door Spacer and Pin Rings Dish-shaped Rim FRONT VIEW OF PIN WHEEL HOPPER I7l CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Machine Description Pin Wheel Hopper The pin rings have a series of steel pins, spaced approximately 1" apart on their inner circumference, set at an angle with the radii. The spacer rings are wider than the pin rings and are chamfered on their inner edges. This chamfer forms a channel between each of the spacers to guide the components onto the pins. As the pin wheel hopper rotates clockwise, some of the pins pick up cases and convey them upward. Contacting each row of pins as they rotate upward is a spring steel strip, called a rake-off spring, which rakes off all cases that are not properly seated on the pins. As the cases continue their upward travel, they contact a pin wheel bridge which holds them on the pins as they reach the top of the circle. There is one pin wheel bridge for each row of pins. When the cases reach their nearly vertical “head down” position, they come to the end of the pin wheel bridge, where they slide off into the mouth of the feed tube. The door for the front of the pin wheel hopper is dish-shaped to match the pin wheel rim, and is hinged at the left of the hopper box. The door is held shut by a rotary latch. Hopper Bridge -_ Feed Tube Mouth Rake-off Spring Spacer Rings Steel Pins INSIDE VIEW OF PIN WHEEL HOPPER I8] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Machine Description Feed Tracks The machine has a series of two-piece feed tracks that hold the cases in a mouth up position. Each track is bolted to the bolster plate of the machine. On the inner face of each track is a series of ball-spring stops spaced to hold the cases in an upright position. On the rear of each track is a brass back-stop to prevent the cases from being forced past the dies. As the ram ascends, an arm fastened to the ram lifts a plunger rod which actuates a rocker arm assembly which, in turn, furnishes motive power to the feed fingers. The case, which has just emerged from the feed tube, is forced against the others in the feed tracks by the feed fingers. This causes the case, in the rear of the tracks to be forced past the ball-spring stops to a position over the dies where the punch descends and forces the case through the die. Rocker Arm ' Shaft Feed Finger Trac It Backstop Bolster Plate VIEW OF THE FEED TRACKS I9] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Machine Description Feed Tubes The feed tube mouth is connected to the upper end of the feed tube by and Bridge means of a bushing. A bayonet type of bushing is used to connect the lower end of the tube to the feed tube bridge. The feed tube bridge is bolted to the bolster plate above the feed tracks. The feed tube bridge holds the feed tubes in position over the case tracks. The cases slide head down from the feed tube mouth, down the feed tubes, to a position on the feed fingers in the feed tracks. Feed Tube Mouth Bushing Feed Tubes > ‘ ‘- b ’ ' VIEW OF THE PIN WHEEL HOPPER BRIDGE Feed Tubes.-. Bayonet Bushing.__ Feed Tube Bridge-~ . - ‘ \ "\ . W . . \ ’ .- Bolster Plate FEED TUBES, BAYONET BUSHING, FEED TUBE BRIDGE, BOLSTER PLATE [10] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Tool Holder Description TOOL HOLDER DESCRIPTION Punch Block Anvil: The anvil is inserted in the top side of the punch holder Assembly / block in contact with the head of the punch and the punch holder. It protects the face of the ram from the thrust of the ‘ punch. / Punch Holder Block: The punch holder block has two dowel ’ ' I " -' pins for alignment and is bolted to the under side of the ram by four Allen screws. It holds the punch holder assemblies. Punch Holder: The punch holder is placed into the punch holder block from the top side by “Press fit," flanged end up. The lower end is threaded to receive a hexagon gland nut. It holds the punch assembly in the punch holder block. Split Collar: The split collar is composed of two halves which are held in place by a coiled spring. It acts as a flange on the head end of the punch against which the sleeve is held by the gland nut. Punch: The punch, with the gland nut, spacer sleeve and split collar in place, is inserted into the bottom sides of the punch holder, head end up. This gland nut is then screwed into the punch block holder. Sleeve: The sleeve is placed on the punch from the bottom end before the gland nut. It acts as a spacer in the assembling of the punch. Gland Nut: The gland nut, which has threads on its outer surface, is screwed into the inner threads of the punch holder, VIEW OF THE forcing the spacer against the split collar. The gland nut thus PUNCH BLOCK h Id th h bl , th h h M r ASSEMBLY 0 s e punc assem y m e punc o e . Button Anvil W / ry-.\ §::;:'z::rJ:“' I Bushing Gland Nut Punch CROSS SECTIONAL DRAWING OF PUNCH BLOCK ASSEMBLY [ 11 I CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Tool Holder Description Die Block Assembly Top Draw Die: The top draw die is placed in the die hole of the die block from the top side to rest on the bottom die. It forms the outside diameter of the case as the case is forced through it by the punch. .':?- Bottom Draw Die: The bottom draw die is inserted first from the top side of the die holder into the die assembly hole of the die block. It sizes the case to the specified diameter. _> Die Block: The die block holds the die assembly. It is held in the chan- nel of its bolster plate by a lock pin. The bolster plate is adjustable to allow centering of the die assembly contained in the die block under the punch. The vertical lip on the rear end of the die block assists the adjuster in inserting, locating and removing the die block. There is one die assem- bly for each punch. Lock Pin: The lock pin is inserted through a small hole in the rear end of 0 Q the die block. It holds the die block in place on the bolster plate. \ Stripper Holder: The stripper holder is inserted in the die assembly hole \\ from the bottom side and rests on the bolster plate. Stripper: The stripper consists of three segments held together by a coiled spring. It is inserted in the stripper holder with the large side of the tapered hole up. It strips the case from the punch after it has been forced \ through the die assembly. VIEW OF THE DIE Die Block Base Plate: The die block base plate serves as an anvil for BLOCK ASSEMBLY the die block. The bottom projection guides the cases onto the conveyor. Top Die ‘ . .9. 1 _ CROSS SECTIONAL DRAWING OF DIE BLOCK ASSEMBLY Bottom Die Stripper Holder .-‘I.-‘_. ".'."-.‘..._. S - 'o:O:O:0...o.o.o'0:0:Q:O.‘ pI'l I19 ‘. A . x\_o_0_0‘0‘ K ‘ ,0; Stripper ‘N I12] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Tool Description TOOL DESCRIPTION Guide Ring Die Stripper Stripper Holder VIEW OF ALL TOOLS Punch—~Second Draw D-2 Held vertically in the ram 770,000 pieces Tool Name: Piece No.: Location: Normal Life: The punch is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. The shank is slightly softer than the working end. Top die—Second Draw .588 x 14° Die block above the bottom die 112,000 pieces Tool Name: Piece No.: Location: Normal Life: The die is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. Bottom die—Second Draw .5665 x 14° Die block—below the top die 42,000 pieces Tool Name: Piece No.: Location: Normal Life: The die is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. Tool Name: Stripper—Second Draw Piece No.: .574 - Location: Die block—under the die Normal Life: 100,000 pieces The stripper is hardened tool steel, ground and pol- ished. It consists of three pieces held together by a coiled spring band. Tool Name: Stripper holder~—Second draw Piece No.: 1.492 x 60° Location: Between the die and stripper Normal Life: Indefinite The stripper holder is made of tool steel, hardened and ground on all surfaces. I13] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Process Sequence Overhead Hopper Pin Wheel Hopper Box Pin Wheel Hopper Feed Tube Feed Finger and Feed Track Ram and Punch The Draw Stripper and Disposal Lubrication PROCESS SEQUENCE The cases are fed by gravity from a truck or conveyor into the overhead hopper and drop through a feed pipe, into the pin wheel hopper box. Cases flow from the pin wheel hopper box through an opening past the agitator into the bottom part of the pin wheel hopper. As the pin wheel hopper rotates, cases are agitated and picked up by pins on the inside circumference of the pin wheel and carried up past the rake- off springs which knock off misaligned cases and push partly set cases all the way on pins. As the cases are carried to the top of the pin wheel they are held on the pins by the bridge. At the end of the bridge they drop off one at a time into the open end of the feed tube mouth up. Cases fall by gravity down through the coil spring feed tube into a bushing mounted on the feed tube bridge and rest momentarily on the feed finger. On the downward stroke of the ram the feed finger moves back permitting the case to fall into the feed track. On the upward stroke of the ram the feed finger moves forward pushing the cases along the feed track past the spring buttons. The ball spring stop keeps the cases in an upright posi- tion and prevents them from falling over. Cases pass by the counter under and past the detector stems which detect foreign matter and in- verted cases. They pass to the rear of the feed tracks where they drop into the guide ring directly over the dies and under the punch. The ram descends with the punch and forces the case through the guide ring into and through the die and stripper. The forcing of the case through the die reduces the wall thickness and diameter and increases the length of the case. This is known as the draw. Before the draw, the component is known as the first draw case and, after the draw, as the second draw case. As the punch withdraws from the dies, the cases are stripped off by a three- segmented stripper located under the die, then falls onto a slide down a chute through a rotary washer to a mechanical conveyor. During the drawing operation the cases are lubricated and tools cooled by a cooling solution which flows over the cases through an opening under the work plate. CALIBER .30 sscouo DRAW CASE Process Sequence FLOW CHART Overhead Hopper Cases are fed by gravity from truck or conveyor into overhead hopper through feed pipe. I Feed Pipe Conveys cases by gravity down into pin wheel hopper box. I Pin Wheel Hopper Box Cases flow through opening in pin wheel hopper box past agitator into bottom of pin wheel hopper. I Pin Wheel Hopper Rotates and cases are picked up by pins and car- ried up past rake-off springs to top of pin wheel __ H0PPe_I‘ is P0Wered by a 1/8 h-P- where they are held by the bridge. At the end of reductwn motor through a V- the bridge they drop off, one at a time, into open type belt- end pf coil spring feed tube, mouth up. I Coil Spring Feed Tube Conveys cases by gravity, mouth up, into the bushing mounted in the feed tube bridge, where they rest momentarily on the feed hammer. I Feed Finger Moves backward, allowing the case to drop into feed track. It then moves forward pushing the case along the feed track. Feed finger is powered from the — rocker arm shaft through the push rod through the ram. Feed Track Guides the cases, single file, past and under the detector stem to rear of track, where cases drop into the dies and under the punch. Dies and Punch As the ram descends, the punch forces the case Ram is powered from the Pitman connecting rod through the crank- through the dies and stripper increasing the length, __ shaft clutch and flywheel by 6 and decreasing the diameter and the sidewall V_tyI')e belts to 7% h_p_ motor thickness of the case. mounted on top of press, Stripper After the punch forces the case through the dies, it withdraws and the case is stripped off by a three- segmented stripper under the dies and falls onto a slide and drops down a chute through a rotary washer to a mechanical conveyor. [15] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Product Description Alter Fmt Draw FIG. 1 BEFORE SECOND DRAW PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The component, when it is received by the second draw, is in the form of a hollow cylinder with one end closed as shown in Figure No. 1. The case is received from the Annealing Department, where it was anneal- ed, pickled and washed. When the case is delivered to the Annealing De- partment from the first draw press, the metal has a very bright, brassy appearance and a smooth finish. After the case has been annealed, the metal appears dull and has a rough finish. The case is made of brass (70% copper, 30% zinc). The closed end of the cylinder is the bottom and the open end is the mouth. The dimensions of the case are as follows: Before second draw After second draw Outside diameter .662l.659" Outside diameter .572‘; .570" Inside diameter .300"-.302" Inside diameter .274"- .276" Sidewall variation .002" Sidewall variation .002" Bottom thickness .129”—.135" Bottom thickness .135L .143" Over-all length .832'—'.838" Over-all length 1.595l1.608" After the drawing operation, the cases are delivered to the Washing De- partment where they are washed and dried before they are delivered to the first trim machine. FIG. 2 AFTER SECOND DRAW Alter After After Alter Alter Annealing Washing Second Annealing Washing Operation Operation Draw Operation Operation [16] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Inspection Visual Gage Care Gages INSPECTION At frequent intervals, after the drawing operation, a careful visual inspec- tion of the cases must be made. The cases should be inspected for scratches on the inside and outside walls, for crooked heads, crooked tops, and bodies that are not round. These defects when found require an immediate ad- justment of the machine in order to correct the fault. Whenever defective cases are found, the lot from which they come must be removed from the machine and properly identified so the bad lot will not get mixed up with the good cases. Gages are expensive instruments machined to a fine precision. Improper use or carelessness in gaging may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may affect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be employed in matching a case to a gage. A protected location should be used for storage of gages to prevent their damage when not in use. The most accurate checks are made when the cases are cool since heat causes expansion of the metal and results in a temporary variation in the case size. The outside diameter of the case is gaged with a twin ring gage. Cases must pass through the larger or “go” ring and must not pass through the smaller “no go” ring. The bottom thickness of the case is checked on a dial indicator as variation in this dimension greatly affects succeeding draws. The inside diameter is checked with a plug gage. [17] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Adjustments ADJUSTMENTS Objective To maintain satisfactory production a machine must be adjusted to com- Cautions pensate for the wear of its tools and other working parts, and to meet new conditions caused by a difference in material. It is necessary to inspect the machine and components regularly in order that any troubles may be detected and corrected immediately. This section of the ‘manual, with its illustrations, photographs, and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all of the machine troubles that will be en- countered, therefore certain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. A thorough analysis of the trouble will indi- cate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. Adjustments are never to be made while the machine is in motion, or until the flywheel has stopped. Inspect the clutch latch rather than the starting button to determine whether the clutch is disengaged. Make frequent, inspection to determine whether proper and sufficient lubricant is being pumped to the working tools of the machine. Adjustments on, or below, the ram requires the insertion of a wood block between the ram and the bedplate to prevent its falling. This block will avoid damage to the machine tools or injury to the adjuster’s hands, should the ram fall accidentally. Examine the machine periodically to determine whether all connections and adjustments are secure. CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Adjustments Brake Release Rod Tools: Procedure: The brake release rod connects the brake lever to the clutch lever. Its function is to synchronize the action of the brake and the clutch. When the clutch is disengaged, the brake lever should be released so that the brake is applied through the brake spring. Also when the clutch is engaged, the rod should act to pull the brake lever sufficiently to release the brake shoe from the brake drum. For proper adjustment the adjusting nut should be about 11/4" above the brake lever. Brake Release Rad Adjustment ENLARGED VIEW OF BRAKE RELEASE ROD ADJUSTMENT REAR VIEW OF MACHINE Two 1%” Wrenches. 1. Use an 1%” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the brake release rod while holding the adjusting nut with another 13-1/6” wrench. 2. Use an 1%” wrench to turn the adjusting nut until it is about 11/4" above the brake lever. 3. Tighten the lock nut while holding the adjusting nut in place. 4. To check for accuracy, engage the clutch, turn on the power, and then disengage the clutch and observe whether or not the brake lever is released. [19] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Adjustments Brake The brake should be so adjusted as to prevent the ram from falling when the clutch is disengaged. It must be adjusted so that the brake drum is gripped firmly when the brake is applied, but must not be so tight that it drags when the drum is in motion. REAR VIEW SHOWING BRAKE ADJUSTMENT CIRCLED Tools: Procedure: Brake Spring I \ Set Screws Brake Release Rod SKETCH OF BRAKE ASSEMBLY V3" Wrench, %" Wrench 1. Use a V3" wrench to loosen the lock nuts on both of the adjusting screws on the brake shoes. Use a V2” wrench to loosen the adjusting screw a fraction of a turn, bringing the shoe closer to the brake drum. Tighten the lock nuts on the adjusting screws. Operate the machine and observe the action of the brake. Note: The above procedure should be repeated until the brake drags slightly when the machine is in motion. Then the adjusting screws should be tightened just enough to free the shoe from the drum. I20] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Adjustments Brake Spring The brake spring acts to close the brake shoe against the brake drum. The spring must have sufficient tension to press the brake shoe firmly against the brake drum when the brake rod is released. ENLARGED VIEW OF BRAKE SPRING ADJUSTMENT \ Brake Spring Adjustment REAR VIEW OF MACHINE Tools: 1%," Wrench Procedure: 1. Use a 1%¢;” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the brake spring rod. 2. Use a 1%” wrench to turn the adjusting nut on the spring rod until there is a firm pressure against the brake shoes. 3. Hold the adjusting nut in place and tighten the lock nut. 4. Check the adjustment by operating the clutch lever and observing whether or not the brake shoe presses firmly against the drum when the clutch is disengaged. I21] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Ad iustments Detector Stem Tools: Procedure: The detector stem actuates the knockout bar which in turn actuates the clutch lever trip. If the knockout bar is adjusted properly and the detector system fails to trip the clutch when there is an inverted case or foreign material in the case on the feed track, the stems must be adjusted. They should be adjusted so that they almost touch the bottom of the case when the ram is in its bottom dead center. ENLARGED VIEW DETECTOR STEM ADJUSTMENT Detector Stem Adjustment FRONT VIEW DETECTOR SYSTEM 1%" Wrench, V2” Wrench 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. Raise the front guard until the latch engages the bottom of the guard. Place test cases under the detector stem, mouth up. Engage the clutch and turn the flywheel until the ram is at bottom dead center. Hold the stem with a %” wrench and loosen the lock nut with an 1%” wrench. Adjust the detector stem until it touches the bottom of the case lightly. Use an 14;" wrench to tighten the lock nut on the detector stern. Turn the flywheel with a flywheel rod until the ram is about three- fourths its upward travel, then disengage the clutch and continue turning the flywheel until it has reached the top dead center. Lower the glass guard before resuming production. [22] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Adjustments Feed Fingers Tools: Procedure: The feed fingers push the cases along the feed track to the punch and die. If it is not properly adjusted, the case may fail to drop from the feed socket into the feed track, or if the feed finger is set too far back, the cases will not travel smoothly along the feed track.’ The position of the feed fingers is adjusted by adjusting the nuts on top of the push rod. They should be adjusted so that the case just clears the feed finger when the case drops from the feed socket into the feed track. ( .\ ENLARGEMENT OF FEED FINGER ADJUSTMENT I o . I U _ . - . . - U I Feed Finger Adjustment Two 1%" Wrenches 1. 2. 3. Lift the guard by hand until the latch engages the bottom of the guard. Place three or four cases in the feed track against the feed finger. Disconnect the feed tubes by turning with your hand until the bayonet fitting is disengaged. Then place a case in the feed tube socket. Turn the flywheel one complete turn and continue until the ram is at its lowest position. This places the feed fingers at the extreme back stroke. Lower the front guard. Use two 11/4” wrenches to loosen the lock nut on top of the push rod.. Use a 11/4" wrench to turn the adjusting nut on top of the push rod until the case in the feed tube socket drops into the feed track. Tighten the lock nut while holding the adjusting nut in place. Turn the flywheel until the ram is at the top dead center. Caution: Make sure all guards are in place before starting the machine. I23] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Adjustments Knockout Bar Tools: Procedure: The purpose of the detector system is to disengage the clutch if there is an inverted case or foreign material in the case on the feed track. If it fails to perform its function, either the knockout bar or the detector stem is out of adjustment. The knockout bar should be checked first by bring- ing the ram to bottom dead center and checking the clearance between the knockout bar and the clutch lever trip. A clearance of about .004” should exist at this point. If the clearance is not correct, the knockout bar must be adjusted. . - . If ’ . .:_~D _. ENLARGED VIEW KNOCKOUT BAR AND ADJUSTMENT VIEW OF KNOCKOUT ASSEMBLY Two %” Wrenches, Feeler Gage 1. 2. Raise the front guard until the latch engages the bottom of the guard. Lower the ram with a flywheel rod until it is at the bottom of the stroke. Use a 78" wrench to loosen the lock nuts on top of the bottom part of the knockout bar. Use a %" wrench to adjust the knockout bar by turning the bottom adjusting screws until there is a .004" clearance between the knockout bar and the emergency release pin. . Tighten the lock nuts against the knockout bar. Raise the ram by turning the flywheel with the flywheel rod. . Release the latch on the bottom of the guard and allow the guard to drop back into position. I 24 l CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Adjustments Clutch Lever Spring When the clutch lever is released, it is pulled up by the clutch lever spring. This action should disengage the clutch and release the brake lever so the brake shoe can be pressed against the brake drum. If the spring does not perform its function, the tension must be increased. V .- .i ENLARGEMENT OF BRAKE SPRING REAR VIEW: CLUTCH LEVER SPRING CIRCLED Tools: Two 78" Wrenches Procedure; 1. Use a %” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the adjusting screw. 2. Use a %;” wrench to turn the adjusting nut until the tension on the spring will draw the kick-out cam firmly against the clutch housing when the clutch is disengaged. 3. Use a %” wrench to hold the adjusting nut while tightening the lock nut, using another 78" wrench. I25} CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Adjustments Friction Ball Spring Replacement The friction balls backed up by springs form the stations for the cases in the feed track. If the springs become worn or dirty, the cases will not travel smoothly along the feed track. This necessitates removal of feed track guides, cleaning of the springs, and the replacing of worn springs. TOOIS: Procedure: 1. FEED TRACK DISASSEMBLED %” Allen Wrench, 5%” Allen Wrench, %" Wrench, 8" Screwdriver Raise front guard until latch engages on the bottom of the guard. 2. Remove the feed tubes from the bridge by turning the bayonet 10. 11. fittings by hand until disengaged. Use a 1%” wrench to remove the nuts from each end of the bridge and remove the bridge from the machine. Use a %" Allen wrench to remove all of the Allen screws in each side of the feed track, also the screws in the back stop. Lift the feed tracks and the back stops from the machine. Use an 8" screwdriver to remove the screws from the sides of the feed track. Lift the plate from the feed track. . Remove the ball bearings from the top of the springs. . Lift the springs out, and inspect for tension and breakage. Put a drop of oil on the springs and replace in the feed track. Place the ball bearings on top of the springs and replace the feed track plate. Caution: Watch that the ball bearings do not bind while the plate is being replaced. Replace the tracks in the machine and tighten the Allen screws. Replace the back stops and tighten the Allen screws. Release the catch on the guard and lower it in place. I 26 I CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Adjustments Die Replacement Tools: Procedure: The dies may become worn causing the case to be too large in diameter or may become scratched causing scratches on the outside of the case. In either case the die must be removed and replaced with a new die. DIE BLOCK DISASSEMBLED Screwdriver 1. 2. 3. Remove the rear guard by lifting up and pulling out on the bottom. Lift out the die block lock pin. Pull out the die block keeping one hand underneath to prevent stripper from dropping out. Turn the die block upside down allowing the dies to fall out into your hand. Turn the die block right side up. Slide the die block back in the machine part way while getting new dies. Replace the dies in the die block making sure that the bottom die is on the bottom with the tapered end down. Push the die block back in the machine and replace the die block lock pin. Replace the guard. Check for accuracy by drawing a case. [27] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Adjustments Punch Replacement Tools: Procedure: The punch may become worn causing the inside of the case to be too small in diameter or may become scratched causing scratches on the inside of the case. In either case the punch must be replaced. as PUNCH DISASSEMBLED 1%" Wrench 1. Remove the rear guard by lifting it up and pulling it out away from the machine. Use a 1%” wrench to remove the gland nut in the punch holder while holding the punch with the other hand. ~ Pull down on the punch removing the assembly from the punch holder. Remove the bushing, gland nut, and the split collar from the worn or broken punch and place these parts on the new punch making sure the wide shoulder on the split collar is up. Insert the punch assembly in the punch holder and tighten the gland nut. Caution: Be sure that the punch is clean. Replace the rear guard. Check the replacement for accuracy by drawing a case. [28] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Adjustments Pin wheel Bridge In order to adjust the position of the bridges in relation to the pins on the pin wheel, each bridge can be adjusted by the vertical bolts connected to the bridges. Each bolt adjusts one of the bridges and should be adjusted so that the cases will travel along the bridge to the feed mouth. If the bridges are not properly adjusted, the cases will fall from the pins before arriving at the feed mouth, or will jam along the bridge. _ Four Bridge - I ‘ _: Adjustment I ‘ "uh HOPPER BRIDGE AND FEED TUBE MOUTH ASSEMBLY Tools: Two 1%" Wrenches Procedure: 1. Open the hopper inspection gate by pulling down on the gate. 2. Use two 1%.” wrenches to hold the top nut with one wrench and loosen the bottom lock nut on the vertical adjusting bolt with the other wrench. 3. Turn the adjusting nut until the bridge is approximately %" from the pins on the pin wheel. 4. Tighten the lock nut while holding the adjusting nut in place and close the hopper inspection gate. 5. Check the adjustment for accuracy by turning on the power and observing whether or not the cases fall properly down through the feed tube. [29] CALIBER .30 secono DRAW CASE Adjustments Hopper Feed Tube The feed tube mouth receives the cases after they travel the length of the Mouth pin wheel bridge. The mouth should be in line with the pins on the pin wheel so that the cases will drop from the pins into the feed tube mouth. If the mouth is not properly adjusted, the cases will jam at the feed mouth. Adjustment is made on the adjusting bolt that connects the feed ' tube mouth to the pin wheel bridge. INSIDE VIEW SHOWING THE BRIDGES AND FEED TUBE MOUTH Tools: %” Wrench Procedure: 1. Open the hopper inspection gate by pulling down on the gate. 2. Use a %" wrench to loosen the set screw on the bottom of the feed tube bridge. 3. Adjust the feed tube mouth by hand until it is in alignment with the pins on the pin wheel, and tighten the set screw. 4. Check by turning on the hopper motor and observing the action of the cases. 5. When accuracy has been attained, close the inspection gate. [30] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Objective Scored or Scratched Walls Crooked Draw TROUBLES AND CORRECTIONS The adjuster will meet many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may con- front an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. Recognition of the following troubles is made by visual and gage inspection of the component together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Visual inspection will reveal scratches on the inside or outside walls of the case. Finger nail inspection is especially valuable in detecting scratches on the outside wall. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Foreign matter (dirt, grit, shav- 1. Remove the cooling solution, ings, etc.) in the cooling solution. clean the reservoir, replace with clean cooling solution. 2. Foreign matter (dirt, dried soap, 2. Send the cups to the Washing etc.) on the cases. Department to be rewashed. 3. Chipped punch—a piece broken 3. Replace with a new punch. off the end of the punch. 4. Skinned punch—punch surface 4. Polish the punch if it is not too marred. badly skinned. If it is beyond repair, replace with new punch. 5. Cracked die—fracture in the 5. Replace with new die. cross section of the die. 6. Scratched die—scratched on the 6. Polish the die if the scratch is inside surface of the die. not too deep, or replace with a new die if necessary. Gaging discloses uneven sidewall thickness, crooked tops, or uneven bottoms. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Bent punch. 1. Straighten the punch in an arbor press. If it cannot be straight- ened, replace with a new punch. 2. Worn die—drawing surface too 2. Replace with a new die. large or irregular. 3. Foreign matter (dirt, shavings, 3. Remove the die and the die burrs, etc.). block. Clean with a rag and replace. [311 CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Crooked Draw 4. Improper anneal—cups either 4. If too hard, return to Annealing (Cont.) Thick Bottom Thin Bottom Punch Outs Department to be reannealed; if too soft, call inspector and check source of supply. annealed too hard or too soft. Gaging discloses insufficient material drawn out of the bottom of the case. Caution: Check tool identification and dimensions. If tools are within specifications, shut machine down until anneal has been checked by Metallurgy Department. (Tools must never be altered by the adjuster.) The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Not enough angle on taper of 1. Replace with new punch. punch. 2. Radius on end of punch insuffi- 2. Replace with new punch. cient. Gaging indicates too much material drawn out of the bottom of the case. Caution: Check tool identification and dimensions. If tools are within specifications, shut machine down until anneal has been checked by Metallurgy Department. (Tools must never be altered by the adjuster.) The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Too much angle on the taper of 1. Replace with new punch. the punch. 2. Radius at the end of the punch 2. Replace with new punch. too great. Visual inspection discloses that the bottom of the case is punched out or the side of the case is deformed by the punch. Caution: Check tool identification and dimensions. If tools are within specifications, shut machine down until anneal has been checked by, Metallurgy Department. (Tools must never be altered by the adjuster.) The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Improper anneal—the case met- 1. Send to the annealing room. al is too hard. This cannot be corrected. Check source of supply and call in- spector. 2. Improper anneal—the case met- 2. al is too soft. 3. There is no radius on the punch. 3. Replace with a new punch. The punch is too large on the drawing end. 4. The die is upside down. The die 4. is not placed in the die block properly. Remove the die and replace it in the proper position. [32] CALIBER .30 sscono DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Short Case Gaging discloses the case is not long enough and the walls are too thick to meet specifications. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The die is too large—it is over- 1. Replace with a new die. size in the drawing surface. 2. Punch is too small. 2. Replace with a new punch. Long Case Gaging discloses the case is too long and the walls too thin to meet specifications. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The die is too small—undersize 1. Lap out the die to the proper in the drawing surface. size. 2. The punch -is too large. 2. Replace with a new punch. Sheared Tops Visual inspection discloses that the mouth of the case is torn or uneven. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Improper annealing——-case metal 1. Send to the Annealing Depart- too hard. ment to be reannealed. 2. Faulty stripper——stripper bro- 2. Repair, or replace with new ken. stripper. 3. No stripper. 3. Insert stripper. Undersile Diameter Gaging discloses diameter of case undersize. The cause is: The correction is: 1. The die is too small—undersize 1. Lap out the die to proper size. in the drawing surface. Qversile Diflmeler Gaging discloses diameter of case is oversize. The cause is: The correction is: 1. The die is too large——it is over- 1. Replace with a new die. size in the drawing surface. Wrinkled MQUII1 Visual inspection discloses mouth of case wrinkled and uneven. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Rough punch—surface of punch 1. Polish and remove brass from has excess coating of brass. punch. 2. Faulty stripper—-stripper bro- 2. Repair or replace with new ken. stripper. 3. Rough or ringed die———rough spot 3. Lap die if possible, or replace or brass coating on drawing with new die. surface of die. 4. No stripper. 4. Insert stripper. I33] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Uneven Flow of Visual inspection discloses that cases are not flowing through the feed Cases from Hopper tube and feed tracks. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Defective or long cases—cases 1. Remove cases from hopper and from previous draw to long or check source of supply. defective. 2. Cases jammed in feed tube. 2. Clear feed tube. 3. Foreign matter (dirt, shavings, 3. Clean and check source of slip- etc.). ply. 4. Feed finger burred. 4. Repair feed finger or replace with new feed finger. 5. Broken feed finger operating rod 5. Replace with new springs. springs. 6. Arm in pin wheel hopper loose. 6. Tighten arm. Case Tracks Visual inspection discloses cases not properly traveling along case tracks. Damaged The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Improper adjustment. 1. Proper adjustment. 2. Broken springs. 2. Replace with new springs. Hopper Jam Visual inspection discloses cases are not feeding through hopper to feed tube properly. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Over1oaded——too many cases in 1. Remove excess cases. hopper. > E“ 2. Cases stuck to pins in pin wheel Clear hopper and check pins for hopper. burrs. 3. Bolt slips-—loose belt, oily belt. 3. Tighten belt; if oily, clean. Slow Press A lowered production rate may indicate that the stroke of the press is slowed down. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Dry bearings. 1. Check the lubrication. Call Maintenance Department. 2. Galled gibs. 2. Check the lubrication. Call Maintenance Department. 3. Loose belt. 3. Adjust the motor on the slides. I34] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Clutch Clicks Visual inspection discloses that the clutch does not operate properly. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Bent or broken pins, rods or 1. Call Maintenance Department. springs. The clutch dog will not- release properly. Motor Stops Visual inspection discloses the motor is not running and the press is stopped. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Overload or burnt out armature, 1. If the machine is overloaded, bearings, etc. clear the cause of the overload; press the reset button to start the motor. If there is any other cause for the motor to stop, shut off the power; call the Main- tenance Department. [35] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Tool Servicing Objective Servicing New Dies TOOL SERVICING Proper tool servicing is essential to maintain standard quality in the drawing of the bullet jackets and cartridge cases. Dies and punches are costly and great care must be exercised in the servicing of these tools. Adjusters will be concerned primarily with the removal of brass and small scratches that appear on working surfaces of dies and punches, and they must be careful, when using an abrasive on any tool, not to alter materially its dimensions. All tools that cannot be corrected by polishing or minor straightening must be returned to the Tool Service Department. 1. Dies as received from the tool room are normally undersize to allow for expansion pressure and for lapping to a desired size when necessary. 2. The size of the die may be checked by a die plug gage, but a test run should be made before any lapping is performed. 3. As a precaution, before a test run is made, the die bore should be inspected for roughness and polished if necessary. If the bore is rough causing undue friction, more metal than is necessary may be pulled from the bottom of the jacket or case at the start of the draw. 4. The product from the test run should be carefully gaged and inspected. Then, and then only, if an undersize or out-of-true die is indicated, should the die be lapped. 5. If trial in the machine shows that the die is undersize, place it in a three jaw chuck on a speed lathe to lap it. OVER-ALL VIEW OF SPEED LATHE I36] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Tool Servicing CORRECT METHOD OF PLACING Lapping Procedure 6. Check the die to see that it is straight and secure in the chuck. FIG. 1 FIG. 2 INCORRECT METHOD or PLACING DIE IN CHUCK DIE IN CHUCK 1. When lapping is necessary, proceed as follows: Use a lap stick made of brass, lead, fiber or wood about the same diameter as the die hole. 2. Dip the lap stick in a solution of #120 emery dust and olive oil or coal oil. 3. Hold the lap stick as nearly as possible in line with the angle of the taper. When lapping the land, hold the stick at a right angle to the mouth of the die to keep the land true. A land which is not true causes irregular wall thickness and crooked tops on jackets and cases. 4. While holding the lap stick against the die, give the stick a rapid in and out movement. This cuts down the ridges left by the grinder wheel in the metal surface and makes it smoother. Repeat this operation according to the amount of metal that must be taken out of the die. 5. Wipe the die clean with a cloth. 6. Next, polish the die with the finest grade of emery cloth available, not coarser than #220. 7 . Finish the polishing operation with crocus cloth. 8. Wipe out the inside of the die again with a cloth. 9. Remove the die from the chuck and check the size of the die with a plug gage. 10. Be sure the die is free of all emery dust before replacing it in the Carboloy Dies machine for production. To lap a carboloy die, follow the same procedure, with diamond dust and olive oil instead of emery dust. I37] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Tool Servicing Servicing Scratched Dies Servicing a New Punch Lapping 1. Before removing a die from a machine to look for scratches, remove the stripper to determine whether the stripper, rather than the die, is scratched. 2. Check the die or stripper visually to determine how badly it is scratched. If the die or stripper has a very deep scratch, it should be sent to the Tool Service Department. 3. If it is found that the scratch is in the die, check the die with a die “wear limit” plug gage to determine how much metal can be worked out of it without making the die too large. 4. To polish the die, place it in a three jaw chuck on a speed lathe. 5. Polish it with fine emery cloth, then with crocus cloth. 6. If the scratch can’t be removed by polishing, the die must be lapped. See lapping procedure, or send to the Tool Service Department if necessary. 7. Check the die size with the “wear limit” plug gage before putting it into production. Before an abrasive of any kind is applied to a new punch its dimensions should be carefully checked with micrometer or profile gage, and its working surface should be examined for finishing or handling marks and lack of polish. A highly polished punch aids in stripping and allows metal to flow freely thereby reducing the tendency of brass to pile up on the working surface. An Adjuster will not be required to lap more than .0005” from a new punch. If more than this must be removed to bring the punch to size, it should be returned to the Tool Service Department for correction. Lap- ping is done with a piece of abrasive cloth wrapped around and moved back and forth along the axis of the punch as it revolves in a speed chuck. If the abrasive were held stationary, deep rings would be cut into the surface, thereby ruining the finish. The punch is shown in Fig. 1 correctly chucked, and in Fig. 2 incorrectly held (See page 37). Avoid excessive overhang of the punch as this is a safety hazard; make sure that the jaws are correctly set and tightened securely. Do not allow the jaws to grasp the working surface of the punch. Only a very fine abrasive such as emery cloth is to be used in the lapping operation. The surface of a properly lapped punch will have a dull grey color with cross-hatched effect. [38] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Tool Servicing Polishing Servicing a Used Punch The lapping operation must be followed by polishing. Polishing is done in the same manner as lapping except that a finer abrasive is used, as for example, crocus cloth. A final operation called draw polishing is done with the chuck stopped. To draw polish a punch move the abrasive cloth lengthwise over the entire working surface avoiding rotary motion of the punch or the abrasive. Continue this final operation until all lapping marks are removed and the-desired high polish or mirror like finish is obtained. ' FIG. 3 CORRECT METHOD OF PLACING PUNCH IN CHUCK FIG. 4 INCORRECT METHOD OF PLACING PUNCH IN CHUCK As a punch is used its working surface wears accumulating scratches and a coating of brass. Excessive wear is determined by measuring with micrometer or checking with profile gage. Obviously, an undersize punch must be replaced with one of approved dimensions. Scratches, if not too severe, may be removed by the lapping and polishing operations described above. A light coating of brass may be removed by the polishing operation alone. The question of how soon a new punch will need lapping or polishing can be answered only from experience since many variable factors enter into the problem. [39] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication Friction lntrod ucing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Beafings MACHINE LUBRICATION The efficiency of all machines depends, to a great extent, upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction as far as we are concerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: (1) Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. (2) Vegetable oils and animals oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. (3) Graphite—tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction. We thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. ‘ I40] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. Load on the shaft or slide. Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. Constant or intermittent operation. Cleanliness of surroundings. Temperature of surroundings. .*9°P‘F‘9°P° Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage, and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive Oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable, where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen, good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs sp that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. .*?*P‘P‘P°P° Frequency of lubrication. [41] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: 1. Simple oil hole. 2. Bottle oiler. Ring oiler. Plain oil cups. Drop feed cups. Wick feed cups. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. P°.'q.°‘.¢"tl>‘°° Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. . Screw down cups. . Compression cups. 1 2 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5 . Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups must be kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubri- cation.” Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fittin , before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places—in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can be easily forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. I42] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication ‘ LUBRICATION CHART No. of Fittings, Frequency of Lubricant Machine Part Grease Cups, Lubrication Etc. Hours Crankshaft Bearings 2 8 Pitman Bearing 1 8 LIGHT GREASE Gibs 4 8 (Blue Gun) Clutch Assembly 1 8 Hopper 1 24 Connecting Screw Knuckle 1 8 Flywheel and Clutch 1 8 Feed Finger Assembly 4 8 Feed Finger 6 8 MEDIUM OIL Detector Punch Assembly 5 8 (Red Oiler) Clutch Lever 7 24 Brake Assembly 6 24 Brake Shaft 2 24 HEAVY OIL Wrist Pin Reservoir 1 24 (Yellow Oiler) Worm Gear Drive for Hopper 1 1 wk. [43] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Index Adjustable Bracket, 3, 4 Adjustment, Brake Release Rod, 19, 20 Brake Spring, 21 Clutch, Lever Spring, 25 Detector Stem, 22 Die Replacement, 27 Feed Fingers, 23 Friction Ball, Spring Replacement, 26 Hopper Feed Tube Mouth, 30 Knockout Bar, 24 Pin Wheel, Bridge, 29 Punch Replacement, 28 Annealing Department, 16 Anvil, 11 Back Stops, 9 Ball Spring Stops, 9 Bayonet Bushing, 10 Fitting, 23 Bolster Plate, 9, 10 Bottom Die, 13 Draw Die, 12 Thickness, 16, 17 Brake, 3, 5, 19 Action, 2 Adjustment, 20 Assembly, 2, 20 Drum, 2, 20, 21, 25 Lever, 19, 25 Release Rod, 19, 20 Release Rod Adjustment, 19 Rod, 21 Shoe, 2, 20, 21, 25 Spring, 20 Spring Adjustment, 21 Spring Rod, 21 Bridge, 26, 29 Bushing, 28 Button Anvil, 11 Case Tracks Damaged, 34 Cautions, 18 Clutch, 2, 3, 5, 19, 20, 22 Clicks, 35 Handle, 2 Lever, 2, 3, 5, 6, 19, 21 Lever Adjustment, 25 Lever Latch, 3 Lever Spring, 25 Lever Trip, 22, 24 Coating of Brass, 39 Coil Springs, 3 Component, 16 Connectmg Rod, 2, 6 Controls, 3 Cooling Solution, 1, 3 Counterbalance Springs, 6 Crankshaft, 2, 6 INDEX Crankshaft——Cont. Speed, 1 Crocus Cloth, 39 Crooked Draws, 31 Heads, 17 Tops, 17, 37 Defect, Case Tracks, Damaged, 34 Clutch Clicks, 35 Crooked Draw, 31 Hopper Jam, 34 Long Cases, 33 Motor Stops, 35 Oversize Diameter, 33 Punch Outs, 32 Scored Walls, 31 Scratched Walls, 31 Sheared Tops, 33 Short Cases, 33 Slow Press, 34 Thick Bottoms, 32 Thin Bottoms, 32 Undersize Diameter, 33 Uneven Flow of Cases from Hop- per, 34 Wrinkled Mouths, 33 Defective Cases, 17 Defects, 17 Detector Stem, 3, 5, 24 Stem Adjustment, 22 System 3, 5, 22, 24 Dial Indicator, 17 - Die, 23 Block, 12, 27 Block Assembly, 12 Block Base Plate, 12 Block Lock Pin, 27 Plug Gage, 36 Replacement Adjustment, 27 Dies, 27 Disposal, 14 Draw Polishing, 39 Emery Cloth, 38 Dust, 37 Excessive Wear. 40 Feed Finger, 9, 14 Fingers Adjustment, 23 Motor, 1 Mouth, 29 Socket, 23 Track, 5, 14, 22, 23, 26 Track Guides, 26 Tracks, 3, 9 Tube, 2, 14, 29 Tube Bridge, 10 Tube Mouth, 30 Tubes, 3, 10, 23 First Trim Machine, 16 Floor Space, 1 Flow Chart, 15 Flywheel, 2, 6, 22 Rod, 22 Foreign Material, 22, 24 Friction, 40 Balls, 26 Ball Spring Replacement Adjust- ment, 26 Gage Care, 17 Gages, 17 Gaging, 33 Gland Nut, 11, 28 Glass Guard, 2 Go Ring, 17 Graphite, 41 Greases, 41, 42 Guard, 2 Heavy Oil, 40 Hints on Lubrication, 43 Hopper, 1, 2 Box, 2, 7 Door, 7 Feed Tube Mouth Adjustment, 30 Inspection Gate, 29, 30 Jam, 34 Motor, 3, 7, 30 Inside Diameter, 16, 17 Inverted Case, 22, 24 Irregular Wall Thickness, 37 Key, 11 Knockoff Bar, 3, 5 Knockout Bar, 22, 24 Knockout Bar Adjustment, 24 Lap Stick, 37 Lapping, 37, 38, 39 Latch Pin, 6 Pin Catch, 6 Light Grease, 40 Lock Pin, 12 Long Cases, 33 Lubricating Grease, 41 Lubrication, 4, 14, 41 Methods, 42 Machine Motor, 1 Maintenance Costs, 40 Department, 18 Manufacturers Name, 1 Medium Oil, 40 Micrometer, 39 Motor, 2, 3 Stops, 35 No Go Ring, 17 Oil Cups, 4 Holes, 4 Outside Diameter, 16, 17 Overall Height, 1 Overall Length, 16 Overhead Hopper, 14 [44] CALIBER .30 SECOND DRAW CASE Index Oversize Diameter, 33 Petroleum Oils, 41 Pin Rings, 8 Wheel, 30 Wheel Bridge, 8, 30 Wheel Bridge Adjustment, 29 Wheel Hopper, 3, 7, 14 Wheel Hopper Box, 14 Plug Gage, 17 Plunger Rod, 9 Polishing, 39 Operation, 37 Power, 2 Production, 1 Profile Gage, 39 Pump, 1 Motor, 2, 3 Punch, 3, 11, 13, 14, 23, 28, 38 Block Assembly, 11 Holder, 11, 28 Holder Block, 11 Outs, 32 Punch—Cont. Replacement Adjustment, 28 Push Rod, 23 Ram, 3, 5, 6, 14, 20, 22, 23, 24 Reservoir, 3 Rocker Arm Assembly, 9 Shaft, 9 Scored Walls, 31 Scratched Walls, 31 Scratches, 17, 39 Selecting a Lubricant, 41 Servicing a New Punch, 38 A Used Punch, 39 New Dies, 36 Scratched Dies, 38 Sheared Tops, 33 Short Cases, 33 Sidewall Variation, 16 Sleeve, 11 Slow Press, 34 Speed Lathe, 36 Split Collar, 11, 28 Stripper, 12, 13, 14, 27 Holder, 12, 13 Stroke, 1 Switch, 2 Test Run, 36 Thick Bottoms, 32 Thin Bottoms, 32 Three Jaw Chuck, 36 Toggle Type Switches, 3 Top Die, 13 Top Draw Die, 12 Transmission, 2 Twin Ring Gage, 17 Type of Feed, 1 Undersize Diameter, 33 Die, 36 Punch, 39 Uneven Flow of Cases, Hopper, 34 V Belt, 2 Visual Inspection, 17 , 31 Washing Department, 16 Wrinkled Mouths, 33 I45] TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Bumping Machine BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 194-1 United States Government Contract W-ORD-481, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminolo.gy for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of _small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917, C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 443, 76th Congress, 3rd Session). II MANUAL CORRECTlONS—CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE LOCATION Page 11 -—Fig and 115 Page 20—Fig Page 1 7 — Cautions Page 20--Fig Page 21 —Fig Page 23—P1-oc 3 Page 18- 1] 2 ERROR Flat Punch Wrong Figure Locknuts Adjusting Screw Locknuts Tighten the Spanner nuts against the brake Case is headed CORRECTION Convex Punch Figure of Bump die block assembly Omit 4 and 7 Adjusting Screw Lockscrew Adjusting Screws Tighten the Spanner nuts against the bracket Case is bumped TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tool Holder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Tool Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Product Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Adjustments . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Tool Servicing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 III . J-@001 ~no-nu I1‘ ... ......: 0v.~..~uo U . . . .. .. AC3 o..o..v~..‘:.nn~ . .... ~.. \ . -v. .. ..x.. .... . ~¥~-sflmh.-....-‘sf . ..... . . . i - . . .....~‘u.. .. ea .. ... t . ofldto. ' Rs”. a-.~~v~..a..n..on-W».-.-v vac. . . .. n . . Q . ..._....,...~.. .........§.. ~l\¢.. .30 BUMPING MACHINE VIEW OF CALIBER IV CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Catalogue Data Manufacturer Machine Description Machine Motor Type of Feed Feed Motor Production Crankshaft Speed Stroke Tools Height Weight Floor Space CATALOGUE DATA E. W. Bliss Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. E. W. Bliss Co. Horizontal Crank and Toggle press 5V, belt drive motor to flywheel on crank- shaft. 5 h.p.; 3 phase; 60 cycle; 220/440 volt; 870 R.P.M. Pedestal type pin wheel hopper mounted on ma- chine. Belt driven from motor. 7 R.P.M. Gear head % h.p. ; 1 phase; 60 cycles; 1725 R.P.M. 105 per minute. 105 R.P.M. Front ram 8", back ram 6%". Piece No.: Punch E- 9 Die E-10 Injecting Stem E- 1 7 ft. 2 in. 8,000 lbs. 7 ft. 9 in. x 3 ft. 10 in. [1] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Machine Description MACHINE DESCRIPTION The caliber .30 Bumping Machine Bumps the bottom of the case to pro- duce a flattened or slightly concave bottom. This operation is necessary to change the contour of the bottom and produce a uniform bottom thickness on each case. Hopper H opper / Box Motor Machine ,_.; Mom‘ _____‘__—- Pin Wheel ' Hopper Guard Covering Flywheel CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Power and The E. W. Bliss Horizontal Crank and Toggle Press, illustrated above, is Transmission powered by a 5 h.p. motor through five V-type belts connecting the motor to the flywheel. The Horizontal Crank and Toggle Press presses the convex surface of the case head inward so that the head of the case is concave after the bumping operation. This operation is performed to distribute the metal evenly throughout the case head. The motor is mounted directly above the flywheel on an adjustable bracket, which allows proper adjustment of belt tension. The flywheel is mounted to the front or bumper ram crankshaft at the front of the ma- chine. [2] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Machine Description Power and Transmission (Cont.) Brake Bumper Ram Knockoff Wire Stem Ram Eccentric Cam and Rocker Arms Pin Wheel Hopper Lubrication The motor is controlled by a push button type switch; the red button breaks the circuit and the black button closes the circuit. As no clutch is employed on this type machine, the machine is started by releasing the manually operated brake and pressing the starter switch. The brake is manually controlled through linkage from the brake operating arm to the brake shoes. The brake operating arm is held in a horizontal position directly above the die holder. The brake linkage is equipped with an arm which acts to break the electrical circuit to the motor when the brake is applied. As the electrical circuit is broken, the shoes are applied to the front and rear face of the flywheel to stop the machine action. The front or bumper ram is supported by and travels on two 45° angle gib plates. The bumper ram is connected to and actuated by a connecting rod attached to the front crankshaft throw. The face of the ram is machined to hold the tool holder. A knockoff wire is attached to an operating arm which is actuated by a cam roller attached to the bumper ram, and extends out from the rear edge of the machine frame to a position directly above the case as it is discharged from the die. The discharged case is knocked into the bottom of the machine bed where it passes out onto a conveyor belt leading to the elevator by means of a knockoff wire, which is actuated by the bumper ram on every stroke of the ram. The stem ram or back ram is connected to and actuated by a connecting rod attached to the rear crankshaft. The ram face is machined to hold the working tools. The ram is supported by and travels on two 45° angle gib plates which are bolted to the machine frame in a horizontal position. The power is transferred from the front crankshaft to the rear crankshaft through two rocker arms and an eccentric cam. The pin wheel hopper is mounted on a supporting bracket located at the rear center of the machine. The cases are fed into the hopper box from an overhead chute, and are agitated in the hopper by a manually oper- ated lever, which extends through the bottom of the hopper to a posi- tion within easy reach of the operator. The cases are fed to the machine through a feed tube, to the feed sleeve, from the feed sleeve into the die. As each case is fed into the die, it discharges the preceding case from the die. The machine is lubricated by means of Alemite-Zerk fittings attached to the various working parts. The gibs and other exposed parts which have a tendency to overheat quickly should be oiled frequently with an oil can containing the appro- priate grade and viscosity of lubricant. CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Machine Description Stem Bumper Crankshaft‘ 7r I Y l I ‘L > "hi :5 '_ .“.. '~ it .'.1_ ‘ \?' il§‘CrankshaIt .... Rocker Rocker I _ Arm Arm ,, Eccentric ’ Cam ECCENTRIC CAM AND ROCKER ARMS Eccentric Cam and The power is transmitted from the front, or bumper crankshaft, through Rocker Arms two rocker arms and an eccentric cam to the back or stem ram crankshaft. The bumper crankshaft turns 360° or, in a complete revolution. A rocker arm leads from the crankshaft to a point off center on the eccentric cam. The eccentric cam is mounted on a stub shaft at the back center of the machine. A second rocker arm shaft, attached to the off center point on the cam, leads to the back or bumper stem crankshaft. The motion of the bumper crankshaft, by use of the rocker arms and eccentric cam, is trans- formed from a 360° revolution to a 90° are at the bumper stem crankshaft. [4l CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Machine Description Spanner ‘B’ - __. g I t . I’ NUIS .; -- , ~' f‘ . _ Knockoff . - fig . ~ k ,_ . v‘ Wire Set Screw , Springs Feed / Tube Allen I _ Set Screw RAMS, TOOL HOLDERS AND CRADLE Rams The face of each ram is machined to hold a tool holder. The bumper ram contains the tool holder which holds the bumping punch. The tool holder incorporates two spanner nuts, which allow an adjustment to be made on the bumper tool. The stem ram contains the tool holder which holds the injecting stem. Two spanner nuts are incorporated in the tool holder which allow an adjustment to be made on the injecting stem. [5] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Machine Description ~ ova-* 1 la '1‘- Brake shoe pt. 1%” Lock Nut 3%" Adjusting Screw 11/4" Lock Nuts 3/4" Adjusting Screws BRAKE ASSEMBLY Brake The brake shoes are attached to a bracket, which holds the shoes in posi- tion against the inner and outer surface of the flywheel. The brake shoe operating lever, which is connected to the brake shoes by a series of con- necting links, applies the brake shoes against the flywheel to stop the ma- chine, when the brake lever is pulled back. A small trip arm, attached at a right angle to the vertical brake shaft, breaks the electrical circuit by con- tacting an auxiliary switch when the brake is applied. The switch is at- tached to the back side of the frame at the right end of the machine. [6] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Machine Description Spanner H Nuts - _ Knockoff Wire Set Screw ’ smmgS Bumper Tool ’ Holder Feed / Tube Ram / Allen _ Set Screw Cap Die Screw Block Ram Stem Front Tool __ - i|panner Holder "‘ Back - Spanner Nut RAMS, ~TOOL HOLDERS AND CRADLE Die Block and The die block is incorporated in the machine frame and is located between Feed Slide the two rams. The feed cradle is attached to the top surface of the die block. The feed tube leads to the cradle from which the cases are fed into the feed sleeve. The cases drop through the feed sleeve in alignment with the inserting stem on the stem ram, which injects them into the die. The bumper punch travels forward to bump the head of the case and form the concave surface. The next case, as it is inserted into the die, ejects the preceding case from the die into the chute leading to the conveyor. [7] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Machine Description Pin Wheel Hopper and Hopper Box The pin wheel hopper box is a one-piece casting with a bottom sloping toward an adjustable gate, which leads into the pin wheel hopper. The pin wheel hopper is attached to the front of the hopper box. The pin wheel consists of a pin ring, an inner and an outer dish-shaped rim bolted to- gether to form a hopper assembly. The outer dish-shaped rim has three spokes attached to a hub shaft on which the entire hopper revolves. The hopper is driven by a V-type belt connected to a %; h.p. motor. The motor is supported by an adjustable bracket to maintain proper belt tension. The pin ring has a series of steel pins, spaced approximately 1" apart on its inner circumference and set at an angle to the radii. A steel band rake-off keeps the components that are not properly seated on the pins from enter- ing the bridge. As the hopper revolves clockwise, the cases slide onto the steel pins, and approach a vertical position, with the mouth end down. When the components approach the upper arc of the circumference, they contact and are held on the pins by the bridge. In this position they are nearly mouth end up. At the end of the pin wheel bridge they are in a vertical position and slide off the pins into an adjustable feed tube mouth, and are carried by gravity down the feed tube to the feed sleeve. Hopper Box Steel Pins Hopper Door ____-—- Latch Dish-shaped Hopper Door Y ‘ ~ irllu-i.|'u\;n‘ U‘! 2 = n :- __.___-—— Feed Tu be CLOSE UP or PIN WHEEL HOPPER [8 l CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Tool Holder Description Die Block Assembly TOOL HOLDER DESCRIPTION Die: The die is cylindrical, approximately 4" long and 3" in diameter, with a longitudinal hole through the center, which tapers from the mouth to the head of the die. Bushing: The bushing is a hollow cylinder that fits in the die block and is used as a spacer between the die block and the die. Anvil: The shape of the anvil is similar to a washer with a hole through the center to permit the passage of the case through it as the case is fed into the die. The anvil fits in the die block directly behind the bushing. It absorbs shock and prevents wear on the die block. §\\\\\\\\\\\\\W 7 / '\ V%%/////////J / W /////%z Anvil / .\\\l e\\\\\‘ CROSS-SECTIONAL DRAWING OF DIE BLOCK ASSEMBLY Bushing CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Tool Holder Description Injecting Stem Rear Spanner Adjusting Nut: The rear spanner ad- Assembly / justing nut determines the forward adjustment of the V injecting stem holder, and is the same as the front span- ner nut with the exception that it is thicker. Care must be exercised in assembling the injecting stem holder to get the spanner nut placed properly. Front Spanner Adjusting Nut: The front spanner adjusting nut determines the backward adjustment of the injecting stem holder. It contains equally spaced holes to facilitate adjustment with a spanner wrench. Injecting Stem Holder: The injecting stem holder is a threaded bar that fits in the back ram and is held in place by two spanner adjusting nuts. The front end is hollow to accommodate the anvil, bushing and injecting stem. Anvil: The anvil is a solid circular piece that fits inside the end of the injecting stem holder. The stem seats against the anvil, which helps to absorb the shock on the stem. Bushing: The bushing is cylindrical with a hole through the center through which the shouldered part of the injecting stem fits. Cap Nut: The cap nut is a hexagonal shouldered nut which is beveled inside to fit the bevel on the shoulder of the stem. The nut is placed on the injecting stem to rest on the injecting stem shoulder. The stem is inserted in the injecting stem holder and the nut is screwed in place on the injecting stem holder. Injecting Stem: The injecting stem is tapered on the working end and has a beveled shoulder on the other end. It fits in a bushing in the injecting stem holder. Cap N ut Injecting Stem Tool Holder Injecting Stern s. . I ' mt 'c“'As .\ Anvil Rear Spanner Nut Bushing Front Spanner Nut CROSS-SECTIONAL DRAWING or INJECTING STEM I 10] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Tool Holder Description Punch Holder Assembly Rear Spanner Adjusting Nut: The rear spanner adjusting nut, located on the bumping punch holder, determines the forward ad- justment of the bumping punch. The spanner nut contains equally spaced holes around its circumference to facilitate its ad- justment with a spanner wrench. Front Spanner Adjusting Nut: The front spanner adjusting nut determines the backward adjustment of the bumping punch and is identical to the rear spanner nut with the exception that it is thinner. Punch Holder: The bumping punch holder is a threaded bar that fits in the front ram. It is held in place by the two spanner nuts and a set screw which screws through the front of the ram into a slot in the bumping punch holder. Bushing: The bushing is cylindrical, with a hole through the center. It fits in the front of the bumping punch holder against the anvil and acts as a spacer between the bumping punch holder and the bumping punch. Bumping Punch: The working end of the bumping punch is fiat; it is approximately half as large as the cylindrical body of the punch. The working end of the punch curves back to the shoulder. The punch fits in the bushing and seats against the anvil. It is held in place by a set screw through the front of the bumping punch holder. Q -\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~\\\\\t\\\‘ Bump Punch I -j s ! § Tool Hulda, Bushing Anvil Front Spanner Rear Spanner Nut NM CROSS-SECTIONAL DRAWING OF PUNCH HOLDER ASSEMBLY I11] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Tool Description 2-£23 STEM ‘. ,- DIE PUNCH TOOL DESCRIPTION Tool Name: Stem Piece No.: E-1 Location: Held horizontally in back crosshead ram. Normal Life: 833,000 pieces. Stem is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and pol- ished. Point of stem is rounded and tapered. Tool Name: Die Piece No.: E-10 Location: Die block Normal Life: 357,000 pieces Die is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and pol- ished. Mouth end of die is rounded and tapered. Tool Name: Punch Piece No.: E-9 Location: Held horizontally in front crosshead ram. Normal Life: 1,250,000 pieces Bumper is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. Point is convex. I12] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Process Sequence Overhead Hopper Pin Wheel Hopper Box Pin Wheel Hopper Coil Spring Feed Tube Cradle Injecting Stem Bumper Punch Bumped Case Knockoff and Disposal PROCESS SEQUENCE The cases are gravity fed from an overhead source into the overhead hopper, and drop down through a feed pipe into the pin wheel hopper box. The cases flow from the pin wheel hopper box through an opening, past the agitator into the lower part of the pin wheel hopper. As the pin wheel hopper rotates, the cases are agitated and picked up by pins on the inner circumference of the pin wheel and are carried up past the rake-off springs which knock off misaligned cases, and push partly set cases all the way onto the pins. As the cases are carried to the top of the pin wheel, they are held on the pins by the bridge. At the end of the bridge they drop off, one at a time, head down into the mouth of the coil spring feed tube. The cases fall by gravity through the coil spring feed tube into a curved steel feed pipe. The curved feed pipe prevents long cases from entering the feed block, and stopping the flow. These long cases are removed by the operator so the flow can continue into the feed block. The cases then drop into the cradle. ' The cradle moves forward conveying the case into the feed sleeve in front of the stem and in alignment with the die. The injecting stem, moving from right to left, enters the case, pushes it into the die and holds it there to wait for the bumper punch. The bumper punch moves in from left to right to strike the case and put a concave surface on its bottom end. As the bumper and stem move back from the die, another case is moved into the sleeve by the cradle and the above bump operation is repeated. As the succeeding case is pushed into the die by the stem, it pushes the previously bumped case out of the die. The bumped case is pushed out to a point where the knockoff wire strikes it, knocking it downward quickly, through a metal chute onto a conveyor belt underneath the press. CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Process Sequence FLOW CHART Overhead Hopper The cases are gravity fed from an overhead source into the overhead hopper and drop through a feed pipe into the pin wheel hopper box. I Pin Wheel Hopper Box The cases flow from the pin wheel hopper box through an opening in the bottom, past the agitator, into the lower part of pin wheel hopper. 1 Pin Wheel Hopper Rotates and cases are picked up by pins and carried up past the rake-off springs to top of the pin wheel where they are held by the bridge. At the end of the bridge they drop off, one at a time, head down into mouth of coil spring feed tube. Hopper is powered by a % h.p. reduction gear motor and driven by a V-type belt. Control is by a toggle switch. l Coil Spring Feed Tube Conveys the cases into curved feed tube through the feed block into the cradle. J Cradle Moves forward, conveying cases into the feed sleeve in front of the stem and in alignment with the die. J Injecting Stem The injecting stem, moving in from right to left, enters the case, pushes it into the die and holds it there to wait for the bumper. I Bumper Moves in from left to right, striking the case, and putting a concave surface on its bottom end. I Cradle is powered by push rod and slide from cam on eccentric wheel from rocker arm connected to flywheel crankshaft. Injecting stem is powered by ram through connecting rod, from back toggle shaft, from rocker arm, from eccentric wheel, from rocker arm, from crankshaft. Bumper and Injecting Stem Move back from the die. Another case is moved into the sleeve by the cradle and the above bump operation is repeated. As the succeeding case is pushed into the die by theinjecting stem, it pushes the bumped case out of the die. Bumper powered by ram through connecting rod from crankshaft. L Bumped Case Is pushed out to a point where the knockoff wire strikes the case, knocking it downward through a metal chute, onto a conveyor underneath the press. Knockoff wire powered by cam in cam track on the bumper ram, through the con- necting rod from crankshaft. [14] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Product Description Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The component, when it is received by the bumping machine, is in the form of a case as shown in Fig. 1. The case is made of brass (70% copper, 30% zinc). The closed end of the case is known as the bottom and the open end as the mouth. The cases are received at the bumping machine from the Washing Depart- ment, where they were washed and dried. The cases were delivered to the Washing Department from the second draw press. There is no annealing process between the second draw and the bumping operation. The dimensions of the case are as follows: Before bumping operation After bumping operation Outside diameter .570—.572 Outside diameter .571—.574 Bottom thickness .137—.141 Bottom thickness .136—.140 Sidewall variation .002 Sidewall variation .002 After the bumping operation, the case is delivered to the Annealing De- partment where it is annealed, pickled and washed before being delivered to the third draw. FIG. 1 FIG. 2 r V ‘ V ' H ‘ ,_ \-5-J ».<._'¢ -~ Hi‘ BEFORE BUMP AFTER BUMP I15] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Inspection Visual Gage Care Gages INSPECTION At frequent intervals, after the bumping operation, a careful visual in- spection of the cases must be made. The cases should be inspected for scratches on the inside and outside walls, for deposits of metal on the bot- tom, wrinkles on the side and mouth, and dents on the bottom. These defects indicate an immediate adjustment of the machine is necessary to correct the fault. Whenever defective cases are found, the lot from which they come must be removed from the machine and properly identified so the bad lot will not be mixed with good cases. Gages are expensive instruments, machined to a fine precision. Improper use, or carelessness in gaging may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may affect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be employed in matching a case to a gage. A protected location should be used for storage of gages to prevent their being damaged when not in use. The most ac- curate checks are made when the cases are cool, since heat causes expan- sion of the metal and results in a temporary variation in the case size. TWIN RING GAGE The outside diameter of the case is gaged with a twin ring gage. Cases must pass through the lar- ger or “go” ring but must not pass through the smal- ler “no go” ring. DIAL INDICATOR GAGE The bottom thickness of the case is checked on a dial indicator; variation in this dimension greatly affects suc- ceeding operations. The above described inspection methods are those most commonly em- ployed in the bumping of a Caliber .30 case. However, other methods may be developed to maintain the manufacturing standards. [16] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Adjustments Objective Cautions ADJ LISTMENTS To maintain satisfactory production, a machine must be adjusted to com- pensate for the wear of its tools and other working parts, and to meet new conditions caused by a difference in material. It is necessary to inspect the machine and components regularly in order that any trouble may be de- tected and corrected immediately. This section of the manual, with its illustrations, photographs, and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all of the machine troubles that will be en- countered, therefore certain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. A thorough analysis of the trouble will indi- cate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. N o adjustments are to be made while the machine is in motion, or until the flywheel has stopped. To insure proper adjustment of the machine, always turn the flywheel over by hand before applying power. Inspect the machine periodically to determine whether or not all connec- tions and adjustments are secure. Turn off the power before applying the foot brake. The brake should be applied in such a manner as to cause the ram to stop on its back stroke. Do not permit the flywheel to make a complete revolution in reverse, since this will throw the machine out of time and cause it to jam. Before making adjustments on the machine, always lock the electric motor stop button with the locking set screw. No adjustments are to be made on the die block until after it has been first determined that the components entering the machine are accep- table, and second, that the punch and / or die is not defective. The concave indentation produced in the bottom of the case by the bumping punch must be positioned in the center of the case bottom. If this indentation is off center (out of concentricity), the die block must be adjusted. This adjustment is rarely necessary and is to be made only by an experienced adjuster, or under his supervision. [17] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Adjustments Concentricity The die block should be adjusted so that the case is in direct line with the punch. If the punch and the case are not perfectly aligned, the head of the case will not be concentric with the side wall. Concentricity is attained by moving the die block either vertically or hori- zontally, or both. In order to know which way the die block should be adjusted, it is necessary to place a test case in the machine and operate the machine until the case is headed. The machine is stopped before the case is ejected from the die, and the case and the die are marked with a vertical line across the face of the case head and the die, so that the position of the case in the die is known after the case has been removed from the die. Remove the case from the die and test the head for concentricity with a dial gage. Mark the high point of the head and replace the case in the die in its original position. If the high point is either to the right or left horizontally, the die block must be adjusted correspondingly as shown by the arrows in the sketches below. - % I I I I I I I I I I I HIGH POINT TO RIGHT HIGH POINT TO LEFT If the high point of the head is on either the top or bottom of the case when it is placed back into the die, vertical adjustment of the die block is neces- sary as shown by the arrows in the sketches below: Pt ~ \\ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII \\\\ III _ .-___________t HIGH POINT TO TOP HIGH POINT TO BOTTOM I 18 I CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Adjustments The die block may be out of adjustment both vertically and horizontally. If this is the case, the die block is adjusted as shown by the arrows in the sketches below: ' IIII Illlllllllllllllii‘ HIGH POINT TO THE LEFT HIGH POINT TO THE RIGHT AND TOP AND TOP HIGH POINT TO THE BOTTOM HIGH POINT TO LEFT AND BOTTOM AND RIGHT I19] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Adjustments Die Block The die block is adjusted horizontally by turning the three adjusting screws on the machine at the side of the die block holder. One of the adjusting screws is threaded into the die block and is used to move the block toward the left. The other adjusting screws are threaded into the machine, are forced against the die block, and are adjusted to move the die block to the right. (Horizontal) Die Block Lock Nuts Three—-5/15" Allen Set Screws Throo—1l/3" Lock Nuts 1" Lock Screws Loclt Nut: TOOIS: Procedure: 1. 2. we DIE BLOCK ASSEMBLY %” Allen wrench, 1%” wrench, screwdriver. Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws from the guard and remove the guard. Use a 1%” wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the adjusting screws in the machine at the side of the die block while holding the adjusting screws in place with a %” Allen wrench. To move the die block to the right, use a 5/{6" Allen wrench to loosen the two outside adjusting screws a fraction of a turn. . To move the die block to the left, loosen the center adjusting screw a fraction of a turn. Tighten the lock nuts on the adjusting screws against the machine. Check the adjustment by operating the machine and inspecting the cases on a dial gage. Note: The above procedure should be repeated until concentricity of the head of the case is attained. Replace the guard; insert and tighten the screws holding the guard in place. [20] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Adjustments Die Block The die block is adjusted vertically by turning the four adjusting screws on top of the die block holder. The adjusting screws are hollow, permitting the lock screws to pass through the center and screw into the machine bed. (Vertical) TOOIS: Procedure: Die Block R-1;.\,‘7*q~§:#."-.‘\\ . \ DIE BLOCK 2" wrench, 1 ” wrench, 7%" wrench, screwdriver. 1. Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws from the guard and remove the guard. Lift the cotter key from the pin connecting the push rod to the cradle. Remove the connecting pin. Use a 78" wrench to remove the cap screws that hold the carriage to the machine. Remove the carriage. Use a 1 " wrench to loosen the four lock screws on top of the die block. To raise the die block holder, use a 2 " wrench to tighten the four adjust- ing screws a fraction of a turn. To lower the die block, use a 2” wrench to loosen the four adjusting screws a fraction of a turn. Caution: Each of the four adjusting screws must be turned a like amount to keep the die block level. [21] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Adjustments Procedure: 7. Tighten the four lock screws while holding the adjusting screw in place. (Com-I Note: The above procedure must be repeated until concentricity of the case head is attained. 8. Replace the carriage, the connecting pin and the cotter key. 9. Place the guard back on the machine; insert and tighten the screws holding the guard in place. [22] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Adjustments Injecting Stern The injecting stem pushes the case out of the die just far enough that the head of the case is bumped by the action of the bumper punch. If the case is pushed too far out of the die, a ring will be formed on the case by the outside edge of the die. If the case is not pushed far enough out of the die, the bumper punch will not bump the head of the case hard enough to pro- duce a concave surface. Adjustment is made by adjusting the two spanner nuts on the injecting stem tool holder. The stem must be adjusted so that the head of the case projects out of the die about $65”. Injecting Stem Spanner Nut Tools: Procedure: INJECTING STEM AND HOLDER V2" steel rod, screwdriver. 1. 2. 3. Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws that hold the guard in place, and remove the guard. Place a test case in the magazine and turn the flywheel by hand until the head of the case protrudes from the die. If the head of the case does not protrude at least .146" from the die, use a %" steel rod to loosen slightly the spanner nut closer to the stem. Tighten the other spanner nut against the brake. If the head of the case protrudes more than 1/16”, use a 1/2" steel rod to loosen slightly the spanner nut farther from the stem. Tighten the other spanner nut against the bracket. (In either of the above cases the adjustment must be repeated until the head of the case protrudes 1%” from the die). Remove the test case from the die and turn the flywheel by hand until the ram is at its normal position. Place the guard back on the machine; insert and tighten the screws which hold the guard in place. [23] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Adjustments Bumper Punch The bumper punch bumps the head of the case to the desired thickness. The head thickness of the case depends, therefore, upon correct adjustment of the punch. If the case head is too thick, the punch must be adjusted closer to the stern; if the head is too thin, the punch must be adjusted so that there is more clearance between the stem and the punch. The punch is adjusted by turning the spanner nuts on the bumper punch holder. Before any work is done on the bumper punch, the stem must be checked to see that it is properly adjusted. Spanner Nut RAMS, TOOL HOLDERS AND CRADLE Tools: 1/2" steel rod, screwdriver. Procedure: 1. Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws that hold the guard in place and remove the guard. (If the case head is too thick, the punch must be moved closer to the stem. If the head is too thin, the punch must be moved away from the stem). 2. If the case head is too thick, use a %" steel rod to loosen slightly the spanner nut which is closer to the punch. Tighten the other spanner nut against the bracket. 3. If the case head is too thin, loosen slightly the spanner nut farther from the punch. Tighten the other spanner nut against the bracket. 4. The above procedure must be repeated and the head thickness tested after each setting until the desired head thickness is attained. 5. Replace the guard; insert and tighten the screws holding the guard in place. [24] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Adiustments Cradle The cradle receives the case from the feed tube and places it in line with the die. In order to adjust the cradle so that it is in alignment with the feed tube and socket, it is necessary to loosen the cap screws holding the carriage to the machine and to turn the part that connects the cradle to the push rod one complete revolution. Spanner -- Nuts I Knockoff Wire Set __ Screw ' Springs Bumper Tool " Holder Feed -. / Tube Ram Allen _ Set Screw Die _ Block _ Ram Fr t Stew; - S::InnrIer Hol?l?er — Nut Back - Spanner RAMS, TOOL HOLDERS AND CRADLE Tools: 7/8" wrench, %2” Allen wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws that hold the guard in place, and remove the guard. 2. Remove the cotter key from the pin that connects the feed finger to the push rod. 3. Use a 7/8" wrench to loosen the two cap screws, one on each side of the carriage. 4. Remove the feed tube and observe whether or not the cradle is in line with the feed socket. 5. Turn the part that connects the cradle to the push rod one complete revolution, clockwise if the cradle is too far forward, or counterclock- wise if the cradle is too far back to be in line with the feed socket. Tighten the cap screws that hold the carriage to the machine. Replace the connecting pin, the cotter pin and the feed tube. . Replace the guard; insert and tighten the screws which hold the guard in place. .0<>.~19= l25l CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Adjustments Hopper Feed As the cases are carried upward by the pin wheel, the case heads contact Bridge (Horizontal) the hopper bridge which holds the cases on the pins until they reach the feed tube mouth and fall down through the feed tube. The bridge should be close enough to the seating spring that the cases do not fall from the pins before they begin their travel on the bridge. The bridge can be moved to the desired position by loosening the cap screw which holds the bridge to the hopper. Feed Mouth Hori- zontal Adju8t- T‘ moat Feed Tube Bridge ‘ AdiUfl- -'\rf mont ' Hop er Fee C)pening TOOI: Procedure: 1. 2. INTERIOR OF PIN WHEEL HOPPER 11/4 ' wrench. Release the latch and open the hopper door. Use a 11/4' wrench to loosen the cap screw on the lower left end of the hopper bridge. Move the bridge close to the seating spring and in line with the bottom of the pins on the pin wheel. Hold the bridge in position and tighten the cap screw. Close and latch the hopper door. Check the adjustment by operating the hopper and opening the hopper inspection gate to see whether or not the cases remain on the pins until they begin their travel on the bridge. I26] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Adjustments Hopper Feed The feed bridge can be adjusted vertically by adjusting the nuts on the Bridge (Vertical) vertical bolt connected to the bridge. , Tools: Two ll/i'i5" wrenches. Procedure: 1. Use an 1%” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the vertical bolt while holding the adjusting nut. 2. Use an 1%,” wrench to turn the adjusting nut, either raising or lowering the feed bridge until it is about 3/4' from the pins on the pin wheel. 3. Hold the adjusting nut in place and tighten the lock nut. 4. Close and latch the hopper door. ENLARGEMENT OF INTERIOR OF PIN WHEEL HOPPER Feed Tube Mouth The cases should fall from the pins into the feed tube mouth and down through the feed tube. If they fail to do this, the feed mouth must be aligned with the pins on the pin wheel. Tool: L4’ wrench. Procedure: 1. Release the latch and open the hopper door. 2. Use a 1/4" wrench to loosen the set screw on the front of the hopper bridge. 3. Align the feed tube mouth with the pins on the pin wheel. 4. Hold the feed mouth in alignment and tighten the set screw. [27] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Adjustments Pin Wheel Hopper When the pin wheel hopper motor belt becomes too loose through being Motor Belt stretched, it is necessary to tighten the belt to assure proper operation of the pin wheel. Hopper Ad- iusting Screw HOPPER MOTOR BELT ADJUSTMENT Tools: %” wrench, V2" wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a V8” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the motor adjusting set screw. 2. Use a V2” wrench to turn the adjusting set screw, moving the motor away from the hopper pulley, thus tightening the belt. 3. Tighten the lock nut. [28] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Adjustments Flywheel Motor When the motor belt becomes too loose, through being stretched, it is Belt necessary to tighten the belt by raising the motor, to insure proper opera- tion of the machine. Machine Motor Top Nut Nut FLYWHEEL MOTOR BELT ADJUSTMENT Tool: 2 " wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 2" wrench to loosen the three top nuts on the motor supporting studs. 2. Use a 2" wrench to turn the three lower nuts to raise the motor, moving it away from the flywheel, thus tightening the belts. 3. Tighten the three top nuts. [29] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Adjustments Flywheel Brake Two brake shoes press against the side of the flywheel when the brake is applied. If the flywheel does not stop almost immediately upon applica- tion of the brake, the brake shoes should be adjusted so that they press more firmly against the flywheel. Both shoes should be adjusted a like amount. II It ~ T I Brake shoe / 1%" Lock Nut 3%" Adjusting Screw 11/4” Lock Nuts—- 3/4" Adjusting Screws BRAKE ASSEMBLY Tools: 1%” wrench, 3/1" wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 11/4” end wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the brake shoes. (The brake shoes are located at the bottom of the flywheel.) 2. Use a 34 " wrench to tighten each of the adjusting screws about one-half turn. 3. Hold the adjusting screws in place and tighten the lock nuts. 4. Check the adjustment by operating the machine and applying the brake. I30] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections TROLIBLES AND CORRECTIONS Objective The adjuster will encounter many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may confront an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. The following troubles may be recognized by visual and gage inspection of the component, together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Scratched or Visual inspection will reveal scratches on the inside or outside walls of the Scored Walls case. Scratches on the outside wall can be detected by finger nail inspec- tion. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Rough die—die has excess brass 1. Lap and polish die if possible, coating on inside surface. or replace with a new die. 2. Chipped die—edge on inner 2. Replace with a new die. surface of die has become chip- ped. 3. Scratched die—scratch on the 3. Polish the die if the scratch is inside surface of the die. not too deep, or replace with a new die if necessary. 4. Foreign matter—dirt, dried 4. Send the cases to the Washing soap, etc. on the cases. Department to be rewashed. Crooked Head Gaging discloses that the head of the case is irregular. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Bent injecting stem. 1. Replace with a new injecting stem. 2. Worn injecting stem ; stem un- 2. Replace with a new injecting dersize. stem. Case Head Visual inspection discloses dents, scratches, or metal accumulation on the Marred head of the case. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Worn bumper punch—-punch 1. Replace with a new bumper is undersize. punch. 2. Chipped bumper punch—-a 2. Replace with a new punch. piece is broken off the end of the punch. 3. Broken bumper punch. 3. Replace with a new punch. I 31 I CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Case Head Ma rred (Cont.) Wrinkles in Case Dented Mouth Metal Deposit Under Head Metal Deposit on Inside of Case Oversize Diameter Concave Shape in Head Irregular 4. Skinned bumper punch—punch surface marred or has excessive brass coating. 4. Polish the punch if not too badly skinned. If it is beyond repair, replace with a new punch. Visual inspection discloses wrinkles on the outside near the mouth of the case. The causes are: 1. Undersize die—the mouth of the die is too small. 2. Excessive oil or lubricant on cases. 3. Insufficient lubricant. The corrections are: 1. Lap and polish the die to the proper specification. 2. Remove cases and send to Washing Department to be re- washed, or reduce flow of lubri- cant. 3. Increase the flow to required amount. Visual inspection discloses that the mouth of the case is dented. The cause is: 1. Knockoff wire is out of time. The correction is: 1. Adjust properly. Visual inspection discloses that there is a deposit of metal under the head. The causes are: 1. Cracked die——there is a crack on the inside surface of the die. 2. Chipped die—edge on inner surface of die has become chip- ped. The corrections are: 1. Replace with a new die. 2. Replace with a new die. Visual inspection discloses that there is a deposit of metal inside the case. The causes are: 1. Cracked injecting stem. 2. Chipped injecting stem. The corrections are: 1. Replace with a new injecting stem. 2. Replace with a new injecting stem. Gaging discloses that the body of the case is too large. The cause is: 1. The die is too large. The correction is: 1. Replace with a new die. Gaging discloses that the concave head of the case is not concentric with outside of the case. The causes are: 1. Die block is out of adjustment. The corrections are: 1. Adjust properly. l32l CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Concave Shape in Head Irregular (Cont.) Pocket Out of Concentricity Cases Cut Off Cases Fed Improperly in Machine 2. Loose gibs. 3. Bent injecting stem. 2. 3. Refer to and call Maintenance Department. Replacewith newinjectingstem. Gaging discloses that the pocket is not concentric with the outside of the case. The causes are: 1. The die block is out of align- ment. Cases are crooked and defec- tive. 3. Bent injecting stern. Die bushing is undersize. 5. Loose gibs. . Cases have variable sidewall thicknesses. The corrections are: 1. oso1ii>~_oo Adjust the die block properly. Check source of supply; call the inspector. Replace with a new stem. . Replace with a new bushing. . Call Maintenance Department. . Check source of supply. Visual inspection discloses that the case has become bent, cut in half, or severed by the injecting stem. The causes are: 1. Cases feeding into feed box too long. Case is injected into die im- properly. . Case pulled out of die. The corrections are: 1. 2. Remove the long case and check the source of supply. Remove the case and check the source of supply. . Adjust properly. Visual inspection discloses that the cases are not properly feeding through the feed block and cradle. The causes are: 1. The cases are too long or too short. . Foreignmatter—dirt,scrap,etc. in feed block or cradle. . Bent cases in feed block. . Cradle out of adjustment. The corrections are: 1. Remove the cases and check the source of supply. . Remove the feed block or cra- dle and clean. . Remove bent case and check source of supply. . Adjust cradle properly. [33] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Uneven Flow of Cases from Hopper Machine Stops on Dead Center Visual inspection discloses that hopper is not feeding cases to machine properly. The causes are: 1. Defective or long case—cases from second draw are too long or defective Case is jammed in feed tube. . Foreign matter—dirt, shavings, etc. in the hopper. Overloaded hopper—too many cases in hopper. 5. Bridge is out of adjustment. 6. Belt slips———-loose belt, oily belt. The corrections are: 1. 05 Remove the cases from the hop- per and check the source of supply. . Remove the case and clear feed tube. . Clean the hopper and check the source of supply. . Remove excess cases from the hopper. Adjust the bridge properly. . Tighten the belt if it is loose; clean the belt if oily. Visual inspection discloses that the machine has stopped on dead center. The cause is: 1. The injecting stem and the bumper punch are locked against the case in the die. The correction is: 1. Adjust the machine properly. [34] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Tool Servicing Objective Servicing of New Dies TOOL SERVICING Proper tool servicing is essential to maintain standard quality in the bump- ing, pocketing, and heading of the cases. Dies and punches are costly and great care must be exercised in the servicing of these tools. Adjusters will be concerned primarily with the removal of brass and small scratches that appear on working surfaces of dies and punches; they must be careful, however, when using an abrasive on any tool, not to alter its dimensions materially. All tools that cannot be corrected by polishing or minor straightening must be returned to the Tool Service Department. 1. Dies as received from the tool room are normally undersize to allow for expansion pressure, and for lapping to a desired size when necessary. 2. The size of the die may be checked by a die plug gage, but a test run should be made before any lapping is performed. 3. As a precaution, before a test run is made, the die bore should be in- spected for roughness and polished if necessary. 4. The product from the test run should be carefully gaged and inspected. Then, and then only, if an undersize or out of true die is indicated, should the die be lapped. FIG. 1 OVER-ALL VIEW OF SPEED LATHE I35] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Tool Servicing Lapping Procedure 1. When lapping is necessary, proceed as follows: Use a lap stick made of fiber or wood about the same diameter as the die hole. 2. Tear off strips of 220 emery cloth about 1" wide and wrap the emery around the end of the lap stick until it makes a snug fit in the head of the die. FIG. 2 FIG. 3 CORRECT WAY TO PLACE DIE INCORRECT WAY TO PLACE IN CHUCK DIE IN CHUCK 3. Chuck the die in the speed lathe, head out. Care must be taken to get the die in the lathe properly. See Fig. 2. Insert the lap stick in the head of the die. Run the lathe on low speed, holding the lap stick in your hand and move it in and out to prevent cutting grooves in the die. 6. Extreme care must be taken to guard against cutting too much metal out of the die thus making it too large. 7. Remove the die from the lathe, wipe out with a cloth and gage with a plug gage. Servicing When a die becomes scratched on the inside, the above procedure will be Scratched Dies used for eliminating the scratch providing the scratch is not too deep. In case of exceptionally deep scratches the die must be returned to the tool room. 9‘? Servicing the When theinjecting stem has an accumulation of brass on it, remove the stem Injecting Stern and polish it with 220 emery cloth, by hand, until the brass is completely removed. Then polish the stem off with crocus cloth. I36] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Bearings MACHINE LLIBRICATION The efficiency of every machine depends to a great extent upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction, as far as we are con- cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite—tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [37] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. Load on the shaft or slide. Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. Constant or intermittent operation. Cleanliness of surroundings. Temperature of surroundings. .<.@.°‘tl>‘.°°.l\° Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. .S9‘.°‘b‘>‘?*°.l\'> Frequency of lubrication. I 38 I CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: Simple oil hole. Bottle oiler. Ring oiler. Plain oil cups. Drop feed cups. Wick feed cups. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 9°.q9“-’$"!‘°‘.°°.“"l"‘ Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. 1. Screw down cups. 2. Compression cups. 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrication”. Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places; in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times—except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. I39] CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART . . N 0. of Fittings, Frequency of I/ubmcant Machine Part Grease Cups, etc. Lubrication Hours Crankshaft bearings . 4 8 Connecting rod 7 8 LIGHT GREASE Rocker wheel . 1 8 (Blue Gun) Ram . 4 8 Hopper . 1 24 Knockoff Cam 1 8 Flush gibs 4 4 Rocker arms 4 8 Cam on eccentrics . 1 8 Knockoff pin shaft . 2 8 MEDIUM OIL Brake lever . . . . . 6 24 (Red Oiler) Push block conveyor . 4 8 Cam roller . . . . . 1 8 Push blocks and parts 3 8 CALIBER .30 BUMPING MACHINE Index Adjustment, Bumper Punch, 24 Concentricity, 18 Cradle, 25 Die Block, Horizontal, 20 Die Block, Vertical, 21 Feed Tube Mouth, 27 Flywheel Brake, 30 Flywheel Motor Belt, 29 Hopper Feed Bridge, Horizontal, 26 Hopper Feed Bridge, Vertical, 27 Injecting Stem, 23 Pin Wheel Hopper Belt, 28 Anti-friction Bearings, 37 Anvil, 9, 10, 11 Bottom Thickness, 15 Brake, 3, 6 Assembly, 6 Lever, 6 Shoe, 3, 6 Bumped Case, 13, 14 Bumper, 13, 14 Punch Adjustment, 24 Ram, 3 Stem, 14 Bumping Punch, 11 Bushing, 9, 10, 11 Cap Nut, 10 Case Head Marred, 31, 32 Cases Cut Off, 33 Fed Improperly, 33 Out of Concentricity, 33 Coil Spring Feed Tube, 13, 14 Concave Shape in Head Irregular, 32 Concentricity Adjustment, 18 Cradle, 13, 14 Adjustment, 25 Crankshaft, 2, 4 Crooked Head, 31 Defects, 16 Dented Mouth, 32 Dial Indicator Gage, 16 Die, 3, 9, 12 Block, 18, 19 Block Assembly, 9 INDEX Die Block, Horizontal, Adjustment, 20 Block, Vertical, Adjustment, 21 Holder, 3 Disposal, 13 Eccentric Cam, 3, 4 Elevator, 3 Feed Motor, 1 Sleeve, 3 Tube, 3, 25 Tube Mouth Adjustment, 27 Floor Space, 1 Flow Chart, 14 Flywheel, 2, 3, 6 Brake Adjustment, 30 Motor Belt Adjustment, 29 Friction, 37 Front Spanner Adjusting Nut, 10, 11 Gage Care, 16 Gages, 16 Grease, 38 Height, 1 Hopper Box, 7 Feed Bridge, Horizontal, Adjust- ment, 26 Feed Bridge, Vertical, Adjustment, 27 Injecting Stem, 10, 13, 14 Stem Adjustment, 23 Stem Assembly, 10 Stem Holder, 10 Knockoff, 13 Wire, 3 Lap Stock, 36 Lapping, 35 Procedure, 36 Lubricating Film, 37 Lubrication, 3, 37 Chart, 40 Hints on, 39 Methods, 38 Machine Motor, 1 Stops on Dead Center, 34 Manufacturer, 1 Metal Deposit on Inside of Case, 32 Deposit Under Head, 32 Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 39 Motor, 2 Outside Diameter, 15 Overhead Hopper, 13, 14 Oversize Diameter, 32 Pin Wheel Hopper, 3, 7, 8, 13, 14 Wheel Hopper Box, 13, 14 Wheel Hopper Motor Belt Adjust- ment, 28 Power, 2, 14 Production, 1 Punch, 12 Holder, 11 Holder Assembly, 11 Ram, 3, 5 Rear Spanner Adjusting Nut, 10, 11 Rocker Arm, 3, 4 R.P.M. of Crank, 1 Scored Walls, 31 Scratched Walls, 31 Selecting a Lubricant, 38 Servicing Ejecting Stem, 36 New Dies, 35 Scratched Die, 36 Sidewall Variation, 15 Speed Lathe, 35 Stem, 12 Ram, 3 Stroke, 1 Switch, 2 Tools, 1 Transmission, 2 Twin Ring Gage, 16 Type of Feed, 1 Uneven Flow of Cases, 34 V Belt, 7 Visual Inspection, 16 Washing Department, 15 Weight, 1 Wrinkles in Case, 32 [41] TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Third Draw Case BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 194] United States Government Contract W-ORD-481, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917, C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 443, 7 6th Congress, 3rd Session). II MANUAL CORRECTIONS—CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE LOCATION Page 10— 1] 3 Page 11 — 1] 1, Page 13- Spacer Location Page 1 6—Spec Page 11,—— ‘I 8 Page 30—Proc 3 ERROR Latch Pin Catch Die Block Holder “above die” Outside diameter before 3rd Draw .571—.574 Inside diameter before 3rd Draw .270—.272 Bottom thickness before 3rd Draw .140-.136 Inside diameter after 3rd Draw .228—.226 1st Draw 2nd Draw %" Wrench CORRECTION Clutch Lever Catch Die Block “below die” Outside diameter before 3rd Draw .57 0—.57 2 Inside diameter before 3rd Draw .518—.520 Bottom thickness before 3rd Draw .137 —.141 Inside diameter after 3rd Draw .480—.482 2nd Draw 3rd Draw %" Wrench TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tool Holder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Tool Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Tool Servicing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 III DRAW PRESS—CALlBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE IV CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Catalogue Data Manufacturer Machine Description Machine Motor Type of Feed Feed Motor Production Crankshaft Speed Stroke Cooling Solution Pump Tools : Floor Space Over-all Height Weight CATALOGUE DATA E. W. Bliss Co., Brooklyn, New York Vertical straight side single crank press E. W. Bliss No. 304 6 V-belt drive motor to crankshaft 7% h.p.; 3 phase; 60 cycle; 220/440 V; 23.5/11.8 amps.; 865 R.P.M. Automatic pin wheel hopper 6 R.P.M. Gearhead % h.p.; 1 phase; 60 cycle; 115/230 V; 3.4/1.7 amp.; 1725 R.P.M. co. shaft 48 R.P.M. 270 components per minute 90 r.p.m. 8/! Centrifugal (Gusher) model 1—P3 1/10 h.p. 1 phase; 60 cycle; 110 volt Punch Die Guide ring Spacer Stripper Stripper holder Stripper spring Split bushing Split bushing spring Bushing sleeve 4/8//X7/3” 10 ft. x 10% in. 8,000 lbs. Piece No.: D-3 .515x16 .580x3/16” radius .580x3/16” radius .520 1.492x60° .520 AE—8 21/2”x10"x.016 AE—5 [1] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Machine Description Motor Hopper Box Power and Transmission MACHINE DESCRIPTION FRONT VIEW The E. W. Bliss single draw press No. 304, illustrated above, is powered by a 7 X; h.p. motor, through six V belts, to the flywheel mounted on a horizontal crankshaft. Incorporated in the flywheel hub is a rolling key clutch for control of power to the crankshaft through linkage to an individual clutch lever. A conventional brake drum is located on the end of the crankshaft op- posite the flywheel. A lined brake shoe secured and located by a bracket attached to the machine frame provides the friction necessary to hold the crankshaft in position when the clutch is disengaged. The clutch and brake action are synchronized through the clutch lever. When the clutch is engaged, the brake is released, and when the clutch is disengaged, the brake is applied. [21 CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE ‘ Machine Description Power and Transmission (Cont.) Pin Wheel Hopper Feed Tracks Ram Detector Stems Cooling Solution Controls In normal operation, if the clutch is disengaged for any reason, the crank- shaft will always stop at the maximum upward position of the crank. For inspection or adjustment purposes, the crankshaft may be stopped and held in any desired position while the machine is rotated by hand. The pin wheel hopper receives cases from an overhead source and through feed tubes deposits the cases, “mouth up,” in the feed tracks on the bed of the machine. The motive power for the pin wheel hopper is supplied by a 1/8 h.p. reduc- tion gear head motor, on an adjustable mounting bracket at the left side of the hopper, through a V belt to the pin wheel. The feed tracks, with the assistance of the feed fingers, transfer the cases from the feed tubes to the punch and die stations. The ram is a heavy cast-iron block. Its mass assists the power stroke of the punch and absorbs the shock of impact and subsequent vibration. The lower surface is machined for the attachment of a punch holder block. The ram, the sides of which are fitted into V grooves to guide it in its vertical motion, is connected to the crankshaft throw by a non- adjustable connecting rod. Two coil springs are attached between the back side of the ram and a spring bracket mounted on the machine frame above the crankshaft. The springs act as a counter balance and assist in dissipating the vibration set up by the punches’ contact with the cases during the drawing process. The detector system, which is mounted on the front of the ram, is a mechanism which detects inverted cases, cases on their sides, and foreign objects within cases as they travel through the feed tracks. Above each feed track is located a detector stem. If a detector stem en- counters an improperly positioned case or a foreign object in a case, the stem will be forced upward, and will move the knockoff bar to the right. The knockoff bar will strike and move the clutch lever latch pin to the right, tripping the clutch lever; thus the clutch is disengaged, the brake is applied, and the machine is stopped. To prolong die and punch life each case is bathed by a cooling solution which acts both as a cooling and a lubricating agent. The base of the machine forms a reservoir for this cooling solution which is pumped through a pipe system to the die. The pump is driven by a 1/10 h.p. vertical, direct drive motor. The main motor control switch is of the push button “start and stop” type. An overload switch, with a “reset” push button is also provided for protection of the main drive motor. Two toggle switches, contained in the same case, are provided for control of the hopper and pump motors. The right hand switch is for the pump motor, and the left hand switch controls the hopper motor. [3] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Machine Description Lubrication Pin Wheel Hopper Description Ho per oor Hopper Spokes Lubrication of all moving parts is accomplished by Alemite-Zerk fittings, oil cups, oil holes, or distribution of lubricant by oiler, swab, etc., over desired point. (See special lubrication chart, page 44.) The pin wheel hopper and hopper box are located at the top and to the left of the machine. The pin wheel hopper box is a cast-iron reservoir with the bottom sloping toward an opening and leading into the pin wheel hopper. The pin wheel hopper, attached to the front of the hopper box, is mounted on a project- ing cast-iron, bronze-lined bearing, into which is fitted the pin wheel shaft and hub. The pin wheel hopper consists of an inner and an outer dish-shaped rim and a midsection of pin rings and spacer rings, bolted to form the hopper assembly. The outer rim has three spokes attached to a hub shaft on which the entire hopper revolves. This shaft extends through the hopper box. The shaft has a pinion gear on the fiat end that meshes with a ring gear and pulley that is driven by a V belt from a gear reduction V8 h.p. motor. Hopper Box tiub and Shatt Feed Tubes FRONT VIEW OF PIN WHEEL HOPPER WITH DOOR OPEN [4] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Machine Description Pin Wheel Hopper The pin rings have a series of steel pins, spaced approximately 1" apart on their inner circumference, and set at an angle with the radii. The spacer rings are wider than the pin rings and are chamfered on their inner edge. This chamfer forms a channel between each of the spacers, to guide the components onto the pins. As the pin wheel hopper rotates clockwise, some of the pins pick up the cases and convey them upward. Contacting each row of pins as they rotate upward is a spring steel strip, called a rake-off spring, which rakes off all cases that are not properly seated on the pins. As the cases continue their upward travel, they contact a pin wheel bridge which holds them on the pins. There is a pin wheel bridge for each row of pins. As the cases reach their nearly vertical “head down” position, they come to the end of the pin wheel bridge, where they slide off into the mouth of the feed tube. The door for the front of the pin wheel hopper is dish-shaped to match the pin wheel rim, and is hinged at the left of the hopper box. The door is held shut by a rotary latch. Pin Wheel Bridge Pin Wheel Adjustment Bridge Steel Pins INTERIOR OF PIN WHEEL HOPPER l5I CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Machine Description Detector System DETECTOR SYSTEM The detector system is a mechanism which detects cases not in proper position and foreign objects within feed tracks. The detector system which is bolted to the front of the ram consists of a detector stem for each feed track. If a detector stem encounters a foreign object in a case or locates an improperly positioned case, the detector stem will be forced up, and by cam action on its upper end will move the knockoff bar to the right. The knockoff bar will strike the clutch lever latch pin tripping the clutch lever which disengages the clutch and applies the brake, thereby stopping the action of the ram. The clutch lever returns to an “off” position by spring action. Push Rod Clutch Lever Knockout Assembly SIDE VIEW OF DETECTOR SYSTEM [6] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Machine Description Feed Tubes and Bfidge The lower end of the feed tube mouth is connected to the upper end of the feed tube by means of a bushing. A bayonet type of bushing is used to connect the lower end of the tube to the feed tube bridge. The feed tube is bolted to the work plate above the feed tracks. The feed tube bridge holds the feed tubes in position over the case tracks. The cases slide, head down, from the feed tube mouth, down the feed tubes, to a position on the feed fingers in the feed tracks. Feed Tubes Bayonet Connection \ \ . Latch Pin Feed Tube \ Bridge '.-+ I Feed _/ Track Bolster Plate FEED TUBE ASSEMBLY I7] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Machine Description Feed Tracks The machine has a series of two-piece feed tracks that hold the cases in a mouth-up position. Each track is bolted to the bolster plate of the machine. On the inner face of each track is a series of ball spring tension stops, spaced to hold the cases in an upright position. On the rear of each track is a brass back-stop to prevent the cases from being forced past the dies. ' As the ram ascends, an arm fastened to the ram lifts a plunger rod which actuates a rocker arm assembly which, in turn, furnishes motive power for the feed fingers. The case, which has just emerged from the feed tube, is forced against the others in the feed tracks by the feed fingers. This causes the case, in the rear of the tracks, to be forced past the ball spring stops to a position over the dies where the punch descends and forces the case through the die. Feed Tracks Plunger Rod Case Counters Feed Finger Rocker — Arm FRONT VIEW OF FEED TRACKS I8] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Machine Description Rear of Press The rear view of the Caliber .30 Third draw press shows the motors and adjustable brackets. The press is started and stopped by a clutch in the crankshaft flywheel. Below the frame is a V8 h.p. motor (not shown in picture) which drives the cooling pump and circulates the cooling solution from the reservoir, in the machine bed, through the pipe system to the punches and dies. The cooling solution serves as both a coolant and a lubricant. Motor ‘ V Belts Bracket Hopper Box Clutch ' Lever \ Cooling Solution Feed Pipes REAR VIEW [9] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Machine Description Connecting Rod The flywheel on the end of the crankshaft transmits power to the ram, and Ram through the crankshaft and connecting rod. There are two heavy coil springs which cushion the impact of the ram on its downward stroke and help in a small way to lift the ram on its upward stroke. REAR VIEW FRONT VIEW The clutch lever is used to start and stop the press. In the running posi- tion it is hooked onto the latch pin catch. For automatic stop, the latch pin kicks the lever off its hook. The rod on the clutch lever connects the lever to the clutch. I10] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Tool Holder Description TOOL HOLDER DESCRIPTION Guide Ring: The guide ring is inserted into the die block from the top side above the draw die. It centers the com- ponent in a vertical position over the draw die. :73 _ ‘ Draw Die: The draw die is placed in the die hole of the die M / holder from the top side under the guide ring. The draw III die forms and controls the outside diameter of the com- ponent. I -PU~ , I 1 - . . . Spacer Rmg. The spacer r1ng, Wl1ICh 1s assembled 1n the die block below the die, acts as a build-up for the die. Die Block Holder: The die block holder holds the die as- sembly. It is held in the channel of its bolster plate by a lock pin. The bolster plate is adjustable to allow centering the die assembly under the punch. A vertical lip on the rear end of the die block assists the adjuster in inserting, locating and removing the die block. Stripper Ring: The stripper holder holds the assembled stripper. It is inserted into the die assembly hole from the under side and rests on the base plate. Die Block Assembly Stripper: The stripper consists of three segments held to- gether by a coiled spring. The stripper is inserted in the stripper ring with the large end of the tapered hole up. It strips the case from the punch after the case has been forced through the die assembly. Die Block BasePlate: The die block base plate serves as an anvil for the die block. The projection on the bottom of the plate guides the component onto the conveyor. Guide Ring Die Spacer Ring Stripper Holder Spfing Stripper 'o'o'e'o'o'o'0'0'.:{Q0} >.o.e.o.o.o.o.o.o. . . , n n 0 Q 0 0 0 0.0.033.‘ 1 ' - ‘“"”“ - A CROSS-SECTIONAL DRAWING or ASSEMBLED DIE BLOCK I 11 l CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE , Tool Holder Description Punch Holder Anvil: The anvil is inserted in the top side of the punch Assembly / holder in contact with the head of the punch and punch holder. It protects the face of the ram from the thrust of the ' punch. I j Punch Holder: The punch holder is placed in the punch holder block from the top side by “press fit," flanged end up. T’ The lower end is threaded to receive a hexagon gland nut. ‘I Punch Holder Block: The punch holder block is bolted to the under side of the ram by four Allen screws. It holds the punch assembly. Split Collar: The split collar acts as a flange on the head end of the punch. It is held in place by a coil spring. The spacer bushing is held in place against the split collar by a gland nut. Punch: The punch, assembled with a gland nut, sleeve and split collar is inserted in the bottom side of the punch holder, and is held in a vertical position. Sleeve: The sleeve is place on the punch from the bottom end before the gland nut. It acts as a spacer in the alignment of the punch. Gland Nut: The gland nut, which has threads on its outer surface, is screwed into the inner threads of the punch holder, forcing the spacer against the split collar. The gland nut holds the punch assembly in the punch holder. Button Anvil \ / ,/ _ Punch Holder H \\ Split Collar Bushing \ ‘ \\ Key V/' ~\\\ s\\ Gland Nut Punch CROSS-SECTIONAL DRAWING OF ASSEMBLED PUNCH BLOCK I 12 I CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Tool Description - Guide Ring Die TOOL DESCRIPTION Tool Name: Punch~Third Draw Piece No.: D-3 Location: Held vertically in ram Normal Life: 1 tool, 312,000 pieces The punch is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. The shank is slightly softer than the working end. Tool Name: Guide ring—Third Draw Piece No.: .580x3/1%” radius Location: Above die Normal Life: 1 tool, 1,000,000 pieces The guide ring is hardened tool steel. The hole is ground and polished. The top and bottom surfaces are only ground. Tool Name: Die—Third Draw Piece No.: .515xl6 Location: Die block Normal Life: 1 tool, 5,000 pieces The die is made of tool steel, ground, hardened and polished. Tool Name: Spacer—Third Draw Piece No.: .580x%/6” radius Location: Above die Normal Life: 1 tool, 1,000,000 pieces Tool Name: Stripper—Third Draw Piece No.: .520 Location: Die block—under die Normal Life: 1 tool, 100,000 pieces The stripper consists of three segments held together with a coiled spring band ;it is made of tool steel, ground, hardened and polished. Tool Name: Stripper holder—Third Draw Piece No.: 1.492x60° Location: Between die and stripper Normal Life: 1 tool, 10,000,000 pieces The stripper holder is hardened tool steel, ground on all surfaces. [13] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Process Sequence Overhead Hopper Pin Wheel Hopper Box Pin Wheel Hopper Feed Tube Feed Finger and Feed Track Ram and Punch The Draw Stripper and Disposal Lubrication PROCESS SEQUENCE The cases are fed by gravity from a truck or conveyor into the overhead hopper and drop through a feed pipe, into the pin wheel hopper box. Cases flow from the pin wheel hopper box through an opening past the agitator into the bottom part of the pin wheel hopper. As the pin wheel hopper rotates, cases are agitated and picked up by pins on the inside circumference of the pin wheel and carried up past the rake- off springs which knock off misaligned cases and push partly set cases all the way on pins. As the cases are carried to the top of the pin wheel they are held on the pins by the bridge. At the end of the bridge they drop off one at a time into the open end of the feed tube mouth up. Cases fall by gravity down through the coil spring feed tube into a bushing mounted on the feed tube bridge and rest momentarily on the feed finger. On the downward stroke of the ram the feed finger moves back permitting the case to fall into the feed track. On the upward stroke of the ram the feed finger moves forward pushing the cases along the feed track past the spring buttons. The ball spring stop keeps the cases in an upright posi- tion and prevents them from falling over. Cases pass by the counter under and past the detector stems which detect foreign matter and in- verted cases. They pass to the rear of the feed tracks where they drop into the guide ring directly over the dies and under the punch. The ram descends with the punch and forces the case through the guide ring into and through the die and stripper. The forcing of the case through the die reduces the wall thickness and diameter and increases the length of the case. This is known as the draw. Before the draw, the component is known as the first draw case and, after the draw, as the second draw case. As the punch withdraws from the dies, the cases are stripped off by a three- segmented stripper located under the die, then falls onto a slide down a chute through a rotary washer to a mechanical conveyor. During the drawing operation the cases are lubricated and tools cooled by a cooling solution which flows over the cases through an opening under the work plate. [14] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Process Sequence FLOW CHART Overhead Hopper Cases are fed by gravity from truck or conveyor into overhead hopper through feed pipe. Feed Pipe Conveys cases by gravity down into pin wheel hopper box. I Pin Wheel Hopper Box Cases flow through opening in pin wheel hopper box past agitator into bottom of pin wheel hopper. I Pin Wheel Hopper Rotates and cases are picked up by pins and car- ried up past rake-off springs to top of pin wheel where they are held by the bridge. At the end of the bridge they drop off, one at a time, into open end of coil spring feed tube, mouth up. Hopper is powered by a %; h.p. reduction motor through a V- type belt. I Coil Spring Feed Tube Conveys cases by gravity, mouth up, into the bushing mounted in the feed tube bridge, where they rest momentarily on the feed hammer. Feed Finger Moves backward, allowing the case to drop into feed track. It then moves forward pushing the case along the feed track. Feed finger is powered from the rocker arm shaft through the push rod through the ram. Feed Track Guides the cases, single file, past and under the detector stem to rear of track, where cases drop into the dies and under the punch. I Dies and Punch As the ram descends, the punch forces the case through the dies and stripper increasing the length, and decreasing the diameter and the sidewall thickness of the case. Stripper After the punch forces the case through the dies, it withdraws and the case is stripped off by a three- segmented stripper under the dies and falls onto a slide and drops down a chute through a rotary washer to a mechanical conveyor. Ram is powered from the connecting rod through the crank- shaft, clutch and flywheel by 6 V-type belts to 7 % h.p. motor mounted on top of press. CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Product Description After Second Draw Product Description FIG. 1. BEFORE THIRD DRAW PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The component, when received by the third draw is in the form of a case as shown in Fig. No. 1. The case is received from the Annealing Department where it was an- nealed, pickled and washed. When the case is delivered to the Anneal- ing Department from the bumping operation, the metal has a very bright, brassy appearance and a smooth finish. After the case has been annealed, the metal appears dull and has a rough finish. The case is made of brass (70% copper, 30% zinc). The closed end of the cylinder is the bottom and the open end is the mouth. The dimensions of the cup are as follows: Before Third Draw After Third Draw Outside Diameter .574 — .571 Outside Diameter .519— .517 Inside Diameter .272 — .270 Inside Diameter .228— .226 Bottom Thickness .140 — .136 Bottom Thickness .150— .165 Sidewall Variation .0005— .002 Sidewall Variation .001— .002 Over-all Length l.636ul.629 Over-all Length 2.116—2.118 After the drawing operation, the case is delivered to the Annealing De- partment where it is annealed, pickled and washed before being delivered to the fourth draw. FIG. 2. AFTER THIRD DRAW After After After After After After Annealing Washing Third First Annealing Washing Operation Operation Draw Trim Operation Operation [16] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Inspection Visual Gage Care Gages INSPECTION At frequent intervals, after the drawing operation, a careful visual inspec- tion of the cases must be made. The cases should be inspected for scratches on the inside and outside walls, for crooked heads, crooked tops, and bodies that are not round. When these defects are found, require an immediate ad- justment of the machine in order to correct the fault. Whenever defective cases are found, the lot from which they come must be removed from the machine and properly identified so the bad lot will not get mixed up with the good cases. - Gages are expensive instruments machined to a fine precision. Improper use or carelessness in gaging may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may affect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be employed in matching a case to a gage. A protected location should be used for storage of gages to prevent their damage when not in use. The most accurate checks are made when the cases are cool since heat causes expansion of the metal and results in a temporary variation in the case size. The outside diameter of the case is gaged with a twin ring gage. Cases must pass through the larger or “go” ring and must not pass through the smaller “no go" ring. The bottom thickness of the case is checked on a dial indicator. Vari- ation in this dimension greatly affects succeeding draws. I17] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Inspection The sidewall thickness gage used for checking the sidewall thick- ness of a case is a dial indicator with a horizontal punch held stationary directly underneath the stem. The case is placed on the horizontal punch and the reading of the sidewall variation taken while the case is revolved on the axis of the punch. The above described inspection methods are those most commonly em- ployed in Caliber .30 third draw case. However, other methods may be developed to maintain the manufacturing standards. [18] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Adjustments Objective Cautions ADJUSTMENTS To maintain satisfactory production a machine must be adjusted to com- pensate for the wear of its tools and other working parts, and to meet new conditions caused by a difference in material. It is necessary to inspect the machine and components regularly in order that any troubles may be detected and corrected immediately. This section of the manual, with its illustrations, photographs, and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all of the machine troubles that will be en- countered, therefore certain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. A thorough analysis of the trouble will indi- cate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. Adjustments are never to be made while the machine is in motion, or until the flywheel has stopped. Inspect the clutch latch rather than the starting button to determine whether the clutch is disengaged. Make frequent inspection to determine whether proper and sufficient lubricant is being pumped to the working tools of the machine. Adjustments on, or below, the ram requires the insertion of a wood block between the ram and the bedplate to prevent its falling. This block will avoid damage to the machine tools or injury to the adjuster’s hands, should the ram fall accidentally. Examine the machine periodically to determine whether all connections and adjustments are secure. I19] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Adjustments Punch The punch may become worn causing the inside of the case to be too small in diameter or may become scratched causing scratches on the inside of the case. In either case the punch must be replaced. Replacement Tools: Procedure: if PUNCH BLOCK ASSEMBLY 1?/8" wrench 1. Remove the rear guard by lifting it up and pulling it out away from the machine. Use a 13/8" wrench to remove the gland nut in the punch holder while holding the punch with the other hand. Pull down on the punch removing the assembly from the punch holder. Remove the bushing, gland nut and the split collar from the worn or broken punch and place these parts on the new punch, making sure the wide shoulder on the split collar is up. Insert the punch assembly in the punch holder and tighten the gland nut. Caution: Be sure that the punch is clean. Replace the rear guard. Check the replacement for accuracy by drawing a case. I 20 l CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Adjustments Die Replacement Tools: Procedure: The dies may become worn causing the case to be too large in diameter or may become scratched causing scratches on the outside of the case. In either case the die must be removed and replaced with a new die. til DIE BLOCK ASSEMBLY screwdriver 1. Remove the rear guard by lifting up and pulling out on the bottom. Lift out the die block lock pin. Pull out the die block, keeping one hand underneath to prevent stripper from dropping out. Turn the die block upside down allowing the dies to fall out into your hand. Turn the die block right side up. Slide the die block back in the machine part of the way while getting new dies. Replace the dies in the die block making sure that the bottom die is on the bottom with the tapered end down. Push the die block back in the machine and replace the die block lock pin. Replace the guard. Check for accuracy by drawing a case. I 21 l CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Adjustments Pin Wheel Bridge In order to adjust the position of the bridges in relation to the pins on the pinwheel, each bridge can be adjusted by the vertical bolts connected to the bridges. Each bolt adjusts one of the bridges and should be adjusted so that the cases will travel along the bridge to the feed mouth. If the bridges are not properly adjusted, the cases will fall from the pins before arriving at the feed mouth, or will jam along the bridge. INTERIOR VIEW OF PIN WHEEL HOPPER TOOIS: Procedure: Two 1%” wrenches 1. Open the hopper inspection gate by pulling down on the gate. 2. Use two 1%" wrenches. Hold the top nut with one wrench and loosen the bottom lock nut on the vertical adjusting bolt with the other wrench. 3. Turn the adjusting nut until the bridge is approximately 3/4" from the pins on the pin wheel. 4. Tighten the lock nut while holding the adjusting nut,in place and close the hopper inspection gate. 5. Check the adjustment for accuracy by turning on the power and observing whether or not the cases fall properly down through the feed tube. I22] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Adjustments Hopper Feed The feed tube mouth receives the cases after they travel the length of Tube Mouth the pin wheel bridge. The mouth should be in line with the pins on the pin wheel so that the cases will drop from the pins into the feed tube mouth. If the mouth is not adjusted properly, the cases will jam at the feed mouth. Adjustment is made on the adjusting bolt that connects the feed tube mouth to the pin wheel bridge. §. ' 1. ‘A . > ' .‘ ‘ '\:r" ‘ ~..*R.. ...o.A ENLARGEMENT OF HOPPER FEED GUIDE MOUTH Feed FEED MOUTH ADJUSTMENT Mouth Adjustment Tools: 1/4" wrench Procedure: 1. Open the hopper inspection gate by pulling down on the gate. 2. Use a 1/4" wrench to loosen the set screw on the bottom of the feed tube bridge. 3. Adjust the feed tube mouth by hand until it is in alignment with the pins on the pin wheel, and tighten the set screw. 4. Check by turning on the hopper motor and observing the action of the cases. 5. When accuracy has been attained, close the inspection gate. [23] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Adjustments __*___—_—__—_—_—__——_—;.———-—— Feed Fingers Tools: Procedure: The feed fingers push the cases along the feed track to the punch and die. If it is not properly adjusted, the case may fail to drop from the feed socket into the feed track, or if the feed finger is set too far back, the cases will not travel smoothly along the feed track. The position of the feed fingers is adjusted by adjusting the nuts on top of the push rod. They should be adjusted so that the case just clears the feed finger when the case drops from the feed socket into the feed track. Feed Finger Adjustment ENLARGEMENT OF FEED FINGER ADJUSTMENT FEED ASSEMBLY Two 11/4" wrenches 1. 2. 3. Lift the guard by hand until the latch engages the bottom of the guard. Place three or four cases in the feed track against the feed finger. Disconnect the feed tubes by turning with your hand until the bayonet fitting is disengaged, and place a case in the feed tube socket. Turn the flywheel one complete turn and continue until the ram is at its lowest position. This places the feed fingers at the extreme back stroke. Lower the front guard. Use two 11/4" wrenches to loosen the lock nut on top of the push rod. Use a 1%" wrench to turn the adjusting nut on top of the push rod until the case in the feed tube socket drops into the feed track. Tighten the lock nut while holding the adjusting nut in place. Turn the flywheel until the ram is at the top dead center. Caution: Make sure all guards are in place before starting the machine. I24} CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Adjustments Brake Adjust the brake so that it will keep the ram from falling when the clutch is disengaged. It must be adjusted so that the brake drum is gripped firmly when the brake is applied, but must not be so tight that it drags when the drum is in motion. “ I-In “ “- \” “PI ” “ Qua» -an-V mnunb " “ O. /. M ._ ‘I wt U» 4*!» -e .- ~ - w . 1» ‘ .’ do I ‘I Q - - ‘~ ~ an-. ms .- ‘~ n ‘D - ~ #l\> 1 ' BRAKE ASSEMBLY SKETCH OF BRAKE ASSEMBLY Tools: 7/8” wrench, V2" wrench Procedure: 1. Use a 7/8” wrench to loosen the lock nuts on both of the adjusting screws on the brake shoes. 2. Use a %” wrench to loosen the adjusting screw a fraction of a turn, bringing the shoe closer to the brake drum. 3. Tighten the lock nuts on the adjusting screws. 4. Operate the machine and observe the action of the brake. Note: The above procedure should be repeated until the brake drags slightly while the machine is in motion. Then the adjusting screws should be tightened just enough to free the shoe from the drum. I25] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Adjustments Brake Release Rod The brake release rod connects the brake lever to the clutch lever. Its function is to synchronize the action of the brake and the clutch. When the clutch is disengaged, the brake lever should be released so that the brake may be applied through the brake spring. Also when the clutch is engaged, the rod should act to pull the brake lever sufficiently to release the brake shoe from the brake drum. For proper adjustment the adjusting nut should be about 1%” above the brake lever. I ENLARGEMENT OF BRAKE RELEASE ROD -i ll IIII, tiililtllllllllflllllllllllll.Illlllllllll BRAKE Tools: Two 1%,” wrenches Procedure: 1. Use an IV“-,” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the brake release rod while holding the adjusting nut with another 1%” wrench. 2. Use an M6" wrench to turn the adjusting nut until it is about 11/4” above the_brake lever. 3. Tighten the lock nut while holding the adjusting nut in place. 4. To check for accuracy, engage the clutch, turn on the power, and then disengage the clutch and observe whether or not the brake lever is released. [26] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Adiusfmenfs Broke Spring The brake spring acts to close the brake shoe against the brake drum. The spring must have sufficient tension to press the brake shoe firmly against the brake drum when the brake rod is released. .1‘ Spring BRAKE ASSEMBLY Tools: 1%" wrench Procedure: 1. Use a. 1146” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the brake spring rod. 2. Use a 1%” wrench to turn the adjusting nut on the spring rod until there is a firm pressure against the brake shoes. 3. Hold the adjusting nut in place and tighten the lock nut. 4. Check the adjustment by operating the clutch lever and observing whether or not the brake shoe presses firmly against the drum when the clutch is disengaged. [27] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Adjustments Detector Stem The detector stern actuates the knockout bar which in turn actuates the clutch lever trip. If the knockout bar is adjusted properly and the detector system fails to trip the clutch when there is an inverted case or foreign material in the case on the feed track, the stems must be adjusted. The stems should be adjusted so they almost touch the bottom of the case when the ram is in its bottom dead center. ENLARGEMENT OF ADJUSTMENT FOR DETECTOR STEM Adjustment For Detector Stem DETECTOR ASSEMBLY Tools: Procedure: 1%” wrench, 1/2" wrench 1. 2. 3. Raise the front guard until the latch engages the bottom of the guard. Place test cases under the detector stem, mouth up. Engage the clutch and turn the flywheel until the ram is at bottom dead center. Hold the stem with a %” wrench and loosen the lock nut with an 1%,” wrench. Adjust the detector stem until it touches the bottom of the case lightly. Use an I1/in” wrench to tighten the lock nut on the detector stem. Turn the flywheel with a flywheel rod until the ram is about three- fourths its upward travel, then disengage the clutch and continue turning the flywheel until it has reached the top dead center. Lower the glass guard before resuming production. I 28 I CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Adjustments Knockout Bar Tools: Procedure: The purpose of the detector system is to disengage the clutch if there is an inverted case or foreign material in the case on the feed track. If it fails to perform its function, either the knockout bar or the detector stem is out of adjustment. The knockout bar should be checked first by bring- ing the ram to bottom dead center and checking the clearance between the knockout bar and the clutch lever trip. A clearance of about .004” should exist at this point. If the clearance is not correct the knockout bar must be adjusted. or Lock Nuts ENLARGEMENT OF KNOCKOUT BAR DETECTOR ASSEMBLY Two 7/3" wrenches, feeler gage 1. Raise the front guard until the latch engages the bottom of the guard. 2. Lower the ram with a flywheel rod until it is at the bottom of the stroke. 3. Use a 7/8” wrench to loosen the lock nuts on top of the bottom part of the knockout bar. 4. Use a %" wrench to adjust the knockout bar by turning the bottom adjusting screws until there is a .004” clearance between the knockout bar and the emergency release pin. 5. Tighten the lock nuts against the knockout bar. 6. Raise the ram by turning the flywheel with the flywheel rod. 7. Release the latch on the bottom of the guard and allow the guard to drop back into position. [29] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Adjustments Clutch Lever Spring When the clutch lever is released, it is pulled up by the clutch lever spring. This action should disengage the clutch and release the brake lever so the brake shoe can be pressed against the brake drum. If the spring does not perform its function, the tension must be increased. I -I‘ $-‘it if “*~* r. \__ x. 5* if 5 "Tf""f*\~ .3 5% S 2 ; ENLARGEMENT Rf" ; BRAKE SPRING I ADJUSTMENT REAR VIEW: CLUTCH LEVER SPRING CIRCLED Tools: Procedure: Two %” wrenches 1. Use a V8” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the adjusting screw. 2. Use a 7/8" wrench to turn the adjusting nut until the tension on the spring will draw the kick-out cam firmly against the clutch housing when the clutch is disengaged. Use a %” wrench to hold the adjusting nut while tightening the lock nut, using another 7/8” wrench. I30] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Adjustments Friction Ball Spring The friction balls backed up by springs form the stations for the cases in the feed track. If the springs become worn or dirty, the cases will not travel smoothly along the feed track. This necessitates the removal of the feed track guides, the cleaning of the springs and the replacing of the worn springs. Replacement Tools: Procedure: FEED TRACK ASSEMBLY 3 ” Allen wrench, %” Allen wrench, V” wrench 8" screwdriver 8 8 r 1. 2. 9°71?‘ 10. 11. Raise the front guard until the latch engages on the bottom of the guard. Remove the feed tubes from the bridge by turning the bayonet fittings by hand until disengaged. Use a 38" wrench to remove the nuts from each end of the bridge and remove the bridge from the machine. Use a 5/16" Allen wrench to remove all of the Allen screws in each side of the feed track, also the screws in the back stop. Lift the feed tracks and the back stops from the machine. Use an 8" screwdriver to remove the screws from the sides of the feed track. Lift the plate from the feed track. Remove the ball bearings from the top of the springs. Lift the springs out, inspect for tension and breakage. Put a drop of oil on the springs and replace in the feed track. Place the ball bearings on top of the springs and replace the feed track plate. Caution: Watch that the ball bearings do not bind while the plate is being replaced. Replace the tracks in the machine and tighten the Allen screws. Replace the back stops and tighten the Allen screws. Release the catch on the guard and lower it in place. [31] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Objective Scored or Scratched Walls Crooked Draw TROUBLES AND CORRECTIONS The adjuster will meet many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may con- front an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. Recognition of the following troubles is made by visual and gage inspection of the component together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Visual inspection will reveal scratches on the inside or outside walls of the case. Finger nail inspection is especially valuable in detecting scratches on the outside wall. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Foreign matter (dirt, grit, shav- 1. Remove the cooling solution, ings, etc.) in the cooling solution. Foreign matter (dirt, dried soap, etc.) on the cases. Chipped punch——a piece broken off the end of the punch. Skinned punch—punch surface marred. Cracked die—fracture in the cross section of the die. Scratched die—scratched on the inside surface of the die. clean the reservoir, replace with clean cooling solution. . Send the cups to the Washing Department to be rewashed. . Replace with a new punch. . Polish the punch if it is not too badly skinned. If it is beyond repair, replace with new punch. . Replace with new die. . Polish the die if the scratch is not too deep, or replace with a new die if necessary. Gaging discloses uneven sidewall thickness, crooked tops, or uneven bottoms. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Bent punch. 1. Straighten the punch in an arbor press. If it cannot be straight- ened, replace with a new punch. 2. Worn die—drawing surface too . Replace with a new die. large or irregular. Foreign matter (dirt, shavings, burrs, etc.). . Remove the die and the die block. Clean with a rag and replace. [32] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Crooked Draw 4. Improper anneal——cups either (Cont.) Thick Bottom Thin Bottom Punch Outs 4. If too hard, return to Annealing Department to be reannealed; if too soft, call inspector and check source of supply. annealed too hard or too soft. Gaging discloses insuflicient material drawn out of the bottom of the case. Caution: Check tool identification and dimensions. If tools are within specifications, shut machine down until anneal has been checked by Metallurgy Department. (Tools must never be altered by the adjuster.) The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Not enough angle on taper of 1. Replace with new punch. punch. 2. Radius on end of punch insufli- cient. 2. Replace with new punch. Gaging indicates too much material drawn out of the bottom of the case. Caution: Check tool identification and dimensions. If tools are within specifications, shut machine down until anneal has been checked by Metallurgy Department. (Tools must never be altered by the adjuster.) The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Too much angle on the taper of 1. Replace with new punch. the punch. 2. Radius at the end of the punch 2. Replace with new punch. too great. Visual inspection discloses that the bottom of the case is punched out or the side of the case is deformed by the punch. Caution: Check tool identification and dimensions. If tools are within specifications, shut machine down until anneal has been checked by Metallurgy Department. (Tools must never be altered by the adjuster.) The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Improper anneal——the case met- 1. Send to the annealing room. al is too hard.‘ 2. Improper anneal——the case met- . This cannot be corrected. Check al is too soft. source of supply and call in- spector. 3. There is no radius on the punch. . Replace with a new punch. The punch is too large on the drawing end. 4. The die is upside down. The die . Remove the die and replace it in is not placed in the die block the proper position. properly. CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Short Case Long Case Shea red Tops Undersize Diameter Oversize Diameter Wrinkled Mouth Gaging discloses the case is not long enough and the walls are too thick to meet specifications. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The die is too large—it is over- 1. Replace with a new die. size in the drawing surface. 2. Punch is too small. 2. Replace with a new punch. Gaging discloses the case is too long and the walls too thin to meet specifications. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Lap out the die to the proper size. 1. The die is too small—’undersize in the drawing surface. 2. The punch is too large. 2. Replace with a new punch. Visual inspection discloses that the mouth of the case is torn or uneven. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Improper annealing——case metal 1. Send to the Annealing Depart- too hard. ment to be reannealed. 2. Faulty stripper—stripper bro- 2. Repair, or replace with new ken. stripper. 3. No stripper. 3. Insert stripper. Gaging discloses diameter of case undersize. The cause is: The correction is: 1. The die is too small-—undersize in the drawing surface. 1. Lap out the die to proper size. Gaging discloses diameter of case is oversize. The cause is: The correction is: 1. The die is too large—it is over- 1. Replace with a new die. size in the drawing surface. Visual inspection discloses mouth of case wrinkled and uneven. The causes are: The corrections are: Polish and remove brass from punch. 1. Rough punch—surface of punch 1. has excess coating of brass. Repair or replace with new stripper. 2. Faulty stripper—stripper bro- 2. ken. Lap die if possible, or replace with new die. 3. Rough or ringed die—rough spot 3. or brass coating on drawing surface of die. 4. No stripper. 4. Insert stripper. I34] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Uneven Flow of Cases from Hopper Case Tracks Damaged Hopper Jam Slow Press Visual inspection discloses that cases are not flowing through the feed tube and feed tracks. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Remove cases from hopper and check source of supply. 1. Defective or long cases—cases from previous draw to long or defective. 2. Cases jammed in feed tube. 2. Clear feed tube. Clean and check source of sup- ply. Repair feed finger or replace with new feed finger. 3. Foreign matter (dirt, shavings, 3. etc.). 4. Feed finger burred. 4. 5. Broken feed finger operating rod 5. Replace with new springs. springs. 6. Arm in pin wheel hopper loose. 6. Tighten arm. Visual inspection discloses cases not properly traveling along case tracks. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Improper adjustment. 1. Proper adjustment. 2. Broken springs. 2. Replace with new springs. Visual inspection discloses cases are not feeding through hopper to feed tube properly. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Overloaded——too many cases in 1. Remove excess cases. hopper. 2. Cases stuck to pins in pin wheel 2. hopper. 3. Belt slips—1oose belt, oily belt. 3. Clear hopper and check pins for burrs. Tighten belt; if oily, clean. A lowered production rate may indicate that the stroke of the press is slowed down. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Dry bearings. 1. Check the lubrication. Call Maintenance Department. 2. Galled gibs. 2. Check the lubrication. Call Maintenance Department. 3. Loose belt. 3. Adjust the motor on the slides. CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections \ Clutch Clicks Visual inspection discloses that the clutch does not operate properly. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Bent or broken pins, rods or 1. Call Maintenance Department. springs. The clutch dog will not release properly. Motor Stops Visual inspection discloses the motor is not running and the press is stopped. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Overload or burnt out armature, 1. If the machine is overloaded, bearings, etc. clear the cause of the overload; press the reset button to start the motor. If there is any other cause for the motor to stop, shut off the power; call the Main- tenance Department. [36] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Tool Servicing Objective Servicing New Dies TOOL SERVICING Proper tool servicing is essential to maintain standard quality in the drawing of the bullet jackets and cartridge cases. Dies and punches are costly and great care must be exercised in the servicing of these tools. Adjusters‘ will be concerned primarily with the removal of brass and small scratches that appear on working surfaces of dies and punches, and they must be careful, when using an abrasive on any tool, not to alter materially its dimensions. All tools that cannot be corrected by polishing or minor straightening must be returned to the Tool Service Department. 1. Dies as received from the tool room are normally undersize to allow for expansion pressure and for lapping to a desired size when necessary. . The size of the die may be checked by a die plug gage, but a test run should be made before any lapping is performed. . As a precaution, before a test run is made, the die bore should be inspected for roughness and polished if necessary. If the bore is rough causing undue friction, more metal than is necessary may be pulled from the bottom of the jacket or case at the start of the draw. The product from the test run should be carefully gaged and inspected. Then, and then only, if an undersize or out-of-true die is indicated, should the die be lapped. If trial in the machine shows that the die is undersize, place it in a three jaw chuck on a speed lathe to lap it. OVER-ALL VIEW OF SPEED ‘LATHE I37] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Tool Servicing 6. Check the die to see that it is straight and secure in the chuck. FIG. 1 CORRECT METHOD OF PLACING DIE IN CHUCK Lapping Procedure 1. 10. Carboloy Dies FIG. 2 INCORRECT METHOD OF PLACING DIE IN CHUCK When lapping is necessary, proceed as follows: Use a lap stick made of brass, lead, fiber or wood about the same diameter as the die hole. Dip the lap stick in a solution of #120 emery dust and olive oil or coal oil. Hold the lap stick as nearly as possible in line with the angle of the taper. When lapping the land, hold the stick at a right angle to the mouth of the die to keep the land true. A land which is not true causes irregular wall thickness and crooked tops on jackets and cases. While holding the lap stick against the die, give the stick a rapid in and out movement. This cuts down the ridges left by the grinder wheel in the metal surface and makes it smoother. Repeat this operation according to the amount of metal that must be taken out of the die. Wipe the die clean with a cloth. Next, polish the die with the finest grade of emery cloth available, not coarser than #220. Finish the polishing operation with crocus cloth. Wipe out the inside of the die again with a cloth. Remove the die from the chuck and check the size of the die with a plug gage. Be sure the die is free of all emery dust before replacing it in the machine for production. To lap a carboloy die, follow the same procedure, with diamond dust and olive oil instead of emery dust. [38] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Tool Servicing Servicing Scratched ‘ Dies Servicing 0 New Punch Lapping 1. Before removing a die from a machine to look for scratches, remove the stripper to determine whether the stripper, rather than the die, is scratched. 2. Check the die or stripper visually to determine how badly it is scratched. If the die or stripper has a very deep scratch, it should be sent to the Tool Service Department. 3. If it is found that the scratch is in the die, check the die with a die “wear limit” plug gage to determine how much metal can be worked out of it without making the die too large. 4. To polish the die, place it in a three jaw chuck on a speed lathe. 5. Polish it with fine emery cloth, then with crocus cloth. 6. If the scratch can’t be removed by polishing, the die must be lapped. See lapping procedure, or send to the Tool Service Department if necessary. 7. Check the die size with the “wear limit” plug gage before putting it into production. Before an abrasive of any kind is applied to a new punch its dimensions should be carefully checked with micrometer or profile gage, and its working surface should be examined for finishing or handling marks and lack of polish. A highly polished punch aids in stripping and allows metal to flow freely thereby reducing the tendency of brass to pile up on the working surface. An Adjuster will not be required to lap more than .0005” from a new punch. If more than this must be removed to bring the punch to size, it should be returned to the Tool Service Department for correction. Lap- ping is done with a piece of abrasive cloth wrapped around and moved back and forth along the axis of the punch as it revolves in a speed chuck. If the abrasive were held stationary, deep rings would be cut into the surface, thereby ruining the finish. The punch is shown in Fig. 1 correctly chucked, and in Fig. 2 incorrectly held (See page 37). Avoid excessive overhang of the punch as this is a safety hazard; make sure that the jaws are correctly set and tightened securely. Do not allow the jaws to grasp the working surface of the punch. Only a very fine abrasive such as emery cloth is to be used in the lapping operation. The surface of a properly lapped punch will have a dull grey color with cross-hatched effect. CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Tool Servicing Polishing The lapping operation must be followed by polishing. Polishing is done in the same manner as lapping except that a finer abrasive is used, as for example, crocus cloth. A final operation called draw polishing is done with the chuck stopped. To draw polish a punch move the abrasive cloth lengthwise over the entire working surface avoiding rotary motion of the punch or the abrasive. Continue this final operation until all lapping marks are removed and the desired high polish or mirror like finish is obtained. Servicing a Used Punch FIG. 3 CORRECT METHOD OF PLACING PUNCH IN CHUCK FIG. 4 INCORRECT METHOD OF PLACING PUNCH IN CHUCK As a punch is used its working surface wears accumulating scratches and a coating of brass. Excessive wear is determined by measuring with micrometer or checking with profile gage. Obviously, an undersize punch must be replaced with one of approved dimensions. Scratches, if not too severe, may be removed by the lapping and polishing operations described above. A light coating of brass may be removed by the polishing operation alone. The question of how soon a new punch will need lapping or polishing can be answered only from experience since many variable factors enter into the problem. [40] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Bearings MACHINE LLIBRICATION The efficiency of all machines depends, to a great extent, upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. I A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction as far as we are concerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the‘resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: (1) Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. (2) Vegetable oils and animals oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. - (3) Graphite—tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction. We thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [41] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods / Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. Load on the shaft or slide. Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. Constant or intermittent operation. Cleanliness of surroundings. Temperature of surroundings. .'q9§.°‘tI>9°.l\'-i Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage, and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable, where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen, good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. .'qP7.°‘!‘=“S'*°.l\° Frequency of lubrication. I4-9-I CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: 1. Simple oil hole. 2. Bottle oiler. Ring oiler. Plain oil cups. Drop feed cups. Wick feed cups. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 9°9?‘P‘PP° Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. . Screw down cups. . Compression cups. 1 2 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5 . Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups must be kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubri- cation.” Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two pIaces——in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can be easily forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. I43] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART N0. of Fittings, Frequency of Lubricant Machine Part Grease Cups, Lubrication Etc. Hours Crankshaft Bearings 2 8 Pitman Bearing 1 8 LIGHT GREASE Gibs 4 8 (Blue Gun) Clutch Assembly 1 8 Hopper 1 24 Connecting Screw Knuckle 1 8 Flywheel and Clutch 1 8 Feed Finger Assembly 4 8 Feed Finger 6 8 MEDIUM OIL Detector Punch Assembly 5 8 (Red Oiler) Clutch Lever 7 24 Brake Assembly 6 24 Brake Shaft 2 24 HEAVY OIL Wrist Pin Reservoir 1 24 (Yellow Oiler) Worm Gear Drive for Hopper 1 1 wk. [44] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Index Adjustment, Brake, 25 Brake Release Rod, 26 Brake Spring, 27 Clutch Lever Spring, 30 Detector Stem, 28 Die Replacement, 21 Feed Fingers, 24 Friction Ball Spring Replacement, 31 Hopper Feed Tube Mouth, 23 Knockout Bar, 29 Pin Wheel Bridge, 22 Punch Replacement, 20 Annealing Department, 16 Anti-Friction Bearings, 41 "Anvil, 12 Ball Spring Tension, 8 Bayonet Connection, 7 Bolster Plate, 8, 11 Bottom Thickness, 16 Brake, 6, 26 Action, 2 Adjustment, 25 Assembly, 25 Drum, 2, 25, 27 Lever, 26 Release Rod Adjustment, 26 Rod, 27 Shoe, 2, 25, 27 Spring, Adjustment, 27 Spring Rod, 27 Carboloy Die, 38 Case, 16 Tracks, 7 Tracks, Damaged, 35 Clutch, 6, 9, 26 Action, 2 Clicks, 36 Lever, 2, 10, 26, 30 Lever Latch Pin, 3, 6 Lever Spring Adjustment, 30 Lever Trip, 28 Coil Spring Feed Tube, 15 Springs, 10 Component, 16 Connecting Rod, 10 Controls, 3 Cooling Pump, 9 Solution, 3 Solution Feed Pipes, 9 Solution Pump, 1 Crankshaft, 2, 3 Flywheel, 9 Speed, 1 Crocus Cloth, 38 Crooked Draw, 32 Heads, 17 Tops, 17, 32 INDEX Cup, 16 Detector Stem, 6, 28 Stem Adjustment, 28 Stems, 3 System, 3, 6, 28, 29 Dial Indicator, 17 Diameter, 20 Diamond Dust, 38 Die, 3, 11, 13, 15, 24 Block Assembly, 11 Block Base Plate, 11 Block Holder, 11 ‘Plug Gage, 37 Replacement Adjustment, 21 Disposal, 14 Emery Dust, 38 Feed Finger, 14, 15, 24 Fingers, 3, 8 Fingers Adjustment, 24 Motor, 1 Mouth, 22 Pipe, 15 Track, 6, 14, 15, 24 Track Guides, 31 Tracks, 3, 7, 8 Tube, 5, 14 Tube Bridge, 23 Tubes, 3, 4, 7 Floor Space, 1 Flywheel, 2, 24 Foreign Objects, 3 Friction, 41 Ball Spring Replacement Adjust- ment, 31 Balls, 31 Gages, 17 Gland Nut, 12 Grease, 42 Guide Ring, 11, 13 Hopper Assembly, 4 Feed Tube Mouth Adjustment, 23 Inspection Gate, 22, 23 Jam, 35 Motor, 3 Inside Diameter, 16 Knockoff Bar, 3, 6 Knockout Bar, 28 Knockout Bar Adjustment, 29 Lap Stick, 38 Lapping, 37, 38, 39 Long Case, 34 Lubricating Film, 41 Lubrication, 4, 14, 41 Chart, 44 Hints on, 43 Methods, 42 Machine Motor, 1 Main Drive Motor, 3 Manufacturer, 1 Metallurgy Department, 33 Micrometer, 40 Motor, 3, 4 Control Switch, 3 Stops, 36 Olive Oil, 38 Outside Diameter, 16 Over-all Height, 1 Length, 16 Overhead Hopper, 14, 15 Overload Switch, 3 Oversize Diameter, 34 Pin Wheel Bridge, 5 Wheel Bridge Adjustment, 22 Wheel Hopper, 3, 4, 5, 14, 15 Wheel Hopper Box, 14, 15 Wheel Shaft, 4 Pinion Gear, 4 Plug Gage, 17, 38 Plunger Rod, 8 Polishing, 40 Power, 2 Production, 1 Profile Gage, 40 Pump, 3 Motor, 3 Punch, 3, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24 Holder, 12 Holder Assembly, 12 Holder Block, 3, 12 Outs, 33 Replacement Adjustment, 20 Rake-Off Spring, 5 Ram, 3, 6, 10, 14, 15 Reservoir, 3 Rocker Arm Assembly, 8 Rolling Key Clutch, 2 Scored Walls, 32 Scratched Walls, 32 Scratches, 17, 20 Selecting a Lubricant, 42 Servicing New Dies, 37 Servicing New Punch, 39 Scratched Dies, 39 Used Punch, 40 Shear Tops, 34 Short Case, 34 Sidewall Thickness Gage, 18 Variation, 16 Sleeve, 12 Slow Press, 35 Spacer, 13 Ring, 11 Split Collar, 12 Stripper, 11, 13, 14, 15 Holder, 13 Ring, 11 [45] CALIBER .30 THIRD DRAW CASE Index Stroke, 1 Thick Bottoms, 33 Thin Bottoms, 33 Three-jaw Chuck, 37 Toggle Switches, 3 Tools, 1 Transmission, 2 Twin Ring Gage, 17 Type of Feed, 1 Undersize Diameter, 34 Uneven Bottoms, 32 Flow of Cases, 35 Uneven Sidewall Thickness, 32 V Belt, 3, 4, 15 Belts, 2 Visual Inspection, 17, 32 Weight, 1 Wrinkled Mouth, 34 TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Fourth Draw Case BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 1941 United States Government Contract W-ORD-481, Title II ~* l PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of 'Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was de- veloped from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammunition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for drawings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible but they are as of this date and are subject to changes. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917, C 30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 443, 76th Congress, 3rd Session.) II MANUAL CORRECTlONS—CALlBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE LOCATION Page 11,- 1 6 & 7 Page 14- 1 8 Page 80—Proc 8 Page 16- 1 5 ERROR Guide Ring 1st Draw 2nd Draw 1/8 " Wrench “Annealed” CORRECTION Top Die 3rd Draw 4th Draw % " Wrench Omit TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tool Holder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Tool Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Tool Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 III DRAW PRESS—CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE IV CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CAsE Catalogue Data CATALOGUE DATA Manufacturer E. W. Bliss Co., Brooklyn, New York Machine Vertical Straight Side Single Crank Press E. W. Description Bliss N o. 304 6 V Belt drive motor to crankshaft. Machine Motor 7 % h.p.; 3 Phase; 60 cycle; 220/440 V.; 23.5/11.8 amps.; 865 R.P.M. Type of Feed Automatic Pin Wheel Hopper 6 R.P.M. Feed Motor Master Gearhead 1/8 h.p.; 1 Phase; 60 cycle; 115/120 V.; 3.4/1.7 amp.; 1725 R.P.M.; Co. Shaft 48 R.P.M. Production ‘ 180 components per minute Crankshaft Speed 90 R.P.M. Stroke 9" Cooling Solution Centrifugal (Gusher) Model 1-P3; 1/8 h.p.; Single Pump Phase; 60 cycles; 110 V.; 1.1 amps. Tools: Piece No.: Punch D-4 Top Die .4605 x 12° Bottom Die .460 x 12° Stripper .464A Stripper Holder 1.492 x 60° Stripper Spring .464A Split Collar AE-8 Split Collar Spring 21/3" x .10” x .016 Bushing Sleeve AE-4 Floor Space 4 ft. x 7 % ft. Over-all Height 10 ft. x 101/, ft. Weight 8000 lbs. CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Machine Description Hopper Box Hopper Motor Pin Wheel Hopper Feed Tubes Switch Power and Transmission 2 I.-I-I- I . 5 MACHINE DESCRIPTION Motor Flywheel Guard I!‘ 1 I Crankshaft Connecting Rod 3 \ t 1.. " I ‘ Safety Guard I ' -. ‘ '1' IE ~ ‘II; t‘ i r, FRONT VIEW The E. W. Bliss single draw press, No. 304, illustrated above, is powered by a 7% h.p. motor, through six V belts, to the flywheel mounted on a horizontal crankshaft. Incorporated in the flywheel hub is a rolling key clutch for control of power to the crankshaft through linkage to an individual clutch lever. A conventional brake drum is located on the end of the crankshaft op- posite the flywheel. A lined brake shoe, secured and located by a bracket attached to the machine frame, provides the friction necessary to hold the crankshaft in position when the clutch is disengaged. I2] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Machine Description Power and Transmission (Cont. ) Pin Wheel Hopper Feed Tracks Ram Detector Stems Cooling Solution Controls The clutch and brake action are synchronized through the clutch lever. When the clutch is engaged, the brake is released, and when the clutch is disengaged, the brake is applied. In normal operation, if the clutch is disengaged for any reason, the crankshaft will always stop at the maximum upward position of the crank. For inspection or adjustment purposes, the crankshaft is stopped and held in any desired position while the machine is rotated by hand. The pin wheel hopper receives cases from an overhead source and through feed tubes deposits the cases, “mouth-up,” in the feed tracks on the bed of the machine. The motive ‘power for the pin wheel hopper is supplied by a % h.p. reduction gear head motor, on an adjustable mounting bracket at the left side of the hopper, through a V belt to the pin wheel. The feed tracks, with the assistance of the feed fingers, transfer the cases from the feed tubes to the punch and die stations. The ram is a heavy cast-iron block. Its mass assists the power stroke of the punch and absorbs the shock of impact and subsequent vibration. The lower surface is machined for the attachment of a punch holder block. The ram, the sides of which are fitted into V grooves to guide it in its vertical motion, is connected to the crankshaft throw by a non-adjustable connecting rod. Two coil springs are attached between the back side of the ram and a spring bracket mounted on the machine frame above the crankshaft. The springs act as a counterbalance and assist in dissipating the vibration set up by the punches’ contact with the cases during the drawing process. The detector system, which is mounted on the front of the ram, is a mechanism which detects inverted cases, cases on their sides, and foreign objects within cases as they travel through the feed tracks. ‘Above each feed track is located a detector stem. If a detector stem encounters an improperly positioned case or a foreign object in a case, the stem will be forced upward, and will move the knockoff bar to the right. The knockoff bar will strike and move the clutch lever latch pin to the right, tripping the clutch lever; thus the clutch is disengaged, the brake is applied, and the machine is stopped. To prolong die and punch life, each case is bathed by a cooling solution which acts both as a cooling and a lubricating agent. The base of the machine forms a reservoir for this cooling solution which is pumped through a pipe system to the die. The pump is driven by a 1/8 h.p. vertical, direct drive motor. The main motor control switch is of the push button “start and stop” type. An overload switch, with a “reset” push button is also provided for protection of the main drive motor. I3] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE M'achine Description Controls (Cont.) Lubrication Rear of Press Two toggle switches, contained in the same case, are provided for control of the hopper and pump motors. The right hand switch is for the pump motor, and the left hand switch controls the hopper motor. Lubrication of all moving parts is accomplished by Alemite-Zerk fittings, oil cups, oil holes, or distribution of lubricant by oiler, swab, etc., over desired point. (See Lubrication Chart, page 43) The rear view of the caliber .30 Fourth Draw Press shows the motors and adjustable brackets. The press is started and stopped by a clutch in the crankshaft flywheel. Below the frame is shown the 1/8 h.p. motor that drives the cooling solution pump, which circulates the cooling solution from the reservoir in the machine bed through the pipe system to the punches and dies. The cooling solution serves as both a coolant and lubricant. Adjustable Bracket Cooling — Solution Feed Pipes REAR VIEW I4] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Machine Description Pin Wheel Hopper The pin wheel hopper and box are located at the top and to the left of the machine. The pin wheel hopper box is a cast-iron reservoir with the bottom sloping toward an opening which leads into the pin wheel hopper. The pin wheel hopper, attached to the front of the hopper box, is mounted on a projecting cast-iron, bronze-lined bearing, into which is fitted the pin wheel shaft and hub. The pin wheel hopper consists of an inner and an outer dish-shaped rim and a mid-section of pin rings and spacer rings, bolted to form a hopper assembly. The outer rim has three spokes attached to a hub shaft on which the entire hopper revolves. The hopper is driven by a V type belt from a gear reduction V8 h.p. motor. The belt fits in a V groove cut around the back side of the pin wheel. . Hopper FRONT VIEW OF PIN WHEEL HOPPER WITH DOOR OPEN [5] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Machine Description Pin Wheel Hopper The pin rings have a series of steel pins, spaced approximately 1" apart (Cont) on their inner circumference, and set at an angle with the radii. _,The spacer rings are wider than the pin rings and are chamfered on their inner edges. This chamfer forms a channel between each of the spacers, to guide the components onto the pins. As the pin wheel hopper‘ rotates clockwise, some of the pins pick up cases, and convey them upward. Contacting each row of pins as they rotate upward is a spring steel strip, called the rake-off spring, which rakes off all cases that are not properly seated on the pins. As the cases continue their upward travel they contact a pin wheel bridge which holds them on the pins as they reach the top of the circle. There is a pin wheel bridge for each row of pins. When the cases reach the end of the pin wheel bridge they slide off, “mouth-up,” into the mouth of the feed tube. The door for the front of the pin wheel hopper is dish-shaped to match the pin wheel rim, and is hinged at the left of the hopper box. The door is held shut by a rotary latch. Pin Wheel Steel Pin Wheel Bridge Bridge Pins Adjustment PIN WHEEL HOPPER I6] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Machine Description Feed Tubes and The lower end of the feed tube mouth is connected to the upper end of the Bridge feed tube by means of a bushing. A bayonet type of bushing is used to connect the lower end of the tube to the feed tube bridge. The feed tube bridge is bolted to the bolster plate and above the feed tracks. The feed tube bridge holds the feed tubes in position over the feed tracks. The cases slide, head down, from the feed tube mouth down the feed tubes, to a position on the feed fingers in the feed tracks. Bayonet Feed Tubes Connection FEED TUBES AND BRIDGE I7] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Machine Description Feed Tracks Rocker Arm Shaft The machine has a series of two-piece feed tracks that hold the cases in a “mouth-up” position. Each track is bolted to the bolster plate of the ma- chine. On the inner face of each track is a series of ball-spring stops spaced to hold the cases in an upright position. On the rear of each track is a brass back-stop to prevent the cases from being forced past the dies. As the ram ascends an arm fastened to the ram lifts a feed finger operating rod which actuates a rocker arm assembly, which furnishes motive power for the feed fingers. The case, which has just emerged from the feed tube, is forced against the others in the feed tracks by the feed fingers. This causes the case in the rear of the tracks to be forced past the ball-spring stops, to a position over the dies, where the punch descends and forces the case through the dies. Back Stops / Feed Fingers FEED TRACKS AND CONNECTING PARTS I3] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Machine Description Crankshaft and The flywheel transmits power to the ram, through the crankshaft and Ram connecting rod. There are two heavy coil springs which cushion the impact of the ram on its downward stroke and help in a small way to lift the ram on its upward stroke. The clutch lever is used to start and stop the press. In the running position it is hooked onto the latch pin catch. For ordinary stopping, the latch pin kicks the lever off its hook. The rod on the clutch lever connects the lever to the clutch. Shock Absorber Springs \ FRONT VIEW OF RAM REAR VIEW AND CONNECTING PARTS Clutch Lever Latch Pin 9 . 9 .’~ ' 3* k \ ‘. I " ,I 5 3 I‘ l \ CLUTCH LEVER AND ONE TYPE OF SAFETY LOCK [9] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Machine Description Detector System The detector system is a mechanism which detects cases not in proper position, and foreign objects within feed tracks. The detector system which is bolted to the front of the ram, consists of a detector stem for each feed track. If a detector stem encounters a foreign object in a case or locates an improperly positioned case, the detector stem will be forced up, and by cam action on its upper end will move the knockoff bar to the right. The knockoff bar will strike the clutch lever latch pin tripping the clutch lever which disengages the clutch and applies the brake, thereby stopping the action of the ram. The clutch lever returns to an “off” position by spring action. DETECTOR-KNOCKOFF ASSEMBLY . -ij/ Latch Pin Push Rod Feed __ Track Rocker Arm Shaft CLOSE UP OF FEED TRACK ‘[10] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE TOOI Holder Description TOOL HOLDER DESCRIPTION Punch Block Anvil: The anvil is inserted in the top side of the punch holder Assembly / block in contact with the head of the punch and the punch holder. It protects the face of the ram from the thrust of the W punch. -- Punch Holder Block: The punch holder block has two dowel pins for alignment and is bolted to the under side of the ram l by four Allen screws. It holds the punch holder assemblies. Punch Holder: The punch holder is placed into the punch holder block from the top side by “Press fit,” flanged end up. The lower end is threaded to receive a hexagon gland nut. It holds the punch assembly in the punch holder block. Split Collar: The split collar is composed of two halves which M/ are held in place by a coiled spring. It acts as a flange on the I 0 head end of the punch against which the sleeve is held by the gland nut. / Punch: The punch, with the gland nut, spacer sleeve and split collar in place, is inserted into the bottom sides of the punch holder, head end up. This gland nut is then screwed into the punch block holder. Sleeve: The sleeve is placed on the punch from the bottom end / before the gland nut. It acts as a spacer in the assembling of 0 the punch. Gland Nut: The gland nut, which has threads on its outer surface, is screwed into the inner threads of the punch holder, PYJ"E\2'Hol;_gzE forcing the spacer against the split collar. The gland nut thus ASSEMBLY holds the punch assembly in the punch holder. Button Anvil *5 I./ \ \ \ » Key V R\\\\\\\\\\\_\\ \ n\\\\‘%/ /A -I V .'\' Punch Holder Split Collar Bushing Gland Nut Punch .‘s\\\\\ \\ CROSS SECTIONAL DRAWING OF PUNCH BLOCK ASSEMBLY [ 11 I CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Tool Holder Description Die Block Assembly Top Draw Die: The top draw die is placed in the die hole of the die block from the top side to rest on the bottom die-. It forms the outside diameter of the case as the case is forced through it by the punch. " Bottom Draw Die: The bottom draw die is inserted first from the top [J / side of the die holder into the die assembly hole of the die block. It sizes the case to the specified diameter. D / Die Block: The die block holds the die assembly. It is held in the chan- nel of its bolster plate by a lock pin. The bolster plate is adjustable to allow centering of the die assembly contained in the die block under the punch. The vertical lip on the rear end of the die block assists the adjuster in inserting, locating and removing the die block. There is one die assem- bly for each punch. Lock Pin: The lock pin is inserted through a small hole in the rear end of the die block. It holds the die block in place on the bolster plate. Stripper Holder: The stripper holder is inserted in the die assembly hole from the bottom side and rests on the bolster plate. Stripper: The stripper consists of three segments held together by a coiled spring. It is inserted in the stripper holder with the large side of the tapered hole up. It strips the case from the punch after it has been forced through the die assembly. Die Block Base Plate: The die block base plate serves as an anvil for VIEW OF THE DIE . . . . BLOCK ASSEMBLY the die block. The bottom projection guides the cases onto the conveyor. Top Die \‘-pt‘ “ O CROSS SECTIONAL DRAWING OF DIE BLOCK ASSEMBLY I12] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Tool Description TOOL DESCRIPTION Tool Name: Punch—Fourth Draw Piece No.: D-4 Location: Held vertically in ram Normal Life: 147,000 pieces. Punch is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. Shank is slightly softer than working end. Tool Name: Top Die—Fourth Draw Piece N o. : .4605x12° Location: Die Block Normal Life: 14,000 pieces TOP Die Die is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. Tool Name: Bottom Die—Fourth Draw Piece No.: .460 x12° Location: Die block Normal Life: 14,000 pieces. Die is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and pol- ished. Tool Name: Stripper—-Fourth Draw Piece No.: .464A Location: Die block—under die Normal Life: 41,000 pieces. Stripper is hardened tool steel, ground and polished. Tool Name: Stripper holder—Fourth Draw Piece No.: 1.492x60° Location: Between die and stripper Normal Life: 1,000,000 pieces. Stripper holder is hardened tool steel, ground on all surfaces. Stripper Holder I13] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Process Sequence Overhead Hopper Pin Wheel Hopper Box Pin Wheel Hopper Feed Tube Feed Finger and Feed Track Ram and Punch The Draw Stripper and Disposal Lubrication PROCESS SEQUENCE The cases are fed by gravity from a truck or conveyor into the overhead hopper and drop through a feed pipe, into the pin wheel hopper box. Cases flow from the pin wheel hopper box through an opening past the agitator into the bottom part of the pin wheel hopper. As the pin wheel hopper rotates, cases are agitated and picked up by pins on the inside circumference of the pin wheel and carried up past the rake- off springs which knock off misaligned cases and push partly set cases all the way on pins. As the cases are carried to the top of the pin wheel they are held on the pins by the bridge. At the end of the bridge they drop off one at a time into the open end of the feed tube m~outh up. Cases fall by gravity down through the coil spring feed tube into a bushing mounted on the feed tube bridge and rest momentarily on the feed finger. On the downward stroke of the ram the feed finger moves back permitting the case to fall into the feed track. On the upward stroke of the ram the feed finger moves forward pushing the cases along the feed track past the spring buttons. The ball spring stop keeps the cases in an upright posi- tion and prevents them from falling over. Cases pass by the counter under and past the detector stems which detect foreign matter and in- verted cases. They pass to the rear of the feed tracks where they drop into the guide ring directly over the dies and under the punch. The ram descends with the punch and forces the case through the guide ring into and through the die and stripper. The forcing of the case through the die reduces the wall thickness and diameter and increases the length of the case. This is known as the draw. Before the draw, the component is known as the first draw case and, after the draw, as the second draw case. As the punch withdraws from the dies, the cases are stripped off by a three- segmented stripper located under the die, then falls onto a slide down a chute through a rotary washer to a mechanical conveyor. During the drawing operation the cases are lubricated and tools cooled by a cooling solution which flows over the cases through an opening under the work plate. [14] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Process Sequence FLOW CHART Overhead Hopper Cases are fed by gravity from truck or conveyor into overhead hopper through feed pipe. I Feed Pipe Conveys cases by gravity down into pin wheel hopper box. I Pin Wheel Hopper Box Cases flow through opening in pin wheel hopper box past agitator into bottom of pin wheel hopper. I Pin Wheel Hopper Rotates and cases are picked up by pins and car- ried up past rake-off springs to top of pin wheel Hopper is Powered by a V8 h-P- where they are held by the bridge. At the end of _ 1‘ edllction motor through a V- the bridge they drop off, one at a time, into open type belt- end of coil spring feed tube, mouth up. I Coil Spring Feed Tube Conveys cases by gravity, mouth up, into the bushing mounted in the feed tube bridge, where they rest momentarily on the feed hammer. I Feed Finger Moves backward, allowing the case to drop into feed track. It then moves forward pushing the case along the feed track. Feed finger is powered from the ——- rocker arm shaft through the push rod through the ram. Feed Track Guides the cases, single file, past and under the detector stem to rear of track, where cases drop into the dies and under the punch. I Dies and Punch As the ram descends, the punch forces the case Ram is powered from the Pitman connecting rod through the crank- through the dies and stripper increasing the length, h ft 1 t h d fl h and decreasing the diameter and the sidewall _ :,_:y1;eck1)le1(iCS if 7%yvi,1 Seligtofi thickness of the case. mounted on top of press, Stripper After the punch forces the case through the dies, it withdraws and the case is stripped off by a three- segmented stripper under the dies and falls onto a slide and drops down a chute through a rotary washer to a mechanical conveyor. [15] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION \ Product The component, when received by the Fourth draw, is in the form of a Description case as shown in Fig. 1. The component is received from the Annealing Department, where it was annealed, pickled and washed. When the component is delivered to-the Annealing Department from the third draw press, the metal has a very bright, brassy appearance and a smooth finish. After the cup has been annealed, the metal appears dull and has a rough finish. The component is made of brass (70% copper, 30% zinc). The closed end of the cylinder is the bottom and the open end is the mouth. The dimensions of the cup are as follows: Before Fourth Draw After Fourth Draw Outside diameter .519— .517 Outside diameter .464— .463 Inside diameter .480— .482 Inside diameter .441— .443 Bottom thickness .150— .165 Bottom thickness .170~ .190 Sidewall variation .001— .002 Sidewall variation .001— .002 Over-all length 1.734~1.736 Over-all length 2.822-2.862 After the drawing operation, the case is delivered to the Annealing De- partment, where it is annealed, pickled and washed before being delivered to the second trim machine. FIG. 1. BEFORE FOURTH DRAW FIG. 2. AFTER FOURTH DRAW Mouth I" Sidewall " Q I‘ Bottom .~ ‘b After After Alter After After After Atter Third First Annealing Washing Fourth Washing ' Second Draw Trim Process Operation Draw Operation Trim [16] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Inspection Visual Gage Core Gages INSPECTION At frequent intervals, after the drawing operation, a careful visual inspec- tion of the cases must be made. The cases should be inspected for scratches on the inside and outside walls, for crooked heads, crooked tops, and bodies that are not round. When these defects are found, require an immediate ad- justment of the machine in order to correct the fault. Whenever defective cases are found, the lot from which they come must be removed from the machine and properly identified so the bad lot will not get mixed up with the good cases. Gages are expensive instruments machined to a fine precision. Improper use or carelessness in gaging may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may affect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be employed in matching a case to a gage. A protected location should be used for storage of gages to prevent their damage when not in use. The most accurate checks are made when the cases are cool since heat causes expansion of the metal and results in a temporary variation in the case size. The outside diameter of the case is gaged with a twin ring gage. Cases must pass through the larger or “go” ring and must not pass through the smaller “no go” ring. The bottom thickness of the case is checked on a dial indicator. Vari- ation in this dimension greatly affects succeeding draws. The above described inspection methods are those most commonly em- ployed in Caliber .30 fourth draw case. However, other methods may be developed to maintain the manufacturing standards. I17] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Adjustments Objective Cautions ADJUSTMENTS To maintain satisfactory production a machine must be adjusted to com- pensate for the wear of its tools and other working parts, and to meet new conditions caused by a difference in material. It is necessary to inspect the machine and components regularly in order that any troubles may be detected and corrected immediately. This section of the manual, with its illustrations, photographs, and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all of the machine troubles that will be en- countered, therefore certain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. A thorough analysis of the trouble will indi- cate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. Adjustments are never to be made while the machine is in motion, or until the flywheel has stopped. Inspect the clutch latch rather than the starting button to determine whether the clutch is disengaged. Make frequent inspection to determine whether proper and sufficient lubricant is being pumped to the working tools of the machine. Adjustments on, or below, the ram requires the insertion of a wood block between the ram and the bedplate to prevent its falling. This block will avoid damage to the machine tools or injury to the adjuster’s hands, should the ram fall accidentally. Examine the machine periodically to determine whether all connections and adjustments are secure. I18] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Adiusfments Punch The punch may become worn causing the inside of the case to be too small in diameter or may become scratched causing scratches on the inside of the case. In either case the punch must be replaced. Replacement T00|s: Procedure: n’ PUNCH ASSEMBLY 1 %” Wrench 1. Remove the rear guard by lifting it up and pulling it out away from the machine. Use a 1%” wrench to remove the gland nut in the punch holder while holding the punch with the other hand. Pull down on the punch removing the assembly from the punch holder. Remove the bushing, gland nut and the split collar from the worn or broken punch and place these parts on the new punch, making sure the wide shoulder on the split collar is up. Insert the punch assembly in the punch holder and tighten the gland nut. Caution: Be sure that the punch is clean. Replace the rear guard. Check the replacement for accuracy by drawing a case. [19] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Adjustments Die Replacement Tools: Procedure: The dies may become worn causing the case to be too large in diameter or may become scratched causing scratches on the outside of the case. In either case the die must be removed and replaced with a new die. [ll :- DIE BLOCK ASSEMBLY Screwdriver 1. 2. 3. Remove the rear guard by lifting up and pulling out on the bottom. Lift out the die block lock pin. Pull out the die block, keeping one hand underneath to prevent stripper from dropping out. Turn the die block upside down allowing the dies to fall out into your hand. Turn the die block right side up. Slide the die block back in the machine part way while getting new dies. Replace the dies in the die block making sure that the bottom die is on the bottom with the tapered end down. Push the die block back in the machine and replace the die block lock pin. Replace the guard. Check for accuracy by drawing a case. [20] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Adjustments Pin Wheel Bridge In order to adjust the position of the bridges in relation to the pins on the pin wheel, each bridge can be adjusted by the vertical bolts connected to the bridges. Each bolt adjusts one of the bridges and should be adjusted so that the cases will travel along the bridge to the feed mouth. If the bridges are not properly adjusted, the cases will fall from the pins before arriving at the feed mouth, or will jam along the bridge. ENLARGEMENT OF BRIDGE ADJUSTMENT Bfidge Adjustment INTERIOR OF HOPPER Tools; Two 1%” wrenches Procedure: 1. Open the hopper inspection gate by pulling down on the gate. 2. Use two 11/6;” wrenches to hold the top nut with one wrench and loosen the bottom lock nut on the vertical adjusting bolt with the other wrench. ‘ 3. Turn the adjusting nut until the bridge is approximately %" from the pins on the pin wheel. 4. Tighten the lock nut while holding the adjusting nut in place and close the hopper inspection gate. 5. Check the adjustment for accuracy by turning on the power and observing whether or not the cases fall properly down through the feed tube. [21] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Adjustments Hopper Feed The feed tube mouth receives the cases after they travel the length of the Tube Mouth pin wheel bridge. The mouth should be in line with the pins on the pin wheel so that the cases will drop from the pins into the feed tube mouth. If the mouth is not properly adjusted, the cases will jam at the feed mouth. Adjustment is made on the adjusting bolt that connects the feed tube mouth to the pin wheel bridge. Feed Tube Mouth Adjustment ENLARGEMENT OF FEED TUBE MOUTH SHOWING ADJUSTMENT PIN WHEEL HOPPER SHOWING FEED TUBE MOUTH Tools: 1/4” wrench Procedure: 1. Open the hopper inspection gate by pulling down on the gate. 2. Use a %” wrench to loosen the set screw on the bottom of the feed tube bridge. 3. Adjust the feed tube mouth by hand until it is in alignment with the pins on the pin wheel, and tighten the set screw. 4. Check by turning on the hopper motor and observing the action of the cases. 5. When accuracy has been attained, close the inspection gate. I221’ CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Adjustments \ Feed Fingers The feed fingers push the cases along the feed track to the punch and die. If it is not properly adjusted, the case may fail to drop from the feed socket into the feed track, or if the feed finger is set too far back, the cases will not travel smoothly along the feed track. The position of the feed fingers is adjusted by adjusting the nuts on top of the push rod. They should be adjusted so that the case just clears the feed finger when the case drops from the feed socket into the feed track. F d F‘ ‘T Afjiustihffii ENLARGEMENT OF FEED FINGER ADJUSTMENT FEED FINGER ADJUSTMENT IN RELATION TO THE FEED TRACKS Tools: Procedure: Two 11/4" wrenches 1. 2. 3. 4. 109° 739°?‘ Lift the guard by hand until the latch engages the bottom of the guard. Place three or four cases in the feed track against the feed finger. Disconnect the feed tubes by turning with your hand until the bayonet fitting is disengaged, and then place a case in the feed tube socket. Turn the flywheel one complete turn and continue until the ram is at its lowest position. This places the feed fingers at the extreme back stroke. Lower the front guard. Use two 11/4” wrenches to loosen the lock nut on top of the push rod. Use a 11/4" wrench to turn the adjusting nut on top of the push rod until the case in the feed tube socket drops into the feed track. Tighten the lock nut while holding the adjusting nut in place. . Turn the flywheel until the ram is at the top dead center. Caution: make sure all guards are in place before starting the machine. I 23 I CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Adjustments Brake BRAKE ASSEMBLY Tools: Procedure: Adjust the brake in order that it might keep the ram from falling when the clutch is disengaged. It must be adjusted so that the brake drum is gripped firmly when the brake is applied, but must not be so tight that it drags when the drum is in motion. ‘ \ SKETCH OF BRAKE ASSEMBLY %" wrench, %" wrench 1. Use a 78" wrench to loosen the lock nuts on both of the adjusting screws on the brake shoes. Use a %” wrench to loosen the adjusting screw a fraction of a turn, bringing the shoe closer to the brake drum. . Tighten the lock nuts on the adjusting screws. Operate the machine and observe the action of the brake. Note: The above procedure should be repeated until the brake drags slightly when the machine is in motion. Then the adjusting screws should be tightened just enough to free the shoe from the drum. I24] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Adjustments Brake Release Rod The brake release rod connects the brake lever to the clutch lever. Its function is to synchronize the action of the brake and the clutch. When the clutch is disengaged, the brake lever should be released so that the brake may be applied through the brake spring. When the clutch is engaged, the rod should act to pull the brake lever sufficiently to release the brake shoe from the brake drum. For proper adjustment the adjusting nut should be about 11/4" above the brake lever. - 0 n “ “ “I >0 *- .- “ * M -” .“ 8-“ r“ - -“ BRAKE RELEASE ROD ASSEMBLY -. ; Illj .mI~IImmIII~Ii I Brake Release /' Rod ' . ‘R10! VIEW SHOWING BRAKE RELEASE ROD % ‘. Tools: Two 1%” wrenches Procedure: 1. Use an 1%” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the brake release rod while holding the adjusting nut with another %;” wrench. 2. Use an 1%" wrench to turn the adjusting nut until it is about 114'’ above the brake lever. 3. Tighten the lock nut while holding the adjusting nut in place. 4. To check for accuracy, engage the clutch, turn on the power, then disengage the clutch and observe whether or not the brake lever is released. I25] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW cASE Adjustments Brake Spring The brake spring acts to close the brake shoe against the brake drum. The spring must have sufficient tension to press the brake shoe firmly against the brake drum when the brake rod is released. 1 ." . IIItItI,IIIIIIIIIII'II I IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII BRAKE SPRING BRAKE ASSEMBLY Tools: 1%” wrench Procedure: 1. Use a 11/16" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the brake spring rod. 2. Use a 1%" wrench to turn the adjusting nut on the spring rod until there is a firm pressure against the brake shoes. 3. Hold the adjusting nut in place and tighten the lock nut. 4. Check the adjustment by operating the clutch lever and observing whether or not the brake shoe presses firmly against the drum when the clutch is disengaged. I26] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Adjustments Detector Stem F d * Traecllrs/T mm.-- - DETECTOR STEM AND ADJACENT PARTS Tools: Procedure: 1. 2. 3. The detector stem actuates the knockout bar which in turn actuates the clutch lever trip. If the knockout bar is adjusted properly and the detector system fails to trip the clutch when there is an inverted case or foreign material in the case on the feed track, the stems must be adjusted. They should be adjusted so that they almost touch the bottom of the case when the ram is in its bottom dead center. ENLARGEMENT OF DETECTOR STEM I '1 Iv- t ‘I ‘Md’ wrench, %" wrench Raise the front guard until the latch engages the bottom of the guard. Place test cases under the detector stem, mouth up. Engage the clutch and turn the flywheel until the ram is at bottom dead center. Hold the stem with a 1/2” wrench and loosen the lock nut with an 1%;" wrench. Adjust the detector stem until it touches the bottom of the case lightly. Use an 1%" wrench to tighten the lock nut on the detector stem. Turn the flywheel with a flywheel rod until the ram is about three- fourths its upward travel, then disengage the clutch and continue turning the flywheel until it has reached the top dead center. Lower the glass guard before resuming production. [27 I CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Adjustments Knockout Bar Tools: Procedure: The purpose of the detector system is to disengage the clutch if there is an inverted case or foreign material in the case on the feed track. If it fails to perform its function, either the knockout bar or the detector stem is out of adjustment. The knockout bar should be first checked by bringing the ram to bottom dead center and checking the clearance between‘ the knockout bar and the clutch lever trip. A clearance of about .004" should exist at this point. If the clearance is not correct, the knockout bar must be adjusted. KNOCKOUT BAR Knockout Bar DETECTOR SYSTEM (KNOCKOUT BAR) Two 7/8" wrenches, feeler gage 1. 2. 3. Raise the front guard until the latch engages the bottom of the guard. Lower the ram with a flywheel rod until it is at the bottom of the stroke. Use a VB" wrench to loosen the lock nuts on top of the bottom part of the knockout bar. Use a V8" wrench to adjust the knockout bar by turning the bottom adjusting screws until there is a .004” clearance between the knockout bar and the emergency release pin. Tighten the lock nuts against the knockout bar. Raise the ram by turning the flywheel with the flywheel rod. Release the latch on the bottom of the guard and allow the guard to drop back into position. [28] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Adjustments Clutch Lever Spring REAR VIEW SHOWING CLUTCH LEVER SPRING TOOIS: Procedure: When the clutch lever is released, it is pulled up by the clutch lever spring. This action should disengage the clutch and release the brake lever so the brake shoe can be pressed against the brake drum. If the spring does not perform its function, the tension must be increased. ENLARGEMENT OF CLUTCH LEVER SPRING Two 7 8" wrenches 1. Use a 78" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the adjusting screw. 2. Use a "/8” wrench to turn the adjusting nut until the tension on the spring will draw the kickout cam firmly against the clutch housmg when the clutch is disengaged. 3. Use a 3/8" wrench to hold the adjusting nut while tightening the lock nut with another 7/8" wrench. I29] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Adjustments Friction Ball Spring Replacement Tools: Procedure: The friction balls backed up by springs form the stations for the cases in the feed track. If the springs become worn or dirty, the cases will not travel smoothly along the feed track. This necessitates removal of feed track guides, cleaning of the springs, and the replacing of worn springs. FEED TRACK DISASSEMBLED %" Allen Wrench, §1/6” Allen Wrench, %3'' Wrench, 8" Screwdriver 1. 2. 10. 11. Raise front guard until latch engages on the bottom of the guard. Remove the feed tubes from the bridge by turning the bayonet fittings by hand until disengaged. Use a 3/8” wrench to remove the nuts from each end of the bridge and remove the bridge from the machine. Use a %” Allen wrench to remove all of the Allen screws in each side of the feed track, also the screws in the back stop. Lift the feed tracks and the back stops from the machine. Use an 8’I screwdriver to remove the screws from the sides of the feed track. Lift the plate from the feed track. Remove the ball bearings from the top of the springs. Lift the springs out, and inspect for tension and breakage. Put a drop of oil on the springs and replace in the feed track. Place the ball hearings on top of the springs and replace the feed track plate. Caution: Watch that the ball bearings do not bind while the plate is being replaced. Replace the tracks in the machine and tighten the Allen screws. Replace the back stops and tighten the Allen screws. Release the catch on the guard and lower it in place. I 30 I CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections TROLIBLES AND CORRECTIONS Obiecfive The adjuster will meet many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may con- front an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. Recognition of the following troubles is made by visual and gage inspection of the component together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Visual inspection will reveal scratches on the inside or outside walls of the case. Finger nail inspection is especially valuable in detecting Scored or Scratched Walls Crooked Draw scratches on the outside wall. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Foreign matter (dirt, grit, shav- 1. Remove the cooling solution, ings, etc.) in the cooling solution. clean the reservoir, replace with clean cooling solution. 2. Foreign matter (dirt, dried soap, 2. Send the cups to the Washing etc.) on the cases. Department to be rewashed. 3. Chipped punch—a piece broken 8. Replace with a new punch. off the end of the punch. 4. Skinned punch—punch surface 4. Polish the punch if it is not too marred. badly skinned. If it is beyond repair, replace with new punch. 5. Cracked die—-fracture in the 5. Replace with new die. cross section of the die. 6. Scratched die——scratched on the 6. Polish the die if the scratch is inside surface of the die. not too deep, or replace with a new die if necessary. Gaging discloses uneven sidewall thickness, crooked tops, or uneven bottoms. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Bent punch. 1. Straighten the punch in an arbor press. If it cannot be straight- ened, replace with a new punch. 2. Worn die——drawing surface too 2. Replace with a new die. large or irregular. 3. Foreign matter (dirt, shavings, 3. Remove the die and the die burrs, etc.). lock. Clean with a rag and replace. l31l CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Crooked Draw (Cont.) Thick Bottom Thin Bottom Punch Outs 4. If too hard, return to Annealing Department to be reannealed; if too soft, call inspector and check source of supply. 4. Improper anneal—cups either annealed too hard or too soft. Gaging discloses insufficient material drawn out of the bottom of the case. Caution: Check tool identification and dimensions. If tools are within specifications, shut machine down until anneal has been checked by Metallurgy Department. (Tools must never be altered by the adjuster.) The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Not enough angle on taper of 1. Replace with new punch. punch. 2. Radius on end of punch insuffi- 2. Replace with new punch. cient. Gaging indicates too much material drawn out of the bottom of the case. Caution: Check tool identification and dimensions. If tools are within specifications, shut machine down until anneal has been checked by Metallurgy Department. (Tools must never be altered by the adjuster.) The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Too much angle on the taper of 1. Replace with new punch. the punch. 2. Radius at the end of the punch 2. Replace with new punch. too great. Visual inspection discloses that the bottom of the case is punched out or the side of the case is deformed by the punch. Caution: Check tool identification and dimensions. If tools are within specifications, shut machine down until anneal has been checked by Metallurgy Department. (Tools must never be altered by the adjuster.) I The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Improper anneal——the case met- 1. Send to the annealing room. al is too hard. 2. This cannot be corrected. Check source of supply and call in- spector. 2. Improper anneal—the case met- al is too soft. 3. There is no radius on the punch. 3. Replace with a new punch. The punch is too large on the drawing end. 4. The die is upside down. The die 4. is not placed in the die block properly. Remove the die and replace it in the proper position. I32l CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Short Case Gaging discloses the case is not long enough and the walls are too thick to meet specifications. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The die is too large—it is over- 1. Replace with a new die. size in the drawing surface. 2. Punch is too small. 2. Replace with a new punch. Long Case Gaging discloses the case is too long and the walls too thin to meet specifications. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The die is too small—undersize 1. Lap out the die to the proper in the drawing surface. size. 2. The punch is too large. 2. Replace with a new punch. Sheared Tops Visual inspection discloses that the mouth of the case is torn or uneven. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Improper annealing—case metal 1. Send to the Annealing Depart- too hard. ment to be reannealed. 2. Faulty stripper—stripper bro- 2. Repair, or replace with new ken. stripper. 3. No stripper. 3. Insert stripper. Underslze Didmeler Gaging discloses diameter of case undersize. The cause is: The correction is: 1. The die is too small-—undersize 1. Lap out the die to proper size. in the drawing surface. Oversize Diclmelel‘ Gaging discloses diameter of case is oversize. The cause is: The correction is: 1. The die is too large—it is over- 1. Replace with a new die. size in the drawing surface. wrinkled MOUII1 Visual inspection discloses mouth of case wrinkled and uneven. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Rough punch——surface of punch 1. Polish and remove brass from has excess coating of brass. punch. 2. Faulty stripper——stripper bro- 2. Repair or replace with new ken. stripper. 3. Rough or ringed die——rough spot 3. Lap die if possible, or replace or brass coating on drawing with new die. surface of die. 4. No stripper. 4. Insert stripper. [33] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Uneven Flow of Cases from Hopper Case Tracks Damaged Hopper Jam Slow Press Visual inspection discloses that cases are not flowing through the feed tube and feed tracks. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Defective or long cases—-—cases 1. Remove cases from hopper and from previous draw to long or check source of supply. defective. 2. Cases jammed in feed tube. 2. Clear feed tube. Clean and check source of sup- ply- Repair feed finger or replace with new feed finger. 3. Foreign matter (dirt, shavings, 3. etc.). 4. Feed finger burred. 4. 5. Broken feed finger operating rod 5. Replace with new springs. springs. 6. Arm in pin wheel hopper loose. 6. Tighten arm. Visual inspection discloses cases not properly traveling along case tracks. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Improper adjustment. 1. Proper adjustment. 2. Broken springs. 2. Replace with new springs. Visual inspection discloses cases are not feeding through hopper to feed tube properly. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Overloaded——too many cases in 1. Remove excess cases. hopper. Clear hopper and check pins for burrs. 2. Cases stuck to pins in pin wheel 2. hopper. 3. Belt slips—loose belt, oily belt. 3. Tighten belt; if oily, clean. A lowered production rate may indicate that the stroke of the press is slowed down. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Dry bearings. 1. Check the lubrication. Call _ Maintenance Department. 2. Galled gibs. 2. Check the lubrication. Call Maintenance Department. 3. Loose belt. 3. Adjust the motor on the slides. [34] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Troubles and Corrections Clutch Clicks Visual inspection discloses that the clutch does not operate properly. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Bent or broken pins, rods or 1. Call Maintenance Department. springs. The clutch dog will not release properly. Motor Stops Visual inspection discloses the motor is not running and the press is stopped. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Overload or burnt out armature, 1. If the machine is overloaded, bearings, etc. clear the cause of the overload; press the reset button to start the motor. If there is any other cause for the motor to stop, shut off the power; call the Main- tenance Department. CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Tool Servicing Objective Servicing New Dies TOOL SERVICING Proper tool servicing is essential to maintain standard quality in the drawing of the bullet jackets and cartridge cases. Dies and punches are costly and great care must be exercised in the servicing of these tools. Adjusters will be concerned primarily with the removal of brass and small scratches that appear on working surfaces of dies and punches, and they must be careful, when using an abrasive on any tool, not to alter materially its dimensions. All tools that cannot be corrected by polishing or minor straightening must be returned to the Tool Service Department. 1. Dies as received from the tool room are normally undersize to allow for expansion pressure and for lapping to a desired size when necessary. 2. The size of the die may be checked by a die plug gage, but a test run should be made before any lapping is performed. 3. As a precaution, before a test run is made, the die bore should be inspected for roughness and polished if necessary. If the bore is rough causing undue friction, more metal than is necessary may be pulled from the bottom of the jacket or case at the start of the draw. 4. The product from the test run should be carefully gaged and inspected. Then, and then only, if an undersize or out-of-true die is indicated, should the die be lapped. 5. If trial in the machine shows that the die is undersize, place it in a three jaw chuck on a speed lathe to lap it. OVER-ALL VIEW OF SPEED LATHE C [36] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Tool Servicing 6. Check the die to see that it is straight and secure in the chuck. Lapping Procedure Carboloy Dies FIG. 1 CORRECT METHOD OF PLACING DIE IN CHUCK 1. 10. FIG. 2 INCORRECT METHOD OF PLACING DIE IN CHUCK When lapping is necessary, proceed as follows: Use a lap stick made of brass, lead, fiber or wood about the same diameter as the die hole. Dip the lap stick in a solution of #120 emery dust and olive oil or coal oil. Hold the lap stick as nearly as possible in line with the angle of the taper. When lapping the land, hold the stick at a right angle to the mouth of the die to keep the land true. A land which is not true causes irregular wall thickness and crooked tops on jackets and cases. While holding the lap stick against the die, give the stick a rapid in and out movement. This cuts down the ridges left by the grinder wheel in the metal surface and makes it smoother. Repeat this operation according to the amount of metal that must be taken out of the die. Wipe the die clean with a cloth. Next, polish the die with the finest grade of emery cloth available, not coarser than #220. Finish-the polishing operation with crocus cloth. Wipe out the inside of the die again with a cloth. Remove the die from the chuck and check the size of the die with a plug gage. Be sure the die is free of all emery dust before replacing it in the machine for production. To lap a carboloy die, follow the same procedure, with diamond dust and olive oil instead of emery dust. l37l CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Tool Servicing Servicing Scratched Dies Servicing a New Punch Lapping 1. Before removing a die from a machine to look for scratches, remove the stripper to determine whether the stripper, rather than the die, is scratched. 2. Check the die or stripper visually to determine how badly it is scratched. If the die or stripper has a very deep scratch, it should be sent to the Tool Service Department. 3. If it is found that the scratch is in the die, check the die with a die “wear limit” plug gage to determine how much metal can be worked out of it without making the die too large. 4. To polish the die, place it in a three jaw chuck on a speed lathe. 5. Polish it with fine emery cloth, then with crocus cloth. 6. If the scratch can’t be removed by polishing, the die must be lapped. See lapping procedure, or send to the Tool Service Department if necessary. 7. Check the die size with the “wear limit” plug gage before putting it into production. Before an abrasive of any kind is applied to a new punch its dimensions should be carefully checked with micrometer or profile gage, and its working surface should be examined for finishing or handling marks and lack of polish. A highly polished punch aids in stripping and allows metal to flow freely thereby reducing the tendency of brass to pile up on the working surface. An Adjuster will not be required to lap more than .0005” from a new punch. If more than this must be removed to bring the punch to size, it should be returned to the Tool Service Department for correction. Lap- ping is done with a piece of abrasive cloth wrapped around and moved back and forth along the axis of the punch as it revolves in a speed chuck. If the abrasive were held stationary, deep rings would be cut into the surface, thereby ruining the finish. The punch is shown in Fig. 1 correctly chucked, and in Fig. 2 incorrectly held (See page 37). Avoid excessive overhang of the punch as this is a safety hazard; make sure that the jaws are correctly set and tightened securely. Do not allow the jaws to grasp the working surface of the punch. Only a very fine abrasive such as emery cloth is to be used in the lapping operation. The surface of a properly lapped punch will have a dull grey color with cross-hatched effect. [38] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Tool Servicing Polishing CORRECT METHOD OF PLACING PUNCH IN CHUCK Servicing a Used Punch The lapping operation must be followed by polishing. Polishing is done in the same manner as lapping except that a finer abrasive is used, as for example, crocus cloth. A final operation called draw polishing is done with the chuck stopped. To draw polish a punch move the abrasive cloth lengthwise over the entire working surface avoiding rotary motion of the punch or the abrasive. Continue this final operation until all lapping marks are removed and the desired high polish or mirror like finish is obtained. FIG. 3 FIG. 4 INCORRECT METHOD OF PLACING PUNCH IN CHUCK As a punch is used its working surface Wears accumulating scratches and a coating of brass. Excessive wear is determined by measuring with micrometer or checking with profile gage. Obviously, an undersize punch must be replaced with one of approved dimensions. Scratches, if not too severe, may be removed by the lapping and polishing operations described above. A light coating of brass may be removed by the polishing operation alone. The question of how soon a new punch will need lapping or polishing can be answered only from experience since many variable factors enter‘ into the problem. [39] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Bearings MACHINE LUBRICATION The efficiency of all machines depends, to a great extent, upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction as far as we are concerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufliciently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: (1) Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. (2) Vegetable oils and animals oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. (3) Graphite——tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction. We thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [40] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. . Load on the shaft or slide. . Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. . Constant or intermittent operation. 2 3 4 5. Cleanliness of surroundings. 6. Temperature of surroundings. 7 . Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures ligh~ter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage, and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable, where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen, good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. I’q.°“~‘$"t'>‘.°°.l\" Frequency of lubrication. [41] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: 1. Simple oil hole. 2. Bottle oiler. Ring oiler. Plain oil cups. Drop feed cups. Wick feed cups. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 9°:q.®P‘:I>$*° Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. . Screw down cups. . Compression cups. 1 2 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5 . Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups must be kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubri- cation.” Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. R Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places—-in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can be easily forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. I42] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART No. of Fittings, Frequency of Lubricant Machine Part Grease Cups, Lubrication Etc. Hours Crankshaft Bearings 2 8 Pitman Bearing 1 8 LIGHT GREASE Gibs 4 8 (Blue Gun) Clutch Assembly 1 8 Hopper 1 24 Connecting Screw Knuckle 1 8 Flywheel and Clutch 1 8 Feed Finger Assembly 4 8 Feed Finger 6 8 MEDIUM OIL Detector Punch Assembly 5 8 (Red Oiler) Clutch Lever 7 24 \ Brake Assembly 6 24 Brake Shaft 2 24 HEAVY OIL Wrist Pin Reservoir 1 24 (Yellow Oiler) Worm Gear Drive for Hopper 1 1 wk. [43] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Index Adjustment, Brake, 24 Brake Release Rod, 25 Brake Spring, 26 Clutch Lever Spring, 29 Detector Stem, 27 Die Replacement, 20 Feed Fingers, 23 Friction Ball'Spring, 30 Hopper Feed Tube Mouth, 22 Knockout Bar, 28 Pin Wheel Bridge, 21 Punch Replacement, 19 Anneal, 16, 32 Annealing Department, 16, 32 Anti-friction Bearings, 41 Anvil, 11 Back-Stop, 8 Ball Bearings, 30 Ball-Spring Stop, 8 Bolster Plate, 7, 8 Bottom Die, 12, 13 Thickness, 16 Brake Action, 3 Adjustment, 24 Drum, 2, 24, 25, 26, 29 Lever, 25 Release Rod Adjustment, 25 Shoe, 2, 24, 25, 26, 29 Spring Adjustment, 26 Bushing, 14 Carboloy Die, 37 Case, 7, 8, 10 Tracks Damaged, 34 Cases, 3, 6, 14, 17, 30 Chuck, 39 Clutch, 2, 3, 4, 9, 24 Clicks, 35 Lever, 2, 3, 9, 10, 25 Lever Latch Pin, 10 Lever Spring Adjustment, 29 Lever Trip, 27, 28 Coating of Brass, 39 Coil Spring Feed Tube, 15 Components, 6, 16 Controls, 3 Conveyor, 14 Cooling Solution, 3 Solution Pump, 1, 4 Crankshaft, 2, 3, 9 Flywheel, 4 Speed, 1 Crocus Cloth, 37, 38 Crooked Draw, 31 Cup, 16 Defects, 17 Detector Stem, 10, 28 Stem Adjustment, 27 Stems, 3 INDEX Detector System, 10 Die, 8, 15, 20, 31, 36, 37 Block, 12, 20 Block Assembly, 12 Block Base Plate, 12 Block Lock Pin, 20 Replacement Adjustment, 20 Dies, 4 Dimensions, 16 Disposal, 14 Draw, 14 Polishing, 39 Emery Cloth, 37 , 38 Feed Finger Operating Rod, 8 Fingers, 14, 15 Fingers Adjustment, 23 Motor, 1 Pipe, 15 Socket, 23 Track, 8 Track Guides, 30 Tracks, 3, 7, 10, 14, 15, 23 Tube Bridge, 7 Tubes, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, 23 Floor Space, 1 Flywheel, 2, 9 Friction, 40 Ball Spring Adjustment, 30 Gage, 38 Care, 17 Plug, 36 Profile, 39 Twin Ring, 17 Gaging, 33 Gland Nut, 11, 19 Graphite, 41 Grease, 42 Hints on Lubrication, 43 Hopper Box, 5, 6 Feed Tube Mouth Adjustment, 22 Jam, 34 Inside Diameter, 16 Knockoff Bar, 3, 10 Knockout Bar, 27 Bar Adjustment, 28 Lap Stick, 37 Lapping, 37, 38 Latch Pin, 9 Pin Catch, 9 Lock Pin, 12 Long Case, 33 Lubricating Film, 40 Lubrication, 4, 14 Chart, 43 Methods, 42 Machine Motor, 1 Manufacturer, 1 Metallurgy Department, 32 Micrometer, 38, 39 \ Motor, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15 Stops, 35 New Punch, Servicing, 38 Outside Diameter, 16 Over-all Height, 1 Length, 16 Overhead Hopper, 14, 15 Overload Switch, 3 Oversize Diameter, 33 Pin Rings, 6 Wheel Bridge, 6, 22 Wheel Bridge Adjustment, 21 Wheel Hopper, 3, 5, 6, 14, 15 Wheel Hopper Box, 14, 15 Wheel Shaft, 5 Plug Gage, 36 Polishing, 39 Power, 2, 3 Production, 1 Profile Gage; 38, 39 Punch, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 19, 31, 39 Block Assembly, 11 Holder, 11, 19 Holder Block, 3, 11 Outs, 32 Replacement Adjustment, 19 Punches, 4 Rake-off Spring, 6 Ram, 3, 8, 9, 10, 14, 24, 28 Rocker Arm Assembly, 8 Arm Shaft, 15 Rotary Latch, 6 Scored or Scratched Walls, 31 Scratched Dies, Servicing, 38 Scratches, 17, 19, 20, 39 Selecting a Lubricant, 41 Servicing New Dies, 36 New Punch, 38 Scratched Dies, 38 Used Punch, 39 Sheared Tops, 33 Short Case, 33 Sidewall Variation, 16 Sleeve, 11 Slow Press, 34 Split Collar, 11, 19 Stations, 30 Stripper, 12, 13, 14, 15, 38 Holder, 12, 13 Stroke, 1 Thick Bottom, 32 Thin Bottom, 32 Three Jaw Chuck, 36 Toggle Switches, 4 Tools, 1 Top Die, 12, 13 Transmission, 2, 3 I44] CALIBER .30 FOURTH DRAW CASE Index Twin Ring Gage, 17 Uneven Flow of Cases from Hopper, V-type Belt, 2, 3, 5, 15 Type of Feed, 1 34 Weight, 1 Undersize Diameter, 33 Visual Inspection, 17, 31, 33, 34 Wrinkled Mouth, 33 [.45] (TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 First and Second Case Trim BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 1941 United States Government Contract W-ORD-481, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917, C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 443, 76th Congress, 3rd Session). II MANUAL CORRECTIONS—CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM LOCATION Page 4- fl 4 Page 18—Spec Page 19—Spec ERROR Clutch mounted on left end of machine Bottom Thickness before and after 1st Trim .155—.162 Bottom thickness after and before 2nd Trim .181-.194 CORRECTION Clutch mounted on right end of machine Bottom thickness before and after 1st Trim .150-.165 Bottom thickness after and before 2nd Trim .17 0—.190 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tool Holder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Tool Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Tool Servicing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 III CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND TRIM MACHINE IV CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Catalogue Data Manufacturer Machine Description “ Type of Feed Line Shaft Motor Production R.P.M. of Spindle Tools Height Weight Floor Space CATALOGUE DATA Peters Engineering Company, Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania. Horizontal single spindle, rotary cutter trim machine. Belt-driven from line shaft. Pin wheel hopper mounted on work bench. Belt- driven from line shaft. 7 R.P.M. 5 h.p.; 3 phase; 60 cycle; 220/440 volt; 865 R.P.M. 120 per minute. 1640 at spindle, line shaft 312 R.P.M.; belt-driven from motor; cutter 625 R.P.M. First Trim Piece No. Second Trim Piece No. Nose nut K-1 Nose nut K-2 Burr cutter K-1 Burr cutter R-2 Stripper ring K-1 Stripper ring K-2 Sleeve K-1 Sleeve K-2 Spring %_x .450x .024 Spring %x .450x .024 Spindle K-1 Spindle K-2 Rotary cutter R-2 Rotary cutter R-2 7 ft. 4 in. 2,000 Lbs. 6’ x 4'3” CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Machine Description MACHINE DESCRIPTION The Peters Trim Machine trims the cases to a uniform length. This operation is necessary after both the third and fourth draw in order that the length of the case can be standardized for succeeding operations. The Caliber .30 first case trim machine and the Caliber .30 second case trim machine are identical with the exception of tools and tool holders which vary in size. Line Shaft ____ Rotary Cutter j »~' Assembly CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM MACHINE Carrier Power and The Peters horizontal spindle, rotary cutter, trim machine, illustrated Transmission above, is mounted on the forward edge of a flat topped bench. The machine is connected to, and driven by, two flat type leather belts running to a line shaft, which is mounted to the back edge of the bench. The line shaft is driven bya 5 h.p. electric motor, mounted on the floor at theleft end of the bench. A flat type leather belt connects the motor to the line shaft. The line shaft may extend to drive as many as nine to eleven machines. The leather belt which drives the spindle is a constantly running belt, the spindle being driven direct from the line shaft. Power is transmitted through the leather belt to the main driveshaft by means of a manually operated friction type clutch. I 2 I CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Mdchine Description Main Driveshaft Pin Wheel Hopper Feed Check and Leather Disc Spindle Rotary Cutter Case Carrier The main driveshaft is held in a horizontal position below the machine bed by three bearings. The right and left bearings are of the babbitt type, while the one in the center is a cast-iron fitted bearing. The main driveshaft consists of three cams, two of which are of the eccen- tric type operating the rotary cutter and the case carrier through linkage. The third one is a cylindrical type cam which through a cam follower actuates the injecting shaft and the stripper bar in a right to left motion. The cylindrical cam is a constant type cam which imparts continuous motion to the injecting shaft and stripper bar. The pin wheel hopper receives cases from an overhead source through a feed chute to the hopper box. It consists of an inner and an outer rim and a mid-section of pin rings and spacer rings bolted together in a hopper assembly. The outer rim has three spokes attached to a hub shaft on which the entire hopper revolves; this shaft extends through the hopper box. The pins pick up the cases, carrying them to the top of the hopper where they enter the feed bridge. As the cases travel across the feed bridge, carried by the pins, they slide from the pins into the feed tube mouth. From the mouth they are gravity fed to the feed bushing. The hopper is driven by a flat leather belt connected to the line shaft. The feed tube delivers the cases from the hopper to a feed bushing. The feed bushing incorporates a case check arm which is actuated by the carrier to allow one case in the feed bushing at a time. As the carrier descends to a horizontal position, the feed check arm is released, allowing another case to pass into the feed bushing. As the case enters the feed bushing, it rides against the carrier radius until the carrier rises to receive it. When the carrier rises, it contacts the feed check arm, which descends into the feed tube, holding the succeeding case securely as the carrier receives the case contained in the feed bushing. A rotating leather disc, driven by a V-type belt from the hopper pulley, contacts and assists the case from the feed bushing into the carrier. The spindle is constantly driven by a leather belt from the hne shaft. The spindle shaft is held in the spindle head assembly by two ball bearings. The spindle assembly consists of a spring, sleeve, burr cutter and stripper ring, all of which is held on the spindle shaft by a nose nut. The end of the spindle opposite the nose nut is tapered to allow a drive fit into the spindle shaft socket. ' The rotary cutter blade is held on an arbor shaft mounted to the front edge of the machine frame, facing the spindle. The cutter is connected to, and driven by, a leather belt from a pulley on the hopper shaft. The rotary cutter is actuated to and from the spindle by an eccentric cam through linkage. The arbor shaft is held in position by two arbor screws which are threaded through the rotary cutter brackets. The case carrier is actuated, through linkage, from the eccentric cam on the main driveshaft. The carrier is a bronze casting which receives the cases individually from the feed bushing and transfers them to a hori- zontal position in line with the spindle, where the injecting stem pushes [3] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Machine Description Case Carrier (Cont) Injecting Stern and Stripper Bar Main Shaft Clutch them from the carrier onto the spindle. The carrier rises, actuated by the cam, to receive another case while the stripper bar removes the trimmed case from the spindle. The injecting stem, actuated by the cylindrical cam, moves forward to push the cases from the carrier onto the rotating spindle. After the trim- ming operation, the stripper bar, actuated by the cylindrical cam, pushes the case from the spindle. As the case leaves the spindle, a jet of air separates the scrap ring from the case; the scrap ring drops into the scrap chute and the case falls into the case chute leading to the conveyor belt and elevator. The main shaft clutch is mounted on the main shaft at the left end of the machine. Connected to the end of the main shaft, outside the clutch, is a hand wheel. To make any adjustments, the clutch should be in an en- gaged position and the machine should be operated by turning the hand wheel. [4] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Machine Description Set Cam Cam- Allen Bearing Cam- Screw Follower Shaft 7 Cam Set Screw Housing Shaft W‘ Bearing Housing Cam Cam Linkage Turnbuckle Follower Arm ECCENTRIC CAM WHICH ECCENTRIC CAM WHICH OPERATES THE ROTARY CUTTER OPERATES THE CASE CARRIER Camshaft Bearing Housing Cylindrical Cam Track Machine Leg CYLINDRICAL CAM WHICH OPERATES THE INJECTING STEM Main Driveshaft The main driveshaft incorporates the two eccentric cams, which operate the rotary cutter and case carrier. These two cams are mounted on the main driveshaft at a position near the left end of the machine. The cylindrical cam operating the injecting stem and stripper bar is mounted at a position near the right end of the main driveshaft. The injecting stem and stripper bar are actuated in a right to left motion by a cam follower which rides in the track of the cylindrical cam. The cam follower is mounted on the threaded section of the injecting stem which allows an adjustment to be made governing the injecting stem and stripper bar stroke. The rotary cutter and case carrier are operated through linkage to the eccentric cams. The cam followers are held in contact with the eccentric cams by coil springs, which are attached to the cam follower arm and the machine frame. The main driveshaft is held in a horizontal posi- tion, running lengthwise of the machine, below the machine frame. It rotates in three bearings; the two outer bearings are held in place by four cap screws while the center bearing is held in place by two cap screws. [5] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Machine Description Pin Wheel Steel Feed Tube Adjusting and Feed Tube Spur Worm Gear Fricton Hopper Bridge Pins Mouth Lock Nuts Mouth Gear Housing Clutch I V .. Bridge Bridge Spokes Feed Agitator Leather Clutch Bracket Adjustment Bolt Tube Shaft Belt Lever CLOSE-UP OF INTERIOR REAR VIEW OF PIN WHEEL OF PIN WHEEL HOPPER HOPPER AND HOPPER BOX jg: Round Leather Belts Clutch Lever I . I FRONT RIGHT END VIEW OF HOPPER Pin Wheel Hopper The pin wheel hopper revolves in a clockwise direction driven by a flat leather belt from the line shaft. It is driven by a shaft extending through the center of the hopper with a bevel gear attached to the outer end. The spur gear meshes with a worm gear mounted to a crankshaft at the back of the hopper. The cross-shaft extends out to the left side of the hopper and is provided with a manually operated friction type clutch, which allows the hopper to be stopped while the line shaft continues to turn. A pulley is mounted on the left end of the cross-shaft outside the clutch for attachment of the leather belt. A manually operated agitator shaft extends through the bottom of the hopper box; in the event a jam occurs, the cases should be agitated by manually operating the agitator shaft. Attached to the right side of the hopper is a stub shaft which mounts two V-type pulleys, which through two round leather belts, drives the leather disc and the rotary cutter. The stub is equipped with a jaw type clutch which allows the rotary cutter and leather disc to be stopped independ- ently of the line shaft. The two driver pulleys are belt-driven from the line shaft. [6] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Machine Description Injecting Stern and Stripper Bar INJECTING STEM AND STRIPPER BAR The injecting stem and stripper bar, actuated by the cylindrical cam, through the cam follower, extend the length of the machine. The injecting stem is composed of an injecting stem holder and injecting stem. The injecting stem travels from right to left and is held in a raised position above the machine bed by two brackets, which are fitted with bronze bush- ings. The stripper bar rides on the machine bed and is guided through slots cut in the brackets holding the injecting stem. The brackets are bolted to the machine frame. The stripper bar actuates the stripper ring to push the case from the spindle after the trimming operation. The strip- per bar is equipped with two stops, attached below the spindle, which con- tact the stripper arm to actuate the stripper ring from left to right. [7] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Machine Description CLOSE UP OF ROTARY CUTTER ASSEMBLY Spindle Assembly The spindle assembly is supported by a bracket bolted to the machine frame. The spindle shaft rotates in two sets of ball bearings which are incorporated in the supporting brackets. The drive pulley is mounted on the spindle shaft between the two brackets for connection of the spindle shaft through a flat leather belt to the line shaft. The stripper bar is further guided in its right to left motion through two openings in the supporting brackets. The spindle shaft is equipped at the right end with a tapered socket into which the spindle is fitted. The spindle shaft turns constantly, driven by the line shaft through the leather belt. [8] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Tool Holder Description TOOL HOLDER DESCRIPTION Spindle Assembly Nose Nut: The nose nut is internally threaded for attachment - to the threaded end of the spindle. Its surface tapers slightly toward the outside end. The nose nut abutts against the burr cutter and is held in this position by a countersunk set screw. Burr Cutter: The burr cutter is assembled on the spindle from the threaded end and is held against the shoulder by “press fit.” The case is fitted over the burr cutter, which acts as a founda- ii tion for the case as it is trimmed by the rotary cutter. The burr cutter eliminates burrs left on the case by the rotary cutter. Stripper Ring: The stripper ring is circular with its drilled center counterbored for insertion over the sleeve flange. A ‘I groove is contained around the circumference of its outside surface into which the stripper bracket is fitted. Sleeve: The sleeve is a hollow cylinder drilled lengthwise to provide a sliding fit on the spindle. A shoulder on one end is counterbored to fit over a portion of the spring. Spring: The spring is assembled on the spindle from the threaded end. It forces the sleeve against the shoulder of the burr cutter and also permits the sleeve to move away from the burr cutter during the cutting operation. Spindle: The spindle is constructed of tool steel as shown in the cross-sectional drawing below. All of the parts above described are assembled on it. The tapered end of the spindle shank is held in the spindle shaft socket by “drive fit.” Stripper Ring \ ‘ S ' Nose Nut pnng //Y \\\Y ' § 7/‘ II""~"'I'i'/~"—_Ih—I 7’/I//At”/I/I. k\\\ 'IIIIIIIIIIIII’/ . I \ I Spanner Hole Cur“, Spindle Shank . \ CROSS-SECTIONAL DRAWING or SPINDLE ASSEMBLY l 9 l CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Tool Holder Description Rotary Cutter Hexagonal Lock Nut: The hexagonal lock nut locks Assembly the rotary cutter against the arbor shoulder. It is placed on the arbor from the threaded end after the cutting disc and washer have been assembled in place. Washer: The washer, backed up by the lock nut, exerts a uniform pressure against the center of the rotary cut- ter. Its purpose is to prevent scoring and breaking the rotary cutter. I 0 ~ 3 _l\ . I- . Rotary Cutter: The rotary cutter is assembled from the threaded end of the arbor and held against the .--w ‘» shoulder of the arbor spacer by the hexagonal lock nut. ‘ The outside edge has a 45 to 50 degree beveled edge. The rotary cutter trims the case to the desired length. . W Shoulder Spacer: The shoulder spacer is an integral part of the arbor. It acts as a spacer between the rotary cutter and the pulley, and also acts as a shoulder against which the rotary cutter and pulley are held. Pulley: The pulley is held in place on the arbor by a hexagonal nut. A flat leather belt connecting the pulley with a pulley on the hopper shaft_ drives the arbor. Arbor: The arbor is made of tool steel and is illustrated in the cross-sectional drawing appearing at the bottom of this page. The center of the arbor is drilled to act as an oil reservoir for lubricating the female centers located at each end. (See diagram at bottom of page.) An oil set screw is set in the shaft for admission of oil to the drilled center. The arbor is held in the rocker arm casting by two male centering adjustment screws. Hexagonal Lock Nut: The hexagonal lock nut is in- ternally threaded and holds the pulley against the shoulder spacer. ///////////o ‘ ‘ V ‘ Oil Reservoir Oil Set Screw Female Center Female Center Hexagonal Lock Nut Washer ,§\\\ 7 »~ \ ~ , \\\\.\\\\t\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ '\\\\g ‘ / Arbor ‘N /6 Pulley CROSS-SECTIONAL DRAWING OF ROTARY CUTTER ASSEMBLY Rotary Cutter R ’I//!7/////I// I 10 l CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM TOOI Description TOOL DESCRIPTION First Case Trim Tool Name: Spindle Piece No.: K-1 Location: In back of rotary cutter Normal Life: Indefinite Spindle is made of tool steel, ground and polished. SPINDLE Tool Name: Sleeve Piece N 0.: K-1 Location: On spindle Normal Life: Indefinite Sleeve is made of tool steel, ground and polished. SLEEVE Tool Name: Nose Nut Piece No.: K-1 Location: On end of spindle Normal Life: 500,000 pieces A The nose nut is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and NOSE NUT polished. M 6 Tool Name: Burr Cutter Piece No.: K-1 Location: On spindle Normal Life: 105,000 pieces Burr cutter is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. BURR CUTTER Tool Name: Rotary Cutter Piece No.: R-2 Location: On arbor in front of spindle Normal Life: 91,786 pieces Rotary cutter is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. ROTARY CUTTER I11] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Tool Description Tool Name: Spring Piece No.: V; x _.450 x .024 Location: On spindle Normal Life: 200,000 pieces The spring is manufactured from spring steel, ground and hardened. Tool Name: Stripper Ring Piece No.: K-1 Location: On spindle Normal Life: 116,667 pieces Stripper ring is made of tool steel, ground and polished. STRIPPER RING I [12] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Tool Description TOOL DESCRIPTION Second Case Trim .4 SPINDLE E ¢H\a.-wvfi-vi \» SLEEVE .¢-fly ‘\. NOSE NUT BURR CUTTER ROTARY CUTTER Tool Name: Spindle Piece No.: K-2 Location: In back of rotary cutter Normal Life: Indefinite Spindle is made of tool steel, ground and polished. Tool Name: Sleeve Piece No.: K-2 Location: On spindle in back of rotary cutter Normal Life: Indefinite Sleeve is made of tool steel, ground and polished. Tool Name: Nose Nut Piece No.: K-2 Location: On end of spindle Normal Life: 200,000 pieces The Nose Nut is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. Tool Name: Burr Cutter Piece No.: R-2 Location: On spindle Normal Life: 105,000 pieces Burr cutter is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. Tool Name: Rotary Cutter Piece No.: R-2 Location: In front of the spindle Normal Life: 91,786 pieces Rotary cutter is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. [13] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Tool Description Tool Name: Spring \ \ Piece No.: % x .450 x .024 l\ ' I Location: On stripper \/I Normal Life: 200,000 pieces The spring is manufactured from spring steel, ground SPRING and hardened. Tool Name: Stripper ring Piece No.: K-2 Location: On spindle Normal Life: 116,667 pieces Stripper ring is made of tool steel, ground and polished. STRIPPER RING I14I CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Process Sequence Overhead Hopper Pin Wheel Hopper Box Pin Wheel Hopper Feed Tube Carrier and Feed Check Injecting Stem and Spindle Rotary Cutter Stripper and Disposal PROCESS SEQUENCE The cases are gravity fed from an overhead source into the overhead hopper and flow through the feed pipe down into the pin wheel hopper box. The cases flow through an opening in the pin wheel hopper box, past an agitator, into the bottom of the pin wheel hopper. As the pin wheel hopper rotates, the cases are agitated and picked up by a series of pins mounted on the inner circumference of the pin wheel. The pins carry the cases upward past the rake-off spring, which removes misaligned cases and presses the partly set cases all the way onto the pins. As the cases are carried across the top of the pin wheel, they are held on the pins by the bridge. At the end of the bridge they drop off, one at a time, into the open end of the feed tube, mouth up. The cases fall by gravity down through the coil spring feed tube, into the feed bushing, and stop against the carrier. As the carrier moves up to receive the case, the trip strikes the feed check arm, which actuates the feed check mechanism, and stops the flow of cases but allows one case at a time to enter the carrier. The case is assisted into the carrier by a revolving leather friction disc. As the carrier moves down, it conveys the case to a horizontal position, in line with the revolving spindle and injecting stem. The downward movement of the carrier also releases the feed check mechanism and permits the succeeding case to move down and stop against the carrier. As the injecting stem moves from right to left, it pushes the case onto the spindle in position for the rotary cutter. The stripper also moves to the left, striking the shoulder of the spindle sleeve and opening the gap in the spindle cutter. This gap is necessary to allow the rotary cutter to shear against the cutting edge of the burr cutter. The injecting stem holds the case firmly by spring pressure, while the rotary cutter moves in, trimming the case to the proper length. As the rotary cutter moves in, the carrier moves up to receive the next case and the above operation is repeated. The injecting stem and stripper bar move away from the spindle, relieving the pressure on the spindle sleeve, and allowing the gap on the spindle to close. The case and scrap ring are removed from the spinme by the stripper ring located in the stripper block. The case falls through a chute onto a conveyor under the machine. The scrap ring is blown into another chute by an air jet and falls into a separate truck under the machine. [15] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Process Sequence FLOW CHART Overhead Hopper Cases are gravity fed from truck or conveyor into overhead hopper through feed pipe. Feed Pipe Conveys cases from overhead hopper into pin wheel hopper box. Pin Wheel Hopper Box Cases flow through opening in pin wheel hopper box, past agitator, into bottom of pin wheel hopper. Pin Wheel Hopper Rotates and cases are picked up by pins and carried past rake-off spring to the top of the pin wheel, where they are supported by the bridge. At the end of the bridge they fall off, one at a time, mouth up, into open end of coil spring feed tube. Powered through worm gear from pulley, flat belt from line shaft. Coil Spring Feed Tube Conveys cases from the pin wheel hopper past feed check into the bushing, where they rest against the radius bar of the carrier. Feed check is actuated by spring to arm, through spring to trip on carrier. Carrier As the carrier moves up to receive a case, the trip strikes the feed check mechanism, allowing one case at a time to enter carrier which then moves down to a horizontal position, in alignment with spindle and push rod. Downward motion by spring action. Upward by a shaft, through stroke arm, adjust- ment arm, rocker arm, cam follower, camshaft, clutch pulley, flat leather belt, line shaft from motor. Injecting Stem Moves from right to left, pushing the case onto the spindle. Actuated by cylindrical cam from shaft, clutch pulley, flat leather belt, from line shaft. I [16] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Process Sequence FLOW CHART (Cont.) I Spindle Revolves, holding the case in position for the cutting P Owered by pulley’ and flat leather belt, from line shaft. tool. Rotary Cutter Moves forward, trimming the case to its proper length. On the forward motion, the carrier moves up allowing another case to enter, and repeats the Powered by pulley, round leather belt, from clutch pul- ley, round leather belt from . . . line shaft. trimming operation. Injecting Stem Stripping and Disposal As the injecting stem and stripper move back from Stripper ring is actuated by the spindle, the case is stripped off by a stripper a cylindrical Cam from Shaft, ring located in the stripper block. clutch pulley’ flat belt, line Scrap is forced into a chute by air pressure. The Shaft- trimmed case drops into a chute to a conveyor under the machine. [17] ' CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION First Case Trim The component when received by the first trim machine is in the form of a case as shown in Fig. 1. The case is made of brass (70% copper, 30% zinc). The closed end of the case is known as the bottom and the open end as the mouth. The cases are received by the first trim machine from the Washing Depart- ment where they are washed and dried. The cases are delivered to the Washing Department from the third draw press. The dimensions of the case are as follows: Before first trim operation After first trim operation Outside diameter .517—.519 Outside diameter .517— .519 Bottom thickness .155—.162 Bottom thickness .155— .162 Over-all length variable Over-all length 1.728—1.7 55 Inside length 1.573—1.593 After the trimming operation, the cases are sent to the Sorting Department to be sorted, and then to the Annealing Department where they are annealed, pickled and washed before being delivered to the fourth draw. (See Fig. 2) FIG. 1 FIG. 2 BEFORE FIRST TRIM AFTER FIRST TRIM [18] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND sccono CASE TRIM Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Second Case Trim The component when received by the second trim machine is in the form of a case as shown in Fig. 1. The case is made of brass (70% copper, 30% zinc). The closed end of the case is known as the bottom and the open end as the mouth. The cases are received by the second trimming machine from the Washing Department where they are washed and dried. The cases are delivered to the Washing Department from the fourth draw press. The dimensions of the case are as follows: Before second trim operation After second trim operation Outside diameter .4630—.4642 Outside diameter .4630—.4642 Bottom thickness .181 —.194 Bottom thickness .181 —.194 Sidewall variation .010 —.011 Sidewall variation .010 —.011 Over-all length Over-all length 2.551—2.584 Inside length 2.370—2.390 After the trimming operation, the cases are sent to the pocketing machine. (See Fig. 2) FIG. 1 FIG. 2 BEFORE SECOND TRIM AFTER SECOND TRIM I19] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Inspection Visual Gage Care Gages INSPECTION At frequent intervals, after the trimming operation, a careful visual inspection of the cases must be made. The cases should be inspected for dents on the head and the body, also for inside and outside burrs on the mouth, and for long and short cases. These defects indicate an immediate adjustment of the machine is necessary to correct the fault. Whenever de- fective cases are found, the lot from which they come must be removed from the machine and properly identified, so they will not be mixed with good cases. Gages are expensive instruments, machined to a fine precision. Improper use, or carelessness in gaging may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may affect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be employed in matching a case to a gage. A protected location should be used for storage of gages to prevent their damage when not in use. The most accurate checks are made when the cases are cool, since heat causes expansion of the metal and results in a temporary variation in the case size. PLUG GAGE The length of the case is checked with a plug gage which indi- cates the standard inside case length. This gage also checks the case for inside burr. The above described inspection methods are those most commonly employed in the trimming operation on a Caliber .30 Case Trim Machine. However, other methods may be developed to maintain the manufacturing standards. [20] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Adjustments Objective Cautions ADJUSTMENTS To maintain satisfactory production a machine must be adjusted to com- pensate for the wear of its tools and other working parts, and to meet new conditions caused by a difference in material. It is necessary to inspect the machine and components regularly in order that any troubles may be detected and corrected immediately. This section of the manual, with its illustrations, photographs, and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all of the machine troubles that will be en- countered, therefore certain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. A thorough analysis of the trouble will indi- cate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. The machine and surrounding floor space must be clean and free from all foreign objects at all times. No adjustments are to be made on this machine while it is in motion or until the handwheel has stopped. Adjustments on or near the rotary cutter require extreme care to prevent injury to the adjuster’s hands. In order to insure proper adjustment of the machine and alignment of its tools, always turn the machine over by hand before engaging clutch. Safety guards must be in their proper place on the machine except when repairs or inspections are being made. Inspect the machine periodically during the day’s run to determine whether or not all connections and adjustments are secure. I21] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Adjustments Injecting Stem TOOI: Procedure: The injecting stem, actuated by a cam, pushes the case onto the spindle. It should be adjusted so that there is about V16" clearance between the stem and the spindle. The stem is adjusted by turning a split lock nut on the injecting. stem holder. Another split lock nut on the injecting stem holder closer to the stem point, adjusts the spring tension on the stem. INJECTING STEM ASSEMBLY Screwdriver. 1. Use a screwdriver to loosen the screws on the guard over the stem and remove the guard. 2. Turn the handwheel until the stem is as close as possible to the spin- dle. 3. Use a screwdriver to loosen the lock screws on the split nut on the stem holder farthest from the stem. 4. Turn the split nut until there is about $65" clearance between the stem and the spindle. 5. Tighten the two screws on the split nut. 6. Loosen the lock screws on the split nut against the spring on the stem holder. 7. Turn the split nut until there is a distance of about 1" between it and the cam follower. 8. Tighten the lock screws on the split nut. 9. Replace the guard and tighten the screws. I22] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND cAsE TRIM Adjustments Clutch The clutch is adjusted by turning the two screws on the clutch fingers. It should be adjusted so that the clutch will engage sufficiently to operate the machine, but will slip in case of a jam. Tools: Screwdriver, 1%” wrench Procedure: 1. Use an 11/16" wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the adjusting screws located on the clutch fingers. 2. Use a screwdriver to tighten the two adjusting screws a like amount to increase the pressure on the clutch. Loosen the screws to decrease the pressure. 3. Hold the screws in place and tighten the lock nuts. 4. Check the adjustment by holding the clutch disc and turning the fly- wheel to determine how much force is necessary to make the clutch slip. Nut Screwgs Flat Leather Belt ‘ I Clutch Lever Flywheel Handwheel Screw at Left End CLOSE-UP OF CLUTCH VIEW OF LEFT END OF ASSEMBLY MACHINE Leather Disc The leather disc assists the case into the carrier. The leather disc shaft is mounted on an eccentric cam. To adjust the disc, loosen the Allen set screw against the cam mounting; then turn the cam, lowering or raising the disc. Raising the disc increases its pressure against the case and increases the speed at which the case is assisted into the carrier; conversely, lowering the disc will decrease the pressure against the case and will decrease the speed with which the case is assisted into the carrier. [23] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Adjustments Rotary Cutter The rotary cutter is mounted on a rocker arm. Adjustment can be made (Depth) on the rocker arm to change the depth of the cutter. It is adjusted so that the cutter cuts through the case, but does not ride on the burr cutter. Allen Screw Set Leather Rocker Allen Rotary Lock at Right Screw Disc Arm Set Screw V Pulley Cutter Nut End Screw at Left End Adjusting Screw Rocker Arm VIEW OF LEFT END OF CLOSE-UP OF ROTARY CUTTER MACHINE ASSEMBLY Tools: Two 15/16" wrenches. Procedure: 1. Use a 1:’/15” wrench to loosen the nut on the outside of the adjusting screw located on the rocker arm. Tighten the nut on the inside to adjust the cutter for a deeper cut. 2. Use a 1%” wrench to loosen the inside nut in the adjusting screw and tighten the nut on the outside of the adjusting screw to adjust the cutter away from the spindle. 3. Turn the flywheel until the cutter is as close as possible to the spindle. The cutter should enter the gap but should not touch the spindle at the bottom of the gap. [24] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Adiustments Rotary Cutter (Alignment) VIEW OF LEFT END The rotary cutter can be adjusted to the right or left by changing the posi- tion of the arbor shaft. The cutter should be adjusted as close to the edge of the burr cutter as possible without actually rubbing against the edge. Screw Allen at Set Rotary Lack Right Screw Cutter V Pulley Nut End CLOSE-UP OF ROTARY CUTTER OF MACHINE ASSEMBLY Tools: 15/16" wrench, V16” Allen wrench, off-set screwdriver. Procedure: 1. Use a 5/15” Allen wrench to loosen the lock screw on the left side of the arbor. . Use a 1%” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the right side of the arbor. To move the cutter to the left, use an off-set screwdriver to loosen the screw on the left end of the shaft, and tighten the screw on the right end. Both screws should be turned a like amount. To move the cutter to the right, loosen the screw at the right end of the shaft and tighten the screw at the left end of the shaft. Both screws should be turned a like amount. Tighten the lock screw on the arbor. Turn the flywheel until the cutter is at its nearest position toward the spindle, and turn the cutter shaft to observe whether or not the cut- ter rubs on the burr cutter. I25] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM ' Adjustments Burr Gap The stripper ring adjustment determines the width of the gap that is left for the trimming operation. The stripper, actuated by a cam connected to the main shaft, pushes the spindle sleeve back, providing the necessary gap between the spindle and the burr cutter. The gap should be about X6" wide. - '-~ _ Lock Nut I _ Adjusting Screw SPINDLE ASSEMBLY REAR VIEW Tools: 1%” wrench, 7/16” wrench. Procedure: 1. Turn the handwheel until the stripper ring is in its farthest position to the left. 2. Loosen the lock nut on the adjusting screw which holds the stripper plate in position. ' 3. Use a 7/16” wrench to turn the adjusting screw until the desired gap is attained between the spindle sleeve and the burr cutter. 4. Hold the adjusting screw in place and tighten the lock nut. 5. Operate the machine and observe the trimming operation. I 26 I CALIBER .30 FIRST AND secono CASE TRIM Adiustments Carrier The carrier is actuated by a cam on the main driveshaft. The carrier receives the cases from the feed bushing and carries them in a horizontal position to be pushed onto the spindle by the injecting stem. If the carrier is not in line with the spindle when it is in the lowest position, it can be adjusted by adjusting the turnbuckle connected to the carrier arm. ,~.s ‘lli " ‘~Feed Carrier Feed Tube Carrier Injecting Stem Leather Disc Lock Nut - Lock Nut -— Turnbuclcle — Lock Nut FRONT VIEW SHOWING THE REAR VIEW SHOWING THE TURN- CARRIER BUCKLE AND FEED CARRIER Tool: 1%" wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 1%" wrench to loosen the two lock nuts on the turnbuckle. 2. Turn the turnbuckle, raising or lowering the carrier, whichever is necessary, to line the carrier with the spindle. 3. Hold the turnbuckle in position and tighten the two lock nuts. 4. Operate the machine to observe the action of the carrier. [27] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Adjustments Carrier 3A" Nut Currier Arm TOOI: Procedure: The carrier is adjusted in line with the feed bushing by adjusting the posi- tion of the bolt that connects the turnbuckle to the carrier adjusting arm. Turnbuckle TURNBUCKLE AND CARRIER ADJUSTMENT %" wrench 1. 2. Turn the handwheel until the carrier is at its extreme upper position. Use a %" wrench to loosen the nut on the screw that connects the turnbuckle to the carrier arm. Move the screw in the slot in the carrier arm until the carrier is in line with the feed bushing. Hold the screw in position and tighten the nut. Operate the machine by hand to observe the action of the carrier. CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Adjustments Timing Tools: Procedure: If the rotary cutter cam has slipped on the shaft, and the action of the cutter is out of time with the action of the injecting stem, the action of the rotary cutter must be synchronized with the action of the stem by adjusting the rotating cutter cam. ECCENTRIC CAM WHICH OPERATES THE ROTARY CUTTER Screwdriver, 1/4" wrench. 1. 2. .\".°“-*9“ Loosen the screws on the guard over the injecting stern and remove the guard. Turn the handwheel until the injecting stem is at the extreme left position. Use a 1/4" wrench to loosen the set screw on the cam that actuates the rotary cutter. Turn the cam so that its high point is against the cam follower. The cutter should be at its farthest position from the spindle and should start its movement toward the spindle if the handwheel is turned. Hold the cam in this position and tighten the set screw. Replace the guard and tighten the screws. Turn the handwheel over to observe the action of the cutter In rela- tion to the action of the injecting stem. [29] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Adjustments __fl_—__—_Y__—__—————_-————— Timing Tools: Procedure: If the carrier cam has slipped on the shaft, and the carrier is out of time with the injecting stem, it is necessary to synchronize the action of the injecting stem with the action of the carrier. ECCENTRIC CAM WHICH OPERATES THE CASE CARRIER Screwdriver, 1/4" Allen wrench. 1. 9° Loosen the screws which are located on the guard over the injecting stem and remove the guard. Turn the handwheel until the injecting stem is at the extreme right. Use a 14" Allen wrench to loosen the set screw on the carrier cam. Turn the cam so that its high point touches the cam follower. The carrier should be at the receiving position and should start its travel toward a horizontal position if the handwheel is turned. Hold the cam in this position and tighten the set screw. Replace the guard and tighten the guard screws. [30] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Adjustments HopperFeed Bfidge Tool: Procedure: Feed Tube Mouth Tool: Procedure: The cases are carried on the pins on the pin wheel across the hopper bridge. The bridge is adjusted by adjusting the nut on the vertical bolt connected to it. 1%" wrench. 1. Hold the adjusting nut and use an 1%" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the vertical bolt. 2. Use an 1%” wrench to turn the adjusting nut, either raising or lowering the feed bridge until it is about %” from the pins on the pin wheel. 3. Hold the adjusting nut in place and tighten the lock nut. 4. Close and latch the hopper door. CLOSE UP OF INTERIOR OF PINWHEEL HOPPER The cases should fall from the pins into the feed tube mouth and down through the feed tube. If they fail to do this, the feed mouth must be adjusted in line with the pins on the pin wheel. 1%" wrench. 1. Release the latch and open the hopper door. 2. Use an 1%” wrench to loosen the bottom lock nut on the rod that con- nects the feed tube mouth to the hopper bridge. 3. Use an 1%” wrench to adjust the top nut until the feed tube mouth is in line with the pins on the pin wheel. 4. Hold the adjusting nut in place and tighten the lock nut. 5. Close and latch the hopper door. [31] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Troubles and Corrections TROLIBLES AND CORRECTIONS Objective The adjuster will encounter many troubles and defects in the operation Burr on Mouth of Case of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may confront an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. The following troubles can be recognized by visual and gage inspection of the component, together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Visual inspection discloses that there is a burr or a ragged fragment of brass adhering to the mouth of the case. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The cutting edge of the rotary 1. Remove the rotary cutter from cutter has become dull. . The cutting edge of the burr cutter has become dull. . Defective case—case is bent, short, or has a damaged mouth. . The burr cutter is not running true. The cutter is bent or cracked around the cutting edge. . The rotary cutter is not run- ning true. The cutter is bent or cracked around the cutting edge. . The clearance between the ro- tary cutter and the spindle cutter is either too great or insufficient. the arbor and replace with a sharp cutter. Return dull ro- tary cutter to the Tool Ser- vicing Department to be re- ground. . Remove the burr cutter from the spindle and replace with a sharp cutter. Return the dull burr cutter to the Tool Ser- vicing Department to be re- ground. . Remove defective case and check source of supply. Call the inspector. . Remove the defective cutter from the spindle and replace with a new burr cutter. . Remove the defective cutter from the arbor and replace with a new rotary cutter. . Adjust the rotary cutter as close to the burr cutter as possible without allowing the rotary cutter to strike against the burr cutter. [32] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Troubles and Corrections Burr on Mouth of Case (Cont.) Incomplete Trim Dents on Body of Case 7. Foreign matter——dirt, dried 10. soap, on cases. . The nose nut has become loose and causes the spindle to be- come loose. . End play in spindle assembly —spindle is loose. Bent spindle—case does not properly set on spindle. 10. Remove the cases from the hopper and send to the Wash- ing Department to be re- washed. .Adjust the nose nut flush against the burr cutter by use of a spanner wrench. . Tighten the spindle in the spindle shaft socket by strik- ing end of nose nut with a brass hammer. Remove the bent spindle and replace with a new spindle. Return bent spindle to Tool Servicing Department. Visual inspection discloses that the case is not trimmed completely and leaves a ring still hanging on the mouth of the case. The causes are: 1. The rotary cutter is not set deep enough and only puts a ring around the mouth of the case. Rotary cutter becomes loose and slips on the arbor. The arbor belt is slipping, caused by either being too loose or too oily. . The arbor adjusting screws are too tight and prevent the ro- tary cutter from turning. 1. The corrections are: Adjust the rotary cutter to the proper cutting depth by ad- justing the set screw in the rocker arm. . Tighten the rotary cutter by adjusting the nut on the threaded section of the arbor. . Clean the belt if it is oily or apply belt dressing if it is slip- pery from wear. Adjust idler pulley if the belt is loose. . Loosen the arbor adjusting screws so that the arbor runs freely. Visual inspection discloses that the body of the case has become dented OI‘ the outside surface is marred. The causes are: 1. The cases are not being inserted on the spindle properly because the carrier is not properly ad- j usted. . Weak or broken carrier spring. 1. The corrections are: Adjust the carrier by changing the position of the bolt that connects the turnbuckle to the carrier arm. . Remove defective spring and replace with a new carrier spring. [33] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Troubles and Corrections Improper Feed of Cases from Hopper and Feed Tube to Machine Loose Spindle Visual inspection discloses that the cases are not feeding properly through the hopper or feed tube to the carrier, which results in a loss of production. The causes are: 1. The hopper is overloaded with cases. The space between the bridge and the pins is too great or is insufficient to allow the cases to‘ travel on the bridge to the feed tube mouth. . Defective cases in the hopper—- bent, long, short, or mashed mouths. Foreign matter——-dirt, scrap in hopper. The feed tube has become loose or disconnected from the mouth of the feed tube. . Foreign matter, scrap, dirt in the feed tube. The carrier is improperly ad- justed. The case does not set on the spindle in proper time with the rotary cutter. . The feed check is improperly adjusted—it allows more than one case to enter carrier and causes a jam, or does not allow any cases to enter the carrier. . Burrs on the mouth of the case cause the case to jam in the feed bushing. The corrections are: 1. Remove the excess supply of cases from hopper. . Adjust the bridge so that the cases will travel freely on the bridge to the feed tube mouth. . Remove the defective cases from the hopper and check source of supply. Call the in- spector. . Remove the cases and clean the foreign matter out of the hop- per. . Tighten the set screws in the sleeve at the mouth of the feed tube so the feed tube will be properly secured. . Remove the feed tube and clean it of foreign matter. . Adjust the carrier by changing the position of the bolt that connects the turnbuckle to the carrier arm. . Adjust the feed check so that only one case at a time enters the carrier, by adjusting the screw beneath the feed check arm. Remove the burred case from the feed bushing and check the source of supply. Call the in- spector. Visual inspection discloses that spindle has become loose and is not operating properly. The cause is: 1. Scrap catches in the gap be- tween the burr cutter and the sleeve and causes the stripper, on its forward stroke, to force the spindle loose. The correction is: 1. Remove the scrap and tighten the spindle in the spindle shaft socket by striking the end of the nose nut with a brass ham- mer. [34] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Troubles and Corrections Chipped Rotary Visual inspection discloses that the rotary cutter has become chipped and is not properly trimming cases. Cutter Machine Jams Scored or Scratched Walls The causes are: 1. The rotary cutter is too close to the burr cutter. . The rocker arm is out of time and causes delayed action of the rotary cutter. . The rotary cutter is too hard and brittle and chips easily. The rotary cutter is adjusted too deep and strikes the spindle which will chip the outer edge. The corrections are: 1. Adjust the rotary cutter as close as possible to the burr cutter without striking it. If the rotary cutter is chipped, re- move it from the arbor and re- place it with a new cutter. Return the defective cutter to the Tool Servicing Department. . Loosen the screw holding the cam connected to the main shaft. Change the position of the cam by turning it on the shaft so that the action of the cutter is synchronized with the action of the injecting stem. . Remove brittle cutter from ar- bor and replace with a new rotary cutter. Return defect- ive cutter to the Tool Servicing Department. . Adjust the rotary cutter to the proper cutting depth by ad- justing the set screw in the rocker arm. Visual inspection discloses that the machine has stopped for one of the following reasons, which has caused a jam. The causes are: 1. Inverted cases——a case is fed into the machine in a wrong position. Scrap catching in the spindle gap will cause the succeeding case to jam on the spindle. The corrections are: 1. Remove the inverted case from the machine and clear the jam. 2. Remove the scrap from the spindle gap and check to see if burr cutter has become chipped. Visual inspection will reveal scratches on the inside or outside walls of the case. Scratches on the outside wall can be detected by finger nail inspection. The causes are: 1. Foreign matter, dirt, scrap in the carrier or feed bushing. . Rough spindle—the spindle sur- face has become marred and will cause inside scratches. The corrections are: 1. Remove the carrier or feed bushing and clean out the foreign matter. . Remove the rough or marred spindle and replace with a new spindle. [35] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Troubles and Corrections Short Case Gaging discloses that the case must be rejected because it is too short to meet specifications. Long Case The cause is: 1. The spindle is too short—the cases are inserted too far on the spindle. The correction is: 1. Remove the short spindle and replace with a new spindle. Gaging discloses that the case must be retrimmed or rejected because it is too long to meet specifications. The causes are: 1. The spindle is too long——the cases are not inserted far enough on the spindle. . Defective cases——the case is bent at the mouth and will not go all the way on the spindle. . Variation in head thickness— which results in variable dis- tance. Case is inserted in collet. . Trimmed scrap is not being stripped from the spindle unit. . Not enough spring tension on the injecting stem to hold the case firmly on the spindle. The corrections are: 1. Remove the long spindle and replace with a new spindle. . Remove the defective case and check the source of supply. Call the inspector. Remove the defective cases and check the source of supply. Remove the scrap and check and correct the cause of its ac- cumulation. . Increase the spring tension by adjustment or replacement of the spring. [36] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM TQQI Servicing TOOL SERVICING Obiective It is essential to maintain a sharp cutting edge on the trimming machine cutters in order to obtain clean-cut trims. Therefore, the servicing of tools on this machine requires sharpening of the rotary and burr cutter. Servicing these cutters involves a certain operation which can best be done in the tool shop. Care must be taken not to grind away more than is necessary to develop a new cutting edge as this will decrease the useful life of the cutter. Note: The rotary and burr cutters, when received from the tool crib, are correctly ground and should not require any servicing. Rotary Cutter 1. The rotary cutter is a flat disc, 323/31>" in diameter and V8" thick, with its cutting edge beveled to an angle of 45°. 2. When this cutter becomes dull it will not completely trim the cases. If the cutting edge becomes nicked or broken, the trimming operation leaves the mouth of the case rough, with jagged edges. 3. Whenever the cutting edge becomes dull or broken the cutter must be replaced with a new or reconditioned one. ‘ ~¥ “ FIG. 1 ONE OF THE APPROVED METHODS OF GRINDING A ROTARY CUTTER I37] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Tool Servicing Reconditioning 1. Reconditioning of cutters is to be accomplished in the tool shop. Cutter When a cutter is returned to the tool shop for reconditioning, it is reground according to the specifications and directions indicated on the blue print for that job. This type of cutter can be sharpened many times before it is reduced by grinding to a minimum diameter of 3”. Ordinarily the removal of .003” will be sufficient to develop a new cutting edge. A cutter of this kind can be sharpened in a uni- versal type grinder or in a lathe with grinding attachments. The cutter is mounted on the adapter best suited for this particular type work. The grinding wheel should be a Crystolon, Vitrified Type, grain 120, grade P., structure 8, which is a soft grinding wheel. Caution: The maximum grinding feed should not exceed .0003” per cut because of the liability of distortion, due to the thinness of the cutter. The surface speed of the grinding wheel should be 2700 F.P.M. After the grinding operation is done, an ordinary oil hone of fine grit is held lightly against the ground surface. Excessive pressure of the oil hone will turn a burr on the cutting edge. The oil hone, if properly applied will remove the feather edge which, if allowed to remain, would cause a rough trim and result in further breakage of the cutting edge. FIG. 2 VIEW OF ONE OF THE APPROVED METHODS OF GRINDING A ROTARY CUTTER [38] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Tool Servicing Burr Cutter 1. 2. 3. The burr cutters of the first and second trim machines are hardened steel collars. The first trim outside diameter is .437” x .440” long. The second trim outside diameter is .432” x .625" long. When the burr cutter becomes dull, it causes a burr or jagged edge on the inside of the case mouth. When a cutter becomes dull, return it to the tool crib for a new or reconditioned one. FIG. 3 ONE OF THE APPROVED METHODS OF GRINDING A BURR CUTTER Reconditioning 1. Reconditioning of cutters is to take place in the tool shop. When a Cutter cutter is turned in to the tool shop for reconditioning, it is reground according to the specifications and the directions indicated on the blue print for that shop. ‘ Burr cutters can be reground many times, since the operation changes only the length Each grinding will shorten the cutter about .002" and leave a new cutting edge. Note: New cutters are 1" long but can be ground down in length until the spanner nut adjustment will no longer hold the cutter tight. The amount a cutter can be ground down varies with different spindles; however, all burr cutters can be ground down to about 3/4" in length. The cutter can be ground on a surface grinder. The grinding wheel should be a Crystolon, vitrified type, grain 120, grade P., structure 8, which is a soft grinding wheel. Surface speed of the surface grinder is fixed at between 2750 F.P.M. and 3000 F.P.M. which is sufficient speed for this type of work. If the grinding wheel feed exceeds .0003 ", the metal will be distorted due to its hardness. I39] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Beafings MACHINE LUBRICATION The efficiency of every machine depends to -a great extent upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 2 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction, as far as we are con- ~ cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumeralble micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite—-tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are ‘used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. l40l CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. . Load on the shaft or slide. . Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. . Cleanliness of surroundings. 2 3 4. Constant or intermittent operation. 5 6. Temperature of surroundings. 7 . Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. .‘q?°.°‘tI>“P°.l\'> Frequency of lubrication. I 41 l CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: Simple oil hole. Bottle oiler. Ring oiler. Plain oil cups. Drop feed cups. Wick feed cups. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. .°°.‘q.°>.°‘:‘>~.°°l\°'-‘ Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. 1. Screw down cups. 2. Compression cups. 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrication”. Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places; in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times—except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive 'dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. I42] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART . . N 0. of Fittings, Frequency of Lubricant _ Machzne Part Grease Cups, etc. Lubrication Hours LI((;'I§jlrfe(J;r}I?l]i;A*SE Main shaft bearings 3 8 Clutch assembly . . . . . . . . 2 8 Injecting stem . . . . . . . . 2 8 Stripper bar . . . . . . . . 2 8 Follower . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 Carrier shaft . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 Leather disc shaft . . . . . . . 1 8 Thrust bearing . . . . . 1 8 Rocker arm casting 2 8 LIGHT OIL Arbor . . . . _ .. . . . 1 As necessary (Brown Oiler) Ball and socket joint . 1 8 Cutter cam follower 1 8 Carrier rocker arm . 1 8 Stripper bar bearing . 1 8 Tripper shaft . . . . . 1 8 Hopper shaft . . . . . . . . . . I 24 Rotary cutter and disc shaft clutch assembly . . . . . . . 1 1 wk. Spindle bearings . 2 2 wks. Cams . 3 24 HE()$(:{1SgWO(§iI1Jer) Hopper worm drive gears . . . . . Res. 1 wk. [43] CALIBER .30 FIRST AND SECOND CASE TRIM Index Adjustment, Burr Gap, 26 Carrier, 27, 28 Clutch, 23 Feed Tube Mouth, 31 Hopper Feed Bridge, 31 Injecting Stem, 22 Leather Disc, 23 Rotary Cutter, 24, 25 Timing, 29, 30 Agitator Shaft, 6 Anti-friction Bearings, 40 Arbor, 10 Bottom Thickness, 18, 19 Burr Cutter, 9, 11, 13, 39 Gap Adjustment, 26 on Mouth of Case, 32 Cam, 3, 5 Carrier, 15, 16 Adjustment, 27, 28 Case Carrier, 3, 5 Chipped Rotary Cutter, 35 Clutch, 2, 6 Adjustment, 23 Cross-shaft, 6 Dents on Body of Case, 33 Disposal, 15, 17 Driveshaft, 2, 3 Main, 5 Feed Bridge, 3 Bushing, 3 Check, 3, 15 Chute, 3 Pipe, 16 Tube, 3, 15, 16 Tube Mouth Adjustment, 31 INDEX Floor Space, 1 Flow Chart, 16, 17 Friction, 40 Gage Care, 20 Gages, 20 Grease, 41 Height, 1 Hexagonal Lock Nut, 10 Hopper Box, 3 Feed Bridge Adjustment, 31 Improper Feed of Cases, 34 Incomplete Trim, 33 Injecting Stem, 3, 4, 5, 7, 15, 16 Stem Adjustment, 22 Stem Stripping, 17 Inside Length, 19 Leather Disc, 3 Disc Adjustment, 23 Line Shaft, 2 Long Case, 36 Loose Spindle, 34 Lubrication, 40 Chart, 43 Film, 40 Hints on, 42 Methods, 41 Machine Jams, 35 Main Driveshaft, 3 Shaft Clutch, 4 Manufacturer, 1 Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 42 Motor, Line Shaft, 1 Nose Nut, 9, 11, 13 Outside Diameter, 18, 19 Over-all Length, 18, 19 Overhead Hopper, 15, 16 Pin Wheel Hopper, 3, 6, 15, 16 Wheel Hopper Box, 15, 16 Plug Gage, 20 Power, 2, 17 Production, 1 Pulley, 10 R.P.M. of Spindle, 1 Reconditioning Cutter, 38, 39 Rotary Cutter, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17 , 37 Cutter Adjustment, 24, 25 Cutter Assembly, 10 Scored Walls, 35 Scratched Walls, 35 Selecting a Lubricant, 41 Short Case, 36 Shoulder Spacer, 10 Sidewall Variation, 19 Sleeve, 9, 11, 13 .Spindle, 2, 3, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 Assembly, 8, 9 Spring, 9, 12, 14 Stripper, 15 Bar, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 Ring, 9, 12, 14 Timing Adjustment, 29, 30 Tools, 1 Transmission, 2 Type of Feed, 1 Visual Inspection, 20 Washer, 10 Washing Department, 18, 19 Weight, 1 TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Pocketing Machine BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 1941 United States Government Contract W-ORD-481, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917, C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 443, 76th Congress, 3rd Session). II MANUAL CORRECTIONS—CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE LOCATION Page 12 Page 13—-Fig & Spec Page 1 7—Spec Page 23—Fig Page 26 —Note ERROR Bumping Outside diameter before pocketing .7 955-.7 97 0 Bottom thickness before pocketing .297—.312 Outside diameter after pocketing .797 0—.8000 Web thickness after pocketing .07 0—.080 Locknuts Jacket CORRECTION Heading No punch holder shown Outside diameter before pocketing .4630—.4642 Bottom thickness before pocketing .1 8l—.194 Outside diameter after pocketing .4645—.4665 Web thickness after pocketing .042—.050 Adjusting Screws Case TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tool Iiolder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Tool Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Product Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Tool Servicing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 III OVER-ALL VIEW OF CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE IV CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Catalogue Data Manufacturer Machine Description Machine Motor Type of Feed Feed Motor Production Speed of Crankshaft Stroke Tools Floor Space Height Weight CATALOGUE DATA E. W. Bliss Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. E. W. Bliss Horizontal Toggle and Crank press. 5 V belt drive motor to flywheel on crankshaft. 5 h.p.; 3 phase; 60 cycle; 220/440 volt; 870 R.P.M. Pedestal type pin wheel hopper mounted on ma- chine. Belt drive from motor 7 R.P.M. Gear head % h.p.; 60 cycle; 1 phase; 115/230 volt. 105 per minute 105 R.P.M. Front 8%", back 67/16" Piece No.: Die E-6 Injecting Stem E-2 Punch E-7 7 ft. 10 in. x 3 ft. 8% in. 7 ft. 3% in. 8,200 lbs. CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Machine Description Guard Coverin 9 Flywheel Power and Transmission MACHINE DESCRIPTION The Caliber .30 Pocketing Machine punches a tapered pocket in the head of the case, preparing the case for the heading machine. EW:‘~LI8SI§IIL ‘ \ " ‘U-YILY CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE The E. W. Bliss Horizontal Crank and Toggle Press, illustrated above, is‘ powered by a 5 h.p. motor through five V-type belts connecting the motor to the flywheel. ' The Horizontal Crank and Toggle Press is equipped with a punch carried in one of the rams. The punch, actuated by the ram, punches a primer pocket in the head of the case. The motor is mounted directly above the flywheel on an adjustable bracket, which allows proper adjustment of belt tension. The flywheel is mounted to the front or pocketing ram crankshaft at the front of the machine. The motor is controlled by a push button type switch; the red button breaks the circuit and the black button closes the circuit. As no clutch is employed on this type machine, the machine is started by releasing the manually operated brake and pressing the starter switch. [2] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Machine Description Brake Pocketing Ram Knockoff Wire Stem Ram Eccentric Cam and Rocker Arms Pin Wheel Hopper Lubrication The brake is manually controlled through linkage from the brake operating arm to the brake shoes. The brake operating arm is held in a horizontal position directly above the die holder. The brake linkage is equipped with an arm which acts to break the electrical circuit to the motor when the brake is applied. As the electrical circuit is broken, the shoes are applied to the front and rear face of the flywheel to stop the machine action. The front or pocketing ram is supported by and travels on two 45° angle gib plates. The pocketing ram is connected to and actuated by a con- necting rod attached to the front crankshaft throw. The face of the ram is machined to hold the tool holder. A knockoff wire is attached to an operating arm which is actuated by a cam roller attached to the pocketing ram. The knockoff wire extends out from the rear edge of the machine frame to a position directly above the case as it is discharged from the die. The knockoff wire, actuated by the pocketing ram on every stroke of the ram, knocks the discharged case into the bottom of the machine bed where it passes out onto a conveyor belt leading to the elevator. The stem ram or back ram is connected to and actuated by a connecting rod attached to the rear crankshaft. The ram face is machined to hold the working tools. The ram is supported by and travels on two 45° angle gib plates which are bolted to_ the machine frame on a horizontal plane. The power is transferred from the front crankshaft through two rocker arms and an eccentric cam. The pin wheel hopper is mounted on a supporting bracket located at the rear center of the machine. The cases are fed into the hopper box from an overhead chute, and are agitated in the hopper by a manually oper- ated lever, which extends through the bottom of the hopper to a position within easy reach of the operator. These cases are then delivered to the machine through a feed tube, to the feed sleeve, from the feed sleeve into the die. As each case is fed into the die, it discharges the preceding case from the die. The machine is lubricated by means of Alemite-Zerk fittings attached to the various working parts. The gibs and other exposed parts which have a tendency to overheat quickly should be oiled frequently with an oil can containing the appro- priate grade and viscosity of lubricant. (See Lubrication Chart, page 44.) [3] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Machine Description . . - . . , Stem Bumper Crankshaft F , Crankshaft Rocker _ _ K I . ' I , I _ Rocker ' ' 1 Arm Arm I Eccentric ‘ Cam ECCENTRIC CAM AND ROCKER ARMS Eccentric Cam The power is transmitted from the front, or bumper crankshaft, through and Rocker Arms two rocker arms and an eccentric cam to the back or stem ram crankshaft. The bumper crankshaft turns 360°, or in a complete revolution. A rocker arm leads from the crankshaft to a point off center on the eccentric cam. The eccentric cam is mounted on a stub shaft at the back center of the machine. A second rocker arm shaft, attached to the off center point on the cam, leads to the back or bumper stem crankshaft. The motion of the bumper crankshaft, by use of the rocker arms and eccentric cam, is trans- formed from a 360° revolution to a 90° are at the bumper stem crankshaft. [4] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Machine Description U Pin Wheel / Hopper Feed Tube is ‘ Brake Lever / X . ,_ Rams Injecting Stem Ram ' _ Spanner Nuts TOP VIEW SHOWING RAMS The face of each ram is machined to hold a tool holder. The bumper ram contains the tool holder which holds the bumping punch. The tool holder incorporates two spanner nuts, which allow an adjustment to be made on the bumper tool. The stem ram contains the tool holder which holds the injecting stem. Two spanner nuts are incorporated in the tool holder allowing an adjustment to be made on the injecting stem. l5l CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Machine Description vvlllljljjllil Brake shoe 1%" Lock Nut 3/g" Adjusting Screw 3/‘H BRAKE ASSEMBLY Brake The brake shoes are attached to a bracket which holds the shoes in posi- tion against the inner and outer surface of the flywheel. The brake shoe operating lever which is connected to the brake shoes by a series of con- necting links, applies the brake shoes against the flywheel to stop the machine when the brake lever is pulled back. A small trip arm, attached at a right angle to the vertical brake shaft, breaks the electrical circuit by contacting an auxiliary switch when the brake is applied. The switch is attached to the back side of the frame at the right end of the machine. [(5] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Machine Description Springs Pocketing Punch Feed Box Feed Tube Push Finger _ Cap Screw Case Slide Die Block Injecting Stem DIE BLOCK AND FEED SLIDE ASSEMBLIES Die Block and The die block is incorporated in the machine frame and is located between Feed Slide the two rams. A feed box is attached to the top surface of the die block. The cases are fed from the feed tube into the feed box; from here they are pushed by a push finger, which is actuated from the eccentric cam. Each case is pushed by the succeeding cases from the feed box, around the case slide, until they drop into the case feed sleeve. The stem ram moves forward, injecting the case into the die. As the pocketing punch travels forward striking the closed end of the case, it forms the primer pocket in the case head. The next case, as it is inserted in the die, ejects the preceding case from the die into the chute leading to the conveyor. [7] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Machine Description Pin Wheel Hopper and Hopper Box The pin wheel hopper box is a one-piece casting with a bottom sloping toward an adjustable gate which leads into the pin wheel hopper. The pin wheel hopper is attached to the front of the hopper box. The pin wheel consists of a pin ring, an inner and an outer dish-shaped rim, bolted together to form a hopper assembly. The outer dish-shaped rim has three spokes attached to a hub shaft on which the entire hopper revolves. The hopper is driven by a V-type belt connected to a V8 h.p. motor. The motor is supported by an adjustable bracket to maintain proper belt tension. The pin ring has a series of steel pins, spaced approximately 1" apart on its inner circumference and set at an angle to the radii. A steel band rake-off keeps the components that are not properly seated on the pins from enter- ing the bridge. As the hopper revolves clockwise, the cases slide onto the steel pins and approach a vertical position, with the mouth end down. When the components approach the upper arc of the circumference, they contact and are held on the pins by the bridge. In this position they are nearly mouth end up. At the end of the pin wheel bridge they are in a nearly vertical position and slide off the p1ns into an adjustable feed tube mouth. They are then carried by gravity down the feed tube to the feed sleeve. ii I;vI"BLiss IIIIV IIIUII-‘II If END VIEW SHOWING PIN WI-IEEI. HOPPER [3 l CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Machine Description Hopper Box Steel Pins Hopper Door ___——— Latch Dish-sha ed Hopper oor CLOSE UP OF PIN WHEEL HOPPER [9] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Tool Holder Description Die Block Assembly TOOL HOLDER DESCRIPTION Die: The die is cylindrical in shape, and is approximately 4" long and 3" in diameter, with a longitudinal hole through the center which tapers from the mouth to the head of the die. Bushing: The bushing is a hollow cylinder that fits in the die block and is used as a spacer between the die block and the die. Anvil: The anvil is designed as shown in the cross-sectional drawing below. A hole through its center permits the feeding of the case into the die. The anvil fits in the die block directly behind the bushing. It absorbs shock and prevents wear on the die block. Z\\\\\\\\\\\\Y // t CROSS-SECTIONAL DRAWING OF DIE BLOCK ASSEMBLY \ Anvil I101 CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Tool Holder Description Injecting Stem Rear Spanner Adjusting Nut: The rear spanner Assembly adjusting nut determines the forward adjustment of the _, injecting stem holder, and is the same as the front span- ner nut with the exception that it is thicker. Care must be exercised in assembling the injecting stem holder to get the spanner nut placed properly. Front Spanner Adjusting Nut: The front spanner adjusting nut determines the backward adjustment of the injecting stem holder. It contains equally spaced holes to facilitate adjustment with a spanner wrench. Anvil: The anvil is a solid circular piece that fits in- side the end of the injecting stem holder. The stem seats against the anvil, which helps to absorb the shock on the stem. Bushing: The bushing is cylindrical with a hole through the center through which the shouldered part of the injecting stem fits. ' ’- Injecting Stem Holder: The injecting stem holder is a threaded bar that fits in the back ram and is held in place by two spanner adjusting nuts. The front end is hollow to accommodate the anvil, bushing, and injecting stem. Cap Nut: The cap nut is a hexagonal shouldered nut which is beveled inside to fit the bevel on the shoulder of the stem. The nut is placed on the injecting stem to rest on the injecting stem shoulder. The stem is inserted in the injecting stem holder and the nut is screwed in place on the injecting stem holder. .-‘*1 l ‘“ Injecting Stem: The injecting stem is tapered on the ' - ‘ _ _ l 7 working end and has a beveled shoulder on the other I .\ .7 PM-' . end. It fits into a bushing in the injecting stem holder. Cap Nut Injecting Stern Tool Holder Injecting Stem ’¢m Anvil Rear Spanner Nut Bushing Front Spanner Nut CROSS-SECTIONAL DRAWING or INJECTING STEM I 11 I CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Tool Holder Description Punch Holder Rear Spanner Adjusting Nut: The rear spanner adjusting nut Assembly located on the bumping punch holder, determines the forward adjustment of the bumping punch. The spanner nut contains equally spaced holes around its circumference to facilitate its adjustment with a spanner wrench. Front Spanner Adjusting Nut: The front spanner adjusting nut determines the backward adjustment of the bumping punch and is identical to the rear spanner nut with the exception that it is thinner. Punch Holder: The bumping punch holder is a threaded bar that fits in the front ram. It is held in place by the two spanner nuts and a set screw which screws through the front of the ram into a slot in the bumping punch holder. Anvil: The anvil is a circular piece that fits on the inside of the front of the bumping holder and absorbs the shock of the bump- ing punch. Bushing: The bushing is cylindrical, with a hole through the center. It fits in the front of the bumping punch holder against the anvil and acts as a spacer between the bumping punch holder and the bumping punch. Punch: The pocketing punch is shaped as illustrated on this page. It is held in the punch holder by “drive fit.” Punch Bushing: The punch bushing is cylindrical with a longi- tudinal hole through its center. It holds the pocketing punch which is forced into it by drive fit. 58‘ Sclew Pocket Punch Punch Bushing s:-_-=':. .§"/k\\\\\\\i&'\\\\ 5?- 4t\\\\\\\\\\\\)‘_ \\\\\\\\\‘ WIIIIIIIIIIIM I CROSS-SECTIONAL DRAWING OF POCKETING PUNCH AND HOLDER [ 12 l CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Tool Description STEM PUNCH TOOL DESCRIPTION Tool Name: Piece No. : Location: Normal Life: Stem E-2 Held horizontally in back crosshead ram 200,000 pieces Stem is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and pol- ished. Point of stem is rounded and tapered. Tool Name: Piece No.: Location: Normal Life: Tool Name: Piece No. : Location : Normal Life: Die E-6 Die block 250,000 pieces Die is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and pol- ished. Mouth end of die is rounded and tapered. Punch E-7 Held horizontally in front crosshead ram 166,000 pieces Punch is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. The working end is bell-shaped. [13] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Process Sequence Overhead Hopper Pin Wheel Hopper Box Pin Wheel Hopper Cofl Spfing Feed Tube Push Block Feed Sfide Feed Sleeve Injecting Stem Pocketing Punch Bumped Case Knockoff and Disposal PROCESS SEQUENCE The cases are gravity fed from an overhead source down into the overhead hopper, and drop through a feed pipe into the pin wheel hopper box. The cases flow from the pin wheel hopper box through an opening, past the agitator into the lower part of the pin wheel hopper. As the pin wheel hopper rotates, the cases are agitated and picked up by pins on the inner circumference of the pin wheel, and are carried up past the rake-off springs, which knock off misaligned cases and push partly set cases all the way onto the pins. As the cases are carried to the top of the pin wheel, they are held on the pins by the bridge. At the end of the bridge they drop off, one at a time, head down into the mouth of the coil spring feed tube. The cases fall by gravity through the coil spring feed tube into a choke. The choke prevents deformed cases from entering the curved feed pipe. These deformed cases are removed by the operator so the flow of cases can continue through the curved feed pipe part way into the feed box where they stop against the push block. The push block moves backward, allowing one case at a time to enter the feed box; then it moves forward, pushing the case past the feed gate into the curved feed slide. The curved feed slide conveys the cases in a horizontal position, down to a position against the injecting stem. As the injecting stern moves out of the die block, the case slides into the feed sleeve which holds the case in alignment with the injecting stem and die. The injecting stem, moving in from right to left, enters the case, pushes it into the die, and holds it there to wait for the pocketing punch. The pocketing punch moves in from left to right, striking the case, and forming a pocket in the head. As the pocketing punch and injecting stem move back from the die, another case slides into the sleeve and the above operation is repeated. As the succeeding case is pushed into the die by the injecting stem, the pocketed case is pushed out. The pocketed case is pushed out to a point where the knockoff wire strikes it, knocking it downward quickly through a metal chute into a conveyor underneath the press. [14] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Process Sequence FLOW CHART Overhead Hopper Cases are gravity fed from an overhead source into the overhead hopper through feed pipe. Feed Pipe Conveys cases from the overhead hopper into the pin wheel hopper box. Pin Wheel Hopper Box Cases flow through opening in pin wheel hopper box, past agitator into bottom of pin wheel hopper. Pin Wheel Hopper Rotates and cases are picked up by pins and carried up past the rake-off spring to the top of the pin wheel where they are held on the pins by the bridge. At the end of the bridge, they fall off, one at a time, through a choke and into the coil spring feed tube. Hopper is powered by a %; h.p. reduction gear motor by a V-type belt. Control is by a toggle switch. Coil Spring Feed Tube Conveys the cases by gravity through a choke and into curved feed pipe, part way into the feed box, where they stop against the push block. Push Block Moves backward allowing one case at a time to enter feed box; then it moves forward pushing case past feed gate, into feed slide. I Backward motion by two coil springs. Forward mo- tion by cam follower, cam on eccentric wheel from rocker arm, from front crankshaft. [15] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE . Process Sequence FLOW CHART (Cont.) Feed Slide Conveys the cases in a horizontal position, one at a time, into the feed sleeve located in the die block. Feed Sleeve Holds the case in alignment with the injecting stem and die. Injecting stem is powered by Injecting Stem ram through connecting rod, Moves from right to left, pushing the case into the toggle shaft, from rocker arm, die, and holding it there for the pocketing punch. eccentric wheel from rocker arm to crankshaft. Pocketing Punch Pocketing punch is powered Moves in from left to right, striking the case, and by ram through connecting forming a pocket in the head. rod from crankshaft. Pocketing Punch and Injecting Stem Move back from the die, another case slides into the sleeve, and the above operation is repeated. As the succeeding case is pushed into the die by the injecting stem, it pushes the pocketed case out. Pocketed Case Knockoff wire is powered by Is pushed out to a point where knockoff wire strikes cam in cam track on the ram, the case, knocking it downward through a metal through connecting rod from chute into a conveyor underneath press. crankshaft. [16] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The component, when received by the pocketing machine, is in the form of a case as shown in Fig. 1. The case is made of brass (70% copper, 30% zinc). The closed end of the case is known as the bottom and the open end is the mouth. The case is received at the pocketing machine from the second trim machine where it was trimmed to the proper length. There is no annealing or washing process between the second trim and pocketing operation. The dimensions of the case are as follows: Before pocketing operation After pocketing operation Outside diameter .7955—.7970 Outside diameter .7970-.8000 Bottom thickness .297 —.312 Web thickness .070 - .080 After the pocketing operation, the case is delivered to the Washing Department, where it is washed and dried before being delivered to the Heading Department. FIG. 1 FIG. 2 BEFORE POCKETING AFTER POCKETING I17] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Inspection Visual Gage Care Gages INSPECTION At frequent intervals, after the pocketing operation, a careful visual inspection of the cases must be made. The cases should be inspected for scratches on the inside and outside walls, for deposits of metal on the bottom, wrinkles on the side and mouth, and dents on the bottom. These defects indicate an immediate adjustment of the machine is necessary to correct the fault. Whenever defective cases are found, the lot from which they come must be removed from the machine and properly identified so the bad lot will not be mixed with good cases. Gages are expensive instruments, machined to a fine precision. Improper use, or carelessness in gaging may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may effect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be employed in matching a case to a gage. A protected location should be used for storage of gages to prevent their being damaged when not in use. The most accurate checks are made when the cases are cool, since heat causes expan- sion of the metal and results in a temporary variation in the case size. The outside diameter of the case is gaged with a twin ring gage. Cases must pass through the larger or “go” ring but must not pass through the smaller “no go" ring. The web thickness of the case is checked on a dial indicator; varia- tion in this dimension greatly affects succeeding operations. The concentricity of the pocket is checked by a dial indicator; concentricity of the pocket in relation to the outside diameter is very important. [18] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Inspection :lj : l . llllllllIllllll[lllllllll' '>:l I 5;: jl: : j ‘ \\ ll jj I Ill H I | ll ‘_.___ HIGH POINT TO TOP AND RIGHT HIGH POINT TO TOP AND TO LEFT HIGH POINT TO BOTTOM AND HIGH POINT TO BOTTOM AND TO RIGHT TO LEFT CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Adjustments Die Block (Horizontal) Lock Nuts Three—5/15" Allen Set Screws Three—11/3" Lock N uts 1 " Lock Screws Lock Nuts Tools: Procedure: The die block is adjusted horizontally by turning the three adjusting screws on the machine at the side of the die block holder. One of the adjusting screws is threaded into the die block and is used to move the block toward the left. The other adjusting screws are threaded into the machine, are forced against the die block and are adjusted to move the die block to the right. DIE BLOCK ASSEMBLY %” wrench, 118" wrench. 1. 2. 9°?‘ Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws from the guard and remove the guard. Use a 1%" wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the adjusting screws in the machine at the side of the die block, while holding the adjusting screws in place with a 946 ” Allen wrench. . To move the die block to the right, use a 1%” wrench to loosen the center adjusting screw a fraction of a turn; use a 946 " wrench to tighten the two outside adjusting screws. To move the die block to the left, loosen the two outside adjusting screws a fraction of a turn and tighten the center adjusting screw. Tighten the lock nuts on the adjusting screws against the machine. Check the adjustment by operating the machine and inspecting the cases on a dial gage. Note: The above procedure should be repeated until concentricity of the head of the case is attained. Replace the guard; insert and tighten the screws holding the guard in place. [23] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHIN Adjustments Pocketing Punch The pocketing punch forms a pocket in the head of the case. Proper depth of the pocket and correct web thickness depend upon correct ad- justment of the pocketing punch. If the web is too thick, the punch must be adjusted closer to the stem; if the web is too thin, the punch must be adjusted so there is more clearance between the stem and the punch. The punch is adjusted by turning the spanner nuts on the pocketing punch holder. Before any work is done on the pocketing punch holder, the stem must be checked to see that it is correctly adjusted. Buck Spanner _. Nlll Poclreting Punch Poclreting Punch Holder Front Spanner Nut Allen Set Screw PUNCH HOLDER ASSEMBLY Tools: 14” steel rod, screwdriver. Procedure: 1. Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws that hold the guard in place and remove the guard. 2. Use a %” steel rod to loosen slightly the spanner nut closer to the punch. Tighten the other spanner nut against the bracket to adjust the punch closer to the stem. 3. Use a V2" steel rod to loosen slightly the spanner nut farther from the punch. Tighten the other spanner nut against the bracket to adjust the punch farther from the stem. 4. The above procedure must be repeated, and the web thickness tested after each setting, until the desired web thickness is attained. 5. Replace the guard; insert and tighten the screws holding the guard in place. [24] CALIBER .:-no POCKETING MACHINE Adjustments Die Block The die block is adjusted vertically by adjusting the four adjusting screws (Vertical) on top of the die block holder. The adjusting screws are hollow, permit- ting the lock screws to pass through the center and to screw into the machine bed. 2" Adjusting 1 " Lock ' 1” Lock Die Feed Screws Screws Die Screws Block Mechanism VIEW OF DIE BLOCK WITH VIEW OF DIE BLOCK WITH FEED MECHANISM REMOVED FEED MECHANISM IN PLACE Tools: 2" wrench, 1 ” wrench, %" wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws from the guard and remove the guard. 2. Use a Z{;” wrench to remove the cap screws that hold the carriage to the machine. Remove the carriage. 3. Use a 1" wrench to loosen the four lock screws on top of the die block. 4. To raise the die block holder, use a 2" wrench to tighten the four adjusting screws a fraction of a turn. 5. To lower the die block, use a 2” wrench to loosen the four adjusting screws a fraction of a turn. Caution: Each of the four adjusting screws must be turned a like amount to keep the die block level. [25] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Adjustments Procedure: (Cont.) 6. Tighten the four lock screws while holding the adjusting screw in place. Note: The above procedure must be repeated until concentricity of the jacket is attained. 7. Replace the carriage. 8. Replace the guard; insert and tighten the screws holding the guard in place. [26] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Adjustments Injecting Stem The injecting stem pushes the case out of the die just far enough so that the head of the case is pocketed by the action of the pocketing punch. If the case is pushed too far out of the die, a ring will be formed on the case by the outside edge of the die. If the case is not pushed far enough out of the die, the pocketing punch will not make the pocket in the head of the case deep enough. Adjustment is made by adjusting the two spanner nuts on the injecting stem holder. The stem holder must be adjusted so that the head of the case projects out of the die about £46". Spanner Nuts Injecting Stem INJECTING STEM AND HOLDER Tools: 1//’ steel rod, screwdriver. Procedure: 1. Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws that hold the guard in place, and remove the guard. 2. Place a test case in the magazine and turn the flywheel by hand until the head of the case protrudes from the die. 3. If the head of the case does not protrude at least 14;” from the die, use a %" steel rod to loosen slightly the spanner nut closer to the stem. Tighten the other spanner nut against the brake. 4. If the head of the case protrudes more than lfi”, use a V2” steel rod to loosen slightly the spanner nut farther from the stem. Tighten the other spanner nut against the bracket. (In either of the above cases the adjustment must be repeated until the head of the case protrudes l/N5" from the die). [27] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Adjustments Procedure: (Cont.) 5. Remove the test case from the die and turn the flywheel by hand until the ram is at its normal position. ' Replace the guard; insert and tighten the screws which hold the guard in place. Operate the machine and test the web thickness of the cases with a flush pin gage. [28] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Adjustments \ Feed Finger The feed finger receives the case from the feed tube and places it in line with the die. In order to adjust the feed finger so that it is in alignment with the feed tube and the die, it is necessary to turn the rod that connects the feed finger to the push rod. Feed Finger FEED MECHANISM Tools: M" wrench, 3/42" Allen wrench, screwdriver. Procedure: 1. Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws that hold the guard in place, and remove the guard. 2. Use a screwdriver to remove the feed tube to observe whether or not the feed finger is in line with the feed socket. 3. Turn the rod that connects the feed finger to the push rod one com- plete revolution, clockwise if the feed finger is too far forward, or counterclockwise if the feed finger is too far back to be in line with the feed socket. 4. Replace the feed tube and tighten the Allen screw. 5. Replace the guard; insert and tighten the screws holding the guard in place. [291 CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Adjustments Hopper Feed As the cases are carried upward by the pin wheel, the case heads contact Bridge (Horizontal) the hopper bridge which holds the cases on the pins until they reach the feed tube mouth and fall down through the feed tube. The bridge should be close enough to the seating spring that the cases do not fall from the pins before they begin their travel on the bridge. The bridge can be moved to the desired position by loosening the set screw which holds the bridge to the hopper. Bfldge Horizontal ‘-" Adjustment .' Located in the Shaft Feed Tube INTERIOR OF PIN WHEEL HOPPER Tool: 11/4 " wrench. Procedure: 1. Release the latch and open the hopper door. 2. Use a 1/4" wrench to loosen the set screw on the left end of the hopper bridge. 3. Move the bridge close to the seating spring and in line with the bottom of the pins on the pin wheel. 4. Hold the bridge in position and tighten the set screw. 5. Close and latch the hopper door. 6. Check the adjustment by operating the hopper and opening the hopper inspection gate to see whether or not the cases remain on the pins un- til they begin their travel on the bridge. [30] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Adjustments Hopper Feed The feed bridge can be adjusted vertically by adjusting the nuts on the Bridge (Vertical) vertical bolt connected to the bridge. Bridge _ Adjustment ‘ CLOSEUP OF INTERIOR OF PIN WHEEL HOPPER Feed Tube Mouth The cases should fall from the pins into the feed tube mouth and down through the feed tube. If they fail to do this, the feed mouth must be aligned with the pins on the pin wheel. Tool: P45" wrench. Procedure: 1. Release the latch and open the hopper door. 2. Use an life" wrench to loosen the bottom lock nut on the rod that connects the feed tube mouth to the hopper bridge. 3. Use an 11/46” wrench to adjust the top nut until the feed tube mouth is in line with the pins on the pin wheel. 4. Hold the adjusting nut in place and tighten the lock nut. 5. Close and latch the hopper door. I31] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Adjustments Pin Wheel Hopper When the pin wheel hopper motor belt becomes too loose through being Motor Belt stretched, it is necessary to tighten the belt to assure proper operation of the pin wheel. , Hopper / Motor HOPPER MOTOR BELT ADJUSTMENT Tools: %" wrench, %” wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a V8” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the motor adjusting set screw. 2. Use a V3” wrench to turn the adjusting set screw, moving the motor away from the hopper pulley, thus tightening the belt. 3. Tighten the lock nut. [32] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Adjustments Flywheel Motor When the motor belt becomes too loose, through being stretched, it is Belt necessary to tighten the belt by raising the motor, to insure proper opera- tion of the machine. Machine Motor Top Nut Nut Lower Nut FLYWHEEL MOTOR BELT ADJUSTMENT Tool: 2" wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 2" wrench to loosen the three top nuts on the motor supporting studs. 2. Use a 2" wrench to turn the three lower nuts to raise the motor, moving it away from the flywheel, thus tightening the belts. 3. Tighten the three top nuts. [33] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Adjustments Flywheel Brake Two brake shoes press against the side of the flywheel when the brake is applied. If the flywheel does not stop almost immediately upon applica- tion of the brake, the brake shoes should be adjusted so that they press more firmly against the flywheel. Both shoes should be adjusted a like amount. Brake shoe 1%" Lock Nut 3/4" Adjusting Screw 1%" Lock Nuts 3/4" Adjusting Screws BRAKE ASSEMBLY Tools: 11/4" wrench, 9/4" wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 1%” end wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the brake shoes. , (The brake shoes are located at the bottom of the flywheel.) 2. Use a % ” wrench to tighten each of the adjusting screws about one-half turn. 3. Hold the adjusting screws in place and tighten the lock nuts. 4. Check the adjustment by operating the machine and applying the brake. I34] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Objective Scratched or Scored Walls Case Pulling Out of Die Pocket Out of Concentricity TROUBLES AND CORRECTIONS The adjuster will encounter many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may con- front an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. The following troubles can be recognized by visual and gage inspection of the component, together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Visual inspection will reveal scratches on the inside or outside walls of the case. Scratches on the outside wall can be detected by finger nail inspec- tion. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Rough die—die has excess brass 1. Lap and polish die if possible coating on inside surface. or replace with a new die. 2. Chipped die—edge on inner 2. Replace with a new die. surface of die has become chipped. 3. Scratched die—scratch on the 3. Polish the die if the scratch is inside surface of the die. not too deep, or replace with a new die if necessary. 4. Foreign matter — (dirt, dried 4. Send the cases to the Washing soap, etc.) on the cases. Department to be rewashed. Visual inspection discloses that the case does not fit into the die properly and is pulled out of the die by the pocketing punch. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Brass accumulation on the pock- eting punch. 1. Polish the punch and remove excess brass. 2. Die is worn or oversize. 2. Replace with a new die. 3. Remove case and check source of supply. 3. Component within gage but too small for the die. Gaging discloses that the pocket is not concentric with the outside of the case. The corrections are: 1. Adjust the die block properly. The causes are: 1. The die block is out of align- ment. 2. Cases are crooked and defec- tive. 2. Check the source of supply; call the inspector. [35] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Pocket Out of Concentricity (Cont.) Inside Pocket Mo rred Wrinkles in Case Dented Mouth The causes are: 3. 4. 5. Bent injecting stem. Die bushing is undersize. Loose gibs. . Cases have variable sidewall thicknesses. The corrections are: . Replace with a new stem. . Replace with a new bushing. . All gib adjustments are made by Maintenance Department only. . Check the source of supply. Visual inspection discloses dents, scratches, or metal accumulation on the head of the case. The causes are: 1. Worn pocketing punch—punch is undersize. Chipped pocketing punch—a piece is broken off the end of the punch. . Pocketing punch is broken. Skinned pocketing punch— punch is surface marred or has excessive coating of brass. The corrections are: 1. Replace with a new pocketing punch. Replace with a new pocketing punch. Replace with a new pocketing punch. Polish the punch if it is not too badly skinned. If it is be- yond repair, replace with a new punch. Visual inspection discloses wrinkles on the outside near the mouth of the case. The causes are: 1. Undersize die—the mouth of the die is too small. . Excessive oil or lubricant on CEISQS. Insufficient lubricant. The corrections are: 1. Lap and polish the die to the proper specification. Remove the cases and send to Washing Department to be re- washed or reduce the flow of lubricant. . Increase the flow to required amount. Visual inspection discloses that the mouth of the case is dented. The cause is: 1. Knockoff wire is out of time. The correction is: 1. Adjust wire properly. l 36 l CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Metal Deposit Under Head Metal Deposit on Inside of Case Oversize Diameter Cases Cut Off Case Mashed Against Die Cases Fed Improperly in Machine Visual inspection discloses that there is a deposit of metal under the head. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Cracked die——there is a crack on the inside surface of the die. 1. Replace with a new die. 2. Chipped die——edge on the inner surface of die has become chipped. 2. Replace with a new die. Visual inspection discloses that there is a deposit of metal inside of the case. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Injecting stem is chipped. 1. Replace with a new injecting stem. 2. Injecting stem is cracked. 2. Replace with a new injecting stem. Gaging discloses that the body of the case is too large. The cause is: The correction is: 1. The die is too large. 1. Replace with a new die. Visual inspection discloses that the case has become cut in half, bent or severed by the injecting stem. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Case feeding into feed box is too long. 1. Remove the long case and check the source of supply. 2. Remove the case and check the source of supply. 2. Case is injected into die im- properly. 3. Partially filled feed box. 3. Adjust to get flow of cases into feed box. Visual inspection discloses that a case has become mashed against the die. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The knockoff wire is out of adjustment. 1. Adjust knockoff wire properly. 2. Knockoff wire is broken. 2. Replace with a new knockoff WIPE. Visual inspection discloses that the cases are not feeding properly through the feed block and cradle. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Remove cases and check the source of supply. 1. The cases are too long or too short. 2. Foreign matter——(dirt, scrap, etc.) in feed block or cradle. 3. Bent case in feed block. 2. Remove feed block or cradle and clean. 3. Remove bent case and check the source of supply. [37] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Uneven Flow of Visual inspection discloses that hopper is not feeding cases to machine properly. The causes are: Cases from Hopper Machine Stops on Dead Center 1. Defective or long cases—cases from fourth draw too long or defective. . Case jammed in feed tube. Foreign matter — (dirt, shav- ings, etc.) in the hopper. . Overloaded hopper—too many cases in hopper. Bridge is out of adjustment. . Belt slips—loose belt, oily belt. The corrections are: 1. Remove the cases from hopper and check the source of supply. . Remove the case and clear feed tube. Clean the hopper and check source of supply. Remove excess cases. . Adjust the bridge properly. . Tighten the belt if it is loose; clean the belt if oily. Visual inspection discloses that the machine has stopped on dead center. The cause is: 1. The injecting stem and the pocketing punch are locked against the case in the die. The correction is: 1. Adjust the machine properly. [38] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Tool Servicing Objective Servicing of New Dies TOOL SERVICING Proper tool servicing is essential to maintain standard quality in the bumping, pocketing, and heading of the cases. Dies and punches are costly and great care must be exercised in the servicing of these tools. Adjusters will be concerned primarily with the removal of brass and small scratches that appear on working surfaces of dies and punches; they must be careful, however, when using an abrasive on any tool, not to alter its dimensions materially. All tools that cannot be corrected by polishing or minor straightening must be returned to the Tool Service Department. 1. Dies as received from the tool room are normally undersize to allow for expansion pressure, and for lapping to a desired size when necessary. 2. The size of the die may be checked by a die plug gage, but a test run should be made before any lapping is performed. 3. As a precaution, before a test run is made, the die bore should be inspected for roughness and polished if necessary. 4. The product from the test run should be carefully gaged and in- spected. Then, and then only, if an undersize or out of true die is indicated, should the die be lapped. FIG. 1 OVER-ALL VIEW OF SPEED LATHE I39] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Tool Servicing Lapping Procedure 1. When lapping is necessary, proceed as follows: Use a lap stick made of fiber or wood about the same diameter as the die hole. 2. Tear off strips of 220 emery cloth about 1" wide and wrap the emery cloth around the end of the lap stick until it makes a snug fit in the head of the die. FIG. 2 FIG. 3 CORRECT WAY TO PLACE DIE IN INCORRECT WAY TO PLACE DIE IN CHUCK CHUCK 3. Chuck the die in the speed lathe, head out. Care must be taken to get the die in the lathe properly. See Fig. 2. 4. Insert the lap stick in the head of the die. 5. Run the lathe on low speed, hold the lap stick in your hand and move it in and out to prevent cutting grooves in the die. 6. Extreme care must be taken to guard against cutting too much metal out of the die, thus making it too large. 7. Remove the die from the lathe, wipe out with a cloth and gage with a plug gage. Servicing When a die becomes scratched on the inside, the above procedure will be Scratched Dies used for eliminating the scratch providing the scratch is not too deep. In case of exceptionally deep scratches the die must be returned to the tool room. Servicing the When the injecting stem has an accumulation of brass on it, remove the Injecting Stem stem and polish it with 220 emery cloth, by hand, until the brass is com- pletely removed. Then polish the stem with crocus cloth. Servicing the When the pocketing punch has an accumulation of brass on it, it is neces- Pocketing Punch sary to remove the punch from the machine and polish it with 220 emery cloth until the brass is completely removed. Then polish the pocketing punch with crocus cloth. I40] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Bearings MACHINE LUBRICATION The efficiency of every machine depends to a great extent upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction, as far as we are con- cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite—tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [41] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. . Load on the shaft or slide. . Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. . Cleanliness of surroundings. 2 3 4. Constant or intermittent operation. 5 6. Temperature of surroundings. 7 . Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. :'q.®.°‘t‘>.°°.l\° Frequency of lubrication. I 42 I CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: 1. Simple oil hole. . Bottle oiler. . Ring oiler. . Plain oil cups. 2 3 4 5. Drop feed cups. 6. Wick feed cups. 7. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 8. Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. 1. Screw down cups. 2. Compression cups. 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrication”. Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places; in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times—except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. I43] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MAcI-IINE Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART . . N 0. of Fittings, Frequency of I/ubmcam Machine Part Grease Cups, etc. Lubrication H ours Rocker arms . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 Eccentric wheel . . . . . . . . . 1 8 LIGHT GREASE Crankshaft assembly . . . . . . 4 8 (Blue Gun) Connecting rods . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Ram assembly . . . . . . . . . 4 8 Hopper shaft . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 wk. Brake assembly . . . . . . . . . 1 24 Brake assembly . . . . . . . . . 1 24 Knockoff cam . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 MEDIUM OIL Cam on eccentric . . . . . . . . 1 8 (Red Oiler) Knockoff wire assembly . . . . . 2 8 Push block . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 Push block conveyor . . . . . . . 4 8 Conveyor cam roller . . . . . . . 1 8 I44] CALIBER .30 POCKETING MACHINE Index Adjustment, Concentricity, 21 Die Block, Horizontal, 23 Die Block, Vertical, 25 Feed Finger, 29 Feed Tube Mouth, 31 Flywheel Brake, 34 Flywheel Motor Belt, 33 Hopper Feed Bridge, Horizontal, 30 Hopper Feed Bridge, Vertical, 31 Injecting Stem, 27 Pin Wheel, Hopper Motor Belt, 32 Pocketing Punch, 24 Anti-friction Bearings, 41 Anvil, 10, 11, 12 Bottom Thickness, 17 Brake, 2, 3, 6 Shoe, 3, 6 Bumped Case, 14 Bushing, 10, 11, 12 Cam Roller, 3 Cap Nut, 11 Case Mashed Against Die, 37 Pulling Out of Die, 35 Cases Cut Off, 37 Fed Improperly in Machine, 37 Concentricity, 18 Adjustment, 21 Crankshaft, 3, 4 Dented Mouth, 36 Dial Indicator, 18 Die, 7, 10, 13 Block, 7, 21, 22 Block Assembly, 10 Block,. Horizontal, Adjustment, 23 Block Vertical, Adjustment, 25 Disposal, 14 Double Plug Gage, 19 Eccentric Cam, 3, 4 Elevator, 3 Feed Box, 7 Finger Adjustment, 29 Motor, 1 Pipe, 15 Sleeve, 8, 14, 16 Slide, 7, 14, 16 INDEX Feed Tube, 7, 8, 14, 15, 29 Tube Mouth Adjustment, 31 Floor Space, 1 Flow Chart, 15, 16 Flywheel, 2, 6 Brake, Adjustment, 34 Motor Belt Adjustment, 33 Friction, 41 Front Spanner Adjusting Nut, 11, 12 Gage Care, 18 Grease, 42 Height, 1 Hopper Assembly, 8 Box, 8 Feed Bridge, Horizontal, Adjust- ment, 30 Feed Bridge, Vertical, Adjust- ment, 31 Injecting Stem, 5, 11, 14, 16 Stem Adjustment, 27 Stem Assembly, 11 Stem Holder, 11 Inside Pocket Marred, 36 Knockoff, 14 Wire, 3, 16 Lapping Procedure, 40 Lathe, 40 Lubricating Film, 41 Lubrication, 3, 41 Chart, 44 Hints on, 43 Methods, 42 Machine Motor, 1 Stops on Dead Center, 38 Manufacturer, 1 Metal Deposit on Inside of Case, 37 Deposit Under Head, 37 Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 43 Motor, 2 Outside Diameter, 17 Overhead Hopper, 14, 15 Oversize Diameter, 37 Pin Wheel Hopper, 3, 8, 14, 15 Wheel Hopper Box, 14, 15 Pin Wheel Hopper Motor Belt Adjustment, 32 Pocket Out of Concentricity, 35, 36 Pocketed Case, 16 Pocketing Punch, 14, 16 Punch Adjustment, 24 Ram, 3 Power, 2 Primer Pocket, 2 Production, 1 Punch, 2, 12, 13 Bushing, 12 Holder, 12 Holder Assembly, 12 Push Block, 14, 15 Ram, 2, 3, 5 Rear Spanner Adjusting Nut, 11, 12 Rocker Arm, 3, 4 Arm Shaft, 4 Scored Walls, 35 Scratched Walls, 35 Selecting Lubricant for Given Bearing, 42 Servicing Injecting Stem, 40 New Dies, 39 Pocketing Punch, 40 Scratched Dies, 40 Speed of Crankshaft, 1 Stem, 13 Ram, 3 Stroke, 1 Switch, 2 Tools, 1 Transmission, 2 Twin Ring Gage, 18 Type of Feed, 1 Uneven Flow of Cases from Hopper, 38 Visual Inspection, 18 Washing Department, 17 Web Thickness, 17, 18 Weight, 1 Wrinkles in Case, 36 TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Heading Machine BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company _ United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 194-1 United States Government Contract W-ORD-481, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917, C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 443, 76th Congress, 3rd Session). II MANUAL CORRECTlONS—CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE LOCATION Page 3- ‘I 6 Page 5 —Fig Page 9—Fig Page 12 Pages 26 and 29- Fig Page 1 7—Spec Page 1 9—F'ig Page 18—Fz'g ERROR Jackets Picture Of Bump Pocketing Punch Bumping Bump Machine Outside diameter before Heading .7 97 0—.8000 Web thickness before Heading .07 0—.080 Outside diameter after Heading .7 97 0—.8010 Web thickness after Heading .093—.113 Flush Pin Gage Punch Holder is shown CORRECTION Cases Picture of Head Heading Punch Heading Heading Machine Outside diameter before Heading .4645-.4665 Web thickness before Heading .042—.050 Outside diameter after Heading .4645—.4670 Web thickness after Heading .060—.068 Dial Indicator Punch should be shown TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tool Holder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Tool Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Tool Servicing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 III 'HEADlNG MACHINE .30 VIEW OF CALIBER I~V CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Catalogue Data CATALOGUE DATA Manufacturer E. W. Bliss Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Machine E. W. Bliss Horizontal Toggle and Crank Press Description 5 V belt drive motor to flywheel on crankshaft. Machine Motor 5 h.p.; 60 cycle; 3 phase; 220/440 volt; 870 R.P.M. Type of Feed Pedestal type pin wheel hopper mounted on ma- chine. Belt drive from motor; 7 R.P.M. Feed Motor Gear head; % h.p.; 60 cycle; 1 phase; 115/230 volt; 1725 R.P.M. Production 105 per minute. Crankshaft Speed 105 R.P.M. Stroke Front crank 8%” ; back crank 6746". Tools: Piece No. Injecting Stem E- 2 Die E-12 Heading Punch E-23 Height 7 ft. 3% in. Weight 8,200 lbs. Floor Space 4 ft. x 8 ft. Ill CAUBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Machine Description Guard Covering Flywheel Flywheel Power and Transmission MACHINE DESCRIPTION '_- E.'Iv.nI;IssI'.O ' '"°"\lYl IX ' 6 ‘M. CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE The E. W. Bliss Horizontal Crank and Toggle Press, illustrated above, is powered by a 5 h.p. motor through five V-type belts connecting the motor to the flywheel. The Horizontal Crank and Toggle Press is equipped with a heading punch which is incorporated in the front ram. As the heading punch, actuated by the ram, strikes the closed end of the case, it forms the head, sizes the primer pocket, and stamps the identification on the head of the case. The motor is mounted directly above the flywheel on an adjustable bracket which allows proper adjustment of the belt tension. The fly- wheel is mounted to the front or heading ram crankshaft at the front of the machine. The motor is controlled by a push button type switch; the red button breaks the circuit and the black button closes the circuit. As no clutch is employed on this type machine, the machine is started by releasing the manually operated brake and pressing the starter switch. [2] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Machine Description Brake Heading Ram Knockoff Wire Stem Ram Eccentric Cam and Rocker Arms Pin Wheel Hopper Lubrication The brake is manually controlled through linkage from the brake oper- ating arm to the brake shoe. The brake operating arm is held in a horizontal position directly above the die holder. The brake linkage is equipped with an arm which acts to break the electrical circuit to the motor when the brake is applied. As the electrical circuit is broken, the shoes are applied to the front and rear face of the flywheel to stop the machine action. The front or heading ram is supported by and travels on two 45° angle gib plates. The heading ram is connected to and actuated by a connecting rod attached to the front crankshaft throw. The face of the ram is machined to hold the tool holder. A knockoff wire is attached to an operating arm which is actuated by a cam roller attached to the heading ram. The knockoff wire extends out from the rear edge of the machine frame to a position directly above the case as it is discharged from the die. The knockoff wire, actuated by the heading ram on every stroke of the ram, knocks the discharged case into the bottom of the machine bed where it passes out onto a conveyor belt leading to the elevator. The stem ram or back ram is connected to and actuated by a connecting rod attached to the rear crankshaft. The ram face is machined to hold the working tools. The ram is supported by and travels on two 45° angle gib plates which are bolted to the machine frame in a horizontal position. The power is transferred from a crankshaft through two rocker arms and an eccentric cam. The pin wheel hopper is mounted on a supporting bracket located at the rear center of the machine. The cases are fed into the hopper box from an overhead chute, and are agitated in the hopper by a manually operated lever which extends through the bottom of the hopper to a position within easy reach of the operator. The cases are fed to the machine through a feed tube, to the feed sleeve, from the feed sleeve into the die. Each jacket is discharged from the die by the following jacket being inserted. As each case is fed into the die, it discharges the pre- ceding case from the die. The machine is lubricated by means of Alemite-Zerk fittings attached to the various working parts. The gibs and other exposed parts which have a tendency to overheat quickly should be oiled frequently with an oil can containing an appro- priate grade and viscosity of lubricant. (See Lubrication Chart, page 45) I3] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Machine Description Bumper Stem ' Crankshaft Crankshaft Rocker , , Arm Eccentric _ Cam ECCENTRIC CAM AND ROCKER ARMS Eccentric Cam and Power is transmitted from the front, or heading crankshaft, through two Rocker Arm rocker arms and an eccentric cam to the back or stem ram crankshaft. The heading crankshaft turns 360°, or a complete revolution. The rocker arm leads from the crankshaft to a point off center on the- eccentric cam. The eccentric cam is mounted on a stub shaft at the back center of the machine. A second rocker arm shaft, attached to the off center point on the cam, leads to the back or heading stem crankshaft. The motion of the heading crankshaft, by use of the rocker arms and eccentric cam, is transformed from a 360° revolution to a 90° are at the heading stem crankshaft. I4] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Machine Description Spanner Nuts _ Knockoff ‘ Wire ’ Springs Set Screw _ Bumper Tool ’ V Holder Feed / Tube Allen __ Set Screw Cup Screw RAMS, TOOL HOLDERS AND CRADLE Roms The face of each ram is machined to hold a tool holder. The heading ram contains the tool holder which holds the heading punch. The tool holder incorporates two spanner nuts, which allow an adjustment to be made on the heading tool. The stem ram contains the tool holder which holds the injecting stem. Two spanner nuts are incorporated in the tool holder which allows an adjustment to be made on the injecting stem. [5l CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Machine Description Brake shoe 1%" Lock Nut 3/4" Adjusting Screw 11/," Lock Nus_h th 3/4" Adjusting Screws BRAKE ASSEMBLY Brake The brake shoes are attached to a bracket, which holds the shoes in posi- tion against the inner and outer surface of the flywheel. The brake shoe operating lever, which is connected to the brake shoes by a series of connecting links, applies the brake shoes against the flywheel to stop the machine when the brake lever is pulled back. A small trip arm, at- tached at a right angle to the vertical brake shaft, breaks the electrical circuit by contacting an auxiliary switch when the brake is applied. The switch is attached to the back side of the machine frame at the right end of the machine. I6] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Machine Description Pin Wheel Hopper and Hopper Box Hopper Box ~( ( T‘ J ' “ L1 . Pin Wheel Hopper \ Switch "'~‘-ea END VIEW SHOWING PIN WHEEL HOPPER The pin wheel hopper box is a one-piece casting with a bottom sloping toward an adjustable gate, which leads into the pin wheel hopper. The pin wheel hopper is attached to the front of the hopper box. The pin wheel consists of a pin ring, an inner and an outer dish-shaped rim bolted together to form a hopper assembly. The outer dish-shaped rim has three spokes attached to a hub shaft on which the entire hopper revolves. The hopper is driven by a V-type belt connected to a ,1./§ h.p. motor. The motor is supported by an adjustable bracket to maintain proper belt tension. The pin ring has a series of steel pins, spaced approximately 1" apart on its inner circumference and set at an angle to the radii. A steel band rake-off keeps the components that are not properly seated on the pins from entering the bridge. As the hopper revolves clockwise, the cases slide onto the steel pins and approach a vertical position, with the mouth end down. When the components approach the upper arc of the circumference, they contact and are held on the pins by the bridge. In this position they are nearly mouth end up. At the end of the pin wheel bridge they are in a nearly vertical position and slide off the pins into an adjustable feed tube mouth. They are then carried by gravity down a feed tube to the feed sleeve. [7] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Mochine Description Hopper Box Steel Pins Hopper Door Latch Dish-shaped Hopper Door I \ _ \" ’ _ _ ‘F .____-—— Feed Tube 0 f1 i \ l CLOSE UP OF PIN WHEEL HOPPER [8] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE MOCHIHG Description Tool HoIder—- ' I " I Springs Pocketing / Punch V Feed Tube Feed Box r- ‘ Push Finger -— j K _ Cap Screw Case Slide / ti: Die Block -- , Injecting Stem . DIE BLOCK AND FEED SLIDE ASSEMBLIES Die Block and The die block is incorporated in the machine frame and is located be- Feed Slide tween the two rams. A feed box is attached to the top surface of the die block. The cases are fed from the feed tube into the feed box. From the feed box they are pushed by a push finger which is actuated from the eccentric cam. Each case is pushed by the succeeding cases from the feed box, around the case slide until they drop into the case feed sleeve. The stem ram moves forward injecting the case into the die. As the heading punch travels forward striking the closed end of the case, it forms the head, sizes the primer pocket, and stamps the identification on the head of the case. [9] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Tool Holder Description Iniecring SM TOOL HOLDER DESCRIPTION Assembly 9 F Rear Spanner Adjusting Nut: The rear spanner adjusting nut determines the forward adjustment of the injecting stem holder, and is the same as the front span- ner nut with the exception that it is thicker. Care must be exercised in assembling theinjecting stern holder to get the spanner nut placed properly. Front Spanner Adjusting Nut: The front spanner adjusting nut determines the backward adjustment of the injecting stem holder. It contains equally spaced holes to facilitate adjustment with a spanner wrench. Injecting Stem Holder: The injecting stem holder isa threaded bar that fits in the back ram and is held in place by two spanner adjusting nuts. The front end is hollow to accommodate the anvil, bushing, and injecting stem. Anvil: The anvil is a solid circular piece that fits inside the end of the injecting stem holder. The stem seats against the anvil, which helps to absorb the shock on the stem. Bushing: The bushing is cylindrical with a hole through the center through which the shouldered part \ of the injecting stern fits. Cap Nut: The cap nut is a hexagonal shouldered nut which is beveled inside to fit the bevel on the shoulder of the stem. The nut is placed on the injecting stem to rest on the injecting stem shoulder. The stem is in- serted in the injecting stem holder and the nut is screwed in place. Injecting Stem: The injecting stem is tapered on the working end and has a beveled shoulder on the other end. It fits in a bushing in the injecting stem holder. I v Injecting Stern Cap Nut Tool Holder Injecting Stem \ I \ E \ C\\\‘.:' W \ .\\_‘§‘\'\\\\\\\\\\\“ Anvil Rear Spanner Nut Bushing Front Spanner Nut CROSS-SECTIONAL DRAWING or INJECTING srsm I 10 l CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Tool Holder Description Die Block Die: The die is cylindrical in shape, and is approximately 4" long and Assembly 3" in diameter, with a longitudinal hole which tapers from the mouth to the head of the die through the center. Bushing: The bushing is a hollow cylinder that fits in the die block and is used as a spacer between the die block and the die. Anvil: The anvil is designed as shown in the cross-sectional drawing be- low. A hole through its center permits the feeding of the case into the die. The anvil fits in the die block directly behind the bushing. It absorbs shock and prevents wear on the die block. CROSS-SECTIONAL DRAWING OF DIE BLOCK ASSEMBLY I 11 l CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Tool Holder Description Punch Holder Assembly Punch Holder Rear Spanner Adjusting Nut: The rear spanner ad- justing nut located on the bumping punch holder, de- termines the forward adjustment of the bumping punch. The spanner nut contains equally spaced holes around its circumference to facilitate its adjustment with a spanner wrench. Front Spanner Adjusting Nut: The front spanner adjusting nut determines the backward adjustment of the bumping punch and is identical to the rear spanner nut with the exception that it is thinner. Punch Holder: The bumping punch holder is a threaded bar that fits in the front ram. It is held in place by the two spanner nuts and a set screw which screws through the front of the ram into a slot in the bumping punch holder. Anvil: The anvil is a circular piece that fits on the inside of the front of the bumping holder and absorbs the shock of the bumping punch. Bushing: The bushing is cylindrical, with a hole through the center. It fits in the front of the bumping punch holder against the anvil and acts as a spacer between the bumping punch holder and the bumping punch. Spacer Pin: The spacer pin determines the depth of the heading punch. This depth is controlled by the length of the spacer pin used. It is inserted in the punch holder after the punch. Sizing Punch: The sizing punch is funnel shaped. It is inserted in the punch holder before the spacer pin. Heading Punch: The heading punch is cylindrical with a longitudinal hole through its center. It holds the pocket sizing punch and spacer pin. _ as Rs 2’ 8 wz ‘"2 E '-=,, '- tr '5 \- ‘E = 5 mg g 2 2 < m -5 o o. _ o ._ ,\\\‘k\\\g\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I -§ I 7/ / I R ____-- _‘—- ____d- ___-— \ :5‘ ‘-'-_,-_l--- ,- ‘I Hi ‘I CROSS-SECTIONAL DRAWING or PUNCH HOLDER ASSEMBLY I 12 I CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Tool Description TOOL DESCRIPTION Tool Name: Stem Piece No.: E-2 Location: Held horizontally in back crosshead ram Normal Life: 200,000 pieces Stem is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and pol- ished. Point of stem is rounded and tapered. Tool Name: Die Piece No.: E-12 Location: Die block Normal Life: 70,000 pieces Die is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and pol- ished. Mouth end of die is tapered and rounded. Tool Name: Heading Punch Piece No.: E-23 Location: Held horizontally in front crosshead ram Normal Life: 150,000 pieces Heading punch is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. The working end of the heading punch contains the raised markings which stamp the identi- fication on the case head. HEADING PUNCH I13] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Process Sequence Overhead Hopper Pin Wheel Hopper Box Pin Wheel Hopper Cofl Spfing Feed Tube Push Block Feed Sfide Injecting Stem Heading Punch Headed Case Knockoff and Disposal PROCESS SEQUENCE The cases are fed by gravity from an overhead source into the overhead hopper and drop through a feed pipe into the pin wheel hopper box. Cases flow from the pin wheel hopper box through an opening, past the agitator, into the lower part of the pin wheel hopper. As the pin wheel hopper rotates, cases are agitated and picked up by pins on the inner circumference of the pin wheel and are carried up past the rake-off springs, which knock off misaligned cases and push partly set cases all the way onto the pins. As the cases are carried to the top - of the pin wheel, they are held on the pins by the bridge. At the end of the bridge, they drop off, one at a time, head down into mouth of the coil spring feed tube. Cases fall by gravity through the coil spring feed tube into a choke. The choke prevents deformed cases from entering the curved feed pipe. These deformed cases are removed by the operator so the flow of cases can continue through the curved feed pipe part way into the feed box where they stop against the push block. The push block moves backward, allowing one case at a time to enter the feed box; then it moves forward, pushing the case past the feed gate into the curved feed slide. The curved feed slide conveys the cases in a horizontal position, one at a time, into the feed sleeve. The injecting stem moving in from right to left, enters the case, pushes it into the die, and holds it there to wait for the heading punch. The heading punch moves in, from left to right, to strike the case, form- ing the head‘, sizing the primer pocket, and stamping the identification on the head. As the heading punch and injecting stem move back from the die, another case slides into the sleeve and the above operation is repeated. As the succeeding case is pushed into the die by the injecting stem‘, it pushes the headed case out. The headed case is pushed out to a point where the knockoff wire strikes it, knocking it downward quickly through a metal chute into a conveyor underneath the press. [14] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Process Sequence FLOW CHART Overhead Hopper Cases are fed by gravity from an overhead source into the overhead hopper, and through a feed pipe into the pin wheel hopper box. Pin Wheel Hopper Box Cases flow through an opening in the pin wheel hopper box, past agitator, into bottom of the pin wheel hopper. Pin Wheel Hopper Rotates and cases are picked up by pins and carried past the rake-off spring to the top of the pin wheel where they are held on the pins by the bridge. At the end of the bridge, they fall off, one at a time, through a choke and into coil spring feed tube. Hopper is powered by a %; h.p. reduction gear motor by a V-type belt. Control is by a toggle switch. Coil Spring Feed Tube Conveys the cases by gravity through a choke and into curved feed pipe, part way into the feed box, where they stop against the push block. Push Block Moves backward, allowing one case at a time to en- ter feed box; then it moves forward, pushing the case past feed gate into feed slide. Backward motion by two coil springs; forward motion by cam follower, and by cam on eccentric wheel from rocker arm, from front crankshaft, from flywheel. Feed Slide Conveys case in a horizontal position, one at a time, into the feed sleeve located in the die block. Feed Sleeve Holds the case in alignment with the injecting stem and die. Injecting Stem Moves from right to left, pushing the case into the die, and holding it there for the heading punch. Stem is powered by ram through connecting rod, from toggle shaft, rocker arm, ec- centric wheel, rocker arm, crankshaft from flywheel. [15] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Process Sequence FLOW CHART (Cont.) Heading Punch Moves in from left to right to strike the case, forming the head, sizing the pocket, and stamping the iden- Heading punch is powered by ram through connecting rod tification on the head. crankshaft‘ Heading Punch and Injecting Stem Move back from the die and another case slides into the sleeve and the above operation is repeated. As the succeeding case is pushed into the die by the stem, it pushes the headed case out. Headed Case Knockoff wire is powered by Is pushed out to a point where knockoff wire strikes cam in cam track on the ram the case, knocking it downward into a chute to a through connecting rod, from conveyor under the machine. crankshaft. [16] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The component, when received by the heading machine, is in the form of a case as shown in Fig. 1. The case is made of brass (70% copper, 30% zinc). The closed end of the case is known as the bottom before the heading operation. It changes its identity after the heading operation and is thereafter known as the head. The open end of the case is known as the mouth. The cases are received at the heading machine from the Washing Depart- ment, where they are washed and dried. The cases are delivered to the Washing Department from the pocketing machine. The dimensions of the case are as follows: Before Heading Operation After Heading Operation _ _ .461?-.1603 , _ . - ‘Ti. Outside Diameter Outside Diameter ~ ** *0 we-.' ‘ ‘ __ . Web Thickness :i10:L—"% Web Thickness Jfiélfia Sidewall Variation .002 Sidewall Variation .002 After the heading operation, the cases are delivered to the Washing Depart- ment, where they are washed and dried before being delivered to the head turn machine. [17] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Inspection Visual Gage Care Gages INSPECTION At frequent intervals, after the heading operation, a careful visual in- spection of the “cases must be made. The cases should be inspected for scratches on the inside and outside walls, for deposits of metal on the bottom, wrinkles on the side and mouth, and dents on the bottom. These defects indicate an immediate adjustment of the machine is necessary to correct the fault. Whenever defective cases are found, the lot from which they come must be removed from the machine and properly identified so the bad lot will not be mixed with good cases. Gages are expensive instruments, machined to a fine precision. Improper use, or carelessness in gaging may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may affect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be em- ployed in matching a case to a gage. A protected location should be used for storage of gages to prevent their being damaged when not in use. The most accurate checks are made when the cases are cool since heat causes expansion of the metal and results in a temporary variation in the case size. TWIN RING GAGE The outside diameter of the case is gaged with a twin ring gage. Cases must pass through the lar- ger or “go” ring but must not pass through the smal- ler “no go” ring. DIAL INDICATOR GAGE The web thickness of the case is checked on a dial indicator; varia- tion in this dimension greatly af- fects succeeding operations. DIAL INDICATOR _ _~-. . The concentricity of the pocket is checked by a dial indicator; the concentricity of the pocket in relation to the outside diam- eter is very important. [18] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Inspection Gages (Cont.) FLUSH PIN GAGE The depth of the pocket is gaged by a flush pin pocket depth gage. DOUBLE PLUG GAGE The diameter of the pocket is gaged by a double plug “go” and “no go” gage. The “go" end of plug gage must always enter the pocket. The maximum “no go” must not enter. The above described inspection methods are those most commonly em- ployed in the heading of the Caliber .30 case. However, other methods may be developed to maintain the manufacturing standards. [19] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Adjustments Objective Coutions ADJUSTMENTS To maintain satisfactory production, a machine must be adjusted to com- pensate for the wear of its tools and other working parts, and to meet new conditions caused by a difference in material. It is necessary to inspect the machine and components regularly in order that any trouble may be de- tected and corrected immediately. This section of the manual, with its illustrations, photographs, and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all of the machine troubles that will be en- countered, therefore certain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. A thorough analysis of the trouble will indi- cate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. No adjustments are to be made while the machine is in motion, or until the flywheel has stopped. To insure proper adjustment of the machine, always turn the flywheel over by hand before applying power. Inspect the machine periodically to determine whether or not all connec- tions and adjustments are secure. Turn off the power before applying the foot brake. The brake should be applied in such a manner as to cause the ram to stop on its back stroke. Do not permit the flywheel to make a complete revolution in reverse, since this will throw the machine out of time and cause it to jam. Before making adjustments on the machine, always lock the electric motor stop button with the locking set screw. [20] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Adjustments Concentricity The die block should be adjusted so that the case is in direct line with Ill l|ll|lllll'I HIGH POINT TO THE RIGHT I-4 the punch. If the punch and the case are not perfectly aligned, the head of the case will not be concentric with the pocket. Concentricity is attained by moving the die block either vertically, horizontally, or both.’ In order to know which way the die block should be adjusted, it is necessary to place a test case in the machine and operate the machine until the case is headed. The machine is stopped before the case is ejected from the die and the case and the die are marked with 5 vertical line across the face of the case head and the die, so that the position of the case in the die is known after the case has been removed from the die. Remove the case from the die and test the head for con- centricity with a dial gage. Mark the high point of the head and place the case in the die in the same position it was before it was removed. If the high point is either to the right or left horizontally, the die block must be adjusted correspondingly as shown by the arrows in the sketches below. II II llllllllll I ll‘; _ --—--_--__—.--a lll HIGH POINT TO THE LEFT If the high point of the head is on either the top or bottom of the case when it is placed back into the die, vertical adjustment of the die block is necessary as shown by the arrows in the sketches below. I I |||||| ||||||||':' I I HIGH POINT TO THE TOP _—-__-_ --___1 ii \ llll HIGH POINT TO THE BOTTOM I21] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Adjustments Concentricity The die block may be out of adjustment both vertically and horizontally. (Cont.) If this is the case, the die block is adjusted as shown by the arrows in the sketches below: 1 [HI I: I <9 . . I I I I I _____ HIGH POINT TO TOP AND RIGHT HIGH POINT TO TOP AND TO LEFT \‘ III III lllllllllli HIGH POINT TO BOTTOM AND HIGH POINT TO BOTTOM AND TO RIGHT TO LEFT [22] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Adjustments Die Block (Vertical) Tools: Procedure: The die block is adjusted vertically by adjusting the four adjusting screws on top of the die block holder. The adjusting screws are hollow, permit- ting the lock screws to pass through the center and to screw into the machine bed. 2" wrench, 1" wrench, %” wrench. 1. Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws from the guard and remove the guard. Use a %" wrench to remove the cap screws that hold the carriage to the machine. Remove the carriage. Use a 1 " wrench to loosen the four lock screws on top of the die block. To raise the die block holder, use a 2” wrench to tighten the four adjusting screws a fraction of a turn. To lower the die block, use a 2" wrench to loosen the four adjusting screws a fraction of a turn. Caution: Each of the four adjusting screws must be t.urned a like amount to keep the die block level. I 23 l CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Adjustments Procedure: (Cont.) 6. Tighten the four lock screws while holding the adjusting screw in place. ' Note: The above procedure must be repeated until concentricity of the jacket is attained. ' 7. Replace the carriage. 8. Replace the guard; insert and tighten the screws holding the guard in place. CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Adjustments Die Block (Horizontal) Loclt Nuts Three—5/16" Allen Set Screws Three—1%” Lock Nuts 1 " Lock Screws Lock Nuts TOOIS: Procedure: 1. 2. 99‘ V16” wrench, 1%” wrench. The die block is adjusted horizontally by turning the three adjusting screws on the machine at the side of the die block holder. One of the adjusting screws is threaded into the die block and is used to move the block toward the left. The other adjusting screws are threaded into the machine, are forced against the die block and are adjusted to move the die block to the right. DIE BLOCK ASSEMBLY Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws from the guard and remove the guard. - Use a 1%” wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the adjusting screws in the machine at the side of the die block, while holding the adjusting screws in place with a %” Allen wrench. . To move the die block to the right, use a 1%" wrench to loosen the center adjusting screw a fraction of a turn; use a 9/16" wrench to tighten the two outside adjusting screws. To move the die block to the left, loosen the two outside adjusting screws a fraction of a turn and tighten the center adjusting screw. Tighten the lock nuts on the adjusting screws against the machine. Check the adjustment by operating the machine and inspecting the cases on a dial gage. Note: The above procedure should be repeated until concentricity of the head of the case is attained. Replace the guard; insert and tighten the screws holding the guard in place. r [25] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Adjustments Heading Punch The heading punch forms the head of the case and sizes the pocket. The size of the pocket and the diameter of the case head depend, there- fore, upon correct adjustment of the punch. If the case head is too small, the punch must be adjusted closer to the stem; if the head is too large, the punch must be adjusted as there is more clearance between the stem and the punch. The heading punch is adjusted by turning the spanner nuts on the punch holder. Before any work is done on the head- ing punch, the stem must be checked to see that it is properly adjusted. Rear Spanner / Nut ~ Front Spanner / Nut Set Screw Punch Holder HEADING PUCH HOLDER Tools: 1/2" steel rod, screwdriver. Procedure: 1. Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws that hold the guard in place and remove the guard. 2. Use a %" steel rod to loosen slightly the spanner nut closest to the punch. Tighten the other spanner nut against the bracket to adjust the punch closer to the stem. 3. Use a %” steel rod to loosen slightly the spanner nut farthest from the punch. Tighten the other spanner nut against the bracket to adjust the punch farther from the stem. 4. The above procedure must be repeated, and the diameter of the head must be tested after each setting, until the desired head diameter is attained. 5. Replace the guard; insert and tighten the screws holding the guard in place. [26] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Adjustments Injecting Stem The injecting stem pushes the case out of the die just far enough so that the head of the case is pocketed by the action of the pocketing punch. If the case is pushed too far out of the die, a ring will be formed on the case by the outside edge of the die. If the case is not pushed far enough out of the die, the pocketing punch will not make the pocket in the head of the case deep enough. Adjustment is made by adjusting the two spanner nuts on the injecting stem holder. The stem holder must be adjusted so that the head of the case projects out of the die about 14;”. Spanner Nut Injecting Stem INJECTING STEM AND HOLDER Tools: 1/2" steel rod, screwdriver. Procedure: 1. Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws that hold the guard in place, and remove the guard. 2. Place a test case in the magazine and turn the flywheel by hand until the head of the case protrudes from the die. 3. If the head of the case does not protrude at least 14;” from the die, use a %" steel rod to loosen slightly the spanner nut closer to the stem. Tighten the other spanner nut against the brake. 4. If the head of the case protrudes more than X6”, use a 1/3” steel rod to loosen slightly the spanner nut farther from the stem. Tighten the other spanner nut against the bracket. (In either of the above cases the adjustment must be repeated until the head of the case protrudes V16" from the die). [27] CALIBER .30 HEADING MAcI-IINE , Adjustments Procedure: (Cont.) 5. Remove the test case from the die and turn the flywheel by hand " until the ram is at its normal position. 6. Replace the guard; insert and tighten the screws which hold the guard in place. 7. Operate the machine and test the web thickness of the cases with a flush pin gage. [28] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Adjustments Feed Finger TOOlS: Procedure: The feed finger receives the case from the feed tube and places it in line with the die. In order to adjust the feed finger so that it is in alignment with the feed tube and the die it is necessary to loosen the cap screws holding the carriage to the machine and to turn the feed finger one com- plete revolution. Allen Set Screw FEED FINGER %" wrench, %g" Allen wrench. 1. Use a screwdriver to remove the four screws that hold the guard in place and remove the guard. 2. Use a 7/8" wrench to loosen the two cap screws, one on each side of the carriage. 3. Use a %2'’ Allen wrench to remove the feed tube to observe whether or not the feed finger is in line with the feed socket. 4. Turn the feed finger one complete revolution clockwise if the feed finger is too far forward, or counterclockwise if the feed finger is too far back to be in line with the feed socket. 5. Tighten the cap screws that hold the carriage to the machine. 6. Replace the feed tube and tighten the Allen screw. 7. Replace the guard; insert and tighten the screws holding the guard in place. [29] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Adjustments Hopper Feed As the cases are carried upward by the pin wheel, the case heads contact Bridge (Horizontal) the hopper bridge which holds the cases on the pins until they reach the feed tube mouth and fall down through the feed tube. The bridge should be close enough to the seating spring that the cases do not fall from the pins before they begin their travel on the bridge. The bridge can be moved to the desired position by loosening the set screw which holds the bridge to the hopper. . Horizontal _"";‘ Adjustment " Located in the Shaft . Feed Tube INTERIOR OF PIN WHEEL HOPPER Tool: 11/4 ” wrench. Procedure: 1. Release the latch and open the hopper door. 2. Use a 1/4" wrench to loosen the set screw on the left end of the hopper bridge. 3. Move the bridge close to the seating spring and in line with the bottom of the pins on the pin wheel. 4. Hold the bridge in position and tighten the set screw. ‘ 5. Close and latch the hopper door. 6 . Check the adjustment by operating the hopper and opening the hopper inspection gate to see whether or not the cases remain on the pins un- til they begin their travel on the bridge. [30] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Adjustments Hopper Feed The feed bridge can be adjusted vertically by adjusting the nuts on the Bridge (Vertical) vertical bolt connected to the bridge. Tools: Two 1%” wrenches. Procedure: 1. Use an 11/I/6" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the vertical bolt while holding the adjusting nut. Use an 11/16" wrench to turn the adjusting nut, either raising or lowering the feed bridge until it is about %" from the pins on the pin wheel. 3. Hold the adjusting nut in place and tighten the lock nut. 4. Close and latch the hopper door. N Bridge _ Adjustment .~ — Feed Tube Feed Tube Mouth The cases should fall from the pins into the feed tube mouth and down through the feed tube. If they fail to do this, the feed mouth must be aligned with the pins on the pin wheel. Tool: 11/1/6” wrench. Procedure: 1. Release the latch and open the hopper door. 2. Use an M5” wrench to loosen the bottom lock nut on the rod that connects the feed tube mouth to the hopper bridge. 3. Use an 1%" wrench to adjust the top nut until the feed tube mouth is in line with the pins on the pin wheel. 4. Hold the adjusting nut in place and tighten the lock nut. 5. Close and latch the hopper door. I 31 I CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Adjustments Pin Wheel Hopper When the pin wheel hopper motor belt becomes too loose through being Motor Belt stretched, it is necessary to tighten the belt to assure proper operation of the pin wheel. Hopper Loclr Nul \ HOPPER MOTOR BELT ADJUSTMENT Tools: 7/8" wrench, %_” wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 7/8” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the motor adjusting set screw. 2. Use a 1/2" wrench to turn the adjusting set screw, moving the motor away from the hopper pulley, thus tightening the belt. 3. Tighten the lock nut. [32] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Adjustments Flywheel Motor When the motor belt becomes too loose, through being stretched, it is Belt necessary to tighten the belt by raising the motor, to insure proper opera- tion of the machine. Top Nut Nut FLYWHEEL MOTOR BELT ADJUSTMENT Tool: 2 ”‘ wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 2" wrench to loosen the three top nuts on the motor supporting studs. 2. Use a 2" wrench to turn the three lower nuts to raise the motor, moving it away from the flywheel, thus tightening the belts. 3. Tighten the three top nuts. l33l CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Adjustments Flywheel Brake Two brake shoes press against the side of the flywheel when the brake is applied. If the flywheel does not stop almost immediately upon applica- tion of the brake, the brake shoes should be adjusted so that they press more firmly against the flywheel. Both shoes should be adjusted a like amount. if/ Brake shoe 11/4" Lock Nut 3/1" Adjusting Screw 11/4" Lock Nuts‘ 3/1;" Adjusting Screws BRAKE ASSEMBLY Tools: 11/4" wrench, %” wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 11/4" end wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the brake shoes. (The brake shoes are located at the bottom of the flywheel.) 2. Use a 3/4" wrench to tighten each of the adjusting screws about one-half turn. 3. Hold the adjusting screws in place and tighten the lock nuts. 4. Check the adjustment by operating the machine and applying the brake. I34] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections TROUBLES AND CORRECTIONS Objective The adjuster will encounter many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may confront an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. The following troubles can be recognized by visual and gage inspection of the component, together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Scratched or Visual inspection will reveal scratches on the inside or outside walls of Scored Walls the case. Scratches on the outside wall can be detected by finger nail inspection. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Rough die — die has excess 1. Lap and polish the die if pos- brass coating on the inside sur- sible or replace with a new die. face. 2. Chipped die—edge on inner 2. Replace with a new die. surface of die has become chipped. 3. Scratched die——scratch on the 3. Polish the die if the scratch is inside surface of the die. not too deep, or replace with a new die if necessary. 4. Foreign matter — (dirt, dried . 4. Send the cases to the Washing soap, etc.) on the cases. Department to be rewashed. Case Pulling Out Visual inspection discloses that the case does not fit into the die properly of Die and is pulled out of the die by the heading punch. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. There is brass accumulation on 1. Polish the punch to remove heading punch. - excess brass. 2. Die is worn or oversize. 2. Replace with a new die. 3. Component within gage but 3. Remove case and check source too small for the die. of supply. Pocket Out of Gaging discloses that the pocket is not concentric with the outside of Concentricity the case. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The die block is out of align- 1. Adjust the die block properly. ment. I35] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Pocket Out of Concentricity (Cont.) Inside Pocket Marred Large Pocket Diameter Small Pocket Deep Pocket Shallow Packet 2. Cases are crooked and defec- 2. Check source of supply; call tive. the inspector. ‘ 3. Bent injecting stem. 3. Replace with a new stem. 4. Die bushing is undersize. 4. Replace with a new bushing. 5. Loose gibs. 5. Call Maintenance Department. 6. Cases have variable sidewall 6. Check source of supply. thicknesses. Visual inspection discloses dents, scratches, or metal built up on head of case. The causes are: The corrections are: Replace with a new heading punch. 1. Worn heading punch—the 1. punch is undersize. 2. Chipped heading punch—a 2. Replace with a new punch. piece is broken off the end of the punch. 3. Broken heading punch. 3. Replace with a new punch. 4. Skinned heading punch—the 4. punch surface is marred or has excessive coating of brass. Polish the punch if it is not too badly skinned. If it is beyond repair, replace with a new punch. Gaging discloses that the pocket is too large in diameter. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Brass is accumulated on the heading punch. 1. Polish the punch and remove the accumulation of brass. Gaging discloses that the pocket is too small in diameter. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Polish the stem and remove the accumulation of brass. 1. Injecting stem has an accumu- lation of brass on it. 2. Heading punch is too small. 2. Replace with a new punch. Gaging with the flush pin gage discloses that the pocket is too deep. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Place a shorter plug behind punch. 1. Heading punch extends too far out of holder. Gaging with the flush pin gage discloses that the pocket is too shallow. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Heading punch does not extend far enough out of holder. 1. Place a longer plug behind punch. [36] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Large Head Small Head Wrinkles in Case Dented Mouth Metal Deposit Under Head Metal Deposit on Inside of Case Gage inspection discloses that the head of the case does not pass through the “go” hole in the gage. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Case is pushed too far out of die by the injecting stem. 1. Adjust the stem properly. Gage inspection discloses that the head of the case passes through the “no go” hole in the gage. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Case is not pushed out of die far enough. 1. Adjust the stem properly. Visual inspection discloses wrinkles on the outside near the mouth of the case. The corrections are: 1. Lap and polish the die to the proper specifications. The causes are: 1. Undersize die—the mouth of the die is too small. 2. Excessive oil or lubricant on 2. Remove the cases and send to cases. the Washing Department to be washed; or reduce flow of lu- bricant. 3. Insufficient lubricant. 3. Increase the flow to required amount. Visual inspection discloses that the mouth of the case is dented. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Adjust the knockoff wire prop- erly. 1. Knockoff wire is out of time. Visual inspection discloses that there is a deposit of metal under the head. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Cracked die—there is a crack on the inside surface of the die. 2. Chipped die—the edge on the inner surface of the die has become chipped. 1. Replace with a new die. 2. Replace with a new die. Visual inspection discloses that there is a deposit of metal inside of the case. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Replace with a new injecting stem. 1. Injecting stem is cracked. 2. Replace with a new injecting stem. 2. Injecting stem is chipped. [37] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Oversize Diameter Cases Cut Ofi‘ Case Mashed Against Die Cases Fed Improperly in Machine Uneven Flow of Cases from Hopper Gaging discloses that the body of the case is too large. The cause is: The correction is: 1. The die is too large. 1. Replace with a new die. Visual inspection discloses that the head of the case has become out in half, bent or severed by the injecting stem. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Remove the long case and check the source of supply. 1. Case feeding into feed box is too long. 2. Remove the case and check the source of supply. 2. Case injected into die improp- erly. 3. Partially filled feed box. 3. Adjust to get proper flow of cases to feed box. Visual inspection discloses that a case has become mashed against the die. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Adjust the knockoff wire prop- erly. 1. The knockoff wire is out of ad- justment. 2. Knockoff wire is broken. 2. Replace with a new knockoff VV11‘€. Visual inspection discloses that the cases are not feeding properly through the feed block and cradle. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Remove the cases and check the source of supply. 1. The cases are too long or too short. 2. Remove the feed block or cra- dle and clean. 2. Foreign matter—(dirt, scrap, etc.) in feed block or cradle. 3. Bent case in feed block. 3. Remove the bent case and check the source of supply. Visual inspection discloses that the hopper is not feeding cases to machine properly. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Remove cases from the hopper and check the source of supply. 1. Cases from fourth draw are too long or defective. 2. Remove the case and clear the feed tube. 3. Clean the hopper and check the source of supply. 2. Cases jammed in feed tube. 3. Foreign matter —— (dirt, shav- ings, etc.) in the hopper. I38] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Uneven Flow of Cases from Hopper (Cont.) Machine Stops on Dead Center 4. Overloaded hopper-—too many 4. Remove excess cases. cases in hopper. 5. Bridge is out of adjustment. 6. Belt slips——loose belt, oily belt. 5. Adjust the bridge properly. 6. Tighten the belt if it is loose; clean the belt if oily. Visual inspection discloses that the machine has stopped on dead center. The cause is: The correction is: 1. The injecting stem and the heading punch are locked against the case in the die. 1. Adjust the machine properly. I39] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Tool Servicing Objective Servicing of New Dies Lapping Procedure TOOL SERVICING Proper tool servicing is essential to maintain standard quality in the bumping, pocketing, and heading of the cases. Dies and punches are costly and great care must be exercised in the servicing of these tools. Adjusters will be concerned primarily with the removal of brass and small scratches that appear on working surfaces of dies and punches; they must be careful, however, when using an abrasive on any tool, not to alter its dimensions materially. All tools that cannot be corrected by polishing or minor straightening must be returned to the Tool Service Department. 1. Dies as received from the tool room are normally undersize to allow for expansion pressure, and for lapping to a desired size when necessary. The size of the die may be checked by a die plug gage, but a test run should be made before any lapping is performed. As a precaution, before a test run is made, the die bore should be inspected for roughness and polished if necessary. The product from the test run should be carefully gaged and in- spected. Then, and then only, if an undersize or out of true die is indicated, should the die be lapped. When lapping is necessary, proceed as follows: Use a lap stick made of fiber or wood about the same diameter as the die hole. Tear off strips of 220 emery cloth about 1" wide and wrap the emery cloth around the end of the lap stick until it makes a snug fit in the head of the die. FIG. 1 OVER-ALL VIEW OF SPEED LATHE I40] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Tool Servicing Servicing Scratched Dies Servicing the Injecting Stem Servicing the Heading Punch 3. 4. 5. FIG. 2 FIG. 3 CORRECT WAY TO PLACE DIE INCORRECT WAY TO PLACE IN CHUCK DIE IN CHUCK Chuck the die in the speed lathe, head out. Care must be taken to get the die in the lathe properly. See Fig. 2. Insert the lap stick in the head of the die. Run the lathe on low speed; hold the lap stick in your hand and move it in and out to prevent cutting grooves in the die. Extreme care must be taken to guard against cutting too much metal out of the die, thus making it too large. Remove the die from the lathe, wipe out with a cloth and gage with a plug gage. When a die becomes scratched on the inside, the above procedure will be used for eliminating the scratch providing the scratch is not too deep. In case of exceptionally deep scratches, the die must be returned to the tool room. When the injecting stem has an accumulation of brass on it, remove the stem and polish it with 220 emery cloth, by hand, until the brass is completely removed. Then polish the stem with crocus cloth. When the heading punch is serviced, the following procedure should be used. 1. 2. 3. Remove the punch from the punch holder. Place the punch in the tool servicing holder and place the holder in the chuck in the speed lathe. Start the speed lathe and hold a small oil stone against the circum- ference of the punch until the brass is removed. Polish the punch with a piece of crocus cloth. I41] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Bearings MACHINE LUBRICATION The efliciency of every machine depends to a great extent upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction, as far as we are con- cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of ' different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite—tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby ‘reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [42] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Machine Lubrication ,__— Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. . Load on the shaft or slide. . Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. . Cleanliness of surroundings. 2 3 4. Constant or intermittent operation. 5 6. Temperature of surroundings. 7 . Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: . Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. .q.°‘.°‘!f=‘.¢*’.l\'>'-‘ Frequency of lubrication. I 43 I CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: 1. Simple oil hole. . Bottle oiler. . Ring oiler. . Plain oil cups. 2 3 4 5. Drop feed cups. 6. Wick feed cups. 7. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 8. Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. 1. Screw down cups. 2. Compression cups. 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrication”. Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places; in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times—except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. [44] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART . . N 0. of Fittings, Frequency of I/ubmcant Machine Part Grease Cups, etc. Lubrication Hours Crankshaft bearings . . . . . . . 4 8 Connecting rods . . . . . . . . . 7 8 LIGHT GREASE Rams . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 (Blue Gun) Hopper shaft . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 wk Knockoff cam . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 Gibs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Rocker arm eccentric . . . . . . 1 8 Rocker arms . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 Cam on eccentrics . . . . . . . . 1 8 Knockoff shaft . . . . . . . . . 2 8 MEDIUM OIL Push block . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 (Red Oiler) Push block conveyor . . . . . . . 4 8 Cam rollers . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 Knockoff wire assembly . . . . . 2 8 Brake assembly . . . . . . . . . 6 24 I45] CALIBER .30 HEADING MACHINE Index Adjustment, Concentricity, 21 Die Block, Horizontal, 25 Die Block, Vertical, 23 Feed Finger, 29 Feed Tube Mouth, 31 Flywheel Brake, 34 Flywheel Motor Belt, 33 Heading Punch, 26 Hopper Feed Bridge, Horizontal, 30 Hopper Feed Bridge, Vertical, 31 Injecting Stem, 27 Pin Wheel Hopper Motor Belt, 32 Anti-friction Bearings, 42 Anvil, 10, 11, 12 Brake, 2, 3, 6 Lever, 6 Shoe, 3, 6 Bushing, 10, 11, 12 Cap Nut, 10 Case Mashed Against Die, 38 Pulling Out of Die, 35 Cases Cut Off, 38 Fed Improperly in Machine, 38 Concentricity, 18 Adjustment, 21 Crankshaft, 2, 3, 4 Speed, 1 Deep Pocket, 36 Dented Mouth, 37 Dial Indicator Gage, 18 Die, 11, 13 Block, 9, 21 Block Assembly, 11 Block, Horizontal Adjustment, 25 Block, Vertical Adjustment, 23 Disposal, 14 Double Plug Gage, 19 Eccentric Cam, 3, 4 Feed Box, 9 Finger Adjustment, 29 Motor, 1 Sleeve, 15 Slide, 9, 14, 15 Tube, 9, 14, 15 Tube Mouth Adjustment, 31 Floor Space, 1 INDEX Flow Chart, 15, 16 Flush Pin Gage, 19 Flywheel, 2, 6 Brake Adjustment, 34 Motor Belt Adjustment, 33 Friction, 42 Front Spanner Adjusting Nut, 12 Gage Care, 18 Grease, 43 Headed Case, 14, 16 Heading Punch, 12, 13, 14, 16 Punch Adjustment, 26 Ram, 3 Height, 1 Hopper Feed Bridge, Horizontal Adjustment, 30 Feed Bridge, Vertical Adjustment, 31 Injecting Spanner Adjusting Nut, 10 Stem, 5, 10, 14, 15, 16 Stem Adjustment, 27 Stem Assembly, 10 Inside Pocket Marred, 36 Knockoff, 14 Wire, 3 Lap Stick, 41 Lapping Procedure, 40 Large Head, 37 Pocket Diameter, 36 Lubricating Film, 42 Lubrication, 3, 42 Chart, 45 Hints on, 44 Methods, 44 Machine Motor, 1 Stops on Dead Center, 39 Manufacturer, 1 Metal Deposit on Inside of Case, 37 Deposit Under Head, 37 Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 44 Motor, 2 Outside Diameter, 17 Overhead Hopper, 14, 15 Oversize Diameter, 38 Pin Wheel Hopper, 3, 7, 14, 15 Pin Wheel Hopper Box, 7, 14, 15 Wheel Hopper Motor Belt Adjustment, 32 Pocket Out of Concentricity, 35 Power, 2, 3, 4, 15 Primer Pocket, 2, 9 Production, 1 _ Punch Holder, 12 Holder Assembly, 12 Push Block, 14, 15 Ram, 5 Rear Spanner Adjusting Nut, 10, 12 Rocker Arm, 3, 4 Scored Walls, 35 Scratched Walls, 35 Selecting Lubricant for Given Bearing, 43 Servicing Heading Punch, 41 Injecting Stem, 41 Of New Dies, 40 Scratched Dies, 41 Shallow Pocket, 36 Sidewall Variation, 17 Sizing Punch, 12 Small Head, 37 Pocket, 36 Spacer Pin, 12 Speed Lathe, 40 Stem, 13 Ram, 3 Stroke, 1 Switch, 2 Tools, 1 Transmission, 2 Twin Ring Gage, 18 Type of Feed, 1 Uneven Flow of Cases from Hopper, 38, 39 V-belt, 2, 7 Visual Inspection, 18 Washing Department, 17 Web Thickness, 17, 18 Weight, 1 Wrinkles in Case, 37 TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Case Head Turn BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 194-1 United States Government Contract W-ORD-481, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the. machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917, C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 443, 76th Congress, 3rd Session). II MANUAI. CORRECTIONS—CAI.lBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN LOCATION ERROR CORRECTION e 6—Fig Bevel Gears Spur Gears TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tool Holder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Tool Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Product Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Tool Servicing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 III CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN MACHINE IV CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Catalogue Data Manufacturer Machine Description Type of Feed Production Speed of Spindle Line Shaft Motor Tool Height Weight Floor Space CATALOGUE DATA Owens-Illinois Co., Toledo, Ohio Special horizontal single spindle automatic. Belt driven from line shaft. Auto-pin wheel hopper mounted on work table. Belt drive line shaft to hopper pulley. 52 per minute 3600 R.P.M. 5 h.p.; 3 phase; 60 cycle; 220/440 volts; s65 R.P.M. I Piece No. Form tool R-5 7 ft. 4 in. 1000 lbs. 5 ft. X 3 ft. 9 in. CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Machine Description MACHINE DESCRIPTION The Caliber .30 Case Head Turn Machine cuts the extractor groove and trims the case head to the specified size. Hopper Box Pin Wheel Hopper __ i- - I“-' \ I 0» "' Hopper Stand \ 'M“\,\\\l._, ' \ \ i, ‘ I 7 Case Magazine \ .- , Line Shaft F: ' ,_ ; Injecting Stem ______ :" ' \. - . Ii Clutch Lever Feed Tube Camshaft Pulley Wheel Cam CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN MACHINE Power and The Owen-Illinois Single Spindle Head Turn Machine, illustrated above, Transmission is powered from a line shaft which extends along the back of the machines and is mounted to the machine table. The line shaft may extend to drive as many as nine to twelve machines and is driven by a 10 h.p. motor through five V-type belts. The collet assembly and driveshaft are connected to and driven from the line shaft by means of flat type leather belts. Power is applied to the driveshaft and controlled by a manually operated jaw-type clutch. I2] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Machine Description Power and Transmission (Cont.) Pin Wheel Hopper Driveshaft Barrel Camshaft Camshaft Case Magazine Injecting Stem Collet Assembly The pin wheel hopper, mounted above the machine, is also driven by means of a flat type leather belt from the line shaft. Power is controlled _ to the hopper by a manually operated friction type clutch. The machines are mounted on the forward edge of flat topped benches whose legs are bolted to the floor. The pin wheel hopper is supported directly above the center of the ma- chine on a metal stand whose four legs are bolted to the table top. The pin wheel hopper box receives cases from an overhead source through a feed chute. The pin wheel hopper consists of an inner and outer rim and a mid section of pin rings and spacer rings, bolted together in a hopper assembly. The pins pick up the cases and carry them to the top of the hopper where they enter the feed tube leading to the case magazine. The driveshaft is held in a horizontal position below and to the rear of the machine bed by two bearings. The driveshaft has two spur gears attached which mesh with mating spur gears to drive the barrel camshaft and the eccentric camshaft. The right end of the driveshaft extends through the machine bed, and has attached to its outer end the pulley wheel through which power is applied to the driveshaft from the line shaft. The jaw-type clutch is located between the machine bed and the pulley wheel. The barrel camshaft is held in a horizontal position below the machine bed by two fitted bearings and is driven by the driveshaft through mating spur gears. The end face camshaft is held in a horizontal position below the machine bed by two fitted bearings. The camshaft is driven by the driveshaft through mating bevel gears. The camshaft consists of two end face cams, a spur gear, and a barrel cam. These cams, through linkage, ac- tuate the various working parts of the machine. The case magazine is held in a vertical position above and to the right of the collet head. The case magazine receives the cases from the feed tube and allows them to fall through the magazine to a position in align- ment between the injecting stem and the collet jaws. As each case is ejected from the collet jaws, the magazine swings forward, actuated through linkage from the camshaft, to position the next case between the injecting stem and collet. The injecting stem is actuated by the barrel cam and travels back and forth in a dovetailed gib arrangement which is bolted to the right end of the machine bed. The injecting stem travels forward to push the case from the case magazine into the collet jaws. The tip end of the injecting stem is free to rotate as the case is injected into the spinning collet. This arrangement keeps the case head from being scratched. The collet assembly is bolted to the left end of the machine bed. The collet spindle is held in a horizontal position above the machine bed by two roller bearings. The driven pulley is mounted on the collet spindle between the two bearings and is connected to and driven by a leather [3] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Machine Description Collet Assembly (Cont.) Tool Carriage belt from the line shaft. The mechanism which operates the collet jaws is located- on the left end of the collet spindle and is actuated, through linkage, from the barrel cam on the left end of the camshaft. The tool carriage travels back and forth in a dovetailed gib arrangement which is bolted _to the back edge of the machine bed. The tool carriage moves back and forth at right angles to the case as it is held in the collet jaws. The tool carriage is actuated, through linkage, from an end face cam on the camshaft. When the collet jaws receive a case, the tool carriage travels forward with the cutting tool which trims away the head, and cuts the extractor groove in the case. [4] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Machine Description Mouth / Adjustment Hopper Feed Mouth _ Bridge Adjustment - Feed Tube -:1‘ i ' INTERIOR OF PINWHEEL HOPPER Pin Wheel Hopper The pin wheel hopper box is a one-piece casting whose bottom slopes toward an opening into the pin wheel hopper. The pin wheel hopper is attached to the front of the hopper box. The pin wheel consists of a pin ring, and an inner and outer dish-shaped casting bolted together in a hopper assembly. The outer dish-shaped casting has three spokes at- tached to a hub shaft on which the entire hopper revolves. The pin ring has a series of steel pins spaced approximately 1" apart on its inner cir- cumference and set at an angle to the radii. A steel spring rake-off keeps the components that are not properly seated on the pins from entering the bridge. As the hopper revolves clockwise, the cases slide on the steel pins approach- - ing a vertical position. When the components approach the upper arc of the pin wheels’ circumference, they contact and are held on the pins by the pin wheel bridge. At the end of the pin wheel bridge, they are in a vertical position and slide off the pins into the feed tube mouth. They are gravity fed through the feed tube to the case magazine. The pin wheel shaft extends through the hopper box and has a spur gear attached to its outer end. A horizontal cross-shaft is attached to the rear of the hopper box and rotates in two fitted bearings. The outer end of the cross-shaft has a pulley wheel attached for the connection of the leather belt from the line shaft. The friction clutch is located between the pulley wheel and the hopper box. A worm gear is attached to the opposite end of the cross-shaft and meshes with the spur gear on the hopper shaft. A manually operated shaft extends vertically through the bottom of the hopper box and is used to agitate the cases in the event a jam occurs. I5l CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN _ Machine Description Jaw- ~ T , 1-5 CYIFIZII CLUTCH ASSEMBLY DRIVESHAFT ASSEMBLY Driveshaft The driveshaft rotates in two fitted bearings and is equipped with two small bevel gears which drive the barrel camshaft and the camshaft operating the tool carriage and the case magazine. The camshaft driving gear is located on the left end of the driveshaft. The gear which drives the barrel camshaft is located on the right end of the driveshaft just inside the machine housing. The jaw clutch is mounted on the driveshaft outside the machine bed and is operated by a hand lever which extends forward to the front of the machine. The driven pulley is mounted on the right end of the drive- shaft and is connected to the line shaft by a flat type leather belt. By using the clutch, the driveshaft may be stopped independently of the line shaft. [6] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Machine Description . ~ __ Spur '_ -, Gear I L. i o I‘ Track / Barrel -_ “I . . , ,. ll} . : .‘ I SPUI‘ Cam . -\ " . ‘ ' . Gear _ that ; Drives , -. , ' 4 . 3 ._ I. gclrrel Spur I - ._ 7 , _ I am Gearp , ' . -, g‘ .“?“:g' (“'3 ‘ w R. ’ \’ . ‘ 1* I FRONT VIEW SHOWING BARREL CAM AND GEARS Barrel Cam The barrel cam is supported on a shaft below the machine bed and rotates in two fitted bearings. A large spur gear is attached to the right end of the shaft and meshes with the spur gear on the driveshaft. The barrel cam actuates the injecting stem through a cam follower. Barrel ~ - i, . '_ Cam Spur Gears Camshaft -" OVER-ALL VIEW SHOWING BARREL CAM IN RELATION TO THE REST OF MACHINE l7] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Machine Description Camshaft The camshaft is supported by and rotates in two fitted bearings below the machine bed. The camshaft extends the length of the machine bed and has a barrel cam attached to the left end outside the machine frame. Through linkage, this cam actuates the collet mechanism. The end face cams, operating the tool carriage and the case magazine, are mounted on the camshaft in the middle of the machine. The spur gear is mounted to the right of the end face cam which operates the case magazine. The spur gear meshes with the spur gear on the driveshaft to drive the camshaft. Clutch / Lever Cy ‘__ ‘- VIEW OF BARREL CAM AND INJECTING STEM Injecting Stem The injecting stem travels from right to left and is guided in a dovetailed gib assembly which is bolted to the machine bed. The injecting stem is actuated by the barrel cam through a cam follower arm which extends through the machine bed to ride in the track of the barrel cam. As the case magazine positions a case between the injecting stem and the collet, the injecting stem, actuated by the cam, travels forward to push the case from the magazine into the collet jaws. [8] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Machine Description Feed Tube Rocker Collet -—-_ Am Retaining -‘ Cup T'p of I .ed. Eielding /"R : s'iLm "'9 Stern COLLET ASSEMBLY, INJECTING STEM AND CASE MAGAZINE Case Magazine The cases slide from the feed tube onto a slide which is machined at the top of the magazine, from which they are knocked into the magazine feed channel by a small trip hammer. The cases drop through the maga- zine and are held at the bottom of the magazine until the magazine brings them forward into alignment between the injecting stem and the collet. The case magazine is actuated in its rocking motion by one of the end face cams located on the camshaft. The cam follower arm is held on a bracket by a wrist pin arrangement which allows a free movement of the arm. The lower end of the arm has a cam roller attached which follows in the cam track. The upper end of the arm is connected to a turnbuckle rod which allows an adjustment to be made on the swing of the magazine. REAR VIEW SHOWING ROCKER ARM Rocker Arm _ I 9 I CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Machine Description Cutting Flat / Tool Pulley Block Collet E- t- Retaining — Sjzfnmg Cap ' " ‘T-Bi _,_p. VIEW SHOWING TIP OF EJECTING STEM PROTRUDING FROM THE COLLET CAP Ejecting Stem The ejecting stem is contained within the collet spindle. When a case is inserted in the collet, it strikes against the ejecting stem forcing it back against a coil tension spring. The spring is located behind the ejecting stem head. The collet jaws close around the case holding the coil spring in a compressed state. When the jaws are released, the spring recoils against the ejecting stem head which forces the case from the collet. Collet Lock Spindle Nut Spring Ejecting Stem Adjustment Eiecting Stem INSIDE SPINDLE AND EJECTING STEM REMOVED FROM MACHINE I 10 l CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Machine Description Tool Carriage The tool carriage travels back and forth in a dovetailed gib arrangement actuated through linkage from the end face cam on the camshaft. The cam follower rocker arm is attached to a bracket on the rear edge of the machine by a wrist pin arrangement which allows a freedom of action. The lower end of the arm is equipped with a cam roller which rides in the track of the end face cam. The upper end of the rocker arm is pinned to the back end of the tool carriage. The tool carriage travels back and forth ac- tuated by the cam to perform the cutting operation on the case head. Tool Carriage Cam Follower Rocker Arm _ —- _-__. Illllll \ Collet Ejecting Stem Tool Corn Follower Cam Retgjging TOP VIEW OF FEED SLIDE REAR VIEW OF TOOL CARRIAGE I11] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Machine Description Collet Retaining Cap Spindle / Shaft Cam Collet COLLET ASSEMBLY REMOVED FROM MACHINE VIEW SHOWING SPINDLE AND CAMS Collet The collet is held inside the right end of the collet spindle by a collet. The inside of the retaining cap is tapered to a central opening into which the collet jaws fit. The collet fits into the spindle shaft and contacts a tubular sleeve, which extends through the spindle to the opposite end. A set of fingers is attached to the left end of the collet spindle and is curved to allow the finger ends to contact the tubular sleeve. An expander cone is mounted on the left end of the collet shaft and slides back and forth alternately to release and expand the fingers which, through the above linkage, opens and closes the collet jaws. The ex- pander cone is actuated through a cam follower arm whose lower end is provided with a cam roller which rides in a barrel cam on the camshaft. The upper end of the rocker is provided with a yoke which is attached to the expander cone to allow a freedom of action. The rocker arm is pinned at its pivotal center to a bracket attached to the left end of the machine. [12] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Tool Holder Description TOOL HOLDER DESCRIPTION Tool Slide - Set Screw: A square-headed set screw is threaded, horizon- Assembly tally, through the rear end of the block. The set screw extends through-the block into a square cut hole to contact and hold the rocker arm in place. Lock Nut: The set screw is provided with a hexagonal lock nut which locks the set screw in proper position. Tool Slide: The tool slide is a rectangular block with dove- tailed sides. A square hole is cut from top to bottom of the slide near the rear end. Adjusting Screw and Block: The adjusting screw block is mounted on top of the tool slide at a position barely past center toward the rear of the tool slide. The adjusting screw is threaded through the block in a position parallel to the tool slide, with the threaded end extending toward the forward end of the tool slide. Cutting Tool Housing: The cutting tool is held in a raised gib arrangement on the top side of the tool slide. A shoulder on one of the gibs protrudes beyond the side of the tool slide. A threaded stud extends vertically through the tool slide and gib shoulder. The cutting tool is placed between the gibs and held down by a metal plate which is placed on the vertical stud and extends out over the cutting tool. The plate is held securely in place by a lock washer and square-headed nut. Cutting Tool: The cutting tool is a rectangular shaped bar of tool steel which has been carefully machined to cut the case to form the head and produce the extractor groove. /J” Illfihlfliiiiiiiiiiiii\\\\\\\\\\\\\I\\i\l\\\\\\\i\i\i\\|_i \\\\\\\\\I\\l\\\\\\\\\\\\i A LONGITUDINAL CROSS-SECTION or TOOL suns ASSEMBLY I 13 l CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Tool Description TOOL DESCRIPTION ' Tool Name: Form tool Piece No.: R-5 \ Location: Tool holder on tool slide Normal Life: 100,000 pieces Form tool is made of tool steel, hardened and ground. FORM TOOL I14] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Process Sequence Overhead Hopper Pin Wheel Hopper Box Pin Wheel Hopper Coil Spring Feed Tube Hammer and Magazine Case Raising Finger Injecting Stem Collet Cutting Tool PROCESS SEQUENCE The cases are gravity fed from an overhead source into the overhead hopper, and drop through a feed pipe into the pin wheel hopper box. Cases flow from the pin wheel hopper box through an opening, past the agitator, into the lower part of the pin wheel hopper. As the pin wheel hopper rotates, the cases are agitated and picked up by pins on the inside circumference of the pin wheel, and are carried up past the rake-off springs which knock off misaligned cases and push partly set cases all the way onto the pins. As the cases are carried to the top of the pin wheel, they are held on the pins by the feed track. At the end of the feed track they drop off, one at a time, head first, down into the mouth of the coil spring feed tube. The cases fall by gravity down through the coil spring feed tube, through a brass slotted feed tube, past the hold down spring. The hold down spring prevents the cases from piling up in front of the magazine hammer. The cases then enter the magazine slide, in a horizontal position, and stop directly in front of the hammer. As the magazine swings back, the bumper block strikes the magazine hammer arm, pushing the hammer forward, and ejecting the case from the slide into the magazine. The magazine, which holds six cases, is kept full while the machine is in operation. As the magazine swings forward, the case raising finger inserts itself between the case on the lip and the balance of the cases above it in the magazine, raising them upward. These cases are lifted to allow clear- ance for the injecting stem. The bottom case is now in the lip directly in line with the injecting stem and collet. The injecting stem moves in from right to left, pushing the case from the lip into the spinning collet, where it encounters the ejecting stern. As the case enters the collet, it forces the ejecting stem back into the spindle. As the ejecting stern, which is actuated by a spring inside of the spindle, is being forced back into the spindle, the inner spindle moves forward closing the collet jaws firmly on the case. This places the case directly in front of the cutting tool. The revolving tip of the injecting stem spins with the case in the collet to avoid scratches. The case is held by the collet and supported by the injecting stem for the cutting operation. The cutting tool moves toward the case and sizes the head thickness and diameter, cutting a cannelure and chamfering the outside rim of the case. As the cutting tool moves backward, the maga- zine also starts, to swing backward, away from the case raising finger which allows another case to enter the lip; then the above operations are repeated. [15] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Process Sequence Knockout Rod and Disposal On the backward movement of the cutting tool and magazine, the inner spindle also moves back, allowing the collet jaws to open. As the collet jaws open, the ejecting stem forces the case out of the collet by spring action. The ejected case strikes a metal guide and leather bumper, then falls through a chute into a conveyor. The scrap falls through another chute into a container. [16] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Process Sequence FLOW CHART Overhead Hopper Cases are gravity fed from an overhead source into A 5 h.p. motor furnishes overhead hopper through feed pipe into the pin power to the line shaft. wheel hopper box. Pin Wheel Hopper Box Cases flow through opening in pin wheel hopper box, past agitator, into bottom of pin wheel hopper. Pin Wheel Hopper Rotates, and cases are picked up by pins and - carried up past rake-off spring to the top of pin wheel Hopper powered by a flat hopper, where they are held by the feed track. At leather belt to the line shaft. the end of the feed track they fall off, one at a time, into mouth of coil spring feed tube. Coil Spring Feed Tube Conveys cases by gravity through slotted feed tube, past slow down spring, into magazine slide. - Magazine As the magazine swings backward in a vertical position, the hammer pushes a case from the slide into the magazine where it slides down to the magazine lip. Actuated by turn-buckle to rocker arm, cam, camshaft, gear, jackshaft, pulley, fiat leather belt to line shaft. Magazine Lip As the magazine swings forward, the case raising finger inserts itself between the case on the lip and the cases above it. As the magazine swings back- ward, it releases the finger and allows another case to drop onto the lip, in alignment with the injecting punch and collet. I [17] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Process Sequence FLOW CHART (Cont.) I Injecting Stem Moves from right to left, pushing the case from the lip into the spinning collet where it encounters the knockout rod. As the case enters the collet, it forces the knockout rod back into the spindle. Actuated by cam roller, cam, camshaft, gears to jackshaft, pulley, flat leather belt to line shaft. Collet As the case forces the ejecting stem back into the spindle, the inner spindle starts to move forward, closing the collet jaws firmly on the case, and align- ing it directly in front of the cutting tool. Collet is actuated by inner spindle, finger assembly, cone claws, cam lever, cam fol- lower, cam, camshaft, gears to jackshaft, pulley, flat leather belt to line shaft. Cutting Tool Moves forward, sizing case head thickness and diameter, and cutting cannelure and chamfering outside rim of case. The magazine moves back with the tool, allowing another case to enter the magazine lip and repeats the above operation. Actuated by cam follower, cam, camshaft, gears to jack- shaft, pulley, flat leather belt to line shaft. Knockout Rod and Disposal As the cutting tool and magazine move back, the inner spindle also moves back, allowing the collet jaws to open. The knockout rod forces the case out into a slide to a conveyor under the machine, out of the way of the next case entering the collet. The scrap falls through another chute into a con- Actuated by coil spring be- hind knockout rod. tainer. CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The component, when received by the head trim machine, is in the form of a case as shown in Fig. 1. The case is made of brass (70% copper, 80% zinc). The closed end of the case is known as the head and the open end as the mouth. The cases are received at the head turning operation from the Washing Department where they are washed and dried. The cases are delivered to the Washing Department from the heading machine. The dimensions of the case are as follows: Before head turn operation After head turn operation Outside head diameter .515 Outside head diameter .467—.471 Outside diameter of case body Outside diameter of case body .4645—.4670 .4645—.4670 Web thickness .()60-.068 Web thickness .060—.068 Pocket depth .125—.129 Pocket depth .125—.129 Pocket diameter .2093—.2098 Pocket diameter 2093-2098 Over-all length of ease 2.50 Over-all length of case 2.50 Head thickness .043—.O48 Cannelure dia. .403—.407 After the head turning operation (See Fig. 2) the cases are sent to the Annealing Department for annealing of the bodies. 21.1 it Q _ _ FIG. 1 FIG. 2 BEFORE HEAD TURN OPERATION AFTER HEAD TURN OPERATION [19] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Inspection Visual Gage Care Gages INSPECTION At frequent intervals, after the head turn operation, a careful visual inspec- tion of the cases must be made. The cases should be inspected for too much radius on top of the head, rough edges or burrs on top or underneath head, and dents on the head or body of the case. These defects when found, require an immediate adjustment of the machine in order to correct the fault. Whenever defective cases are found, the lot from which they come must be removed from the machine and properly identified so they will not be mixed with good cases. Gages are expensive instruments, machined to a fine precision. Improper use or carelessness in gaging may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may affect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be employed in matching a case to a gage. A protected location should be used for storage of gages to prevent their damage when not in use. The most accurate checks are made when the cases are cool—since heat causes expansion of the metal and results in a temporary variation in the case size. TRIPLE RING HEAD DIAMETER GAGE The head of the case is gaged with a triple ring head diameter gage. There is a “go,” “no go” and an “intermediate” section on the gage. The case head must enter the “go” section and must not enter the “no go" section. The case head must be tight in the “intermediate” sec- tion. HEAD THICKNESS GAGE “G L. The head thickness of the case is gaged in a snap head thick- ness gage. The case head must enter the maximum slot and must not enter the minimum slot. EXTRACTION DEPTH GAGE The depth of the extraction groove is gaged with an angle snap gage. The ease head must enter the maximum slot and . must not enter the minimum slot. IL. The above described methods are those most commonly employed in the head turning of a Caliber .30 case. However, other methods may be developed to maintain the manufacturing standards. [20] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Adjustments Objective Cautions ADJUSTMENTS To maintain satisfactory production a machine must be adjusted to com- pensate for the wear of its tools and other working parts, and to meet new conditions caused by a difference in material. It is necessary to inspect the machine and components regularly in order that any troubles may be detected and corrected immediately. This section of the manual, with its illustrations, photographs, and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all of the machine troubles that will be en- countered, therefore certain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. A thorough analysis of the trouble will indi- cate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. The machine and surrounding floor space must be clean and free from all foreign objects at all times. No adjustments are to be made on this machine while it is in motion or until the handwheel has stopped. In order to insure proper adjustment of the machine and alignment of its tools, always turn the machine over by hand before engaging clutch. Safety guards must be in their proper place on the machine except when repairs or inspections are being made. Inspect the machine periodically during the day’s run to determine whether or not all connections and adjustments are secure. I21] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Adjustments Collet The collet is a socket which holds the case firmly and turns it while the cutting tool cuts the extractor groove on the case head. The collet can be adjusted to grip the case more firmly or less firmly as the case demands. Expander Cone \ Spanner Spanner Adjusting / Collar Rocker COLLET ADJUSTMENT AND OPERATING CAM Tools: 8" screwdriver, two 23/4" spanner wrenches. Procedure: 1. Use an 8" screwdriver to remove the guard over the collet operating assembly at the extreme left of the machine. 2. Use two 23/4" spanner wrenches to loosen the lock collar on the outer spindle of the head assembly at the left of the machine. 3. Use a 2% ” spanner wrench to turn the adjusting collar until the collet will hold the case firmly. 4. Use two 2 34 ” spanner wrenches to tighten the lock collar on the outer spindle of the head assembly at the left of the machine. 5. Use an 8” screwdriver and replace the guard over the collet operating assembly at the extreme left of the machine. [22] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Adjustments Hopper Bridge The cases are seated on the pins of the pin wheel and travel along the hopper bridge to the feed tube mouth. The bridge must be adjusted so that the cases are held on the pins until they reach the feed tube mouth. The bridge should be adjusted so that there is about % " clearance between the bridge and the pins on the pin wheel. Hopper Bridge / Adjustment Tools: L Procedure 1. 2. INTERIOR VIEW OF PIN WHEEL HOPPER SHOWING POSITION OF THE HOPPER BRIDGE Two % " wrenches. Unlatch and open hopper door. Use two 194;" wrenches to loosen the lock nut on the vertical adjust- ment shaft. Turn the adjusting nut with a 1%” wrench until there is about %" space between the bridge and the pins of the pin wheel near the feed tube mouth. Use two 1%” wrenches to tighten the lock nut on the vertical adjust- ment shaft. Close and latch the hopper door. Open the hopper inspection gate, turn on the motor and observe the travel of the cases along the bridge. Note: To check adjustment, operate the hopper, then open the inspec- tion gate and observe the action of the cases as they slide along the hopper bridge. I 23 l CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Adjustments Hopper Feed The feed tube mouth receives the cases after they travel the length of the Tube Mouth pin wheel bridge. The mouth should be in line with the pins on the pin wheel so that the cases will drop from the pins into the feed tube mouth. If the mouth is not properly adjusted, the cases will jam at the feed mouth. Adjustment is made on the adjusting bolt that connects the feed tube mouth _to the pin wheel bridge. Feed Mouth Feed hdoulh AdWflmeM CLOSE-UP VIEW OF HOPPER FEED TUBE MOUTH Tools: Two 19/32" wrenches. Procedure: 1. Unlatch and open the hopper door. 2. Use two 1%" wrenches to loosen the lock nut on the mouth of the feed tube adjustment bolt. 3. Turn the feed tube adjusting nut until the feed tube mouth is in line with the pins of the pin wheel. 4. Use two 19/313" wrenches to tighten lock nut. 5. Close and latch the hopper door. Note: To check adjustment, operate the hopper, then open inspec- tion gate and observe the action of the cases as they slide from the pins and hopper bridge into the feed tube mouth. [24] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Adiustments Cutting Tool Tools: Procedure: The cutting tool, which cuts the extractor groove in the case, can be adjusted in two ways to regulate the depth of the extractor groove. One method is to regulate the length of the stroke of the cutting tool toward the case. The second adjustment, a more precise one. is made on the tapered gib. ‘A " Gib Adjusting Screw VIEW OF CUTTING TOOL AND ADJUSTMENT %" wrench, 1/4" wrench. 1. Use a %” wrench to loosen the set screw that holds the lug over the cutting tool in the tool slide. 2. Operate the machine by hand until the tool slide is at the end of its forward stroke. 3. Use a 14 " wrench to turn the adjusting set screw on the top of the tool slide, until the cutting edge of the cutting tool is aligned with the center of the case in the collet. Note: This adjustment is a rather crude one, and may not bring the cutting tool in the exact position for cutting the extractor groove. In that case a more exact adjustment can be made on the tapered gib. 4. If the diameter of the extractor groove is approximately .001" too small, use a 1/4 " wrench to turn the tapered gib adjusting screw a com- plete turn in a counterclockwise direction. If the extractor groove diameter is approximately .001 ” too large, turn the adjusting screw a complete turn in a clockwise direction. The proper position can only be determined by running the cases through the machine and checking the product. This trial and error method is also applied to. the first cutting tool adjustment. I25] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Adjustments Knockout Rod The purpose of this rod is to eject the case from the collet when the cutting operation on the head is completed. The ejecting stem can be adjusted to remain close to the head of the case when the case is in the collet for the cutting operation, and yet provide enough tolerance to allow the injecting stem to travel its extreme delivery stroke without coming in contact with the ejecting stem. LEFT END OF MACHINE SHOWING KNOCKOUT ROD ADJUSTMENT Tools: 8" screwdriver, 5 8 ” wrench, %” wrench. Procedure: 1. Use an 8" screwdriver to remove the guard over the collet operating assembly at the extreme left of the machine. 2. Place a % " wrench on the ejecting stem adjusting nut, and with a 3/4 " wrench loosen the lock nut on the right of the adjusting nut. 3. Turn the adjusting nut until the ejecting stem rod is about 1/3; ” extend- ed to the right of the collet when the collet is closed. 4. Place a %" wrench on the ejecting stem adjusting nut, and with a ” wrench tighten the lock nut. Note: In checking, operate the machine first, with a case, then with- out a case. Check for clearance between the ejecting stem and the injecting stem, when the injecting stem is at the extreme end of its delivery stroke. [26] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Adjustments Positive Stop Screw The positive stop screw is the adjustable set screw which the injecting stem block contacts when it reaches the extreme end of its stroke towards the collet. The purpose of this stop screw is to eliminate slop- piness of cam movement. If all other causes of variation in head thick- ness have been eliminated, it is possible that by readjusting this stop screw variation in head thickness may be overcome. Injecting ‘ M w - \ 1 I! n‘! /2 Screw . " Nut VIEW SHOWING POSITIVE STOP SCREW Tools: %" wrench, 1%” wrench. Procedure: 1. Use an U4/6” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the bumper bolt. 2. Turn the driveshaft by hand until the injecting stem is at the extreme end of the delivery stroke. 3. Use a 1%" wrench to adjust the bumper bolt until it contacts the injecting stern block firmly enough to overcome any sloppy or inac- curate movement of the injecting stem block. 4. Use an 1146" wrench to tighten the lock nut. 5. Run the machine under power to see that it functions smoothly. _ 11/16" Lock ‘ I27] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Adjustments Tool Slide Rocker Arm Tools: Procedure: The tool slide rocker arm actuates the cutting tool to and from the cutting operation. It is equipped witha set screw to remove any back and forth movement of the tool slide while the cutting tool is acting on the case. This adjustment will eliminate any variation on the head diameter of the case which may occur at the head turning operation. 3/5 " Set Screw Lock Nut Rocker Arm REAR VIEW OF MACHINE SHOWING ROCKER ARM %” wrench, ll/1/6” wrench. 1. Use an 1%” wrench to loosen the lock nut at the rear of the tool slide, where the rocker arm is connected. 2. Turn the adjusting screw with a %" wrench until the play in the back and forth movement of the slide is removed. Note: Be careful not to make the set screw too tight. 3. Use an 1}/f5" wrench to tighten the lock nut at the rear of the tool slide where the rocker arm is connected. and ‘1/16!! [28] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Adjustments Dovetail Gib The dovetail gib adjusting screw is located on the left side of the cutting tool slide. If the head of the case has chatter marks, or variations in head thickness, the tool slide has too much play in it. The dovetail gib adjust- ment will help to eliminate play in the slide. Collet Retaining Cap "" Cutting Tool '' Tools: Procedure: TOP VIEW OF TOOL SLIDE WITH FEED TUBE REMOVED 5/16” Allen wrench, '/32" Allen wrench, 8" screwdriver, %" wrench, 1/4 " wrench. 1. Use a M " wrench to remove the case lifting finger on the front of the magazine. 2. Remove the magazine rocker arm guard directly behind the magazine with an 8" screwdriver. 3. Use a 1/Z " wrench and screwdriver to remove the magazine turnbuckle pivot screw. 4. Use an 8" screwdriver to remove the magazine pivot screw and lift the magazine out. 5. Use a X2" Allen wrench to remove the feed tube bracket from ma- chine. 6. Use a .5/16" Allen wrench to remove the four set screws and lift out the tool slide assembly. 7. Use a 1/4 " wrench to turn the dovetail gib adjusting screw on the left of the assembly until it removes all play in the slide. I 29 I CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Adjustments Procedure: (Cont.) 8. Replace the slide assembly. 9. Use a 5/16" wrench to replace the four Allen screws that hold the 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. assembly to the bed of the machine. Use a 7/32 ” Allen wrench to replace the feed tube and bracket. Replace the magazine and pivot screws. Use an 8" screwdriver and a %” wrench to replace the magazine turnbuckle pivot screw. Use a screwdriver to replace the magazine rocker arm guard. Replace the case lifting the finger on the front of the magazine. [30] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Adjustments Cam Timing Each cam on the machine has a position in which it must be maintained. There is a certain relationship that cams should have with each other. When any one of these cams changes its relative position, it is out of tim- ing. This condition quite often develops when the machine jams. Collet Clutch Operating Lever Fingers Magazine Cam Collet Operating Cam Barrel Cam Cutting Tool Camshaft Cam FRONT VIEW OF MACHINE SHOWING THE CAMS Procedure: 1. The barrel cam which actuates the injecting stem, is brought manually into a position where the line on its outer surface labeled with a small 6‘ L? o rests midway between the slot in which the injecting stem slides back and forth. 2. When the injecting stern cam is correctly positioned, the next step is to check the position of the magazine cam, the cutting tool cam, and the collet cam. Note: On the outer surface of each cam there is a line with an 0 on it. This is the spot the cam rollers of each cam should contact or align with when the injecting stem cam is in the position described in the first step. If any cam is out of position, loosen the set screw. Place the cam in the proper position, then tighten the set screw. When this is done, the cams are in correct timing. l31l CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Adjustments Magazine The magazine is the chamber which receives the cases as they slide from the feed tube of the pin wheel hopper. This magazine is designed to pivot to a position where the injecting stern will enter at the bottom to push the bottom case from the magazine into the collet of the machine. The maga- zine has an adjustment on the rocker arm that pivots the magazine to place it in proper alignment with the injecting stem. 11/16” Lock Nuts -P "-- Turnbuckle I; -~-. Rocker Arm REAR TOP VIEW OF MAGAZINE SHOWING TURNBUCKLE Tools: Procedure: 8” screwdriver, two 1%,” wrenches. T. 2. Use an 8" screwdriver to remove the turnbuckle guard. Use an 14;” wrench to loosen the lock nuts on each end of the turn- buckle. Turn the turnbuckle by hand until the magazine is in line with the injecting stem when the magazine is at the extreme end of its delivery stroke. Use two 1%," wrenches to tighten the lock nuts on each end of the turn- buckle. Note: Be sure the turnbuckle remains in position while the lock nuts are being tightened. Use 8" screwdriver, replace turnbuckle guard. I 32 l CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Adjustments Injecting Stern Tools: Procedure: The injecting stem delivers the case to the collet from the magazine of the feed tube. The distance the injecting stem travels toward the collet con- _ trols the head thickness of the case. An adjustment can be made to allow the injecting stem to be nearer the collet or farther from the collet when it reaches the extreme end of its delivery stroke. Adjusting Screw Barrel .>-"' 5 " BB-29 INJECTING STEM AND BARREL CAM 8" screwdriver, '§-/12;” brass rod. 1. 2. 3. Use an 8" screwdriver to remove the guard over the injecting stem. Use a 3&1}: " brass rod to loosen the injecting stem lock collar. Use an 8" screwdriver to turn the adjusting screw at the right end of the injecting stern block until the injecting stem permits the case to extend out of the collet about '9’/8”. Note: The proper position of the injecting stem can be determined only by operating the machine, checking the product and readjusting the stem until the proper adjustment is attained. Use an 8" screwdriver to tighten the injecting stem lock collar. Use an 8" screwdriver to replace the guard over the injecting stem. I33l CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Troubles and Corrections TROUBLES AND CORRECTIONS Objective The adjuster will encounter many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may con- front an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. The following troubles can be recognized by visual and gage inspection of the component, together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Head of Case is Gaging reveals that the head of the case is being cut too thick. i00 Thick The correction is: 1. Adjust the stem. Loosen the spanner lock nut at the back end of the stem. Turn the stem adjusting screw to force the stem toward the collet. Tighten the spanner lock nut. The cause is: 1. The injecting stem does not force the case far enough into the collet. Head of Case is Gaging reveals that the head of the case is being cut too thin. too Thin The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Adjust the stem. Loosen the spanner lock nut at the back end of the stem. Turn the stem adjusting screw and pull the stem away from the collet. 1. The injecting stem forces the case too far into the collet. Head Diameter foo Large . Burr on the cutting edge of the cutter. This is usually the re- sult of a dull tool or improper tool servicing. The cause is: 1. The wedge on the cutter is adjusted too far to the right. It does not hold the cutter far enough toward the center. . Remove the cutter by first loosening the cutter clamp screw. Remove the burr on the cutter with a fine oil stone; or refer cutter to the Tool Serv- icing Department for reserv- icing. Gaging reveals that the head diameter is too large. The correction is: 1. Adjust the cutter toward the center of the collet by turning the wedge adjusting screw toward the left. Check and readjust the cutter if necessary. [34] CALIBER'.30 CASE HEAD TURN Troubles and Corrections Head Diameter too Small Head Diameter Variation Head Thickness Variation Gaging reveals that the diameter of the head is too small. The causes are: 1. The tapered gib on the cutter is adjusted too far to the left. It holds the cutter too far up toward the center of the collet. . Burr on the cutting edge of the cutter. This is usually the re- sult of improper tool servicing. The corrections are: 1. Adjust the cutter away from the collet by turning out the tapered gib adjusting screw, moving the gib to the right. After the adjustment is made turn the adjusting screw until it is snug against the tapered gib. Check and readjust if necessary. . Remove the cutter by first loosening the cutter clamp screw. Remove the burr on the cutter with a fine oil stone, or take the cutter to the Tool Servicing Department for re- servicing. Gaging reveals that the head diameter varies. The causes are: 1. The adjusting screw on the wedge is loose. This allows the cutter position to vary. . Cutting tool is loose. Cutting tool is dull. The corrections are: 1. Adjust the cutter to cut the case head to the correct diam- eter and turn the adjusting screw so that it is snug against the tapered gib. .Tighten the clamp on the cutting tool holder. . Remove the cutting tool by loosening the clamp screw that holds it in place. Replace with a new cutter and tighten the clamp screw. Gaging reveals that there is variation in the head thickness of the cases. One head may be cut too thin and another too thick. The causes are: 1. The stem forces the case too far or not far enough into the collet because of the play in the cam that actuates the stem. The corrections are: 1. Adjust the positive stop screw that determines the position of the stem. To adjust, turn the pulley wheel until the stem is at its farthest forward position. Loosen the lock nut on the positive stop screw and turn the screw until it seats against the stem block. Tighten the lock nut. [35] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Troubles and Corrections Head Thickness Variation (Cont.) Extractor Groove Is Too Large in Diameter Extractor Groove Is Too Small in Diameter 2. Revolving button or tip on the injecting stem is worn. Foreign matter gets between the tip and the stem and causes the case to be forced too far into collet at times. When the foreign matter drops from between the tip and the stem, the case is not forced far enough into the collet. The tool slide has side play. The tool moves from side to side during cutting operation. . Injecting stem block slides are too tight. This causes the stem block to stick; therefore the injecting stem does not inject the case far enough into the collet. 2. Remove and replace the in- jecting stem. Remove the guard over the stem and remove the deflector shield. Remove the tool guide at the left of the stem. Turn the spanner nut at the back end of the stem to unscrew the stem from the block. Replace the new stem in reverse order. . Adjust the dovetail gibs on the tool slide. Loosen the lock nuts in the gib adjusting screw. Turn the adjusting screws un- til the tool slide has a snug but free sliding fit. Tighten the lock nuts on the adjusting screws. . Remove the stem block slides by first removing the screws that hold them in place. Place shims under the block slides or have the face of the slides ground and polished. Replace the block slides and tighten the screws that hold them in place. Gaging reveals that the extractor groove is being cut too shallow but the head diameter is correct. The causes are: 1. The cutting tool is dull. 2. The cutting tool is not properly shaped. The causes are: 1. There are burrs on the edge of the cutting tool. 2. The cutting tool is not shaped properly. The corrections are: 1. Remove the cutting tool by loosening the clamp nut and taking out the tool. Replace with a serviced cutter and tighten the clamp. . Remove and replace the cut- ting tool. Gaging reveals that the extractor groove is being out too deep, but the head diameter is correct. The corrections are: 1. Remove the burr with a fine grade of emery cloth or a fine oil stone. 2. Remove and replace the cut- ting tool. I 36 I CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Troubles and Corrections Extractor Groove 3. Burr on the cutting edge of the Is Too Small in Diameter (Cont.) Nicked Heads Scored or Burned Heads Cases Are Stuck in Magazine 3. Remove cutter by first loosen- ing cutter clamp screw. Re- move burr on cutter with a fine oil stone, or take cutter to Tool Servicing Department for reservicing. cutter. This is usually the re- sult of improper tool servicing. Visual inspection has revealed that the heads of the cases are nicked. The cause is: The correction is: 1. The shield deflector is pitted. 1. Remove the deflector shield by removing the screw that holds it in place. Remove the pits with a fine grade of emery cloth. If it is too badly pitted, replace with a new deflector shield. Visual inspection reveals that the head of the case is scored or burned. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Remove and replace the in- jecting stem. Remove the guard over the stern and remove the deflector shield. Remove the tool guide at the left of the stem. Turn the spanner nut at the back end of the stem to unscrew the stem from the block. Replace in reverse order. 1. Revolving tip on the injecting stem does not revolve with the case. Visual inspection reveals that the cases are not feeding through the maga- zine to the collet. They are stuck in the magazine at an angle. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Mouth of the case is flared. This condition allows the head of the case to slide downward but the mouth will not slide and the case is left tilted at an angle. 1. Remove the defective case from the magazine. If the condition arises too frequently, check the source of supply. Head of the case is too large. This condition allows the mouth of the case to slide downward but the head will not slide and the case is left tilted at an angle. . Remove the defective case from the magazine and check the source of supply. [37] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Troubles and Corrections Improper Feeding of Cases to the Magazine Cases Jamming at the Collet Visual inspection reveals that the cases are not being fed from the hopper to the magazine. The causes are: 1. A defective case is stuck in the 1. feed tube, preventing the suc- ceeding cases from traveling through to the magazine. The corrections are: Remove the defective case from the feed tube. First remove the feed tube at the magazine and force out the defective case. Replace the feed tube at the magazine. Check the hopper bridge posi- tion. If it is not properly ad- justed, adjust the bridge by turning the nuts on the vertical adjusting bolt until the bridge is about 3/41” from the pins on the pin wheel. Check the feed tube mouth. If it is improperly adjusted, turn the nuts on the mouth adjusting screw until the mouth is-in line with the pins on the pin wheel. Remove the defective case from the magazine. Visual inspection reveals that the cases are jamming at the mouth of the 2. The cases are not being fed 2.. down into the feed tube. 3. The casesare stuck in the mag- 3. azine. collet. The causes .are: 1. Dirty collet. Cases stick in the collet and are not ejected. This causes the succeeding case to jam. 2. The ejecting stem spring is not 2. functioning properly. It does not eject the case from the col- let; this causes the succeeding case to jam. The corrections are: 1. Remove and clean the collet. First remove the left front of the magazine by removing the Allen screws. Remove the scrap separator by removing the Allen screws. Remove the cutter by loosening the clamp bolt. Hold the back end of the collet shaft and remove the collet by un- screwing it from the shaft. Dis- assemble and clean the collet. Reassemble in reverse order. Remove the ejecting stem spring and replace with a new spring; remove the spanner nuts at the end of the collet shaft. Take out the ejecting stem rod. Re- move the spring and replace it. Reassemble in reverse order. CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Troubles and Corrections Cases Jamming at the Collet (Cont.) Scratches on the Outside of the Case Head or Extractor Groove Is Not Being Cut 3. Working end of the ejecting stem is too small in diameter. The cases slide over the stem rod which causes the succeed- ing cases to jam. . The collet jaws are too tight. The case is forced against the collet jaws causing a jam. . Remove and replace the eject- ing stem. Remove the spanner nuts at the end of the collet shaft. Take out the ejecting stem rod and replace. . Loosen the collet jaws by turn- ing the spanner nuts at the end of the collet shaft to bring the collet fingers away from the collet cone. Visual inspection reveals that the outside of the case is scratched. The causes are: 1. The cases are slipping in the collet. The collet does not hold the case firmly enough for the operation. . Burrs on the bottom of the magazine. The case is - scratched as it is pushed from the magazine into the collet jaws. . Burrs on the deflector shield. As the case is being ejected, it is scratched by the burrs on the deflector shield. The corrections are: 1. Tighten the collet by turning the spanner nuts at the end of the collet shaft, bringing the collet fingers closer to the collet cone. Check the adjustment and readjust the collet if neces- sary. . Remove the burrs with a fine grade of emery cloth. . Remove the burrs from the de- flector shield with a fine grade of emery cloth. Visual inspection of the case reveals that the machine is failing to per- form its function of cutting the extractor groove and head on the case. The causes are: 1. Broken cutter. . The collet belt is too loose. The case in the collet is not being turned against the cutter. . Case is slipping in the collet. The case is not being turned against the cutter. . Remove the belt. The corrections are: 1. Remove and replace the cutter by first loosening the cutter clamp bolt and then removing the cutter. Replace with new cutter and tighten the clamp bolt. Remove a small portion from the belt, connect the belt and replace. . Tighten the collet by turning the spanner nuts at the end of the collet shaft to bring the collet fingers closer to the collet cone. [39] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Troubles and Corrections Scrap Piling Up at Visual inspection reveals that the scrap is piling up at the scrap separator Scrap Separator and interferes with the cutting operation. The cause is: The correction is: 1. There is too little space be- 1. Loosen the scrap separator by tween the scrap separator and first loosening the two Allen the cutter. screws. Set the separator away from the cutter edge about % ”. CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Tool Servicing Objective TOOL SERVICING It is essential to maintain a sharp cutting edge on the head turn cutter tool at all times. This is necessary in order to obtain the specified dimension of the extractor groove and thus insure that the cartridge will function with maximum efficiency in the gun. The servicing or sharpening of the cutter tool is accomplished by use of a power grinding wheel and a jig or fixture in which the tool is held. Under no circumstance should the sharpening be attempted by manually holding it against a grinding wheel. Extreme care must be exercised not to grind away more metal than necessary in developing the new cutting edge as this will decrease the useful life of the cutter. Ordinarily, the removal of some- what less than a sixty-fourth of an inch should be sufficient to recondition a cutter, but, when for any reason the cutter has become chipped, a greater amount may have to be removed. n—./65 —~ 050 052 036 ‘j n-— ' J .052 I 45” I-_ _ _ _ _. _. __ I I I 62 -2 60 Th -F ~ 0 /\i/ .055 -- K 506 20‘ P ix/"/'0/at 3 % Clearance .g__ 3/; ___Q_ DRAWING ILLUSTRATING CORRECT ANGLES OF CUTTING EDGE Cutter The above drawing illustrates the dimensions, shape and correct front clearance angle of the Caliber .30 case head turn cutting tool as supplied by its manufacturer. This tool, as shown in the illustration, is sharpened with a front clearance angle of 20°. Its dimensions are 3.3125 x .306 x .311. When the cutter becomes dull through usage, it fails to cut the extractor groove to the required specification and must therefore be replaced with a new or reconditioned cutter. I41] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Tool Servicing ONE OF THE APPROVED METHODS OF RECONDITIONING A CUTTER Reconditioning 1. Reconditioning of cutters must take place in the tool shop. When a Cutter _ cutter is turned in to the tool shop for reconditioning, it is reground ac- cording to the specifications and the directions indicated on the blue print for that cutter. 2. In grinding a new cutting edge, a 20° front clearance must be main- tained. 3. Each grinder willremove about .002 " and leave a new cutting edge. Under normal conditions this tool can be reconditioned fifty or sixty times. 4. The cutter can be ground on a surface grinder. The grinding wheel should be a crystolon vitrified type, grain 120, grade P., structure 8, which is a soft grinding wheel. Surface speed of surface grinder is fixed at between 2750 F.P.M. and 3000 F.P.M. which is sufficient speed for this type of work. If the grinding wheel feed exceeds .0003 ", the metal will be distorted due to its hardness. I42] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Tool Servicing - . > ~ ‘- INCORRECT METHOD OF GRINDING A CUTTER The above picture illustrates the wrong method of grinding a cutter tool. Adjusters and operators must exercise extreme care in the servicing of tools. A jig or fixture should always be used when grinding a cutter. This insures safety to the hands and enables the adjuster to maintain the proper cutting angles on the surface of the cutter. [43] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Mochine Lubricotion Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubricotion Anti-friction Beofings MACHINE LLIBRICATION The efficiency of every machine depends to a great extent upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction, as far as we are con- cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: - 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. ~ 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite—tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [44] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. . Load on the shaft or slide. . Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. . Cleanliness of surroundings. 2 3 4. Constant or intermittent operation. 5 6. Temperature of surroundings. 7 . Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film. strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. .Q.@.U‘!F‘.°°.l\" Frequency of lubrication. I45] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: 1. Simple oil hole. . Bottle oiler. . Ring oiler. . Plain oil cups. 2 3 4 5. Drop feed cups. 6. Wick feed cups. 7. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 8. Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. 1. Screw down cups. 2. Compression cups. 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrication”. Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places; in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times—except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. [46] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART . . . N o. of Fittings, Frequency of I/“bmcam Machine Part Grease Cups, etc. Lubrication Hours Main shaft bearings . . . . . . . 3 8 LI(jI]§jEeGéiuEril‘;*SE Idler wheel . . . . . . . . . . . 1 24 Head spindle . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 wks. Hopper . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8 Pin wheel hopper clutch . . . . . 1 8 Magazine pivot screws . . . . . . 2 8 Magazine turnbuckle pivot screws 2 8 Magazine cam operating pivot screws 1 8 Tool slide lever pivot screw . . . . 1 8 Tool slide . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 Injecting stem gibs . . . . . . . 6 8 LIGHT OIL Injecting stem revolving tip . . . 1 as necessary (Brown Oiler) Injecting stem cam roller . . . . . 1 8 Injecting stem . . . . . . . . . 1 as necessary Case lifting finger . . . . . . . . 1 as necessary Collet operating finger cone . . . . 1 as necessary J ackshaft assembly . . . . . . . 3 8 J ackshaft controls . . . . . . . . 3 8 Injecting clutch operating gear 1 8 Injecting stem cam gears . . . . . 2 8 Collet operating cam . . . . . . . 1 8 (I;El1i)YvYO(i)lg.J) Hopper drive gear assembly . Res 1 wk. [47] CALIBER .30 CASE HEAD TURN Index Adjusting Screw and Block, 13 Adjustment, Cam Timing, 31 Collet, 22 Cutting Tool, 25 Dovetail Gib. 29 Hopper Bridge, 23 Hopper Feed Tube Mouth, 24 Injecting Stem, 33 Knockout Rod, 26 Magazine, 32 Positive Stop Screw, 27 Tool Slide Rocker Arm, 28 Anti-friction Bearings, 44 Barrel Cam, 7 Camshaft, 3 Burnt Heads, 38 Cam Timing Adjustment, 31 Camshaft, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11 Cannelure Depth, 19 Case Magazine, 3, 9 Cases Are Stuck in Magazine, 37 Jamming at the Collet, 38, 39 Clutch, 2, 3, 5, 6 Assembly, 6 Coil Spring Feed Tube, 15, 17 Collet, 15, 18 Adjustment, 22 Assembly, 2, 3, 4, 9 Jaws, 12 Mechanism, 8 Spindle, 10 Crap Piling Up at Scrap Separator, 40 Cross-shaft, 5 Cutter, 41 Tool, 43 Cutting Tool, 13, 15, 18 Tool Adjustment, 25 Tool Housing, 13 Disposal, 16, 18 Dovetail Gib Adjustment, 29 INDEX Driveshaft, 2, 3, 6, 7 Ejecting Stem, 10 Extraction Depth Gage, 20 Extractor Groove too Deep, 36 Groove too Shallow, 36, 37 Feed Chute, 3 Tube, 9 Tube Mouth, 5, 23 Floor Space, 1 Flow Chart, 17, 18 Form Tool, 14 Friction, 44 Gage Care, 20 Grease, 45 Hammer, 15 Head Diameter too Large, 34 Diameter too Small, 35 Diameter Variation, 35 of Case too Thick, 34 of Case too Thin, 34 or Extractor Groove Not Being Cut, 39 Thickness, 19 Thickness Gage, 20 Thickness Variation, 35, 36 Height, 1 Hopper Bridge Adjustment, 23 Feed Tube Mouth Adjustment, 24 Improper Feeding of Cases to Magazine, 38 Injecting Stem, 3, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 27 Stem Adjustment, 33 Knockout Rod, 16, 18 Rod Adjustment, 26 Line Shaft, 2, 4 Shaft Motor, 1 Lock Nut, 13 Lubricating Film, 44 Lubrication, 44 Chart, 47 Lubrication, Hints on, 46 Methods, 45 Magazine, 15, 17 Adjustment, 32 Lip, 17 Manufacturer, 1 Method of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 46 Nicked Heads, 37 Outside Diameter, 19 Head Diameter, 19 Over-all Length, 19 Overhead Hopper, 15, 17 Pin Wheel Bridge, 5 Wheel Hopper, 3, 5, 15, 17 Wheel Hopper Box, 3, 5, 15, 17 Pocket Depth, 19 Diameter, 19 Positive Stop Screw Adjustment, 27 Power, 2, 3 Production, 1 Raising Finger, 15 Reconditioning Cutter, 42 Rocker Arm, 11, 12 Scored Heads, 37 Scratches on Outside of Case, 39 Selecting a Lubricant, 45 Set Screw, 13 Speed of Spindle, 1 Tool, 1 Carriage, 4, 11 Slide. 13 Slide Assembly, 13 Slide Rocker Arm Adjustment, 28 Transmission, 2 Triple Ring Head Diameter Gage, 20 Type of Feed, 1 V Belt, 2 Visual, 20 Web Thickness, 19 Weight, 1 [48] TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Case Body Anneal BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 1941 United States Government Contract W-ORD-481, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5,1917, C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public N o. 443, 76th Congress, 3rd Session). II TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Reason for the Body Anneal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Machine Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Index. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 III CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL MACHINE CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Catalogue Data CATALOGUE DATA Manufacturer Peters Engineering Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Machine Horizontal twin screw conveyor type machine with Description dual feed, equipped with gas burners and water reservoir. Machine Q Gear head motor; 1/4 h.p. ; 1 phase; 60 cycle; 115/230 Motor volts; 4.4/2.2 amps.; 1725 R.P.M. Countershaft speed 345 R.P.M. Belt drive to geared shaft. Type of Feed Pedestal type paddle wheel hopper. Belt driven from countershaft. Production 240 per minute. Conveyor Speed 120 R.P.M. Tools None. Height 5 ft. 10 in. Weight 1000 lbs. Floor Space 4 ft. x 6 ft. [1] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Reason for the Body Anneal REASON FOR THE BODY ANNEAL When brass is cold worked, as it is in the case drawing operations, the grain size of the metal becomes smaller which makes the brass harder. The harder brass resists being formed to a new shape and shows a tendency to spring back and to fracture. The purpose of the body anneal is to soften the brass which has been hardened by the fourth draw operation in preparation for the taper and plug operation in which the case is tapered to form the shoulder and neck. While annealed brass is more pliable and responds more readily to a forming operation than unannealed metal, it is not as strong as it was before being annealed. For this reason the body anneal should not extend closer to the head than one inch, on the Caliber .30 case, as greater strength in this region is required to withstand the strain caused by firing the cartridge. Since it is not desirable to anneal the head and that portion of the case from the head to about an inch up on the body, the head portion of the case is kept submerged in water while the case is carried through the gas flames by the conveyor screw. The flames darken the color of the case down to the “break” line, while the head portion remains light in color, indicating that the head area was not annealed. The “break” line is not precisely a line, but rather a region, about %” long which marks the transition from the comparatively hard metal of the head portion to the comparatively soft and elastic metal of the remainder of the case body. FIG. 3 The above pictures illustrate one of the many results of improper anneal- ing. Fig. 1 shows a cartridge which had been loaded into the breach of a gun containing part of a case that had not been ejected. This results in a serious jam of a machine gun or rifle. Fig. 2 shows the cartridge as it would appear in the gun breach, jammed through the section remaining of the previously fired cartridge. Fig. 3 illustrates the line of cut off or break which resulted from the explosion of firing the improperly annealed cartridge. [2] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Machine Description MACHINE DESCRIPTION The Caliber .30 body anneal heats the body of the case in order to soften that portion of the case which is to be tapered by the taper and plug machine. Paddle ,_ Paddle Wheel Hopper Wheel Hopper Feed Tube - — Metal Head Clutch Lever — -- Gas Burner Feed Block - __ Machine Frame Motor __ Overflow Pipe CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Motor The Caliber .30 Peters Horizontal Twin Screw Body Annealing Machine is powered by a }/.1 h.p. gear reduction motor. The motor is mounted at the left front end of the machine and can be moved back and forth to tighten or loosen the motor belt. Power and Power is transmitted through a V-type belt to two friction wheels Transmission which, in turn, transmit the power to a friction drive wheel. The friction drive wheel is keyed to one end of a shaft which has a driving gear on the other end. The driving gear meshes with a gear on one end of the conveyor [3] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Machine Description Power and Transmission (Cont.) Machine Frame Gas Burners and Metal Hood Conveyor Screws and Reservoir Paddle Wheel Hopper screws. This gear, in turn, meshes with the gear on the other conveyor screw. The framework of the body annealing machine is formed by two I beams, each approximately four and one-half feet long, which run parallel to each other and are welded together on the ends with steel plates. This rectangular framework is supported about three feet from the floor by means of two channel iron brackets to which the framework is welded. The I beams, which form the bed of the machine, support two rows of gas burners. An asbestos covered sheet metal hood is suspended above the burners. Between the I beams which are approximately 10" apart are set the conveyor screws. These screws, which are parallel to each other, extend nearly the full length of the machine framework. The conveyor screws are submerged in a shallow tank of running water; this tank or reservoir is equipped with an overflow by which the level of the running water is controlled. This machine is equipped with two paddle wheel hoppers, one for each conveyor screw. A hopper is located at each end of the machine in order that the conveyor screws may feed the cases in opposite directions. CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Machine Description Paddle Pulley Wheel Drive Belt Paddle Wheel Hopper Hopper Idler Feed Tube Pedestal PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER The cases are fed into the hopper box through a chute from an overhead source and are picked up by a series of paddles which lift them to the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt carries the cases to an opening where they pass into the feed throat. The paddle wheel is driven by a horizontal cross-shaft at the front of the hopper box. A pinion gear is attached to the right end of the cross-shaft which meshes with the ring gear attached to the outer end of the paddle wheel shaft. A pulley wheel is attached to the left end of the cross-shaft which is connected to the driveshaft by a round leather belt. The hopper pulley wheel is equipped with a dog clutch which is manually operated by a knob at the end of the cross-shaft. This arrangement allows the hopper to be stopped independently of the driveshaft. The paddles on the paddle wheel lift the cases to the conveyor belt, which carries them to the feed throat. The cases enter the feed throat head first, and drop by gravity through the feed tube down to the feed block. l5l CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Machine Description Coil Spring Feed Tube Gas Conduit .» "- Conveyor _ Screw Case Guide " Tl'UCk Gus =- Burners GUS J‘?-~. I, ' A. I cf .. . Conduit,’ ‘ ‘ l I ~ _' ~-. 1 " Gus Conduit Supporting Bracket VIEW SHOWING GAS BURNERS Gas Burners There are two rows of burners, facing each other, which direct their flames across the longitudinal axis of the machine. The gas burners are of the generator type and have ceramic refractory liners. There are 9 burners in each of the two rows. They are individually adjustable about the horizontally mounted support which acts as the conduit for the gas mixture. The burners of each row are set at various levels. The flames from the first five burners impinge upon the area near the mouth of the case, the next two heat the body and the remaining six burners direct their flame to the region above the “break." During this operation the head of the case is in the water. [6] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Machine Description ‘,_\ ~P\ L \ zt {R}, I". Kr " Gas Burner Conveyor Screws VIEW SHOWING CONVEYOR SCREWS Conveyor Screw The conveyors are two threaded shafts which extend lengthwise through the machine between the I beams. The thread or spiral groove on the conveyor screw is approximately %g'” deep and just wide enough to accommodate the head of a Caliber .30 case. The screw is equipped with a gear on one end through which the power is transmitted. While the cases are still in the feed block they fall onto the conveyor screw; as they emerge from the feed block the cases, revolving on their axes, are carried by the rotary screw past the gas burners. The cases are guided between and supported by two horizontal bars, placed parallel to each other, which act as case guide tracks to keep the cases upright. The gas burners are carefully adjusted so that the flames are directed to all parts of the body of the case except the submerged head portion. [7] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Process Sequence Overhead Hopper Case Paddle Wheel Hopper Conveyor Belt and Coil Spring Feed Tube Conveyor Screw j Cases J I Overhead Hopper I j Feed Pipe j I PROCESS SEQUENCE The cases are fed by gravity from a truck or conveyor into an overhead hopper and flow down through a pipe, into the paddle wheel hopper. The cases flow down the incline of the paddle wheel hopper to the paddle wheel by gravity. The paddle wheel rotates, picks up the cases, and conveys them up to the edge of the hopper, where they roll onto the conveyor belt, in a horizontal position. The conveyor belt carries the cases to an opening where they pass from the conveyor belt into the feed throat. The cases enter the feed throat head first, and drop by gravity through a coil spring feed tube to the feed block, then onto the spiral screw. From the feed block the cases are conveyed past the gas burners by the conveyor screws. During the annealing operation, the heads of the cases are submerged in water to keep them from being annealed as the cases pass before the gas burners and the bodies are annealed. At the end of the conveyor screw the cases pass a counter and drop through a chute to the conveyor belt at the back of the machine. FLOW CHART Paddle Wheel Hopper Conveyor Belt I I Feed Throat Feed Tube Gas Burners I Feed Block j——j Conveyor Conveyor Screws Screws Water Chute Conveyor Belt [8] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION When the component arrives at the Caliber .30 body annealing machine, it is a case with straight sidewalls. It is made of cartridge brass, 70% copper and 30% zinc. The closed end of the case is called the head and the open end is the mouth. The case comes to the body anneal machine from the head turning operation where the head has been turned to size. After the annealing operation, during which the case is heated from the mouth to a line approximately an inch from the head, the annealed portion of the case gives evidence of the anneal by its darker, duller color as contrasted to the comparatively lighter and shinier appearance of the unannealed head portion. This area of the case which shows the dividing line between the annealed and unannealed portions of the case is called the “break” line and is important because it marks the boundary between the hard metal and the metal that has been softened by the anneal. The dimensions of the case before the annealing operation are as follows: Outside head diameter .467 —.471 Outside diameter of case body .4645—.4670 Web thickness .060 —.068 Pocket depth ‘ .125 -.129 Pocket diameter 2093-2098 Over-all length of case 2. 50 Head thickness .043 —.048 Cannelure depth .403 —.407 There is no appreciable change in dimensions of the case after the anneal. After the annealing operation the cases are sent to the Soap and Dry Department and from there to the Taper and Plug Department. 8 H11 ' FIG. 1 FIG. 2 BEFORE BODY ANNEALING AFTER BODY ANNEALING OPERATION OPERATION l 9 I CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Inspection INSPECTION The annealed cases are tested and inspected by the Metallurgy Department. Every fifteen min- utes the inspector selects a sample annealed case from each conveyor screw and makes a Rockwell test on it. The Rockwell hardness tester is a machine which determines the hardness of the metal. 103-110 1 00-1 08 SKETCH SHOWING ROCKWELL READING SPECIFICATIONS ROCKWELL HARDNESS TESTER A representative sample from each row is a case that has traversed the entire anneal, preceded and succeeded by at least five or six cases. Also the test case must not have been subjected to the unobstructed flame from the other row of burners. When there is a break in the flow of cases in one row, too much heat is directed upon the cases in the other row. There are so many variable factors which influence the anneal that a continuous check on the annealed cases must be carried on by the Finish Laboratory. One factor influencing the anneal is the degree of flame heat on the cases, which depends upon the relative positions of the burners. When cartridge cases are subjected to an uneven distribution of heat, the result is an uneven distribution of hard and soft metal; that is, the metal is softened in irregular patches. The position of the burners is regulated by the machine adjuster when he is advised that certain portions of the case fail to meet specifications in regard to case hardness. [10] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Inspection ,— Another variable factor affecting the anneal is the level of water in the reservoir. If a sudden change in the Rockwell readings, taken at the “break” line, occurs on both rows of cases, simul- taneously, it indicates a change in the water level in the reservoir. The desired water level must be re-established. Another important factor in annealing is the available gas pressure. There is a distinct drop in gas pressure about an hour prior to normal meal times, due to the heavy demands of the domestic trade. A corresponding increase in pressure is noted upon the completion of meal preparation. This situation necessitates that a close control be maintained by the adjuster with the aid of frequent and accurate reports from the Finish Laboratory. A factor which disturbs even annealing is the interruption of the feed in one row of cases which means that only one row of cases is going through the annealer at a time, and this row is receiving all the heat from the unobstructed flames in the other row.- Interruption of the feed is usually due to an obstruction in the flexible feed tube, or may be caused by cases with oversized heads, or by turnings from the head turn operation. Another thing that affects the anneal is the speed of the conveyor screw. The friction clutch drive sometimes develops a slippage which decreases the speed of the conveyor screw and causes an over-anneal. Improper adjustment of the clutch lever lock by the adjuster can also cause the conveyor screw to turn too slowly. The clutch surfaces are subject to wearing smooth or to becoming coated with grease and dirt; the machine must be shut down and the surfaces must be roughened or cleaned to overcome the slipping of the friction wheels. [11] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Adjustments Objective Caution ADJUSTMENTS To maintain satisfactory operation of this annealing machine both the product and the machine should be inspected at frequent intervals. This section of the manual with its illustrations, photographs and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all the machine troubles that will be encountered; therefore certain adjust- ments may be required that have not been described in this section. Thorough analysis of the troubles will indicate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. The machine and surrounding floor space must be free from all foreign matter at all times. Do not make any adjustments while the machine is in motion. Examine the machine periodically to determine whether all connections and adjustments are secure. Check the fittings to see that they are being oiled and greased properly by the lubrication engineer. Make certain that the air currents around the machine are as nearly normal as it is possible to keep them. [12] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL > Adjustments Gas Burners The gas burners are the jets by means of which proper shape is given to the gas flame and a comparative steadiness of burning is assured. These gas burners must be adjusted to direct their flame on different sections of the case body in order that the cases being annealed will meet the specification of the Rockwell Test. Each burner is held in position by a lock nut; and the position of the burner can be changed by loosening the lock nut and moving the burner. Gas _,h Conduit VIEW SHOWING GAS BURNER ADJUSTMENT Tools: 1%” wrench, 18" pry bar. Procedure: 1. Use a 34" wrench to loosen the locking nut on the gas burner. 2. If necessary, use the pry bar to raise the burner for higher annealing or to lower the burner for lower annealing. 3. Use a 34" wrench to tighten the lock nut on the gas burner. [13] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Adjustments Clutch The clutch lever lock is the bolt that holds the friction driving wheel Lever Lock firmly against the two power friction wheels. This clutch lever lock can be readjusted by holding the friction drive wheel in a position where the friction power causes it to rotate faster or slower. By this method the speed with which the cases are conveyed along the conveyor screw is regulated. Clutch Lever ‘ . " " i—-- 1/8" Lock Nut Friction Drive 5 I 5 _. , @ I ,. . Wheel "‘*--. Clutch Lever Lock / Machine Frame Power Friction Wheels VIEW SHOWING CLUTCH LEVER LOCK Tools: Two 7/8” wrenches. Procedurei 1. Use two 7/8” wrenches to loosen the lock nut on the clutch lever lock. 2. Use a %" wrench to turn the adjusting nut clockwise until the clutch lever lock holds the clutch lever in a position where it transmits power to the conveyor screw at the desired speed. 3. Use two 7/8" wrenches to tighten the lock nuts. [14] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Adjustments Feed Tube Throat Idler Tools: Procedure: The feed tube throat is the opening of the feed tube into which the cases fall from the conveyor belt of the paddle wheel hopper. This feed tube throat should be in alignment with the conveyor belt so that the cases will slide in freely. The feed tube throat can be adjusted to different positions by loosening the Allen head holding bolts and placing the feed tube throat in the desired position. Conveyor Belt ii-U’/’ VIEW SHOWING FEED TUBE THROAT %,>" wrench, 3/8" wrench. 1. Use a 542” Allen wrench to loosen the locking bolts on the feed tube throat. 2. Raise the feed tube throat to the desired position. 3. Use a %" wrench to keep the nuts of the lock bolts from turning while you tighten the bolts with a %2" Allen wrench. 4. Operate the machine and check the adjustment. I15] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Adjustments Feed Block The purpose of the feed block is to assist the cases to start their travel along the conveyor screw. If the opening in the feed block does not line up with the two horizontal bars known as the case guide track, it can be loosened and shifted into the proper position. VIEW SHOWING FEED BLOCK CLOSE UP SHOWING FEED BLOCK ADJUSTMENT Tool: 8” Screwdriver. Procedure: 1. Use an 8" screwdriver to loosen the locking screws on the feed blocks. 2. Slide the feed block into a position where the slot in the feed slide lines up with the case guide track of the conveyor screw. 3. Use an 8" screwdriver to lock the screw on the feed block. [16] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Adjustments Intake Valve The intake valve is the regulator for the flow of the water into the reser- and Drain Valve voir. The drain valve is the regulator for the draining of water from the reservoir. The two valves must be regulated to maintain an even flow and a constant level of the water in the reservoir. This is accomplished by opening or closing the valves manually until the water level remains constant. Inlet Valve VIEW SHOWING INLET VALVE AND DRAIN VALVE Procedure: 1. Open the drain valve by hand by turning it counterclockwise. 2. Open the intake valve by hand, leaving it open until the water has reached the overflow pipe. Then tighten the intake valve to a point where water will maintain a level and even flow. I17] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Adjustments _—_———_—_—_‘——_—___—_—— Idler The idler tightens the hopper conveyor belt. The hopper conveyor belt should be taut in order to give a maximum amount of efficiency. If the flow of cases is uneven, the belt probably is not taut. The stud that holds the idler pulley bracket should be loosened and the idler pulley should be pressed more firmly against the conveyor belt to make it taut and to prevent slippage of the belt. P II V\l’heee)I " Conveyor / Belt Clutc M3" Bolt - F d T b ( Tllfoatu e Feed Tube VIEW SHOWING IDLER Tool: 7/16" wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 7/16" wrench to loosen the bolt on the idler bracket on the hopper. 2. Raise the knurled idler pulley up against the belt to take the slack out of the belt. 3. Use a 7/16” wrench to lock the adjusting nut. [18] . CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Troubles and Corrections Objective Cases fail to turn as they are conveyed past gas burners Cases turn faster in one row than in other row TROUBLES AND CORRECTIONS The adjuster will encounter troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. ' It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may confront an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. The following troubles can be recognized by visual and gage inspection, together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Visual inspection reveals that the cases are not turning as they are conveyed past the gas burners. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The conveyor screw becomes greasy or oily from an oil scum collected on the top of the water in the -reservoir. 1. Drain the reservoir and clean the conveyor screw with a cloth, making sure to clean the angles of the square threads; clean the reservoir thoroughly. If the bottom of the square thread channel seems to be very smooth, roughen it slight- ly with coarse emery cloth. 2. When the water is too low in . Keep the water in the reservoir the reservoir, the guide bars high enough to touch the under may warp out of alignment due side of the guide bars to pre- to extreme heat; this causes vent an uneven expansion of the track space to become too the bars. narrow. 3. The space between the guide . Set the guide bars so that bars is too wide or too narrow. there is about .020 clearance between the case and guide bars. If necessary, experiment for the clearance that works best. Visual inspection reveals that the cases in one row turn faster than the cases in the other row, causing an uneven anneal. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The guide bar spaces may not 1. Check the guide bar spaces for be the same. uniformity and adjust them if necessary. 2. Guide bar spaces may not be . Space the middle guide bar centered over or parallel with the conveyor screws. evenly between the two con- veyor screws. [19] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Troubles and Corrections Cases fall over teed block Conveyor screws jam and stop Some of the cases fall over immediately after leaving the feed block. when leaving The cause is: 1. There is an uneven tension on The conveyor screws jam and stop. the ball stops in the side of the feed block. The causes are: 1. Some cases that have not been head turned get into the feed track and cause a jam. There are damaged cases in the feed track. There is too much oil on the surface of the friction drive wheels which causes the wheels to slip. The drive belt is too loose or oily. A case has fallen down and caused a jam at the curved track outlet. The correction is: 1. Remove the ball stops and springs and clean thoroughly. Test for free movement. Check the spring for possible loss of strength due to overheating. Increase the pressure on the lower ball just enough to cause a slight jerk by the case as it emerges from the feed block. Then adjust the pressure on the upper ball so that the case leans slightly as it is pulled out of the feed block by the con- veyor screw. The corrections are: 1. Clear the jam. More care should be taken at the head turn machine so that the cases not head turned will not be mixed with those that are. 2. Clear the jammed cases from the case track and keep the scrap cases out of the hopper. 3. Wipe off the surplus oil. If slipping still occurs, roughen the friction wheels slightly with emery cloth. These friction wheels should not be run en- tirely dry however as they will become worn. Apply a little thin oil to prevent wearing and slipping. 4. Wipe off all the oil and tighten the belt slightly if necessary. Do not tighten too much as the belt should slip if bad jams occur. 5. Adjust the feed block ball stop. The operator should remove a fallen case before it reaches the curved track. [20] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Troubles and Corrections Break is too high Rockwell tests by the Inspection Department reveal that the break is too far from the head. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The water is too high in the 1. Regulate the water level so reservoir. that the water does not rise more than 1/1/6” on the guide bars. 2. Too many gas burners are set 2. Test cases annealed with the high. two first burners directed near the mouth of the cases; then gradually drop the next four or five burners to the level of the desired break. Several of the last burners should be set in line with the break. These burners will help heat the up- per portion of the case, but burners set higher than the “break” level will not help much to form the break. If the break is still too high, lower more burners to the level of the break. Burners set too low lose much of their effect due to cooling by the water. CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Beafings MACHINE LUBRICATION The efficiency of every machine depends to a great extent upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction, as far as we are con- cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are fiat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite—tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [22] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. Load on the shaft or slide. Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. Constant or intermittent operation. Cleanliness of surroundings. Temperature of surroundings. :q.®..°‘r‘>.°°.l\° Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. :‘~l?‘.°ltP‘.°°!\'> Frequency of lubrication. I23] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: 1. Simple oil hole. . Bottle oiler. . Ring oiler. . Plain oil cups. 2 3 4 5. Drop feed cups. 6. Wick feed cups. 7. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 8. Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. 1. Screw down cups. 2. Compression cups. 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrication”. Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places; in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times—-except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. [24] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART . . N o. of Fittings, Frequency of I/ubmcam Machine Part Grease Cups, etc. Lubrication Hours GEAR COMPOUND Feed drive gears . . . . . . . . 1 24 (Red Can) Driveshaft . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 Clutch lever mechanism and drive 3 8 MEDIUM OIL Hopper drive shaft . . . . . . . 2 8 (Red Oiler) Hopper idler pulleys . . . . . . 2 8 Hopper drive pulleys . . . . . . 2 8 Hopper paddles . . . . . . . . 4 8 I25] CALIBER .30 CASE BODY ANNEAL Index Adjustment, Clutch Lever Lock, 14 Drain Valve, 17 Feed Block, 16 Feed Tube Throat, 15 Gas Burner, 13 Idler, 18 Intake Valve, 17 Anti-friction Bearings, 22 Available Gas Pressure, 11 Body Anneal, 2 Annealing Operation, 9 Break is Too High, 21 Cannelure Depth, 9 Case Drawing Operation, 2 Paddle Wheel Hopper, 8 Cases Fail to Turn as They Are Con- veyed Past Gas Burners, 19 Fall Over When Leaving Feed Block, 20 Turn Faster in One Row Than in Other Row, 19 Clutch Lever Lock Adjustment, 14 Coil Spring Feed Tube, 8 Conveyor Belt, 5, 8 Screw, 4, 6, 7, 8 Screws, 4, 6, 7, 8 Screws Jam and Stop, 20 Speed, 1 INDEX Cross-shaft, 5 Drain Valve Adjustment, 17 Drive Wheel, 3 Feed Block, 5 Block Adjustment, 16 Tube Throat Adjustment, 15 Finish Laboratory, 10 Floor Space, 1 Flow Chart, 8 Friction, 22 Gas Burners, 4, 6, 8 Burners Adjustment, 13 Grease, 23 Head Thickness, 9 Height, 1 Hints on Lubrication, 24 Hopper Box, 5 Idler Adjustment, 18 Intake Valve Adjustment, 17 Lubricating Film Reduces Friction, 22 Lubrication, 22 Chart, 25 Methods, 23 Machine Description, 1 Frame, 4 Motor, 1 Manufacturer, 1 Metal Hood, 4 Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 24 Motor, 3 Belts, 3 Objective of Troubles and Correc- tions, 19 Outside Diameter of Case Body, 9 Head Diameter, 9 Over-all Length of Case, 9 Overhead Hopper, 8 Paddle Wheel Hopper, 4, 5 Wheel Shaft, 5 Pinion Gear, 5 Pocket Depth, 9 Diameter, 9 Power, 3, 4 Production, 1 Reservoir, 4 Rockwell Hardness Tester, 10 Reading Specifications, 10 Test, 10 Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing, 23 Tools, 1 Transmission, 3, 4 Type of Feed, 1 V-type Belt, 3 Web Thickness, 9 TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Case Taper and Plug BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 194-] United States GlW('l‘IlfIlt'l'lIZ (‘-ontract W-ORD-4-81, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenalearly in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, he fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917 , C30,Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public N o. 443, 7 6th Congress, 3rd Session). II MANUAL CORRECTIONS—CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG LOCATION Page 2- 112 Page 5- ‘j 2 Page 11 — ‘J 1 Page 1.2- 1 5 and Fig Page 16- II 1 Page 17- 1] 6 Page 18- ll 5 Page 20- 115 ERROR 4 V-Belts The inner ram is counterbalanced by 2 coil springs The stripper arm is actuated through a rocker arm from a cam surface on the ram Detector Punch Holder 2nd Forming 4 V-Belts 2nd Forming After Taper and Plug, cases are sent to Finish Trim CORRECTION 3 V-Belts The outer ram is counterbalanced by 2 coil springs The stripper arm is actuated through a cam rocker arm from a roller on the ram Ejecting Stem Holder Omit-not used 3 V-Belts Omit-not used After Taper and Plug, cases are sent to Washer to remove lubricant MANUAL CORRECTIONS—CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG (Cont.) LOCATION ERROR Page 21 —Fig 3 Page 26- ‘J 1 Seven Stations Page 33- ‘I 1 When the clutch is engaged Page 35 — ‘I 1 Plug Punch on left front of ram Page 40—-Crooked Heads No. 2 CORRECTION Omit Six Stations When the clutch is disengaged Plug Punch on right front of ram Omit—does not apply TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tool Holder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Tool Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Tool Servicing. . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 III CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG MACHINE IV CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Catalogue Data Manufacturer Machine Description Machine Motor Type of Feed Feed Motor Production Crankshaft Speed Stroke Tools Floor Space Height Weight CATALOGUE DATA E. W. Bliss Co., Brooklyn, New York E. W. Bliss No. 162 vertical frame, double action, crank press. 3 V belt drive, motor to flywheel on crankshaft. Geared head motor; 3 h.p. ; 3 phase; 60 cycle; 220/ 440 volts; 1725 R.P.M. Paddle wheel hopper Geared head ;1 / 15 h.p.; 1 phase; 60 cycle; 115 volts. 94 per minute 94 R.P.M. 4 in. Piece No. First Taper Shoulder die M- 1 Body die M- 2 Ejecting stem M-11 Second Taper Shoulder die M- 3 Body die M- 4 Ejecting stem M-12 Plug Plugging punch M- 5 Mouth expander punch M-14 3% ft. x 4 ft. 7 ft. 11 in. 8,000 lbs. CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Machine Description MACHINE DESCRIPTION The Caliber .30 Case Taper and Plug Machine reduces the size of thg mouth end of the case, to form the neck and shoulder. . H O I . V ‘< '=" 1 = . T . " " g _ 9 ‘I > n 0 - .-s . I I T‘ Wu I |tI\‘v-‘Mill .»mm. .- ...._ _ ‘Q . _'_ 0 . 1 I 4 - . W ' Q , _ .- -'_ . ~. - _.. _ ,, . ‘_ ‘ Machine Motor I o '0 '0 2 Springs Feed Tube ' Guard Covering ‘ Flywheel Brake ‘ H T in '___'- Crankshaft . I > I '- Feed Finger Assembly Ram CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG MACHINE Power and The E. W. Bliss vertical crank press, illustrated above, is powered by a Transmission three h.p. motor through four V-type leather belts connecting the motor to the flywheel. The motor is mounted directly above the flywheel on an adjustable bracket which allows proper adjustment of belt tension. The motor bracket is bolted to the top of the machine frame. The flywheel is mounted to the right end of the crankshaft and incorporates a rolling key clutch for the transmission of power from flywheel to crank- shaft. [2] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Machine Description Power and Transmission (Cont.) Crankshaft Ra ms Index Dial Liberty Paddle Wheel Hopper Feed Block Index Mechanism Case Kickoff The motor is controlled by a push button type switch; the red button stops the motor, and the black button starts it. The crankshaft is of the double throw type incorporating two eccentric cams which operate the inner ram and the indexing dial rocker arm. A two shoe brake is attached to the left end of the crankshaft, outside the ma- chine frame, and operates in conjunction with the clutch. When the clutch is released, the brake is applied and vice-versa. The brake at all times applies a slight drag to the crankshaft to reduce backlash to a minimum. The ram is held by and guided in its vertical stroke by two V-shaped gibs. The outer ram is actuated by, and connected to, the crankshaft throw by two connecting rods. The outer ram is machined to hold the case forming dies. The inner ram is actuated through a cam follower arm from an eccentric cam on the crankshaft. The inner ram is machined to hold the ejecting stems which position and release the cases from the dies on the up stroke of the outer ram. The index dial is mounted on a vertical hub about which the dial rotates. The dial is equipped with a number of carrier plates which support the cases in an upright position as they move through the various stations. The index dial is actuated through linkage from an eccentric cam on the crankshaft. The dial moves one space at a time with every complete stroke of the crankshaft. The index dial is held in, and rotates in, the dial block. The liberty paddle wheel hopper is mounted on the left side of the machine frame above the crankshaft. The hopper is driven through a V-type leather belt from a 1/15 h.p. electric motor which is mounted on the hopper bracket below the hopper shaft. The cases are fed into the hopper box through a chute from an overhead source. The cases are picked up by a series of paddles which lift them to the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt carries the cases to an opening where the cases enter the opening which leads to the feed tube mouth. The cases drop head first through the feed tube to the feed block. The feed block is bolted to the machine bed at the eight o’clock position in relation to the index dial. The cases drop from the feed tube into the feed block and are inserted into the carrier plate by the feed finger. The feed finger is actuated through linkage from the outer ram. The lower face of the dial is equipped with pawl ring teeth into which the pawl finger fits to rotate the dial. The indexing mechanism is bolted to the machine bed at approximately the two o’clock position in relation to the dial plate. A dial check arm is bolted to the machine bed at the twelve o’clock position in relation to the dial plate and is operated through linkage from the indexing mechanism. The check arm acts to hold the dial plate in position as the rams lower to perform each operation. The case kickoff is mounted to the hub of the dial plate and extends for- ward in the six o’clock position to the outer circumference of the dial plate. The case kickoff face, at a position above the carrier plates, is curved to push the cases from the carrier plates as the dial rotates, bringing the cases to the conveyor chute. I3] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Machine Description Cam Indexing Rocker Eccentric Follower Arm Cam Eccentric Carn for Crankshaft Inner Rarn Clutch I A _ ,. . < I ll"jj‘|"‘l"‘."lit§§- iml mfllm lllllu I . I .. 7 ‘ I I -V "'I';'?';*:"’|’:I]l"u|'F.:I" j " “ V !II"II ' ll“iIi'Ill*,"IIl <21“ _ -Iihjliiljjl rm Connecting Ram Eccentric Eccentric Cam for Crankshaft Connecting Rod Cam Inner Ram Rod FRONT VIEW OF CRANKSHAFT REAR VIEW OF CRANKSHAFT Crankshaft The crankshaft is held in a horizontal position above the machine bed by two bearings. The crankshaft consists of two throws to which the connect- ing rods are attached. An eccentric cam operating the indexing rocker arm is mounted on the crankshaft just inside the machine frame. A second eccentric cam is mounted between the connecting rod throws and actuates the inner ram of the press. The machine brake is mounted around a small brake drum on the outside of the machine frame at the left side. The rolling key clutch is incorporated in the flywheel which is mounted on the right end of the crankshaft. Power is controlled from the flywheel to the crankshaft through the man- ually operated clutch. The brake works in conjunction with the clutch to stop the machine when the clutch is disengaged. l4l CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Machine Description -|1I||' “II '|iii,,l"'l"lll" "Hill" , mil -"l||,“l . II ""‘IIi '1' .,|"'lII',- "U! Eccentric mI‘|:mhl'I“g'/e‘ Cum Crankshaft ii.“ \i . ‘ ‘ . - - Y ’ §ZZI'IBCtII“IQ Brake __ V Gib -\ FRONT VIEW OF RAM Ra ms The press incorporates two rams, one working inside the other. The outer ram is connected to the crankshaft by two connecting rods which are attached by bearings and wrist pin arrangements. The outer ram travels in its vertical stroke in two V-shaped gib plates. The gibs are adjustable to reduce to a minimum the opportunity of back lash and wear to cause undue damage to the tools. The face of the outer ram is machined to hold the forming dies. The inner ram travels in its vertical stroke inside the outer ram. The action of the eccentric cam on the crankshaft is transmitted to the inner ram through a cam follower piston. The upper end of the piston has at- tached a cam roller wheel which follows the eccentric cam. The piston operates in a vertical motion in a sleeve which is a machined part of the outer ram. The inner ram is counterbalanced by two coil springs which are held on two metal rods and are compressed against a bracket, bolted to the top of the machine frame, on each down stroke of the ram. The inner ram is machined to hold the ejecting stems. l5l CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Machine Description Stripper Feed Finger Fingers Operating Arm Index Dial Feed Finger Feed Finger Block INDEX DIAL AND FEED ASSEMBLY Index Dial The dial mechanism consists of the following parts: dial block, dial ring, dial head, and sixteen dial carrier plates. The dial block is attached to the bed of the machine by four bolts. The dial ring is attached to the inner circumference of the dial block by four Allen head screws. The dial head revolves carrying the cases, which are held upright by the carrier plates, from station to station. The dial is attached and rotates inside the dial ring by a stud running through the center of the head to the machine bed. The dial carrier plates are evenly spaced around the circumference of the dial head. The dial head is machined to seat the carrier plates flush with the dial head surface. The forward edge of the carrier plates are notched to receive the cannelure groove of the case head. An anvil is provided in the dial head beneath each forming station to support the case as the form- ing operation is completed. A button anvil is provided in the dial head beneath the oiler and plug punch stations. [6] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Machine Description Cam Follower ‘- . Eccentric Cam -__- A . ; I Indexing Dial Arm — Spring _____ Indexing Mechanism $0 Crankshaft O REAR VIEW SHOWING INDEXING MECHANISM The dial head is actuated about its hub through linkage from the eccentric cam on the crankshaft. The pawl arm travels back and forth in a gib ar- rangement which is bolted to the machine bed facing the dial head at the two o’clock position. The pawl arm is actuated through a rocker arm which is attached at its pivotal point to the machine frame. The upper end of the rocker arm is fitted with a cam roller which rides against the eccen- tric cam. A pawl finger is attached to the forward end of the pawl arm and , engages notches beneath the dial head to move the dial one space with every revolution of the crankshaft. l7l CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Machine Description _ Die Holders 6. Indexing Paw! ____ _ -_.. Eiecting Stems “‘- Dial I Ierlocking n Fingers ’ -__ Check Arm Block __ Spring Over Check Arm REAR VIEW OF DIAL SHOWING CHECK ARM Check Arm The check is a bar actuated from the pawl arm, which enters in specially cut notches in the dial head to hold the dial head secure as the ram is brought down by the crankshaft. The check arm is held to the machine bed by two check arm blocks. One block is bolted to the machine bed close to the dial head. The other is spaced about eight inches back, holding the check arm parallel to the pawl arm. The check arm is actuated through an interlocking finger arrangement Which inserts the check arm into the dial head as the indexing pawl comes back from its forward stroke. [3] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Machine Description Hopper Motor Belt Guard Hopper Motor Machine Brake Paddles SIDE VIEW OF PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER Paddle Wheel Hopper Hopper Belt Guard Hopper Hopper Feed Motor Pipe T\/Iotor Bracket Hopper Wheel Housing Feed Tube Hopper Bin TOP VIEW OF PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER The paddle wheel hopper is mounted on a bracket which is bolted to the top of the machine frame on the left side. The paddle wheel is mounted on a shaft which extends through the hopper to mount a pulley wheel. The pulley is belt-driven from the motor, which is mounted to a bracket below the pulley wheel. The cases are fed through a chute from an overhead source, and are picked up by a series of paddles which lift them to a conveyor belt. The cases roll from the paddles lengthwise onto the conveyor belt. The belt con- veys them to the feed tube opening where they fall head first into the feed tube mouth. The feed tube mouth is so arranged, that if a case is con- veyed mouth first to the feed tube, the mouth end will overshoot the open- ing, allowing the case head to drop into the feed tube. - I9] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Machine Description — Feed Tube Feed Finger Feed Block ________2-“l:1’—':L"m"""‘!""'""mItmn Sprmg C t _. L _4. SIDE VIEW OF FEED BLOCK ASSEMBLY Feed Block The cases are fed through the feed tube from the hopper to the feed block. The feed block houses the feed finger, which is made up of two parts. The upper part of the finger is adjustable while the lower part is not. The feed finger is guided by two feed finger guides which are attached to the bed of the feed block by two bolts in each guide. At the end of the feed block there are two guide plates which are attached to the bed of the feed block. The head of the case slides through the guide plates into the carrier plates. The feed finger is cam-operated and uses two springs, for pressure, to feed the cases into the carrier plates. The springs pull the feed finger forward and the feed finger arm pulls the finger back. The feed finger arm is actuated by a rocker arm which strikes against a roller attached to a bracket on the ram. Operating __ Arm Feed Finger Spring Feed Block TOP VIEW OF FEED BLOCK I 10 I CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Machine Description Cam Plug Punch _I Holder —Rocl _-- Check Housing REAR VIEW SHOWING INDEX DIAL AND CARRIER PLATES Tool: 8" screwdriver. Procedure: 1. Remove the guard on the front of the machine. 2. Use an 8" screwdriver to remove the set screw in the carrier plate. Then remove the carrier plate. 3. Replace with a new carrier plate and tighten the set screw with an 8" screwdriver. 4. Replace the guard on the front of the machine. [261 CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Adjustments Body Anvils TOOI5: Procedure: Body anvils are the small steel buttons that force the cases against the carrier plates at the first and second forming stations. The purpose of these anvils is to hold the cases in an upright position so that when the dies are brought down to form the case they will not strike the edges and damage the case. These anvils are equipped with a spring and an adjusting bolt which will regulate the pressure exerted on the heads of the cases. 1%" Lock Nuts 3/4” Anvil _ Adjusting Bolts - -it-*$'~ : BOTTOM VIEW OF MACHINE SHOWING THE THREE ANVIL ADJUSTING BOLTS 1%" wrench, % ” wrench, offset screwdriver, flywheel bar. 1. Remove the front guard and the flywheel guard gate. 2. Engage the clutch; use the flywheel bar to turn the flywheel until the dial moves to a position on station. 3. Use the offset screwdriver to remove the carrier plate and screw. 4. Use a 11/4 " wrench to loosen the lock nut on the anvil adjusting bolt. Note: The adjusting bolt is underneath the machine, directly under the anvils. 5. Use a 1%" wrench to turn the anvil adjusting bolt until the anvil is slightly extended above the dial ring level when the spring beneath it is compressed. Use a 1% " wrench to tighten the lock nut on the anvil adjusting bolt. Replace the carrier plate and screw. Tighten with a screwdriver. Replace the guards and disengage the clutch. .==>s><>.-we Run a few cases through the machine to see that the anvil is holding the cases firmly against carrier plates. [27] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Adjustments Die Holder The die holders, located in the ram, contain the forming dies which form the taper on the case. If the head-to-shoulder length of the case does not meet specifications, it indicates that the die holder is positioned too high or too low in the ram. The die holder of each station is equipped with an adjustment to raise or lower it. This adjustment enables the die to be placed in a position to develop the correct case head-to-shoulder length. I/4" Allen " Set Screw “_ 2%" Lock Collar FRONT VIEW OF MACHINE SHOWING DIE HOLDERS Tools: %” wrench, 21/4 ” spanner wrench. Procedure: 1. Remove the front guard. 2. Use a 2% " spanner wrench to loosen the lock collar on the die holder. 3. Use a % " Allen wrench to loosen the die holder set screw. 4 . Use a 2% " spanner wrench to turn the die holder adjusting collar to raise or lower the die whichever is necessary to develop proper head to shoulder length. Note: Proper position cannot be determined until the product is run through the machine. Use a 2%” wrench to tighten the lock collar on the die holder. Use a % ” Allen wrench to tighten the die holder set screw. Replace the guard. 9°$'9‘P‘ Check the adjustment by running the component through the ma- chine and checking it. [28] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Adjustments Die Replacement There are two forming stations that taper the cases. Each station has two dies in it. The bottom die forms the body taper and the top die forms the shoulder taper. If the profile of the case is not within specifica- tion, the die is worn. The bottom die of each station wears out first and must be replaced. The top die of each station can be turned over and used on the other end. 1;: Three Dre 5 "' Holders : Rocker E Arm ‘ . __ 21/4" Lock ';_ T Collar Dial FRONT VIEW OF MACHINE SHOWING DIE HOLDERS Tool: 1/4 " spanner wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a % ” spanner wrench to remove the die cap on the bottom of the die holder. 2. Remove the dies and replace the worn die with a new one. Replace both dies. Note: Bottom dies of each station are good for approximately 45,000 cases. The top dies can be reversed and used on the other end and are good for approximately 100,000 cases. Before placing the dies in the holder, clean with a shop towel and oil. 3. Use a 1/4" spanner wrench to replace the die cap and tighten it. 4. Run the product through the machine and check for accuracy of ac- tion on the case. [29] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Adjustments Hopper Motor The motive power of the hopper is transmitted from the hopper motor Belt to the hopper by a belt. If the belt slips frequently during operation of the machine, a loose belt and irregular transmission of power is indicated. To insure a smooth transmission of power, the motor mount has an adjustment bolt that regulates the tension on the belts by raising or lowering the motors. TOP VIEW OF PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER Tools: 1/2” wrench, 7/8” wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 7/8 ” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the motor mount adjust- ment bolt. 2. Use a 1/H/’ wrench to turn the adjustment bolt until the belt is taut. l30l CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Adjustments Conveyor Belt The conveyor belt delivers cases from the paddle wheel of the hopper to the feed tube mouth. If the belt becomes loose, it develops a jerky move- ment and the cases fall off the belt. The conveyor belt is equipped with an adjustable idler by means of which the tension of the belt can be regulated. Conveyor Belt Bottom of Hopper Box _'"*~ 9/16" Cup Screw \ Idler Pulley Feed Tube BOTTOM VIEW OF HOPPER Tool: 946” wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 946" wrench to loosen the cap screw on the idler bracket. 2. Raise or lower the idler bracket until the proper tension is reached. Note: To find the proper tension for the belt make trial and error adjustments on the idler until the cases travel smoothly on the con- veyor belt. 3. Use a 9/11;” wrench to tighten the cap screw on the idler bracket. l31l CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Adjustments Motor Belt Tension The motive power of the machine is transmitted from the motor to the machine by V-type belts. If the belt slips frequently during operation of the machine, a loose belt and irregular transmission of power is indicated. To insure a smooth transmission of this power, the motor mount has an adjustment nut that regulates the tension on the belts by raising or lower- ing the motor. 2 § Guard : Covering Machine - Flywheel Motor Motor Bracket 11/4!: Lock -_ - .- -_ _ ._... - ' --. ‘ V *. .- -~ _ E“ - - - ‘e .. .- -. -_ i ’ ‘Q ‘ - _~ -. . ‘Is ‘- .1‘-IIIH FRONT VIEW OF MACHINE MOTOR Tool: 1%" wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 1%" wrench to loosen the top lock nut on the motor mount adjusting bolt. 2. Use a 1% ” wrench to turn the adjusting nut until the belt has proper tension. 3. Tighten the top lock nut. [32] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Adjustments Brake The brake of the machine has a two-fold purpose. One is to stop the move- ment of the ram when the clutch is engaged; the other is to create a slight drag on the shaft that motivates the ram. To stop the movement of the ram, the brake has a spring tension that can be increased or decreased. To create a constant drag on the shaft that motivates the ram, adjust the two set screws so that the brake shoes will be brought closer to the brake drum by the tension of the brake spring. Ad‘ :78” US In I Nil \ Tools: Procedure: “‘ Brake Shoes 1I/16" Lock Nuts 3/3" Set Screw BRAKE ASSEMBLY 1%” wrench, 5%” wrench, 7/3” wrench. 1. 2. Use two A, " wrenches to loosen the lock nut on the spring tension bolt. To create more tension on the brake, use a 7/8" wrench to turn the ad- justment nut clockwise. Note: Use the trial and error method to determine how much to turn the adjustment nut. Use two %” wrenches to tighten the lock nut on the spring tension adjustment bolt. Use an 1%," wrench to loosen the lock nut on the two adjustment set screws. Use a 38" wrench to turn the adjustment set screws until the brake releases when the clutch is engaged. Note: The brake must release but not completely. There must be a slight drag on the shaft that operates the ram to reduce backlash to a minimum. Use an 1%,” wrench to tighten the lock nut on the two adjustment set screws. l33l CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Adiusfmenis Feed Finger The feed finger is the mechanism located at the left of the index dial. The purpose of the feed finger is to slide the cases into the carrier plates of the index dial. As the moving parts of the feed finger mechanism become worn, the feed finger fails to feed the cases far enough into the carrier plate. To overcome this condition,.the feed finger can be made longer by loosening two Allen lock screws and lengthening the feed finger. ¥egd lsclex u e ' 1 Bracket m Bolts ___ 3/16" Allen Lock Feed Screws Finger Tools: Procedure: 1. 2. 3. INDEX DIAL AND FEED FINGER ASSEMBLIES 6" screwdriver, 3/{;” Allen wrench, flywheel rod. Use a 6" screwdriver to remove the guard over the feed finger. Open the flywheel guard gate. Use a flywheel bar to turn the flywheel by hand until the ram travels half its downward stroke and the feed finger rocker arm is free. Use a 34;" Allen wrench to loosen the two lock screws on the feed finger. Insert two cases in front of the feed finger. . Move the feed finger forward until the front case moves into the carrier plate. Use a §'1’fi" Allen wrench to tighten the feed finger screws. Use a 6 ” screwdriver to replace the guard over the feed finger and close the flywheel guard gate. [34] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Adjustments Plug Punch The plug punch is a sizing tool located on the left front of the ram. The Adjustment and plug punch spreads the mouth of the case to the correct diameter after Replacement the case has passed the forming stations. If the cases do not have the proper mouth diameter after they leave the plug punch station, it is an indication that the plug punch has become worn. To remedy this condi- tion the plug punch can be lowered so that a portion of the punch which is not worn will actually perform the plugging operation. This adjustment can be made approximately fifteen times before the punch must be replaced with a new one. Hollow Tool Holder \ Plug Punch Holder ——: 1%" Loclc Nut "T" .s_-1 ,_. éc A Pl g P h Holdeli Br<:C|I(cet / / Rocker Arm ___..-— Stripper Finger FRONT VIEW OF RAM AND PLUG PUNCH HOLDER Tool: 1% " wrench. Procedure: To Adjust. 1. Remove the front guard. 2. Use a 11/4 ” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the plug punch holder. 3. Use a 11/4 " wrench to turn the plug punch holder until it is lowered enough to give proper opening to the mouth of the case. Note: Proper position can only be attained by making the adjust- ment, running the product through the machine and checking; then readjust until the proper position is reached. V8 turn will lower the punch approximately .002". 4. Use a 1% ” wrench to tighten the lock nut. 5. Replace the front guard. [35] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG ‘ Adjustments Procedure: To Replace. (cont) 1. Remove the front guard. 2. Use a 114 " wrench to remove the hollow tool holder set screw on top of the plug punch holder. 3. Remove the plug punch and replace with a new one. 4. Use a 11/4 " wrench to replace and tighten the hollow tool holder set screw. 5. Replace the front guard. [36] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Adjustments u Ejecting Stem An ejecting stem is located at each of the forming stations. The stem supports the case as the forming dies perform the tapering operation, and after this operation, it holds the case down firmly on the carrier plate as the forming dies withdraw. If the stroke of the ejecting stem is too long, the stem will knock the primer pocket out of the case head; if the stroke of the stem is too short, the carrier plate may be pulled up and chipped, bent or broken. The ejecting stem has an adjusting nut by which it will raise or lower the stem. The stroke of the ejecting stem can be regulated by turning the stem holder. ‘f; S. 3/16" Allen Set Screws 4., 3/4" Stem Holder n Die Holders _,_'* at »: W-* Index Dial FRONT OF MACHINE SHOWING RAM Tools: %" wrench, 5%" Allen wrench, flywheel bar. Procedure: 1. Remove the front guard. 2. Engage the clutch and use the flywheel bar to turn the flywheel until the index dial moves to a position on the station. 3. Place a case under the ejecting stem. 4. Use the flywheel bar to turn the flywheel until the ram is at the end of its downward stroke. 5. Use a 3/15" Allen wrench to turn the ejecting stem holder set screw on the secondary ram in a counterclockwise direction. 6. Use a % " wrench to turn the stem holder on the ejecting stem clock- wise until it pushes the bottom of the case firmly against the anvil to compress the anvil spring as much as possible. 7. Turn the stem holder counterclockwise 1/4 turn. 8. Use a 346" wrench to tighten the ejecting stem holder set screw in the secondary ram. 9. Use the flywheel bar to turn the flywheel until the ram is at the end of its upward stroke. Disengage the clutch. 10. Remove the sample case and replace the guard. I 37 I CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Troubles and Corrections Objective Scored or Scratched Outside Walls TROLIBLES AND CORRECTIONS The adjuster will encounter many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may confront an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. The following troubles can be recognized by visual and gage inspection of the component, together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Visual inspection will reveal scratches on the outside walls of the case. Scratches can also be detected by fingernail inspection. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The sidewall of the body die is 1. cracked. Remove and replace the body die with a new die. Unscrew the cap screw beneath the die and allow the die to fall out. heres to the wall of the case. . The body die or the shoulder 2. Replace with a new die and re- die is chipped on the drawing turn the defective die to the surface. Tool Servicing Department. . The drawing surface of the die 3. Remove and polish the die with is scratched and scratches the fine emery cloth. Remove the body of the case. die by unscrewing the cap screw that holds it in place. If the die is too badly scratched replace with a new die and return the scratched die to the Tool Serv- icing Department. . Excessive accumulation of brass 4. Remove the dies and polish, on the shoulder and body dies. first with emery cloth, then with crocus cloth. . Foreign matter. Dried soap ad- 5. Remove the dirty cases and send to the Washing Depart- ment to be rewashed. Remove the dies and clean the foreign matter from them. The die is removed by first removing the cap screw beneath the die and allowing the die to fall out of the die holder. [38] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Troubles and Corrections Scratched Inside A visual inspection reveals that the inside walls of the case are scratched or scored. Walls Marked or Scratched Outside Heads The causes are: 1. The mouth expander is bent and scores the inside of the case. . Excessive accumulation of brass on the mouth expander. . The surface of the mouth ex- pander has become marred or scratched. The plugging punch has be- come bent, scoring the inside of the mouth. . Excessive accumulation of brass on the surface of the plugging punch. . Plugging punch is marred or scratched. The corrections are: 1. Remove and replace the mouth expander. Remove the nut from the mouth expander and allow the expander to drop in your hand. Replace the mouth ex- pander and the nut. . Remove the mouth expander and clean off the brass with fine emery cloth and crocus cloth. Replace the mouth expander. . Remove the mouth expander and polish with emery cloth. If the scratches are too deep, re- place the mouth expander with a new one. . Remove and replace the plug- ging punch. First remove the screw at the top of the plugging punch, then push the punch up through the top of the punch holder. . Remove and polish the plug- ging punch with emery cloth. Finish polishing with crocus cloth. . Remove the plugging punch and polish with emery cloth. If the scratches are too deep, re- place the plugging punch with a new one. Visual inspection discloses that the head of the case has become scratched, dented or marred. The causes are: 1. Defective or damaged carrier plate. The plate forces the case head against the anvil with too much pressure. . The Allen screws on the dial ring have become loose. The case heads are scratched as they pass over the Allen screws. The corrections are: 1' Remove the screw from the car- rier plate and remove the car- rier plate. Replace with a new carrier plate and tighten the screw. . Remove the carrier plate and turn the dials until the Allen screws are exposed; then tight- en the Allen screws. [39] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Troubles and Corrections Marked or Scratched Outside Heads (Cont.) Marks on the Inside Head of the Case Crooked Heads Low Shoulder _ 2. Ejecting stem is bent. 2. 3. Remove the body anvil and re- place with a new one. The body anvil is removed by loosening the lock nut and unscrewing the anvil. Replace. 3. Worn or broken body anvil lo- cated in the bed of the machine. Lower the body anvil; loosen the lock nut and turn the anvil counterclockwise, thus lower- ing the anvil. Tighten the lock nut. 4. Body anvil is adjusted too high. 4. Visual inspection reveals that the primer pocket is being damaged and that there are marks on the inside head of the case. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Raise the ejecting stem. Loos- en the lock nut on the ejecting stem holder and turn the eject- ing stem clockwise, thus raising stem. Tighten the lock nut. 1. Ejecting stem is set too low and strikes the inside of the case, with too much force. Gaging reveals that the body of the case is set at an angle to the head. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Remove the body anvil and re- place with a new one. The body anvil is removed by loosening the lock nut and unscrewing the anvil. Put in new anvil and replace lock nut. 1. Worn or broken body anvil. Remove and replace the eject- ing stem. Remove the set screw from the stem holder and allow the stem to drop out. Put in new stem and replace set screw. Gaging reveals that the length of the case between the head and the shoulder is too short. The corrections are: 1. Raise the die. Loosen the die cap and turn the adjusting screw clockwise. Tighten the die cap. The causes are: 1. The die is adjusted too low. Raise the body anvil. Loosen the lock nut and turn the anvil clockwise. Tighten the lock nut. 2. Body anvil is adjusted too high. 2. [40] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Troubles and Corrections Split Neck Wrinkled Necks Buckled Necks Mark Around Case Above the Extractor Groove Visual inspection of the case reveals-that the neck of the case has split or buckled. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The cases have been improperly annealed. The mouth and neck are too hard. 1. Have the inspector check the cases. 2. Remove the defective cases and check the source of supply. 2. The case mouth is dented or bent. Visual inspection reveals wrinkled necks on the finished case. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Reduce the amount of lubricant by turning the lubricator valve so that only one drop is fed to five cases. 2. Have the cases checked by the inspector. 1. There is too much lubricant at the oiler station. 2. Improper annealing of the cases. Visual inspection reveals that the necks of the cases are buckled. The corrections are: 1. Fill the container with lubri- cant and regulate the lubricator valve. The causes are: 1. Insufficient lubricant at the lu- bricating station. Remove, service and replace the plugging punch. First remove the screw at the top of the plug- ging punch ; then push the punch up through the top of the punch holder. Replace the punch. 2. Oversize plugging punch. 2. Visual inspection reveals that there is a ring around the case just above the extractor groove. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Remove the die and remove the sharp edge with a fine grade of emery cloth. The die is re- moved by first removing the cap nut that holds it in place Replace the die and cap nu’r 1. A sharp edge at the mouth of the body die. [41] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Troubles and Corrections Crooked Shoulder Mark or Ring on One Side of Case Above Extractor Groove Large Mouth Gaging discloses that the angle on the shoulder of the case is higher on one side than on the other. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Replace the die with a new die. Remove the die by first remov- 1. The shoulder die has become worn. ing the cap nut that holds it in place. Replace the die and the cap nut. 2. The plugging punch is bent. 2. Remove the screw at the top of the plugging punch; then push the punch up through the top of the punch holder. Put in a new punch. Visual inspection reveals that there is a ring half way around the case just above the extractor groove. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Adjust the bumper studs so that they are all at the same level. To raise or lower the bumper studs, loosen the lock nuts and turn to right or left. 1. The bumper studs controlling the depth of the ram are not all at the same level. Remove and replace the carrier plate. First remove the screw that holds the plate in place. 2. Carrier plate is bent and there- 2. fore does not permit the case to be held in an upright position. Gaging discloses that the mouth of the case is too large in diameter. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Remove and replace the plug- ging punch. First remove the screw at the top of the plugging punch, then push the punch up through the top of the punch holder. Remove and replace the die. Remove the cap nut on the die and allow the die to drop out. Replace the die by inserting it into the die holder and tighten the cap nut. 1. Plugging punch is too large. 2. Worn shoulder die. 2. [42] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Troubles and Corrections Small Mouth Variation of Shoulder Length Smashed Cases Buckled Case Gaging discloses that the mouth of the case is too small. The cause is: 1. The plugging punch has be- come worn and is too small. The correction is . 1. Remove and replace the plug- ging punch. First remove the screw at the top of the plugging punch, then push the punch up through the top of the punch holder. Gaging reveals that shoulder is too short or too long. The cause is: 1. Broken shock spring. At times the ram comes down too far and at times it does not come down far enough. Either condition The correction is: 1. Remove and replace the shock spring. The spring is removed by first removing the nuts on the spring rod. causes a variation of shoulder length. Visual inspection reveals that the cases have been smashed beneath the ram. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Adjust the pawl stroke. Loosen the lock nut on the pawl block adjusting screw. Loosen the cap screw on the pawl block. Turn the pawl block adjusting screw until the dial check is all the way in the dial. Tighten the lock nut and the cap screw. 1. The pawl that moves the index dial does not stop at the proper position beneath the dies. Remove and replace the eject- ing stem. Loosen the ejecting stem lock nut and unscrew the stem from the secondary ram. Replace the assembly in re- verse order. 2. The ejecting stem is crooked. 2. Visual inspection reveals that the cases are buckled. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Remove and replace the plug- ging punch. First remove the screw at the top of the plugging punch; then push the punch up through the top of the punch holder. Put in a new punch and replace screw. 1. The plugging punch is oversized or bent. 2. The mouth of the case is bent. 2. Remove the defective case and check the source of supply. I 43 I CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Tool Servicing TOOL SERVICING Obiective Proper tool servicing is essential to maintain standard quality in the tapering and plugging operation in the manufacture of a cartridge case. Dies are costly and great care must be exercised in the servicing of these tools. Adjusters will be concerned primarily with the removal of brass and small scratches that appear on the working surfaces of the dies. They must be careful when using an abrasive on any tool, not to alter materially its dimensions. Servicing of New Dies All tools that cannot be corrected by polishing must be returned to the Tool Servicing Department. 1. Dies, as received from the tool room, are normally ground to the proper size and servicing is not necessary. As a precaution, the die bore should be inspectedfor roughness and polished if necessary. If the bore is rough, causing undue friction, more metal may be pulled from the sidewall of the case than is neces- sary. A test run of cases should be made before any servicing is done on the die. After the test run has been made, the cases should be care- fully gaged and inspected. If there are any irregularities in the die or the die is undersized, it should be returned to the Tool Servicing Department for replacement. OVER-ALL PICTURE OF SPEED LATHE [44] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Tool Servicing Servicing of 1. Check the die visually to determine how badly it is scratched. If the Brassed Up or die has a very deep scratch which cannot be removed by using a Scratched Dies fine emery cloth, it should be sent to the Tool Servicing Department. 2. If there is an excess accumulation of brass within the die, then the die should be placed in a three-jaw chuck on a speed lathe. To re- move the accumulation of brass, use a fine emery cloth wrapped around a lap stick. Use a lap stick made of brass, lead, fiber or wood about the same diameter as the die hole. 3. After the accumulation of brass has been removed, polish the die with fine crocus cloth, using a lap stick as in the former procedure. 4. Wipe out the inside of the die with a cloth. 5. Remove the die from the chuck and check to see if all the brass has been removed. To service a scratched die, follow the same procedure as outlined in the servicing of a brassed up die. Hold the lap stick, with a piece of fine emery cloth wrapped around it, against the die. Give the stick a rapid in and out movement. Repeat this operation until the scratch has been removed from the die. If it is found necessary that any great amount of material has to be removed from the die, stop the polishing procedure and return the die to the Tool Servicing Department. After the die has been removed from the chuck, examine very closely to see whether or not the scratch has been removed from its inside surface. CORRECT WAY WRONG WAY I45] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Bearings MACHINE LUBRICATION The efficiency of every machine depends to a great extent upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction, as far as we are con- cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important‘ lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite—tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [46] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. . Load on the shaft or slide. . Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. . Cleanliness of surroundings. 2 3 4. Constant or intermittent operation. 5 6. Temperature of surroundings. 7 . Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. .49‘?-"tP‘P°.N Frequency of lubrication. I 47 I CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: Simple oil hole. Bottle oiler. Ring oiler. Plain oil cups. Drop feed cups. Wick feed cups. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 9O.q.®,Ol!P“_¢*9l\Z>I-K Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. Screw down cups. Compression cups. Pressure guns and patented fittings. rl=~.°°.l\°t-* Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lu-brication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrication”. Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places; in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times——except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. 6 Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. [48] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART Lubricant Machine Part No. of Fittings, Grease Cups, etc. Frequency of Imbrication Hours LIGHT GREASE (Blue Gun) Crankshaft bearings . . . . . . Pitman bearings . . . . . . . . Gibs . Secondary ram cam Secondary ram shaft and roller Flywheel . . . . . . . . . . . Hopper gear box Hopper belt pullup Dial driveshaft I 0 o 0 I o c o o c I u 0 G o I o 0 I I I I u o n 0 o Pawl rocker arm . . . . . . . . I-—*l—*[\DI.\')l--*h')I—*I.\'J[\')NJ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HEAVY OIL (Yellow Oiler) Gear reducer Pitman assembly wrist pin wells . . I o o c I o P I I so N9 (X)I—* 3 F‘ MEDIUM OIL (Red Oiler) Rocker arm follower . . . . . . Safety clutch assembly . . . . . Pawl cam . . . . . . . . . . . Feed finger rocker arms Feed finger roller Dialstud. . . . . Pawl bar . Rocker arm assembly Rocker arm roller . Clutch lever assembly Stripper rocker arm Horizontal brake shift Bumper studs . . . . . . . . . . Stripper roller . . . . . . . . . . Dialhead.............'...... Stripper plate . . . Feed finger assembly . . . . . . . Pawl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pawl bar guides Check plate and guide . . . . . 0 I o n 0 u O O G o u [\')t—*I—*t—*[\DO0[\Dl\DI—*03t—*l—‘r-*t—‘t—*l\DC»9l—*N>t-* ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooi--oo 8 F [49] CALIBER .30 CASE TAPER AND PLUG Index Adjustment, Body Anvils, 27 Brake, 33 Carrier Plate Replacement, 26 Conveyor Belt, 31 Die Holder, 28 Die Replacement, 29 Ejecting Stem, 37 Feed Finger, 34 Hopper Motor Belt, 30 Index Dial, 25 Motor Belt Tension, 32 Plug Punch, 35 Anti-friction Bearings, 46 Anvil, 6 Stud, 12 Body Anvils, Adjustment, 27 Brake, 3, 4 Adjustment, 33 Shoe,33 Spring, 33 Buckled Case, 43 Neck, 41 Cam, 4, 7 Roller Wheel, 5 Camshaft, 4 Cannelure Depth, 20 Carrier Plate Replacement Adjust- ment, 26 Plates, 34 Case Kickoff, 3 Check Arm, 8 Clutch, 3, 4 Conveyor Belt, 15, 17 Belt Adjustment, 31 Crankshaft, 3, 7, 8, 18 Speed, 1 Crooked Heads, 40 Shoulder, 42 Detector, 15, 18 Punch Holder, 12 Punch Holder Assembly, 12 Dial Block, 6 Carrier Plates, 6 Head, 6, 7, 8, 18 Index Head, 15 Ring, 6 Rocker Arm, 3 Diameter at Bottom of Shoulder, 20 Diameter at Top of Shoulder, 20 Die Holder, 12 Holder Adjustment, 28 Holder Assembly, 12 Holder Cap, 12 Replacement Adjustment, 29 Dimensions, 20 Disposal, 16, 19 INDEX Ejecting Stern, 5 Stem Adjustment, 37 Ejection, 16, 19 Feed Block, 3, 10 Finger, 3, 10, 15, 17 Finger Adjustment, 34 Motor, 1 Throat, 15, 17 Tube, 15, 17 Finish Forming Die, 16, 19 First Body Die, 13 Ejecting Stem, 14 Forming Die, 15, 18 Shoulder Die, 13 Floor Space, 1 Flow Chart, 17, 18, 19 Flywheel, 2, 4, 18 Friction, 46 Gage Care, 22 Gibs, 5 Grease, 47 Head Thickness, 20 Head to Shoulder Gage, 23 Height, 1 Hopper Motor Belt Adjustment, 30 Index Dial, 3, 6 Dial Adjustment, 25 Mechanism, 3 Indexing Mechanism, 7 Pawl, 8 Inside Diameter of Mouth, 20 Inside of Taper, 20 Large Mouth, 42 Length of Case, 20 Length of Neck, 20 Liberty Paddle Wheel Hopper, 3 Low Shoulder, 40 Lubricating Film, 46 Lubrication, 46 Chart, 49 Hints on, 48 Methods, 47 Machine Description, 1 Motor, 1 Manufacturer, 1 Mark around Case, 41 Mark on One Side of Case, 42 Marked Outside Heads, 39 Marks on Inside Head, 40 Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 48 Motor, 2 Belt Tension Adjustment, 32 Mouth Expander Punch, 13 Spreader, 15, 18 Oiling, 15, 18 Outside Diameter, 20 Diameter at Mouth, 20 Walls, 38 Over-all Length, 20 Overhead Hopper, 15, 17 Paddle Wheel, 31 Wheel Hopper, 15, 17 Pawl Arm, 8 Finger, 7 Plug Gage, 22 Punch, 11, 16, 19 Punch Adjustment, 35 Punch Holder, 12 Punch Holder Assembly, 12 Plugging Punch, 14 Pocket Depth, 20 Diameter, 20 Power, 2 Production, 1 Profile Gage, 23 Ram, 3, 5, 10, 33 Ring Gage, 22 Ring on Side of Case, 42 Rocker Arm, 18 Scored Walls, 38 Scratched Inside Walls, 39 Outside Heads, 39 Second Body Die, 14 Ejecting Stem, 14 Forming Die, 16, 18 Shoulder Die, 13 Selecting Lubricant, 47 Servicing, 45 Servicing of New Die, 44 Small Mouth, 43 Smashed Case, 43 Split Neck, 41 Station 1—15, 18 2—15, 18 3-—15, 18 4-16, 18 5—16, 19 6—16, 19 Stripper, 11 Block, 11 Finger, 11 Stroke, 1 Tools, 1 Transmission, 2 Type of Feed, 1 Variation of Shoulder Length, 43 Visual Inspection, 22 V-type Belt, 2 Weight, 1 Wrinkled Neck, 41 [50] TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Case Finish Trim BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 1941 United States Government Contract W-ORD-4.-81, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917, C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 443, 76th Congress, 3rd Session). II MANUAL CORRECTIONS—CAI.IBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM LOCATION ERROR CORRECTION Page 3—Spec Motor Speed 145 Motor Speed 1145 Page 3— ii 1 Upper line shaft Lower line shaft Page 18- ‘J 2 70% Copper and 30% Brass 70% Copper and 30% Zinc. Page 12—- 12 “below the locknuts and below top spindle ' “below the locknuts and above the top bearing” spindle bearing” TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tool Holder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Tool Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Tool Servicing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 III CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM MACHINE IV CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Catalogue Data Manufacturer Machine Description Machine Motor Type of Feed Production Spindle Speed Tools Floor Space Height Weight CATALOGUE DATA Fidelity Machine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Vertical, single spindle, trimming machine, belt driven from motor. 1.5 h.p.; 3 phase; 60 cycle; 220/440 volts; 145 R.P.M. Paddle wheel hopper mounted on machine. Belt drive countershaft to hopper pulley. 120 per minute. 4000 R.P.M. Approx. Piece No. Cutter R-6 Cutter holder N-1 Pilot N-2 3 ft. x 5 ft. 5 ft. 11 in. 1,000 lbs. CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Machine Description MACHINE DESCRIPTION The Caliber .30 Finish Trim Machine trims the case to the specified finished length. Paddle - Hopper Wheel "" Box Hopper —- Feed Pulley "' Tube Wheel .5 Hopper Line - Stand Shafts T‘ Switch -2: “ Motor OVER-ALL VIEW OF CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM MACHINE Power and The Fidelity Vertical Spindle Case Finish Trim Machine, illustrated Transmission above, is powered by a 1.5 h.p. motor. The motor is connected to the machine by V-type and flat-type leather belts through two line shafts. The two line shafts are supported, one above the other, by two metal brackets which are bolted to the concrete base at the back side of the machine. The line shafts are so placed that their longitudinal axes run parallel to the machine. The motor is mounted on a metal plate which is bolted to the floor at the rear of the machine. The motor is so placed that the motor pulley aligns with the driven pulley on the lower line shaft. The paddle wheel hopper is driven by a round leather belt connected to the pulley on the upper line shaft. The upper line shaft is driven by means of a round leather belt connected to a V-type pulley on the lower line shaft. I2] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Machine Description Power and Transmission (Cont.) Liberty Paddle Wheel Hopper Feed Block Transfer Slide Gripping Jaws Vertical Spindle Assembly Horizontal Camshaft The vertical spindle is driven by a round leather belt from the upper line shaft, across an idler pulley to a V-type pulley on the vertical spindle. The vertical camshaft is driven by a flat type leather belt from the line shaft pulley to the flywheel attached to a cross-shaft. The cross-shaft transmits the power through bevel gears to the vertical cam. The cases are fed into the hopper box, through a chute from an overhead source. The cases are picked up by a series of paddles which lift them to the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt carries the cases to an opening where they enter the feed throat head first. The cases drop head first through the feed tube, assisted by a round leather disc. The cases drop from the feed tube into a socket, located on top of the feed block assembly. The cases are held in the feed socket until the transfer slide jaws are in alignment with the feed socket. The cases drop from the feed socket into the transfer slide and are carried to the gripping jaws. The transfer slide rides on the machine bed, which acts as a bearing sur- face. The transfer slide is held in alignment by a V-shaped gib plate, bolted to the machine bed along the right side of the transfer slide. The transfer slide transfers the cases from the feed socket to the gripping jaws where the cases are trimmed. The transfer slide is actuated by a rocker arm from a cam located on the bottom of the vertical camshaft. The rocker arm is held in contact with the cam by a coil tension spring which is attached from the rocker arm to the machine frame. This allows the transfer slide to stop in case of a jam, while the spring absorbs the cam action on the rocker arm. The gripping jaws are guided in their back and forth motion by a bronze bearing block which is held in position by the vertical camshaft. The grip- ping jaws are so arranged that they encircle three sides of the bronze block. The two opposite sides fit snugly against the block, which acts as the bearing surface in their travel. The gripping jaw arm forms a right angle at the front of the bronze block and extends forward to the station- ary jaw to hold the case for the trimming operation. The vertical spindle assembly travels up and down in an adjustable dove- tail gib. The lower end is machined to hold the cutting head. The vertical spindle is actuated in its up and down stroke by an eccentric cam, which is attached to the inner end of the cross-shaft. Through two bevel gears the cross-shaft also operates the vertical camshaft. The eccentric cam is enclosed by a constant cam follower collar. The spindle shaft is driven by a round leather belt from the lower line shaft to the V-type pulley on the spindle shaft. The horizontal camshaft is held at the top of the vertical cam housing by two babbitt bearings. A pulley wheel is attached to the right end of the horizontal camshaft and is driven by a flat leather belt from the lower line shaft. A bevel gear is mounted on the center of the shaft which meshes with a bevel gear on the upper end of the vertical camshaft. An eccentric cam is attached to the left end of the horizontal camshaft and actuates the vertical stroke of the spindle. l3l CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Machine Description Vertical Camshaft The vertical camshaft is supported by and enclosed in a housing which is bolted to the machine bed. The vertical camshaft is held in alignment and rotates in two bearings. The upper bearing is a bronze bearing and the lower one is a fitted steel bearing. The lower part of the vertical camshaft housing is cut away leaving the cam exposed for the operation of the various machine parts. CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Machine Description Pulley Idler Wheel Pulley I ~\ LIBERTY PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER Liberty Paddle Wheel Hopper Hopper Pulley Conveyor Feed Tube Hopper Tube Box Wheel Belt Paddles Opening Box \ I , I INTERIOR OF PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER The Liberty paddle wheel hopper is mounted on a metal stand, which is bolted to the machine bed. The hopper is held, by the hopper stand, directly above the vertical camshaft. The hopper paddle wheel is con- nected to a hopper shaft, which extends through the back of the hopper box. A bevel gear is attached to its outer end which meshes with the bevel gear on the hopper cross-shaft. The cross-shaft is attached to the rear side of the hopper box and extends out to one side to mount a jaw type clutch and pulley wheel. The jaw type clutch is manually controlled for the application of power from the motor, through a round leather belt to the line shaft, from the line shaft through a second belt to the hopper pulley wheel. The cases are fed through a chute from an overhead source. The cases are picked up by a series of paddles, which lift them to a conveyor belt. The cases roll from the paddles, lengthwise, onto the conveyor belt. The belt conveys them to the feed tube opening where they fall head first into the feed tube mouth. The feed tube mouth is so arranged, that if a case is conveyed mouth first to the feed tube, the mouth end will overshoot the opening, allowing the case head to drop into the feed tube. l5I CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Machine Description l a Transfer Slide '””"lt;”” Feed Tube "I; _ 4 _ ’-‘ , _ . Feed Socket Gripping Jaws ._ Feed Block 1/2" Adjusting 3/5" Lock Screw Screw I/2" Adjusting Screw “ 3/3” Lock Screw FEED BLOCK ASSEMBLY Feed Block The feed block provides the support which holds the feed socket in place. The feed tube is connected to the feed socket. The cases are gravity fed through the feed tube to the feed socket. When they drop into the feed socket, the case head rests against the upper surface of the transfer slide, until the slide comes back aligning the transfer slide jaw with the feed socket. The feed block is bolted to the block base and is adjusted by means of a set screw threaded in its forward edge. [6] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Machine Description Stationary Jaw The stationary jaw is a rectangular metal block, whose face is machined and Transfer Slide to receive the case from the feed socket and allow it to be carried by the transfer slide to the gripping jaws below the vertical spindle. The sta- tionary jaws are bolted to a three armed bracket which is in turn bolted to the base block. The transfer slide is a rectangular block whose face is machined to fit the face of the stationary jaw plate, so that when the two are placed together, they form a track through which the cases travel to the gripping jaws. The transfer slide is held on top of the base block by a V-type gib arrangement which allows it to travel back and forth from the feed socket to the gripping jaws. The transfer slide is actuated in its back and forth motion by means of a rocker arm and eccentric cam. The eccen- tric cam is located on the lower end of the vertical camshaft. The rocker arm is attached at its pivotal point to the machine bed. The cam end of the rocker arm has a cam roller attached which is held in position by a coil tension spring. >l.bbIHh»~ : Vertical -—- Spindle ‘ -—- Transfer Slide 3/3" Lock Nut -" Stationary aw 1/2 " Adjusting Screw TRANSFER SLIDE AND STATIONARY JAW I7] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Machine Description Gripping .laws The gripping jaws slide back and forth in an adjustable dovetailed gib plate, which is machined in the base block. The jaws are operated in their back and forth movement by two eccentric cams located on the bottom of the vertical camshaft. The two eccentric cams are separated by a bronze bearing block which is held in place by the vertical camshaft. The grip- ping jaws are shaped to fit around three sides of the bearing block, thus guiding the gripping jaws in their back and forth stroke. A cam roller rocker arm is attached to the right side of the gripping jaw arm and ex- tends at right angles to the gripping jaw arm across the face of the upper cam. A cam follower roller is attached to the mid-point of the arm against which the upper cam rides actuating the forward stroke of the gripping jaws. The cam follower arm extends forward beyond the vertical cam housing and is held in position by a coil tension spring. The coil tension spring provides the tension of the gripping jaw against the case. The backward stroke of the gripping jaw is actuated by the lower cam on the vertical camshaft which strikes against the cam roller located on the underneath side of the gripping jaw bracket. Transfer Slide \ Gripping Jaws .__ I/2' Adjusting Screw ‘T Feed Tube Feed Socket Feed Block — 1/2" Adjusting Screw "‘ 3/5" Lock Screw Hvalti’ ’" FEED BLOCK ASSEMBLY -.-.._~i.i:.. I3] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Machine Description Vertical Spindle Assembly The vertical spindle assembly travels in an adjustable dovetail gib. The gib housing is bolted to the side of the hopper supporting stand. The upper end of the vertical spindle assembly is cut out leaving a collar which encircles the eccentric cam on the horizontal camshaft. An equalizer bar is attached in a horizontal position across the top of the cross-shaft. The equalizer bar extends forward to contact the vertical spindle shaft. A coil compression spring is placed on top of the equalizer bar and held in place by a stud. The stud is inserted through the spring and equalizer bar and is threaded into the spindle shaft. This arrangement applies a constant pressure to the spindle shaft thus restraining the shaft from floating in its bearings. The spindle shaft is a vertically supported, tapered shaft. The spindle rod is supported by, and rotates in, two bronze bearings. The lower bearing is tapered to conform to the type of the shaft. —- Eccentric Cam —-_ Vertical Spindle Assembly VERTICAL SPINDLE ASSEMBLED ON MACHINE [9] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM ' Machine Description Horizontal The horizontal camshaft is supported by, and rotates in, two babbitt Camshaft bearings which are mounted to the top of the vertical camshaft housing. The horizontal camshaft is actuated from the horizontal camshaft through two bevel gears attached to the upper end of the vertical camshaft and at the center of the horizontal camshaft. A pulley wheel is attached to the right end of the horizontal camshaft, and is driven through a flat leather belt from the lower lineshaft. An eccentric cam is attached to the left end of the horizontal camshaft which actuates the vertical spindle assembly. The bevel gears are covered by a three-piece housing for the protection of the gears. j\ ‘ . i _ii.,'->1 I _ ' Pulley WheeI—- _ J" ‘ i A Y ‘ - ‘Q ' . T ’ l . ‘ $‘4- ' £3 . Bevel Gears ' I _ . I " I / 1 - , , Eccenlnc . , Ki. ~ . ' F , _I : ' 3;; _._.f I -P- ‘ ' Cum E as; i I V ‘ Q Camshaft 1 1 Bearings HORIZONTAL CAMSHAFT AND ASSEMBLY Vertical The vertical camshaft is enclosed in a metal housing. The shaft is sup- Camshaft ported by and rotates in two bearings. The lower bearing is steel fitted while the upper bearing is made of bronze. The camshaft is powered by the horizontal camshaft through the mating bevel gears. The three eccentric cams are located on the lower end of the camshaft. The housing side is cut away allowing entry of the various cam follower arms to the cams. I10] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM MOCIIIHG Description H ;— sI§.'.’<'I’°' \ Starting Switch OVER-ALL VIEW OF CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM MACHINE Starting Switch The machine has neither clutch nor brake, so the power is controlled through an electric push button type switch. The switch is mounted on the side of the hopper stand within easy reach of the machine operator. l11l CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Tool Holder Description TOOL HOLDER DESCRIPTION Spindle Assembly Lock Spanner Nut: The lock spanner nut is placed on the top threaded end of the spindle above the adjustment spanner nut. It locks the adjustment spanner nut. Adjustment Spanner Nut: The adjustment spanner nut is located on the threaded end of the spindle, below the lock span- ner nut and the top spindle bearing. It is used to adjust the depth of the spindle, and holds the spindle shaft in the bearing. Spacer Washer: The spacer washer is positioned on the spin- dle beneath the top spindle bearing and above the top race of the ball bearing. It protects the top race from the pressure applied in the spindle adjustment; it also acts as a spacer. Ball Bearing Unit: The ball bearing unit is composed of a top and bottom race and a bearing carrier. The ball bearing unit provides the “free motion” of the spindle. Adjustment Spanner Nut: The lower adjustment spanner nut positions the ball bearing unit on the spindle. Its purpose is to take up the end play on the spindle shaft and to hold the shaft on true center. Lock Spanner Nut: The lock spanner nut locks the adjusting spanner nut. Pulley: The pulley drives the spindle by means of a round leather belt. It is held in a stationary position on the spindle by a set screw. Spindle: The spindle is a three dimensional shaft shaped as illustrated in the photograph and cross-sectional drawing on this page. The larger end is hollow to accommodate the collet. The spindle holds the parts necessary for its vertical assembly in the machine. Collet: The collet is tubular with a flanged end. It holds the cutter holder up into the bottom of the spindle shaft. Collet Sleeve: The collet sleeve holds the collet in the spindle. Its hollow, partially threaded, interior is so constructed as to cause pressure to be exerted on the collet mouth when it is tightened on the hollow end of the spindle. Cutter Holder: The cutter holder holds two cutting tools with their cutting end projecting from the lower end of the cutter holder. Each cutting tool is held in place by a washer and lock nut. A pilot, or guide, is located in its bottom end. [12] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Tool Holder Description Spindle Assembly (Cont.) Spanner Lock Nut Spclnnel‘ I-°¢I< Nut Spanner Adj. Nut Beafing Pulley Lock and Nut Washer Spindle Shaft Pilot ::'_'_'_'I::.:::_ I.[_'_.'_"_'_U I I Spanner Washer Bearing Tracer Ball Bearing Tool Holder Spanner Adjusting Nut Bearing Tracer Cutting Tools [13] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM TOOI DGSCFIPIIOI1 TOOL DESCRIPTION Tool Name: Cutter Holder Piece N0.: N-1 Location: On end of spindle Normal Life: Indefinite Cutter holder is made of tool steel, ground and polished. Tool Name: Cutter CUTTER HOLDER Piece N 0.: R-6 Location: In cutter holder on spindle Normal Life: 17,914 pieces Q Cutter is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and . polished. CUTTER Tool Name: Pilot Piece N0.: N-2 Location: In cutter holder on spindle Normal Life: 50,000 pieces PILOT Pilot is made of tool steel, ground and polished. l14l CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Process Sequence Overhead Hopper Paddle Wheel Hopper Conveyor Belt Feed Throat Feed Tube Transfer Slide Spindle and Cutter Head Eiecting and Disposal PROCESS SEQUENCE The cases are fed by gravity from an overhead source into the overhead hopper, then through a feed pipe down into the paddle wheel hopper. The cases flow down an incline into the bottom of the paddle wheel hop- per, passing under the baffle plate to the paddle wheel. The paddle wheel rotates clockwise and the paddles pick up the cases and convey them up to the top of the hopper where they roll off onto the conveyor belt. The cases are conveyed horizontally, in single file, to the adjustable feed throat at the end of the conveyor belt. A leather friction disc is located in the feed throat, behind the conveyor belt pulley. The feed throat is partly cut away to accommodate the disc which assists the cases through the feed throat into the mouth of the feed tube. Because the head end of the case is the heavier end, the case goes down the feed tube head first. The cases flow by gravity through the brass feed tube, into the bushing, where they stop in an upright position, and rest on top of the transfer slide. The transfer slide moves back to receive the case. The case then drops into the receiving grooves of the stationary jaw and transfer slide, resting head down on the base block. The transfer slide moves in to convey the case, in an upright position, to the cutting station. The case stops in the trim slot located in the face of the stationary jaw, directly in line under the vertical spindle and cutter head. The gripping jaw moves in, holding the case firmly while the transfer slide moves back to its receiving posi- tion. As the transfer slide moves backward, the case rests in the ejection groove on the end of the slide. The spindle moves down, the pilot of the cutter head enters the mouth of the case, and the revolving cutters trim the case to the proper length. As the spindle moves up, the gripping jaw moves back, releasing the case, and the transfer slide starts to move in, conveying the next case into the trim slot. The trimmed case is held in an upright position by the groove in the end of the transfer slide and, as the slide moves in, is ejected into a chute down to a conveyor under the machine. The scrap trimmings are blown by air through a chute and down into a truck. I15] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Process Sequence FLOW CHART Overhead Hopper Cases are gravity fed from an overhead source, down through a feed pipe to the paddle wheel hopper. Power is furnished by 1 1%; h.p. motor through flat leather belt to lower jackshaft. Paddle Wheel Hopper Cases flow down an incline into bottom of paddle wheel hopper, passing under baflie plate to paddle wheel. Cases are picked up by paddles and carried to top of hopper, where they roll onto a conveyor belt. Paddle wheel is powered through bevel gears, shaft, pulley, round leather belt, upper jack shaft round leather belt to lower jackshaft. Conveyor Belt Conveys cases, single file, in a horizontal position, to end of belt where they fall off, head end first, into ad- justable feed throat. Powered through shaft pul- ley round leather belt, upper jackshaft round leather belt to lower jackshaft. Feed Throat Cases are assisted through feed throat by revolving leather friction disc and then drop into case feed tube. Leather disc is powered from pulley, round leather belt, to upper jackshaf t, round leather belt, to lower jack- shaft. Brass Feed Tube Cases flow by gravity through brass feed tube into a bushing, where they stop in an upright position, rest- ing on top of transfer slide. Transfer Slide Moves back to receive case. Case then drops into re- ceiving grooves of stationary jaw and transfer slide, resting head down on base block. Transfer slide moves in conveying case to cutting station. Case stops in trim slot in alignment under vertical spindle and cutter head. Grip jaw moves in holding case firmly, while transfer slide moves back to its receiv- ing position to get another case. I Transfer slide is powered by cam arm, cam, vertical cam- shaft, bevel gears, horizontal camshaft, pulley, flat leather belt to lower jackshaft. Grip jaw is actuated by com- pound spring action through cam arm, cam, vertical cam- shaft, bevel gears, horizontal camshaft, pulley, flat leather belt to lower jackshaft. [16] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Process Sequence FLOW CHART (Cont.) Spindle is powered by round I — leather belt to lower jack- Spindle and Gutter Head shaft‘ As the spindle moves down, the pilot of the cutter head enters mouth of case and revolving cutter trims the case to its proper length. Cutter head is powered by face cam, horizontal cam- shaft, pulley, flat leather belt to lower jackshaft. Ejecting and Disposal As spindle moves up, grip jaw releases the case while transfer slide moves in, ejecting trimmed case through a chute onto a conveyor and then conveys another case to the cutting station and repeats the above operation. CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The component when received by the finish trim machine is in the form of a case as shown in Fig. 1. The case is made of brass (70% copper, 30% brass). The closed end of the case is known as the head and the open end as the mouth. The cases are received by the Finish Trim Department from the Washing Department where they are washed and dried. The cases are delivered to the Washing Department from the taper and plug machine. The dimensions of the case are as follows: Before finish trim operation Over-all length 2.6519-2.6570 Inside diameter of mouth .307 0—.3078 Outside diameter of mouth .3373 Length of case from case head to bottom of shoulder 1.9500—1.9558 Diameter at the bottom of the shoulder .4330-—.4385 Diameter at the top of the shoulder .3393 After finish trim operation Over-all length 2.47 93—2.4883 Inside diameter of mouth .3070—.3078 Outside diameter of mouth .3373 Length of case from case head to bottom of shoulder 1.9500—1.9558 Diameter at the bottom of the shoulder .4330—.4385 Diameter at the top of the shoulder .3393 After the final trim operation (See Fig. 2), the cases are sent to the anneal- ing machine for the mouth and neck anneal. FIG. 1 BEFORE FINISH TRIM FIG. 2 AFTER FINISH TRIM [18] CALIBER .30. CASE FINISH TRIM Inspection Visual Gage Care Gages INSPECTION At frequent intervals, after the trimming operation, a careful visual inspection of the cases must be made. The cases should be inspected for dents on the head and the body, also for inside and outside burrs on the mouth, and for long and short cases. These defects indicate the necessity of an immediate adjustment of the machine is necessary in order to cor- rect the fault. Whenever defective cases are found, the lot from which they come must be removed from the machine and properly identified, so they will not be mixed with good cases. Gages are expensive instruments, machined to a fine precision. Improper use, or carelessness in gaging may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may affect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be employed in matching a case to a gage. A protected location should be used for storage of gages to prevent their damage when not in use. The most accurate checks are made when the cases are cool since heat causes expansion of the metal and results in a temporary variation in the case size. PLUG GAGE (First Case Trim) The length of the case is checked with a notch plug gage which indicates the standard maxi- mum and minimum length. This gage also checks the case for inside burr. SNAP LENGTH GAGE (Second Case Trim) The length of the case is checked with a snap length gage which indi- cates the standard maximum and minimum length. The above described inspection methods are those most commonly em- ployed in the manufacture of Caliber .50 First and Second Case Trim. However, other methods may be developed to maintain the manufactur- ing standards. [19] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Adjustments Objective Cautions ADJUSTMENTS To maintain satisfactory production a machine must be adjusted to com- pensate for the wear of its tools and other working parts, and to meet new conditions caused by a difference in material. It is necessary to inspect the machine and components regularly in order that any troubles may be detected and corrected immediately. This section of the manual, with its illustrations, photographs, and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all of the machine troubles that will be en- countered, therefore certain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. A thorough analysis of the trouble will indi- cate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. The machine and surrounding floor space must be clean and free from all foreign objects at all times. No adjustments are to be made on this machine while it is in motion or until the handwheel has stopped. Adjustments on or near the rotary cutter require extreme care to prevent injury to the adjuster’s hands. In order to insure proper adjustment of the machine and alignment of its tools, always turn the machine over by hand before engaging clutch. Safety guards must be in their proper place on the machine except when repairs or inspections are being made. ' Inspect the machine periodically during the day’s run to determine whether or not all connections and adjustments are secure. I20] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Adjustments I Feed Socket The feed socket receives the case from the feed tube. The case drops from the feed socket into the hole in the stationary jaw and the transfer slide. If the feed socket is not in line with the transfer slide and stationary jaw, the cases will not drop into position to be carried to the cutter. The re- ceiving block can be adjusted to the right or left and forward or backward to move the feed socket to its proper position. . - Q: P; ' ‘Uh . "'v.“r_r-.. ‘ I —-—- Feed Block 3/" Lock Screw A II * . . ‘ .- I , ; -_ 8 i ’ \ 1/2" Adjusting Screw 1/2" Adjusting Screw \ 3/3 " Lock Sctew FEED SOCKET ASSEMBLY Tools: %" wrench, %" wrench. Procedure: 1. Open the flywheel guard and turn the flywheel until the transfer slide is at its extreme backward position. Close the flywheel guard. 2. Remove the feed tube by releasing the bayonet connection at the feed throat and lifting the tube from the feed socket. 3. Place a test case in the feed socket, mouth up. (To adjust the feed socket to the left or right) 4. Use a % " wrench to loosen the lock screw on the right side of the feed block. 5. Use a %” wrench to turn the adjusting screw at the right of the feed block until the case in the feed socket falls easily into the hole in the transfer slide and the stationary jaw. [21] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Adjustments Procedure: (Cont.) 10. Tighten the lock screw on the right end of the receiving block. (To adjust the feed socket forward or backward) Use a %" wrench to loosen the lock screw on top of the receiving block. Use a V2 ” wrench to turn the adjusting screw in front of the receiving block until the case falls easily into the hole in the transfer slide and the stationary jaw. Tighten the lock screw on top of the receiving block. Replace the feed tube. [22] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Adjustments Transfer Slide The transfer slide conveys the case from the receiving station to the cut- ting station. It is necessary that the concave portion of the transfer slide be in line with the concave portion of the stationary jaw to form the re- ceiving station for the case. Tools: Procedure: —" Transfer Slide -— Spring -- Pin _ 11/16” Retaining Nut ‘ '>-'' Connecting Link TRANSFER SLIDE ASSEMBLY 1/2" wrench, 1%," wrench. 1. 2. 11. Remove the spring from the transfer slide rocker arm by unhooking it from the pin on the connecting link. Open the flywheel guard and turn the flywheel until the rocker arm is at its extreme backward position. Close the flywheel guard. Remove the feed tube by releasing the bayonet connection at the feed throat and lifting it from the feed socket. Use a Kg” wrench to loosen the pin on the connecting link. Use an 1%” wrench to loosen the retaining nut on the connecting link. . Pivot the connecting link to move the concave portion of the transfer slide in line with the concave portion of the stationary jaw. Hold the connecting link in position and tighten the connecting link retaining nut. Tighten the pivot pin on the connecting link. . Replace the spring on the pivot pin. 10. To replace the feed tube, first, insert the feed tube into the feed socket; then fasten it onto the feed throat. Operate the machine and observe the action of the transfer slide. l 23 I CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Adjustments Stationary Jaw The case is carried along the stationary jaw from the receiving station to the cutting station. The stationary jaw must be adjusted to hold the case directly beneath the pilot on the tool holder for the trimming operation. .,'-~_ I a l L 4- A 0 I A A 0 -0 A 3/8" ,'.ocI< Nut._____ Stationary Jaw __ 1/2 " Adjusting TRANSFER SLIDE AND STATIONARY JAW Tools: %" wrench, 1/2" wrench. Procedure: 1. Place a test case in the feed tube. Open the flywheel guard and turn the flywheel until the pilot on the tool holder is directly above the mouth of the case. Close the flywheel guard. I 2. Use a % ” wrench to loosen the lock screw on the adjustable gib behind the transfer slide. 3. Loosen the lock screw on the stationary jaw with a % " wrench. 4. Use a %" wrench to turn the stationary jaw adjusting screw to the right or left whichever is necessary to align the mouth of the case with the pilot on the tool holder. 5. Tighten the lock screw on the stationary jaw. 6. Press the adjustable gib against the transfer slide and tighten the lock screw on the gib. 7. Open the flywheel guard and turn the flywheel until the test case is ejected; at the same time observe whether or not the pilot enters the mouth of the case. Close the flywheel guard. [24] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Adjustments Gripping Jaw (Bumper Screw) The gripping jaw is forced against the case by cam and spring action. The spring pressure is adjusted by adjusting the bumper screw against the movable arm connected to the gripping jaw assembly. Tools: Procedure: CLOSE-UP SHOWING BUMPER SCREW 1%" wrench, %” steel rod. 1. Remove the transfer slide spring by releasing it from the pivot pin on the connecting link. Open the flywheel guard and turn the flywheel until the gripping jaw is at its extreme backward position. Close the guard. Use a 11%” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the bumper screw. Use a %” steel rod to turn the bumper screw against the movable arm until there is a slight tension on the spring. Replace the spring on the pivot pin. [25] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Adiustments Gripping Jaw Adjusting Screw Gripping Jaw Tools: Procedure: The gripping jaw holds the case firmly in position at the cutting station. When there is a case at the cutting station and the gripping jaw is all the way forward, there should be about %" clearance between the bumper screw and the movable arm connected to the gripping jaw assembly. The clearance at this point is determined by adjustment of the gripping jaw. I 1. 1-’ ';' Retaining Nut --—- - . VIEW SHOWING GRIPPING JAW 3 3" wrench, screwdriver. 1. Release the transfer slide spring from the pivot pin on the connecting link. Place a test case at the cutting station. Open the flywheel guard and turn the flywheel until the gripping jaw is at its forward position. Observe the clearance between the movable arm and the bumper screw; there should be a clearance of %;” at this point. Use a %" wrench to loosen the retaining nut on the gripping jaw. Use a screwdriver to turn the adjusting screw until the desired clear- ance exists between the bumper screw and the movable arm. Tighten the retaining nut against the gripping jaw. Remove the test case and replace the spring on the pivot pin. I 26‘ I CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Adjustments Spindle Shaft The spindle shaft rotates the cutters which trim the case. It is mounted on two bronze bushings. The bottom bushing is tapered and the shaft can be raised to eliminate any play caused by wear of the bushings. Trimmed cases of varying lengths indicate a loose spindle shaft. I Lock Spanner Nut i Adjusting Spanner __~ I Nut . I Spanner Nuts -___ 5 Tools: Procedure: 1. 2. 3. 5'9‘ Belt CLOSE-UP OF SPINDLE ASSEMBLY Screwdriver, two spanner wrenches. Use a screwdriver to loosen the guard screws and remove the guard. Remove the belt from the spindle pulley. Use a spanner wrench to loosen the spanner nuts directly above the spindle pulley. Use a spanner wrench to loosen the spanner lock nut on top of the spindle shaft. Turn the spanner adjusting nut directly above the top- spindle shaft bracket until the spindle fits snugly into the tapered bushing. Hold the adjusting nut in place and tighten the lock nut. Tighten the spanner nuts above the pulley. (The upper spanner nut should be tightened against the thrust bearing until the racer fits snugly against the bearing. The lower nut should be tightened against the upper one). Check the adjustment by rotating the spindle by hand. (The spindle shaft should not have any up or down play, but should rotate easily). Replace the belt on the spindle pulley. Replace the guard and tighten the guard screws. I27] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Adjustments Spindle Cutter The cutter trims the case at the mouth to the correct length. If the trimmed case is too short or too long, the spindle assembly can be raised or lowered. Spanner Nut Clamp Screw / VERTICAL SPINDLE ASSEMBLED ON MACHINE Tools: Screwdriver, spanner wrench. Procedure: 1. Operate the machine and check the length of the case. 2. Use a screwdriver to loosen the screw on the clamp that holds the spin- dle adjusting screw. 3. Use a spanner wrench to turn the spindle adjusting screw thereby raising or lowering the spindle assembly. To shorten the trimmed cases, turn the adjusting screw counterclockwise and lower the spindle assembly. To increase the length of the finished case, turn the ad- justing screw clockwise and raise the spindle assembly. 4. Tighten the clamp screw. 5. Operate the machine and check the length of the trimmed case. Read- .lust if necessary. [28] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM ' Adiustments Spindle Assembly A spring located above the equalizing bar on a rod connected to the spin- Tension dle assembly holds a tension on the spindle assembly. Variation in the trimmed cases may be caused by the springs being too loose. The tension can be increased by turning the nut above the spring. - I ...¢.'A44vawee-.¢__,,§._t i '\ (y i SPINDLE ASSEMBLY TENSION SPRING Tool: V ” wrench. Procedure: 1. Open the flywheel guard and turn the flywheel until the spindle is at its lowest position. Close the flywheel guard. 2. Use a '/8” wrench to loosen the lock nut on top of the spring rod. 3. Use a %" wrench to turn the adjusting nut until there is about V8” clearance between the spring washer and the equalizing bar. [29] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Adjustments Hopper The conveyor belt carries the cases from the paddle wheel to the feed Conveyor Belt throat. If the belt becomes loose, a knurled pulley can be adjusted to increase the tension of the belt. Tool: "/16” wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a V16” wrench to loosen the capscrew on the idler pulley bracket. 2. Raise the idler pulley bracket until the conveyor belt is taut. 3. Hold the bracket in position and tighten the nut on the bracket. Conveyor Idler Cap Adjusting Nut Idler Belt Pulley Screw Bracket Located Behind Bracket Pulley | t H l / I} L‘ HOPPER CONVEYOR BELT AND IDLER PULLEY VERTICAL SPINDLE AND BELT DRIVE Spindle Shaft The spindle shaft is driven by a round belt. The tension of the belt is ad- Belt justed by raising the idler pulley. Tool: 7/3" wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 7/8 " wrench to loosen the nut on the idler pulley. 2. Raise the idler pulley until the belt is taut. 3. Hold the idler pulley in position and tighten the nut. [30] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Troubles and Corrections Objective Scratches on the Inside Mouth of Case Burred Mouth TROUBLES AND CORRECTIONS The adjuster will encounter many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may confront an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. The following troubles can be recognized by visual and gage inspection of the component, together with constant observation of the machine as it operates.~ Visual inspection reveals that the inside mouth of the case has become scratched or marred. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Excessive accumulation of brass 1. Remove the pilot and polish off . Foreign matter. on the surface of the pilot. The mouth of the case at the cutting station is not aligned with the pilot. . Oversize pilot. The pilot is too large and will cause a skinned mouth on the case. There is for- eign matter such as dirt, chips and scrap around the pilot and cutting surfaces. the brass accumulation with fine emery cloth. . To align the case with the pilot, adjust the stationary jaw by loosening the capscrew and turning the stationary jaw ad- justing screw. . Remove the oversize pilot and replace with a new pilot. Re- turn the oversize pilot to the Tool Servicing Department. . Remove the pilot and clean away all foreign matter. Visual inspection reveals that the mouth of the case has become burred or has a ragged fragment of brass adhering to the outer edge. The causes are: 1. The cutter is not seated or adjusted properly. 2. The edge of the cutter has be- come dull. The corrections are: 1. Loosen the clamp screw on the cutter and allow the cutter to seat on the pilot. Tighten the clamp screw, locking cutter se- curely in place. . Remove the dull cutter from the holder and replace with a sharp cutter. Return the dull cutter to the Tool Servicing Department to be resharpened. [31] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Troubles and Corrections Uneven Case Length Irregular Mouth Gaging discloses that the cases are either too long or too short to meet specifications. The causes are: 1. Foreign matter. There is dirt or scrap under the cutting sta- tion which causes the case to rise. . Spindle out of adjustment. This is caused by play in the spindle shaft. . Improper air pressure. Too much air pressure will force the case upward. The gripping jaw gibs become loose and cause the case to rise at the cutting station. The corrections are: 1. Clean the foreign matter from the cutting station insert. 2. Adjust the spindle by tighten- ing the spanner nuts on the top of the spindle shaft, drawing the spindle shaft farther up into the tapered bushing. . Decrease the air pressure by turning the air valve, so that the case will seat firmly on the base block. . Call the Maintenance Depart- ment to tighten the gibs. Visual inspection reveals that the mouth of the case is irregular, it has ragged edges or a wavy mouth. The causes are: 1. Spindle out of adjustment. This is caused by play in the spindle shaft. . Foreign matter. There is dirt, scrap and oil in the cutting sta- tion. . The edge of the cutter has be- come dull. . The gripping jaw is out of ad- justment and does not hold case in the cutting station securely. The corrections are: 1. Adjust the spindle by tighten- ing the spanner nuts on the top of the spindle shaft, drawing the spindle shaft farther up into the tapered bushing. . Remove all foreign matter from the cutting station. . Remove the dull cutter and re- place with a sharp cutter. Re- turn the dull cutter to the Tool Servicing Department to be re- sharpened. . Advance the gripping jaw so that it will grip the case more firmly. Loosen the lock screw, turn the adjusting screw to ad- vance the gripping jaw. Tight- en the lock screw firmly. CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Troubles and Corrections Incomplete Trim Visual inspection discloses that the case is not completely trimmed, either leaving a ring of brass or having dents around the mouth of the case. and Dents on Mouth Mouth of Case Mashed Improper Feed of Cases from Hopper or Feed Tube or Machine The causes are: 1. A broken spindle drive belt will cause spindle to stop rotating. The thrust bearings in the spin- dle loosen up and cause the spindle to freeze and stop ro- tating. . Loose spindle belt will cause irregular spindle motion. . The gripping jaw does not hold the case firmly for the cutting operation. The corrections are: 1. 2. Replace with a new belt. Loosen the spanner nuts on top of the spindle, free spindle from tapered bushing, lubricate the bushing and adjust the spindle shaft so the spindle will rotate freely. Tighten the spanner nuts. . Tighten the spindle belt idler pulley. . Loosen the lock screw and turn the adjusting screw bringing the gripping jaw forward so that it will grip the case more firmly. Tighten the lock screw firmly holding the gripping jaw. Visual inspection reveals that the mouth of the case has become mashed by the pilot striking it improperly. The causes are: 1. The transfer slide is out of ad- justment and fails to bring the case in alignment with the pilot. The cutter tool holder is slip- ping in the collet. The corrections are: 1. Adjust the transfer slide by loosening the nut on the con- necting link and change posi- tion of transfer slide to align it with the stationary jaw. . To prevent cutter tool holder from slipping, tighten the span- ner nut which holds the tool holder in the collet. Visual inspection discloses that the cases are not properly feeding through hopper or feed tube to the machine. This will result in loss of production. The causes are: 1. Hopper overloaded with cases. Foreign matter. There is dirt and chips in the feed tube. Conveyor belt is loose and does not convey cases properly into the feed tube. The corrections are: 1. Remove excess supply of cases from hopper. . Remove feed tube and clean. . Tighten the belt by adjusting the knurled idler pulley. [33] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Troubles and Corrections l Improper Feeding of Cases through Machine Visual inspection discloses that the cases are not properly feeding under the spindle and cutter. The corrections are: 1. Align the transfer slide and the The causes are: 1. Stationary jaw and transfer slide out of alignment. . Defective cases or lack of cases in the feed tube will cause jam- ming or bouncing at the trans- fer slide. . Cases with thick heads will stick in the insert station. stationary jaw by loosening bolts on connecting link and changing position of the trans- fer slide. . Clear cause of jam and fill the feed tube with cases. Check the hopper for the proper flow or cases. . Remove defective case and check source of supply. Call the inspector. CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM TOOI Servicing TOOL SERVICING Curruvo E-06¢‘ CH/P (‘wave DRAWING SHOWING ANGLES TO WHICH TOOL IS SHARPENED Cutter 1. The Caliber .30 Case Finish Trim uses a lathe tool cutter bit about @115" square and V8 ” long. There is a front clearance of about 6°, a chip curve and a cutting edge that is tapered about 6°. 2. When the cutter becomes dull, it will not completely trim the cases. 3. Whenever the cutting edge becomes dull, it must be replaced with a new or reconditioned one. i ! MIR” . ' ‘ - I ‘ “ II . IY I 1 IT 1 I l 1.. .->.. /0 ' I I‘ . fatal‘-IAY »”T"5l " ' VIEW SHOWING APPROVED METHOD or GRINDING CUTTER I 35 I CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Tool Servicing Reconditioning Cutter 1. Reconditioning of cutters is to take place in the tool shop. When a cutter is turned in to the tool shop for reconditioning, it is reground according to the specification and the direction indicated on the blue print for that cutter. Each grinder will remove about .002" and leave a new cutting edge. Under normal conditions this tool can be reconditioned ten or fifteen times. The cutter can be ground on a surface grinder. The grinding wheel should be a crystolon vitrified type, grain 120, grade P., structure 8, which is a soft grinding wheel. Surface speed of surface grinder is fixed at between 2750 F.P.M. and 3000 F.P.M. which is suflicient speed for this type of work. If the grinding wheel feed exceeds .0003", the metal will be distorted due to its hardness. r *‘ - U \ VIEW SHOWING WRONG METHOD OF GRINDING CUTTER I36] ‘. CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Beafings MACHINE LUBRICATION The efficiency of every machine depends to a great extent upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction, as far as we are con- cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite—tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [37] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. Load on the shaft or slide. Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. Constant or intermittent operation. Cleanliness of surroundings. Temperature of surroundings. .‘49‘.°‘!F‘.°°.l\'> Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. 7q.°°$"t'>‘.¢*-"PD Frequency of lubrication. I 38 l CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: 1. Simple oil hole. Bottle oiler. Ring oiler. Plain oil cups. Drop feed cups. Wick feed cups. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 9°.‘q9‘P‘!P“.°°.N Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. 1. Screw down cups. 2. Compression cups. 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrication”. Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places; in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times—except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. I39] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART Lubricant Machine Part N 0. of Fittings, Grease Cups, etc. Frequency of Lubrication H ours LIGHT GREASE (Blue Gun) Driveshaft Q Q Q I a 0 Q Q 0 0 LIGHT OIL (Brown Oiler) J ackshaft for hopper drive Hopper gear housing and bearing Idler pulley on conveyor belt Conveyor belt pulley . . . . . . Horizontal jackshaft assembly Vertical jackshaft . . . Cutting head cam assembly . . . Gibs on transverse gripper bar Gripper bar rocker arm . . . . . Clutch pulley . . . . . . . . . Spindle pulley bearings . . . . . Cam rollers . . . . . . . . . . Head assembly vertical gib plates Feed finger gib and guide plates . l\')[\'.)0Ql\')I—-‘I--*l\D[\'J|\'JO'>I-‘I-*00I\'J OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I40] CALIBER .30 CASE FINISH TRIM Index Adjustment, Feed Socket, 21 Gripping Jaw, 26 Gripping Jaw, Bumper Screw, 25 Hopper Conveyor Belt, 30 Spanner Nut, 12 Spindle Assembly Tension, 29 Spindle Cutter, 28 Spindle Shaft, 27 Spindle Shaft Belt, 30 Stationary Jaw, 24 Transfer Slide, 23 Anti-friction Bearings, 37 Ball Bearing Unit, 12 Burred Mouth, 31 Camshaft, 3 Horizontal, 3, 10 Vertical, 4, 5, 8, 10 Collet, 12 Sleeve, 12 Conveyor Belt, 3, 15, 16 Cross Shaft, 5, 9 Cutter, 14, 35 Head, 15, 17 Holder, 12, 14 Dents on Mouth, 33 Diameter at Bottom of Shoulder, 18 Diameter at Top of Shoulder, 18 Disposal, 15, 17 Ejecting, 15, 17 Feed Block, 3, 6 Socket, 3, 6 Socket Adjustment, 21 Throat, 15, 16 Tube, 3, 6, 15, 16, 21 Tube Mouth, 5 INDEX Floor Space, 1 Flow Chart, 16, 17 Friction, 37 Gage Care, 19 Grease, 38 Gripping Jaw Adjustment, 26 Jaw, Bumper Screw, Adjustment, 25 Jaws, 3, 8 Height, 1 Hopper Conveyor Belt Adjustment, 30 Idler Pulley, 2 Improper Feed of Cases, 33, 34 Incomplete Trim on Mouth, 33 Inside Diameter of Mouth, 18 Irregular Mouth, 32 Length of Case from Case Head to Bottom of Shoulder, 18 Liberty Paddle Wheel Hopper, 3, 5 Line Shaft, 2, 3 Lock Spanner Nut, 12 Lubricating Film, 37 Lubrication, 37 Chart, 40 Hints on, 39 Methods, 38 Machine Motor, 1 Manufacturer, 1 Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 39 Motor, 2 Mouth of Case Mashed, 33 Outside Diameter of Mouth, 18 Over-all Length, 18 Overhead Hopper, 15, 16 Paddle Wheel Hopper, 2, 15, 16 Pilot, 14 Plug Gage, 19 Power, 2, 16 Production, 1 Pulley, 12 Reconditioning Cutter, 36 Rocker Arm, 3, 7 Scratches on Inside Mouth of Case, 31 Selecting a Lubricant, 38 Snap Length Gage, 19 Spacer Washer, 12 Spindle, 12, 15, 17 Assembly, 12, 13 Assembly Tension Adjustment, 29 Cutter Adjustment, 28 Shaft, 3, 9 Shaft Adjustment, 27 Shaft Belt Adjustment, 30 Speed, 1 Starting Switch, 11 Stationary Jaw, 7 Jaw Adjustment, 24 Tools, 1 Transfer Slide, 3, 7, 15, 16, 21 Slide Adjustment, 23 Transmission, 2 Type of Feed, 1 Uneven Case Length, 32 V-belt, 2 Vertical Spindle Assembly, 3, 9 Visual Inspection, 19 Washing Department, 18 Weight, 1 [41] TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Case Inspection Machine BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 1941 United States Government Contract W-ORD-481. Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917 , C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217 . Act of March 28, 1940 ; Public No. 443, 7 6th Congress, 3rd Session). II TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Product Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Index . . . . . . . . . . . 23 III CALIBER .30 FIDELITY CASE INSPECTION MACHINE IV CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Catalogue Data Manufacturer Machine Description Machine Motor Type of Feed Feed Motor Production Height Weight Floor Space CATALOGUE DATA Fidelity Machine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Fidelity Horizontal Twin Spiral Conveyor Ma- chine. Single V belt drive, motor to driveshaft, drive shaft through spur gears to conveyor shaft. M h.p.; single phase; 60 cycle; 115—230 volts; 1140 R.P.M. Liberty Paddle Wheel hopper. % h.p.; single phase; 60 cycle; 115-230 volts; 1140 R.P.M. Average 45 per minute. 6 ft. 1000 lbs. 5 ft. x 4 ft. CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Machine Description MACHINE DESCRIPTION The Caliber .30 Case Inspection Machine rotates the case in a nearly vertical position along a horizontally placed screw conveyor permitting an operator to visually inspect each case. Hopper Pulley Hopper Box Wheel Paddle Wheel Housing Clutch Lever CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Power and The Fidelity Inspection Machine, illustrated above, is powered by a Transmission % h.p. motor through a V-type belt connecting the motor to the drive- shaft. The machine is mounted on a metal stanchion which is bolted to the floor. The hopper is held directly above the machine bed on a support- ing stand which is part of the machine frame. The motor is mounted on a stand at the rear of the machine frame. Power is supplied from the motor through a V-type belt to the driveshaft. The power is supplied from the driveshaft pulleys through round leather belts to the hopper and the spiral conveyor screws. [2] CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Machine Description _ Pulley Wheel __ Conveyor —- Belt SIDE VIEW OF PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER Paddle Wheel The cases are fed into the hopper box, through a chute from an overhead Hopper source. The cases are picked up by a series of paddles which lift them to the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt carries the cases to an opening where they pass from the conveyor belt into the feed throat. The cases enter the feed throat, head first, and drop by gravity through the feed tube to the worm conveyor shafts. Paddle Wheel §:|r; veyor Paddles Hopper Box INTERIOR VIEW OF PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER [3] CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Machine Description Defective Case Gate Feed Gate —— Feed Tube “" Gate Shoulder VIEW OF THE CASE GATE The defective case gate is located in the feed tube just above the feed tube mouth. As the cases descend through the feed tube to the spiral conveyor shafts, they enter the defective case gate. The gate is equipped with a spring finger which stops any cases that may have bent mouths which would bind the case in the feed gate. The spring finger is mounted on the movable section of the case gate. The defective case gate housing con- tains a movable portion of the feed tube which may be swung out to remove a faulty or jammed case. As the gate moves out, the cases in the upper portion of the feed tube are held in place by the shoulder of the gate. When the faulty case has been removed, the gate is swung back into position, allowing the cases to continue to flow through the feed tube. ‘ Spring Finger _§q\— CLOSE-UP or THE c/xss GATE I 4 l CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Machine Description Pulley Wheel Driveshaft Feed Tube FRONT VIEW SHOWING DRIVESHAFT The driveshaft is held by, and rotates in, two fitted bearings. The shaft is held in a horizontal position between the hopper supporting shaft and a machined arm which extends from the supporting shaft. The cross-shaft is located below the hopper and just above the machine bed. The drive- shaft contains the main drive pulley, the hopper pulley and the pulley wheel which drives the spiral conveyor shafts. [5] CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Machine Description Pulley __ , i - " '_ --—Dog CIIIQCII -—- Clutch Lever Pulley Wheel N. REAR VIEW SHOWING DRIVESHAFT LOCATION Clutch The driveshaft is equipped with a dog clutch which is manually operated by a clutch lever. The clutch is mounted on the left end of the driveshaft and controls power to the spiral conveyor shafts. The clutch lever extends downward to the left end of the machine bed. When the clutch is engaged, the spiral conveyor is actuated carrying the case across to the feed chute leading to the conveyor belt. I6l CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Machine Description \ — Dog Clutch " Clutch Lever Pulley Wheel -— I I I ; ~l r 4 ’ VIEW SHOWING CLUTCH ASSEMBLY Spiral Conveyor The two spiral conveyor shafts hold the cases in a nearly vertical position Shafts and carry them across the machine bed. Two mirrors are arranged, one above the case mouth, and the other below the case head, an arrangement which permits the operator to inspect the interior of the case and the case head, visually. The conveyor screws are driven by a set of interlocking spur gears at the left end of the machine. Power is transmitted from the driveshaft pulley to a pulley wheel mounted on a cross-shaft at the rear of the gear box. The right end of the cross-shaft has a spur gear attached which meshes with two other spur gears, one of which is attached to the left end of the conveyor screws. As the cases reach the end of the conveyor shaft, they are counted by a recording meter and dropped into the chute leading to the conveyor belt. [7] CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Machine Description / Counter P II ‘’ viléi -; Case -—- Mouth Mirror Feed _, Tube - Long ‘ '_ Case Upper Indicator Conveyor " Shah Lower _, , _ . . __ . _ C°'"SshY<;' . - . . - ~. - '.-; - . A at __ _, ._ ' .> _ ., _ H _ _ .~ ‘ Case ‘ ' Head Mirror FRONT VIEW OF THE MACHINE Mirror Showmg ’ Mouths of Cases Long - Case Indicator Cases Moving l\hong _- the , , ‘ Conveyor * .» . ... D V ' L_,» ;; Sham " . I ,.m - ' " ‘ r‘ C-—I:';‘"li " Mirror ‘ __ Showing Heads of Cases VIEW SHOWING CASES ON THE CONVEYOR SHAFTS [8] CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Process Sequence Overhead Hopper Liberty Paddle Wheel Hopper Feed Tube Spiral Conveyor Shafts Inspection Mirrors Case Inspection and Disposal PROCESS SEQUENCE The cases are gravity fed from a truck or conveyor into the overhead hopper, and drop through a feed pipe which has a control gate, into the Liberty paddle wheel hopper. The cases are picked up by the paddles on the rotating paddle wheel and dropped onto a conveyor belt. The conveyor belt carries the cases to the feed throat. Because of the construction of the feed throat, and because the head of the case has more weight than the mouth, the cases drop “mouth up” through the feed throat. The cases are assisted in their travel through the feed throat by a leather disc mounted on the inside face of the conveyor belt pulley. After the cases pass through the feed throat, they fall by gravity through a feed tube mounted from the lower end of the feed throat to a casting above the spiral conveyor shafts. The cases fall onto the spiral conveyor shafts which are mechanically rotated and which carry the cases in view of the operator. The heads of the cases rest on a feed track, and as they are conveyed by the spiral shafts, they rotate thus making it possible for the operator to inspect the entire walls of the cases for scratches or dents. Mounted above and below the spiral shafts are inspection mirrors. The mirrors are mounted at an angle which makes it possible for the operator to inspect the mouth and the primer pocket for defects. Defective cases are removed by the operator from the spiral conveyor shafts and are placed, according to the defect, into various compartments in front of the machine. Cases that are too long are stopped by a detector arm mounted above the spiral conveyor shafts and the cases are removed by the operator. The good cases are allowed to travel the length of the conveyor shafts, past a counter which records the number of cases, and then drop into a tube, and are carried by gravity to a container. \ CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Process Sequence Overhead Case Hopper Feed Pipe Paddle Wheel Hopper FLOW CHART Feed Tube Spiral Conveyor Shaft Good Cases Defective Cases Container Container [10] CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The caliber .30 case, when delivered to the case visual inspection machine from the mouth and neck anneal, is a semi-finished case as shown in Figure 1. Mouth: The open end of the case is known as the mouth. Neck: The neck is that portion of the case between the mouth and shoulder. Shoulder: The shoulder is the tapered portion of the case adjacent to the neck. Body: The major portion of the case is called the body. It extends from the extractor groove to the shoulder and tapers slightly all the way from head to shoulder. The thickness of the body wall de- creases gradually from head to the neck. Web Thickness: The web thickness is the distance from the inside bottom of the case to the primer pocket. I Extractor Groove: The extractor groove is a groove cut around the circumference of the head portion of the case. Its purpose is to permit the ejecting mechanism to grasp the head of the case and to eject it from the gun chamber. At this inspection machine the cases are checked by the operator for the following: buckles in the cases, dents, bent mouths, rings on the outside of the case near the head, split cases, thin heads, identifica- tion on the head, over-all length and foreign material in the primer pocket. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\X\\ \\ \ \\\ \ \ \ \\\ \ L\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ / FIGURE 1 CROSS-SECTIONAL DRAWING OF CALIBER .30 CASE CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Adjustments Objective Cautions ADJUSTMENTS To maintain satisfactory production, a machine must be adjusted to com- pensate for the wear of its tools and other working parts, and to meet new conditions caused by a difference in material. It is necessary to inspect the machine and components regularly in order that any troubles may be detected and corrected immediately. This section of the manual, with its illustrations, photographs, and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all of the machine troubles that will be encoun- tered, therefore certain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. A thorough analysis of the trouble will indicate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. The machine and surrounding floor space must be clean and free from all foreign objects at all times. No adjustments are to be made on this machine while it is in motion. In order to insure proper adjustment of the machine and alignment of its tools, always turn the machine over by hand before engaging clutch. Safety guards must be in their proper place on the machine except when repairs or inspections are being made. ' Inspect the machine periodically during the day’s run to determine whether or not all connections and adjustments are secure. CALIBER .30 CASE INsPECTIoN MACHINE Adjustments Feed Plate The feed plate is a small plate which extends over the left end of the spiral shafts. The purpose of this feed plate is to assist the cases in starting their travel correctly along the spiral shafts. The feed plate can be raised or lowered which will reduce or increase the space between the plate and the spiral conveyor shafts. If the plate is raised too high, insufficient clearance will be allowed between the spiral conveyor shafts and the plate to accommodate the case. If the plate is lowered too far, there will be too much clearance which will tend to allow the case to tip and become jammed between the plate and the conveyor shafts. Defective Case Gate -‘_“' Conveyor Shafts VIEW OF THE FEED ASSEMBLY Tool: Screwdriver. Procedure: 1. Use a screwdriver to loosen the feed plate. 2. Slide the plate into the position you think will develop smoothness in action of the case travel. Note: Be sure the spiral shafts are in alignment. Then to determine the proper position of the feed plate, make an adjustment, operate the machine and see if smoothness of case travel has developed. If smoothness of case travel is not developed, readjust. 3. Use a screwdriver to tighten the feed plate. I 13 I CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Adjustments Lower Spiral _ Shaft Long Case Detector ll I . t The long case detector is the arm which extends over the top spiral con- veyor shaft. Its purpose is to reject long cases. If the cases which are too long pass the detector arm and are not rejected, the detector arm should be lowered until it rejects the long cases. ‘ L.‘ " Ak A . I ' ‘ VIEW OF THE SPIRAL SHAFT AND LONG CASE DETECTOR Tool: Procedure: Screwdriver. 1. Place a case of the correct length on the spiral conveyor shafts. 2. Use a screwdriver to loosen the long case detector arm. 3. Lower the detector arm until it clears the case approximately .001. 4. Hold the detector in position and tighten with a screwdriver. I14] CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Adjustments Upper Spiral The upper spiral conveyor shaft is one of the two shafts that convey cases Conveyor Shaft across the machine for visual inspection. This spiral conveyor shaft must be so adjusted in relationship to the bottom spiral that the cases rest upon the conveyor shafts in a position perpendicular to the track. VIEW OF THE GEARS WITH GUARD REMOVED %o_we|r / Sliilii VIEW OF SPIRAL SHAFT GEARS WITH GUARD IN PLACE Tools: V8" Allen wrench, screwdriver. Procedure: 1. Use a screwdriver to remove the guard on the timing gears. 2. Use a 1/8” Allen wrench to loosen the Allen set screw on the gear of the top spiral conveyor shaft. 3. Place a case on the spiral conveyor shafts. 4. Hold the gear stationary and turn the top spiral conveyor shaft until the case is held perpendicular to the track on which they ride. 5. Use a 1g” wrench to tighten the Allen set screw. 6. Use a screwdriver to replace the guard over the timing gear. I 15 l CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Adjustments Idler Pulley The idler pulley is the adjustable belt tension regulator. Its purpose is to press against the belt firmly enough to take out any slack in the hopper conveyor belt. If the hopper conveyor belt is not conveying the cases to the feed tube throat smoothly, a readjustment of the idler wheel will have to be made. The idler wheel can be pressed more firmly against the belt until it is taut. 1/2" Stud Pulley Feed Idler Throat Pulley Co v or BelT ey Feed Tube VIEW OF THE PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER Tool: V2" wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a %” wrench to loosen the idler wheel stud. 2. Push the idler against the belt until it is taut. Note: If the belt cannot be made taut, it will have to be replaced. 3. Use a V2” wrench to tighten the idler wheel stud. I16] CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Objective Cases Not Feeding to the Conveyor Shafts Long Cases Not Detected TROUBLES AND CORRECTIONS The adjuster will encounter many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may confront an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. The following troubles can be recognized by visual and gage inspection of the component, together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Visual inspection reveals that the cases are not being fed to the spiral conveyor shafts. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Tighten the hopper conveyor belt. Loosen the nut on the knurled idler pulley and push the idler pulley against the conveyor belt until the belt is taut. Tighten the nut on the idler pulley. 1. The hopper conveyor belt is loose. It fails to convey the cases to the feed tube. Gaging reveals that the long case detector does not stop the flow of long cases. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Adjust the detector to stop the flow of long cases. Place a case of correct length beneath the detector arm. Loosen the nut on the detector arm and lower the arm until the case just clears the bottom side of the arm. Tighten the nut. 1. The long case detector is not properly adjusted. It allows the long cases to pass along the worm conveyor gears. CALIBER 30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Cases Jamming at Visual inspection reveals that the cases are jamming at the feed plate. the Feed Plate ,. I he causes are: 1. The feed plate is not adjusted The corrections are: 1. Adjust the feed plate so that so that the cases start a proper travel along the spiral conveyor shafts. The cases turn and jam between the feed tube and the spiral gears. . The upper spiral shaft is not adjusted to hold the case per- pendicular to the feed track. 2. the cases drop smoothly down onto the feed track. Loosen the screw on the feed plate and raise or lower it to the proper position. The proper position can be determined only by changing the position of the plate and trying it out until the position of the plate is found where the cases will be carried properly along the feed track. Adjust the upper spiral shaft. Remove the guard from the gears at the end of the shaft. Place a case against the spiral shafts. Loosen the set screw in the upper spiral shaft gear. Turn the spiral shaft until the case is perpendicular to the feed track. Tighten the Allen screw on the gear and replace the guard. CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Beafings MACHINE LUBRICATION The efficiency of every machine depends to a great extent upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction, as far as we are con- cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite—tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction hearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [19] CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. Load on the shaft or slide. Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. Constant or intermittent operation. Cleanliness of surroundings. Temperature of surroundings. .‘q.°‘.¢"tl>.°°.l\'> Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. .\lS3°$"t‘>‘.°°'.l\'> Frequency of lubrication. [20 l CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: 1. Simple oil hole. Bottle oiler. Ring oiler. Plain oil cups. Drop feed cups. Wick feed cups. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 9°.‘q.°°$"tl>‘.°°.l\'> Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. 1. Screw down cups. 2. Compression cups. 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrication”. Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places; in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times—except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. I21] CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART . . N 0. of Fittings, Frequency of Lubricant Machme Pa” Grease Cups, etc. Lubrication Hours Main Driveshaft . . . . . . . . 2 24 Driveshaft Pulley . . . . . . . . 1 24 Dog Clutch . . . . . . . . . 2 24 Clutch Lever Pivot. . 1 1 Wk. Conveyor Screw Driveshaft . . . . 2 24 Conveyor Screw Driveshaft Gears . 1 24 LIGHT OIL Conveyor Screw Bearings . 4 8 (Brown Oiler) Counter . . . . . . . . 1 1 wk. Hopper Driveshaft . . . 1 8 Hopper Driveshaft Clutch 1 8 Hopper Paddlewheel Shaft . . . . 1 8 Hopper Conveyor Belt Idler Pulleys 2 8 Large Case Head Ejector . . 4 1 wk. Aligning Guide 2 1 wk. CALIBER .30 CASE INSPECTION MACHINE Index Adjustment, Feed Plate, 13 Idler Pulley, 16 Long Case Detector, 14 Upper Spiral Conveyor Shaft, 15 Anti-friction Bearings, 19 Body, 11 Case Inspection, 9 Cases Jamming at the Feed Plate, 18 Not Feeding to the Conveyor Shafts, 17 Clutch, 6 Lever, 6 Conveyor Belt, 3, 6, 7 Shaft, 3, 5, 8 Shafts, 6 Cross-shaft, 7 Defective Case Gate, 4 Disposal, 9 Driveshaft, 2, 5 Extractor Groove, 11 INDEX Feed Motor, 1 Plate Adjustment, 13 Tube, 4, 9 Floor Space, 1 Flow Chart, 10 Friction, 19 Grease, 20 Height, 1 Hints on Lubrication, 21 Idler Pulley Adjustment, 16 Inspection Mirrors, 9 Introducing Lubricating Film Re- duced Friction, 19 Liberty Paddle Wheel Hopper, 9 Long Case Detector Adjustment, 14 Case Not Detected, 17 Lubrication, 19 Chart, 22 Methods, 20 Machine Description, 1 Motor, 1 Manufacturer, 1 Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 21 Mouth, 11 Neck, 11 Overhead Hopper, 9 Paddle Wheel Hopper, 3 Production, 1 Power, 2 Selecting a Lubricant For a Given Bearing, 20 Shoulder, 11 Spiral Conveyor Shaft, 9 Conveyor Shafts, 7 Spur Gear, 7 Transmission, 2 Type of Feed, 1 Upper Spiral Conveyor Shaft, Adjustment, 15 Web Thickness, 11 Weight, 1 TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Case Mouth and ~ Neck Anneal BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 1941 United States Government Contract W-ORD-481, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917, C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 443, 76th Congress, 3rd Session). II TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Reason for the Anneal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Trouble and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Machine Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 III CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL MACHINE IV CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Catalogue Data CATALOGUE DATA Manufacturer Modern Bond Corp., Wilmington, Del. Machine Horizontal twin screw conveyor type annealing Description machine, equipped with gas burners. Machine Motor 1/4 h.p.; single phase; 60 cycle; 110 volts; 4.2 amps.; 1725 R.P.M.; ratio 16 to 1; 108 R.P.M. Belt drive from motor. Type of Feed Pedestal type paddle wheel hopper. Belt driven from machine motor. Production 130 per minute. Conveyor Speed 130 R.P.M. Tools None. Height 5 ft. 5 in. Weight 900 lbs. Floor Space ' 3% ft. x 4 ft. CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Reason for Annealing REASON FOR ANNEALINC Any operation that cold works brass to any great extent makes the grain size smaller and brass harder. Prior to the mouth and neck anneal the case has been hardened over its entire length by the taper and plug opera- tion. To facilitate the insertion of the bullet and the crimping of the case mouth, and to eliminate danger of splitting the mouth during these opera- tions, or the danger of season cracking during storage, it is necessary to anneal the mouth and neck of the case. During this anneal the flames are directed upon only the mouth and neck and should not affect the hardness in the shoulder. If the case mouth is over-annealed so that the metal becomes too soft, the pull required to extract the bullet from the case will be below the specifications for the Caliber .30 pull test. [2] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Machine Description Power and Transmission MACHINE DESCRIPTION The Caliber .30 Case Mouth and Neck Annealing Machine heats the mouth and neck of the case to soften the metal in that portion. Gm Burner Common Horizontal Pipe Conveyor Screw . \ ' fy - . ~' L ’ \ \ OVERALL VIEW OF THE CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL MACHINE The Modern Bond Twin Screw, Mouth and Neck Annealing Machine, illustrated above, is powered by a B4 h.p. heavy duty geared head motor, through a V-type leather belt connecting the motor to the drive pulley. The motor is mounted on the left end of the machine bed and can be moved back and forth to tighten or loosen the motor belts. The motor is equipped with a double surface drive pulley which also serves to drive the paddle wheel hopper. The drive pulley is connected to the hopper pulley by a V- type belt. The machine drive pulley is keyed to the lower conveyor shaft [3] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Machine Description Power and Transmission (Cont.) Machine Frame Gas Burners Conveyor Screws Paddle Wheel Hopper and drives the upper conveyor shaft through meshing spur gears. Each spur gear is attached to the left end of the conveyor shafts. The frame work of the case mouth and neck annealing machine consists of a cast-iron table, swing-mounted on the same pedestal column which sup- ports the hopper. The table is supported about 2% ft. from the floor. Supported above the table of the machine are ten gas burners rigidly mounted to a common horizontal pipe which distributes the gas to the burners. The conduit pipe is supported at each end by telescoping rods. The height of the burners is controlled by this adjustment. Mounted to the table of the machine are two conveyor screws. These conveyor screws extend almost the full length of the machine. They are parallel and are situated directly in front of the gas burners. The case mouth and neck anneal machine is equipped with a paddle wheel hopper. This hopper is supported above the machine by a cast-iron pedestal on the left end of the machine. CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Machine Description Hopper Feed Tube Hopper Pedestal \ PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER Paddle Wheel The cases are fed into the hopper box through a chute from an overhead Hopper source. The cases are picked up by a series of paddles which lift them to the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt carries the cases to an opening where they pass from the conveyor belt into the feed throat. The paddle wheel is driven by a horizontal cross-shaft at the front of the hopper box. A pinion gear is attached to the right end of the cross-shaft which meshes with the ring gear attached to the outer end of the paddle wheel shaft. A pulley wheel is attached to the left end of the cross-shaft which is con- nected to the driveshaft by a round leather belt. The hopper pulley wheel is equipped with a dog clutch which is manually operated by a lever at the end of the cross-shaft. The paddles on the paddle wheel lift the cases to the conveyor belt which carries them to the feed throat. The cases enter the feed throat head first and drop by gravity through the feed tube to the feed finger. ‘ I5] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Machine Description Gas Burners Conveyor Screw VIEW SHOWING GAS BURNERS There is one row of 10 gas burners which direct their flame toward a point just above the conveyor screw. The purpose of these burners is to anneal the mouth and neck of the case. These gas burners are of the generator type. They are rigidly mounted and cannot be spaced differently with relation to each other. However, their common angle from the horizontal plane can be adjusted. The first two burners and the last two burners are equipped with thumb valves. The six in between have no control valves beyond the common valve which controls all ten burners. The holding plate through which these burners are fastened to the bed of the machine can be moved in such a manner that the gas burners can be positioned closer to, or farther from, the conveyor screws. [6] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Machine Description Counter _._ -T ’ Conveyor Screw Case D Guide Track VIEW SHOWING CONVEYOR SCREW Conveyor Screws The conveyor screws are the two horizontal spiral shafts, parallel to each other. These conveyor screws turn in opposite directions causing the cases to revolve on their axes as they are being conveyed past the gas burners. I7] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Process Sequence Overhead Hopper Case Paddle Wheel Hopper Conveyor Belt Feed Finger Gas Burners PROCESS SEQUENCE The cases are fed by gravity from a truck or conveyor into an overhead hopper and flow down through a pipe into a paddle wheel hopper. The cases flow down the incline of the paddle wheel hopper to the paddle wheel by gravity. The paddle wheel rotates, picks up the cases and con- veys them up to the edge of the hopper, where they roll onto the conveyor belt in a horizontal position. The conveyor belt carries the cases, single file, in a horizontal position to the end of the belt where they fall head first into the adjustable feed throat. - The cases fall by gravity through the feed tube into the feed block where they are held in position by a spring tensioned ball stop. From this posi- tion the cases are knocked out of the feed block against a fixed stop by a cam actuated feed finger which is timed by the cam to place a case in each groove of the conveyor screw to be conveyed through the gas flames. After being knocked onto the screw conveyor by the feed finger, the cases are conveyed in a continuous line before a series of ten gas burners. The position of these burners and the size of their flames are such that only the necks and mouths of the cases are annealed. From the conveyor, the cases pass a counter, then fall into a discharge chute and onto a conveyor belt. FLOW CHART Cases l Overhead Hopper I Feed Pipe l Paddle Wheel Conveyor Belt Feed Throat ' Ten Gas Burners Hopper ] Feed Tube l \ Feed Block -— Feed Finger Conveyor Screw l Discharge Tube l Conveyor Belt [8] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION When the component arrives at the Caliber .30 mouth and neck annealing machine, it is a completely formed case. It is made of cartridge brass, 70% copper and 30% zinc. The closed end of the case is called the head and the open end is the mouth. The case comes to the mouth and neck anneal machine from the pickle, wash and dry operation. After the annealing operation during which the case is heated in the region of the mouth and neck, the annealed portion of the case gives evidence of the anneal by a slightly darker, duller color as contrasted to the some- what lighter appearance of the body. The dimensions of the case before the annealing operation are as follows: Over-all length 2.4793 — 2.4883 Inside diameter of mouth .3070 — .3078 Outside diameter of mouth .3373 Length of case from case head to bottom of shoulder 1.9500 - 1.9558 Diameter at the bottom of the shoulder .4330 — .4385 Diameter at the top of the shoulder .3393 There is no appreciable change in the dimensions of the case after the mouth and neck anneal. After the annealing operation the cases are sent to the Visual Inspection Department. T“ 1‘! F ‘Ell! ~.-5* -at? - ' %.‘;‘§%._’~i§‘i‘*“s:"-P‘/' ' _.a':~fl_m. £25 In FIG. 1 FIG. 2 BEFORE MOUTH AND NECK AFTER MOUTH AND NECK ANNEALING OPERATION ANNEALING OPERATION I9] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Inspection INSPECTION The annealed cases are tested and inspected by the Metallurgical Depart- ment. Every fifteen minutes the inspector selects a sample annealed case from the conveyor screw and makes a Rockwell test on it. The Rockwell hardness tester is a machine which determines the hardness of the metal. A representative sample is a case taken from the center of a full row of cases as it leaves the conveyor screw. ‘St Region of Oxidation Rockwell Readings ROCKWELL HARDNESS SKETCH SHOWING ROCKWELL READING SPECIFICATIONS TESTER A variable factor which may influence the mouth and neck anneal is the working temperature of the annealing machine. Gas pressure is controlled by a hand valve in the gas line. The positions of the burners also markedly affect the anneal. When cartridge cases are subjected to an uneven dis- tribution of heat, the result is an uneven distribution of hard and soft metal; that is, the metal is softened in irregular patches. The position of the burner is regulated by the machine adjuster when he is advised that certain portions of the case fail to meet specifications in regard to case hardness. A continuous check on the annealed cases must be carried on by the Finish Laboratory. . [10] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL I Adjustments ADJUSTMENTS Objective To maintain satisfactory operation of this annealing machine both the product and the machine should be inspected at frequent intervals. This section of the manual with its illustrations, photographs and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all the machine troubles that will be encountered; therefore certain adjust- ments may be required that have not been described in this section. Thorough analysis of the troubles will indicate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. The machine and surrounding floor space must be free from all foreign matter at all times. Do not make any adjustments while the machine is in motion. Examine the machine periodically to determine whether all connections and adjust- ments are secure. Check the fittings to see that they are being oiled and greased properly by the lubrication engineer. Make certain that the air currents around the machine are as nearly normal as it is possible to keep them. [11] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Adjustments Drive Pulley The drive pulley belt should be taut in order to produce the best results Belt Tension in the transmission of power. The motor mount may be shifted so that the belt tension is sufficient. Hopper Motor Pedestal 9/16" Bolt Bed of Machine T‘ VIEW SHOWING MOTOR MOUNT Tool: 9/15 " wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 9/16” wrench to loosen the two bolts holding the motor mount to the machine bed. 2. Slide the motor mount backward until the belt tension is taut. 3. Use a %" wrench to tighten the bolts which secure the motor mount. [12] CALIBER .20 cAsE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Adjustments ___—.__s._______ Case Ball The case ball spring stop is the mechanism which prevents the case from Spring Stop falling out onto the conveyor screws from the feed tube. This ball spring stop holds the case in the feed tube for the feed finger to push it onto the conveyor screws. The ball spring stop can be adjusted to hold the cases more firmly in the feed tube so that the action of the feed finger against the case is more positive. This adjustment is made by means of a set screw which may be tightened or loosened. Feed Tube Set Screw osf Ball 6 ' as Burner Machine Bed VIEW SHOWING FEED TUBE AND BALL SPRING STOP Tool: 1/2” wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 1/2" wrench to turn the set screw of the ball spring stop until the ball spring exerts enough pressure against the case in the feed tube to hold it there until the feed finger will eject it. [13] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Adjustments Idler Pulley The idler pulley rides against the outer surface of the conveyor belt to maintain the proper belt tension. The hopper conveyor belt should be taut in order to give a maximum amount of efficiency. If the belt is not taut, the cap screw that holds the idler pulley bracket should be loosened and the idler pulley should be pressed more firmly against the conveyor belt to make it taut. Puddle _ Idler Pulley Feed Tube VIEW SHOWING IDLER PULLEY Tool: "/l6” wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a "/16” wrench to loosen the cap screw on the idler wheel support. 2. Raise the idler wheel support until the proper belt tension is obtained. 3. Use a "/16” wrench to secure the cap screw. [14] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Adjustments Gas Burners Gas Burners Ml‘ Tools: Procedure: The gas burners are the jets by means of which proper shape is given to the gas flame, and a comparative steadiness of burning is assured. The distance between the burners and the conveyor screws, the height and the angle of the burners can be adjusted. These gas burners must be adjusted to direct their flame on proper section of the mouth and neck of the case in order to meet the specified Rockwell test. The adjuster might have to make all three adjustments before the annealed case will meet the speci- fications of a properly mouth and neck annealed case. 6" screwdriver, 1/4" wrench, 11/16 1. 2. l - Feed Tube Conveyor ‘_ Screw VIEW SHOWING GAS BURNERS ’ ” wrench, 965" wrench. Adjustment for distance between burners and conveyor screw Use a 9/16” wrench to loosen the two bolts on the gas burner’s holding plate. Move the holding plate forward until the.correct distance from the burners is obtained. Note: The correct position may be found through a trial and error adjustment. Tighten the bolts to secure the holding plate to the machine bed. Height Adjustment Use a %" wrench to loosen the set screws holding the gas burners in a vertical position. Raise the burners to the correct height. Note: Correct height is that at which annealing takes place on the mouth and neck to the extent that the line of discoloration measured on the inside of split cases will be 14” below the shoulder. Use a 1/4" wrench to tighten the set screws to secure the burners remaining at this height. [15] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Adjustments Guide Track The case guide track anvil is a small adjustable steel plate against which Anvil the cases drop when they fall in front of the feed finger. The purpose of this anvil is to hold the head of the case in such a position that the case will start its travel properly along the conveyor screw. If the cases do not start their travel properly, they may fall down in the guide track. To correct this, the anvil must be raised or lowered. _ F..d M. Gas . Burner \ __ Conveyor Case ' Screw VIEW SHOWING CASE GUIDE TRACK HOLDING-SCREW Tools: 5/16" Allen wrench, 3/i3/2” Allen wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 5/16” Allen wrench to loosen the holding screws on the case guide track. 2. Remove the case guide track. 3. Use a .3/3/2 " Allen wrench to loosen the set screw on the guide track anvil. 4. Move the anvil in to the proper position. Note: The correct position may be found through a trial and error method of adjustment. 5. Use a 3/32” Allen wrench to tighten the set screw on the guide track anvfl. 6. Replace the guide track. 7. Use a 5/,6” Allen wrench to tighten the holding screws on the case guide track. [16] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Adjustments ~ Procedure: Angle Adjustment (Cont.) 1. Use a 1%” wrench to loosen the nuts securing common horizontal pipe of the burners to the uprights. 2. Change the angle of the burners until a correct (185°) angle is obtained. 3. Use a 11/16” wrench to tighten the end nuts to secure the common horizontal pipe of the burners to the uprights. I Conveyor Screw 1/4" Set Screw __. VIEW SHOWING GAS BURNER ADJUSTMENTS I17] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Troubles and Corrections Objective Uneven flow of cases to screw conveyor Cases fall over Jam in feed tube TROUBLES AND CORRECTIONS The adjuster will encounter troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may confront an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. There is an uneven flow of cases to the screw conveyor, leaving gaps in the row of cases as they pass the gas flames. The causes are: The corrections are: The cases pile up at the hopper outlet. They should be loosened with a poker. The hopper gate may need to be opened wider. 1. The lower hopper is jammed. 1. Wipe off any surplus oil and tighten the belt if necessary. If the belt is too smooth, rough- en it with coarse emery cloth. Place the feed tube in line with the feed block. 2. The conveyor belt is slipping. 2. 3. The feed tube throat is out of 3. alignment with the feed block. Some of the cases fall over on the track instead of passing the flames in an upright position. The corrections are: 1. Adjust the feed finger to push the case farther in against the conveyor screws. The causes are: 1. The case heads are not entering the channel and therefore are not holding the case close enough to the lower conveyor screw. - 2. Clean off the track to keep the depth and width of the track channel uniform. 2. There is a build-up of foreign matter on the track. A jam occurs in the feed tube or at the feed block. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Keep scrap cases out of the hopper. A case not finish trimmed is too long to pass the feed block. 1. A defective case or a case which has not received a finish trim, has entered the feed tube. [18] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Troubles and Corrections Rockwell The inspector reports that the Rockwell test shows that the cases are of tests vary irregular hardness. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. There is an irregular gas pres- 1. Observe the size of the gas sure. flames often and if the gas pressure is irregular, adjust the gas valve. 2. There are strong air currents. 2. Use a wind break if necessary to prevent the heat from being diverted by draft. CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Beafings MACHINE LUBRICATION The efficiency of every machine depends to a great extent upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction, as far as we are con- cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite_tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [20] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. . Load on the shaft or slide. . Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. . Constant or intermittent operation. 2 3 4 5. Cleanliness of surroundings. 6. Temperature of surroundings. 7 . Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. f°9°P‘t“?°P° Frequency of lubrication. I 21 l CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: 1. Simple oil hole. . Bottle oiler. . Ring oiler. . Plain oil cups. 2 3 4 5. Drop feed cups. 6. Wick feed cups. 7. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 8. Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. 1. Screw down cups. 2. Compression cups. 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrication”. Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places; in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times—except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. I22] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART . . N 0. of Fittings, Frequency of I/ubmcam Machine Part Grease Cups, etc. Imbrication Hours HEAVY GREASE Feeder shafts . . . . . . . . . . 2 24 (Green Gun) Motor reduction gear . . . . . . Res. 1 wk. Idler gear on hopper . . . . . . . 1 24 Clutch lever on hopper . . . . . . 2 24 OIL Driveshaft on hopper . . . . . . 1 24 ° Paddle wheel . . . . . . . . . . 2 24 Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 Drive gear bearings . . . . . . . 1 8 I23] CALIBER .30 CASE MOUTH AND NECK ANNEAL Index Adjustment, Case Ball Spring Stop, 13 Drive Pulley Belt Tension, 12 For Distance Between Burners and Conveyor Screw, 15 Gas Burners, 15 Guide Track Anvil, 16 Idler Pulley, 14 Angle Adjustment, 17 Anti-friction Bearings, 20 Caliber .30 Pull Test, 2 Case Ball Spring Stop Adjustment, 13 Paddle Wheel Hopper, 8 Cases Fall Over, 18 Conveyor, 3 Belt, 8 Screw, 4, 6, 7 Screws, 4, 6, 7 Speed, 1 Cross-Shaft, 5 Diameter at the Bottom of the Shoul- der, 9 at the Top of the Shoulder, 9 Drive Pulley Belt Tension Adjust- ment, 12 Feed Finger, 5, 8 Finish Laboratory, 10 Floor Space, 1 Flow Chart, 8 INDEX Friction, 20 Gas Burner Adjustment, 17 Burners, 4, 6, 8 Burners Adjustment, 15 Pressure, 10 Grease, 21 Guide Track Anvil Adjustment, 16 Height, 1 Adjustment, 15 Hints on Lubrication, 22 Hopper Box, 5 Idler Pulley Adjustment, 14 Inside Diameter of Mouth, 9 Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction, 20 Jam in Feed Tube, 18 Length of Case from Case Head to Bottom of Shoulder, 9 Lubrication, 20 Chart, 23 Methods, 21 Machine Description, 1 Frame, 4 Motor, 1 Manufacturer, 1 Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 22 Motor, 3 Motor Belts, 3 Mouth and Neck Anneal Machine, 3 and Neck Annealing Operation, 9 Objective of Troubles and Correc- tions, 18 Outside Diameter of Mouth, 9 Over-all Length, 9 Overhead Hopper, 8 Paddle Wheel Hopper, 4, 5 Wheel Shaft, 5 Pinion Gear, 5 Power, 3, 4 Production, 1 Rockwell Hardness Tester, 10 Reading Specifications, 10 Test, 10 Tests Vary, 19 Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing, 21 Taper and Plug Operation, 2 Tools, 1, Transmission, 3, 4 Type of Feed, 1 Uneven Flow of Cases to Screw Con- veyor, 18 V-type Belt, 3 Weight, 1 TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Primer Insert Machine BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri -_. December, 1941 United States Government Contract W-ORD-481, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” ’ ' (June 5, 1917 , C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 443, 7 6th Congress, 3rd Session). II MANUAL CORRECTlONS—CALlBER .30 PRIMER INSERT LOCATION ERROR CORRECTION Page 3-1 5 Transfer bar carries 27 cases. Transfer bar carries 26 cases. Page 4-1 3 Transfer bar carries 27 cases. Transfer bar carries 26 cases. Page 1,—'l 3 Five detector stations. Four detector stations. Page 6-Fig Case supporting stem. Slug chute. Page 1 1 —ll 1 “Thru bevel gears and a round leather “Thru bevel gears and a round leather pulley” belt" TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tool Holder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Tool Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . 44 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Tool Servicing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 78 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 III CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT MACHINE IV CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Catalogue Data Manufacturer Machine Description Machine Motor Type of Feed Production Speed of crank Stroke Height Weight Floor Space Tools CATALOGUE DATA Henry and Wright Manufacturing Company, Hartford, Connecticut Straight line horizontal bed and crankshaft press. Vertical action, gear drive from motor to crank- shaft. Totally enclosed; fan cooled; 3 h.p.; 3 phase; 60 cycles; 220/440 volt; 5.81-2.91 amp.;1735 R.P.M. Pedestal type paddle wheel hopper mounted on machine. Belt-driven from machine. Primers feed by a gravity slide hopper mounted on machine. 85 per minute 85 R.P.M. 3 in. 7 ft. ‘ 2,000 lbs. 11 ft. x 5 ft. Piece No. No case detector Detector punch P-2 Burring pocket Piece No. No primer detector Detector punch P-11 Seating and crimping Burring punch P-I Seating and crimp- Stem—Mouth ing punch P-13 spreader P-60 Holder P-47 Venting Anvil P-14 Venting or flash hole Stem P-15 punch P-76 Mouth varnish Die P-5 Cup body P-16 Stern P-6 Cup P-17 Holder P-43 Plunger P-18 No flash hole detector Cup spring (1x‘3Qx Detector punch P-7 .042) AB-3 Primer insert Inserting pun ch P-9 Plunger spring ( "/§x%jx.022) AB-4 Stem P-10 Split nut P-48 Primer shellac Pin P-1 9 I1] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Primer Housing Drying Traclc Power and Transmission MACHINE DESCRIPTION The purpose of the Henry and Wright Primer Insert machine is to pierce a flash hole in the bottom of the primer pocket through the web thickness of the case. The machine then burrs the shoulder of the primer pocket, after which it inserts and seats the primer in the case pocket and crimps the primer into place. As a final operation, the machine moisture-proofs the primer and the inside of the case mouth. CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT MACHINE The Henry and Wright Primer Insert machine, illustrated above, is powered by a 3 h.p. motor through a series of spur gears to the crank- shaft. The motor is mounted solidly on the machine base at the right end of the machine. Power to the motor is controlled by a toggle switch. The power from the motor to the crankshaft is controlled through a friction type clutch. The brake and clutch are mounted on the horizontal countershaft in the machine gear box. The clutch is manually controlled by a starting lever. The clutch and brake are synchronous in action; that is, when the clutch is disengaged, the brake is applied and vice versa. The crankshaft consists of five eccentric cams and a barrel cam which operate the various rams and machine parts. The crankshaft also has a spur gear attached to the right end within the gear housing which meshes with another spur gear to drive the crankshaft. The machine is equipped with a mechanical detector system which automatically stops the machine when the detector punches indicate trouble. The power is transmitted from the crankshaft through the eccentric cam and connecting rods to the three machine cams. I2] CALIBER. so PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Paddle Wheel Hopper Ra ms Crankshaft Brake and Clutch Transfer Bar Primer Feed Belt - Latch Blocks The cases are fed into the hopper box, through a chute from an overhead source. The cases are picked up by a series of paddles which lift them to the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt carries the cases to an opening where they pass from the conveyor belt into the feed throat. The cases drop head first through the feed tube to the feed block. The upper ram is supported and actuated by four connected rods. The four rods travel in a fitted bearing through the machine bed. The con- necting rods are attached at the four corners of the upper ram and are actuated through the lower ram from the eccentric cams on the crank- shaft. The lower surface of the upper ram is machined to hold the various machine punches. The lower ram is also connected to, and actuated by, , the eccentric cams on the crankshaft. The upper surface of the stem ram is machined to hold the case supporting stems. The two rams are ac- tuated in a vertical reciprocating motion. The crankshaft is held in a horizontal position near the bottom of the machine base within the housing. The crankshaft consists of an eccentric cam attached to the left end of the crankshaft outside the machine housing. This cam actuates the shellac and varnish station. The eccentric cams and barrel cam actuating the machine parts are attached to the crankshaft within the machine housing. The crankshaft extends through the right end of the machine housing and a spur gear is attached on the crankshaft within the gear housing. This spur gear meshes with another spur gear to drive the crankshaft. The machine brake and clutch are mounted on the horizontal counter- shaft within the gear box. The clutch is manually engaged through a hand starting lever, which is located at the front of the machine gear box. The brake and clutch operate synchronously. When the clutch is engaged, the brake is released and vice versa. The machine is equipped with a detector system which automatically disengages the clutch when the detecting system indicates trouble. The transfer bar is held in a horizontal position on the machine bed by two sliding gibs. The transfer bar is arranged to position the cases be- tween the working tools of the upper and lower rams. The transfer bar consists of a transfer bar block and a series of transfer rails which are attached to the transfer bar block. The rails overlap the forward edge of the transfer bar block and are notched to grasp the case as it is moved from station to station. The transfer bar carries twenty-seven cases simultaneously through the machine bed. The primer feed belt is an endless spring steel belt which extends along the front of the machine bed. The primer belt conveys the primer from the primer hopper to the turnover finger which positions it for insertion into the primer pocket of the case. The primer belt travels over four flat type pulleys, two at each end of the machine. The primers are fed onto the primer belt from the primer hopper which is located at the right end of the machine. The latch blocks are rectangular metal blocks, whose base is slightly wider than the top edge. The blocks are bolted to the machine bed [3] CALIBER. 30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Latch Blocks (Cont.) Stripper Plates Stations directly in front of the transfer bar. Latch plates are attached to the upper surface of the latch block which acts as a case guide rail. The latch plates overlap the edge of the latch block. Each latch block is equipped with latch fingers. The curved portion of the latch finger extends out into the case and holds each case steady for the station operation and also holds the cases in place as the transfer bar moves. At the rear, the transfer bar is partially covered by a case guide rail which extends over the transfer bar toward the inner surface of the latch plates thus forming the track through which the case moves. The machine bed is equipped with a series of holes through which the stems on the lower ram enter the case as the operations are performed by the tools in the upper ram. The holes in the machine bed are large enough in diameter for the stem to pass through,‘ but too small for the case to drop through. The stem holes therefore act as case strippers for the stems. There are only six tools on the upper ram which require strippers, these are Burring Tool, Flash Hole Detectors, Flash Hole, Primer, Insert- ing, and Crimping Stations. The stripper at the flash hole station is a flat metal arm which is attached to the rear case guide rail and extends out over the head of the case. The forward end is machined in a semi-circular shape which allows the punch to pass through to contact the case head. As the punch rises, it brings the case with it; the case head strikes the lower sur- face of the stripper, stripping the case from the punch. The stripper at the crimping station is a narrow metal bar which contacts one edge of the case head as the crimping punch descends to crimp the primer into the pocket. As the punch rises, the stripperkeeps the case seated in the transfer bar. The machine contains ten stations, eight of which are equipped with punches and detector punches which complete the operations of burring the case, piercing the flash hole, inserting the primer, and crimping the primer in place; it also performs five detecting operations as the cases pass through the machine. As a final operation, the primer and case mouth are water-proofed by the application of shellac and varnish, re- spectively. The punches and detector punches are aligned in the upper ram so that each of eight tools performs an individual operation on each case. The cases pass through the ten stations carriedby the transfer bar. The transfer bar handles twenty-six cases on every movement it makes. CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Paddle Wheel Clutch Conveyor Clutch Housing Assembly Belt Lever / / I j / Belt Guard Idler Pulley OVER-ALL VIEW OF PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER Paddle Wheel Hopper Feed Tube Stanchion INTERIOR VIEW OF HOPPER The cases are picked up from the bottom of the hopper by the paddles of the paddle wheel which raises them to the level of the conveyor belt. The paddle wheel is mounted on the inner end of a horizontal stud shaft which is actuated through spur gears mounted to a cross-shaft at the rear of the hopper. The cross-shaft extends beyond the edges of the hopper and has a large pulley wheel attached to the right end which is driven by a V-Type belt from the primer feed belt jackshaft. A smaller pulley wheel is mounted to the left end of the cross-shaft which drives the con- veyor belt. The conveyor belt is an endless fabric belt which carries the cases from the paddle wheel to the feed tube mouth. The conveyor belt is equipped with a small idler pulley held on a bracket at the left side of the hopper. The hopper cross-shaft is equipped with a manually operated key type clutch which allows the hopper to be independently stopped. The clutch is located on the conveyor pulley shaft at the left rear of the hopper. Thenentire hopper assembly is supported on a circular metal stanchion which is bolted to the right end of the machine bed. [5] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Upper Ram ilaih " I 5 “ Hole D I Te - " “ ' _. ,. I Detector e e‘; or ' ' . . r Station Statlon -_ _ . H , Primer Hole Insert - Station station Inverted ‘ "f\ Primer ,5 Detector Sh d Station ‘ ort an ‘ \ No Case C . . Detector nmpmg Station VIEW SHOWING UPPER RAM AND THE VARIOUS STATIONS Rams The upper ram is machined to hold the working punches. The lower ram is machined to hold the supporting stems. The bottom ram is connected to the upper ram by connecting rods and is actuated from two eccentric cams on the crankshaft in the following manner. The upper ram is actuated through, and guided by, four connecting rods, one attached to each corner of the upper ram. The connecting rods extend through the machine, and through the corners of the stem ram to the driving ram. The connecting rods are bolted solidly to the driving ram and extend through two bearing blocks located in the machine bed. The driving ram is actuated by, and connected to, the eccentric operating cam by two short connecting rods. The stem ram is guided by, and rides on, the four connecting rods which actuate the upper ram. Power is supplied to the stem ram through a connecting rod at each end of the ram. The connecting rods are attached to two other eccentric cams which actuate the stem ram. This arrange- ment transmits a vertical reciprocating motion to the punch and stem rams. "\- Case . _. Supporting — ' ’ ‘,._ I .\‘ Stem _ 7 Q’ * ‘H H A :'...f 1 2- “r F K“ .~ 4 ' V_ y, \ j a_ _ _ _ '°’ “"‘.__.__- _...|II-es."-1'-Fl“ LOWER RAM AND CASE SUPPORTING STEMS I 6 I CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT . Machine Description Space Finger Cam Latch Block Primer Spacing Finger Feed Tube Feed Block P ~ 1/ Case Track Latch Plates VIEW SHOWING FEED BLOCK ASSEMBLY Feed Block The feed block is located at the right end of the machine bed below the right end of the upper ram. The feed block is attached to, and supported by, a metal stand directly above the holding finger in the transfer bar. The feed tube opens into the feed block from the rear of the block and feeds the cases singly onto the case lip of the feed block. Two metal wire fingers are attached to a finger block which is held to the left side of the feed block by a wrist pin arrangement which allows a free action of the finger block. The two fingers extend from the block into the feed block directly above the case lip. The upper finger closes the feed tube mouth as one case enters the lip. At the same moment the case on the feed lip is struck by the lower finger which knocks it into the feed chute. The pin turns the case head up as it drops into the transfer bar. The finger block is held in a forward position by spring tension and is forced back allowing the case to enter from the feed tube by a wedge cam arm attached directly above the finger block to the upper ram. Thus the feed block mechanism is actuated on every stroke of the ram. [7] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Connecting Rod -_ Crankshaft VIEW OF CRANKSHAFT ASSEMBLY The crankshaft comprises four eccentric cam wheels which actuate the three rams of the machine. These cams are circular metal wheels, at- tached to the crankshaft at an off center position, which describe an ir- regular motion as the crankshaft revolves. Through this motion the rams are actuated in a reciprocating motion allowing the upper ram and the lower stem ram to meet at the machine bed where the various operations are performed on the cases. The crankshaft is driven by a large bevel gear attached to the right end inside the gear housing. The shellac and varnish cam wheel is attached to the left end of the crankshaft-which extends through the machine housing directly below the shellac and varnish sta- tions. The crankshaft is supported by, and rotates in, three fitted bearings. I8] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Throw-Out Shaft Counter- shaft Brake Shoe Brake Adjusting Spfing BRAKE AND CLUTCH MECHANISM Brake and Clutch The brake and clutch are mounted on the horizontal countershaft con- tained within the gear housing. The clutch and brake are mounted and connected to operate in conjunction with each other. When the detector system of the machine indicates trouble at one of the various detector stations, the clutch throw-out arm is released by the detector shaft. The clutch throw-out arm springs forward, engaging the dog clutch at its lower end. The dog clutch is mounted on a cross-shaft which revolves to actuate the mechanism which disengages the clutch and applies the brake. The brake and clutch mechanism are so arranged that when the machine is automatically stopped, the top ram will always stop at the top position. When the machine is started again, the clutch throw-out arm must be manually reset behind the detector shaft. I9l CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Burring ' No Case Station _ ' A , ‘ Detector , .5 . . .;~' ; . » Punch -—- Detector Shaft Stripper Finger \- Transfer Central- > _ A _, ' _ / Bar _mng-— ~ 1 - j . ' Location Fmger . " -- ‘ ' .1 - ' ‘ ' I ' ‘ Latch Plate _ Latch Block r' 1 _,~_g.~r,,fl4:"t, I _ s , ' Y.‘ ;. __.~~-..>:_',.-: . SECTIONAL VIEW OF DETECTOR AND BURRING PUNCH STATIONS Transfer Bar The transfer bar is held in a horizontal position on the machine bed and slides from right to left on two blocks. This right to left motion is actu- ated by a rocker arm from a barrel cam on the crankshaft. The rocker arm extends from the barrel cam through the machine bed and is attached to the transfer bar by a wrist pin arrangement which allows a free swing of the arm. The arm is supported at its pivotal point within the machine bed by a horizontal cross-shaft. The movement of the transfer bar follows the path of a rectangle and it is actuated in its in and out stroke by an eccentric cam which is located on the crankshaft. A connecting link, attached to a horizontal cross-shaft and connected through strap links to the transfer bar, works off of a rocker arm which in turn contacts the eccentric cam. The horizontal rocker arm, extending through the rear of the machine frame, is supported at its pivotal point by a wrist pin arrangement which allows freedom of movement when the rocker arm is actuated by the eccentric cam. The flat metal connecting link is attached to the outer end of the rocker arm by a stud which allows the connecting link to swing freely. The upper end of the connecting link is attached to the center point of the horizontal cross-shaft which is held in position along the rear edge of the machine bed by two fitted bearings. The cross-shaft is connected to the transfer bar by two strap links con- nected to the transfer bar operating blocks. A tubular shaft is held in po- sition between the two connecting links which contains a heavy coil spring that holds the transfer bar at its forward stroke until it is actuated by the eccentric cam. The connecting blocks are attached to the transfer bar by a square bronze block which fits into a slotted section of the transfer bar and acts as a bearing surface when the transfer bar is drawn back by the eccentric cam and brought to the left or right by the barrel cam. [10] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Primer Feed Belt Primer Belt Adjusting Pulley VIEW OF PRIMER FEED BELT PULLEYS Primer Feed Belt The primer feed belt is an endless steel belt which travels across the front of the machine bed, directly in front of the ease track. The belt travels on four pulleys, two located at each end of the machine. The pulley wheel mounted at the right end of the machine provides the motive power which drives the belt over the three idler pulleys. The driven pulley is mounted on a horizontal shaft and driven through bevel gears and a round leather pulley from the countershaft within the gear box. The tension of the belt can be adjusted by moving the idler pulley at the left end of the machine. The primers pass from the primer feed hopper onto the primer belt at the right end of the machine. /The primers are spaced evenly along the primer belt by a spacing finger which is mounted on the belt guard at the right. At the front of the case track, the primer belt is partially covered by metal plates which form the guides through which the primers travel on their way to the inserting station. The spacer fingers are actuated by a tapered punch which is located in the upper ram. By this arrangement the primers are fed onto the section of the primer belt which leads to the inserting sta- tion on every down stroke of the upper ram. I11i CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Crimping Tool Holder Crimping Stripper _ Connecting Rod Latch Plate Latch Block Latch Block Stud Latch Blocks VIEW OF LATCH BLOCK The latch blocks are rectangular metal blocks, whose bases are slightly wider than the upper edges. The blocks are bolted to the machine bed along the front edge of the transfer bar. Each block is provided with adjustable latch fingers which extend from the inner surface of the block into the case track and support the cases at each station. Latch plates are attached to the upper surface of the latch blocks and act as a case guide rail. From the rear of the machine the transfer bar is partially covered by the rear case guide rail, which extends over the transfer bar leaving only the notched sections exposed, thus forming the track through which the cases move. The latch blocks are held in correct alignment on the bed of the machine by dowel pins, thus keeping the blocks in proper alignment at all times. The latch fingers may be adjusted from left to right, or in and out, as is necessary to position the cases directly below the punch. [12] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Machine Bed VIEW SHOWING STRIPPER PLATES Stripper Plates The stems in the lower ram enter through the machine bed through a series of holes to support the cases as the tools of the upper ram perform the various operations on each case. The holes through which the lower stems enter are large enough in diameter to allow a free passage of the stern, but are too small in diameter to allow the case to drop through. Thus the holes of the machine bed act as stripper plates as the stems are withdrawn after each operation. The upper surface of the rear case guide rail is provided with six strippers which strip the cases from the punches in the upper ram after each operation. These upper strippers are adjust- able and the outer ends are recessed in a half moon shape to allow the punches to enter through them to contact the case heads. [13] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Turnover Finger Mechanism VIEW OF TURNOVER FINGER MECHANISM The turnover finger assembly is supported in a horizontal position between the primer belt and the case track by a bracket at the insert station. The bracket is a U-shaped affair which is bolted to the machine bed. The turnover finger assembly consisting of a pair of fingers and a barrel clutch, is held in the bracket by male adjusting screws which may be adjusted allowing the barrel clutch to rotate freely. The turnover finger mechanism consists of a spur gear and metal block held together on the cross-shaft. The metal block contains the turnover fingers by which the primers are picked up from the primer feed belt and carried in a half circle to a position directly above the case pocket and beneath the in- serting punch. The turnover fingers are actuated by a gear shaft which meshes with the teeth of the spur gear to move the fingers from the primer belt to the case head. The spur gear is mounted between two adjustable rings which are sep- arated by fiber washers forming a friction clutch which partially absorbs the shock of the ram movement. The gear rack is mounted with a slip fit in the lower ram. The gear rack is provided with a spacer block operated by cam action. As the lower ram travels upward, the spacer block is held beneath the lower ram surface and a collar on the gear rack. When the ram reaches its top stroke, a cam removes the spacer block from beneath the gear rack collar allowing the gear rack to slide downward into the ram. As the lower ram starts on its downward stroke, the gear rack again slides upward thus allowing the fingers to remain over the case head as the [14] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Turnover Finger punch in the upper ram moves away. At the same time the lower ram, Mechanism moving down, releases the spacer block from against the cam, allowing it (Cont.) to insert itself again between the ram surface and the gear rack collar. This arrangement allows the turnover fingers to stop momentarily at each end of their half circular stroke. As the fingers are brought down against the primer belt, the primer push- in fingers insert a primer into the fingers of the turnover mechanism. The push-in fingers are actuated from a face cam attached to the lower ram. A rocker arm attached at its pivotal point within the machine bed trans- mits the cam action to the push-in fingers. [15] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Station I, Short or No Case Detector The no case detector punch is held in the upper ram and may be adjusted up or dowh in the punch tool holder. The lower end of the punch is machined leaving a fiat circular head which contacts the head of the case on every down stroke of the ram. The upper end of the punch is externally threaded about 1/2 of its total length. When “no case” is shown in the transfer bar, the detector finger is allowed to strike the stop dog, releasing the latch and auto- matically stopping the machine. If a short case is the cause of the stop, the case may be lifted out by the operator, examined and replaced with a good case. If no case is the cause of the stop, the operator will place a case into the empty space and continue operations. [16] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Station 2, Burring Station The burring tool is held in an adjustable tool holder in the upper ram and may be raised or lowered to a posi- tion where it will properly burr the case pocket for the insertion of the primer. The case, having been checked at station 1, moves to this station passing under a stripper. The stripper is held in place by a cap screw and is set high enough to allow the case to pass under easily. It is provided with a hole large enough to allow the burring punch to pass up and down easily and small enough to prevent the case head from being pulled up. The hole in the lower stripper block is large enough that the case cannot fall through. The lower stripper block is located in the bottom of the case track and is held down by the guide rails. At this station on the down stroke of the machine, a burr is put in the pocket of the case so that a primer may be started into the case easily. The burring punch is held in the machine by the punch holder. The burring punch holder is assembled in the upper ram. The punch holder is screwed into the ram and may be adjusted up or down. It is. locked into position with a lock nut. The burring punch is allowed to float in the punch holder to insure a free lining in the case pocket and an even all-around burr. The floating punch may be adjusted by moving the set screw and lock nut in the top of the punch holder which moves the plunger up or down on top of the burring punch until a proper adjust- ment of .005 to .010 clearance between the plunger and punch is obtained. Too much pressure on the case head which causes a ring may result in the case’s crack- ing. Careful adjustment must be made to avoid this possibility. The burring stem is held in the lower ram in an ad- justable tool holder. The stem may be adjusted by means of the tool holder to support the case as the burring tool contacts the case head. The tool holders are held in place by tool holder blocks which are bolted to the ram by four cap screws. [17] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description _————____9__—___——_—-__-—————— Station 3, Flash Hole Punch .__.---—\_’ The flash hole punch is held in an adjustable tool holder in the upper ram. The flash hole stem and die assembly are held in the stem holder on the lower ram and supports the case as the piercing operation is completed. The case having been burred at station 2, moves to this station where the flash hole is pierced. The case, as it travels from station 2 by means of the transfer bar, passes under a stripper and is held in place by a centering finger and a latch finger. On the up stroke of the lower ram, the piercing die located in the top of the stem enters the case and at the finish of the up stroke of the lower ram, the case head is seated mouth down on the piercing die. A hole known as the flash hole is pierced in the bottom of the primer pocket through the case head. The piercing punch must enter the die at least 1% of an inch. It is necessary that the piercing punch and piercing die be in proper alignment. The stripper at station 3 holds the case down while the punch comes out on the downward stroke of the lower ram. The bot- tom stripper is located in the bottom of the case track and holds the case up while the bottom stem and die are drawn out on the downward stroke of the ram. A centering finger at this station is used to hold the case directly under the punch to prevent the flash hole from being pierced out of center in the case head. The centering finger is located in a seat in the bottom of the stripper block. The die stems have a hole all the way through to allow the plug or scrap metal that comes from the piercing operation to fall out. Piercing dies are pressed in the end of the piercing stems. The plug is dropped through the stem, through the stem holder, and through the bottom ram into a funnel shaped brass pipe which is bent to allow the plugs to fall in a con- tainer outside the machine. [13] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Stations 4 and 5, Flash Hole Detectors STATION 4 FLASH HOLE DETECTOR STATION 5 FLASH HOLE DETECTOR The case having been pierced at station 3 moves to the station where it is checked for flash hole, and moves to station 5. Stations 4 and 5 are identical, having the same adjustments and serving the same purpose. The flash hole detector punches are cylindrical steel shafts tapered to a fine point at their lower ends. The upper ends are threaded for insertion into tool holders that may be adjusted up or down by loosening or tighten- ing the punches in the tool holders. The tool holders are assembled by a sliding fit in the upper ram. Each tool holder shaft is connected to -a horizontal cross-shaft on the upper surface of the ram. The cross-shafts are held by, and rotate each in, two individual bearing blocks. A detector finger is attached to the outer end of each cross-shaft which extends in a downward position beyond the surface of the ram to contact the detector dogs when the detector punches indicate cases having no flash holes. Through this arrangement the machine is automatically stopped and the operator may remove the faulty cases. [19] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Station 6, Primer Insert The cases having been checked for flash holes at stations 4 and 5, are brought to station 6 by the transfer bar where the primer is inserted into the primer pocket. The inserting tool is held in an ad- justable tool holder in the upper ram by the hexa- gonal headed cap nut. The tool is cylindrical in shape tapering at its lower end to the diameter of the primer pocket. The working end is slightly con- cave to fit the head of the primer. The inserting punch may be raised or lowered to seat the primer to its correct depth for this particular station by ad- justing the tool holder up or down in the upper ram. The bottom stem, which supports the case as the primer is inserted, is located in the bottom ram held in an adjustable tool holder. The tool holder is bolted to the lower ram by four cap screws. The bot- tom stripper is a hole in the bottom of the case track large enough for the stem to enter freely, but too small for the case mouth to drop through, and acts as a bottom stripper. [20] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Station 7, Inverted or No Primer Detector M .. ., ~ » _ ....,~ ~..*...~.~.wt..~...-~ »\-...-.‘_.-_,~.-.1.‘ . . . . -_. The case, having had the primer inserted at station 6, moves to this station where it is checked for no primer or inverted primer. The case is held in posi- tion by the transfer bar and the latch fingers. The case is supported by the extractor groove around the case head which fits into two supporting rails, one located on each side of the guide rail. The supporting surfaces of the guide rails slightly raise the case, lifting the mouth from the bottom of the case track as the primer detector punch contacts the case. The supporting rails are held in a slot in the rail clamps by three small screws and when these become worn, they must be replaced. Detector Punch The detector punch screws into the bottom of the detector spindle and is locked into position by a lock nut. The lower end of the punch is tapered to a point for entrance into the primer pocket in the event that the primer has been left out. Cases hav- ing a primer inserted at the proper height are de- tected by the punch which comes down in the ram, and touches the primer lightly on its top. The detector punch touches the primer before the down stroke is completed and at the finish of the down stroke, the punch lifts the detector finger. Detector Finger The detector finger is located in the slot in the top of the detector shaft and swings in a stationary bracket located on top of the ram. This finger is in a fixed position approximately off center three to one. When the punch lifts the detector finger, the free end of the finger drops, holding the escapement finger. The detector punch is connected to the de- tector finger by a pin arrangement which allows freedom of action. I21] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Escapement Finger Detection Reset Shaft Ejector Shaft The escapement finger is a T-shaped bar located in the slot in the top of the ram. The escapement finger is controlled by a coil tension spring extending from the spring post on the escapement finger to a spring post on the upper surface of the ram. The escapement finger is held in a back- ward position by the tension of the coil spring. The forward stroke is actuated by a wedge cam on the escapement door shaft. When no primer or an inverted primer is detected, the punch comes down and on the up-stroke, the escapement finger is pulled by the coil spring under the release clamp, located on the case ejector shaft. This compresses the escapement door spring, opening the door in the case track at station 8, allowing the case to drop through the tube into a con- tainer on the outside of the machine. On the next down stroke, as another primer is detected, the case having, no primer is discharged at the next station On this down stroke if a good primer is indicated, the reset pin in a T-shaped escapement finger is held back by the detector finger, and the escapement door is closed by the compression coil spring located and held in the side of the machine by a screw plug. The good cases then move past the escapement door to the next station. The case reset ejector shaft is located in the hole in the top of the machine bed. It is held stationary by a nut on the end of the shaft. An arm is pinned on the ejector shaft and holds a stop pin with the detec- tor shaft in the same position at the beginning of each down stroke. Friction pins are located in the bottom of the detector shaft bushing. Three holes are drilled in line approximately %" apart in the detector shaft bushing. Brass pins of equal length are inserted in the two outside holes and the friction shaft is screwed in the center hole. A washer slips over the shaft and rests on the brass pins. A coil spring is slipped on the shaft behind the washer. A nut and washer are screwed on the friction shaft, applying pressure on the spring, the washer and the friction pins, and hold the shaft in the position determined by the detector pin at the down stroke and the shaft reset pin at the up-stroke. [22] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Dt t P I: . R:sceFPinunc \ / Stationary Shaft Escapement Door Block Detector Punch _ Q’ R ,\\ Q-I ~“ .. If “"'*f’\ ‘III Latch Plates 6" ' Escflpement Door \ . 0,9 ,/ IT:-I0‘ \/ \' / “@ ' I / Friction Pin V Adjustment II! Escapement Door Operating Shaft [23] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Station 9, Seating and Crimping The case having a primer properly inserted, passes station 8 to this station where the primer is further seated and crimped. The case is held in position by a latch finger located in the latch block directly in line with the crimping punch. On the up stroke of the lower ram the bottom stem enters the case and sup- ports it while the tool in the upper ram performs the crimping operation. The crimping punch is made in two pieces, the crimper and the crimper holder. The crimper is held in the holder by a set screw that may be replaced as often as necessary. The crimper holder is counter-bored to slip over the case head, centering it while the primer is seated and crimped. The crimping punch holder is located in the top of the ram and is adjustable up and down. It is locked in position by a lock nut. The crimping holder is held in the crimping punch holder by a lock nut. The crimper pin is adjustable up and down by a plunger set screw and locked in correct adjustment by a lock nut. The cases are held down by a stripper located in the stripper block. The stripper block is bolted to the rear of the case track immediately below the crimp- ing tool and can be adjusted by sliding it in or out in a dovetailed slot in the stripper block. The stripper is locked in position by a screw and clamp. A slot is cut in the cimper holder on the rear surface so that on the up and down stroke of the ram the crimper holder will not strike the stripper. The lower stem is fitted with a heavy coil spring which controls pressure against the stem when the case is lifted and the crimping tool performs the crimping operation. This pressure is very important and may be adjusted by means of the coil tension spring adjustment until the correct pressure is ob- tained. The stem holder shaft is assembled in the lower ram. The shaft slips through the coil spring, and through the pressure block, and is locked in place by a lock and jam nut. A dog point set screw through the pressure block rests in the key way out in the bottom of the shaft holding it in place while the lock nuts are adjusted. I24] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Primer Belt —-" Salety Block _ Station 8, Case Ejector Station Opening Finger _ Stationary Shait . Primer Stop Plate ESCAPEMENT DOOR ASSEMBLY The cases, having been checked for no primer or an inverted primer at station 7, are moved by the transfer bar to this station where the defective cases are ejected. This station has neither bottom stem nor top punch since the only purpose here is to eject the cases that are unsatisfactory. The station consists of an escapement block which is held in place on the machine bed by three screws and two dowel pins in each gib. The gibs are screwed tightly to the bed. Enough clearance is left between the gibs and the escapement block to allow the block to slide freely. The escape- ment block has a shoulder machined on the front of the block which forms part of the case guide track when the escapement block is in a closed position. The escapement block is opened by the case ejector shaft. The case ejector shaft lifts the opening finger and pushes the escapement block back, compressing a coil spring and plunger located in the side of the machine and held in by a screw plug. The opening finger is held in a bracket by a wrist pin arrangement which allows a free swing of the finger. The bracket is held in place under the machine bed by cap screws. The escapement block has a boss on the bot- [25] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Opening Finger (Cont.) Holding Finger tom of the block that rests in a square hole in the top of the machine bed. When a bad case is detected as it passes to this station, the opening finger pushes on the boss opening the escapement block. The spring and plunger rest on the front of the boss, keeping the escapement block closed at all other times. A slot is machined in the escapement block shoulder for the holding finger. The holding finger is held in a horizontal position extending into the case track above the escapement door opening. A pin through the holding finger holds it in place. A compression spring pushes the finger holding the case against the anvil, while the transfer bar moves back to advance the next case. [26] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Curve Shaped -_ Cam Cam Roller Vertical Slide Shellac Container Station ID, Shellac and Varnish Curve Shaped Cam and Cam Roller Vertical Slide Horizontal Slide Horizontal Slide TOP VIEW OF VARNISH AND SHELLAC STATIONS The shellac and varnish station assembly is mounted on a special housing which is bolted to the left end of the machine bed. The varnishing and shellacking mechanism consists of the following parts, all of which are actuated from an eccentric cam wheel through an adjustable connecting rod. The cam wheel is attached to the left end of the crankshaft. The plate cam is bolted on the unit casting and is adjustable from front to back. The screw holes in the cam are elongated to allow the cam to be moved to the desired position. The cam roller is located in the top of the vertical slide and is held in place on the slide by a cam roller stud. The vertical slide is located in a dovetailed seat machined in the top of the horizontal slide. The dovetailed seat is slightly wider than necessary for the insertion of a bronze gib. The gib is approximately V16 of an inch thick and 4 inches long and is held in place by counter-sunk holes for adjusting screws. The cam roller on the slide is held on a cam track by a coil compression spring located in the slot at the back of the vertical slide. The horizontal slide is located in a dovetailed slot approximately 4 inches below the upper edge of the unit casting. This slide moves back and forth, carrying the shellac tool from the shellac reservoir to the primer pocket in the case head, in a dipping motion. The shellac tool dips into the shellac reservoir, then descends to the top of the case head. This mo- tion is controlled by the plate. At the end of the forward stroke, the horizontal slide strikes a stop screw located in the unit casting in line with the slide. The shellacking pin may be adjusted in position over the primer pocket by the stop screw. [27] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Horizontal Slide Spring and Con- necting Rod “L” Shaped Arm Connecting Link Lower Cross Arm Bottom Tool Slide \ and Adjusting Screw The horizontal slide connecting rod connects the slide to an L-shaped arm. The rod slips into the slot cut in the L-shaped arm and is held in place by a stud lock nut. The small end of a shaft slips through the hole in the push block on the horizontal slide. A coil compression spring keeps the slide pushed forward on the connecting rod. A lock nut holds the push block on the shaft. At the finish of the forward stroke, the con- necting rod lock nut should extend approximately %; of an inch beyond the block. This adjustment is to insure that the horizontal slide goes clear to the stop screw, and is not held back by the lock nut. The L-shaped arm connects the horizontal slide connecting shaft to the eccentric connecting shaft and the eccentric connecting rod, and is held in place and rocks on a stud which is screwed into the unit casting. The eccentric is located on the outer end of the crankshaft by a screw, the point of the screw being set in a hole in the shaft. The connecting rod screws into the eccentric bearing strap on the lower end, and into an adapter. The adapter is held in place by a stud through an L-shaped arm and nut. The connecting link, made of flat steel, is held in place by the upper end by a stud which also runs through the adapter, the L-shaped arm and the link. It is held in place at the bottom by a stud through the short end of the lower cross arm. The lower cross arm is held in place in a unit casting by a stud. This stud also acts as a pivot pin for the lower cross arm. The long end of the cross arm is connected to the bottom of the horizontal by an adjusting screw. The tool slide is a dovetailed bar to which the varnishing tool is attached ' at the lower end. A slot is cut in the lower end in the slide for the ad- justing screw. The slide is approximately 9 inches long, and is located in a casting bolted on the bottom of the machine bed. The casting contains a machined slot in which the slide travels up and down. A steel bracket is bent to shape, supporting the varnishing tool and is screwed to the top of the slide. The bracket is bent to allow the varnishing tool to be held up- right on the tool slide. [28] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Description Varnish Reservoir Connecting Link Varnish Tool Slide Connecting Rod Lower Cross Arm Varnish Tool Ad- ’ justing Screw LOWER VIEW OF VARNISH STATION [29] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Tool Holder Description TOOL HOLDER DESCRIPTION Crimping Punch Holder Assembly Retaining Studand Lock Nut: The retaining stud is externally threaded from below the head to the lower end of the stud. A %" hexagon head is machined on the upper end of the stud. The stud is equipped with a 15/16” lock nut which locks against the upper end of the tool holder. Crimping Assembly Tool Holder: This cylindrical tool holder is hollow to permit insertion of the space rod and crimping tool. Below the hexagonal machined head the holder is externally threaded, approximately V; its length for insertion into the ram. The lower end of the tool holder is threaded to receive a clamp nut. Tool Holder Lock Nut: The tool holder lock nut is internally threaded and has a narrow hexagon head machined in its upper end. The lock nut is used to lock the tool holder securely in the upper ram. Space Rod: The space rod is cylindrical and small enough in diameter to enter through the tool holder. It is used as a spacer between the tool and the retaining stud. Crimping Punch Holder: The crimping punch holder is a metal shaft, the lower end of which is equipped with a hollowed cylinder for insertion of the crimping tool. The hollowed section is split longitudinally to allow the stripper to pass through the holder. A small Allen head lock screw is used to secure the crimping tool in place. Crimping Tool: The cylindrical metal crimping tool is slightly concave on the lower end and has a flat machined portion at approxi- mately the center on the side of the tool. The set screw in the tool holder contacts the flat surface to lock the tool securely in the tool holder. Cap Nut: The hexagonal headed cap nut is internally threaded for application to the lower end of the tool holder. The lower end of the cap nut is partially enclosed leaving a circular opening for the inser- tion of the crimping tool holder. [30] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Tool Holder Description Inserting Punch Retaining Stud and Lock Nut: The retaining stud is externally Holder Assembly threaded from below the head to the lower end of the stud. A 7/8” hexagon head is machined on the upper end of the stud. The stud is equipped with a 15/16" lock nut which locks against the upper end of the tool holder. Inserting Assembly Tool Holder: The cylindrical inserting tool holder is hollow to permit insertion of the space rod and inserting tool. Below the hexagonal machined head the holder is externally threaded approximately 1/; its length for insertion into the ram. The lower end of the tool holder is threaded to receive a cap nut. Tool Holder Lock Nut: The tool holder lock nut is internally threaded and has a narrow hexagon head machined in its upper end. The lock nut is used to lock the tool holder securely in the upper ram. Space Rod: The space rod is a cylindrical metal rod small enough in diameter to enter through the tool holder. It is used as a spacer between the tool and the retaining stud. Inserting Tool: The inserting tool is a cylindrical metal rod tapered at its lower end to a diameter approximately the size of the primer and primer pocket. Cap Nut: The cap nut is hexagon in shape internally threaded for application to the lower end of the tool holder. The lower end of the cap nut is partially enclosed leaving a circular opening for the in- 1 sertion of the inserting tool. I31] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Tool Holder Description Retaining Stud and Lock Nut: The retaining stud is externally threaded from below the head to the lower end of the stud. A %” hexagon head is machined on the upper end of the stud. The stud is equipped with a 1*"/1/6” lock nut which locks against the upper end of the tool holder. Burring Punch Holder Assembly _ R Burring Tool Holder: The cylindrical burring tool holder is hollow to permit insertion of the space rod and burring tool. Below the hexagonal machined head, the holder is externally threaded approximately %; its length for insertion into the ram. The lower end of the tool holder is threaded to receive a clamp nut. Tool Holder Lock Nut: The tool holder lock nut is internally threaded and has a narrow hexagon head machined at its upper end. The lock nut is used to lock the tool holder securely in the upper ram. Space Rod: The space rod is a cylindrical metal rod small enough in diameter to enter through the tool holder. It is used as a spacer between the tool and retaining stud. Burring Tool: The burring tool is cylindrical and machined to three diameters; it is held in the lower end of the tool holder by a cap nut. The burring tool produces a small chamfered radius around the edge of the primer pocket. Cap Nut: The hexagonal headed cap nut is internally threaded for application to the lower end of the tool holder. The lower end of the cap nut is partially enclosed leaving a circular opening for the inser- tion of the burring tool. [32] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Tool Holder Description Flash Hole Punch Retaining Stud and Lock Nut: The retaining stud is externally Assembly threaded from below the head to the lower end of the stud. A 7/8” . hexagon head is machined on the upper end of the stud. The stud ' is equipped with a 15/16” lock nut which locks against the upper end of the tool holder. Flash Hole Punch Assembly Tool Holder: The cylindrical I flash hole punch is hollow to permit insertion of the space rod and flash hole punch. Below the hexagonal machined head the holder is externally threaded, approximately half its length for insertion into the ram. The lower end of the flash hole punch is threaded to re- ceive a cap nut. Tool Holder Lock Nut: The tool holder lock nut is internally threaded and has a narrow hexagon head machined at its upper end. The lock nut is used to lock the tool holder securely in the upper ram. Space Rod: The space rod is a cylindrical metal rod small enough in diameter to enter through the tool holder. It is used as a spacer between the tool and the retaining stud. . Flash Hole Punch: The flash hole punch is a cylindrical steel rod which has a fiat machined portion near its upper end which the locking stud contacts to lock the flash hole punch securely in place. The lower end of the punch is machined to two smaller diameters forming the correct diameter of the working end. Flash Hole Punch Holder: The flash hole punch holder is a metal shaft, the lower end of which is equipped with a hollowed cylinder for insertion in the flash hole punch. A small Allen head lock screw is threaded through the side of the punch holder to lock the punch securely in place. Cap Nut: A hexagonal headed cap nut is internally threaded for I ‘ / application to the lower end of the tool holder. The lower end of "i the cap nut is partially enclosed leaving a circular opening for the insertion of the flash hole punch holder. [33] CALIBER so PRIMER INSERT Tool Holder Description Shellac Tool: The cylindrical shellac tool is equipped with a horizontal pin near the upper end. The pin supports the shellac tool in the tool holder. The lower 1 end of the shellac tool is shouldered and tapered to a Shellac Tool Holder Assembly pair of small fingers which are machined on the end of the tool. Shellac Tool Holder: The shellac tool holder is _ bolted to the lower end of the dovetailed tool slide. The shellac tool arm is held at right angles to the tool I .4 ' ' slide and is fitted with 3. vertical cylinder into which the t "' ' shellac tool fits. / Coil Spring: The coil spring is inserted in a slot in the rear surface of the dovetailed slide which forces the cam roller mounted on the upper end of the tool slide against the cam which actuates the dipping motion of the tool holder. ::~.~.::n Inverted Prim‘er Coil Spring: A small coil spring is used to hold the Tool Holder outer end of the detector finger at its lowest position. Assembly The coil spring is inserted in the slotted end of the de- tector-shaft beneath the end of the detector finger. Detector Finger Pin: The detector finger pin is fitted with a small collar pin and is used to hold the detector finger in the slotted end of the detector shaft. Detector Finger: The detector finger is a metal shaft having one end bent at an approximate 30° angle. A small hole is drilled through the shaft for the insertion of the pin to hold it securely in the upper end of the detector shaft. Detector Shaft: The cylindrical detector shaft is inserted through the upper ram and is fastened to the detector finger. The upper end of the shaft is slotted and has a circular hole drilled horizontally through the slotted sections for the insertion of the pin to hold the detector finger in place. The lower end of the detector shaft is hollowed and internally threaded for the in- sertion of the detector punch. Detector Punch: The cylindrical punch is threaded % its length from the upper end. A hexagon nut is used to lock the detector punch into the detector shaft. The lower end of the detector shaft is tapered to a point to enter into the pockets of the cases in the event a primer has not been inserted at the inserting station. [34] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Tool Holder Description "No-Case" Tool Holder Assembly Bearing Block, Cross-Shaft and Detector Finger: The cross-shaft is held in place by two rectangular bearing blocks on the upper surface of the ram. The cylindrical cross-shaft is equipped with a connecting finger between the bearing blocks for attachment to the ~: ‘ detector plunger. The detector finger is a rectangular """ metal shaft attached to the rear end of the cross-shaft. It is held solidly to the cross-shaft by a key. Coil Spring: A small coil spring fits beneath the con- necting finger and holds the detector finger cross-shaft - at its back position unless actuated by the detector ' punch. .' g Detector Shaft: The cylindrical detector shaft is ‘ pl: __ I 3 inserted through a bored hole in the upper ram and its : ' -. .. ‘ V T upper end is attached by means of a slot and pin to the t cross-shaft. The detector shaft is able to slide up and I *i7;fi"p£,‘ "‘ down through the ram. The lower end is hollow and l ‘ :4. ' internally threaded for the insertion of the detector ' "i" tool holder. The lower end of the detector shaft is ' also externally threaded for the application of a hexa- gon nut. - r_ Coil Spring: The detector shaft employs the use of a l coil spring to hold the shaft in its lower position in the l ram. The coil spring fits over the detector shaft and - __.n7 ,,'; 1 rests against the underneath surface of the ram. The i ' spring is held in place by the hexagon nut. Hexagon Nut: The hexagon nut is internally threaded L ‘H I " i for application to the threaded portion of the detector 3- "‘ shaft to hold the coil spring in place. -. _ 7.5 Detector Punch: The cylindrical detector punch is . threaded V2 the distance from the upper end. The lower end is equipped with a circular shoulder which ;' conforms to the diameter of the case head. A hexagon "5 nut is threaded onto the detector punch to lock it securely in place in the detector shaft. ‘[35] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Tool Holder Description Bearing Block, Cross-Shaft and Detector Finger: The cross-shaft is held in place by two rectangular bearing blocks on the upper surface of the ram. The cylindrical cross-shaft is equipped with a connecting finger between the bearing blocks for attachment to the detector plunger. The detector finger is a rec- tangular metal shaft attached to the rear end of the ( M12 ., ‘ cross-shaft. It is held solidly to the cross-shaft by a L ‘ key. Coil Spring: A small coil spring fits beneath the connecting finger and holds the detector finger cross- shaft at its back position unless actuated by the detec- tor punch. Detector Flash Hole Punch Holder Assembly Detector Shaft: The cylindrical detector shaft is inserted through a bored hole in the upper ram and its upper end is attached by means of a slot and pin to the cross-shaft. The detector shaft is able to slide up and down through the ram. The lower end is hollow and internally threaded for the insertion of the detector tool holder. The lower end of the detector shaft is also externally threaded for the application of a hexa- gon nut. Coil Spring: The detector shaft employs the use of a coil spring to hold the shaft in its lower position in the ram. The coil spring fits over the detector shaft and rests against the underneath surface of the ram. The spring is held in place by the hexagon nut. IIlIIll\ .i__---——‘r4 Hexagon Nut: The hexagon nut is internally threaded for application to the threaded portion of the detector shaft to hold the coil spring in place. Detector Punch Hexagon Nut: The hexagon headed detector punch nut is internally threaded for applica- tion to the detector punch. It is used to lock the punch \ in place in the detector shaft. - \ Detector Punch: The cylindrical detector punch is externally threaded %; its length from the upper ram for insertion into the internal threads of the detector shaft. The lower end of the punch is shouldered and hollowed for the insertion of the detector pin. ‘ Lock Collar: The circular lock collar is equipped with a set screw which is threaded through the sides. The collar is used to lock the detector pin in the detec- tor punch. Detector Pin: The cylindrical detector pin is small enough in diameter to enter the flash hole of the case. It is locked in the detector punch by the lock collar. [36] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Tool Holder Description Varnish Tool Holder Assembly Varnishing Pin: The cylindrical varnishing pin has a dome-shaped head machined on the lower end. The upper end is slotted for the entrance of the assembly key. The varnishing pin is inserted into the hollow varnishing shaft which is contained as a unit in the varnishing tool holder. Split Nuts: Two half nuts are used to hold the varnishing shaft and pin securely in the varnish tool holder. The split lock nuts have a hexagon head ma- chined on the upper end and are threaded on the lower end. They are clamped around the varnish shaft and threaded into the upper end of the varnish tool holder. Varnish Shaft: The varnish shaft has a circular head on the upper end and is slotted through the lower end. It is hollowed for the insertion of the varnishing pin. Coil Springs: Two coil springs are used in the tool assembly. The larger of the two is inserted into the tool holder. The smaller one is inserted into the varnish shaft. Varnish Tool Holder: The varnish tool holder is hollowed for the insertion of the various component parts of the tool assembly. The tool holder is threaded at the lower end for attachment to the tool holder arm. A hexagon headed, internally threaded nut secures the tool holder in place. The tool holder is slotted through the sides for the insertion of a metal key which holds the assembly in place. Varnish Tool Slide: The varnish tool slide is a rec- tangular metal plate which supports the varnish tool arm. The varnish tool arm is bolted to the upper end of the tool slide. [37] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Tool Description TOOL DESCRIPTION DETECTOR PUNCH BURRING PUNCH PUNCH DIE Tool Name: Detector Punch——Short case or no case. Piece No.: P-2 Location: Held vertically in upper ram Normal Life: 850,000 pieces This punch is made of drill rod, hardened and ground. Tool Name: Burring Punch Piece No.: P-1 Location: Held vertically in upper ram Normal Life: 600,000 pieces This punch is designed from tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. Tool Name: Stem-Mouth Spreader Piece No.: P-60 Location: Held vertically in lower ram Normal Life: 1,250,000 pieces This stem is constructed from tool steel, hardened and ground. Tool Name: Punch—Venting (flash hole) Piece No.: P-76 Location: Held vertically in upper ram Normal Life: 20,000 pieces This punch is made of needle wire, hardened and ground. Tool Name: Die—Venting (flash hole) Piece No.: P-5 Location: On tip of P-6 stem; held vertically in lower ram Normal Life: 75,000 pieces The venting die is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. [33] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Tool Description STEM—\/ENTING DETECTOR PUNCH-NO VENT PUNCH—PRIMER INSERT .. _ - M) STEM—PRlMER INSERT 1, DETECTOR PUNCH—lNVERTED PUNCH—SEATlNG AND CRIMPING Tool Name: Stem—Venting (flash hole) Piece No.: P-6 Location: Held vertically in lower ram Normal Life: 225,000 pieces This stem is constructed from tool steel, hardened and ground. Tool Name: Detector Punch—No vent (flash hole) Piece No.: P-7 Location: Held vertically in upper ram Normal Life: 50,000 pieces There are two of these detector punches, located at stations 4 and 5. They are made of needle wire. Tool Name: Punch—Primer Insert Piece No.: P-9 Location: Held vertically in upper ram Normal Life: 850,000 pieces This punch is designed from tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. Tool Name: Stem—Prirner Insert Piece N 0.: P-10 Location: Held vertically in lower ram Normal Life: 1,000,000 pieces This stem is made of tool steel, hardened, ground and polished. Tool Name: Detector Punch—Inverted or no primer Piece No.: P-11 Location: Held vertically in upper ram Normal Life: 1,250,000 pieces This detector punch is constructed from tool steel and hardened. Tool Name: Punch—Seating and Crimping Piece No.: P-13 Location: Held vertically in upper ram Normal Life: 50,000 pieces This punch is made of tool steel, hardened and ground. [39] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Tool Description —nr~2-Y0.-‘Ms . bu-¢_a\ STEM-SEATING AND CRIMPING TOOL—MOUTH VAR NISH :g',;&'.\_,|l.-U ‘ 0- r: Ll PIN-SHELLAC Tool Name: Stem——Seating and Crimping Piece No.: P-15 Location: Held vertically in lower ram Normal Life: 250,000 pieces This stem is made of tool steel, hardened and ground. Tool Name: Tool-rMouth Varnish Piece No.: Cup body P-16, Cup P-17, Plunger P-18 Location: Held vertically in bottom slide tool holder Normal Life: 1,000,000 pieces This tool is made from tool steel, hardened and ground. ~ Tool Name: Pin—Shellac Piece No.: P-19 Location: Held vertically in bottom slide tool holder Normal Life: 1,250,000 pieces This pin is made from tool steel, hardened and ground. [40] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Process Sequence Overhead Hopper Paddle Wheel Hopper Feed Throat and Feed Tube Positioning Mechanism Receiving Block and Transfer Bar Station I, Detector Station 2, Burring Station 3, Piercing Punch Station 4, Detector Station 5, Detector PROCESS SEQUENCE The cases are fed from a truck or conveyor into an overhead liberty-type hopper and flow down through a feed pipe to the paddle wheel hopper. The cases flow down the incline of the paddle wheel hopper, under the baffle plate to the paddle wheel. The paddle wheel rotates clockwise, picks up the cases and conveys them up to the edge of the hopper where they roll off onto the conveyor belt. The cases fall head first into the feed throat and are assisted through by a leather friction disc. From the feed throat, the cases flow through the brass feed tube to the positioning mechanism. The cases enter the feed lip from the feed tube and lie at a slight angle with the case head at the lower end. Actuated from the upper ram, the upper finger on the finger block holds the succeeding cases in the feed tube as the lower finger knocks the case on the feed lip into the feed chute. A positioning pin in the feed chute momentarily holds the head of the case, allowing the case to drop into the feed chute, mouth first. A second pin on the opposite side of the feed chute keeps the case mouth from striking the outer edge of the feed chute. The case rests mouth down in the receiving block and guide rails, and is held in position by the latch finger. The transfer bar moves in and con- veys the cases, one station at a time, through each of the ten work stations as follows: At this station the detector punch moves down. If there is no case or a short case in the station, the machine will stop. At this station a stem enters the case mouth from underneath and spreads the mouth. It then raises the case 1/16 inch. The burring punch moves down, chamfering the edge of the primer pocket. The case is stripped from the stem and punch by strippers located below and above the case. At this station a hollow stem and die enter the mouth of the case from underneath raising it V8 inch. The piercing punch moves down, piercing the flash hole through the web of the case. The case is stripped from the stem and punch by strippers located below and above the case. The scrap passes through the hollow stem into a tube and down to a pan outside of the machine. At this station the detector moves down and enters the flash hole. If the hole is defective or a hole has not been pierced, the machine will stop. At this station the same action occurs as at station 4. In the event the detector fails to detect the absence of a flash hole at the fourth station, this station will detect it and stop the machine. [41] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Process Sequence Station 6, Primer Insert Station 7, Detector Station 8, Escapement Door Station 9, Crimping and Seafing Station IO, Shellac and Varnish Drying Track and Disposal The primers are transferred from a brass plate into the hopper, anvil up, by hand. The brass plate holds 500 primers at a time. The primers flow by gravity down the hopper incline, and through an opening in the bot- tom onto a metal feed conveyor belt in front of the agitator. The agitator moves in a forward and backward motion to prevent congestion and aligns the primers in a single file. The primers ride along the belt and stop against the spacer bar. The spacer bar, actuated by a cam, allows one primer at a time, properly spaced and timed with each downstroke of the ram to travel along the metal conveyor belt, where the primer stops against the stop plate in front of the push-in finger. The push-in finger forces the primer into the primer turnover fingers. As the stem enters the case from the mouth, raising the case 1/16 inch, the primer turnover mechanism inverts the primer and places it in alignment with the primer pocket and inserting tool. The inserting tool presses the primer into the primer pocket in the case. At this station the detector moves down to detect whether there is a primer in the pocket or if the primer is inverted. If these defects are found, the escapement door at station 8 will open. If no defects are found, the escapement door will remain closed. At this station a case with an inverted primer or a case with no primer, will fall through the escapement door and discharge tube. If no defects are found, the case passes to the next station. At this station the stem enters the mouth from underneath and raises the case 1/16 inch, as the crimping punch moves down to seat and crimp the primer. The primer is seated from .001 to .007 below the face of the case. At this station the case is moisture-proofed. The shellac pin moves down allowing a drop of shellac to run around the rim of the primer. The varnish tool enters the mouth of the case, leaving a coat of varnish inside of the neck of the case. The transfer bar forces the cases in close single file through a 2%-ft. drying rack, where they drop off at the end into the inspection trough. ill:-ISNI tIElWItId 08' EIHEIFIVD eouenbeg SS9.'JO.ld Cases 4? Overhead Source T Overhead Hopper I Paddle Wheel Hopper I Conveyor Belt 4 Feed Primers Throat I I Hand Feed Feed Tube L _ _I _ Primer Primer Pos1t1on1ng H _ Feed Mechanism Opper Belt A I Receiving Turnover Block Fingers I I Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer J Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Bar T Bar T Bar T Bar Bar Bar T Bar 7 Bar T Bar T Bar I J I I I I‘ I I I I I _ Flash Flash ' Flash Primer Inverted FCrimping Shellac _ Detect _‘ Burrmg _ Hole Q Hole Hole H Insert _ Primer _ and H and _ _ Drying Station Station Station Detect Detect Station Detect Seating Varnish Track Stallion St3lli011 Statiorg Station Station T J Escapement Container Door IEIVHD N\O'l:I I817] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The case, when received by the primer insert machine, is in the form of a semi-finished case as shown in\Fig. 1. The pocket has-been placed in the head of the case and the extractor groove cut to the desired specifications. The primer pocket dimensions should be as follows: Pocket depth .125—.129 ' Pocket diameter .2093—.2098 The primer is a completely assembled unit when received by the Primer Insert Department, Fig 2. The primer cup dimensions should be as follows: Over-all height .127—.131 Primer diameter 2105-2112 The purpose of the Henry & Wright Primer Insert Machine is to pierce a flash hole in the bottom of the primer pocket through the web thickness of the case. The machine then burrs the shoulder of the primer pocket, after which it inserts and seats the primer in the pocket and crimps the primer into the case. As a final operation, the machine varnishes the case mouth and shellacs the primer pocket as a protection against moisture. Station 1 is known as a detector station. This station detects for short or no cases in the transfer bar. In the event of no case or a short case, the machine will automatically stop and the operator will remove the faulty case or cases from the transfer bar. Station 2 is known as the burring station which removes any burrs from the shoulder of the primer pocket and chamfers the shoulder edge of the pocket to facilitate the insertion of the primer. See Fig. 3. Station 3 is known as the flash hole punch station. At this station the flash hole is pierced through the bottom of the primer pocket through the web thickness of the case. See Fig. 4. The transfer bar passes the cases through two flash hole detector stations which check for the presence of a cleanly cut flash hole. The flash hole detectors are located at the fourth and fifth station. Station 6 is known as the primer inserting station. The primer is in- serted in the case pocket at this station. See Fig. 5. The primer is picked up from the primer feed belt and transferred to a position directly above the case pocket where the inserting punch contacts and forces it into the primer pocket approximately % of its over-all height. Station 7 is known as the inverted primer detector station which detects a primer that‘ has been inserted into the case pocket in an inverted posi- tion or has been left out entirely. See Fig. 6. The following station is the escapement door station through which the faulty case will be ejected as the machine continues to run. [44l CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Product Description FIG. 6 Station 8 is known as the escapement door station which the cases pass through if the primer has been correctly inserted. From this station the cases pass to station 9 where the primer is seated and crimped. Note: the primer should be seated below the case head from .001 to .007 to pass inspection. See Fig. 7. Station 10 is known as the shellac and varnish station. As the case leaves the crimping station, it is counted as it passes the counter clock and is transferred by the transfer bar through several positions to the shellac and varnish station. Here the case mouth is varnished and the primer is shellacked as a protection against moisture. -See Fig. 8. fix Y" FIG. 7 FIG. 8 I45] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Inspection Visual Gage Care Gages INSPECTION The cases are received at the primer insert machine from the Inspection Department in containers and are placed into a paddle wheel hopper which automatically feeds them to the machine. The cases pass through the hopper feed tube and drop singly into the transfer bar. The primer insert machine passes the cases through a series of ten opera- tions in which a radius is placed around the top of primer pocket, the flash hole is pierced, flash hole detected, primer inserted, primer seated and crimped, primer shellacked and the mouth and neck of the case are var- nished to water-proof the component. After the cases have passed through the ten stations, they are inspected for primer seating depth with a dial indicator gage. They are also visually inspected to make sure that every case has a flash hole, shellac around the primer and varnish in the mouth and neck. If any one of these is lacking, there must be an immediate ad- justment of the machine to correct the fault. Whenever defective cases are found, the lot from which they come must be removed and properly identi- fied so that the bad lot will not be mixed with good cases. Gages are expensive instruments, machined to a fine precision. Improper use or carelessness in gaging may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may affect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be employed in matching a case to a gage. A protected location should be used for storage of gages to prevent their damage when not in use. The most accurate checks are made when the cases are cool since heat causes expansion of the metal and results in a temporary variation in the case size. FLUSH PIN GAGE The depth of the case pocket is determined by a flush pin type gage, illustrated at the left. The center pin may be adjusted to a predetermined Ln length. The specified pocket depth is from .125 to .129. DIAL INDICATOR GAGE The primer seating depth is gaged at fre- quent intervals with a dial indicator gage. This manual gaging provides a check on the accuracy of the machine. The primer is ‘ seated in the case pocket from .001 to .007 ' below the case head. l46l CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Inspection Gages (com) CANNELURE DEPTH GAGE The extractor groove is gaged with a cannelure depth gage which should be used if the cases are binding in the stripper plates. The extractor groove specifications are as follows: .403—.407 SNAP GAGE The head thickness of the case is checked by a snap gage. If the primers are being seated to various depths and the crimping “I -*~‘ . adjustment has not been changed, the case head thickness should be checked. Specifications are as follows: .048—.049 TWIN RING GAGE The case head diameter is checked with a twin ring gage. If the cases are binding in the case track and no change has been made in the position of the latch plates or latch blocks, the head diameter should be checked before making any adjustment on the machine. The specifications are as follows: .467—.471 DOUBLE PLUG GAGE The diameter of the primer pocket is determined with a double plug gage. Specifications are as follows: .2098—.()(l5 The foregoing inspection methods are those most commonly employed in the manufacture of Caliber .30 cases. Other methods may be de- veloped, however, to maintain the manufacturing standards. [47] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments Objective Cautions ADJUSTMENTS To maintain satisfactory operation of the primer insert machine, both the product and the machine must be inspected at frequent intervals during operation. The components, both primer and case, must be peri- odically inspected to determine whether or not they meet specifications when they come to the primer insert machine. The primed cases should be inspected frequently as they come from the machine to determine when an adjustment is necessary. This section of the manual, with its illustrations, photographs and procedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjust- ments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all the machine troubles that will be encountered; therefore cer- tain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. Thorough analysis of the troubles will indicate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. The machine and surrounding floor space must be free from all foreign matter at all times. Before making an adjustment, the clutch must be disengaged, and the motor and power turned off. In order to insure proper adjustment of the machine and the alignment of its tools, always engage the clutch intermittently, permitting only one complete cycle of the machine to be made at a time before placing the machine into production operation. When the adjustments have been completed, make sure that there are no tools or rags on any of the moving parts of the machine or where they may fall onto any of the machinery in motion. See that there are no loose primers lying in the feed track. See that the machine guards are in proper repair and closed at all times except when inspections or repairs are being made. CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments -_—_~_—_=—_ Primer Insert Punch The primer insert punch is the tool which inserts the primer into the Primer Insert Punch ,\ VIEW OF TOOL HOLDERS AND RAM TOOIS: Procedure: primer pocket of the case. The punch is located at station 6. If the insert punch does not push the primer into the pocket until the head of the primer is 1/16” or less above the case head, the punch must be lowered. The punch holder is threaded into the ram and by loosening the lock nut, it can be turned in or out until the proper position is reached. 1 1 1/ 1 Punch LJER Holder N,uI Ram Primer Insert Punch ENLARGED VIEW OF PRIMER INSERT PUNCH 111/fi;" wrench, 11/4" wrench. 1. Place a case under the inserting punch. 2. Engage the clutch and turn the hand wheel until the top ram is at the bottom of its stroke. 3. Use a 111/11;" wrench to loosen the insert punch holder lock nut. 4. Use a 11/4_'’ wrench to turn the punch holder until the insert punch is 1/16" above the case head. 5. Use a Ii“/16” wrench to tighten the lock nut on the insert punch holder. 6. Disengage the clutch. I49] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments ___———_—=_———__—__—_—__—_——_—____ No Case Short Case The no case short case detector punch is located at station 1. The purpose Detector of this detector is to stop the machine if there is no case or short case in the transfer bar at station 1. The no case or short case detector actuates a detector finger. The detector finger and the stop dog should have a clear- ance of .005 when the no case or short case detector finger contacts a case at station 1. Due to constant use, the clearance between the detector fin- ger and stop dog may change and in_that case, the no case or short case detector will fail to stop the machine. For this reason, the no case or short case detector can be raised or lowered to bring the clearance between the detector finger and stop dog back to what it should be. No Case Detector _ . 4 L84 ' ht -" :. H . VIEW OF TOOL HOLDERS AND RAM ENLARGED VIEW OF NO CASE OR SHORT CASE DETECTOR PUNCH Tool: V2 " wrench. Procedure: 1. Insert a case under the detector punch. 2. Use a %” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the detector punch. 3. Turn the detector punch up into the holder about two complete turns. 4 . Engage the clutch and turn the hand wheel until the ram descends to a point where the detector finger is about ‘AH above the stop dog. 5. Lower the detector punch until it contacts the head of the case firmly enough to pivot the detector finger to a point where it is clearing the right side of the stop dog about .005. 6. Use a V2" wrench to tighten the lock nut on the detector punch. 7. Disengage the clutch. [50] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adiusimenfs Transfer Bar In The transfer bar is equipped with two stop screw adjustments. The pur- and Out Movement pose of these stop screw adjustments is to regulate the distance of travel that the transfer bar will make toward the cases in the case track. If the transfer bar travels too far toward the cases, or not far enough, the cases will be dented or smashed. When this condition exists, the stop screws must be readjusted until the punches are centered with the primer pocket. Spring Housing — P ~ \. ‘Iv as Lf~<"¢~ 13/16" Lock Nut 7/16” Adjusting Nut Rocker Arm VIEW SHOWING TRANSFER BAR ADJUSTMENT Tools: 1%" wrench, 7/f6" wrench. Procedure: 1. Engage the clutch and turn the hand wheel until the transfer bar has reached the end of its stroke toward the cases under each station. Disengage the clutch. 2. Use a 1%" wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the stop adjusting screws of both ends of the transfer bar rocker arm that actuates the transfer bar toward the cases. 3. Use a K6" wrench to turn the stop adjusting screws until the cases are tight, then back off until the cases are held rather loose. 4. Use a 1%" wrench to tighten the lock nuts while the stop screws are held in position. [51] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adiustments Case Supporting The case supporting stems are the tools which raise the case up off the Stems case track and support the case while the tools in the upper ram act on it. The four case supporting stems are at the piercing station, burring station, primer insert station, and the crimping station. If the supporting stems do not push the cases up far enough off the case track, the stems can be individually adjusted by loosening the lock nut on the stem holder and raising the stem in the ram to the correct distance. 1%” Lock Nut Stem CASE SUPPORTING STEM ADJUSTMENT Tools: 1%” wrench, %" wrench, 5/16” Allen wrench, spanner pin. Procedure: 1. Place a case at the station above the stem to be adjusted. 2. Engage the clutch and turn the hand wheel until the bottom ram is at the top of its stroke. 3. Use a 1%” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the stern holder to be adjusted. 4. Use a %" wrench to turn the stem until the case it contacts is raised about %;". Note: This is the correct clearance between case and track to be maintained at the piercing station, burring station, and the primer insert station. 5. Use a 1%" wrench to tighten the stem holder lock nut. 6. Disengage the clutch. [52] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adiustments = % <— L'i:r:;:' Sr" Secondary Stern I Holder ~\\~ S. Spanner Collar \ Spanner Collar on Case Crimping Station Stem Stem Holder CRIMPING STATION STEM ADJUSTMENT CROSS SECTIONAL DRAWING OF CRIMPING STATION STEM ADJUSTMENT CRIMPING STATION STEM Procedure: Note: This stem adjustment is just a little different from that given on page 51. 1. Place a case in the track at the crimping station. 2. Engage the clutch and turn the hand wheel until the bottom ram is at the top of its stroke. Use a 11/4" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the stem holder. Use a % " wrench to turn the stem holder until the case which the stem contacts above is raised up to within I/1/6" from the stripper. Use a 11/4" wrench to tighten the lock nut on the stem holder. The spring tension on the secondary stem holder is to be adjusted at this point. Turn the hand wheel until the crimping tool is acting on the case. Use a %” Allen wrench to loosen the spanner collar set screw. Use a spanner pin to turn the spanner collar until the tension is in- creased enough so that the crimping tool when acting oh the case can produce the proper crimp by merely compressing the spring about 1/(6 rr- Caution: If the spring tension is not sufiicient, the burring punch may have to be lowered until by the time the action of the crimping tool creates proper crimp on the primer, it will have pushed the case down against the case track. The case must not touch the case track when the burring punch is acting on it. 9. Use 5/16" Allen wrench to tighten the spanner collar set screw, and dis- engage the clutch. 3. 4. @511 90?] [53] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments Esca pement Door The escapement door slide is the metal plate which pushes the escapement Slide door back and forth. When cartridges pass inspection, the plate slides forward and the escapement door is closed. The plate slide has an adjust- able stop bolt that creates a positive closing position of the door each time it is closed. If the door does not close properly, this ‘adjustable stop bolt can be adjusted to bring the closing position in to proper place. 3/4" Lock Nut VIEW SHOWING ESCAPEMENT DOOR SLIDE ADJUSTMENT Tools: 1%" wrench, 1/2” wrench. Procedure: 1. Place a case with a primer under the no primer detector station and engage the clutch. 2. Turn the hand wheel until the detection of a good case is made and the escapement door has closed. 3. Use a 3/4" wrench to loosen the adjustable stop bolt lock nut. 4 Use a 1/2” wrench to turn the adjustable stop bolt until the plate pushes the finger against the case firmly enough at that position that the case will remain in a vertical position until it is advanced to the crimping station. [54] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments Procedure: (Cont.) 5. Use a 3/4 " wrench to tighten the adjustable stop bolt lock nut. Shellac Tool TOOIS: Procedure: 6. Disengage the clutch. Note: The metal finger that contacts the case at this station has an adjustable spring tension. This spring has to be readjusted from time to time. The Allen holding screw can be tightened until the spring tension is increased enough to hold the case properly. A set screw at the front end of the shellacking mechanism is forced against a rocker arm which presses the forked end of the shellac tool against the case head. The length of time that the shellac tool rests on the case head, and therefore the amount of shellac deposited on the case head, is de- termined by the adjustment of the set screw. If there is an insuflicient amount of shellac deposited on the case head, the set screw should be adjusted so that the tool rises about 1/4" as it is being pressed against the head of the case. S: e A VIEW SHOWING SHELLAC TOOL ADJUSTMENT %" wrench, 1/4" wrench. 1. Operate the machine and observe the amount of shellac that is being placed on the case head. 2. Turn off the power, engage the clutch, and turn the hand wheel until the shellac tool rests on the case head. 3. Use a %" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the set screw at the front end of the shellacking mechanism. 4. Use a 1/4" wrench to turn the set screw until the tool is raised about % II- 5. Hold the set screw in place and tighten the lock nut. [55] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments Shellac Tool The shellac tool shellacks the case head around the primer. The purpose of this operation is to seal and waterproof the primer. The tool is actuated by a rocker arm and a connecting rod attached to an eccentric wheel on the end of the crankshaft. An adjustment made on a movable plate cam above the shellacking tool holder determines the depth that the tool is dipped into the shellac. Tool: Procedure: VIEW SHOWING SHELLAC TOOL ADJUSTMENT %; " wrench. \ 1. Operate the machine to observe how far the tool is dipped into the shellac. Just the tip of the tool should be inserted. 2. Use a 1/2" wrench to loosen the cap screws on the movable plate located above the tool holder. In order to decrease the amount that the tool is dipped into the shellac, the plate should be moved back toward the shellac container. To increase the amount that the tool is dipped into the shellac, move the plate in the reverse direction. 3. After the plate has been moved in the proper direction, tighten the cap screws. ' 4. Operate the machine and observe the action of the shellac tool. It may be necessary to readjust the movable plate several times before the proper position is reached. I55] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments Turnover Finger The turnover fingers are small metal fingers attached to a small clutch Assembly assembly in front of station 6. The fingers are used to pick up the primers from the primer feed track. The primers slide down the feed track, up- side down, and are conveyed by a belt to a position where the turnover fingers pick them up, invert them and place them on top the cases in such a position that the insert punch can insert the primer in the primer pocket. <1 II II -.; ‘Q; .\i. ‘s ‘ f A - E. I ‘ ' 5/16' Allen ._ . ‘__-,-I " Screw ‘I 0\‘_ H Ti:# ' - ' .. ,_ . I. "/ " Lock , . M 22'' Allen rew "/3" Lock Nut 3/ " All 8 Sci: .. Clutch Ad'usting Col ar Turnover / Fingers VIEW SHOWING TURNOVER FINGER AND CLUTCH ADJUSTMENT Tools: 7/8" wrench, %" Allen wrench, 54;" Allen wrench. Procedure: 1. Insert a case without a primer into the primer insert station. 2. Engage the clutch and turn the hand wheel until the top ram is at the top of its stroke. 3. Use a 7 8" wrench to loosen the adjusting nuts on the male adjustable cone bearings. 4. Use a %” wrench to loosen the Allen screws on the turnover finger bracket holding the male bearings. 5. To adjust the fingers so that the primer which they hold is centered over the pocket of the case, turn the male cone bearings back and forth. 6. Use a 3/8" wrench to tighten the Allen screws on the turnover finger bracket holding the male bearings. 7. Use a 7/8" wrench to tighten the adjusting nuts on the male adjustable cone bearings. 8. Disengage the clutch. I 57 l CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments CLUTCH ADJUSTMENT Procedure: (Cont.) 1. Use a 5/15” Allen wrench to loosen the set screw in the clutch adjusting collar. Then turn the collar clockwise until the drag exerted on the turnover fingers is sufficient to cause the gear rack to turn the fingers over and hold them down momentarily while the inserting punch inserts the primer in the pocket. 2. Use a 5/16” Allen wrench to tighten the set screw on the clutch ad- justing collar. [58] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adiusfments Tronsfer Bar The transfer bar conveys the cases from station to station. It is moved Alignment from left to right by the advance arm which is actuated by a barrel cam on the crankshaft. The notches in the transfer bar must be in line with the concave portion of the latch fingers. If the transfer bar fails to convey the cases or if the cases are nicked while they are being carried from sta- tion to station, the transfer bar should be adjusted. 3/16" Allen . Screw VIEW SHOWING TRANSFER BAR ALIGNMENT ADJUSTMENT Tools: %” Allen wrench, hammer, punch. Procedure: 1. Engage the clutch and turn the hand wheel until the transfer bar is at its farthest position to the right. 2. Remove the door at the rear of the machine by releasing the latch and lifting it up and away from the machine. 3. Use a %” Allen wrench to remove the Allen screws, one on each side of the barrel cam. (If it is necessary to move the transfer bar to the right to align the notches in the transfer bar with the stations, the cam must be moved to the left or vice versa.) 4. To move the cam to the right, use a hammer and a punch to loosen the spanner nut on the right side of the cam and turn the spanner nut on the left side against the cam until the notches in the transfer bar are in line with the latch fingers. Reverse the procedure to move the cam to the left. 5. Make certain that the spanner nuts are tight against the cam, and insert and tighten the Allen screws. ' ' 6. Place the door back onto the machine and latch it in place. [59l‘ CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments Transfer Bar Positive Stop The positive stop screw for the transfer bar is adjusted so that the rocker arm just presses against the head of the screw. The purpose of the screw is to compensate for any play in the rocker arm bushing or in the cam groove. If the positive stop screw is not correctly adjusted, the stopping point of the transfer bar will vary. Tools: Procedure: TRANSFER BAR POSITIVE STOP ADJUSTMENT V 11/16" wrench, %" wrench. 1. Engage the clutch and turn the hand wheel until the transfer bar rocker arm is as far as it will go toward the positive stop set screw. 2. Use a 11/15” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the positive stop screw. 3. Use a % ” wrench to turn the screw until it rests against the rocker arm. 4. Hold the stop screw in place and tighten the lock nut. [60] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments Varnish Tool The varnish tool varnishes the mouth of the case. The head of the tool should be completely inserted in the mouth of the case. The distance of travel the varnish tool will make into the mouth of the case can be regu- lated by setting the rocker arm connection at various positions in order to meet specifications. This is accomplished by loosening lock nuts on the varnish tool rocker arm connection and sliding it to the desired position. 5/15" Lock Nuts VIEW SHOWING VARNISH TOOL ADJUSTMENT Tools: % " wrench, %” wrench. Procedure: 1. Place a case in the varnish station. 2. Engage the clutch and turn the hand wheel until the varnish tool is at the top of its stroke. 3. Use a %” wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the varnish tool rocker arm connection. 4. Slide the connection until the varnish tool is inserted completely into the mouth of the case. [61] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments Procedure: (Cont.) 5. Use a V16” wrench and tighten both lock nuts. Note: After making this adjustment, readjust the varnish to stop screw adjustment. 1. Use a 5/16” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the stop screw adjustment. 2. Use a %” wrench to turn the stop nut until it causes the varnish tool to close and spread the varnish into the mouth of the case. 3. Use a 5/16” wrench to tighten the stop screw lock nut. [62] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adiustments Flosh Hole Detector The flash hole detector punch is held in the upper ram at station 4. Its purpose is to detect any case which has not had a flash hole pierced in the primer pocket. If no flash hole has been punched into the web, the detector punch actuates a detector finger. The detector finger contacts a stop dog which moves the stop bar of the clutch lever and stops the machine. If a case without a flash hole passes the machine, the flash hole detector punch must be lowered until it will protrude about Kg” below the flash hole. Note: Station 5 is identical to station 4. Flash Hole Detector; Rum Tl .' I 1/2” Lock / Nut 1/3" Allen ll Detector Punch VIEW OF RAM AND TOOL HOLDERS ENLARGED VIEW OF DETECTOR PUNCH Tools: %" wrench, %” Allen wrench. Procedure: 1. Place a case with a flash hole beneath the flash hole detector punch and engage the clutch. 2. Turn the hand wheel until the top ram is at the bottom of its stroke. 3. Use a %” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the stem. 4. Use a %3" Allen wrench to loosen the set screw in the stem holder clamp. 5. Lower the stem holder by turning it counterclockwise until the flash hole punch is extended about 1/15" below the flash hole. 6. Use a %;” Allen wrench to tighten the set screw in the stem holder clamp. Use a %" wrench to tighten the lock nut on the stem. Disengage the clutch. 9°?“ [63] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments Piercing Punch Tools: Procedure: The flash hole punch, located at station 3 on the upper ram, is a tool used to punch the flash hole in the web in the head of the case. When the top ram descends, the flash hole punch pierces a hole through the base of the primer pocket. If the flash hole punch does not pierce the web thick- ness, it will have to be lowered. The flash hole punch is held in the upper ram by a holder which can be raised or lowered and held in any position by a lock nut. Punch Holder 111/“; I Lock Nut Piercing Punch Piercing Punch Station ENLARGED VIEW OF PIERCING PUNCH STATION 1"/ls” wrench, 1%" wrench. 1. Engage the clutch and turn the hand wheel until the ram is at the bottom of its stroke. 2. Use a 11%” wrench to loosen the piercing punch holder lock nut. 3. Use a 1%” wrench to turn the punch holder until it extends into the die in the stem about 1/Q”. 4. Use a 11%;” wrench to tighten the lock nut on the piercing punch holder. 5. Disengage the clutch. I 64 I CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments -___—_____—*__& No Primer or The inverted primer detector is the punch located at station 7. lnverted Primer Its purpose is to detect an empty primer pocket or an inverted primer. Detector If the cases pass this station without the primers or with inverted primers, the detector punch operates the escapement door mechanism to allow the case to fall into the reject box. If the detector fails to do this, it will have to be readjusted. Loosen the detector punch lock nut and lower the detector punch to a position where it will actuate the escapement door mechanism properly. No Primer or Inverted Primer Station Ram A . 0 . .-~. .. -. 3 I_.- ._.4-__.e l :0. ~‘ VIEW OF RAM AND TOOL HOLDERS ENLARGED VIEW OF NO PRIMER OR INVERTED PRIMER STATION -—~‘ aI_I' Tool: 1/2" wrench. Procedure: 1. Place a case‘ with a primer under the no primer detector. 2. Engage the clutch and turn the hand wheel until the top ram is at the bottom of its stroke. 3. Use a V/’ wrench to loosen the no primer detector punch lock nut. 4. Turn the no primer detector punch until the detector finger just contacts the T-bar of the escapement door mechanism enough to lock it in the back position. Note: This is about 1/16" from the top edge of the T-bar. 5. Use a VJ’ wrench to tighten the no primer detector punch lock nut. 6. Disengage the clutch lever. l 65 l CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments Push-In Finger The primer push-in finger pushes the primer into the turnover finger. If the push-in finger is not in adjustment, the primers will jam or fail to enter the turnover finger properly. The push-in finger should be adjusted so that the front portion of the push-in finger is in line with the inner surface of the feed guide when the finger is at its extreme backward position. Turnover I Fingers Push-in Finger - Vs ' Allen Screws " VIEW SHOWING TOP PUSH-IN FINGER ADJUSTMENT Tools: %;" Allen wrench, %” wrench, %” wrench. Procedure: 1. Engage the clutch and turn the hand wheel until the push-infinger is at its extreme backward position. I 2. Use a %;" Allen wrench to loosen the Allen screws that hold the push-in finger to the rocker arm. 3. Adjust the finger by moving it forward or backward until the front portion of the push-in finger is in line with the first primer cup track guide. 4. Tighten the cap screws. 5. Engage the clutch and turn the hand wheel until the push-in finger is moved to its extreme forward position. 6. Use a %" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the adjusting screw located at the lower portion of the rocker arm. 7. Use a 14 " wrench to turn the adjusting screw until the push-in finger inserts the cup into the turnover fingers. 8. Hold the adjusting screw in place and tighten the lock nut. 9. Disengage the clutch. I66] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments Burring Punch The burring punch is a tool in the top ram at the second station, which slightly chamfers the edge of the primer pocket. The burring punch is held in the upper ram by a holder which can be raised or lowered and held in any position by a lock nut. If the primers are being inserted sidewise or in a tipped position, it is indicated that the primer pockets are not being chamfered, and an adjustment is necessary. VIEW OF RAM AND TOOL HOLDERS TOOIS: Procedure: Burring Punch 1] ' Station 1 /'15; L°cl‘ Ram ENLARGED VIEW . OF BURRING PUNCH HOLDER 111/16" wrench, 11/4" wrench. 1. 2. 99”?‘ Insert a case without a primer under the burring station. Engage the clutch and turn the hand wheel until the top ram is at the bottom of its stroke. 3. Use a 111/I6" wrench to loosen the tool holder lock nut. 4. Use a 11/, " wrench to turn the tool holder until the burring tool enters the primer pocket and there is a clearance of approximately 1,61” between the head of the case and the shoulder on the top end of the burring punch. Use a 1"/16" wrench to tighten the lock nut on the tool holder. Disengage the clutch. A mercury cracking test should be made on some of the cases run after this adjustment. [67] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments Seating and Crimping Punch VIEW OF RAM AND TOOL HOLDERS TOOIS: Procedure: The crimping punch, at station 9, seats the primer in the primer pocket of the case and crimps it. The crimping punch must seat the primer be- tween .001 and .007 below the head of the case. When the primers are not being seated below the head of the case, the crimping punch must be low- ered. This is made possible by loosening the lock nut and lowering the piercing punch holder. Seating and Crimping Station Tool Holder ENLARGED VIEW OF SEATING AND CRIMPING STATION 111/1/6” wrench, 1%" wrench. Note: Before making an adjustment at this station, check the case sup- porting stem to see that it raises the head of the ease up to within about V16" from the stripper and that the spring tension on the stem is sufficient to support the stem and case above the case track during the crimping operation; otherwise the crimping punch will crack the case head or mash the mouth of the case against the case track. 1. 2. PF“ $99‘ Place a case with a primer to be seated and crimped under the crimping station. Engage the clutch and turn the hand wheel until the ram is at the bottom of its stroke. 0 Use a 1“/I6" wrench to loosen the crimping punch holder lock nut. Use a 1% " wrench to turn the crimping punch holder until the punch is lowered to the position where it seats and crimps the primer between .001 and .007 below the surface of the case head. Use a 11%;" wrench to tighten the crimping punch holder lock nut. Disengage the clutch lever. A mercury cracking test should be made on the first six or seven cases run after completion of the adjustment. I68} CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments Brake, Clutch, The brake is the mechanism that stops the machine and is located on the Clutch Release driveshaft. The clutch is the mechanism by which the power is transmitted to the driveshaft, and it is located on the driveshaft. The clutch release is the mechanism that automatically disengages the clutch thereby allowing the brake to stop the machine. The three mechanisms must be set and adjusted in proper relationship. ll _ f"“‘. - I ‘/Brake Shoe * -I. ’ . I N), § v_ K . Q.“ .\_ Q ‘ 3 ~¢._ Q - - _ VIEW OF AUTOMATIC THROWOUT MECHANISM I '0 ‘ ‘IIIIIIIIIIE I In I‘ lllll BRAKE AND CLUTCH ASSEMBLY Tools: 7/Q" Allen wrench, 34 " wrench, 111/16” wrench, 7/8" wrench. Procedure: Note: The automatic clutch release rod eccentric timing must be such that the release rod should be at the extreme end of its downward stroke when the top ram of the machine is at the extreme of its top stroke. 1. Use a 7/52" Allen wrench to loosen the Allen screws on the eccentric cam. 2. Be sure that the top ram of the machine is at the top of its stroke. Then move the eccentric cam of the automatic clutch release rod to the extreme of its bottom stroke. 3. Use a 7/Q" Allen wrench to tighten the Allen screws on the eccentric cam. [69] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Adjustments Clutch 1. Time Brake with 1. Clutch Note: Be sure the clutch is disengaged. Engage the clutch. Use a 111/16" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the adjustable brake release wedge rod. Use a 3/4 ” wrench to loosen the adjustable brake release wedge rod. Note: This allows the wedge to keep the brake released when the clutch is disengaged. Disengage the clutch and pull the clutch toggle pin out. Then turn the clutch yoke clockwise to tighten and counterclockwise to loosen, until the clutch can be engaged without an undue amount of pressure on the clutch lever. Note: When proper adjustment is completed, be sure the clutch toggle pin has locked into one of the notches thereby locking the adjustment securely. Use a 1% ” wrench to turn the adjustable brake release wedge rod until the wedge will disengage the brake a fraction of a second before the clutch is engaged. Note: When the upper wedge roller and lower wedge roller are resting on-the flat part of the wedge, this is the correct position. Use a 111/16" wrench to tighten the adjustable brake release wedge rod lock nut. [70] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT ' Adiusimenis Stop Clutch 1. Loosen the stop clutch turnbuckle lock nuts with a %” wrench. Tufnbuckle Note: If you desire the stop clutch to stop the machine faster, turn AdIustrnent the turnbuckle to the right. If the machine is stopping too fast, turn the turnbuckle to the left. Caution: Do not turn more than one complete turn at a time before checking. 2. Use a V8" wrench to tighten the stop clutch turnbuckle lock nuts. Hand Lever Brake Shoe Spring and Bolt / Adjustable Wedge Bolt CROSS SECTIONAL DRAWING OF HAND LEVER ENGAGING MECHANISM I Lock Nut ---—— Turn Buckle Eccentric Cam __ ‘ I Rocker Arm CROSS SECTIONAL DRAWING OF ECCENTRIC CAM OF AUTOMATIC THROWOUT [71] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Troubles and Corrections Objective Cases Not Fed Properly Jam at Positioning Mechanism TROUBLES AND CORRECTIONS The adjuster will encounter many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may confront an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. The following troubles can be recognized by visual and gage inspection of the component, together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. When making an analysis of the trouble that occurs, check the components entering the machine to see whether or not they meet specifications before mak- ing any adjustments on the machine. Visual inspection reveals that the cases are not being fed properly to the positioning mechanism. The causes are: 1. The hopper conveyor belt is slipping and is not carrying the cases to the feed throat. The tapered pin on the paddle wheel drive gear is sheared. The paddle wheel does not rotate. The corrections are: 1. Loosen the nut on the knurled idler pulley and force the pulley up against the conveyor belt until the belt is taut. Tighten the nut on the idler pulley. . Remove the drive belt guard and remove the drive belt. Re- move the housing and take out the driveshaft. Drive out the broken pin. Place a new pin in the gear and the shaft and re- assemble the hopper. Visual inspection reveals that the cases are jammed at the positioning mechanism. The causes are: 1. The receiving finger is not in line with the track. The cases are not falling from the feed finger into the track. The corrections are: 1. Take out the feed tube and re- move the turnover mechanism. Adjust the receiving finger in line with the track by turning the eccentric pin until the ease falls freely from the receiving finger into the case track. Remember to check the components entering the machine before making any adjustments. [72] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Troubles and Corrections Jam at Positioning 2. Mechanism (Cont.) Scratches on Body of Case The mouth of the positioning mechanism is not in line with the receiving finger. The case is not being fed freely into the case track. The causes are: 1. Too much tension on the latch finger spring causes scratches on the case as it is removed from the latch finger. Burrs on the latch finger will cause scratches on the case. Burrs on the transfer bar cause scratches as the cases are con- veyed from one station to the other by the transfer bar. 2. Adjust the mouth of the turn- over mechanism in line with the receiving finger. Loosen the Allen screws that hold the turnover mechanism to the track. Shift the mechanism un- til it is in line with the receiving finger. Tighten the Allen screws. Visual inspection reveals that the body of the case is being scratched as it passes through the machine. The corrections are: 1. Release the tension on the latch spring by using a screwdriver to turn the eccentric pin counter- clockwise. The latch finger should hold the case firmly but not so tight as to scratch the case when it is being moved from station to station by the transfer bar. . Remove the latch block and re- move the burr with a fine grade of emery cloth. Replace the latch block and tighten the latch block bolt. Adjust the latch finger. . Take off the transfer bar and remove the burrs with emery cloth. Remove the bearing block cap plate by first remov- ing the cap plate screws. Re- move the pin that connects the advance arm to the transfer bar. Remove the two latch blocks on the extreme left end of the machine. Take out the Allen screws from the track holder and remove the track holder. Remove the transfer bar and remove the burrs with fine emery cloth. Reassemble. Remember to check the components entering the machine before making any adjustments. [73] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Troubles and Corrections Scratches on Neck or Shoulder Ragged Flash Hole Primer Set Too Deep Visual inspection reveals scratches on the neck or shoulder of the case. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Remove the burrs or brass on the guide rails. It will be necessary to remove all of the latch blocks and remove the burrs with a fine grade of emery cloth. Replace the latch blocks. Visual inspection reveals ragged flash hole. Observation also reveals that the punch is pulling the case up from the stem. 1. Brass or burrs on guide rails. The cases are scratched as they are carried between the rails. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The flash hole punch is dull. 1. Remove the punch by remov- ing the Allen screws in the punch holder. Place a new punch in the punch holder and tighten the Allen screws. 2. The flash hole die is dull. 2. Remove the die stem by re- moving the Allen screw that holds it into the stem holder. Drive out the die and place a new die into the die stem. Tighten the Allen screw. l Gaging reveals that the primer is being inserted too deep into the primer pocket of the case. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Remove the stem beneath the inserting station. Lower the ram and remove the Allen screw that holds the stem. Remove the stem and remove any for- eign material on the top of the stem. Place the stem back in- to the stem holder and tighten the Allen screw. 1. Accumulation of brass or for- eign matter on the stem beneath the inserting tool. This raises the case too high and allows the primer to be forced too far into the primer pocket. . Defective die on stem at the piercing station causes a burr underneath the flash hole. The burr causes the case to be raised too high at the inserting sta- tion. . Remove the die stem at the piercing station by removing the Allen screw on the stem holder. Remove the stem and drive out the die. Place in a new die and place the stem back into the stem holder. Tighten the Allen screw. Remember to check the components entering the machine before making any adjustments. I74] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Troubles and Corrections Primer Set Too Deep 3. The stem beneath the inserting (Cont.) Primer Set Too Shallow Primer ls Flottened tool is too high. 4. The crimping tool is adjusted too low. 3. Loosen the lock nut on the tool holder; turn the stem holder to the left to lower the inserting stem. Tighten the lock nut. Check the adjustment for accu- racy and readjust, if necessary. . Loosen the Allen screw in the punch holder. Loosen the lock nut on the set screw on top of the tool holder and turn the set screw. Raise the punch holder a slight amount by turning the set screw, tighten the Allen screw. Tighten the set screw and lock nut. Gaging reveals that the primer is not seated deep enough in the primer pocket. The cause is: 1 ._ The crimping tool is adjusted too high. It does not force the primer far enough into the pocket. The correction is: 1. Loosen the Allen screw in the punch holder, and loosen the lock nut on the set screw lo- cated on top of the tool holder. Turn the set screw thereby lowering the crimping tool. Tighten the lock nut and the Allen screw. Check the adjust- ment and readjust, if necessary. Visual inspection reveals that the primer is being flattened. The causes are: 1. The burring tool is too small in diameter. Too much pressure is necessary to insert the primer into the pocket. . The burring tool is adjusted too high. It is not removing the burr from the pocket. . The stem beneath the burring tool is too low. It is not holding the case high enough. The corrections are: 1. Remove the clamp nut on the tool holder and remove the tool. Place a new tool into the tool holder and tighten the clamp nut. . Loosen the lock nut on the tool holder. Turn the tool holder thereby lowering the tool. Tighten the lock nut. . Loosen the lock nut on the stern holder. Turn the stem holder thereby raising the stem. Tight- en the lock nut. Remember to check the components entering the machine before making any adjustments. = [75] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Troubles and Corrections Primer ls Flattened (Cont.) 4. The crimping tool is worn. It flattens the primer during the crimping operation. 5. The crimping tool is adjusted too low. It is forcing the primer too far into the primer pocket. 4. Remove and replace the crimp- ing punch. Loosen the clamp nut on the punch holder and allow the punch to drop out. Place a new punch in the holder and tighten the clamp nut. . Loosen the Allen screw in the punch holder. Loosen the lock nut on the set screw on top of the tool holder and turn the set screw. Raise the punch holder a slight amount by turning the set screw; tighten the lock nut and the Allen screw. Primer Not Evenly Visual inspection or gaging reveals that the primer is crooked. Seated The causes are: 1. The turnover fingers do not center the primer in line with the pocket. The stem beneath the inserting tool is bent. The case is not aligned with the primer. . The latch finger spring at the inserting station is weak or broken. It does not line the case with the inserting punch. The corrections are: 1. Center the turnover fingers. Turn the adjusting nut on each side of the turnover finger shaft until the finger centers the primer directly over the primer pocket. . Remove and replace the stem. Remove the Allen screw on the stem holder and take out the stem. Place a new stem in the stem holder and tighten the Allen screw. . Remove the latch block by re- moving the bolt that holds it in place. Remove the plate on the latch block, and remove and replace the finger spring. Reassemble the latch block and place it back on the ma- chine. Tighten the latch block bolt. Remember to check the components entering the machine before making any adjustments. [76] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Troubles and Corrections Dents on Case Visual inspection reveals dents on the body of the case. Body The cause is: 1. The notches on the transfer bar are not in line with the latch fingers. The cases are scratched as they are conveyed from sta- tion to station. The correction is: 1. Align the notches on the trans- fer bar with the lower stems. Loosen the set screws on the cam that controls the move- ment of the transfer bar and turn the cam until the notches in the transfer bar are in line with the lower stems. Primer Is Not Feeding Correctly Visual inspection reveals that the primer is not being fed to the push-in finger. The corrections are: 1. Loosen the lock nut on the belt adjusting screw and turn the adjusting screw to increase the tension on the feed belt. The causes are: 1. The primer feed belt is too loose. It is not conveying the primers to the push-in finger. 2. The primer drive belt is loose. 2. Remove the guard and adjust It is not properly driving the the V-belt pulley so that the pulley that actuates the feed belt is taut. belt. Remember to check the components entering the machine before making any adjustments. [77] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Tool Servicing Objective Servicing A New Punch or Stem Servicing A Used Punch or Stem TOOL SERVICING Proper tool servicing is essential to maintain standard quality in the inser- tion of primers and flash holes in the cases. Dies and punches are costly and great care must be exercised in the servicing of these tools. While ad- justers will not be concerned with tool servicing in the Primer Insert De- partment at present, such necessary steps as listed should be known in the event that they may be needed in the future. Adjusters will be concerned primarily with the removal of small scratches that appear on the working surfaces of stems and punches. They must be careful when using an abrasive on any tool not to alter its dimensions materially. All tools that cannot be corrected by polishing those punches that are bent, will be returned to the Tool Department, in exchange for new ones. Under no circumstances will any attempts be made to straighten bent or sprung punches. Before an abrasive of any kind is applied to a new punch or stem, its di- mensions should be carefully checked with a micrometer or profile gage, and its working surface should be examined for finishing or handling marks and lack of polish. A highly polished punch aids in stripping and allows better working conditions. As a punch is used its working surface wears accumulating scratches. Excessive wear is determined by measuring with a micrometer or check- ing with a profile gage. Obviously, an undersize punch must be replaced with one of approved dimensions. Scratches, if not too deep, may be removed by polishing. The question of how soon a new punch will need polishing can be answered only from experience, since many variable factors enter into the problem. FIG. 1 OVER-ALL VIEW OF SPEED LATHE I78] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Tool Servicing FIG. 2 CORRECT METHOD OF PLACING PUNCH IN CHUCK Polishing Lapping FIG. 3 INCORRECT METHOD OF PLACING PUNCH IN CHUCK Polishing is done with a fine abrasive, for example, crocus cloth. A final operation called draw polishing is done after the chuck has been stopped. To draw polish a punch or stem, move the abrasive cloth lengthwise over the entire working surface, avoiding rotary motion of the punch or the abrasive. Continue this operation until all marks- are removed and the desired high polish or mirror like finish is obtained. An adjuster will not be required to lap more than .0005 inch from a new punch or stem. If more than this must be removed to bring the punch or stem to correct size, it should be returned to the Tool Servicing Depart- ment for correction. Lapping is done with a piece of abrasive cloth wrapped around and moved back and forth along the axis of the punch as it revolves in the high speed chuck. If the abrasive were held sta- tionary, deep rings would be cut into the surface, and the finish would be ruined. The punch or stem is shown in Fig. 2 correctly chucked, and in Fig. 3 incorrectly held. Avoid excessive overhang of the punch as this is a safety hazard; make sure that the jaws are correctly set and tightened securely. Do not allow the jaws to grasp the working surface of the punch. Only a very fine abrasive such as emery cloth is to be used in the lapping operation. The surface of a properly lapped punch will have a dull grey color with a cross-hatched effect. [79] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Beafings MACHINE LUBRICATION The efficiency of every machine depends to a great extent upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction, as far as we are con- cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite—-tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [80] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Lubrication Selecting a Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods \ 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. . Load on the shaft or slide. . Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. . Cleanliness of surroundings. 2 3 4. Constant or intermittent operation. 5 6. Temperature of surroundings. 7 . Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. .“q.°‘$"tl>‘.¢*°.l\'> Frequency of lubrication. I 81 I CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: 1. Simple oil hole. . Bottle oiler. . Ring oiler. . Plain oil cups. 2 3 4 5. Drop feed cups. 6. Wick feed cups. 7. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 8. Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. 1. Screw down cups. 2. Compression cups. 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrication”. Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places; in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times—except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. [82] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Machine Lubrication LU BRICATION CHART . . N 0. of Fittings, Frequency of I/ubmcant Mach/me Part Grease Cups, etc. Lubrication H ours Brake and clutch shaft start lever 1 24 Clutch release collar . . . . . . . 1 8 Primer belt idler pulley—right end . 1 24 LIGHT GREASE Primer belt idler pulley—left end . . 1 24 (Blue Gun) Brake shaft housing . . . . . . . 1 48 Primer belt pulley shaft . . . . . . 2 24 Eccentric follower . . . . . . . . 1 24 Leader pins . . . . . . . . . . . 4 28 Rocker shaft brackets . . . . . . . 2 24 Conveyor belt pulley bearing . . . . 4 24 Rocker arm counter bearing . . . . 1 48 Rocker arm bearing shaft . . . . . 1 48 Driveshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 Starting lever shaft (front and back). 2 24 Idler pulley on conveyor belt on case hopper . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 Transfer bar bearing gibs . . . . . 4 8 Transfer bar bronze bearing caps . . 2 8 Rocker shaft connecting pin to trans- fer bar . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 Push rod connection of cross-shaft rocker arm . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 Varnish & shellac assembly. . . . . 17 8 Gibs on escapement door . . . . . . 4 8 MEDIUM OIL Top of escapement door shafts . . 2 4 (Red Oiler) Detector stations assembly on top of top ram . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 Varnish & shellac tool gibs . 2 4 Roller of case turnover mechanism 1 8 Automatic control bar . . . . . . . 1 8 Knockout clutch and brake adjust bar 1 8 Hopper . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 8 . Transfer bar arm . . . . . . 1 8 Turnover finger shaft . . . 1 8 Cam roller . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 Primer belt gear housing . . . . . . 5 8 Crankshaft bearing and leader pin (cups) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 8 Gears in gear box where necessary . 3 1 wk. Crankshaft barrel cam 1 8 [83] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Index Adjustment, Brake Clutch Release, 69 Burring Punch, 67 Case Supporting Stems, 52 Clutch, 55, 70 Escapement Door Slide, 56 Flash Hole Detector, 63 No Case Detector, 50 No Primer or Inverted Primer De- tector, 65 Piercing Punch, 64 Primer Insert Punch, 49 Push-in Finger, 66 Seating and Crimping Punch, 68 Shellac Tool, 57, 58 Stop Clutch Turnbuckle, 71 Time Brake with Clutch, 70 Transfer Bar Alignment, 59 Transfer Bar In and Out Movement, 51 Transfer Bar Positive Stop, 50 Turnover Finger Assembly, 54 Varnish Tool, 61 Anti-friction Bearings, 80 Barrel Cam, 10 Bearing Block, 35, 36 Bottom Tool Slide, 28 Brake, 3, 9 Clutch Release Adjustment, 69 Burring Punch, 17 , 38 Punch Adjustment, 67 Punch Holder Assembly, 32 Station, 17 Tool, 32 Tool Holder, 32 Cam, 14, 15, 27 Roller, 27 Cannelure Depth Gage, 47 Cap Nut, 30, 31, 32, 33 Cams, 2 Case Ejector Station, 24 Supporting Stems Adjustment, 52 Cases Not Fed Properly, 72 Clutch, 2, 3, 9 Adjustment, 55, 70 Coil Spring, 34, 35, 36, 37 Connecting Link, 28 Rod, 28 Conveyor Belt, 5 Countershaft, 2, 9 Crankshaft, 2, 3, 8, 10 Crimping, 26 Assembly Tool Holder, 30 Punch, 26 Punch Holder, 30 Punch Holder Assembly, 30 Station Punch, 53 Tool, 30 Cross-Shaft, 5, 10, 19, 35, 36 Dents on Body of Case, 77 INDEX Detector Finger, 19, 21, 34, 35, 36 Finger Pin, 34 Flash Hole Punch Holder Assembly, 36 Pin, 36 Punch, 21, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39 Punch Hexagon Nut, 36 Punches, 4 Shaft, 9, 34, 35, 36 Shaft, Bushing, 22 Spindle, 21 Station, 44 Detection, 22 Dial Indicator Gage, 46 Die, 18, 38 Disposal, 42 Drying Track, 42 Eccentric Cams, 3 Ejector Shaft, 22 Escapement Block, 24 Door Shaft, 22 Door Slide Adjustment, 56 Finger, 22 Feed Block, 3, 7 Throat, 41 Tube, 3, 7, 41 Flash Hole Detector, 19 Hole Detector Adjustment, 63 Hole Punch, 18, 33 Hole Punch Assembly, 33 Hole Punch Holder, 33 Floating Punch, 17 Floor Space 1 Flow Chart, 43 Flush Pin Gage, 46 fiiction, 80 Gage Care, 46 Gib, 24, 27 Gibs, 3 Grease, 81 Height, 1 Hexagon Nut, 35, 36 Holding Finger, 25 Hopper, 3, 5 Box, 3 Horizontal Slide, 27 Inserting Assembly Tool Holder, 31 Punch, 20 Punch Holder Assembly, 31 Tool, 31 Inverted Detector, 21 Primer Tool Holder Assembly, 34 Jam at Positioning Mechanism, 72 L Shaped Arm, 28 Lapping, 79 Latch Blocks, 3, 4, 12 Fingers, 21 Lock Collar, 36 Lower Cross Arm, 28 Lubricating Film, 80 Lubrication, 80 Chart, 83 Hints on, 82 Methods, 81 Machine Description, 1 Motor, 1 Manufacturer, 1 Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 82 No Case Detector, 16 Case Detector Adjustment, 50 Case Tool Holder Assembly, 35 Primer Detector, 21 Primer or Inverted Primer Detector Adjustment, 65 Opening Finger, 24 Over-all Height, 44 Overhead Hopper, 41 Paddle Wheel, 3, 5 Wheel Hopper, 41 Piercing Punch Adjustment, 64 Pin, Shellac, 40 Pocket Depth, 44 Diameter, 44 Polishing, 79 Positioning Mechanism, 41 Power, 2 Primer Diameter, 44 Feed Belt, 3, 11, 44 Insert, 20 Insert Punch, 39 Insert Punch Adjustment, 49 Insert Stem, 39 Is Flattened, 75 Is Not Feeding Correctly, 77 Not Evenly Seated, 76 Set Too Deep, 74 Set Too Shallow, 75 Production, 1 Punch, 12, 15, 18, 38, 39 Punches, 4, 6 Push-in Finger, Adjustment, 66 Ragged Flash Hole, 74 Ram, 4, 7, 11, 13, 17, 18 Rams, 3, 6 Receiving Block, 41 Reset Shaft, 22 Retaining Stud, 30 Stud and Lock Nut, 31, 32 Scratches on Body of Case, 73 Scratches on Neck or Shoulder, 74 Seating, 26 Seating and Crimping Punch Adjustment, 68 Selecting Lubricant for Given Bearing, 81 Servicing New Punch or Stem, 78 Used Punch or Stem, 78 [84] CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT Index Shaft, 11, 14, 19 Detector, 16 Shellac, 27 Tool, 33 Tool Adjustment, 57, 58 Tool Holder, 34 Tool Holder Assembly, 34 Snap Gage, 47 Space Rod, 30, 31, 32, 33 Speed of Crank, 1 Split Nut, 37 Station 1-16, 50 1-Detector, 41 2-17, 44 2—Burring, 41 3-18, 44, 64 3-Piercing Punch, 41 4-19, 63 4-Detector, 41 5-19, 63 5-Detector, 41 6-20, 44 6-Primer Insert, 42 7-21, 44 Station (Cont.) 7-Detector, 42 8-24, 45 8-Escapement Door, 42 9-26, 45 9-Crimping and Seating, 42 10-27, 45 10-Shellac and Varnish, 42 Stations, 4 Stem, 4, 6, 17, 38, 39, 40 Holder Shaft, 26 Stems, 13 Stop Clutch Turnbuckle Adjustment, 71 Stripper Block, 17 Plates, 4, 13 Stroke, 1 Time Brake with Clutch Adjustment, 70 Toggle Switch, 2 Tool Holder Lock Nut, 30, 31, 32, 33 Mouth Varnish, 40 Tools, 1 Transfer Bar, 3, 4, 10, 12, 21, 24, 41, 44 Transfer Bar Alignment Adjustment, 59 Bar Block, 3 Bar In and Out Movement Adjustment, 51 Bar Positive Stop Adjustment, 60 Transmission, 2 Turnover Finger Assembly Adjustment, 54 Finger Mechanism, 14, 15 Twin Ring Gage, 47 Type of Feed, 1 Varnish, 27 Shaft, 37 Station, 29 Tool Adjustment, 61 Tool Holder, 37 Tool Holder Assembly, 37 Tool Slide, 37 Varnishing Pin, 37 Vertical Slide, 27 Visual Inspection, 46 Web Thickness Flash Hole, 44 Weight, 1 [85] TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 V. and 0. Primer Insert Press BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, ,1 941 United States Government Contract W-ORD-481, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917 , C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217 . Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 443, 7 6th Congress, 3rd Session). II TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tool Holder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 ‘ Tool Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Tool Servicing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 III CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS IV CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Catalogue Data CATALOGUE DATA Manufacturer V. and 0. Power Press Company, Hudson, New York Machine V. and O. Vertical Dial Feed Power Press; three Description V-belt drive, flywheel to crankshaft, crankshaft to connecting rod to ram. Machine Motor 1 h.p.; 220-440 volts; 3-phase; 60-cycle; 1740 R.P.M. Type of Feed Liberty Paddle Wheel Hopper Feed Motor Paddle Wheel Hopper driven by a rubber covered coil spring type belt from machine motor. Stroke 4" Production 85 per minute Crankshaft Speed 85 R.P.M. - Piece No. Tools Burring punch P-64 Seating and crimping punch P-65 Primer inserting punch P-66 Flash hole detector P-68 Flash hole punch P-69 Inverted primer detector P-70 Height Over-all 7 ft. Weight Approximately 3500 lbs. Floor Space 4 ft. x 4 ft. [1] CALIBER .30 V. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Machine Description MACHINE DESCRIPTION The purpose of the Caliber .30 V. and 0. Primer Insert Press is to pierce a flash hole in the bottom of the primer pocket through the web thick- ness of the case. The machine then burrs the shoulder of the primer pocket, after which it inserts and seats the primer in the case pocket and crimps the primer into place. As a final operation, the machine moisture— proofs the primer and the inside of the case mouth. — Motor Ram / Recoil Pvc|{<'I1dIti__ Sprmg ee Guard Hopper /,, » / Covering Box Flywheel Idler/_ Pulley Crankshaft /- Ram Connecling/ Rod _ Feed Uni! Feed Tube Case \ Guide Ring CALIBER .30 PRIMER INSERT v. AND 0. PRESS I 2 l CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Machine Description Power and Transmission Paddle Wheel Hopper Crankshaft Ram Indexing Dial The V. and O. Power Press, illustrated on page 2, is powered by a 1 h.p. motor through 3 V-type belts connecting the motor to the flywheel. The motor is mounted on an adjustable bracket above the machine frame. Power is applied to the motor by means of a toggle switch, located at the front end of the machine frame. The flywheel is mounted on the right end of the crankshaft and incorpo- rates a rolling key clutch which controls power from the flywheel to the crankshaft. The clutch is electrically operated and controlled by a toggle switch which is mounted at the right of the motor switch on the forward edge of the machine frame. The machine is equipped with a constant pressure brake which is mounted around the crankshaft between the flywheel and the machine frame. The brake is adjusted to stop the ram at top dead center when the clutch is disengaged. The machine is protected by an elaborate electrical system which automatically disengages the clutch when a faulty case is present at one of the detector stations. The cases are fed through a chute from an overhead source. They are picked up from the bottom of the hopper by a series of paddles which lift them to a conveyor belt. The cases roll from the paddles, lengthwise onto the conveyor .belt. The belt conveys the cases to the feed tube opening where they fall, head first, into the feed tube mouth. The feed tube mouth is so arranged that should a case be conveyed mouth first to the opening, the mouthend will overshoot the opening and allow the case to drop into the feed tube, head first. The crankshaft is held in a horizontal position above the machine bed. It is held by, and rotates in, two fitted bearings. The crankshaft is equipped with a single throw bearing to which the ram connecting rod is attached. Through the use of the clutch, the crankshaft may be stopped independently of the flywheel. A pulley wheel which has two belt grooves machined around its outer circumference is attached to the left end of the crankshaft outside the machine frame. The outside face of the pulley wheel has a slot machined across its surface to which the dial indexing arm is attached. Thus, the crankshaft actuates the shellacing station and the primer dial through the use of two round leather belts and the indexing dial through an operating arm from the pulley wheel slot. The ram is held by, and guided in, its vertical stroke by 2 V-guides with an adjustable gib in the left side. The lower surface of the ram is machined to hold the working punches and the detector punches. The ram, through linkage, actuates the case inserting unit and the case transfer unit. Two geared shafts are attached to the ram which operate the primer turnover fingers and the shellac station. The indexing dial is centrally located on the machine bed directly beneath ‘the ram. The dial is actuated by a pawl finger, through linkage, from the crankshaft. Sixteen stems are evenly spaced around the outer edge of the dial plate. The stems carry the cases in a vertical position past the vari- ous stations where each operation is performed. I3] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Machine Description Primer Hopper Station I , Feed Block Station 2, Flash Hole Punch Station 3, Flash Hole Detector Station 4, Burring Station 5, Primer Insert Station 6, Inverted Primer Detector Station 7, Crimping The primer hopper is mounted at a slight angle on the rear edge of the machine bed directly behind the indexing dial. The hopper is slanted to allow the primers to flow downward towards the machine bed where they are picked up by the primer dial. The primer dial rotates actuated through a round leather belt from the pulley wheel on the left end of the crankshaft. As the primers flow through the primer hopper mouth onto the primer dial, they are carried around the dial to the inserting fingers which feed them into the turnover'fingers. The turnover fingers position the primer above the case head for the primer inserting operation. The feed block is located on the machine bed at the front edge of the in- dexing dial. The cases drop through the feed tube to the feed block. The feed block operates, through linkage, from the ram. The case inserting finger is equipped with an electric detector which automatically stops the machine if no case is fed into the dial. The dial indexes, carrying the case to station 2 which is known as the flash hole punch. The flash hole punch is held in a tool holder in the bottom surface of the ram. The punch descends, carried by the ram, and pierces the flash hole through the web thickness of the case. This hole allows the flash of the primer cap to ignite the propellent powder which forces the bullet from the case out through the gun barrel. The cases then move to station 3 which is known as the flash hole detector station. The flash hole detector punch is machined to a diameter small enough to pass through the flash hole, thus indicating the presence of the flash hole. This station is equipped with an electrical detector device which automatically stops the machine if no flash hole has been pierced at the preceding station. After the dial indexes again, the case is carried to station 4 which is known as the burring station. The burring punch is held in a tool holder which fits into the lower surface of the ram. The burring punch removes any rough edges or burrs which may have been left by the heading operation and also produces a slight chamfer around the edge of the primer pocket to facilitate the primer inserting operation. The case is then transferred to the primer inserting station. Here the primer is transferred from the primer dial by a set of turnover fingers which position the primer cup for insertion into the case pocket. The in- serting punch is held in a tool holder which is carried in the lower surface of the ram. The primer is inserted to a point about flush with the case head. The case is moved from the insert station to the inverted primer detector station. The inverted primer punch does not have a tool holder, but is held directly in place in the lower surface of the ram. This station is equipped with an electrical detecting system which automatically stops the machine if a primer has been omitted or inserted in an inverted posi- tion. As the dial indexes, the case is carried to the crimping station. Here the primer is seated to the proper depth and crimped securely in place. The crimping tool is held by a tool holder in the lower surface of the ram. [41 CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Machine Description Station 8, Sheflac Station 9, Varnish The case is then moved to the next operation on the dial which is known as the shellac station. Here the primer receives a coating of shellac which Waterproofs the primer pocket against moisture. The shellac station is actuated through linkage from the ram. The dial indexes once more, before the case is removed, carrying the case to the case transfer tube which removes the component from the dial, transferring it to the drying track. The transfer lift is attached to the lower surface of the ram and is arranged to allow the cases to pass through a tube which raises them to the elevated track on which they pass out of the machine. As the cases are pushed along the drying track by each succeeding case, they pass the mouth varnishing station. Here the case mouth is varnished to waterproof the union of the bullet and the case against moisture. CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Machine Description Puddles ---" Be" H _, P 1| °%Z‘i' vi/’hZZ| PuHey"' §%gyI.__ hfler -‘ 7 Pu"ey Feed Tube ‘_ Conveyor Be“ SIDE VIEW OF PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER Puddle Wheel The paddle wheel hopper is mounted on a bracket at the left side of the Hopper machine frame. The paddle wheel of the hopper is driven by a round belt from the pulley wheel mounted on the left end of the crankshaft. The paddle wheel shaft extends through the rear of the hopper frame and has a bevel gear attached to its outer end. A cross-shaft is held in a horizontal position across the back of the hopper frame and has a small bevel gear at- tached to the inner end which meshes with the paddle wheel bevel gear. A pulley wheel is attached to the opposite end of the cross-shaft and is con- nected to the crankshaft pulley by the round belt. The conveyor belt travels around two pulleys which are mounted to the right side of the hopper frame. The conveyor belt runs from the paddle wheel to the case feed tube. The belt is driven by the rear pulley wheel which is attached to the paddle wheel cross-shaft. As the paddle wheel rotates, the cases are picked up by the paddles and lifted to the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt carries the cases to the feed tube through which they fall by gravity to the feed block. [6] CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Machine Description I Machine Motor - Hopper Box SIDE VIEW or THE PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER [7 I CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Machine Description Feed Tube “' i Dial Connecting Indexing\ Rod Arm Primer Dial Idler Pulley Ram VIEW OF THE CRANKSHAFT Crankshaft The crankshaft rotates in two machined bearings directly above the in- dexing dial and ram. The crankshaft throw is machined at the center of the crankshaft and actuates the vertical stroke of the ram through the connecting rod. The clutch is attached to the right end of the crankshaft outside the machine frame and is electrically operated from a solenoid switch mounted to the outside of the machine frame directly below the clutch. The clutch is controlled by an electric switch mounted below the machine bed which must be reset through the use of a manually operated shaft which extends from the electric unit to the front of the machine bed. The clutch is also electrically controlled from the various detector stations which act to force the clutch arm up. As the clutch arm strikes against the clutch dog, it releases the rolling key mechanism which disengages the clutch, allowing the flywheel to turn independently of the crankshaft. The clutch is known as a rolling key type and gives a positive connection between the flywheel and crankshaft when the clutch is engaged. [8] CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Machine Description Crankshaft Bearings Flywheel Shaft Crankshaft / _ —- Brake Band Connecting Rod Clutch Release Rod __ Clutch Release Detector Shaft VIEW OF THE CRANKSHAFT \ [9] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. Machine Description PRIMER INSERT PRESS Cranlcshalt / Bearings Connecting Rod and Ram / Crankshaft / Connecting Rod ll I3. VIEW OF THE CRANKSHAFT AND RAM The connecting rod is attached to the crankshaft throw and held in place by the bearing cap. The lower end of the connecting rod is attached by a ball and socket arrangement to the ram which allows the connecting rod to rock at its point of contact with the ram when the machine is in motion. The connecting rod is adjustable to increase or decrease the ram’s stroke - whichever may be necessary. The adjusting stud is threaded into the lower end of the connecting rod and attached at the opposite end to the wrist pin in the ram. The connecting rod shaft is split. A stud is connected to both sides across the split at the front side of the connecting rod. When the stud is tightened, it locks the adjustment securely in place. The ram travels in its vertical stroke in two machined bearing surfaces in the ma- chine frame. The bearing surfaces machined on the ram are V-shaped and ride against a bronze gib which may be adjusted by three set screws. The set screws enter through the machine frame to contact the gib bearing. The lower surface of the ram is machined in a semi-circular shape which is designed to conform to the position in which the cases are held in the dial plate. The tools are arranged in the lower surface of the ram in a semi- [10] CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Machine Description Connecting Rod circular position to contact the cases as they travel around, carried by the and Ram (Cont.) indexing dial. A heavy coil spring is attached to the rear of the ram and absorbs vibration produced by the ram’s stroke and also assists in the re- turn stroke of the ram. Turnover Finger Shafl VIEW or THE RAM l 11 l CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Machine Description I Turnover -.. Turnover Finger Shaft -— Push-in Finger Arm REAR VIEW OF THE PRIMER ASSEMBLY The shellac mechanism consists of a spur gear held in place on a shaft which is supported by a bracket bolted to the machine frame. The shellac arm is attached to the outer face of the spur gear and is adjustable for the correct stroke of the shellac tool. The spur gear is actuated by a gear rack which is attached to the ram. As the ram moves up and down, the spur gear actuates the shellac tool in a dipping motion between the shellac reser- voir and the case head. The shellac reservoir is supported by the spur gear bracket and is filled from a glass shellac container attached to the for- ward side of the reservoir. [20] CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Machine Description Turnover ,. I ‘ . _ Turnover Finger _ ' ' Finger Shaft Stripper -f Case " Supporting Stems Case / Guide ' Ring Sheflac Container Shellac Sheflac Tool Shaft Index Dial I- VIEW OF THE SHELLAC MECHANISM [21] CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Tool Holder Description TOOL HOLDER DESCRIPTION Station 2, Adjusting Stud: The adjusting stud is externally threaded Flash Hole Punch its entire length for application to the upper end of the tool ' Tool Holder holder shaft. The stud has a counter sunk Allen head for the use of an Allen wrench in adjusting. Space Rod: The cylindrical space rod is machined to a smooth surface, small enough in diameter to fit inside the tool holder. It is used as a space rod between the adjusting stud and the flash hole punch. Flash Hole Punch: The flash hole punch is cylindrical in shape and has a circular flat head machined at its upper end. The underneath side of the head is tapered from the head cir- cumference to the punch shaft. The flash hole punch is in- serted in the lower end of the tool holder. As the ram descends, the punch forces its way through the web thickness of the primer pocket thus forming the flash hole. Tool Holder Shaft: The cylindrical tool holder shaft is ex- ternally threaded from the mid-section within an inch of its lower end for application of two spanner nuts. The lower end of the tool holder is machined to a smooth surface and shoul- dered to a small diameter which conforms to the primer pocket of the case. The tool holder is hollow for the insertion of the space rod, adjusting stud and the flash hole punch. Spanner Nuts: The two circular spanner nuts are internally threaded for application to the tool holder shaft and have six evenly spaced holes drilled around the outer circumference for the use of a spanner wrench. I221 CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Tool Holder Description Smfion 3, Lock Nut: The hexagonal lock nut is internally threaded for Detedor Punch application to the threaded portion of the tool holder shaft. Tool Holder The lock nut contains a domed-shaped ridge around its upper surface which is lined around its inside circumference by a rub- berized composition which prohibits its working loose on the tool holder shaft. Coil Spring: The coil spring is large enough in diameter to fit over the upper end of the tool holder shaft and is used to hold the tool holder shaft at its bottom position. Tool Holder Shaft: The cylindrical tool holder shaft is machined to a smooth surface at its upper end over which the coil spring fits. Slightly below the upper end, the shaft is externally threaded for the application of the lock nut. The shaft from the end of the threads to the lower end of the shaft is machined to a smooth surface and polished to allow it to slide freely in the ram. A hexagonal headed nut is machined to the lower end of the shaft and has a small set screw threaded hori- zontally through one face of the nut which contacts the detec- tor punch, holding it securely in place. The lower end of the tool holder shaft is hollowed for the insertion of the detector punch. Detector Punch Holder: The detector punch holder is cylindrical in shape and highly polished. It is machined to a diameter small enough to be inserted into the punch holder shaft. A small hole is drilled in the lower end of the punch holder for the insertion of the detector pin. The detector pin is machined to a diameter small enough to enter through the flash hole. The detector pin is pressed into the hole in the punch holder and may be removed when it becomes worn out or broken. [23] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Tool Holder Description Station 4, Burring Punch Tool Holder / Burring Punch Tool Holder Shaft: The cylindrical punch holder shaft is externally threaded near its center portion for the application of two spanner adjusting nuts. A flat is ma- chined near the upper end of the tool holder shaft which is con- tacted by the set screw to hold the shaft securely in the ram. The lower end of the tool holder shaft is hollowed for the inser- tion of the burring punch. A small set screw is threaded hori- zontally through the side of the shaft to contact the burring punch, locking it securely in the shaft. Spanner Nuts: The two circular spanner nuts are internally threaded for application to the tool holder. Six evenly spaced holes are drilled in the outer circumference of each spanner nut for the use of a spanner wrench. Burring Punch: The upper end of the burring punch is cylindrical in shape and has a flat machined on its outer surface which is contacted by the set screw of the tool holder to lock the punch securely in place. The lower end of the punch has a large circular shoulder, one side of which is filed away leaving a flat surface which faces the front of the machine when the tool is directly inserted,in the tool holder. The flat is necessary to clean the stripper at this station. The lower surface of the collar has a circular extension which conforms to the diameter of the case pocket and which is slightly rounded at the point of intersection with the collar. As the projection enters the pocket of the case, the rounded surface produces a slight chamfer around the edge of the primer pocket. [24] CALIBER .30 V. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Tool Holder Description Station 5, Primer Insert Punch Tool Holder Inserting Punch Holder: The cylindrical inserting punch holder has a flat machined on its outer surface near the upper end of the holder which is contacted by a set screw to lock it securely-in the ram. The punch holder is externally threaded near its lower end for the application of two spanner lock nuts. The lower end of the punch holder is hollowed for the insertion of the inserting punch and has a small set screw threaded hori- zontally through the lower end which contacts the punch locking it securely in place. Spanner Nuts: The two circular spanner nuts are internally threaded for application to the tool holder shaft. Six evenly spaced holes are drilled around the outer circumference of each nut for the use of a spanner wrench. Inserting Punch: The cylindrical inserting punch is ma- chined to a smooth surface and polished, and its lower end is slightly concave to conform to the primer head. A flat is machined to the surface at the upper end of the punch which is contacted by the set screw in the tool holder to lock the punch securely in place. [25] CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Tool Holder Description Station 7, Lock Nut: The hexagon headed lock nut is internally threaded Crimping Punch for application to the adjusting stud. Tool Holder Spanner Nut: The circular spanner nut is internally threaded for application to the tool holder shaft and has four evenly spaced holes drilled around its outer circumference for the use of a spanner wrench. This nut adjusts the spring tension and is locked by an Allen set screw. Secondary Holder: The secondary holder is cylindrical in shape and has a machined flange around its circumference at approximately the center of the holder; The holder is hollow for the insertion of the primary holder shaft. A small Allen set screw is threaded through the side of the holder just above the flange and is used to prevent the secondary holder from turning on the primary holder shaft. Cushion Spring Rings: The spring consists of five rings whose edges are tapered to allow the rings to fit together. The spring when properly assembled, provides the cushion I | action which absorbs the shock of the punch contacting the \ case head. Spring Housing: The cylindrical spring housing is cup- shaped and has a hole drilled through the center of the enclosed end through which the punch holder shaft is inserted. The spring unit is placed on the end of the secondary holder and covered by the spring housing. Adjusting Stud: The adjusting stud is externally threaded its entire length and contains a countersunk Allen head. The adjusting stud is threaded into the upper end of the tool holder shaft and acts as back stop for the tool. Space Rod: The cylindrical space rod is made of tool_steel ground and high polished. The rod is used as a spacer between the crimping tool and the adjusting stud. Primary Tool Holder Shaft: The upper end of the tool holder shaft is externally threaded for the application of the II spanner nut. The center portion of the shaft is machined to a smooth surface and has a recessed slot machined in the center of the shaft. The Allen set screw in the side of the secondary tool holder rides in this recessed slot. The lower end of the tool holder shaft contains a hexagon shaped housing into which the head of the case enters as the crimping operation is per- formed. One side of the housing is cut away to allow the housing to pass by the stripper finger. An Allen set screw is threaded through the upper end of the housing to contact and lock the punch in place. Crimping Punch: The cylindrical crimping punch is made of tool steel, ground and highly polished. The lower end of the punch is slightly concave to conform to the head of the primer cup. The punch has a flat machine along one side which the Allen set screw contacts to lock the punch in place. [26] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Tool Holder Description Station 8, Shellac Punch and I Tool Holder Shellacing Tool Holder: The shellacing tool holder consists of a round metal shaft held in place in the operating mechanism. The forward end of the shaft is slotted for attachment to the tool holder head. The tool holder head consists of a rectangular head which has two holes drilled longitudinally through its center for the insertion of the shellacing pins. A rectangular metal arm is attached to one face of the shellacing pin holder for connection to the tool holder shaft. The shellacing pins are allowed to float freely in the tool holder head and are held in place by two coil springs which in turn butt against a metal shield attached to the upper sur- face of the tool holder head. The tool holder head and the metal shaft are held together by a strip of flat spring steel which is riveted in place in the slotted sections of the tool holder head and shaft. The shellacing pins are cylindrical in shape and have small slots in their lower end which retain the necessary amount of shellac to properly waterproof the primer cup. [27] CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Tool Holder Description Station 9, Varnish Too] Holder: The varnish tool holder is a Vamish Punch metal bar bent at a right angle. There is a hole drilled Tool Holder through the horizontal arm which is attached to the operating shaft. A small lip is formed by the lower end of the varnish arm which is bent outward to a hori- zontal position. There is a hole drilled through the end of the lip for the insertion of the varnishing tool. Varnishing Tool: The varnishing tool is cylindrical in shape and its lower end is threaded for attachment to the tool holder. The upper end of the tool has a machined head which enters the mouth of the case, varnishing the interior of the mouth. . [28] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Tool Description TOOL DESCRIPTION M M’ FLASH HOLE PUNCH FLASH HOLE DETECTOR PIN <11 ~‘f.~1 BURRING PUNCH INSERTING PUNCH a.;“""5-""“‘_-f$= INVERTED PRIMER DETECTOR PUNCH CRIMPING PUNCH Flash Hole Punch: The flash hole punch is cylindrical in shape and has a circular flat head machined at its upper end. The flash hole punch is held in the tool holder in the ram. Flash Hole Detector Pin: The detector pin is ma- chined to a diameter small enough to enter through the flash hole. The detector pin is pressed into the hole in the punch holder and may be removed when it becomes worn out or broken. Burring Punch: The upper end of the burring punch is cylindrical in shape with a machined flat along one edge by which the punch is locked securely in the tool holder. The lower end of the punch contains a circular shoulder which is machined to a flat surface along one side. A projection extends from the bottom face of the shoulder and is machined to a diameter to enter into the case pocket to produce a slight chamfer around the poc- ket edge which facilitates the entrance of the primer. The burring punch is held at station 3 of the ram. Inserting Punch: The cylindrical inserting punch has a machined flat near its upper end by which it is locked securely in the tool holder. The working end of the punch is machined to a concave surface which conforms with the head of the primer. The inserting punch is held at station 4 of the ram. Inverted Primer Detector Punch: The cylindrical inverted primer detector punch has a flat machined in the upper end by which it is held securely in the ram. The lower end is tapered to a smaller diameter which in turn is machined to a sharp point at the lower end. The punch is inserted at station 5 of the ram. Crimping Punch: The cylindrical crimping punch is highly polished and has a machined flat in its upper end by which it is held into the crimping punch holder. The lower end of the punch is machined to a concave surface which conforms to the head of the primer. 'l‘he crimp- ing punch is held at station 6 of the ram. [291 CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Tool Description SHELLAC TOOL VARNISH TOOL Shellac Tool: The shellacing tools are cylindrical in shape and have elongated slots machined in their lower ends. These slots pick up and hold the required amount of shellac to waterproof the edges of the primer pocket properly. The two tools are held in the tool holder so that one tool contacts each side of the primer pockets. Varnish Tool: The cylindrical varnish tool has a crowned head machined at its upper end. The lower end of the tool is externally threaded for the application of a hexagonal nut by which it is locked into the tool holder. [30] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Process Sequence Purpose of V. and O. Primer Insert Machine Case Overhead Hopper Paddle Wheel Hopper Feed Tube and Feed Check Feed Finger and Feed Jaw No Case Detector Station Piercing Station PROCESS SEQUENCE The purpose of the V. and O. primer insert machine is to pierce a flash hole in the web of the case at the center of the primer pocket. The machine then removes the burr on the inside shoulder of the primer pocket and forms a radius on the bottom edge of the pocket; after which it inserts and seats the primer in the pocket and crimps the edge of the pocket around the primer. Shellac is placed around the primer, and the inside of the mouth of the case is varnished to seal the finished cartridge against mois- ture. The cases are gravity fed from a truck or conveyor into the overhead hopper and drop through a feed pipe, which has a control gate, into the Liberty Paddle Wheel hopper. The cases are picked up by the paddles on the rotating paddle wheel and dropped onto a conveyor belt. The conveyor belt carries the cases to the feed throat. Because of the construction of the feed throat, and because the head of the case has more weight than the mouth, the cases drop mouth-up through the feed throat. The cases are assisted in their travel through the feed throat by a leather disc mounted on the inside face of the conveyor belt pulley. After the cases pass through the feed throat, they fall by gravity down through a slotted brass feed tube to a feed check at the lower end of the tube. The feed check pushes the cases, one at a time, into a turnover mechanism. At the turnover mechanism the cases are turned mouth- down. They fall from the turnover mechanism by gravity into the back portion of the feed jaw. A feed finger pushes the cases to the front part of the jaw. The mouth of the case is now in line with the stem die on the indexing dial. The case is forced down through the feed jaw onto the stem by a no case detector punch. If there is not a case in the feed jaw, the no case detector punch is forced against one of the prongs of the jaw. This action raises the stem which controls an electric switch. The electric circuit is broken and the clutch is automatically disengaged. There are sixteen stem dies on the indexing dial and each stem accommo- dates one case in a mouth-down position. As the cases are carried by the indexing dial, they arrive, one at a time, at the piercing station. The piercing punch descends into the primer pocket, and pierces the web. The hole produced at this point is known as the flash hole. The first prong of a three-pronged stripper mounted at this point holds the case down onto the stem so that it will not be carried up by the flash hole punch as the punch ascends. I31] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Process Sequence Flash Hole Detector Station Burring Station Primer Hopper Push-in Finger and Turnover Finger Primer Insert Station Inverted Primer Detector Station Crimping Station Shellac Station Transfer Station Drying Track and Varnish Station The case is carried beneath the second prong of the stripper to the flash hole detector station. The detector punch descends into the flash hole. If there has not been a hole punched in the case at the piercing station, the punch disengages the clutch automatically in the same manner as the no case detector punch. At the next station beneath the third prong on the stripper, the burring tool descends into the primer pocket and removes the burr on the top in- side edge of the primer pocket preparatory to the insertion of the primer. As the burring tool ascends, the case is moved to the next station for the insertion of a primer. The primers are loaded into the primer hopper manually. They are placed in the hopper, with the open end up, and flow down, by gravity, to a feed disc. The primers, still mouth-up are fed by a feed disc, single file, along the feed track. To aid them in entering the track single file and to prevent jams as they enter the track, they are agitated. A push-in finger receives the primer from the feed track and inserts it into a turnover finger. The turnover finger inverts the primer and places it in line with the primer pocket of the case. At the primer insert station a punch descends to force the primer part way into the primer pocket. After the insertion has been made, the punch ascends and the dial conveys the case to an inverted primer detector station. The inverted primer detector punch descends to the top of the primer. If the primer is inverted, or if there is no primer in the primer pocket, the punch actuates a stem which automatically disengages the clutch in the same manner as the no case detector and the flash hole detector. As the inverted primer detector punch ascends, the case is conveyed to the crimping station. At this station the primer is inserted all the way into the primer pocket, and the edge of the primer pocket is crimped around the primer. After the crimping operation at the next station, shellac is deposited on the case head around the primer. The shellacing tool, after it has been inserted into a container of shellac, is carried to the head of the case and deposits the shellac. As the shellacing tool recedes, the dial conveys the case to the next station. - At the last station of the indexing dial a collet descends around the case. As the collet ascends, it raises the case from the stem die on the indexing dial. As the collet descends onto the succeeding cases arriving at this station, the preceding cases are forced up through the collet tube. As the case reaches the top of the collet tube, the extractor groove is forced into a drying track. The cases are pushed along the track by a conveyor finger. At a point about three-fourths of the way along the track the varnish tool ascends into the mouth of the case and deposits varnish around the inside surface of the mouth. The cases are pushed off of the track and drop into a container. I32] oouenbeg SS9DO.|d SSEItId RIHSNI HI-IWI2Id 'O CINV 'A 08' HI-IEII-IV) Overhead Hopper Hopper Box Paddle Wheel I Cogéiegror Manual I Feed Feed Feed Slide Throat I gezd Feed u e Track I r Feed Turnover Check Fingers No Case Piercing Flash Hole Burring P“ Primer P‘ Inverted “ Crimping Shellac Case t-— Varnish Detector Mechanism Station Detector Station Insert Primer Station L1ft Station Station Station Station Detector Station Station FLOW CHART I Container l I88] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The case, when received by the primer insert machine, is semi-finished; it contains the extractor groove and the primer pocket as shown in Fig. 1. The case pocket dimensions should be as follows: Pocket depth .125—.129 Pocket diameter .2093—.2098 The primer is a completely assembled unit, consisting of a brass cup which contains the priming mixture, the foil and the anvil, when it is received by the Primer Insert Department. See Fig. 2. The primer dimensions should be as follows: Over-all height .121—.126 Primer diameter .210—.2105 After the primer inserting operation the product is a finished case. A flash hole has been pierced through the bottom of the primer pocket, that is, through the web thickness of the case. The primer has been inserted and crimped into the primer pocket. The primer is seated from .001 to .007 below the head of the case. See Fig. 3. The primer has been shellaced around the edge to make it moisture proof and the mouth of the case has been varnished. Primer Primer Pocket ’|\/Head HQMIQF Primer CUP Web Thickness é-,E_E'xt'°ct°' Gmove Extractor Gr°°ve_¥ Primer Mixture -j\ Web Thickness —-l Foil Q Q Flash Hole /5 Q A,,,,,| Bedy_5 Q Q Q s > S S \ S \ B d Q S \ Q ° Y-’\ \ \ Q Q \ Q \ \ R \ \ \ Chamber > E \ Q I \ Q E \ \ Q \ \ \ Q \ \ \ Q \ \ \ \ \ Q \ \ \ Q \ \ 2 : t * Q : Shellac 3 I S Shoulder— Primer Cup ' Shoulder - \ ~ Primer Mixture ec l Anvil Neck Mouth Ct Flash Hole 2 Varnished Mouth, FIG. 1 FIG. 2 FIG. 3 UNFINISHED CASE PRIMER FINISHED CASE I34] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Inspection Visual Gage Care Gages INSPECTION The cases are received at the primer insert machine from the Inspection Department and are placed in a paddle wheel hopper which automatically feeds them to the machine. The cases pass through the hopper feed tube and drop singly into the transfer bar. The primer insert machine passes the cases through a series of ten opera- tions in which the primer pocket radius is checked, the flash is pierced, the flash hole is checked at two detector stations, the primer is inserted, the primer is seated and crimped, the primer is shellacked and the mouth and neck of the case are varnished to waterproof the component. After the cases have passed through the ten stations, they are inspected for primer seating depth with a dial indicator gage. They are also visually inspected to make sure that every case has a flash hole, shellac around the primer and varnish in the mouth and neck. If any of these are lacking, there must be an immediate adjustment of the machine to correct the fault. Whenever defective cases are found, the lot from which they come must be removed and properly identified so that the bad lot will not be mixed with good cases. Gages are expensive instruments, machined to a fine precision. Improper use or carelessness in gaging may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may affect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be employed in matching a case to a gage. A protected location should be used for storage of gages to prevent their being damaged when not in use. The most accu- rate checks are made when the cases are cool, since heat causes expansion of the metal and results in a temporary variation in the case size. DIAL INDICATOR GAGE The primer seating depth is gaged at fre- quent intervals with a dial indicator gage. This manual gaging provides a check on Q the accuracy of the machine. The primer '1 p X is seated in the case pocket from .001 to ' + .007 below the case head. i The foregoing inspection methods are those most commonly employed in the manufacture of Caliber .30 cases. Other methods may be developed, however, to maintain the manufacturing standards. [35] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Objective Cautions ‘ ADJUSTMENTS / To maintain satisfactory production a machine must be adjusted to com- pensate for the wear of its tools and other working parts, and to meet new conditions caused by a difference in material. It is necessary to inspect the machine and components regularly in order that any troubles may be detected and corrected immediately. This section of the manual, with its illustrations, photographs, and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all of the machine troubles which will be en- countered; therefore certain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. A thorough analysis of the trouble will indi- cate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. The machine and surrounding floor space must be clean and free from all foreign objects at all times. Keep all primer cups in their proper place. No adjustments are to be made on this machine while it is in motion. In order to insure proper adjustment of the machine and alignment of its tools, always turn the machine over by hand before engaging the clutch. Safety guards must be in their proper places on the machine except when repairs or inspections are being made. In making an adjustment, remove only those guards necessary to make the adjustment. Inspect the machine periodically during the day’s run to determine whether or not all connections and adjustments are secure. CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Index Dial The index dial located on the machine bed carries the case supporting dies. Its purpose is to convey the cases through the successive operations of the machine. The dial must stop directly on the station or the cases in the dial \ will not be directly under the respective punches. To insure the dial’s stopping on the station, the operating arm of the pawl can be shortened or lengthened in its stroke and the eccentric connection can be adjusted to give the proper amount of movement to the index dial so that it will assume sixteen positions. 6 — Crankshaft I Q t- T R V - -4, can I 1/alt Nut ‘ _ - /~ goanecting . W " ' ’ ' 0 Index Operating _ j , - ,. . - ' . Arm > ‘ - g ' W _., fl " -r ' -j 7 / Ram VIEW SHOWING THE INDEX DIAL ADJUSTMENT MANUAI. REVlSlON—CAI.lBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS The following adjustment procedure supersedes that previously shown on pages 37 and 38. Tools: 11/i6” wrench, 1%” wrench, 7/8” wrench. Procedure: Note: Remove primer push-in operating arm from clevis. 1. Engage the clutch and turn the flywheel until the clutch disengages and the crank is at top dead center. 2. Set the dial so that the left side of the holding finger is even with the right side of the recess in the dial. ' 3. Use a M,” wrench to set the eccentric so that the spacer washer is 9/1}," from the outer circumference of the crankshaft pulley. 4. Use a 1%" wrench to run the connecting rod lock nut to the outer end of the connecting rod and lock with the inner nut. 5. Use a 1%" wrench to turn the operating arm adjusting nut until the index pawl falls in the 3rd recess from the holding finger and locks the operating arm lock nut. 6. Turn the flywheel manually, through one complete revolution to check the adjustment. This should bring the index dial back to the same position as in step N o. 2. CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Procedure: (Cont.) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Turn the adjusting nut until it is contacting the rocker arm connection. Use a 7/8" wrench to loosen the eccentric connection and slide it from the center of the track to the extreme position nearest the outside circumference; then tighten the connection just enough to hold it temporarily. Use a V8” wrench to loosen the eccentric connection and move the eccentric rod until the space between the eccentric rod adjusting nut and rocker arm sleeve connection is lessened by %. Then use a 7/8" wrench to tighten the eccentric connection. Turn the 11/4 " adjusting nut on the eccentric rod until it contacts the rocker arm sleeve bearing connection firmly enough to eliminate any play in the rocker arm. Use a 1%” wrench to tighten the lock nut against the adjusting nut on the eccentric rod. Use a 11/4" wrench to tighten the spring tension adjusting nut until the tension on the spring is suflicient to actuate the rocker arm. Tighten the spring tension lock nut. r Operate the machine by hand to check the accuracy of the adjust- ments. Note: The index dial should be far enough away from the stations when the ram is at top dead center to allow the cases to be removed manually from the case supporting dies. Close the flywheel guard door. VIEW SHOWING TI-IE PAWI. ADJUSTMENT I 38 I MANUAL REVlSlON—CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Station Alignment Detector TOOIS: Procedure: This revision supersedes Page 39. The purpose of the station alignment detector is to disengage the clutch when the index dial fails to stop on station. If the detector does not disengage the clutch when the dial stops off station, or the machine shuts off due to misalignment of the detector punch, the detector assembly should be adjusted. %" Allen wrench, 11/16" wrench, pliers. 1. 2. 99‘? Use a V32” Allen wrench to loosen the spring retaining collar in order to remove tension from the clutch release shaft. Use an 11/16” wrench to loosen the adjusting nut on the lower end of the clutch release shaft. Use pliers to remove the cotter pin and clevis pin from the top of the shaft, allowing the assembly to drop down in the dial until the dial alignment punch touches the bed of the machine. Tighten the adjusting nut. Raise the assembly and replace the clevis pin and the cotter pin. Use a 5/2” Allen wrench to raise and lock the spring retaining collar to restore tension to the clutch release shaft. CALIBER .30 v. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Station The purpose of the station alignment detector is to disengage the clutch if Alignment the index dial does not stop on station. If the detector does not disengage Detector the clutch when the dial stops off station, the detector should be lowered by turning it clockwise so that the clutch operating arm will be raised to contact the notch on the clutch disengaging collar. Turnover Alignment Finger / Detector I, Stripper Stripper -' Case Case Guide / Supporting Ring Stems VIEW SHOWING THE STATION ALIGNMENT DETECTOR Tool: 7/8" wrench. Procedure: 1. Open the flywheel guard and engage the clutch. 2. Turn the flywheel until the dial is moved about halfway between the stations. Back up the ram enough to pull the pawl away from the ratchet. Then continue turning the flywheel until the station align- ment detector has completed its full action. 3. Use a 7/3 ” wrench to turn the detector until it actuates to disengage the clutch. 4. Turn the flywheel backwards until the pawl slips back into the ratchet. Then turn the flywheel until the dial is on station. 5. Close the flywheel guard. I39] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS _ Adjustments Pitman The Pitman is the adjustable connecting rod which connects the ram to the crankshaft. Its purpose is to regulate the length of the stroke of the ram. If the ram does not travel low enough on its downward stroke, it can be lowered by turning the Pitman connection. Crankshafl . '— Pitman Connection t ' l‘ I , ., - VIEW OF THE CRANKSHAFT Tools: %" wrench, %” spanner pin. Procedure: 1. Open the flywheel guard and engage the clutch. 2. Turn the flywheel until the ram is at the bottom of its stroke. 3. Use a 3/5" wrench to loosen the lock bolt on the Pitman connection. 4 Use a %" spanner pin to turn the Pitman connection until the ram is positioned low enough. 9‘ Use a 7/8” wrench to tighten the lock bolt on the Pitman connection. 6. Close the flywheel guard.' [40] CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS I Adjustments Idler Pulley The idler pulley is the adjustable belt tension regulator. Its purpose is to press against the belt firmly enough to take out any slack in the hopper conveyor belt. If the hopper conveyor belt is not conveying the cases to the feed tube throat smoothly, a readjustment of the idler wheel will have to be made. The idler wheel can be pressed more firmly against the belt until it is taut. Hopper ‘j ,j 1- I , I J“. I , ’_ 1/2” Sttld Conveyor "T Belt Pulley Feed Tube _ VIEW OF THE PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER Tool: %" wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a %” wrench to loosen the idler wheel stud. 2. Push the idler against the belt until it is taut. Note: If the belt cannot be made taut, it will have to be replaced. 3. Use a 1/3" wrench to tighten the idler wheel stud. I41] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Case Feed Finger Operating Arm The case feed finger operating arm is the lever which actuates the feed finger. Its purpose is to move the feed finger in such a manner as to allow a case to slide out of the feed tube into the feed channel and to push it far enough in the feed channel to slide into the case holding jaws. Whenever this action does not take place correctly, an adjustment on the case feed finger operating arm is necessary. The operating arm can be placed at any position on the operating shaft in order to get the proper action of the case feed finger. Shellac Container Eccentric Case Guide Ring Tool: Procedure: _- Feed Tube I . . Allen Set Screw I Feed Finger ' Operating Arm VIEW OF THE FEED FINGER OPERATING ARM 1/4" Allen wrench. 1. 2. Open the flywheel guard and engage the clutch. Turn the flywheel by hand until a case drops down in front of the case feed finger. Then continue turning the flywheel until the feed finger is at the extreme of its delivery stroke. Use a 1/4" Allen wrench to loosen the lock bolt on the feed finger oper- ating arm. Move the operating arm until it pushes the case into the case holding jaws. Use a 1/4" Allen wrench to tighten the lock bolt on the feed finger operating arm. Close the flywheel guard. I 42 I CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Piercing The flash hole punch located at the second station punches the flash hole Punch through the web of the case. When the ram descends, the flash hole punch pierces a hole through the base of the primer pocket. If the flash hole punch does not pierce the web thickness, it will have to be lowered. The punch is held in the upper ram by a holder which can be raised or lowered by loosening a set screw and adjusting the spanner collar. - Connecting Rod ‘ , ' Piercing Punch _ Holder Case Feed Finger _' VIEW SHOWING THE PIERCING PUNCH ADJUSTMENT Tools: §/1'1-, " Allen wrench, 11/;" spanner wrench. 1. Engage the clutch and open the flywheel guard. 2. Turn the flywheel by hand until the ram is at the bottom of its stroke. 3. Use a 1%" spanner wrench to loosen the spanner lock collar and the spanner adjusting collar. Use a 5/16” Allen wrench to loosen the punch holder in the ram. Lower the punch holder until the piercing punch enters the case sup- porting die about }3/3". Use a 5%” Allen wrench to tighten the tool holder set screw. Use a 1%" spanner wrench to turn the spanner adjusting collar until it is flush with the ram. Also tighten the spanner lock collar. Procedurei 9?‘ P‘? [43] CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Flash The flash hole detector punch is located in the upper ram at station 3. Hole Its purpose is to detect any case which has not had a flash hole pierced Detector in the primer pocket. If no flash hole has been punched in the case head, the detector finger contacts an electric switch which shuts off the machine. Flash Hole Detector Punch Case Feed __ Finger ‘ VIEW SHOWING THE FLASH HOLE DETECTOR ADJUSTMENT . Tool: 3/4 ” wrench. Procedure: 1. Open the flywheel guard and engage the clutch. 2. Lower the ram to the bottom of its stroke by manually turning the flywheel. 3. Use a 3% " wrench to turn the flash hole detector punch holder counter- clockwise until the punch enters the case supporting die 1/52”. 4. Close the flywheel guard. 5. Operate the machine and see if the flash hole detector punch will stop the machine when a case without a flash hole punch is run past this station. Note: If it does not, a readjustment will have to be made. [44] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Burring The burring punch is a tool located in the top ram at station 4, which slightly chamfers the edges of the primer pocket. The burring punch is held in the upper ram by a holder which can be raised or lowered and held in any position by a spanner collar adjusting set screw. If the primers are being inserted sideways or in a tipped position, also flat primers it is an indication that the primer pockets are not being cham- fered, and an adjustment on the burring punch holder is necessary. Punch Turnover Finger TOOIS: Procedure: VIEW SHOWING THE BURRING PUNCH TOOL HOLDER 5/16" Allen wrench, 1%” spanner wrench. 1. 2. Insert a case without a primer under the burring station. Open the flywheel gate and engage the clutch. 3. Turn the flywheel until the ram is at the bottom of its stroke. 4. 5 6 Use a 1%” spanner wrench to loosen the spanner lock collar. . Use a §1/6" Allen wrench to loosen the burring punch holder set screw. . Use a 1%" spanner wrench to turn the adjusting spanner collar until the burring punch has entered the case far enough to allow a clearance of 16;" between the head of the case and the shoulder on the burring punch. Use a :/16"’ wrench to tighten the burring punch holder set screw. Use 2 1%” spanner wrenches to tighten the spanner lock collar. Close the flywheel guard. l 45 l CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Primer The primer agitator is the mechanism that agitates the primers to prevent Agitator them from jamming at the mouth of the feed track. If the agitator arm is not producing the correct action on the primers, it can be adjusted to work more effectively. The adjustment nut at the back end of the push in finger operating lever can be tightened or loosened until the proper action is developed on the agitator. _ Primer Turnover Hopper Finger \ Turnover Finger Shaft "' k . Case Guide " ‘P9 Ring \f ‘ ‘ ‘ VIEW SHOWING PRIMER AGITATOR ADJUSTMENT Tool: 1%” wrench. Procedure: 1. Open the flywheel guard and engage the clutch. 2. Turn the flywheel -by hand until the ram is about half way on its upward stroke. 3. Use an 11/115” wrench to turn the adjustment nut one way or the other till the agitator moves sufficiently to prevent jamming of the primers in the feed track. Note: This is a trial and error adjustment. Proper position cannot be determined until the machine is operated and the action of the agi- tator is checked to see if correct action has been developed. Readjust until the correct action has been obtained. 4. Close the flywheel guard. [46] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Turnover Finger Assembly Tools: Procedure: The turnover fingers are small metal fingers attached to a small clutch assembly in front of station 5. The fingers are used to turn the inverted primers over and convey them to a case under the primer insert punch. The fingers must hold the primer in proper alignment with the primer insert punch and the primer pocket in the case. _ If the turnover fingers do not hold the primer in alignment with the primer insert punch, the cone bearings of the turnover finger assembly will have to be readjusted. - \ i! I M -— Primer Hopper — Turnover Finger VIEW OF THE TURNOVER FINGER ASSEMBLY 1%" wrench, screwdriver. 1. 2. Open the flywheel guard and engage the clutch. Turn the flywheel until the turnover fingers are resting over a case at that station. Note: Be sure that a primer is being held in the fingers. Use a 11_/15" wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the male adjustable cone bearings. To adjust the fingers so that the primer which they hold is centered over the pocket of the case, use the screwdriver to turn the male cone be-arings back and forth. Use a 1%,” wrench to tighten the lock nuts on the male adjustable cone bearings. Note: Be sure that the cone bearings hold the turnover unit securely and yet allow free movement. ' I47] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Primer Insert The primer insert punch inserts the primer into the primer pocket of the case. It is located at station 5. If the insert punch does not push the primer into the pocket until the head of the primer is V16” above the case head, the punch must be lowered. The punch holder is raised or lowered by loosening a set screw and readjusting the spanner collar. Punch TOOIS: Procedure: VIEW OF THE PRIMER INSERT PUNCH ADJUSTMENT 5/f6” wrench, 1%" spanner wrench. 1. 2. 3. Place a case under the inserting punch. Open the flywheel guard and engage the clutch. Turn the flywheel guard until the ram has descended to the bottom of its stroke. . Use a 11/;” spanner wrench to loosen the spanner lock collar on the primer insert punch holder. Use a 5/16" wrench to loosen the primer insert punch holder set screw. Use a 1%" spanner wrench to turn the spanner adjusting collar until the primer insert punch holder when pushed up into the ram and locked will hold the punch 46" above the case head. Use a 5/16" wrench to tighten the set screw when the tool holder is pressed firmly up into the ram. Use a 11/2” wrench to tighten the spanner lock collar. . Close the flywheel guard. I48] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments No Primer Detector The inverted primer detector is located at station 6. Its purpose is to detect an empty primer pocket or an inverted primer. If the cases reach this station without the primer or with an inverted primer, the detector punch allows a rod to contact a shut off switch, thereby stopping the machine. If the detector fails to do this, the switch contact rod must be raised or lowered in the detector punch bracket. Tool: Procedure: VIEW SHOWING THE PRIMER DETECTOR ADJUSTMENT V16" wrench. 1. Place a case with a primer under the no primer detector station. 2. Open the flywheel guard and engage the clutch. 3. Turn the flywheel by hand until the ram is at the bottom of the stroke. 4. Use a %" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the switch contact rod. 5. Turn the switch contact rod until the lower end of it touches the switch. 6. Use a §/11;” wrench to tighten the lock nut. 7. Close the flywheel guard. 8. To check the adjustment, operate the machine and run a case through with an inverted primer to see whether the no primer detector will stop it. Note: If the detector fails to stop the machine, make a readjustment. I 49 I CALIBER .30 v. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS . Adjustments Seating The crimping punch located at station 7, seats the primer in the primer and pocket of the case and crimps it. The crimping punch must seat the Crimping primer between .001 and .007 below the head of the case. If the primers Punch are not being seated below the head of the case, the crimping punch must be lowered. To do this, loosen the lock screw in the primary tool holder and turn the set screw until the crimping punch can be held in the proper position. ' Ram Turnover VIEW SHOWING THE SEATING AND CRIMPING PUNCH ADJUSTMENT Tools: %;" Allen wrench, 3/:5” Allen wrench, 1%” wrench. Procedure: 1. Place a case with a primer to be seated and crimped under the crimp- ing punch. 2. Open the flywheel guard and engage the clutch. 3. Turn the flywheel until the ram is at the bottom of its stroke. 4. Use a %” Allen wrench to loosen the crimping punch set screw. 5. Use an 1%" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the punch adjusting screw. 6. Use a %6’’ Allen wrench to turn the adjusting screw until the crimping punch is lowered enough to seat and crimp the primer between .003 and .005 below the surface of the case head. 7. Tighten the lock nut and Allen set screw. 8. Close the flywheel guard. Lock Nut Adjusting Screw Space Rod Spanner Nut Tool Holder Shaft Crimping Tool It-I Q VIEW SHOWING THE SEATING AND CRIMPING PUNCH REMOVED FROM THE MACHINE ri l 50 l CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Shellac The shellac tool is the instrument which places the shellac on the primer Tool of each case. Its purpose is to place the shellac sealer around the primer so that it will not deteriorate from moisture. The shellac tool should be placed in proper alignment with the primers of the cases on the indexing dial at this station. This can be done by loosening an Allen set screw and shifting the shellac tool holder shaft into the proper position on the eccen- tric which actuates it. The pressure with which the shellac tool contacts the primers of the cases can be regulated by adjusting a concentric stop screw. The distance the tool will dip into the shellac can also be regulated by adjusting another concentric stop screw. ' "‘--I Shellac E;Mi‘ Container .-— Shah __ Set ' I I I I I, V , ' _ Ring Screw ' . . - 5 ~ ' VIEW SHOWING THE SHELLAC STATION Tools: %" wrench, %” Allen wrench. Procedure: 1 Engage the clutch and open the flywheel guard. 2. Place a case in the case supporting die on the index dial at the shellac station. 3. Turn the flywheel until the shellac tool is directly over a case on the index dial at the shellac station. 4. Use a 14;" Allen wrench to loosen the shellac tool holder shaft set screw. 5. Slide the shaft back and forth in its slide holder until the shellac tool is in alignment with the primer of the case. 6. Use a %” Allen wrench to tighten the shellac tool holder shaft set screw. Shaft Shellac Tool l I VIEW SHOWING THE SHELLAC TOOL HOLDER REMOVED FROM THE MACHINE I51] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Pressure Adjustment . Turn the flywheel until the eccentric contacts the stop screw at the ex- treme of its delivery stroke. , . Use a % ” wrench to loosen the stop screw lock nut. . Turn the stop screw until the shellac tool contacts the primer in the case firmly enough to compress the spring on top of tool to half its size. . Use a %" wrench to tighten the stop screw lock nut. Shellac Delivery Container Position ’ Stop Screw Eccentric Receiving Position LocI< Stop ' Nut Screw Lock Nut ' Dipping Stroke Case '“ Guide Ring VIEW SHOWING THE SHELLAC STATION . Turn the flywheel until the eccentric on the shellac tool has brought the tool to the extreme of its receiving position and contacts the stop screw for that position. . Use a 3/8” wrench to loosen the stop screw lock nut. . Turn the stop screw until the eccentric cam lowers the shellac tool into the shellac container to a depth ‘at which the tool is loaded with shellac each time it dips. Use a 1%," wrench to tighten the lock nut. . Close all guards. I52] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Case Transfer Lift TOOI: Procedure: The case transfer lift is located at station 9. It is a pipe with an automatic collet on the bottom end and is attached to the ram. Its purpose is to transfer the cases from the index dial to the conveyor track above it. If the top of the case transfer lift is contacting the conveyor track above, it should be lowered so that it will function properly. Allen Screws Collet Shellac __ Container I . I \’ IL»--s-=1-, K97 U"-"‘ VIEW OF THE CASE TRANSFER LIFT ASSEMBLY % " Allen wrench. 1. 2. Open the flywheel guard and engage the clutch. Turn the flywheel guard until the case transfer lift is filled with cases and has one extending out from the top ready to be stripped off by the conveyor track. Continue turning the ram until it is at the bottom of its stroke. Use a §/Ii," Allen wrench to loosen the set screws in the case transfer lift holding bracket. Lower the case transfer lift until it is 1/4" from the case guide ring of the index dial. Use a §/11;" Allen wrench to tighten the set screws in the case transfer holding bracket. Close the flywheel guard. I 53 l CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Conveyor The conveyor finger is the lever which pushes the cases along the drying Finger track to the varnish station. Its purpose is to push the cases along the track far enough so that each succeeding case is aligned with the varnish punch. If the cases are not aligned properly with the varnish tool, the conveyor finger can be moved backward or forward by loosening the lock nut and readjusting the adjusting nut until the proper position is reached. Note: The conveyor finger must be held in a horizontal position when tightening the lock nut. "._ .. I N. _ . Q N ' J“ U ‘sf C. . ‘Q " / Conveyor Finger 7/8" Nut .~_ I _. -~ .I‘‘ ''‘1'-‘. .=‘--I - it - . _ ' \ ‘I , - ‘ "S. as! "- VIEW SHOWING THE CONVEYOR FINGER ADJUSTMENT Tool: %” wrench. Procedure: 1. Open the flywheel guard and engage the clutch. 2. Turn the flywheel until the conveyor finger is at the extreme left. 3. Use a 7/8” wrench to loosen the lock nut; turn the adjusting nut until the conveyor finger pushes the case nearest the varnish tool directly in line with the varnish tool. Note: In making the adjustment, be sure the drying track is filled with cases from the starting point up to the varnish tool. 4. Use a %" wrench to tighten the lock nut on the conveyor finger. [54] CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Adjustments Varnish The varnish tool varnishes the mouth of the case. The working end of the Tool tool should be completely inserted in the mouth of the case. The distance the varnish tool will travel into the mouth of the case can be regulated by loosening a lock nut on the varnish tool and raising or lowering the tool to the desired position. If the varnish is not entering far enough into the mouth of the case, the tool will have to be adjusted. / Tool Holder VIEW SHOWING THE VARNISH TOOL Tool: 7/1;" wrench. Open the flywheel guard and engage the clutch. Place a case at the varnish station directly in line with the varnish tool. Turn the flywheel by hand until the varnish tool is at the top of its stroke. Use a 146" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the varnish tool. Turn the varnish tool by hand until it is in a position to varnish the inside of the mouth of the case to the proper depth. 6. Use a "/15" wrench to tighten the lock nut on the varnish tool. 7. Close the flywheel guard. Procedure: 9"!“ .°°.l\'>!" Tool Holder Varnish Tool VARNISH TooI. REMOVED FROM THE MACHINE I 55 l CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Troubles and Corrections Objective Clutch Automatically Disengaged Stems Not Aligned at the Stations TROLIBLES AND CORRECTIONS The adjuster will encounter many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may confront an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. When making an analysis of the trouble that occurs, always check the components being fed into the machine before checking faults on the machine. The following troubles can be recognized by visual and gage inspection of the component, together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Visual inspection reveals that the clutch has been disengaged by the auto- matic clutch release mechanism. This may be due to the following reasons: Inspection reveals that the clutch has been automatically disengaged by the action of the station alignment punch. The corrections are: 1. Align the punch with the sta- The causes are: 1. The stems are not in line with the punches at the various sta- tions. The station alignment punch does not enter the hole provided for it on the indexing dial, but hits against the top of the dial and disengages the clutch. The stroke of the dial is such that it is turned too far and the case is conveyed past the sta- tion; or the dial does not turn sufliciently to bring the case to the station. tions. Turn the flywheel until the flash hole punch is just above the stem die. Turn the nut on the end of the dial operating rod until the punch is in line with the die. . Adjust the travel of the index- ing dial by changing the posi- tion of the arm attached to the eccentric at the end of the crankshaft. Loosen the nut on the arm and slide the arm toward the center to decrease the amount that the dial moves with each revolution of the crankshaft; or slide the arm away from the center to in- crease the action of the dial. It will be necessary to experiment until the correct movement of the dial is attained. Tighten the nut on the arm. [56] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Troubles and Corrections Clutch Disengaged by No Case Detector Punch Clutch Disengaged by Inverted Primer Detector Ragged Flash Hole Inspection reveals that the clutch has been disengaged by action of the no case detector punch. The cause is: 1. There is no case in the feed jaws and the punch is forced against one of the prongs of the jaws, automatically disengag- ing the clutch. The correction is: 1. Check to see whether or not there are cases in the hopper. If there are plenty of cases in the hopper, but they are not be- ing properly fed to the feed jaws, refer to causes of cases not entering feed jaws.. Inspection reveals that the clutch has been disengaged by the action of the inverted or no primer detector. The causes are: 1. There is an inverted primer or there has been no primer in- serted in the primer pocket. The stem attached to the de- tector punch has been allowed to descend far enough to disen- gage the clutch automatically. . The stem attached to the de- tector punch is not properly ad- justed. The stem automatically disengages the clutch even though a primer is correctly placed in the primer pocket. The corrections are: 1. Remove the case containing the inverted primer. If there is no primer in the case, check the primer feed. Refer to causes of primers not fed to turnover fingers. . Adjust the stem by turning the nuts located at the top of the stem. The stem should be raised until it fails to contact the electric switch button when a primer is correctly placed in the primer pocket. Visual inspection reveals that the flash hole is not cleanly cut. The causes are: 1. The punch is dull and does not make a clean cut as it pierces the case at the center of the primer pocket. The stem die is dull. A ragged hole is produced as the punch is forced through the case into the die. The corrections are: 1. Remove and replace the punch. Loosen the set screw in the punch holder and allow the punch to drop out. Place the new punch in the punch holder and tighten the set screw. . Remove and replace the stem die. In order to remove the stem die it is necessary to re- move the feed mechanism from the machine bed. It is also necessary to remove and disas- semble the entire dial. The de- fective stem die is pressed out and the new stem die is pressed into the dial. Reassemble the machine. I571 CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Troubles and Corrections No Flash Hole Inspection reveals that the clutch has been automatically disengaged by in the Case the flash hole detector punch. Insufficient Crimp Insufficient Shellac on Case Head The causes are: 1. The flash hole punch is broken and does not punch a hole in the primer pocket. . The flash hole punch is not properly adjusted. It does not descend far enough to pierce the case. The corrections are: 1. Remove the broken punch and replace with a new or serviced punch. Loosen the punch set screw and allow the punch to drop out. Insert a new punch and tighten the set screw. . Lower the flash hole punch. It is necessary to loosen the set screw. Allow the punch holder to drop out of the ram and turn the spanner nuts towards the top of the punch holder. Re- place the punch holder, and tighten the set screw. It may be necessary to adjust the punch several times before the desired position of the punch is attained. Visual inspection reveals that the primer is not being crimped far enough down into the primer pocket. The cause is: 1. The crimping punch is not properly adjusted. The crimp- ing tool is not lowered far enough by the action of the ram. The correction is: 1. Adjust the crimping punch. Loosen the Allen screw in the primary tool holder and turn the set screw on top of the tool holder. Push the crimping tool against the set screw and tighten the Allen screw. It may be necessary to readjust the punch several times before the proper crimp is attained. Visual inspection reveals that there is not enough shellac deposited on the head of the case around the primer. The correction is: 1. Adjust the stop screw that determines the depth that the tool dips into the shellac. Loosen the lock nut and turn the screw so that the tool descends deeper into the shel- lac. Tighten the lock nut. The cause is: 1. The shellac tool does not dip far enough into the shellac con- tainer. CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Troubles and Corrections Cases Not Entering Visual inspection reveals that the cases are not entering the feed jaws. Feed Jaws Primers Not Entering Turnover Fingers The causes are: 1. The hopper belt is loose. It is not conveying the cases to the feed tube. 2. The push-in finger is not push- ing the case into the feed jaws. .Adjust the push The corrections are: 1. Tighten the belt. Loosen the nut on the idler pulley bracket and push the knurled idler pulley against the belt until the belt is taut. Tighten the nut on the idler pulley bracket. in finger. Loosen the Allen screw at the left end of the rocker arm shaft and push the finger far enough forward to position the case at the forward end of the feed jaws. Visual inspection reveals that the primers are not entering the turnover fingers. The causes are: 1. The primers are jammed at beginning of the track. They are not properly agitated to be- gin their travel along the track. The primer push in finger is not inserting the primers into the turnover fingers. The corrections are: 1. Adjust the primer agitator. Allow the ram to be lowered half way, and turn the nut on the push in finger operating rod until the agitator pin presses against the spring agi- tator. .Adjust the primer push in finger. Turn the flywheel until the push in finger is as far as it will - go toward the turnover finger. Turn the adjusting screw on the push in finger until the primer enters the turnover fin- ger. CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Tool Servicing Objective Servicing A New Punch or Stem Servicing A Used Punch or Stem TOOL SERVICING Proper tool servicing is essential to maintain standard quality in the inser- tion of primers and flash holes in the cases. Dies and punches are costly and great care must be exercised in the servicing of these tools. While ad- justers will not be concerned with tool servicing in the Primer Insert De- partment at present, such necessary steps as listed should be known in the event that they may be needed in the future. Adjusters will be concerned primarily with the removal of small scratches that appear on the working surfaces of stems and punches. They must be careful when using an abrasive on any tool not to alter its dimensions materially. All tools that cannot be corrected by polishing those punches that are bent, will be returned to the Tool Department, in exchange for new ones. Under no circumstances will any attempts be made to straighten bent or sprung punches. Before an abrasive of any kind is applied to a new punch or stem, its di- mensions should be carefully checked with a micrometer or profile gage, and its working surface should be examined for finishing or handling marks and lack of polish. A highly -polished punch aids in stripping and allows better working conditions. ' As a punch is used its working surface wears accumulating scratches. Excessive wear is determined by measuring with a micrometer or check- ing with a profile gage. Obviously, an undersize punch must be replaced with one of approved dimensions. Scratches, if not too deep, may be removed by polishing. The question of how soon a new punch will need polishing can be answered only from experience, since many variable factors enter into the problem. OVER-ALL VIEW or SPEED LATHE [60 l CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Tool Servicing FIG. 2 CORRECT METHOD OF PLACING PUNCH IN CHUCK Polishing Lapping FIG. 3 INCORRECT METHOD OF PLACING PUNCH IN CHUCK Polishing is done with a fine abrasive, for example, crocus cloth. A final operation called draw polishing is done after the chuck has been stopped. To draw polish a punch or stem, move the abrasive cloth lengthwise over the entire working surface, avoiding rotary motion of the punch or the abrasive. Continue this operation until all marks are removed and the desired high polish or mirror like finish is obtained. An adjuster will not be required to lap more than .0005 inch from a new punch or stem. If more than this must be removed to bring the punch or stem to correct size, it should be returned to the Tool Servicing Depart- ment for correction. Lapping is done with a piece of abrasive cloth wrapped around and moved back and forth along the axis of the punch as it revolves in the high speed chuck. If the abrasive were held sta- tionary, deep rings would be cut into the surface, and the finish would be ruined. The punch or stem is shown in Fig. 2 correctly chucked, and in Fig. 3 incorrectly held. Avoid excessive overhang of the punch as this is a safety hazard; make sure that the jaws are correctly set and tightened securely. Do not allow the jaws to grasp the working surface of the punch. Only a very fine abrasive such as emery cloth is to be used in the lapping operation. The surface of a properly lapped punch will have a dull grey color with a cross-hatched effect. I61] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Bea rings MACHINE LUBRICATION The efficiency of all machinery depends to a great extent upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction, as far as we are con- cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable microscopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufliciently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating Grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite—-tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [62] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. Load on the shaft or slide. Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. Constancy of operation. Cleanliness of surroundings. .°”.°‘tI‘$'°.l\'> Temperature of surroundings. 7. Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate-lubricating film. As the load on a 'shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable, where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a. few, well-chosen good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. HQSHPPDNP Frequency of lubrication. I 63 I CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: Simple oil hole. Bottle oiler. Ring oiler. Plain oil cups. Drop feed cups. Wick feed cups. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 9°.‘q9‘.°‘!l=‘.°°.[\'-ll-‘ Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices: 1. Screw down cups. 2. Compression cups. 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally—not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrica- tion.” Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places: in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times—except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your superior. I64] CALIBER .30 v. AND 0. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART . . N 0. of Fittings, Frequency of I/ubmcant Machine Part Grease Cups, etc. Lubrication H ours Crankshaft bearings . . . . . . . 2 8 Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 Ram connecting rod . . . . . . . 1 8 LIGHT GREASE Ram gibs . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 Eccentric (dial drive) . . . . . . 1 8 Primer driveshaft . . . . . . . . 2 8 Primer drive idler pulley . . . . . 1 8 Ram connecting rod ball socket . . 1 4 Clutch detector cam roller . . . . drop 4 Rocker arm driveshaft . . . . . . 1 8 Primer push-in finger adjusting rod. 2 8 Primer turn table shaft . . . . . . oil pipe 4 Primer push-in finger slide . . . . drop 8 Primer feed control arm . . . . . 1 8 Primer turnover finger rack gear . 2 8 Primer turnover finger rack slide . drop 4 Shellac rack slide . . . . . . . . drop 4 Case hopper . . . . . . . . . . 3 8 Ram recoil spring gear bushing . . oil rod 4 Case turnover block slide . . . . . 2 4 LIGHT OIL Case turnover cross-shaft . . . . . 2 8 Case turnover bronze slide . . . . oil hole 4 Case mover finger bronze slide . . 1 4 Case mover finger slide shaft . . . 1 8 Case mover finger rocker arm . . . oil hole 8 Varnish tool holder shaft . . . . . 1 4 Case dial block . . . . . . . . . 1 4 Case dial block detector shaft . . . oil shaft 4 Case dial turning latch . . . . . . 1 8 Case dial turning latch horizontal gib 1 4 Case dial slide adjusting arm . . . oil hole 8 Case dial lock slides . . . . . . . 2 4 Case dial rocker arm . . . . . . . 1 4 Solenoid switch control rocker arm 1 8 [65] CALIBER .30 V. AND O. PRIMER INSERT PRESS Index Adjusting Stud, 10, 22, 26 Adjustment, Burring Punch, 45 Case Feed Finger Operating Arm, 42 Case, Transfer Lift, 53 Conveyor Finger, 54 Dipping Stroke, 52 Flash Hole Detector, 44 Idler Pulley, 41 Index Dial, 37 N 0 Primer Detector, 49 Piercing Punch, 43 Pitman, 40 Pressure, 52 Primer Agitator, 46 Primer Insert Punch, 48 Seating and Crimping Punch, 50 Shellac Tool, 51 Station Alignment Detector, 40 Turnover Finger Assembly, 47 Varnish Tool, 55 Anti-friction Bearings, 62 Bearing Cap, 10 Burring Punch, 24, 29 Punch Adjustment, 45 Punch Tool Holder Shaft, 24 Station, 32 Case Feed Finger Operating Arm, Adjustment, 42 Guide Ring, 13, 18, 21 Overhead Hopper, 31 Transfer Lift Adjustment, 53 Cases Not Entering Feed Jaws, 59 Clutch, 8, 20 Arm, 8 Automatically Disengaged, 56 Disengaged by Inverted Primer Detector, 57 Disengaged by No Case Detector Punch, 57 Coil Spring, 17, 23 Connecting Ram, 10, 11 Rod, 10, 11 Conveyor Belt, 6 Finger, 18 Finger Adjustment, 54 Crankshaft, 3, 8, 9 Speed, 1 Crimping Punch, 26, 29 Station, 32 Cross-shaft, 6 Cushion Spring Rings, 26 Detector Punch Holder, 23 Dial Indicator Gage, 35 Dipping Stroke Adjustment, 52 Drying Track and Varnish Station, 32 Feed Block, 6, 17 Finger and Feed Jaw, 31 Motor, 1 Tube and Feed Check, 31 Unit, 17, 18 Flash Hole Detector, Adjustment, 44 INDEX Flash Hole Detector Pin, 29 Hole Detector Station, 32 Hole Punch, 22, 29 Floor Space, 1 Flow Chart, 33 Flywheel, 2, 8 Friction, 62 Gage Care, 35 Gages, 35 Grease, 63 Height, 1 Hints on Lubrication, 64 Idler Pulley Adjustment, 41 Index Dial, 14, 16, 18 Dial Adjustment, 37 Indexing Dial, 3, 12, 17 Dial Mechanism, 16 Pawl, 14 Inserting Punch, 25, 29 Punch Holder, 25 Insufficient Crimp, 58 Shellac on Case Head, 58 Introducing Lubricating Film Re- duces Friction, 62 Inverted Primer Detector Punch, 29 Primer Detector Station, 32 Lapping, 61 Lock Nut, 23, 26 Lubrication, 62 Chart, 65 Methods, 63 Machine Description, 1 Motor, 1 Manufacturer, 1 Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 64 No Case Detector Station, 31 Flash Hole in the Case, 58 Primer Detector Adjustment, 49 Objective of Tool Servicing, 60 of Troubles and Corrections, 56 Operating Shaft, 14 Over-all Height, 34 Paddle Wheel Hopper, 3, 6, 7, 31 Pawl, Transfer Slide and Looking Finger, 14, 15 Piercing Punch Adjustment. 43 Station, 31 Pitman Adjustment, 40 Pocket Depth, 34 Diameter, 34 Polishing, 61 Power, 2, 3 Pressure Adjustment, 52 Primary Tool Holder Shaft, 26 Primer Agitator Adjustment, 46 Assembly, 19, 20 Dial, 19 Diameter, 34 Hopper, 3, 4, 19, 32 Insert Punch Adjustment, 48 Insert Station, 32 Primer Turnover Fingers, 20 Primers Not Entering Turnover Fingers, 59 Production, 1 Purpose of V. and O. Primer Insert Machine, 31 Push-in Finger and Turnover Fin ger,32 Ragged Flash Hole, 57 Ram, 3, 10, 12, 20 Recoil Spring, 11 Rocker Arm, 16 Seating and Crimping Punch Adjust- ment, 50 Secondary Holder, 26 Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing, 63 Servicing a New Punch or Stem, 60 a Used Punch or Stem, 60 Shellac Mechanism, 20, 21 Station, 32 Tool, 30 Tool Adjustment, 51 Shellacing Tool Holder, 27 Space Rod, 22, 26 Spanner Nut, 26 h Nuts, 23, 24, 25 Spring Housing, 26 Station Alignment Detector Adjust- ment, 39 1—Feed Block, 4 2—Flash Hole Punch, 4 2—Flash Hole Punch Tool Holder, 22 3—Detector Punch Tool Holder, 23 4—Burring, 4 4—Burring Punch Tool Holder, 24 5—Primer Insert, 4 5—Primer Insert Pun ch Tool Holder, 25 6—-Inverted Primer Detector, 4 7—Crimping, 4 7——Crimping Punch Tool Holder, 26 8—Shellac, 4, 5 8—Shellac Punch Tool Holder, 27 9—Varnish, 5 9—Varnish Punch Tool Holder, 28 Stems Not Aligned at the Stations, 56 Stripper Plate, 12 Stroke, 1 Tool Holder Shaft, 22, 23 Tools, 1 Transfer Slide, 16 Station, 32 Transmission, 2, 3 Turnover Finger Assembly, Adjust- ment, 47 Type of Feed, 1 Varnish Tool, 30 Tool Adjustment, 55 Tool Holder, 28 Varnishing Tool, 28 Visual Inspection, 35 Weight, 1 [66] TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Straight Line . Loading Machine BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 194-1 United States Government Contract W-ORD-4-81, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. .The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917 , C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 443, 76th Congress, 3rd Session). II TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tool Holder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Tool Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Tool Servicing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 III CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE IV CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Catalogue Data CATALOGUE DATA Manufacturer Waterbury Farrel Foundry and Machine Company Waterbury, Conn. Machine Horizontal multiple station, vertical action, auto- Description matic straight line loading machine. Machine Totally enclosed, explosion proof, 2 h.p.; 3 phase; Motor 60 cycle; 220-440 volts; 1750 R.P.M.; fan cooled; belt drive to countershaft. Hoppers Case: Paddle wheel type located on top of machine at left end. Powder: Gravity funnel type located on front at center of machine, feeding to station 2. A.P. or Ball: Profile dial type located on top of machine at right end, feeding to station 4. Tracer Bullet: Manually fed through brass tube to station 4. Production 60 per minute Tools Piece No. No Case Detector and Mouth Spread, Detector Punch, taper AA-12 Powder Detector Detector punch, cylindrical AA-13 Bullet Insert Inserting punch, profile AA-14 Bullet Seat Seating punch, concave AA-11 Crimping Crimping die, taper AA-10 Height 6 ft. Weight 3500 lbs. Floor Space 3% ft. x 7 ft. CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MAcI-IINE Machine Description MACHINE DESCRIPTION The Caliber .30 Straight Line Loading machine deposits the correct amount of propellent powder in the case, inserts the bullet in the case, and crimps the mouth of the case into the bullet cannelure. _ Powder Hopper -_ Paddle Wheel Bullet / Hopper Hopper REAR VIEW OF CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Power and The Waterbury Farrel Straight Line Loading Machine, illustrated above, Transmission is powered through three V-type belts from a 2 h.p. motor to a pulley mounted on the left end of the driveshaft. The motor is mounted below the left end of the machine. Power is controlled to the motor by a toggle type switch. The switch is located at the left front of the machine frame. Power is controlled from the driveshaft through a friction type clutch which is manually operated through linkage from the front of the machine bed. The driveshaft is connected to and drives the camshaft and worm conveyor shaft through a series of interlocking spur gears. The machine action is stopped when the clutch is disengaged by a wedge brake on the driveshaft clutch. The worm conveyor shaft and the identification rack are equipped with individual constant pressure brakes which keep the I2] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Power and Transmission (Cont.) Hoppers Camshaft Worm Shaft identification rack and worm conveyor shaft from overriding. The bullet hopper is driven by a round leather belt from a pulley wheel on the right end of the camshaft. The case hopper is also driven by a round leather belt from a pulley wheel on the left end of the camshaft. The five rams are actuated through rocker arms from the camshaft. The rocker arm push rods are attached to the cams by a bearing arrangement which imparts a positive action to each ram. The transfer bar is actuated from right to left by a barrel cam located on the right end of the camshaft. The in and out motion of the transfer bar is actuated from two inverted cams, one of which is located at each end of the camshaft. The indicator worm conveyor shaft is driven by interlocking spur gears from the cam- shaft. The spur gear attached to the worm conveyor shaft is equipped with a shear pin which will shear in the event the indicating system jams. The bullet hopper is mounted on the upper surface of the frame at the right end of the machine. The hopper is mounted at a forty-five degree angle in relation to the machine frame and is equipped with a profile dial. The dial contains slots which conform to the shape of the bullets. By means of this arrangement, they are lifted to the feed tube opening. The bullets are fed into the hopper from an overhead source. The case hopper is mounted on the upper surface of the frame at the left end of the machine. The case hopper is the Liberty Paddle Wheel type, which lifts the cases from the hopper bottom to the conveyor belt where they are carried to the feed tube opening. The cases are emptied into the hopper from containers in which they are brought into the Loading Department. The cases may also be fed into the machine from an over- head source through a chute. The powder hopper is a sheet metal funnel-shaped container into which the powder is emptied from the upper end. The hopper is suspended, neck down, above the charging block by a block and tackle suspended from the ceiling. The camshaft is held by, and rotates in, three fitted bearings in a horizon- tal position along the rear edge of the machine bed. The camshaft contains a barrel cam, four inverted cams, and a series of eccentric cams which through linkage actuate the various machine parts. The camshaft re- volves in a counterclockwise motion, driven through spur gears from the driveshaft. The worm shaft is held by, and rotates in, three fitted bearings along the rear of the machine, above the camshaft. A small barrel cam is attached to the right end of the worm shaft and drives the transfer ram which pushes the cartridges from the inverting wheel into the identification rack. The worm shaft is equipped with guide rails along each side which provide the track through which the ball bearings travel, conveyed by the worm shaft. Each detector station is equipped with a detector punch. The detector punch, when actuated by a faulty case, drops down allowing the cam finger to contact the detector triggers. The upper end of the detector trigger moves to the left, allowing the indicator paddle to move the ball [3] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Worm Shaft (Cont.) Driveshaft Case Feed Unit Transfer Bar Ra ms Identifying System bearing to the opposite side of the worm conveyor shaft. The ball bearing conveyed by the shaft passes beneath the operating arms, stopping the action of the powder dial, powder detector, the bullet inserting station, and opens the trap door for the rejection of the faulty case. The driveshaft is held by, and rotates in, three fitted bearings in a horizon- tal position along the rear of the machine frame. The driveshaft contains the master clutch from which the machine action is controlled. The crimping head is driven through a round leather belt from a pulley on the right end of the driveshaft. The right end of the driveshaft extends through the machine frame and a hand wheel is mounted on the drive- shaft by which it may be turned. The case feed unit receives the cases from the feed tube and positions them for insertion into the transfer bar. The cases are pushed forward by the feed bars. The feed bars are actuated through linkage from the driving arm of the transfer bar. The transfer bar is actuated in a rectangular motion through linkage from the operating cams on the camshaft. The transfer bar conveys the cases through the various machine stations which fill the case with powder, detect a high, low or correct powder charge, insert the bullet, seat the bullet, crimp the cartridge and transfer it to the identifying system. The transfer bar carries twelve cases progressively through the machine. The five rams are held in the ram bed in a vertical position by adjustable gib plates. Each ram carries its individual working punch and all are actuated through linkage from the eccentric cams on the camshaft. The crimping ram is fitted with a tapered die which performs the actual crimp- ing operation. The identifying system consists of the inverting wheel and the identifying rack. The inverting wheel is driven by a ratchet and pawl arrangement through linkage from the camshaft. The inverting wheel receives the cartridges from the transfer bar and carries them upward to the top of the wheel where they are inserted, head up, in the identifying rack. The identifying rack is a wheel held on a horizontal plane and is actuated from the inverting wheel. The identification system is located at the right end of the machine. CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Case Hopper __ Powder Hopper _ Hopper Box SIDE VIEW OF THE CASE HOPPER The case hopper is mounted on top of the machine frame at the left end of the machine. The hopper paddle wheel is driven by a round leather belt from a pulley on the left end of the camshaft. The hopper driveshaft is mounted in a horizontal position along the rear of the hopper frame. The driving belt pulley is mounted in the forward end of the driveshaft and is connected by the belt to the camshaft. The driveshaft extends beyond the rear of the hopper and has a small pinion gear which connects with the ring gear on the paddle wheel shaft. The paddle wheel shaft extends through the rear end of the hopper and has a paddle wheel attached to the inner end. The hopper conveyor belt is driven by a pulley attached to the hopper driveshaft. The endless conveyor belt travels along the inside of the hopper frame be- tween the driving pulley and the idler pulley. The conveyor belt carries the cases from the paddle wheel to the feed tube. If the cases are placed on the conveyor belt by the paddle wheel, head first, they will drop directly into the feed tube, but if they are placed on the conveyor belt, mouth first, they will override the feed tube opening and drop back, head first, into the feed tube opening. The cases flow, head first, by gravity into the case feed unit. [5] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Conveyor Paddles VIEW OF THE INTERIOR OF THE PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER Conveyor Belt SIDE VIEW or THE PADDLE WHEEL HOPPER I 6 l CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Powder Hopper Charging Block VIEW OF THE POWDER HOPPER The powder hopper is funnel-shaped and fitted with an interior cardboard funnel into which the powder is poured. The hopper is filled by hand from containers brought into the Loading Department from the Powder De- partment. The powder hopper is suspended from the ceiling by a block and tackle. The small end of the funnel is attached to the powder charging unit. The large end of the hopper is covered by screen wire to keep any foreign particles from getting into the powder. W1 CAL IBER .30 ST RAIG HT L INE LOA DING MA CHIN E Ma chine Des cfipfi on 542 PULLEV PU LLEV SC RE E’/V | ' ’ " - ‘/' I. ‘.“.‘”. “’ ‘ G\\GOQGQ“” ‘ ‘.’ .¢$’¢ : 3‘ “.".. S ‘ »”*“$ O o‘ ‘b \ Q.“ . Q...‘. . ““. O ‘ 0“... .“‘ ..¢.0 ¢ .es¢¢¢o...... o\‘.O.‘.““‘ “‘. ; ‘oo¢¢o- “‘ " .0.‘ o“‘“ . ’ ) “‘\‘ 4 ‘. . fll 4 Pr/LLEV 46W /7 802018 541.1. G 0/ 0 E ImmlwlM W uujjlllllllll/LUI / IIIIIIIIll"l/ / ROD \ . .t%/dfi I lllll ’ I , I C HA//v W E/GI‘/7‘ DRA WIN G O F THE POWDE R HO PPER CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Bullet Hopper _ Powder Hopper Hopper Dial Pulley VIEW OF THE BULLET HOPPER The bullets are fed into the hopper through a feed tube from an overhead source. The bullet hopper contains a revolving disc set at an angle of 45° within the hopper base. The outer circumference of the disc is notched to fit the profile of the bullets. Bullets dropping into’ these notches will, on reaching the throat of the feed gap, drop into the coiled spring feed tube, base first. Bullets resting in these notches in an inverted position will overshoot the feed tube a short distance, and fall backward into the feed throat, base first. This hopper feeds the bullets faster than is necessary and is provided with an overflow. At the top of the feed tube the bullets jump a gap into the tube. If there is room, the bullets will enter the feed tube and continue to the bullet insert station. If the feed tube is full, the bullets will fall through a chute into a container, where they may be poured back into the hopper by hand. [9] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MAC:-IINE Machine Description ._.--—— Hopper Box ____‘ Dial Hopper Overflow Bin OVER-ALL VIEW OF THE BULLET HOPPER I10] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description ' l Powder Case Feed Tube _ Hopper Powder . Dial " , §:‘°"‘-j'"9 ac Case Ffied nit . OP‘-"=*i'r': -— QZLIIIIZI Case Ffifilt ’ . figitating Ommet Corer J’ Operating Arm Rocker Arm VIEW SHOWING THE CASE FEED UNIT Case Feed Unit The case feed unit is bolted to the bed, at the left end of the machine. The feed tube fits into a sleeve in the top of the feed block. The cases drop into the feed channel of the block where they are pushed forward by the feed bars. The feed bars slide back and forth in two machined channels, one in the base of the block, the other in the top of the block. The forward end of the feed bar is machined to fit the circumference of the case. The right side of the feed bar, at its forward end, is rounded slightly to allow the case to roll off the feed bar as the transfer bar moves it forward. The feed bar rocker arm is attached at its pivotal point to a vertical pin at the forward end of the feed block casting. The forward end of the rocker arm is attached to the feed bars by two connecting links which compensate for the length of travel of the feed bars in relation to the rocker arm. The outer end of the rocker arm is attached to the operating arm which connects to the transfer bar driving arm. Thus the feed bars are actuated directly from the transfer bar driving arm and indirectly from the inverted cam on the camshaft. The feed block holds one case, which is pushed forward to the transfer bar by‘ the pressure of the feed bars. I11] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description CH E FEED STUD . J Tr/Be can/are / OPE/QA T/A/G JP»?//VG STU D J"- JPML-,e IIIIIIIIIII JP/9 I/VG IM 5 TUD BBL 2. (Q LEI/ER LEVER STUD /QOCKEQ /9)?/W W as HE»? C0449/E OPE/€A4T/A/G /ft?!" STUD’ DRAWING OF THE CASE FEED UNIT [12] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Transfer Bar Fingers Transfer Bar I »?*s VIEW OF THE TRANSFER BAR The cases are moved across the machine from station to station by the action of the transfer bar. The transfer bar is driven from the camshaft and contains twelve sets of transfer fingers. The lateral movement of the transfer bar is actuated through a side rocker arm by a barrel cam on the camshaft. The side rocker arm is attached to its pivotal point by a wrist pin arrangement which allows it to swing freely. The in and out move- ment of the transfer bar is actuated from two inverted cams on the cam- shaft. The transfer bar is connected to the inverted cams by two driving arms located on the machine bed. The driving arms travel in and out on the machine bed. The transfer fingers are fastened in the bar in pairs by pins and are held in a forward position by springs. These springs are used to prevent jams. If a case jams, the fingers give and thus prevent bending or breaking metal parts of the machine. The fingers are in pairs, upper and lower, and are slotted to conform with the circumference of the case at the point where they grasp it. [13] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Cam Follower Acfuating Bartel Cam Transfer ____ Bar Tra n sfer _' I8‘-' ‘ Holding Bar Bar ‘- Fingers Transfer _ Bearing Action Rocker Arm VIEW OF THE BARREL CAM At each station the cases are held in place by spring action stationary holding fingers. These stationary fingers are located in the holding bar, which runs parallel to the transfer bar and is bolted to the machine bed. While the operation is performed, these fingers hold the cases against the parallel guide tracks firmly enough to keep the cases from falling over, but not so firmly as to prevent the transfer fingers from moving the cases from one station to the next. vIEw or THE HOLDING BAR I 14 l CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Powder Hopper Charging Block Anvil Agitating Hammer Charging Block _ Agitating Hammer Operating Arm VIEW OF THE CHARGING BLOCK The charging block is a rectangular metal block which has a powder valve cut through the center of the block. This valve can be adjusted to regulate the amount of powder, by volume, that is to be used in charging the case. The charging block carries the powder charge from the powder hopper to a position above the charging dial funnel. The block is mounted in a casting bolted to the front of the machine bed. The charging block arm is held on a horizontal cross-shaft in the charging block housing. The outer end of the cross-shaft has a rocker arm attached which is actuated from an eccentric cam on the camshaft through an operating arm. The charging block is equipped with an agitating hammer which strikes against an anvil attached to the end of the charging block. There are distinctly two types of agitations used on the charging block. The agitating hammer hits the charging block anvil fourteen times, in order to settle the powder in the powder valve. The powder block also receives two shakes at the end of its forward stroke in order to clear the powder valve of all powder; and two shakes at the end of the backward stroke to settle the powder. [151 CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Charging Block These two types of agitation are actuated through linkage from agitating (Cont.) cams on the camshaft to the charging block. Powder Valve Set Screw Anvil CHARGING BLOCK REMOVED [15] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Powder Charging -_ Dial Funnel " Broke / Shoe Inspection Gale VIEW OF THE POWDER CHARGING DIAL Powder The powder charging dial is located below the charging block and in line Charging with the transfer bar fingers. The charging dial contains six funnels and Diol handles three cases at a time, one case being inserted while the preceding one is being filled with powder and the third is at the inspection gate of the charging dial. The charging dial is equipped with a ratchet and pawl drive which is actuated by a yoke attached to the transfer bar. The cases fit into machined slots along the circumference of the charging dial. As the cases are brought toward the charge block to receive the powder charge, the case mouth is forced into the port of the charging dial, to receive the powder charge, by a rise in the case track. As the cases leave the inspection gate, the extractor groove is gripped by a stripper plate and the case mouth is pulled from the charging dial port. A locking arm is employed to hold the charging dial in position as the pawl is brought back for the next stroke. The locking arm is pinned to a casting on the machine bed and is actuated by the yoke striking against a pin extending from the lower side of the arm. A coil tension spring brings the arm into contact with the charging dial slots while the yoke releases it for the next stroke. [17] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description S’ I . \: Co ct'ng IQBIIGOII \ . _ I Q /_ Pinllne I __ Connecting Link E”: ee Tube Indicator / Paddle C _____. Fins: -’-’ Trigger \ Reset Plate Gib / Tapered Punch VIEW OF MOUTH SPREAD AND DETECTOR STATION Station I, A case upon entering the machine from the case feed unit is grasped by the Mouth Spread transfer fingers and moved laterally to station 1. This detector and mouth and Detector spread station has a tapered punch that descends and opens the mouth of the case slightly to facilitate the insertion of the bullet. At this station the punch also acts as a detector and determines whether there is a case, a short case, or no case in the machine. There is a cam finger attached to the cam block at the top of the ram which may be adjusted to its proper clearance by raising or lowering the tapered punch as it rests on the case. The cam finger is adjusted to a posi- tion where it will contact the trigger at the right of the cam finger which in turn releases the indicator paddle that pushes the ball bearing to the oppo- site side of the indicator worm shaft when there is no case or a short case present. When there is a case of the right length present in this station, the cam finger will clear the trigger. When there is no case or a short case at this [13] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Station I, Mouth Spread and Detector (Cont.) station, the ball bearing is pushed to the opposite side of the indicator worm shaft and rides under the operating arms. This stops the powder charging operation at station 2, the bullet inserting operation at station 4 and opens the trap door at station 6, where the component, if short, will fall into a container under the machine. The ram is actuated by an eccentric cam on the camshaft through a push rod and rocker arm. The rocker arm is mounted at its pivotal point on the upper surface of the ram bed. The rear end of the rocker arm is connected by the push rod to the cam. The forward end of the rocker arm is pinned to the ram head by a wrist pin and link which allows the ram to move up and down when the machine is started. [19] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Powder Hopper Charging Block Agitating __ Hammer Station 2, Powder Charging Agitating Hammer Operating Arm VIEW OF POWDER CHARGING STATION The cases are inserted into the charging dial by the transfer fingers at this station. As the case is inserted into the slot on the charging dial, the dial indexes and forces the case along the guide track and up an incline until the mouth of the case enters the port under the funnel. The case is then moved to a position directly under the charging block when the charging block is at the end of its forward stroke. At this position the powder is shaken from the powder valve, through the funnel, into the case. As the case continues to move around the dial to an incline where the extractor groove slides under a stripper plate and as the case is moved over the incline, the mouth of the case is forced out of the port under the funnel to a position where the transfer finger grasps the case and takes it to the next station. The advantage of the powder dial is speed, for the reason that the movements of the case settle the powder before it reaches the next station. The powder dial is actuated from the transfer bar by a yoke and ratchet. I20] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Section 2, The charging block is designed from brass and has an adjustable valve Powder Charging which determines the correct powder charge by volume. This valve is (Cont.) adjusted by a set screw in the end of the block and is locked in position by a lock nut. In operation the charging block moves back and forth in a channel and is so timed that its forward stroke coincides with the passing of the funnels on the powder dial beneath it. The charging block is actu- ated from the camshaft by an adjustable operating arm. 7‘ A '_.. Q . .\'-‘ -I '-_- Clutch Operating Lever Steel Ball __...- P d Bl l< C;l'.:Ier:Iing°1cArm Clutch Pins Clutch Collar <*_— Yoke VIEW OF POWDER CLUTCH ASSEMBLY [21] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Connecting Link Bullet Inserting __ Station Powder Detector / Station € Statton Cam Block C / - Indicator Paddle Cam Fingers .. Trigger Gib Reset Plate VIEW OF THE POWDER DETECTOR STATION Station 3, The case is moved from the charging dial to the powder detector station Powder by the transfer fingers. This detector station has a cylindrical punch which Detector enters the case mouth to rest on the powder charge. Here the powder charge is gaged for high, low or correct powder charge by volume; the level to which the powder comes in the case shows whether there is a high, low or ~ correct powder charge. The punch is adjustable, either up or down and is locked in the tool holder by a lock nut. There are two cam fingers attached to the cam block at the top of the ram which may be regulated for a given powder charge by raising or lowering the punch as it rests on the powder charge. The cam fingers are adjusted to a position where they will contact the trigger at the right of the cam fingers, which in turn releases the indicator paddle that pushes the ball bearing to the opposite side of the indicator worm shaft when the charge is either high or low. [22] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Station 3, When the powder charge is correct, the edges of the cam fingers are even Powder Detector and will pass the trigger. When the powder charge is either high or low, (Cont.) the ball bearing is pushed to the opposite side of the indicator worm shaft and rides under the operating arms. This stops the bullet inserting opera- tion at station 4 and opens the trap door at station 6, letting the faulty component fall out into a container under the machine. The powder detector ram is actuated by an eccentric cam on the camshaft. The motion is transmitted through a push rod to the rocker arm. The rocker arm is mounted at its pivotal point to the upper surface of the vertical ram bed. The forward end of the rocker arm is attached by a wrist pin and link arrangement to the ram head. [23] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Connecting / Connecting Link Pm ‘._. Bullet Seating Bullet Inserting Station Station Powder Detector Station Indicator Paddle Cam Finger Trigger Reset Plate VIEW OF THE BULLET INSERTING STATION Station 4, The transfer fingers move the case to the next station. At this station the Bullet bullets are transferred from the feed tube to a position above the case Inserting mouth. The bullets are brought forward by a pair of spring feed jaws which are actuated from an eccentric cam on the camshaft. The bullet is inserted into the case mouth by the inserting punch which also acts as a detector. If the bullet is not present, the punch drops down too far actuating the indicator system and the case is discharged at the sixth station. The inserting punch is adjustable either up or down and is locked by a lock nut. The inserting punch ram is actuated from an eccentric cam on the camshaft. The action of the cam is transmitted through a push rod to the rocker arm. The rocker arm is attached at its pivotal point above the vertical ram bed. The forward end of the rocker arm is pinned to the ram head. [24] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Operating Lever Operating Arm VIEW OF THE CAM FOLLOWER LOCK ADJUSTMENT I25] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Connecting Pin I l -\ Connecting Linlr Bullet Insert Station Ram Powder Detector Station _ Gib \ Bullet Seating ‘ Station Co c v Pdhi \ VIEW OF THE BULLET SEATING STATION Station 5, The transfer fingers carry the cartridge to the next station where the bullet Bullet is seated to the correct depth. This operation is performed by the seating Seating punch which is held in the ram. The punch is adjusted for correct height by a set screw in the ram head. The punch ram is actuated by an eccentric cam on the camshaft. The motion of the cam is transmitted to a rocker arm through apush rod. The rocker arm is attached at its pivotal point to a position above the vertical ram bed. The forward end of the rocker arm is pinned to the ram head and actuates the ram in a vertical stroke. 0 I261 CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Transfer ___, Bar 1 Holding "— Fingers Trap Door W FRONT VIEW OF THE TRAP DOOR Station 6, The transfer fingers carry the cartridge to station 6 where no actual work Trap Door is performed other than discharging defective cases. Those cases which were indicated as faulty by the preceding detector stations are dropped through the trap door into a container under the machine. Tension Spring 7 Counter Balance Operating Arm REAR VIEW or TRAP DOOR STATION I27 I CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Station 7, At this station the case is crimped around the bullet cannelure by the Crimping crimping head. The crimping action is performed by a tapered die mounted in the crimper head. More or less crimp may be applied by raising or lowering the crimping head. The crimping ram is actuated in a vertical stroke by an eccentric cam on the camshaft. The motion of the cam is transmitted through a push rod to the rocker arm. The rocker arm is attached above the vertical ram bed. The forward end of the rocker arm is pinned to the ram head. ‘ Transfer Rum —- Spanner Nut VIEW OF THE CRIMPING STATION Register The transfer bar moves the cartridges from the crimping station past a register which tabulates the number of cartridges the machine turns out. The register is attached to the upper surface of the guide rail. It is equipped with a lever which extends out over the cartridge track where the cartridges trip the lever as they pass. [281 CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LlNE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Cartridge lnverting Wheel Lacquer Cup Actuating Arm VIEW OF THE CARTRIDGE INVERTING WHEEL The cartridge is transferred by the transfer bar into the inverting wheel. The vertical inverting wheel receives the cartridges one at a time into machined slots which hold the cartridge by the extractor groove. The inverting wheel carries the cartridges upward to the identifying rack. The inverting wheel is driven by a ratchet and pawl arrangement from an eccentric cam on the right end of the camshaft. The connecting rod ex- tends from the cam to a rocker arm which contains the pawl, operating the ratchet. [29] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Description Guard Covering Identification Rack Inverting —' " Wheel Lacquer Cup Lacquer Reservoir / Cartridge - , Chute VIEW OF THE IDENTIFICATION RACK Identification The identification rack is driven by the inverting wheel through a spur Rack gear on the forward end of a driveshaft. Directly behind the spur gear there is a ratchet mounted on the shaft. On the rear end of the driveshaft there is a pinion gear that meshes with the bevel gear on the identification rack. This series of gears between the inverting wheel and the identifica- tion rack are in mesh at all times. There is a brake mounted on the drive- shaft back of the pinion gear that applies constant pressure on the shaft to eliminate back lash or lost motion in the identification rack. The two circles described as the inverting wheel and identification rack meet at the top of the inverting wheel where the cartridges are transferred from the inverting wheel to the identification rack. The cartridges are pushed from the transfer fingers into the inverting wheel by the inserting fingers and they are pushed from the inverting wheel into the identification rack by the transfer ram. The inserting fingers are actuated by the transfer bar. The transfer bar is actuated by a barrel cam on the right end of the worm conveyor shaft. As the cartridges are pushed onto the identification rack, the identification rack indexes, and as it passes the lacquer reservoir, the lacquer well raises to a position where the tip of the bullet is painted. The lacquer well is actuated by a driving segment gear and a spur gear keyed to the driveshaft. The lacquer used to identify the cartridges is of two colors, red and black. The red lacquer is used for tracer cartridges while the black is used for A.P. cartridges. I301 PAWL AND RATCHET I CHARGING BLOCK HOLDING CLAMPS __L:I$PuSI-I RDDS ELECTRIC PAINT CUP IDENTIFYING RACK MOTOR I I I I BELT I DRIVE SHAFT OPERATING ARM I INVERTING WHEEL r I I I GEAR I BELT ICRIMPING UNIT I AND I PAWL AND RATCHET—OPERATING ARM—CAM I CLUTCH I CAM SHAFT - I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I J IBELT I I I I I IOPERATING ARM I I I I I I IBELT I I I I I I I I I I I I IBULLET HOPPER CLUTCH I ITBIIIIZNSSLFIIIZIIES SIIDESI I I IBIILLET FEED I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I ' I I I IcAsE HOPPER COUNTER SHAFT I I I I IIIRATCHETAND IIIIII I IRING AND PINION I I I I I ‘OPERATING ARM I ' I I I I I I IBEII I I I I I ' I I I I I GEARS IPADDLE WHEEL IPROFILE DIAL I I I I I IAGITATING HAMMER I I I I I I ‘ I I ' I I ' I I I I I I I I CASE FEED T"-—'I I ICLUTCH AND OPERATING I I I I I I SLIDES . I IROCKER II ARM I I I I I I I I I I I I | I TRANSFER BAR I I I I I I I I I I HOLDING CLAMPS I I I | I I I I I I I I I I I CHARGING DIAL I-—-—___ POWDER DIAL LOCK ARM I I I I I I I I INDICATOR SYSTEM SHAFT I I I I I TRANSFER RAM CAM AND STUD I I I I I I I I I I I I I ARM I I I I I I I I I I GEARS I I I I I CAM AND OPERATING ARM IK;;I’/17" I I IROCKER ARM STATION I ROCKER ARM STATION 3 ROCKER ARM STATION 4 fi ROCKER ARM STATION 5 ROCKER ARM STATION 7 LHVHD H3/V\OcI "°!Id!13$9CI 9"!\P°W EINIHDVW EDNICIVO1 3NI'I LH-z>IvzILS 08' a5IaI'IvD I18] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Tool Holder Description Mouth Spread and Case Detector Tool Holder TOOL HOLDER DESCRIPTION / / Coil Spring: The coil spring is large enough in diam- eter to slide over the upper end of the tool holder and is used to hold the tool holder at its lowest position. The coil spring fits between the tool holder shoulder and the shoulder of the ram. Detector Pin: The cylindrical detector pin has a milled screwdriver slot at one end and is shouldered at that end. The pin is externally threaded at the opposite end for insertion into the tool holder shaft. Tool Holder Shaft: The tool holder shaft is machined to three diameters; the largest diameter is at the bottom end of the tool holder. The tool holder is internally threaded at the lower end for the insertion of the punch. A machined flat surface on the upper end of the tool holder is contacted by the cam block which holds the tool holder securely in the ram. The upper end of the tool holder has a hole drilled horizontally through the shaft. The hole is internally threaded for the insertion of the detector pin. Punch: The cylindrical punch is externally threaded for approximately half the length of the punch. A hex- agon lock nut is threaded onto the punch and is used to lock the punch securely in the ram. The lower end of the punch is tapered to enter the case mouth. If a case mouth is bent, the punch corrects it. The punch is also a no case detector. [32] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Tool Holder Description Powder Detector Tool Holder \ - \ \ _"‘ \ 6 \‘ _: ,\ _ )\ IF‘ / Coil Spring: The coil spring is large enough in diam- eter to slide over the upper end of the tool holder and is used to hold the tool holder at its lowest position. The coil spring fits between the tool holder shoulder and the shoulder on the ram. , Detector Pin: The cylindrical detector pin has a milled screwdriver slot at one end and is shouldered at that end. The pin is externally threaded at the opposite end for insertion into the tool holder shaft. Tool Holder Shaft: The tool holder shaft is machined / to three diameters; the largest diameter is at the bottom end of the tool holder. The tool holder is internally threaded at the lower end of the insertion of the punch. A machined flat surface on the upper end of the tool holder is contacted by the cam block which holds the tool holder securely in the ram. The upper end of the tool holder has a hole drilled horizontally through the shaft. The hole is internally threaded for the insertion of the detector pin. Punch: The cylindrical powder detector punch is externally threaded from the upper end for a distance slightly more than one half its length. A hexagon lock nut is threaded onto the punch and is used to lock the punch securely in the tool holder. The lower end of the punch is machined to a diameter conforming to the opening of the case mouth. The punch enters the case mouth to rest lightly on the powder charge, thus indi- cating a high, low, or correct powder charge. [33] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Tool Holder Description Coil Spring: The coil spring is large enough in diam- eter to slide over the upper end of the tool holder and is used to hold the tool holder at its lowest position. The coil spring fits between the tool holder shoulder and the shoulder of the ram. Bullet Inserting Tool Holder Detector Pin: The cylindrical detector pin has a milled screwdriver slot at one end and is shouldered at that end. The pin is externally threaded at the opposite end for insertion into the tool holder shaft. Tool Holder Shaft: The tool holder shaft is machined to three diameters; the largest diameter is at the bottom end of the tool holder. The tool holder is internally threaded at the lower end for the insertion of the punch. A machined flat surface on the upper end of the tool holder is contacted by the cam block which holds the tool holder securely in the ram. The upper end of the tool holder has a hole drilled horizontally through the shaft. The hole is internally threaded for the insertion of the detector pin. Space Ring: The cylindrical space ring is inserted on the lower shoulder of the tool holder shaft. . Punch: The punch is machined to one diameter and is concave on the lower end to conform to the profile of the bullet nose. The upper end of the punch is externally threaded one half its length. A hexagon lock nut is threaded onto the punch and is used to lock the punch securely in the tool holder. 'l34l CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Tool Holder Description Tool Holder externally threaded from the stud head to the lower end. Bullet Seating / Adjusting Screw: The square head adjusting screw is i The adjusting stud is inserted in a block in the seating I punch ram. . Lock Nut: The hexagon headed lock nut is internally I threaded for application to the adjusting stud. The lock nut is used to lock the adjusting stud securely in place. -- / Punch: The cylindrical seating punch is tapered at the ' lower end and is slightly concave to conform to the pro- file of the bullet nose. The inserting tool is held in the ram by a square headed set screw which is threaded through the tool holder block. At this particular station the ram acts as the tool holder. .~ .I ‘_ v I . . \ I N‘ i . .. ‘ . MJWMM . K 5 Tracer Feed Agltate Chg. Feed i 5 . Tube Hammer _) Blk. Tube i Feed 5 Optmnal . l_-TsPi_l -——+ PM i L , T \ V , Feed Chg. H I1I1)SOI;'7da;d Feed ['1 I ' Unit Dial . Check “V” 7 Setthng Wheel l Sta. 1 Sta. 2 Sta. 3 Sta. 45 Sta. 6 Sta. 7 I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ Spread TEE? ~» and —> Dwell -> Pocvgger ~> gg —> -> 13S‘1e1;‘t*t —> 521‘; —> Crimp » Dwell -> Dwell -R Dwell —> Dwell Detect ' ' l “ L Indicator System Stations J——i I Regis. I No Case Fed——High or Low Powder Chg. or No Bullet Fed Will Stop Succeeding Operations and Operate Trap Door Station 6. eouenbog sse:>o.|,_.| [U7] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Complete Cartridge The three component parts of a cartridge, the case, the powder and the bullet come to the straight line loading machine for assembly. The case, when received at the loading machine, is complete, as shown in Fig. 1. The extractor groove has been cut in the case, the primer has been inserted in the primer pocket and the case has received a 100% inspection to insure a standard quality of case. The case dimensions are as follows: Height of case 2.4793 to 2.4883 Inside diameter of mouth .307 to .3078 The powder used in the manufacture of these cartridges is purchased under specifications furnished by the government. Standard powder charge weights are furnished by the Ballistics Depart- ment. However, powder varies by volume with the weather and also with the lot from which it comes. For this reason, after the machine has been set up with a standard powder charge and the charging block has been adjusted to hold exactly that particular charge, it may be necessary to reset the charging block to accommodate another powder charge. This tendency of the powder to vary in volume necessitates close observation in the Loading Department and adequate control tests by the Ballistics Department. The bullets, when received in the Loading Department, are completely assembled, as in Fig 2. The -Armor Piercing bullet is composed of four component parts; a jacket, a lead slug, a steel core, and a base filler cap. The gilding metal jacket and base filler cap are of 90% copper and 10% zinc. The lead slug, of 97%% lead and 2%% antimony, is fitted into the nose of the jacket and acts as a lubricant for the steel core. The steel core is made from Manganese-Molybdenum steel, ground to specifications to insure a perfect fit in the jacket. The component parts of the Tracer bullet are the jacket, the lead slug, the tracer powder and the igniter powder. The lead slug is contained in the nose of the gilding metal jacket; the tracer powder is used in the body, and the igniter powder in the base of the bullet. The case mouth is spread, the case receives the correct charge of powder and the bullet is seated in the case. After the case, powder and bullets have been assembled, the product is known as a cartridge, see Fig. 3. The over-all length of the cartridge is 3.301 to 3.3384. I 42 I CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Inspection Assembling of Components Visual Inspection Powder Inspection Gage Core Gages INSPECTION The assembling of the components, ease, powder and bullet to make a com- pleted cartridge on the straight line loading machine must be watched very closely and the cartridges must be inspected regularly by both the operator and adjuster. Immediate shut down is imperative whenever the machine produces defective cartridges. The cartridges are visually inspected for dents, marks, scratches on case or bullet, cuts on the bullet, mashed bullet noses, cannelures which extend too high or are seated too low in the case, and cartridges with too light or no crimp. At frequent intervals a certain portion of the seated bullets should be twisted to be sure that they are not loose in the case. Pull tests will be made at specified intervals to insure uniform crimping and seating. The powder detector on the straight line loading machine must be checked at regular intervals. Powder weights are taken from the machine every hour and checked against the standards provided by the Ballistics De- partment. Gages are expensive instruments, machined to a fine precision. Improper use or carelessness in gaging may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may affect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be employed in matching a cartridge to a gage. A protected location should be used for storage of gages to prevent their being damaged when not in use. SNAP LENGTH GAGE The over-all length of the com- pleted cartridge is gaged by a snap length gage, illustrated at the left. The specified over-‘all length of the completed car- tridge is from 3.301 to 3.3384. PROFILE GAGE The profile gage, illustrated at the right, is used to gage the alignment of the completed cartridge. This manual gaging operation provides a check to determine whether or not the case has been damaged in any way, while the components were being assembled or loaded. [43] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Inspection Gages SINGLE RING (Cont.) GAGE . . . . The bullet pomt gage is used at frequent mtervals 1n order to determine whether the point has been damaged in any way during the various operations. Specifications for the point are as follows: minimum .045 to maximum .050. The above described inspection methods are those most commonly em- ployed in Caliber .30 Straight Line Loading. However, other methods may be developed to maintain the manufacturing standards. [44] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Adjustments ADJUSTMENTS Objective To maintain satisfactory production a machine must be adjusted to com- Cautions pensate for the wear of its tools and other working parts, and to meet new conditions caused by a difference in material. It is necessary to inspect the machine and components regularly in order that any troubles may be detected and corrected immediately. This section of the manual, with its illustrations, photographs, and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all of the machine troubles that will be en- countered, therefore certain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. A thorough analysis of the trouble will indi- cate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. Adjustments are never to be made while the machine is in motion, or until the flywheel has stopped. Inspect the clutch latch rather than the starting button to determine whether the clutch is disengaged. Make frequent inspection to determine whether proper and sufficient lubricant is being pumped to the working tools of the machine. Adjustments on, or below, the ram requires the insertion of a wood block between the ram and the bedplate to prevent its falling. This block will avoid damage to the machine tools or injury to the adjuster’s hands, should the ram fall accidentally. Examine the machine periodically to determine whether all connections and adjustments are secure. CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Adjustments \- Case Feed Unit The case feed unit is the mechanism used to push the case from the bottom of the feed tube into the transfer fingers. The case feed unit is located between the left end of the machine and station. Adjustment is made by lengthening or shortening the stroke of the feed bars in the mechanism. It is necessary to assure proper contact between the case and the transfer fingers. Powder Case Feed . Dial Operating Arm Agitating Hammer Case Feed _ Unit Cover Adjustment -- Rocker ’ Arm VIEW OF CASE FEED UNIT ADJUSTMENT Tool: 1%” wrench. Procedure: 1. Turn the flywheel until the feed bars are at the end of their forward stroke. 2. Loosen the lock nut on the operating arm. 3. Turn adjusting nut either forward or backward until the feed bars clear the guide rail surface approximately V32”. 4. Tighten the lock nut and check the adjustment. I46] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE ‘ Adjustments Mouth Spread, The short case and no case detector is the tool which contacts the mouth Short Case and end of each case as it proceeds along the transfer bar. The purpose of this No Case Detector detector is to actuate a reject mechanism when a short case or a no case is detected. If this detector does not actuate the reject mechanism when a short case or no case is passed under this station, the detector should be adjusted. The detector can be lowered or raised until the contact trigger will release the indicator paddle on the reject mechanism when a short case or no case is at the detector station. ../ Cap Screw Cam Block / Indicator Paddle Cam Finger H‘ Reset Plate Cap Screw /' VIEW OF THE MOUTH SPREAD AND NO CASE DETECTOR STATION Tools: %” wrench, V16” wrench, 7/8" wrench, screwdriver. Procedure: 1. Turn the flywheel until the ram is at bottom dead center. 2. Use a V16" wrench to adjust the cam block until the cam finger kicks the trigger over. Tighten the cap screw. Insert a case in the machine. Turn the flywheel until the ram is at top dead center. Use a ‘:?{6" wrench to adjust the reset plate so that the indicator paddle will not bind on the trigger. 7. Turn the flywheel until the ram is at bottom dead center. Be sure that the shoulder of the punch rests on the mouth of the case. 8. Use a 7/8" wrench to release the lock nut. area [47] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MAcHINE Adjustments Charging The charging dial is the assembly that receives the case from the transfer Dial Alignment fingers and delivers it to a position where the case can be charged. After the case is charged, the charging dial delivers it to a position where the transfer bar will pick it up and deliver it to the -next station. The case slots of the charging dial should be in alignment with the guide rails. Move the yoke that actuates the charging dial to a position on the transfer bar which will produce the correct length to the ratchet stroke. _, Case Slots cl'I».— Com Block re Com Fingers Indicator Puddle Trigger Cop Screw Reset Plate / VIEW SHOWING THE POWDER DETECTOR PUNCH ADJUSTMENT Tools: 7/8" wrench, %” wrench, screwdriver. Procedure: 1. Turn the flywheel till the ram is at bottom dead center. 2. Insert a correctly charged case in the powder dial. 3. Use a 94%" wrench to adjust the cam block until the cam finger kicks the trigger over. Tighten the cap screw. Turn the flywheel till the ram is at top dead center. Use a 911," wrench to adjust the reset plate so that the indicator paddle will not bind on the trigger. 7. Lower the ram until the bottom of the cam finger is even with the top of the trigger lip. Use a Z/§" wrench to release the lock nut on the punch. Adjust the punch, either up or down, while the punch is resting on the powder charge, so that the low charge cam finger will extend about 1/-35;" ahead of the high charge cam finger. 10. Tighten the lock nut. Check the adjustments. P°.°‘!“ 9°90 [55] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Adjustments Bufletlnserfing Punch The bullet inserting punch pushes the bullet from the feed jaws into the case. The purpose of this punch is to insert the bullet into the case so that there is a distance of 1/16” between the mouth of the case and the cannelure of the bullet. If the bullet is being inserted too far or not far enough, the inserting punch can be raised or lowered in the holder until the bullet is inserted in the proper distance. j‘ c.,,. _.,;. ‘ connecting IE" IT‘ Connécting Pin Indicator Paddle ' —- Reset Plate VIEW SHOWING THE BULLET INSERTING PUNCH ADJUSTMENT TOOIS: % Procedure: 1. 2. 3. S-'”P‘!"“‘ ’-1'-qd 12. I-‘F’S°9°.'*1 ” wrench, %” wrench, screwdriver. Turn the flywheel till the ram is at bottom dead center. Insert a case in the powder dial. Use a %=," wrench to adjust the cam block until the cam finger kicks the trigger over. Tighten the capscrew. Turn the flywheel till the ram is at top dead center. Use a %" wrench to adjust the reset plate so that the indicator paddle will not bind on the trigger. Turn the flywheel until the case is under the powder detector punch. Insert a bullet in the feed jaws. Turn the flywheel until the bullet is inserted in the mouth of the case. Use a 7/8” wrench to release the lock nut on the punch. Raise or lower the inserting punch so that the cannelure on the bullet is about 1/16” above the mouth of the case and the cam finger clears the trigger lip. Tighten the lock nut in this position and check adjustments. [56] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Adjustments Bullet Feed Jaws TOOIS: Procedure: The bullet feed jaws convey the bullet from the feed tube to a position where the inserting punch can insert the bullet into the case. The jaws must be opened to receive the bullet from the feed tube. An adjustment can be made on the set screw so that the jaws are opened to receive a bullet each time they are brought back. An adjustment on the operating arm is made to align the feed jaws with the feed tube when it is in its receiving position. 2%,)" wrench, 1%,” wrench, his 9°???‘ F‘P°!°!" 10. 11. Feed Tube Feed Jaws _.-——- Sflde /' Operating Arm VIEW OF BULLET FEED UNIT / PI wrench, 5/8” wrench, screwdriver. Turn the flywheel until the feed jaws are under the inserting punch. Use a 25/3;” wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the operating arm. Use an 11/16” wrench to release the stop bolt on the back of the feed unit. Adjust the operating arm until the feed jaws are centered under the punch. Use a %” wrench to adjust the stop bolt. Tighten the lock nut on the stop bolt. Tighten the lock nuts on the operating arm. Turn the flywheel until the feed jaws are at the end of their backward stroke. Use a %" wrench to release the lock nut on the feed jaw tension ad- justment. Use a screwdriver to adjust the jaws so the bullet will enter freely. Tighten the lock nut. [57] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Adjustments 3 %\\‘§’ , FEE D 72/BE FND I QZC ZZQZZ % .(&(> DETAIL OF i/Aws 55: B110 w C01/ER. ¢ . .-.-,- _._ ’:':0.0:o'o“‘ ' 8 Q 0%‘- 4s‘‘..: .0.0€. _ A . R.//. I/Aw PL/=r7'& . JP/P/N6 P/N ~ a _ .\ S /-/043 230W/v BOLT PM L____ PL/975 D0 wE1_. P//v _ 57.,/D5 M/9//v B/L55 L H i/A w V BLOC/~< Z/PPE/e SPRING SL/DE ~ I /_./1. 7‘/11>-END ran JTUD I LOWER SP/9//V6 OPERA T/A/G A/PM RH THD Lou/E/P JPIP//VG 4650 /"0/9 M2 fZ4rB/r.r£B0u£T<5 Co/v/v. /POD DRAWING OF THE BULLET FEED UNIT [58] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Adiusfmenfs Bullet Feed The cam follower lock of the bullet feed unit is the ratchet-like finger that Unit Cam locks the cam follower when the bullet transfer fingers are in the back po- Follower sition where they receive the bullets. When the detection of a defective Lock case is made, the steel ball rides on the rear side of the conveyor screw. The cam follower lock prevents the bullet transfer fingers from delivering a bullet to the inserting punch until the defective case has passed. If the cam follower lock does not operate when a detection of a defective case is made, the operating rod can be adjusted to drop the cam follower far enough to lock securely. Tension _______. Operating Spring / Lever ./ Lock Nuts Operating Arm VIEW OF CAM FOLLOWER LOCK ADJUSTMENT Tool: %; " wrench. Procedure: 1. Turn the flywheel until the cam follower rides on the high side of the cam. Be sure there is no ball under the indicating lever. 2. Use a 9/16" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the operating arm. 3. Turn the adjusting rod until the cam follower lock clears the cam follower by approximately 1/1/6". 4. Use a 9/f-," wrench to tighten the lock nuts. I 59 I CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Adjustments Bullet Seafing Punch Bullet Insert _. . Station \ Powder Detector Station TOOIS: Procedure: The bullet seating punch presses the bullet down into the case to the proper depth. The seating depth of the bullet regulates the over-all length of the cartridges which are being loaded at the machine. This seating punch can be lowered or raised in the ram, whichever is necessary to make the cartridge the correct over-all length. Set Screw VIEW OF THE BULLET SEATING PUNCH ADJUSTMENT 11/16" wrench, 3 8" wrench. 1. Place a case with an inserted bullet beneath the seating punch. Turn the flywheel until the machine is at bottom dead center. Use an M6" wrench to release the lock nut. Use a %" wrench to loosen the punch holding screw, thereby allowing the punch to drop and rest on the bullet. Use an 11/16” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the adjusting screw. Use a 3/8” wrench to turn the adjusting screw downward until the bullet is seated to give the cartridge its proper over-all length. Tighten the lock nuts. I 60 I CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Adjustments Trap Door The trap door is the slide that covers the reject tube at station 6. The purpose of this trap door is to open the case track and allow the rejected cases to fall into the reject tube, thereby preventing the crimping tool from acting on a case without a‘ bullet in it. If the trap door does not open far enough to allow the case to fall into the reject tube, the operating rod can be lengthened or shortened so that the action of the balls on the rear side of the conveyor screw will open the mouth of the reject tube sufficiently to allow rejected cases to fall through. ,-—-— Tension Spring '_— Balance -'~."~_‘ Lock Nut Operating Rod VIEW OF THE TRAP DOOR ADJUSTMENT Tool: % " wrench. Procedure: 1. Turn the flywheel until the ball on the indicator shaft raises the trap door cam lever to its highest position. 2. Hold the operating rod and use a V2" wrench to loosen the lock nuts. 3. Turn the rod until the trap door is fully open. 4. Tighten the lock nuts. 0 l 61 l CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Ad iustments Holding Clamps The holding clamps are the fingers that hold the case securely in a vertical position at the bullet seating station and at the crimping station. If the bullet is not being seated in proper alignment with the case or if criss-cross marks are made on the bullet, the holding clamps are not holding the cartridge in a vertical position and they will have to be adjusted. This is accomplished by adjusting the set screws until the cartridge is held in a vertical position. Cap Screw Allen Set Screw Allen Set Screw =1 ~ B Tools: Procedure: 1. . M _/ Allen Set Screw VIEW OF THE HOLDING CLAMP ADJUSTMENT 9/16" wrench, 3/16" Allen wrench. Insert a case in position between the holding clamp and the guide rack and turn the hand wheel to bring the holding clamps to the end of their forward stroke. Use a 9/11;” wrench to loosen the capscrew which holds the clamps in position. . Use a 3/1/6" Allen wrench to tighten or loosen the upper and lower ad- justing screws so that the cases will be held firmly against the guide rack. . Tighten the cap screws. [62] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Adjustments Crimping The crimping head crimps the mouth of the case into the bullet cannelure. Head The crimping head located at station 7 should be adjusted so that there is no excess play between the crimper head and the ram. Push Rod /— Spanner Nuts VIEW OF THE CRIMPING STATION Tool: Spanner wrench. Procedure: 1. Release the spanner nuts on the push rod. 2. Adjust the ram up or down to increase or decrease the amount of crimp. 3. Tighten the spanner nuts. [63] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Adiustments Cartridge Transfer Ram TOOIS: Procedure: The cartridge transfer ram is the arm that pushes the cartridge from the inverting wheel into the identification rack. This transfer ram must be adjusted so that its extreme right movement is sufiicient to push the in- verted cartridge onto the identification rack far enough that, when the identification rack indexes, the cartridge will not jam. The rocker arm can be adjusted to pivot farther to the right by changing its position on the actuating rod. VIEW OF THE TRANSFER RAM ADJUSTMENT 2%" Wrench, %" wrench. 1. Turn the flywheel until the transfer ram is at the extreme of its left stroke. 2. Use a 2% ” wrench to loosen the rocker arm locking stud on the transfer ram rocker arm. 3. Move the rocker arm to the left until there is %;" clearance between it and the safety stop pin. 4. Use a 2142" wrench to tighten the rocker arm locking stud. I64} CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Adjustments Transfer Ram Tip 1. Use a 5/8" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the transfer ram tip. 2. Turn the tip clockwise or counterclockwise until the tip is 1/8" from the left side of the inverting wheel. Note: Always make a complete turn. Rocker Arm ~/ Cam Follower -,;_\ Barrel Cam / J I _ '.- ’ 5 n ‘W Holding Clamp REAR VIEW OF THE TRANSFER RAM ADJUSTMENT [65] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Ad iustments lnverting Wheel and Guide Track Alignment Lock Nut /- Operating Arm ‘ Tools: Procedure: The inverting wheel carries the cartridges from the guide track of the machine to the identification rack and at the same time inverts the car- tridge while it is being carried. The inverting wheel must be in proper align- ment with the guide track or the transfer bar cannot push the cartridge from the track onto the inverting wheel. Adjustment on the inverting wheel can be made by means of a turnbuckle on the operating arm, and by retiming the eccentric cam which actuates the operating arm. VIEW OF THE OPERATING ARM 11/is” wrench, 2%" wrench, 5/{I-,” wrench. 1. Turn the flywheel to bring the push rods to top center. 2. Loosen the lock nut on the eccentric cam stud with a 2%” wrench. 3. Drop the operating arm until the inverting wheel ratchet clears the pawl. Tighten the lock nut. Check the position of the inverting wheel alignment by inspecting the position of the inverting wheel. Loosen the lock nuts on the operating arm with an 1%” wrench. Using a 5/16" wrench, lengthen or shorten the operating arm to align the inverting wheel and the guide rails properly. 9‘? $9‘ [66] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Ad iustments Identification The identification lacquer cup is the small dipper which carries the lacquer Lacquer Cup up to the bullet in the identification rack and deposits the lacquer on approximately V2" of the tip of the bullet. If the lacquer does not cover %” on the tip, the lacquer cup must be raised. This adjustment is made by loosening the holding bolts and raising the arm to which the dipper is attached. Cap Screw -""' Set Screw --- Tools: Procedure: 1. 7*?‘ __ Lacquer Cup VIEW OF THE LACOUER CUP V2" wrench, screwdriver. Insert a cartridge in the identification rack above the lacquer cup. Turn the hand wheel to bring the lacquer cup to its highest position. 2. Use a screwdriver to loosen the set screw that holds the cup. 3. 4. Use a %" wrench to loosen the cap screw which holds the cup to the Set the cup in a level position and tighten the set screws. slide. Set the cup in position to lacquer the bullet tip approximately % to V2 ” from the tip. Tighten the cap screws. Operate the machine and observe its operation. I67] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Adjustments Indicator Worm Shaft Shear Pin Replacement Camshaft TOOIS: Procedure: The shear pin is the safety device which locks the spur gear to the worm shaft. In the event of a jam in the indicator system, the pin will shear, thereby preventing damage to the indicator system. When this condition develops, the pin must be replaced. a::.'~:'~: VIEW OF THE FOUR SPUR GEARS 1%" Wrench, %2’' drift punch, hammer. 1. Remove the two oil cups. 2. Use a 1%" wrench to remove the guard. 3. Align the holes in the worm shaft with those in the timing gear. 4. Use a %" drift punch and hammer to remove the broken pin. 5. Install a new shear pin. ‘ 6. Replace the guard and oil cups. Caution: Make sure aligning marks coincide. [68] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Adjustments Main Drive Clutch Procedure: The main drive clutch is the mechanism through which the power is transmitted from the motor to the machine. When the clutch begins to slip and the machine does not operate smoothly, the main drive clutch should be adjusted to transmit power more evenly. 71." 7 '.,¢.'‘ . - "i B . . .: ‘ .h_ /~' ~,. \ AI ‘_. "- ‘ VIEW OF THE MAIN DRIVE CLUTCH ‘III, A -. ..;: A . 1. Release the adjusting pin from the adjustment collar by pulling the pin out by hand. 2. Turn the adjusting collar clockwise to tighten the clutch or counter- clockwise to loosen it. Always be sure that the clutch is not adjusted too tight. Check the adjustment to be sure that the adjusting pin has seated firmly in the slot. [69] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Objective Scratches on the Case TROLIBLES AND CORRECTIONS The adjuster will encounter many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may confront an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. When making an analysis of the trouble that occurs, always check the components being fed into the machine before checking for faults on the machine. Considerable trouble occurs on this machine because of dirt or loose pow- der on the track, beneath the charging dial, around the strippers and on various other parts of the machine. Foreign matter on the track may raise the case and cause a jam of the machine; powder mixed with oil forms a gumming substance, which results in sluggish action of moving parts. Under certain conditions, loose powder will accumulate and possibly explode. Because of the above reasons the operator should be cautioned to keep the machine free of dirt and loose powder. Forced air can be used oc- casionally to blow the loose powder from the machine. The following troubles can be recognized by visual and gage inspection of the component, together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Trouble may occur with incorrect powder charge because of atmospheric conditions or because of achange in the type of powder that is used. To compensate for atmospheric conditions or a change in powder, it will be necessary to adjust the charging block to increase or decrease the amount of powder that enters the case, and it will also be necessary to adjust the powder detector punch. Visual inspection reveals scratches on the case. The cause is: The correction is: 1. In order to eliminate scratching of the cases, it is necessary to remove the part of the machine that has a burr and remove the burr with fine emery cloth. 1. Scratches on the case are due to burrs on the holding clamps, the holding fingers, the transfer bar fingers or the guide rails. [70] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Scratches on the Bullet Scratches in the Extractor Groove Visual inspection reveals scratches on the bullet. The causes are: 1. The holding clamps at the The corrections are: 1. Adjust the holding clamps so crimping station do not hold the cartridge directly beneath the crimping tool. Criss-cross marks are produced as the crimping tool rotates against the side of the bullet. . The profile inserting punch is burred on the inside and causes burrs on the bullet as it is in- serted into the case. . Burrs in the bullet hopper. . There are burrs in the feed tube assembly which cause scratches on the bullet as it passes through the tubes to the bullet feed finger. The causes are: 1. Burrs on the strippers will cause scratches in the extractor groove as the cases are conveyed from station to station. that the cartridge sits in a ver- tical position directly beneath the crimping tool. Turn on the power and allow the crimping tool to be forced to its lowest position. Loosen the cap screws on the holding clamp and turn the adjusting screws on the holding clamps until the cart- ridge is held firmly. Tighten the cap screw and check the crimping operation. If the bul- let is scratched on the side to- ward the front of the machine, adjustthebottomholdingclamp slightly forward. This will tip the top of the cartridge away from the side of the crimping tool. It may be necessary to readjust several times before the scratching of the bullet is eliminated. . Remove the burr by wrapping crocus cloth around a pointed object and turning the crocus cloth inside the profile inserting punch. . Remove the bullets from the hopper and remove the burrs from the hopper with fine emery cloth. . Remove the burrs from the feed tube assembly. Wrap a sheet of fine emery cloth around a rod and, rotate it inside the feed tube. Visual inspection reveals scratches in the extractor groove of the case. The corrections are: 1. It is necessary to remove the bolts from the guide rail and remove the guide rail from the machine; then remove the burrs from the stripper with fine em- ery cloth. Replace the stripper and the guide rails. CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Scratches in the Extractor Groove (Cont.) Crimp Is Too Low Crimp Is Too High Defective Crimp Mashed Mouths 2. The slots in the inverted wheel are burred or have an accumu- lation of brass. This will cause scratches in the extractor groove as the cartridge passes from the transfer bar into the inverting wheel. 2. Remove the slotted sections from the inverting wheel by re- moving the screws. Remove the brass or burrs with fine emery or crocus cloth. Visual inspection reveals that the case is being crimped too far down on the mouth of the case. The cause is: 1. The crimping tool is adjusted too low. The correction is: 1. Raise the crimping tool by turning the spanner nuts on the crimping tool operating rod. It may be necessary to readjust several times before accuracy is attained. Visual inspection reveals that the crimp is too high on the bullet. The cause is: 1. The crimping tool is adjusted too high. It crimps the bullet rather than the case. The correction is: 1. Lower the crimping tool by turning the spanner nuts on the crimping tool operating rod. It may be necessary to test and readjust the crimping tool sev- eral times before accuracy is at- tained. Visual inspection reveals that the case is not being crimped firmly around the cannelured portion of the bullet. The cause is: 1. The crimping die is worn and does not contact the mouth of the case correctly. The correction is. 1. Remove the worn die and re- place with a new or recondi- tioned one. Visual inspection reveals that the mouths of the cases are being mashed. The causes are: 1. Foreign material on the track beneath the charging dial raises the case so that the mouth of the case remains in the port. The mouth is mashed as the charging dial turns. . The transfer fingers are bent. The cases are tipped at the powder detect station. The powder detect punch hits the edge of the mouth and mashes it. The corrections are: 1. Remove the case that has been mashed and blow out the for- eign matter with forced air. . Remove the mashed case. Re- move the transfer fingers by pushing the fingers back and removing the pin behind the fingers. Straighten the finger in the arbor press. Replace the fingers. Insert the pin. [72] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Cartridges Are Bent Jams at the Inverting Wheel Visual inspection reveals that the cartridges are bent. The cause is: 1. The holding clamps are not properly adjusted. They are not holding the case in a truly vertical position at the crimp- ing station. The crimping tool bends the cartridge at the base of the bullet during the crim- ping operation. The correction is: 1. Adjust the holding clamps so that they hold the case in a truly vertical position beneath the crimping tool. Loosen the cap screw on the holding clamps and turn the adjusting screw until the cartridge is properly set. Tighten the capscrew. Visual inspection reveals a jam of the cartridges at the inverting wheel. The causes are: 1. A cartridge becomes wedged in the opening of the inverting wheel at the inserting fingers. This may be due to foreign ma- terial in the slot or to a bent in- serting finger. This jam may cause the inserting finger to break. It may also bend the guide track and tear off the stripper. . The inverting wheel is not prop- erly adjusted. It is not in posi- tion to receive the cartridges from the inserting finger on the transfer bar. . The action of the transfer bar is not in time with the action of the inverting wheel. This caus- es the openings in the inverting wheel to be in the wrong posi- tion to receive the cartridges from the transfer bar inserting finger. A jam results when the inserting finger attempts to force the case into the openings in the inverting wheel. The corrections are: 1. [\'.> Clear the jam by backing up the transfer bar. It will be necessary to remove all broken or defective parts and replace with new or serviced parts. . Turn the flywheel till the ram is at bottom dead center. Re- lease the lock nut on the end of the camshaft and turn the ec- centric until the pawl is behind the tooth on the ratchet. Tight- en the lock nut. Align the in- verting wheel with the guide rail by either lengthening or shortening the operating arm at the turnbuckle. . Adjust the stroke of the invert- ing wheel so that the action of the wheel is in time with the ac- tion of the transfer bar. Loosen the nut that connects the in- verting wheel operating arm to the eccentric. Change the position of the arm by moving it toward or away from the cen- ter. Tighten the nut. It may be necessary to change the po- sition of the arm several times and check by operating the ma- chine after each setting until the correct position is attained. [73] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Jams at lnverting Wheel (Cont.) Cases Are Not Feeding to Case Feed Unit Jam at Transfer Bar 4. The transfer ram tip is not properly adjusted. It does not push the cartridge all the way into the slot in the identifica- tion rack. The cartridge be- comes jammed between the in- verting wheel and the identifi- cation rack. 4. Loosen the lock nut on the transfer ram tip. Turn the tip out a sufficient amount so that the cartridge is forced com- pletely through the opening in the inverting wheel. Visual inspection reveals that the cases are not being fed to the case feed unit. The causes are: 1. The belt on the case hopper paddle wheel is loose. It slips on the pulley and the paddle wheel does not carry the cases to the conveyor belt. . The hopper is too full and the paddle wheel stops rotating. The conveyor belt on the hop- per is loose. It is not conveying the cases to the feed tube to be fed into the magazine. The corrections are: 1. Remove the belt and remove the connecting link. Cut off the small portion of the belt and re- place the connecting link. Re- place the belt on the pulleys. . Remove some of the cases from the hopper and start the paddle wheel. . Tighten the conveyor belt. Loosen the nut on the conveyor pulley shaft and move the pul- ley to the right until the belt is taut. Tighten the nut on the shaft. Visual inspection reveals jams of the cases between the transfer bar and the feed guide. The causes are: 1. Powder beneath the case at the powder detect station tips the case and causes a jam of the case as it is moved to the next station. . One of the lower transfer bar fingers of the transfer bar is bent against the holding finger. This causes a jam because the case becomes wedged between the transfer bar fingers and the holding finger. The corrections are: 1. Clear the jam and blow the powder from beneath the trans- fer bar fingers by using forced air. . Clear the jam. It may be nec- essary to turn the flywheel counterclockwise to back up the transfer bar in order to free the jammed case. Loosen the capscrew that holds the case guide and remove the case guide from the machine. Release the spring tension on the transfer bar finger and lift the pin to re- lease the finger from the trans- fer bar. Straighten the transfer bar finger in the arbor press and put it back onto the transfer bar. Replace the track guide. [74] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Incorrect Powder Charge Not Detected Low Charge Bullets Are Not Being Fed to Feed Jaws Gaging reveals that the machine is not rejecting cases of incorrect powder charge. The causes are: 1. The detector punch is not cor- rectly adjusted. It fails to op- erate the paddle that pushes the steel ball to the outside of the worm conveyor shaft. The worm conveyor shaft is dirty. The action of the steel balls is sluggish. They are not fed back properly to the inside of the worm conveyor shaft. The corrections are: 1. Adjust the detector punch. It is adjusted as follows: Place a case which contains the correct charge at the charging dial. Turn the hand wheel until the bottom of the cam finger on the detector punch is even with the top of the trigger lip. Loosen the lock nut and turn the punch up or down until the low charge cam finger is approximately 1/32 " ahead of the high charge cam finger. Tighten the lock nut. . Clean the worm conveyor shaft and the steel balls with a shop rag and carbon tetrachloride or some other cleaning fluid. Visual inspection reveals that the cases are receiving a low powder charge. The causes are: 1. The ports on the charging dial are dirty. Powder sticks in the 9 ports instead of passing freely to the case. . The charging block is dirty. The powder does not fall freely from the block into the ports. _ The corrections are: 1. Clean the ports on the charging dial with a shop rag and carbon tetrachloride or some other suit- able cleaning fluid. . Remove the bolts at the base of the powder hopper and lift the hopper from the machine. Re- move the charging block and clean thoroughly with a shop rag and carbon tetrachloride. Replace the charging block and replace the hopper. Visual inspection reveals that the bullets are not‘ being fed to the feed jaws. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Take the belt off of the pulley by removing the belt connector. Cut off a small portion of the belt and connect the ends of the belt. Place the belt back onto the pulley. 1. The hopper belt is too loose. It slips on the hopper pulley. I75] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Bullets Are Not Being Fed to Feed Jaws (Cont.) Jam at the Powder Dial 2. Foreign material in the feed tube stops the flow of the bul- lets to the feed jaws. The causes are: 1. The powder dial is out of ad- justmentand does not line up with guide rails. 2. The pawl stud has broken loose. The cases become wedged be- tween the dial and guide rail. 3. A case becomes jammed be- neath the charging dial because of a defective stripper. The case does not move freely along the stripper. 2. Remove the feed tubes and re- move the foreign matter from inside the tube. Replace the feed tubes. Visual inspection reveals that the cases are jammed at the powder dial. The corrections are: 1. It is necessary to realign the powder dial with the guide rails. This is accomplished by releasing the locking arm and turning the powder dial until the case slots are flush with the guide rail. Then loosen the two cap screws that hold the yoke on the transfer bar and move the yoke toward the left end of the transfer bar. This will align the pawl with the ratchet tooth and give the proper stroke to powder dial as it indexes. Tight- en the two capscrews before turning machine. . It is necessary to remove the charging unit on the front of the machine before the powder dial can be removed. Take out the connecting pin from the op- erating arm and also from the agitating hammer operating arm. ' Remove the four cap screws that hold the charging unit to the bed of the machine and set the charging unit on the floor. Loosen the two bolts un- der the machine and remove the powder dial. Disassemble the dial and send the pawl unit to the machine shop. When the unit is returned, reassemble the machine. . Remove the charging unit and the powder dial as described above. Disassemble the dial and remove the defective strip- per. Replace with a new or serviced stripper and reassem- ble the machine. [76] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Cases Jam at the Visual inspection reveals that the cases are jamming at the case feed unit. Case Feed Unit The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The insert finger is not properly 1. Turn the flywheel until the adjusted to feed the cases into feed bars are at the end of their the transfer bar fingers. Three forward stroke. Release the cases should remain in the case lock nuts on the operating arm feed unit and the first of these and adjust until the feed bars cases should be fed into the clear the feed unit block face transfer bar fingers. approximately 14/’. Tighten the lock nuts on the operating arm in this position. 2. The transfer bar fingers are 2. Remove the transfer bar fin- bent. The jam occurs as the gers. Push the finger back and case is being fed into the trans- release the spring. Remove the fer bar fingers. pin from behind the fingers and lift off the top finger. Remove the bottom finger. Straighten the bent finger in the arbor press. Replace the fingers and insert the pin. Bullet Seated Gaging reveals that the bullets are being seated too deep into the case. Too Deep The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The bullet seating punch is ad- 1. Loosen the lock nut on the seat- justed so that it pushes the bul- ing punch adjusting screw. Turn let too far down into the case. the adjusting screw counter- clockwise to release the pres- sure on the punch. Loosen the set screw in the punch holder. Push the punch up into the holder against the adjusting screw. Tighten the set screw and the lock nut on the ad- justing screw. It may be neces- sary to readjust several times before the proper setting is attained. 2. Foreign material is sticking to 2. Use a shop towel to clean the the concave portion of the foreign material from the con- punch, which results in the bul- cave portion of the punch. let being forced too far into the CELSQ. ' [77 l CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Troubles and Corrections Bullet Is Not Seated Deep Enough Visual inspection or gaging reveals that the bullet is not seated deep enough into the case. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Place a cartridge of correct length beneath the seating punch. Loosen the set screw in the punch holder and allow the punch to drop onto the top of the bullet. Loosen the lock nut on the punch adjusting nut and turn the adjusting nut down in- to the holder until it contacts the top of the punch. Tighten the lock nut on the adjusting screws and the set screw on the punch holder. 1. The bullet seating punch is ad- justed too far up. It does not force the bullet far enough into the case. CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Tool Servicing Objective Servicing a New Punch TOOL SERVICING Proper tool servicing is essential to maintain standard quality in assem- bling the three components to make a completed cartridge. Punches are costly and great care must be exercised in the servicing of these tools. While adjusters will not be concerned with tool servicing in the Straight Line Loading Department, at present, such necessary steps as listed should be known in event that they may be needed in the future. Adjusters should be concerned primarily with the removal of small scratches that appear on the working surfaces of the punches, but they must be careful when using an abrasive on any tool, not to alter its dimensions materially. All tools that cannot be corrected by polishing will be returned to the Tool Department, in exchange for new ones. Under no circumstances will any attempts be made to straighten bent punches; instead they must be exchanged for new ones. Before an abrasive of any kind is applied to a new punch, its dimensions should be carefully checked with a micrometer or profile gage, and its working surface should be examined for finishing, handling marks, or a lack of polish. A highly polished punch allows better working conditions. FIG. 1 OVER-ALL VIEW OF SPEED LATHE [79 l CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Tool Servicing Servicing a used punch Polishing Lapping FIG. 2 CORRECT METHOD OF PLACING PUNCH IN CHUCK As a punch is used, its working surface wears, accumulating scratches. Excessive wear is determined by measuring with a micrometer or profile gage. Obviously, an undersize punch must be replaced with one of ap- proved dimensions. Scratches, if not too deep, may be removed by polish- ing. The question of how soon a punch will need polishing can be an- swered only from experience, since many variable factors enter into the problem. Polishing is done with a fine abrasive, for example, crocus cloth. A final operation called draw polishing is done after the chuck is stopped. To draw-polish a punch, move the abrasive cloth lengthwise over the entire working surface avoiding rotary motion of the punch or the abrasive. Continue this final operation until all marks are removed and the desired high polish or mirror like finish is obtained. An adjuster will not be required to lap more than .0005 inch from a new punch. If more than this must be removed to bring the punch to correct size, it should be returned to the Tool Servicing Department for correc- tion. Lapping is done with a piece of abrasive cloth wrapped around and moved back and forth along the axis of the punch as it revolves in the high speed chuck. If the abrasive were held stationary, deep rings would be cut into the surface, which would ruin the finish. The punch shown in Fig. 2 is correctly chucked. Avoid excessive overhang of the punch as this is a safety hazard; make sure that the jaws are cor- rectly set and tightened securely. Do not allow the jaws to grasp the working surface of the punch. I801 CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Beaflngs MACHINE LUBRICATION The efficiency of every machine depends to a great extent upon the ability of its hearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction, as far as we are con- cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. ' Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite—tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [81] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. Load on the shaft or slide. Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. Constant or intermittent operation. Cleanliness of surroundings. Temperature of surroundings. .*?‘P‘:“?°!° Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. .‘qP‘.U‘tI>‘E"°.lQ9 Frequency of lubrication. I 82 I CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: Simple oil hole. Bottle oiler. Ring oiler. Plain oil cups. Drop feed cups. Wick feed cups. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. .°°.q.°‘.°‘tP‘9°.l\'>f" Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. 1. Screw down cups. 2. Compression cups. 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrication”. Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. I f a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places; in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times—except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. I83] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MAcHINE Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART . . N 0. of Fittings, Frequency of [lubricant Machine Part Grease Cups, etc. Lubrication Hours Motor gear head . . . . . . . . Res. 1 wk. Driveshaft 3 8 Clutch collar 1 8 Clutch . 1 24 Drive gears . 1 1 Wk. Camshaft . . . . . 3 8 Transfer bar rocker arm cam 1 8 Transfer bar rocker arm roller 1 8 Transfer bar rocker arm pivot bearing 1 8 Transfer bar rocker arm slide bearing 1 8 Transfer bar slide arm (2) 6 8 Connecting rods (5) . . 11 8 Indicating powder throwout assembly 7 8 Bullet insert indicating assembly . 2 8 Holding arm slides (2) 4 8 Case feed unit operating arm 2 8 Case feed unit . . . 6 8 Case hopper countershaft . 2 8 Case hopper drivechain . . 1 1 wk. MEDIUM OIL Case hopper paddlewheel shaft. . 1 8 . Case hopper conveyor belt drive (Red Oiler) gears............ 1 24 Case hopper Conveyor belt drive shaft . . . . . . . . . 1 8 Case feed check unit operating arm 3 8 Case feed check unit slide bar . 2 8 Rocker arm pivot pins (5) 5 8 Connecting links 10 8 Ram wrist pins (5) 10 8 Ram gibs (10) . . . 8 8 Powder charge operating arm . 1 8 Powder charge rocker arm 2 8 Powder charge agitating hammer pivot............ 2 8 Powder charge agitating hammer operating arm . 2 8 Powder dial . . . . . . 1 8 Powder dial yoke and pawl . 2 8 Bullet hopper pin clutch 1 1 wk. Bullet hopper driveshaft 1 24 Bullet hopper drive gears . 1 24 Bullet hopper profile disc shaft 1 24 Bullet hopper conveyor pulley . 2 24 I84] CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Mqghine Lubricqfign LUBRICATION CHART (Cont.) I/abricant M achine Part No' of Fittings’ FT(lqU'e./My of Grease Cups, etc. Lubrzcatzon H ours Bullet hopper drive belt guide pulleys . . . . . . . . 4 24 Bullet insert unit operating arm . 2 8 Bullet insert unit rocker arm pivot . 1 8 Bullet insert unit connecting links . 4 8 Bullet insert unit pivot . 2 8 Bullet feed jam pivots . 2 8 Bullet feed check assembly . 2 8 Crimping head. 2 8 Productimeter . . . . 2 1 wk Crimping unit countershaft . 2 8 Conveyor unit belt guide pulleys 3 8 Identifying unit operating arm 2 8 MI(EII{)e{iU(1)\;[leI(_))IL Inverting wheel rocker arm and paw] 2 8 Inverting wheel shaft bearing . 1 8 Paint cup operating plate gibs . 2 8 Identifying rack bearing 2 8 Identifying rack drive gears . 1 8 Indicating system worm shaft bearings . . . . . . 3 8 Indicating lever pivots . . . 3 8 Indicating powder throwout assem- bly operating arm . 2 8 Transfer ram cam . 1 8 Transfer ram follower 1 8 Transfer ram operating shaft 1 8 Transfer ram . 2 8 Timing gear bearings . 2 8 CALIBER .30 STRAIGHT LINE LOADING MACHINE Index Adjusting Screw, 35 Adjustment, Agitator Hammer, 52 Bullet Feed Jaws, 57 Bullet Feed Unit Cam Follower Lock, 59 Bullet Inserting Punch, 56 Bullet Seating Punch, 60 Cartridge Transfer Ram, 64 Case Feed Unit, 46 Charging Block Unit, 50 Charging Dial Alignment, 48 Charging Unit Clutch Trip, 49 Crimping Head, 63 Holding Clamps, 62 Identification Lacquer Cup, 67 Indicator Worm Shaft Shear Pin Replacement, 68 Invertin g Wheel and Guide Track, 66 Main Drive Clutch, 69 Mouth Spread, Short Case and No Case Detector, 47 Powder Detector Punch, 55 Powder Valve, 58 Transfer Ram Tip, 65 Trap Door, 61 Agitating Hammer, 15 Agitator Hammer Adjustment, 52 Anti-friction Bearings, 81 Barrel Cam, 14 Bullet Feed Jaws Adjustment, 57 Feed Unit Cam Follower Lock Adjustment, 59 Hopper, 9, 10 Inserting Punch, 37 Inserting Punch, Adjustment, 56 Inserting Tool Holder, 34 Is Not Seated Deep Enough, 78 Overhead Hopper, 39 Seated Too Deep, 77 Seating Punch, 37 Seating Punch Adjustment, 60 Seating Tool Holder, 35 Tube and Feed Check, 39 Bullets Not Being Fed to Feed Jaws, 75 Cam, 18 Finger, 18, 22 Follower Lock Adjustment, 25 Camshaft, 2, 3, 21, 24, 29 Cartridge Inverting, 40 Inverting Wheel, 29 Transfer Ram Adjustment, 64 Cartridges are Bent, 73 Case Feed Unit, 4, 11 Feed Unit Adjustment, 46 Hopper, 5 Overhead Hopper, 38 Paddle Wheel Hopper, 38 Cases Are Not Feeding to Case Feed Unit, 74 Jam at the Case Feed Unit, 77 Charge Block Removed, 54 Charging Block, 15, 16 Block Unit, Adjustment, 50 Dial Alignment Adjustment, 48 INDEX Charging Unit, 51 Unit Clutch Trip Adjustment, 49 Clutch, 2 Coil Spring, 32, 33, 34 Conveyor Belt, 5, 38 Shaft, 3 Crimp is Too High, 72 Is Too Low, 72 Crimping Die, 36, 37 Die Housing, 36 Die Tool Holder, 36 Head Adjustment, 63 Defective Crimp, 72 Detector Pin, 32, 33, 34 Die Holder Plate, 36 Driveshaft, 2, 4, 5, 30 Feed Bar, 11 Tube, 5 Tube and Case Feed Unit, 38 Floor Space, 1 Flow Chart, 41 Friction, 81 Gage Care, 43 Gages, 43 Grease, 81 Height, 1 of Case, 42 Hints on Lubrication, 82 Holding Bar, 14 Clamps Adjustment, 62 Hoppers, 1, 3 Identification Lacquer Cup Adjustment, 67 Rack, 30, 40 Identifying System, 4 Incorrect Powder Charge Not Detected, 75 Indicator System, 38 : - Worm Shaft Shear Pin Replacement Adjustment, 68 Inside Diameter of Mouth, 42 Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction, 81 Inverting Wheel and Guide Track Alignment Adjustment, 66 Jam at the Powder Dial, 76 At Transfer Bar, 74 Jams at the Inverting Wheel, 73, 74 Lapping, 80 Lock Nut, 35 Low Charge, 75 Lubrication, 81 Chart, 83, 84 Methods, 81 Machine Description, 1 Motor, 1 Main Drive Clutch, Adjustment, 69 Manufacturer, 1 Mashed Mouths, 72 Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 82 Mouth Spread and Case Detector Tool Holder, 32 Mouth Spread and No Case Detector Punch, 37 Spread, Short Case and No Case Detector Adjustment, 47 Objective of Tool Servicing, 79 of Troubles and Corrections, 70 Over-all Length of the Cartridge, 42 Paddle Wheel Hopper, 6 Polishing, 80 Powder Charging Dial, 17 Clutch Assembly, 21 Detector Punch, 37 Detector Punch Adjustment, 55 Detector Tool Holder, 33 Hopper, 3, 7 Inspection, 43 Valve Adjustment, 53 Power, 2, 3 Chart, 31 Production, 1 Profile Gage, 43 Punch, 32, 33 34, 35 Ram, 19, 23,21, 26 Rams, 4 Register, 28 Rocker Arm, 11 Scratches in the Extractor Groove, 71, 72 on the Bullet, 71 on the Case, 70 Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing, 81 Servicing a New Punch, 79 a Used Punch, 80 Single Ring Gage, 44 Snap Length Gage, 43 Space Ring, 34 Spanner Nut, 36 Spur Gears, 3 Station 1—Mouth Spread and Case Detector, 38 1—Mouth Spread and Detector, 18, 19 2—Powder Charge, 38, 39 2—Powder Charging, 20, 21 3——Powder Detector, 22, 23, 39 4—Bullet Inserting, 24, 39 5——Bullet Seating, 26, 39 6—Trap Door, 27, 39 7———Crimping, 28, 39, 40 Stripper Plate, 17 Tool Holder Shaft, 32, 33, 34 Tools, 1 Transfer Bar, 4, 11, 12, 20, 28 Bar Fingers, 17 Finger, 22 Fingers, 13, 38 Ram Tip Adjustment, 65 Transmission, 2, 3 Trap Door Adjustment, 61 Visual Inspection, 43 Weight, 1 Worm Conveyor Shaft, 30 Shaft, 3 I86] TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Plate Loading BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri December, 1941 United States Government Contract W-ORD-481, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch. photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917, C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217. Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 448, 76th Congress, 8rd Session). II TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description Bullet and Case Shaking Machines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Charging Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Bullet Seating and Crimping Presses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Identification Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Tool Holder Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Product Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Adjustments Case and Bullet Shaking Machines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Charging Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Powder Detector Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Bullet Seating and Crimping Presses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Identification Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 58 III Case Shaking Machine 1 C\‘°‘ Q'\“9 ‘n'\“° NW’ Inclosed Room Inclosed Room Bullet Seating Crimping Machine Machine 4 5 Charge Detector .\I Plate Return Conveyor \ Roller Conveyor / Bullet Shaking Machine 1 Identification Machine 6 lllllll llUlllllllll FLOOR PLAN LAYOUT FOR PLATE LOADING UNIT AI CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Catalogue Data Manufacturer Machine Description Machine Motor Type of Feed Feed Motor Production Strokes per Minute Tools Height Weight Floor Space Motor Reducer Head Machine Motor Motor Reducer Head Machine hdotor Motor Reducer Head Blower Motor CATALOGUE DATA E. I. Dupont from Western Cartridge Co. specifi- cations and design. 4 V-belt drive, motor to flywheel on crankshaft, crankshaft through connecting rods to ram. Trans- fer table drive from motor through 4 V-belt to crankshaft, crankshaft through operating arm to index mechanism. 3 h.p.; 220—400 volts; 8-phase; 60-cycle; 1775 R.P.M. Feed table actuated from indexing mechanism. Transfer table driven from machine motor. Average 2 plates per minute or 500 cartridges. Crimping press 21 strokes per plate Seating press 19 strokes per plate Piece No. Seating Punch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AA-2 Crimping Collets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AA-1 Over-all, 5 ft. 1500 lbs. 5 ft. x 4 ft. 3 h.p.; 1775 R.P.M.; reduced to output speed of 425.6 revolutions per minute. SHAKER TABLE MOTOR 1 h.p.; 220-440 volts; 3-phase; 60-cycle; 1750 R.P.M. 1 h.p.; 1750 R.P.M. reduced to output speed of 160 R.P.M. IDENTIFICATION TABLE 1/4 h.p.; 115 volts; single phase; 60-cycle; 1725 R.P.M. 1/4 h.p.; single phase; gear speed 20 R.P.M.; gear ratio motor to output speed 86.3. % h.p.; 115-230 volts; single phase; 60-cycle; 1725 R.P.M. [ll CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description MACHINE DESCRIPTION Bullet Cr Case Shaking Machine The Bullet Shaking Machine and the Case Shaking Machine are separate machines identical in construction and operation. The Bullet Shaking Machine positions bullets in a bullet plate, and the Case Shaking Machine positions cases in a case plate. Each machine agitates its plates thereby permitting the positioning of the component parts in an upright position in the plates in preparation for their final assembly into the completed cartridge. Canvas Tube CALIBER .30 BULLET OR CASE SHAKING MACHINE [2] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Power and Transmission V-Belt Driveshaft The bullet and case shaking machine, illustrated above, is powered by a 1 h.p. motor through a V-type and a flat type leather belt. The motor is mounted in the lower frame at the center of the machine. Power is ap- plied to the motor by a toggle type switch. The two shaker tables are shaken from side to side, and actuated by an eccentric cam at each end of the machine. The machine is a double unit driven from a single motor. ;~I ___ Driveshaft REAR VIEW OF LOWER HALF OF THE MACHINE The machine is equipped with two driveshafts, one at each end. The driveshafts are held in a horizontal position by two fitted bearings. A pulley wheel is mounted at the center of each driveshaft which is con- nected to the cam operating shaft by flat leather belts. The driveshafts extend through the rear of the machine frame and are equipped with V-type pulleys which are connected to the motor by V-type belts. I3] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Cam Operating Shafts Cam Pulley Motor The two cam operating shafts are attached, one at each endof the machine frame. The shafts are held in a horizontal position by brackets which are bolted to the machine frame. The cam operating pulley is attached to the back end of the shaft and is connected to the shaker tables by a metal strap link. Two pulleys are mounted in the center of the shafts, one is pinned securely to the shaft while the other is free running. This forms the clutch by which one unit of the machine may be stopped independently of the other. Each shaft is equipped with *a hand operated lever which transfers the belts from one pulley to the other, thus stopping the action of either unit as desired. Belt VIEW OF CLUTCH ASSEMBLY AND CAM Shaker Table The two shaker tables are actuated from side to side on two steel rods which run lengthwise of the machine. The two rods extend through, and are supported by, the endsof the machine frame. The two shaker tables are supported side by side on the metal rack directly above the bullet bins. The construction of the machine includes two bullet bins into which the bullets are fed through a feed chute from an overhead source. The ma- chine frame forms the side wall of the bins. The bottoms of the bins are made of sheet metal and are slanted to allow the bullets to flow to the front of the bins. l4l CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Shaker Table The bullets are fed into the bins through a feed chute from an overhead (Cont.) source. ' Two machines of this type are used in this department. One of them seats the bullets in the plate while the other seats the cases. The two machines are identical in construction and operation. Steel Rods Shaker Table Canvas Feed Tube Canvas Feed Tube Swflch Case Pkfle Case Pkfle .. IQ FRONT VIEW OF SHAKER PLATE AND SHAKER PLATE RACK I 5 l CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Charging Machine The Charging Machine loads the cases with the proper powder charge by moving the powder hopper back and forth above the mouths of the cases as the cases are held upright in the case plates. Powder Hopper Crankshaft Spur Gear ~ _- \. _ Hopper Supporting Rails Crank Charging Plate Hand Lever , _ .. / Wooden Table / . A_ - " :-:- l"-- "r7195 7”’ A I I I . I » l CALIBER .30 MACHINE CHARGING Power and The charging machine, illustrated above,-is mounted on a wooden table. Transmission The machine is manually operated by a crank which moves the powder hopper back and forth across the charging plate. The crankshaft has a small spur gear attached to the inner end which meshes with the teeth on the hopper supporting rails. I6] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description \ Hopper Supporting and Guide Rails Hopper Powder Depth Micrometer @- u H3. Hfltlti ~o -0 -o 4' u » - ~. om - - 0 Qt _ Charging Valve VIEW OF THE POWDER HOPPER AND CHARGING UNIT Charge Unit The charging plate is made of brass and contains 247 valves which receive powder from the hopper as it passes over them. The valves are dis- charged by a lever which aligns the charged valves with the funnels located directly below. The case plate is held in a horizontal position directly below the funnels. As the charging plate is aligned with the funnels, the powder passes from the charged valve through the funnels into the cases. These units are held in a horizontal position one above the other directly below the powder hopper. - CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Powder Hopper Hopper Supporting Rails Depth Micrometer Charging Plate ,7 . -4 -A -Q 0 0 un- no -9 -- so at — 0 up it VIEW OF THE POWDER HOPPER AND CHARGING PLATE Powder Hopper The powder hopper is rectangular in shape and is constructed from sheet brass. The upper end of the hopper is slightly larger than the bottom. The hopper is filled with powder from the-upper end. The lower end of the hopper fits flush against the surface of the charging plate, allowing the powder to flow from the hopper into the holes of the charging plates. The hopper supporting rails have machined teeth on the lower surface of each rail. The two parallel, horizontal rails are supported at each side of the charging plate by metal stanchions, located at each corner of the plate. The powder hopper has a metal slide attached to each side which supports the hopper on the rails. The small spur gears mesh with the teeth of the rails and drag the hopper back and forth across the charging plate. l8l CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Charge Unit Hand Lever Powder Hopper VIEW SHOWING CHARGE UNIT HAND LEVER The charge unit hand lever extends forward from the front of the ma- chine. The hand lever is mounted at its pivotal point by a wrist pin ar- rangement which allows a freedom of movement from right to left. The back end of the hand lever is attached to the charging unit by a short metal link. When the charging unit has been filled with powder, the hand lever is pulled forward bringing the charging unit up against the stop screws thus aligning the holes of the charging unit above the case mouths. [9] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Powder Hopper S Hopper Gpeugr Supportmg Rail glharge Hand ate Lever Charge Unit Case Holding Plate :19 VIEW SHOWING CASE HOLDING PLATE Case Holding The case holding plate is inserted beneath the charging plate from the Plate front side of the machine. When the case holding plate has been properly positioned, the charging unit is moved diagonally to align the holes of the charge unit with the case mouths, and to allow the powder to flow from the charge unit into the cases. [10] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Bullet Seating fr Crimping Presses The Bullet Seating Press seats the bullet to its proper depth in the case, thus insuring the proper over-all length of the finished cartridge. A second Crimping Press equipped with a crimping collet crimps the case mouth into the bullet cannelure. The Bullet Seating Press and the Bullet Crimping Press are identical with the exception of the tools used. Crimping Tool ' " I / Holders I Foot Treaclle .~,' A CALIBER .30 CRIMPING PRESS I 11 l CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Presses Used in Loading of Caliber .30 Cartridges Power and Transmission Ram There are two presses used in the loading of Caliber .30 cartridges, the bullet seating press and the crimping press. These two machines are identical in construction and operation except for the tool used in the ram. The crimping press uses a series of collets and sleeves which produce the crimp around the case mouth, securely locking the bullet and case to- gether. The bullet seating press uses a system of punches which seat the bullet to the correct depth in the case. The Crimping Press, designed by Western Cartridge Company and illustrated on page 11, is powered by a 3 h.p. motor through 4 V-type belts connecting the motor to the flywheel. The motor is mounted on an ad- justable bracket at the rear of the machine bed. This bracket allows the motor to be raised or lowered to give proper tension to the machine belts. The power to the motor is controlled by a push button type switch. The flywheel is mounted on the right end of the horizontal crankshaft and incorporates a rolling key clutch. The clutch is manually operated by a foot treadle from the front of the machine. The rolling key clutch con- trols the transmission of power from the flywheel to the crankshaft. The press is equipped with an automatic mechanism which stops the machine when the feed plate has reached the end of its travel toward the rear of the machine. The machine is equipped with a friction type brake which is synchronized to operate with the clutch. When the clutch is engaged, the brake is released and vice versa. FRONT VIEW OF RAM SHOWING SLEEVE TOOL HOLDERS Crimping Sleeves The crimping sleeves are held in a straight line across the bottom of the ram. The collets are held in the collet holding plate and extend through the collet operating plate. The collet operating bar is attached to the machine frame and extends across the machine slightly in front of the ram. As the ram descends, the collet plate strikes against the collet oper- ating bar forcing the collets up into the collet operating plate. This action closes the collets around the case mouth producing the necessary crimp. I121 CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Crankshaft 1 Power and Transmission . "7 CALIBER .30 BULLET SEATING PRESS The Bullet Seating Press, designed by Western Cartridge Company and illustrated above, is powered by a 3 h.p. motor through 4 V-type belts connecting the motor to the flywheel. The motor is mounted on an ad- justable bracket at the rear of the machine bed. This bracket allows the motor to be raised or lowered to give proper tension to the machine belt. The power to the motor is controlled by a push button type switch. [13] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Power and Transmission (Cont.) Seating Punches The flywheel is mounted on the right end of the horizontal crankshaft and incorporates a rolling key clutch. The clutch is manually operated by a foot treadle from the front of the machine. The rolling key clutch con- trols the transmission of power from the flywheel to the crankshaft. The press is equipped with an automatic mechanism which stops the machine when the feed plate has reached the end of its travel toward the rear of the machine. The machine is equipped with a friction type brake which is synchronized to operate with the clutch. When the clutch is engaged, the brake is released and vice versa. Ram Seating Punches VIEW OF RAM AND SEATING PUNCHES The seating punches are held in the punch plate which is held in place on the bottom surface of the ram by two Allen head set screws. The punches are slightly smaller in diameter than the holes through which they fit thus allowing the punches to float slightly in the punch plate. Each punch has a small shoulder which rests against the upper surface of the punch plate to keep them from dropping through. The punches butt against the lower surface of the anvil plate as they contact the bullet noses in the seating process. The anvil plate is held in the lower ram sur- face in a machined recess whose sides are slightly slanted to conform to the sides of the anvil plate shouldered section. The punches are raised or lowered by adjusting the Pitman connecting rods which alters the ram stroke. [14] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Ram , l Gib Ram Seating Punches Feed _ Table ’ Table Gib Sis VIEW OF BULLET SEATING FEED TABLE Feed Table The machine bed is equipped with a feed table into which the case plate is locked. The feed table has a metal rail at each side which conforms to the sides of the case plate. The plate is slid into place against a back rail and locked securely by a latch at the front of the feed table. The feed table rides back and forth in two V-shaped gibs which are adjust- able to provide proper guides of the feed table. Ram -- Crimping Tool ___ Holders Feed Table ’ VIEW OF THE CRIMPING FEED TABLE [ 15 I CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Pawl Operating . Shaft I Geared Shaft VIEW OF THE INDEXING MECHANISM Indexing A geared shaft is attached to the rear of the feed table and extends Mechanism back over the rear edge of the machine bed. The plates are manually placed on the feed table and are fed through the machine to the crimping collets by means of an indexing mechanism. The geared shaft enters be- tween two operating pawls which control the indexing movement of the feed table. The operating pawls are actuated from an eccentric cam wheel attached to the left end of the crankshaft. An operating arm extends from the cam to a cross arm which operates the pawl fingers. One pawl located on the upper side of the gear shaft pushes the shaft one space backward. As this pawl releases the shaft, the lower pawl engages a tooth on the lower side of the shaft and holds it in place while the upper pawl returns to en- gage another tooth. I16] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Crankshaft . I ~ Connecting Rod \ Brake Assembly M . Ram Gib u . Ram Feed Table VIEW OF THE BULLET SEATING PRESS SHOWING THE RAM Ram The ram is actuated through the connecting rods from the crankshaft. The ram travels in a vertical stroke held in place and guided by gib plates. The lower surface of the ram is machined to hold the tool plate. The gib plates are adjustable to provide correct pressure against the ram bearing surfaces. The two Pitman connecting rods are attached to the ram by wrist pins. The ram stroke may be lengthened or shortened by adjusting the Pitman spanner nuts. A secondary plate is attached to the lower sur- face of the ram which closes the collets around the case mouth to produce the crimp. I17] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Brake and Clutch Brake and Clutch Assembly Flywheel Assembly \ I , I Ram Gib V-Belts FRONT VIEW OF BRAKE AND REAR VIEW OF BRAKE AND CLUTCH ASSEMBLY CLUTCH ASSEMBLY Brake and Clutch The clutch is incorporated in the flywheel and is operated through linkage from a foot treadle at the front of the machine. The two-shoe brake is mounted on a bracket between the flywheel and the machine frame. When the clutch is engaged, the brake is released. [13] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Crankshaft / Ram Gib / Connecting / Rods In 4 "3... ~ ‘ . ,3. .2 !r!‘ I -.Za'-.- FRONT VIEW OF BULLET SEATING CRANKSHAFT AND RAMS Crankshaft The crankshaft is held in a horizontal position above the machine bed. The crankshaft is supported by, and rotates in, two fitted bearings in the machine frame. A bearing block is used at the center of the crankshaft between the crankshaft and the upper machine frame. This block acts . as a support to the center of the crankshaft. The cylindrical crankshaft is machined to form two throw bearings. The ram is connected to, and actuated by, the crankshaft through two Pitman connecting rods. The crankshaft extends through the left side of the machine frame and has an eccentric cam wheel attached. I191 CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Identification Machine The Identification Machine identifies the Tracer and Armor Piercing Bullet by applying lacquer (paint) to the tip or nose of each bullet. The Tracer Bullet is identified by a red nose, and the Armor Piercing Bullet is identified by a black nose. Driveshcrfgt CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING IDENTIFICATION MACHINE Power and Transmission The Plate Loading Identification Machine, illustrated above, is powered by a 1 h.p. motor through an endless chain connecting the motor to the driveshaft. Power is applied to the motor by a toggle type switch located on the front side of the machine. Power is applied from the driveshaft sprocket wheel to the driveshaft by an electrically operated key clutch. The cartridges are carried through the identifying machine on an endless conveyor chain driven by the driveshaft over an idler driveshaft at the opposite end of the machine. The motor is located beneath the conveyor chains at the left end of the machine. A second % h.p. motor is mounted be- low the conveyor chains at the center of the machine. This motor operates an exhaust fan which dries the cartridges as they pass through the machine. [20] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Mochine Description Guurd Covering Sprocket Wheel Solenoid Switch / Driveshofts and Clutch \ Guard Covering Driveshofi Ti ’ ‘.6 g 0 .l .1 g. l I lea VIEW OF THE LEFT END OF THE MACHINE The main driveshaft is held in a horizontal position by two fitted bearings at the left end of the machine frame. Each end of the driveshaft is equipped with a sprocket wheel over which the conveyor chains run. The clutch is actuated by an electric switch attached to the corner of the machine frame. The clutch mechanism is mounted between the machine frame and the left chain conveyor sprocket wheel. When the electric button is pushed, the clutch key is actuated by a solenoid switch which releases the clutch key, allowing the clutch to engage. The driveshaft makes one revolution and during that space of time, the clutch key is released by the solenoid switch and allowed to ride against the driveshaft. As the driveshaft revolves to its original starting position, the clutch key again engages the dog on the driveshaft, stopping the driveshaft from turning. This action is repeated until the plates are broughtthrough the machine. This procedure allows the operator time to remove the plates and insert new ones. The idler driveshaft is held in a horizontal position at the opposite end of the machine from the main driveshaft. It also is held by, and rotates in, two fitted bearings. Each end of the idler driveshaft is equipped with a chain conveyor sprocket wheel. l21l CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description Exhaust System Conveyor Chain Identifying Pan ‘ Identifying Pan The exhaust fan is mounted at the bottom center of the’ machine and coupled direct to the exhaust fan motor. Air is drawn through the hoods of the machine thus exhausting paint fumes and bringing in fresh air which tends to dry the paint on the identified cartridges. The entire bed of the machine with the exception of each end is covered by the hood. Drying Hood —- Lever VIEW SHOWING THE IDENTIFYING PAN AND HOOD The identifying pan is located at the forward end of the machine at the open end of the hood. The pan is held between the conveyor chains and is moved up and down by a hand lever. When the cartridge plates are placed on the conveyor belts above the pan nose down the lever is pulled for- ward, raising the pan until the bullet noses are immersed in the identify- ing lacquer. The identifying pan is raised and lowered by a vertical shaft. A series of spur teeth is machined along one surface of the shaft near its lower end. These teeth mesh with the spur teeth of an arm mounted on one end of a cross-shaft. The cross-shaft is mounted in a horizontal position below the machine bed and rotates in two fitted bearings. An arm with an attached weight extends from the center of the cross-shaft and draws the pan down, after it has been raised by the hand lever. The hand lever is attached to the end of the cross-shaft and extends upward in a vertical position to the machine bed along the right side of the ma- chine frame. [22] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Description l.__ Conveyor ' Chain Drive Chain Motor -" s VIEW OF MOTOR AND CONVEYOR CHAIN Chain Conveyor The chain conveyor system is composed of two endless chains which re- volve around the chain sprockets, actuated by the main driveshaft. The outside surface of the conveyor chains are equipped with a series of metal plates into which the cartridge plates fit as they are carried through the machine. Conveyor l_lli‘l VIEW SHOWING PART or THE convrvon CHAIN I 23 l CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Tool Holder Description TOOL HOLDER DESCRIPTION Crimping Press Crimping Collet: The crimping collet is a hollow, cylindrical, steel shaft. The upper end of the shaft flares outward to form the crimping collar. The crimping collet is longitudinally split at four evenly spaced points around the circumference. These splits allow the collet jaws to close around the case mouth, crimping it securely to the bullet. Crimping Tool Plunger: The cylindrical crimping tool plunger is machined to three diameters. The larger diameter is externally threaded for insertion into the tool holder clamp nut. The upper end of the crimping plunger is machined to a diameter small enough for insertion into the lower end of the crimping collet. The plunger and collet are held together by a pin inserted in holes machined in the lower end of the collet and the upper end of the plunger shaft. The bottom end of the plunger shaft is machined to form a hexagon headed nut. Crimping Tool Holder: The cylindrical crimping tool holder is hollow for the insertion of the collet and plunger shaft. The tool holder is externally threaded for a distance of one half its over-all length. The upper end of the tool holder is tapered and machined to produce a hexagon headed- adjusting nut. Seating Press: The Seating Press utilizes the Crimping Tool Plunger and the Crimping Tool Holder described above, but substi- tutes the Seating Punch, illustrated here, for the Crimping Collet. Seating Punch: The cylindrical tool steel seating punch is machined _ to three diameters, the largest diameter being at the upper end of the punch. The smallest diameter of the punch is machined at the lower end to conform to the point of the bullet nose. The punch is held in the lower ram by a flat metal plate which is bolted over the heads of the punch holding them securely- in the ram. l24l CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Process Sequence Case Overhead Hopper Case Shaking Machine and Transfer Plate Case Plate and Holding Plate Charging Machine Charge Detector Bullet Overhead Hopper Bullet Shaking Machine and Transfer Plate PROCESS SEQUENCE Armor Piercing and Ball Cartridges The cases are fed by gravity from a truck or conveyor into an overhead hopper and flow down through a pipe past the gate control, into a canvas tube connected to the end of the feed pipe. The cases are released from the canvas tube into a container at the base of the case shaking machine. The transfer plate is placed on the table of the shaking machine and a rack is placed around it. The cases are taken from the container and placed by hand on the transfer plate. The plate is agi- tated and the cases are shaken into the holes in the transfer plate “head down.” The rack is removed from the transfer plate and the plate is taken from the shaking machine and placed on a table. A case plate is placed against the transfer plate and both of the plates are turned over, allowing the cases to drop into the case plate “mouth down.” The transfer plate is removed and any of the cases that have dropped “head down” into the case plate are inverted. A holding plate is placed across the bottom of the case plate and both of the plates are turned over and placed onto the roller conveyor. They are pushed along the roller con- veyor to the charging machine. The case plate and the holding plate are placed in the machine with the position of the cases “mouth up.” Propellant powder is contained in the hopper of the charging machine. The hopper is manually moved across the charging plate, and the holes of the charging plate are filled with powder as the hopper is moved from one end of the plate to the other. The holes of the charging plate are moved - into line with the mouths of the cases by a manually controlled lever and the powder drops from the charging plate into the cases. The case plate and the holding plate are removed from the charging machine and are carried to the charge detector. At the charge detector the cases are placed beneath a series of detector punches. The detector punches are manually lowered until they press against the powder charge. A high or low charge is detected by the position of the upper portion of the detector punches as the punches rest against the powder. The punches are raised and the case plate containing the cases is removed and placed on a table. The bullets are fed by gravity from a truck or conveyor into an overhead hopper and flow down through a pipe past the gate control mto a canvas tube connected to the end of the feed pipe. The bullets are released from the canvas tube into a container at the base of the bullet shaking machine. A transfer plate is placed on the machine table and a rack is placed around it. The bullets are taken from the con- tainer and placed on the plate. The plate is agitated and the bullets are l25l CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Process Sequence Bullet Shaking Machine and Transfer Plate (Cont.) Bullet Plate and Holding Plate Assembly of Bullets and Cases Bullet Seating Machine Crimping Machine Disposal of Ball Cartridges shaken into the holes of the transfer plate “point up.” The rack is removed from the plate and the excess bullets are allowed to fall back into the container. The transfer plate is removed from the machine and placed on a table. Another transfer plate is placed on the transfer plate that was removed from the machine and both of the plates are turned over, allowing the bullets to drop into the second transfer plate “point down.” The first transfer plate is removed and any of the bullets that may have fallen into the second transfer plate “point up” are inverted. A bullet plate is placed over the second transfer plate and the holding ‘ plate is placed over the bullet plate. The series of plates is turned over, allowing the bullets to fall into the bullet plate “base down.” The bullet plate and the holding plate are carried to a table at which the case plate containing the charged cases is located. The bullet plate and holding plate are placed onto the case plate with the base of the bullets down. The bullet holding plate is removed from beneath the bullet plate and the base of the bullets is allowed to drop into the mouth of the cases. The assembly is conveyed over to the seating machine by a roller conveyor. The assembly is taken off the conveyor and placed onto the seating ma- chine table. The table is pushed toward the rear of the machine so that the row of seating punches is in line with the first row of bullets in the bullet plate. The seating punches descend on the points of the bullets and seat the first row of bullets in the cases. As the punches ascend, the second row of bullets and cases are mechanically moved in line with the row of seating punches, and the seating punches descend and seat the second row of bullets in the cases. This process is repeated until all the bullets have been properly seated into the cases. The assembly is removed from the seating machine. The bullet plate is removed and sent back to be used again, and the case plate containing the cases with the seated bullets is conveyed on a roller conveyor to the crimping machine. The case plate containing cases with the seated bullets is placed on the crimping machine table. The table is pushed toward the rear of the ma- chine so that the row of crimping collets are in line with the first row of cartridges. The crimping collets descend over the bullets to the mouth of the case and crimps cases 1-3-5-7-9-11 & 13 to the cannelure of the bullet in the first row of cartridges. As the crimping tools ascend, the table moves mechanically to the second row. This brings the crimping tools in line with the first and second rows of cartridges. The crimping tools again descend and crimp number 2-4-6-8-10 & 12 cartridges in the first row and 1-3-5-7-9-11-13 in the second row. This process is continued until the last row. As the crimping tools descend the last time, number 2-4-6-8-10 & 12 cartridges are crimped. The case plate containing the cartridges is removed from the machine and placed on the conveyor. At the end of the conveyor the cartridges are dropped into a container. The case plate is returned to the case shaking machine by the roller conveyor. [26] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Process Sequence Identification The Armor Piercing cartridges remain in the plate and the plate is placed Machine in the identification machine so that the cartridges are “point down.” A pan containing lacquer is raised so that the lacquer is brought up around the bullet points. The lacquer pan is lowered and the plate containing the cartridges is mechanically conveyed through the identification machine where the drying of the lacquered points takes place. A.P. Cartridge At the farther end of the identification machine the plate containing the Disposal cartridges is removed and the cartridges are dropped into a container. The case holding plate is conveyed back to the bullet shaking machine by the roller conveyor to be used again. ONICIVO-I 31V‘Id 08' tI38I'lVD eouenbeg SS8DOJd CASES OVERHEAD HOPPER IFEED TUBE I FLOW CHART BULLET OVERHEAD HOPPER I I CASE PLATE ]e—- POWDER CHARGING POWDER CHARGE DETECTOR | FEED RI_I3—E_] SHAKER I I BULLET PLATIfl ASSEMBLY OF BULLETS AND CASES l SEATEGW CONTAINER FOR BALL CARTRIDGES I CRIMPING IDENTIFICATIONJ CONTAINER FOR A.P. CARTRIDGES lszl CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Product Description __~\ PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Complete Cartridge The three component parts of a Caliber .30 Ball and an Armor Piercing cartridge, the case, the powder, and the bullet come to the Plate Loading Department for assembly. The case when received at the Plate Loading Department is complete as shown in Figure No. 1. The extractor groove has been cut in the case, the primer has been inserted in the primer pocket and the case has received a visual inspection to insure a standard quality of the case. The case dimensions are as follows: Height of case, 2.4793—2.4883 ‘ Inside diameter of the mouth, .3070_.3078 The powder used in the manufacture of these cartridges as shown in Figure No. 2 is purchased under specifications furnished by the government. Standard powder charge weights are furnished by the Ballistics Depart- ment. However, powder varies by volume with the weather, and also with the powder lot from which it comes. After the charging machine has been set up for a standard machine powder charge, it may be necessary to reset the charging machine to accommodate another powder charge. This tendency of the powder to vary in volume necessitates close observa- tion in the Loading Department and adequate control tests by the Ballis- tics Department. The bullets, when received in the Plate Loading Department, are com- pletely assembled, as shown in Figure No. 3. The Armor Piercing bullet is composed of four component parts; a jacket, a lead slug, a steel core, and a base filler cap. The gilding metal jacket is of 90% copper and 10% zinc. The lead slug, of 97 %% lead and 2%% antimony, is fitted into the nose of the jacket and acts as a lubricant for the steel core. The steel core is made from manganese-molybdenum steel ground to specifications to insure a perfect fit in the jacket. The base filler cap is composed of a gild- ing metal, 90% copper and 10% zinc. It is formed into a cup shape and is fitted over the base of the steel core. It is held in place by the base of the bullet jacket. The component parts of the Ball bullet are the jacket and the lead core. The gilding metal jacket is of 90% copper and 10% zinc. The lead core is made from 97%% lead and 2%% antimony. It is pressed and cut to specifications to insure a perfect fit in the jacket. The case receives the powder charge and the bullet is seated and crimped into the case. After the case, powder and bullet have been assembled and crimped, the product is known as a cartridge. See Figure 4. The over-all length of the cartridge is: 3.301 to 3.3384. I 29 I CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Inspection Assembling Components Visual Inspection Powder Inspection Goge Core Gages INSPECTION The assembling of the components, case, powder and bullet to make a com- pleted cartridge on the plate loading machine must be watched very closely and the cartridge must be inspected regularly by both the operator and adjuster. Immediate shut-down is imperative whenever the machine produces defective cartridges. The cartridges are visually inspected for dents, marks, scratches on case or bullet, cuts on the bullet, mashed bullet noses, cannelures which extend too high or are seated too low in the case, and cartridges with too light or no crimp. At frequent intervals a certain portion of the seated bullets should be twisted to be sure that they are not loose in the case. Pull tests will be made at specified intervals to insure uniform crimping and seating. The powder detector of the Plate Loading Department must be checked at regular intervals. Powder weights are taken from the machine every hour and checked against the standards provided by the Ballistics Department. Gages are expensive instruments, machined to a fine precision. Improper use or carelessness in gaging may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may affect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be employed in matching a cartridge to a gage. A protected location should he used for storage of gages to prevent their damage when not in use. MICROMETER DEPTH GAGE If the powder weights are not .‘ up to standard, the charging machine is readjusted and checked with a micrometer depth gage, illustrated at the left. Note: Whenever the charge is changed, the powder detector of the Plate Loading Depart- B ment must also be changed. SNAP LENGTH GAGE The over-all length of the com- pleted cartridge is gaged by a snap length gage. The specified over-all length of the completed cartridge is from 3.301 to 3.3384. I [30] CALIBER T30 PLATE LOADING Inspection Gages (Cont.) Charge Detector PROFILE GAGE The profile gage illustrated at the left is used to gage the alignment of the completed car- tridge. This manual gaging op- eration provides a check to de- termine whether the case has been damaged in any way, while the components were being as- sembled or loaded. The charge detector is a manually operated mechanism for inspecting the powder charge. The case plate containing the charged cases is placed beneath a series of detector punches which float in the punch holding plate. The punches are lowered into the cases against the powder charge. When the punch holding plate is brought to its lowest position, the top of the detector punches should be level with the surface of the punch holder plate if the powder charge is correct. The punches which are raised above the level of the plate, indicate a high charge in those respective cases; the punches which are below the surface of the plate indicate a low charge. CHARGE DETECTOR [31] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Adjustments Objective Cautions ADJUSTMENTS To maintain satisfactory production a machine must be adjusted to com- pensate for the wear of its tools and other working parts, and to meet new conditions caused by a difference in material. It is necessary to inspect the machine and components regularly in order that any troubles may be detected and corrected immediately. This section of the manual, with its illustrations, photographs, and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all of the machine troubles that will be encoun- tered, therefore certain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. A thorough analysis of the trouble will indicate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. Adjustments are never to be made while the machine is in motion. Inspect the clutch latch rather than the starting button to determine whether or not the clutch is disengaged. Make frequent inspection to determine whether or not proper and suffi- cient lubricant is being applied to the working tools of the machine. Adjustments on or below the ram requires the insertion of a wood block between the ram and the bedplate to prevent its falling. This block will avoid damage to the machine tools or injury to the ad juster’s hands, should the ram fall accidentally. Examine the machine periodically to determine whether or not all connec- tions and adjustments are secure. CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Adiusiments Case 5 Bullet Shaking Machines Bullet Shaker and The bullet shaker and the case shaker are machines that load the holding Case Shaker plates. This is the mechanical robot that will load the cases in the holding plate head down, and the bullets in the bullet plate point up. The amount of agitation that is developed by the eccentric cam can be increased or decreased by changing the position of the shaft on the eccentric cam. If there is too little agitation, the lever should be placed near the outside circumference; if there is too much agitation, the shaft should be placed near the center of the cam. - - Pulleys VIEW SHOWING CLUTCH AND CAM ASSEMBLY Tool: 7/8" wrench. Procedure: 1. Place an empty plate in the machine. 2. Use a %" wrench to loosen the nuts that hold the lever to the eccentric cam. 3. Move the lever to a place on the eccentric cam that will give the proper amount of agitation to the plate. Note: Proper position can only be attained by placing a lot of cases or bullets on the plate. Operate the machine to see how quickly the plate will become filled. The proper position is the one where the plates will become filled rapidly. 4. Use a %" wrench to tighten the nuts that hold the lever to the eccentric. [33] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Adjustments Charging Machine Charge Holding Unit Charging Machine The charging machine puts the powder charge in the cases. It is designed to place a charge in 247 cases at one time. The charge holding unit holds the powder charge until the case holding plate is placed beneath it. For various reasons the amount of the charge must be changed. To make this change, adjust the four set screws to make the charge holding plate thicker or thinner, whichever is necessary. Lock — Screws — ENLARGED VIEW OF A Case LOCK AND ADJUSTING “‘ Plate SCREW SIDE VIEW OF THE CHARGING MACHINE TOOIS: Procedure: %” Allen wrench, screwdriver. 1. Take a few cases that have just been charged from the case holding plate. Use a weight check to determine whether or not the charge is too light or too heavy. 2. Use a 5%" Allen wrench to loosen the four lock screws on the charge holding plate. _ 3. Use a screwdriver to loosen the four adjusting screws on the charge holding plate to make the charge lighter. To make the charge heavier, tighten the four screws. Note: These screws must be turned an equal amount; this amount can only be determined by trial and error method. When an adjustment is made, a few samples of charged cases should be weight checked. If it is not correct a readjustment must be made until the proper charge is attained. 4. Use a in, " Allen wrench to tighten the lock screws. [34] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Adjustments Charge The charge holding unit stop screw is the adjustable set screw against Holding Unit which the charge holding unit is pushed when it is slid into a position Stop Screw where the powder will drop into the cases in the case holding plate. The stop screw is adjusted so that the charge holding unit will stop directly over the mouth of the cases in the case holding plate. This insures com- plete emptying of the charge into each case. Charge Plate \ 11/16" Lock Nut Charge Unit VIEW SHOWING CHARGE UNIT STOP SCREW Tools: 1%” wrench, %” wrench. Procedure: 1. Place the case holding plate in the machine. 2. Use an 1%" wrench to loosen the charge unit stop screw lock nut. 3. Use the hand lever to move the charge holding unit into position where it delivers the charge to the cases. 4. Use a 1/4" wrench to turn the stop screw until the charge unit can be stopped in a position where the holes in the charge unit are in line with the holes in the case holding plate. 5. Use an 1145" wrench to tighten the lock nut. I 35 I CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Adjustments Case Plate Stop Screw Tools: Procedure: The case plate stop screws are the adjustable set screws which the case plate contacts when fully inserted into the charging machine. The pur- pose is to develop a definite stopping place for the case plate each time it is inserted into the charging machine. SIDE VIEW OF THE CHARGING MACHINE 9/16” wrench, 1%" wrench. 1. Place the case plate in the charging machine. 2. Use an 1%” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the adjustable stop screws. 3. Use a %" wrench to turn the adjustable stop screws until the case plate is positioned for the charging unit. 4. Use an 1%" wrench to tighten the lock nut. ENLARGEMENT OF THE STOP SCREW I36] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Adjustments Powder Hopper The powder hopper contains the powder while it is being carried back and forth over the charge unit. This hopper has leather edges on the bottom that contact the charge unit. The firmness with which these leather edges contact the charging unit can be controlled by lowering or raising the four posts that hold the hopper bracket. If the leather edges of the hopper bind on the charging unit, or if the charging unit is not swept clean by the leather edges of the hopper, the four posts that hold the hopper bracket will have to be adjusted. I Hopper = 11/4" Lock Nuts CHARGING MACHINE ENLARGEMENT OF THE POST AND LOCK NUTS Tool: 11/4 " wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 1% ” wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the four posts that hold the hopper brackets. 2. Use a 11/4 ” wrench to turn the four adjusting nuts on the rods that hold the hopper bracket until the leather edges of the hopper contact the surface of the charging unit firmly enough to sweep the surface clear of excess powder and yet not firmly enough to bind. 3. Use a 1%" wrench to tighten the lock nuts. l 37 l CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Adjustments Powder Detector Unit Stop Screw Tools: Procedure: Powder Detector Unit The powder detector unit is the mechanism that detects whether or not a case has an undercharge, a correct charge or an overcharge. Whenever a powder charge is changed, the detector must be changed to accept the new charge as correct. This is accomplished by adjusting the four stop screws on the detector plate so that the detector pins are just level with the plate when detecting cases with the new charge. 1/3" Lock Nut Stop Screw J) I 1/2" Lock Pins Indicate PiI-Is Indicate Pins Indicate I/2" Lock Stop Nut Under Charge Correct Charge Over Charge Nut Screw CLOSE UP OF THE POWDER DETECTOR UNIT % " wrench, screwdriver. 1. Place a case plate holder (with cases that have the new charge) under the detector pins. Use a 1/Q " wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the four stop screws of the detector plate. ' Lower the plate into the detecting position. Use a screwdriver to adjust the stop screws until the pins are flush with the plate. Note: Adjust the screws uniformly. Use a %” wrench to tighten the lock nuts. I 38 I CALIBER so PLATE LOADING Adjustments Bullet Seating 6 Crimping Presses Bullet Seating Press The bullet seating press is the machine that seats the bullets in the cases. The adjustments on this machine are identical to those on the bullet crimping machine, except that the crimping machine has a few extra adjustments on the crimping tool. Vertical Gib The gibs are the adjustable track plates on which the ram slides up and on the Ram down. The purpose of these gibs is to eliminate any unnecessary play in the ram. If the ram movement is too free and loose, the two adjustable set screws on each ram should be readjusted until the excess movement is eliminated. / "/16" Lock Nut I "5-— 5/3" Set Screws VIEW OF THE RAM GIB Tools: 5/;” wrench, 1%" wrench, feeler gage, 7/3" wrench. Procedure: 1. Use an 11/16” wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the gib adjusting set screws of the ram. 2. Use a %" wrench to loosen the holding studs of each gib on the ram. 3. Use a %" wrench to turn the set screw clockwise until there is a clear- ance of .002 between the ram and the gib on each side. Check with a feeler gage. Note: Turn the set screws uniformly. Use a 7/8" wrench to tighten the holding studs of each gib. Use an 11/{6'' wrench to tighten the set screw lock nuts. Check the adjustment by turning the flywheel by hand until the ram moves up and down at least one time. Also check the ram movement for binding in its travel. 99‘? [39] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Adiustments Transfer Table The transfer table movement must be such that the case plate is in align- Alignment ment with the punches in the ram each time a row of bullets or cartridges with Tools is moved under the ram. To do this, adjust the turnbuckle on the arm in Ram that connects the eccentric with the pawl. Crankshaft / 17/15" Lock Nut Turnbuckle 17/16” Lock Nut VIEW SHOWING TRANSFER TABLE ADJUSTMENT Tool: 1%;," wrench. Procedure: 1. Place a case plate and bullet plate in the transfer table. 2. Operate the machine manually until the ram is at a position where you can observe to what extent the second row of bullets are out of align- ment with the punches. 3. Use a 1'.’-:1/6" wrench to turn the turnbuckle until the transfer table is moved enough to align the second row of bullets with the punches in the ram. Note: If the punches are out of alignment when they enter the bullet plate, use the turnbuckle adjustment. 4. Use a 1116" wrench to tighten the lock nut. I 40 I CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Adjustments Regulate The transfer table movement is actuated by a mechanism which works Transfer Table from the eccentric on the crankshaft on the ram. The movement of the Movement transfer table should be in accordance with the distance between the rows of the openings in the case plate. This is accomplished by placing the connection on the eccentric at the place where it will develop the desired amount of movement. Turn buckle ' 4 _-‘MT REAR VIEW OF PRESS FRONT VIEW OF PRESS —- TOOI: 3/8” wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 1% " wrench to loosen the set screws on the eccentric connection. 2. Move the eccentric connection until it will develop enough movement to the transfer table to move the case plate so that the second row of holes will assume the same position the first row occupied. 3. Use a 9/8" wrench to tighten the set screw on the eccentric. Note: This is a trial and error adjustment. It must be made, then the machine must be operated manually to see whether or not it is correct. It may be necessary to readjust the eccentric connection. [41] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Adjustments Transfer Table The transfer table gibs are the adjustable track plates on which the trans- Gibs fer table slides back and forth. Their purpose is to adjust the transfer table so that the case plate, when placed in the transfer table, will be in alignment with the punches or the crimping tool in the ram. They also help to eliminate any excess play in the movement of the transfer table. If the transfer table is out of alignment to the extent that the tools in the ram do not line up with the case plate, the gib set screws will have to be readjusted. Note: The gibs on the ram must be adjusted before this adjustment is made. 7/8 ‘I Studs 3/8 If Rom Set Screw Gib 3/ If Transfer / Sset Table Screw 7/8 ‘I Stud VIEW SHOWING TRANSFER TABLE AND GIBS Tools: 7/8” wrench, %” wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 7/8" wrench to loosen the holding studs on the transfer table gibs. 2. Place the case plate containing the cases in the transfer table. 3. Turn the flywheel by hand until the ram is near enough to the case plate to determine what extent the transfer table is out of alignment_ 4. Use a % " wrench to turn the adjusting screws on the gibs until the case plate openings of the first row are in alignment with the tools in the ram. Caution: The set screws on each gib should be turned uniformly. If necessary, bring the ram down until the tools enter the holes in the first row. 5. When alignment has been attained, the gib should be adjusted so that there is .002 clearance or enough to allow smooth movement of the transfer table. [42] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Adjustments Bottom Pawl The bottom pawl is a safety stop for the action of the top pawl. After Set Screw the action of the top pawl is set, the bottom pawl set screw is adjusted to hold the pawl approximately 1/16” from the tooth of the ratchet, This prevents the transfer table from sliding too far each time the top pawl moves in to a new position. Geared Shaft —- 11/16" Lock Nut ' 3/8" Set Screw / VIEW OF THE INDEXING MECHANISM Tools: 1%" wrench, V8" wrench. Procedure: 1. Operate the machine manually until the top pawl has moved the transfer table to a new position. 2. Use an 1%” wrench to loosen the bottom pawl set screw lock nut. 3. Use a %" wrench to turn the bottom pawl set screw until the bottom pawl is placed in a position about M3” from the tooth on the bottom ratchet. 4. Use an 1%,” wrench to tighten the set screw lock nut. l 43 l CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Adjustments Transfer Table The transfer table stop screw is the set screw that is adjusted to hold the Stop Screw Transfer table in the proper beginning position. This set screw must be adjusted so that when the ram descends, the tools in the ram are in perfect alignment with the cartridges in the first row of the holding plate. 7/an LOCl( NUT \ 1/2" Set Screw --_____ ~;" ___'___._,- Geared Shaft Operating Shaft VIEW OF THE INDEXING MECHANISM Tools: 7/8" wrench, 1/2" wrench. Procedure: 1. Place the case plate and the bullet plate on the conveyor table. 2. Operate the machine manually until the ram has descended to a posi- tion where you can observe whether or not the first row of openings on the bullet plate are in alignment with the punches in the ram. 3. Use a 7/8" wrench to loosen the stop screw lock nut. 4. Use a 1/2” wrench to turn the stop screws until the first row of openings in the bullet plate are in alignment with the punches in the ram. Note: To insure perfect alignment, turn the flywheel by hand until the punches enter the first row of openings in the bullet holding plate. If the punches are out of alignment, adjust the stop screw. 5. Use a 7%” wrench to tighten the lock nut. [44] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Adjustments Automatic Clutch Release Tools: Procedure: The automatic clutch release is the mechanism that is tripped when the transfer table has reached the end of its movement. The clutch release is actuated by a set screw on the ratchet arm, where it is connected to the transfer table. This set screw is adjusted so that when the top pawl con- tacts the last tooth on the ratchet, the transfer table moves ahead. The set screw contacts the trip lever firmly enough to trip the clutch, thereby disengaging it. / Geared Shaft Operating Shaft VIEW OF THE INDEXING MECHANISM 1%” wrench, %” wrench. 1. Use an 1%” wrench to loosen the clutch lever trip set screw lock nut. 2. Operate the machine manually until the transfer table has been moved to the last row of cases and the pawl has pushed the last tooth on the ratchet as far as it will go. 3. Use a 3/8" wrench to turn the clutch lever trip set screw until it con- tacts the clutch trip firmly enough to disengage the clutch lever. 4. Use an 1.l'--'{"¢-,” wrench to tighten the lock nut. [45 l CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Adjustments Pitman Shims The Pitman connecting rods on the bullet seating press and on the crimping press are adjustable turnbuckle connections between the ram and the camshaft. There is a spanner collar on the turnbuckle which acts as a pressure equalizer between the shims. The purpose of this Pitman adjustment on the shims is to regulate the depth of the stroke the ram makes toward the cartridges in the case holding plate. If the bullets are not being seated in the cases far enough, a shim is placed in each Pitman of the ram to lower the travel the correct amount. Likewise, if the crimp is not at the proper place on the case mouth, a shim can be placed in the Pitman of the ram to lower the depth of the stroke. , Crankshaft Connecting Rod / - §o:;necting o / \ I '-~. anner ' '- .' ollar Spanner _:'~" Collar _ Ram / -. IIIIIIIIIII\ll , 9 ‘ VIEW SHOWING RAM AND CRANKSHAFT Tool: Spanner pin. Procedure: 1. Use a spanner pin to turn the spanner collars of the Pitman rods on the ram counterclockwise in order to loosen the collars enough to place a shim on the top edge. The thickness of the shim is determined by how much farther the bullet is to be pushed into the case, or how much the crimp needs to be lowered. 2. Place the shims in position; use a spanner pin to turn the spanner col- lars clockwise until they are pressing firmly against the shims. [46] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Adjustments Identification Machine Identification The identification machine places the lacquer on the tip of the bullet. Machine The pan that delivers the lacquer to the bullets can be moved so that the nose of the bullet is lacquered about 1/1”. _ Conveyor Chain Pan Operatin Sha t 3/15" Allen . Spanner Collar VIEW OF THE LACOUER PAN ADJUSTMENT Tool: %~,” Allen wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 3/16” Allen wrench to loosen the set screw on the spanner collar of the lacquer pan operating rod. 2. Raise or lower the spanner collar to a position where it will allow the lacquer pan to be raised enough to lacquer the tip of the bullets about 1/4/!I 3. Use a I/K5" Allen wrench to tighten the set screw on the spanner collar. [47] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Troubles and Corrections . Objective Bullets Point Down TROUBLES AND CORRECTIONS The adjuster will encounter many troubles and defects in the operation of these machines. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may confront an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. When making an analysis of the trouble that occurs, always check the component being fed into the machine before checking faults on the machine. The following troubles can be recognized by visual and gage inspection of the component, together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Trouble may occur with incorrect powder charge because of atmospheric conditions or because of a change in the type of powder that is used. To compensate for atmospheric conditions or a change in powder, it will be necessary to adjust the charge holding plate to increase or decrease the amount of powder that enters the case, and it will also be necessary to adjust the powder detect machine. ‘ BULLET SHAKING MACHINE Visual inspection reveals that a large percentage of the bullets fall point down into the holes of the bullet plate. The cause is: 1. The bullets fall point down because the agitator does not have the proper stroke. The corrections are: 1. The stroke of the agitator is corrected by changing the position of the agitator arm on the eccentric at the end of the driveshaft. Loosen the nut on the eccentric and move the agitator arm toward or away from the center of the shaft. The correct position can be determined only by changing the position and testing the action after each setting until the desired action is attained. 2. The belt on the agitator shaft is loose. Slipping of the belt causes a varied stroke of the bullet plate. 3. The belt is tightened by removing the belt and cutting a small portion from the end of the belt and then connecting the ends of the belt. [48] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Troubles and Corrections Cases Mouth Down Cases Jamming Improper Powder Charge Variable Powder Charge Visual inspection reveals that a large percentage of the bullets fall mouth down into the holes of the bullet plate. The cause is: 1. The cases fall mouth down because the agitator does not have the proper stroke. The corrections are: 1. The stroke of the agitator is corrected by changing the position of the agitator arm on the eccentric at the end of the drive shaft. Loosen the nut on the eccentric and move the agitator arm toward or away from the center of the shaft. The correct position can be determined only by changing the position and testing the action after each setting until the desired action is attained. 2. The belt on the agitator shaft is loose. Slipping of the belt causes a varied stroke of the case plate. 3. The belt is tightened by removing it and cutting a small portion from the end of it and then connecting the ends of the belt. Visual inspection reveals that the cases are jamming between the center bar and the plate holder. There is no adjustment that will correct this condition. It is necessary to remove the jammed case whenever this occurs. POWDER CHARGING MACHINE Inspection reveals that the powder charge is not correct. There is too much or too little powder contained in the cases. The cause is: The charge holding plate is not properly adjusted so that it admits the correct charge to the cases. The correction is: Adjust the charge holding plate. Loosen the four Allen lock screws, two on each side of the plate and turn the four adjusting screws. The plate should be raised to increase the charge or lowered to decrease the charge. Each of the four screws should be turned a like amount in order that the charge be equal in all of the cases. After the adjustment is made, the Allen lock screws are tightened. Inspection reveals that some of the cases are properly charged but some have an incorrect charge. The cause is: 1. The charge holding plate is not level; the cases on one side of the plate are receiving too much powder. [49] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Troubles and Corrections Variable Powder Charge (Cont.) Bent Cartridges The corrections are: 1. Adjust the charge holding plate. Loosen the four Allen lock screws and turn the adjusting screws on the side of the plate where the cases are receiving the overcharge. Turn those screws to lower the plate so it will be level. Tighten the Allen lock screws. 2. The holes in the charge holding plate are not in line with the tubes that lead to the cases. Some of the powder is left at the side of some of the tubes instead of going down through the tubes. 3. Adjust the charge holding plate in line with the tubes. Push the lever that actuates the charge holding plate so that it is in position to release the charge. Loosen the lock nut on the plate adjusting screw. Turn the adjusting screw until the holes in the plate are in direct line with the tubes. BULLET SEATING PRESS Gaging or visual inspection reveals that the cartridges are bent at the cannelure of the bullet. The cause is: 1. The cartridges are bent because the gibs on the plate table are not correctly adjusted. The bullets are not properly centered beneaththe seating punches. The corrections are: 1. Adjust the gibs one in each side of the transfer table, so that the bullets are centered directly beneath the punches. In order to do this, it is necessary to remove the Allen screws from the punch holder and re- move a punch from each end of the ram. Place the alignment punches in at the ends of the ram. Place a case and bullet in the machine. Lower the ram until the alignment punches are just above the holes in the plate. Loosen the bolts that hold the gibs. If the holes in the plate are to the right of the alignment punches, the gibs must both be moved to the left. Loosen the gib adjusting screws on the left gib a fraction of a turn and tighten the adjusting screws on the right gib a like amount. If the holes in the plate are to the left of the alignment punches, the procedure is reversed. The gibs are adjusted and read- justed until the holes in the plate are aligned with the punches. The plate table must have a free sliding fit after the bolts that hold the gibs have been tightened. After the proper adjustment has been attained, replace the alignment punches with the seating punches. 2. The turnbuckle on the transfer table operating rod is not correctly adjusted. The bullets are not in line with the punches as the plate travels towards the rear of the machine. Each of the cartridges will be bent the same amount because each row of cartridges will be out of line the same degree. [50] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Troubles and Corrections Bent Cartridges (Cont.) Bullets Seated Too Deep Bullets Not Seated Deep Enough 2. Adjust the turnbuckle on the transfer table operating rod so that the bullets in the bullet plate are in line with the indented portion of the seating punches. Before the adjustment is made, a bullet and a case plate is inserted in place on the machine and the flywheel is turned until the punches are just -above the bullet points. Loosen the lock nut and the set screws on the pawl beneath the gear shaft. Loosen the lock nuts in each side of the turnbuckle on the plate table operating rod. Turn the turnbuckle until the concave portion of the seating punches are in line with the bullet points. Tighten the lock nuts against the turnbuckle. Turn the set screw on the bottom pawl until the plate table has about %” play. Tighten the lock nut in the set screw. 3. The operating arm is not correctly located on the eccentric at the end of the crankshaft. The plate table is not moved the correct amount with each turn of the crankshaft. This can be detected by observing the bullets in the bullet plates. If they are not all bent the same amount, it is probably the adjustment on the eccentric that is not correct, rather than the turnbuckle adjustment. 4. Adjust the position of the operating arm on the eccentric. Place a case plate and a bullet plate in the machine. Turn the flywheel until the first row of bullets is seated. Turn the crankshaft and observe whether the plate table travels too far or not far enough to seat the next row of bullets properly. Loosen the nut that holds the operating arm to the eccentric. Turn the set screw and bring the end of the operating rod toward the center of the shaft to decrease the distance of the stroke, or toward the end of the eccentric to increase the distance of the stroke. Tighten the nut that holds the connecting rod to the eccentric. The adjustment may have to be repeated a number of times before the correct position of the operating arm on the eccentric is attained. ‘ Gaging reveals that the bullets are being seated too deep into the case mouth. The cause is: The ram is adjusted so that it carries the punches too far down onto the bullet points. The correction is: Loosen the two spanner nuts on the connecting rod. Remove a shim from above each spanner nut and tighten the spanner nuts. Gaging reveals that the bullets are not being seated far enough into the case mouth. ' The cause is: The ram is adjusted so that it does not carry the punches far enough down onto the bullet points. The correction is: Loosen the two spanner nuts on the connecting rod. Place a shim above each of the spanner nuts and tighten the nuts. I51l CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Troubles and Corrections Not All Bullets Are Correctly Seated Scratched Bullets or Bent Cartridges Crimp Is Too Low Gaging reveals that the bullets on one side of the plate are seated to the correct depth but are not seated deep enough on the other side of the plate. The cause is: The punches are not being held level by the connecting rod. The punches are not forcing the bullets far enough down on one side of the plate. The correction is: Loosen the spanner lock nut on the side of the connecting rod that is not forcing the punches far enough down. Place a shim above the spanner nut. Tighten the nut. CRIMPING PRESS Visual inspection reveals that the bullets are scratched, or gaging reveals that the bullet is not in line with the case. The cause is: The gibs on the transfer table are not properly adjusted. The bullets are scratched or the cartridges are bent as the crimping tool comes down onto the bullet. The correction is: Adjust the gibs, one on each side of the transfer table so that the bullets are centered directly beneath the crimping tools. Place a case plate _ containing the cases with the bullets beneath the crimping punches. Lower the ram until the crimping tools are at their lowest point. If the cases are slanted toward the right from bottom to top, the gibs must both be moved toward the right. Loosen the bolts that hold the gibs. Loosen the gib adjusting screws on the right gib. Turn the ad- justing screws on the left gib until the cases are in an exact vertical position. Tighten the screws on the right gib until the gibs are snug against the transfer plate, but not so tight that they prevent the trans- fer plate from having a free sliding fit. If the cases are slanted toward the left from bottom to top, the procedure is reversed. Tighten the nuts that hold the gibs. It may be necessary to readjust several times before the correct position of the gibs is attained. Visual inspection reveals that the crimp on the case is below the cannelure. The cause is: The ram is being lowered too far down and forces the crimping tool down past the cannelure of the bullet. The correction is: The ram will have to be raised. This is done by loosening the spanner nuts on the ram and removing a shim from above each of the nuts. Tighten the spanner nuts. Whenever an adjustment is made on the ram, the firmness of the crimp should be examined. The adjustment of the ram will change the amount that the collet closes on the bullet case. [52] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Troubles and Corrections Case Is Not Sui-Ticiently Crimped Visual inspection reveals that the case is not being crimped firmly around the bullet. The cause is: The crimping tools are not adjusted so that they close 'sufficiently on the case at the cannelure. The correction is: Each of the crimping tools can be individually adjusted. Loosen the Allen screws in the crimping tool holder plate. Turn the nut on top of the crimping tool slightly to raise the tool. Turn the Crimping Sleeve clockwise to increase the crimp and counter clockwise to de- crease the crimp. Tighten the Allen screw. Whenever the crimping tools are adjusted, the location of the crimp should be checked. CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING _ Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Beofings MACHINE LUBRICATION The efficiency of all machines depends, to a great extent, upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction as far as we are con- cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are fiat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable microscopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bear- ing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. 2. Vegetable oils and animal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications 8. Graphite-tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubri- cation. Its use is limited. 4. Graphite powder is used for lubrication on the charging unit. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. I54} CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Beafing Grease Graphite Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: Speed of the shaft or slide. Load on the shaft or slide. Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. Constant or intermittent operation. Cleanliness of surroundings. Temperature of surroundings. Dampness of surroundings. \"S3°.¢"t‘>‘.°°.l\°l"‘ At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speed, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases, the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few well-chosen, good quality lubricants each of which will answer several different purposes. The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. Graphite is used in preference to oil or grease on the powder charging unit. Graphite is a dry lubricant and prevents the powder from sticking to vari- ous parts of the machine. If oil or grease were used, it would mix with loose powder and form a gummy substance. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft. Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. Frequency of lubrication. :Q9>.¢"rl>.°°.l\°!-‘ I55] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication fi Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: 1. Simple oil hole. Bottle oiler. . Ring oiler. . Plain oil cups. . Wick feed cups. 2 3 4 5. Drop feed cups. 6 7. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 8 . Splash feed system. Grease is’ applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices: 1. Screw down cups. 2. Compression cups. 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrica- tion.” Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fit- ting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places; in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times, except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. I56] CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART , . N 0. of Fittings, Frequency of Lubmcam Machzne Part Grease Cups, etc. I/ubrication Hours CASE SHAKER LIGHT GREASE Four Driveshafts Eight Bearings . . . . . . . . . 8 Alemites 4 MEDIUM OIL Two shaker arm eccentrics . . . . 2 Res. 4 GRAPHITE AND LIGHT GREASE Plate Slide Bars . . . Bullet Shaker—same as above . Powdered Graphite on all moving parts Powder Charging Fixture—All Brass 4 Seating Press LIGHT OIL Plate table . . . . . . . . . . . 2 O. C. 4 LIGHT OIL Main bearings crankshaft . . . . . 2 O. C. 4 LIGHT GREASE Rod bearings crankshaft . . . . . 2 Alemites 4 LIGHT GREASE Vertical gibs . . . . . . . . . . 2 Alemites 4 LIGHT GREASE Ram wrist pin bearing . . . . . . 2 Alemites 4 LIGHT OIL Turnbuckle driving arm and eccentric 5 Res. 8 Crimping Press Same as Seating Press, with the excep- tion that collets and sleeves are brushed sparingly with light oil—%;” round brush being used for applying. Approx. 2 Plate Loading—Identification Unit LIGHT OIL Driveshaft for endless chain . . 2 O. C 8 LIGHT OIL Idler shaft for endless chain . 2 O. C 8 LIGHT OIL Lift shaft for lacquer reservoir . . 4 O. C 8 CALIBER .30 PLATE LOADING Index A.P. Cartridge Disposal, 27 Adjustment, Automatic Clutch Release, 45 Bottom Pawl Set Screw, 43 Bullet Shaker and Case Shaker, 33 Case Plate Stop Screw, 26 Charge Holding Unit, 34 Charge Holding Unit Stop Screw, 35 Identification Machine, 47 Pitman Shims, 46 Powder Detector Unit, 38 Powder Hopper, 37 Regulate Transfer Table Movement, 41 Transfer Table Alignment With Tools in Ram, 40 Transfer Table Gibs, 42 Transfer Table Stop Screw, 44 Vertical Gib on the Ram, 39 Anti-friction Bearings, 54 Anvil Plate, 14 Assembly of Bullets and Cases, 26 Automatic Clutch Release Adjustment, 45 Bent Cartridges, 50, 51 Blower Motor, 1 Bottom Pawl Set Screw Adjustment, 43 Brake, 18 and Clutch Assembly, 18 Bullet and Case Shaking Machine, 2 Overhead Hopper, 25 Plate and Holding Plate, 26 Seated Too Deep, 51 Seating and Crimping Presses, 11, 39 Seating Machine, 26 Seating Press, 13, 17, 50 Seating Transfer Table, 15 Shaker and Case Shaker Adjustment, 33 Shaking Machine, 25, 26, 48 Bullets Not Seated Deep Enough, 51 Point Down, 48 Cam Operating Shafts, 4 Case and Bullet Shaking Machine, 33 Dimensions, 29 Holding Plate, 10 Is Not Sufficiently Crimped, 53 Mouth Down, 49 Overhead Hopper, 25 Plate, 25 Plate Stop Screw Adjustment, 36 Shaking Machine, 25 Cases Jamming, 49 INDEX Charge Detector, 25, 31 Holding Unit Adjustment, 34 Holding Unit Stop Screw Adjustment, 35 Unit Hand Lever, 9 Charging Machine, 6, 25, 34. 37 Plate, 6, 7, 8 Clutch, 12, 14, 18, 21 Collet Operating Plate, 12 Component Parts, 29 Conveyor Belts, 22 Chain, 23 Crankshaft, 6, 16, 19 Crimp Is Too Low, 52 Crimping Collet, 24 Collets, 12 Machine, 26 Press, 12, 52 Press Lubrication Press, 57 Tool Holder, 24 Tool Plunger, 24 Transfer Table, 15 Disposal of Ball Cartridges, 26 Driveshaft, 3, 20, 21 Drying Hood, 22 Eccentric Cam Wheel, 19 Exhaust System, 22 Feed Motor, 1 Floor Space, 1 Flow Chart, 28 Flywheel, 12, 13, 14, 18 Friction, 54 Gage Care, 30 Gages, 30 Gib Plates, 17 Graphite, 55 Grease, 55 Height, 1 of Case, 29 Hints on Lubrication, 56 Holding Plate, 25 Identification Machine, 20, 27, 47 Machine Adjustment, 47 Table, 1 Identifying Pan, 22 Improper Powder Charge, 49 Indexing Mechanism, 16 Inside Diameter of Mouth, 29 Introducing Lubricating Film ‘Reduces Friction, 54 Lubrication, 54 Chart, 57 Methods, 55 Machine Bed, 13 Description, 1 Motor, 1 Manufacturer, 1 Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 56 Micrometer Depth Gage, 30 Motor, 2, 23 Reducer Head, 1 Not All Bullets Are Correctly Seated, 52 Object of Troubles and Corrections, 48 Pawl, 16 Pitman Shims Adjustment, 46 Plate Loading—Identification Unit Lubrication Chart, 57 Loading Machine, 20 Powder Charging Machine, 49 Detector Unit Adjustment, 38 Hopper, 7, 8 Hopper Adjustment, 37 Inspection, 30 Power, 2, 6, 12, 13, 14, 20 Production, 1 Profile Gage, 31 Ram, 14, 17, 19 Regulate Transfer Table Movement, Adjustment, 41 Scratched Bullets or Bent Cartridges, 52 Seating Press Lubrication Chart, 57 Punch, 24 Punches, 14 Selecting a Lubricant For a Given Bearing, 55 Shaker, 2 Table Motor, 1 Tables, 4, 5 Snap Length Gage, 30 Spanner Nuts, 17 Spur Gears, 8 Strokes per Minute, 1 Toggle Type Switch, 2, 20 Tools, 1 Transfer Plate, 25, 26 Table, 15 Table Alignment With Tools in Ram Adjustment, 40 Table Gibs Adjustment, 42 Table Stop Screw Adjustment, 44 Transmission, 2, 6, 12, 13, 14, 20 Type of Feed, 1 Variable Powder Charge, 49, 50 Vertical Gib on the Ram Adjustment, 39 Visual Inspection, 30 V-type Pulleys, 3 Weight, 1 I58] TRAINING MANUAL for Adjusters of Production Machines for SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION Caliber .30 Gage and Weigh BY Training Department Western Cartridge Company United States Cartridge Company Division St. Louis Ordnance Plant St. Louis, Missouri . December, 1941 United States Government Contract W-ORD-481, Title II PREFACE An original series of training manuals, pertaining to the adjustments of Caliber .30 and Caliber .50 cartridge manufacturing machines, was developed from notes and sketches made by Western Cartridge Company personnel while in training at Frankford Arsenal early in 1941, and later completed by them while serving as Chief Instructors in the Training Department of Western Cartridge Company. All manuals of the original series have been completely revised in order to eliminate errors and to incorporate changes in machine design. Special attention and care has been given to standardizing the terminology for the machines and machine parts used in the manufacture of small arms ammu- nition. Photographic illustrations have been freely substituted for draw- ings and sketches of machine parts, tools, and components. Tables of contents have been generally rearranged, and much important informa- tion added. Specifications have been included wherever possible, but they are as of this date and are subject to change. All of the manuals contain basic information needed by machine ad- justers to solve processing problems in which the machine, its tools, and its products are factors. The manuals were written primarily to serve as instructional aids and as reference material for adjuster trainees. This manual, one of the revised series, has been reviewed by a staff of production advisers who have approved it as being applicable to the machines specified under Catalogue Data. The following law regarding confidential material holds for these manuals: “Whoever, being instructed with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, or information relating to the National De- fense, through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in viola- tion of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000.” (June 5, 1917, C30, Title 1, Sec. 1; 40 Stat. 217 . Act of March 28, 1940; Public No. 443, 76th Congress, 3rd Session). II MANUAL CORRECTlONS—CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH LOCATION ERROR CORRECTION Pages 30, 31 and Head to shoulder length shown incorrectly Arrow should run from the lowest point on 82-Fig the case to a point midway on the shoulder Page 5./,—Pr0c N 0. 8 1/2 the diameter below the test disc hole %” above the test disc hole TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Catalogue Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Machine Description .6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Gage Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Process Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Product Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Troubles and Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 III CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH MACHINE IV CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Catalogue Data ‘ CATALOGUE DATA Manufacturer Waterbury Farrel Foundry and Machine Co., Waterbury, Conn. Machine Automatic multi-station inspection machine. Belt Description drive motor to clutch pulley. Machine Motor Gear head; % h.p.; 3 phase; 60 cycles; 440 volts; 1725 R.P.M. Type of Feed Manual Production 57 per minute Gages Body or profile gage Height 5 ft. 10 in. Weight 3000 lbs. Floor Space 6 ft. 5 in. x 4 ft. 9 in. CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description Feed Hopper Safety Inserting Finger Transfer Bar Flywheel Belt Power and Transmission MACHINE DESCRIPTION Weighing Platform Secondary Bed Rocker Arm Rocker Arm Shaft Reject Boxes CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH MACHINE The Waterbury Farrel gage and weigh machine, illustrated above, is powered by a 3/4 h.p. motor through a flat-type belt to the flywheel. The motor is mounted beneath the left rear corner of the machine frame on a hinged platform which allows proper adjustment of the belt tension. The motor is controlled through a push-button type switch. The flywheel is mounted to the back end of the main driveshaft and in- corporates a single disc, double face type clutch. The clutch is controlled, through linkage, from a manually operated clutch lever mounted above the index dial. The clutch, when disengaged, allows the machine parts to stop independently of the flywheel and motor. The clutch lever can be automatically tripped to stop the machine by a clutch lever tripper which is actuated by the safety inserting finger when a faulty profile is encoun- tered. The brakes employed on this machine are two small constant friction brake bands, one on the rear end of the indexing dial shaft and one immediately behind the flywheel. When the clutch is disengaged the machine friction plus the constant pressure brakes stops all machine action. [2] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description Feed Mechanism Inserting Finger Indexing Dial Seating Post Transfer Table Transfer Bar The feed mechanism consists of a triangular hopper mounted above the feed bar. The cartridges are manually placed into the feed hopper with the bullet nose pointing toward the indexing dial. The cartridges flow by gravity to the opening at the end of the inclined feed hopper bottom. The feed bar channel receives the cartridge and moves forward to position the cartridge between the indexing dial gage and the inserting finger. The inserting finger moves forward to push the cartridge from the feed bar channel into the indexing dial. The inserting finger is attached to the upper rack. The lower rack is actu- ated through a rocker arm from a cam on the main driveshaft. The lower rack actuates the upper rack through a reciprocating fan gear. The insert- ing finger has a secondary finger attached which moves forward with the inserting finger to detect a cartridge which might not have been ejected by the ejecting stem. The inserting finger moves forward, pushing the car- tridge from the feed bar channel into the indexing dial. The indexing dial is mounted on the forward end of a horizontal cross- shaft. The cross-shaft is held by, and rotates in, a housing which is bolted to the front side of the machine bed. The indexing dial faces the right side of the machine and contains six evenly spaced gages at positions near its outer circumference. The indexing dial is actuated by a Geneva mechan- ism which is actuated from the main driveshaft. The seating post consists of a tapered plate which is bolted to the upper end of the rocker arm from which it is actuated. The rocker arm is bent at right angles and mounted at the bend of the rocker arm to the machine bed by a wrist pin arrangement which allows a free swing of the arm. From the opposite end of the rocker arm a twenty pound weight is suspended which causes the tapered plate to seat each cartridge firmly in the gage as the indexing dial rotates. The transfer table is mounted on the machine bed and extends from the indexing dial across the machine bed to the back of the machine. The transfer table incorporates the gaging stations and the reject stations. As the cartridges are fed through the transfer table by the transfer bar, they are held at each station by the holding blocks. The holding blocks are actuated through linkage to rise as the transfer bar moves the cartridge from one station to another. As the transfer bar moves back for another cartridge, the holding blocks descend, holding the cartridges in place at the various stations. When a faulty cartridge is indicated, the release gates are allowed to open and the cartridge falls into a reject box below the machine bed. The good cartridges pass from the end of the transfer table onto an inclined platform leading to the beam scale. The transfer bar is held in position directly above the transfer table. The transfer bar consists of two rails held apart by a bearing block at each end. The transfer bar is actuated through linkage from an eccentric cam on the main driveshaft. The transfer bar rails are notched on the bottom edges to fit over each case as it is carried from one station to another. The transfer [3] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description Transfer Bar (Cont.) Primary Movement Secondary Movement Main Driveshaft Driveshaft Ball Conveyor Shaft Upper and Lower Gear Rack Eiecting Rod bar moves the cartridges through the various stations in the transfer table and out onto the beam scale. The primary movement bed is mounted in a gib arrangement and extends from a position slightly in front of the indexing dial to the rear of the machine bed. The gib arrangement allows the primary movement bed to move to and from the gaging stations in the transfer table. The primary movement bed carries the gage rods and stems and is actuated in its back and forth movement, through linkage, from an eccentric cam on the cam- shaft. The secondary movement bed is held in a gib arrangement immediately behind the primary movement bed. The secondary movement bed carries the gaging discs and is actuated through linkage from the camshaft. The main driveshaft is held by, and rotates in, three main bearings in a horizontal position below the machine bed. The driveshaft extends from the left to the right of the machine. The flywheel and clutch are mounted to the driveshaft which extends through the machine frame at the left of the machine. The driveshaft also incorporates the cam operating the Geneva mechanism and the eccentric cams operating the various machine parts. The driveshaft is held by, and rotates in, three bearings in a horizontal position below the machine bed. The driveshaft extends along the right side of the machine. The driveshaft is driven by a 45° spiral gear and 45° mating spiral gear from the driveshaft. The driveshaft consists of ec- centric cams and sprocket gears which operate the various machine parts. The ball conveyor shaft is held by, and rotates in, two bearings. The con- veyor shaft extends along the right edge of the secondary movement bed and conveys the balls past the various kicker levers. When the gage rods indicate a faulty cartridge, the kicker lever pushes the ball from the front edge of the conveyor shaft to the rear edge. As the balls travel down the rear edge of the conveyor shaft, they actuate the mechanism which opens the release gates in the transfer table, and the faulty cartridge drops in the reject box. The lower rack is mounted in a horizontal track at the left side of the indexing dial. The rack is actuated by a rocker arm, which is attached to the machine bed by a wrist pin arrangement which allows a free swing of the arm. The upper end of the rocker arm is connected to the lower rack by a short link which absorbs the increased length of the rocker arm as it passes through the arc of its stroke. Gear teeth are cut on the inner face of the rack which mesh with the teeth of the reciprocating fan gear to drive the upper rack. The upper rack is actuated from the lower rack through the fan gear in a reciprocating motion. The lower rack carries the ejecting rod and the upper rack carries the inserting finger. The ejecting rod is held in a housing which is fastened to the machine bed at the back side of the indexing dial. The ejecting rod housing aligns the ejecting rod with the gage holes as the cartridges arrive at the eject- l4l CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description Eiecting Rod (Cont.) ing station. The ejecting rod is mounted to, and actuated by, the lower rack. The ejecting rod travels forward to eject the cartridge from the indexing dial onto the transfer table. Weighing Platform The weighing platform is mounted on a vertical shaft which extends through the machine bed at the right of the transfer table. The weigh- ing platform consists of a series of arms which are evenly spaced around a hub which is mounted rigidly to the upper end of the vertical shaft and is held by the shaft about one foot above the machine bed. The last operation of gaging and weighing is completed on the beam scales which check for light weight cartridges. __ Feed Hopper l __ Fan l Gear Weighing Platform ‘*3 '; ~~'r'r la Relecf I .- Clutch Container _; if - Belt Discharge Table l Back Plate Weighing _ Weight Platform / R ?g;‘;; | . ~_M.... Reject CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH MACHINE [5] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description Transfer Bar , Rocker Arms Feed Slide Rocker Feed Mechanism l -,;;'.'- jg; "l“ S1 . . i “ " Feed Bar 4 I, n~ \- Arm FEED MECHANISM The feed hopper is a triangular shaped box, mounted above the feed bar with the hypotenuse of the box as the bottom side. The cartridges flow by gravity down the bottom of the feed hopper to an opening which feeds them into the channel of the feed bar. The feed bar, actuated by a rocker arm, moves forward to position the cartridge between the indexing dial and the inserting finger. The feed bar rocker arm is attached to the left front of the machine by a wrist pin arrangement which allows a free swing of the rocker arm. The rocker arm has a horizontal arm attached which follows the eccentric cam on the camshaft. The upper end of the rocker arm is attached to the feed bar. I6] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description Feed Bo: Safety Inserting Finger Detecting Finger Transfer Bar Inserting Finger VIEW OF INSERTING FINGER The inserting finger is mounted on the forward end of the finger shaft. The finger shaft is mounted on the upper rack, which is actuated by the reciprocating fan gear. The inserting finger pushes the cartridge from the feed bar channel into the indexing dial at the first position. The second or detecting finger contacts the gage opening immediately follow- ing the gage at the first position. The detecting finger will automatically stop the machine if the cartridge is not ejected onto the transfer table. [7] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description Ball Conveyor Bumper Pad Eccentric £ Cams Shaft The ball conveyor shaft extends along the front edge of the secondary movement bed. The conveyor shaft has a spiral fluted track machined around its circumference which conveys the steel balls along the front of the kicker -levers. When the gage stem and rod indicate a faulty case, the kicker lever actuated by a kicker rod, transfers the steel ball to the rear side of the fluted track. As the ball travels along the track, it passes beneath a bumper pad which opens the release gates, dropping the faulty case in the reject tube. Ball —— Conveyor Shall hm '!'T~.,’.»,f';g,Ir-. aw» ._ F_ ' '_->¢ . . v x _ Geneva Mechanism PARTIAL VIEW OF GENEVA MECHANIsM [8 I CALIBER .:-I0 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description : Index Dial Inserting Finger Spur Gear Detecting Finger -——- Gage Transfer Bar \ . 1"%_ ' VIEW SHOWING INDEXING DIAL Indexing Dial The indexing dial is mounted on the forward end of the horizontal cross- shaft. The indexing dial is held on the cross-shaft by a spanner nut. A spur gear is mounted around the circumference at the rear face of the dial. The spur gear meshes with a lower spur gear which is held on a stud shaft in the machine bed. The rear side of the lower spur gear is equipped with six evenly spaced fingers which are contacted by a specially designed cam. This cam and a mating spur gear is known as a Geneva mechanism; it is used to rotate the indexing dial through the six move- ments. The cartridges are ejected from the indexing dial by the ejecting rod which pushes the cartridges from the dial onto the transfer table. [#1 CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description _ Gage _v —- Index Dial Spur Gear Seating Post VIEW SHOWING SEATING POST Seating Post The seating post is held in a vertical position next to the indexing dial just below the insert position. A tapered plate is bolted to the seating post between the post and dial. As the dial rotates, pressure is brought to bear against each cartridge head which firmly seats the cartridge in the gage. The seating post rocker arm is bent at a right angle and mounted to the machine bed by a wrist pin arrangement which allows a free swing of the seating post. The horizontal end of the rocker arm is equipped with a twenty pound weight which exerts a pressure against the cartridge heads. [10] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description Transfer Table The transfer table extends from the indexing dial to the back of the Rocker Arm machine bed. The transfer table incorporates the gaging and rejecting stations. In the length over-all station, the cartridge is pushed against a solid back plate. At the primer seating depth station the cartridgeis pushed against a collar by a weighted back plate, which limits the maximum push of the gage rod against the primer to twelve pounds. The other stations are provided with spring tension back plates. The primer seating depth back plate is controlled by a steel cable which extends over the left edge of the machine bed on a bronze pulley. A twelve pound weight is attached to the lower end of the steel cable. As the cartridges pass from the trans- fer table, they are counted by the counter before they drop onto an in- clined platform, thence to the beam scale. VIEW SHOWING TRANSFER TABLE AND GAGING STATIONS I11] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description Back Plate Controlling Mechanism Transfer Bar VIEW OF THE BACK PLATE The transfer bar is held in position by two bearing blocks which fit into slots at each end of the transfer bar. The lower edge of the transfer bar rails are notched to fit the cartridges as they are moved from one station to another. Two rocker arms are connected by a cross-shaft, the front end of which is connected to _a vertical rocker arm, held by a wrist pin arrangement to the front end of the machine frame. This rocker arm forms a right angle at its pivotal point, and its lower end extends inside the machine frame to contact an eccentric cam which provides the necessary motive power to the transfer bar through two rocker arms. The two rocker arms connected by the cross-shaft hold the bearing blocks on which the transfer bar rides. These rocker arms are held to the machine bed by a wrist pin arrangement which allows them to swing freely. The transfer bar is moved up and down by means of a second vertical rocker arm which is mounted to the front of the machine frame in the same manner as the first. The second vertical rocker arm has a horizontal arm attached below its pivotal point which extends into an eccentric cam on the driveshaft. This cam provides the back and forth motion of the transfer bar. Actuated by the two rocker arms from the eccentric cams, the transfer bar travels in a rectangular reciprocating motion which moves the cartridges from station to station through the transfer table. [12] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description Index __ ,. ,__ Transfer Dial . - Bar Gage "’ __ Primary Bed Gage . . _ ‘ Disc Gage _ *1 I ._ ' . ‘T . ,- _ " -' 1 ‘ W Y ‘ Holder . “ . .>,. __ - - ., ‘ , V ,, ‘ . H "M? I ‘A V ,-, $1. .\ _ " M ‘ ' ' Bed y .-_sp -4-» J I i ' ' Rocker " Arm Rocker Arm VIEW SHOWING MOVEMENT BEDS Primary Movement The primary movement bed is actuated back and forth in the gibs which Bed support it, by means of a rocker arm and cross-shaft. The cross-shaft extends horizontally across the machine bed at the rear of the primary movement bed. The cross-shaft is held by, and rocks in, two fitted bear- ings. The cross-shaft is connected to the primary bed by short strap links which compensate for the increased length of the rocker arm’s stroke as it passes through an arc. The rocker arm is attached by its upper end to the center of the cross-shaft. The lower end of the rocker arm has a cam roller attached which rides on the face of an eccentric cam on the camshaft. The primary movement bed carries the gage rods and stems. I13] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description Rocker Rocker Amm __ Shafl Secondary Movement Bed VIEW SHOWING MOVEMENT BEDS The secondary movement bed is actuated back and forth in the gibs which support it, by means of a rocker arm and cross-shaft. The cross- shaft is mounted in a horizontal position along the right of the machine bed. The cross-shaft is held by, and rocks in, two fitted bearings. The cross-shaft is connected to the secondary movement bed by short strap links which compensate for the increased length of the rocker arm’s stroke as it passes through an arc. The upper end of the rocker arm is attached to the center of the cross-shaft. The lower end of the rocker arm has a cam roller attached, which rides against the face of an eccentric cam on the camshaft. The secondary movement bed carries the gaging discs. [14] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description ‘U @ 3 Z Eccentric Cams Cylindrical Barrel Cam Geneva Cam I Eccentric Cams O O Sprocket Wheel Sprocket Wheel SKETCH SHOWING DRIVE AND CAMSHAFT Main Driveshaft The main driveshaft consists of the feed mechanism cam, the Geneva I mechanism cam, the eccentric cam which operates the vertical stroke of the transfer bar, and the eccentric cam which operates the horizontal stroke. The driveshaft is belt driven from the motor through a single disc type clutch. The clutch is manually operated to start and stop the machine. The driveshaft is held by three bearings in a horizontal posi- tion below the machine bed. The driveshaft extends from the left of the machine to the right. [15] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description Driveshaft The driveshaft is held in a horizontal position below the right edge of the machine frame. The driveshaft consists of three eccentric cams which operate the primary and secondary movement beds, and the hold- ing block over the transfer bar. A sprocket gear is attached at a point near the right end of the camshaft. The ball conveyor shaft is chain driven from this sprocket. The driven shaft is driven through 45° spiral gears from the driveshaft. A sprocket gear is also attached at the right end of the driven shaft, that through another sprocket gear and a chain drives a set of bevel gears that drive the beam scale. _ Gage Primary__ Rod Bed Secondary g_ ‘~‘ - Bed :'- r-~~ ‘ 2 " ‘ _. F, Conveyor ‘ . ‘ - \ _ .\ .. \ - ‘ ‘ >. _ l i I , _' Steel/A ' ' l‘ ‘ ' l " ~~ Balls ' ~ ' > ' ' ‘ I 4 . Rocker Arm Rocker -— Arm Shaft VIEW OF MOVEMENT BEDS AND BALL CONVEYOR SHAFT I16] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description Inserting Finger Detecting Finger Spur Gear Index Dial Geneva Mechanism Upper and Lower Gear Rack UPPER AND LOWER GEAR RACK The lower rack is mounted in a horizontal track at the rear side of the indexing dial. The rack is actuated by a rocker arm, which is attached to the machine bed by a wrist pin arrangement, which allows a free swing of the arm. The upper end of the rocker arm is connected to the lower rack by a short link which compensates for the increased length of the rocker arm stroke as it passes through an arc. The lower end of the rocker arm has a cam roller attached which follows in the track of a barrel cam on the driveshaft. Gear teeth are cut on the inner surface of the rack which mesh with the teeth of a reciprocating fan gear to drive the upper rack. The fan gear is mounted on a stud shaft which deviates slightly from a vertical position to allow the fan gear teeth to mesh with the upper and lower rack. The two racks travel in a reciprocating motion actuated by the fan gear. The upper rack carries the inserting finger and the lower rack carries the ejecting rod. The ejecting rod moves forward to push the cartridges from the indexing dial onto the transfer table. [17] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description __ Bevel Gear VIEW OF BEAM SCALE DRIVE ASSEMBLY Beam Scale Drive The weighing platform consists of a spoked wheel mounted on a hub. The hub is securely fastened to the vertical driveshaft. The driveshaft extends through a bearing in the machine bed and has a bevel gear mounted to the lower end. A cross-shaft is held in a hearing which is bolted to the underneath side of the machine bed. Attached to one end of the cross-shaft is a bevel gear which meshes with the bevel gear on the driveshaft. A sprocket wheel is attached to the opposite end of the cross- shaft and is chain driven from a sprocket on the camshaft. I13] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description Beam Scales Balance weight \ ‘ I I The beam scales are suspended from the spoked wheel between arms by a pivot arrangement. The beam rod is threaded from the pivot point to the end which is in contact with the cam at the hub of the wheel. A circular weight is threaded on the beam rod to balance a cartridge of correct weight. The outer end of the beam rod is equipped with a small V-shaped pan which receives the cartridge from the transfer table. The inner end of the beam rod travels in a cam track which narrows to the diameter of the beam rod as the cartridge is received from the indexing dial. This arrangement holds the receiving pan of each beam scale steady as the cartridge rolls onto the pan. As the wheel rotates, the cam track - becomes wider which allows the beam scale to pivot if there is a light weight cartridge on the weighing pan. If the cartridge weighs less than the weight on the inner end of the beam rod, the cartridge will be knocked from the pan into a scrap container for light cartridges. If the cartridge is of the correct weight, it will pass below the first fixed button and be carried around the wheel until the cartridge strikes the second fixed but- ton which pushes it from the pan into the container of good cartridges. B ' \\ eam ‘\ " e ., ScaIe\ ‘ ' Reject 1 "' Container Pivot Points T“ ._ Arms VIEW OF BEAM SCALE ASSEMBLY WITH CARTRIDGES ON THE PANS. ONE OF THE PANS IS IN A RAISED POSITION INDICATING A LIGHT CARTRIDGE I19] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Description Second Fixed Discharge “1 Table One of the Light Cartridges -___ Being Rejected First -—-- Fixed Rel“t Button Container VIEW SHOWING A LIGHT CARTRIDGE BEING PUSHED OFF OF THE PAN INTO THE REJECT CONTAINER I20] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Gage Description GAGE DESCRIPTION The gage and weigh machine checks the cartridge for profile, over-all length, head-to-shoulder length, extractor groove depth, primer seating depth, head diameter of case, head thickness of case, and weight. Bullet Neck and Body Alignment Shoulder Profile Threaded Gage Holder Gage Gage Gage Nut INDEXING DIAL GAGE ASSEMBLY Indexing Dial Gage Assembly: The indexing dial gage assembly con- sists of a gage holder, which is threaded into the indexing dial, a bullet alignment gage inserted into the gage holder, neck and shoulder gages, and a body profile gage which fits into the gage holder. The gages are made of hardened steel and are held in the holder by an externally threaded nut which is threaded into the gage holder. The cartridge is inserted into the dial gage by a safety inserting finger. If the cartridge does not enter completely into the gage because of a de- fective profile, the safety inserting finger will act to raise the clutch lever bumper which automatically trips the clutch lever and disengages the clutch. The defective cartridge must then be removed manually before the machine can again be placed into operation. [21] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Gage Description Disc Disc Knurled Gage Holder Gage Gage Holder N ut Disc Gage: The disc gage is a circular, flat, hardened steel washer, beveled on the outside edge, with a hole drilled through the center. The disc gage is held against the gage holder by an internally threaded nut which fits into the holder. The holder is threaded at the front and has a shaft-like portion which fits into a housing mounted on the secondary movement bed of the machine. A pin, protruding from the holder shaft through a slot in the housing, keeps the disc holder from turning but al- lows it to move in a horizontal position. If the cartridge is of the correct head-to-shoulder length, the gage rod plunger will slide into the hole in the gage disc when the disc holder is moved forward. If the head-to-shoulder length is too long or too short, the gage rod plunger will be forced against the side of the disc gage and will force the disc holder back. The back end of the disc holder pushes against a kicker lever which transfers the detector ball to the rear side of the conveyor screw. The conveyor screw carries the steel ball beneath the bumper pads which in turn open the release gate. The gaging discs may be replaced with discs which will allow cases of various specified lengths to pass. [221 CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Gage Description -h~_~ Cone Beaflng Lock Nut Thrust Nut Gage Stern GAGE ROD ASSEMBLY Gage Rod and Stem Assembly: The assembly is used at the first, second, fourth and sixth gaging stations. The assembly consists of a stem rod, stem button, stem bushing and a thrust collar and nut. The gage rod consists of cone bearings, adjustment plate and stem plunger. The gage rod and stem rod are held on the primary bed by the gage rod and stem block. The stem, which is held in the primary movement block by a thrust nut, actuates a gage rod. The gage rod is mounted between two female pivot bearings. The male pivot bearings and an adjustable plate are contained on the gage rod. The adjustable plate is held against the shoulder of the stem. The stem, forced back by the forward action of the primary block, presses against the gage rod adjustable plate and pivots the gage rod. At the same time the disc gage holder moves toward the gage rod plunger. [23] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Gage Description _________——___—_—__—_f__—-——————— GAGE ROD ASSEMBLY Gage Rod: The gage rod is mounted on the forward edge of the transfer table by two cone bearings which allow the gage rod to pivot. The gage rod lifting plate is attached to the upper surface of the primary movement bed. The gage rod has a shoulder machined on its lower surface which rides on the roller of the lifting plate. The gage rod is equipped with a caliper blade which fits into the extractor groove on the case when it arrives at the gaging station. As the primary bed moves forward, the gage rod contacts the extractor groove of the case. If the extractor groove is within specifications, the gage rod enters into the gage disc as the secondary movement bed travels forward. If the extractor groove is not within specifications, the gage rod will strike against the gage disc, causing the gage disc to contact the kicker lever transferring the steel ball to the rear side of the conveyor screw. The conveyor screw carries the steel ball beneath the bumper pad which in turn opens the release gate: The gage rods are used at stations 3 and 5. I24] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Gage Description Reject Rod 1 T Bushing 3‘-L“, If’ "l‘=____'___“'___T"'““‘:°‘*'T' . Release Gate Spfing REJECT ROD DISASSEMBLED FROM MACHINE Rejecting Rod Assembly: The rejecting rod assembly, illustrated above, is used at every station on the transfer table. The rejecting rod extends from the release gates to the lower edge of the bumper pads. The steel balls carried along by the conveyor shaft actuate the bumper pads. This motion is transmitted through the rejecting rods to the release gates which open and drop the case into a reject box. [25] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Process Sequence lncfined Feed Hopper Feed Bar Indexing Dial Position I Inserting and Detecting Position 2 Seafing Position 3 Station I Gage, Head and Shoulder Length Position 4 Eject to Transfer Table, Transfer Bar and Holding Block Position 5 Position 6 PROCESS SEQUENCE The cartridges are manually fed into the hopper in a horizontal position, with the bullet end facing the left. The cartridges slide down the hopper, over a fiber agitator into the feed throat which allows one at a time to rest in the feed bar channel. As the feed bar moves back, the cartridge drops into the feed bar channel. The feed bar conveys the cartridge forward and holds it in alignment between the inserting finger and one of the gages in the indexing dial. The indexing dial has six identical gages mounted at equal spaces around the dial near the circumference. The indexing dial conveys the cartridges through each of the six positions as follows: The inserting finger pushes the cartridge from the feed bar channel into the profile gage of the indexing dial. If the cartridge does not fit properly in the gage, the machine will stop and the operator will remove the car- tridge with a manually operated ejecting rod. The detector finger also moves into the profile gage at position 6 and if there is a cartridge present, the detector will stop the machine before the gage reaches the inserting position. ' At position 2, the cartridge is seated firmly in the gage by the pressure of the seating post. As the primary Etfld secondary gaging mechanism move in, the button of the gaging stem contacts the head of the cartridge to gage the head-to- shoulder length. If the cartridge is too long or too short, the reject mechanism will open the release gates on the transfer table and the cartridge will fall through the first reject opening into a box under the machine. This reject mechanism operates the same at all of the gaging stations of the transfer table, which has six reject openings and tubes leading to six separate boxes. The primary and secondary gaging mecha- nism operates in the same manner at all stations. At position 4 the cartridge is ejected from the gage by the ejecting rod onto the transfer table, where it is held by a weight action stripper. The transfer bar then advances the cartridge from one station to the next, through five more gaging stations along the transfer table. A holding block holds the cartridge firmly in place while the gaging occurs. There is a release gate between the stations and between succeeding stations to discharge defective cartridges. After the cartridge is ejected from the gage, the indexing dial indexes to position 5. No operation occurs at this position. This is the last position of the dial. Here the safety detecting device stops the machine if a cartridge is present in the dial. I26] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Process Sequence Position 7 Station 2 Gage Over-all Length Position 8 Station 3 Gage Cannelure Diameter Position 9, Station 4 Gage, Primer Depth. Detect for Inverted or No Primer Position IO Station 5 Gage, Head Diameter Position ll Station 6 Gage, Head Thickness Position I2 Inspection The cartridge is pressed against the stationary back plate, and gaged for over-all length, by the button of the gaging stem. The holding block moves up and the transfer bar conveys the cartridge to the second re- lease gate, and then to position 8. The head of the cartridge is pressed against the front guide plate by a spring tension back plate, and is gaged for extractor groove diameter by the lower movable caliper blade and the stationary upper caliper blade. The holding block moves up and the transfer bar conveys the cartridge to the third release gate, then to position 9. The head of the cartridge is held against the adjustable thrust collar by the weight pressure back plate. The cartridge is gaged for primer seating depth. Inverted or no primer is detected by the gaging stem. The holding block moves up, and the transfer bar moves the cartridge to the fourth release gate, and then to position 10. The head of the cartridge is pressed against the front guide plate by the spring pressure back plate. The cartridge head diameter is gaged between the stationary upper caliper blade by the adjustable lower caliper blade. The holding block moves up and the transfer bar conveys the cartridge to the fifth release gate and then to position 11. The spring pressure back plate holds the cartridge forward as it lines up between the upper and lower stationary blades. Pressure is released and the gaging stem button pushes the head of the cartridge against the two blades to gage for head thickness. The holding block moves up, and the transfer bar conveys the cartridge to the sixth release gate then past the counter, down a slide to the beam scale pan at position 12. At this position the cartridges are weighed for light weight. The beam scales are timed to have the pan ready for each cartridge as it comes down the slide. The beam scale rotates counterclockwise, conveying the car- tridges past the two fixed buttons. If the cartridge is light weight, the pan will rise and the cartridge will be pushed off the pan by the first fixed button, into the discharge box. Cartridges of correct weight will pass under this arm, to the second fixed button, which pushes the car- tridges from the pan onto a table where they roll off into a safety box. At frequent intervals, one cartridge that has passed through all of the gages and is supposed to be perfect, is gaged by hand to check the adjustments of the machine. The rejected cartridges which fall through the release gates are also checked by hand to make sure that only bad cartridges are being rejected. All cartridges rejected for being underweight are scrapped. All other rejected cartridges are run through the machine a second time. If they are rejected the second time, they are gaged by hand and are scrapped if they fail to meet specifications. If they pass this hand inspec- tion, they are sent to the Inspection Department before being packed. Each lot of good cartridges is sampled by the Inspection Department. If any defective cartridges are found, the whole lot will have to be run through the machine a second time. Particular care must be taken to keep the machine in perfect adjustment at all times. [27] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Process Sequence FLOW CHART Cartridges are fed manually into the hopper in a hori- Power is furnished by a zontal position, bullet end facing the left. Cartridges 3/J,-h.p. motor, through re- slide down the hopper, over a fibre agitator, into the duction gear, flat leather throat of the hopper which allows one at a time to fall belt, flywheel and clutch into feed bar channel. from camshaft. Feed Bar Feed bar is actuated After receiving the cartridge in the channel the feed through rocker arm, cam bar moves forward, carrying the cartridge to a position follower and cam on drive- in alignment with one of the six gages in the indexing shaft. dial and the safety inserting finger. Safety inserting finger is actuated through rocker Position 1 1 arm reciprocating fan gear At this position the safety inserting finger moves in L and rocker arm cam on pushing the cartridge from the feed bar channel into the driveshaft. profile gage. Dial moves the cartridge to position 2. Indexing dial is actuated through Geneva action. Position 2 At this position the cartridge is seated firmly in the gage by the seating post. The dial moves the cartridge to position 3. Position 9; Station 4 At this station the cartridge is gaged for primer seating depth. Holding block then moves up and the transfer bar moves the cartridge to the fourth release gate, then to position 10. ' Position 10; Station 5 At this station the cartridge is gaged for head diameter. Holding block moves up and the transfer bar moves the cartridge to the fifth release gate, then to position 11. Position 11; Station 6 At this station the cartridge is gaged for head thick- ness. Holding block moves up and the transfer bar moves the cartridge to the sixth release gate, then past the counter, down an inclined platform, to the beam scale pan. l [28] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Process Sequence FLOW CHART (Cont.) Position 12 At this position cartridges are weighed for light weight. Beam scales are timed to have a pan ready for each car- tridge as it comes down the inclined platform. The beam scale rotates counterclockwise, carrying the pans past Beam scale is actuated the two fixed buttons. If the cartridge on the pan is through bevel gear, pinion light weight, the pan will rise and the cartridge will be gear, sprocket, chain and pushed off the pan, by the first fixed button, into the sprocket on driven shaft. discharge box. Cartridges that are of the correct weight, will pass under this button, to the second fixed button, which pushes the cartridges from the pan onto a table, to a safety box. Position 3; Station 1 At this station the cartridge 1s gaged for length from head-to-shoulder. The dial moves the cartridge to posi- tion 4. Push out punch is actuat- ed through rocker arm and cylindrical cam on drive- Position 4 Shaft. At this position the cartridge is ejected from the gage by the push out punch, onto the transfer table where it is held by a weight action stripper. The transfer bar then advances the cartridge from station to station —~ along the transfer table. A holding block holds the car- Transfer bar is actuated -— through two rocker arms from cams on driveshaft. tridge firmly in place while the gaging occurs. There is a release gate after this station and after each succeeding gaging station to discharge a cartridge. Holding block is actuated —— through rocker arm from cam on driveshaft. Position 7; Station 2 At this station the cartridge is gaged for over-all length. Holding block moves up and the transfer bar moves the cartridge to the second release gate and then to position 8. Position 8; Station 3 At this station the cartridge is gaged for extractor groove diameter. Holding block moves up and the transfer bar moves the cartridge to the third release gate, then to position 9. [29] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Product Description ‘ ~ PRODUCT DESCRIPTION <———— Nose of Bullet /’ ,/.::s as’: /’»t~t~:t ;:~:~a /:o.o‘d$ Bullet Jacket /,¢‘o.u i/$.;.:.:,-; Lead Slug :-~:~:~:~¢ r:::~:~:~:.;: ‘?*”‘*‘~%§ Tracer Mix Mouth ‘ 5 C of s E Knurled Cannelure ase '5 ‘I \ Crimp I5 0 \ I If --a{- Neck /I /r t /5 r, \ I g-, r y Shoulder if ’ r" 5 ' ’ \ . . lgnrtor MIX I 3’ _“i T? § _ Propellant O ' Powder '5 E’ 3 4- Body of Case 3 .0 _: o $ $2 .6 o o I Web Thickness / Flash Hole Anvil ,.'.‘.'-C I _ kPrimer Mixture %§— K Extractor Groove §7’II,v7/Ci/ 1 P ' , 3 , _. _ nmer P l——— Head l‘%__’l___,__.-Primer Poclcet CALIBER .30 TRACER CARTRIDGE SCALED TO ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES ACTUAL SIZE The Caliber .30 Tracer cartridge, as it appears at the gage and weigh machine, is shown in the cross-sec- tional drawing at the left. The Caliber .30 Tracer bullet is composed of a gilding metal jacket, a lead slug, backed by a charge of pyro- technic (tracer) powder, and an igniter powder charge which is contained in the base of the bullet. The tracer powder is fired by the igniter charge which is ignited by the propellant powder. The bullet is seated in the mouth and extends into the neck of the case. The mouth of the case is crimped into the cannelure of the bullet. The tip of the bullet is painted red for identification. If the head-to-shoulder dimensions fail to meet speci- fications, the cartridge may fail to chamber, or if it chambers, may fail to function properly or to extract. The body of the case contains the propellant powder which is ignited by the flash from the primer, and which in burning creates sufficient pressure to dis- patch the bullet on its flight. The extractor groove is a cannelure cut around the head of the cartridge case. Its purpose is to facilitate the extraction of the fired case. The primer pocket is a cavity in the case head which contains the primer. When the primer is struck, the primer mixture detonates and its flash through the flash hole ignites the propellant powder. It is im- portant that the primer be seated deep enough not to be flush with the case head. [30] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Product Description Nose of Bullet Lead Ball Jacket French Cannelure Crimp Neck Shoulder __ Propellant Powder Over-all Length '5 Q r=— Body of Case 3 B 2 = .2 m 52 .6 3 I Web Thickness / Flash Hole Anvil Foil _ _ Primer Mixture I W ' I Extractor Groove I / F _‘_‘ Primer |<_ I 1 Primer Pocket L Head CAL. 30 BALL CARTRIDGE SCALED TO ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES ACTUAL SIZE The Caliber .30 Ball cartridge, as it appears at the gage and weigh machine, is shown in the cross-sec- tional drawing at the left. The caliber .30 Ball bullet is composed of a gilding metal jacket and a lead core. The bullet is seated in the mouth and extends into the neck of the cartridge case. The mouth of the case is crimped into the knurled cannelure on the bullet. If the head-to-shoulder dimensions of the cartridge fail to meet specifications, the cartridge may fail to chamber in the gun, or if it chambers, may fail to function properly or to extract. The body of the case contains the propellant powder which is ignited by the flash from the primer, and which in burning creates sufficient pressure to dis- patch the bullet on its flight. The extractor groove is a cannelure cut around the head of the cartridge case. Its purpose is to facilitate the extraction of the fired case. The primer pocket is a cavity in the case head which contains the primer. When the primer is struck, the primer mixture explodes and its flash ignites the pro- pellant powder. It is important that the primer be seated deep enough not to be flush with the case head. I31] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Product Description Ll I Nose of Bullet , / Lead T-Shot /1'/it ‘.9 Bullet Jacket //,2 ’ ‘E-' — Steel Core r%? I I / I Knurled Cannelure I // French Cannelure 5 I . .~| Crrmp Q’ }\ :2 A it A s‘ A \ Ch Neck V lh -‘?~ A 5 5\ défik\ Shoulder ~ ‘.>‘\\\‘\:)”~\ B F'lI C \ ase I er ap If \ Base of Bullet if W s \ - Propellant Powder Over-all Length Head-to-Shoulder Length —at— F Head S - I. ‘l. 3. A. " ._-_I it '-~," '- ‘ l(,,0, W. '2. - '3 -" 1'-= TC . ~ I. ‘.°°.l\"!-‘ In addition to the dimensional gages, the machine’s weighing platform will detect and eject all cartridges which have a five grain or more light powder charge. Individual metal containers or boxes are so located beneath the machine to receive the rejected cases. Each box is numbered and should be placed in its proper location. Box N o. 1: Short or long head-to-shoulder length. Box No. 2: Short or long over-all length. Box No. 3: Deep or shallow extractor groove. Box No. 4: High or deep seated primers. Box No. 5: Large or small head diameter. Box No. 6: Thick or thin head. All cartridges ejected from stations one to six inclusive are again run through the machine in order to determine the accuracy of the machine and further to salvage any cartridges which may have been rejected be- cause of the inaccuracy of the machine. Any cartridges rejected from the beam scales for a supposedly light powder charge must be weighed on a grain weight balance before they can be scrapped. At frequent intervals during the day’s production the cartridges are gaged with the following hand gages. Gages are expensive instruments machined to a fine precision. Improper use, or carelessness in gaging, may spring the gage or put a burr on it which may affect its accuracy. Therefore, force should never be employed in matching a case to a gage. A protected loca- tion should be used for storage of gages to prevent their damage when not in use. The most accurate checks are made when the cases are cool since heat causes expansion of the metal and results in a temporary variation in the case size. [33] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Inspection Gages PROFILE AND ALIGNMENT GAGE _ 3 H Y I‘ The profile alignment gage checks __- A ~' . the alignment of the bullet and ~50 B A L L -‘M__-“-_ =1 case and also checks the profile of AC E R C T C‘ L I‘ ‘ the cartridge. 4'”-3i;E “F ls."-..“7 SNAP GAGE (OVER-ALL LENGTH) The length of the case is checked with a snap length gage. The case must enter the “go” step and must not enter the “no go” step. SNAP GAGE (Extractor Groove) The extractor groove is checked by use of the snap U “go” and “no go" extractor groove gage. The groove “' must enter the “go” step and must not enter the . _ “no go” step. * DIAL INDICATOR GAGE (Primer Depth) The primer depth is checked by a dial indicator gage. The case is set below the dial indicator and the pin -of the gage rests on the primer. The dial indicates the depth the primer is seated. > TWIN RING GAGE (HEAD DIAMETER) The head diameter of the case is checked by use of a twin ring gage. The head must enter the “go” hole and must not enter the “no go” hole. SNAP GAGE (Head Thickn ess) . ._ ... , -- -N . _ j , , _ ._ _. u . < y~i.s . . . .. ._, - . . ._ EC. The head thickness of the case is checked by the use of a head thickness gage. The case head must enter the “go” slot and must not enter the “no go” slot. [34] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments ADJUSTMENTS Objective To maintain satisfactory gaging, this machine must be inspected period- Cautions ically. The cartridges gaged by this machine must be hand gaged to check the accuracy of the machine. This section of the manual, with its illustrations, photographs and pro- cedures, contains the necessary information relative to the adjustments normally required. The order in which these adjustments are arranged is not necessarily the preferred sequence. It is impossible to predict all the machine troubles that will be encountered; therefore certain adjustments may be required that have not been described in this section. Thorough analysis of the troubles will indicate what corrective measures must be taken other than those included in this manual. Adjustments and repairs requiring special equipment and knowledge should be referred to the Maintenance Department. The machine and surrounding floor space must be free from foreign mat- ter at all times. Before making an adjustment, the clutch must be disengaged, the motor and power turned off. In order to insure proper adjustment of the machine and the alignment of its tools, always operate the machine by hand before turning on the power. When the adjustments have been completed, make sure that there are no tools or rags on the safety inserting finger, feed bar channel, indexing dial, primary or secondary movement, beam scales, upper and lower rack, fan gear, camshafts, transfer bar, transfer table or any of the moving parts. Check the feed bar, seating post, guide plate, stem buttons, and inserting finger to see that they are clear of the indexing dial. Be sure all guards are in place, Allen screws on the indexing dial tight and the lock nuts on the beam scale balance weight are locked. Inspect the machine periodically during the day’s run to determine whether or not all connections and adjustments are secure. CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Primary Stop Screws Primary Movement Bed Secondary Movement The primary stop screws are the screws against which the primary move- ment bed bumps in its movement towards the indexing dial. The pur- pose of the stop screws is to develop a positive and accurate stopping place for the primary movement bed each time it travels toward the indexing dial and transfer table to gage the cartridges. If the primary movement bed does not bump the primary stop screws, the cartridges will not be gaged accurately. _ Bed Enlargement of Primary Stop Screw VIEW OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY MOVEMENT BEDS Tools: Procedure: 1%" wrench, %" wrench, 134" wrench. 1. Remove the clutch guard. 2. Use a 13/4" wrench to turn the camshaft until primary movement is at the extreme end of its forward movement. 3. Use a 1%” wrench to loosen lock nuts on primary movement stop screws. 4. Use a 3 8" wrench to turn the Stop screws clockwise until they touch stops on the frame of the machine. Note: When adjusting set screws, push the primary movement bed away from the indexing dial and transfer bar. This will eliminate any play in the primary movement. 5. Use a 1%" wrench to tighten the lock nut on the primary movement stop screws. 6. Replace the clutch guard. I 36 I CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Conveyor Screw Timing VIEW SHOWING LOCATION OF IDLER PULLEY TOOIS: Procedure: The conveyor screw is a long steel shaft on the under side of the machine beneath the gage disc assembly, which has a fluted spiral on it from one end to the other. When this conveyor screw turns, steel balls are guided along the shaft by the fluted spiral. The purpose of these steel balls is to aid in ejecting a rejected cartridge. When a defective cartridge is detected, the kicker lever kicks the ball over to the other side of the conveyor screw. The ball is guided by the fluted spiral under a bumper pad which the ball raises. The bumper pad opens a release gate which permits the cartridge on the transfer table to drop into the reject chute. Kicker Plate Idler Pulley Gage Rod Gage Disc Timing H H 0 er Chain Steel Ball Kicker Lever Conveyor Camshaft Screw Sprocket VIEW OF CONVEYOR SCREW SHAFT 3%” wrench, 1%” wrench. 1. Use a 1%” wrench to turn the camshaft until the gage rod plunger comes in contact with the working discs of all stations. 2. Use a I}-4” wrench to loosen the idler wheel stud; lower the idler wheel. 3. Remove the timing chain from the sprocket and turn the conveyor screw forward until the kicker lever lines up with the ball on the con- veyor screw flute nearest the kicker lever. 4. Replace the timing chain on the sprocket and reset the idler wheel. 5. Use a E3/1” wrench to tighten the lock nut. 6. To check the adjustment, operate the machine and observe the action of the conveyor screw. l37l CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Safety Inserting and Detecting Finger Safety Inserting Finger Tools: Procedure: The safety inserting finger is a small arm with a button on the end of it. It passes down the feed bar channel and slides the cartridges into the in- dexing dial, and stops the machine in the event that the cartridge will not enter the gage completely. The detecting finger is much the same as the in- serting finger in shape. Its purpose is to detect whether or not there is a car- tridge in the gage just before the gage reaches the position where the in- serting finger inserts the next cartridge. The detecting finger is a safety device which stops the machine if it detects a cartridge in the gage at position 6. If the inserting finger fails to insert a cartridge properly in the indexing dial, the machine will jam. If the detecting finger fails to detect a cartridge in position 6, the cartridge may be detonated by the next car- tridge which is inserted at first position. Both the inserting finger and de- tecting finger are held on the shaft that actuates them by a trunnion con- nection. The trunnion can be moved to different positions on the shaft. These positions govern the distances the fingers travel towards the in- dexing dial. The detector finger has an additional adjustment of two set screws that enable the detecting finger to extend farther than the inserting finger. The detecting finger can extend into a gage while the inserting finger barely reaches the gage. Transfer Bar VIEW OF SAFETY INSERTING ‘AND DETECTING FINGER 1~°/4" wrench, 11/16” wrench, %-3" Allen wrench, 3/8” wrench. 1. Insert the head-to-shoulder test plug in the gage in position 1 of the indexing dial. I38] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Ad iustments Procedure: 2. (Cont.) Safety Inserting Finger Transfer Bar 3. HOP‘ Use a 1 3/4” wrench to turn the camshaft over until the inserting finger has reached its maximum forward thrust toward the indexing dial. Use a 1%” wrench to loosen the lock nut on the inserting finger trunnion. Use a %" wrench to loosen the inserting finger set screw and push the trunnion forward until the inserting finger button contacts the test plug firmly. Use a %" wrench to tighten the set screw. Use a 11/{6” wrench to tighten the lock nut on the inserting finger. Use a V32" Allen wrench to loosen the front adjusting screw of the de- tecting finger. Use a 9/32” Allen wrench to turn the back adjusting screw until the detecting finger button is about I-I/5" in the gage in the indexing dial at position 6. Remove the test plug from the gage in position 1. Insert a cartridge in the gage at position 5. Engage the clutch lever; use 1%" wrench to turn the camshaft over at machine speed and as the test plug reaches position 6, observe whether or not the clutch lever is tripped. If it is, engage the clutch lever and continue turning the camshaft until the test plug passes the first position. Check to see whether or not the inserting finger contacts the head of the test plug but does not trip the safety feature. I \ Allen Set Screws Detecting Finger CLOSE-UP OF SAFETY INSERTING AND DETECTING FINGER l 39 l CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Gage Rod Cone The gage rod is suspended between two female adjustable bearings and Bearings has two adjustable cone bearings. The male parts of the cone bearings are on the gage rod. The female bearings can be adjusted to create the desired tension on the male parts of the gage rod. By loosening one ad- justment screw of the female bearing and tightening the adjustment screw of the other female bearing, the gage rod can be centered horizontally in the hole of the gaging disc. ‘ _ . ~ , I ',. 1, ' - ' 2 z 7!- Gage Disc “ ‘€- Gage Rod Lock Screws ..__l ‘ CLO5E-UP OF GAGE ROD ASSEMBLY Tools: -'/16" wrench, 2" screwdriver. (Have the primary movement forward and the secondary movement % the way forward.) Procedure: 1. Use a 2" screwdriver to loosen the lock screws on the female parts of the cone bearing. 2. Use a %" wrench to turn the adjusting screws toward each other until the desired pressure is exerted on the male part on the gage rod. Note: To center the gage rod, loosen the screw on the side to which the gage rod must be moved; then tighten the other adjusting screw the same amount. This process is repeated until the gage rod is centered. . 3. Use a 2” screwdriver to tighten the lock screws, and to lock the female parts of the cone bearing in their position. [40] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Centering Agitator Cover and Stem Bushing Gage Rod — Agitator Cover I Thrust Nut / and Lock Nut The agitator cover and the stem bushing bring the gage rod into a position where the rod will center the test disc when the stem is acting upon the mean test plug in the indexing dial. The agitator cover is an adjustable plate which is fastened to the gage rod. It is held by two screws; the screw holes are slotted to allow the agitator cover to be adjusted to different positions. Besides the slotted holes which permit an adjustment, the gage rod plunger has an adjustable set screw which contacts the end of the agitator cover. This set screw is used in making the adjustment and the two screws in the agitator cover are used to lock the plate firmly. The stem bushing is the sleeve through which the gage stem slides. It is contained in the housing on the primary movement bed, and can be ad- justed to different positions in the housing. The thrust adjusting nut of the stem bushing can change the distance that the gage stem travels to- wards the indexing dial as much as 1/Z". CLOSE~UP or GAGE ROD ASSEMBLY [41 l CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Tools: Procedure: a '/16” wrench, 7/8" wrench, 34" wrench, 3" screwdriver, 3/32” Allen wrench. 1. P $°9°.‘\l.°‘.°‘ 10. 11. Put in test disc. (Primary movement is forward and secondary move- ment is 1%; way forward). Use a 3" screwdriver to loosen the lock screws on the agitator cover of station 1. ' Use a "/16" wrench to loosen the thumb adjusting screw lock nut. Turn the thumb adjusting screw clockwise or counterclockwise to center the agitator cover slots in relation to the two lock screws. Tighten the two lock screws with a 3" screwdriver. Tighten the thumb adjusting screw lock nut with a 7/16" wrench. Loosen the stem bushing lock screw with a V32” Allen wrench. Loosen the lock nut on the thrust adjusting nut with a %" wrench. Use a %" wrench to turn the thrust nut clockwise or counterclock- wise until the top of the plunger lines up with the outer circle of the test disc. Tighten the stem bushing Allen screw with a V32” Allen wrench. Tighten the thrust adjusting lock nut with a 7/8" wrench. I42] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Feed Bar The feed bar is the carrier plate with a channel on the right end, into which a cartridge can ride. It is located beneath the inclined feed slide. The feed bar is actuated by a rocker arm and moves forward from the mouth of the feed slide to a position where an inserting finger can slide through the channel and insert the cartridge in the channel into the index- ing dial. If the inserting finger strikes the edge of the channel, the feed bar is out of adjustment. An adjustment nut on the rocker arm spring connection governs the length of the rocker arm's stroke forward. A safety stop screw prevents the feed bar from going too far in its travel. ‘_ Hopper O Box 7/ I! Adjustirig \ Nut __ Feed 778" Lock Bu’ Nut 5/16” Allen _ Screw I’. _ Feed __ Bar Rocker 1I/15" Nut Arm VIEW SHOWING FEED BAR ADJUSTMENT Tools: 1%" wrench, 114;” wrench, £1/is” Allen wrench, 7/3" wrench, feeler gage, %" wrench. Procedure: 1. Remove the feed bar guard and the safety stop screw guard. 2. Use a 1%" wrench to turn the camshaft until the inserting finger has moved all the way out and has again traveled about 1/2 its full forward movement toward the indexing dial. 3 Use a 1%" wrench to loosen the safety stop screw lock nut. 4. Use a %" Allen wrench to turn the safety stop screw clockwise into the feed bar housing two complete turns. 5. Use a V8" wrench to loosen the feed bar adjusting lock nut. 6. Use a 7 8" wrench to turn the feed bar adjusting nut until the feed bar channel is in line with the inserting finger button. [43] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adiustments 7. Use a %” wrench to tighten the feed bar adjusting lock nut. 8. Use a 5/16" wrench to turn feed bar safety stop screw until a .004” 10. clearance exists between the safety stop screw and the shoulder on the feed bar housing. Check clearance with a feeler gage and use 11/16” wrench to tighten feed bar safety screw lock nut. Replace the feed bar guard. [44] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Setting of Gage The gages of the indexing dial are identical and must extend from the in- dexing dial uniformly. They are all contained in an individual holder which is adjustable. One gage must be set, and the rest of the gages are adjusted to conform to that particular one. The gage holder is threaded on the outside and screws into the openings in the indexing dial. When the Allen set screws on the outside circumference of the indexing dial are tightened, they lock the gage holders in position. TOOIS: Procedure: '- Gage ~. Indexing Dial Seating Post VIEW OF INDEXING DIAL ASSEMBLY %" Allen wrench, 1%" wrench, alignment tool, speed wrench, mean head-to-shoulder test plug. 1. 2. Remove the clutch guard. Place the mean head-to-shoulder test plug in gage 1 in the indexing dial and .375 test disc in head-to-shoulder gaging station. Use a 1/4" Allen wrench to loosen the Allen set screw, holding the gage holder in the indexing dial. Use a 1% ” wrench to turn the machine over until gage 1 reaches the third position of the indexing dial, the primary movement forward, and the secondary movement 1/2 way forward toward the indexing dial. Use the gage holder speed wrench to turn the gage holder of gage 1 clockwise or counterclockwise in the indexing dial until the gage rod plunger centers in the test disc hole. Check the adjustment by flipping the gage rod with the finger tips while holding the test disc back with the other hand, then release. Use a 1% " wrench to turn the machine over until the test cartridge is ejected from gage 1 at the fourth position. Retrieve the test plug, then turn the camshaft until gage 1 has reached the sixth position. [45] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Procedure: 8. (Cont.) ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. REAR VIEW OF INDEXING DIAL Use a %" Allen wrench to lock the gage holder of gage 1 in the index- ing dial by tightening the gage holder set screw. Note: Before adjusting the remaining gages, adjust the seating post. (Refer to seating post adjustment.) Insert the mean head-to-shoulder test plug in gage 1. Use a 134" wrench to turn camshaft until gage 1 is in third position. Observe whether or not the gage rod plunger centers the test disc hole. If not, loosen the lock screws of the agitator cover of first gaging station. Use a 7/15" wrench to loosen the adjusting screw lock nut and turn the screw until the gage rod plunger centers the test disc hole. Tighten screws and thumb screw lock nut. Use a 13/4 ” wrench to turn the camshaft until the test plug is ejected from gage 1 at the fourth position. Then continue to turn the cam- shaft until gage 2 is in position where the test plug can be inserted. Use a 14 " wrench to loosen the Allen set screw in gage 2. Use a 1%" wrench to turn the camshaft until gage 2 is in the third position of the indexing dial, and the secondary movement is half way forward toward the indexing dial. Note: Repeat the same procedure on gage 2 that was followed on gage 1 in steps Nos. 5, 6 and 7. Follow the same procedure for gages 3, 4, 5, and 6 that was used on gage 2. Replace the clutch guard. Check adjustments by operating the machine and checking each gage with mean head-to-shoulder test plug. Observe whether or not the gage rod centers the test disc hole. [46] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments ___~__V‘— Seating Post The seating post is a tapered steel plate and is located on one end of a rocker arm which carries a weight on its other end. The purpose of this seating post is to seat all cartridges in the indexing dial uniformly. The seating post rocker arm bumps against an adjustable shaft that is fastened to the machine. This bumping takes place when the indexing dial rotates a gage past the seating post. _ Index Dial Q Adjustment ‘ I » , ; Shaft _ ~ - ~ ~ If‘, “ Seating Post VIEW OF SEATING POST Tools: ,4" wrench, 7/8” wrench, IA" wrench, feeler gage. Procedure: Place the head-to-shoulder test plug with the minimum head in gage 1. 1 1 2. Remove the clutch guard. 3 Use a 1%" wrench to turn the camshaft until gage 1 is in the second position. 4. Use a 7/8" wrench to loosen the seating post adjusting shaft lock nut. I 47 I CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Procedure: 5. Relieve the weight on the seating post; use a %" wrench to turn the (Cont.) adjusting shaft until a clearance of .004" exists between the end of the adjustable shaft and the seating post check with a feeler gage. 6. Use a 1%" wrench to turn the camshaft until the test plug is ejected from gage 1 at the fourth position of the indexing dial. 7. Replace the clutch guard. — CLOSE-UP SHOWING SEATING POST LOCK NUT I48] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Over-all Length This gaging station gages the over-all length of the cartridge. The gaging Gaging Station mechanism must be adjusted to pass the mean over-all length test plug and reject the maximum and minimum over-all length test plugs. This over-all length gage is the first station on the left of the transfer table. _ Indexing Transfer __3 Dial Bar “‘*"‘ .~ .. Over-all Primo Length " Bed Gaging Station > Secondary Q . VIEW OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY BED Tools: .375 test disc, 3” screwdriver, %" wrench, ~34” wrench, 7/16" wrench, %” Allen wrench, 1%" wrench, mean test plug. Procedure: 1. Insert the mean test plug and the .375 test disc at second station. 2. Use a 3” screwdriver to loosen the locking screws on the agitator cover on the second gaging station. Loosen the thumb adjusting screw lock nut with a l/16" wrench. 3 4. Loosen the stem bushing Allen screw with a %2'’ Allen wrench. 5. Loosen the thrust adjusting lock nut with a 7/8" wrench. 6 . Turn the thumb adjusting screw in or out until the gage rod plunger centers the test disc hole. 7. Tighten the agitator cover lock screws with a 3” screwdriver. 8. Tighten the thumb screw lock nut with a I/1%” wrench. I49 I CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Procedure: 9. Use a 34" wrench to turn the thrust nut in or out until a clearance of (Cont.) .025" exists between the stem holder and bushing. Check with a feeler gage. 10. Tighten the stem bushing lock screw with a V32” Allen wrench. 11. Tighten the thrust adjusting lock nut with a 7/8” wrench. Gage Rod Agitator Cover VIEW OF ONE OF THE GAGING ASSEMBLIES [50] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Primer Depth G siii Gage TOOIS: Procedure: The primer must be seated a certain depth below the level of the head of the case. This depth is gaged at the primer depth station known as fourth gaging station. The adjustments are identical to the second gaging station with an additional adjustment on a weight tension back plate. PRIMER DEPTH GAGING STATION .375 test disc, 3" screwdriver, %” wrench, %" wrench, '/15” wrench, 342” Allen wrench, 134 " wrench, minimum test plug. 1. The fourth gaging station is adjusted in the same manner with but one exception, namely, an adjustment on the weight tension back plate. 2. Replace the mean test plug with a minimum over-all length test plug. 3. Use a 9/16" wrench to loosen the weight tension tie rod lock nut; turn the tie rod adjusting stop nut clockwise, until about V16” clearance exists between the bronze bushing and the adjusting stop nut. [51] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Head Thickness The head thickness is checked at this gaging station. This station is Gaging Station adjusted to reject minimum and maximum test plugs and to pass the mean test plug. It is known as the sixth station. To adjust, follow the same procedure as for second gaging station. Gage Disc Gage Disc Gage Rod E” Agitator Cover LOCl( Nut Q’! Thrust Nut Lower Caliper Blade Screws - ‘ Upper Caliper Blade Screws 4 HEAD THICKNESS HEAD DIAMETER STATION STATION [52] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Extractor Groove The depth of the extractor groove of the cartridge is checked at this gag- Diameter Gaging ing station. It is known as third gaging station. An adjustment can be Station made on the caliper blades that gage the extractor groove depth. These blades are set so that the mean test plug causes the gage rod plunger to center the test disc hole and will reject maximum and minimum test plugs. If the gage rod plunger does not reject the maximum and minimum test plugs, an adjustment is needed. Upper Caliper , I ' >'= Blade “ I 1'“ . a screw; M g " S 1" ' I_ ‘ I 5 : Upper Lower J 1 _, , Y 1, Cali er Caliper Y , . ' — Blacre Blade ' Allen Screws Screws Gage Rod ., ¢¢¢¢ ' . EXTRACTOR GROOVE DIAMETER GAGING STATION Tools: '/15” wrench, screwdriver, .375 test plug, mean test plug, %” Allen wrench, feeler gage, 134" wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 1%" wrench to turn the camshaft until the secondary move- ment is far enough forward so that the gage rod touches the disc. 2. Place a .375 test disc at the third station; also a mean plug. 3. Use a 7/16" wrench to loosen the lifting plate and push it back as far as possible. 4. Use a %2” Allen wrench to loosen the upper caliper blade screws. 5. Use a screwdriver to loosen the upper caliper blade screw and turn the lock screw until the upper blade is at its highest position. 6. With a 7/15” wrench, loosen slightly the cap screws holding the gage rod cone bearing housing. 7. With a screwdriver, loosen the lower caliper blade lock screw. l 53 l CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Procedure: 8. Turn the lower caliper adjusting screw with a screwdriver while ap- (Cont.) plying hand pressure on the holding block until the gage rod plunger is V2 the diameter below the test disc hole. Remove the pressure from the holding block. Tighten the lock screw. 9. With a 31/6” wrench tighten the cap screws holding the gage rod cone bearing housing. 10. With a 3” screwdriver, loosen the upper caliper adjusting screw and tighten the lock screw until the gage rod plunger centers the test disc hole. Tighten the adjusting screw until a slight drag is felt; then alternately tighten the adjusting screw and lock screw. 11. Tighten the upper caliper lock screws with a %2'’ Allen wrench. 12. Remove the mean plug. Head Diameter This gaging station is the place where the head diameter is checked, and Gaging Station is known as station 5. This station is adjusted to reject the maximum and minimum test plugs but to pass mean test plugs. To adjust this sta- tion, follow the same procedure as for third gaging station. Q Thrust Nut Lower Caliper Blade Screws i Upper Caliper - Blade Screws HEAD THICKNESS HEAD DIAMETER STATION STATION I54] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Reject Rod 1' Bushing Spring Reject Rods Procedure: 1. 1!’ Tools: The reject rod opens the release gate of the gaging station where the cartridge failed to pass inspection. These rods must be adjusted so that when rejection occurs, the release gate will be opened in time to allow the rejected cartridge to slip from the transfer table into the reject tube. Reject rods must also allow the release gate to close completely after re- jection takes place. There is a reject rod for every gaging station. Loch Nut Reject Rod VIEW SHOWING REJECT RODS 13/4" wrench, 1/2” wrench. Use a 1%” wrench to turn the camshaft by hand until the steel balls on the conveyor screw are directly under the bumper pads. 2. Use a 1/2" wrench to loosen the lock nut on the reject rods at the brass T bushing on each station. 3. Turn the reject rod by hand on each station clockwise to open the re- lease gates. 4. Open the release gates by the above procedure until they are flush with the guide plate; then turn }/8 of a turn more for positive release. Use a V2” wrench to tighten the lock nut on all six reject rods. Check for accuracy. we Release Gate Spring Rod ==_===-'===="""“_ """"'-3"‘ REJECT ROD DISASSEMBLED FROM MACHINE [55] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Beam Scale Cone The beam scales have a cone bearing which is adjustable, and each scale Beating is balanced between two fingers. The male points of the bearings are on the beam of the scale and the female parts are on the adjusting screws which extend through the fingers, between which the beam scale balances. The adjusting screws can be extended until the desired pressure is exerted on the male points of the beam scale. The beam scale can be centered between the two fingers by adjusting tne two female bearing screws in relation to each other. Cam V , ‘_ 5/16" Lock Nuts __ 1 4" Adjusting crews Beam Scale — ~,, -; N 6'-, V <§' - .1; , .r ‘I . BEAM SCALE ASSEMBLY Tools: 1/4" wrench, %” wrench. Procedure: 1. Use a 5/16" wrench to loosen the lock nuts on the two adjusting screws which extend through the fingers, between which the beam scale balances. 2. Use a 54'’ wrench to turn the adjusting screws toward each other until the desired pressure is exerted on the male points of the beam scale. Note: To adjust these screws, center the beam scale between the two supporting fingers by extending the screws equally from the fingers. 3. Use 9. %” wrench to tighten the lock nut. l 56 l CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Balancing Beam The beam scale consists of an oscillating beam with a pan for holding Scales cartridges attached to one end of the beam, and an adjustable balancing weight attached to the other end. The weight platform contains eighteen such beam scales and is located at the right of the machine. The adjust- able balance weight can be set for cartridges of different weight. <1 i-* ‘D 1 ' ’ .0 Balance Weight Balance Weight f 5/16" Lock Nut / . *- 5/16” Lock Nut Beam Scale Beam Scale Pan _______ BEAM SCALE ASSEMBLIES Tools: '%;," wrench, light weight test plug. Procedure: 1. Place a light weight cartridge in the pan of the beam scale and use a 5/16” wrench to loosen the lock nut. 2. Turn the balance weight until the pan, when released from a low posi- tion, will rise slowly and firmly to a high position. 3. Use a 7/16” wrench to tighten the lock nut. [57] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Adjustments Clutch Clutch Yoke -_-r Pin Tools: Procedure: The clutch is a mechanism by which power transmission to the camshaft is controlled. It is located at the rear end of the camshaft. The clutch has an adjustable yoke that enables the gripping disc to be brought more firmly against the flywheel. If the clutch slips, the camshaft will not turn. If the clutch is too tight, it will not disengage when the clutch lever is tripped. CLOSE-UP OF CLUTCH ASSEMBLY Screwdriver, pair of pliers. 1. Engage the clutch lever to see whether the clutch is too loose or too tight; if too tight, the lever will tend to hang; if too loose, it will have too free a movement. 2. Pull the clutch yoke pin out with the pliers. Use a screwdriver to turn the yoke until the proper tension is felt on the clutch lever. Be sure the yoke pin locks in a slot. Note: When the clutch begins to slip, do not make an adjustment immediately; let the clutch become quite loose. If it is adjusted as soon as it develops a mild form of slippage, it will not release readily. [58] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Troubles and Corrections Objective Cartridges Jammed ' at the Bottom of Hopper Clutch is being Disengaged TROUBLES AND CORRECTIONS The adjuster will encounter many troubles and defects in the operation of this machine. It is impossible to anticipate all the problems that may confront an adjuster, but the production troubles that most commonly occur, their causes and corrections are listed below. The following troubles can be recognized by visual and gage inspection of the cartridge, together with constant observation of the machine as it operates. Accumulation of brass, dirt, dried lacquer and other foreign matter causes considerable machine trouble. Foreign matter on the stem buttons results in the rejection of good cartridges; foreign matter on the beam scale cam prevents the beam scale from functioning properly. For the above reas- ons, it is necessary to clean the parts of the machine periodically. The operator should be taught to clean the trap door periodically to prevent an accumulation of foreign matter in the gages. Visual inspection reveals that the cartridges are jamming between the feed bar channel and the slot at the bottom of the hopper. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The feed bar channel is not in line with the opening at the bottom of the hopper. 1.‘ Remove the cases from the hop- per and adjust the feed bar channel. Loosen the lock nut and turn the adjusting nut until the feed bar is in line with the opening at the bottom of the hopper. 2. The inserting finger is pulling . Occasionally remove the dirt the cartridges partly out of the from the inserting finger with dial gage. This is caused by the rags and carbon tetrachloride. lacquer on the primer. 3. The cartridges have been im- . Remove the cartridges from the properly placed into the hopper. hopper and place them back in- to the hopper in the correct position. Visual inspection reveals that the clutch has been disengaged by the clutch trip mechanism. The causes are: 1. There is a cartridge in the feed bar channel with the head forced against the dial gage. The corrections are: 1. Remove the cartridge from the feed bar channel and check the position of the cartridges in the hopper. [59] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Troubles and Corrections Clutch is being Disengaged (Cont.) Correct Head-to- Shoulder Cartridges Rejected The causes are: N) . The inserting finger is not prop- erly adjusted. It trips the clutch lever when the cartridge is properly seated. . Dirt in the profile gage pre- vents the cartridge from being completely inserted into the dial gage. . The profile of the cartridge is not correct. The corrections are: 2. Adjust the inserting finger. Loosen the lock screw. Slide the trunnion so that the insert- ing finger just contacts the car- tridge seated in the profile gage. Tighten the lock screw. Clean the profile gage with a brush soaked with carbon tetra- chloride. Remove the cartridge from the profile gage and place it in the profile reject container. Gaging reveals that correct head-to-shoulder length cartridges are being rejected and short head-to-shoulder length cartridges are not rejected. The causes‘are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. There is dirt on the head-to- shoulder stem button. There is dirt in the profile gage. Stem is not adjusted properly. Seating post is adjusted too far from the indexing dial. The cone bearings on the gage rod are too tight preventing the gage rod -from functioning prop- erly. The corrections are: 1. Clean the stem button with a rag and cleaning fluid. . Clean the profile gage with a brush and cleaning fluid. . Adjust the stem at the first sta- tion. Insert a mean head-to- shoulder test plug; loosen the screws on the agitator cover and turn the adjusting screw until the gage rod plunger cen- ters the gage disc. Tighten the screws on the agitator cover. Adjust the seating post closer to the dial gage. Insert a mini- mum test plug in the profile gage and turn the indexing dial until the test plug is in the cen- ter of the seating post. Loosen the lock nut and turn hexagon rod so a clearance of .004" ex- ists between the seating post and the arm. Tighten the lock nut. . Loosen the set screws holding the female bearings and turn bearing adjusting screws until the gage rod pivots freely. Tighten the set screws. [60] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Troubles and Corrections Nicks on Shoulder of Cartridge Scratches on the Head of Cartridge Correct Primer Depths Rejected Fails to Reject Light Cartridge Visual inspection reveals nicks on the shoulder of the cartridge. The cause is: The correction is: 1. Adjust the channel in line with the dial gage. Loosen the nuts on the channel adjusting rod and turn the adjusting nut un- til the channel is in line with the dial gage. Tighten the lock nut. 1. The feed bar channel is not in line with the dial gage. Visual inspection reveals that there are scratches on the head of the cartridge. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. The seating post is burred and scratches the head of the car- 1. Remove the seating post by re- moving the screw that holds it tridge as the cartridge is being moved by the indexing dial. . There is an excessive accumu- lation of brass on the seating post. in place, and remove the burr with a fine grade of emery cloth. . Remove the seating post and clean with fine emery cloth. Remove the screw on the seat- ing post arm and lift out the seating post. Gaging reveals that cartridges of correct primer depth are being rejected, but cartridges of incorrect primer depth are not being rejected. The corrections are: 1. Clean the stem bottom with a rag and carbon tetrachloride or some other cleaning fluid. The causes are: 1. There is dirt on the primer depth stem bottom. 2. Station is not adjusted proper- 2. Place a test plug at the primer ly. depth station and adjust the gage rod. Loosen the screws on the agitator cover and turn the adjusting screw until gage rod plunger is centered in the gage disc. Gaging reveals that themachine fails to reject light cartridges, but may be rejecting correct weight cartridges at the first fixed button. The causes are: The corrections are: 1. Dirt on the cylindrical cam pre- vents the beam scales from rid- ing on the cam. 1. Clean the cylindrical cam with a brush or cloth and use carbon tetrachloride. I61] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Troubles and Corrections Fails to Reject The causes are: The corrections are: Llghl Cartridges 2. Tight hearings on the beam 2. Loosen the lock nut on the (Cont) scales ' I prevent the beam scales beam scale bearing screw. Turn from functioning properly. the bearing screw until the beam scale pivots freely. 3. Beam scale is not adjusted 3. Place a light cartridge on the properly. scale, loosen the lock nut and adjust the weight on the scale until the pan rises. CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Lubrication Friction Introducing Lubricating Film Reduces Friction Lubrication Anti-friction Bearings MACHINE LUBRICATION The efficiency of every machine depends to a great extent upon the ability of its bearings to: 1. Withstand excessive wear. 2. Operate with low maintenance costs. 3. Operate without excessive power loss. A major cause of inefficiency is friction. Friction, as far as we are con- cerned here, is the force that resists the sliding of one surface over another. It makes no difference whether these surfaces are flat or curved. When highly ground bearing surfaces are greatly magnified, it is found that they are not smooth at all but are made up of innumerable micro- scopic hills and valleys. When the jagged hills and valleys of two engaging bearing surfaces come together, their meshing resists the sliding of one over the other. By introducing a lubricating film between the bearing surfaces, they are separated sufficiently to allow easy sliding. Liquid friction is substituted for solid friction which reduces the resisting force, because the resisting force of liquid friction is much less than the resisting force of solid friction. Friction cannot be eliminated, but it can be minimized by using a lubricant. The most important lubricants are: 1. Petroleum oils and greases. Petroleum oil or crude oil is a mineral oil that is pumped from the earth. By various degrees of refining, oils of different properties are obtained for the thousands of different types of lubrication needed in industry. Lubricating grease is a compound of petroleum oil and soap. 2. Vegetable oils andanimal oils are mixed with petroleum oils for many applications. 3. Graphite—tannin is a mixture used with water, oil, or grease for lubrication. Its use is limited. By using ball or roller bearings, we substitute rolling friction for sliding friction, and thereby reduce the resistance to the small amount of friction caused by contact of the balls with their cages and races, and the liquid friction of their lubricant. Lubricants are used in anti-friction bearings to protect the highly polished balls or rollers from rust and corrosion and to reduce friction between the moving parts. [63] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Lubrication Selecting a Lubricant for a Given Bearing Grease Lubrication Methods Some of the factors that govern the selection of a lubricant are: 1. Speed of the shaft or slide. Load on the shaft or slide. Opportunities for leakage from the bearing. Constant or intermittent operation. Cleanliness of surroundings. Temperature of surroundings. .*S”P‘F‘9°l“ Dampness of surroundings. At normal temperatures lighter bodied oils should be used as the speed of the shaft or slide increases. At higher speeds, an oil is not required to have the adhesiveness that is needed at low speeds. Instead, it must have high fluidity in order to flow quickly through the small clearances that are found in high speed bearings and thereby maintain an adequate lubricating film. As the load on a shaft or slide increases. the oil used must be correspond- ingly heavier in body. A heavy oil has low fluidity, high viscosity, high resistance to leakage and great adhesiveness. The high adhesive power makes up for the lack of fluidity in maintaining the oil film. The high film strength of heavy oils is necessary to withstand heavy shock loads. Grease is used in preference to oil when certain operating conditions are found: 1. Mechanical design allows grit and dirt to get into lubricated areas. 2. Mechanical design would allow excessive oil leakage. 3. Application is infrequent and hazardous. 4. Operating speed is low and pressure is heavy. It is desirable where possible, to standardize the lubricants for a certain plant to include a few, well-chosen good quality lubricants each of which- will answer several different purposes. . The United States Cartridge Company has standardized its needs so that less than ten different kinds of oils and greases are used. There are many ways of getting the lubricant to the bearing surface. The method used depends to a great extent upon: 1. Design of bearing. Weight or speed of the shaft.‘ Normal leakage. Size of bearing. Surroundings. Accessibility of bearing. .q.°°.o‘t‘>‘.°°.l\° Frequency of lubrication. I64] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Lubrication Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface Hints on Lubrication Consideration of these and other factors help to determine the method that is to be used to lubricate a given bearing. Some of these methods are: Simple oil hole. Bottle oiler. Ring oiler. Plain oil cups. Drop feed cups. Wick feed cups. Mechanical, force feed, central lubricating system. 9°.‘Q.°°$"t‘>.°°.N!" Splash feed system. Grease is applied to bearing surfaces through several different devices. 1. Screw down cups. 2. Compression cups. 3. Pressure guns and patented fittings. 4. Mechanical lubricators. 5. Grease packing. A systematic control of all lubrication is important. Lubrication must be done periodically and lubrication cups kept filled with lubricant. Excess oil on and about the machine is not a sign of a properly lubricated machine; it shows poor workmanship. Evidence of good lubrication is usually shown internally, not externally. Follow lubrication charts carefully to determine frequency and type of lubrication. A “must” in the mind of a good mechanic is “good lubrication”. Carry a wiping rag with you when you oil or grease. Wipe the cup or fitting before you open the cup or apply the grease gun. Also wipe the oiler spout or grease nozzle. Applications of lubricants are necessarily frequent. If a little dirt is allowed to enter the fitting each time, it can cause a lot of trouble. Don’t lay a grease gun down in a dirty place. Never lay it on the floor. A grease gun should be in one of two places; in its rack or in the hands of the oiler. The grease barrel should be kept tightly covered at all times—except when the gun is being filled. A speck of abrasive dirt that finds its way into a grease barrel can easily be forced into a bearing and cause the machine to be shut down for days. Do not deviate from lubrication procedures without authority. Lubrica- tion engineers have specified lubrication for each spot. If you think that it should be changed, take it up with your supervisor. [65] CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Lubrication LU BRICATION CHART Imbricant Machine Part N 0. of Fittings, Grease Cups, etc. Frequency of Lubrication H ours LIGHT GREASE (Blue Gun) Clutch collar 24 MEDIUM OIL (Red Oiler) Spiral gears on driveshaft . Gear head motor Res. Res. 1 wk. 1 wk. LIGHT OIL (Brown Oiler) Continued on Next Page Clutch . . . . Clutch lever assembly Main driveshaft . Driveshaft Cam follower rollers . Weighing unit drive chain Weighing unit drive gears Weighing unit drive chain idler Weighing unit main shaft . Scale beam pivots . Scale beam rollers . Barrel cam follower pivot . Sliding bearing or positive gear Reciprocating fan gear bearing Follower gear and positive gear Gibs. Safety inserting finger pivot points . Dial shaft Indexing dial gear . Geneva wheel . . . . . . . Main shaft 3 cam rocker arm and driven assembly . Main shaft 4 cam rocker arm driven assembly . Transfer bar . . . . . . Magazine feed mechanism . . . . Main shaft 5 cam rocker arm an driven assembly . . . . . . . Driveshaft first cam rocker shaft . Rocker arm connecting link pivots . Secondary movement slides . Driveshaft second cam rocker shaft . Rocker arm connecting link pivots . Primary movement slides . Kicker levers Gaging stations . o O and I-* I-‘O0 l—-* l—*l—*l—*Pl>~rI>~[\')I—*[\DI—*OOCDP-*l—*i—*t-*OOO0OQCDt—* I—*l-—‘ OONNOUNNODNOO L\Dl\')I-l>~ 24 1 wk. 24 24 24 1 wk. 24 24 24 1 wk. 00 oooooooooooooooooor-A € F I.\')I.\'J I-I>~I-POOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOO CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Machine Lubrication LUBRICATION CHART (Cont.) . . N 0. of Fittings, Frequency of Lubricant Machine Part Grease Cups, etc. Lubrication Hours Roller bearings . . . . . . . . . 2 24 Ball conveying screw shaft bearings 2 8 Ball conveying screw shaft chain 1 1 wk. Reject rod housing 18 24 Release gates . . . . . . . . . . 6 24 LIGHT QIL Drive shaft third cam rocker pivots . 3 24 (Brown Oller) . . . (C t ) Llftlng houslng shaft . . . . 2 24 on ' Lifting housing gate . . 2 1 wk. Holding blocks . . . . . . . . . 11 24 Primer depth weight tension assem- bly . . . 8 24 Countershaft . . . . . . . 1 1 wk. Hand pushout assembly . . . . . 3 1 wk. CALIBER .30 GAGE AND WEIGH Index Adjustment, Balancing Beam Scales, 57 Beam Scale Cone Bearing, 56 Centering Agitator Cover, 41 Clutch, 58 Conveyor Screw Timing, 37 Detecting Finger, 38 Extractor Groove Diameter Gaging Station, 53 Feed Bar, 43 Gage Rod Cone Bearing, 40 Head Diameter Gaging Station, 54 Head Thickness Gaging Station, 52 Over-all Length Gaging Station, 49 Primary Stop Screw, 36 Primer Depth, 51 Reject Rods, 55 Safety Inserting Finger, 38 Seating Post, 47 Setting of Gage, 45 Stem Bushing, 41 Alignment Gage, 34 Anti-friction Bearings, 63 Anvil, 30, 31, 32 Balancing Beam Scales Adjustment, 57 Ball Conveyor Shaft, 4, 8, 16 Beam Scale, 11, 16, 19 Scale Cone Bearing Adjustment, 56 Scale Drive, 18 Brake, 2 Bullet Alignment Gage, 21 Cam, 12, 15 Camshaft, 6, 13, 14, 16, 18 Cannelure, 31, 32 Cartridges Jammed at Bottom of Hopper, 59 Centering Agitator Cover Adjustment, 41 Clutch, 2, 4, 15 Adjustment, 58 Disengaged, 59 Lever, 2 Conveyor Screw, 22 Screw Timing Adjustment, 37 Correct Head-to-Shoulder Cartridges Rejected, 60 Primer Depths Rejected, 61 Cross-shaft, 3, 9, 12, 13, 14, 18 Detect, 26 Detecting Finger, 7 Finger Adjustment, 38 Dial Indicator Gage, 34 Disc Gage, 22 Driveshaft, 2, 3, 4, 15, 16, 18 Eccentric Cam, 4 Ejecting Rod, 4, 5, 17 Stem, 3 Extractor Groove, 24, 30, 31 INDEX Extractor Groove Diameter Gaging Station Adjustment, 53 Fails to Reject Light Cartridge, 61 Fan Gear, 17 Feed Bar, 3, 6, 26, 28 Bar Adjustment, 43 Bar Channel, 3 Hopper, 6 Mechanism, 3, 6 Finger Shaft, 7 Flash Hole, 30, 31, 32 Floor Space, 1 Flow Chart, 28, 29 Flywheel, 2, 4 Foil, 30, 31, 32 Friction, 63 Gage, 1 Care, 33 Rod Assembly, 23, 24 Rod Cone Bearing Adjustment, 40 Stem, 8 Stem Assembly, 23 Gaging, 33 Assembly, 50 Gear Teeth, 17 Geneva Mechanism, 3, 4, 9 Grease, 64 Head, 30 Diameter Gaging Station Adjustment, 54 Thickness Gaging Station Adjustment, 52 Height, 1 Inclined Feed Hopper, 26 Indexing Dial, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 17, 26 Dial Gage Assembly, 21 Insert, 26 Inserting Finger, 3, 4, 7 Inspection, 27 Kicker Lever, 4 Rod, 8 Lead Slug, 30 Lower Gear Rack, 4, 17 Rack, 3 Lubricating Film, 63 Lubrication, 63 Chart, 66, 67 Hints on, 65 Methods, 64 Machine Motor, 1 Manufacturer, 1 Methods of Getting Lubricant to Bearing Surface, 65 Motor, 2 Mouth, 30 Neck, 30, 31, 32 Nicks on Shoulder of Cartridge, 61 Nose, 30, 31, 32 Over-all Length Gaging Station Adjustment, 49 Position 1—26, 28 2—26, 28 3—26, 29 4—26, 29 5—26 6—26 7-27, 29 8-27, 29 9—27, 28 10—27, 28 11—27, 28 12—27, 29 Power, 2 Primary Movement Bed, 4, 13 Stop Screw Adjustment, 36 Primer, 31 Depth Adjustment, 51 Pocket, 30, 32 Production, 1 Profile Gage, 34 Propellant Powder, 31, 32 Reject Box, 3 Container, 20 Rods Adjustment, 55 Station, 11 Tube, 8 Rejecting Rod Assembly, 25 Release Gate, 3 Rocker Arm, 3, 6, 12, 13, 14, 17 Safety Inserting Finger, 2, 21 Inserting Finger Adjustment, 38 Scratches on Head of Cartridge, 61 Seating, 26 Post, 3, 10 Post Adjustment, 47 Secondary Movement Bed, 4, 8, 14 Selecting a Lubricant, 64 Setting of Gage Adjustment, 45 Shoulder, 30, 31, 32 Snap Gage, 34 Spur Gear, 9 Station 1-26, 29 2—27, 29 3—27, 29 4-27, 28 5—27, 28 6—27, 28 Steel Core, 32 Stem Bushing Adjustment, 41 Switch, 2 Transfer Bar, 3, 4, 12 Table, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 17 Transmission, 2 Twin Ring Gage, 34 Type of Feed, 1 Upper Gear Rack, 4, 17 Rack, 3 Weighing Pan, 19 Platform, 5 Weight, 1 [68] DATE DUE $..e.....i.... .....e..e ..... . M ,.i... v01 .r . 2 5.1.3..“ . . . . . Ts 1»».6ua.rs,. Kr: . . . . 5 . . . ..r \ s . . . . . 5......-It...~.. .. . I ..J. v..\ . ..., . . » . . .. .r\. I I I e.i.:+\.- .. .1\4|..1.-!...&.F..~T.e!!.I.n f. ,fQ5~J_..t.?:F ti at r21 .1. ...I I Felt ft. wt: .. bu bE.9uI5.,'fi.¢su?. k‘f...>\so ‘xvi’ $43!.-s. .r\ct.?\q'i lM\snst\!~.n.Iv§s .0t.si..eo.\o\.U.¥r-... 1% F-Rand rt! Silt a , 11.51} art a.;¢..lv } ~l..t(\.hfw.¢7a 37: )2» f.1.i \:i..i\ . . ~ . . ~¢ iA=s§.!~. ¢sa:.'t 0». [$3. .. . . . . . . o 14. Z .1. & o.n..l~.t\.|r to vs ...».I at. . . . . . .w.Ifnr.s‘....-In-(t..\- ...l. 2; 2‘. ... at . §}\J..-i}rrr.. ‘aim I. (tire. fl. if 1-» . . it ad-I..:..._ rt{_s._.~: fl?! .:..~:T. £l»l2 » a .r....».\4.c¢._rv.v-!r- .a#~..5 ifs‘; ‘ .4'e.or...- Tish Q: - r- 11 .5. Ki. ‘:1 z..)_sn..,»..A. n(#¢z\€.II9_t#1v.s|sHa\.Qt ....\w.&r£.3“!-:2 -f .a\.e9ao. ¢..ve.lrr J .2 . . . .»2».!.~n¢!r;»rs4.~....u.)__. ire’:-4.Isv....-.lrI0£.f.rsi.'.»¢: . . .... A. ya E 1 . . . . . . .0.‘ . (.:I.r.:.. . 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