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ARTES 2 IlluillllllllllIII nitinhihihihihihi Fata Altimiimilitini Engineering Library T 171 M419 B95 M. I. T. in World War II Q. E. D. Entrance from the Great Court, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. UNID OF M.I.T. in World War II .. . , .. . .. O.E.D. . i John Burchard . .. The Technology Press John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York Chapman & Hall, Ltd., London COPYRIGHT, 1948 BY THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY All Rights Reserved This book or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Foreword As I LOOK BACK on the vivid, hectic years of World War II from the vantage point of peace and reconstruction in 1948, a kaleidoscopic succession of impressions runs through my mind. Perhaps I can do no better, as a foreword to this story of M.I.T. in World War II, than to record some of these. As with every Son of M.I.T., these impressions are the composite result of personal experiences within the framework of our institution and of those wartime organizations in which our alumni, staff, and students played so prominent a role. In retrospect, one quality of our wartime activity stands out clearly, and I sometimes wish we could recapture it to an equal extent in our postwar program. It is the quality of unity and simplicity because, however difficult and numerous were the problems, there was always just one criterion for their solution: “'Is this the most useful thing which M.I.T., or any one of us personally, can do to help win the war?” One of my close friends is a strong advocate of "single-mindedness” and in his own life he follows this principle with great effectiveness. His principle is this: Pick out the thing which you most wish to accomplish, and then organize all of your powers and activities to this end. This was the characteristic policy of M.I.T. in wartime. No one can read the story set forth in this history without being impressed by the fact that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a tremendous national asset. This was very vividly illustrated during the war; it is continually demon- strated in peace. One can point to numerous accomplish- ments of M.I.T. without which it can certainly be said that the war would have lasted longer, its destructiveness would have been greater, and its outcome precarious. Some of these FOREWORD TIY91 YYIL accomplishments could not have been made except for the facil- ities and personnel here available. The war record of M.I.T., and of other great centers of war activity, illustrates strikingly the power of cooperative group effort. “Power” is, by definition, the rate of doing work. Jobs were accomplished at incredible speed because each group of workers was dominated by a single-minded, unselfish drive to accomplish its objective, and because each group was com- posed of individuals of high ability. One of the outstanding lessons of the war was the great value of civilian experts at high levels in the military and other governmental councils. This is tied in with the value of an emergency civilian organization with independent funds and authority. The Armed Services deserve great credit for their accomplishments under the tremendous pressures of rapid expansion and shortness of time. They also deserve great credit for the manner in which they learned to cooperate with civilian experts as “team-mates.” In many cases this cooperation did not come easily and naturally, but only after the civilian agency had struggled with difficulties to the point where it could make a striking demonstration or until after there had been a replacement of military personnel by others of broader vision. In some quarters the decision to purchase newly developed equipment in quantity, without going through the peacetime routine of successive qualifying tests, had to be forced by civilian pressure. It was civilian pressure which finally broke down a table of organization which called for “fifty-eight radar experts" and opened the way for the training of these experts by the thousands. It took, a devastating report by a civilian scientific board to convince those in higher authority that the traditional methods of antisubmarine warfare were inadequate and that far more effective methods could be devised. When escort vessels alone were proving inadequate to prevent sinkings by enemy submarines and to prevent the invasion even of our own coastline by these submarines, it was the Secretary of War and his civilian aides who put through the first organized FOREWORD vii effort to counterattack the submarines by airplanes fitted with radar and magnetic detectors and it was a civilian organization, M.I.T., which supplied this radar and trained the crews in its operation. The amphibious vehicle DUKW was the name given to the immensely important amphibious truck which played such a role in the Normandy invasion and in the amphibious landings and the harbor operations in the Far Pacific. With one notable exception, the military authorities expressed no interest in this project until the development had been carried through and the significance of the DUKW demonstrated by OSRD. Much the same thing can be said of the rocket missiles, including the Bazooka, and there are some instances of important developments which never did break through into use. These illustrations are given, not in criticism of the professional military men who had their own tremen- dously difficult job to perform, but simply to illustrate the point that civilian experts, well organized, operating at high level with adequate funds and authority are a tremendous supplement to the Armed Forces in a war emergency. In many of the civilian war activities M.I.T. was the "guinea pig.” Our facilities of personnel and laboratories, and whole- hearted backing by the Executive Committee of our Corpora- tion, made it possible for us to move rapidly to meet any new need. For this reason the first really large OSRD contract was located at M.I.T., and for this reason also the terms of this contract, which were set by prolonged studies and negotiations between our Division of Industrial Cooperation and our Admin- istration and legal counsel on one hand, and the contracting office of OSRD on the other hand, set the pattern for the subsequent major contracts of the OSRD and had a very pro- nounced influence on all subsequent governmental contracts with private institutions, extending even now into peacetime. For the same reason it was M.I.T. which was largely responsible for setting the policies followed by all institutions with refer- ence to tenure and salary scale of the staffs recruited for the various research and development projects. Though this viii FOREWORD 1 achieved little publicity, I believe that the working out of these policies on a fair “no profit, no loss” basis and in a readily workable manner constitute one of M.I.T.'s most important contributions during the war. As will be clearly seen by the reader of this history the Institute's contributions in World War II were principally channeled in three categories: (1) research and development contracts; (2) special training courses; and (3) personal services by its staff. By its policy of rendering many of these personal services available to the government without charge, and in other cases of supplementing government salaries to our staff so that our personnel could accept usefu! jobs without impossible financial handicap, the rendering of these personal services also represents a financial contribution by the Institute of over a half million dollars to the war effort. Our research and development projects were of two general types. In one of these types the work was carried on primarily by regular members of the M.I.T. staff. These were the smaller projects, but many of them were very important. The other type consisted of the very large projects for which the staffs were recruited from all types of institutions and organizations all over the country. These were definitely cooperative efforts in which M.I.T. took care of the business operations and the housekeeping but in general turned over the running of the program to the best men available, whether members of the M.I.T. staff or not. Thus in our war effort we owe a debt to representatives from many other institutions who joined with us in this great program. Some of these groups were like high- strung race horses whose best performance was achieved by “giving them their head,” but this is just another way of saying that the Institute's first and only objective in this period was to help to win the war, and not to seek institutional or per- sonal advantage. We are particularly fortunate in having John Burchard as the author of this history. He had a remarkably wide contact with the war effort at home and in the active theaters. Even FOREWORD before the war broke out he was borrowed from M.I.T. to head a preparedness project located at Princeton University under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences. Throughout most of the war he was the head of one of the important divisions of the National Defense Research Committee. He also served as Assistant Chief and later Deputy Chief of the Office of Field Service and was responsible for organizing a number of special projects in the active theaters. Finally, he had some of the aspects of a first-class trouble shooter since he was given the job in the OSRD organization of pulling several difficult assign- ments out of confusion and into effective operation. John Burchard did all of these tasks with superlative skill. With this same skill, it seems to me, he has tackled the very complex problem of M.I.T.'s wartime history. To organize this complex material into a coherent story had seemed to me a well-nigh impossible task. I think John Burchard has solved the problem by organizing the material first around the frame- work within which M.I.T.'s activities operated and then by breaking down the story of accomplishments under various generic headings. Even with all this, however, he will be the first to admit that the story is far from complete. From my limited knowledge I know that many of the activities recorded briefly in this volume could themselves have each been expanded into a full volume or even into many volumes. As a matter of fact this is being done elsewhere, as for example in the OSRD publications which include more than a dozen volumes on the subject of radar and are largely built around the program of the M.I.T. Radiation Laboratory. The story ALSOS, by Professor Samuel A. Goudsmit, is a fascinating account of the war's most important scientific intelligence mission, in whose organization John Burchard played a part, and whose head, Professor Goudsmit, was, during most of the war, a member of the M.I.T. Radiation Laboratory. And finally, the accom- plishments of M.I.T. staff, alumni, and students are so numerous that it is wholly impossible to mention more than a few of the most outstanding individual cases and projects. JU FOREWORD Carved across the front of the National Academy of Sciences Building in Washington is a Greek inscription from Aristotle whose translation is “The search for truth is in one way hard and another easy, for it is evident that no one can master it fully nor miss it wholly; but each adds a little to our knowledge of Nature, and from all the facts assembled there arises a certain grandeur." I feel that this quotation can well epitomize the history of M.I.T. in World War II. No one who participated in these activities, nor any writer or reader of this history, can grasp it fully nor miss it wholly, but it is certainly true that from all the facts assembled there "arises a certain grandeur" which is the total contribution by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology toward the winning of what we hope and pray will have been the last great world war. March, 1948 KARL T. COMPTON Preface THIS BOOK DESCRIBES the contributions of a single privately endowed American institution, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to the victory over the Axis powers. It is a record which will have been paralleled by others, and in that respect is typical of the assistance rendered the Allies by academic insti- tutions. Technological emphasis of the recent war made the work of technological groups more prominent than in previous conflicts. In such a position the activity of a large technological institution was naturally extensive and significant. Intended to be a history of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology during the war period, the book makes no effort to speak of the contributions of other institutions, which were fre- quently quite as important. Although I have taken pains not to overstate the part played by the Institute, I dare say there will be some to whom the text will seem boastful. I hope it is not that, but it is of course written from a single point of view. A fuller picture can certainly be obtained by reading kindred works about other institutions, of which there is no dearth. The book does not seek to be a history of individuals. Research and development are almost always the work of teams these days. Teams have leaders, and the team leaders of this war would be the first to disclaim personal credit for the lion's share. Nonetheless, it is usually easier to tell a story in terms of individuals. I have accordingly not hesitated to talk more about single individuals than their total role, relative to that of others, would justify. But the reader who is interested in a single individual will often find the individual difficult to trace save through the index. The activities of a man are not placed in juxtaposition here, save as they concerned but a single job. Some members of the Institute did war work which still xi xii PREFACE remains classified. Of such work this history can, of course, say nothing. Mention of a staff member in one capacity does not mean, therefore, that in others he did not do work of greater importance, while lack of any mention may mean only that the man's work is still classified. The important decisions to be made at the outset were: 1. Not to write a history of alumni activity. M.I.T. alumni who appear in these pages do so because of some direct relation to the activities being described. Relatively few of all alumni who worked with distinction in the war will be met here. 2. Not to include the names of all the many persons from other institutions who joined hands with groups at M.I.T. and, working under M.I.T. contracts, made distinguished con- tributions. This decision was reached with the greatest reluct- ance for it must be admitted at once that there were few important projects at M.I.T. which were exclusively the product of M.I.T. people. It had to be made because of the very large number of such outsiders, especially in the Radiation Labora- tory. Had they all been included, the book would have become a form of Who's Who and not a history. 3. Not to include staff activities which were of a normal civilian nature and in which all patriotic citizens indulged in greater or less degree. This refers to contributions to the blood bank, Red Cross activities, bond drives, Office of Civilian Defense, Selective Service administration, and the like. Prior to my work on the book, Mr. J. J. Sharkey in 1945– 1946, as the result of a questionnaire to the staff, collected such information on their activities during the war as the individuals would supply. Subsequently I have augmented this information in two ways; first, by personal conferences with those who I felt would offer the most useful expansion of detail; second, with the aid of Miss Beverly Brooks, by looking up individuals who we were certain had done something sig- nificant but, through modesty or otherwise, had failed to report. The material was reworked in terms of types of activity rather than in terms of the individuals. The text referring to each PREFACE xiii individual was reviewed by him for errors of fact. Thus the staff will have to share with me, at least in part, the blame for errors of this sort. I cannot, however, escape personal blame for errors of emphasis or interpretation. Clearly such a technique must result in some lacunae. I am sufficiently familiar with the general activities of the Institute and with the course of research and development during the war to feel reasonably confident that no important activity has been omitted. I cannot feel so certain that some individuals have not been overlooked; and to any who have been slighted, I apologize. The greatest omissions of this sort are likely to concern those with active military records and those who have come to the Institute postwar, having served elsewhere before. In both cases the individuals were often not on the staff at the time of the first survey. The lacunae may be less serious than would perhaps appear because the history is primarily the history of research rather than of battle (the soldiers and sailors will have their full day elsewhere), and because we really should not claim credit anyway for the war activities of the newcomers. The problem of citations was equally troublesome. Again a questionnaire was sent out; the citations listed are simply the grist from that questionnaire. It is almost certain that many important ones have been omitted. Since the history is not concerned with glory, the completeness of citations is perhaps not important. They have been used, not for glory, but to document my assertions that certain things were impor- tant by showing that others, too, thought so. The greatest fault in the record is of a different sort. It is relatively easy to prepare an account of those who left the Institute for careers, glamorous or not, or of those who remained at the Institute to direct projects not in the ordinary line of things. But there was another group of the greatest importance, the group which kept the ship afloat when many of the officers and men had left for other duties. A list of these people starts with James Rhyne Killian, Jr., Vice President, and Horace S. Ford, Treasurer, whose energy, foresight, and skill guided T xiv PREFACE the Institute during the extensive absences required of Dr. Compton. It goes down through many other executive officers and embraces a large number of distinguished teachers who carried heavy overloads in order that their colleagues might range in other fields. It is out of the question to make any reason- able detailed statement as to these activities, and the attempt has not been made. Some, and all too few, of the individuals appear casually in the book in other connections, but most of them remain anonymous. It would be quite impossible to over- emphasize the nature of their contribution, one which left the Institute in a position to carry on into the peace with increased rather than diminished momentum. In addition to the detailed review of parts by all the partic- ipants, I was especially helped by Dean Edward L. Moreland, Dean George R. Harrison, Professor Julius Stratton, and Mr. Nathaniel McL. Sage, each of whom reviewed the whole manuscript with great care. By their combined comments I have been spared many an egregious error. Thanks are also due Edna Kempton, who transcribed the manuscript from very foul copy; to an always helpful colleague of many years, Margaret Hopkins, who made most of the checks of detail; and to Beverly Brooks, who did most of the final investigation and who saw the manuscript through the press. Finally, more perhaps than she knows, I am grateful to my wife, Marjorie, who listened to many more versions of the text than ought to have been imposed on anyone and who frequently has saved me from banality. As a member of the staff of M.I.T., I am proud of the record made by my institution in this period of crisis. I hope I have portrayed it with sufficient modesty. If it can be taken in the spirit in which it was prepared, it may stand as an assurance that the private universities of this nation are equipped to do in the future as they have steadfastly done in the past. If this point is made, the book will have served its purpose. Cambridge, 1 March 1948 JOHN BURCHARD Contents PART I ORIENTATION 1. M.I.T. in 1939 2. Perspective PART II RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL 3. The Research-Directing Agencies 4. The Projects of NDRC 5. For the Army 6. For the Navy 7. For the Office of Field Service 125 134 PART III RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT TECHNOLOGY 8. The Division of Industrial Cooperation 9. To Make the Guns Behave 10. For the Wounded and the Well 11. Phenomena of Sky and Sea 12. In the Service of Materials 13. Flash Photos and Other Tools 14. Prelude to Hiroshima 15. Electronic Espionage – the Radiation Laboratory 153 164 178 196 209 215 PART IV THE STAFF AWAY ON DIVERSE MISSIONS 16. On the Production Front 17. On the Psychological Front 18. Consultants to Industry 243 252 259 XV xvi CONTENTS PART V THE HOME FRONT 19. Teaching in the War Years 275 PART VI EPILOGUE 20. M.I.T. Redeploys for Peace By J. R. Killian, Jr. 313 Glossary of Code Names and Abbreviations 327 Personnel Index 333 Subject Index 343 Part I ORIENTATION M.I.T. IN 1939 WHEN THE GERMANS invaded Poland in the early autumn of 1939 the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was preparing to enter its seventy-fifth year. The years since 1865 had wit- nessed a steady growth with some larger jumps which are not of concern to this story. In the seventy-four years completed, the original registration of 69 students who greeted President Rogers in the fall of 1865 had become 1,000 after 36 years, but had not gone over 2,000 until the return of veterans from World War I, when it reached 3,000, mounting briefly to 3,500 in 1921–22. This 3,000 figure had remained relatively stable during the twenty years between crises, stable in number if not in distribution. In 1935 the Institute had adopted a stabilized enrollment plan which was, by 1939, in its fourth year and hence fully operative; freshmen registrations were 605 out of 1,621 appli- cants. The total undergraduate enrollment was 2,379, and 721 graduate students brought the total to 3,100. This enrollment was no mere congregation of local residents; more than 70 per cent of all the students came from outside Massachusetts, 60 per cent from outside New England, 33 per cent from out- side the North Atlantic States; 7 per cent were not from the United States at all, coming from 41 nations, including both Germany and Poland, the original combatants of 1939. In that year this graduate student registration was the largest in the history of the Institute and represented 170 American colleges and universities and 61 foreign institutions. The 10 staff members, all professors, who had cared for the education of President Rogers’ 69 had grown to an also rela- QED tively stable figure of 683, of whom 282 were of faculty rank. The ratio of number of students to number of staff members was beneficently low, and this was the result of intention. In 1929, a decade before, for example, the staff had numbered 515, or 20 per cent less, for a student body of almost exactly the same size. Spearheaded by the generosity of George Eastman, who contributed $20,500,000 to the growth of Technology, the original zero endowment of President Rogers had become, in 1939, $36,000,000, the seventh largest held by an educational institution in the United States. The original rented class- rooms in the Mercantile Library Building on Summer Street in downtown Boston had become, in this same fateful year of 1939, a congeries of buildings and equipment valued at $16,000,000, as contrasted with a valuation of $7,000,000 in 1916. President Rogers' tiny first budget, magnified only to $86,000 by 1881, had grown for 1938–39 to an expenditure of $3,203,300, the largest in the Institute's history up to that time. The annual operating budget was derived 58 per cent from student fees, 35 per cent from investments, 7 per cent from other sources; expenditures for strictly educational purposes, on the other hand, accounted for 70 per cent of the annual expenditure. Since 1916 the Institute had occupied the new buildings designed by Welles Bosworth for the Charles River site in Cambridge. On that date of occupancy the buildings had provided the students and staff of Technology with approxi- mately 680,000 square feet of working space. Between 1916 and 1939 about 345,000 square feet had been added so that in the first year of crisis there was a total of some 1,025,000 square feet available. The 3,100 students of 1939 were enrolled in 17 different departments and were taking 32 basic curricula,1 all related to science or engineering. Many of these curricula had been pioneered by the Institute.2 By 1939 research work had been undertaken by various staff M.I.T. IN 1939 members of the Institute which was to lay the groundwork for many of the most important war research projects later undertaken at Technology. This was true, for example, of the laboratories dealing with such diverse subjects as instruments, servomechanisms, electronics, radioactive materials, aeronau- tics, rapid analysis, X-ray, high voltage. In facilities, and in trained personnel to operate them, the institution had been preparing unconsciously for a crisis which it could not have foreseen; when the crisis came it was ready. By 1939 the crisis could begin to be discerned clearly, even though the nation was at that time involved only spiritually and even though the spiritual involvement was not shared by all its citizens. In July, 1939, Dr. Karl T. Compton, President of the Institute, decided to canvass the alumni for information a year earlier than would have been necessary for the Register of Former Students. Therefore a questionnaire for the Register as well as one for the Placement Bureau was sent out on September 30, 1939, the opening paragraph of which read: Since war began in Europe we have observed here at the Institute an increase in the demand for trained men, especially on the part of industry. I am convinced that this demand will continue to grow as our country adjusts itself to the new conditions imposed by the foreign conflict. The questionnaires were then totted, and the results enabled the Institute in 1940 to recommend men for key positions both in government and in industry. The time was not ripe for the Institute to turn its activities to war, but the storm clouds were described accurately enough by Dr. Compton, in his ninth annual report to the Corpora- tion in October, 1939, when he said: Our first duty, in this time of turmoil and danger, is to carry on our normal educational program as effectively as possible and with a minimum of confusion. Whatever course future events may take, the world will need young men versed in science and skilled in the arts of its application to promote human welfare. QED After defining the Institute's second duty as the expansion and improvement of its efforts in research for public service, Dr. Compton continued: In the third place, we should be alert to the needs and opportu- nities for service to our country in direct proportion to the degree of national emergency which may exist. For example, certain technical problems of national defense might properly now engage the attention of our staff which, under less portentous circumstances, should be given a lower priority or left to other auspices. If ever the extreme situation of a struggle for existence of our country or its ideals should befall us, then I am sure that we should do as we did in 1917 – temporarily subordinate our normal educational and research program, and place all our facilities at the disposal of the nation with suitable arrangements for their wise use. LE 1 l KY le when te are so clear.itution wh A year later Germany controlled western Europe, and Eng- land was beginning her period of travail at the hands of the Luftwaffe. The situation was entirely clear to the Institute's president in his 1940 report, rendered fourteen months before the Japanese struck at Pearl Harbor. In this tenth annual report he said: We are fortunate to serve an institution whose objectives in respect to national needs are so clear-cut and constructive. Estab- lished at a time when technically trained men were needed to develop uses for our great national resources and to pioneer in the new industrial era, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has had no reason to change its basic objectives, whether in times of prosperity or depression, of peace or of war. Engineers are ever more needed to operate and improve the productive industries of the country; scientists are ever faced with opportunities to make discoveries which will create new industries and employment, or improve health and comfort, or add to the satisfactions of intel- lectual achievement; business men with technological training are increasingly able to cope with their problems as compared to those without it in this technological era. And in a time of military crisis, technological efficiency in production as well as in design of instruments of defense and offense is the basic element of national defense. In my report last year, as the European war was just begin- M.I.T. IN 1939 ning, I submitted my opinion that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's greatest service, in threat of war as in time of peace, was to continue as efficiently and uninterruptedly as possible, its program of technological education and scientific research. That opinion still holds; but the progress of events has called for some new definitions of policy and modifications in procedure. Where we possess facilities of personnel or equipment which can contribute in especially significant ways to the national defense program, we should direct them to this effort, always guided by our best evaluation of the national importance of this effort in com- parison with other ways in which these same personnel and facilities might be used. We should make this possible by postponing less urgent research projects, by internal rearrangement of teaching schedules, and by carrying a more than normal per capita burden of work. We should not permit our facilities, many of which are unique, to be tied up in work of a type which can be well performed by many other agencies, and we should, in so far as possible, hold our staff together as a working unit. The teaching and research staff is certainly more effective intact than it would be dispersed, and as an integrated organization can exert a greater force for national defense.3 Dr. Compton then went on to describe ways in which this program was already being implemented, ways which are the theme of this book and which will therefore be expanded later. Even at this early time special training courses had been inaugurated; the wind tunnels and certain other laboratories were working full time on military problems. More than two dozen of the staff were specifically mentioned as having left for war duties; they were merely the scouts of a larger hegira to come. The future was then predicted with great accuracy by Dr. Compton: If the national emergency should become acute, the foregoing arrangements may have to be modified. It is conceivable that many of the Reserve Officers remaining on our staff may be called to active service, and that the number of regular students may be materially decreased. We may have to transform our activities very largely in the direction of emergency technical training courses and QED war research. If so, we are prepared to carry on with as close adher- ence as may be possible to the basic policies and ultimate objectives which have guided us in the preceding arrangements. Fourteen months before the attack on Pearl Harbor, there- fore, M.I.T. had begun to mobilize. A year later, and two months before the attack, the Institute's president could report that more than two hundred officers and members of the Insti- tute staff were engaged as experts for various operating or advisory agencies of the government, that those in this category whose salaries had continued to be paid by M.I.T. had con- tributed more than 50,000 man-hours to this service, that defense research contracts with the Army, the Navy, and the National Defense Research Committee had already been made which totaled more than the annual budget of the Institute in 1938–39. From this point on, the acceleration was rapid and by the time of the next report, ten months after war had been declared, every sinew of the Institute had been stretched tight as a partner in the national effort. What this meant in detail will appear in the pages which follow. In general it meant that of the 680-odd staff listed in the fall of 1939 more than a third were away, on leave of absence or not, carrying on war activities of primary importance; that because of war contracts for research and little decrease in teaching responsibility the total staff on the Institute lists reached at the August, 1945, peak a figure of 6,200 or nine times normal; that at the 1944–45 peak the annual budget for the Institute was $44,354,800 or nearly fourteen times the 1938–39 figure; that the budget for supported research alone, also at the peak, was $39,970,900; that building space had been increased by 475,000 square feet or nearly 50 per cent. As was expected, war research made inroads on civilian graduate registration, and the Selective Service, paying little heed, in the long run, to the national need for technological education, reduced the civilian student body from the normal 3,100 of 1939 to a low of 1,165 in March, 1944, thus returning this registration to the totals of the decade 1890–1900. This reduction was partly compensated for, especially in the heart M.I.T. IN 1939 9 of the war, by various special service courses, the ASTP for a short time and the Navy V-12 for longer, but even with these additions the total registration in the last two years of the war declined from 3,600 (November, 1943) to a low of 1,870 (March, 1945), or to about the pre-World-War-I level. This decline was equally marked in the Graduate School, where a normal 1939 enrollment of over 700 had been reduced to 349 in the fall of 1945, with a very large proportion of those who re- mained coming from foreign countries which were either not at war or were only nominal combatants. These are the cold statistics of the Institute's contributions to the victory. They suggest little save that in a great event of this sort the Institute, like any other significant national institution, was significantly affected. The quality of the contribution needs more extensive analysis in order that it may be assessed; and it is this quality which is the subject of the succeeding chapters. FOOTNOTES 1 Aeronautical Engineering, Meteorology, Architecture, City Planning, Biology and Public Health, Biophysics and Biological Engineering, Build- ing Engineering and Construction, Business and Engineering Adminis- tration, Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Practice, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Economics and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering (Cooperative), Electrochemical Engineering, Food Technology and Industrial Biology, General Engineering, General Science, Geology, Marine Transportation, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering (Cooperative), Metallurgy, Ceramics, Mining Engineering, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Naval Engineer- ing, Naval Construction, Physics, Sanitary Engineering. Even with this plethora of selection, 30 students, most of them juniors, were unclassified. 2 Among them, as professional courses, are Architecture in 1865, Electri- cal Engineering separated from Physics in 1882, Chemical Engineering in 1888, Naval Architecture in 1893, Electrochemistry in 1901, Public Health (with Harvard) in 1910, Architectural Engineering in 1923, Aeronautical Engineering in 1926, Industrial Biology in 1927, Meteorology in 1928, and Food Technology in 1935. 3 This proved to be more desirable than events made possible. The demand for individual services away from M.I.T. was simply too over- whelming to make achievement possible more than in part. PERSPECTIVE nya BY DOING its regular business well in peace, Technology had, more than it knew, prepared itself to serve the nation well in war. The biggest part of its preparation lay not in its labora- tories, not in its staff, not in its administration, prominent as were to be the roles all these would play. Rather it lay in the product of the previous forty-odd years: in its trained alumni. This is a general rule which could be applied to any educa- tional institution, either in peace or in war. In World War II the alumni of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology could scarcely be an exception. This was a war which exploited tech- nical resources to an extent never witnessed in any previous conflict. It called upon these resources in every conceivable way. Not only did laboratories in the warring countries race against each other to develop new weapons, but the factories, too, raced to stretch their production to unheard-of limits. Even after the new weapons were devised and produced, they needed personnel to operate them, personnel with a skill never present in the members of Napoleon's Old Guard. The lowliest soldier had to become something of a technician. To be sure, even in this tech- nological conflict the “dog-face” outnumbered all other ratings and played a vital part when the battle was joined; but the “dog- face at Dunkerque was helped little by his courage when tech- nique and production had failed him; the American, the British, or the Russian infantryman would have found himself as helpless as the Ethiopian and the Pole, had he not been supported by applied technology. Indeed, it would not be stretching the point at all to say that, in the last analysis, the war was won by superior technology, 10 PERSPECTIVE 11 superior research, superior production, superior use of weapons, though the last was a long time in developing. And this superi- ority in any one of these fields rested with the free nations, with those whose research was untrammeled by political concepts such as the aversion to “Jewish physics” held by Hitler; with those whose production was still largely unregimented and whose producers were encouraged to use their ingenuity and to assert their independence; whose young men had been educated on an independent basis and were well able to meet technical challenges. Under these circumstances it was inevitable that the alumni and the staff of a first-line technological institution should play an important role in the victory, possibly a more important role than their mere numbers would suggest. These alumni and staff members were to be found every- where. Many were in the armed services though their skills made them indispensable to the laboratory and the shop. There were surely fewer combat soldiers and sailors proportionately among M.I.T. men than might have been found, for example, in the graduates of a liberal arts institution. 1 More than were in uniform would have been found in the ranks of industrial management or on loan to the Government for various pur- poses. Most of all, perhaps, took their places as engineers, design- ers, research men, working for the most part in the halls of private industry. For all of this they were ready. The war brought to most of them merely the challenge of a harder effort, of a tougher appli- cation of skills already possessed, perhaps of a greater spirit of self-sacrifice. Where they were called to duties outside their normal vocations, they demonstrated that their education had made them versatile enough to take up such tasks. Architects might become diagnosticians of bombing, “long-haired” physi- cists become electronic engineers, an etcher might become a secret agent. But for the most part M.I.T.'s alumni were specifi- cally ready for the task they were specifically called upon to perform. There can be no doubt that in preparing them thus to be ready the Institute made its major contribution to the 12 QED hich had zed skills rigoro nation; this contribution was made years before the war threat- ened, when the men were at an impressionable age. It was made without the guidance of the Army or the Navy, and indeed in a milieu where specific preparation to help in a war formed no significant part of the educational concept. In this rigorous and full-scale training in a variety of generalized skills, in the inde- pendent educational policies which had governed the growth of these men and men like them from other free institutions, lay our power to survive. If, as seems certain, M.I.T.'s alumni made her greatest contri- bution to the victory, it may seem strange that this record must pass over it with scant mention. The reason is that the record is so extensive and so complex as to defy any brief analysis. This volume can deal in detail only with M.I.T.'s staff activities. It is, however, possible to give a brief hint as to the extent of the alumni record. As of January, 1942, this alumni body numbered approximately 33,500. The Technology alumni serv- ice flag carries 9,634 stars.2 Thus about 30 per cent of the alumni were in uniform. This percentage is lower than was characteristic of many seaboard institutions, but is accounted for by the many persons with Technology training who were engaged in essential occupations and who, even when they held officer reserve status, were not called to active duty. This was especially true of the many senior officers of corporations engaged in the full-scale production battle, the directors or assistant directors of research in institutions whose full research attention was for the moment turned to war, to engineers afield constructing bases and other engineering works as civilians, and most of all, no doubt, to those in the ranks of industrial produc- tion and research. Unfortunately, for none of these categories of activity are there any satisfactory statistics. The alumni in uniform were, like the alumni of any other university, to be found in all ranks, in the plain wool of the GI or the gob and in the brass of general or admiral. And M.I.T.'s participation at the higher levels of the military machine was substantial. There was good reason for this. It had C PERSPECTIVE long been the policy of the Army and Navy to send carefully selected graduates of their Academies to the Institute for advanced training. Thus a few men who had gone through the entire Institute curriculum were to be found in the higher echelons, but to these were added a much larger number of alumni who owed their graduate training to M.I.T. Counting all kinds, the roster of M.I.T. alumni shows 94 generals of the United States Army, 1 of the United States Marine Corps, 1 of the Canadian Army, and 2 of the Chinese Army; 50 admirals and commodores of the United States Navy, 1 of the United States Coast Guard, and 1 of the Chinese Navy; 3 505 other officers of army, navy, and marines who attained the rank of colonel in the army or the corresponding rank of captain in the navy.4 This is all that may profitably be told in this story about the all-important activities of Technology's alumni. At times in this tale an alumnus will appear, but only because mention of his position will give the reader a clearer idea of the influence M.I.T. may have wielded in a given situation; such a selection is of course far from complete and is never intended to be invidious. This report, then, is the story of the activities of the staff of M.I.T. as it was constituted in 1940, plus a number of men who have joined the staff subsequently.5 The staff numbered 641 when war loomed. One-third took official leave of absence to carry on the wide variety of duties which will be presently described. Fully another third were equally engaged without having to be away from M.I.T. continuously and therefore were not technically on leave of absence. In this group were many of those who remained to direct the research projects at the Institute which jumped to 400 during the war, resulted in an expansion of all employees from 1,100 to 6,000, increased the annual expenditures of Technology from 4 million dollars to 44. conceivable way. It cannot too often be repeated that the war 14 QED was a cooperative venture, that no individual and no institution could honestly claim to have done all there was to do even in a small field. Once this has been said, we will recall that this is a history of M.I.T. and state what is categorically true, that some- times in major ways and sometimes in minor ways a member of Technology's staff could be found at almost every turn, directing the conduct of the war at the highest levels, occupying key positions in the agencies dealing with civilian production, mingling in diplomatic matters of the war and of the peace. Especially, of course, they were ubiquitous in matters of research and engineering. Consider if you like an air attack upon Germany or Japan. Members of Technology's staff had worked with the planes which flew the missions, with the rubber on their wheels, with the gasoline in their tanks; they had prepared methods for air- sea rescue and designed water supply for the pilot downed at sea; they had worked on the navigational equipment, the gun sights, the radar bombing sights; they had participated in target selection, in assessment of bomb damage, in the ground control of the air war, in the incendiaries which wrapped Tokyo in flames, in the oxygen which supported the pilots at high alti- tudes, in tests of air sickness by which the pilots had been selected, in emergency parachute rations, in night photography which helped the planes on their missions, in long-range navi- gational methods such as LORAN, and finally in the devices which brought the planes back on to the home strip through zero zero visibility. The same general statement could be made about air combat, about air defense, about amphibious warfare, about submarine and antisubmarine warfare, about the housing and the feeding of the soldier in the field, and the repair of the wounded. This participation took many forms. A considerable number of administrative officers, department heads, and senior pro- fessors occupied positions of administrative importance in Washington, especially on the research front. A larger number, perhaps, directed research projects at the Institute under con- PERSPECTIVE I tracts between M.I.T. and various government agencies. A third group also went away to administrative tasks of a nonresearch nature with the government or as consultants to industry over a wide gamut; finally a group remained at the Institute to direct the largest mass-production educational program in its history. The general Institute policy in all this was established at the outset. It was consistent with its policy in peace but its applica- tion to the scale of war was breathtaking and risky. It was simple and direct. If a staff member could serve his country well by leaving the Institute, he had a leave of absence without preju- dice; in these cases he did not suffer financially for his patriotism and the Institute sought to make sure that this was indeed the case. If on the other hand he had duties for the government which took less than his full time, the time he gave the govern- ment was contributed by the Institute. The same general policy applied to research. The Institute was anxious to put its facilities at the disposal of the nation and it did not wish to make a financial profit from this action. It did not make such a profit. Those of the Institute staff who went away generally had an exciting time. They traveled extensively. They penetrated into every theatre, on to almost every battlefield. They rode on com- bat aircraft of all sorts, in battleships, PC's, and submarines. Among them, they probably used every kind of transportation available in the Army or the Navy and had nearly every kind of experience. They suffered almost no casualties of an obvious kind, and only one, James Dotson, was killed during the war. 6 But all the casualties of war are not apparent on the surface. Some of M.I.T.'s staff rose to positions of new prominence in the war, displayed unexpected talents, and will reap the benefit of that display in their postwar opportunities. Very, very few failed to live up to expectations. But habits of work, habits of thinking, habits of life were all disrupted, and adjustment is not always easy. Some people who left the field of their specializa- tion in midstream and stayed out of it for five years while others continued in it may be casualties as surely as though they had QED felt shrapnel. Not every civilian who entered the melee escaped without hurt even when he remained a civilian. The same thing is true of an institution. M.I.T. no doubt bears its scars. The long-range program described in the final chapter will do what it can to see that none of the scars are harmful, but many of the hurts will not as yet have appeared. The Institute has benefited, too. It has an enhanced prestige and, perhaps more important, an internal warmth in the knowl- edge that it gave itself wholeheartedly to the task and that the task was on the whole well done. One scar which may be but a pinprick is at the moment annoying. This is the assertion some- times made by the thoughtless that because M.I.T. was “big business” during the war it perforce made a good deal of profit thereby. The answer to this is simple and direct, and is nowhere better stated than in the President's Annual Report for 1945, which may therefore profitably be quoted: Turning now from the Institutes war activities and some of its achievements, let us try to evaluate the effect of its war program on its financial and physical resources. Here it will be found that the Institute made a substantial over-all, out-of-pocket contribution. In other words, the war cost the Institute money. This contribution was made freely and gladly and was entirely proper, since the war was costly to the entire nation and to every patriotic element in it. Furthermore, it was in line with the obligation of such an institu- tion to render public service. No service could be higher than meeting a challenge to the existence of the republic. With early realization, in the summer of 1940, that our country was faced with a great crisis, M.I.T. adopted a firm policy always to give first precedence to any important opportunity for service in the crisis; never to let this service be delayed by arguments over conditions or contracts; never to let the self-interest of the institu- tion prevail over the interests of the nation. Though strenuous effort was continually made properly to protect the interests and conserve the resources of the Institute, neither failure nor delay interrupted its response to calls for help. The only embarrassment was sometimes in deciding which of several calls were the most important when limitations of man power or facilities made it impossible to handle all. The Institute also adopted the policy that it would accept no the innever to lice be delappa PERSPECTIVE profit on the war work it undertook for the Government. It depos- ited with its chief governmental contracting agency, the Office of Scientific Research and Development, a vote of its Executive Com- mittee to return to the Government any net profit, if it should find on termination of the contracts that there had been a profit. The OSRD adopted a policy of “no gain, no loss" on its contracts. Its auditors periodically examined the books of the Institute and, in accordance with the findings, the allowance of overhead for the next period was adjusted to cancel any gain or loss to date. Further to insure compliance with this principle, the Institute's own auditors, and occasionally an independent outside auditor, were employed at the Institute's own expense to establish further checks. Financial Losses (a) In a very few cases, the Institute assumed the salary of some member of the staff of another educational institution that had refused to grant him leave of absence with continuing salary and thus would have prevented his filling an important war post because policy considerations would have precluded his acceptance of salary from the Government. Fortunately very few institutions were unwilling thus to make their men available in the emergency. The Institute, together with certain foundations, stepped into the breach by contribution of its own funds to handle these exceptional cases. Though expediency forced me to approve such a procedure, this is the only category of M.I.T. contributions to the war over which I feel any resentment. The Institute's share of this expense was $28,000. (6) By far the major financial contribution of the Institute to the national war effort has been to carry the salaries of members of its staff whose services in full or in part were volunteered to war service without remuneration. Such service included work on gov- ernmental boards and committees, like the War Production Board, the National Defense Research Committee, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (or their subdivisions). The men could all have secured remunerative war jobs and thus relieved the Insti- tute of their salary expense, but by their preference and Institute policy they elected to serve in these nonpaid positions when doing so appeared to offer opportunity for greater service. This category of M.I.T. contribution to the war amounted to over $500,000. (c) To construct laboratory buildings for war purposes the Insti- tute has committed or spent a total of $549,500 for which it will not nerative warby their prefeositions when 18 QED receive reimbursement. For the Chemical Warfare Building the figure includes that part of the Institute's full payment which was not amortized by service and use charges. For the other buildings it includes what the Institute elected to invest in them to secure permanently useful structures instead of the temporary structures the value of which was paid for by the Government. In return for such commitments, the Institute has two large and several small buildings of continuing usefulness, which will come to it soon as second-hand buildings. The investment was a good one and cost the Government nothing extra. It must be considered, however, that except for the war emergency the Institute would not have erected these buildings unless it could have raised outside funds for the purpose; its existing capital funds are too urgently needed for purposes more important than new laboratory buildings. Hence these building items involved the gain of a physical asset at the expense of a loss of productive funds which would not have been incurred except for the war. (d) In addition to the foregoing actual outlays, the Institute at various times incurred financial risks by underwriting important war projects so that they could proceed without delay or interrup- tion until the funds expected for support of them could be assured. Most important such instance was the underwriting by M.I.T. of $500,000 and the securing of additional underwriting of the same amount from John D. Rockefeller, Jr., to permit reëmployment of Radiation Laboratory staff at a time when the decision had to be made before funds to continue this work had been appropriated by Congress. Fortunately, this and other underwritings never had to be called. (e) The final category of war costs cannot yet be estimated. It relates to the expenses of terminating the war contracts, of reconvert- ing our permanent facilities to peacetime use, and of reëstablishing our normal educational program. For termination and reconver- sion, financial reserves have been set up, but it is not certain that they will prove fully adequate or that all expenses deemed necessary by us will receive governmental approval. As to reëstablishment of the normal educational program, the net costs are also uncertain. When the accelerated program was established early in the war, we estimated that the transition to our normal schedule would cost us about $750,000. That was before the GI Bill of Rights made provision for students in service to return to college. Normal tuition from these students will greatly reduce this reconversion cost and may entirely eliminate it. PERSPECTIVE Financial Gains The only financial assistance which the Institute derived from its war activities lay in the fact that its research and war training contracts served to pay salaries of some of its staff engaged on these projects, and to pay part of the general administrative and general overhead cost of operating the institution. These contracts there- fore helped to keep the Institute from suffering financial losses which might have arisen from the sharp curtailment of regular student enrollment, with attendantly reduced income from tuitions. The prestige gained from our war research is producing a gain by encouraging industry to make grants-in-aid and to establish fellowships. I believe that even the assistance which the war contracts provided in maintaining operating commitments was not a financial asset for the Institute, if considered from a cold-blooded financial point of view. Unlike most other institutions, M.I.T. has a staff to whom industrial opportunities are very commonly offered, and at salaries higher than those paid by the Institute. From spot checks among our staff, I know that nearly all of them with great ease could have secured war employment bringing increased income. If, therefore, M.I.T. had set out to make a financial profit from the war, it would have accepted no war contracts at all. It would have urged and assisted its staff to secure outside paying war jobs. It would have kept only enough teaching and administrative staff to handle the reduced group of tuition-paying civilian students. It would have laid up as annual profits a substantial portion of its income from endowments. Its President would have spent the war years in raising gifts from alumni and friends and in soliciting contributions from the busy, highly taxed corporations. Devotion to war service instead of such a policy has been, in my judgment, the largest financial sacrifice made by the Institute through its efforts to help win the war. So much for perspective. We may now proceed to a closer analysis of the activities of the Institute's staff members. We shall begin with those who went to the administration of research at the national level, for an understanding of their activities is essential to an understanding of the projects carried on in the Institute's yard in Cambridge. QED FOOTNOTES 1 For example, more than 70 per cent of Princeton's alumni were in uniform. M.I.T.'s corresponding percentage would be approximately 30. 2 Of which 227 are gold. 3 Among these high-ranking officers, the following reached the top ranks: UNITED STATES Army Blood, Kenneth T., Major General, '09 Colton, Roger B., Major General, '20 (graduate student) Covell, William E. R., Major General, '23 (U.S. Military Academy) Donovan, Richard, Major General, '21 (U.S. Military Academy) Doolittie, James H., Lieutenant General, '24 (graduate student) Fredenhall, Lloyd R., Lieutenant General, '07 Gardner, Fulton Q. C., Major General, '13 (U.S. Military Academy) Groves, Leslie R., Jr., Major General, '17 (U.S. Military Academy) Hegenberger, Albert F., Major General, '17 Henry, Stephen G., Major General, '24 Hill, Edmund W., Major General, '19 Hoge, William M., Major General, '22 (U.S. Military Academy) Jones, Albert M., Major General, '13 Kenney, George C., General, '11 Kraus, Walter F., Major General, '25 Lull, George F., Major General, '21 Merrill, Frank D., Major General, '32 (U.S. Military Academy) Murray, Maxwell, Major General, '21 (U. S. Military Academy) Noce, Daniel, Major General, '21 (U. S. Military Academy) Sayler, Henry B., Major General, '23 (U.S. Military Academy) Spalding, Sidney P., Major General, ’11 (U.S. Military Academy) Styer, Wilhelm D., Lieutenant General, '22 Waitt, Alden H., Major General, ’14 Navy Beatty, Frank E., Rear Admiral, '22 (U.S. Naval Academy) Bowen, Harold G., Jr., Rear Admiral, '37 (U.S. Naval Academy) Brand, Charles L., Rear Admiral, '15 (U.S. Naval Academy) Chantry, Allan J., Jr., Rear Admiral, '10 (U. S. Naval Academy) Cochrane, Edward L., Vice Admiral, '20 (U.S. Naval Academy) Combs, Thomas S., Rear Admiral, '32 Crisp, Frederick G., Rear Admiral, '17 (U.S. Naval Academy) de Florez, Luis, Rear Admiral, '11 PERSPECTIVE 21 Durgin, Calvin T., Rear Admiral, '25 (U.S. Naval Academy) Fahrion, Frank G., Rear Admiral, '24 (U.S. Naval Academy) Fisher, Charles W., Rear Admiral, '06 France, Albert F., Rear Admiral, '24 (U.S. Naval Academy) Furer, Julius A., Rear Admiral, ’05 (U.S. Naval Academy) Hayler, Robert W., Rear Admiral, '20 (U.S. Naval Academy) Howard, Herbert S., Rear Admiral, '09 (U.S. Naval Academy) Kitts, Willard A., 3d, Rear Admiral, '22 (U.S. Naval Academy) Land, Emory S., Vice Admiral, '07 (U.S. Naval Academy) Miles, Arthur C., Rear Admiral, '20 (U.S. Naval Academy) *Mullinix, Henry M., Rear Admiral, '23 (U.S. Naval Academy) Noble, Albert, Rear Admiral, '23 (U.S. Naval Academy) Pace, Ernest M., Jr., Rear Admiral, '17 (U.S. Naval Academy) Pennoyer, Frederick W., Jr., Rear Admiral, '20 Pride, Alfred M., Rear Admiral, '26 Richardson, Lawrence B., Rear Admiral, '21 (U.S. Naval Academy) Richey, Thomas B., Rear Admiral, ’14 (U.S. Naval Academy) * Royal, Forrest B., Rear Admiral, '24 (U.S. Naval Academy) Royce, Donald, Rear Admiral, '20 (U.S. Naval Academy) Ryden, Roy W., Rear Admiral, '07 (U.S. Naval Academy) Schoeffel, Malcolm F., Rear Admiral, '25 (U.S. Naval Academy) Sherman, Forrest P., Vice Admiral, ’17 (U.S. Naval Academy) Smith, William H., Rear Admiral, '15 Stevens, Leslie C., Rear Admiral, '22 (U.S. Naval Academy) Stump, Felix B., Rear Admiral, '24 Van Keuren, Alexander H., Rear Admiral, '07 (U.S. Naval Academy) Vickery, Howard L., Vice Admiral, '21 (U.S. Naval Academy) *Whitman, Ralph, Rear Admiral, '01 Willson, Russell, Vice Admiral, '05 (U.S. Naval Academy) Coast Guard Smith, Edward H., Rear Admiral, '13 CANADA Army Young, James V., Major General, '13 CHINA Army Chu, Shih M., Lieutenant General, '26 Wong, Tsoo, Lieutenant General, '16 * Deceased. QED Navy Mar, Pellian T. C., Rear Admiral, '15 4 Of the 505, there were 428 colonels (421 of the United States Army, 2 of the United States Marine Corps, 4 of the Chinese Army, 1 of the Canadian Army) and 187 naval captains, of whom 184 were in the United States Navy, 2 in the United States Coast Guard, and 1 in the Chinese Navy. 5 The latter are identified by the word "now" before their titles. 6 James Vaught Dotson, Research Associate in Aeronautical Engineer- ing, was killed in an airplane crash near the Burlington, Vermont, Airport on 26 November 1943 while engaged on a D.I.C. research project on the de-icing of airplanes for the Army Air Forces. Part II RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL THE RESEARCH-DIRECTING AGENCIES AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL, during the war, five agencies played significant roles in determining what research and development were needed for military purposes and in providing the neces- sary funds. Four of them were well established long before the crisis; the fifth, the Office of Scientific Research and Develop- ment, was emergency born. Yet it is entirely possible that except for the work of the Manhattan District the OSRD was responsi- ble for more spectacular technological developments than the other four together. Two of the prewar four were, naturally enough, the Army and the Navy. Each of these had in 1939 existing establishments for research, some of considerable age, many of considerable fame. Even before the war brought all work of this sort into prominence, the layman might well have heard favorably of the Aberdeen Proving Ground (Army Ordnance), the Naval Research Laboratory (Bureau of Ships), the Naval Ordnance Laboratory, the Taylor Model Basin (Navy), Wright Field (Army Air Forces), Fort Monmouth (Army Signal Corps), and perhaps of some others as well. These laboratories were in no sense superseded. Indeed, they multiplied manyfold; their budgets, which had been altogether too small, were expanded enormously; they carried. on important work throughout the war. The top management of these laboratories was, of course, military.1 The third powerful and effective agency in existence before the war was the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, an independent federal agency responsible to the President and directed at the beginning of the war by its Chairman, Vannevar 25 26 QED Bush, '16, Life Member of the Corporation of M.I.T., once its Vice President and Dean of Engineering, now President of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. The NACA had its own important research establishment at Langley Field in Virginia and had contracts with many university and private research laboratories. Under the Act of Congress establishing this com- mittee in 1915, it was charged with “the scientific study of the problems of flight with a view to their practical solution." Con- sequently, its scope included research in the broad field of the aeronautical sciences together with the practical application of research results. It was not primarily concerned with problems of military aircraft. However, its long experience, its skilled management, the talent at its disposal, made it possible for the NACA to shift rapidly and vigorously into full-time military research at the crisis, and to undertake operations at several times its previous scale. When Bush was summoned by President Roosevelt to head the new emergency research agency, it was necessary for him to resign as Chairman of NACA. He was succeeded in this post by another M.I.T. man, also a member of NACA. Professor Jerome C. Hunsaker, then Head of the Departments of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, was at the time of his appointment to the chairmanship of NACA a captain in the United States Naval Reserve, having been a graduate both of Annapolis and the Institute. He had not been called to active duty because he was performing civilian services for the Secretary of the Navy. When he was proposed as the new Chairman of NACA he was released from these other duties by Secretary Knox who, under- standing the need for continuity of leadership, also stipulated that Hunsaker would not be called to active duty so long as he was needed by NACA. From this date (November, 1941) to the end of the war, Hunsaker spent four days a week on govern- ment business. The chairmanship of NACA involved the gen- eral administrative responsibility for expanding its facilities and staff. To the Langley Memorial Laboratory in Virginia were added the Ames Laboratory in California and the Aircraft THE RESEARCH1 IL -DIRECTING AGENCIES 27 Engine Research Laboratory in Ohio. The civil service staff was increased from some 650 in 1941 to 6,900 in 1945; the annual operating budget grew from 5 millions to over 30 millions.2 The work of the NACA in specific fields was guided by the advice of various subcommittees of experts. A partial count of the roster of M.I.T. staff members on these committees reveals at least ten different persons, dealing with such diverse prob- lems as aircraft fuels and lubricants, power plants, jet propul- sion, and meteorological and de-icing problems.3 All told, the work of the NACA was of such high order that the Office of Scientific Research and Development, which had no hesitation about entering any field where there seemed to be a need, was on its own recommendation specifically excluded from aero- nautical problems by the Executive Order which created it. The fourth agency existing before the war, one supported only in part by governmental funds, was the National Academy of Sciences. This body was formed by President Lincoln as a war measure in 1863. It has been self-perpetuating in that its membership is by election; scientific or engineering distinction is a prerequisite to membership. Occupying a monumental building on upper Constitution Avenue in Washington, the Academy receives no operating funds from the government but is reimbursed for its expenses in advising the government on scientific matters referred to it. It is required to give advice to, or to carry on research for, any agency of the government. When a research contract is made the Academy customarily appoints a committee from its membership, and these members serve without charge. To operate the contracts which became large in number during World War I, a subsidiary operating agency, known as the National Research Council, was created. The NAS-NRC combination stood as a possible expansion joint enabling the armed services to get important work done when it required a mobilization of senior talent and services not readily available directly. Unlike NACA, the NAS did not own its laboratories. The armed services were familiar with the modus operandi of the Academy and knew how to use it. As 28 QED war loomed they turned again to it, and it continued to accept contracts in increasing numbers throughout the war. The man- agement of this important group, too, had a strong M.I.T. flavor. The President of the Academy throughout the war was Frank B. Jewett, '03, Life Member of the M.I.T. Corporation, in 1940 President of the Bell Telephone Laboratories. 4 Despite the research potentials of the Army, the Navy, the NACA, and the NAS-NRC, many scientists (including promi- nent members of the NAS) were concerned lest the scale of war research was going to be so enormous, the pressure of time so great, that mere expansion of the existing organisms would not suffice. After a number of informal discussions, Bush called a more formal meeting to which he invited Jewett, Isaiah Bowman, and K. T. Compton. From this meeting came the idea for an emergency war research organization. The idea was presented to President Roosevelt by Bush, and the President acted upon it. By successive Executive Orders he created what finally emerged as the Office of Scientific Research and Develop- ment. The intermediate stages of growth of OSRD do not need to be discussed here.5 As finally constituted, then, the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) reported directly to the President on all important matters; it received funds from the Congress by direct appropriation. It administered these funds by writing contracts with private or governmental laboratories and by act of its Director, Bush. The recommendations as to what contracts should be written, for what purpose, in what amount, and with whom were made to the Director by one of two committees – the Committee on Medical Research (CMR) for matters in that field, and the National Defense Research Committee for all other matters. M.I.T. men, naturally enough, did not play an important role in the top echelons of CMR, but they were influential in NDRC. The NDRC consisted of a chairman, James B. Conant, President of Harvard University, and seven members. Three of these members were ex officio a representative of the Army, a THE RESEARCH-DIRECTING AGENCIES representative of the Navy, and the Commissioner of Patents. The other four were active administrators in general charge of a wide variety of activities; of these four, three were related to M.I.T. Dr. Compton was in general charge of matters relating to fire control, scientific instruments, radar, and countermeas- ures for radar; Richard C. Tolman, '03, Dean of the Graduate School at the California Institute of Technology, was in charge of the groups working on hypervelocity guns, bomb selection, rockets, proximity fuses, guided missiles, and subsurface war- fare; Jewett was in general charge of work on transportation and communication, including development of amphibious vehi- cles. The fourth administrative member, Roger Adams, from the University of Illinois, was in charge of problems in chemistry. Nor does this complete the record. By June, 1942, it was apparent that Dr. Conant's responsibilities to NDRC were more than he would be able to discharge if he were also to continue his duties for Harvard University and the nuclear fission project. A full-time executive officer was needed, and to this post in June, 1942, came Edward L. Moreland, then Dean of Engineer- ing (now Executive Vice President) on leave from M.I.T. He served full time with increasing responsibility and authority until he left in July, 1945, for a Pacific mission described in Chapter 7. In this position Dean Moreland was the principal administrative officer for NDRC in coordinating the research activities carried out under that sponsorship, costing a total of $425,000,000 and amounting to $153,000,000 in the single most active year, July, 1944, to June, 1945.6 This is significant enough but it does not tell the whole tale. The NDRC members were policy administrators and acted somewhat in the role of reviewing boards; the active adminis- tration of groups of related projects in NDRC was entrusted to nineteen division heads and two panel heads. These men were responsible for maintaining contact with the armed forces and the progress of the war in their own fields, for the suggestion of new research which needed to be done, for the selection of pos- 30 QED VV LI sible contractors to carry out the work, for decision as to how much ought to be allocated for the work and what priority it deserved, for supervising the general conduct of the work by the contractors, and for maintaining liaison with the services. The last included the frequently important job of selling the product of a development to a sometimes reluctant customer. They were thus really the administrators of the NDRC work. The chief of the smallest division directed the spending of several millions of dollars during the war; the chief of the largest (Division 14, Radar) controlled about 150 millions. Of these twenty-one administrators, the M.I.T. staff, alumni, and corporation furnished no less than six;? they were concerned with bomb selection, guided missiles, fire control, petroleum warfare, radar, optics, and miscellaneous applications of physics. Even this strong representation in the top-echelon administra- tive posts of OSRD does not exhaust Technology's contribution made to this organization by staff members away from home. The divisions varied enormously in size, complexity, and scope of activities. For a large division a section chief might have jobs to manage as important as those of a division chief in a smaller unit. The NDRC divisions were assisted by a panel of consult- ants. The division chiefs were further supported by full-time administrative assistants known as technical aides, and in many divisions the work of the technical aide was highly influential. The roster of M.I.T. staff members who filled posts as section chiefs, members, consultants, or technical aides to the various divisions of NDRC is impressive; it can, however, be developed with greater clarity in the next chapter, which describes in some- what more detail the work of those divisions of NDRC in which M.I.T. men played an important administrative role. The NDRC was not created to supersede the existing research agencies, all of which as we have seen grew enormously during the war. It was not its purpose to duplicate directly the work of any service laboratory but rather to supplement that work; at times the "supplementing" did mean doing most of the work in advance of service approval which was occasionally slow in THE RESEARCH-DIRECTING AGENCIES 31 forthcoming. The power of OSRD lay in its independent char- ter which permitted it to seek service approval and cooperation for all its projects, but, failing that approval, to proceed anyway. It was thus able to muster much "freewheeling” talent and to T enterprise. As a result it contrived to have a guiding hand in most of the spectacular technological achievements of the war, and specifically in radar, radar countermeasures, rocketry, sub- surface warfare, bombing techniques, fire control, proximity fuses, amphibious vehicles, and of course the atomic bomb, even though the full-scale administration of that project was carried on by the War Department, using the Corps of Engi- neers as its agency. Like NAS, the OSRD did not build its own laboratories or hire personnel to conduct research; rather it placed contracts with those institutions which seemed at the moment best fitted to carry on the various sorts of needed research. The theory of these contracts was always that the contracting institution should neither profit nor lose by its service to the nation. They were in principle a cost plus overhead type of contract, and throughout the existence of OSRD the overhead charges, as well as the direct costs, were scrupulously reviewed in the interest of protecting the public. Despite the talents at its disposal, despite its energy and free- dom of action, despite its boldness and imagination, OSRD would not have been a successful agency had it not enjoyed good relations with the final customer, the Army or the Navy. These relations were much helped by two developments, one in each of the services. Hunsaker, in 1941, naturally expected to be called to active duty from his reserve position in the Navy. This, however, was not to be. In May of that year, in response to a telephone call from Admiral Towers, he went to Washington. There he was taken to Secretary Knox and Under-Secretary Forrestal and asked to investigate the position of the Navy with regard to research, and particularly in reference to its relations with 32 LED civilian research organizations.8 Because this assignment re- quired all of Hunsaker's time he asked for and was granted leave of absence from the Institute. He began the service on 18 May 1941, and continued on the work full time until Novem- ber, 1941. By July he had advised Secretary Knox to set up in his own office a Coordinator of Research and Development to be charged with the responsibility for coordinating all research for the various Naval bureaus and offices and for bringing civilian scientific men and organizations into close relations with the Navy. These recommendations, supported by the chief of each bureau concerned, were accepted by the Secretary, who, on 12 July 1941, issued a general order establishing the Office of the Coordinator of Research and Development and appointing Hunsaker Coordinator and Chairman of the previously existing Naval Research and Development Board. The activities of the Coordinator's Office were of the utmost importance to the successful relations of the OSRD and the Navy. As first coordinator, Hunsaker brought to that office a number of the younger men who became and remained key people in a key organization from that day until the end of the war. 9 He himself remained as Coordinator for but a few months when, as has been related, he was relieved by the Navy in order to become Chairman of NACA. Rear Admiral J. A. Furer, '05, relieved Hunsaker as Coordi- nator of Research and Development; the Assistant Coordinator was Captain Lybrand P. Smith, USN; Captain Smith, Legion of Merit, subsequently retired and now Visiting Professor of Naval Engineering at Technology, was also Navy Member of the NDRC from 1 August 1941.10 The development in the War Department was equally signifi- cant. It also revolved around a member of M.I.T.'s staff, this time Edward L. Bowles, Consulting Professor of Electrical Com- munications. Most of Bowles's story can best be deferred to Chapter 5, where it will appear in a clearer context. For the moment it is sufficient to say that he became Expert Consultant to Mr. Stimson, the Secretary of War, originally on radar and THE RESEARCH-DIRECTING AGENCIES 33 electronics but ultimately on a wide variety of subjects; that in the course of the war his activities extended further and further and that as a friend of civilian research he was of enor- mous aid to OSRD and other civilian agencies when the going got sticky at high levels, as some times, unfortunately, it did. Hunsaker in the Office of the Secretary of the Navy, Bowles in the Office of the Secretary of War, Jewett and Hunsaker at the top of the NAS, Hunsaker Chairman of NACA, Bush Director of OSRD, Compton, Tolman, and Jewett members of NDRC, Moreland as NDRC's Executive Officer, six persons close to M.I.T. occupying one-third of the top jobs in the NDRC divisions — this is an impressive enough roster for a single institution.11 What they and their colleagues did in some of these agencies deserves a somewhat more extended discussion. t FOOTNOTES 1 The one or two exceptions to this statement will be mentioned in another chapter. 2 As in the case of so many top men, Hunsaker's primary responsibility did not release him from many others which cannot be dealt with in this short book. He was on the Advisory Board to the Director of OSRD, the Advisory Board to the Research and Development Branch of the Quarter- master Corps, the Cargo Plane Advisory Committee of the Department of Commerce, the Visiting Committee to the United States Naval Academy; he was a member of Division 5 of the National Defense Research Com- mittee, which dealt with guided missiles, and a member of the Executive Committee of the Guided Missiles Committee of the Joint New Weapons Committee of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; he was a member of the “Wilson" Committee set up to study the organization of a Research Board for National Security, and the Vice Chairman of the RBNS when it was established. With the concurrence of the Navy, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Cramp Shipbuilding Company, a war company which built cruisers and submarines in Philadelphia. Despite these respon- sibilities, he continued to handle the general administrative work of the two M.I.T. departments of which he was head. 3 Walter G. Whitman, Professor of Chemical Engineering and in charge of the Department, Chairman Subcommittee on Aircraft Fuels and Lubricants. QED William H. McAdams, Professor of Chemical Engineering, Chairman Subcommittee on Heat Exchangers. Joseph H. Keenan, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Chairman Subcommittee on Propulsion Systems, member Subcommittee on Recovery of Power from Exhaust Gases. Edward S. Taylor, Professor of Aircraft Engines, Vice Chairman Sub- committee on Power Plants, member Subcommittee on Jet Propulsion. C. Fayette Taylor, Professor of Automotive Engineering, member Sub- committee on Lubrication, Friction, and Wear. Henry G. Houghton, Jr., Professor of Meteorology in charge of the Department, member Subcommittee on Meteorological Problems and De-icing Problems. Hoyt C. Hottel, Professor of Fuels Engineering, Director of Fuels Research Laboratory, member Subcommittee on Jet and Turbine Power Plants. C. Richard Soderberg, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, now Head of the Department, member of Special Committee on Jet Propulsion. Glenn C. Williams, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, mem- ber Subcommittee on Combustion. John T. Burwell, Jr., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, on leave as Lieutenant Commander, USNR, member Subcommittee on Lubrication, Friction, and Wear. 4 In general M.I.T. activities on behalf of NAS and NRC and the men working on them are discussed as they appear in the course of the book. A few have been omitted, not because of their lesser importance, but because their work did not appear naturally in the development of the story. They include: Robert S. Williams, Professor of Physical Metallurgy, Emeritus, then Head of the Department of Metallurgy, member of committee in 1940 to study the sources, production, and mechanical effects of beryllium because the great increase in airplane production made an interesting possibility of aluminum-beryllium alloys which might save aluminum and possibly improve quality as well. Leon Festinger, now Assistant Professor of Psychology, senior statisti- cian for the Committee on Selection and Training of Aircraft Pilots. Robert S. Harris, Professor of Biochemistry of Nutrition, special con- sultant to Committee on Medical Nutrition, member Committee on Nutrition of Industrial Workers, Food and Nutrition Board Samuel C. Prescott, Professor of Industrial Biology, Emeritus, Dean of Science, Emeritus, prepared for NRC a report on troop feeding programs in the United States Army. This report of about 350 mimeographed pages covered the history of the feeding of troops in our Army from 1775 to THE RESEARCH-DIRECTING AGENCIES 1940 and is the only report providing a comprehensive and continuous record of the development of the Army ration over the whole period. Charles H. Blake, Associate Professor of Zoology, prepared a report, for the Committee on Quartermaster Problems, on insects and animals of interest to the Quartermaster Corps. With the collaboration of Henry D. Russell, this report was completed in 1943; about 350 pages long, it deals with the relations of animals to the kind of material damaged, methods of diagnosis, and control. The operations of the QMG were so widespread that it was necessary to consider almost all sorts of nonliving material that might conceivably be attacked by insects, mites, or rodents. An appendix to Blake's report contains the chief facts about more than 1,000 insects and mites associated with damage to the materials under consideration. 5 The growth will be comprehensively revealed in the official history of OSRD to be published by Little, Brown and Company. 6 Prior to this appointment Moreland had served on a part-time basis as Regional Adviser to the United States Office of Education for Region I in connection with the emergency training program at the engineer- ing schools throughout the country to meet the critical shortages in trained technical personnel. In this capacity he had the responsibility for coordinating the special training programs, at the college level, in the degree-granting engineering schools in the four northern New England states, at first under the Engineering Defense Training Program and later under the Engineering, Science, Management War Training Program sponsored by the U. S. Office of Education. This was carried on in con- junction with M.I.T. duties and occupied about half time. 7 John E. Burchard, Chief of Division 2, Structural Defense and Offense. Harold B. Richmond, ’14, Term Member of the Corporation, Treasurer of General Radio Company, Chief of Division 5, Guided Missiles. When Richmond resigned, for reasons of health, he was succeeded by Hugh H. Spencer, '23, Radio Corporation of America. Harold L. Hazen, Professor of Electrical Engineering, in charge of the Department, Chief of Division 7, Fire Control. Earl P. Stevenson, '19, President of Arthur D. Little, Inc., Chief of Division 11, Petroleum Warfare. Alfred Lee Loomis, Life Member M.I.T. Corporation, Chief of Division 14, Radar. George R. Harrison, Professor of Physics and Dean of Science, Chief of Division 16, Optics, and in the last year of NDRC, Chief of Division 17, Physics, as well. 8 The Secretary appeared particularly concerned about a report issued by the National Academy of Sciences on antisubmarine warfare which indicated a dangerous lack of coordination, neglect of outside civilian QED scientists, and some hostility within the Navy to discussing problems which were in urgent need of solution. This report is described in more detail in the next chapter in connection with the activities of Professor Slichter. 9 Including John T. Burwell, Jr., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, who entered the Naval Reserve as a lieutenant (ig) and who. left it as a commander with a citation for his service from the Secretary of the Navy. 10 Captain Smith was also member of the Uranium Committee for the Navy from 31 July 1941 and member of the War Metallurgy Committee from 11 December 1941. 11 The work of Bush, Compton, and Tolman for the atomic energy projects was not less leading; but all the details of this are not releasable. THE PROJECTS OF NDRC IN CHAPTER 3 we mentioned that the affairs of NDRC were administered by nineteen divisions and two panels. It will help to assess the scope of NDRC operations and of M.I.T.'s participation in them if we first examine a table of the divisions and the panels. 1 1. Gun Erosion and Hypervelocity 2. Structural Defense and Offense 3. Rockets 4. Proximity Fuses 5. Guided Missiles 6. Subsurface Warfare 7. Fire Control 8. Explosives 9. Chemistry 10. Absorbents and Aerosols 11. Petroleum Warfare and Chemical Engineering 12. Transportation, including Amphibious Vehicles 13. Radio 14. Radar 15. Radar Countermeasures 16. Optics 17. Miscellaneous Applications of Physics, including Mine Detection 18. Metallurgy 19. Special Work for the OSS Applied Mathematics Panel Applied Psychology Panel QED Of these twenty-one groups, M.I.T.'s staff furnished major cogs for Divisions 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, and 18.2 RADAR Of these divisions the one most popularly associated with Technology was of course the Radar Division. This association is not ill founded though it is perhaps somewhat distorted. It devoted to radar and was located at the Institute; it is also true that this laboratory accounted for a very large amount of the total work undertaken by Division 14 and that the work of this division in turn covered a very large amount of all the most important developments in new instruments and appli- cations of this powerful tool. Nonetheless there are several important points to bear in mind. In the first place, radar was not discovered at the Institute. Successful radio detection devices relying on the echo prin- ciple had been developed independently in America, England, France, Germany, and Japan, during the 1930's. They had their source in earlier science, for example, the experiments of Hertz, the German, in 1886, which showed that radio waves were reflected from solid objects. Marconi had suggested in 1922 that short waves be used for radio detection. A consid- erable amount of work had been done at the Naval Research Laboratory on detection using ordinary radio waves; the Signal Corps of the Army had, in turn, made appreciable advances in the development of short-wave radar and had carried out preliminary experiments with microwaves; but microwave radar could not be put to practical use until the development early in the war of the modern cavity magnetron. This first magnetron was developed by the British under the stimulus of their war with Germany. Finally the principle of pulse ranging, which characterizes modern radar, was first used in 1925 by Dr. Gregory Breit and Dr. Merle A. Tuve of the Carnegie Institution of Washington for measuring the distance to the ionosphere, which is the radio reflecting layer near the THE PROJECTS OF NDRC 1 top of the earth's atmosphere. Putting these things together, military scientists could begin to see the future, and by 1935 Rear Admiral H. G. Bowen had asked for and obtained an allotment of $100,000 for research purposes for the specific development of radar. By 1939 the Navy had demonstrated rudimentary radar successfully on the battleship New York and had awarded a contract to a commercial company for the manufacture of six sets of aircraft detection equipment. At the same time the Signal Corps was making progress and had attracted the attention of the AAF. The stage was therefore set for a fast advance before the NDRC or M.I.T. came formally into the picture.3 The Radiation Laboratory when it did come into being proved to be one of the fastest-moving and hardest-hitting organizations which ever worked on an important development. Its history will be dealt with in more detail in Chapter 15. But it is well to remember that after M.I.T. staff members had given the Radiation Laboratory its original impetus they were siphoned off in large numbers to other activities which will appear in this narrative. 4 At the end and for most of the life of the Radiation Laboratory its top direction was very largely made up of visitors from other institutions whereas M.I.T. furnished the business management at the contract level and the overall policy at the top levels of NDRC. But before all this could come about, before what is now often called obvious could be so brilliantly accomplished, a good deal of spade work had to be done; and many of the spade wielders were from Technology's staff. As so often in this history, the record of Division 14 begins with President Compton. One of the earliest assignments he made in his part of the NDRC was to Section D-1, Microwave and Detection Devices. To head this activity he called upon his and Technology's great and good friend, Alfred L. Loomis, Life Member of the Corporation. Loomis was a banker and a physicist; he had a private physics laboratory at Tuxedo Park, New York. With Loomis, Compton went to the Naval Research 1 S 40 QED Laboratory at Anacostia, Maryland, and to the Signal Corps Laboratories at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. As a result of these two visits Loomis and Compton were convinced that their first concentration of effort should be upon radar. An agreement was therefore entered into with the Navy and Signal Corps whereby NDRC would concentrate on the shorter wave- lengths of 40 centimeters or less. It was in this range in the long run that many of the most important radar developments occurred, though this was not obvious at the time and though until near the end much of the actual fighting gear was longer wave. That summer (1940) Loomis took several workers to Tuxedo Park where they set up a continuous (nonpulsing) installation at 40 centimeters. Several months later, because of the emphasis on radar and the parallel importance of sub- marine detection, it was decided to transfer the latter from Compton to Jewett, leaving Compton free to concentrate for the moment on radar. The old Section D-l then became the Microwave Committee.5 Loomis was chairman of this com- mittee and Bowles its secretary until he resigned to become Expert Consultant to the Secretary of War. On that resignation John G. Trump, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineer- ing, became secretary and remained in that post until February, 1944, when he was released by OSRD to become Director of the British Branch of the Radiation Laboratory. 6 When Divi- sion 14 was established in NDRC to direct NDRC's contracts on radar Loomis became its chief. John R. Loofbourow, Pro- fessor of Biophysics and Executive Officer of the Department of Biology, became Executive Secretary of this division, suc- ceeding Trump on the Microwave Committee. The Microwave Committee is credited by the JBSIP report7 with the explora- tion of the possibilities of using microwaves in radio detection, “a problem that appeared speculative in the extreme, since no good source of power at these wavelengths was known.” This source of power became known when a British Technical Mission headed by Sir Henry Tizard came to Washington in September, 1940, and demonstrated their cavity magnetron. I THE PROJECTS OF NDRC The demonstration of the first cavity magnetron by the British did not, however, make everything smooth sailing either for the Microwave Committee or for the persons strug- gling with the development of better radar. John C. Slater, Professor of Physics in charge of the Department, may be credited with an important contribution in this connection. Partly as a result of work in which he participated as a member of the staffs of the Radiation and Bell Telephone Labora- tories and partly as a result of work at Columbia University and elsewhere, the x-band magnetron emerged; 8 it made pos- sible radar programs in the x-band such as air-borne blind bombing equipment. The result of the research was an under- standing of the process of “strapping” partly explored in England; this understanding greatly improved magnetron efficiency, and circuit design principles could be worked out to produce a series of magnetrons of continuously increasing power. Of these the most conspicuous was the 725A. Slater was sent to the OSRD offices in London for three months in the second quarter of 1943 to demonstrate this tool. As a result the British were convinced that the new magnetron was superior to the one they had invented earlier and they adopted it for their own use. Meanwhile Dr. Compton continued his active personal inter- est in all radar matters. He was primarily responsible for NDRC radar of course, as the NDRC member directly in con- tact with the activities of Division 14 and Chairman of the Reviewing Subcommittee for that division. He was, more- over, Chairman of the Radar Committee of the Joint Com- mittee on New Weapons of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1942 to 1945 and Chairman of the United States Radar Mission to the United Kingdom in 1943. The latter mission was to work out American coordination with the British. To prepare for this Dr. Compton obtained permission from the Chief of Staff and the Chief of the Naval Operations to get performance reports from front-line officers. 9 These discussions took place under the auspices of the Joint TAYY S 42 QED Chiefs of Staff. I. I. Rabi of Columbia University, one of the key men in administration of the Radiation Laboratory, was made head analyst for this project. Long before the military plans were known, this group attempted to set up the radar requirements for the following operations: (1) a full-scale cross- ing of the Atlantic, (2) a landing in Africa, (3) consolidation of African beachheads, (4) moving across Africa, (5) crossing the Mediterranean and landing in Italy, (6) moving through Italy. All these proposals asked what were the ideal solutions and what radar could do, first as it existed and second as it might be imagined to exist. The result was that it was possible to schedule the American program of research and development early enough to meet the prospective needs of that series of operations. Copies were sent to Sir Stafford Cripps, to Sir George Thompson, and to Sir Robert Watson-Watt.10 After the discussions in the United Kingdom in May, 1943, and a comparison of notes, the basic recommendations for subse- quent radar development were made and accepted. FIRE CONTROL These pages will constantly stress the fact that no piece of research or development in World War II can honestly or fairly be attributed to a single individual or a single institu- tion. But if one is looking for work at M.I.T. which comes near to falling in that category, he will find the OSRD studies of fire control closer to the mark than the work on radar. For this undertaking the peacetime Institute was uniquely geared. Not only did it have a distinguished Department of Electrical Engineering, headed by Harold L. Hazen, Professor of Elec- trical Engineering; it had also the Center of Analysis, directed by Samuel H. Caldwell, Professor of Electrical Engineering, which had followed up the early work by Bush on the differen- tial analyzer and was now ready to handle extremely compli- cated problems; it had the only university Servomechanisms Laboratory in the country, under the direction of Gordon S. THE PROJECTS OF NDRG 43 Brown, Professor of Electrical Engineering; and the Confiden- tial Instruments Laboratory, under the direction of C. Stark Draper, Professor of Aeronautical Engineering. All these laboratories were drawn into extensive research on this impor- tant problem under war contracts;11 their work will be discussed in Chapter 9. Here we are concerned only with the OSRD management. The problem of hitting an enemy target with a projectile rose to a new order of magnitude in World War II. Even on the ground, and save for the ponderous German operations in Russia, there were few sieges, few steady bombardments of fixed targets. Ground warfare was mobile, and the tank of 1945 was fast and elusive as compared with the few clumsy machines which came out of the mist that morning in the Somme offen- sive, 15 September 1916. At sea, gone were the days when the skipper ranged by putting his finger to the wind, gone even the days when he could fire a long and a short shot and then by bracketing his observations spot and hit his ponderous opposing vessel. The modern naval ship was fast and defensible. She could maneuver; she could hide herself; war on the surface of the sea might have to be fought in the dark so far as the eyes were concerned; moreover, to sink an enemy vessel meant hitting her hard and quickly; there was no longer time to make calculations and then send them by messenger boy or even telephone to the battery; the submarine when spotted could submerge rapidly, and time was of the essence if the target was to be sunk. All these normal developments would in themselves have complicated the problem of gunnery, but since the services had some good sights for conventional speeds the human mind might not have needed a mechanical assistant had it not been for the new instrument of warfare, the airplane. The airplane changed everything for gunnery. It was small and hard to see. It moved rapidly and could change its course quickly. It would usually not be disposed of simply by hitting it with a projectile, the explosion of which was delayed; a burst near the target was required. All this meant that on sea 44 QED or on land or in the air, for an antiaircraft battery manned by soldiers or for a group of 40-millimeter guns manned by sailors and even for the flexible turrets of aircraft, the human vision, the human calculation was no longer fast enough or accurate enough. If the problem of hitting the airplane before it hit you could not be solved, the plane might indeed sweep the dreadnaught from the seas. And there were many who feared that that was just what would happen when the great British ships, the battleship Prince of Wales and the battle cruiser Repulse, were caught in the bad days after Pearl Harbor, caught without aircover off Malaya and sent to the bottom by 1 What was needed were detection devices which would spot the target far off and hold it spotted, in the day or in the night, in the clear or in the fog, which would provide the range and bearing of the target at all times (this was radar); instruments were needed which would transmit this range and bearing con- tinuously to a computer; computing machines were needed which would take this information and other important param- eters, such as the velocity of the projectile, its ballistic charac- teristics, the wind, and putting them together in complicated formulas come out with a statement as to how the gun should point at the moment of firing; computers also were needed which would determine how the fuse should be set so that an explosive projectile would burst at the right point in space and then cut the fuse to produce such a setting. There was not a man alive who could make these calculations with or without a pencil and paper in the fraction of a second during which many of the data would change; certainly none who could take account of the fact that the data were changing. It may be well to indicate the approximate quantities of the problem. The plane needed to be hit before it dropped its bomb. If it was traveling at 20,000 feet, the bomb would take about 35 seconds to reach the ground after release. This meant that the plane would release the bomb while it was still 35 seconds away from the target. If the plane was traveling at 300 THE PROJECTS OF NDRC 45 miles per hour, it was more than 21/2 miles away when it dropped the bomb. Since its speed was about 440 feet per sec- ond and the range of the guns was limited, it followed that there was only a short time in which to locate and fire at the plane. In the second place, the average shell velocity was 1,500 to 2,000 feet per second. This meant that it might take the shell something like 10 to 15 seconds to reach the elevation of the plane. During this period the plane, if on course, would travel a mile or more. Thus the lead angle was enormous. Finally, it was necessary that the shell should burst within some 20 yards of the target. This meant not only that the gun had to be aimed so as to get the shell itself so near the target but also that the fuse had to be timed so that the detonation would occur at the right time. All this has presupposed that the target would remain on its course. This would in fact be true for a plane on a con- ventional high-level bombing run. A full solution even of this simple problem of antiaircraft fire was not possible with the gun-laying devices which our services had developed at the beginning of the war, though the Navy in particular had a very fine system of antiaircraft fire control based on optical measurements which within the limitations of optical data gave a remarkable performance. Such systems were more than adequate for ship-to-ship fire, and the corresponding Army system which was also ingenious was up to the problem of the moving tank. But both systems were slow in terms of the war- fare which was to develop. They required 20 to 30 seconds to spot the target. If the spotting was done in time, the computa- tion system was itself deadly. What the men of Division 7 did was to reduce the spotting time of 20 to 30 seconds to one-tenth of that, to 2 to 3 seconds. When this speed was coupled with radar detection, which made the weapon an all-weather one and provided information over a longer period, and when to these features was added the prox- imity fuse, a new order of antiaircraft fire was possible. All this was required to defeat the buzz bomb, and a contest with the TI an 46 QED Kamikaze would have been hopeless without it; the outcome was close enough as it was. But gyroscopic sights, computing devices, servomechanisms could do these things, and having done them point the gun as well so that the battery could go on firing and firing successfully without delay. Thus Division 7 had a hot problem and that it handled it well is attested by the score against the Japanese planes in the Pacific, against the submarines, the Kamikazes, and the V-l's. This was by no means exclusively a Division 7 accomplishment, for several of the most important developments at M.I.T., for example, were under direct Navy or Army sponsorship; espe- cially the former. Nonetheless, the division had a useful hand in a good many of the pies. Six of M.I.T.'s staff were instru- mental in lending this hand. The Chief of Division 7 was Harold L. Hazen, Professor of Electrical Engineering in charge of the Department; his tech- nical aide was Karl L. Wildes, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering. Among the important advisers were Professors Brown, 12 Draper, 13 Getting, 14 and Caldwell.15 TAYO SUBSURFACE WARFARE No campaigns of the war were more subject to fluctuation than those waged beneath the sea and on the surface in pursuit of the submarine. It is a short memory which cannot recall how the German U-boats crossed the Atlantic, seriously threat- ened our coastal traffic in oil, and for many months sank our merchant vessels at a rate which caused the outcome of the war to be in doubt. Less publicity has been given to the role played by our own submarines in harrying the Japanese mer- chant marine to the point where this was an important factor in the collapse of the Japanese economy. In the temporary “final” defeat16 of the German submarine and in the attacks on Japanese shipping, both the Air Forces and the Navy played a part, but it was the Navy which carried the brunt of the struggle and to which belongs most of the kudos. They were THE PROJECTS OF NDRC . helped materially in this success by the work of Division 6, both in the development of various underwater instruments and in the applications of scientific methodology to tactics. The top administration of Division 6 was provided by John T. Tate, Professor of Physics at the University of Minnesota, and few of his right-hand men owed their allegiance to M.I.T. However, two members of the M.I.T. staff played prominent roles in the submarine war. The story begins with Louis Byrne Slichter, who has now left the Institute but who in 1940 was Professor of Geophysics. From November, 1940, to January, 1941, he was a member of a temporary antisubmarine committee appointed by the National Academy of Sciences at the request of the Navy to investigate the effectiveness of the Navy's antisubmarine devices. E. H. Colpitts was chairman of this committee, and the other members were Vern O. Knudsen, Professor of Physics at the University of California at Los Angeles, W. D. Coolidge, '96, Director of Research, General Electric Company, and Slichter. 17 This committee reported serious deficiencies in the capabilities of existing antisubmarine devices and weapons and emphasized the Navy's need for a much-expanded and enhanced antisubmarine research facility and staff. The report to the Secretary of the Navy stressed the critical need for a vastly larger basic research program than had ever been provided by the Navy's peacetime budget. As a result a section of NDRC was formed (later Division 6) under Jewett, and under the auspices of this section Slichter went to the United Kingdom with Tate in 1941 to obtain information concerning the status of British antisubmarine research and antisubmarine warfare. On his return and until January, 1942, he was director of the division's program for the development of air-borne magnetic methods for the detection of submarines. By September, 1941, this project had successfully demonstrated the detection of submarines by the Vacquier type of detector installed in a Navy PBY plane. This system later became well known as the Magnetic Airborne Detector (MAD). 48 QED S ** At the same time and until October, 1942, Slichter was Director of the Special Studies Group for Division 6. This group, advisory to the Chief of the Division, had the function of analyzing the probable effectiveness of antisubmarine devices and of making special studies designed to direct the division's antisubmarine research program more effectively. From Octo- ber, 1942 on, he was a member of the division but his attention became more and more diverted to the use of the rocket against the submarine. Since rocketry was the function of Division 3, he passed imperceptibly to that group, and his later war activity is better discussed under that heading. But it was reserved for Philip M. Morse, Professor of Physics, to make M.I.T.'s most distinguished contribution to the Navy's successful antisubmarine campaign. His work started in 1940 when he began experiments for the Navy's Bureau of Ships to develop underwater sound gear from hydrophones up the line. By January, 1942, about six weeks after Pearl Harbor, this work had developed far enough so that complete assemblies were being put on to planes. Later in 1943 this project was transferred from the Bureau of Ships to OSRD, and the work was carried on under Division 6. In October of 1941 Morse became Chairman of the NRG Committee on Sound Control.18 In June, 1942, this work was consolidated with NDRC, and Morse continued as chairman. By the end of the year, however, Morse was heavily involved with the Navy submarine cam- paign problem, and it was felt desirable to consolidate this with the other work in acoustics under Division 17. Morse therefore became a member of Section 17.3. Meanwhile he did not discontinue his interest in the affairs of Division 6 of which he was a member from June, 1941.19 Here he had direct responsibility for a small group which began, at the request of the Navy, and under the stimulus of an anti- submarine committee in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, to study the technique of attack upon the German submarine. From this small beginning grew the Operations Research Group of the Navy, attached to the Office of the Chief TI THE PROJECTS OF NDRC of Naval Operations. This group, directed by Morse, made one of the most distinguished applications of a new form of think- ing to the tactics and strategy of war which was presented in World War II. It gained increasing favor in the Naval High Command largely because of its demonstrated successes in the antisubmarine campaign. To the end of the war it remained a unit which was operated under OSRD contract, but it became increasingly a Navy show and its history is given in better detail in Chapter 6. The principal laboratories of Division 6 were operated by Columbia University and Harvard University. On behalf of the division, M.I.T. did undertake some research which is recounted in Chapter 11. But its principal contributions to the antisubmarine campaign were made by Slichter and Morse.20 ROCKETS OSRD made highly important contributions to the develop- ment of the rocket as a new weapon of warfare. The rocket is colorful and has been well described in the press. It served in the antisubmarine campaign, in the battle of the beaches; it was fired from naval vessels, from tanks, from aircraft. The OSRD development itself had two prongs; the one, principally for the Army, was carried on chiefly by George Washington University; the other, and much larger one, was principally for the Navy but, spreading out as it gained momentum, was the responsibility of the California Institute of Technology. Indeed the rocket has become as closely associated with our sister institution on the West Coast as radar has been with M.I.T. In all this development M.I.T. can claim no leading role. It did, however, furnish one important representative, who was again Professor Slichter. In about February of 1942 Slichter's general interest in the antisubmarine campaign generated by his work for the NAS Committee and for Division 6 led him to join with C. C. Lauritsen and Max Mason, of the California Institute of Tech- nology, in initiating the use of rockets aboard ships of the 50 QED United States Navy. The first tests at sea (under the joint auspices of Divisions 3 and 6) of rocket-thrown antisubmarine bombs were made at San Diego in March, 1942. This led in time to the introduction of the Mousetrap, a multiple-rocket firer, aboard the Navy's small antisubmarine craft, such as PC's and SC's and YP's. The Mousetrap led in turn to the necessity for amending attack and training procedures at the Navy Sound Schools. For a year and a half the Mousetrap training program, which was essentially instruction in the new thrown- ahead attack, 21 occupied the major part of Slichter's time. How he operated is a good example of the scientific method applied to a pedagogical problem. First complete observations were made of practice antisubmarine attacks with the firing of dummy ammunition, and the measurement of attack errors. Nearly 3,000 practice attacks were observed at sea at San Diego, Key West, Guantanamo, and Bermuda; of these 1,600 were analyzed quantitatively for the purpose of improving attack doctrine. The experience thus gained was projected to similar weapons such as the British Hedgehog which were being installed on destroyer escorts and destroyers. Attack doctrine and instruction manuals for the use of Mousetrap and Hedgehog equipment were prepared in collaboration with the sound schools. At the same time Slichter made and worked upon the sug- gestion of the retro-rocket. This development arose because a plane would often detect a submarine just when the plane was over it. Under these cirmumstances it was useless to launch a bomb since the trajectory of the bomb dropped from that posi- tion would carry it far ahead of the U-boat. It was equally idle to turn around and make a bombing run because by that time the submarine would have submerged. The retro-rocket was a device whereby, through using backward rocket propulsion, the forward speed of the plane could just be compensated for; under these circumstances the rocket bomb would land directly below the position of the plane at the moment of launching. Retro-rockets were successfully developed, installed on a PBY THE PROJECTS OF NDRC 51 seaplane, and tested on the Goldstone rocket test range in lower California in the late summer of 1942. The retro-rocket is regarded as a perfectly sound device, but developments in the antisubmarine campaign made it unnecessary by the time it was ready for combat.22 BOMBS From rockets to bombs is no far cry. Radar, fire control, and rocketry all made their contribution to the art of bombing, but three divisions of NDRC were devoted to considerations of the bomb itself. And it happened that in all three of them, M.I.T. personnel played a significant role. Division 2 dealt with the conventional high-explosive bomb. The problem of selecting the right such bomb for attack on a specified industrial target was, at the beginning of the war, by no means so simple as would appear at first glance. Historically the situation was that the Army Air Forces were overly opti- obtained with the Norden sight under conditions of combat23 and as to the damage which a single bomb of small size would do when it hit. There was some uncertainty, moreover, as to how a bomb should be fused for the optimum attack. Should it burst in the air or at the ground, or should it be delayed until it had penetrated the target? The answer would not always be the same. To improve the accuracy of the bomb sight, Division 7 was engaged; to control of the bomb in flight, the attention of Division 5 was turned; to the improvement of bomb selec- tion, Division 2 addressed itself. This last division came into the particular problem through the back door. Division 2 itself was an outgrowth of the Com- mittee on Passive Protection against Bombing established by the NAS on request of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army. Tolman was chairman of this committee, Compton was a mem- ber, and John E. Burchard, Director of Bemis Foundation and of Libraries, M.I.T., was executive officer. It soon became clear that there were offensive implications in the work which could 52 QED 1 not be appropriately conducted under the contract with the Army Engineers. Accordingly, a division of NDRC was estab- lished for the study of “Structural Defense and Offense," and Burchard was made its chief. Almost immediately after his appointment he went, in 1941, on one of the early liaison missions to the United Kingdom. Here he observed the careful way the British Ministry of Home Security was studying every single bombing incident, recording the damage, usually identi- fying the size of the enemy bomb, establishing correlations between the German bomb and their own, going on to con- clusions as to what would be needed for the RAF to accomplish a given result. This was an important development. It was clear that the division should veer sharply away from questions of defense or at least give them lesser priority. On Burchard's return, Division 2 set out to become an American center for information on what was happening to Britain, for furnishing these data in usable form to the operating commands, and for training young engineers and architects for service as opera- tions analysts with the various American Bomber Commands. All these objectives it achieved; its trainees served with dis- tinction in every theatre of operations; its data sheets went to every bomber wing. The experience of the division was put at the disposal of General Arnold's Bombardment Advisory Committee planning the strategic bombing offensive against Germany. Later Division 2 collaborated with Division 11 through a joint committee whose chairman was Hottel 24 in a study to determine the best combination of incendiary and high-explosive loadings for the strategic offensive against Japan; it also collaborated with the Joint Target Group of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in preparation of information for the same campaign.25 TAT INCENDIARY WARFARE In December, 1940, the Luftwaffe burned down the old City of London. Aided by wind they did this with little two-pound cylinders of magnesium. This first extensive use of the incen- USA incen- THE PROJECTS OF NDRC 53 diary bomb seemed a horrifying thing to the world then. It takes no long memory to recall how we were told to fight it; first the instructions were to spray and then not to spray. Many measures were developed to extinguish the incipient fires, to deal with the fires as they grew. The success of these measures was due largely to the fine discipline of the British Civil Defense even when the Germans incorporated explosive with some of the IB's and thus killed a few of the fire watchers. To Division 11 of NDRC came the responsibility of develop- ing an incendiary bomb against which there would be no defense save that of keeping the bombers away. They developed a weapon which would throw masses of petroleum jelly, a jelly which would stick to walls and ceilings and then burn; they studied the combustibility of woods of various kinds and of different humidity contents, especially the kinds and the con- tents which were known to be characteristic of Japanese cities; they aided in the design and building of a Japanese-type village in the desert at Dugway and peppered this with all the different kinds of incendiaries and with high explosive as well. From this study came the M-69 bomb, the bomb which reduced Tokyo and substantially every other important Japanese city to ashes.26 The men on this development worked hand-in-hand with the Chemical Warfare Service as did those working on the equally spectacular divisional work on flame throwers, the tool which burned the Japanese out of their caves. All these activities had a strong M.I.T. tinge. Earl P. Stevenson, '19, President of Arthur D. Little, Inc., was Chief of Division 11; Edwin R. Gilliland, Professor of Chemical Engineering, was Deputy Chief; two other M.I.T. chemical engineers were chiefs of sections. Hoyt C. Hottel, Professor of Fuel Engineering, was a mem- ber of Division 11 and Chief of Section 11.3. This section was responsible for all incendiary and flame thrower development work and was the division's chief contact with the Chemical Warfare Service. In late 1943, Hottel went to Great Britain for three months to argue the changing ideas in incendiaries. 27 54 QED An idea of the total scope of Division 11 may better be obtained by considering the responsibilities of Section 11.2 whose Chief was Thomas K. Sherwood, then Professor of Chemi- cal Engineering and now Dean of Engineering. This section was a grab-bag unit which cared for matters falling outside the normal fields of activity of the other sections of the Chemical Divisions, such as new hydraulic fluids for aircraft, gun recoil, and shipboard use at high and very low temperatures; new antifouling coatings for ships' bottoms; modification of vesicant chemical agents to make effective aircraft vesicant sprays; purifi- cation of Levinstein mustard gas; an inert gas system for preventing explosions in aircraft fuel tanks; development of laboratory test methods for analyzing ballistic faults in liquid- filled shells; a simple method for producing hydrogen for meteorological balloons; improved photo-flash bombs; a simple chemical method for repressurizing portable flame throwers in the field; the development of large screening-smoke genera- tors (the Langmuir-Esso); miscellaneous protective coatings for chemical shells, bombs, fuses, gasoline containers; the produc- tion of concentrated hydrogen peroxide. Sherwood also gave general supervision to the work of the National Research Council committee on quartermaster problems with NDRC funds allocated to that committee through his section.28 GUIDED MISSILES When it became apparent that, despite the Norden sight, the bombardiers could not drop bombs from high altitudes into anything approaching the classic “pickle barrel," and when it appeared that radar blind-bombing devices, useful as they were, were producing accuracies comparable only with those of the best of daylight bombing, the interest of the Air Forces naturally turned to the guided missile. A guided missile is a robot launched from an airplane in flight (or more recently also a rocket or jet-propelled machine subject to remote control). The conventional bomb is on its own after the bombardier has pushed the release button. It THE PROJECTS OF NDRC YA falls from the bomb bay in accordance with laws over which no further control can be exercised. It will strike the earth at a point governed largely by the initial speed and direction of the plane, the height of the drop, and the ballistic character- istics of the bomb. If any mistake has been made, all the bombardier's piety and all his wit cannot lure it back. The first efforts with guided missiles were directed toward permitting some control after the bomb had left the plane through radio manipulation of fins and rudders on the bomb. Both sides worked on such a weapon, but the Germans launched it first in the Mediterranean and the Bay of Biscay. As with so many new weapons, the use was tentative; this made counter- measures possible before much damage was done. Nonetheless the first display of the weapon was frightening enough and stimulated increased activities on both sides. The first radio bombs required the bomber to continue close to his bombing course until the bomb had struck, not a pleasant occupation over an area where enemy flak was intensive and accurate. Moreover, the ground forces might easily learn how to jam the controls. The later NDRC developments were under Division 5, of which Harold B. Richmond, ’14, Treasurer of General Radio Company was first Chief. When he resigned because of illness, he was succeeded by Hugh H. Spencer, '23, then of New Eng- land Power Association. The division sought to exploit all means of guiding missiles to their target — radio, radar, tele- vision, heat and light radiations, and even pigeons. It com- pleted the development of the AZON bomb, one which could be guided in azimuth only and depended for range accuracy on the bombadier's choice of launching point. This bomb was therefore especially useful against long thin targets such as bridges where range accuracy was not as critical, and after suc- cesses in Italy it took heavy toll of the Japanese communications over the ravines of Burma. The division had in fact begun with RAZON which by similar but more complex methods could be maneuvered both in range and in azimuth. This, how- QED ever, took much longer to bring to operational use (see Chapter 11), and it then concentrated on AZON and FELIX, a heat- homer which could correct bomb release errors in a most spec- tacular way under the right conditions, and without any further attention from the bombing plane. Of these only AZON was extensively used in combat, and the details of the others are still blanketed by security provisions. The work of this group, of course, carries, to the imaginative, heavy portents for the future. In addition to the chiefs, no less than five M.I.T. staff members were active in this division.29 11 OPTICAL PROBLEMS Division 16, NDRC, bore the general title Optics. This broad title covered work on a wide variety of problems involv- ing optical principles, engaged in by upwards of seventy-five contractors and costing altogether some 10 millions of dollars. Perhaps the easiest way to obtain a quick comprehension of the nature of the problems and their solution is to select a few from both ends of the wide gamut. Camouflage springs naturally to mind when one thinks of optics applied to war. In its conventional sense and as a natural sequence to the efforts of World War I, camouflage had an early popularity in World War II; but as time went on it became abundantly clear that static camouflage, no matter how well contrived, did little to fool enemy bombers. Tactical camouflage, on the other hand, remained important until the end of the war. A case in point was the problem of making a night fighter really invisible. When Division 16 looked at this problem the practice was to paint the aircraft a dull black, which was certainly the most natural thing to do. Unfortunately, these dull black planes looked white in a searchlight beam because they reflected some 2 per cent of the light. Faced with this problem, Section 16.3, under Arthur C. Hardy, Professor of Optics and Photography, worked out a shiny black paint so selected that it would have the lowest non-specular reflecting power. A plane thus painted could not be seen at all in a 1 THE PROJECTS OF NDRC searchlight beam save for occasional very fleeting flashes when it turned. This was because, instead of the diffuse reflection of light which could be seen when a plane was painted dull black, the shiny black paint reflected a single bright beam of light which was moving so rapidly over the landscape that no anti- aircraft battery could get a sight on its source. After the problem was solved the job was not over, for it was necessary to keep unceasing vigilance over the painting itself; it was so natural for the painter to think that the camouflage paint ought to be duller, and to mix sand, grease, or other available unconven- tional dulling media with it. Another similar problem put to the Hardy group led to an unusual method of concealing an approaching bomber from a surfaced submarine. Here lights were put along the leading edges and the brightness was adjusted to that of the background sky. Thus illuminated, a bomber could get within two miles of its prey without being seen, and this meant only a fraction of a minute for the submarine to do something – not enough. But night remains the best camoufleur, and night served both sides. It was natural, then, that both sides should be vitally interested in infrared developments which might help them to peer through the night or the murk. Conspicuous among such developments were the applications of short-wave infrared in the Sniperscope and Snooperscope, electron tele- scopes which permitted a rifleman to see his target in the dark. The gear for these weapons was fairly complex, and electronic equipment is heavy and relatively fragile. In the circumstances, Division 16 felt the need of producing something simpler to supplement the electron telescope. The experimental work suc- ceeded in catching the infrared directly on a phosphor screen which had been prestimulated. This device, known as the meta- scope, produced a useful image, and though less sensitive than the electron telescope and giving less resolution, gained greatly in simplicity and lightness. In the far infrared there were also possibilities. Devices were developed for plumbing the atmosphere at ranges too short for 58 LED VYT radar or under conditions where radar or radio silence was required. This development was somewhat delayed because the proponents of radar thought it would not be required. But it soon proved necessary on the short ranges and was useful, for example, to the pilot of a glider which was being towed through a mist; the device would not of course penetrate a true fog but would provide guidance in a light haze. The development required a conjoint attack on methods for improving the sources, the detectors, and the filters for infrared light. Optical instruments of various sorts naturally engaged a good deal of the division's attention. For example, a strenuous effort was made to produce satisfactory substitutes for optical glass. Over a hundred chemical substances, old and new, were investi- gated to see which had the proper characteristics. Of these three or four were promising enough to justify the further work of providing proper refractive indices and permanence of shape. Finally, lenses could be molded directly and without polishing. The shortage of optical workers made this a fruitful endeavor since girls could cast the new plastic lenses. The lenses were in fact rather good, never better, but always cheaper and lighter, than those of optical glass. Moreover, the heavy glass would often kick out of adjustment on mountings such as those for tank periscopes. The limitation on the plastics was their soft- ness, and much time was spent trying to harden them. The hardness was improved, as measured by the scratch test, by a factor of 10, though a factor of 200 would have been needed to make it comparable with the hardness of glass. Another optical device was the Icaroscope. If one wanted to see an airplane diving from the sun the dilemma was serious. Seen through a dark glass, the plane could not be differentiated from the sky. The Icaroscope compressed the range of the field in brightness from millions to perhaps a hundredfold. It caught the image on a rotating phosphorescent screen which was viewed shortly with the image seen displaced. One of the most important problems handled by the people of Division 16 was aerial photography. They set out to find the THE PROJECTS OF NDRC causes for the limitations of resolution of aerial photographs. In the optical shops at Harvard University a 40-inch camera was developed to take pictures from 30,000 feet, and when the war ended another one was under way 100 inches in focal length with an f 5.6 lens, designed to take pictures from 60,000 to 70,000 feet which would resolve the ties in a railroad track. Such precision instruments were generally pooh-poohed for air reconnaissance because of plane vibration; when this was sup- pressed, they were opposed because the resolving power of film would be inadequate; when this was made adequate, it was supposed that shutter speeds would not be right. But by han- dling four difficult variables at once, including studies of tur- bulence factors, the division achieved success. This account is perhaps enough to indicate the scope and the importance of the work of Division 16. The chief of this division was George R. Harrison, Professor of Physics and Dean of Science.30 METALLURGY War research in metallurgy was covered for NDRC by Divi- sion 18. Before the organization of NDRC, the War Metallurgy Committee of the National Research Council was off to a good start. As a result, the activities of Division 18 and of this com- mittee were quite inseparable. The original metallurgical sec- tion of NDRC was established by Bush and Conant in the latter's domain (Division B - Chemistry) in September, 1940. Within Conant's group were several vice chairmen. One of them was Warren K. Lewis, Professor of Chemical Engineering, who was head of a group of sections and was assisted in directing them by Dean Sherwood. One of these sections was devoted to metal- lurgy, under the chairmanship of Colonel A. E. White of the University of Michigan. Robert S. Williams, Professor of Physi- cal Metallurgy, Emeritus, was a member of this section. 31 Even the paragraph just written shows that here the record of M.I.T.'s administrative activities in OSRD begins to degen- 60 QED LI erate into an enumeration of names and titles. This is the point at which to stop this account, which is intended not as a Who's Who but as orientation for the remaining chapters, to consign the remaining participants to a footnote, 32 and to turn to those of the M.I.T. family who served the Army or the Navy still more directly. FOOTNOTES 1 The titles used here are not always the official NDRC designations for the divisions. These designations were sometimes deliberately confusing for reasons of security, and here we use words which will have more meaning. 2 Even for the other groups there was often important administrative activity by M.I.T. staff members. For example: Arthur C. Cope, now Professor of Organic Chemistry, in charge of the Department of Chemistry, formerly Associate Professor of Chemistry at Columbia University, was a technical aide in Division 9 and at other times a member of the same division and Chief of Section 9.2. His first service was with H. S. Gasser, Director of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, in the administration of a large laboratory located at the University of Chicago and engaged in studying the toxicological properties of chemicals of war interest. His section of Division 9 was concerned with miscellaneous chemical problems, including the investigation of chemical warfare agents, preparation, decontamination and protective measures, the composition and properties of commercial DDT, a search for superior insect repellents, and the preparation of antimalarial drugs and inter- mediates. Thomas K. Sherwood, Professor of Chemical Engineering and now Dean of Engineering, was a consultant to Division 10. Division 15, which dealt with radar countermeasures, was an offshoot of early work of Division 14 and was separated in the belief that work on countermeasures (centered at the Radio Research Laboratory at Harvard University) should be divorced from work on the affirmative employment of radar. 3 All this background and much more can be found by the interested reader in “Radar - a Report on Science at War," released by the Joint Board on Scientific Information Policy of OSRD, War Department and Navy Department, Superintendent of Documents. 4 Prominent among these staff members who were in the early days on or closely associated with the staff of Radiation Laboratory but who later went to other activity were: THE PROJECTS OF NDRC 61 Edward L. Bowles, Professor of Electrical Communications, later Expert Consultant to the Secretary of War. See Chapter 5. Nathaniel H. Frank, Professor of Physics, later Expert Consultant to the Secretary of War. See Chapter 5. John R. Loofbourow, Professor of Biophysics, who became later Tech- nical Aide to Division 14, supervising for the government the activities of the Radiation Laboratory and other NDRC radar contracts. Philip M. Morse, Professor of Physics, later Director of ORG for the U.S. Navy. See Chapter 6. John C. Slater, Professor of Physics, later on leave to Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. Julius A. Stratton, Professor of Physics, later Expert Consultant to the Secretary of War. See Chapter 5. William Phelps Allis, Associate Professor of Physics, later Lieutenant Colonel in the War Department Liaison Office. See Chapter 5. Lan Jen Chu, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, later Expert Consultant to the Secretary of War. See Chapter 5. John G. Trump, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Secre- tary of the Microwave Committee, who became Director of the British Branch Radiation Laboratory and returned late in the war to head RL's highly important Field Service Division. See Chapter 7. 5 The entire membership of this committee and more of its activity appear in Chapter 15. 6 From 1941 to 1942, Trump was also Technical Aide to Alfred Loomis. 7 Op. cit. See footnote 3 to this chapter. 8"X-band" refers to the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves gen- erated by the “x-band” magnetron. It was a code word used during the war, as were “k” and “s," to denote 10- and l-centimeter wavelengths. “X-band” referred to a 3-centimeter wavelength. 9 Strange as it may seem, at this time this procedure was none too common even within the services. Field users were frequently not permitted to talk officially with the service laboratories. It was especially unusual to permit the discussions to take place with civilians. Time changed this in all areas as it did many other peacetime procedures. 10 Sir Stafford Cripps was at that time Minister of Aircraft Production, Sir George Thompson was Scientific Adviser to the Air Ministry (overall), and Sir Robert Watson-Watt was Scientific Adviser on Telecommunica- tions to the Air Ministry. 11 The Instrumentation Laboratory had important Navy contracts but none were under OSRD sponsorship; OSRD contracts for services of the Servomechanisms Laboratory were important but required only about one-fourth of the laboratory's total effort. 12 Gordon S. Brown, Professor of Electrical Engineering. His principal 62 QED achievements, inextricably associated with those of the Servomechanisms Laboratory, are recounted in Chapter 9. To Division 7 he was a consultant, and at the request of the division went to Great Britain to exchange information with the British Ministry of Supply on servomechanisms. 13 C. Stark Draper, Professor of Aeronautical Engineering. Like Brown, his principal activity was in directing an M.I.T. laboratory, the Confiden- tial Instruments Laboratory. See Chapter 9. For Division 7 he was a mem- ber of Section 7.6 from its organization until its dissolution after V-J Day. 14 Ivan A. Getting, now Professor of Electrical Engineering. Most of his activities stemmed from his work for Radiation Laboratory. He was, how- ever, a member of Division 7 from December, 1942, and Chief of Section 7.6, Navy Fire Control with Radar. Under the auspices of this section a number of developments were established and brought to a fruitful con- clusion. These included the CW microwave chronograph developed by Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Company and a Navy gunfire con- trol system sponsored in cooperation with Division 14, NDRC, and developed jointly by Radiation Laboratory, General Electric Company, and the Librascope Corporation. Getting was a vital factor in the develop- ment of the SCR-584 M-I antiaircraft combination. He received personally the Naval Ordnance Development Award. 15 Samuel H. Caldwell, Professor of Electrical Engineering. In his five years' activity he traveled over a quarter of a million miles. First he worked on problems of general fire control, participating in the development of the Army's M-9 Antiaircraft Director. He was also chairman of a joint committee with Radiation Laboratory with the responsibility of fostering the application of radar in fire control. As Chief of Section 7.2 he was responsible for air-borne fire control, to which he devoted most of his war career, including a tour of duty in the United Kingdom in 1942. This work included the development of equipment for the control of guns, bombs, torpedoes, rockets, guided projectiles, and combinations of these elements. As was so often the case, this responsibility led him on to several advisory boards set up by the Secretary of War and the Army Air Forces for the purpose of recommending new equipment for Air Force use. 16 This bull is used deliberately. The reader will recall how at the end of the war the U-boats turned up again and lurked on our continental shelf breathing with the aid of the Schnörkel. These boats might have been very troublesome had the war continued. 17 This was the committee whose report may have touched off Secretary Knox's request to Hunsaker to study the Navy's relations with civilian research agencies. See page 32. 18 Whose purpose was to study sound control in combat vehicles. Two laboratories were set up at Harvard University to study the acoustical THE PROJECTS OF NDRC 63 problems of sound-control materials and the psychological and physio- logical problems of noise in combat vehicles. A complete study was made of noise in military aircraft and remedies proposed, and the committee went on to study improvements in communications. By the end of the war this work had expanded until intercommunications systems were being studied, including the especially trying problem of intercommunication between units in a Task Force. 19 He was also the divisional representative on the Applied Mathematics Panel. 20 J. Warren Horton, Associate Professor of Electrical Communications, left the Institute to take an important administrative role in the New London Sound Laboratories operated by Columbia University under a Division 6 contract. This is discussed in Chapter 18. 21 Thrown-ahead attack is to be contrasted with the previous conven- tional use of the depth charge which was either dropped off the stern or thrown astern or abeam by Y-guns. These did not have enough range to make it safe to throw the depth charge forward, and forward-thrown missiles made it possible to keep the detecting devices in operation longer. 22 After these efforts, which extended into 1944, Slichter found himself with less urgent problems because the menace of the U-boat had subsided. He and his antisubmarine group were then transferred to the Underwater Ballistics Program at C.I.T., which is described in Chapter 18. 23 “We can drop it in a pickle barrel." The radius of the smallest pickle barrel in practice turned out on the average to be several hundred yards. 24 See the account of Division 11 which follows shortly. 25 This account by no means exhausts the activities of Division 2; for purposes of clarity they have been kept simple in the text. It developed most of the information on the effect of impact and explosion on massive concrete targets, on the effect of hypervelocity projectiles on armor; it studied plastic protection for merchant vessels; it developed a new pro- jectile for training flexible gunners in aircraft which would permit plane- to-plane firing in the air under combat conditions without danger to the operator of the fighter plane. Its activities can best be summed up under the general heading of Terminal Ballistics — what happens at the target when a projectile strikes or a bomb explodes. Like so many others, Burchard had additional duties for OSRD. He was Chairman of an ad hoc Committee on Navigational Aids to Landing Operations, established at the request of the Commander-in-Chief United States Fleet after the bad navigation of landing craft in the Casablanca landing. This committee developed a highly successful navigational device for close inshore navigation based on radar which would put the boat within 50 to 100 feet of a predetermined landing point and within 64 QED one minute of a predetermined time, from a point as far as 10 miles off shore and under conditions of zero zero visibility. This device was used extensively in the late naval operations in the Pacific. He was Chairman of a similar Committee on Demolition of Obstacles to Landing Operations, established a few months before D-Day to help the amphibious forces cope with the threat of obstacles at the shore which the Germans were presumed to be installing in large numbers. He was Chairman of a joint Army-Navy OSRD Committee on Scientific Information Policy consisting of three men called upon to make recommendations to the Secretaries of War and Navy and the Director of OSRD on how best to give the public, towards the end of the war, a clear and safe picture of what had been accomplished on the research front. He was Chairman of OSRD's Publi- cations Committee whose duty it was to develop policies which would bring back the free interchange of scientific information at the earliest possible date consistent with security. Other M.I.T. staff members who served officially with Division 2 were Burnham Kelly, Assistant Professor of City Planning, who was Special Assistant to the Chief, Division 2 (and also Assistant Executive Officer, Committee on Fortification Design, NAS), and the following consultants: John B. Wilbur, Professor of Structural Engineering, in charge of the Department of Civil Engineering. Roy W. Carlson, formerly Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, who has now left M.I.T. Walter Maxwell Fife, Associate Professor of Structural Engineering. Ernest Napoleon Gelotte, Associate Professor of Construction. Herbert Lynes Beckwith, Professor of Architectural Design, was Execu- tive Officer for the Princeton University Station, which was the principal contractor to Division 2. He was active in the procurement of personnel for training as Operations Analysts for the Air Force. 26 Sixty-seven of these cities were no longer military targets at the time of surrender. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were victims of the atomic bomb; Kure of Navy high explosives. The rest suffered most of their travail from the IB's. 27 Hottel was also a member of Dean Sherwood's Section 11.2, Chair- man of the AN-23 Committee on Optimum Bomb Loads, and on two joint CWS-NDRC committees dealing with the evaluation respectively of incendiaries and flame throwers. 28 Dean Sherwood was also consultant to Division 10. 29 Joseph G. Boyce, until the end of the war Associate Professor of Physics at M.I.T. and now Chairman of the Department of Physics at New York University, Chief of Section 5.5 dealing with the mechanisms used in the various guided missiles, radio controls, servomechanisms, train. 1 Aerial view of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Radiation Laboratory complex visible just over the larger dome. E NON BENE HER NOS TORNEN SER BODEN Some of the temporary laboratories built at the Institute during the war period expressly for war research. Photographed from a Navy blimp. THE PROJECTS OF NDRC ing devices, and some not yet declassified parts. Later Special Assistant to the Chief of Division 5, Boyce was for some time also a member of Division 19, a member of the Vacuum Tube Development Committee, and the NDRC member of a special subcommittee of the NACA on power-guided missiles. Bertram E. Warren, Professor of Physics, was a member of Section 5.2. William H. Radford, Associate Professor of Electrical Communications, was Consultant to Sections 5.5 and 16.4. Charles F. Squire, Assistant Professor of Physics, also participated in Division 5 activities until he joined Morse's ORG in the Navy. Alan C. Bemis, Research Associate in Meteorology, was a member and Deputy Chief of Section 5.5, and also a member of Section 16.4 of Division 16, which was concerned with infrared problems. 30 Arthur C. Hardy, Professor of Optics and Photography, was Chief of Section 16.3; Seibert Q. Duntley, Assistant Professor of Physics, was Technical Aide in the same section. Richard C. Lord, Associate Professor of Chemistry and normally in charge of the Spectroscopy Laboratory, was Technical Aide in the division and during Harrison's extended absence in Australia had important administrative responsibility. Harrison was also a member and later Chief of Division 17. 31 It would be futile to attempt to trace in a book of this scope the complex activities of the Metallurgical Group. M.I.T.'s principal contri- butions in metallurgy were not in the administration of Division 18 but in specific projects which are discussed in Chapters 12 and 18. 32 Division 12 – Transportation. This division developed several am- phibious vehicles, notably the DUKW and the Weasel. The principal tech- nical aide and a strong catalyst for these vehicle-vessels all over the globe was Palmer Cosslett Putnam, '23, Medal for Merit. Commander Henry E. Rossell, Professor of Naval Construction, Emeritus, was a member of the division until he resigned on 19 May 1943 to become President of the Cramp Shipbuilding Company (see Chapter 18). Numerous ad hoc committees were established from time to time by OSRD, for example: In 1944 Bush appointed a special OSRD committee on long-burning propellants for missiles. Glenn G. Williams, Hoyt C. Hottel, and Dean Sherwood were members. Hurd C. Willett, Professor of Meteorology, served on an OSRD com- balloon campaign against the West Coast and possible countermeasures. Willett wrote the section of the report which dealt with the analysis of upper level winds over the North Pacific and meteorological feasibility of the Japs' using this wind drift to launch a concentrated attack by balloons on any selected West Coast target. 66 QED Harold A. Freeman, Associate Professor of Statistics, was Consultant to the Statistical Research Group of the Applied Mathematics Panel of the NDRC working on applications of sequential analysis to Army and Navy problems, preparing a Sampling Inspection Manual for the Navy, and dealing with projects for the Climatic Research Laboratory of the Army. W. Rupert Maclaurin, Professor of Economics, was Secretary of the Committee on Science and the Public Welfare, OSRD, concerned with preparation of a report to the President on a program for postwar scientific research. FOR THE ARMY BEYOND THE WORK which the Institute did under contract with the War Department, the Navy Department, or the OSRD (which was, after all, working in their interests), specific con- tributions to the victory were made by members of Tech- nology's staff working directly under the banner of one or the other service. The most conspicuous of these efforts were made by a professor of electrical communications for the Army and by a professor of physics for the Navy. Beginning in the summer of 1940, the Professor of Electrical Communications, Edward L. Bowles, worked with Dr. Comp- ton in the national radar effort, both at the Institute and as first secretary of the Microwave Committee, until on 6 April 1942, Mr. Henry Stimson, the Secretary of War, appointed him Expert Consultant. The original appointment called upon Bowles to advise the Secretary on radar policy, but even at the beginning he was told to limit himself in no way to strictly technical problems. For the Army, by all odds most of the important radar developments related to air operations, either as a means of improving the offensive and defensive performance of our own aircraft or as a way of establishing better control of other defensive measures against enemy aircraft. It was almost inevi- table, then, that much of Bowles's career should have been spent on Air Force problems and that he should have been especially useful to General H. H. Arnold. When Bowles was called to duty his first assignment was an overall analysis of the submarine menace off the Atlantic Seaboard. He made recommendations which led to the estab- 67 68 LED . YY lishment of experimental and operational AAF units to combat the threat. Although the Navy played the major role in the antisubmarine campaign, the comprehensiveness of Bowles's scheme for the Atlantic Ocean Area attracted attention. It pointed to the potentiality of the land-based heavy bomber in attacking the submarine at sea; in particular it pointed up the strategic value of first-class and modern communications sys- tems and navigational aids in big bombing operations. It was Bowles's comprehensive study, "The Acute Problem of Ocean- Borne Transport and Supply," which Stimson carried to the President in his drive for a more definitive policy with respect to our antisubmarine operations, at a time when the submarine problem was crucial. The report led General Arnold to ask Mr. Stimson that Bowles be permitted to assume overall re- sponsibility for all AAF communications, radar, and electronics. In the discharge of this responsibility Bowles was empowered to act directly for General Arnold. As his activities and respon- sibilities in the AAF broadened, Bowles became in September, 1944, Special Consultant to the Commanding General AAF. When a British delegation called upon General Marshall for assistance in connection with the buzz-bomb assaults, the Chief of Staff handed the problem to Bowles. He formulated a plan which led to the immediate dispatch to the United King- dom of some special antiaircraft equipment which could func- tion under conditions of complete invisibility when fighter planes were helpless. The buzz-bombs were finally brought under control only by throwing at them everything in the book, from bombing their launching sites to shooting them down with fighters and antiaircraft guns; but in this struggle the Bowles material played a significant part. Later Bowles provided basic planning for radar bombing by the Eighth and Fifteenth Air Forces and special planning for the Twentieth Air Force. The 315th Air Wing, which dis- tinguished itself in the air war against Japan, was the direct result of plans laid for General Arnold in Bowles's office. During the course of the war this office had representatives FOR THE ARMY 69 on the staffs of General Eisenhower and General MacArthur and on the staffs of the major Air Force commanders in the European, Pacific, and China-Burma theatres. Bowles's influ- ence spread gradually over the War Department, and he was consulted on many matters of scientific research far outside the fields of electronics or air force operations; he ranged into problems of the ground forces, of scientific and technical intelligence, of scientific advice to the Commanding General of the Group Control Council after the collapse of Germany. Altogether the presence of this technically trained civilian in the high councils of the War Department was of inestimable value and established a precedent which will doubtless be followed in the future. Around him, in his office in the Pentagon Building, Bowles gathered a nucleus of top-flight scientific and technological personnel whom he loaned on occasion to various theatres or commands who needed trouble shooters; sometimes, indeed, they were sent out to stir up the trouble so that it could be shot at. These men were especially active in the United King- dom, where there was an Advisory Specialist Group to General Spaatz, and at the end of the war in the Pacific, where some of the same people assisted General Kenney. A number of them were colleagues of Bowles from the Institute. How they worked can perhaps best be realized by a somewhat detailed considera- tion of the career of one. For this illustration we shall select Julius A. Stratton, Professor of Physics and recently appointed Director of Technology's new Research Laboratory of Elec- tronics. During the summer of 1940 Stratton, on suggestions from Dr. Compton and Dr. Bowles, had undertaken preliminary work on antenna problems. With the formation of the Radia- tion Laboratory in November, 1940, he became a staff member. During the remainder of that year and for the first few months of 1941 he continued work on the propagation of microwaves, in association with the Theory Group of the Laboratory. In May, 1941 he joined a new group in Radiation Laboratory, LE 70 QED NY under Mr. Melville Eastham, then President of General Radio Company, to develop the finally famous LORAN navigational system. In August, 1942, he was detached from that duty to serve with Bowles as Expert Consultant to the Secretary of War. During the summer and fall of 1942, strenuous efforts were being exerted by the AAF to establish a ferry route over the North Atlantic for fighters and bombers traveling to Great Britain. The best route ran altogether too near to the magnetic pole. Great difficulty was experienced in maintaining satisfac- tory radio communications, causing not only a failure to meet schedules but also frequent losses. At the request of Brigadier General A. W. Marriner, Stratton made an investigation of this situation in company with Dr. H. H. Beverage, Vice President of RCA Communications. The AAF communications system was studied at first hand in Labrador, Greenland, and Iceland. As a result, recommendations were made which led to the introduction of a very low frequency radio communication system. This system worked, and is now in general use for air operations in the Far North. Toward the end of 1942, at the request of Brigadier General Gordon P. Saville, Stratton organized a committee to study the status of ground radar as used in air defense. The committee members represented the several large industrial groups con- cerned with the development of ground radar and, of course, the Radiation Laboratory. It issued two reports. The first proposed a development plan for lightweight ground radar; the second, offered in June, 1943, and known as the Lewshle Plan, established the first systematic scheme for the development and introduction of ground radar in the AAF. Though subsequently modified to take account of later radar developments, it remains the basis of the AAF ground-radar program. During the summer of 1943, at the request of Major General H. H. McClelland, the Air Communications Officer, Stratton organized two more committees to study and prepare radar programs for the AAF. The first of them was concerned with the problem of airborne fire-control equipment; its primary FOR THE ARMY mission was to eliminate a large number of obsolete or abortive developmental projects. It then went on to provide a simplified program according to which main attention would be concen- trated on the rapid development and production of fire-control equipment for the Super Fortress, the B-29, and the Super- Super Fortress, the B-32. To the second of these two commit- tees was given the problem of simplifying and orienting the program of the AAF on air-borne radar bombing equipment. In December, 1943, and January, 1944, Stratton accompanied Bowles on a quick visit to North Africa, Italy, and the United Kingdom to study the current status of radar bombing and to aid in the organization of radar planning for the forthcoming invasion. In the summer of 1944 General Spaatz requested Bowles to help in the organization of a systematic attack on the problem of all-weather flying. As a result, the Committee on Air Navi- gation and Traffic Control was established with Stratton as Chairman. This committee worked intensively on various aspects of all-weather flying. Since the end of the war a high priority has been placed on the continuation of this project. For his work Stratton received the Medal for Merit. 1 During Bowles's absence in Europe in 1945, Stratton acted as his deputy and participated in the important negotiations in the Pentagon Building, and over the teletype to Manila, as a result of which a powerful group was established to render scientific assistance to General MacArthur. This last story is told in more detail in Chapter 7.2 It was only natural that the activities of Bowles and his colleagues should, in the beginning, have been viewed with suspicion by many highly placed officers. But the Bowles group did nothing to justify that suspicion. Bowles was not an empire builder and never sought to have a large organization or to direct rather than to persuade. Gradually the group won the confidence of most of the High Command with which it had to deal, and in so doing struck an important blow for the future of the military machine which, if it is to cope with modern 72 QED events, must have civilian scientific advice close to the top. That the War Department recognized this need is implicit in its final action. On 14 November 1945 Bowles was decorated by General Arnold with the Distinguished Service Medal, an award which comes to civilians only on action by the President.3 Bowles remained with the War Department into the transitional period, leaving it formally in August, 1947. In this transitional period Bowles did much to consolidate progress made during the war in the integration of military, industrial, and profes- sional resources. One of the significant advances he championed involved the cooperation of outside agencies with Military Plans, Intelligence, Research, Matériel, and agencies in military planning. In his new post as Consulting Professor of Electrical Commu- nications, Bowles will have his headquarters at M.I.T. Among the national security interests which he will continue to follow is his work with General Eisenhower's Advanced Study Group. He will also serve as Scientific Adviser to the United States Air Forces. Members of the M.I.T. family also had high-level War Department appointments outside of Bowles's office. Again this group was led by Dr. Compton. Some of the positions he held have already been described; his work for the Office of Field Service will appear in Chapter 7. In addition to all these, he was a member of the Advisory Staff of the Chief of Ordnance Military Training, a member of the Advisory Board of the Army Specialized Training Division, a member of the Com- mittee on Postwar Research appointed by the Secretaries of War and Navy in 1944, a member of the Advisory Board of the Research and Development Branch of the Office of the Quar- termaster General, a member of the Advisory Board of the Chemical Warfare Service, and a member of the Secretary of War's Special Advisory Committee on the Atomic Bomb.4 The Army Air Forces, too, received help directly from others of Technology's staff independently of Bowles's office. Among them, members of the Meteorology Department took a lead- . YT FOR THE ARMY 73 0 DAY ing part. They instructed Army officers in the basic prin- ciples of long-range weather forecasting, sought ways to improve the weather service on the principal North Atlantic route,5 sur- veyed meteorological factors pertaining to operations of radar on the Continent. They gave technical assistance to the Staff Weather Officer of the Ninth Air Force,6 set up upper-air forecasting centers in Cairo, and helped improve the perform- ance of the similar station in Casablanca.7 They flew with the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron over the Greenland icecap to make flight tests of icing-rate meters 8 and made regular forecasts from La Guardia Field for the NATS, the ATC, and nontransport Army and Navy flights over the Atlantic. 9 Another form of help was given the bomber commands by the analysis of weapons to be used in a given attack and a post- raid analysis of the results attained. It has already been men- tioned that the men who did this work were trained in the Princeton University Station of Burchard's Division 2, NDRC. One of the men who formed the first group ever trained was Bissell Alderman, then Instructor in Architectural Design. Alderman was one of the first two men to be dispatched, and spent the war with the largest of our bomber commands, that of the Eighth Air Force, which spearheaded with the RAF the Strategic Bombing Campaign against German economy. Alderman spent more than two years with the Eighth Bomber Command in the United Kingdom and with two others was responsible for the introduction and promotion of the scientific selection of weapons for the destruction of enemy targets. Later he made frequent trips to the Continent to study the damage in order that the results might be applied to the new operations of the Eighth Air Force when it redeployed in the Pacific. He was at Hamilton Field in San Francisco waiting passage to Okinawa when he was recalled to Washington on V-J Day. After the bombing was over the War Department set up an extensive group to evaluate the results for future use. This group was known as the United States Strategic Bombing Survey (USSBS). It worked in close harmony with the AAF Evaluation y 74 QED Board, ETO, which was under command of Major General Fickel.10 William W. Whitmore, quondam Instructor in Physics, served with this board in France. His experience is worth relating in detail as an example of the way technical training may be put to use far from its original purpose. Whitmore writes: December 1944-June 1945 – on leave of absence from M.I.T. to serve as Special Consultant to AAF Evaluation Board ETO - sta- tioned in the vicinity of Paris. Was one of a group of eight civilians attached to the Board for the preparation of a report on the tactical bombardment of the French railway system during the Battle of Normandy. Work involved a statistical and economic survey of the bombing effort employed against the railway system and the results in terms of damage to fixed installations and decline in traffic flow – more briefly what's the best way to wreck a railway system by bombing. It was hoped that conclusions would be of use in planning tactical bombardment of Japan and it was received with some eagerness by the groups who were planning such bombard- ment, which fortunately never had to be executed. As background information it might be mentioned that the job had particularly little to do with physics, the chief requirement in my own case being "curiosity and a certain amount of common sense.” The rest of the group were either economists or statisti- cians with the exception of one Interstate Commerce Commission inspector who was the only member of the group with any actual railroading experience. But by the time we were finished I think we knew more about certain aspects of the French railway system than the French officials. Just another example of the queer things that technically trained people find themselves doing during a war. This experience of Whitmore's was repeated on a much larger scale and on a broader canvas in the work of Morse's ORG of the Navy, which will be described shortly. Next to the Army Air Forces, it was probably the Quarter- master Corps which profited most by the firsthand ministra- tions of people from M.I.T. Even before the war Bernard E. Proctor, Professor of Food Technology and Director of the Samuel Cates Prescott Laboratories of Food Technology, had FOR THE ARMY S I been an unofficial consultant to the Quartermaster General on food-supply problems. In 1942 he was appointed an expert consultant on foods and traveled extensively in organizing various military food research activities. 11 In 1943 he was appointed Director of Subsistence and Packaging Research for the Office of the QMG and in this position had charge of all food supply and ration development for the Army. This involved the supervision of the QMC Subsistence Research and Development Laboratories in Chicago; liaison with projects in over two hundred universities, governmental laboratories, and food plants; cooperation with the Allied food research agencies; setting up specifications for all Army food supplies and food packages; and the conduct of laboratory and field tests to deter- mine the nutritional adequacy of Army rations. With the job done he has returned to M.I.T., but will continue as expert consultant to the Army while Director of M.I.T.'s Prescott Laboratories of Food Technology. 12 The work on food for the Quartermaster sometimes led the staff far away. While Charles H. Blake, Associate Professor of Zoology, was in Australia and New Guinea for the Office of Field Service in 1944, he was asked to consider the damage done by insects to some foods, and especially grain products. He found that almost all the insect damage was due to insects which had infested the foods before they were shipped north to the tropics from Australia. A rather unexpected finding was that grain grown in New South Wales and southward had some- what different insects from that grown in Queensland and that there was evidence that these more southern pests tended not S plicated by the fact that Australia was passing through the greatest drought known since the arrival of the white man, and it was necessary therefore to produce flour from any available wheat. Some of this had been in storage for as much as four years and was in an extremely infested condition. In Brisbane, for example, Blake found wheat in which scarcely one whole grain could be seen in a handful. After discovery of the sources 76 QED 7 of the short supply of wheat and the causes of the damage to the little wheat there was, it was decided that nothing could be done except to wait for another crop, more than a year from that date. Meanwhile, the front lines of the Pacific War had moved so far north that the direct pressure was off Australia as a source of supply. But M.I.T.'s staff did not work exclusively on food problems for the Quartermaster General. It was also concerned with the development of clothing for use in arctic or tropical climates, 13 equipment for mountain troops, such as pitons for rock climb- ing, 14 the application of sequential analysis to sampling inspec- tion, 15 and the study of all sorts of items made of metal such as canteens, cooking utensils, axes, and hammers.16 One significant activity of this sort was carried on by Edward R. Schwarz, Professor of Textile Technology in charge of the Division. Under a grant from Commander Slater the Slater Laboratory was established in 1939 to do research in fabric testing which might be useful to the armed services. Harold Hindman, Research Associate in Textile Technology, was head of this laboratory when it was started and still continues in that capacity. Schwarz began working with the laboratory when it was established and directed his attention especially to the work for testing aeronautical fabrics under impact conditions. Schwarz also tested body armor, tentage, and the abrasion of fabrics for the Quartermaster Corps. As an expert consultant to the Office of the Quartermaster General, Military Planning Division, he spent two days a week working with Brigadier General Georges Doriot, under whose direction the Quarter- master made amazing strides in the creation of new materials for the comfort and security of American troops. Relatively few of the M.I.T. family actually found it neces- sary or desirable to don uniforms in order to serve either the War or the Navy Departments, but there were a few notable exceptions. William P. Allis, Associate Professor of Physics, after a year and a half at the Radiation Laboratory, was com- missioned in the AUS first as Major and later as Lieutenant FOR THE ARMY Colonel. For most of his time Colonel Allis served in the War Department Liaison Office for the NDRC. This office was largely responsible, on the Army's side, for producing the har- monious relations and smooth working between the military and the civilian scientists which were finally attained towards the end of the war. Allis's work in this connection was recognized by an award of the Legion of Merit.17 From December, 1943, to March, 1944, Colonel Allis was on a very important mission for the Military Intelligence Service. On this occasion he went to Italy as one of a small group to learn from captured Italian scientists what they might know about scientific war research in Germany. The mission did not get much information, but it set the pattern for the highly successful intelligence mission to Germany described in Chapter 7. Finally, Allis served with the New Developments Division trying to establish a peacetime research agency, somewhat similar to the NDRC, to work on military problems. This work ended with War Department endorsement of the Magnusson Bill to establish a National Research Foundation. It fell to the late Clark S. Robinson, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, to play an important role which was not spectacular save to those "in the know." He did this as a colonel in the Ordnance Department. Those with long memories will recall the many disastrous fires and explosions, both accidental and planned, involving ammunition and explosives in World War I. It may not have occurred to them that there were very few such accidents within the continental United States in World War II, and none which could be attributed to sabotage. This was not a result of chance but was due to organizations set up for the specific purpose of preventing such incidents. Among them, two of the most influential were the Safety and Security Division of the Ordnance Department and the Army- Navy Explosives Board. Colonel Robinson was intimately con- nected with the former agency during the first two years of its existence (1942–44) and a member of the latter after 1944. In both he described his duty as “the placing of the work of 78 QED the two bodies on a sound scientific basis.” For his work he received the Legion of Merit.18 If there were few of the Technology family who wore the uniform of the Army, there were fewer who saw service in active theatres while in that uniform although, as the record has already attested, many M.I.T. civilians did have this sort of duty. Among them, one was in North Africa and Italy where he observed the first combat trials of microwave fire-control radar sets and later won the Legion of Merit;19 a second, working from the Air Surgeon's Office, AAF, visited Australia, New Guinea, the Admiralties, and the Solomons, working on the psychiatric problems of the flyers;20 a third was Chief Water Supply Officer for the Central Task Force in the North African invasion, landing in the vicinity of Oran;21 a fourth was on General Bradley's staff, working on the analysis of the transport position of the German Army.22 A fifth as navigator of a B-17 earned distinction throughout the strategic bombing of Germany; 23 a sixth organized direction-finding equipment in the march on Rome, Leghorn, Pisa, and Florence; 24 a seventh fought in the grim days of 1942 on Bataan; 25 an eighth made countless transport flights in the worst days of the offen- sive in the Southwest Pacific;26 a ninth after winning decora- tions for work at Cassino and Velletri was one of five officers who participated in the capture of Hermann Goering. 27 These are but examples and there were others.28 Since this is not a history of combat, these may be sufficient to show the variety of the record and we may reasonably proceed to some of the things which the M.I.T. group did for the Army's friendly rival. FOOTNOTES 1 The citation reads: "Dr. Julius A. Stratton, for exceptionally merito- rious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the United States. Dr. Stratton, as Expert Consultant in the Office of the Secretary of War, from August 5, 1942 to date, displayed great initiative, foresight, and ability of the highest order in planning, establishing and assisting in the execution of effective programs for the development, procurement and use FOR THE ARMY 79 by the Army of radar and related devices. He served with distinction, exhibiting unique tact and vision in enlisting the active cooperation of industry and the development agencies, thereby very greatly improving the orientation of our effort to provide effective radar aids for the solution of operational problems. Through his unusual qualifications of judgment and wide scientific experience, he contributed greatly to the success of radar aids to bombing, airborne radar fire control and communications. By his tireless efforts and skillful application of his professional knowledge, Dr. Stratton made an exceptional contribution to the war effort.” 2 Several others of M.I.T.'s staff served importantly in Bowles's office. For example: Nathaniel H. Frank, Professor of Physics, after a year and a half of service in the Radiation Laboratory, became Expert Consultant to the Secretary of War in Bowles's office; here he assisted the War Department in the formulation and monitoring of wartime technical programs. He received a letter of commendation from General Arnold for his work. Ivan A. Getting, Professor of Electrical Engineering, was Expert Con- sultant to the Secretary of War in Bowles's office for more than two years; his principal duty was to assist the Commanding General of the Army Ground Forces at the staff level on ground force problems involving radar; he also served throughout the war as a member of the Subcom- mittee on Gunnery and Searchlight Control for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Trump was a member of the Bowles-constituted Advisory Specialist Group to the Commanding General, United States Strategic Air Forces. Lan Jen Chu, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, graduate of Chiao Thung University in Shanghai, postgraduate in electrical engineer- ing at M.I.T. in 1934, began research in the field of the microwave under Barrow and Stratton. On organization of the Radiation Laboratory he became consultant on magnetrons, transmission lines, antennas, and propa- gation problems. In 1942 he became consultant as well to Harvard's Radio Research Laboratory. In 1945 as Expert Consultant to the Secretary of War he was sent to China to head the Advisory Specialist Group for Lieutenant General A. G. Wedemeyer, Commanding General of the U. S. Armed Forces in China. 3 The citation reads: "Doctor Edward L. Bowles. For exceptionally meri- torious service to the Government in a duty of great responsibility from 2 September 1943 to 2 September 1945. During this time, as Consultant to the Commanding General, Army Air Forces, Doctor Bowles was respon- sible for over-all supervision in connection with all matters of communica- tion, radar, countermeasures, radar aids to fire control and bombing, radio and radar aids to navigation, and related electronic fields. Early recognizing that only by the exploitation of communications scientific resources would the Army Air Forces gain its required mobility, safety, and dispatch, and 80 QED that only by the combined efforts of science, industry and military could radar be developed to its full potential in the finding of targets and their destruction, Dr. Bowles conceived and organized an advisory group com- posed of select electronics specialists to advise on these highly technical problems. He also secured the aid of leaders in scientific and industrial laboratories throughout the country and made their invaluable assistance available in the solution of special problems confronting the Army Air Forces. He was successful in placing scientific personnel on the staffs of all major AAF commands to assist in the introduction and development of radar to its full application in the uses of modern air warfare. By his clarity of vision, by his ability to interpret scientific principle into its practical application in military tactics, by his effective organizational talent, Dr. Bowles has made a material contribution to the combination of science and skill resulting in the world's greatest Air Force and the destruction of the enemies of democracy." Bowles has formally accepted an appointment as an "Honorary Com- mander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE) as recognition of (his) services to Britain and to British scientists during the war.” 4 War Department advisory appointments held by Hunsaker, Gilliland, and others have been mentioned in preceding footnotes. 5 Hurd C. Willett, Professor of Meteorology. He was a civilian con- sultant to the AAF for over three years. In pursuit of the duties described in the text he visited the principal ATC Bases in the North Atlantic and stayed at each one for a time (Newfoundland, Labrador, Greenland, Iceland, Bermuda, Azores). His later work on the Japanese balloon menace is described on page 65. 6 James M. Austin, Associate Professor of Meteorology, also a civilian consultant to the AAF Weather Service. He was on duty in England and France, and at the end of the war at the big B-29 training base in Colorado. The Army Air Force Certificate of Commendation "in Recogni- tion of Exceptionally Meritorious and Outstanding Performance of Mili- tary Duty" further documents Austin's activity, as does the more recently awarded Medal of Freedom. "Professor Austin served as technical assistant to the staff weather officer, Ninth Air Force, from 22 April to 5 September 1944, during which time he was one of the principal forecasters engaged in forecasting for the Normandy invasion and for the battle of Northern France. His work in the Ninth Air Force Weather Station prior to and subsequent to D-Day was of such high caliber that it improved the efficiency of the station con- siderably, while his untiring efforts and patience in instructing the younger weather officers was instrumental in raising the technical standards of the weather service. His technical ability and scientific standards are of the The wartime transportation problem solved by some of the labo- ratory workers at the Institute. Photograph taken in the fall of 1943. FOR THE ARMY highest order. Professor Austin served in France with the IX Tactical Air Command Weather Station and with the XIX Tactical Air Command Weather Station from 27 July to 5 September 1944, and his interest, enthusiasm, and insistence on the maintenance of high scientific standards did much to raise the efficiency of those stations to their present high level. Professor Austin lived under difficult field conditions, yet continued his working and teaching with his usual enthusiasm and ability. His work with the Ninth Air Force weather service has been of incalculable value." 7 Thomas F. Malone, Assistant Professor of Meteorology. Special Con- sultant to HQ, AAF Weather Wing and attached for some time to the Nineteenth Weather Squadron in North Africa. 8 Robert M. Cunningham, Research Associate in Meteorology. Icing was found over the icecap in midsummer. 9 Eugene S. Pulk, Research Associate in Meteorology, Forecaster, and Meteorology Instructor at American Export Lines. 10 The USSBS had three divisions. Director of the Structural Damage Division was Harry L. Bowman, '14, one time member of M.I.T.'s Civil Engineering Department and now head of the Department of Civil Engineering at Drexel Institute of Technology. Bowman's military aide and executive officer was Lieutenant Colonel John W. Beretta, '23. 11 At the same time the Samuel Cates Prescott Laboratories of Food Technology, directed in Professor Proctor's absence by John C. Sluder, then Assistant Professor of Food Technology, went full time on to Army Food Research. Some of the work is described in Chapter 10. 12 Also active in the Quartermaster's food program were: William L. Campbell, now Professor of Food Technology in charge of the Department; Consultant to the Research and Development Branch, Military Planning Division, QMG on Ration Program, Food Manufacture, Transportation, Depot Warehousing, Post Quartermaster Performance, Mechanical Equipment, Food Research Laboratory Programs, and Coordi- nation of Shoe and Leather Research. Samuel C. Prescott, Dean of Science, Emeritus, after a year of volun. teered service with the QMG was appointed Special Consultant to the Secretary of War, for the purpose of aiding in inspection and establish- ment of dehydration plants for the Army, dealing especially with improved methods of dehydrating vegetables and fruits. For this task Professor Prescott was especially suited since he had been instrumental in establish- ing the process of dehydration of vegetables in World War I. Closely related to the work of Dr. Prescott was that of Cecil Gordon Dunn, Associate Professor of Industrial Biology, who on leave of absence from 1941 to 1946 was a Lieutenant Colonel in the QMC acting as Chief of the Dehydration Section, Nonperishable Branch, Subsistence Division, Office of the Quartermaster General. Lieutenant General E. B. Gregory, 82 QED the Quartermaster General, wrote Colonel Dunn praising his work on dehydrators and saying that they "marked your work as exemplifying the highest traditions of military service." Robert S. Harris, Professor of Biochemistry of Nutrition, was Expert Consultant to the Secretary of War beginning 17 July 1943. He established and directed laboratories at the Pentagon Building in Washington which carried on studies in the losses in nutrients in foods prepared in large quantities (army garrisons) and in methods for decreasing these losses. 13 Truman S. Gray, Associate Professor of Engineering Electronics, Consultant to Climatic Research and Laboratory, R and D Branch, Military Planning Division, QMG. Most of Gray's work related to the development of electronic and other electrical equipment used in the extremely rigid tests made of clothing intended for severe climates. 14 Carl F. Floe, Associate Professor of Physical Metallurgy, Executive Officer of the Department, and Dean Peabody, Jr., Professor of Structural Design. Peabody's personal experience as an expert mountain climber doubtless stood him in as good stead in this assignment as his skill in testing materials. 15 Harold A. Freeman, Associate Professor of Statistics. Consultant to HQ, QMC Inspection Service. 16 Robert S. Williams, Professor of Physical Metallurgy, Emeritus, Tech- nical Advisor to the R and D Branch, Military Planning Division, QMG. 17 The citation reads: “Lieutenant Colonel William P. Allis rendered outstanding services as Assistant War Department Liaison Officer for the National Defense Research Committee during the period April 1944 to April 1945. Through his personal enterprise and initiative, sound judg- ment, intelligence and broad scientific background, he made an outstand- ing contribution to the War Department and the Nation in effectively correlating the needs of the using forces with the capabilities of the developing scientists in the field of radar, thereby expediting the employ- ment of radar equipments in the field. Colonel Allis' services reflect great credit on both himself and the military service.” 18 The citation reads: "Colonel Clark S. Robinson, 0 201 038 (then Lieutenant Colonel), Ordnance Department, Army of the United States. For exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services from October 1943 to October 1944. While assigned as Chief of the Standards Correlation Section, Safety and Security Division, Office of the Chief of Ordnance, Colonel Robinson, applying distinguished scientific and technological skill, and intricate mathematical formulae, completed in the short period of a year the first comprehensive analysis of data obtained from accidental explosions. Presenting the results of his efforts in an excellently prepared book with accompanying charts, he made available to the Armed Forces of this country the first rational study FOR THE ARMY 83 suitable for practical use and to the expanding military explosives industry a firm scientific foundation for safety control.” 19 Homer R. Oldfield, quondam Instructor in Aeronautical Engineer- ing, now head of the Air Forces Section, Government Division, Electronics Department, General Electric Company. Commissioned as a second lieu- tenant in the Coast Artillery in July, 1941, he served with the Coast Artillery Board, the 108th Antiaircraft Gun Battalion as the Antiaircraft Artillery Board's observer, with the Air Communications Officer AAF, and represented the AAF on the Joint and Combined Radar Committee of the Combined Communications Board of the Combined Chiefs of Staff. Placed on inactive status as Major, 1945. 20 Dr. John Milne Murray, Psychiatrist, Medical Department, as a lieu- tenant colonel was a Chief Psychiatrist, AAF. In the field he organized and maintained convalescent hospitals for AAF personnel and organized train- ing programs in these hospitals for general physicians to be qualified to carry on minor psychiatric activities. 21 William E. Stanley, newly appointed Professor of Sanitary Engineer- ing at M.I.T., entered the Armed Forces from his position as Professor of Sanitary Engineering at Cornell University. He rose to the position of Major in the Corps of Engineers. Following the duties described in the text, he became Water Supply Officer for the 727th Railway Operating Battalion in the Tunisian Campaign. His subsequent career in Africa was at Headquarters. He wears two Bronze stars on the European-African- Middle Eastern Theatre ribbon. 22 Robert V. Rosa, Instructor in Economics, entered the army as a sergeant and emerged as a lieutenant. His activities are described in greater detail in Chapter 17. 23 Conrad Schuerch, Jr., now Teaching Fellow in Chemistry. Schuerch joined the Air Force in February, 1943, after nearly two years with Stockbarger on the project for the synthesis of calcium fluoride in the optically pure state. As a navigator in the Eighth Air Force and subse- quently with the Third Bombardment Division he participated in many missions over such cities as Regensburg, Munich, and Berlin. Between the 11th of March and the 7th of June, 1944, he won the Air Medal with no less than three Oak Leaf Clusters, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and the Purple Heart. 24 Stuart T. Martin, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering. Martin, who did graduate work at M.I.T. in the late thirties, left an assistant professorship at Clark University in 1941 to do research work for Radio Corporation of America. He was placed on active duty with the Signal Corps, where his principal duties until February, 1944, were as liaison with Division 13, NDRC. Through most of 1944 he was on a mission in Italy involving the shepherding of about 25 tons of direction- 84 QED Researchons of thoup finding and associated equipment, getting it to Italy, and moving up with it during the tactical operations of the Fifth Army in the summer offensive of that year. Subsequently, from February to June, 1945, he carried out a similar mission for the Twelfth U.S. Army Group (First, Third, and Ninth Armies) during the German operations of that decisive period. 25 Samuel A. Goldblith, Research Fellow in Food Technology. As a second lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers, with one enlisted man he stole into Abucay near Bataan on the night of 18 January 1942, and secured a 155-mm gun. For this he received the Silver Star Medal two months later. 26 Howard Grekel, recently Assistant in Chemical Engineering, and during the war a captain in the AAF. Grekel made countless flights in unarmed transports carrying troops and supplies to forward positions in the Southwest Pacific, over hazardous land and water routes, through frequent inclement weather with landings often made within a few miles of enemy bases. For this, in September, 1945, he received the Air Medal. 27 Harold L. Bond, Instructor in English and History. Winner of the Silver Star at Cassino, the Bronze Star at Velletri, and a subsequent Oak Leaf Cluster, Bond has described his big adventure with Goering in an article he wrote which appeared in The Saturday Evening Post for 5 January 1946. 28 For example: Schrade F. Radtke, now Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, had the same position until January, 1941, when he went with Fernstrom to act as Technical Assistant in the North Carolina Shipbuilding Company at Wilmington. He entered the Army in June, 1942, and as captain served in the Transportation Corps. He was awarded the Army Commendation Ribbon by Major General Edmond H. Leavey for his work as Chief, Production Division, New York Procurement Office. Francis W. Sears, Professor of Physics, spent most of the war teaching. In the year 1942–43 he helped in training for field work in degaussing. His most interesting assignment was postwar when, from June, 1945, to January, 1946, he served as head of the Physics Department in the Shriven- ham American University in England, established by the War Department. Rogers B. Finch, Assistant Professor of Textile Technology, entered the Army in 1941 two months after his graduation from the Institute. Until March, 1943, he was with the Quartermaster Corps at Camp Lee; from then until November, 1943, he was in the Meteorology Service of the Air Force; from December, 1943, to December, 1945, as a captain, he was in charge of heavy textile research and development at the Jeffersonville, Indiana, Quartermaster Depot. He was awarded the Army Commendation Ribbon by Major General T. B. Larkin, Quartermaster General. William R. Weems, Assistant Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, FOR THE ARMY 85 od the Army in Weapons Developmchool (now ca entered the Army in June, 1941, and until February, 1944, worked at Wright Field on Special Weapons Development (guided missiles). Then he was made Head of the AAF Engineering School (now called the AAF Institute of Technology). He was discharged as lieutenant colonel in January, 1946, when he came to his present post at M.I.T. William M. Hearon, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, was first with the Office of Civilian Defense, then spent two and one-half years with the Manhattan District, Madison Square Area. As Head of the Technical Section to procure materials and supplies for a plant at Oak Ridge, he attained the rank of major. He came to M.I.T. in the fall of 1946. FOR THE NAVY HUNSAKER, AS HAS BEEN TOLD, made his direct contribution to the Navy by establishing the Office of the Coordinator of Research and Development, and then went on to other activi- ties with the NACA. Another very important thing M.I.T. men did directly for the United States Navy was to furnish the head and much of the personnel for Philip Morse's Operational Research Group (ORG). This group came into being as a result of difficulties the Navy was finding in combating the German submarine off our shores. It began in a small way under the auspices of Division 6, NDRC, and, although always supported financially by the OSRD, became more and more a part of and a pet of the Navy. The successful application of analytical principles to combat problems in the antisubmarine campaign was so impressive that the size of Morse's group and the extent to which they were consulted by the Navy on all sorts of operational problems increased steadily throughout the war. At the end, in addition to the original antisubmarine group, there was a prosubmarine group, a group on air operations, and several others. The significance of this can scarcely be realized by one not familiar with the traditions of the Navy and the instinct of the Naval commander, used to brooking no outside intervention on his quarter-deck. Actually ORG did not intervene on the quarter-deck. What it did do was to bring to the Navy an application of the principles of operational research. This was a technique which became important in war for the first time in World War II. Who first proposed that scientific processes of analysis could be 86 FOR THE NAVY 87 applied to the half-light of combat may never be known. Cer- tainly one of the very early proponents of the process was Professor P. M. S. Blackett, distinguished British scientist, adviser to the Admiralty. He proclaimed that even though the variables of combat could seldom, if ever, be evaluated with the minimum accuracy tolerable in a laboratory, nonetheless a reasonable effort would produce a fair statement of these parameters. The British contributions to operations analysis were spectacular. Once started it was taken up in America, most particularly by the Army Air Forces and the Navy. The work done by the Army Air Forces was good enough and it is no derogation of it to say that the work of ORG for the Navy far outstripped it and became, probably, the outstanding applica- tion of operational research made by the United States Forces in World War II. There are those who would add that the reason this was so was that in the Navy scientists were called to direct what was essentially a scientific task while in the Air Forces the same responsibility was for the most part delegated to attorneys while the sprinkling of scientists they were able to glean occupied for the most part subordinate positions. Operations research cannot be defined in a single popular word; indeed its practitioners would perhaps not agree entirely as to its scope. For our purposes it is perhaps enough to say that it seeks in the first instance to collect a sufficient body of comparable observations and, so far as possible, to have these quantitative. It collects this evidence on the behavior of instru- ments of war or combinations of them and the results they have achieved on the actual battle field. Then, if enough data have been assembled, rigorous statistical or other mathematical methods of analysis are applied. The result is hoped to be an expression of the probability that given a certain set of actions by our side, a certain result can be produced, a result unfortu- nate for the other side. Such an analysis may show which is the better of a given number of devices for the purpose in hand, which is the best way to employ a device or a group of them, what plans are best for today, what plans may be anticipated 88 QED for tomorrow. In the course of collecting the data the opera- tions analysts may produce information revelatory to the com- mand. It is, for example, an unnatural bombardier, who, swaying among the flak, does not report honestly that his bombs found the target, an unusual fighter pilot who will not construe fall-away action as a kill, a strange skipper of a PC who would not interpret an oil slick as a sinking. All these are honest reactions and permissible as errors. Cumulatively they may lead the high command into a gross overestimate of the damage done to enemy plants, fighters, submarines. Finally also, in the field of prediction operations analysis may foretell the needs for procurement and thus for research and development. All the way it opens the door to the controlled military experiment which may not be possible when the gauge is down in a pitched battle but which can be practiced more than it has been in a strategic offensive stretching over many months. Civilians working on operations research cannot all sit in an office with a book on probability and a slide rule. They have to go where their laboratory is, and that laboratory is on the ocean and in the air and always where the enemy is, as well. There they must observe the actions, must participate in inter- rogations of returning pilots and skippers. When, with the data back in the home office, the analysis is made and the conclusion reached, it must then be presented to those who make the decisions at the high-command level. This is not always an easy time for anyone. The conclusions are not always those which would obviously be reached by an able man of action. It sometimes takes a good deal of confidence on the part of the sea-dog and a good deal of patience and persistence on the part of the scientist before the pay-off is made. This perhaps shows as well as anything that operations analysis does not supersede the command function. What it does for the man in command is to give him a powerful new tool in a quantitative form and rigorous conclusions instead of a hunch. Ordinarily it will express the result of a past series of events in terms of a degree of probability that a future set FOR THE NAVY 89 L of acts will have a stated result. This probability will seldom if ever be a certainty, and often will be not so high when com- pared with some other probability as to make a single course of conduct mandatory. The relative probabilities of various courses will have to be weighed in terms of the force available, the risk necessary to produce a given result, the importance of the job to be done as related to that risk, the forces which may be available a little later, and even the political situation.1 It is a sound rule of the services that responsibility goes only with authority, and operations analysis by civilians in no way seeks to abrogate this rule. It seeks merely to give the man making the decision a stronger pair of eyes and ears, a better basis for making his decision.2 The ORG at its peak numbered seventy-three men; of these twenty-one were scientists and they were for the most part, though not exclusively, the key men. The others were business and professional people largely from Massachusetts. In addi- tion to Morse, twelve were from M.I.T. These men went to sea in warships, under the sea in sub- marines. They flew in combat aircraft. For example, Arthur F. Kip, Assistant Professor of Physics, worked originally on the antisubmarine problem but in the last year of the war was in charge of a group dealing with defense of the fleet against air attacks, especially attacks by the Japanese Kamikazes; his travel duty included work in Trinidad, two periods in Great Britain and one in Guam, and aboard ships of the Pacific Fleet. M. Stanley Livingston, Associate Professor of Physics, after work on the cyclotron3 joined ORG and spent much of 1945 in London and later in Germany studying German U-boat tactics. He received the Naval Ordnance Development Award for his analyses of Operations Research data. Charles F. Squire, Assistant Professor of Physics, who first worked on the guided missiles project of Division 5, NDRC, ended in ORG and, after spending most of his time at the Quonset Naval Air Sta- tion in Rhode Island, occupied his last six months prior to V-J Day in the Pacific with Navy Fleet Air Wing Two.4 90 QED Back in the home office, the main one in the Chief of Naval Operations with others in the field, the ORG sweated out the answers based on the reports from operations officers and their own men at sea. Presumably their biggest success and certainly the one which won them the confidence of the Navy was their analysis of how to meet the challenge of the German U-boats in the Caribbean and off our Atlantic seaboard. Even for this now old story all the details cannot yet be given. Interesting as the techniques or the weapons might be, this record will have to leave it a half-told story, the full account of which may sometime be given by the Navy. It may be interesting, however, to see the variety of problems which were given to ORG after it had obtained the confidence of the Naval High Command. 1. In the winter of 1943-44 the U-boats were getting through the Straits of Gibraltar by approaching at night, submerging at dawn, and running through the straits submerged. After making a similar trip through the Straits in a friendly sub- marine, a member of ORG suggested a piece of special equip- ment to lay a trap for the "pig-boats.” There is good reason to believe that, after this trap was set, no U-boat succeeded in getting through the Straits without attack. 2. In the same year German blockade runners were carry- ing tin, rubber, and other strategic materials from Japan to ports in the Bay of Biscay. American Naval forces in Brazil were ordered to intercept these ships in the South Atlantic. Using a new set of radar search plans laid out by a member of ORG on duty with the Fourth Fleet, United States Navy patrol planes intercepted and sank the Weserland, the Burgen- land, and the Rio Grande in three days and played a large part in stopping this traffic. 3. Also in the fall of 1943 the Germans introduced their acoustic homing torpedo with which they hoped to cut the Atlantic supply line. This looked ominous, but within a month after its long-heralded first use ORG had analyzed its perform- ance and found its weak spot. With their assistance the Navy FOR THE NAVY 91 designed an effective countermeasure and soon put an end to this hope of the U-boats. 4. One of the more difficult problems solved by ORG pro- duced a method for making a close estimate of the fate of our own submarines which went out on patrol and were never heard from again. ORG was able to deduce one of the principal reasons for these losses and to initiate changes in equipment and tactics which are credited with saving at least three of our submarines from destruction by the enemy. Considering the effect of our submarine campaign upon the Japanese economy as estimated by the United States Strategic Bombing Survey, a War Department group which had no reason to be partial to the Navy, this contribution to a little-publicized part of our war is important. The group associated with such problems was appropriately called prosubmarine. 5. At a time when we were losing many planes to the Japa- nese, ORG was assigned the problem of finding the weak spot in the Japanese defenses. Mathematical methods were devised for determining the safest course along which our planes could approach the target. These methods were then applied by specially trained officers assigned to the Carrier Forces. This work was credited by Vice Admiral Marc A. Mitscher with saving many of his planes from loss. 6. Until a war is won against a redoubtable army, it is always touch and go. Towards the end of World War II the Germans brought out their Schnörkel, which allowed the sub- marine to "breathe” underwater for much longer than ever before, and the Japanese, the Kamikaze or suicide plane. Both were especially troublesome. It is even unpleasant to speculate what might have happened had the Germans brought forth the Schnörkel two years earlier or had the Japanese adopted Kamikaze methods from the outset instead of storing some 9,000 Kamikaze planes, including 5,000 which were specially equipped for the final defense of the homeland against invasion. Both the Schnörkel and the Kamikaze were subject to refine- ment, and it cannot now be told whether ORG had solved the 1 QED questions raised by these developments or not. We can only end on the same note as Frank Stockton's The Lady or The Tiger. That Morse's group was an important factor in winning the war is fairly obvious to everyone who knows anything about the inside of the war. The methods applied were admittedly crude and did not begin to represent what might be worked out in time, as is obvious to those who know how ORG operated. The Navy recognizes the potential of this intellectual weapon and will continue ORG in peactime,5 an encouraging sign for our postwar security. That the methods are conceivably applicable to the perhaps more complicated problems of peace would seem a natural corollary; and here again it is gratifying to know that some of the scientists who worked in operations analysis during the war are interested in seeing how such appli- cations can be made. For his leadership Morse received a well- earned Medal for Merit.6 Two of M.I.T.'s present or past staff, civilians in uniform, made important contributions to the scientific achievements of the Navy, both as captains in the USNR. J. P. Den Hartog, now Professor of Mechanical Engineering, was on the staff of Harvard University when he joined the Navy as a lieutenant commander. He has long been recog- nized as one of the nation's leading experts on problems of vibration. When summoned to active duty he was naturally assigned to the Bureau of Ships, where he spent three years working on minimizing the effects of vibration on the new ships being constructed and on the older ones which were being called upon for more arduous duty, which meant more hours at top speed, and hence more vibration than ever before. He took part in the trials of practically every new type of ship launched and in the sea trials of almost all the larger vessels, individually. In the fourth year of his service he was a member of the United States Naval Technical Mission in Europe (NavTecMisEu) investigating German war industry and research, especially as it applied to naval matters. For each FOR THE NAVY 93 of these activities he received personal citations from the Secre- tary of the Navy. The gratification the Institute feels in the acquisition of Den Hartog is tempered by the loss it has suffered in the decision of Ralph D. Bennett, Professor of Electrical Measurements (absent), to extend his duty with the Navy. Like Den Hartog, Bennett was called to active duty as a lieutenant commander and rose to the position of temporary Captain USNR. All Captain Bennett's service was at the Naval Ordnance Labora- tory in Washington, save for temporary duty in the ETO for three months in 1944, and for his service he was awarded the Medal for Merit and the Order of the British Empire. Captain Bennett joined the staff of NOL in July, 1940. As an example of the parsimony of Congress, it should be marked well that at that time the staff comprised about a dozen profes- sional personnel plus assistants and mechanics. Its principal problem at the moment was to develop means for measuring the magnetic fields of ships and to devise equipment for neu- tralizing those fields.7 Captain Bennett's original task was to expand the staff of the NOL. He did this, as did others, by bringing in “friends and acquaintances among the physicists and electrical engineers of the country and their nominees” until eventually the staff of professional men had jumped from a dozen to a thousand with about as many assistants of various sorts. Degaussing problems were solved by early 1942, and the effort of NOL was then turned to the offensive phases of mining, the development of depth charges and of contact fuses for bombs and projectiles. Later considerable effort was expended in developing detectors for mines and other underwater obstacles, and influence exploders for torpedoes. The principal achievements of the Laboratory according to Captain Bennett were (1) the laying of a successful degaus- sing program for both the Navy and the Merchant Marine by which magnetic mines could no longer be set off by the mag- netic field created by the normal ship hull; (2) the design of 94 QED approximately half a hundred different types of mines which were used extensively towards the end of the war. The cam- paign put on in the home waters of the Japanese Empire with the aid of B-29's using mines developed by NOL successfully immobilized what Japanese shipping the submarines had left afloat and, according to the Japanese, sank nearly twice as many Japanese ships as all other methods combined in the last months of the war. Captain Bennett's career was thus characteristic of that of many organizers of scientific research. He spent about eighteen months in building up personnel for a starved laboratory; two years in charge of the design section; the final eighteen months as Technical Director, in which position he continues. The success of his laboratory was such as to merit the construction of the new White Oak Research and Development Plant costing initially 16 millions of dollars. In order to staff this plant adequately, Captain Bennett predicts, as would any informed civilian, that substantial reforms in government employment procedures for scientists and engineers will undoubtedly be required. During the last several months Captain Bennett has spent a large part of his time in defining the requirements and getting the machinery set up to bring about these reforms. He has chosen to remain with the Navy in this important postwar task, on leave of absence from M.I.T. Although these are perhaps the largest Naval activities in which Institute people played a leading role they by no means exhaust their direct contributions to the Navy program. A cursory glance, at least, needs to be paid to those who worked directly for the Navy on the civilian side and those who worked, more colorfully, on the sea of battle. Charles H. Blake, Associate Professor of Zoology, seemed to have a penchant for landing himself in colorful situations. In May, 1942, the Navy suddenly discovered that its underwater listening devices in Chesapeake Bay were being interfered with by a very high level of underwater noise which was also inter- fering with similar mine-firing devices of the Army. There FOR THE NAVY 95 were even those who asserted that this was due to some clever development by the Germans who were always rated as being superlatively clever. This noise level was particularly high at night; it could easily interfere with the detection of submarines which might, who knows, enter the bay and shell the great Naval installations at Norfolk, or at least stand close in and sink everything coming out. At the request of the New London Underwater Sound Laboratory of NDRC, which doubtless had a good idea of what was up, Blake went to Norfolk, primarily to determine the cause of these characteristic sounds which consisted of loud clicks at the rate of about 7 per second. Blake did not bother with apparatus but went to a local and cooper- ative fisherman. The latter loaned live specimens of several commercial fish, among them the ubiquitous croaker. The croaker, placed in a bucket of sea water on the beach and tickled gently under the belly, gave off the expected sounds. Unfortun- ately, as Blake puts it, and as is so often the case with biological problems, it was fairly easy to find the difficulty, but any effec- tive control would, in itself, have been catastrophic to the food- fish supply of that region, and at a time when marine fishing was endangered by submarines. Some 40 millions of pounds of croakers are taken from Chesapeake Bay each year, and the population of croakers is to be reckoned in the hundreds of millions. However, no scientist is ever thwarted by such diffi- culties. Blake went on to show something of the variation in abundance of croakers in various parts of the bay and to assure the armed forces that the high sound level was a phenomenon of summer since the fish migrate south in cold weather. All such events have their corollary. Blake was commissioned to prepare for the Navy a report which would set forth the possible sound levels due to fish over a considerable portion of the ocean and which would also discuss the available evidence on sound pro- duction by whales and a few other marine animals which had been mistaken for submarines. 8 It is hardly appropriate to dwell upon the adventures of the few naval officers from M.I.T.'s staff who found their way into 96 QED combat areas. They did many things, nonetheless. One directed the combat activities of teams using special radar gear in amphibious landings and was wounded during the invasion of the Marshalls;9 one was a gunnery officer on small vessels both in the Atlantic and the Pacific and everyone knows that active small vessels can have hair-raising experiences; 10 one was Executive Officer in one of our most advanced base hospitals, that on Peleliu;11 a fourth was finally in charge of the design of many types of landing craft;12 a fifth was an exceptionally useful assistant to Dr. Compton in many of his most important ventures.13 A sixth, an English professor, showed great talent for administration in the occupation of Korea and North China;14 a seventh did important psychiatric work in Naval hospitals at home and in the field; 15 an eighth was cited for his perform- ance in the assault on Okinawa;16 and a ninth as a Marine lieutenant did stalwart radar work on Tinian.17 These are but characteristic samples. 18 Thus we come to the end of the record of the direct con- tributions of M.I.T. staff men to the work of the Armed Forces. Of these, the contributions most significant in the long view of history, and entirely divorced from their absolute accom- plishment in terms of victory, will certainly be the work of Bowles for the Army and Morse for the Navy. The men who went into the services may have made equally important con- tributions but they did not help to demonstrate one important principle which badly needed demonstrating in this country. This is the principle that the civilian and the man in uniform together win wars and that the civilian and the man in uniform must also work together in the peace. Our traditional pattern has been based upon a suspicion of the military bureaucracy. In peacetime we lend them scant support and scant prestige. When war comes we suddenly elevate them to positions of supreme command. At that time they tend to reduce the civilian to the subordinate role. Neither of these attitudes is wise. The British, with their characteristic long-range wisdom, FOR THE NAVY 97 have long recognized the importance of untrammeled thinking in the military machine and have accordingly elevated the civilian to a position of equal importance with the officer in both the Admiralty and the War Office. Indeed the directors of research for those groups (both of whom are civilians) have powers which make most admirals and generals tremble. In this the British may have gone too far although they have coupled “responsibility with authority" and simply not paid too much obeisance to a suit of clothes. On our side before this War we had, however, gone much too far in the other direction. How far those who command the destinies of the Army and Navy now understand this remains to be seen. But at the least this can be said. Bowles showed that a civilian could be influ- ential at the highest levels in the Army and deal with technical matters without upsetting the processes of command; Morse showed the same thing for the Navy; it remained to demonstrate to the Asiatic theatre command that this was possible in the field. That demonstration became the function of the Office of Field Service of the Office of Scientific Research and Develop- ment. The OFS offered the final demonstration of how the civilian could be useful to the Army near to the battle without the loss to him of his self-respect or his independence of thought, without loss to the command of its ultimate authority. This activity, like the other two, was directed by an M.I.T. man, in this case the President of M.I.T. himself, Dr. Compton. Together Compton, Bowles, and Morse held up three signal flags for the services to read. To the message of the last of these three flags we may now turn. 1 FOOTNOTES 1 For example, the frequent diversion of the Eighth Bomber Command from the strategic bombing of Germany to the relatively futile bombing of the submarine pens at St. Nazaire and Brest. This was said to be at the personal behest of the Prime Minister who needed no operations analyst to advise him how the psychological wind blew. 2 For further reading on operations research see "The Nature and 98 QED Development of Operations Research,” by Charles Kittel, Guggenheim Foundation Fellow in Physics, M.I.T. (Science, Vol. 105, No. 2719, 7 February 1947), and articles by P. M. Morse (Technology Review, Novem- ber, 1946, Vol. 49, No. 1), and Jacinto Steinhardt (U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, 1946, 72, 649). 3 For an account of Livingston's work with the cyclotron see Chapter 10. 4 The other M.I.T. men in ORG were: Walter E. Albertson, then Assistant Professor of Physics. Edward S. Lamar, Assistant Professor of Physics (absent). Ralph E. Beatty, Jr., Research Associate in Physics. J. A. Neuenborffer, graduate student. D. C. Peaslee, Research Associate in Physics. J. K. Tyson, graduate student. John R. Pellam, Research Associate in Physics. 5 Under contract with M.I.T. 6 “Dr. Philip McCord Morse, for extraordinary fidelity and exception- ally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the United States from April, 1942 to August, 1945. Dr. Morse as Director of the Antisubmarine Warfare Operations Research Group in the Head- quarters of the Commander in Chief, United States Fleet, made use of the scientific method in the analysis of naval tactics and equipment, and instructed and directed others in these methods in the furtherance of the United States' war efforts. Dr. Morse greatly assisted operational authorities in meeting the rapid changes of scientific warfare, and was instrumental in making important changes in doctrine, tactics, and the use of equip- ment, which contributed greatly to the final victory." 7 It was in this field that another M.I.T. Professor gained his brightest spurs in the war. Francis Bitter, Associate Professor of Physics, had been in charge of M.I.T.'s large magnet laboratory. He was called to Washington in June, 1940, as a civilian to work on countermeasures to the German magnetic mine. As a first step he went to England with two naval officers to see at first hand what had been done about the situation there. He played an important role in the degaussing program which defeated the magnetic mine. On his return to this country the NOL was well stocked with technical experts, thanks to the work of Captain Bennett (vide supra), and it was felt desirable to commission Bitter and to retain him as a middle man between the scientists and the naval direction in an effort to reconcile operational needs with technical possibilities. With the degaussing program under way Commander Bitter was switched to the mining program and later to air intelligence in an effort to assemble operational data in a form suitable for operational analysis. An off-shoot of this air-intelligence program, the Joint Target Group, was due in large measure to the work of Commander Bitter. This joint Army and Navy nal needs wander Bitter an effort to a shoot FOR THE NAVY 99 group, in which the British were also represented, studied problems dealing with the strategic bombardment of Japan. 8 Other M.I.T. staff men who were engaged on less spectacular efforts for the Navy, not included in the M.I.T. Research Program, were: Leopold R. Michel, quondam Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, now a member of the Research Department of Polaroid Corporation, spent a few months in 1944 in a secret Navy project in the wind tunnels at the U.S. Bureau of Standards. Truman S. Gray, Associate Professor of Engineering Electronics, spent four months in 1941 as a contract employee for NOL assisting Captain Bennett in the purchase of both permanent and expendable electrical equipment for the expanding experimental program. Addison F. Holmes, Associate Professor of Applied Mechanics, cooper- ated with the Office of the Inspector of Naval Material in the testing of materials supplied to the Navy by New England contractors. Dean Peabody, Jr., now Professor of Structural Design, worked with Professor Holmes in the assignment described above. Dean Sherwood, shortly before the end of the war, was asked to plan a Navy research program related to rocket fuels, and work was started in this field under his direction in June, 1945. Edwin R. Gilliland, Professor of Chemical Engineering, was (under the auspices of the Office of Field Service) chairman of a Jet Propulsion Panel set up at the request of the Navy to study possible coordination of the many existing programs in the field and to suggest a plan for future development. 9 John M. Hartwell, Jr., then Instructor in Business and Engineering Administration, entered the Navy as Ensign USNR in August, 1942. He spent much time in the Fleet Radar Center in the Central Pacific and then as a member of the staff of Admiral Kelly Turner who was Com- mander-in-Chief of the Amphibious Forces, Pacific. He was wounded during invasion of the Marshall Islands. 10 Paul C. Eaton, then Assistant Professor of English, now at the California Institute of Technology. First in the HQ of the Commander of the Eastern Sea Frontier as a lieutenant (jg) he ended his naval career as Lieutenant Commander USNR. He was variously First Lieutenant and Gunnery Officer for the USS Fury, on the staff of Commander of Service Squadron 10, US Pacific Fleet, and Operations Officer for the same group on USS Prairie, and for this received a letter of commendation. 11 Dr. John Winslow Chamberlain, Assistant Medical Director, joined the Naval Reserve in 1935, was ordered to active duty December, 1940, and released to return to the Institute November, 1945. He served variously as Medical Officer, Surgeon, and Executive Officer in the American, Euro- African, and Pacific Theatres. Beginning at the USNRAB in Squantum, 100 QED Massachusetts, continuing as Junior Medical Officer on the USS Memphis, he ended as Chief of Surgery and finally Executive Officer of the USN Base Hospital 20 on Peleliu with the rank of Commander. 12 Frank B. Hays, then Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, entered Naval service as a Lieutenant Commander USNR and reached the rank of Commander. All his service was in the Bureau of Ships where, asso- ciated regularly with landing craft, his final post was that of Officer in charge of design for engines used in landing craft and small boats. Major landing craft included vessels 100 feet to nearly 500 feet in length, some of which were the familiar LCT, LCI (L), LCM, LST, and LSD. The cost of the major landing craft built was in excess of 3 billion dollars. 13 Thomas F. Creamer, formerly Assistant to the President of M.I.T. After indoctrination training as an Ensign USNR, he was assigned to the Senior Naval Officer M.I.T. and from that office to Dr. Compton's office with the special assignment of helping him in NDRC business, not all of which was conducted in Washington. As Dr. Compton's assistant he was a member of the Secretariat of the Radar Subcommittee of the Joint New Weapons and Equipment Committee of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, especially in connection with the arrangements for the visit of the British Radar Mission to the United States. In January, 1944, he was transferred to the Executive Office of the Secretary of the Navy in Washington and thence assigned to the Office of Field Service of the Office of Scientific Research and Development as special assistant to the Chief (first Dr. Compton, later Alan T. Waterman) and the Deputy Chief (first Waterman, later Burchard). From September, 1945, to the end of his duty he was also special assistant to the Chairman of the Committee on Publications of OSRD. Creamer left the Naval service with the rank of Lieutenant to work with the National City Bank. 14 Robert S. Woodbury, Assistant Professor of English and History and Commander USNR. Awarded the Legion of Merit by Admiral Kinkaid, commanding the Seventh Fleet, for his outstanding service as Flag Secre- tary on the Staff of the Commander Seventh Fleet from July to November, 1945. 15 Dana L. Farnsworth, M.D., now Medical Director at M.I.T. and, before the war, Director of Health at Williams College. As a Commander USNR Dr. Farnsworth directed important work in the Naval hospitals at Philadelphia, Oakland, Bethesda, and Palm Beach and served on the USS Solace in the South Pacific. 16 Donald E. Boynton, Assistant in Chemical Engineering, Lieutenant Commander USNR, Silver Star Medal. He was commanding officer of a close-in fire-support ship during the assault on Okinawa Shima. His boat shot down three and damaged five others during an extended air attack by a large force of enemy suicide planes. When a friendly ship was hit by FOR THE NAVY 101 0 ) a Kamikaze and raging fires ensued "he demonstrated outstanding sea- manship and valor, in the face of exploding ammunition, by coming along- side the stricken vessel, extinguishing the fires and towing it to a place of safety.” 17 Marvin B. Sledd, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, First Lieutenant USMCR. Acting as a heavy antiaircraft group radar officer in the Marianas from 2 August 1944 to 11 January 1945, Sledd was cited as follows: “He personally assisted with the repair of these fire control instru- ments, often working as long as thirty-six hours without sleep or rest. Battery locations, terrain features, and weather conditions were such as to require his walking from one radar to another. He was subjected many times to enemy sniper fire en route." 18 Others whose activities do not fit neatly into the narrative would include, for example: Walter H. Gale, Associate Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, was in the Navy from September, 1942, to November, 1945, also in the Bureau of Aeronautics and engaged in work similar to that of Bisplinghoff (see below). He left the Navy in November, 1945, with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Howard F. Taylor, Associate Professor of Mechanical Metallurgy, was at the Naval Research Laboratory from 1937 to 1945 as head of the Foundry Research Section, working to improve foundry operations on repair ships at advanced bases. He came to M.I.T. in November, 1945. Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, Assistant Professor of Aeronautical Engineer- ing, was in the Navy for two years beginning in September, 1943, as a Lieutenant (ig) USNR. Working with the Engineering Division of the Bureau of Aeronautics he dealt with the testing and design of aircraft structures. He came to M.I.T. in August, 1946. John C. Quinn, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, who joined the Navy in 1942 and until 1946 served with the Bureau of Ord- nance working on the aircraft rocket-launching program. In his last year with the Navy, as a Lieutenant Commander USNR, he worked in the Office of Naval Research. He came to M.I.T. in 1946. Fritjof A. Raven, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, served at the Taylor Model Basin (USN) from 1941 to 1946 as an analyst and was awarded the Meritorious Civilian Service Award by Admiral Howard for his translations of foreign technical documents. He came to M.I.T. in June of 1946. FOR THE OFFICE OF FIELD SERVICE ONE OF THE MOST perplexing problems of World War II was how to bring the knowledge of the laboratory fully to the use of the field commander. In previous wars which had been relatively untechnical this problem had not been serious. It was always possible to teach enough bright young men enough. But with complex modern apparatus which had a rapid rate of obsolescence as well, this was no longer possible. Moreover the scale of the war had caused a great dilution of the techni- cally skilled professional officers who might have been able to keep abreast of development. Finally, the training programs for young specialists in uniform could, in the time allotted, provide only the most rudimentary appreciation of the true potentials of the weapons they were sent out to be experts about. The problem could be stated this way. Suppose with a given model of a weapon a skilled technician in the laboratory can produce a combat efficiency of 40 based on a potential of 100; suppose the same weapon in the hands of the normal user also in combat yields an efficiency of 20; how then shall we double the efficiency? If we assume that the standard field operative will always get 20 per cent out of any apparatus, one way is to give him a weapon twice as good; to do this will require that the laboratory man mind his business and stay at the bench and out of the battle. The other way is to send the technician away from the bench, into the field, in the expectation that he can show the regular operator how to double his competence. In this case there will be no new development. This is not a far-fetched example; differences in performance of this order due purely to personal factors were common. 102 FOR THE OFFICE OF FIELD SERVICE 103 Now each new weapon makes a lot of trouble long after it has ceased to make trouble in the laboratory or the pilot plant. Therefore as a war nears an end there can be little doubt that it is better to send the technician to the field than it is to keep him making improvements in the laboratory which will never reach the field because the war will be over. The difficult question is, when does one have certainty that the war is “about over” and what does about” mean? The supply of technically trained personnel in this country not only was not limitless but also was not being replenished because of Selective Service Policy with respect to young tech- nical students. The simple solution, then, of putting all the needed technicians in uniform and sending them forth to work with a combat unit or a headquarters for the rest of the war, perpetually attractive to some Army and Navy officers, was a will-o'-the-wisp; if pursued, it would have led us into a morass. There were other reasons, too, why this would not have been a good plan. The problem of communication in a large Army or Navy is always acute, especially communication between those who need to talk to each other at anything but the highest levels. There are always intervening "channels," channels which do not care much personally about the information or do not appreciate its importance. Knowledge about recent develop- ments at home percolates but slowly to the fighting men, and this is partly due to a deliberately opaque filter on information to the field interposed by the procurement services. Conversely, and this is really worse, critically important information about the field performance of weapons and gear needed in the devel- opment centers comes back altogether too slowly. Neither of these processes is catalyzed by a military policy which frowns upon letting a field commander know about a weapon which the home front may be unable to supply him, or which the cautious home developers have failed yet to pass for field use. Both are hindered by the less defensible and traditional reluct- ance of field commanders, quite independent and supreme in their bailiwicks, to let information about their difficulties 104 LED get back home, by their tendencies to cover up field difficulties and to work out their own solutions with their limited technical man power and without "intervention” from Washington. What the director of a laboratory wanted, of course, was to send some of his most skilled men to an area where some of his gear was being employed in a preliminary way. He wanted these men to help the troops so that the latter got the most out of what had been sent and the gear did not get a bad name through inept handling. He also wanted a critical observation of how the gear had performed, he wanted this to be objective and reliable, he wanted it from his own men, and he wanted it fast. Finally he wanted the men back; he did not cherish the thought that they might be left behind in some thrust, forgotten, and perhaps end by running a laundry on an atoll. There were a number of reasons beyond this one of release why the men who ventured forth should retain their civilian status. They would for their own protection and comfort be clothed in military apparel, of course, and they would have to be responsible during their tour of duty to the local com- mand. But still it was better that they be civilians. In the first place the information sought might be in the head of any man in the command from GI to general. Usually it was in the head of the GI. The explanation, though, was more usually in the head of neither but rested with a captain, a major, or a colonel. The observer then needed to be able to talk to all ranks with equal freedom. In itself this would suggest that an observer of low officer status might get along because he would be tolerated by the upper echelons so long as he was seeking information and not trying to furnish it, 1 whereas if he boasted higher rank he would freeze the GI or the sergeant. But this was only half the battle. Having got information he was also expected to give advice, and this might have to be given at high level as well as low; here the low rank would be an insuperable obstacle to success in most commands. The simplest solution was to have the man occupy the anomalous position of civilian, to give him a simulated rank high enough FOR THE OFFICE OF FIELD SERVICE 105 so that he might presume to talk to the highest, so that he might live with the staff and as the staff.2 The problem of getting the scientists to the field would have been simple enough had all the civilians been employed in the laboratories of the Army or the Navy. Under these circum- stances they would simply have been ordered to the theatre and out again. Unfortunately many of the best men were not in this employ and somebody else had the final say as to whether they could or could not go. At the beginning the problem did not appear important. Scientists and engineers are just as human as anyone else. The prospect of a visit to an active theatre to watch one's dreams come true was enticing even to the unromantically inclined, even if no termination date was set for the duty; at the begin- ning it also appealed to the top executives of the laboratory and permission was ordinarily granted.3 But as time went on this source of field technical man power began to dry up. The laboratories were stretched taut as to personnel; they could not afford the loss, at least the permanent loss, of any more key men. It was, on the other hand, the per- fectly natural instinct of the services to feel that a man who did really on their team. After all, some of them had been in the theatre for months and were never going to get out until the show was over. Perhaps an even more serious complication was that the institution which had loaned the man for the war, in the hope of getting useful information, found that he had dis- appeared behind an iron curtain; that, through no fault of his own, he was consistently frustrated in his effort to get informa- tion back where it ought to go unless he brought it back in person. These two factors combined to produce an increasingly cold reception by laboratories to the suggestions of the services that more men should go afield. At the same time accounts of the unpleasant experiences of some scientists abroad traveled fast in the well-developed scientific underground, and individ- uals as well as institutions became wary. 106 QED ST This situation never became too serious in the European theatre. It was definitely serious in the Pacific. To understand this it is necessary to look briefly at the difference in military structure in these two areas. In Europe the Supreme Com- mander, General Eisenhower, had always to deal with a Com- bined Command; for most of the war his base was in a definitely civilian area; he was accustomed and so was his staff to meeting civilians in all degrees of authority on much the same terms as they would meet them in Washington. Finally, in the Euro- pean theatre, a man who could not reach his objective through an American channel might find his way through a British channel and so on. Organizations like the Radiation Laboratory had large civilian establishments in the United Kingdom and these organizations were established to help the Supreme Com- mand, to be sure, but were outside its jurisdiction. Communi- cation and transportation between the base and the United States were relatively easy, and again there was more than one way to skin a cat. Had the flow of civilians and information to and from the theatre been as free and easy in the Pacific as it was in Europe there might never have been an Office of Field Service. But it was not. Nothing got out of Oahu without the consent of Admiral Nimitz, nothing out of Brisbane, Hollandia, or Manila without the consent of General MacArthur.4 There were some reasons for the tighter controls in the Pacific and one which could be understood was the more diffi- cult transportation and communications and housing problems which existed. Every visiting fireman who came to Oahu or to New Guinea displaced a soldier or a sailor or a bag of flour. It had to be proved that he was as valuable as the bag of flour. Moreover General MacArthur, at least, had reason to feel that his forces were not being well supplied as the first priority always went to Eisenhower; under the circumstances the feeling was that there was little use in having a lot of civilian experts around, experts on weapons which would not reach the theatre anyway. Nonetheless, civilians did invade the Pacific. This was usually FOR THE OFFICE OF FIELD SERVICE 107 accomplished because, as individuals, or through their sponsors, they had some specific objective in mind, ordinarily one of sales- manship. It was often possible to find some friendly ear in the War Department and less frequently in the Navy to arrange for their dispatch to New Zealand, New Caledonia, New Guinea, or Burma. When they got there they were often useful and they usually brought back useful information, but their behavior upset the commands more than ever; they acted strangely; they knew no discipline; they wore strange uniforms; they quoted the opinions of individual officers as the voice of the command. There was a grave risk that the civilian visitor would be almost as unwelcome in the Pacific as a Jap would be; equally grave risk that a civilian would not go to the Pacific for love or money. Under these circumstances, Dr. Bush asked Dr. Compton to establish a new agency of OSRD, parallel in position with NDRC and CMR; its purpose was to receive and evaluate service requests for help in the form of technical personnel, to coordinate these requests, to stimulate appropriate additional requests. It was then to find personnel suited to fill the requests, to persuade the personnel to go, to collect and disseminate the information which might come in as a result of these field workers. This new organization was to be called the Office of Field Service. It ought to have the confidence of other elements of OSRD since it was directed by a scientific colleague and since it was sponsored by the top direction of OSRD. It should be better able to get the men, better able to see to it that their stays with the armed forces were not too long, that their treat- ment was uniform, that the information they turned up was satisfactorily, expeditiously, and officially made available to all who needed it. The Office of Field Service was then to cut across the divisional and other compartmentations of OSRD. Dr. Compton assumed the post of Chief of OFS in October, 1943, and appointed Alan T. Waterman of Yale University his Deputy Chief. As almost his first official act Dr. Compton made a trip to Yn 108 QED the Pacific to find out what the needs of the theatre were. This he undertook with an appointment as Special Representative of the Secretary of War arranged with the assistance of Major General Stephen Garrett Henry, Chief of the New Develop- ments Division of the War Department, who was throughout his career a very good friend of both OSRD and OFS. Dr. Compton called upon Admiral Nimitz and Lieutenant General Robert Charlwood Richardson in Honolulu and General MacArthur in Brisbane. Admiral Nimitz felt no great need for OFS assistance in Naval operations, but both the high Army commanders expressed the desire to have teams of advisory specialists working as an Operational Research Section attached to GHQ. In General Richardson's command the problems would be purely those of the military establishment; in Gen- eral MacArthur's domain there would also be problems of coordinating with the radar research being undertaken by the Australians; there was some prospect at least that an organiza- tion similar to British Branch Radiation Laboratory might materialize in Australia. Dr. Compton returned with formal requests for the estab- lishment of these two Army teams and a list of problems which the staffs in the two commands looked upon as of first impor- tance. He then set about finding the proper people to send and proceeded to make all sorts of detailed arrangements as to their status, their compensation, and how they would travel. The first scientist to follow Dr. Compton into the Pacific on behalf of OFS was Dean Harrison, who was appointed an Assistant Chief of OFS in February, 1944. In early March of that year he proceeded to Australia and New Guinea where he was to act as liaison officer between the OFS and those Army and Navy agencies in the Southwest Pacific Area which might be interested in the use of new weapons and devices. His main duties were to consist of investigating the scientific problems presented in the area, reporting on these to the OFS, arranging for the local reception of scientists proceeding to the area, and VV FOR THE OFFICE OF FIELD SERVICE 109 carrying out such other duties as might be assigned by General MacArthur and his staff. When Dean Harrison arrived at Brisbane, the Army officers considered it desirable that he be given an official position on General MacArthur's staff and he was therefore appointed Chief of the Research Section at GHQ, SWPA. An office was set up at GHQ, staffed in part by Army personnel, and during Harrison's four months there he made various trips through Australia and New Guinea to investigate the uses of and needs for scientific equipment. He returned in July, 1944, and was succeeded by Paul E. Klopsteg of Northwestern Techno- logical Institute. For his work in the Pacific Harrison received the Medal of Freedom.5 Two months after Harrison's departure, Burchard, also an Assistant Chief of OFS, followed him to the Pacific, leading a team which was planned to be permanently headed by L. C. Marshall of the University of California. Burchard and Mar- shall collaborated in the establishment of the Operations Research Section attached to Headquarters of the Commanding General, Pacific Ocean Areas, a section which grew from small beginnings to one of considerable size, and which performed substantial service to that command in preparation for the many landing operations which lay in the long trek from Saipan to Okinawa. Despite the lack of official Navy encourage- ment, this group with the acquiescence of General Richardson did quite as much for the Navy and especially the amphibious forces on an unofficial basis, as it did for the Army on an official one. Burchard returned to the mainland in August, 1944, leaving Marshall in charge where he remained for the rest of the war. With the outposts set up the OFS turned to the job of sup- plying them with personnel, matériel, and information, of routing the returning information appropriately, of taking care of some of the many requests for help on the mainland. 6 The problems of securing adequate personnel were never . 110 QED n easy ones for OFS, and to this task both John W. M. Bunker, Dean of the Graduate School, and B. Alden Thresher, Direc- tor of Admissions, turned their attention. Thresher spent con- siderable time in Washington on this mission. The next problem of major importance which came before the OFS was providing personnel for the purpose of collecting scientific intelligence as the German forces retreated before our armies. In particular it was important to know as soon as possible what progress the enemy scientists had made in the problems of nuclear fission and bacteriological warfare. An earlier mission to Italy of which Colonel Allis had been a mem- ber7 had shown what the pattern ought to be. The investi- gating personnel needed to be top-flight scientists of broad interest, able to comprehend wisely and quickly, able to speak the language of the enemy, men whom their German colleagues would respect for scientific attainment so that they might more quickly respond to interrogation. Moreover these scientists could not be kept in a mere interrogating position because their judgment as to where the best clues were was likely to be better than that of the soldiers; at the same time soldierly guidance was needed in the matter of transport, communica- tions, billeting, and safety, for the group would often be close on the heels of, or in confused areas even ahead of the troops. There was obviously a great deal of intelligence to be uncov- ered in Europe and much of it was not of such urgency. Accordingly it was decided to leave the general exploitation of technical intelligence to the Technical Industrial Intelli- gence Committee to which OFS and therefore OSRD would sit only as adviser; on the other hand OSRD would lend the fullest support to the more intensive activity. This was to be carried on under the direction in Washington of a small com- mittee of which the chairman would be an officer from G-2, and a member each would be supplied by the OFS and the Navy. The mission itself, which would operate independently in the field, was to be called ALSOS, carrying over the name from the Pach-Allis mission.8 The scientific chief selected was FOR THE OFFICE OF FIELD SERVICE 111 Samuel A. Goudsmit, Professor of Physics at the University of Michigan, at the time staff member of the Radiation Laboratory, and no more successful selection could have been made. Under his guidance the mission covered itself with glory. At first Waterman, Deputy Chief of OFS, was the OSRD representative on the ALSOS Advisory Committee, but he was later replaced by Burchard. Burnham Kelly (now Assistant Professor in City Planning and Assistant Director of A. F. Bemis Foundation) was sent to Paris as technical aide to the mission, and in July of 1945 Burchard followed him to inspect the mission and to make recommendations as to whether it should continue longer. He consulted with headquarters of the Group Control Council on the establishment of a scientific adviser in headquarters, and with the British on a joint pro- gram for the release of scientific information. At the end of this visit the mission was disbanded, but plans were being made for its Japanese counterpart when the war suddenly ended. When Germany began to run, it became sensible to con- sider how scientific deployment in the Pacific could be intensi- fied and made most efficient. No one could visualize in that spring of 1945 how close the Japanese were to collapse, whether or not the atomic bomb was to be used against them. Ahead seemed to loom the long and costly invasion of the Japanese homeland. For this action the best hunch was that MacArthur would ultimately be the supreme commander although for the moment he shared the role with Nimitz, and the two of them had commanded very effective pincers actions. However, affairs of the Research Division in General MacArthur's command had, for several reasons, not been so prosperous as those in General Richardson's command. Certainly one compelling reason was the long distance which stretched between each step towards Japan and the reluctance of the General Staff to bring scientists to advanced headquarters; thus communication and transportation between GHQ and the Research Section were often too slow. There were other difficulties too, but it is 112 QED bootless to rehearse them here. Suffice it to say that it was time to remedy the situation. The experience of BBRL in England and of the two research sections in the Pacific made it clear to OFS that it would be most effective if there could be in General MacArthur's area a group responsible directly to OSRD and responsible to the command only in matters which dealt with transportation, security, housing and discipline, and the like. This was a new concept to the high officers in the Pacific and one that, at first glance, would be hard for them to accept. However, the capture of Manila opened up a new opportunity, and General Mac- Arthur might be willing to do in the Philippines what he would have been loath to do in Australia or New Guinea. Under the circumstances another emissary was indicated and Waterman was dispatched to negotiate with General Mac- Arthur. At the same time some of Bowles's men were negotiat- ing to the same end with General Kenney. The upshot of all this activity was that everything came out favorably; it was agreed that a Pacific Branch of the OSRD should be established in Manila under the direction of an appointee of Dr. Bush. This man had to be top-flight; he had to enjoy the confidence of all the scientists who would be asked to go. There could be no compromise with quality, and it was decided that Dr. Comp- ton, himself, should leave the position of Chief of OFS and go to Manila to become the Director of PBOSRD. Thus in the declining days of the war, Waterman became Chief of OFS and Burchard the Deputy Chief. At the same time it was under- stood that the redeployment of Radiation Laboratory personnel from the European Theatre to the Pacific would be complicated, and again a man was needed to direct this who would have the full confidence of Radiation Laboratory personnel. Trump was therefore recalled from his position as Director of BBRL to become head of the Field Service Branch of the Radiation Laboratory. There was one other knot to be tied. If the Director of PBOSRD was to have some independence of the command, it FOR THE OFFICE OF FIELD SERVICE 113 was necessary that the commanding general have a scientific adviser who was completely responsible to him; it was very desirable that this man be one who could work well with Dr. Compton and who was familiar with the accomplishments and potentials of NDRC. While the negotiations about PBOSRD were going on, others had been proceeding in parallel, calcu- lated to provide the commanding general with a scientific adviser who was completely responsible to him. Even before Dr. Compton had decided to accept the position of Director of PBOSRD, Dean Moreland had made up his mind to accept General MacArthur's invitation and to go to the Pacific as adviser to the High Command. The final arrangement could not have been more happily contrived. Dean Moreland was to resign as Executive Officer, NDRC, and with the title of Expert Consultant to the Secretary of War, proceed to the Pacific Theatre as Chief of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Section, GHQ, AFPAC, reporting directly and with no intermediary to the Chief of Staff, General Sutherland. Dr. Compton was also to proceed to the theatre with the responsibility already described as Director of PBOSRD. The presence of these men who had worked so long and comfortably together both in the peace and the war guar- anteed that a smooth-working arrangement could be effected in the Pacific. These two leaders from M.I.T., in point of fact, proceeded to the theatre on the same plane. They arrived in Manila to set up their new organization only a few days before V-J Day and consequently were never called upon to bring their plans into effect, although a good organiza- tional start had already been made. Their presence in the theatre at that precise moment was nonetheless timely and they were pressed into service for the first invasion of scientific intelligence on the mainland of Japan. Moreland headed this Scientific Intelligence Survey and Dr. Compton was attached to it for the first two weeks, after which he returned to the United States. The functions of the mission were to make a preliminary survey to determine the Japanese organization for SI 114 QED war research and to identify for further investigation by other agencies any new developments of military importance which might have been made by the Japanese. Moreland, completing his mission, left Tokyo on 9 November 1945 and returned to duty at the Institute a week later. For his theatre services he received the Medal of Freedom.9 The OFS had made some important contributions to the technical conduct of the war, especially in the Pacific; more important, it had by trial and error, under the wise direction of its chief, developed at war's end a system by which civilians could be of effective help to the fighting forces at the scene of the fighting, without loss of authority in the hands of the fight- ing commander or loss of independent thought in the mind of the civilian. Thus Bowles, Morse, and Compton together wrote messages on how to use civilians in wartime which should be pondered well by those in command in the future. Nor did the messages go unheard. All three of these men received high-level decorations, each of which has been mentioned in its appro- priate place. More important than this perhaps was the memo- randum of 30 April 1946 from General Eisenhower, Chief of Staff, to the Directors and Chiefs of the Department General and Special Staff Divisions and Bureaus and the Commanding Generals of the Major Commands. This memorandum, con- taining as it does so much implicit comment on the perform- ance rendered by the OSRD and other civilian agencies in the War, seems worth reprinting here in full. SUBJECT: Scientific and Technological Resources as Military Assets The recent conflict has demonstrated more convincingly than ever before the strength our nation can best derive from the inte- gration of all of our national resources in time of war. It is of the utmost importance that the lessons of this experience be not for- gotten in the peacetime planning and training of the Army. The future security of the nation demands that all those civilian resources which by conversion or redirection constitute our main FOR THE OFFICE OF FIELD SERVICE 115 support in time of emergency be associated closely with the activities of the Army in time of peace. The lessons of the last war are clear. The military effort required for victory threw upon the Army an unprecedented range of respon- sibilities, many of which were effectively discharged only through the invaluable assistance supplied by our cumulative resources in the natural and social sciences and the talents and experience fur- nished by management and labor. The armed forces could not have won the war alone. Scientists and business men contributed tech- niques and weapons which enabled us to outwit and overwhelm the enemy. Their understanding of the Army's needs made possible the highest degree of cooperation. This pattern of integration must be translated into a peacetime counterpart which will not merely familiarize the Army with the progress made in science and indus- try, but draw into our planning for national security all the civilian resources which can contribute to the defense of the country. Success in this enterprise depends to a large degree on the cooperation which the nation as a whole is willing to contribute. However, the Army as one of the main agencies responsible for the defense of the nation has the duty to take the initiative in promot- ing closer relations between civilian and military interests. It must establish definite policies and administrative leadership which will make possible even greater contributions from science, technology, and management than during the last war. In order to ensure the full use of our national resources in case of emergency, the following general policies will be put into effect: (1) The Army must have civilian assistance in military planning as well as for the production of weapons. Effective long-range mili- tary planning can be done only in the light of predicted develop- ments in science and technology. As further scientific achievements accelerate the tempo and expand the area of our operations, this interrelationship will become of even greater importance. In the past we have often deprived ourselves of vital help by limiting our S ment. More often than not we can find much of the talent we need for comprehensive planning in industry or universities. Proper employment of this talent requires that the civilian agency shall have the benefit of our estimates of future military problems and shall work closely with Plans and the Research and Development authorities. A most effective procedure is the letting of contracts for aid in planning. The use of such a procedure will greatly enhance the validity of our planning as well as ensure sounder strategic equipment programs. 116 QED (2) Scientists and industrialists must be given the greatest possible freedom to carry out their research. The fullest utiliza- tion by the Army of the civilian resources of the nation cannot be procured merely by prescribing the military characteristics and requirements of certain types of equipment. Scientists and indus- trialists are more likely to make new and unsuspected contributions to the development of the Army if detailed directions are held to a minimum. The solicitation of assistance under these conditions would not only make available to the Army talents and experience otherwise beyond our reach, but also establish mutual confidence between ourselves and civilians. It would familiarize them with our fundamental problems and strengthen greatly the foundation upon which our national security depends. (3) The possibility of utilizing some of our industrial and tech- nological resources as organic parts of our military structure in time of emergency should be carefully examined. The degree of coopera- tion with science and industry achieved during the recent" war should by no means be considered the ultimate. There appears little reason for duplicating within the Army an outside organiza- tion which by its experience is better qualified than we are to carry out some of our tasks. The advantages to our nation in economy and to the Army in efficiency are compelling reasons for this procedure. (4) Within the Army we must separate responsibility for research and development from the functions of procurement, purchase, storage and distribution. Our experience during the war and the experience of industry in time of peace indicate the need for such a policy. The inevitable gap between the scientist or technologist and the user can be bridged, as during the last war, by field experimenta- tion with equipment still in the developmental stage. For example, restricted-visibility operations with the aid of radar, such as blind bombing and control of tactical air, were made possible largely by bringing together technologists who know the potentialities of the equipment and field commanders familiar with combat conditions and needs. Future cooperations of this type require that research and development groups have authority to procure experimental items for similar tests. (5) Officers of all arms and services must become fully aware of the advantages which the Army can derive from the close integra- tion of civilian talent with military plans and developments. This end cannot be achieved merely by sending officers to universities for professional training. It is true that the Army's need for officers well trained in the natural and social sciences requires a thorough pro- FOR THE OFFICE OF FIELD L 1 117 SERVICE gram of advanced study for selected military personnel, but in addition we must supply inducements which will encourage these men in the continued practical application of scientific and tech- nological thought to military problems. A premium must be placed on professional attainments in the natural and social sciences as well as other branches of military science. Officers in each arm and service must familiarize themselves as much as possible with progress and plans made in other branches. Only then can the Army obtain the administrative and operative talent essential to its task and mutual understanding by the arms and services of their respective problems. In general, the more we can achieve the objectives indicated above with respect to the cultivation, support, and direct use of outside resources, the more energy will we have left to devote to strictly military problems for which there are no outside facilities or which for special security reasons can only be handled by the military. In fact, it is our responsibility deliberately to examine all outside resources as to adequacy, diversity, and geographical dis- tribution and to ensure their full utilization as factors of security. It is our job to take the initiative to promote the development of new resources, if our national security indicates the need. It is our duty to support broad research programs in educational institu- tions, in industry, and in whatever field might be of importance to the Army. Close integration of military and civilian resources will not only directly benefit the Army, but indirectly contribute to the nation's security as civilians are prepared for their role in an emer- gency by the experience gained in time of peace. The association of military and civilians in educational institutions and industry will level barriers, engender mutual understanding, and lead to the cultivation of friendships invaluable for future cooperation. The realization of our objectives places upon us, the military, the challenge to make our professional officers the equals in knowledge and training of civilians in similar fields and make our professional environment as inviting as those outside. In the interest of cultivating to the utmost the integration of civilian and military resources and of securing the most effective unified direction of our research and development activities, this responsibility is being consolidated in a separate section on the highest War Department level. The Director of this section will be directly supported by one or more civilians, thus ensuring full confidence of both the military and the civilian in this undertaking. By the rotation of civilian specialists in this capacity we should have the benefit of broad guidance and should be able to furnish 118 QED science and industry with a firsthand understanding of our prob- lems and objectives. By developing the general policies outlined above under the leadership of the Director of Research and Develop- ment the Army will demonstrate the value it places upon science and technology and further the integration of civilian and military resources. 1 Here we leave the personal history of Dr. Compton. He will appear in these pages no more save in the background. His duties to the armed forces are not at an end. He is still con- cerned with the organization of postwar research for military purposes in many different ways, as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff's Evaluation Board, member of the President's Evaluation Commission on the Atomic Bomb Test, and mem- ber of the Naval Research Advisory Panel. It is appropriate in taking leave of his many activities for his nation at war to indicate the appreciation felt by the armed services. On 8 February 1946 the Commander-in-Chief, Harry S. Truman, conferred on him the Medal for Merit, which was personally presented to him by his old Manila friend Lieutenant General O. W. Griswold. The citation read: DR. KARL TAYLOR COMPTON, member of the National Defense Re- search Committee from 27 June 1940 to 2 September 1945 and Chief, Office of Field Service of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, from 11 October 1943 to 31 July 1945, for excep- tionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to his country. As Chief of the Office of Field Service, Dr. Compton mobilized and made available to the needs of the Armed Services civilian experts in various scientific branches who assisted in the introduction into use within theaters of operation of new weapons, devices, and techniques developed by the Office of Scien- tific Research and Development and others. Through his vision in the formulation of the program of research and development of microwave radar and his steadfast support of that program, Dr. Compton contributed greatly to the technical superiority of the Allied Forces in this field. Under his direct leadership, the programs of research and development of the United States and United Kingdom were integrated for a maximum effectiveness in the radar field. The importance of this work was such that Dr. Compton FOR THE OFFICE OF FIELD SERVICE 119 may be said to have been personally responsible for hastening the termination of hostilities. It is time to leave this discussion of research and development at the national level. M.I.T. participated heavily in its direction. From its closely attached alumni or from its staff it supplied the Director of OSRD, the Chairman of NACA, the Presi- dent and Treasurer of NAS, the Executive Officer and four of the seven members of NDRC, the Chief of OFS, the Scien- tific Adviser to the Secretary of War, the Directors of ORG and NOL for the Navy, the first Coordinator of Research and Development in the Navy, the Director of the Pacific Branch OSRD, and of the British Branch Radiation Laboratory, the Scientific Adviser to General MacArthur. This was enough for one institution to do and it did not do so without some strain. These activities claimed the full or a large portion of the time of the President, three Life Members of the Corporation, three Deans, and two other administrative officers, the heads of eight departments, and sixty-five to seventy others of professorial rank. This was nearly 30 per cent of all men of that rank on the Institute staff in 1940 in the scientific and engineering departments. It might have been expected that the absence of so many of its key people all or part of the time would have arrested the progress of the Institute on the home front. But this is quite contrary to the fact. The Institute managed to conduct a greater volume of research than ever before, to make salient contributions from its own laboratories to the weapons of war, and to carry on an emergency teaching program as well. We may now turn to the work in the M.I.T. laboratories during the period 1940–45. FOOTNOTES 1 A classic remark which went around Washington was uttered by a high-ranking Naval officer. He wrote it to a famous civilian scientist who had suggested that he, in his position, might tell the admirals a thing or two. This Naval officer professed to be complimented but then went on to say, “but I assure you, Doctor, that in the Navy the process of education does not flow upstream.” 120 QED 2 The British solved the problem by commissioning the civilian for his turn of duty in the field and decommissioning him on his return to the United Kingdom. They were of course careful by his insignia to make it clear to the command that he was not a real officer. Our civilians seldom had a simulated rank of less than major, more often of colonel and occa- sionally of brigadier or major general, but that they bore these ranks was ordinarily apparent only from their papers and not from their appearance. Each system had its advantages and disadvantages; neither was foolproof. 3 Again it was often possible to make the arrangement with an indi- vidual as was the case of Edgerton's visit to Italy discussed in Chapter 13. M.I.T. of course was glad to let him go. 4 General Eisenhower followed the more successful course. His command profited enormously from the system adopted in Europe, and part of the starvation of the Pacific Commands couid be laid to their tight fences. 5 The citation read: “Dr. George R. Harrison, American Civilian, as organizer and Chief of the Southwest Pacific section of the Office of Field Service from March to July 1944, contributed materially to the applica- tion of the weapons of science against the enemy and forces of nature confronting troops in Pacific areas. He served with marked ability in con- nection with the moisture and fungus proofing of electronic equipment, the modifying of lightweight radar equipment for island warfare, the investigation of radio wave propagation characteristics under tropical conditions, and the development of electronic navigational aids, all of which activities were contributions of unusual importance to ultimate victory in the Pacific.” 6 There were many of these and several were very important but to save space and to maintain the thread of narrative they will be omitted from the text; indeed only samples will be listed even in this footnote. Among them were: a. The taking over of ORG from Division 6, NDRC; in this context Morse also became an Assistant Chief of OFS. b. The provision of a special panel for the Coordinator of Research and Development to study jet propulsion problems; of this Gilliland, Professor of Chemical Engineering, was Chairman. C. The supply of a scientific adviser to the Joint Army-Navy Experi- mental Testing Board at Fort Pierce, Florida. This board carried out experiments and tests leading to the demolition of obstacles to landing operations. To this post A. G. H. Dietz, Associate Professor of Structural Engineering, was assigned. d. The provision of a group to study vehicles for General Waldron of the Army Ground Forces, to work for the Joint Target Group; the staffing of many special missions. e. To the Pacific groups some M.I.T. men also went. Among them were 1 FOR THE OFFICE OF FIELD SERVICE 121 Blake (see Chapters 5 and 6), who went to carry on an investigation of the damage done to wooden vessels and piers of the Army in Australia and New Guinea, and Dietz, who went to the Operations Research Sec- tion, Central Pacific, on a mission similar to that he had carried out at Fort Pierce. (See Chapter 5.) 7 See page 77. This was the first ALSOS mission. 8 The mission has been well described by Goudsmit himself in "ALSOS," Henry Schuman, Inc., New York, 1947. 9 The Moreland citation reads as follows: "Doctor Edward L. Moreland, American Civilian, as Chief, Scientific and Technical Advisory Section, General Headquarters, United States Army Forces, Pacific, from August to November, 1945 ably organized the facilities, personnel, and equipment to handle many scientific and technical problems. With the surrender of Japan, he speedily and efficiently formed a group of specialists to secure data on Japanese technical research facilities and accomplishments before it could be destroyed. Through his skill and ability, Doctor Moreland contributed notably to the preservation of valuable records and informa- tion and to the study of Japanese research and developments." Part III RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT TECHNOLOGY THE DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION THE GREATLY EXPANDED need for research under speed and pressure could not leave the Institute untouched. Nor would it have been fitting that it should. Technology had uncon- sciously been preparing for the crisis long before it was apparent to anyone that a crisis loomed. It had, in its Divi- sion of Industrial Cooperation, a mechanism which, though small, was elastic and capable of expansion to the required limit. The Division of Industrial Cooperation, generally referred to as the D.I.C., was organized in 1920 for the primary purpose of fulfilling obligations which the Institute had incurred under an arrangement known as “The Technology Plan.” This plan created contracts with certain industrial companies on a basis resembling that of a retainer whereby the Institute agreed to make available certain of its facilities, notably the library, the alumni records, the services of undergraduate placement, indus- trial research, and "pure” research. The first director of the division was Professor William H. Walker, the second, Profes- sor C. L. Norton; on his death in 1939, Nathaniel M. Sage became director and has held the position ever since. Gradually the annual retainer fee of the Technology Plan was discarded in favor of one whereby industrial research involving the use of Institute facilities and personnel was under- taken on behalf of a specific industry or company under special contract. The policy consideration which governed the decision whether the D.I.C. would accept or decline the offer of a con- tract was that the job to be done must further the primary 125 126 QED objectives of the Institute which have been repeatedly stated to be: (1) The advancement of knowledge through education and research, both pure and applied, in science, engineering, architecture, and the related social sciences and Service to government and to industry by consultation and research. bility and the second accepted as it either did not interfere with or preferably made a positive contribution to the achieve- ment of the first. Even in peacetime a criterion frequently applied to a proposed industrial research was that it could not be done as effectively elsewhere. During the crisis of war the importance of the two objectives had to be reversed and there was inevitably some distortion of the principle that the teach- ing facilities of the Institute should be furthered by the research; but the excessive demands for work to be done at Technology more than ever required that each proposal be scrutinized with more than usual care to be sure it could not be undertaken elsewhere. Prior to the fall of 1940 the D.I.C. program was rather small business. The Institute conducted few research projects for governmental agencies. The duties of the D.I.C. were even then much the same as they were afterwards: to work out the con- tractual relations between the Institute and the other party, and to set up the business procedures for the operation of the program. But in 1940 these duties involved not more than 25 to 30 contracts at any one time and the annual dollar volume was of the order of 100 to 200 thousands of dollars. For such a scale of business but a small staff was required, and indeed in September, 1940, it consisted only of Sage, the Director, F. L. Foster, the Assistant to the Director, one full-time bookkeeper and secretary, and a few girls who were engaged primarily on work in the field of alumni and student placement. Suddenly the D.I.C. found itself confronted with a job of a different order of magnitude. From 25 simultaneous contracts THE DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION 127 it was called upon to administer 150 and discuss and decline many more for lack of staff and facilities; from a dollar volume of some 200,000 dollars in 1939 it found itself handling a volume in the peak year 1944–45 of 40 millions, an increase of sixfold in the number of contracts, of two hundredfold in the dollar value. The budget of the D.I.G. in that year was thirteen times the total operating income of the Institute for the year 1939.1 Such a program required, as has been hinted, careful scrutiny of each proposal before it was accepted, lest the Institute be swamped. The first large contract came to M.I.T. because its prosecution required large airport and hangar facilities, a loca- tion in the East2 and near the sea, some thousands of feet of laboratory space, and because M.I.T. was one of the only two educational institutions in America with an already active research program and a nucleus of trained staff in that field. When this and other programs grew to the point at which the existing floor space was not adequate, when new laboratories had to be built, the Institute adopted the policy of not accepting any additional projects unless no other contractor comparably favorable in terms of personnel, equipment, and experience appeared available for the job. To this same end the principal governmental contracting agencies cooperated through their policy of spreading work among institutions as widely as would be consistent with prompt, effective, and well- coordinated action. Of influence in certain cases was the expressed desire of the Army or Navy that several aspects of a given job be concentrated in one locality. Despite this care, as the research grew and it became neces- sary to take on part of the Army and Navy educational program as well, it was necessary to erect new laboratory build- ings. By 1943 the Institute had added by new construction more than 450,000 square feet of laboratory space and by rental an additional 268,000. This total of more than 700,000 square feet of new space is to be compared with the prewar total for the Institute of 1,023,000 square feet.3 During World War II the Institute's staff and employees 128 QED increased from 1,100 to 6,000, almost all the increase being accounted for by D.I.C. operations. Nor did these increases in the problems which faced D.I.C. Research contracts with indus- try are ordinarily easy to write; the question of profit made by the institution does not arise. But the question of profit is serious to the government at any time; it is especially so when the state is fighting for its life. It was important that a nonprofit and non-state-supported institution such as M.I.T. should have impeccable relations with its government. In its relationship with OSRD, this was accomplished by predetermining a total annual overhead charge that represented a no profit or loss figure. With the Armed Forces the overhead originally selected has resulted in a break-even figure in the sense of approximately recovering known measurable overhead expenses. However, the overhead income did not provide margins with which to meet delayed disallowances and other costs, and the continuing expense for past contract responsibility and activity. All this required a great deal of study at the beginning and constant reconsideration thereafter. Private institutions were almost without exception the first of the universities to enter into the war research program on any large scale. 4 This was implicit in their type of management, which made rapid change of policy and rapid decision on details as easy as it is for a private corporation. Again the flexibility of the larger private institutions was apparent. In the very early negotiations it was not always certain whether a given contract would be approved by the government or not; mean- time the days were passing and the crisis was intensifying. M.I.T. could and did gamble with her own financial security in favor of the national security and on at least one occasion committed a half million dollars of her own funds with no assurance that she would ever get them back. Furthermore, researches for the Armed Forces were frequently months old before the procurement type contracts offered could be modified to fit research activities. With such a background it was natural THE DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION 129 SEL that the D.I.C. should exercise some leadership in these negotia- tions and that the fair and workable contracts between academic institutions and government which finally resulted were influ- enced materially by its thinking. The group principally con- cerned were J. R. Killian, Jr., Vice President of the Institute, Horace S. Ford, its Treasurer, and for D.I.C., Sage, Director, Foster, Assistant to the Director, Phillips Ketchum, General Counsel for M.I.T. and the Division, Melvin R. Jenney, Patent Counsel for the Division, and Ronald H. Robnett, Professor of Accounting, Fiscal Officer of the Division. The D.I.C. was fortunately well constituted to take care of this heavy burden of increased responsibility. The procedures were firmly grounded and needed little alteration. The small staff was of a type which lent itself smoothly to the inevitable expansion from the three or four people of 1940 to the seventy employed during the summer of 1945 in its Headquarters Office, its two accounting departments, its Fiscal Office, its Property Control Section, and its Patent Office.5 Only those familiar with governmental regulations and the labor they impose upon any contractor, familiar with the troublesome patent and property clauses of war contracts, and familiar with the further administrative difficulties imposed by security regulations can appreciate how efficiently the D.I.C. was managed so that multiplication of contracts by 6 and multi- plication of dollar volume by 200 could be cared for with a staff increase measured by a factor of only 15. In total, war research contracts handled by the D.I.C. amounted to almost exactly 125 millions of dollars. Of this amount 88.8 per cent was on OSRD and NDRC contracts, 3.8 per cent on contracts with the Army, 3.2 per cent on contracts with the Navy, 0.5 per cent on contracts with the NACA and other government agencies, and 3.7 per cent with industries on war con- tracts. More than 80 per cent of all the contract funds were ex- pended directly in salaries, wages, materials, and services. The actual allotment for overhead and all direct and indirect costs not included as direct charges to contracts on government research - 130 QED was of the order of 6 to 7 per cent of the gross expenditures. It was swallowed up in ways discussed in Chapter 2. The personnel of the Institute increased fivefold as we have stated. Of this staff of 6,000 at the peak period, 4,600 were work- ing upon D.I.C. projects. Only about 200 of these were members of M.I.T.'s prewar staff, but this group of 200 furnished the top leadership for every single D.I.C. project except the Radia- tion Laboratory. The 200 thus engaged at home is to be com- pared in quantity with the eighty-odd who worked for the govern- ment described in Section II. There seems little likelihood that the D.I.C. will resume its prewar village atmosphere in which the director knew every worker by his first name. Though research contracts have been materially cut down, because of the liquidation of OSRD projects, and though every proposal is now scrutinized free from the blinders of emergency, it is nonetheless clear that the Institute has a continuing responsibility to the defense of the nation. It cannot pass by on the other side. The value of D.I.C. business for 1946–47 was, for example, about 10 millions of dollars, only one-fourth of what it was at the peak of the war, but fifty times what it was when the war began. Of the 125 millions expended by M.I.T. on war research more than three-fourths was represented by funds appropriated to the Radiation Laboratory. This laboratory was in itself a very large organization; it handled many of its affairs directly. But the D.I.C. always served as M.I.T.'s representative in all busi- ness and contractual matters relating to the Radiation Labora- tory; it operated as the paying office and had full responsibility for collecting all moneys expended under the Radiation Laboratory as well as the four hundred-odd other and smaller contracts. The accomplishments of the Radiation Laboratory were many and brilliant and they have been exceptionally well pub- licized. The buildings were large, the operations large, the funds large, the staff large and not unobtrusive. All this tended to confuse the nature of Technology's total contribution to THE DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION 131 war research. Radiation Laboratory was Technology's biggest and presumably its most important single war research activity. But it was not the only big activity and it was not the only important one. If Technology had never had a Radiation Laboratory6 its D.I.C. contracts would still have represented an expansion of ten to fifteen times the annual previous expen- ditures for supported research; it would still have made major contributions to the war effort from its existing laboratories and with its own personnel. In this record of laboratory work we shall attempt, so far as possible, to include all the research activities and to orient them one with the other. The tangled skein which has to be unraveled to permit this will scarcely be comprehended by the reader who has not examined the case records of M.I.T.'s individual staff members. The complication can best be illustrated by the cursory survey of the research career of one member of the staff, a career typical of many. Walter C. Schumb, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, was connected all-told with some nine projects. The first of these projects was the optical crystal problem dealt with by Stock barger and described in a later chapter. Then Schumb went on to spend time on studying methods for generating fluorine gas; in particular, electrolytic processes were studied which might overcome various objec- tionable characteristics of existing practice. This study resulted in a later similar project for Manhattan District. As a result of these two projects, industrial development occurring during the war in the production of fluorine and useful fluorine com- pounds received some of its orientation. Under another project in association with Robert J. Van de Graaff, Associate Professor of Physics, sulphur hexafluoride was prepared first on a laboratory scale and then on a much larger scale; this was useful as a replacement for air in high-voltage X-ray generators and made much higher voltage attainable. For this work he received the Naval Ordnance Development Award. Another project was undertaken for the Raytheon Manufacturing Com- pany to ascertain the possibilities of applying the electronic 132 QED beam of a microwave radar to influence or initiate useful chemical changes. For M.I.T.'s large metallurgical project related to nuclear fission Schumb directed the pilot plant pro- duction of several hundred pounds of special ceramic materials. For the Radiation Laboratory he directed an investigation on the dissociation pressures of several metal hydrides used in the construction of electronic tubes. For the last months of the war and in association with Dean Sherwood, he carried on an investigation of the fundamental properties of hydrogen per- oxide for the Bureau of Ordnance of the Navy; this project continues. There the situation lies. The writer's problem of what to do with Schumb was repeated for many others of the faculty although the example chosen is, of course, not the feeblest one that could be adduced. Nonetheless it is possible to reshuffle work and people, and at times to provide clarifying context if work is discussed in terms of its intended application. This is the effort which will be made in the succeeding seven chapters. TIT . Vii FOOTNOTES 1 The growth was fortunately somewhat gradual as is evidenced by the contract figures for the several years: 1940-41 1941-42 1942-43 1943–44 1944-45 1945–46 $ 1,183,900 7,890,800 14,951,800 25,393,300 39,970,900 24,200,900 2 Because the electronic manufacturers were already located there. 3 Of the 450,000 square feet of new buildings about 270,000 square feet were of temporary construction built by government funds under contracts which made it possible to tear them down after the war; of the remaining 180,000 square feet the division was as follows: 75,000 were built exclusively with M.I.T. funds in the expectation that they would be reclaimed from war projects for normal educational and research purposes after the war. 105,000 were financed jointly by M.I.T. and government funds. The principle here was that the government should pay an amount which THE DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION 133 would erect a temporary building of essentially equivalent facilities and M.I.T. pay from its own funds the amount necessary to make this construction of a permanent type to be useful after the war. 4 And they remained the largest contractors. The roster of the largest would include Harvard University, Columbia University, University of Chicago, University of California, and California Institute of Technology, in addition to M.I.T. 5 Accounting problems became so involved and numerous that in June, 1942, the Institute auditors were asked to assist in the details of the opera- tion. Plans were later evolved to install machine accounting in all projects except the Radiation Laboratory accounts and this went into operation in October, 1943. Its success resulted in a similar installation for Radiation Laboratory accounts in May, 1944. Many of the senior additions to the D.I.C. staff came from the Institute faculty. Ronald H. Robnett, Professor of Accounting, joined the D.I.C. as Fiscal Officer in the spring of 1943 and took full charge of accounting and fiscal matters. In March, 1944, Ross M. Cunningham, Associate Professor of Marketing, also joined the staff as Assistant Fiscal Officer. A Property Control Section was established in June, 1944, under the direction of the late J. Donald Mitsch, Associate Professor of Structural Engineering. Mitsch was assisted for a period by Ernest Gelotte, Associate Professor of Construction. The Division Patent Office was under the direc- tion of Melvin R. Jenney, who was assisted by R. R. Hildreth, D.I.C. 6 And it tried very hard not to. The contract was accepted by Tech- nology only to save the situation in an emergency after two earlier efforts to set up the work under different auspices and at different places had failed. 7 Edmund L. Gamble, Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, worked with Schumb on the fluorine projects. TO MAKE THE GUNS BEHAVE * TY IN HIS EXCITING NOVEL, The Ship, C. S. Forester describes a Mediterranean engagement between a British light cruiser and an “Eyetie” battleship. Heavily outgunned, the skipper of the British vessel watches the Italian commander apply the then standard method of ranging of the Italian gun layers, first firing a shot too long, then one too short, and then bracketing to make an estimate of the hitting position. The salvation of the British ship depends upon the British commander's assess- ment of what the Italian commander will do if the data he gets from his shots are confusing, and what the British ship can do to make the data confusing. The British captain anticipates correctly and escapes. This is not only an exciting tale but it is an accurate one. That was about the state of refinement of aiming Italian guns in the early days of the war, days when our own Air Force was talking about bringing prominent duck-hunt- ers down to the training fields to teach the air force gunners how to lead their targets. “Laddering” as described by Forester was, of course, not the only tool available even to Italian ships by 1940. This method may have been satisfactory when all the targets were relatively large and relatively slow. But the general public itself knew it was out of date when, not long after Pearl Harbor, a few Jap- anese medium bombers caught the British battleship Prince of Wales and the battle cruiser Repulse without air cover off Malaya and sent them to the bottom with a loss of but four Nipponese aircraft. Whatever may have been the explanation of the earlier disaster at Pearl Harbor, including the fact that the ships were stationary and surprised, here the public could 134 TO MAKE THE GUNS BEHAVE 135 see no further room for argument. The ships were in motion, the war was official. The planes had simply been too fast for the gunnery of their ponderous naval opposition. This first demonstration made the surface warship look so vulnerable to the dive bomber and the torpedo plane that there were many experts who asserted at once that air power had eclipsed sea power, that the dreadnaught was obsolete. So far as future wars are concerned this may or may not be the case, but for World War II the prediction proved ill-founded. The main reason this was so was because of improvements in antiaircraft gunnery. Before leaping to any conclusions as to what was and was not accomplished, it will be well to review the state of the art as war began. For this purpose it will be desirable to separate the problems of naval gunnery into three parts: (1) Control of guns against surface targets. (2) Control of larger caliber guns (5-inch) against aircraft. (3) Control of small caliber rapid-fire guns against aircraft. It will also be simpler to consider the situation only as it existed in the United States Navy which for many years had been superior to any other navy in the world, so far as fire control was concerned. In the field of control against surface targets the Navy was especially proud of its position. Before World War II it did not, of course, have radar and had to place reliance on optical range finders and other less accurate means. The optical devices had, however, been developed to high excellence and as used against the slow-moving surface targets were deadly. For exam- ple, one Naval officer reports that shortly after his graduation from Annapolis in 1932 he participated in gunnery exercises in which rapidly maneuvering targets were kept under fire by “blind firing” at ranges of fifteen miles and that the fire com- pared favorably with that possible now with radar. Rangekeep- ers, which predicted and automatically transmitted gunlaying data to the guns, were in universal use. 136 QED VYC Of course the rangekeeper was no more accurate than the initial range data set on it for the first salvo. After first salvo corrections were introduced (where necessary) the rangekeepers did a fine job of following the target and pointing the guns, blindly when necessary. Nonetheless, Forester's ranging salvos were sometimes used. They were necessary, for example, when with airplane spotting the target was being fired on blindly. In such a case optical range- finders, however good, were, of course, useless. Radar could and did eliminate this blindness. But once the range was established, the target was “held” by the rangekeeper assisted by aircraft or land-based spotters. For example, this type of fire was respon- sible for the scores of German tanks knocked out by Naval guns, miles inland, during the invasion of France after “D” day. The ranging salvo was also used occasionally when the target could be seen. Such salvos were often called "ladders.” They were especially helpful for long-range shooting where optical rangefinders are naturally less accurate and when spotting the fall of shot from the firing ship is most difficult. Even if the range is accurately known, the first salvo may not always hit at long ranges because of other variables. It becomes necessary to spot on by estimating the amount “short” or “over” achieved by the first shots. At long ranges and without radar this is diffi- cult from a firing ship, as a spotter can really tell little more from the ship than that the shot is “over" or "short.” In a con- ventional "ladder” three salvos would be fired, the first intended to be 500 yards short, the second “on” (to hit), and the third 500 yards over. One of the three would be expected to hit or “bracket” the target. Knowing the exact yardage difference be- tween salvos, the spotter could correct the mean range more accurately than if all three salvos had landed at the same spot. In one case he had a yardstick for use at ranges so great that a difference of 500 yards was not apparent to the eye. In the other he had no yardstick. Sometimes, as well, the “ladder” was used because it was possible to get off several shots at a long-range target before the TO MAKE THE GUNS BEHAVE 137 first had landed. These intervening shots had to be fired without benefit of information from the first shot, and the "ladder" therefore offered a possibility of being fairly certain to get a hit with one of the first few shots. Time is important in naval combat and so, then, were ladders. At medium ranges, however, and with good optical range- finding such as was available, ladders were seldom used and were generally considered a waste of ammunition in the United States Navy for some time before 1940. The optical rangefinders had some natural limitations, of course. They could not see beyond the optical distance, they could not see through fog or smoke. Radar was all that was needed to cover these points. The applications of radar to naval gunfire against surface targets is not a part of the story of this chapter. So far as hitting a surface target is concerned, then, we should not be deceived by Forester's accurate account. The Navy had the problem well in hand. The fast-moving airplane bearing down on a ship offered a problem of much greater difficulty. But even here, despite the fact that the planes to be feared at the beginning of the war were relatively slow compared with what came after, the Navy had shown considerable foresight. Remote-controlled 5-inch guns had been supplied on ships as early as 1933. Coupled with these were highly developed rangefinders which automatically computed gun range and deflection, fuse setting, and the like and automatically aimed the guns accordingly. These guns were dependent, of course, upon optical rangefinders prior to Pearl Harbor, and the all-important VT (proximity) fuse which made sure that bursts were near enough the target was, of course, a war development. Nonetheless, the larger caliber American antiaircraft fire control with the 5"/25 and the 5"/38 guns was the envy of the British Navy before the war. This is the reason that many American naval officers think that comparable American ships would not have suffered the fate of the Prince of Wales and the Repulse. This optimism may or may not have been justified. In addi- 138 QED tion to whatever weaknesses were implicit in optical range- finders and the 1940 fuses, there was one other weakness in our naval antiaircraft fire. The assumption was generally made that the heavier caliber fire would be so deadly that the bombers could never get in to close range. The users of the 5-inch guns were therefore weak on training and operational experience at short ranges, and when the bombers did, as they did, get into close quarters, the gunners were not well prepared to fight them. At these shorter ranges, too, the small caliber (20 mm and 40 mm) guns capable of much more rapid fire would be more effective. And for such guns the necessary controls were lacking. They were very largely provided by C. Stark Draper, Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, and his group at Technology, who were ready with an aiming mechanism which became the Mark 14 sight. Pushed through development and into combat, it is probable that it saw its first fight as a pre-production model mounted on the USS North Carolina at the Battle of Stewart Island on 24 August 1942. Some models were undoubtedly also on the USS South Dakota in her historic engagement off the Solomons in October of the same year. This was less than a year after development began. Though probably not respon- sible for all the success of that ship in her encounter with the Japanese air force, during which she is rumored to have sent thirty-two Japanese planes down without serious hurt to her- self, they certainly helped. Regardless of the facts of these early battles, the dramatic results do not rest on such engagements, 1 by the end of 1943. Guns which are going to shoot down planes while they attack a ship have to be rapid in firing, rapid in handling, and equipped with sights which will quickly and accurately compute the larger and more rapidly changing lead angles which the changing course of the plane requires. Such a sight and the first important one was the Mark 14. For small guns a sight like this could be installed directly on the gun if this were desirable, and on such occasions the sight TO MAKE THE GUNS BEHAVE 139 would remain the creation of this single laboratory, directed by Draper. For larger guns, however, and even for batteries of small guns, remote controls are required and at this point a marriage was indicated, a marriage with the output of another important Institute laboratory, the Servomechanisms Labora- tory, directed by Gordon S. Brown, Professor of Electrical Engineering. Finally, for ranges longer than those of vision, for seeing when the murk or the night stopped the eye, for expansion in the quantity and type of data, it was radar which joined the two previously mentioned, and this in turn was largely the product of M.I.T.'s Radiation Laboratory. This story is a complicated one, not made easier by the fact that other ranging mechanisms were in use and often successful or that both servos and radar had many uses beyond that of cooperating with gyroscopic sights. For that is what the Mark 14 was, a computing machine based upon the gyroscope, based as Draper says “on a development of gyroscope theory from an engineering rather than a mathematical standpoint, for the solution of a problem which at first glance seems too compli- cated to solve.” In the last analysis a gun must be so pointed at the moment when the projectile leaves the muzzle that after all the forces which will then speak have had their say, the projectile will hit the target. Some of these factors are under the gunner's con- trol in degree, others are variant with the performance of the target. Major factors are the initial velocity of the projectile, the relative velocity of gun platform and target, the distance the target is from the gun, and the distance away it is going to be at the problematical moment of impact, the ballistics of the projectile which includes the forces of gravity. There are many lesser parameters or at least parameters of varying importance such as the wind velocity and direction; for many targets an additional problem is introduced in that the shell must explode at the time of impact or just slightly before, and in this case a fuse has to be appropriately cut while the projectile is in the gun. There is simply not time over the desk and pushing the 140 QED slide rule to measure or estimate all these parameters, to reduce them at once to an answer for the position of the gun at the moment of firing, to cut the fuse and to fire the gun. Mechanism must replace the slower and less accurate brain of man. Details of the way which the marvelous little box made by Draper does many of these things is beyond the province of this tale. In effect what it does is to calculate quickly and auto- matically the angle by which the gun must lead in order to hit its fast-moving target. The gunner sights on the target by use of an illuminated reticle which appears to him as a ring of light. As he holds his sight on the moving target, an angular displacement, or lead angle, is generated between the line of sight and the line of fire. This lead angle compensates for rela- tive movement between the target and the gun during the time of flight of the projectile. Range may be introduced into the sight if desired, but in the first uses of the Mark 14 it was customary to introduce an estimated “mean” range which was considered most effective. It was effective enough. There were no scientific “miracles" in World War II. Back of every development which seemed to spring spectacularly from the brain of some progenitor there had been years of patient and unobtrusive prewar research and study. The war brought more funds, more man power to specific applications; it accelerated these applications. That was all. The Draper sight was no exception to this. Draper had begun applications of his interest in gyroscopes to the problem of fire control nearly two years before the attack on Pearl Harbor. He hoped not only to improve existing methods but also to make his sight much lighter than the conventional gear. He succeeded in both, and ultimately his sight weighed only 10 to 15 per cent as much as competing equipment. First tests of Draper equipment in cooperation with the Navy were held at Dahlgren Proving Ground in the early sum- mer of 1941. After these tests the Navy gave the Sperry Gyro- scope Company, which had supported Draper's work,1 an order for thirteen sights based on a first approximation which was TO MAKE THE GUNS BEHAVE 141 1 called the “Shoebox" and was built in Draper's laboratory. After the first test of these production models the order was increased to one thousand. Sperry had begun its backing of the work in 1940 on the basis of an interest in a lead-computing sight, working only in one plane, which would make Army Ordnance effective against tanks. As a result of the disastrous experiences of the Royal Navy the interest was transferred to two-dimensional computing or computing in two planes, and from this came the antiaircraft development. As the Navy's interest in the problem increased after Pearl Harbor and the Royal Navy experiences off Malaya, it underwrote Sperry in future developments. M.I.T.'s Confidential Instruments Development Laboratory, as Draper's show came to be known during the war, was never a behemoth. The Mark 14 sight was developed by a team con- sisting of twelve people, of whom three or four were engineers and the rest mechanicians. The gear was developed and tested in a room 12 feet by 20 feet. Out of this modest effort there came perhaps 200 million dollars worth of business; the sight with its advanced model, the Mark 15, is credited in naval battle reports with having shot down more enemy planes by antiaircrat fire than all other directors put together. The Mark 14 led the way in defending our ships against enemy aircraft, but this was only the beginning. The first Draper-Sperry sight was developed for the rapid firing of 20- millimeter guns, and it did such a good job in providing a heavy screen of this accurate but light-caliber fire that the enemy was forced to improve his bombing and torpedo planes until they could launch their missiles outside the range of the 20-millimeters. This brought about in answer the Mark 51 director, utilizing the Mark 14 sight in control of 40-millimeter twin and quadruple mounts and even larger guns. Thus the American ships were able to reach out and blast enemy planes even before they had gone into their attack run. By the end of 1943 some 80,000 of these sights were in operation. The later sights, designated as the Mark 15 type or directors 142 QED Mark 51, 52, and 63, incorporated many improvements over the original Mark 14. In addition to extending the range in order to serve larger caliber guns, they incorporated many new corrections including radar for ranging and for blind firing. The work may not be finished because targets will continue to move faster and faster. Progress can still be made along the lines of the old Mark 14, and some of its proud parents believe that the same theory and similar equipment can be used to catch up with the V-2. While research and development were going on in the Confi- dential Instruments Laboratory the group was also giving courses to Naval officers, training them to be “desk operators" with the equipment in Washington, and then to go to sea to be gunnery officers there. Unlike the common pattern of war laboratories, Draper's did not find it necessary to send its own people to combat theatres. The Sperry Company did have some service engineers out but the sights did not require much care. The special teaching undertaken in the Confidential Instru- ments Laboratory which was paralleled in the Servo- mechanisms Laboratory paid off in that the teaching was being done by the people who were doing the research and the courses could then be constantly modified to take care of what had been learned yesterday; there was thus a far smaller than usual lag between the knowledge in the laboratory and the knowledge in the possession of the customer. The Mark 14 was a naval sight developed for a specific pur- pose. Its success should not lead to the conclusion that it was the only important accomplishment of this laboratory. The theory of the Draper sight applies just as well to air-borne as to ship operations. It applies to guided missiles, to rockets, to planes, to tanks, to stationary platforms. All these are but special applications of a general solution. It was not surprising then that the Wright Field Armament Laboratory of the AAF should also ask for help. Under their request the M.I.T. group developed two further sights. The A-1 sight has been tested and a production contract with the Sperry Gyroscope Company has TO MAKE THE GUNS BEHAVE 143 been worked out. The first models of the S-9 sight have been designed and built. Complete system tests began in 1947. Nor should the work of the Confidential Instruments Labora- tory in the field of fire control be permitted to overshadow its other achievements. It has been prominent, for example, in the development of aircraft flight test instruments, which are quite as useful for peace as for wartime activities. Special test instruments have been developed for the Bureau of Aeronautics and the Army Air Forces chiefly in connection with vibration measurements and instruments for use in systems for the remote recording of data from high performance fighter airplanes. The work of the Confidential Instruments Development Laboratory has been recognized by the Navy through the Naval Ordnance Development Award; several members of the labora- tory have received certificates for exceptional services for their individual contributions. In addition to a personal Naval Ordnance Development Award, Draper himself was awarded the Medal for Merit, the highest of all Presidential awards for civilian effort, for his work in naval fire control.2 Draper will continue as director of the laboratory which has now been renamed “Instrumentation Laboratory.” The staff consists of some sixty people with an additional fifty from consulting engineering firms. With the knowledge and experi- ence gained during research and development on war products the staff has improved the courses given on instrumentation for graduate civilian students and developed a number of restricted graduate courses on fire control for properly qualified Army and Navy officers. The demand for all these courses is already so great that quotas have had to be established on the students who may enroll.3 When guns needed power aids and could not be hand directed, it was time to call in the services of another of M.I.T.'s specialized groups, the men of the Servomechanisms Labora- tory. A servomechanism is a device which permits one to perform K 144 QED operations or motions at a remote point and at high-power level from a local low-power control station. All the mechanism behavior in the control end is actuated by a signal which is a function of the difference between what the mechanism is doing and what it should be doing. It has therefore an error- sensing element, and this error goes through an amplifier which expands the microwatts in the control into kilowatts at the output. This may not seem very simple but neither is a servomechanism. In its most common form it is a device which will accurately control a massive element at a remote station by delicate elements at a local station. Servos before the war had been used largely in the control of industrial processes and especially in the chemical industries; they called for but rela- tively sluggish responses. But slow progress had been made in meeting the military requirements for much more rapid response. For a number of years before the war, M.I.T. had been a pioneer in the theory of servos and the only educational institu- tion which boasted a laboratory and an educational program in this field. In the years following the war, it is understood, a number of other institutions will follow suit. The Director of the Servomechanisms Laboratory was Gordon S. Brown, Professor of Electrical Engineering. His early activities in a military sense were related to Draper's sight. His first con- tribution was for Sperry on a 75 mm scatter gun. Later on he worked on controls for Army 40 mm and 37 mm guns, and for tanks. His first connection of servos with the armed services was made when he began to teach a servo program for Fire Control Officers set up by Captain Carlson, USN, in 1938. Even before Pearl Harbor Sperry was looking for some new ideas on servos and asked for a fresh fundamental approach, which Brown was asked to undertake. He was released from previous OSRD commitments4 in order that this might be carried forward and began work on a servo drive for a 75 mm and a 37 mm gun. This problem solved, he turned to turret drives and made a successful solution. The next operation was Tracker operating a gunsight mounted on a director stand. TO MAKE THE GUNS BEHAVE to revamp some British hydraulic drives that had operated successfully on a searchlight and had been put on a 40 mm gun but were inadequate to handle the greater load. This resulted in a long development using the principles developed in the servos for the 37 mm gun, thousands of which were built and used by the Army. Thus a small group) started work on a fundamental program for developing hydraulic servos in the 1 to 2 horsepower class. This was the beginning of fifty-odd D.I.G. war projects on A also the beginning of a long, happy, and profitable relationship with the Sperry Company, happy for the participants and profitable to the nation and to the science of servomechanisms. It was at this time that Sperry agreed to be sponsor to a develop- ment for the U.S. Army 37 mm gun, intending to be ready with a servo using domestic components, made of American materials and by American production methods. By March, 1941, this development had progressed far enough so that Sperry was willing to show the system to Army repre- sentatives. This demonstration was to take place on 9 March, a Monday. On both the eighth and the ninth, in the words of Brown, “it snowed like hell.” The M.I.T. crew had taken the 37 mm into a room so small that the gun could not traverse Al Hall, Jay Forrester, John Silvey, Gordon Brown, and Ed Dawson of Sperry, sweated despite the weather since they had never put the elevator drive together before. Sunday morning Brown went home in the snow and stood by for the birth of his daughter at 10 A.M. With this settled, he returned to the laboratory and his second child, the gun, was delivered at 4 P.M. Servos had many births like that in the war. The labora- tory demonstration was a success, and the Army realized that M.I.T. had an amazing development, that these servos could be applied to the big stuff. The Army ultimately built 30,000 units of this sort and the Navy had Brown re-engineer it for 40 mm guns on rolling and pitching ships, a tough assignment. ent 146 LED By April, 1941, the activity had outgrown the 200-odd square feet available in Room 10-066. The work was then moved to the east end of Building 32 and the staff enlarged. At the request of Army Ordnance and Sperry, the laboratory activities continued for another six months wholly under Sperry spon- sorship save for the one NDRC project involving a few hundred watts described in footnote 4. By late May and early June this work had gone far enough so that Brown and Draper were ready for a crude field demonstration. Draper's box was mounted on a plumber's pipe stand; the director was a dummy, a 22-caliber rifle. At this point Sperry authorized Draper and Brown to make a laboratory demonstra- tion to Commander Murphy and Lieutenant Commander Horatio Rivero.6 The Navy delegation arrived on 28 May. First Draper and Brown explained the principles involved and then started the machinery turning. That was the day the Navy realized what Draper had done. It was six months before Pearl Harbor. Things were now ready for the field demonstration of the 37 mm gun and Draper's director. A gun mount was loaned by the War Department which also dug up 25 rounds of ammu- nition. The gun was taken to Fort Heath in Winthrop, Massachusetts, for firing test. Draper's computing mechanism continued to rest on the plumber's pipe stand which was equipped with synchros to transmit the motions of the com- puter in azimuth and elevation to the 37 mm gun. The servos were rudimentary; they had pots beneath them to collect the leaking oil which was then poured back into the mechanism. The sight and the gun were only 20 feet apart, but the problem would have been the same had they been further. As Brown reminds us, only small groups in the Navy were servo-minded in June, 1941.7 At the fall of France the Army Ground Forces owned only a few remotely controlled anti- aircraft guns in their whole establishment. The Air Forces owned only a few remotely controlled turrets. But this demon- stration witnessed by representatives of M.I.T., the Army, and TO MAKE THE GUNS BEHAVE 147 Sperry was a milestone. It showed what later became the basic fire-control system for the United States Navy for the control of 20 and 40 mm machine guns and later for some 5-inch antiaircraft mounts, as the only way to meet the attack of many Japanese planes. After the success of this work the Servomechanisms Labora- tory was formally recognized as the agency of M.I.T. to conduct research in this field for the armed services. During the remainder of the war, contracts were written with Army Ordnance, Navy Ordnance, NDRC, and commercial firms. The work covered the remote control of gun mounts, the control of armored turrets for fixed emplacements or for tanks, the control of radar antennas, the control of fuse-setting mech- anisms for shells, the control of instruments in computers, the control of missiles guided only by their own air-borne intelli- gence. An incident in the radar story is a good one to tell here. It began when K. T. Bainbridge in the Radiation Laboratory asked for hurry-up development of a servo-control for a “super- duper” radar, the CXBL, which was intended to be an experi- mental set. It did not long remain experimental. The historic old Lexington had been sunk, and the new Lexington was putting out. This first hand-built model was put at her top and she sailed with no one to guide her, so to speak. By the time she had shaken down, the short cuts taken in early design had proved no short cuts to reliable long-range endurance. The laboratory was called upon and sent Jay W. Forrester to Pearl Harbor. He was flown to Honolulu and, on the Lexington, found that the failure was in the dielectric of some control elements. While there he decided to give the whole system an overhaul. While working below decks he was asked by a radar officer if he would like to take a trip. There was not any com- pulsion. He indicated his willingness and went on working. Nothing more was said but when he went top-side the Lexington was at sea en route to the Gilberts. Forrester was on the famous ship throughout the Gilberts and Marshalls campaigns, was aboard when she was torpedoed. He spent one 148 QED 1 YYY whole night at the top of her mast replacing a small electrical element whose brushes had slipped off, using no light which could be visible to enemy submarines. 8 This set later became standardized as the SM and was the most vital radar on a carrier as it directed fighters against enemy planes. The experimental set stayed on the Lexington until production was extensive. It was kept so long because having more range than could be justified in the production set it could outperform the latter. From this point on, assign- ments came thick and fast to the Servomechanisms Laboratory; the Army especially sent them along as fast as they could be absorbed. They applied io all sorts of problems. Because of the complexity of the servo problem and the scarcity of trained personnel in industry the laboratory not only handled the research and development of the equipment but also built pilot models, participated in service tests, pre- pared manufacturing specifications, manufacturers' drawings, manufacturers' test equipment, service manuals; it trained personnel for both manufacturers and the services. It can be estimated that production contracts for work developed wholly by the Servomechanisms Laboratory was 35 to 40 million dollars and for that in which the Laboratory played an impor- tant part as much or more. In retrospect and despite the concrete accomplishments, Brown is inclined to feel that the Laboratory did its greatest job as an advance guard. It showed that difficult servo problems could be solved and established performance possibilities. The staff was always small as compared with many war laboratories and only during the last year of the war numbered over one hundred. As a group it learned advanced principles and had the opportunity to apply them. The laboratory practice was to prepare reports on this sort of activity. Five or six of them were published in planograph form and became a sort of bible of servos. 9 During the war there was a dearth of adequately trained personnel in the servo field. There had been a large and rapid TO MAKE THE GUNS BEHAVE 149 10 growth in the use of automatic control equipment, the knowl- edge of the fundamental problems was held by few, and at the same time many restrictions were imposed on the transmission of that knowledge within the profession. The result was that many corporations, even prime contrac- tors, found themselves without personnel qualified to make decisions on developmental or production snags. The Labora- tory was often called in to meet such difficulties and frequently had the authority to make design changes in advance of formal service approval. As in the case of the Confidential Instruments Laboratory, the distinguished service of Brown's group was recognized by the Naval Ordnance Development Award, as was Brown's service personally, 10 and the effort of the Laboratory on behalf of Army Ordnance was specifically cited by General Barnes when he conferred the Army Ordnance Distinguished Service Award to M.I.T. in July, 1944. Again, like the Instrumentation Laboratory, the Servomechanisms Laboratory will carry on con- tinuing projects for the services in peace, in a field where peaceful applications can be even as spectacular as those of war. The demand for the servomechanisms courses as well is so great that student quotas have had to be applied.11 And it was not only in the spectacular new applications of aiming that Technology contributed to making the guns better. On 1 July 1942, at the request of the Navy, a laboratory was established at M.I.T. to assist the Bureau of Ordnance in stress analysis problems of a complex nature. More accurate methods of stress analysis and design were urgently needed for naval guns which were being called upon to do more than ever before. This laboratory, known as the M.I.T. Gun Design Group, was led by Charles W. MacGregor, Professor of Applied Mechanics, assisted by Louis F. Coffin, Jr., Professor of Mechanical Engineering, John C. Fisher, Instructor in Mechani- cal Engineering, Charles S. Hofmann, Research Associate in Mechanical Engineering. The group was the only one outside the Navy Department engaged directly by the Bureau of 150 LED ce new Ordnance on a stress problem for naval guns. The new and original methods of analysis developed are now in active use by the Navy. They cover almost every phase of the problem of stress analysis of gun barrels and various component parts and apply both to the smallest and the largest calibers. They were applied to various urgent problems during the war, involving some twenty separate projects, and have provided the basis for a revision of gun design procedures. Among these projects was also the development of new gear drives for gun turrets. The Gun Design Group has been continuously engaged on these problems for the past five and a half years and the work is still under way. FOOTNOTES 1 The Sperry Company was the prime naval contractor. The Crossley Radio Corporation, Refrigerator Division, and the Waterbury Clock Company were subcontractors. The M.I.T. Laboratory provided the prin. cipal technical contributions and were helped by a subcontract with the Doelcam Company of Newton, Massachusetts, which produced fine machine pieces used in preproduction models of the eventually perfected sight. 2 The wording of this citation is as follows: "Dr. Charles Stark Draper, for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the United States. By his devotion to duty, scientific leadership, and his inspiring and infectious enthusiasm, Dr. Draper was primarily responsible for the development of numerous major improvements in anti-aircraft fire control equipment. These improvements have been an important and determining factor in the increasing efficiency of the United States Navy against enemy air power." 3 Active on the staff of the D.I.C. during the war were the following of M.I.T.: C. Stark Draper, Professor of Aeronautical Engineering. Frederick H. Norton, Professor of Ceramics. With others cited elsewhere in the text, Norton received the personal Naval Ordnance Develop- ment Award for his contributions to the Mark 15 sight. Henry B. Phillips, Professor of Mathematics in charge of the Depart- ment. Philip Franklin, Professor of Mathematics. John A. Hrones, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering. TO MAKE THE GUNS BEHAVE 151 J. F. Hutzenlaub, Instructor in Aeronautical Engineering. Edward P. Bentley, quondam Research Assistant in Aeronautical Engi. neering. Robert K. Mueller, Assistant Professor of Aeronautical Engineering. Robert C. Seamans, Jr., Assistant Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, Naval Ordnance Development Award for work on the Mark 63. Yee J. Liu, Assistant Professor of Aeronautical Engineering. J. J. Jarosh, D.I.C. R. W. Gras, D.I.C. J. W. Tone, D.I.C. R. S. Henderson, D.I.C. C. A. Haskell, D.I.C. 4 This was in December, 1940. At this time the Laboratory had already made a tentative commitment to NDRC for a long-range research program on the development of servos for the remote control of military equip- ment, especially guns. NDRC, however, was unable to carry out its desires to provide some of the important laboratory apparatus. In the circum- stances NDRC released the Laboratory and permitted it to undertake the Sperry job. 5 G. S. Brown, Albert C. Hall, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineer- ing, who personally received the Naval Ordnance Development Award for his work on guided missiles, Donald P. Campbell, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Jay W. Forrester, D.I.C., and John O. Silvey, D.I.C. 6 Later on the staff of Admiral Nimitz. Rivero had done a thesis inves- tigation on a principle very similar to that of the Draper sight. ? It might be noted in justice to those small groups that the first United States remote-controlled guns were the 5"/25 battery of the USS Portland in 1933. As of 1936, the Farragut Class of DD's had their 5"/38 double-purpose guns with Thyratron remote control. DD's 356-363 had electric hydraulic remote control as did the 6-inch three-gun turrets of the Brookland Class. These were Ford Instrument Company controls. By 1941 Receiver Regu- lators were ready for installation in connection with the 16-inch turrets of the Battleship North Carolina. In the early 1930's the Bureau of Ordnance had letter copyright taken out covering the use of the word "Synchro" in combination, applying to electrical signal transmission for servo use, as for example Synchro Generators and Synchro Motors. 8 This story is told not to magnify the thrills which occasionally came to a scientist and were common enough for naval officers but as an example of scientific resourcefulness and of the pressure to get a few essential units into action. 9 A few other agencies, that is, the Bell Telephone Laboratories and 152 LED Division 14, NDRC, paralleled independently these efforts in the analytical field. 10 The Naval Ordnance Development Award was given to the following M.I.T. Laboratories: Center of Analysis Gun Design Group High Voltage Laboratory Instrumentation Laboratory Radiation Laboratory Servomechanisms Laboratory Torpedo Fuel Laboratory Turbo Laboratory 11 Among the M.I.T. staff members who worked with the SM Laboratory during the war were: Gordon S. Brown, Professor of Electrical Engineering. Albert C. Hall, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering. John A. Hrones, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Charles Kingsley, Jr., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (recipient with others of personal Naval Ordnance Development Award). Lynwood S. Bryant, Associate Professor of English. Donald P. Campbell, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering. Jay W. Forrester, D.I.C. John O. Silvey, D.I.C. 10 FOR THE WOUNDED AND THE WELL CYCLOTRONS AND BLOOD ONE OF THE SPECTACULAR but little-known pieces of detection in the war was carried out by the Radioactivity Laboratory at Technology under the direction of Robley D. Evans, Professor of Physics. Evans's work with radioactive tracers has now been well known for some years. It will be recalled that, using the cyclotron, he and his associates have bombarded various mate- rials with deuterons, thus making them artificially radioactive. When they are then introduced into a system, it has been possible through their radioactivity to measure their travel through the system. One of the much-described applications of this method was the measurement of the distribution of iodine in thyroid cases. It was only natural that such a powerful tool should have found its way to many applications during the war and that Evans and his associates should have had more calls upon their skills and their apparatus than they could possibly meet. Many of these applications are still cloaked in secrecy. One application, still closely held, led to the marking and detection of plastic mines which began to be used by both sides as magnetic detection methods made it less and less easy to hide the metallic type. Another, at Camp Dietrich, dealt with biological warfare, studying leakages which were often greater than in chemical engineering processes, and the range of flight of insects, and otherwise tagging biological agents; a third went into the study of all possible methods for detecting fragments of glass substitutes in the body (synthetic windshields of aircraft shattered sometimes in combat and threw fragments which were 153 154 LED hard to find at surgery). A fourth was also related to aviation medicine and consisted of producing radioactive argon, which in turn made it possible to study the rate of saturation and desaturation of a pilot's blood and hence the "bends”-like condition incident to exceptionally rapid ascent. A fifth was concerned with Manhattan District problems, especially relating to the purification of uranium ores; a sixth incorporated radio- active agents with chemical agents to measure the distribution of the chemicals after a chemical bomb had burst. A seventh was an instrumental project for the detection of dangerous concentrations of radon; an eighth provided radioactive cobalt for the TR boxes in radar sets. The enormous increase in the production of radium-luminous dials, especially for aircraft, tanks, and submarines, exposed a large number of industrial workers to the potential hazard of radium poisoning. During and after World War I, hundreds of radium-dial painters were sickened or killed by chronic radium poisoning. During the 1930's, Evans developed new physical instruments and techniques for studying chronic radium poison- ing, and carried out many experimental studies of radium poi- soning in animals and humans in collaboration with Robert S. Harris, Professor of Biochemistry of Nutrition, and John W. M. Bunker, Dean of the Graduate School of M.I.T., Dr. J. C. Aub of the Massachusetts General Hospital, and Dr. Harrison Mart- land of New Jersey. As World War II approached, and the number of persons in- dustrially employed on radium work increased, Evans and his colleagues developed newer physical techniques for use in rou- tine physical examinations of radium workers, designed to detect small amounts of radium in the body and give warning of the approach of the dreaded disease, long before any clinical symp- toms could be expected to appear. Workers who were thus endan- gered were then transferred out of radium employment, and if necessary given special medical treatment of a type developed by Aub and Evans and designed greatly to alter their calcium and radium metabolism. The combination of these physical and ed to an ease, lono and give FOR THE WOUNDED AND THE WELL 155 1 medical techniques was widely used throughout the war and reduced the radium poisoning injuries in the protected plants to zero. Moreover, the scientific data accumulated in the earlier studies of radium poisoning by Evans, Aub, and Martland became the basis of the so-called tolerance dose or maximum permissible dose of radium permitted industrial workers in the United States. These quantitative data are the best documented informa- tion on the resistance of human beings to alpha radiation, and they formed the scientific basis for the safety procedures and permissible levels in the handling of plutonium and allied haz- ards in the atomic bomb project. As Evans says, his group really constituted a radioactive center. Every man was involved in almost every project; radio- active tracers provided the common theme. It was possible to do most of M.I.T.'s part of the work in its existing laboratories. From a human interest point of view, perhaps the greatest of these projects was that which dealt with the application of these physical methods to blood plasma and whole-blood preservation problems, which had hitherto been unsolved. This was the joint work of many medical clinics combined with the M.I.T. group and was in every sense a team job. During the early part of the war, vigorous research was con- ducted by a number of contractors under the Committee on Medical Research of the OSRD. The combined results eventu- ally showed that the most important factor in preventing or in treating battlefield shock is to maintain oxygenation of all the tissues, especially those which have been injured. Plasma was useful in battlefield treatment because it acted as a suspending medium to maintain the circulation to all the tissues, but it was limited to the circulation of those red cells which the soldier might still have available. Red cells, were of course, what counted since it is they which carry oxygen from the lungs to all the tissues and organs of the body. Under the CMR contract Evans and his associates had been working since 1941 on the fate of red cells in experimental 156 QED animals subjected to shock. They did this by working out a method to produce radioactive iron in donor cells. Ordinary iron consists of a mixture of four staple isotopes. By deuteron bombardment of manganese a nuclear transmuta- tion can be produced creating another iron isotope with a different atomic weight from any of the standard ones. 1 This isotope is radioactive, emits gamma rays, and has a half life of five years. Similarly the bombardment of cobalt will yield still another iron isotope2 which emits beta and gamma rays and has a half life of forty-seven days. Each of these isotopes can be prepared without contamination from other radioactive mate- rial. In the work in question radioactive iron was synthesized into ferric ammonium citrate and this was injected intraven- ously into the subject. Some of the radioactive iron thus introduced was in turn synthesized by the subject into hemo- globin in his own circulating red cells in a period of two to four weeks and without any reaction of the subject to the small amount of radiation received. 3 This small amount of radiation was nonetheless detectable by special Geiger-Mueller counters and circuits and it was also possible to distinguish between the two iron isotopes even in the same blood sample. The radioactive materials as made at M.I.T. could be sent to investigators far away; these investi- gators could prepare blood samples and mail them back to the laboratories for radioactive analysis. A number of cooperative investigations were thus carried on by laboratories which were thousands of miles apart. The largest share of the clinical work was done in the Boston area, under joint contracts between the CMR and the collaborating teams of physicists and physicians at M.I.T., Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, and the Massachusetts General Hospital. Thus it was found that in normal people all the red cells in the body are in active circulation, but that in shock cases, a fraction of the red cells are trapped away and are not accessible to circulation. This made plasma not quite so attractive, and it was even less so because the usual battlefield casualty involves FOR THE WOUNDED AND THE WELL 157 hemorrhage as well as trauma. Both the shock factor and the hemorrhage made it important for the wounded soldier to receive additional red cells, and not merely a plasma trans- fusion. After 1943, then, the laboratory devoted the major part of its work to the development of satisfactory methods for preserving whole blood in such a way that it could be drawn from civilians in the United States, shipped to bases in the theatres of opera- tion, and trans-shipped to the front line hospitals. By using the radioactive indicators previously described, donor red cells were tagged, stored under various chemical and physical environments, and ultimately transfused. The survival of the transfused cells was directly measurable in the recipient because the radioactive tags made it possible to distinguish between the recipient's own blood cells and those which he had received by transfusion. Again throughout the country and in Canada the M.I.T. laboratories supplied the radioactive materials, measured the returned blood samples. The preservative finally selected was an acid-citrate-dextrose (ACD) solution. It was prepared in sterile vacuum bottles, each accompanied by an expendable transfusion set including the necessary needles, rubber tubing, and filters. At a Red Cross bleeding station the donor's blood was drawn directly into this vacuum bottle, which already contained the preservative solution. Ten such bottles were then packed in an expendable plywood and fiber-glass refrigerator box developed by the Navy and chilled by means of chipped ice. The blood never left this refrigerator until it reached the patient. The refrigerator itself could be dropped by parachute on land or sea. Blood preserved in this way more than met, after 21 days in storage, the American transfusion requirement that at least 70 per cent of the trans- fused red cells remain in the recipient's circulation for 24 hours after transfusion, the determination to be carried out by radioactive iron. All the blood in the Pacific theatre of opera- tions was preserved and shipped in ACD solution, and every invasion force carried this whole blood with it. 158 QED L The successful solution of this important problem has by no means terminated the interest of the Laboratory in such work. By mid 1945 its efforts were directed towards developing satis- factory solutions for resuspending red cells after the plasma had been removed by centrifuging. Ordinarily whole blood has approximately 40 per cent red cells and 60 per cent plasma. It has been the hope of the Laboratory that it will be able to provide well-preserved solutions for transfusions, containing a very high percentage of blood cells. Such solutions would be of particular importance in certain types of battlefield and civilian casualties and in treating the anemias of convalescence.4 Another activity to benefit the wounded was undertaken by the Department of Biology under the direction of Francis O. Schmitt, Professor of Biology in charge of the Department. This department, which worked through the war as a team, was called upon to study materials of value in the treatment of burns. A bentonite preparation was made in collaboration with Ernst A. Hauser, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, which greatly reduced the loss of plasma from second-degree burns. These preparations were particularly useful in burns of the face. Subsequently, however, the Army called for the material to be stable at 22 degrees below zero Fahrenheit and this material, which was aqueous in nature, could not meet such a specification. Tests were then made of various aluminum soaps stable at these low temperatures and recommendations were submitted.5 SUTURES AND DRUGS Certainly the most interesting of the cooperative ventures in the Department of Biology involved application of the joint knowledge of this staff in connection with the fibrous protein collagen (tendon skin, bone, connective tissue). As in the case of most M.I.T. projects the directors insist that this was wholly a team job. When the war broke out fundamental studies of collagen FOR THE WOUNDED TYY Z 159 LL n AND THE WELL were already under way in the Biology Department. The war made it seem probable that shortages in surgical sutures would develop and that we might not be able to rely on the supply of "catgut" materials, the principal constituent of which is col- lagen. Accordingly, a number of the staff decided to see whether some progress might be made in forming a satisfactory suture from slaughter-house waste products such as beef tendon. Such a suture if practicable not only would add to the existing supplies but also might possibly be an improvement, as it might be composed of purified (non-irritating) protein, and made in continuous lengths possessing more uniform properties than was the case with existing surgical gut. Preliminary experiments suggested the feasibility of this pro- gram, and, starting 1 December 1942, the development of collagenous products such as fibers, sheets, and tubes for surgical repair was undertaken by the Biology Department under contract with CMR. This program was successful in producing on a laboratory scale, and also to a considerable degree in conversion to larger scale production methods, collagenous products showing promise for surgical applications. An impor- tant medical problem in the war was the repair of nerves severed by battle wounds. In joining the severed ends of the nerve, it is necessary to enclose the ends in a tube so that the nerve fibers may grow out properly into the portion beyond the rupture. For this purpose collagen tubes were prepared which are elastic, so that a tube of proper diameter would enclose the nerve ends, snugly but without undue tension. Sterile prepara- tions were sent to various medical research centers where they were employed surgically. The processes have now been turned over to interested commercial concerns, and the formal connec- tion of the group was terminated in October, 1945.6 Even drugs came in for M.I.T.'s attention. Leicester F. Hamilton, Professor of Analytical Chemistry and Executive Officer of the Department, directed a project on the synthesis of certain antimalarial drugs; Bernard S. Gould, Associate Pro- fessor of Biochemistry, was concerned with the use of serum 160 QED phosphatase in the treatment of scurvy and the possible detection of scurvy at the subclinical level. Dean Sherwood directed a research project on the vacuum drying of penicillin from its frozen aqueous solution,7 and Irwin W. Sizer, Associate Professor of Physiology, and Marshall W. Jennison, then Associate Professor of Bacteriology, were consultants to peni- cillin producers. 8 FOODS AND VITAMINS The Food Technology Laboratories at the Institute were directed by John C. Sluder, Assistant Professor of Food Tech- nology, during Proctor's absence with the QMG in Washing- ton.9 This laboratory worked almost full time on contract with the Quartermaster Corps carrying out research on foods. It produced a dehydrated mashed potato powder without loss of color, flavor, or vitamin content. In addition, Robert S. Harris, Professor of Biochemistry of Nutrition, directed two successful projects in the develop- ment of rations. The first produced an emergency parachute ration for the AAF. Twenty-day iron rations were developed in the form of palatable, stable, high-calorie, nutritious biscuits. The second resulted in an abandon-ship ration for the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery of the Navy. This was a liquid ration containing one liter of water and 1,500 calories. It was partially balanced nutritionally to prevent starvation symptoms and was used successfully in naval aircraft life rafts. Finally Nicholas A. Milas, Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry, worked with a group which synthesized several bio- logically active vitamin A products which were tested by Harris. These products did not then go into industrial production al- though they did serve as possible insurance in the touchy times when it appeared that important supplies of this basic vitamin would be successfully blockaded by Germany and Japan. They are now being developed for industrial production. Close-up view of the M.I.T. cyclotron chamber show- ing the emergent cyclotron beam of 14 million elec- tron volt deuterons (high-speed deuteron ions). This beam is ordinarily used to produce atomic transmuta- tion in targets of various materials placed just inside the target container from which the beam is emerging in this photograph. Close-up view of the M.I.T. cyclotron chamber. The bottles contain carbon tetrachloride, which is being bombarded with neutrons from the cyclotron for the transmutation of chlorine into radioactive sulphur to be used in the investigations of the action of mustard gas by other research groups in the United States, Canada, and England. 2 FOR THE WOUNDED AND THE WELL 161 WATER It fell to the lot of one of Technology's few women scientists to make one of the most colorful contributions in the general field of health. This was a venture of the Solar Energy Con- version Research Project carried on by Maria Telkes, Research Associate in Metallurgy. For long centuries one of the great problems of the sea has been the lack of water for persons shipwrecked and cast upon the ocean in frail craft with insufficient water. Often, as the sea tales relate, they have been driven in desperation to drink sea water, with dreadful results. Was it then possible to convert salt water into a liquid which could be drunk without danger to the individual and with an apparatus which could be accom- modated on a life raft? The raft itself, especially the inflatable type carried by aircraft, could afford to supply hardly enough water for two days per man. Must all downed aviators die of thirst or, like the Rickenbacker party, have the luck to catch rain water, to find fish whose flesh they can eat, or gulls whose blood they can drink? The principles of solar energy distilla- tion were investigated by Telkes in an OSRD project. After considerable investigation into newly developed plastic mate- rials, an inflatable floating type of solar still was constructed. This distiller, containing no rigid or breakable parts and weigh- ing just a pound, could be folded into a quart-size package. To put it into use it was inflated with air, filled with salt water, and placed overboard. On a clear tropical day it would yield about a quart of potable water. The M.I.T. design was not identical with the standard equipment issued by the AAF for life rafts; but the work done in the M.I.T. development had an important influence on the form of distiller finally adopted. FOOTNOTES 1 Atomic weight 55; the naturally occurring isotopes weigh 54, 56, 57, 58, respectively. 2 Atomic weight 59. 3 Which was of about the same order as that received by all individuals from cosmic rays. 162 QED 4 Associated with Evans in this were: J. G. Gibson, 2nd (M.D., Harvard Medical School). M. Stanley Livingston, Associate Professor of Physics. Sanborn C. Brown, Associate Professor of Physics. Martin Deutsch, Assistant Professor of Physics. John W. Irvine, Jr., Associate Professor of Chemistry. Eric T. Clarke, Research Associate in Physics. Wilfred M. Good, then Research Associate in Physics. Wendell C. Peacock, Research Associate in Physics. Others of M.I.T.'s staff worked on kindred problems. For example, George Scatchard, Professor of Physical Chemistry, spent about half his time after July, 1941, working with Dr. Edwin J. Cohn at Harvard Medical School on the fractionation of the plasma proteins for military use, at first informally and later under OSRD contracts. His special tasks were the determination of the osmotic pressure and other physico-chemical proper- ties of the plasma protein, particularly of albumin, and of other material proposed for intravenous injection for the treatment of shock, and the standardization of solutions of the plasma proteins, particularly of albumin. Hans Mueller, Professor of Physics, developed a photoelectric device for the study of human albumin which was helpful in getting the com- mercial production of albumin going so that enough was on hand for the invasion of Normandy. 5 In addition to Schmitt and Hauser, active participants in this project were Irwin W. Sizer, Associate Professor of Physiology, and Cecil E. Hall, Associate Professor in Biology. The same group studied material embedded in the skin of victims of blast pigmentation. Analysis of pigment obtained from soldiers at the Valley Forge General Hospital, under the electron microscope, confirmed the idea that the pigment was carbonaceous in nature. Recommendations were then made concerning further steps in the treatment of victims of blast pigmentation. 6 Those particularly active in this project were: Francis O. Schmitt, Professor of Biology in charge of the Department. Richard S. Bear, Associate Professor of Biophysical Chemistry. Bernard S. Gould, Associate Professor of Biochemistry. Marshall W. Jennison, then Associate Professor of Bacteriology. Irwin W. Sizer, Associate Professor of Physiology. David F. Waugh, Associate Professor of Physical Biology. E. Lloyd Duggan, formerly Research Associate in Biology. Torsti P. Salo, Research Associate in Biology. Henry Sherman, Research Associate in Food Technology. FOR THE WOUNDED AND THE WELL 163 Miss Janette Robinson, Research Assistant in Biology. Eugene R. L. Gaughran, then Assistant in Biology. A natural sequel to the project was one for the NAS and the QMC in the fundamentals of the tanning of the collagen of leather. This was carried on by Schmitt, Bear, Salo, and Sherman, with the addition of 0. E. A. Bolduan, Research Associate in Biology. 7 Associated with Dean Sherwood was Robert M. Bridgforth, Jr., then Research Assistant in Chemistry. 8 Sizer for the Hayden Chemical Corporation of Princeton, New Jersey. His work involved a study of the absorption spectra physical method for assay of penicillin and certain enzyme problems associated with its pro- duction. Tennison was consultant to the United Drug Company. 9 See Chapter 5. II PHENOMENA OF SKY AND SEA YATI 1 hn OIIIII JI ANSWER TO THE ACOUSTIC MINE TECHNOLOGY'S STUDENTS OF ACOUSTICS, led by Morse, were quickly brought into the war research program. The most urgent of these acoustic problems arose in connection with subsurface warfare. The total of underwater research was car- ried on in a large number of establishments, and the projects in several, such as Columbia and Harvard Universities, were more extensive than those at M.I.T. Nonetheless the M.I.T. group took an active and prominent part in the early research and continued on some underwater problems until the end. This work was first directed by Morse but, as he and some of his colleagues became progressively more busy with the problems of ORG,1 an important part of the M.I.T. work concerned with acoustic apparatus fell to Richard D. Fay, Associate Pro- fessor of Electrical Communications. 2 The first problem came up in January, 1941, under contract with the Navy's Bureau of Ships. The chief objective of this project was to find a way to sweep acoustic mines. Such a mine, in which the Germans took great glee, is detonated, not by contact with a ship or by the magnetic field of the ship, but by sounds of the ship’s movement through the water. The sweep- ing vessel will of course make sounds and movements of its own and it cannot, therefore, get close enough to the mine to pick it up with a conventional sweeping device. It therefore seeks to carry out its mission by causing the mine to detonate with no harm to any vessel, including the sweeper itself. At the beginning of the project very little was known about acoustic mines in general and still less about the noise output 164 PHENOMENA OF SKY AND SEA 165 pecue obven 104 of various vessels. The first requirement, then, was to measure and analyze the sound received by a hydrophone located at the bottom of a channel as ships of various types ran through this channel. At that time there was not even any known technique for calibrating the hydrophones; the group had to start essen- tially from scratch. Nonetheless, effective measuring systems, both portable and permanent, were made available by early summer. The development of sweeping gear kept pace with the measurements. A successful sweep must, evidently, make more noise than the ship if it is to set off the mine at a safe distance. Since little was known about the peculiarities of the mine save that the ship would set it off, the most obvious solution was to have the sweep sound like a ship but much louder. The first successful noisemaker developed by the project was, as a matter of fact, rather spectacular. It was a simple device, so simple that the first model was designed and built in rather less than two hours. Tests the following day showed that this noisemaker had an acoustic output one thousand times greater than that of the towing vessel. This is the kind of success story which sets a trap for the unwary. It is likely to make them believe that scientific miracles can be passed in short order once the scientists buckle down to work. Aside from the circumstance that this noise- maker did embrace certain well-known principles, later events showed that there was a large amount of luck in this develop- ment. It turned out subsequently, for example, that the relative dimensions necessary to realize this behavior were rather criti- cal, a thing which was not known when the first model was conceived. Yet no subsequent variation produced a higher acoustic output in the same range of speed. Modifications of this noisemaker were later used to decoy acoustic torpedoes. In the process of working on these problems certain supple- mentary projects were undertaken by the group, notably the de- sign of streamlined housings for hydrophones and a study of the transmission characteristics of sound in relatively shallow water. 166 QED By July, 1943, when the group had grown from an original team of four or five to one of sixty, the work on this project was finished. A new project was then set up, this time under Division 6 of NDRC. The objectives were to develop counter- measures involving underwater sound and, as requested, to have personnel and portable equipment available to assist other groups in underwater sound measurements. The group was also to work on certain relatively long-range problems con- nected with submarine warfare. Practically all the work under- taken was brought to a successful conclusion by July, 1945, at which time all experimental work save for one uncompleted job was stopped. The one unfinished job was important enough so that it was continued until 31 October 1945 when the Bureau of Ships set up a new project at the Institute to carry it still further. The acoustics group has been reconstituted with the peace and, known as the Acoustics Laboratory, will undertake civilian problems with attention to military problems when these seem urgent. The laboratory will be headed by Richard H. Bolt, Associate Professor of Physics. TIT YY WATCHMEN, WHAT OF THE WEATHER? Much of the work of Technology's meteorology staff was carried on at Army establishments and has been described in Chapter 5. However, there were a number of projects under the general direction of Henry G. Houghton, Jr., Professor of Meteorology in charge of the Department. They ranged from work to improve daily weather forecasting through increased use of aerological data plotted on special upper air maps, to measuring the icing conditions encountered by aircraft.3 More unusual, perhaps, was the work carried on by the Sta- tistics Laboratory in the Mathematics Department under the direction of George P. Wadsworth, Associate Professor of Mathematics. This laboratory as a whole had contracts both for PHENOMENA OF SKY AND SEA 167 the Ordnance Department and the Air Force; for the former it worked on problems of inspecting fire-control equipment; for the latter it spent more time and developed more color in an effort to arrive at better weather prediction based on probability theory. This project before it had ended engaged in nearly all phases of mathematics applied to meteorology, including the analysis of climatological data, the application of statistical techniques to long-range forecasting, and the development of satisfactory techniques for the verification of weather forecasts. Proposed meteorological theories were tested by fundamental investiga- tion of their premises, and a broad and intensive inquiry was made into the behavior of the basic weather elements. This inquiry laid special emphasis on their relations with one another, their geographical pattern, and their temporal develop- ment.4 Short-range forecasts were made by statistical techniques and found to be on a par with those produced by standard methods. The group soon became convinced that there were no uni- versal laws of weather in terms of the variables being used by the forecasters. They then set out to test the possibility of determining the future course of the present weather by refer- ence to analogous past situations (called analogues). Mathe- matical representations of the pressure pattern over vast areas of the earth were obtained in such a way that by examination of past weather sequences one could find analogues to the present situation very rapidly. Statistical techniques were then developed to choose the sequence which had the highest prob- ability of being similar to current weather. These sequences would indicate the general development to be expected for periods over large sections of the earth's surface. Such analogues, once the project was well under way, were sent daily to the European, Mediterranean, and Asiatic theatres.5 IMPROVEMENT OF AIRCRAFT Formal higher education in aeronautics in the United States is believed to have begun at Technology. The contributions of 168 QED M.I.T. to war aircraft are much less obvious to the layman than the spectacular achievements with the gyro-sight, the servomechanism, or radar. They were nevertheless important. Although many of the staff were called away to other duties along lines already described, what was left of the staff in Aeronautical Engineering managed to tuck in a good deal of useful work. Not all this was done after the crisis became evident to everyone. For almost two years before the outbreak of war, the Wright' Brothers Wind Tunnel had been engaged continuously in the testing of models of confidential military aircraft in cooperation with the principal aircraft manufac- turers of the country. After the war began and throughout its duration the tunnel was operated on a two-shift basis and without interruption for a total of 4,500 working hours a year. In this elliptical-shaped tube with the flattened-out-torus plan, models of aircraft were mounted on a measuring system which permitted rapid measurements. The models of many famous planes paraded through the tube. The 300-odd reports which were rendered covered among others the A-30 (Balti- more), PBM Flying-Boat, Mars, XP-55, C-46 (Commando), SC-1 (Sea-Hawk), SB2C (Helldiver), F4U (Corsair), F7F, B-32, XP-75. This work was done for a roster of manufacturers, including many a blue-chip name: Glenn L. Martin, Chance- Vought, Curtiss-Wright, Grumman, Brewster, Bell, General Motors, Boeing, Lockheed, Ranger, and Kaiser. Moreover, the men of the tunnel tested models of designs for new dive bombers, future fighters, new torpedo bombers, flying wings, jet-propelled fighters and bombers as yet unreleased or even unbuilt. The research work covered such diverse subjects as airfoil sections, elevator and rudder controls, hinge moments, cowl, cooling fan and related internal airflow problems, special cowl problems on inline engines, and studies of the aero- dynamics of steerable bombs and radar projectors. At the same time personnel were trained for the design and operation of other tunnels such as those at Boeing and United Aircraft Corporations. Various of the staff members participated in the PHENOMENA OF SKY AND SEA 169 design of specialized wind tunnels for the study of heat transfer in aircraft oil coolers and radiators. Throughout the war this wind tunnel work was under the joint direction of John R. Markham, Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, Shatswell Ober, Associate Professor of Aeronau- tical Engineering, and Joseph Bicknell, Associate Professor of Aeronautical Engineering. 6 A more curious piece of research was carried on in the so-called Flutter Laboratory. This began in 1940 when a small wind tunnel was completed and made available for this research. The end object of a study of flutter is to determine the speed at which the wings of a particular airplane will begin to flutter and therefore become dangerous. The M.I.T. project was aimed at the collection of basic data on unsteady flow effects. Under Army sponsorship model wings were constructed upon which the interplay between aero- dynamic, elastic, and inertial effects could be studied in an overall way through a comparison of the flutter speeds observed in the tunnel with those predicted by theory. This Army study involved over 3,000 flutter runs with models having different aspect ratios, densities, centers of gravity, elastic axes, aileron balances, and aileron restraints, in all the different possible combinations. The primary fact wanted was the critical speed, but to make the record as com- plete as possible, a special camera was built with a 12-inch roll film arranged to work with Edgerton stroboflash equipment. For the Navy the Flutter Laboratory undertook a study of the feasibility of simulating the elastic properties of complex structures by simplified models and to demonstrate the work- ability of the proposed simulation scheme. This work included the building and testing of three dynamic scale models of Navy aircraft wings. The last of these models, one of a Grumman “Hellcat," was designed for experimentation at the full diving speed of the actual aircraft to bring out the influence of com- pressibility on flutter. The staff of this laboratory, numbering some twenty persons, 1 170 QED was directed by Manfred Rauscher, Associate Professor of Aero- nautical Engineering. Eric Reissner, Associate Professor of Mathematics, helped by his analysis of stress in wing covers, a study of the distribution of lift on wings undergoing oscilla- tions and the applications of these results to the analysis of airplane flutter. This produced what may well have been the first rational method for calculating the aerodynamic effect of finite wing span on the values of flutter speed in aircraft.7 As the facilities of the Flutter Laboratory have increased and the original interest in flutter has expanded into an interest in the general dynamics of aircraft structures, arrangements have been made to give regular instruction in this field. Such train- ing is already being requested by the Army and the Navy for their students at the Institute, whose facilities for this purpose are believed to be unique. In addition to these two activities, Joseph S. Newell, Profes- sor of Aeronautical Structural Engineering and Executive Officer, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, completed three research projects connected with the structure of airplanes for the NACA, two for the Army and one for the Navy. The war work of the aeronautics group at the Institute may well be summarized by a letter from Dr. G. W. Lewis, Director of Aeronautical Research, Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, addressed to Dr. Compton. Dr. Lewis wrote in part: The twenty-two researches in the fields of aerodynamics, aircraft power plants, and aircraft structures that have been carried on at M.I.T. during the war produced results that in many cases proved invaluable in the solution of urgent problems arising during the course of the war. The Institute's contribution to the science of aeronautics in this manner has been of such magnitude as to make it extremely diffi- cult at this time to acknowledge each individual contribution. I trust that the splendid cooperation that has existed between M.I.T. and the NACA during the war may be carried forward in the years to come, particularly in the Committee's program of contract research. This work will be continued and intensified in peacetime. PHENOMENA OF SKY AND SEA 171 For example, for use in connection with an extensive research project which the Institute has undertaken for the Navy, plans and specifications are now being prepared for a supersonic laboratory to be erected at the Institute which will include a supersonic wind tunnel. This tunnel is to be capable of develop- ing air velocities up to 1,800 miles per hour in a test section 3 square feet in cross-section area and up to 3,000 miles per hour in a smaller test section. This will enable the Institute to carry aerodynamics research far beyond the capacity of its present equipment. ROBOT BOMBS The new gimmick is almost always more interesting than the old gadget. Guided missiles are more exciting than airplanes. In Chapter 48 we have sketched something of the early com- bat history of the guided missile and it will not be repeated here. When intensive research sought to produce better weapons of this sort the research was distributed among many labora- tories throughout the country, but M.I.T. can take pride in having done pioneering work on two of the more important of these weapons. AZON, except for BAT (which, however, was not developed at M.I.T.), the only one which saw serious use in combat, went through its fundamental stages at M.I.T.; and much the same could be said for FELIX, which was starting for the Pacific when the Japanese gave up. The M.I.T. work on AZON is associated with the name of Bertram E. Warren, Professor of Physics.9 The research aimed to create a bomb equipped with small wing surfaces, elevators, rudders, and ailerons which would respond to radio signals sent from the plane which had launched the bomb.10 Of course the man running the radio had to be able to follow this were originally considered: one was a television camera in the bomb's nose which would transmit a picture back to the 172 QED could be seen by the bombardier all the way down to the strike. The project at M.I.T. carried out most of the preliminary basic research for the development of the dirigible bomb, including the aerodynamic measurements for the design of wing surfaces and control surfaces and the development of a coupled-gyro system for maintaining roll stability. As AZON finally emerged it was equally a product of the Gulf Research and Development Corporation at Pittsburgh, for the project was switched there when it became evident that it would need development and 1 S depleted reserves of M.I.T.'s staff. The success of AZON was surprising. It was a limited-purpose bomb, for control was possible only in azimuth, and where it struck in range was still a function of when the bombardier dropped it. It was therefore most effective against long thin targets such as railway lines, bridges, and air strips. The cost and weight of the controls made it uneconomical to go into such complications for a small payload; hence the target had to be one which warranted several hundred pounds or even tons of explosives in one place. After a certain amount of hard going, AZON was accepted and made spectacular records in Burma, where with 459 bombs it destroyed 27 bridges in the period between 27 December 1944 and 3 March 1945. These figures include in many cases more than one strike per bridge. This record is to be compared with the 44 sorties required, in the same theatre, to strike one bridge with conventional bombs. These sorties would, for a B-24, result in dropping six or seven times 44 bombs of the conventional sort for the one strike. Figures obtained by the Applied Mathematics Panel based upon both test and combat results of AZON and ordinary bombs show that, for a typical line target, AZON should score 25 hits per hundred bombs dropped, against 1.7 hits for the same number of standard bombs. AZON, however, had some demerits. For one thing the bomb- ing plane had to keep on its run or close to it until the bomb had struck, and this was dangerous business in Europe where S 11 PHENOMENA OF SKY AND SEA 173 the flak came high, thick, and accurate. Its limit to azimuth control was also serious. This limitation led to the successor bomb (not developed at M.I.T., but developed under the supervision of M.I.T. alumni) called RAZON, which solved the much more complicated problem of control in range as well as azimuth. As a matter of fact, it was the bomb later to be called RAZON which was first envisioned by this M.I.T. group; but when it developed that the problems to be ironed out before this bomb could be in the hands of the services would take so long that it was likely that the war would be over before it would be useful, it was decided that the wisest course would be to concentrate upon the development of AZON, which could be brought into use much sooner. The RAZON bomb was finally developed, and it was the product of the Gulf Research and Development group, but it never did come into service during the war. It remained for another M.I.T. group to work on an entirely different approach, which relieved the bom- bardier of further responsibility after he had launched his bomb. This weapon was known as FELIX. FELIX relied for its accuracy on the differential heat radia- tion from a target and the surrounding terrain or water. It could not be used indiscriminately because one had to be sure that the differential existed. If it did, the bombardier had only to release FELIX so that its natural trajectory would land it reasonably near the target and, after getting straightened away in its fall, it would see (or feel) the target and automatically guide itself toward it. The Institute's work on this project can be attributed largely to Alan C. Bemis, Research Associate in Meteorology.11 Bemis began his interest in the military possibilities of the infrared in quite a different context. Emphasis at first was placed on development of devices to detect enemy aircraft from interceptor planes at ranges too short for radar. It was recognized that such a device would not operate through a dense fog and it was soon learned that a background of clouds also made the problem difficult. Meanwhile it was nevertheless 174 QED demonstrated that sensitive far-infrared detecting devices suit- able for use in aircraft could be built. It was natural enough then, in 1942, to shift the emphasis to detection of surface vessels on the ocean by the heat energy radiated from them. This led to the design of automatic control equipment for the self-steering or homing of various kinds of missiles. 12 A major fraction of Bemis's time from then on was devoted to work on a bomb designed to steer itself automatically into its target. This bomb was under joint development between the Heat Research Laboratory at M.I.T. and the Gulf Research and Development Company of Pittsburgh. By June, 1945, the development was complete and FELIX was in large-scale pro- duction. Nearly one thousand units had been manufactured by the end of the war. The Twentieth Air Force on Guam had requested several hundred, but none had actually been shipped overseas. WOOD TO BURN Not all the work at the Institute on bombs and bombing was directed to the aircraft, the navigation, the finding of the target and the bomb; some was spent on the targets. Probably the most interesting of these was carried out for Hottel's section of Division 11, NDRC, by Gordon B. Wilkes, Professor of Heat Engineering. This division, as has previously been noted, was studying various types of incendiary weapons for the rain of fire which was to fall upon Japan. They found it desirable to have an idea of the extent to which these various compositions would set fire to wood, especially the woods which were preva- lent in the target land. The whole study of the fire problem in Japan was very carefully undertaken, and, so far as Wilkes's part was concerned, involved the study of wood species and moisture contents to be expected in the Japanese wooden cities. Wilkes, therefore, tested and reported on the flammability of these woods at diverse relative humidities as they were exposed to various intensities of radiation; he also tested the radiation intensity of the various proposed gels, thermite, and magnesium PHENOMENA OF SKY AND SEA 175 incendiaries, and evaluated them with respect to their ability to ignite wood. CONCRETE TO SMASH Not far removed from this project, though more on the defensive side and of possibly longer range significance, was a series of studies undertaken by John B. Wilbur, Professor of Structural Engineering, in charge of the Department of Civil and Sanitary Engineering.13 Here the Corps of Engineers had already put together a good deal of information of an empirical sort on the resistance of heavy structures to the impulsive loads initiated by the strike of a projectile or the detonation of an explosive. At the same time advanced mathematical analyses of the vibrational behavior of massive slabs had been worked out, but were not in a form suitable for the designer to use. To bridge these two and to provide engineers with a rational method for analyzing future structures and their behavior against conjectural weapons, OSRD commissioned Wilbur and his group to make some studies. The project involved prelimi- nary work relating to basic methods for the analysis of struc- tures acted upon by impulsive loads, the development of approximate practical methods for analyzing structures sub- jected to such loads, the presentation of impulsive loading data in a form suitable for use in design, a study of the fiber stresses permissible under these extreme military conditions, and the application of the proposed methods of design to numerous specific problems by the Corps of Engineers. The group also developed laboratory procedure to determine periods and char- acteristic shapes of the normal modes of vibration for various structures. 14 TY IN SUMMARY For the strategic bombing offensive, then, Technology's laboratories had supplied basic information for the design of better bombers, radar, and other navigational gear to get the planes over the target and back to the base, radar and other 176 QED sights to improve the accuracy of the bombardment. They further contributed to the development of new bombs which would in part at least guide themselves to the target, and could always be counted on to provide corrections in original errors of aiming, and so that the bomb could do a better job when it got there, methods of analyzing the target to be struck. As in all research of this sort, M.I.T. cannot claim an “exclusive" on any of these, but it was consistently in the front line of contributors. To complete the strategic bombing offensive there remained but the climactic weapon, the atomic bomb. M.I.T.'s participation in this project is, however, reserved for Chapter 14. FOOTNOTES 1 See Chapter 6. 2 Associated with the acoustic project during the war in addition to Morse and Fay were: Earl B. Millard, Professor of Physical Chemistry. Herman Feshbach, Associate Professor of Physics. John D. Trimmer, then Assistant Professor of Aeronautical Engineering. 3. Others in the group were Edward M. Brooks, Instructor in Meteorology, and Robert Morton Cunningham, Research Associate in Meteorology. 4 In this work the ideas of Norbert Wiener on generalized harmonic analysis were used extensively. 5 In addition to Wadsworth, others concerned with this work were: Allan T. Gifford, Associate Professor of Hydraulic Engineering. George B. Thomas, Jr., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Albert H. Bowker, Research Associate in Mathematics. Chester H. Gordon, Jr., Instructor in Mathematics. Joseph G. Bryan, D.I.C. 6 Project and shift leaders whose contributions were important include: Michael Witunski, Research Associate in Aeronautical Engineering. Lawrence Bernbaum, Research Assistant in Aeronautical Engineering. Henry Hoadley, then Research Assistant in Aeronautical Engineering. Frederic W. Watriss, Research Assistant in Aeronautical Engineering. Holden W. Withington, then Research Assistant in Aeronautical Engi- neering James H. Grimes, Jr., Wind Tunnel Test Engineer. Paul H. Lee, Wind Tunnel Test Engineer, now Research Assistant in Biology. A view of the Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel from above. This was used for extensive tests on models of new aircraft such as the Mars, the B-32 and the XP-75. Photograph by John Garfield. PHENOMENA OF SKY AND SEA 177 Arthur P. McCabe, then Wind Tunnel Test Engineer. Don H. Ross, Wind Tunnel Test Engineer. Robert D. Taylor, Wind Tunnel Test Engineer. 7 Others of the M.I.T. group who did important work in the Flutter Laboratory are: Rodney H. Smith, Assistant Professor of Aeronautical Engineering. Thomas Gouzoule, D.I.C. 8 See page 54. 9 Associated with Warren were Hans Mueller, Professor of Physics, C. F. Squire, Assistant Professor of Physics, and A. J. McLennan, D.I.C. 10 Related to all guided missile work was the project of Shatswell Ober, Associate Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, on the general aero- dynamics of rudder-equipped bombs. 11 Bemis's group at M.I.T. was known as the Heat Research Laboratory. Roy W. Prince, Jr., was made assistant director of the laboratory in 1944, and its staff included several other M.I.T. graduates. Closely associated with the project were Henry G. Houghton, Jr., Professor of Meteorology in charge of the Department, Louis Harris, Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry, and William H. Radford, Associate Professor of Electrical Communications. 12 Initially these infrared applications were studied under the aegis of Dean Harrison's Division 16, NDRC. Later, when the work became pri- marily guided missile development, the project was shifted to Division 5, Hugh Spencer, Chief. 13 With the collaboration of: Walter M. Fife, Associate Professor of Structural Engineering. Charles H. Norris, Associate Professor of Structural Engineering. Charles F. Peck, Jr., Instructor in Civil Engineering. Milton M. Platt, then Assistant in Civil Engineering. 14 Closely akin to this work, although susceptible to a wide variety of other applications, was a series of projects directed by the late A. V. de Forest, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, on the measurement of rapidly changing rates of strain. With various pieces of ingenious appa- ratus, invented by him, de Forest made measurements of the phenomena associated with high and rapid rates of loading in wires, plates, and gun barrels. This work, coupled with parallel investigations at the California Institute of Technology and Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Com- pany, has laid the basis for a whole series of advances in the consideration of the effects of impact loading. 12 IN THE SERVICE OF MATERIALS IN ANY STUDY OF TOPOGRAPHY it is usually easier to comprehend the mountain peak than it is the rolling hills but both are important. We come now to a chapter which cannot be as easy to read as some of those which have preceded or which follow. It must deal with a miscellaneous group of contributions, some of individual importance, some parts of a bigger pattern. The full context cannot always be provided and the reader may therefore feel some confusion. Nonetheless, if he persists to the end he will have a map of what Institute laboratories did in the service of war materials, and however the details may vary in interest the map as a whole will prove illuminating. The story will range across such diverse things as oxygen, steel, tin, rubber, mica, dielectrics, crystals, fuels and power, and the wares of Chemical Warfare. OXYGEN Among the elementary substances described in chemistry courses, oxygen occupies a conspicuous place. The most abun- dant of all the elements, it exists in the free state to the extent of nearly a quarter the total weight of the atmosphere; yet its separation from the air is a highly technical affair. In no previous war has it been so extensively or urgently needed both as a liquid and as a gas. The Air Forces needed gas to supply respiratory masks at high altitudes. The Navy required it to replenish the oxygen consumed by respiration in submerged submarines. Early in the war, stored liquid oxygen was desired to oxygenate the exhaust gases of Diesel engines to be recycled as a means of underwater propulsion. Naval supply vessels 178 IN THE SERVICE OF MATERIALS 179 were, of course, required to maintain large quantities of the familiar bottled oxygen to supply combat vessels and shore units, principally for the welding and cutting of steel. The extensive use of oxygen for medical purposes is well known. The ubiquitous commercial oxygen cylinder weighing 125 pounds contains normally but 18 pounds of oxygen. On the one hand, to transport the enormous number of steel bottles needed by the services from the home plants in the United States to the widely scattered bases and back again meant using up valuable shipping space, tremendous tonnage, and personnel in a situation already strained fantastically. The com- mercial plant oxygen generator based on liquid air distillation (-300°F) is, on the other hand, heavy, bulky, and does not lend itself to installation in the field, especially if the field is itself mobile. Under these circumstances it appeared certain that light portable oxygen generators would be of enormous use; and this proved to be the case. Low-temperature research is not a new venture at M.I.T. In 1920 the U.S. Bureau of Mines solicited the interest of Frederick G. Keyes, Professor of Physical Chemistry, and allo- cated funds to the M.I.T. Research Laboratory of Physical Chemistry to obtain information desired by the Bureau and to center for cryogenic research in the United States. In 1940 when pure oxygen supplies for the armed forces became urgent, the group, experienced in low-temperature research in its various aspects, was comprised of Francis Bitter, Associate Professor of Physics, assisted by Albert R. Kaufmann, Associate Professor of Metallurgy, in magnetic research, and F. G. Keyes, Professor of Physical Chemistry, and S. C. Collins, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, plus Clark C. Stephenson, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Research Associates R. B. Jacobs and Chauncey Starr, National Research Fellows J. F. G. Hicks and R. W. Blue, and numerous graduate students. Bitter was early diverted from cryogenic research to perfect a device which would protect vessels from magnetic mines. 1 180 QED Fortunately several of the group had been pursuing research relating closely to some of the main aspects of the oxygen unit problems presented for solution by the armed services. Thus, besides earlier experience in building and operating liquid air plants, two hydrogen liquefier units had recently been designed and built for attaining temperatures 470°F below the freezing point of water and used for the measurement of the heat capaci- ties of salts. Also the Research Corporation had allocated funds in support of Collins's development of expansion engines, to be used for the direct production of liquid helium required in Bitter's magnetic research and for research planned by others. The first project discussed in September, 1940, was large-scale production of liquid oxygen aboard submarines at a rate of 1,000 to 5,000 pounds per hour. The equipment could occupy a space in the submarine equivalent to a cube roughly 16 feet on a side and it could not weigh over 150 tons. The means compressors and expanders. However, no facilities existed any- where in the United States, although large turbo-compressors had been used in Europe. According to the estimates, even if the turbo-compressors had been available, the space allotted was much too small to permit the production of even as little as 1,000 pounds per hour. The project was therefore not pushed. During the fall of 1940 and through the following winter, however, the group turned to the problem of a liquid air recti- fier for the production of oxygen aboard ships and airplanes, and a number of designs were tested. The restricting conditions were still so cramping that a solution proved difficult and work was in progress a year later. However, in a report by Collins and ber, 1942, a successful application to the unit designed to supply respiratory oxygen to the crew of a bomber was described, and operating tests on a model were reported. In September, 1942, the Air Corps requested that the model airplane unit be forwarded for test to Wright Field at Dayton, Ohio. Collins and McMahon left the group to perfect, at the IN THE SERVICE OF MATERIALS 181 CU Frigidaire Division of General Motors, a final model of their unique portable low-pressure generator in preparation for pro- duction. The units as finally produced weighed 470 pounds complete with 70-pound oxygen compressor, occupied a very small space, were automatic in operation, and could be operated in transit. Their capacity, 150 cubic feet per hour (99.5 per cent purity of oxygen), was sufficient for the ten-man crew of the bomber. They should have important uses in postwar aviation. Request for a lightweight compact unit for replenishing the respiratory oxygen on submarines was made in the late summer of 1942 and led to the design of a light, compact, high-pressure unit to operate with or without precooling. The unit was to be supplied with air feed from either of the two compressors (3,000 pounds per square inch) normally used aboard sub- marines, to charge the air flasks of the torpedoes. The model constructed was designed for automatic operation, and delivery of liquid oxygen was through flexible vacuum-jacketed metal hose. The yield of oxygen was 20 pounds per hour without pre- cooling, and 35 pounds per hour with precooling. Two of the units manufactured by Servel, Inc., were supplied to our British allies. In February, 1943, the U.S. Bureau of Ships requested the development of a dual-purpose oxygen-producing unit to pro- duce liquid oxygen with and without precooling, and also to produce high-pressure oxygen gas directly, without the use of a compressor. Since the unit was to be used on supply ships it was necessary to provide a rotating column. The purity of the oxygen was to be 99.5 per cent and adapted for air feed in amount 67 cubic feet per minute at 3,000 pounds per square inch, or 300 pounds per hour. The quantity of oxygen obtain- able was to be not less than 35 to 40 pounds per hour. The most difficult element of the unit was the design and development of an air-driven liquid oxygen pump capable of raising the pressure on the liquid to 2,400 pounds per square inch for injection and subsequent evaporation in the heat inter- changer. The perfection of the designs, for the rotating column 182 QED head, the liquid air distribution device, the antiflooding still bottom and float cage details were due to Dudley Williams, assisted in course by suggestions from C. E. Teeter, Jr., T. E. White, R. P. Cavileer, and others, all of D.I.C. The model unit produced was half the size the Bureau of Ships later desired, and the group cooperating with the Independent Engineering Company of O'Fallon, Illinois, com- pleted the design for a unit to deliver 70 pounds per hour of 2,200 pounds per square inch gaseous oxygen or an equal amount of liquefied oxygen. One of the units was under test in June, 1945, and the second nearing completion. Both units have since been under test at the Philadelphia Laboratory of the Bureau of Ships.2 STEEL Steel is one of the oldest of military materials and the later improvements made in it are slower and less spectacular. Much of Technology's contribution to the war metallurgy of this basic material was naturally made through activities of its staff on the War Metallurgy Committee.3 There were nonetheless some specific projects in the Technology laboratories. Under the direction of Peter E. Kyle, then Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, a group in the Materials Process- ing Laboratory of the Department of Mechanical Engineering studied the possibility of improving low-alloy armor steels, for tank and aircraft applications, by flame treatment. The results indicated that the properties of this type of armor, which had the advantage of not using so much critical material, could be greatly increased by flame hardening; under some conditions it would compare favorably with the widely used carburized armor. At the conclusion of this project the group, under subcon- tract with Battelle Memorial Institute, investigated captured enemy matériel, especially large-caliber guns on which tests were made to determine metallurgical and mechanical properties, chemical compositions, and probable methods of manufacture. 4 IN THE SERVICE OF MATERIALS 183 In 1941 John Chipman, Professor of Metallurgy and now in charge of the Department of Metallurgy, carried on a project for the development of a non-magnetic steel which could be used for light-gauge armor in the vicinity of magnetic com- passes. Ordinary armor plate could not be used because of its effect upon the compass, yet the pilot was a critical man and needed protection both on the bridge of a ship and in aircraft. Several appropriate steels were successfully developed in collab- oration with A. R. Kaufmann, Associate Professor of Metallurgy, and Morris Cohen, Professor of Physical Metallurgy.5 Cohen also directed study sponsored by the Sheffield Founda- tion on the dimensional stability of metal.6 He sought to find the basic reasons why accurately finished gauges, dies, and pre- cision parts undergo dimensional changes in storage or in service; he developed rapid test methods for determining dimensional stability, made a study of the subzero temperatures currently used to promote this stability, and compiled reliable stability data as a function of steel composition, heat treatment, and method of storage. This research was of particular value to the Ordnance Department, to mass production industries, and to manufacturers of precision equipment generally, all of which were concerned with interchangeability, close tolerances, and permanency of dimensions. TIN Antoine M. Gaudin, Richards Professor of Mineral Dressing, led an expedition to Bolivia in 1942 to find out how best to increase the production in this important source for tin and tungsten. The outcome of his exploration was a research project under arrangements with Patino Mines and Enterprises, Boliv- ian Tin and Tungsten Corporation, and Mauricio Hochschild SAMI. The object of the work was to develop methods of concentration which would increase the recovery of tin from ores which were currently being treated by crude methods; also to find treatments which would make possible recovery of tin from ores not treatable by the older practices. These investiga- 184 LED tions, carried on in the Richards Mineral Dressing Laboratory, resulted in developing industrially attractive flotation processes for a number of the Bolivian ores and carried certain of the processes to the point of recommending pilot plant construc- tion, since they promised increased production of tin and increased life for the Bolivian mines.? 14 JET ENGINE MATERIALS For three and one-half years, Nicholas J. Grant, Assistant Professor of Process Metallurgy, directed a program investi- gating the development, testing, and treatment of metallic materials for gas turbines, jet propulsion units, and turbo- superchargers. Materials developed were of both forged and cast types. The latter required application of the new art of precision casting whereby tolerances of 0.001 inch are main- tained in small articles weighing up to one-half pound. This work was done for the Bureau of Ships of the Navy. In con- nection with its precision casting program the laboratory under- took to supply the CWS and the Army Medical Corps with highly intricate, newly designed metallic articles which can be manufactured only by such a technique, such articles as special medical instruments. RUBBER The Institute's principal contribution to the critical rubber program was of course the services of Dr. Compton on the Baruch Committee. Three members of the Institute's faculty, T. K. Sherwood, E. A. Hauser, and C. Myers, also worked for this committee. When the government established the Office of Rubber Director, Colonel Bradley Dewey, an alumnus of the Institute and a Life Member of its Corporation, was appointed Deputy to Rubber Administrator William Martin Jeffers, whom he later succeeded. Edwin B. Gilliland, Professor of Chemi- cal Engineering, was appointed his deputy.8 The far-sighted deductions drawn by the Baruch Committee and the gigantic task successfully completed by the Rubber Administrator and IN THE SERVICE OF MATERIALS 185 his staff will never be forgotten. However, the laboratories in Cambridge also played a part. Even before the attack on Pearl Harbor the D.I.C. had a project, sponsored by the Midwest Rubber Reclaiming Com- pany, to work out a method for reclaiming the synthetic rubber known as Neoprene. This was desirable because the methods ordinarily used for reclaiming vulcanized natural rubber did not yield usable reclaims of the man-made product. Ernst A. Hauser, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineer ing, was in charge of this project, and in collaboration with Desiree S. le Beau, then Research Associate in Chemical Engi- neering, was able to solve this problem so that during the war it was possible to reclaim not only Neoprene, but also the later-developed Butadiene copolymers, either alone or in com- bination with natural rubber, without using different equip- ment from that which was customary in the rubber-reclaiming industry. Another rubber project was directed by Nicholas A. Milas, Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry, on behalf of the Union Bay State Chemical Company. Here the problem was to develop new synthetic rubbers and also new synthetic organic peroxides. Two new rubbers were created, Mersopol and Isopol. The latter is now manufactured industrially. A new synthetic rubber chloride entirely satisfactory for war purposes was created for the binding of metal to metal and metal to syn- thetic rubber, and it is now being produced industrially. Sev- eral organic peroxides were synthesized and were found to be effective in the rubber and plastics industries and in increasing the "cetane number” of diesel fuels. Some of them are being produced industrially, and one was used in substantial quan- tities by the General Electric Company for the production of a high-priority plastic used in military aircraft.9 MICA, DIELECTRICS, AND CRYSTALS For a number of years prior to the war the Electrical Engi- neering Department had maintained an Instruments and Mate- 186 QED rials Research Laboratory under the direction of Jayson C. Balsbaugh, Associate Professor of Electrical Power Production and Distribution. This laboratory, in peacetime, had been supported largely by industrial companies and had a great deal of specialized equipment for research in the measurements field. It was quickly and readily converted into a government laboratory for war work. It had an interesting project in the development of a substitute for mica. Mica has been used for many years as a major insulator in electrical apparatus and is critically important in radar and communications. Naturally, then, there was considerable con- cern shortly after the attack at Pearl Harbor when it was feared that the Japanese would be able to prevent shipments from India, which would have brought about a critical shortage. As a result there was a good deal of pressure to develop new electrical insulators. Prior to the war, some work had been done at M.I.T. on a new electrical insulating film called Alsifilm, invented by Hauser. Visitors to M.I.T.'s Open Houses have seen this film displayed. It is based upon the film-forming properties of bentonite clay and has structural characteristics similar to mica, might, indeed, be called "synthetic mica.” In view of the promise of the film and the threatened shortage of the natural material, Balsbaugh and his group set out to improve its elec- trical properties, and to develop at the same time methods of producing the film more rapidly. They also gave attention to methods of fabricating it into electrical condensers. After some preliminary development work, film production was taken over by Rohm and Haas Company of Philadelphia, while the Aircraft Marine Products, Inc., sponsored further develop mental work at Technology on methods of fabricating it into electrical devices. The film, as made available commercially by Rohm and Haas, found important wartime application in pulse networks for radar systems, for by-pass and blocking pur- poses, for radio circuits, and for ignition condensers in air- craft engines, where it is further advantageous in that its use IN THE SERVICE OF MATERIALS 187 in place of mica permits substantial reduction in the size and weight of units. In the long run, as things turned out, the Japanese did not succeed in cutting the supply line, although they pared it thin at times; the mica shortage did not materialize. Nonetheless, this insulating film, probably one of the few new electrical insulating materials developed during the war, has some unique characteristics. Among them is the fact that it is stable at high temperatures as contrasted with the more common organic insulating materials. It is therefore expected that it will find useful peacetime applications now that it has served its war purpose. 10 The term “dielectrics” designates all nonmetallic substances when investigated in electric or electromagnetic fields. Under the direction of Arthur R. von Hippel, Professor of Electrical Engineering, M.I.T.'s Laboratory for Insulation Research served during the war as a center of dielectric research and development for NDRC. Working closely with Radiation Laboratory, the Insulation Laboratory helped in the solution of radar problems by improving existing dielectrics and devel- oping new materials and applications. As a national evaluation center it developed new measuring techniques and instruments over a frequency range of 60 to 1010 cycles, examined dielec- tric materials produced throughout the country, and furnished manufacturers with information necessary to improve their products. It also supplied procurement agencies and designers with the needed critical information on the properties, advan- tages, and limitations of the various available dielectric mate- rials. 11 The Insulation Laboratory, in addition, was engaged in research and development on infrared photocells. Crystals played an important part in many optical and other wartime applications, and like other materials offered some risk of being in short supply; moreover, from the natural sources there is always the chance of erratic supply either in quantity or quality. For the optical group of NDRC under Dean Harrison, Donald C. Stockbarger, Associate Professor of SY 188 QED Physics, developed apparatus and a method for growing cal- cium and barium fluoride crystals of optical quality from the melt. Since these inorganic crystals do not come naturally from the melt, the developments required much original study and invention. In point of fact Stockbarger developed the first optically usable laboratory-grown fluorite crystals ever obtained and succeeded in producing crystals far larger than those ever found in nature. His work made available for the first time optically usable crystals of fluorite of sufficient size to be used in aerial camera objectives and other lenses larger than the objectives of microscopes (up to 6 inch diameter instead of 1 inch).12 S FUELS AND POWER A variety of miscellaneous projects, falling under the gen- eral category of power and fuel, was carried on by Institute investigators. Glenn C. Williams, Assistant Professor of Chemi- cal Engineering, worked to obtain fundamental knowledge about high-output combustion and to develop suitable burners for application to turbo-jet and ram-jet power plants. Although still in the experimental stage, this project resulted in promis- ing new-type chambers for these operations. Williams also carried on studies of the performance of high-energy-content gas-producing systems for operating Naval torpedoes. For his work on torpedo fuels he received the personal Naval Ordnance Development Award, as did Ernest P. Neumann, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, who became Assistant Director of the Turbo Laboratory after earlier work on super- sonic aerodynamics for NACA. Ascher H. Shapiro, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engi- neering, supervised a project on combustion chambers, fuel systems, and high-temperature gas turbine units all with refer- ence to their application to torpedoes; he later was connected with the investigation of gas turbine power plants for aircraft. For his work on torpedo plants he received the personal Naval Ordnance Development Award. 13 IN THE SERVICE OF MATERIALS 189 Joseph H. Keenan, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, worked in the experimental determination of coefficients of heat transmission between a tube wall and an air stream flowing at velocities up to the speed of sound. With Joseph Kaye, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, he made ana- lytical studies of aircraft power plants; with Frank M. Lewis, Professor of Marine Engineering, he developed a new type of marine propulsion unit for the Bureau of Ships; he found further time to study ejectors both experimentally and analyti- cally and made analytical studies of aircraft propulsion systems for United Aircraft Corporation. Throughout the war, moreover, the Sloan Laboratory under the direction of the brothers Taylor carried on numerous D.I.C. projects relating to internal combustion motors. These totaled some fifteen, of which some were under the direction of C. Fayette Taylor, Professor of Automotive Engineering, and others under the direction of Edward S. Taylor, Professor of Aircraft Engines. THE WARES OF CHEMICAL WARFARE Technology's largest contribution, in Cambridge, to the Chemical Warfare Service was its participation in the work of the Chemical Warfare Service Development Laboratory. For this purpose the Institute constructed with its own funds the large addition to its permanent plant known as Building 12, and now occupied by the Department of Chemical Engineering. This was a large laboratory for chemical engineering research and instruction, and throughout the war was rented exclusively to the Chemical Warfare Service and operated under CWS management. But the Institute's contribution did not end with providing space. As one of the conditions of the arrangement, Harold C. Weber, Professor of Chemical Engineering, was loaned full time to the Chemical Warfare Service and served as the chief technical man in the new laboratory, with the title of Technical Adviser, CWS Development Laboratory. In addition, during 190 QED two emergency periods he served as Division Chief of two divisions of the Laboratory and was at all times Liaison Officer between the Laboratory and the Institute. Moreover, Scott Walker, then Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, and Roy P. Whitney, then Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, were loaned full time to the laboratory and served as Division Chiefs during the last two years of its operation.14 The laboratory employed approximately 350 highly trained workers. Many of them were M.I.T. graduates. About one-third were Army personnel, the rest civilian. The work ranged from problems of gas warfare to preserva- tives. Gas warfare work had both its offensive and defensive sides. For defense against enemy gas and smoke the laboratory developed, for example, a lightweight assault mask, offering superior protection, in which the canister was carried directly on the face piece. Troops landing on the Normandy beaches on D-Day carried these assault masks. Several types of wearing apparel were developed offering superior protection against vesicant gas attacks but were not used in active combat because the enemy did not employ the vesicants. Based on theoretical work done at the laboratory, a new type of paper was developed for use in smoke filters and, after this, a new, compact type of fil- ter far superior to any previously in use by the Allies was devel- oped and used in many of the gas masks issued in the latter part of the war. Owing in large measure to work done in the labora- tory, the United States was able to produce gas mask canisters of lighter weight and longer life than those used by any other country. Finally, a sensitive, compact, simple field apparatus for detecting and identifying the various gases which might be encountered during a gas attack, was developed. This was really a complete chemical laboratory for the detection and estimation of war gases, contained in a small satchel approxi- mately the size of a standard building brick and weighing about two pounds. The entire equipment could be readily operated by one entirely unfamiliar with chemical work, and the unit even had a self-contained light source for use at night. IN THE SERVICE A 191 OF MATERIALS On the offensive side the laboratory developed a simple, commercially practicable mustard purification process. It puri- fied several hundred pounds of mustard in Building 12 and finally built a semiworks plant just outside Boston and purified almost a hundred tons. Again a new method was found for making phosgene which did not involve the use of refrigera- tion or expensive equipment. Over a ton of phosgene was actually produced by this process in a pilot plant erected in Building 12. Flame throwers and other devices of petroleum warfare also engaged the attention of the laboratory. Because of a feared shortage in raw materials to make the type of jellied fuels used in flame throwers and incendiary bombs, a second type of jel- lied fuel was developed by the laboratory to be used as a substitute should the emergency develop. Again a large amount of work was done on portable flame throwers and two improved models were created, one of which was accepted for commercial production. The laboratory operated what was probably the only full-sized flame thrower range in this country in one of the abandoned mill buildings just outside Boston. Smoke also engaged the attention of this CWS group. An intensive research was carried on in connection with smoke and smoke measurements, and by the end of the war every plant making smoke filters for gas masks was equipped with an auto- matic smoke penetration meter of a design furnished by the laboratory. Every gas mask manufactured in these plants was tested on such a meter, and some of the meters were furnished to a few of the Allies for use in their smoke work. The labora- tory furnished a complete design for a plant making noxious smoke grenades, and a plant involving most of the features of the laboratory design was built and operated. At the very outset of the war necessity for mildew-proofing was recognized by the CWS; one of the first laboratories set up to study this problem was in Building 12 at M.I.T. This section did pioneer work on mildew-proofing, using all the fungi encountered in various theatres and particularly those from 192 QED Pacific areas. By the end of the war all important chemical warfare items were proofed against mildew. Field laboratories were necessary in connection with chemical work carried out under field conditions in the various theatres of operation. The laboratory was responsible for the design of all equipment used in these laboratories for supplying gas, electricity, compressed air, water, and sewerage. In addition, it was responsible for the specifications and choice of all benches, laboratory furniture, and mechanical or electrical equipment or supplies. In almost every case this meant that new designs had to be worked out and tested. These laboratories, complete with all equipment, a small library, and the necessary apparatus to reproduce pictures and drawings photographically, were of such size that they could readily be carried on two or three small trucks. A second type of laboratory of a simpler nature could be carried on a single 21/2-ton truck. Both these laboratories, in addition to performing the functions stated, were capable of carrying out all the specialized work necessary in connection with chemical warfare. Several of the units were in field operations during a considerable part of the war. There were, moreover, miscellaneous CWS projects in other Glenn Williams conducted a project on the evaluation of droplets to determine the effectiveness of spraying vesicant gases from aircraft. William H. McAdams, Professor of Chemi- the development of a portable device for pressurizing portable flame throwers, 15 and another project on the purification of mustard gas. Archibald W. Adkins, Associate Professor of Applied Mechanics, starting in the summer of 1945, did part- time work on mechanized flame throwers and in January, 1946, went to Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, where he supervised a project for the evaluation of three newly developed mechanized flame throwers, one of which had been developed at the Institute. Finally, as might have been expected, Technology's Grand Old Man of Chemical Engineering, Warren K. Lewis, Electric breakdown of calcium fluoride guided in preferential direc- tions by electron waves. Laboratory for Insulation Research. IN THE SERVICE OF MATERIALS 193 topped off his many contributions to industry and to govern- ment by directing a series of projects relating to chemical war- fare, such as the use of sulphur in screening smokes, the design and development of canisters and filters, the testing of filters, methods for vaporizing liquid drops, and so on long into the night.16 IN SUMMARY chapter may now breathe deeply and turn to more colorful fare. If he has read with perception, he will have detected between the lines more than could be told; he will have drawn some conclusions as to how these jigsaw pieces fitted into the great puzzle; he may have had some ideas as to the possibilities for peacetime in some of these prosaic-sounding techniques. If he understands none of these things, he will in any event, it is to be hoped, have obtained a better view of the wide scope of activities at the Institute than he could have, had we con- fined ourselves to the parts of our stage where drama was played. If he has done all this he is entitled to more entertain- ment, as provided, for example, by the story of the way ments of the German Army for Patton on his swift advance. This story will be told in the next chapter. FOOTNOTES 1 The Institute staff members of the oxygen group from 1940 to 1945, cooperating with Keyes, named as supervisor under an NDRC contract, James A. Beattie, Professor of Physical Chemistry. Samuel C. Collins, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Clark C. Stephenson, Associate Professor of Chemistry. Howard O. McMahon, Research Associate in Physics. Robert P. Cavileer, D.I.C. Dudley W. Williams, D.I.C. 2 Edwin R. Gilliland, Professor of Chemical Engineering, also partici- pated in the development of oxygen-producing units under a separate 194 QED contract. The unit was based on the use of a chemical compound which absorbs oxygen from the air. 3 See Chapter 4. 4 Others in this group were the late Frederick R. Evans, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Metallurgy, Edward L. Bartholomew, Jr., Assist- ant Professor of Mechanical Metallurgy, and Malcolm S. Burton, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Metallurgy. 5 Others from the Staff in the group were: Nicholas T. Grant, Assistant Professor of Process Metallurgy. John R. Clark, then Research Associate in Metallurgy. Donald L. Guernsey, Research Associate in Metallurgy. Robert T. Howard, Research Assistant in Metallurgy. 6 With Cohen were Benjamin L. Averbach, now Assistant Professor of Metallurgy, and Stewart G. Fletcher, then Research Assistant in Metal- lurgy. Cohen also continued his research on the heat treatment of high-speed steel, a program of direct concern to the mass production industries. This work was carried out by P. K. Koh under a grant-in-aid from the Vanadium-Alloys Steel Company, and consisted of an investigation of the phase transformations and internal stress changes produced in high- speed steel by subzero temperatures. Cohen acted as Metallurgical Consultant for the Boston Ordnance District, and was a member of the War Products Advisory Board of the American Society for Metals. With Victor 0. Homerberg, Professor of Physical Metallurgy, he offered National Defense Training Courses in “Applications of Metallography," and gave special lectures on heat treat- ment to inspectors in the Boston area. In connection with the NDRC, he acted as Official Investigator on a project to develop nonmagnetic armor plate for use in the vicinity of compasses on ships and aircraft. After this assignment, he became Super- visor of the Manhattan Project at the Institute, and later he was appointed Associate Director. Frederick H. Norton, Professor of Ceramics, was responsible for a project in the creep testing of special alloys for use in airplane super- chargers and jet engines. His brother, John T. Norton, Professor of Physics of Metals, led work to determine the residual stresses in welded armor plate and the influence of these stresses on the behavior of the joints under impact loading. 7 Associated with Gaudin were Reinhardt Schuhmann, Jr., Associate Professor of Process Metallurgy, and during 1942 H. Rush Spedden, now Assistant Professor of Metallurgy. From 1944 on, Gaudin directed the Mineral Dressing Project at M.I.T. for the Manhattan District. Schuhmann was also connected with this work. See Chapter 14. 8 See Chapter 16. IN THE SERVICE OF MATERIALS 195 9 Also active in the rubber research program at M.I.T. were Dean Sher- wood and Avery A. Morton, Professor of Organic Chemistry. 10 This laboratory also undertook many special measurement problems for the Radiation Laboratory. These problems concerned analysis and measurement of circuit constants and performance characteristics of pulse networks, resistors, condensers, and transformers. The laboratory also conducted a broad program of research under the sponsorship of Aircraft-Marine Products, Inc., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on the development of solderless terminals and terminal apparatus. These terminals and associated equipment were used to a very great extent during the war in aircraft and other equipment utilizing electrical appa- ratus. This type of terminal permitted the saving of many man-hours during manufacture. These terminals were developed to the point where they had an electrical stability and performance equal to or better than that of the conventional soldered type of terminal. 11 Associated with von Hippel in some of this work was Robert G. Breckenridge, Assistant Professor of Electrical Insulation, who directed a group working on high dielectric constant ceramics. 12 Associated with Stockbarger for a part of the period were: Arthur A. Blanchard, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Emeritus. Walter C. Schumb, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry. Isadore Amdur, Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry. Ralph C. Young, Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry. 13 Working with Shapiro, testing high-output combustion and turbines, was William A. Reed, Research Associate in Chemical Engineering, who also received the Naval Ordnance Development Award. 14 Consultants to the CWS Laboratory from the Staff were: Ernest H. Huntress, Professor of Organic Chemistry. Earl B. Millard, Professor of Physical Chemistry. Jayson C. Balsbaugh, Associate Professor of Electrical Power Production and Distribution. T. R. P. Gibb, Jr., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Irving M. Dubin, then Research Associate in Chemical Engineering. 15 With McAdams on this project from M.I.T.'s staff were: Bernard Chertow, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering. A. S. Collins, Research Associate in Chemical Engineering. C. C. Neas, Research Associate in Chemical Engineering. R. C. St. John, Research Associate in Chemical Engineering. M. W. Raymond, D.I.C. R. L. Wentworth, D.I.C. 16 Dean Sherwood, as his time permitted from duties in Washington, participated in many of these chemical engineering projects. FLASH PHOTOS AND OTHER TOOLS AT TECHNOLOGY's prewar Open Houses there were certain laboratories which were always bound to attract the visitors attention: one was the differential analyzer; another the X-ray machines; a third the metal derby hat on Vassar Street which covered the Van de Graaff Generator; à fourth the power flashes of light that came from Harold Edgerton's laboratory. Each of these laboratories was called upon in the war to under- take an important mission. The work of Harold E. Edgerton, Associate Professor of Electrical Measurements, in the field of high-speed photography has been widely known for years. With Herbert E. Grier and Kenneth J. Germeshausen, Research Associates in Electrical Engineering, he had teamed up to produce an extremely intense flash for an extremely short time. But it was a far cry from his maximum prewar achievement to the final days of the campaign on the Loire when the Nazi Panzers, pinned by day by our fighter planes, moved only at night; when we needed more than radar reconnaissance of these dark infested highways and byways; when the same Edgerton methods, multiplied manifold, bathed the terrain in enough light to take photo- graphs of the Nazi movements; when these photographs were quickly transferred into intelligence and the Panzers could thus be smitten by night as by day. All this was a far cry from Edgerton's pictures of golf swings and humming birds. Between them lay a long road which was not the shorter for being traveled fast. There were, naturally enough, many less picturesque ways in which the services contrived to use the talents of Edgerton and 196 FLASH PHOTOS AND OTHER TOOLS 197 his team (including, in addition to Germeshausen and Grier, Charles W. Wyckoff and Frederick E. Barstow) in the field of flash photography. They applied the photographic methods to theodolites, flight recorders, director recorders, beacons, identi- fication equipment, high-speed motion picture equipment, ballistic measurements, and indeed almost any dynamic project which might be conjectured. But the job which cast Edgerton in the role of assistant to the contemporary JEB Stuarts will probably live longest in his memory. By the end of World War I, day reconnaissance by air had been well developed. Air reconnaissance, even in those early days, was different from cavalry reconnaissance. The horse could stop while his rider took notes; the plane could not. The pilot, even of the hovering aircraft of the 'teens, never got a complete view of what he was to report. The inevitable answer was photography and photointerpretation. The success of aerial photography in that time was sufficient to call forth concealment and to suggest that more troop movements than ever would have to take place when the planes could not observe. This was, of course, at night or in a heavy fog. For the latter only radar as yet has an answer and that is partial. Colonel George Goddard, AAF, a pilot in World War I, and at the beginning of World War II stationed at Wright Field, was among the first to realize that air reconnaissance must be vastly improved before another war. He worked out a flash bomb which could be dropped and detonated; by means of a photocell in the plane he provided for opening the camera shutter. Before this, pilots had opened the shutter before drop- ping the bomb. The British adopted the Goddard system wholeheartedly. But Colonel Goddard was not satisfied with this partial solu- tion. He realized that there were several disadvantages to the flash bomb, and in 1939 insisted that the Edgerton flash method should be worked on for night air photography. This required quite a jump for Edgerton from the scale of photographing perhaps a dozen people to that of taking in a square mile, 198 QED requiring light which was thousands of times more powerful than any he had ever used before. By extrapolation of informa- tion already in the laboratory it was possible to guess that the thing could be done if the efficiency at the higher levels was comparable with the existing efficiency and if lamps could be made that would not blow up. The first lamp was put in a B-18, and on 6 May 1941 was flown out of Boston. The bulb was hung with reflectors in the bomb-bay and the camera was in a second plane. Edgerton thinks this is still the ideal way if the two planes can be kept together at night, which he found practically impossible unless one were a drone to the other. These first planes took pictures of M.I.T. from 2,000 feet, of a well-known baseball park in the Bronx, of General “Hap" Arnold's house in Washington. Reports were written and sent to Washington. Then nothing happened for two years. Sometimes delays like this could be blamed on military indif- ference. But the answer was not so simple as that this time. The AAF in 1941 and 1942 stood in awe of the fighters of the Luftwaffe and especially of the Nazi flak. The feeling was strong that our planes, to operate over Germany at all, would have to be at very high levels, perhaps as much as 35,000 to 40,000 feet. (The Jerries did keep them high until the end but not so high as that.) Thus the Air Force said that photography at 2,000 feet was simply impracticable, and they asked for something which could be done at much higher altitudes. Such an effort would take more light, a lot more light. It would need a plane a great deal bigger than the B-18. Such a plane was in the offing. It was the B-24, the Liberator. The Liberator was then on the drafting board. Colonel Goddard and Edgerton got sketches and designed a unit which would load the B-24 pretty heavily but which might be possible. This unit would have to have a 4,000-volt supply and would produce a flash from a 7,000-microfarad capacitor. The lamp would need to stand several thousand such flashes and also be sturdy enough to bear up under the vibration of the plane. Since one lamp could not accept so much energy, two were Photograph made by the High Voltage X-Ray Generator of the High Voltage Laboratory at the Institute, showing Japanese ord- nance captured on Attu in the Aleutians in 1943. Top to bottom: mortar shell, hand grenade, arming device, small anti-personnel aerial bomb, anti-tank shell, hand grenade. SA ON M.I.T. Diferential Analyzer Number Two. Shown are electronic panels for the servomechanisms which transmit the mathematical data within the machine. FLASH PHOTOS AND OTHER TOOLS 199 required. When finished, the lamps themselves weighed some- thing between one-half and one pound apiece. But back of them were 6,000 pounds of gear, mostly condensers, power supplies, and the like. There was some anxiety as to whether these bigger units would blow out, and indeed some did. This story makes the lamp development sound easy, as most success stories do; but in between there was a good deal of study, for example, of the gases to be used in the bulbs. The B-24 set up for the project could land in Boston's Logan Airport but could not get off with the additional load of 6,000 pounds. So they flew her into Logan, and installed all the gear to see that it would fit. Then she was unloaded again. She was to fly over to Bedford Airport, a military field near by, and the gear was to be trucked over; there the permanent installation would be made. The B-24 took off and disappeared. Some hours later the pilot telephoned in from Westover Field. He had gone to Bedford but he was worried about his nose wheel and didn't want to land on the grass at Bedford. So they trucked the apparatus to Westover and installed it there. Although preliminary laboratory trials had looked all right, the installation was a failure. The lamps would not hold up. This failure led to a vigorous period in which Edgerton spent much time at Wright Field. Each night the tubes would be tested. He would see what was going on and would take the 1 A.M. train to General Electric's Nela Park plant outside of Cleveland. He would get to the quartz blowing department as soon as it opened. In the afternoon the AAF would send a plane to bring him back to Dayton in time for another night session. This cycle went on for nights on end. Finally every- thing was working and the job was finished from a technical point of view; some more selling was needed though; there had to be demonstrations. That was the night the B-24 burned up while she was being gassed for her final flight to test continued operation. There were no more B-24's to be had at once. They were not filling the skies like gnats in those days. It would take 200 QED some time to replace the apparatus, too, but replacing the plane was more serious. This gave everyone time to take stock. The lens system which had been used in these trials was a 1.5 and, by using the fastest film available, fair pictures could be made of Ohio farmlands from an elevation of 20,000 feet. Photographing Ohio farm- lands is not, however, what night reconnaissance needs to do. The real problem is never one of the static object which can be photographed better by day, and thus from higher up if the flak makes it necessary. The real use of night air pho- tography is against movement, its significance tactical rather than strategic. The Air Force still maintained that planes could not fly over Festung Europa at less than 20,000 feet without being shot down. While Edgerton's group were waiting for a second B-24, they took out the old B-18 flash unit and rebuilt it to fit a B-25 airplane. This would fly only at about 5,000 feet. For the time being, therefore, Edgerton's attention was diverted to the problem of photographing submarines at night where the low level would not constitute a hazard. This was in 1943 when the submarines were coming up at night. The crew of a patrol bomber coasting along at 300 feet would catch a blip on a radar screen and when they caught it they would drop their eggs. What they wanted to know was, of course, what the source of the blip was and whether they had come anywhere near that source with their bombs. Edgerton thought he could help them by taking pictures of the bomb as it went for the target. The Army Air Force was still in the campaign and it was easy to develop this method and to make successful flight tests. Then the AAF was written out of the antisubmarine campaign and the Navy took over. The Navy did not seem even interested in looking at Edgerton's apparatus. Finally Edgerton got down to Quonset through the intervention of Professor Morse. He explained to the Naval CO what his gear would do; that he had four or five machines ready for the Army and no planes to fly them in; that they were just sitting around M.I.T. He FLASH PHOTOS AND OTHER TOOLS 201 1 suggested that the CO make an unofficial call to Wright Field and try to borrow one. The CO did it, and two days later the equipment was taken from M.I.T. to Quonset, put in a PBM, and demonstrated. It worked. Then Edgerton made his trip to Italy and England. When he came back nine months later the Navy was still fiddling with the gear. Meanwhile the subma- rines were beginning to use Schnörkels but still the Navy was not using the light. One of the reasons given was that it weighed 150 pounds and this meant you would have to sacrifice either gasoline and hence patrol range or else a bomb or two. This type of combat decision was always hard for a scientist to under- stand. It was the same sort of decision which held AZON back. Someone had to decide which had priority, more information or more explosive; the decision was often in favor of throwing more ammunition. Edgerton gave up and went back to his first love, the Army. Meanwhile, and before he went to Europe, the AAF had loaned another B-24. At the same time a small installation was built for an A-20. The A-20 was, in its day, a fast plane, and it would take a lot of pictures at 1,000 to 1,500 feet and perhaps be able to get away. This A-20 job was put together in a hurry and sent to maneuvers in Texas. The pictures were excellent, but they were never of the right thing! There are two ways to get the right thing; if you don't get it, your reconnaissance is, of course, no good. One way is to tell the planes to cover all road intersections. The other is to tell them to scout around and, if they see anything, to photo- graph it. At night over Europe you can see very little so the second method was out. The first, save for one week in four when there may be good moonlight without overcast, is hard to carry out because the plane cannot locate itself well even when the observer is in the nose of an A-20, whence the visi- bility is first class. This was the situation in late 1943. All the equipment had been developed but there was no tactical doc- trine; there were no requests and therefore not many orders. In the spring of 1944, though, the tide turned. We were stale- 202 QED mated around Cassino. We were sending out bombers to destroy the German communications. The Krauts always had plenty of ammunition but day reconnaissance did not show how they were getting it in. The command wanted to see what they were up to at night. Wright Field packed up the experimental equipment and sent it along to Italy. They sent Edgerton too. This equipment was taken to San Severo in Italy with three special airplanes for use of the 90th Photo Wing. When it arrived it was found that the planes were not suited to the local conditions, so modifications were made in the field. Such on-the-spot modifications happened to almost everything. Two A-20 airplanes were outfitted to be used as night photo airplanes, and they made some eighty missions over enemy territory during the drive from Cassino past the Po River. After three months in Italy, the Ninth Air Force, the tactical force based then in England, requested night photographic equipment. In response, some of the equipment and Edgerton were transferred to the United Kingdom. Here it was modified again for use in the A-20's of the 155th Night Photo Squadron. As the 155th was the only night photography squadron in the United Kingdom they were called upon for any assignment there was during the invasion of June 6 and subsequently in the campaign to the Rhine. At the end of the long road there was a real pay-off in the place where it counted most. But even then the pay-offs were not made without sweat. The following story is a good example of the way civilian scientists were sometimes able to accomplish things by virtue of their rather anomalous position. Since the use of night aerial photography depended upon GEE stations located at intervals of not more that two hundred miles, the British had in their methodical way decided upon the positions of these stations well in advance of the invasion, and had prepared maps to be used in conjunction with the pulse signals of the navigat- ing device to guide the planes on their photographic missions over Europe. When Patton's army swept ahead, however, many supporting operations were thrown off schedule. Among them Early morning 6 June 1944. An important road and rail junction in Normandy. This picture gave the good news that there was no traffic of any kind in this area in the hours just before the invasion. The source of the flash for this picture was in the plane itself. FLASH PHOTOS AND OTHER TOOLS 203 were the schedules of the presses which were to print the neces- sary maps. The delivery of the maps had to be synchronized with the advance of the armies and the establishment of the GEE stations in order for the night photographic missions to be of use at all. When it became apparent that Patton's army had outstripped its help from night aerial photographs because of the lack of these special maps, Edgerton and David Davidson, Radiation Laboratory staff member at that time with the BBRL, flew to England to see if the presses couldn't take the necessary maps ahead of schedule. Edgerton tackled the brass and Davidson started at the bottom to see if anything could be done there. While Edgerton was being told by the men at the top that nothing could be done in less than three weeks to free the presses for these maps, Davidson located a flight officer in the W.A.A.F. who found a copy of the original map. Davidson had a dozen photostats made, telephoned Edgerton, who dropped his unsuccessful mission with the men at the top, and they both flew back to the front with the photostats which were used on a photographic mission that night. The photostats were used constantly for the next few weeks until they became obsolete with the further advance of the armies and the arrival of the official maps. After six months of actual operations in the field, Edgerton was returned to the States by General Vandenberg to develop improved equipment based on this experience. New apparatus was prepared for an A-26, and the end of the war found him in California expecting to go to the Pacific theatre. Later his distinguished contributions were rewarded with the Medal of Freedom.1 Edgerton's saga has been recounted at length because it happens to be an unusually clear epitome of experiences which were common to many of M.I.T.'s staff, and other engineers and scientists who are men of peace. The invariable pattern was that the man knew from his past work and experience what might be done, that he was called upon to step up his scale of values enormously, that he finally made some sort of successful dem- 204 QED onstration, and that he then went through a period of disap- pointment and frustration while the military wheels seemed to him to turn exceedingly slow. If he were tenacious, patient, and reasonable he would find more often than not that in the long run the idea would prevail; frequently he had the chance personally to see the benefit to his fellow countrymen of the work he had wrought right in the place where the benefit was yielded. Write a different cast of characters, a different military problem, and the same general plot might be woven around a substantial number of individuals whose deeds have been recorded here less journalistically. The important thing to remember is that these men were ready – that they did not wave magic wands — and that the reason that they were ready was that as free men in a free institution they had been per- mitted to proceed on projects which caught their imagination without any insistence on the part of their superiors that they be able to forecast a pay-off. X-RAYS The well-known X-ray installations of the Institute also were put to work on a different kind of photography. During the war the High Voltage Laboratory under the direction of Robert J. Van de Graaff, Associate Professor of Physics, and with the collaboration of W. W. Buechner, Assistant Professor of Physics, was directed to the design and the building for the Navy of superhigh-voltage X-ray outfits for the examination of castings and especially of munitions, both our own and those captured from the enemy. Operating at several million volts with literally a pinpoint focal spot, these instruments were reliable and easily regulated over a wide range of operating conditions. They represented a peak of achievement in secur- ing penetrating X-ray pictures of sharp definition both in angle and in depth and won praise from the Naval officers who were responsible for their use.2 Applications of X-ray were also made in large numbers, of course, by the Radiographic Laboratory in the Department of FLASH PHOTOS AND OTHER TOOLS 205 Metallurgy under the direction of John T. Norton, Professor of the Physics of Metals; this was its peacetime function as well. NDRG welding projects at the University of California engaged Professor Norton's attention as a consultant for they involved application of the X-ray stress-measuring methods developed at Technology to problems of shipwelding. The Radiographic Laboratory was consultant to Radiation Laboratory on X-ray methods and materials; under various D.I.C. projects it carried out radiographic inspection for the CWS Laboratory and routine inspections for the Army and Navy contractors in the New England district, particularly on weldments and aircraft castings. Another piece of work which is a continuing program was concerned with the residual stresses in various types of specimens and the study of the influence of these stresses upon the mechanical behavior of the specimens. The X-ray method of stress measurement has been developed into a prac- tical measuring tool, and new methods for studying three- dimensional stress patterns in the interior of specimens have been worked out. Thus much has been learned, among other things, about the modification of residual stress patterns by small amounts of quite localized plastic flow. As a result of his experience in conducting M.I.T.'s Radio- graphic Laboratory, Norton was made a consultant on X-ray inspection to the Naval Ordnance Laboratory, with the mission of organizing, designing, and equipping a radiographic labora- tory to meet the inspection needs of the Bureau of Ordnance. This project will continue as a postwar development and, when completed, Norton says, it promises to be one of the most completely equipped and finest radiographic laboratories in the world.3 SUPERCALCULATIONS The Rockefeller differential analyzer, latest of a long line of M.I.T.'s electrical calculators, and progeny of the first differ- ential analyzer developed by Vannevar Bush, was placed in active service during the war under the supervision of Samuel 206 QED H. Caldwell, Professor of Electrical Engineering (Director), and Richard Taylor, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineer- ing (Associate Director) of the Center of Analysis in the Depart- ment of Electrical Engineering. Though given its first public demonstration on 29 October 1945 it had in fact been held under security through much of the war and had worked on several war projects. Though these statistics are perhaps mean- ingless it may as well be recorded that the instrument is several times larger and more complicated than its ancestors. It contains about 2,000 electronic tubes, several thousand relays, about 150 motors, and nearly 200 miles of wire. It occupies a labora- tory specially strengthened to support its 100 tons and has a special ventilating system to dissipate the heat it generates when it starts to calculate. For ordinary operations the automaton requires only one operator. The mathematical symbols which state the problem whose solution is desired are translated into a language which the machine understands. This language, a code punched on paper tape, is transmitted to the machine which then auto- matically selects the various units required for the process of computation. A few minutes or, at most, hours, will suffice to solve a problem which would require the services of specially trained computers for a period of weeks, and the problem will be solved without error by the machine. Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote many years ago in the first chapter of The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table: “Given certain factors, and a sound brain should always evolve the same fixed product with the certainty of Babbage's calculating machine. What a satire, by the way, is that machine upon a mere math- ematician! A Frankenstein-monster, a thing without brains and without heart, too stupid to make a blunder; which turns out results like a cornsheller, and never grows any wiser or better, though it grind a thousand bushels of them! “I have an immense respect for a man of talents plus 'the mathematics. But the calculating power alone should seem to be the least human of qualities, and to have the smallest amount FLASH PHOTOS AND OTHER TOOLS 207 V of reason in it; since a machine can be made to do work of three or four calculators, and better than any one of them.” The machine Holmes was talking about was not much, but his words would be repeated with more emphasis about the present apparatus. Machines such as this have freed the math- ematician so that he can use the imagination it takes to set up problems aright, which the machine can never do, and leave the rest to electronics.4 He can indeed attack problems which previously were useless to attack since, after the equa- tions were set up, they could not be solved within any reasonable time. The differential analyzer has, from time to time, proved valu- able for working out answers to such diversified problems as the analysis of information on earthquakes, sound waves, geo- physical explorations, the rate of change in chemical processes, atomic wave functions, analysis of complex vibration problems, the design and performance of aircraft, analysis of radar wave problems, and the study of cosmic ray phenomena. Beginning in 1942, it was assigned various war problems of which the most formidable was the urgent task of computing new range tables for the guns of the Navy. Built to accommodate as many as three complex problems at once, the machine's powers could be directed at the same time to the solution of other problems such as those of fire control and radar antenna design without interrupting its main program. For his work Caldwell received the Naval Ordnance Development Award. Its war service over, this new instrument will turn to its original objective, the solu- tion of peacetime problems which may arise in any branch of science or engineering. FOOTNOTES 1 "Mr. Harold E. Edgerton, Civilian Technical Advisor, rendered meri- torious achievement in connection with military operation in the develop- ment and installation of equipment for night photo reconnaissance during the period 1 June 1944 to 20 November 1944. His untiring effort, resource- fulness and competence made aerial night reconnaissance of enemy held territory a reality under adverse weather conditions. Without his invalu- 208 QED able knowledge, unswerving zeal and ingenuity under adverse conditions, this type of military operation would not have been possible at such an early date. The results of his endeavor have provided the U.S. Army Air Forces and Ground Forces with vital intelligence information that previous equipment of this nature was not capable of obtaining." 2 For this work the High Voltage Laboratory received the Naval Ordnance Development Award. Working with Van de Graaff on this project and re- cipients with him of individual Naval Ordnance Development Awards were the following: Walter C. Schumb, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry. Herman Feshbach, Associate Professor of Physics. William W. Buechner, Assistant Professor of Physics. E. A. Burrill, Jr., D.I.C. L. R. McIntosh, D.I.C. E. W. Nickerson, D.I.C. A. Sperduto, D.I.C. W. A. Tripp, D.I.C. Also associated with Van de Graaff and recipients of the group Naval Ordnance Development Award were: Ralph C. Young, Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry. Sheppard Y. Tyree, Jr., then Instructor in Chemistry, Robert W. Cloud, Research Associate in Electrical Engineering. Henry Walter, Research Associate in Physics. 3 Associated with Norton were: Daniel Rosenthal, Assistant Professor of the Physics of Metals. John R. Clark, then Research Associate in Metallurgy. Samuel B. Maloof, then Research Associate in Metallurgy. 4 Well, not quite all the rest. 14 PRELUDE TO HIROSHIMA JUST AS M.I.T. had become the center for radar and had drawn scientists from many other institutions, so it fell, among the universities, to Columbia University, the University of Chicago, and the University of California to call, in their turn, for help from all the sister institutions. M.I.T. gladly released to this work those of its staff who were called upon and whose previ- ously incurred wartime duties permitted them to go.1 It did more than that. From the midsummer of 1942 on it operated what came to be called the "M.I.T Metallurgical Project.” This, little publicized as it was, was the largest single Institute war research project save for the Radiation Laboratory and the Underwater Sound Laboratory In that summer a representative of the “Metallurgical Project” at the University of Chicago visited the Institute in search of metallurgical help. The newly worked-out fission of Uranium 235 and the possibility of applying this great store of energy to war purposes were then being actively inves- tigated by OSRD. It was the beginning of what was soon to be the "Manhattan District Project” of the U.S. Corps of Engi- neers. Several tons of uranium were needed in the immediate future and efforts to procure the material were bogging down. A fairly good supply of the metal in powdered form was avail- able from a near-by plant, but the intended use required solid pieces. Could the Institute metallurgists do anything about this? They could. John Wulff, Professor of Mechanical Metallurgy, had taken an active part in recent researches in powder metal- lurgy. Now he undertook the manufacture of briquetted cubes and bars of the uranium metal. Several tons of these pieces 209 210 QED were pressed and shipped to Chicago. John Chipman, Professor of Metallurgy, in collaboration with R. J. Anicetti of Metal Hydrides, Inc., had been working for several months on a similar problem for that company. They had devised a method for converting this same powder into solid castings. With the aid of an active group of research men who were loaned to the Institute by the University of Chicago, the method was per- fected and the equipment enlarged to handle several hundred pounds of metal a day. The castings produced were used for the now celebrated “pile,” which was built under the North Stands at Stagg Field in Chicago and produced atomic power for the first time on 2 December 1944. A number of other Institute people had joined in this endeavor, including Albert R. Kaufmann, Associate Professor of Metallurgy, and O. Cammann, D.I.C. When the casting work had been finished, attention was turned to methods for forging and rolling this new element which was now, for the first time, available to metallurgists in quantities sufficient for such experiments. Research was also undertaken on alloys of the element, and much information was obtained which was useful in designing and operating the great plants at Hanford, Washington, and Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Not much later Chipman moved to Chicago to become head of the metallurgy section of the project there; during his absence the Institute's metallurgical project was directed by Morris Cohen, Professor of Physical Metallurgy. This work continued throughout the atomic energy and atomic bomb developments, and many technical contributions were made to the research and production programs at Chicago, Oak Ridge, Hanford, and Los Alamos. The expansion of the work of the project during this period included the establishment of an analytical laboratory under the direction of George G. Marvin, Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry, in which a host of new and strange alloys and other materials were analyzed and new methods of analysis evolved. PRELUDE TO HIROSHIMA 211 A precision casting laboratory was developed by Shadburn Marshall, of Remington Arms Company, and his co-workers for the purpose of applying the new techniques of this ancient art to the manufacture of special shapes of uranium. The special equipment developed by this group played an important part in producing the atomic bomb. In the spring of 1944 it became apparent that the research activities of the Manhattan Project in the field of ceramics would have to be extensively enlarged and a central laboratory established to serve all branches of the project. This work was placed at M.I.T. under Frederick H. Norton, Professor of Ceramics. Active ceramic developments have continued since that time. The ceramic problems were unique in that they demanded the use of special compounds hitherto unused in ceramics. A number of such materials were synthesized in the laboratory by Walter C. Schumb, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, and Isadore Amdur, Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry. Methods for making small nonporous articles resem- bling fine porcelain but containing only a given material were developed by Helen R. Barlett of A. C. Spark Plug Company and Theodore T. Magel, D.I.C., formerly of the University of Chicago. The products of this laboratory were used in metal- lurgical research and in making the atomic bomb.2 By the spring of 1945 the project's personnel list had reached its maximum of 91. Almost all the facilities of the Spectroscopy Laboratory were used during the war under contract with the Manhattan Dis- trict. This laboratory was one of the standardization units set up to test the purity of materials which had been produced and analyzed in other laboratories. With the unique spectroscopic equipment of the laboratory, thousands of analyses were made not only for samples involved in the work of the metallurgical section but also in analysis of materials other than uranium which were important in the Manhattan District. The laboratory was also asked to develop new and still more 1 212 QED U sensitive methods of analysis. It served as a training center for analysts who were sent to other laboratories under the Man- hattan District to set up and teach the same methods of analysis. Other prominent members of the Institute's staff worked on the atomic project in other places. On the whole their history is interwoven with the history of the institutions for which they worked and can be understood only if read in that context. Some examples, however, may show the nature of things they were called upon to do. George Scatchard, Professor of Physical Chemistry, spent about half his time from February, 1943, with Harold Urey at Columbia University. Later when that part of the S.A.M. Laboratories doing research on the fractionation of uranium isotopes by gaseous diffusion was transferred to Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation, he was Chairman of the Re- search Committee of that laboratory. Roy M. Carlson, for- merly Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, left the Institute early in 1943 and spent the rest of the war in New Mexico; he states that his duties were varied and that he did all manner of special problems under the general title of “engi- neer.” W. P. Overbeck, then Research Associate in Electrical Engineering, was borrowed from the Institute by the Metallur- gical Laboratory at the University of Chicago in February, 1942. He was in charge of the initial installation of record equipment for the second "pile” which was set up at the Argonne Laboratory. In June of 1943 he moved to the Clin- ton Laboratories at Oak Ridge and was in charge of the instru- ment group there; in 1944 he moved with most of his crew to Hanford, where he helped to start up the plant; in April of 1945 he was made Superintendent of the Instrument Depart- ment. Robert J. Schrader, then Instructor in Chemistry, upon leaving M.I.T. in 1943 was promptly loaned by the Eastman Kodak Company to the Clinton works in Oak Ridge, where he was responsible for reviewing the work of the builders of the chemical buildings. This was a large project which was finished only in 1945, at which time he was transferred from > > PRELUDE TO HIROSHIMA 213 the Chemical Production Division to the Engineering Division as Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering. Jerome B. Wiesner, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, left the Radiation Laboratory in October, 1945, to be Group Leader of an Electronics Development Group in the Manhattan District project at the University of California. The attitude of all these people as well as that of those who worked at home or who failed to report their work on the threshold of the atomic age is probably well summarized by Overbeck, who writes: We have done a remarkable job at Hanford and one of the most difficult parts of that job has been in the instrument field. This job of course has been done by the organization rather than by an individual and credit for our success must go to the entire group who absorbed training so readily and who applied themselves so vigorously. My part in the job, and one for which the Institute can take credit, was in assisting with early development and in translat- ing the results through training to the men who did the final job. At the beginning this required understanding and appreciation of basic science and towards the end it required a cooperative spirit towards industry. These are the things which the Institute teaches and even has engraved on its walls. I am sure that there are many other M.I.T. men who performed the same service during the war years. The Institute was happy to leave the role of atomic develop- ment in war to other institutions while it busied itself with previously undertaken commitments. In time of peace, how- ever, no first rate institution can ignore the technological impli- cations of the new source. Accordingly, extensive plans have been made for nuclear research at M.I.T. In furtherance of these plans the Institute has called to its staff several distinguished contributors to the work of the Manhattan District who had other associations prior to the war.3 214 QED FOOTNOTES 1 Including: Antoine M. Gaudin, Richards Professor of Mineral Dressing. V. 0. Homerberg, Professor of Physical Metallurgy. John T. Norton, Professor of Physics of Metals. George Scatchard, Professor of Physical Chemistry. Bertram E. Warren, Professor of Physics. Lynwood S. Bryant, Associate Professor of English. Roy W. Carlson, then Associate Professor of Civil Engineering. Harold W. Fairbairn, Associate Professor of Petrology. John D. Trimmer, then Assistant Professor of Aeronautical Engineering. Robert J. Schrader, then Instructor in Chemical Engineering. Mayo D. Hersey, Research Associate in Mechanical Engineering. W. P. Overbeck, then Research Associate in Electrical Engineering. Robert M. Bridgforth, Jr., then Research Assistant in Chemistry. 2 Others of M.I.T.'s staff who participated in this project were: Gerhard Dietrichson, Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry. J. Edward Vivian, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering Practice. Andrew L. Johnson, then Assistant Professor of Ceramics. G. M. Kavanagh, Research Associate in Chemistry. Joseph J. Connelly, Research Assistant in Metallurgy. R. T. Howard, Research Assistant in Metallurgy. R. N. Palmer, then Research Assistant in Metallurgy. L. M. Redman, then Research Assistant in Chemistry. 3... Such as: Jerrold R. Zacharias, Professor of Physics and Director of the Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Engineering. Zacharias came to the Radiation Laboratory in November, 1940, as head of the Division on Radar Trans- mitter Components. He remained until June, 1945, when he went to Los Alamos and worked on the Manhattan District Project until November, 1945, when he returned to the Institute in his present position. Victor F. Weisskopf, Professor of Physics, was second in command of the Theoretical Physics Division in the Los Alamos Atom Bomb Laboratory from its opening. He remained there from March, 1943, until March, 1946, when he came to M.I.T. in his present position. Charles D. Coryell, Professor of Chemistry, came to M.I.T. in January, 1946, from the Clinton Laboratory at Oak Ridge, where he had been throughout the war save from May, 1942, to September, 1943, when he worked on the atom bomb pile for the Metallurgy Laboratory at the University of Chicago. 15 ELECTRONIC ESPIONAGE — THE RADIATION LABORATORY IT IS HARDLY LIKELY that any reader of this report is unfamiliar at least with the rudimentary principles of radar or with the fact that the word which is now part of the English language is a contraction of the descriptive phrase "radio detection and ranging” which might more appropriately have been "radio direction-finding and ranging.” Radar can of course see farther than the eye and through things the eye cannot pierce; its beam, having penetrated the murk or the distance, is reflected back, and from its indicated reflection comes knowledge. But it is important to remember that radar is far more than a mere reporter which informs that something is out there in space which the eye cannot see; it also will report the bearing, the range, and the elevation of objects in its field of view; it was the accurate reporting of these coordinates that made the most exciting applications of radar possible. Now this is important because it also points up precisely what the contribution of the civilian scientists to radar was. The service laboratories had worked with radar for many years, though with insufficient personnel and funds. They had begun a study of the principles of pulsing the radar beam instead of sending it out continuously, and pulsing was to be one of the two major factors in the creation of modern radar. But this effort was still small. Few persons in the United States were engaged full time on pulse radar research when the Germans invaded Poland; perhaps as few as twenty, almost surely no more than fifty. But even with some radar developed, radar which formed 215 216 QED the basis for about half the ultimate service procurement of this equipment, service research and development not only had been slow but also had missed the most important factor which made modern radar possible, the use of microwaves.1 All the early sets based upon the service research operated at frequen- cies of 200 megacycles per second or below (wavelengths of 150 centimeters or longer). The characteristic of the radar developed by the NDRC contractors was that it was short wave (10 centi- meters, 3 centimeters, or even 1 centimeter). There were good reasons why the services had not reached this point sooner, and among them was the fact that there was, up to 1940, no apparent source of sufficient power at these shorter wavelengths. But regardless of reasons the fact is that it fell to the lot of the civilian scientists working for NDRC to carry forward the work in microwave radar to a series of brilliant successes, such that many of the most effective performances of radar after the early days were based on microwave equipment.2 The short wave has very important advantages over the longer wavelengths used in the early developments. In radar the possible accuracy of range determination is increased with shorter pulses; these are not possible on the longer wavelengths; the shorter lengths will then permit greater accuracy in range, and especially in the measurement of bearing and elevation. The reason for the latter is that it is easier to send forth a narrow beam of radiation at very short wavelengths. Narrow beams in turn give this greater accuracy; they can be brought low to the water or the land so that enemy planes cannot fly beneath them; they can be used with cathode ray tubes to give almost pictorial presentations of what the radar is scanning, and they are much harder to jam. All this adds up to the fact that the microwave development was the most important one in war radar; this development was by agreement exclusively one for NDRC to sponsor and direct. Microwaves had been known long before the war, indeed from the earliest days of radio. As early as 1930 the French subsidiary of the I. T. and T. Company had a telephone link 0 ELECTRONIC ESPIONAGE 217 operating across the English Channel at a wavelength of 20 centimeters. However, little practical importance could be attributed to microwaves until the British made their spec- tacular development. Microwaves cannot be generated, trans- mitted, or received by ordinary means, and of the four possible sources of centimeter waves prior to 1940, only two seemed to have any real possibility of operating at 10 centimeters or less. One of these was the klystron, which had been developed at Stanford University and information about which had been published in 1939. The other was the splitanode magnetron, a magnetically operated two-element vacuum tube developed at General Electric, much improved by the Germans and still more by a Japanese, Kinjori Okabe, who published his first important papers in 1927. It was the still further exploitation of these latter ideas by the British which resulted in the cavity magnetron and the first manufacturable tube giving 10 kilo- watts of peak power on pulses at 10 centimeters. This was a really revolutionary development in its effect, although it was evolutionary in the way it came about. Meanwhile, and regardless of the practicability of sending out microwaves with any real power behind them, other workers had studied the transmission and reception of these waves. Independent work by G. C. Southworth at Bell Telephone Laboratories and Wilmer L. Barrow, Associate Professor of Electrical Communications at M.I.T., had resulted in reports in 1936 that microwaves could be conducted in tubes or sent forth and picked up by flaring the ends of these tubes into horns. The tubes were called waveguides. At the same time important work was begun at Stanford University by W. I. Hansen and R. H. Varian on the properties of resonant cavi- ties. The result of all this was that research on microwaves was continued at these three institutions along the lines already marked, and that at the time of crisis the three were ready to apply their knowledge and the facilities they had established. At this time the work at M.I.T. was largely on the properties of waveguides and horns, at Stanford on the klystron and 218 Тахотна 11 resonant cavities, and at the Bell Laboratories on crystal mixers and other receiver components. 3 By 1939 the communications group in M.I.T.'s Depart- ment of Electrical Engineering headed by Bowles had begun experiments with a radio blind-landing system using the ultra- high frequency techniques which had been worked out by Barrow and his colleagues. In that year the klystron was used as a source of 40-centimeter waves (which then seemed quite short) for a straight-line glide-path scheme. Later the Sperry Gyroscope Company sponsored a project at M.I.T. for the development of an aircraft detecting device using the klystron on a 10-centimeter wavelength. This was crudely on the way by 1940 as were the achievements of Alfred L. Loomis and his colleagues at the private Tuxedo Park Laboratory. 4 As has been stated in Chapter 4, Dr. Compton reached an early agreement with the Services that the NDRC would con- centrate on radar at 40 centimeters and shorter. At the time this must have seemed to the Services a safe relegation of the civilian scientist to the fundamental and long-range work where he was no problem to them; the scientists thought otherwise. Events moved fast, and this decision resulted in the important contribu- tion which NDRC made to radar development and history. We have also told how Alfred Loomis formed his section which later became the Microwave Committee. The first mem- bers of this committee were Ralph Bown, Director of Radio and Television Research at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, Bowles, of M.I.T., secretary of the committee, and Hugh R. Willis, Research Director of the Sperry Gyroscope Company.5 Armed with the mandate to carry on developments in micro- waves and to get them through in time to be useful in the war, the committee surveyed the field. What it found was not encour- aging for the production with adequate power of the very short lengths desired, namely 10 centimeters or less. Only two tubes seemed even to have promise; one was the klystron already being commercially developed by Sperry; the other a multi- element vacuum tube developed at the University of California ELECTRONIC ESPIONAGE 219 I and named the resnatron. To the University of California, then, went the first NDRC microwave contract on 1 November 1940. The University was to try to develop a resnatron with more power and higher frequency. It was at this discouraging time, in the fall of 1940, that the British Technical Mission led by Sir Henry Tizard came to the United States and revealed their development of the cavity magnetron. The British achievement of the cavity magnetron was per- haps the most important single contribution to technical development of the first years of the war. Designed and brought into production at Birmingham University, it was capable of giving several kilowatts peak power at 3,000 megacycles. A new embodiment of the conventional magnetron tube, it may well prove to be, historically, one of the most important vacuum tube developments. The revelation of the cavity magnetron and the success which the British had obviously obtained by their concentration of work in the field in one spot led the Microwave Committee at once to the conclusion that a large central laboratory should be established in this country, under civilian direction, staffed by research physicists. The first proposal was to set this laboratory up at Bolling Field, Washington, D. C. Here the Army would erect a large, heated hangar and the associated laboratories. Immediately delays were encountered in getting under way at Bolling Field. It was made clear that NDRC did not have the power to administer its own laboratories but should oper- ate them under contract with existing institutions. There was some doubt as to whether a development on Army property would be well received in the Navy. This left five possible contractors, if one looked at their previous work in the field. The two West Coast universities were too far away for good liaison; The Bureau of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution of Washington was committed to another NDRC project; the Bell Telephone Laboratories, represented by Jewett, thought that the work might be done at a university, 220 QED When Dr. Compton arrived in Washington on 17 October 1940 he was confronted by a phalanx consisting of Jewett, Loomis, Bush, and Bowles, all of whom told him that M.I.T. offered the best prospect. Eight days later NDRC approved a program for the estab- lishment of a laboratory at M.I.T. under contract with the Institute. The then munificent sum of $455,000 was allocated for the first year's operations; the project envisioned the employ- ment of about fifty persons all told, including the mechanics and secretaries. The space necessary was easily available in M.I.T.'s existing buildings. By the end the laboratory had a scientific and technical staff of 1,200, supplemented by 2,700 technicians, assistants, mechanics, stenographers, business staff. Its operating expenses during its maximum year (the fiscal year of 1 July 1944 to 30 June 1945) were over eighty times the original budget for one year. It occupied 15 acres of floor space in Cambridge; it oper- ated large sublaboratories at the East Boston and Bedford London, Orlando, Panama, and elsewhere. It maintained a very active branch laboratory in England and smaller stations in France and Australia. At the close of the war it was organizing a section of over a hundred men and several hundred tons of equipment for Manila to serve the forward Pacific areas. Its staff had operated in every war theatre from North Africa to China, from the Aleutians to Australia. It was visited by some 100 officials daily from Army, Navy, or manufacturing con- cerns, and 180 Army and Navy officers were in residence at the laboratory for liaison purposes. With the exception of the atomic bomb activity, it became the largest of the civilian research and development agencies. Division 14, NDRC, which administered the radar contracts, participated in the development of half of all the radar and associated equipment procured by the Services. The total cost of the equipment engendered by Division 14 sponsorship was of the order of 12/3 billion dollars. The total allocation by CA ELECTRONIC ESPIONAGE 221 . Division 14 during the war for radar and LORAN research was 141 millions. Thus the dollar value of equipment generated by Division 14 and delivered prior to 31 July 1945 was something more than twelve times the cost of the research. Although Division 14 did have many other contracts, a very large part of its effort was carried on either directly at M.I.T.'s Radiation Laboratory or under subcontracts with producers led by M.I.T. The extent to which this is so can be estimated by remembering that of the 5,000-odd persons engaged in radar development under Division 14 contracts, some 4,000 were Radiation Laboratory employees. The laboratory participated in the development of some 150 different radar systems; systems applied to every problem of radar, navigation, early warning, gun direction, blind bombing. One other section of the Radia- tion Laboratory was almost solely responsible for the develop- ment of LORAN,6 for which long-range navigational method more than 70 million dollars worth of equipment was procured by the Services by the middle of 1945. The duties of this laboratory were many. Of course it had to do fundamental research on the behavior of microwaves although time always pressed and much of the most successful work was ad hoc, cut and try. It developed new tubes, new circuits, new components. It designed whole systems to meet new uses; often it thought up the uses before it developed the systems; it manufactured small numbers of units where these were urgently required because NDRC could always produce small quantities faster than the Services could; it had an asso- ciated model shop, the Research Construction Company in Cambridge;7 and its own British Branch.8 It was closely con- nected to the Radar School which was, however, a strictly academic function of M.I.T. and not a part of the Radiation Laboratory. Its men acted often as salesmen, as expediters, as naggers and prodders, and sometimes it must have seemed to them that they spent more time on these jobs than in designing and demonstrating new equipment. Radiation Laboratory was big business as this record has 222 QED shown; it was successful business as the record will show; it was business in which every friend of M.I.T. can take pride that M.I.T. was sponsor and host; but it was not by any stretch of the imagination exclusively M.I.T. business. Indeed it was not even close to that. In the upper councils of OSRD, NDRC, and Division 14, M.I.T. men were playing an influential role as we have seen; so were they in the Office of the Secretary of War; but in the actual laboratories at M.I.T. the accomplishment was an interuniversity one. It represented the conjoint efforts of scientists, mostly physicists, from practically every university in the land; and in the top management, M.I.T. men, who at the start were very influential but who were gradually drawn off to other service and who played a relatively lesser role at the end.9 So a fair picture of the Radiation Laboratory is one which shows that the Institute earns distinction in having been the logical place to start such an activity, in its having managed the whole affair so well, but also shows that it must at once yield a heaping measure of praise to the 1,000-odd scientists from the widespread campuses of the nation. This can readily enough be understood if one examines the roster of top organization of the Radiation Laboratory. The Director was Lee A. DuBridge, Dean of Science and Head of the Physics Department at Rochester, and now President of California Institute of Technology; the Associate Director was F. Wheeler Loomis, Head of the Physics Department at the University of Illinois. The affairs of the laboratory were directed by these two in association with a Steering Committee compris- ing in the beginning I. I. Rabi of Columbia University, L. N. Ridenour of the University of Pennsylvania, K. T. Bainbridge of Harvard University, L. C. Marshall of the University of California, L. W. Alvarez of the University of California, R. F. Bacher of Cornell University, L. A. Turner of Princeton Uni- versity, J. R. Zacharias of Hunter College, and John G. Trump of M.I.T. Of these eleven principals, only the University of California could claim two; M.I.T. had one post, along with ELECTRONIC ESPIONAGE 223 Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Hunter, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Rochester. Moreover, Ernest Lawrence of the University of California had a strong hand in the early establishment of the Radiation Laboratory and in the procurement of personnel. His influence in persuading people to come to the laboratory cannot be over- estimated. The persons he “sold” came at least without the misapprehension which was deliberately placed in the public mind at the time. The name Radiation Laboratory was selected as a cloak to the true activities in the expectation that it would suggest to the passer-by that the group was engaged on research in nuclear physics. 10 This was at that time considered by many scientists a harmless activity! The Radiation Laboratory was entrusted with three missions at the outset; two were to be based upon the cavity magnetron. The first of these, the most urgent from the British point of view, was to build a 10-centimeter air-borne set for use by night fighters; the second was to develop a very accurate precision gun-laying radar; the third was to design a long-range navi- gational device, later to be called LORAN. Each of these developments has a long history which is better told elsewhere. Each had a successful denouement. In the process of achieving these successes the Radiation Laboratory had to make improvements of greater or less degree in most of the components, in, for example, the pulser or pulse modulator, the antennas, the receivers, the indicators, 11 and of course the power source, the magnetron. The Radiation Laboratory takes great pride in the improve- ment of the magnetron for which, however, an enormous share of the credit must be yielded to the Bell Telephone Labora- tories; by the spring of 1941 much better magnetrons had been developed, operating both on 10 centimeters and on 3. The new magnetrons of course required restudy of all the other com- ponents; they also introduced some new components. Coaxial lines which would have had to be prohibitively small were TIL 224 LED abandoned for waveguide lines, and the properties of these had to be studied carefully. New components had to be devised such as tuners, rotary joints, T's and angles, and flexible wave- guides. In each of these is a story of research and development, the scientific saga of some individual which cannot be sung here. In 12 to 18 months the original assignments of the Laboratory were demonstrably on their way to success. It was time to turn to other applications. At this point the Laboratory program burst pyrotechnically into thousands of sparks, each spark an application, all the applications hard to follow even in a longer text than this one can be. But not to supply any catalogue would be to do the project less than justice even in so brief a report. At the end of the chapter, then, some of the landmarks will be described briefly. For the moment it is sufficient to say that the laboratory did vital early work in the creation of radar for blind bombing and blind landing, and pioneered in develop- ment of lightweight mountain height-finding, microwave early warning, and antiaircraft equipment. To the Armed Forces, Radiation Laboratory meant high- performance radar equipment and fantastic uses of the war-baby before the war was over; to the great producers of electronic equipment it meant a powerful technological assistance and stimulus which was felt and acknowledged by every one of them, just as Radiation Laboratory would be the first to acknowledge the brilliant production records established; to M.I.T. it meant some difficult administrative problems and a sense of a giant, an almost dangerous giant, lurking in the back yard.12 The Institute solved part of its administrative problem by never attempting to exert control over laboratory technical policy, although it did control matters of buildings and grounds, plant protection and security and allied problems, in cooperation with the Steering Committee. The splendid personal relations between DuBridge and Dr. Compton made this easier, and the Institute's easy relations with an organism IT O 2 4 6 8 9 10 The Steering Committee of the Radiation Laboratory in February, 1944. Pictured at one of their weekly meetings are, left to right: (1) I. I. Rabi of Columbia University (Associate Director of the Laboratory and a Nobel Prize winner), (2) E. C. Pollard of Yale, (3) T. W. Bonner of the Rice Institute, (4) J. W. Hinkley then of the Central Hudson Gas and Electric Co., (6) R. G. Herb of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, (8) L. C. Marshall of the University of Cali- fornia, (9) L. N. Ridenour of the University of Pennsylvania, (10) L. A. DuBridge of the University of Rochester (Laboratory Direc- tor), (12) J. G. Trump of M.I.T., (14) D. H. Ewing of Smith College, (15) J. L. Lawson of the University of Michigan, (16) F.W. Loomis of the University of Illinois (Associate Director), (13) Britton Chance of the University of Pennsylvania. Standing are (5) Jerrold Zacharias then of Hunter College, (7) L. J. Haworth of the University of Illinois, and (11) D. G. White of the Farmer's Cooperative Bank of Berkeley, California, for H. Gaither. Seated, right rear, are (17) Channing Turner, former president of the U.S. Wind Engine and Pump Co. of Batavia, Illinois, and (18) 1. A. Getting of M.I.T. Absent: J. R. Killian, Jr., J. Street, L. Turner, and M. White. ELECTRONIC ESPIONAGE 225 which did not have the reputation of always being easy to get along with bear witness to this spirit of mutual respect and cooperation. Left to themselves and in their anxiety to get on with the war, the Radiation Laboratory Steering Committee might easily have wrecked the Institute's back yard, its roofs, and very likely its rhododendrons as well, in the constant pressure for more space. Indeed the stories of space expansion and of the Radar School may point up as well as anything what sort of difficulties confronted M.I.T.'s administration as its Gargantua grew up. By July, 1941, the Laboratory staff had grown to number 225. The space had not grown proportionately. The original space in M.I.T.'s Building 4, on the roof of Building 6, and in shops provided by Mechanical Engineering in Building 3, amounted to about 20,000 square feet. It was in that month that the Laboratory finally obtained 6,300 square feet of hangar space at the East Boston Airport although experimental flights had been proceeding for some time. The problem was obviously critical since the staff was clearly too small, and yet it had only about half as much space per person as would be considered a reasonable minimum in a good industrial laboratory. The result was that on 1 August Technology broke ground for a permanent fireproof building behind the main group, now known as Building 24. This building was originally planned for three stories but before completion it was made to provide six stories and a penthouse. This added 52,600 square feet of working space, but before it was ready the staff had grown proportionately again. The Institute then purchased with NDRC funds the Hood Milk Company Building located on Massachusetts Avenue about two blocks from M.I.T. This purchase added 110,000 square feet more. But this served only to whet the appetite of Radiation Laboratory, and a temporary building near Building 24 was authorized. This was Building 22, and provided another 110,000 square feet. But by March, 1943, this was still not enough. Because M.I.T. was renting 226 LED space in a number of unsatisfactory places in town another temporary building, Building 20, was constructed. This added 120,000 square feet. When it was ready for occupancy in early 1944 the staff of the laboratory numbered 2,662. The net space available, exclusive of airport hangars, was about 350,000 square feet. During the next year and a half 1,000 more employees were added, two wings were added to Building 20, and a four- story garage was rented across the Charles River for crating and shipping. In May, 1945, the net area in square feet excluding hangars was about 410,000 but still the area per person had not improved much over that of 1941; it was now 112. This was the situation on Technology's own grounds. But there were many other laboratories to administer away from Cambridge; shacks on Deer Island in Boston Harbor; a station at the Interceptor Command School at Orlando, Florida; the Spraycliff Observatory on Beavertail Point at Jamestown, Rhode Island; houses and a laboratory on Fisher's Island in Long Island Sound; a building on North Ridge on Great Neck, near Ipswich, Massachusetts; the Heathfield station replacing Battery Winthrop at Fort Heath, Massachusetts. Other still more tem- porary stations were established from time to time at Province- town, Gloucester, at Mt. Cadillac near Bar Harbor, Maine. Air- port space was constructed at Bedford Airport with the consent of the War Department, and hangars were occupied in many other air stations. When the shooting was over the problem of demobilizing these facilities in an orderly way remained to plague the Institute administration, but it was satisfactorily solved. As research work went along promisingly Dr. Compton and Bowles realized that, if it came to war, the services would need many officers trained in the fundamental principles of ultra- high frequency microwave radar. Since Wilmer L. Barrow, Asso- ciate Professor of Electrical Communications, had carried on important theoretical and experimental studies in this field and had collaborated in the blind-landing project previously ELECTRONIC ESPIONAGE 227 described, he was obviously well fitted to be a leader in such an endeavor. By 1941 Dean Moreland had felt increasing concern over the prospect of putting a great deal of highly specialized equipment into the hands of the Services with no one who knew how to operate or maintain it. After thinking about it for some time, in training program ought to be initiated either at M.I.T. or else- where and probably at M.I.T. Bowles agreed at once and set about securing War Department interest. The Army represen- tatives concurred with a general plan for radar instruction at M.I.T. which should be largely fundamental and which should be illustrated by laboratory work on one complete Army radar system. It was agreed that the level of instruction should pro- vide a strong fundamental background which would equip the graduates to act as instructors of other officers or enlisted men. This led to the establishment of the Radar School at M.I.T. under the direction of W. L. Barrow. Barrow was succeeded in September, 1943, by Carlton E. Tucker, Professor of Electrical Engineering.13 The school was originally located on the Insti- tute campus in Cambridge but soon moved to larger quarters in the Harbor Building, on Atlantic Avenue in Boston, which overlooked Boston Harbor and had the immense advantage of easy sight of interesting radar targets. The main unit was located in the five upper floors of the Harbor Building with branches at 19 Deerfield Street and on the M.I.T. campus. It gave instruc- tion in radar, radio, LORAN, sonar, and measures designed to combat enemy radar activities. The great objective of the course was to provide instruction on those basic principles of ultrahigh frequency and microwave radar which must be understood for effective operation and maintenance of service equipment. As a result of promotional activity by the late Captain Charles S. Joyce, USN (Ret.), Navy officers were enrolled in the school after completing three or four months of preparatory work at one of three pre-radar schools located at Bowdoin College, TY - 228 QED Princeton University, or Harvard University. Army officers took their pre-radar course at Harvard. At the M.I.T. school the Navy officers completed their preparation for duty with the Fleet as radio specialists (changed in 1944 to electronic spe- cialist), whereas the Army officers were prepared for assignment to radar maintenance, and in most cases received further main- tenance training on specific radar sets at one of several Army service schools; Signal Corps officers, for example, went to Fort Monmouth or to Camp Murphy, Florida; Air Force officers to Boca Raton, Florida; Antiaircraft Artillery officers went to Camp Davis, North Carolina; Seacoast Artillery officers to Fort Monroe; Air Force (Weatherwing) officers were assigned to the Weather Equipment Maintenance Section at Spring Lake, New Jersey. Though M.I.T.'s was the leading school of radar, other colleges and universities conducted courses as well. To help them the M.I.T. staff designed a standard microwave kit to be used for laboratory instruction; for them it acted as the central agency for obtaining priorities in order that these kits might IL 27 Through this school by war's end had passed 8,657 students of whom 2,761 were from the Army, 5,552 from the Navy, and 344 from the OSRD. Graduates of the school were to be found in every action, and in every radar center; they were the apostles, sent forth from the place where the development was being done; they are not the least of M.I.T.'s achievements in its wartime radar program; and without them it is certain that the mere apparatus would have been by no means so effective. 14 It is time, though, to turn back to some specific pieces of that apparatus to make a fitting close to this rather pedestrian account of what was anything but a pedestrian activity.15 One of the first important radar developments which saw real service was later called the SCR-582. A few preproduction sets were built by the Research Construction Company from Radia- tion Laboratory designs before the North African invasion. They were called Harbor Entrance Control sets and operated ELECTRONIC ESPIONAGE 229 on a 10-centimeter wavelength. They were the only sets at the time capable of detecting low-flying planes, and they gave yeo- man's service during the North African campaign in harbors like Algiers before they were sent on to Crete and Italy. The H X air-borne radar set, originally designed in the Radiation Laboratory, was to be built in huge quantities by Western Electric and Philco as standard navigating and “bomb- ing through overcast” equipment for all heavy bombers. But it took time to get assembly lines running and the urgency was great. At the special request of the Army Air Forces the Radia- tion Laboratory, together with its model shop operated by the Research Construction Company, built 12 H2X sets with spares and installed them in Flying Fortresses. Lieutenant General Ira C. Eaker sent twelve of his experienced Pathfinder crews to Boston. They flew the new equipment around New England until all adjustments had been perfected and the crews were thoroughly familiar with it. Then they flew the planes to England and led all the "instrument” bombing raids of the Eighth Air Force over Germany from 1 November 1943 to 15 March 1944, when the commercially manufactured equip- ment became available. In this period of the year only four or five days in a month are clear enough over Germany for visual bombing. Hence it was this laboratory-built equipment which kept the Eighth Air Force bombers operational during those critical four and a half months.16 Among the earlier devices developed in Radiation Labora- tory was the now justly famous SCR-584 set for directing anti- aircraft fire. It substitutes radar for visual tracking, and func- tions automatically and reliably through fair or foul weather. The production contract for this equipment, which went to General Electric with Westinghouse and Chrysler as subcon- tractors, was the first example in the radar field in which sufficient faith was shown in a laboratory model to countenance plunging into a huge production contract without the usual time-consuming peacetime schedule of preproduction models, tests, and standardization preceding the production contract. 230 QED 11 On the basis of the performance of the model built by the Radiation Laboratory this production contract was placed, exceeding in dollar value the entire cost for the Boulder Dam project. It was one of the war's best investments. It turned back the Luftwaffe at Anzio and the buzz-bombs in England. It parti- cipated in the Normandy landings and in consolidation of the beachhead; it moved forward to Bastogne, to the Rhine, to the meeting with the Russians at the Oder; and everywhere it left a trail of broken German aircraft. In 1942 the German submarine campaign had created a desperate situation for the Allies. Despite the gallant convoy program, enemy submarines and their kills were increasing at an alarming rate. The submarines had learned to avoid and to counter a British type of radar detection which we were also using. A more powerful and accurate radar device and one much more difficult to escape had just been developed by Radiation Laboratory and was going into production by Western Electric. But without waiting for this, the Army Air Forces, backed by the Secretary of War, got together a small squadron of old B-18's and had the new ASV equipment installed in them at the East Boston Airport. It also installed certain magnetic equipment which had been developed for short-range detection at Columbia University. Armed thus with equipment to locate submarines at considerable distances on the surface and at lesser distances submerged, supplied with bombs and depth charges, the little Air Force squadron pursued the submarines by day and by night all along the coast from Halifax to South America, wherever they were reported. The results were immediate and effective and the submarines largely stopped their operations near our coast. This may have been the turning point in the antisubmarine campaign. Then the Navy took over these techniques and with even more advanced ones carried the attack to mid-ocean and to the European Coast. The most powerful radar set on which information has been released is the huge MEW (Microwave Early Warning). It was designed and built in the Radiation Laboratory and tested in ELECTRONIC ESPIONAGE 231 the air-defense network in Florida. Simultaneously five other introductory sets were built in RL and RCC while commercial production was getting under way. These five sets played a notable role in later phases of the war. The first was mounted near the southwestern tip of England. It immediately proved its ability to detect the approach of enemy aircraft towards any portion of southern England. Only a few days after it was installed it discovered a formation of American heavy bombers which had lost their way and, low in gas, were headed westward out over the Atlantic about 250 miles away. It guided the planes back to England and by this one act saved not only many lives but also planes and equipment far exceeding in value the total cost of the entire MEW program. Then the set was used to direct our fighter escorts as, in successive waves, they took over the protection of our great bomber formations flying to and from Germany. It produced a magnificent radar-witness account of the aircraft operations on D-Day. Finally, after Normandy was ours, one of these MEW sets was assigned to each American army to guide the close-supporting tactical aircraft towards their targets. As the Japanese war ended these sets were being mounted on near-by Pacific islands to perform a similar function in the attack on Japan.. Still another radar application developed in the Radiation Laboratory is the Ground Control of Approach (GCA) system for landing aircraft even when the field and its approaches are completely obscured by fog or darkness. This device owed a great deal to the genius of Luis Alvarez, physicist from the University of California and head of Division 7 of Radiation Laboratory. It differs from all other blind-landing systems in that it requires no equipment whatsoever in the plane except the ordinary radio communication set; it requires only willing- ness of the pilot to follow instructions received through his ear- phones and requires no training in the use of special equipment. The gear is mounted in a truck and can be run onto an airfield and set up for operation in a few minutes. Its operators see on a screen a line which indicates the proper approach and landing 232 QED path for the incoming plane. They also see on the screen the location of any obstacles which must be avoided. They see at every instant the location of the incoming plane as a spot moving, if all is well, right along the ideal landing line. They can tell at a glance if the plane is to the left or the right or above or below this ideal line, and by how many feet. They can talk to the pilot over the radio communication system and tell him just what to do to keep on the line. It is as if the pilot had, sitting beside him, an invisible co-pilot who sees the exact path down which the pilot should fly and who says to him, “Get over 50 feet to the right. Let her down just a trifle. Now about 20 feet more to the righi. Everything OK. You're 100 yards from contact. Now!” A blindfolded pilot can land time after time and never vary more than a plane's length or so from the theoretical touchdown spot and never off line at all. Two factors have slowed the rapid adoption of this device. One is the powerful backing for earlier blind-landing systems and good ones, another is the greater faith of pilots in an instru- ment which they can see than in a voice which they can only hear. Nevertheless, this equipment has already saved planes and pilots who had never heard of it until they were caught above an airfield with zero ceiling, had to come down; and were “talked in” to safety. It enabled countless military missions to be flown which would otherwise not have justified the risk. It has an important future even if other systems should become standard. Small private planes, for example, may not afford the luxury of blind-landing instruments and some military aircraft, for example, fighter planes, cannot afford the extra weight and space. For such types as well as for emergencies and for mobile use, GCA will be a valuable supplement to whatever more elaborate system may be installed at the principal airports. The reader may recall that one of the three original assign- ments to Radiation Laboratory was to develop a long-range navigational device which would let a plane or ship, without radar signaling devices of its own, know its position accurately. ELECTRONIC ESPIONAGE 233 In 1941 the Laboratory submitted this new scheme for long- range navigation based on radar principles and now called LORAN. LORAN, as developed in America, was based principally on suggestions made by Alfred Loomis, and the system was originally called LRN, the initials of Loomis Radio Navigation. On his objection it was changed to Long Range Navigation. The vowels were added in 1942 when a cape in Labrador became the site of an LRN station. The cape was named LORAN, and the name was subsequently extended to cover the system. But though Loomis provided the inspiration and suggestions on which the system was based, the success of the development is associated with the name of Melville Eastham. When Loomis proposed long range navigation by pulse-time measurements it was known that the British had some kind of radio navigation system; security, however, prevented its disclos- ure at the time. This turned out later to be the GEE method, a system differing from LORAN principally in wavelength. Al- though later it was learned that others had thought of the prin- ciples on which LORAN was to be based, the development and the initial exploration of the system came from NDRC impetus. LORAN was administered separately by a subcommittee of the Microwave Committee in order not to endanger the microwave program of the Radiation Laboratory by intruding long-wave radar techniques. In April, 1941, entire responsibility for the project was placed in the hands of Melville Eastham. Eastham, a member of the Microwave Committee, was already assisting M.I.T. virtually as a staff member in its administration of the Radiation Laboratory, and now gave practically his entire time to LORAN. The success of the project from this time on was assured. Compton and Eastham, with Admiral Furer's assistance, convinced the Navy of the vital potentialities of this navigational asset. Later, the Army Air Forces were interested. It was one of Eastham's right-hand men, Donald G. Fink, '33, who supervised the establishment of the S.S. LORAN system for the night bomb- ing of Germany. LORAN it was, along with radar bombing aids, 234 QED which formed the two principal navigational means to the long range bombing of Japan. Ultimately, after it had been firmly established, the LORAN project was absorbed by the Radiation Laboratory organization. Without Eastham's vision, understand- ing, and selfless effort the value of Loomis's idea would most probably have been lost to the war effort. The development of LORAN required transmitting and re- ceiving stations, and they were constructed by Radiation Lab- oratory personnel in Delaware, on Long Island, and Cape Cod, in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Labrador. All the stations save that on Long Island are still in operation by the Navy. The Navy undertook to sponsor the installation of the initial equipment to aid in navigating the northern convoy route across the Atlantic. Here the necessity of zigzagging to avoid submarines, the compass variations, the necessity for radio silence, and the inability to see sun or stars through the pre- vailing fog and clouds introduced such errors of navigation that ships often failed to meet their escorting aircraft by as much as two hundred miles. LORAN equipment, built and largely installed under the Radiation Laboratory contract, proved most successful. Now the Atlantic and Pacific are covered by the LORAN network, produced by a few mainland and island stations. Any ship or airplane carrying lightweight receiving equipment can locate its position quickly and reliably, inde- pendent of chronometric and astronomical observations. Many transoceanic air transports, military aircraft, and ships now use this navigation method, which is one of the permanently useful products of war research. This is perhaps sufficient documentation, if any indeed were needed, to attest the fact that the Radiation Laboratory was a success. Ask any key person of the Radiation Laboratory why it was a success and he will be quick to reply. He will say it is because persons trained well in the fundamentals of physics were allowed in the emergency to overturn an accumulation of engineering practice; he will say it was because the group was energetic enough and imaginative enough and therefore lucky ELECTRONIC ESPIONAGE 235 enough to be able to depart from its standard practice of slow growth on fundamentals to the quick application of funda- mental knowledge often based on guesswork, usually trial and error as required by war tempo. Most of all though, he will say it was because the organization of even this large group was loose and informal, the spirit and morale were high, enterprise was always encouraged. It did not matter if a man, through his enthusiasm, "got into trouble.” Men drifted across the organizational lines, they helped each other in tight spots, they poached on each other's preserves. The group was picked, it was strong, it was uninhibited. It was in fact so uninhibited that it was militantly against much or any control from OSRD, the Army or the Navy – some might even say too militantly. From the point of view of the top, everything else was subordinated to making the Laboratory a comfortable place, spiritually, in which a physicist was to work. The pay-off demonstrated the validity of the principle. These principles were no novelty to the administrative officers of M.I.T. who practice them in their daily operations in the work of the Institute, and with rather less fuss and feathers than was brought about by the war, which brought together a scratch team of people who knew each other's repu- tations but not always each other's personalities. The principle of independence of action in matters of research is not one which needs to be brandished from the housetops as something new or extraordinary between the staff members of the Institute and its administration. The principle is important to remember, though, for it accounts as well for most of the other dramatic successes of OSRD. It has not always been followed in research controlled by the Army or the Navy which tends to have difficult direc- tives imposed from the top; nor, more strangely, is it char- acteristic of all government-directed research. In the future conduct of national research these experiences may well be recalled. They apply just as fully to problems of peace as they do to problems of war. 236 QED Radiation Laboratory was much less of an M.I.T. activity than an ardent alumnus might in a moment of carelessness proclaim. It was more of an M.I.T. activity than many a Radia- tion Laboratory man would ever admit. In between lies the truth, and this has been well summed up by Dr. Compton in his President's report for 1945:17 The organization of the Radiation Laboratory makes it clear that, while M.I.T. can take just pride in its accomplishments, this pride can also be shared with many other organizations. The Insti- tute took the contract, the responsibility for management and performance, and some very considerable financial risks; it furnished a small portion of the personnel and selected and employed the rest; it established a working pattern of the organization. Once established, the technical work of the laboratory was ably guided by its Director, Dr. Lee A. DuBridge, supported by a steering com- mittee of the heads of various departments into which the laboratory was divided. The program was subject to periodic review and occa- sional redirection by a committee of the National Defense Research Committee of OSRD, headed by Dr. Alfred L. Loomis. The com- mittee, acting much like a Board of Directors, included scientists or engineers from M.I.T., the University of California, Columbia University, the University of Rochester, the Bell Telephone Labora- tories, the General Electric Company, the Westinghouse Electric Corporation, the Radio Corporation of America, the Sperry Gyro- scope Company, the General Radio Company, and the War Pro- duction Board. Through these men, constructive criticism and cooperation with industrial firms were always available. Then the programs in their more general aspects, and especially the budgets, were checked and approved by the NDRC, and final authorization was given by Dr. Vannevar Bush as Director of OSRD. At every level in this organization, close contact was maintained with the Army and the Navy through their appointed liaison officers or through actual membership of their officers on committees. I mention these organizational details to emphasize the widely cooperative character of the Radiation Laboratory enterprise and hence the widely shared credit for its success.18 C AA FOOTNOTES 1 The Navy did not receive its first production set of the CXAM until May, 1940; no production contracts were let for Army equipment until August, 1940. Neither Army nor Navy had seriously studied air-borne ELECTRONIC ESPIONAGE 237 radar systems at that date. The British, under more pressure, were farther along. 2 There were sets based on the longer waves which gave distinguished service. The Navy's CXAM was an aircraft warning set for big naval vessels; the Army's SCR-270 and SCR-271 were land installations for long-range detection and early warning against aircraft. The 270 was mobile, the 271 permanent. Another important Army set was the SCR-268, mobile for searchlight and antiaircraft fire control. Any defects in the sets were implicit in the wavelengths on which they operated, and at the time they were designed there was no choice on this score. They remained on active duty to the end of the war and are entitled to a fair share of the medals for gallant service. 3 It goes without saying that there were efforts before the war to use microwaves for detection. The Signal Corps, Naval Research Laboratory, RCA, General Electric, the Germans, all worked over the problem, in general using continuous wave methods. Their only source of power was the split-anode magnetron and its power was so low as to make the possible ranges too short to be of much value. Nevertheless the French had a micro- wave detector on the Normandie. 4 Loomis also in 1940 contributed funds to support a program of micro- wave propagation research at M.I.T. 5 The committee finally included, in addition, R. R. Beal, Director of Research of the Radio Corporation of America; George F. Metcalf of General Electric Company; Melville Eastham, then President of General Radio Company; J. A. Hutcheson of the Westinghouse Electric and Manu- facturing Company; Ernest O. Lawrence, Professor of Physics and Director of the Radiation Laboratory for Nuclear Physics at the University of California; J. G. Trump (succeeded E. L. Bowles), later served as Director of BBRL, Malvern, England; J. R. Loofbourow (succeeded Trump when the latter went to England with the British Branch of RL); C. G. Suits (succeeded G. F. Metcalf), then Assistant Director of Research Labora- tories, General Electric Company; W. R. G. Baker, Vice President of General Electric Company; M. J. Kelly, Director of Research, Bell Tele- phone Laboratories; L. F. Jones, Director of Government Development Division, Radio Corporation of America; F. E. Terman, Dean of Engineer- ing, Stanford University, then Director, Radio Research Laboratory, Division 15, NDRC; L. A. DuBridge, Director, Radiation Laboratory, M.I.T.; A. T. Waterman, Professor of Physics, Sloane Physical Laboratory, Yale University, also with the Office of Field Service, NDRC; Warren Weaver, Director of the Natural Sciences, Rockefeller Foundation, also with Section 7.5, NDRC, and the Applied Mathematics Panel; R. C. Ellis, Director of Radio and Radar, WPB, now Vice President of Raytheon Manufacturing Company; I. I. Rabi, Professor of Physics, Columbia University, Associate Director of Radiation Laboratory. The group was he latter wentvern, England; J. R. E. L. Bowles), 238 QED thus a composite of the best administrative and scientific talent in the laboratories of leading universities and industrial establishments. 6 Only one element in the system was not an RL product. 7 Radiation Laboratory altogether supplied about $12,500,000 of equip. ment directly to the Services; RCC matched this figure. 8 The British Branch was far more significant than this account can suggest. The skillful leadership of Trump earned for him the British decoration King's Medal in the Cause of Freedom. 9 For example, Bowles, Slater, Stratton, Morse, Frank, Loofbourow, Trump, and A. C. Hall. 10 Lawrence's laboratory at Berkeley was of course so named. 11 Involving, for example, a full study of cathode ray tubes. The Plan Position Indicator (PPI) form of presentation, producing as it does a map, is the most comprehensible presentation and the most exciting to a layman. 12 It meant, for example, a relinquishment of any large role in the top project, which was that of nuclear fission, although radar clearly had a more important effect in World War II than the atomic bomb, which appeared only after the war was won. 13 The staff from M.I.T., in addition to Barrow and Tucker, consisted of: William H. Radford, Associate Professor of Electrical Communications, who supervised the teaching staff comprised of civilians and Army and Navy officers. Prescott D. Crout, Associate Professor of Mathematics. Godfrey T. Coate, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering. H. Guyford Stever, Assistant Professor of Aeronautical Engineering. Henry J. Zimmermann, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering. 14 Those readers interested in reading further on Technology's Radar School are referred to the article by W. H. Radford in The Technology Review, Vol. XLVIII, number 4, February, 1946. 15 What follows is taken very largely verbatim from pages 10–15, Massachusetts Institute of Technology President's Report, issue 1944-45, Cambridge, October, 1945. 16 Sometimes these matters are better understood when they are per- sonalized. Consider, for example, the citation to Frank P. Zaffarano, Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering, accompanying his Medal of Freedom. Zaffarano had come to the Radiation Laboratory in May, 1942, and in September, 1943, went to BBRL where he remained until June, 1945. It was during his tour of duty in the United Kingdom that he earned the citation which reads: "Frank P. Zaffarano, Technical Observer, U.S. Army Air Forces, for exceptionally meritorious service in discharging his duties as technical advisor to the Eighth Air Force on micro-wave beacon operation from ELECTRONIC ESPIONAGE 239 October 1943 to April 1945. Mr. Zaffarano has been in a large measure responsible for the success of the Micro-H bombing program in the Eighth Air Force. He accompanied the first pre-production beacon units to the United Kingdom and upon arrival selected sites and set up the units. He then devoted much of his time to training beacon mechanics and instruct- ing navigators and radar personnel in the proper technique of tuning airborne radars for beacon signals. When the first trials of the M-H bomb- ing system began in April 1944, he modified the beacons for delayed operation and designed a modification to a standard Gee indicator to permit its use as a precision monitor for the delay. He planned and super- vised the construction of the mobile M-H stations and accompanied these stations to the continent. Then he assisted in siting and setting up the stations, and supervised their maintenance for a period of five months. During this time he traveled almost continuously among the various sites and worked long hours under trying field conditions. Upon the arrival of production models of the M-H beacons in the theater, he set to work and designed suitable modifications for M-H operation, and once again super- vised installation work. Throughout the entire period of his assignment with the Eighth Air Force, Mr. Zaffarano has worked night and day without rest or respite. His work, his superior technical knowledge, his advice and his unbounded enthusiasm have all contributed immeasurably to the success of radar bombing in the European air offensive." 17 Op. cit. in footnote 15, page 238. 18 The list of Radiation Laboratory staff members and M.I.T. men who worked there is too full to be included here, and the interested reader is referred to the book Radiation Laboratory Staff Members 1940–1945, pub- lished at the Radiation Laboratory in June, 1946. SCR-582 overlooking Algiers Harbor, 23 September 1943. Antenna and reflector being raised through hatch. Part IV THE STAFF AWAY ON DIVERSE MISSIONS 16 ON THE PRODUCTION FRONT 1 ONCE RESPONSIBILITIES in the direction of the prosecution of research had been discharged, it was normal to find the next largest Technology staff activity addressed to problems of production, especially engineering problems in that field. Production as a federal activity was epitomized by the War Production Board though this was preceded by both the War Resources Board and the Office of Production Management and though a very important side partner, which had both research and production problems, was the Rubber Administration. Activities of the War Production Board were closely related to those of the Lend Lease Administration and the Foreign Economic Administration. It is not the province of this history to explain the ramifications and interconnections of the various Rooseveltian groups for war management. Here we shall assume that the reader has a general familiarity with what went on in Washington in this sphere. In production, as in so many other fields, it was the chief of M.I.T. who blazed the way for his colleagues. Back in the pre- war period when the crisis was mounting sharply, the reader may recall that President Roosevelt appointed a War Resources Board. This was in 1939. The board was under the chairman- ship of Mr. Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., a Term Member of M.I.T.'s Corporation. Dr. Compton was a member. The War Resources Board was ill-fated almost from the start. It had been appointed without consulting the then Secretary of War, Mr. Woodring; it had no representative for labor. Nevertheless it was requested by the President to make recommendations about an industrial mobilization plan which had been prepared by the Joint Army- Navy Munitions Board. The WRB made as careful studies as it 243 244 QED could of the conditions in Europe, consulting such experts as Colonel Lindbergh, Colonel Faymonville, military attaché to Moscow, and the military attaché to Berlin, Colonel Smith. It finally brought a program to the President covering special services which would need to be organized. This differed from a plan the President had proposed in one particular. Where Mr. Roosevelt, who already had upwards of one hundred agencies reporting directly to him, proposed that each new war agency should also report directly to him, the WRB proposed the grouping of similar sets of agencies under single chieftains. By this grouping four powerful individuals would in turn report directiy to the President. Mr. Roosevelt declined this proposal and asked for further consideration of his plan. It was at this critical moment that Senator Champ Clark moved the appointment of a special Congressional committee to investigate the actions of the War Resources Board and “to see how far the President has gone in his plans to get the nation into war.” To this proposal the President responded that the committee had finished its work and had been discharged. Thereafter nothing happened for seven months, at the end of which time the Office for Emergency Management was established. The War Resources Board was in effect a flop to Anglophiles, who said it had not done enough, and to isolationists, who said it had done much too much. Actually its recommendations were never carried out in detail by the President, and the largest value it had to Dr. Compton was doubtless experience which served him in good stead in the many delicate negotiations which he was later charged with undertaking. The next production agency, in point of time, with which M.I.T. men were seriously concerned was the Office of Produc- tion Management (OPM). This was merged into the War Production Board (WPB) in December, 1941, and several of M.I.T.'s staff served both agencies. It may be easiest to get a view of the nature of these activities by surveying several individual cases, not necessarily in their order of importance. Walter G. Whitman, Professor of Chemical Engineering, in ON THE PRODUCTION FRONT 245 charge of the Department, served with the War Production Board as Director of the Basic Chemicals Division, which con- tained three sections, one dealing with alcohol and solvents, one with aromatics and intermediates, and one with inorganic chemicals. This division was responsible for securing adequate supplies of all basic chemicals for the war program, including both the military and the essential civilian economy. The four main problems were: 1. To predict future requirements which shifted constantly as the war went along. 2. To allocate critical chemicals so that they would be used most effectively in the war program. 3. To stock-pile where necessary against future requirements. 4. To see that new facilities were constructed as, and only to the extent that, they were required. Such work of course required close cooperation with industry and the Services, with financing agencies such as the Defense Plant Corporation and Defense Supplies Corporation, with Lend Lease, with the Department of Agriculture, with the Petroleum Administration for War, and with various Con- gressional committees. While explosives, synthetic rubber, and aviation gasoline made spectacular demands for increased amounts of basic chemicals, most of the production was widely distributed. New construction was completed totaling several hundred million dollars, and during the critical phase of the war production program about 70 million dollars worth of basic chemicals was allocated every month.1 Similar problems beset other Divisions of the WPB. For example, George B. Waterhouse, Professor of Process Metal- lurgy, now Emeritus, spent nearly five years with OPM, WPB, OLL, and FEA on problems concerning iron and steel and engineering. First he helped Mr. A. J. Whiteside to organize the Iron and Steel Division with special emphasis on alloy materials for steels; later he was charged with the administra- tion of a special order covering the production, composition, and use of tungsten, which was in very short supply. In 1942 he 246 QED was sent to the United Kingdom on the first technical exchange mission in the field of iron and steel since the war had begun. For Lend Lease he had to listen to the demands of various foreign purchasing commissions seeking iron and steel, notably those of the USSR, France, Great Britain, and the Dominions, India, China, and Turkey, and make recommendations and decisions about allocations. In December, 1942, he served as Chairman of the Industrial Equipment Division of the Bureau of Areas of FEA, which had to make decisions on all requests from the USSR for machine tools and industrial equipment. In January, 1945, he became as well Consultant to the Enemy Branch of FEA which was to submit recommendations concern- ing treatment of Germany and Japan as regards industrial reparations. This position required setting up technical mis- sions to study conditions inside Germany and missions in conjunction with the War Department to study war damage, especially in the mines and iron and steel plants of Germany. Waterhouse was demobilized in May, 1945. Similarly Roland D. Parks, Associate Professor of Mineral Industry, served the WPB and its related agencies, and subse- quently the CPA. Professor Parks's work in the war dealt with metals and minerals and was largely in the fields of mining and mineral economics. He served with various titles of increas- ing responsibility for WPB and CPA, ending as Deputy Director of Metals and Minerals Division, CPA. Like Professor Whitman's, his work involved public purchase, stockpiling, and determination of surplus raw materials, if any. As Chairman of the Inter-Agency Quota Committee (WPB-OPA) he was associated directly with the Premium Price Plan, which is a differential price plan used by some 3,500 domestic mines. His work for the CPA continued, as previously, to deal entirely with metal and mineral problems but emphasized civilian output rather than expansion of war output. He returned to full-time duty at M.I.T. as of 1 March 1946. Douglass V. Brown, Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Industrial Management, is known primarily as an expert in labor rela- tions. Much of his important work in the war was indeed in UT ON THE PRODUCTION FRONT 247 that field and will be dealt with later in this chapter. In fact, at the outset of the war preparation period he conducted a survey for the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the current and potential labor supply in the machine tool and aero-engine industries. Beginning in July, 1940, however, and for a period of a year and a half, his attention was directed to production rather than to labor problems. From July, 1940, until January, 1941, he was Head of the Economics and Statistics Section of the Raw Materials Division of the Advisory Commission to the Council on National Defense, a division charged with the responsibility of mobilizing raw material supplies for defense purposes. From January to August, 1941, he was Chief of the Review Division of the Materials Branch of OPM and assistant to W. L. Batt, Vice Chairman of OPM. In both these jobs he dealt with problems of materials supply and with special assignments such as coordinating the American effort with the Canadian effort along the same lines. From September to November, 1941, he was in Russia as a staff adviser to the Harriman-Beaverbrook Mission, which was the forerunner of Lend Lease to Russia. After this interesting assignment Brown returned to more strictly labor problems. 2 Closely related to production, if at times perilously far from it, was the work of the Rubber Administration. It is hard now for the short memory to recall that the war came near to being lost on rubber and that Mr. Baruch's Rubber Committee was nearly as important in its day (lest a war be lost) as his Atomic Control Committee was later (lest a peace be lost). The situation was critical and it was touch and go for a time. All our other power was in danger of being wasted because we had no latex. To meet this crisis President Roosevelt summoned his elder statesman. To head the committee to study the problem he named Mr. Bernard Baruch. The other members summoned in 1942 were J. B. Conant, President of Harvard University, and Dr. Compton. According to popular fancy they sat on benches in Washington's parks and finally rendered a report. The result was the Rubber Administration. To the chairman- ship of this administration Mr. William Martin Jeffers, Presi. 248 QED TAT dent of the Union Pacific Railroad, was named; his deputy was Colonel Bradley Dewey, '09, Life Member of M.I.T.'s Corpora- tion. Later Dewey succeeded Mr. Jeffers as Rubber Director. But this is not an alumni record and Colonel Dewey's achieve- ments must go unrecorded here. Here we list only the achieve- ments of the M.I.T. staff, led, as so often, by their president. Edwin R. Gilliland, Professor of Chemical Engineering, was a key figure in the synthetic rubber program. From the summer of 1940 to July, 1943, he directed an NDRC project on oxygen production, and subsequent to his work on rubber he occupied important positions in NDRG. For the Rubber Administration, Gilliland was Assistant Deputy Rubber Director in Charge of Research and Development from October, 1942, to October, 1943, and Assistant Rubber Director from October, 1943, to October, 1944.3 Behind problems of production were problems of labor. Here again a specialized department of the Institute was ready to supply its staff for the solution of war problems comparable to those with which they had dealt in times of peace. These activities centered around two agencies of which the more important from the M.I.T. point of view was the War Labor Board, and the less important, the War Manpower Commission. To the former many of Technology's staff were summoned. For example, after his service with the Harriman mission to Moscow, Douglass Brown became a special arbitrator for the National War Labor Board. In 1942 and 1943 he carried out a study with several other members of M.I.T.'s Industrial Rela- tions Section and a staff member of the University of California on the labor relations and conditions in the longshore and maritime industries. This study was made for the Army Service Forces. Associated with Brown were Irving Knickerbocker, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Douglas M. McGregor, Asso- ciate Professor of Psychology, Charles A. Myers, Associate Pro- fessor of Industrial Relations, Paul Pigors, Associate Professor of Industrial Relations, and John Landgraf, then Instructor in the Department of Economics and Social Science. Subsequently, Brown served successively as Public Panel ON THE PRODUCTION FRONT 249 Member for the New England Regional War Labor Board, as Public Member of that board, and as arbitrator in many dis- putes, particularly those involving textiles. Knickerbocker became consultant on labor relations to Dewey and Almy Com- pany and Raytheon Manufacturing Company and later a Public Panel Member of the New England Regional War Labor Board and an arbitrator in various labor disputes. McGregor became an ad hoc consultant to various industrial firms, a member of the Regional Appeals Committee of the War Manpower Com- mission, and, from 1944, Director of Industrial Relations for the Dewey and Almy Company. Myers went on to be a con- sultant on labor relations and personnel problems to the Nashua Manufacturing Company. He also was a member of the New England Regional War Labor Board and from December, 1943, to July, 1944, made a field study of the personnel problems of the postwar transition period for the Committee for Economic Development. Pigors was a Public Panel Member for the New England War Labor Board during most of its history, in addition to serving as arbitrator in many disputes and as consultant to a number of companies and unions. William T. Martin, Professor of Mathematics and Executive Officer of the Department, was a member of the Public Panel of the Second Regional War Labor Board, and Ralph E. Freeman, Professor of Economics in charge of the Department of Economics and Social Sciences, performed a similar function for the New England War Labor Board. In April, 1942, Richard M. Bissell, Jr., then an assistant professor at Yale University, joined M.I.T.'s staff as Associate Professor of Economics. He promptly took leave of absence to go to the War Shipping Administration, where in the Division of Ship Control he was successively Economist to the Com- bined Shipping Adjustment Board, Assistant to the Deputy Administrator, Director of Economic Policy, Director of Ship Requirements, and Executive Officer of the Combined Shipping Adjustment Board. For nearly a year, beginning in December, 1945, he served in the Office of War Mobilization and Recon- 250 QED version, first as Economic Adviser to the Director and subse- quently as Deputy Director. Thus in their various ways chemists, mathematicians, metal- lurgists, geologists, economists, and psychologists from M.I.T.'s staff worked on problems of war production, supply of material, creation of new sources, and labor relations in fields not too remote from their training and background. A little more off the M.I.T. beam was the work of a handful of individuals on the psychological front. To them we may now turn. t FOOTNOTES 1 Whitman's work started in June, 1941, as part-time consultant with particular responsibility for increasing toluene production tenfold to meet the needs for TNT. After the attack on Pearl Harbor he assumed the described poston full-time leave of absence from the Institute. Other posts he held were: (1) Chairman of the Subcommittee on Aircraft Fuels and Lubricants of the NACA; (2) chairman of a special committee of OSRD to study and report on long-burning propellants for missiles; (3) member of a panel appointed by the Bureau of Aeronautics of the Navy to recommend techniques for increasing the range of combat aircraft; (4) member of the U.S.-Canadian Ordnance Committee on the Production of Explosives. 2 This by no means exhausts the roster of those who worked with WPB and its related agencies, though it is probably enough to set the general stage. Among the others were: Antoine M. Gaudin, Richards Professor of Mineral Dressing. During 1942–1943 consultant to Materials Division, WPB; in 1942 Head Pro- duction Specialist for the Board of Economic Warfare. In that con- nection he visited Bolivia for four months in 1942 to find out how best to increase that country's production of tin and tungsten (see also Chapter 12). Carle R. Hayward, Professor of Process Metallurgy, Emeritus, was consultant to the Copper Division of WPB and subsequently served as general metallurgical consultant to the United States Bureau of Mines. Jerome C. Hunsaker, Professor in Charge of the Department of Aero- nautical Engineering, then in charge of the Department of Mechanical Engineering as well, was a member of the Cargo Planes Advisory Com- mittee to the Department of Commerce. John M. Lessells, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, was a member of WPB Committee 165 on Production and Properties of Magnesium Press and Hammer Forgings. Charles A. Myers, Associate Professor of Industrial Relations, was on ON THE PRODUCTION FRONT 251 black icelor! Ots Marketing the staff of the Industry Consultant Branch, Labor Division, WPB; the job was to assist the Industry Division in conversion of consumer goods industries to war production. Paul A. Samuelson, Professor of Economics, served as part-time con- sultant to WPB in connection with their Economics and General Plan- ning Program. Robert R. Shrock, Associate Professor of Geology, left M.I.T. in 1943 to become a member of the Quartz Section of the Miscellaneous Minerals Division of WPB and has now returned. C. A. Stokes, then Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering, was for a time consultant in carbon black to WPB. Gerald B. Tallman, Associate Professor of Marketing, was consultant to the Office of Civilian Requirements of the WPB. Edward S. Taylor, Professor of Aircraft Engines, was consultant to WPB on aircraft and tank engines. Robert S. Harris, Professor of Biochemistry of Nutrition, was consultant in nutrition to the FEA, where he acted as an adviser on food relief and rehabilitation problems, especially in the Far East. 3 Other staff members concerned with the Rubber Program were: Dean Sherwood, consultant to the Baruch Committee. Charles A. Myers, Associate Professor of Industrial Relations, staff mem- ber of the Baruch Rubber Survey Committee. Ernst A. Hauser, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, staff member of the Baruch Rubber Survey Committee. William L. Campbell, now Professor of Food Technology in charge of the Department, in the Office of the Rubber Director, dealing with problems of producing the raw materials. ON THE PSYCHOLOGICAL FRONT 1 IT IS A FAR CRY from the arts of production to those of diplo- macy. However, even in this unexpected field, Technology's staff were called upon for service. Bellwether of this group was Robert G. Caldwell, Dean of Humanities, one-time United States Minister to Portugal and later to Bolivia. In 1940 Dean Caldwell was called back to State Department activities by Mr. Nelson Rockefeller and during 1940–41 was Chairman of the Cultural Division in the Office of Inter-American Affairs which, at that time, was under the National Defense Council. In 1941-43 he was a member of the General Advisory Com- mittee on Cultural Relations for the Department of State. In both these tasks his extensive State Department and Latin American experience stood him in good stead. The program mentioned above was initiated more than a year before Pearl Harbor to supplement the ordinary political activities of the Department of State. It was not an effort to buy good will, but to avoid obvious dangers and to create the greatest possible unity in a period of crisis. There were, at least at the beginning, two sides of the pro- gram: one economic and commercial, intended to prevent dangerous economic dislocations and, later, to promote the production of strategic materials; and the second cultural, in a very large sense, intended to combat German propaganda in certain key countries and to promote knowledge and under- standing. The means used in this second program included the greatly enlarged exchange of students and leaders; the study of Latin America; the translation of important books and the use of the 252 ON THE PSYCHOLOGICAL FRONT 253 S radio, the cinema, and the newspaper to give a more general understanding of the two regions. The Office of Inter-American Affairs was established for the emergency. With the war over, many ideas which originated there were taken over on a permanent basis by the State Department and are now supported on a greatly increased basis by such legislation as the Fulbright Bill, now become law, which provides up to $20,000,000 in foreign currencies from the proceeds of the sale of surplus war material for each of certain foreign countries for international educational pur- poses. In the formative year, Dean Caldwell spent two days each week in Washington, where policies were formulated, and another two in New York, where many of them were actually carried out. Norman J. Padelford, Professor of International Relations, served in the Department of State as a consultant, beginning in 1941, and still continues in that capacity. During the war period he was particularly associated with the development of plans for the United Nations Organization, and also with policy respecting the postwar organization of European inland trans- portation. He was a member in 1943 of a small group of experts designated by Secretary Hull to draw up the first American draft of a United Nations Charter. In 1944 he was a member of the United Nations Delegation to the Dumbarton Oaks Conference on International Organization and Security which agreed on the basic outlines of the new world organization. In April, 1945, he served as Secretary to the Committee of Jurists which met in Washington to revise the Statute of the World Court. After that, he was Executive Officer at the San Francisco United Nations Conference which drafted the United Nations Charter. At this meeting he was especially connected with the work of establishing the new International Court of Justice as well as assisting in the general administration of the confer- ence. In September, 1945, he accompanied Secretary of State James E. Byrnes to the London meeting of the Council of 254 QED KY 11 1 Foreign Ministers in the role of special personal adviser. At this conference he was adviser to the Secretary on matters con- nected with the internationalization of the Danube and other European waterways in the treaties of peace. While in London he was made a United States delegate to the Conference on European Inland Transport which established the European Inland Transport Organization. Since the London Council meeting he has continued as adviser and consultant to the government on questions relating to the administration and disposition of various European waterways. 1 Clair E. Turner, ’17, Professor of Public Health, Emeritus, and now Visiting Professor of Health Education at the Univer- sity of California, turned his experience in public health matters to good account in the field of international relations. From 1 March 1944 to 1 August 1945 he was Chief Health Education Officer in the Division of Health and Sanitation of the Office of Inter-American Affairs. Cooperative programs were develop- ing between the United States and eighteen Latin American countries; one of these involved health education. For those countries to the south who had already initiated health educa- tion, the United States group helped to extend the program; for those who had not previously entered the field, first pro- grams were initiated. To expedite this activity Turner visited most of these countries, worked in the field with U.S. Public Health groups and with the local national health authorities. Successive to that mission he organized a year of study at the University of California, sponsored by the Office of Inter- American Affairs, set up for the further study of fifteen Latin American graduate students under a fellowship arrangement. Even more remote from Technology's accepted sphere was the activity of the Office of War Information. Here William N. Locke, now Professor of Modern Languages in charge of the Department, carried out an assignment with the Psychological Warfare Division of SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces). First in charge of field printing of com- bat propaganda for the First United States Army, then for the Eighth Corps at the siege of Brest, later chief of propaganda X ON THE PSYCHOLOGICAL FRONT 255 production and staff liaison officer with the Ninth Army Psy- chological Warfare Team, Locke, at the end of the fighting in the Ruhr, was transferred to duty as press officer with Twelfth Army Group Psychological Warfare Division. He directed pro- duction of the first postoccupation newspaper in the Ruhr. When the Ruhr was handed over to the British, Locke returned to America to take up his work at the Institute.2 Boonyium Meesook, then Research Associate in Chemistry, went at the request of the Siamese Minister to San Francisco to take charge of Siamese language short-wave broadcasts con- ducted under the supervision of the OWI. These broadcasts were made three times daily, lasted altogether about three hours a day, and were regarded by the resistance groups in Siam as their authoritative source of information. This work together with that of other Free Thais working on intelligence missions for the OSS brought about coordination between the activities of the Allies and of the resistance groups in Siam. The Japanese, as it turned out, surrendered before any of the plans for inva- sion of Thailand were carried through. At the end of the war Meesook resigned his position, which was then Chief of the Thai Language Section, OWI. Dorwin P. Cartwright, Associate Professor of Psychology, was employed full time from February, 1942, to the end of the war by the Division of Program Surveys in the Bureau of Agricul- tural Economics of the Department of Agriculture. There he directed research to develop information about a number of subjects; a periodic public opinion survey for the OWI; infor- mation about marketing problems for the War Finance Division of the U.S. Treasury; information about the distribution of savings and attitudes towards their use for the Federal Reserve Board; information as to public opinion and attitudes towards various war programs of the War Food Administration. In April and May, 1945, he joined the United States Strategic Bombing Survey as a planning consultant for the Morale Division. Justin R. Hartzog, then Assistant Professor of City Planning, followed activities closely related to his profession, all dealing ge Secris positled the 256 QED with the housing of war workers. For some time he acted as Regional Coordinator of Defense Housing for New England; after this, as Special Consultant to the Defense Housing Coordi- nator in Washington, he assisted in making comprehensive city and regional planning investigations, analyses, and recom- mendations in connection with the development of war housing projects of large proportions in localities of such complicated character as Detroit (Willow Run), Buffalo, Fort Worth, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Hampton Roads, Freeport, Texas, and Las Vegas, Nevada. The Institute even had its hand in the mysterious activities of the "cloak and dagger boys' of the Office of Strategic Services. Some of this work was in connection with research for OSRD which supplied certain tools to OSS. Others who were directly connected feel that they cannot yet say much about their activi- ties.3 Of the rest the most interesting career was probably enjoyed by Robert V. Rosa, Instructor in Economics, 1941-43. Rosa left the Institute in April, 1943, and served in the Army first as a sergeant and ultimately as a commissioned officer, assigned to OSS. For this group he went to England in January, 1944, to join a small group of economists who were working on target policy for the United States Strategic Air Force. Com- missioned in September, he was transferred to General Bradley's Staff Headquarters, Twelfth Army Group. Until the following May he served in the G-2 Branch, analyzing the supply and transport position and vulnerability of the German Army in those areas. His time during this period was divided between the Twelfth Army and the Advanced Headquarters of the Ninth Air Force. In May of 1945 he returned to London to work with the Enemy Objectives Unit, composed of personnel from OSS and FEA and attached to the Embassy. He went to London because the United States Ambassador felt that, in dealing with reparations, it might be useful to have a survey made by the same people who had been studying Germany from a military point of view. This work culminated in a report, of which Rosa was editor, entitled The German Economy of the Next Decade and the Reparations Potential of the Western ON THE PSYCHOLOGICAL FRONT 257 Zones. These, then, were among the more colorful activities of members of M.I.T. staff who strayed somewhat from the beaten or the traditional Technology path. A full survey of the activities of the Technology staff off-campus requires only some consideration of the vast amount of consulting which members of this staff did for industry, and to that final consideration we may now turn. FOOTNOTES 1 Also serving the State Department was F. Alexander Magoun, Asso- ciate Professor of Human Relations, who was Consultant to the Division of Cultural Relations from 1942 to 1944. 2 Professor Locke's citations read as follows: “1. On the occasion of the termination of his service with Psychological Warfare Branch, P & PW Detachment, 12th Army Group, from 19 May 1944 to 26 June 1945, it is desired to commend Mr. William Locke, 0-247749, Civilian, OWI, for exceptionally meritorious service in the field of combat propaganda. His duties were performed in a superior manner and his service was characterized by loyal devotion to duty, initiative, determination, and persistence. "2. Mr. Locke served as Chief Printer during the organization and training period in the Spring of 1944 in addition to other duties which he was performing for Psychological Warfare Division, Supreme Head- quarters Allied Expeditionary Force. His counsel, advice and assistance in the construction, alteration and repair of field printing units and in the training of personnel for field printing were invaluable. Mr. Locke served with outstanding efficiency with Mobile Printing Units in the field, and made extensive reconnaissance of printing plants, for supplies and equipment. His work was meticulous and painstaking in every respect. “3. Mr. Locke rendered a very substantial contribution to the suc- cessful accomplishment of the Psychological Warfare mission of 12th Army Group." EUROPEAN-AFRICAN-MIDDLE EASTERN CAMPAIGN RIBBON "Under the provisions of War Department Cable WARX 29101, 30 January 1945, the European-African-Middle Eastern campaign ribbon is awarded, for outstanding and conspicuous service with the armed forces under difficult and hazardous combat conditions during the period indi- cated, to: William Locke, 14 June 1944 to 21 May 1945." 3 Among them were: The late Kurt Lewin, Professor of Psychology, Director of Research Center for Group Dynamics. 258 QED Ronald Lippitt, Associate Professor of Psychology. Lippitt collaborated in the development of a training program for OSS personnel who were being sent to the Far East on intelligence or psychological warfare missions. Karl Deutsch, Associate Professor of History. His activities are synop- sized in the Certificate of Merit conferred upon him: “During several crucial war years, while assigned to the Latin America Division, Research and Analysis Branch, Mr. Deutsch distinguished himself by the display of extreme competence, energies and zeal in undertaking and bringing to highly successful completion several basic research projects of vital and continuing significance to the Allied cause. In particular, Mr. Deutsch organized and carried to impressive accomplishment the valuable study of the pro-Axis press in Argentina, later used as part of the Argentine dossier prepared for the American delegation at the Mexico City Confer- ence in February 1945. The research standards established and maintained by Mr. Deutsch contributed greatly to the uniformly high professional morale within the Division.” 18 CONSULTANTS TO INDUSTRY IN THIS CHAPTER we essay the most difficult task in this report, that of relating the contribution of Technology's staff as con- sultants to industry or to research projects away from the Institute.1 The task is difficult because the assignments were so diverse, because the contribution of a consultant is almost inevitably part of a bigger picture which cannot be drawn in these confines, because almost certainly many of the staff have not reported this type of activity and the picture is therefore, at best, a partial one. The method of the chapter is, first, to draw some generali- zations concerning the nature and scope of these consulting activities, and then to amplify this picture somewhat by selected anecdotal treatment of the work of some individuals. Before the war the scientific staffs of the Institute were more concerned for the most part with fundamental research than they were with industrial connections. This was not true of the engineering departments, which had several reasons for a dif- ferent attitude. One of these reasons was the knowledge that the product of their teaching would be so much a part of indus- trial personnel; another was that most engineering research tends to require at some stage larger physical facilities than any educational institution can possess and so the engineering teacher or research man may at some time arrange to finish his job in the halls of industry; a third was the knowledge that the teaching profited largely by close industrial contacts so that teaching might not become “old hat." All these factors con- joined to create a situation where before the war a substantial number of M.I.T. staff members, especially in the engineering departments, had built up important connections for the 259 260 QED employment of their spare time in such fields as aircraft and motor production, mining and metallurgical industries, ship building, production of electrical power and equipment, and the chemical industries. Under normal circumstances, then, it might have been expected that the staffs of the engineering departments would have expanded their activities for the industrial producers and that this would have been done largely on the industrial front; while also, normally, the period of a war would have been too UTM mentals might have been expected to remain in their labora- tories seeking knowledge which might be useful in the next war but not in this. But this was not a normal situation. It happened that funda- mental research of the previous twenty-five years had progressed to the point where a number of applications were implicit; to the laymen these have smacked of the miraculous but to the men who made the discoveries they were not so startling. To be sure, they had not come so far that the development was obvious or to be achieved by an artisan or by pushing a button; the crisis required a vastly accelerated development if it was to occur in time, and this required scientists. Scientists needed to be diverted into the border fields between the seeded ones of known scientific facts and the crop-bearing ones of known engineering application; harvesting the crop in the border land could not be entrusted completely to the engineer, if that term may be used without inveighing any unfortunate distinc- tion between scientists and engineers. Now to do this meant that the scientists would have to forsake in considerable degree their fundamental work, that we would have to live for a time on our scientific fat. This is and always will be, no doubt, one of the prices of war. It is not the least price. It should not be forgotten, simply because some pragmatic by-products usually ensue to titillate the fancy of the thoughtless. The spectacular and important technological developments of the war were, for both sides, and on the whole, in the domain of physics and its applications. The losers had their jets and CONSULTANTS TO INDUSTRY 261 their V-l's and 2's, their Schnörkels; the winners had several extremely important advantages over these which will be men- tioned shortly. Such an obvious spectacular application of chemistry as gas was not used. Though there was much talk of bacteriological warfare neither side suffered from this possibly horrible weapon. At least on the face of it, the big and winning applications of new technology were radar, underwater sound, modern fire control, rockets, operations analysis, the proximity fuse, the new incendiary, the guided missile, and the atomic bomb. The bomb has tended to overshadow everything else. It was not needed to win the war. All these applications were applications of physics or chemistry and most of them of physics. Practical-minded physicists, mathematicians, and chemists could be used in any of these jobs; the record shows that they were. The engineers in the fields most closely related to these developments could not escape being swept up in the mael- strom. At M.I.T. this meant especially the chemical engineers and the electrical engineers. Of the rest, the economists, psychologists, and students of business and engineering administration naturally found them- selves on the production front, mostly with the government; the naval architects were naturally called to shipyards which were growing faster than trained management for them was avail- able; the civil engineers naturally went to the field to build bases; this left still available for consulting and in the very place where they could be of most use, the aeronautical and mechani- cal engineers, and the others who have been mentioned on pages 167–169 et seq. Thus the total picture of M.I.T., despite the obvious dislocations which have appeared in this book, was not abnormal, not too different from the picture for the nation. It is revealing as well to look at the sample another way. No less than fifteen different men consulted on various problems which would affect the performance of aircraft, and this was by far the largest group; seven worked whole or part time for arsenals and other ordnance establishments to better guns or munitions; five worked on problems of marine propulsion; 262 QED . LL five on various problems of metals, supply, refining, or new properties through new alloys. Three men went to the field to seek new sources of materials which threatened to be made scarce through blockade; two worked in the laboratory to synthe- size materials similarly threatened. Two worked on chemical warfare problems and two on new applications of light polar- izers. Two built bases and a third was concerned with the design of an Arabian refinery. One worked on new refractories, one on gauges for measurement at high speed, and one on the public health problems of a great port of embarkation. No less than ten left the Institute to join the laboratories of other universities under OSRD contracts.2 Of these, six were concerned with subsurface warfare and problems of detection, underwater ballistics, or offensive weapons. Four of them were at Columbia University and two at Harvard University. One of the six went on to the California Institute of Technology to take an important part in the rocket work at that institution. Of the other four, two worked on a problem of aviation medi- cine at Wesleyan University and two on radar. These two were joined by one from the underwater group and the three split their time equally between the Bell Telephone Laboratories, the Raytheon Corporation, and the Wave Propagation Group at Columbia University. This is perhaps enough of generalization from incomplete data. In turning to specific examples it is well to emphasize that the persons singled out for mention were chosen because they illustrated something and not because their work was necessarily any more important than that performed by others not so mentioned. Consider then first Robert R. Shrock, Associate Professor of Geology. His was the role of modern explorer. After a period of service for the WPB, during which he allocated quartz to the manufacturers of oscillators for radar and radio, he joined the geological staff of the Reynolds Metals Company where he remained until 1 September 1945, when he returned to the Institute. This staff, organized by Warren J. Mead, Professor of Geology and Head of the Department, acting as Consultant to CONSULTANTS TO INDUSTRY 263 the Reynolds Metals Company, and headed by Walter L. White- head, Associate Professor of Geology, was commissioned to ex- plore promising areas for new sources of aluminum ore; its work can be broken into three phases. In the first, which took nearly a year from mid-1943 to mid-1944, the explorations were wide- spread over the Republic of Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Mexico. They resulted in the discovery of a relatively large deposit of ore in Haiti, and the government of that republic subsequently granted the company a sixty-year con- cession for the mining of the ore. In the second phase explora- tions for bauxite were carried on first in Jamaica and later again in Haiti. A number of ore bodies of probable commercial grade were discovered in Jamaica and the second trip to Haiti un- earthed appreciable reserves beyond the first discovery; in the third phase the group made investigations of reported bauxite deposits in southwest Washington and northwest Oregon. Another of Technology's explorers had an equally interesting time but was not so fortunate. Harold W. Fairbairn, Associate Professor of Petrology, like Shrock, took his geologist's tools to the field. His mission was undertaken at the time when the tanker line was being heavily attacked along our eastern sea- board and oil supplies were running short in the northern United States. He was assigned to investigate the petroleum possibilities on Anticosti Island, a low hundred-mile island lying in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The favorable east coast location would have made this island ideal for petroleum development in war had there been a good supply, and this desideratum may have influenced the thinking of some who were convinced it had a good oil potential. Fairbairn's explora- tions showed that this was not the case. James Holt, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, left his usual concern with heat problems at the Institute to deal with problems in the cold. He was attached to the joined firms of Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon, architects of New York, and Fay, Spofford, and Thorndike, engineers of Boston, as division engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the construc- tion of Army posts and airfields in Newfoundland, Canada, 264 QED Labrador, and Greenland. Holt took charge of all such mechani- cal engineering work connected with these projects as heating, power plants, fuel oil and gasoline storage and dispensing, cold storage plants, laundries, bakeries, and incinerators. The roster of those concerned with far places cannot be closed so quickly. Victor O. Homerberg, Professor of Physical Metallurgy, worked with the Rock Island Arsenal to determine the materials most suitable to use for pins and bushings in the bogie suspensions of light and medium tanks destined for combat in Tunisia. These materials, which had to operate without lubrication, withstood the action of fine sand in the African desert and, so far as is known, also operated without failure on the coral of the Pacific, over the shingle of Normandy, through the mud of Touraine and the Rhine. In making the tests the tanks were driven over sand deserts, slag piles near steel mills, and refuse dumps in the back yards of steel casting companies. The polarizing plastic, commercially labeled Polaroid, is well known to those who wear goggles to cut down road glare or to see the fish at the bottom of a pond. Many students of graphics also know well the stereoscopic drawing of John T. Rule, Professor of Drawing and Descriptive Geometry in charge of the Section of Graphics. Before the war Rule had been working with the staff of Polaroid Corporation on applications whereby superimposed photographs could be viewed through polarizing glasses, the glass for each eye being polarized in a different sense with the result that a startling stereopicture was possible without cumbersome apparatus. This device, known as the Vectograph, set forth relief with amazing brilliance and was useful for photointerpretation. At the beginning of the war Rule joined the staff of the Polaroid Corporation to take charge of the development of the Mark I Machine Gun Trainer for the Navy, which was created at Polaroid. This training device consisted of a machine gun which shot stereoscopic tracer bullets at stereoscopic motion pictures of airplane attack flights, and registered hits. The machines went into naval bases CONSULTANTS TO INDUSTRY 265 throughout the country, to Hawaii, England, Guam, and other outlying stations. Parker Hamilton, Instructor in Mathematics, was also asso- ciated with the Vectograph development. He spent nine months of his time under the supervision of the Air Service Command in the field as a technical representative; of these nine months, eight were in New Guinea and the Solomons. Here Hamilton had to locate those groups in various branches of the service who could make good use of such equipment as mosaics, as single pictures, or as projection slides; having located them, he had to show them what could be done; having convinced them of the usefulness of the device, he had to train the local service laboratories so that they could make the pictures themselves. At the beginning of the war Christian E. Grosser was Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering. One of his jobs was at Wesleyan University collaborating with Dr. Richard Wendt, designing and supervising the erection and operation of a special elevator used in the study of air sickness and sea sickness.3 Arthur C. Ruge, then Assistant Professor of Engineering Seismology, is best known to most friends of the Institute for his model shaking table. Long before the war, however, he had collaborated with the late A. V. de Forest, Professor of Mechani- cal Engineering, in the invention and development of various wire strain gauges for the measurement of dynamic conditions. These gauges proved so important in the study of many types of military and naval equipment, especially aircraft, that he took leave in order to spend all his time consulting on applica- tions of the gauges. Henry E. Rossell, Professor of Naval Construction, Emeritus, was called away on a very different mission. He went to Phila- delphia to become President and General Manager of a newly organized but important shipbuilding group, the Cramp Ship- building Company. This unit was devoted almost exclusively to the production of naval vessels and especially of cruisers and submarines. Vice President of the Company in charge of Engi- 266 QED neering was Garland Fulton, '17, and the Vice President in charge of Production was Karl D. Fernstrom, who in 1940 was Professor of Business Management at Technology. A still different activity of importance, though not usually so in war, was that of Joseph H. Keenan, Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Keenan, like many of his colleagues, had a variety of industrial consulting assignments; he directed research proj- ects at the Institute. Nonetheless he found time to collaborate with Joseph Kaye, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineer- ing, in a book, Thermodynamic Properties of Air, which pro- vided for the ready computation of processes for air and gases. The tables of this book were extensively used in design and engineering work related to gas turbines, jet propulsion ma- chinery, and internal combustion engines. They were so im- portant for war activities that an abbreviated form was made available in 1943 prior to the publication of the whole by John Wiley and Sons in June, 1945. A second book, which also influenced war research, was Microwave Transmission, prepared by John C. Slater, Professor of Physics, in charge of the Department. This book, published by McGraw-Hill Book Company in 1942, set forth the fundamental principles of microwaves primarily for the benefit of those on the staffs of Radiation Laboratory and other institutions concerned with wartime radar development. A team of five4 worked with John M. Lessells, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, in an important consult- ing capacity for the British. Beginning in October, 1939, the production of aircraft forgings for England was begun in the United States. They were chiefly crankshaft and airscrew hub forgings for Rolls-Royce, Limited, involving the introduction in this country of a new steel developed in Britain. The Lessells group drew up the material specifications and inspection pro- cedures in collaboration with representatives of the steel mill and drop forging companies, and when the British Air Com- mission was established in Washington these procedures were adopted by them. When the supply of ball and roller bearing for aircraft CONSULTANTS TO INDUSTRY 267 engines became a serious problem, sources of supply were found in this country and inspection procedures again developed. Under these arrangements large quantities of such bearings were supplied to Britain. As consultant to Rolls-Royce, Limited, Lessells then guided the Packard Motor Company in the selec- tion of suitable American materials for the production of the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine. Regarding the production of aircraft forgings in this country, it was soon realized that much heavier hammer equipment would be required to maintain production schedules. Consult- ing advice was given by the Lessells group in the design and maintenance problems connected with the larger type of hammer which was developed. Later on, as a natural denoue- ment, Lessells became a consultant to the British Ministry of Supply and U.S. Ordnance Departments on tank engines and parts. Based on the investigations by his group carried out at the Ford Motor Company and at the Institute, the groundwork was laid for the adoption of forged crankshafts rather than the previous cast type on the Ford eight-cylinder tank engine. Murray P. Horwood, Professor of Sanitary Science, had a very different assignment. For four critical years he was consultant to the Boston Health Department when Boston was an impor- tant and swollen port of embarkation and debarkation. Here he gave an extended course of training to the large staff of sanitary and food inspectors, made a sanitary survey of all eat- ing and drinking establishments, and inaugurated a system for the regular laboratory examination of samples from eating and drinking utensils to determine sterility; he investigated the public water supply, problems of sewer pollution and refuse disposal, the delousing facilities in the port and the sanitation at food processing plants, and developed programs for com- bating rodents and vermin.5 Of those who went to OSRD laboratories away from M.I.T. the careers of Professors Slichter and Horton may be taken as examples. Much of Slichter's work has been discussed previ- ously.6 Beginning in 1944 his previous distinguished work in the field of antisubmarine measures led Division 3 to request 13 268 QED 1 that his group transfer to the Underwater Ballistics Program at the California Institute of Technology. This program was con- cerned chiefly with the water entry of aircraft torpedoes, a problem which then had very high priority in the Bureau of Ordnance. The program included study of the water entry, ricochet, and underwater behavior of bombs, rockets, torpedoes, and other underwater projectiles. Full-scale testing of aircraft torpedoes had been provided for by a special launching range on Morris Dam Lake, designed and operated by a group under Dr. F. C. Lindvall. The primary immediate function of the Morris Dam group had been testing of performance character- istics of underwater bombs and projectiles. Preliminary mode! studies of underwater ballistics had also been made. Under Slichter the group became especially active in the development of model study techniques and in the study of the complex similitude relationships which exist in any dynamic problem where two such different media as air and water are involved. The group with which Professor Slichter was associated made a very spectacular improvement in aerial torpedoes. By simply attaching a ring to the tail, at the ends of the fins, that standard aerial torpedo was transformed from an uncertain weapon which was dangerous to use to a very effective one. The standard torpedo had to be launched from a very limited height and at a very limited speed. If launched at a higher altitude or at greater speeds the impact on the water would wreck the torpedo. The ring made it possible to launch the same torpedo from heights four times as great and at speeds up to twice as many miles per hour with a very great improvement in the percentage of hot runs. The beauty of the development was that the ring- tail could be readily added to torpedoes in stock. This was a beautiful example of a small change to an existing piece of equipment which made all the difference in the world. J. Warren Horton, Associate Professor of Electrical Com- munications, was also drawn into the underwater campaign but over a different route. As Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Naval Reserve he was deferred from active duty by the Secretary of the Navy in order that he might serve as a civilian 0 CONSULTANTS TO INDUSTRY 269 S scientist at the Underwater Sound Laboratory. This laboratory at New London was operated by Columbia University under NDRC and OSRD contracts. Horton was assigned the technical direction of development groups who were devising new under- water sound instruments and techniques for use against the German submarines. In 1943 the scope of the laboratory was broadened to cover subsurface warfare generally. From that time on, Horton's responsibilities as Assistant Director of the Underwater Sound Laboratory were in connection with under- water sound devices to be used by our own submarines when they were on the prowl. Horton had two turns of foreign duty, one in 1943 when he served for a time as technical liaison for the laboratory in the United Kingdom, dealing mostly, of course, with the Admiralty; and in 1944 he was attached to the staff of the Commander of Submarines, Pacific Fleet, at Pearl Harbor, to study the operational requirements of underwater sound equipment for submarines on the attack. He has now returned to M.I.T. and is writing a textbook, The Fundamentals of Sonar, at the request of the Navy.? We have dipped our seine and brought up a variegated catch; we have seen professors tramping the mountains of Haiti in search of bauxite, scouting the isles of the St. Lawrence for oil, designing cold-storage plants for the edge of Greenland's icecap, contriving bogies to stand against the drifting sands of Tunisia, sweating in the Solomons to bring new stereo techniques to the forces there; designing machines to simulate air sickness, and gauges to measure strain in propellers rotating at high speed; directing the operations of a new and important shipbuilding company. We have observed them writing books, which is a conventional enough professorial activity to be sure. We have seen them as consultants to British Air Missions and the British Ministry of Supply, protecting our embarking troops from the insanitary hazards of a great port and taking leading roles in the study of undersea warfare, both offensive and defensive. It is enough to speed us on our way to the end of this story; the least dramatic, but not by any means the least significant role, was played by those who saw their colleagues fly in droves 270 QED to adventure and who, with diminished manpower occasioned by this flight, and faced with the largest shotgun educational program ever undertaken at Technology, remained at the Institute to carry on the important campaign of the home front. FOOTNOTES 1 Other than work for the Manhattan District which has been dealt with in Chapter 14. 2 Exclusive of those who went to Manhattan District. See Chapter 14. 3 He was joined in this project by Leopold R. Michel, then Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, now on the research staff of Polaroid Cor- poration. 4 Peter E. Kyle, then Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, William M. Murray, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Edward L. Bartholomew, Jr., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Metallurgy, the late Frederick R. Evans, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Metallurgy, and G. S. Cherniak, a graduate student. 5 While M.I.T. was being used as a training center for large units in the A.S.T.P. and V-12 programs of the Army and Navy, Horwood was respon- sible for the sanitary supervision of the Walker Memorial and Graduate House Dining Services. Here the level of sanitary achievement attained was so high as to preclude the possibility of epidemic diseases arising to the detriment of the war training program. Horwood also served as consultant in bacteriology and sanitation to the Atlantic Gelatin Company of Woburn, Massachusetts, a subsidiary of General Foods Corporation, and aided in the sanitary production of a valuable food substance as well as a product employed extensively in photography. He served also as a member of a special committee inter- ested in studying the possibility of using gelatin as a blood serum sub- stitute in the treatment of shock resulting from wounds. 6 See pages 49–51. 7 There were, of course, many more. Among them, including some cited elsewhere in the text, were: Beers, Roland F., quondam Research Associate in Geology; consulting geophysicist for the U.S. Geological Survey. Boyan, Edwin A., Assistant Professor of Business Management; member staff Wallace Clark and Company, advisers to French purchasing commission; prepared Handbook of War Production for McGraw-Hill Book Company; attached to Office of Chief Signal Officer as adviser on operating procedure. Breger, Irving A., now Research Assistant in Geology; inspector of powder and explosives, War Department; Chemist, Koppers United Company and Publicker Commercial Alcohol Company. CONSULTANTS TO INDUSTRY 271 Campbell, William L., now Professor of Food Technology in charge of Department; Consultant to Michigan Tool Company, Quincy Pump Company, Los Angeles Ship and Drydock Company, and York Safe and Lock Company. Chertow, Bernard, now Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering; Cli- matic Research Laboratories of U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps on clothing for fighting in cold, damp climates. Cohen, Morris, Professor of Physical Metallurgy; Consultant for Millers Falls Company and the Titanium Alloy Manufacturing Company. Davis, Tenney L., Professor of Organic Chemistry, Emeritus, Director of Research and Development, National Fireworks, Inc. Floe, Carl F., Associate Professor of Physical Metallurgy; Consultant to Gorham Manufacturing Company, Nitralloy Corporation, and Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Corporation. Freeman, Harold A., Associate Professor of Statistics; Consultant to Kendall Company. Gibb, Thomas R. P., Jr., Assistant Professor of Chemistry; consulting Director of the Analytical Laboratory for Metal Hydrides, Inc. Hall, William M., then Assistant Professor of Electrical Communica- tions; Engineering Staff of Raytheon Manufacturing Company, Waltham, Massachusetts, particularly the SG radar. Hersey, Mayo D., Research Associate in Mechanical Engineering; Con- sultant to Westinghouse Research Laboratories and Jackson and Moreland. Homerberg, Victor O., Professor of Physical Metallurgy; Consultant to Wright Aeronautical Corporation, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, Allison Division of General Motors Corporation, Studebaker Cor- poration, Dodge-Chrysler plant at the Chicago Airport. Howes, Victor E., Instructor in Graphics, Harvard Underwater Sound Laboratory, and later the Systems Research Laboratory also at Har- vard; received Naval Ordnance Development Award. Hrones, John A., Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Con- sultant to Chrysler Corporation. Keenan, Joseph H., Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Consultant to General Machinery Corporation, United Aircraft Corporation, and United Shoe Machinery Corporation. Keyes, Raymond E., quondam Instructor in Naval Architecture; Engineer for Kaiser Company, Inc., Richmond Shipyard No. 3, later marine engineer for George G. Sharp, naval architect of New York. Levinson, Norman, Associate Professor of Mathematics; research mathe- matician in the Applied Mathematics Group at Harvard University and later technical representative of the same. 272 QED Lewis, Frank M., Professor of Marine Engineering; Consultant to General Motors Corporation, General Machinery Corporation, regard- ing vibration problems. MacGregor, Charles W., Professor of Applied Mechanics; Consultant to Watertown Arsenal, to A. D. Little, Inc., and the Clifford Manufac- turing Company. Marvin, George G., Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry; Con- sultant for T. J. Edwards Company, Inc. McBride, Guy T., Jr., Research Associate in Chemical Engineering; Assistant Engineer, Engineering Department, Standard Oil Company of California, concerned with the engineering designs for the Saudi Arabia Refinery. Pekeris, Chaim L., Research Associate in Geology, absent; Chairman of Columbia University Wave Propagation Group, Analysis Section. Robertson, Walter W., Assistant Professor of Ship Construction; Con- sultant Naval Architect to Cramp Shipbuilding Company and Bethle- hem Shipbuilding Company. Shapiro, Ascher H., Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Consultant to United Aircraft Corporation. Shrock, Robert R., Associate Professor of Geology; Geological Staff of Reynolds Metals Company. Sloane, Alvin, Associate Professor of Applied Mechanics; Consultant to Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. Soderberg, C. Richard, Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Con- sultant to Columbia University Division of War Research (Naval Ordnance Development Award); Consultant to United Aircraft Corporation and to Elliott Company. Taylor, C. Fayette, Professor of Automotive Engineering; Consultant to Lawrence Aeronautical Corporation and to Matériel Division, USAAF, Wright Field. Taylor, Edward S., Professor of Aircraft Engines; Consultant to Wright Aeronautical Corporation, to Scott and Williams, and to Baldwin Locomotive Works. Wiener, Norbert, Professor of Mathematics; operational research at the Columbia University Laboratory; helped devise a new method for computing air flow about the head of ogival projectiles for the Navy. Part V THE HOME FRONT 19 TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS WORLD WAR II laid an especially heavy hand on youth; more than in any previous conflict the young men of America found themselves called upon to serve, and to serve for the most part in uniform. The almost universal aspect of conscription natu- rally had far-reaching effects upon application for admission, registration, speed-up of education, curriculum, and the com- position of the student body. Each of these effects is worth examining. Back of them all, however, were the vagaries of Selective Service policy, and some consideration of these is an appropriate way to start this analysis. 1 That the student body in a university would, by virtue of its age, be especially vulnerable to conscription is self-evident. The extent of the vulnerability may perhaps not be appre- ciated. It was dramatically revealed by a table presented by Registrar Joseph C. MacKinnon in his annual report for 1940-41, published in October, 1941. The analysis showed that 44 per cent of the entire student body was twenty-one years of age or over and hence required to register under the Selective Service Act of October 16, 1940; 96 per cent of all graduate students, 67 per cent of the seniors, and 28 per cent of the juniors were in this category. At that time, of course, the vulnerability was potential rather than real. The draft had made no perceptible inroads either on applications for admis- sion or on the number in the student body, however much its implications may have caused concern and uncertainty to the individual student. This was because, as of October, 1941, local draft board policy was generally to grant deferment to men undergoing technical training, and, moreover, the provisions of the act itself provided an automatic status of I-D for a student, 275 276 QED . with deferment to the end of the academic year. Beyond that it was indicated that a further II-A deferment would be allotted to students in some of the fields of instruction offered at Tech- nology. This made it necessary for the Institute to undertake the job of assisting its students in their requests for deferment. The policy adopted was that such assistance would be rendered if the student were preparing for work in an essential occupa- tion, if he were in high standing at the Institute, and if he showed promise of making a significant contribution to the national welfare in a civilian capacity. An office was established to provide this assistance and was in the first instance under the direction of Henry B. Kane.2 The intimations for the future were not reassuring, and several administrative officers pointed fingers at what was likely to happen; but for the moment this finger pointing was prophecy and no more. Then the Japanese assault on Pearl Harbor set the national machinery in high gear. Less than two weeks after the attack, the announcement was made at an Institute Convocations that the program for the graduating class of 1942 would be speeded up "with some curtailment of non-professional subjects, to permit graduation on April 27" instead of in June. Slightly more than three weeks later the Faculty voted for the war period: 1. To have the first-term program for seniors begin in June immediately following their completion of junior work with a consequent graduation the following February. 2. To request undergraduates other than seniors to obtain employment which would contribute to the war effort if they did not go to summer school and to require them to submit a report of what their summer work had been when they met their regis- tration officers in the fall. 3. To make a special effort to accommodate freshmen beyond the stabilized number of 600 so long as there were increased numbers of applicants with superior qualifications and so long as good performance was possible with available staff and laboratory space. 4. To continue the existing practice of permitting qualified students to anticipate subjects or take advanced standing examina- tions in subjects in which they had not been enrolled, thus expedit- ing their completion of graduation requirements. TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 277 The public announcement of this new policy recognized that it might be temporary but for the moment at any rate the Insti- tute felt that “this program is preferable for such an institution as M.I.T. to the more extreme speed-ups which are being adopted for sound reasons in other types of institutions, par- ticularly liberal arts colleges.” Through the remainder of 1941–42 students continued to be helped in their applications for deferment. By May, 1942, how- ever, Selective Service Requirements had been so amended that a student might not be considered for deferment until he had practically completed the second academic year of his college work. Under these circumstances Dr. Compton announced at a Convocation of May, 1942, that the Institute had agreed to par- ticipate in the new Enlisted Reserve Corps plan of the Army, that John J. Rowlands, Director of News Service, would succeed Kane as special adviser on deferments, and that the late John D. Mitsch, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, would act as adviser to students on the various reserve plans of the armed services. By another year, the situation had become so complex, so uncertain, and so generally difficult that Harold E. Lobdell, then Dean of Students, allotted a substantial section of his annual report for 1942–43 to the problems raised by various developments. At the opening of the fall term of September 28, 1942, a physically qualified undergraduate had two ways in which he might remain at his studies: 1. He might obtain occupational deferment if he had practically completed two years of college work. 2. He might join the Enlisted Reserve Corps plan of the Army which at that time proposed to provide for insuring a future source of college graduates as officer candidates for the Navy and Marine Corps as well as for the Army. The freshman and the sophomore had, of course, only the second of these alternatives. Moreover, he had to exercise the choice before 31 December 1942 regardless of his age or when he might become eligible for conscription. This might not 278 QED occur until he was well along in his second or even his third year. Furthermore, he was warned that enlistment in the Reserve might not keep him in school at all regardless of the field he was studying and regardless of his proficiency in the field. For example, on 8 September 1942, a statement was issued from the Office of the Secretary of War which said: The exigencies of the war have now become such that it is now expected that, by the end of the college term or semester beginning in September, those student members of the Reserves who have reached Selective Service age will all, or for the most part, be called to active duty, and those reaching that age during subsequent terms will similarly be called.... If true, this would of course destroy the utility of the Enlisted Reserve and a student might better simply remain at his studies until conscripted under Selective Service. Ten days later, there- fore, on 18 September, the Secretary issued a second statement in which he deplored the fact that his previous statement had been misinterpreted “in some quarters to mean the end of all higher education for the duration of the war," and he continued: The Army is greatly in need of men of specialized training, par- ticularly physics, chemistry, engineering and medicine. We are equally interested in having adequate numbers of men of such training available to war production industries and the civilian research agencies of the government. Plans are now being worked out for the method of training for those inducted into the Army, but in any event it is hoped that the colleges will maintain their training of students in engineering and medicine and other sciences. In some cases, it will be necessary to expand this training.... This second statement clearly suggested that some method would be worked out whereby engineering students, at least those in high standing, might continue their studies and thereby constitute a true reserve not only for the uniformed services but also for replacements in industry. But through this fall of 1942 it became embarrassingly clear that any estimate of the TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 279 future based on current information was foreordained to be contradicted by counterinformation soon to be forthcoming. On 5 December 1942 President Roosevelt, by Executive Order, transferred the Selective Service system to the War Manpower Commission and barred voluntary enlistment in the Army or Navy, regular or reserve, to all men between 18 and 38; another part of the order enjoined upon the WMC the responsibility for “insuring the efficient utilization of the nation's educational facilities and personnel for the effective prosecution of the war.” A week later the Secretaries of War and Navy, with the approval of the Chairman of WMC, issued a joint statement which laid forth their plans for future use of the colleges. This statement prescribed the establishment of the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) and set forth a schedule of dates upon which members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps and of the Navy's reserve programs would be called to active duty. This schedule retained most Naval reservists at M.I.T. on inactive status until June, 1943, and did the same for juniors and seniors in the ERC; but it required that sophomores and freshmen in the ERC be called to active duty in February, 1943. This affected the education of 533 students at M.I.T., not all of whom had been impelled by age considerations to join the ERC. Here the Navy took the longer view as was so often the case in matters of education during the war. But that was not all. Navy reservists at M.I.T. would for the most part continue their regular studies at M.I.T. without interruption. Army reservists, with the single exception of those assigned to training in meteorology, would leave M.I.T. for thirteen weeks of basic military training required of men who had been inducted into the Army through Selective Service. After the reservists had com- pleted this training they might apply to be ordered to some college or university as members of an ASTP unit. But it was not guaranteed that they would return to the institution whence they had been drawn, nor was it clear that they would return at TI 280 QED i all inasmuch as personnel for ASTP units would be selected by "screening procedures administered by the Army which would also specify the content of instruction for each unit.4 Two days later Selective Service regulations were again amended to permit a request for occupational deferment to be entered at the end of a man's freshman year. Under this new ruling many sophomores who had not enrolled in any reserve might now be deferred to continue study while 289 of their classmates who had enlisted in the ERC would be called to active duty in February. Six weeks later, and only four days before the zero day, the Army postponed calling up ERC sopho- mores who were “pursuing approved technical engineering sub- jects” from February, 1943, to June of the same year. Meanwhile, early in January, 1943, it had become apparent to the Faculty that conditions implicit in the Army and Navy plans could be met only by revising the Institute calendar to provide for year-around operation. The Navy expected to specify terms of the same length as those at M.I.T., that is, fifteen weeks for instruction and one of examination. The Army insisted that for its ASTP units the term be twelve weeks. Since no Navy units were likely to be established before summer, and in the hope that the terms at least for civilian and Navy students could be synchronized, the Faculty voted in January to adopt for the year 1943–44 a new program of three consecutive terms of sixteen weeks each, becoming effective for civilian students in June, 1943, when the first of the three terms under the new plan would open; and to admit the next freshman class in that June. ERC sophomores had by belated ruling been given a period of grace to June, 1943, but not so the freshmen. On 25 February the various service commands began ordering M.I.T. freshmen in the ERC to active duty; the ink was scarcely dry on these orders before Selective Service amended its regulations again to provide occupational deferment for students in most M.I.T. courses provided that “if he continues his progress he will graduate from such course of study on, or before July 1, 1945." Under the accelerated calendar even freshmen of the Class of TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 281 1946 would be due to graduate at the end of the spring term of 1945, so again those who had enlisted in the ERC received a bad break. Classes for the first ASTP unit at M.I.T. began April 5.5 Two days later 237 juniors and 5 seniors who were members of Advanced ROTC and of ERC were ordered to Fort Devens to be placed on active duty on 11 April. They were returned to the Institute the next day to resume their regular academic programs which they continued until the end of the term. The summer term for civilians began on 28 June, and on 1 July the Institute's first Navy V-12 unit was established in the Graduate House with a complement of 910, all under- graduates. This complement included 249 Naval Reservists who had been civilian students at Technology in 1942-43, 238 entering freshmen selected by the Navy as a result of its coun- trywide V-12 examinations, and 423 Naval Reservists from other colleges and universities where no V-12 unit was to be established. 6 Despite these violent shiftings and the ensuing uncertainties, the total number of civilian undergraduate registration was very little affected up to the end of the fall term in January, 1943. There were, of course, changes in composition, and espe- cially in age, which will be discussed subsequently. Beginning in January, 1943, however, the civilian undergraduate regis- tration began to decline sharply and during the academic year 1943–44 fell to one-third the prewar average. During this period (though not later) the numbers of trainees, cadets, and officers of the military and naval services kept the total under- graduate registration well above normal, although the fluctua- tions were sometimes rapid and violent. Meanwhile, the machinery of Selective Service continued to clash its gears. When the academic year 1943–44 opened, Selec- tive Service age had for 8 months been lowered to 18, but the regulations still provided that competent students in most M.I.T. courses could be certified provided that if they contin- ued their progress they would graduate within 24 months of the date of certification. Under the Institute speed-up calendar 282 QED all undergraduates were immediately eligible for certification except the freshmen who had just been admitted in June, 1943, and they, often under 18 at that moment, would become eligible 6 months later. However, on 11 December 1943, President Roosevelt trans- ferred Selective Service authority back from the Chairman of WMC to Major General Lewis B. Hershey as Director of Selective Service. It took General Hershey four weeks to pre- pare an announcement released on 9 January 1944 that all occupational deferments in effect 1 February for registrants in the 18 to 22 age group? would be allowed to expire and would not be renewed. Student deferments would be limited there- after by reduction in the number of specialized fields of study which were deferable and by the fixing of a national quota of 10,000 students who might be occupationally deferred in addi- tion to those who would be graduated on or before 1 July 1944. Hitherto, affidavits requesting deferments had been forwarded directly to the Local Board concerned. Now they had to be sent, accompanied by a certified transcript of the student's record, to the National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel of the WMC. If approved by the Roster, the indi- vidual's papers were then returned to M.I.T., which was to transmit them to the Local Board; the board still had veto power. Late in January, 1944, the Institute also furnished to the Roster data on the civilian undergraduates of the ages 18 to 22 so that the Roster might determine how to allot the country- wide quota of 10,000 engineering, physics, chemistry, geology, and geophysics students. At the same time a census was made of the Selective Service status of all undergraduates for later use by the Faculty Committee which would have to nominate men for Technology's institutional quota after it had been established. On 3 February this quota was set at 128. The first set of nomi- nations was forwarded to the Roster within ten days, and the students concerned were notified that their names had been TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 283 submitted. In due course all nominations were approved by the Roster and returned for transmission to the Local Boards. Meanwhile some students who had been nominated had become discouraged and had applied directly to their Local Boards for voluntary induction; the institutional quotas were modified and the new M.I.T. quota was set at 137 with all the paper work to do over. During March it became clear that ... the quota system was an unhappy compromise between the immediate pressing military demands for more and more “younger" physically fit recruits and the equally prudent, but less immediately pressing, demands for training replacements for war industry and research, and for the technical branches of the uniformed services. The quite natural resistance to any "exceptions” on the part of Selective Service as administered by Army authority, and the belief in many quarters that the war could be successfully ended before deferred students would have graduated and become actively helpful, were telling arguments against any continuing student- deferment plan. Moreover, the necessary smallness of the institu- tional quotas produced inevitable administrative and emotional complications on campuses. For these and probably other reasons, the abortive quota system was abolished on April 8.8 Henceforth no educational institution could request occu- pational deferment for any physically qualified student except for those registered in certain professional courses who would graduate before 1 July 1944. After that date the only students eligible for deferment were those holding classifications 1-A (L) or 4-F. The door had been shut on civilian technical training for the duration of the war, and had the war lasted longer, the consequences might have been bitter to the nation in the years to come. As it was, the period in which this was in effect was short; its importance rests in a warning to generations to come. The general confusion and difficulty the fluctuating rules imposed upon the administration which had to work under them will be apparent to anyone who has contemplated the foregoing résumé; their effect upon the individual exposed 284 QED to them is harder to calculate. Before turning to a discussion of the changed teaching program which resulted, it will be worth while to examine their effect on applications for admis- sion and upon registration both in the undergraduate and graduate student bodies. ADMISSIONS For several years after the adoption of the stabilization plan in 1935, which limited admissions to the freshman class to a round number of 575 to 600, applications for admission to this class had steadily, if slowly, increased. For example, in 1940 applications reached a new high of 1705, an increase of 5 per cent over the previous year. In the subsequent years the figures were: 1941 1942 1844 2080 (First year in which stabilized quota for fresh- men was increased by faculty action as a war measure. Admissions climbed from 647 to 731.) 2059 1705 (Civilian) 2024 1943 1944 1945 1 It will thus be noted that only in one year, 1944, was there a serious decline in the number of applications and that immediately after hitting this nadir, which was exactly the same as the figure for 1940, applications continued their up- ward climb. There was, however, a significant shrinkage in 1943 between the number who were notified that they would be admitted and the number who actually registered when the time came. In the previous year 850-odd candidates were notified that they would be admitted and 730-odd registered. This was a characteristic shrinkage. In 1943, on the other hand, out of about 920 who were scheduled to be admitted only 580 appeared to register. This exceptionally heavy shrinkage was due to the operations of Selective Service and the fact that a considerable number of accepted civilian applicants were subsequently selected by the TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 285 Navy for assignment to V-12 Navy college training units at M.I.T. or elsewhere. In the next year, when the low point in applications was reached, there were two freshman classes entering at different times, for the first time since World War I. More important than the numerical changes, which were not great, was the age of the entering group. In the class which entered in 1942, 38 per cent had reached 18 by 1 July; for the 1943 class, the corresponding figure was 14 per cent; for 1944, 11 per cent. These figures measure the absolute difference in age composition among the three groups; this difference was accentuated by the earlier date of entrance provided by the speed-up. Thus of the 1942 class, the last to enter in September, 55 per cent had reached 18 by their date of entrance; in 1943-44, on the other hand, only about one-tenth of the class was as old as 18 on entrance. After the slight decline, demobilized veterans began to return, and by the middle af 1945 the flood was on. Intimations of this flood were to be found even in the report for the low year of 1943–44. In his report of October, 1944, the Director of Admissions, B. Alden Thresher, could write: eas mavithout int with a policy The number of inquiries from men in the armed forces, as well as from relatives on their behalf, regarding post-war admission, has grown rapidly and continues to increase. To meet this situation an explanatory statement has been prepared, together with a special post-war preliminary application. Both are on air-weight paper suitable for overseas mailing, and the application is designed to be filled out in the field without reference to records. This makes it possible to provide the applicant with a rough evaluation of his status, as a guide for future action. The policy of the Admissions Office has been (1) to provide assistance and information wherever possible, but (2) to defer any final action on post-war applications until such time as they can be expressed in terms of definite numbers and for specified dates of entrance. By 1944-45, then, the war crisis had passed for the Admissions Office. It had not been much of a crisis. It was to be succeeded 286 QED by a real one, that of the postwar. Immediately following the end of the war in August, correspondence and interviews soared to unprecedented proportions. These astronomical figures are, however, not a part of M.I.T.'s war history even though the problems they propose are directly a result of the war and the arrested education of millions of young Americans. If freshman admissions suffered no very dramatic changes civilian registration as a whole. The saving factor in the admis- sions situation was that freshmen might still have a few months of grace which they could employ in college in furtherance of their educational ambitions. The same alternative was not, of course, open to upperclassmen, some of whose difficulties have already been hinted at. How these difficulties were manifest in registration figures has been summarized from the successive annual reports of the Registrar.9 These reports show nothing spectacular until well along in the war. Total registration had expanded steadily in the years of the war, from a total of some 2,500 in 1934 to a total of 3,100 in 1939. Graduate registration had increased a little more rapidly than undergraduate (from 500 to 700 for the former; 2,000 to 2,400 for the latter). Until 1942, moreover, the total figures did not change much. Undergraduate registration fluctuated around 2,400, while the graduate student body continued to grow until it hit a peak of 759 in 1940–41. In the following year the number declined to 679, and this decline would have been still more marked had the figure not included some hundred special graduate students in meteorology. In the year 1942–43, however, the break began. Registration that year started at 2,452 undergraduates and 596 graduates (only 455 if the special meteorology students are not counted). Of this total of 3,048, all but the 141 meteorology students were civilians. That was in the fall of 1942–43. For the remainder of that academic year the total registration actually showed an increase in numbers but its composition changed materially. TIT TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 287 A Finally, in the year 1944, the total numbers, held up heretofore by special Army and Navy programs, began to drop with the discontinuation of those programs. The changes were so strik- ing over this period that it is best to display them by a table which incidentally will give some clue as well to the change in composition of the student body: REGISTRATION AT M.I.T. IN VARIOUS TERMS Civilian Military Total Winter 1942 2,907 141 3,048 Spring 1943 2,210 559 2,769 Summer 1943 1,579 2,016 3,585 Winter 1943 1,470 2,159 3,629 Spring 1944 1,165 1,175 2,340 Summer 1944 1,271 2,243 Winter 1944 1,198 861 2,059 Spring 1945 1,173 699 1,872 Summer 1945 1,538 430 1,968 972 With the fall term of 1945, returning GI's began to swell the registration so that the upward trend had begun which by 1947 had brought the Institute registration to the greatest in its history (5,662). Moreover, the composition was now so largely civilian as to make a distinction between civilian and military students meaningless. Thus, on a purely statistical basis the number of students at the Institute was seriously depleted over a period of only some five terms towards the end of the war; but on a composition basis the depletion was much greater. Since not all the service training programs were calculated to produce fully trained scientists and engineers, the actual cost to the nation as meas- ured by a deficit in trained personnel was much greater than would appear from a cursory examination of these figures. Nor was the change in composition to be measured only by the proportions of civilian and military students. At the same time the average age of the students was declining. Previous comments have shown how that decline applied to freshmen. For the Institute as a whole it was magnified by the change in 1 288 QED the proportions of the various classes in which the younger classes grew and the older classes shrunk. Thus: 603 534 MEN IN EACH CLASS First Term 1942 (November) Summer Term 1943 Freshmen 727 937 Sophomores 886 Juniors 600 Seniors 522 881 Graduates 455 357 Graduate School registration suffered more severely still. After reaching a peak of 764 in 1940–41, it began a precipitous deciine to 679, to 596, to 357, and finally to 349 in the final year of the war. But even this cut, to less than one-half the registration of 1940-41, fails to tell the whole story so far as American nationals is concerned. In the prewar years foreign students had averaged about 80 in the graduate school and were usually distributed among some twenty-five nations. By the end of the war, on the other hand, the preponderance of the registration in the Graduate School was measured by students from a handful of countries, notably Latin and South America, China, India, and other Far Eastern countries. The effect of all these changes in registration on the service the Institute was able to render in the field of advanced educa- tion was well summarized by the Registrar in his annual report for 1944–45. Here he exposed the deficiency in the number of students who had completed work satisfactory for a degree, which is perhaps the best measure of the extent to which men are trained and ready for national service. MacKinnon said: The total three-year deficiency in output as compared with the preceding ten-year average is 238 S.B. degrees, or about 52 per cent of one year's output; 146 S.M. degrees, or 72 per cent of one year's output; and 59 Doctor's degrees, or 107 per cent. The decline in the number of degrees awarded in the middle of the previous decade and the decline in registration in the early part of that decade seem to indicate that if corrections for trends were made, the decrease in degrees awarded during the prewar depression would be practi- cally the same as during this three-year war period under an accelerated program. TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 289 The situation at the Institute, however, was not typical of American institutions. The Institute was the only engineering school which had well-established courses in all the fields of science and engineering desired by the Navy; consequently our Navy V-12 program was a regular four-year professional training and thereby increased the number of Bachelor's degrees. Our real deficiency in trained United States citizens for advanced degrees was much larger than indicated by the figures, as a great proportion of graduate students were from foreign countries. The foreign student situation previously alluded to had in it the germs of real difficulty. A collegiate institution cannot admit a man either as an undergraduate or graduate unless it intends to let him finish his work so long as his performance is satisfactory. There was therefore a great risk lest “the foreign groups now seeking entrance, if admitted in accordance with the liberal policies which have hitherto prevailed with us, may not pre-empt places which should be reserved for others, par- ticularly for those who at present are fighting the war."10 The magnitude of the problem was well revealed by the 1944–45 report of Paul M. Chalmers, Associate Professor of English and Assistant Director of Admissions. This called atten- tion to the fact that whereas the average attendance of foreign students in the years 1920–39 had been 156 and the registration of March, 1945, was 302, applications in April of 1945 were 667 and in September, 1945, were 907. The distribution of these applications was also significant. Registration Registration Applications Average March, April, September, 1920–39 1945 1945 1945 India 271 China 36 Other Far East 12 Near East 147 Latin America Central and Southern Europe Western Europe Northern Europe British Empire Total 156 31 95 153 224 82 Goooo X 290 QED Accordingly, in January, 1945, the President, acting upon a recommendation of the Administrative Council, requested the Committee on Stabilization of Enrollment to "review the broad problem of foreign student quotas for the purpose of formulating a basic policy for the Institute, including the dis- tribution of foreign students, both graduate and undergraduate, within the Institute, criteria to govern their selection for admission, and any other matters which may seem pertinent to the Committee." The Committee found "that the search for a solution raises many difficult questions of principle ...” and reported “at some length in order that the whole matter may be thoroughly reviewed, and all the relevant considerations brought before the Faculty.” Its recommendations were: 1. That beginning immediately, admission of foreign students be subject to close control, to the end that the total number enrolled shall not exceed 300. 2. That a division of this total shall be 170 for the Graduate School and 130 undergraduates, subject to reconsideration by the Faculty on recommendation of the Committee. 3. That the Admissions Office and the Dean of the Graduate School shall share responsibility for maintaining a reasonable balance among countries of origin, to the end that no one geo- graphical area shall pre-empt an excessive share. 4. That the qualifications of foreign students be scrutinized with particular care, to insure that so far as possible only those of high promise shall be accepted. In offering these recommendations, which were unanimously endorsed by the Faculty Council on 26 March before receiving unanimous approval of the Faculty itself on 18 April, the Committee recognized that “insofar as they are quantitative, they cannot be defended on the strict ground that they follow logically and inevitably from any available data. They repre- sent rather a considered judgment, based on a general estimate of conditions in the next few years, and taking into account past experience so far as this seems relevant. They are in part arbitrary in the sense that we cannot prove that a higher or TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 291 lower figure would be wrong. They represent, nevertheless, in our unanimous collective judgment, the best working com- promise now attainable.” These, then, were the ways in which the drain on manpower conditioned admissions, registration, and the student body at the Institute during the war years and to some extent into the peace as well. This is all that needs to be said about the size and composition of that body. It remains to explore the ways in which the things the students were taught differed from those which their predecessors had been taught before the war. For the regular student who managed to remain at the Institute the changes were remarkably slight. He lived, of course, in an atmosphere of war and of personal uncertainty. He saw his fellows departing on very short notice and in accord- ance with no readily discernible policy. He might have to move from a dormitory in the middle of the night to accommo- date an expected Army unit which then did not arrive. He suffered, of course, as any student must, from taking the work too fast with no time to let his mind lie fallow. But so far as composition of courses, size of sections, and caliber of instruc- tion were concerned, he was given a regular Institute diet. Except for advanced electives which might require the presence of a specific faculty member, the Institute offered a full curricu- lum with, of course, fewer sections in each subject. Even the electives were not too seriously reduced because so many of the teaching staff were away from the Institute only a part of their time. The staff which taught the subjects was by and large the same staff, at least in the undergraduate courses, and this was because the greater drain came on the research and not on the teaching staff. The Institute had relatively little occasion to bring in groups of untried outside instructors while its own men were out in other fields. There were occasional exceptions to this, of course. For example, in the summer of 1943, it was suddenly found necessary to increase the number of sections in mathematics from about 60 to more than 90 to take care of increased demands, including 900 Navy V-12 students. In such cases outside help had to be sought. But on the whole a man AT 292 QED who remained at the Institute in the war years got a regular Institute education. Of course, as time went on there were fewer students who were able to take the regular course and more of the whole Institute program was directed to other kinds of teaching. In any list these appear complicated and confusing, but considered as broad efforts they are not so complicated. There were, in fact, six phases to the teaching work at the Institute during the war years, over and above the standard curriculum for the reg- ular civilian students. Before considering them each in detail, it may be well to take an overall look for orientation. The first of these programs was initiated by the Institute itself. This was a program in meteorology begun in 1940 and growing into a fairly extensive program under Army and Navy contract. It never passed through the stage of being a part of the Engineering Defense Training Program because it was regarded by the government as “science” and not engineering The second set of programs began as a part of the national program of Engineering Defense Training. The courses offered by various institutions for this and its successor programs varied widely in their quality; many, including several at the Institute, were out-of-hours programs conducted by the staff of the insti- tution and not always on the institution's own grounds. So far as M.I.T.'s part in this program was concerned, it was essentially all at serious collegiate level; from it grew several curricula of great importance, operating under Army or Navy contract or under contract with both services. As the pressure of these EDT programs for rapid training in the beginning of the crisis was relieved, they were replaced by Army and Navy programs intended to take care of educating had its own program for this work, and the two programs had little in common. Those institutions which had only one or the other of the programs presumably had less difficulty than one like M.I.T. which had to take care of both. The first of these programs, the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP), began at the Institute in the spring of 1943. The Navy V-12 pro- TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 293 gram began with the arrival of one of the largest Navy V-12 units at M.I.T. in July, 1943, to the tune of 900 students. While the ASTP and V-12 programs were expanding, the civilian students were being depleted by the draft. The two movements canceled each other for some time, however, and registration remained at an approximate level of 3,000 or higher until the spring of 1944, when the service programs began to retrench. The ASTP began to close down in March of 1944, and the Navy program, which was always intended to produce a fully educated man, followed suit more than a year later in July, 1945. By the time this latter reduction began to be seriously felt, the Institute was already feeling the surge of the demobilized veteran and was facing no problem of scarcity but rather one of surfeit. In addition to the programs which have been laid down in the broad outline just given, there were, of course, numerous special lectures, summer courses, colloquia conferences, special training groups in war research laboratories, all of which were colored by the fact that the nation was at war.11 In a book of this sort any attempt to recapitulate them would but lead to confusion, and a good enough idea can be obtained of the nature of M.I.T.'s war pedagogical activities if we look with a somewhat closer eye at the programs in meteorology, in EDT, and for the ASTP and the V-12 groups. METEOROLOGY The course in advanced meteorology for war purposes had small enough beginnings. In his annual report for 1939–40, Dr. Compton called attention to this, beginning in the follow- ing words: Weather forecasting is an essential feature of modern warfare. For a number of years we have been giving postgraduate training in meteorology to young men sent to us by the Army, Navy and Weather Bureau. This summer a special intensive course was given to recruits for the meteorological service of the Army Air Corps, and during the current year (i.e., 1940-41) we will have another group of approximately sixty special postgraduate students in this 294 LED subject, mostly from the Army Air Corps and the Weather Bureau. With these additions we have had a threefold increase in the number of graduate students studying meteorology. The first summer course was a free course, and for some time the Institute continued to offer this curriculum on a voluntary basis and without an official sponsor specifically contracting for the work. The students for the special ten-weeks' summer course of 1940 and the one-year course in meteorology given by the Army Air Force in 1940-41 were selected with the aid of the Admissions Office. The expected 60 students for the academic year 1940–41 became 98; the Department of Meteorology was created as a new departmental entity under the direc- tion of Sverre Petterssen, who came to his M.I.T. post from Vervarslinga Pa Vestlandet (Weather Service of Western Norway), of which he had been chief.12 In his first report, Petterssen remarked that the regular meteorology courses had begun in July, 1941, instead of the more usual September and would end on 7 February 1942, thus accelerating the training of meteorologists for defense; that enrollment had jumped from 98 to 117; and a special six-weeks' course had also been given on the application of meteorology to field artillery problems. This was success in a dramatic way, but it brought its prob- lems. The immediate importance of the subject caused the staff to make an extensive review of the curriculum. Based on the findings, the course was considerably revised and new sub- jects introduced to meet the new needs. Thus the new subjects, long-range weather forecasting, descriptive meteorology, aero- nautical meteorology, and climatology were introduced; many old subjects were adjusted, including synoptic meteorology, dynamic meteorology, and meteorological instruments. The expansion of the training program had made it necessary to provide texts for various subjects, and staff members therefore published books on synoptic meteorology and dynamic meteor- ology and issued mimeographed texts in a number of other subjects. TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 295 This rapid expansion called forth the following additional comment from Dr. Compton in his presidential report for 1940-41: 1 Last summer a special intensive course in meteorology was given to recruits for the Army Air Corps, and during the past academic year another group of approximately sixty postgraduate students came for training for the Army Air Corps and the United States Weather Bureau. This course is now being repeated for a consid- erably enlarged group. This work in meteorology provides a striking example of the mounting demand for men in highly specialized fields. For about ten years our meteorological course was a pioneer in this country in application and new development of scientific methods to meteorological art. There were enthusiasm in the staff, an impor- tant research program, but very few students and large per capita cost. The justification of the expense was frequently questioned. But now the investment justifies itself. In 1939–40 our full-time postgraduate enrollment in meteorology totalled thirty, in 1940–41, ninety-eight and in 1941-42, one hundred seventeen. During the interval essentially similar courses have been established at Cali- fornia Institute of Technology, New York University and University of Chicago, and the new methods have been adopted by the United States Weather Bureau. With February, 1942, a new period began. The curricu- lum had been revised, textbooks provided, and the armed services were more interested than ever. Beginning in that month, the Institute offered an advanced course in meteorology, Meteorology “A,” under contract with the Army Air Forces. This course offered a new and larger training program for the production of weather officers. It involved an extension of the training program to eight and one-half months following a conference in Washington between representatives of the five universities cooperating in the program, the armed services, and the Weather Bureau. The course was divided into three terms of approximately three months each, the time assigned to most courses increased, new courses were added in oceanography and physics of the atmosphere. The training in weather map analysis and forecasting was revised and extended. Particular 296 QED emphasis was placed on the analysis of Northern Hemisphere charts and on forecasting on the basis of local data alone. The first Air Force cadre was graduated from the new cur- riculum on 1 December 1942; it was followed by two further groups, each taking the nine-month course and when the last group graduated on 5 June 1944, 699 Air Force officers had been commissioned as a result of their training in one of these three sessions. At the same time similar courses were offered to the available civilians; the demand for civilian meteorologists had been greatly increased by the war and many of the needs were as important to the war effort as the work of weather officers in the armed services. Because of the great preponderance of gov- ernment, service or Weather Bureau students, civilian students in general followed the same schedule and took the same sub- jects as the government students although certain advanced subjects were also offered. Finally the Navy also joined in this program under contract, with essentially the same curriculum, and when the last of its groups was graduated in February, 1945, the total of Navy personnel given this advanced training was 148, including 63 Waves. In addition to the advanced course in Meteorology “A,” the Department gave one course under contract with the War Department in premeteorology. This involved the instruction of 242 trainees of the Army Air Forces to prepare them to become aviation cadets and so to undertake Class A Meteor- ology. On September 18, 1943, 198 of the group who had entered in March were graduated and the work terminated. Evidently the Air Force group was by far the largest which received meteorological education at the Institute during the war. This group, made up of students in both Classes A and B, formed the 3515th AAF Base Unit under command of Major J. F. Ratliff, Sr., Air Corps. The detachment established its own medical facilities at the Institute and all cadets received individual commutation allowances for quarters and subsistence which were furnished them in the undergraduate dormitories TEACHING TY 297 IN THE WAR YEARS . and by the Walker Memorial dining service. They were paid a high compliment by an administrative officer of M.I.T. who said: “The Air Force meteorology program was well officered and well run. Except for marching to classes and singing as they marched, you would not have known that they were on the campus.” With the end of the AAF program in June, 1944, and the Navy program in February, 1945, affairs began to resume a more normal status in the Meteorology Department although it was unlikely it would ever be so small again as it had been before the war. Two classes of Navy V-12 students were still receiving training in meteorology. One would finish in Feb- ruary, 1946, the other in October, 1946. The indications at the end of the war were that some of the men who took one of the war training courses in meteorology would return for advanced training and degrees, a task which it would be possible to undertake without hesitation since the quality and scope of instruction during the war had not been allowed to deteriorate. 1 EDT (LATER CALLED ESMWT) As in the case of meteorology, the Institute administration was forehanded in its approach to engineering defense training. Before Congress had begun to finance a formal program of this sort under the United States Office of Education, Dr. Compton could report in his annual summary of 1939–40: While governmental agencies this summer have sponsored a vast program of technical, vocational, and apprentice training at sub- collegiate levels, and while they were working to set up an intensive program at the engineering school level, we took time by the fore- lock and carried through a ten weeks' intensive course to train junior aeronautical engineers. Fifty-one graduates in civil, mechani- cal and other engineering fields from engineering schools in north- eastern United States were accepted for this course, without tuition, and even before finishing the work practically all of them had been engaged for employment by aircraft manufacturing concerns. The success of this demonstration has led to repeated requests by these companies that the course be repeated and that similar courses be offered in other fields, such as airplane engines. Obviously we 298 QED no cannot continue to give such courses without some provision to defray our out-of-pocket costs of instruction, and arrangements for financing these important special courses are impending. Congress, for example, recently appropriated $9,000,000 for financing short intensive courses in engineering schools. The 9 million dollars referred to was provided by the First Supplemental Functions Appropriation, October, 1941. It was designed to meet the shortage of engineers with specialized training in fields essential to the national defense. The respon- sibility of administration rested with the United States Commis- sioner of Education. He was expected to buy the training for “cost,” and “cost” was intended to mean the amount an institution spent in providing the course over and above the expenditure involved in maintaining the rest of its program. It could include salaries, travel, instructional material, supplies, reference books, maintenance and repair of equipment, and a maximum of 20 per cent of the allotment to an institution for the purchase or rental of equipment or the leasing of space for carrying out its approved plan. For some institutions the plan was a life-saver; and some perhaps lowered their standards to take advantage of the only fiscal rescue which was apparent in a world where regular students were disappearing; for others the cost of the program never constituted a large part of the budget, there was no occa- sion to reduce standards in any way, and the institution did what it could in the face of other and more urgent obligations. M.I.T. was in the last category. Nonetheless, since the national program was large, M.I.T.'s part was not trivial. For administration of the act the United States was divided into twenty-two districts. Each district had an adviser, and for Northern New England this post was occupied by Dean More- land until shortly before he went to Washington in June of 1942. In order to supervise the work at M.I.T., to represent it in formulating programs which would be of maximum service to government and industry, the President appointed a Committee on Special Training Programs for National Defense with Raymond D. Douglass, Professor of Mathematics, as Chairman TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 299 and A. L. Townsend, Associate Professor of Mechanical En- gineering, as Secretary. 13 This committee was responsible throughout the program for proposing suitable courses, for selecting teaching and supervi- sory personnel, for recruiting and selecting trainees, for expend- ing funds, and for keeping records and accounts. An office known as the Engineering Defense Bureau was opened at the Institute and the publicity for the six engineering schools in the Boston area was handled from this office. So far as the Institute was concerned, 27 courses were offered in this first year of training between 3 February and the end of the summer of 1941. Thirteen of them were full-time courses, 2 part-time courses, 12 evening courses; 929 men were trained, of whom 314 were Army or Navy officers and 213 civil servants. The requirements for admission were generally speaking high, requiring an engineering degree for many of the courses, although two programs were designed for arts and science college graduates and one for high school graduates. Three courses in Aeronautical Engineering, two in Aircraft Engines, and one in Naval Architecture were for Naval officers detailed to M.I.T. for special instruction; one course in Naval Architecture and one in Marine Engineering were requested by the Civil Service Commission. Ultrahigh Frequency was given on request of the Army and the Navy, and Ordnance Inspection was given in cooperation with the Ordnance Department at the Watertown Arsenal; a night course in Naval Architecture was offered at Quincy for the convenience of properly qualified men at the Bethlehem Steel Company. Other courses were given in Engineering Fundamentals, Materials of Engineering, Intro- duction to Engineering Drawing, Textiles, Chemistry of Powder and Explosives, Applications of Metallography, Ap- plied Mathematics, Exterior Ballistics, Instrumentation and Vibration Measurement, and Vibrations and Their Application. With very few exceptions, all this instruction was carried by members of the regular M.I.T. staff in addition to their regular working load. Of the 94 instructors participating, 81 were on the M.I.T. staff at the beginning of the program. 300 QED On 1 July 1941, Congress replaced the EDT with the En- gineering Science and Management Defense Training Program (ESMDT). This program provided an appropriation of $17,500,000 for short courses of college grade in engineering subjects, chemistry, physics, and production supervision. In July, 1942, this program in turn was replaced by the Engineer- ing, Science and Management War Training Program (ESMWT) with an annual appropriation of $30,000,000. The previous EDT program at the Institute moved forward under these new appropriations with no essential change in purpose. During the year 1941-42, 46 courses were given and 1,727 students received certificates indicating that they had satisfactorily concluded courses of study of 4 to 16 weeks, either full- or part-time. The longest and most serious courses at the Institute under this program continued to be in various aspects of Naval Architecture, Aircraft Engines, and Aeronautical Engineering for Naval Officers, and Ultrahigh Frequency Tech- niques for officers of both services. The latter program included a teachers' training course to which 40 engineering schools were invited to send a member of their staffs. In addition to these major courses, full-time courses were given for Civil Service employees in Naval Architecture, and for civilians de- tailed to M.I.T. by the Bureau of Ordnance of the Navy for programs in degaussing; 22 part-time courses were offered to civilians who were in war work, of which 18 were given on In 1942–43 the program was curtailed somewhat at the In- stitute because of excessive pressure on the staff, classrooms, and laboratories. Nonetheless, 58 courses 14 were offered – each only after request by the Army, the Navy, the Civil Service, or industry. Sixty members of the instructing staff participated, together with 46 instructors from outside the Institute. The enrollment increased to 4,144, or more than double that of the previous year. This increase was due almost entirely to the expansion of programs designed to give special training to Army and Navy personnel, and this despite the fact that the courses in Aeronautics and Aircraft Engines for Naval officers TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 301 previously carried under ESMWT were not under separate con- tract. Army and Navy personnel in the various courses had increased from 680 to 2,827. By 1943–44 the program was reaching the end of its course; 21 courses were offered to an enrollment of 679. The subject matter had changed notably and included such courses as Work Simplification, Mass Production Methods, Fire Protection Engineering, Statistical Methods for Experimentalists, and Sta- tistical Methods for Inspection. In the four years in which the Committee had steered this venture, it could report that 156 courses had been given to 7,635 registrants, of whom about 4,000 were from the services and 3,600 were civilians. Moreover, these courses had had some important offshoots. The courses in Ultrahigh Frequency, for example, had gone on to bę courses in Radar and had led to the large Radar School which has been described earlier in Chapter 15. The courses in Naval Architecture, by cooperation with the Navy Yard and the Civil Service, had trained many men for the Construction Corps of the Navy, men whose procurement and placement were cared for by the Navy. The courses in Aeronautical En- gineering and Aircraft Engines had proved so attractive to the Navy that a special contract had been entered into between the Navy and M.I.T., whereby four groups of officers, totaling 330, had received twelve weeks of instruction in those fields beginning in February, 1943. THE SERVICE PROGRAMS Each of the two services set out in its own way to give some of its youth an advanced education after they were in uniform and to provide this through the medium of the colleges and universities of the nation. The Navy program was called V-12, the Army's known as ASTP. Relatively few institutions were called upon to serve both programs. M.I.T. was one of those which was; it had a chance to observe both; and the experience as already publicly re- counted in various annual reports is worth summarizing for any lessons which may be gleaned. 1. 302 QED The V-12 The Navy program was in every respect serious and stead- fast. It was prepared in Washington by Naval officers and civilians who respected the knowledge and experience of trained educators; the group paid deference to the academic viewpoint and contrived, in times of great stress, to provide a decent average engineering program of education, one for which a college or university degree could be awarded without cynicism. It made every effort to take account of the problems on the campus. It studied term lengths and classroom hours. The underlying philosophy which had so much to do with how things went was expressed by Vice Admiral Randall P. Jacobs, Chief of Naval Personnel, who said that its purpose was “to give prospective Naval officers the benefits of college education in those areas most needed by the Navy. We desire, in so far as possible, to preserve the normal pattern of college life. . . . We are contracting not merely for class-room, dormitory, and mess- hall space and for a stipulated amount of instruction, but for the highest teaching skill, the best judgment, and the soundest ad- ministration of which colleges are capable.” The integration of the Navy V-12 program with M.I.T.'s teaching schedules and practices was therefore more complete than for any other service program, and through the effective and wholehearted cooperation of the commanding officer, the late Captain Charles S. Joyce, USN (Ret.), then Senior Naval Officer at M.I.T., and his staff, with M.I.T.'s Faculty and Ad- ministrative officers, the entire V-12 program went forward in a well-organized manner. V-12 students will in general have little difficulty in picking up advanced education at exactly the point where they may have left off. The Army ASTP policy, if it could be discerned at all, was that of establishing a storage reservoir at the colleges which could be drawn on at any time regardless of program and re- gardless of training. The men selected were not uniformly of high grade; the programs of instruction stipulated by the Army were often impossible and occasionally ridiculous. The prime TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 303 S example perhaps was a requirement for men to take in the same term qualitative chemistry, quantitative chemistry, physical chemistry, and industrial chemistry. Men seemed to be moved to and from the campuses capriciously; the term of twelve weeks was out of phase with the Institute trimester system though perhaps keyed to the quarter plan of other institutions. Even in the latter case there seemed to be little effort to cause the ASTP terms to coincide with the starting and stopping dates of the established university terms. Perhaps the difference in the two programs as they were conducted at M.I.T. is epitomized by the provisions for study. The Army students lived in dormitories which were operated as barracks; the first requirement was so many hours of drill and physical training, usually at the beginning of the day, so that the student was tired by the time he came to class; regular taps hours were enforced and lights were then out in study halls so that it is not a canard to say that ASTP students re- paired to the toilets after taps to prepare their class work for the next day. The Navy, on the other hand, provided proper study rooms which could be occupied within reason until the boy's work was done. It is fitting to close this estimate of the merits of the ASTP and V-12 programs with a fairly long quotation from the Annual Report, 1943–44, of the then Dean of Students, Harold E, Lobdell: 1 ASTP On March 1, 1943, the Institute received notification from the War Department to prepare to receive an Army Specialized Train- ing Program unit of 500 soldiers, who would begin classes on March 15. But, ... , the ASTP experienced considerable delay in selecting properly qualified personnel during its early stages. Thus instruc- tion actually began for 330 trainees on April 5 in “Advanced Engineering” (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical), but of this number nearly a third had to be academically disqualified before the end of the term. The curricula of the ASTP were laid down rigidly by the Army authorities in cycles of 12 weeks, but because of the starting confusion permission was granted for the 304 QED first cycle at the Institute to be extended to 13 weeks, i.e., from April 5 to July 3. For the second cycle (July 12–October 2), the Army's "screening" procedures operated more effectively, and replacements brought the size of our unit to 401, or 80 per cent of the strength originally contemplated. For the third cycle (October 11-December 31), 560 trainees were registered for Advanced Engineering and 141 for "Basic" studies at the freshman level - a total of 701. Marine transportation was added to the four Advanced Engineering fields noted above for 25 trainees in the third cycle only. For the fourth, and last, cycle (January 10–March 31), reductions took place: to 439 for Advanced Engineering and 91 for Basic – a total of 530. Press comment in December indicated that the continuance of the ASTP was debatable, but on the thirteenth the War Depart- ment denied that it was "in process of liquidation. The number of soldiers in the program will depend in the future, as in the past, on the actual needs of the Arms and Services.” During January, however, the House Committee on Military Affairs had under serious consideration a recommendation against continuing the ASTP, except for "engineers and men for military government operations abroad.” Congressional interest was directed, it was reported, in order "to save an estimated 200,000 pre-war fathers from military induction.” In view of the current state of public opinion, the 200-odd par- ticipating educational institutions were prepared for some shrink- ages, but not for the War Department's decision of February 18 which meant a virtual abandonment of the program. “The increased tempo of offensive operations, together with the mounting casualties demanding immediate replacements in the field,” the War Depart- ment statement read, “have created a situation which has necessi- tated drastic economies in the employment of personnel throughout the United States and a decision to reduce the soldiers in colleges in the program will be primarily those trainees taking advanced courses in medicine and dentistry, or engineering, and include 5,000 pre-induction students.” In commenting, the Secretary of War stated: “This decision has been made for reasons of imperative military necessity. I desire at this time to express my conviction of the great value that this training has been to the Army and to express my appreciation of the devoted and intelligent cooperation of the colleges and their faculties, who have done so much to make the program a success.” A.S.T.P. and V-12 students at M.I.T. during the War. TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 305 The severity of the curtailment, as well as its sudden application, and the fact that nearly a month was to elapse before the War Department made known in mid-March which particular local units would be discontinued, were especially disturbing to the colleges. On many campuses the prospective loss of an ASTP unit meant being threatened with very real financial and other operating readjustments. Although the Institute had one of the two larger groups of Advanced Engineering trainees in the First Service Com- mand, we immediately undertook to formulate plans for shifting assignments of instructing personnel, which would become obliga- tory if the War Department eventually determined to drop us from the list - an outcome which seemed not unlikely in view of our parallel training commitments to the Army Air Corps and to the Navy. On March 14 we received formal notification that our unit would be discontinued on March 31, at the end of the then current cycle. By April 1 we were fortunate in being able to reassign all members of the Faculty and instructing staff previously engaged in teaching ASTP to other duties (with the sole exception of one physical training instructor who had been employed solely for the ASTP) and to make other arrangements which relieved the Government of considerable expense otherwise accruing under the “90 days notice" clause in the termination article of its contract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . At one time or another, 920 individual AST trainees were in attendance as shown below, 391 (42%) being here less than the equivalent of one M.I.T. semester, 248 (27%) longer than one semester but less than two, and 281 (31%) the equivalent of at least one normal academic year, viz.: Basic Total 109 Advanced Engineering For four cycles 109 For three cycles 172 For two cycles 174 For one cycle 219 Less than one cycle 793 172 248 40 119 . 13 127 259 132 920 At this writing one is still too close to the event with its academic and administrative operating tensions - of which there were many – to appraise impartially the merits of the ASTP at Technology. In all our other service units, such as the V-12 and those of the Army 306 QED Air Forces, a trainee or cadet had commissioned status as an ulti- mate goal. But the objectives of the ASTP were seldom stated except in broad, and often vague, generalities. On our campus, therefore, the ASTP suffered in the minds of staff and students by contrast since it was not an “officer" program, but even more so because graduation from the ASTP held out no specified promise of non- commissioned advancement, nor of any assignment to duties which would enable the Army and the soldier to capitalize upon his achievement in the ASTP. Despite these circumstances, morale seemed surprisingly good on the whole and no doubt many of the 181 men who completed Advanced Engineering curricula, as well as some of the 607 others who attended at least one full cycle of the ASTP at the Institute, will seek further engineering education here or elsewhere in the post-war period. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In mid-April, 1943, 267 members of the Advanced ROTC were placed on active duty at Fort Devens but permitted to return to the Institute and continue with their regular academic programs during the balance of the spring term. Some were thus able to complete graduation requirements by June, but the majority were third-year students of the Class of 1944. These latter presumably could all graduate by February, 1944, if allowed to continue under the Insti- tute's year-round plan of operation which became effective June 28. But, instead, all 267 were ordered to report during June at replace- ment training centers of their respective service branches for basic military training, in order that they might afterward be rushed to Officer Candidate Schools to fulfill anticipated demands for more commissioned personnel in the lower grades. Hardly had they begun basic military training, however, than a press release of the War Department, issued July 21, stated that "reduced quotas for the Officer Candidate Schools in connection with a slowing up of the officer training program have made possible a modification of the original plan of training ROTC students called to active duty. It is now possible to permit this group to be returned to school for academic training designed to increase their value as future officers.” Therefore, upon completion of basic mili- tary training, “they will be returned to college under the super- vision of the Army Specialized Training Division, pending the availability of vacancies in the Officer Candidate Schools. ... Ulti- mately, all advanced ROTC students will be assigned to Officer Candidate Schools to complete their officer training." TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 307 The last sentence of the press release was contradicted the follow- ing day by a War Department memorandum (No. W145-16-43) which indicated that ROTC students “at replacement training centers who are not recommended for attendance at Officer Candi- date School because of their unsatisfactory training or leadership record or other reason will lose their ROTC status and will com- plete their training ... as other non-ROTC trainees at replacement centers.” Later this ruling was successfully protested on the ground that the agreement entered into by a student joining the Advanced ROTC was equally binding on the Government, and obligated the Army to give him the opportunity of attending Officer Candidate School. It was also pointed out, in connection with the protest, that deficiencies found in "leadership records” seemed quantitatively excessive. Since the duration of basic military training varied for the dif- ferent branches, it was clear that returning ROTC men would not report upon any common date. Furthermore, since their stay would depend upon the "availability of vacancies” in their respective Officer Candidate Schools, the voluminous and complex directive issued by the AST Division to prescribe detailed curricula mani- festly served no useful purpose in so far as our situation was con- cerned. Under a compromise reached with the First Service Com- mand, the Institute Faculty obtained discretionary control over the academic arrangements of the returning ROTC, and every endeavor was made to adapt our schedules so that a man might, in so far as practicable, carry on with the Course in which his registration had been interrupted the preceding June. The first contingent, a group of 80, resumed instruction on October 11, and the last to depart, a group of 18, were ordered away 170 days later, on March 31. The average number under instruction throughout this period was 137.4. By the end of October, the attendance reached 200, and it con- tinued at 200 or more throughout November and December, attain- ing a maximum of 223 on December 17, 18 and 19. During the first three weeks of January a few less than 150 were present, but addi- tional late arrivals brought the total to 206 on the thirty-first. On February 1, however, departures reduced the strength below 150, by the tenth it fell below 100, and by the end of the month below 50. From March 1 on, 20 or less remained. Of the 230 individual ROTC men who reported, 204 were among the group who had left the Institute the previous June, while 26 had been members of the Advanced ROTC at three other schools. Of the 204 former M.I.T. Advanced ROTC who returned, 14 were 308 QED allowed to stay long enough to be able to satisfy degree require- ments before being ordered to Officer Candidate School. · · · · · · · · · · · · · V-12 On July 1, 1943, the Navy V-12 program became operative in 131 American colleges and universities with 77,000 student trainees selected from secondary schools and colleges, and from the fleet and shore establishments of the Navy. Its "mission” was that of meeting the Navy's calculated mounting demands for officers for active duty in the different branches, viz., deck, aviation, engineer, engineer specialist, supply corps, chaplain corps, aerology specialist, physics major, medical corps, dental corps, and reserves for the Marine Corps and Coast Guard. Students under instruction in the V-12 program have the status and pay of apprentice seamen in the Navy, and are furnished tui- tion, uniforms, housing, food and medical services. ... The Institute was designated as one of the schools to participate in parts of this program for which we were especially qualified by reason of faculty and facilities, and our V-12 unit, which is housed and messed in the Graduate House, was established July 1, 1943, with an initial complement of 910 undergraduates as follows: (a) Former V-1 and V-7 naval reservists who had been civilian students at the Institute during 1942–43, and who continued for 1943–44 in the regular M.I.T. curricula of their respective professional Courses .................... 249 (6) Former V-1 and V-7 naval reservists who had been civilian students during 1942–43 at other colleges and uni- versities at which V-12 units were not established. Among these were 62 men designated as pre-medical or pre-dental students. The remaining 351 transfers, men interested in engineering or scientific studies, were placed for 1943–44 in the Institute's regular curricula after a careful evaluation of each individual's academic credits ................... 423 (c) Entering V-12 freshmen, selected by the Navy as a result of its country-wide V-12 examination held April 2, 1943. These students followed a “Basic” curriculum pre- scribed by the Navy in its V-12 Bulletin, No. 101 ........ 910 At the close of the spring term of March, 1944, one academic year had been completed and the “fully-prescribed” (second year) curricula became effective for trainees of group (c) above. During 238 TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 309 the spring term these men were "screened" for upper-level special- ties in engineering in accordance with the Navy Regulations. The Bureau of Naval Personnel had requested the Institute to give the fully-prescribed curricula (set forth in Bulletin 101) for Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering (Power and Communications), Aerology, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Aeronauti- cal Engines and Aeronautical Structures, and, on March 6, 1944, 198 trainees were assigned to take work in these fields. The V-12 freshmen who entered in July, 1943, contained many men of high promise and accomplishment, and since the content of the Navy's "fully-prescribed” curricula in the upper-level special- ties paralled the make-up of the Institute's undergraduate Courses in these fields, the Faculty voted on January 19, 1944: "That the schedules listed in Navy V-12 Bulletin 101, with such minor changes as may be approved by the Committee and the Com- manding Officer, be accepted by the Faculty as adequate for S.B. degree in Courses I, II, VI, VIII, XIII, and XVI with respect to the following students only; those now in attendance in the first year of these schedules at the Institute and those who may transfer into this group from other V-12 programs in March, 1944, for the second year and following schedules. No decision, favorable or unfavorable, is implied with respect to other schedules or other groups until the need for a decision arises. Approval of these schedules for degrees is withdrawn when the Navy V-12 is terminated.” As Dean Lobdell's report has indicated, the assigned quota strength of V-12 students at M.I.T. for the first four terms of operation (July, 1943, through October, 1944) was 900 trainees and the complements “on board” were respectively 910, 857, 853, and 887. After the summer term of 1944, the Navy discon- tinued enlistments from civil life for the V-12 program, intending that thereafter new trainees would be confined to men assigned from personnel of the fleet, and in October, 1944, the Bureau of Naval Personnel, “because of the decreasing need for young reserve officers,” reached a decision "to make no input of trainees into the Navy V-12 program on 1 March, 1945. This decision does not affect in any way those men now under training in the V-12.” After operation for three calendar years, instruction of Navy V-12 trainees was concluded in June, 1946, the unit's complement in its nine terms of operation being as follows: 310 QED 799 Term 1943-44 1944-45 1945-46 July-October 910 887 431 November-March 857 812 236 April-June 853 699 34 Averages per term 873 233 Between July, 1943, and November, 1944 (after which no new trainees were sent), a total of 1,751 individuals were as- signed by the Navy to the V-12 Unit at M.I.T. Of these, 38 were subsequently found medically unqualified, 38 were discharged from the Naval service by reason of their accumulation of sufficient "points,” and 732 were transferred from the V-12 program to recruit training or back to general duty. Most of the last-mentioned group of 732 were “separated” for failure to meet the academic standards set by the Navy, since the disciplinary troubles of the Unit were comparatively minor. The remaining 943 trainees, of whom 482 completed the Institute's degree requirements as members of the V-12 Unit, were disposed as follows for further duty or training: Commissioned in the Naval Reserve directly upon comple- tion of V-12 training (226 at M.I.T., and 23 elsewhere) 249 Sent to Midshipman's Schools (at Columbia, Cornell, Fort Schuyler, Notre Dame, or Northwestern), or to Pre- Midshipman's Schools (at Asbury Park, or Princeton)... 353 Transferred to Naval ROTC Units (at California, Har- vard, Illinois, Michigan, R.P.I., or Tufts) .............. 177 Transferred to other V-12 Units (at Bates, Brown, Colum- bia, Dartmouth, Harvard, Louisville, or Williams)..... Transferred for "other indoctrination" (at U.S. Naval Hos- pital, Chelsea, Mass., Camp Endicott, Davisville, R. I., or Camp McDonough, Plattsburgh, N. Y.) or for "avia- tion duty” (at “Tarmac,” Brooklyn, N. Y.)............ Transferred to service academies (at Annapolis, Md., West Point, N. Y., or New London, Conn.) ................. 11 From July, 1943, until the end of the November-March term of 1945–46, the Unit was housed and messed in the Graduate House, the 34 trainees remaining for instruction during the final term (April-June of 1946) being accommodated as to their living at Harvard. TEACHING IN THE WAR YEARS 311 The late Captain Charles S. Joyce, USN (Retired), as Senior Naval Officer at M.I.T., served as commanding officer of the V-12 Unit from 1 July 1943 to 1 February 1945, upon which latter date he was relieved by Captain Roswell H. Blair, USN (Retired). Captain Blair was, in turn, relieved on 4 December 1945 by Captain William H. Buracker, USN. These, then, were the complexities which confronted the Institute Administration in perhaps its most difficult task, that of keeping the educational spark alive during the demanding years of war. In retrospect it could look with satisfaction on the fact that it had not lowered its standards for the civilian students who were left to pursue their courses, that it had taken a pioneering position in important training in meteorology, in naval architecture, in aeronautical engineering, and in ultra- high frequency techniques, that it had done its share in the useful EDT and ESMDT and ESMWT programs, that it had operated an efficient and a happy Navy V-12 unit. If it was less satisfied with the difficulties which the vagaries of Selective Service had imposed on all the educational institutions of the land, and could remember with still less enthusiasm its own ex- perience with the ill-conceived ASTP program, it could none- theless forgive these mistakes which were born of great urgency and great strain. From them it could hope that the military would plan more wisely for another emergency if that should ever come. . M.I.T., like its great sister institutions, had survived the strain and had continued somehow to do its job. It had been strained, academically, close to the danger line; but its muscles were still eager; they were ready for the equally strenuous days which lay ahead. AYS FOOTNOTES 1 Practically all the information in the ensuing section on Selective Service, and frequently the exact words without courtesy of quotation marks, have been taken from the successive annual reports of M.I.T.'s then Dean of Students, Harold E. Lobdell. 2 Kane was and is Director of the Alumni Fund. 3 19 December 1941. 312 QED 4 As this chapter will later show, the screening procedure, the prescribed training, and the plans for keeping an ASTP man in school were not well conceived. 5 The gyrations of the ASTP program at M.I.T. are discussed in more detail later in this chapter. See pages 303–308. 6 Further details of the V-12 program at M.I.T. are provided later in this chapter. See pages 301, 302–308, 309. 7 Except those in Agriculture or those excepted by the National or the State Directors of Selective Service. 8 Dean Harold E. Lobdell. Report of the Dean of Students. President's Report, October, 1944, page 43. 9 All the figures here used refer only to bona fide M.I.T. registrants and do not include those in EDT courses or in the Radar School, which if included would increase the numbers enormously. 10 Report of Committee on Stabilization of Enrollment, 1945. 11 For example, in the fall of 1939, at the request of the United States Navy, the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering offered special courses calculated to make up for the acute national shortage in marine engineers; similar special work for the service was undertaken in the Departments of Aeronautical Engineering and Electrical Engineer- ing. Even as early as this the Institute was also cooperating with the Civil Aeronautics Authority by giving ground-school instruction for those participating in the Civilian Pilot Training Program. These are but the first examples and might be multiplied manyfold. Early radar training, for example, is discussed in Chapter 15. 12 It had previously been an adjunct of Aeronautical Engineering. Petterssen remained for only a short time. He left M.I.T. in 1942 to join the Royal Norwegian Air Force in England, and, serving on the Norwegian Army Headquarters Staff, was loaned to the British Air Min- istry. On his departure the department was directed by Henry G. Houghton, Jr., first as Executive Officer and now as Head of the Depart- ment. 13 Other members: Robert M. Kimball, Administrative Assistant to the President; Joseph C. MacKinnon, Registrar; and Franklin L. Foster, Assistant to the Director, D.I.C. 14 For the whole country, 216 institutions participated in the program and offered 12,888 courses, with an aggregate enrollment of 567,838. 20 M.I.T. REDEPLOYS FOR PEACE By James R. Killian, Jr. “I come now to something more volatile, more fugacious yet – more secret and subtle and mysterious ...; I come to the wanderings, alightings, fertilisings of man's thought.” My allusion and my cue come from Sir Arthur Quiller- Couch's memorable lecture, The Commerce of Thought, which traces the intricate ways in which man's ideas have been trans- mitted and transmuted by the comings and goings of men and how the Wandering Scholar used the trade routes and the war roads to find a home in the ancient universities. The American scholar, to a degree without precedent, became a wandering scholar during World War II. Not only were he and his fellows distributed and redistributed geographically over the face of the earth; they were redistributed in function to a degree without precedent both in civilian and in military capacities. Never isolated, even in peace, behind an ivory curtain, the M.I.T. staff in war became involved and redistributed to a greater extent than that of almost any other American institu- tion, as this volume bears detailed testimony. As a result, the M.I.T. staff was more completely diverted from education, al- though the institution was actually enlarged as a war research organization. The concentration of war research on its campus, the presence here of a great assemblage of gifted scientists from hundreds of institutions, and the remarkably varied activities of its own staff, in Cambridge and elsewhere, all contributed in one overshadowing way to the establishment of a fresh and vigorous postwar program. I refer to the wholesale cross- fertilization that resulted; no one at M.I.T. during this postwar 313 314 QED . period can fail to be impressed by the ferment of ideas, the prevailing temper to re-evaluate and to strike out in new directions, and the broadened concept of the institution's responsibilities. The expanded “commerce of thought" result- ing from these conditions is probably the most profound after- effect which the war had on M.I.T. Another effect of these special conditions was M.I.T.'s rapid war demobilization and its equally rapid mobilization for peace. The organizaton which had functioned to oversee $100,000,000 of war research was geared to liquidate the war program expeditiously and at the same time to rebuild the long-term educational program. Those who served on the Institute's governing bodies during this period will long re- member the excitement and urgency of reconversion. They will remember how a housing program for married veterans – the first in an American college – was planned and started before federal funds became available. They will remember how we improvised to handle the tidal wave of applicants and how we counted square feet for classroom space to handle 3,000 more students than were registered at war's end. They will remember the search for new talent in the war research laboratories, which, with the generous support of the Corpo- ration, quickly brought to the Institute a remarkable group of "cream-of-the-crop” graduate students and a number of major and outstanding faculty appointments. In rapid succession new programs were adopted, as in Food Technology, in Economics, in the Humanities, in Electronics, and in Nuclear Science; de- partments rebuilt and given new directions, as in the School of Architecture and Planning; new facilities blueprinted and financing started, as exemplified by the Gas Turbine Labora- tory, the great Charles Hayden Memorial Library, and the Senior House. And while the staff was thus throwing its released energy into rebuilding the educational and research program, steady progress was being made in demobilizing the war research or- ganizations and readapting buildings and equipment in a manner that could best serve the interest of the country and 7 O S M.I.T. REDEPLOYS FOR PEACE 315 leave the Institute in as strong a position as possible for its expanded peacetime program. Both the temporary and the permanent buildings erected for war work have been acquired by the Institute. This added space not only has enabled us to take care of the great increase in the student body but also at the same time has both permitted and required a wholesale reallocation of space and renovation of equipment throughout the entire Institute plant. This general redistribution of space - the greatest since the Institute moved from Boston to Cam- bridge – together with the acquirement of new buildings, has required an expenditure of $1,750,000. While this has been a very severe drain on the Institute's limited unrestricted funds, the Corporation felt the expenditure warranted by the resulting gain in educational efficiency. The great rush of redeployment after the end of the war soon came face to face with an overwhelming situation -- stu- dents, students in numbers greater than the Institute had ever handled before. Prior to the end of the war, two decisions had been reached: (1) that M.I.T. would take back all its students who had obtained leave for war service, and (2) that we had an obligation to accept a substantial temporary overload of students in order to share to the limit of our ability and our educational standards in the national policy of providing educational opportunities for veterans. The result of these two decisions quickly became apparent, and to an unexpected degree. Our own students returned in larger numbers and more quickly than we had expected. Nearly 95 per cent decided to return to the Institute, and in the fall of 1946, when we had expected 700, a total of 1,100 actually registered. In the mean- time, applications were pouring in from veterans at a rate that ran about 4,000 a month for nine months and that has tapered off at an astonishingly slow rate. As a result the Institute found itself with 5,660 students in the fall term of 1947, a total 80 per cent greater than the largest prewar enrollment. The resultant load on staff and facilities has not been proportional to the increase in the number of students. It has been far greater since nearly every subject of study has had to be given 316 QED every term, three terms a year. As a consequence the load on the staff has been excessive judged by any ideal long-range program. This becomes all the more apparent when we con- sider that the Institute's staff has, in addition to this large teaching commitment, the responsibility for directing a great research program, which in dollar expenditure totaled almost $10,000,000 in 1946–47, nearly twenty times larger than any comparable program undertaken before the war. It is interesting to note that the number of people at the Institute during this period 1946–47 totaled over 8,000, as many as were here during the peak of the war. Whereas during the war we had 2,000 students and 6,000 staff and nonstaff personnel, we now have over 3,000 personnel and 5,260 stu- dents. Before the war we employed approximately 1,500 people, less than half our present total. Our budget for 1946–47 of nearly $14,000,000 is over four times our largest prewar budget. I cite these statistics because the enlargement of our program and the overload they reflect have of course had a bearing on the Institute's reconversion. Under prevailing conditions there could be no return to pre- war organization or leisure. Under these conditions the Insti- tute has come hard upon vitally important adjustments to insure its effectiveness as an educational institution. Let me next outline some of these problems of adjustment, some of the ways we seek solutions, and some of the new points of view which are developing. Foremost among all our responsibilities is maintaining a strong educational program. In the wake of war's disruption, it has been necessary to retest programs, regain standards, and look ahead. Is our curriculum the best that we can devise to meet the conditions of the postwar world? What are the opti- mum conditions for creative scholarship and research on the part of both students and staff? These basic questions are being examined by all the groups responsible for the management and conduct of the Institute, and significantly enough the current overload is not precluding this basic rethinking of our program. M.I.T. REDEPLOYS FOR PEACE 317 TO The Faculty, for example, has appointed a Committee on Educational Survey to make a long-range study and re- evaluation of our curriculum and those policies which contrib- ute to educational effectiveness. This committee, under the chairmanship of Professor Warren K. Lewis,1 has taken its assignment in great seriousness and has initiated a deeply prob- ing study of those factors which contribute toward making an educational institution vigorous in scholarship and spirit. Not only is it reconsidering our undergraduate curriculum in the light of our prewar objectives but it is reaching out to deter- mine what the objectives of the future should be in the training of scientists and engineers. Under the impetus provided by Dean Robert G. Caldwell's repointing of our humanities pro- gram, it is giving special attention to the problem of how best to relate the humanities to a professional curriculum and what kinds of training will best equip an engineer to handle the great social and public responsibility and power which must inevitably rest in his hands. And finally it is courageous enough to tackle some of the imponderables, mentioned above, which affect the "wanderings, alightings, fertilisings of man's thought.” What are those factors which we must emphasize at M.I.T. to provide the best possible environment for scholarly, creative work by students and staff? Concurrently with the study by the Committee on Educa- tional Survey, other approaches to the problem are being fol- lowed. The Committee on the Graduate School, under the leadership of Dean J. W. M. Bunker, has underwritten the high standards of graduate study here while at the same time providing greater flexibility to the individual student in pur- suing his professional objectives. New ways of organizing and coordinating research with teaching are being tested and policies formulated for handling sponsored research to the advantage of the academic program. During the war we ob- served the effectiveness of research teams, and we are now experimenting to determine how best to reap the advantages of group research in an academic organization. We are certain that research teams should never displace the brilliant individualist TY 318 QED 1 who avoids entangling alliances, but we want to find out how the two approaches supplement and assist each other. One of the devices which we are using to handle group re- search – and to stimulate individual work – is what we call "centers of research.” These are interdepartmental organizations which coordinate the cooperative activities of various depart- ments in important fields of overlapping interests. While we call them "centers of research” because research is their predominant role, they are nevertheless playing a very important part in our educational program, especially by providing superior oppor- tunities for senior and graduate student thesis work. These centers of research appear to be a highly satisfactory answer to a problem which has long confronted educational institutions, namely, the handling of those interests which reach outside the traditional departmental boundary lines and re- quire the cooperation of the specialists from several disciplines. Certain institutions have tried to meet this problem by setting up separate institutes. Others have set up new departments. It is our feeling that both these solutions seem to be lacking in two desiderata: namely, the mobilizing of the interested person- nel of the various departments into a cooperative whole while still recognizing each department's special interest in the various aspects of the program and, most importantly, the full coordination of the research with the educational program. We have established these centers of research in about half a dozen fields, but the first and the most highly developed of our programs is our Research Laboratory of Electronics, which is operated jointly by the Department of Physics and the De- partment of Electrical Engineering. Some sixty-five graduate students are now doing their theses in this laboratory. It has a highly productive program of research that is managed by pro- fessors from the two collaborating departments and it maintains a concentration of equipment which is available to the staffs of the two departments. Other centers of research now actively in operation include the Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Engineering, which represents an even wider distribution of interest than the M.I.T. REDEPLOYS FOR PEACE 319 . Electronics Laboratory since it involves the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Metallurgy, Me chanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biology, and others to a lesser degree. This laboratory, incidentally, repre- sents a major and carefully planned move on the part of the In- stitute to give adequate emphasis in its overall program to the tremendous opportunities in nuclear physics and in the new art of nuclear engineering. Other "federalized” laboratories include the Spectroscopy Laboratory, the Acoustics Laboratory, and the Laboratory for Insulation Research. As the postwar program develops, other educational trends are clearly observable. There has been a fresh and constructive concern with teaching methods, and several departments have instituted carefully designed programs for checking and im- proving the instructional techniques of young staff members. Reflecting the current interest of students in educational methods, one of the student honorary societies has undertaken careful evaluation of individual instructors in selected depart- ments, all with the wholehearted interest of the departments. In another direction, there is a trend, continuing from before the war, toward deepening engineering education through the adoption of more of the analytical tools of pure science, through more graduate training in engineering, and through the use of research to attract men of imaginative minds and to educate engineers who have the temerity and capacity to dream and speculate beyond the boundaries of the immediately practical. Similarly the science departments have deepened their pro- grams, and the push, which began in earnest in 1930, to build a great School of Science occupying a position of equal partner- ship with the School of Engineering has attained its objective. Along with the deepening and broadening which come from a comprehensive understanding of physical laws, there is the broadening effect of humanistic study, which is receiving increased attention, as I have already noted in connection with the Committee on Educational Survey. Concurrently with the study by this committee, other approaches to the problem are being followed. The humanistic effects of extracurricular activ- 320 QED ities and the close integration of our humanities with supporting activities in the Technology community are being explored. In this direction, Dr. Everett Moore Baker, who was appointed Dean of Students on 1 January 1947, and Dean Thomas P. Pitré, who became Dean of Freshmen at the same time, are exerting a powerful and liberalizing influence on the student body, with a response from the students of instant and hearty appreciation. The Registration Officers in all the several professional courses have stepped up their own effective con- tacts with students, and other personnel have thrown themselves into the overall movement to bring students and staff into a community of scholars having the broadest possible outlook. Contributing importantly and by design to this community building has been the new Director of the Medical Department, Dr. Dana L. Farnsworth, the Institute's first full-time Medical Director. Out of a background of both psychiatry and internal medicine, he has made the Medical Department an important and liberalizing factor in safeguarding the health and promot- ing the morale of students and staff. And to serve the general welfare of the students in close relation to the Office of the Dean of Students and the Medical Department, a full-time Director of Athletics has been engaged and charged with the responsi- bility of making athletics serve education in the broadest sense. Students at the Institute exhibit a similar interest in improv- ing the environment and broadening the base of education at the Institute. With 60 per cent of the student body veterans returned from service, we of course have an older and more mature group, but we also have a new interest in the values to be found in the field of the liberal arts. The present-day stu- dent usually has a well-thought-out program for his education and a willingness to work without stint to get ahead rapidly. He is willing, without any diminishment of his interest in pro- fessional subjects, to organize a liberal arts club; to organize a symphony orchestra; to sponsor (and to attend) lectures by prominent figures from nonprofessional fields; and to run care- fully planned forums on such subjects as labor relations and universal military training. Air view of the Institute and its temporary housing facilities for veterans and their families. Located between Vassar Street and Memorial Drive, Westgate is in the center of the above photograph, and Westgate West is to the right. Two views of a model of the new senior dormitory which is in process of construction on Memorial Drive west of Massachusetts Avenue. Designed by the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto, Research Professor of Architecture in the Institute's School of Architecture and Planning, the dormitory contains a lounge, dining room, music room, living room, and hobby room. The building will house 353 students and in order to have as many rooms as possible face the Charles River basin, the unique plan has been arranged as a combination zig-zag and serpentine form. M.I.T. REDEPLOYS FOR PEACE 321 Concomitant with this broadening of the staff's and students' interest has been a broadening of the Institute's planning for its future development. Instead of expecting that the major portion of the Institute will be east of Massachusetts Avenue, we now realize that the growth of the Institute's educational facilities is certain to be so great that these facilities alone will require all the land on the eastern half of the campus. The western tract of fifty acres is now conceived of as an area where we may develop really adequate student hous- ing and recreational facilities and where a new type of campus development might be carried out which would have the dignity and beauty and community living facilities that would contribute to the development of well-rounded men. In this area will be located the new Senior House, the Institute's first dormitory unit designed on the house plan. Here, too, we hope to have other housing units, adequate playing fields, and a gymnasium so long needed and still unrealized. The planning of facilities to promote a broadened education is epitomized in the concept for the Institute's projected Charles Hayden Memorial Library, which is one of the major postwar developments. In planning this new library building we have conceived of it as serving a dual but consistent purpose. As the nucleus of our departmental library system and itself a great repository, it will provide the most serviceable collection pos- sible of advanced research and teaching material in the scien- tific, engineering, and architectural disciplines to which the Institute is primarily devoted. In addition, however, it must serve the humanities program and the nonprofessional devel- opment of our students by offering them the maximum invita- tion to the many important fields of thought and inspiration outside our required curriculum. This concept recognizes that the humanistic responsibility of the Institute's library is in some ways even more far reaching than that of the libraries of the great liberal arts institutions. The Charles Hayden Memorial Library, then, will be a great deal more than a conventional library. It will house, for example, our departments in the social sciences and the hu- 322 QED n manities so that they will be contiguous to their libraries, which are in effect their laboratories. In addition to this formal implementation of the Institute's humanistic program, the new library will seek to facilitate the student's examination of various cultural heritages which cannot find a place in the for- mal curriculum. The already large collection of recorded music possessed by the Institute will be housed in carefully designed quarters in the new building as part of an audio-visual center which will make available all sorts of recorded sound as well as visual tools such as motion picture film. This center will be as modern as we know how to make it, will provide a variety of sizes of listening and viewing facilities, and, on the formal side, will increase the facilities for instruction in modern languages and public speaking. The library will also house some of the Institute's special museum collections, will serve as a graphic arts center, will have adequate exhibition space for arts and crafts, and will have a special map room for our growing collection of maps. Here the educational utility has been carefully thought through in its relation to environmental factors, and a function which can sometimes become stereotyped in an educational institution has been given a fresh outlook and a tremendous new opportunity to serve as an aid to learning and to provide those amenities which stimulate scholarship of the highest order. The Charles Hayden Memorial Library is but one unit in the Institute's present program, planned to implement the developments and new objectives described in this chapter. This program, involving a total ultimate expenditure of $29,000,000, includes, in addition to the library and west campus already mentioned, the development of such new edu- cational facilities as a Metals Processing Laboratory, a Hydro- dynamics Laboratory and Naval Towing Tank, a Supersonic Wind Tunnel, and a Gas Turbine Laboratory (now under construction), and permanent buildings for the Research Laboratory of Electronics, the Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Engineering, and a Laboratory for Biology and Food 1 M.I.T. REDEPLOYS FOR PEACE 323 Technology. In addition there are essential facilities for en- riching student life, including the new Gymnasium and the new Senior House, already mentioned, and, in behalf of the staff, a Faculty Club. The launching of this development program and the solicitation of funds to carry it through has been one of the major undertakings of the redeployment period. Of the total of $29,000,000 the equivalent of about $9,000,000 has been secured, but the remaining $20,000,000 must be raised. Actually the needs of the Institute are greatly in excess of this total, and the next five years must witness a sustained effort to enlarge capital resources. This record would be incomplete without an estimate of the effects of the war on the Institute staff and of the personnel changes made during the redeployment period. This book is conclusive evidence that before the war the Institute possessed a staff of magnificent capacity and scope. What now? By any available test, the Institute has gained strength. Fortunately, there were few losses; almost 100 per cent of the senior professors who were on leave are back. This was a major factor in the Institute's successful reconversion. While getting back its war service personnel, the Institute had an exceptional opportunity, as a result of its expanding program, to make a large number of major new appointments and to set high standards of selection in making these appointments. The war contacts of our staff and administrative officers and the con- centration in Cambridge of a great number of outstanding men during the war were major factors in assisting the Institute to spot men who met these high standards. In every major appointment we sought to answer affirmatively the question: is the candidate the best available man in the country or even in the world to fill the post? Essentially the same question has also been asked in making promotions to the full professorship. As a sampling, let me list some of the new appointments, omitting many outstanding younger members of the staff and limiting the list to those who now rank as full professors or who occupy positions of administrative responsibility. Edward L. Moreland, who withdrew from the deanship of 324 QED Engineering to become Executive Vice President, part time, has been succeeded as Dean of Engineering by Professor Thomas K. Sherwood of the Department of Chemical Engineering. To the deanship of the School of Architecture and Planning has come William W. Wurster, who had been in private practice in California. To the Office of Dean of Students has come Everett Moore Baker, a minister from Cleveland. A new post has been created, carrying the title of Director of Libraries, and this has been filled by John E. Burchard, Director of the Bemis Foundation at the Institute. To replace William N. Seaver, who retired for age, Vernon D. Tate of the National Archives has become Librarian. I have already mentioned the appointment of Dr. Dana L. Farnsworth as Medical Director. Among new appointments to department headships are Arthur C. Cope, who came from Columbia University to head the Department of Chemistry; William T. Martin, who came from Syracuse University and is now Head of the Department of Mathematics; Vice Admiral Edward L. Cochrane, who comes from the Navy Department, where he has been Chief of the Bureau of Ships and more recently Chief of the Material Division, to head our Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering; and William L. Campbell, who came from industry to head the Department of Food Technology. From our own staff came C. Richard Soderberg to head the Depart- ment of Mechanical Engineering, John B. Wilbur to head the Department of Civil and Sanitary Engineering, and John Chipman to head the Department of Metallurgy. Julius A. Stratton of our own Department of Physics was appointed Director of the Research Laboratory of Electronics, and Jerrold R. Zacharias, also of the Department of Physics and earlier from Hunter College and the Radiation Laboratory, accepted the directorship of the Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Engineering. Edward S. Taylor of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering was appointed Director of the new Gas Turbine Laboratory. Eugene W. Boehne came from the General Electric Company to succeed Professor William H. Timbie, retired, in charge of the cooperative course in Electrical M.I.T. REDEPLOYS FOR PEACE 325 Engineering. Ivan A. Getting from Yale University and the Radiation Laboratory is now Professor of Electrical Engineer- ing; Bruno B. Rossi from Cornell University, Victor F. Weiss- kopf from the University of Rochester, and Albert G. Hill from M.I.T. and the Radiation Laboratory are Professors of Physics; Charles D. Coryell, from the University of California and the Clinton Laboratories at Oak Ridge, is Professor of Chem- istry; Hsue-Shen Tsien, from the California Institute of Technology, is Professor of Aerodynamics; Norman J. Padelford, from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, is Professor of International Relations. Douglass V. Brown is the first appointee to the new Alfred P. Sloan Professorship of Industrial Management; and Jacob P. Den Hartog, from Harvard University, is Professor of Mechanical Engineering. On the fiscal side, Joseph J. Snyder is now filling the long- vacant post of Assistant Treasurer and is giving special attention to increasing the Institute's capital resources. Robert M. Kimball, who during the war organized and directed the Insti- tute's first Personnel Office, joined the President's Office as Assistant to the President and has helped to carry the increased responsibilities of the office. These men, together with the colleagues they have joined, are the real measure of the Institute's success in rebuilding itself as an educational institution. They, together with the extraordinary student body now at the Institute, are evidence enough that the impetus and the new spirit which President Compton brought to the Institute in 1930 still guide its rede- ployment for future widened service. Under his leadership there has been one clear objective: to maintain here in Cambridge such a combination of facilities, programs, and men that out- standing young scholars from all over the world will seek it out as did the Wandering Scholars the ancient universities. FOOTNOTE 1 Other members of the committee are Professors John R. Loofbourow, Ronald H. Robnett, C. Richard Soderberg, and Julius A. Stratton. ADDENDUM As the forms of this book were being locked up by the printer, the British Information Services announced from Washington citations made by the British Ambassador, Lord Inverchapel, on behalf of the King. Among those listed were the following M.I.T. men whose names appear in this book: Honorary Knight Commander of the Civil Division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire Vannevar Bush Honorary Commanders of the Civil Division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire Edward L. Bowles Karl T. Compton Jerome C. Hunsaker Honorary Officers of the Civil Division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire Richard Tolman Carroll L. Wilson Recipients of the King's Medal for Service in the Cause of Freedom Joseph C. Boyce Samuel H. Caldwell Hoyt C. Hottel 326 GLOSSARY OF CODE NAMES AND ABBREVIATIONS A-20. Fighter-bomber, "Havoc," Douglas. A-26. Fighter-bomber, “Invader,” Douglas. AA. Antiaircraft. AAF. Army Air Forces. ACD. Acid-citrate-dextrose solution, a blood preservative. AFPAC. Army Forces Pacific; the name taken by General MacArthur's consolidated command. ALSOS. Greek word for grove; a code name for the special scientific intelligence mission to Europe run jointly by Army, Navy and OSRD. AMP. Applied Mathematics Panel; a subdivision of NDRC. APP. Applied Psychology Panel; a subdivision of NDRC. ASF. Army Service Forces. ASTP. Army Specialized Training Program. ASV. Aircraft-to-Surface-Vessel radar. ATC. Army Transport Command. AZON. A guided missile controllable in azimuth only. B-14. Twin-engine medium Army bomber. B-18. Twin-engine medium Army bomber. B-24. Four-engine heavy bomber, "Liberator,” Consolidated-Vultee. B-25. Twin-engine medium bomber, “Mitchell," North American. B-29. Four-engine heavy bomber, “Superfortress," Boeing. BAT. Code name for an early guided missile. BBRL. British Branch Radiation Laboratory. BUAER. Bureau of Aeronautics, USN. BUMED. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, USN. BUORD. Bureau of Ordnance, USN. BUPERS. Bureau of Naval Personnel, USN. CBE. Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. CBI. China-Burma-India Theater. C.I.T. California Institute of Technology; not in favor as often confused with Carnegie Institute of Technology. CMR. Committee on Medical Research. CO. Commanding Officer. COURSE I. Civil Engineering (M.I.T.). COURSE II. Mechanical Engineering (M.I.T.). COURSE VI. Electrical Engineering (M.I.T.). COURSE VIII. Physics (M.I.T.). 327 328 GLOSSARY OF CODE NAMES COURSE XIII. Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (M.I.T.). COURSE XVI. Aeronautical Engineering (M.I.T.). CPA. Central Pacific Area. Civilian Production Administration. CW. Continuous-wave. CWS. Chemical Warfare Service. CXAM. Experimental sky-search radar set, antiaircraft against high-flying planes. CXBL. Experimental radar set, later to become the SM set; Ship-Control- DD. Naval code name for a full-size destroyer. D-Day. First day of the Normandy landing; a special application of a term in general military usage for the first day of an engagement. DDT. Þ, p-dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane; an insecticide. D.I.C. Division of Industrial Cooperation (M.I.T.). DIVISION. As used here, an administrative unit of NDRC. DUKW. Code name for amphibious 21/2-ton truck. EDT. Engineering Defense Training. ERC. Enlisted Reserve Corps (U.S. Army). ESMWT. Engineering Science and Management War Training. ETO. European Theater of Operations. FEA. Foreign Economic Administration. FELIX. A heat homing bomb. FLAK. Antiaircraft fire; from the initials of the long German term Flieger Abwehr Kanonen. G-2. Army General Staff section responsible for intelligence. GCA. Ground Control of Approach. GHQ. General Headquarters. GI. Government Issue; originally meaning a private in the infantry, applied now to all branches and all ranks in the United States Services of World War II. H-2-X. Radar set for airborne bombing and navigation through overcast; based on the British H-2-S, known as "Home Sweet Home." HE. High Explosive. IB. Incendiary bomb. JBSIP. Joint Board on Scientific Information Policy (Army-Navy-OSRD). GLOSSARY OF CODE NAMES 329 LCI (L). Landing Craft, Infantry (Large). LCM. Landing Craft, Mechanized. LCT. Landing Craft, Tank. LORAN. Long-Range Navigation radar system. LSD. Landing Ship, Dock. LST. Landing Ship, Tank; often called "large slow target." MAD. Magnetic Airborne Detector. MEW. Microwave Early Warning radar. M.I.T. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. NACA. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. NALOC. Committee on Navigational Aids to Landing Operations. NAS. National Academy of Sciences. NATS. Naval Air Transport Service. NavTecMısEu. U. S. Naval Technical Mission in Europe. NDRC. National Defense Research Committee. NOL. Naval Ordnance Laboratory. NRC. National Research Council. OFS. Office of Field Service. OLL. Office of Lend Lease. OPA. Office of Price Administration. OPM. Office of Production Management. ORG. Operations Research Group (Navy). OSRD. Office of Scientific Research and Development. OSS. Office of Strategic Services. OWI. Office of War Information. PANZER. Armor or armor plate (German); thus armored, or tank. PBM. Navy patrol bomber, “Mariner," Glenn L. Martin. PBOSRD. Pacific Branch Office of Scientific Research and Development. PBY. Navy patrol bomber, Consolidated-Vultee. PC. Patrol Craft. POA. Pacific Ocean Areas. PPI. Plan Position Indicator, a type of radar presentation. Q.E.D. Quod erat demonstrandum; that which was to be demonstrated or proved. QMC. Quartermaster Corps, U.S. Army. QMG. Quartermaster General. RAF. Royal Air Forces (British). 330 GLOSSARY OF CODE NAMES R AND D. Research and Development; usually applied to a section, division, branch or departmental subdivision in the Armed Services. RAZON. Guided missile controllable in both range and azimuth. RBNS. Research Board for National Security. RCC. Research Construction Company (M.I.T.). RL. Radiation Laboratory. ROTC. Reserve Officers Training Corps. R.P.I. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. SC. Submarine Chaser. SCR-268. Signal Corps Radar; mobile medium-range searchlight and antiaircraft fire-control radar. SCR-270. Signal Corps Radar; mobile long-range early-warning antiair- craft radar. SCR-271. Signal Corps Radar; fixed long-range early-warning antiaircraft radar. SCR-582. Signal Corps Radar; mobile antiaircraft radar, called Coastal Surveillance Systems or Harbor Entrance Control sets. SCR-584. Signal Corps Radar; mobile ground-based antiaircraft fire- control radar. SHAEF. Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (Europe). SM. Navy radar; Ship-Control-of-Interception type. SWPA. South West Pacific Area; the first name of General MacArthur's Command. TNT. Trinitrotoluene; the most common military high explosive. TR. Transit-receive. U-BOAT. A German submarine; World War I term from the original German Unterseeboot. UN. United Nations. UNO. United Nations Organization. USMCR. United States Marine Corps Reserve. USN. United States Navy. USNR. United States Naval Reserve; as distinguished from USN, the regular Navy. USNRAB. United States Naval Reserve Air Base. USSBS. United States Strategic Bombing Survey. V-1. Vengeance weapon 1; Nazi buzz-bomb or robot plane. V-2. Vengeance weapon 2; Nazi guided rocket weapon. V-E. Victory in Europe. V-J. Victory over Japan. GLOSSARY OF CODE NAMES 331 VT. Variable time; designation for a particular design of proximity fuse; it could be set to detonate at a variable distance from the target. WAAF. Women's Auxiliary Air Force; British women members of the RAF. WEASEL. Code name for a tracked amphibious vehicle. WLB. War Labor Board. WMC. War Manpower Commission. WPB. War Production Board. WRB. War Resources Board. Y-GUNS. A Y-shaped catapult for propelling depth charges. YP. District patrol vessel; Navy patrolling of this sort was largely done by converted civilian craft, and YP are often considered to be the initials of Yacht Patrol. PERSONNEL INDEX 101 N Haro Wellese, JT Adams, Roger, 29 Bentley, Edward P., 151 Adkins, Archibald W., 192 Beretta, John W., Lt. Col., 81 Albertson, Walter E., 98 Bernbaum, Lawrence, 176 Alderman, Bissell, 73 Beverage, H. H., 70 Allis, William Phelps, Lt. Col., 61, Bicknell, Joseph, 169 76, 77, 82, 110 Bisplinghoff, Raymond L., Lt. (jg), Alvarez, Luis W., 222, 231 Amdur, Isadore, 195, 211 Bissell, Richard M., Jr., 249 Anicetti, R. J., 210 Bitter, Francis, 98, 179, 180 Arnold, H. H., Gen., 52, 67, 68, 72, Blackett, P. M. S., 87 198 Blair, Roswell H., Capt., USN, 311 Aub, Joseph C., M.D., 154, 155 Blake, Charles H., 35, 75, 94, 95, 121 Austin, James M., 80, 81 Blanchard, Arthur A., 195 Averbach, Benjamin L., 194 Blood, Kenneth T., Maj. Gen., 20 Blue, R. W., 179 Bacher, R. F., 222 Boehne, Eugene W., 324 Bainbridge, K. T., 147, 222 Bolduan, 0. E. A., 163 Baker, Everett Moore, 320, 324 Bolt, Richard H., 166 Baker, W. R. G., 237 Bond, Harold L., 84 Balsbaugh, Jayson C., 186, 195 Bosworth, Welles, 4 Barlett, Helen R., 211 Bowen, Harold G., Jr., Rear Adm., Barnes, G. M., Maj. Gen., 149 20, 39 Barrow, Wilmer L., 79, 217, 218, Bowker, Albert H., 176 Bowles, Edward L., 32, 33, 40, 61, Barstow, Frederick E., 197 67–72, 79, 80, 96, 97, 112, 114, Bartholomew, Edward L., Jr., 194, 218, 220, 226, 227, 237, 238 270 Bowman, Harry L., 81 Baruch, Bernard M., 247 Bowman, Isaiah, 28 Batt, William L., 247 Bown, Ralph, 218 Beal, R. R., 237 . Boyan, Edwin A., 270 Bear, Richard S., 162, 163 Boyce, Joseph C., 64, 65 Beattie, James A., 193 Boynton, Donald E., Lt. Cmdr., 100 Beatty, Frank E., Rear Adm., 20 Bradley, Omar, Gen., 78, 256 Beatty, Ralph E., Jr., 98 Brand, Charles L., Rear Adm., 20 Beckwith, Herbert L., 64 Breckenridge, Robert G., 195 Beers, Roland F., 270 Breger, Irving A., 270 Bemis, Alan C., 65, 173, 174, 177 Breit, Gregory, 38 Bennett, Ralph D., Capt., USNR, Bridgforth, Robert M., Jr., 163, 214 93, 94, 98, 99 Brooks, Edward M., 176 Barrow6, 227, 238k E., 197 333 334 PERSONNEL INDEX Brown, Douglass V., 246–249, 325 Brown, Gordon S., 42, 43, 46, 61, 62, 139, 144-146, 148–152 Brown, Sanborn C., 162 Bryan, Joseph G., 176 Bryant, Lynwood S., 152, 214 Buechner, William W., 204, 208 Bunker, John W. M., 110, 154, 317 Buracker, William H., Capt., USN, 311 Burchard, John E., 35, 51, 52, 63, 73, 100, 109–112, 324 Burrill, E. A., Jr., 208 Burton, Malcolm S., 194 Burwell, John T., Jr., Cmdr., 34, 36 Bush, Vannevar, 26, 28, 33, 36, 59, 65, 107, 112, 205, 220, 236 Byrnes, James F., 253 Clarke, Eric T., 162 Cloud, Robert W., 208 Coate, Godfrey T., 238 Cochrane, Edward L., Vice Adm., 20, 324 Coffin, Louis F., Jr., 149 Cohen, Morris, 183, 194, 210, 271 Cohn, Edwin J., 162 Collins, A. S., 195 Collins, Samuel C., 179, 180, 193 Colpitts, E. H., 47 Colton, Roger B., Maj. Gen., 20 Combs, Thomas S., Rear Adm., 20 Compton, Karl T., 5-8, 28, 29, 33, 36, 39–41, 51, 67, 69, 72, 96, 97, 100, 107, 108, 112, 113, 114, 118, 170, 184, 218, 220, 224, 226, 233, 236, 243, 244, 277, 293, 295, 297, 325 Conant, James B., 28, 29, 59, 247 Connelly, Joseph J., 214 Coolidge, W. D., 47 Cope, Arthur C., 60, 324 Coryell, Charles D., 214, 325 Covell, William E. R., Maj. Gen., 20 Creamer, Thomas F., Lt., USNR, 100 Cripps, Sir Stafford, 42, 61 Crisp, Frederick G., Rear Adm., 20 Crout, Prescott D., 238 Cunningham, Robert M., 81, 176 Cunningham, Ross M., 133 Caldwell, Robert G., 252, 253, 317 Caldwell, Samuel H., 42–46, 62, 206, 207 Cammann, Oswald, 210 Campbell, Donald P., 151, 152 Campbell, William L., 81, 251, 271, 324 Carlson, Milton O., Capt., USN, 144 Carlson, Roy W., 64, 212, 214 Cartwright, Dorwin P., 255 Cavileer, R. P., 182, 193 Chalmers, Paul M., 289 Chamberlain, John W., Cmdr., 99, 100 Chantry, Allan J., Jr., Rear Adm., 20 Cherniak, G. S., 270 Chertow, Bernard, 195, 271 Chipman, John, 183, 210, 324 Chu, Lan Jen., 61, 79 Chu, Shih M., Lt. Gen., 21 Clark, Champ, U. S. Senator, 244 Clark, John R., 194, 208 Davidson, David, 203 Davis, Tenney L., 271 Dawson, Edward, 145 de Florez, Luis, Rear Adm., 20 de Forest, Alfred V., 177, 265 den Hartog Jacob P., Capt., USNR, 92, 93, 325 Deutsch, Karl, 258 Deutsch, Martin, 162 Dewey, Bradley, Col., 184, 248 PERSONNEL INDEX 335 Dietrichson, Gerhard, 214 Dietz, Albert G. H., 120, 121 Donovan, Richard, Maj. Gen., 20 Doolittle, James H., Lt. Gen., 20 Doriot, Georges, Brig. Gen., 76 Dotson, James, 15, 22 Douglass, Raymond D., 298 Draper, G. Stark, 43–46, 62, 138–144, 146, 150 Dubin, Irving M., 195 DuBridge, Lee A., 222, 224, 236, 237 Duggan, E. Lloyd, 162 Dunn, Cecil Gordon, Lt. Col., 81, 82 Duntley, Seibert Q., 65 Durgin, Calvin T., Rear Adm., 21 Fletcher, Stewart G., 194 Floe, Carl F., 82, 271 Ford, Horace S., 129 Forester, C. S., 134, 136, 137 Forrestal, James, 31 Forrester, Jay W., 145, 147, 151, 152 Foster, Franklin L., 126, 129, 312 France, Albert F., Rear Adm., 21 Frank, Nathaniel H., 61, 79, 238 Franklin, Philip, 150 Fredenhall, Lloyd R., Lt. Gen., 20 Freeman, Harold A., 66, 82, 271 Freeman, Ralph E., 249 Fulton, Garland, 266 Furer, Julius A., Rear Adm., 21, 32, 233 Eaker, Ira C., Lt. Gen., 229 Eastham, Melville, 70, 233, 234, 237 Eastman, George, 4 Eaton, Paul C., Lt. Cmdr., 99 Edgerton, Harold E., 120, 193, 196– 204, 207 Eisenhower, Dwight D., Gen., 69, 72, 106, 114, 120 Ellis, R. C., 237 Evans, Frederick R., 194, 270 Evans, Robley D., 153–155, 162 Fahrion, Frank G., Rear Adm., 21 Fairbairn, Harold W., 214, 263 Farnsworth, Dana L., Cmdr., 100, 320, 324 Fay, Richard D., 164, 176 Faymonville, Philip R., Col., 244 Fernstrom, Karl D., 84, 266 Feshbach, Herman, 176, 208 Festinger, Leon, 34 Fickel, Jacob E., Maj. Gen., 74 Fife, W. Maxwell, 64, 177 Finch, Rogers B., Capt., 84 Fink, Donald G., 233 Fisher, Charles W., Rear Adm., 21 Fisher, John C., 149 Gale, Walter H., Lt. Cmdr., 101 Gamble, Edmund L., 133 Gardner, Fulton, Maj. Gen., 20 Gasser, H. S., 60 Gaudin, Antoine M., 183, 194, 214, 250 Gaughran, Eugene R. L., 163 Gelotte, Ernest N., 64, 133 Germeshausen, Kenneth J., 196, 197 Getting, Ivan A., 46, 62, 79, 325 Gibb, Thomas R. P., Jr., 195, 271 Gibson, J. G., II, 162 Gifford, Allan T., 176 Gilliland, Edwin R., 53, 80, 99, 120, 184, 193, 248 Goddard, George, Col., 197, 198 Goering, Hermann, 78, 84 Goldblith, Samuel A., Lt., 84 Good, Wilfred M., 162 Gordon, Chester H., Jr., 176 Goudsmit, Samuel A., 111, 121 Gould, Bernard S., 159, 162 Gouzoule, Thomas, 177 Grant, Nicholas J., 184, 194 Gras, Ranulf W., 151 Gray, Truman S., 82, 99 336 PERSONNEL INDEX Gregory, E. B., Lt. Gen., 81 Grekel, Howard, Capt., 84 Grier, Herbert E., 196, 197, 214 Grimes, James H., Jr., 176 Griswold, O. W., Lt. Gen., 118 Grosser, Christian E., 265 Groves, Leslie R., Jr., Maj. Gen., 20 Guernsey, Donald L., 194 Hindman, Harold, 76 Hitler, Adolf, 11 Hoadley, Henry, 176 Hofmann, Charles S., 149 Hoge, William M., Maj. Gen., 20 Holmes, Addison F., 99 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 206, 207 Holt, James, 263, 264 Homerberg, Victor O., 194, 214, 264, 271 Horton, J. Warren, 63, 267–269 Horwood, Murray P., 267, 270 Hottel, Hoyt C,. 34, 52, 53, 64, 65, 174 Houghton, Henry G., Jr., 34, 166, 177, 312 Howard, Herbert S., Rear Adm., 21, Hall, Albert C., 145, 151, 152, 238 Hall, Cecil E., 162 Hall, William M., 271 Hamilton, Leicester F., 159 Hamilton, Parker, 265 Hansen, W. I., 217 Hardy, Arthur C., 56, 57, 65 Harris, Louis, 177 Harris, Robert S., 34, 82, 154, 160, 101 251 Harrison, George R., 35, 59, 65, 108, 109, 120, 177, 187 Hartwell, John M., Jr., Ens., 99 Hartzog, Justin R., 255, 256 Haskell, Clarence A., 151 Hauser, Ernst A., 158, 162, 184–186, 251 Hayler, Robert W., Rear Adm., 21 Hays, Frank B., Cmdr., 100 Hayward, Carle R., 250 Hazen, Harold L., 35, 42, 46 Hearon, William M., Maj., 85 Hegenberger, Albert F., Maj. Gen., 20 Henderson, Robert S., 151 Henry, Stephen G., Maj. Gen., 20, 108 Hersey, Mayo D., 214, 271 Hershey, Lewis B., Maj. Gen., 282 Hertz, Heinrich R., 38 Hicks, J. F. G., 179 Hildreth, Richard R., 133 Hill, Albert G., 325 Hill, Edmund W., Maj. Gen., 20 Howard, Robert T., 194, 214 Howes, Victor E., 271 Hrones, John A., 150, 152, 271 Hull, Cordell, 253 Hunsaker, Jerome C., 26, 31-33, 62, 80, 86, 250 Huntress, Ernest H., 195 Hutcheson, J. A., 237 Hutzenlaub, John F., 151 Irvine, John W., Jr., 162 Jacobs, Randall P., Vice Adm., 302 Jacobs, Robert B., 179 Jarosh, John J., 151 Jeffers, William M., 184, 247, 248 Jenney, Melvin R., 129, 133 Jennison, Marshall W., 160, 162, 163 Jewett, Frank B., 28, 29, 33, 40, 47, 219, 220 Johnson, Andrew L., 214 Jones, Albert M., Maj. Gen., 20 Jones, L. F., 237 Joyce, Charles S., Capt., USN, 227, 302, 311 PERSONNEL INDEX 337 Kane, Henry B., 276, 277, 311 Lippitt, Ronald, 258 Kaufmann, Albert R., 179, 183, 210 Liu, Yee J., 151 Kavanagh, George M., 214 Livingston, M. Stanley, 89, 98, 162 Kaye, Joseph, 189, 266 Lobdell, Harold E., 277, 303, 309, Keenan, Joseph H., 34, 189, 266, 271 311, 312 Kelly, Burnham, 64, 111 Locke, William N., 254, 255, 257 Kelly, M. J., 237 Loofbourow, John R., 40, 61, 237, Kenney, George C., Gen., 20, 69, 112 238, 325 Ketchum, Phillips, 129 Loomis, Alfred L., 35, 39, 40, 61, Keyes, Frederick G., 179, 193 218, 220, 233, 234, 236, 237 Keyes, Raymond E., 271 Loomis, F. Wheeler, 222 Killian, James R., Jr., 129, 313 Lord, Richard C., 65 Kimball, Robert M., 312, 325 Lull, George F., Maj. Gen., 20 Kinkaid, Thomas C., Adm., 100 Kingsley, Charles, Jr., 152 MacArthur, Douglas, Gen., 69, 71, Kip, Arthur F., 89 106, 108–113, 119 Kitts, Willard A., III, Rear Adm., 21 MacGregor, Charles W., 149, 272 Klopsteg, Paul E., 109 MacKinnon, Joseph C., 275, 286, Knickerbocker, Irving, 248, 249 288, 312 Knox, Frank C., 26, 31, 32, 62 Maclaurin, W. Rupert, 66 Knudsen, Vern O., 47 Magel, Theodore T., 211 Koh, P. K., 194 Magoun, F. Alexander, 257 Kraus, Walter F., Maj. Gen., 20 Malone, Thomas F., 81 Kyle, Peter E., 182, 270 Maloof, Samuel B., 208 Mar, Pellian T. C., Rear Adm., 22 Lamar, Edward S., 98 Marconi, Guglielmo, 38 Land, Emory S., Vice Adm., 21 Markham, John R., 169 Landgraf, John, 248 Marriner, A. W., Brig. Gen., 70 Larkin, T. B., Maj. Gen., 84 Marshall, George C., Gen., 68 Lauritsen, Charles C., 49 Marshall, Lauriston C., 109, 222 Lawrence, Ernest O., 223, 237, 238 Marshall, Shadburn, 211 Leavey, Edmond H., Maj. Gen., 84 Martin, Stuart T., 83 le Beau, Desiree S., 185 Martin, William T., 249, 324 Lee, Paul H., 176 Martland, Harrison, 154, 155 Lessells, John M., 250, 266, 267 Marvin, George G., 210, 272 Levinson, Norman, 271 Mason, Max, 49 Lewin, Kurt, 257 McAdams, William H., 34, 192, 195 Lewis, Frank M., 189, 272 McBride, Guy T., Jr., 272 Lewis, G. W., 170 McCabe, Arthur P., 177 Lewis, Warren K., 59, 192, 317 McClelland, H. H., Maj. Gen., 70 Lincoln, Abraham, 27 McGregor, Douglas M., 248, 249 Lindbergh, Charles A., Col., 244 McIntosh, L. R., 208 Lindvall, Frederick C., 268 McKay, Walter, 151 338 PERSONNEL INDEX Oldfield, Homer R., Maj., 83 Overbeck, Wilcox P., 212–214 Mitsch, Johharc A., Vice 29, 33, McLennan, A. J., 177 McMahon, Howard O., 180, 193 Mead, Warren J., 262 Meesook, Boonyium, 255 Merrill, Frank D., Maj. Gen., 20 Metcalf, George F., 237 Michel, Leopold R., 99, 270 Milas, Nicholas A., 160, 185 Miles, Arthur C., Rear Adm., 21 Millard, Earl B., 176, 195 Mitsch, John D., 133, 277 Mitscher, Marc A., Vice Adm., 91 Moreland, Edward L., 29, 33, 35, 113, 114, 121, 227, 298, 323, 324 Morse, Philip M., 48, 49, 61, 65, 74, 86, 89, 92, 96–98, 114, 164, 176, 200, 238 Morton, Avery A., 195 Mueller, Hans, 162, 177 Mueller, Robert K., 151 Mullinix, Henry M., Rear Adm., 21 Murphy, Maron E., Cmdr., 146 Murray, John Milne, Lt. Col., 83 Murray, Maxwell, Maj. Gen., 20 Murray, William M., 270 Myers, Charles A., 184, 248–251 Pace, Ernest M., Jr., Rear Adm., 21 Padelford, Norman J., 253, 254, 325 Palmer, R. N., 214 Parks, Roland D., 246 Patton, George, Gen., 193, 202, 203 Peabody, Dean, Jr., 82, 99 Peacock, Wendell C., 162 Peaslee, David C., 98 Peck, Charles F., Jr., 177 Pekeris, Chaim L., 272 Pellam, John R.., 98 Pennoyer, Frederick W., Jr., Rear Adm., 21 Petterssen, Sverre, 294, 312 Phillips, Henry B., 150 Pigors, Paul, 248, 249 Pitré, Thomas P., 320 Platt, Milton M., 177 Prescott, Samuel C., 34, 81 Pride, Alfred M., Rear Adm., 21 Prince, Roy W., Jr., 177 Proctor, Bernard E., 74, 75, 81, 160 Pulk, Eugene S., 81 Putnam, Palmer Cosslett, 65 y 19 Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur, 313 Quinn, John C., Lt. Cmdr., 101 Neas, C. C., 195 Neuenborffer, J. A., 98 Neumann, Ernest P., 188 Newell, Joseph S., 170 Nickerson, E. W., 208 Nimitz, Chester, Adm., 106, 108, 111, 151 Noble, Albert, Rear Adm., 21 Noce, Daniel, Maj. Gen., 20 Norris, Charles H., 177 Norton, C. L., 125 Norton, Frederick H., 150, 194, 211 Norton, John T., 194, 205, 208, 214 Rabi, Isidor I., 42, 222, 237 Radford, William H., 65, 177, 238 Radtke, Schrade F., 84 Ratliff, J. F., Sr., Maj., 296 Rauscher, Manfred, 170 Raven, Fritjof A., 101 Raymond, Milton W., 195 Redman, L. M., 214 Reed, William A., 195 Reissner, Eric, 170 Richardson, Lawrence B., Rear Adm., 21 Ober, Shatswell, 169, 177 Okabe, Kinjori, 217 PERSONNEL INDEX 339 Richardson, Robert C., Lt. Gen., 108, 109, 111 Richey, Thomas B., Rear Adm., 21 Richmond, Harold B., 35, 55 Rickenbacker, Edward V., 161 Ridenour, Louis N., 222 Rivero, Horatio, Lt. Cmdr., 146, 151 Robertson, Walter W., 272 Robinson, Clark S., Col., 77, 82 Robinson, Janette, 163 Robnett, Ronald H., 129, 133, 325 Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 18 Rockefeller, Nelson, 252 Rogers, William Barton, 3, 4 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 26, 28, 243, 244, 247, 279, 282 Rosa, Robert V., Lt., 83, 256 Rosenthal, Daniel, 208 Ross, Don H., 177 Rossell, Henry E., Cmdr., 65, 265 Rossi, Bruno B., 325 Rowlands, John J., 277 Royal, Forrest B., Rear Adm., 21 Royce, Donald, Rear Adm., 21 Ruge, Arthur C., 265 Rule, John T., 264 Russell, Henry D., 35 Ryden, Roy W., Rear Adm., 21 Schumb, Walter C., 131-133, 195, 208, 211 Schwarz, Edward R., 76 Seamans, Robert C., Jr., 151 Sears, Francis W., 84 Seaver, William N., 324 Shapiro, Ascher H., 188, 195, 272 Sherman, Forrest P., Vice Adm., 21 Sherman, Henry, 162, 163 Sherwood, Thomas K., 54, 59, 60, 64, 65, 99, 132, 160, 163, 184, 192, 195, 251, 324 Shrock, Robert R., 251, 262, 263, 272 Silvey, John O., 145, 151, 152 Sizer, Irwin W., 160, 162, 163 Slater, John C., 41, 61, 238, 266 Sledd, Marvin B., Lt., USMC, 101 Slichter, Louis B., 36, 47–50, 63, 267, 268 Sloane, Alvin, 272 Sluder, John C., 81, 160 Smith, Edward H., Rear Adm., CG, 21 Smith, Lybrand P., Capt., USN, 32, 36 Smith, Col., 244 Smith, Rodney H., 177 Smith, William H., Rear Adm., 21 Snyder, Joseph J., 325 Soderburg, C. Richard, 34, 272, 324, 325 Southworth, George C., 217 Spaatz, Carl, Gen., 69, 71 Spalding, Sidney P., Maj. Gen., 20 Spedden, H. Rush, 194 Spencer, Hugh H., 35, 55, 177 Sperduto, Anthony, 208 Squire, Charles F., 65, 89, 177 Stanley, William E., Maj., 83 Starr, Chauncey, 179 Stephenson, Clark C., 179, 193 Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., 243 Stevens, Leslie C., Rear Adm., 21 Sage, Nathaniel M., 125, 126, 129 St. John, R. C., 195 Salo, Torsti P., 162, 163 Samuelson, Paul A., 251 Saville, Gordon P., Brig. Gen., 70 Sayler, Henry B., Maj. Gen., 20 Scatchard, George, 162, 212, 214 Schmitt, Francis O., 158, 162, 163 Schoeffel, Malcolm F., Rear Adm., 21 Schrader, Robert J., 212, 214 Schuerch, Conrad, Jr., 83 Schuhmann, Reinhardt, Jr., 194, 214 340 PERSONNEL INDEX Turner, L. A., 222 Turner, R. Kelly, Rear Adm., 99 Tuve, Merle A., 38 Tyree, Sheppard Y., Jr., 208 Tyson, J. K., 98 Stevenson, Earl P., 35, 53 Stever, H. Guyford, 238 Stimson, Henry L., 32, 67, 68 Stockbarger, Donald C., 131, 187, 188, 195 Stockton, Frank, 92 Stokes, C. A., 251 Stratton, Julius A., 61, 69–71, 78, 79, 238, 324, 325 Stump, Felix B., Rear Adm., 21 Styer, Wilhelm D., Lt. Gen., 20 Suits, C. G., 237 Sutherland, Richard K., Lt. Gen., 113 Urey, Harold, 212 1 Van de Graaff, Robert J., 131, 204, 208 Vandenberg, Hoyt S., Maj. Gen., 203 Van Keuren, Alexander H., Rear Adm., 21 Varian, R. H., 217 Vickery, Howard L., Vice Adm., 21 Vivian, J. Edward, 214 von Hippel, Arthur R., 187, 195 Tallman, Gerald B., 251 Tate, John T., 47 Tate, Vernon D., 324 Taylor, C. Fayette, 34, 189, 272 Taylor, Edward S., 34, 189, 251, 272, 324 Taylor, Howard F., 101 Taylor, Richard, 206 Taylor, Robert D., 177 Teeter, C. E., Jr., 182 Telkes, Maria, 161 Terman, F. E., 237 Thomas, George B., Jr., 176 Thompson, Sir George, 42, 61 Thresher, B. Alden, 110, 285 Timbie, William H., 324 Tizard, Sir Henry, 40, 219 Tolman, Richard C., 29, 33, 36, 51 Tone, J. W., 151 Towers, John H., Adm., 31 Townsend, Arthur L., 299 Trimmer, John D., 176, 214 Tripp, W. A., 208 Truman, Harry S., 118 Trump, John G., 40, 61, 79, 112, 222, 237, 238 Tsien, Hsue Shen, 325 Turner, Clair E., 254 Wadsworth, George P., 166, 176 Waitt, Alden H., Maj. Gen., 20 Waldron, A. K., Maj. Gen., 120 Walker, Scott, 190 Walker, William H., 125 Walter, Henry, 208 Warren, Bertram E., 65, 171, 177, 214 Waterhouse, George B., 245, 246 Waterman, Alan T., 100, 107, 111, 112, 237 Watriss, Frederic, 176 Watson-Watt, Sir Robert, 42, 61 Waugh, David F., 162 Weaver, Warren, 237 Weber, Harold C., 189 Wedemeyer, A. C., Lt. Gen., 77 Weems, William R., Lt. Col., 84, 85 Weisskopf, Victor F., 214, 325 Wendt, Richard, 265 Wentworth, R. L., 195 White, A. E., Col., 59 White, T. E., 182 Whitehead, Walter L., 263 Whiteside, A. J., 245 PERSONNEL INDEX 341 Whitman, Ralph, Rear Adm., 21 Whitman, Walter G., 33, 244, 246, 250 Withington, Holdence, Adm., 21 Willson, Russell, Vice Adm., 21 Withington, Holden W., 176 Witunski, Michael, 176 Woodbury, Robert S., Cmdr., 100 Woodring, Harry H., 243 Wong, Tsoo, Lt. Gen., 21 Wulff, John, 209 Wurster, William W., 324 Wyckoff, Charles W., 197 Whitmore, William W., 74 Whitney, Roy P., 190 Wiener, Norbert, 176, 272 Wiesner, Jerome B., 213 Wilbur, John B., 64, 175, 324 Wildes, Karl L., 46 Wilkes, Gordon B., 174 Willett, Hurd C., 65, 80 Williams, Dudley, 182, 193 Williams, Glenn C., 34, 65, 188, 192 Williams, Robert S., 34, 59, 82 Willis, Hugh R., 218 Young, James V., Maj. Gen., 21 Young, Ralph C., 195, 208 Zacharias, Jerrold R., 214, 222, 324 Zaffarano, Frank P., 238, 239 Zimmermann, Henry J., 238 SUBJECT INDEX 319 Aberdeen Proving Ground, 25 Corps; rations; Research Sec- ACD solution, 157 tion SWPA; Scientific and Acoustics Laboratory (M.I.T.), 166, Technical Advisory Section, AFPAC; SHAEF; Signal Corps; A. C. Spark Plug Company, 211 Wright Field Agriculture, U.S. Department of, Army Air Forces, U.S., 25, 39, 51, 255 70, 72–74, 83–87, 142, 143, 146, Air Commission, British, 266 160, 161, 167, 178, 180, 197, Aircraft Engine Research Labora 198, 200, 201, 208, 228-230, tory, 27 233, 238, 272, 293, 294–297, Aircraft-Marine Products, Inc., 186, 305, 306 195 Evaluation Board, 73, 74 Air Navigation and Traffic Control, Institute of Technology, 85 Weather Service, 80, 81 Air Service Command, U.S. Army, Army Service Forces, U.S., 248 265 Army Specialized Training Pro- Air Wing, 315th, 68 gram, 9, 270, 279, 280, 292, albumin, human, 162 293, 301-307, 311, 312 alpha radiation, 155 Atlantic Gelatin Company, 270 Alsifilm, 186 Atomic Control Committee, 247 ALSOS Advisory Committee, 111 AZON, 55, 56, 171-173, 201 ALSOS Mission, 110, 111, 121 Ames Laboratory, 26 Baldwin Locomotive Works, 272 amphibious vehicles, 29, 31, 37 ballistics, terminal, 63 anti-malarials, 60, 159 balloon campaign, Japanese, 65, 80 Anzio, 230 Baltimore plane, 168 Applied Mathematics Panel, 37, 63, Bastogne, 230 66, 172, 237 BAT, 171 Applied Psychology Panel, 37 Bataan, 78 argon, radioactive, 154 Bates College, 310 Argonne Laboratory, 212 Battelle Memorial Institute, 182 Army, U.S., see also Chemical War. Bell Telephone Laboratories, 28, fare Service; Engineer Corps; 41, 61, 151, 217–219, 223, 236, ERC; ESMWT; Ground Forces; 237, 262 Medical Corps; mountain bends, aviation, 154 troops; New Developments Di- beryllium, 34 vision; Operations Research Bethlehem Shipbuilding Company, Section, POA; Ordnance De- 272 partment; Quartermaster Bethlehem Steel Company, 299 343 344 SUBJECT INDEX biological warfare, 153 Birmingham University (British), 219 blast, pigmentation from, 162 blood, whole, preservation of, 155, 157, 158 blood cells, red, 156 blood plasma, 155, 157 Boeing Aircraft Corporation, 168 Bolivian Tin and Tungsten Cor- poration, 183 Bolling Field, 219 bomb, atomic, 31, 72, 155, 209–214, 238, 261 M-69,- 53 Bombardment Advisory Committee, California, at Los Angeles, Univer- sity of, 47 California, University of, 109, 133, 205, 209, 213, 218, 219, 222, 223, 231, 236, 237, 248, 254, 310, 325 California Institute of Technology, 29, 49, 63, 99, 133, 177, 222, 262, 268, 295, 325 camouflage, 56, 57 Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation, 212 Carnegie Institution of Washington, 26, 38, 219 52 casting, precision, 184 Center of Analysis (M.I.T.), 42, 152, 206 centers of research (M.I.T.), 318 chemicals, basic, 245 Chemical Warfare Service, U.S., 53, 63, 72, 178, 184, 189, 191, 192 bomb damage, 14, 52, 73, 74 bombing, radar, 68, 71 bombing, strategic, 73; see also Strategic Bombing Survey, U.S. bomb selection, 29, 30, 51, 52, 73 bombs, 51 buzz, 45, 68, 230 Boston Health Department, 267 Boston Ordnance District, 194 Bowdoin College, 227 Brown University, 310 Bureau of Aeronautics, USN, 101, 143, 250 of Labor Statistics, U.S., 247 of Medicine and Surgery, USN, Chemical Warfare Service Labora- tory (M.I.T.), 189–192, 195, 205 Chicago, University of, 60, 133, 209–214, 295 Chrysler Corporation, 229, 271 Civil Service Commission, U.S., 299 160 of Mines, U.S., 179, 250 of Naval Personnel, USN, 309 of Ordnance, USN, 101, 132, 147– 151, 205, 268, 300 of Ships, USN, 25, 48, 92, 164, civilian scientists in field), 102– 107, 120 Clark, Wallace and Company, 270 Clark University, 83 Clifford Manufacturing Company, 272 Climatic Research Laboratory, 66 Clinton Laboratories, 212, 214, 325 clothing, Army, for severe climates, 76, 82 cobalt, radioactive, 154 collagen, 158, 159, 163 181–184, 189, 268, 164, Climatic Resea of Standards, U.S., 99 Burgenland, SS, 90 Burma, bridge strikes in, 172 burns, bentonite treatment of, 158 SUBJECT INDEX 345 250 Columbia University, 41, 42, 49, 60, DDT, 60 63, 133, 164, 209, 212, 222, 223, Defense Housing Coordinator, 256 230, 236, 237, 262, 269, 272, 310, deferment, student, quota system of, 324 282, 283 Commerce, Department of, U.S., degaussing of ships, 93, 98, 179 Dewey and Almy Company, 249 Committee A-N 23,- 64 dielectrics, 187 Committee on Demolition of Obsta- differential analyzer, 196, 205, 207 cles to Landing Operations, 64 director: Committee on Fortification Design M-9 antiaircraft, 62 (NRC), 64 Mark 51,- 141, 142 Committee on Medical Research Mark 52, – 142 (OSRD), 28, 107, 155, 156, 159 Mark 63,- 142 Committee on Navigational Aids to Division of Industrial Cooperation Landing Operations, 63 (M.I.T.), 125–132, 145, 151, Committee on Passive Protection 152, 185 against Bombing (NRC), 51 Division 1 (NDRC), 37 Committee on Publications Division 2 (NDRC), 35, 37, 38, 51, (OSRD), 100 52, 63, 64, 73 Committee on Scientific Informa- Division 3 (NDRC), 37, 38, 50, 267 tion Policy, 64 Division 4 (NDRC), 37 Confidential Instruments Labora. Division 5 (NDRC), 35, 37, 38, 51, tory (M.I.T.), 43, 62, 141-143, 55, 65, 89, 177 149 Division 6 (NDRC), 37, 38, 47–50, control of guns, remote, 137, 139, 86, 120, 166 144-147, 151 Division 7 (NDRC), 35, 37, 38, 45, Coordinator of Research and Devel 46, 51, 62, 237 opment, USN, 32, 86, 119 Division 8 (NDRC), 37 Cornell University, 83, 222, 310, 325 Division 9 (NDRC), 37, 60 Corsair plane, 168 Division 10 (NDRC), 37, 60, 64 cosmic rays, 161 Division 11 (NDRC), 35, 37, 38, Council on National Defense, 247 52–54, 63, 174 Cramp Shipbuilding Company, 33, Division 12 (NDRC), 37, 38, 65 65, 265, 272 Division 13 (NDRC), 37 croakers, sound levels of, 95 Division 14 (NDRC), 30, 35, 37– Crosley, Corporation, 150 41, 60, 62, 152, 220-222 crystals, laboratory grown, 131, Division 15 (NDRC), 37, 60, 237 187–188 Division 16 (NDRC), 35, 37, 38, Curtiss "Commando,” 168 56–59, 65 cyclotron, 153 Division 17 (NDRC), 35, 37, 38, 48, 65 Dahlgren Proving Ground, 140 Division 18 (NDRC), 37, 38, 59, Dartmouth College, 310 65 346 SUBJECT INDEX Division 19 (NDRC), 37 Doelcam Company, 150 Drexel Institute of Technology, 81 DUKW, 65 Dumbarton Oaks Conference (UN), 253 Dunkerque, 10 fluorine production, 131, 133 Flutter Laboratory (M.I.T.), 169, 170, 177 food, infestation of, 75 Ford Instrument Company, Inc., 151 Ford Motor Company, 267 Foreign Economic Administration, 243—246, 251, 256 Foreign Ministers, Council of, 253 Fort Heath, 146 Fort Monmouth, 25, 40 fuels, torpedo, 188 Fulbright Bill, 253 Fury, USS, 99 Eastman Kodak Company, 212 Edgewood Arsenal, 192 Education, U.S. Office of, 35, 297 Educational Survey, Committee on (M.I.T.), 317, 319 Edwards Company, J. T., 272 Eighth Air Force, 73, 229, 238, 239 Elliott Company, 272 Engineering Defense Bureau, 299 Engineering Defense Training pro- gram (EDT), 35, 292, 293, 297–301, 311, 312 Engineering Science Management War Training program (ESMWT), 35, 297–301, 311 Engineers, Corps of, U.S. Army, 31, 51, 52, 83, 84, 175 Enlisted Reserve Corps plan (U.S. Army), 277–281 European Inland Transport, Con ference on, 254 Experimental Testing Board, Joint Army-Navy, 120 explosives, safety of, 77, 82 Gas Turbine Laboratory (M.I.T.), 314, 322, 324 gas warfare, 190–192 GEE (British), 202, 203, 233 General Electric Company, 47, 62, 83, 185, 199, 217, 229, 236, 237, 324 General Foods Corporation, 270 General Machinery Corporation, 271, 272 General Motors Corporation, 181, 271, 272 General Radio Company, 35, 55, 70, 236, 237 Geological Survey, U.S., 270 George Washington University, 49 Gibraltar, U-boats in the Straits of 90 Faculty Club (M.I.T.), 323 Fay, Spofford and Thorndike, 263 Federal Reserve Board, 255 FELIX, 56, 171, 173, 174 fire control, 29–31, 37, 42-46, 51, 101, 134-147, 150, 167, 261 flame throwers, 191, 192 Fletcher School of Law and Di- plomacy, 325 flight test instruments, aircraft, 143 glass, optical, substitutes for, 58 Gorham Manufacturing Company, 271 Ground Control of Approach (GCA), 14, 231, 232 Ground Forces, U.S. Army, 146, 208 Group Control Council (Berlin), 69, 111 Grumman "Hellcat,” 169 SUBJECT INDEX 347 guided missiles, 29, 30, 37, 51, 54, 55, 85, 89, 142, 171-174, 177, 261 Gulf Research and Development Corporation, 172-174 gun, erosion, 37 stress analysis, 149, 150 Gun Design Group, 149–152 gyroscope, sight, 46, 139 insect damage, 35 institutions, private and war re- search, 128 Instrumentation Laboratory (M.I.T.), 61, 143, 149, 152 instruments, optical, 58 intelligence, military, 77 scientific, 69, 76, 92, 110, 111, 113, 121 see also ALSOS International Court of Justice, 253 International Telephone and Tele- graph Company, 216 Insulation Laboratory (M.I.T.), 187, 319 invasion, African, 78 iron, isotopes of, 156 radioactive, 156 isopol, 185 Hanford, 210, 212, 213 Harriman-Beaverbrook Mission, 247, 248 Harvard University, 28, 29, 49, 59, 60, 62, 133, 164, 222, 223, 228, 247, 262, 271, 310, 325 Medical School, 162 see also Radio Research Labora- tory Hayden Memorial Library (M.I.T.), 314, 321, 322 Heat Research Laboratory (M.I.T.), 174, 177 Heyden Chemical Corporation, 163 High Voltage Laboratory (M.I.T.), 152, 204, 208 Hiroshima, 64, 209 Hood Milk Company, 225 Hunter College, 222, 223, 324 Hydrodynamics Laboratory (M.I.T.), 322 hydrogen peroxide, 132 Jackson and Moreland, 271 Japan, incendiary attacks on, 174 "Jewish physics,” 11 Joint Board on Scientific Informa- tion Policy, 40, 60 Joint New Weapons Committee, 33, 41, 100 Joint Target Group, 52, 98, 120 Kaiser Company, Inc., 271 Kamikaze, 46, 89, 91, 101 Kendall Company, 271 klystron, 217, 218 Koppers United Company, 270 Icaroscope, 58 icing, on aircraft, 166 Illinois, University of, 29, 222, 223, 310 incendiaries, 14, 174, 191 incendiary warfare, 52, 53 Independent Engineering Com- pany, 182 infrared, applications of, 57, 58 detecting devices, 174 Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Engineering (M.I.T.), 318, 319, 322, 324 landing, blind, 14, 231, 232 Langley Field, 26 Langley Memorial Laboratory, 26 Lawrence Aeronautical Corpora- tion, 272 348 SUBJECT INDEX lenses, plastic, 58 teaching program, war problems Lewshle Plan, 70 of, 275–312 Lexington, USS, 147, 148 see also Acoustics Laboratory; Librascope Inc., 62 Center of Analysis; centers of Little, Arthur D., Inc., 35, 53, 272 research; Chemical Warfare LORAN, 14, 70, 221, 223, 227, 232– Service Laboratory; Confiden- 234 tial Instruments Laboratory; Los Alamos, 210, 212, 214 differential analyzer; Division Los Angeles Ship and Drydock of Industrial Cooperation; Edu- Company, 271 cational Survey Committee; Flutter Laboratory; Gas Tur- Machine Gun Trainer, Mark 1,-264 bine Laboratory; Heat Re- Magnetic Airborne Detector, 47 search Laboratory; High Volt- magnetron, cavity, 40, 41, 217, 219 age Laboratory; Hydrody. splitanode, 217 namics Laboratory; Instrumen- x-band, 41, 61 tation Laboratory; Insulation Magnusson Bill, 77 Laboratory; Laboratory for Nu- Manhattan District, 25, 36, 85, 131, clear Science and Engineering; 154, 194, 209, 211-214, 270 Metals Processing Laboratory; Mars plane, 168 Prescott Laboratories of Food Massachusetts General Hospital, Technology; Radar School; Ra- 154, 156 , diation Laboratory; Radioac- Massachusetts Institute of Tech tivity Laboratory; Radiographic nology (M.I.T.): Laboratory; Research Labora- alumni, 10-13 tory of Electronics; Senior budget, 8-13 House; Servomechanisms Lab- buildings, 4, 8, 17, 18, 127, 132 oratory; Slater Laboratory; curricula, 4, 9 Solar Energy Conversion Re- enrollment, 3, 9, 275, 284, 315 search Project; Spectroscopy foreign students in, 289, 290 Laboratory; Supersonic Wind graduate school, 9, 288 Tunnel; Torpedo Fuel Labor- metallurgical project, 132, 209– atory; Turbo Laboratory. 214 Materials Processing Laboratory, meteorology, war courses in, 293– 182 297 matériel, investigation of enemy, Placement Bureau, 5 182 policy on government service, 15, Mauricio Hochschild SAMI, 183 16 Medical Corps, U.S. Army, 184 policy on supported research, medicine, aviation, 154 125-128 Memphis, USS, 100 Staff as consultants, 259–262 Merlin engine, 267 teaching program, acceleration of, Mersopol, 185 276, 277 metal, dimensional stability of, 183 SUBJECT INDEX 349 Metal Hydrides, Inc., 210, 271 metallurgy, powder, 209 Metals Processing Laboratory (M.I.T.), 322 Metascope, 57 mica, substitute for, 186 Michigan, University of, 59, 111, 310 Michigan Tool Company, 271 microscope, electron, 162 Microwave Committee, 40, 41, 61, 67, 218, 219, 233 Midwest Rubber Reclaiming Com- pany, 185 mildew proofing, 191 Millers Falls Company, 271 mine, acoustic, 164, 165 design of, 93, 94 plastic, detection of, 153 Ministry of Air (British), 61, 312 Ministry of Aircraft Production (British), 61 Ministry of Home Security (Brit- ish), 52 Ministry of Supply (British), 62, 267, 269 Minnesota, University of, 47 Morris Dam Lake, 268 mountain troops, 76, 82 Mousetrap, 50 National Defense Research Com- mittee, 8, 17, 28-33, 35, 37, 39– 41, 47, 48, 51–56, 59-62, 64–66, 77, 82, 83, 86, 87, 95, 107, 118, 119, 120, 129, 146, 147, 151, 152, 166, 174, 187, 193, 194, 205, 216, 218, 219–222, 225, 233, 236, 248, 268 see also Applied Mathematics Panel; Applied Psychology Panel; Divisions 1-19 NDRC inclusive; Committee on Demo- lition of Obstacles to Landing Operations; Committee on Navigational Aids to Landing Operations; Office of Scientific Research and Development National Fireworks, Inc., 271 National Research Council, 27, 28, 34, 48, 54, 59 see also Committee on Fortifica- tion Design; Committee on Passive Protection against Bombing; National Academy of Sciences National Research Foundation, 77 Naval Ordnance Laboratory, 25, 93, 94, 98, 99, 119, 205 Naval Research and Development Board, 32 Naval Research Laboratory, 25, 38, 39, 101, 237 Navy, U.S.: Navy Technical Mission in Europe, 92 see also Bureau of Aeronautics; Bureau of Medicine and Sur- gery; Bureau of Naval Per- sonnel; Bureau of Ordnance; Bureau of Ships; Coordinator of Research and Development; Dahlgren Proving Grounds; Naval Ordnance Laboratory; Nagasaki, 64 Nashua Manufacturing Company, 249 National Academy of Sciences, 27, 28, 31, 33–35, 47–49, 51, 64, 119, 163 see also National Research Coun- cil National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 17, 25-27, 32, 33, 65, 86, 119, 129, 170, 188, 192, 250 National City Bank, 100 350 SUBJECT INDEX Naval Research and Develop- ment Board; Naval Research Laboratory; Office of Naval Research; Operations Research Group; Taylor Model Basin; Uranium Committee; and vari- ous vessels by name neoprene, 185 New Developments Division (War Department), 77, 108 New England Power Association, 55 New York, USS, 39 New York University, 64, 295 Night Photo Squadron, 155th, AAF 202, 203 Nitralloy Corporation, 271 Normandie, SS, 237 North Carolina Shipbuilding Com- pany, 84 North Carolina, USS, 138, 151 Northwestern Technological Insti- tute, 109 Northwestern University, 310 Notre Dame University, 310 nuclear fission, 132, 238 Office of Naval Research, 101 Office of Production Management, 243-247 Office of the Rubber Director, 184, 243, 247, 248, 251 Office of Scientific Research and De- velopment, 17, 25, 27, 28, 30–33, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 49, 59, 60, 61-65, 67, 86, 97, 100, 107, 108, 110, 114, 118, 119, 129, 130, 144, 155, 161, 175, 209, 222, 228, 235, 236, 250, 256, 262, 267, 268 see also Committee on Medical Research; National Defense Research Committee; Office of Field Service; Publications Committee Office of Scientific Research and Development, Pacific Branch, 112, 113, 119 Office of Strategic Services, 37, 255, 256, 258 Office of War Information, 254, 255 Office of War Mobilization and Re- conversion, 249, 250 operations analysis (or research), 86–92, 97, 98, 108, 261 Operations Research Group (USN), 48, 49, 61, 65, 74, 86- 92, 98, 119, 120, 164 Operations Research Sections (POA), 109, 121 Ordnance Department (U.S. Army), 25, 72, 77, 82, 141, 146–150, 167, 183, 267, 299 oxygen, generators, 14, 178–182 Oak Ridge, 85, 210, 212, 214, 325 Office of Civilian Defense, 85 Office of Education, see Education Office of Field Service, 72, 75, 97, 99, 100, 102–121, 237 see also ALSOS; Office of Scien- tific Research and Develop- ment; operations analysis; Op- erations Research Group (USN); Operations Research Section (POA); Research Sec- tion (SWPA); Scientific and Technical Advisory Section (AFPAC) Office of Inter-American Affairs, 252–254 Office of Lend Lease, 243-246 Packard Motor Company, 267 Patino Mines and Enterprises, 183 penicillin, 160, 163 Pennsylvania, University, 222, 223 Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, 156 SUBJECT INDEX 351 petroleum warfare, 30, 37, 191 Philco Corporation, 229 photography, aerial, 58, 59 high-speed, 196–204 night, 14, 197–204 pile, Stagg Field, 210 Plan Position Indicator (PPI), 238 plasma proteins, 162 plutonium, 155 Polaroid Corporation, 99, 264 Portland, USS, 151 Prairie, USS, 99 Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, 271, 272 Prescott Laboratories of Food Tech- nology (M.I.T.), 74, 75, 81 Prince of Wales, HMS, 44, 134, 137 Princeton University, 20, 29, 64, 73, 222, 223, 228, 310 proximity fuse, 31, 37, 137, 261 psychological warfare, 254–257 Publications Committee, OSRD, 64 Publicker Commercial Alcohol Company, 270 pulse ranging, 38 radar, search, 90 Radar School (M.I.T.), 221, 226– 228, 238, 301, 312 Radiation Laboratory, 18, 39–42, 60–62, 69, 70, 76, 106, 111, 130– 133, 139, 147, 152, 187, 194, 195, 203, 213, 214, 215, 220-239, 266, 324, 325 British Branch (BBRL), 40, 61, 108, 112, 119, 220, 221, 237, 238 Field Service Branch, 61, 112 see also LORAN Radioactivity Laboratory (M.I.T.), 153–158 Radio Corporation of America, 35, 70, 83, 236, 237 Radiographic Laboratory (M.I.T.), 204, 205 Radio Research Laboratory (Har- vard), 60, 237 radium poisoning, 154, 155 range finders, optical, 135-138 rations, Army, 14, 34, 75, 81, 82 Navy, 160 Raytheon Manufacturing Company, 131, 237, 249, 262, 271 RAZON, 55, 173 Remington Arms Company, 211 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 310 Repulse, HMS, 44, 134, 137 rescue, air-sea, 14 Research Board for National Se- curity, 33 Research Construction Company (M.I.T.), 221, 228, 229, 231, 238 Research Corporation, 180 Research Laboratory of Electronics (M.I.T.), 69, 318, 322, 324 Research Section (SWPA), 109 Reserve Officers Training Corps, 281, 306, 307 Quartermaster Corps, U.S. Army, 33, 35, 72, 74, 75, 76, 81, 82, 84, 160, 163, 271 Quincy Pump Company, 271 radar, 14, 29–32, 37–45, 49, 51, 54, 55, 67, 108, 118, 136, 148, 168, 215-239, 261, 262 bombing, 71 CXAM, 236, 237 CXBL, 147 H-2-X, 229 MEW, 230, 231 microwave, 216–220 SCR-582, - 228 SCR-584, – 62, 229, 230 SCR-268, 270 and 271,– 237 352 SUBJECT INDEX resnatron, 219 resources, scientific as military assets, 114-118 Reynolds Metals Company, 262, 263, 272 Rio Grande, SS, 90 Rochester, University of, 222, 223, 236, 325 Rockefeller Foundation, 237 Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 60 rockets, 29, 31, 37, 48–51, 54, 99, 142, 261 Rock Isiand Arsenal, 264 Rohm and Haas Company, 186 Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 266, 267 Roster, National, of Scientific and Specialized Personnel, 282 Royal Air Force (British), 52 Royal Norwegian Air Force, 312 rubber, synthetic, 184, 185 Rubber Survey Committee, 184, 251 shock, battlefield, 155, 157 Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, 263 Shrivenham University, 84 sight, 14 A-1, - 142 gyroscopic, 146, 168 Mark 14, - 138–142 Mark 15, — 141, 150 Norden, 51 S-9,- 143 Signal Corps, U.S. Army, 25, 38, 39, 40, 83, 228, 237, 270 Slater Laboratory (M.I.T.), 76 Sloan Laboratory (M.I.T.), 189 smoke, military, 191 Sniperscope, 57 Snooperscope, 57 Solace, USS, 100 Solar Energy Conversion Research Project (M.I.T.), 161 South Dakota, USS, 138 Spectroscopy Laboratory (M.I.T.), 65, 211, 319 Sperry Gyroscope Company, Inc., 140-147, 150, 151, 218, 236 Stabilization of Enrollment, Com- mittee on (M.I.T.), 290, 312 Standard Oil Company of Califor- nia, 272 Stanford University, 217, 237 State, U.S. Department of, 252, 253, 257 Statistics Laboratory (M.I.T.), 166 steel, flame treatment of, 182 non-magnetic, 183 still, solar, 161 Strategic Bombing Survey, U.S., 73, 81, 91, 255 Studebaker Corporation, 271 student life during war, 291 subsurface warfare, 29, 31, 37, 46– 49, 67, 86, 91, 93, 164–166, 200-201, 230, 231, 262, 269 m Schnörkel, 62, 91, 201, 261 scientific resources as military as- sets, 114-118 Scientific and Technical Advisory Section (AFPAC), 113 Scott and Williams, 272 scurvy, treatment of, 160 Selective Service, 8, 103, 275-288, 311 Senior House (M.I.T.), 314, 321, 323 serum phosphatase, 160 Servel, Inc., 181 servomechanisms, 5, 46, 144–151, 168 Servomechanisms Laboratory (M.I.T.), 42, 61, 62, 139, 142– 149, 152 Sharp, George C., firm of naval architects, 271 Sheffield Foundation, 183 SUBJECT INDEX 353 Supersonic Wind Tunnel (M.I.T.), uranium, 209–212 171, 322 Committee, 36 Supreme Headquarters Allied Ex- purification of, 154 peditionary Forces, 254 Vacuum Tube Development Com- suture, synthetic, 159 mittee, 65 Syracuse University, 324 Valley Forge General Hospital, 162 Vanadium Alloys Steel Company, Taylor Model Basin, 25, 101 194 Technical Industrial Intelligence Van de Graaff generator, 196 Committee, 110 Vitamin A, synthetic, 160 Technology Plan, 125 V-1 bomb, 46, 261 Technology Review, 238 V-2 bomb, 142, 261 telescope, electron, 57 V-12 training program, USN, 9, textile technology, 76 270, 281, 284, 291-293, 297, thrown-ahead attack, 63 301-303, 305, 308–312 tin, Bolivian, 183, 184 Titanium Alloy Manufacturing War Department; see also Army Company, 271 Liaison Office, 61, 76, 82 torpedo, acoustic, 90, 165 War Food Administration, 255 aerial, 268 War Labor Board, 248, 249 Torpedo Fuel Laboratory (M.I.T.), War Manpower Commission, 248, 249, 279, 282 tracers, radioactive, 153-157 War Metallurgy Committee, 36, 59, Treasury Department, U.S., 255 182 Tufts College, 310 War Production Board, 17, 236, Turbo Laboratory (M.I.T.), 152, 237, 243–246, 250, 251, 262 188 War Resources Board, 243, 244 Tuxedo Park Laboratory, 39, 40, War Shipping Administration, 249 218 Waterbury Clock Company, 150 Twentieth Air Force, 174 Watertown Arsenal (Army), 272, 152 299 underwater sound, 164–166, 261, waveguides, 217 262, 269 Wave Propagation Group (Colum- Union-Bay State Chemical Com bia), 262, 272 pany, 185 Weasel, 65 Union Pacific Railroad, 248 weather, forecasting, 73, 166, 167 United Aircraft Corporation, 168, Weather Bureau, U.S., 293, 295 189, 271, 272 Weserland, SS, 90 United Drug Company, 163 Wesleyan University, 262, 265 United Nations, San Francisco Con- Western Electric Company, 229, ference, 253 United Shoe Machinery Corpora- Westinghouse Electric Corporation, tion, 271 62, 177, 229, 236, 237, 271 230 354 SUBJECT INDEX Wright Field (AAF), 25, 142, 180, 197, 199–202, 272 Williams College, 100, 310 wind tunnel, supersonic, 171 Women's Auxiliary Air Force (Brit- ish), 203 Wright Aeronautical Corporation, 271, 272 Wright Brothers Memorial Wind Tunnel (M.I.T.), 168 X-ray, generators, 131 high-voltage, 204 Yale University, 107, 237, 249, 325 York Safe and Lock Company, 271 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN IIIIII 11 III IND DI 1 IT IND III TUIT 11 IUNI TIL 3 9015 06812 5064 . .. ] 事​; ,, , , “ . . . 可是​,事​;; ·开​! 「 . . :